1/1 B HAR.Y OF THE UN IVLRSITY Of ILLINOIS 377.3793 H67 :< ■'. WM : -:'- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/historyofjeffersOOcont HISTORY OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS CONTINENTAL HISTORICAL BUREAU * XX X » X * ****************************************** X X-X X X X * **** h 9 s 7 ony OF $iff ins on qou ni y OLLJNCJS 7 8 7 ~ 7 9 6 2 ******** X X X ****** X IH H HH H HH H HHHHHH HHHHHHt ********************* *************** *** ********************** (jompLied by. (OKIO^AL HOSTCklQAL PUR&U 7<}62 ■V v w sum u v..w. v w m um y m v m v v. v v w w v u m jm ,v u w. v y y v..v . v v • - . • XX, / v* N J n D U C 7 N Ot hoA been a gneat pleaAu/ie, oa well oa aulte an extensive iaAkf io compile, and edit ihlA "Hi-Atony of. fleffenAon Qpunty, OillnolA" fon. you, /'lay we make a few nemankA befo/ie you Atant. neadlng, it? FlnAi, we Anould Aay that we feel thai. you may. want to "bnowAe ihnough" ihla volume naihen than ia /lead Atnalght ihnough It, Of you do bnowAe, you wLUL find a complete Index. In. ike bach of the book in which ihene ojie place name* and name* of penAonA who have been. mentioned, you may find one of youn anceAionA, a beloved fnlend, o/i even, younAelf in henel IV e did not compile ihiA book by ounAelveA-~it Ia an aniholoyy /tat/ie/i than the wo/ik of a finale penAon, One penAon could not do a book of ihiA natune in kL* lifetime* He muAi have help, and let ua day /tight now with gneat emphoAlA that we did have kelp. Many, many penAonA and onaanlgationA wene inAtnumenial in the wniiina of thlA book, ]fou will find theln name* with, tire anilcleA and sketched throughout the book-~excepi that Aome modeAt penAona who wnoie the hlAionleAJ of theln. chun.ch.eA on. o/igjanlgationA did not wIaK to take the cnedlt io ihemAelveA and would not Alan, theln nameA io theln contnibuiionA and would not ao much oa place theln. zieiunn addneAAeA on. tlxe envelope in which it woa mailed, !/ou may find that youn, chwich on. onaanl^ailon Ia not included, We advlAed everybody we Aaw and even advenJJLied In the M, Vennon HeglAien- NewA that hlAio/ileA of chuncheA and onganigaiionA would be included fn.ee of change, We waited oa long, oa we could before pnlntlna, However, people were becoming, anxlouA to receive theln bookA, and we finally de~ cided io gjo ahead without them, you will realise, we one Aure, that in an effo/it of thlA A cope ihene Ia chance fan, typographical ennon, though we have canefully pnoofnead every pag,e, Ihene Ia oIao pOAAlbiliiy thai we on. one of our coninlDuiorA may have mlAApelied the name of Aome penAon on place w'hlch Ia veny Impontani io you. Of thlA hoA happened, pleaAe change it. io human ennon, oa thJbi certainly would never have occunned in any oihen way. And now, enjjoy youAAeiff Q(WON(WAL HOSIOMQAL SL^AU /'"it, Vennon, OillnolA ! . 1 iMH tWSTOW Sn ike yean, of 7878, JllinoiA, i/ie "Pnainie Siaic, " woa admiiied io i/ie fedenai. union. Following, ikiA in ike onyanigaiion of. poliiical yiubcU.vLdi.on6 came ike ongani^aiion of. counties, iownAnipA, cLtieA and viliayeA, J ke Qouniy of fleffenAon woa ongxmi^ed in 7o7% a few month* afi.cn. JllinoiA became a Alaie. Ike new county, wkick bo/ie ike name of ike auihoA, of ike Declanaiion of independence woa io contain Aixieen iownAnipA, J he nexi majjon. Alep afie/i eAlabliAking, ike boundanieA of i/ie county, waA io decide wkene ike permanent Aeai of .jxu5ii.cc woa io be, ike decision ikai woa io be made woa io be pemnaneni, I ke founding, faikenA decided ikai ike capiial of ike newly onganiged county woa io be wkene ike ciiy of Fii, V ennon, JllinoiA, iA now locaied, I ke indi- caiionA one ikai ikoAe who we/te neAponAible fo/i ike eAiabliAnmeni Of. ( JeffenAon Qouniy wene fan-Aigkied, quic/i io act, and wene "on ike ball, '■ ao io Apeak, Oi will be inieneAiing, io linow ikai r JeffenAon Qouniy woa ongani^ed muck Aoonen. ikon many of ike oiken counties in JLLbwiA, kanion Qouniy, wkick bondenA ( JeffenAon Qouniy on i/ie nonik, woa noi onyaniged until 782J, five yeanA aflen QongneAA kad admiiied ike new Aiaie, i kiA fad Ainongly indicaieA ikai ike pioneen. familieA of ikiA anea we/ie keenly inie/ieAled in i/ie fonmaiion of local government and auickly realised ike neceAAiiy of conveniing, a vi/igin communiiy ikai woa accuAiomed io noving, JndianA into a civilised AocLeiy ikai would, poo vide a kaven fon ike new w/iiie AetilenA, fflount 1/ ' ennon kaA kad two nameA, FoundenA of ike newly CAiakliAked kamlei wene deAi/iouA of giving, ikein new iown a name ikai in ikein opinion would Aound beautiful, and ikey fui.Ai named ii ' ('hunt fleoAani. " Ike cenien of ilie kamlei woa locaied on ike Aurrmii of a Alope, and ii La believed ikai ikiA iA wkene ikey conceived ike idea of uAing, ike wond "I'huni. " I ke Alope mentioned iA ike io cation of ike ^effeAAon Qouniy Qouni HouAe, (ke name of Qeong,e .'JoAkingion kaA alwayA been populan. wii/i ike Amenican people, and kc iA ike idol of many. Following, ike '.'Jan. fon. {independence, ike "Faiken of HiA Qouniny" and IxiA kome ai i>'i, V ennon, - . 3 ike Union occwuied Decemben. J, 7878; ike Qouniy of $effe/idon wad onaan- i%ed [<\ajich 26, 787*} \ a period of 77 J dayd Ixiien, The official, begjjxning. Of. fit, Vennon iook p.Lace ^unej, 787% deventu-ikn.ee dayd apten. ike o/igxuiizaiion; it wad only. 786 dayd apten. ike dtde had officially been admitted io ike Union until IM* Vennon wad officially bonn, Ike p/iocedu/ie took place, in ike following, manne/i: Aften. Jttinoid became ike tweniy-fuidi dtde of ike federal union and ike LeaLaJjjJjuute wad in legal functioning, onden, an Ad of ike Legidlaiiuie wad pat/ied hkuick 26, 787% wkick cheated fleffendon Qouniy, ike Act aldo pAjovided fo/i five Qommiddione/id io deled a penmaneni deat of JAJLdijLee and io dedignde it ad duck, Tkede Qommiddionend were appointed., by. ike LeglAlaiu/ie indiead of ike ciii^end of ike county, ike five who. ipenje auikoni^ed wen,e; Ambnode Moulding,, Lewid Basiken, Robed Ship- ley, ( ]amed liichanddon and Itijckand §naham, I he Ad wad rather, dpecific in Ltd providiond, Oi even pro- vided iliai ike commiddionerd were