5f no. 200 c>l STATE OF ILLINOIS WILLIAM G. STRATTON, Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION VERA M. BINKS, Director DIVISION OF THE STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY JOHN C. FRYE, Chief URBANA CIRCULAR 200 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON URANIUM IN HARDIN COUNTY, ILLINOIS BY J. C. BRADBURY, M. E. OSTROM, and L. D. McVICKER PRINTED BY AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS 1955 ILLINOIS ULOLOGICaL SURVEY LIBRARY SEP 28 1955 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/preliminaryrepor200brad ^ 7 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON URANIUM IN HARDIN COUNTY, ILLINOIS by J. C. Bradbury, M. E. Ostrom, and L. D. McVicker ABSTRACT Hicks dome in Hardin County, 111., is an eroded structural dome whose specific mode of formation is not clear. Associated with it are explosion breccias and pendotite dikes. The central part of the dome is an area of about 1 1/2 square miles underlain by rocks of Devonian-New Albany age, principally limestone and chert bordered by black shale. The bedrock in the central areas of the dome, as well as in other adjacent areas, is covered by red and yellow clays believed to be a residuum resulting from the leaching of cherty Devonian limestone. Chert breccias, cemented by secondary silica, also are present. Tests of about 200 samples taken from the dome and through- out the county suggest that the residual clays and breccias within the Devonian-New Albany area of the dome are generally more radioactive than samples elsewhere, though there are some ex- ceptions. Samples of fluorspar, zinc and lead ores, and concen- trates from these ores have little or no radioactivity as measur- ed by a laboratory Geiger counter. U 3 8 determinations made by chemical procedures on 25 samples having some of the higher uranium equivalent values were all lower than the uranium equiv- a ent values. All the samples analyzed for UjOg contained less of this compound than the minimum of 0.1 percent for which prices are quoted by the Atomic Energy Commission. INTRODUCTION by J^teV"* SlX m T h3 C ° nSiderable P ub l- -terest has been aroused County m Cont re8enCe radi ° aCtive ™ te »* ls on Hicks dome in Hardin men" Ld s C °f " mn * lntereSt has bee " maintained by reports* that have 4 and tr en 7 leS '™* ln * fr ° m °- 10% *° °- 21 % U 3°8. and leasing, test pit- e ground for a distance of about 75 feet. Most of the slickensided walls had a general northeast strike, ranging from N. 20 E. to N. 60 E. This is the pre- vailing trend of the faults in Hardin County. The exact origin of Hicks dome is not completely known. Its upward arch- ing may have been associated with the structural movements that produced the siting that is common in Hardin County and adjacent parts of Kentucky and is ^ly complex. An alternate hypothesis is that the dome reflects the localized trusxon of a mass of igneous material at considerable depth, from which the ndotite dikes and explosion breccia are offshoots. A third hypothesis (Brown H.> 1954) also involves a molten mass at depth but suggests that the doming caused by gases evolved from the igneous rock or by steam from ground- 4 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY wa ter heated by the intrusion. Thus the explosive release of the gases may r !!d thl breccias found on the dome. However, occurrences of explo- breccfafn areas away from the dome, for example, near Sparks Hill and r mile we a 8 ; of Ro^iclarl, throw doubt on the significance of such breccia in the formation of Hicks dome. METHOD OF SAMPLE ANALYSIS The sampled materials, described below, were crushed in a jaw crusher to approximately 1/8 inch. Radiometric analyses of the samples were made wi* a laboratory model Geiger counter which had been calibrated again,, : sam Ties of known U,0 8 content obtained from the Atomic Energy Commission. P Dominations of U 3 8 were made according to the Atomic Energy Com- I', booklet -Manual of Analytical Methods for the Determination of UrTium ana Thorium in Their Ore's." A Beckman Model DU spectrophotom- eter with 10 cm. Corex