,•,*- '•'• ^•^\T»V//^V\^%V 'f ' /:• LIBRARY OF THL UNIVLRSITY or ILLINOIS q)7?>r7LCo2> I .^lrn! N ROO?A ^^ •#••• ^ ■''#Va^^ ••///*• Two Hundred and Fifty-four Sermons, Eulogies, Orations, Poems and Other I^amphlets relating to ABRAHAM LINCOLN SOLD AT AUCTION FEBRUARY 11, 1914, AT HEARTMAN'S AUCTION ROOM, 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK, WITH PRICES REALIZED AND NAMES OF BUYERS One hundred and twenty copies printed for Chas. Fred. Heartman ri The Items offered in this sale are from the Lambert Collection sold recently at Auction as follows: 283. EULOGIES, Sermons, Orations, Poems, and other pamphlets commemorative of Abraham Lincoln. 245 items, bound in 9 octavo volumes, half green morocco, v. p. — v. d. * A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF LiNCOLNiANA; mostly Memorial Addresses, some of which are scarce. They are arranged in alpha- betical order in the books, and all of the original front wrappers have been preserved. A few of them are presentation copies from the Authors. In this form it was not a desirable item, as most collectors already possessed some of the pamphlets. It is therefore broken up and offered as separate items at absolutely unrestricted Auction Sale. Some of the pamphlets have only the front wrapper. The greater part are uncut and every item is in fine condition. There are many presentation copies with dedication to Chas. Henry Hart. Very many contain also the addressed portion of the envelope in which they were sent to Mr. Hart, some of the envelopes being stamped. It is likely therefore that this collection was originally formed by Chas. Henry Hart. Chas. Fred Heartman. January 24, 1914. t CATALOGUE Two hundred and fifty-one Sermons, Orations, Eulogies, Poems and other Pamphlets relating to ABRAHAM LI N COLN , formerly a part of the Lambert Collection, and now the property of Chas. Fred. Heartman, will be sold at unrestricted Auction Sale, Wednesday, February 11, 191 k, 7:50 sharp, at 36 Lexington Ave., New York City. Phone: Graniercy 6591^. Everything will be sold at so much per number. No charges made for executing orders. BOTT. The Assassination and Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, at Washing- ton, on the 14th of April, 1865. By Abott A. Abott, Author of the " Life of Abraham Lincoln." 12mo, pp. 12. New York, [1865] vFirst Edition. Rare. 2. ADDRESSES on the consideration of resolutions relative to the Death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, January 23, 1866. Together with the last inaugural ad- dress of President Lincoln. 8vo, 24 pp. Harrisburgh, 1866 3. ALLEN (ETHAN). A discourse prepared for the National Fast Day, June 1, 1865, on account of the murder of our late President, and preached at St. Thomas'Church, Homestead, Baltimore County, Md. By Ethan Allen, Rector. Published at the request of his hearers. 12mo, pp. 12. Baltimore, 1865 V 300 copies printed. 4. ANDREW. House No. 227. Commonwealth of Massachusetts. [Address by His Excellency John A. Andrew, Governor, to the Legisla- ture, April 17th, 1865, on the Death of President Lincoln.] [No place, no year.] 8vo, pp. 8. 5. ARNOLD. Sketch of the Life of Abraham Lincoln. Compiled in most part from the History of Abraham Licnoln, and the Overthrow of Slavery. Published by Messrs. Clark & Co., Chicago. By Isaac N. Arnold. John B. Bachclder, Publisher, 59 Bcekman Street, New York, 1869. 8vo, pp. 75. Portrait. 5a. ASSASSINATION. The Assassinati(jn and History of the Conspiracy. A complute digest of the whole affair from its inception to its culmination. Sketches of the principal Characters. Reports of the Obsequies, etc. Fully illustrated. 8vo, 163 pp., original wrappers. Cincinnati, 1865 V Rare. 6 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, 6. ATHENi^UM CLUB. Commemorative Proceedings of the Athenaaeum Club, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. April, 1865. [Printed by C. S. Westcott & Co., 79 John St., New York. No year.] Royal 8vo, pp. 36(1). Portrait. •.•Contains addresses by Parke Godwin and others, and poem by Henry T. Tuck- erman. 500 copies printed. 7. ATWOOD. In Memoriam. Discourses in commemoration of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, delivered in the South Church, Salem, April 16th and June 1st, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. E. S. Atwood. 8vo, pp. 31. Salem: Printed at the office of the Salem Gazette, 1865 '.•SCO copies printed. 8. l^ADGER. The Humble Conqueror: A Discourse commemo- L^ rative of the Life and Services of Abraham Lincoln, Preached to the Cambridgeport Parish, April 23, 1865. By Rev. Henry C. Badger. 8 vo, pp. 18 Boston: William V. Spencer, 1865 9. BAIN. National Lessons from the Life and Death of President Lincoln. A Sermon preached in the United Presbyterian Church, Canons- burg, Pa., on Fast Day, Thursday, June 1, 1865. By Rev. J. W. Bain, Pastor. 8vo, pp. 16. Pittsburgh, 1865 •.■ 500 copies printed. 10. BALTIMORE. Proceedings of the City Council of Baltimore in relation to the death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. 8vo, pp. 24. [Baltimore, 1865] •.• 500 copies printed. 11. BANCROFT. Memorial Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the request of both Houses of the Congress of America, before them, in the House of Representatives at Washington, on the 12th day of February, 1866. By George Bancroft. 8vo, pp. 69. Portrait. Washington, 1866 12. BARNES (ALBERT). The State of the Country. A Discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, June 1, 1865. On the day appointed as a day of "Humiliation and Mourning," in view of the Death of the President of the United States. By Albert Barnes. 8vo, pp. 74. Philadelphia, 1865 •.• 500 copies printed. 13. BARR. A discourse delivered by the Rev. T. H. Barr at Canaan Center [Ohio], April 19, 1865, on the occasion of the Funeral Obsequies of our late President, Abraham Lincoln. 12mo, pp. 11. Republican Steam Power Press: Wooster, Ohio, 1865 VSOO copies printed. 14. BENJAMIN. Ode on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. By S. G. W. Benjamin. 12mo, pp. 15. Boston, 1865 •.•250 copies printed. 15. BINGHAM (J. C). The Spoiler Spoiled. A Sermon, preached in the Free Presbyterian Churches of Neshanock and Hopewell [Penn.], 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 7 Bingham, J. G. Thursday, June 1, 1865. By Rev. J. C. Bingham. Published by the Congregation. Printed at the Office of the Whig and Dispatch. 12mo, pp. 13. Mercer, [No Year] vSOO copies printed. The author's name misprinted. Should be Bigham. 16. BINGHAM (JOHN A.). Trial of the Conspirators for the Assassination of President Lincoln, etc. Argument of John A. Bingham, Special Judge Advocate, in reply to the arguments of the several counsel for Mary E. Surratt, David E. Herold, Lewis Payne, George A. Atzerodt, Michael O'Laughlin, Samuel A. Mudd, Edward Spangler and Samuel Arnold, charged wiih conspiracy and the murder of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Delivered June 27 and 28, 1865, before the Military Commission, Washington, D. C. 8vo, pp. 122. Washington, 1865 16a. BINNEY. Proceedings of the City Council of Providence on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, w^ith the Oration delivered before the municipal authorities and citizens, June 1, 1865, by William Binney, Esq. [Seal.] Knowles, Anthony and Co., Printers. 8vo, pp. 56. Providence, 1865 17. BLACKBURN. The Crime against the Presidency. A Sermon, delivered Sunday, April 16, 1865, in the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Trenton, N. J., by the Pastor, Rev. William M. Blackburn. 8vo, pp. 24. Trenton, N. J., 1865 vSOO copies printed. 18. BLAKE. A Sermon on the Services and Death of Abraham Lincoln, preached in Christ Church, Bridgeport, Conn., Easter Sunday, April 16, 1865. Repeated in the North Congretagional Church, Bridge- port, April 19, 1865. By Rev. John Falkner Blake, Rector of Christ Church, Bridgeport. 8vo, 29. New York, 1865 19. BLISS. "Clarum et Venerabile Nomen." A Discourse com- memorative of the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, delivered April 23, 1865. By Rev. T. E. Bliss, Pastor of the Union Church of Memphis. 8vo, pp. 16. Memphis, Tenn., 1865 20. BOARDMAN (GEORGE DANA). Addresses delivered in the Meeting House of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, April 14th, 16th, and 19th, 1865. By the Rev. George Dana Boardman, Pastor. 8vo, pp. 64. •.• Several bastard titles. 21. BOARDMAN (HENRY A.). The Peace we need and how to secure it. A Sermon preached in the Tenth Presbyterian Church, Phila- delphia, on the Day of National Humiliation, June 1, 1865. By Henry A. Boardman, D. D. 8vo, pp. 32. Philadelphia, 1865 8 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, 22. BOOTH (ROBERT R.). Personal Forgiveness and Public Jus- tice. A sermon preached in the Mercer Street Presbyterian Church, New York, April 23, 1865. By the Pastor, Robert Russell Booth, D. D. Pub- lished by request of the Young Men's Association of the Church. 8vo, pp. 23. New York, 1865 23. BOSTON. City of Boston [Seal.] Proceedings of the City Council on the Reception of an Address from Boston, England, on the Death of President Loncoln. [No imprint.] 1865. 8vo, pp. 6. ■.■ 350 copise printed. 24. BOSTON. Proceedings of the City Council of Boston, April 17, 1865, on Occasion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. [Seal.] Published by Order of the City Council. 4to, pp. 35. Boston, 1865 ■.•350 copies printed on alternate pages. 25. BRAKEMAN. A Great Man Fallen. A Sermon preached in the Methodist Church, Baton Rouge, La., April 23, 1865, on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by Rev. N. L. Brake- man, Post Chaplain. 