io med at ike home of William Qadey, a local ziedidenl of ike new community, Ike houde of Milliam Qadey, then, wad ike place where ike King, Qiiy had lid official birth, Q^^y had offe/ted io donate iwenty aaied of land io be uded fon. ike new deai of Jjzdii.ce, and ikid acreaae wad io be dolxi in laid fon. ike development of ike new community, 3n ike event ike owner, of ike land did noi make hid pnopoded donaiion, ike Qommiddionend we/ie io deek land eMaewhe/ie fon. ikia pu/ipode, bui ii wad io be in dome location ikai would be con- venient fon. ike inhabiianid, 7 hid new go Venning, body did noi have io deeli land eldewheae, ad Qadey gladly made ike donaiion of ike twenty-acre trad, I he law dd fonik ikai ike Qommiddionend we/ie io med d Qadey 1 d home "on ike decond Monday of f'lay" io make ikeir imponiani decldion of fixing, ike penmaneni ded of JMdtlce, I hid hidioric meeting, wad held on ike designated date, which wad Day 72, 7o7% On a countny where a democracy Ld ike controlling, facion, ike people have a nJLahi io ex.pn.edd ihemdelved and kave ike rigki io didaan.ee wiik ik ein. fellow men, Tkene wad dome dldagjieement among, ikode who ediabtldhed ihe ded of yudtice in fleffendon Qouniy, Odaac Uic/w wanted ii clode io him and offered a dpoi known ad '"Podi Oak HLLL, " Another, location which aikerd thought suitable, wad between ike homed of .; ■ • . . , ' ■ . ■ . - ■ - ■ - : ; .- . 49 ■ ■ . ■. ' ■ • ■ ' ■ l ' . , - ■ . . />hs. Samuel Qasey cund a fifas. Dodd, Lewis Baiker, who was one of ike Qpmmissioners, was the fai/ier-in-law of William Qasey, and some .of ike loca.1 residents believed thai i£ was through kus influence ikat ike site waA selected according, io ike. wicked of ike donor, ikere is no verification of ihLi, and therefore ikere Ld io be no reflection on ifie characters of either Barker on Qasey, WWtfR TAWUJiS OF ffFFffSON QOU,m A& stated in another section of this volume, Andneuj /'bore ukls ike first w/iite pennon io settle in. this violin territory. Six. years latex, Qarter Uilkey, a native of §eorgta, came io ike J-LLinoLa country; and skorily after tkat 9 Daniel Qrenskaw and 'Robert. Qpok came io ike dame locality. Alt of these located in wkat Ls now I'hores frairLe township. Andrew lore's cabin kad been vacant fo/i a few years, and Qrenskaw occupied it* Uilkey was a /tingle man and boaaded witk ilie Qrenskaw family . Qrenskaw began, at once io repair ike /'bore cabin, and i'Jilkey planted and anew a small crop, Qpok settled a skort dis- tance from wkere Jefferson (aunty, 1 a first white bunJjal occurred two yean.4 later. According, to records, William Qrenskaw (this is believed actually io be Daniel Qrenskaw) acauLied an eiakty-acre tract of land from ike hedenxil government in Section 22 of ('bores frairie on Nov- ember 1§, 7876, i'Jilkey and Qpok kad come to (hoores frairie in 7o7§ as members of a surveying, party, but kad not estabtisked residence until ike following, year. Barton Atclxison came io Chores frairie in i/ie autumn of 7o76 and purchased ike crop ikat i'J.ilkey ralAed tkat year, AtchLion settled close io wkere Qpok kad settled which Li about one and a kalf miles from Qrenskaw r s new home. On October 22 t 7876, several more people arrived in ike new settlement. Tkey consisted of Qarter H/ilkny f s moiker, Qarter' s olde". broiker, l>hx.ey Wiikey, and hLi wife and child. Qrenskaw Iwd several cabins, and ike newcomers spent ike winter in one of these cabins, /'Irs. Williey was an aunt of li\rs. Qrenskaw. ■ ■ ' •■ - l'.ax.ey WiLkey and Barton AickiAon were vei.eA.arm of ike Wan. o r 7 87 2, Qarier Jilheu, wko woa younyer ikon l>.ax.ey, oIao Aer^ed in ike. -an. of 7872 for a Ahort period; but due io ike fad ikai hz waA too young, fan. wan. Aervice, kiA moiken. succeeded in yetting., turn JiL:: ckaryed ■uwm ilxe , irrau, .."■■• I ' keo phiiuA Qpohf a native' of Souik (farolina, moved wJLik kiA paiaLLy io I enixcAAee after ike 'P evolutionary i'Jar and Lived in ikai Ataie until ike winter of 7 87 6 -7 87 J wken ke moved wiik hid family io hlooreA fnairLe, OULinoiA, Qooh woa married io (ligabetk Qaldwell vjko woa a mj.ii.ve of i/ewberry Qouniu, Souik Qarolina. fie derived iwo enliAimeniA during, ike I'Jan of 78/2, and ke iook pani in ike famous battle, of Nzw OrleanA on 'January 8, 787 S* (i'iaa. %hn Hickd came io filooreA Prairie ike Aame Jime ikai I keop/xiluA Qooh came, I'Ita. Hick** woa a AiAier of (farter Jilkey and kad been living, in (jeorgia. Hen, kuAband woa Atandiny beAide I keopkiluA Qooh wken ke received kiA deaik wound during, ike baiile of /Jew O/ileanA. Legend kaA ii ikai / keop/xiluA Qooh and kiA family. Aeiiled near ilxe former Bell 'Point School. Official recoraA a/iow ikai be ac- quired Acvcnal iraciA Oji. land in /looreA Prairie, bui ilxe fin^i land, of w/'xick ke became ike owner of /ieco/id woa in Seciion /wo, April 20, 78JJ, tJiiA land containing, eigjiiy acreA. Qooh continued io live in i/iiA area fon ike remainder of kiA life and paAAed away June 7 St 7o§8. Si iA iniereAiiny io /wow ikai Qooh woa bo/m on Qeorye JaA/xingion 1 A bjjiikdau in ike yean. 7y88, Baniori AickiAon apparently did not accujuine any real. cAiaie ■fon cboui thirteen yeariA after kiA removal to IboreA Prairie. PecoraA a/iow ikai ke punckaAed ike eaAi one half of ike AouikeoAt auarier of S cation 22 on January 26 , 782^. I kiA eAiaie borderA ike fanm on which Andrew ioore erected hit cabin. On ike Apriny of 7878 Aix. familieA made ike yourney from I cnncAAee. to h'ooreA 'Prairie, /key conAiAied of ike familieA of i'Jiliiam kaxey, JcuneA q, DaviA, JameA JohnAon, i/aikanial Parker, 'John UilkerAon and Henry Burckeii /laxey. / ke laAt named waA ike fai/ier of ike firAi wiiie clxiLd buried in JefferAon Qouniy and oIao buiJbt ilxe firAi dwelling. houAe in /ii. Vernon. / keAe people came oa a colony, wlxick yave ikem more protection ag.ainAi OndianA and otker danyerA. Tkey loaded ilxeir wagonA and JLe.pt puom William ff\ax.ey f A home, which woa about ikn.ee miled fnom §aliitin, I'enneAAee, on Apnil'20, 7878, and anAived in fiboneA fnaJjiie on flay. °, 1878, TJua oolong of. people had ike tad expedience of