cells was used for the color measurement A standard curve of transmittance was prepared by analysis °f various dilutions of a sample of phosphate rock of known U 3 8 content obta ned from the Atomic Energy Commission. Results of the Illinois Survey analyses of ftandarT samples compared satisfactorily with the Atomic Energy Commis- sion's values for the same samples. OCCURRENCE AND NATURE OF MATERIALS SAMPLED FROM HICKS DOME AREA All types of earth materials present at the surface in the Hicks dome are and in tesTpits and trenches up to 20 feet deep were tested in the field with a Portable Ge'iger counter and sampled for analysis in the Surve Y Intone. ^ Included in the field examination were red, yellow, and brown clay chert, sar stone (minor amount), fault (?) breccia, explosion breccia peridotite dikes black marine shale (New Albany), massive limonite, and calcite and ^ luorite^ Only the clays, some of the fault (?) breccia, and some of the New Albany shj showed appreciable radioactivity. Some pieces of the explosion breccia sho^ weak radioactivity whereas others showed none. The dikes were very weakl, radioactive. The rest of the material showed little to no radioactivity. Clays Most of the cherts and the clays, which are principally red or yellow, ap pear to be residual from the weathering of a limestone that contained chert nodules and beds as much as several feet thick. The red clay present over of the dome has the typical color and appearance of residual clay from 1 me X-ray diffraction patterns of the minus 2 micron or clay-size fraction of tw samples (nos. 18 and 38, table 1) established the absence ^ofanyc ^racterist cally crystalline clay mineral in sufficient abundance to be identified. Heter geneous weathered assemblages of this nature are often observed in clays r< sidual from limestone.* As sample 18 was moderately radioactive and sam *Bradley, W. F., personal communication. URANIUM IN HARDIN COUNTY 5 pie 38 was virtually nonradioactive, there is apparently no relationship be- tween clay mineralogy and radioactivity. On the central part of the dome, the yellow clay occurs as vertical "veins" and irregular masses in the red clay and commonly carries much higher val- ues in radioactivity than the surrounding red clay. The yellow clay is different in appearance and physical properties from the red clay. It dries to a rather powdery mass which feels silty; the red clay typically dries to a hard substance resembling brick. Size analyses of the red and yellow clays (table 2) show that sample 72, the yellow clay, carries twice as much silt (-325 + 2 microns) as the two red clays and much less clay-size material than sample 18, a red clay. The relative scarcity of clay-size particles in the other red clay, sample 38, is probably due to the fact that a large part of that sample was composed of chert fragments. Otherwise sample 38 is similar to sample 18 - in color, tex- ture, and drying characteristics. An x-ray diffraction pattern of the minus 2 micron fraction of the yellow material showed the same characteristics as the red clays. The yellow clay occurring in "veins" probably came from an overlying layer of yellow residual clay which has been completely eroded. As cracks opened in the underlying red clay, possibly from slumping into sink holes in the limestone, the yellow clay was washed into the fissures. As these fissures were also watercourses, ra- dioactive substances in the groundwater may have become concentrated in the yellow clay "veins" by adsorption on the clay minerals. The data in table 2 suggest some sort of relationship between the amount of the clay fraction and radioactivity. On the eastern flank of the dome, in the vicinity of the Robinson dike (sam- ple 130), a bulldozer-cut exposed a yellow residual clay overlying Mississip- pian Osage chert. The yellow clay on the Robinson property was radioactive only at the contact with the underlying chert bedrock (sample 175), indicating a concentration by groundwater at the surface of the bedrock. Sample 176 was taken from a two-foot wide radioactive zone in broken chert at the southeastern side of the