8vo, pp. 32. Printed at the New Orleans Times Book and Job Office, 1865 26. BRIGGS. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, by George W. Briggs, D. D. June 1, 1865 [Seal]. With the proceedings of the City Council on the Death of the President. 8vo, pp. 48. Salem, Mass., 1865 27. BROOKLYN. Services and Addresses at the Unveiling of the Statue of Abraham Lincoln, Brooklyn, N. Y., October 21, 1869. 8vo, pp. 32. Published by the War Fund Committee: Brooklyn, 1869 V Principal address by Rev. Dr. Richard S. Storrs, Jr., D. D. 28. BROOKS (PHILLIPS). The Life and Death of Abraham Lin- coln. A Sermon preached at the Church of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, Sunday Morning, April 23, 1865, by the Rev. Phillips Brooks. 8vo, pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1865 29. [BROOM.] Abraham Lincoln's Character. Sketched by Eng- lish Travellers. Brooklyn, April 30, 1865. 8vo, pp. 4. [No place, no year.] V Caption title. Signed W. W. Bfroom.] Very rare. 30. BUENOS AIRES. Tribute to the memory of Abraham Lincoln by the American citizens resident in Buenos Aires. 8vo, pp. 25. Buenos Aires German Printing Office, S. Martin, ill. [No year.] •.• Proceedings of meetings held May 29 and 31, 1865, and a sermon delivered June 1 1 , by Rev. William Goodfellow. Very Rare. 31. BUFFALO. In Memoriam. Abraham Lincoln assassinated at Washington, April 14, 1865. Svo, pp. (4), 7-64, (2). Buffalo: Printing House of Matthews & Warren, Office of the Buffalo Commercial Adver- tiser. 1865 •.• Edited byMr. Henry W. Box of Buffalo. 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 9 32. BULLOCK. Abraham Lincoln: The Just Magistrate, the Representative Statesman, the Practical Philanthropist. Address by Alex. H. Bullock, before the City Council and Citizens of Worcester, June 1, 1865. 8vo, pp. 49. Worsecter, [No year.] 33. BURROWS. Palliative and Prejudiced Judgments Condemned. A Discourse delivered in the First Baptist Church, Richmond, Va., June 1, 1865. By J Lansing Burrows, D. D. 8vo, pp. 12. Richmond, Va.: Office of the Commercial Bulletin, 1865 34. BUTLER (C. M.). Funeral Address on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Church of the Covenant, April 19, 1865, by the Rev. C. M. Butler, D. D. Published by Request. 8vo, pp. 32. Philadelphia, 1865 35. BUTLER (HENRY E.). God's Way of Leading the Blind. A discourse commemorative of the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered by Rev. Henry E. Butler, in the Congregational Church, Keeseville, N. Y., April 23, 1865. 8vo, pp. 23. Burlington [Vt.], 1865 v 200 copies printed. 36. BUTLER (J. G.). The Martyr President. Our Grief and Our Duty. By J. G. Butler, Pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. 8vo, pp. 14. Washington, D. C, 1865 37. ^^AREY. Discourse by Rev. Mr. [Isaac E.] Carey, on the ^^ Death of Abraham Lincoln, Preached on the day of his Funeral, April 19th, 1865, in the First Presbyterian Church in Freeport, Illinois. 8vo, pp. 8. [No place, no year.] vVery rare. 38. Abraham Lincoln. The Value to the Nation of his exalted Character. Rev. Mr. Carey's Fast Day Sermon, preached June 1, 1865, in the First Presbyterian Church of Freeport, 111. 8vo, pp. 8. [No place, no year.] vVery rare. 39. CARNAHAN. Oration on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Six- teenth President of the United States, delivered before the Citizens of Gettysburg, Pa., June 1, 1865. By D. T. Carnahan, Pastor of the Pres- byterian Church. 8vo, pp. 24. Gettysburg, 1865 vSOO copies printed. 40. CHAMBERLAIN. The Assassination of President Lincoln. A Sermon preached in St. James Church, Birmingham, Ct., April 19th, 1865. By Rev. N. H. Chamberlain. 12mo, pp. 22. New York, 1865 •."500 copies printed. 41. CHASE. An Address on the Character and Example of Presi- dent Lincoln, delivered before the Athenaeum and Everett Societies of Haverford College, by Professor Thomas Chase, on Fifth Day Evening, Seventh Month 6th, 1865. 12mo, pp. 35. Philadelphia, 1865 vSOO copies printed. 10 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, 42. CHESTER. The Lesson of the Hour. Justice as well as Mercy. A Discourse preached on the Sabbath following the Assassination of the President, in the Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C, by the Pastor, Rev. John Chester. 8vo, pp. 16. Washington Chronicle Print. 1865 V 300 copies printed. 43. CLARK (ALEXANDER). Memorial Sermon, preached on the National Funeral Day of Abraham Lincoln, Wednesday Noon, April 19, 1865, at Union Chapel, Cincinnati. By Alexander Clark, Pastor. 8vo, pp. 16. Portrait. Cincinnati, [No year.] 44. CLARK (DANIEL). Eulogy on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, before the City Government of Manchester, N. H., June 1st, 1865. By Daniel Clark. 8vo, pp. 36. Manchester, N. H., 1865 45. CLARK (HENRY). An Eulogy on the Life and Services of President Lincoln, pronounced before the citizens of Poultney and Vicin- ity, April 19, 1865. By Henry Clark, Esq. 8vo, pp. 20. Ruthland, 1865 V Scarce. 46. CODDINGTON. Eulogy on President Lincoln, by David S. Coddington, delivered in the Citadel Square Church, Charleston, S. C, May 6th, 1865, at the request of the officers and soldiers in the Northern District, Department of the South. He is dead yet Speaketh. 8vo, pp. (2), 30. New York, 1865 V 500 copies. 47. COLFAX. Life and Principles of Abraham Lincoln. By Hon. Schuyler Colfax. Delivered in the Court House Square, at South Bend [Indiana], April 24, 1865. 8vo, pp. 29. Philadelphia, 1865 48. COLMAN. Assassination of the President. A Discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. De- livered at Acton, Mass., April 16th, 1865. Repeated in the Baptist Church, West Acton, June 1st, 1865. By Rev. Geo. W. Colman, Pastor Congregational Church, Acton. 8vo, pp. 15. Boston, 1865 •.• 200 copies printed. Scarce. 49. COOKE. A Sermon on the Life and Death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Delivered in Smyrna, Delaware, June 1, 1865. By Rev. C. Cooke, D. D. 12mo, pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1865 V300 copies printed. 50. COPPER (JAMES). The Death of President Lincoln. A Memorial Discourse, delivered in the Berean Baptist Church, West Phila- delphia, on Sunday, April 16th, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. James Cooper. 8vo, pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1865 •.• 500 copies printed. 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 11 51. CRAIG. A Sermon on the Fruits of our Bereavement, delivered in the Trinitarian Church, Sunday, April 23d, 1865, by VVheelock Craig. Published by Request. 8vo, pp. 14. New Bedford, Mass., 1865 vSOO copies printed. 52. CRANE. Sermon on the Occasion of the Death of President Lincoln. Preached in the South Baptist Church, Hartford, Conn., Sunday, April 16, 1865, by Rev. C. B. Crane. 8vo, pp. 29. Hartford, 1865 •.• 500 copies printed. 53. CROCKER. Eulogy upon the Character and Services of Abra- ham Lincoln, late President of the United States. Delivered by invita- tion of the Authorities of the City of Taunton, on the Occasion of the National Fast, June 1, 1865. By Samuel L. Crocker, Jr. 8vo, pp. 28. Boston, 1865 vSSO copies printed. 54. CROZIER. The Nation's Loss. A Discourse upon the Life, Services, and Death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. By Hiram P. Crozier. Delivered at Huntingdon, L. I., April 19th, 1865. 8vo, pp. 16. ( New York, 1865 V 500 copies printed. 55. CUSHMAN. Resolutions and Discourse, occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, who died at Washington City, April 15, 1865. By Rev. R. S. Cushman. 8vo, pp. 20. Manchester, 1865 VSOO copies printed. 56. CUTTER. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Rockland, Maine, April 19, 1865, by request of the citizens. By Rev. Edward F. Cutter. 8vo, pp. 16. Boston, 1865 *.• 300 copies printed. 57. r^AGGETT. A Sermon on the death of Abraham Lincoln, J-^ April 15th, 1865, preached in the First Congregational Church, Canandaigua, N. Y., Sunday Morning, April 16th, 1865, and again, by request, the following Wednesday Evening, by the Pastor, O. E. Daggett. 12mo, pp. 16. Canandaigua, N. Y. : N. J. Milliken, Printer, Ontario County Times Office, 1865 58. DARLING. Grief and Duty. A Discourse delivered in the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Albany, April 19th, 1865, the Day of the Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln. By Henry Darling, D. D., Pastor of the Church. 8vo, pp. 24. Albany, 1865 59. DASCOMB. A Discourse preached by Rev. A. B. Dascomb, to his people at Waitsficld, Vt., in honor of our late Chief Magistrate, on Sunday, April 23, 1865. Published by Request. 8vo, pp. 23. Montpelier, 1865 •.•400 copies printed. \tN»VfP'' 12 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, 60. DAVIDSON (JOHN), Address on the death of Abraham Lin- coln, President of the United States. Delivered before the Lexington Literary Association, New York, April 19, 1865. By John Davidson. 8vo, pp. 16. New York, 1865 61. DAVIDSON (ROBERT). The Lessons of the Hour. A Dis- course upon the Death of President Lincoln, delivered in the First Presby- terian Church, Huntington, Long Island, April 19th, 1865, by Rev. Rob- ert Davidson, D. D. Published by Request. Second edition. 8vo, pp.12. Huntington: Long Islander Print. [No year.] vOnly 300 printed. 62. DAY. A Memorial discourse on the character of Abraham Lin- coln, President of the United States, delivered in Hollis, N. H., on the day of the National Fast, June 1, 1865. By P. B. Day, Pastor of the Congre- gational Church. Published by request. 