buAying, William fenAy f'hxey, ike ten monik old ton of. BuAcheite hax.ey, iwo dayA often, ikey anAived In ikein. new location, Ike bunijti of ikiA little cklid woa ike bunial of JeffeAAon Qouniy r A finAt white penAon, Maikaniel Tan/ten, did not like ike county and moved io Allen Qpunty, Kentucky; but at a laten. date he moved back io fleffenAon Qpunty wkefie he Apent ike /lemainden of kid life, Ike QaAcyA who came io JeffenAon Qpunty pnio/i io 7820 made, ikein new IxomeA not fan. fnom wketie ike. King. Qily iA located, Oaooc QaAey and iwo of kiA AonA, William and ThomoA, came in ike autumn of 7876 and did Aome exploning. in ikiA vicinity, but they /leiiuined io Qave-in~Rock whene tkey Lived out ike winten, Oaoolc and Aome of kiA family came in ike Apning, of 787J io make ikiA anea ikein. penmanent home, Zadok QaAey and kiA family, oIao came in ike Apning, of 7877 ond nemained. in ike fit, Vennon anea until kiA death, Abnaham f, Qp^ey, a/l olden, bnatken of Zadok, came io JeffeaAon Qpunty in ike Apning, of 7878, HJLa Aon, QIoaA QaAey, came witk him and Aeitled weAt of f>)t, Vennon on what woa known oa "/liuloenny Hill, " LewiA foknAon, who iA mentioned in ike hiAtony of ike fohnAon family, came io and Aeitled. in JeffenAon Qpunty in. 787% I kesie wene otken. people who came io {Jeffe/iAon Qounty and tken moved on io otken. ajieoA and penkapA oikenA who Aiayed who have not yet been mentioned, and who will be mentioned laten. in ikiA book, but ike oneA mentioned above one ike familieA that one moAi often CAedited with being, ike familieA that Aeitled in the new county duning. Ha fonmaiive yeoAA and made ikiA ikein. penmanent home. M. VgWON 7862 «= m. V£MW 7;.'■'■■'.■■ ' ' ■ ■ . • ' ■. . '■■; . .. .'. ■ •' i . ■ ■ •..-,■..' '. -V'' . s '- ■ - ' . ■•■ • '"• ...■■■-: '.. . ■ ,• ■ .-, " . .' • . ■.:■ i ...•.:•• ' ' • ' .' "■■' ■ . ■:..- , \' ■ ' : . - ■ ' . '- - ' ■'■■■■ - - ' .'.V- • ■'" ■ .- •■. . ■"-■■■■■ • -. I ' , ■ . .■■ : . . ■ . ■ . . . . . ■ • . ' ■ "': ; ' • - ■ -■■■'■ . ' . ■ ' ' .... . . ' > ■''.' ' . ' '■ j s& - ■ ■'.. , ".'•■■■■■■' • • ■ ■ ■ - . .• ••.'.■'■'■• •.'■•. : ■ . • ■ ' 8 On mentally, twisting, back ike paged of time one centunu, we find ike fanmend of. ^effendon Qounty plowing, cultivating, and kanvediing fine cnopd wiik handed and muled. Of ike fanmen owned a kund/ied acned of land ke woa condidened a lange. fanmen and wad condid.en.ed io be a pnodpenoud man, Ike ajooxU ikai ike fanmen. had io inavel fnom kid kome io kid dhopping cenien wene made of dint, ofien ungnaded, Duning ike winien monikd ike noadd wene eiiken fnozen and nougk on. wene knee deep in mud* I ke dummen deadon daw ike audi pwm ike countny noadd and ike iown din.ee.id devenal incked deep, i'Jken ike family, dnove io ckunck on Sunday, ikey wene dune io be covered wiik dudi befone ikey a/uiLved at ike "meeiin 1 " houde, on. io become diuck in ike mud if ii kappened io nave nained~in ike ladi day on. two, fibdi of ike b nidged we/ie built of wood and could not canny muck weigki, and duning nainy deadond wken ikene would be a "gulley wadken", many bnidg,ed would be completely wadked away . On 7862 duck ckoned ad kudking conn, kanvediing, hay, digging, poiatoed, pnepaning. fine wood fan ike family keaiing diove and ike kiicken nange, kanvediing, and tknedking gnain, and many oiken jx>bd wene fon. ike modi pant done by hand, Many fanmend of fleffendon Qounty dnove hogd, cattle and g,eede on foot to Si. Louid io mankei ikem, Tkid wad a long and anduoud -Jjounney wkick neouined fnom a week io ten daud io make ike nound inip, A ceniwiy ago, gnandmoiken on ike "kined ginl" on boik of ikem did ike family wadhing on ike wadk boand; ikai wad a back bneaking Job, Of ike cidienn wad low and ike waien kad io be condenved fon dninking punpoded, many timed dke kad io canny waien fnom ike cneeh, I ke family inoning kad io be done wiik kand inond keaied on ike nange, /kid meant ikai veny few pendond of ikai day even dneamed of a complete cliange of do iking eveny day — and kow can we blame ikem? Ike canning and packing of fnuiid and vegeiakied fon ike family, fon iJie following yean wad done at ike home, and t/iid necuined keeping ike /tii.chen nange fined all day in ike koiiedi of weaiken, 'Peeling, and dlicing. of fnuiid to be cooked and canned wad penfonmed wiik ike panLny knife, Apple buiten wad cooked in ike autumn deadon in a lang,e cadi inon on cop pen kettle in ike back yand t and ii kad io ■ • ■ - " ' ' r ' . ■ ■ ■ ' ■ ■■-...■'■ , \ ■: ■ . i, ..■ ■ , ■ •• - ■ ■ ■ ■ .. » ' - .• . - ■ ■ . ! ■■-■'' ':■■■" ' ■ - . ' ' " IrJl ■ . : • • . . 1 ■ •■ ■ ■ • ' - ' - ; .' -. ' jj ■ ■■ ■ ■ I • be dtirred condtanily until finidked, a procedd which took all day and often went on. pan. into ike nigki* f'bdt koudewived demanded that a number of dilver dalland be pal into Ike kettle ad an. cud to preventing, the apple butter from ditching, to ike bottom of. ike kettle, $adi why no oiker coin, would do we cannot explain? except tkat ike doiland we/ie larg,er and more easily, found wken ike job woa finally, done, Ike handle* of ike paddle far diirring, ike apple butten. were dix to eight feet long, — otkerwide ike keat of ike fire would have cooked gnand- motken. and ike children ad well a* ike apple button* Ike dckool where ike younodierd got ihein f ' reading wniiln* and ' nitkmetic." woa almost alwayd a one-room building* Fon." a numb en. of yeard ike enitre dckool ienm condidied of a pentad of five monihd of learning* At an earlier pentad, ike dckool ienm wad poddXhiy ikn.ee on. four months of eack calendar yean* Tke childzen walked to dckool, and ike distance woa fnam a few kundned feet to tkn.ee on. faun, mile*, depending, on how fan. ike family lived from ike dckool* During, ike winter months, many timed tke pupild had to wade dnow knee deep during, tke dckool deadon* On ike dp/Una, fanm wonk began befo/ie ike dckool ienm ended, and boyd of many familied would be recuined to auU dckool and addidt in putting, out ike crop. On modi conimuniiied kigjk dckool wad unknown and colieaed were few and often fan. away, Sidney Hirond, former Qounty Superintendent of Sckoold and predent pnincipal of tke i'JaltonviUe ttiak School, dtated tkat duning, ike Qivil 'Jan. dti* Vennon'd only dckool cloded down and did not reopen until after tke wan wad oven* Social life in Jefferdon Qounty in ike eanly 7o60 f d among, ike nunal people wad devoted to visiting, playing, ckeckend, ""taffy puUinod, " conn kudking, beed, play partied at homed (wkere ikey played dnap" and dimilar gamed do that ike boyd not yet in military dervice could kUd tke p/ietiy maidendj, pie dupperd at la col dchooU, ditting. anound tke fireplace listening, to grandfather tell dome hunting, diory and in "comparing noted" ad to ike latedi wond fnam tke wan. Attending, wondkip denviced and dtrict adherence to ike religiaud faUk of ihein choice wad a modi with modi fanm familied. hhdt of the churched were of the protediant faith in %effendon (j>unty, ...