Interstate Industrial Imposition Qhicago, Jllinois. CATALOGUE ART GALLERY OF THE INTER-STATE INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION OF CHICAGO. 1877. DEACCESSIONED BY CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY PRINTED COLLECTIONS Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1877, by THE INTBK-STATE INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION OF CHICAGO, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. R<1, HcNallv & Co., Printers and Engravers, 77 and 79 MaUisor Street, Chicago. 1877. EDWIN LEE SHOWN, President. VICE PRESIDENTS. JOHN B. DRAKE. GEO. H. LAFLIN. POTTER PALMER. SAM'L JOHNSTON. JOHN P. REYNOLDS, SECRET AHY. J. IRVING PEARCE, TREASURER. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. GEORGE C. CLARKE, CHAIRMAN. L. G. KLINCK. GEO. H. L API IN. JOHN P. REYNOLDS. J. A. MASON. EDWIN LEE BROWN. JACOB ROSENBERG, AUDITOR. ART COMMITTEE. GEO. C. CLARKE. FRANKLIN MAcVEAGH. EDWIN LEE BROWN. E. G. ASAY. E. S. STICKNEY. W. M. R. FRENCH, SECRETARY OP COMMITTEE. BENJ. DURHAM, CLERK OF COMMITTEE. EDWARD STAN LEY. WATERS, IN CHARGE OF BRIC-A-BRAC COLLECTION. THE EXHIBITION OF PICTURES OF THE EXPOSITION OF 1877 is composed of works contributed by well-known American artists, and a smaller number of good foreign pictures furnished by Eastern art dealers. It embraces the most extensive and important collec- tion of water colors yet exhibited in the West, for which the Art Committee takes pleasure in acknowledging its obligations to the co-operation of the American Society of Painters in Water Colors. Miss Rose Durfee, of New York, has acted as the agent of the Committee in the collection of pictures from New York artists and dealers, and will be in Chicago during the season of the Exhibition, as the representative of the Committee in conducting the sales. All the pictures in the collection are for sale, (at private sale,) and the prices have, at the request of the Committee, been placed at low figures, in the hope that a large number may be sold and thus the success of future exhibitions of similar nature be assured. The prices of the pictures may be obtained from Miss Durfee, or at the desk of the Clerk of the Committee. Gallery A contains Oil Paintings, Nos. 1 to 102. Gallery B contains Oil Paintings, Nos. 201 to 287. Gallery contains Water Colors, Nos. 301 to 423. Gallery D contains Water Colors and Oil Paintings, Nos. 424 to 452. Gallery E contains Oil Paintings, Nos. 453 to 546. Gallery P contains Water Colors and Oil Paintings, Nos. 551 to 605. The Special Exhibition Room contains three large historical paintings. The medals mentioned, unless otherwise specified, were granted at the Expositions and Salons of Paris. CATALOGUE OF THE PAINTINGS. GALLERY A NOS. 1 TO 102. 1. September Afternoon, John R. Tait 2. A Study from Nature, Harry Beard 3. Autumn, Geo. F. Shelton 4. "Wood Interior, Catskills, Edward Prescott 5. Adirondack Mountain Brook, 8. M. Barstow 6. Alpine Life in the Tyrol, P. R. Unterberger Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. Con-way Meadows Summer Squall on Mote Mountain, Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. Geo. Inness 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. -14. 15. 16, 'V Cannonading on the Potomac, 1861, A. Wordsworth Thompson Bail Shooting on the Delaware, Thomas Eakins View on Lake Memphremagog, Jno. C. Wiggins f New York Shanty, R. H. Blakelock "White Mountains from Peabody River, William L. Sonntag Nachfeierabend, Otto H. Bacher Bay of San Francisco, W. A. Coulter Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. The Puppies' First Day in the Field, L. C. Earle Sunset in the Black Hills, Albert Bierstadt The Detection of the Poacher, C. M. Webb Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. GALLERY A. 18. Solitude, Leon Becker Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. 19. Sheep, E. Woutermaertens Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. 20. Honey Girl of Pompeii, Henry F. Spread 21 A Morning in the Woods, J. Lyman, Jr. 22 In Peril, E. R. Maes Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. 23 Best at Noon, W. J. Boogaard Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. ,24 The Belle of the Vineyard, P. De Coninck Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. 25 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33 31. 35. 36. 37, 38. 39. 40. 41. James M. Hart Jno. E. C. Petersen Threatening "Weather, New York Bay, Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. "Come, ye disconsolate," Portrait of Robert Fulton, English Farm Scene, James E. Meadows and J. F. Herring, Sen. The Discussion, "Wicked Pussy, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. Belgium Poultry Yard, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. Venice by Moonlight, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. Briinhilde, Passing Showers, : They toil not, neither do they spin," Outside wall of Tangiers, Morocco. Lent by Noyes & Blakeslee, Boston. Frank R Green E. R. Maes E. R. Maes Colle-Leone M. B. Odenbeimer Kruseman Van Elten E. L. Weeks Hate is blind as well as Love, Cattle in the Pasture, The Harbor Bar, Mt. Desart, Almost Beady, Portrait, E. R. Maes .JohnR. Tait D. Maitland Armstrong Cornelia W. Conant Unknown EXPOSITION ART GALLERY. 