(Juidti to the >mr$ti Collections OK NNSYLVANIA iilfimH H HI 1 1 'LI B RAFLY OF THE U N IVER.SITY Of ILLINOIS ILL. HIST. SURVEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/guidetomanuscriOhist Quide to the zJtfCanuscript Qollections OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA Second Edition PHILADELPHIA THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA DECEMBER 2, I949 Copyright, 1949, by The Historical Society of Pennsylvania 'Preface to the Second Edition The first edition of The Guide to the Manuscript Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, published in 1940, was compiled by The Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration. The Society's manuscript holdings at that time were estimated to be 2,500,000 items, contained in 1,141 listed collections. Within the last decade, these holdings have increased approximately 60%, so that now some 4,000,000 items are to be found in 1,609 collec- tions. Furthermore, whereas in 1940 only 30% of the manuscripts were arranged for ready use by students, today 98% are so arranged. During the past ten years, we have also made every effort to improve the manuscript catalogue which has grown from 200,000 to 500,000 cards. In spite of this tremendous increase, the number of items covered by each card has been reduced from 12.5 in 1940 to 8.0 at present. This represents real progress, but much work remains to be done. Excluding our holdings of foreign manuscripts, which number some 200,000 items of considerable importance, our collections deal primarily with Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. Neverthe- ( less, because of Pennsylvania's importance to the country as a whole, our vast store of source material frequently assumes national significance. As in the first edition, the description of each collection in this volume is based upon actual examination of the material, but, since the collections represent an enormous body of manuscripts, these descriptions could not possibly be made exhaustive, and should, therefore, be treated simply as guides. No attempt has been made to list the collections alphabetically because of the continual addition of the many new accessions, and because the Index invariably refers to a collection number. For this reason, page numbers have been eliminated. Several changes have been made in the Index itself. Under headings which require numerous references, the major collec- tions are printed in bold face type. A number of important new classifications, such as Commonplace Books, Letter Books, Scrap- books, etc., will undoubtedly prove to be of considerable help to the student. These new classifications in the Index, as well as those for Business Records, Diaries, Travels and many others, have been subdivided into decades, thus greatly expediting the location of desired material for any given period. It is hoped that this new edition of The Guide will prove useful and more usable to students interested in the rich manuscript holdings of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Richard N. Williams, 2nd, Director December 2, 1949 The one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Society Cjuide to ^Manuscript (Collections Explanatory V^otes Each entry describes a collection or group of related collections. The spelling of the original is retained in citing titles of items and collections, but modern orthography is used in the descriptive text. Unless places are outside Pennsylvania, the state has not been given. Dates appearing in the heading and descriptive portion of each entry are the dates of the manuscripts described, except when they are enclosed in parentheses, in which case they indicate the life-span of the person whose name they follow. Information on circumstances of accession is included in the entry heading when the data were readily available. In cases where manuscripts are known to have been published, reference is made to the publication in which they may be found. Bibliographical notes mainly refer to periodical publications of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania in which the manuscripts described have been printed; in some instances, as indicated, they refer to accession notes published in The Pennsyl- vania Magazine of History and Biography. The following abbreviations are used in these notes: Memoirs — The Memoirs of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania Collections — The Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania P.M.H.B. — The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography Guide to Manuscript Collections 1. John Adams Letters, 1781-1829. 1 vol. Presented by Pauline E. Henry, granddaughter of Francis Adrian van der Kemp. Approximately 150 John Adams' letters to his friend, Francis Adrian van der Kemp (1752-1829), Dutch scholar and preacher. The letters, 1781-1825, convey Adams' appraisal of political events, comments on the American Revolution, formation of the government of the United States, Napoleonic Wars, and the insurrections in The Netherlands, with comments on noted men, books, and satirical periodicals disguised with classic Latin titles. Included in the volume are 5 letters, 1826-29, of John Quincy Adams; copy of a letter of George Washington, 1788; Lafayette letter, 1788; notification of Van der Kemp's election to membership in the American Philosophical Society, signed by Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Smith Barton, Caspar Wistar, and others; and a few miscellaneous items. 2. William Alexander Papers, 1788-1813. Approx. 65 items. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1926. The allotment of land in Pennsylvania to Alexander in return for military service in the Revolutionary War, 1788-1813; also letters and documents on construction of roads and improve- ment of waterways in Pennsylvania. 3. Elizabeth S. Allen Parchment Deeds, 1699-1858. Approx. 75 items. Presented by E. S. Allen. Deeds pertaining chiefly to lands in Middletown and Attle- borough townships, Bucks County. 4. George Allen Papers, 1828-43. 3 vols. Presented by the estate of Gregory B. Keen, 1931. These volumes contain criticisms, reviews, observations on liter- ature, art, philosophy, the Greek classics, and other academic subjects; there are also notes on the game of chess. Allen (1808-76) was professor of languages in Delaware College and the University of Pennsylvania. 5. James Allen Diary, 1770-78. 1 vol. Presented by Brinton Coxe, 1881. The diary of James Allen (1742-78), Philadelphia lawyer, con- tains information on the social, political, and cultural history of the colonial and Revolutionary periods in Philadelphia, with comments on military affairs, battles, and generals and other prominent persons. Published in P.M.H.B., IX (1885), 176-196, 278-296, 424-441. 6. John Jasper Allen Poem, 1804. 1 vol. "The Whippiad," a satire in the classical manner, on student life at Oxford University. 7. John W. Alloway Diary, 1863. 1 vol. A diary by John W. Alloway, member of Coppers' Battery, Bat- talion B, 1st Pennsylvania Artillery, in the Civil War. It gives an eyewitness account of camp life, marches, allocation of troops, and battles at Gettysburg, Rappahannock River, and Williamsford; also refers to draft riots in New York. 8. American Negro Historical Society Papers, 1790-1901. Approx. 3,000 items. Presented by Leon Gardiner. A collection of papers on American Negro cultural and eco- nomic advancement and the struggle for freedom. There are papers relating to some of the prominent men of the race: Ben- jamin Banneker, mathematician and astronomer, 1790-91; Jacob C. White, correspondence, 1832,-99; Isaiah C. Wears speeches and letters, 1856-1901; Frederick C. Douglass, 1870-95; and others. Negro civic activities: Daughters of Africa Society minutes, 1 vol., 1822-38, order book, 1821-29; papers on Ameri- can Negro slavery and equal rights, 1831-68; Agricultural and Mechanic Association of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, consti- tution, 1839, stock certificates and transfers, 1840-46, 2 vols.; Banneker Institute minutes, 1854-55, 1855-59, receipt book, 1855-68, roll books, 1854-65, 1866-72, order book, 1867-72, lec- tures and debates, 1859-60; Lebanon Cemetery, burial vouchers, payments for lots, etc., 1855-1901, letter books, 1874-80, 1881-86, receipt books, 1847-51, 1848-53, accounts, 1882-87; records of Pennsylvania State Equal Rights League, minutes, 1864-72; Frederick Douglass Memorial Hospital, Philadelphia, 1895-1901; Roberts Vaux Consolidated School, 1870-1901; First African Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, 1853-82; Second African Presbyterian Church, 1832-46; Negro baseball clubs material, 1867-70; other items are legal papers, deeds, bonds, portraits, magazines, pamphlets, programs, etc., 1854-96. 9. Edward Antill Manuscripts, 1780. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. William Stansfield. These are scientific treatises written by Edward Antill while he was a prisoner of war at Flat Bush, Long Island, and dedicated to William Ferguson, captain of Proctor's Regiment of Artil- lery, in the United States Army. The subjects are: "The Prin- ciples of Geography and Astronomy," "The Elements of Chro- nology," "A Table of the Sun's Declination from 1764-95." 10. Anti-Slavery Papers, 1828-57. Approx. 1,000 pages. Pre- sented by Colonel John P. Nicholson. C. C. Burleigh's manuscripts on the Abolition movement, moral and political essays, and other material on the slavery question. Among the essays are: "The Southern Refugeeism," "Kansas," "The Church," "Journal of the Little Things of Life," "Res- cues and their Consequences," "Thoughts on the Death Pen- alty." 11. A. Margaretta Archambault Historical Papers, ca. 1917. Approx. 2,000 items. Presented by A. Margaretta Archam- bault. Notes for a guide book on art, architecture, and places of his- toric interest in Pennsylvania, compiled by the Art Committee of the State Federation of Pennsylvania Women, and edited by A. M. Archambault, 1917; histories of the 67 counties of Penn- sylvania, written by historians of the various counties; history of Philadelphia; illustrations. See A. M. Archambault, ed., Guide Book of Art, Architecture, and Historic Interests in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, 1924). 12. Emma W. Armstrong Journals, 1878. 3 vols. Purchased bv The Historical Society. Biographical sketches and reminiscences of the life and charac- ter of Emma W. Armstrong, wife of General S. C. Armstrong, gathered for her children, Louise and Edith, by their friend, Mary Anna Longstreth. 13. Thomas Armstrong, Jr., Note Book, 1830. 1 vol. Memoranda of historical events, and on literary and scientific subjects. 14. Major "William Armstrong Papers, 1778-80. 3 vols. Pre- sented by Dr. Isaac R. Walker. Receipt book, 1778; account with the State of Pennsylvania, David Rittenhouse, Treasurer, 1779-80; receipt book, relating mostly to work done on Fort Island, 1779-80. 15. William G. Armstrong Diaries, 1851-88. 38 vols. The diaries of William G. Armstrong, Philadelphia writer and engraver, contain observations, notes, and criticisms on politi- cal, social, and cultural affairs in the United States. 16. Colonel Myer Asch Letters and Documents, 1876-87. Approx. 50 items. Presented by Rebecca Asch Shoyer, David W. Shoyer, and William L. Shoyer. A collection of letters from envoys of Algiers, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Japan, Russia, Spain, Turkey, etc., expressing their gov- ernments' appreciation and esteem to Colonel Myer Asch, Secretary of the United States Centennial Exposition, and con- ferring upon him honors, titles, and decorations for his distinc- tive services rendered to their commissions at the Exposition. 17. Captain Jacob Ashmead Papers, 1698-1794. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Samuel B. Ashmead. Documents of colonial and Revolutionary periods, include: surveys and indentures, 1698-1752; indenture of apprenticeship, 1762; muster and payrolls, 1776-79; diary of western expedition, Sept. 27, 1794, to Dec. 13, 1794; will, 1794. 18. Robert Ashton and Margaret Roberts Manuscripts, 1791-1841. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. George Corson, 1929. Robert Ashton's business accounts, genealogical notes, hymns, lyric poetry, etc., 1795-1832; Margaret Roberts' commonplace book, 1791-1841; marriage certificate of Nathan Roberts and Margaret Ashton, 1791; David Roberts' will, 1805; bonds; deeds; inventory of the goods of Robert Ashton, Bucks County; and other items. 19. John Ashurst Estate Papers, 1699-1858. Approx. 1,000 items. Presented by the Ashurst family. The collection contains the papers of John Ashurst's estate: account books, 1781-86; letter books, 1830-65; and miscellaneous correspondence, 1741-1858. They relate to the commercial in- terests of a Philadelphia merchant and supply information on commodity prices, insurance rates, real estate, etc. Biographical sketches of Friends and testimonials from various meetings, 1699-1763; and lecture notes of John Ashurst (son), 1855, later a noted physician, are included among these papers. 20. The Association &c. [of Congress], October 20, 1774. 1 vol. Official printed resolution of the First Continental Congress held in Philadelphia, 1774, for the "non-importation, non- consumption, and non-exportation act against England," bears the signatures of 42 delegates from the several colonies. Among the signers are: Samuel Adams, John Adams, John Jay, Thomas Mifflin, Thomas McKean, Peyton Randolph, and George Wash- ington. 21. Asylum Company Papers, 1793-1851. Approx. 350 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. The Asylum Company, of which Robert Morris was president and in which John Nicholson, Charles Morris, and others were financially interested, was organized for the sale of land in Northumberland County. This collection of papers includes deeds signed by Robert Morris, 1797; shares of stock assigned to Thomas Ashly, 1801; pamphlets, announcements, patents of land, catalogue of sale, etc., 1794-1819; correspondence and ac- counts of Samuel Baird, agent for the company, 1793-1851; and photostat of the letter written by Le Fevre, in 1799, describing the life of early French settlers. 22. Autograph Collection of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1671-1939. Approx. 38,000 items. Pre- sented by various persons. This collection is composed of single items, groups of letters, and miscellaneous documents acquired individually and in small groups by The Historical Society, and arranged alpha- betically in 128 boxes. The letters present autographs of promi- nent American and foreign persons: Edward Bulwer-Lytton, John Bullit, Luther Burbank, James Bryce, George Bryan, James Buchanan, and others. Two boxes of Penn manuscripts constitute an important part of the collection. One box contains miscellaneous William Penn papers, 1671-1702, among which are letters, patents, deeds, accounts, etc. The other box contains papers, 1730-1866, of John, Thomas, and Richard Penn, and of their families: pro- prietary documents, deeds, agreements, patents, and family correspondence. Another group contains Edward Burd and Edward Shippen Burd family papers, ca. 1730-1926. These reveal the participa- tion of a prominent Pennsylvania family in the social, eco- nomic, and political affairs of the state. Also included are papers relating to Bucks County affairs, 1730-71, surveys, material on the erection of the Philadelphia Arcade, 1828, and other items. 23. Autograph Letters of the Presidents of the United States, 1788-1864. 16 items. Presented by the heirs of Samuel Welsh, 1905. Miscellaneous letters of sixteen Presidents, Washington to Lin- coln, gathered by Samuel Welsh. 24. Bache Papers, 1818-60. Approx. 500 items. Among these papers are letters from Dr. Franklin Bache's (1792- 1864) brother-in-law, Albert Dabadie, and family letters con- taining comments on social events, financial matters, and politi- cal questions, 1818-60; copies of letters written by Dr. Franklin Bache, 1833-61; historical memoranda, arranged for a lecture; and notes for "A Chemistry" by Dr. Bache. 25. Balch Collection, 1699-1923. 22 vols, and approx. 2,000 individual items. Presented by Elise Willing Balch. A portion of the collection is made up of materials collected by Thomas Balch while he was writing Les Frangais en Amerique . . ., 1777-1783: original manuscripts of "Episodes de la Guerre maritime de l'lndependence Americaine," by Du Petit Thouars, and "Memoire du Marquis de Vaudreuil au Marquis de Du- quesne," 1755; copies of "Memoires du Comte de Grasse sur le combat naval, le 12 Avril, 1782," "Relation du voyage du Prince de Broglie, 1782," "Depuis mon depart de France, 26 Mars, 1781 au 18 Nov. de la raeme annee quand l'armee aux ordres de M. le Comte de Rochambeau est entree dans quartier d'hiver" (probably written by Cromot du Bourg, one of Ro- chambeau's aides), "Correspondance de M. de Kalb avec le due de Choiseul du 20 avril 1767 du 10 fevrier 1769," etc. A list of names of French and English officers in the American Revolu- tion, 1779-83, appears in the volume with the Du Petit Thouars manuscript. The interest of Thomas Willing Balch (1866-1927) in inter- national law is represented by correspondence, 1892-1918, re- lating to the use of arbitration as an instrument of international policy, 3 vols.; papers relative to the arbitration of the Alabama Claims, 1864-72, 1 vol.; material on Alaskan boundaries, Jan. 14, 1854, to May 20, 1854, 2 vols. With the exception of a few incidental items, the rest of the collection contains family papers and documents pertaining to the history of colonial Pennsylvania. These include: photostats of the will, inventories of the estate, and some of the correspond- ence of Thomas Willing, 1776-1820, 1 vol.; miscellaneous cor- respondence, invitations, 1857-1923, 2 boxes; a group of etch- ings of French and American officers of the Revolution; 2 boxes, 1699-1805, contain letters and documents pertaining to social, political, and religious affairs, to the French and Indian War, 13 grand jury charges, 1762-1805. Material of an equally mis- cellaneous nature is contained in 4 vols, of letters and docu- ments, 1717-1923: "Journal of occurrences while in Europe," July 10, 1815-July 10, 1816, signed by H. B. Wilson; "A Theme of Verbs," by Edward Shippen, 1768; 1 vol. of Balch family correspondence with members of the Shippen and Swift fam- ilies, 1752-1830; and a box of Swift and Willing family corre- spondence, 1743-1882. 26. Evelyn B. Baldwin Papers, 1898-1926. 1 box. Presented by Evelyn B. Baldwin. "Log of the Wellman Arctic Expedition to Franz-Josef Land, 1898-99," by Evelyn B. Baldwin, second in command of the expedition; genealogical data on the Baldwin, Crampton, Scran- ton, Beers, Hicks, Ogden, and Trist or Twiss families, compiled by Baldwin, 1926, and "Digest of papers relating to Pensioneers of the Revolutionary War, Baldwin Family," 1926. These are typescript copies by the author; longhand originals have been deposited by him in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress. 27. Joshua Baldwin's Ledger Book, 1725-97. 1 vol. Material on commercial activities, prices of commodities, and general domestic economy of colonial times is contained in Joshua Baldwin's ledger. Part of the book contains scientific and literary notes of a later period, ca. 1836-47, and genealogical records of the Sharpless and Clemson families. 28. Ball Papers, 1676-1850. Approx. 2,200 items. Presented by Herbert Dupuy. Correspondence and other papers relating to the estate of Joseph Ball include: 4 boxes of letters, records of real estate transac- tions, settlements of estates, and legal papers, 1769-1843; 60 patents and deeds for land in Philadelphia and New Jersey, 1676-1847; 15 marine insurance policies on goods shipped by William Ball, 1766-71; Richmond Meadow account book, 1760; ledger book, 1733-39; Thomas Wotherspoon receipt book, 1796- 1804; Lewis M. Walker receipt book, 1817-21; William Ball's account book, 1786-1807; letter book of Elizabeth Byle, wife of William Ball, 1757-83. 29. Colonel Stephen Balliet Papers, 1728-1822. Approx. 100 items. Letters and documents relating to the Balliet family, including correspondence, 1777-92; drafts and patents of land, 1759-1822; miscellaneous documents, commissions, and baptismal papers, 1728-99; receipts, business agreements, 1759-1808. 30. Rhoda Barber Journal, 1726-82. 1 vol. Narrative of early pioneers' journey through the wilderness toward the Susquehanna River and the establishment of settle- ments at Wright's Ferry, Lancaster County: describes the haz- ardous journey, grandeur of the country, construction of ferries, economic and domestic life of the families, trade with Indians, etc. Included are an account of the massacre of the Conestoga Indians by the Paxton boys in 1763, and some reminiscences of incidents during the Revolution. 31. John Barclay Letters, 1801-7. 11 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Correspondence of John Barclay (d. 1816), mayor of Philadel- phia, on personal matters and real estate transactions, with James Hamilton and John B. Parker. A letter of July 15, 1804, mentions the duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Ham- ilton. 32. Joshua Barker Docket Books, 1828-39, 1834-43. 2 vols. Docket books of Joshua Barker, justice of the peace in Bucks County. 33. Joshua Barney Papers, 1782-1818. Approx. 150 items. The papers of Joshua Barney (1759-1818), naval officer and pri- vateer in the War of 1812, contain accounts of naval battles and of incidents preceding and during the War of 1812, and de- scribe prizes of war. The papers comprise letters and documents, 1782-1818, including commissions issued to Commodore Barney by James Monroe, James Madison, John Quincy Adams, etc., and some French documents, 1796-1802, issued in connection with his service in the French navy. 34. Benjamin Smith Barton Papers, 1778-1813. Approx. 200 items. The Barton papers contain the correspondence of Benjamin Smith Barton (1766-1815), professor of medicine at the College of Philadelphia, with scholars and scientists, among them: Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Joseph Priestley, John Drayton, L. Valentine, Frederick Rush, and others; notes and observations on natural phenomena. Also there are 15 vols, of journals, 1789-1803. The journal for 1789 contains an inter- esting description of Barton's voyage on the Apollo from Gravesend, Eng., to Philadelphia; he notes talks with John Pem- berton, a fellow passenger and Quaker preacher, about the early settlements in Pennsylvania; he reviews the biographies of William Penn and of Benjamin West, the painter. The later journals, 1794-1803, describe his travels through the states; his research in the fields of botany, mineralogy, anthropology, and zoology; his observations on frontier settlements, Indian tribes, and the physical condition of the land. Ten diplomas, 1790- 1812, from the College of Philadelphia and various European universities are included. Journal of the Apollo voyage published in P.M.H.B., IX (1885), 334-338. 35. Charles Crillon Barton Journals, 1828-31. 2 vols. Pre- sented by Edward Shippen, 1891. Logs and journals written by Barton during his cruise on U.S.S. Hornet to the West Indies, 1827, and off the coast of Brazil, on U.S.S. Vandalia and U.S.S. Hudson, 1828-31; drawings of United States ships, signal flags; contemporary manuscript map of Brazil; and a few other items. 36. Bartram Papers, 1738-1810. 14 vols. The papers of John Bartram and his son, William Bartram (1739-1823), naturalists, pertain chiefly to horticulture and botany, and they record observations on American flora and experiments in the production of new plants and flowers. The correspondence includes letters from prominent scientists and other noted men, among them: Peter Collinson, Benjamin S. Barton, John Fothergill, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Cal- houn, J. Randolph, Mark Catesby, John F. Gronovius. There are diaries and journals of tours through the colonies and states which contain apt comments on the social and economic life of the country as well as on the physical features of the states visited. In this collection there are 4 vols, of letters from Benjamin Smith Barton, Henry Bouquet, William Byrd, Mark Catesby, and others, 1734-1810; John Bartram's "Journal through the Catskill mountains with Billy," 1753; 2 vols, of his journal, record of observations on plants; diary of his excursion in the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida, July 1, 1765, to April 10, 1766, and a copy of the same diary transcribed by William Darling- ton, M.D.; William Bartram's journals of his travels through the Carolinas, Georgia, and Central and West Florida, 1773-77, 2 vols.; William Bartram's journal of a "Journey from Spaldings lower Trading House, to Cuscoilla and the Great Alachua Savanna"; photostat copies of the 2 vols, of his narrative of travels in Georgia and Florida, written for Dr. John Fothergill, 1774; letters and account book of Isaac Bartram, 1790-1803, 1 vol.; a folder of correspondence between Isaac and Sarah Bartram, 1792-1805; photostats of John Bartram letters to Fothergill (originals in the British Museum), 1769-71; William Bartram plant book; drawings of birds, reptiles, fish, and plants; an address delivered by Caroline Bartram Kelly, 1893; and family Bibles of John Bartram, 1761-64. 37. Beatty -Wynkoop Genealogy, ca. 1917. 1 vol. Presented by Joseph M. Beatty, Jr. 1917. Genealogical notes and photographs of the Rev. Charles Beatty family, which came to America from Ireland in 1729, and of the Henry Wynkoop family, early settlers in Bucks County. 38. William Becket Manuscripts, 1727-42. 1 vol. Presented by the Rev. C. H. B. Turner. Notices and letters concerning incidents at Lewes Town [Lewes], Del., presenting a view of the religious sentiments, and social and economic conditions prevailing in the period. 39. Lewis Beebe Journals, 1776-1801. 3 vols. Presented by Roland C. Ashbrook, 1935. Journal, 1776-77, is a narrative of Beebe's participation in the campaign against Canada during the Revolution, giving an account of the battles, troop movements, commanding officers, ravages of disease in camps, and the economic and social as- pects of the period. Journals, 1799-1800, 1800-1801, contain notes of a journey from New England to Virginia, with details on facilities for travel, characteristics of the inhabitants of the states he traversed, their religious sentiments, education, sports, recreations, economic and social conditions, etc. Included also is information on the political controversies agitating the period, particularly the election of Thomas Jefferson, and the contest between Democratic and Federalist factions. Journal, 1776, published in P.M.H.B., LIX (1935), 321-361. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LIX (1935), 445. 40. Frederick Eugene Francois, Baron de Beelen-Bertholff Papers, 1785-88, 1873-1913. 50 items. Presented by Joseph M. Gazzam, 1880. Copies of letters written by Baron de Beelen-Bertholff, Belgian agent to United States, to Count Barbiano de Belgioioso, Brus- sels, 1785-88, relating to commercial and political affairs in the United States. They contribute information on Spain's attitude concerning United States navigation on the Mississippi, 1785; the military occupation of Forts Niagara, Oswego, and Detroit, by the British; peace treaties with the Indians negotiated at New York; John Adams' and Thomas Jefferson's diplomatic missions to France and England; Comte de Beaufort's proposal to Con- gress to bring 10,000 settlers to America; reports on commerce, shipping, and treaties with foreign nations; Annapolis Con- vention, 1786; Federal Convention in Philadelphia, 1787; and other subjects. The papers, 1873-1913, contain J. M. Gazzam's correspondence with John Jay and other diplomats, which relates to the diplomatic activities and ancestry of Baron de Beelen-Bertholff. In French. 41. George de Benneville Autobiography Manuscripts, ca. 1782. 2 vols. Purchased by the Library Fund. These manuscripts are part of an autobiography of George de Benneville, and describe "the vision of an extraordinary re- ligious character identified with the early religious history of Pennsylvania and especially of Philadelphia [Germantown]." 42. Bensell and Duffield Manuscript, 1867. 1 vol. A poem, "The Painter's Dream," dedicated to Mrs. Emma Selig- man by George F. Bensell and Samuel W. Duffield, Philadelphia, 1867. 43. Mathias Benzinger Documents, 1799-1844. 1 vol. Pre- sented by N. R. Ewan, 1935. A collection of twelve abstracts of title to land "situate formerly in the counties of Clearfield and McKean, now in the county of Elk," purchased by Mathias Benzinger from Thomas G. Stryker. 44. Berks and Montgomery County Papers, 1693-1869. Ap- prox. 250 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Miscellaneous papers pertain to local government; they consist of petitions, laws, rules, regulations, lists of names of free- holders, assessments, etc. There are also some letters from prominent men of the times: Conrad Weiser, Richard Peters, John Potts, Thomas Mifflin, and others. These letters relate to Indian controversies, land transactions, social and economic affairs of the colonial period. 45. Robert Beverly Papers, 1763-1852. Approx. 800 items. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1926. Papers of Beverly, Georgetown, D.C., financier: accounts and receipts, 1763-1852, show the cost of education in 1820, prices of goods, value of slaves; also documents connected with the litigation arising out of the settling of the estate of George Washington. 46. Thomas Bevis Genealogical Records, 1737-1879. Approx. 75 items. Presented by Samuel Adams Bevis, 1906. A collection of genealogical records and correspondence relating to the families of Bevis, Draper, Brockley, and related families, of New Jersey. 47. Charles Biddle Papers, 1763-1829. Approx. 250 items. Correspondence, 1736-1829, on politics, naval and military affairs, and the slave trade; 14 letters of Aaron Burr relate to his controversy with Alexander Hamilton, 1796-1807; 5 letters of Benedict Arnold, 1736-74; Charles Biddle letter book, 1792- 1806; autobiography of Charles Biddle, 1819. 48. Clement Biddle Letter Book, 1789-92. 1 vol. Presented by Thomas A. Biddle and Company, 1927. The letters relate to trade between the United States and Eng- land, and contribute information on economic conditions of the early national period. Among the names of correspondents are George Washington, Robert Morris, William Rodgers, and Tobias Lear. 49. Colonel Clement Biddle Papers, 1743-1835. Approx. 200 items. The papers of Clement Biddle (1740-1814), quartermaster general of the Pennsylvania militia and United States marshal for Pennsylvania, are divided into two groups: one is made up of the Biddle-Washington correspondence incident to Biddle's activities as commissary general of forage during the Revolution, and upon his subsequent business relations with Washington; the other section contains miscellaneous letters and documents from various famous men. The Washington-Biddle papers in- clude: 9 general orders and warrants, 1778-80, signed by Wash- ington and issued in connection with the work of the commis- sary department in the Revolution; letters from Washington to Biddle, 1784-99; letters from Tobias Lear, 1789-91, and from George A. Washington, 1785-90; accounts of George Washing- ton with Clement Biddle, 1789-98. The second group includes letters and papers, 1780-1835, of Alexander Hamilton, Nathanael Greene, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Timothy Pickering, and others; Gideon Cor- nell's commissions of appointment as judge, 1743-48; some colonial paper money; samples of cloth. Correspondence of Clement Biddle, 128 letters, 1778-90, pub- lished in P.M.H.B., XXXII (1908), 498-500; XLII (1918), 310- 343; XLIII (1919), 53-76, 143-162, 193-207. 50. Thomas A. Biddle Business Records and Correspondence, 1771-1837. 64 vols. Presented by Thomas A. Biddle and Company, 1927. A collection of business records and letter books of prominent mercantile, shipping, and banking firms of Philadelphia. They contribute valuable information on economic trends during the Revolution and the early national period. The record books, 1771-86, contain accounts of provisions, military stores, equip- ment, etc., supplied to the Revolutionary army; trade and ship- ping with England and other countries; privateering and dis- tribution of prize money; goods imported and exported; cur- rent prices; financial and legal matters, etc. The record books, 1787-1837, reflect the growth and extension of local and for- eign trade; the organization of financial institutions, banks and insurance companies; accounts of municipal enterprises, erec- tion of bridges, gas and water works; transactions in stocks and bonds. Among the clients mentioned are Richard Bache, Hor- ace Binney, Biddle and Wharton, John Cox, Manuel Eyre, John Keith, Edward Tilghman, John Sergeant, Taylor and Newbold, Robert Wain, Robert Willing, and others. The col- lection is comprised of: journals, 1781-1822; ledgers, 1785-1837; cashbooks, 1771-1817; daybooks, 1783-1814; blotters, 1799-1809; promissory notebook, 1798; debt book, 1785; ship book, 1784- 92; notary public registers, 1779-86; stock book, 1817; check- book, 1800-1801; letter books, 1783-1822; Upper Ferry Bridge Company, Philadelphia, minute book, 1811-34. 51. William Bigler Papers, 1836-80. Approx. 5,000 items. This collection includes the correspondence, 1836-80, of Wil- liam Bigler (1814-80), governor of Pennsylvania and United States senator; miscellaneous papers relating to the Tyrone, Clearfield Railway Company, and the Centennial Exposition, 1839-76; speeches, pamphlets, and newspaper clippings, 1853-62. The items reflect political and social trends in Pennsylvania and the United States during the period of expansion. The slavery question, the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, efforts to maintain the Union, and economic conditions after the Civil War are mentioned; there are also family papers, letters, bills, accounts. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LIX (1935), 446. 52. Mary G. Billmeyer Manuscripts, 1835-36. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Mary M. Townsend. A collection of poetry dedicated to Mary G. Billmeyer by her friends. 53. William Bingham Letters, 1791-1803. 2 vols. Letterpress copies of Bingham letters, 1791-93, 1 vol., relate to many of the social, political, and financial events of the times and, incidentally, throw light on leading personalities in the political and financial affairs of the nation. The other volume, 1795-1803, contains photostats of letters and agreements per- taining to land enterprises in Maine in which William Bingham was financially interested. Bingham (1752-1804) was a Pennsyl- vania delegate to the Old Congress, and United States senator. 54. Major George Birch Papers, 1808-88. Approx. 50 items. Presented by George R. Birch, 1888. Major Birch (d. 1837) diary, 1809-25, contains much interesting material relating to army life in the early years of the Republic, a description of the Battle of New Orleans, 1815, and of Indian troubles in the South. There are a few miscellaneous letters, documents, and drawings. 55. William Blackmore Papers, 1873-75. Approx. 100 items. Purchased by the Dreer Fund. Collection of correspondence, notes, portraits, and pamphlets for a biographical sketch of William Penn. 56. Black well Papers, 1688-89. 1 vol. Presented by Brinton Coxe. Copies of letters of John Blackwell to William Penn, concerning provincial administration and economic conditions in colonial Pennsylvania: accounts of the political confusion, jealousy, and disrespect he encountered while he was governor of the prov- ince. Included is a list of John Blackwell letters to William Penn from the Coleman catalogue of Penn papers. 57. Ephraim Blaine Receipt Book, 1772-98. 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1922. Receipt and notebook of Ephraim Blaine, sheriff at Carlisle before the Revolution, including receipts signed by James Wilson, George Ross, and James Smith, signers of the Declara- tion of Independence; also receipts to Blaine for collections of claims against General Arthur St. Clair, Alexander Hamilton, and others. 58. Blakeslee Genealogy, 1897-1929. 1 package. Presented by Mrs. Walter H. Blakeslee, 1938. Genealogical data on the descendants of Samuel and John Blakeslee, who settled in Connecticut about 1630, and later were associated with the pioneer history of Susquehanna County; also records of the Flagg family, descendants of Thomas Flagg of Watertown, Mass. 59. Atherton Blight Diary and Account Book, 1849-56. 2 vols. Presented by Joseph Jackson, 1912. Account book of traveling expenses in Europe, 1849; diary of trips through Egypt, Turkey, Palestine, and other Mediter- ranean countries; notes on the Crimean War, and state of affairs in Germany. 60. Daniel Boinod Papers, 1777-95. 77 items. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1938. A collection of receipts, bills, orders, and correspondence relat- ing to the business affairs of the Boinod firm, booksellers in Philadelphia. 61. Ann G. Boker Album, 1823-82. 1 vol. Verse, historical notes, essays, biographical sketches, and other literary compositions. 62. Eliza Boller Music, ca. 1810-13. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Hampton L. Carson. Sacred and secular music of the Moravians, with words. 63. George Bollman Papers, 1784-1803. 7 vols. Business records of a Pennsylvania merchant and ironmaster: two letter books, 1795-1803; cashbook, 1784-92; legal papers connected with a suit of attachment against a Spanish vessel, Teresa, in the harbor of Santiago, Cuba, 1803. 64. Dr. Phineas Bond Receipt Book, 1758-1810. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Mrs. Charles E. Cadwalader, 1908. Miscellaneous personal accounts of the founder of the Penn- sylvania Hospital, Philadelphia. 65. Edward H. Bonsall Essays, 1814-78. 1 vol. Presented by S. H. Hudles, 1884. Essays on literary and philosophical subjects, and poetry read and discussed before the Philadelphia Literary Association. 66. Jeremiah Boone Papers, 1782-1833. Approx. 2,500 items. Presented by Howard Beacon, 1897. Business papers of Jeremiah Boone and his son, William R. Boone, Philadelphia merchants and shippers, relate to their West Indian and South American trade, and include corre- spondence, shipping accounts, invoices, insurance policies, bills of lading, legal papers. Boone family papers include letters, agreements, tax receipts; there are also letters, 1797-1802, of Benjamin C. Calhoun, Baltimore merchant, and bankbooks of Andrew Kennedy, 1782-95. 67. Deborah Borton Poems, 1788-99. 1 vol. Presented by Mary O'Connell, 1936. A collection of verse by Deborah Borton. 68. Colonel Elias Boudinot Papers, 1716-1828. Approx. 500 items. Correspondence and documents relating to prisoners of war; notes on the "Exchange of Prisoners of War," 1778; parole lists. Some personal and family papers, 1716-1828, contain notes on social and political affairs. Boudinot (1740-1821) was a lawyer and commissary of prisoners during the Revolution. Miscellaneous Boudinot items published in P.M.H.B., XV (1891), 26-34; XVI (1892), 439-442; XXIV (1900), 291-305, 453- 466. 69. John Boyer Diary, 1854. 1 vol. Purchased by the General Fund. Diary of a Philadelphian, containing data on weather condi- tions, and accounts of personal expenses, purchases, repairs, in- vestments. 70. Thomas Bradford Library Register, 1771-72. 1 vol. The records of a lending library [Philadelphia] containing the names of subscribers and a list of books borrowed during the period. 71. Captain Thomas Bradford Papers, 1760-1862. Approx. 3,500 items. Presented by members of the Bradford fami- lies; some items purchased by The Historical Society. These papers include: documents concerning British prisoners, including correspondence relating to prisoners from the British army and navy, 1777-83; British prisoners' paroles, 1778-82; a list of British prisoners, from both services, 1778-82; returns of provisions for British prisoners, 1778-83; American naval prisoners' paroles and bonds for their delivery, 1778-83; mis- cellaneous correspondence and accounts, 1760-1862. Bradford (1745-1838) was commissary general of the Revolutionary army. 72. Colonel William Bradford Papers, 1682-1863. Approx. 1,000 items. A large portion of the collection was pre- sented by John William Wallace, 1878. These papers relate to the Bradford family and to Colonel Bradford's activities in the Revolution. There are: 2 boxes of miscellaneous correspondence, wills, receipts, documents, and papers relating to shipping, law, religion, publications, and politics; memoranda of William Bradford, 1757-73; diary of William Bradford, 1775; register of William Bradford, 1776; letter book and notes of William Bradford, 1773-75; account books of William Bradford, 1742-60, 1780-91, 1780-92; journal of John Kidd and William Bradford, 1768-74; maritime insur- ance of John Kidd and William Bradford, 1762; invoice book of William T. Bradford, 1767-69; receipt book of Thomas Brad- ford, 1781; purchase of lottery tickets, 1753-57; bibliography of William Bradford, 1685-1740; bibliography of Andrew Brad- ford, 1710-37; list of subscribers to the Pennsylvania Journal, 1764-78; list of subscribers to the American Magazine, 1757; newspaper and postage accounts, 1742-75; orations at Prince- ton College, by John Bradford Wallace, 1791-94; Valley Forge muster rolls, 1778. 73. Carter Braxton Papers, 1780-1811. Approx. 100 items. Papers relating to litigation of Carter Braxton (1736-97) of Virginia, against Willing, Morris and Company and Robert Morris, for the non-fulfillment of a contract for the delivery of certain commodities, to be paid in tobacco at Curasao. 74. Samuel Breck Manuscripts, 1850. 1 vol. Presented by Samuel Breck, 1902. Breck's lecture, "Whitefield and his Times," read by him before The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1850. 75. Briggs of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, ca. 1877. 1 vol. Presented by Lilla Briggs Sampson, 1919. Genealogical records of a Quaker family, early settlers in Bur- lington and Mt. Holly, N.J. 76. Hannah Bringhurst and Elizabeth Almy Diaries, 1781- 82, 1808-10. 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1927. Contemplative journal of Hannah Bringhurst, a Philadelphia Quaker; Elizabeth Almy's narrative of the last illness and death of James Bringhurst. 77. Francis D. Brinton Papers, 1789-1874. Approx. 400 items. Presented by Francis D. Brinton. A collection of miscellaneous papers relating chiefly to the busi- ness affairs of John Hamilton and John M. Wood, Philadelphia merchants. There are bills, receipts, accounts, correspondence, bills of lading, 1789-1842, data on the economic trends of the period, prices of commodities, transportation, etc. Included are: customhouse certificates of imports, 1821-29; military papers, ordnance-stores requisitions, receipts, 1828-29, bearing the sig- nature of officers of Jefferson Barracks; Isaac H. Whyte, per- sonal and business correspondence, receipts and bills, 1840-74; legal papers, indentures, wills, land transactions. 78. General John Rutter Brooke Papers, 1753-1903. Approx. 10,000 items. Correspondence, documents, military orders, and pamphlets pertaining chiefly to the career of John Rutter Brooke (b. 1838) in the United States Army, 1861-92: official reports of the battle of Fair Oaks, 1862; Civil War orders, 1862; war maps of Indian territory in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the Shenan- doah Valley; material on suppression of mob violence in New Orleans and Baton Rouge; records of Brooke's activities as commanding general in the Indian territories of Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado, 1892-98; list of names of outlaws, 1892; correspondence from military departments of La Platte, Dakota, Missouri, Omaha, Governors' Island, New Mexico, Texas, Minnesota; material on military expedition in Puerto Rico, 1898-1902; appointment as peace commissioner and Governor of Puerto Rico; accounts of several expeditions in Cuba, military hospitals, barracks, railroads, governor's palace, post office, etc.; letter books, 1888-98, 8 vols.; index books to correspondence, 3 vols.; printed military regulations, 1863-99; commissions signed by Abraham Lincoln, Rutherford B. Hayes, Andrew Johnson, William McKinley, Grover Cleveland, Elihu Root; also letters of Major William Brooke on military affairs in the Philippines, 1901-2. 79. Robert Brooke Pedigree Chart, 1912. 1 vol. Presented by Thomas W. Balch, 1919. Pedigree of Robert Brooke, who settled in Maryland, 1650, and of his descendants, 768-1886, compiled by Bennet Bernard Browne. 80. Roger Brooke Patent to Land, 1684. 1 folder. Patent for 1,500 acres of land, "Brook Cresse," Baltimore County, Md., granted to Roger Brooke of Calvert County. 81. Alexander P. Brown Autograph Collection, 1869-1913. 4 vols. Bequest of Alexander P. Brown. Approximately 200 autographs of American and European statesmen, writers, and scientists, collected by Brown. 82. Andrew Brown Letters, 1862-64. Approx. 75 letters. Pre- sented by William John Potts, 1887. The letters were written by Brown, sergeant in the Union Army, to his family during the Civil War; they describe life in camp and his participation in battles. 83. Carlotta Herring Brown Collection, 1699-1920. 2 boxes. Presented by Carlotta Herring Brown. Botanical and horticultural material, including copies of and notes from original manuscripts relating to John Bartram, 1699- 1777; correspondence relating to mosses, 1909-18. There are also journals and notes containing material on the World War, 1914-20. 84. Charles Brockden Brown Manuscripts, 1715-1824. 14 vols. Purchased by the Keim Fund, 1925. These papers of an early American professional man of letters reflect the cultural trends of the period in the United States. Among the items: Charles B. Brown (1771-1810) manuscript of "Alcuin," 1797; his miscellaneous writings, 1793-1808, 3 vols., on religion, morals, ethics, poetry, politics, economics, etc. The collection includes also: Elijah Brown journals, 1811, 1816, 1820, 1827, written while he was traveling in Europe and the United States, describe scenes, natural phenomena, the con- struction of canals and dams, and philosophical and scientific subjects; Maurice Lisle memorandum books and journals, 1715-17, relating to domestic and commercial affairs in Phila- delphia; bankbook, 1823-24, and an obituary record, 1804-11. 85. David Paul Brown Orations, 1810-41. 1 vol. Presented by Eva Brown. Addresses delivered by David Paul Brown, a prominent Phila- delphian, at national and local celebrations; also a tribute tendered him by Philadelphia Negroes for his service in their cause, and abstracts of legal cases. 86. Elijah Brown, Jr., Diary, 1801-5. 1 vol. Presented by James B. Campbell. Memoranda on legal, commercial, agricultural, and philosophi- cal subjects; diary contains account of a trip from Philadelphia to the West Indies, 1801. 87. John Brown Letters, 1777-1826. 30 items. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1926. Letters in which Albert Gallatin, David Parrish, and Stephen Girard are mentioned in connection with a loan made to the United States, and an account of a fire in the Treasury building in Washington. 88. Mrs. John C. Browne, Lottery Tickets, 1753-1866. Ap- prox. 200 items. Presented by Mrs. John C. Browne, 1918. Tickets of lotteries operated to secure funds for several national and local institutions in the United States; included is a memo- randum book of Francis Gurney, 1785, which records sales of lottery tickets. 89. William Hardcastle Browne Correspondence, 1890-97. Approx. 250 items. Letters relating to Browne's pamphlet, Divorce and Alimony. 90. George Bryan Papers, 1756-1829. Approx. 1,250 items. Presented by George and S. S. Bryan, 1925. A large part of this collection consists of legal opinions ren- dered by George Bryan, judge of the Supreme Court of Penn- sylvania, which reflect judicial history in the colonial period. Among these items is his opinion in the case of John Fitch vs. James Rumsey, relating to claims involved in the introduction of steam-propelled vessels, 1789. Other papers relate to taxes, finance, shipping, sale of lands, incorporation of the City of Philadelphia in 1786, slavery, penal laws, Connecticut claims, Constitutional Convention, Pennsylvania politics, gubernatorial nomination in 1823, election controversies, social and civic re- form movements. The collection includes family correspon- dence. 91. James Buchanan Papers, 1775-1868. Approx. 25,000 items in 114 boxes. These papers touch nearly every phase of Buchanan's career, legal, political, and diplomatic. They contain: 3 boxes of auto- graph letters and drafts, 1813-68; a box of letters, reports, and documents of Buchanan's ministry to Russia, 1832-33; 4 boxes of similar material dealing with his ministry to England, 1854- 56; 2 boxes of his correspondence while Secretary of State, 1845-49; 1 box of papers and correspondence relating to the growing differences between the North and the South before the Civil War, 1857-61; 1 box of notes and articles written by Buchanan concerning his Administration and other topics, 1860; 2 boxes of speeches and notes, 1827-58; 79 boxes of miscellaneous correspondence, 1783-1868, include letters from Simon Cameron, John W. Forney, John Slidell, Benjamin H. Brewster, Jeremiah Black, Nahum Capen, William B. Reed, John Meredith Read, Stephen Pleasonton, Mrs. David Lynch, and others; 2 boxes of legal correspondence, 1775-1855, relate to Buchanan's early activity as an attorney and include papers of the Koenigmacher case and the impeachment of Judge Franklin; 3 boxes of business letters, 1828-67, relate to personal investments and business transactions, including bills, receipts, etc.; 1 box of papers relates to the Democratic Convention, 1856; a folder of papers relates to the Post Office blank printing controversy, 1857-60; 2 boxes of biographical notes and papers on the life of James Buchanan; 1 box of invitations to dinners and public affairs, 1833-68; 7 boxes of pamphlets, 1814-66, in- cluding speeches made in Congress, Presidential messages, pamphlets on the jubilee of the Constitution, Eve of Rebellion, trial of Judge Peck, controversy with General Winfield Scott, a scrap book, obituary notices, notes, and memoranda; and 5 boxes of newspapers and clippings. See John B. Moore, ed., Works of James Buchanan (12 vols. Philadelphia, 1908-11.) 92. Buchanan and Henry Papers, 1770-1914. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Robert Edward Henry, Reginald B. Henry, William C. A. Henry. Miscellaneous letters and commercial accounts of members of the James Buchanan family pertain chiefly to the affairs of Harriett and Elizabeth Buchanan; papers of the J. Buchanan Henry family deal with personal affairs and with the publication of a biographical sketch of James Buchanan. 93. Buchanan Fund Record Book, 1847-48. 1 vol. Presented by the Fahnestock Bequest, 1876. Names of subscribers and amounts pledged for the Buchanan Fund. 94. Roberdeau Buchanan Collection, 1761-1831. 4 vols. Pre- sented by Roberdeau Buchanan, 1917. General Daniel Roberdeau, merchant and Revolutionary sol- dier, letter book, 1764-71; receipt book, 1761-67, relates chiefly to his shipping interests and contains names of clients such as Benjamin Franklin, the Rev. John Rodgers, Joseph Reed, John Witherspoon, Henry Drinker, and others; Colonel Isaac Rober- deau, United States Army topographical engineer, journal of tours from Washington with John C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, 1820-30; Mary E. Roberdeau, poetry album, 1829-31, contains a poem written by John Quincy Adams, 1829, and another signed Abigail Adams. 95. Charles N. Buck Memoirs, 1791-1841. 1 vol. Presented by John Frederick Lewis, 1924. Memoirs of Charles N. Buck, Philadelphia merchant, consul- general of Hamburg to the United States, contain records of commercial life in Philadelphia, the trade in cotton, linen, tobacco, sugar, rice, and other commodities, between the United States and Germany, and a view of the political and economic conditions of the period. 96. Jacob E. Buck Receipt and Account Books, 1832-40. 2 vols. Receipt book, 1832-40, contains Buck's accounts of the ad- ministration of the estate of John Kressler; account book, 1834- 36, relates to the sale of liquor. 97. John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, Manuscripts, 1688-1708, 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Louis E. French. "Some Account of the [English] Revolution" and "A Feast of the Gods in the Imitation of the Caesars of the Emperor Julian," by the Duke of Buckingham. 98. Bucks County Papers, 1682-1850. Approx. 600 items. Pur- chased by The Historical Society. Miscellaneous documents pertain to the local government of Bucks County in the colonial period, and include petitions, local rules and regulations, papers relating to land transactions; letters from Edward Shippen, Phineas Pemberton, William Keith, James Logan, and others, deal with social and economic matters. 99. Lee H. Buffington Autograph Album, 1860. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Dreer Fund, 1931. Verse dedicated to Lee H. Buffington by his friends. 100. Bull Papers, 1799-1836. 25 items. Presented by Commo- dore James H. Bull. Papers of the Bull family contain deeds to land in Northumber- land County; certificate of ordination of Levi Bull, priest of the Episcopal Church, signed by Bishop William White, 1805; and other items. 101. Commodore James H. Bull Journal, 1843-44. 1 vol. Presented by Commodore J. H. Bull, 1927. A description of a journey through Mexico and lower and upper California with data on economic and social conditions, the influence of the Catholic Church and Jesuits among the Indians, missions, pearl fisheries, travel, topography of the country, and incidents of the trip. 102. Bunting-Nicholson Manuscripts, 1684-1850. Approx. 50 items. Purchased by the Library Fund. Chiefly land transactions in Burlington County, N.J., in which Samuel Bunting and George Nicholson were interested. Among the items are patents of land, indentures, agreements, wills, surveys. 103. Partition of the Estate of Edward Burd, 1834. 1 pack- age. Presented by Eli K. Price. 1934. Deeds in the partition of Burd's estate, 41 parchment leaves. 104. Edward Shippen Burd, Collection, 1798-1858. 12 vols. Presented by various persons. Personal, business, and legal records of Edward S. Burd: receipt books, 1798-1820, 1805-31, 2 vols.; catalogue of Burd's law li- brary and copies of sample legal instruments, 1798-1800, 1 vol.; account book of lumber and sundries for his Pine Street, Phila- delphia, building, 1820, 1 vol.; plans and abstracts of title of land owned by Burd, 1814-20, 1 vol.; receipts for taxes, water rents, mortgage interest, wages, etc. 1823-33, and real estate accounts, mortgages, ground rent, etc. 1830-34, 1 vol.; taxes and interest receipt book, 1881-46, 1 vol.; income and invest- ment book, 1848, 1 vol.; Mrs. Eliza H. Burd's receipt book, 1848-57, 1 vol.; and grocery account books of the Burd Orphan Asylum, 1855-58, 1856-58, 2 vols. 105. Edward Shippen Burd Notes on Law Cases, ca. 1802. 1 vol. Presented by Harrold E. Gillingham. A collection of case abstracts, rules, and other legal matters. 106. Lieutenant James Burns Collection, 1793-1860. 1 box, approx. 15 items. Presented by Charles M. Burns, 1914. Lieutenant Burns' commission signed by John Adams, 1798; 3 manuscript booklets on naval signal flags, veering and shorten- ing sail, and ships' regulations and orders on the U.S.S. Ganges, Congress, and Constellation, 1800-1802; miscellaneous letters and printed notes relate to his studies in the University of Pennsyl- vania, 1793-95; copy of South Carolina proclamation, The Union is Dissolved, 1860. 107. Miers Busch Papers, 1838-79. Approx. 50 items. Family papers, including: an agreement to charter the ship Susan G. Owen, to ship merchandise to San Francisco, 1849; certificate of Spanish indemnities awarded to Joseph A. Clay, 1838, 1841; miscellaneous bills for merchandise, 1838-60; Uni- versity of Pennsylvania programs, pamphlets, correspondence. 108. Collection of Business, Professional, and Personal Ac- count Books, 1676-1904. Approx. 500 vols. Presented by various persons. Records of miscellaneous business enter prises: Nehemiah Allen, Philadelphia merchant and cooper, account book, 1698-1736, 1 vol. Andrews and Meredith, merchants and shippers, invoice book, 1794-95, 1 vol. Isaac Archer, business and personal receipt book, 1795-1841, 1 vol. Joseph Archer, engaged in Canton silk, rice, tea trade, letter books, 1833-34, 2 vols. William Armstrong, merchant and army contractor, receipt book, 1778, 1 vol. William H. Ashurst, Philadelphia merchant, receipt book, 1839-44, 1 vol. Aurora, office account book, 1822-24, 2 vols. Backhouse, Jones and Backhouse, Philadelphia merchants, raccoon and beaver skins, ledger, 1773-75, 1 vol. Robert and Francis Bailey, Philadelphia printers, day book, 1794-97, waste book, 1794-1829, memorandum book, 1795-1841, journal, 1799-1856, 4 vols. Robert Baily, Philadelphia liver oil merchant, fish and gen- eral merchandise, letter book, 1796-1807, 1 vol. Abel Baker and William Sill, general merchants, whiskey, shoes, tobacco, muslin, ledger, 1813-15, 1 vol. Charles H. Baker, account book, 1812, letter book, 1812-13, 2 vols. John and Samuel Baker, receipt book, 1786-95, 1 vol. John R. Baker, receipt book, 1824-29, 1 vol. Baker, Godfrey and Company, Philadelphia merchants and shippers, receipt books, 1780-82, 1786, 1796-1805, 3 vols., cash- book, 1780, 1 vol. John Batho, Philadelphia-Antigua merchant and shipper, letter book, 1765-68, 1 vol. Peter Baynton, Philadelphia merchant, ledger and letter book, 1721-26, 1 vol. Peter Bell, Hagerstown, Md., pottery merchant, ledger, 1805- 43, 1 vol. Alexander Benson, merchant and shipper, ledger, 1829, 1 vol. Thomas Benson, general merchant, account book, 1748-55, letter book, 1754-59, 2 vols. Michael Billmeyer, Philadelphia bookdealer, ledger, 1809- 15, 1 vol. James Bird, Philadelphia cord and wood dealer, account book, 1777-81, 1 vol. Robert Blackwell, personal and business receipt book, 1783- 1821, 3 vols. James Bonsall, Philadelphia silk and cotton merchant, gen- eral merchandise, account book, 1722-29, 1 vol. Mrs. Louisa C. Booth, family account book, 1829-44, 1 vol. Boyer, Brooke and Wilson, Philadelphia boat builders, ac- count book, 1788-90, 1 vol. William Bradford, maritime insurance ledger, 1771-75, 1 vol. Brandywine Mill Book, accounts, etc., 1815-17, 1821-22, 1 vol. Davis S. Brown, Philadelphia, personal receipt book, 1842- 47, 1 vol. John Brown, Philadelphia miller, account books, 1774-77, 1783-87, 2 vols. Peter Brown, Philadelphia, finance account book, 1796-1849, 1 vol. William R. Brown, Doylestown, merchant, ledger, 1853-56, 1 vol. Josiah Bunting, Philadelphia lumber merchant, ledger, 1812- 13, 1 vol. California, Philadelphia, and European Steamship Company, subscription to capital stock, etc., 1860, 1 vol. Joseph Carson, personal and business receipt books, 1775-91, 4 vols. Jesse Chalfant, Wilmington, Del., merchant, account book, 1842-76, 1 vol. John and Peter Chevalier, Philadelphia and China merchants, 108. rugs, blankets, dry goods, general merchandise, journal, 1757-61, 1770-83, 2 vols. Brainard Clark, personal receipt book, 1831-38, 1 vol. Daniel Clark, Philadelphia furniture, china, leather mer- chant, letter and invoice book, 1759-63, 1 vol. James Claypoole, letter book, accounts, receipts, 1681-83, 1 vol. Ellis Cleaver, Philadelphia merchant, daybook, 1830-52, 1 vol. Henry Cline, Philadelphia, personal and domestic receipt book, 1800-1848, 1 vol. Samuel Coates, Philadelphia merchant, ciphering and invoice books, 1724-58, 2 vols. Thomas Coates, Philadelphia merchant, ledger, 1705-26, 1 vol. The Commercial Rooms Association, Philadelphia, 9 vols., invoice book, 1767-74; prize money ledger, 1782; tobacco and sundries account book, 1787-89; subscription book, 1810-12; general accounts, 1821-23; minute book, 1837-80; election of members, 1838-77; roll book, 1838-65; journal, 1863-71. Caleb Cope and Company, Philadelphia general merchants, land, finance, account book, 1842-66, 2 vols. George Dannacker, daybook, 1794-95, cashbook, 1788-95, bankbook, 1794-95, 3 vols. DeKnouse and Fullmer, Philadelphia merchants, bankbook, 1815-16, 1 vol. Jacob Demuth, tobacco merchant, ledger, 1796-1847, 1 vol. Thomas Denham, Philadelphia general merchant, ledger, 1726-29, 1 vol. Nicholas Diehl, notary public, ledger, legal forms and regula- tions, 1796-1817, 2 vols. Samuel Dilworth, Philadelphia merchant and ironmonger, invoice books, 1783-86, 1788-92, 2 vols. Dohan and Taitt, Philadelphia tobacconists, letter book, 1859-60, 1 vol. Jacob Drum, Greensburg, merchant, 1821-22, 1 vol. Henry Duvall, general merchandise, ledgers, 1847-76, 1879- 86, 2 vols.; daybook, 1877-87, 1 vol. George Eckert and Company, Philadelphia dry goods mer- chants, daybook, 1846-61, 1 vol. John and Hannah Edwards, personal and domestic receipt book, 1841-61. Abraham Egbert, Philadelphia merchant, account book, 1803-11, 1 vol. Robert Ellis, Philadelphia shipper and merchant, 1736-48, 1 vol. David Evans, Philadelphia carpenter, coffins, Venetian blinds, daybooks, 1774-1812, 3 vols. Excerpts published in P.M.H.B., XXVII (1903), 49-55. Thomas Evans, leather goods merchant, ledger, 1770-95, 1 vol. Edward C. Fassitt, Philadelphia attorney, legal and personal receipt book, 1838, 1 vol. Benjamin Ferris, Philadelphia clock and watchmaker, day- book, 1801-7, 1 vol. Miers, Thomas, and Samuel Fisher, Philadelphia merchants and shippers, ledger and journal, 1769-95, 2 vols. John Foot, Susquehanna County, shoe merchant, ledger, 1790-1841, 1 vol. William Forbes, Philadelphia merchant and shipper, account book, 1768-87, 1 vol. Samuel R. and Margaret Franklin, receipt and account books, personal and domestic, 1814-47, 4 vols. David Franks, account book, 1760-1823, 1 vol. Franks and Lewden, Christiana, Del., general merchants, day book, 1810-11, 1 vol. Franks and Wagner, real estate, receipt book, 1824-39, 1 vol. John Fry, Philadelphia hardware merchant, account book, 1795-98, 1 vol. Benjamin Fuller, letter books, 1762-91, account book, 1769- 99, receipt book, 1795-99, 5 vols. Samuel Gambier, Philadelphia hatter, account book, 1758- 63, 1804-12, 1 vol. Sarah and Peter Gardner, personal receipt book, 1761-71, 1 vol. Joseph E. Gillingham, Philadelphia, stocks, bonds, mortgages, taxes, personal ledger, 1850-79, journal, 1874-79, 2 vols. J. F. Gilpin, general merchandise, invoice book, 1837, 1 vol. Vincent and John F. Gilpin, shippers, general merchandise, daybook, 1822-47, 1 vol., ledger, 1822-47, 1 vol., bank account book, 1835-38, 1 vol., dividend book, 1822-47, 1 vol., daybook (old firm), 1828-31, 1 vol., ledgers, 1838-39, 2 vols., accounts paid out, 1864-65, 1 vol. Gough and Carmault, Philadelphia merchants, letter book, 1757-61, 1 vol. 108. Jacob Graff, Philadelphia dry goods, shoes, general merchan- dise, receipt and cashbooks, 1776-90, 2 vols. Gravel Book, accounts of loads, 1830-35, 1 vol. John Greeves, dry goods importer, ledger, 1753-57, 1 vol. Jacob Grove, general merchant and shipper, daybook and journal, 1838, 1 vol. George Habacker, Philadelphia merchant, flour, coffee, sugar, whiskey, etc., receipt book, 1779-80, 1 vol. John Hamilton, Philadelphia merchant, receipt books, 1804- 33, 3 vols.; letter book, 1809-13; daybooks, 1804-8, 1818-19, 2 vols.; ledgers, 1808-28, 2 vols.; account book, 1808-13. Hamilton and Drew, Philadelphia merchants, ledger, day and receipt books, 1805-10, 3 vols. Hamilton and Hood, Philadelphia merchants, ledgers, jour- nals, cashbooks, letter books, 1803-38, 18 vols. John Harrison, drugs and sundries, daybooks, 1800-1804, 2 vols., ledger, 1800-1803, 1 vol. Isaac Harvey, Jr., Philadelphia, personal receipt book, 1809- 38, 1 vol. Richard Hayes, merchant, ledger, 1708-40, 1 vol. Robert Henderson, Philadelphia merchant and shipper, ledg- ers, journals, receipt invoice, day, letter, cash, inventory, laun- dry, and stockholders books, 1779-1823, 24 vols, and 15 boxes. Samuel Hildeburn and Hildeburn and Woolworth, Phila- delphia silversmiths, letter book, 1815-18, 1 vol. John M. Hood, Philadelphia general merchant, receipt, ac- count, day and ledger books, 1806-48, 8 vols. Joseph P. Hornor and William Morrison, Philadelphia mer- chants, receipt book, 1815, 1 vol. Benjamin Hornor, Philadelphia, personal receipt book, 1762- 83, 1 vol. Mary Hornor, Philadelphia, receipt books, 1811-62, 2 vols. Charles Humphrey, Pennsylvania miller, ledgers, 1739-89, 3 vols. John Hunt, Hunt and Greenleafe, London merchants and shippers, tobacco and general merchandise, letter book, 1747- 49, 1 vol. John Hunter, Philadelphia, personal and business receipt book, 1784-1821, 1 vol. Laurens Huron, importer general merchandise, invoice and account book, 1796-1803, 1 vol. Isaac P. Jackson, general merchant, daybook, diary, 1850-57, 1 vol. John C. Jackson, West Nottingham merchant, feed daybook, 1822-28, account book, 1830-36, 2 vols. Chalkley Jefferis, account book, finances, 1835, 1 vol. Jones and Drinker, merchants, letter books, 1756-62, 2 vols. Jones and Wister, importers of dry goods, invoice book, 1759- 62, 1 vol. Robert Jordan and Moses Lancaster, Philadelphia carpenters and builders, receipt book, 1790-1833, 1 vol. Andrew Kennedy and Company, Philadelphia, personal re- ceipt book, 1789-94, 1 vol. John Kidd, Philadelphia merchant and shipper, letter book, 1749-63, 1 vol. Bowden and Farquhar Kinloch, London Merchants, skins, tobacco, and general merchandise, account book, 1751-58, 1 vol. Thomas Kite, bookdealer, daybook, 1831-39, 1 vol. William Kittell, transportation, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, account book, 1838, 1 vol. Frederick Kuhl, Philadelphia general merchant, waste book, 1752-1807, 1 vol. Moses Lancaster and John Lancaster, Philadelphia carpenters and builders, receipts, day, account book, 1809-44, 8 vols. Matthias Landenberger, personal and domestic receipt book, 1784-91, 1 vol. William Lawrence, Philadelphia merchant, hats, skins, food products, etc., daybook, 1769-98, 1 vol. C. Laws, account book, finances, 1815-18, 1 vol. Samuel Leedom, Haverford, lumber merchant, ledger, 1837- 78, 1 vol. Benjamin Lehman, Philadelphia cabinetmaker, book of prices, cabinet and chair work, 1786, 1 vol. Lentz and Hood, Philadelphia merchants, receipt, cash, day, and waste book, 1803-28, 4 vols. Robert Levers, shipping, merchandising, etc., receipt book, 1759-76, 1 vol. Levi Lewis, Radnor, miller, flour mill account books, 1769- 1809, 1780-93, 2 vols. William H. and Charles A. Litzenberg, blacksmiths and wheelwrights, journal and daybook, 1862-78, 1 vol. Lloyd and Sharpless, ledger, 1794-1801, 1 vol. 108. Longstreth, Collins and Company, Philadelphia, bonds and general merchandise, cashbook, 1815-17, 1 vol. Josiah Lowden, Christiana, Del., general merchant, letter and daybook, 1801-2, 1852-65, 2 vols. Benjamin Judge Markley, Philadelphia, blacksmith and farmer, account book, 1779-86, 1 vol. Gregory Marlow, Philadelphia shipbuilder, account book, 1676-1703, 1 vol. Christopher and Charles Marshall, bills of lading, ore book, 1762-68, 1 vol. John Marshall, merchant, personal and business receipt books, 1775-86, 2 vols. S. J. Marshall, carriage maker, account book, 1853-66, 1 vol. Marshall and Wier, carriage makers, account book, 1865-69, 1 vol. William Martin, Philadelphia, receipt book, 1821-30, 1 vol. Hugh Maxwell, Philadelphia bookseller and stationer, day- book, 1803-6, 1 vol. William R. McBay, Philadelphia coal, wood, and iron mer- chant, account book, 1778-81, 1 vol. James McConkey, Peach Bottom, York County, commission merchant, canal boat owner, postmaster, letter and invoice books, 1834-67, 9 vols. John Q. A. McConkey, canal boat owner and shipper (Dela- ware and Raritan Canal), invoice book, 1877-79, 1 vol. Mary Ann, John Q. A., and James McConkey, canal boat transportation, boat book, 1847-80, 1 vol. William McCorkle, advertising and periodical dealer, ledger, 1804-87, 1 vol. James McCurrach and Company, shipping agents, accounts current, 1790-96, 1 vol.; letter book, 1794-1800, 1 vol. George Meade, shipper and general merchant, receipt book, 1784-88, 1 vol. David Meredith, Philadelphia merchant, memorandum and account book, 1813-17, 1 vol. Jesse Meredith, Downingtown, merchant, shoemaker, school accounts, vital statistics, ledger, 1795-1850, daybook, 1805-50, 2 vols. Jonathan Meredith, Philadelphia tanner, hide accounts, waste, leather, sales, bark, ledger, day and blotter books, 1784- 1800, 34 vols. Mifflin and Massey, Philadelphia general merchants, teas, cof- fee, sugar, flour, ledger, 1760-63, 1 vol. Benjamin R. Morgan, Philadelphia judge, land transactions, letter book, 1830-40, 1 vol. Thomas Morgan, clockmaker, ledger, 1771-1803, 1 vol. Elliston P. Morris, Philadelphia merchant and shipper, jour- nal, 1848-49, cashbook, 1849, 2 vols. Robert Morris and John Nicholson, bill book, 1795, 1 vol. S. Morris and Isaac L. Bartram, Philadelphia cloth merchants, receipt book, 1766-70, 1779-83, 1 vol. Samuel Morris, Philadelphia merchant, wholesale grocer, journal, ledger, daybooks, account, cashbooks, 1848-1904, 10 vols. John and William Moulder, Philadelphia and Chester mer- chants, receipt book and accounts, 1771-76, 1794-1805, 1 vol. Margaret Moulder, grocer, ledger, 1794-99, 1 vol. Robert and Lydia Moulder, tavern keepers, accounts, 1760- 1817, 1 vol. Moulder and Clayton, Philadelphia general merchants and grocers, account book, 1726-63, 1 vol. Joel Mount, Philadelphia cabinetmaker, ledger, 1829-65, daybook, 1837-49, 2 vols. James Muir, Philadelphia bookbinder and merchant, ledger, 1782-95, 1786-88, 2 vols. Samuel Murdock, general merchant, receipt book, 1765-71, 1 vol. Richard Neave, Jr., account book, 1773-74, 1 vol. Daniel Osmond, general merchant, account book, 1790-1830, 1 vol. Joseph M. Paul, Philadelphia merchant, receipt book, 1807- 17, 1 vol. Ella Penrose, Philadelphia seamstress, account book, 1888-93, 1 vol. Washington H. Penrose, Philadelphia merchant, pattern and machine shop accounts, diaries, ledgers, personal, 1810-70, 11 vols. Penrose Ferry Bridge Company, receipt book, 1859-63, 1 vol. Israel Peterson, Philadelphia leather merchant, receipt book, 1852-66, 1 vol. J. Peterson and Company, Philadelphia leather merchant, receipt book, 1866-73, 1 vol. 108. Philadelphia Public Stock Exchange, stock sales, 1865-66, 1 vol. Phillips and Cozens, Philadelphia, navigation of canals by steam, record book, 1829, 1 vol. Captain James Potter, Pennsylvania, account book, 1752-67, 1 vol. Stacy Potts, Philadelphia shoe merchant, daybook, 1813-22, 1 vol. W. J. Potts, Valley Works, account book, general merchan- dise, 1790-91, 1 vol. Samuel Powell, Philadelphia merchant, invoice and daybook, 1748-50, 1 vol. Samuel Randolph and Company, Philadelphia carpenters and builders, receipt book, 1836-46, 1 vol. William Redwood, Newport, R.I., importer, general merchan- dise, ledgers, 1749-61, 1787-90, 2 vols.; journal, 1749-60, 1 vol.; journal and daybook (Antigua), 1782-87, 2 vols.; ledger, 1775- 1809, 1 vol.; daybooks, 1787-90, 1792-1810, 2 vols.; waste book, 1775-97, 1 vol.; journal, 1787-90, 1 vol. Redwood and Birkett, general merchandise, ledger, journal, waste book, 1773-75, 3 vols. Joseph Reed and Warnet Myers, Philadelphia real estate, ledger, 1824-29, 1 vol. George V. Reinhart, receipt book, 1800-1810, 1 vol. Willis Rhodes and Company, Philadelphia dry goods mer- chant, journal, 1834-36, 1 vol. Joseph Richardson, Philadelphia silversmith, account book, 1733-39, letter book, 1732-57, daybook, 1744, 3 vols. Thomas Riche, Philadelphia merchant and shipper, journal, 1757-61, letter books, 1757-92, 4 vols. George Ritter, undertaker, receipt books, 1834-49, 2 vols. Robeson and Paul, iron, lumber and general merchandise, letter book, 1807-13, 1 vol. Charles C. Robinson, Philadelphia chair maker, daybook, 1809-25, 1 vol. John Roman, Philadelphia merchant, personal receipt book, 1770-80, 1 vol. James Ross, Christiana Bridge, Del., merchant, groceries and general merchandise, daybook, 1812-18, ledger, 1813-16, 2 vols. John Ross, daybook, 1774-83, invoice book, 1776-79, ledger, 1776-80, account book, 1776-91, receipt book of the executors of John Ross' estate, 1800-1810, 5 vols. John Ross, general merchant, shipper, account current, in- voice book, ledger, 1776-91, 3 vols. Thomas Rutter and Samuel Potts, account book, 1748-86, 1 vol. Joshua Saltonstall, Philadelphia merchant, grocer, ledger, 1790-94, 1803-6, 1 vol. J. Sarched, tobacco merchant, general merchandise, 1827-28, 1 vol. Thomas Savery, Philadelphia carpenter and builder, account book, 1782, 1 vol. Thomas Scully, Christiana, Del., merchant, daybook, 1773- 75, 1 vol. Nathan Sharpies, East Bradford, Chester County, merchant, business records, 1774-1826, 4 vols. Joseph and Jesse Sharpless, Philadelphia mechants, lumber, shoes, tobacco, etc., receipt book, 1794-1819, 1 vol. Sharpnack, Destonet and Company, general merchants, ledg- er, 1818-21, 1 vol. Elizabeth A. Shee, Rose Valley Farm, expenses, daybook, 1843-70, 1 vol. R. C. and A. R. Shreve, grain merchants, receipt book, 1840- 56, 1 vol. David Simmons, Philadelphia, personal receipt book, 1813-30, lvol. John Slesman, Philadelphia merchant, receipt book, 1799- 1802, 1 vol. William Smith, Philadelphia general merchant and grocer, letter book, 1771-75, 1 vol. Smith and Leedom, grain merchant, ledger, 1845-46, 1 vol. John Speel, Philadelphia baker, business and personal re- ceipt book, 1804-13, 1 vol. Springfield Farm, accounts, 1780-82, 1 vol. Thomas Stewardson, Philadelphia merchants, interest and account book, 1785-88, 1 vol. Amos Stiles, Moorestown, N.J., wheelwright, daybook, 1812- 21, 1 vol. John Stites, Philadelphia grocer, general merchant, account book, 1814-19, 1 vol. Stuart and Welsh, shippers, journal, 1780-92, 1 vol. Richard Sweetman, Philadelphia grain merchant, receipt book, 1771-80, 1 vol. 108. John Swift, Philadelphia merchant, executor of the estate of William Kennersley, letter books, 1747-1813, 3 vols. Joseph Taylor, liquor dealer, ledger, 1715-23, 1 vol. Samuel Taylor, personal receipt book, 1774-89, 1 vol. William P. Taylor, account book and diary, 1849-55, 1 vol. John Topliff, Philadelphia, personal and business receipt book, 1793-94, 1 vol. Samuel and Solomon Townsend, ships anchors, receipt book, 1810-13, 1 vol. William Trent, Philadelphia merchant, ledger, 1703-8, 1 vol. James Trimble, Harrisburg, account book, indentures, 1726- 28, 1 vol. Dawson and Newbold Trotter, Philadelphia, miscellaneous accounts, receipt book, 1862-68, 1 vol. Joseph Trotter, carpentry, account book, 1829-30, 1 vol. Warder and Brothers, Philadelphia merchants and shippers, account book, 1821-35, 1 vol. Washington Mutual Insurance, letter book, 1838-58, 1 vol.; minutes, 1843-56, 1 vol.; receipt book, 1851-58, ledger, 1857-70, 1 vol. Samuel Webb, Philadelphia, receipt book, 1822, 1 vol. Peletiah Webster, account and letter book, 1773-90, 1 vol. James N. Weems, Philadelphia dry goods merchant, sales, letter books, daybooks, administration of estate, 1810-31, 8 vols. Robert and Uriah S. Weirs, Christiana, Del., blacksmiths, ledger, daybooks, 1825-60, 8 vols. David West, receipt book, 1803-68, 1 vol. Wetherill and Budd, Philadelphia merchants, drugs, chemi- cals, paint, etc., journal, 1807, ledger, 1807-25, 2 vols. Wetherill family, Philadelphia, accounts, 1845-1917, 1 vol. Thomas Wharton, receipt book, 1752-55, 1 vol. Isaac H. Whyte, Philadelphia carpenter and builder, receipt book, 1824-57, 1 vol. Wilkins and Atkinson, Philadelphia tailors, daybook, 1808-9, 1 vol. J. T. Williams, Philadelphia, personal receipt book, 1855-68, 1 vol. Peter Williams, Newport, Del., general merchandise, groceries, daybook, 1829-36, 2 vols. Thomas Williams and Company, dealers in skins and hides, 1791-1822, 1 vol. William Williamson, attorney, West Chester Railroad, com- pany account, wages, cashbook, personal, 1826-44, 5 vols. Charles, Thomas, and Morris Willing, Philadelphia mer- chants, letter book, 1754-61, 1 vol. Edward S. Willing, account books, 1861-95, 2 vols. John Wilson, Philadelphia, cashbooks, 1767-77, 12 vols. Caspar Wistar, Philadelphia, receipt book, 1747-84, 1 vol. Hariott Woodhouse, Philadelphia, mortgages, bonds, personal receipt book, 1854-75, 1 vol. Captain Samuel Woodhouse, Philadelphia, receipt book, 1812-43, 1 vol. Uriah Woolman, bills of lading, 1772-75, 1 vol. Wynkoop and Sieman, truckers, receipt book, 1783-87, 1 vol. Joel and Nathan Zane, Philadelphia, personal and business receipt books, 1761-74, 1766-95, 2 vols. Accounts of unidentified enterprises: account books, 1649-98, 1768-69, 2 vols.; general merchandise, journals and ledgers, 1748- 49, 1809-12 (Cantwell's Bridge, Del.), 1814-19, 1815-17, 1817-18 (Philadelphia), 1818-28 and 1836-42 (Christiana, Del.), 1822-27, 1825-26 (White House and Springfield Road), 1829, 10 vols.; bonds and dividend record, 1824-36, 1 vol.; Philadelphia tailor measurement book, n.d., 1 vol.; Philadelphia brewery ledger, 1732-37, 1 vol.; Norfolk, Va., shipper, daybook, 1748-50, 1 vol. Ph ysicians' records and medicinal rec i pes: Dr. William J. A. Birkey, dentist, daybook, 1847, 1 vol. Charles Caldwell, Philadelphia physician, ledgers, day jour- nals, 1798-1815, 4 vols. Benjamin H. Coates, Philadelphia physician, ledger, 1824-30, 1 vol. Josiah Coates, Philadelphia physician, day and ledger books, 1810-15, 4 vols. Mrs. Daniel W. Coxe, Philadelphia, medicinal recipes, cook- books, receipt books, 1801-52, 5 vols. Ebenezer Elmer, Hopewell and Bridgeton, N.J., physician, daybooks, 1790-1802, 2 vols. Dr. Elijah Griffith, patents, accounts, ledger, 1804-14, 1 vol. Joseph Klapp, Philadelphia physician, receipt and daybook, 1817-28, 2 vols. Robert C. Moon, Philadelphia physician, daybook, 1886-89, 1 vol. 108. Estate administration accounts: George A. Baker, account book, 1794-1805, 1 vol. Thomas Bartow estate, receipt book, 1793-97, 1 vol. John Beale Bordley estate, account and receipt books, 1804- 13, 3 vols. Joel and James Chalfant, receipt books, 1834-55, 2 vols. John D. Cox estate, account book, 1825-30, 1 vol. Joseph E. Gillingham, administrator of estate of Jacob Don- aldson, account book, 1863-1900, 1 vol. Michael Gratz, administration book, 1811, 1 vol. Godfrey Haga estate, receipt book, 1825-48, 1 vol. John Hall and estates of Levi Adams, Joseph Israel, William Mann, account books, 1807-8, 1811-18, 2 vols. Isaac Han thorn estate, inventory, 1814-20, 1 vol. Robert Harris, guardian, account book, 1796-1808, 1 vol. Judge Michael H. Jenks, administrator of Jeremiah Bennett, Dr. W. B. Watson, and Charles Alexander estate, account book, 1837-39, 1 vol. Daniel Knight estate, administration account, 1836-43, 1 vol. Robert McCleay, executor of Joseph Garson estate, receipt book, 1791, 1 vol. Jacob Mechlin estate, journal, ledger, 1785-90, 1 vol. John F. Mifflin estate, Edward Burd executor, receipt book, 1813, account book, 1815-17, 1 vol. Rudolph Nagle estate, receipt book, 1807-12, 1 vol. Peter Paris estate, receipt book, 1776-89, 1 vol. William Meredith and William Smyth, assignees of Benjamin Wilson estate, letter book, 1823-24, 1 vol. Elizabeth Powel estate, accounts of executors, Bank of North America, Bishop White, Edward Burd and Edward Shippen Burd, 1830-48, 2 vols. Eli Kirk Price, estate accounts, 1826-30, 3 vols. Chief Justice William Tilghman, ledger in account of estate with James Tilghman, etc., 1785-1835, 5 vols. Valentine Ulrich estate, receipt book, 1775-1820, 1 vol. Thomas Voigt estate, 1840-51, 2 vols. George Wall estate, account book, 1778-80, 1 vol. Abraham Wilt, and Streeper and Wilt estate, receipt books, 1788-1852, 5 vols. Isaiah Worrell estate, 1749-1883, 1 vol. Miscellaneous accounts: Blockley Farm (almshouse), journal, 1816-23, 1 vol. William Coleman, treasurer of the College of Philadelphia, merchant, ledger accounts, 1757-68, 1 vol. Ellwood Mendenhall, Pennsbury School treasurer, account book, 1846-54, 1 vol. Exciseman's account book, Port of Philadelphia, 1739-42, 1 vol. Oyster-ship owners vs. State of Virginia, minutes, 1849, 1 vol. Shipping accounts, Diana, Betsy, Mary, Resolution, Friend- ship, Theodore, cashbook, 1788-92, 1 vol. "United States Foreign Commerce," records ot coal trade, railroads, arrival of vessels, 1805-36, 1 vol. 109. Pierce Butler Papers, 1836-92, Approx. 60 items. Pre- sented by Owen Wister, 1932. Papers of Pierce Butler (1807-67), Southern planter, include documents and correspondence relating to legal matters and real estate, and household accounts. They furnish interesting data on economic conditions. 110. Major General Richard Butler Journal, 1775. 1 vol. Presented by Thomas Montgomery. An account of Butler's travels and negotiations with the In- dians, August 22, 1775-Sept. 5, 1775. 111. Estate of General John Cadwalader Papers, 1630-1863. Approx. 1,500 items. Presented by the Cadwalader fam- ily. (Superseded by item 1454.) Military papers of General John Cadwalader (1742-86) and material on the relations of the Penns with the province and state of Pennsylvania. Since several members of the Cadwalader family acted as land agents for the Penns, the latter group is particularly significant. Items of the collection include: letters relating to Cadwalader's military campaigns in the Revolution, among them 9 letters from George Washington, 1776-78; letters, notes, and documents relating to the Cadwalader and General Joseph Reed controversy, 1838. 1842-56: western journal of George Croghan, 1759-63, mainly Indian affairs; letters and docu- ments of a miscellaneous nature, 1700-1858, 1 vol.; correspon- dence relating to colonial affairs, 1685-1789; correspondence on business and real estate transactions, with letters from Richard Penn, 3d., 1817-63; deeds and other legal documents, 1752-1812; collection of Dutch records and deeds for New York and Dela- ware, 1630-73; grants of lands at New Castle, by William Penn and the Duke of York, 1675-82; agreements between Lord Balti- more and Penn, 1732-60; "Catalogue of Pennsylvania and Dela- ware State Papers, deposited in State Paper Office, London," 1670-1718; cash receipt book, 1711-24; copies of Cadwalader and Ridgely family correspondence, 1792-1809; Croghan-Trent papers, 1 box. Two letters concerning the Reed-Cadwalader controversy pub- lished in P.M.H.B., XXVI (1902), 370-374; miscellaneous Cad- walader military papers, 1776-80, P.M.H.B., XXXII (1908), 159-174. 112. Benjamin C. Calhoun Receipt Book, 1807-12. 1 vol. Receipts for payments made for services, rent, and miscellaneous expenditures; also. manuscript music of national airs, popular melodies, and hymns. 113. James M. Campbell Papers, 1861-67. Approx. 50 items. Presented by Dr. A. Keightley, London, England. The collection of James Campbell's papers contains official documents of his appointment as minister to Sweden, bearing the signatures of Abraham Lincoln and William Henry Seward, 1864; his letter, 1867, declining President Johnson's offer to appoint him minister to Colombia; correspondence, 1862-67, pertains to the Civil War. 114. Samuel Campbell Collection, 1790-1876. 85 items. Pre- sented by Mrs. John S. Saxe, 1934. Miscellaneous papers of Samuel Campbell, early bookseller and printer, and John Campbell, astronomer, chiefly of personal, business, and legal content; a letter, 1793, of P. Garson relates to printing and publication of books, with details of subscrip- tion by George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Knox, and others to a new edition of the Bible; other papers relate to land sales in Marietta, apprentice indentures, 1791-93; poetry by William Riley, 1825; financial documents; a letter, 1865, al- ludes to John Campbell's telescope. 115. Papers of the Estate of Louis H. Carpenter, 1695-1903. Approx. 2,500 items. Presented by Captain E. Carpenter. Brigadier General Carpenter's (1839-1916) war records of the Civil War, personal papers, family papers, and some manu- scripts gathered by him: 2 vols, of Carpenter's letters from the field, 1861-64; 6 vols, of military papers relating to service in various departments, 1862-1908; about 1,000 letters and docu- ments relating to personal matters, business, legal and real estate, 1695-1887; genealogy of the Carpenter family, 1683-1889; a receipt book, 1811-16; papers pertaining to the Ware and Bateman controversy, 1843; an army account book, with tables of rations, 1759; a collection of the ledgers, daybooks, receipt books of Dr. James Stratton, 1779-1816; broadsides relating to raising revenue for the continuance of the Revolution, 1780; biography of Elizabeth Estaugh, 1894. 116. Lieutenant Colonel Robert Carr, 1811-23. 1 vol. Pre- sented by W. Bartram Snyder, 1866. A journal which contains details of Lieutenant Colonel Carr's participation in the War of 1812, describing recruiting, army movements, warfare in New York State and Canada, general orders, paymasters' settlements and accounts, etc.; letters of 1815-23 relate to political affairs in Pennsylvania and efforts for judicial and departmental appointments. 117. Carson Collection, 1690-1929. Approx. 4,000 items. Be- quest of Hampton Lawrence Carson. Portraits and autograph letters, 1690-1921, of lawyers, judges, and other persons concerned in the administration of law and justice in the courts of Pennsylvania, and of other states, from the early colonial period to the present, are assembled in the collection of H. L. Carson (1852-1929), attorney general of Penn- sylvania. Among the letters are those of governors of Pennsyl- vania, 1789-1920; attorneys general of Pennsylvania, 1791-1920; members of the colonial bar, 1690-1775; members of High Court of Error, 1761-1815; lawyers of the Revolutionary period, 1776- 1801; justices of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1712-1921; and others. There are also seven boxes containing approximate- ly 400 caricatures of political leaders, members of the bar, and other prominent people, ca. 1880-1929. Other items are pam- phlets, speeches, newspaper clippings, etc., dealing with public questions. 118. Charles E. Cathrall Diary and Poetry, 1831-35. 2 vols. 1 vol. purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1934; the other pre- sented by Harrold E. Gillingham, 1935. Lyric poetry written by Charles E. Cathrall; diary contains an account of a visit to Florence, Italy, 1835. 119. Centennial Exposition Collection, 1876. Approx. 150 items. Presented by Samuel J. Castner, 1934. This is a collection of miscellaneous souvenirs, printed form letters, invitations, etc., relating to the Centennial Exposition held in Philadelphia, 1876. 120. Chaloner and White Papers, 1744-1836. Approx. 3,000 items. Among the papers are letter books, 1778-84; accounts of pur- chases for the Revolutionary Army, 1777-78; accounts of provi- sions bought, 1778-80; receipt books, 1778-84; letters from men prominent in military and civil affairs with comment upon the state of the army and of the country. From the point of view of the economic historian, they are of especial interest because of the information given regarding commodity prices, the scarcity of provisions, and the prevalence of speculation. Military correspondence, 1777-82, published in P.M.H.B., XXXVIII (1914), 83-88; military orders and accounts, 1777-78, P.M.H.B., XXXVIII (1914), 94-99. 121. Salmon Portland Chase Papers, 1824-81. Approx. 15,000 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Papers, correspondence, letter books, diaries, and miscellaneous documents on political trends, economic situations, and social history in the United States, before, during, and after the Civil War. There are 13 boxes of letters from noted men, relating to national politics, the Civil War, financial policies, etc., 1833-71; 2 boxes of letters written by Salmon P. Chase, 1824-63; 7 small volumes of diaries, journals, and memoranda, 1855-72; letter- press books, 1862-67; copies of "Special Letters," 1861-65; speeches, notes, and lectures, 1845-65; legal opinions and de- crees; 4 boxes of miscellaneous documents pertain to the Treas- ury, financing of the Civil War, to religious questions and slav- ery, 1831-81; biographical notes by J. W. Schulker, editor and writer, on the life of Chase; and other miscellaneous papers, 1862-82. 122. Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turnpike Record Books, 1803-12. 2 vols. Purchased by the Library Fund. These volumes contain the records of the construction of the turnpike, surveys, calculations, names of landholders, and items pertaining to the maintenance and management of the roadway. 123. Chester County Papers, 1684-1847. Approx. 600 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Miscellaneous papers relate to domestic affairs, local govern- ment, land transactions; correspondence of prominent men, illustrative of social, economic, legal, and political affairs dur- ing the colonial period; one volume of documents deals with the depredations of the British Army in Chester County, 1777. 124. Diary of Weather, Chester County, 1818-33. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Dreer Fund, 1937. Daily record of weather conditions in Chester County. 125. Benjamin Chew Estate Papers, 1776-1904. Approx. 600 items. Presented by Fannie M. Ewing. A collection of land office warrants, patents, surveys, indentures, agreements, and land transactions in Fayette, Somerset, and Westmoreland counties, in which Benjamin Chew was finan- cially interested. Some of the early legal instruments contain the signatures of John Penn, 1776; John Dickinson, 1783; Edward Shippen, 1787; Thomas Mifflin, 1793; Thomas McKean, 1803; William Tilghman, 1813; and others. 126. David S. B. Chew Papers, 1828-98. Approx. 350 items. Presented by David S. B. Chew, 1935. A collection of miscellaneous papers includes: correspondence of David S. B. Chew pertaining to politics and public affairs, 1893-98; David S. Browne's correspondence relating to legal and commercial transactions, 1853-85; Anaconda Printing Company, accounts and statistics, 1872-78; a cashbook, 1857-61; two ac- count books, 1828, 1831-36; 13 school exercise books, 1857-79. UflWttt^ f ILLINOIS 127. Cephas Grier Childs Documents, 1793-1871. 1 box and 24 vols. Collection of statistics on railroads, canals, iron, coal, agricul- ture, and population. Childs (1792-1871) was a Philadelphia publisher. 128. Christ Church Hospital Papers, 1708-1895. Approx. 100 items. A collection of papers reflecting the history and management of Christ Church Hospital, Philadelphia. Included are fourteen deeds, 1732-1835, abstracts of wills, leases, mortgages, letters of bequest, expense accounts, correspondence bearing the names of prominent citizens and clergymen, photographs, and other items. 129. Church and Meeting Collection, 1692-1910. Approx. 100 vols. Presented by various persons; some items pur- chased by The Historical Society. A group of miscellaneous materials for church history. Ba ptist: register of Baptist Church, Rhydwilmyn, Wales, 1667-1745; register of Baptist Church, Pennypack, 1689-1837; "History of the Baptists in Delaware," by Morgan Edwards, 1733. Christian: The Rev. L. O. Knipp, diary and notes as pastor of Christian Church, Piqua, Ohio, 1892-1904. Dutch Reformed: Church Records of Smithfield, 1741-1814; Dutch Reformed Church records of Conewago, 1769-1803. Friends: Thomas Chalkley's journal, 1675-1724; list of Friends Marriages for City and County of Philadelphia, 1682- 1762, copied by Samuel Morris Lynn; "Christian Advice," Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1682-1762; visiting Friends, Nantucket, Mass., 1698-1848; Friends Testimony, 1703- 80; Radnor Friends Meeting papers, kept by Thomas Thomas, relating to building and assessments from members, 1714-66; advice from Yearly Meetings at Burlington, N.J., and Phila- delphia, 1719-63; discipline of the Society of Friends, 1719; Darby Monthly Meeting minutes, 1743-49, 1796-98, 1799-1801, bound in 1 vol.; visiting Friends, Port Elizabeth, N.J., 1753- 1844; epistles to Friends, 1755, John Fothergill and others; map of meetings of Friends in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, ca. 1765; Chesterfield Meeting minute books, 1685- 1712, 1756-60, 2 vols., and 20 letters from other meetings to Chesterfield Meeting, 1712-1805; class book, Friends First Day School, 1880-87; "Reunion of Orthodox and Hicksites," 1916. Lutheran: The Rev. John Caspar Stoever, ministerial rec- ords, 1730-79; Michael Hiellern, "Pastilla iiber die Evangellien," 1752; "The Lutheran Church," 1733-41; minutes and corre- spondence of St. Michael and Zion Lutheran Church of Phila- delphia, in relation to John Stock, 1796-1800; Antis Lutheran Church, formerly Salem Lutheran Church, Logan's Valley, Blair County, records, 1805-77; Diary of the Rev. S. C. Brinkle, 1834-44, rector of St. James Church, Kingsessing (now Protestant Episcopal); Huntingdon County Bible Society minutes and ac- counts, 1827-47. Mennonites: "History of the Mennonites and Aymenists (or Amish)," 1830, by Conyngham. Moravian: "Moravian Emigration to America," 1734-1800, a register of members of the Moravian Church who emigrated from Europe to America, includes biographical sketches by John W. Jordan; "Annals of the Moravian Church in America," 1734-1857; "The Moravian Church in Philadelphia," 1745-48; "Register of Inhabitants of Nazareth," 1745-52; Philadelphia Moravian records, 1743-61; "Moravian Church in West Jersey," 1745; David Bruce's Shecomeko journal, 1746; Moravian Church, York, 1780-91; "Historical notes in regards to Wyoming Valley," by John W. Jordan, 1883, depicting Moravian mis- sionary enterprises among the Indians, also containing bio- graphical sketches of leaders of the Moravian Church. Protestant E pisco pal: "A Memorial of the State of the Church in Pennsylvania," 1707, by Evan Evans; vestry book and register, St. John's Church, Philadelphia, 1727-1853, 1729- 1861; Christ Church and St. Peters, subscription list, etc., 1758- 61; charter of Christ Church and St. Peters, 1765; The Rev. Robert Blackwell's Parish Register of the United Chapels of Christ Church and St. Peters, 1782-1819, containing marriage records, baptisms; sermons of Colin Campbell, 1766; sermons of Alexander Addison, 1794; vestry book and register of St. James Church, 1799; "Bishopric of Virginia," by Charles Todd Quintard, 1872; Protestant Episcopal Church of Pennsylvania, branch of Freedman's Commission, invoice of stores, 1867-68; register of Trinity Protestant Episcopal Church, 1839-49; Rich- ard Newton sermons, 1865; "Early Recollections of Grace Church," Philadelphia, 1877, by Henry P. Taylor; Churchmen's Missionary Association for Seamen of Port of Philadelphia, 1849-75. Miscellaneous : minutes of the Evangelical Society, 1808-17; church account book, 1855-1904, 1 vol.; minutes of a special committee on marriage and divorce of Synod of Pennsylvania, 1883; marriage register of Pennsylvania, 1684-89, chiefly certifi- cates of Quaker marriages in Philadelphia, approx. 75 items; marriage register, 1814-39, approx. 240 items, records of mar- riages performed by Edward D. Corfield, Philadelphia County justice of the peace; marriage records, St. Thomas Church, Whitemarsh, 1857-64, 1 vol.; marriage licenses of Caroline County, Md., 1774-1815, 1 vol., copies made by H. C. Cranor; marriage certificates, 1649-1869, approx. 500 items. 130. Churchman Papers of Kirk Brown, 1716-1835. Approx. 2,000 items. Presented by J. Clemson Brown. Collection of Maryland and Pennsylvania surveys, 1716- 1835, covering a wide field of information on the early settle- ments and subdivisions of land. It includes land warrants as issued by the Province, petitions for road building, drafts, in- dentures, agreements, etc., showing the land holdings and the names of pioneer settlers; a volume "A Book containing the Records of the Surveys made by John and George Churchman," ca. \1A\-11. There are also records of the Quaker Monthly meetings held at East Nottingham, and other places, 1743-1805. 131. George Churchman Papers, 1720-1850. Approx. 1,500 items. Land warrants issued by the provincial government, surveys, drafts, agreements, indentures, etc., signed by James Hamilton, Nicholas Scull, George Churchman, and others, with informa- tion on early settlements in Pennsylvania counties, land hold- ings, names of settlers. Churchman was deputy surveyor of Pennsylvania. 132. William Clark, Jr., Docket Book, 1844-48. 1 vol. Pre- sented by William Bell Clark, 1924. Docket book of a Dauphin County justice of the peace. 133. James Claypoole Papers, 1681-83. 1 vol. Letter book, accounts, and receipts of Claypoole (b. 1634), London merchant who emigrated to Philadelphia in 1683. Extracts from the letter book published in P.M.H.B., X (1886), 188-202, 267-282, 401-413. 134. John C. Clement Papers, 1681-1871. Approx. 500 items. Pertain chiefly to Gloucester County, N.J.: surveys, plans, deeds, accounts, legal papers rising out of Clement's connection with the Penns as their surveyor. The collection is comprised of sur- veys in New Jersey, 1712-84; the minute book of Newton Town- ship, 1723-1820; plat of Snow Hill; 1 vol. of wills, deeds, sur- veys of roads, maps, receipts, 1681-1871; survey for William Penn, and accounts of Richard Penn, 1717; legal agreements with John Penn and Richard Penn, 1773-1808; records of the land litigation. 135. Elizabeth C. Clemson Autograph Album, 1824-28. 2 vols. Presented by Mrs. T. H. Neilson. Verse dedicated to Elizabeth C. Clemson by her friends. 136. Clifford Papers, 1722-1832. Approx. 10,000 items in 29 vols. Presented by Henry Pemberton, Jr. World-wide trade conducted by several generations of a promi- nent Philadelphia merchant family is dealt wtih in this volumi- nous collection of papers and correspondence. The papers fall in two periods: 1722-76, 5 vols, (approx. 1,500 items); 1777- 1832, 21 vols, (approx. 7,000 items). Information is presented on the commerce with China, Russia, England, Holland, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, West Indies, United States territories; lands; world markets, flow of goods, transportation, and fluctua- tion of prices, influenced by political trends. The invoices, re- ceipts, bills, legal instruments, insurance policies, charters of vessels, etc., give an account of the hazards of the enterprises, the economic factors involved, and the commodities exchanged such as cotton, tea, silks, rum, salt, sugar, wheat, beef, cloth. A letter from Harper and Hartshorn, 1765, Antigua, gives an account of the feeling of resentment and rebellion aroused against the Stamp Act; letters, 1763, describe the outfitting of privateers; diary, 1778-79, relates events of the Revolution, as seen by a Tory; charter for building canals, 1791; duties im- posed by England on American grain, 1791; captures of English vessels by French frigates are described in letters, 1792. Trade expansion to the South and West is shown in letters, 1805, to Kentucky and New Orleans merchants; sale of cotton is dis- cussed in a letter, 1804, from Stathart and Bell to Andrew Jackson. Included are letter books of Thomas and John Clifford, 3 vols., 1759-89; Thomas Clifford receipt book, 1750-51; diary of a trip to Ohio from Philadelphia, 1804; Clifford Estate vs. Stephen Girard papers, 1822; pocket almanacs with marginal notes, Poor Will's, 1791, Gaines, 1791, Bioren, 1819, Agricul- tural, 1821, Astronomical Calculations, 1792; printed catalogue of 350 cases of china goods to be sold at auction, Philadelphia, 1828. Of literary interest: manuscript of a dialogue between Dr. Samuel Johnson and Mrs. Knowles, n.d.; "An Epistle from the Celebrated Abbe de Ranee at the Abbey of La Trappe," n.d.; Quaker sermons, 1787; poetry, 1822. 137. The Works of William Cliffton, 1791-98. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Dreer Fund. Miscellaneous prose and verse by William Cliffton. 138. Daniel C. Clymer Family Papers, 1748-1899. 1 box and 2 vols. Presented by the Daniel C. Clymer family. The Clymer family papers furnish information on Pennsyl- vania history, particularly during the period of the Revolution. Among the papers are: muster rolls; list of citizens able to bear arms, 1775; records of meetings for election of officers for forma- tion of battalions of militia, 1776; petition for the removal of prisoners from Lancaster, because of the landing of the enemy in Maryland, 1777; 2 letters and a pass signed by George Wash- ington, 1777; copy of a printed proclamation of Joseph Reed against lawlessness and violence in Philadelphia; letter of Thomas Paine lamenting the state of affairs in Pennsylvania, 1786; William Clymer's daybook, 1820; Clymer family and business correspondence; genealogy of the Clymer family; two journals of a trip in Europe, 1840; letters of Dr. Meredith Clymer, a medical officer during the Civil War; "A Tale of the Sea," n.d.; letter book, 1815-30, of Henry Clymer. Eight miscellaneous letters and documents, 1777-86, pub- lished in P.M.H.B., XXXI (1907), 43-47. 139. William M. Coates Papers, 1731-1860. 25 items. Pre- sented by William Coates, 1930. These papers contain the Yearly Meeting treasury book of Beulah Coates, 1731-41; broadside addressed to the president and council of Pennsylvania by prominent Quakers protesting against religious and political persecution, and reply to accusa- tions of Quaker opposition to the cause of the American Revo- lution, 1776; Quaker broadside issued by John Pemberton, 1776; pamphlet, Address to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies in America, 1776; Nancy Gregory, indenture to Ben- jamin Horner, 1803; letter of Frederick Douglass (1817-95), Negro orator and author, to Benjamin Coates, in behalf of abolition of slavery, and against colonization of Liberia, 1856; facsimile of a testimonial by members of the medical profession in Philadelphia, addressed to Dr. T. G. Morton, reputed dis- coverer of ether as an anaesthetic, 1860. 140. Coates and Reynell Papers, 1702-1843. Approx. 12,000 items in 48 boxes and 70 vols. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1914. For the most part, these are commercial papers, records of prices, business correspondence, ledgers, daybooks. In addition to strictly mercantile papers, there are other items relating to Indian affairs, the development of frontier lands, medicine, finance, and family matters. The papers of Samuel Coates and John Reynell include: 23 boxes of correspondence, 1722-1838; 8 boxes of bills, receipts, orders and accounts, 1702-1838; 124 statements of prices cur- rent, 1790-1816, mostly of Liverpool; 12 vols, of letter books of John Reynell, 1734-74; 3 vols, of his daybooks, 1728-38; ledger, 1734-36; invoice book, 1731-38; 2 account books, 1735- 36, 1738-67; 2 receipt books, 1763-91; records of Pennsylvania and New Jersey meetings accounts with John Reynell, 1762-83. Samuel Coates papers include: 2 letter books, 1763-81, 1795- 1802; letter book of Josiah and Samuel Coates, 1784-90; 2 daybooks, 1768-83, 1796-1804; 5 daybooks of Josiah and Samuel Coates, 1783-91; ledger pertaining to sugar business, 1768-75; memoranda of wages and similar items, 1784-1806; sales book, 1795-1817; journal, 1791-98; journal of Josiah and Samuel Coates, 1785-89; 4 bankbooks of Samuel Coates, 1791-94; 4 bankbooks of Josiah and Samuel Coates, 1783-87, 1812-24; 3 receipt books of Josiah and Samuel Coates, 1778-91; their bill of lading book, 1786-91; 2 letter books of George M. Coates, 1803-21, 1831-43; daybook, 1729-37, of Samuel Coates, Sr.; Mary Coates receipt book, 1748-59; Josiah L. Coates receipt book, 1795-1809; and the papers of Dr. Benjamin H. Coates which include 2 boxes of correspondence, social and profes- sional, 1806-43, 2 boxes of his notes and essays on medical sub- jects, 1830-47; 3 vols, of records of his medical practice, 1830- 47; his cashbook, 1839-45. These is a bundle of papers, about 400 items, relating to the settlement of various family estates, 1745-1839; record of Joseph Stansbury's account with Samuel Coates and Ezekiel Edwards, 1773-75; and the daybook of the estate of Captain John Vicary, 1784-95. The papers from the Deborah Morris estate, which form a part of this collection include: 1 box of correspondence of Deborah Morris relating to land transactions and social affairs, 1724, 1763-93; wills, inventories, 1774-87; bonds and agreements, 1785-94; 1 box containing Deborah Morris' accounts and rec- ords of commercial transactions, 1738-1813; 2 ledgers relating to the estate, 1752-68, 1760-89; account book, 1760-69; rent ac- count, 1777-93; daybook, 1782-85; receipt book, 1788-93; Ben- jamin Morris ledger, 1747-55; his memorandum book, 1755-58. Since Samuel Coates was the executor of Isaac Zane's estate, many of the Zane papers are found in this collection: 2 boxes of correspondence of members of the Zane family, 1761-1825; 2 boxes of accounts, receipts, bills, etc., 1731-1824; deeds, leases, lands, 1752-1824; papers relating to the Marlboro Iron Works, 1772-1808; 4 catalogues of the books belonging to Isaac Zane, 1791; inventory of Isaac Zane's possessions, 1794; daybook of Isaac Zane, 1759-80; his account book, 1761-93; 3 receipt books, 1767-69, 1780-81, 1784-90; ,receipt book of Sarah Zane, 1796- 1814; receipt book of Samuel Coates, executor of the estate of Isaac Zane, 1821-24; 2 receipt books of Charles Meredith, 1753- 72, 1773-91. Wyoming journal of Isaac Zane, 1758, published in P.M.H.B., XXX (1906), 417-426. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LIX (1935), 316. 141. Henry C. Cochran Note Book, 1845-48. 3 vols. Presented by Daniel E. Pennepacker, 1903. Notes for lectures on the history of Pennsylvania, education, Philadelphia municipal affairs, public utilities, etc., delivered by Henry C. Cochran in the public schools of Philadelphia. 142. Isaac Collins Account with the State of New Jersey, 1776. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Morris Earle, 1924. Account for the printing of New Jersey resolutions, ordinances, and acts of assembly of the American Revolutionary period; in- cluded are genealogical records of the Collins family, and an almanac, 1838. 143. Matthew Collins Book of Surveys, 1771. 1 vol. Pre- sented by William John Potts, 1857. Contemporary extracts from records of the surveyor general's office in Burlington, N.J., relate to a survey of land in Egg Harbor, N.J. 144. Colonial-Revolutionary Manuscripts, 1738-1808. Ap- prox. 150 items. Presented by Frederick W. Nicolls, 1923. A collection of papers relating chiefly to Berks County colonial legal cases, and political and economic matters. Among the papers are: John Prinz letter from Reading, 1757, to James Read, depicting Indian depredations; Conrad Weiser, letters and writs, 1754-60; Frederick Weiser letter, 1762, relating to the collection and adjustment of county debts; bonds for the ob- servance of the laws of the province, 1773; marriage contracts; tavern license, signed by Robert Hunter Morris, Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania; James Read commission, signed by William Plumsted, 1752; receipts for military equipment from members of the Reading Militia, 1776; Captain John Patton letter to James Read, concerning the refusal of battalions to obey orders to march, 1776; oaths and affirmations of justices of Berks County, 1776-78; Thomas McKean communication to Congress concerning his controversy with Brigadier General Thompson, 1778; report of the council of censors that Timothy Matlack is "unworthy of public trust and confidence," 1783; records of admiralty cases, 1766-79, relating to prizes of war, adjustments of shares of prize money, libels, surveys, etc., ad- judicated before Edward Shippen, George Ross, Francis Hop- kinson, and others; John Adams letter, Paris, 1780, to Samuel Huntington, President of Congress, containing Russia's declara- tion of principles adopted by her as neutral during the war between England and the United States; Peter Collinson letter, 1738, John Ross, 1764, Edward Biddle, 1764, John Morris, 1762. 145. Common Place Book, ca. 1775-80. 1 vol. Presented by I. T. Sharpless, 1868. These manuscripts contain accounts of the theatrical and carni- val performances produced by the Tories for the entertain- ment of British soldiers during the Revolution. Included is a prologue to the "Tragedy of Zara," spoken at the opening of the theatre at Boston, written by General John Burgoyne; prologue spoken by Major Robert Chew, at the opening of the theatre in Philadelphia, written by the Rev. Jonathan Odell; an account of the Meschianza, held at Philadelphia in 1778, by one of the company; miscellaneous verse by Philadelphia writers. 146. Conarroe Autograph Collection, 1643-1882. Approx. 1,200 items. Presented by George M. Conarroe. This collection includes letters and documents of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and of members of Con- gress, 1758-1811; of generals and prominent civilians of the Revolutionary period, 1770-1829; of signers of the Constitution, senators, congressmen, governors of states, 1754-1853; of Presi- dents, Vice-Presidents, and cabinet officers, 1777-1882; letters from authors, 1778-1869, foreign generals and statesmen con- nected with the Revolution, scientists, physicians, and philan- thropists, 1759-1873; English and American lawyers, 1676-1854; American lawyers and judges, 1753-1859; officers in the Ameri- can navy; clergymen, 1779-1871; other celebrities, 1643-1870. There are about 200 portraits, 1836; and a few papers of Robert Morris, Thomas McKean, and George Read, 1757-88. Eight letters published in P.M.H.B., XXV (1901), 370-371; XXVI (1902), 389; XL (1916), 484-492. 147. Conner-Powell Genealogies, 1775-1893. Approx. 250 items. Collection of genealogical papers pertaining to the Conner, Powell, and related families. 148. Jay Cooke Papers, 1842-1901. 60 vols., plus approx. 20,000 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. This extensive collection of papers relates to many aspects of the career of Jay Cooke (1821-1905), financier of the Civil War and the great period of American expansion: 106 boxes of cor- respondence with influential men of the time, 1842-80, contain information on the conduct and financing of the Civil War, nationalization of banks, westward expansion, railway building, especially the Northern Pacific Railroad episode which was a factor in the financial crisis of 1873. There are also some letters of Henry D. Cooke, relating to his enterprises in western mines, lands, and shipping; letter books of Jay Cooke, 1870-73, 6 vols.; about 50 vols, of newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, pamphlets, receipts, bills, etc., 1863-1901, which contain interesting material on political and economic trends. A large number of family letters contain, in addition to personal affairs, indications of Cooke's interest in church and civic affairs. See E. P. Oberholtzer, Jay Cooke, Financier of the Civil War (Philadelphia, 1907). 149. James Fenimore Cooper Manuscript, 1838. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Lea Brothers and Company, 1887. Original manuscript of the latter part of Cooper's "Home as Found," which he requested should be left with Lea and Blanch- ard, Philadelphia publishers, Oct. 25, 1838. 150. The Gilbert Cope Historical and Genealogical Col- lection, 1682-1924. Approx. 30,000 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. This collection pertains chiefly to Chester County and in- cludes Quakeriana, records of commercial and industrial enter- prises, county records, consular papers, and the correspondence of Gilbert and Anne G. Cope. Quakeriana- original certificates of removal, Newark or Ken- nett Monthly Meetings, 1707-1820, 2 vols.; Bradford Women's Meetings, 1752-1848, 5 vols.; Goshen Women's Monthly Meet- ings, 1769-7,6, 1 vol.; Friends Falls Monthly Meeting papers, 1696-1750, 8 vols.; Uwchlah Monthly Meeting Minutes, Wom- en's Friends, 1789-93; "Friends Book of Advice," 1682-1763; Friends "Discipline," 1704, 1719, 2 vols.; Concord Quarterly Meeting Minutes, 1756-67; "Final Message of Benjamin Cope," 1845; Friends in York County, 1745-1855, and records of Ken- nett Monthly Meetings, 1721-62, 1 box; history of Quaker Meetings, 1682-1878, 1 box; Friends Monthly Meetings, 1849- 1919, and London Yearly Meetings, 1805, 1812, 1824, 1 box; Bradford Meeting papers, 1730-1840, and Friends Historical Society papers, 1923-24, 1 box. 150. On commerce, industry, etc.: Buffington and Marshall papers, 1705-1875, 6 vols., commercial correspondence, accounts, legal, political, domestic affairs, etc.; Peter Buffington tavern journals, 1757, 1757-59, 2 vols.; his daybooks, 1758-62, 3 vols.; his ledger, 1757; his index to tavern journal, 1757; Calvin Cooper textile and woolen mill books, 1791-1815, 5 vols.; Joseph Coope's farm account books, 1756-1853, 4 vols.; Jonathan Buffington flour mill book, 1756-69; his shoemaker ledger, 1771-74; prices cur- rent, 1782-97; Mathias Tray, cabinetmaker, cash accounts, 1812-16; Philadelphia merchant's ledger, 1851-61; Oliver T. Jefferies cattle account, 1850-51; Philadelphia provision mer- chant's journal, 1867-70; papers relating to furnaces, iron works, Indians, slavery, and Valley Forge accounts, Chester Springs map, 1725-1880, 1 box. On education : school exercise books, algebra, plane geometry, arithmetic; John Cope's French exercises, 1804-15; list of school children in Chester, 1832; poetry and autograph albums; James Miller ciphering book, 1771; Anna Sheppard diary, 1885; rec- ords of Bradford and Pennsbury Schools, 1807, 1 box; libraries, schools, 1795-1817, 1 box. Chester Coun t y records : taxes and assessments, 1715-1802, 29 vols.; certificates of election of county officers, 1720-65; peti- tions for tavern licenses, 1745-1800; tavern licenses, 1781-1869; tavern papers, 1856-61; taxables, 1693-1869; constables' bonds, 1821-62; constables* returns, 1783-1860; tax returns, 1841-78; bonds, 1770-1851; coroners' inquests, 1721-1849; jury lists, 1703- 1814; jury summonses, 1832-36; commissioners' accounts, 1782, 1831, 1863; papers of commissioners' office, 1737-1828; petitions of paupers and others needing relief, 1722-1815; officers of town- ships, 1791-1818; court petitions, 1736-1813; "Public Papers," 1718-1832; statements of county state tax, 1850-69; court papers, exemplifications, Negro affairs, roads, 1781-96; court records, 1821-32; county and state tax, treasurer's order, loan certificates, 1864-75; assessors' oaths and pay rolls, 1816-17; court papers, 1722-1810; records of servants and apprentices, 1741-1811; peti- tions for and against new courthouses, 1845; civil and judicial lists (copies), 1693-1842; "Votes of Assembly," 1791; constable bonds, 1805-20; miscellaneous documents and manuscripts, 1642- 1865, patents of land, surveys, commissions, deeds, legal papers, expense accounts, etc.; historical notes on Chester County, 1687- 1889, 3 boxes; history of Chester County, agriculture, horticul- ture, Mason and Dixon Line, Delaware and Maryland boundaries, roads, bridges, witchcraft, etc., 1784-1847, 1 box; Chester County Historical Society papers, 1900-1923, 1 box; King's tax, 1763-65; Thomas Woodward deed book, 1714-68; George Churchman papers (copies), warrants and surveys of West Fallowhill Township, ca. 1701-1816; Jacob Taylor papers (copies), surveys in various counties of Pennsylvania, ca. 1724; West Marlborough county and poor rates, 1804; churches, 1745- 1883, 1 box; material on pottery and churches, 1721-47, 1750, 1 box; marriage certificates, 1697-1852, 1 box; miscellaneous docu- ments, 1795-1843, 1 box; New Castle County court papers, 1731- 1834, 1 box; West Chester Prison, 1804-38; West Bradford deeds and county records, 1722; Lower Oxford Triennial papers, 1825. In addition there are approximately 40 boxes containing mis- cellaneous items pertaining to Chester County, ca. 1838-78. Among these are military papers, ballots, almshouse records, sheep damage bills, statements of solvent debtors, pay orders for county bills, road damage pay orders, election returns, ap- pointments of judges of elections, petitions for liquor licenses, tax discount sheets, assessors' commissions, orders on county treasurer, pay order for interest on bonds, records of election of school directors and sheriff sales, etc. There is also a vol- uminous collection of photographic negatives of historical docu- ments. Miscellaneous le g al records: Supreme Court of Pennsylvania bail book, 1760-73; Philadelphia court records, judgments, 1812; Greene County docket book, 1798-99; bail book of Philadelphia, 1781-83; William Worthington's book, sheriff fines, 1806; Su- preme Court jurors, 1822. Consular pa pers : ship register of the United States consulate at London, 1807-11; United States ship -egister, 1809-11; United States consulate at Riga, Russia, letter b; ->k, 1808-12; legal cases in Russia, 1820, 1 box; Levett Harris vs. William D. Lewis papers, legal case in Russia, 1820-24, 1 box. Genealo g ical and famil y pa pers : Joshua Sharpless letters, 1790-1834; J. G. West papers, 1766-99; Worth family papers, 1781-1896; Chandler, Lamborn, Chamberlain families, 1733- 1879; Elizabeth Ashbridge, 1753-57; Cope family (copies), 1682; Goodwin estates, 1746-1870; William Penn, William Smith, Corsart Farm, Cotton Mather papers, 1681-1774; Jeffries family, 1843-65; Hannah P. Davis, 1838-59; Rachel Johns, 1861-1902; Leonard family, 1790-1893; Smedley letters, 1811-30; Philip Price, 1792-1859; Hoopes and Sharpless, 1859; Downing family, 1758-73; McCaraher and Marsh papers, 1864-93, 1 box; Yarnall and Garrett deeds, 1703-1833, 1 box; miscellaneous deeds, 1682- 1864, 2 boxes; Brinton bonds and surveys, 1715-1828; Joseph Tew inventories, 1761. Gilbert Co p e correspondence: letters, scrapbooks, etc., 1857- 1922, 12 boxes; correspondence, 1879-81, 2 vols.; canceled checks, receipted bills, broadsides, newspaper clippings, memorandum books, etc.; Anne G. Cope's correspondence, 1885-98, 1 box. 151. Lewis S. Coryell Correspondence, 1806-67. Approx. 700 items. Presented by Lewis S. Coryell. Papers of Lewis S. Coryell, lumber dealer and political leader in Pennsylvania: correspondence relates to state and national poli- tics, and includes letters of A. Beaumont, Nicholas Biddle, John C. Calhoun, Simon Cameron, Stephen A. Douglas, George Mif- flin Dallas, John M? Forney, John Forsyth, Samuel D. Ingham, Sam Houston, Dixon H. Lewis, F. R. Shunk, J. D. Stiles, George Wolf, W. S. Woodward, and others; letters of James Buchanan, containing comments on the outcome of the Civil War and criticism of the Lincoln administration; Coryell's business letters relate to construction of canals, railroads, roads, and to his lumber business at New Hope. 152. County Militia Accounts, ca. 1797. 1 vol. Names of military officers and soldiers in various Pennsylvania counties, and records of their certificates for the funded debt. 153. Memorial of Henry Hamilton Cox, 1881. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Joseph J. Lewis, 1881. Biographical sketch of Henry Hamilton Cox, who came to Chester from Dunmonvoy, Ireland, about 1813; by Joseph J. Lewis, 1881. 154. Cox-Parrish-Wharton Papers, 1600-1900. Approx. 5,000 items. Presented by Rodman Wharton. This collection of papers and correspondence contains informa- tion on the religious, humanitarian, social, and economic in- fluence of the Quakers in American life. A large portion of the collection consists of letters, approx. 2,000, 1785-1845, from John and Ann Cox of Burlington, N.J., to Dr. Joseph and Susannah Parrish of Philadelphia. There are also letters of William Penn, Israel Pemberton, James Pemberton, John Pemberton, John Rodman, Benjamin Lightfoot, John Bringhurst, Hannah Lloyd, George Mifflin, William Logan, David Barclay, John Fothergill, Roberts Vaux, Dolly Madison, and numerous others, 1700-1840. There are monthly meeting reports, broadsheets, and papers, 1700-1847, pertaining to religious doctrine, discipline, moral precepts, humane treatment of the Indians, abolition of slavery, and economic affairs. Also copies of William Penn's letter to the Indians, 1681, and of a Quaker Address to King William III, 1703; "An Indian's Answer to a Swedish Missionary," 1704; list of the number of slaves in the United States, 1779; printed list of the Company of Merchants Trading to Africa, 1755; Isaac Parrish's receipt book, 1780-1807; his invoice book, 1762-67; Samuel Parrish and Job Bacon, account book, consignment from Calcutta, 1806-7; John Parrish, Friends discipline, 1719, 1 vol.; minutes of the Society for the Relief of Negroes, 1775-87, 1 vol.; "Divine Odes," by Thomas Wilkinson, 1787, 1 vol.; reports of Quaker meetings, 1801-6, 1 vol.; genealogical notes of the Parrish family, 1600-1862, 1 vol.; records of the Cox, Dillwyn, Mitchel, and other families; letters addressed to Samuel Emlen, 1826, 1 vol.; "Expressions of dying sayings," Hannah Hill, 1714, 1 vol.; poetry of Susannah Parrish, 1820, 1 vol.; moral impres- sions and observations, 1800, 1 vol.; John Cox, weather reports and memoranda book, 1830-33; schedules of Bills before House of Commons, 1879; portraits and biographical sketches of promi- nent Quakers. 155. M. Jackson Crispin Manuscripts, 1665-1814. Approx. 25 items. Presented by M. Jackson Crispin, 1931. Colonial documents of the Crispin family, which settled in New Jersey and Pennsylvania in 1687: deed of land granted by Wil- liam Penn to James, Joseph and Benjamin Crispin in 1687; an inventory of the estate of James Holmes, 1690; correspondence relating to British shipping, signed by Duke of Albemarle, 1665; Quaker marriage certificate of Benjamin Crispin and Margaret Owen, 1722; writ issued by Thomas Hopkinson, 1747. 156. Cunyngham Genealogy. 2 vols. Presented by R. Bu- chanan. Account of the ancestry of a Scottish family, Stephen de Cunyng- ham, Earl of Glencairne, and his descendants, and of the Isaac Roberdeau family of Rochelle, France, 1057-1799. 