8vo, pp. 20. Concord, 1865 •.•450 copies printed. 63. DEAN (SYDNEY). Eulogy pronounced in the City Hall, Providence, April 19, 1865, on the Occasion of the Funeral Solemnities of Abraham Lincoln, By Rev. Sidney Dean. 8vo, pp. 23. Providence, 1865 64. DEMING. Eulogy of Abraham Lincoln, by Henry Champion Deming, before the General Assembly of Connecticut, at Allyn Hall, Hartford, Thursday, June 8th, 1865. 8vo, pp. 58. Hartford, 1865 65. DE NORMANDIE. The Lord Reigneth: A few words on Sun- day Morning, April 16th, 1865, after the Assassination of Abraham Lin- coln. By James DeNormandie, Minister of the South Parish, Ports- mouth, N. H. 16mo, pp. 8. [No place, no year.] 66. DEXTER. What ought to be done with the Freedmen and with the Rebels. A sermon preached in the Berkeley street church, Boston (Mass.), on Sunday, April 23, 1865. By Henry Martin Dexter. 8vo, pp. 36. Boston, 1865 67. DIX. The Death of President Lincoln. A Sermon preached in St. Paul's Chapel, New York, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865. By the Rev. Morgan Dix, S. T. D. 8vo, pp. 16. Cambridge, 1865 68. The same. Another copy. 69. DRUMM. Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. A Sermon preached on the Morning of Easter Sunday, April 16th, 1865, in St. James Church, Bristol, Pa., by the Rev. John H. Drumm, M. D., Rector of the Parish. 12mo, pp. 21. Wm. Bache, Printer: Bristol. [1865.] V2S0 copies printed. 70. DUANE. A Sermon preached in St. John's Church, Providence, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865, the day appointed for the Funeral Obse- 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 13 Duane quies of President Lincoln, by the Rev. Richard B. Duane, Assistant Rector. 8vo, pp. 15. Providence, 1865 vSOO copies printed. 71. DUDLEY. Discourse preached in the South Congregational Church, Middletown, Ct., on the Sabbath Morning after the Assassina- tion of President Lincoln. By John L. Dudley, Pastor of the Church. 8vo, pp. 28. Middletown, 1865 V Cover title, "Slavery's last word." 72. DUFFIELD. The Nation's Wail. A Discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church of Detroit, on Sabbath, the 16th of April, 1865, by George Duffield, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Detroit. 8vo, pp. 18. Detroit, 1865 •.• 600 copies printed. 73. DUNNING. Address delivered on the occasion of the Funeral Solemnities of the late President of the United States, in the First Consti- tutional Presbyterian Church, April 19, 1865. By Rev. H. Dunning, Pastor. 8vo, pp. 12. Baltimore, 1865 vSOO copies printed. 74. The Nameless Crime: A Discourse, delivered in the First Constitutional Presbyterian Church, Sunday Night, April 23, 1865, by Rev. H. Dunning, Pastor. Printed by request. 8vo, pp. 12. Baltimore, 1865 vSOO copies printed. 75. The Assassination: Its Lessons to Young Men, A Discourse deHvered in the First Constitutional Presbyterian Church, May 7, 1865. By Rev. H. Dunning, Pastor. Printed by request. 8vo, pp. 12. Baltimore, 1865 vSOO copies printed. 76. DYER. Discourse occasioned by the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Albany Penitentiary, a Military Prison of the United States, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, by David Dyer. 8vo, pp. 20. Albany, 1865 •.• 600 copies printed. 77. pODY (DANIEL C). The Martyr President. A Sermon J— 4 preached before the Baldwin Place Church, April 16, 1865. By Daniel C. Eddy, D. D. 18mo, pp. 23. Boston, 1865 78. EDDY (RICHARD). "The Martyr to Liberty." Three Ser- mons preached in the First Universalist Church, Philadelphia, Sunday, April 16th, Wednesday, April 19th, and Thursday, June 1st, by Richard Eddy, Pastor. 8vo, pp. 27. Philadelphia, 1865 •.•300 copies printed. 79. The same. Title page different set up. Another copy. Half morocco. 14 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, 80. EDDY (T. M.). Abraham Lincoln. A Memorial Discourse, by Rev. T. M. Eddy, D. D., delivered at a Union Meeting, held in the Presbyterian Church, Waukegan, Illinois, Wednesday, April 19, 1865. Published by request. 8vo, pp. 24. Chicago: Printed at the Methodist Book Depository. Charles Philbrick, Printer. 1865 81. EDGAR. Three Sermons by Rev. C. H. Edgar, D. D., occasioned by the Assassination of President Lincoln, preached in the Reformed Dutch Church, Easton, Pa., April 16th, 19th, and 23rd, 1865. 8vo, pp. (2) 20. Easton, Pa., 1865 v200 copies printed. 82. Josiah and Lincoln, The Great Reformers. A Tribute to the Worth and Work of our Martyr-President, delivered in the Reformed Dutch Church, Easton, Pa., on Fast Day, June 1, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. Cornelius H. Edgar, D. D. 8vo, pp. (2)12. Easton, Pa., 1865 V 300 copies printed. 82a. EDWARDS (HENRY L.). Discourse commemorative of Our Illustrious Martyr. Delivered June 1, 1865. 8vo, 16 pp. Boston, 1865 V 500 copies printed. 83. EGAR. The Martyr-President. A Sermon preached in the Church of St. Paul, Leavenworth, on the First Sunday after Easter, and again by request on the National Fast Day, June 1st, 1865. By the Rev. John H. Egar, B. D., Rector. 8vo, pp. 16. Leavenworth, 1865 V 500 copies printed. 84. EINHORN. Trauer-Rede, gehalten am 19ten April, 1865, als am Tage der Beisetzung des am 15 April, entscheummerten Abraham Lincoln, Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten, im Tempel der Keneseth Israel Gemeinde zu Philadelphia Von Dr. David Einhorn. Preis 10 cents.Zu Haben bei Stein und Jones, No. 321 Chestnut Strasse. 8vo, pp. 8. [No year.] V Rare. 85. ELLIS (CHARLES M.). The Memorial Address on Abraham Lincoln, delivered at the Hall of the Mechanic's Institute, Saint John, N. B, June 1, 1865. At the invitation of the Citizens. By Charles M. Ellis, Esq., of Boston, Mass. 16mo, pp. 31. Saint John, N. B., J. & A. McMillan, 78 Prince Wm. Street. 1865 86. L^AROUHAR. The claims of God to recognition in the As- A sassination of President Lincoln. A Sermon preached on the day of National Humiliation and Prayer, in the Chanceford Pres- byterian Church, Lower Chanceford, York Co., Pa., and in the Prospect Methodist Episcopal Church, Fawn, York Co., Pa. By the Rev. John Farquhar. 8vo, pp. 23. Lancaster, Pa., 1865 87. FIELD. Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, by the Hon. Richard S. Field. Delivered before the Legislature of New Jersey, February 12, 1866. 8vo, pp. 40. Trenton, N. J., 1866 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY, IS 88. FLEMINGTON. Discourses Memorial of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States. Delivered in Fiemington, N. J., by the Pastors of the different Churches, on Wednesday, April 19th, 1865. Published by the Citizens. 12mo, pp. 22, 16, 13. Lambertville, N. J., 1865 •.•400 copies printed. 89. FOWLER (HENRY). Character and Death of Abraham Lin- coln. A Discourse preached at Auburn, N. Y., April 23, 1865 By Rev. Henry Fowler, Pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church. Published by Request. Svo, pp. 16. Auburn, N. Y., 1865 •.•500 copies printed. 90. FOWLER (JOHN). An Address on the Death of President Lincoln, delivered at the request of the Citizens of New Rochelle, West- chester, Co., N. Y., by John Fowler, Jr., Thursday Ev'g, April 20, 1865, in the Old Episcopal Church, New Rochelle. 8vo, pp. 28. New York, 1865 91. FULLER. A City or House Divided Against Itself. A Dis- course delivered by Rev. Richard Fuller, D. D., On the First day of June, 1865. 8vo, pp. 20. Baltimore, 1865 92. A^ ADDIS. Sermon upon the Assassination of Abraham VJ Lincoln, by Rev. M. P. Caddis, Pastor Sixth Street M. P. Church. Delivered in Pike's Opera House, April 16, 1865. Wash- ington the Father, Lincoln the Savior of our Country. 8vo, pp. 15. Cincinnati, 1865 •.• Scarce. 93. GARRISON. The Teachings of the Crisis. Address delivered in St. Paul's Church, Camden, N. J., on the occasion of The Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, April 19, 1865. By Rev. J. F. Garrison, M, D. Pub- lished by request. 8vo, pp. 20. Camden, N.J. , 1865 •.■"Second Edition." 600 copies printed. 94. GEAR. The Nation's Grief for its fallen Chief. A Sermon preached in the First Congregational Chapel, Philadelphia, Sabbath Evening, April 23d, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. D. L. Gear. Published by request. 8vo, pp. 8. Philadelphia, 1865 95. GILLETTE. God Seen Above all National Calamities. A Ser- mon on the Death of President Lincoln, April 23, 1865. By A. D. Gillette, D. D., Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Washington, D. C. 8vo, pp. 15. Washington, D. C, 1865 96. GORDON. The Sin of Reviling, and its Work. A Funeral Sermon, occasioned by the assassination of President Lincoln, April 14th, 1865. By Rev. W. R. Gordon, D. D., Preached on May 7, 1865. Svo, pp. 24. New York, 1865 97. GURLEY. The Voice of the Rod. A Sermon preached on Thursday, June I, 1865, in the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, 16 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, Gurley Washington, D. C, by the Rev. P. D. Gurley, D. D., Pastor of the Church. 8vo, pp. 16. Washington, D. C, 1865 •.•Rare. 98. Proceedings of a Called Meeting of Ministers of all Religious Denominations in the District of Columbia, in the First Baptist Church on Thirteenth Street, Monday, April 17, in reference to the sore bereave- ment which the country has suffered in the sudden decease of our beloved Chief Magistrate, Abraham Lincoln, with the Remarks of Rev. Dr. Gur- ley, addressed to the President of the United States, Andrew Johnson, and the reply of the President. 8vo, pp. 14. Washington, D. C, 1865 '.■ 500 copies printed. 