• 10 and there was one. in walking. distance of nearly, every home* Annual revival meetings were a common pnacilce in this area, and. in some groups Ike. "protracted meeting." was held in a brush arbor it it was held, during, ike. summer deacon* As wild game was plentiful in that, day, muck of. thel/i sports life was devoted to hunting, and fish ing, right in Jefferson Qpunty, usually, within walking, distance of ike home place, Ot was considered great spont to /tee who could bag, ike most gjame in one day. and to tell the enti/ie community, about one.' a wonderful thill as a marksman, (Have we changed muck in a hund/ied years?) Sitting, QAOund countAy stones and dlACussing politico was very muck enjoyed by ike. Local political prophets* Some arguments concerning, politics climaxed In ill fe.tt, Vennon wad muck dmallen in anea ad well ad Jin population, I'Jitk a modenn vekicle one could dnive anound tke village in a matten of minuted, pnoviotiny ke did not yet hi* buggy, dtuck in tke mud. One centuny aao tke dtneeiA wene made of dint. Ike. didewalh* wene made of wood, dome of ikid dawed and. dome kewn by, hand, Local indudtnied duck ad daw milld, flouniny milld and dmall facto.iA.ed wene powened by dieam, y ado line, deidel and electnic powen wene unknown* I ke community kad but few indudtnied, and eacli eni.enpnLie kad dmall pnoduction of juU manufactuned pnoducid. I'Jken each plant wad openatina at peak capacity it could ude but few emjzloyeed* Railway inandponiaiion and the ude of the "inon konde in !<&. Vennon wad unknown, UtJLa wad to come a decade laten. ike neanedt nailnoad wad tke Ollinoid Qentnal tkat nan tknougk Qentnalia, Adkley and DuCluoin. Qonnection to tke neanedt nailway dtation wad by tke diaye coack line tkat openated between fibt, Vennon and Adkley. I ke diaye coacked did a ikniviny budinedd duniny tkid peniod. I ke pnedeceddon of tke ganaye wad ike liveny dtable, I ke liveny dtabled nendened denviced to ike public in mone wayd than one, ■Jken ike tnavelen wad dtoppiny at I'H. Vennon fon tke nigkt, ike liveny diable wad ike place tkat funnidked koudiny fon Ivui konde on team, kickeven ke wad dnivina* An ample dupply of feed wad always available fon tke fwnded tkat wene to be yuedtd of ike pnopnieton. On many occadiond wken inaveliny men came on ike dtaye coack fnom Adkley and needed to yo to viiiayed tkat wene a few miled didtani, tkey would kine a team and buyyy to take tkem to ikein dedttnaiiond and neiunn. I kid wad ike. d^envice of ike liveny diable. Wi ' ■ '. . .- - • . • ■■ y On the menchojioLuting field, almost all itemd wene dold at ike genenal dione, Tke local me/ickani wad expect io dell evenyiking fnom "dafety pind io cadkeid* " Pnactically all ike foodd that ke dold wene packed in bullx, fi\any itemd duck ad dugan, floun, vimegan and dali ponh wene packed Jin wooden banneld, £ack Hem ikai wad dold by ike pound Ixad io be weighed wken ike punckade wad made. Ad ihetie wad no nefniaenation, penidhable menckandide could nol be blocked in ikeJji inventonied. Bookkeeping, had io be done by pen on. pencil, ad OBft macained wene dtill unknown. On 7862 flbti Vennon r d Fine Department condidted of, a gnoup of men ikai would get dome buclietd auickly and nun io ike fine and drum ike waten oui of. ike well ikai wad located clodedl io ike burning, building, 7 kid laiten gnoup woa domeiimed nefenned. to a* ike "bucket bnigode, " Annangemenid wene made with. dome local facto ni.ed ikai had dieam whidtled to blow ike whidile. a ceniaisi numb en. of timed when ihene wad a fine in ike vicinity. Some one had io nun io ike plant and tell t/ieni of ike fine, ad ihene wene no telephoned* .Vnen the whidile. would dound ike dignal £\ai wad known ad ike "fine dignal" it. would caude condidenabie excitement, People would dtant nunning to ike ±Jjie. fnom all dinectiond with two punpoded in mind: one wad io addict in exiingjuidhing tke fine, and ike oiken wad io datidfy ikein cuniodity, Oi wad an unw/Uiten law thai if a fine dianted in dome . dection of town at any houn of the day on any time aiming, ike night, ihjjt eveny one wad expected io get io ike dcene ad auickly ad poddible and addidt ike family ikai wad in didinedd, Banben dhopd and genenal dioned witk ike "cnacken bannel" wene placed whene many dLacuddiond took place, filany candidated who wene adpinanid {on local office wene eiiken elected on defeated if the cnacken bannel n philddophend could accunaiely pnedict the outcome 0^. tke fonikcoming election. At any note, ikid pnovided muck enten- tainment fon ike political ddentidt. Ad ike yean of 7862 wad ike decond yean of ike wan between tke dtaied, tke conflict wad now being fought dedpenaiely by boilx Union and Qonfedenate fonced. Beyond any doubt iJie one iking that wad uppcnmodi in ilie mindd of />ht. Vennon f d nedidentd wad t/ie dtnuggle that wad going on between ike Month and the Souilu Ad a numb en of 74 ike boyA fnam i!xe King, Qit'j- wen.e weaning, ike unifonm of blue, ike folkd back home watched ilte mail daily, io Aee if iken.e woa a letien. fnom husband on. Aon on. Awe.eike.ani who woa away, in ike a/unzd fo/iceA, Like aLL wanA, ikene woa natunally. a nenvouA tension among, ike home people, J hen one pennon received a ieiten, fnom a AoldieAy ikey. went oa Aoon oa poAAikle io