42. Indian Falls, Cold Spring, New York, Robert C. Minor 43. The Reproof, Emily Sartaiu 44. Scene in New Hampshire, J. W. Casilear 4V "Washing Place, Brittany, Edgar M. Ward 46. On the Sands, Mrs. F. Williams 47. In the Meadows, Eruseman Van Elten 48. Antonina's Tower, via Dolorosa, Jerusalem, Lock-wood do Forest 49. Rough Sport in the Yosemite, James D. Smillie 50. Landscape and Sheep, De Hagemau 51. Prisoner of State, Eastman Johnson 52. Close of a Stormy Day, Arthur Quartley 53. The Brook by the "Way, Bavaria, John R. Tail 54. Portrait of "William Cullen Bryant, Thomas Le Clear 55. Old Boat Houses on the Yarmouth Coast ; Copperfield's Country, Geo. H. Boughton Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. 56. Harbor of Venice, Felix Ziem 57. "Sunnyside"; Home of "Washington Irving, Herbert McCord 58. Sunset, "Winter, Herbert McCord 59. A "Woodland Scene in Winter, T. L. Smith 60. Autumn, J. C. Thorn 61. The Retreat, Adxph Schreyer Medals, 1864, 1865, 1867. Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. 62. Yellow Birch, Julie H. Beers 3. Interior of Stable, W. Verschuur Deceased. A noted painter of horses. 64. A Coming Storm, Austria, A. Chwala Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. 65. A German Hunt, Leon Becker Lout by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. <>6. Still Life, Otto H. Bacher GALLERY A. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. r78. Landscape, . Gathering Arbutus, Sunset, Bay of Fundy, Sleepy Hollow and Old Dutch Church, Chickens Feeding, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. Finishing Touches, ' Autumn, Cattle and Landscape, The Arkansas Divide, Rocky Mountains, Morning; Lake Annercy, Savoy, The Ox and the Frog, Amelia Harman J. W. Champney J. C. Nicoll Herbert McCord E. R. Maes M. B. Odenheimer W. S. Macy A. D. Shattuck Thomas Moran Samuel Colman J. H. Dolph Sheep Shearing in the Bavarian Highlands, Walter Shirlaw 79. Chiem Lake, H. Deuchert 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. X 89 90. 91. 92. Lent by M. Knoedler & Co., New York. Indian Summer, Mrs. C. J. Wilkins The Dessert, Morston Ream Harvesting Cow-Pea Vines In Louisiana, E. B. D. Julio A Coming Storm, Off the California Coast, In the Valley of the Oise, A Breezy Day off Sandy Hook, A Hidden Brook, Fish Market, Lent by Renner & Co., New York. The Poacher before the Judge, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. L'Aricia, Italy, Gold Medal, Boston Exhibition, 1874. Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. On Newark Bay, Flowers, Sandford R. Gifford M. J. Heade Jno. W. Mansfield Francis A. Silva Julie H. Beers Henri Picou C. M. Webb George Inness * R. J. Pattison Alice Harger EXPOSITION ART GALLERY. 93 Young America, John H. Niemeyer #4. The Borders of the River Oise, Charles Francois Daubigny Medals, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1859. ' Officer of Legion of Honor, 1874. Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. 9->. Monastery Door, Walter Blackman 96. / Carding Woofr, Edgar M. Ward 9?T Roman Campagrna near the Alban Hills, Adolph Hoffler Figures by Adolph Schreyer. Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. 98. Passing Showers on Lake Memphremagog, J. C. Wiggins 99. Beggar Girl, Cyrenius Hall 100. The Ancestral Home, E. L. Henry 101. Sunrise at the Narrows, New York, Edward Moran 102. Portrait of President Hayes, J. H. Witt 10 GALLERY B. GALLERY B. NOS. 201 TO 287. 201. Early Autumn on the New England Coast, R. Swain Gifford 202. Looking for Fernseed, John H. Niemeyer " For whoso finds the charmed seed, Gathers and slips it in his shoe- He is a lucky wight indeed, For wrapped about with fairy weed, He walks unseen as fairies do. ****** " Just think how funny is a twirl, To vanish frocks, books, every curl. A what a glorious chance to tease." Susan, Cooledge. 203. Courtyard, Trastevere, Borne, William Sartain 204. The Gainsborough Hat, Nellie S. Jacobs 205. " And the year smiles as it draws near Jervis McEntee its death." Bryant. 206. Waiting for the Tide, Arthur Quartley 207. Les Miserables, William H. Beard 208. Ebb Tide, Bay of Pundy, Annie C. Shaw 209. A Shift of Wind, A. Gary Smith 210. His Eminence, the Cardinal, Walter Satterlee 211. Evening, Robert C. Minor 212. " Coming- events cast their shadows before," C. C. Ward 213. Ceramic W ares, near Tangiers, Louis C. Tiffany 214. Cattle and Landscape, William Hart 215. The Truants, A. G. Heatou 210. Monk and Donkey, V 217. The Poultry Yard, E. Leuimens EXPOSITION ART GALLERY. 11 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. Flower Girl, Mosque and Citadel of Cairo, On Lake Huron, W. M. Chase R. Swain Gifford J. H. Drury Copy of Hor-e's Head, Alfred B. Copeland After Reinault's Equestrian portrait of Gen. Prim, in the Luxembourg Gallery. Lent by Noyes and Blakeslee, Boston. Inn and Landscape, E. Seydel By the Sea, at Mentone, France, A. Wordsworth Thompson A Day Dream, Tuning the Violin, Island Creek, Delaware River, Bootblack in the Cold, The Jockeys, Islands in Cupica Bay, Honduras, The Musician, Eastman Johnson P. P. Ryder Robert J. Pattison Edgar M. Ward de Vos Thomas Moran de Vos A July Sunset in Italy, George L. Brown A view of the Temple of Peace, and St. Peters; tomb of Ha- drian in the distance. Lent by Willinms & Everett, Boston. Boston Boys appealing to Gen. Gage, Pink and Tea Roses, Autumn, Adirondacks, Harbor Islands, Lake George, St. Xavier, on the Gave, Switzerland, A Race for Life, Ivy Bridge of Pettigoe, Ireland, Study of Melon and Peaches, Caught in the Act, The Riverside, Fruit, Gull Rock, Newport ; Fog coming in, A Sunrise, Henry Bacon Mrs. H. A. Olcott John Williamson H. W. Rohbins Henry F. Spread R. M. Shurtlefl Eliza Greatorex W. M. Brown Walter Blackman J. H. Dolph E. C. Leavitt William T. Richards Sandford R. Gifford 12 GALLEEY B. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. The Rivals, A View of "White Face Mountain, Out-door Dinner, Nightfall in December, Emily Sartain A. H. Wyant E. Seydel T. L. Smith New York, from Newtown Creek, L. I., Charles H. Miller Near Hunter's Point Ferry; Dr. Tyng's Church, St. George's, in the distance. Old Chine Inn, Shanklin, Isle of Wight, The Clock Tinkers, Scene in Brittany, Crimson and Yellow Roses, The Unexpected Intrusion, Parable of the Sower, Noon at Point Judith, Mardi-Gras Children Dressing for the Carnival, Head, of Italian Boy, Sunset A View in Chenango Co., N. Y., Maid, of Venice, Fruit and Wine, Coast Scene, Sunlight and Shadow at a Cafe Arabe, Morning in the Woods, On the Lake Shore, Evening, French River, Narcissus, " Does your mother know you 're out ? " A. F. Bellows Geo. H. Story John Williamson Mrs. H. A. Olcott W. M. Chase H. Bolton Jones A. T. Bricher C. J. Bridgman William Sartain Wm. L. Sonntag Eastman Johnson Morston Ream A. Van Beest Louis C. Tiffany W. Whittredge John R. Tail W. S. Macy William Sartain Frost Johnson Afternoon on the Connecticut, Windsor, Vt., A. C. Rowland The Merchants of El Lagouat, En route between the Tell and the Desert, Algeria. Samuel Colman 271. The Cider Mill, J. W^. Champney EXPOSITION AET GALLERY. 13 272. Little Roman, M. R. Oakey 273. Study of an Old Peasant Woman, Julian A. Weir 274. Jealousy, H. A. Dieffenbach 275. Scene in the Andes, Medal, 1867 (E. U.) F. E. Church 276. October Afternoon on the Hudson, Herbert McCord 277. The Attack, ' E. Luminais Medals, 1852, 1855, 1857 and 1861. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1869. Lent by Chas. F. Haseltine, Philadelphia. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. Landscape and Oattle, The Green Hat* John Pope Thomas Hicks Venice, Felix Ziem Medals, 1851, 1852 and 1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1857. Among the Roses, The Meadows at Joyceville, Memories of the Past, Bay Ridge, L. I., At the Edge of the Moor, Scene in Western New Jersey, Autumn at Oreedmoor, L. I., George C. Lambdin David Johnson J. Walter Eliza Greatorex H. Bolton Jones M. Josephine Walters Chas. H. Miller 14 GALLERY C. GALLERY C. COLORS. NOS. 301 TO 423. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. Repose, St. Michael's Mount, Street Scene in an Italian Town, F. O. C. Darley A. T. Bricher Geo. F. Shelton Twilight in the Highlands of the Hudson, Henry Farrer Cathedral "Well at Bourges, The Riverside, Evening near Gloucester, Mass., Feeding the Chickens, Landscape and Sheep, Near Hastings, England, Saint Maclou Church, Old Rouen, . Sumac Blossoms, Cherry Blossoms, English Landscape, Barnegat Bay, Coast of New Jersey, Arkansas Violets, The First Jack-knife, Stranded, " Kitty and I," C. A. Alexander J. S. Marsh Kruseman Van Elten Geo. F. Shelton William Magrath Thomas Moran Paul Marny Mary E. Harrison Mrs. E. M. ScQtt W. Hull Granville Perkins Amelia Harman J. W. Charnpney Granville Perkins Sara Bascoui Gilbert EXPOSITION ART GALLEEY. 15 . 320. The Mountebanks, Gerardo Bianchi Lent by L. A. Lanthier, New York. 321. The Flower Sellers Street Scene in London, E. L. Henry 322. " Got a Nibble," J. G. Brown 323. Plat Bock, Narragansett, Francis A. Silva \ 324. " In the darkling wood, Amid the cool and silence." Bryant. F. Hopkinson Smith 325. An English Wayside Inn, A. F. Bellows 326. Fast Asleep, Thos. W. Wood 327. Under the Oaks, Louisa B. Culver 328. Brittany Boat Scene, Jules Noel Medal, 1853. 329. Thistles in Seed, Fidelia Bridges 330. Waterfall, Edward Moran 331. " May he that feedeth the raven protect thee." A. Kappes 332. Sunrise on East River, Henry Farrer 333. The New Style, Willis Seaver Adams 334. The Roadside Well, Henry Farrer 335. An August Morning, Francis A. Silva 336. On the Saco River, near North Con-way, James D. Smillie 337. Bird's Nest, Gnebel 338. Lake Placid, Adirondacks, R. M. Shurtleff 339. Scene at Nonquitt, Mass., R. Swain Gifibrd 340. Long's Peak, from Lily Pond, J. S. Marsh 341. Brazilian Orchids, Mrs. H. A. Olcott 342. Marine, Jaime 343. Cedar Woods, Study on the Hudson, James D. Smillie 344. Ben Cruachan, from Dunragan, Scotland, D. Law 345. The Milkmaid, E. Wood Perry 346. Moonrise, Francis A. Silva 347. Wild Flowers, Marion R. Beers ^ 348. At Leeds, in the Catskills, Kruseman Van Elten 16 GALLERY C. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. x35 357 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. On the Schuylkill, Laborer's Cottage, Yorkshire, Home of the Perns and Butterflies, Child Life, Humming Birds, "Water Lilies, Humming Bird and Nest, Narragansett Bay, Noonday, At Prayer, Picking Apples, Roses, Lent by John Suedecor, New York. The Old Mill, Clover Blossoms, Japan Lilies, A Sketch from Nature, The Acolytes, Lent by L. A. Lanthier, New York. Chess Players, Lent by L. A. Lanthier, New York. Study of Foliage, Cape Cod Fisherman, Wild Flowers in the Rye, Sunset on the Coast, Desdemona's House at Venice, Field Flowers, Kilchum Castle, Loch Awe, Scotland, Purity, i Sweet Pea, Alligator Reef Light, Coast of Florida, Thomas Moraii C. A.. Alexander Frederica J. Fletcher J. Symington Geo. Coleman E. C. Darby Geo. Colemau W. T. Richards A. F. Bellows A. D. Midy and J. David Percival De Luce Teresa Hegg F. Hopkinson Smith Mary E. Harrison E. C. Darby Louisa B. Culver Michis G. Campi Henry P. Smith Samuel Wallin Fidelia Bridges Francis A. Silva A. H. Baldwin Geo. C. Lanibdin D. Law A. F. Brooks Amelia Harmau Granville Perkins EXPOSITION ART GALLERY. 