99. GUTHRIE. Oration on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. Ad- dressed to the American People. By Dr. W. E. Guthrie. 18mo, pp. 9. Philadelphia, 1865 •-• Scarce. 100. 11 ALL (CHARLES H.). A Mournful Easter. A Discourse Jl JI delivered in the Church of the Epiphany, Washington, D. C, on Easter Day, April 19, 1865, by the Rector, Rev. Charles H. Hall, D. D. 8vo, pp. 15. Washington, 1865 •.'500 copies printed. 101. HALL (GORDON). President Lincoln's Death; Its Voice to the People. A Discourse by Gordon Hall, D. D., Pastor of the Edwards Church. Preached in the First Church, Northampton, April 19, 1865. 8vo, pp. 16. Northampton, Mass., 1865 102. HALL (NEWMAN). A Sermon on the Assassination of Abra- ham Lincoln, Preached at Surrey Chapel, London, Sunday, May 14, 1865. By Rev. Newman Hall. 8vo, pp. 16. Boston, 1865 ■.'500 copies printed. 103. HAMILL. President Lincoln, a faithful son. An Address de- livered before the High School, Lawrenceville, N. J., by Samuel M. Hamill, D. D., June 1st, 1865. 8vo, pp. 11. Trenton, 1865 VSOO copies printed. 104. HAMMOND (CHARLES). A Sermon on the Life and Char- acter of Abraham Lincoln, Preached at Monson, at the United Service of the Congregational and Methodist Churches, on the occasion of the Na- tional Fast, June 1, 1865. By Charles Hammond, Principal of Monson Academy. 8vo, pp. 21. Springfield, 1865 •." 300 copies printed. 105. HAMMOND (WILLIAM G.). Abraham Lincoln; A Eulogy delivered at Animosa, Iowa, on the day of the State Fast, April 27, 1865. By William G. Hammond. Published by Request. 8vo, pp. 16. Davenport, 1865 V 400 copies printed. 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 17 106. HANAFORD. Our Martyred President. By Mrs. P. A. Hanaford. Abraham Lincoln: Born February 12, 1809; Died, April 15, 1865. [Motto.] 8vo, pp. 24. Portrait. Boston, 1865 107. HARDINGE. The Great Funeral Oration on Abraham Lincoln, by Miss Emma Hardinge. Delivered Sunday, April 16, 1865, at Cooper Institute, New York, before upwards of three thousand persons. 8vo, pp. 28. New York: American News Company, Nassau Street. (No year.] ".•Author, Emma Hardinge Brittan. 108. HATHAWAY. A Discourse occasioned by the Death of Abra- ham Lincoln: Preached at Coxsackie, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865, by Warren Hathaway. 8vo, pp. 24. Albany, 1865 109. HAVEN (E. O.). Memorial Proceedings in honor of Abraham Lincoln. 8vo, pp. 11. Ann Arbour, 1865 110. HAVEN. The Uniter and Liberator of America. A Memorial Discourse on the Character and Career of Abraham Lincoln: delivered in the North Russell Street M. E. Church, Boston, Sunday, April 23, 1865, by Gilbert Haven. [Motto.] 8vo, pp. 32. Boston, 1865 vSOO copies printed. 111. HAWLEY. Truth and Righteousness Triumphant. A Dis- course Commemorative of the Death of President Lincoln: preached in the Washington Avenue M. E. Church, April 20, 1865, by B. Hawley, D. D. 8vo, pp. 20. Albany, N. Y., 1865 V 500 copies printed. 112. HAYDEN (CAROLINE A.). Our Country's Martyr. A Tribute to Abraham Lincoln, our beloved and lamented President. By Mrs. Caroline A. Hayden. 12mo, pp. 23. Boston, 1865 113. HAYDEN (WM. B.). A Brief Abstract of remarks by Rev. Wm. B. Hayden, at the New Jerusalem Church, on the Funeral of the President, April 19, 1865. 8vo, pp. 10. Cincinnati, 1865 ■."250 copies printed. 114. "HE IS RISEN." Poetry. 8vo, pp. 4. No place, no date. 115. HEP WORTH. Two Sermons Preached in the Church of the Unity, April 23, 1865. I. On the Death of Abraham Lincoln. II. Duties suggested by the National Grief. By George H. Hepworth, Pas- tor of the Society. 12mo, pp. 27. Boston, 1865 116. HIBBARD. In Memory of Abraham Lincoln. A Discourse delivered in the F"irst Congregational Unitarian Church in Detroit, Mich., Sunday, April 17th, 1865, by A. G. Hibbard, Pastor of the Church. Pub- lished by request. 8vo, pp. 12. Detroit, 1865 V 200 copies printed. 117. HINGELEY. The Character and Greatness of Abraham Lin- coln. A Discourse delivered April 23, 1865. By Rev. E. Hingelcy, Pastor of the M. E. Church, Monongahela City, Pa. 8vo, pp. 15. [No imprint, no year.J 18 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, 118. HITCHCOCK (HENRY L.). God Acknowledged, in the Nation's Bereavement. A Sermon delivered in Hudson, Ohio, on the day of the obsequies of Abraham Lincoln, April 19th, 1865, by Henry L. Hitchcock. Svo, pp. 23. Cleveland, 1865 119. HOCHHEIMER. Predgit, gehalten am 19. April 1865, als am Tage des Leichenbegangnisses des Prasidenten der Ver. Staaten, Abraham Lincoln's, von H. Hochheimer, Rabbiner der Oheb-Israel- Gemeinde in Baltimore. Auf Verlangen dem Druch ubergeben. Ged- rucht bei Th. Kroh. 12mo, pp. 8 (1). '.•350 copies printed. Very scarce. 120. Fest und Fasttag. Predgit am i. Juni 1865, (dem zweiten Tage Schebuoth), als an dem, von dem Prasidenten der Vereinigten Staaten angeordneten Busz-und Bettage, zum Gedachtnisse des ernor- deten Prasidenten Abraham Lincoln, gehalten von H. Hochheimer, Rabbiner der Oheb-Israel-Gemeinde in Baltimore. Zum Besten des Lincoln-Monuments. Gedrucht bei Th. Kroh. 12mo, pp. 9. •.• 350 copies printed. Very scarce. 121. HOLLAND. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, pronounced at the City Hall, Springfield, Mass., April 19, 1865. By J. G. Holland. Svo, pp. 18. Springfield: Samuel Bowles & Co..: L. J. Powers, 1865 122. HOPKINS. A Discourse, on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, Delivered in the 1st Presbyterian Church in Bloomington, Indiana, April 19th, 1865, by Rev. T. M. Hopkins. 8vo, pp. 7. [No place, no year.] v350 copies printed. Scarce. 123. HORNBLOWER. Sermon Occasioned by the Assassination of President Lincoln. Delivered April 16th, 1865, in First Presbyterian Church, of Paterson, N. J., by W. H. Hornblower, Pastor. 8vo, pp. 15. Paterson, N. J., 1865 124. HOWLETT. The Dealings of God with our Nation. A Dis- course delivered in Washington, D. C, on the Day of Humiliation and Prayer, June 1, 1865, by Rev. T. R. Howlett, Pastor of the Calvary Bap- tist Church. 8vo, pp. 7. Washington, D. C, 1865 125. ¥VES. Victory turned into Mourning. A Discourse, on K occasion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, late Presi- dent of the United States, preached at Castine [Maine, April 16th, 1865] by Alfred E. Ives. Published by Request. Svo, pp. 14. Bangor, 1865 •.•250 copies printed. 126. IeFFERY. The Mission of Abraham Lincoln. A Sermon %J preached before the Fourth Baptist Church, Philadel- phia, Thursday Morning, June 1st, 186 5. By R. Jeffery, D. D. Svo, pp. 28. Philadelphia, 1865 127. JOHNSON (HERRICK). "God's ways unsearchable." A Discourse, on the Death of President Lincoln, preached before the Third 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 19 Johnson, Herrick Presbyterian Congregation, in Mozart Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa., Sunday, April 23rd, 1865. By Rev. Herrick Johnson, Pastor. 8vo, pp. 11. Pittsburgh [1865] vVery rare. 128. JOHNSON (REVERDY). An Argument to establish the Il- legality of Military Commissions in the United States, And Especially of the One Organized for the Trial of the Parties Charged with Conspiring to Assassinate the Late President, and others. Presented to that Com- mission on Monday, the 19th of June, 1865, and prepared by Reverdy Johnson. 8vo, pp. 31. Baltimore: 1865 •." Scarce. 129. JOHNSON (WILLIAM M.). Our Martyred President. A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln, preached in Stillwater, N. Y., April 16th, 1865, by Rev. William M. Johnson. Published by Re- quest. 8vo, pp. 14. Troy, N. Y., 1865 •.•200 copies printed. 130. JOHNSTON (E. S.). Sermon delivered on Thursday, June 1st, 1865. The day of special humiliation and prayer in consequence of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln; at the Second English Evangelical Lutheran Church, Harrisburg, Pa. By Rev. E. S. Johnson. Theo. F. Scheffer, Printer. 8vo, pp. 11. 1865 131. JORDAN. Deathof Abraham Lincoln. A Discourse delivered on the day of the National Fast, June 1, 1865, at the Congregational Church, Cumberland Centre, Me. By Rev. E. S. Jordan. Published by request of the Congregation. 8vo, pp. 18. Portland, 1865 •.• 275 copies printed. 132. I^EELING. The Death of Moses. A Sermon preached Jk^ in Trinity (P. E.) Church, on Sunday Evening, April 23, 1865, By Rev. R. J. Keeling, Rector, as a Tribute of Respect to the Memory of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, and Assassinated in the City of Washington, on Friday night, April 14, 1865. 8vo, pp. 16. Washington, D. C, 1865 •.•500 copies printed. 133. KEITH. An Address delivered at the Funeral Solemnities of the late President Lincoln at the Church of Our Savior, Jenkintown, Wednesday noon, April l9th, 1865, by Rev. O. B. Keith, Rector. 8vo, pp. 8. Philadelphia, 1865 •.•250 copies printed. 134. KIP. Address delivered at Homburg-les-Bains, Germany, on the First Day of June, 1865, being the day appointed by the President of the United States, as a day of Humiliation and Prayer; by the Right Rev. Wm. Ingraham Kip, D. D., Bishop of California. [C. Naumann's Druckerei.] 8vo, pp. 11. Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1865 V Scarce. 20 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, 135. KRAUTH. The Two Pageants. A Discourse delivered in the First Eng. Evan. Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, Pa., Thursday, June 1st, 1865. By Charles P. Krauth, D. D. [Motto.] 8vo, pp. 23. Pittsburgh, 1865 136. KREBS. Rede zum Andenken an Abraham Lincoln, Prasiden der Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika. Ermordet am Charfreitage, April 14, 1865, A. D. Evang. Luc. xxiv.. Vers 21 und 5. Gehalten am 19 April 1865, dem Tage des Leichenzuges, 12 Uhr Mittags, in der Kirche zum Heiligen Gieste in St. Louis, von Ernst Hugo Krebs, Pastor und Doktor der Philosophie. 