157. Custom House Papers, 1704-1929. Approx. 16,000 items, in 41 boxes and 25 vols. Some purchased by the Dreer Fund, and others presented by various persons. Papers of the United States customs service of the Port of Phila- delphia illustrating commercial and shipping interests, as well as foreign trade relations, of colonial America and the United States. The records include: account book, 1704-13, 1 vol., duties imposed on tobacco, and data on merchandise exported; Cus- tom House papers, 1750-74, 12 vols., letters of customhouse collectors, clearance papers, bonds, entries, cargo manifests, names of vessels, reports of seizures, accounts of contraband and smuggled merchandise, complaints, and other official records of the Port of Philadelphia; Custom House records, outward entries, 1784-87, 1789-91, 6 vols.; inward entries, 1786-87, 1789- 93, 1792-94, 3 vols.; inward index, 1789-1817, 1 vol.; miscellane- ous, 1790-1929, 41 boxes, liquidation entries, cargo manifests, affidavits, consular authentications, foreign invoices, abstracts of duties, warehouse records, and general correspondence; mis- cellaneous records, 1850-56, 2 vols. 158. George Mifflin Dallas Diary, 1848-49. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society, 1936. Photostat of George M. Dallas' (1792-1864) diary of the last few months of James K. Polk's administration, in which he was Vice-President, an account of Senate politics, tariff controversy, territorial expansion, gold discovery in California, etc. The original manuscript is in the possession of Robert D. Abrahams, Philadelphia. 159. Dallas Family History, 1894. 2 vols. Presented by N. L. Dallas, 1915. History of the Dallas Family, 1262-1894, contains papers on the name, home, estates, seals and armorial bearings, and line of descent of the family, with portraits and other illustrations. These were compiled by Lieutenant Colonel Alexander J. Dal- las, U.S.A., 1894, and were dedicated by him to Commodore Alexander James Dallas, U.S.N., George Mifflin Dallas, Vice- President of the United States, and Trevanion Harlow Dallas. 160. Charles G. Darrach Manuscripts, ca. 1906-18. 7 vols. Presented by Charles G. Darrach. Correspondence and miscellaneous writings of Charles G. Dar- rach, a Philadelphia civil and consulting engineer: "Topography of the Earth," 1906, 1 vol., contains maps and essays on the formation of the universe; "Obligation, a Compilation," 1919, 1 vol., a metaphysical treatise on evolution; "Folly of Philadel- phia," 1918, 1 vol., criticism of politics, transit problems, con- centration of business, etc.; "The World War," 1917, corre- spondence on conscription in the United States Army; "Port of Philadelphia," "Public Utilities," 1913, 1 vol.; "National transportation and a discussion of the report on Atlantic Intra- coastal Canals," 1917, 1 vol.; "Water Supply, Philadelphia, 1914- 1917," 1 vol., a history of the water system, plans of dams and pumping plants. 161. Dr. William Darrach Diaries, 1830-38. 2 vols. Presented by Alfred Darrach, 1926. Diary, 1830-38, contains Dr. Darrach's notes on pharmacology and his professional activities; diary, 1832-37, reflects his interest in Presbyterian Church affairs, prayer meetings, religious re- vival, and doctrinal controversies. 162. William B. Davidson Journal, Pen and Ink Sketch Book, 1824-25. 2 vols. Purchased by The Historical Society, 1902. Journal of William B. Davidson, 1824-25, member of the Phila- delphia bar, details activities in law college, daily local events, his observations on sermons preached in local churches, politics, tours through Pennsylvania, travel by coach and canal, and de- scribes a reception tendered Lafayette on the occasion of his visit to Philadelphia, Sept. 28, 1827. Davidson's sketchbook, 1825, contains drawings of Mauch Chunk, Berwick, Harpers Ferry, and other places. 163. Captain John Davis Journal, 1781. 1 vol. Copy of a journal of Captain John Davis, officer in General Anthony Wayne's brigade, records daily events of the march of the Continental troops from Pennsylvania to Virginia, against the British under Cornwallis. Washington, Lafayette, De Simon, Von Steuben, De Grasse, Rochambeau, and other noted army leaders figure in the narrative, which recounts encampments on the line of march, attacks on enemy troops, scarcity of provi- sions, desertions, general orders, and the assistance rendered to American forces by the French fleet and the landing of French troops. This copy was made about 1878 from the original in the possession of Lieutenant Charles L. Davis, U.S.A.; published in Village Record, West Chester, Sept. 5-7, 1821, and in P.M.H.B., V (1881), 290-310. 164. William Morris Davis Papers, 1853-79. Approx. 200 items. Presented by H. K. Bush-Browne, 1933. Letters to Henry K. Brown, sculptor, illustrate social life before and during the Civil War; they mention the controversy between Francis P. Blair and John C. Fremont in 1861 and contain general criticism of the Lincoln administration. 165. Stephen Decatur Papers, 1801-20. Approx. 75 items. Copies of letters and orders from the United States Navy De- partment, 1801-20, to Captain Decatur, son of Commodore Stephen Decatur. There are no items, 1805-19. 166. State of Delaware Papers, 1710-1822. Approx. 30 items. Miscellaneous papers relating to local affairs. Included are court papers, 1710-60, concerning moral and commercial litigations; an assembly address to George I, protesting against a change in the government of the three counties, Newcastle, Kent, and Sussex, 1726; application for tavern license, and other items. 167. Delaware and Schuylkill Canal Company Papers, 1796-97. Approx. 35 items. Purchased by the Library Fund. Statements of account, surveys, and correspondence relating to the construction and maintenance of the canal. 168. B. H. Devereux Letter Book, 1837-43. 1 vol. Presented by Langdon Williams, 1924. Copies of letters written by B. H. Devereux, merchant and shipper in Pernambuco, Brazil, to his clients in the United States, concern his extensive commercial enterprises in sugar, coffee, sperm oil, spices, flour, and other commodities. 169. Peter Dewitt Letter Book, 1794-1820. 1 vol. Letter book of Peter Dewitt, Philadelphia merchant, reflects his trade in lumber, mustard, and other commodities; also included are cash accounts, records of land transactions and of administra- tion of estates. 170. Charles Dickens, Rare Print Collection, 1900. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Dreer Fund, 1934. Seventy-five prints, facsimiles of autographs, manuscripts, cari- catures, etc., relate to the life of Charles Dickens. These were edited by Seymour Eaton and published by R. G. Kennedy and Company, Philadelphia, 1900. 171. John Dickinson Papers, 1760-72. 8 vols. Purchased by the Library Fund. Dickinson's copies of S. E. Servientis, Doctrina Plocitandi ou L'Art ct Science cle Bon Pleading, London, 1677, 3 vols, with marginal notes in Dickinson's hand; his manuscripts on the practice of law, n.d., 2 vols.; "Continuance Docket Book," 1760- 72; commonplace book, n.d.; memorandum book, 1765-72, sets forth some of Dickinson's legal theories. See Paul Leicester Ford, ed., "The Writings of John Dickin- son," Memoirs, XIV (1895). 172. Jonathan Dickinson Journal, 1696. 1 vol. Purchased by by The Historical Society. "A Journal of the Travels of Several Persons and their Suffer- ings being cast-away in the Gulph among the Cannabals of Florida," a narrative by Jonathan Dickinson, prominent Quaker merchant of Philadelphia, describing a shipwreck experienced by him and his family on a journey from Jamaica to Penn- sylvania. Published as God's Protecting Providence, Man's Surest Help and Defence (various editions). 173. Major William S. Diller Military Papers, 1862-90. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Leroy Diller, 1910. Military papers mainly of the Civil War: muster rolls, docu- ments, correspondence, and commissions, pertaining chiefly to the activities of the 76th Regiment of Pennsylvania Infantry. 174. Henry S. Dotterer Manuscripts, 1862-83. Approx. 400 items. Presented by Rebecca S. Dotterer. Correspondence, notes, and genealogical records pertaining to numerous families in which Henry S. Dotterer was interested. 175. The Dreer Collection, 1492-1917. Approx. 40,000 items. Presented by Ferdinand Julius Dreer; additional items purchased by the Dreer Fund. The Ferdinand Julius Dreer autograph collection is comprised of "letters written by the hands of persons of different nationali- ties, and distinguished in almost every arena of intellectual ac- tivity." Although it was assembled as an autograph collection, it contains valuable information on national and local politi- cal history, science, literature, commerce, and other subjects. Political and militar y history topics: letters and documents relating to Holland, 1518-1678, 1 vol.; letter of James VI of Scotland to his wife, Queen Anne of Denmark, 1593; Penn family, 1666-1703, 2 vols.; William Penn to Thomas Lloyd, 1685, 1 vol.; French refugees, colonial and Indian affairs, 1663- 1816, 1 vol.; Franklin commonplace book, ca. 1738, 1 vol.; Benjamin Rush correspondence, 1739-1813, 1 vol.; letters and papers of George Washington 1749-1839, 1 vol.; letters of Thomas Jefferson, 1774-1825, 1 vol.; letters of Robert Morris, 1776-79, 1 vol.; Brigadier General John Lacey papers, 1776-77, 1 vol.; memoirs of John Lacey, 1776-82, 1 vol., compiled by Wil- liam Darlington, 1849; Daniel Wiers, commissary to the British army in America, correspondence, 1777, 1 vol.; copies of letters to J. Robinson, secretary to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury; General Peter Muhlenberg orderly book, College Camp, 1777, 1 vol.; letters of Patrick Henry to Washington, concerning the Conway cabal, 1778-1804, 1 vol.; letters of La- fayette, 1781-1832, 1 vol.; John Rutledge papers, 1796-1849, 1 vol.; Bank of the United States, correspondence, 1792-1840, 1 vol.; Nicholas Biddle, correspondence while he was president of the United States Bank, 1813-36, 2 vols.; papers of Gideon J. Pillow, general in the Mexican and Civil Wars, 1846-61, 1 vol.; Simon Bolivar Buckner, Grant, Lincoln, Civil War correspond- ence, 1862-64, 1 vol. Miscellaneous autographs, political: American statesmen, 1693-1911, 7 vols.; Colonial Conventions, Albany, Stamp Act, Annapolis, 1752-1826, 5 vols.; Continental Congress, 1760-1806, 1 box; English statesmen, 1564-1885, 3 vols.; governors of the colonies, 1637-1737, 2 vols.; governors of the states, 1772-1910, 4 vols.; mayors of Philadelphia, 1684-1893, 1 vol.; members of the Federal Convention, 1778-1825, 1 vol.; members of Old Congress, 1760-1863, 2 vols.; Presidents of the United States and their Cabinets, 1779-1922, 4 vols.; royal personages, 1497-1898, 3 vols.; signers of the Declaration of Independence, 1771-1836, 2 vols.; statesmen of continental Europe, 1520-1911, 4 vols. Miscellaneous auto gra phs, arm y and nav y: American navy, 1762-1917, 3 vols.; British navy, 1655-1889, 2 vols.; French army and navy, 1571-1869, 4 vols.; generals of the American Revolu- tion, 1748-1822, 2 vols.; generals of the Civil War, Confederate, 1839-1901, 4 vols.; generals of the Civil War, Union, 1838-1900, 6 vols.; English military, 1578-1902, 3 vols.; miscellaneous naval and military letters, 1574-1860, 2 vols.; officers serving in Amer- ica before the Revolution, 1663-1799, 2 vols.; officers of the Civil War, Confederate, 1861-65, 1 vol.; officers of the Civil War, Union, 1861-65, 2 vols.; officers of War of 1812 and Mexican War, 1790-1867, 2 vols.; soldiers of the American Revolution, 1768-1843, 5 vols. Literar y and scientific: Dr. John Fothergill correspondence, 1703-98, 1 box; correspondence of Humphrey Marshall, Ameri- can botanist, scientist, scholar, 1772-1803; Homony Club min- utes, rules, and regulations, 1770, 1 vol.; "Chronological Tables of Europe from the Nativity to 1703," by Parsons, copied by F. Hopkinson, 1776, 1 vol.; correspondence of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hall, editors, critics, authors, 1800-1900, 15 vols.; papers relat- ing to John Marshall's Life of George Washington, including manuscripts of vols. 4 and 5 (the first three volumes were destroyed by fire at the printing office, 1804), 1800-1821, 6 vols.; Thomas Sully's register of pictures, 1802-71, 1 vol.; John Fan- ning family, 1805-38, 1 vol.; Robert Fulton papers, 1813-46, 1 vol.; Watson's Annals of Philadelphia (2 vols., Philadelphia, 1830); "Historical Incidents of Germantown," by John F. Wat- son, 1823, 1 vol.; papers of Dr. Fox, Philadelphia physician, 1821-23, 1 vol.; Henry D. Gilpin, letter books, 1833-37, 1837-45, 1844-46, 3 vols.; papers of Sir John Ross, Arctic explorer, 1834, 1 vol.; Jared Sparks letters to Edward Ingraham, 1835-53, 1 vol.; Leigh Hunt letters, 1843-61, 1 vol.; Edgar Allan Poe, marginalia, reviews, 1 vol.; John Browne papers, 1847-75, 1 vol.; Edwin Greble papers, 1853-83, 3 boxes; Dr. Elisha K. Kane's log book, 175. 1853-55, 1 vol.; Dr. Kane's correspondence with George W. Childs, 1856, 1 vol.; Robert D. Owen's manuscripts, "Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World," 1860, 2 vols., "The Future of the North West, in connection with the scheme of Reconstruction without New England," 1863, 1 vol., "The Pardoning Power in its Relation to Reconstruction," read and delivered to the President, Oct. 11, 1863, 1 vol., (at Lincoln's request withheld from publication); William G. Brownlow, "Rise, Progress and Decline of the Rebellion," 1861-62, 1 vol.; John H. Markley, "Diary of the Civil War," 1862-63, 1 vol.; "The Sleeping Sentinel," 1863, 1 vol.; poetry of F. M. de Hoes Janvier, dedicated to Mr. Dreer; account book of Mrs. Scott Siddons, 1887-89, 1 vol.; diary of Mrs. Scott Siddons, 1888-90, 2 vols. Miscellaneous autographs, clergy, arts, sciences: actors, sing- ers, and dancers, 1770-1905, 3 vols.; American clergy, 1665-1906, 7 vols.; American lawyers, 1679-1906, 6 vols.; American poets, 1765-1907, 4 vols.; American prose writers, 1706-1913, 9 vols.; architects and sculptors, 1684-1906, 2 vols.; astronomers and mathematicians, 1627-1869, 2 vols.; educators, 1819, 1 vol.; Eng- lish clergy, 1631-1898, 4 vols.; English lawyers, 1672-1873, 1 vol.; English poets, 1649-1913, 3 vols.; English prose writers, 1617- 1898, 5 vols.; French prose writers, 1605-1884, 3 vols.; German prose writers, 1586-1887, 2 vols.; inventors, 1738-1897, 1 vol.; miscellaneous European writers, 1554-1893, 2 vols.; miscellaneous manuscripts, 1681-1893, 2 vols.; letters of statesmen, scholars, au- thors, jurists, etc., 1728-1893, 3 vols.; miscellaneous autographs, 1852, 1 vol.; musicians and composers, 1664-1915, 3 vols.; painters and engravers, 1578-1914, 5 vols.; philanthropists, 1650-1905, 1 vol.; physicians, surgeons, chemists, 1561-1903, 4 vols.; poets of continental Europe, 1642-1878, 2 vols.; popes, cardinals and Roman Catholic clergy, 1492-1888, 1 vol.; Protestant Episcopal bishops, 1765-1906, 2 vols.; Protestant reformers and miscellane- ous letters of clergy, 1508-1890, 1 vol.; psychologists, 1838-1917, 1 vol.; scientists, 1648-1921, 3 vols.; travelers and explorers, 1704- 1895, 1 vol. Business records, journals, etc.: Johannes Kelpius journal, 1694-1708, 1 vol., (photostat); Francis Daniel Pastorius letter book, 1700-1719, 1 vol.; Joshua Humphreys, shipyard book, 1719, 1 vol.; Ogden and Hewes, general merchandise daybook, 1758- 71, 1 vol.; Garrett Meade receipt book, 1759-62, 1 vol.; bail books of Chester County, 1763-95, 1806-30, 3 vols.; Philip Benezet's account with sloop Sally, 1763-64, 1 vol.; John Heckewelder's journal, 1793-1857, 1 vol.; Samuel P. Grimtt's correspondence, 1781-1822, 1 vol.; Bucks County brigade inspectors accounts, 1800-1817, 1 vol.; Frederick Shinkles, furrier, record of sales, account book, 1801-3; "Journal of a Cruise in the United States Brig Argus," 1806-10, 1 vol.; John and William Reynolds, merchants, land promoters of Meadville, correspondence, 1816- 33, 1 box; Philadelphia fire companies, directors' minutes, 1818- 37, 1 vol. In addition, there are approximately 4,000 miscellaneous letters, ca. 1704-1898, alphabetically arranged, of American and European statesmen, scientists, scholars, authors, clergymen, jurists, merchants, military, etc. Some eighteenth-century books are deposited with the collection. See: A Catalogue of the Collection of Autographs Formed by Ferdinand Julius Dreer (2 vols., Philadelphia, 1890); numerous items published in P. M. H. B., passim. 176. Henry Drinker Papers, 1756-1869. Approx. 25,000 items. A collection of business records, letter books, correspondence of Henry Drinker (1734-1809), Quaker merchant in Philadel- phia, and some of his descendants. It contains data on extensive land operations on the Pennsylvania frontier, in Beaver, Brad- ford, Cambria, Clearfield, Cumberland, Jefferson, Luzerne, Lycoming, Northampton, Northumberland, McKean, Tioga, and other counties; details of commercial transactions, com- modities, prices, road building, maps, bonds, indentures, sur- veys, poll taxes, legal papers. More specifically the collection contains: 8 vols, of Henry Drinker letter books, 1762-1809; 4 journals, 1773-1841; 4 ledgers, 1776-1811; 1 vol. of surveys and records of land transactions, with the names of some of the early settlers, 1794-1804; records of taxes on land in various counties of Pennsylvania, 1815-38; Henry Drinker land accounts, 1839-54, 1844-53; his surveys and land accounts, 1845-64; bonds of Susquehanna settlers, 1813-36; cashbook, 1817-41; estate account book, 1809-24; 2 vols, of estate letter books, 1816-38; papers relative to Drinker's estate, 1844-53; estate accounts, 1844-69; land accounts, 1844-56; papers of Thomas Stewart, executor of the Henry Drinker estate, 1838- 41; 20 bundles of deeds, bonds, mortgages, 1781-1869; 5 vols. of Abel James and Henry Drinker letter books, 1762-86; 1 vol. of James and Drinker foreign letters, 1772-85; James and Drinker receipt book, 1767-86; records of Henry Drinker's administra- tion of S. Wallis' estate, 1798-1808; Thomas Stewardson estate, cash book, 1844-54; an account of the settlements on the Sus- quehanna, Meshoppen, Sugar Creek; list of names of "Connecti- cut Intruders"; Connecticut-Delaware-Susquehanna land pur- chases; correspondence with Henry Pigon of London, material on sugar refining. There are also papers relating to the American Revolutionary period, letters concerning the Philadelphia Tea Party, 1773-78, broadsides, orders of Council of Safety, William Franklin's proclamation of 1775, copy of a letter of Benjamin Harrison to Washington, 1775; names of Quakers at the "meetings for suffer- ings," 1756-57, 1758-59, 1764-66, 1774-75, and other items. Extracts from letters of Drinker to James, 1769-70, published in P.M.H.B., XIV (1890), 41-45. 177. Augustus Drum Papers, 1846-56. 50 items. Letters of Drum's clients, chiefly legal matters, business transac- tions, and political affairs in Indiana County. 178. William Duane, Canada and the Continental Con- gress, 1850. 1 vol. Presented by William Duane, 1901. An address delivered by William Duane in 1850, observations on the political and economic history of Canada, and advocacy of annexation of Canada to the United States. 179. Joseph Heatly Dulles Journal, 1808-10. 1 vol. Presented by Charles W. Dulles, 1906. Dulles' journal of a journey from Charleston, S.C., to New York on the ship Minerva, and,on the Princess Augusta to England, describes travel conditions, British institutions, debates in Parliament, British-American relations, the Irish question, ex- periments and progress in science, the British Museum, art galleries, cathedrals. 180. John Dunlap Photostats, ca. 1929. 2 vols. Presented by the Genealogical Society. Photostats of miscellaneous records of genealogical interest and of surveys of lands in Kentucky and Virginia owned by John Dunlap, a Philadelphian, 1797-1809, 1 vol.; also a register of his estate, 1774-1811, 1 vol. 181. Du Ponceau Papers, 1633-1844. 8 boxes. Purchased by The Historical Society. Peter Stephen Du Ponceau's papers include notes on literature, politics, society, genealogy, and early Quaker settlements. His personal papers include: 10 letter books, 1792-1842; a series of autobiographical letters from Du Ponceau to "R. W. Esq.," containing anecdotes of the Revolution, sketches of noted men, accounts of travel and society in America, 1836-44; his prece- dent book, 1784-98; opinion book, 1801-30; papers containing legal advice to the State of Alabama, 1833; letters from J. Picker- ing, 1818-35; some literary correspondence, 1826-30; and a large collection of letters from scientists, scholars, and others discuss- ing the silk industry, the Onent, Indian philology, and other subjects. Four Du Ponceau autobiographical letters, 1836, published in P.M.H.B., XL (1916), 172-186. See also James L. White- head, ed., "The Autobiography of Peter Stephen Du Ponceau," P.M.H.B., LXIII (1939) and LXIV (1940). 182. Herbert Dupuy Papers, 1770-1814. Approx. 25 items. Collection of deeds and patents to lands in which the Dupuy family was interested. 183. Dutch West India Company Papers, 1626-1834. Approx. 500 items. Presented by Charles R. Hildeburn. These papers are part of a lot, sold at auction in Amsterdam, 1867, known as the Bantemantel papers for the reason that most of the abstracts, minutes, etc., are in the handwriting of Hans Bantemantel, one of the directors of the Amsterdam Chamber. The other portion of the collection is now in posses- sion of the New York Public Library. Among the papers are: minutes, legal documents, letters, resolutions, agreements, and other business records of the Dutch West India Company per- taining to ventures in South Africa, Brazil, and other parts of the world. Among the minutes for 1660, is an item concerning the claims of Cecil Calvert, proprietor of Maryland, to the land at New Amstel, Del. There is, also, a pamphlet in Dutch, Ex- tract de Heeren von Hollandt, Ende West Friesland in Haer Edele Groot Mog, 1674. 184. Dutilh and Wachsmuth Papers, 1704-1846. Approx. 1000 items. Purchased by the Dreer Fund. Miscellaneous papers which pertain chiefly to trade with the West Indies and Europe; cargoes, receipts, bills, insurance policies, bills of exchange, accounts, contracts, names of vessels, maritime regulations, French privateers, records of litigations in admiralty courts and in courts of equity. 185. Dyer Genealogies, ca. 1895. Presented by Meredith Han- na, 1933. Genealogical notes, copies of wills, indentures, etc., of the Thomas Dyer family, which settled in Virginia about 1635. Included are the genealogies of the Rowland Ellis, John Keim, Isaac Deturk, William Merrit, Archibald Mickle, Thomas Sayre, Alexander McCanless, Captain James Maxwell, and other fami- lies. 186. Dyers Journal, 1763-1805. 1 vol. Purchased by The His- torical Society, 1892. Journal of a Bucks County Quaker contains records of daily events, family and domestic affairs, and financial transactions. 187. A. M. Eberhart Papers, 1913-21. Approx. 1,000 items. Presented by A. M. Eberhart. These papers relate chiefly to the Selective Draft Service, 1917, and contain reports from the draft board of the 19th district, Philadelphia. Included are statistics on enlisted and drafted men, deserters, persons seeking exemption for various reasons, mobilization forms and receipts, pamphlets issued by the fed- eral government, rules and regulations prescribed by the Presi- dent, and other items pertaining to the army and to the World War. 188. Albert J. Edmunds Manuscripts, 1908-18. 1 folder and 1 vol. Presented by A. J. Edmunds. Religious poem, "Soteriology," by Elliot Robinson, 1910; a col- lection of lyric poems by A. J. Edmunds, 1908-11; Edmunds' diary notes portending events of the World War. 189. Howard Edwards Autograph Letters, 1779-1883. Ap- prox. 75 items. Presented by the estate of Howard Ed- wards. A collection of letters of eminent English divines, including John Newton, curator of Olney, the Rev. John Berridge, vicar of Everton, the Rev. Thomas Scott, William Wilberforce, Han- nah More, Sir Thomas F. Buston, Elizabeth Fry, and others, concerning church sentiments, anti-slavery movement, and other cultural trends in England during the eighteenth and nine- teenth centuries. 190. Isaac Elliott Genealogical Notes, ca. 1897. 1 vol. Genealogical records of the Isaac Elliott family, which came from England and settled in Philadelphia about 1753; also data on the related families of Edward E. Findlay and J. West Nevins. 191. Jesse Duncan Elliott Letters, 1826-28. 10 items. Pur- chased by the Dreer Fund, 1926. Miscellaneous letters of Commodore J. D. Elliott (1782-1843). 192. Elihu Embree Papers, 1814-25. 50 items. Presented by William John Potts. These are letters addressed chiefly to John M. Paul, Quaker merchant in Philadelphia. Besides dealing with commercial and domestic affairs, they relate to the abolition movement in which Elihu Embree was interested, and the publication by him of The Emancipator at Jonesboro, Tenn., in 1818, the first abolitionist periodical printed in America. There is a list of subscribers to The Emancipator. 193. Etting Collection, 1558-1917. Approx. 20,000 items. Pre- sented by Colonel Frank M. Etting. The collection embraces three distinct groups of papers: one group is an autograph collection which contains an assembly of manuscripts of distinguished Americans • and Europeans, 1558-1887; a second group is composed of family papers, with additions, 1739-1847, which relate to the pioneering commercial activities of a group of traders of the colonial and early national periods and describe traffic with the Indians, land speculation, expansion of frontiers, settlements in Pennsylvania, French- 193. Indian-English warfare, finance, politics, domestic affairs, etc., and contain information on some of the early Hebrew families, Gratz, Frank, Etting, Hart, and others influential in the eco- nomic and political affairs of Pennsylvania; the third group relates to civic affairs, social and professional activities, in which Frank M. Etting was interested. The autograph collection is comprised of letters of: early Quakers, including the Penn family, 1650-1815, 1 vol.; governors of states, 1675-1852, 2 vols.; members of the Provincial Council and Assembly of Pennsylvania, 1685-1769, 1 vol.; members of the Washington family, 1688-1834, 1 vol.; signers of Declaration of Independence, 1716-1826, 1 vol.; men connected with colonial wars and other noted persons, 1719-1807, 1 vol.; officers in the American and British navies, 1740-1865, 1 vol.; officers in the American and British armies, 1757-1887, 2 vols.; generals of the Revolution, 1757-1809, 2 vols.; letters of John Quincy Adams, James Buchanan, Jonathan Dayton, Alexander Hamilton, Rob- ert Harper, Thomas Jefferson, Robert Morris, Timothy Picker- ing, William Tilghman, William Wirt, and others, 1738-1887, 1 vol.; letters of George Bancroft, William Cobbett, James Feni- more Cooper, Joseph Drake, Salma Hale, John Heckewelder, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Washington Irving, Henry W. Long- fellow, John T. Morse, Thomas Paine, Timothy Pitkin, Noah Webster, and others, 1707-1889, 1 vol.; Lord Byron, Charles Dickens, Alexandre Dumas, Baron de la Motte Fouque, Benja- min Disraeli, John Keats, W. Roscoe, Madame de Stael, and others, 1762-1855, 1 vol.; Thomas Birch, Thomas Cole, John Singleton Copley, Pierre Eugene du Simitiere, Charles Willson Peale, Jacques Louis David, Thomas Sully, Benjamin West, and others, 1767-1889, 1 vol.; letters of James Abercrombie, Jacob Duche, Jonathan Edwards, Cotton Mather, Henry Muhl- enberg, Henry W. Onderdonk, William Smith, William White, George Whitefield, and others, 1761-1880, 1 vol.; letters of John Growdon, George Bryan, John Marshall, Robert H. Harri- son, Jona. D. Sergeant, John Tyler, Roger B. Taney, Bushrod Washington, and others, 1769-1887, 1 vol.; Eric Bollman, Jacob M. Da Costa, Samuel P. Griffith, John Morgan, Joseph Parrish, Caspar Wistar, and others, 1766-1887, 1 vol.; letters of William Bartram, William Peter Collinson, Robert Fulton, Dr. John Fothergill, Joseph Priestley, John Ramsey, John Tyndall, and others, 1762-1876, 1 vol.; French autograph letters, 1559-1850, 1 vol., 1681-1855, 1 box, royalty, generals, statesmen, scholars, etc. Also Pennsylvania papers, acts of Assembly, 1732-50; letters of persons prominent in the Stamp Act Congress, Federal Con- vention, Old Congress, 1734-1823, 3 vols.; Maryland Council of Safety, 1776-86; letters of Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and members of cabinets, Washington to Buchanan, 1789-1861, 4 vols. The group of family papers, with additions, includes papers of some of the important merchants and shippers of the early period, Croghan, Pemberton, Gratz, and others, influential in the economic affairs of Pennsylvania. The group is comprised of: Pemberton papers, 1654-1806, 2 vols.; miscellaneous manu- scripts, 1658-1889, 4 vols.; Phineas Pemberton, account book, 1670-90, ledger, 1674; miscellaneous correspondence, legal pa- pers, documents, powers of attorney, agreements, bills of lading, commercial transactions, policies, accounts, etc., 1685-1872, 3 boxes; Pentecost Teague, receipt book, ledger, account book, bills of lading, 1700-1752, 4 vols.; Miller Cooper, account book, 1704-5; Anthony Morris and Elizabeth Janney, ledger book, 1705-8, Abraham Scott Laudin, account book, 1706-7; parch- ment deeds, patents, leases, exemplifications of wills, etc., 1726- 1835; 5 receipt books of John Pemberton, 1748-80; William Fisher, receipt book, 1752-57; David Franks, account book, 1757- 62; Stephen Collins, receipt book, 1773-83; letters (copies) of John Fothergill to Israel Pemberton, 1757; Etting family corre- spondence, 1794-1927, including various military commissions issued to members of the family. Papers in which the Gratz family was specifically interested: Gratz family miscellaneous correspondence, 1695-1917, 5 boxes; Gratz-Croghan papers, 1733- 1830, 2 vols.; George Croghan estate, 1747-1816; Ohio Company, 1753-1817, 2 vols.; Michael Gratz, ledger, 1759-84, account book, 1759-62, receipt book, 1762-67; letter books, 1768-72, 2 vols.; Gratz, ledger accounts, receipts, commercial correspondence, 1760-96; Miriam Gratz, market and household account, 1765, memorandum book, 1807; drafts and surveys, 1762-85; census of York County, 1762, 1 vol.; treaty with Indians at Fort Stanwix, 1768, 1 vol.; Michael and Bernard Gratz, papers, deeds, con- veyances of land, trade with Indians, an account of the French and Indian Wars, 1769-86, 1 box; Bernard Gratz, George Crog- han, estate papers, 1780-1816; Revolutionary pension receipts, 1792; papers of various land companies relating to the sale of lands, 1795-1819; pamphlets pertaining to Philadelphia Waterworks, 1799-1872, 1 box; papers and agreements relating to Philadelphia and Boston Water Works, 1817-34, 1 box. Finan- cial affairs are dealt with in "A Historical Sketch of Paper Money Emitted by Pennsylvania," 1722-85, 1 vol.; bills of ex- change, 1755-1806; papers pertaining to the United States Bank of America, 1787-1848, 4 boxes; United States Bank of America, 1791-1836, 4 vols., acts of Congress, incorporation papers, letters of secretaries of the Treasury, etc.; papers relating to the Bank of Pennsylvania, 1793-1859, 1 box, include minutes, accounts, correspondence, etc.; miscellaneous correspondence of early banks in the United States, 1793-1859, 1 box. Civic affairs in Philadelphia, social and professional activities in which Etting was interested, are shown in his voluminous correspondence, ca. 1856-90. A large portion of these letters re- late to the Centennial Exposition, 1876, of which he was one of the chairmen; papers relating to Independence Hall and its restoration, 1871-76, 4 boxes and 3 vols.; papers relating to the historical department of the Centennial Exposition, 1875-78, 1 vol.; American members of the American Philosophical So- ciety, and subscription list for carrying on the building in the State House yard, for that Society, 1876, 1 vol.; biographical sketches of members of the Old Congress, 1 box. In addition there are printed books, some inscribed with the names of prominent persons, and others containing marginal notes; portraits of the signers of the Declaration of Independ- ence and of some other eminent men, 2 boxes; pamphlets peti- tioning against the stage and other public amusements, 1754- 1811; pamphlets relating to politics, religion, law, colonial affairs, etc., 1759-83, 3 boxes; miscellaneous papers, Masonic degrees, 1734-1884, 1 box. 194. Griffith Evans Papers, 1786-1848. Approx. 125 pieces. Presented by G. E. Abbot, 1923. Miscellaneous business and personal papers of Griffith Evans, deputy surveyor of Pennsylvania: letters from Captain William Stuart of New York, with comments on national and state poli- tics, congressional activities, economic depression in New York, United States relations with England and France; papers con- cerning John Nicholson's land sales, David Rutter's Pine Forge enterprise, and other of Evans' interests. 195. Robert T. Evans Papers, 1803. Approx. 250 items. Pre- sented by the heirs of Eliza F. E. Frazer, 1926. Papers relate to real estate in Cumberland County and in West New Jersey, 1803-65, approx. 100 items; correspondence, 1840- 62, 75 items; bills and receipts, 1844-59, 75 items; also wills, indentures, bonds, and other legal papers. 196. Jasper Ewing Papers, 1776-78. 3 items. Presented by John W. Jordan, 1915. The papers are Ewing's two commissions, 1776, from the Con- tinental Congress to serve in Colonel Edward Hand's rifle regi- ment as a second lieutenant and later as adjutant; and his declaration of allegiance to the United States, 1778, with the signature of Brigadier General Edward Hand. 197. George W. Fahnestock Memoirs, 1867. 1 vol. Presented by J. Fletcher Williams, 1902. "Memoir of George W. Fahnestock, Esq., read at a Regular Meeting of the Minnesota Historical Society, Dec. 14, 1867," by J. Fletcher Williams, of St. Paul. George W. Fahnestock was a prominent Philadelphia writer, antiquarian, and book col- lector, who died in the burning steamer United States, on the Ohio River, Dec. 6, 1867. 198. John W. Faires Papers, 1830-88. Approx. 400 items. Pre- sented by Elizabeth Faires. Papers of a prominent educator relate to his school, the Classi- cal Institute, Philadelphia. There are account books, essays, catalogues, lists of names of pupils, and other items. 199. S. L. Fallon Autograph Letters, 1684-1860. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Library Fund, 1914. Approximately 70 miscellaneous letters, including items of Henry Ward Beecher, James Buchanan, Henry Clay, John Han- cock, Marquis de Lafayette, John Marshall, George Peabody, Victorien Sardou, Edward Shippen, George Washington, and others. 200. Eliza Farmer Letter Book, 1774-77, 1783-89. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Library Fund, 1883. Eliza Farmer's copies of her letters to her nephew, Jack Halroyd, clerk in the East India Company, London. The letters, written from Philadelphia, are mainly personal, but they contain com- ments on embargo on tea, the non-importation act, secret session of Congress, rumors of bombardment of Boston, military pre- paredness, commercial activities, etc. Included are medical recipes written at a later date. Seven of the letters published in P.M.H.B., XL (1916), 199- 207. 201. Joseph Fearon Waste Book, 1783-1809. 1 vol. Memoranda of personal and domestic expenses, purchases of provisions, etc., of Joseph Fearon, a Philadelphian. 202. W. W. Feltus Journal, 1812-14. 1 vol. Journal of W. W. Feltus, midshipman on board the U.S.S. Essex, under command of Commodore David Porter, a narrative of daily occurrences on board, sea battles with British warships, chase and capture of pirates, privateers, and merchant vessels, and accounts of encounter with savage tribes on the Marquesas Islands in the Pacific. 203. James Fennell Manuscripts, ca. 1825. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund. "The Force of Nature or the Errors of Concealment, a tragedy in five parts," by James Fennell. 204. Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson Collection, 1766-68, 1797- 99. 2 vols. 1 vol. presented by S. F. Smith; 1 vol. pur- chased by the Charles Morton Smith Fund. Contains religious poetry and prose written by Elizabeth Fer- gusson (1739-1801), granddaughter of Sir William Keith. 205. Fire Companies of Philadelphia Record Books, 1758- 1872. Approx. 170 vols. Purchased by the Dreer Fund and the Library Fund; several presented by various persons. A collection of record books of Philadelphia fire companies, contributing information on their organization, personnel, ac- tivities, equipment, etc. The records are: American Hose Company, roll book of members, 1828-56, 1 vol.; directors' minutes, 1853-65, 1 vol.; contributing members, 1864-70, 1 vol. Delaware Fire Company, minutes, 1786-1801, 1812-23, 1826- 30, 1834-49, 1852-66, 5 vols.; roll book, 1782-85, 1858-71, 2 vols.; journal, 1802-15, 1 vol.; ledgers, 1789-1801, 1802-18, 2 vols.; engi- neers' minutes, 1811-23, 3 vols.; standing committee, 1813-16, 1819-21, 2 vols.; members' accounts, 1812, 1861-74, 2 vols.; engi- neers' account book, 1812-16, 2 vols.; constitution, 1832, 1869-70, 2 vols.; roll book, 1860-79, 1 vol.; mementoes, pamphlets, invi- tations, badges, Confederate money, etc., n.d. 1 box. Diligent Hose Company, minutes, 1791-1820, 2 vols.; board of directors' minutes, 1839-41, 1 vol.; record of fires, 1862-65, 1867- 70, 2 vols. Fellowship Fire Company, minutes, 1798-1840, 5 vols.; ledger, 1816-39, 1 vol.; cashbook, 1816-40, 1 vol. Franklin Fire Company, minutes, 1838-76, 3 vols.; directors' minutes, 1839-42, 1 vol. Fame Fire Hose Company, minutes, 1818, 1819-28, 1840-55, 3 vols.; constitution, 1864-67, 1 vol. Hope Fire Company, minutes, 1843-71, 4 vols.; ledger, 1850- ~>8, 1 vol.; constitution, 1856-79, 1 vol.; daybook, 1859-71, 1 vol.; roll book, 1864-72, 1 vol.; receipt book, 1872, 1 vol. Humane Fire Engine Company, minutes, 1794-1843, 1852-66, 2 vols.; minutes of board of engineers, 1836-38, 1 vol. Hibernia Fire Company, minutes, 1792-1857, 6 vols.; minutes of treasurer, accounts, 1758-97, 2 vols.; minutes of engineers, 1815-17, 1 vol.; treasury books, 1818-34, 1850-56, 2 vols.; consti- tutions, 1818-68, 3 vols.; record of fires, 1838-66, 5 vols.; minutes of directors, 1857-71, 2 vols.; ledger, 1857-71, 1 vol. Robert Morris Hose Company, minutes, 1843-53, 1847-58, 2 vols. Neptune Hose Company, minutes, 1818-70, 6 vols. Phoenix Hose Company, minutes, 1818-32, 1 vol. Philadelphia Hose Company, list of contributing and active members, 1837-57, 1 vol. Philadelphia Fire Company, minutes, 1811-21, 1842-47, 1859- 64, 1865-72, 4 vols.; record of fires, 1838-42, 1 vol. Pennsylvania Fire Company, minutes, 1806-57, 7 vols.; record of fires, 1809-65, 5 vols.; roll book, 1828-51, 1 vol.; board of engineers' minutes, 1833-36, 1 vol.; checkbook, 1852-57, 1 vol.; address by Caleb Cope, president, 1835, 1 vol. Perseverance Hose Company, minutes, 1806-61, 3 vols.; treas- urer's ledger, 1828-30, 1 vol. Reliance Fire Company, constitution, 1786-1841, 1 vol.; min- utes, 1796-1821, 2 vols.; ledger, 1800-1821, 1 vol.; roll book, 1820- 71, 1 vol. Ringgold Hose Company, minutes and treasurers' reports, 1847-71, 1 vol. South Penn Hose Company, constitution, 1846, 1 vol. United States Hose Company, minutes, 1826-71, 6 vols.; con- stitution, 1826-70, 1830-45, 2 vols.; monthly dues, 1828-31, 1835- 38, 2 vols.; membership, 1838-47, 1 vol.; directors' minutes, 1842- 76, 5 vols.; treasurers' accounts, 1830-51, 1869-85, 2 vols.; roll book, 1860-1904, 2 vols.; fire records, 1854-58, 1 vol.; order book, 1862-69, 1 vol. United States Escort Association, minute book, 1866, 1 vol.; receipts, 1845-71, 2 vols.; proposition book, 1868, 1 vol.; account book of ball at National Guard Hall, 1868, 1 vol. Washington Fire Company, minutes, 1799, 1839, 3 vols.; con- stitution, 1796-1852, 1 vol.; ledgers, 1824-33, 3 vols.; board of directors, 1833-46, 2 vols.; treasurers' receipt book and reports, 1802-68,' 2 vols. Consolidated Insurance Company, register of fire risks, alarms, list of firemen and equipment, etc., 1864-68, 1 vol. Lillie Yacht Club, minutes, 1863-65, collection of approx. 200 pictures of fire engines and fire extinguishing implements, The Chronicle Fire Tables, 1875-91; lists of stockholders, etc. Philadelphia Fire Department, minutes, 1853-70, 3 vols.; roll book and board of directors, 1868-70, 1 vol. 206. Mrs. Howell Tracy Fisher Papers, 1783-1911. 1 box. Presented by Mrs. Howell Tracy Fisher. A collection of family papers comprised of: cooking and recipe book, ca. 1800, 1 vol.; deed, 1783, for property in Gloucester County, N.J., to Aaron Hewes; Samson Sheafe of Crambrook, Eng., genealogy, 1393-1817; Michael G. Fisher's commission as master in chancery of New Jersey, 1821; and other items. 207. Miers Fisher Papers, 1775-1814. Approx. 60 items. These letters and documents relate chiefly to the city govern- ment of Philadelphia, 1789-91. They include the first ordinances, laws, minutes, and regulations of the city; the plans made for the accommodation of Congress and the President; and a few miscellaneous letters written by Benjamin Franklin. 208. John Fitch Papers, 1763-1820. 50 items. Presented by John L. Longstreth. Family papers, containing letters of personal character, powers of attorney, etc. Included is a ledger, 1773-1820, containing ac- counts of the jewelry and silverware trade. 209. Fitz Randolph-Snowden Genealogy, 1695-1832. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. William Stansfield, 1936. Genealogical data on the Nathaniel Fitz Randolph family of Princeton, N.J., and Philadelphia; also a fragmentary history of the College of New Jersey, 1725-57, by Nathaniel Fitz Ran- dolph. 210. Thomas Forbes Letter Book, 1722-23, 1729-32. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Mary I. Gozzaldi, 1936. Letters of a London wine merchant, chiefly on the wine trade. 211. Paul Leicester Ford Papers, 1891-93. Approx. 1,000 pieces. Correspondence, notes, and proof sheets prepared by Ford when writing The Life of John Dickinson, 1891-93. 212. Forges and Furnaces Account Books, 1726-1832. Approx. 250 vols. Many of the books were presented by the Potts family. Accounts of forges and furnaces which played a prominent part in the economic development of Pennsylvania. Production of ammunition, cannon, and other war materials, in these Penn- sylvania iron works helped to insure the success of the Ameri- can Revolution. Coventry Iron Works, northern Chester County, founded by Samuel Nutt in 1718, ledgers, 1726-30, 1727-34, 1730-32, 1732-40, 1734-41, 1736-45, 1742-60, 1743-58, 1748-54, 1748-62, 1756-60; daybooks, 1747-54, 1753-63, 1753-69. Colebrookdale Furnace, eastern Berks County, founded by Alexander Woodrop, Caspar Wistar, Thomas Rutter, Richard Lewis, John Mickle, Samuel Morris, and others, in 1720: ledgers, 1750-52, 1729-65, 1735-47, 1743-51; daybooks, 1735-42, 1746-49, 1751-66; blacksmith daybook, 1742-67. Warwick Furnace, Chester County, on the south branch of French Creek, founded by Samuel Nutt's heirs in 1739; ledgers. 212. 1742-60, 1747-56, 1750-60, 1759-63, 1767-70; daybooks, 1747-48, 1748-50, 1750-52, 1752-53, 1753-55, 1755-59, 1765-72; journals, 1759-61, 1767-72; receipt books, 1752-54, 1754-59. Pine Forge, eastern Berks County, founded by Thomas Rut- ter, pioneer ironmaster, in 1724: ledgers, 1720-40, 1732-43, 1733- 50, 1744-51, 1748-58, 1774-82; iron products, 1787-90; receipts, 1787-90. Pool Forge, Manataway Creek, eastern Berks County, founded by Alexander Woodrop, Caspar Wistar, Richard Lewis, John Mickle, Samuel Morris about 1726: journal, 1749-59. Popadickon Furnace, eastern Berks County, founded by Thomas Rutter, and others, about 1726: ledger, 1744-55; day- books, 1744-54, 1744-51. Sarum Forge, central Chester County, founded by the Taylor family about 1739: ledger, 1767-71; daybook, 1767-71. Mount Pleasant Furnace, eastern Berks County, on west branch of Perkiomen, founded in 1738: ledgers, 1737-48, 1740- 50, 1790-96; daybooks, 1738-40, 1746-47. Potts Grove (later Pottstown), Montgomery County, founded by John Potts about 1752: ledgers, 1755-65, 1757-76, 1758-69, 1762-65, 1764-73; daybooks, 1755-58, 1763-68, 1758-75, 1765-70, 1772, 1772-89, 1816; journals, 1772-73, 1789-95, 1824-25. Phila- delphia headquarters: ledgers, 1737-57, 1753-67, 1759-65, 1764-75; daybooks, 1749-66, 1765-76; journal, 1764-76. Dale Furnace, eastern Berks County, on west Perkiomen Creek, founded by Samuel Potts, Robert Hobart, and others, in 1785: ledger, 1799-1801; journal, 1799-1801. Hopewell Furnace, Berks County, on the north branch of French Creek, founded by William Bird as a forge in 1744, and as a furnace in 1771: ledger, 1800-1802; daybooks, 1784-87, 1800- 1803, 1802-3, 1804-6, 1804-7, 1806-8. Tulpehocken Forge (later Charming Forge), founded by Nikell Brothers in 1750, later owned by William Stiegel and Steadman of Philadelphia: ledger, 1772-75; daybooks, 1754-56, 1763-67, 1772-75, 1775-77, 1788-91; journals, 1763-67, 1772-75, 1780-85; account book, 1757-60. Elizabeth Furnace, northern Lancaster County, founded by Jacob Huber, about 1750: ledger, 1762-65; daybook, 1767; jour- nal, 1771-72; waste book, 1756-60; included among these books are William Stiegel's Manheim Glass Works journal, 1773-79; glass house ledger, 1765-70; Manheim quitrents, and outlots account, 1763-67; Manheim town daybook, 1768-69. Mary Ann Furnace, southwestern York County, founded by George Ross and Company about 1760: ledgers, 1771-72, 1772- 73; daybooks, 1763-64, 1764-65, 1765-66, 1773-74; journal, 1772- 73; day and waste book, 1774-76; waste book, 1762-63; store book, 1765-66. Berkshire Furnace, southwest of Wernersville, founded by William Bird about 1750: ledger, 1768-71; daybooks, 1767-69, 1781-83, 1787-88, 1788; journals, 1767-89, 1772-74, 1774-77, 1777-81; waste books, 1769-70, 1774-76, 1779. New Pine Forge on Hay Creek at Birdsboro, Berks County, founded by William Bird about 1750: ledgers, 1760-62, 1762-63; waste books, 1757-58, 1760-62; journals, 1760-62, 1775-78; coal book, 1744-60; daybook, 1759; time book, 1760-63. Valley Forge, Montgomery and Chester counties, founded about 1740: ledgers, 1757-59, 1759-62, 1762-68, 1765-67; journals, 1757-61, 1759-63; daybooks, 1759-67, 1762-72. There are also miscellaneous additional record books and other items of domestic and commercial character, of early ironmasters: William Bird, Thomas May, Robert May, mem- bers of Potts family, and others. 213. Foster-Clement Papers, 1685-1815. Approx. 1,000 items. Presented by John Browning Clement, William Foster James, and Charles Marshall. These papers, part of which came from Josiah Foster (1743-70), New Jersey justice of the peace, include surveys and other legal papers, docket books, and correspondence. They are chiefly con- cerned with affairs in Burlington County, N.J., and contain: material on land grants, early settlers, and economic and politi- cal developments; 4 bundles of surveys, plans, deeds, wills, re- ceipts, and accounts, 1685-1815; Indian land papers and sur- veys, 1780-1800; correspondence, 1760-1816; cash book, 1786-90; court docket book, 1791-1801; bundle of court dockets, 1782- 1812; about 50 printed pamphlets, 1793-1813. 214. Benjamin Franklin Fox Papers, ca. 1838-1913, 5 vols. Presented by William J. Fox. Scrapbooks, poetry satirizing Philadelphia politics, fictional narratives, newspaper clippings, and other matter of literary character. 215. Benjamin Franklin Papers, 1747-94. 13 vols. Approx. 1,000 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. The Franklin papers in this collection include: 1 vol. of ac- counts, 1747-66, of the firm of Franklin and Hall; 1 vol. of mis- cellaneous accounts, 1750-81; receipt book, 1764-66; bill book, 1777-81; 2 vols, of letters and papers, 1750-83; 2 vols, of notes on the Franklin family, 1561-1794, with a genealogical chart; photostat of Franklin's will, 1790. The official part of Franklin's career is represented by a volume of papers and correspondence relating to his activity as agent of the colony of Pennsylvania, 1757-71; correspondence with Congress while he was minister to France, 1776-83; 3 vols, of miscellaneous papers, from his French ministry, 1776-85. Miscellaneous Franklin items in this collection published in P.M.H.B., V (1881), 353-355; XV (1891), 35-40; XXII (1898), 458- 461; XXIII (1899), 1-22, 92-94; XL (1916), 480-483. 216. Walter Franklin Letter Book, 1772-73. 1 vol. Franklin's copies of his letters to John Pemberton and Thomas Lightfoot, Philadelphia, refer to his financial difficulties, busi- ness and land transactions, and efforts to adjust the controversies between them in a legal and equitable manner. Franklin was a New York merchant. 217. Mrs. Walter Jackson Freeman Liberty Loan Commit- tee Papers, 1918-19. Approx. 2,000 items. Presented by Mrs. Duncan Graham Foster. These papers throw light on patriotic endeavors and World War activities of a group of Philadelphia women, in their ef- forts to help the United States Government in the sale of liberty bonds. Among the papers are letters of prominent men and women, account books, house to house canvass books, lists of names of subscribers, committee reports, pamphlets, mementoes. 218. B. F. French Manuscripts, ca. 1884. 1 folder. Presented by the estate of Louis E. French, 1905. French's papers on Indian ethnology: 'Among the Natchez, by a Mississippian"; "Push-Ma-Ta-Ha," concerns a distinguished chief of the Choctaws, who served under Andrew Jackson in the Seminole War; included also is his pseudo-scientific narrative, "Voyage Round the Moon." 219. French West India Papers, 1712-57. 50 items. Miscellaneous correspondence; copy of "Essai de Geographie Physique," by M. Bauche, 1752; 2 colonial maps; "Memoires touchant la Martinique," n.d. 220. Philip Freneau and Hugh Brackenridge Manuscripts, 1770. 1 vol. Presented by John William Wallace, 1881. "Father Bombos' Pilgrimage to Mecca in Arabia," and other literary compositions, satire, verse, etc., by Philip Freneau and Hugh Brackenridge. This volume was found by John W. Wal- lace among the manuscripts of William Bradford, Attorney General of the United States. 221. "Der Freund in der Noth," ca. 1752. 1 vol. A booklet in German script, concerning the prevailing super- stition and witchcraft, with magic formulas and recipes for the cure of diseases and protection against evil. 222. Frigate Confederacy Papers, 1776-1779, 1786. Approx. 525 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Papers of Major Joshua Huntington, Norwich, Conn., a soldier in the Revolutionary Army. The papers deal with the construc- tion of the frigate Confederacy, which was built by Hunting- ton under the direction of the Governor and Council of Safety of Connecticut, and launched in 1788. Included are accounts, payrolls, reports, etc., 1777-79, which present details of con- struction and outfitting of the frigate. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LXIII (1939), 494. 223. Fry and Rambo Papers, 1843-59. Approx. 200 items. The papers include receipts and bills of Montgomery County merchants, for merchandise. 224. Horace H. Furness Papers, 1861-65. Approx. 2,000 items. Presented by Fairman Rogers Furness and Mrs. Wirt L. Thompson. A collection of papers relating to the Sanitary Fair held in Phila- delphia in 1864. Among the items are letters, pamphlets, and broadsides pertaining to sanitation in the United States; badges, photographs, committee reports, vouchers, bills, receipts, and account books containing the names of the prominent citizens of Philadelphia active in civic and social life during the Civil War. 225. Grace Growdon Galloway Letters and Diary, 1778-81. 8 vols. (1 original, 7 photostats). Purchased by the Dreer Fund. Diary June 17, 1778 to July 1, 1779. Published in P.M.H.B., LV (1931), 35-94; LVIII (1934), 152- 189. 226. William Gamble Scrap Book, 1839-45. 1 vol. Presented by Dr. William J. Middleton, 1914. Letters to and from Dr. William Gamble, noted Philadelphia botanist and ornithologist, concern his travels in search of birds and flora in California and other places. Included are personal letters to his mother and friends. 227 (a). The Edward Carey Gardiner Collection, 1632-1939. Approx. 12,000 items. Presented by Edward Carey Gar- diner, descendant of Mathew Carey and John Penington. A collection of the papers of the Baird, Carey, Gardiner, and Penington families, prominent in political, economic, and cul- tural affairs. The papers are rich in material on literary trends of the country, its authors and writers, publication and distribu- tion of books, the art of printing, bookbinding, copyrights, and other subjects pertaining to the publishing business. The Carey family group of papers includes those of Mathew Carey (1760-1839), and Henry Carey (1793-1879), editors, writers, civic leaders, who established one of the largest publishing houses of the period in America. The papers are: Carey genea- logical records, 1632-1938; Mathew Carey, correspondence, 1784- 1839, 12 boxes; his own letters, 1791-1834, 1 box; biographical sketch of Mathew Carey, by Michael Hennessey, 1860, 1 vol.; Henry C. Carey, correspondence, 1825-79, 23 boxes, relating to politics, political economy, and the Civil War; Carey and Hart, and Carey and Lea, publishers, correspondence, 1830-50, 1 box; Carey and Hart, and Henry C. Baird, copyright papers, 1837-52, 1 box; their record books, 1830-86, 5 vols.; Edward L. Carey, journals, 1822-39, 2 vols.; correspondence, 1841-45, 1 box; St. Clair Tract papers, concerning collieries in Schuylkill County, 1835-92. Papers of the Penington family include letters of: Isaac Pen- ington (1616-79), a distinguished Quaker and author; Edward Penington (1667-1711), author, who accompanied William Penn to Pennsylvania in 1698, and later became surveyor general of the province; Edward Penington (1726-96), Quaker, merchant, member of the Provincial Council; John Penington (1768-93), physician; John Penington (1799-1867), author, and a leading bookseller; Henry Penington (1807-50), lawyer, author; and others. These papers comprise: Penington family genealogical notes, 1667-1873, 1 box; Isaac and John Penington (several of that name) letters and documents, 1844-67, 2 boxes; journal, 1790-91; Edward Penington, journal, 1749-51; letters, 1812-50; a later Edward Penington, daybook, 1799-1806; Henry Penington, cor- respondence, 1829-58, 2 boxes; legal journal, 1829; legal note book, 1829-40; account book, 1829-41; receipt book, 1832-39; ground rents, 1829-38; Edward Penington, journal, 1860-67; and other items. The Gardiner papers, 1636-1936, are chiefly genealogical notes of a prominent New England family: Sylvester Gardiner (1707-86), physician, merchant, philanthropist, who founded the town of Gardiner, Maine; John Gardiner (1731-93), lawyer, statesman; John Gardiner (1766-1830); and others. The Baird family papers contain letters of Henry Carey Baird (1825-1912), author, political writer, publisher, leader in the Whig, Republican, and Greenback parties. The papers consist of: documents and papers on the Baird family, 1794-1916, 1 box; Henry Carey Baird correspondence, 1845-1911, 12 boxes; record of his tour through England and Europe, 1847, 2 vols.; miscel- laneous documents, 1856-70; letters and journal concerning Rear Admiral Louis M. Goldsborough's naval career in the Civil War, 1862-1922, 1 vol.; Thomas J. Baird military papers, 1813- 28, 6 vols., relating to his military career, frontier life, Indian wars, etc.; letters, 1817-42, 1 vol., pertain to his domestic and personal affairs. In addition, there is a miscellaneous section containing let- ters, documents, etc., 1682-1939, 18 boxes, contributing informa- tion on domestic, legal, political, commercial affairs: Martha Powell Bowen estate papers, 1830-56, include material on Ja- maica plantations, economic affairs in the West Indies, sugar, rum, commerce, etc.; Thomas Coates estate in Philadelphia, 1828-50; Maybin estate, New Orleans, papers, 1827-43; the Fitz- John Porter papers, 1862-86, relating to his court martial and military charges brought against him during the Civil War. 227(b). Lea and Febiger Collection, 1787-1822. Approx. 50,000 items in 160 vols. Presented by Lea and Febiger, 1927, 1930. The letter books of Mathew Carey, printer and book dealer in Philadelphia and founder of one of the leading American publishing houses of the nineteenth century. These books, chiefly letters to and from American book dealers, include also Carey's correspondence with prominent political and literary personalities, and relate to all aspects of the publishing business. Included are numerous lists of publications, political pamphlets, magazines, academic books, editions of the Bible, geographies, dictionaries, histories, legal and medical publications, biogra- phies, and related material of particular interest for bibliog- raphy and cultural history. Among the letters is one of Tobias Lear, 1793, concerning maps in Washington's possession; Eben- ezer Hazard letters, 1787-90, relate to the publication of a series of political documents on the adoption of the Constitution, Anti-Federalists, etc.; Thomas Jefferson letters, 1801, 1820, com- ment on school books and scientific publications; other letters are from David Austin, Thomas B. Barton, Jeremy Belknap, George de Benneville, William Cobbett, Tench Coxe, A. J. Dal- las, John Dickinson, Timothy Dwight, John Forsyth, Levi Hol- lingsworth, A. E. Lamont, James Pembcrton, Charles Pettit, Joseph Priestley, John Paulding, James Rivington, William Spotswood, Charles Pinckney, Richard Rush, and others. 228. Colonel John Gardner Papers, 1785-91. Approx. 250 items. Miscellaneous papers from the estate of Colonel John Gardner, Revolutionary soldier and sheriff of Chester County, including correspondence, bonds, accounts, etc., reflecting economic con- ditions. 229. George Gardom Papers, 1840-90. Approx. 200 items. Pre- sented by J. Anna Gardom. A collection of family and personal correspondence, contributing information on domestic and economic conditions prevailing in the period and incidentally presenting a picture of Philadelphia life. 230. Edward Garrigues Journal, 1798. 1 vol. Presented by Sarah C. Pennypacker and Matilda Garrigues, 1914. Copy of a journal by Edward Garrigues, narrative of Quaker activities, meetings, social and domestic events, and the yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia. Copy was made by Thomas Garrigues; date not determined. 231. Genealogical Notes, 1700-1885. 5 vols. Presented by Annie A. Graff. Records of the Baum, Irwin, Graff, and Sterett families. 232. Gernon and Keating Papers, 1805-29. Approx. 150 items. This business and social correspondence between John Keating, Philadelphia importer, and Richard Gernon, French merchant, reflects economic, social, and political developments in Europe and America. 233. Gesellschaft der Unterstutzung, Cassa Buch, 1790-94. 1 vol. Cashbook of the German Relief Association of the Evangelical- Lutheran Society of Philadelphia: expense accounts and relief disbursements. In German. 234. William Gibbes Genealogy, 1841-1908. 1 vol. Presented by William Gibbes, 1937. Genealogical data on the following families: William Gibbes, Robert Wilson, Thomas Allston, Thomas Hasell of South Caro- lina, Patrick Miller of Pennsylvania, and other families. 235. James Gibbons Journals, 1804. 1 vol. Presented by Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach, 1939. Narrative of a tour through the western part of Pennsylvania and part of Ohio, describes topography, immigration, settle- ments, abundance of game, travel facilities, Quaker families, and their meeting places. 236. Gibson Papers, 1712-1846. Approx. 1,500 items. The collection relates to the colonial and early national periods: it contains land claims and deeds of Maryland, 1712-16; French and Spanish passports for trade and shipping; agreements of Philadelphia merchants to decline acceptances of notes of credit in lieu of specie, 1766; correspondence on local affairs and gen- eral politics. Included are accounts of money paid out on war- rants by the auditor general, 1777; minutes of proceedings in charges brought against the Board of the Treasury by Francis Hopkinson, treasurer of loans, 1780; a statement of Treasury accounts of Francis Hopkinson, 1780; contract between Robert Morris and Daniel Parker to supply rations to the Revolution- ary Army; register of accounts and claims against the United States, and a review of the business transacted by the Chamber of Accounts; 1779-80; legal papers and subpoenas issued by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania against Robert Morris and John Nicholson relate to unsatisfied judgments. The formation of land companies in Pennsylvania in which Robert Morris, John Nicholson, and James Gibson were interested, is shown in the papers of the Pennsylvania Population Company, Asylum Com- pany, Erie Lands, and Donation Lands, 1792-1828: the corre- spondence of their agents, Judah Colt and James Gibson, mort- gages, agreements of sales, surveys, deeds, powers of attorney, claims, court proceedings, minutes of the board of managers, and plats. There is also a copy of the map and exemplification of the grant of the Erie triangle from the United States to Penn- sylvania, 1792. In addition there is a group of letters, 1824-46, addressed to Carey and Lea; Carey, Lea and Carey; Lea and Blanchard, book- sellers and publishers. Among the names of the correspondents are: William Bainbridge, John C. Breckinridge, Horace Binney, C. C. Bonaparte, Thomas Cooper, Joseph Drayton, Millard Fillmore, C. J. Ingersoll, John Marshall, Joel R. Poinsett, Peter Du Ponceau, Joseph Quincy, R. Randolph, J. Reed, Thomas Riche, Richard Rush, Andrew Stevenson, Bushrod Washington, Hamilton Washington, and Noah Webster. 237. Harrold E. Gillingham Papers, 1792-1855. Approx. 200 items. Presented by Harrold E. Gillingham. Chiefly United States Custom House documents, with some papers of other departments. Among the items are: shipping manifests relating to the importation of liquors, 1792-1805; lists of alien passenger arrivals, 1798-1829; distillery inspection per- mits, 1792; data on importation of spool cotton by Bates and Coates, 1855; and other items. 238. Gilpin Papers, 1727-1872. Approx. 20,000 items. Presented by the estate of Henry D. Gilpin. The papers of a family distinguished in scholarship, commerce, and political leadership. Most of the papers are those of Henry D. Gilpin, whose long and varied career makes his papers par- ticularly informative on many aspects of national history. His correspondence includes letters from Martin Van Buren, 1836- 62; James Buchanan, 1839-56; George M. Dallas, 1831-59; Ed- ward Everett, 1831-61; approx. 600 from T. F. Bayard, George Peabody, Edward Livingston, Henry Clay, Richard Rush, Charles Gallagher, George Bancroft, Gouverneur Kemble, John W. Forney, J. B. Francis, Benjamin Chew, Joseph Reed Inger- soll, General Winfield Scott, and others, 1819-72. In addition to Gilpin family items, the collection includes groups of papers of the following: Joel R. Poinsett, James Wilkinson, Daniel Clark, William Short, James Brown, and David Porter. Henry D. Gilpin's papers: letters to his father, Joshua Gilpin, 1822-41, approx. 1,000 items; correspondence with his family, 1824-43, approx. 600 items; letter books, 1831-33, 1846-49, 3 vols.; diaries, 1822-59, 5 vols.; docket book, United States district at- torney, 1828-33, 1 vol.; United States district attorney, letters and correspondence, 1832-38, 11 vols. United States Bank pa- pers, 1833, 1836-37, 1 vol., contains correspondence of Henry D. Gilpin, director and examiner of the Bank, with Andrew Jack- son, Edward Livingston, Louis McLane, George M. Dallas, R. M. Whitney, William J. Duane, Roger B. Taney, Nicholas Biddle, Levi Woodbury, John M. Sullivan, and others, on il- legal transactions of the institution, misuse of Bank funds, diver- sion of funds for propaganda purposes, withdrawal of public deposits from the Bank, etc. Henry D. Gilpin's letters written during his tour through Europe, 1853-54, 1 vol.; his journals of that tour, 1853-54, 7 booklets; correspondence while in Flor- ence, Italy, which discloses his interest in art, 1853-54; corre- spondence, 1856-58, 7 vols.; scrapbook, Henry D. Gilpin, "Gov- ernor of Michigan," 1834, 1 vol. Gilpin's journalistic and literary talents are shown in his manuscripts of biographical sketches of the lives of signers of the Declaration of Independence, 1826, 2 vols.; literary reviews of current and contemporaneous pub- lications, 1829-30, 3 vols.; notes on current topics and literature, 1828-31, 1 vol.; memoranda, catalogue references on bibliog- raphy and literature, n.d., 2 vols.; miscellaneous printed matter pertaining to the University of Pennsylvania, and kindred sub- jects, 1825-64, approx. 100 items; his magazine, The Atlantic Souvenir, Christmas and New Year's Offering, 1828, Philadel- phia, and other publications; letters of condolence, tributes, eulogies received by Mrs. Henry D. Gilpin upon the death of 238. her husband, 1860, approx. 100 items; Mrs. Gilpin's publica- tion, A Memorial of Henry D. Gilpin, 1860; letters from promi- nent persons acknowledging receipt of her book, 1861, 1 vol. The papers of Joshua and Thomas Gilpin pertain to domes- tic, commercial, and industrial affairs: Joshua Gilpin corre- spondence, 1795-1841, 3 vols.; 1797-1815, 5 vols.; general corre- spondence, 1800-1822, 3 vols.; family letters from England, 1824- 30, 5 vols.; Bainbridge and Brown, London, legal correspond- ence with Joshua Gilpin, 1809-34, approx. 150 items; John Bainbridge i's. Benjamin Chew of Philadelphia, papers in a legal suit, 1809-31, approx. 200 items; Thomas Gilpin corre- spondence, 1769-1817; contracts and agreements for sales of lands in Virginia, 1769-1811; Alexander Taylor field notes of surveys for Joshua and Thomas Gilpin, 1802-12, 1 booklet; papers on western lands, 1770-80; contracts and agreements for sales of land in Pennsylvania, 1800-1817, 3 vols.; Luzerne lands, 1808-52, 1 vol.; letter book of Joshua and Thomas Gilpin con- taining the accounts of Gilpin and Fisher, 1800-1818; Thomas Gilpin journals, eastern states, 1805, 1 vol.; New England, 1805, 2 vols.; West, 1809, 2 vols.; Chester and Duck Creek surveys, estimates, maps, on building canals, 1772, 1 vol.; pamphlets on the construction of canals, railroads, tunnels, maps, printed in England, 1789-1835; maps of projected English railroads and canals, London, 1832-35; collection of specimens of bank-note paper and of engraved currency, manufactured at Brandywine Mills, Del., n.d., approx. 200 samples. Richard Gilpin's manuscripts include material on paper- making machinery, 1815, 1 vol.; his philosophical and literary essays, n.d., 2 vols.; notes on history, theatre, astrology, religion, literature, transportation, canals, agriculture, travel, etc., 1813- 28, 4 vols.; poetic notes, 1799-1818, approx. 150 items; "Pieces in Verse and Prose," by Joshua Gilpin, essays on medical science, hygiene, politics, history, etc., 1796-1806, 1 vol.; Joshua Gilpin's history of the colonies and the State of Delaware, n.d., approx. 150 pp.; essays on the manufacture of woolen goods, n.d., 1 vol.; "Wool and Cotton Manufacture, Sheep and Other Subjects Con- nected," 1815, 1 vol.; "Report on the Manufacturers of the State of Delaware, and a Report of the History and Principles of Tariff and Public Labor," n.d., 1 vol.; "Report on the Eco- nomic Condition of Philadelphia and Other Subjects," 1809, 1 vol.; "History of the Colonization of America and of the Charter and Grant of Pennsylvania and Delaware," n.d., 1 vol.; copies of letters of Thomas Fisher, and some additional notes, 1840, 1 vol.; journals and diary notes of travel, unidentified, 1836-58, approx. 200 pp.; manuscript copy of "Barremore," a novelette by Bernard Gilpin, anecdotes, etc., n.d., approx. 350 pp.; maps of ancient Greece, engraved by Barbie du Bocage, 1781-88, 1 vol. In addition, there are parchments of the marriage settlement between the Gilpin and the Dilworth families, patents of lands, deeds, etc., 1776-1834; the genealogical records and notes of the Gilpins consist of: "Memoir of the Life of Thomas Gilpin," 1769, 1 vol.; "Family in England," 1795, 1 vol.; "Memories in England," n.d., 1 vol.; genealogical memoranda, 1206-1811, 1 vol.; "Memories in America," 1800, 2 vols.; and some other items. There are approx. 700 Joel R. Poinsett items in the collection. These fall into two chronological groups: correspondence, 1794- 1829, describes his school life in Connecticut and England, travel in Russia, social life, and political activity in Mexico and South America during revolutionary upheavals there; corre- spondence, 1829-50, relates to nullification and secession move- ments in South Carolina, split and strife in the Democratic Party, abolition and slavery, political influence of John C. Calhoun, Baltimore convention, Indian affairs and Indian war- fare in the Floridas, war with Mexico, western expansion, state- hood of California, discovery of gold there, organization of the Smithsonian Institution, army reorganization, building and financing of railroads, agricultural innovations, arts and sciences. Included with the Poinsett papers are approx. 40 letters of David Porter, most of them addressed to Poinsett, concerning Por- ter's service in the Mexican navy, 1825-27. James Wilkinson vs. Daniel Clark papers, 1788-1808, approx. 300 items, relate to a legal controversy between the ally of Aaron Burr in Louisiana and another speculator; they contain information on commercial enterprises in the Mississippi valley, extension of frontiers, navigation of the Mississippi, conspiracy and rebellion in Louisiana and the Floridas, and life in New Orleans. Papers, 1786-1801, of William Short, United States charge d'affaires in Paris and secretary to Thomas Jefferson while he was a minister to France, relate to the French Revolution, European politics, and United States diplomacy; the letters are addressed to Jefferson, John Jay, John Rutledge, Gouverneur Morris, Lafayette, Edmund Randolph, James Monroe, Thomas Pinckney, David Humphreys, William Nelson, and others. Ap- prox. 40 letters, 1824-35, of James Brown, minister to France, are addressed mainly to Edward Livingston, and deal with politics in France and Spain, Brown's commercial interests in Louisiana, and American politics. Joshua Gilpin, "Journal of a Tour from Philadelphia through the Western Counties of Pennsylvania," 1809, published in P.M.H.B., L (1926), 64-78, 163-178, 380-382; LI (1927), 172-190, 351-375; LII (1928), 29-58. Extracts from commonplace book of Henry D. Gilpin, 1819, P.M.H.B., XLV (1921), 224-242. Memoir of Thomas Gilpin, P.M.H.B., XLIX (1925), 289-328. 239. Gilpin Family, Poetic and Prose Selections, 1793-1833. 3 vols. Presented by Thomas Lynch Montgomery, 1935. Essays, verse, historical narratives, and other literary composi- tions in the handwriting of Joshua Gilpin, Thomas Gilpin, and other members of the Gilpin family. 240. Maria and Elizabeth Gilpin Papers, 1738-1878. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Maria and Elizabeth Gilpin, 1923. Family papers, comprising: indentures conveying John and Wil- liam West's lands in Wilmington, Del., 1738-46; patents of land in Luzerne County, issued to John Coles, 1797; papers con- cerning Indiana lands held in trust by Joshua Gilpin for Bain- bridge and Brown, England, 1833; map of Indiana County; a map of the estate of Brandywine Manufacturing Company, Wil- mington, Del.; letters from General John A. Dix, Edward Liv- ingston, John Forsyth, George M. Dallas, and others, addressed to Henry D. Gilpin, 1833-48; Richard Penn's and Sarah Master's letters and documents concerning their financial difficulties, and the conveyance of their properties and lands in Philadelphia through Tench Francis, et al., 1775-94. 241. Christian F. Gobrecht Papers, 1795-1844. Approx. 100 items. Miscellaneous correspondence of Christian Gobrecht (1785- 1844), engraver in the United States Mint, relating to his in- ventions and improvements in the art of engraving, and to other activities in the field of his profession; a few items of personal and domestic character are included. 242. John W. Godfrey Journal, 1795-96. 1 vol. Presented by Eliza Heale, 1876. Journey from Philadelphia, on the brig Diana, to London, and a tour through England, Holland, Brabant, Flanders, and France, in the service of an American land company. The narra- tive gives some account of European cultural and social life, and describes economic conditions. 243. Edward Goodfellow Journal, 1860. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. E. Goodfellow, 1918. Journal of a tour to Labrador on board the steamer Bibb, 1860, by Edward Goodfellow, United States Coast Survey, member of the Labrador Eclipse Expedition, which was in charge of Pro- fessor Stephen Alexander, of Princeton College; describes haz- ards of the journey, collisions with icebergs and submerged rocks, fishing industry off Nova Scotia, life of the Eskimos and Indians, magnetic and other scientific observations. 244. James Goodfellow Papers, 1834-81. Approx. 250 items. Presented by Mrs. E. Goodfellow, 1918. Family papers of James Goodfellow (1796-1880); manuscripts pertaining to Geodetic Survey, professional, and social activi- ties, 1834-81; manuscript of "Historical Poem," by Thomas Land (1752-1833). 245. Goodrich and Cocke Genealogy, ca. 1861. 2 vols. Pre- sented by the estate of Helen G. Goodrich, 1935. Genealogies of the William Goodrich family, which settled in Wethersfield, Conn., about 1635, and of the Abraham Cocke family, early pioneers and settlers in Virginia and Kentucky, about 1748. These notes, compiled by Edwin Hubbard, contain data on the derivation of family names, coats of arms, bio- graphical sketches. 246. Goodson and Cart Papers, 1681-1761. 75 items. Deeds, agreements, wills, and accounts; also some correspond- ence relating to commercial and legal transactions of John Good- son, surgeon, and Samuel Cart, merchant. 247. Thomas F. Gordon Papers, ca. 1813. Approx. 100 items. Collection of notes, bibliographical data, and essays prepared by Gordon in connection with his research in United States history. 248. Graff Papers, 1860-1909. Approx. 150 items. Presented by Annie A. Graff, 1921. Paul Graff's diaries, 1882-93, 1897; and Edgar P. Graff's account book, 1905-9. 249. Bernard Granville, History of the Granville Family, ca. 1880. 2 vols. Purchased by the Lloyd Fund, 1931. Genealogical data on the Granville family with biographical and historical notes, illustrated with engravings, photographs, and drawings; compiled by Bernard Granville. 250. Gratz Collections, 1383-1921. Approx. 175,000 items. Presented by Simon Gratz; some items purchased by the Gratz Fund. The Gratz collections of autograph letters and portraits contain representative documents of men who played prominent roles in all phases of modern history. Included are groups of papers of men eminent in the political and economic growth of Amer- ica; the collection is arranged in three sections: American, Euro- pean, Miscellaneous. American p olitical sub j ects: presidential administrations, 1789-1901, 15 boxes, letters of every President and cabinet mem- ber from George Washington to William McKinley; Albany Convention, 1745-54, 1 box; American diplomats, 1786-1898, 4 boxes; American government, 1785-1892, 2 boxes, letters of offi- cials and of persons prominent in the affairs of the nation; mis- cellaneous American autographs, 1693-1895, 16 boxes, letters of educators, diplomats, financiers, jurists, military and naval officers, merchants, publishers, statesmen; Annapolis Conven- tion, 1771-1819, 1 box; Articles of Confederation, 1769-1816, 1 box; government officials in the Revolution, 1759-1816, 2 boxes; colonial governors, 1642-1798, 3 boxes; Committee and Council of Safety, 1764-90, 1 box; Declaration of Independ- ence, 1757-1816, 2 boxes, 1764-1816, 1 box, letters of all the signers, portraits, and views of their residences; Federal Con- vention, 1777-1810, 2 boxes; first Congress under the Consti- tution, 1770-1812, 2 boxes; foreign ministers to the United States, 1779-1910, 3 boxes; governors of Pennsylvania, 1681-1782, 1 box; letters and documents of William Penn, Richard Penn, Thomas Pcnn, John Penn, and letter book of Richard Peters, containing letters to the proprietaries of Pennsylvania, 1755-57, 1 vol.; governors of Pennsylvania, 1641-1922, 2 boxes; governors of states, 1759-1922, 13 boxes; Hartford Convention, 1791-1843, 1 box; members of Old Congress, 1754-1820, 10 boxes, 1761-1820, 2 boxes; Mexican and South American, 1801-95, 2 boxes; may- ors of Philadelphia, 1692-1920, 2 boxes; non-importation reso- lutions, 1739-1861, 1 box; Peace Congress of 1861, 1815-93, 2 boxes; Pennsylvania Convention, 1752-1802, 1 box; Pennsyl- vania Guard, 1863, 1 box; Provincial Conference of 1776, 1730- 1806, 1 box; Provincial Congress of 1774, 1757-1805, 1 box; Pro- vincial Convention, 1758-1800, 1 box; Presidents of the United States, Vice-Presidents, 1784-1896, 1 box, includes also other eminent men of the period; Speakers of the House of Repre- sentatives, 1773-1911, 1 box; Stamp Act Congress, 1734-90, 1 box; United States senators, 1775-1922, 13 boxes; unsuccessful can- didates for Presidency and Vice-Presidency, 1796-1904, 2 boxes; Washington and his family, 1731-1859, 2 boxes; Washington, his aides and secretaries, 1770-1820, 1 box. American wars : American navy in the Revolution, 1742-1843, 2 boxes; Board of War and Navy Board, 1776-99, 1 box; British officers in War of 1812, 1803-66, 1 box; colonial wars, 1657-1815, 4 boxes; American officers in the Revolution, 1747-1842, 8 boxes; French and Indian War, 1756, 1 box; French officers in the Revolution, 1764-1836, 3 boxes; foreign officers in British army in the Revolution, and American loyalists, 1747-1827, 4 boxes; generals in the Revolution, 1691-1863, 6 boxes; Indians and In- dian wars, 1676-1858, 2 boxes; Mexican War, 1819-94, 2 boxes; United States naval officers, 1795-1906, 7 boxes; War of 1812, 1793-1844, 3 boxes, 1794-1853, 4 boxes; Civil War colonels, 1857-1890, 2 boxes; Civil War brevet brigadier generals, 1803- 1904, 5 boxes; Civil War Confederate generals, 1841-1901, 7 boxes, 1832-1911, 3 boxes; Civil War Union generals, 1777-1901, 11 boxes; Confederate army, 1834-95, 2 boxes; Confederate navy, 1836-83, 1 box; Confederate Congress and miscellaneous, 1832- 86, 1 box; constitution of the Confederate States, 1832-89, 1 box; governors of the Confederate States, 1837-84, 1 box. Jurists : American judges, 1668-1925, 11 boxes; American law- yers, 1699-1913, 7 boxes; attorneys general of Pennsylvania, 1702- 1922, 2 boxes; High Court of Errors and Appeals of Pennsyl- vania, 1758-1808, 1 box; judges, Supreme Court, 1778-1924, 2 boxes; Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1679-1923, 3 boxes. 250. Church and cle rg ymen : American clergy, 1683-1920, 22 boxes, 1755-1874, 8 boxes; American colonial clergy, 1647-1803, 5 boxes; chaplains in the French and Indian wars, 1732-1812, 1 box; Methodist bishops, 1790-1902, 1 box; Moravian bishops, 1738- 1880, 1 box; Presbyterian moderators, 1788-1900, 4 boxes, 1761- 1889, 4 boxes; Protestant Episcopal bishops, 1768-1921, 5 boxes; Protestant Episcopal ministers, 1813-93, 2 boxes; Roman Cath- olic prelates, 1795-1921, 2 boxes; sermons, 1650-1788, 38 vols.; sermons of early New England clergy, 1654-1805, and miscel- laneous church papers, 1745-1815, 2 boxes. Cultural, arts, sciences : American actors and actresses, 1794- 1928, 7 boxes; American authors, 1782-1879, 7 boxes; American historians, 1684-1915, 6 boxes; American literary men, 1670- 1890, 11 boxes; American poets, 1728-1907, 9 boxes; American prose writers, 1700-1921, 17 boxes; hymn writers, 1753-93, 2 boxes; prose and poetry of American authors, 1780-1915, 3 boxes; literary miscellaneous, 1790-1912, 4 boxes; notable Ameri- can women, 1724-1894, 2 boxes; inventors, 1733-1876, 2 boxes; explorers, discoverers, mathematicians and astronomers, 1776- 1911, 2 boxes; painters, sculptors, and engravers, 1790-1921, 5 boxes; physicians, 1682-1923, 9 boxes; philanthropists, inter- national, 1761-1902, 4 boxes; scientists, 1740-1909, 5 boxes; uni- versity and college presidents, 1647-1921, 8 boxes. M iscellaneous personal groups: John Dickinson correspond- ence, 1775-98, 2 boxes, includes Congressional acts signed by Charles Thomson, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock; George Washington letters, 1781-82; Marquis de Lafayette, 1789; George Latimer, 1788; Robert Morris, 1797-98; Charles Lee, 1775; Tad- eusz Kosciuszko, and others; Albert Gallatin correspondence, 1801-11, 3 boxes; Stephen Girard papers, 1794-1811, 1 box; Charles Thomson correspondence, 1754-1824, 4 boxes, includes his memorandum book, 1754-74, with notes on the Revolution- ary Convention; Baron von Steuben, letters and correspondence, 1782-93, 1 box. Indian affairs : papers of John Reynell, commissioner for Indian affairs, relate to Indians at Fort Augusta, Fort Pitt, 1758- 65; copy of Cornplanter's speech to the Quakers, 1790; letters relating to trade and shipping; Deborah Morris' letters, 1788; school funds, 1765; taxes, 1735; Indian affairs, 1756-63, 1 box, contains commissioners' accounts, cash and receipt books; Pennsylvania-Pittsburgh invoice books, 1760-61, 2 vols.; day- book, Pittsburgh, 1760-65; daybooks, Shamokin, 1759-61, 2 vols.; daybook, Fort Allen, 1759-60, 1 vol.; John Wellington corre- spondence, 1786-1807, 1 box, relates to frontier activities, Indian fighting, and United States army operations. Territorial expansion and settlements in Penn s ylvania : Asy- lum Company, 1794-1839, 2 boxes; list of stockholders, notes, correspondence, agreements of sales of lands in Bradford, Co- lumbia, Lycoming, Northumberland, and other counties; Avon- by-the-Sea Land and Improvement Company, 1892-95, 1 box; deeds, 1712-1845, 6 boxes, documents of properties in various counties; John Nicholson's land transactions, 1781-1832, 1 box; Northumberland County, 1773-94, 1 box, land transactions, surveys, trade, legal, politics, etc.; Pennsylvania Population Company, 1792-94, 6 boxes; North American Land Company, 1800-1880, 1 box; early Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 1684- 1853, 4 boxes, contain correspondence of colonial settlers, sur- veys, trade, military, and domestic records; surveys, 1688-1829, 1 box; York County, 1768-1847, 2 boxes, land transactions, legal, domestic, and political records. Penn s ylvania politics and l e gal affairs : Benjamin S. Bonsall correspondence, 1830-36, 1 box; Thomas Bradford correspond- ence, 1800-1846, 1 box; Charles Gilpin correspondence, 1864-68, 4 boxes; A. Boyd Hamilton correspondence, 1836-79, 4 boxes; William Orbison correspondence, 1806-40, 4 boxes, contain Jackson and anti-Jackson material, Simon Cameron letters, and Buck Shot War papers; Samuel D. Patterson correspondence, 1839, 1 box; Thomas Lamborn docket books, 1813-59, 3 vols. Commercial records : John Astley, 1799-1819, 1 box; Thomas Astley, Philadelphia merchant, 1813-35, 1 box, correspondence on trade and land transactions; Andrew Clow and David Cay, Philadelphia merchants, papers, 1730-1816, 4 boxes, relate to trade with England, West Indies, Newburyport, Mass., Wilming- ton, Del., and other places; Samuel Coates receipt books, 1740- 56, 1781-1818, memorandum book, 1813-18; William Manington accounts, 1699-1703, 1 vol.; Cramond, Phillips and Company, Philadelphia merchants, correspondence, 1789-1801, 1 box; Ham- ilton-Hood papers, 1813-35, 11 boxes, relate to commerce, finance, accounts, receipts, etc.; Thomas Barn day and receipt books, 1827-35, 2 vols.; William Clarkson and George Morrison ledger, 1767-79; Isaac Zane ledger, 1748-59; bonds, 1749-75, 1 box, miscellaneous agreements and obligations signed by men of the colonial period. Corre s pondence of officials of United States government de - 250. partments: Department of Internal Revenue, 1849-68, 1 box; Navy Department, 1862-68, 1 box; Treasury Department, 1821- 68, 4 boxes; United States Attorney General's office, 1850-65, 1 box; War Department, 1851-68, 1 box; Custom House revenue inspector certificates, 1795-1807, 1 box; revenue documents, 1806-8, 1 box. Other groups of papers in the American section: John Wil- liams and family papers, 1706-1811, 1 box; Elizabeth Graeme Fergusson correspondence, 1737-94, 1 box; Loganian Library and Philadelphia Library Company papers, 1767-1824, 1 box; Benjamin Lightfoot letters from Reading, 1770, 1 box; Phila- delphia Almshouse, poor daybook, 1739; Philadelphia Monthly Meeting and Free School Corporation accounts, 1743-78; Wis- tar papers, 1773-1815, 1 box; Martha Lee poetry and miscel- laneous papers, 1775-1800, 1 box, includes sketches of the State House, 1800; William Maclay, drafts and family papers, 1767- 92; Nathan Arnaut ciphering book, 1775; "Americana," 1787- 1802, 1 box, miscellaneous manuscripts of diaries, poetry, re- ligious writings, etc.; Benjamin West correspondence, 1789- 1824, 1 box; criminals and their victims, 1791-1868, 1 box; J. H. Walmouth, account of the yellow fever epidemic in Philadel- phia, 1798, 1 box; Penn-Gaskill-Hall correspondence, 1816-99, 1 box; Dr. Joseph Chamberlain correspondence, 1828-45, 1 box, relating to the medical profession; Sallie Knowles diaries, 1845- 50, 1 vol., and journal concerning the building of the Annapolis and Elk Ridge Railroad, 1838, 1 box; Loyalist Poetry of the Revolution, by Winthrop Sargent (2 vols., Philadelphia, 1857) interleaved with approx. 230 autograph letters, portraits, and newspaper clippings, 1767-1857; Winthrop Sargent, notes and poetry, ca. 1847, 1 box; Art Union of Philadelphia papers, 1849- 51; Cohocksink Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, papers, 1877-1911, 1 box; Simon Gratz, manuscript of "A Book About Autographs," 1919, 1 box; Simon Gratz correspondence, 1860- 1919, approx. 15 boxes, on civil affairs, education, autographs, etc.; miscellaneous letters, 1570-1879, 1 box; American and European celebrities, royalty, diplomats, statesmen, authors, military and naval officers, etc.; miscellaneous papers, 1686-1880, 25 boxes, relate to national and local politics, trade with In- dians, land transactions, religion, penal law, etc.; lottery tickets, 1699-1860, 1 box; Continental, New England, Middle Atlantic, Southern, and Confederate paper money and stamps, n.d., 5 boxes; playbills, 1821-47, 1 box; portraits of American and European celebrities, n.d., approx. 75 boxes. The European section contains letters and pap ers, ca. 1383- 1916: British authors, 1590-1912, 11 boxes; British bishops, 1600- 1903, 3 boxes; British clergy, 1568-1871, 3 boxes; British drama- tists, 1648-1898, 2 boxes; British historians and essayists, 1697- 1909, 2 boxes; British jurists, 1557-1911, 4 boxes; British literary, miscellaneous, 1600-1912, 6 boxes; British poets, 1600-1912, 7 boxes; British Prime Ministers, 1563-1903, 2 boxes; British states- men, 1572-1890, 4 boxes; Canadians, 1711-1916, 2 boxes; Euro- pean actresses and actors, 1712-1900, 9 boxes; European clergy, 1568-1870, 6 boxes; European critics and orientalists, 1568-1892, 3 boxes; European military and naval, 1459-1893, 9 boxes; Euro- pean miscellaneous, 1557-1906, 11 boxes; European painters and sculptors, 1508-1903, 7 boxes; European physicians, 1559-1900, 4 boxes; European scientists, 1635-1899, 9 boxes; European statesmen, 1504-1910, 4 boxes; French authors, 1443-1904, 9 boxes; French generals, 1680-1847, 3 boxes; French Revolution, 1768-1812, 10 boxes; foreign hymn writers, 1566-1888, 3 boxes; German miscellaneous, 1735-1868, 3 boxes; Italian authors, 1407- 1908, 1 box; Luther and the Reformation, 1515-1603, 1 box; musicians and composers, 1616-1913, 16 boxes; Napoleon and his marshals, 1792-1832, 1 box; northern and central European literary, 1559-1887, 6 boxes; northern and central European historians and novelists, 1525-1920, 3 boxes; northern and cen- tral European poets and dramatists, 1525-1920, 3 boxes; notable European women, 1573-1872, 2 boxes; popes, 1586-1831, 1 box; Portuguese, Italian, Belgian, Spanish authors, 1471-1893, 1 box; royalty, England, 1479-1870, 1 box; royalty, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Russia, 1587-1872, 1 box; royalty, France, 1383-1890, 2 boxes; royalty, miscellaneous, 1461-1866, 2 boxes; royalty, Prussia, Austria, Germany, 1509-1883, 1 box; royalty, Spain, Portugal, 1402-1870, 1 box; Swiss authors, 1650-1859, 1 box; Thirty Years' War, 1583-1699, 4 boxes. The miscellaneous section consists of a pp rox. 50,000 letters and pap ers, ca. 1533-1910, al p habeticall y arran g ed. It includes letters of: Governor Edmund Andros, 1677; General John Armstrong, 1769; Susanna Anthony, 1770; John Jacob Astor, 1842; John Bradford, 1720; Governor Jonathan Belcher; George Bryan; George Clinton; George Clymer; DeWitt Clin- ton, 1822; John Dickinson; William Dearborn, 1808; William Duer, 1786; Edward Everett, 1827; Benjamin Eastburn, 1734; William Eaton, 1805; Joseph Galloway, 1769; Adolphus W. Greely; Jonathan Greenleaf, 1843; Alexander Hamilton; Samuel Hopkins, 1770; William Harrison, 1786; Patrick Henry; Jared 250. Ingersoll; John Jay, 1822; Washington Irving; Dyre Kearney, 1787; James Kent; Francis Scott Key; John Laurens, 1778; Gouverneur Morris, 1806; John P. Montgomery, 1776; Thomas Mifflin, 1791; John Nicholson, 1795; Isaac Morris; Samuel Otis, 1789; Richard and Thomas Penn, 1755; Edmond Pendleton; James Parker, 1793; Colonel James Rodney, 1764; Joseph Reed, 1812; Peyton Randolph; J. Bayard Smith, 1778; Jonathan D. Sergeant, 1784; Henry D. Saussure, 1787; Theodore Sedgwick, 1799; William Tweed, 1841; John Tyler, Jr., 1842; James Wads- worth, 1780; John F. Zubley, 1767; and others. Among the men who participated in the Revolutionary -and Civil wars rr p rrsrntrrl h y pnp rrs in this srrfinn, arp' John Armstrong, 1777; Benedict Arnold, 1777; John Cadwalader, 1786; Clement Biddle; Arthur St. Clair, 1776; Nathanael Greene; Edward Hand; William Irvine; John Knox; Daniel Morgan, 1785; Peter Muhlenberg, 1788; Lewis Nicola; Charles C. Pinckney; John Sullivan; Baron von Steuben, 1790; French officers who served in the American Revolution; generals who served in the Union and Confederate armies, 1838-91; delegates to the peace conventions, 1861. Included also are broadsides, cartoons, songs, etc., chiefly Confederate, 1861-66; lithographs of soldier camps, etc. Papers of clergymen and missionaries of various denomina- tions form a large part of this section, and contribute much information on church history in the United States, ca. 1605- 1809. There are sermons of noted theologians; French letters, 1820-25, of pastors of the Walloon churches in Holland; Latin synodal documents and manuscripts of the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries. Other miscellaneous items are: manuscripts of James Monroe, 1794-1828, on the French Revolution; instruc- tions to James Monroe by Edmund Randolph, 1794-96; Aaron Burr letters, 1775-1811; Erick Bollman, 1810; William Eaton, 1802; Joseph Bonaparte correspondence, 1815-27; parchment deeds, 1691-1786, of Pennsylvania and New Jersey; Judge Clyde Symmes to Captain Dayton on settlements west of Ohio, on the Miami, 1789; papers relating to Indian affairs, 1789-1806; Irish Revolution papers, 1806-13; Mexico and South America, 1785- 1843; United States Bank, 1805; Bank of North America, 1813- 14; Canadian Rebellion, 1837-38; political relations between France and America, 1783-93; letters of writers, artists, scholars, scientists, physicians, apothecaries, penologists, reformers, etc., ca. 1711-1910, including Joseph Lancaster's voluminous corre- spondence on education, James Rumsey's manuscripts and printed material, 1788, concerning his invention of the first steam vessel, and other papers bearing on intellectual trends. A large portion of the persons represented in the miscel- laneous section are European celebrities, from England, France, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Spain, Russia, Italy, Greece, Portugal, and other countries. 251. Henry M. Gratz Papers, 1762-1921. Approx. 50 items. A collection of miscellaneous papers from members of the Gratz family. Among the items are: copy of the will of William Trent, 1796; legal documents of Simon and Hyman Gratz, 1805; Simon Gratz, stock certificates in various transportation enterprises, 1811-31; scrip paper money, 1837-39; French assignats, 1792; Simon Gratz certificate to practice before the Supreme Court, 1860; stock accounts, 1864-65; Alfred Gratz, patent certificate for an attachment to a talking machine, 1903; and other items. 252. Peter A. Grotjan Memoirs, 1774-1850. 2 vols. Presented by Pedro G. Salom, 1936. The memoirs of Peter Grotjan, German merchant who settled in Philadelphia about 1796, concern commercial activities in Philadelphia, Reading, and other parts of Pennsylvania, influ- ential German families, trade between Germany and the United States, territorial expansion, and his journeys to South America and the West Indies. See "Memoirs of an Early American," Harper's Magazine, vol. 172 (1936-37), 33ff, 160ff. 253. Grubb Furnace and Forge Account Books, 1765-1880. 89 vols. Presented by Daisy E. R. Grubb, M. Lilly Beall, Mrs. William M. Thornton, Jr., Mrs. William T. Morris, Mrs. I. Wistar Morris. These are the business accounts of Peter and Henry Bates Grubb, early iron masters of Pennsylvania. The collection con- tains material on the development and commercial activities of some of the leading furnaces and forges in Pennsylvania. The records are: Hopewell Forge, Lancaster County, journals, 1765-1805, 12 vols.; ledgers, 1765-1800, 13 vols.; fine books, 1775-1809, 3 vols.; coal book, 1796-99, 1 vol.; cashbook, 1786-88, 1 vol.; daybooks, 1769-96, 4 vols. Mount Vernon Furnace, journal, 1800-1805, 1 vol.; ledgers, 1800-1812, 2 vols.; cashbook, coal accounts, 1800-1802, 1 vol.; daybooks, 1801-5, 3 vols.; provision books, gristmill accounts, 1805-12, 3 vols. Mount -Hope Furnace, journals, 1784-1819, 4 vols.; ledgers, 1784-1820, 4 vols.; daybooks, 1784-1828, 5 vols.; provision books, 1786-1803, 2 vols.; fine book, 1810-66, 2 vols.; blotter, 1799-1802, 1 vol.; cashbooks, 1786-1802, 2 vols. Codorus Forge, ledger books, 1802-12, 4 vols.; daybook, 1805-6, 1 vol.; cash books, 1805-12, 2 vols.; journals, 1802-12, 3 vols. Codorus Ore Bank, Billets Landing, accounts, 1866-68, 1 vol. Manada Furnace, time book, pig iron shipper, 1836-59, 1 vol. Columbia and St. Charles Furnaces, daybook, 1853, 1853-77, 1 vol.; ledger, 1854-80, 1 vol. Chestnut Hill Ore Bank, daybooks, 1855-75, 3 vols. Cornwall Ore Bank, reports, 1866-71, 1 vol. Clement Grubb, personal, provision ledger, 1841-42; ledger, 1852-59, 1 vol. Clippings, advertising, etc., relating to iron business, n.d., 1 vol.; ledgers, 1804-6, 2 vols.; provision books, 1804-7, 1 vol.; 1811-23, 1 vol.; daybook (German script), 1809-14, 1 vol. 254. A. Oakey Hall Manuscripts, ca. 1860-90. Approx. 500 pages. Presented by Mrs. Skinner. A collection of lore, tales, narratives of old New York, romance of Broadway, stories of prominent men, crimes, and celebrated legal cases; also contains poetry and essays on religion, politics history, and other items of journalistic and literary character Among Hall's writings are: "Old and Young Broadway,' "Crimes of Broadway," "The Birth of Central Park," "A Mem orable New York Summer," "New York Murder Sensation,' "New York, City of Inventors," "Evolution of Olden Manhatten Christmas," "The Past Glories of Saratoga Springs," "Why Fulton and Clinton Deserve New York Statues," "The Loves of Queen Elizabeth," "Catholicism," "Degeneracy of Protestant- ism," "Victoria's Recollections," "The Prodigal." 255. John Elihu Hall, Translation of Anacreon, ca. 1822. 1 vol. Presented by Gregory B. Kean. Translation of "Memoirs of Anarcreon, from the version of Thomas Moore," written about 1822 for The Port Folio, by its editor, John Elihu Hall, of Philadelphia. 256. Reynold T. Hall Papers, 1861-89. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Mrs. Reynold T. Hall. Collection of papers showing Philadelphia's humanitarian in- terests and charitable activities on behalf of disabled soldiers and orphans, victims of the Civil War. The papers contain: correspondence, minutes, 1861-64, relating to the organization of the Cooper Shop, Volunteer Refreshment Saloon; Soldiers Home in Philadelphia, 1866-89; correspondence book, 1863-65; Educational Home for Boys, 1883; and other items. 257. S. M. Hallowell Papers, 1849-77. Approx. 200 items. These papers include Hallowell canceled drafts and commercial notes with documentary stamps attached; correspondence per- taining to financial matters and trade in which Morris L. Hallowell and Company were interested; also photographs, notes on Grecian mythology, and items relating to the publica- tion of Browning's Ring and the Book. 258. Andrew and James Hamilton Papers, 1713-71, 1834-1905. 1 vol. and 25 items. Presented by H. Hamilton Palairet and Lena Cadwalader Evans. Official documents, petitions, instructions, commissions, and reports of Andrew Hamilton (1676-1741), attorney general of Pennsylvania, and James Hamilton (1710-83), governor general of Pennsylvania: 25 items, 1834-1905, papers relating to Hamil- ton ground rents at Lancaster. 259. Hance Hamilton Papers, 1739-79. Approx. 225 items. Presented by Donald McPherson, 1927. These papers pertain to official, legal, and commercial transac- tions, and include bonds, receipts, accounts, etc., mostly relat- ing to York County, during the colonial period. 260. James Hamilton Docket Book, 1739-40. 1 vol. Presented by Frank M. Etting, 1876. Docket of James Hamilton, prothonotary in "Philadelphia. 261. Major General Edward Hand Papers, 1771-1807. Ap- prox. 425 items. Correspondence, accounts, and military orders, including: papers and correspondence, 1771-1803; orderly books, 1776; revenue account books, 1792-1807, 1797-1801; and miscellaneous letters written by Hand, 1775-1801; 109 letters to his wife. Correspondence, 1779-81, published in P.M.H.B., XXXIII (1909), 353; orderly book, 1778, in P.M.H.B., XLI (1917), 198- 223, 257-27.3, 458-467. 262. Harding in Canada, Letters, 1924. 1 vol. Presented by Frederic R. Kirkland, 1937. Letters of eminent statesmen of Canada and the United States, addressed to R. J. Cromie, publisher of the Vancouver Sun, Vancouver, B.C., commend him for presenting to the National Press Galleries at Washington, John Innes' painting in com- memoration of President Harding's visit to Canada in 1923. 263. Genealogy of Hare-Powel and Kindred Families, 1807- 1907. 1 vol. Presented by Robert J. Hare-Powel. Records of the ancestry of the Robert Johnston Hare-Powel family of New York and Newport, R.I. Included are photo- graphs of members of the families, their coats of arms, pictures of landmarks in England and the United States, and biographi- cal sketches of Samuel Powel, Robert Hare, and others. 264. Lewis R. Harley Papers, ca. 1891-1918. Approx. 1,000 pages. Collection of Lewis R. Harley's essays and addresses on his- torical and biographical subjects. Among his writings are "The English Idea of Government at the Close of the Sixteenth Cen- tury," 'Abraham Lincoln," "Baron von Steuben," "America and the Star Spangled Banner," "Reflections on the Uses of History," "Henry Ford and History." 265. S. Bell Harper Recipes and Fact Book, 1809. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Charles M. Smith Fund, 1939. Recipes for cooking and baking; also memoranda of popula- tions of several cities in Europe and America, and notes on academic studies. 266. John Harris Collection, 1687-1915. Approx. 500 items. Purchased by the Library Fund. Manuscripts in the Harris collection were assembled by Colonel William C. Armor and include correspondence, accounts, and other papers of John Hap is (1726-91), founder of Harrisburg, and some of his descendants; a group of autograph letters and documents signed by governors of the colony and state of Penn- sylvania and by some members of the supreme executive coun- cil. The signatures of William Penn, John Penn, William Mark- ham, Thomas Wharton, James Logan, Edward Shippen, James Hamilton, Simon Cameron, John Quincy Adams, James Buchanan are included. In addition, the collection contains: the ledger books of John Harris, 1718-75, 1770-91; correspond- ence, accounts, documents, etc., relating to commercial, legal, and land transactions, and to family affairs, 1734-1915; auto- graph letters and documents, 1687-1915; and two pamphlets, Companion for the Counting House or, Duties payable on Goods Imported into America, 1789, and The Patriot Hymn Book, 1862. 267. George Harrison Papers, 1812-32. Approx. 150 items. Correspondence and copies of resolutions of Congress, relating to orders from military and naval authorities for the manufac- ture of medals, emblems, swords, etc., for presentation to dis- tinguished officers in recognition of gallantry in service against British vessels. The names of officers so honored include Isaac Hull of the Constitution, Stephen Decatur of the United States, Jacob Jones of the Wasp, William Bainbridge, Oliver H. Perry, and others. 268. Vindication of William H. Harrison, 1854. 1 vol. Written by Colonel Charles S. Todd, and published in the Na- tional Intelligencer, October 19, 1854: a defense of the military character of General William H. Harrison, whose merits and soldierly ability had been severely criticized by Joel T. Hcadley in The Second War With England (2 vols., New York, 1853). The papers deal particularly with the campaigns in the North- west during the War of 1812. 269. Harrison Oil Company Papers, 1864-66. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Charles B. Harding, 1918. These papers relate to working and drilling for oil in Pennsyl- vania, and include: receipt book, 1865-66; correspondence, bills, deeds, 1864. 270. A Record of the Hart Family of Philadelphia, 1735- 1920. 1 vol. Presented by Thomas Hart, 1921. Genealogical history of the family of Samuel Hart, a Scots- Irish family which settled in Bucks County about 1735. These notes and papers were compiled and edited by Thomas Hart in 1920. 271. John Hatkinson Ledger, 1748-58. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society, 1902: Ledger of John Hatkinson, Philadelphia merchant, partner of Robert Morris, contains accounts of general business transac- tions, names of clients, and prices of commodities. 272. General Herman Haupt Letter Book, 1852. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Library Fund, 1913. Letter press copies of letters of General Herman Haupt, written during his employment as chief engineer of the Georgia, Missis- sippi and Southern Railroad. They relate to his managerial activities and contribute information on the growth and exten- sion of transportation facilities in the South. 273. John H. Hawkins Journal, 1779-81. 1 vol. Military campaigns in New England during the American Revo- lution are described by Hawkins, sergeant major in one of the Revolutionary brigades, operating in the northern colonies. The journal furnishes details of troop movements, battles, mili- tary and economic conditions, espionage, and courts-martial. 274. William Hayley Manuscript, ca. 1800, 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Howard Edwards, 1926. "Eulogies of Howard," by William Hayley, a friend of John Howard, distinguished English philanthropist and humani- tarian, to whom this memoir relates. The account includes data on social and cultural history of England in the latter part of the eighteenth century. 275. John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder Papers, 1755- 1822. Approx. 150 items. Presented by John W. Jordan. The correspondence and papers relating to Heckewelder's life, and work among the Indians, with notes on their vocabulary, folklore, and traditions, include: correspondence, biographical and historical narratives of the Indians, 1755-1822; "Iroquois Vocables," by J. C. Pyrlaeus, 1749; and Heckewelder's account of his journey to Ohio, 1797. Account of journey to Gnadenhutten, 1797, published in P.M.H.B., X (1886), 125-157. 276. James E. Hele Letter Books, 1825-28. 3 vols. Presented by Daniel R. Pannepacker. Hele's copies of his letters to relatives and friends, written from Puerto Cabello, Colombia. The letters describe living condi- tions, Hele's business and shiping enterprises, local affairs, and military and political events. 277. Henderson-Wertmuller Papers, 1779-1822. Approx. 150 items. Presented by Charles Henry Hart. Miscellaneous correspondence, accounts, and documents relat- ing to the settlement of the estates of John Henderson and Elizabeth Wertmuller; data on labor costs, commodity prices; correspondence of Lydia Henderson and John Nicholson, 1790- 95; list of the subscribers for the purchase of an organ for St. Paul's Church, 1783. 278. Alexander Henry Papers, 1840-1876. Approx. 350 items. Presented by Mrs. Bayard Henry. War sentiments and civic affairs in Philadelphia during the Civil War are shown in Alexander Henry's correspondence, 1860-65, with prominent men of that period. Demonstrations, rioting, and danger of mob violence are discussed. There are letters, 1859-64, from mayors of various cities; letters, 1858-65, from army and navy officers, pertaining to defense of Fort Dela- ware, protection of bridges and railroads, sale of fire arms, purchase of ordnance, deserters, etc.; letters, 1876, relate to the Centennial Exhibition. Among the items is a volume contain- ing a list of marriages solemnized by Henry, 1858-61, and a Narrative of Privation and Suffering of United States Officers and Soldiers while in the hands of the Rebel Authorities, 1864. 279. Betsy and Eliza Henry Music Books, 1796-1823. 6 vols. Presented by Laura Bell. Secular music in manuscript, English and German songs, in vogue in Pennsylvania during the eighteenth century. 280. William Henry Papers, 1759-1812. 7 vols. Presented by John W. Jordan, 1889. Correspondence and other documents relating to Henry's politi- cal interests in Lancaster County and his activities during the Revolution; there are, also, a few additional items of a miscel- laneous character. The papers include: letters, documents, and accounts, 1759-1812; ledger, 1777-79; a record of the "disburse- ments of the Hide Department," 1779-83; Lancaster County docket, 1774-81; J. J. Henry's journal of the campaign against Quebec, 1775; his notes on Indian names of rivers and streams, Indian vocabulary, and notes for a history of the Indian na- tions, with maps of Pennsylvania counties. Sixteen letters to William Henry, 1777, 1783, published in P.M.H.B., XXII (1898), 106-113. 281. Isaac Hicks Docket Books, 1772-1832. 2 vols. Docket books of Isaac Hicks, justice of the peace in Bucks County, contain lists of cases to be heard in his court, records of marriages performed, judgments, writs issued. 282. Daniel Hiester Papers, 1739-1822. 65 items. Presented by the descendants of William Hiester Clymer. Miscellaneous correspondence, land warrants, indentures, and plans, mainly of colonial Pennsylvania. 283. Martin Hildal Arithmetic and Commonplace Book, 1764, 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1926. Lessons in arithmetic, English composition, poetry. 284. Charles R. Hildeburn, Loyalist Ladies in Revolution- ary Times, 1900. 1 package. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1926. Manuscript of A Trunkful of Old Letters from Loyalist Ladies in Revolutionary Times, edited by Charles R. Hildeburn (New York, Dodd, Mead and Company, 1900), describes social life and the views of Tories during the American Revolution. 285. Charles R. Hildeburn Obituary Notices, 1728-91. 1 vol. Presented by Charles R. Hildeburn. Obituary notices, copied from the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1728- 91. 286. Charles R. Hildeburn Papers, 1738-1894. Approx. 1,900 items. Presented by Charles R. Hildeburn, 1896. Miscellaneous correspondence, records of commercial transac- tions, and notes, 1738-1885; correspondence regarding reprint- ing of Bradford, Laws of New York, 1893-95; papers relating to the Isaac Harvey estate, 1891; miscellaneous printed pam- phlets, 1790; genealogical papers and correspondence relating to the Swift, Richc, and Inman families, 1740-1885. Five items, 1765, published in P.M.H.B., II (1878), 296-302. 287. Michael Hillegas Letter Books, 1757-60. 2 vols. Pre- sented by Charles Lockrey, 1905-7. Letter books of a prominent Philadelphia merchant and treas- urer of the United States, 1775-89, relate to his business affairs and administrative activities. They contain his copies of letters to clients, which reflect his extensive trade in paper, spices, calico, musical instruments, etc., and records of the sale of loan certificates and other financial transactions for the United States government. Nine Hillegas letters published in P.M.H.B., XXIX (1905), 232-239. 288. John Hinrichs Diary, 1778-80. 1 vol. Copies of letters by John Hinrichs, staff captain in the Hessian Hunters Corps, operating with the British army in the Ameri- can Revolution. The letters, addressed to Hinrichs' relatives and friends, describe the war from an English point of view, eco- nomic condition of the country, lack of supplies in the Revolu- tionary Army, the political motives involved in the struggle, the course of the military campaigns from Philadelphia, Flush- ing, New York, South Carolina, and other places, French and Russian interests in the war, and the strategies of commanding officers in both armies. In German. 289. Hollingsworth Collection, 1748-1887. Approx. 165,000 items. Political and economic development of the United States, is shown in business papers of the distinguished merchant family of Zebulon Hollingsworth (1696-1763), flour manufacturer in Elkton, Levi Hollingsworth (1739-1824), and their descendants. The name of the family business establishment was changed in the course of its history: in 1759 it was "Adams and Hollings- worth"; in 1770, "Hollingsworth and Rudulph"; in 1772, "Levi Hollingsworth"; in 1793, "Levi Hollingsworth and Son"; in 1824, "Paschall Hollingsworth and Company"; and in 1837, "Morris, Tasker and Morris." The papers relate to trade in America, the West Indies, and Europe, prices of commodities, finance, shipping, political and economic conditions, leading personalities, and local, domestic and social affairs. The collection is arranged by type of record: correspondence, 1761-1887, 201 boxes; checks, drafts, bills of exchange, 1760-1858, 31 boxes; orders, 1765-1863, 10 boxes; invoices, 1764-1849, 4 boxes and 46 packages; promissory notes, 1769-1830, 7 boxes; legal papers, 1734-1851, 4 boxes; bills and receipts, 1751-1863, 2 boxes and 29 packages; market reports, 1770-1839, 7 boxes; miscellaneous, 1761-1890, 6 boxes. Among the miscellaneous papers are items dealing with domestic affairs, commercial enterprises, land transactions, legal controversies, politics, etc. There are broadsides, travel diaries, accounts of the yellow fever epidemics, sale of lottery tickets, prices current, an account of the construction of the Ohio Canal, sheep raising, deeds and patents of lands, insurance policies, vendues, reports on military ordnance, introduction of steam heating, surveys, and other subjects. 290. Daniel Hoopes' Practical Arithmetic, 1802. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Dreer Fund, 1938. Examples in arithmetic, simple and compound interest, per- mutation, bookkeeping. 291. Gerard T. Hopkins Journal, 1803-4. 1 vol. Presented by Howard B. French. Journal of a tour from Baltimore to Fort Wayne, in which Hop- kins traveled as a member of "a deputation of the Society of Friends to the Western Indians, for the purpose of instructing them in agriculture and useful knowledge"; there are comments on topography, agriculture, economic conditions, and customs and life of the Indians. 292. Thomas Hopkins Journal, 1780. 1 vol. Journal of "Proceedings at Friendship Salt Works, New Jer- sey," a description of the works, working conditions, accounts. Published in P.M.H.B., XLII (1918), 46-61. 293. Joseph Hopkinson Lecture Notes, 1791. 1 vol. Presented by Charles R. Hildeburn, 1885. A collection of notes taken by Joseph Hopkinson (1770-1842) during a course of lectures on law, delivered by James Wilson, University of Pennsylvania. 294. Harry Shelmire Hopper Genealogical Papers, 1633- 1911. Approx. 3,000 items. Correspondence and copies of genealogical records concerning the Hopper and related families: Thomas, Gorwood, Goodwin, Collens, Carter, Fetter, Cart, Denn, Coffee, and others. 295. Joseph P. Hornor Commonplace Book, 1798-1818. 3 vols. Presented by the estate of Rosalie N. Hornor, 1932. Literary and cultural trends of the early part of the nineteenth century are shown in Joseph P. Hornor's commonplace book, containing "Miscellaneous tracts, poetical effusions and copies of letters signed Junius Americanus and addressed to Thomas Jefferson," 1801; also lyric poetry written by Rosalie N. Hornor, including free translations of several odes of Horace, 1798-1818. 296. Timothy Horsfield Letter Book, 1754-55. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Jacob Wolle, 1845. Contemporary copies of correspondence between Robert Hunter Morris, governor of Pennsylvania, and Timothy Horsfield, jus- tice of the peace in Northampton County, on Indian disturb- ances and massacres; includes testimony of Moravians who wit- nessed atrocities at Gnadenhutten, Gabriels Greek, Wyoming. 297. Timothy Horsfield Receipt Book, 1763. 1 vol. Receipts for money paid to officers and men in the service of the Province of Pennsylvania, and for powder, guns, stores, etc., in the defense of the frontiers of Northampton County. 298. Hough Papers, 1721-1857. Approx. 75 items. Presented by the estate of Oliver Hough, 1915. A collection of papers of several generations of the Oliver Hough family, members of the Society of Friends in Philadel- phia. They relate to personal and domestic affairs, social con- ditions, religious activities, and business transactions. 299. John Howard Collection, 1760-1919. 3 vols. Presented by the estate of Howard Edwards, 1926. Autograph letters, portraits, and pamphlets, gathered by How- ard Edwards, on the life of John Howard (1726-90), distin- guished English philanthropist and humanitarian; "Anecdotes of the life of John Howard," by the Rev. W. L. Brown, Aber- deen, Scotland, 1817, 1 vol., contains accounts of adventures in travel and other events in the lifetime of John Howard; "Eulogies of Howard," by William Hayley, 1 vol., ca. 1800, a memoir. 300. Lieutenant Colonel Adam Hubley Military Journals, 1778-80. 2 vols. The first volume contains rules and regulations passed by Con- gress relating to the establishment of the Revolutionary Army, lists of officers, muster rolls, and instructions from Baron von Steuben. The second volume, July, 1779 to Oct. 7, 1779, is an account of the Western Expedition commanded by Major Gen- eral Sullivan, and contains drawings, maps, plans of the terri- tory traversed, a narrative of the hardships experienced and of the final success and victorious return of the expedition. The second volume published in P.M.H.B., XXXIII (1909), 129-146, 279-302, 409-422. 301. John Hugh Account Book, 1714-62. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. A. Morris Harkness, 1900. Accounts for milling grain, receipts for provisions and services, expense account of a trip to Burlington, Elizabethtown, and Trenton, N.J.; also a record of speeches made at an Indian conference held at Easton in 1756, attended by Teedyuscung and representatives of the Six Nations. 302. Hughes Papers, 1725-1818. Approx. 400 items. Presented by William John Potts and Mrs. William H. Hostein. Among these papers are several dealing with the history of the Stamp Act, including a letter from Benjamin Franklin to John Hughes, Indian agent and distributor of stamps in Pennsyl- vania, 1765; a pamphlet, Instructions for the Distributors of Stamped Parchment and Paper in America, 1765; the manifest of the ship Royal Charlotte carrying 3 cases and 7 packages of stamps for America, 1765; the account book of John Hughes with Benjamin Franklin, 1755-57; 10 letters from Anthony Wayne to John Hughes relating to survey of land in Nova Scotia, 1765; a folder of the correspondence of John Hughes relating to the land project in Nova Scotia in which Benjamin Franklin was interested, 1763-69; about 50 bonds, mortgages, and agreements, 1753-82; 50 letters from John Hughes to Isaac Hughes, relating his journey to Charles Town, 1769-71; a pamphlet, The Bill for Better Raising of Money on the In- habitants of Philadelphia for Public Use, 1739; the commission to John Hughes and Edward Shippen to build a fort and houses in Indian territory in connection with the Teedyuscung treaty signed by William Denny and Richard Peters, 1757; the day- book of John Hughes, 1761-1818; a record of bills introduced in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, 1814-15; and 20 patents and deeds, mostly pertaining to land in Upper Merion, Montgomery County, 1730-1802. 303. Harm Jan Huidekoper Papers, 1796-1854. Approx. 500 items. Presented by Mrs. H. P. Kidder, 1929. The Huidekoper (1776-1854) papers include: letters (typewritten copies) describing his journey to and arrival in America, 1796; others give a description of the physical, social, and economic conditions in Pennsylvania, particularly the western part, 1796-1854; manuscripts on Unitarian doctrines; sermons, es- says, and interpretations of the Bible; papers relating to Mead- ville Theological School, 1847-50; correspondence and other papers relating to the construction of the canal from Pitts- burgh to Lake Erie, 1828; pamphlet on the proceedings of the Nicholson commissioners, relating to the Pennsylvania Popula- tion Land Company, 1842. 304. Andrew Atkinson Humphreys Papers, 1827-1901. Ap- prox. 16,000 items. Presented by members of the Hum- phreys family; some items purchased by The Historical Society. General Humphreys' papers pertain to his military career, espe- cially to his activities during the Civil War, and to his work as a civil engineer with the United States Topographical Engi- neers, as head of the coast survey, and similar projects. There are 32 vols, of correspondence and documents, 1827-1901: a large group of military papers, 1862-67; 6 vols, field dispatches, 1863-64; 3 vols, telegrams, 1862-65; 7 vols, special and general orders, 1862-78; 1 vol. reports, returns, and casualty records, 1862-65; reports and miscellaneous documents, 1865. Other items connected with the history of the Civil War are: 1 box of papers relating to sieges and battles, 1862-66; manuscript of Humphreys', From Gettysburg to the Rapidan; 7 boxes of notes and papers on the Virginia campaign, 1864-65; 2 pack- ages of correspondence between Grant and Lee relating to Lee's surrender, 1865; 2 packages of campaign maps, 1864-65; 2 pack- ages of topographical maps, 1861; 1 vol. lake and coast surveys, 1862-69; a number of miscellaneous items including 5 boxes of newspaper clippings and newspapers, 1838-89; a scrapbook, 1800, on the U.S.S. Constitution; reprint of Who Built the United States Navy?, 1793; 1 box of pamphlets dealing with the case of Fitz-John Porter, 1869; 10 pamphlets on the Battle of Gettysburg, 1866; about 250 letters forming part of the corre- spondence of N. N. Humphreys, 1867-1901. 305. Clement Humphreys Papers, 1798-1801. Approx. 250 items. The papers include Humphreys' letter book, 1798, containing material on his official missions, with detailed accounts of events; "list of Staple Articles of Commerce between the United States and Foreign Ports," 1798; official instructions and corre- spondence, 1798-1801; manuscript maps of ports in the West Indies, 1798. Humphreys (1777-1803) was an agent to France during the John Adams administration. Diary, 1798, published in P.M.H.B., XXXII (1908), 34-53. 306. Joshua Humphreys Papers, 1682-1835. 20 vols. Presented by members of the Humphreys family. Business records of a shipbuilding enterprise: 3 vols, of letter books, 1793-1835; 2 account books, 1784-1813, 1792-1806; 3 ledgers, 1766-77, 1772-73, 1784-1805; roll call book, 1794-99; a daybook, 1791-1823; navy yard mast book, 1797-1806; records of the building of the United States, 1798-1801; Wharton and Humphreys notebook with plans for construction of warships, drawings, and details of the building of the Constitution, Franklin, and other ships. In addition to these papers there are 2 vols, of Humphreys' correspondence, 1775-1831; 2 boxes of miscellaneous papers, accounts, agreements, 1738-1823; 1 box of deeds and marriage contracts, 1682-1758; account book, 1747- 48; notebook of Daniel Humphreys, 1638-1716; ciphering book of Joshua Humphreys, Sr., 1800-1802; his "Journal of a Voyage from Philadelphia to Lisbon," 1809; Clement Humphreys jour- nal, 1798; and 2 copies of the American Repository, 1796, 1798. 307. John C. Huntly Diary, 1863. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1932. Diary of John C. Huntly, U.S.N., assistant engineer of the U.S.S. Pensacola, off New Orleans, contains eyewitness account of war conditions and operations against the Confederate forces, rumors of battles, troop movements, military and naval affairs, and personal notes. 308. General Thomas Hutchins Papers, 1759-88. Approx. 300 items. Correspondence and papers relating to the topography of the United States, observations on the coast of Florida, navigability of rivers; journals of surveying parties, describing the land sur- veyed, and contact with Indian, French and Spanish settle- ments. Journal, 1760, published in P.M.H.B., II (1878), 149-153. 30*9. Francis M. Hutchinson Pedigrees, Genealogies, Family Histories, 1891. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Francis M. Hutchinson, 1927. Genealogical data, records from parish registers, and descrip- tion of coats of arms relate to the ancestry and history of several English families; includes an alphabetical subject index to the materials. 310. Indian Records Collection, 1716-1856. 16 vols, and 62 pieces. A collection of miscellaneous materials concerning the Ameri- can Indian. Notes on Indians of Lancaster County, 1608-1763, 1 vol.: William Parker Foulke's history of the Indian tribes inhabiting the Chesapeake Bay, Susquehanna Valley, New York, and other regions. "Some short remarks on the Indian trade in the Charikees," 1717, 1 vol.: photostats of journal which describes trade between white traders and Indians, their controversies, warfare, eco- 310. nomic conditions, etc., prior and subsequent to the act of Assembly "to regulate the Indian trade in order to prevent those abuses and hard usage that the Indians met amongst the traders abroad, 1716." Lorenzo Boturini Bonaduci, "The History of the Indians of North America, giving an account of the Indian Gods, the origin of the Indians and their manners and customs, founded on extensive matter of figures, symbols, characters, hiero- glyphics, songs, etc., 1746," translated from Spanish by W. W. Handlin, ca. 1850, 1 vol. Delaware and Iroquois Indians manuscripts, 1746-49, 1 vol.: copies of Conrad Weiser's letters to Christopher Sauer concern- ing the customs and religion of the Iroquois and Delaware In- dians. This compilation, in German, was prepared by Abraham H. Cassell; English translation by Helen Bell is included. Eng- lish translation published in P.M.H.B., I (1877), 163-167, 319- 323; II (1878), 407-410. Minutes of The Friendly Association, 1755-57, 1 vol.: record of humanitarian efforts of the Quakers in Philadelphia to con- ciliate the Indians and preserve peace with them by pacific measures; contains information on pioneering adventures and trade extension. Minutes of a council held at Easton, 1756, 2 vols., include speeches made. Mentioned among the notables present at the council are: James Hamilton, William Denny, William Logan, Richard Peters, Benjamin Chew, Lynford Lardner, John Mifflin, Conrad Weiser, Teedyuscung, and others. Minutes of Indian conference, Lancaster, 1 vol.: narrative of the discussion of Indian grievances, in which Teedyuscung, the chiefs of Six Nations, James Hamilton, and other prominent men participated. Benjamin Chew's journal of his journey to Easton with John Mifflin, Andrew Allen, and James Peters, and of conferences with Indians at Easton, 1758, 1 vol. Narrative of the massacre of the Conestoga Indians by the Paxton Boys, 1763, 1 vol.: printed account (fragmentary) of the atrocities committed, and an appeal for punishment of the murderers. Papers relating to Indian losses, 1766-70, 62 items: letters and documents from traders, addressed chiefly to Captain William Trent, Carlisle. Accounts and claims for losses sustained by Indian depredations in 1763. Journal of the Rev. David Jones of Freehold, N.J., describes his journeys among Indians of the Ohio valley, 1772 and 1773. Mission to the western tribes of Indians, journal, 1791, 1 vol.: manuscript of Hendrick Aupaumut, chief of the Mohicans, contains "Narrative of his mission to the Western tribes of Indians who were carrying on a distressing war against the frontier settlements of the United States in the North Western Territory," with details on various tribes, origin of their names, speeches delivered in councils, names of Indian chiefs partici- pating, and the war conditions of the period. Published in Memoirs, II (1827), 63-131, with two introductory letters of Timothy Pickering, 1826, 1827. Indian vocabularies, 1835-73: collection of Creek vocabulary, 1 vol.; "Delaware Indians," by M. S. Henry, 1860; Klikatat and Kalapooyah Indians, lower bank of the Columbia River, 1873, 1 vol.; Santee and Cree Indians of Lake Superior, 1873, 1 vol.; Witchita, Gaddo, and Comanche, Texas Indians, 1856, 1 vol. Minutes of the Friends' Indian Aid Association, 1869-74, 3 vols. 311. John Inkson Example Book, 1791. 1 vol. Presented by the Free Library of Philadelphia, 1916. Specimens of calligraphy, arithmetic problems, calculations, computing of interest, bookkeeping. 312. William Irvine Papers, 1768-1834. Approx. 2,000 items. Presented by Henry Carey Baird. Irvine's papers mainly relate to his service as brigadier general in the Revolutionary Army. They include: letters, muster rolls, records of courts martial, petitions, orders, and resolutions of Congress, 1768-1834; 20 letters, 1780-1811, of John Rose (Baron Rosenthal), Irvine's adjutant; letter book, 1781-82; Irvine's order book while commanding the Western Department, 1781- 83; receipt book, 1776-77; account and cashbook, 1783. Miscellaneous military items, 1778-84, published in P.M.H.B., I (1877), 44-54; II (1878), 147-148; V (1881), 259-275; XL (1916), 108-112. 313. Memoir of Caroline H. Jackson, 1824-51. 3 vols. Pur- chased by the John T. Norris Fund and the Dreer Fund, 1936-37. Memoir of Caroline H. Jackson, daughter of Thomas and Eliza Hoopes, members of the Society of Friends, West Goshen Township, West Chester. These volumes furnish information on prevailing religious sentiments, economic and social stand- ards, education, and home life of a prominent Quaker family in the first half of the nineteenth century. 314. Joseph Jackson Manuscripts, 1923-26. 3 packages. Pre- sented by Joseph Jackson. Manuscripts of Joseph Jackson, Philadelphia historian and writer: "Bibliography of Works of Charles Godfrey Leland," 1840-1903; "Early Architecture, Architects and Engineers," 2 vols., on colonial architecture and early Philadelphia architects and engineers, 1923; "Development of American Architecture," 1926, 1 vol., chapters on early national period, early New Eng- land architects, the building of Washington, New York, Phila- delphia, Charleston, and New Orleans, beginning of national architecture, early monuments, interior plans and decorations. 315. Samuel Jackson Letters, 1862-63. 25 items. Presented by Robert C. Rathbone. Letters written by Jackson, medical officer in the United States Navy, to his wife, while he was on board the U.S.S. Brooklyn during the blockade of Southern ports in the Civil War. There are a few additional items. 316. Jacobs Papers, 1681-1838. Approx. 500 items. Presented by John F. Lewis, 1920. The papers of John Jacobs (b. 1722), member of Assembly for Chester County; Joseph Jacobs (1728-69), saddler; Israel Jacobs (b. 1726), weaver, member of Congress, 1791; Isaac Jacobs, mayor of Philadelphia, 1767-68; Benjamin Jacobs (b. 1731), sur- veyor, appointed by the Continental Congress to sign and num- ber bills of credit, 1776. Among the papers are patents of land granted to early pioneers, one issued to Clement Dungan, Bucks County, 1684, signed by William Penn; another to Joseph Tanner, 1681, signed by William Parr; and a map of land on Delaware Bay, N.J., laid out and surveyed by John Woolidge and John Budd, 1691, containing a list of names of settlers. There are also rec- ords of the names of the first purchasers of land within the ex- tended boundaries of Bedford, Sussex, Cumberland, Northum- berland, Westmoreland, Philadelphia, and Bucks counties, on the Allegheny and Susquehanna rivers, on the Perkiomen, Yel- low, and Briar creeks, and other localities, 1729-70, and an agreement pertaining to purchase of land in Nova Scotia, 1766. There are letters and documents of William Maclay, David Rittenhouse, Michael Hillegas, Edward Shippen, H. Vander- slice, John Robinson, Robert H. Morris, James Hamilton, Thomas Lawrence, Owen Biddle, Jacob Duche, Robert Bass, Nicholas Scull, John Lukens, Joseph Hilbon, treasurer of Penn- sylvania Hospital, and many others, 1744-69. Commerce and prices of commodities are shown in Joseph Jacobs ledger, 1760-65; Joseph Jacobs and Samuel Wallis ledger, 1762-66; Israel Jacobs ledger, 1776-1810; John Jacobs ledger, 1784-1818; Benjamin Jacobs ledger, 1765-75; Juanita Iron Com- pany stock books, 1766; bills of exchange, bills of lading, bonds, receipts, accounts. A large portion of the papers pertain to incidents during the period of the Revolution: Sargent Chambers, London mer- chant, letter, 1766, gives an account of Benjamin Franklin's efforts before Parliament for repeal of the Stamp Act; other let- ters are from John Galloway, R. Strettel Jones, Francis Johns- ton, commissioner to negotiate with the Indians, Benjamin Lightfoot, mobbed as a Tory, Jacob Richardson, who conducted the British army into Philadelphia, and others. There are genealogical notes arranged by Samuel W. Penny- packer, concerning Friedrich Augustus Muhlenberg, Francis Swayne, Robert Wharton, Joseph Reed, Roberts Vaux, and their families. 317. Abel James Diary, 1766-69. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Thomas Stewardson, 1932. Diary and memoranda of James' land and commercial transac- tions near Bethlehem and Nazareth, relate to the clearing of swamps, creeks, building of canoes. 318. Relief of Thomas Jefferson, 1826-28. 1 vol. Papers, correspondence, and financial accounts of "The Jeffer- son Committee," a committee of citizens of the city and county of Philadelphia organized for the purpose of establishing a fund for the relief of Thomas Jefferson, with a resolution of the committee "to transmit on the 10th day of January next [1828] to the trustees under the will of Thomas Jefferson, for the exclusive use and benefit of his daughter [Martha Randolph] whatever balance may at that time exist." 319. Jenkins Papers, 1702-1902. Approx. 500 items. Presented by Charies F. Jenkins, 1937-39. Collection of the family papers of Charles F. and Howard M. Jenkins, with information on some of the Welsh families settled in Montgomery County and adjacent territory in Pennsyl- vania. There are abstracts of titles, and deeds to lands in Ches- ter, Berks, Northampton, Lancaster, Philadelphia counties, 1702-85; drafts and surveys of lands in Gwynedd, Carnarvon, Salisbury, Honeybrook townships and other places in which Robert Jenkins, ironmaster, was interested, 1745-1847; papers relating to the Spring House and Sumneytown Turnpike Road Company, 1847-72; record of marriages solemnized by Algernon S. Jenkins, justice of the peace in Montgomery County, 1851-69; road construction in Gwynedd Township, 1800-1848; list of members organizing the Gwynedd Invincibles, 1864; genealogi- cal notes on the Jenkins, Evans, Griffith, Foulke, and Roberts families; also correspondence relating to local affairs, commerce, shipping, indentures, licenses, commissions of appointments, etc., 1794-1812; papers relating to Lieutenant Colonel Isaac Franks, 1794-1819; a group of autograph letters of eminent Pennsylvanians, 1794-1892, collected by Charles F. Jenkins; Howard Jenkins' political correspondence, 1858-1902; his notes on the Hanks-Lincoln families, 1883-94; his articles and material pertaining to local history of Pennsylvania, Anthony Wayne, battle of Brandywine, Swedish Pilgrims, French and Indian War, 1744-64, rebel invasion of Pennsylvania, burial grounds, the Schwenkfelders, Welsh memoranda. 320. Charles F. Jenkins, Correspondence, 1924-38. Approx. 1,000 items. Presented by Charles F. Jenkins, 1930, 1938. Charles F. Jenkins' correspondence, 1925-38, relates chiefly to his research on the life, history, and genealogy of Button Gwin- nett, and contains information on the early history of Georgia. A large portion of the correspondence relates to the sale and collection of autographs. 321. Francis Jennings Index to Authors of Hymns, 1870. 1 vol. Presented by Francis Jennings, 1870. A collection of data on the authorship and dates of hymns of various denominations, ca. 1652-1864; compiled by Francis Jen- nings. 322. Jervis and Sandwith Genealogies, 1641-1808. 1 vol. Copies of letters and documents relating to the genealogy and history of the John Jervis family, which came from Ireland to America in 1688, and became prominent in Cape May, N.J.; includes narratives of adventures, and business accounts and legal papers concerning liquidation and settlement of family estates. 323. Anna G. Johnson Autograph Album and Diary, 1826-30, 1843-44. 1 vol. Verse dedicated to Anna G. Johnson by her friends, 1826-30; diary contains a description of a tour through Pennsylvania and New York, and other personal entries, 1843-44. 324. Josiah Stoddard Johnston Papers, 1821-39. Approx. 5,000 items. The correspondence and papers of a national leader in United States politics in the early part of the nineteenth century, con- taining information on the contest for the presidential nomina- tion of John Quincy Adams, William H. Crawford, Henry Clay, and Andrew Jackson. Among the numerous correspondents are James Brown, United States Minister to France, Judge A. Porter, Edward Everett, Matthew S. Quay, R. W. Stoddard, William Shaler, Henry D. Gilpin, Nicholas Biddle, John H. Johnston, and others. Some of the topics and issues discussed in these papers are: the Antimasonic movement, the recharter of the United States Bank, Judge Peck's impeachment, French spoliation claims, tariff, sugar, expansion of territory, legislation before Congress, etc. A large portion of the material relates to political affairs in Louisiana, the building of roads and canals, land claims, memorials to Congress, cotton, slavery, requests for governmental positions, election to office, etc. Henry Clay's letters, 1824-33, approx. 50, deal with his personal aspirations and his bitterness against Andrew Jackson; letter of Thomas Jefferson, 1825; Dr. John Sibley letters, 1821-32; invitation to a reception tendered to Marquis de Lafayette, 1824; family let- ters, disclosing Senator Johnston's personal affairs and financial transactions; there are also some personal items of William S. Johnston. 325. Blathwaite Jones Docket Book, 1780-84. 1 vol. Docket book of a Burlington County, N.J., justice of the peace. 326. David Jones Estate Papers, 1813, 1847-49. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Charles C. Sellers, 1935. Copy of David Jones' will and inventory of his estate in Darby, Delaware County; the volume also contains receipts and ac- counts of G. E. Sellers, 1847-49. 327. David Jones Memorandum Book, 1786-1816. 1 vol. A collection of miscellaneous texts from the Bible from which the Rev. David Jones, Baptist preacher in Great Valley, Chester County, preached his sermons; there are also records of mar- riages performed by him, medicinal remedies, financial ac- counts, and details of his botanical experiments. 328. Horatio Gates Jones, Sketch of the Rittenhouse Paper Mill, 1863. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of H. G. Jones, 1896. Historical sketch of the early manufacture of paper in America, particularly of the Rittenhouse Paper Mill, the earliest in the British colonics in America, erected in Roxborough, Phila- delphia County, in 1690. This mill was founded by William Ryttenghuison, a Dutch settler, who later changed the name to Rittenhouse. William Bradford and Samuel Carpenter figure in the narrative. The paper on which the sketch was written was made at the Rittenhouse mill before 1699. Published in P.M.H.B., XX (1896), 315-333. 329. Owen Jones Papers, 1696-1867. Approx. 1,000 items. The papers of the Jones family throw light on the mercantile and political affairs of colonial Pennsylvania and of later periods. There are deeds and patents to land, 1705-1809, 30 items; a copy of a memorial presented to George III, concerning purchase of land from the Indians in New York and on the Ohio River, 1774; treasurer's book of the province of Pennsyl- vania, 1768-76; Owen Jones daybook, 1759-61; his waste book, 1767-72; his ledger, 1767-73; his invoice book, 1767-74; day- books, 1775-76, 1783-84, 1783-90; accounts in the estate of Mary Howell, 1785-91; letter book, 1785-93; rent book, 1793-1824; invoice book, 1796-97; market book, 1786-87; geometrical prob- lems, surveys, 1761; Jones and Wister invoice book, 1759-62; their account book, 1762-69; Owen Jones, Jr., waste book for estate of Thomas Wharton, 1786-1807; his daybook, 1789-91; Owen Jones and Company invoice book, 1789-95; their day- book, 1793-96; letter book of Jones and Foulke, 1783-1845; their daybook, 1796-1819; their order book, 1789-1802; Jones and Wister letter book, 1759-71; Jonathan Jones receipt book, 1796-1803; Mary Powel Potts commonplace book (poetry), 1782; her cypher book, 1782; Robert Wharton receipt book, containing city, poor, and county tax receipts, 1800-1808; Robert Lettes Hooper journal and field book of surveys in Franklin Township, Albany County, 1770; Owen Jones correspondence with congressmen during the Civil War, giving an account of his military service and also a report of the skirmishes of the regiment of the First Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, 1861-63. 330. Thomas Jones Piece Book, ca. 1850. 1 vol. Presented by R. P. Schick, 1929. A collection of verse by Thomas Jones. 331. Jones and Clarke Papers, 1784-1816. Approx. 500 items. Letters, accounts, and other business records relating to the commercial enterprises of William Jones and Samuel Clarke of Philadelphia and Charleston, who were engaged in trade with the West Indies and European countries, shipping sugar, cof- fee, turpentine, brandy, and other commodities. The papers contain information on British and French spoliation, embar- goes, privateering, shipbuilding, finance, insurance, commodity prices. The correspondence includes letters, 1808-12, of Na- thaniel Macon, member of Congress from North Carolina, con- cerning congressional debates on the question of war with Eng- land in 1812; also letters of Commodore Thomas Truxton, Captain Hugh G. Campbell, Thomas Willing, Joshua Hum- phreys, John Binns. 332. Edward Jordan Engravings, 1830. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Augustus W. Jordan, 1926. Miscellaneous engravings, reproductions of master paintings, cartoons, illustrations, etc., gathered by Edward Jordan. 333. Journal of a Voyage from England, 1742. 1 vol. An anonymous record of life on board a sailing vessel: daily activities, books read, passengers. 334. Randolph de B. Keim Papers, 1808-1912. Approx. 300 items. Genealogical notes of the Keim family, 1808-1912; scrapbook, 1885-93, contains correspondence relating to The Tariff Record, which Keim edited. 335. Charles P. Keith Papers, ca. 1699-1866. Approx. 115 items. Presented by the estate of Charles P. Keith. Papers of the commercial enterprises, land transactions, ad- ministrative affairs in which members of the Keith family were concerned. Among the items: letter of William Penn to Augus- tine Herrman; letter of John Penn, 1799; John Pringle accounts, 1782; deeds, leases, surveys, land claims, wills, etc., 1740-1852; genealogical notes, 1846-1932. 336. Johannes Kelpius Manuscript Hymns, ca. 1707-72. 1 vol. Presented by Samuel Pennypacker, 1900. Hymns with German text, by Johannes Kelpius (1663-1708), known as the hermit of the Wissahickon; included are hymns by Johann Gotfried Seelig, Bernhard Kasten, and others. 337. Elizabeth Kendall Testimonies, 1722-65. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach, 1934. "Testimony of Mary Bundeck concerning Elizabeth Kendall," tribute to 'he memory of an ardent member of the Society of Friends. 338. Anthony Kennedy Papers, 1781-1827. Approx. 150 items. Correspondence with clients; records of land sales; bonds, re- ceipts, agreements, tax bills, tax receipts; stock in turnpike road company; land warrants, drafts, surveys, claims. Kennedy was a Philadelphia merchant. 339. James Kenny, Journal to the Westward, 1758, 1761. 1 vol. Journal of a Quaker trader describes his tours to the Ohio, Pittsburgh, Carlisle, and other places, where he carried pro- visions for the Indians at the behest of commissioners for Indian affairs; presents details of pioneer life, colonial warfare, trade in skins, liquor, lead, and other commodities, travel through the wilderness, military protection, etc. George Croghan, Israel Pemberton, Samuel Lightfoot, and George Allen figure in this narrative. Published in P.M.H.B., XXXVII (1913), 1-47, 152-201, 395- 449. 340. Kensington Register, ca. 1812, 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund. Copies of deeds, surveys, road records, list of property holders, and other items pertaining to Kensington. 341. Keyser-Goverts Family Genealogical Notes, 1921. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Walter Ross McShea. Genealogical records of a Bavarian and Dutch family which settled in Philadelphia County in 1688. 342. Ebenezer Kinnersley Course of Experiments, 1752. 1 vol. Presented by the descendants of Edward Shippen. Philosophical treatise on "the newly discovered Electrical Fire called Electricity," describes properties of electricity and experi- ments performed with it. Kinnersley was a schoolmaster in Philadelphia. 343. Kirk Genealogy, ca. 1902. 2 vols. Presented by Mrs. Miranda S. Roberts, 1919. Genealogical records of the John Kirk family which emigrated from All Freetown, Derbyshire, Eng., to America in 1687 and settled in Upper Darby, Delaware County. The records were compiled by Miranda S. (Kirk) Roberts. 344. Dr. Joseph Klapp Legal Papers, 1800-1826. 12 items. Pre- sented by Langdon Williams, 1924. Collection of legal papers concerning the purchase of a house by Dr. Joseph Klapp, prominent Philadelphia physician in the nineteenth century. 345. Joseph A. Kneass Scrap Book, 1863-91. 1 vol. Presented by Joseph A. Kneass, 1927. Newspaper clippings, letters, and miscellaneous papers chiefly on the life of Judge Joseph Allison, president judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia. 346. Charles de Krafft Surveys and Plans, ca. 1791-1816. 1 vol. Colored plats and surveys of tracts of land in Philadelphia and other parts of Pennsylvania, made by Charles de Krafft, sur- veyor and draftsman. They show names of owners, boundary lines, drawings of houses, sizes of properties. 347. George Krewson Papers, 1770-1878. Approx. 500 items. Presented by George Krewson. Legal and business papers from the estates of Samuel West, 1871, Anna West, 1858, Anthony Kennedy, 1828, Jennet Risk, 1831; 50 letters of Abraham Kintzing, 1831-33; 30 letters of Tench C. Kintzing, 1832-36; approximately 150 papers relate to the estate of Edward Shippen Burd, 1800-1857. 348. The Rev. M. Kunze Manuscript Sermons, 1774-76. 1 vol. Sermons of M. Kunze, pastor of the Lutheran Zion Church, Philadelphia. In German. 349. James Findley Peffer Lamberton Papers, 1734-86. Ap- prox. 200 items. Letters and documents of Scots-Irish settlements, Cumberland County. The papers give the names of the early settlers, extent of their lands, and include legal papers and memoranda which describe the conditions of frontier life. 350. Albert Edmund Lancaster, The Song of the Sangamon, ca. 1890. 1 vol. Presented by Emily Lancaster, 1916. A poem by Albert E. Lancaster, dedicated to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. 351. Lancaster County Dockets, 1743-49. 1 vol. Docket book of a Lancaster County justice of the peace. 352. Lancaster County Papers, 1724-1816. Approx. 500 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Miscellaneous papers relating to local government and eco- nomic affairs of Lancaster County: letters, 1733-40, of Samuel Blunston to the proprietors, deal with the disputes between the Maryland and Pennsylvania authorities, land transactions, In- dians on the Susquehanna, politics, legal matters, etc.; letters of Thomas Cookson, George Craig, William Parsons, Richard Peters, George Smith, and others, 1739-64; material on Conrad Weiser, 1756; accounts of Indian massacres, 1755; petitions, court records, surveys, indentures, land warrants, tax returns; petitions and lists of names of tavern keepers, 1766, 1769; ac- count of the plan of the town of York, 1749; list of books added to the Lancaster library, en. 1770; list of subscribers for the re- lief of inhabitants of Boston, Mass., 1774; military accounts and muster rolls, 1776; wills, estate papers, broadsides, and other items. The collection is contained in two volumes: "Miscel- laneous papers," 1724-72, and "Petitions for Lebanon," 1772- 1816. 353. John Langdon Papers, 1659-1824. Approx. 600 items. Pre- sented by Alfred E. Elwyn. Langdon's correspondence, documents, and commercial ac- counts make up this collection. Most of the letters pertain to the Revolution, 1777-78; his messages as governor of Massachusetts, and related documents, 1659-1824, are included. 354. Joachim Langius, The Medicine of the Minds, 1703. 1 vol. A religious tract on human behavior and ethics, "The Medi- cine of the Minds. Written by Joachim Langius, Minister of the ye Word of God at Berlin, Which, beginning with the Me- dicinal History of Wisdom, and the discovery and rejecting of Learned Folly, according to the Principles of true Philosophy, then treats The Healing of the Sick Minds, and of its Use when healed, for the Searching Out and Communicating of truth and right. Published for the sake of all such who by the help of Solid Learning seek- after True Wisdom. Translated out of Latin." The Latin original was published in three edi- tions: Berlin, 1704 and 1708; London, 1715. Translator's name is not recorded. 355. E. H. Warder Larchfield Diary, 1832. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Trevanion Dallas. Journal of daily events in the life of Miss E. H. Warder Larch- field, Philadelphia. 356. Henry Laurens Correspondence, 1762-80. Approx. 1,500 items. Laurens* correspondence reflects American political opinion be- fore and during the Revolution. It contains information con- cerning the proceedings of the Continental Congress, Indian treaties, and financing the Revolution, 1774-80; letter book of Henry Laurens, 1762-66, is included in the collection. 357. Colonel John Laurens Commonplace Book, 1779. 1 vol. Presented by Simon Gratz, 1881. Laurens' observations on military activities in the American Revolution and on the importance of defending the Carolinas from the British; also his account of the aid rendered by the French fleet in the Chesapeake and Delaware bays, under com- mand Of Comte de Grasse and Comte d'Estaing, preventing the arrival of British reinforcements and retarding British opera- tions. 358. May Atherton Leach Correspondence Relating to the Penn Sash, 1928-30. Approx. 50 items. Presented by May Atherton Leach, 1933. Correspondence concerning the effort of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania to trace the ownership of "the blue sash worn by William Penn on the occasion of his Treaty with the In- dians," which M. Fassitt donated to The Historical Society in 1919. 359. Aaron Leaming Diaries, 1750-77. 4 vols. Presented by Colonel J. Granville Leach. The economic development of Cape May and adjacent territory in New Jersey is shown in these diaries of Aaron Leaming, 1750-51, 1761, 1775, 1776. They furnish an account of land transactions, surveys, early settlers, military organizations, farm- ing, trade in timber and other commodities, acts of New Jersey assemblies, legal and domestic affairs; also contain lists of books in which Aaron Leaming was interested. 360. Charles Lee, On MacDonald's Notes, 1798. 1 vol. "Remarks by Mr. Lee, Attorney General of the United States on the principles and reasoning contained in the notes which Mr. MacDonald has laid before the board of examination" relate to the interpretation of articles in the treaty of peace between Great Britain and the United States, 1794, and concern the value and recovery of debts. 361. Sir George Lee Manuscripts, 1656-1753. Approx. 1,000 items. Collection of opinions and interpretations of maritime laws, concerning the commercial rights of neutrals, seizure of vessels, confiscation of merchandise, prizes captured by privateers, etc.; depicts hazards of shipping and commerce during the period. 362. Christian Lehman Papers, 1742-99. Approx. 200 items. Presented by the Lehman Estate. These papers consist chiefly of surveys, drafts, and plats of land situated in colonial Germantown and Roxborough. They show the names of landowners, their holdings, changes in titles; in- cluded are German manuscripts on astrology and bee culture, and items relating to Pennsylvania German political and eco- nomic interests. 363. Charles Godfrey Leland Papers, 1835-1906. Approx. 5,000 items. Presented by Henry Morris Harrison and John Harrison, Jr. The published and unpublished manuscripts of Charles G. Leland (1824-1903), a prominent literary figure. Among the items are: essays, poetry, academic studies at Princeton, 1841- 45; travel diaries, 1845, 1847, 1856. Leland's interest in art education is shown in his manuscripts: "How to establish schools, classes or circles in the minor arts"; "Nature and Art Culture"; "Compendium of the Minor Arts"; "Eye Memory"; "Manual of Design"; "Profitable Work, Leather Work, Wood Carving"; "Relief Painting or Gesso, Plaster of Paris"; "One Hundred Profitable arts, drawings, designs, sketches"; and others. Among his illustrated literary works are: proof sheets of Meister Karl Sketch Book; Hans Breitman Bal- lads; the manuscripts of "Mottoes for Every Occasion," "Travels in Shadow Land," "Witch Ballads," "The Witchcraft of Dame Darrel of York," "The Dead Alive," "Dreams," "The Goths' Mother Goose," "German Nursery Rhymes," "Children Stories and Fables," "Proverbs," "Rules of Etiquette for Men About Town," "Slaves and Contrabands," "Flaxius on Politics," "Leg- ends on Birds," "Those Six Cabbages," "Sea Foam Fairies," "Milton and Dante," "Martin Luther," "Wayside Wanderers and Vagabonds," "Roman Lays and Legends"; epigrams, essays, poetry, narratives in German, French, and Italian; drawings and sketches from life of characters in Italy, Germany, France, and other countries; designs for book covers; playbills, ca. 1853- 67; newspaper clippings; curiosa and mementoes. A large portion of the collection is comprised of Leland's correspondence with eminent persons of the period, and with his publishers: Ticknor and Fields, Sheldon and Company, R. Sheldon Mackenzie, 1861; Henry W. Longfellow, 1855; Madame Anita de Barrera, 1858; and others. 364. Captain John Patterson Levy Memoirs, ca. 1937. Pre- sented by William Tumbleston, 1938. Typewritten copy of a memoir of John Patterson Levy (1809- 67), Philadelphia shipbuilder and prominent Baptist, written by Edgar M. Levy, D.D.; genealogical material is included. The original manuscript is in the possession of William Tumbleston, Philadelphia. 365. Ellis Lewis Papers, 1810-71. Approx. 100 items. Correspondence, 1810-71, including: 14 letters from James Buchanan, 1841-65; 6 from Chief Justice Roger B. Taney, 1845- 60; 5 from Chancellor James Kent, 1846-47. There are also fami- ly papers, 1815-51, miscellaneous documents, and newspaper clippings. 366. Emma Lewis Verses, 1853-54. 1 vol. Presented by Dr. C. H. Vinton, 1918. A collection of lyric and religious verse by Emma Lewis. 367. Mrs. Howard W. Lewis Collection, 1799-1866. Approx. 16,500 items. Presented by Mrs. Howard W. Lewis, 1939. This collection is comprised chiefly of business papers of early nineteenth century Philadelphia auctioneers: Weir and Fisher, 1799-1809; Silas E. Weir, 1809-19; Lisle, Weir and Company, 1819-21; Willing, Weir and Co., 1822-23; Weir, Smith and Lewis, 1823-26; Weir, Lewis and Company, 1827-30; John E. Lewis, 1811-66. Records of trade in silks, tea, rum, tobacco, cloth, linen, glass, etc., for disposal at auction, with details on commercial enterprises, markets, prices, variety of goods traded, supply and demand, legal requirements, etc. Included are: auc- tion accounts, 1799-1830, 27 boxes; correspondence, 1807-28, 25 boxes; imported bonds, 1825-28; notes and drafts, 1809-39; bank checks, 1808-18; account books, bank books, blotters, ledgers, cashbooks, receipts, etc., 1802-66, 63 vols.; John F. Lewis papers, 1825-66, relating to his personal and family affairs, bills, re- ceipts, accounts, etc.; papers relating to Scots Presbyterian Church, St. John English Evangelical Lutheran Church, Asso- ciation of Reformed Churches, 1808; papers relating to the Society for the Relief Association of the Poor, 1817; estate of Elizabeth Steele papers, 1801-27; maps of railways. 368. John Frederick Lewis Papers, 1771-1931. Approx. 1,000 items. Presented by Anna H. R. Baker Lewis. A collection of pamphlets, photostats of early historical records, portraits, manuscripts, and typewritten material used in writ- ing "The History of an Old Philadelphia Land Title, 208 S. 4th Street." Among the items are autograph letters, 1771-96, of men prominent in Philadelphia affairs, genealogical notes on Daniel W. Coxe, John Beylard, John Bradford Wallace, and others, with information on Pennsylvania history. Other items are: Joseph H. Skelton correspondence, 1814-17, relating to Somerset, N.J.; notes on the art of illuminating and illustrating; and papers pertaining to personal and civic affairs. 369. William A. Lewis Papers, 1760-1847. 10 items. Family papers, legal documents pertaining to land in Chester County. 370. Licenses for Marriages, Taverns, and Pedlars, 1761-76. 2 vols. Records of financial accounts of the Province of Pennsylvania, including records of money received for marriage, tavern, and pedlar licenses issued in various counties, 1763-74; lists of names of persons married, 1763-75; letters of marque issued, 1762-75, with names of vessels and their masters; notary public records for funds received for warrants, etc., 1767-76; forfeitures, 1767- 75; names of licensed tavern keepers and their locations, 1769- 76; pardons and reprieves granted, 1772-74; expense accounts relating to Indian affairs at Fort Pitt, 1774-75. 371. Lightfoot Papers, 1733-1816. Approx. 2,000 items. Pre- sented by Thomas M. Lightfoot. Land warrants issued by provincial governors of Pennsylvania to settlers in various counties, surveys and field books, and a few miscellaneous items, the papers of a family of surveyors: survey of the boundary between Pennsylvania and Maryland, by Samuel Lightfoot, 1735-87; manuscript notes of a survey of a line from Pottsville to Shamokin, by Benjamin Lightfoot, 1759; warrants of land and surveys, Lancaster, Chester, Berks, Philadelphia, and other counties, 1733-75; field book, 1734- 1812, and receipt book of Benjamin Lightfoot, 1751; field book of Samuel Lightfoot, 1738-71; field books of Thomas Lightfoot, 1784-85, 1794-1816; field book of Edward Scull, 1753-55; field books of Mordecai Yarnall, 1749-76, 1765-68; field book of Henry Vanderslice, 1771-94; field book of Andrew Lytle, 1747- 88; field book of Benjamin Parvin, 1759-64. 372. Benjamin Lightfoot Journals and Surveys, 1770-72. 2 vols. Presented by Thomas M. Lightfoot, 1936. Photostatic copies of journals of a tour from Reading to Tank- hannink Creek, and of surveys of a large tract of land there, containing pine timber suitable for masts; topography of the country, Indian relations, frontier life, military posts, means of travel, and adventures of the trip are described. Information on the original manuscripts is not available. 373. Peter Lindstrom Journal, 1691. 1 vol. Lindstrom's journal account of New Sweden on the Delaware, topography of the territory, society and economic development in the settlements, war with the Dutch, etc.; contains a con- temporary map of New Sweden. Copy, in Swedish. 374. Lippincott Collection, 1787-1913. 702 vols. Presented by George Lippincott. The business records of Lippincott and Company, a Phila- delphia firm engaged in international trade in sugar, groceries, and other commodities. Among the records are: ledgers, 1797-1903; journals, 1797- 1898; daybooks, 1797-1900; blotters, 1804-65; purchase books, 1828-1910; merchandise books, 1826-1913; cashbooks, 1831- 1900; sales books, 1818-1900; receipt books, 1837-1903; invoice books, 1816-1901; order books, 1834-99; bank deposit books, 1866-98; letter books, 1841-99; letters, 1856-98; and other items. 375. David Lloyd Manuscript, ca. 1683. 1 vol. Presented by William M. Tilghman, 1895. A manuscript volume of English statutes, formerly in the pos- session of David Lloyd, attorney general of Pennsylvania. In Latin. 376. Howard W. Lloyd Genealogical Record Books, 1846- 1901. 52 vols. Genealogical records relating chiefly to the Robert Lloyd fam- ily, Welsh settlers in Merion, Montgomery County, who came to Pennsylvania in 1683. Besides genealogies of the Lloyd and related families, and of other Welsh families in Merion, there are notes on the derivation and meanings of their Welsh names, sketches of the coats of arms, maps of sections of Wales, parish registers, records of births, marriages, deaths, burial places, etc. Included is Howard W. Lloyd's correspondence, 1891-1901, con- taining notes and accounts of his genealogical researches, fam- ily trees, and sources of information. 377. Peter Z. Lloyd, Journal of First Session of House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, 1790-91. 1 vol. Extracts from the journal, by Peter Zachary Lloyd. 378. Logan Business Papers, 1808-36. 23 vols. Purchased by the Dreer Fund. These records comprise: George Logan's Stenton farm diary, 1809-13; Albanus C. Logan cashbooks, 1808-11, 1811-14; his Sommerville farm cashbooks, 1809-15, 1812-13, 1820-21, 1824- 25, 1831-36; Charles F. Logan's Stenton mill daybooks, 1816-23, 4 vols.; his ledger, 1818; his letter book, 1818-19; the Loganville mill journals, 1819-22, 1822-24; and the Loganville mill day- book, 1822-24; the book of accounts of the team hauling, 1820- 23; Charles F. Logan's sawmill journal, 1820-23; his cashbook, 1822-23; his daybook, 1823-25; his journal, 1823-25; copy of John Moland's analysis of the law. 379. Logan Papers, 1664-1871. Approx. 12,000 items. Presented by members of the Logan family. A large and important section of this collection is composed of the papers of James Logan (1674-1751), scholar, secretary to William Penn, clerk of the Provincial Council, commissioner of property and receiver general for the province. These papers include: 2 vols, of correspondence, among which are letters from William Penn, and some of Logan's scholarly, scientific, and biographical papers, 1681-1732, 1731-53; letter books of James Logan, 1701-9, 1702-26; 1712-15; 1716-43; 1720-31, 1748- 50; 9 vols, of Logan correspondence, 1700-1747; approx. 150 let- ters pertaining to political and business affairs, 1698-1769; 1 vol. of documents relating to Indian affairs, 1701-1802; 2 vols, of ar- chives of the Provincial Council, 1694-1755; James Logan's "justification" before the assembly, 1709; his receipt book, 1702- 9; account book, 1712-19; ledger, 1720-29; and daybook, 1722- 23. The large body of official papers in this collection includes: 1 vol. of records of the court held at Upland, under Edmund Andros, 1676-81; extracts from the record book of the county court at Upland, 1676-81; 1 vol. of early Pennsylvania laws, 1693-99; New Castle court records, 1677-82; appeals, petitions, and grievances presented to the provincial council, 1700-1713; accounts of the quitrents collected by Governor John Blackwell, 1689, listing the names of the first settlers of Philadelphia; quitrents for the three lower counties, 1701-13; the receipt book for quitrents of Lynford Lardner, receiver-general, 1739, 1743- 48. Among the Logan family papers are: 2 vols, of correspondence of Dr. George Logan, 1784-1820; his letter book and journal of a trip to England, while he was a student at the University of Edinburgh, 1775-79; notes from Dr. Hunter's lectures on the physiology of the alimentary tube (Dr. James Hutchinson to Logan), 1775; William Logan journal of a trip to Georgia, 1745; a box of letters and printed pamphlets pertaining to the political activities of Dr. George Logan, and to his foreign mis- sions, 1809-22; 1 vol. of correspondence of Mrs. Deborah Logan, with a few miscellaneous additions, 1730-1836; an anatomy chart; and some literary and biographical sketches by Deborah Logan, 1815-27. The Logan Collection includes many of the papers of John Dickinson: 2 vols, of Dickinson family papers, 1697-1843, among which are documents expressing John Dickinson's opinion on educational, religious, and political matters; 1 vol. of his cor- respondence, 1764-1807; his notes of arguments on Pennsylvania laws, 1760; his notes on the question of the abolition of slavery; on religious, philosophical and administrative matters; on do- mestic and personal affairs, 1777-1803; Dickinson's Bible, 1740, with marginal notes; Jonathan Dickinson ledger, 1699-1701; papers from the Dickinson estate, 1664-1806; papers concerning Dickinson's manor and other tracts of land; Poplar Ridge (Stephen Pleasonton) papers, 1677-1805; Kingston-on-Hull (Hunn and Asa Manlove) and Town Point (Caleb Luff and John Wethered) papers, 1671-1803; Dickinson's records pertain- ing to Rixom, 1747-1807, Canterbury, Rejected Valley, Wye- berry, Wyefield, 1714-1802; account of repairs at Fairhill House, Chestnut St., Philadelphia, 1771-76; records of his land and house in Wilmington, Del., 1754-1800, containing an account of material and labor; 1 vol. relates to the land and house in Wilmington, 1791-1800, including records of land in Brandy- wine Hundred, 1664-1797, and of a house in Jones Neck (Gideon Emery, Thomas White), 1781-1806; 4 vols, of Dickin- son's miscellaneous papers, 1750-1847, relate to land and include demand notes, indentures, and other business records; papers on land in Merion, 1710-1818; Henry W. Stiegel papers, Eliza- beth Furnace in Elizabeth Township, Lancaster County, 1766- 75; papers belonging to the estate of Thomas Wilson, 1763-76; John Moland's family, 1745-85; William Hicks, 1763-92; estate of Richard Hill, 1708-58; papers of Thomas Griffith's estate, 1719-88; of Richard Harrison's estate, 1744-75; of Dr. Lloyd Zachary's estate, 1730-74; Thomas Fisher's ledger of the estate of William Logan, 1772-83; miscellaneous papers relating to the Norris estate, 1700-1797; Sharlow-Sweetapple (Wood-Ellis) pa- pers, 1682-1775; papers relating to land on Duck Creek, 1683- 1767; Beasley's land papers, 1725-72; Friends meeting accounts, 1707-43; a letter book of Isaac Norris, 1735-55; James Steel letter books, 1715-32, 1730-41; some Logan parchments, 1734- 70; Norris parchments, 1682-1764; Dickinson parchments, 1679- 1803; 12 boxes of Logan-Dickinson-Norris papers, 1675-1839, comprising 3 boxes of contracts, testimonies, agreements, etc., 1675-1830; surveys, 1722; accounts, list of prices of commodities, salaries, labor costs, 1729-1836; deeds, bonds, 1675-1839; mis- cellaneous correspondence, 1725-1871; wills, marriage certif- icates, 1726-71; papers pertaining to administration of estates, 1730-1843; and "Charles Thomson's opinion of J. Dickinson, and the Declaration of Independence," copied from the original by D. Logan, 1845. The Penn-Logan correspondence, 1700-1711, published in Memoirs, IX (1870) and X (1872); William Logan journal of a journey to Georgia, 1745, in P.M.H.B., XXXVI (1912), 1-6, 162- 186; record of court at Upland, 1676-81, Memoirs, VII (1859), 35-196. 380. Deborah Norris Logan Diaries, 1815-39. 17 vols. Pre- sented by Maria Dickinson Logan, 1934. The diaries of Deborah Norris Logan (1761-1839), wife of George Logan, eminent Philadelphian, friend of Thomas Jeffer- son, reflect the social life of many prominent Philadelphia fami- lies, and political, religious, and cultural developments. Be- cause of Mrs. Logan's association with many of the prominent men of the Revolutionary and early national periods, her bio- graphical notes on John Adams, Samuel Adams, Joseph Bona- parte, Pierce Butler, John C. Calhoun, John Dickinson, Ben- jamin Franklin, Stephen Girard, John Hancock, Stephen Hop- kins, Thomas Jefferson, Henry Laurens, Joseph Reed, Roger Sherman, Francis Lightfoot Lee, John Randolph, Edward Rut- ledge, Timothy Pickering, John Penn, Thomas Penn, Richard Peters, Charles Thomson, General James Wilkinson, George Washington, etc., are particularly interesting. Other topics in- clude the Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War, cholera and yellow fever epidemics, slavery, European condi- tions, Napoleonic Wars, national and local events, travel and transportation facilities, natural phenomena and weather con- ditions, Friends meetings, and literature. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LIX (1935), 203. 381. James Logan Letter to Friends, 1741. 1 vol. Presented by Brinton Coxe. Copies of Logan's letter to Friends on "Their opposition in the Legislature to all Measures for the Defense of the Colony," Sept. 22, 1741; also extracts from his letters on related subjects, petitions, grand jury charges. Letter published in Collections, VI (1853), 36-41. 382. Maria Dickinson Logan Family Papers, 1671-1890. 2 vols, and 4 boxes. Presented by Maria Dickinson Logan. These miscellaneous family papers supplement the larger body of Logan papers (see entry 379). They include the letter book of Jonathan Dickinson, 1698-1701; letter book of James Logan, 1731-32, 1741-42; letters of Mary Norris, 1786-99; biographical sketch of Dr. George Logan, 1821; 150 miscellaneous letters and pamphlets relating to religion, politics, and society in Penn- sylvania, 1705-1816, and including a leather-bound manuscript, "Observations in a Voyage of the Low Countries," 1671; 3 boxes of letters from men prominent in the history of Pennsylvania, including Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, 1681-1890; document announcing the election of John Dickinson as presi- dent of Delaware, 1781; marriage certificate of John Dickinson and Mary Norris, 1770; letter from Benjamin Franklin to James Logan, 1748. 383. Robert R. Logan Family Papers, 1671-1863. Approx. 1 ,000 items. Presented by Robert R. Logan. Most of these papers came from the estate of John Dickinson (1732-1808), and pertain to religious and domestic affairs dur- ing the American Revolution. They include: 5 boxes of deeds and patents to land (some of the documents signed by William Penn), 1681-1844; 3 boxes of correspondence relating to family affairs, with comments on political and religious matters, 1671- 1683; papers in trial of William Moore, a judge of the Court of Common Pleas in Chester County, for misbehavior in office, 1757-58; Mary Dickinson's commonplace book, 1759-1763; Speech of the Right Honourable, the Earl of Chatham, in the House of Lords, 1775; Treaty of amity and commerce, and al- liance eventual and defensive, between his most Christian Majesty Louis the Sixteenth, King of France and Navarre and the Thirteen United States of America, 1778; 1 vol. of the Jour- nal of Congress, containing the treaty of peace with Great Britain, 1783; Pennsylvania Pocket Almanack, with marginal notes, 1774; Poor Will's Pocket Almanack, with marginal notes, 1776; An Act of the General Assembly of Maryland for the Assessment of Property within the States, 1779; 2 copies of The American Universal Magazine, 1797; 2 copies of the Gazette of the United States, 1793; Letters of Helvetius on the President's Proclamation of Neutrality, 1793; By-Laws for Insurance Poli- cies, n.d.; writings and observations on the New Testament, by John Dickinson, n.d. 384. William Summer Long Genealogy, 1895. 5 vols. Pre- sented by Miss Ella C. Long and Mabel C. Ewing, 1925. Genealogical data on the Long family and related families of Nantmeal Township, Chester County, Pa., and Haddonfield, N.J. 385. Louis L'Orrange Receipt Book, 1797-1815. 1 vol. Pre- sented by John Campbell, 1898. Receipt book of Louis L'Orrange, a Philadelphian, containing records of payments made by him for the purchase of com- modities, rent, business transactions. 386. Lukens Family Papers, 1759-1808. 3 vols. Presented by Miss L. D. Ellis, 1916, and by the estate of Joseph Bor- ton, 1929. A collection of genealogical data on the Jan Luckens family, which emigrated* from Crefeld, Germany, to Philadelphia in 1684, compiled by Cyrus Lukens in 1906, 1 vol.; another volume contains records of the Lukens-Ambler-Wilson families. In- cluded in this collection is a group of papers and letters, 1759- 1808, addressed to Richard Wistar, Philadelphia, mainly Quak- eriana, and domestic and business matters. These papers were discovered in the secret drawer of a chest belonging to William Lukens, 1834. 387. Luzerne County Papers, 1620-1823. 8 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Miscellaneous items on the first settlements of Luzerne and adjacent counties, the disputes arising among New York, Con- necticut, and Pennsylvania; charters granted; Indian traders; Moravian missionaries; Count Zinzendorf's travels, 1742; Indian chiefs; formation of the counties; other items, 1793-1823, per- tain to land claims, road building, and local affairs. 388. Benjamin Smith Lyman Papers, 1851-1918. Approx. 1,500 items. Correspondence pertaining to natural science, geology, and literature; letters from Japan on Oriental culture; letters from Franklin Sanborn, notes on vegetarianism. 389. Edward Lynch Memorandum Book, 1795-97. 1 vol. Pre- sented by William John Potts, 1885. Memorandum book of Edward Lynch, of the firm of Lynch and Kennedy, Philadelphia merchants. The entries record financial transactions and imports of cotton and silk cloth; also such entries as the following: a sketch of a phenomenon observed in the heavens, July 25, 1796; a notice that President Washington will vacate his house on Market Street, Philadelphia, in March 1797; abstract of the Stamp Act passed in Philadelphia in extraordinary session of Congress, 1797. 390. Malcolm MacEuen Poetry, 1869. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Thomas H. Neilson, 1923. English translation of Andre Chenier's poem, "La Jeunc Cap- tive," and other literary compositions, by Malcolm MacEuen, dedicated by him to Thomas MacEuen in 1869. 391. Brigadier General William MacPherson Papers, 1784- 1865. Approx. 1,000 items. Presented by William Mac- Pherson Horner, 1916. Military papers and letters of General MacPherson, 1784-1827, most of which relate to the enforcement of the revenue laws in Pennsylvania, 1799; a list of officers' names, and other papers relating to "MacPherson's Blues," 1794-98; the minutes of a meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati, 1832; some of the papers and correspondence of Joseph Wallace, treasurer of Har- risburg Bridge Co.; inventories and vendue lists, 1815-51; cor- respondence and other papers relating to the state arsenal at Harrisburg, 1836-39; some personal correspondence and business papers of Joseph Wallace, 1788-1865; correspondence rising out of the Antimasonic agitation and efforts to form a new political party, 1831-51. 392. James Madison Papers, ca. 1794, 1801-36. 2 vols. "Report of a speech delivered in the United States House of Representatives on Jay's Treaty by James Madison," ca. 1794, 1 vol., his observations on the treaty making powers of the Con- gress. Letters, drafts of letters, etc., 1801-36, 1 vol., relate chiefly to Madison's personal and cultural interests: the establishment of a central seminary of jurisprudence, his literary criticism, opinion on the introduction of vine culture in the United States, and other subjects. 393. James Magee Papers, 1832-52. Approx. 150 items. Pre- sented by Anna J. Magee. Papers chiefly relate to commerce and shipping. Included are the account book of Magee's ship Commerce, 1845; ledger book, 1832; prices current at New Orleans; and other items of per- sonal and business character. 394. William Man Music Book, 1829. 1 vol. Presented by John W. Jordan, 1889. A collection of Man's manuscript music for the pianoforte. 395. Christopher Marshall Diaries, 1773-93. 9 vols, and 1 package. Presented by Charles Marshall. Diaries of Christopher Marshall (1709-97), Philadelphia drug- gist, with details of events during the Revolution; also infor- mation on pharmacy. There are 7 vols, and one package of diaries and notes, 1774-93; letter book, 1773-78; "Waste Book, accounts with the Continental Congress," 1776. Four letters to Peter Miller, Ephrata, 1773-77, published in PM.H.B., XXVIII (1904), 71-77. See also William Duane, ed., Extracts from the Diary of Christopher Marshall (Albany, 1877). 396. Samuel R. Marshall Scrap Book and Correspondence, 1876-82. 1 vol. Correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, invitations, and miscellaneous mementoes relate to civic and political af- fairs in Philadelphia in which Samuel R. Marshall participated as a political leader in the Democratic Party. 397. John Hill Martin Papers, 1856-78. 3 vols. Presented by John Hill Martin and Mrs. Edward S. Sayres, 1923. Journal of John Hill Martin, a prominent member of the Philadelphia bar, ca. 1856, with "notes on the ancestry of his family, which settled in Pennsylvania in 1681, and on events of his lifetime, military training at West Point, 1838-41, his resignation from the army, 1841, preparation for the bar, in- terest in social and cultural affairs, plays, opera, and literature. The narrative embraces also some data on national and local events such as the Mexican War, Civil War, riots in Phila- delphia between the Native American Party and the Catholic Irish. List of officials, 1878, 1 vol., contains the names of mem- bers of state administrations and heads of state government departments, compiled by Martin; mementoes of the Civil War, 1861-65, 1 vol., cartoons, pictures, epigrams ridiculing the leaders of the South. 398. Mason and Dixon Line Papers, 1701-68. 2 vols, and 1 folio. „ These papers include the original warrant of William Penn to Isaac Taylor and Thomas Pierson to survey the line between Chester County and New Castle County, 1701-5; John Watson journal, boundary line, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, 1750-51; and the original manuscripts of the Mason and Dixon surveys, including the one which established the boundary line between Pennsylvania and Maryland, 1763-68. Extract from Mason and Dixon field book published in Memoirs, I (1826), 200; John Watson journal in P.M.H.B., XXXVIII (1914), 385-406. 399. Samuel Mason Diary, 1827-35. 1 vol. Relates chiefly to his farming and domestic interests. The pages are interleaved in Farmers Almanac, 1823-31, Agricultural Al- manac, 1827, 1829, and Friends Almanac, 1831-35. 400. Massachusetts Papers, 1774-1780. Approx. 1,600 items. Presented by Rev. L. M. Robinson, 1895. Copies of letters and documents from the Archives of the State of Massachusetts, relating chiefly to the Revolution: resolutions, orders, appointments, etc., adopted by the House of Repre- sentatives; details of allocation of troops, battles; accounts of the capture of Ticonderoga, the burning of Charleston; re- quests for medical supplies; letters of thanks from George Washington and Charles Lee; records of prisoners of war; peti- tions for safe conduct passes; committee of safety reports; finan- cial records; letters from prominent generals and political lead- ers. The collection is comprised of: correspondence, 1774-75, 2 vols.; resolves, 1777-78, 2 vols.; Board of War letters, 1777-80, 1 vol.; petitions, etc., to the General Court, 1779, 1 vol. 401. T. Chalkley Matlack, 1912-39. 9 vols. Approx. 3,500 pieces. Presented by T. Chalkley Matlack, 1921-39. Manuscripts of the works of T. Chalkley Matlack, Quaker artist and scholar, interested in public education in Philadelphia. Quakeriana: historical sketches and pictures of Friends meet- ing houses in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, and the boarding homes, schools, and burial grounds associated with them; also historical notes on several Friends meeting houses, 18 boxes; negatives of photographs, 6 boxes. Literary, musical; synopses of novels, bibliographies, bio- graphical sketches, literary quotations, and water color sketches of maps, scenes, coats of arms, and characters in works of Sir Walter Scott, James Fenimore Cooper, and Georg Moritz Ebers, the Egyptian romancer; notes on the lives and works of 160 composers of music. These materials are arranged: Cooper maps, 1911-13, 1 vol.; Cooper dictionary, 1914, 1 vol.; Waverly maps, 1912-23, 1 vol.; Ebers maps, 1919, 1 vol.; Ebers dictionary, 1919, 1 vol.; Aeolian records, 1916-19, 1922, 4 vols. 402. Peter McCall Papers, 1773-1879. Approx. 1,500 items. Presented by Gertrude McCall, 1926. Most of these papers are notes on lectures in legal theory and practice, 1854, delivered at the University of Pennsylvania, where McCall (1809-80) was professor of law. Collection also contains legal papers and correspondence, 1773-1879; patents and deeds, 1800-1878; trust estate books, 1829-49. 403. McEuen, Hale, and Davidson Lands in Bradford and Tioga Counties, 1799-1830. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society, 1902. Records of land alloted to Thomas McEuen, Thomas Hale, and William Davidson by an indenture of partition, May 6, 1799; included are drafts, entries of sales of land, names of purchasers, prices, locations, and a printed copy of the original title in the names of William Buckley, Thomas M. Willing, William David- son, William Wain, Henry Drinker, and Thomas Paxson. 404. Dr. Edward McInall Correspondence, 1916-17. Approx. 65 items. Letters written to Dr. Edward McInall by leading men of the United States during the critical period of the World War, reflect the intellectual climate of America at war. 405. Thomas McKean Papers, 1759-1847. Approx. 650 items. Correspondence with prominent people of the time, relating to events of the Revolution. The papers include letters from George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams, John Laurens, Caesar Rodney, and others, 1759-1847; letters to McKean's wife, 1775-1806; commissions, diplomas, and miscellaneous documents, 1777-1802; pamphlet, Discourse of a Vacuum, 1752; book of poetry and songs; and McKean's charges to grand juries on his circuit, 1777 '-79. Three letters, 1813-14, published in PM.H.B., XXXIX (1915), 454-461. 406. Subscription List to Memorial of Morton McMichael, 1879. 1 vol. A list of citizens' names, subscribers to a fund for the erection of a monument to the memory of Morton McMichael, editor of North American. 407. John McMillan Autobiography and Journal, 1752-76. 1 vol. A copy of the autobiography and journal of the Rev. John Mc- Millan, founder of Jefferson College, Canonsburg, with genea- logical data on his family. The narrative reflects colonial life, McMillan's adventures as a young man, his travel through the province, and his studies and preachings in various Presbyterian communities. This copy was made from the original manuscript in the possession of the Rev. N. Leake, of Zelienople. 408. Robert McPherson Papers, 1749-1856. Approx. 1,250 items. The papers of Robert McPherson, sheriff and treasurer of York County, and of several other members of the McPherson family, with information on local and state politics, legislation, taxa- tion, commercial enterprises, land sales, law suits, and the gen- eral history of York and Adams counties. 409. Mary McShane, Autograph Album, 1836-40. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Mrs. William C. Lawrence, 1922. Autographs with prose and verse sentiments dedicated to Mary McShane by her friends. 410. Meade Collection, 1793-1896. Approx. 2,500 items. Pre- sented by George Meade. The letters of General George Gordon Meade (1815-72), to his wife, 1845-47, relate to political issues in the Mexican War, battles and campaigns of the American military forces, accounts of the exploits of the commanding officers, and other incidents of that war. The Civil War in all its aspects, military and political, is reflected in his later letters, 1861-72, which relate to Meade's leadership, plans of campaigns, strategies of the Army of the Potomac, accounts of the battle of Gettysburg, contro- versies among commanding officers, and issues before the Ameri- can public. Other items are: copies of reports to Brigadier General Lor- enzo Thomas, 1863; field reports relating to the battle of Gettys- burg, 1863; list of casualties, 1863; minutes of council held at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863; official dispatches, 1864; official letters, 1835-65, relate to Meade's assignments, duties as a topographical engineer, and include his surveys in Florida, Texas, Mexican territory, and other places; letters, 1861-68, describe his efforts to gain promotion in the army; a group of miscellaneous letters of Meade and other commanding officers addressed to Mrs. Meade; official letters to and from Meade, 1863-81; Meade's military commissions, certificates of membership in societies, tributes, etc., 1836-71; official war maps of the Army of the Potomac and Southern States, 1861-65; surveys, accounts of reconnaissances, astronomical observations, maps of Mexico, In- dian territories, Texas, coastal surveys, lake surveys, etc., 1793- 1881; letters of condolence relating to Meade's sickness and death, 1872. Colonel George Meade's papers include: letters relating to Meade and Gettysburg, 1870-96; "Life of General Meade," 1815- 72, manuscript of George Meade; letters of condolence, visting cards, newspaper clippings concerning the death of Colonel George Meade, 1897. 411. Journal of the Town Laid Out by David Meed at Cus- sewaga, 1793-98. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1938. Record of land transactions at Cussawago, lots sold, and names of purchasers. Includes ledger accounts of David Meed's [Mead] trade in beef, flour, furs, and other commodities. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LXII (1938), 431. 412. Memorial of Commerce Between the United States and France, 1783. 1 vol. Presented by Wilson King, 1880. "Memoire sur le commerce entre la France et les Etats Unis," a treatise on economic conditions and international trade, advo- cating closer commercial relations between the United States and France. In French. 413. A Brief Narrative of the Adventures of John Menzies, 1839. 1 vol. Presented by R. Ball Dodson, 1931. Menzies* narrative of the adventures of his youth in Scotland, his experiences as a sailor, and travel to Portugal, Africa, China, and other places, 1793-94, written in Philadelphia, 1831. The volume includes a diary of a trip from Philadelphia to Scot- land; also Scottish verse. 414. Cyrus L. Merriam Biographical Sketches and Photo- graphs, 1937. 1 vol. Presented by Cyrus L. Merriam. Autobiographical sketches and photographs of miniature paint- ings of members of the Macpherson family and related fami- lies. 415. Estate of Richard Merrian Ledger, 1774-95. 1 vol. Accounts in the liquidation of the Richard Merrian estate, Philadelphia: payments made, sale of certificates, and other transactions are recorded. 416. Oscar R. Meyers Legal Papers, 1865-1905. Approx. 500 items. Presented by Josephine V. Meyers. Collection of legal papers pertaining to real estate, settlement of estates. 417. Mickle-Nichol Papers, 1766-1817. 10 items. Presented by Caroline Marshall Nichol and James Hitchcock Nichol. Family papers, including the Bible of Sophia Brown Mickle, 1766; marriage certificate of Samuel Mickle and Ann Lord, 1775; marriage certificate of Richard Rawson Hitchcock and Mary Stead, 1817; and other items. 418. Middleton Manuscripts, 1903-09. 1 vol. Approx. 100 items. Presented by the executors of the estate of Arthur H. Middleton, 1910. Genealogical data, letters, copies of records, and charts pertain- ing to the family of Arthur H. Middleton, manufacturer of machinery and supplies in Philadelphia. 419. Mifflin Genealogy Notes, ca. 1904. 1 vol. Presented by Frank L. Neall, 1913. Biographical data on the John Mifflin family which came to America from England and settled east of the Schuylkill, near .Philadelphia, ca. 1676-79. 420. Lemuel Mifflin Papers, 1784-1837. Approx. 50 items. Accounts of settlement of the estate of Lemuel Mifflin; copy of his will, 1824; tax receipts; and miscellaneous related items. 421. Thomas Mifflin School Book, 1759. 1 vol. "Abridgment of Metaphysics," manuscript school book used by Thomas Mifflin (1744-1800), contains essays on "Mente Huma- na," "Ontology," "Of God and His Perfections." 422. George K. Miles Papers, 1775-1910. Approx. 250 items. Presented by Sarah E. Miles, 1927. Genealogical papers and notes concerning the Miles family and related families, 1775-1910. 423. Francis A. Milliman School Books, 1833-35. 8 vols. Pre- sented by Mary E. W. Milliman, 1933. Educational methods used in Philadelphia are reflected in these lessons in arithmetic, penmanship, English composition, etc.; one of the arithmetic books contains a daybook account, illus- trating bookkeeping methods. 424. Dr. Charles K. Mills Papers, 1864-1931. Approx. 4,000 items. Presented by Mrs. Andrew Weisenburg. Scrap books of Dr. Charles K. Mills, containing his correspond- ence, lectures, pamphlets, programs, invitations to professional and social affairs. They present a view of the progress of medical science, treatment of insanity, and other diseases, institutional work, and contain information on many men in the medical profession. 425. Miscellaneous Collection of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1661-1931. Approx. 7,500 items. Pre- sented by various persons. Most of these papers relate to the political and military history of the colonial period. The collection includes: military ac- counts, payrolls, etc., of Virginia, 1729-98, pertaining to pro- tection of the frontier; accounts of the paymaster general of the Pennsylvania Militia in the Whiskey Insurrection, 1794-95; acts of the Jamaica Assembly relating to prisoners of war, 1706; affidavits and courts-martial, 1778-1805; Alabama letters, 1870- 85; apprenticeship indentures, 1677-1849; arbitrations and par- titions in land cases, 1700-1809; Board of War papers, 1775-79; records of boats and cargoes, 1682-1838; British depredations, 1778-83; boundary disputes between Pennsylvania and Mary- land, 1736; military certificates and discharges, 1776-1817; Civil War, Pennsylvania volunteers, 1862-68; Clarke and Lockry ex- pedition papers (photostat copies), 1781; Council of Safety papers, 1775-78; county petitions, 1736-1848; papers relating to petitions concerning church affairs, 1727-1930; colleges and schools, 1807-1927; colonial wars, 1745-63; deeds and letters patent, 1691-1891; Doylestown stageway bills, 1848; miscellan- eous estimates, bills of goods, importations, accounts, 1690-1856; Federal Congress papers, 1789-1811; muster rolls of French officers who served in the Revolution, 1778-83; account of Fries' insurrection, written 1839; George Croghan, petitions concern- ing western boundary of Pennsylvania and Indian affairs, 1749; Georgia, New York, and Virginia Assembly papers, 1698-1759; Harrisburg Bridge Company, 1813; Indian affairs papers, con- cerning land, trade, and legal matters, 1661-1930; intercepted letters, Revolution, 1775-80; legal papers pertaining to land transactions, servants, etc., 1678-1931; letters pertaining to Revolutionary activities, 1774-1814; miscellaneous list of names, 1682-1864; list of surveys, 1692; Mexican War items, 1848; muster rolls, 1757, 1863; naturalization certificates, 1724-1917; act of New Jersey Assembly, 1777; oaths of allegiance and re- cruiting papers, 1776-82; Old Congress, 1777-87; Palatines and redemptioners, 1768-1803, containing passenger lists of immi- grants and their bonds; paroles and prisoners, 1776-81; passes and passports, 1776-1908; payrolls, pertaining to the Revolution, 1776-98; Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, 1688-1769; procla- mations, 1686-1816, including one signed by William Penn, 1686; Philadelphia poor records, 1750-67; property returns, 1798; tavern petitions and licenses, 1773-1872; papers relating to the War of 1812, 1807-12; papers relating to railroads, 1818- 1902; yellow fever epidemic records, 1793; and numerous other items. 426. John Mitchell Papers, 1812-14. Approx. 100 items. Pre- sented by Ida C. Wilcox. These papers contain letters and other documents addressed to Mitchell, agent for American prisoners of war at Halifax, Nova Scotia, from American seamen captured by the British in the War of 1812. 427. James Monroe Bank Book, 1812-18. 1 vol. Presented by Ferdinand J. Dreer, 1878. James Monroe's account with the Bank of Columbia, showing cash deposits, discounts of notes, balances. 428. Thomas H. Montgomery Biographical Notes, ca. 1881. 2 vols, and 1 package. A collection of biographical notes, data on the Thomas H. Montgomery family and related families of Maryland: "My Mother's Maryland Ancestry and Kindred," 2 vols.; "Heath Family and Supplementary Note," 1 package. 429. John Moore, Commission of Attorney General, 1 folder. 1701, Original parchment commission of Moore's appointment as attorney general of Pennsylvania, 1701, signed by William Penn. 430. The Rev. John Moore of Newton, Long Island, 1903, 2 vols. A collection of biographical notes, pictures of landmarks, and newspaper clippings compiled by James W. Moore, Lafayette College, 1903, tracing the origin and history of the family of the Rev. John Moore; printed General Index containing names of families. See James W. Moore, Reverend John Moore of Newton, Long Island, and Some of His Descendants (Easton, 1903). 431. Dr. John Morgan Journals, 1764, 1781-84. 2 vols. Pur- chased by the Library Fund. The journal for 1764 is a copy made by George Appold in 1847, from the original manuscript in the possession of James B. Morgan, Pittsburgh. It is a narrative by Dr. John Morgan, surgeon general in the Revolutionary Army in 1776, of his tour from Rome to London in 1764, with details on important per- sons he met, his visit to Voltaire, universities and academies of learning, palaces, cities, travel, and social life in Europe. The journal for 1781-84 contains Dr. Morgan's accounts of his pro- fessional activities, services rendered and medical supplies sold to his patients, with data on eighteenth-century pharmacology. This volume includes a list of members of the American Philo- sophical Society. Extracts from journal, 1764, published in P.M.H.B., X (1886), 43-50. 432. Deborah Morris Account Book, 1759-86. 1 vol. Presented by S. Davis Wilson. Account book of Deborah Morris, relates to Sarah Powell's board, clothing, and schooling expenses, 1759-69; included are Deborah Morris' accounts as executrix of the estate of John Morris Potts, 1782-86. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LXI (1937), 491. 433. Greek Address to Edward Joy Morris, 1870. 1 folder. An address in Greek bearing the signatures of many prominent persons, and a letter in French, to Edward Joy Morris, United States minister to Turkey, expressing sentiments of gratitude for his humanitarian activity in behalf of the Greek nation. 434. Effingham B. Morris Photographs, 1933. Approx. 50 items. Presented by Effingham B. Morris. A collection of photographs of the Morris House, 225 South 8th Street, Philadelphia, built in 1787, the residence of six genera- tions of the Morris family; included are pictures of original furniture and furnishings. 435. Henry Morris Letter Book, Day Books, and Cash Book, 1822-25. 4 vols. Presented by Harrold E. Gilling- ham and others. Letter book, 1822-25, correspondence of Henry Morris and Stephen P. Morris with clients, relates to the manufacture of iron and brass forgings, coal shipments, etc.; cashbook, 1823, his expense account and journal (in Spanish) of a trip to Spain; daybooks, 1825-26, 2 vols., relate to the manufacture of um- brella frames. 436. Isaac P. and Levi Morris Papers, 1836-45. Approx. 250 items. Presented by C. S. Brigham. Correspondence, orders, bills, receipts, etc., of Levi Morris' iron and casting business. 437. Robert Morris Business Papers, 1769-1836. Approx. 250 items. The bill book was presented by William S. Lewis, 1883; the journals, ledger, and waste books, by George W. Childs, 1875; other items, by Charles Henry Hart, 1915. These papers relate chiefly to Morris' large scale speculation in western lands. They include: bill book, 1795-98; journals, 1791-1801; ledger, 1794-1801; waste books, 1792-97, 1794-1801; correspondence, agreements, and notes, 17G9-1803; abstract, "In the Case of Robert Morris a bankrupt, extract from the exam- ination before the commission, 1790-1798"; abstract of a deed to land in Northumberland County, executed between Robert Morri.s and Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord, 1796; and miscellaneous correspondence, accounts, bonds, etc., of John Nixon and others, 1791-1836. 438. Samuel Morris Ledger, Receipt Book, and Accounts, 1740-1811. 3 vols. Presented by Alfred Cope, 1925, and others. Miscellaneous business records of Samuel Morris, a prominent Philadelphian: ledger, 1740-65, contains farm and trading ac- counts; receipt book, 1806-7, includes ledger accounts of Sam- uel Morris as executor of the estate of Israel Morris, Jr., 1806- 11; Effingham Lawrence in account with Samuel Morris, 1788- 99, 1 vol., relates to Pennsylvania Loan Office certificates de- posited as collateral by Charles and Andrew Pettit. 439. Samuel B. Morris Diaries and Bank Checking Accounts, 1845-68. 4 vols. Purchased by the Charles Morton Smith Fund. Morris' diary, 1845, describes a trip from Flat Rock Bridge to Towanda; diaries 1849-51, 2 vols., contain his farm and domestic expense accounts; checkbook stubs, 1864-68, drawn on the Bank of Germantown, show his business and private financial transactions. 440. Susanna Morris Travels, 1729-54. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. William H. Nicholson. "An account of the travels of Susanna Morris," journal of a Quaker traveler in the American colonies; describes dangers encountered and shipwreck; Friends meetings visited in Vir- ginia, the Carolinas, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Great Britain, Ireland, and The Netherlands. 441. Colonel John S. Muckle Papers, 1898-1915. Approx. 4,000 items. Presented by John S. Muckle. The papers of Muckle, commander of the state naval forces of Pennsylvania: 5 vols., 1898-1905, deal with the Pennsylvania State Naval Militia and contain Muckle's correspondence on the organization and discipline of the naval and military forces, annual reports, records of equipment, ordnance, inspection of vessels, etc., with information on activities during the Spanish- American War; 4 vols., 1907-15, contain correspondence and papers of the Pennsylvania Red Cross Society (of which Muckle was president) which relate to activities of the Society in com- bating tuberculosis and other diseases, and include data on its personnel, and rules for the enrollment of volunteers and paid nurses. 442. Mark Richards Muckle Collection, 1915. 1 vol. Pre- sented by John S. Muckle. Obituary notices, letters of condolence, visiting cards, and testi- monials of several organizations to the memory of Mark Rich- ards Muckle (d. 1915), a prominent citizen of Philadelphia. 443. Henry E. Muhlenberg Botanical Papers, 1781-1815. Approx. 400 items. The correspondence of a prominent clergyman and botanist, relating chiefly to herbs and plants. 444. Chapters from Life of John Murray, 1899. 1 vol. Pre- sented by the Rev. Thomas Butler, 1929. Manuscript of the Rev. Thomas Butler, used by him in his illustrated lectures on the life of John Murray, father of Uni- versalism in America. Thomas Potter's home and church on the shores of New Jersey and Murray's first preaching there in 1770 are described. There is a full account of Murray's mis- sionary work and travel through the colonies. . 445. Muster Books of the United States Flotilla, 1813-15. 2 vols. Muster roll and enlistment records of personnel of the Chesa- peake Flotilla, United States Navy. 446. Leonard Myers Collections, 1854-1905. Approx. 150 items. Presented by George de B. Myers, 1921. Chiefly letters to Leonard Myers (member of Congress from Philadelphia, 1863-75) from Presidents, senators, representa- tives, cabinet members, officers in the army and navy, and prominent citizens, on legislative matters, politics, appoint- ments to offices, military and personal affairs. Included are two vols., of autographs of members of Congress, 1865-75, gathered by Leonard Myers during his term as a representative in Wash- ington, D.C. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LIX (1935), 206. 447. Frank B. Nead Documents, 1663-1866. Approx. 135 items. Purchased by the Henry D. Gilpin Fund. Autograph letters and documents pertaining primarily to Penn- sylvania colonial history; patent of land on the Delaware granted to Erick Nichelsen by Governor Richard Nicholls, 1663; original deed from Indian chiefs to William Penn for a por- tion of land in Pennsylvania, 1683; letter of instruction relating to legal and provincial matters, signed by William Penn, 1700; instruction to Governor Patrick Gordon concerning duties on English importation, signed by George II, 1732; papers, 1728- 77, relating to Indian affairs in which Robert Orme, William Johnson, Governor Robert H. Morris, Governor William Den- ny, Conrad Weiser, the Council of Safety, and others, were interested; petitions concerning extension of county boundary lines, iron industry, construction of roads, Connecticut affair, etc., 1728-1814; letters signed by George Washington, 1777-1783; certificates of enlistment, discharges, papers of the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, etc., 1775-83; plans of the Asylum Company and of the North American Land Company, 1795; letters of James Buchanan, John C. Calhoun, Alexander J. Dallas, General Edward Braddock, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Nicholson, Louis Marie de Noailles, James Hamilton, Timothy Pickering, Edmund Randolph, Joseph Reed; and other items. 448. John Neagle Commonplace Book, 1839. 1 vol. Presented by Charles Henry Hart. Notes on the art of painting by Neagle, Philadelphia portrait painter, describe the media and technique used by master paint- ers and his own experience in the mixing of colors and the use of oils, canvases, varnish. 449. George Nelson Diary, 1780-81, 1790-1802. 1 vol. Pur- chased by The Historical Society. Diary of George Nelson, Philadelphia merchant: entries for 1780-81 contain data on the Revolution, accounts of battles, mutiny and dissatisfaction in the Pennsylvania Line of Conti- nental troops, acts of Assembly and of Continental Congress, city affairs, trading conditions, and church activities; entries for 1790-1802 describe Nelson's commercial enterprises, church in- terests. 450. New Jersey Papers, 1664-1853. Approx. 600 items. Pur- chased by The Historical Society. Miscellaneous papers, which include patents, charters, surveys, laws, papers relating to property transfers and provincial boundaries; correspondence dealing with social and political matters; Burlington County materials, oaths of officials. Extracts from letters of Samuel Cooper and William Cox, 1777-78, published in P.M.H.B., X (1886), 33-42. 451. Captain John Nice Papers, 1776-1864. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Mrs. Mary Adelaide Jacoby and Anne C. Cooper, 1915. Military papers pertaining to the Revolutionary War; miscel- laneous correspondence of legal and domestic character, most of these papers relate to the military career of Captain Nice and include: muster and pay rolls of the 13th Pennsylvania Regiment, at Valley Forge, 1779; receipt book of noncommis- sioned officers and soldiers for pay and extras granted by Con- gress, 1778; military instructions, 1778; orderly book of Cap- tain Nice, 1777; diary and notes of Captain Nice, describing military affairs in New York and Long Island, 1776; diary of Captain Nice, begun at Valley Forge, June to Aug. 1778; lists of names of prisoners, and of enlistments, 1776. In addition there are some family papers including correspondence, ac- counts, etc., 1788-1836; and the receipt book of Levi Nice, 1819- 63. Extracts from John Nice orderly book and diary, 1776-78, are published in P.M.H.B., XVI (1892), 359-362, 399-411. 452. John Nicholson Letter Books, 1775-98. 7 vols. Presented by the estate of Hood Gilpin, 1918. These letter books contain copies of Nicholson's correspondence with prominent men pertaining to real estate, financial and legal matters; some of the letters relate to financial difficulties of John Nicholson and Robert Morris occasioned by their speculations in land in Washington City. 453. Colonel John Nixon Papers, 1707-1845. Approx. 1,500 items. The collection includes correspondence relating to the estate of Colonel Nixon, merchant and first president of the Bank of North America; financial papers; receipts, accounts and settle- ments, 1771-1845; deeds, 1707-1811; and marine insurance poli- cies, 1806. 454. Norris Papers, 1742-1860. 70 vols, and 16 boxes. Presented by members Qf the Norris family. The papers of Isaac Norris (1671-1735), merchant, mayor of Philadelphia; Isaac Norris (1701-1766), merchant, alderman, speaker of the Assembly; Charles Norris (1712-1766), trustee of the General Loan Office of Pennsylvania. These papers include letter books of the two Isaac Norris', 1699-1766, 10 vols.; account books, 1705-61, 13 vols.; the second Isaac Norris' account with the estate of Thomas Griffith, 1723-66; Norris and Griffith papers, 1753, 1 vol.; documents relating to real estate in Chester and Delaware counties, 1682-1762, in Philadelphia, Bucks, and Berks counties, 1685-1768, in Montgomery, Lan- caster and Mifflin counties, 1728-89; family accounts, 1740-90, 3 vols., and 1748-1816, 2 boxes; miscellaneous correspondence, 1704-65, 1 vol.; family letters and other papers, 1684-1814, 2 vols., including some of the papers of Thomas Lloyd, 1664-98, among which are documents relating to the controversy between Lloyd and the Bishops of St. Asaph, 1081; a box of deeds and wedding certificates, 1087-1790; architect's plan for a house; and some correspondence dealing with the affairs of the Penn- sylvania Fire Company, 1850-00. Among the Norris miscellany are 9 vols, of genealogical notes and extracts from the letter books of Isaac Norris on the Norris- Lloyd families; extracts from the letter books of Isaac Norris, 1099-1734, 1 vol.; scrap book containing letters from Thomas Lloyd, 1012-1779; extracts of letters from Thomas Penn to Richard Peters, 1752-72, I vol.; papers relating to the Library Company of Philadelphia, 1773-1812, 1 vol.; approx. 50 pamphlets, 1740-1804; The Examiner, Student's Gazette, 1777- 78, Theatre Critic Universal, 1759; 3 almanacs: Bailey's, 1883, Poor Will's, 1834, Philadelphia, 1835; 12 school exercise books, 1774; some mathematics problems; a box of poetry, with notes, 1750-1835. Many of Charles Norris' papers preserved in this collection deal with the administration of the General Loan Office of Pennsylvania: list of subscribers to a loan, 1758; Edmund Wooley's account with the Province of Pennsylvania, 1750-58; an undated alphabetical list of the mortgages in the General Loan Office; list of mortgages in Chester County, 1755; undated list of mortgages in Philadelphia; mortgage list for Bucks County, 1755-50; list of payments due or discharged, 1753-58; an account with the Province of Pennsylvania, 1742-50; General Loan Office account books, 1750-08, 9 vols.; settlements of the General Loan Office, 1751-05, vols.; General Loan Office ac- counts of quota and interest money, 1751-00; General Loan Office entry books, 1753-57; General Loan Office records of orders of commissioners, soldiers' certificates, and account books, 1755-00, 8 vols.; warrants from the commissioners to Charles Norris to make payments to militia and the French who re- mained neutral, and to discharge bills of various sorts, 1755-05, 9 vols.; certificates, 1758-00, 8 vols.; Loan Office accounts of Indian charges, 1753-04, and assemblymen's wages, 1750-51; a box of pay vouchers issued by the commissioners of the General Loan Office, 1702; expense accounts of James Burd's road to the Ohio, and the road cutters' accounts, 1755; Charles Norris letter book, 1733-34; cashbook, 1748-50; cash books and account books, 1733-00, 18 vols., among which are the cash books of Joseph Sermon, 1751-59, Hugh Robert, 1747-55, and a cash book for 1717; Norris' receipt book, 1758-02; tax receipt book of C. S. Norris, 1744-47; letter book of William Griffith, 1748- 52; cashbook of Charles Norris, Jr., 1809-12; bill of lading book, 1765; undated sheriff's subpoena book, notes of the House of Representatives, 1734-35, 1 vol.; minutes of the Pythonian Society, 1779; minutes of the Board of Education, 1845-47. Isaac Norris journal of trip to Albany, 1745, published in P.M.H.B., XXVII (1903), 20-28. 455. North Carolina Papers, 1777-1876. Approx. 300 items. Presented by the Lanier Bequest, 1908-18. The participation of North Carolina troops in the Revolution is described in letters of General Robert Howe, Stephen Moore, R. Rutherford, Allen Jones, John Armstrong, Thomas Burke, William Davidson, Richard Caswell, John Penn, and others, 1777-83; and in orders of the Assembly, 1777. The letters discuss the resolutions of the Assembly concerning the ratifi- cation of the Constitution, 1787-88; the question of imposts by North Carolina, 1788; paper currency, 1785; treaties and sales of Indian lands, 1827; slavery, laws, finances, freemasonry, religion, local affairs, political and military appointments. Also included are: manuscript map of the dividing line be- tween Virginia and Carolina, 1728; printed copy of amendment to the Constitution of North Carolina and of the Declaration of Rights, 1788; "Orderly Book, North Carolina Line," 1777, 1 vol.; muster roll of British troops in Charleston, S.C., 1782. 456. Northampton County Papers, ca. 1682-1887. Approx. 25,000 items. Presented by Jacob Fatzinger, Ethan Allan Weaver, John Jordan, and other persons. This collection deals with the founding and early settlement of Northampton County. It reflects the character and nationality of the settlers, religion, commercial and land enterprises, Indian warfare, and includes letters and documents of men who were prominent in the economic development of the county. The collection falls into several sections. Section of 83 vols.: land warrants, 1734-1887, 24 vols.; surveys, 1705-1886, 35 vols.; deeds, 1689-1867, 4 vols.; correspondence 1743-1804, 1 vol.; field notes of surveys, 1768-1865, 11 vols.; minutes of the Board of Property, 1776-79, 1 vol.; wills, ad- ministration accounts, 1682-1860, 1 vol.; accounts, 1775-1855, 2 vols.; bonds and agreements, 1742-1880, 1 vol.; pleas and prose- cutions, 1753-1848, 1 vol.; tax list, 1816, 1 vol.; miscellaneous papers, relating to land transactions, municipal, legal, political and domestic affairs, 1706-1880, 1 vol. Another section contains: commissioners minutes and ac- counts, 1755-82, 4 vols.; provincial tax assessments, 1767-82, 3 vols.; Northampton County assessments, 1768-93, 7 vols.; tax rates, 1762-89, 8 vols.; funding tax, 1789, 1 vol.; state tax, 1782, 1 vol.; supplementary tax, 1781, 1 vol.; county treasurer's ac- counts, 1754-70, 1 vol.; miscellaneous assessments, 1808-15, 1 vol.; indentures, land warrants, petitions for roads, taverns, creation of new townships, oaths of allegiance, indictments, criminal proceedings, details of Indian warfare, military de- fences, requests for provisions, arms, ammunition for forts and garrisons, letters relating to the Moravians in Bethlehem, the Nazareth community, etc., 1727-1858, 5 vols. Among the letters are those of: Edward Biddle, William Bradford, Henry Engel, James Hamilton, Timothy Horsfield, Robert Levers, Thomas Mifflin, Thomas McKean, Jacob Orndt, William Parsons, Rich- ard Peters, Nicholas Scull, Jonathan Sergeant, William Shippen, Bishop Spangenberg, Daniel Stroud, Edward Tilghman, Con- rad Weiser, and others. Section of 6 boxes: provincial tax receipts, 1776, 1 vol.; dupli- cates for county tax, 1770, 1 vol.; tax and assessment book, 1779, 1 vol.; county tax, 1786, 2 vols.; duplicates of provincial tax, 1789, 1 vol.; duplicates of county tax, 1766, 1788, 2 vols.; letters and documents relating to the Revolutionary War, trans- portation, litigations, commerce, politics, grand jury indict- ments, marriage contracts, domestic affairs, etc., 1749-83; sur- veys, surveyors' returns to the general office, 1776-1865; tax lists, papers relating to the Continental Army, Connecticut claimants, muster rolls, bonds, legal instruments, list of con- stables, 1765-1859; Bethlehem materials, letters relating to the number of people killed by the Indians, 1755-57, Indian ac- counts, Quakers and their conduct at Easton, Nazareth com- munity affairs, drafts, bills of sale, etc., 1765-1859. Other papers are: surveys and deeds, 1689-1867, 4 folio vols.; Bethlehem and vicinity papers, 1741-1886, 2 vols., containing letters and documents on the settling of Bethlehem and adjacent areas, surveys and drafts of land, details of Indian warfare, military protection, means of defense of Forts Norris, Allen, and Hamilton; petitions for new roads and tavern licenses, con- stables' returns, records of prices of food; minutes of the Com- mittee of Observation and Inspection of Northumberland County, 1774-77, 1 vol., with Major Robert Traill's report of the proceedings of the Committee of Safety, relating to the execution of measures adopted by the Continental Congress; manuscript histories of Northampton County, by Matthew S. Henry, 1851, 6 vols., with notes on development of townships, education, religion, witchcraft, trade, Revolutionary War, In- dian affairs, court cases, names of taxables, assembly proceed- ings. Documents on founding of Easton published in P.M.H.B., XXXVIII (1914), 110-114. 457. Northern, Interior, and Western Counties Papers, 1744-1859. Approx. 250 items. Purchased by The His- torical Society. Miscellaneous papers concerning domestic and political affairs, land transactions, laws, petitions, rules and regulations, and in- cluding correspondence reflecting social and economic condi- tions. 458. Northumberland County Papers, 1767-1899. Approx. 7,000 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Papers and documents, chiefly of Charles G. Donnel and Charles W. Hegins, jurists and political leaders of Sunbury, Nor- thumberland County: land warrants, deeds, surveys, field notes, etc., 1767-1859, show the subdivisions of land in townships and names of purchasers and settlers; agreements, mortgages, in- dentures, etc., relate to iron mines, coal lands, dams, canals, railroads, etc., 1768-1857; letters of men in politics, judiciary, and commercial enterprises relate to court trials, settlement of estates, land transactions, commercial accounts, 1793-1853; re- ceipts and bills for the supply of provisions of the Continental army and to the army in the War of 1812; names of holders of Continental certificates of the unfunded debt issued and re- deemed, 1790-93. Collection is arranged: surveys and calcula- tions, 1767-1899, 2 boxes; correspondence, 1793-1853, 7 boxes; Continental certificates, etc., 1780-1864, 1 box; miscellaneous, 1768-1871, 4 boxes; field notes, 67 booklets, 1786-1824; deeds, 1774-1859, 3 boxes; legal cases, 1794-1864, 3 boxes; commissary papers, 1809-20, 1 box; canals, railroads, coal, telegraph, etc., 1831-58, 1 box. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LXI (1937), 234. 459. Notes of Trials in Colombia, 1822. Approx. 500 pages. These papers relate to legal controversies in South American countries. Among the items are: notes of a law suit brought by E. W. Robinson against J. G. Williamson. United States consul at Caracas, Colombia from 1827-29; other t.is.s relate to ship- ping, moral transgressions, and other matters. 4G0. Ellis Paxson Oberholtzer Papers, 1735-1931. Appiox. 3,500 items. Presented by E. P. Oberholtzer. Correspondence and miscellaneous papers of a Philadelphia historian include material on: the thrift movement, establish- ment of school savings banks and thrift savings banks in the United States, 1886-1928; Historical Pageant of Philadelphia, 1912, data on its organization, administration, finance, and executive committee meetings, with water color drawings of costumes and pageantry, posters, names of subscribers and of members, souvenirs, etc.; Indian Welfare in Oklahoma; Civil War; abolition of slavery; Temperance Union; Valley Forge Commission; education; motion picture censorship; League for Better Moving Pictures; Sesqui-Centennial Exposition, etc. A portion of correspondence relates to publications, essays, lec- tures, and biographies of Robert Morris, Jay Cooke, Salmon P. Chase, Charles B. Brown, and others; included in this group of papers are Sarah Louisa Oberholtzcr's letters, poems, and essays. Papers of an earlier period include: deeds of grants of land in Uwchlan Township, Chester County, 1735-1809; in- ventory of the estate of Thomas Potts, 1762; Uwchlan Society of Friends, notes and minutes of meetings, 1806; John and Paxson Vicker correspondence, 1823-44; papers relating to the Pickering Valley Railroad, 1869-70; and other items of social and political character. 4G1. Richard O'Bryen Journal, 1789-91. 1 vol. The position held by the Barbary States in the Mediterranean and the state of their political and domestic affairs are described in this journal, "Remarks and Observations in Algiers," by Richard O'Bryen, consul general of the United States to the Regency of Algiers. It contains some account of the humiliat- ing conditions imposed upon American and European citizens, the Bey's haughty attitude toward foreign ambassadors and their agents, payment of tribute and ransom exacted for the redemp- tion of prisoners, and the cruel treatment of Christian slaves. Incidentally the conflicting interests of England, Spain, France, Genoa, Portugal, Russia, Turkey, and other countries are shown in the narrative of their diplomatic activities, wars, naval bat- tles, and the capture of vessels. 462. Orr, Dunlope, and Glenholme Letter Book, 1767-69. 1 vol. Presented by George C. Lewis, 1896. Commercial and shipping activities of the colonial period are reflected in this letter book of a Philadelphia firm. The letters, addressed to clients in Europe, West Indies, and the colonies, show business trends, commodities traded, prices, hazards of shipping. 463. Joseph Oxley Journal, 1715-75. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Sally F. Lewis. "Joseph's Offering to his Children," an account of an English Quaker's travels through England, Scotland, Ireland, and the American colonies, 1770-72, in the service of his religion. Ox- ley's record of his American tour presents a picture of life and religion in Virginia, the Carolinas, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and New England. He describes means of travel, accommodations, meetings attended, prominent Quakers he met. 464. Anne F. Page Journal, 1839. 1 vol. Presented by Maria P. Ryan. Journal of a trip through France and Italy, describes cities visited, historical monuments, manners and customs of inhabi- tants. 465. William Page Diary, 1808-12. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of William J. Potts, 1921. Diary of William Page, Philadelphia merchant; records family matters, travel, business. 466. Daniel Parker Papers, 1800-46. Approx. 12,000 items. Presented by Louisa Rawle, E. R. Willing, and E. P. Rawle. A large portion of the papers is official correspondence of the War Department in which Daniel Parker (1782-1846) was adju- tant and inspector general, 1810-45. There are letters of: Thomas Jefferson, 1803-8; James Madison, 1808-14; James Mon- roe, 1811-19; Andrew Jackson, 1803-18; William Henry Harri- son, 1802-13; General John Armstrong, 1812-42; H. Dearborn, 1803-19; William Eustis, 1809-22; George Izard, 1813-17; Thomas Johnston, 1808; Winfield Scott, 1807-21; James Wilkin- son, 1801-20; and others. Included are: Governor John Dayton to Thomas Jefferson, letters, 1801-2, concerning the landing of French Negroes on the southern coasts of the Union; peti- tions of Indian tribes to Thomas Jefferson, 1804-8; Jeffer- son's letters to Indian chiefs, 1805-8; Andrew Jackson letters, 1804-18, relating to Indian depredations on the Tennessee River, Mobile Creek warfare, etc.; Captain Meriwether Lewis' report to Jefferson on western territories, 1803; letters of W. C. C. Claiborne and of other noted persons concerned in the affairs of Louisiana, the Floridas, Alabama, Georgia, Mis- sissippi, Kentucky, Tennessee, 1801-21; survey of the head of Muscle Shoals, Tennessee River, east of the Chickasaw nation, 1818; letter of James Wilkinson to Thomas Jefferson, 1806, denouncing Aaron Burr as a conspirator and a traitor, and discussing means of defense of New Orleans; Stephen Decatur's reports on the condition of the Chesapeake after the battle with the Leopard, 1807; papers relating to war agitation, embargoes, and military preparedness against England, 1806-12. Material on the War of 1812 in the voluminous official papers, 1812-15; letters of James Madison, James Monroe, William Eustis, and of commanding officers, deal with mobilization plans, military campaigns, movement of troops, battles, General William Hull's disaster at Detroit, 1812, his subsequent trial for treason in 1814, and other important incidents of the war. Official papers, 1816-41, include letters of Colonel J. J. Abert, John C. Calhoun, John Henry Eaton, H. Leavenworth, David Porter, T. Ringgold, Winfield Scott, John Tyler, and others, on military, administrative, political, and economic affairs, courts martial, claims against the government, regulations of sutlers, 1818-20, Mexican War, Cherokee and Dakota treaties, West Point regulations, etc. Daniel Parker correspondence, 1811-45, relates to his official and financial activities: letters of Amos Binney, James Byers, William Duane, D. Gadsden, C. Irvine, W. Rawle, Parker fam- ily, and others. Additional items include: numerous pamphlets; army and navy registers; books on medicine; map of West Geneseo, N.Y., 1800; view of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1807; map of a route from Kansas to the Pacific, 1843. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LIX (1939), 204. 467. Parker-Franklin Correspondence, 1747-73. Approx. 150 items. Presented by Sarah Cresson. Letter press copies of correspondence between Benjamin Frank- lin and James Parker, printer and later comptroller of the Post Office, copied by Sarah Cresson from the Franklin letter books in the possession of the American Philosophical Society. 468. John Parrish Diaries, 1773-93. 3 vols. Presented by Rich- ard Eddy, 1882. Copies of three diaries which pertain to Indian customs, life, and habitations, with an account of "John Parrish's visit to the Indians at Muskingon," 1773; treaty at Newton Point, 1791; record of a trip to Lower Sandusky to conclude a treaty with the Indians, 1793. Copies by Richard Eddy, 1882; originals owned by Samuel Parrish, Philadelphia. John Parrish journal, 1773, published in P.M.H.B., XVI (1892), 443-448. 469. George T. Parry Diaries, 1853-86. 13 vols. Purchased by the Wendell P. Bowman Fund, 1935. Diaries, 1853, 1857, 1861, 1864-67, 1869-70, 1879-80, 1886, of George T. Parry, Philadelphia engineer, contain his narrative of daily events, family affairs, and his professional and business activities. 470. William Parsons Papers, 1723-51, 7 vols. Presented by Jacob Wolle, 1845. Miscellaneous business papers of William Parsons (d. 1757), shoemaker, scrivener, dyer, surveyor, sheriff, founder of Easton, include: ledger of accounts, 1723-26; field book of surveys, 1734- 36; list of property owners and the surveys of their land; com- monplace book, 1741-47; receipt books, 1736-37, 1738-51. 471. Paschall Papers, 1747-1871. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Anne Paschall. Miscellaneous family papers of the Paschall and Sellers families, 1747-1871, include: receipt book of Dr. John Paschall, 1747-76; account book of Thomas G. Paschall, 1811; poetry albums of George and Ann Sellers, 1830; family correspondence, 1813-15; deeds and patents to land, 1750-1871. 472 Mary Frances Paschall Autograph Albums, 1853-61. 2 vols. Presented by Anne Paschall. Bits of verse dedicated to Mary Frances Paschall by her friends. 473. Sarah Paschall Manuscripts, 1786. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of John T. Morris. Collection of Sarah Paschall's poetry. 474. Paschall and Hollingsworth Account Books, 1660-65, 1711-1861. 24 vols, and approx. 100 additional items. Presented by Herbert Morris. Economic trends, trade conditions, commodity prices are shown in the business record books of this leading mercantile firm. Thomas Paschall: ledgers, 1660-65, 1711-22, 1713-66, 1718-33; Stephen Paschall: ledgers, 1735-44, 1737-59, 1752-76, 1758-89, 1764-65, 1778-1800; daybooks, 1756-96, 1758-82; Paschall and Hollingsworth: bankbooks, 1825-30; receipt book, 1825-27; cash books, 1825-37, 4 vols.; blotters, 1830-39, 5 vols.; cor- respondence pertaining to political and domestic affairs, 1772- 1844; Dr. Caspar Morris, receipt book, 1832-61. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LX (1935), 95. 475. Francis Daniel Pastorius Manuscripts, 1683-1721, 4 vols. and 36 papers. Purchased by the Library Fund, and some items presented by Harry C. Kessler, Charles M. Wayne, and others. Papers on theological, medical, legal, philosophical subjects, including "Liber Intimissimus Omnium Semper Mecum," 1697-1701, 1 vol.; "Artzney und Kunst ist all umsunst ohne Gottes Gunst," 1695, 1 vol.; commonplace book, 1683-1716; "The Great Law of Pennsylvania" including a copy of the Ger- mantown charter, 1693; papers relating to the Frankfort Com- pany, 1683-1709; marriage certificate of Henry Pastorius, 1721. English translation of articles of agreement of the Frankfort Company, 1686, published in P.M.H.B., XV (1891), 205-211. 476. General Robert Patterson Diaries, 1835. 2 vols. Pur- chased by the Dreer Fund, 1934. These are copies of Patterson's journals of a trip from Phila- delphia to Iowa, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Tennessee, and other states. He describes historical landmarks visited, stopping places, means of travel, social events, dinner with President Andrew Jackson at the White House, scenes and topography of the country, etc. Included are his notes on European history, Eng- lish literature, and Biblical events. 477. Robert Patterson Notes on Navigation, 1789. 1 vol. Presented by A. C. Vaute. A treatise on navigation, methods of calculating latitude and longitude, written by Robert Patterson, professor of mathe- matics in the University of Pennsylvania. 478. William A. Patton Letters, 1899-1918. 2 vols. Presented by Mrs. Martha A. Patton. These volumes, chiefly composed of congratulatory letters, telegrams, and newspaper clippings, relate to William A. Pat- ton's service with the Pennsylvania Railroad and to his eleva- tion to the presidency of the New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk Railroad Company. 479. Joseph M. Paul Records, 1800-1829. 3 vols. Presented by William John Potts. Business records of Joseph M. Paul, a Philadelphia merchant: day book, 1800-1821; letter books, 1800-1821, 1812-29; journal of a journey made* by him through central and western Penn- sylvania, 1815. In addition to business data, these records con- tain information on the abolition movement, road construction, and legal matters. 480. John Howard Payne, Historical Account of the Indians in the Southern States, ca. 1835. 1 vol. An account of the Muscogee, Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek, and other Indian tribes living in the southern states; information on their origin, traditions, customs, characteristic traits, social and domestic life, language, government, religion, etc. This book was formerly in the possession of John Howard Payne. It was found among his effects at Tunis after his death, by the United States consul there, who sent it to the Department of State, Washington, D.C. 481. Peale Papers 1794-1854. Approx. 250 items. Presented in part by members of the Peale family; some items purchased by The Historical Society. Papers of Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827), Rembrandt Peale (1778-1861), and Titian R. Peale (1800-1885), mainly relate to Peale's Museum, and include: C. W. Peale, "A walk through the Philadelphia Museum"; records of subscriptions for tickets in Peale's Museum, 1794-1833; records and memoranda of the Philadelphia Museum, 1803-37; minutes of the Philadelphia Museum, 1841-45; a rough minute book of the Philadelphia Museum, 1841-45; extracts of letters from C. W. Peale, 1821-23; copies of letters from Rembrandt Peale to his wife, 1830; corre- spondence of Titian R. Peale with George Ord, 1827-54; orni- thological journal, with a catalogue of birds, collected in United States Exploring Expedition by Titian R. Peale, 1843; 10 drawings by T. R. Peale. Extracts from C. W. Peale letters concerning the Philadelphia Academy of Fine Arts, 1805-8, published in P.M.H.B., IX (1885), 121-133. 482. Colonel Cromwell Pearce Biographical Memoir, 1855. 1 vol. Presented by Gilbert Cope, 1884. A memoir of Colonel Cromwell Pearce, of Chester County, with an account of his ancestry. The volume contains a sketch of the distinguished services rendered by him as a colonel of the 16th Regiment of the United States Infantry in the War of 1812; a detailed description of the military campaign against Canada, the attack on Sackets Harbor and Little York, N.Y., the explosion of a powder magazine causing the death of Gen- eral Zebulon M. Pike, sickness and lack of discipline among the soldiers, Commodore Isaac Chauncey's naval activities on the Great Lakes. 483. Mary Pearsall Journal, 1873. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Trevanion B. Dallas, 1937. This journal of a trip from Philadelphia to Montreal describes the topography of the country, hotel accommodations, means of travel. 484. Pemberton Papers, 1641-1880. Approx. 15,000 items in 70 vols. Presented by Henry Pemberton, Jr., 1892. 484. Papers of Phineas Pemberton (1650-1702), Israel Pemberton, Sr. (1695-1754), Israel Pemberton, Jr. (1715-79), James Pemberton (1723-1809), John Pemberton (1727-95), and their descendants, distinguished Quakers, prominent in the colonial affairs of Pennsylvania. The extensive correspondence maintained by the Pembertons with Friends in America, England, and other parts of the world, contains valuable material on the history of the Society of Friends. The major portion of the collection is arranged chrono- logically in 56 vols.: Papers, 1641-1702, relate chiefly to events during the lifetime of Phineas Pemberton, colonial social and economic conditions, religious intolerance and persecution, Quaker meetings, prominent personalities, etc. Papers, 1702-74, include among others letters from Richard Partridge, agent in England for the Pennsylvania Assembly, to Chief Justice Kinsey of Pennsylvania; material on England's colonial policies; petitions addressed to the King; a memorial and protest against Parliament's strangulation of the iron industry in America; letters on the Scottish rebellion and the Spanish and French wars; data on commerce and shipping, London earthquakes; list of Friends' monthly meetings; information on the growing tension between England and the colonies. Papers, 1775-83, record incidents of the Revolutionary period; war conditions in Providence, R.I.; Patrick Henry's insurrection in Williams- burg, Va.; the arrest of Quakers accused of disloyalty in Phila- delphia; orders of the General Assembly; the occupation of Philadelphia by Howe's troops; prevailing economic conditions; a group of John Fothergill letters, 1740-80, relates to political, social, and moral trends. Papers, 1783-1808, relate to Quaker monthly meetings; abolition of slavery; Indian peace measures; the Constitutional Assembly; presidential elections; United States controversies with France. Fourteen additional volumes, 1681-1880, contain: memoran- dum book, 1768-71; Pemberton receipt books, 1792-98, 1807-30; Thomas Parke diary of a journey from Philadelphia to London, 1771-72; Thomas Clifford account book of cargoes at Bristol, 1789; John Pemberton's religious essays, n.d.; essays on religion and politics, 1814-38; genealogical notes, 1880; commissions, parchment deeds, legal documents, 1656-1831, some of which bear the signatures of James Monroe, John Q. Adams, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren; Philadelphia estates papers, 1684-1797, contain miscellaneous deeds, docu- merits, and plats; New Jersey estates papers, 1683-1803, surveys, plats, indentures, etc.; Chester County estates papers, 1681- 1795, surveys, deeds; Bucks County estates papers, 1689-1700; Maryland estates papers, 1657-1795, land patents, correspond- ence, etc.; biographical sketch of James Pemberton (1727- 1809), and one of Phineas Pemberton, by James Pemberton, 1778; Shoemaker and Rawle letters, 1780-1821, family corre- spondence. The following are miscellaneous items contained in 3 boxes; letters of John Hunt to Israel Pemberton, 1758-64; miscel- laneous papers of Thomas Clifford, 1764-89; journals and diaries of John Pemberton, 1750-95; "Notes of a journey through Scotland with John Pemberton and David Dusat," by Thomas Wilkinson, 1787; Some Account of Last Journey of John Pem- berton to the Highland and other parts of Scotland, by Thomas Wilkinson, 1811, 1 vol.; A Testimony of the monthly meeting of Friends at Pyrmont, in Westphalia, Germany, concerning John Pemberton, 1798, 1 vol.; 12 Poor Will's Pocket Almanacks, with manuscript marginal notes, 1782-1813; Joseph Pemberton memorandum book, 1798-1803, 1 vol.; his receipts, rules, and memoranda, 1801-5, 1 vol.; An Appeal to the Society of Friends on the Primitive Simplicity of the Christian Principles, 1801, 2 vols.; Early Christian Instruction in the form of a dialogue between Mother and Child, 1807, 1 vol.; An Epistle to the Members of the Religious Society of Friends, 1827; Plan of the Philadelphia Dispensary for the Medical Relief of the Poor, contains list of names of contributors, 1787; The Philadelphia Directory, 1800; "An Exact Copy of James Pemberton's Diary, 1777-78"; Rebecca Warner Rawle's diary, 1813; Excerpts of letters, sequel to the Friendly Association, 1872, 1 vol., contain- ing marginal notes; Some chapters in the History of the Friendly Association, for Regaining and Preserving Peace with Indians, by Pacific Measures, by Samuel Parrish, 1877, 1 vol.; and some additional items. 485. Penn Manuscripts, 1629-1834. Approx. 25,000 items. Many items presented by members of the Penn family and other persons; some portions of the collection pur- chased by The Historical Society. The papers of the Penns and their associates in the founding of Pennsylvania and the administration of the provincial government. 485. Admiral Sir William Penn pa pers: journal of Sir William Perm, 1644-47, 1 vol.; letters, 1650-60, 1 vol.; Forbes collection, 1653-1710, 2 vols.; "The Duty of the Principal Officers of his Majesties Navy Joyntly Considered," 1646, 1 vol.; "The Office of the Admiralty of England," n.d., 1 vol. William Penn manuscri pts: correspondence, 1654-1855, 5 vols., includes family letters, official correspondence with Ad- miral William Penn, Hannah Penn, James Logan, Harbert Springett, Thomas Bishop Vickris, John Barclay, J. Freame, and others; letters to and from John, Thomas, and Richard Penn, on Irish immigration, books, education, epidemics; printing ac- count with Benjamin Franklin; drafts, naval accounts, house- hold accounts, land records, etc. William Penn letter books, 1667-75, 1699-1701, 2 vols., contain conciliatory letter to his father; diary of a journey through Kent, Sussex, and Surrey, 1672; narratives of his trial and committal to the Tower; letters to the King, Friends, governors, Lords of the Admiralty, Lords of Trade and Plantations, etc. Domestic and miscellaneous let- ters, 1682-1794, 1 vol., contains letters of William Penn to Han- nah Callowhill, and members of Pennsylvania Council, 1684- 94; letters of James Logan, to William Aubrey, 1703-35. Penn manuscripts, 1680-1715, 1 vol., contains last will and testa- ment of William Penn, with codicil in his hand, 1705, 1706; orig- inal draft of grant of Province of Pennsylvania, with corrections in his hand, 1680; William Penn to Archbishop Tillotson, 1691; to Robert Turner, 1693; to Lord Romney, 1701; to Samuel Pepys, 1670; commission to William Markham, 1697; "The Case of William Penn," "State of efforts of Crown to regain control of Pennsylvania in Queen Anne's reign," "Act of Pennsylvania vesting proprietary estates in Commonwealth," and other items. Penn's letter to the Free Society of Traders, 1683, 1 vol.; Irish journal, 1669-70, 1 vol.; "An account of My Journey into Hol- land and Germany," 1677, 1 vol., includes letters to the King of Poland, Anna Maria de Horn (Countess of Horn), essays, etc.; William Penn receipt book, interest on loans, 1710-28, 1 vol.; William and Hannah Penn journal, 1710-26, 1 vol.; Han- nah Penn cash book, 1712-20, 1 vol. Records of the pro prietar y g overnment: papers relating to the three lower counties, 1629-1774, 1 vol.; Penn's deeds, 1639- 1759, 1760-1801, 2 boxes; leases and mortgages, 1670-1771, 1 vol.; governor's proclamations, 1670-1775, 1 vol.; county court rec- ords, town and county of Deale, 1681-1709, 1 vol.; autograph petitions, 1681-1716, and receipts for beaver skins for tenure, etc., 1752-80, 1 vol., contains addresses to William Penn by Trade Society, petition to Lord Baltimore, petitions from Berks, Bucks, and Chester counties in favor of proprietary govern- ment, etc.; Pennsylvania land grants, 1681-1806, 1 vol.; Assembly of Provincial Council of Pennsylvania, 1682-1874, 1 vol.; the laws of Pennsylvania, 1682-88, 1 vol.; Pennsylvania charters, Frame of Government, with revised forms, 1683-96, and marriage settlement and will of Thomas Penn, 1751-74, 1 vol.; official cor- respondence, 1683-1817, 12 vols., letters from James Logan to John Penn and Hannah Penn, Lord Baltimore, William Penn, Governor Andrew Hamilton, Isaac Norris, W. Popple, Colonel Benjamin Fletcher, on Pennsylvania boundaries, acts for regu- lating trade, efforts to make Pennsylvania a crown colony, piracy and smuggling, decline in public morals, copper mine beyond Susquehanna, Keith-Logan controversy, Indian treaties, Conrad Weiser's address to the Germans, factions in politics, paper money, yellow fever, Ohio Company, Nicholas Scull, Edward Shippen, George Croghan, Connecticut intrusion, battle of Lexington, etc.; Philadelphia land grants, Episcopal Church, Society of Friends, University Island in Delaware, 1684-1772, 1 vol.; warrants and surveys, 1684-1776, 1 vol.; Connecticut claims, 1684-1799, 1 vol.; Planter's Speech to his Neighbors and Countrymen of Pennsylvania, East and West Jersey (1 vol., London, 1684); Indian affairs, 1687-1801, 4 vols., contain in- formation to Thomas Dongan, governor and vice admiral of New York, on invasion of Indians of the Five Nations, 1787; Governor Logan's speech to Sassoonan, 1731; negotiations with Six Nations; data on German Palatines, Conrad Weiser, Rich- ard Peters, Sir William Johnson, Albany Congress, Connecticut purchase, Delaware controversy; George Croghan's account of Indian affairs, 1748-49 to Braddock's defeat; maps and docu- ments relating to Indian Walk, etc.; Governor John Blackwell manuscripts, 1689-90, 1 vol.; acts of assembly, 1700-1763, 2 vols.; Pennsylvania cash accounts, 1701-78, 1 vol.; Pennsylvania journals, 1701-79, 12 vols., contain accounts of lands, quit rents, etc.; James Logan receipt book, 1702-09, 1 vol., papers relating to iron, peltries, trade, etc., 1712-1817, 1 vol.; bonds and powers of attorney, 1714-1828, 1 vol.; "Supplementary Saunders Coates," 1720-66, 1 vol., chiefly Thomas Penn letters to Richard Peters, on administrative affairs; Pennsylvania Assembly messages, 1727-71, 1 vol.; Wyoming controversy papers, 1731-75, and Wil- 485. liam Smith and William Moore vs. Assembly, 1758-59, 1 vol.; account of quitrents, 1742, 1 vol.; accounts of land in Chester County called "William Penn's Manor," 1747-50, \ vol.; war- rants to affix the great seal, 1749-75, 1 vol.; accounts, provincial tax for Philadelphia, 1759-68, 2 vols.; William Baker letter book 1769-89, 1 vol.; John Mifflin letter book, 1788-1802, 1 vol.; receipt book (of Philip Syng), provincial tax, 1759-70, 1 vol.; proprietary manors and lands in Pennsylvania, n.d., 1 vol. and 1 package. Penn famil y papers: Pennsylvania miscellaneous papers, Penn vs. Baltimore, Penn family, 1653-1834, 5 vols.; wills of Harbert Springett and Anthony Springett, 1682-1721, 1 vol.; letters of the Penn family to James Logan, 1701-30, 1 vol.; additional miscellaneous letters and Penn-Engert-Lewis papers, 1683-1872, 2 vols.; letters of the Penn family, 1701-75, 1 vol.; papers relating to Penn family title, 1712-26, 1 vol.; "Family Deeds," 1718-87, 1 vol., contains items relating to Hannah Penn, agreements of Thomas and Richard Penn, etc.; Thomas Penn private letters, 1738-41, 1 vol.; Penn-Hamilton correspondence, 1748-70, 1 vol.; letters from Thomas and Richard Penn to James Hamilton; marriage settlement of Thomas Penn, 1751, 1 vol.; account book of money due Thomas Penn from T. Asheton, Joseph Yeates, W. Peters, Sir William Johnson, et al., 1758-69, 1 vol.; Penn-Justice manuscripts, 1769-1804, 1 box, relate to land warrants, surveys, financial accounts with the Penns, political and domestic affairs; John Penn's commonplace book, ca. 1785- 87; Penn letter books, 1789-1834, 12 vols., proprietaries' corre- spondence relating to Pennsylvania political and domestic affairs. Pa pers relatin g to the boundar y disputes between the Penns and Lord Baltimore: Penn vs. Baltimore, 1606-1774, 8 vols.; New York records, 1664-79, 2 vols.; Kent County records, 1675- 83, 1 vol. "Boundaries Pennsylvania and Maryland, 1680-1768, Boundaries Virginia and Pennsylvania," 1773-75, 1 vol., contains the answer of William Penn to Lord Baltimore, 1683; George Talbot to all persons on West of Delaware between Schuylkill and Whorekill; petition of Lord Baltimore to George II, 1753; letters of Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, 1765; petition of all proprietors concerning southern and western boundaries, 1775, "Lands on Delaware Bay," 1683, 1 vol.; "Controversy between Lord Baltimore and Penn," 1683, 1 vol.; address to the King from Penn about Charter, 1693, 1 vol.; accounts, miscellaneous, 1723-60, 1 vol.; boundaries of Delaware and Maryland, 1732-33, 1 vol.; report of commissioners, 1733-34, 1 vol.; "Drafting the new bill," 1735, 1 vol.; petition, 1735, 1 vol.; decree, 1735, 1750, 2 vols.; Lord Baltimore's answer, 1737, 1740, 2 vols.; drafts of interrogatories, 1739, 1 vol.; depositions, Philadelphia, 1740, 3 vols.; "Relating to particular points in case," 1743, 2 vols.; brief for the plaintiff, 1747, 1 vol.; brief for the amended bill, 1749, 1 vol.; brief of the original bill against Frederick, Lord Baltimore, 1754, 1 vol.; bill of revivor, brief for plaintiff, 1754, 1 vol.; draft of bill of revivor, 1754, 1 vol; acts of assembly, 1756, 1759, 1760, 1 vol.; drafts of the agreement with Lord Baltimore, 1757-60, 1 vol.; bill of revivor and supple- mental bill, 1764, 1 vol. Penn-Phy sick manuscripts: land grants and surveys, 1676- 1801, 1 vol.; extracts from patent books and list of land war- rants, 1 vol.; bonds, surveys, powers of attorney, 1681-1806, 3 vols.; correspondence, 1682-1803, 2 vols.; Penn accounts, 1683- 1770, 3 vols.; accounts of quitrents, 1701, 1 vol.; accounts, 1701-1804, 6 vols.; extracts from ledgers and journals, 1701, 1763, 1 vol.; returns of warrants and surveys, 1732-1804, 1 vol.; journal, 1742-72, 1 vol.; warrants to affix the great seal, 1767-76, 1 vol.; account books, 1769-1800, 6 vols.; letter book, 1769-1804, 1 vol.; journal, 1779-1801, 1 vol.; and an additional box, con- taining warrants to affix the great seal to certificates of land patents, sheriff's commission, pardons, etc. Miscellaneous lit ig ations: Ford vs. Penn, accounts, 1672-94, plea of the defendants, 1682-1727, 3 vols.; Ford vs. Penn, Penn vs. Beranger, 1674-1716, 1 vol.; Ford vs. Penn, 1705-7, 1 vol.; law suits, 1713-1869, 2 vols.; Penn vs. Penn. 1722-27, 1 vol., con- tains bill of complaint of Hannah Penn, et al., against Aubrey Thomas and Gulielma Maria, his wife, answer of Springett Penn, interrogations, depositions, etc. Other items: letters of William Penn, 1681-92, copied by J. Francis Fisher in 1840, 1 vol.; records of Sussex County, 1681- 1710, 1 vol.; an act of Parliament, 1697, 1 vol.; maps and surveys, Mason and Dixon Line, 1701-5; Eastburn map of Indian Walk, 1757; original warrant signed by William Penn ordering Isaac Taylor and Thomas Pierson to survey line between County of Chester and County of New Castle, 1701 ; cer- tificate signed by Isaac Taylor and Thomas Pierson, with map, "The Figure of the Circular Line Dividing between the County of New Castle and County of Chester, 1701"; merchants ac- count books (Bristol, Eng.), 1717, 3 vols.; map of part of the estate of William Penn in the Barony of Imokilly, 1764; pro- prietary manors and lands in Pennsylvania of John Penn, Jr., and John Penn, including approximately 40 maps, n.d.; and other material. The Penn-Logan correspondence, 1700-1711, published in Memoirs, IX (1870) and X (1872); other groups of Penn papers in Memoirs and P.M.H.B., passim. 486. Granville Penn Book of Poems, 1808-38. 1 vol. Pre- sented by A. L. Smith, 1834. A collection of poetry in the handwriting of Granville Penn (1761-1844); authorship has not been verified. 487. William Penn Commemoration Papers, 1931-32. Ap- prox. 200 items. Presented by Harrold E. Gillingham. Records of the general committee of William Penn's commem- oration, the 250th anniversary of the founding of Pennsylvania. The papers include correspondence, financial reports, minutes of committees, programs of exercises in schools and colleges, lists of patriotic societies, and other matter pertaining to the event. 488. Pennsylvania Counties, 1708-1882. Approx. 