17 377. Cherry Blossoms, / Geo. Coleman 378. Fishing Boats, Paul Marny 379. Twelfth Night, Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Clown. Samuel Wallin 380. Sunday Afternoon in New England, A. F. Bellows 881. A Fresh- water Sailor, J. G. Brown 382. Prickly Pear, Frederica J. Fletcher 383. The Zithar Player, Thomas Eaktns 384. Scene near Paris, Lent by L. A. Lanthier, New York. Octave Saunier 385. Autumn Flowers, Laura Woodward 386. Afternoon at Oohasset, Arthur Quartley 387. Crochet- Workers , William Magrath 388. The Smugglers, Ivan P. Pranishnikoff 389, Down by the Brookside, Henry P. Smith 390. "Water Lilies, R. M. Pratt 391. Sheep in Pasture, William Magrath 392. Lincoln Cathedral, Samuel Clman 393. New London Light House, Francis A. Silva 394. On the Westchester Shore, Agnes D. Abbott 395. Crossing the Brook, J. G. Brown 396. Scene on the Campagna, near Naples, R. Swain Gifford 397. Sunrise on the New England Coast, Henry P. Smith 398. Landscape at Elizabethtown, Kruseman Van Elten 399. Summer Flowers, Laura Woodward 400. Landscape and Marine, A. T. Bricher 401. On the Gulf of St. Lawrence, J. C. Nicoll 402. Galileo, Lent by L. A. Lanthier, New York. P. Planchi 403. Roman Officer, Bartolini 404. Scarborough Beach, Coast of Maine, Granville Perkins I GALLERY C. 405. Apple Blossoms, Geo. Colemau 406. Roman Peasant, Bartolini 407. Flowering Almond and Narcissus, Agnes D. Abbott 408. Wild Flowers, George C. Lambdin 409. In the Porch, Sara Bascom Gilbert 410. Playing Beggar, Nellie S. Jacobs 4J1. Interior, Antwerp, Percival De Luce 412. Bridge on Farmington River, H. W. Bobbins 413. Sketch Club, Samuel Wallin 414. Sketch, Paul Marny 415. In the Garden, J. W. Chainpney 416. Towing on Long Island Sound, Arthur Quartley 417. Ducks, Kruseman Van Elteu 418. Evening in the Sahara, R. Swain Gifford 419. Sweet Summer Time, A. T. Bricher 420. At Jedburgh Abbey, Scotland, C. A. Alexander 421. Sketch, Paul Marny 422. Landscape in Pennsylvania, Kruseman Van Elten 423. Venice, Paul Marny i t ) i EXPOSITION ART GALLERY. 19 GALLERY D. NOS. 424 TO 452. "WATKR COLORS. 424. The Bouquet, Lent by William Schaus, New York. Eugene Klimsch 425. "Waiting, Beaumont 426. The Breakfast, Lent by William Schaus, New York. Eugene Klimsch 427. Evening, Joshua Wallis 428. Asters, Marion R. Beers 429. Entrance to Henry VII Chapel, E. H. Hunt 430. Morning, Joshua Wallis 431. G-ame of Chess, J. A. Schmidt 432. Florence, U. Kerfoot OIL PAINTINGS. 433. Day Dreams, Calvin Rae Smith 434. " Mamma can't answer such Questions, E. L. Henry 435. Thistles, Kate H. Greatorex 436. Stoke Poges ; Scene of Gray's Elegy, J. F. Cropsey 437. The Wolf at the Door, R. M. ShurtJeft 438. Oriental Life, Eroli 439. Schoharie Creek, Catskills, Edward Prescott 440. Cascades on the Ausable River, Laura Woodward 441. The Old Polks at Home, P. P. Ryder ' 20 GALLEKY D. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. The Golden Grate of California, Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. The Little Pin Cushion and Basket Seller, John R. Key Normandy, Cornfield in the Oatskills, Cattle, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. Nutting in the Old Lane, Washerwomen of Brittany, Morning Glory, Lake George, near Sabbath Day Point, The Boudoir, Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. Studio; Still Life, Corn, Calvin Rae Smith Kruseman Van Elten Gibbon Laura Woodward Julian A. Weir E. Wood Perry J. B. Bristol R. Egusquiza Geo. W. Maynard Kate H. Greatorex EXPOSITION AET GALLERY. 21 GALLERY E. NOS. 453 TO 546 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467- 468. 469. 470. Clinton Ogilvie William Sartain Jno. H. Niemeyer Wm. L. Sonntag Eliza Greatorex A. Chwala Among the Adirondacks, Street View, Algiers, Autumn, An Old Landmark, Vermont, Amsterdam, Austrian Landscape, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. Fair Wind, A. Cary Smith A Breton Interior, E. H. Hunt Snow Storm in the Highlands, Schenck Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. The Segovian, E. Sala Medal, Madrid. Lent by L. A. Lanthier, New York. Poultry, J. H. Dolph Poultry, J. H. Dolph Peasant in Salamanca, E. Sala Medal, Madrid. Lent by L. A. Lanthier, New York. Landscape, A. R. Veron J. Gaertner Norwegian "Waterfall, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. Landscape ; Twilight, The Orphans, Freight Boat on the Adriatic, Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. 471. Berkshire Hills, Connecticut, CyreniusHall James H. Beard Emile Louis Vernier David Johnson GALLERY E. 472. Spring Time, Ecouen, France, Emile Louis Vernier 473. Konigsee, Bavarian Mountains, Henry Koch 474. An Antwerp Beer-drinker, Willis Seaver Adams 475. Banks of the Oise, near Antwerp, Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. Achille Oudinot 476. A Holland Peasant, Willis Seaver Adams 477. Where is She? Venetian Lover, Arthur J. Pickering 478. A Rat in the House, C. P. Ream 479. Evening in France, J. C. Thorn 480. Bedouins in Conversation, near Manfaloot, Egypt, Frank Waller 481. Noonday Among the Ruins of Palmyra, Lockwood de Forest 482. View on Snake River, A. F. Leonians 483. Bay of New York, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. W. A. Coulter 484. "Heathen Chinee," Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. A. de Gault 485. Tourists and Peasants on the Rhine, Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. A. Kindler 486. The Chess Players, Thomas Eakins 487. Roses, Evelyn J. Bissell 488. Winter Landscape in the Tyrol, E. B. 489. Landscape and Cattle, John Pope 490. The Marriage, William H. Beard 491. Basket of Peaches, C. P. Ream 492. Prairie Lilies, Lucy Durham 493. Cottage in Devon, Richard Wilson 494. Harebells, Lucy Durham 495. Barnyard Scene, Stanly G. Middleton 496. Wild Roees, 497. Old Tower, near Albano, Italy, i ' 498. Road Scene at Villiers le Bel, France, A. E. Hardy J. F. Cropsey Stanly G. Middleton fi\ EXPOSITION ART GALLERY. 