8vo, pp. 7. [No place, no year.] vVery scarce. 137. A Sermon in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America. Assassinated on Good Friday, April 14, 1865 A. D. Luke xxiv, 21st, and 5th. Delivered April 19, 1865, at noon in the Church of the Holy Ghost in St. Louis, Mo. From the Ger- man of the Rev. Dr. Hugo Krebs. Translated by a Lady Hearer. 8vo, pp. 8. [No place, no year.] 138. ¥ AMB. Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln M^ Preached in the Congregational Church of Rootstown [Ohio]. By Rev. E. E. Lamb, Sabbath Morning, April 23, 1865. (Re- published by Request.) 8vo, pp. 14. [No place, no year.] •.•200 copies printed. Scarce. 139. LAURIE. Three discourses, preached in the South Evangelical Church, West Roxbury, Mass., April 13th, 19th and 23d, 1865, by Thomas Laurie. Published by Request. 8vo, pp. 40. Dedham, Mass., 1865 •.• 600 copies. 140. LINCOLN. Gems from Abraham Lincoln. Born February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Ky. Died April 15, 1865, at Washington, D. C. Small 4to, pp. (32). Published by Trent, Filmer & Co., 37 Park Row, and Derby & Miller, 5 Spruce St., New York. 1865. 141. LORING. The Present Crisis. A Speech delivered by Dr. George B. Loring, at Lyceum Hall, Salem, Wednesday Evening, April 26, 1865, on the Assassination of President Lincoln. Dr. Loring's letter to the Salem Gazette on Reconstruction. Published by Request. 8vo, pp. 12. South Danvers, 1865 142. LOWE. Death of President Lincoln: A Sermon delivered in the Unitarian Church in Archdale Street, Charleston, S. C, Sunday, April 23, 1865. By Rev. Charles Lowe, of Massachusetts. Published by Request of the Congregation. 12mo, pp. 24. Boston, 1865 143. LOWRIE. The Lessons of our National Sorrow. A Discourse delivered in the First Pres yterian Church of Fort Wayne, Indiana, on the Sabbath Morning, April 16, 1865, succeeding the death of Abraham Lin- coln, By John M. Lowrie, Pastor of the Church. 8vo, pp. 16. Fort Wayne, 1865 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 21 144. LUDLOW (JAMES M.)- Sermon commemorative of National Events, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Albany, N. Y., April 23, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. James M. Ludlow. 8vp, pp. 27. Albany, 1865 VSOO copies printed. 145. j^^cCAULEY. Character and Services of Abraham Lin- IV A coin: A Sermon preached in the Eutaw Methodist Episcopal Church, on the Day of National Humiliation and Mourning, appointed by the President of the United States, Thursday, June 1, 1865, By Rev. Jas. A. McCauley. 8vo, pp. 16. Baltimore, 1865 ■.'500 copies printed. 146. McCLINTOCK. Discourse delivered on the Day of the Fu- neral of President Lincoln, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, in St. Paul's Church, New York, by John McClintock, D.D., LL.D. Reported by J. T. Butts. 8vo, pp. 35. New York, 1865 146a. MACDONALD (JAMES M.). President Lincoln, His Figure in History. A Discourse delivered June 1, 1865, at Princeton. 8vo, 23 pp New York, Scribner, 1865 V Only 250 copies printed. 147. MAGEL'REY. The Substance of Two Discourses, occasioned by the National Bereavement, the Assassination of the President. De- livered in the St. James Episcopal Church, Wooster, Ohio, Easter Day, 1865, by the Rector, Rev. J. H. Mac El'Rey, M. D. [Motto.] 12mo, pp. 24. Republican Steam Power Press, Wooster, Ohio, 1865 •.•400 copies printed. 148. MARTYR. The Martyr President. 12mo, pp. 43. Carleton, Publisher: New York, 1865 •.•500 copies printed on glanced paper. Signed R. H. Newell (Orpheus C. Kerr). Scarce. 149. MAYO. The Nation's Sacrifice: Abraham Lincoln. Two Discourses, delivered on Sunday Morning, April 16, and Wednesday Morning, April 19, 1865, in the Church of the Redeemer, Cincinnati, Ohio. By A. D. Mayo, Pastor. 8vo, pp. 28. Cincinnati, 1865. 150. MITCHELL (S. S.). Presbyterian Church of Harrisburgh, April 19, 1865. In Memoriam. An Address by the Pastor, Rev. S. S. Mitchell. 8vo, pp. 15. Harrisburgh, 1865 151. MORAIS. An Address on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, delivered before the Congregation Mikve Israel of Philadelphia, at their Synagogue in Seventh Street, by the Rev. S. Morais, Minister of the Congregation, on Wednesday, April 19, 1865. 8vo, pp. 7. Philadelphia, 1865—5625 •.•500 copies printed. 152. MORGAN. In Memoriam. (1). Joy Darkened. Sermon preached in St. Thomas' Church, New York, Easter Sunday Morning, April 16. 1865, by the Rector. [Rev. William F. Morgan, D. D.] (2). 22 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, Morgan Order of Services in St. Thomas' Church, New York, Wednesday, April 19th. (3). The Prolonged Lament. Sermon preached in St. Thomas Church, New York, on the 1st Sunday after Easter, April 23, 1865, by the Rector. Baker & Godwin, Printers, No. 1 Spruce Street, N. Y. 8vo, pp.47. V 300 copies printed. 153. MURDOCH. Death of Abraham Lincoln. A Sermon preached in the Congregational Church in New Milford, Conn., April 23, 1865. By Rev. David Murdoch. Publisehd by Request. 8vo, pp. 16. Milford, 1865 VSOO copies printed. 154. MYERS. Abraham Lincoln. A Memorial Address delivered by Hon. Leonard Myers, June 15, 1865, before the Union League of the Thirteenth Ward, Philadelphia. 8vo, pp. 15. Published by King & Baird, No. 607 Sansom st., 1865 155. ^^ASON. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, late President of L ^ the United States, delivered before the New England Historic-Genealogical Society, Boston, May 3, 1865, by Rev. Elias Nason, Member of the Society. [Motto.] 8vo, pp. 28. Boston, 1865 156. NELSON. The Divinely Prepared Ruler, and The Fit End of Treason, Two Discourses delivered at the First Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Illinois, by invitation of the Session, on the Sabbath following the burial of President Lincoln, May 7, 1865, by Rev. Henry A. Nelson, Pastor First Presbyterian Church, St. Louis. 8vo, pp. 39. Springfield, 111., 1865 V 250 copies printed. 157. NEW JERSEY. Addresses delivered at the Presentation of the Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, by the Committee of the House of As- sembly, February 12, 1867. 8vo, pp. 36. Trenton, N. J., 1867 •.• Scarce. 158. NEW YORK. Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln in Union Square, New York, April 25, 1865. 8vo, pp. 30 (2). Printed for the Citizens' Committee: D. Van Nostrand, 192 Boradway, 1865 Ry. V Contains Funeral Ode by W. C . Bryant. 159. NICCOLLS. In Memoriam. A Discourse on the assassina- tion of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, of St. Louis, April 23, 1865, by Rev. Samuel J. Niccolls. Published by Request. 8vo, pp. 16. St. Louis, 1865 160. NILES. Address of Rev. H. E. Niles, on the occasion of Presi- dent Lincoln's Funeral Obsequies in York, Pa. 8vo, pp. 8. Printed by Hiram Young, York, Pa. [No year.] V 300 copies 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 23 161. NOBLE. Sermon dilcvcrcd in the United States Naval Acad- emy, on the day of the funeral of the late President, Abraham Lincoln, by Mason Noble, Chaplain U. S. N. 8vo, pp. 16. Newport, 1865 162. /^RDER OF SERVICES at Indiana-Place Chapel, on Eas- V^ tcr Sunday, April 16, 1865, being the Sunday after the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. 12mo, 24 pp. Boston, 1865 163. OaDDOCK. a Great Man Fallen! A Discourse on the JL Death of Abraham Lincoln. Delivered in St. An- drew's Church, Philadelphia, Sunday Morning, April 23, 1865. By Rev. Wilbur F. Paddock. 8vo, pp. 24. Philadelphia, 1865 164. PARKER (HENRY E.). Discourse the day after the reception of the tidings of the assassination of President Lincoln, preached in the South Congregational Church, Concord, N. H., April 16, 1865. By the Pastor, Rev. Henry E. Parker. 8vo, pp. 15. Concord, 1865 165. PATTERSON (JAMES W.). Memorial Address on the Life and Character of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Concord, New Hamp- shire, June 1, 1865, at the request of the State Authorities, by Hon. James W. Patterson. 8vo, pp. 24. Concord, 1865 166. PATTERSON (ROBERT M.). The Character of Abraham Lincoln. By Robert M. Patterson, Pastor of the Great Valley Presby- terian Church. Svo, pp. 44. Philadelphia, 1865 V 250 copies. 167. PATTON (A. S.). The Nation's Loss and its Lessons. An occasional discourse on the Assassination of President Lincoln, by A. S. Patton, Minister of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Utica, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 18. Utica, N. Y., 1865 vSOO copies printed. 168. PEIRCE. An Address on the Death of President Lincoln, de- livered in the Universalist Church, North Attleboro, Mass., April 19, 1865. By J. D. Peirce, Pastor of the Universalist Church and Society. Svo, pp. 16. Boston, 1865 •.• SOO copies printed. 169. PENNSYLVANIA. Historical Society of Pennsylvania. [Res- olutions on the Death of President Lincoln, April 24, 1865. No place, no year.] 8vo, pp. 4. 170. PHILLIPS (WENDELL). An Address delivered in Tremont Temple, Boston, April 19, 1865, By Wendell Phillips. Worcester: Printed by Charles Hamilton, Palladium Office. Svo, pp. S. [No year.] 171. POST. Discourse on the Assassination of President Lincoln, preached in Camp by Rev. Jacob Post, Chaplain of the 184th Regiment, N. Y. v., at Harrison's Landing, Virginia, April 23, 1865. Svo, pp. 11. Oswego, 1865 vSOO copies printed. 24 HEARTMAN'S auction, 172. POTTER. The National Tragedy: Four Sermons delivered before the First Congregational Society, New Bedford, on the Life and Death of Abraham Lincoln. By William J. Potter. 