1,500 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Miscellaneous papers of several Pennsylvania counties: Alle- gheny, 1790-1849; Armstrong, ca. 1785-1816; Bedford, 1782-94; Berks, 1772-95; Bucks, 1708-1863; Carbon, ca. 1789-1823; Ches- ter, 1729-1818; Centre, 1785-1816; Clearfield, 1785-1816; Craw- ford, 1772-1823; Cumberland, 1782; Delaware, 1786-1811; Dauphin, 1790-1813; Fayette, 1790-96; Franklin, 1788-1812; In- diana, 1823; Lancaster, 1743-1876; Lehigh, 1757; Lebanon, ca. 1789-1823; Lycoming, ca. 1789; Luzerne, 1793-1823; Mifflin, ca. 1789-1823; Monroe, 1846; Montgomery, 1728-1882; McKean, ca. 1789; Perry, ca. 1789; Snyder, ca. 1789-1823; Susquehanna, ca. 1789; Tioga, 1847; Washington, 1781-84; Wayne, 1790-1802; Westmoreland, 1774-1823. Among the items is a narrative by C. Van Horn describing the Connecticut invasion, pioneering, colonial warfare, and incidents during the Revolution, 1772- 1837, in Crawford County; a history of Monroe County and of the Indian Walk, 1746; a history of Luzerne County, 1793-1823; a history of Lehigh County townships, n.d., and the journal, 1757, of Lieutenant A. Engel, stationed at Leckley Township; letters and accounts of David Franks, Bernard Gratz, L. Andrew Levy, Joseph Simon, and others, of Lancaster, relating to provi- sioning of British and American soldiers and prisoners during the Revolution, 1777-78; taxable property, Chester County, 1783-88; petitions to assemblies and legislatures relating to changes of county seats, road building, dam construction, etc.; indentures; surveys; court records of indictments; penal records; deeds and land patents; jury lists; muster rolls; and other items. 489. Pennsylvania Population Land Company Papers, 1792- 1834. Approx. 1,000 items. Presented by James Gibson. Papers of John Nicholson, president, and Tench Francis, treas- urer of this land company, active in Allegheny, Beaver and Mercer counties. Among the papers are patents for land in Allegheny County, signed by Governor Thomas Mifflin, 1792- 1800; records of transfers of land by Aaron Burr to John Nicholson, 1795; stock transfer book, containing the names of Aaron Burr, James Wilson, Theophilus Casenove, Walter Stew- art, and others, 1794-1806; deeds to Aaron Levy, 1792-94; stock certificate signed by John Nicholson, and Tench Francis, 1795- 97; stock transfers by John Nicholson, 1794-1801; a colored map of land owned by John Ashley, n.d.; correspondence of Enoch Marvin and Thomas Ashley, 1798-1825; miscellaneous accounts, agreements, contracts, and correspondence, 1796-1834. 490. Papers of Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, 1748-1916. Approx. 12,000 items. Correspondence, legal documents, etc., 1748-1868, 11 vols., pre- sent data on slave trade, manumissions, colonization endeavors, formation of anti-slavery societies, relief of Negroes unlawfully held in bondage, laws, relief, etc.; William Still papers, 1852- 1902, journal, 1852-57, letter book, 1873-74, contribute informa- tion on contraband, escaped slaves, the underground railway, efforts to improve the condition of Negroes, etc.; papers on the activities of abolition societies in several states, monthly meet- ings, conventions, memorials, petitions, appeals to state legis- latures, boycott of slave labor, fugitives, court trials, prisons, political sentiments, economic conditions, etc., 1765-1865, 10 boxes; manumission certificates, ca. 1765-1865, approx. 6,000 items; manumission books, 1780-95, 5 vols., 1795-1851, 4 vols.; indenture books, 1758-1835, 4 vols.; records committee of guard- ians, 1797-1802, 1 vol.; Pennsylvania Abolition Society, list of members, 1784-1819; minutes, 1787-1916; correspondence, 1783- 1876; letter books, 1789-94, 1749-1809, 2 vols.; ledger accounts, 1792-1840, 3 vols.; minutes of the committee on the African slave trade 1805-07, 1 vol.; minutes on the acting committee, 1784-1837, 8 vols.; minutes American Convention, 1794-1809, 2 vols.; electing committee, 1790-1823, 1 vol.; committee for im- proving conditions of free Negroes, 1790-1803, 1 vol.; census books of colored population of Philadelphia, ca. 1840-47, 5 vols.; education and employment statistics, 1849-56; Philadelphia Su- pervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments, 1863- 64, 1 vol. On education of Negroes: records of guardian schools, 1790- 96, 1 vol.; committee of education, 1797-1803, 1 vol.; minutes of committee on education, 1803-19, 1 vol.; education, 1824-39, 2 vols.; entrance book for girls' school, 1824-38, 1 vol.; Clarkson School, 1819-61, 7 vols.; board of education, roll books, 1831-65, 4 vols. There are other items pertaining to the history and activities of abolition societies, and the humanitarian influence exerted by the Quakers and other abolitionists. 491. Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention Autograph Letters, 1837-38. Approx. 200 items. Presented by Fran- cis Shunk Brown and George R. Bedford. Autograph letters and biographical sketches of members of the convention that framed the Constitution of Pennsylvania in 1837; also autographs on visiting cards and newspaper clip- pings and other printed matter relating to the activities of the convention. 492. Washington H. Penrose Arithmetic Books and Scrap- book, 1824-59. 3 vols. Presented by James H. Lord. Arithmetic exercise books, 2 vols., 1824-29; scrapbook, 1859, contains newspaper clippings of poetry. 493. William Percy Journal and Commonplace Book, 1774- 76. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society. The Rev. William Percy's account of his activities in behalf of the religious revival, his travel and preaching in various towns of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and his views on the moral influence of the Church; also aphorisms, epigrams, and Biblical excerpts. 494. Samuel C. Perkins Papers, 1669-1899. These papers of a Philadelphia lawyer relate to real estate, legal business, and social matters. They include deeds and mortgages, 1669-1861; miscellaneous correspondence and docu- ments, 1869-99; correspondence of Samuel H. Perkins, relating to the academic and economic affairs of Girard College, Phila- delphia, 1847-49; "Private Docket, Naval General Court Martial, Navy Yard, Philadelphia, Samuel G. Perkins, Judge Advocate," 1864; letter book of Frederick A. Packard, editor of the Ameri- can Sunday School Union, 1832-42. 495. Samuel C. Perkins Letters, 1829-85. Approx. 600 items. Presented by Samuel C. Perkins. Letters from Frederick A. Packard, editor of the American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia. They mainly relate to publications, missionary work, subscriptions, church activities. 496. Samuel H. Perkins Journals, 1818-32. 2 vols. Presented by A. Rogenburger. Journals of a Philadelphia teacher and lawyer, recount his travel and sojourn in Mattamuskett, N.C., in 1818, legal ap- prenticeship and admittance to the Philadelphia bar, his pro- fessional struggles, and reflect the social and religious life of the city. 497. Anna M. Peters Papers, 1856-99. Approx. 50 items. Family papers including letters, accounts, wills, drafts, and surveys of land in Delaware County. 498. Richard Peters Papers, 1697-1845. Approx. 1,500 items. Presented by the Peters family. The papers of Richard Peters (1704-76), comprise correspond- ence and documents, including accounts of negotiations and treaties with the Indians and some notes of General Timothy Pickering on the battle at Brandywine. They are of special in- terest for the colonial history of Pennsylvania because of Peters' official connection with the proprietary government. There are: minutes of council, 1756-57; letters of Thomas Penn to Richard Peters, 1752-72; letter book, 1737-50; Governor James Hamilton accounts, records of marriage licenses, public house permits, 1748-51; commonplace book, 1725; Richard Peters' drafts of Pennsylvania lands, 1795-1813; photostats of letters of the Rev. Richard Peters to the proprietors of Pennsylvania, 1755-57; diaries, 1750, 1758, 1762; Episcopal license of the Rev. R. Peters, 1725. Miscellaneous Peters items published in P.M.H.B., XXIV (1905), 451-466. 499. Captain Richard Peters Papers, 1687-1871. Approx. 1,300 items. Presented by Captain Richard Peters. Three groups of papers of members of a prominent Pennsyl- vania family: 1. The Rev. Richard Peters (1704-76), pastor of Christ Church, Philadelphia, and secretary of the proprie- taries of Pennsylvania, 1749-55; 1 box, correspondence, legal documents, etc., deal with domestic affairs, land transactions, legal cases, Thomas Cookson estate, Lancaster, of which Peters was an executor; also some items, 1776, pertaining to Christ Church. 2. Judge Richard Peters (1744-1828), an eminent legal authority and agricultural scientist, 1772-1827, 3 boxes, chiefly pertain to his experiments in agricultural science, in- cluding professional and personal correspondence, daybooks, 1792-1828, 9 vols.; bills and receipts, 1803-28; "City Lots," 1786- 90; accounts with Joseph Kennedy relating to an island and fishery in the Schuylkill River, 1804-13; accounts with Isaiah Kirk for William Peters' board and clothing, 1808-19; York County lands (correspondence between Richard Peters and D. Cassat), 1816-21; Mantua Farm, 1815-49, promissory notes and bank checks, 1811-19. 3. Estate papers of Richard Peters (1780- 1848), lawyer, merchant, Nancy B. Peters, executrix, on western lands of Pennsylvania, 1798-1871; correspondence, 1824-34; Ve- nango County lands, 1810-41; General Robinson estate, 1808-43; account with James Kay, Jr., for printing supreme court reports, 1829-40; bankruptcy case of Peters, Campion, and Linder, 1841- 47; land papers, 1846-62; J. W. Howe letters, 1849-53; account book, 1807-49; receipt book, 1812-19; Willing estate papers, 1687-1806; Schuylkill Permanent Bridge papers, 1797-1828; Sarah Peters correspondence with Thomas Cowperthwaite and Company, 1850-53; and miscellaneous items. Twelve letters to Judge Richard Peters, 1793-1807, published in P.M.H.B., XLIV (1920), 325-342. 500. Philadelphia Assemblies Collection, 1879-1929. Ap- prox. 250 items. Presented by the estate of Edward S. Sayres. The social world of Philadelphia is reflected in this collection of invitations, announcements, and newspaper clippings relat- ing to the Philadelphia Assemblies. 501. Philadelphia Court Records, 1685-1819. 29 vols. Minute books and dockets of Philadelphia County courts, 1685-86, 1706-66, 1758-76, 1765-72, 1805-8; miscellaneous Phila- delphia County court records, 1697-1821, 1752-98, 1800-1807, 1816-18; criminal and vagrants docket, 1796-98; docket of a Philadelphia lawyer, 1721-22; John Edwards, court docket, 1808-19. 502. Philadelphia Minutes of the Committee of Defense, 1814-15. 3 vols. Presented by John Goodman. The Committee's records relate to: fortification of the Delaware River approach, organization of volunteers, preparation of am- munition, erection of forts, floating of loans, etc., Aug. 26, 1814 to Aug. 16, 1815. 503. Philadelphia Surveys, 1784-1831. 35 items. Purchased by the Library Fund. A collection of petitions and surveys pertaining to the opening of streets in various parts of Philadelphia. 504. Philanthropic Burial Ground Association Account Books, 1834-80. 2 vols. Purchased by the Library Fund. Treasurers accounts of the Philanthropic Burial Ground As- sociation, Philadelphia: records of receipts and disbursements. 505. Edmund Physick Receipt Book, 1773-79. Presented by Dr. Emlen Physick, 1916. Accounts of funds returned by the proprietaries to settlers who had paid for lands that were found to have been previously distributed; also disbursements for services rendered in survey- ing, advertising, judiciary affairs, and general public expenses. Physick was an agent of the proprietaries of Pennsylvania. 506. Pike Journal, 1805-6. 1 vol. General Zebulon Montgomery Pike's "Journal of a Military Expedition to the Western Territory," a detailed description of his expedition to trace the Mississippi to its head, with data on the topography of the territory, hardships encountered, life and adventures among numerous Indian tribes, French trading interests, hunting deer and elk for food, and notes on Pike's surveys of rivers and streams. 507. Dr. Joseph Pilmore Sermons, 1816. 1 vol. Sermons delivered at St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, by Dr. Joseph Pilmore; also includes his notes on the Bible. 508. Plan for the General Government of America, 1780. 1 vol. Presented by Samuel N. Lewis, 1907. A plan for the government of the American provinces, advocat- ing allegiance to England. Author unknown. 509. Des Plantations de l'Amerique, 1714. 1 vol. Purchased by the De la Roche Fund, 1935. A treatise on the English settlements in America; a plan for their economic improvement; recommends enactments for the administration of their affairs. In French; author unknown. 510. Thomas Franklin Pleasants Journals, 1814-17. 4 vols. Presented by Henry Pleasants, 1914. Journals of a Philadelphia lawyer and merchant in which pro- fessional activities, daily social events, travel through southern states, and cotton enterprises in New Orleans are described. Discusses military training in the War of 1812, and other events of the time. Excerpts from T. F. Pleasants' journal, 1814, published in P.M.H.B., XXXIX (1915), 322-336, 410-424. 511. General August Pleasonton Diary, 1838-44. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Mrs. John T. Dohan, 1915. Diary of General Pleasonton, a prominent Philadelphian, des- scribes events of 1838, 1841, and 1844; the "Buckshot War," military activities in Harrisburg, abolitionists and Negro riots in Philadelphia, the Maine boundary controversy, incidents in the Canadian insurrection, Nicholas Biddle and the Bank of the United States, presidential elections, destruction of the steamer Erie, and other incidents of local and national im- portance. Included are accounts of Pleasonton's literary and musical interests, social activities, a description of a trip to Washington, D.C., and Alexandria, Va., a tour through West Point, N.Y., and other personal matters. 512. Joel Roberts Poinsett Papers, 1785-1851. Approx. 4,250 items. Presented by Mrs. John Julius Alston Pringle, 1885. The papers of Joel Roberts Poinsett, American agent to Latin America and Secretary of War in the Van Buren administration. The manuscripts are arranged chronologically in 16 vols, of correspondence and 7 vols, of miscellaneous papers. Papers of Poinsett's education period, 1797-1809: data on his studies; journals of travel in America and Europe; letters of introduction to important persons, by J. Allen Smith, 1806; letters describing Poinsett's sojourn in Russia, friendship with Czar Alexander I, tour through the Caucasus, Caspian Sea region, Baku, and Persia; comments on European political af- fairs, and impending war between Russia and Sweden. Material on Poinsett's term as United States agent and consul gen- eral in Buenos Aires and other South American capitals, 1810-15; data on the revolutionary movements against Spain and Portugal; letters from R. Smith, James Monroe, and James Madison, from Jos£ M. De Carrera, I. X. Elio, and other South American political and military leaders; also Spanish and Portu- guese pamphlets, broadsides, proclamations, general orders, etc. Papers relating chiefly to political and economic conditions in South Carolina, 1815-25: on factional party strife, public ques- tions, tariff, transportation, territorial expansion, the Greek issue before Congress; letters of John C. Calhoun, Edward Everett, William Johnson, Peter S. Du Ponceau, Commodore David Porter, Richard Rush, Robert Walsh, etc.; also papers on science and art. Letters and documents of the period during which Poinsett was minister plenipotentiary of the United States to Mexico; on Mexican politics and economic conditions, revolutionary movements, civil wars, the influence of free- masonry on national affairs, United States commercial and po- litical interests in Mexico, and Poinsett's treaty negotiations; letters of John Forsyth, Rufus King, Commodore David Porter, Samuel L. Southard, General Guerrero, Antonio Lopez Santa Anna, and Juan de Canedo, and general orders, proclamations, pamphlets, etc.; also a memorandum by Joel R. Poinsett to John Quincy Adams, 1827. Letters reflecting American politics, the rise of the secession movement in South Carolina, and the organization of the Union Party, 1830-36; letters of Andrew Jackson, 1830-33, relate to his toast to the Union, opposition to nullification, and his plans for suppressing that movement by armed force; papers on tariff, economic issues, Cherokees in Georgia; letters of Dr. Joseph Johnson, James Brown, A. Butler, William Drayton, Lewis Cass, Henry Rutledge, Louis McLane, and others; also memorials and pamphlets. Papers of Poinsett's war department administration, 1837-41: include material on plans for the reorganization of the army, fortifications, intro- duction of new ordnance, and administration of West Point; letters of General Winfield Scott relate to the defense of the Northwestern boundary and the Canadian controversy; Nicho- las Biddle papers on United States Bank affairs; Cherokee, Creek, Winnebago Indians; letters from Andrew Jackson on the Seminole War in Florida; miscellaneous letters on Texas boun- dary, state banks, claims against Mexico, requests for military and government positions, etc.; letters of Martin Van Buren, John C. Calhoun, Gouverneur Kemble, James Buchanan,' Levi Woodbury, Dennis H. Mahan, Richard Rush, James Gadsden, Alfred Huger, James K. Polk, John C. Fremont, Stephen W. Kearny, Felix Huston, J. K. Paulding, William J. Worth, Silas Wright, Millard Fillmore, Amos Kendall, Edward Everett, George Bancroft, Francis Markoe, and others; also papers re- lating to the promotion of science, the National Institution, exploring expeditions, horticulture, and historical research. Let- ters and documents, mainly personal, 1841-51: include comments on the Mexican War, secession movement, Union Party, agri- culture, European political conditions, and other topics; Poin- sett essays, drafts of speeches and letters, autobiographical notes; sketch of Poinsett's life by Dr. Joseph Johnson. 513. William Pollard Letter Book, 1772-74. 1 vol. Letter book of a* Philadelphia merchant and shipper, contain- ing his copies of letters to clients in many parts of the American colonies, West Indies, and England. They reflect his extensive shipping and commercial interests, and throw light on prevail- ing economic conditions. 514. Port of Philadelphia Papers, 1789-1855. Approx. 300 items. Ship manifests, 1789-97; reports of alien passengers arriving 1798; baggage entry papers, 1800-1829; record of "a cartel" of French citizens returning to Bordeaux, 1800; permits for im- portation of liquor, 1792-1805; records of importation of spool cotton, 1855. 515. Port of Philadelphia Bills of Lading, 1716-72. Approx. 350 items. Materials relating to merchandise shipped by William Bishop, Richard Poor, Oswald Peel, Thomas Riche, and others, to the West Indies, especially Barbadoes. 516. Port of Philadelphia Record Books, 1796-1804. 2 vols. Bonds of importers to guarantee payment of custom duties, 1796-97, 1 vol.; debenture book, containing stubs of certificates issued, 1804, 1 vol. 517. W. W. Porter Papers, 1770-1880. Approx. 350 items. Pre- sented by W. W. Porter. This collection contains the papers of several members of a Pennsylvania family, distinguished in the Revolutionary War, political leadership, jurisprudence, and administrative affairs. Andrew Porter papers, 1773-1813, deal chiefly with land transactions in which he was officially and personally interested, in Allegheny, Mercer, Northumberland, Westmoreland and other Pennsylvania counties. Included among the items are several pertaining to his military career, 1776, 1778; astro- nomical observation, 1786-87; material on the Pennsylvania western boundary line, 1784-86. The correspondence, 1829-67, of David R. Porter (1788-1867), governor of Pennsylvania, 1839-45, includes: approx. 35 let- ters, 1838-67, of James Buchanan; 15 letters of Sam Houston, 1858; copy of an address to John C. Calhoun; and other items relating to state and national political affairs. There are also papers of George B. Porter, Robert Porter, James Madison Porter, and other members of the Porter family, 1770-1880. 518. Porto Rican Papers, 1806-85. Approx. 300 items. Pre- sented by J. Madison Taylor, 1917. Licenses to masters of vessels, passports, and similar legal docu- ments issued by the Puerto Rican government; copies of govern- mental rules and regulations regarding ports. 519. Christian Frederick Post Journal, 1758. 1 vol. "Journey from Philadelphia to the Ohio on a Message from Government of Pennsylvania to the Delaware, Shawanesse and Mingo Indians," by Christian Frederick Post (1710-85), Mora- vian missionary, describes the hazards of travel through the wilderness, Indian hostilities and massacres, the desolate condi- tion of the country, conflicting French and English interests, peace councils held with Indian chiefs, and the military pro- tection afforded by posts and forts. 520. Potts Papers, 1733-1874. Approx. 600 items. Presented by Mary I. Gozzaldi. Papers, notes, proofs, and original manuscripts gathered by Mrs. Thomas Potts James, and her correspondence with various members of the Thomas Potts family, relating to the compila- tion of "The Potts Memorial." 521. Dr. Jonathan Potts Papers, 1766-80. Approx. 500 items. Letters, muster rolls, and other documents relating to medical supplies and hospital service in the Revolution; also essays on the controversies between England and the colonies. Dr. Potts (1745-81) was medical director-general of the Northern Depart- ment of the Revolutionary Army. 522. Thomas Potts Genealogy, 1867. 7 booklets. Genealogical data on the Potts family of Pottstown, 1747-1867. 523. William John Potts Manuscripts, 1887. 1 vol. Notes taken from the Pennsylvania Gazette, 1758, relate to scientific experiments and discussions, literary subjects, local social events, and affairs of general interest. 524. Samuel Powel, Jr., Letter Books, 1724-47. 3 vols. Pur- chased by The Historical Society. Letter books of a Philadelphia merchant and shipper. 525. Howell Powell Manuscripts, 1704-06. 1 vol. Excerpts from Latin and Greek histories and philosophies, as- tronomical calculations, and miscellaneous memoranda, written by a scholar at Kingsland, Herefordshire, interleaved in Merli- nus Liberatus: being an Almanack for the Year of our blessed Saviour's Incarnation, 1704, and in The London Almanack, 1706, bound in one volume. 526. Price Papers, 1936. 1 vol. Presented by Sarah D. Lowrie. Sarah D. Lowrie's biography of Eli Kirk Price, a distinguished citizen of Philadelphia. 527. John Price Diary, 1831-47. 1 vol. Purchased by The His- torical Society. Farm economy, sowing, harvesting, prices, and building are re- corded in this diary of a Chester County farmer. 528. Proceedings of the Tribunal of the Inquisition at Bar- celona, 1624. 1 vol. Presented by George Read, 1861. Record of judicial proceedings in the Spanish Inquisition. In Catalan. 529. Robert Proud Collection, 1681-1811. 43 vols, and 4 boxes. Purchased by The Historical Society. The collection includes original manuscripts of histories of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, and other literary works by Robert Proud (1728-1813); official papers and letters gathered from various sources pertaining to the colonial government of Pennsylvania; and some of Proud's papers; "The History of Pennsylvania in North America from the original Institutions and Settlement of that Province in 1681-1742"; "The History of the orginal Institution and Settlement of the Province of Pennsylvania in North America under the First Proprietor, and Governor William Penn, between 1760-1770"; "The History of Pennsylvania, 1680-1708"; "A View of the Province of Penn- sylvania, between 1760-70"; "Observation on the Increase of the Population, Commerce and Improvements of Pennsylvania before the Revolution," 1776; Proud's notes on the history of Pennsylvania, 1800-1807; "Historical memoranda of the rise and progress of the city of Philadelphia, 1682-1789"; "The Municipal Rights and Privileges of Philadelphia," 1801; notes, including list of names of Quaker preachers in Pennsylvania, and a list of marriages, 1681-1772; a collection of indentures, 1681-1706; miscellaneous documents, letters, petitions, addresses to council, warrants, memorials, and proclamations, bearing the signatures of Thomas Lloyd, William Markham, John Holme, and others, 1684-1775; account book of Robert Proud's school, with a list of names of his pupils, 1759-92; letters of John Proud to Robert Proud, 1775-1811; Robert Proud letter book, 1770- 1811; subscription book, 1799-1806; "Short notes on the Life of Robert Proud written by himself," 1806; "Strictures on Theatri- cal Entertainments, both ancient and modern, and an Ironical defense of the Stage," 1767; "Proud's memoranda on Experi- mental Philosophy," 1750; memoranda, essays, and poetry written by Proud, 1750-1803; copy in the hand of Robert Proud, of Thomas Makin's poem, "Landis Pensilvaniae," and some other poetry, 1774; translations from Greek and Latin, miscel- laneous sketches and essays, 1778, 1785; translation of Colvius' treatise on the end of life, and other memoranda, 1774-1804; a translation of Boethius, and other memoranda, 1776; "Com- mentatorium de Vita," and other essays and observations, 1806. Four Robert Proud letters to his brothers, 1777-78, published in P.M.H.B., XXIX (1905), 229-231; XXXIV (1910), 62-73. Auto- biographical essay, P.M.H.B., XIII (1889), 430-440. 530. Quaker Diary, 1774-92. 1 vol. Presented by C. N. Barnard. Accounts of Quaker meetings, names of Quaker families, record of personal and domestic events, prices of farm products and commodities; notes on British army in Philadelphia, Captain Henry Lee. 531. James W. Queen Journals and Letters, 1849, 1864-65. 2 vols. Presented by James W. Queen. The volumes are titled "When I was in Europe, 1849," and "Letters from Europe, 1864-65." They contain Queen's accounts of his journeys in various parts of Europe, cultural conditions, religious sentiments, facilities for travel, palaces and art mu- seums visited, hotel accommodations, etc. Also included are plans and maps of cities, time tables, and related items. 532. Dr. Lavington Quick Papers, 1847-76. Approx. 400 items. Presented by Mrs. William C. Quick, 1917. This collection of papers and correspondence relates mainly to the medical activities of Dr. Quick (1819-76), brigadier surgeon in the United States Army during the Civil War. 533. H. E. Raesly Manuscripts, 1871. 1 vol. Presented by F. H. Price. A collection of poetry dedicated to H. E. Raesly by friends. 534. Condy Raguet Official Letters, 1824-27. 2 vols. Pre- sented by Mrs. William L. Mactier, 1895. Condy Raguet's copies of his official letters as United States charge d'affaires at the Court of Brazil, addressed to John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay, Secretaries of State. They con- cern United States foreign policy, relations with the Brazilian Government, revolutionary developments, commercial and shipping conditions, British and French interests in South America, etc. Included is a broadside, 1828, presenting the case of the seizure of the American vessel Spark by the Brazilian Government and the resignation of Condy Raguet from his post as charge d'affaires. 535. Ramsay's History of the United States, ca. 1816. 1 vol. Presented by Brinton Coxe, 1887. David Ramsay's proof copy of a portion of the first edition of his History of the United States, published by M. Carey, Phila- delphia, in 3 vols., 1816-17, with notations in his hand. 536. William Rawle Family Papers, 1683-1915. Approx. 6,000 items. Presented by members of the Rawle family. Among these papers are Francis Rawle's ledger book, 1720-26; waste book, 1735-37; journals, 1782-1830, 2 vols.; some letters of William Rawle, 1778-1834; his official correspondence as United States attorney for Pennsylvania, 1791-1800; papers relating to the Whiskey Rebellion, 1791-96, 1 vol.; papers con- cerned with the insurrection in Northampton County, 1798- 1800, 1 vol.; Penn letters and records of the Penn estate of Springettsbury Manor, 1683-1825, 1 vol.; William Rawle's essays on philosophical, scientific, historical, political, and social sub- jects, 1775-1835, 3 vols.; papers relating to the Pennsylvania boundary question and to the abolition of slavery, 1794-1834; correspondence relating to the "Cavalry Fight of the Right Flank at Gettysburg," 1863-1912, 4 vols.; adjutants regimental journal of the third Pennsylvania Cavalry, 1862-65; notes on family history, 1619-1884, 3 vols.; Junior Legal Club papers, 1870-1915, 3 vols.; manuscript of Horace Binney's "Leaders of the Old Bar of Philadelphia"; printed account of the trial of John Peter Zcnger, 1738; copy of Francis Rawle's manuscript, "A Just Rebuke," 1726; and James Logan's "Dialogue Showing What's Therein," 1726. Extracts from William Rawle journals, 1781, published in P.M.H.B., XXV (1901), 114-117, 220-227. 537. Read Manuscripts, 1716-1872. Approx. 250 items. Correspondence of George Read (1733-98), member *of the Con- tinental Congress and President of Delaware; George Read, Jr., (1786-1836), district attorney of Delaware, and William Thomp- son Read (1792-1873), senator from Delaware. The letters con- tain material on the development of the state of Delaware, in which the Reads played an important part, socially and po- litically. Letters from prominent men of the period, Benjamin Franklin, John Dickinson, William Thompson, Caesar Rodney, George Ross, and many others are included. 538. William T. Read Manuscripts, 1776-1869. 25 vols. This collection includes: "Historical Notes on the Life of George Read," 1827; "Life and Correspondence of George Read, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, with notes of some of his contemporaries," by his grandson, William T. Read, 1855-58; "Some Leaves of the Early History of New Castle, Delaware, and Maryland," 1868; "From Brooklyn to Brandywine, a sketch of the Campaign of General Washington from Sept. 1776-Sept. 1777," 1869; "Notes and Essays," 1814-19; "Notices of Captain Jon Barey, and Captain David Ross," 1867; biographical sketch of C. A. Rodney, 1853; biographical sketch and some letters relating to the life of Bishop George W. Freeman, 1871; pamphlets, 18 addresses delivered by Wil- liam T. Read, 1816-70; excerpts from newspapers, 1858-60, 1865-66; copy of the proceedings of the state convention of Delaware, Aug. 27, 1776; The Biographical History of Dionysius Tyrant of Delaware addressed to the people of the United States of America by Timolean, a political satire, 1788; "Historical Inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, his early life and connection with the Muscovy Company, and Discovery of the Hudson," by John Read. 539. Records from Family Bibles, 1739-1927. Approx. 50 items. Presented by C. H. B. Turner, R. Ball Dodson, and others. Collection of miscellaneous notes on births, deaths, and gene- alogical data. 540. Mrs. Francis T. Redwood Collection, 1762-1835. 69 items. Presented by Mrs. Francis T. Redwood. Letters of the Rev. Thomas and Mary Hopkinson, of colonial Philadelphia, on social and religious subjects. Included are letters of Benjamin Franklin, 1765; Thomas McKean, 1767; John Morgan, 1776; Mary Hopkinson; Mary Morgan; Esther Duche; Jacob Duche; Joseph Hopkinson; John Quincy Adams, 1835. 541. Reed and Forde Papers, 1759-1823. Approx. 8,000 items. The papers and correspondence of John Reed and Standish Forde, Philadelphia merchants, relate mainly to foreign com- merce, and include accounts, receipts, invoices of goods, bills of lading, insurance policies, charters of vessels, etc., with a detailed account of business transacted with England, France, Spain, Holland, Portugal, the West Indies, French and Span- ish America. The hazards of American shipping due to Euro- pean wars, French and Spanish embargoes, capture by priva- teers and war vessels, litigations, the variety of goods traded, grain, salt, furs, cloth, tea, metals, powder, rum, wine, the prices, etc., are described in detail. Letters, 1789-92, from James Wilkinson, Daniel Clark, Daniel Cox, Captain Abner Dunn, Clement Biddle, Robert Morris, John Nicholson, J. Ball, Thomas Morgan, and numerous other merchants show the business transactions and land ventures in the Floridas, New Orleans, Kentucky, Virginia, west of the Ohio, Mississippi, and other territories. Included are land records, indentures, warrants for land in various estates, 1764- 1816; James Wilkinson's letter to Captain Dunn, relating to trade with Florida by Kentuckians, 1789; an agreement with James Wilkinson to ship goods to the Mississippi and the Spanish country, 1790; French legal papers concerning goods shipped to St. Pierre, Martinique, and other places; Reed and Forde letter books, 1787, 1788-90, 1793-94, 1801-3; ledgers, 1776-79, 1779-80; daybook, 1785-91; account books, 1766-84; day- book of Reed and Forde estates, 1808-15; John Reed letter book, 1808-14; Joseph Boggs waste book, 1791-92; Samuel Israel letter book, 1804-7; Joseph Graisbury (tailor) ledger, 1759-73; Reed and Forde commonplace book, 1782-90, in which is a list of invalids belonging to the Pennsylvania Line; 7 memo, booklets, 1777-1819; Forde and Reed bankbooks, Bank of Pennsylvania, 1793-1805; Bank of North America, 1782-91; Bank of the United States, 1792-96; Andrew Summers' bankbook of North America, 1790-91; apprentice indentures, 1784-95; bonds and notes, 1782- 1801; lottery sale records, 1773-1802; Forde journal of a trip to New Madrid, Term., 1790, and one from New Madrid to New Orleans, 1790-92; his certificate of membership in the Hibernian Society, 1793; John Reed bankruptcy papers, 1808-14; will of Rebecca Cappers, 1793; and other items. There is a group of Robert Morris letters and papers, 1795- 1802 (approx. 100) which deal with his financial difficulties and assignment of his property; also papers and letters, 1814-23, of John Reed, Jr., describing his service in the Navy, his active duty in the West Indian waters on the U.S.S. Congress, Guer- riere, Constitution, Independence, and Macedonian. Forde's journal of a journey to New Madrid, Tenn., pub- lished in P.M.H.B., XXXVI (1912), 209-216. 542. Register of Ships Entering Port of Philadelphia, 1741- 42. 1 vol. Names of vessels, cargoes, points of sailing, ports of call, etc., from Oct. 1741 to May 1742. 543. Reliques of Broad-Toppe, 1865. 1 vol. Presented by Jo- seph F. A. Jackson, 1910. "Reliques of Broad-Toppe, being a collection of Ancient Mss. discovered in the Summer of 1865," allegorical poetry, narrative and satire, composed by an unnamed writer in 1865. 544. George C. Remey and Mary J. Remey Reminiscences, 1841-1928. 2 vols. Presented by Charles Mason Remey. The reminiscences of George Collier Remey, rear admiral, U.S.N., contain genealogical data, records of his travels and service, information on American naval activities in the Civil War, Spanish-American War, Philippine Insurrection, and Box- er Rebellion in China. Included are the reminiscences of his wife, Mary Josephine Mason Remey, 1845-1919, which present a picture of social life and of many notable persons of the period. There are also photographs, newspaper clippings, and coats of arms. 545. Joseph T. Richards Genealogical Papers, 1682-1926. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Joseph T. Richards. Genealogical papers, maps, and documents relating to the Richards and related families. 546. Joseph T. Richards Papers, 1857-1915. 2 vols. Presented by Joseph T. Richards, 1917. Letters, notes, charts, maps, and other genealogical material on the Richards family, which settled in Delaware County in 1682; also United States maps drawn by Joseph T. Richards (chief engineer, Pennsylvania Railroad, 1903-13) in his school days in Cecil County, Md. 547. Samuel Richards Papers, 1787-1845. Approx. 400 items. Presented by J. Bartram Richards, 1924. Contracts, bonds, receipts, legal papers relating to the settle- ment of the estate of William I. Smith; accounts of sales of land, timber, shipping. 548. Charles S. Riche, Subscription Book, 1844. 1 vol. Record of subscription for the aid and support of families of citizen soldiers killed in riots in Southwark, Philadelphia, 1844, showing names of subscribers and amounts of subscriptions. 549. Thomas Riche Street Lottery Book, 1760-61. 1 vol. Presented by C. R. Hildeburn. The records of Thomas Riche's street lottery drawings, names of his clients, prizes, tickets sold. 550. George Chalmers Richmond Papers, 1915-17. Approx. 5,000 pages. Presented by Henry Budd. Typewritten notes and papers of the ecclesiastical court of the diocese of Pennsylvania, held in Philadelphia, in the trial of the Rev. George Chalmers Richmond, rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, Philadelphia. 551. John Ridgway Field Book, 1782-86. 1 vol. Presented by George Krewson. Field book of surveys of land in Burlington County, N.J., and adjacent territory, showing names of early settlers, their land holdings, locations. 552. Rittenhouse Photostats, ca. 1755-1802. 3 vols. Photostats of David Rittenhouse's miscellaneous documents, correspondence, and scientific writings: "Mss. Notes of Ritten- house's Observations at Wilmington for determining the Longi- tude," 1784, 1 vol.; "Commonplace Book, Rittenhouse letters, etc.," 1755-80, containing extracts from the Rev. Thomas Bar- ton's letter on Indian warfare, massacres, etc.; "Letters, Docu- ments," 1793-1802, 1 vol., including Thomas Jefferson letters, 1791-93, letters from Dr. William Smith concerning University of Pennsylvania, 1793, and others. 553. Jacob Ritter, Jr., Autobiography, 1836. 144 pages. Pre- sented by John C. Trautwine, Jr. Autobiography of a Philadelphia merchant and shipper, des- cendant of early German settlers, covering the period 1784- 1836. Topics treated are: economic conditions, religion, educa- tion, trade, yellow fever epidemics, political trends, and travel. Ritter describes his adventures as a supercargo in the trade with the West Indies, South America, Cape of Good Hope, Java, Sumatra, Batavia, etc., giving a detailed account of his commercial enterprises, commodities traded, the hazards of shipping, naval battles between the English and French fleets, running of blockades, and customs of nations visited. 554. Road Commissioners Book, New Castle Hundred, Dela- ware, 1844-58. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1935. Minutes of the road commissioners, records of extension of roads, and road surveys. 555. Roads and Travel Notes Collection, 1699-1885. Ap- prox. 100 items. Presented by various persons. Among the papers are petitions to state and county govern- ments concerning construction of new roads; surveys and drafts of projected turnpikes between cities and extensions of border lines. Included is a manuscript of "Pack Horse and Horseback Transportation in Pennsylvania," by J. L. Ringwalt, 1885, 1 vol., a description of transportation in Indian trade in the colonial period. 556. Algernon Sydney Roberts Papers, 1580-1865. Approx. 200 items. This collection consists mainly of copies of records and genea- logical papers pertaining to the Roberts family of Pencoyd, Merion, 1580-1865. It includes three booklets, memoranda, and journal books, 1826, 1829, 1834, and the minutes of trustees of Girard College, 1833-38. 557. Jonathan Roberts Memoirs, 1799-1830. 2 vols. Purchased by the Library Fund. Photostats of "A Father's Recollection Addressed to his Chil- dren as a legacy transmissible to his descendants in future time," by Jonathan Roberts, Quaker, political leader in Pennsylvania, congressman and United States senator. Besides genealogical data on the Roberts family, which settled in Merion Township in 1682, and moral precepts, these volumes contain information on political trends, 1799-1830, and on the social and economic development of the nation. The reminiscences present scenes of Roberts' domestic life, early school days, apprenticeship, in- tellectual development, and his activities as an ardent Jeffer- sonian Democrat in state and national politics. John Quincy Adams, Simon Cameron, Henry Clay, William H. Crawford, Albert Gallatin, Andrew Jackson, James Madison, James Mon- roe, Martin Van Buren, and others are discussed. Roberts' par- ticipation in the debates relating to the War of 1812, financial problems, and other national issues are described. 558. Jonathan Roberts Papers, 1780-1930. Approx. 3,000 items. Purchased by the Gratz Fund. These papers relate particularly to state and national political history during the Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe administra- tions. Among the subjects dealt with in the papers, 1780-1848, are: Pennsylvania legislation, political affairs at Lancaster, Re- publican and Adamite factions, promotion of manufacture, con- troversies relating to the charter of the United States Bank, embargoes, the British orders in council, agitation for war with England, opposition of the Federalists to government war loan; French decrees affecting American ships and commerce, foreign trade, New England political factions, land claims, Jackson's conduct in Florida and New Orleans, restoration of the Capi- tol, political appointments, the Missouri question, ratification of the Spanish treaty, Lafayette's reception at Harrisburg, presi- dential elections, religion, Texas slavery contest, California, Jonathan Roberts' appointment as Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, his dismissal by President Taylor, and various other subjects. Jonathan Roberts' letters to his wife, 1814-47, describe economic conditions, domestic and cultural life, travel, and agricultural and industrial development. Other letters, 1852-1930, are from various members of the Roberts family. There are also genealogical notes of the Roberts family, poetry, speeches, proclamations, indentures, newspaper clippings. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LXII (1938), 566. 559. Sarah Roberts Cook Book, ca. 1840. 1 vol. Presented by E. E. Wright. A small collection of cooking recipes of the early part of the nineteenth century. 560. Thomas Rodney Journal, 1796-97. 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund. Rodney's (1744-1811) journal reflects the cultural and social his- tory of Delaware at the end of the eighteenth century. Included are philosophical reflections on daily events, memoranda of personal affairs, comments on the Revolution, George Wash- ington, Thomas Jefferson, Horatio Gates, John Adams, Benja- min Franklin, Caesar Rodney, and others, on the Constitutional Government, congressional activities, political affairs, and finan- cial and economic problems. 561. Cropley Rose Letter Book, 1779-81. 1 vol. Letters of Cropley Rose, an English wine merchant, relate chiefly to his business affairs in Madeira and the West Indies. 562. John Ross Docket, 1736-38. 1 vol. A Kent County, Del., docket book. 563. Major John Ross Orderly Book, 1780. 1. vol. Presented by Brinton Coxe, 1883. "Orderly Book of John Ross of New Jersey, Major of Brigade in the Service of the United States of America, at West Point." 564. William Rossell Docket Book, 1769-99. 1 vol. Records of litigations tried before William Rossell, a Mt. Holly, N.J., justice of the peace; also contains a record of marriages, 1796-1800, and business accounts. 565. William Rotch Autobiographical Memoir, 1814. 1 vol. Presented by Alfred Cope, 1874. Autobiographical account of the years 1775-94, written by a Quaker merchant in 1814. Contains a description of distressing economic conditions, seizure of vessels by English and American privateers, arrests, destruction of property, decline of the whal- ing industry, and the plight of Nantucket in the Revolution. Rotch encountered hostility in England, 1785, in his efforts to reestablish the whaling industry; in France the government accepted his project to organize an American sperm oil and whaling industry in Dunkirk. Included in the volume is a copy of "The Respectful Petition of the Christian Society of Friends called Quakers, Presented to the National Assembly of France by William Rotch, 2nd month, 10th, 1791"; also extracts from letters of William Rotch, dated Dunkirk, 1792, presenting glimpses of the French Revolution. 566. Rev. John Roth Diary, 1774. 1 vol. Photostat of Rev. John Roth's diary, in German script, describes his tour from Friedenhutten through the wilderness to Indian towns and camps in the western part of Pennsylvania. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LX (1936), 95. 567. Martha Routh Journal, 1794. 1 vol. Presented by Ed- mund Dudley, 1888. An account of Martha Routh's voyage in the company of Friends, on the ship Barely, from London, Eng., to Boston, Mass. The journal presents a picture of daily life on board a ship of that period, passengers' fear of capture by privateers, supply of provisions. Published in The Friend, Jan. 5, 1888. 568. Joseph Galloway Rowland Papers, 1795-1812. Approx. 50 items. Papers relating to the administration of William Roberts' estate; family correspondence. 569. Francis C. Rozier Papers, 1841-57. Approx. 300 items. Presented by Henry L. Rozier. Business correspondence, bills, and receipts from Philadelphia mercantile firms for goods purchased by Francis C. Rozier, merchant in St. Genevieve, Mo. 570. Richard Rush Letters, 1811-22. 50 items. Purchased by the General Fund. Photostats of Rush's (1780-1859) letters to John Adams. They contain his observations on the War of 1812, American states- men, congressional activities, Treaty of Ghent, European af- fairs, literature, publication of books, academic subjects, and personal notes. Published in P.M.H.B., LX (1936), 419-454; LXI (1937), 26- 53, 137-164. 571. Russell Papers, 1760-1869. Approx. 2,000 items. Presented by Thomas H. Russell and Mrs. Alexander Scott. A collection of papers of the William Russell and Thomas Russell families, engaged in finance, shipping, and in land enterprises in the United States. There are letters, documents, account books, maps, and plans of lands. The letters of George Russell to William Russell, 1794, give an account of political affairs in France and Spain, hazards to American shipping and commerce, seizure and capture of ships and goods by French war vessels, and imprisonment of crews and passengers; William Russell's letters, 1797-98, describe his journeys and business affairs in Virginia, Maryland, Philadel- phia, and New York; miscellaneous letters and statements of account, 1760-1857, to William Russell and Thomas Russell from their agents, John Philip de Gruchy, Thomas Gibbs Mor- gan, J. R. Priestley, Hugh Roberts, and others, relate to land enterprises conducted by them in Maryland, Connecticut, Louisiana, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and other places; legal papers of a controversy between Fulwar Skipwith, United States Con- sul General in France, and the Russells, 1794-1830; Thomas Russell waste book, 1799-1802; journal, 1799-1802; ledger, 1799- 1801; account with the Bank of the United States, 1800-1801; certificates of stock with the Bank of the United States, 1829, 1836; journal, 1823-39; William Russell, accounts of travel, household, mercantile enterprises, 1795-1802; waste book, 1795- 1802; ledger, 1794-1815; estate account, 1818-39; record of trade in Baton Rouge, La., 1816; list of books sold at auction by order of William Russell, 1801; sketches of towns drawn by Miss M. Russell, 1792-1802, 1 vol.; drafts of land on Loyalsoc Creek, Westmoreland, York, Lycoming, Luzerne counties, "Onions Fishery," and of lands on Lackawanna Creek, 1800- 1825; family papers. 572. William Russell Docket Book, 1795-99. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society. Dockets of William Russell, a justice of the peace [Mt. Holly, N.J.?]; dockets of John Munrow, K769-71; list of marriages, 1796- 1800; invoice book of Ellis Yarnall, merchant of Mt. Holly, 1790-91. 573. William J. Ryan Theatre Programs, 1871-1905. Approx. 350 items. The Ryan collection of theatrical programs, listing many of the plays and players appearing before Philadelphia audiences in the latter part of the nineteenth century. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LX (1936), 504. 574. St. Jacobus Church and St. James Evangelical Luth- eran Church, Account Book, 1855-1904. 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund. Accounts of St. Jacobus Church, later called St. James Evangeli- cal Lutheran Church. 575. Sands Family Genealogy, ca. 1834. 2 vols. Presented by F. Prince. A genealogy of the James Sands family, "The House of Sands from the Earliest Antiquity to the Present Time," with data on related families, coats of arms, newspaper clippings, letters, notes, etc. Members of the Sands family sailed from Berkshire, Eng., to Plymouth, Mass., in 1658; the family was prominent in the colonial period. 576. Winthrop Sargent Papers, 1845-68. 5 vols. Presented by members of the Sargent family. These manuscripts include the commonplace book of Winthrop Sargent, Jr., (1825-70), 1845-46; notes on literary topics, 1846; catalogue of medals from Julius Caesar to the Emperor Hera- clius, and other notes, correspondence, 1851-68, relates to Sar- gent's literary interests. 577. Winthrop Sargent Surveys, 1754-1807. Approx. 100 items. Presented by members of the Sargent family. Surveys, maps, and drawings of land in the Northwest Territory, and some miscellaneous manuscripts of Winthrop Sargent (1753-1820), Governor of the Mississippi Territory. 578. Benjamin Say Account Book, 1785-1804. 1 vol. Presented by Francis Fisher Kane, 1908. The account book of Dr. Benjamin Say, guardian of the estate of John Bird, executor of the estate of Thomas Say, and guardian of the children of Cornelius Barnes. 579. Charles Schaffer Meteorological Record Books, 1860- 1903. 4 vols. Presented by Mrs. Charles Schaffer. Meteorological observations and records, 1860-67, 1870-79, 3 vols.; United States Weather Bureau, Philadelphia, invoice book, 1890-1903, 1 vol. 580. Frank H. Schell Manuscript, n.d. 1 vol. Presented by F. Crusen Schell, 1920. "Old Volunteer fire laddies, the famous, fast, faithful, fistic fire fighters of bygone days," with illustrations. 581. Jonathan Schofield Docket Book, 1801-6. 1 vol. Pre- sented by John F. Lewis. A docket book of a justice of the peace of Philadelphia. 582. Samuel Scott Collection, 1850-1909. Approx. 1,000 items. Presented by Samuel Scott. Records of the Gloucester Manufacturing Company, a New Jersey calico manufacturing enterprise. Included are miscel- laneous correspondence, blueprints, checking accounts, stock ledgers, cash books, sales books, etc., with data on American cotton manufacture in the second half of the nineteenth century. 583. Walter Quincey Scott Manuscript Poem, 1893. 1 vol. Presented by John B. McPherson. A poem, "Robert Burns," first read at the Burns Club, Albany, N.Y., and dedicated to Judge J. B. McPherson. 584. Nicholas Scull Field Notes, 1730-55. 7 vols. Presented by Henry D. Biddle, 1888. A collection of field notes relating to Nicholas Scull's surveys, mainly in Philadelphia, 1730-35, 6 vols., 1741-55, 1 vol. Scull was surveyor general of Pennsylvania. 585. Charles Sellers Manuscripts, 1828. 1 vol. Presented by Dr. J. L. Rhodes, 1935. Notes taken by Charles Sellers during a course of lectures given by N. Chapman, professor of the practice of medicine in the University of Pennsylvania. 586. John Sergeant Papers, 1783-1897. Approx. 1,200 items. Presented by M. H. Smith, D. S. Miller, and other per- sons. These papers relate to activities of the United States Bank, ca. 1806-31; the national banking situation; currency and tariff issues; the building of canals and communications facilities, 1821-28; Indian appropriations, Cherokee memorials to Con- gress, etc., 1821-35; important legal cases; applications for gov- ernmental positions; personal and domestic affairs. Included are: "A Slight Geographical and Political Sketch of Peru," 1823; 'An Essay on the Necessity of a General Federation among the Spanish American States and a Plan for its Organization," by Colonel D. Bernardo Monteagudo, Lima, Peru, 1825; will of Samuel Rowland Fisher, 1783; agreements and correspondence relating to land transactions in Washington, including material on Robert Morris, John Nicholson, James Greenleaf, and Gen- eral Walter Stewart; letters of William Wirt, Nicholas Biddle, Daniel Webster, James Buchanan, Sam Bayard, Horace Binney, and numerous others. 587. Sesqui-Centennial Exhibition Papers, 1926. Approx. 150 items. Presented by Elizabeth F. L. Walker. A collection of mementoes, programs, advertisements, corre- spondence, pamphlets, etc., pertaining to the Sesqui-Centennial Exhibition of which Elizabeth F. L. Walker was an active com- mittee member. 588. Mary Shackleton Journal, 1784. 1 vol. Presented by Thomas Stewardson. A copy of a journal, "A Tour Through Part of England," by Mary Shackleton, a member of a prominent Quaker family. Describes cultural life in England, personalities, customs, palaces, museums, etc. This copy was made by Thomas Steward- son in 1870. Published in P.M.H.B., XL (1916), 129. 589. Shaler Papers, 1797-1903. Approx. 1,000 items. The papers of William Shaler (1778-1833), United States agent in Mexico, consul general to the Barbary States and Cuba, and Nathaniel Shaler (1775-1814), captain of a privateer during the war with England, 1812-14, reflect American diplomatic rela- tions in the early nineteenth century, particularly foreign inter- ference with American commerce, seizure of American vessels by Algerian, Spanish, and Neapolitan ships, the part played by the United States in the Mexican, Cuban and Florida contro- versies, the War of 1812, naval battles, privateering, Algerian negotiations and the resulting peace treaty. Included are: ac- counts; cargo and shipping papers; miscellaneous records of the Shaler family; "Journal of the Mission to Algiers," 1817, signed by the secretary of the commission, Charles O. Handy; auto- graph letter to William Shaler from Commodore O. H. Perry, of the Java, 1817; copy of an account of a naval battle with an English frigate, 1814, by Nathaniel Shaler; letter to William Shaler from Vincent Gray describing the burning of the city of Washington by the British, and the battle of New Orleans, 1815; 2 boxes of correspondence, 1797-1833; miscellaneous papers, documents, accounts, cargo and shipping manifests, 1798-1867, including the military papers of Captain N. T. Shaler, 1862-67, and the passport of Nathaniel S. Shaler, 1903. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LXI (1936), 110. 590. The Rev. John Sharpe Journal, 1703-13. 1 vol. Journal of a Scottish clergyman (b. 1680), who arrived in Vir- ginia on board the ship Southampton in 1701. The diary entries, beginning in 1703 at "point Love, in Chesapeack bay in the province of Maryland," contain his notes of travel through Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, etc. He de- scribes his visits to homes and churches, a military expedition to Canada in 1709, Indian warriors and names of their tribes, un- v rest in the colonies, an uprising and murder by Negroes in New York in 1712, etc. Included is a list of baptisms and marriages performed by Sharpe, 1707-12. Journal published in P.M.H.B., XL (1916), 257-297, 412-425; baptism and marriage records, P.M.H.B., XXIII (1899), 104-105. 591. John Shaw Journal, 1799. 1 vol. Narrative of a trip in the Mediterranean on the ship Sophia, to ports of Algiers, Bizerte, Tunis, Tripoli, etc., presenting de- tails of the hazards of shipping, attempted attack on a French merchant vessel, Oriental customs and life, visits of American consuls to northern Africa, inhuman treatment of an American Negro held captive in Tunis, etc. Included is a description of the "Principles of the Arabic language and the different methods of its orthography." 592. Albertus Shelley Papers, 1882-1905. Approx. 150 items. Presented by Mrs. Albertus Shelley Hiester, 1938. Family papers relating chiefly to Albertus Shelley, Philadelphia violinist: correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, etc., relating to Shelley's musical studies in France and Germany and to his professional activities, include autographs of Ole Bull, Joseph Joachim, Adelina Patti, John Philip Sousa, Paul Vian- dot, and others. 593. E. G. Shewkirk Letter, 1776. 1 vol. Letter addressed to the Rev. Nathaniel Sudel, Bethlehem, with details on the beginning of the Revolution, arrival of English troops, seizure and burning of homes in New York, arrests, and references to church matters and personal affairs. 594. Ship Register Books of the Province of Pennsylvania, 1722-76 (several lacunae). 21 vols. Purchased by The Historical Society. Records of ownership of vessels registered by the province. 595. Shippen Family Papers, 1701-1856. Approx. 10,000 items. Presented by members of the Shippen family. The papers of several generations of the Shippen and Burd families pertain to the history of colonial Pennsylvania. They include material on the westward expansion of the colonies, trade with the Indians, frontier life, and the French and In- dian War, as they touched the lives of the Shippens: miscel- laneous correspondence, 1701-1823, 9 vols, and 1 box; Shippen- Burd family letters, 1746-1856, 4 vols.; legal and business papers, 1721-1855, 12 vols.; bills, receipts, and accounts, 1721-1824, 5 vols.; jury lists, 1784-1804, 1 vol.; bail book, 1773; Cumberland County docket book, 1790; military papers, 1755-95, 2 vols.; Joseph Shippen account book of his regiment at Fort Augusta, Shamokin, 1756; journal of Captain Joseph Shippen at Augusta, 1757-58; Joseph Shippen orderly book, 1758; his journal, 1758; his letter books, 1751-52, 1754-55, 1760-61; journal of the build- ing of Fort Augusta, 1756-57; letter book and army statistics, 1758; commonplace book, 1750; Joseph Shippen account book, 1768-75; Joseph Shippen estate accounts, Henry Shippen, execu- tor, 1810-15; Henry Shippen daybook, 1817-35; Edward Ship- pen's abstracts of Lord Raymond's reports, n.d.; notes on the law, and a letter book, 1763; Margaret Shippen album, 1824; Shippen family account book, 1837; Mount Regale Fishing Company papers, 1762-65, 1 vol.; papers relating to the estate of Governor John Penn, 1715-1814, 1 vol.; letters from Anne Penn to John F. Mifflin, 1795-1818, 1 vol.; Lansdowne bills, 1793-1801; letter book of Colonel James Burd, 1756-58; frag- ments of a journal kept at Loyal Hannon, Oct. 1758; notes on the law by Edward Burd, 1766-69; notes of a lecture on moral philosophy delivered at the University of Pennsylvania, by Ed- ward S. Burd, 1793; Lancaster docket book of Edward S. Burd, 1785-95; a court docket book of Westmoreland County, 1782- 1801; bankbook of Edward S. Burd, 1784-94; Sarah Burd bank- book, 1835-39; Sarah Burd scrap and journal book, 1847-49; Jacob Hubley's music books, n.d., 2 vols. "The Complete Tutor of the German Flute," 1776; school exercises, 1804; Chester County tax list, n.d. Seventy-one Joseph Shippen letters, 1756-58, published in P.M.H.B., XXXVI (1912), 367-378, 385-463; abstracts of Mount Regale Fishing Company papers, P.M.H.B., XXVII (1903), 88-90. 596. Edward Shippen Docket Book, 1779-80. 1 vol. Chief Justice Shippen's record of cases for trial in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. 597. Annie Shoemaker Tributes, 1891, 1897. 2 vols. Expressions of tribute and appreciation to Annie Shoemaker, principal of Friends Central School, from her pupils and mem- bers of the joint committee of faculty and pupils, for her faith- ful services to the cause of education from 1853 to 1897. 598. Samuel and Rebecca Shoemaker Diaries and Letters, 1780-86. 5 Vols. Presented by William Brooke Rawle and T. I. Wharton. Manuscripts of a loyalist family of Philadelphia: Samuel Shoe- maker diaries, 1783-85, written by him "For the entertainment of his wife" during his stay in London, Eng., as a loyalist refugee; copies of diaries and letters, 1780-86, 2 vols., written by Rebecca Shoemaker and her daughters, Anna and Margaret Rawle; an index to the Shoemaker and Rawle papers; the fifth volume is a typewritten copy of Shoemaker's diaries, made in 1908. The volumes of letters and diaries of Mrs. Shoemaker and her daughters are copies of original manuscripts in the posses- sion of their descendants, Israel Pemberton and Henry Whar- ton. Extract from Samuel Shoemaker diary, 1784, published in P.M.H.B., II (1878), 36-39. 599. R. C. Shreve Diary, 1861. 1 vol. Presented by Isaac R. Pennypacker. Diary written by Shreve during a trip from Mt. Holly, N.J., to St. Paul, Minn., describing travel by boat and railroad, topogra- phy of the country traversed, stopping places, a visit to an In- dian reservation on the Minnesota River, events of the Civil War, social and economic conditions. 600. Joseph Sill Diaries, 1831-54. 10 vols. Presented by Edward W. Madeira. Diaries of Joseph Sill, Philadelphia businessman and an artist by avocation, with personal notes, detailed comments on books, plays, art, lectures, travel, religion, political leaders and issues of the period, United States Bank affairs, railroad and canal expansion. 601. Benjamin Silliman Correspondence, 1785-1867. Approx. 700 items. Collection of the correspondence of Benjamin Silliman (1779- 1864), chemist and inventor, on scientific matters in general, on chemistry, and his discoveries in that field. Included are letters pertaining to the historical paintings of John Trumbull, and to social and domestic affairs. 602. Sarah F. Smiley Diary, 1868-69. 1 vol. Presented by S. T. Hand. Journal written during a trip to England on the steamer Cuba, presenting details of Sarah F. Smiley's philanthropic interests, religious activities, preachings, church meetings, and visits to schools and benevolent institutions. 603. Smith Family Papers, 1757-1861. Approx. 300 items. Pre- sented by William R. Smith. Documents in the case between the Pennsylvania Assembly and William Moore, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County, and the Rev. William Smith, Provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia, 1757-59. Among the papers are: statement of the case, with testimony taken before the House of Assembly; affidavits of J. Ross and William Peters; printed address of William Moore; Dr. Smith's letters to Attor- ney General Pratt and to Solicitor General Yorke; report of the attorney general and solicitor general; trial order of the King and Council; Dr. Smith's petition to Governor Hamilton; included are sketches of historical landmarks and of men con- cerned in the case, 1773-1861. 604. Charles Smith Case Book, 1819-20. 1 vol. Presented by Horace W. Smith, 1870. Legal opinions and records of legal cases adjudicated by Judge Charles Smith in the county courts of the ninth district of Pennsylvania. 605. Charles Morton Smith Collection, 1685-1843. Approx. 300 items. Presented by members of the Smith family. Deeds, 1685-1805, and letters, marriage licenses, etc., 1686-1842, of genealogical and historical interest for colonial Pennsylvania; documents relate to the early settlers and the proprietors: Wil- liam Penn, James Logan, George Claypoole, William Mark- ham, Benjamin Franklin, Hugh Roberts, and others. Correspondence between Franklin and Roberts, 7 letters, 1758-80, published in P.M.H.B., XXXVIII (1914), 287-301. 606. Dr. George Smith Collection, 1681-1804. Approx. 400 items. Presented by Benjamin N. Smith. Deeds, patents, agreements of original settlers in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland, 1681-1752; papers relating to the estate of Jasper Yeates, 1721-23; letters of William Hamilton to Benjamin Hays Smith, 1784-1804; and a bundle of miscellaneous accounts, bills, etc., 1782-92. 607. John Smith Correspondence, 1740-70. 1 vol. Presented by Thomas Stewardson. Copies of letters written to John Smith, a son-in-law of James Logan and a prominent Quaker of Philadelphia and Burling- ton, N.J. The letters relate to social and domestic life, political trends, economic conditions; many of the leading personalities of the period are mentioned. 608. John Smith Manuscripts, 1801-18. 2 vols. Letters of John Smith, United States Marshal at Philadelphia, relate to the interpretation and execution of Federal legal mat- ters, claims against the government, courts-martial, finance, maritime regulations, land cases, 1801-17; Smith's official receipt book, 1801-18. 609. John F. Smith Letters, 1886-88. Approx. 500 items. Letters of managers and boards of trustees of hospitals and charitable institutions, of ministers and missionaries, etc., ex- pressing their appreciation to John F. Smith, Philadelphia philanthropist, for his humanitarian endeavors. One volume of letters, 1888, relates chiefly to the launching of the steamer Elizabeth Monroe Smith. 610. John L. Smith Letters and Diaries, 1862-1916. Approx. 250 items. Presented by Mrs. Hannah Schmitt. The letters of a corporal of the 1 18th regiment of Pennsylvania volunteers, during his participation in the Civil War, 1862-65. The diaries reflect his career as a businessman, map maker, stock dealer, 1867-1916. 611. Richard Penn Smith Manuscripts, 1785-1856. 5 vols. Pre- sented by the estate of Horace W. Smith. Plays, poetry, narratives, essays, by Richard Penn Smith, Phila- delphia dramatist and lawyer. Among the manuscripts are: "The Divorce, or Mock Cavalier"; "William Penn," a melo- drama; "The Triumph at Plattsburg," a drama; "The Bom- bardment of Algiers"; "Quite Correct," a comedy; "The Peli- can," a farce; "The Man of Mystery"; "A Wife at a Venture," comedy, etc. Some of these plays were successfully produced at the Arch Street, Walnut Street, and Chestnut Street theatres. Included are a volume containing a list of names of subscribers to the Political Works of the late Richard Penn Smith, 1856, and a cashbook of William Monroe, 1785. 612. Richard S. Smith Manuscript, 1867. 1 vol. Presented by Anna S. Folsom and Ellen M. Folsom, 1926. "Reminiscences of Seven Years of Early Life," by Richard S. Smith, and dedicated to Guillaume Aerston, narrative of his early travels, commercial and shipping activities in the Scandi- navian and Baltic countries, 1808-13, their customs, social and economic conditions. Included are his data on the contemporary wars of England, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, France; America's dominant shipping and commercial interests; English convoys; War of 1812; and personal matters. 613. Dr. William Smith Manuscripts, 1765-74. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Library Fund. Copies and abstracts of the papers of Dr. William Smith, Provost of the College of Philadelphia, made by J. Larson, 1869. Among the papers copied are "Notes on the Commencement of the American Revolution," "Letters of the Lord Bishop of Lon- don," "Stamp Act," and others. The originals of these papers are in The Library Company of Philadelphia. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LIX (1935), 444. 614. William H. L. Smith Papers, 1843-69. Approx. 1,500 items. Deeds, 1843-62; correspondence, 1858-69; reports, agreements, bills, receipts, etc., 1860-61; papers relating to the Samuel R. Philbrick estate, 1858-62. The collection contains much material on the development of the oil industry in Pennsylvania. 615. Louise H. Snowden Papers, ca. 1910-20. Approx. 200 items. Presented by Mrs. Oliver Randolph Parry. A collection of papers containing lectures on the feudal system, church, political organizations in medieval Europe; includes also notes on science. 616. Nathaniel R. Snowden and James Ross Snowden Diaries and Record Books, 1788-1865. 16 vols. Presented by Mrs. William Stansfield, 1936. Papers of the Rev. Nathaniel R. Snowden, preacher and curator of Dickinson College, Carlisle, and of his son, James R. Snow- den, jurist and scholar: Nathaniel R. Snowden's diaries, 1788- 89, 1791, 1795-1801, 1801-4, 1836-39; lectures, 1791-1826; mar- riage and birth records, 1793-1828; James R. Snowden's diaries, 1825, 1864-65, and the latter containing information on the Civil War, civic and legal matters. Included are a volume of autographs of judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, an autograph album of Mrs. James R. Snowden, and genealogi- cal records of the Snowden family. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LX (1936), 504. 617. Simon Snyder Correspondence, 1808-17. 1 vol. Collection of 51 personal letters written by Simon Snyder to Nathaniel B. Boileau, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania. The letters relate to political influences in state ad- ministration, appointments, pardons, appropriations, financial matters, policies, the management of the state's military affairs, and other public questions. 618. Songs of the Revolution. Approx. 250 items. Presented by Fred Perry Powers. Correspondence and notes on the origins and traditions of war songs of the Revolutionary period. Included are photographic negatives and prints of some of the songs of the Revolution. 619. Southwark Commissioners Papers, 1804-39. Approx. 1,200 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Official papers of the Commissioners of Southwark, Philadel- phia: minute books, vouchers, agreements, and contracts for lighting, building of markets, construction of wharves and streets, tax lists, surveys, ordinances, rules and regulations, ex- pense accounts, etc. 620. Sower's [Sauer] Newspaper, 1885. 1 vol. Presented by Charles R. Hildeburn. A copy of A. H. Cassel's account of Christopher Sauer's (1693- 1758) journalistic enterprises. Copy made in 1885. 621. John Spackman Papers, 1726-1845. 25 items. Presented by William H. Lloyd. Family papers: marriage certificates, indentures, land title rec- ords, wills, releases, etc. 622. Spicer-Leaming Papers, 1706-1861. Approx. 5,000 items. Papers of the Learning family and related families, prominent in the history of New Jersey: West New Jersey Land Society deeds, 1716-53; land warrants, surveys, drafts, indentures, agree- ments of sale of lands in Cape May, N.J., and adjacent coun- ties, 1706-1855; bills, receipts, inventories of goods, records of commercial transactions, 1717-1840; Thomas Learning memo- randum book and survey, 1763-85; memorandum book, 1781- 97, 1794-95; receipt book, 1778-96; 15 booklets of Learning's notes and accounts, 1791-97; accounts of red cedar posts for Seven Mile Beach, 1786-91; Learning's correspondence with Lieutenant Benjamin P. Griffith relating to Griffith's release on parole in the Revolutionary War, 1781; family papers, estate papers, 1736-1828; Rebecca Learning's receipt book, 1797-1809; expense book, 1797; account book, 1791-97; account book, 1797- 99; letter book, 1808; Isaac Sharp account book and surveys, 1796-1801; Thomas Murgatroyd contracts, 1803-17; receipt book of the Sarah P. Murgatroyd estate, 1824; wills, 1715-1833; Mary Maxwell expense and receipt book, 1837-38; Anthony P. Morris receipt book, 1826-54. In addition there is a group of J. Fisher Learning's papers and correspondence, 1810-61, approx. 1,000 items: his letters to his wife (a daughter of Robert Wain) relate to travel, society, theatre, and culture in the United States in the first half of the nineteenth century; invoice book, China trade, 1819; memo- randum book of his ship Scattergood, 1819; memorandum book, Canton trade, 1819-22; daybook, 1819; invoice and ledger book, 1819; memorandum book, 1819-44; account book, 1818; ledger books, 1819-23; invoice book, 1817; price records, 1817-18; bills of lading, 1816-19; and other items of personal and business character. 623. William Buell Sprague Autograph Collection, 1749- 1814. 60 items. These autograph letters of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were collected by T. A. Emmet, and presented by him, as a Christmas gift, to his lifelong friend W. B. Sprague, 1872. The letters give expression to the ideals of prominent early Americans. Bound with this collection are Sanderson's biographical sketches of the signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, 1865, and portraits of these men. 624. James Sproat Journals, 1753-86. 1 vol. Miscellaneous journals of a prominent Presbyterian preacher and hospital chaplain, containing accounts of his church activi- ties and visits to settlements throughout Pennsylvania, 1753, 1757, 1778-80, 1782-84, 1786. Extracts from the journal, 1778, published in P.M.H.B., XXVII (1903), 441-445. 625. John Stamper Letter Book, 1751-70. 1 vol. These letters of a Philadelphia merchant to his associates and correspondents in the West Indies mainly deal with commercial, shipping, and financial matters. 626. John Steele Papers, 1808-12. 100 items. Duplicate copies of papers and accounts of John Steele, United States agent for Marine Hospital, Philadelphia. 627. Alexander H. Stephens Letters, 1858-82. Approx. 300 letters. Letters written by A. H. Stephens (1812-83) to William H. Hidell, a lifelong friend, on political and social subjects. 628. James P. Sterrett Manuscripts, ca. 1844. 1 vol. Presented by William E. Stokes. Essays by James P. Sterrett of Jefferson College, on philosophy, political institutions, theology, and other academic subjects. 629. Charles Steuart Letter Books, 1751-63. 2 vols. Data on shipping, prices of commodities, trading ventures, mar- kets, and finance of the colonial period are in these letters of Charles Steuart, merchant and shipper of Norfolk, Va. 630. Baron Frederick William von Steuben Letters, 1777- 91. 15 items. Letters of von Steuben relating to his military service in the Revolutionary army; 2 letters of P. S. Du Ponceau, 1835. 631. Thomas Stewardson Letters, 1759-1844. 1 vol. Presented by Thomas Stewardson. Abstracts and copies of letters of prominent Quakers, such as Sarah Dillwyn, Margaret Morris, Hannah Griffith, Milcah Mar- tha Moore, Dr. Richard Hill, Benjamin Marshall. The letters concern the purchase of land from the Indians, the Quakers, social work, epidemics, travel facilities, marriages, incidents of the Revolution, etc. The originals of many of these letters are in The Library Company of Philadelphia. 632. Thomas Stewardson Papers, 1716-1900. Approx. 2,000 items. Presented by Eleanor Stewardson, 1929. Records of commercial activities, shipping, land speculation, legal matters, and Quaker affairs, etc., of the colonial and early national periods, and additional family papers of a later date. A large portion of the correspondence, 1770-92, is with Frederick Pigon, of London, Eng., pertaining to the disposal of iron foundries and land holdings in the colonies, in which Henry Drinker and Abel James were interested. Among the papers are miscellaneous land patents, 1716-1820; bonds, indentures, re- ceipts, tax records for Pigon lands, 1798-1831; leases on Phila- delphia properties, 1719; fire insurance policies for Philadel- phia estates, 1784; tax lists of Washington and Bedford coun- ties, 1789; an account of the Pennamites, 1770; miscellaneous broadsides, 1775; Quaker boarding school receipts, 1795; lot- tery tickets for the construction of the Schuylkill, Susquehanna, and Delaware canals, 1795; price reports, 1802; turnpike road construction papers, 1807; personal account book, 1777-1786, 1 vol.; records of estate settlements, family correspondence, genealogical notes on various families, and other items. 633. Amos Stiles Day Book, 1812-21.1 vol. The daybook of Amos Stiles, wheelwright of Moorestown, N.J., reflects the commercial activities of the community and adjacent territory. The names entered in the book contribute data on early families of Moorestown. 634. Charles Janeway Stille Papers, 1845-93. Approx. 500 items. Presented by Charles J. Stille, 1893. Among these papers are about 50 letters, written to Stille, 1862- 64, which reflect the effect of the Civil War on writers; corre- spondence on personal and family matters, and letters and papers pertaining to University of Pennsylvania, 1853-1900; letter from Lincoln concerning Stille's pamphlet, How a Free People Conduct a Long War, 1862-63; 5 boxes of manuscripts of Stille's historical writings: "Logan and Wayne," 'American Colonial History," "Anthony Wayne," "Proprietary Govern- ment under the Successors of William Penn," "English History," "Silas Deane," "International Law," "Medieval History," "Mod- ern History," "Maximilian in Mexico," "Madame de Stael," and others. Stille (1819-99) was a historian and provost of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. 635. Dr. Anthony E. Stocker Papers, 1826-88. 50 items. Papers relating to Stocker's appointments and commissions in the Civil War. They include a letter of Abraham Lincoln, and correspondence concerning personal and family matters. 636. Mrs. W. S. Stockton Cash Account Book, 1823. 1 vol. Cash account book of Mrs. W. S. Stockton of Philadelphia, shows business transactions with prominent people of the period. 637. Elwood Redman Stokes Manuscripts, 1840-43. 1 vol. Presented by William E. Stokes, 1936. A volume containing the roll, minutes, and a brief history of the West Philadelphia Lyceum; included are poems and notes on geology. 638. William Strahan Letters, 1751-76. 40 items. These letters of William Strahan, London printer, bookseller, and associate of Benjamin Franklin, were addressed to David Hall, printer and merchant of Philadelphia, and to his son, William Hall. The letters describe the English political scene, activities of Parliament in the crucial years before the American Revolution, East India Company affairs, colonial legislation, elections, the question of quartering troops in the colonies, disturbances in Boston, and other incidents leading to the War for Independence. There are references to Franklin's travels, his friendship with Strahan, and his examination before the House of Commons. Published in P.M.H.B., X (1886), 86-99, 217-232, 322-333, 461- 473; XI (1887), 98-111, 223-234, 346-357, 482-490; XII (1888), 116-122, 240-251. 639. James Strawbridge Correspondence, 1772-1802. Approx. 1,000 items. Presented by George S. Cullen, 1930. Miscellaneous business correspondence relating to Strawbridge's mercantile interests and to land transactions; bills, orders, re- ceipts, indentures. 640. Strettell Papers, 1686-1820. Approx. 500 items. Legal documents and correspondence relating to trade, land transactions, politics, and personal affairs, 1737-1820; deeds and patents to land in New Jersey, 1686-1810, involving the interests of Robert and Amos Strettell, shippers and landowners in Penn- sylvania and New Jersey. 641. Amos Strettell Charity Book, 1757-78. 1 vol. Accounts of funds left for "charity entrusted by Miss Jane Has- sell's will to the disposal of Amos Strettell." 642. Gilbert Stuart Catalogue, 1828. 1 vol. A catalogue of an exhibition of 182 portraits painted by Gil- bert Stuart, exhibited in Boston after his death, 1828. 643. William A. Sullivan Autograph Album, ca. 1876. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. William A. Sullivan. Collection of autographs of Sullivan's friends in various parts of the United States. 644. Susquehanna and Delaware Navigation Company Pa- pers, 1796-97. Approx. 35 items. Purchased by the Li- brary Fund. Surveys, calculations, accounts, statements, and correspondence relating to the construction and maintenance of the canal. 645. James M. Swank Papers, 1785, 1871-98. Approx. 250 items. Presented by Mrs. James Swank. Correspondence of James M. Swank, secretary of the American Iron and Steel Association, with industrialists, political leaders, and others, relating to tariff and to the development of the iron industry in the United States. Among the correspondents are: George Bancroft, 1885; William Belknap, 1871; Simon Cameron, 1876; H. C. Carey, 1871; Andrew Carnegie, 1898; S. P. Chase, 1872; A. G. Curtin, 1878; John Dallzell, 1896; Hamilton Fish, 1871; H. C. Frick, 1893; A. Gorman, 1894; Benjamin Harrison, 1888; Marcus A. Hanna, 1902; William McKinley, 1891; Justin S. Morrill, 1893; O. H. Piatt, 1884; M. S. Quay, 1884; Samuel J. Randall, 1884; Carl Schurz, 1872; General W. T. Sherman, 1871; J. W. Forney, and others. There are also letters of an earlier period contributing information on political and eco- nomic trends: Hugh H. Brackenridge, 1808; John Binns, 1812; Abner Lacock, draft of a letter, 1832, to President An- drew Jackson concerning the Seminole and Florida War, and revealing J. C. Calhoun's attitude toward Jackson in 1818; Henry C. Clay, 1849; John C. Breckinridge, 1860; James Mon- roe, 1822; deeds of John Penn, Jr., and John Penn, 1785, con- veying land in Westmoreland County; and other items. 646. W. Marshall Swayne Collection, 1701-1812. Approx. 200 items. Presented by A. Casanova Swayne, 1922. Collection of legal papers and surveys relating to land in Chester County. 647. Swedish Manuscripts, 1636-1811. Approx. 500 items. Pre- sented by M. Mickley. Collection of copies of letters and miscellaneous manuscripts, containing material on the Swedish settlement on the Delaware River. 648. Sypher's History of Pennsylvania, ca. 1868. Approx. 600 pages. Purchased by the Charles Morton Smith Fund. The manuscript of J. R. Sypher's History of Pennsylvania, pub- lished in 1868; also related historical notes. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LX (1936), 95. 649. Tax and Assessment Books, Philadelphia and Mont- gomery Counties, 1762-1855. Approx. 725 volumes. Pre- sented by the City of Philadelphia. These miscellaneous records of local administration fall into four main divisions: County of Philadelphia, City of Phila- delphia, Philadelphia Townships, and Montgomery County. There are a few Bucks County items. County of Philadelphia: account books of Michael Baker, William Baker, Peter Hartzog, Robert McMullen, treasurers, 1806-7, 1811-12, 1816; allowance book, 1842; funding tax, 1785; book of allowances for county tax, 1792; book containing names of vagrants, 1809-15; book sales, 1839-41; city and state assess- ments, personal tax, 832; catalogue of books, commissioners office, 1827; collectors' book, 1849; collectors' receipts, provin- cial tax, 1757; damages paid for public roads, 1831-37; election returns, 1842, 1853; grand jury returns, 1849; mayor's court rec- 649. ords, 1828-1839; memorandum book, county tax, 1782, 1786, 1792-93, 1795, 1797, 1801-3, 1807-8, 1811-13; funding tax, 1787; militia roll book, 1792; minute book, county commission- ers, 779; roll book, jurors, 1802; schedules of balance due on accounts of hospital taxes, 1794-1802; schedules of John Baker, treasurer, sale of material from old jail and workhouse, 1785, 1801-4; receipts, 1802; assessor's receipts, 1850-51; index to enumeration of residents of the County of Philadelphia, includ- ing all townships, n.d.; miscellaneous indexes, n.d. City of Philadel p hia: Cedar Ward, assessments; 1805, 1807-9, 1817; enumeration, 1821, 1828, 1835; state tax, 1841. Chestnut Ward, assessments, 1779-83, 1785-89, 1791-1800, 1807-12, 1817-18, 1820; school enumeration, 1812, 1815; county tax, 1812; enum- eration, 1815-16, 1821, 1828; state tax, 1841; jurors selected, n.d.; sale of city lots, 1781; constables' returns for city tax, 1775. Dock Ward, assessments, 1773-75, 1783, 1797, 1802-5, 1809-11, 1846. Dock Ward, South, assessments, 1783. Dock Ward, North, as- sessments, 1789, 1791, 1793-94, 1796-99, 1800-1801; state tax, 1840; abatement, 1780-81; city tax, 1792; county tax, 1794, 1814, 1847; enumeration, 1821, 1828, 1835; memorandum book, 1783. High (Street) Ward, assessments, 1780-83, 1785-89, 1791-99, 1806, 1809, 1818-20; enumeration, 1821, 1828, 1835; state tax, 1841; county tax, 1811. Locust Ward, assessments, 1801-5, 1810, 1818-20; enumeration, 1828, 1835; school enumeration, 1813; state tax, 1841. Lower Delaware Ward, 1779-83, 1785-89, 1791- 95, 1797-1803, 1806, 1809-11, 1812; enumeration, 1821, 1828, 1835; funding tax, 1788. Middle Ward, assessments, 1775, 1783, 1785-87, 1789, 1791, 1793-96, 1809-10; enumeration, 1821, 1828, 1835; funding tax, 1785; state tax, 1841. Mulberry Ward, South, 1787-89, 1791, 1793-95, 1796-1802, 1805-8, 1809-11, 1810; county tax, 1812; enumeration, 1821, 1828; state tax, 1841. Mulberry Ward, North, assessments, 1788-89, 1791, 1793-94, 1796-97, 1807, 1809-10, 1816; book of allowances, 1795-96; county tax, 1793-94; tax of carriages, 1788-93; enumeration, 1811-13, 1816, 1821, 1828, 1835; funding tax, 1788; memorandum book, 1796-98; state tax, 1841. Mulberry Ward, East, assessments, 1770; constables re- turns, 1780. New Market Ward, assessments, 1785-89, 1791-94, 1796, 1798-1800, 1809-11, 1814, 1841-43; city tax, 1793; county tax, 1819; enumeration, 1821, 1835; state tax, 1835, 1841; tax on billiard tables, 1786; tax on carriages, 1787. North Ward, assessments, 1781-89; 1791-1804, 1807, 1810-11; county tax, 1795, 1810; enumeration, 1821, 1828, 1835; state tax, 1841. Pine Ward, enumeration, 1828, 1835; state tax, 1841. Returns of assessors, James D. Campbell and Robert Armstrong., 3rd ward, 3rd pre- cinct, assessments, 1854. Southward, assessments, 1785-89, 1791, 1793-96, 1798-1800, 1802-9, 1841-44; city tax assessments, 1799, 1808, 1810, 1814-18; enumeration, 1815, 1821, 1828; state tax, 1835. Upper Delaware Ward, assessments, 1779-83, 1785-89, 1791, 1795, 1807, 1809-12, 1818-20; county tax, 1793; state tax, 1841; tax book, 1817; enumerations, 1815, 1821, 1828, 1835; index, 1819. Walnut Ward, assessments, 1762, 1779, 1783, 1785-87, 1789, 1791-99; enumeration, 1816, 1821, 1828; index, 1835; state tax, 1841. Philade lp hia Townshi ps: Blockley Township, assessments, 1779-89, 1791-1814, 1816; county tax, 1800, 1810, 1813, 1851; enumeration, 1796, 1811-13, 1816, 1821, 1828, 1835, 1840; school enumeration, 1816; state tax, 1841. Byberry Township, assess- ments, 1785-89, 1791-98, 1800-1803, 1807-8, 1810-16, 1818-21, 1824; enumeration, 1821, 1828; state tax, 1841, 1850; index for 1804. Frankford, assessments, 1776-79. Germantown Township, assess- ments, 1780-83, 1785-89, 1791-1800, 1809-11; enumeration, 1811- 12, 1814-16, 1821, 1828, 1835; school enumeration, 1813; state tax, 1841. Kensington, east assessments, 1826; east enumeration, 1828; west enumeration, 1828; enumerations, 1st ward, 1835 2nd ward, 1835; 3rd ward, 1835; 4th ward, 1835; 5th ward 1835; state tax, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th wards, 1841; assessments 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th wards, 1841; assessments, 1st, 2nd, 16th 18th wards, 1853-54. Kingsessing Township, assessments, 1785 89, 1791-95, 1797, 1806-13, 1815, 1826; county tax, 1811, 1812 1814; enumeration, 1821, 1828; index and assessments, 1816 state tax, 1841; county state tax, 1841. Manayunk, Upper Ward county tax, 1853. Moyamensing Township, assessments, 1779 83, 1785-89, 1791-1800, 1804-5, 1818, 1836; allowances, 5th ward, 1850; county tax, 1794, 1814-15; 1st ward, 1848-51; 5th ward, 1850; tax book, 1853; enumeration, 1821-28, 1835; state tax, 1st ward, 1841, 1848; 2nd ward, 1841; 3rd ward, 1841, 1850; 4th ward, 1841. Northern Liberties, assessments, 1st ward, 1835; 2nd ward, 1819; 3rd ward, 1820, 1822, 1843-45, 1852; 4th ward, 1841; 5th ward, 1820, 1826; 6th ward, 1819-26, 1847, 1853-54; 7th ward, 1841; unincorporated, 1848; east assessments, 1783, 1785-89, 1791-92, 1795-98, 1801-2, 1804, 1821; west assessments, 1783, 1785-88, 1791-92, 1795, 1797-98, 1808-9, 1817, 1819-21; east unincorporated, 1819, 1823, 1826; county tax book, 1819; city tax, 1854; state tax, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th wards, 1841; state 649. county tax, 1832; enumerations, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th wards, 1821, 1828, 1835; unincorporated, 1818, 1828, 1835; 5th, 6th, 7th wards, 1821, 1828, 1835; enumerations, west, 1821; school tax, 3rd ward, 1853. Oxford Township, assessments, 1785-87, 1788- 89, 1791-98, 1803-8, 1813, 1815, 1817; enumerations, 1821, 1835; state assessments, 1841, 1846. Passyunk Township, assessments, 1785-89, 1791-1804, 1807, 1810, 1815, 1817, 1851; enumerations, 1821, 1828, 1835; state tax, 1841. Penn District, county tax, 1847; duplicate of corporation tax, 1850; 1st ward, 1852; 1st ward lamp-watch tax, 1852; 2nd ward assessment, lamp-watch tax, 1852; 3rd ward corporation tax, 1852; 1st ward corporation tax, 1853. Penn Township, assessments, 1816-17, 1826, 1841; enumerations, 1813-16, 1821, 1828, 1835; state tax, 1841; west precinct, 1849-51; north city tax, 1854. South Penn district, county tax, 1847; state tax, 1847. Richmond, assessments, 1848- 49. Roxborough Township, assessments, 1781-82, 1785-89, 1791, 1794, 1795-1800, 1806, 1808-12, 1814, 1816; enumerations, 1821, 1828; tax, 1835; state tax, 1841, 1853. Southwark, assessments, 1779, 1785-89, 1791-92, 1794-96, 1799-1803, 1808-10; assessments, 1st and 4th wards, 1841; county tax, 1793, 1819; enumeration, 1781, 1813, 1820-21, 1828, 1835, 1850; school enumeration, 1811- 12, 1815; index, 1818; state tax, 2nd, 3rd, 5th wards, 1841. Spring Garden, assessments, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th wards, 1834, 1835, 1839, 1841-42, 1844, 1853-54; state tax, 1st, 2nd wards, 1841; enumeration, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th wards, 1835; loan book, 1845-85. West Philadelphia, assessments, 1841; 2nd ward, 1854; state tax, 1846; 2nd ward, 1852. Mont g omer y Count y: Abington Township, assessments, 1779- 83. Cheltenham Township, assessments, 1775, 1779-82. Douglass Township, assessments, 1779-83. Franconia Township, assess- ments, 1779-83. Frederick Township, assessments, 1780-83. Gwynedd Township, assessments, 1779-83. Hatfield Township, assessments, 1779-83. Horsham Township, assessments, 1781. Limerick Township, assessments, 1779-83. Lower Dublin Town- ship, assessments, 1776, 1779-83, 1791-99, 1809-11, 1814; enumer- ations, 1821, 1828, 1835; state tax, 1841. Lower Merion Town- ship, assessments, 1779-82, 1785, 1787. Lower Salford Township, assessments, 1779-83. Marlborough Township, assessments, 1780- 83. Montgomery Township, assessments, 1779-83. Moreland Township, assessments, 1776, 1779, 1783-89, 1793-1805, 1810, 1815, 1820; enumerations, 1821, 1828; state tax, 1841. New Hanover Township, assessments, 1779-93. Norriton Town- ship, assessments, 1779-83. Plymouth Township, assessments, 1780-83. Providence Township, assessments, 1780-83. Skippack Township, assessments, 1779-83. Springfield Township, assess- ments, 1779-83. Towamensing Township, assessments, 1779-82 Upper Dublin Township, assessments, 1779-73. Upper Hanover Township, assessments, 1779-83. Upper Merion Township, as- sessments, 1779-81. Upper Salford Township, assessments, 1779- 83. Whitemarsh Township, assessments, 1780-83. Whitpain Township, assessments, 1779-83. Worcester Township, assess- ments, 1779-83. Bucks Count y: Bristol Township, assessments, 1779-83, 1785- 89, 1791-95, 1797-1804, 1808-11, 1817; county tax, 1810; enumer- ations, 1821, 1828, 1835; state tax, 1820, 1841. 650. Bayard Taylor Sketch Book, 1845-46. 1 vol. Presented by James M. Price, 1911. Sketches of views in Italy and France, made during a walking tour in Europe, 1844-46, by Taylor (1825-78). 651. Jacob and Isaac Taylor Papers, 1672-1775. Approx. 3,600 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Correspondence, 1683-1750, 2 vols.; miscellaneous documents and letters, 1672-1775, 1 vol.; Chester County warrants, 1682- 1748, 3 vols.; Chester County surveys, 1701-40, 3 vols.; Delaware County surveys, 1682-1740, 2 vols.; Lancester County warrants, 1710-42, 2 vols.; Lancaster County surveys, 1701-40, 2 vols.; New Castle County, Del., warrants and surveys, 1679-1740, 1 vol.; field notes, 1736-41, 1 vol. 652. Lawrence Buckley Thomas Genealogical Notes, 1877. Approx. 200 pages. Pedigrees of the Thomas family and related Maryland families, illustrated with views and coats of arms. 653. Lydia and Mary B. Thomas Manuscripts, 1826-32. 2 vols. Presented by M. T. Van Lear. Literary compositions in prose and verse, with miniature draw- ings in water color. 654. Thompson Collection, 1607-1903. 125 vols, and approx. 6,000 items. Purchased by the Gratz Fund. This collection is comprised of papers of Jonah Thompson and his descendants, Philadelphia Quakers, humanitarians, mer- chants, ironmasters, and landowners. The papers of the period, 1745-1850, pertain to commerce, land transactions, and manufacture. They include Jonah Thompson's manuscript books on the manufacture of iron, nails, machinery, etc., 1783-1829, 4 vols., and journals while abroad, 1812, 4 vols.; George Thompson papers, 1769-1876, relate to land holdings at Fort Pitt, legal controversies, administration of estates, Thompson's business interests in the Pennsylvania Salt Company, in iron, coal, copper, potash, etc., 1831-76, and to Eastern Penitentiary, 1839-50; among the papers of John Thompson, 1793-1803, are his accounts with Robert Morris; John J. Thompson papers, 1803-1903, relate to the iron indus- try, manufacture of steam engines, machinery, and his other interests; papers of estates in which the Thompsons were in- terested; Joseph Trotter's papers, 1725-1868, include items on literature, ethics, commerce; Newbold family papers, 1755-1838, letter and daybooks, material on Mexico; Abel James, mer- chant, account with Lawrence Growdon, 1765-1868; John Har- per papers, 1776-79; Thomas Pleasants' papers, 1776-93; Henry Drinker papers, 1771-83; Joseph Galloway papers, 1782-92; ac- counts, legal papers, bonds, deeds, surveys, 1607-1851; Quak- eriana, monthly meeting reports, etc., 1661-1802; copies of deeds, 1676-89; Sir William Johnson letter to Teedyuscung, 1760; New England colonists' petition against the Sugar Act, 1763; petition for a road from Philadelphia to Chester, 1764; North Carolina land warrants, surveys, leases, 1796-1838; Deaf and Dumb Institution, Philadelphia, papers ,1813-17; Thaddeus Stevens letters, 1813; William C. Poultney, journal on board the brig Washington, 1805; journal of a trip to Europe on the Montyuma, 1827; James Gallagher journal, Easton through New Jersey, 1831; Hanover Furnace records, 1793-1838; Bridge- water, N.J., copper mine records, 1831; broadsides on fire ex- tinguishers, 1848. 655. Jonah Thompson Collection, 1683-1854. Approx. 350 items. These papers relate particularly to colonial Pennsylvania: cor- respondence relating to agreements between Lord Baltimore and William Penn; letters from Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, Thomas Penn, and other noted men, pertaining to political and social matters; an account of Indian religious be- liefs, by Conrad Weiser; some pamphlets, broadsides, and early views of Philadelphia. 656. Rebecca Thompson Manuscripts, 1827. 2 vols. Lyrical compositions in prose and verse. 657. Charles Thomson Household Memorandum Book, 1792-93. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1934. Memoranda of accounts, household goods, farm products, per- sonal and domestic affairs. Included in the volume is Poulson's Town and Country Almanack, 1793. 658. Charles Thomson Papers, 1774-1811. 9 vols. The papers of Charles Thomson (1729-1824), secretary of the Continental Congress, include records of the Continental Con- gress, other documents relating to the Revolutionary period, and manuscripts of his translations from the Greek New Testa- ment; secret journals of Congress, 1774-80; Charles Thomson's defense in Congress against charges of Henry Laurens, 1779; account of official ceremony on the occasion of the French Minister's appearance before Congress, 1782; Charles Thomson letter book, 1784; scrapbook, 1782-1811; account book, 1815-16; original manuscript of Thomson's translation from the Greek of "The New Covenant commonly called The New Testa- ment," n.d. (one volume marked "not a correct copy"), "Synopsis of the Four Evangelists," n.d.; interpretations of Biblical words and their translation from Greek into English. 659. William Tilghman Correspondence, 1772-1827. Approx. 8,500 items. Presented by William M. Tilghman, 1889. Letters to William Tilghman (1756-1827), Philadelphia lawyer and jurist, from clients, friends, and members of his family. The main portion of the collection pertains to claims, contro- versies, collections of debts, land settlements, suits in court, and other legal matters; bills and accounts of money spent for wear- ing apparel and similar commodities; receipts for pew rents in Christ Church, Philadelphia; accounts of the purchase and sale of slaves; traveling expense accounts. 660. William Till Letters, 1735-45. 1 vol. These are typewritten copies of William Till's letters, written to merchants in England, West Indies, and other places. They relate to trade, shipping, prices of commodities, insurance, car- goes, legal matters. 661. Maria Mathilda Bingham de Tilly Letters, 1799. 1 vol. The letters relate to her divorce from Comte de Tilly, Apr. 1 1 to June 17, 1799. 662. Terence Tirowen Manuscripts, 1835-94. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1926. Copies of Tirowen's miscellaneous writings, "being for the most part familiar letters in rhyme, written in youth from the coun- try of his adoption to kindred in his native land," compiled in 1880. 663. Michael Todd Genealogical Records, 1698. 1 vol. Pre- sented by John R. Witcraft, 1911. Copy of a record of the ancestry of Michael Todd, an early settler in Dorchester and Caroline counties, Md. 664. Chevalier Lewis de Tousard Military Papers, 1765- 1837. 50 items. These papers relate to the service in the American army of Tousard (1749-1821), lieutenant colonel attached to Washing- ton's staff; congressional citations; his commissions, bearing the signatures of Washington, John Adams, James Madison, Thom- as Jefferson, Lafayette, and others. 665. Robert Towers Papers, 1694-1808. Approx. 150 items. Presented by the heirs of Eliza F. E. Fraser. The family papers of Robert Towers, Sarah Evans, Issachar Evans, Elizabeth Gostelowe, and Robert Towers, Jr., relate chiefly to land speculation in west New Jersey and Pennsylvania, including: 5 parchment deeds, 1739-69; indentures, bonds of indebtedness; the will of Robert Towers, Jr., 1783; and some miscellaneous items. 666. Transportation Lines Record Books, 1798-1865. 11 vols. Presented by various persons. Columbian Transportation Lines for New York: journal, 1823- 24, 1 vol.; company for erecting a permanent bridge over the Schuylkill River at Philadelphia: stockholders' record book, 1798-1803, 1 vol.; stock transfer book, 1799-1815, 1 vol.; stock certificates, 1804-5, 1 vol. Philadelphia and Lancaster Stage Transportation Co.: account book, 1792-1865, 1 vol.; records, 1798-99, 1 vol. Union Transportation Lines for New York: journals, 1824-25, 2 vols. Union Transportation Lines for Phila- delphia: records, 1824, 2 vols. Western Stage Transportation Co.: drivers' account ledger, 1831-35, 1 vol. Western Transpor- tation Line for Baltimore: shipping records, sloop William Penn, 1827-28, 1 vol. 667. Anna Maria Trauthmann Manuscripts, 1760-67. 1 vol. Presented by William C. Malin. "Letzte Stunden," essays, poetry, and letters, describing religious revelations experienced before death. In German. 668. Treaty of Amity, United States and England, 1799- 1804. 50 items. Record of claims against the governments of the United States and England, made by their citizens, to be adjusted according to the Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation, 1795. 669. William Trent Manuscripts, 1775. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society. A brief history of Indian warfare, 1765, and legal opinions con- cerning the validity of William Trent's title to land on the Ohio, ceded to him by the Six Nations in 1768. Documents bear signatures of Henry Dagge, John Glynn, counsellors, and of B. Franklin and P. Henry, 1775. 670. James Trimble Papers, 1782-1835, 6 boxes. Approx. 2,000 items. Presented by Annie A. Graff, 1921. Records of Trimble's (1755-1836) official activities as deputy secretary of Pennsylvania, and his correspondence relating to personal affairs and commercial ventures. Among the papers are: the account book of the secretary of the Commonwealth, 1793-1801; account of receipts for furnishing military standards to Pennsylvania military regiments; deeds, agreements of sales of lands; advertising accounts; receipt book, 1782-84; memo- randum book, 1798-1800; expense account book, 1794; bank- books in account with Harrisburg banks, 1812-15, 1815-16, 1821- 23; bankbooks in account with Lancaster banks, 1803-8, 1808- 12; newspaper clippings, 1824; James Trimble in account with John Foster, 1834-35; insurance policies; powers of attorney, real estate agreements, leases, and other items of official and per- sonal character. 671. Anna Pyewell Trites Family Papers, 1739-1859. 25 items. Presented by Anna Pyewell Trites, 1933. Genealogical notes on the Trites, Moore, Helene, and Pyewell families: marriage certificates, 1786-1856; letters, agreements, invitations, etc.; copy of John Curtis Clay, Annals of the Swedes on the Delaware, 1835. 672. Commodore Thomas Truxton Naval Papers, 1798-1801. 3 vols. Purchased by The Historical Society. Truxton's letter book, aboard the U.S.S. Constellation, 1798-99; his journal, aboard the same ship, 1798-1800; his letter book aboard the U.S.S. President, 1800-1801. 673. The Rev. Dr. C. H. B. Turner Papers, 1687-1875. Approx. 1,500 items. Presented by C. H. B Turner. This collection, assembled by Dr. Turner, pertains chiefly to the early history of Sussex County, Del. Included are: "Minute Book C," a copy of the minutes of the commissioners for the proprietors of Pennsylvania, pertaining to surveys and grants of land to the first settlers in Sussex County, 1687-1732; returns and surveys of lands, with plats, giving names of settlers, 1725- 1807; the Rev. William Becket's "Notices and Letters concern- ing incidents at Lewes Town," with observations on religious, social, and educational matters, 1727-35; Thomas Rodney com- monplace book, containing data on elections, names of candi- dates, and laws of George Town, Sussex County, 1791-1827; official records of bonds, deeds, and petitions, recorded in Sussex County; Susan Marriner accounts, with data on tailoring and prices of wearing apparel, 1784-1801; list of taxables, Sussex County, 1874-75. 674. Mary Tyndale Brief of Title, 1684-1867. 1 vol. Pre- sented by the George de Benneville Keim Memorial, 1934. Transcript of the title to land from Front Street to Second Street, Philadelphia, granted by William Penn to Thomas Wynne, 1684. 675. United States Bank Papers, 1797-1850. Approx. 2,200 items. Presented by Israel W. Morris, Horace W. Smith, Mrs. John Struthers. Collection of miscellaneous papers from various sources, relating to the business of the United States Bank: letters, 1797-1859; financial reports, some signed by Nicholas Biddle, powers of attorney, bank notes, bills of exchange, loan and stock certifi- cates, pension vouchers, etc., 1799-1839; papers of Paschall Hollingsworth relate to settlement of Bank accounts after its discontinuance, 1843-50; report of a committee of citizens of Philadelphia to present a memorial to Congress and to President Jackson for return of government deposits to the United States Bank, 1834; checks, subscribers' lists, agreements, etc., of the Bank of Pennsylvania, 1797-1849. 676. United States Constitutional Centennial Commission Papers, 1886-87. Approx. 2,200 items. Presented by the Commission. Records of the Commission: list of names of guests invited, let- ters of acceptance, letters of refusal, and miscellaneous letters, 1887; official programs, broadsides, pamphlets, memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives, songs, tickets, etc., 1887; correspondence of Colonel A. Loudon Snowden, marshal of Philadelphia, 1887; letter book, guests' register book, account book of expenditures, letter copy book, acceptance book, maga- zines, etc., 1886-87. 677. United States Manuscripts, 1733-99". 12 items. Purchased by The Historical Society, 1890. These miscellaneous items include: order in council on title of lands in Maine, 1733; letter of John Peagrum, 1737; letters on the defense of the colonies against the French, 1754; James Hamilton letter to General Monckton, 1760; observations on the relations of Great Britain with the United States, ca. 1785; and other items. 678. United States Navy Department Papers, 1831-77. Approx. 150 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Letters, general orders, court-martial records, regulations, etc., addressed to officials at the Navy Yard, Philadelphia. Among the commanders mentioned are James Barron, Charles Stewart, Captain George C. Read, and others. Some of the letters and documents bear the signature of Levi Woodbury, John Boyle, Mahlon Dickerson, A. P. Upshur, and George Bancroft. 679. United States Sanitary Commission and Fair Papers, 1861-73. Approx. 3,500 items. Some items purchased by the Bowman Fund and some donated. Material on humanitarian efforts made during the Civil War by the Philadelphia Association of the United States Sanitary Commission: correspondence of Mrs. Thomas P. James, relat- ing chiefly to the sale of autographs during the Fair; minute book of the commission, 1861-73, containing names of officials and members; bills, vouchers, reports, bank and check books, and other items. 680. Universalist Church Papers, 1810-1934. Approx. 50 vols. Presented by Thomas Butler. Among the records of the First Universalist Church, Philadel- phia, are: minutes of the vestry, 1810-93; miscellaneous docu- ments, 1812-44; pew books, 1819-25, 1893; ledgers, 1833-96; ac- counts, 1866-75; Sunday School Association records, 1866-74; treasury books, 1854-68; correspondence with Pennsylvania Universalist Convention, 1893, 1909; Fernwood Cemetery Papers, 1890-1934; Missionary Society material, etc. Records of the Third Universalist Church, Philadelphia, 1840-55, 4 vols., include: minutes, accounts, ledgers, constitution, etc. There are also Sunday School attendance books of the First Unitarian Church, 1874-77, 2 vols. 681. Louis du Pui Vali Collection, 1703-1861. Approx. 300 items. Presented by Louis du Pui Vali. Collection of deeds, 1703-1814, papers and correspondence, both legal and personal, 1795-1861, chiefly from the estates of Judge John Hollowel and Judge George M. Strand of Harrisburg. 682. Francis Adrian van der Kemp Autobiography, 1817. 1 vol. Presented by Pauline E. Henry, 1871. A copy of the autobiography of Francis Adrian van der Kemp, a Dutch patriot, intellectual leader, and friend of the early American government. It contains accounts of war in the Netherlands, Van der Kemp's arrival and sojourn in America, and his friendship with many political and social leaders, such as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, De Witt Clinton, and others. 683. Margarita Van Varick Inventory, 1695-96. Presented by Harrold E. Gillingham. A photostat of the inventory of the estate of Margarita Van Varick, widow of Rudolphus Van Varick, of Flatbush, Long Island, N.Y. Included is a list of names of debtors to the estate, which contributes data on early Dutch families settled in Long Island and adjacent territory. This copy was made by the New York State Library, 1930, from original records of the Court of Appeals, Albany, N.Y. 684. Vaux Papers, 1686-1893. Approx. 4,500 items. Presented by Mrs. Mary Vaux Buckley. The letters pertain to social and political reform, penology, the regulation of hospitals, and problems of general welfare. There are also letters of a domestic character and some pertain to local and national political events during Richard Vaux's term as mayor of Philadelphia, 1856-57. Included are: Richard Vaux diaries, 1779-80, 1781-82; typewritten copy of a journal, 1781; his account book, Bank of America, 1789; poetry and prose, 1762-1814; acts of assembly; notes on the Insane Hospital, ordinances, resolutions, receipts and accounts; approx. 50 auto- graph letters from officers in the French army, 1686-1789; minutes of the stockholders of the Bank of Northern Liberties, 1811; Richard Vaux docket book, 1856; his expense account and checkbook, 1848-52; scrapbooks, 1831-80; visiting cards, invitations, and printed notices of social and cultural events, 1779-1878. 685. James W. Wallace Papers, 1811-62. Approx. 2,500 items. Presented by the estate of J. W. Wallace. Family papers reflecting the affairs of John Wallace, of Harris- burg, merchant and deputy secretary of Pennsylvania, 1836-39: bills and receipts for merchandise, contributing information on business conditions, trade, prices, and commodities; papers of Wallace and Elder, merchants, 1819-24; Dr. C. M. McPherson papers, 1840-45; estate papers of John A. Stehley, Joshua Elder, John Rhoades, James Emerson, Francis M. Greene, March E. Kelso, and others. 686. John William Wallace Collection, 1725-1854. Approx. 1,700 items. Letters from George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Charles C. Pinckney, Benjamin Tilghman, Daniel Webster, Benjamin Rush, Duke of Wellington, and other are in this collection. They are scattered through the volumes of William Bradford, United States Attorney General, 1772-96, and the volume of letters and documents of the Rev. Robert Black- well, chaplain at Valley Forge, and of Thomas Willing, finan- cier, 1771-1854. The remainder of the Wallace collection is com- posed largely of family papers: letters of John Maddox, the Rev. W. Wallace, J. Wallace, and Joshua Maddox Wallace, 1725- 1801; letters to Joshua Maddox Wallace, 1784-1819, 1 vol.; let- ters to John B. Wallace and his wife, 1805-48, 2 vols.; letters to Mrs. Susan Wallace, 1800-1849, 2 vols. Six items of William Bradford correspondence published in P.M.H.B., XL (1916), 335-343. 687. Robert Waln Papers, 1792-1823. Approx. 500 items. Pre- sented by Dr. Emlen Wood, 1936. Most of these papers relate to the commercial transactions of Robert Wain in the East India and China trade and include some of his personal correspondence, 1799-1819; miscellaneous papers, passports, accounts, and bills, 1792-1823; insurance poli- cies, 1810-17; protest of loss and claim to indemnity for the ship Emila, wrecked 1811. There are papers of some literary interest, among which are the manuscripts of Robert Wain (1794-1825): "Horace in Philadelphia," 1813; "The Hermit in Philadelphia," 1818-20; "Return of Regulars to Rome," 1811; notes on religion, temples, superstitions; and a list of books in the Wain house in Frankford, Philadelphia, 1818-19. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LX (1936), 93. 688. Robert Walsh Papers, 1827-81. Approx. 50 items. Pre- sented by Dr. J. Francis Walsh, 1919. Autograph letters of noted men, including Lafayette, Chateau- briand, Baron Dupin, Sir Robert Peel, Alexander von Hum- boldt, Oliver Wendell Holmes, R. H. Dana, and others; docu- ments signed by John Tyler and Thomas Jefferson; and mis- cellaneous papers. 689. Thomas U. Walter Genealogical Sketches, 1871. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Ida Walter, 1918. This volume contains the records of the ancestry and family connections of Thomas U. Walter, Philadelphia architect and descendant of a German family that emigrated to Philadelphia in 1749. Many members of the family were prominent during the colonial period. 690. War Service Committee Papers, 1918-19. Approx. 100 items. (Superseded by item 1561.) Material on the Committee's efforts to entertain and care for soldiers and sailors in Philadelphia: army and navy officers' letters of acceptance to invitations to attend War Service Com- mittee entertainments; photographs, mementoes. 691. Christopher L. Ward Diaries and Land Accounts, 1841- 69. 2 vols. Purchased by the Dreer Fund. Diaries and the records of Ward's business and land transactions in Towanda, where he was active in business and politics. In the diary, 1863, there are several entries concerning state poli- tics in Harrisburg. 692. Ann Warder Journals, 1786-89. 14 vols. Presented by the Cadbury estate, 1923, Sarah Cadbury, and Emma Cad- bury. Written in Philadelphia by Mrs. Ann Warder to her sister Elizabeth Head, in England, commenting on travel by ship and on land, on social customs, Quaker meetings, prominent Phila- delphia families, etc.; mentions the Wain, Emlen, Parke, Owen Biddle, Vaux, and Morris families. Extracts published in P.M.H.B., XVII (1893), 444-461; XVIII (1894), 51-63. 693. John Warder Letter Books, 1776-78. Approx. 150 items. Presented by Henry Bond, 1894. Letters written by John Warder (1751-1828) while he was in England describe hazards of commerce, speculation in grain and other staple commodities, European opinion on the Ameri- can Revolution and its possible consequences. 694. Warder,, Hoskins and Pearsall Papers, 1747-1886. Approx. 350 items. Presented by Mrs. Trevanion Dallas. This group of miscellaneous documents of the estate of Warder, Hoskins and Pearsall contains material on the commercial ac- tivities of Philadelphia merchants in the first half of the nine- teenth century: deeds, 1747-1886; miscellaneous correspond- ence, notes, and documents, 1747-1886; William S. Warder cashbook, 1829-31; ledger, 1829-31; Warder and Brother letter books, 1830-42, 1834-37; John N. Warder cashbooks, 1836-42, 1843-65; journal, 1836-43; accounts, 1835-40; letter books, 1837- 40, 1841-48; ledger and cashbook, 1843-44, and journal, 1843- 58, of the executor of John N. Warder's estate; John N. Warder's accounts as executor of Ann Warder and William G. Warder, 1868; receipts of William G. Warder, 1858-61. 695. Washington Benevolent Society of Pennsylvania, 1814- 29. Approx. 350 items. Presented by William Brooke Rawle. A collection of papers relating to the activities and financial af- fairs of the Society. Among the items are lists of names of stock- holders, legal papers, and items relating to the transfer of Penn properties. 696. George Washington Collection, 1675-1883. 6 vols. Pur- chased by The Historical Society. The collection contains documents relating to the Washington family, 1675-1831; some letters of George Washington; Wash- ington pocket diary for 1796; his household account book, 1793- 97; Martha Washington cookbook, subscription book for a purse for William A. Washington, 1883; catalogue of Washing- toniana sold by M. Thomas and Sons, 1876-79. Pocket diary, 1796, published in P.M.H.B., XXXVII (1913), 230-239; household account book, 1793-97, in P.M.H.B., XXIX (1905), 385-406; XXX (1906), 30-56, 159-186, 309-331, 459-478; XXXI (1907), 53-82, 176-191, 320-350; cookbook in P.M.H.B., XXVII (1903), 436-440. 697. John Fanning Watson Manuscripts, 1693-1855. 16 vols. Some items presented by John F. Watson, and some pur- chased by the Library Fund. These papers of a Philadelphia historian contain information on the cultural, social, and economic development of Pennsyl- vania. Included are autograph letters, sketches, pictures of his- toric landmarks, drafts, portraits of eminent men, newspaper clippings: Mason and Dixon Line material, 1750, 1 vol.; Lucy Watson's account of new settlers, 1762; account of John F. Wat- son's visit to Valley Forge, 1820, to Chester, 1827, to Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, 1829, 1 vol.; French exercises, by John F. Watson, 1803, 1 vol.; account of the first settlement of the townships of Buckingham and Solebury, Bucks County, by Dr. John Watson, 1804, 1 vol.; John F. Watson correspondence, 1823-28, approx. 250 items. Manuscripts of Watson's works: "Annals of Philadelphia," 1829, 2 vols.; "Annals of Philadel- phia, Supplement," 1846, 1 vol.; "Visit to Tinicum," 1 vol.; "The Workings of Covetousness," 1853, 1 vol.; notes on Ger- man town, Roxborough and Valley Forge, 1855, 1 vol.; "Visit to Graeme Park, Horsham," 1855, 1 vol.; "Historical Notes and Maps," 1855, 1 vol.; notes and maps of counties in Pennsyl- vania, n.d., 1 vol.; "Philadelphia Views," n.d., 1 vol. Journal of John Watson, 1750-51, published in P.M.H.B., XXXIX (1915), 1-47. 698. William Watson Scrapbook, 1684-1827. 1 vol. Presented by Sarah A. Iveston, 1871. The book includes: account of William Watson's voyage with his family from Nottingham, Eng., to Philadelphia, 1684, and to Burlington, West Jersey, where he settled; records of busi- ness transactions; medical recipes; diary notes; genealogical records. 699. General Anthony Wayne Papers, 1765-1890. Approx. 6,500 items. Presented by Abram R. Perkins. The papers relate to Wayne's activities in the Revolutionary War and later, his campaign against the Indians, and the peace treaties concluded with them: Wayne's correspondence with other army officers, with the Secretary of War, and with other men active in colonial affairs, 1765-79, 47 vols.; records of courts-martial, 1776-96, 3 vols.; military documents, monthly returns, muster rolls, and department returns, 1777-94, 3 vols.; 18 orderly books, 1781, 1792-96; note of the itinerary of the Pennsylvania Line, 1781; journals of proceedings at treaty coun- cils held with Indians, 1778-95; "Instructions to Major General Anthony Wayne to be employed on the Western Frontier," 1792; copy of "Treaty of Greenville," 1795. Wayne family papers include: Chester County survey by Anthony Wayne, 1771; the Wayne farm book, 1784-1820; miscellaneous manu- scripts of Isaac Wayne, 1842-90. Itinerary of the Pennsylvania Line, 1781, published in P.M.H.B., XXXVI (1912), 273-292. 700. Conrad Weiser Papers, 1741-66. Approx. 225 items. Correspondence, official documents, muster rolls, accounts, etc., relating to Weiser's affairs, controversies with the Indians, and the French and Indian War, 1741-66; "Journal of the proceed- ings of Conrad Weiser in his Journey to Onontago," 1750; photostat of the "Journal of the Expedition under Conrad Weiser to the Indians on the Ohio," 1748. Journal of journey to the Ohio published in Collections, VI, 23-33. 701. Colonel Jacob Weiss Family Correspondence, 1773- 1836. Approx. 150 items. Collection of miscellaneous family correspondence, including a few items relating to battles in the Revolution, prisoners taken, and stores kept at Valley Forge. 702. Welsh Collection, 1858-1934. Approx. 50,000 items. Pre- sented by Herbert Welsh. The correspondence of Herbert Welsh (1851-1937), 1875-1934, with prominent men and women, including Presidents of the United States, cabinet members, members of Congress, jurists, scientists, scholars, civic reformers, local and national political leaders. It contains material on a variety of political, social, and economic subjects: Indian rights, anti-imperialism, inter- national arbitration, League of Nations, Philippine annexation, scandals involving American soldiers, Turkish atrocities, Ar- menian massacres, Syrian relief and education, domestic and foreign missionaries, Waldensian Society and its evangelism in Italy, civil service reform, World War, establishment of the Friends of German Democracy, Centennial Exhibition, Society for the Protection of Forests, political corruption in Pennsyl- vania, reform movements in Philadelphia, education, sanitation, Audubon Society, Negro problems, arts, sciences, and local charities. The collection is arranged in the following categories: cor- respondence, 1875-1934, 50 boxes; Philippines, 1892-1925, 5 boxes; Indian rights, 1877-1934, 11 boxes; international arbi- tration, 1896, 1 box; National Civil Service Reform League, 1881-1929, 4 boxes; Philadelphia and National Municipal League, 1893-96, 1 box; Friends of German Democracy, 1914- 19, 1 box; Syrian affairs, educational, religious, foreign mis- sionaries, 1907-16, 1 box; Armenian affairs, 1896-1924, 1 box; Waldensian affairs, 1907-23, 1 box; Society for the Protection of Forests 1890-1929, 2 boxes; public education, 1890-91, 1 box; John Welsh correspondence on the Centennial Exhibition, 1858-86, 1 box; post office political discrimination in Phila- delphia, 1898, 1 box; ballot reform in Philadelphia, 1890-91, 1 box; Honest Government Party, Dr. S. C. Swallow campaign in Pennsylvania, 1898-99, 3 boxes; Lincoln Independent Repub- lican Committee, Pattison for Governor, 1890, 1 box; Anti- Combine Committee, Pattison for Mayor, Philadelphia, 1895, 1 box, Independent Committee, W. Redwood Wright for Treas- urer, Philadelphia, 1891, 1 box; pure water and sanitation, Railroad Safety Commission, 1893, 1 box; personal interest cases, 1873-1933, 5 boxes; Welsh family correspondence, 1891- 1926, 1 box; Welsh foreign correspondence, 1873-1935, 2 boxes; Welsh personal correspondence, 1863-1935, 3 boxes; Welsh es- says and speeches, 1863-1934, 2 boxes; Welsh journals, 1898- 1919, 1 box; shorthand notes, n.d., 1 box; cancelled checks and bills, 1886-1920, 1 box; invitations, greeting cards, an- nouncements, 1 box; broadsides and miscellaneous printed ma- terial, 1880-1925, 9 boxes; lists of names and addresses of mem- bers of various organizations, n.d., 1 box; diaries, 1883-1928, 28 vols.; letter books, 1886-1931, 36 vols.; account books, 1854- 99, 30 vols.; photographs, views, 5 boxes; clippings, 3 boxes and 4 vols. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LXI (1937), 356. 703. Mrs. Ashbel Welsh Papers, 1904-11. 2 vols, and 1 box. Presented by the estate of Emma Finney (Mrs. Ashbel) Welsh. Notes and papers on old pewter; photographs of old houses and historic landmarks. 704. Benjamin West Drawings and Account Books, 1790- 1811. 4 vols. Portion presented by Samuel P. Avery; other volumes purchased by the Gilpin Fund. West's drawings and sketches, ca. 1790-1807, approx. 90 items in 2 vols.; and his accounts with his banker, Thomas Coutts, Lon- don, 1790-1804, 1810-11, 2 vols. 705. Esther Montgomery Westcott, Poetry Album, ca. 1812. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Medora R. Cockerill, 1908. Poems by Esther Montgomery Westcott. 706. Westcott's History of Philadelphia, ca. 1885. Approx. 1,000 pages in 3 boxes. This manuscript of Thompson Westcott, editor of the Phila- delphia Sunday Dispatch, is a continuation of the history of Philadelphia which appeared in that paper from 1867-84. The published history brought the narrative to 1830; the present manuscript is a detailed history of the city from 1830 to the consolidation of the city and county of Philadelphia in 1854. 707. Edward Wetherill Autographs, 1822-1913. Approx. 50 items. Presented by Mrs. F. M. Ives. Autograph letters gathered by Edward Wetherill, many of the clergymen of Catholic and Protestant churches; included is a printed booklet, Charter of the First Congregational Society of Unitarian Christians in the City of Philadelphia, 1827. 708. Wharton Papers, 1679-1834. Approx. 