dike as exposed in the trench. The dike itself had been weathered in place to a soft material that was easily cut by the bulldozer. The material of sample 176 showed as strong a reading on the portable Geiger counter in the wall of the trench as did that of sample 175, but when tested five days later by a laboratory counter it was only weakly radioactive (see table 3). As the ma- terial had been sampled as soon as it was exposed by the bulldozer, the radio- activity may have been caused by radon gas. Another type of yellow clayey material is exposed for about 1000 feet along a stream and its tributaries on the northwestern flank of the dome in the NW 74 sec. 25 and the NE 1/4 sec. 26 (samples 131 to 133 and 168). It is moder- tely radioactive in spots and is composed mainly of fragments of weathered chert, although an occasional fragment of sandstone or shale can be found. The material is soft except for the few sandstone fragments, and the chert offers no more resistance to a knife blade than does the interstitial clayey material. Some stratification can be found and is contorted in places. Apparently the ma- terial is a strongly weathered chert gravel. No differences in included mate- rials, texture, or structure could be found between the radioactive and nonra- noactive portions. 6 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Chert and Sandstone The chert exposed in trenches and as an occasional outcrop does not ap- pear to be significantly radioactive (table 1) with the exception of sample 72D. This sample is from a one -foot bed of soft weathered white chert with brown laminations exposed in the wall of a trench. The only sandstone foundwasa few blocks in a sinkhole exposed in a trench and one small piece on a hallsade (sample 88, table 1). None of it was radioactive. Fault ( ? ) Breccia The material called fault (?) breccia is composed of chert or other silic- ified rock fragments cemented by fine-grained to macrocrystalline quartz Th breccia generally occurs as slickensided wall-like bodies which may protrude above the ground (sample localities 10 (11) and 25) or be completely covered bv residual clay (locality of samples 1 through 6 and 77). The breccia fragments appear to have come from the immediately sur- rounding rocks, which seem to have been only fractured with none of the grand ang expectable from a large amount of movement along a fault. No stratagrapl evidence of faulting was found because of the scarcity of outcrops. However, we saw no difference in the soil or residuum surrounding the breccia outer opt from one side of the outcrop to the other, so that movement on the faults was not sufficient to have brought different kinds of rock into contact An alternative theory of formation of the breccia is one invoking explosiv gases. The fault (?) breccia would merely represent a lesser degree of dis-. turbance than that shown by the explosion breccia. The slickensides, which transect the cement as well as the rock fragments, could have been caused b> minor adjustments along the plane of the disturbance after the explosive ac- tivity had ceased. , Appreciable radioactivity in the fault (?) breccia was detected only at th locality of samples 1 through 6, a ridge exposed in a test pit. One sample n size from about 6 inches down to the granular material of the matrix 1 ,w,?v neral com P° sition the breccia of locality 50 (125) is similar to the ■ault (?) breccia described earlier but differs in degree of brecciation and in irea and shape of outcrop. The fault (?) breccia appears to be composed of ragments about 1/2 inch or larger whereas the material of locality 50 (125) :ontains areas in which the fragments measure no more than a millimeter or o. The differences in area and shape of outcrop of the two occurrences are real and appear to suggest different modes of origin. If the hill of locality 50 125) is underlain entirely by the breccia, as would appear to be the case from he absence of other kinds of rock either as float blocks or outcrops, the brec- cia has an outcrop area roughly circular in plan and several hundred feet in uameter. Such an outcrop area would be expected from a pipe -like body. By ontrast the more typical fault (?) breccia occurs in narrow wall -like bodies bout 2 to 3 feet wide and up to 75 feet long, suggestive of fault outcrops. The other two occurrences designated as explosion breccia in figure 1 are rtermediate in amount of brecciation between the fault (?) breccia and the rec cia plpe . T^y are both chert breccias cemented by sU . ca and . ron ^.