Apn.ead ike newA io ike ne-'^ghbonA and otken. n-elaiis/eA* Of a Aoldien. on. Aailon. woa diAckano.ed and n.eiunned home p/iion. io ike end of i/ie wojl, he woa not only, welcomed ad a heio, bid. he woa a cenien. of. aiinaciion Jux ike commuruJjy* ''Iken official nevjA .leached ike community, ikai Qenenal Lee had Auuin.cnden.ed ike Qonfedenaie fon.ceA, ike "folk* bach home" wen.e in ike mood of Aiaaing, a celeh nation, now ikai Johnny wouuld be matching, home Apon, i'lJJJxin a few day^i afien. iJie hiAionic Auuvienden, at Appa- maiiox., Aome mon.e bneaih~iaJiing, newA xeacked ike villaae of fiht, Vennon* IhiA iaicAi newA bnouafii anJLef instead of nejjoicing, Oi woa ike announcement ikai ?n.eA.ident Linco.in kad been Alain ai ike kandA of an aAAaAAin, The name of John WillzeA Booth ojjuuckljy became an unpopular one wiih King. Qiiy /vetidentA, ■ FIRST WHITE BURIAL— Pages 5, 6 and M-21 FIRST WHITE FAMILY STORY ON PAGE M-17— LOG CABIN BUILT 1810 WAS RAZED LONG BEFORE PRESENT HOUSE WAS BUILT. IVAN H. COX, Right, Mayor of Mt. Vernon, and CARL S. DiENN AN 5 DIRECTOR of CONTINENTAL HISTORICAL BUREAU, greets Engine "GENERAL" on its arrival in Mt. Vernon. APPELLATE COURT HOUSE ORIGINALLY SUPREME COURT BUILDING. See Page C-18- FIRST HOME SITE OF ZADOK CASEY, PIONEER MINISTER AND POLITICAL LEADER. FIRST HOUSE WAS LOG STRUCTURE. SEE PACES H-33, H-34, Ml, M-23, M-33, M- 34, P-10, S-5, W-3, W-ll, W-17, W-22. FARM FIRST OWNED BY EDWARD MAX^Y. ORIGINAL BUILDING WAS LOG HOUSE. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH OF MT. VERNON WAS ORGANIZED IN MAXEY'S HOME 33 DAYS BEFORE ILLINOIS BECAME A STATE. SEE PAGES B-14, M-l, M-24, N-7, W-l, W-23. MT. OLIVE CHURCH— ONLY LOG CHURCH STILL IN USE IN JEFFERSON COUNTY. SEE PAGE M-29. 8-1 Mm U B&& * * f&OLLiQOONS OF THi iff. VffWV CM fDMFA(JimN9 (qDOTOMAL H010 Mi* Bates worked In ike office of ike Qul Company fan fifty-five years. J Fo/i tknee auartens of a century o/i mo/ie, ike Qity °r ''^ Vernon, Oillnois, had been an Industrial community. During, that period ike lidu,iirles of ike locality have played a majan /tale In ike economic welfa/ie of ike community. Since 7875 many. millions of dollars kave been distill uted In ike city, and surra binding, ajiea ihraugk ike pay rolls of tkese Industries, Ike local manufacturing, plant known cud "(Dt. Vennon £a* /Manu- facturing Qompany" wklck openaied kere fo/i sixty- four yean* contributed matenlaUby In ike economic gnowik of ike King, (l^V* ^ : ^ ieJl Industries suck as railroads, manufacturers of textile*, footwear, clothing,, fur- naces, etc, pnovlded livelihood fo/i numerous families fan. many years, but ike "Qar. Shops, " as ikey were commonly known, pnovlded ike larg.es t pay nail of any Industrial concenn that ihld community has even had. This Industry had Ha beginning, ten yean* pnlon to ike iunn of ike century. Ike blntk of fftt* Vennon 1 * mammoik Indusiny came about In ilxls mannen: ike late David 0, Setilemlre, whose hame was In Litch- field, Illinois, was engaaed In freight can. building. In that city, and ke decided to move his plant to /'It, Vennon, 3t Is not neaUby known just why ke decided to make ikls move (alikougk some onal neponts have been given), but ke decided to close ike plant at Lichfield and build a new plant at /i'li, Vennon, The plant at filt, Vennon was to have simi- larity of the Litchfield faciony. The plant, Including, ike various shops, was to be eaulpped to build freight cans of all kinds fan the nallroads, I he new place of business was ready fan operation In April, 7o^0, (manufacturing, operations began on a small scale, employing, about faun hundred men when the new plant began operating. The late W, Q, Anthurs, who later became pnesldeni of the company, was a son-in- law of Seitiemlne and was living. In Litchfield at the time ike plant was moved to Mt, Vernon, i<)n, Artkurs was ike first secretary and • ■ • i ". .. . ' a ^ . ■•--. .'■■-■■ : 2 . . ... ' . •• ''■,.' • : ' ■ \ -' : . ' * -.'■■-• i . . .. • . . ■ ' 8*2 treasurer of ike firm, tfbu and /Iks. Arthurs moved io ike King, Qliy, but ike founder continued io Live, ai Llickfield until ike time of kid deatk, Ike Initial production of freight cans p/toduced in ike new plant was from eleven io iutelve cans dally. Aa modi of ike won!\ was done by kand, due io ike fad ikai automation was virtually un~ known) this wo* a fairly lanae day 1 a work for ike four kundred men wko were employed. Ike flnsi products io roll out ike doors of ikLd plant were bull! of wood eKcepi ike parts of ike cola, ikai required Aieel o/i cadi Iron, IkLd plant was Amaller ikon oike/i plants in ike country ikai built a competitive p/ioduci, and ikerefore could not p/ioduce ike Aame auantiiy In daily production) but ike aualijty of ikelr cars was considered io be of ike beat in ike nation, On laien years fili, Vernon' a majjon. Industry built cans for railroads from one coast tine io ike other, but in ike eanJjy day^d of it* existence It La believed ifiat mo At of ikelr products were fo/i ike Louisville and Maskvllle 'Railroad, TkLd woa p/iobably due io ike foci ikai ike L & N woa (and AilJUL Is) one of ike larger railroads of ike country and ikein. (yansvlllc-Si. LouIa line operated tk/iougk /'It, Vernon, Aa ike f')t, Vernon (an. Manufacturing, (ompany could build auallty freight cojia and ike L & N had conneciionA to ikein, plant) 11 wza only natural ikai ikey would aei a Lanae amount of ike L & N buAJuneAAi Jn due time ike local enterprise became known io naltnoaas acnoAA ike country fan. erecting durable freight carS) and ikLd created a new demand for cojia fnom many railway AystemA. Aa ike buAineAA of ike local company began io grow, there woa ike need fon plant expansion. 