2,000 items. Pre- sented by Miss A. H. Wharton, 1923. Papers of a Philadelphia merchant family: Thomas Wharton letter books, 1752-59, 1773-84; receipt books, 1755-63, 1758-63; book of patents and deeds of the Indiana Company, 1776; Thomas Wharton correspondence and business papers with a few additional documents, 1679-1820, 6 boxes; patents and deeds, 1682-1834, 2 boxes; Joseph Wharton ledger book, 1736- 93; W r illiam Wharton ledger, 1761-1803; Charles Wharton cash- books, 1765-71, 1771-80; daybooks, 1768-72, 1775-85; invoice and memorandum book, 1774-92; Charles Wharton account with William Wharton estate, 1805-1 1 ; letter book of the firm of Baynton and Wharton, 1761; James C. Fisher receipt book, 1800-1810. Selections from Thomas Wharton letter books published in P.M.H.B., XXIII (1909), 319-339, 432-453; XXIV (1910), 41-61. 709. Robert Wharton Official Records of Philadelphia, 1793-1806. 2 vols. Wharfage accounts, 1793-95; alderman's court docket, 1797- 1800; and civil dockets, 1805-6. 710. Thomas I. Wharton Papers, 1664, 1812-91. Approx. 11,000 items. Presented by Mrs. Henry Wharton, 1937- 38. This collection relates chiefly to legal cases, estates, and Phila- delphia properties in which Wharton was professionally inter- ested: Franklin Fire Insurance Company, 1834-51; Van Dyke vs. Philadelphia (Kensington), 1857; Jay Cooke bankruptcy, 1875; Library Company of Philadelphia, 1871-78; papers relating to Wiccacoe Tract, containing abstracts of title, briefs, warrants, surveys, plans, 1664-1870; Pennsylvania Steam Ship Company, 1851; papers relating to the Civil Code, 1830-36, of which Whar- ton was one of the commissioners; Griffith family estate papers, 1817-47; Worth family estate papers, 1812-91; surveys of the Delaware and Schuylkill Canal Company, 1839. 711. The Rev. William White Manuscripts, ca. 1765-1865. 3 vols, and 100 additional items. Presented by G. H. Wilt- bank, the Rev. William White Bronson, and Israel W. Morris. Papers of William White, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania: sermons, ca. 1805-39, 2 vols.; "Memoir of the Life of the Rev. William White, D.D.," by Bird Wilson, D.D., 1 vol.; diplomas, certificates of consecration, 1765-87; pa- pers relating to the administration of White's estate, 1856-65. 712. James G. Whiteman Manuscripts, 1849-55. 60 vols. Pre- sented by Dora A. Whiteman. Whiteman's miscellaneous writings: "The Ladder," a collec- tion of epigrams, poetry, satire, news items, narratives, and illustrations in color; "In Memoriam," verses on the death of a cat; "The Queen of Hearts," a burletta; "Miranda," an opera; "Lord Bateman," an opera; "The Swimmers"; "Jack and the Bean Stalk"; "A Geography of Smokyville"; "The Fair"; "The Oasis Ville Journal"; "The Grand Horticultural Exhibition"; etc. 713. John Greenleaf Whittier Hymn, 1876. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. W. H. Sayen. A hymn written by Whittier to be sung at the opening of the International Exhibition of Art and Industry at the Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876. This copy is illuminated by Annie L. Wiley. There is also a letter of John G. Whittier to Mrs. Wiley, on her work in illuminating the hymn. 714. Wilcox Papers, 1724-1858. Approx. 1,100 items. Presented by Joseph Wilcox. Collection of documents and correspondence pertaining to the early manufacture of paper in America, and additional mis- cellaneous items: samples of paper; bank and treasury notes used by United States Treasury, Congress, and banks, 1775- 1858; lists of clients in Delaware County and their corre- spondence, 1724-1835; correspondence on the manufacture of bank-note paper, 1786-1842; account books of Nathan Edwards, of Black Horse Hotel, near Media, 1730-84. 715. Annabelle Williams Manuscripts, 1829-31. 3 vols. Pre- sented by Mary W. Shoemaker, 1938. Journal of a trip from Philadelphia to Cleveland, hand-drawn maps, a view of Fort McHenry and of the entrance to the harbor of Baltimore, records of business transactions, and poems. 716. Richard J. Williams Genealogical Notes, ca. 1907-13. 1 vol. Presented by Richard J. Williams, Jr., 1913. Genealogical notes and coats of arms of the following families: Bagnall, Baldwin, Beales, Bellangee, Clayton, Conklin, Cresson, De la Plaine, Dale, Folger, Harding, Hunt, Jessup, L. I. Jones, R. I. Jones, McNeale, Piatt, Reeve, Remington, Scull, Smith, Smythe, Somers, Strickland-McNeil, Wade, Williams, Bellinger, Clinton, Howell, Lawrence-Washington, Mifflin, Pleasants, Thompson, and Van Wyck. 717. Talcott Williams Memorial Papers, ,1808-1936. Approx. 1,000 pages. Presented by Elizabeth Dunbar. The collection consists mainly of typewritten copies of letters, testimonials, addresses, obituary notes, tributes of Negroes, bib- liographical notes, mementoes, and sketches, gathered by Eliza- beth Dunbar for a biography of Talcott Williams. Included are approx. 50 letters, 1933, addressed to Elizabeth Dunbar; papers on Morocco, the Moslem world, and related subjects. See Elizabeth Dunbar, Talcott Williams, Gentleman of the Fourth Estate (Brooklyn, 1936). Accession note: P.M.H.B., LIX (1935), 445. 718. Mrs. Charles Willing Business Records, 1810-71. 18 vols. Presented by Mrs. Charles Willing. Miscellaneous business correspondence and accounts: James Howell and Benjamin Jones, receipt book, 1810-55; Benjamin Jones, ledger, 1821-42; daybook, 1821-49; letter book, 1835-51; inventory and appraisment of estate, 1849; Benjamin Jones and Benjamin Jones, Jr., cashbooks, 1822-44, 1844-69; Andrew M. Jones, receipt books, 1818-50, 1822-55, 1864-71; ledger, 1823-53; letter books, 1823-49, 1851-61; daybook, 1835-45; account book, 1839-69; Harry Beck, receipt books, 1821-35, 1836-43. 719. Robert Willis Quaker Diary, 1770-89. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund. The diary of an itinerant Quaker, a mender of fishing nets, with daily entries giving accounts of his travels in England, Scotland, and Ireland, 1770-74, and in the United States, 1774- 89. There is some account of Friends' meeting places Willis visited, people he met, social conditions, transportation facili- ties, and religious sentiments. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LIX (1935), 206. 720. Wills and Administration Papers, 1697-1915. Approx. 25 items. A collection of miscellaneous wills and administration papers of various families. 721 James Wilson Papers, 1718-1857. Approx. 1,500 items. Material on the early Federal Government and on Wilson's business and professional activities: draft of the Constitution and a corrected copy of the same, 1787; notes of debates, reso- lutions etc., in the Constitutional Convention, approx. 135 items; drafts of treaties, memoranda relating to regulation of immigration, and to establishment of the National Bank; busi- ness correspondence, 1773-1857, 2 vols., including a journal, July 9, 1794 to Aug. 26, 1794; letters and miscellaneous docu- ments, 1770-1815; docket book, 1743-68; commonplace book, 1767; deeds and wills, 1718-85; surveys and maps of lands in Pennsylvania, 1737-94; articles of agreement, bonds, and ac- counts, 1794-1830; and letters of Mary Wilson Hollingsworth, 1801-12, 1 vol. 722. John Wilson Ledger, 1794-1803. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Walter W. Pharo. This ledger contains the accounts of John Wilson's surveying and engineering work done for landholders, canal companies, farmers, etc., in Scotland. 723-. John A. Wilson Diaries, 1859-95. 33 vols. Presented by Mrs. Walter W. Pharo. Diaries of John A. Wilson, chief engineer of the Pennsylvania Railroad, reflect chiefly his personal and domestic affairs, and contain accounts of his income and expenses during the period. One volume contains notes on railroad engineering, 1859-74. 724. William B. Wilson Quaker Diaries, 1817-71. 4 vols. Pur- chased by the Library Fund, 1935. Photostats of the diaries of William B. Wilson, orthodox Quaker of Bendersville, Adams County, containing accounts of domestic affairs, farming, weather, Quaker meetings. Accession note: P.M.H.B., LX (1936), 95. 725. William Hasell Wilson Papers, 1706-1900. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Arthur Morton Wilson. These family papers include correspondence, genealogical notes, marriage certificates, 1706-62, school certificates, 1753-1829, por- traits and records of the Wilson, Allston, Gibbes, and Simons families. 726. William W. Wilson Papers, ca. 1800-1840. Approx. 100 pieces. Presented by S. B. Chew. Miscellaneous specimens of engraved bank notes, checks, com- mercial labels, etc^; also pictures of the Gloucester Iron Works. 727. Wistar Papers, 1743-1832. Approx. 150 items. Presented by John M. Whitehall, Mrs. Walter Nordhoff, John Schober Kimber, and Mrs. William P. Buffum. These papers include the account book of Caspar Wistar, glass manufacturer in New Jersey, 1743-69; account book of the estate of Catherine Wistar, 1787; letters from Dr. Caspar Wistar written in England, 1784, describing conditions of travel, social life, and the devastating effects of the yellow fever epidemics in Philadelphia, 1769-1832. 728. Isaac Jones Wistar Journals, 1892. 2 vols. Presented by Dr. Henry Winsor, 1924. These typewritten memoirs describe incidents in the life of Isaac Jones Wistar, 1827-92, pioneering journeys through the wilderness of the western territories before the Civil War, life of pioneers and first settlers, and enterprises in hunting, gold mining, farming, Indian trade, lumbering, shipping, transpor- tation, canals, railroads, finance, etc., with details on the Middle West, California, Oregon, Alaska, and Mexico. Included are Wistar's reflections on government, accounts of his participation in the Civil War, and data on the genealogy and history of the Wistar family. 729. Dr. James W. Wister Family Papers, 1777-1889. Approx. 600 items. Presented by Dr. James W. Wister, 1931. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1777-1870; Peter Mercken's re- ceipt book, 1786-1843; papers relating to United States lottery, 1777; papers relating to the John Price estate, 1828; Sarah Whiteside receipt book, 1822-41; "Susan Wister's Gems of Thought," 1833; Charles Wister notebook, 1847; letter book, 1857-70; Gentleman's Pocket Almanack, 1818; astronomical ob- servations, 1834-89; arithmetic book, sketch book, and note- books. 730. Sarah Wister Journal, 1777-78. 1 vol. Presented by Owen Wister and Dr. James W. Wister. Journal written by Sarah Wister during the British occupation of Philadelphia, describes social life. Published in P.M.H.B., IX (1885), 318-329, 463-473; X (1886), 51-60. 731. George Wolf Political Correspondence, 1829-36. Approx. 1,200 items. The papers of George Wolf (1777-1840), Governor of Penn- sylvania, relate to state administration and politics in the second quarter of the nineteenth century. They include about 100 letters from George M. Dallas, 1830-35. 732. Samuel Wolsperger Letters, 1738-56. Approx. 35 items. Letters of the Rev. Samuel Wolsperger, Augsburg, Germany, to the Rev. Fresenius, theologian at the Court of the Landgrave of Hesse, relating to publication of books, religious matters, social and charitable activities. In German. 733. Women's Dental Association of the United States Record Books, 1892-1921. 2 vols. Presented by Dr. Eliza Yerkes. Minutes, committee reports, and membership lists of the asso- ciation are contained in these volumes. 734. Walter Wood Papers, 1691-1910. Approx. 100 items. Pre- sented by the estate of Walter Wood. Family papers, including deeds to Philadelphia properties, 1691- 1910; correspondence of Peter Hahn, Philadelphia merchant, 1814-31; certificates of stock in the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, New Theatre, German Society, 1814-21; mercantile agreement relating to Chinese trade in Canton, 1824; powers of attorney, and other items. 735. Walter Wood Papers, 1889-94. Approx. 100 items. Pre- sented by R. D. Wood Company. These papers include patents, agreements, and correspondence relating to gasometers, cranes, and other mechanical implements in which Walter Wood was financially interested and which he purchased from inventors in America and Europe. 736. Samuel W. Woodhouse Journals, 1818-1930. 5 vols. Pre- sented by S. \V. Woodhouse. Journals of members of the Woodhouse family: notes of Com- modore Samuel Woodhouse, tour in Brazil, 1818, 1 vol.; expe- dition under Captain L. Sitgreaves and Lieutenant I. C. Wood- ruff, to establish a boundary between the Creek and Cherokee Indians, 1849, 1 vol.; diary of a journey from Philadelphia to Liverpool, Eng., 1860, 1 vol.; diary of Dr. Samuel W. Wood- house, notes of a voyage on the ship William Penn, from New York to Brest, France, 1867, 1 vol.; account of sale at vendue at Samuel Woodhouse's farm, Springton Forge, with list of articles, prices, and names of purchasers, 1930, 1 vol. 737. John Woolman Papers, 1652-1830. Presented by Major S. Comfort, 1912. Woolman's journal, 1755-70; ledgers, 1752-67, 1769-98, 1749- 1830; letters from John Woolman to his wife, 1760-72; his will, 1772; copy of Sarah Woolman's will, 1782; John Woolman ac- counts as executor of the estate of Elizabeth Woolman, 1746; letters from Elias Hicks to Samuel Comfort, 1824-27; summary of Joseph Besse, Collection of the Sufferings of the People Called Quakers, 1652-1790; other materials on the Woolman and Com- fort families. 738. World War Collection, 1915-22. 25 items. Presented by Mrs. E. Russell Jones. The collection contains mementoes, scrapbooks, poetry, pic- tures, and other items reflecting activities during the World War. 739. Peregrine Wroth Manuscripts, 1870. 1 vol. Excerpts from "Discovery of the Site of New Yarmouth," "The Old Maryland Line," and "Retrospection," writings on local history by Peregrine Wroth (b. 1786), scholar and physician of Chestertown, Md. 740. Yeates Papers, 1718-1876. Approx. 7,500 items. Jaspar Yeates papers, 1764-1816, reflect his activities as a lead- ing lawyer in Lancaster County, and as a judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; they contain his notes on trials, evi- dence, arguments, depositions, and judicial opinions rendered in numerous legal cases. A large portion of the papers is his personal correspondence, 1780-1816, with noted men, such as Richard Peters, Edward Burd, Thomas Hartley, William Tilgh- man, and others, which deals with political events, public ques- tions, congressional and administrative affairs; John Yeates pa- pers, 1738-1865, relate chiefly to commerce, shipping between the Middle Atlantic colonies and Barbadoes, Antigua, and other islands in the West Indies; survey of Richard Hill's plantation in Philadelphia, by Jacob Taylor, 1718; Redmond Conyngham letters, essays, etc., 1822; Peter Grubb estate papers, accounts, etc., 1750-59; Jasper Yeates Cunningham family papers, 1856- 76; chronology of the history of the world, from the creation to 1750; Yeates genealogical notes. 741. York County Papers, 1738-1803. Approx. 150 items. Pur- chased by The Historical Society. Miscellaneous material on local economic and political affairs: petitions, laws, deeds, and letters from prominent men. 742. Young and McAllister Papers, 1730-1891. Approx. 150 items. Presented by S. Henckels. Family papers pertaining to personal, real estate, and legal matters: William Young receipt books, 1819-22, 1837-46; me- moirs of the William Young family, 1730-1891; deeds, land patents, and mortgages, 1745-1850; correspondence and ac- counts, 1772-1848; "account of the Steamer Savannah, the first steamship that crossed the Atlantic Ocean," by A. Y. Mc- Allister, 1816; souvenirs collected on a tour of Europe, by W. Y. and A. Y. McAllister, 1841; catalogue of books of the John Mc- Allister library. 743. Count Nicholas Lewis von Zinzendorf Papers, 1732-41. 7 items. Presented by John W. Jordan, 1888. Four letters on religious and moral subjects, 1732-41, in Ger- man; two engravings of Zinzendorf; religious tract, in Latin, with marginal notes by Zinzendorf. Additional Manuscripts 744. Abstracts of Testimonies from the Inhabitants of New Jersey, 1681. 1 vol. Presented by Brinton Coxe, 1883. Manuscript copy of a pamphlet printed in London by Thomas Milbourn, 1681, "to contradict the Disingenuous and False Re- ports of Some men who have made it their business to speak un- justly of New Jersey, and our proceedings therein." 745. Academy of Fine Arts Minutes and Papers, 1794-1830. 3 vols. Presented by Titian Ramsey Peale and Charles R. Hildeburn, 1877. Letters and papers, gathered by Charles Willson Peale, reflecting the early history of the Academy, 1794-1808, 1 vol.; minutes, 1817-30, 2 vols. 746. Account of Bills Drawn on Commissaries Between United States and France, 1778-80. 1 vol. Record of bills drawn by Francis Hopkinson while he was treas- urer of the Continental Loan Office. 747. Acts of Parliament, 1703. 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1896. Contemporary copies of legislation relating chiefly to the restor- ing of forfeited estates in Ireland and to religious matters. 748. African Colonization Society, 1832-72. 1 vol. Presented by the Colonization Society, 1903. Biographical sketches of members. 749. Allegheny Portage Railroad Note Book, 1830-32. 1 vol. Presented by Joseph T. Richards, 1916. S. W. Roberts' account of the construction of the Allegheny Portage Railroad, including notes on surveys, specifications, list of contractors, estimates of costs. 750. American Local History, 1853. 1 vol. Presented by Herr- mann E. Ludewig, 1853. Bibliographical notes by the donor. 751. American Naval Signals, 1798-1800. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1935. Notes by Captain John Vicary. 752. Apology of Paxton Volunteers, 1764. 1 vol. Presented by W. W. Spear. Blames the Quaker assembly for the Paxton massacre of the Conestoga Indians. 753. Charles D. Appel Journal, 1865. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Ellen I. Kenney, 1939. Appel was the conductor in charge of the special car which carried the remains of Abraham- Lincoln. 754. J. Ashmead Log and Journal, 1797-98. 1 vol. Journal of a voyage on the India from Philadelphia to Batavia. 755. L. P. Ashmead Journal and Notebook, 1842-45. 2 vols. Presented by G. C. Callahan, 1913. Midshipman Ashmead's journal of cruise on U. S. S. Congress, commanded by Captain Philip F. Voorhees, 1842-45, 1 vol.; list of vessels of the United States Navy, notes on naval flag signals, and on storage and equipment of the Congress; also a selection of poetry and songs, 1842-43, 1 vol. 756. Association, Club, and Society Records, 1764-1937. 110 vols. Association of Pennsylvania, officers' minutes, 1764-72, 1 vol.; Jockey Club, register book and papers, 1766-74, 1930, 3 vols.; Taylors' Company of Philadelphia, minutes, 1771-76, 1 vol.; Pa- triotic Association, record book, 1778, 1 vol.; Pennsylvania So- ciety for the Encouragement of Manufactures and the Useful Arts, minutes, 1787-89, 2 vols.; Society for Political Inquiry, Philadelphia, minutes, 1787-89, 1 vol.; Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons, minutes, 1787-93, 1 vol.; American Society for Promoting Useful Knowledge, photo- stats of rules and membership list, ca. 1790, 1 vol.; Societe Fran- caise des Amis de la Liberte et de l'Egalite, minutes, 1793-94, 1 vol.; Democratic Society of Pennsylvania, minutes, 1793-94, 2 vols.; Academy of Medicine of Philadelphia, minutes, 1798-99, 1 vol.; Abolition Society of Delaware, minutes, 1801-19, 1 vol.; American Republican Society, High Street Ward, Philadelphia, minutes, 1809-11, 1 vol.; Society of Native Pennsylvanians, min- utes, 1812-13, 1 vol.; First Female Beneficial Society of Philadel- phia, minutes, 1814-40, 1 vol.; Pike Beneficial Society of Philadelphia, minutes, treasury accounts, and membership lists, 1814-65, 19 vols.; Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, manuscripts, ca. 1816; Philadelphia Medical Society and Institute, minutes, 1817-53, 2 vols.; Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Public Economy, papers, 1817-54; Washington Benevolent So- ciety, list of members, 1818-28, 2 vols.; Pennsylvania Literary Society, papers, 1820-26, 1 vol.; West Chester Debating Society, minutes, 1821-31, 1 vol.; Central Phrenological Society of Phila- delphia, constitution and minutes, 1822-27, 1 vol.; Platonian Association, constitution, bylaws, and resolutions, 1823-26, 1 vol.; Society for the Commemoration of the Landing of Wil- liam Penn, list of members and correspondence, 1825, 1 vol.; Platonian Literary Association, correspondence, 1827-30, 1 vol.; Philadelphia Quoit Club, minutes, 1829-55, 2 vols.; Clarkson Institute of Pennsylvania, minutes, 1830-38, 3 vols.; Club Stable, account book, 1831-33, 1 vol.; Philadelphia Association of Young Men for Celebrating the 4th of July, record book, 1831-33, 1 vol.; Schuylkill Fishing Company, Philadelphia, manuscripts, 1832, 1 vol.; Artist Fund Society, minutes and papers, 1835-58, 3 vols.; Athenian Institute, constitution, bylaws, and minutes, 1837-46, 1 vol.; Anti-Slavery Society of Pennsylvania, minutes, constitution, and papers, 1837, 1846-56, 3 vols.; Pennsylvania Hall Association, Philadelphia, minutes, 1837-64, 2 vols.; Phila- delphia Anti-Slavery Society, constitution, bylaws, and names of members, 1838, 1 vol.; Downingtown Lyceum, minutes, 1841- 45, 1 vol.; Amphion Amateur Musical Association, minutes, 1849-68, 1 vol.; Franklin Literary Union, minutes, 1859-62, 1 vol.; Civil, Social, and Statistical Associates, constitution, by- laws, roll, and minutes, 1860-67, 1 vol.; Penn Relief Association, record books, 1862-65, 11 vols.; Amateurs' Drawing Room As- sociation, Philadelphia, minutes, 1864-72, 1 vol.; Association of Aldermen, Philadelphia, constitution, bylaws, and list of members, 1865, 1 vol.; Scott Legion of Soldiers of Mexican War, roll of members, bylaws, and constitution, 1868, 1 vol.; Gettys- burg Battlefield Memorial Association, minutes, 1872-96, 2 vols.; Caballeros de la Luz, record books, 1873-1919, 8 vols.; Citizens Temperance Union, minute book, 1874-75, 1 vol.; Friends His- torical Association, papers, 1874-78, 1 folder; Association of Sur- vivors, 95th Regiment Infantry, Pennsylvania Volunteers, min- utes. 1875-1917, 1 vol.; Saturday Club, Philadelphia, list of original members, ca. 1877-78, 1 vol.; Mercantile Club, Phila- delphia, minutes, 1878-95, 2 vols.; Alpha Chapter of the Delta Kappa Psi, papers, 1849-1931, 1 vol.; Neighbors' Club, minutes, 1901-12, 1 vol.; Pennsylvania History Club, papers, 1905-16, 1 box; Tinicum Fishing Company, minutes, 2 vols.; Ocean City Fishing Club, account book, 1916, 1 vol.; Philadelphia Child Welfare Association, minutes, reports, and resolutions, 1933-37, lvol. 757. Asylum Company Minutes, 1802-4. 1 vol. Presented by Ferdinand J. Dreer, 1878. John Ashley, John Travis, Louis de Noailles, James Gibson, John Nicholson, and James Cramond were prominent members; list of shareholders, 1795-1805, is included. 758. Samuel John Atlee Journal, 1776. 1 vol. Copy of entry for August 27, 1776, containing details of a battle between British and Continentals. 759. Autograph Collections, ca. 1813-1904. 27 vols. Autograph albums of: Sarah Coates, 1813-14; J. Pattison, 1816- 18; Susanna Longstreth, 1823-52; R. N. Paxson, 1824-28; Frances McGregor, 1825; Mary Wells, 1825-38; Susan L. Watson, 1831- 33; Ann Lippincott, 1835; Rhoda Ann Hampton, 1837-38, 1839- 52; Almira Roberts, 1839-42; Annie Wells Fisher, 1847-53; Sally Bridges, 1849-63; William E. Stokes, 1851-60; Mary Anna Hughes, 1855; Henrietta N. Taylor, 1855; Helen N. Price, 1857- 80; Almira Galliard, 1859-84; Josephine Griffith, 1862-64; Har- riet I. McCluen, 1862-79, 1864-92; Anna McCluen, 1879-1904; Alexander Mullen, 1880-86. Autographs of members present at a dinner for Rear Admiral Charles E. Clark, U. S. N., 1904; autographs of prominent Philadelphians, collected by Sidney V. Smith, 1705-97, approx. 200 items; autographs of members of the Pennsylvania Legislature, 1874, 1 vol.; Edward A. Groves collection of autographs and photographs of celebrated musical and theatrical celebrities, 1859-64, 1 vol.; letters of medical men of Pennsylvania, 1747-1887, 79 items; autographs of delegates to the Pennsylvania constitutional conventions, 1837-38, 1872- 73, 5 vols.; letters of French statesmen and soldiers associated with the American Revolution, 1778-1819, 25 items; letters of justices and associate justices of the Supreme Court of Penn- sylvania, 1690-1883, 70 items; autographs of persons who took the oath of allegiance in Philadelphia, 1778-86, 2 vols. 760. Richard Backhouse Account Book, 1775. 1 vol. Pre- sented by John Jordan, 1877. Accounts of a contractor of provisions for the Revolutionary army. 761. Bahama Islands Report, 1783. 1 vol. Presented by Wil- liam Gibbes, 1937. Report of Lieutenant John Wilson, of the British army, on the military state and defenses of the Bahama Islands; also data on the origin, number, customs, and occupations of the inhabitants and on their general economic condition. 762. Bank of Pennsylvania Minute Book, 1793-1842. 1 vol. Presented by John D. Rodgers, 1878. Minutes of stockholders of the Bank of Pennsylvania; names of officers and directors. 763. Samuel W. Bell Record Book, 1886-90, 1 vol. Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company's record of mort- gage bonds and convertible scrip. 764. Bibliography of the Fourth of July, ca. 1876. 1 vol. Annotated proof copy of bibliography of Fourth of July ma- terials in The Historical Society, compiled by F. D. Stone. 765. Clement Biddle Papers, 1769-1896. Approx. 600 items. Presented by the estate of Clement Biddle. Papers of several members of the Biddle family, relating chiefly to business enterprises. 766. Frederick L. Billon Manuscripts, 1876. Approx. 200 items. Purchased by The Historical Society, 1902. Manuscript notes relating to the history of Philadelphia; lists of names from various city directories, such as White's, 1785, McPherson's, 1785, Stephens', 1796; biographical notes. 767. Board of Trade Papers, 1675-1782. 146 vols. Purchased by the English Record Copying Fund, 1902. Copies of: Board of Trade journals, 1675-1782, 90 vols.; pro- prietary records, 1697-1776, 25 vols.; plantations general, 1689- 1780, 28 vols.; index, 3 vols. 768. Boot and Shoe Manufacturers of the United States Letters, 1880. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Alex- ander P. Brown, 1903. Collection of letters of acceptance to Alexander P. Brown, chair- man of banquet committee. 769. Elias Boudinot and John Cleves Symmes Agreement, 1788. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Howard Edwards. Transfer of two million acres of land between the Great Miami, Little Miami, and Ohio rivers in Ohio. 770. Braddock's Expedition Papers, 1755. 1 vol. Presented by Joseph R. Ingersoll, 1853. Copies of the following documents pertaining to the expedition: journal by Captain Hewitt given to his friend, Captain Henry Gage Morris; extracts from a journal of the activities of the de- tachment of seamen ordered by Commodore Kepple to accom- pany Braddock; letters from Governor Sharpe of Maryland to Sir Thomas Robinson and others, 1754-55; a map and plans showing route and encampments of the British army, 1755. 771. Bradford's Laws of New York, 1893-95. Approx. 70 items. Presented by Charles R. Hildeburn, 1896. Correspondence between Charles R. Hildeburn and Robert Ludlow Fowler, relating to the reprinting of William Bradford's Laws of New York (1694). 772. A. L. Bright Manuscripts, ca. 1900. 6 booklets. Biographical notes on French officers connected with the Ameri- can Revolution. 773. Brill Car Company History of War Material Pro- duction, 1919. 2 vols. Presented by the Brill Company. 774. Bristol and Philadelphia Letters, 1671-89. Approx. 50 items. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1910. Miscellaneous letters and documents concerning commerce, ship- ping, legal affairs in the early Colonial period. Among persons mentioned are Thomas Taylor, William Haig, Patrick Robin- son, Henry Flower, J. A. Claypoole. 775. British Prisoners and Parole Papers, 1760-92. Approx. 70 items. Lists of prisoners captured and exchanged; also items pertain- ing to commerce and local government. 776. D. S. Brown and Company Account Books, 1837-70. Approx. 515 vols. Presented by D. S. B. Chew. The business records of a Philadelphia firm. 777. Bucks County Register, 1682. 1 vol. Original manuscript register of persons residing in Bucks County. 778. Edward Burd Plan of Ormiston Villa, 1799. 1 folder. Material descriptive of Burd's property on the banks of the Schuylkill River. 779. James Burnside Papers, 1778-79. 1 vol. Presented by Wil- liam Chauvenet, 1930. Letters to and from army officers, government officials, and oth- ers, pertaining to events of the Revolutionary War. Burnside was quartermaster at Morristown, N.J. 780. Bush Hill Estate Plan, 1814, 1824. 1 vol. Presented by William Brooke Rawle, 1912. Survey by Robert Brooke, 1814; plan drawn by Joseph H. Siddel, 1824. 781. Camden and Gloucester Poll Books, 1856. 2 vols. Pre- sented by William John Potts, 1887. Voter lists for Camden and Gloucester counties, N.J. 782. Bishop John Christopher Frederick Cammerhoff Let- ters, 1747-48. 1 vol. Presented by John W. Jordan, 1886. Excerpts from letters addressed to Zinzendorf, concerning early Moravian settlements in Pennsylvania. 783. Canciones Patrioticos, 1809-14. 1 vol. Presented by Em- len Wood, 1932. Robert Wain's English translation of Spanish verse by Nicholas Gomez de Requena. 784. Carolina and Georgia Loan Record, 1781. 1 vol. Pre- sented by George Meade, 1894. List of subscribers for a loan to the citizens of South Carolina and Georgia. 785. Chester County Survey, 1774. 1 vol. Anthony Wayne's survey of land belonging to West Jersey So- ciety and the Thompson estate in Chester County; also of land of William Cleever, Upper Merion, 1771. 786. Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1712-1910. Approx. 50 items. Purchased by the Gratz Fund, 1939. Autograph letters and portraits by Albert Rosenthal. 787. "China Packet" Journal, 1807-8. 1 vol. Purchased by the DreerFund, 1938. Journal kept by Thomas D. Lewis on board the China Packet on voyage from Philadelphia to Madras and Calcutta. 788. Church Records, 1737-1847. 11 vols. Presented by Mrs. Mary S. McNair, Thomas H. Montgomery, Daniel R. Pennepacker, and William John Potts. Presbyterian Synod of New Jersey minutes, 1737, 11 vols.; col- lection of inscriptions in St. Paul's and the Epiphany church- yards, Philadelphia; Episcopal clergy, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, minutes, ca. 1825, 2 vols.; St. Stephen's Church, Philadelphia, index to register, 1823-65, 1 vol.; First Independ- ent Church, Philadelphia, minute book of the Youth's Mis- sionary Society, 1834-39, 1 vol.; First Presbyterian Church, Southwark, Philadelphia, minutes of building committee, 1828- 29, 1834-41, 2 vols.; Beaver Meadow Presbyterian Church, minutes and accounts, 1838-46, 2 vols.; Presbyterian Church, New York, register, 1847, 1 vol. 789. City Almshouse, Philadelphia, 1767-68. 2 vols. Pre- sented by the Genealogical Society, 1903. Accounts, statistics, and miscellaneous records. 790. Civil War Commissary Account Books, 1861-65. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1938. Records of supplies and provisions furnished by the Commissary Department. 791. Clement Papers, ca. 1676-1865. 7 vols. Presented by John Clement. Papers relating chiefly to early settlements in New Jersey. 792. Samuel Coates Cyphering Book, 1724. 1 vol. Presented by John H. Lewis, 1920. Copybook of Samuel Coates. 793. Collector of Taxes Returns, 1832-56. 2 vols. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1933, 1934. Miscellaneous returns and accounts for taxes in Pennsylvania counties. 794. College of Philadelphia Account Books, 1763-85. 2 vols. Record of collections by the Rev. Dr. Smith, Sir James Jay, and others for the College of Philadelphia, 1763, 1 vol.; general ledger, 1763-85, 1 vol. 795. Lewis Collin Stage-Book, 1795. 1 vol. Presented by the City of Philadelphia. Record of the stagehouse opposite City Tavern, containing names of passengers and destinations. 796. Commissary Department, Morristown, New Jersey, 1777-79. Accounts kept by Mathew Irwin. 797. Committee of Assembly Disbursements, 1777-80. 1 vol. Receipts for monies paid out by the Pennsylvania state treas- urer on orders of the Committee of Assembly. 798. U. S. Frigate "Congress" Journal, 1823-24. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Charles Shivers, Jr. Journal of Commander James Biddle. 799. Congressional Register Subscription List, 1788-89. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. R. I. G. Walker, 1906. Signatures of original subscribers to the Congressional Register. 800. Connecticut Claims Papers, 1664-1796. 1 vol. Papers relating chiefly to Cornelius Vanhorne's litigation in connection with lands in the Wyoming territory. 801. Continental Hospital Returns, 1777-78. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Francis J. Alison and Robert H. Alison, 1899. Lists of soldiers and contributing data on casualties in the Revo- lutionary War. 802. Continental Loan Office, 1786-90. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society, 1899. Receipt book of Thomas Smith, Continental Loan officer in Pennsylvania. 803. Porter F. Cope Papers, 1681-1835. 10 items. Presented by Porter F. Cope, 1924. Deeds and titles to premises occupied by Caleb Cope and Com- pany at 429 Market Street and 7 and 9 North Fifth Street, Phila- delphia. 804. Council Held in Philadelphia, 1706-7. 1 vol. Copy of minutes of council in a discussion of a bill to set up courts; reflects the differences between the assembly and Lieu- tenant Governor John Evans. 805. Court Records, 1676-1818. 67 vols. Philadelphia: court dockets, 1685-86, 1706-76, 30 vols.; index to wills and administrations, 1681-1825, 3 vols.; miscellaneous legal papers including grand jury lists, commitments, indictments, and summonses, 1697-1821, 5 vols.; photostats of petitions to quarter sessions court, 1718-75, 1 vol.; account book of county tax office, 1770, 1 vol.; minute book of commissioners and asses- sors, 1771-74, 1 vol.; quarter sessions docket, 1780-85, 1 vol.; jury lists, 1806-18, 1 vol.; docket of debt department of prison, 1832- 34, 1 vol. Photostat copies of dockets of court held at New Castle, 1676-99, 1760-64, 5 vols.; copies of records of court held at Upland, 1681-88, 1 vol.; record of wills, administrations, and marriages of Kent and Sussex counties, Del., 1683-95, 1 vol.; Francis Daniel Pastorius, Germantown, rules and regulations for settlers and a copy of the patent of land granted to Pastorius, 1689-97, 2 vols, (one volume is original German; the other is an English translation made at a later date); records of the general court of Germantown, 1691-1707, 2 vols, (one volume is original German; the other is an English translation made at a later date); photostat copy of docket of the orphans court of Sussex County, Del., 1728-43, 1 vol.; Pennsylvania Supreme Court docket, 1753-67, 1 vol.; Chester County court docket, 1759-71, 1 vol.; York County court docket, 1773-74, 1 vol.; Bucks County court docket, 1774, 1 vol.; Lancaster County court docket, 1775, 1 vol.; Pennsylvania Supreme Court divorce docket, 1785-99, 1 vol.; copy of docket of Michael Croll, justice of the peace, Mont- gomery County. 806. Cox and Barclay Agreement, 1688. 1 folder. Agreement made by Daniel Cox on the behalf of the proprietors of West Jersey and Robert Barclay on the behalf of the pro- prietors of East Jersey, concerning the boundary lines between the two provinces. 807. Crawford County Record, 1816-19. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1933. Daybook kept by R. Alden, treasurer of Crawford County. 808. Debts Due by the United States, 1781-83. 1 vol. Report of the committee of the Board of the Treasury, James Bunne, William Sharpe, Oliver Wolcott, on the financial con- dition of the United States. 809. Captain Stephen Decatur Letter Book, 1801-5, 1820. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. F. H. Getchell, 1890. Letters and orders of the United States Navy Department; de- tails of the naval campaign in the Mediterranean against Tripoli and other Barbary states; also letters concerning the duel be- tween Stephen Decatur and James Barron, 1820. 810. Deed Collection, 1300-1901. Approx. 6,000 items. A collection of miscellaneous deeds, divided into various sec- tions: deeds, 1300-1901, 80 boxes; Bristol, England, deeds, 1582- 1759, 2 vols.; Delaware deeds, 1681-1765, 3 vols.; Pennsylvania deeds, 1771-1819, 1 box. 811. Defense of Philadelphia Subscription List, 1813. 1 vol. Presented by William Duane, 1851. List of subscribers who contributed to a fund for the defense of Philadelphia. 812. Delaware and Chester Counties, 1874. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Edward S. Sayres, 1923. Copies of historical essays collected by John Hill Martin. 813. Delaware and Schuylkill Canal Company Accounts, 1793-96. 1 vol. Presented by W. W. Porter, 1923. Accounts of the construction of canal; portion of the volume con- tains memoranda of the Porter family, 1794-1813. 814. Delaware County and the Great Welsh Tract Atlas, 1915. 1 vol. Presented by Benjamin H. Smith, 1915. Manuscript maps prepared by Benjamin H. Smith. 815. Comte D'Estaing Journal, 1778-79. 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1904. Journal of Comte D'Estaing, vice-admiral of the French fleet. 816. Diary of an Unknown Traveler from Windham, Con- necticut,, to Philadelphia, 1836. 1 vol. 817. Diary of 1812. 1 vol. Purchased by the Publication Fund, 1891. Copy of a diary describing the military campaign in upper New York against Canadian-English forces, 1812-13. 818. William Dillworth Log Books, 1711-17. 2 vols. Pur- chased by the Dreer Fund, 1936. Log kept by William Dillworth, mate on the ships Jersey Galley, Mary, Young Mary Galley, traveling to various ports in the West Indies. 819. Daniel Dougherty Diaries, 1863-64. 2 vols. Diaries of Captain Daniel Dougherty of Company H, 63rd Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. 820. Doylestown Stage Account Book, 1848. 1 vol. Presented by Albert Cook Myers, 1904. 821. Durham Iron Company Brief of Title, 1773. Presented by S. F. Fackenthal, 1936. 822. East Vincent Township, Chester County, Historical Sketch, 1846. 1 vol. Presented by Frederick Sheeder. 823. Ebenezer Elmer Military Journal, 1779-81. 1 vol. Elmer was surgeon in the 2nd New Jersey Regiment with Gen- eral Sullivan at Wyoming. 824. English Heraldry, 1597, 1605, 1702. 3 vols. Presented by John Frederick Lewis, 1930. Drawings in water color of coats of arms, crests of the British nobility, and descriptions of the origin of their names and titles; one volume, 1606, is in the hand of Ralph Brooke, York- shire herald. 825. English Lines Near Philadelphia, 1777. 1 folder. Pre- sented by Ebenezer Hazard, 1938. Manuscript copy of a map by Lewis Nicola. 826. Enterprise Telegraph Company Minutes, 1865. 1 vol. Presented by A. E. Auterbridge, 1920. 827. Estimates of Damage Done by the British, 1777-78. 1 vol. Records of appraisals by various assessors in Philadelphia and adjacent territory of the damage done by the British. 828. Henry Ewing, Philadelphia Stock Exchange Accounts, 1844. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Charles G. Leland, 1905. 829. Facts Relating to Cession of Louisiana to the Spaniards, 1766-69. 1 vol. An eighteenth-century historical sketch of the territory. 830. Falls of Schuylkill, 1900-1927. 8 vols. Presented by the estate of Charles K. Mills, 1931. Collection of historical sketches of the Falls of Schuylkill. 831. Fayette County, 1920. Approx. 500 pages. Typescript copies of documents relating to the history of Fayette County. 832. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Papers, 1914- 36. 12 vols. Circulars and miscellaneous letters pertaining to the affairs of the bank. 833. William Feltman Military Journals, 1779, 1781-82. 2 vols. Presented by Louis C. Massey, 1931. Journals of Lieutenant Feltman of the 1st and 10th Regiments of Pennsylvania. 834. Samuel Weiller Fernberger Collection, 1796-1819. Approx. 750 items. Presented by Samuel Weiller Fern- berger, 1938. Miscellaneous legal documents, mainly of Portland, Maine; ap- plications for the release of debtors, 1796-1805; writs of attach- ment, 1798-1816; bail bonds, 1797-1804; liberty bonds (for lib- erty of jail), 1798-1805; writs of executions of judgments, 1799- 1819; other legal materials, 1801-13; commitments, 1802-5. The collection also includes Amos Partridge personal correspondence, 1799-1817; and daybook, 1809. 835. Fete Champetre Proceedings, 1850. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. J. Madison Taylor, 1940. Minutes of the Board of Managers of the Fete Champetre, Win- throp Sargent, secretary. 836. Mrs. Fields' Cookery Recipes, ca. 1880. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Fields, 1904. 837. Fire Companies, ca. 1890. Approx. 250 pages. Presented by Mary W. Shoemaker, 1936. Manuscripts of articles on the history of fire companies, pub- lished in the Germantown Independent. 838. Fire Companies of Philadelphia, Record Books, 1742- 1871. 14 vols. Presented by various persons. Minutes, constitutions, expense accounts, and other records per- taining to the history of fire companies. 839. Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia County, Rec- ord Books, 1832-41. 2 vols. Presented by Henry Woehlcke, 1935. Ledger, 1832-39, and cashbook, 1833-41, kept by Jacob F. Hoick - ley, treasurer. 840. The First American Movement West, 1913-14. 1 vol. Presented by William Vincent Byars, 1915. Typewriten transcripts from the Gratz-Croghan papers, and other manuscripts, 1776-84, contained in the Etting Collection; includes data on the Ohio Company of Virginia, the Indiana Company, the Illinois Company, the Mississippi Company, the Grand Ohio Company and the Vandalia Company, Thomas Cresap, William Franklin, Christopher Gist, Solomon Henry, William Trent, Alexander Lowry, Joseph Simon, William Henry Harrison, George Morgan, and Edward Ward. 841. Dr. Enoch Fithian Vital Statistics, 1817-86. 4 vols. Pre- sented by Emlen Wood, 1938. Birth and death records of the township of Greenwich, Cum- berland County, N.J. 842. Thomas Fitzgerald Manuscripts, 1868. 3 vols. Presented by Harrold E. Gillingham, 1938. Manuscript copies of two plays by Fitzgerald. 843. Forts of Pennsylvania, 1754-83. 1 vol. Presented by Spencer Hazard, 1940. Samuel Hazard's letters, notes, maps, on the history of Penn- sylvania forts. 844. William Parker Foulke Prison Records, 1846-58. 1 booklet. Presented by E. A. Andrews, 1938. Records of and notes on prisoners in Eastern Penitentiary. 845. U.S.S. "Franklin" Log Book, 1817-19. 1 vol. Log book of the Franklin, commanded by Henry N. Ballard, 1817-18, and John Gallagher, 1818-19. 846. Franklin College Prayer, 1787. 1 vol. Presented by John W. Jordan, 1890. Manuscript of the prayer delivered by John Herbst, minister of the United Brethren Congregation, at Lancaster on the day of dedication of Franklin College, June 6, 1787. 847. Free Military School Register, 1863-64. 1 vol. Presented by Abraham Barker, 1896. Record of admissions to the free military school of the Phila- delphia Supervisory Committee for recruiting colored regiments. 848. French Squadron Account of Supplies, 1781. 1 vol. Records of purchases from Breck and Green, Boston merchants, by Major de Cappelis, for the French squadron. 849. Friends Records Letters, 1870-73. Approx. 50 items. Letters written by William J. Buck to John Jordan containing biographical sketches of Friends in Pennsylvania and adjacent territories. 850. Fugger Family Heraldry, ca. 1700. 1 vol. Presented by John Frederick Lewis. Genealogical notes in French on German and French nobility, with water-color drawings of their coats of arms. 851. General Committee of Defense Minutes, 1814-15. 3 vols. Presented by John Goodman. Minutes of the proceedings relating to the defense of Phila- delphia. 852. German Heraldry Books, ca. 1700. 4 vols. Presented by Carl Edelheim, 1899. Genealogical notes on German nobility with water-color draw- ings of their crests. 853. German Recipes, ca. 1750. 1 vol. Magical formulas for obtaining supernatural power and ward- ing off evil spells. 854. Germantown and Cressam Lots, 1824. 1 vol. Copies of the original general plan of the lands and lots of Germantown and Cresheim townships, copied from Mathias Zimmerman's original, 1746; Christian Lehman's drafts, 1766. 855. Germantown and Perkiomen Turnpike, 1764-1808. 1 vol. Presented by John F. Lewis, 1920. Correspondence, documents, and records of surveys relating to the construction of the Germantown and Perkiomen Pike, the Egypt or Norristown Road, and the Chestnut Hill and Spring House Turnpike Road. 856. Germantown Home Guard Minutes, 1861-63. 1 vol. Presented by Mary Quincy Butler, 1904. 857. James Gibson Journal, 1786-87. 1 vol. Presented by Ed- ward Shippen, 1892. His journal of college life at Princeton, 1786; journal by "Le- ander" describes social life in Philadelphia, 1786-87. 858. George Gilbert Wood Engravings, ca. 1818-39. 1 vol. Presented by Harrold E. Gillingham, 1935. Collection of Gilbert's wood engravings. 859. Edward Baldwin Gleason, 1906. 1 vol. Presented by Dr. H. M. Goddard, 1936. Testimonial of the Common Council of Philadelphia to E. B. Gleason on his retirement. 860. Gloucester County Docket Books, 1754, 1782-83. 2 vols. Presented by Louis B. Runk, 1897, and W. K. Taylor, 1917. Gloucester County, N.J., docket book, 1754, 1 vol.; docket book of John Little, justice of the peace in Gloucester, 1782-83. 861. Goshen Town Book, 1718-1870. 1 vol. Purchased by the Wendell P. Bowman Memorial Fund, 1935. Photostats of records of the Chester County town. 862. Governors of Pennsylvania Autograph Letters, 1778- 1891. Approx. 50 items. Autograph letters, brief autobiographical sketches, and photo- graphs of several governors of Pennsylvania. 863. Archibald H. Graham Manuscripts, 1927-29. 150 items. Pertain to publication of his History of Cricket in Philadelphia. 864. D. W. Graply Diary, 1862-63. 1 vol. Contains an account of D. W. Graply, an engineer in the United States Navy, during the Civil War, of his experiences and naval battles off Charleston, S.C. 865. Great Central Fair Minutes, 1864. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Charles G. Leland, 1905. Record of the meetings of the newspaper committee for the Great Central Fair for the Sanitary Commission. 866. General Nathanael Greene Letters, 1780-82. Approx. 50 items. Presented by Stan V. Henkels, 1909. Copies of personal letters which Greene wrote to Lieutenant Colonel Henry Lee. 867. Mary Hallock Greenwaldt Collection, 1932-36. Approx. 1,000 items. Presented by Mary Hallock Green- waldt, 1936. Papers relating to the invention of a mechanism for the pro- jection of color and sound by the organ; brief of case of Green- waldt vs. Musical Art Association, 1936; biographical notes on the Hallock and Norton families. 868. Cruise of the Brig "Greyhound," 1744-47. 2 vols. Pre- sented by Mrs. William Wright Conway, 1938. An account of the cruise of the privateers Greyhound, Captain Jeffrey, and the Snow, Dragon, Captain Seymour. 869. James Hamilton Docket Book, 1745. 1 vol. 870. Hamilton Family Letter Book, 1781-90. 1 vol. The letters are chiefly in the handwriting of Jasper Yeates and relate to the estates of James Hamilton and William Hamilton in Lancaster. 871. Robert Harper Brief of Title, 1680-1872. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Miss E. E. Wright, 1921. Typescript copy of a brief of title to three tracts of land in Northern Liberties, Philadelphia, compiled by B. Frank Harper. 872. Harpers Ferry Civil War Records, 1863-65. 3 vols. Pur- chased by the General Fund, 1935. Records of James W. Brady, provost marshal at Harpers Ferry, Va., 1863-65, 2 vols.; order book of department headquarters at Harpers Ferry, 1863, 1 vol. 873. CONSTANTINE HERING PORTRAITS AND BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES, 1840-60. Approx. 100 items. Presented by the family of Constantine Hering, 1918. Collection of portraits and biographical notes on prominent men in Europe and America. 874. Andrew Hesselius Journal, 1711-24. 1 vol. Presented by Charles J. Stille, 1889. Notes of his journey to America, 1711-24. Hesselius was a Swedish pastor. 875. Hessian, Waldeck, and British Prisoners, 1776-79. 1 vol. List of prisoners of war received at Lancaster. 876. History of the Local Draft Board, Philadelphia, 1917- 19. 1 vol. Presented by Edwin C. Atkinson, 1919. Type- script. 877. Holland Population Land Company Record Book, 1816-20. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1934. Records of land sales made in western Pennsylvania by Maurice and William Wurtz for the company. The Society has a type- script of Alfred Huidekoper's lecture on the Holland Company, delivered at Meadville, 1872. 878. Anna Hazen Howell Papers, 1838-1904. Approx. 500 items. Presented by the estate of Anna Hazen Howell, 1936. Papers from the estates of Isaiah Hocker, Robert Howell, and R. H. Howell. Among the papers are Isaiah Hooker's diaries, 1838-66; genealogies of the Mott, Wilson, King, Chambers, Richie, Holton, Hocker, and Brown families. 879. Andrew A. Humphreys Biographical Notes, 1865-84. 1 vol. Presented by H. H. Humphreys, 1917. Collection of miscellaneous sketches and biographical notes on the life of General Andrew A. Humphreys. 880. Illinois and Wabash Land Company Minutes, 1778- 1812. 1 vol. Purchased by the Gratz Fund, 1938. Lists of names of original purchasers and proprietors of lands in the Illinois country, minutes of company transactions, resolu- tions, and other data pertaining to lands purchased from the Indians. 881. Immigrant Lists, 1772-75. 7 vols. Presented by John Fred- erick Lewis, 1933. Photostats of original Immigrant Lists, State Library, Harris- burg. 882. David Jackson Recipe Book, 1783-1800. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society, 1899. Commonplace book of David Jackson, one of the members of the Continental Congress. 883. Joseph Jackson Papers, ca. 1798-1916. Approx. 50 items. Purchased by The Historical Society, 1940. Miscellaneous notes, letters, cartoons, and broadsides pertaining to Philadelphia history. 884. Jacobs Account Books, 1751-1818. 5 vols. Presented by John F. Lewis, 1920. Account books of members of a prominent merchant family. 885. Thomas P. James Letter Books, 1851-63. 5 vols. Pre- sented by the Baker Library, 1937. Letter books of a Philadelphia druggist. 886. Japanese and Chinese War Drawings, 1904-5. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Mrs. Hampton Carson, 1922. 887. John Jennings Journal, 1757, 1766-67. 2 vols. An account of a trip from Fort Pitt to Fort Chartres and New Orleans, 1766; account book of the sales of provisions and gen- eral merchandise at Fort Chartres, 1757. 888. Colonel John Jones Papers, 1814-64. Approx. 60 items. Presented by Mrs. Charlotte E. Jones, 1939. Personal and official papers of Colonel John Jones, brigadier inspector of the Pennsylvania militia; included are letters from George Bryan, auditor general, and a tax collector's book of Shamokin Township, Northumberland County, 1825. 889. Lewis Jones Papers, 1787-1876. Approx. 140 items. Pre- sented by Harrold E. Gillingham. Family and business papers of Lewis Jones of Gwynedd. In- cluded are records of Clow and Company, 1787-98; Franklin Foulke estate papers, 1839-47; Charles Livezy letters, 1855-76; Sarah Tyson estate papers, 1850-59. 890. Paul Jones Portraits, ca. 1778. 1 folder. Presented by Charles Morton Smith, 1930. Cartoons of Jones, accounts of his naval exploits from the Gazet- teer and New Daily Advertiser and the London Chronicle, 1778-79. 891. Account of Loss of Brig "Kaderbox," 1806. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Edward Fiartshorne, 1880. By Joseph Saunders Coates. 892. Kensington Indenture for Public Burying Ground, 1765. 1 vol. Photostat of the printed indenture for a public burying ground, granted by Alexander Allaire, and others to Emanuel Eyre and others in Kensington, Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. 893. John Kreitzer Journal, 1846-48. 1 vol. Presented by R. Hutchinson, 1920. Eyewitness account of the Mexican War. 894. Marquis de Lafayette Reception, 1824. Approx. 300 items. Papers of the committee of arrangements relating to a Phila- delphia reception for Lafayette; invitation lists; letters of Rich- ard Peters, Joseph Lewis, Rembrandt Peale, and Peter S. Du Ponceau. 895. Laws of Pennsylvania, 1682. 1 vol. Contemporary copy. 896. Laws of Pennsylvania, 1684. 1 vol. Phineas Pembcrton's record of laws made at Chester, 1682. 897. Lehigh Valley Railroad Company Record Books, 1858- 96. 48 vols. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1939. 898. Levick Papers, 1674-1782. Approx. 30 items. Presented by James Levick. Manuscripts dealing with the early Welsh settlers in Pennsyl- vania; deeds and surveys, 1681-95; account of persecution of Friends by the British Crown, 1681-83; letters of John David, 1675, Robert and Thomas Jones, 1721-57, William and David Lewis, 1695, William Lucas, 1749, Owen Lewis, 1681, Hugh, John, and Kathcrine Roberts, 1683-1710, John Thomas, 1681, John, Owen, and Thomas Wynne, 1674-1782. 899. Lewes, Delaware, 1812-13, 1926-36. 2 vols. Presented by Richard Paynter Lochner, 1938. Notes, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and photographs relating to the history of Lewes, Del.; Sarah Marriner daybook of an inn at Lewes, 1812-13. 900. U.S.S. "Lexington" Receipts and Expenditures, 1828- 30. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1936. 901. Library Company of Philadelphia Manuscripts, 1746- 47. 2 folders. One folder presented by Mrs. Rodman Wharton, 1914. Minutes of directors' meetings, 1746; agreement between the Li- brary Company and Robert Greenway, librarian, 1747. 902. Loan Office Register of Indentures, 1724-30, 1785. 2 vols. Presented by Charles Henry Hart, 1886. Record of mortgages on property in various Pennsylvania coun- ties held by the General Loan Office. 903. Local Committee in Aid of the Belgians, Correspond- ence, 1914-21. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Mrs. Edward S. Sayres, 1931. 904. Lochner Collection, 1817, 1861-81. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Richard P. Lochner, 1938. Miscellaneous -George Lochner family papers, chiefly in German. 905. Lodge Records, 1731-37, 1749-55, 1829-1903. 36 vols. St. John's Lodge, account book, 1731-37, 1 vol.; "Book of Pro- ceedings of the Mason's Lodge held at the Tun Tavern in Water Street, Philadelphia," 1749-55, 1 vol.; Armenia Rebekah Lodge, cashbook, 1890-1901; Colfax Degree of Rebecca Lodge No. 1, index of order book, 1854-88; minutes, 1865-78; Fidelity Lodge No. 138, minutes, 1845-72, 3 vols.; cashbook, 1845-57; Grand Lodge, receipt book, 1833-65; Harmony Encampment No. 65, minutes, 1847-77, 2 vols.; Herman Lodge No. 7, semi-annual reports, 1870-96; Jefferson Lodge No. 48, membership applica- tions, 1873-84; Mount Olive Encampment No. 6, minutes, 1839- 69, 3 vols.; cashbook, 1850-73; roll book-, 1850-68; Mount Olive Lodge No. 357, minutes, 1849-69, 2 vols.; treasurer's book, 1849- 54; Northern Liberties No. 17, minutes, 1829-49, 1859-68; United Brothers Encampment No. 26, membership applications, 1846- 81, 2 vols.; cashbook, 1877-83; Walhalla Lodge No. 7, minutes, 1841-49, 1883-92, 3 vols.; cashbook, 1856-64; Order of U. S. of A., Camp No. 2, Camden, N.J., 1848-54, 1 vol.; Minnehaha Lodge, I. O. S. M., minute book, 1873-78, 1 vol.; O. U. A. M., Nassau Council No. 103, Princeton, N.J., minute book, 1873-78, 1 vol. 906. Joshua Longstreth Letter Books, 1806-33. 2 vols. Pre- sented by Griffin C. Callahan, 1920. Letter books of a Philadelphia merchant. 907. Lower Dublin Academy, 1885. 2 vols. Presented by Mrs. I. Pearson Willits, 1934. Manuscript of Samuel C. Willits' history of Lower Dublin Academy and Holmesburg Library and biographical sketches of trustees of these institutions; map of Thomas Holme's grant from William Penn, drawn in 1884. 908. Benjamin Loxley Journal, 1776. 1 vol. Journal of Captain Benjamin Loxley of the first company of artillery of Philadelphia, containing account of the Amboy cam- paign, and muster roll for his company. 909. William F. Lutz Collection, 1785-1874. Approx. 100 items. Presented by William Filler Lutz, 1939. Miscellaneous papers relating chiefly to Lutz family interests in chemicals and dyeing; also documents on Bedford County politics. 910. Luzerne, Lycoming, Northampton, Northumberland, and Wayne Land Association Records, 1801-6. 1 vol. Names of members, memorials, rules and regulations. 911. John MacPherson Notes on Law, 1771. 1 vol. Presented by T. E. Marshall. Legal definitions, rules, and notes on the practice of law. 912. Mantua Academy Roll Book, 1868-77. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. J. T.Allen, 1923. 913. Map of the Highlands, New York, 1779. 1 vol. Prepared for Washington by Robert Erskine, July, 1779; also photostat of a survey of an area west of the Hudson River, pro- posed as a national park. 914. Maps and Plans of the Revolution, 1771-78. Approx. 20 items. Presented by the Willard estate, 1908. French and American maps of military sites in the Philadelphia and Chesapeake areas. 915. Marine Insurance, 1856. 1 vol. Presented by John Hill Martin, 1890. Opinions of legal authorities on marine insurance, compiled by J. Hill Martin. 916. Market Street Bridge, Philadelphia, 1875-88. 1 vol. Presented by Thomas Buckley, 1931. Photographs showing construction of the bridge and views of the vicinity. 917. Marks and Brands of Cattle, 1684. 1 vol. Presented by the Court of Common Pleas, Bucks County, 1873. Sketches and descriptions by Phineas Pemberton of brands of cattle in Pennsylvania. 918. Marriage Records, 1835-65. 3 vols. Registers of marriages performed by Lewis Swift, Bucks County justice, 1835-39; by John Dennis, Philadelphia alderman, 1846- 52; and at the mayor's office, Philadelphia, 1858-65. 919. Marshall House, Alexandria, Virginia, 1861. 1 vol. Pre- sented by John A. McAllister, 1880. Register of guests. 920. William Martin Medical Notes, 1785-86. 6 vols. Pre- sented by J. Hill Martin, 1876. Martin's notes on lectures by Benjamin Rush and Joseph Black. 921. Martinsburg, Virginia, Provost Marshal Pass Book, 1863-64. 1 vol. Purchased by the General Fund. List of passes issued at Martinsburg, [W.] Virginia, during the Civil War. 922. Archibald McCall Papers, 1809-17. 1 vol. Presented by Harrold E. Gillingham, 1933. Photostats of orders for marine insurance. 923. Lawrence E. McCrossin, Democratic Scraps, 1901-14. 1 vol. Presented by Lawrence E. McCrossin, 1918. Papers, letters, mementos, and newspaper clippings, gathered by a Democratic party leader. 924. Benjamin F. McReynolds Correspondence, 1862-63. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1938. Correspondence of an army commissary relating to provisions. 925. Walter Ross McShea Genealogical Records, ca. 1918- 29. Approx. 150 items. Genealogical notes on the families of Samuel Davis, Rozier Lev- ering, and Peter Wentz. 926. Medal Dies of the United States, 1841-49. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Mrs. William H. Patterson, 1938. Register compiled by Franklin Peale, chief coiner of the United States Mint. 927. Medical Books Collection, ca. 1779-1896. Approx. 500 items. Records of hospitals and dispensaries in Philadelphia; papers on the history of Blockley General Hospital; Dr. James Stratton's record books, 1779-1816. 928. "Merchants' Advertiser" Subscription List, 1797. 1 vol. Presented by John F. Lewis, 1920. 929. Merchants Coffee House, 1818-53. 1 vol. Presented by Henry C. Potter. Minutes of the subscribers to the Green Room at the Merchants Coffee House, Philadelphia. 930. Merchants Exchange, 1841-68. 1 vol. Presented by Henry C. Potter, 1900. Minutes of meetings of a group of Philadelphia merchants. 931. Daniel S. Merrill Real Estate Notes, 1864-68. Approx. 250 items. Presented by Mrs. Daniel S. Merrill, 1916. 932. The Meschianza, 1778. 1 vol. Catalogue of books portrayed by the characters in the Meschi- anza, performed in Philadelphia, 1778. 933. Mexican War, List of Prisoners of American Army, 1848. 1 vol. Presented by William B. Mann, 1895. Prepared by Captain Charles Naylor of the 22nd Pennsylvania Regiment. 934. Benjamin Mifflin Journal, 1764. 1 vol. Presented by Joseph A. Clay. Journal of Benjamin Mifflin's journey from Philadelphia to the Cedar Swamps and back. 935. Mifflin, Northumberland, and Bedford Counties Con- veyances, 1795. Approx. 240 items. Land transactions of members of the Gratz family, James Wil- son, and others. 936. Milestown School Records, 1818-74. 1 vol. Minutes, bylaws, names of officers and subscribers. 937. Military Reconnoissance of the Susquehanna River, 1861. 1 vol. Report made to Brigadier General A. J. Pleasanton, Philadel- phia. 938. Ministerial Intrigues, 1716-17. 1 vol. Presented by Har- rold E. Gillingham, 1937. Copies of private letters of Robert Walpole, Charles Town- shend, James Stanhope, and Paul Methuen. 939. James T. Mitchell Collection, ca. 1659-1911. Approx. 12,000 items. Presented by the estate of James T. Mitchell. These papers fall into two sections. One section includes a col- lection of autograph letters and documents of distinguished jur- ists and other prominent persons, ca. 1659-1873, gathered by James T. Mitchell; list of grand jury indictments, 1701; Phila- delphia court docket book, 1737; papers on land controversies in Maryland and New Jersey, 1753; contemporary copy of Penn's case relating to buying up of grants made to the first settlers, 1769; letters reflecting events of the Revolutionary War and early national political questions, tariff, transportation, con- struction of turnpikes, bridges, etc., 1770-1860; Abraham van Vechten, correspondence from New York, 1780-1841; papers of Jacob Thornton's trial for conspiring to pass counterfeit bank notes, 1821; portraits of members of the bar. The other section contains James T. Mitchell's personal papers, records of his activities as a member of the bar and as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; also papers of D. B. Canfield, publisher of the Law Register, 1852-88; John Hill Martin's notes on members of the bar, 1882-89; James T. Mitchell portrait collection, 1888-1907; papers of Common- wealth vs. Alburger re title of Franklin Square, 1836; Manayunk tax record, 1840; Eustis Corning correspondence, 1842-64; Peter A. Browne papers, ca. 1857. 940. James A. Montgomery Papers, 1702-1903. Approx. 500 items. Presented by James A. Montgomery, 1939. Papers pertaining chiefly to prominent Maryland families: Colonel Thomas White, merchant, quitrent book, 1702; letter book, 1751-75; Thomas and Esther White estate papers, 1749- 1803; Thomas R. White, Stafford Forge records, 1752; Bishop William White, correspondence and genealogical notes, 1769-94; genealogies of families of Daniel Dulany, Daniel Charles Heath, Philip and Richard Key, 1710-1836; Edward Hall, merchant in West Indies, correspondence, 1796; Thomas H. Montgomery correspondence, 1879-1903; indenture of sale of Baltimore Iron Works by Daniel Dulany and Robert Carter, 1770; view of Annapolis, 1787; letters to James Wilson, 1769-94, 20 items; notes on Wilson genealogy. 941. J. Hampton Moore Peace Jubilee Collection, 1898. Approx. 1,500 items. Presented by J. Hampton Moore, 1940. Letters and photographs of the committee of arrangements for the Peace Jubilee celebration. 942. Samuel Moore, 1765-88. 1 vol. Presented by Alfred Prime, 1920. Receipt book and commonplace book of Samuel Moore, land- owner in Philadelphia and Chester County. 943. William Moore Papers, 1764-77. 2 vols. Presented by Mrs. John F. Lewis, 1937. Papers and court docket of William Moore of Chester County. 944. Moravian History at Bethlehem, 1866, 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Edward S. Sayres, 1923. Compiled by J. Hill Martin, from notes of Rufus A. Grider. 945. Mt. Holly, New Jersey, ca. 1882. 1 vol. Presented by Isaac R. Pennypacker, 1910. Brief history of Mount Holly from 1676-1882, by Richard Cox Shreve. 946. Moyamensing Surveys, 1833. 1 vol. Presented by Herbert DuPuy, 1910. Plans and drafts of Moyamensing by R. H. Rickey. 947. Music at Bethlehem, 1870. 1 vol. Presented by J. Hill Martin, 1871. Historical sketch for period of 1742-1870, compiled by J. Hill Martin, from notes of Rufus A. Grider. 948. Collections of Music Books, 1800-1865. 6 vols. 949. Music Manuscripts, ca. 1800. 2 booklets. Purchased by the DreerFund, 1935. Manuscript copies of sacred music. 950. Muster Rolls, 1776-1802, 1807, 1824, 1828, 1861-65. 26 vols. Presented by Brinton Coxe, F. M. Etting, George Getz, Colonel J. P. Nicholson, William S. Reed, Simon Stevens, and Isaac R. Walker. Lancaster County, 1776, 1 vol.; Captain David Greer's company at York, 1776, 1 vol.; Bucks County, 1776-1802, 1 vol.; Phila- delphia County, 1777-89, 1 vol.; Billingsport, 1778, 1 vol.; Cap- tain John Davis' company, North Pennsylvania regiment at West Point, N.Y., 1778-80, 1 vol.; copy of muster roll of French army in America, 1778-83, 1 vol.; 1st and 2nd battalions of Philadelphia militia, 1778-89, 8 vols.; Captain Cox, 1781, 1 vol.; 7th company, 5th battalion, Philadelphia militia, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel John Shee, 1782, 1 vol.; rolls of the six battalions of the city of Philadelphia, 1784, 1 vol.; 1st battalion of Lancaster County, Captain John Wudhy, 1786, 1 vol.; Penn- sylvania troops commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Josiah Har- mar, headquarters at Vincennes, 1787, 1 vol.; 69th regiment dragoons, Berks County, 1807, 1 vol.; 7th company, 84th regi- ment, Philadelphia militia, Captain Francis Asbury Dickins commanding, 1824; 1st brigade District of Columbia Militia, 1828, 1 vol.; Berks County, 1861-65, 2 vols.; Company C, 118th Regiment of Infantry, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1862-65, 1 vol. 951. A. Myers Diary, 1851. 1 vol. Presented by Leonard G. Myers, 1919. Describes a trip to the Siskowit mine and other copper mines near Lake Superior. 952. National Ensigns upon a White Field as Flags of Hu- man Freedom, 1890-1904. Approx. 50 items. Presented by Arabella Carter, 1931. Letters and publications relating to the early history of the Human Freedom League. 953. Naval Signals, 1780-81. 1 vol. Commander G. B. Rodney's instructions to captains of the British navy. 954. Navigation Treatise, 1808. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1936. General discourse on navigation by William M. Hunter, Hamil- ton Academy, Philadelphia. 955. Navy Agency Records, 1845-49. 2 vols. Presented by Ethan Allan Weaver, 1929. Samuel D. Patterson, naval agent at Philadelphia, letter book, 1845-47, and ledger, 1845-49. 956. Negro Laws of New Jersey, 1795. 1 vol. Extracts of the laws of New Jersey, 1682-1788, concerning Ne- gro slaves, compiled by Joseph Bloomfield, 1795, for the New Jersey Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery. 957. New Hampshire Constitutional Convention, 1791. 1 vol. Extracts of the proceedings of the New Hampshire constitutional convention 1791, attested by John Calfe, secretary. 958. New York Subscription Book, 1790. 1 vol. Autographs of subscribers to a literary publication. 959. Non-Importation Association, Cargo Manifests, 1774. 4 vols. Manifests of imported merchandise conveyed to the Committee of Observation of Philadelphia, Northern Liberties, and South- war k. 960. Non-Importation Resolution, 1765. 1 vol. Presented by William Bradford, 1854. Declaration made by citizens of Philadelphia. 961. George W. Norris Papers, 1695-1835. Approx. 50 items. Presented by George W. Norris. Comprised chiefly of miscellaneous papers of Isaac Norris. 962. Frederick North, Lord Guilford, Papers, ca. 1825. 1 vol. Arabic and Turkish tables of conjugation. 963. North American Land Company, Pennsylvania Popula- tion Company, Asylum Company, and Pennsylvania Land Company Records, 1792-1816. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1935. Contains accounts, names of purchasers and shareholders, plans of association, agreements. 964. Northern District of Kingsessing Meadows Ordinances, 1761-1809. 1 vol. Records of the local government, laws, resolutions, and regula- tions. 965. Northern Liberties Ordinances, 1838-54. 1 vol. Presented by A. S. W. Rosenbach, 1939. The ordinance book of the Board of Commissioners, Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. 966. Northumberland County Committee of Safety Min- utes, 1776-77. 1 vol. Presented by J. Simon Stevens, 1846. 967. Norwich and Callowhill Markets, 1784-1845, 1 vol. Minutes of managers' meetings and miscellaneous records of Philadelphia markets. 968. Notification of Battle of Lexington, 1775. 1 folder. Copy of dispatch sent from Watertown, Mass., April 19, 1775. 969. Nurseries and Orchards, 1772. 1 vol. Presented by C. R. Hildeburn, 1892. A treatise on nurseries, planting orchards, and grafting. 970. Obituary Notices, ca. 1909-24. Approx. 100 items. Pre- sented by Charles Chauncey. Collection of newspaper clippings, genealogical notes, and cor- respondence relating to prominent Philadelphians. 971. Old Swedes Mill, Frankford, 1907. 1 vol. Presented by Charles H. Duffield, 1910. Historical sketch of Old Swedes Mill, later known as Duffield's Mill. 972. Oley and Vicinity, 1860. 1 vol. Presented by Alfred S. Bertolet, 1883. Historical sketch by Peter G. Bertolet. 973. Orderly Books, American, 1775-80, 1782, 1792-1810, 1814, 1817-1820, 1843-44, 1861. 42 vols. Cambridge and Roxbury headquarters, 1775, 1 vol.; General Anthony Wayne, headquarters at Isle of Noix, Crown Point, Ticonderoga, New York, and other places, 1776, 1 vol.; head- quarters at Perth Amboy, N.J., 1776, 1 vol.; Captain Sharp Delany at Trenton, N.J., 1776, 1 vol.; photostat of orderly book of Elisha Williams, adjutant to Washington, headquarters be- tween New York and Harlem, 1776, 1 vol.; copies of orderly books of Washington, Joseph Reed, and Samuel B. Webb, 1776, 2 vols.; Captain Philip Shrowder of the German battalion of Continentals, headquarters at Philadelphia, Middle Brook, and Valley Forge, 1776-78, 2 vols.; Captain John Nice, headquarters at Red Bank, Fort Mercer, Germantown, and Cross Roads, 1777, 1 vol.; headquarters at White Marsh, Generals Sullivan and Greene, 1777, 1 vol.; Captain Anthony Selin's company at Princeton, N.J., General Putnam commanding officer, 1777, 1 vol.; Valley Forge, 1778, 1 vol. (interleaved in this book are let- ters from Washington Irving, 1857, George Bancroft, 1859, and Jared Sparks, 1859); General Anthony Wayne, headquarters at Valley Forge, 1778, and in Georgia, 1782, 1 vol.; General Hand, headquarters at Valley Forge, 1778, 2 vols.; Colonel James Chambers, 1st brigade, 1st Pennsylvania regiment, headquarters at White Plains, N.Y., 1778, 2 vols.; Colonel George Jenkins, headquarters at Valley Forge, White Plains, N.Y. and Fred- ericksburg, Va., 1778-79, 1 vol.; General William Smallwood, headquarters at White Plains, N.Y., Fish Kill Creek, Fredericks- burg, Middle Brook, and other encampments, 1778-79, 1 vol.; Colonel Moses Hazen, headquarters at Albany, N.Y., and other places, 1778-79, 2 vols.; General Laughlin Mcintosh, head- quarters at Lancaster, Carlisle, Fort Pitt, Fort Mcintosh, Fort Lawrence, and Pittsburgh, 1778-80, 1 vol.; Colonel James Cham- bers, 1st Pennsylvania regiment, headquarters at Bryan's Tavern, Prickness, Totoway, and Middle Brook, 1779-80, 2 vols.; 3rd New Jersey regiment, headquarters at Tenack, N.J., 1780, 1 vol.; General McDougal, headquarters at Morristown, N.J., 1780, 1 vol.; Sergeant Major John H. Hawkins, headquarters at Mor- ristown and other places, 1785, 2 vols.; Major John Ross of New Jersey, commanding brigade, at West Point, N.Y., 1780, 1 vol.; headquarters at Highlands, 1782, 1 vol.; General Anthony Wayne, headquarters at Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Still Water, Grand Oglaze, Camp Deposit, Fort Defiance, Miami Village, and other places, 1792, 1794, 2 vols.; Justus Gibbs, headquarters at Legionville, 1793, 1 vol.; Major John Connelly, 1st regi- ment of artillery, Philadelphia, 1794-1810, 1 vol.; Second Elite Corps, Virginia, commanded by Colonel Moses Green, head- quarters at Camp Charles, City Court House, Camp Fairfield, and Richmond, Va., 1814, 1 vol.; Mifflin Guards, Captain S. Anderson commanding, headquarters at Kennett Square and Camp Brandywine, 1814, 1 vol.; adjutant's orderly book of head- quarters at Camp Dupont, Camp Brandywine, Camp Bloom- field, and Wilmington, Del., 1814, 1 vol.; Chester County Re- publican Artillerists, including minutes and articles of the as- sociation, list of members, and officers, 1817-20, 1 vol.; 1st regi- ment artillery of Pennsylvania, contains details of the riots in Southwark, Philadelphia, 1843-44, 1 vol.; General Robert Pat- terson, headquarters at Philadelphia, Hagerstown, Md., Martins- burg, (W.) Va., Harrisburg, Washington, D.C., and other places. 1861, 1 vol. 974. Orderly Books, British, 1758, 1778-80. 5 vols. Sergeant Alexander Ross, at Camp Great Falls, Lake George, Fort Edward, and other points in New York, 1758, 1 vol.; order- ly book kept during occupation of Philadelphia, 1778, 1 vol.; Captain R. Clayton, 17th regiment, headquarters at New York, 1777-79, 1 vol.; Lord Stirling's guards headquarters at Totoway, 1780, 2 vols. 975. Orderly Books, German, 1779-80. 2 vols. Presented by John Jordan and Jacob Weidman. Lieutenant Colonel Hubley, commanding German regiment at Wyoming, 1779, 1 vol.; Captain Charles Baltzel, commanding company of German infantry, headquarters at West Point, N.Y., 1780, 1 vol. 976. Henry Pannebecker Surveys, 1722-42. 1 vol. Presented by S. W. Pennypacker, 1885. Photostat of surveys of roads and townships in Philadelphia and Montgomery counties. 977. Penllyn, Wales, Probate Records, 1914. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Library Fund, 1915. Copies of probate records, 1571-1700, compiled by Thomas Al- len Glenn for genealogical data on Welsh settlers in Pennsyl- vania. 978. William Penn, First Deed from the Indians, 1682. 1 folder. Presented by Thomas Kimber, Jr., 1867. For land between the Delaware River and Neshaminy Creek. 979. Penn Guarantee Association Minute Book, 1878-86. 1 vol. Purchased by the General Fund, 1939. 980. Penn Relics at Pennsylvania Castle, ca. 1911. 1 vol. Pre- sented by William Brooke Rawle, 1911. Record of the Penn relics at Pennsylvania Castle, Isle of Port- land, Dorsetshire, England; also genealogical notes of the Penn family. 981. Penn Township Supervisors Accounts, 1820-70. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1936. 982. Penn Tracts of Land in Northampton County, 1764-76. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. P. H. Ashbridge and Miss Ben- ners, 1911. Survey made by Lucius Carter; contains list of names of early settlers. 983. Pennsylvania, Pension Papers of the Revolution, 1790- 92. Approx. 150 items. Chiefly powers of attorney of pensioners authorizing other per- sons to draw their pensions. 984. Pennsylvania Assembly Minutes, 1724-25. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Jonathan Ingham, 1880. Original minutes of the assembly. 985. Pennsylvania Assembly Papers, 1682-1783. Approx. 300 items. Miscellaneous papers reflecting activities of the assembly under the proprietary government: drafts of minutes and acts of as- sembly, 1701, 1706-7, 1711-12, 1715, 1717, 1720; attorney gen- eral's reports on legislation, 1700, 1701; several items concern- ing Benjamin Franklin's anti-British activities. 986. Pennsylvania Assembly, Petition Against the Slave Trade, 1780. 1 vol. Petition to the Pennsylvania assembly from citizens of Phila- delphia. 987. Pennsylvania Boundary Line, 1785-87. 4 vols. Presented byW.W. Porter, 1923. Andrew Porter's journals and memoranda relating to his sur- veys of the Pennsylvania boundry line. 988. Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention Minutes, 1899. 1 vol. Presented by William J. Campbell, 1900. Copy of minutes of the committee on suffrage, elections, and representation of the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention, 1872-73, by John H. Campbell, one of the members. 989. Pennsylvania Hospital Library, 1830. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. G. Malin, 1902. History of the medical library of the Pennsylvania Hospital, by William G. Malin, librarian. 990. Pennsylvania Line Enlistments, 1781-1808. 2 vols. Pre- sented by William F. Corbitz. Record of enlistments in the Pennsylvania line, 1781, certified by Plunket Fleeson; artillery regiment muster rolls, 1781-1808. 991. Pennsylvania Militia, 1822-25. 1 vol. Presented by S. W. Brecht. Return of absentees of the 4th Company, 2nd Battalion, 98th Regiment, Pennsylvania militia, commanded by Captain John Early. 992. Pennsylvania Railroad Memoranda, ca. 1864, 1875-78. 2 vols. Presented by the estate of Cephas G. Childs. Papers of Joseph Richards. 993. Pennsylvania Railroad Report, 1889. 1 vol. Presented by Joseph T. Richards, 1921. Typescript of general manager's report to the president and board of directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad, 1889, on Johns- town flood. 994. Pennsylvania Salt Works Account Book, 1776-79. 1 vol. 995. Pennsylvania State Treasury Accounts, 1795-97. 1 vol. 996. Pennsylvania State Valuation Commission Minutes, 1799. 1 vol. 997. Pennsylvania Township Patents, 1878. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of Frederick H. Shelton, 1925. Frederick H. Shelton's copies of patents to land, chiefly in Dela- ware County. 998. Pennsylvania Volunteers in War of 1812 and Civil War, 1861-1928. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1936. Brief biographical notes. 999. Pennypacker Mills, ca. 1901. 1 vol. Presented by S. W. Pennypacker, 1913. Historical sketches of the early settlement and development of the Perkiomen Creek region. 1000. Samuel C. Perkins Naval General Court Martial Docket, 1864. 1 vol. Presented by the estate of S. C. Perkins, 1904. Docket book of Samuel C. Perkins, judge advocate. 1001. Permanent Bridge, Philadelphia, 1800-1809. 1 vol. Pre- sented by H. Griffiths, 1882. Autographs of the stockholders in the company for erecting a permanent bridge over the Schuylkill River at Philadelphia. 1002. Petitions to the Council of Philadelphia, 1780-1831. Approx. 200 items. Presented by Robert Bethell and George S. Bethell, 1871. Petitions relating chiefly to the opening of new roads, paving and repairing of streets; included is an account of the estate of Benjamin Franklin, December 31, 1811. 1003. Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike, 1806. 2 vols. Presented by William Brooke Rawle. Surveys, sketches, notes, and photographs by Robert Brooke. 1004. Philadelphia Banks in Emergency Campaign, 1863. 1 vol. Presented by Harry Royers, 1914. Papers relating to financial stress during the Civil War and the payment of Pennsylvania militia. 1005. Philadelphia to Bethlehem Journal, 1773. 1 vol. Description of a tour by a group of Philadelphians through Bethlehem, Easton, Allentown, and Reading. 1006. Catalogue of Books of the City of Philadelphia, 1859. 1 vol. Presented by George S. Bethell, 1870. List of books, letters, and miscellaneous communications housed in the various municipal departments of Philadelphia. 1007. Philadelphia Catalogue of Citizens, 1859. 1 vol. Pre- sented by John B. Wood, 1910. 1008. Philadelphia Catalogue of Contributors for Relief of the Poor, 1766. 1 vol. Presented by the Gilpin estate. 1009. Philadelphia Centre Square Water Works, 1801-6. 1 vol. Presented by the Jenkintown Trust Co., 1936. List of first subscribers. 1010. Philadelphia City Lots Reports, 1700. 1 vol. Presented by John T. Morris, 1904. Report of commissioners containing the names of owners of properties, location, and acreage. 1011. Philadelphia Committee of Public Safety, Minutes, 1861. 1 vol. 1012. Philadelphia Committee of Observation, Minutes, 1774. 1 vol. 1013. Philadelphia County Board Record Book, 1835-45. 1 vol. Presented by Samuel C. Perkins, 1940. The County Board was composed of members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the state legislature for the city and county of Philadelphia. 1014. Philadelphia County Papers, 1671-1855. Approx. 600 items. Presented by various persons. Miscellaneous papers, documents, correspondence, surveys of land. 1015. Philadelphia Dancing Assembly Records, 1749-1916. Approx. 100 pieces. Presented by John William Wal- lace, 1883; and George L. Harrison, 1936. Treasurer's book, 1828-31; subscriber and board lists, invitation cards, etc., 1749-1916. 1016. Philadelphia Death Records, 1791-1851. 2 vols. Pre- sented by Louis C. Massey, 1886. Entered by Norton Pryor, 1791-1815; Richard Loxely, 1815-51; also Norton Pryor's weather records, 1786-90. 1017. Philadelphia Directory Subscribers, 1821. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Library Fund, 1904. Autographs of subscribers to the proposal for publishing The Philadelphia Directory and Annual Register. 1018. Philadelphia Dissected, or the Metropolis of Ameri- ca, Subscribers, 1800. 1 vol. Also includes a list of subscribers to Birch's Views of Philadel- phia, second edition. 1019. Philadelphia Insurance Company, 1814-45. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Mrs. Howard W. Page, 1934. Minutes, accounts, names of officers, and records of general transactions. 1020. Philadelphia Landholders, 1734. 1 vol. List of names of the inhabitants in the county of Philadelphia with notations of land held by each. 1021. Philadelphia Merchant Daybook, 1770-88. 1 vol. Daybook of a Philadelphia merchant. 1022. Philadelphia Ordinances, 1722. 1 vol. Presented by J. A. McAllister, 1882. Ordinances passed in Philadelphia by the mayor, recorder, aldermen, and common council on October 15, 1722. 1023. Philadelphia Pageant, Sketches of Military Uni- forms, 1912. 1 vol. Presented by E. P. Oberholtzer, 1912. Sketches in color and descriptions of military uniforms, stand- ards, and arms of the period 1725-91, made by Charles Ffoulkes. 1024. Philadelphia Penn Square, 1 vol. Memorials addressed to the Philadelphia select and common councils relating to the cutting of High and Broad Streets, through Penn's or Centre Square. 1025. Philadelphia Sugar Refining Company Records, 1812. 1 vol. Presented by A. C. Kline, 1863. Articles of association, list of stockholders, constitution, bylaws, and other data. 1026. Philadelphia Tea Party, 1910. 1 vol. Presented by Fran- cis R. Taylor, 1921. Typewritten copies of letters of Abel James and Henry Drinker, 1773-78, concerning the severance of trade with Great Britain. 1027. Philadelphia Tea Shipments, 1769-73. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Mrs. F. M. Ives, 1923. Papers reflecting the popular agitation in the colonies against the importation of tea and other commodities from England. 1028. Philadelphia Vessels Insurance, 1804-5. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Samuel Marshall, 1905. List of vessels insured, names of clients and captains. 1029. Philippine War Diaries, 1899-1902. 2 vols. Written by Immanuel H. Warrington, soldier in the United States infantry in the Philippines. 1030. J. Philmore, Slave Trade, ca. 1765. 1 vol. Account of the slave trade dealing with the character of the Negro and the inhumanity and immorality of the slave trade. 1031. Borough of Pittsburgh Records, 1794-1803. 1 vol. Pur- chased by the Library Fund, 1912. Minute book of the burgesses, containing rules and ordinances. 1032. Plan of Siege of Quebec, 1759; Fort Mifflin, 1777; Tinicum Island, ca. 1685; 1 vol. Purchased by the Li- brary Fund, 1912, 1913. 1033. Benjamin Pomroy Journal, 1758-63. 1 vol. Pomroy was chaplain in one of the British regiments in upper New York state and Canada. 1034. Pottsville to Shamokin Survey, 1759. 1 vol. Presented by Jesse Lightfoot, 1850. Notes by Benjamin Lightfoot, deputy surveyor of Berks County. 1035. Joseph Powell Distribution to Refugees, 1755-56. 1 vol. Powell's account of benefactions received and distributed to the poor who took their refuge in Moravian settlements at Bethle- hem, Nazareth, Friedensthal, Christian's Brun, and Gnadenthal; included in a letter of Bishop Joseph Spangenberg, 1757. 1036. Prisoners of War Letter Book and Ration Book, 1778- 82. 2 vols. Letters of Thomas Bradford, commissioner of prisoners, relat- ing to exchange and parole of prisoners of war; also records of provisions drawn for prisoners. 1037. Prophecy and Dream, ca. 1757. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society, 1903. Religious sentiments of a mystical character. 1038. Province of Pennsylvania Act for Regulating and Establishing Fees, 1711, 1 vol. Presented by Harrold E. Gillingham, 1936. Presented to the Pennsylvania Assembly. 1039. Provincial Conference Minutes, 1776. 1 vol. Minutes of provincial conference of committees of the Province of Pennsylvania. 1040. Provincial Council Papers, 1684, 1714-1823. Approx. 150 items. Presented by the Numismatic and Antiquar- ian Society. Miscellaneous letters and documents from early proprietary government officials relating largely to the sale of lands, po- litical and economic affairs. 1041. Provincial Delegates Letters, 1754-1829. Approx. 600 items. Letters of men who served as provincial delegates: Benjamin Franklin, written in London, 1762-76; John Dickinson, 1754-74; Anthony Wayne, 1776-96; Thomas Fitzsimons, 1776-83; James Irvine, 1760; John Cadwalader, Thomas McKean, Jacob Mor- gan, Robert Morris, Jacob Rush, Charles Thomson, Thomas Wharton, David Rittenhouse, Owen Biddle, P. Muhlenberg, Thomas Willing, Samuel Hunter, and others. 1042. Quachita Lands Record Book, 1808-32. 1 vol. Presented by Manuel E. Griffith, 1904. Record of the sale of the estates of Abraham Morhouse and Andrew Y. Morhouse in Louisiana. 1043. Qualification Book, 1720-59. 1 vol. Oaths of allegiance to English crown by persons taking office in departments of the government of the Province of Pennsyl- vania. 1044. Qualification Books of the City of Philadelphia, 1747-74, 1761-65. 2 vols. Oaths of allegiance to the English crown by persons taking office. 1045. Queen's Redoubt, Diary of a British Soldier, 1863-66. 1 vol. Presented by Frank M. Hutchinson, 1907. Account of the British military campaign in the Mauri War in New Zealand. 1046. Samuel X. Radbill Papers, 1855-56, 1899-1900. Approx. 300 items. Letters received by Lindsay and Blackiston, Philadelphia book- dealers and publishers, relating to the sale of books; canceled checks of Jud I. McGuigan, 1899-1900. 1047. George C. Read Naval Orders, 1836-40, 1845-47. 7 vols. Presented by Joseph Henry Dubbs, 1876. Journals and correspondence of Captain George C. Read, U.S.N. 1048. Redemptioners, Custom House, London, 1774-75, 1 vol. Presented by Cheesman A. Herrick, 1936. List of names. 1049. Redemptioners Registry, 1785-1831. 2 vols. Register of German redemptioners indentured as servants in Pennsylvania. 1050. Region of the Brandywine Map, 1777. 1 folder. George Washington's map of the Brandywine River, New Castle County, Delaware, made by Jacob Broom. 1051. Register of Arrivals in Philadelphia, 1682-86. 1 vol. Presented by J. Francis Fisher, 1852. Partial list. 1052. Revenue Board of Commissioners Records, 1845. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1934. Accounts kept by Eli Kirk Price, commissioner of revenue, ap- pointed to investigate the state of taxable property in various parts of Pennsylvania. 1053. Revolutionary Log Book, 1769-81. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society, 1939. Log book kept by commander John McNachtane, on his vari- ous vessels Sally, Neptune, and the brigantincs Robert and Hannah. 1054. Revolutionary War Quartermaster's List, ca. 1776- 83. Approx. 400 pages. Names of artificers, prisoners, enlisted men, and officers killed in battle. 1055. Ridley Meadow Company Cash Book, 1787-93. 1 vol. Treasurer's accounts, names of officers, records of taxes paid. 1056. RlTTENHOUSE BICENTENARY CELEBRATION PAPERS, 1932. 1 vol. Photostats of early astronomical calculations, photographs, news- paper clippings, etc., pertaining to the bicentennial celebration of the birth of David Rittenhouse, Philadelphia. 1057. Abraham Ritter Manuscripts, 1855-60. 2 vols. Presented by John Jordan, Jr. Historical accounts of Bethlehem and Nazareth. 1058. Isaac Roach Diary, 1812-47. 1 vol. Presented by Walter T. Roach, 1934. Account of his participation in the War of 1812 and the military campaign against Canada. 1059. John Robbins Army Memoranda, 1862. 2 booklets, Pre- sented by Camille Reilly, 1934. 1060. St. Louis Diary, 1836. 1 vol. Presented by George P. Philes, 1889. Diary kept by a young physician in St. Louis, Mo. 1061. Sandy Bank Cemetery, 1901. 1 vol. Presented by Edgar T. Miller, 1905. Typescript list of persons buried in Sandy Bank Cemetery, Dela- ware County, 1801-55. 1062. Sanitary Commission Great Central Fair Record Books, 1864. 3 vols. Minute book of Wholesale Dry Goods Department, Sanitary Commission Fair; memorandum book of the Ladies' Central Committee. 1063. Sargent, Winthrop, Jr., Commonplace Book, 1845-46. 1 vol. Presented by Townsend Ward, 1876. Extracts from various sources relating to the history of the province of Pennsylvania and the Penn family. 1064. Mary R. Scattergood Genealogical Records, 1872-85. Approx. 300 pages. Families of Arthur William Starr, William Cooper, and James S. Lippincott, of Pennsylvania. 1065. Charles Schaffer, Meteorological Observations, 1854-1930. 4 vols. Presented by Mrs. Charles Schaffer, 1904. 1066. School Book Collection, 1667-1872. Approx. 40 vols. Miscellaneous school notebooks and texts, mainly mathematics, bookkeeping, surveying, and French lessons. 1067. Schooner "John" Log Book, 1799. 1 vol. Presented by Thomas A. Biddle Company, 1927. Log of voyage from Philadelphia to Surinam. 1068. Schuylkill Arsenal Photographs, ca. 1890. 1 vol. Pre- sented by John L. Houston, 1900. Pictures of a Philadelphia arsenal. 1069. Schuylkill Bank Minute Book, 1840-43. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Dr. A. F. Twogood. Minutes relate chiefly to the liquidation of financial affairs by the assignees of H. J. Levis' estate. 1070. Schuylkill Township, Chester County History, ca. 1830. 1 vol. Presented by Isaac A. Pennypacker, 1845. Historical sketch by Isaac A. Pennypacker. 1071. Scrap Book, 1802-90. Approx. 100 items. Newspaper clippings on politics, commerce, shipping, and In- dians in Pennsylvania. 1072. Secret Instructions, Lord George Germain, 1776. 1 vol. Presented by Sydney George Fisher, 1909. Copies of the orders issued by the British government to Ad- miral Howe and General Howe in 1776. 1073. Seeley Family Genealogical Records, 1934-39. Approx. 200 pages. 1074. Servants and Apprentices Records, 1745-46. 2 vols. Pur- chased by the Library Fund, 1909. Records of James Hamilton, mayor of Philadelphia, containing his certifications of identures of servants and apprentices, 1745- 46; list of servants belonging to inhabitants of Pennsylvania, taken into the British service without compensation to their masters, 1757; record of servants and apprentices bound and assigned before John Gibson, mayor of Philadelphia, Decem- ber 5, 1772 to May 21, 1773. 1075. Mrs. S. H. Shearman Collection, 1678-1785. Approx. 100 pages. Presented by Mrs. S. H. Shearman, 1915. Quakeriana. 1076. Frederick H. Shelton Correspondence and Photo- graphs, ca. 1915-22. 5 vols. Approx. 60 items. Presented by the estate of Frederick H. Shelton, 1925. Papers and photographs relating to his Milestones of the Phila- delphia District in Pennsylvania. 1077. Franklin Shoemaker, A Short Diary of the Great Rebellion, 1862-67. 2 vols. Presented by Miss Mary Shoemaker, 1938. 1078. Siege of Charlestown, Dussault's Journal, 1780. 1 vol. In French. 1079. Siege of Quebec Journal, 1775. 1 vol. Presented by Charles Hare Hutchinson, 1856. Manuscript copy of the journal. 1080. Skippack, Montgomery County, Records of Deaths, 1793-1844. 1 vol. In German. 1081. Slave Trade on Western Coast of Africa, 1822. 1 vol. Presented by Captain Aubrey G. W. Mends, 1930. Copy of a report by Commodore Sir Robert Mends of H.M.S. Iphigenia, at Sierra Leone, to the British admiralty; also genea- logical list of the Mends family. 1082. Charles Morton Smith Collection, 1681-1848. Approx. 400 items. Presented by the estate of Charles Morton Smith, 1927. Chiefly letters and legal documents pertaining to land in the early frontier counties of Pennsylvania, 1720-1848. The cor- respondence includes letters of Hugh Roberts, prominent early Philadelphia Quaker, George Roberts, and other members of the Roberts family. 1083. Samuel Smith, The History of the Province of Penn- sylvania, ca. 1760. 2 vols. 1084. Snow "George" Log Book, 1805-6. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1938. Diary and log of the Snow, George, on her voyage from Phila- delphia to Cork Island and St. Thomas. This vessel was a trafncer of slaves and was confiscated by the British at Kingston. 1085. Society for Improvement of Roads and Inland Navi- gation, 1791-93. 1 package. Photostats of journal. 1086. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Manu- scripts, 1732-79. Approx. 130 pp. Letters of missionaries and ministers relating to the activities of the society in the Province of Pennsylvania. 1087. Somerset County, Maryland, Land Warrant Book, 1670-82. 1 vol. Presented by Hampton L. Carson, 1902. Certified by Francis Jenkins, deputy surveyor. 1088. South Carolina Photographs, ca. 1880. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Irving H. McKesson. 1089. Southern Expedition Journal, 1780. 1 vol. Presented by George Foote, 1855. Journal of William Seymour, sergeant major in the Delaware regiment, Maryland division, under command of DeKalb on the march from Morristown, N.J., to Charleston, S.C. 1090. Southern Whale Fishery Records, 1775-90. 1 vol. Account of the industry. 1091. Southwark Manuscript Map, 1789. 1 folder. Presented by Francis R. Wharton, 1903. Plan of the estate of Joseph Wharton. 1092. Spring Garden, Philadelphia, Register of Water Per- mits, 1844. 1 vol. 1093. State Guards Rolls, 1829. 1 vol. Presented by Miss Ben- ners and Mrs. Ashbridge, 1911. List of names of surviving Philadelphia members of the volun- teer company of state guards who served in the campaign of 1814, at Camp Brandywine and Camp Dupont. 1094. State Stores, Hazen's Regiment Accounts, 1780. 1 vol. Accounts showing stores drawn by Colonel Moses Hazen's regi- ment. 1095. David McNeely Stauffer, Collection, ca. 1644-1884. Approx. 8,500 items. Presented by David McNeely Stauffer. Autograph letters, portraits, prints, maps, broadsides, and docu- ments collected by Stauffer, and interleaved in copies of West- cott's History of Philadelphia. Letters of Queen Christina, of Sweden, 1644; John Printz, 1644; Peter Stuyvesant, 1653; Ad- miral Sir William Penn, 1655; William Penn to the Indians in Pennsylvania, 1681; James Harrison and William Turner to William Penn, 1686, 1690, 1697; William Markham and James Pemberton letters relating to lands and surveys, 1693, 1694; peti- tions for licenses for public houses, grand jury lists, mortgages, bonds, shipping bills, receipts, marriage and court records, 1709-67; miscellaneous documents relating to extension of the frontier toward the Susquehanna River, whale boats on the Os- wago, Indian affairs, Fort Augusta, Fort Allen, Fort Pitt, treaty of Easton, French and Indian War, embargoes, smallpox epi- demics, 1701-63; letters of Jasper Yeates, Sir William Johnson, Edward Penington, William Keith, Jacob Arndt, John Bayard, William Parsons, Phineas Pemberton, Thomas Leach, Edmond Physick, Jacob Duche, Springett Penn, Nicholas Scull, Chevalier de la Luzerne, Isaac Norris, Thomas Bradford, George Washing- ton, William Shippen, Dr. Caspar Wistar, Rembrandt Peale, Mary Masters Penn, Franklin Bache, Thomas McKean, Clement Biddle, and Joseph Watson; petitions of Mennonites and Quak- ers relating to the oath of allegiance, 1778; Revolutionary War items relating to confiscation of property, raising of troops, medical supplies, finance, distress on the frontiers, pensions to families of soldiers, armaments, enlistment, 1775-1783; approx. 4,000 portraits of eminent Americans and Europeans; views of colonial Philadelphia churches, inns, mills, bridges, and homes; miscellaneous maps, facsimiles, sketches, drawings, and broad- sides. 1096. Steam Packet "Pulaski," 1838. 1 vol. Eyewitness account of shipwreck by James Hamilton Cowper, of Hopeton, Ga. 1097. Stoddartsville to Allentown Survey, 1817, 1 vol. Records of a survey from Stoddartsville to Allentown. 1098. Sergeant Thomas Sullivan Journal, 1775-78. 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1905. Typescript copy of the journal of Sergeant Thomas Sullivan of the British army. 1099. Susquehanna Permanent Bridge Company, 1811. 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1903. Account book of the company erecting a bridge over the Sus- quehanna River at McCalls Ferry. 1100. Susquehanna and Schuylkill Island Survey, 1759-61. 47 items. Drafts of surveys of the islands situated in the Susquehanna and Schuylkill Rivers, by John Armstrong, Bartram Galbraith, George Stevenson, and James Scull. 1101. Tax Lists, 1693-1870. 19 vols. Philadelphia County taxables, 1693, 1 vol.; Philadelphia, Chest- nut, Lower Delaware and Walnut wards, 1754-67, 2 vols.; Berks County taxables, 1758, 1 vol.; Lower Delaware, High Street, and North wards, 1765, 2 vols.; transcripts of tax lists for city and county of Philadelphia, 1772, 1 vol.; assessments, Northern Liberties, 1781-92, 1 vol.; North Ward, 1782-83, 1 vol.; overseer of poor cash account, 1780-83, 1 vol.; miscellaneous assessments, 1788, 2 vols.; Germantown taxables, 1790, 1 vol.; Philadelphia County taxables, 1800, 1 vol.; Northern Liberties, 1815, 1 vol.; Lower Delaware and South Mulberry wards, 1829, 1 vol.; as- sessments, Walnut Ward, 1841, 1 vol.; Blockley poor tax, 1841- 45, 1 vol.; Camden, N.J., South Ward taxables, 1870, 1 vol. 1102. "Tenedos" Journal, 1812-15. 1 vol. Presented by W. Brotherhead. William Begg's journal on board H. M. S. Tenedos. 1103. Three Lower Counties Papers, 1655-1805. Approx. 200 items. Presented by various persons. Miscellaneous papers contributing material on the counties of Kent, Sussex, and Newcastle, Delaware. 1104. To My Old Armchair, 1871. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. J. W. Queen, 1907. Journal of a trip from Philadelphia to California. 1 105. Treaty of Amity Memorials, 1798. 1 vol. Copies of memorials addressed to the commissioners charged with carrying out the sixth article of the Jay treaty. 1106. George Croghan Journal, 1759-1763. 1 package. Photostats of William Trent's journal of his journey to the Ohio to transact business with the western Indians as William John- son's deputy. Published in P.M.H.B., LXXI (1947), 305-444. 1107. William Trent Journal at Fort Pitt, 1763. 1 vol. Ex- change with F. M. Etting. Account of frontier conditions and Indian attacks on white set- tlements. 1108. Captain Thomas Truxton Records, 1797-1801. 4 vols. Presented by Charles R. Hildeburn, 1877. Muster roll, journal, and letterbooks pertaining to Truxton's command of the U. S. S. Constellation, particularly in West In- dian waters. 1 109. Turks Head Tavern, West Chester, ca. 1800. 1 vol. Pre- sented by William P. Townsend, 1876. Sketch of the Turks Head Tavern, by Joseph Townsend. 1110. Hector Tyndale Diary, 1842. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. E. Dallett Hemphill, 1920. Minute book of Hector Tyndale, captain of the National Rangers of Southwark, later known as the Artillery Corps of Cadwalader Grays. 1111. Union Library Company of Hatborough Records, 1755-1827. 2 vols. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1931. Photostats of documents of the Union Library Company of Hat- borough, 1755; names of subscribers; records of meetings of the directors. 1112. United States Army Records, 1861-64. 3 vols. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1934. Company orders, 1861-64, 1 vol.; company morning reports, 1863-64, 1 vol.; company clothing, commissary department, 1863-64, 1 vol. 1113. United States Arsenal, Philadelphia, Receipts, 1839- 40. 1 vol. D. S. Brown's receipts for blankets delivered by him to military storekeepers for inspection. 1114. United States in the Making, 1926. 1 vol. Presented by C. C. Coleman, 1926. Historical notes on the states, compiled by C. C. Coleman. 1115. "United States" Log and Journal, 1784-85. 1 vol. Pre- sented by John Emory, 1889. Journal of a voyage to India, China, and Sumatra. 1116. United States Passports Register, 1809-25. 1 vol. Pre- sented by John W. Brock, 1925. Record of passports issued. 1117. William Usselinx and the South Company, 1887. 1 vol. Copies of letters in Swedish pertaining to William Usselinx, founder of the Dutch and Swedish West India companies, com- piled by Dr. J. F. Jameson. 1118. Valley Forge Court Martial, Carolina Brigade, 1778 1 vol. Presented by William Lanier, 1909. Records of the court martial of Lieutenant McCalley and other prisoners, before Colonel Thomas Clark at Valley Forge. 1119. Valley Forge Park Commission Report, 1920. 1 vol. Presented by John W. Jordan, 1920. Typescript copy of the report of the Valley Forge Park Commis- sion to Governor William C. Sproul. 1120. Captain John Van Etten Journal, 1756-57. 1 vol. Account of military defense at Fort Hyndshaw. 1121. Vigilante Committee of Philadelphia Minute Book, 1839-44. 1 vol. Presented by Leon Gardner, 1933. Case records, minutes, and resolutions of the committee for the protection of fugitive slaves and aid to the colored race. 1122. John William Wallace, Ancient Records of Phila- delphia, 1702-70. Approx. 60 items. Presented by John William Wallace, 1847. Collection of miscellaneous local records. 1123. William Walmsley Document, 1749. 1 folder. Warrant signed by William Callender and Evan Morgan re- quiring William Walmsley, constable of Byberry, to make a census in his district. 1124. War in America, Observations for King of France, 1780-81. 1 vol. Presented by Clarence B. Moore, 1893. 1125. War Relief, Pennsylvania Railroad Women's Divi- sion, Correspondence, 1916-19. 2 vols. Presented by Mrs. Theo. L. Pomeroy, 1926. Letters, accounts, and miscellaneous papers, reflecting the activi- ties of the Pennsylvania Railroad Women's Division of War Relief. 1126. Washington Grays Artillery Corps History, 1900. 4 vols. Presented by William Houston Patterson, 1902. Written by the donor. 1127. Welsh Founders of Pennsylvania, ca. 1914-22. 1 vol. Genealogical notes presented by Mrs. Walter Ross McShea, 1938. 1128. Moses West, Treatise Concerning Marriage, 1739. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society. 1129. West Bradford Township, Chester County, Pennsyl- vania 1802. 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1904. Names of taxables, showing amounts collected and paid to Evan Evans, treasurer for the poor. 1 130. West Chester National Guards Constitution, 1846-51. lvol. Minutes, constitution, bylaws, and list of members. 1131. Thompson Westcott, List of Officers of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, ca. 1890. 3 vols. Manuscript of List of Civil Officers of Pennsylvania and Phila- delphia, 1682-1888, compiled by Westcott; also manuscript of index to Westcott's History of Philadelphia, 1609-1829. 1132. Western Insurrection, General Army Orders. 1794. 2 vols. General orders issued to Generals Chambers, Proctor, and Mur- ray at Bedford by General William Irvine; journal kept by Major Spear, commanding the 1st battalion of Maryland militia; and muster roll and accounts of Captain John Machinheimer. 1133. Henry Whales Account Book, 1830-40. 1 vol. Presented by Harrold E. Gillingham, 1932. The account book of a dancing master. 1134. Governor Thomas Wharton Escape at the British Occupation of Philadelphia, 1885. 1 vol. Presented by A. H. Wharton, 1922. An essay read by Charles H. A. Esling before The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, May 4, 1885. 1135. The Whetstone Essays, 1819. 1 vol. Miscellaneous essays and addresses written by University of Pennsylvania students. 1136. William Wigwell Memoranda, 1771-81. 1 vol. Presented by the Gilpin estate. Miscellaneous notes, poetry, drama, finance, and personal ac- counts. 1137. Peter Williamson Record of Relief of Soldiers and Sailors, 1861-74. 2 vols. Account book of the fund for the relief of families of Phila- delphia volunteers, 1861-66, 1 vol.; record of names of orphans maintained and educated by the Philadelphia superintending committee of soldiers' orphans, 1864-74, 1 vol. 1138. Women's Centennial Committee Minutes, 1874-76, 1875-77. 2 vols. Presented by Josephine Carr, 1890, and L. V. Carr, 1913. 1139. Young Men's Christian Association Civil War Casu- alty Records, 1861-65. 3 vols. Record of sick and wounded soldiers and hospital care and other aid rendered by the association. 1140. Young Republicans of Philadelphia Minutes, 1903-19. 1 vol. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1926. Minutes, bylaws, resolutions, and names of members. 1141. Sergeant Young Journal, 1776-77. 1 vol. Journal of Sergeant Young, in Captain Thomas Fitzsimon's Philadelphia infantry company. 1142. Edith Bancroft Ashmore Collection, 1744-18.21. Approx. 105 items. Presented by Edith Bancroft Ash- more, 1940. Letters and documents relating to Dr. Edward Bancroft (1744- 1821) including photostats of some of his correspondence, 1779-89; copies of letters to Bancroft, 1777-1819; photostats from Two Bookes of Epigrammes and Epitaphs, by Thomas Bancroft; notes, copies of letters, and genealogical material relating to the Bancroft family, 3 vols.; lineage chart; engraved portraits. 1143. Birmingham Mills Account Book, 1860-67. 1 vol. Pur- chased by The Historical Society. Account book of the Birmingham flour and feed mills. H44« Logbook of Brig, "Betty , Captain Edward Rice, 1789. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society. Logbook of the Betty, from Philadelphia to Port au Prince, and of the brig, Charleston, from Newfoundland to New York. 1 145. Daniel Brodhead Letter Book, 1780-81, 1785. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society. Letter book of Daniel Brodhead (1 736-1809), written while com- mander at Fort Pitt. Material relates to condition of the army and the forts depending on Fort Pitt; the Indian troubles; events leading up to General Brodhead's court martial; also a few business letters of Brodhead, written in 1785. 1 146. Mrs. M. Stockton Brown Collection, 1 764-1 860. Ap- prox. 93 pieces. Presented by Mrs. M. Stockton Brown. Letters to Samuel Cooper and others, 1819-37, some relating to Cooper's western expedition ; papers from the estate of Mary Gra- ham, Bordentown, 1817-30, including the accounts of Newberry Smith, executor; papers of John Harrison, including his will, 1826; marriage certificate of Thomas Harrison and Sarah Richards, 1764; papers of M. G. Taylor & Co., 1854-60. 1 147. Business Account Books. 6 vols. Presented by Mrs. Juliet C. Walker, 1941. Journal of William Pollock, lumber merchant, 1 851 -70; account book, William Pollock, 1845-53; ledger, lumber and coal merchant, 1853-69; account book, Pottsville, coal merchant, 1872-75; account book, coal merchant, 1872-76; account book, 1870-72, with indexes. 1 148. Gordon Chambers Collection, 1 792-1 823. Approx. 44 items. Presented by Gordon Chambers. Papers and correspondence of the Schuylkill and Susquehanna Navi- gation Company, and the Union Canal Company. Records of pay- ments, receipts, stock certificates; patent rights for swinging gates to increase the depth of water; contracts and laws governing lotteries; protests against abolition of lotteries; protests against the proposed union of the canal companies. Among the names mentioned are: H. Drinker, James C. Fisher, Peter S. Du Ponceau, W. M. Mere- dith, C. Ingersoll, William Milnor, Samuel Mifflin, Samuel Breck, Ebenezer Hazard, Thomas McKean, Simon Snyder, and others. 1 149. Civil War Papers, 1861-65. Approx. $33 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Military papers, business correspondence and reports, including the following: consolidated morning reports of various brigades, March 17-December 30, 1861, January u-October 9, 1862, April 24- August 16, October i-December 25, 1863, January i-June 28, 1864; general orders, special orders, officers' reports, requisitions, inventories, reports of stores in commissary department, 1861-64; returns of com- missioned officers, 1861-64. 1 1 50. Alfred Day Letter Book, 1855. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society. Correspondence of Alfred Day, naval agent, Philadelphia. 1 151. S. M. Felton Collection, 1861-65, 1886-87. Approx. 486 items. Presented by C. C. Felton. Business papers, letters and plans of Samuel Morse Felton for the transportation of troops and supplies during the Civil War. Cipher dispatches, list of tariff rates over the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore R. R. from Washington to Annapolis, 1861-65; miscel- laneous papers, memoranda, and accounts, 1861-65; personal expense accounts of S. M. Felton, 1861; papers of Allan Pinkerton, 1861 ; letters and report relating to property seized at Annapolis station, 1 861 ; telegrams relating to military movements, 285 items. Among the persons whose correspondence is represented are the following: Simon Cameron, George McClellan, S. F. Dupont, George E. Bent, Enoch L. Pratt, George Stearns, William Crawford, Robert Beale, P. H. Hare, John Bingham, Thomas E. Blackwell and many others. [152. Society Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, 1771-1910. 75 items. Presented by the Society of the Friendly Sons of Saint Patrick, 1941. Book of rules, and minutes referring to George Washington; 32 membership certificates in the Hibernian Society, 1771-97; minute books, 1813-1910, 5 vols.; annual toasts, 1853-80; 38 portraits. [i 53. Isaac Harvey Papers, i 788-1 856. 15 vols. Purchased by The Historical Society. Diary, 1820-56, of Isaac Harvey a Philadelphia merchant, recording events in Philadelphia, the weather, etc.; letter book, 1788-95, of Isaac Harvey, possibly the father of the above-mentioned Isaac Harvey, relating to the West Indian trade. 1 1 54. Mrs. Logan Henshaw Collection, 1 752-1 845. 1 box. Presented by Mrs. Logan Henshaw, 1940. Papers relating to the Satterthwaite family including the will of Ann Satterthwaite, 1830; marriage certificates of Joshua Satter- thwaite and Ann Middleton, 1785, Richard Satterthwaite and Eliza- beth Wright, 1752, Richard Satterthwaite and Jemima K. Redman, 1 83 1, Joseph Schofield and Lydia Satterthwaite, 1821; Lydia Sat- terthwaite's autograph book and book of poetry, 181 7, and 1 81 8; Richard Satterthwaite's book of poetry, 1852; four maps of Lydia Satterthwaite's drawn at school. 11 55- Joseph Jackson Collection, 1 798-1 941. 2 boxes, approx. 242 items. Presented by Joseph Jackson. Letters, correspondence and miscellaneous items including letters from Fanny Butler; S. Weir Mitchell, 1912;, Samuel W. Penny- packer, 1912; Agnes Repplier, 1916; Rudolph Blankenburg, 1912; and others. Cartoon "Congressional Pugilists," 1798; play bills, broadsides; material relating to Charles G. Leland, 1853-93; hst of subscribers to Philadelphia directory, 1820; W. W. Lamb's theatrical record, 1857; and miscellaneous material relating to Jackson's liter- ary career. 1 156. Letter Book, King and Wilson, 1837-38. 1 vol. Pur- chased by The Historical Society. Letter book of King and Wilson, a firm in Washington, D.C., in- terested in the buying and selling of public lands. 1 157. Martha Morris Lawrence Collection, 1 684-1 759. 107 items. Presented by Martha Morris Lawrence. Papers of Thomas Lawrence (1684-1759), including correspondence, business letters, receipts; legal papers, 1742-48; Lawrence's accounts with Samuel Bronson; Lawrence's letter book, 1746-54. 1158. Leisler Rebellion, 1689-91. 1 box. Collection of papers, principally copies, relating to the so-called Leisler Rebellion, 1689-91. 1 1 59. Mary Anna Longstreth School and Alumnae Papers, 1 829-1939. Approx. 315 items. Presented by Miss A. M. Archambault, 1941. Business papers and correspondence of the Alumnae Association of the Longstreth School, 1829- 1939, including, canceled checks, bank statements, 1828-35; lists of members, 1925-38; correspondence, 1912-39; bills, receipts, treasurer's reports, 1929-36; newspaper clip- pings, pamphlets, etc.; school account books, 1829-90, 2 vols.; ac- count books, 1899-1901, 1 901 -1 5, 1 91 6-3 1, 3 vols.; officers' books, 1 899- 1 907, 1 907- 1 930, 2 vols. 1 1 60. Lizzie Marchand Journal, 1864. 1 vol. Presented by Charles Coleman Sellers, 1940. Journal of Lizzie Marchand kept while attending Mrs. Cary's school in Philadelphia, March 4- June 10, 1864. 1 161. Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church Papers, 1832-80. 1 vol. Purchased by the Gratz Fund. Manuscripts relating to the history of this church, apparently col- lected for the fiftieth anniversary in 1882. 1 1 62. W. W. Montgomery Papers, 1 847-1922. 8 boxes, approx. 3250 items. Papers of W. W. Montgomery, attorney, including letters, legal papers, agreements, indentures, land warrants, drafts, deeds, articles of search, bonds, mortgages, judgments, tax bills, receipts, estate papers, and the like. [163. George Morgan Letter Book, 1767-68. 1 vol. Presented by George Norris Morgan and Mrs. Henry W. Leiger, 1940. Letter book of George Morgan (1743-1810), Indian trader and speculator in western lands. The letter book contains Morgan's cor- respondence addressed to Baynton and Wharton from Fort Charles and Kaskaskia giving many details of the condition of the Indian trade. There are also journals of the journey from Philadelphia to the Mingo town on the Ohio, September 30-November 1, 1767, and of a voyage down the Mississippi River from Kaskaskia to the Iber- ville River, November 21 -December 18, 1766. [164. Log of the Ship, {Morning J&ght, 1856-60. 1 vol. Pur- chased by The Historical Society. Record of voyages in ship, Morning Light, from Philadelphia to San Francisco; in the schooner, Flying Duck, from San Francisco to Honolulu; in the barque, Francis Palmer, from San Francisco to Honolulu; in the barque, Godfrey, from San Francisco to New York; in the barque, Julia Castner, from Philadelphia to San Francisco; and in the ship, Old Colony, from San Francisco to Callao and thence to Leith. 1 165. Samuel Neave Accounts, 1737-38. 1 vol. Purchased by the Dreer Fund. The accounts of Samuel Neave, Philadelphia furrier, kept in his copy of Bradford's almanac for 1738. 1 1 66. Penn Lands, 1 683-1 746. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society. A record, from the surveyor general's office, showing the Penn lands, warrants, drafts, and returns of the manors and other tracts, 1683- 1746. 1 167. Dr. William Pepper Collection, 178 1, 181 1-53. Ap- prox. 115 items. Presented by Dr. William Pepper, 1941. Chiefly the papers of Thomas Sergeant (1782-1860), Philadelphia jurist. These include legal papers; correspondence of John Wurtz and William Findlay, William Davidson, John B. Trevor and John Binns, 1 81 8- 19; correspondence of Sergeant with Governor Wolf, 1830; letters regarding the Philadelphia post office, 1833; papers relating to the capital stock of the Albany Gas Light Co. ; papers relating to the estate of G. Stewart; reports on decisions of the supreme court of Pennsylvania and similar matters. 1 168. Rittenhouse School Papers, i 866-87. 2 vols. Presented by Wilbur S. Morris, 1941. Examination results of the Rittenhouse Boys Grammar School, 1866- 80; 1875-87. 1 169. Thomas Roberts, III, Account Book, 1767-18 10. 1 vol. Presented by B. Frank Harper, 1941. The accounts of Thomas Roberts, III, of Bristol Township, includ- ing his farm accounts, 1767- 18 10; rents received from a house in Southwark, 1786-96; accounts as administrator of an estate in Ger- mantown, 1768-71, 1776-82. 1 1 70. S. Schulling Diary, 1824-25. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society. Diary of summer trips through Pennsylvania, New York and New England. 1 171. John M. Scott Papers, 1782-1869. Approx. 1975 items. Legal papers and correspondence of John Morin Scott (1789- 1858). These include the legal case books of John M. Scott, 1822-45; letter books of Scott, 1813-30, 1839-50, 1850-60; account book of Sarah Hopkinson Estate, 1858-69; receipt book, 1857-65, account book, 1857-64, 2 memorandum books; accounts with Meredith Estate, William M. Meredith, and Jonathan D. Meredith, 3 vols.; and correspondence of John M. Scott, 1782- 1869, 8 boxes; Lewis A Scott correspondence, 1842-68; Lewis A. Scott, letter book, 1842-48. 1 172. William Shaler Papers, 1 794-1 832. Approx. 700 items. Presented by Mrs. Walter Craig Hill. Correspondence, 1 799-1 832, of William Shaler, U. S. Consul at Algiers. This includes business papers, 1 794-1 829; notes on the Turkish language ; copy of a journal of the U. S. consulate at Tunis, 1819; copy of the journal of the U. S. consulate at Algiers, 1827-28. See also the Shaler Papers, No. 589 in the Guide to the Manuscript Collections in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1 173. United Rifle Corps Papers, 1844-61. 1 box and 6 vols. Miscellaneous papers and minute books of the United Rifle Corps, 1844-61, including notices, accounts, orderly sergeants' reports, re- ceipts, 1849-61; minutes, 1844-49, 1850-61; orders on the treasurer, 1858-60; ledger, 1853-57; account book of dues, 1844-48, 1848, 2 vols. 1 1 74. Juliet C. Walker Collection, 1 788-1 895. Approx. 1169 items. Presented by Juliet C. Walker. Business papers, correspondence and legal papers of the Walker family of Pottsville, principally the papers of Thomas H. Walker, attorney, and Lewis S. Walker, physician. Papers concerning the Burd, Hubley, Shippen and Walker families, 1 788- 1 895; Lewis Walker's medical lectures; his journal, 1848-64. I 175. WlCACOA AND MOYAMENSING MEADOWS COMPANY, I762- 1900. I box. Blueprint of land embraced within the charters, 1761-65, 1828-30; copy of assessments, 1899; return of names of landowners, 1762; minute books, 1762-1824, 1825-1900, 2 vols. 1 176. R. D. Wood and Company Papers, 1 858-1905. 99 vols. Presented by Spencer Hazard. Business records of a foundry in Cumberland County, New Jersey, which made iron castings and pipe. These records include account books, 1871-79, 1892-95, 1896-99; records of pipe made, 1860-99; Castings Books, 1868-98; daybooks, 1873-76, 1883-86. See also the Walter Wood Papers, No. 735 in the Guide to the Manuscript Collections in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1 1 77. William Young Papers, 1 792-1 827. Approx. 1054 items. Presented by Hiram E. Deats, 1941. Correspondence of William Young, bookseller, and printer of Philadelphia, 1 792-1 827. Among the correspondents of Young were: Darton and Harvey, London; Dunlap and Claypoole; William Gil- bert, Dublin; Joshua Gilpin; Richard Folwell; Benjamin F. Gar- rigues; Ross and Simpson; John Matthews; John Stockton and Son; William Warner and Co., and many others. 1 178. Blockley Papers (Philadelphia General Hospital), twentieth century. Approx. 6000 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Data on all the physicians who have been connected with Blockley from its founding in 1731 to 1939. See also item 927 in The Guide to the Manuscript Collections in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1 179. Captain John Brisbane Roll Book, 1776-79. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Mrs. Roberts Lowrie. 1 1 80. Hampton L. Carson Papers, 1 874-1927. 2392 items. Pre- sented by Joseph Carson. Papers relative to the American Bar Association, of which Mr. Carson was president; testimonials to Mr. Carson; correspondence, 1 875-1926; papers of the Commission on Revision of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, 1919-20; copies of Mr. Carson's speeches; 3 of Mr. Carson's docket books, 1874-83, 1879-90, 1890-93. 1 181. Joseph Champion Papers, 1774-1844. 42 items. Presented by Mrs. Margaret Macintosh. Forms of precepts for justices of the peace, 1797; and miscellaneous man- uscripts. 1182. Cope Family Papers, 1692-1 891. 1 vol. Presented by Porter F. Cope. Original letters, coats of arms, prints, and genealogical data relating to the Cope and allied families. 1 1 83. The Dreer Collection. Additional Manuscripts, 1741- 181 2. Approx. 170 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Papers of George Clymer, 120 letters and other manuscripts, 1779-1812; 20 letters, 1 781-1800, of Thomas Fitzsimons; letter of Robert Morris, November 23, 1797; letter of Benjamin West, March 28, 1790; letter to Mrs. Benjamin West, April 15, 1774. 1 184. Henry C. Du Bois Papers, 1774-1890. 31 items. Presented by Henry C. Du Bois. Letters and papers relating to the Du Bois, Ewing and Patterson families; 13 letters of Robert Patterson, 1776; letter of James Madison, November 17, 1 801; letter of Oliver Wolcott, December 30, 1797. 1 185. George Wolff Fahnestock and Anna M. Fahnestock Diaries, 1863-67, 1869-73. 7 v °l s - Presented by Bernard Bunting Fahnestock. In addition to these diaries, there is a volume of clippings on the burning of the steamboat United States, December 4, 1868. See also item 197 in The Guide to the Manuscript Collections in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1 1 86. "Fair American," ship, Papers. 9 letters, 1793-94. Pur- chased by The Historical Society. Letters of Andrew Clow, Robert Cumming and William Crammond, mer- chants, regarding the voyages of this ship. 1 1 87. Frankford Arsenal Invoice Book, 1863. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society. Invoice book of ordnance and stores of the Frankford Arsenal sent to Capt. P. R. Stetson at Harrisburg, 1863. 1 188. Franklin Reformatory Home Papers, 1 872-1906. 