^ .eeZTVVi "t' i 28 1S Sma "' ^ n °- " iS re P"^d °nly as boulders, so nof T ? fi t ^° dXeS iS n0t known - The existence of breccia of the character Lt ,1', it ! ' ln a S6nSe transiti ° n al between the two extremes, suggests at all the breccia of the Hicks dome area might have originated from the same rce - explosive release of gases. The radioactivity of the explosion breccia was found to be low, both in out- , op measurements and in representative samples tested in the laboratory. |>wever, analyses of eight 25-foot samples of cuttings from the breccia portion , ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY „ , T> * „i iqc;4t showed four to be moderately radioactiv ^TZr^JTZZl^V™ 0.0!% eU to 0.03% eU. The low leve ^^rrco^ai:: Iferg'ato 8 : of radioactive material. The generally low "luefof LT c^mlcJUyses for uranium of the Hamp samples show that the radioactive material is something other than uranium. Peridotite Dikes Two occurrences of mica ^f^^^Z^^O^^ Se^ictl Su°;: e e r y BulTetm^ (Wel^r ~-l.. 1952). Samples collected by Gro gan w re ound Jbe hut slightly radioactive (sample 147). On the Robinson farm on the east side of the dome a weathered dike is exposed in a test pit simple 130) and in the bulldozer trench from which clay samples 175 and 17 lerTtaken The dike strikes N. 57° E.. in contrast to the northwestward strt If a 1 other known dikes in Hardin County. The only recognizable mineral re- manning in this thoroughly weathered dike is mica, in books and plates up to T/2 inch wide. The weathered material was even less radioactive than the Joiner dike. New Albany Shale The New Albany shale, which encircles the central part of Hicks dome ^ a band 1/2 to 3/8 mile wide, is a black carbonaceous marine shale. Samples 7 0a tough 70e represent successive 5-foot vertical £«££, -f -« «» out- crop in the creek just off the bend in the road in the NW 1/4 SE 1/ 1 ••«•«• A shear zone one foot wide, containing traces of fluonte, showed abnormal ,, dioactivity in the field, but in the laboratory a sample from this zone tested no higher than the other shale samples. Miscellaneous Materials Boulders of massive limonite up to one foot in diameter (sample 45) and calcite and fluorite (sample 92) were only weakly radioactive. MATERIAL SAMPLED IN OTHER HARDIN COUNTY LOCATIONS In an attempt to find whether or not there is any definite association **• dioactive anomalies with specific types of geologic phenomena, such as faul ing or igneous activity, materials were sampled at various localities througl out the Fluorspar -producing district of Hardin and Pope counties. The samp included clays and shales from fault zones, residual clays from -disturb ed limestone and sandstone, peridotite dikes and explosion breccias and ^clay. overling them, ores of fluorspar, lead, and zinc, and concentrates from ores. Results of tests on these samples are shown in table 3. In general, of the types of clays sampled, only *ose from fault zone. • ed more than very slight radioactivity. Clay sample 66 from the Rosiclare URANIUM IN HARDIN COUNTY 9 system, clay sample 55 and shale sample 54 from t h~ td ♦ its outcrop along Route 146, a„ d Mac k shale slZ f S, ^ T?' fluorspar prospect shaft on the Wolrab Mill fault near S™S \- n P * a nearly twice background on the laboratorv d P *"" re g iste "d sample 65 from the Rosiclare vein syttZ S?!,* C ° Unt6r - ?