23 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. Scene in the Forest of Fontainebleau, An Episode of the Siege of Paris, in the late Franco-Prussian "War, Summer Landscape near Vienna, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. Study of Roses, Landscape, Derniers Rayons, Venice, Sir Galahad's Vision, Robin's Bath, The Letter, Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. The Yankee Pedlar, Ironing Day, Calla Lily, Love's Inquiry, Playing Mother, Reconnoitering, The Eve of the Fete Dieu, Still Life, Norwegian Fjord, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. The Day of the Betrothal, Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. The Path through the Woods, Beverly, Charles Georget P. Vaini A. Chwaia M. A. Thompspn F, Piquot F. Borgella H. Durieux Sara Bascom Gilbert Fidelia Bridges Jules James Rougeron Thos. W. Wood J. R. Stuart Evelyn J. Bissell Frost Johnson Henry Bacon Charles S. Reinhart Miss E. H. Hunt M. A. Thompson A. Chwaia Charles D. Hue Mass., Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. Ernest Longfellow 520. Summer in France, Karl Pierre Daubigny 521. 522. 523. Medals, 1868, 1874. Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. " Piccolina," A Neapolitan Peasant Child, J. Carroll Beckwith Fruit, Rufus Wright Froissart, the Chronicler, A. B. L. De Vriendt Lent by Williams & Everett, Boston. GALLERY E. 524. Prairie Grasses, F. K Bond 525. King's River Canon, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1869. Albert Bierstadt 526. Opium Poppy, Arthur J. Pickering 527. Lynch Law ; A Comrade's Appeal, John Mulvany 528. The Wreck, A. Van Beest 529. Sheep, Mrs. Frost Johnson 530. Caught, C. Boker 531. Revenge, 0. Boker 532. Arab at Prayer, E. L. Weeks 533. Morning in the Hills, So. Colorado, H. A. Elkins 534. View near Steiermartz, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. E.B. 535. Game Fowls, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. E. R. Maes 536. View near Munich, W. S. Macy 537. Brook Trout, S. A. Kilbourne 538. Young Quail, S. A. Kilbourne 539. The Little Nurse, Cornelia W. .Conant 540. Study of Apples, W. M. Brown 541. Fishing Boats off Coast of Maine, M. F. H. de Haas 542. First Leaves of Autumn, Chas. E. Dubois 543. Startled, A. F. Tait 544. Lilac Blossoms, Mrs. E. M. Scott 545. Spanish Troubadour, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. Ch. Leon Cardon 546. The Rivals, W. H. Beard EXPOSITION AET GALLERY. 25 GALLERY F. NOS. 551 TO 605. WATER COLORS. 551. Marine, A. T. Bricher 552. Israel in Egypt, Frank I. Jervis 553. Flowers, Lent by L. A. Lanthier, New York. F. Rivoire 554. Morning in New England, Henry P. Smith 555 On the Hudson, Lent by L. A. Lanthier, New Yerk. John Thorpe 556. Marguerite, Walter Satterlee 557. Close of Day, Charles S. Reinhart 558. Roses and "Wild Carrots, Lent by John Snedecor, New York. Teresa Hegg 559. Beech Woods, Miss C. Kerfoot 560. View near New London, Conn., F. A. Silva 561. Flowers, Lent by L. A. Lanthier, New York. F. Rivoire 562. Calm Day, Staten Island, Henry Farrer 563. Irish Interior ; Girl "Winding Yarn, Wm. Magrath 564. Marine, A. T. Bricher 565. New England Road Scene, H. W. Robbins 566. Orchid Blossoms, Mrs. H. A. Olcott 567. In a Cornfield, J. C. Nicol 568. Fish and Ducks, A. Perelli 26 GALLERY F. 569. Group of Game, A. Perelli 570 Falls on the Appellessant, near Adiron clacks, Mt. Marcy, Robert Hinshelwood 571. Marine, A. Van Beest 572. Heart of the Adirondacks, Robert Hinshelwood 573. Petersplatz, Munich, Mrs. Eliza Greatorex 574. The Shepherd, J. C. Thorn Lent by L. A. Lanthier. New York. 575. Schuldner Thurm, Munich, Mrs. Eliza Greatorex 576. Drawing- ; Pen and Ink, William Hart 577. Bishop's Pass, over Eagle Cliff, F. Hopkinson Smith 578. In the "Wild "Woods, F. Hopkinson Smith 579. Enfant de Bretagne, Charles J. Bridgrnan 580. A Secluded Nook, William Hart 581. An Hour of Enjoyment, Pietro Vaini 582. Rocky Beach, William Hart 583. The Mountain Slope, F. Hopkinson Smith 584. In Durer's Street, Nuremberg, Mrs. Eliza Greatorex 585. Arch in the via Julia, Borne, Mrs. Eliza Greatorex 586. Apple Bloseoms, Teresa Hegg Lent by John Snedecor, New York. 587, Greetings ; a Milanese Beauty, 58S. Trout Fishing, 589. Panel of Flowers, 590. Interior of "Westminster Abbey, 591. Hunters in Ambush, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussels. 592. Edward the Confessor's Shrine, "West- minster Abbey, Miss E. H. Hunt John Williamson Mrs. Isadore Taylor Miss E. H. Hunt L. B. Miss E. H. Hunt EXPOSITION ART GALLERY. 593. Percy Peaks, near Stratford, N. H., E. T. Wilson 594. Wood Path in November, Valley of the Oise, France, John W. Mansfield 595. The Spirit of the Times, Henry Peters Gray 596. In the Valley of the Connecticut, R. W. Hubbard 597. Cattle, J. H. Dolph 598. Pox and Stork ; Fable de la Fontaine, Lent by Dr. John Wilson, Brussel8. V. de Vos 599. Divine Reflection, Ambrose McNeal 600. "Wild Daisies, Mrs. S. La Monte 601. Bed Currants, Mrs. S. La Monte 602. Yellow Daisies, Mrs. S. La Monte 603. The Seasons, John Williamson 604. St. Andrew's Church, Somersetshire, Arthur Dadd 605. Cape Clear, South Ireland, Francis Dadd SPECIAL EXHIBITION ROOM. SPECIAL EXHIBITION ROOM HISTORICAL PAINTINGS. Homan Chariot Race, Alex. Wagner. Alexander Wagner was born at Pesth, the capital of Hungary, April 16, 1838, graduated at the Real-Gymnasium of his native city, and at the