8vo, pp. 67. New Bedford, Mass., 1865 V 500 copies printed. 173. PRESIDENT LINCOLN. From the Princeton Review, July, 1865. 8vo, pp. (2), 435-458. vAuthor Rev. Charles Hodge, D. D., LL. D., editor of the Review. Separately issued. Scarce. 174. PROCEEDINGS of the Union League of Philadelphia, regard- ing the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. 8vo, original wrappers, 22 pp. Philadelphia, 1865 vVery scarce. 175. PULPIT AND ROSTRUM, The New York. Nos. 34 and 35. Extra Number with Portrait. Hon. George Bancroft's Oration, pronounced in New York, April 25, 1865, at the Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln. The Funeral Ode, by William Cullen Bryant. President Lin- coln's Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863. His last Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865. A correct Portrait of the late President Lin- coln. 12nio, pp. 23. New York: Philadelphia, 1865 176. PURINTON. A Discourse on the Death of President Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Baptist Church in Smithfield, Fayette County, Pa., June 1, 1865. By Rev. J. M. Purinton, D. D. 8vo, pp. 16. Philadelphia, 1865 V500 copies printed. 177. PUTNAM (GEORGE). City Document.— No. 5. An Ad- dress delivered before the City Government, and Citizens of Roxbury, on Occasion of the Death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States, April 19, 1865. By George Putnam, D. D. Printed by order of the City Council. 8vo, pp. 14 (1). Roxbury, 1865 178. /^UINT. National Sin must be Expiated by National Ca- ^^^ lamity. What President Lincoln did for his Country. Southern Chivalry, and what the Nation ought to do with it. Three Sermons preached in the North Congregational Church, New Bedford, Mass., Fast Day, April 13, and Sunday, April 16, 1865. By Alonzo H. Quint, Pastor. 8vo, pp. 45. New Bedford, 1865. 179. U ANKIN. Moses and Joshua. A Discourse on the death AV of Abraham Lincoln, preached in the Winthrop Church, Charlestown, Wednesday Noon, April 19, 1865. By Rev. J. E. Rankin, Pastor. Boston: Press of Dakin and Metcalf. 8vo, pp. 16. [No year.] V 700 copies printed. 180. RAY (CHARLES). A Sermon preached before the United Congregations of Wyoming, N. Y., on the Death of President Lincoln 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 25 Ray, Charles by the Rev. Charles Ray, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church., April 19th, 1865. 8vo, pp. 23. Buffalo.1865 •.■SOO copies printed. Contains also: " Resolutions of the Citizens, " and "The Mis- sion of Death," a poem by John Mcintosh. 181. REED (V. D.). The Conflict of Truth. A Sermon preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Camden, N. J, April 30, 1865, by Rev. V. D. Reed, D. D. 8vo, pp. 29. Camden, N.J., 1865 vSOO copies printed. 182. REYNOLDS. Sermon in Commemoration of the Virtues of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Mead- ville. Pa, June 1, 1865, by Rev. J. V. Reynolds, D. D. 8vo, pp. 36. Meadville, Pa., 1865 V750 copies printed. 183. RICE (DANIEL). The President's Death— Its Import. A Sermon, preached in the Second Presbyterian Church, Lafayette, Indiana, April 19, 1865, on the Day of President Lincoln's Funeral, by the Pastor, Rev. Daniel Rice. 8vo, pp. (2), 7. [No place, no year.) 184. ROBBINS. A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Greenhill Presbyterian Church, on Sunday Evening, April 23, 1865. By the Rev. Frank L. Robbins, Pastor of the Church. 8vo, pp. 21. . Philaidelphia,1865 vSOO copies printed. 185. ROBINSON (CHARLES S.). The Martyred President. A Sermon preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., by the Pastor, Rev. Chas. S. Robinson, on the morning of April 16th, 1865. 8vo, pp. 31. New York, 1865 186. RUSSELL. Our Great National Reproach and The Counsel of Ahithophel Turned into Foolishness. Two Sermons preached in St. James' Church, Eckley, Penna., by Rev. Peter Russell, Rector. 8vo, pp. 30. Philadelphia, 1865 V2S0 copies printed. 187. CaBINE. "The Land Mourneth" The Death of Abraham kJ Lincoln, President of the United States. A Sermon, delivered in the Church of the Convenant, on Sunday Evenint^, April 16th, 1865, by Rev. William T. Sabine, Rector. 18mo, pp. 18. Philadelphia, 1865 188. SNIVELY. Memorial Sermon and Address on the Death of President Lincoln, St. Andrew's Church, Pittsburgh, Sunday, April 16, and Wednesady, April 19, 1865. Published by the Congregation. 8vo, pp. 38. Pittsburgh, 1865 •.•750 copies printed. 189. SAMPLE. The Curtained Throne: A Sermon suggested by the death of President Lincoln. Preached in the Presbyterian Church of 26 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, Sample Bedford, Pa, April 23, 1865, and repeated April 30, 1865. By Rev. Robert F. Sample. 8vo, pp. 32. Philadelphia, 1865 VSOO copies printed. 190. SANBORN. A Discourse On the terrible, irresistible, yet sub- lime logic of events as suggested by the assassination of President Lincoln, and the attempted assassination of Secretary Seward; delivered in the Universalist Church, Ripon, Wis., Sunday Evening, April 23rd, 1865, By Rev. R. S. Sanborn. 8vo, pp. 7. [No place, no year.] V 500 copies printed. Very scarce. Should be Unitarian instead of " Universalist. " 191. SAUNDERS, An Oration on the Death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States. By Rolfe S. Saunders. Delivered on Island 40, April 25, 1865. 8vo, pp. 16. . Memphis, 1865 192. SEARING. President Lincoln in History. An Address delivered in the Congregational Church, Milton, Wisconsin, on Fast Day, June 1st, 1865, by Edward Searing, A. M., Professor of Languages in Milton Academy. 8vo, pp. 20. Janesville, 1865 •.'300 copies printed. 193. SEISS. The Assassinated President, or the Day of National Mourning for Abraham Lincoln, at St. John's (Lutheran) Church, Philadelphia, June 1st, 1865. The Pastor, Joseph A. Seiss, D. D., officiating. 8vo, pp. 43 (2). Philadelphia, 1865 194. SHERMAN. Eulogy upon President Lincoln. Delivered April 19, 1865, at the U. S. A. General Hospital, Grafton, West Va., by Surg. S. N. Sherman, U. S. V. (in charge). 8vo, pp. 14. Grafton, 1865 •."Scarce. 195. SIMPSON. Funeral Address Delivered at the Burial of Presi- dent Lincoln, at Springfield, Illinois, May 4, 1865. By Rev. Matthew Simpson, D. D., one of the Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 12mo, pp. 21. New York, 1865 196. The same. Another copy. 197. SLATER. The Nation's Loss. A Sermon upon the Death of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth President of the United States. Preached April 19, 1865, by Edward C. Slater, D. D. 8vo, pp. 20. Paducah, Kentucky, 1865 198. SMITH (HENRY). The Religious Sentiments proper for our National Crisis. A Sermon delivered on Sabbath Evening, April 23, 1865. By Henry Smith, D. D., Pastor of the North Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 32. • Buffalo, 1865 199. SOUTHGATE. The Death of Lincoln, April 15th, 1865. Some of the Religious Lessons which it Teaches. A Sermon preached 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 27 Southgate in Zion Church, New York, April 23d, 1865, by the Rector, the Right Rev. Horatio Southgate, D. D. Published by request of the vestry. 8vo, pp. 14. New York, 1865 200. SPATH. Rede bei dcr Bcgrabniszscicr dcs Prasidcntcn Abra- ham Lincoln (gcb. den 12. Februar 1809, gest. den 15 April 1865) von Pastor A. Spath. Gehaltcn in der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Zions- kirche zu Philadelphia, Mittwoch, den 19. April 1865. Mit einer Zugabe aus der Ostersest-Prcdigt am 14. April. Auf verlangen dem Driick ubcr- geben. 8vo, pp. 15. Philadelphia, 1865 •.• 300 copies printed. Scarce. 201. SPEAR. The Punishment of Treason. A Discourse preached April 23d, 1865, in the South Presbyterian Church, of Brooklyn, by Rev. Samui^l T. Spear, D. D., Pastor. Published by Request. 8vo, pp. 38. Brooklyn: "The Union "Steam Presses, 10 Front Street, 1865 202. SPEED (JAMES). Opinion on the constitutional power of the military to try and execute the assassins of the President. By At- torney General James Speed. 8vo, pp. 16. Washington, 1865 203. SPRAGUE (I. N.). President Lincoln's Death. A Discourse delivered in the Presbyterian Church in Caldwell, N. J., on the day of the National Mourning, June 1st, 1865, by Rev. L N. Sprague, Pastor. Published by request. 8vo, pp. 20. Newark, N. J., 1865 ■."500 copies printed. 204. SPRAGUE (WILLIAM B.). A Discourse delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Albany, April 16, 1865, the Sunday morn- ing immediately succeeding the Assassination of the President of the United States. By Wil.iam B. Sprague, D. D. 12mo, pp. 18. Albany, 1865 •.•100 copies printed. Scarce. 205. STARR. The Martyr President. A Discourse delivered in the First Presbyterian Church, Penn Yan, N. Y., Sabbath Morning, April 16th, 1865, on the death of Abraham Lincoln, by the Pastor, Rev. Frederick Starr, Jr. Solicited for publication. 8vo, pp. 19. St. Louis, 1865 206. STEELE. Victory and Mourning. A Sermon occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United States; preached in the First Reformed Dutch Church, New Brunswick, N. J., June 1st, 1865, by Rev. Richard H. Steele, Pastor of the Church. 8vo, pp. 27. New Brunswick, N. J., 1865 207. STEINER. Abraham Lincoln: the lessons taught by his life and the obligations imposed by his death. An Address, delivered at "The Glades, " Frederick County, Maryland. April 23d, 1865. By Lewis H. Steiner, Frederick city, Md. 8vo, pp. 15. Philadelphia, 1865 •.