19 vols. Purchased by The Historical Society. Minute books, registers, constitution and by-laws of the Godwin Association of the Franklin Reformatory Home. 1189. Gilmore's Auditorium Programs, 1 895-1901. 3 vols. Pur- chased by The Historical Society. Programs of entertainments given in the Auditorium, Walnut St. above Eighth. 1 190. Graff Family Papers, 1727-1929. 87 items, 6 books. Pre- sented by Mrs. Charles Graff. Graff family Bible records, 1727-1908; letters of Frederick Graff, 1806-29; letters of Charles Graff, 1819-33; family correspondence, 1819-33; auto- graph albums; diary, 1880; manuscript book of verse. 1 191. Dr. James M. Greene Letters, 1825-35. 24 items. Pre- sented by Mrs. A. Debequer. Letters of Dr. Greene, a medical officer in the U. S. Navy. 1 192. Joseph Jackson Papers, 1926-27. Approx. 100 items. Pre- sented by Joseph Jackson. Jackson's correspondence with Dr. R. B. Ludy relative to the book, Historic Hotels of the World; manuscript of this book. See also item 314 in The Guide to the Manuscript Collections in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania; and item 1 1 55 in the "Supplement to the Guide to the Manuscript Collections," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, LXV (1941), 508. 1 193. John Jones, Jr., Papers, 1746-65. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Harper Wilson. Daybook of John Jones, Jr., Philadelphia merchant. 1 194. Ewing and Francis Jordan Papers, 1846-77. 15 vols. Presented by the Estate of Ewing Jordan. Francis Jordan's diary, 1846-77; schoolbooks of Ewing Jordan, 1853-61, used at Nazareth Hall; scrapbook kept by Ewing Jordan while at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. 1 195. Joseph W. Lippincott Papers. 4 notebooks and 10 mis- cellaneous manuscripts. Presented by Mrs. Susan Wills Roberts. Material relative to the early history of New Jersey; notes on the Lippincott and Roberts families. 1 196. MaryA.Longstreth School Alumnae Association Papers, 1 898-1942. 80 items. Presented by Miss A. Margaretta Archambault. Minute books, and memoirs of this Association. See also item 11 in the Guide to Manuscripts in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania; and item 1 1 59 in the "Supplement to the Guide . . .," Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, LXV (1941), 509. 1 197. Edward Lyons Diaries, 1830-56. 2 vols. Presented by Albert J. Edmunds. 1 198. Thomas Forsythe Nelson Papers, twentieth century. Ap- prox. 4000 items. Presented by Thomas Forsythe Nelson. Personal papers of Mr. Nelson, bank drafts, financial papers. 1 199. Newhall Family Papers, late nineteenth century. Approx. 5000 items. Presented by Mrs. J. K. Stoddard. 1200. Benjamin Paschall and John Gibson, Recognizance Book, 1772-78. 1 vol. Presented by Clara Harrison Town. Paschall was a justice of the peace and Gibson was mayor of the city and county of Philadelphia. 1201. Philadelphia, Customs House Records, 1803-73. 247 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Ship manifests and similar documents. See also item 157 in Guide to the Manuscript Collections in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1202. Philadelphia, Fire Department, 1884-1913. 21 vols. Pre- sented by George A. MacManus. Records of various Philadelphia fire companies. 1203. Philadelphia, Ninth District Draft Board Papers, 1917-18. 2000 items. Presented by Mrs. Clarence L. Harper. Papers of Clarence L. Harper, secretary of the Board, relative to the drafting of Philadelphians for World War I. Reports, correspondence, etc. 1204. Philadelphia, Tax Books, 1803-53. 266 vols. Presented by the Free Library of Philadelphia. See also item 649 in the Guide to the Manuscript Collections in The Historical Society. 1205. Progressive Literary Association of Philadelphia Min- utes, 1 860-1 902. 2 vols. Presented by F. V. Hetzel. 1206. Rawle Family Papers, 1778-1921. 8 vols, and 5 boxes. Presented by Mrs. Charles Sanderson. Correspondence and legal documents of a family of Philadelphia attorneys. The papers include the court docket of William Rawle, 1807-35; ' ett:er book of William Rawle, 1848-54; letters of William Rawle, Sr., 1778-1804; cash accounts, R. Rawle, 1821-24; letter book, R. Rawle, 18 18—19; contemporary copy of Penn's Frame of Government; book of surveys of Rawle properties; legal notebook, 1905-16; maps, engraved portraits. 1207. Washington Righter Papers, 1847-81. 36 vols. Presented by Francis D. Brinton. Business papers of the firm of Washington Righter, later Righter and Sut- ton, lumber merchants of Columbia, Lancaster Co., and of Philadelphia. 1208. John Rodgers Papers, 1791-1885. 168 vols, and 763 manu- scripts. Purchased by The Historical Society. The papers of Commodore John Rodgers and other members of his family. Log books, account books, ledgers and correspondence of John Rodgers, Robert Rodgers, 1835-61; and Henry Dennison, 1807-21. Letters and papers relating to Perry's expedition to Japan and the Philippines. 1209. Society United American Mechanics Records, 1850-57. 1 vol. Purchased by The Historical Society. Records of a Philadelphia beneficial society. 1 210. William Stackhouse Diaries, 1863-65. 3 vols. Presented by Mrs. Lilie Wilson and Charles S. Stackhouse. These diaries were kept by William Stackhouse during his period of service with Co. B, 119th Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1863-65. 121 1. Sarah Thompson and Rebecca Robinson Papers, 1782- 1849. 1 vol. Presented by John W. Cadbury. Commonplace book of Sarah Thompson, 1782-85; notes by Rebecca Robin- son; and genealogical notes on the Thompson, Robinson and Dunn families, 1 784-1 84 1. 1212. Union Burial Ground Society Papers, 1827-89. 3 vols. Presented by Mrs. A. Merrill Redding. Records of owners of lots, and of internments in the Union Burial Ground. 1213. United States Army Aviators Flight Log Books, 1919-39. 10 vols. Purchased by The Historical Society. (See item 1330.) 1214. United States Marine Corps Papers, 181 1-48. 51 items. Purchased by The Historical Society. Pay rolls and size rolls of the Marine Corps. 1 21 5. Charles Vollmer Ledger, 1860-64. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. F. E. Gramm. Ledger of a Philadelphia cabinetmaker. 1216. George Wheeler Papers, 1900-1940. 1800 items. Presented by Mrs. George Wheeler. Notes on Pine Grove and Schuylkill Co.; on Pennsylvania canals and rail- roads, on Indian Wars. i2ij. Young Republican Club Minute Book, 1892-1912. 1 vol. Presented by Francis D. Brinton. Minute book and list of members of the Young Republican Club of the 22d Ward, Philadelphia. 1 21 8. Atalanta, Ship, Invoice Book, 1809. 1 vol. The first part of this volume contains invoices of goods shipped on an unidentified schooner, records of sales, etc. The second part lists the wares shipped on board the Atalanta, schooner, with notes on the sale of the goods, and of purchases made in Puerto Rico. Both ships sailed from the Port of Philadelphia. 1219. William B. Atkinson, Notes on Lectures, c. 1850. 3 vols. Three small notebooks containing notes on the history of English literature and on religion. 1220. GilbertS. Bailey Collection, 1897-1940. 11 boxes. Pre- sented by Mrs. Gilbert S. Bailey, 1943. School notebooks, 1897-1940, of a Philadelphia educator. 1221. Isaac Bedford Papers, 1827-1846. 1 box. Miscellaneous business papers, bills and receipts. Some papers of Andrew McBride are also to be found here. 1 221 a. Richard Bell Diary, 181 8-1827. 1 vol. Presented by Malcolm A. MacQueen. Typescript of Bell's diary kept on his voyage to America, and during his residence in Delaware. 1222. David Bentley Receipt Book, 1822-1857. 1 vol. Receipt book of a Philadelphia coppersmith. 1223. Berean Society Minutes, 1 823-1 828. 1 vol. Minutes of a society managing a Sunday School for boys, under the direction of St. Andrews Episcopal Church, Philadelphia. 1224. Blois, Decree of the Estate of Voisin of Argillieres, 1574- 1225. Judith Bogert Memo Book, 1 842-1 847. 1 vol. Small notebook recording the expenses and income of Miss Bogert. 1226. Annie Hare Powel Brayton Collection, 1681-1799. 124 items. Presented by Annie Hare Powel Brayton, 1943. Deeds, 1681-1789, surveys and maps, 1683— 1799, of the Philadelphia area. 1227. J. P. Brissot de Warville Constitution de La Repub- LIQUE DE PENSYLVANIE. I Vol. Manuscript in French of the history of the constitution of Pennsylvania adopted in 1776. These essays were published in Brissot de Warville's Bibliotheque de Philosophie du Legislateur (Berlin, 1782). The stamp of a previous owner, Carlo Marstaller, appears on the first leaf, and one section of the volume contains a translation of these essays into Italian. 1228. Britannia, Ship, Mustering Book, 1773. 1 vol. Presented by Deborah Fisher Wharton, 1871. This record book was kept by Captain James Peters and contains a list of passengers brought by him on the Britannia from Rotterdam to Phila- delphia. Accounts of the freight and head charges, and signatures of the passengers, most of whom were German, are included. 1229. Beulah Brown Book of Verse, 181 i. i vol. Notebook containing verses entered by several different persons. 1230. Charles Brockden Brown Papers, 1742-18 10. 15 vols. Small commonplace books of Elijah and Mary Brown. These contain copies of articles and poems, chiefly from contemporary newspapers. Copies of a few letters and some material relating directly to Charles Brockden Brown are included. 1231. John Brown (?) Memorandum Book, 1762-1763. 1 vol. Accounts of prize money paid, records of privateering enterprises, costs of shipping, of provisions, etc. 1232. Browning Society of Philadelphia Records, 1903-1925. 100 items. Presented by the Browning Society through the kindness of Mrs. E. M. Ralston, 1943. Minutes, cash books, etc., 1 903-1 925. 1233. Dr. Samuel Worcester Butler Record Book, 1 849-1 858. 1 vol. Medical records of births attended by Dr. Butler, a physician practicing in Burlington, N. J. 1234. Thomas Butler Memo Book, 1844. 1 vol. Presented by. Thomas Butler, 1941. Memorandum book of a Philadelphia tinsmith. 1235. John Cadwalader Account Book, 1826-1840. 1 vol. Pre- sented by S. Moyerman, 1941. Account book relating to legal matters, 1 829-1 840. 1236. Josephine Carr, Invitation and Address Book, c. 1890. 1 vol. Notes on invitations received and a list of the names of prominent Phila- delphia debutantes. 1237. Centennial Exposition Register of Visitors, Women's Depot, July-November, 1876. 1 vol. Presented by the Germantown Historical Society, 1931. 1238. James Chambers Note Book, i 834-1 841. 1 vol. Notebook containing essays, poems and puzzles, entered by James Cham- bers of Philadelphia. 1239. Mary Ann Chandler Notebooks, 1 857-1 858. 1 vol. Three small notebooks bound together. School notes, poetry, essays, and a list of pupils with their attendance are recorded. 1 240. Chester County Deed Book, 1716-1730. 1 vol. Original deed book of Chester County lands. 1241. Thomas Cheyney Docket Book, 1779-1805. 1 vol. Docket of a Chester County justice of the peace. Includes records of cases brought before Cheyney, and of the marriages performed by him. 1242. China, Manuscripts Relating to, 1825, 1890. 2 vols. Manuscripts depicting the art of writing the Chinese language (c. 1825), presented by Richard J. Dunghier, 1873. A collection of water colors illustrating Chinese systems of justice, and the customs of the country (c. 1890), presented by Mrs. R. J. C. Walker, 1904. 1243. Custom House Papers, 1 882-1 883. 1 vol. Records of arrival of passenger vessels in the Port of Philadelphia, lists of dutiable goods imported with amounts of duty paid. 1244. Civil War Papers, 1 862-1 865. 2 vols. Commissary account book, 1863-1865, showing the purchase of provisions, clothing, etc., 1 vol. Map, showing the railroads in the southern states, drawn by Thomas Kimber, 1862. Also correspondence relating to the map, 1 vol. Presented by Thomas Kimber, 1888. 1245. Adele C. Clark Autograph Book, 1888. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. M. Van Gelder, 1941. 1246. Constitution Sesqui-Centennial Celebration Papers, 1937. 1 box. Invitations; tickets; programs; text of radio address delivered by Mayors S. Davis Wilson and Fiorella H. La Guardia; essay on Pelatiah Webster by G. W. Mingus; and similar items issued by the Pennsylvania Constitution Commemorative Committee. 1247. J. F. Cottrell Receipt Book, 1 842-1 848. 1 vol. A Lancaster County ironmaster's receipt book. 1248. Robert D. Coxe Manuscript, c. 1908. 1 vol. Presented by William J. Campbell, 1920. Original manuscript of Coxe's book, Legal Philadelphia (Philadelphia, 1908). 1249. James Craft Diary, 1 796-1 808. 2 vols. Chiefly interesting for reports on weather conditions. There are also some notes on current happenings. 1250. Curtin Family Collection, c. 1894. 300 items. Presented by Miss Mary Curtin, 1935. One box of clippings concerning the death of Andrew Gregg Curtin, and two boxes of miscellaneous clippings collected by Dr. Robert G. Curtin. 1251. Cyrus H. K. Curtis Papers, 1912-1938. 677 items. Personal letters to and from Cyrus H. K. Curtis, Philadelphia publisher. Many relate to the affairs of the Curtis Publishing Company, and to the Public Ledger. 1252. Augustus F. Daix Papers, 1889-1914. 11 vols. Letterbooks, 1893, 1898-1914, 9 vols.; order book, 1903; real estate ledger, 1889-1896. 1253. George M. Dallas Verse, 1813. 1 vol. "Twelfth Night Ball," composed by Dallas and dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Willing, 18 13. 1254. M. Darain Manuscript, 1762. 1 vol. Manuscript in French entitled, "Id6e generale de tous les gouvernemens [sic] de l'Europe, 1762." 1255. Daughters of the Founders and Patriots of America, History of the Pennsylvania Chapter, 1902-1939. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. J. Wistar Evans. 1256. Charles H. Davis (?), Metallic Money, Its Virtues and Functions, c. 1890. 1 vol. Presented by Charles H. Davis, 1902. Manuscript treatise on the principles of banking, and other monetary transactions. 1257. JOSEFA ESPINOSA DE CuESTA COLLECTION, 1826-1842. 4OO items. Letters in Spanish addressed to Senora de Cuesta, a resident of Philadelphia. The letters were written by relatives in Europe and South America. 1258. Delaware River Bridge Survey, 1916. 1 vol. A preliminary report on the feasibility of bridging the Delaware, made by the Philadelphia and Camden Bridge and Terminal Company. 1259. Daniel Dobber Tagebuch, 1819-1844. 1 vol. Daily entries in German made by a German Lutheran evangelist. 1260. James Dobson Collection, 1890-1920. 1 box. Presented by Mrs. Elizabeth Dobson Altemus Eastman, 1941. Two volumes of letter press copies of Dobson's letters; and other corre- spondence relating to the business, investments and personal affairs of Mr. Dobson, a Philadelphia carpet and plush manufacturer. 1 261. William Henry Drayton Manuscript, n.d. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Brinton Coxe, 1898. Manuscript copy of Judge Drayton's treatise on "The Confederation of the United States." This was published in 1776. Neither the location of the original manuscript nor the date of this copy is given. 1262. Christopher Daniel Ebeling Manuscripts, c. 1840, 1883. 2 vols. Manuscript history of Delaware (published in Hamburg, 1799), translated from the German of Ebeling in 1883. Presented by Brinton Coxe, 1889. Manuscript history of Pennsylvania, 1682-1702, translated by John Eberle, M.D. Presented by John A. McAllister, 1880. 1263. Joseph Ellis Copybook, 1837. 1 vol. Notebook used for problems in arithmetic. 1264. Daniel H. Emerson Journal, 1837-1868. 1 vol. Journal of a Congregational and Presbyterian minister in Northborough, Mass., 1836-1840; East Whiteland, Chester County, 1841-1845; York, 1846-1855; St. George's, Delaware, 1855-1861. Lists of marriages, 1836- 1853, of baptisms, 1 837-1 852, and of funerals, 1 842-1 852, are noted. There is also an account of Emerson's expenditures and receipts while serving at St. George's Church. 1265. Esher Collection, 1794-1 884. 10 items. Presented by Mrs. M. H. Esher Kromer. Deeds of property belonging to the Esher family of Philadelphia, and com- missions to John Dunlap, 1794 and 1808. 1266. Gratz Etting Manuscript, 1818. 1 vol. Presented by Harrold E. Gillingham, 1935. Manuscript collection of Smith's legal notes on the land laws of Pennsyl- vania, citing numerous cases. 1267. Lewis Evans Manuscript, 1753. 2 vols. "A brief account of Pennsylvania in a letter to Richard Peters, Esq., in answer to some queries of a gentleman in Europe, by Lewis Evans, MDCCLIII," 1 vol., contemporary copy; and 1 vol., photostats. Presented by Dr. George Fox. 1268. Edward Everett Speech on the Navy, 1864. 1 vol. Pre- sented by Miss Clementina R. Plumsted, 1864. Manuscript of a speech given at a dinner of the Naval Committee of the House of Representatives, Boston, March 12, 1864. 1269. Fahnestock Family Papers, 1 849-1 873. 11 vols. Presented by C. H. Wolff, Mrs. Francis K. Wolff, and Bernard Bunt- ing Wolff, 1939, 1 941. George W. Fahnestock diary, 1 863-1 867, 6 vols. Mrs. Anna M. Fahnestock diary, 1 869-1 873, 2 vols. Bound volume of newspaper clippings relating to the burning of the steam- boat United States, 1 868. Executors' accounts of the estate of George W. Fahnestock, 1868, 1 vol. Notes on the Fahnestock and the Wolff families, 1 vol. See also items 197 and 1185 in The Guide to the Manuscript Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, and in the second "Supplement" thereto. 1270. John T. Faris Collection, n.d. 1 box. Presented by John T. Faris, 1943. Typescripts of two unpublished books written by Mr. Faris: "He Financed the War: a Life of Robert Morris"; and "Steamboat Coming." 1 271. Female Tract Society Minutes, i 8 16-1834. l v °l- Pre- sented by Mrs. De Renne, 1886. Minutes of an organization of Episcopal women to publish tracts for home missionary work. 1272. Thomas Fitzsimons Papers, 1 793-1 800. 2 vols. Miscellaneous business papers and letters addressed to Fitzsimons, 1790- 1800. Roll of a militia company commanded by him; and a book of receipts for money paid by Fitzsimons when he was commissioner for settling the claims of British subjects against the United States. 1273. John Foulke Papers, 1769-1798. 3 vols. Judah and Mary Foulke receipt book, 1 769-1 798. Dr. John Foulke receipt book, 1787-1796. Manuscript of an oration on longevity delivered by Dr. John Foulke before the American Philosophical Society. 1274. Daniel M. Fox Memorial Volume, 1889. 1 vol. Presented by James E. Gibson, 1943. Presented to Fox on the occasion of his retirement from the Mint. 1275. Benjamin Franklin, Science du Bonhomme Richard, 1778. 1 vol. Presented by Dr. Joseph J. Rosengarten, 1908. "Le science du bonhomme Richard au moyen facile de payer l'es impots," translated and copied from the Morin edition (Paris, 1778). Includes excerpts from Franklin's interrogations before the House of Commons, 1776; the constitution of Pennsylvania, 1776; and extracts from the treaty between France and the United States. 1276. Rebecca Franks Letter, 178 i. i vol. A very long letter, dated from Flatbush, August 10, 178 1, describing New York society. 1277. Free Society of Traders Bond, 1685. I item. Nicholas More's subscription to the Free Society of Traders. 1278. Friends' School in Philadelphia Notes, 1688—1754. l v °l- Typescript, consisting of extracts from Friends' records, and biographical notes from Proud's history of Pennsylvania. 1279. French Naval Manuscript, 1781-1782. 1 vol. Journal of the frigate, Du Roy /'Engagement, which fought in the West Indies and Hudson's Bay, 1781-1782. 1280. Gettysburg National Park Papers, i 893-1913. 1 vol. Presented by Colonel John P. Nicholson, 1913. Copies of letters concerning the attempt to force the Gettysburg Commis- sion to change the name of United States Avenue to Hunt Avenue. 1 28 1. Gibbons Papers, 1 760-1 837. 27 items. Presented by Mrs. J. R. Davis, 1943. Papers of a Chester County family; diary of James Gibbons, 1760-1769; school account books, 1781— 1783; medical account book, 1836— 1837. 1282. Thomas Gilpin Papers, n.d. 2 vols. Manuscript volume and typescript of a biographical account of Thomas Gilpin, 1728-1778. "Memorial and reminiscences in private life" by Hannah Logan Smith, 1839. To this volume there are additions made by Thomas Gilpin in 1840. 1283. Thomas Gist Journal, 1758-1759. 1 vol. Photostat copy of Gist's journal. Gist was taken prisoner in 1758 by the Wyandot tribe and escaped after about a year of captivity. The journal contains details of Indian life, treatment of captives, etc. 1284. Gorham Family Genealogical Records, 1 550-1 856. 1 vol. Genealogy of the descendants of James Gorham and Agnes Bernington. 1285. Jacob Gottschall Medical Notebook, 1825-1839. 1 vol. 1286. Walter Gould Autograph Book, 1851. 1 vol. 1287. Lizzie R. Gregg Notebook, 1883. 1 vol. Presented by Francis D. Brinton, 1941. English and arithmetical notebook of a Cresson schoolgirl. 1288. Griffith-Paschal Collection, 1703-1863. 2 boxes. Pre- sented by Mrs. Samuel Blair Griffith and Edith Verlenden Paschal in memory of Mary Verlenden. Papers relating to the Serrill, Pearson, Verlenden and other families. 1289. Andrew Hamilton Memorandum Book, 1784. 1 vol. Pre- sented by C. Hartman Kuhn, 1943. 1290. William Harrison and John Phillips Land Book, 1784- 1795. 1 vol. Presented by Harrola E. Gillingham, 1943. 1 291. Dr. Joseph Hartshorne Malay-French Dictionary, 1807. 1 vol. Presented by Dr. Edward Hartshorne, 1880. 1292. Cheesman A. Herrick Papers, 1933-1942. 3 vols. Presented by Cheesman A. Herrick, 1942. Program and letters relating to dinner given Dr. Herrick (1933), 1 vol.; address William Penn High School for Girls, Some Early Beginnings, and letters commenting thereon, 1 vol.; author's copy of White Servitude in Pennsylvania, and letters relating to the book, 1 vol. 1293. William Hight Letter Book, 1795-1796. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Arnold Talbot, 1942. Business letters of a Philadelphia merchant. 1294. Thomas Holme Papers, 1683, 1801, 1924. 2 vols., 2 folders, 1 map. Original manuscript map of Philadelphia, made by Holme, showing the first city lots to be laid out. The copper plate from which this map was printed is in the Society's Museum. Copies of "An Account of the City of Philadelphia Newly Laid with a Platform thereof . . . ."; and of "Holme's map of the City of Philadelphia" together with a manuscript list of the first purchasers of land, 2 folders. Presented by William Brooke Rawle, 1878. Records dealing with Thomas Holme and the 300th anniversary of his birth, 1 vol. of photostats. Presented by M. Jackson Crispin, 1927. Clippings from the Evening Public Ledger, 1924, relating to Thomas Holme and the Crispin cemetery at Holmesburg, 1 vol. Presented by Thomas Butler. 1295. Reading Howell Map of Pennsylvania, c. 1792. 1 vol. List of subscribers to the proposal of Kimber and Conrad, and Johnson and Warner for publishing Howell's map. 1296. Independence Hall Deposit Book, i 873-1 896. 1 vol. The stubs provide a list of donations for the years 1 873-1 896. 1297. Indian Treaties and Deeds, 1683-1756. 2 vols. Contemporary copies of treaties and deeds relating to Pennsylvania. Some are printed in the Pennsylvania Colonial Records. 1298. William Jennison Journal, 1776-1780. 1 vol. Jennison was a lieutenant of Marines, 1776, served with the Army later in the same year, and with the Navy, 1 777-1 780. 1299- Jesse Johnson Diary, i 861-1864. 1 vol. Presented by- Evelyn Abraham. The original manuscript and a typed copy of Johnson's Civil War diary. Serving with Co. L, 2d Regiment, West Virginia Volunteer Cavalry, Johnson fought at Princeton, Virginia; Lewisburg, Sinking Creek and Wytheville. Captured, but subsequently exchanged, he served in Washing- ton until mustered out. 1300. Horatio Gates Jones Manuscript, 1855. 1 vol. "Early History of Roxborough and Manayunk, written by Horatio Gates Jones, Jr." Facts and traditions about the early settlement of this region. 1301. Owen Jones Papers, 1759-1824. 4 boxes. Accounts and business papers. 1302. Jefferson Justice Papers, 1 862-1 865. 200 items. Pre- sented by Eugene Klein, 1943. Papers of Lt. Jefferson Justice, regimental quartermaster, 100th Regiment Infantry, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Relate to supplies issued to the regi- ment. 1303. Kite's Town and Country Almanac, 1816, 1820. 2 vols. With manuscript annotations relating to agricultural matters and legal affairs. 1304. George May Keim Manuscripts, c. 18 14, 1841. 1 folder. Presented by the heirs of George May Keim, 1876. Copies of the Star Spangled Banner and of Home Sweet Home, autographed by the authors and presented by them to Keim. 1305. J. Granville Leach Diaries, 1 876-1920. 39 vols. Josiah Granville Leach was a Philadelphia lawyer, genealogist and his- torian. The volumes contain entries relating to his business affairs, and to the social and political life of the period. 1306. William A. Lee Account Book, 1 822-1 848. 1 vol. Presented by James E. Gibson. Accounts of a select Philadelphia seminary for boys and girls. 1307. William McCarter Memoirs, 1875. 11 vols. "My Life in the Army, 1862," written by McCarter in 1875. Notes of his experiences in the Civil War and accounts of the campaigns in which he participated. 1308. John Hill Martin Manuscripts, 1789-1872. 7 vols. Pre- sented by John Hill Martin, 1880, and by Mrs. Edward S. Sayres, 1923. Manuscript list of names of "The Bench and Bar of Philadelphia, Chester and Delaware Counties, Pennsylvania, with other lists of Public Func- tionaries in the State and in the United States"; "The Miscellaneous Legal Literature of the Philadelphia Bar, 1884"; and the manuscript of the history of the town of Chester, by Martin. 1309. E. Miles, Epitome, 1841. 1 vol. Presented by the Rev. Joseph Henry Dubbs, 1876. Extracts from Miles' historical and statistical description of the Royal Naval Service of England, and data on the building and extension of the United States Navy. 1310. New Jersey Papers, 1743, 1876, 1880. 3 vols. Presented by Brinton Coxe, 1883, 1884. Manuscript of "The Note Maker Noted and the Observer Observed Upon. . . ." (Published in 1743 by Franklin.) Copy, made in 1876, of "A Pocket Commentary of the First Settlers of New Jersey. . . ." (Printed in New York, 1751, by Samuel Parker.) An account of the history of New Jersey, 1663-1772, written about 1880. 131 1. Colonel T. P. Nicholson Papers, 3 vols. Presented by Colonel J. P. Nicholson, 1896. John H. Gihon's manuscript of his history of California, 1534 to 1850; the same author's manuscripts of his histories of Kansas, 1 857, and of Mexico and Texas, 1845. 13 1 2. Morris L. Parrish Collection, i 833-1 865. 18 vols. Pre- sented by Morris L. Parrish, 1943. Scrapbooks, containing clippings, engravings, business cards, postcards, 12 vols.; photograph albums, 2 vols.; letter books of Richard Price, 1833-1865, 4 vols. 1313. Pennsylvania Manuscripts, 1792-1920. 3 vols. 1 folder. Records of land warrants entered in 1792. These manuscripts are bound in a printed volume, Acts of the Assembly of . . . Pennsylvania, 1792. Pre- sented by Francis Rawle, 1913. Copy, 1882, of "A Brief Account of the Province of Pennsylvania lately granted ... to William Penn." Parchments containing the printed constitution of Pennsylvania as adopted in Philadelphia in 1873. Autographed by the delegates. Presented by E. C. Knight, 1874. Original manuscript of Samuel W. Pennypacker's "Desecration of the Pennsylvania Capitol," c. 1907. Presented by Samuel W. Pennypacker. 13 14. Pennsylvania Hospital Manuscripts, 18 17-18 18, 1895. 3 vols. Visitor's Book, Christ Healing the Sick, 1817-1818. Account book of the monies received, reports form the Board of Managers, copies of letters to and from Benjamin West, etc. Papers relating to the publication of the history of the Pennsylvania Hospital, 1895. Material relating to the controversy between Dr. William Armstrong and Dr. Thomas G. Morton, etc. Presented by Dr. William A. Armstrong, 1915, and Dr. Melvin M. Franklin, 1920. 1315. Philadelphia Associators', 1776, Muster Roll, n.d. 1 vol. 13 1 6. Philadelphia Committee on Markets Minutes, 1829- 183 1. 1 vol. 1317. Philadelphia Selective Service Papers, 1918-1919. 1 vol. Presented by John F. Lewis. 1318. Fred Perry Powers Manuscripts, c. 1912. 2 vols. Pre- sented by Mrs. Charles P. Turner, 191 2. Manuscripts of "Old Pennsylvania on the Trail of Washington, 1776-1794," and of "Places of Worship." 1319. John M. Scott Court Docket, 1819-1865. 1 vol. 1320. John V. Sears Manuscript, 1873. 1 vol. Presented by John V. Sears, 1902. Manuscript essays on the "Mound Builders of the Missouri," read before The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1873. 1321. Ships' Register, 1741-1742. 1 vol. Register containing records of ships, where built, registered, names of owners and masters, manifests of cargoes, etc. Name of port not indicated. 1322. Solomon Solis-Cohen Correspondence, 1933-1943. 3 boxes. Miscellaneous correspondence, letters and petitions for increase in Phila- delphia teachers' salaries, 1 942-1 943. Invitations, programs. 1323. South Street Brief of Title, 1671-1869. 1 vol. Presented by John H. L. Houston, 1917. Brief of title to a piece of land on the South side of South Street, near Clifton. 1324. Colonel Walter Stewart Orderly Book, 1780. 1 vol. Orderly book, headquarters at Morristown, N. J. Notes, regimental orders, names of officers, and incidents of the Revolutionary War. 1325. Stratton Collection, 1796 -191 5. 89 items. Presented by- Joseph Stratton, 1943. Miscellaneous deeds to Philadelphia properties. 1326. John Swift Notes, 1742. 1 vol. Memoranda, accounts and other notes made by Swift, an early settler in Pennsylvania, in Rider's British Merlin almanac for 1742. 1327. Captain Jeremiah Talbot Muster Roll, 1776. 1 vol. Presented by the Vermont Historical Society, 1943. 1328. Union Canal Papers, 1791-1922. 8 boxes. Presented by George M. Lehman, 1943. Correspondence, 1 820-1 922; miscellaneous business records, 1 822-1 887; letter books, 1852-1891; letter book of B. B. Lehman, 1849— 1877; business books, 1822-1858; annual reports, 1791-1869; maps, charts, diagrams. 1329. United States Army Regimental Order Book, No. 2, 1838. 1 vol. Presented by Mrs. Arnold Talbot. Order book for the 2d Brigade, Army south of the Withlacoochie, Florida. 1330. United States Marine Corps Aviators' Flight Log Book, 1919-1939. Ten log books kept by members of the U.S.M.C. air force. Entries show number of hours flown, type of plane used. (This material was previously described as relating to the U. S. Army air force. See entry 1213.) 133 1. Mrs. Juliet C. Walker Papers, i vol. Presented by Mrs. Juliet C. Walker, 1941. Manuscript essays on law, on crime and punishment, n.d. See also item 1 174 in The Guide to the Manuscript Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. I33 2 - War of 1812 General Orders, 18 14, 18 13-18 15. 2 vols. Presented by Dr. W. A. N. Doland, 1923. General orders from the Adjutant General's office, and from headquarters at Camp Marcus Hook, Philadelphia, and New York. Accounts of Army discipline, courts-martial, etc. 1333. H. Zschohke, Settlement of Maryland, c. 1850. 1 package. Presented by the estate of Edward S. Sayres, 1924. A romantic and fictional narrative written in the form of letters to Cecil Calvert, 2d Lord Baltimore. Translated from the original German. 1334. Adjuvant Horse Company Papers, 1 838-1924. 2 vols, and 28 Mss. Presented by W. Austin Yerkes, 1944. Minutes, 1838-1924; rolls, 1872-1924; and other records of a Philadelphia company organized in 1838 to facilitate the recovery of stolen horses and the detection of thieves. This company was incorporated in 1865 and dissolved in 1924. 1335. Nathaniel Allen Papers, 1710-1752. 2 vols. Presented by John William Potts, 1886. Ledgers, 1710-1752, of a Philadelphia merchant. 1336. American Red Cross: Pennsylvania-Delaware Division, 1917-1919. 240 items. Divisional reports, October, 1917, to June 30, 1918; letters; and bulletins, September 18, 1917, to November 21, 1919. These describe the activities of the Pennsylvania-Delaware Division of the American Red Cross in the First World War. 1337. Baltimore and Philadelphia Steamship Co. Papers, 1844- 1936. 50 vols, and 3,000 items. Presented by Miss Mary Helen Cadwalader and Miss Sophia Cadwalader. Minutes, 1844-1934; financial records, letters, reports and contracts, 1848- 1936; reports to the Interstate Commerce Commission, 1930-1935; reports to the Maryland-Philadelphia Service Commission, 1933-1935. The Balti- more and Philadelphia Steamship Co. was chartered in 1844 to provide steamboat service between Baltimore and Philadelphia, via the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal. The Company ceased operations in 1935. 1338. George Washington Barton Manuscripts, 1841-1850. 3 items. Journal of a voyage from New York to San Francisco in the Elsinore, Capt. Thomas S. Conden, 1850; address, "Ancestral Vanity," delivered before the William Fisk Institute, 1841; MS, "The Age in Which We Live." 1339- Biddle Stock Certificates and Transfers, i 804-1 866. 92 items. Presented by Biddle- Whelen & Co. Original certificates of stock issued to Thomas Biddle. The businesses,repre- sented include canal, turnpike, and bridge companies, railroads, banks, insurance, and mining companies. 1340. Brey Collection, 1 697-191 8. 30 items. Presented by Mrs. J. T. Brey, 1942. Photostats of deeds, marriage certificates of the Croasdale, Taylor, and Watson families; charts of the Boker and Van Horn families. 1341. Henry Armitt Brown Papers, 1693-1908. 800 items. Pre- sented by Mrs. Dorothy Burr Thompson, 1941-1942. Letters relating to the education and career of Henry Armitt Brown; genealogical notes on the Armitt, Baker, Boiler, Brown, Livezey, Robeson' and allied families. 1342. Albert J. Edmunds Papers, 1850-1917. 41 items. Presented by Albert J. Edmunds. Albert Joseph Edmunds (1857-1941) was a well-known Biblical scholar, and for forty years the Cataloguer of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. The collection includes letters addressed to Mr. Edmunds and to Benjamin Smith Lyman. Most of these are from Americans, a few foreign items, chiefly Japanese, are included. See also, No. 188 in the Guide to the Manu- script Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1343. Fletcher Papers, 1 806-1 855. 275 items. Business letters to Thomas Fletcher, Philadelphia goldsmith and jeweler. These describe the affairs of the firms of Fletcher and Gardiner, 1810-1831, and of Fletcher and Bennett, 1839. 1344. Freas Family Papers, 75 items. 1754-1889. Presented by Alice B. Poopes, 1940. Bonds, indentures, deeds, surveys, wills and papers of administration, of a family residing in Whitemarsh Township, Montgomery County. 1345. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1926. 600 items in 3 vols. Presented by Miss M. Atherton Leach, 193 1. Correspondence relating to the luncheon given to the Crown Prince and Princess of Sweden by the Council of The Historical Society and by the Swedish Colonial Society, June 2, 1926. 1346. Josephine R. Howell Family Papers, 1688-1886. 1 14 items. Presented by Josephine R. Howell, 1942. Letters and papers of the Gibbons, 1 806-1 834; Howell, 1811-1815; Richard- son, 1 834-1848; and related families. These include a letter book of Rebecca Richardson, New York, 1 688-1689. 1347. Landon-Shattuck Family Papers, 1 849-1 890. 101 items. Purchased, 1942. Family letters, most of them written to or by Mrs. Eliza (Hinckly) Landon, and Mrs. M. M. Shattuck. 1348. James Laux Collection, 1760-1816. 12 items. Presented by- James Laux, 1920. Photostats of materials relating to the French and Indian War, including Croghan's journal to Presque Isle, 1760; a letter of Croghan, 1762, and one of Jacob Arndt, 1757; materials of the Revolutionary period, including let- ters of Croghan, 1778, of Sol Jennings, 1778, petition of James Craig, 1775, will of George Taylor, 1781; in the post-revolutionary period are letters of Jacob Arndt, Jr., 1804, of P. Doddridge, 18 16, of T. Jefferson, 18 16, and of Col. Rochefontaine, 1 795-1 796. A book of clippings descriptive of the life of Col. Stephen Balliet completes the collection. 1349. Frank Willing Leach Papers, 1914-1915. 1,000 items. Presented by Miss M. Atherton Leach, 1944. Letters, and notes compiled by Mr. Leach when writing "Pennsylvania in the United States Senate," a series of articles appearing in the Sunday North American, April 19-Dec. 20, 1914. Letters from descendants of the Senators, and genealogical notes of their families are included. 1350. Marion Dexter Learned Papers, 1 524-191 5. 500 items. Purchased, 1943. Photographs of original documents in German Archives which relate to the settlement of America; papers and notes of Dr. Learned (1 857—1917), a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and a leader in societies inter- ested in the study of German culture; diaries of members of the Learned family showing conditions in Europe in 1914. 1351. Edward York. McCauley Papers, 1840-1916. 20 items. Presented by G. H. McCauley, 1943. Two certificates of appreciation presented to Daniel Smith McCauley, U. S. Consul at Tripoli, 1841; commissions of Edward York McCauley through the grades from Midshipman to Rear Admiral; marriage certificate of Edward York McCauley and Josephine Berkeley. I35 2 - Clayton McMichael Papers, 1861-1901'. 250 items. Pre- sented by Mrs. Emory McMichael, 1944. Clayton McMichael (1844-1906) was the editor and proprietor of the Philadelphia North American, City Treasurer, 1 898-1 901, and Postmaster, 1902-1906. These papers contain military correspondence, 1861-1865; let- ters written to McMichael, 1 872-1 901; papers relating to the taking over of the City Treasurer's office, 1 897-1 898; papers relating to the U. S. Mint, in Philadelphia, 1872; to the office of postmaster, 1901; clippings, speeches, etcetera. 1353. Merion Cricket Club Papers, 1 865-1923. 10 vols. Pre- sented by the Estate of Edward S. Sayres, 1929. Scrapbooks containing original letters, announcements, photographs, and clippings relating to the activities of the Merion Cricket Club. 1354. William McKinley Mervine Papers, 1688-1788. 25 items. Presented by Mrs. William Mervine, 191 7. Records of Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, including Minutes, 1685-1687; minutes of Women's meetings, 1688-1698, 1708-1712, 1756-1760, certifi- cates of removal to Chesterfield Meeting. These relate to the Forman (Furman or Fairman), Kelly, Van Horn, and Davies families. Mr. Mervine (1874-1914) was a Philadelphia genealogist and one of the Board of Man- agers of The Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. 1355. Pemberton Family Letters, 1740-1787. 3 vols. Presented by the Friends Historical Association, 1941. Copies of letters written by and to Israel, James, John, and Mary Pemberton. The originals of many of these letters are in the Pemberton Papers. See No. 484 in the Guide to the Manuscript Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1356. Pennsylvania National Guard, Company "D" First Regiment Infantry Papers, 1 861-1923. 1,000 items in 6 vols. Presented by the Estate of Edward S. Sayres, 1931. Records, letters, notices of musters, clippings, relating to the history of the Philadelphia Militia Regiment which took part in suppressing the labor troubles at Hazelton, 1875, at Pittsburgh, ,1877. During the First World War the Regiment saw service as the 109th Regiment, U. S. A. 1357. Philadelphia Bicycle Club Papers, 1 882-1902. 347 items and 10 books. Presented by Henry W. Wills, 1942. Minutes, 1895-1902; treasurer's accounts, dues books, 1890-1902; charter, bylaws and amendments, 1 885-1 895; papers relating to the construction and repair of the clubhouse, and to the running expenses of the Club, 1886-1902. Both men and women were eligible for membership in the Club. 1358. Philadelphia Bourse Papers, 1 891-1900. 161 items. A Philadelphia corporation formed in 1891 to protect the business and further the commercial interests of the city. The Bourse Building, originally- built to house exchanges, the Board of Trade, and similar groups, is now primarily an office building. These papers relate to the organization of the Bourse Corporation and to the erection of the Bourse Building. They are chiefly from the letters of John Frederick Lewis, attorney for the cor- poration. 1359. Philadelphia Child Welfare Association Papers, 1903- 1933. 11 items, including 5 vols. Presented, 1937. Minutes of the Philadelpnia Juvenile Court and Probation Association, 1903-1917; minutes of the Philadelphia Child Welfare Association, 1917— 1933; Constitution, Philadelphia Juvenile Court and Probation Association; Bylaws, Philadelphia Child Welfare Association; history of the House of Detention, 1898-1923; Judge Staake on the administration of the Juvenile Court, 1908; correspondence regarding cooperation of the police and the schools with the Court, 1906. See also No. 756 in the Guide to the Manu- script Collections in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1360. Philadelphia City Hall Collection, 1860-1881. 19 items. Copies of legal papers relating to the location of City Hall; reports of com- mittees; MS and corrected proofs of a history of City Hall. 1361. Philadelphia County Board of Assistance Papers, 1941. 4 boxes. Presented by James E. Gibson, 1943. Typed transcript of testimony before the Reviewing Board of the Phila- delphia County Board of Assistance on the appeals of 50 employees dis- charged for alleged Communistic affiliations, 1941. 1362. Philadelphia Draft Board Records, 1917. 50 items. Carbon copies of the lists of men registered in the 51 local draft boards of Philadelphia, July, 1917. (The list for Board No. 12 is missing.) See also No. 1203 and No. 13 17 in the "Supplement" to the Guide to the Manuscript Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1363. Philadelphia Lawyers, 1 847-1939. 300 items. Miscellaneous collection of letters, most of them addressed to Lewis, Adler and Laws; a folder of letters addressed to the Poor Richard Club relative to conventions held in Philadelphia, 1926; and a folder of letters to L. C. Siner, a Philadelphia gunsmith and sporting goods dealer. 1364. Philadelphia Legal Papers, 1702-1744. 75 items. Pleas before the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, decisions of the Court and of the Supreme Court of the Province. See also No. 501, and No. 805 in the Guide to the Manuscript Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1365. Philadelphia War History Committee Papers, 1917-1919. 1 vol. The Philadelphia War History Committee was appointed by the Mayor of Philadelphia to gather and publish facts about the city in the First World War. These papers include notes on Base Hospital No. 20, a history of the 19th Grand Division Transportation Corps, A.E.F.; list of personnel 108th Field Artillery; brief history of the 79th Division by Major General Joseph E. Kuhn; history of the 103d Trench Mortar Battery by James J. D. Spillan; personnel, Tank Corps, by Harold N. Hill; notes on Philadelphia casualties, recruiting, draft boards. This material was gathered preparatory to the publication of Philadelphia in the World War, igi4~jgi8 (New York, 1922). 1366. Pile Family Papers, 1 793-1 836. 129 items. Presented by- Miss Annie Pile, 1944. Letters to Capt. Samuel Pile of Philadelphia, and to other members of his family. In addition to personal data these contain considerable information on the Philadelphia, New York and New Orleans of that time. 1367. Fred Perry Powers Papers, n.d. 600 items. Presented by Mrs. Fred Perry Powers, 1931. Typescripts of lectures on "Songs of the Revolution" and on "War Songs," and the notes on which these lectures were based. See also No. 13 18 "Supple- ment" to the Guide to the Manuscript Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1368. Edward Robins Papers, 1939-1942. 31 articles and 12 letters. Presented by Mrs. Edward Robins, 1943. Manuscripts and clippings of articles and addresses dealing with literary and historical matters. In addition there are 12 personal letters written to Mr. Robins. 1369. Edward Stalker Sayres Papers, 1 866-1923. 650 items. Presented by Mrs. Edward S. Sayres. Edward S. Sayres (1850-1923) was a Philadelphia lawyer. These papers relate to his activity in the Civil Service Reform Association, 1881-1915; in the First World War, 1918-1919; clippings, letters and notes relating to the Society of the War of 1 8 1 2, Military Order of Foreign Wars, Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, and Society of Colonial Wars, in all of which Mr. Sayres held office. For additional material on Civil Service Reform League see Welsh Collection, No. 702 in Guide to the Manuscript Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1370. Science and Art Club of Germantown Papers, 1 874-1929. 200 items. Presented by Mrs. Edward S. Sayres, 1931. Correspondence of proposed members with Henry Carvill Lewis, secretary of the Club, 1 879-1 884; letters, articles, and clippings showing some of the scientific ideas current, 1 874-1 879; printed reports of the Club, 1 884-1 929. 1371. Scioto Land Company Papers, 1789-1792. 76 items. The Scioto Land Company, organized in 1787, had options on approximately 5,000,000 acres of land in Ohio. The company failed in 1792. The collection contains letters and papers of this French land company. 1372. Peter W. Sheafer Papers, 1 873-1 875. 150 items. Sheafer, a geologist and mining engineer, compiled The Historical Map of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, 1875). Letters relating to the Map, and the corrected proofs of the same are included. 1373. Shower Collection, n.d. 200 items, 1 vol. Charts of the Davies, Dutton, Kittera, and Smith families; notes on Ed- wards, Shower, and Smith families; genealogy of Shower family. 1374. Shunk Collection, 1760-1923. 400 items and 6 scrapbooks. Drafts of letters, mainly personal, written by Francis R. Shunk; and letters of the Shunk family. These, too, are chiefly of personal interest. 1375. Edward Wanton Smith Papers, i 728-1 846. 600 pieces. Pre- sented by Mrs. Edward Wanton Smith, 1942. Family papers containing letters, bills, receipts, etc., of Lamar, Hill, Bisset & Co., wine merchants of Madeira, 1762-1802; business papers of Joseph Wharton, 1728-1771, pertaining chiefly to land in Philadelphia County; letters of John Ely, Controller of New York, to M. and S. Fisher, regarding lands in Otsego and Montgomery counties, N. Y., 1 800-1 829; letters to Charles Wharton from Calcutta, Lisbon, and Leghorn, 1783-1809; business letters to James Moffat from Europe, 1794-1813; miscellaneous deeds, letters, and broadsides, 1 728-1 846. 1376- Franklin R. Smith Papers, i 848-1 858. 217 items. Presented by Mary G. Smith, 1944. Letters to Franklin R. Smith, a physician living in Bellefonte. For the most part the letters are from his brothers, Pemberton Smith and Charles Smith, and deal with business conditions in Pennsylvania. There are also 25 pages of accounts of Dr. Smith with Pemberton Smith. 1377. Persifor Frazer Smith Papers, 1770-1873. 300 items. Pre- sented by Mrs. Talbot, 1939. Persifor Frazer Smith (1798-1858), an officer in the United States Army, served in the Seminole War, 1 836-1 838, in the Mexican War, 1 846-1 848, commanded the Pacific Division, the Department of Texas, 1 850-1 856, the Western Department, 1856-1858, and the Department of Utah, 1858. The Smith papers include letters and a letter book relating to the war with Mexico, 1847-1848; military letters to General Smith, 1838, 1850-1858; miscellaneous legal papers, 1 770-1 873; daybook, Springton Forge, 1803- 1804, 1833-1842; accounts of Matthew Stanley, 1815-1841; 3 vols, legal notes. 1378. Uselma Clark Smith Collection, 1792-1839. 1,000 items. Presented by Mrs. John H. Dilkes, 1942. These papers relate chiefly to the career of William Jones (1760-1831), a Philadelphia merchant, Secretary of the Navy, 18 13-18 14, acting Secretary of the Treasury, and first president of the Second Bank of the United States. Letters from Jefferson, Gallatin, Decatur, Clay, and other men of impor- tance are included. For a fuller account of the Collection see The Pennsyl- vania Magazine of History and Biography, LXVI (1942), 379-382. 1379. Ernest Spofford Papers, 1929. 1 vol. Presented by Ernest Spofford. Corrected proofs of Mr. Spofford's book, Armorial Families of America (Philadelphia, 1929). 1380. Frances M. Strayer Collection, 1781-1822. 100 items. Presented by Frances M. Strayer, 1938. Papers relating to tax collections in Chester County, 1781-1822. A few tax lists are included. 138 1. Mary Ludwig Suydam Collection, 1475-1904. 100 items. Presented by Mary Ludwig Suydam, 1919. Autograph collection, letters from minor German princes, 1475-1811; let- ters, signatures, and autographs of prominent Americans, 182c— 1900, in- eluding Henry Ward Beecher, William Cullen Bryant, Millard Fillmore, John Hay, William Dean Howells. 1382. Ernest T. Trigg Papers, 1910-1917. 1 vol. and 1 folder. Purchased, 1942, 1943. Trigg was a Philadelphia paint manufacturer and president of the Chamber of Commerce. The papers include a scrapbook containing clippings, letters, invitations, relating to Mr. Trigg's activity in the Chamber of Commerce; his report as Regional Adviser War Industrial Board, 1918, and letters, forms, etcetera, descriptive of the work done in organizing Philadelphia for war. 1383. Union League Papers, 1 896-1909. 300 items. Presented by Henry Paul Busch, 1941. Notices, lists of candidates for membership, appeals for support, form let- ters showing the League's activity. 1384. Union Library Catalogue of Philadelphia, 1935. 217 items. Presented, 1935. Acceptances and regrets from Philadelphians invited to a reception to inaugurate the newly organized Union Catalogue. 1385. M. I. Warren Papers, 1786-1919. 100 items, including 18 notebooks. Holograph sermons by Ezra Stiles, 1794, and by C. Gildersleeve, 1797; notes from Mr. Webster's lectures on the English language, 1786; MS. of Professor Pearson of Harvard on prosody, c. 1873; notes on history of English literature, based on material in the British Museum and the Bibliotheque Nationale. 1386. Dr. Samuel W. Woodhouse Collection, 1743-1858. 500 items. Purchased, 1943. Miscellaneous bills, receipts, cancelled bank checks, and other business papers, mainly of the Meredith family, 1743-1858; shipping papers, 1776- 1803; accounts of the Commissioners of Naval Stores for outfitting ships of the Continental Navy, 1776. 1387. Worrall Family Papers, 1724-1892. 8 vols, and 108 items. Presented by Mrs. John S. Mershon, 1944. Papers of a Philadelphia and Delaware County family. They include deeds, wills, marriage certificates, and other legal papers of the Crosby, Paul and Worrall families; contracts for materials for the Delaware Bay Breakwater, 1831, and for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1872; Justice of the Peace docket book, 1835-1862, 1886; account books of Israel Thomas, 1813^-1828, and of William and Edward Lane, 1745-1813; other Philadelphia merchants' business papers and miscellaneous family papers. 1388. John Williamson Ziegler Papers, 1911-1917. 3,000 items. Presented by the Estate of John Williamson Ziegler, 1942. Mr. Ziegler (1868-1938) took an active interest in the General Alumni Association of the University of Pennsylvania and the bulk of the papers center around this Association. In addition there is material on independent political action in Delaware County, on the Sabbath Schools, and on the attempts to secure local option in Pennsylvania. 1389. Admiralty Court Records, Philadelphia, 1770-1804. 8 boxes, approx. 1,100 items. Part the gift of the Common Pleas Court of Berks County; part purchased, 1945. Records of the Admiralty Court, 1 770-1 797; papers of Blair McClenachan in account with Mathew Clarkson, 1777-1801; log of ship Imperial, 1803- 1804; miscellaneous papers relating to other ships. 1390. Bank of the United States of Pennsylvania Papers, 1 840-1855. 2S vols., and 7 boxes containing approx. 2,000 items. Deposited by the Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Com- pany, 1945. Papers of John Bacon, Alexander Symington, and Thomas Robins, trustees, relating to the liquidation of the Bank after its suspension in 1841. Include deed of trust, June 7, 1841; records of sales of property in various parts of the United States, 1840-1855; stock transactions, 1844-1853; bills and receipts, 1843-1854; reports of bank agencies, 1840-1841. 1391. Benjamin Randolph Boggs Papers. 4 boxes of clippings, photographs, and typescript of article on old Philadelphia, the inns and taverns of the city. From the Benjamin Ran- dolph Boggs Estate, 1944. 1392. Bush & Lobdell Carwheel Co. Papers, 1817-1929. 70,000 items. 1944. Papers of a Wilmington, Delaware, firm that specialized in railroad equip- ment. Mainly the letters received by the Company from their agents and customers. Interesting material relative to the development of the railroads. [393. Clover Club Papers, 1918-1921. 186 items, 1945. This dining club, originating in 1881, was famous for its distinguished guests and for its lack of seriousness in entertainment of them. The papers in the Society's possession are those of James McCartney, secretary of the Club. 1394. Doran Collection, 1 797-1 880. 20 books. Presented by Mrs. S. Hamill Home, 1945. The collection includes Michael Doran's Journal of Domestic Accounts, 1797-1823; receipt book, 1815-1825; ledger, 1797-1816; records of fees received, 1828-1834; day book, 1829-1832; expense book, 1848-1859 (2 vols.); Michael Keppele's docket, 1 806-1 807; bills of lading, Port of Philadelphia, 1 820-1 826; Lydia C. Warner's music book; Joshua Long- streth's letter book, 1822-1827; J. Warner Irwin's diary, 1854, and sketch book; Mrs. Joseph M. Doran's diary and memo book, 1871; H. C. Borden's diary, 1880. 1395-. Elfreth's Alley Papers. 3 vols. 55 items. Presented by Mrs. E. M. Davis. Typed history, scrap book, genealogical notes relating to the people and the houses of the Alley. 1396. Emlen Family Papers, 171 5-1 885. 115 items. Presented by John T. Emlen, 1945. Letters and correspondence of various members of the Emlen and allied families. Commonplace book of Ann Emlen, and her religious meditations, 1775-1800; notebooks of Ann Emlen, and of Samuel E. Mifflin, 1779. 1397. Samuel Fothergill Journal, 1 806-1 808. 1 vol. Presented by Miss Edith Newbold, 1945. Journal of a trip from Philadelphia to the settlements in Luzerne County, 1806; and another briefer journal of a similar trip in 1808. The first records events, descriptions of places, opinions of people, etc. The second notes facts useful to a traveler, conditions of roads, inns, etc. 1398. Hazard Family Papers, 1770-18 18. 190 items. Presented by Spencer Hazard, 1945. Journals of Eben Hazard, 1770-1771, 1772-1773, 1777-1778; journals of Samuel Hazard, 1 806-1813; medical journal of Samuel Hazard, 1818; corre- spondence of Samuel Hazard, including letters of Franklin and Washington; history of the Philadelphia Hose Co. 1399. Hubbard Collection, 1780-1801. 293 items. Presented by C. Evans Hubbard, 1945. Bills and receipts for goods, mostly rum, shipped from the West Indies to Philadelphia; accounts of Walter Stewart, Surveyor of the Port of Phila- delphia, 1794-1795. 1400. Indigent Widows and Single Women's Society of Phila- delphia Papers, 1 823-1 862. 400 items. 1944. Correspondence, 1824-1862, and four small account books of this charitable organization. 1401. Isabella Furnace Papers, 1880- 1921. 173 boxes contain- taining approx. 18,000 letters, 80 books. Presented by William Wikoff Smith, 1944. Correspondence and business papers of one of the last of the charcoal burn- ing furnaces in the United States. 1402. Charles Francis Jenkins Collection, 1762-1807. 500 items. Presented by Charles F. Jenkins, 1945. Autograph letters of Members of the Old Congress (1774-1789). A few of the rarer signatures are missing. 1403. Andrew M. Jones Papers, 1 833-1 883. 995 items. Presented by Mrs. Charles Willing, 1945. Andrew Jones was listed in the Philadelphia directories as a merchant. The papers contain correspondence, bills and receipts, relating to stocks, bonds, dividends, and the real estate owned by Mr. Jones. 1404. Kent County, Delaware, Continuance Docket, Supreme Court, 1788-1798. 1 vol. Presented by Joseph M. Rutter. The volume also contains John Fisher's diary and memoranda for 1802- 1815. 1405. Duncan King Papers, 1820. 1 vol. 1944. The manuscript of a proposed botanical and agricultural monthly. 1406. William Masters and Mary Masters Richell Estate Papers, 1746-1850. 8 boxes, approx. 1,000 items. Presented by Francis D. Brinton, 1945. Business papers relating to the estates of these two persons; genealogical notes on the Penn-Masters families. 1407. George G. Meade Papers, 1 863-1 869. 23 v °l s - Presented by George G. Meade, 1945. Letters and telegrams sent and received by General Meade, 1 863-1 865 (24 vols.); proceedings of board for recommending brevet promotions, 1866 (1 vol.); testimony of Meade and Butler on battle before Petersburg, 1864 (i vol.); records, 3d Military District of the South, 1868— 1869 (7 vols.). See also Meade Collection, No. 410 in Guide to the Manuscript Collections of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1408. James Clark Moore and William Colmer Moore Papers, 1683-1830. 88 items. 1945. Early surveys of Pennsylvania lands, including the first draft of a survey for Germantown; cash book of Richard Peters, 1755— 1758. 1409. Walter S. Newhall Papers, 1 862-1 863. 2 vols. Presented by Daniel A. Newhall, 1945. Captain Newhall served with the Third Pennsylvania Cavalry (60th Regi- ment, Pennsylvania Volunteers). The collection contains his letters written while with the Army. 1410. Newton Family Papers, i 799-1 903. 450 items. Presented by Richard Newton, Jr., and F. Maurice Newton, 1945. Letters, journals of trips abroad, manuscript sermons, and notes on church activities of the Reverend Richard Newton (18 13-1888) and the Reverend R. Heber Newton. 1411. Philadelphia City Council Minutes, 1789-1793. 1 vol. 1945- 1412. Richard Rush Papers, 1812-1847. 1 vol. 1944. Letters to James Madison, 1812-1831, many written during Madison's presidency offer suggestions regarding appointments to office; the later ones discuss politics and contemporary events. Letters to Mrs. Madison, 1820- 1847. A few letters by Mrs. Rush are included. 1413. Science and Art Club of Germantown Papers, 1880- 1944. 4 vols. Presented by Donald Ruhel, 1945. Lists of members, correspondence, 1880-1943 (3 vols.); minutes, 1911-1944. See No. 1370 in the "Supplement" to the Guide to the Manuscript Collections in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1414. Rebecca Shoemaker Papers, 1780-1786. 1 vol. Presented by Henry F. Pommer, 1945. Typed copy of the letters and diaries of Rebecca Shoemaker, and of her daughters Anne Rawle and Margaret Rawle. 1415. Society for the Relief of Poor and Distressed Masters of Ships, Their Widows and Children, Papers, 1765— J 9 2 3- 54 v °ls- Deposited by the Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Co., 1945. The papers of this Philadelphia beneficial society include minute books, 1765-1922; dues books, 1768-1922; and other similar records. 1416. Universalist Church of Philadelphia Records, 1820- 1920. 7 vols. Presented by Thomas Butler. Minute book, First Universalist Church, 1 875-1 879; minute books, Second Universalist Church, 1820-1893, 1906-1920 (4 vols.); secretary's book, Sunday School Association, Second Universalist Church, 1844-1867 (1 vol.); minute book, Universalist Church of the Restoration, 1893-1906. 1417. Samuel Victor Barr Collection. Approx. 300 items. Pre- sented by S. V. Barr, 1946. Family notes, photographs, correspondence, relating to Samuel Price, his services in the Navy of the Civil War, and his later life as a marine engineer. 1418. Building and Loan Association Books, 1 871-1909. 20 vols. Purchased 1 946-1 947. Jenkintown B. & L. Association: minute book 1878-1909; Logan Square B. & L. Association, 18 vols.: account books, minute books, ledgers, journals, 1 871-1886; German Humboldt B. & L. Association: minute book 1 876-1 880. 1419. Thomas Butler Papers. Presented by Rev. Thomas Butler, 1945 (d. Aug. 19, 1945). 12 items, 1 888-1938. Teacher's certificates and diplomas granted to the Rev. Thomas Butler. 1 420. Camac Papers. 4 vols. Presented by Dr. Charles N. B. Camac, 1936. The will of William Masters Camac, 1 802-1 842; a brief title to the real estate in the county of Philadelphia belonging to William M. Camac's estate; and copies of papers, 1852-1860, relating to the estates of William M. Camac and Mary Ricketts, 1799-1859. 1421. Citizens' Permanent Relief Committee Papers, 1885- 1899. Approx. 10,000 items. Presented by Justice Williams, 1947- The correspondence and business papers of a local philanthropic group, which aided the sufferers in many disasters between 1878 and 1900, notably the Charleston Earthquake in 1885, the Johnstown Flood in 1889, the Russian famine, 1 892-1 893, and the Armenian massacres in 1896. During the Spanish-American War the Committee under the name of the National Relief Commission helped soldiers, sailors, and their families. 1422. John Elliott Cresson Diary, 1795-1796. 3 vols. Gift of John E. Cresson; received by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1946. Diary: March 26, 1795-April 18, 1795; June 21, 1795-July 12, 1795; January 10, 1796-February 13, 1796. Relates the daily happenings in the life of a Philadelphia Quaker. 1423. John Curtis. History of Grand Opera in Philadelphia. 7 vols. Gift of John Curtis, 1942. A typescript of an unpublished book covering the history of opera in Phila- delphia from the beginning to 1922. 1424. Dr. W. A. Newman Dorland. History of the Second Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, 1775-1917. 2 boxes. Presented by Dr. Dorland, 1947. A history of a military company organized in 1775, disbanded in 1850, and reorganized in 1896. Part of the history, covering the years 1775-1811, ap- peared in The Pennsylvania Magazine, vols. 47 through 54. 1425. Flagg-Gummere Papers. 87 items. Presented by Mr. and Mrs. Henry V. Gummere, 1946. A manuscript diary, 1849, and letters, 1 849-1 855, of Josiah Foster Flagg, concerning a trip to California and residence in that state during gold-rush days. There are also a few letters, 1821-1824, of Adin G. Croft and a diary of a trip to Europe, 1859, kept by John Foster Brewster Flagg. 1426. Girard College Papers, 1 885-1 894. Approx. 300 items. Purchased by The Society, 1947. Letters written to Dr. John S. Boyd, 1849-1911, Superintendent of Admis- sions and Indentures at Girard College, Philadelphia. They include letters recommending admittance of certain boys to the college; letters from busi- nessmen reporting favorably or unfavorably upon boys employed; and letters from former students telling of their life after leaving the college. 1427. Hamilton and Hood Papers. 5 boxes, approx. 1000 items. Purchased by the Gratz Fund and The Society. The correspondence, 1 804-1 845, of the firm of Hamilton and Hood (John Hamilton and John M. Hood), Philadelphia grocers and general merchants; also included are account and receipt books, 18 17-1865. 1428. Andrew M. Jones Collection, 1 833-1 883. Approx. 600 items. Gift of Mrs. Charles Willing, 1945. The personal correspondence, bills, and receipts of a Philadelphia merchant. 1429. Burton Alva Konkle. 4 boxes. Presented 1947. Mr. Konkle (1861-1944) was a prominent Pennsylvania historian and biographer. This collection includes manuscript notes on his work, particu- larly on the lives of George Bryan and John Motley Moorhead. i43°- John Bach McMaster Collection, 1889. 100 items. Pre- sented by Dr. Philip D. McMaster, 1932. John Bach McMaster, 1 852-1932, a prominent historian, was employed to write the history of the Johnstown Flood Relief Commission. This collection contains the maps, proclamations, letters and printed histories gathered to further the work. 1 43 1. John Martin. Memoirs of British painters, engravers, and architects. 2 vols. Presented by Norbert Considine, 1942. Short notes on the artists of Great Britain who died in the period between 1816 and 1835. 1432. North American Land Company Papers, 1793-1880. 2 boxes, approx. 200 items. Purchased by the Gratz Fund. Legal papers concerning the liquidation of the Company. 1433. Paschall Papers, 1734-1875. 50 items. Presented by Miss Ann Paschall, 1930. Wills, deeds, and other papers concerning estates of Paschall and related families as well as notebooks and poetry books of Anne Sellers, George Sellers, and Mary Frances Paschall. 1434. Harry B. Pearce Collection, 1689-1836. 44 items. Pre- sented by Harry B. Pearce, 1938. Miscellaneous legal and business papers. They include ten letters addressed to William Till, a Philadelphia merchant, 1735-1742; also thirteen legal and business papers of Andrew and William Hamilton of Philadelphia, 1736- 1803. 1435. Penington Papers, 1764-1882. Approx. 5,000 items. Pur- chased by the Mifflin Fund, 1946. Account books, 1769-1826, of the sugarhouse of Edward Penington, 1726- 1796, and his son Edward, 1766-1834, and a volume, undated, of observa- tions on the making of sugar. Also included are the correspondence and busi- ness papers, 1840-1862, of John Penington, 1799-1867, a rare bookdealer, and the diary, 1827-1841, of Henry I. Baird. 1436. Pennsylvania Civil Service Reform League Papers, 1 881-1935. 4,000 items. Presented by Albert S. Faught, 1946. Correspondence, reports, etc., of a voluntary organization for strengthening civil service laws particularly in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. 1437- Pennsylvania Commandery, Naval Order of the United States Papers, 1895-1925. 2 boxes. Minute books, accounts, lists of members of the local branch of a patriotic organization. 1438. Philadelphia Board of Trade Papers, 1880-1941. Pur- chased by the Mifflin Fund, 1946. Annual reports, 1 904- 1 941, of the Board of Trade; correspondence and reports, 1880-1909, relating to the deepening of the Port of Philadelphia. 1439. Philadelphia Cricket Club Collection, 1854-1921. 2 boxes. The collection includes minutes, 1 854-1 879, of the club founded in 1854; annual reports, 1883-1921; year books, 1883-1911. There is also a little material on international cricket matches, 1868, 1872. 1440. Philadelphia Vacant Lots Cultivation Association Papers, 1895-1928. 5 vols., 1947. Scrapbooks and minute books of an organization, 1897-1928, which helped the poor to secure and cultivate gardens on the vacant lots of the city. 1441. Hannah L. Scott Papers, 1903-1909. Approx. 200 items. Presented 1946. Personal and household receipted bills of a member of a prominent Phila- delphia family. 1442. Dr. Mary H. Stillwell Collection, 1893-1933. 82 items. Presented by Dr. George C. Kuesel, in name of Dr. Mary H. Stillwell Kuesel, 1941. Correspondence of Dr. Mary H. Stillwell, a pioneer woman dentist, relating to the Association of American Women Dentists. 1 443. J. K. Stoddard Collection, 1 870-1930. Approx. 5,000 items. Gift of Mrs. J. K. Stoddard, 1941. Personal and business letters written to various members of the Newhall family of Philadelphia. 1444. Willard Papers, 1730-1880. Approx. 100 items. Presented by Dr. De Forest Willard, 1946. Legal and land papers pertaining to the Willard family of Hartford County, Connecticut. Included is a journal of the Newington School, 1828. 1445- William Hasell Wilson Family Papers, 1779-1900. Ap- prox. 40 items. Presented by Arthur Morton Wilson, 1932. Genealogical notes on the Wilson, Allston (Alston), and allied families of Charleston, South Carolina. 1446. James Hamilton Papers, 1733-1783. Approx. 60 items. Deposited by the trustees of the estate of Henry Beckett, 1908. Official papers of James Hamilton, deputy governor of Pennsylvania. They include his commissions as Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia County, and bond for the same; private account book 1768— 1782; cashbook, 1739-1757; letter book 1749-1783; daybook 1759— 1783; instructions from the proprietaries; miscellaneous papers regarding Penn- sylvania and the Penns; and some surveys. See Nos. 258 and 260. 1 447. Butler Papers, 1 771-1900. Approx. 3,000 items. Presented by Owen J. Wister, 1947. Papers of Major Pierce Butler (1774-1822), his grandson Pierce (Mease) Butler ( 1 807-1 867), husband of Fanny Kemble, and other members of the Butler family, relating principally to their Georgia plantations, rice and cotton crops, and management of slaves. Included are the regular reports of the plantation managers. 1448. Seymour Adelman Collection, 1787-1884. 12 items. Pre- sented by Seymour Adelman, 1947. Miscellaneous papers containing four letters, 1797-1800, from Rufus King to Major Lennox on assistance to American sailors stranded in England; a list of articles required to be sent to Algiers as tribute, 1799; journal of Benjamin Eakin, 1883-1884; short letters by Gen. W. H. Taylor, C. S. A., 1836; Robert E. Lee, 1864; Millard Fillmore, 1836; and James Anderson, 1849. The collection also contains prints by Felix O. C. Darley. 1449. Apprentices Library Papers, 18 13-1845. 7 boxes, 23 vols. Presented by the Apprentices Library, 1947. The business papers of the first free circulating library in America, founded in 1820. The collection includes minute books of the Board of Managers, 1834-1937, 7 vols.; minutes of the Committee on Attendance, 1830; minutes of the Committee for a Girls Library, 1 842-1 847; minutes of the Library Committee, 1858-1945; record book, 1820-1821; cash ledgers, 1925-1935; correspondence relating to the Library, bookplates, and miscellaneous papers pertaining to the Library. i45°- Richard Ashhurst Collection, i 704-1 874. Approx. 50 items and 7 vols. Presented by Richard Ashhurst, 1947. Papers of the Ashhurst and Hazlehurst families of Philadelphia and Burling- ton County, N. J. The papers are mostly personal letters, diplomas, certifi- cates, etc., but include two letters from Alexander Hamilton, 1793, and a letter from Henry Clay, 18 16. The books comprise an account and memoran- dum book, 1 850-1 873, of the Clover Hill estate at Mount Holly purchased by Lewis K. Ashhurst in 1850; receipt book of Samuel Hazlehurst, 1830- 1849; notes on sermons heard by L. K. Ashhurst, 1831-1835; private account book of Lewis K. Ashhurst, 1847-1874. 145 1. Biddle-Craig Papers, 1779-1837. Approx. 800 items. Pre- sented by Mrs. Harold Paumgarten in memory of Jane Craig Biddle and Meta Craig Biddle, 1947. Correspondence centering mainly about Mrs. John Craig, mother of Mrs. Nicholas Biddle, containing material relative to the Biddle and Craig families. 1452. Bonnaffon Papers. i vols. Purchased, 1947. Logbook of Edmund W. Bonnaffon, Paymaster, U. S. Navy, 1 896-1 897, describing life in Alaska, 1897. Register of allotments aboard the U. S. S. Massachusetts, 1903. Also included are a few invitations, clippings, and souvenirs of E. W. Bonnaffon, as well as two letters to Capt. Sylvester Bonnaffon, 3d, Pay- master, U. S. Army, 19 12. 1453. Clarence C. Brinton Collection, 1917-1919. Approx. 200 items. Presented by Clarence C. Brinton, 1947. Papers relating to the Four Minute Men of the World War, 1917-1918, an organization which provided men for theaters and other rallies to make short speeches on various designated topics concerning the war. They also partici- pated in the Liberty Loan campaigns. The collection comprises corre- spondence, 1918-1919, schedules, 1918-1919, notes on speeches and many printed releases dealing with local war activities. 1454. Cadwalader Collection, i 630-1 900. Approx. 100,000 items. Presented by the Cadwalader family at various times, the bulk of them in 1947. This collection, one of the Society's largest, is comprised mainly of the papers of various generations of the Cadwalader family and reflect their legal and military careers. The principal divisions are the papers of Gen. John Cad- walader (1742-1786), Phineas Bond (1749-18 15), Gen. Thomas Cadwalader (1779-1841), Judge John Cadwalader (1 805-1 879), Gen. George Cadwalader (1806-1879), Dr. Charles E. Cadwalader (1837-1907) and the Hon. John Cadwalader, Jr. (1843-1925). Among certain miscellaneous items not included in the above items are account books of John Moore, 1710-1717; John Kearsley, 1711-1720; John Cadwalader, 1711-1724; Patient Usher, 1737-1741; Dr. Phineas Bond, 1758-1759, 1762-1769; and Dr. Thomas Cadwalader, 1767-1768. The papers of Gen. John Cadwalader include material on the Trenton- Princeton campaign; 9 letters of George Washington, 1776-1778; Cad- walader's memorandum book, 1776-1777; letters of Thomas Wharton; documents relating to the Cadwalader-Reed controversy; James McHenry letters, 1781 ; an Alexander Hamilton letter, 1783; revolutionary matters; family papers; papers of Cadwalader Evans, 1735, and Joseph Rose, 1737; and an account book, 1773. The correspondence of Gen. Thomas Cadwalader is broad in scope and embraces letters of many prominent persons. It is rich in family letters and contains material on the Port Folio, the Assembly, clubs, etc. Included are 6 large letter books, 1812-1840. His military papers relate mainly to the War of 1812, covering the services of Philadelphia troops, August to December, 1814. In 1817 he took over the management of the Penn family affairs in America. Material collected by earlier agents was placed in his hands. This included many of William Penn's own files on the lower counties, as well as manuscripts collected later to substantiate Penn's claims. Many of the Penn family's original deeds relating to their interests in Pennsylvania are included here, as well as agreements for the Mason-Dixon surveys. The coverage of the Penn agency is very broad and fills 48 boxes. Included in it is voluminous correspondence of the Penns starting with Thomas Penn. Many drafts, surveys, and maps are in the collection. Another large category of Gen. Thomas Cadwalader's papers reflects his career as a lawyer. Richest of all the material preserved here are the George Croghan papers, 1744-1782, in 9 boxes. These papers deal with Croghan's life as Indian trader, Indian agent, and land speculator. They include a number of his journals and letters from Sir William Johnson, the Franklins, Gates, Gage, Monckton, Trent, the Whartons, Lord Dunmore and many soldiers and traders of the frontier. Many other cases dealing with the affairs of prominent persons and concerns of Gen. Cadwalader's times are included, notably those concerning the American Iron Company and the West Jersey Society. The 128 boxes of Judge John Cadwalader's papers relate principally to the law cases he handled prior to his elevation to the Bench. In addition, there is material of interest relating to President Buchanan. Present also are 23 of Judge Cadwalader's letter books, 1 830-1 859. Phineas Bond, the British Consul, is represented by 40 boxes containing much of biographical interest, revolutionary material primarily relating to the affairs of Judge William Moore of Moore Hall, as well as many law cases. Bond represented English concerns having interests in this country. Many of these cases he passed on to his nephew, Gen. Thomas Cadwalader. Gen. George Cadwalader's papers furnish information on military sub- jects, 1 834-1 865, are rich in militia affairs, include an entire box on the "Awful Riots of 1844," a day-by-day coverage of the Mexican War and much excellent Civil War material. His interests as a sportsman in yachting and duck shooting are well represented, as are his extensive farming and cattle-raising activities in Maryland. Business interests include papers relating to the Baltimore and Philadelphia Steamboat Company, 1840-1878; estate papers, many inherited from his father, Gen. Thomas Cadwalader; and railroad and mining interests. Dr. Charles E. Cadwalader's papers consist principally of extensive his- torical and genealogical notes on the Cadwalader and allied families, as well as photographs of family portraits, relatives, and family houses. This entry cancels number 1 1 1 in The Guide to The Manuscript Collections in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1455. Chew Papers. Approx. 250 items. Deposited by the Chew family, 1947. Papers relating to the boundary disputes between Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware. Included are grants by both Penn and Baltimore; instruc- tions to their agents; minute books of the Commissioners for establishing the boundaries, 1739, 1750-1751, 1760-1766, 1767-1768; weekly account of the hands employed in running the Mason-Dixon line, 1767; and account book of the Commissioners, 1764-1765. 1456. Civil War Papers. Approx. 500 items. Presented. A miscellaneous collection containing letters of Confederate soldiers, 1 box; U. S. Army papers, 2 boxes; papers of the 88th Pennsylvania Veterans Volunteer Association, 1 box; papers of the Commission for the Relief of Philadelphia Volunteers, 1 box. 1457. Ephraim Clark Collection, 1779-1886. 100 items and 17 vols. Presented by Miss Bertha Clark, 1948. Correspondence, legal papers, and account books of a Philadelphia real estate agent. A few early items relate to Bedford County. 1458. Coles Collection, 1762-1887. Approx. 600 items. Presented. by Oliver W. Robbins, 1948. Letters, documents, and business papers of Edward Coles (1786-1868), abolitionist, and second governor of Illinois. Included are letters to and from Coles, 1810-1868, containing information on the War of 1812, on Washington during Madison's administration (Coles was secretary to Madison), on Coles' business activities, 1833-1868; an autobiographical sketch; and account books, 1818-1869. Most of the letters are from members of Coles' family. There is little material on Coles' life in Illinois. 1459- George Croghan Papers, 1754-1808. Approx. 200 items. Presented by the University of Pennsylvania Library, 1947. Photostats and typescripts of letters and documents relating to Croghan's work with the Indians. 1460. Dallas Papers, 1791-1880. Approx. 1,400 items. Purchased, 1947. Correspondence of Alexander James Dallas, 180 items; and of his son, George Mifflin Dallas. Included among the latter's papers are 250 letters to his wife, 1831-1857; some 200 letters from his wife and their children; the manuscript of the life he wrote of his father; and over 750 letters received by him between 18 13 and 1864. 1461. Franklin Spencer Edmonds Collection. Approx. 60 items. Presented by Mrs. Franklin Spencer Edmonds, 1947. Papers of Franklin Spencer Edmonds (1874-1945), lawyer, educator, author, containing an essay on "Progressive Education in the Nineteenth Century," and correspondence and notes relative to his papers on Albert H. Smythe, George Davidson (1825-1911), and John G. Johnson, and material gathered for a life of Gen. U. S. Grant (published in Philadelphia, 1915). 1462. Sydney George Fisher Diaries, 1 834-1 870. 65 vols. Pre- sented by R. Sturgis Ingersoll, 1948. This voluminous record presents a valuable picture of Philadelphia social life and of the political problems of the times. Many unusually intimate side lights are given of the lives of Philadelphia's prominent citizens. Also in- cluded are diaries kept by Fisher while at his Maryland farm. 1463. Fort Necessity Papers, 1932-1943. Approx. 200 items. Gift of Mrs. Evelyn Benson and Miss Perie Abraham, 1946. Notes, pamphlets, letters and plans relating to efforts to make Fort Neces- sity a national monument. 1464. George L. Harrison Collection. 7 vols. Presented by George L. Harrison, 1946. This collection consists of four volumes entitled "Memories of Sixty Years," written by George L. Harrison (1874- ), civic leader and sportsman, and three volumes of "Extracts from the Journal of Edward Wain." The first- mentioned work is autobiographical in nature and deals mainly with hunting and shooting in western America, Canada, Mexico, Africa and Scotland. The journal of Edward Wain presents a lively picture of the life of a well- to-do man who was interested in politics and country life, 1861-1887. 1465. Henry J. P. Hobbs Collection, i 937-1 946. Approx. 300 items. Presented by Henry J. P. Hobbs, 1947. Pamphlets, letters, notes, etc., showing the activities of a civilian in England during World War II and the years immediately before and after. 1466. Joseph F. A. Jackson Papers. Approx. 1,000 items. Pre- sented by Mrs. Joseph F. A. Jackson, 1947. Manuscripts of articles and books, published and unpublished, by Joseph F. A. Jackson (1868-1946), prominent Philadelphia historian. Also included are family letters and papers. 1467. Martha Morris Laurence Collection, 1684-1759. 100 items. Deposited. Correspondence and business papers mainly of Thomas Laurence, (1689— 1754), a prominent merchant, Mayor of Philadelphia. 1468. Lumberman's Exchange Papers, 1 886-1905. 5 vols. Pur- chased by the Library Fund, 1947. Papers of a local business association containing a scrapbook of social events, 1886-1905, minute books, 1887-1891, 1893-1894, as well as the minute book, 1 893-1 894, of the Retail Lumber Merchants' Protective Asso- ciation, an organization formed to combat price cutting in the lumber trade. 1469. Lycoming Mining Co. Papers, 1891-1938. 16 vols. Presented by William W. Smith, 1947. Minute books, 1891-1938; ledgers, 1892-1938; letter books, 1893-1938, of a company owning mineral rights in Lycoming County, Pa. 1 470. John Hill Martin Papers, 1859-1886. Approx. 200 items. Presented. Correspondence relating to John Hill Martin's history of Chester and to his historical sketches of Bethlehem, Pa. See also item 1308 in the Supplement to the Guide to the Manuscript Collection in The Historical Society of Penn- sylvania, 1944. 1471. Midland Mining Co. Papers, 1 880-1939. 19 vols. Presented by William W. Smith, 1947. Letter press books, 1880-1939; geological reports, 1880-1895; and stock ledger and day book, 1892-1931, of a coal mining company located in Clinton and Centre Counties. 1472. Stephen H. Noyes Papers, 1916-1925. Approx. 300 items. Presented by Stephen B. Leece, 1947. Letters, orders, maps, photographs and instruction books showing the life of an aviator in the World War, 1917-1918. Capt. Noyes (1881-1932) was awarded the Croix de Guerre and the Distinguished Service Cross. 1473. Pennsylvania National Guard, 2oth Regiment, 1877. 1 vols. Purchased by the Library Fund, 1947. Orders, letters, and muster rolls of the 20th Regiment, P. N. G., Col. S. Bonnaffon, Jr., commanding, on strike duty at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., July 29- September 19, 1877. 1 474. Philadelphia Board of Port Wardens, 1 881-1908. Approx. 400 items. Presented, 1947. Letters, reports, etc., of the administrative body responsible for the Port of Philadelphia. Includes anchorage regulations and anchorages, harbor lines, harbor defense, depth of water in harbor, docks and wharves, obstructions in the river, etc. 1475. Philadelphia City and County Records Survey, 1938. 16 boxes. Deposited, 1947. List of the records in the various offices of the City and County of Philadel- phia prepared by the Works Progress Administration, 1938. 1476. Philadelphia Garden Club Papers, 1904-1910. 5 vols. Deposited by the Club, April 6, 1925. Charter, reports of meetings, correspondence of and papers read before a Philadelphia women's club, chartered in 1907, for the purpose of promoting an interest in gardens. 1477. Ringgold Brass Band Papers. Approx. 1 50 items. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1941. Musical scores used by a local band about 1 870-1 880. 1478. St. Davids Church Records, 1705-1921. Deposited by the Vestry of the Church, 1947. Parish records, 1705-1805; record book, 1820-1894; Rector's record, 1833— 1900; minute book, 1 894-1921; and correspondence, 1734-1905, of the historic Episcopal church at Radnor. 1479- Stage Door Canteen Papers, i 942-1 946. Approx. 2,500 items. Presented, 1947. Correspondence, work sheets, canteen operation, guest books, business books, etc., of the Philadelphia branch of the American Theater Wing of the United Service Organizations. 1480. Swift Family Papers, 1716-1857. Approx. 400 items. Pre- sented. Family and business papers of a Philadelphia and Bucks County family. Most of the letters are personal, but some show business conditions in the West Indies, 1 820-1 850. See also item 286 in The Guide to the Manuscript Collections in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 1481. United Nations Papers, 1945-1946. Approx. 100 items. Pre- sented by Dr. John G. Herndon, 1947. Papers relating to the efforts to have Philadelphia made the capital of the United Nations. 1482. United States Centennial Commission Papers, 1872. 1 vol. Presented. Letters of the Executive Commission; copies of letters written by W. P. Blake dealing mainly with the proposed sale of stock in the Exhibition of 1876. 1483. Wheatley Dramatic Association Papers, 1 860-1921. 4 vols. Presented by Arthur H. Hulfish, 1941. Programs, clippings, etc., of a Philadelphia amateur theater group, organ- ized in i860, and disbanded in 1880. Some subsequent material shows the continuing interest of E. S. Hulfish in the theater. 1484. L. H. Alden and Company Collection, 1829, 1 848-1 883. 75 vols. Purchased, 1949. These records of a leather-tanning company located at Aldenville, Wayne County, Pa., which cover the life of a one-industry town from 1850 to 1880, include store records, wage contracts and payments, factory accounts, grist mill accounts, etc. There are a few records, 1829, of the library at Windham, N. Y. 1485. Baldwin Locomotive Works Papers, 1834-1868. 175 vols. Deposited by the Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1946. This company, founded by Matthias W. Baldwin in 1831, and located in Philadelphia until 1926, is now in Eddystone, Pa. Included in these papers are letter books, 1 842-1 866; letter book of Matthias W. Baldwin, 1 837-1 839; letter books of the New York office, 1 865-1 867; letter book of Gilead A. Smith, New York office, 1861-1865; letter press book of Matthias W. Bald- win, 1834-1841; day books, 1 835-1 866; journals, 1839-1867; ledgers, 1839- 1867; cash books, 1 839-1 867; receipt book, 1 849-1 854; loans ledger, 1866- 1868; apprentices books, 1854- 1868; charge books, 1 846-1 849, 1 853-1 867; charge book for shop work, 1 858-1 859; orders book, 1 853-1 858; goods received book, 1855; extra orders book, 1854-1869; specifications' books, 1 836-1 843; John Gulliver's American Systematic Beneficial Society, 1856- 1858. The books cover every activity of the firm for the first thirty-five years of its existence. i486. Thomas P. Cope Collection, c. 1800-1925. 475 vols. Pre- sented by E. W. Evans, 1949. Business records, in a variety of forms, kept by Thomas P. Cope and Sons, Cope Brothers, Philadelphia Steam Tow Boat Company, and associated business firms; shipping business predominates. There are numerous letter books and a few miscellaneous items, including memorandum books, estate and family accounts. 1487. Rosengarten Collection, 1818-1853. 20,000 items. Pre- sented by G. D. Rosengarten, 1948. Business papers of the firm of Rosengarten and Denis, Philadelphia chem- ists. Also contains some correspondence in English and German with family and friends. [488. Grubb Papers, 1834-1869. 1,000 items. Presented by Mrs. William S. Morris, 1949. Contains papers relating to the St. Charles Furnace, 1 854-1 861 ; Henry Clay Furnace, 1 852-1 853; Manada Furnace, 1 837-1 862; and Chestnut Hill ore bank, 1 851-1865. Also included are Union Canal boat permits, 1 849-1 850, and the correspondence of Clement B. and Edward B. Grubb,' 1 834-1 869! 489. Peter Hahn Papers, 1 802-1 834. 75 items. Presented by the College of Physicians, 1948. Legal and business papers, 1 802-1 834, of Peter Hahn, Philadelphia mer- chant. Included are letters from New York and Liverpool telling of business conditions in 1829, and a few plans of properties. See also item 734. 490. Griffith Manuscripts, i 837-1 853. 150 items. This collection contains correspondence, 1 837-1 853, addressed to Joseph D. Murray, postmaster at New Hope, Pa., and to his son Thomas. The letters deal with business affairs, particularly the lumber trade. Included also are about 100 bills of lading of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany, White Haven, 1838. I49 1 - Great Britain: Board of Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, 1771-1772. 10 items, photostat. These manuscripts, entitled "Imports Into and Exports From the Several Ports in North America," list the quantities of different commodities shipped by and into various American ports. 1492. Charles D. Barney and Company, i 933-1934. 100 items. Form letters sent out by a New York stock brokerage firm advising investors and commenting on political and market trends. 1493. Alexander Lardner Account Books, 1 830-1 847. 9 vols. Accounts of a Philadelphia stock broker. 1494. Yeates-Burd Collection, 1733-1894. 1,000 items. Presented by Mrs. T. Duncan Whelen. Business and social correspondence, financial accounts, and miscellaneous papers of the Yeates, Burd, and allied families. 1495. Point No Point Land Title Papers, 1726-1873. 50 items. Deeds and briefs of title to land situated at Point No Point in the 45th Ward, Philadelphia. 1496. Queens County, New York, Loan Office Record Book, 1770-1778. 1 vol. Records of loans on real estate. 1497. Briefs of Title, 1 820-1900. 1,000 items, 8 vols., 2 indexes. Presented by Cornelius Stevenson, 1921. A collection of papers tracing the titles of various pieces of real estate in Philadelphia, 1 820-1900. 1498. Howell-Harmstead Collection, 1671-1828. 75 items. Pre- sented by John Howell and John S. Harmstead, 1948. Deeds, orders for surveys, etc., originating in the Fairman family of Phila- delphia. Many of the orders for surveys are signed by Thomas Holme. 1499. Waldron J. Cheyney Papers, i 853-1906. 56 items and 1 box. Purchased, 1948. Waldron J. Cheyney (1 831-1906) served as Secretary of the Board of Awards, Centennial Exposition. He was also interested in lands in New- Jersey and in mining ventures in Georgia and California. These papers deal mainly with the California mines. 1500. Thomas I. and Henry Wharton Papers, 1 825-1 875. 20,000 items. Presented by the Wharton family, 1946. Legal papers and correspondence of Thomas I. Wharton (1791-1856) and Henry Wharton (1 827-1 880), Philadelphia attorneys. Also contains miscel- laneous memorandum books and documents. 1501. Lucien H. Alexander Papers, 1899-1911. 300 items. Pre- sented by Dr. John Alexander and Miss Helen Alexander through the Clements Library, 1937. The papers of a controversy between Lucien H. Alexander (b. 1866), Phila- delphia lawyer and member of :he James Wilson Memorial Committee, and Burton Alva Konkle (1861-1944), historian and secretary of the Committee which originated the idea of bringing the remains of James Wilson from North Carolina to Philadelphia in 1906. There is also material on an attempt by Mr. Alexander to publish a commemorative volume. 1502. Isaac Fox, i 863-1 869. 50 items and 3 vols. Presented. This collection contains the diaries, 1 863-1 864, of Sergeant Isaac Fox, Company F, 114th Pennsylvania Volunteers, who was killed before Peters- burg, Va., April 2, 1865. Also included are letters written to his family by Sergeant Fox, 1 862-1 865; the discharges of his brothers Charles and William; a poem upon the death of Sergeant Fox; two Civil War song sheets and a copy of a Southern song. 1503. John Irwin Diaries, 1 863-1 865. 3 vols. Presented by Mrs. J. P. Orlady, 1948. These diaries, January 1, 1863, to August 6, 1865, of Lieutenant Colonel John Irwin of the 149th Pennsylvania Volunteers, tell of his experiences in most of the battles of the Army of the Potomac from Chancellorsville to Petersburg. 1504. Mrs. Henry S. Dotterer Collection, c. 1900. 20 items. Presented by Mrs. Henry S. Dotterer, 1947. Notes and a few manuscripts of papers written by Henry S. Dotterer (1841- 1903), pertaining to the Pennsylvania Germans, the Reformed Church, and Montgomery County, Pa. 1505. Horace Binney Papers, ii vols. Presented by Horace Bin- ney Montgomery, 1949. Includes a journal kept by Horace Binney (1780-1875), American lawyer and legal writer, on a trip to Europe, 1 836-1 837, 7 vols.; a commonplace book written by Binney for his daughter, Susan, dated October 23, 1858, 1 vol.; and the Autobiography of Horace Binney y 1780-1868, 2 vols.; together with essays by Horace Binney and some notes on the Binney family. 1506. Henry F. Pommer Collection, 1 800-1900. 100 items. Presented. Contains business papers, legal records, and memoranda relating to the Pommer family. 1507. Pleasants Manuscripts, 1 689-1 843. 100 items. Presented. This collection is comprised mainly of deeds and agreements to sell lands in western Pennsylvania to Samuel Pleasants (1737-1807), Charles Pleasants (1772-1827), and Charles E. Pleasants (1 808-1 866). Included are a few letters written to Charles E. Pleasants concerning a law suit with a Colonel Love of Tennessee. 1508. Henry Pleasants, Jr., Collection, 1693-1825. 125 items. Presented by Dr. and Mrs. Henry Pleasants, Jr., Henry Pleasants, 3d, William Wilkins Pleasants, Howard Spencer Pleasants, Richard Rundle Pleasants, Mrs. Nathaniel Bowditch, Dallas Franklin Pleasants, Ann Franklin Pleas- ants, 1948. Contains Captain Thomas Mason's (1736-1796) account of a voyage to Europe to secure arms for the colonies, 177 5-1776, and papers relating to his disputes, 1776-1784, with Robert Morris and Jacob Winey, his partners, over the proceeds of the voyage. Four letters, 1775— 1783, written by Thomas Shirley of London give the viewpoint of a moderate Englishman on the American Revolution. The collection includes also 3 commonplace books, 1789-1816, of Israel Pleasants, containing notes on insurance and other mercantile enterprises, and miscellaneous manuscripts of Thomas and John Mason, 1 693-1 825. 1509. Meredith Papers, 1760-1888. 50,000 items and 150 vols. Presented by Samuel W. Woodhouse, 1940. This collection covers the activities of four generations of a branch of the Meredith family, founded in the United States by Jonathan Meredith (1740-1811), wealthy leather manufacturer and exporter. Among other members and members of allied families and associates of note in the collec- tion are: David Meredith {b. 1771), who inherited and lost the bulk of his father's fortune; William Meredith (1772-1844), Philadelphia lawyer and banker; Gertrude Gouverneur (Ogden) Meredith (1777-1828), wife of Wil- liam Meredith, who was active in the Tuesday Club, 1 801-18 12, a coterie of Philadelphia wits; William M. Meredith (1799-1873), noted lawyer and politician, Secretary of the United States Treasury, 1849-1850; Sullivan Amory Meredith (1816-1874), soldier and general in the Civil War; David B. Ogden (1775-1849), noted lawyer and Federalist; Joseph Dennie (1768- 1812), called "The American Addison," founder and editor of The Port Folio. The correspondence, 1765—1888, has for its main subjects: politics, law, legislation, war, banking, land, society, and the arts. Among the important names and topics in the correspondence not already mentioned: Governor A. G. Curtin, Zachary Taylor, Commodore Charles Stewart, Dr. James Abercrombie, Hamilton-Burr Duel, Federalist Party, War of 1812, Civil War, French Revolution, Negro insurrection and slavery. The bound volumes include: Joseph Anthony's account, bank, and memorandum books, 1760-1787; Baker and Ferrand's receipt book, 1812-1824; Baltimore Mail Coach Book, 1823-1824; John Dubarry's receipt book, 1806-1815; Haw- thorne and Kerr, merchants, account books, 1793-1801, and letter books, 1785-1799; Thomas Hawthorne's invoice book, 1805-1807; James Haw- thorne's waste book, 1793-1797; David Meredith's letter book, 1806-1816, account books, 1787-1790, bank books, 1808-1818; Jonathan Meredith's 50 account books, 1772-1804, letter book, 1799-1811; William Meredith's court books, 1797-1828, 20 letter books, 1798-1836; William M. Meredith's court book, 1814-1832, account book and memo, 1818-1821, memorandum book, 1800-1813, diary, 1817-1825; William Morris Meredith's letter and commonplace book, 1 864-1 865. Among the other account books are those of R. Littlewood, J. Lupton, Justin Smith, McCarney and Sterrit, Stockton and Howell. There are 1 1 boxes of accounts, 1760-1884, including some accounts of The Port Folio. There are 65 boxes of miscellaneous legal material, including some material on the famous Stephen Girard case, correspondence, abstracts, briefs, resolu- tions and wills, deeds, mortgages, leases, court summonses, jury lists, etc. There are 10 boxes of estate papers, including the family names of Anthony, Bond, Carey, Morris, Ogden, Robinson, Stockton, Wescott and Wurts; business pertaining to lands, c. 1780-1840, chiefly located in Pennsylvania, but also a few referring to Virginia, New Jersey, and New York; the holdings on shipping include records of voyages, correspondence, cargoes, prices cur- rent, insurance and other legal papers, and various business statements. The collection also contains limited amounts of material on a variety of subjects, including banks, canals, railroads, coal, charities, prisons, educa- tion, poetry, theatres, clubs, and societies. 1 510. William Smith Papers, 1 690-1 869. 6 vols. Deposited by Dr. John H. Brinton. Manuscripts and printed writings of the Rev. William Smith, D. D. (1727- 1803), American clergyman and educator, first provost of the University of Pennsylvania. Many pamphlets and newspaper articles on politics, educa- tion, religion and other subjects are included, as well as letters, 1759-1829, and the Thomas Penn-Richard Peters-William Smith correspondence, 1753— 1791. The collection also contains diplomas and clerical licenses of Dr. Smith; the original draft of a diploma granted George Washington; a memoir of Dr. Smith by C. J. Stille; and the minute book of the German Free School, 1755. 151 1. James Trimble Papers, 1791-1833. 32 items. James Trimble (1755— 1836) was the first Deputy Secretary of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, serving from 1777 to 1836. These papers include his commissions as Deputy Secretary, 1791— 1833; a few personal papers and family letters; and a plan of the town of Shenango, 1808. See also item 670. 1 512. John Martin Broomall Correspondence, 1 867-1 868. 300 items. Purchased, 1948. Letters taken from a book of John Martin Broomall (18 16-1894), Represent- ative in Congress from Delaware County, Pa., 1 863-1 869. Most of the cor- respondence deals with the routine work of a Congressman, but some letters concerning conditions in the southern states during Reconstruction are in- cluded. 1 513. Alban W. Hoopes Collection, 1 808-1948. 300 items. Pre- sented by Alban W. Hoopes, 1 947-1 948. A collection of the family papers of Alban W. Hoopes (1904- ), teacher and author of articles on the history of the American Indians. It includes typescripts of articles and book reviews, as well as family and business letters, 1 939-1 948. Some business and personal papers, 1 860-1905, of Azariah Hoopes, Philadelphia businessman, are in the collection. 1 514. Louisa, Caroline, and Elizabeth Gratz Estate, 1825- 1891. 50 items. Presented. These papers relate to their real estate and personal property, and contain some correspondence on Judaism and the Mikveh Israel Synagogue. 1 51 5. A. Lewis Smith Papers, 1 846-1913. 115 items. Purchased. Correspondence of A. Lewis Smith (1831-1914)^ prominent attorney, which covers his activities as the first president of the Delaware County Historical Society and as a member of Alumni Society of the University of Pennsyl- vania. There are also a few personal letters. 1516. Cresson Papers, 1828-1920. 5,000 items. Purchased, 1948. Business and social correspondence of Caleb Cresson {b. 1839), William Penn Cresson (1 8 14-1 892), Francis Macomb Cresson {b. 1867), George Vaux Cresson (1836-1908), and other members of the Cresson family of Phila- delphia; accounts and other papers relative to St. Philip's Church and the Church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia; St. Paul's Church, Oaks, Pa.; and churches at Claymont and in Brandywine Hundred, Del., are included. The collection also contains several boxes of miscellaneous family photographs, mementos, etc. 1517. St. Andrews Church Papers, 1800-1905. 1,000 items. Correspondence and bills, 1 831-1902; miscellaneous legal papers, including many deeds of the church; scrapbook and journal of the Rev. E. D. Saunders (1808-1872), with some records of his military school, 1852-1870, in West Philadelphia. 1 51 8. First Reformed Dutch Church Records. 500 items. Pur- chased, 1948. These records contain the minutes of the Sabbath School Association, 1859- 1885, 1 vols., and minutes of the Sunday School, 1845—1856, 1861-1863 (the first are the minutes of the organization of officers and teachers in the Sunday School; the second contain records of the numbers attending and other notes on the services); Sunday School receiving books, 1 844-1 862, containing names and addresses of the pupils, and frequently noting the name and occupation of the father; Young Peoples Missionary Society minutes, 1883-1885; list of girl pupils, no date; superintendent's attendance records and Sunday School minute book, 1 872-1 873; miscellaneous orders, bills, and receipts, 1877—1895, for the upkeep of the church, etc.; Crown Street Sabbath School Missionary Society minutes, 1 838-1 842; accounts, 1 837-1 849. 1 519. Mrs. Horace H. Burrell Collection, 1 928-1943. 100 items. Presented. This collection contains letters, notes, and pamphlets, gathered in prepara- tion for an address on the history of the American flag. Some material on the flags and seals of the original thirteen states is also included. 1520. R. Laird McCormic Diaries, i 859-1 866. 5 vols. Presented by W. L. McCormick, 1948. These diaries were begun by R. Laird McCormic in 1859, when he was twelve years of age. Although fragmentary for the period 1859-1862, the life of a boy in Clinton County, Pa., is well depicted. The last volume covers the years 1 865-1 866, and describes the activities of Saunders Institute, a boys' school in Philadelphia, and of other schools in the state. 1 521. Nazareth Hall School for Boys Account Books, 1786— 1850. 113 vols. Purchased by the Dreer Fund, 1948. This collection shows the income and expenses of a well-known school for boys, founded in 1755, and conducted by the Moravians. Among the vol- umes are the general account books, 1786-1846; cash books, 1788-1845; journals, 1799-1820; waste book, 1788-1796; pay book, 1 823-1 850. The collection also contains items of a more unusual type: linen-mending book, 1839-1848; pocket money for students, 1 827-1 841; clothing repairs, 1840- 1850; clothing and washing, wash-house book, 1841-1848. The remainder of the collection consists of rosters of pupils, 1814-1819; private lessons, 1832- 1842; annuities, pensions, and salaries, 1799-1853; quarterly disbursements, 1793-18 10; Inspectresses' house store books, 1 839-1 844; bills and drafts, 1822-1829. 1522. Friends Library Association of West Chester. 150 items. Purchased, 1946. Bills and receipts for books purchased and services rendered, 1 880-1 896. 1523. Indian Rights Association, 1 883-1937. 25,000 items. Pre- sented by the Indian Rights Association. The Indian Rights Association was formed in 1882 in Philadelphia with the object of producing such public feeling and Congressional action as to secure civil rights and education for the Indians, and eventually to bring about their admission as citizens. These papers which include correspondence, 1883— 1937, letter books, 1 886-1932, and many of the financial records of the organization, show the sufferings of and injustices done to the various tribes, the efforts to relieve them, and the gradual change in the attitude of the white men toward the Indians. See also the Herbert Welsh Collection, item 702. 1524. Lotus Club Minute Book, 1 873-1 879. 1 vol. Purchased, 1948. Minutes of a social and political club, which became the Union Republican Club of the 19th Ward, Philadelphia, in 1878. 1525. Malta Boat Club Papers, 1870-1912. 3,000 items. Pur- chased, 1948. The papers of a Philadelphia athletic and social club founded in 1870. The collection includes financial accounts, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers, together with a series of lectures on banking. 1526. Ocean City Fishing Club Minute Books, 1913-1928. 4 vols. Presented by Dr. W. M. Miller, 1946. Records of a club, established in 1913, devoted to salt water angling. See also item 756. 1527. Isaac Franks Account Book, 1819-1824. 1 vol. Colonel Isaac Franks {d. March 3, 1822) served as prothonotary of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 1819-1822. This book lists the sums owed him by various lawyers for services rendered in his official capacity, some of which were paid after his death. 1528. George V. Z. Long Collection, 1918-1919. 3 items. De- posited by George V. Z. Long, 1936. A diary telling of the experiences of George V. Z. Long as Y.M.C.A. secre- tary with the 89th Division, A.E.F., in France, 1918; and two letters praising Mr. Long's efforts. 1529. John Welsh Collection, 1 837-1 878. 1,500 items. Presented by Edward Lowber Stokes, 1946. Correspondence of John Welsh (1805-1886), Philadelphia philanthropist, covering his service as Ambassador to England, 1 877-1 879, and as President of the Centennial Exposition in 1876. There is some correspondence of John Welsh, Jr. 1530. Paschall Collection, 1705-1770. 6 vols. Presented by Ellison J. Morris, 1944. The commonplace book of John Paschall consisting mainly of notes from the alchemic and philosophical writings of Thomas Vaughan (1622-1666); iron account book, of Stephen Paschall, 173 5-1756; malt and barley book of Thomas Paschall, 1705-1711, 1713-1728. 1 53 1. Willing Papers, 1761-1866. 1,000 items. Presented by Horace Hare, 1947. The papers of a family long known in Philadelphia. The collection includes papers of Thomas Willing (1731-1821), Philadelphia lawyer, merchant, and partner of Robert Morris. Some papers in this group are of Revolutionary War interest, especially Willing's own statement of his part in transmitting General Howe's peace offer to Congress in 1778. The collection also contains correspondence and personal papers of Richard Willing (1775-1858), Dr. Charles Willing (1806-1887), and of other members of the Willing family. Some correspondence of the Cramond family, 18 16-1839, and of the Rev. Nicholas Powers Tillinghast, 1 837-1 866, is also included. 1532. Dudley Papers, 1854-1911. 2,000 items. Purchased by the Mifflin Fund, 1948. Correspondence and legal papers of Thomas H. Dudley (1819—1893), Ed- ward Dudley {b. 1849), and Israel Roberts (b. 1858), Camden, N. J., attorneys. 1533. Oxford Horse Company, i vol. Presented by Francis R. Taylor, 1948. Minute book, 1854-1916, of a company organized to apprehend horse thieves. See also item 1334. 1534. World War II Collection, i 939-1 945. 30,000 items. Pre- sented. Reports of various governmental agencies, such as OPA, USO, OWI, related and independent agencies; committee publications on defense; broadsides; posters and other forms of propaganda and publicity; speeches by representatives of private institutions and governmental groups; informa- tion on international forces and procedures, civilian control measures, scientific developments, uniforms and services, postwar activities, related militant influences and organizations. 1535. A. Margaretta Archambault Collection, 1 876-1945. 1,000 items. Presented by Miss A. M. Archambault, 1946. Personal correspondence of A. Margaretta Archambault, American portrait painter, miniaturist, and author. See also item 11. 1536. Septimus Winner Collection, i 845-1 902. 41 vols. Pre- sented by Charles Eugene and Donald Claghorn, 1946. Diaries, letters, and music notebooks of Septimus Winner (1 827-1902), American composer. Original manuscript of Listen to the Mocking Bird; catalogue of music for piano and organ, 1894; music for violin; Hannah Winner's illustrated volume of songs with music by Alice Hawthorne, a pseudomym of Septimus Winner. 1537. Anne Hollingsworth Wharton Papers, 1 852-1926. 80,000 items. Presented by Anne Hollingsworth Wharton. This collection includes many manuscript writings and historical notes of Anne Hollingsworth Wharton (1 845-1928), American author, widely known for her books on colonial customs and society. It contains a considerable amount of biographical material, reproductions of portraits, and newspaper articles on persons and places of the colonial period. 1538. Nicholas Biddle. 500 pages. Presented by Nicholas Biddle and Charles J. Biddle, 1948. The unpublished manuscript of a life of Nicholas Biddle (1786-1844), writ- ten by Burton Alva Konkle in 1928. 1539. William M. Bunting Manuscript, i vol. Presented. Typed manuscript of a "novel," Sowing and Reaping, the scene of which is laid in Philadelphia about 1880. 1540. Collection of Business, Professional, and Personal Account Books, 1734-1936. 150 vols. Records of miscel- laneous business enterprises: William A. Armstrong, Philadelphia stone contractor, account book, 1867— 1875. Arthur and Hughes, Philadelphia commission merchants, letter book, 1865- 1867; with Holbrook and Hughes, 1 863-1 866. Baker, Pennell and Blanchard and Marsh, Media, Pa., merchants, account book, 1 844-1 858. S. Morris and Isaac L. Bartram, Philadelphia and Delaware County cloth merchants, receipts, 1 866-1 870; farm diary and accounts, 1 879-1 888. Amos W. Bertolet, Norristown, Pa., liquor merchant, account book, 1839- 1861. S. A. Black, Philadelphia building contractor, Mrs. E. C. Black, and the Misses Black, Bryn Mawr, personal accounts, receipt book, 1856-1920; ledger, 1 873-1 890. John Bonsall, Philadelphia real estate conveyancer, daybook, 181 5-183 1. Thomas Borbridge and Company, Philadelphia, 1 821-1829, and Borbridge and James Donley, 1 822-1 829, receipt book. H. Burr, Vincentown, N. J., general store, daybook, 1 835-1 839. John and Peter Chevalier, Philadelphia and China merchants of rugs, blankets, dry goods and general merchandise, daybook, 1760-1766. Clark and Raser, Philadelphia printers and book sellers, ledgers, sales books, order books, cash books, bill books, etc., 1817-1840, 14 vols. William Clarkson, Philadelphia general merchandise, ledger, 1767-1791. Mary Coates, Philadelphia, personal receipt book, 1760-1770. Lemuel S. Connelly, Philadelphia ship captain, cash book, 1 851-1858. Daniel W. Coxe, Bloomsbury, now part of Trenton, N. J., merchant, account books, 1815-1849; Bloomsbury Mill, sale of lots, 1815-1836; cash book, 1816-1836; receipt book, 1821-1849; Mrs. Daniel W. Coxe, cash book and medicinal recipes, 18 17-1832. Albert Cummings, Philadelphia undertaker, account books, 1891-1931, 5 vols. Augustus F. Daix, Jr., Philadelphia attorney, letter press book, 1907-1909. Dobbins Soap Manufacturing Company, Camden, N. J., minute book, 1892- 1936; appraisal book, 1929. William and Thomas Evans, Philadelphia publishers, receipt book, 1836- 1857. William Evans, Philadelphia druggist, receipt book, 1 828-1 840; receipt book, 1840-1850; receipt book, 18 18-1828; Thomas Evans and Company, 1 836-1 841; Jonathan Evans, 1 839-1 841 ; William Evans, 1 851-1868. Everett, Hicks, and Caldwell, Philadelphia merchants, receipt book, 1858- 1861. John and Jacob Fitzwater, Fitzwatertown, Pa., lime-makers and general store, daybooks, ledger, diary and mathematics book, 18 13-1860, 5 vols. Richard T. Footman, Savannah, Ga., general merchandise, letter book, 1791-1793. F. W. Frazier, Philadelphia real estate, account book, 1 842-1 850. Nalbro Frazier, Philadelphia insurance, cash book, 1805-18 11. Henry Green, expense book, 1859-1860; daybook, 1 885—1887- Joshua Haines, Philadelphia importer, account book, 1796. John Hill and Samuel Hill, Philadelphia rental agents, receipt book, 1835- 1908. I ^40. Charles Hillman and Company, Philadelphia shipbuilders, contract and specification book, 1 888-1 896; with Vaughan and Lyman, shipbuilders, 1853- Holbrook and Hughes, Philadelphia commission merchants, letter book, 1 863-1 866; with Arthur and Hughes, 1 865-1 867. A. Howell, Philadelphia currier, account book, 1791-1799. Arnold Hudson, inn [?], account book, 1765-1780. Robert Jenkins and Son, Lancaster County, Windsor Forge ledger, 1830- 1839; Windsor Forge cash book, 1 834-1 837. Melchior and John Larer, Philadelphia brewers, receipt book, 1815-1820. S. D. Linvill, Chatham, Chester County, farmer, summer boarding-house keeper, receipt book, 1 885-1 886. Richard Mason and Parnell Gibbs, Philadelphia fire engine and fire bucket makers, daybook, 1784-1788; with Isaac Heston and Parnell Gibbs, painters and glaziers, daybook, 1795-1797; and Isaac Heston, sign painter, daybook, 1800-1811. Alexander McCalla, Philadelphia innkeeper, daybook, 1814. John McCally, Philadelphia merchant, account books, 1 805-1 825. Abraham Mitchell and Company, New York liquor merchant, daybook, 1 844-1 858. Luke W. Morris, Philadelphia brewer, receipt book, 1799; receipts for goods and services furnished the Orphan's Home, 1799. Henry O'Neil, Sylvan Hill Book, personal, 1 846-1 848; account book of wages due him for various odd jobs, sums owed by him. Joseph Pryor, Philadelphia grocer, journal, 1796-1805. S. S. and A. Rex, Scheafferstown, Pa., general store, account book, 1834- 1835- Joseph Richardson, Philadelphia gold and silver smith, ledger, 1734-1740. Joseph Richardson, Jr., Philadelphia gold and silver smith, daybook, 1796- 1801; ledger, 1796-1801. R. M. Root, Pottstown, Pa., men's clothing, account book, 1880-1899. Lewis A. Scott, Philadelphia attorney, 3 account books, 1840-1847. William Sharswood, Philadelphia brewer, journal, 1811-1812. Thomas C. Simpson, Norristown, Pa., personal cash book, 1 865-1 867. Steel and Smith, Willistown, Chester County, millers, ledger, 1818-1823. John Stock, Philadelphia painter, receipt book, 1784-1823; receipt book of his estate, 1 823-1 841. John Super, Philadelphia blacksmith, 1828-1831. William P. Thompson, ledger of wages of drivers, western roads, 1831-1835. William T. Trumbauer, Locust Valley, Pa., general merchandise, daybook, 1857-1858. Vaughan and Lyman, Philadelphia shipbuilders, contract and specification book, 1853; with Charles Hillman and Company, 1888-1896. Gottlieb Vollmer, Philadelphia housefurnishings, ledger, 1 863-1 866; jour- nal, 1 867-1 869. William Wescoat, general merchandise, ledger, 1 827-1 829; ledger, 1828- 1829. Whitaker and Stickel, Philadelphia publisher, journal, 1 863-1 881. Isaac S. Williams and Company, Philadelphia housefurnishings, receipt book, 1 883-1 890. Accounts of unidentified enterprises: Innkeeper, ledger, 1735-1752; Philadelphia merchant and importer, ledger, 1745-175 1 ; general merchandise and groceries, ledger, 1763—1766; prize money, ledger, 1782; tobacco, ledger, 1787-1789; Philadelphia plasterer, daybook, 1812-1818; ledger, 1821-1826; general store, ledger, 1822-1827; Cape May store, accounts, 1830-1853; Macao tea merchant, tea-weighing book, factory expenses, 1 839-1 840, measuring book, 3 volumes; coal, ledger, 1841-1845; Norristown, Pa., drug store, daybook, 1850-1851; Philadelphia shoemaker, ledger, 1852-1860; personal cash book, 1857-1858; Upper Providence, Pa., general store, sales book, 1860-1861; ledger, 1861-1885; sales of books, 1 869-1 870. Physicians' records and medicinal recipes: Mrs. Joseph Sarber, Falls of Schuylkill, Pa., midwife, memorandum book of cases, 1 8 14-183 1. Periodicals, subscription books, etc.: Germantown Telegraph, journal, 1 861—1869- Mirror of Taste and Dramatic Censor, Philadelphia, subscription book, 1810- 18 12, published by T. B. Zantzinger and Company. Banks and banking, account books: Commercial Banker's Accounts, Philadelphia, 1859-1860, 1859-1861. Philadelphia National Bank, signature book, 1856-1868. Towanda Bank, Towanda, Pa., daybook, 1 841-1842. Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank, bank book of deposits, 1 841-1846. Transportation: Telegraph line of coaches, Philadelphia to Reading and Pottsville, waybook, 1830. Swift Sure Line Mail Stage, account book of a stagecoach line, 1811-1814. Union Transportation Line, Philadelphia-New York, way bills, 1824-1825. Western Transportation Line, shipments between Philadelphia and Balti- more, 1827-1828. Philadelphia and Lancaster Stage, daybook, 1792-1800, 2 volumes. Columbia Transportation Line, Philadelphia to New York, daybook of shipments, 1 823-1 824. Estate administration accounts: George Emlen estate, Philadelphia, personal account book, 1784-1811. Bloomfield H. Moore estate, Philadelphia, Mrs. Clara J. Moore and Clarence B. Moore, Executors, account books, 1 879-1 894. David Bentley estate, Philadelphia, rent book, 1 857-1 877. 1541. J. Hampton Moore Papers, 1 884-1949. 20,000 items. Pre- sented by the Honorable J. Hampton Moore, 1 944-1 949. This collection, containing the personal papers of J. Hampton Moore (1864- ), one of the civic and political leaders of twentieth-century Philadelphia, falls into five sections, each covering a phase of Mr. Moore's career. The earliest papers, 1884 to about 1900, pertain to his early life and his start in politics. Many clippings and letters reveal the activities of a reporter and editorial writer, 1 884-1 894. Some material on the Johnstown flood, 1889, is also included. For the period from 1894 to 1906, there is considerable in- formation on local politics. The second group of papers, during the period when Mr. Moore was a Representative from Philadelphia in the United States Congress, 1 906-1 920, is voluminous and reveals the activities of a hard-working and influential big city representative. They disclose the pressures exerted by various economic, social, religious, cultural and national groups in reference to proposed legisla- tion. There is much relating to World War I, 1914-1918. The third group pertains to Mr. Moore's career in local politics. Corre- spondence, reports, and clippings relate to his two terms as Mayor, 1920- 1924, and 1932-1936. Some correspondence and clippings, 1920-1949, refer to other political and local affairs. Another section of the collection deals with Mr. Moore's activities in social and political clubs. The Five O'Clock Club, a well-known dining club organized in 1883, is represented by correspondence, notes, and invitations, 1 890-1930. Correspondence, 1900-1912, of the National League of Republi- can Clubs is also contained in this group. The last major group of papers is that of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association. Mr. Moore was president of this group from its organization in 1907 to 1948. Correspondence, clippings, pamphlets, etc., relate to the efforts to construct a deep-channel, protected waterway from Boston to Miami. See also item 941. 1542. Mrs. Irvin H. McKesson Collection, 1 828-1 885. 44 vols. Presented by Mrs. Irvin H. McKesson, 1948. A collection of records of Philadelphia businessmen comprising the following: Laura H. Dade, personal cash book, 1881-1885; Richard Griffith, personal daybook, 1869, journal, 1 831-1834, and hardware journal, 1 838-1 839; Richard H. Griffith, personal records, cash books, 1 876-1 883, journals, 1 876-1 88 1, and ledgers, 1 876-1 884. His diary, January 1, 1862, to September 3, 1862, tells of his experiences in the Army during the Civil War. Samuel J. Henderson, attorney, ledgers, 1 828-1 850, cash books, 1830-1849, docket, 1828-1850, letter book, 1827-1848, accounts for Miss Sarah Hender- son, 1 844-1 849; Sarah Harris, scrapbook, 1825; Richardson & Wright, dry goods, sales book, 1834-1835; estate of George Trout, John Grace and Jeremiah Trout, executors, 1 831-1842; A. P. Wright, dry goods, sales book, 1835-1837, ledger, 1 835-1 840. 1 543. Bank of North America, 1780-1923. 620 vols., 85 pamphlets, 638 documents, 385 pictures, 3 bundles of checks, 1 folder of currency. Deposited by The Pennsylvania Company. Records of the Bank of North America, the first chartered bank in the United States, chartered by the Second Continental Congress in 1781. It was established primarily to aid Congress in providing supplies and money for the prosecution of the Revolutionary War. In 1916 the bank bought the assets of the National Bank of the Northern Liberties; in 1923 it merged with the Commercial Trust Company to form the Bank of North America and Trust Company; six years later, the merged institution was itself absorbed by The Pennsylvania Company. Minute books and letter books: 24 volumes and 2 pamphlets, June 29, 1780, to February 21, 1923. The minute books which are complete from the very beginning of the bank until its merger with the Commercial Trust Company, contain brief records of the meetings of the Board of Directors and occa- sionally of the meetings of stockholders. The most interesting of the documents is a long report from the Joint Com- mittee of the Philadelphia banks, April 13, 1816, recommending that specie payments be resumed as soon as the Bank of the United States commenced giving discounts, that each bank pay out its own notes only (except those for less than $10), and that the banks refrain from an immediate reduction of discounts. The documents are usually formal bank communications, memoranda, announcements, copies of letters, financial statements, and the like. The pictures mainly include photographs and engravings of bank people. There are also a few caricatures and silhouettes. In addition there are numerous prints and engravings of Robert Morris and the first seven presidents of the bank: Thomas Willing, John Nixon, John Morton, Henry Nixon, John Richardson, James Dixon and Thomas Smith. The miscellaneous items include: a volume containing the deeds of sundry lands contracted for in 1793 and 1794 by Robert Morris, John Nicholson, and James Greenleaf, totaling over 3,50x3,000 acres in Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia and Kentucky, at an average price of over a shilling an acre; a letter book of John Nixon, Philadelphia merchant; check books and bank books; scrapbook, 1904-1920, of antiquarian interest; unclassified books and pamphlets on finance; and an extra-illustrated, three-volume folio edition of Lawrence Lewis' History of the Bank of North America. 