° WeVer ' Clay side near the junction of the Wa^'lST^w/rtS h "? ** ^ radioactivity. otewart taults showed very slight One occurrence of radioactive residual clav is «„ => burg sandstone on the Karbers Ridge road ThJ V "* '" * e Hardins in a zone 6 to 12 inches thick in thT u radioactivity was concentrated bedrock. Apparently this was a con ^ °y eS ' duaI ^ *' fte t0 ? ° f the sh ^ that the source of the ra dioT t iv mat' , ¥ gr ° Undwater - " « Possible beds that occur at intervals in &eT r^ **' ^^^ ™ S the black sl >ale known in the ^ "^nit ^^t^^"™ .1 N ° ^ *" A bulldozer-cut in the M11«mT 1,1 W6re V1Sible in the outcrop. from a stream cut on the strike of th, AT' P red ° lay ' no - 110 > of the outcrop was only ^tl^J^l^^ " 8 ** 15 ° *« •«— • .ng themZweTL^rto 1 :: r^ft^^ 8 ^ "" - *« cla ^ overly- table 3, the outcrr p tocaHties of Z ? Y ' ■ addm ° n t0 *' SampleS Sh °™ * - Oeiger counter' ^^A^^^n.*:^^ *?«"*« ^ "tL-rrr burrows and by -^ ^ » -- rd n e y P :h dditionai Hot, the CavT;„ R l U ° d L^ Par ct° reS d a r C °" ateS '«« the Rosiclare dis - - tested but sho::r v ;ra^r ^io\ u Sy Empire district in p - c °^ SUMMARY OF RESULTS OF ANALYSES -al JetlmiL^ns T^^f^ S^ ^^ ^ *"" "* «*"" *al radioactivity of the sarnies e™ " ramum equivalent data indicate the hus they indicate th anZn of uT " '"^ ° f U3 ° 8 (UraniUm °* ide >- stances present. The cheLi a " det '■ T^ PlUS ^ ^ radi °active dde. e chemical determinations of U 3 8 show only uranium \^Z£z^ix> 5 £r?? types of materiais tested a - Ua underlain by Devoman ' ' J T»" fr ° m ex P osures *«hi. the < u) those out s r d ° hTs a ; e r TLrifr t Albany shaie on Hicks dome <««• o. * Albany area often is referred * ^T * 1S made bec ause the Devonian- '> dome." referred to popularly as the "dome" or as being "on 10 fLLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY The most radioactive materials are generally red and yellow clays It ^t the clays and breccias within the Devonian area are somewhat appears that the clays and d elsewhere in the county, though m ore radioactive *an "mUar ma teria J- ^ and lead ores> and ther e are °°™^™J*™1 " £f™ J radioactivity. The U 3 8 con- rT:fa?isam;rstste d for both uranium equivalent and U 3 8 was consid- tent of all samples te , d algo was below the minimum erably below the -^^^23^ Atomic Energy Commission, of 0.1 percent on which prices are quoteu y SOURCE OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL The source of the radioactive material is an unsolved problem at the pre - The source ° possible sources exist - sedimentary and hy- Tth rTal The NewTlbany sha'le, which encircles and at one time covered £S^p5%V -e offers a ^^-^1. ™?^^;^^7^^ of samples^ thro. r derate ffisrss - jsr^s^^ - -^ -- i ?r» c".* a" Rol^clare fault systems may well be due to Hydrothermal directly related to fluorspar mineralization. The oresent radioactive concentrations give little hint as to the orig the rad oa ^materials. As virtually all the ^o^^^J^ work the only radioactive materials exposed are clays and weathered chert recci- Ve radioactivity in the clays is almost certainly due , toc«c« Ra- tion by groundwater, judging from the concentrations in fissures and at ^ .u face of the bedrock. The one occurrence of radioactive fault (?) breccia re larded by some observers as the weathered outcrop of a hydrothermal vein couMhav'e acquired its radioactivity from E"^"*^^^^ vesicular quartz cement or even from groundwater that may have deposited """The best evidence for a hydrothermal origin is in the distribution of : th. mor f radioactive samples. Those inside the ring of ^^ ^Zs^Z their radioactivity from the weathering of the shale but the three tS ide (a above) the shale more reasonably would be assumed to have ^T^"^ A8 there is no black carbonaceous shale within 1000 feet «*£*^^ ^ . the lower Mississippian formations at the three localities, the weathering drothermal veins is a likely source of the radioactivity Only prospecting at deeper levels will determine whether there is any ward exLLJof suspected veins, or whether the radioactive ~c«.