•ISS copies. Scarce 28 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, 208. STEINTHAL. Address on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, delivered at Piatt chapel on the morning, and in the Ashton Town Hall on the afternoon of Sunday, the 7th of May, 1865, by S. Alfred Steinthal. (Published by request.) 16mo, pp. 26. London: Whitfield, Green & Son. Manchester: Johnson and Rawson, 89 Market Street. 1865 V Scarce. 209. STERLING. The Martyr President. A Sermon delivered in the Court House in Williamsport [Pa.]. By Rev. William Sterling, on Sunday, April 23, 1865. "Bulletin" Print, Third Street. 8vo, pp. 8. [No place, no year.] 210. STEWART. Our National Sorrow. A Discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, containing the substance of two sermons delivered in the Presbyterian Church, Johnstown [N. Y.] April 16 and 19, 1865. By Rev. Daniel Stewart, D. D. 8vo, pp. 20. Johnstown, 1865 V500 copies. 211. STODDARD (RICHARD HENRY). Abraham Lincoln. An Horatian Ode. By Richard Henry Stoddard. 8vo, pp. 12. New York, [1865] 212. STONE. A Discourse occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America, who was assassinated in Washington, Friday, April 14, 1865. Preached in the Park Street Church, Boston, on the next Lord's Day, by Andrew L. Stone, D. D. 8vo, pp. 21. Boston: 300 copies printed for J. K. Wiggin, 1865 •.• Large paper. 213. STORRS. An Oration commemorative of President Abraham Lincoln; delivered at Brooklyn, N. Y., June 1, 1865. By Richard S. Storrs, Jr., D. D., at the request of the War Fund Committee. Published by the committee. 8vo, pp. 65. Brooklyn, 1865 214. STRONG. The Nation's Sorrow. A Discourse on the death of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the Larkin Street Presbyterian Church, San Francisco, April 16, 1865. By Rev. J. D. Strong, Pastor. Published by the Larkin St. Congregation. 8vo, pp. 14. San Francisco, 1865 215. STURZ. Reden gehalten bei der Berliner Todtenfeier fur den Prasidenten Lincoln von amerikanischen, englischen und deutschen Geistlichen. Ein Ausspruch der Kirche uber Sklaverei und freie Arbeit. Herausgegeben von J. J. Sturz. C. G. Luderitz'sche Verlags buchhand- lung. A. Charisius. 8vo, pp. 39. Berlin, 1865 216. SUMNER (CHARLES). The Promises of the Declaration of Independence. Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln, delivered before the Mu- nicipal Authorities of the City of Boston, June 1, 1865, by Charles Sum- ner. [Motto.] 8vo, pp. 67. Boston, 1865 217. SUTPHEN. Discourse on the occasion of the death of Abra- ham Lincoln, late President of the United States, preached in the Spring 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 29 Sutphen Garden Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, by the Pastor, Rev. Morris C. Sutphen, April 16th, 1865. 8vo, pp. 19. Philadelphia, 1865 •.• 750 copies. Scarce. 218. SWAIN. A Nation's Sorrow. A Sermon preached on the Sab- bath after the assassination of President Lincoln, in the Central Congre- gational Church, Providence, April 15, 1865. By the Pastor, Rev. Leonard Swain. 8vo, pp. 11. [No place, no year.) 219. SWEETSER. A Commemorative Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln. By Seth Sweetser, Pastor of the Central Church, Worcester, Massachusetts. 8vo, pp. 29. [No imprint.], 1865 V 600 copies. 220. SWING. The Death of the President. Sermon by Rev. David Swing. Preached in the Presbyterian Church at Hamilton, O., April* 16, 1865. Hamilton Telegraph Print. 16mo, pp. 18. 1865 221. SYMMES. "To what purpose is this Waste?" Address be- fore the Loyal Leagues of South Brunswick and Monroe, June 1, 1865, by Rev. Joseph G. Symmes, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Cranbury, N. J. Published by request of the Leagues. 8vo, pp. 29. New Brunswick, N. J., 1865 •.•600 copies. 222. SZOLD. Vatcrland und Freiheit. Predgit bei der Erin- nerungsfeicr des verstorbenen Prasidenten, Abraham Lincoln, am 1. Juni 1865, (dem zweiten Tag Schabuoth.) gehaltcn von Benjamin Szold, Rabbiner der Oheb-Schalom Gemeinde in Baltimore. (Der Reinerlos ist fur die Ungluchlichen im Suden bestimmt.) Gerdrucht bei B. Polmyer, G. D. Ecte von Baltimore u Gaystr. 12mo, pp. 10. 1865 •.•Very rare. 223. ^ I 'APLEY. Eulogy of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth Presi- X dent of the United States, pronounced by Rufus P. Tapley, Esq., April 19, 1865, at Saco, Maine, including the report of the proceedings of the town of Saco consequent upon his death. 8vo, pp. 27. Biddeford, 1865 223a. TAYLOR (A. A. E.). Our fallen Leader. A Discourse de- livered June the 1, 1865. in Georgetown, D. C. 8vo, 20 pp. Philadelphia, 1865 224. THOMAS (A. G.). Our National Unity Perfected in the Martyrdom of our President. A Discourse delivered in the Chapel of the Filbert Street U. S. General Hospital, On the Day of the Obsequies, at Washington, of our Late President, April 19th, 1865. By Rev. A. G. Thomas, Hospital Chaplain, U. S. A. 8vo, pp. 16. Philadelphia, 1865 ■.'500 copies. 30 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, 225. THOMPSON (JOHN C). In Memoriam. A Discourse upon the character and death of Abraham Lincoln. Preached in Potts- town Presbyterian Church, on the day of National Humiliation, June 1, 1865. By John C. Thompson. 8vo, pp. 20. Philadelphia, 1865 vSOO copies printed. Scarce. 226. THOMPSON (HENRY P.). In Memoriam. A sermon de- livered April 16, 1865. 12mo, pp. 20. New York, 1865 227. THOMPSON (JOSEPH P.). Abraham Lincoln; his life and its lessons. A Sermon, preached on Sabbath, April 30, 1865, by Joseph P. Thompson, D. D., Pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle Church. 8vo, pp. 38. New York, 1865 228. TIMLOW. A Discourse occasioned by the death of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Delivered at Rhinebeck, N. Y., April 19, 1865, at a Public Demonstration of the Citizens, by Rev. Her- man R. Timlow. 16mo, pp. 42. Rhinebeck, N. Y., 1865 '.■ 400 copies. Scarce. 229. TUCKER. A Discourse in memory of our late President, Abra- ham Lincoln, delivered in the First Parish Church, Holliston, Mass., Thursday, June 1, 1865, By J. T. Tucker, Pastor. 8vo, pp. 21. Holliston, 1865 V 500 copies printed. 230. I TnION LEAGUE. In Memoriam. His Excellency, \^ Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America. Died at Washington, District of Columbia, Saturday, the 15th of April, Anno Domini 1865. Tribute of Respect of Subordi- nate Council Number Three, 19th Ward, City of New York, of the Union League of America. Preamble and Resolutions, April 24th, 1865. 8vo, pp 4. Press of Wynkoop & Hallenbeck, 113 Fulton Street, N. Y., [No year.] V Rare. 231. TT'lNGENT (MARVIN). A Sermon on the Assassination ▼ of Abraham Lincoln, delivered in the First Presby- terian Church, Troy, on Sunday Morning, April 23, 1865, by the Pastor, Rev. Marvin Vincent. 8vo, pp. 44. Troy, N. Y., 1865 ■."Second edition. 232. ^J^/^ALDEN. The National Sacrifice. A Sermon preached W on the Sunday before the Death of the President, and Two Addresses, on the Sunday and Wednesday following, in St. Clement's Church, Philadelphia, by the Rev. Treadwell Walden, the Rector. 8vo, pp. 41. Philadelphia, 1865 233. WAYMAN. The passing away of Human Greatness: A Ser- mon on the Death of President Lincoln, preached on Sunday Evening, May 7, 1865, in the Newington Chapel, Renshaw Street. By the Rev. 36 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY. 31 Wayman James Wayman. 8vo, pp. 8. Liverpool: Henry Young, 12 South Castle Street. [No year.] •.• Scarce. 234. WEBB. Memorial Sermons. The Capture of Richmond. Some of the Results of the War. The Assassination of the President. By Edwin B. Webb, Pastor of Shawmut Church, Boston. 8vo, pp. 61. Boston, 1865 235. WELLS (THEODORE W.). Victory turned to Mourning. A Memorial Sermon on the occcsion of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, April 14, 1865. Preached in the Reformed Dutch Church, Bayonne, N. J., Sabbath, April 23, 1865. By Theodore W. Wells. Publisned by Request of the Congregation. 8vo, pp. 23. Jersey City, 1865 vSOO copies printed. 237. WENTWORTH. A Discourse on the Death of President Lin- coln, delivered in St Mark's Methodist Episcopal Church, and repeated (by request) at the Lafayette St. Presbyterian Church, Buffalo, April 23, 1865. By Rev. J. B. Wentworth, D. D., of the Genesee Conference. 8vo, pp. 32. Buffalo, 1865 238. WHITE (RICHARD GRANT). The New Gospel of Peace according to St. Benjamin. The four parts complete. 12mo, boards, uncut, original wrappers bound in. New York (1863-66) 239. WHITE (ERSKINE N.). The Personal Influence of Abraham Lincoln. A Sermon preached on the National Fast-day, Thursday, June 1st, 1865, by Erskine N. White, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, New Rochelle, N. Y. 8vo, pp. 25. New York, 1865 240. WHITE (PLINY H.). A Sermon, occasioned by the Assassi- nation of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. Preached at Coventry, Vt., April 23, 1865, by Rev. Pliny H. White, Acting Pastor of the Congregational Church. 8vo, pp. 20. Brattleboro, 1865 V ISO copies printed. Scarce. 241. WILCOX. Funeral Observances at New London, Connecticut, in honor of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, Wednesday, April 19, 1865, including the public Addresses of Rev. G. B. Wilcox, and Rev. Thomas P. Field, D. D. 8vo, pp. 24. New London: C. Prince, No. 4 Main Street. Starr & Farnham, Printers. 1865 V Scarce. 242. WILLIAMS (THOMAS). Eulogy on the Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln, late President of the United Slates, de- livered by public request, in Christ M. E. Church, Pittsburgh, Thursday, June 1, 1865. By Hon. Thomas Williams. 8vo, pp. 36. Pittsburgh, 1865 V Issue with 36 pages is scarce. 