1544. Centennial Exposition Papers, 1876. 3,000 items, 12 vols. This is a collection of material pertaining to the Centennial Exposition held in Philadelphia in 1876. The papers include 5 volumes entitled "Documen- tary Record of the Centennial Celebration," containing papers preserved in the Office of the Director General, 1 879. These volumes include publications, form letters, photographs, invitations and programs. There are also 4 vol- umes of plans of the buildings; a large number of cards of visitors; stereo- scopic views; papers concerning the sale of the buildings; broadsides and photographs. 1545. City National Bank Collection, 18 57-1 900. 2 vols. Pre- sented by the Free Library of Philadelphia, 1947. These records of the City National Bank (1 855-1900) of Philadelphia com- prise a signature book, 1870-1900, containing the signatures of depositors, and a stock transfer book, 1 857-1 900, recording the transfers of the bank stock. 1546. Civil War Papers, 1 861-1865. 1,000 items. Presented. This collection contains miscellaneous records of the Civil War. Among them are records of the 2nd Regiment, Eastern Shore Maryland Volunteers, 1862- 1864. These include certificates of enlistment, 1862; lists of recruits, 1862; orders and letters, 1862; and muster rolls, 1864. Another part of the collection contains papers pertaining to the Confederacy, including Post Office forms; oaths of allegiance; bonds; currency and finan- cial papers; conscription and enlistments; and discharges, 1 861-1865. The remainder of the papers deal mostly with the northern side of the war. There are pledges of allegiance, 1861; patriotic envelopes, poetry, and presi- dential pardons; a report of a visit to camps and hospitals and some papers of the Great Central Fair, Philadelphia, reflect the humanitarian side of the war. Philadelphia is represented by certificates and bills of the Sixth Ward Bounty Fund, and a list of men enrolled to form two companies of the Washington Grays for the 17th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861. Of Pennsylvania interest are the general orders of the militia, 1861-1865; the military papers, 1 861-1865, of Captain Louis Voltaire, 98th Pennsyl- vania Volunteers; muster rolls, 96th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1 861-1864; a manuscript history of the 104th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, by Colonel W. H. H. Davis, 1866; letters, 1 862-1 864, from Lieutenant, later Captain, A. A. Jones of the 88th Pennsylvania Volunteers to John Jordon; miscellaneous papers relating to the 104th Regiment, Penn- sylvania Volunteers; and consolidated morning reports, 1 861-1864, of Captain Charlemagne Tower's Company, 6th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. The collection also includes a group of letters, 1 861-1862, from W. H. Manley of Baxter's Fire Zouaves to J. Crooks Keenan, of Ellwood, N. J.; enrollment of militia, Middle Ward, Camden, N. J., 1862; Massachusetts militia, general orders, 1 861—1863; letters between General Robert Patterson (1792-188 1 ) and General Winfield Scott (1786-1866) relative to the Valley Campaign of 1861 ; lists of men entitled to bounty, 1862-1864; Marine Corps enlistment certificates, 1862-1863; letters written by soldiers, 1862; official report of the engagement at Oak Hill, Mo., by Colonel James Hebert, 3rd Louisiana Regiment; volunteer certificates, 1864; minutes, 1865, of the Lincoln Monument Association of the 15th Ward, Philadelphia; and minutes and correspondence of the Reynolds' Monument Committee, 1 864-1 878. 1547. Sesqui-Centennial Papers, 1926. 100 items. A small collection of booklets, advertising matter, invitations, printed plans and views of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of American Inde- pendence. 1548. John C. Foulkrod Collection: History of The Phila- delphia Volunteer Fire Department. 2 vols. Presented by Mrs. F. Foulkrod, 1927. Invitations, notices, programs, insignia, rules and bylaws of the volunteer fire companies of Philadelphia, 1853-1873. Also included is material relating to the election of the chief engineer of the fire department, 1 867-1 868, and a history of the volunteer department which appeared in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. A few letters and invitations of the Firemen's Active Association of Phila- delphia, 1910-1915, together with photographs and clippings relating to the activities of the local volunteers, 1873-1910, complete the collection. 1549. Horace Magee Collection, 1 861-1862. 1 vol. Presented by- Miss M. Atherton Leach, 1931. A small volume containing six numbers of The Union, an amateur paper, published by four youthful Philadelphians: Horace Magee, Walter Lippin- cott, Frank H. Williams, and Thomas H. Lyman. The book also includes some patriotic appeals and a few business cards. 1550. Bancker Papers, 1735-1869. 1,000 items. Deposited by Mrs. John L. Younger, 1939. This collection consists mainly of personal and family letters addressed to Everts Bancker (1734- d. before 1831), a New York merchant, and to his son Charles Nicoll Bancker (d. 1869) of Philadelphia. Letters of John Bancker, 1758-1759, mention life in the army and Indian warfare. Some letters of 1775— 1783 describe life in the vicinity of New York during the Revolutionary War. Business papers, 173 5-1 865, show the activities of the family. The collection includes also a folder of papers relating to lands in Alabama in which Charles N. Bancker was interested; a receipt book, 1775, of Everts and Gerard Bancker of New York; an account book, 1764-1765, of Charles Nicoll; a cash book, 1807-1815; and a personal account book, 1755— 1759- 1 551. Pennsylvania Committee of Public Safety Papers, 1917- 191 8. 2 vols. Presented by George Wharton Pepper, 1948. The minutes of the Advisory Committee of the Executive Committee of the Pennsylvania Committee of Public Safety during World War I, 1917-1918. This group of prominent Pennsylvanians advised Governor Brumbaugh, promoted civilian activities, and assisted businessmen in the war effort. 1552. Insurance Papers, 1726-1900. 1,500 items. A collection of insurance policies that includes marine insurance, 1726-1843, and fire insurance, 1 796-1 900. Most of the policies are placed on Philadelphia properties. The collection also contains Levi Hollingsworth's insurance sub- scription book, 1784-1788. 1553. Greeting Card Collection, 1770-1940. 4,000 items and 4 vols. Presented by various individuals. A collection of greeting cards, invitations, admission tickets, funeral notices, Christmas cards, birthday cards and valentines. Most of them are undated. 1554. John H. Brinton Papers, 1790-1890. 5,000 items. Deposited by Jasper Y. Brinton, 1938. This collection consists mainly of material pertaining to the business activi- ties of John Hill Brinton (1772-1827), who was largely interested in real estate in the West, in New York State, and in Lehigh County, Pa. It includes miscellaneous correspondence, 1802-1813; business correspondence, 1800- 1825; receipts, 1809-1829; real estate papers, 1798-1827; records and ac- count books of the estate of John Steinmetz; correspondence of Daniel Steinmetz, 1804-1822; John Hill Brinton account books, 1790-1823; Erick- son Learning estate papers; and Andrew Zane correspondence, 1 823-1 824. There is much material concerning the Illinois-Wabash Land Company, 1 802-1 823, including minutes, dealings with the government, business ac- counts, general correspondence and copies of original deeds. The collection also includes business records, 1 868-1 890, of George Brinton. 1555. Principio Iron Works Papers, 1724-1903. 31 vols. De- posited by Joseph S. Wilson. A collection comprising the record books of the Principio Iron Works, established in 171 5 at the head of Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. They include cash books, 1736-1737, 1739-1741; ledgers, 1724, 1727, 1728, 1729, 1730, 1734, 1738-1746; waste books, 1754; provision and smith book, 1741; sales books, 1750-1751, 1756, 1758, 1761, 1767; and a memorandum book, 1782-1784. Specifically identified are the cash books, 1745-1747, 1751-1758; waste books, 1757, 1759; daybook, 1781, of Northeast Forge; daybooks, 1769, 1773; waste book, 1771 ; coal and time book, 1766-1771, of Kingsbury Furnace; daybook, 1763-1764; smith and provision book, 1778-1779, of Lancashire Furnace; and a daybook, 1749-1755, of Accokeek Furnace. The collection also contains a book of stock certificates for the McDaniel and Harvey Company, 1878-1903, and a book of letters, 1866-1883, to J. Shields Wilson regarding the use of his patents. 1556. J. G. Brill Collection, 1876-1940. 10,000 items. Presented by A. C. F. Brill, 1946. This collection contains shop records and photographs of the J. G. Brill Company of Philadelphia, manufacturers of street cars and buses. It in- cludes cabinet shop work order books, 1 876-1 884, and shop work order books, 1 887-1 940. This collection also includes about 10,000 photographs of street cars and buses and of their construction and parts. See also item 773. 1557. Mask and Wig Club Papers, 1 889-1937. 5,000 items. De- posited by the Mask and Wig Club, 1941. This collection contains the papers of the Mask and Wig Club, the dramatic organization of the University of Pennsylvania. It includes historical data, year books and membership lists, minute books, orchestrations, librettos and lyrics, 1889-1937, prompt books and publicity releases. 1558. Citizen's Bounty Fund Committee Papers, 1 862-1 866. 5,000 items. Presented by the estate of Lorin Blodget, 191 1. The papers of a committee formed to encourage enlistments through pay- ment of bounties during the Civil War. They include subscriptions to the fund, 1 862-1 863; correspondence, 1 862-1 863, concerning enlistments and donations of tents and other equipment; certificates of volunteer enlist- ments; financial records, 1 862-1 866, and minutes, 1 862-1 863. 1559. Confederate States of America: Financial records, 1861- 1864. 1,000 items. This collection contains examples of the paper money issued by the Con- federate Government, 1 861-1864. Notes on the printing and rarity of each issue are included. There is also material on the money issued by the various southern states, 1861-1864, and examples of nontaxable certificates, state bonds, subscriptions blanks, surety's oaths, bonds, currency, local and national receipts. 1560. Philadelphia City and County Account Books, 1810- 1858. 21 vols. Presented. Financial records of the city and county, 1810-1858. The collection includes the auditors' minutes, 1810-1854; auditors' journals, 1841-1843, 1846-1848; auditors' bill books, 1 849-1 854; treasurer's accounts, 1 854-1 857; treasurer's daybook, 1851-1853; expense accounts of public works, 1839-1853; building and material agreements, 1 834-1 848; and work and labor agreements, 1836- 1853; city election office pay roll, 1851-1854; inventory of city property, 1852-1855; tobacco warehouse ledgers, 1845-1858; District of Richmond Board of Commissioners Minute Book, 1 847-1 852. 1 56 1. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania, War Service Committee, 191 8-1 9 19. 5,000 items. Invitations, programs, bills, receipts, and vouchers showing how the His- torical Society assisted in entertaining servicemen, 1918-1919. There is some correspondence relating to the work and to the publicity given it. 1562. Bank Papers, Miscellaneous, 1789-1849. 36 items. This collection is principally one of protested notes, 18 14, at Philadelphia banks. Among the banks represented are Girard's, Mechanics', Bank of North America, Bank of the Northern Liberties, Bank of Pennsylvania, Bank of Philadelphia, and the Schuylkill Bank. 1563. Samuel M. Janney Manuscript, i vol. Presented. The original manuscript of the last part of Vol. IV of Janney's History of the Religious Society of Friends, printed in Philadelphia, 1859. This part deals with the Hicksite schism in America. 1564. James P. Parker, £jne-*A- c Day Chronicle, 1751-1850. 1 vol. Presented. This book makes brief mention of interesting events, those of each day being confined to a single line. Marriages, births, and deaths form the larger part of the occurrences mentioned, but the latter part of the book contains some notices of weather conditions and other happenings. 1565. Frank S. Stone Collection, 1764-1859. 30 items. Presented by Frank S. Stone. A collection of Philadelphia deeds, 1764-1859, and a few miscellaneous legal papers, judgment searches, etc., 1 823-1 855. 1566. J. B. Hutchinson Collection, 1 889-1 930. 500 items. Pre- sented. This collection contains passes on various railroads, steamship lines, and other forms of transportation issued to J. B. Hutchinson, an official of the Pennsylvania Railroad. 1567. Liberty Bell Petitions, 1912. 3 vols. Presented by the Philadelphia Chapter, D.A.R., 1948. Signed petitions presented to the City Councils against permitting the re- moval of the Liberty Bell from Independence Hall for any reason whatever. 1568. Historical Survey of Philadelphia, 1934. 100 items. Lists of the records found in the preliminary surveys of the Civil Works Administration, covering all government functions, both municipal and county. See also items 1475 and 1579. 1569. Bookplate Collection. 1,500 items. A collection of bookplates gathered from many sources. 1570. Pennsylvania Court Papers, 1773-1845. 8,500 items. Pre- sented by the estate of Eli Kirk Price, 1933. A collection of legal papers of cases tried before various Pennsylvania courts. A few dockets are included. 1571. Simon Gratz Correspondence, 1858-1923. 6,000 items. Presented. A collection of the personal papers of Simon Gratz (1838-1915), Philadelphia lawyer, autograph collector, and member of the Philadelphia Board of Edu- cation. The collection contains letters from most of the politically prominent Philadelphians of the period. There is considerable material relating to the public schools of Philadelphia. 1572. Philadelphia Department of City Transit Collection. 100 items and 26 vols. Presented. This is a collection of views of historic buildings of Philadelphia. A typed description and history of each building is included. 1 573- United States Army Muster Rolls, 1809-18 12. 100 items. Purchased, 1900. Muster rolls and inspection returns of the troops. 1574. Courtland Saunders Post No. 21, G.A.R. 3 vols. Presented by the Courtland Saunders Post, 1926. Sketches of the war experiences of the various members of the post and notices of their deaths, 1 890-1923. A list of those taking the oath of alle- giance to the United States, 1 863-1 864, at Bridgeport, Ala., is included, as well as a report of the operations of the 2nd Division, 12th Army Corps, U. S. Army, from April 27 to July 26, 1863. 1 575- William Rudolf O'Donovan Papers, 1 861-1920. 150 items. Presented by Mrs. Evelyn Benson and Miss Pierie Abraham. A collection of letters written by William Rudolf O'Donovan (1844-1920) noted American sculptor, to his family in Fayette County, Pa. Most of the letters were written between 1871 and 1887 from New York and tell of the sculptor's experiences there. There are two letters, 1861 and 1865, telling of O'Donovan's sympathy with the South and his services in the Confederate Army. 1576. Albert J. Edmunds Papers, 1861-1941. 7,500 items. Pre- sented. This collection contains the papers of Albert J. Edmunds (1857-1941), noted Biblical scholar and long-time cataloguer of The Historical Society of Pennsylvania. It includes his personal correspondence, 1861-1941, notes pertaining to his published works, and manuscripts. The collection also includes some correspondence, 1874-1904, of Benjamin Smith Lyman (1835- 1920), and a typed manuscript of a book, Vegetarian Diet and Dishes, by Benjamin Smith Lyman, published in 1917. See also item 1342. 1577. Boies Penrose Collection. 5,000 items. Presented by Boies Penrose. A collection of photographs showing old Philadelphia streets and buildings. Included in the collection is a typed list of the names of Philadelphia streets, 1 897-1930, and a group of photographs of Frank H. Taylor's draw- ings, with descriptive text. 1578. Kimball Family Scrapbook, 1 861-1902. 1 vol. Presented by- Arthur J. Sussel, 1935. This volume contains photographs of members of the Kimball family, their residences, and the places they visited. Some few letters and manuscripts are included. There is a short poem signed A. Conan Doyle, 1890, mentioning Kimball and Lippincott in Philadelphia. 1579. Historical Survey of Pennsylvania, 1934-1940. 50 items. Presented. A preliminary report by the workers of the Civil Works Administration on the holdings of the American Philosophical Society, the Berks County His- torical Society, the Northampton Historical and Genealogical Society and the Historical Society of Frankford. There are also reports on the records of some of the older Philadelphia business houses, on the municipal records of Norristown, Pottstown, and Conshohocken. Some workers' manuals, 1940, of the Works Progress Administration complete the collection. See also items 1475 and 1568. 1580. Samuel B. Fales Collection, 1 861-1880. 3,000 items. Presented by Samuel B. Fales. Bills, receipts, correspondence, newspaper clippings, etc., present a compre- hensive view of the activities of the Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, 1861-1865. This organization cared for thousands of Union soldiers as they passed through Philadelphia, and the papers and books name many of those so helped. The hospital books, 1861-1865, in particular, give the name, regiment, and home of each man treated. Another book gives names and addresses of Southerners separated from their families. Other books give donations and subscriptions. 1 581. William Russell Birch Autobiography. 2 vols. Presented by Albert Rosenthal, 1927. A typewritten copy of some autobiographical notes written by William Russell Birch (1755-1834), American painter and engraver, telling of his life in England, and his removal to and early life in this country. The col- lection includes a note on enamel painting by Birch and a list of paintings by him. 1582. The Powel Papers, 170c— 1925. 50,000 items. Presented by the Powel family, 1949. The papers of several allied families, long prominent in Philadelphia, New- port, R. I., and Jamaica, B. W. I., are represented in this collection. The first part contains business letters and records, 1700-1748, of Samuel Powel (1673-1756), the original settler, and of his son Samuel (1704-1759). They were general merchants trading with Europe and the West Indies. The next Samuel Powel (1738-1793) was Mayor of Philadelphia in 1775, and again in 1789. He married Elizabeth Willing who became well known as a social leader. Their papers include Samuel Powel's exercises at the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, 1759; his business papers, 1767-1771; and a list of his property, 1779. The papers of his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth (Willing) Powel (1743-1830) are more extensive. They comprise a group of pocket almanacs, 1793-1822, with diary entries; receipt books, 1793-1801; personal account books, 1794-1800; and her correspondence, 1 772-1 823, including copies of her own letters. Among the correspondents were George Washington, Bishop William White, William Bingham, the Rev. Jacob Duche and others of equal prominence. The remainder of the Powel papers are those of her nephew and adopted son, John Hare Powel (1786-1856), and his descend- ants. John Hare Powel, who had changed his name from John Powel Hare in 1807, was active in public affairs and was much interested in improving breeds of cattle in America. His correspondence, 1806-1839, contains much on these matters as well as on early railroads, the location of the railroad tracks in the city of Philadelphia, and on canals; a group of papers, 1830- 1850, relating to coal lands in Pennsylvania describes their possibilities. In his early manhood Mr. Powel sailed to Calcutta, and a diary, 1806, tells of his voyage. Two letter books, 1 827-1 830 and 1 849-1 853, a commonplace book, and an abridgment of Robertson's History of Charles ^complete Mr. Powel's personal papers. His business papers showing the activities of a well-to-do landowner cover the years 1820-1856. Samuel Powel (1818- 1885), son of John Hare Powel, lived in Philadelphia and Newport. His papers largely supplement those of his father, and deal with similar subjects. They include business papers and accounts, 1843-1885, with many bills and receipts, 1 856—1857, pertaining to the construction of the Newport house; a diary kept while in Europe, 1841, and his personal correspondence, 1843- 1884, containing many letters to members of his family and a number, 1866- 1884, to Dorothea Dix (1 802-1 887). Among the remaining Powel papers are those of Mary Edith Powel, including her garden notebooks, 1894-1919; her journal, 1898-1907, 1923-1926; correspondence, almost entirely personal, 1883-1925; genealogical notes; and several scrapbooks and notebooks. Samuel Powel (18 18—1885) married Mary Johnston (1821-1900), who was born in Jamaica, B. W. I. Through her came a large group of papers of the Johnston, Taylor, and Cole families of Jamaica. They deal largely with the operation of plantations on that island. Dr. Alexander Johnston (1739- 1787), a physician, is represented by daybooks, 1782-1783; ledgers, 1764- 1769, 1773-1775; journal, 1760-1772; diaries, 1773-1775 and 1787; common- place book, 1764, containing medical discourses delivered at Aberdeen, Scot- land. Of James Johnston (1781-1837), there is correspondence, 1 807-1 836; accounts, 1821-1830; and a few military papers, 1793-1833, showing the life of a Jamaica planter. The bulk of the Johnston section are the papers of Robert Johnston (1783- 1 %39)i w ho spent most of his life in England, moving to Newport, R. I., about 1 832-1 834. The Robert Johnston papers include the original journals of his travels in northern Europe and Russia, 18 14, in Scotland, 18 10, 18 13, and in Ireland, 1812. The Russian journal was published in London in 1815. Also included are journals of a voyage from London to Jamaica, 18 13, and one of his residence at Newport, 1 835-1 839; correspondence, 1 802-1 839, dealing with business, literary, and personal affairs; business papers, 1817- 1836, concerning his Jamaica plantation, and a projected railroad from London to Southampton, a plan originated by Robert Johnston. The busi- ness papers, 1783-1813, of John Taylor (1771 [i772]-i8i3) and of Jacob Thomas Cole, Jamaica planters, are also in this collection. 1583. Bingham Papers, 1777-1917. 40,000 items. Deposited by R. Sturgis Ingersoll, 1949. This collection pertains mainly to the administration of the estate left by William Bingham (1752-1804), financier and Senator from Pennsylvania. It does, however, contain some letters, 1783-1784, from William Bingham in Europe to Thomas Willing, dealing with business matters. Some of the early papers, 1777-1779, relate to the business interests of Bingham during the Revolutionary War. The estate was mainly invested in undeveloped lands in Pennsylvania, New York, and Maine. The papers pertaining to the Maine lands include most of the important papers connected with the Knox-Duer purchase of Maine lands in 1791 ; descriptions of the country, surveyors' field books, and similar accounts of Maine in the 1790's; papers dealing with the attempt to plant a French colony in Maine under Madame Leval; documents connected with the transfer of this purchase to William Bingham in 1792-1793; a series of letters, 1793-1795, from William Jackson, while he was in Europe attempt- ing to sell Maine lands to English capitalists and the French government; correspondence with Generals Henry Knox, Henry Jackson, and David Cobb, all concerned in one way or another in the development of the pur- chase; material connected with the sale of one half of the Penobscot Tract in 1796 to Alexander Baring, later Lord Ashburton, acting for the house of Baring and Hope; letters from Harrison Gray Otis, Thomas Russell, John and Stephen Codman, John Richards, and other prominent Massachusetts citizens, 1791-1830; papers explanatory of the suit of Cabot et al. v Bingham, arising from Bingham's actions while agent for the Continental Congress in Martinique, 1779-1804; reports on Maine developments from General David Cobb, Mr. John Black, and other agents, 1 795-1 850; reports of the trustees of the Bingham estate on the Maine property, together with their corre- spondence with various agents, 1804-1850; and, finally, numerous accounts, vouchers, deeds, contracts and court papers illuminating almost every phase of this venture from its inception in 179 1 to about 1850. The papers relating to the Pennsylvania and New York lands are similar in content. They contain many letters and reports from the agent at Wells- boro, 1855-1917, to the trustees of the estate. A few letters between 1879 and 191 1 mention oil leases. 1584. Drayton Papers, 1796-1896. 2,500 items. Deposited by the estate of Henry F. Drayton, 1939. This collection contains the papers of a prominent South Carolina and Philadelphia family. The largest part of the collection consists of the legal papers, 1 851-1893, of William Heyward Drayton. Among these are papers of Frances Butler, 1828-1886, and of Pierce Butler, 1800-1822. The letters of various members of the Drayton family reflect their opinions on nullification, the Mexican War, the Civil War and other subjects. Of special interest are the letters of General Thomas Drayton, U.S.A. (1808- 1891), and the correspondence of Captain Percival Drayton, U.S.N. (1812- 1865), 1 840-1 866. The latter has much on naval matters. The letters, 1 8 17-1846, received by Colonel William Drayton (1776-1846) illustrate the feeling of the times. The collection contains considerable printed material on nullification, states rights, slavery and the tariff, 1796-1840. 1585. Bureau of Unemployment Relief Papers, 1 930-1932. 2,000 items. Presented by Horatio Gates Lloyd, 1947. Check stubs, bank books, warrants, bills, reports, contributions, food orders, and other business papers of an organization formed to relieve the distress of the unemployed, 1 930-1 932. Included are papers pertaining to the Clear- ing House for Homeless Men, 1932; Temporary Shelter for Homeless Men, 193 1-1932; Emergency Aid, 1932; and the United Campaign, 1932. 1586. David S. Brown & Company Papers, 1 828-1910. 50,000 items. Presented by David S. B. Chew. D. S. Brown and Company were Philadelphia commission merchants dealing in dry goods. The collection includes correspondence, 1 828-1 888; letter books, 1841-1888; cash books, 1 847-1 886; ledgers, 1 869-1 874; receipt books, 1883-1885; sales books, 1876-1877; invoice books, 1845-1849, 1857-1887; and a sample book of "cassimeres and doeskins," 1 854-1 855. In the group also are the papers of Brown and Hanson, 1 832-1 834. The remainder of the collection is composed of books of various manufactur- ing companies. Of these, the papers of the Gloucester Gingham Mills contain about 20 volumes. Among them are correspondence, 1877- 1908; legal papers relating to a suit between the Gloucester Gingham Mills and the Gloucester Cotton Mill Company, 1 893-1 901; office letter book, 1 879-1 896; letter book, 1 893-1 896; cash books, 1 876-1 893; daybook, 1871-1891; receipt book, 1890- 1904; purchase books, 1876-1893; stock book, 1893-1894; sales book, 1872- 1875; monthly reports, 1 880-1 895; and invoice books, 1 888-1 894. A super- intendent's cash book for 1 877-1 887 and a rent roll for 1863 comprise the books of the Washington Manufacturing Company while the Gloucester Manufacturing Company is represented by a stock book of prints, 1 876-1 877. The Gloucester Iron Works, making iron pipes and doing a jobbing business at Gloucester, N. J., forms an entirely different section of this collection. The papers include correspondence, 1 890-1 897, 1908; check stubs, 1890- 1910; letter books, 1889-1900; cash book, 1891-1910; sales book, 1890-1892; time book, 1 890-1 891; and ledger, 1 882-1 890. A volume of minutes, 1850, and accounts, 1851-1854, of the Gloucester Library and Library Company concludes the collection. See also item 776. 1587. Daniel Parker Papers, 1761-1838. 10,000 items. This part of the Parker papers consists almost entirely of correspondence and business records of the Collins and Marshall families. Zaccheus Collins, a Philadelphia merchant (d. 1831), was the father-in-law of General Parker, who administered his estate. The papers consist of correspondence, 1798- 1831, much of it with members of his family, but includes letters, 1 820-1 829, from Constantine Samuel Rafinesque (1783-1840), on business and botan- ical matters, and letters from Charles Lee, Edmund J. Lee, R. B. Lee, R. H. Lee and William Lee, 1790-1829. The business records include a letter book, 1801-1804; ledgers, 1787-1791 and 1794-1805; receipt book, 1794-1831; receipts, 1 800-1 831; papers relating to lands taken up in Pennsylvania, 1793-1795, 181a; and some correspondence relating to trade with India, 1 801-1809. A book of letters and legal opinions, 1831, by William Rawle in regard to the Zaccheus Collins estate and General Daniel Parker's accounts of it complete the Zaccheus Collins portion. Of Stephen Collins, father of Zaccheus, the collection contains old bonds and deeds, 1761-1795; bank book, 1791; letter book, 1783-1792; and a group of letters from Colonel Robert Hampden Pye, 1 778-1 779. Christopher Marshall, Jr. (1740-1806), the father-in-law of Zaccheus Col- lins, is represented by a diary, 1806, and a waste book, 1797-1798. In addi- tion, there is a ledger, 1775— 1797, of the firm of Christopher and Charles Marshall, Philadelphia drug and paint manufacturers, and an account book, 181 1, of Christopher's estate. The collection also contains Elizabeth Marshall's ciphering book, 1782; inventory of the estate of Thomas Paschall, 1796, Christopher Marshall, executor; an account of the estate of Ann Collins, a minor, 1807-18 15; and two items of General Daniel Parker's: a packet of letters relating to his venture in the horse-breeding business with General Irvine, 18 18-1838, and a book entitled War and Peace Register and Regulations, 1814-1821, which contains copies of orders, regulations, etc., issued by the War Department. See also item 466. 1588. William Bauchop Wilson Papers, 1913-1921. 15,000 items. Deposited by Paul W. Pritchard, 1942. This is a collection of papers from the private files of William B. Wilson (1862-1934), who served as the first U. S. Secretary of Labor, 1913-1921. The papers mention labor conditions, strikes, the efForts to secure employ- ment under the government, patronage, and other routine work of a cabinet officer. A section of political letters shows activities in the national cam- paigns, 1914-1920. 1589. Wood and Bacon Account Books, 1787-1824. 17 vols. Deposited by Richard D. Wood, 1937. The books of a business located in Greenwich, N. J., dealing in general merchandise. Included are daybooks, 1787-1820; ledgers, 1791-1824; invoice books, 1796-1803; and an arithmetic book of David Wood, 1794. 1590. Governor William Markham Papers, 1681-1698. 4 items. Deposited by the Markham Club, 1926. This small collection contains two warrants, 1696, for holding elections for assembly in the counties of Chester and Kent. They are signed by Governor Markham (1635-1704), and are endorsed by the sheriffs of the respective counties together with the names of the men elected. The collection also contains a proclamation, 1698, against pirates, and a facsimile of the oath and signatures of Governor Markham's council, 1681. 1 591. John K. Strubing, Jr., Papers, 1783-1864. 23 items. De- posited by John K. Strubing, Jr. This is a group of Strubing family papers, containing mainly those of Philip Strubing, a Swiss, who served as an officer in the American Army during the Revolutionary War. Included are his commissions as a lieutenant and as a captain; letters testifying as to his services signed by Steuben and Washing- ton; a certificate of membership in the Society of the Cincinnati, 1784; family letters, 1785-1822; and some personal papers, bills, accounts, and passports, 1785-1831. The collection also contains the naturalization petition of Patrick Devitt, 1808; marriage certificates of John K. Strubing and Julianna Kelley, 1841; and of Philip H. Strubing and Mary Devitt, 1864; a deposition relating to James Strubing, 1842; and John K. Strubing's dis- charge from the Army, 1863. 1592. St. James Church, Perkiomen, Vestry Book, 1740-1859. Deposited by the Vestry of the Church, 1929. The early entries in this book are fragmentary. There is also an envelope containing some papers relating to repairs to the parsonage, 1859, and to renting the rectory, 1866. 1593. C. Victor Dealy Collection. 50 items and 3 vols. Deposited by C. Victor Dealy, 1939. A collection of diaries, 1853-1857, 1858-1860, and 1887, of Dennis F. Dealy, Philadelphia publisher. There are also clippings, letters of condolence on Mr. Dealy's death in 1887, and a letter of 1880 from George W. Childs. 1594. Bond Manuscripts, 1775-1792. 5 items. Deposited by Lloyd P. Smith. Official papers of George Bond, a New York attorney. They include his certificate of membership to the Bar, 1775, and other legal papers; his com- mission as a captain in the militia, 1787; and a certificate of membership in the St. Andrew Society of New York, 1786. 1595. Mabel Bayard Collection, 1777-1831. 3 items. Deposited by Miss Mabel Bayard, 1936. This small collection contains a letter from George Washington to Thomas McKean, October 10, 1777, mentioning a proposed attack on Wilmington, Del. The other papers are the marriage license of Joseph Borden McKean and Hannah Miles, 1786, and the baptismal certificate of M. Miles, 1831. The Washington letter is published in John C. Fitzpatrick's edition of The Writings of George Washington (Washington, 1933), IX, 346. 1596. Revolutionary Soldiers and Pensioners Papers. 500 items. Presented by Dr. W. F. Wagner, 1936. Typed copies of declarations made by veterans of the Revolutionary War when seeking pensions. They mainly pertain to residents of Centre, Colum- bia, Lycoming, Mifflin, Northumberland and Union counties, Pa. 1597. Philadelphia Real Estate Papers, 1 890-1 934. 300 items. Presented by John Gibbs Smith, 1946. Deeds, mortgages, and insurance on properties at 1019-1021 Reed Street, 1327 South Warnock Street, and 4220 and 4224 Westminster Avenue, all in Philadelphia, owned by the Smith family. There are also bills and receipts, 1901-1934, pertaining to the upkeep of the properties. 1598. Philadelphia Legal Records, 1776-1915. 3 vols. This collection includes an appearance book, 1776; a docket, 1870-1915, of Cornelius Stevenson, a Philadelphia lawyer; and a docket, 1 813—1817, of James B. Harris. 1599. Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Court Dockets, 1821-1835. 3 vols. The dockets of a Justice of the Peace of Limerick Township, Montgomery County, Pa. 1600. J. Smith Futhey Papers, 1776-1880. 500 items. Presented. A collection consisting mainly of newspaper clippings gathered for use in writing The History of Chester County, Pa. y by J. S. Futhey and Gilbert Cope, published in Philadelphia, 1881. There is, however, a folder of letters, 1 870-1 880, relating to the history, containing information and a folder of notes used in compiling it. 1601. Welsh Society of Pennsylvania Minute Books, 1798- 191 1. 3 vols. Deposited by Charles F. Jenkins. The original minutes of a "Society for the relief of such Emigrants as may arrive in this country from Wales." 1602. Borie Family Papers, 1799-1886. 2,500 items. Presented by Beauveau Borie, 1948. This collection, the greater part of which is in French, includes business and personal letters from John Joseph Borie (1776-1834); from his wife, Sophie Beauveau Borie; and from his sons and daughters and relatives in France. A large portion of the papers and documents relate to Santo Domingo, with letters from Toussaint L'Ouverture and others residing in the island at the beginning of the nineteenth century, who were connected with J. J. Borie, as well as miscellaneous papers, accounts, and bills. Material on the Roge v Borie case is among the collection, which also in- cludes letter books and account books belonging to the shipping firms of J. J. Borie, J. J. Borie & Son, and Borie and Laguerenne. 1603. Bank Notes, American and Foreign, 1787-1863. 1,000 items. Bank notes issued by various banks, railroads, turnpikes and other com- panies, by states and political subdivisions, 1787-1863. The collection also includes specimens of fractional currency issued mainly in 1815, 1837, and 1863; some examples of counterfeit notes; notes issued by the Confederate States of America and its political divisions; local notes issued in the South during the Civil War; and a number of examples of private currency issued by individuals. A few notes from Haiti, Russia, and Mexico are in the collection. 1 604. Colonial and Continental Paper Money Collection, 1714-1786. 1,000 items and 2 vols. A collection of the various types and denominations of paper money issued by the colonies and states, 1723-1786, and by the Continental Congress, 1775-1779. Most issues between the dates given below are represented. Continental currency issues are dated between May 10, 1775 and January J 4> T 779; f° r Connecticut, between June I, 1773 and June 1, 1782; for Delaware, 1746 and May 1, 1777; for Georgia, 1769 and October 16, 1786; for Maryland, January 1, 1767 and August 14, 1776, with a single issue of 1780; for Massachusetts, October 16, 1778 and May 6, 1780; for New Hampshire, April 29, 1780; for New Jersey, June 22, 1756 and March 25, 1776, with an issue of 1786; for New York, July 1, 1714 and August 13, 1776; for North Carolina, July 14, 1760 and May 10, 1780, with a single issue of April 4, 1748; for Pennsylvania, March 23, 1723 and March 16, 1785; for Rhode Island, July 2, 1780 and May 1, 1786; for South Carolina, June 1, 1775 and February 8, 1779; and for Virginia, March 4, 1773 and May 7, 1781. There is also a specimen of private issue dated January 18, 1777. 1605. Civil War Envelope Collection, 1861. 25 items. A collection of the envelopes used at the outbreak of the Civil War. They usually display a patriotic slogan and cartoon at the left side of the face of the envelope. 1606. Gen. Charles Henry Tucker Collis Letter Books, 1863— 1868. 3 vols. Presented by Joseph F. A. Jackson, 191 1. Manifold copies of letters written by General Collis {d. 1902), telling mainly of his experiences in the Civil War. 1607. James Milton McGown Diary, 1863. 1 vol. Presented by- Ralph C. McGown, Jr., 1949. This diary covers the period from February 4 to November 15, 1863. It tells of the experiences of James Milton McGown (1844-1863), who enlisted in Company A, 76th Regiment of Infantry, Pennsylvania Volunteers, on October 1, 1861, was wounded and captured July II, 1863 at Fort Wagner, S. C, and died in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., on November 27, 1863. A large part of the diary is so faded that it is difficult to read. 1608. Henry B. Benners Diaries, 1 857-1879. 2 vols. Presented by Mrs. P. H. Ashbridge and Miss Benners, 191 1. Extracts from the diaries of Henry B. Benners, Philadelphia glass manufac- turer, which contain notes and comments on the important happenings of the day. 1609. John Wheaton Lynch Collection, 1 860-1 866. 150 items. Purchased, 1949. This is a group of letters written by Captain John Wheaton Lynch, of the 1 06th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, to his fiancee, Miss Bessie Mustin of Philadelphia. Most of the letters are personal, but those written during his army service, May, 1861-September, 1863, contain details of camp life and army gossip. Many of the letters are in bad condition. 1610. Abraham H. Cassel Collection Manuscripts, 1680-1821. 41 vols. Purchased, 1882. This group of manuscripts, contained in the well-known collection of Penn- sylvania German imprints purchased from Abraham H. Cassel, includes 16 items relating to the Ephrata Cloister: hymnbooks; a letter book, 1755, of Conrad Beissel; a collection of songs composed and arranged by Johannes Kelpius; and the death register of the Cloister, 1728-1821. Many of the hymnbooks are beautifully illustrated. The remainder of the collection is comprised of religious tracts, hymnbooks, and schoolbooks. There is also a recipe book, undated, of Christopher Sauer. The Cassel Collection also contains an extra-illustrated rare book by Fried- rich Adolph Lampe, Short Instructions in the Foundations of Reformed Christianity (Philadelphia, 1762). The volume is in German, as are the manuscript notations which include Bible quotations commenting on the text, and brief personal remarks at the beginning and end of the volume. Some of these latter entries are crossed out, but are still legible. 161 1. Extra-illustrated Books. 9 vols. These volumes include two sets of The Diary of Christopher Marshall (Albany, 1877), edited by William Duane, Jr., and one set of Henry Simp- son's Lives of Eminent Philadelphians (Philadelphia, 1859), which have been expanded by the addition of manuscripts, prints, and maps relating to the subjects covered. Indi ex The numbers in the index refer to entries in the Guide. Bold face numbers indicate major collections. Unless places are outside Pennsylvania the state has not been given. Titles of persons are generally omitted, except where the first name has not been determined. Abercrombie, James, 193, 1509 Aberdeen, Scotland, 299 Abert, J. J., 466 Abolition. See Slavery Abolition Society of Delaware, 756 Academy of Fine Arts, 745 Academy of Medicine of Philadelphia, 756 Accokeek Furnace, 1555 "Account of the City of Philadelphia Newly Laid with a Platform thereof . . . ," 1294 Acts of the Assembly of . . . Pennsyl- vania, 1792, 1313 Adamite factions, 558 Adams, Abigail, 94 Adams, John, 1, 20, 106, 144, 380, 405, 560, 570, 682; diplomatic missions, 40 Adams, John Quincy, 1, 33, 49, 94, 193, 266, 324, 484, 512, 534, 540, 557 Adams, Levi, 108 Adams, Samuel, 20, 380, 405 Adams and Hollingsworth, 289 Adams County: commerce, 408; Friends, 724; history, 408; politics, 408; real- estate transactions, 408; social condi- tions, 408, 724 Addison, Alexander, 129 Adelman, Seymour, 1448 Adjuvant Horse Co , 1334 Admiralty, British, 485 Advertising, 108, 253, 505, 587, 670 Aerston, Guillaume, 612 Africa, 413; merchants trading to, 154; slave trade, 490 African Colonization Society, 748 Age in Which We Live, 1338 Agricultural and Mechanic Association of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, 8 Agriculture, 8, 127, 150, 238, 291, 359, 378, 399, 438, 439, 499, 512, 527, 530, 558, 657, 699, 722, 724, 728, 736, 969, 1169, 1303, 1405, 1454, 1540; notes on, 86. See also Botany, Horticulture, etc. Alabama, 181, 425, 466; claims, 25; legal advice to, 181 Alaska, 728; E. W. Bonnaffon on, 1452; boundaries, 25 Albany, N. Y., 175, 583, 683, 973; Con- gress, 485; convention, 250 Albany County, N. Y., 329 Albany Gas and Light Co., 1167 Albemarle, Duke of, 155 Alden, R., 807 Alden, L. H., and Company, 1484 Aldenville, 1484 Alexander I, Czar, 512 Alexander, Charles, 108 Alexander, Lucien H., 1501 Alexander, Stephen, 243 Alexander, William (Lord Stirling), 974 Alexander, William, 2 Alexandria, Va., 511, 919 Algiers. See Barbary States Aliens, 237 Alimony, 89 All Freetown, Derbyshire, Eng., 343 Allaire, Alexander, 892 Allegheny County, 488, 489, 517; land titles, 489, 517; real-estate transac- tions, 489, 517 Allegheny Portage Railroad, 749 Allegheny River, 316 Allen, George, 4, 339 Allen, James, 5 Allen, John Jasper, 6 Allen, Nathaniel, 1335 Allen, Nehemiah, 108 Allentown, 1005, 1097 Allison, Joseph, 345 Alloway, John W., 7 Allston, Thomas, family, 234, 725, 1445 Almanacs, 136, 142, 306, 383, 399, 454, 484, 525, 657, 729, 1165, 1303, 1326, 1582 Almshouses, 108, 150, 250, 789 Almy, Elizabeth, 76 Alpha Chapter, Delta Kappa Psi, 756 Alumnae Association of the Longstreth School, 1159, 1196 Amateurs' Drawing Room Association, Phila., 756 American Addison. See Dennie, Joseph American Bar Association, 1180 American Colonies. See United States American Convention, minutes, 490 American Hose Co., 205 American Iron and Steel Assoc, 645 American Iron Co., 1454 American Magazine ; subscribers, 72 American Negro Historical Society, 8 American Philosophical Society, 1, 193, 431, 467, 1579; American members, 193; building in State House yard, 193 American Republican Society, Phila., 756 American Revolution. See Revolution- ary War American Society for Promoting Useful Knowledge, 756 American Sunday School Union, 494, 495 American Systematic Beneficial Society, 1485 American Theater Wing, Phila., 1479 Amish, 129 Amphion Amateur Association, 756 Amsterdam, Holland, 183 Anaconda Printing Co., 126 Anacreon, translation, 255 Anaesthetic, 139 Anatomy, chart, 379 "Ancestral Vanity," 1338 Anchors, 108 Anderson, James, 1448 Anderson, S., 973 Andrews and Meredith, 108 Andros, Edmond, 379 Anglican. See Episcopal Annals of Philadelphia, Watson's, 175, 697 Annapolis, Md., 175, 940; convention, 40, 250; tariff rates, 1151 Annapolis and Elk Ridge R.R., 250 Anne, Princess of Denmark, 175 Anne, Queen of England, 485 Anthony, Joseph, 1509 Anthony family, 1509 Anthropology, 34 Anti-Combine Committee, 702 Antigua, 108, 136; commerce, 740 Antill, Edward, 9 Anti-slavery. See Slavery Antis Lutheran Church, 129 Aphorisms, 493 Apollo, ship, 34 Appel, Charles D., 753 Appold, George, 431 Apprentice Library, 1449 Apprentices, of Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1485 Arabia, 220 Arabic language, 591 Arbitration, international, 25, 702 Architecture, 314, 454; New England, 314; notes on, 11; Philadelphia, 314, 434; United States, 314 Archambault, A. Margaretta, 11, 1535 Archer, Isaac, 108 Archer, Joseph, 108 Arctic Expedition, Wellman, 26 Argus, U. S. brig, 175 Armenia, massacres, 702, 1421 Armenia Rebekah Lodge, 905 Armit family, 1341 Armor, William C, 266 Armorial Families of America, 1379 Armstrong, Edith, 12 Armstrong, John (1717-1795), 250, 455, 1100 Armstrong, John (1758-1843), 466 Armstrong, Louise, 12 Armstrong, S. C, 12 Armstrong, Thomas, Jr., 13 Armstrong, William, 14, 108, 1540 Armstrong, Dr. William, 1314 Armstrong, William G., 15 Armstrong County, 488 Army, British, 123, 175; in Charleston, 455; French and Indian War, 595, 1550; officers, 193; Philadelphia, 530; prisoners, 71; quartering troops in col- onies, 638; supplies, 288 Army, Confederate, 1546, 1575 Armv, United States, 9, 47, 78, 94, 159, 163; Civil War, 410, 532, 1149, 1151, 1542, 1546, 1574, 1591; commissary, 175, 1244; conscription, 160, 187; con- tractor, 108; courts-martial, 466; Creek and Cherokee boundary ex- pedition, 736; life, 54; muster rolls, 950, 1179, 1272, 1315, 1327, 1473, 1546, 1573; officers, 193, 250, 268, 278, 446, 690, 699; records, 1112; regula- tions, 1587; reorganization, 238, 512; Revolutionary, 120, 300, 456, 458, 488, 1298, 1591 ; rations, 236; scandals, 702; supplies, 1113; sutlers, 466; War Department, 250, 466, 1587; War of 1812, 1332 Arnaut, Nathan, 250 Arndt, Jacob, 1095, 1348 Arndt, Jacob, Jr., 1348 Arnold, Benedict, 47, 250 Art, 250, 363, 512, 600, 702, 734; Eu- rope, 250, 531; galleries, 179; interest in, 238; notes on, 4, 11 Art Committee of State Federation of Pennsylvania, 11 Arthur and Hughes, 1540 Articles of Confederation, 250 Artist Fund Society, 756 Artists, British, 1431 Asch, Myer, 16 Ashbridge, Elizabeth, 150 Ashburton, Lord. See Baring, Alexander Asheton, T., 485 Ashhurst, Lewis K., 1450 Ashhurst, Richard, 1450 Ashley, John, 489, 757 Ashley, Thomas, 489 Ashmead, J., 754 Ashmead, Jacob, 17 Ashmead, L. P., 755 Ashmore, Edith Bancroft, 1142 Ashton, Margaret, 18 Ashton, Robert, 18 Ashurst, John, 19 Ashurst family, 19 Assignats, French, 251 Association of Aldermen, Phila., 756 Association of Congress, resolution, 20 Association of Pennsylvania Officers, 756 Association of Reformed Churches, 367 Association of Survivors, 95th Regiment Infantry, Pennsylvania Volunteers, 756 Astley, John, 250 Astley, Thomas, 250 Astor, John Jacob, 250 Astrology, 238, 362 Astronomy, 9, 114, 250, 389, 410, 517, 525, 729 Asylum Company, 21, 236, 250, 447, 757, 963 Atalanta, ship, 1218 Athenian Institute, 756 Atkinson, William B., 1219 Atkinson, Wilkins and, 108 Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association, 1541 Atlee, Samuel John, 758 Attleborough Township, 3 Attorney General, United States, 220, 250, 360, 686. See also names of At- torneys General Aubrey, William, 485 Auctioneers, Phila., 367 Audubon Society, 702 Augsburg, Germany, 732 Aupaumut, Hendrick, 310 Aurora, 108 Austin, David, 227 (b) Austria, 16 Autobiography of Horace Binney, 1780- 1868, 1505" Autograph collections, 22, 23, 81, 99, 117, 135, 146, 150, 170, 175, 189, 193, 199, 250, 266, 299, 319, 320, 368, 409, 446, 447, 472, 491, 616, 623, 643, 686, 688, 697, 707, 759, 1154, 1190, 1245, 1286, 1381, 1402 Autographs, sale of, 679 Aviation: Marine pilots' logbooks, 1330; in World War I, 1472 Avon-by-the-Sea Land and Improve- ment Co., 250 "Awful Riots of 1844," 1454 Aymenists, 129 Bache, Franklin, 24, 1095 Bache, Richard, 50 Backhouse, Richard, 760 Backhouse, Jones and, 108 Bacon, , 1589 Bacon, Job, 154 Bacon, John, 1390 Bahama Islands, 761 Bailey, Francis, 108 Bailey, Gilbert S., 1220 Bailey, Robert, 108 Bainbridge, John, v Benjamin Chew, 238 Bainbridge, William, 236, 267 Bainbridge and Brown, 240 Baird, Henry Carey, 227 (a), 312 Baird, Henry I., 1435 Baird, Samuel, 21 Baird, Thomas J., 227 (a) Baird family, 227 (a) Baker, Abel, 108 Baker, Charles H., 108 Baker, George A., 108 Baker, Godfrey and Co., 108 Baker, John, 108 Baker, John R., 108 Baker, Samuel, 108 Baker, William, 485 Baker and Farrand, 1509 Baker, Pennell and Blanchard and Marsh, 1540 Baku, 512 Balch, Thomas Willing, 25 Baldwin, Evelyn B., 26 Baldwin, Joshua, 27 Baldwin, Matthias W., 1485 Baldwin family, 26 Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1485 Ball, Elizabeth Byle, 28 Ball, Joseph, 28, 541 Ball, William, 28 Ballard, Henry N., 845 Balliet, Stephen, 29, 1348 Balliet family, 29 Baltic countries, 612 Baltimore, Lords. See Calvert familv Baltimore, Md., 80, 238, 291, 485, 715; convention, 238; harbor, 715 Baltimore Iron Works, 940 Baltimore Mail Coach, 1509 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1387 Baltimore and Philadelphia Steamship Co., 1337, 1454 Baltzel, Charles, 975 Bancker, Charles Nicoll, 1550 Bancker, Everts, 1550 Bancker, Gerard, 1550 Bancker, John, 1550 Bancroft, Edward, 1142 Bancroft, George, 193, 238, 512, 645, 678 Bancroft, Thomas, 1142 Banking, 193, 238, 250, 460, 571, 600, 670, 1525; Charles H. David on, 1256; Philadelphia, 50, 512, 675, 684, 832, 1004, 1509, 1540, 1543, 1545, 1562; United States, 148, 175, 511, 558, 586, 675, 714, 1390 Banknotes. See Money Bank of America, 684 Bank of Columbia, 427 Bank of Germantown, 439 Bank of North America, 108, 250, 453, 541, 1543, 1562 Bank of North America and Trust Com- pany, 1543 Bank of Northern Liberties, 684, 1562 Bank of Pennsylvania, 193, 541, 675, 762, 1390, 1562 Bank of Philadelphia, 1562 Bank of United States, 175, 193, 250, 324, 511, 541, 558, 571, 586, 675, 1543 Banks, state, 512; in the United States, 175, 193, 250, 324, 460, 511, 512, 541, 558, 571, 586, 675, 721, 1339 Banneker, Benjamin, 8 Banneker Institute, 8 Bantemantel, Hans, 183 Baptist Church, Pennypack, 364; Rhyd- wilmyn, 129 Barbadoes, 515; commerce, 740 Barbary States, 16, 461, 480, 589, 809; attacks on shipping, 591; bombard- ment of Algiers, 611; list of tribute articles, 1448; naval campaign against, 809; negotiations with, 589; politics, 461; seizure of American ships, 589; social conditions, 461; United States treaty with, 589; William Shaler, con- sul general, 589, 1172 Barber, Rhoda, 30 Barcelona, Spain, 528 Barclay, David, 154 Barclay, John, 31,485 Barclay, Robert, 806 Barely, ship, 567 Bardley, John Beale, 108 Barey, Jon, 538 Baring, Alexander (Lord Ashburton), 1583 Baring and Hope, 1583 Barker, Joshua, 32 Barley, 1530 Barn, Thomas, 250 Barnes, Cornelius, 578 Barney, Joshua, 32 Barney, Charles D., and Company, 1492 Barony of Imokilly, 485 Barr, Samuel Victor, 1417 Barrera, Anita de, 363 Barron, James, 678, 809 Barton, Benjamin Smith, 1, 34, 36 Barton, Charles Crillon, 35 Barton, George Washington, 1338 Barton, Thomas, 227 (a), 552 Barton, Thomas, estate, 108 Bartram, Isaac, 36, 108 Bartram, Isaac L., 1540 Bartram, John, 36, 83 Bartram, Sarah, 36 Bartram, William, 36, 193 Base Hospital No. 20, Phila., 1365 Baseball clubs, Negro, 8 Baso, Robert, 316 Batavia, 553 Bateman and Ware, controversy, 115 Bates and Coates, 237 Batho, John, 108 Baton Rouge, La., 78; commerce, 571; mob violence, 78 Battles, 39,400; Brandywine, 319, 498; Civil War, 82, 304, 307, 1546; Fair Oaks, 78; Gettysburg, 7, 304, 410, 536; Lexington, 485; Mexican War, 410; naval, 33, 466, 553; naval, Medi- terranean, 461; naval, War of 1812, 589; New Orleans, 54, 589; Peters- burg, 1407; Rappahannock River, 7; Revolutionary War, 274, 701; War of 1812, 466; Williamsford, 7; with Brit- ish warships, 202 Bauche, M., 219 Baum family, 231 Baxter's Fire Zouaves, 1546 Bayard, John, 1095 Bayard, Mabel, 1595 Bayard, Sam, 586 Bayard, T. F., 238 Baynton, Peter, 108 Baynton and Wharton, 708, 1163 Beale, Robert, 1151 Beasley, land papers, 379 Beatty, Charles, family, 37 Beaufort, Comte de, 40 Beaumont, A., 151 Beaver County, 176; land titles, 489; real-estate transactions, 489 Beaver Meadow Presbyterian Church, N. Y., 788 Beck, Harry, 718 Becket, William, 38 Bedford, Isaac, 1221 Bedford County, 316, 488, 632, 909, 1457 Beebe, Lewis, 39 Beecher, Henry Ward, 199, 1381 Beef, 136,411 Beelen-Bertholff, Baron Frederick E. F. de, 40 Beers family, 26 Bees, 362 Beggs, William, 1102 Beissel, Conrad, 1610 Belcher, Jonathan, 250 Belgian aid, 903 Belgium, 16; agent of, to United States, 40; authors, 250 Belgioioso, Count Barbiano de, 40 Belknap, William, 645 Bell, Helen, 310 Bell, Peter, 108 Bell, Richard, 1221 (a) Bell, Samuel W., 763 Bell, Stathard and, 136 Bellangee family, 716 Bellefonte, 1376 Bench and Bar of Philadelphia . . .,1308 Bendersville, 724 Benezet, Philip, 175 Benners, Henry B., 1608 Bennett, Jeremiah, 108 Bensell, George F., 42 Benson, Alexander, 108 Benson, Thomas, 108 Bent, George E., 1151 Bentham, Jeremy, 227 (b) Bentley, David, 1222, 1540 Benzinger, Mathias, 43 Beranger, Penn v, 485 Berean Society, 1223 Berkeley, Josephine, 1351 Berks County, 44, 144, 212, 319, 371, 454, 485, 488; courts, 144; local gov- ernment, 44; muster roll, 950; Oley, history, 972; petitions in favor of proprietors, 485; real-estate transac- tions, 454; tax lists, 1101 Berks County Historical Society, 1579 Berkshire, Eng., 575 Berkshire Furnace, 212 Berlin, Germary, 354 Bernington, Agnes, 1284 Berridge, John, 189 Bertolet, Amos W., 1540 Bertolet, Peter G., 972 Berwick, 162 Besse Toseph 737 Bethlehem, 456, 593, 1005; history, 947, 1057, 1470; Moravians, 944; refugees, 1035 Betsy, ship, 108 Betty, ship, 1144 Beverly, Robert, 45 Beylard, John, 368 Bibb, steamer, 243 Bible, 36, 303, 327, 476, 493, 507, 539; A. J. Edmunds, scholar of, 1342; Greek translations from, 657; inter- pretations, 303; new editions of, 114, 227 (b) Bibliography, 227 (a), 227 (b), 247, 401; Andrew Bradford, 72; William Brad- ford, 72; catalogue reference, 238; Charles Godfrey Leland, 314 Bibliotheque de Philosophic du Legis- late ur, \221 Bibliotheque Nationale, 1385 Biddle, Charles, 47 Biddle, Clement, 48, 49, 250, 541, 765, 1095 Biddle, Edward, 144, 456 Biddle, James, 798 Biddle, Nicholas, 151, 175, 238, 324, 511, 512, 586, 675; biography of, 1538 Biddle, Mrs. Nicholas, 1451 Biddle, Owen, 316, 692, 1041 Biddle family, 765, 1451 Biddle and Wharton, 50 Biddle, Thomas A., and Co., 50; stock certificates of, 1339 Biddle-Washington correspondence, 49 Bigler, William, 51 Billets Landing, 253 Billingsport, N. J., 950 Billmeyer, Mary G., 52 Billmeyer, Michael, 108 Billon, Frederick L., 766 Bingham, John, 1151 Bingham, William, 53, 1582, 1583 Binney, Amos, 466 Binney, Horace, 50, 236, 536, 586, 1505 Binney, Susan, 1505 Binney family, 1505 Binns, John, 331,645, 1167 Biography, 61, 245; authors, 401; com- posers, 401; Declaration of Independ- ence, signers, 238, 623; Friends, 154; Indians, 276; Moravians, 129; Old Congress, members, 193; Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention, members 491; Allison, Joseph, 345; Biddle Nicholas, 1538; Binney, Horace, 1505 Brown, Charles B.,460; Bryan, George 1429; Buchanan, James, 91, 92; Carey Mathew, 227 (a); Chase, Salmon P. 121, 460; Cooke, Jay, 460; Cox, Henry Hamilton, 153; Dallas, Alexander J. 1460; De Benneville, George, 40 Dickens, Charles, 170; Dickinson John, 211; Du Ponceau, P. S., 181 Estaugh, Elizabeth, 115; Fahnestock George W., 197; Freeman, George W. 538; Gilpin, Henry D., 238; Gilpin Thomas, 238, 1282; Grant, U. S. 1461; Granville family, 249; Gwinnet Button, 320; Hare, Robert, 263; Har- rison, George L., 1464; Howard, John 298; Hudson, Henry, 538; Jackson Caroline H., 313; Levy, John Patter- son, 364; Logan, Deborah, sketches 379; Logan, George, 382; Logan James, papers, 379; McMillan, John 407; Meade, George G., 410; Mifflin John, family, 419; Moorhead, John Motley, 1429; Morris, Robert, 460 1270; Pemberton, James, 484; Penn William, 55; Poinsett, Joel R., 512 Powel, Samuel, 263; Price, Eli Kirk 526; Proud, Robert, 529; Read, George 538; Ritter, Jacob, Jr., 553; Rodney C. A., 538; Rotch, William, 565 Smith, Richard S., 612; Smith, Rev William, 1510; Van der Kemp, Francis Adrian, 682; Washington, George, 175; White, William, 711; Williams, Talcott, 717 Birch, George, 54 Birch, Thomas, 193 Birch, William R., 1018; autobiography, 1581 Bird, James, 108 Bird, John, 578 Bird, William, 212 Birds, 363; drawings of, 36 Birkey, W. J., 108 Birmingham Mills, 1143 Birney, David B., 679 Bishop, William, 515 Bizerte. See Barbary States Black, Mrs. E. C, 1540 Black, Jeremiah, 9l Black, John, 1583 Black, Joseph, 920 Black, S. A., 1540 Black, Misses, 1540 Black Horse Hotel, Media, 714 Blackmore, William, 55 Blacksmiths, 108, 212, 1540, 1555 Blackwell, John, 56, 379, 485 Blackwell, Robert, 108, 686 Blackwell, Thomas E., 1151 Blaine, Ephraim, 57 Blair, Francis C, controversy with J. C. Fremont, 164 Blair County, 129 Blake, W. P., 1482 Blakeslee, John, 58 Blakeslee, Samuel, 58 Blakeslee family, 58 Blanchard, , 1540 Blankenburg, Rudolph, 1155 Blankets, 108, 1540 Blight, Atherton, 59 Blockades, Civil War, 315; Napoleonic Wars, 553 Blockley Farm, 108 Blocklev General Hospital, 927, 1178 Blois, France, 1224 Bloomfield, Joseph, 956 Bloomsbury Mill, 1540 Blueprints, 582 Blunston, Samuel, 352 Board of Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, 1491 Board of Trade, Phila., 1358 Board of War, United States, 400, 425 Bocage, Barbie du, 238 Boethius, 529 Bogart, Judith, 1225 Boggs, Benjamin Randolph, 1391 Boggs, Joseph, 541 Boileau, Nathaniel B., 617 Boinod, Daniel, 60 Boker, Anne G., 61 Boker family, 1340 Boiler, Eliza, 62 Boiler familv, 1341 Bollman, Eric, 193, 250 Boll man, George, 63 Bombos, Father, 220 Bonaduci, Lorenzo Boturini, 310 Bonaparte, C. L., 236 Bonaparte, Joseph, 250, 380 Bond, , 1509 Bond, George, 1594 Bond, Phineas, 64, 1454 Bonnaffon, Edmund W., 1452 Bonnaffon, S., Jr., 1473 Bonnaffon, Sylvester, 1452 Bonsall, Benjamin S., 250 Bonsall, Edward H., 65 Bonsall, James, 108 Bonsall, John, 1540 Bookbinding, 108, 227 (a) Bookplates, 1569 Books, extra-illustrated, 1095, 1543, 1610, 1611 Booksellers, 60, 108, 114, 215, 227 (a), 227 (b), 236, 1435, 1540 Boone, Jeremiah, 66 Boot and Shoe Manufacturers of the United States, 768 Booth, Mrs. Louisa C, 108 Borbridge, Thomas, 1540 Borbridge and Donlevy, 1540 Bordeaux, France, 514 Borie, John Joseph, 1602 Borie, Sophie Beauveau, 1602 Borie family, 1602 Borie and Laguerenne, 1602 Borton, Deborah, 67 Boston, Mass., 145, 567, 642; bombard- ment, 200; disturbances, 638; exhibit of Gilbert Stuart's portraits, 642; relief of inhabitants, 352; water works, 193 Botany, 34, 36, 83, 175, 226, 327, 443, 1405, 1587 Boudinot, Elias, 68, 769 Boundaries: Alaska, 25; Chester Co., 398, 485; Creeks and Cherokees, 736; Delaware, 150, 398,485, 1455; Maine, 510; Maryland, 150, 371, 398, 425, 485, 697, 1455; New Castle Co., Del., 398, 485; New Jersey, 450; North Carolina, 455; northwestern, 512; Pennsylvania, 371, 398, 425, 485, 517, 536, 697, 1455; Pennsylvania counties, 447; Texas, 512; Virginia, 455, 485 Bounties, Civil War, 1546, 1558 Bouquet, Henry, 36 Bourse Building, Phila., 1358 Bourse Corporation, Phila., 1358 Bowen, Martha Powell, 227 (a) Boxer Rebellion, 544 Boyd, John S., 1426 Boyer, John, 69 Boyer, Brooke, and Wilson, 108 Boyle, John, 678 Brabant, Netherlands, 242 Brackenridge, Hugh H., 220, 645 Braddock, Edward, 447, 770; defeat, 485 Bradford, Andrew, 72 Bradford, John, 250 Bradford, Thomas, 70, 71, 72, 250, 1036, 1095 Bradford, William (1663-1752), 72, 328, 771, 1165 Bradford, William (1721-1791), 72, 108 Bradford, William (1755-1795), 220, 456, 686 Bradford County, 176, 250; land titles, 403; real-estate transactions, 403 Bradford families, 71, 72 Bradford Meeting, 150 Bradford School, 150 Brady, James W., 872 Brandy, 331 Brandywine, 108, 498, 538, 1050; battle of, 319 Brandywine Hundred, 379, 1516 Brandywine Manufacturing Co., 240 Brandywine Mills, Del., 238 Brass, 435 Braxton, Carter v Willing, Morris and Co., and Robert Morris, 73 Brayton, Annie Hare Powel, 1226 Brazil, 736; commerce, 168, 183; eco- nomic conditions, 534; manuscript map of, 35; politics, 534 Breck, Samuel, 74, 1148 Breck and Green, 848 Breckinridge, John C, 236, 645 Brest, France, 736 Breweries, 108, 1540 Brewster, Benjamin H., 91 Brey, Mrs. J. T., 1340 Briar Creek, 316 Bridge Companies, 1339 Bridges, Sally, 759 Bridges. See Internal improvements Bridgeton, N.J., 108 Brief Account of the Province of Pennsyl- vania lately granted . . . to William Penn, 1313 "Brief account of Pennsylvania in a let- ter to Richard Peters ... by Lewis Evans," 1267 Bright, A. L., 772 Briggs family, 75 Brill, J. G., Co., 773, 1556 Bringhurst, Hannah, 76 Bringhurst, James, 76 Bringhurst, John, 154 Brinkle, S. C, 129 Brinton, George, 1554 Brinton, John, 1554 Brinton, bonds and surveys, 150 Brisbane, John, 1179 Bristol, 484 Bristol, Eng., 485, 810 Britannia, ship, 1228 British Merlin, almanac, 1326 British Museum, 179, 1385 Broadsides, 1155, 1375 Broad-Toppe, 543 Broadway, New York City, 254 Brodhead, Daniel, 1145 Broglie, Prince de, 25 Bronson, Samuel, 1157 Brook Cresse, Md., 80 Brooke, John Rutter, 78 Brooke, Ralph, 824 Brooke, Robert, 780, 1003 Brooke, Robert, of Maryland, 79 Brooke, Roger, 80 Brooke, William, 78 Brooke, Boyer and Wilson, 108 Brooklyn, N.Y., 538 Brooklyn, U.S.S., 315 Broom, Jacob, 1050 Broomall, John Martin, 1512 Brown, Andrew, 82 Brown, Beulah, 1229 Brown, Charles Brockden, 84, 460, 1230 Brown, David Paul, 85 Brown, David S., 108, 126, 776, 1113, 1586 Brown, Elijah, 84, 86, 1230 Brown, Henry Armit, 1341 Brown, Henry K., 164 Brown, James, 238, 324, 512 Brown, John, 87, 108 Brown, John, 1231 Brown, Kirk, 130 Brown, Mrs. M. Stockton, 1146 Brown, Mary, 1230 Brown, Peter, 108 Brown, W. L., 299 Brown, William R., 108 Brown family, 878, 1341 Brown and Hanson, 1586 Browne, Bennet Bernard, 79 Browne, John, 175 Browne, Peter A., 939 Browne, William Hardcastle, 89 Browning, Robert, 257 Browning Society of Philadelphia, 1232 Brownlow, William G., 175 Bruce, David, 129 Brumbaugh, Martin Grove, 1551 Brussels, Belgium, 40 Bryan, George, 22, 90, 193, 250, 888, 1429 Bryan's Tavern, 973 Bryant, William Cullen, 1381 Bryce, James, 22 Buchanan, Elizabeth, 92 Buchanan, Harriett, 92 Buchanan, James, 22, 91, 193, 199, 238, 266, 365, 447, 512, 517, 586, 1454; biography, 92; controversy with Gen- eral Scott, 91; diplomatic career, 91; family, 92; lectures, 91; legal career, 91; political career, 91; presidential messages, 91 Buchanan Fund, 93 Buck, Charles N., 95 Buck, Jacob E., 96 Buck, William J., 849 Buckingham, John Sheffield, Duke of, 97 Buckingham Township, 697 Buckley, William, 403 Buckner, Simon B., 175 Bucks County, 18, 22, 98, 175, 488; courts, 32, 281, 805; early settlers in, 3, 37, 270, 316, 697; Friends, 186; inhabitants, 779; land titles, 484; muster roll, 950; petitions in favor of proprietors, 485; real-estate trans- actions, 454; social conditions, 186; taxes, 649 Buckshot War, 510 Budd, John, 316 Budd, Wetherill and, 108 Buenos Aires, Argentina, 512 Buffington, Jonathan, 150 Buffington, Lee H., 99 Buffington, Peter, 150 Building, 104, 108, 1540 Building and Loan Association, 1418 Bull, James H., 101 Bull, Levi, 100 1740 72, 108, 140, 150, 184, 212, 215, Bull, Ole, 592 250, 271, 286, 306, 438, 454, 474, Bull family, 100 485, 708, 727, 1335, 1386, 1387, Bullit, John, 22 1540, 1550, 1552, 1555 Bulwer-Lvtton, Edward, 22 1750 72, 108, 140, 150, 175, 184, 193, Bundeck, Mary, 337 212, 215, 250, 271, 286, 289, 306, Bunne, James, 808 438, 454, 479, 485, 708, 727, 940, Bunting, Josiah, 108 1386, 1387, 1540, 1550, 1552, 1555 Bunting, Samuel, 102 1760 45,72,94, 108, 140, 150, 175, 184, Bunting, William M., 1539 193, 212, 215, 250, 253, 286, 289, Burbank, Luther, 22 306, 316, 329, 438, 454, 474, 485, Burd, Edward, 22, 108, 740, 778; estate, 654, 708, 727, 1169, 1193, 1301, 103 1386, 1387, 1435, 1509, 1540, Burd, Edward Shippen, 22, 104, 108, 1550, 1552, 1555 347, 595; law notes, 105 1770 45, 59, 60, 72, 108, 140, 150, 175, Burd, Mrs. Eliza H., 104 184, 193, 208, 212, 215, 250, 253, Burd, James, 454, 595 286, 289, 306, 316, 329, 395, 456, Burd, Sarah, 595 474, 485, 505, 541, 654, 708, 994, Burd family, 1174, 1494 1021, 1169, 1301, 1386, 1387, Burd Orphan Asylum, 104 1389, 1435, 1496, 1540, 1550, Bureau of Unemployment Relief, 1585 1552, 1555, 1587 Burgoyne, John, 145 1780 19, 45, 49, 50, 59, 60, 63, 66, 72, Burke, Thomas, 455 77, 108, 140, 150, 184, 193, 208, Burleigh, C. C, 10 212, 215, 227 (a), 227 (b), 250, Burlington, N. J., 102, 129, 143, 154, 253, 286, 289, 292, 306, 316, 329, 213, 301, 325, 450, 607, 698, 1450; 331,456,474,484,485,541,606, early settlers, 75, 551; land titles, 551 654, 708, 889, 1021, 1148, 1169, Burns, James, 106 1301, 1386, 1387, 1389, 1399, Burns, Robert, 583 1435, 1509, 1521, 1540, 1550, Burns Club, 583 1552, 1555, 1587, 1589 Burnside, James, 779 1790 21,45,49,50,59,60,63,66,72, Burr, Aaron, 49, 238, 250, 489; contro- 77, 108, 140, 150, 169, 176, 184, versy with Hamilton, 47; denuncia- 193, 208, 212, 227 (a), 227 (b), tion of, 466; duel with Hamilton, 31, 250, 253, 286, 289, 306, 316, 329, 1509 331, 374, 387, 437, 456, 474, 485, Burr, H., 1540 499, 541, 606, 622, 654, 675, 708, Burrell, Horace H., 1519 889, 1148, 1169, 1301, 1386, 1387, Busch, Miers, 107 1389, 1399, 1435, 1509, 1521, Buses, 1556 1540, 1550, 1552, 1554, 1555, Bush Hill, 780 1587, 1589, 1602 Bush & Lordell Carwheel Co., 1392 1800 21, 45, 50, 66, 77, 108, 140, 150, Business cards, 1312 169, 175, 176, 184, 193, 208, 212, Business records: 227 (a), 227 (b), 250, 253, 286, 1660 474 289, 306, 316, 329, 331, 367, 374, 1670 22,193 378,437,438,456,474,479,485, 1680 133,193,485 499,541,586,654,675,708,1148, 1690 108,193,485 1169, 1301, 1343, 1386, 1387, 1700 108, 140, 150, 157, 184, 454, 1427, 1435, 1486, 1509, 1521, 485, 1335 1540, 1550, 1552, 1554, 1555, 1710 108,111,140,150,157,175,184, 1587,1589,1602 454, 474, 485, 1335 1810 21, 45, 50, 66, 77, 108, 140, 150, 1720 108, 111, 140, 150, 184, 212, 454, 169, 175, 176, 184, 193, 208, 212, 474, 485, 1335, 1552, 1555 227 (a), 227 (b), 250, 253, 286, 1730 108, 140, 150, 184, 212, 250, 286, 289, 306, 329, 331, 367, 374, 378, 454, 474, 485, 708, 1335, 1165, 437, 456, 474, 479, 499, 586, 622, 1386, 1540, 1550, 1552, 1555 654, 675, 708, 877, 1148, 1301, 1343, 1377, 1386, 1387, 1427, 1552, 1554, 1555, 1556, 1586, 1435, 1486, 1487, 1509, 1521, 1602 1540, 1550, 1552, 1554, 1555, 1880 148, 227 (a), 253, 286, 374, 1176, 1587, 1589, 1602 1337, 1392, 1401, 1471, 1486, 1820 21,66,77,104,108,140,150,169, 1509, 1540, 1550, 1552, 1554, 175, 176, 184, 193, 208, 212, 1555, 1556, 1586, 1602 227 (a), 227 (b), 250, 253, 286, 1890 148, 374, 1176, 1337, 1392, 1401, 289, 329, 367, 374, 378, 437, 456, 1469, 1471, 1486, 1540, 1550, 474, 479, 499, 586, 654, 675, 694, 1552, 1554, 1555, 1556, 1586 877, 1148, 1301, 1328, 1343, 1377, 1900 148, 374, 1176, 1337, 1392, 1401, 1386, 1387, 1392, 1400, 1427, 1469, 1471, 1486, 1540, 1550, 1435, 1486, 1487, 1509, 1521, 1552, 1555, 1556, 1586 1540, 1550, 1552, 1554, 1555, 1910 374,1251,1337,1392,1401,1469, 1586, 1587, 1589, 1602 1471, 1486, 1540, 1556, 1586 1830 21, 45, 50, 66, 77, 96, 104, 108, 1920 1251, 1337, 1392, 1469, 1471, 140, 150, 175, 176, 184, 193, 212, 1486, 1540, 1556 227, 238, 250, 253, 286, 289, 329, 1930 1251, 1337, 1469, 1471, 1540, 367, 374, 378, 393, 436, 437, 456, 1556. See also types of business 474, 586, 654, 675, 694, 776, 1156, Buston, Thomas F., 189 1159, 1328, 1337, 1343, 1377, Butler, A., 512 1386, 1392, 1400, 1403, 1427, Butler, B. F., 1407 1435, 1458, 1485, 1486, 1487, Butler, Fannv Kemble, 1155, 1447 1488, 1490, 1494, 1509, 1521, Butler, Miss Frances, 1584 1540, 1542, 1550, 1552, 1554, Butler, Pierce, 109, 380, 1447, 1584 1555, 1586, 1587, 1602 Butler, Pierce (Mease), 1447 1840 21,45,77,108,140,148,150,176, Butler, Richard, 110 184, 193, 195, 223, 227 (a), 253, Butler, Samuel Worcester, 1233 286, 289, 329, 367, 374, 393, 436, Butler, Rev. Thomas, 1419 456, 474, 654, 675, 694, 776, 1 147, Butler, Thomas (Tinsmith), 1234 1207, 1328, 1337, 1343, 1386, Butler family, 1447 1390, 1392, 1400, 1403, 1427, Byers, James, 466 1435, 1454, 1458, 1485, 1486, Byrd, William, 36 1487, 1488, 1494, 1509, 1521, Byron, George Gordon (Lord Byron), 1540, 1550, 1552, 1554, 1555, 193 1586, 1602 1850 21, 45, 108, 148, 150, 176, 193, Caballeros de la Luz, 756 195, 223, 227 (a), 253, 286, 289, Cabinet-maker, 1215 367, 374, 393, 456, 474, 654, 675, Cabot et al. v Bingham, 1583 694, 776, 1146, 1147, 1207, 1328, Cadwalader, Dr. Charles E., 1454 1337, 1343, 1386, 1390, 1392, Cadwalader, Gen. George, 1454 1400, 1403, 1435, 1454, 1458, Cadwalader, Gen. John, 111, 250, 1041, 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487, 1488, 1454 1509, 1521, 1540, 1550, 1552, Cadwalader, Judge John, 1235, 1454 1554, 1555, 1586, 1602 Cadwalader, John, Jr., 1454 1860 108, 148, 150, 176, 227 (a), 253, Cadwalader, Dr. Thomas, 1454 269, 286, 289, 367, 374, 474, 614, Cadwalader, Gen. Thomas, 1454 654, 694, 776, 1143, 1147, 1176, Cadwalader Grays, 1110 1207, 1215, 1328, 1337, 1392, Cadwalader-Reed controversy, 1454 1403, 1435, 1454, 1458, 1484, Caesar, Julius, 576 1485, 1486, 1488, 1509, 1540, Caesars, 97 1550, 1552, 1554, 1555, 1586, Calcutta, India, 154, 1375 1602 Caldwell, ,1540 1870 108, 126, 148, 150, 227 (a), 253, Caldwell, Charles, 108 286, 374, 776, 1176, 1207, 1328, Calfe, John, 957 1337, 1392, 1403, 1435, 1454, Calhoun, Alexander, 36 1484, 1486, 1509, 1540, 1550, Calhoun, Benjamin C, 112 Calhoun, John C, 94, 151, 238, 250, 380, 447, 466, 512, 517, 645; address to, 517; opposition to Andrew Jackson, 645; political influence, 238 Calico, 287, 582, 1586 California, 108, 558, 728; birds, 226; J. F. Flagg on, 1425; flora, 226; gold discovery, 158, 238; history, 1311; mines, 1499; statehood, 238; topog- raphy, 101 Callender, William, 1123 Calligraphy, 311 Callowhill, Hannah, 485 Callowhill Market, 967 Calvert County, Md., 80 Calvert family, Lords Baltimore, 111, 183, 485, 1333, 1455; agreements with William Penn, 655; petition to George II, 485 Camac, William Masters, 1420 Cambria County, 176 Cambridge, Mass., orderly books, 973 Camden, N.J., 1540, 1546; tax lists, 1101; voters list, 781 Cameron, Simon, 91, 151, 250, 266, 557, 645, 1151 CammerhoflF, John Christopher Fred- erick, 782 Campbell, Colin, 129 Campbell, Hugh G., 331 Campbell, James M., 113 Campbell, John, telescope of, 114 Campbell, Samuel, 114 Campion, Peters, and Linder, 499 Camps: Brandywine, 973, 1093; Bloom- field, 973; Charles, 973; Deposit, 973; Dupont, 973, 1093; Fairfield, 973; Great Falls, 974 Canada, 116; annexation to United States, 178; campaign against, 39; controversy with United States, 512; economic conditions, 178; Harding's visit to, 262; insurrection, 250, 511; military expedition to, 590; politics, ^ 178; War of 1812, 482 Canal boats, 108 Canal companies, 722, 1148, 1328, 1339. See also names of individual com- panies Canals. See Internal improvements Canedo, Juan de, 512 Canfield, D. B., 939 Cannibals, 172 Canoes, 317 Canonsburg, 407 Canterbury, 379 Canton, China, 108, 734; commerce, 622 Cantwells Bridge, Del., 108 Cape May, N.J., 322, 359, 622 Cape of Good Hope, 553 Capen, Nahum, 91 Capital punishment, 10 Capitol, restoration, 558 Cappelis, Major de, 848 Cappers, Rebecca, 541 Caracas, Venezuela (Great Colombia), 459 Carbon County, 488 Carey, Edward L., 227 (a) Carey, Henry C, 227 (a), 645 Carey, Mathew, 227 (a), 227 (b) Carey family, 227 (a), 1509 Carey and Hart, 227 (a) Carey and Lea, 227 (a), 236 Carey, Lea and Carey, 236 Caricatures: Charles Dickens, 170; po- litical leaders, 117 Carlisle, 57, 310, 339, 616; orderly book, 973 Carmault, Gough and, 108 Carnarvon, 319 Carnegie, Andrew, 645 Carolina, 36, 357, 440, 455; brigade, 1118; Friends, 440, 463; Revolution- ary War, defense of, 357; social con- ditions, 463. See also North Carolina, South Carolina Caroline County, Md., 129 Carpenter, Louis H., 115 Carpenter, Samuel, 328 Carpenter family, 115 Carpentry, 108, 150 Carpet, 1260 Carr, Josephine, 1236 Carr, Robert, 116 Carriage makers, 108 Carson, Hampton L., 117, 1087, 1180 Carson, Joseph, 108 Cart, Samuel, 246 Cart family, 294 Cartel, 514 Carter, Lucius, 982 Carter, Robert, 940 Carter family, 295 Cartoons, 117, 250, 332, 397, 1155 Cary's School (Mrs.), 1160 Casanove, Theophilus, 489 Caspian Sea, 512 Cass, Lewis, 512 Cassat, D., 499 Cassel, Abraham H., 310, 620, 1610 Caswell, Richard, 455 Catalan, 528 Catalogues, 198, 642, 649, 687, 696, 742; Coleman, Penn Papers, 56; Dreer collection, 175; Edward Burd law library, 104; of medals, 576; of china, 136; Pennsylvania and Delaware state papers, 111; references to bibliogra- phy, 238 Catesby, Mark, 36 Cathedrals, 179 Catholic (Roman) Church: clergy, 175; Indian missions, 101; in Europe, 615; influence, 101; popes, 250 Cathrall, Charles E., 118 Catskill Mountains, 36 Cattle, 1454, 1582 Cattle brands, 917 Caucasus, 512 Cay, David, 250 Cecil County, Md., 546 Cedar Swamps, 934 Cemeteries, 376, 680; Friends, 401; Kensington, 892; Lebanon, 8; Penn- sylvania, 319 Centennial Exposition, 51, 119, 193, 278, 702, 713, 1482, 1529, 1544; Board of Awards, 1499; register of visitors at Women's Depot, 1237; Women's Committee, 1138 Central Park, N.Y., 254 Central Phrenological Society of Phila- delphia, 756 Centre County, 488, 1471, 1596 Chalfant, Jesse, 108 Chalfant, Joel, 108 Chalkley, Thomas, 129 Chaloner and White, 120 Chamberlain, Joseph, 250 Chamberlain family, 150 Chamber of Accounts, U. S., 236 Chamber of Commerce, Phila., 1382 Chambers, Gordon, 1148 Chambers, James, 973, 1238 Chambers, Sargent, 316 Chambers family, 878 Champion, Joseph, 1181 Chandler, Mary Ann, 1239 Chandler family, 150 Chapman, N., 585 Charikees. See Cherokees Charming Forge, 212 Charleston, S.C., 179, 314, 331, 455, 1445; burning of, 400; earthquake, 1421; journev to, 302; naval battles, 864; siege of,' 1078 Charlestown, ship, 1144 Chase, Salmon P., 645; biographical notes, 121; biography, 460 Chateaubriand, 688 Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of, 383 Chatham, Chester Co., Pa., 1540 Chauncey, Isaac, 482 Cheltenham and Willow Grove Turn- pike, 122 Chemistry, 24, 108, 601, 1487 Chenier, Andre, 390 Cherokees (Charikees), 480, 512, 736; memorials to Congress, 586; treatv, 466 Chesapeake, U.S.S., 466 Chesapeake Bay, 310, 357, 590; French fleet in, 357; Indians, 310; flotilla, 445 Cncss 4 Chester, 153, 238, 485, 697, 896, 1540, 1590; history, 1308, 1470; schools, 150; Watson's visit, 697 Chester County, 123, 124, 175, 212, 316, 319, 327, 371, 384, 482; boundaries, 398, 485; courts, 383, 603, 805, 943; deed book, 1240; East Vincent Town- ship, 822; economic conditions, 228, 527; history, 812, 1600; land titles, 369, 460, 484, 485, 488, 646, 651; petitions in favor of proprietors, 485; politics, 383; real-estate transactions, 369, 454; Schuylkill Township, 1070; survey by Anthony Wayne, 699; tax collecting, 1380; tax list, 595 Chester County Historical Society, 150 Chester Springs, 150 Chesterfield Meeting, 129, 1354 Chestertown, Md., 739 Chestnut Hill Ore Bank, 253, 1488 Chestnut Hill and Spring House Turn- pike Road, 855 Chestnut St., Phila., 379, 611 Chevalier, John, 108, 1540 Chevalier, Peter, 108, 1540 Chew, Benjamin, 125, 238, 310 Chew, David S. B., 126, 776 Chew, Robert, 145 Chew family, 1455 Cheyney, Thomas, 1241 Cheyney, Waldron J., 1499 Chickasaws, 466, 480 Childs, Cephas Grier, 127; estate, 993 Childs, George W., 175 China, 108, 413, 1242, 1593; Boxer Rebellion, 544; commerce, 136, 622, 687, 734, 1540; voyage to, 1115 China Packet, ship, 787 Chinaware, 108; catalogues of, 136 Choctaws, 218 Choiseul, Due de, 25 Cholera, 380 Christ Church, 499 Christ Church Hospital, 128 Christ Church and St. Peters, 129 Christ Healing the Sick, 1314 Christian's Brun, 1035 Christian Church, Piqua, O., 129 Christiana, Del., 108 Christina, Queen of Sweden, 1095 Christmas, 238, 254, 623 Chronicle Fire Tables, The, 205 Chronology, 9; European history, 175; world history, 740 Church of the Epiphany, Phila., 1516; tombstone inscriptions, 788 Churches, 129, 175, 425, 1318; Baptist, 129, 364; Chester Co., 150; Christian, 129; Dutch Reformed, 129, 1518; Episcopal, 1478, 1516, 1517; Lutheran, 129, 233, 348, 367, 574; Methodist, 1161; Pennsylvania, 711; Perkiomen, 1592; Philadelphia, 129, 348, 550, 659, 680; Presbyterian, 8, 250, 367; Re- formed Church Association, 367; Uni- tarian, 680, 707; Universalist, 680, ^ 1416; Walloon, 250 Churchman, George, 130, 131 Churchman, John, 130 Churchmen's Missionary Assoc, 129 Cincinnati, O., view of, 466 Cincinnati, Society of the, 391 Citizens' Bounty Fund Committee, 1558 Citizens' Permanent Relief Committee, 1421 Citizens' Temperance Union, 756 City Hall, Phila., 1360 City National Bank, 1545 City Tavern, Phila., 795 Civil Code papers, 710 Civil Service Reform Association, 1369 Civil Service Reform League, Pa., 1436 Civil, Social, and Statistical Associates, 756 Civil War, 7, 51, 78, 91, 113, 115, 121, 138, 151, 164, 173, 224, 329, 397, 410, 425, 460, 532, 544, 599, 610, 616, 634, 679, 728, 1149, 1244, 1454, 1502, 1509, 1546, 1584, 1591, 1606, 1609; army memoranda, 1059; Army of Potomac, 410; battle of Gettysburg, 536, 610; battles, 82, 304, 307, 1546; blockade of Southern ports, 315; bounties, 1546, 1558; camp life, 82; campaign maps, 304; campaigns, 410; casualties, 304, 410, 1139; Citizens' Bounty Fund Committee, 1558; coast survey, 304; commissions, 635; courts martial, 227; deserters, 278; diaries, 175, 1502, 1503, 1542, 1607; disabled soldiers, 256; effect on authors, 634; engineering, 304, 410; envelopes, 1546, 1605; financing, 121, 148; First Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, 329; Frankfort Arsenal invoice book, 1187; Great Central Fair, 224, 679, 865, 1062, 1546; Gwynedd Invincibles, 319; Harper's Ferry headquarters, 872; in- vasion of Pennsylvania, 319; Jesse Johnson's diary, 1299; Lee's surren- der, 304; lithographs, 250; Wm. McCarter's My Life in the Army, 1307; McMichael's letters on, 1352; maps, Army of Potomac, 410; maps, Southern states, 410; Marine Corps, 1546; Martinsburg, W. Va., head- quarters, 921; and Gen. Meade, 1407; medicine, 138, 532; mementoes, 397; military records, 589; munitions, 278; naval battles off Charleston, S.C., 864; naval courts-martial, 494; navy, 227 (a), 1417; Negro regiments, 490, 847; Capt. Newhall's letters on, 1409; officers, 175, 250; officers' contro- versies, 410; orphans, 256; pamphlet on, 634; pardons, 1546; participation of Isaac Wistar, 728; peace conven- tions, 250; Pennsylvania Volunteers, 425, 610, 998, 1546; Phila. banks, 1104; Phila. sentiments, 278; politics, 227 (a), 410; provisions, 790, 924; reconnaissance of Susquehanna River, 937; rioting, 279; Sanitary Commis- sion, 679, 1062; sanitation, 679; sol- diers' relief, 1137; 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry, 536; 12th Army Corps, 1574; Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, 1580; U. S. Army, 410; U. S. Navy, 544; Valley campaign, 1546; Va. cam- paign, 304. See also Confederate States of America Civil Works Administration, 1568, 1579 Claiborne, W. C. C, 466 Clark, Adele C, 1245 Clark, Brainard, 108 Clark, Charles E., 759 Clark, Daniel {fl. 1760), 108 Clark, Daniel, 238, 541 Clark, Ephraim, 1457 Clark, Thomas, 1118 Clark, William, Jr., 132 Clark and Jones, 331 Clark and Lochry Expedition, 425 Clark and Raser, 1540 Clarke, Samuel, 331 Clarkson, Mathew, 1389 Clarkson, William, 250, 1540 Clarkson Institute of Pennsylvania, 756 Clarkson School, 490 Classical Institute, 198 Clay, Henry, 199, 238, 324, 534, 557, 645, 1378, 1450; bitterness against Jackson, 324 Clay, Joseph A., Spanish indemnities, 107 Claymont, Del., 1516 Claypoole, George, 605 Claypoole, J. A., 774 Claypoole, James, 108 Clayton, R., 974 Clayton, Moulder and, 108 Clearfield County, 43, 176, 488; land titles, 42 Clearing House for Homeless Men, 1585 Cleaver, Ellis, 108 Cleever, William, 785 Clement, John C, 134 Clemson, Elizabeth C, 135 Clemson family, 27 Cleveland, Grover, 78 Cleveland, O., 715 Clifford, John, 136 Clifford, Thomas, 136, 484 Clifford estate v Stephen Girard, 136 Cliffton, William, 137 Cline, Henry, 108 Clinton, De Witt, 250, 254, 682 Clinton, George, 250 Clinton Countv, 1471, 1520 Clocks, 108 Cloth, 108, 136, 150, 367, 541, 582, 1586; samples of, 49, 1586 Clothing, 659, 1540 Clover Club, 1393 Clover Hill, 1450 Clow, Andrew, 250, 1186 Clow and Company, 889 Club Stable, 756 Clubs. See names of clubs Clymer, Daniel C, 138 Clymer, George, 250, 1183 Clymer, Henry, 138 Clymer, Meredith, 138 Clymer, William, 138 Clymer family, 138 Coal, 108, 127, 253, 435, 458, 654, 1147, 1471, 1540, 1582 Coast, U.S. : maps, 410; survey, 243, 304 Coates, Benjamin, 108, 139, 140 Coates, Beulah, 139 Coates, George M., 140 Coates, Joseph Saunders, 891 Coates, Josiah, 108, 140 Coates, Mary, 140, 1540 Coates, Samuel, 108, 140, 250, 792 Coates, Sarah, 759 Coates, Thomas, 108, 227 (a) Coates, William M., 139 Coates, Bates and, 237 Coates and Revnell, 140 Cobb, David, 1583 Cobbett, William, 193, 227 (b) Cochran, Henry C., 141 Codman, John, 1583 Codman, Stephen, 1583 Codorus Forge, 253 Codorus Ore Bank, 253 Coffee, 108, 168, 331 Coffee family, 294 Cohocksink Presbyterian Church, 250 Cole, Jacob Thomas, 1582 Cole, Thomas, 193 Cole family, Jamaica, 1582 Colebrookdale Furnace, 212 Coleman, William, 108 Coleman catalogue of Penn papers, 56 Coles, Edward, 1458 Coles, John, 240 Coles family, 1458 College Camp, 175 College of New Jersey, 209. See also Princeton College College of Philadelphia, 603, 613, 794; diplomas, 34; treasurer, 108. See also University of Pennsylvania Colleges. See Schools Collens familv, 294 Collieries, 227 Collin, Lewis, 795 Collins, Ann, 1587 Collins, Isaac, 142 Collins, Matthew, 143 Collins, Stephen, 193, 1587 Collins, Zaccheus, 1587 Collins family, 142 Collins, Longstreth and Co., 108 Collinson, Peter, 36, 144, 193 Collis, Charles Henry Tucker, 1606 Colombia, 113; commerce, 276, 459; legal controversies, 459; politics, 276; social conditions, 276 Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, 1369 Colorado, 78 Colt, Judah, 236 1780 90, 92, 108, 140, 150, 176, 212, Columbia and St. Charles Furnace, 253 227 (a), 250, 253, 266, 316, 329, Columbia County, 250, 1596 335, 485, 547, 595, 640, 740 Columbia River, 310 1790 92, 108, 140, 150, 175, 176, 212, Columbian Transportation Line, 1540 227 (a), 250, 253, 266, 316, 329, Colvius, 529 449, 485, 547, 595, 640, 687, 740 Comanches, 310 1800 92, 108, 140, 150, 175, 176, 212, Comfort, Samuel, 737 227 (a), 250, 253, 266, 316, 329, Commerce, 28, 40, 86, 108, 136, 286, 449, 485, 547, 595, 640, 687, 740 361,383, 393, 693, 1486, 1509; Africa, 1810 92, 108, 140, 150, 175, 212, 154; Antigua, 740; Baltic, 612; Barba- 227 (a), 250, 253, 266, 329, 485, does, 740; Batavia, 553; Baton Rouge, 547, 595, 640, 685, 687, 740 La., 571; Brazil, 168, 183, 534; Can- 1820 92, 108, 140, 150, 175, 212, ton, 622; Cape of Good Hope, 553; 227 (a), 250, 253, 266, 329, 547, China, 108, 136, 622, 687, 734; 595, 640, 685, 687, 740 Colombia, 276, 459; Colonial, 1491; 1830 92, 108, 140, 150, 175, 212, Delaware, 108, 166, 250, 326, 485; 227 (a), 250, 253, 266, 329, 547, East Indies, 687; England, 48, 108, 595, 685, 740 136,150,155,250,513,541,561,638, 1840 92, 108, 140, 150, 175, 227 (a), 660, 693; Europe, 184, 331, 462, 1582; 250, 253, 266, 329, 547, 595, 685, Florida, 541; France, 136, 412, 541; 740 French America, 541; Germany, 95, 1850 92, 108, 140, 150, 175, 227 (a), 252; Holland, 136, 183, 541; India, 250, 253, 266, 595, 614, 740 1587; Italy, 136; Java, 553; Liverpool, I860 92, 108, 150, 227 (a), 253, 266, 140; London, 210; Louisiana, 238; 269, 610, 614, 740 Madeira, 561; Martinique, 541; Mary- 1870 92, 108, 150, 227 (a), 253, 266, land, 108, 571; Massachusetts, 353; 610 Mexico, 512; Mississippi, 541; Missis- 1880 92, 150, 227 (a), 253, 266, 610 sippi Valley, 238; Montgomery Co., 1890 92, 227 (a), 266, 610 223, 319; Newburyport, Mass., 250; 1900 92, 227 (a), 266, 610 New England, 227; New Jersey, 108, 1910 92, 227 (a), 266, 610 250, 292, 359, 622, 633, 640, 727; New 1920 227 (a) Orleans, 393; New York, 216, 571; 1930 227 (a); Northampton Co., 317, 456; North- Philadelphia: umberland Co., 458; notes on, 654; 1700 108, 474, 708 Nova Scotia, 243; 1710 84, 108, 474, 485, 515, 708 Pennsylvania: 1720 108, 136, 474, 485, 515, 524, 708 1700 140, 150, 175, 227 (a), 246, 250, 1730 108, 136, 250, 474, 485, 515, 524, 485, 595 660, 708 1710 140, 150, 175, 227 (a), 246, 485, 1740 108, 136, 250, 271, 438, 474, 485, 595 515, 524, 542, 654, 660, 694, 708 1720 108, 140, 150, 212, 227 (a), 246, 1750 108, 136, 250, 271, 438, 474, 485, 485, 594, 595 515, 625, 654, 694, 708 1730 108, 140, 150, 212, 227 (a), 246, 1760 72, 94, 108, 136, 236, 250, 289, 250, 266, 485, 594, 595, 640, 740 438, 462, 474, 485, 515, 541, 571, 1740 108, 140, 150, 212, 227 (a), 246, 625, 654, 694, 708 250, 266, 485, 594, 595, 640, 740 1770 50, 72, 94, 108, 136, 250, 287, 289, 1750 108, 140, 150, 175, 212, 227 (a), 474, 485, 513, 515, 541, 571, 625, 246, 250, 266, 329, 339, 485, 594, 632, 639, 654, 694, 708 595,640,740 1780 19,50,77,108,136,250,287,289, 1760 108, 140, 150, 175, 176, 212, 331,374,474,485,514,541,553, 227 (a), 246, 250, 253, 266, 316, 571, 632, 654, 694, 708 329, 339, 485, 594, 595, 640, 740 1790 50, 77, 95, 108, 136, 169, 238, 250, 1770 92, 108, 140, 150, 175, 176, 212, 252, 289, 331, 367, 374, 389, 474, 227 (a), 250, 253, 266, 316, 329, 485, 514, 516, 541, 553, 571, 632, 485, 529, 594, 595, 640, 740 654, 694, 708, 709 1800 50, 77, 95, 108, 136, 238, 250, 289, 331, 367, 374, 378, 474, 479, 485, 514, 516, 541, 553, 571, 632, 654, 694, 708, 1218 1810 50, 77, 95, 108, 136, 192, 238, 250, 289, 331, 367, 374, 378, 474, 479, 485, 514, 541, 553, 571, 654, 694, 708, 718, 734 1820 50, 77, 95, 108, 136, 169, 192, 238, 289, 367, 374, 378, 435, 474, 479, 514, 553, 571, 654, 694, 708, 718, 734 1830 50, 77, 95, 107, 108, 136, 238, 289, 367, 374, 378, 474, 514, 553, 571, 654, 694, 718, 734 1840 77, 95, 107, 108, 238, 257, 289, 367, 374, 474, 514, 569, 571, 654, 694, 718 1850 107, 108, 257, 289, 367, 374, 474, 514, 569, 571, 654, 694, 718 1860 107, 108, 257, 289, 328, 367, 374, 474, 654, 694, 718 1870 107, 108, 257, 289, 374, 654, 694, 718 1880 108, 289, 374, 694 1890 108, 374 1900 108, 374 1910 374; Puerto Rico, 518; Portugal, 136, 541; Reading, 252; Rhode Island, 108; Russia, 136, 150; St. Genevieve, Mo., 569; St. Pierre, 541; Scandinavia, 612; South Africa, 183; South America, 459, 553; South Carolina, 331; Spain, 136, 541; Spanish America, 541; Su- matra, 553; Towanda, 691; United States: 1700 150, 157, 193 1710 150, 157, 193 1720 27, 150, 157, 193 1730 27, 150, 157, 193, 740 1740 27, 108, 150, 157, 193, 740 1750 27, 108, 150, 157, 193, 740 1760 27, 108, 150, 157, 193, 462, 740 1770 27, 108, 150, 157, 193, 236, 287, 632, 740 1780 27, 48, 108, 150, 157, 193, 236, 238, 287, 412, 558, 632, 740 1790 27, 48, 95, 108, 150, 157, 193, 237, 238, 250, 252, 305, 558, 571, 632, 740 1800 95, 108, 150, 157, 193, 237, 238, 250, 558, 571, 612, 632, 740 1810 95, 108, 150, 157, 193, 237, 238, 512, 558, 571, 589, 612, 740 1820 95, 108, 126, 150, 157, 193, 237, 512, 558, 571, 740 1830 95, 108, 126, 150, 157, 193, 227 (a), 558, 571, 740 1840 95, 108, 150, 157, 193, 227 (a), 558, 740 1850 108, 126, 150, 157, 193, 227 (a), 237, 740 1860 108, 126, 150, 157, 740 1870 108, 126, 150, 157 1880 108, 126, 157 1890 157 1900 157 1910 157 1920 157; United States territories, 136; Vir- ginia, 108, 571, 629; Washington and Annapolis tariff rates, 1151; West, 148; western territories, 728; W T est Indies, 66, 73, 108, 136, 183, 184, 227, 250, 290, 331, 462, 513, 515, 541, 553, 561, 625, 660, 740, 1153, 1399, 1582; York Co., 259, 408 Commerce, ship, 393 Commercial Rooms Association, 108 Commercial Trust Company, 1543 Commission for the Relief of Philadel- phia Volunteers, 1456 Commission on Revision of the Consti- tution of Pennsylvania, 1180 Committee of Defence, Phila., 502 Committee of Observation, 959, 1012 Committee of Safety, Northumberland Co., 966 Commonplace books, 1530, 1582; 1720 498 1730 175 1750 595, 1564 1760 283, 1231, 1564, 1582 1770 145, 357, 493, 1396, 1564 1780 145, 327, 329, 485, 541, 1211, 1289, 1396, 1508, 1564 1790 18, 295, 327, 541, 1396, 1508, 1564 1800 18, 295, 327, 1508, 1564 1810 18, 295, 327, 1508, 1564 1820 18, 61, 323, 1564 1830 18,61,323,448,1238,1564 1840 18, 61, 323, 576, 1238, 1564 1850 61, 1505, 1564 1860 61, 1509 1870 61 1880 61 Communism, in Phila., 1361 Company of Merchants Trading to Africa, 154 Conarroe, George M., 146 Concord Quarterly Meeting, 150 Conden, Thomas S., 1338 Conestogas, 30; massacre of, 310, 752 Conewago, 129 Confederacy, frigate, 222 Confederate States of America: army, 1546, 1575; letters, 1456; money, 205, 1546, 1559, 1603; navy, 250; oaths of allegiance, 1546; Post Office, 1546; prisons, 278, 1607 Confederation of the United States, 1261 Congress, United States, 91, 144, 146 175, 193, 194, 200, 207, 250, 300, 316 356, 425, 446, 451, 560, 675, 702, 714 Cherokee memorials to, 586; extraor- dinary session, 389; Greek issue, 512 House of Representatives, 392, 425 676; journal of, 383; memorials to 324; J. Hampton Moore in, 1541 North Carolina, 331; Old, 175, 250 425; petitions, 312; President of, 144 proposal of Comte de Beaufort, 40 resolutions, 312; routine work of a member, 1512; Senate, 158, 425, 676 treaty-making powers, 392 Congress, U.S.S., 106, 541, 755, 798 "Congressional Pugilists," cartoon, 1155 Congressional Register, 799 Connecticut, 58, 222, 238, 447, 456; claims, 90, 485, 488, 800, 1604; Dela- ware-Susquehanna, land purchases, 176; disputes with Pennsylvania and New York, 387; early settlers, 58; in- truders, 176; land speculations, 571 Connelly, John, 973 Connelly, Lemuel S., 1540 Conner family, 147 Conrad, and Kimber, 1295 Conshohocken, 1579 Consolidated Insurance Co., 205 Constellation, U.S.S., 106, 672, 1108 Constitution, 91, 146, 227 (b), 250, 455, 721; draft of, 721; jubilee of, 91; signers, 146 Constitution de la Republique de Pensyl- vanie, 1227 Constitution Sesqui-Centennial Cele- bration, 1246 Constitution, U.S.S., 267, 304, 306, 541 Constitutional Assembly, 484 Constitutional Centennial Commission, 676 Constitutional Convention, 40, 90, 175, 193, 250, 721; New Hampshire, 957; of Pennsylvania, 491 Consuls, 150, 157, 459, 512, 571, 589, 591, 1172, 1351, 1454. See also names of consuls Continental certificates, 458 Continental Congress, 20, 175, 178, 196, 250, 356, 395, 449, 456, 537, 658, 1583; autographs of members, 1402 Continental Loan Office, 746, 802 Contraband, 157, 363 Conyngham, Redmond, 740 Cookbooks, 108, 206, 265, 559, 696, 836 Cooke, Henry D., 148 Cooke, Jay, 148, 460, 710; bankruptcy, 710; biography, 460 Cookson, Thomas, 352, 499 Cooper, Calvin, 150 Cooper, James Fenimore, 149, 193, 401 Cooper, Joseph, 150 Cooper, Miller, 193 Cooper, Samuel, 1146 Cooper, Thomas, 236 Cooper, William, 1064 Cooper Shop, Phila., 256 Cooper Textile and Woolen Mill, 150 Cope, Anne G., 150 Cope, Benjamin, 150 Cope, Caleb, 108, 205 Cope, Gilbert, 150, 1600 Cope, John, 150 Cope family, 1182 Cope Brothers, 1486 Cope, Thomas P., and Sons, 1486 Copley, John Singleton, 193 Copper, 485, 654,951, 1222 Coppers' Battery, 7 Corfield, Edward D., 129 Cornell, Gideon, 49 Corning, Eustis, 939 Cornplanter, 250 Cornwall Ore Bank, 253 Cornwallis, Lord, 163 Corsart Farm, 150 Coryell, Lewis S., 151 Cotton, 95, 108, 136, 237, 238, 324, 389, 511, 514, 582, 1447, 1586 Cottrell, J. F., 1247 Council of Censors, Pennsylvania, 144 Council of Safety, 176, 425, 447; com- mittee of, 250, 447, 456; Connecticut, 222 Courtland Saunders Post No. 21, G.A.R., 1574 Courts, 146; admiralty, 144, 184, 1389; Barcelona, 528; Berks Co., 144; Brit- ish, 250; Bucks Co., 32, 282; Chester Co., 383, 603; Cumberland Co., 595; Delaware, 166; ecclesiastical, 550; eq- uity, 184; Greene Co., 150; Kent Co., Del., 562, 1404; Lancaster Co., 280, 351, 352, 595, 740; Landgrave of Hesse, 732; martial, 466; Montgomery Co., 319; Mt. Holly, N.J., 564, 572; Naval General Court Martial, Phila., 494; New Castle, Del., 150, 379; New Jersey, 213, 325, 359; New York Court of Appeals, 683; Northampton Co., 456; Northumberland Co., 458; Penn- sylvania, 90, 117, 150, 236, 250, 379, 381, 405, 425, 457, 485, 488, 499, 505, 517, 550, 595, 596, 616, 659, 740, 1167, 1364, 1570; Philadelphia, 150, 260, 345, 496, 499, 501, 536, 581, 608, 649, 709, 1359, 1364; records of prothono- tary of Supreme Court, 1527; slave trials, 490; United States, 117, 250, 251, 365, 586, 702; Upland, 379; West- moreland Co., 595; York Co., 741 Coutts, Thomas, 704 Coventry Iron Works, 212 Cowper, James Hamilton, 1096 Cowperthwaite, Thomas, and Co., 499 Cox, Captain, 950 Cox, Ann, 154 Cox, Daniel (J. 1688), 806 Cox, Daniel, 541 Cox, Henry Hamilton, biography of, 153 Cox, John, 50, 154 Cox, Mrs. John, 154 Cox, John D., 108 Cox family, 154 Coxe, Daniel W., 368, 1540 Coxe, Mrs. Daniel W., 108, 1540 Coxe, Robert D., 1248 Coxe, Tench, 227 (b) Cozens, Philips and, 108 Craft, James, 1249 Craig, George, 352 Craig, James, 1348 Craig, Mrs. John, 1451 Crambrook, Eng., 206 Crammond, William, 1186 Cramond, James, 757 Cramond family, 1531 Cramond, Phillips and Co., 250 Crampton family, 26 Cranor, H. C, 129 Crawford, William, 1151 Crawford, William H., 324, 557 Crawford County, 488, 807 Creeks, 480, 512, 736; vocabulary, 310 Crees, 310 Crefeld, Germany, 386 Cresap, Thomas, 840 Cresheim Township, 854 Cresson, Caleb, 1516 Cresson, Francis Macomb, 1516 Cresson, George Vaux, 1516 Cresson, John Elliott, 1422 Cresson, William Penn, 1516 Cresson family, 1516 Cricket, 863, 1353, 1439 Crime, 90, 250, 254, 456, 488, 590, 684, 1331 Crimean War, 59 Crispin, Benjamin, 155 Crispin, James, 155 Crispin, Joseph, 155 Crispin cemetery, 1294 Croasdale family, 1340 Croft, Adin G., 1425 Croghan, George, 193, 339, 485, 1106, 1348, 1454, 1459 Croix de Guerre, 1472 Croll, Michael, 805 Cromie, R. J., 262 Crosby family, 1387 Crown Point, N. Y., orderly book, 973 Crown Street Sabbath School Mission- ary Society, 1518 Cuba, 63, 78, 589; barracks, 78; contro- versy with United States, 589; mili- tary expeditions, 78; military hos- pitals, 78; post office, 78; railroads, 78; William Shaler, consul in, 589 Cuba, ship, 602 Cuesta, Josefa Espinosa de, 1257 Cumberland County, 176, 195, 316, 349, 488, 595; courts, 595; early settlers, 349; land titles, 195, 349; real-estate transactions, 195 dimming, Robert, 1186 Cummings, Albert, 1540 Cunningham, Jasper Yeates, family, 740 Cunyngham, Stephen de, Earl of Glen- cairne, 156 Cunyngham family, 156 Curacao, West Indies, 73 Currency. See Money Curtin, A. G., 1509 Curtin, Andrew Gregg, 645, 1250 Curtin, Robert G., 1250 Curtis, Cyrus K., 1251 Curtis, John, 1423 Curtis Publishing Co., 1251 Cuscoilla, 36 Cussawago (Cussewaga) : land titles, 411; real-estate transactions, 411 Customs House, U.S., 157, 237, 250, 514, 516, 1201, 1243 Customs. See Commerce Dabadie, Albert, 24 Da Costa, Jacob M., 193 Dade, Laura H., 1542 Daix, Augustus F., 1252 Daix, Augustus F., Jr., 1540 Dakota, 78; treaty, 466 Dale Furnace, 212 Dallas, Alexander J., 227 (b), 447, 1460 Dallas, George M., 151, 158, 238, 240, 731, 1253, 1460 Dallas, Mrs. George, 1460 Dallas, Trevanion Harlow, 159 Dallas family, 159 Dallzell, John, 645 "Dame Darrel of York," 363 Dams. See Internal improvements Dana, R. H., 688 Dancing, 1015, 1133 Dannacker, George, 108 Dante Alighieri, 363 Darain, M., 1254 Darby, 326; Monthly Meeting, 129 Darley, Felix O. C, 1448 Darlington, William, 36, 175 Darrach, Charles G., 160 Darrach, William, 161 Darton and Harvey, 1177 Daughters of Africa Society, 8 Daughters of the Founders and Patriots of America, 1255 Dauphin County, 132, 488 David, Jacques Louis, 193 David, John, 898 Davidson, George, 1461 Davidson, William, 403, 455, 1167 Davidson, William B., 162 Davies family, 1354 Davis, Charles H., 1256 Davis, Charles L., 163 Davis, Hannah P., 150 Davis, John, 163, 950 Davis, Samuel, 925 Davis, W. H. H., 1546 Davis, William Morris, 164 Day, Alfred, 1150 Dayton, Captain, 250 Dayton, John, 466 Dayton, Jonathan, 193 Dealy, C. Victor, 1593 Dealy, Dennis F., 1593 Deane, Silas, 634 Dearborn, H., 466 Dearborn, William, 250 De Benneville, George, 41, 227 (b) Debts: continental certificates, 458; re- covery, 360 De Carrera, Jose M., 512 Decatur, Stephen, 165, 267, 466, 809, 1378 Declaration of Independence, 146, 238, 250, 379, 380; biographies of signers, 238, 623; portraits of signers, 193; signers, 57, 146, 175, 250, 538 Declaration of Rights, N.C., 455 Deeds. See Land transactions, Real- estate transactions De Knouse and Fullmer, 108 Delany, Sharp, 973 Delaware, 108, 447, 1604; Baptists in, 129; boundaries, 150, 398, 485, 1455; Brandywine River, 1050; catalogue of state papers, 111; charter, 238; com- merce, 166, 250; controversy, 485; courts, 166; early settlers, 673; eco- nomic conditions, 537, 673; educa- tion, 673; elections, 673; fortification of, 502; history, 238, 538, 1262; in- ternal improvements, 554; Kent Co., 1103, 1404; land titles, 240, 379, 673; laws, 673; manufacturers, 238; maps showing Friends meetings, 129; New Castle Co., 1103; paper money, 238; president, 382, 537; political satire, 538; politics, 382, 537, 538; real- estate transactions, 240, 379, 673; regiment, 1089; religion, 493, 673; social conditions, 537, 560, 673; state papers, 166; Sussex Co., 1103; Swedes, 671; taxes, 673 Delaware Bay, 316, 357, 485; break- water, 1387; French fleet, 357; land titles, 485 Delaware Canal, 632 Delaware and Chesapeake Canal, 697 Delaware and Raritan Canal, 108 Delaware and Schuylkill Canal Com- pany, 167, 710, 813 Delaware County, 108, 485, 488, 546, 714, 814, 1512, 1540; commerce, 326; early settlers, 343; history, 812; land titles, 497, 651; politics, 1388; real- estate transactions, 454; religion, 310; Sandy Bank Cemetery, 1061; town- ship patents, 998 Delaware County Historical Society, 1515 Delaware Fire Co., 205 Delaware River, 108, 373, 485, 502; 395,*f 407,t 449,* 451, t 463,f bridge survey, 1258; Swedish settlers, 468, 484,* 493,f 530,* 566,t 598, 647 624,t 684,* 719,f 815, 833,t 908, Delawares, 519 1089, 1098, 1141, 1298, 1398,* Delta Kappa Psi, Alpha Chapter, 756 1582 Democratic Party, 923 1780 30,t 34,*t 76,* 163, 186,f 227 (a), Democratic Society of Pennsylvania, 250, 273, 275, 377, 395,*f 431,* 756 449,* 461, 468, 484,* 530,* 541, Demuth, Jacob, 108 588, 598, 616,t 624,f 684,* 692,* Denham, Thomas, 108 719,t 833,f 857,* 1414, 1582 Denmark, 175, 250; wars, 612 1790 17, 34,*f 39, 175, 186,t 227 (a), Denn family, 294 230,* 242, 250, 275, 306, 395,*t Dennie, Joseph, 1509 413, 449,* 461, 468, 484,* 530,* Dennis, John, 918 541, 560, 567, 571, 591, 616,| 672, Dennison, Henry, 1208 696,* 1249,f 1422,* 1582* Denny, William, 302, 310, 447 1800 34,* 39, 54, 76,* 86, 108, 136, 175, Dentistry, 108, 733, 1442 179, 186,f 235,f 238,f 250, 275, Department of Citv Transit, 1572 291, 306, 378,* 449,* 465,* 506, Desecration of the Pennsylvania Capitol, 571, 616,t 654, 787, 1249,f 1397,| 1313 1398,* 1404, 1582,* 1587* Design, manual of, 363 1810 25,54,84,116,202,275,378,* De Simon, 163 380,* 465,* 479,f 484, 496,* 510, Destonet, Sharpnack and Co., 108 589, 654, 724,t 736, 1058, 1102, Detroit: Fort, 40, 699; Gen. William 1221 (a), 1398,* 1404, 1540,f Hull's defeat, 466 1582* Deturk, Isaac, family, 185 1820 35, 54, 84, 161, 162,*f 227 (a), Devereaux, B. H, 168 238,* 275, 378,* 380,* 399,* 435, Devitt, Mary, 1591 616,f 654, 715,t 724,t 728, 798, Devitt Patrick, 1591 "S3 • 1170,t 1172, 1221 (a), 1259, Dewitt Peter 69 1435 > 1444, 1540,t li82* Dialogue Showing What's Therein 536 183 ° 35 > 118 > 129 >* 161 >* 227 &> 238 >* Diana shin 108 242 250 > 323 >t 363 > 380 >* 399 >* 464 > Dtana y shxv >1W Z42 476, 511,*t 527,f 600,* 616,t 654, Diaries (Philadelphia diaries fo owed 715 | 724,t 728 878, 1060, 1153,* by *; Pennsylvania diaries followed n9 ^ ^ ^ > 143S *> 1462 | • T^ : 1505 15401 1700 (prior to) 129,* 172, 175,* 373,t 1840 59, 101, 108,* 129,* 158, 227 (a), 4 ° i ' by ° 238 * 250 323 t 363 397 * 439 t 1700 129,* 175,* 485, 590f 511 *t ST7 1 531 595 600 * 724 t 1710 84, 129,* 485, 590,t 874 ^M^S^ll^ 1720 30,t 129,* 440,t 485, 874 1197 * { 1S9 ] 126 4,t 1462,* 1536, 1730 30,t440f 1540 t 1582 1740 30,t 129, 227 (a), 333, 359, 379, 1850 15,* 59, 69,* 108,* 121, 227 (a), 440,t 484, 498,* 700 238,* 243, 363, 397,* 439,f 469,* 1750 30,f36, lll,t227 (a), 275, 339,t 490,f 600,* 723,t 724,f 728, 736, 359, 407,f 440,f 484,* 488,1 498,* 878, 951, 1153,* 1174, 1194,*f 519, 595,f624,t 737, 1033, 1106,t 1197,* 1264,f 1338, 1394, 1425, 1120,t 1283, 1343 1462,* 1536, 1540,t 1593,* 1608* 1760 5,* 30,t 36, 72,* lll,f 186,f 275, 1860 7, 15,* 108,* 121, 175, 227 (a), 317,1 339,t 359, 372,f 407,f 431,* 307, 397,* 469,* 599, 602, 610,* 463,t 484,* 498,* 719, 737, 887,f 616,f 691, t 723,f 724,f 728,* 736, 934,t 1033, 1106,t 1107,t 1163,t 819, 864, 878, 1045, 1077, 1160,* 1281f 1174,t 1185,* 1194,*| 1210, 1264, 1770 5,* 30,t 36, 39, 72,* 110, 136, 1269,* 1299, 1307, 1410, 1462,* 186,f 225, 227 (a), 273, 275, 280, 1464,* 1502, 1503, 1520,t 1536, 288, 292, 300,t 359, 372,f 379, 1540,f 1542, 1593,* 1607, 1608* 1870 15,* 121, 227 (a), 397,* 469,* 483, 610,* 723,f 724,f 728,* 1185,* 1194,*t 1269,* 1305,t 1464,* 1536, 1540,t 1608* 1880 15,* 150,f 175, 227 (a), 248,* 469,* 610,* 702,* 723,t 724,| 728,* 1190, 1305,f 1394, 1448, 1464,* 1536, 1540,f 1593* 1890 129, 227 (a), 248,* 610,* 702,* 723,f 728,* 1029, 1305,t 1452, 1536, 1582 1900 129, 188,* 610,* 702,* 1029, 1305,f 1536, 1582 1910 188,* 610,* 702,* 1305,f 1350, 1528 1920 702,* 736 Dickens, Charles, 170, 193 Dickerson, Mahlon, 678 Dickins, Francis Asbury, 950 Dickinson, John, 125, 171, 227 (b), 250, 379, 380, 382, 537, 1041; biography, 211 Dickinson, Jonathan, 172, 379, 382 Dickinson, Mary, 383 Dickinson College, 616 Dickinson estate, 379 Dickinson's Manor, 379 Dictionaries, Malay-French, 1291 Diehl, Nicholas, 108 Diligent Hose Co., 205 Diller, William S., 173 Dilworth, Samuel, 108 Dilworth, William, 818 Dilworth family, 238 Dillwyn, Sarah, 631 Dillwyn family, 154 Dionysius, tyrant of Delaware, 538 Diplomacy, 16, 91, 113, 150, 215, 238, 250, 305, 324, 379, 461, 512, 534, 570, 589, 702 Directories, Phila. subscriber list (1820), 1155 Disraeli, Benjamin, 193 Distinguished Service Cross, 1472 District Attorney, U.S., 238. See also names of U.S. District Attorneys District of Columbia, muster roll, 950 Divorce, 89, 661 Dix, Dorothea, 1582 Dix, John A., 240 Dixon, James, 1543 Dixon, Jeremiah, 485 Dobbins Soap Manufacturing Co., 1540 Dobson, James, 1260 Dodd, Mead and Co., 284 Doddridge, P., 1348 Dohan and Tait, 108 Donaldson, Jacob, 108 Donation lands, 236 Dongan, Thomas, 485 Donlevy, James, 1540 Donnel, Charles G., 458 Doran, Mrs. Joseph C, 1394 Doran, Mrs. Joseph M., 1394 Doran, Michael, 1394 Dotterer, Henry S., 174, 1504 Dotterer, Mrs. Henry S., 1504 Dougherty, Daniel, 819 Douglas, Stephen A., 151 Douglass, Frederick, 8, 139; memorial hospital, 8 Downing family, 150 Downingtown Lyceum, 756 Doyle, Arthur Conan, 1578 Doylestown, 108, 425 Doylestown Stage, 820 Dragon, ship, 868 Drake, Joseph, 193 Drayton, John, 34 Drayton, Joseph, 236 Drayton, Percival, 1584 Dravton, Thomas, 1584 Drayton, William, 512, 1584 Drayton, William Henry, 1261 Drayton, William Heyward, 1584 Drayton family, 1584 Dreams, 363 Dreer, Ferdinand Julius, 175, 1183 Dressmaking, 108 Drew, Hamilton and, 108 Drinker, Henry, 94, 176, 403, 632, 1026, 1148 Drinker, James and, 176 Drinker, Jones and, 108 Druggists, 395, 885, 1540 Drugs, 108, 227, 250, 395, 1587. See also Medicine Drum, Augustus, 177 Drum, Jacob, 108 Dry goods, 1542, 1586 Duane, William, 178, 238, 466 Duane, William, Jr., 1611 Dubarry, John, 1509 Du Bois, Henry C, 1184 Du Bois family, 1184 Duche, Esther, 540 Duche, Jacob, 193, 316, 540, 1095, 1582 Duck Creek, 238, 379 Duck shooting, 1454 Dudley, Edward, 1532 Dudley, Thomas H., 1532 Duer, William, 250 Duffield, Samuel W., 42 Duffield's Mill, Frankford, 971 Dulany, Daniel, 940 Dulles, Joseph Heady, 179 Dumas, Alexandre, 193 Dungan, Clement, 316 Dunkirk, France, whaling industry, 565 Dunlap, John, 180, 1265 Dunlap and Claypoole, 1177 Dunlope, Orr and Glenholme, 462 Dunmonnoy, Ireland, 153 Dunmore, Lord, 1454 Dunn, Abner, 541 Dupin, Baron, 688 Du Ponceau, Peter Stephen, 181, 236, 512,630,894, 1148 Dupont, S. F., 1151 Dupuy, Herbert, 182 Dupuy family, 182 Duquesne, Marquis de, 25 Du Roy 1 'Engagement, ship, 1279 Durham Iron Company, 821 Dusat, David, 484 Du Simitiere, Pierre Eugene, 193 Dutch records and deeds, 111; settle- ments on Long Island, 683; war with New Sweden, 373; West India Co. papers, 183, 1117 Dutilh and Wachsmuth, 184 Duvall, Henry, 108 Dwight, Timothy, 227 (b) Dyer, Thomas, family, 185 Dyer, , journal of, 186 Eakin, Benjamin, 1448 Early, John, 991 Early History of Roxborough and Mana- yunk, 1300 Earthquakes, London, Eng., 484 East India Company, 200, 638 East Indies, 687 East Jersey, 806 East Nottingham, Friends Meetings, 130 East Whiteland, 1264 Eastburn, Benjamin, 250; map of Indian Walk, 485 Eastern Shore Maryland Volunteers, 1546 Easton, 456, 470, 1005; Indian confer- ences, 301, 310, 1095 Eaton, John Henry, 466 Eaton, Seymour, 170 Eaton, William, 250 Ebeling, Christopher Daniel, 1262 Eberhart, A. M., 187 Ebers, Georg Moritz, 401 Eckert, George, 108 Economic conditions, 8, 45, 136, 183; Baltic countries, 612; Berks Co., 44, 144; Brazil, 534; Bucks Co., 98; Cali- fornia, 101; Canada, 178; Chester Co., 123, 228, 527; Delaware, 38, 537, 673; Europe, 184, 232, 242, 289, 431, 462; France, 412; Friends, 313; Indians, 291, 310; influence of Friends, 154; labor, 1588; Mexico, 101, 512; Mont- gomery Co., 43; New England, 273, 565; New Jersey, 213, 292, 359, 582, 607, 633; New Orleans, 393; New Sweden, 373; New York, 194; North- ampton Co., 456; North Carolina, 455; Northumberland Co., 458; Pennsylvania: 1700 56, 140, 379, 484, 485, 595 1710 140, 379, 484, 485, 595 1720 30, 140, 212, 379, 484, 485, 536, 595 1730 30, 140, 193, 212, 250, 379, 484, 485, 536, 595, 740 1740 30, 140, 193, 212, 250, 379, 484, 485, 595, 654, 740 1750 30, 140, 193, 212, 250, 329, 379, 484, 485, 595, 654, 740 1760 30, 140, 176, 193, 212, 250, 316, 329, 379, 484, 485, 595, 654, 740 1770 30, 140, 176, 193, 212, 250, 316, 329, 452, 484, 485, 595, 654, 740 1780 30, 140, 176, 193, 212, 250, 316, 329, 452, 485, 536, 558, 595, 654, 740 1790 140, 176, 193, 212, 250, 303, 316, 329, 452, 536, 558, 595, 654, 740 1800 140, 176, 193, 212, 250, 303, 316, 329, 536, 558, 595, 617, 654, 740 1810 140, 176, 193, 212, 250, 303, 316, 329, 536, 558, 595, 617, 654, 740 1820 140, 176, 193, 212, 250, 303, 329, 536, 558, 595, 654, 740 1830 140, 176, 193, 212, 250, 303, 329, 536, 558, 595, 654, 685, 740 1840 140, 176, 193, 303, 558, 595, 654, 740 1850 303, 595, 654, 740 1860 654, 740 1870 654 1880 654 1890 654 1900 654; Pennsylvania Germans, 362; Philadelphia: 1700 157, 474 1710 157, 474 1720 157,474 1730 157,474,660 1820 50,95, 120, 157, 194,227 (a), 232, 1740 157, 474, 607, 660, 694 250, 289, 324, 512, 557, 571, 586, 1750 157,287,474,541,607,625,694 622,632,675,721,740,1489 1760 157,287,289,462,474,541,607, 1830 50, 51, 95, 120, 121, 157, 194, 625, 694 227 (a), 250, 289, 324, 512, 557, 1770 157, 277, 289, 453, 474, 484, 513, 571, 586, 622, 632, 675, 721, 740 541, 607, 625, 694 1840 51, 95, 121, 148, 157, 194, 227 (a), 1780 77, 157, 277, 289, 331, 374, 453, 250, 289, 512, 571, 622, 632, 675, 474, 484, 541, 553, 694 721, 740 1790 53, 77, 157, 277, 289, 331, 367, 1850 51, 121, 148, 157, 227 (a), 250, 374, 453, 474, 541, 553, 694, 696 289, 571, 622, 632, 675, 721, 740 1800 77, 157, 238, 277, 289, 331, 367, 1860 51, 121, 148, 157, 227 (a), 250, 374, 378, 453, 474, 541, 553, 694 289, 571, 599, 622, 632, 740 1810 77, 157, 277, 289, 331, 367, 374, 1870 51, 121, 148, 157, 227 (a), 250, 378, 453, 474, 541, 553, 694, 718 289, 632, 645 1820 77, 157, 277, 289, 367, 374, 378, 1880 51, 121, 148, 157, 250, 289, 460, 453, 474, 541, 553, 694, 718 632, 645, 702 1830 77, 157, 289, 367, 374, 378, 453, 1890 148, 157, 289, 460, 632, 645, 702 474, 553, 694, 718 1900 148, 157, 460, 632, 702 1840 77, 157, 229, 289, 367, 374, 453, 1910 157, 460, 702 474,694,718 1920 157,460,702 1850 77, 157, 229, 289, 367, 374, 474, Virginia, 629; West Indies, 227, 289, 694, 718 462; York Co., 741 1860 77, 157, 229, 289, 367, 374, 474, Eddystone, 1485 694, 718 Edinburgh, University of, 379 1870 77, 157, 229, 289, 374, 694, 718 Edmonds, Franklin Spencer, 1461 1880 157, 229, 289, 374, 694 Edmunds, Albert J., 188, 1342, 1576 1890 157, 229, 374 Education, 150, 238, 250, 265, 363, 379, 1900 157,374 401,460, 702, 1510; Connecticut, 512; 1910 157, 160, 374 Delaware, 673; Friends, 313; Lewes 1920 157; Town, 673; Negro, 490; in nineteenth Scandinavia, 612; slaves, 490; South century, 1461; Northampton Co., 456; Carolina, 512; Pennsylvania, 485, 557, 595; Phila- United States: delphia, 141, 423, 454, 496, 552, 553; 1700 157, 622 Syria, 702; United States, 39, 45. See 1710 157, 509, 622, 632 also Schools 1720 157, 622, 632 Educational Home for Boys, Phila., 256 1730 157, 622, 632, 740 Edwards, Ezekiel, 140 1740 120, 157, 622, 632, 740 Edwards, Hannah, 108 1750 120, 157, 193, 289, 622, 632, 740 Edwards, Howard, 189 1760 120, 157, 193, 289, 316, 462, 571, Edwards, John, 108, 501 622, 632, 740 Edwards, Jonathan, 193 1770 39, 50, 120, 157, 193, 288, 289, Edwards, Morgan, 129 316, 395, 571, 622, 632, 721, 740 Edwards, Nathan, 714 1780 39, 48, 50, 120, 157, 193, 194, 288, Egbert, Abraham, 108 289, 316, 331, 395, 412, 571, 622, Egg Harbor, N.J., 143 632, 645, 721, 740 Egypt, 401 1790 39, 48, 50, 53, 95, 120, 157, 193, Elder, Joshua, 685 194, 289, 316, 331, 395, 557, 560, Elder and Wallace, 685 571,622,632,675,721,740 Elections: Delaware, 673; Parliament, 1800 39,50,95,120,157,193,194,232, 638; Philadelphia, 649, 702; presi- 250,289,316,331,557,571,586, dential, 484, 511, 558; provincial, 622, 632, 675, 721, 740 1590 1810 50, 95, 120, 157, 193, 194, 232, Electricity, 342 250, 289, 316, 331, 512, 557, 571, Elfreth's Alley, 1395 586, 622, 632, 675, 721, 740 Elio, I. X., 512 Elizabeth Furnace, 212, 379 Elizabeth Monroe Smith, ship, 609 Elizabeth, Queen, 254 Elizabeth Township, 379 Elizabethtown, N.J., 301 Elk County, 43 Elkton, Md., 289 Elliott, Jesse Duncan, 191 Ellis, Joseph, 1263 Ellis, Robert, 108 Ellis, Rowland, family, 185 Elmer, Ebenezer, 108, 823 E/sinore, ship, 1338 Ely, John, 1375 Embargoes, 331, 466, 558; French, 541; Spanish, 541 Embree, Elihu, 192 Emergency Aid, 1585 Emerson, Daniel H., 1264 Emerson, James, 685 Emery, Gideon, 379 Emila, ship, 687 Emlen, Ann, 1396 Emlen, George, 1540 Emlen, Samuel, 154 Emlen family, 692, 1396 Emmet, T. A., 623 Engel, A., 488 Engel, Henry, 456 Engert papers, 485 Engineering, 410, 722; Philadelphia, 314, 469; railroad, 723; U. S., topo- graphical, 304 England, 20, 50, 144, 150, 179, 189, 190, 194, 206, 227, 240, 242, 263, 333, 379, 419, 440, 463, 466, 521, 589, 598, 632, 692; agitation for war with, 558; at- tacks on American shipping, 331; Board of Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, 1491; Board of Trade, 767; businesses represented by Phineas Bond, 1454; James Buchanan, minister to, 91; claims against U.S., 1272; colonial legislation, 638; colonial policies, 484; commerce, 48, 136, 250, 513, 541, 561, 638, 660, 693; convoys, 612; defense of Carolina against, 357; diplomatic missions to, 40; duties on American grain, 136; economic condi- tions (1829), 1489; families correspond with Rosengarten and Denis, 1487; Friends, 440, 463, 484, 485, 588, 720; government, 264; heraldry, 824; his- tory, 634; internal improvements, 238; Irish question, 179; maps, 238; muse- ums, 588; naval battles with French, 553; navy, 953; officers, War of 1812, 250; orders in council, 558; peace treaty with United States, 360; perse- cution of Friends, 898; politics, 508, 638; privateers, 565 ; quartering troops in colonies, 638; railroads, 238, 1582; relations with United States, 677; religion, 250, 602; schools, 602; ships, 267; social conditions, 274, 588, 719, 727; South American interests, 534; statutes, 375; treaty with United States, 383, 668; vessels captured by French, 136; wars, 461, 612; John Welsh, Ambassador to, 1529 Engraving, 241, 249, 250, 332, 743 Enterprise Telegraph Company, 826 Envelopes, Civil War, 1546, 1605 Ephrata Cloister, 1610 Episcopal, 100, 129, 485, 711; Bishopric of Virginia, 129; License, 498; Protes- tant Episcopal Bishops, 175; Protes- tant Episcopal Clergy, 175, of Anne Arundel Co., Md., 788; St. Asaph's Bishops, 454; women's missionary so- ciety, 1271 Erie, steamer, 511 Erie, Lake, 303 Erie Triangle, 236 Erskine, Robert, 913 Esling, Charles H. A., 1134 Esquimaux, 243 Essex, U.S.S., 202 Estaing, Charles Hector, Comte d', 357, 815 Estaugh, Elizabeth, 115 Esther family, 1265 Etchings, 25 Ether, discovery of, 139 Ethics, 654 Etiquette, 363 Etting, Frank M., 193, 260, 950, 1107 Etting, Gratz, 1266 Etting family, 193 Europe, 25, 59, 84, 138, 227, 735, 742, 1257; army officers, 250; art, 250; art museums, 531; authors, 250; Horace Binney visits, 1505; clergy, 250; com- merce, 184, 331, 462; diarv of trip to (1859), 1425; diplomacy, 461; drama- tists, 250; economic conditions, 232, 242, 289, 431, 462; history of, 476; hotels, 531; maps of cities, 531; medi- cine, 250; Moravian emigration from, 129; naval officers, 250; poets, 250; politics, 232, 238, 289, 381, 512, 570, 615; population, 265; religion, 531; schools, 431; social conditions, 232, 242, 289, 431, 531; statesmen, 175; theatre, 250; time tables, 531 European Steamship Co., 108 Eustis, William, 466 Evangelical-Lutheran Society, 233 Evangelical Society, 129 Evangelism, 702 Evans, Cadwalader, 1454 Evans, David, 108 Evans, Evan, {fl. 1700), 129 Evans, Evan, {fl. 1800), 1129 Evans, Griffith, 194 Evans, John, 804 Evans, Jonathan, 1540 Evans, Lewis, 1267 Evans, Robert T., 195 Evans, Thomas, 108, 1540 Evans, William, 1540 Evans family, 319 Evening Public Ledger ', 1294 Everett, Edward, 238, 250, 324, 512, 1268 Everett, Hicks, and Caldwell, 1540 Evolution, 160 Ewing, Henry, 828 Ewing, Jasper, 196 Ewing family, 1184 Exhibition of 1876, 1482 Expansion, U. S., 148, 158, 193, 232, 238, 250, 324, 512, 595. See also Frontiers Exploration, 26, 250, 512; Arctic, 175; Labrador, 243; Perry's to Japan, 1208; United States Exploring Expedition, 481; West, 506 Eyre, Manuel, 50, 892 Fables, 363 Fahnestock, Anna M., 1185, 1269 Fahnestock, George W., 197, 1185, 1269 Fahnestock family, 1269 Fahnestock bequest, 93 Fair American, ship, 1186 Fair Hill House, Phila., 379 Fair Oaks, battle of, 78 Faires, John W., 198 Fairman family, 1498. See also Forman family Fales, Samuel B., 1580 Fallon, S. L., 199 Falls of Schuylkill, history, 830 Fame Fire Hose Co., 205 Fanning, John, 175 Faris, John T., 1270 Farmer, Eliza, 200 Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, 1540 Farming, 1169, 1454. See also Agriculture Fassitt, Edward C, 108 Fassitt, M., 358 Fayette County, 125, 488; history, 831; land titles, 125; real-estate transac- tions, 125 Fearon, Joseph, 201 Federalist Party, 1509 Federalists, 39, 558; opposition to war loan, 558 Feed, 1143 Fellowship Fire Co., 205 Feltman, William, 833 Felton, Samuel Morse, 1151 Feltus, W. W., 202 Female Tract Society, 1271 Fennell, James, 203 Ferguson, William, 9 Fergusson, Elizabeth Graeme, 204, 250 Fernberger, Samuel Weiller, 834 Fernwood Cemetery, 680 Ferries. See Internal improvements Ferris, Benjamin, 108 Fete Champetre, 835 Fetter family, 294 Feudal system, 615 Ffoulkes, Charles, 1023 Fidelity Lodge No. 138, 905 Field books, surveys, 371, 470, 551, 584, 651 Fields, Mrs., 836 Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church, 1161 Fillmore, Millard, 236, 512, 1381, 1448 Findlay, William, 1167 Fire Companies, Phila., 175, 205, 580, 837, 838, 1202, 1398, 1548 Fire engines, 1540 Fire extinguishers, 654 Fire Insurance Company of Philadelphia County, 839 First African Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, 8 First Congregational Society of Uni- tarian Christians, Phila., 707 First Female Beneficial Society of Philadelphia, 756 First Independent Church, Phila., 788 First Presbyterian Church, Southwark, Phila., 788 First Reformed Dutch Church, 1518 First Universalist Church, 680 Fish, 108, 243, 499, 595; drawings of, 36 Fish, Hamilton, 645 Fish Kill Creek, orderly book, 973 Fisher, Anna Wells, 759 Fisher, Mrs. Howell Tracy, 206 Fisher, J. Francis, 485 Fisher, James C, 708 Fisher, John, 1404 Fisher, M., 1375 Fisher, Michael G., 206 Fisher, Miers, 108, 207 Fisher, S., 1375 Fisher, Samuel, 108 Fisher, Samuel Rowland, 586 Fisher, Sidney George, 1462 Fisher, Thomas, 108, 238, 379 Fisher, William, 193 Fisher, Weir and, 367 Fishing, 1526 Fitch, John, 208; v James Rumsey, 90 Fithian, Enoch, 841 Fitzgerald, Thomas, 842 Fitz Randolph-Snowden genealogy, 209 Fitzsimons, Thomas, 1041, 1141, 1183, 1272 Fitzwater, Jacob, 1540 Fitzwater, John, 1540 Fitzwaterton, 1540 Five Nations, 485 Five O'Clock Club, 1541 Flagg, John Foster Brewster, 1425 Flagg, Josiah Foster, 1425 Flagg, Thomas, 58 Flagg family, 58 Flagg-Gummere Papers, 1425 Flags, 1519 Flanders, 242 Flat Bush, N.Y., 9 Flat Rock Bridge, 439 Flaxius, 363 Fleeson, Plunket, 990 Fletcher, B., 485 Fletcher, Thomas, 1343 Fletcher and Bennett, 1343 Fletcher and Gardiner, 1343 Florence, Italy, 118,238 Florida, 36, 238, 466, 541, 558; canni- bals, 172; coast, 308; commerce, 541; conspiracy and rebellion, 238; contro- versy, 589; Indian warfare, 238; land speculations, 541; land titles, 308, 541 ; real-estate transactions, 541 ; Sem- inole war, 512, 645; settlement, 308; topography, 308, 410; trade with Kentucky, 541 Flour, 108, 150, 168, 289, 411, 1143 Flower, Henry, 774 Flushing, N.Y., Revolutionary War cam- paign, 288 Flute, 595 Flying Duck, ship, 1164 Folklore: German, 221; Indian, 275 Folwell, Richard, 1177 Footman, Richard T., 1540 Forbes, Thomas, 210 Forbes, William, 108 Ford, Henry, 264 Ford, Paul Leicester, 211 Ford v Penn, 485 Forde, Standish, 541 Foreign policy. See Diplomacy Forests, Society for Protection of, 702 Forges, 194, 212, 253, 435, 1377, 1540, 1555 Forman (Furman, Fairman) family, 1354 Forney, John W., 91, 151, 238, 645 Forsyth, John, 151, 227 (b), 240, 512 Forts, 372; in French and Indian Wars, 595; in War of 1812, 502; Allen, 250, 456, 1095; Augusta, 250, 1095; Au- gustine, 595; Charles, 1163; Chartres, 887; Defiance, orderly books, 973; Delaware, 278; Detroit, 40, 466, 699; Edward, 974; Hamilton, 456; Hynd- shaw, 1120; Island, l4; Lawrence, orderly book, 973; McHenry, 715; Mcintosh, orderly book, 973; Mercer, orderly book, 973; Mifflin, 1032; Ne- cessity, 1463; Niagara, 44; Norris, 456; Oswego, 44; Pitt, 250, 370, 654, 887, 973, 1095, 1145; Stanwix, 193; Wayne, 291 Foster, Josiah, 213 Foster-Clement papers, 213 Fothergill, John, 129, 154, 175, 193, 484 Fothergill, Samuel, 1397 Foulke, Franklin, 889 Foulke, John, 1273 Foulke, Judah, 1273 Foulke, Mary, 1273 Foulke, William Parker, 310, 844 Foulke family, 319 Foulkrod, John C, 1548 Foundries, 632, 1176. See also Forges Fouque, Baron de la Motte, 193 Four Minute Men of the World War, 1453 Fourth of July, bibliography, 764 Fowler, Robert Ludlow, 771 Fox, Dr., 175 Fox, Benjamin Franklin, 214 Fox, Charles, 1502 Fox, Daniel M., 1274 Fox, Isaac, 1502 Fox, William, 1502 Frame of Government, 1206 France, 156, 194, 242, 363, 538, 592, 736, 1602; assignats, 251; attacks on Amer- ican shipping, 331; authors, 250; James Brown, minister to, 238, 324; capture of English ships, 136; citizens, 237; citizens returning to Bordeaux, 514; colonial interests, 25; commerce, 136, 412, 541; decrees on American commerce, 558; diplomatic missions to, 40; economic conditions, 412; em- bargoes, 541; fleet, 33, 163, 357, 553; Benjamin Franklin, minister to, 215; Friends petition, 565; historical mon- uments, 464; Indian traders, 506; in- terest in Revolutionary War, 288; Thomas Jefferson, minister to, 238; land in Maine, 1583; landing of troops in America, 163; muster roll of troops in America, 950; naval battles with English, 553; navy, 1279; Negroes, 466; neutrals in French and Indian War, 454; officers, 25, 250; officers in Revolutionary War, 425; participa- tion in Revolutionary War, 25, 848; politics, 238, 250, 571; refugees from, 175; Revolution, 175, 238, 250, 565, 1509; Scioto Land Co., 1371 ; seizure of American ships, 571 ; settlers in North- umberland Co., 21; Fulwar Skipwith, consul in, 571; social conditions, 464; South American interests, 524; spolia- tion, 324, 331; trade passports, 236; treaty with U.S., 383, 1275; U.S. controversies with, 484; wars, 461, 484, 612 Francis, J. B., 238 Francis, Tench, 240, 489 Francis Palmer, ship, 1164 Frank family, 193 Frankford, 971 Frankford, Historical Society of, 1579 Frankfort Arsenal, 1187 Frankfort Co., 475 Franklin, Benjamin, 36, 94, 175, 194, 207, 215, 250, 302, 380, 382, 537, 540, 560, 605, 655, 1041, 1275, 1310, 1398; agent of Pennsylvania, 215; anti- British activities, 986; before Parlia- ment, 316, 638; correspondence with Thomas Cadwalader, 1454; correspon- dence with James Parker, 467; estate of, 1002; friendship with Strahan, 638; minister to France, 215; printing ac- count, 485; travels, 638 Franklin, Mrs. Margaret, 108 Franklin, Samuel R., 108 Franklin, Walter, 216 Franklin, William, 176, 840, 1454 Franklin family, 215 Franklin and Hall, 215 Franklin, U.S.S., 306, 845 Franklin College, 846 Franklin County, 488 Franklin Fire Co., 205 Franklin Fire Insurance Co., 710 Franklin Literary Union, 756 Franklin Reformatory Home, 1188 Franklin Square, 939 Franklin Township, 329 Franks, David, 108, 193, 488 Franks, Isaac, 319, 1527 Franks, Rebecca, 1276 Franks and Lewden, 108 Franz-Josef Land, 26 Frazier, F. W., 1540 Frazier, Nalbro, 1540 Freas family, 1344 Frederick Douglass Memorial Hospital, 8 Fredericksburg, Va., orderly book, 973 Free Library of Philadelphia, 311 Free Society of Traders, 485, 1277 Freedman's Commission, 129 Freeman, George W., 538 Freeman, Mrs. Walter Jackson, 217 Fremont, John C, 164, 512; controversy with Blair, 164 French, B. F., 218 French and Indian War, 25, 193, 319, 339, 425, 485, 700, 1095, 1348; Can- ada campaign, 590; chaplains, 250; defense of colonies, 677; English inter- ests, 519; financing, 454; forts, 456, 519; French interests, 519; French neutrals, 454; frontier defense, 456, 519, 595; Indian raids, 296; militia, 454; munitions, 297, 456; officers, 297; Ohio road, 454; Pennsylvania frontier, 488 French Creek, 212 French Revolution, 1509 French West Indies, 219 Freneau, Philip, 220 Fresenius, 732 Frick, H. C, 645 Friedenhutten, 566 Friedensthal, refugees, 1035 Friendly Association, 310, 484 Friends, Religious Society of, 76, 129, 139, 176, 193, 484, 490,' 565, 567, 737, 849; activities, 230; almanac, 399; biographical sketches of, 19, 154; Car- olinas, 440, 463; cemeteries, 401; Chesterfield Meeting, 1354; concilia- tion of Indians, 310; J. E. Cresson's diary, 1422; Delaware, 129; deputa- tion to Indians, 291; economic condi- tions, 313; education, 401, 632; Eng- land, 440, 463, 484, 485, 588, 719; history of, 401, 484, 1563; Holland, 440; Ireland, 440, 719; loyalists in Philadelphia, 484; Maryland, 440, 463; meetings, 129, 130, 150, 154, 176, 379, 380, 530, 724; New England, 463; New Jersey, 440, 463, 607; New York, 463; Northampton Co., 456; notes on early settlements, 181; oath of alle- giance, 1095; Ohio, 235; pacifism, 381; Pennsylvania, 150, 186, 227, 235, 313, 401, 440, 463, 484, 485, 529, 530, 557, 631, 724; persecution in England, 898; petition to France, 565; Philadelphia, 192, 298, 380, 485, 530, 607, 654, 692; pictures of meeting houses, 401; por- traits, 154; preachers, 529; reunion of Hicksites and Orthodox, 129; Scot- land, 720; sermons, 136; social condi- tions, 230, 313; sufferings, 737; tribute to Elizabeth Kendall, 337; United States, 401, 484, 632, 719; Uwchlan Society, 460; Virginia, 440, 463. See also Religion Friends Central School, 597 Friends Falls Monthly Meetings, 150 Friends First Day School, 129 Friends Historical Association, 756 Friends Historical Society, 150 Friends Library Association of West Chester, 1522 Friends of German Democracy, 702 Friends School, Phila., 1278 Friendship, ship, 108 Friendship Salt Works, 292 Fries Insurrection, 425 Frontiers, 193, 250, 297, 310, 349, 372, 425, 595; extension, 238; instructions to Wayne on, 699; life, 227; Pennsyl- vania, 140, 176; settlements, 34 Fry, Elizabeth, 189 Fry, John, 108 Fugger family, 850 Fuller, Benjamin, 108 Fullmer, De Knouse and, 108 Fulton, Robert, 175, 193, 254 Furman family. See Forman family Furnaces, 212, 253, 379, 654, 1401, 1488, 1555 Furness, Horace H., 224 Furniture, 108, 1540 Furs, 108, 175, 339, 411, 485, 541, 1165 Futhy, J. Smith, 1600 Gabriels Creek, 296 Gadsden, D., 466 Gadsden, James, 512 Gage, Thomas, 1454 Galbraith, Bartram, 1100 Gallagher, Charles, 238 Gallagher, John, 845 Gallatin, Albert, 87, 250, 557, 1378 Galliard, Almira, 759 Galloway, John, 316 Galloway, Joseph, 250 Gambier, Samuel, 108 Gamble, Williams, 226 Ganges, U.S.S., 106 Gardens. See Horticulture Gardiner, Edward Carey, 227 (a) Gardiner, John, 227 (a) Gardiner, Sylvester, 227 (a) Gardiner, Me., 227 (a) Gardner, John, 228 Gardner, Peter, 108 Gardner, Sarah, 108 Gardom, George, 229 Garrett family, 150 Garrigues, Benjamin F., 1177 Garrigues, Edward, 230 Garrigues, Thomas, 230 Garson, P., 114 Gasometers, 735 Gates, Horatio, 560, 1454 Gazetteer and New Daily Advertiser, 890 Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, 180, 1354 Genealogy: Allston, 725, 1445; Allston Thomas, 234; Armit, 1341; Ashton Robert, 18; Baker, 1341; Baldwin, 26 Bancroft, 1142; Baum, 231; Beers, 26 Beylard, John, 368; Blakeslee, 58 Boker, 1340; Boiler, 1341; Briggs, 75 Brooke, 79; Brown, 878, 1341; Cad- walader, 1454; Carev, 227 (a); Car- penter, 115; Cart, 294; Carter, 294; Chamberlain, 150; Chambers, 878; Chandler, 150; Clemson, 27; Clvmer, 138; Coffee, 294; Collens, 294; Collins, 142; Comfort, 737; Conner, 147; Coop- er, William, 1064; Cope, 150, 1182; Cox, 154; Coxe, Daniel W., 368; Cramp- ton, 26; Cunyngham, 156; Davis, 925; Denn, 294; Deturk, 185; Dillwyn, 154; Downing, 150; Dulany, 940; Dulany, Daniel, 428; Dunn, 1211; Dutch fami- lies, 683; Dyer, 185; Ellis, 185; Evans, 319; Fanning, John, 175; Faulke, 319; Fetter, 294; Fitz Randolph, Nathaniel, 209; Flagg, 58; Franklin, 215; Gard- iner, 227 (a); Gibbes, 725; Gibbes, William, 234; Gilpin, 238; Goodwin, 294; Gorham, 1284; Gorwood, 294; Graff, 231; Griffith, 319; Gwinnett, Button, 320; Hallock, 867; Hanks- Lincoln, 319; Hasell, 234; Heath, 428, 940; Helene, 671; Hicks, 26; Hocker, 878; Holton, 878; Hoopes, 150; Hop- per, 294; Inman, 286; Irwin, 231; Jeffries, 150; Jenkins, 319; Keim, 185, 334; Keith, 335; Key, 940; King, 878; Lamborn, 150; Lawrence-Washington, F. W. Leach's notes on, 1349; Leon- ard, 150, 622; Levering, 925; Levy, 364; Lippincott, James §., 1064; Live- zey, 1341; Llovd, 376; McCanless, 185; McCraher, 150; McMillan, 407; Marsh, 150; Martin, 397; Maryland families, 652; Masters, 1406; Maxwell, 185; Mends, 1081; Merrit, 185; Mid- dleton, 418; Mifflin, 419; Miles, 422; Miller, Patrick, 234; Mitchel, 154; Moore, 671; Mott, 878; Muhlenberg, Friedrich Augustus, 316; Norris-Lloyd, 454; Norton, 867; Ogden, 26; Parrish, 154; Pearce, Cromwell, 482; Pening- ton, 227 (a); Penn, 485, 980, 1406; Potts, 522; Powel, 1582; Powell, 147; Pyewell, 671; Rawle, 536; Reed, Jos- eph, 316; Remy, 544; Richards, Joseph T., 545, 546; Riche, 286, 878; Rober- deau, 156; Roberts, 319, 556, 557, 558; Robeson, 1341 ; Robinson, 1211; Sayre, 185; Scranton, 26; Seeley, 1073; Sharp- less, 27, 150; Sheafe, Samson, 206; Simons, 725; Snowden, 616; Starr, Arthur William, 1064; Sterett, 231; Swayne, 316; Swift, 286; Thomas, 294, 652; Thompson, 1211; Trist (Twiss), 26; Trites, 671; Van Horn, 1340; Vaux, Roberts, 316; Wallace, John Bradford, 368; Washington, 193, 696; Welsh settlers in Pennsylvania, 977, 1127; Welsh in Montgomery County, 376; Wentz, 925; Wharton, Robert, 316; Wilson, 725, 878, 1445; Wilson, Robert, 234; Wistar, 728; Woolman, 737; Worth, 150; Wyn- koop, 37; Yeates, 740; Young, 742 General Fund, 570 General Loan Office, 454, 902 Genoa, Italy, 461 Geodetic Survey, 244 Geography, 9, 219, 586 Geology, 388, 637, 1372, 1471 George I, 166 George II, 447, 484; Lord Baltimore's petition to, 485 George III, 329 George, ship, 1084 Georgia, 36, 272, 320, 379, 466, 1499, 1604; and Butler family, 1447; Chero- kees in, 512; loan, 784; orderly books, 973; politics, 425 Georgia, Mississippi, and Southern R.R., 272 _ Germain, George, 1072 German Archives, 1350 German Free School, 1510 German Humboldt Building and Loan Association, 1418 German Relief Association, 233 German Society, 734 German soldiers, American Revolution, 975 Germans: arrivals in Britannia (1773), 1228; families, 252; folklore, 221; nursery rhymes, 363; Palatines, 485; songs, 279 Germantown, 41, 439, 805, 854; charter, 475; historical incidents, 175; home guard, 856; land survey of, 1408; land titles, 362; notes on, 697; orderly book, 973; real-estate transactions, 362 Germantown and Perkiomen Pike, 855 Germantown Telegraph, 1540 Germany, 59, 95, 250, 363, 484, 485, 592; commerce, 252; culture, 1350; families correspond with Rosengarten and Denis, 1487; Friends of German Democracy, 702; princes' autographs, 1381; publication of books, 732; reli- gion, 732; social conditions, 732 Gernon, Richard, 232 Gettysburg, battle of, 304, 410, 536; council, 410 Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial Asso- ciation, 756 Gettysburg Commission, 1280 Gettysburg National Park, 1280 Getz, George, 950 Gibbes family, 725 Gibbons, James (/. 