age of nineteen entered the Academy of Fine Arts at Vienna. The next year he entered the class of Prof. Carl Piloty in the Royal Academy of Munich, and in 1866, at the age of 28, was elected a professor in the Munich institution. The great work of his life is the " Chariot Race," which he painted for the Vienna Exposition, and then reproduced in grander proportions for the Centennial Exposition. The scene represents the close of an ex- citing race in the presence of the Emperor Domitian in the Circus Maximus at Rome, with all the beauty and wealth of the time. William the Silent, Prince of Orange, pawning his jewels, to carry on the "War of the Netherlands, Claudius Jacquand. A native of Lyons, France. Medal of second class, 1824 ; of first class, 1836 ; Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1839. Motley, the historian of the Dutch Republic, has ably portrayed the noble character of William, Prince of Orange. In the second volume, in the account of the sterrible campaign in the Nether- lands of the Duke of Alva, at the head of the Spanish army, the historian vividly describes the heroism and devotion of the patriot leader in the Provinces. The country had been devastated, EXPOSITION ART GALLERY. 29 the Prince was proscribed, his property declared confiscated, the people were terror-stricken and paralyzed. Realizing the necessity of upholding the national cause, William sought to rally once more the people around the patriotic standard. A modest but lofty courage moved him, and selling his jewels, his plate, his furniture, which were almost of regal magnificence, with unbroken spirit, " he hazarded all his possessions, his luxury, his fortune, his family, his life, his children, with the calm conviction of a statesman." Three times in this terrible and unequal war did William raise money for the payment of his army by the pawning and the sale of his personal effects. This picture represents the assembling of William, his family, and his tried adherents, in his own home, to negotiate a sale to the Jewish bankers and brokers. Before them are spread the house- hold treasures, and, while anxious for their assistance, the Prince protests, with calm dignity, against the extortions of the money lenders. The painting was formerly in the possession of the late King of Holland, and at his death was sold with other personal effects. Shakespeare Reading. From the Death-mask at Darmstadt. William Page. William Page, the artist, was born January 23, 1811, in Albany, New York, and while quite a young man commenced portrait painting in New York. From 1850 to 1861 he painted in Europe, devoting much time to the examination of the technical processes of Titian. Elected, in 1871, President of the National Academy of Design, his two famous works are " The Head of Christ," and the present picture finished for the Centennial Exposition, upon which he was engaged for over seven years. William Shakespeare, born in Stratford-upon-Avon, in April, 1564, died there April 23, 1616. His accredited portraits are the Stratford bust upon his tomb, finished by Gerard Johnson before- 1623, the copper-plate engraving by Martin Droeshout, published. 30 SPECIAL EXHIBITION EOOM. in 3623, and the Chandos oil portrait, now in the National Portrait Gallery at London. A death-mask made in 1616, the date of Shakespeare's death, belongs to Dr. Ernest Becker of Hesse-Darmstadt, which, after years study of the subject and critical examination of the cast itself, Mr. Page is convinced was taken from the face of the drama- tist. In 1847, Ludwig Becker, a portrait painter, bought a minia- ture painting, dated 1637, of a head upon a bier, which had be- longed to the Jesselstadt family for over a century. In 1849, he discovered the original death-mask for the painting at Mayence, and left it for eleven years with Prof. Owen, who could not com- plete a chain of evidence warranting its purchase for the British Museum. Mr. Page holds that the Darmstadt cast was the original guide to Johnson in preparing the bust on the tomb, and should be accepted as the only authoritative guide to the actual appear- ance of the poet. His views are ably set forth in an essay in JScribner's Monthly for September, 1875. INDEX OF ARTISTS. Abbott, Agnes D., 337 Fourth Avenue, New York 394/407 Adams, Willis Seaver, Cleveland 383, 474, 476 Alexander, C. A., 108 Dearborn Street, Chicago 305, 350, 420 Armstrong, D. Maitland, 153 Fourth Avenue, New York 39 B., E - 488, 534 B., L ... 591 Bacher, OttoH., Cleveland 13, 66 Bacon, Henry, 22 Rue Saint Ferdinand, Paris 232, 513 Baldwin, A. H., 1267 Broadway, New York. 371 Barstow, S. M., Brooklyn 5 Bartolini, F., Rome i '. 403, 406 Beard, James H., 1300 Broadway, New York 469 Beard, Harry, 1300 Broadway, New York.. _., 2 Beard. William H., 51 West 10th Street, New York 207, 4fiO, 546 Beaumont, Paris - 425 Becker, Leon, Brussels 18, 65 Beckwith, J. Carroll, 73 Rue Notre Dame des Champs, Paris 521 Beers, Julie H., Metucheu, N. J :'. 62, 87 Beers, Marion R. , Metuchen, N. J 347, 428 Bellows, A. F., Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 250, 325, 357, 380 Bianchi, Gerardo, Monza 320 Bierstadt, Albert, 51 West 10th Street, New York 16, 525 BisseM, Evelyn J., St. Louis 487, 511 Blackman, Walter, 7 Rue de la Bieufaisance, Paris 95, 240 Blakelock, R. H., New York.. 11 Boker, C ; 530, 531 Bond, Mrs. F. M., Austin, 111 524 Boogaard, W. J 23 Borgella, F., 202 AVabash Avenue, Chicago 504 Boughton, Geo. H., Grove Lodge, Palace Garden Terrace, Kensington, London .. 