32 HEARTMAN'S AUCTION, 243. WILSON (WILLIAM T.). The Death of President Lincoln. A Sermon preached in St. Peter's Church, Albany, N. Y., on Wednesday, April 19, 1865, by the Rev. William T. Wilson, M. A., Rector. 8vo, pp. 25. • Albany, 1865 '.'Scarce. 244. WINDSOR. Justice and Mercy: A Sermon preached at a united service held in the Methodist Episcopal Church, of Davenport, Iowa, on the National Fast Day, June 1st, 1865, by William Windsor, Pastor of the Edwards Congregational Church. Published by request. 8vo, pp. 12. Davenport, Iowa, 1865 '.'300 copies printed. 245. WINDSOR (JOHN W.). "The Surety of the Upright." A Discourse preached on the occasion of the National Fast, June 1, 1865. 8vo, pp. 20. , Biddeford, 1865 •.' Scarce. 500 printed. 246. WOODBURY. The Son of God calleth the Dead to Life. A Sermon suggested by the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, preached in the Westminster Church, Providence, R. I., Sunday, April 16, 1865, by Augustus Woodbury. 12mo, pp. 27. Providence, 1865 '.• 300 copies printed. 247. A Sketch of the Character of Abraham Lincoln: A Dis- course preached in the Westminster Church, Providence, R. I., Thursday, June 1, 1865, by Augustus Woodbury. 12mo, pp. 28. Providence, 1865 '.'325 copies printed. 248. WORCESTER. Abraham Lincoln. A Discourse delivered on the National Fast Day, June 1, 1865. By Thomas Worsecter. 8vo, pp. 14. [No place, no year.] '.' 200 copies printed. Scarce. 249. ^f ARD. The Providential Significance of the Death of A Abraham Lincoln: a discourse delivered in the Central M. E. Church, Newark, N. J., on the Day of National Humiliation, June 1st, 1865. By Rev. Robert B. Yard, Pastor of Clinton St. M. E. Church. Published by request of the audience. 8vo, pp. 23. Newark, N. J., H. Harris, Publisher and Stationer, 288 Broad St. [No year.] 250. YOURTEE. A Sermon, delivered in the Central M. E. Church, Springfield, Ohio, April 19th, 1865, on the occasion of the Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States. By Rev. S. L. Your- tee, A. M., of the Cincinnati Conference. 8vo, pp. 16 » Springfield, Ohio, 1865 •.'500 copies printed. Scarce. 251. [Y. R.] Abraham Lincoln. A Study. Entered at Stationers Hall. Right of translation reserved. 16mo, pp. 32. Liverpool: McKowen & Finglass, Middleton Buildings, 1, Rumford Street. 1865 '.' Very scarce. PRICES AND NAMES OF BUYERS LINCOLN SALE, FEBRUARY 11, 1914 at HEARTMAN'S, 36 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITY No. Price Name of Buyer No. 41 Price 1.25 Name of Buyer 1 $ 2.75 D. L. Passavant Brooklyn Public Library 2 1.10 A. H. Griffith 42 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 3 1.50 C. Gerhardt & Co. 43 5.50 H. Sauer 4 1.10 E. Janson Wendell 44 2.00 A. H. Clark 5 2.75 C. Gerhardt & Co. 45 2.50 E. Janson Wendell 5a 5.25 E. Janson Wendell 46 1.25 E. Janson Wendell 6 1.25 E. Janson Wendell 47 3.75 E. Janson Wendell 7 1.50 E. Janson Wendell 48 1.25 Henry Malkan 8 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 49 4.00 H. Sauer 9 10.00 F. E. Burton 50 1.25 Brooklyn Public Library 10 1.75 A. H. Griffith 51 1.10 E. Janson Wendell 11 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 52 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 12 1.50 Brooklyn Public Library 53 .70 E. Janson Wendell 13 6.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 54 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 14 1.25 D. L. Passavant 55 2.25 H. Sauer 15 3.75 C. Gerhardt & Co. 56 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 16 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 57 3.25 E. Janson Wendell 16a 1.25 A. H. Griffith 58 1.10 Brooklyn Public Library 17 2.25 Stuart Jackson 59 1.25 Henry Malkan 18 1.50 Boston Public Library 60 10.50 F. E. Burton 19 4.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 61 4.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 20 1.25 Henry Malkan 62 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 21 1.50 Boston Public Library 63 2.85 C. Gerhardt & Co. 22 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 64 3.00 C. Gerhardt & Co. 23 1.50 C. Gerhardt & Co. 65 2.50 E. Janson Wendell 24 1.10 E. Janson Wendell 66 1.75 Brooklyn Public Library 25 3.50 Brooklyn Public Library 67 1.00 A. H. Griffith 26 1.50 E. Janson Wendell 68 .80 E. Janson Wendell 27 1.50 A. H. Clark 69 2.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 28 1.50 E. Janson Wendell 70 .80 E. Janson Wendell 29 1.50 E. Janson Wendell 71 1.10 Stuart Jackson 30 11.00 F. E. Burton 72 1.50 E. Janson Wendell 31 1.75 Brooklyn Public Library 73 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 32 1.25 E. Janson Wendell 74 1.50 Henry Malkan 33 3.00 Boston Public Library 75 1.10 Henry Malkan 34 1.10 E. Janson Wendell 76 2.25 Brooklyn Public Library 35 4.50 A. H. Clark 77 3.00 A. H. Clark 36 1.25 T. B. Oakleaf 78 2.00 Boston Public Library 37 3.00 Stuart Jackson 79 5.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 38 3.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 80 2.60 D. A. French 39 1.10 C. Gerhardt & Co. 81 2.00 Boston Public Library 40 1.00 ,E. Janson Wendell ; 82 1.25 Brooklyn Public Library No. 82a 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Name of Buyer E. Janson Wendell H. Sauer F. E. Burton H. Sauer C. Gerhardt & Co. H. Sauer E. Janson Wendell Henry Malkan l.OO'E. Janson Wendell 1.25 Henry Malkan 1.75 Henry Malkan 2.00 Boston Public Library 4.00 H. Sauer 4.00 C. Gerhardt & Co. 1.10 Brooklyn Public Library 1.50 Henry Malkan 3.00 E. Janson Wendell 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 3.00 A. H. Clark 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 6.00 H. Sauer 1.25 E. JansonWendell 2.75 H. Sauer 2.25 D. L. Passavant 1.25 A. H. Griffith 1.25 Brooklyn Public Library 8.75 F. E. Burton 1.25JA. H. Griffith 1.00;E. Janson Wendell 1.00|Henry Malkan 4.00 H. Sauer 3.25 E. Janson Wendell 1.50 T. B. Oakleaf 1.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 3.75iE. Janson Wendell 2.00J Boston Public Library 2.75 C. Gerhardt & Co. 18.50 Stuart Jackson 4.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 2.00 H. Sauer 2.75 H. Sauer 1.25 Henry Malkan 2.00 E. Janson Wendell 1.00 Brooklyn Public Library 4.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 1.25 Henry Malkan 3.25 H. Sauer 1.25 Henry Malkan No. 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 146a 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 Price Name of Buyer 4.00 A. H. Clark l.OOJE. Janson Wendell 1.50|T. B. Oakleaf 20.00 Stuart Jackson 1.25 J Brooklyn Public Library 12.50 F. E. Burton 1.50|a. H. Clark 2.00 A. H. Clark 2.00|a. H. Clark I.Oo'e. Janson Wendell l.lO Henry Malkan .80 E. Janson Wendell 3.25 E. Janson Wendell 3.50 A. H. Clark 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 1.25 A. H. Griffith 2.50 C. Gerhardt & Co. 3.25 E. Janson Wendell 1.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. .90 Stuart Jackson 3.25 Library Clearing House 2.25 Henry Malkan 4.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 3.50 A. H. Clark 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 3.50 C. Gerhardt & Co. 1.25 A. H. Griffith 1.00 Henry Malkan 1.25 Brooklyn Public Library .90 Henry Malkan 1.00 Henry Malkan 1.00 A. H. Griffith 1.00 Henry Malkan 1.50 E. Janson Wendell .90 E. Janson Wendell 1.25 Henry Malkan 3.50 A. H. Clark 2.00 A. H. Clark 1.60 C. Gerhardt & Co. 1.25 A. H. Griffith 2.00 T. B. Oakleaf .90 Brooklyn Public Library 1.40 Stuart Jackson .75|E. Janson Wendell 1.50jA. H. Clark 2.00 Boston Public Library .80 E. Janson Wendell 1.00 E. Janson Wendell No. Price Name of Buyer No. Price Name of Buyer 179 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 216 1.50 A. H. Clark 180 13.00 C. Gerhardt & Co. 217 1.25;Henry Malkan 181 11.00 C. Gerhardt & Co. '218 1.00 Brooklyn Public Library 182 2.00 Boston Public Library 219 1.00 Brooklyn Public Library 183 3.00 E. Janson Wendell j220 7.50 C. Gerhardt & Co. 184 1.20 Henry Malkan 221 3.75 A. H. Clark 185 .90 Brooklyn Public Library 1222 10.25|F. E. Burton 186 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 223 4.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 187 2.00 Boston Public Library 223a 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 188 1.00 D. A. French 224 1.00 Henry Malkan 189 2.00 Boston Public Library 225 1.50 Henry Malkan 190 4.25 E. Janson Wendell [226 2.00 Boston Public Library 191 1.25 D. A. French 227 3.50 A. H. Clark 192 1.25 D. A. French 228 1.25 A. H. Clark 193 .90 Henry Malkan 229 1.25 E. Janson Wendell 194 2.00; Boston Public Library 230 2.75 C. Gerhardt & Co. 195 1.50;C. Gerhardt & Co. 231 2.00 Boston Public Library 196 1.50 Max Cramer 232 1.25 E. Janson Wendell 197 2.50 E. Janson Wendell 233 13.50 C. Gerhardt & Co. 198 1.00 Brooklyn Public Library 234 1.50 C. Gerhardt & Co. 199 2.50 H. Sauer 235 14.50 H. Sauer 200 2.75 H. Sauer 237 1.00 Library Clearing House 201 .80 E. Janson Wendell 238 .90 Henry Malkan 202 1.00 E. Janson Wendell 1239 1.75 Brooklyn Public Library 203 2.00 T. B. Oakleaf 240 1.25 Brooklyn Public Library 204 l.OOi Brooklyn Public Library 241 1.50 A. H. Clark 205 1.25 E. Janson Wendell 242 3.50 A. H. Clark 206 1.75 C. Gerhardt & Co. 243 1.75 Brooklyn Public Library 207 2.00 Hugh McLellan 244 3.00 C. Gerhardt & Co. 208 13.00 H. Sauer 245 1.00 Henry Malkan 209 20.00 Stuart Jackson 246 .90 E. Janson Wendell 210 1.00 Brooklyn Public Library 247 1.25 Brooklyn Public Library 211 2.2510. L. Passavant 248 3.50 C. Gerhardt & Co. 212 1.25 A. H. Griffith 249 1.25 C. Gerhardt & Co. 213 1.75 C. Gerhardt &; Co. 250 3.50 E. Janson Wendell 214 2.75 A. H. Clark 251 10.00 F. E. Burton 215 12.25 F. E. Burton » « ^ 1 \>^^ \ • 9 ^w^. 'Vwv/.V^ V4V'