«*^ merely concentrations by groundwater from the weathering of weakly tive rocks. URANIUM IN HARDIN COUNTY 11 > CO CO 00 o co CO ^o i—l •rH O ion a renc renc renc O in . ° o g § § § § S 3 g SSSS§SSSS«SSS«g««g««««««g g ~ 1 , '2222222222222 SSSSSBSS°SSSSSSSSSBBBSS°° n CO 3 oo u r d r d o o o o CDCDCUCDCDCOCDCD^i (IJDlDOmiDDH) CD CD 'd iH CD en W W (MrO^^Or-OOO^Htv] f\J (M00OO-— i N 1* ^O l> 0"> ■<^Tt 4 ^t , Tt , '<^rt 0) (D a) H f~< fr f-i vO ro ro H m h h fO N to m - " S S S S S S 3 S 3 S 3 S 3 S S => o o o o <*"> «0 co co T3 ^ tJ TJ U 4) V a) * h h rn J -0 BJ tf O oo trJ ni cti aJ 0) 1 (ti CO u o U O u u u u ^ ^ rCj ,rj o u u S 22 s ooS2J^2^^ - = = = 33ass»3a5Sa2ssssggg f\J ro rt< 14 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY £ 3 - ••-■ ^ OB >> w pj rt &^ 3 .2 "ft ^ 5 to en p a) a) O H H PQ .5 o u u o o a o •H "3 fi O rt O g o 3 « * * PQ PQ PQ w u h ?-< 1 1 9 9 3 c/> CQ PQ PQ PQ & o o u s •H -H O co m rt rg o y 0) y fl y 4-> fc fn U h m h m y y i— « y U U tJ ti -y y 4-» y y N (ti y -M 3 3 3 2 o ti •rH g _fi rt ti •H -H -a y BO CO Cti O h ti O' y y O y 3 3 3 WWW 3 W 3 O 3 O o 3 6(5 u ■+J +■> w i in o oo \o > o o o o > o o o o lo o -^ r\j rsi vo ro 2 H N (\J (VJ O O o o o o o o o W W W W CO 00 00 CX) « W W W W W W r^ n n ^ r* co a w w co r*- w w w w wwwwwww cow o <-« o o ^ fO t^ ro ld m m in in -h in n ^ >n >>>,>, y £ fl c c oooo a) r-H I § s § s g| y ^1 a E " H " Cti jO g rQ ,Q jfl JS -g (ti y cti W W w cq oooo ^ """* »H i-^ w « a> y y to S J5 fe £ £ |z; O u CO 2 O *H 8 ^ •H (ti J u ^ m oo -• cq rg > O O CO m ID °^ i— t 00 CO CM in fM CO 1 CO + o i— t 00 oo IT- in O Lf> CM °^ r-t 1 CO + rM CM CO r-4 o ["- CM + o 1— t 1^ CM d W W 00 H CO I— 1 f— » 10 r— 1 CO r- 1 l—l o m rM IT) CM o ro CD 00 00 CM »-t ro r- J3 E3 S3 URANIUM IN HARDIN COUNTY 17 >> cu > fc 3 -. CO . r-H M •H ftj cu -M 0) nl r-l 4-> ! fl •H r-H 0) r-H n r-H •H (0 fl b to r* Rj U •H s 0) .2 * u fti 8h CU ^ r* o CO o •H ^ > \ u •— • s T* H 00 (TJ IT) ff « t * ^ *» CU CO CO O t3 u $ ^ & W +3 3 U O 3 2 rg O o - Pi Cb u r- vO CO N (Mn O O CO J cu E d -< oo o LO ID to pi X fc U O a u to . u £ 5s CO CO o o o f- sO o <— • o o o m o o o o o o —• Z £ £ o o o o W »h i— * o o X o CO cu o CO CO o m o o o -^ o o o o o o o o o o o o Pi tti nJ rH >H o o CO CO 552 O tF o o o o d d CU CU rH P 3 H-> «P jj rtj J ro w « n) *« 42 cu >" ^ *** ±A yj 50 w * u -2 > cu Pi Pi cu cu cu o u '£ '£ <° * h CU cu rO S S £ 8 2 +■> •H Ph PU •H p. PU •H PU Pi +■> CO §3 S 8 CO r* rH 5 5 s * s 71 71 +5 cu ^ •S "S r? & & •H fH +-> CO • H fH (0 •H +■» CO o 2 o ^ CO oj cu s •H CU j s rt •rH rH rrj PU o rH CJ PU rH CJ a to co n. " ° h S pi .3 PI •H Pi ■H CU cu S m O ■g •s cu rH - r P 01 m C\j CO CO rH Ctj rrj W) CU ^ ^ ^ rH U >^ rt PI w CU rH r^ o o o MH 3 rd tf rt h h O O co to to Q Q rD cq CO CO CU o I s - co I s - >-• o o o o o o o o o o CO o o o o o o o o ■5? O i-H O (M o o o o o i— 1 •— 1 rH rH O O o o o o o o o o ^ 1 s 1 B rcj 1 ■d 0) re re thtown thtown thtown •1-1 rH rH * d •H rH i—l •H - d •H rH I— 1 - d 1 cu n rH rH •H rH CO M 0) 3 2 rc) d Pi S ° •H o Limestone from dik Peridotite H-» o •H M CU Oh CU CD H-> CU o a cu Q r^ pi ffi co rH TO 1* cu lO vO "^ iT> vO vo vO m in in m c\J CO o m I— » r-« m m r-» vO 00 m ^ rH rH o m rH in co URANIUM IN HARDIN COUNTY 19 o u ■*-> O o o §■ u o o > •H > a, > e vei epos epos (U 00 fc "O TJ o CO •t-i CD •i-i 00 JS -o -d U ID O CO :3 9* a a bO •h *rJ t3 s 3 Q O 0) a) tf PQ CQ £ - ^ o o o o 5 o o o 5 °. °. °. ° o o o o o o o T> PQ PQ o o o o o o o a, o o (1) 15 •H (0 u co W 00 CO * * ~ Z Z saw z z z m h- r- t^ ^ ^ N N (\J ro W £ £ £ £ W CO CO CO CO W W W W W W CO CO CO £ S co co co Z W CO CO e > u •h u d no (U C 3 H H H -ri ■•-> " H u 0# S *J u (U 3) m eridotite dike luorspar ore inc ore luorspar concentrate inc concentrate 2 ad concentrate Uranium equivalent No. Range Av. samples .000-. 019 .003 .000-. 072 .019 .000-. 050 .010 .008 .002-. 008 .005 .000-. 002 .001 .000-. 008 .004 .000-. 007 .002 .000-. 021 .006 .000 .000-. 005 .002 .000 .000 .000 43 10 7 1 3 3 8 10 8 1 3 3 2 2 No. samples U 3°8 Range Av. .013 fitting sample 162, which was so high as to distort other data. REFERENCES Brown, J. S., Emery, J. A., and Meyer, P. A., 1954, Explo- sion pipe in test well on Hicks dome, Hardin County, Illinois: Econ. Geol., v. 49, p. 891-902. Weller, J. M., Grogan, R. M., and Tippie, F. E., 1952, Ge- ology of the fluorspar deposits of Illinois: Illinois Geol. Survey Bull. 76. ILLINOIS jCaxd ofjCisicofri/ \ CIRCULAR 200 ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY URBANA