55 32 INDEX OF AKTISTS. Bricher, A. T., Y. M. C. A. Building, New York, 256, 302, 400, 419, 551, 564 Bridges, Fidelia, 50 Cheever Place, Brooklyn 329, 369, SOT Bridgman, Chas. J., Paris. 257, 579 Bristol, J. B., Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 449 Brooks, A. F., 170 State Street, Chicago 374 Brown, Geo. L., Boston 231 Brown, J. G., 51 West 10th Street, New York. __ 322, 381, 395 Brown, W. M., 658 Broadway, New York 239, 540 Campi, G., Milan 366 Cardon, Chas., Leon 545- Casilear, J. W., 51 West 10th Street, New York... 44 Champney, J. W., Deerfield, Mass 68, 271, 317, 415- Chase, W. M., Munich , , 218, 254 Church, F. E, Hudson, N. Y 275 Chwala, A., Venice 64, 458, 501, 517 Coleman, Geo., New York 353, 355, 377, 40& Colle-Leone, Venice 33 Colman, Samuel, 337 Fourth Avenue, New York 76, 270, 392 Conant, Cornelia W., Ecouen, France 40, 539 Copeland, Alfred B., Boston 221 Coulter, W. A., Brussels 14, 483 Cropsey, J. F., 4 East 23rd Street, New York 436, 497 Culver, Louisa B., Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 327, 364 Dadd, Arthur, London, (deceased) 604 Dadd, Francis, London -. 605- Darby, E/C., New York 354, 363 Darley, F. O. C., Claymont, Del. 301 Daubigny, Charles Francois, Paris 94 Daubigny, Karl Pierre, Paris 520 David, J., Paris 358- De Coninck, Pierre, Paris. _'_ 24 de Gault, A 484 de Forest, 51 West 10th Street, New York 48, 481 de Haas, M. F. H., 51 West 10th Street, New York 541 De Hageman, Paris 50 De Luce, Percival, 337 Fourth avenue, New York 359, 411 Deuchert, H., Paris 7ft INDEX OF ARTISTS. 33 de Vps, Paris 228, 230, 598 De Vriendt, A. B. L., Brussels 523 Dieffenbach, H. A., Wiesbaden 274 Dolph, J. H., 1151 Broadway, New York 77,241, 463,464, 597 Drury, J. H.,268 East Huron Street, Chicago 220 Dubois, Charles E., Paris 542 Durieux, H., Paris 505 Durham, Lucy, Beloit, Wis ..492, 494 Eakins, Thomas, Philadelphia .9, 383, 486 Earle, L. C., 26 Tribune Building, Chicago 15 Egusquiza, R., Madrid 450 Elkins, Henry A., 108 Dearborn Street, Chicago 533 Eroli, Madrid 438 Farrer, Henry, 1173 Broadway, New York 304, 332, 334, 562 Fletcher, Frederika J., Indianapolis. 351, 882 Fulton, Robert 28 Gaertner, J _ 467 Georget, Charles 499 Gibbon 445 Gifford, R. Swain, Y. M. C. A. Building, New York. . ..201, 219, 339, 396, 418 Gifford, Sandford R. , 51 West 10th Street, New York 88, 244 Gilbert, Sara Bascom, 667 Chapel Street, New Haven 319, 409, 506 Goebel, Antwerp 337 Gray, Henry Peters, 1800 Broadway, New York 595 Greatorex, Eliza, 7 East 15th St., New York.. 238, 284, 457, 573, 575, 584, 585 Greatorex, Kate H., 7 East 15th Street, New York 435, 452 Green, Frank R., 213 South Green Street, Chicago 30 Hall, Cyrenius, 170 State Street, Chicago 99, 468 Hardy, A. E., Bangor, Me 496 Harger, Alice, Lake Forest, 111 92 Harman, Amelia, 1155 Broadway, New York 67, 316, 375 Harrison, Mary E., 132 Elm Street, Chicago 312, 362 Hart, James M. , 1155 Broadway, New York 25 Hart, William, Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 214 Haseltine, Chas. F., 1125 & 1127 Chestnut Street, Phila., lends 277 Heade, M. J., 51 West 10th Street, New York 84 3 34 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Heaton, A. G., 337 Fourth Avenue, New York 215 Hegg, Teresa, Nice, France -. 360, 558, 586 Henry, E.L., 51 West 10th St., New York 100, 321, 434 Herring, J. F., Sr - 29 Hicks, Thomas, 6 Astor Place, New York .... 279 Hinshelwood, Robert, New York ...570, 572 Hoffier, Adolph, Frankfort, Germany 97 Howland, A. C., Y. M. C. A. Building, New York ... 269 Hubbard, R. W., 51 West 10th Street, New York .... 596 Hue, Charles D., Paris 518 Hull, W., London.. 314 Hunt, Miss E. H., London 429, 460, 515, 587, 590, 592 Inness, George, Booth's Building, New York 790 Jacobs, Nellie S., 337 Fourth Avenue, New York 204, 410 Jacquand, Claudius, Lyons, France Special Room. Jaime, Paris 842 Jervis, Frank I 552 Johnson, David, Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 282, 471 Johnson, Eastman, 65 East 55th Street, New York 61, 224, 260 Johnson, Frost, Y. M. C. A. Building, New York. 268, 512 Johnson, Mrs. Frost, Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 529 Jones, H. Bolton, Paris 255, 285 Julio, Everett B. D., New Orleans 82 Kappes, Alfred, 596 Broadway, New York 331 Kerfoot, Miss C., Pittsburgh 432, 559 Key, John R., Boston 442 Kilbourne, S. A., Morrisania, N. Y 537, 538 Kindler, A. , Dusseldorf 485 Klimsch, Eugene 424, 426 Knoedler, M. & Co., New York, lends 79 Koch, Henry, Chicago 473 Lambdin, Geo. C., Germantown, Philadelphia 281, 372, 408 La Monte, Mrs. S., 836 Wabash Avenue, Chicago 600, 601, 602 Lanthier, L. A,, 6 and 8 Astor Place, New York lends 265, 320, 366, 384, 402, 462, 465, 553, 555, 561, 574 Law, D. , London _ . . . . 344, 373 INDEX OF ARTISTS. 36 Leavitt, E. C., Providence, R. I 24 Le Clear, Thomas, 51 West 10th Street, New York 54 Lemmens, E., Paris -' 217 Leoinans, A. F. , 346 West Washington Street, Chicago 482 Longfellow, Ernest, Boston ' 519 Luminais, E., Paris 277 Lyman, J., Jr., 51 West 10th Street, New York 21 Macy, W. S., Munich 73, 266, 536 Maes, E. R., Brussels 22, 31, 32, 37,71, 535 Magrath, William, 806 Broadway, New York 309, 387, 391, 563 Mansfield, John W., New York. 85, 594 Marny, Paul, Paris 811, 378, 414, 421, 423 Marsh, J. S., 521 West Madison Street, Chicago 806, 340 Maynard, Geo. W., Paris 451 McCord, Herbert, 51 West 10th Street, New York 57, 58, 70, 276 McEntee, Jervis, 551 West 10th Street, New York 205 McNeal, Ambrose, 155 West Washington Street, Chicago 599 Meadows, Jas. E., London, (deceased) 29 Michis, Rome.. 365 Middleton, Stanly G., 40 Exchange Place, New York 495, 498 Midy, A. D., Paris... 