7kU woa followed by ike erection of additional AkopA and installation, of new plant equipment. After, ike plant had been operating fon Aevenal yeariA and ike demand grew fon Aieel io be uAed to replace wood In freight car construction, ike manaaemeni aow ike necesAily for ike erection of a lanae Aieel plant. This building, woa to be UAed io procesA and oAAemble nearly all of ike Aieel that wad to go In a car. Tke building, ikai was io be known as ike "Steel fried Department" was built on ike Aoutk Aide of ike yards. Ot was bull! in B-3 either 7 Q 70 on 7°72. The first steel can was exerted in this building, in 7°72, The Steel Department was equipped with, two tracks that assembled the chassis and frame posit of the can, Aa the volume of business ynew, the Steel Department, along, with other department*, added mo/ie eo^uipment to keep pace with, production. Ot L6 /lepo/ited that maximum dotty, production never exceeded fifty, completed fneiahi COTS, During, i'Jonld VJan One this plant zieceived a lanye volume of orders fan "nailing, stock. " Ot is not known how many can* were built in thud plant during, that pentad, but peak pnoduction was neached in employment, The company employed 2, JOG men while this conflict was going, on "to end all wans* " Some of the cars that wene built in the //id. Vennon shops duning, ift.e wan. peniod wene shipped to foreign countnies. hneight can building, was the pntmany business of thud uulastnial entenpnise, but aften the company, had been operating, a numb en of yeanj, they wene called upon to enyaye in the manufactune of othen products. As automation woa finding, it* way into coal mine* a* well as othen fields, a numben of coal companies that wene operating, mine* in Southern OILinois began the use of coal loading, machine in thein mine*, The local plant wad called upon to build a considerable amount of iliete machine* to be used In pit. mine*. Ot is not known how many of these machines wene built in /Dt, Vennon non how many mines used them, I his plant was locally owned and operated fan mone than half a century, until it was sold to H. K. fonten and fa of fitts- burah, fennsylvanLa. The eastern firm operated this industry for a few years, then sold the plant to anothen firm; mone about ihid will be mentioned later. i\s pointed out above, this local enterprise played a very prominent role in the economic development and wet fane of i'bL Vernon for oven sixty years. Tnoof of this is found in the fact that the pay roll averayed a hundred thousand dollars every two weeks for a tony peniod of time. On later yean,* the employees were paid weeJUy. On the basis of the above figjune, $2,600^00 wene ,dtstril> uted in. the QJk fibU Vennon anea in a calendan. yea*. Ton. many y€ax* the &*pl*y&e* wen.e paid wiik couth, and. thai, was ike way 11/. Q, A/iikwi* wanted it io be. On one. occasion Dee SeitlemiAe, who was one. of ike officials of ike company luanied io issue checks on payday instead of paying, wiik cath, Seiilemuie infonmed ike peAtonnel of ike office ikai ikey would pay by check and ke did noi cane what Anikun* ikouaki ahoui it. To ike sunpnise of ike piani personnel, ike wonhen* all /leceived checks instead of cash, F/iom this time on, ike. company paid tkein. employee* wiik checks t and tkus ended ike ditiAibution of cash on payday. Dee Seiilemin.e was a nephew of fib* Anihun* by manjuaye. Wken ike president of ike company, David 0. Seiilemuie, patted away at his home, in Litchfield, JUinoi*, a considerable number of people from UhL Vernon decided to attend the funeral. As paved /wad* and automobile* were unJvwwn, ike only meant of tony distance Aapid tnansponiaiion wot by nail; ike. Q & £ Railroad nan an ex.- cun^ion tnain from h\t, Vennon io Litchfield via Shelbyville, The twin, inaveled oven, ike New !/onk Central tracks from Shelbyville io it* destination. The Shelbyville anea had been flooded oa a result of recent /taint, and ike water wot almoti level wiik ike track Tke flooded area, which had the appeanance of a lake on both tidet of tke tnack, cauted to much fear amony ike passenyen* ikai ikey tony "Nearer % $od io Thee" while ike train wot pattiny ikrouyk tke flooded /leyion. I he. founder's death occurred neon, the twin of ike century, Like otker pnoyressive firms, tki* industry expanded itt business at napidly at possible, and in a few yean* wot doiny business wiik nailnoad* acnott tke nation. So well were ikein pnoducit received ikai ike local plant received ondent from outride ike continental UnJjted State*, Thi* company built can* for tke Canadian National Raiinoad, fon. ike (jnand Trunk Line, and ikey alto built tome can* fon. a naLLway company in Mexico, Qven wken tafety pnecauiion* one pnacticed to ike fullest extent, industnial finmt alwayt have catualiiet. Duriny ike sixty- four yean, pentad thai tkit plant openated ikere were many injuries, tome teniout, many of a minor nature, and a few of tke injuries ne- tulted in deatk. On one occasion ikn.ee men wene killed in one day, I hi* U taid to be tke lanyett number of deatk catualiiet in one day ikai ike plant even, experienced. ■ &-5 The "(an Skop/i" wene e^iab linked and beo.an openaiionA a r ew yea/iA pnion io ike coming, of ike. Q & £ 'Railn.oad ihn.ou.gh I'd., Ve/uion. ./'ken. ike finAi 1/iain /ian oven. ihiA new line, ii woa only naiunal ihai all o f ike local neAideniA wanied io />ee ikiA finAi ;cnain on ikiA new nailnoad, T/ie engineen on. ikiA iniiial :tnain iold t'.ouno, via/urn LaieA io aei kirn dome waien and ke would oJ,ve ikiA no unci. o o O tf (TOO man c niece on ilxe fin.ii inain, 3aieA ooi ilxe waien fon i/ie engdneen and he Ia A;cill wailing, fan iliai /tide. ((j'JJTCfUJ. L NOT^: Si wild neven .mienialiy.e, we. aid know, ad ilxe. Q C q haA been, allowed io cliAcon'Linue paA/jenyen Aenvice, and oihen naLlnoad companies a/ie "dicJienino," io bum ike b urines* A. J Ike coming, o^. ilxe iweniieik ceniuny wad oIao ike coming of mo/ie nmJbma inanAponiaiion io J>ii. Vennon, Ike Q c2 J beyan openaiiny nea/i 7-73; aru ^ ^- e iJabadh) QxeAien and ieAienn Railway fill Q & I'JJ woa conAinucied aboui ike dame iime. Ike l/'J Q & iH woa a AhonJt line ihai wad bulli fnom QxeAien, OldinoiA, io hi. Vennon. Oi woa Aaid ihai li woa la/w.elu, financed wiih capilal fnom ike Qole /'lilling, Qpmpany ai QxeAien. I ke '.'J Q <£ \JJ 1a now owned by. ike hiiAAOuni Pacific Qpmpany, I ke corning, o r ike iwo ziail lineA meniioned above provided a new ouilook fon hli. Vennon' a lanyeAi manufaciunen. 