1760), 1281 Gibbons, James {fl. 1800), 235 Gibbons family, 1346 Gibbs, , 1540 Gibbs, Justus, 973 Gibbs, Parnell, 1540 Gibson, James, 236, 757, 857 Gibson, John, 1074, 1200 Gihon, John H., 1311 Gilbert, George, 858 Gilbert, William, 1177 Gildersleeve, C, 1385 Gillingham, Harrold E., 105, 118, 237, 435, 487, 683, 842, 858, 889, 922, 938, _1038, 1133 Gillingham, Joseph E., 108 Gilmore Auditorium, 1189 Gilpin, Bernard, 238 Gilpin, Charles, 250 Gilpin, Elizabeth, 240 Gilpin, Henry D., 175, 240, 324, 447; tributes to, 238 Gilpin, J. F., 108 Gilpin, Joshua, 238, 239, 240, 1177 Gilpin, Maria, 240 Gilpin, Thomas, 239; biography, 238, ^ 1282 Gilpin, Vincent, 108 Girard, Stephen, 87, 136, 250, 331, 380, 1509 Girard College, 494, 1426; trustees, 556 Girard's Bank, 1562 Gist, Christopher, 840 Gist, Thomas, 1283 Glass, 212, 367, 727 Gleason, Edward Baldwin, 859 Glenholme, Orr and Dunlope, 462 Glenn, Thomas Allen, 977 Gloucester Cotton Mill Co., 1586 Gloucester County, N.J., 143, 860; land titles, 134, 206; voters list, 781 Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, 756 Gloucester Gingham Mills, 1586 Gloucester Iron Works, 726, 1586 Gloucester Library and Library Co., 1586 Gloucester Manufacturing Co., 582, 1586 Gnadenthal refugees, 1035 Gnadenhutten, 275, 296 Gobrecht, Christian F., 241 Godfrey, John W., 242 Godfrey, ship, 1164 Godwin Association, 1188 Gold, 108, 148, 728; discovery, 158, 238 Gold Rush, 1425 Goldsborough, Louis M., 227 (a) Goldsmiths, 108, 1343, 1540 Goodfellow, Edward, 243 Goodfellow, James, 244 Goodson, John, 246 Goodwin family, 150, 294 Gordon, Patrick, 447 Gordon, Thomas F., 247 Gorham, James, 1284 Gorman, A., 645 Gorwood family, 294 Goshen, Chester Co., 861 Goshen Women's Monthly Meetings, _ 150 Goths, 363 Gottschall, Jacob, 1285 Gough and Carmault, 108 Gould, Walter, 1286 Governors Island, N.Y., 78 Grace, John, 1542 Grace Church, Phila., 129 Graff, Annie A., 231, 248 Graff, Charles, 1190 Graff, Edgar P., 248 Graff, Frederick, 1190 Graff, Jacob, 108 Graff, Paul, 248 Graff family, 231, 1190 Graham, Archibald H., 863 Graham, Mary, 1146 Grain, 108, 301, 541, 693; duties on, 136 Graisbury, Joseph, 541 Grand Lodge, 905 Grand Oglaze, orderly book, 973 Grand Ohio Company, 840 Grant, Ulysses Simpson, 175, 304, 1461 Granville family, 249 Graply, D. W., 864 Grasse, Comte de, 25, 163, 357 Gratz, Alfred, 251 Gratz, Bernard, 193, 488 Gratz, Caroline, 1514 Gratz, Elizabeth, 1514 Gratz, Henry M., 251 Gratz, Hyman, 251 Gratz, Louisa, 1514 Gratz, Michael, 108, 193 Gratz, Miriam, 193 Gratz, Simon, 250, 251, 357, 1571 Gratz family, 193, 251, 935 Gravesend, Eng., 34 Gray, Vincent, 589 Great Britain. See England Great Central Fair, 224, 679, 865, 1062, _ 1546 Great Lakes, naval activities, 482 Greble, Edwin, 175 Greece, 250, 433; issue before Congress, 512; maps, 238; mythology, 257 Greek classics, 4; histories, 525; transla- tions from, 529, 658 Greeley, Adolphus, 250 Green, Henry, 1540 Green, Moses, 973 Greenback. Party, 227 Greene, Francis M., 685 Greene, James M., 1191 Greene, Nathanael, 49, 250, 866, 973 Greene County, 150 Greenleaf, James, 250, 586, 1543 Greensburg, 108 Greenville, treaty of, 699 Greenwaldt, Mary Hallock, 867 Greenway, Robert, 901 Greenwich, N.J., 1589 Greenwich Township, N.J., 841 Greer, David, 950 Greeting cards, 1553 Greeves, John, 108 Gregg, Lizzie R., 1287 Gregory, Nancy, 139 Greyhound, ship, 868 Grider, Rufus A., 944, 947 Griffith, Benjamin, 622 Griffith, Elijah, 108 Griffith, Hannah, 631 Griffith, Josephine, 759 Griffith, Richard, 1542 Griffith, Richard H., 1542 Griffith, Samuel, 193 Griffith, Mrs. Samuel Blair, 1288 Griffith, Thomas, 379, 454 Griffith, W., 454 Griffith Manuscripts, 1490 Griffitts, Samuel P., 175 Grist mill, 1484 Grocery, 108, 374, 1427, 1540 Gronovius, John F., 36 Grotjan, Peter A., 252 Groves, Edward A., 759 Growdon, J., 193 Grubb, Clement, 253 Grubb, Clement B., 1488 Grubb, Edward B., 1488 Grubb, Henrv Bates, 253 Grubb, Peter, 253, 740 Grubb Furnace and Forge, 253 Grubb Papers, 1488 Gruchy, John Philip de, 571 Guerrero, General, 512 Guerriere, frigate, 541 Guilford, Lord, 962 Gulliver, John, 1485 Gunsmiths, 1363 Gurney, Francis, 88 Gwinnett, Button, 320 Gwynedd Invincibles, 319 Gwynedd Township, 319, 649 Habacker, George, 108 Haddonfield, N.J., 384 Haga, Godfrey, 108 Hagerstown, Md., 108; orderly book, 973 Hahn, Peter, 734, 1489 Haig, William, 774 Haines, Joshua, 1540 Haiti, 1603 Hale, Selma, 193 Hale, Thomas, 403 Halifax, Nova Scotia, 426 Hall, A. Oakey, 254 Hall, David, 638 Hall, Edward, 940 Hall, John, 108 Hall, John Elihu, 255 Hall, Revnold T., 256 Hall, S. C, 175 Hall, Mrs. S. C, 175 Hall, William, 638 Hall, Franklin and, 215 Hallock families, 867 Hallowell, Morris L., 257 Hallowell, S. M., 257 Halroyd, Jack, 200 Hamburg, Germany, 95 Hamilton, A. Boyd, 250 Hamilton, Alexander, 49, 57, 114, 193, 250, 447, 686, 1450, 1454; controversy with Burr, 47; duel with Burr, 31, 1509 Hamilton, Andrew, 258, 485, 1289, 1434 Hamilton, Hance, 259 Hamilton, James (1710-1783), 131, 258, 260, 266, 310, 316, 447, 456, 485, 498, 603, 677, 869, 1074, 1446 Hamilton, James (fl. 1801), 31 Hamilton, John, 77, 108, 1427 Hamilton, William, 606, 870, 1434 Hamilton Academy, Phila., 954 Hamilton and Drew, 108 Hamilton and Hood, 108, 1427 Hampton, Rhoda Ann, 759 Hancock, John, 199, 250, 380 Hand, Gen. Edward, 196, 250, 261, 973 Handlin, W. W., 310 Handy, Charles O., 589 Hanks-Lincoln families, 319 Hanna, Marcus, 645 Hannah, ship, 1053 Hans Breitman, 363 Hanthorn, Isaac, 108 Harding, Warren G., 262 Hardware, 108, 1542 Hare, P. H., 1151 Harley, Lewis R., 264 Harmar, Josiah, 950 Harmony Encampment, 905 Harper, B. Frank, 871 Harper, Robert, 193, 871 Harper, S. Bell, 265 Harper and Hartshorn, 136 Harper's Ferry, Va., 872 Harris, James B., 1598 Harris, John, 266 Harris, Levett, 150 Harris, Robert, 108 Harris, Sarah, 1542 Harrisburg, 108, 681, 691; banking, 670; Lafayette reception, 558; military activities, 511 Harrisburg Bridge Co., 391, 425 Harrison, Benjamin, 176, 250, 645 Harrison, George, 267 Harrison, George L., 1464 Harrison, James, 1095 Harrison, John, 108, 1146 Harrison, Richard, 379 Harrison, Robert H., 193 Harrison, Thomas, 1146 Harrison, William, 1290 Harrison, William Henry, 250, 466, 840; vindication of military character, 268 Harrison Oil Co., 269 Hart family, 193 Hartford County, Conn., 1444 Hartley, Thomas, 740 Hartshorn, Harper and, 136 Hartshorne, Joseph, 1291 Harvey, Isaac, 108, 286, 1153 Hasell, Thomas, family, 234 Hassell, Jane, 641 Hatborough, Union Library Company, 1111 Hatkinson, John, 271 Hats, 108 Haupt, Herman, 272 Haverford, 108 Hawkins, John H., 273, 973 Hawthorne, Alice, pseud. See Winner, Septimus Hawthorne, James, 1509 Hawthorne, Thomas, 1509 Hawthorne and Kerr, 1509 Hay, John, 1381 Hay Creek, 212 Hayes, Richard, 108 Hayes, Rutherford B., 78 Hayley, William, 274, 299 Hazard, Ebenezer, 227 (b), 1 148, 1398 Hazard, Samuel, 843, 1398 Hazard family, 1398 Hazelton, and Phila. militia regiment (1875), 1356 Hazen, Moses, 973, 1094 Hazlehurst, Samuel, 1450 He Financed the War: a Life of Robert Morris, 1270 Head, Elizabeth, 692 Headley, Joel T., 268 Heath, Daniel Charles, 940 Heath family, 428 Hebert, James, 1546 Heckewelder, John G. E., 175, 193, 275 Hegins, Charles W., 458 Hele, James E., 276 Helvetius, letters, 383 Henderson, John, 277 Henderson, Lydia, 277 Henderson, Robert, 108 Henderson, Samuel J., 1542 Henderson, Sarah, 1542 Hennessey, Michael, 227 Henry, Alexander, 278 Henry, Betsv, 279 Henry, Eliza, 279 Henry, J. J., 280 Henry, Matthew S., 310, 456 Henry, Patrick, 175, 250, 485 Henry, Solomon, 840 Henry, William, 280 Henry Clay Furnace, 1488 Henshaw, Mrs. Logan, 1154 Heraclius, Emperor, 576 Heraldry, 245, 263, 309, 376, 401, 544, 575, 652, 716, 852 Herbst, John, 846 Herefordshire, Eng., 524 Hering, Constantine, 873 Herman Lodge No. 7, 905 Herrick, Cheesman A., 1292 Herrman, Augustine, 335 Hesselius, Andrew, 874 Hessians, prisoners of war, 875 Heston, Isaac, 1540 Hewes, Aaron, 206 Hewitt, Captain, 770 Hibernia Fire Co., 205 Hibernian Society, 1152 Hicks, , 1540 Hicks, Elias, 737 Hicks, Isaac, 281 Hicks, William, 379 Hicks family, 26 Hidell, William H., 627 Hiellern, Michael, 129 Hiester, Daniel, 282 Highlands, N.Y., 913 Hight, William, 1293 Hilbon, Joseph, 316 Hildal, Martin, 283 Hildeburn, Charles R., 286 Hildeburn, Samuel, 108 Hildeburn and Woolworth, 108 Hill, Hannah, 154 Hill, John, 1540 Hill, Richard, 379, 631, 740 Hill, Richard N., 1365 Hill, Samuel, 1540 Hillegas, Michael, 287, 316 Hillman, Charles, 1540 Hinckly, Eliza. See Landon, Mrs. Eliza Hinrichs, John, 288 Historic Hotels of the World, 1192 Historical Map oj Pennsylvania, 1372 Historical Pageant of Philadelphia, 460 Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 425, 1561 History oj the Bank oj North America, 1543 History oj Charles V, 1582 History oj Chester County, 1600 History oj Cricket in Philadelphia, 863 History oj Grand Opera, 1423 History oj Philadelphia, 1095 History oj the Religious Society oj Friends, Vol. IV, 1563 History oj the Second Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, 1424 Hitchcock, Richard Rawson, 417 Hobart, Robert, 212 Hobbs, Henry, J. P., 1465 Hocker, Isaiah, 878 Hocker family, 878 Holbrook and Hughes, 1540 Holckley, Jacob F., 839 Holland, 1, 175, 242, 382, 485; com- merce, 136, 183, 541; Friends, 440; wars, 682 Holland Population Land Co., 877 Hollingsworth, Levi, 227 (b), 289, 1552 Hollingsworth, Mary Wilson, 721 Hollingsworth, Paschall, 289, 675 Hollingsworth, Zebulon, 289 Hollingsworth and Rudulph, 289 Hollingsworth, Paschall and, 474 Hollowel, John, 681 Holme, John, 529 Holme, Thomas, 907, 1294, 1498 Holmes, James, 155 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 193, 250, 688 Holmesburg Library, 907 Holton family, 878 Home Sweet Home, 1304 Homony Club, 175 Honest Government Party, 702 Honey brook, 319 Hood, John M., 108, 1427 Hood, Lentz and, 108 Hooper, Robert Lettes, 329 Hoopes, Alban W., 1513 Hoopes, Azariah, 1513 Hoopes, Daniel, 290 Hoopes, Eliza, 313 Hoopes, Thomas, 313 Hoopes family, 150 Hope Fire Co., 205 Hopewell, N.J., 108 Hopewell Forge, 253 Hopewell Furnace, 212 Hopkins, Gerald T., 291 Hopkins, Samuel, 250 Hopkins, Stephen, 380 Hopkins, Thomas, 292 Hopkinson, Francis, 144, 175, 236, 746 Hopkinson, Joseph, 293, 540 Hopkinson, Mary, 540 Hopkinson, Sarah, 1171 Hopkinson, Thomas, 155, 540 Hopper, Harry Shelmire, 294 Hopper family, 294 Horace, odes of, 295 Horn, Countess of, 485 Horner, Benjamin, 108, 139 Horner, Mary, 108 Hornet, U.S.S., 35 Hornor, Joseph P., 295; and William Morrison, 108 Horse thieves, 1334, 1533 Horses, breeding of, 1587 Horsfield, Timothy, 296, 297, 456 Horticulture, 36, 83, 150, 512, 712, 969, 1440, 1476; garden notebooks, 1582 Hoskins, Warder, and Pearsall, 694 Hospitals, 609, 1580; Blockley General, 1178; Frederick Douglass Memorial, 8; Pennsylvania, 64, 316, 1314; Philadelphia, 626, 684, 1365 Hotels, 1192 Hough, Oliver, 298 House of Detention, Phila., 1359 House of Representatives, U.S. See Congress Houston, Sam, 151, 517 Howard, John, 274; biography, 299 Howe, J. W., 499 Howe, Ogden, 175 Howe, Richard, 1072 Howe, Robert, 455 Howe, Sir William, 1072; occupation of Philadelphia, 484 Howell, A., 1540 Howell, Anna Hazen, 878 Howell, James, 718 Howell, Josephine R., 1346 Howell, Mary, 329 Howell, R. H., 878 Howell, Reading, 1295 Howell, Robert, 878 Howell family, 1346 Howell-Harmstead Collection, 1498 Howells, William Dean, 1381 Hubbard, C. Evans, 1399 Hubbard, Edwin, 245 Huber, Jacob, 212 Hubley, Lieutenant Colonel, 975 Hubley, Jacob, 595 Hubley family, 1174 Hudson, Arnold, 1540 Hudson, Henry, biography, 538 Hudson, U.S.S., 35 Hudson River, discovery of, 538 Huger, Alfred, 512 Hugh, John, 301 Hughes, , 1540 Hughes, Isaac, 302 Hughes, John, 302 Hughs, Mary Anna, 759 Huidekoper, Alfred, 877 Huidekoper, H. J., 303 Hulfish, E. S., 1483 Hull, Isaac, 267 Hull, William, 466 Human Freedom League, 952 Humboldt, Alexander von, 688 Humphrey, Charles, 108 Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson, 304, 879 Humphreys, Clement, 305, 306 Humphreys, Daniel, 306 Humphreys, David, 238 Humphreys, Joshua, 175, 306, 331 Humphreys, N. N., 304 Hunt, John, 108, 484 Hunt, Leigh, 175 Hunt and Greenleafe, 108 Hunt Avenue, 1280 Hunter, Dr., 379 Hunter, John, 108 Hunter, Samuel, 1041 Hunter, William M., 954 Hunting, 728, 1464 Huntingdon County Bible Society, 129 Huntington, Joshua, 222 Huntington, Samuel, 144 Huntly, John C, 307 Huron, Laurens, 108 Huston, Felix, 512 Hutchins, Thomas, 308 Hutchinson, J. B., 1566 Hutchinson, James, 379 Hymns, 62, 112, 266, 336. See also Music, Songs Idee generale de tons les gouvernements de I' Europe, 1762, 1254 Illinois, 1458; lands, 880 Illinois and Wabash Land Co., 880 Illuminating, 713; art of, 368 Immigration, 514, 721; Irish, 485; Ohio, 235; passenger lists, 425; Pennsyl- vania, 235, 881; regulation of, 720 Imokilly, Barony of, 485 Impeachment: Judge Franklin, 91; Judge Peck, 324 Imperial, ship, 1389 "Imports and Exports from the Several Ports in North America," 1491 Impressment, 426 Indentures. See Legal records Independence Hall, 1296; restoration of, 193 Independent Committee, 702 India, ship, 754 India: trade, 1587; voyage to, 1115 Indian Rights Association, 702, 1523 Indian Walk, 488; maps, 485 Indiana Company, 708, 840 Indiana County, 240, 488; land titles, 240; maps, 240; politics, 177 Indians, 34, 140, 150, 175, 243, 310, 372, 379, 1095; abuses, 310; account with loan offices, 454; affairs, 485; answer to Swedish missionary, 154; appro- priations, 586; attacks on settlements, 1107; biography, 275; camps, 566; Catholic missions, 101; Chesapeake Bay, 310; chiefs, 387; chiefs, Jeffer- son's letters to, 466; conciliation by Friends, 310; controversies, 44, 310, 700; and George Croghan, 1459; council at Easton, 310; councils, 519; Creek, Cherokee boundary, 736; cus- toms, 468, 480; depredations, 144, 296, 310, 456, 466, 519, 552; deputa- tion of Friends, 291; economic condi- tions, 291, 310; ethnology, 218; Florida warfare, 238; folklore, 275; Fort Pitt, 370, 1145; Thomas Gist on (1758), 1283; grievances, 310; Hecke- welder's work with, 275; history, 280, 310; A. W. Hoopes, on, 1513; aided by Indian Rights Association, 1523; in- vasion by Five Nations, 485; Iroquois, 275; Lake Superior, 310; Lancaster conference, 310; Lancaster Co., 310; land purchases, 631, 880; lands, 213, 329, 425, 447, 455, 669; language, 181, 480; massacres, 296, 352, 752; Mora- vian missions, 129; George Morgan on trade with, 1163; names of chiefs, 310; names of tribes, 590; negotiations with, 110, 316, 485, 498; New York, 310; origin, 310, 480; Paxton massacre, 310; peace measures, 484; Penn's letter to, 485, 1095; petitions to Jef- ferson, 466; philology, 181, 280, 310; politics, 480; relations with, 372; re- ligion, 310, 480, 655; reservation on Minnesota River, 599; rights, 702; Seminole War, 645; social conditions, 291, 310, 468, 480; songs, 310; South- ern states, 308, 480; speeches, 310; speeches at Easton, 301; Susquehanna Valley, 310, 352; territories, maps, 410; territories, Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, 78; towns, 566; trade, 30, 111, 193, 250, 310, 339, 387, 425, 506, 555, 595, 728, 1106; traditions, 480; transportation, 555; treaties, 40, 356, 358, 455, 466, 468, 485, 498, 699; treaties and deeds, 1297; treatment of, 154; treaty at Fort Stanwix, 193; treaty councils, 699; treaty with Teedyuscung, 302; troubles in South, 54; vocabulary, 275; warriors, 590; wars, 227, 250, 310, 552, 669, 1216, 1550; Wayne's campaign against, 699; Conrad Weiser's Ohio expedition, 700; welfare of in Oklahoma, 460; Western tribes, 291, 310; writing, 310. See also names of Indians and Indian tribes Indigent Widows' and Single Women's Society of Philadelphia, 1400 Ingersoll, C. J., 236 Ingersoll, Jared, 250 Ingersoll, Joseph Reed, 238 Ingham, Samuel D., 151 Ingraham, Edward, 175 Inns. See Taverns Insane Hospital, 684 Insanity, 424, 684 Insurance, 108, 331, 632, 1019, 1028, 1540, 1552. See also Commerce, names of insurance companies Interior decorating, 314 Internal improvements, 30, 108, 130, 148, 151, 251, 1582; Chester Co., 150; Delaware, 554; England, 238; Europe, 84; Kensington, 340; Maryland, 250; Montgomery Co., 122, 319, 855; New Jersey, 134; New York, 666; North- ampton Co., 456; Northumberland Co., 458; Pennsylvania, 2, 167, 176, 238, 250, 303, 338, 387, 391, 425, 447, 479, 488, 499, 555, 632, 644, 654, 710, 1216; Philadelphia, 50, 619; protec- tion of, 278; Scotland, 722; South, 272; United States, 84, 127, 136, 160, 289, 324, 586, 600; West, 728 Interstate Commerce Commission, 1337 Iowa, 476 Iphigenia, H. M. S., 1081 Ireland, 37, 153, 322, 463, 1582; Friends, 440, 719; immigrants from, 485; revo- lution, 250; social conditions, 720 Iron, 63, 108, 127, 140, 150, 194, 212, 253, 316, 319, 379, 435, 436, 447, 458, 484, 485, 632, 645, 654, 726, 940, 1 176, 1377, 1403, 1454, 1530, 1540, 1555, 1586; strangulation of industry by Parliament, 484 Ironmasters, 212, 253, 319, 1247 Iroquois, 275, 310; religion, 310 Irvin, Mathew, 796 Irvine, C, 466 Irvine, James, 1041 Irvine, William, 250, 312, 1587 Irving, Washington, 193, 250, 973 Irwin, J. Warner, 1394 Irwin, John, 1503 Irwin family, 231 Isabella Furnace, 1401 Isle of Noix, orderly book, 973 Israel, Joseph, 108 Israel, Samuel, 541 Italy, 16, 363; art, 238; authors, 250; commerce, 136; evangelism, 702; his- torical monuments, 464; sketches, 650; social conditions, 464; visit to, 118; Waldensian Society in, 702 Izard, George, 466 Jackson, Andrew, 136, 218, 238, 250, 324, 466, 476, 484, 512, 557, 645; con- duct in Florida and New Orleans, 558; United States Bank controversy, 675 Jackson, Caroline H., 313 Jackson, David, 882 Jackson, Henry, 1583 Jackson, Isaac P., 108 Jackson, John C, 108 Jackson, Joseph F. A., 314, 883, 1155, 1192, 1466 Jackson, Samuel, 315 Jackson, William, 1583 Jacobs, Benjamin, 316 Jacobs, Isaac, 316 Jacobs, Israel, 316 Jacobs, John, 316 Jacobs, Joseph, 316 Jacobs family, 884 Jamaica, 172, 227, 1582; Assembly, 425 James, Duke of York, 111 James, VI, King of Scotland, 175 James, Abel, 317,632, 1026 James, Thomas P., 885 James, Mrs. Thomas P., 520, 679 James and Drinker, 176 James Wilson Memorial Committee, 1501 Janney, Elizabeth, 193 Janney, Samuel M., 1563 Janvier, F. M. de Hoes, 175 Japan, 16, 388; letters to A. J. Edmunds, 1342 Java, 553 Java, U.S.S., 589 Jay, Sir James, 794 Jay, John, 20, 40, 238, 250, 1105 Jefferies, Oliver T., 150 Jefferies family, 150 Jefferis, Chalkley, 108 Jefferson, Thomas, 34, 39, 40, 49, 175, 193, 227 (b), 238, 250, 295, 318, 324, 380, 382, 405, 466, 484, 552, 558, 560, 682, 688, 1348, 1378; diplomatic mis- sions, 44; election of, 39; relief of, 318 Jefferson Barracks, 77 Jefferson College, 407, 628 Jefferson County, 176 Jefferson Lodge No. 48, 905 Jeffrey, Captain, 868 Jenkins, Algernon S., 319 Jenkins, Charles F., 319, 320, 1404 Jenkins, Francis, 1087 Jenkins, George, 973 Jenkins, Howard M., 319 Jenkins, Robert, 319, 1540 Jenkins family, 319 Jenkintown Building and Loan Associa- tion, 1418 Jenks, Michael H., 108 Jennings, Francis, 321 Jennings, John, 887 Jennings, Sol, 1348 Jennison, William, 1298 Jersey Galley, ship, 818 Jesuits, 101 Jewelry, 208, 1343 Joachim, Joseph, 592 Jockey Club, 756 John, ship, 1067 Johns, Rachel, 150 Johnson, Andrew, 78, 113, 250 Johnson, Anna G., 323 Johnson, Jesse, 1299 Johnson, John G., 1461 Johnson, Joseph, 512 Johnson, Samuel, 136 Johnson, William, 512 Johnson, Sir William, 250, 447, 485, 1095, 1106, 1454 Johnson and Warner, 1295 Johnston, Alexander, 1582 Johnston, Francis, 316 Johnston, John H., 324 Johnston, Josiah S., 324 Johnston, Robert, 1582 Johnston, Thomas, 466 Johnston, William S., 324 Johnston family, Jamaica, 1582 Johnstown flood, 994, 1421, 1541 Johnstown Flood Relief Commission, 1430 Jones, A. A., 1546 Jones, Allen, 455 Jones, Andrew, 718 Jones, Andrew M., 1403, 1428 Jones, Benjamin, 718 Jones, Blathwaite, 325 Jones, David, 326, 327 Jones, Horatio Gates, 328, 1300 Jones, Jacob, 267 Jones, John, 888 Jones, John, Jr., 1193 Jones, Jonathan, 329 Jones, Lewis, 889 Jones, Owen, 329, 1301 Jones, Paul, 890 Jones, R. Strettel, 316 Jones, Robert, 898 Jones, Thomas, 330, 898 Jones, William, 331, 1378 Jones family, 329 Jones and Backhouse, 108 Jones and Clarke, 331 Jones and Drinker, 108 Jones and Foulke, 329 Jones and Wister, 108, 329 Jonesboro, Tenn., 192 Jordan, Edward, 332 Jordan, Ewing, 1194 Jordan, Francis, 1194 Jordan, John, 1546 Jordan, Robert, 108 Journals. See Diaries Juanita Iron Co., 316 Judaism, 1514 Julia Castner, ship, 1164 Julian, Emperor, 97 Junior Legal Club, 536 Junius Americanus, pseud., 295 A Just Rebuke, 536 Justice, Jefferson, 1302 Kader Box, ship, 891 Kalapooyahs, 310 Kalb, Baron de, 25 Kane, Elisha K., 175 Kansas, 10, 51, 466; history, 1311; map of route to Pacific, 466 Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 51 Kaskaskia, George Morgan at, 1163 Kasten, Bernard, 336 Kay, James, Jr., 499 Kearney, Dyre, 250 Kearney, Stephen W., 512 Kearsley, John, 1454 Keating, John, 232 Keats, John, 193 Keenan, J. Crooks, 1546 Keim, George May, 1304 Keim, John, family, 185 Keim, Randolph de B., 334 Keith, Charles P., 335 Keith, John, 50 Keith, William, 98, 204, 485, 1095 Keith-Logan controversy, 485 Kelley, Julianna, 1591 Kelly, Caroline Bartram, 36 Kelly family, 1354 Kelpius, Johannes, 175, 336, 1610 Kelso, March E., 685 Kemble, Amos, 512 Kemble, Fanny. See Butler, Fanny Kemble Kemble, Gouverneur, 238, 512 Kendall, Elizabeth, 337 Kennedy, Anderson, 108 Kennedy, Anthony, 338, 347 Kennedy, John, 108 Kennedy, Joseph, 499 Kennedy, Lynch and, 389 Kennedy, R. G., and Co., 170 Kennersly, William, 108 Kennett Monthly Meetings, 150 Kennett Square, orderly book, 973 Kenny, James, 339 Kensington, 710, 892; register, 340 Kent, James, 250, 365 Kent County, Del., 166, 485, 1103, 1590; courts, 562, 1404; wills and mar- riages, 805 Kent, Eng., 485 Kentucky, 136, 466, 476; early settlers, 245; land titles, 180, 541; real-estate transactions, 541; trade with Florida, 541 Keppele, Michael, 1394 Kepple, Augustus, 770 Key, Francis Scott, 250 Key, Philip, 940 Key, Richard, 940 Kidd, John, 72, 108 Kimball family, 1578 Kimber, Thomas, 1244 Kimber and Conrad, 1295 King, Duncan, 1405 King, Rufus, 512, 1448 King family, 878 King and Wilson, 1156 Kingsbury Furnace, 1555 Kingsessing, 129 Kingsland, Herefordshire, Eng., 525 Kingston-on-Hull, Eng., 379 Kinloch, Bowden, 108 Kinloch, Farquhar, 108 Kinnersley, Ebenezer, 342 Kinsey, Chief Justice, 484 Kintzing, Abraham, 347 Kintzing, Tench C, 347 Kirk, Isaiah, 499 Kite, , 1303 Kite, Thomas, 108 Kittell, William, 108 Klapp, Joseph, 108 Klikatats, 310 Kneass, Joseph A., 345 Knight, Daniel, 108 Knipp, L. O., 129 Knowles, Mrs., 136 Knowles, Sally, 250 Knox, Henry, 114, 1583 Knox, John, 250 Knox-Duer Purchase, 1583 Koenigmacher case, 91 Konkle, Burton Alva, 1429, 1538; con- troversy with L. H. Alexander, 1501 Kosciuszko, Tadeusz, 250 Kraft, Charles de, 346 Kreitzer, John, 893 Kressler, John, 96 Krewson, George, 347 Kuhl, Frederick, 108 Kuhn, Joseph E., 1365 Kunze, M., 348 Labor, 1588 Labrador Eclipse Expedition, 243 Lacey, John, 175 Lackawanna Creek, land drafts, 571 Lacock, Abner, 645 Lafayette, Marquis de, 1, 163, 175, 199, 238, 250, 688; reception to, 162, 324, 558, 894 Lafayette College, 430 La Guardia, Fiorello H., 1246 Lake George, 974 Lake Superior, copper mines, 951 La Luzerne, Chevalier de, 1095 Lamar, Hill, Bisset & Co., 1375 Lamb, W. W., 1155 Lamberton, James Findley Peffer, 349 Lamborn, Thomas, 250 Lamborn family, 150 Lamont, A. E., 227 (b) Lampe, Friedrich Adolph, 1610 Lancashire Furnace, 1555 Lancaster, Albert Edmund, 350 Lancaster, John, 108 Lancaster, Joseph, 250 Lancaster, Moses, 108 Lancaster, 258, 499, 1540; banking, 670; courts, 280, 351, 352, 595, 740; Indi- ans, 310; land titles, 352, 651; library, 352; orderly book, 973; politics, 280, 352, 558; prisoners of war, 138, 875; real-estate transactions, 454 Lancaster County, 30, 212, 280, 319, 352, 371, 379, 454, 488; muster roll, 950 Land, Thomas, 244 Land book, of Harrison and Phillips, 1290 Land companies, 242; Illinois-Wabash Land Co., 1554; New Jersey, 622; North American, 1432; Ohio, 1371; Pennsylvania, 236, 250, 447, 485, 489, 708; Washington, D. C, 1156; Wica- coa and Moyamensing Meadows Co., 1175 Land drafts: Lackawanna Creek, 571; Luzerne Co., 571; Loyalsoc Creek, 571; Lycoming Co., 571; Northwest Territory, 577; Onions Fishery, 571; Westmoreland Co., 571 ; York Co., 571 Land laws, of Pa., 1266 Land transactions, 29, 182, 402, 931, 963, 1375; Albany Co., N.Y., 329; Allegheny Co., 489, 517; Beaver Co., 489; Berks Co., 144; Bradford Co., 403; Bucks Co., 3, 22, 484; Burlington Co., N.J., 102, 551; Chester Co., 150, 369, 460, 484, 485, 488, 646, 651, 1240; Clearfield Co., 43; Connecticut, 571; Cumberland Co., 195, 349; Cus- sawago, 411; Delaware, 240, 379, 673; Delaware Bay, 485; Delaware Co., 497, 651; Elk Co., 43; Esther family, 1265; Fairman family, 1498; Fayette Co., 125; Florida, 308, 541; Fort Pitt, 654; Germantown, 362; Gloucester Co., N.J., 134, 143, 206; Indiana, 240; Indians, 213; Indians of Pa., 1297; Kensington, 340; Kentucky, 180, 541; Lancaster Co., 352, 651; Louisiana, 571; Luzerne Co., 240; Maine, 677, 1583; Maryland, 80, 130, 236, 484, 485, 571, 606; McKean Co., 43; Mer- cer Co., 489, 517; Mississippi, 541; Montgomery Co., 122, 302, 488; New Amstel, Del., 183; New Castle Co., Del., Ill, 488, 651; New Jersey, 28, 195, 213, 250, 359, 450, 484, 606, 622, 640, 665; New Orleans, 541; North Carolina, 654; Northampton Co., 317, 456; Northumberland Co., 21, 100, 437, 438, 458, 517; Northwest Terri- tory, 577; Nova Scotia, 302; Penn family, 1166, 1454; Pennsylvania, 22, 103, 104, 130, 131, 140, 155, 176, 193, 236, 238, 250, 269, 282, 289, 303, 316, 319, 329, 335, 338, 346, 371, 372, 379, 383, 387, 425, 447, 469, 471, 484, 485, 498, 499, 505, 517, 571, 605, 606, 608, 621, 640, 659, 665, 669, 708, 721, 742, 877, 963, 1408, 1509, 1587; Pennsyl- vania counties, 488; Philadelphia, 28, 346, 485, 499, 584, 632, 654, 674, 710, 734, 740, 1226, 1294, 1323, 1325, 1375, 1420, 1497; at Point No Point, 1495; Roxborough, 362; Scotland, 721 ; Som- erset Co., 125; Tioga Co., 403; United States, 324, 571, 632, 1390; Venango Co., 499; Virginia, 180, 541, 571; war- rants, 1313; Western, 437, 541; in Western Pennsylvania, 1507; West- moreland Co., 125, 517, 645; York Co., 499. See also Real-estate transac- tions Landon, Mrs. Eliza, 1347 Landon family, 1347 Lane, Edward, 1387 Lane, William, 1387 Langdon, John, 353 Langius, Joachim, 354 Lansdowne, 595 Larchfield, E. H. Warder, 355 Lardner, Alexander, 1493 Lardner, Lynford, 310, 379 Larer, John, 1540 Larer, Melchior, 1540 Larson, J., 613 Latimer, George, 250 Latin, 354; histories, 525; religious tracts, 743; synodal documents, 250; transla- tions from, 529 La Trappe, abbey, 136 Laudin, Abraham Scott, 193 Laurens, Henry, 356, 380, 658 Laurens, John, 250, 357, 405 Laux, James, 1348 Law, 91; catalogue of Edward Burd li- brary, 104; Dickinson's notes on, 379; essays on, 1331; international, 25, 634; lectures, University of Pennsyl- vania, 402; Charles Lee's remarks on, 360; Moland's analysis of, 378; notes on, 86, 105, 171, 293, 402, 475, 595; penal, 250; pleading, 171; Jasper Yeates notes, 740. See also Legal records Law Register, 939 Lawrence, Effingham, 438 Lawrence, Martha Morris, 1157 Lawrence, Thomas, 316, 1157, 1467 Lawrence, William, 108 Laws, C, 108 Laws: Delaware, 673; maritime, 361; New York, 286; North Carolina, 455; Pennsylvania, 485; Pennsylvania, rev- enue, 391; York Co., 741 Laws of New York, 111 Lawyers: of Phila., Chester, and Dela- ware Counties, 1308; of Phila., 1363 Lea and Blanchard, 149, 236, 227 (a) Lea and Febiger, 227 (b) Lea Brothers and Co., 149 Leach, Frank Willing, 1349 Leach, J. Granville, 1305 Leach, Thomas, 1095 Lead, 339 Leaders of the Old Bar of Philadelphia, 536 League for Better Moving Pictures, 460 League of Nations, 702 Leake, N., 407 Learning, Aaron, 359 Learning, Erickson, 1554 Learning, J. Fisher, 622 Learning, Rebecca, 622 Learning, Thomas, 622 Lear, Tobias, 48, 49, 108, 227 (b) Learned, Marion Dexter, 1350 Leather, 108, 1484, 1509 Leavenworth, H., 466 Lebanon, petitions for, 352 Lebanon County, 488 Leckley Township, 488 Lectures, 600; Atkinson, William, 1219; on Banking, 1525; Breck, Samuel, 74; Brown, David Paul, 85; Buchanan, James, 91; Burd, Edward S., 595; Butler, Thomas, 494; Chapman, N., 585; Chase, Salmon P., 121; Cochran, Henry C, 141; Cope, Caleb, 205; Duane, William, 178; Harley, Lewis R., 264; Hunter, Dr., 379; legal, Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, 402; medical, Walker, Lewis, 1174; Mills, Charles K., 424; Moore, William, 603; Ober- holtzer, Ellis Paxson, 460; Read, Wil- liam T., 538; Snowden, Louise H., 615; Snowden, Nathaniel R., 616; Webster, M. I., 1385; Welsh, John, 702; Wilson, James, 293 Lee, Charles, 250, 360, 400, 1587 Lee, Edmund J., 1587 Lee, Francis Lightfoot, 380 Lee, Sir George, 361 Lee, Henry, 530, 866 Lee, Martha, 250 Lee, R. B., 1587 . Lee, R. H., 1587 Lee, Robert E., 304, 1448 Lee, William, 1587 Lee, William A., 1306 Leedom, Samuel, 108 Le Fevre, 21 Legal Philadelphia, 1248 Legal records: Bucks Co., 281, 805; Chester Co., 175, 383, 397, 603, 805, 1241; Cumberland Co., 595; Dauphin Co., 132; Delaware, 379, 485, 562, 805; Delaware Co., 1387; Germantown, 805; Greene Co., 150; international, 25; Lancaster Co., 351, 595, 805; Maine, 834, 1583; Montgomery Co., 1599; New Jersey, 325, 564, 572, 860, 1532; New York, 1583, 1594; North- ampton Co., 456;Pennsylvania (state), 90, 150, 379, 405, 596, 604, 805, 1266, 1570, 1583; personal, 104, 105, 171, 632, 659, 710, 721, 740, 869, 911, 939, 943, 1162, 1167, 1171, 1174, 1180, 1181, 1206, 1235, 1319, 1454; Phila- delphia, 150, 260, 494, 501, 581, 709, 805, 1200, 1364, 1500, 1509, 1540, 1565, 1584, 1587, 1598; United States, 238; Upland, 397, 805; Westmoreland Co., 595; York Co., 805 Leghorn, 1375 Legionville, orderly book, 973 Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., 1490 Lehigh County, 488 Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, 897 Lehman, B. B., 1328 Lehman, Benjamin, 108 Lehman, Christian, 362, 854 Lehman estate, 362 Leisler Rebellion, 1158 Leland, Charles Godfrey, 363, 1155; bibliography, 314 Lending Library, Phila., 70 Lennox, Maj., 1448 Lentz and Hood, 108 Leonard family, 150 Leopard, H.M.S., 466 Letter Books: 1700 (prior to) 108, 133, 382, 485 1700 175, 379, 382, 485 1710 175, 379 1720 210, 379, 524 1730 108, 140, 210, 379, 382, 498, 524 1740 108, 140, 379, 382, 498, 524, 1157 1750 28, 108, 136, 140, 287, 296, 329, 379, 498, 595, 625, 629, 708, 1157, 1446, 1610 1760 28, 94, 108, 136, 140, 176, 193, 329, 356, 462", 485, 595, 625, 629, 708, 1163, 1446 1770 28, 72, 94, 108, 136, 140, 176, 193, 200, 216, 329, 379, 452, 485, 513, 529, 561, 625, 693, 1036, 1145, 1446 1780 28, 48, 50, 108, 136, 140, 176, 200, 312, 329, 452, 485, 529, 561, 658, 870, 1036, 1153, 1446, 1509, 1543, 1587 1790 47, 48, 50, 108, 140, 169, 176, 181, 305, 306, 329, 452, 485, 529, 672, 870, 1153, 1293, 1509, 1540, 1543, 1587, 1602 1800 47, 50, 108, 140, 169, 176, 181, 238, 306, 329, 479, 485, 529, 541, 622, 672, 809, 906, 1454, 1486, 1509, 1543, 1587, 1602 1810 47, 50, 108, 140, 169, 176, 181, 227 (b), 238, 306, 329, 378, 479, 485, 529, 541, 906, 1171, 1206, 1454, 1486, 1509, 1543, 1587, 1602 1820 50, 108, 140, 169, 176, 181,227 (b), 276, 306, 329, 435, 479, 485, 718, 809, 906, 1171, 1394, 1454, 1486, 1542, 1543, 1582, 1587, 1602 19, 108, 140, 175, 176, 181, 238, 306, 329, 485, 694, 718, 906, 1156, 1171, 1312, 1454, 1485, 1486, 1542, 1543, 1582, 1587, 1602 19, 108, 140, 175, 181, 329, 374, 694, 718, 1171, 1206, 1312, 1454, 1485, 1486, 1542, 1543, 1582, 1586, 1602 19, 108, 272, 374, 718, 729, 885, 1150, 1171, 1206, 1312, 1328, 1454, 1485, 1486, 1543, 1582, 1586, 1602 19, 108, 121, 374, 718, 729, 885, 1312, 1328, 1485, 1486, 1540, 1543, 1555, 1586, 1602, 1606 148, 374, 729, 1328, 1471, 1486, 1543, 1555, 1586, 1602 78, 374, 676, 702, 1252, 1328, 1469, 1471, 1486, 1543, 1555, 1586, 1602 78, 374, 702, 1252, 1469, 1471, 1486, 1543, 1586 702, 1252, 1469, 1471, 1486, 1543, 1586 702, 1252, 1469, 1471, 1486, 1543 702, 1469, 1471, 1486, 1543 702, 1469, 1471 Leval, Madame, 1583 Levering, Rozier, 925 Levers, Robert, 108, 456 Levick, James, 898 Levis, H. J., 1069 Levy, Aaron, 489 Levy, Edgar M., 364 Levy, John Patterson, 364 Levy, L. Andrew, 488 Lewden, Franks and, 108 Lewes Town, Del., 38, 673; history, 899 Lewis, David, 898 Dixon H., 151 Ellis, 365 Emma, 366 Henry Carvill, 1370 John Frederick, 95, 316, 367, 1358 Joseph J., 153, 894 Lawrence, 1543 Levi, 108 Owen, 898 Richard, 212 Thomas D., 787 William, 898 William A., 369 William D., 150 1830 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis 368 Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis Lewis, Adler and Laws, 1363 Lewis-Penn papers, 485 Lexington, Mass., battle of, 485, 968 Lexington, U.S.S., 900 Libby Prison, 1607 Liberia, colonization of, 139 Liberty Bell, 1567 Liberty Bonds, 217 Liberty Loan campaigns, 1453 Liberty Loan Committee, 217 Libraries, 250; Chester Co., 150; Friends, of West Chester, 1522; Lancaster, 352; Philadelphia, 454, 710, 1449; Wind- ham, N.Y., 1484 Library Company of Philadelphia, 250, 454, 613, 631, 710, 901 Library of Congress, 26 Licenses: marriage, 370, 498; peddler, 370; shipping, 518; tavern, 166, 370, 425, 456, 498, 1095 Lightfoot, Benjamin, 154, 250, 316, 371, 372, 1034 Lightfoot, Samuel, 339, 371 Lightfoot family, 371 Lillie Yacht Club, 205 Lima, Peru, 586 Lime, 1540 Lincoln, Abraham, 23, 78, 113, 175, 250, 264, 350, 634, 635, 753; administra- tion, 151, 164 Lincoln Independent Republican Com- mittee, 702 Lincoln Monument Association, 1546 Linder, Peters, Campion and, 499 Lindsay and Blackiston, 1046 Lindstrom, Peter, 373 Linen, 95, 367 Linvill, S. D., 1540 Lippincott, , 1578 Lippincott, Ann, 759 Lippincott, James S., 1064 Lippincott, Joseph W., 1195 Lippincott, Walter, 1549 Lippincott family, 1195 Lippincott and Co., 374 Liquor, 108, 150, 237, 339, 514, 1399, 1540; sale of, 96 Lisbon, Portugal, 306, 1375 Lisle, Maurice, 84 Lisle, Weir and Co., 367 Listen to the Mocking Bird, 1536 Literature, 97, 175, 235, 250, 380, 388, 397, 485, 511, 523, 1368; allegory, 543; biography, 61; British historians and essayists, 250; British poets, 250; com- ments on, 1; criticisms, 4, 392; dia- logue, 136; drama, 145, 203, 611; English, 476, 1219, 1385; epigrams, 363, 397, 493, 712; essays, 61, 65, 160, 198, 219, 238, 239, 247, 254, 264, 303, 363, 421, 460, 484, 485, 512, 521, 529, 536, 538, 586, 611, 628, 667, 702, 740, 1273, 1320, 1331, 1505; Greek classics, 4; history, 61; lyric poetry, 18; moral and political essays, 10; notes on, 27, 181, 238, 576, 600, 654; novels, 84, 1539; poetry, 6, 42, 52, 61, 65, 67, 84, 94, 99, 114, 118, 135, 136, 137, 145, 150, 154, 175, 188, 204, 214, 220, 238, 239, 244, 250, 254, 283, 295, 323, 329, 330, 350, 363, 366, 390, 405, 409, 454, 460, 471, 472, 473, 486, 492, 529, 533, 543, 558, 583, 611, 637, 653, 655, 662, 667, 684, 705, 712, 715, 738, 1154, 1190, 1229, 1253, 1433, 1502, 1509, 1546; progressive Literary Association, 1205; prose, 72, 137, 138, 149, 154, 204, 214, 218, 238, 239, 250, 254, 255, 264, 274, 283, 299, 304, 314, 342, 354, 363, 379, 401, 405, 409, 423, 611, 653, 655, 684, 687, 729, 739; quotations, 401; reviews, 238; satire, 1, 214, 220, 397; Scottish verse, 413; translations of Horace, 295; trends, 227, 295 Lithographs, Civil War, 250 Little, John, 860 Little York, N.Y., 482 Littlewood, J., 1509 Litzenberg, Charles A., 108 Litzenberg, William H., 108 Liver oil, 108 Liverpool, Eng., 140, 736 Livezey family, 1341 Livezy, Charles, 889 Livingston, Edward, 238, 240 Lloyd, David, 375 Lloyd, Hannah, 154 Lloyd, Howard W., 376 Lloyd, Peter Zachary, 377 Lloyd, Robert, family, 376 Lloyd, Thomas, 175, 529; controversy with St. Asaph Bishops, 454 Lloyd and Sharpless, 108 Loan company, 1496 Loans, U.S., 87 Lochner, George, 904 Locust Valley, 1540 Lodges, 905 Logan, Albanus C, 378 Logan, Charles F., 378 Logan, Deborah Norris, 380, 382; lit- erary and biographical sketches, 379 Logan, George, 378, 380; biography, 382; foreign missions, 379 Logan, James, 98, 266, 379, 381, 382, 485, 536, 605, 634; biographical pa- pers, 379; justification, 379 Logan, Maria Dickinson, 380, 382 Logan, Robert R., 383 Logan, William, 154, 310, 379 Logan Square Building and Loan Asso- ciation, 1418 Loganian Library, 250 Logan's Valley, 129 Loganville, 378 Logbooks, 1208; Betty, 1144; Charles- town, 1144; Du Roy V Engagement, 1279; Flying Duck, 1164; Francis Palmer, 1164; Godfrey, 1164; Imperial, 1389; Julia Castner, 1164; Marine aviators', 1330; Morning Light, 1164; Old Colony, 1164 London, Eng., 108, 113, 200, 242, 316, 354, 431, 525, 567, 632, 704; bishop of, 613; booksellers, 638; commerce, 210; custom house redemptioners, 1048; earthquakes, 484; loyalist refugees, 598; printers, 638; Yearly Meeting, 150 London Chronicle, 890 Long, George V. Z., 1528 Long Island, N.Y., 430, 451; Dutch settlers, 683 Longevity, essay on, 1273 Longfellow, Henry W., 175, 193, 250, 363 Longitude, Rittenhouse's notes, 552 Longstreth, Joshua, 906, 1394 Longstreth, Mary Anna, 12 Longstreth, Susanna, 759 Longstreth, Collins and Co., 108 Longstreth School (Mary Anna), 1159, 1196 Lord, Ann, 417 L'Orrange, Louis, 385 Lotteries, 541, 549, 632, 729, 1148; tickets, 72, 88, 250, 289 Lotus Club, 1524 Louis XVI, 383 Louisiana, 466; cession to Spain, 829; commerce, 238; conspiracy and rebel- lion, 238; land speculation, 571; poli- tics, 324; 3rd Regiment, 1546 Love, Col., of Tenn., 1507 L'Ouverture, Toussaint. See Toussaint L'Ouverture Lowden, Josiah, 108 Lower Dublin Academy, 907 Lower Oxford Triennial, 150 Lower Sandusky, 468 Lowrie, Sarah D., 526 Lowry, Alexander, 840 Loxely, Richard, 1016 Loxley, Benjamin, 908 Loyal Hannon, 595 Loyalists, 193, 250, 284, 316; London, 598; Philadelphia, 484, 598; poetrv, 250 Loyalsoc Creek, land drafts, 571 Lucas, William, 898 Ludewig, Herrmann E., 750 Ludy, R. B., 1192 Luff, Caleb, 379 Lukens, John, 316 Lumber, 151, 169, 728, 1147, 1207, 1468, 1490 Lumberman's Exchange, 1468 Lupton, J., 1509 Luther, Martin, 250, 363 Lutheran Zion Church, 348 Lutherans, 129; churches, 129, 233, 348, 367, 574 Lutz, William F., 909 Lutz family, 909 Luzerne, Lycoming, Northumberland, Northampton, and Wayne Land As- sociation, 910 Luzerne County, 176; early settlers, 387; Samuel Fothergill visits (1806), 1397; history of, 488; land drafts, 571; lands, 238; land titles, 240 Lyceum, West Phila., 637 Lycoming County, 176, 1469, 1596; land drafts, 571; real-estate transactions, 250 Lycoming Mining Co., 1469 Lyman, , 1540 Lvman, Benjamin Smith, 388, 1342, 1576 Lyman, Thomas H., 1549 Lynch, Mrs. David, 91 Lynch, Edward, 389 Lynch, John Wheaton, 1609 Lynch and Kennedy, 389 Lynn, Samuel Morris, 129 Lyons, Edward, 1197 Lytle, Andrew, 371 McAllister, A. V., 742 McAllister, John, library, 742 McAllister, W. Y., 742 McBay, William R., 108 McBride, Andrew, 1221 McCall, Archibald, 922 McCall, Peter, 402 McCalla, Alexander, 1540 McCalley, Lieut., 1118 McCally, John, 1540 McCanless, Alexander, family, 185 McCaraher and Marsh, 150 McCarney and Sterrit, 1509 McCarter, William, 1307 McCartney, James, 1393 McCauley, Daniel Smith, 1351 McCauley, Edward York, 1351 McCleay, Robert, 108 McClellan, George, 1151 McClenachan, Blair, 1389 McCluen, Anna, 759 McCluen, Harriet I., 759 McConkey, James, 108 McConkey, John Q. A., 108 McConkey, Mary Ann, 108 McCorkle, William, 108 McCormic, R. Laird, 1520 McCurach, James, 108 McDaniel and Harvey Co., 1555 MacDonald, 360 McDougal, Gen., 973 Macedonian, H. M. S., 541 MacEuen, Malcolm, 390 McEuen, Thomas, 403 McGregor, Frances, 759 McGown, James Milton, 1607 McGuigan, Jud I., 1046 McHenry, James, 1454 Machinery, 108, 654 Mclnall, Edward, 404 Mcintosh, Laughlin, 973 McKean, Joseph Borden, 1595 McKean, Thomas, 20, 125, 146, 405, 456, 540, 1041, 1095, 1148, 1595; con- troversy with Thompson, 144 McKean County, 176, 488; land titles, 43 MacKenzie, R. Sheldon, 363 McKesson, Mrs. Irving H., 1542 McKinley, William, 78, 250, 645 McLane, Louis, 238, 512 Maclay, William, 250, 316 McMaster, John Bach, 1430 McMichael, Clayton, 1352 McMichael, Morton, 406 McMillan, John, 407 McNachtane, John, 1053 Macon, Nathaniel, 331 McPherson, C. M., 685 MacPherson, John, 911 McPherson, Robert, 408 MacPherson, William, 391 MacPherson's Blues, 391 McReynolds, Benjamin F., 924 McShane, Mary, 409 McShea, Walter Ross, 925 Maddox, John, 686 Madeira, 561 Madison, Dolly, 154, 1412 Madison, James, 33, 34, 250, 392, 447, 466, 512, 557, 558, 686, 1184, 1412, 1458 Magee, Horace, 1549 Magee, James, 393 Magic, recipes for, 221, 853 Magnetic pole, 243 Mahan, Dennis H., 512 Maine: Bingham lands in, 53, 1583; boundary controversy, 51 1 ; land titles, 677, 1583 Makin, Thomas, 529 Malin, William G., 989 Malt, 1530 Malta Boat Club, 1525 Man, William, 394 Manada Furnace, 253, 1488 Manatawny Creek, 212 Manayunk, 939; history, 1300 Manhattan, N.Y., 254 Manheim Glass Works, 212 Manley, W. H., 1546 Manlove, Asa, 379 Manlove, Hunn, 379 Mann, William, 108 Mannington, William, 250 Manors, proprietary, 485, 536 Mantua Academy, 912 Mantua Farm, 499 Manufacturing, 108, 150, 257, 289, 301, 316, 378, 435, 582, 654, 714, 727, 994, 999, 1143, 1176, 1540, 1556, 1586. See also Economic conditions Maori War, diary of British soldier, 1045 Maps, 160, 401, 485, 610, 697, 715, 1328, 1454; Army of Potomac, 410; Brandy- wine Manufacturing Co., 240; Chester- New Castle boundary, 485; Chester Springs, 150; Civil War campaign, 304; coast, 410; colonial, 219; Cooper, 401 ; England, 238 ; Erie Triangle, 236; European cities, 531; Friends' Meet- ings, Delaware, Maryland, New Jer- sey, Pennsylvania, 129; Ebers, 401; Greece, 238; Indiana Co., 240; Indian territory, 78, 410; Indian Walk, 485; of Johnstown flood, 1430; Pennsyl- vania lands, 721; land in Northwest Territory, 577; land of John Ashley, 489; Mason and Dixon Line, 485; Mexico, 410; New Jersey, 134, 316; Penn estate in Barony of Imokilly, 485; Pennsylvania, 176, 238, 1372; Pennsylvania counties, 280, 697 ; Phila- delphia, 1226, 1294, 1295; railroads, 367; in Rawle family, 1206; Richards genealogy, 545, 546; route from Kan- sas to Pacific, 466; of Lydia Satter- thwaite, 1154; of southern railroads (1862), 1244; Southern states, 410; Texas, 410; topographical, 304; United States, 546; Wales, 376; Waverley novels, 401; Western expedition, 300; West Geneseo, N. Y., 466; West Indian ports, 305 Marchand, Lizzie, 1160 Marcus Hook, 1332 Marietta, 114 Marine Corps, 1214; aviators' logbooks, 1330; Civil War, 1546; William Jenni- son journal (1776), 1298 Marine Hospital, Phila., 626 Marine Insurance, 915, 1028 Market Street, Phila., 389; bridge, 916 Markets, 967 Markham, Robert William, 1590 Markham, William, 266, 485, 529, 605, 1095 Markley, Benjamin, 108 Markley, John H., 175 Markoe, Francis, 512 Marlboro Iron Works, 140 Marlow, James, 108 Marquesas Islands, 202 Marriner, Sarah, 899 Marsh, , 1540 Marsh family, 150 Marshall, Benjamin, 631 Marshall, Charles, 108, 1587 Marshall, Christopher, 108, 395 Marshall, Christopher, Jr., 1587 Marshall, Elizabeth, 1587 Marshall, Humphry, 175 Marshall, John, 108, 193, 199, 236; notes on George Washington, 175 Marshall, S. J., 108 Marshall, Samuel R., 396 Marshall and Weir, 108 Marshall House, Alexandria, Va., 919 Marstaller, Carlo, 1227 Martin, John, 1431 Martin, J. Hill, 397, 1308, 1470 Martin, William, 108, 920 Martinique, 541, 1583 Martinsburg, W. Va., 921; orderly book, 973 Marvin, Enoch, 489 Mary, ship, 108, 818 Mary Ann Furnace, 212 Maryland, 79, 80, 138, 428, 1454, 1462, 1604; boundaries, 150, 371, 398, 425, 485, 697, 1455; commerce, 571; coun- cil of safety, 193; early settlers, 130, 606; Friends, 440, 463; general assem- bly, 383; history, 538, 739; internal improvements, 250; land controver- sies, 939; land speculation, 571; land titles, 130, 183, 236, 484, 485, 606; map, 78; maps showing Friends' Meet- ings, 129; politics, 383; proprietor of, 183; religion, 493, 590; 2nd Regi- ment, Eastern Shore Volunteers, 1546; settlement of (fictional treatment), 1333; social conditions, 463, 590 Maryland-Philadelphia Service Commis- sion, 1337 Mask and Wig Club, 1557 Mason, Charles, 485 Mason, John, 1508 Mason, Richard, 1540 Mason, Samuel, 399 Mason, Thomas, 1508 Mason-Dixon Line, 150, 398, 485, 697; accounts of survey, 1455; survey agree- ments, 1454 Masons, 324, 391, 455, 512, 905; degrees, 193 Massachusetts, 58; Civil War, 1546, 1604; commerce, 353; Governor, 353; general court, petitions to, 400; House of Representatives, 400; politics, 353; Revolutionary War, 400; state papers, 400 Massachusetts, U.S.S., 1452 Massey, Mifflin and, 108 Master, Sarah, 240 Masters, William, 1406 Masters family, 1406 Mathematics, 150, 175, 250, 283, 290, 311, 329, 423, 454, 477, 492, 552, 729 Mather, Cotton, 150, 193 Matlack, T. Chalkley, 401 Matlack, Timothy, 144 Mattamuskett, N. C, 496 Matthews, John, 1177 Mauch Chunk, 162 Maximilian. Ferdinand Maximilian Jo- seph, Emperor of Mexico, 634 Maxwell, Hugh, 108 Maxwell, James, family, 185 Maxwell, Mary, 622 May, Robert, 212 May, Thomas, 212 Maybin estate, 227 (a) Mead, David, 411 Meade, Garrett, 175 Meade, George, 108 Meade, George G., 410, 1407 Meadow, Richard, 28 Meadville, 175 Meadville Theological School, 303 Mecca, Arabia, 220 Mechanics' Bank, 1562 Mechlin, Jacob, 108 Medals, catalogue, 576 Media, 1540 Medicine, 19, 108, 139, 140, 146, 150, 161, 175, 200, 221, 238, 250, 327, 379, 424, 431, 441, 466, 475, 484, 485, 521, 532, 585, 631, 698, 1174, 1178, 1233, 1281, 1285, 1314, 1398, 1540, 1582; Civil War, 138; in Jamaica, 1582; mid- wifery, 1540; publications, 227 (b); recipes, 108, 1540. See also Drugs Mediterranean Sea, 591; countries, 59; naval battles, 461 Meister, Karl, 363 Memorandum books. See Commonplace books Memorial and Reminiscences in Private Life, 1282 Memories for Sixty Years, 1464 Mendenhall, Ellwood, 108 Mends, Robert, 1081 Mends family, 1081 Mennonites, 129; oath of allegiance, 1095 Menzies, John, 413 Mercantile Club, Phila., 756 Merchants (business not identified), 19, 50, 63, 66, 72, 77, 94, 95, 108, 133, 136, 140, 157, 175, 184, 193, 223, 236, 250, 271, 286, 289, 319, 329, 331, 338, 367, 374, 389, 393, 453, 454, 462, 474, 479, 484, 541, 547, 569, 571, 589, 622, 632, 639, 654, 685, 687, 694, 708, 740, 776, 889, 1021, 1147, 1193, 1207, 1301, 1335, 1386, 1387, 1389, 1403, 1427, 1435, 1508, 1540, 1582, 1589 Merchants Coffee House, 929 Merchants Exchange, 930 Mercer County: land titles, 489, 517; real-estate transactions, 489, 517 Mercken, Peter, 729 Meredith, C. Ingersoll, 1148 Meredith, Charles, 140 Meredith, David, 1509 Meredith, Gertrude Gouverneur Ogden, 1509 Meredith, Jonathan, 108, 1509 Meredith, Jonathan D., 1171 Meredith, Sullivan Amory, 1509 Meredith, William, 108, 1509 Meredith, William M., 1171, 1509 Meredith family, 1386, 1509 Meredith and Andrews, 108 Merion, 376, 379, 557 Merion Cricket Club, 1353 Merrian, Richard, 415 Merrill, Daniel S., 931 Merrit, William, family, 185 Mervine, William McKinley, 1354 Meschianza, 145, 932 Meshoppen River, 176 Metallic Money, Its Virtues and Func- tions, 1256 Metals, 541. See also names of metals Metaphysics, 160, 421 Meteorology, 69, 154, 380, 579, 724; Chester Co., 124 Methuen, Paul, 938 Mexican War, 238, 250, 397, 425, 466, 512, 893, 1377, 1454, 1584; battles, 410; officers, 175; politics, 410; prison- ers, 933 Mexico, 250, 512, 728, 1603; claims against, 512; commerce, 512; contro- versy with United States, 589; eco- nomic conditions, 512; history, 1311; maps, 410; Maximilian in, 634; navy, 238; Poinsett, agent to, 512; politics, 512; revolutions, 238, 512; William Shaler, agent in, 589; social condi- tions, 258; topography, 101, 410; treaty with United States, 512 Meyers, Oscar R., 416 Miami River, settlements, 250 Miami Village, orderly book, 973 Michigan, 238 Mickle, Archibald, family, 185 Mickle, John, 212 Mickle, Samuel, 417 Mickle, Sophia Brown, 417 Middle Brook, orderly books, 973 Middleton, Ann, 1154 Middleton, Arthur H., 418 Middleton Township, 3 Midland Mining Co., 1471 Mifflin, Benjamin, 934 Mifflin, George, 154 Mifflin, John, 310, 485 Mifflin, John F., 108, 595 Mifflin, Lemuel, 420 Mifflin, Samuel, 1148 Mifflin, Samuel E., 1396 Mifflin, Thomas, 20, 44, 125, 250, 421, 456, 489 Mifflin and Massey, 108 Mifflin County, 488, 1596; real-estate transactions, 454 Mifflin Guards, orderly book, 973 Mikveh Israel Synagogue, 1514 Milbourn, Thomas, 744 Miles, E., 1309 Miles, George K., 422 Miles, Hannah, 1595 Miles, M., 1595 Miles family, 422 Milestones of the Philadelphia District in Pennsylvania, 1076 Milestown School, 936 Military Order of Foreign Wars, 1369 Military records, 17, 77, 78, 152, 175, 187, 193, 227, 250, 267, 297, 391, 425, 441, 456, 466, 488, 512, 595, 670, 700, 1454, 1582. See also Army, individual wars Miller, James, 150 Miller, Patrick, 234 Millers, 1540 Milliman, Francis A., 423 Mills, Charles K., 424 Mills, 108, 150, 253, 301, 328, 378, 1143 Milnor, William, 1148 Milton, John, 363 Mineralogy, 34 Minerva, ship, 179 Mingus, G. W., 1246 Miniatures, 414 Mining, 148, 728, 951, 1454, 1469, 1471, 1499 Mining companies, 1339, 1471 Minnehaha Lodge, 905 Minnesota, 78, 599 Minnesota Historical Society, 197 Minnesota River, 599 Mint, 241, 926, 1274, 1352 Mirror of Taste and Dramatic Censor, 1540 Miscellaneous Legal Literature of the Philadelphia Bar, 1884, 1308 Missionary Society, 680 Mississippi, 272, 466, 506; commerce, 541 Mississippi Company, 840 Mississippi River, 40, 238; George Mor- gan's trip down, 1163 Mississippi Territory, 577 Mississippi Valley, commerce, 238 Missouri, 78, 1320; question, 558 Mitchel family, 154 Mitchell, Abraham, 1540 Mitchell, James T., 939 Mitchell, John, 426 Mitchell, S. Weir, 1155 Mobile Creek, Indian depredations, 466 Moffat, James, 1375 Mohican, 310 Moland, John, 378, 379 Monckton, , 1454 Monckton, General, 677 Money, 302, 1603; colonial, 49, 1604; Confederate, 205, 1546, 1559, 1603; continental, 1604; counterfeit, 939, 1603; Delaware, 238; paper, 250, 251, 455, 485, 675, 714, 726, 1546, 1559, 1603, 1604; Pennsylvania, 193 Monroe, James, 33, 49, 238, 250, 427, 466, 484, 512, 557, 558, 645 Monroe, William, 611 Monroe County, history, 488 Montana, Indian territory, 78 Monteagudo, Bernardo, 586 Montgomery, James A., 940 Montgomery, John P., 250 Montgomery, Thomas, 108 Montgomery, Thomas H., 788, 940 Montgomery, W. W., 1162 Montgomery County, 212, 488; com- merce, 223, 319, 1504, 1579; courts, 319; early settlers, 319, 376; legal records, 1599; politics, 44; real-estate transactions, 302, 454; roads, 976; social conditions, 319; taxes, 649; townships, 976 Montgomery County, N.Y., 1375 Montreal, P.Q., 483 Monuments, 314, 464 Moon, Robert C, 108 Moore, Bloomfield H., 1540 Moore, Mrs. Clara J., 1540 Moore, Clarence B., 1540 Moore, James Clark, 1408 Moore, J. Hampton, 941, 1541 Moore, John, 429, 1454 Moore, Rev. John, 430 Moore, Milcah Martha, 631 Moore, Samuel, 942 Moore, Stephen, 455 Moore, Thomas, 255 Moore, William, 485, 603, 943, 1454; trial of, 383 Moore, William Colmer, 1408 Moore Hall, 1454 Moorestown, N.J., 633 Moorhead, John Motley, 1429 Moravians, 456, 743; biographical sketches, 129; emigration to United States, 129; history, 944; Indian mis- sions, 129, 387; music, 62; Philadel- phia, 129; New Jersey, 129; Nazareth School for Boys, 1521; testimony on Indian raids, 296; United States, 129; York, 129 More, Hannah, 189 More, Nicholas, 1277 Morgan, Benjamin R., 108 Morgan, Daniel, 250 Morgan, Evan, 1123 Morgan, George, 840, 1163 Morgan, Jacob, 1041 Morgan, James B., 431 Morgan, John, 193, 431, 540 Morgan, Mary, 540 Morgan, Thomas, 108, 541, 571 Morhouse, Abraham, 1042 Morhouse, Andrew J., 1042 Morning Light, ship, 1164 Morocco, 717 Morrill, Justin S., 645 Morris, Anthony, 193 Morris, Anthony P., 622 Morris, Benjamin, 140 Morris, Caspar, 474 Morris, Deborah, 140, 432 Morris, Edward Joy, 433 Morris, Effingham B., 434 Morris, Elliston P., 108 Morris, Gouverneur, 238, 250 Morris, Henry, 435 Morris, Henry Gage, 770 Morris, Herbert, 474 Morris, Isaac, 250, 436 Morris, Israel, Jr., 438 Morris, John, 144 Morris, Levi, 436 Morris, Luke W., 1540 Morris, Robert, 21, 48, 73, 146, 175, 193, 236, 250, 271, 586, 655, 1041, 1183, 1543; bankruptcy case, 437; biography, 460, 1270; dispute with Capt. Mason, 1508; financial affairs, 462, 541 Morris, Robert Hunter, 144, 250, 296, 316 447 Morris, S., 1540 Morris, Samuel, 108, 438 Morris, Samuel {fl. 1800), 438 Morris, Stephen P., 435 Morris, Susanna, 440 Morris family, 692 Morris and Bartram, 108 Morris House, 434 Morris, Tasker and Morris, 289 Morris, Willing and Co., 73 Morrison, William, 250 Morristown, orderly book, 973 Morse, John T., 193 Mortgages. See Real-estate transactions Morton, John, 1543 Morton, T. G., 139, 1314 Moslems, 717 Mosses, 83 Mother Goose, 363 Motion pictures, censorship, 460 Mott family, 878 Moulder, John, 108 Moulder, Lydia, 108 Moulder, Margaret, 108 Moulder, Robert, 108 Moulder, William, 108 Moulder and Clayton, 108 Mound Builders of Missouri, 1320 Mount, Joel, 108 Mt. Holly, N.J., 599; courts, 564, 572; early settlers, 75; history, 945 Mount Hope Furnace, 253 Mt. Olive Encampment No. 6, 905 Mt. Olive Lodge No. 357, 905 Mount Pleasant Furnace, 212 Mount Regale Fishing Co., 595 Mount Vernon Furnace, 253 Moyamensing, 946 Muckle, John S., 441, 442 Muckle, Mark Richards, 442 Muhlenberg, Friedrich Augustus, 316 Muhlenberg, Henry, 193, 443 Muhlenberg, Peter, 175, 250, 1041 Muir, James, 108 Mullen, Alexander, 759 Munrow, John, 572 Murdock, Samuel, 108 Murgatroyd, Sarah P., 622 Murgatroyd, Thomas, 622 Murray, John, 444 Murray, Joseph D., 1490 Murray, Thomas, 1490 Muscle Shoals, Ala., 466 Muscogees, 480 Muscovy Co., 538 Museums, 588; Philadelphia, 734 Music, 112, 511, 592, 595; Civil War, 1502; collection for pianoforte, 394; composers, 175, 250, 401; hymns, 18, 62, 112, 250, 266, 321,336,713, 1610; instruments, 288; Moravian, 62; note- books of Septimus Winner, 1536; opera in Phila., 1423; operas, 712; piano and organ, catalog, sacred, 948; scores used by Ringgold Brass Band, 1477; songs, 250, 279, 405, 618, 676, 948, 1610; songs of the Revolution, 1367; of Lydia C. Warner, 1394; in 1894, 1536 Musical Art Association, 867 Muskingon, Indian settlement, 468 Muster rolls, 950, 1179, 1272, 1315, 1327, 1473, 1546, 1573 Mustin, Bessie, 1609 My Life in the Army, 1862, 1307 Myers, A., 951 Myers, Joseph, 108 Myers, Leonard, 446 Myers, Warnet, 108 Mythology, 257 Nagle, Rudolph, 108 Nails, 654 Nantmeal Township, 384 Nantucket, Mass., 565; visiting Friends, 129 Naples, seizure of American ships, 589 Napoleon Bonaparte, 250 Napoleonic Wars, 1, 380, 553; American shipping hazards, 571; interference with American commerce, 558, 589 Nassau Council No. 103, 905 National Bank of the Northern Liber- ties, 1543 National Civil Service Reform League, 702 National Guard Hall, 205 National Institute, 512 National League of Republican Clubs, 1541 National Press Galleries, Washington, 262 National Rangers of Southwark, 1110 National Relief Commission, 1421 Native American Party, 397 Naturalization certificates, 425 Navigation, 106, 175, 477; Mississippi, 238 Navy, British, 175, 250, 553, 1309; offi- cers, 193; prisoners, 71; records, 485; French, 33, 553, 1279; Mexican, 238 Navy, United States, 47, 159, 175, 191, 202, 238, 250, 304, 306, 307, 315, 466, 678, 1584; battles, 33; Boxer Rebel- lion, 544; Chesapeake Flotilla, 445; Civil War, 544, 1417; commissions, 33; courts-martial, 494, 678; Department of, 105, 250, 678, 809, 955; emblems, 267; Edward Everett on (1864), 1268; on Great Lakes, 482; Jennison's jour- nal on (1778), 1298; and Edward York McCauley, 1351; E. Miles on (1841), 1309; naval records, 678; navigation, 106; officers, 193, 250, 267, 278, 446, 690; Philippine insurrection, 544; pris- oners, 71; regulations, 106; in Revolu- tionary War, 1386; signal flags, 106; Spanish-American War, 441, 544; Truxton's journal, 672; West Indies, 541 Navy Yard, Phila., 494, 678 Naylor, Charles, 933 Nazareth, 129, 456; history, 1057; refu- gees, 1035 Nazareth School for Boys, 1194, 1521 Nead, Frank B., 447 Neagle, John, 448 Neave, Richard, Jr., 108 Neave, Samuel, 1165 Nebraska, 51 Negroes, 8, 10, 85, 154; baseball clubs, 8; Civil War regiments, 490, 847; colonization efforts, 490; committee for improving condition, 490; educa- tion, 490; French, 466; insurrection, 1509; mistreatment of American in Tunis, 591; New Jersey laws relating to, 956; Philadelphia, 85; problems, 702; riots in Philadelphia, 511; society for the relief of, 154; tributes to Tal- cott Williams, 717; uprising in New York, 590. See also Slavery Neighbors' Club, 756 Nelson, George, 449 Nelson, Thomas Forsythe, 1198 Nelson, W., 238 Neptune Hose Co., 205 Netherlands. See Holland Neutrality, Washington's proclamation, 383 Neutrals, commercial rights, 361 Nevada, Indian Territory, 78 New Amstel, Del., 183 New Castle, Del., Ill, 379, 485, 538, 1050, 1103; court docket, 805 New Castle County, Del., 150, 166, 398, 485; boundaries, 398, 485; courts, 379; land titles, 651 New Castle Hundred, Del., 554 New England, 39, 238; architecture, 314; commerce, 227; economic condi- tions, 565; Friends, 463; politics, 558; Revolutionary War, 273; sermons of early clergy, 250; social conditions, 463; whaling industry, 565 New Hampshire, 1604; constitutional convention, 957 New Hope, 1490 New Jersey, 75, 140, 143, 154, 206, 209, 322, 450, 563, 599, 1310, 1499, 1604; assemblies, 359, 425; boundaries, 450; business in, 1540; commerce, 250, 292, 359, 622, 633, 640, 727; courts, 213, 325, 359; early settlers, 46, 155, 213, 250, 316, 322, 359, 606, 633, 698, 791; economic conditions, 213, 292, 359, 582, 607, 633; Friends, 440, 463; his- tory, 744, 1195; internal improve- ments, 134; land controversies, 939; land titles, 28, 195, 213, 250, 359, 450, 484, 606, 622, 640, 665; lands, 1509; maps, 134, 316; maps showing Friends meetings, 129; militia, 359; Negro laws, 956; politics, 213, 425, 450, 607, 640; printing, 142; real-estate transac- tions, 195, 359, 450, 622, 640, 665; religion, 444, 493, 590; social condi- tions, 359, 450, 463, 590, 607, 640 New Jersey Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, 956 New Madrid, Tenn., 541 New Mexico, 78 New Orleans, La., 136, 227, 307, 314, 558, 887; battle of, 54, 589; com- merce, 393; cotton enterprises, 510; defense, 466; economic conditions, 393; land speculations, 541 ; land titles, 541 ; mob violence, 78; Samuel Pile on, 1366; real-estate transactions, 541; social conditions, 238 New Pine Forge, 212 New Sweden, 373, 647 New Testament, 383, 658 New Theatre, 734 New Yarmouth, Md., 739 New York, 111, 116, 179, 263, 268, 284, 323, 451, 736, 1604; burning of homes in Revolutionary War, 593; commerce, 216, 571; disputes with Connecticut and Pennsylvania, 387; draft riots, 7; early settlers, 683; economic condi- tions, 194; Friends, 463; Indian trea- ties, 40; Indians, 31 0; internal improve- ments, 666; lands, 1509; laws, 286; narratives of, 254; Negro uprising, 590; Samuel Pile on, 1366; politics, 425; purchase of Indian lands, 329; real-estate transactions, 216, 1583; records, 485; records of Baldwin Loco- motive office, 1485; religion, 590; Revolutionary War campaign, 297; social conditions, 194, 463, 590; so- ciety described by Rebecca Franks (1781), 1276; transportation, 666 New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk R.R., 478 New York Public Library, 183 New York State Library, 683 New Zealand, Maori War, 1045 Newark Meeting, 150 Newbold, Taylor and, 50 Newburyport, Mass., 250 Newhall, Walter S., 1409 Newhall family, 1199, 1443 Newington School, 1444 Newman, W. A., 1424 Newport, Del., 108 Newport, R. I., 263, 1582 Newspapers, 72, 108, 285, 304, 306, 383, 454, 523, 620, 706, 1349, 1352 Newton, H. Heber, 1410 Newton, John, 189 Newton, Richard, 129, 1410 Newton, N. Y., 430 Newton Point, Indian Treaty, 468 Newton Township, 134 Niagara, Fort, 40 Nice, John, 451, 973 Nice, Levi, 451 Nichelsen, Erick, 447 Nicholl, Charles, 1550 Nicholson, George, 102 Nicholson, John, 21, 108, 194, 236, 250, 277, 447, 489, 541, 586, 757, 1543; finances, 452 Nicholson, John P., 1311 Nicholson, Morris, 108 Nicholson, Robert, 108 Nicholson, land commissioners, 303 Nicola, Lewis, 250, 825 Nicolls, Frederick W., 144 Nicolls, Richard, 447 Nikell Brothers, 212 Ninth District Draft Board, Phila., 1203 Nixon, Henry, 1543 Nixon, John, 437, 453, 1543 Noailles, Louis Marie de, 447, 757 Non-importation, 20, 200, 250, 959, 960 Norfolk, Va., 108, 629 Norris, Charles, 454 Norris, Charles, Jr., 454 Norris, George W., 961 Norris, Isaac (1671-1735), 454, 485 Norris, Isaac (1701-1766), 379, 454, 961, 1095 Norris, Mary, 382 Norris estate, 379 Norristown, 1540, 1579 North, Frederick, 962 North Africa, visits of American con- suls, 591 North American Land Co., 250, 447, 963, 1432 North Carolina, 463, 496, 1604; bound- aries, 455; Congress, 331; constitution, 455; Declaration of Rights, 455; eco- nomic conditions, 455; imports, 455; Indian lands, 455; land titles, 654; politics, 455; real-estate transactions, 654; religion, 455; social conditions, 455; troops in Revolutionary War, 455. See also Carolina North Pennsylvania Regiment, muster roll, 950 Northampton County, 176, 296, 297, 319, 456, 982; commerce, 317, 456; Connecticut claimants, 456; courts, 456; early settlers, 456; economic con- ditions, 456; education, 456; Friends, 456; Indian depredations, 456; insur- rection, 536; internal improvements, 456; land titles, 317, 456; politics, 456; real-estate transactions, 317, 456 Northampton Historical and Genealog- ical Society, 1579 Northborough, Mass., 1264 Northeast Forge, 1555 Northern District of Kingsessing Mead- ows, 964 Northern Liberties, 892, 965 Northern Pacific R.R., 148 Northumberland County, 100, 176, 316, 456, 458, 966, 1596; commerce, 458; Committee of Observation and Inspec- tion, 456; courts, 458; early settlers, 458; economic conditions, 458; French settlers in, 21; internal improvements, 458; land titles, 437, 458, 517; politics, 458; real-estate transactions, 250, 458, 517; social conditions, 458 Northwest Territory, 310; land drafts, 577; land titles, 577 Norton families, 867 Norwich, Conn., 222 Norwich Market, 967 Note Maker Noted and the Observer Ob- served Upon . . ., 1310 Nottingham, Eng., 698 Nova Scotia: commerce, 243; land proj- ect, 302; land titles, 302; real-estate transactions, 316 Noyes, Stephen H., 1472 Nullification, 238, 512, 1584 Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, 1040 Nurseries, 969 Nursery rhymes, German, 363 Nutt, Samuel, 212 Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson, 460 Oberholtzer, Sarah Louisa, 460 Obituary notices, prominent Philadel- phians, 970 O'Brven, Richard, 461 Ocean City Fishing Club, 756, 1526 Odell, Jonathan, 145 O'Donovan, William R., 1575 Office of Price Administration, 1534 Office of War Information, 1534 Ogden, David B., 1509 Ogden family, 26, 1509 Ohio, 136, 250, 275, 310, 519; Friends, 235; road, 454; and Scioto Land Co., 1371; topography, 235 Ohio Canal, 289 Ohio Company, 193, 485, 840 Ohio River, 197, 339; Conrad Weiser's expedition to, 700; purchase of Indian lands, 329; settlements west of, 541 Oil, 269, 614, 1583 Oklahoma, Indian welfare, 460 Old Colony, ship, 1164 Old Congress. See Congress, U.S. Old Maryland Line, 739 Old Pennsylvania on the Trail of Wash- ington, 1776-1794, 1318 Old Swedes Mill, Frankford, 971 Olev, history, 972 Olnev, Eng., 189 Omaha, Neb., 78 Onderdonk, Henry W., 193 O'Neil, Henry, 1540 Onions Fishery, 571 Onondaga (Onontago), N.Y., 700 Orbison^ William, 250 Orchards, 969 Ord, George, 481 Order of U. S. of A., Camp No. 2, 905 Orderly books, 973, 974, 975, 1173, 1324 Oregon, 728 Orient, 181; social conditions, 591 Orme, Robert, 447 Ormiston Villa, plans, 778 Orndt, Jacob, 456 Ornithology, 226, 481 Orr, Dunlope and Glenholme, 462 Orthography, Arabic, 591 Osmond, Daniel, 108 Oswego, N.Y., 40 Otis, Harrison Gray, 1583 Otis, Samuel, 250 Otsego County, N.Y., 1375 Owen, Margaret, 155 Owen, Robert D., 175 Oxford Horse Company, 1533 Oxford University, 6 Oxley, Joseph, 463 Oyster-ship Owners v State of Virginia, 108 Pacific Ocean, 202, 466 Packard, Frederick A., 494 Page, Anne F., 464 Page, William, 465 Paine, Thomas, 138, 193 Paint, 108, 1382, 1587 Painting, 262, 332, 448, 481, 653; relief, 363, 1581; sign, 1540. See also names of painters Palatines, 425, 485 Palestine, 59 Pamphlets, 454, 466, 512, 538, 587, 634, 655, 676, 1159, 1465, 1510; on U.S. flag, 1519 Panic of 1873, 148 Pannebecker, Henry, 976 Paper, 238, 287, 328, 714 Paper money. See Money Paris, Peter, 108 Paris, France, 238 Parke, Thomas, 484 Parke family, 692 Parker, Daniel, 236, 466, 1587 Parker, James, 250, 467 Parker, James P., 1564 Parker, John B., 31 Parker, Samuel, 1310 Parker family, 466 Parliament, 154, 316, 383, 484, 485; de- bates, 179; debates prior to Revolu- tionary War, 638; elections, 638; Franklin before (1776), 1275 Parr, William, 316 Parrish, David, 87 Parrish, Isaac, 154 Parrish, John, 154, 468 Parrish, Joseph, 154, 193 Parrish, Morris L., 1312 Parrish, Samuel, 154, 484 Parrish, Susannah, 154 Parrish family, 154 Parry, George T., 469 Parsons, William, 108, 352, 456, 470, 1095 Partridge, Amos, 834 Partridge, Richard, 484 Parvin, Benjamin, 371 Paschal, Edith Verlenden, 1288 Paschall, Benjamin, 1200 Paschall, John, 471, 1530 Paschall, Mary Frances, 472, 1433 Paschall, Sarah, 473 Paschall, Stephen, 474, 1530 Paschall, Thomas {fl. 1720), 1530 Paschall, Thomas {fl. 1796), 1587 Paschall, Thomas G., 471 Paschall family, 1433 Paschall, Hollingsworth and Co., 289, 474 Passports, 589, 687; trade, French and Spanish, 236 Pastorius, Francis Daniel, 175, 475, 805 Pastorius, Henry, 475 Patents. See Land transactions, Real- estate transactions Patriotic Association, 756 Patterson, Robert, 476, 973, 1184, 1546 Patterson, Samuel D., 250, 955 Patterson family, 1184 Patti, Adelina, 592 Pattison, J., 759 Pattison, Robert E., 702 Patton, John, 144 Patton, William A., 478 Paul, John M., 192 Paul, Joseph M., 108, 479 Paul family, 1387 Paulding, J. K., 227 (b), 512 Paxson, R. N., 759 Paxson, Thomas, 403 Paxton boys, 30, 310 Payne, John Howard, 480 Peabody, George, 199, 238 Peace Congress, 250 Peace Jubilee, Phila., 941 Peach Bottom, York Co., 108 Peagrum, John, 677 Peale, Charles Willson, 193, 481, 745 Peale, Franklin, 926 Peale, Rembrandt, 481, 894, 1095 Peale, Titian R., 481, 745 Peale's Museum, 481 Pearce, Cromwell, 482 Pearce, Harry B., 1434 Pearl fisheries, 101 Pearsall, Mary, 483 Pearsall, Warder, Hoskins and, 694 Pearson, Prof., of Harvard, 1385 Pearson family, 1288 Peck, Judge, 91, 324 Peddlers, 370 Peel, Oswald, 515 Peel, Sir Robert, 688 Pemberton, Henry, Jr., 136, 484 Pemberton, Israel (1695-1754), 484 Pemberton, Israel (1715-1779), 154, 193, 339, 484, 1355 Pemberton, Israel (fl. 19th cent.), 598 Pemberton, James, 154, 227 (b), 1095; biography, 484, 1355 Pemberton, John, 34, 139, 154, 193, 216, 484, 1355 Pemberton, Joseph, 484 Pemberton, Mary, 1355 Pemberton, Phineas, 98, 193, 484, 896, 1095 Pendleton, Edmond, 250 Penington, Edward, 227 (a), 1095, 1435 Penington, Henry, 227 (a) Penington, Isaac, 227 (a) Penington, John, 227 (a), 1435 Penington family, 1435 Penllyn, Wales, probate records, 977 Penmanship, 423 Penn, Anne, 595 Penn, Granville, 486 Penn, Hannah, 485 Penn, John, 22, 125, 134, 250, 266, 335, 380, 455, 485, 595, 645 Penn, Mary Masters, 1095 Penn, Richard, 22, 111, 134, 240, 250, 485 Penn, Springett, 485, 1095 Penn, Thomas, 22, 250, 380, 454, 485, 498, 655, 1454, 1510 Penn, William, 22, 34, 55, 56, 111, 134, 150, 154, 175, 227, 250, 266, 316, 335, 379, 383, 398, 425, 429, 447, 485, 487, 529, 536, 605, 611, 736, 1454; agree- ments with Lord Baltimore, 111, 655; Barony of Imokilly, 485; biography, 55; commemoration of founding of Pennsylvania, 487; contemporary copy of Frame of Government, 1206; grants, 907, 1455; Indian deed to, 447, 978; land grant, 155; letter to Indians, 1095; manor, 485; portraits, 55; sash, 358; Springettsbury Manor, 536; suc- cessors, 634; transfer of properties, 695; trial of, 485; will and codicil, 485 Penn, Sir William, 485, 1095 Penn family, 175, 193, 485, 1063, 1406; and Thomas Cadwalader, 1454; and James Hamilton, 1446; lands, 1166 Penn-Gaskell-Hall correspondence, 250 Penn Guarantee Association, 756 Penn relics, 980 Penn Relief Association, 756 Penn Township, 981 Penn v Baltimore, 485 Penn v Beranger, 485 Penn v Penn, 485 Pennamites, 632 Pennell, , 1540 Pennsbury School, 150 Pennsylvania: account of proprietor's agent, 505; v Alburger, 939; allotment of land, 2; anniversary of founding, 487; architecture, 11; art, 11; Assem- blv, 150, 193, 316, 379, 454, 455, 485, 603, 797, 984, 985, 1038; Assembly on slave trade, 986; Assembly v William Moore and William Smith, 603; attor- neys general, 117, 238, 375, 429; attorneys general, autographs, 117; boundaries, 371, 398, 425, 485, 536, 697, 987, 1455; business conditions, 1376; canals and railroads, 1216; cata- logue of state papers, 111; cemeteries, 319; charter, 238, 485; civil code, 710; civil service, 1436; Civil War volun- teers, 425; constitution, committee on revision, 1180; constitution (1776), 1227, 1275; constitution (1873), 1313; Constitutional Convention, 250, 721, 988; controversy with Connecticut, 447, 456, 485, 488; Council, 139, 266, 485; council of censors, 144; counties, 457, 485; county boundaries, 447; county maps, 280; county militia, 152; county papers, 488; courts, 90, 117, 150, 236, 251, 379, 381, 405, 425, 457, 485, 488, 505, 517, 550, 595, 596, 616, 659, 740, 1570; defense, 381; deputy secretary, 685; Dickinson's notes on laws, 379; disputes with Connecticut and New York, 387; early forts, 843; early settlers, 34, 130, 131, 155, 176, 193, 235, 250, 316, 371, 387, 485, 505, 529, 605, 606, 647, 697; Eastern Peni- tentiary, 844; efforts of Crown to re- gain control, 485; election warrants, 1590; Lewis Evans on (1753), 1267; expansion, 250; formation of counties, 387; Benjamin Franklin, agent of, 215; Friends, 227, 235, 401, 440, 463, 484, 485, 529, 530, 557, 631, 849; General Loan Office, 454; governors, 117, 150, 175, 250, 258, 296, 379, 517, 731, 862; grant to Penn, 485; Great Law, 475; Great Seal, 485; history, 368, 529, 648, 1063, 1083, 1262; his- toric landmarks, 697; historical survey of, 1579; immigrant lists, 881; immi- gration, 425; importation duties, 447; indentures of apprentices, 1074; Indian affairs, 310, 447, 485, 519; Indian lands, 447, 485; Indian raids, 296; Indian treaties and deeds, 1297; in- ternal improvements, 2, 151, 176, 238, 250, 303, 338, 387, 391, 425, 447, 479, 488, 499, 555, 632, 644, 654, 666, 710; land companies, 236, 447, 485, 489, 708; land laws, 1266; land maps, 721; land speculation, 303, 499, 571; land survevs, 1408; land titles, 130, 191, 193, 236, 238, 250, 269, 282, 289, 316, 319, 329, 335, 338, 346, 371, 372, 379, 383, 387, 425, 447, 469, 471, 484, 485, 488, 498, 499, 505, 517, 605, 606, 608, 621, 641, 659, 665, 669, 708, 721, 742; laws, 144, 457, 485, 895, 896; legislature, 302; Line, 449, 541, 699, 990; Loan Office, 438; map, 78; maps, 176, 238, 697; maps, Erie triangle, 236; maps, Friends meetings, 129; militarv affairs, 7, 173, 250, 451, 610, 617; militia, 425, 536, 888, 991, 1004, 1356, 1454, 1456, 1473, 1546; naval militia, 441 ; ninth district, courts, 604; oaths of allegiance, 1043; officials, 1131; oil, 269; oil industry, 614; paper money, 193, 1604; Pattison for Gover- nor, 702; places of historic interest, 11; population, 529; prisons, 654; proprie- taries, 250, 485, 490, 499, 605, 634, 673; provincial conference, 1039; Pro- vincial Council, 193, 227, 379, 425, 804, 1040, 1590; purchase of Indian lands, 631; quitrents, 485; real-estate transactions, 193, 236, 238, 250, 266, 282, 289, 303, 316, 319, 329, 335, 338, 371, 379, 425, 454, 457, 469, 485, 488, 499, 505, 517, 547, 639, 640, 659, 665, 670, 691, 708, 742; Rebel invasion, 319; Red Cross, 441, 1336; regiments, 833; religion, 25, 129, 407, 449, 456, 493, 550, 558, 590, 593, 616, 624, 711, 743; religions, history of, 41; House of Representatives, 302, 377, 454; reve- nue laws, 391 ; scrap book, 1071 ; songs, 279; state arsenal, 391 ; supreme court, 499, 596, 616, 740, 786, 805, 1167, 1364; Supreme Executive Council, 266; Swedish settlers, 647; tax accounts, 793; topography, 235, 372, 519; town- ship patents, 998; transportation, 665; treasury, 996; in U.S. Senate, 1349; valuation commission, 997; volunteers, 819; Welsh settlers, 898, 977; Welsh Society of, 1601; western boundary, 517; western lands, 499; Whiskey Rebellion, 425, 536. See also Com- merce, Diaries, Economic conditions, Politics, Social conditions, Social life Pennsylvania Abolition Society, 490 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 734 Pennsylvania Castle, 980 Pennsylvania Civil Service Reform League, 1436 Pennsylvania Colonial Records, 1297 Pennsylvania Commandery, Naval Or- der of the U.S., 1437 Pennsylvania Committee of Public Safety, 1551 Pennsylvania Company, 1543 Pennsylvania Constitution Commemo- rative Committee, 1246 Pennsylvania Fire Company, 205 Pennsylvania Gazette, 285, 523 Pennsylvania Germans, 362, 485, 1504, 1610. See also individual sects, Ger- mans, Germantown, Berks and Lan- caster Counties Pennsylvania Hall Association, Phila., 756 Pennsylvania History Club, 756 Pennsylvania Hospital, 64, 316, 1314; library, 989 Pennsylvania Journal, 72 Pennsylvania Land Company, 963 Pennsylvania Literary Society, 756 Pennsylvania Population Co., 236, 250, 303,' 489, 963 Pennsylvania Railroad, 478, 546, 723, 992, 993 Pennsylvania Salt Works, 995 Pennsylvania Society for the Encourage- ment of Manufactures and the Useful Arts, 756 Pennsylvania Society for Promoting Ab- olition of Slavery, 490 Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Public Economy, 756 Pennsylvania State Equal Rights League, 8 Pennsylvania Steam Ship Co., 710 Pennsylvania Universalist Convention, 680 Pennsylvania Volunteers, 998; First Vol- unteer Cavalry, 329; 6th Regiment, 1546; 17th Regiment, 1546; 60th Regi- merit, 1409; 76th Regiment, Co. A, 1607; 88th Regiment, 1546; 98th Regi- ment, 1546; 104th Regiment, 1546; 106th Regiment, 1609; 114th Regi- ment, Co. F, 1502; 119th Regiment, Co. B, 1210; 149th Regiment, 1503; muster rolls, 96th Regiment, 1546; muster roll, 118th Regiment, Co. C, 950 Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Friends, 129 Pennypack, 129 Pennypacker, Isaac A., 1070 Pennypacker, Samuel W., 1155, 1313 Pennypacker Mills, 999 Penobscot Tract, 1583 Penrose, Boies, 1577 Penrose, Ella, 108 Penrose, Washington H., 102, 492 Penrose Ferry Bridge Co., 108 Pensions, 1596 Pepper, William, 1167 Pepys, Samuel, 485 Percy, William, 493 Perkins, Samuel C, 494, 495, 1000 Perkins, Samuel H., 496 Perkiomen, 1592 Perkiomen Creek, 212, 316; history, 999 Perry, Oliver H., 250, 267, 589 Perry County, 488 Perry Expedition, 1208 Perseverance Hose Co., 205 Persia, 512 Perth Amboy, 908, 973 Peru, 586 Peters, Anna M., 497 Peters, James, 1228 Peters, Nancy, 499 Peters, Richard (1704-1776), 44, 250, 302, 310, 352, 380, 456, 485, 498, 499, 740, 1267, 1408, 1510 Peters, Richard (1744-1828), 499 Peters, Richard (1780-1848), 499, 894 Peters, Sarah, 499 Peters, William, 485, 499, 603 Peterson, Israel, 108 Peterson, J., and Co., 108 Pettit, Andrew, 438 Pettit, Charles, 227 (b), 438 Pewter, 703 Philadelphia: almshouse, 789; architec- ture, 314, 434; arsenal, 1113; auction- eers, 367; ballot reform, 702; banking, 50, 512, 675, 684, 832, 1004, 1509, 1540, 1543, 1562; bar, 496, 1308; and Bourse Corporation, 1358; British oc- cupation, 316, 530, 730, 825; build- ings, 1572, 1577; Bureau of Unem- ployment Relief, 1585; Chamber of Commerce, 1382; child welfare, 1359; churches, 129, 659, 680, 707; city archives, 1006, 1122; city council, 1411; City Hall, 1360; city records survey, 1475; civil service, 1436; Civil War riots, 279; Committee of Obser- vation, 1012; Committee of Public Safety, 1011; and Communists, 1361; County, 129, 316, 328, 341, 371, 484, 501, 706, 1014; courts, 150, 162, 260, 345, 496, 499, 501, 536, 581, 608, 649, 709, 710; courts-martial, 608; court records, 501, 805, 1364; cricket, 863, 1439; customs house records, 157, 514, 516, 1201, 1243; customs service of, 237; defense subscription list, 811; De- partment of City Transit, 1572; direc- tory subscriber list (1820), 1155; dis- pensary for the medical relief of the poor, 484; draft, 187, 876, 1317; draft boards, 1203, 1476; Duffield's Mill, 971; early settlers, 341, 379, 386, 397, 419, 485; early views, 658; election office payroll, 1560; elections, 649, 702; Elfreth's Alley, 1395; engineer- ing, 314, 469; financial records of (1810-1858), 1560; fire companies, 837, 838, 1202, 1398, 1548; fire depart- ment, 205, 1548; fire insurance, 632; Franklin Square, 939; Friends, 192, 298, 381, 485, 530, 607, 654, 692; Great Central Fair, 224, 679, 865, 1062, 1546; historical landmarks, 703; historical pageant, 460; historical sur- vey of, 1475, 1568; history, 175, 529, 697, 706, 766, 883; hospitals, 64, 316, 626, 649, 684, 927, 1580; incorpora- tion, 90; internal improvements, 619; Juvenile Court, 1359; Lafayette recep- tion, 894; land, first purchasers, 1294; land titles, 346, 485, 499, 584, 632, 654, 674, 710, 734, 740, 1226, 1325; laws, 207, 619; liberty bonds, 217; li- braries, 250, 454, 613, 631, 710; Lin- coln Monument Association, 1546; list of citizens, 1007; loyalists, 250, 484, 598; maps, 1226, 1294; Market Street bridge, 916; markets, 619, 967; marriage records, 918; mayors, 175, 316, 702, 1541; medicine, 139, 250; merchants, 150; mob violence, 138, 548; money, 302; monument, 397; municipal privileges, 529; museum, 481; music, 592; muster roll, 950; naval general court-martial, 494; Negro census, 490; Negro problems, 702; Negro riots, 511; Negroes, 85; Non- Importation Resolution, 960; novel of, 1539; oaths of allegiance, 1044; obitu- ary notices, 970; occupation by Howe, 484; officials, 1131; Old Swedes Mill, 971; opera, 1423; orderly book (Brit.), 974; ordinances, 1022; Orphans' Home, 1540; peace jubilee, 941 ; Penn Square, 1024; petitions to council, 1002, 1567; Samuel Pile on, 1366; Point No Point, 1495; political discrimination in, 702; poor relief, 484, 1008; port of, 108, 129, 157, 160, 514, 515, 516, 542, 709, 1394, 1399, 1438, 1474; port records, 514, 515, 542; post office, 1167, 1352; printers, 215, 227, 485, 638; prisons, 649, 684, 805; property owners, 1010, 1020; public stock exchange, 108; publishing, 149, 227, 236, 494, 495; real-estate transactions, 90, 169, 240, 250, 344, 454, 485, 494, 499, 632, 649, 710, 1597; reform movements, 702; register of arrivals, 1051; reli- gion, 129, 381, 496, 499, 507, 540, 553, 574, 600, 680; religious history of, 41 ; Revolutionary War campaign, 288; Reynolds' Monument Committee, 1546; Richard Hill's plantation, 740; riots, 397; roads, 976; sanitation, 679, 702; Schuylkill Arsenal, 1068; Schuyl- kill Permanent Bridge, 1001; Second City Troop, 1424; Sesqui-Centennial, 587, 1246; shipbuilding, 364; Sixth Ward Bounty Fund, 1546; State Guards, 1093; street lighting, 619; street plans, 503; street surveys, 619; supervisory committee for recruiting colored regiments, 490; surveys, 503; taverns, 1391; tax books, 1204; taxes, 90, 649, 1101; tea partv, 176, 1026, 1027; theatre, 397, 573, 600, 611, 734; townships, 976; treasurer, 702, 1352; and Tuesday Club, 1509; Unemploy- ment Relief, 1585; Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloon, 1580; and United Nations, 1481; vagrancy, 649; vital statistics, 1016; views, 655, 1095; vigilantes, 1121; War of 1812, 502, 851, 1454; Washington Grays, 1546; water supply, 160, 702, 1092; water works, 193, 1009; weather records, 1016; wharf, 619; in World War I, 1365; in World War II, 1382; yellow fever, 230, 250, 289, 381, 425, 485, 553, 631, 727. See also Commerce, Diaries, Economic conditions, Poli- tics, Social conditions, Social life Philadelphia Almshouse, 250 Philadelphia Anti-Slavery Society, 756 Philadelphia Arcade, 22 Philadelphia Art Union, 250 Philadelphia Assemblies, 500, 1454 Philadelphia Association of Young Men for Celebrating the 4th of July, 756 Philadelphia Associators, 1315 Philadelphia Bicycle Club, 1357 Philadelphia Board of Port Wardens, 1474 Philadelphia Board of Trade, 1438 Philadelphia and Camden Bridge and Terminal Co., 1258 Philadelphia Child Welfare Association, 756, 1359 Philadelphia Committee on Markets, 1316 Philadelphia County Board of Assist- ance, 1361 Philadelphia Cricket Club, 1439 Philadelphia Dancing Assembly, 1015 Philadelphia Directory and Annual Reg- ister, 1017 Philadelphia Dissected, or the Metropolis of America, 1018 Philadelphia Draft Board Records, 1362 Philadelphia Free School Corporation, 250 Philadelphia Garden Club, 1476 Philadelphia Hose Co., 205, 1398 Philadelphia Insurance Company, 1019 Philadelphia and Lancaster Stage, 1540 Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike, 1003 Philadelphia Literary Association, 65 Philadelphia Medical Society and Insti- tute, 756 Philadelphia Militia Regiment, 1356 Philadelphia National Bank, 1540 Philadelphia and National Municipal League, 702 Philadelphia North American, 1349, 1352 Philadelphia Quoit Club, 756 Philadelphia and Reading R.R. Co., 763 Philadelphia Selective Service, 1317 Philadelphia Society for Alleviating the Miseries of Public Prisons, 756 Philadelphia Steam Tow Company, 1486 Philadelphia Stock Exchange, 828 Philadelphia Sugar Refining Company, 1025 Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch, 706 Philadelphia Vacant Lots Cultivation Association, 1440 Philadelphia Volunteer Fire Department, 1548 Philadelphia War History Committee, 1365 Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Balti- more Railroad, 1151 Philadelphia in the World War, 1914- 1918, 1365 Philanthropic Burial Ground Associa- tion, 504 Philanthropy, 227, 250, 256, 274, 299, 441, 490, 602, 609, 631, 641, 654, 679, 684, 695, 702, 732, 1209, 1336, 1400, 1415, 1421, 1509 Philbrick, Samuel R., 614 Philippines: annexation, 702; military affairs, 78; war diaries, 1029 Philips and Cozens, 108 Phillips, John, 1290 Phillips, Cramond and Co., 250 Philmore, J., 1030 Philology: Arabic, 591 ; Indian, 181, 275, 280, 310,480 Philosophy, 4, 65, 84, 86, 238, 342, 354, 379, 475, 525, 529, 536, 560, 595, 628 Physicians. See Medicine Physick, Edmond, 1095 Physiology, 379 Pianoforte, 394 Pickering, J., 181 Pickering, Timothy, 49, 193, 250, 310, 380, 447, 498 Pickering Valley R.R., 460 Pierson, Thomas, 398, 485 Pietists. See Religion Pigon, Frederick, 632 Pigon, Henry, 176 Pike, Zebulon M., 506; death of, 482; surveys of rivers and streams, 506 Pike Beneficial Society of Philadelphia, 756 Pile, Samuel, 1366 Pillow, Gideon J., 175 Pilmore, Joseph, 507 Pinckney, Charles C, 227 (b), 250, 686 Pinckney, T., 238 Pine Forge, 194, 212 Pine Grove and Schuylkill Co., 1216 Pine Street, Phila., 104 Pinkerton, Allan, 1151 Pioneers, 30, 130, 212, 245, 310, 316, 339, 488, 728 Piqua, Ohio, 129 Piracy, 202, 485 Pirates, 1590 Pitkin, Timothy, 193 Pittsburgh, 108, 250, 339; borough rec- ords, 1031; canal to Lake Erie, 303; orderly book, 973; and Phila. militia regiment (1877), 1356 Places of Worship, 1318 Plantations, Jamaica, 1582 Plaster of Paris, 363 Plastering, 1540 Platonian Literary Association, 756 Plats, 236, 346, 362, 484, 673; Snow Hill, N.J., 134 Piatt, O. H., 645 Plattsburg, N.Y., 611 Playbills, 250, 363, 573, 1155 Pleasants, Charles, 1507 Pleasants, Charles E., 1507 Pleasants, Henry, Jr., 1508 Pleasants, Israel, 1508 Pleasants, Samuel, 1507 Pleasants, Thomas F., 510 Pleasonton, August, 511, 937 Pleasonton, Stephen, 91, 379 Plumsted, William, 144 Plush, 1260 Plymouth, Mass., 575 Pocket Commentary of the First Settlers of New Jersey . . ., 1310 Poe, Edgar Allan, 175 Poinsett, J. R., 236, 238, 512 Point Love, Md., 590 Point No Point, 1495 Politics, 1509, 1510; John Adams' ap- praisal of, 1; Barbary States, 461 Berks Co., 144, 425; Brazil, 534 Bucks Co., 98; Canada, 178; Chester Co., 123, 150, 383; Civil War, 410 Colombia, 227; Delaware, 382, 537 538; Delaware Co., 1388; England 154, 508, 521, 638; essays on, 254 Europe, 232, 238, 289, 381, 512, 570 615; Flaxius on, 363; France, 238 250, 571; Georgia, 425; Indian, 480 Indiana Co., 177; Lancaster, 558; Lan- caster Co., 280, 352; Louisiana, 324 Maryland, 383; Massachusetts, 353 Mexican War,410; Mexico, 512; Mont gomery Co., 43; New England, 558 New Jersev, 213, 425, 450, 607, 640 New York, 425; North Carolina, 455 Northampton Co., 456; Northumber- land Co., 458; notes on, 181; Pennsylvania: 1700 (prior to) 56, 193, 250, 379 397, 425, 447, 454, 485, 529 319, 379, 382 557 1700 150 454 1710 150 454 1720 150 447 1730 150 425 595 1740 150 381 488 1750 150 382 457 603 1760 150 379 485 613 1770 150 368 449 529 658 1780 90, 335 447 529 670 1790 150 335 447 529 670 1800 150 329 449 536 670 1810 116 319 447 529 617 1820 90, 250 405 557 697 382, 536, 425, 529, 536, 605 319, 379, 382, 425, 529, 536, 605, 740 319, 379, 382, 425, 485,488,529,536,595,605 ,605 111 , ), 193, 250, -, 485, 488, 1, 193, 250, -, 485, 488, 1, 193, 250, ',454/ 185,4 1, 193, 250, ,447, 454, ,605 l, 193, 250, ,382, 425, ,529, 536, , 193, 250, ,383, 397, ,485, 488, ,605 , 193, 250, ,382, 405, ,488, 498, ,697 , 193, 250, ,379, 382, ,454, 457, , 536, 558, ,740 150, 193, ,368, 377, ,449, 454, ,536, 558, ,740 , 193, 194, ,368, 377, ,449, 454, ,536, 557, ,740 , 151, 193, ,335, 379, ,454, 457, ,557, 558, ,697, 740 , 150, 151, ,335, 379, ,454, 457, ,536, 557, ,670, 685, 116, 150, ,289, 319, ,425, 457, ,558, 595, ,731 319, 335, 379 485, 488, 529 289, 319, 335 447, 454, 457 595, 605, 697 289, 319, 335 405, 425, 447 498, 529, 536 289, 319, 329 425, 447, 454 529, 536, 595 289, 319, 329 383, 405, 425 485, 488, 498 595, 603, 605 194, 250, 289 379, 382, 405 457, 485, 488 595, 603, 605 250, 289, 319 379, 382, 405 457, 485, 488 558, 595, 603 194, 250, 289 382, 405, 425 485, 488, 498 595, 603, 605 193, 194, 250 380, 382, 405 485, 488, 498 558, 595, 603 697, 740 151, 162, 193 335, 379, 380 485,488,517 603, 605, 670 1830 51, 150, 151, 193, 194, 250 319, 335, 380, 382, 405, 425 382, 536, 379, 485, 379, 454, 595, 335, 457, 605, 335, 447, 517, 613, 319, 425, 517, 658, 329, 425, 498, 605, 319, 447, 529, 617, 289, 425, 510, 605, 194, 382, 536, 685, 289, 457, 485, 488, 517, 536, 558, 595, 603, 605, 670, 685, 731 1840 51, 150, 151, 193, 194, 250, 289, 319, 335, 382, 397, 405, 425, 454, 457, 485, 488, 517, 558, 595, 603, 605, 685, 691, 697 1850 51, 150, 151, 193, 250, 289, 319, 335, 382, 454, 457, 485, 488, 517, 595, 603, 691, 697, 702 1860 51, 150, 151, 193, 250, 289, 319, 329, 382, 425, 485, 488, 517, 603, 691, 702, 1464 1870 51, 150, 193, 250, 289, 319, 382, 397, 454, 457, 485, 488, 517, 702, 1464 1880 193, 250, 289, 319, 382, 488, 702, 1464 1890 250,319,702 1900 250, 319 1910 250, 1388, 1588 1920 250, 1588; Pennsylvania Germans, 362; Peru, 586; Philadelphia: 1700 250, 454, 484 1710 250, 454, 484 1720 250, 454, 484 1730 250, 454, 484 1740 250, 381, 454, 484, 607 1750 250, 454, 484, 499, 607 1760 250, 454, 484, 499, 607 1770 5, 250, 454, 484, 485, 607 1780 5, 236, 250, 449, 474, 484, 485, 499, 598 1790 207, 250, 449, 474, 484, 485, 499, 553, 598 1800 53, 207, 236, 250, 474, 484, 485, 499, 553 1810 236, 250, 474, 484, 485, 499, 553 1820 236,250,380,474,499,553 1830 236, 250, 380, 474, 499, 553, 1462 1840 250, 380, 474, 553, 1462 1850 250, 474, 1462 1860 250, 684, 1462 1870 250 1880 250, 396 1890 250, 396, 702, 1540 1900 250, 702, 923, 1540 1910 160, 250, 923, 1540 1920 250, 1540 1930 1540; Revolutionary War, 400, 405; satire, 538; slavery, 490; South America, 512; Spain, 238, 571 ; Spanish America, 586; United States: 1700 250, 484 1710 68, 250, 484, 509 1720 68,250,484 1730 47, 68, 193, 250, 484 1740 47, 68, 193, 250, 381, 484 1750 47, 68, 193, 250, 405, 484, 638 1760 47, 68, 193, 250, 289, 405, 484, 638, 699 1770 47, 68, 72, 193, 250, 288, 289, 356 405, 455, 484, 638, 658, 686, 699 721 1780 47, 68, 72, 193, 194, 227 (a), 238 250, 288, 289, 356, 405, 455, 484 490, 508, 512, 558, 645, 658, 686 699, 721, 740 1790 47, 53, 68, 84, 95, 193, 194 227 (a), 238, 250, 289, 405, 484 490, 512, 536, 557, 558, 560, 658 686, 699, 721, 740 1800 39, 47, 53, 68, 84, 95, 193, 194 227 (a), 232, 238, 250, 289, 331 405, 466, 484, 490, 512, 536, 557 558, 586, 658, 684, 686, 721, 740 1810 24, 47, 68, 95, 175, 193, 194 227 (a), 232, 238, 250, 267, 289 331, 405, 466, 484, 490, 512, 557 558, 570, 586, 658, 684, 686, 721 740 1820 24, 47, 68, 90, 95, 175, 193, 194 227 (a), 232, 238, 250, 267, 289 324, 405, 466, 484, 490, 512, 557 558, 570, 586, 684, 686, 721, 731 1830 24, 95, 121, 175, 193, 194, 227 (a) 238, 250, 267, 289, 324, 391, 405 466, 484, 490, 512, 557, 558, 586 600, 684, 686, 721, 731 1840 24, 91, 95, 121, 158, 193, 194 227 (a), 238, 250, 289, 391, 405 466, 490, 512, 558, 600, 628, 684 686, 721 1850 15, 24, 91, 121, 227 (a), 238, 250 289, 391, 490, 512, 600, 627, 684 686, 721 1860 15, 24, 91, 121, 148, 227 (a), 238 250, 289, 446, 490, 623, 627, 684 1870 15, 121, 148, 227 (a), 238, 250 289, 446, 490, 623, 627, 645, 702 1880 15, 148, 227 (a), 250, 289, 460 627, 645, 702 1890 126, 148, 227 (a), 250, 460, 645 702 1900 148, 227 (a), 250, 460, 702 1910 227 (a), 250, 460, 702, 1588 1920 250, 460, 702, 1588 1930 702; Virginia, 425; York Co., 741 Polk, James K., 158, 517 Pollard, William, 513 Pollock, William, 1147 Pommer, Henry F., 1506 Pommer family, 1506 Pomroy, Benjamin, 1033 Pool Forge, 212 Poor relief, 233, 250, 367, 425, 484, 602, 1585 Poor, Richard, 515 Poor Richard Club, 1363 Popadickon Furnace, 212 Poplar Ridge, 379 Popple, W., 485 Population, 127; American cities, 265; European cities, 265; Pennsylvania, 529 Port Elizabeth, N.J., 129 Port Folio, 1454, 1509 Porter, A., 324 Porter, Andrew, 517, 987 Porter, David, 202, 466, 512; service in Mexican navy, 238 Porter, David R., 517 Porter, Fitz-John, 227 (a); case of, 304 Porter, George B., 517 Porter, James Madison, 517 Porter, Robert, 517 Porter, W. W., 517, 813, 987 Porter family, 813 Portland, Me., 834 Portraits, 146, 159, 193, 250, 368, 623, 697, 725, 1152; Bancroft family, 1142; Cadwalader family, 1454; Declaration of Independence, signers, 250; Friends, 154; John Howard, 299; William Penn, 55; Rawle family, 1206 Portugal, 413; authors, 250; colonies, 512; commerce, 136, 541; wars, 461 Post, Christian Frederick, 310, 519 Post Office, 702; Confederate, 1546; Cuba, 78; New Hope, 1490; Philadel- phia, 1167, 1352; printing controversy, 91 Postcards, 1312 Potash, 654 Potomac, Army of, 410 Potter, James, 108 Potterv, 108, 150 Potts, John, 44, 212, 432 Potts, Jonathan, 521 Potts, Mary Powel, 329 Potts, Samuel, 108, 212 Potts, Stacy, 108 Potts, Thomas, 460, 522 Potts, William John, 82, 108, 143, 192, 302, 389, 465, 479, 523, 788 Potts Grove, 212 Potts Memorial, 520 Pottstown, 212, 522, 1540, 1579 Pottsville, 371, 1034, 1540 Powder, 541 Powel, Elizabeth, 108 Powel, Elizabeth Willing, 1582 Powel, John Hare, 1582 Powel, Mary Edith, 1582 Powel, Mary Johnston, 1582 Powel, Samuel (1673-1756), 1582 Powel, Samuel (1704-1759), 108, 524, 1582 Powel, Samuel (1738-1793), 1582 Powel, Samuel (1818-1885), 1582 Powell, Howell, 525 Powell, Joseph, 1035 Powell, Sarah, 432 Powell family, 147 Powers, Fred Perry, 1318, 1367 Pratt, Attorney General, 603 Pratt, Enoch L., 1151 Presbyterian, 161, 250, 407, 624; churches, 8, 367; Synod of N.J., 788 Presidents of United States, 91, 113, 146, 175, 193, 207, 250, 702. See also names of Presidents Presque Isle, Croghan visits (1760), 1348 Price, Eli Kirk, 108, 1052; biography, 526 Price, Helen N., 759 Price, John, 527, 729 Price, Philip, 150 Price, Richard, 1312 Price, Samuel, 1417 Priestley, Joseph, 34, 193, 227 (b), 571 Princess Augusta, ship, 179 Princeton, N.J., 209, 973 Princeton University, 243, 363; orations, 72; student life, 857. See also College of New Jersey Principio Iron Works, 1555 Pringle, John, 335 Pringle, Mrs. John Julius Allston, 512 Printing, 499; New Jersey, 142; Phila- delphia, 108, 114, 126, 215, 227 (a), 227 (b), 236, 485, 638, 1540. See also Publishing Prints: by Darley, 1448; relating to Charles Dickens, 170 Printz, Johan, 1095 Prinz, John, 144 Prisoners of war, 71, 400, 425, 426, 451, 701 Prisons, 490, 684, 1509; Confederate, 278, 1607; Pennsylvania, 654; Phila- delphia, 108, 1359 Privateers, 50, 202, 331, 361, 541, 565, 567, 589; French, 184; outfitting, 136 Prize money, 108, 1540 Prizes of war, 33, 144, 361 Proctor's Regiment of Artillery, 9 Programs, 1189, 1483 "Progressive Education in the Nine- teenth Century," 1461 Progressive Literary Association of Phil- adelphia, 1205 Propaganda, 238 Prophecy and Dream, 1037 Prosody, 1385 Proud, John, 529 Proud, Robert, 529, 1278 Proverbs, 363 Providence, R. I., 484 Pryor, Joseph, 1540 Pryor, Norton, 1016 Public Ledger, 1251 Public utilities, 141, 160; Boston, 193; Philadelphia, 193 Publishing, 250, 363; Germany, 732; Philadelphia, 72, 227 (a), 227 (b), 236, 495, 1251, 1540. See also Printing Puerto Rico (Porto Rico): commerce, 518, 1218; governor, 78; military ex- pedition, 78; port regulations, 518 Pulaski, steam packet, 1096 Punishment, essays on, 1331 Putnam, Israel, 973 Pye, Col. Robert H., 1587 Pyewell family, 671 Pyrmont, Germany, 484 Quachita Lands, 1042 Quakers. See Friends, Religious Society of Quay, Matthew S., 324, 645 Quebec, P.Q., 280, 1032, 1079 Queen, James W., 531 Queens County, N.Y., 1496 Quick, Lavington, 532 Quincy, Joseph, 236 Quintard, Charles Todd, 129 Quitrents, 379; Pennsylvania, 485. See also Real-estate transactions Radnor, 108; Friends Meeting, 129 Raesly, H. E., 533 Rafinesque, Constantine S., 1587 Raguet, Condy, 534 Railroad Safety Commission, 702 Railroads, 108, 127, 148, 151, 238, 250, 272, 278, 425, 458, 478, 546, 599, 600, 702, 723, 728, 897, 1339, 1454, 1485, 1509, 1566, 1582; Allegheny Portage, 749; bank notes, 1603; Cuba, 78; de- velopment of, 1392; England, 238; equipment, 1392, 1485; maps, 367; Pickering Valley, 460 Rambo, Fry and, 223 Ramsay, David, 535 Ramsey, John, 193 Ranee, Abbe de, 136 Randall, Samuel J., 645 Randolph, Edmund, 238, 250, 447 Randolph, J., 36 Randolph, John, 380 Randolph, Martha, 318 Randolph, Peyton, 20, 250 Randolph, R., 236 Randolph, Samuel, 108 Rapidan River, 304 Rappahannock River, battle of, 7 Raritan River, 108 Raser, , 1540 Rawle, Anna, 598, 1414 Rawle, E. P., 466 Rawle, Francis, 536 Rawle, Louisa, 466 Rawle, Margaret, 598, 1414 Rawle, Rebecca Warner, 484 Rawle, W., 466 Rawle, William, 536, 1206 Rawle family, 1206 Raymond, Lord, 595 Read, George, 146, 528; biography, 538 Read, George, Jr., 537 Read, George C, 678, 1047 Read, James, 144 Read, John, 538 Read, John Meredith, 91 Read, William Thompson, 537, 538 Reading, 250, 372, 1005, 1540; com- merce, 252; militia, 144 Real-estate transactions, 3, 77, 109, 416, 452, 1252, 1543, 1565; Allegheny Co., 489, 517; Beaver Co., 489; Berks Co., 43, 454; Bradford Co., 250, 403; Bucks Co., 98, 454; Burlington Co., N.J., 102; Chester Co., 123, 150, 369, 454; Columbia Co., 250; Cumberland Co., 195; Cussawago, 411; Delaware, 108, 240, 379, 485, 673; Delaware Co., 454; Fayette Co., 125; Florida, 541; Germantown, 362; Kentucky, 541; Lancaster Co., 454; Lehigh Co., 1554; Lycoming Co., 250; Maine, 53; Meadville, 175; Mercer Co., 489, 517; Mifflin Co., 454; Montgomery Co., 43, 302, 454; New Jersey, 28, 195, 359, 450, 622, 640, 665; New Orleans, 541 ; New York, 216, 1496, 1554; Newport, R.I.,1582;NorthCarolina,654;North- ampton Co., 317, 456; Northumber- land Co., 21, 250, 458, 517; Nova Scotia, 316; Pennsylvania, 31, 103, 104, 108, 111, 114, 115, 140, 176, 193, 236, 238, 250, 266, 282, 289, 303, 316, 319, 329, 335, 338, 371, 379, 425, 454, 457, 469, 485, 499, 505, 517, 547, 639, 640, 659, 665, 670, 691, 708, 742; Pennsylvania counties, 488; Philadel- phia, 19, 28, 90, 169, 240, 250, 344, 454, 485, 494, 499, 632, 654, 710, 1582, 1597; Roxborough, 362; Somer- set Co., 125; Springton Forge, 736; Tioga Co., 403; Towanda, 691; Ve- nango Co., 499; Virginia, 238, 541; Washington, 486; West, 148, 1554; Western territories, 541; Westmore- land Co., 125, 488, 517, 645; York Co., 499. See also Land transactions Rebecca Lodge No. 1, 905 Red Bank, N.J., 973 Red Cross, in Pa., 441, 1336 Redemptioners, 425, 1049 Redman, Jemima K., 1154 Redwood, Mrs. Francis T., 540 Redwood, William, 108 Redwood and Birkett, 108 Reed, John, 541 Reed, Joseph, 94, 138, 236, 250, 316, 380, 447, 973; controversy with Cad- walader, 111 Reed, William B., 91, 950 Reformed Church, 1504 Reinhart, George V., 108 Rejected Valley, 379 Reliance Fire Co., 205 Religion, 84, 129, 139, 146, 148, 154, 175, 193, 204, 238, 250, 254, 321, 379, 382, 383, 456, 475, 493, 529, 602, 628, 658, 667, 719, 1510; William Atkin- son's notes on, 1219; British clergy, 250; certificates of consecration, 711; certificates of ordination, 100; Dela- ware, 38, 129, 493, 673; and Ann Emlen, 1396; England, 250, 602; es- says, 254, 421, 484; Europe, 531; European clergy, 250; Evangelism, 702; Germany, 732; hymns, 62, 112, 336, 1610;Indians,101, 129,310,480, 655;London,613; Maryland, 493; mis- sionaries, 609, 680, 702; missions, 101, 129, 409; New Jersey, 444, 493, 590; New York, 590; North Carolina, 455; notes on, 687; Pennsylvania, 25, 41, 407, 449, 456, 493, 550, 558, 590, 593, 616, 624, 711, 743; persecutions, 484; Philadelphia, 380, 496, 499, 507, 540, 553, 574, 600, 680; poetry, 366; Prot- estant, 175, 250, 707; Protestant Epis- copal clergy, 250; Protestantism, de- generacy of, 254; Roman Catholic clergy, 250; Spanish Inquisition, 528; United States, 39, 121, 175, 250, 558, 707; writings, 250, 354. See also Amish, Baptist, Catholic, Episcopal, Friends, Lutheran, Moravian, Presby- terian, Schwenkfelders, Unitarians, Universalist Remey, George C, 544 Remey, Mary Josephine Mason, 544 Repplier, Agnes, 1155 Reptiles, drawings of, 36 Republican Artillerists, orderly book, 973 Republican Party, 227, 558 Resolution, ship, 108 Retail Lumber Merchants' Protective Association, 1468 Revenue Board of Commissioners, 1052 Revolutionary War, 2, 5, 17, 25, 26, 30, 50, 57, 72, 94, 120, 136, 142, 146, 176, 261, 280, 287, 312, 383, 395, 425, 517, 560, 593, 631, 638, 686, 693, 779, 1095, 1348, 1583, 1591; Amboy campaign, 908; anecdotes, 181; arrival of British troops, 593; Baldwin family, 26; battle of Brandywine, 319; battles, 273, 400, 449, 498, 701; bills of credit, 316; Board of War, 400, 425; Boston dis- turbances, 638; British army, 288, 357; British in Charleston, 455; Brit- ish in Philadelphia, 530, 730; British viewpoint, 288; burning of Charleston, 400; burning of homes in New York, 593; and Gen. Cadwalader, 1454; cam- paign against Canada, 39, 280; cam- paigns, 111; capture of Ticonderoga, 400; comments on, 1; commissary, 175; commissary accounts, 796; com- missary general of forage, 49; commis- sions, 196, 455, 664; committee of safety, 400; conditions in Providence, R.I., 484; conscription, 425; continen- tal officers, 250; courts-martial, 273, 425, 699; defense of Carolina, 357; discipline, 144; enlistments, 447; en- tertainment of soldiers, 145; espionage, 273; European opinion, 693; financing, 236, 356, 400; Fitzsimon's receipt book of British claims against U.S., 1272; Flushing campaign, 288; foreign offi- cers, 250, 664; French fleet, 357; French interest, 288, 1124; French officers, 25, 250, 425, 772; Friends op- position to, 139; generals, 175, 193, 250, 400; government officials, 250; Patrick Henry's insurrection, 484; hos- pitals, 521; Deborah Logan diaries, 380; loyalist poetry, 250; loyalists, 284; maps, 914; Mason's attempt to secure arms in Europe, 1508; Massa- chusetts, 353, 400; medicine, 400, 431, 521; military records, 138, 451, 563; military strategy, 288; munitions, 212; and the navy, 1386; New England campaigns, 273; New Jersey campaign, 538; New Jersey militia, 359; New York, 288, 1550; North Carolina Line, 455; North Carolina troops, 455; Northampton Co., 456; occupation of Philadelphia, 484; officers, 250; pa- roles, 425, 622; passports, 425; Penn- sylvania, 488, 529; Pennsylvania Line, 499, 541, 699; pensions, 193, 983, 1595, 1596; petitions for safe conduct, 400; Phila. Associators, 1315; Phila- delphia campaign, 289; plight of Nan- tucket, 565; politics, 288, 400, 405, 447, 449, 455, 484, 537, 538, 560, 598, 613, 658; prisoners, 68, 71, 138, 400, 425, 451, 488, 875, 1036; provi- sions, 458, 488, 701, 760; quarter- master's list, 1054; relief of Boston, 352; revenue, 115; Russian interest, 288; Russian neutrality, 144; shipping, 565; soldiers, 175; songs, 618, 1367; South Carolina campaign, 288; spies, 425; Col. W. Stewart's orderly book, 1324; supplies, 236, 288; Tory views, 284; Trenton-Princeton campaign, 1454; United States Navy, 250; Valley Forge chaplain, 686; views of a moder- ate Englishman on, 1508; Virginia campaign, 163; Von Steuben's service, 630; Anthony Wayne, 699; western expedition, 300; wounded, 810 Rex, A., 1540 Rex, S. S., 1540 Reynell, John, 140, 250 Reynolds, John, 175 Reynolds, William, 175 Reynolds' Monument Association, 1546 Rhoades, John, 685 Rhode Island, 1604 Rhodes, Willis, 108 Rhydwilmyn, Wales, 129 Rice, Edward, 1144 Rice, 95, 108, 1447 Richards, John, 1583 Richards, Joseph T., 545, 546, 749, 994 Richards, Samuel, 547 Richards, Sarah, 1146 Richards family, 545, 546 Richardson, Jacob, 316 Richardson, John, 1543 Richardson, Joseph, 108, 1540 Richardson, Joseph, Jr., 1540 Richardson, Rebecca, 1346 Richardson family, 1346 Richardson and Wright, 1542 Riche, Charles S., 548 Riche, Thomas, 108, 236, 515, 549 Riche family, 286 Richell, Mary Masters, 1406 Richie family, 878 Richmond, George Chalmers, 550 Richmond, Va., orderly book, 973 Ricketts, Mary, 1420 Rickey, R. H., 946 Rider's British Merlin almanac, 1326 Ridgely family, 111 Ridgway, John, 551 Ridley Meadow Co., 1055 Riga, Russia, 150 Righter, Washington, 1207 Righter and Sutton, 1207 Riley, William, 114 Ringgold, T., 466 Ringgold Brass Band, 1477 Ringgold Hose Co., 205 Ringwalt, J. L., 555 Risk, Jennet, 347 Rittenhouse, David, 14, 316, 552, 1041, 1056 Rittenhouse, William, 328 Rittenhouse Boys Grammar School, 1 168 Rittenhouse Paper Mills, 328 Ritter, Abraham, 1057 Ritter, George, 108 Ritter, Jacob, Jr., biography, 553 Rivington, James, 227 (b) Rixom, 379 Roach, Isaac, 1058 Roads. See Internal improvements Robbins, John, 1059 Roberdeau, Daniel, 94 Roberdeau, Isaac, 94, 156 Roberdeau, Mary E., 94 Robert, Hugh, 454 Robert, ship, 1053 Robert Morris Hose Co., 205 Roberts, Algernon Sydney, 556 Roberts, Almira, 759 Roberts, George, 1082 Roberts, Hugh, 571, 898, 1082 Roberts, Israel, 1532 Roberts, John, 898 Roberts, Jonathan, 557, 558 Roberts, Katherine, 898 Roberts, Margaret, 18 Roberts, Mrs. Miranda S., 343 Roberts, S. W., 749 Roberts, Sarah, 559 Roberts, Thomas, 3d, 1169 Roberts, William, 568 Roberts family, 319, 556, 557, 558, 1082, 1195 Roberts Vaux Consolidated School, 8 Robeson family, 1341 Robeson and Paul, 108 Robins, Edward, 1368 Robins, Thomas, 1390 Robinson, Charles C, 108 Robinson, E. W., 459 Robinson, Elliot, 188 Robinson, J., 175, 316 Robinson, Patrick, 774 Robinson, Rebecca, 1211 Robinson, Thomas, 770 Robinson family, 1509 Rochambeau, Comte de, 25, 163, 250 Rochefontaine, Col., 1348 Rochelle, France, 156 Rodgers, Commodore John, 1208 Rodgers, Rev. John, 94 Rodgers, Roberts, 1208 Rodgers, William, 48 Rodman, John, 154 Rodney, C. A., 538 Rodney, Caesar, 537, 560 Rodney, G. B., 953 Rodney, James, 250 Rodney, Thomas, 560 Roge v Borie, 1602 Roman, John, 108 Rome, Italv, 431, 687; lays and legends, 363 Romney, Lord, 485 Root, Elihu, 78 Root, R. M., 1540 Roscoe, W., 193 Rose, Cropiey, 561 Rose, John (Baron Rosenthal), 312 Rose, Joseph, 1454 Rose Valley Farm, 108 Rosengarten and Denis, 1487 Rosenthal, Albert, 786 Rosenthal, Baron (John Rose), 312 Ross, Alexander, 974 Ross, David, 538 Ross, George, 57, 144, 537 Ross, George, and Co., 212 Ross, J., 603 Ross, James, 108 Ross, John, 108, 144, 562 Ross, Major John, 563, 973 Ross, Sir John, 175 Ross and Simpson, 1177 Rossell, William, 564 Rotch, William, 565 Roth, John, 566 Routh, Martha, 567 Rowland, Joseph Galloway, 568 Roxborough: early settlers, 328; history, 1300; land titles, 362; notes on, 697; real-estate transactions, 362 Roxbury, orderly books, 973 Royal Charlotte, ship, 302 Royal Navy Service of England, 1309 Rozier, Francis C, 569 Rugs, 108, 1540 Rum, 136, 227, 367, 541, 1399 Rumsey, James, 250 Rush, Benjamin, 175, 250, 686, 920 Rush, Frederick, 34 Rush, Jacob, 1041 Rush, Richard, 227 (b), 236, 238, 512, 570, 1412 Rush, Mrs. Richard, 1412 Russell, George, 571 Russell, M., 571 Russell, Thomas, 1583 Russell, Thomas H., 571 Russell, William, 571, 572 Russia, 16, 150, 250, 1582, 1603; James Buchanan, minister to, 91; commerce, 136; declaration of neutrality, 144; famine, 1421; interest in Revolution- ary War, 289; legal cases, 150; Poin- sett in, 238, 512; wars, 461, 612 Rutherford, R., 455 Rutledge, Edward, 380 Rutledge, Henry, 512 Rutledge, John, 175, 238 Rutter, David, 194 Rutter, Thomas, 108, 212 Ryan, William J., 573 Sabbath School Association, 1518 Sackets Harbor, N.Y., 482 Sail, veering and shortening, 106 Sailors, stranded in England, 1448 St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Phila., 1223, 1517 St. Andrew's Society, N.Y., 1594 St. Asaph, Bishops of, controversy with Thomas Lloyd, 454 St. Charles Furnace, 1488 St. Clair, Arthur, 57, 250 St. Clair tract, 227 St. Davids Church, Radnor, 1478 St. Genevieve, Mo., 569 St. George, Del., 1264 St. Jacobus Church, 129, 574 St. James Church, Kingsessing, 129 St. James Church, Perkiomen, 1592 St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church, 574 St. John's Church, Phila., 129, 550 St. John's English Evangelical Lutheran Church, 367 St. John's Lodge, 905 St. Louis, Mo., diary of young physician, „ 106 ° St. Michael and Zion Lutheran Church of Philadelphia, 129 St. Paul, Minn., 197, 599 St. Paul's Church, 277, 507, 1516; tomb- stone inscriptions, 788 St. Philip's Church, 1516 St. Pierre, Martinique, commerce, 541 St. Stephen's Church, Phila., register, 788 St. Thomas' Church, Whitemarsh, 129 Salem Lutheran Church, 129 Salisbury, 319 Sally, ship, 175, 1053 Salt, 136, 292, 541, 654 Saltonstall, Joshua, 108 San Francisco, Calif., 107 Sanborn, Franklin, 388 Sanderson's biographical sketches, 623 Sandy Bank Cemetery, Delaware Co., % 1061 Sanitary Fair, Phila. See Great Central Fair Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez, 512 Santees, 310 Santiago, Cuba, 63 Santo Domingo, 1602 Saratoga Springs, N.Y., 254 Sarber, Mrs. Joseph, 1540 Sarched, Joshua, 108 Sardou, Victorien, 199 Sargent, Winthrop, 577 Sargent, Winthrop, Jr., 250, 576, 835, ^ 1063 Sargent family, 577 Sarum Forge, 212 Satterthwaite, Ann, 1154 Satterthwaite, Joshua, 1154 Satterthwaite, Lydia, 1154 Satterthwaite, Richard, 1154 Saturday Club, Phila., 756 Sauer (Sower), Christopher, 310, 620, 1610 Saunders, Rev. E. D., 1517 Saunders Institute, 1520 Saussure, Henry D., 250 Savannah, Ga., 1540 Savannah, ship, 742 Savery, Thomas, 108 Say, Benjamin, 578 Say, Thomas, 578 Sayre, Thomas, family, 185 Sayres, Edward S., 1369 Scandinavia, 612 Scattergood, Mary R., 1064 Scattergood, ship, 622 Schaffer, Charles, 579, 1065 Scheafferstown, 1540 Schell, Frank H., 580 Schofield, Jonathan, 581 Scholfield, Joseph, 1154 School books, 126, 150, 250, 283, 290, 311, 421, 423, 454, 492, 1066, 1194, 1220, 1239, 1263, 1287; French, 150 Schools, 425, 602, 1306; account books, 108, 1281, 1521; Bradford, 150; Mrs. Cary's, 1160; Chester Co., 150; Clark- son, 490; Classical Institute, 198; Col- lege and Academy of Philadelphia, 34, 108, 603, 613; College of New Jersey, 209; Dickinson College, 616; Educa- tional Home for Boys, 256; Europe, 34, 431; expenses, 432; Friends, 129, 401, 632, 1278; Friends Central, 597; German Free, 1510; Girard College, 494, 556, 1426; Hamilton Academy, 954; Jefferson College, 407, 628; and Juvenile Court, 1359; Lafayette Col- lege, 430; law, 162; Madison's plan of law school, 392; Mantua Academy, 912; Mary A. Longstreth, 1159, 1196; Meadville Theological, 303; Milestone School, 936; military, in West Phila., 1517; Nazareth School for Boys, 1194, 1521; Oxford University, 6; Penns- bury, 150; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 734; Philadelphia, 649, 1359, 1571; Princeton, 72, 243, 363; public, 141; Robert Proud's, 529; Rit- tenhouse Boys Grammar, 1168; Rob- erts Vaux Consolidated, 8; Saunders Institute, 1520; University of Edin- burgh, 379; University of Pennsyl- vania, 106, 107, 238, 402, 477, 552, 585, 595, 634; William Penn High for Girls, 1293 Schulker, J. W., 121 Schurz, Carl, 645 Schuylkill Arsenal, 1068 Schuylkill Bank, 1069, 1562 Schuylkill Canal, 632 Schuylkill County, 227 Schuylkill Fishing Company, Phila., 756 Schuylkill Permanent Bridge Co., 499 Schuylkill River, 419, 485, 710; fishing, 499 Schuylkill and Susquehanna Navigation ^ Co., 1148 Schuylkill Township, Chester Co., 1070 Schwenkfelders, 319 Science, 1370 Science du Bonhomme Richard . . .,1275 Science and Art Club of Germantown, ^ 1370, 1413 Scioto Land Company, 1371 Scotch-Irish, 270; Cumberland Co., 349 Scotland, 463, 484, 1582; Friends, 719; internal improvements, 722; land ti- tles, 722; social conditions, 719; verse, 413 Scots Presbyterian Church, 367 Scott, Hannah L., 1441 Scott, John Morin, 1171, 1319 Scott, Lewis A., 1171, 1540 Scott, Samuel, 582 Scott, Thomas, 189 Scott, Sir Walter, 401 Scott, Walter Quincey, 583 Scott, Winfield, 238, 466, 512, 1546; controversy with James Buchanan, 91 Scott Legion of Soldiers of Mexican war, 756 Scranton family, 26 Scrapbooks: 1730 226 1740 226 1780 658 1790 658 1800 304, 658, 1071 1810 658, 1071 1820 658, 1071, 1542 1830 226, 238, 684, 1071, 1312 1840 226, 595, 684, 1071, 1312 1850 492, 684, 1071, 1312 1860 345, 684, 1071, 1312 1870 345, 396, 684, 1071 1880 345, 396, 684, 1071, 1582 1890 345, 1071 1910 738, 1543 1920 738, 1543 Scull, Edward, 371 Scull, James, 1100 Scull, Nicholas, 131, 316, 456, 485, 584, 1095 Scully, Thomas, 108 Seals, 1519 Sears, John V., 1320 Secession, South Carolina, 238, 512 Second African Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, 8 Second Bank of United States, 1378 Second Troop of Philadelphia, 1424 Secretary of the Navy, 1378 Secretary of State, U.S., 91. See also names of Secretaries of State Secretary of the Treasury, 1378, 1509 Secretary of War, U.S., 94, 699. See also names of Secretaries of War Sectionalism, 91, 106, 175, 238 Sedgwick, Theodore, 250 Seeley family, 1073 Seelig, Johann Gotfried, 336 Selective Draft Service, 187 Seligman, Mrs. Emma, 42 Selin, Anthony, 973 Sellers, Anne, 1433 Sellers, Charles, 585 Sellers, George, 326, 471, 1433 Sellers family, 471 Seminole War, 218,. 512, 645, 1377 Senate. See Congress Sergeant, John, 50, 586 Sergeant, Jonathan, 250, 456 Sergeant, Jonathan D., 193 Sergeant, Thomas, 1167 Sermon, Joseph, 454 Sermons, 250, 303, 348, 507; Alexander Addison, 129; L. K. Ashhurst, 1450; Colin Campbell, 129; Friends, 136; C. Gildersleeve, 1385; David Jones, 327; New England clergy, 250; Rich- ard Newton, 129, 1410; observations on, 162; Ezra Stiles, 1385; Bishop White, 711. See also Lectures Serrill family, 1288 Servants, 150, 425 Sesqui-Centennial Exposition, 460, 587, 1246, 1547 Seven Mile Beach, N.J., 622 Seward, W. H., 113 Seymour, Capt., 868 Seymour, William, 1089 Shackleton, Mary, 588 Shaler, Nathaniel, 589 Shaler, William, 324, 589, 1172 Shamokin, 250, 371, 595, 1034 Shamokin Township, 888 Sharp, Isaac, 622 Sharpe, Horatio, 770 Sharpe, John, 590 Sharpe, William, 808 Sharpies, Nathan, 108 Sharpless, Jesse, 108 Sharpless, Joseph, 108 Sharpless, Joshua, 150 Sharpless family, 27, 150 Sharpless, Lloyd, and Co., 108 Sharpnack, Destonet and Co., 108 Sharswood, William, 1540 Shattuck, Mrs. M. M., 1347 Shattuck family, 1347 Shaw, John, 591 Shawnees, 519 Sheafe, Samson, 206 Sheafer, Peter W., 1372 Shearman, Mrs. S. H., 1075 Shee, Elizabeth A., 108 Shee, John, 950 Sheep, 150, 238, 289 Sheffield, John, Duke of Buckingham, 97 Sheldon and Co., 363 Shelley, Albertus, 592 Shelton, Frederick H., 1076; estate of, 997 Shenandoah Valley, map, 78 Shenango, 1511 Sheppard, Anna, 150 Sherman, Roger, 380 Sherman, W. T., 645 Shewkirk, E. G., 593 Shinkles, Frederick, 175 Ship register, U.S., 150 Shipbuilding, 108, 222, 306, 331, 1540; Philadelphia, 364 Shippen, Edward, 25, 35, 98, 125, 144, 199, 266, 302, 316, 342, 485, 595, 596, 857 Shippen, Henry, 595 Shippen, Joseph, 595 Shippen, Margaret, 595 Shippen, William, 456, 1095 Shippen family, 25, 1174 Shipping. See Commerce, Merchants Ships: arrivals, 108, 1389; British, 136, 267, 565; captains, 370, 1540; mani- fests, 1201, 1243; masters' licenses, 518; merchant, 331; names, 184, 370; of war, 306, 331, 541; registers, 1321; seizure, 361 ; steam, 250; United States, 35, 541, 558, 565; Apollo, 34; Argus 17 5; Atalanta, 1218; Barely, SGI; Betsy 108; Betty, 1144; Bibb, 243; Britannia 1228; Brooklyn, U.S.S., 315; Charles- town, 1144; Chesapeake, U.S.S., 466 Commerce, 393; Confederacy, 222; CoW- are.™, U.S.S., 106, 541; Constellation U.S.S., 106, 672, 1108; Constitution U.S.S., 267, 304, 306, 541; C«£«, 602 Diana, 108, 242; Dr^ow, 868; Du Roy l' Engagement, 1279; Elizabeth Monroe Smith, 609; Elsinore, 1338; Emila 687; £r/V, 511; £j.wc, U.S.S., 202 .FWr American, 1186; Flying Duck 1164; Francis Palmer, 1164; Franklin U.S.S., 306, 845; Friendship, 108 Ganges, U.S.S., 106; George, 1084; Go//« Castner, 1164 Kader Box, 891; Leopard, 466; Lexing- ton, U.S.S., 900; Macedonian, H.M.S. 541; Mrfry, 108, 818; Massachusetts U.S.S., 1452; Minerva, 179; Mow/1 yuma, 654; Morning Light, 1164; OA/ Colony, 1164; Pensacola, U.S.S., 307 President, U.S.S., 672; Princess Au gusta, 179; Pulaski, 1096; Resolution 108; #o^r/, 1053; tfoya/ Charlotte 302; .SW/y, 175, 1053; Savannah, 742 Scattergood, 622; Sophia, 591; South- ampton, 590; Spark, 534; Susan G. Owen, 107; Tenedos, H.M.S., 1102 Teresa, 63; Theodore, 108; United States, U.S.S., 197, 267, 306, 1185 1269; Vandalia, U.S.S., 35; Washing- ton, 654; #^xp, U.S.S., 267; #7///aw P