358 Miller, Charles H., 146 West 10th Street, New York 249, 287 Minor, Robert C..Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 42, 211 Moran, Edward, 107 East 25th Street, New York 101, 330 Moran, Thomas, 9 Thomas Street, Newark, N. J 75, 229, 310, 349 Mulvany, John, Louisville, Ky 527 Nicoll, J. C., 51 West 10th Street, New York 69, 401, 567 Niemeyer, John H., Yale School of Art, New Haven, Ct 93, 202, 465 Noel, Jules, France 328 Noyes & Blakeslee, 127 Tremont Street, Boston lend 33, 221, 532 Oakey, M. R,, 44 West 17th Street, New York 272 Odenheimer, M. B., 788 Broadway, New York 34, 72 Ogilvie. Clinton, Y. M. C. A. Building. New York. 453 Olcott, Mrs. H. A., 376 Michigan avenue, Chicago 233, 253, 341, 566 Ouclinot, Achille, Paris... . 475 36 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Page, William, 51 West 10th Street, New York. Special Room Pattison, Robert J. , 40 East 23rd Street, New York 91, 226 Perelli, A., New Orleans 568, 569 Perkins, Granville, Harper Bros., New York 315, 318, 276, 404 Perry, E. Wood, 51 West 10th Street, New York 345, 448 Peterson, John E. C., New York, Deceased 26 Pickering, Arthur J., 69 Washington Street, Chicago 477, 526 Picou, Henri, Paris 88 Piquot, F., Paris 503 Planchi, P. Torino, Italy 402 Pope, John, 49 East 21st Street, New York 278, 489 Pranishnikoff, Ivan, P. Harper Bros., New York 388 Pratt, R. M., 45 East25th Street,New York 390 Prescott , Edward, 1267 Broadway, New York 4, 439 Quartley, Arthur, 3 Union Square, New York 52, 206, 386, 416 Ream, C. P. , 184 Washington Street, Chicago 478, 491 Ream, Morston, 39 Union Square, New York.. 81, 261 Reinhart, Chas. S., 58 East 13th Street, New York 514, 557 ilenner & Co. , 719 Sixth avenue, New York lend 88 Richards, William T., Newport, R. I 243, 356 Rivoire, Francois, Paris : 553, 561 Robbins, H. W., Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 235, 412, 565 Rougeron, Jules James, Paris 508 Ryder, P. P., 335 East 118th Street, New York 225, 441 Sala, E., Madrid, Spain. 462, 465 Bartain, Emily, 728 Sansom Street, Philadelphia 43, 245 Sartain, William, Paris 203, 258, 267, 454 Satterlee, Walter, Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 27, 210, 556 Saunier, Octave, Paris 384 Schaus, William, 749 Broadway lends 424, 426 Schenck 461 Schmidt, J. A., Antwerp 431 Schreyer, Adolph, Frankfort 61, 97 Scott, Mrs. E. M. , 126 State Street, Chicago. . - 313, 544 Seydel.E., Dresden - 222,247 Shattuck, A. D., 51 West 10th Street, New York 74 Shaw, Miss Annie C. , Metropolitan Block, Chicago T 208 INDEX OF ARTISTS. 37 Shelton, Geo. F., 19 West 17th Street, New York 3, 303, 308 Shirlaw, Walter, Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 78 Shurtleff, R. M. , 387 Fourth Ave., New York . 237, 338, 437 Silva, Francis A., 80a Broadway, New York.. 56, 86, 323, 335, 346, 370, 393 Smillie, James D., 337 Fourth Ave. , New York 49, 336, 343 Smith, A. Gary, 51 West 10th St., New York 209, 459 Smith, Calvin Rae, 28 S. Portland Avenue, Brooklyn 433, 443 Smith, F. Hopkinson, 126 East 44th Street, New York. 324, 361, 577, 578, 583 Smith, Henry P., 227 West llth Street, New York 367, 389, 397, 554 Smith, T. L., 337 Fourth Avenue, New York ..59, 248 Snedecor, John, New York lends 360, 558, 586 Sonntag, William L., 120 East 22d Street, New York 12, 259, 456 Spread, Henry F. , 170 State Street, Chicago 20, 236 Story, Geo. H., Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 251 Stuart, J. R., Madison, Wis 510 Symington, J. , New York 352 Tait, A.F., New York 543 Tail, John R., Baltimore 1, 38, 53, 265 Taylor, Mrs. Isadore, Chicago 589 Tiffany, Louis C., Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 213, 263 Thorn, J. C., Portchester, New York 60, 479, 574 Thompson, A. Wordsworth, Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 8, 223 Thompson, Miss M. A., 33 Dore Block, Chicago.. 502, 516 Thorpe, John 555 Unknown 41 Unterberger, F. R. , Brussels 6 V., Paris 216 Vaini, Pietro, New York (deceased) : 500, 581 VanBeest, A., Holland 262, 571 Van Elten, Kruseman, 51 West Tenth Street, New York, 35, 47, 307, 348, 398, 417, 422, 444 Vernier, Emile Louis, Paris 470, 472 Veron, A. R., Paris 466 Verschuur, W., Brussels (deceased) 63 Wagner, Alex., Munich Special Room Waller, Frank, Y. M. C. A. Building, New York 480 Wallin, Samuel, 39 Union Square, New York 368, 379, 413 38 INDEX OF ARTISTS. Wallis, Joshua, London, (deceased) 427, 430 Walter, J., Dusseldorf _ 283 Walters, M. Josephine, 293 State Street, Brooklyn 286 Ward, Charles C., New York , 212 Ward, Edgar M., 9 West 49th Street, New York 45, 96, 227 Webb, C. M., Antwerp.. __ 17, 89 Weeks, E. L., Boston ... 36, 532 Weir, Julian A., Paris 1 273, 447 Whittredge, W M 51 West Tenth Street, New York 264 Wiggins,- John C., 40 East Twenty-third Street, New York 10, 98 Wilkins, Mrs. G. J., Chicago... 80 Williams & Everett, 508 Washington Street, Boston lend 7, 26, 55, 61 63, 90, 94, 97, 231, 442, 450, 470, 472, 475, 485, 508, 518, 519, 520, 523 Williams, Mrs. F., 411 Center Street, Chicago 46 Williamson, John, 6 Astor Place, New York 234, 252, 588, 603 Wilson, E. T., Lancaster, N. H 593 Wilson, Dr. John, Brussels lends 6, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32 33, 37, 64, 65, 71, 89, 445, 458, 461, 467, 483 484, 488, 499, 501, 517, 534, 535, 545, 591, 598 Wilson, Richard, London 493 Witt, J. H., Ohio 102 Wood, Thomas W., 51 West 16th Street, New York 326, 509 Woodward, Laura, 1155 Broadway, New York 385, 399, 440, 446 Woutermartens, E., Charleroi 19 Wright, Rufus, 64 Court Street, Brooklyn ... 522 Wyant, A. H., Y. M. C. A. Building, New York _ 246 Ziem, Felix, Paris 56, 280 877