3i gjave ikera a poieniial of iwo mo fie nailnoadA wiih which io do buAineAA and p/iovided raone /tail comxeciionA io Alxip ihein pnoduciA io ilxeLn, neApeciive deAiin:.i.uonA, Anoihe/i naidnoad woa bulli ihai opened up mo/ie poAAibidutieA r o/i ike ixing, Qiiy and ike Qan Qompanu, I IxiA waA /mown oa ike o ef r enAon and Soui/xea^iienn 'Railnoad Qompanu, TkiA new line woa build, fjioin beandU' iown } OldinoiA, io DnivenA, OldinoiA. DnivenA woa fomnenly a Amall diasLion on ike L <1 II Railnoad beiween kii. Vennon and AAlxiey, I'Jken ihe InainA lefx. B ea/wUiown ihey inaveled AouikeaAiwand ihnough Qeninalia, Boijd f Q/iavai, > : alnui Hill, D/iiven^, and on io I>)1, Vennon, hnora DnlvenA io i'ii, Vennon ike inainA openaied oven ike L (S /V inackd. Ike ^effenAon and SouikeoAienn Railnoad kaA noi openaied fon many, yeand, Aa ike nailway Ayjiemd meniioned all had conneciiond wiih ike King, Qiiy, ihbd id paobablij. one o^ ihe neatonA why ilxe can building, induAiny ■Jjounjuahed ao napidly in ihe. -ea/tiy yejcuiA-of Ha exi^ience in I'ii, Vennon* • ■ ■ , .. : • : ■. "... ' ' ■" ' ..-....-.■ .... •-.:. '■ . : -. ■ • ' - . ;.- !/•; &! Li ■■•■■■ .'. .. .. . ' ' 'k .... ' . I'jiOJ • ■ . .. • \ .... ' ' • ■ . 8-6 ■ A tong,~io-b e-/i&nemkened incident happened aboard an occundian inain of ike $effen,ion and Souikeadtenn Hailnoad duning, ike excLtina pnedidential campaign of William McKinley and William. J* Bnyan in 78^6, A political nally wad io be keld in belialf of /ihKinley ai . fac/idonville, JtlinoL*. ALL poAdeng^end yoiny fnom flit* VeAnon got /wund ifiip fane fan fifty centd each* A special cannon had been built ai i/ie (an S/iopd to be uAed in ike celeb nation. The paiienn of ikid cenemonial weapon wad buili by. ike. laie. Sylvedien Fodien, ike ladt (ivil 'Jan vetenan who lived in fiUt Venaon* Tkid wad a muted inain, hav.uia boik fneigki and paddenyen catd on ikLi ijiLp, Ike cannon wad mounted on a flxii can. wiik plenty, of powden, and wad io be uded io "Whoop it up" fan I'lcKintey. A numb en of ike employees of ike local can building, plant had fonmenly lived ai Lilckiield and wene well acquainted in thai anea* Ike mayon of Lilckfield, wken he keand of ike ex-cundion and ike cannon, iddued ondend fan "ikai cannon 1 ' not io be fined in ike city JMnLtd of tkai town, 'Joe Dalian, who woa aboand t/ie train, end a fonmen neAident of Lcickfield, knew wkene ike mayon Livedo Ike korr.e of ike "ckief cLLc^en wad a dkont distance fnom wkene ike inain padded* Ike bo yd on ike fiat can kad tlie cannon loaded wiik a lanye q 3 uan±iiy of powden, and ad ike inain went by ike mayon 1 d kome i/iey fined ike dpecial- mada gun. Tke noide ikai wad made' fnom fining, ikLd dhot dhook ike town, I he mayon made no effoni to captune ike oned wko didtunbed ike peace, ad ike inain did not diop ai LiickfieloL I nion io ike time ikai nadio came into pnaciical ude, band concents wene a populan meand of enieniainment in many communiJULed, ton a nu/nben of yeand ike i'\i. Vennon (an filanufaciuniny (o. dpondoned a band ikai pnedenied negjulan concenid in ike local community, TkLd band wad well neceived by ike local nedidenid and wad condidened one of ike bedt in ike couniny. Tke band aido kelped io maintain ike monaic of ike pendonnel of ike plant. Tke. band could be nelied upon fan panaded, concenid, naliied and fon many oiken occadiond. Ot wad called ike "(anco Band. " Ike manaaement of ike (an (ompany keld ike ilv?ony ikai. io keep good monale among, tkein empioyeed. -would, pay d'ibdic.\Ual dividand^ £-7 One way to do thiA vkla to pnovijde dome. a port that wouJ.d be popular with the. plant personnel a-6 well, oa the local citLzwuiy* I he company AponAored. a boAeball team for a numb en. of yeanA iluoJL woa called ike "(ar Builder*, " I hJ^6 teem played againAt many other team* In Southern OILinoiA and woa noted oa one of t/ie better teamA outAide of t!ie mayor leayueA, 'Ray Blades, who In late.i ucojia played with, ike St* Louisa (ardinalA when tlieu ujon ike wo r I A* a championAhip, played with the (ar Builde/iA prior to the time that "ha joined the St, LollLa team, 3t iA probable that the playing, that B laded did with the (or BuilderA helped to o^ualify him for a place in the National Leayue* Aa mentioned elAcwherep thiA induAtry held the reputation fon, build.iny auality fzeiyht cota, Of a former employee went elAe~ where to Aee/z employ went at -dome freight can building, plant, hiA Atronyeii reconmendatton would be a letter fnom the fiht, Vennon (an. f>lonufactariny (ompany, f'hny people never knew that thus plant built a freight can. eaulpped with, no lien. bearinyA, Th Ia can. wad completed and ready to be released oa ''rolling, Atock, " but it woa decided, bu, company offlciald that it would not be a AacceAA, The reAult woa that JUL neven. left tlie yonoU, Aa the company had a fainly larye forye department, t/iey were called upon to funniAh foryinaA for a number of rail lineA in different part* of the country. At one time thiA company built the foryinaA for four hundred cota for the L & N Railway, The foryinyA were Ahipped to LouUville, Kentucky, and oAAembled in the L & N AhopA there. After the plant had been in operation for a number of yeanA, they realised the need for a larye foundry, A building, woa erected and equipment installed to produce caAtinyA in larye volume, On addition to makiny caAtinyA for their own plant, they did cuAtom work for other cuAtomenA, At one time this! plant made all caAtinyA for the Southern Railroad (ompany. The Southern haA thouAanoA of mileA of tnach. (aAt Iron wheels were at firAt uAed on "rolliny AtochJ' oa the uAe of Ateel wheeld woa for yeanA un/vwwn, /U variouA railuay officials learned that the flit, Vernon AhopA could and did build a M product ikat was dependable, ike iH* Vernon plant was called upon la manufacture car wheel* for ike L & N, Q (S £ and fllLssounl Pacific systems. As thus was* ike steam e\a and all trains w4e, Jn the eanly 7°JO r s ike (an Qpmpany saw the necessity of expanding, ihein office space, and a new and beautiful office building, was enected neon ike plant on Shawnee Street, This building, was larye enougk to house all of the company's office eauipmeni* The office building, was laien sold to an association that convented it into Jefferson Memorial Hospital* I he ('It, Vennon Qar fihnufaciuring, Qompany, in addition io pnoviding, the community with an adeauate pay noil during, its career, pouned larg,e sums of nevenue into local taxing, bodies thai was of matenial assistance io frit, Vennon schools as well as oiJien sources, Duning. World ill an Two, fibt, Vennon 1 s ianyesi industrial plant was called upon to play hen nole in. ike prosecution of this conflict, on addition io building, "nailing, stock" fon ike American railway systems, they were gi.ven larye orders for bombs to be used in keeping, the Na%i legions on t/ie east side of ike Atlantic, Ji is not known how many bombs this plant built for ike federal government, but ike number is substantial. ..- : ■ ■.-.■.-, , .'' ' ■ . * ■ ... ' '■■'-■ •■..... ' ) ' .. . . • . ■ . ' i ' ■ ' ■■ . . ■ ' ' '• ■ ' ■ B-9 On 7 bu± (** * ome /iead0rl i ^ )i. VeAnon but who can nelaie many outstanding, and interesting, episodes whlck occunred at this giant plant. loday ike can. shop buildlnas are being, io/m down fon salvag,e and we shall have io wait a while io know what will be done with ike many acnes of valuable land, Ot handly seems possible that any one indusiny will even, again have ike influence on tke impact on ike i'lt. Vennon anea ikai was enjayed by the flit, Vennon Can. //Janufac- luning, C°mpany. 7U£F3m NATIONAL BANK OF faf, VtfWN I he antlcles of association onganlging, tke Flnsi National Bank of Mount Vennon were adopted by ike siochkoldens on November 7 k, W33* The bank opened fon business on December 13, ?933t *-fi its present auarters at 707 Souik Tenik Street. Tke following, board of dinectons were named: %, £, Davidson, C* 2* BSlUt, Louis L. {mmenson, $, H, filbert, % 0, Kaufman, $ohn Tiackaway, £o/l/ S chwelnfuntk, Lester £, Starr, H, B, 9, Wand, Fned ?. Watson, ft, /(, Web en and §uy A, Wood, The bank became a member of ike - ' : % " ' .-. ' - '., '-"'. : • '■' .•■-. ', • .■■-. I ... , - ' ' - ' ' ' ' P • ' ' - ■' ■ ■■' ' '''■.''■ ' ' ' ■■ ; ' ■ • .''■■• ■ ■'; • ■ ^ '":- ::: • > . ' ' ■ ■ ■ ' '■ : ■ '• •■' . ' M .■• ' a • '■ ■ ' . ■ ' '■ . I ' : » , • - ■ ■ ■■ v :- ' . &fcOJ •- • ■■ - ■ ' , '.'■-./. ...... ;...:■.•■.'..■■ .,.■ '■>.•' ; ' .. • a ■' • ■'■ ■••. ■• :. • ....■'..' ■■ .■ ..'.■.'.■.. ... . " -' ' '■■■.'..■.'.' ' ■_ ' _ ■ fe . r sM ,. i\\ r; ■..■■■ ■ . , • ■.-...• ; . ' , ..... ■• . . .. S , I b ! . ."'. S • .. ' ' ,•■. . . .... . . ' • ■ . ..■ ""..:■.•-■,■ ., ■ , ,.'■-■,.,..-.., . . 'ml . ■ ■ ■•-■.>- .... ■ ■ ; '' • k ....'■ ft .... " ■ • '■ - ■ ' ' : ' ■ ■'■ ■ : " ' "' ' . • ' ■ ■ ' ._ . . • " • ' :■ ... .. ■. ■ ■ . ., ■ \ ■ ■" ■" ' . ' ' '■' ■' .'■ .. ' ■ ' •">•'... '...'. '...■-.".' B-70 American BankenA Atto elation at lit ttanl and Ia today, a memben. In good ttandlng* The fUtt of.fU.ceAA elected wenje % 0, Kaufman, pnetldent; fohn H, Hackaway, vi.ce p/ieAident; ftla/uLui filch, cathieA* and J, Q* 'janjiell, attlAtant cathien^ The capital ttock wot $700,000 and wqa divided into thanet of $20* 00 each. Tke. total /ietouAcet on Decemben. J7, Ot Ia intenettlng to note that. LouIa U (mmenAon, named above oa one of tke o/Uglnal duiecto/iA, tenved thn.ee tenmt pwm 7° 7 6 to 7° 28 oa Secnetany of State of JlUnolt and then tenved oa (jovennon. of JlUnolt fnam 7°28 to 7°J2, fik* fymenAon woa a gneat attet to hit countnjy, ttate and city, and tenved faithfully aA a duiecton. of thiA bank until klA death on Feb/uiany. k, 7 0l f7* On Decemben. J7, 7^39, aften. tlx yeanA of pnognett, the total netouncet of tke bank wene In excett of two million dotlanA. Both checking, and tavlngA accounts had gnown contldenably, and the bank woa tewing, the community in a mone genenal way. oa Ha gAowth Indi- cated* On the yeanA It. hoA tenved M* Vennon and the tunAOundlng anea the bank haA had foun pnetidentt: ft. 0* Kaufman, mentioned above, tenved until hU death on % 2, 7?4?. Qkanlet Qwup tenved until August, 7 . . •. . •■ ■ : • ■ • *• ,; • ,' ■ .- ■•■>- : .. '■_- '■ '-■, , • .-■'■ ■ ■ ■ .-. ... : . ■ i '.' ■' ■.■ . .." . .... S s ■' ' '- ' ' - . ■'. v. .''... 5 . ''' • '.. • . ' ' ! . ■ -■ -■:■■■■ ■ ... . ■ ': ' '.•■••■-• > ■■. ■ • . .. ■ • ... ■-..• . . - ....... ' : ■ . : - ■ - -. ■ • , . . L . ■ ' i . • B-77 ike bank building, and ike building of ik/iee beautiful, modem and con- ve/iLeni cbu.ve.-Ln windows. Below ikeAe windoujA id a lounge ba.'>emeni an.ea having, ike pAeAeni bookkeeping, depajiimerji, pn.oof dzpa/ubneni and supply, /worn* Ike new lacLU.ii.e4 vene opened io ike pub Lie in. $une of. 7^58, Ai ikai iime alao, pAaciically fu.LL-4calc automaton of eauip- meni woa pui inio opeAoilon wiik ikn.ee BuA/tougnA ^enAi-twnic book- keeping, machine* j BuaaouoJia pnoof machine and ike accouni nurhenJjig, AyAiem being, inAialled, The lobby. aJUo ai thai iime woa modenni^ed, 3n /iky of 795°, boik Alaie and fedenal cuihoAiiieA gjumied full inuAi powenA io ike bonk, anoiken. impo/iiani Aiep in fulfilling. cuAiomenA ' needd. B01j.ce HuAon wo* appoinied 7/luaI OfficeA and No/unan /'kuip/iu. oa ~iU/ii.4iani 7 /mat OfficeA. Ike 7aua± Deponimeni fnom Ua incepiion kaA gsown and coniinued io gnow ai a napid pace and ha* pnoven io be a valuable aAAei io ike bank and lid cuAtomenA M Ike kLaionu. of ike bank id muck ike dame oa /leading ike fieceni kidioAy of f(\£ 9 Vennon and 'JeffenAon Qouniy, oa mosii of ike officenA and dinecio/iA nave been active community ieadenA who one gneaily inieneAied in ike g/wwik of ike communiiu., £ach yean. fon. Aevejwl yeanA paAi officeAA have been Aeni io Ackoold, including^ School of BanJUng ai f'kdiAon, U/idconAin; Motional 7/iuAi School of ih/iihweAienn UnlveAAiiy; School of BanJiing, of ike Souik, Louisiana Siaie UnivenAiiy; OlLurxoiA BankenJ * Sckool fo/i Developme/U of ^unio/t fy.ecuii.veA/ Souikenn Ollirwt* UnivenAiiy; F, c l\ ft, A School, No/iik- weAienn UnivenAiiy, oa well oa many couAAeA offered by ike Amenlcan JnAiiiuie of Banking. Ike advance inalning, of ikeAe officeAA puiA ike bank in a favonable position io Aenve ike public and tenve ii well I he pAeAeni dinecioAA of ike banli one: Q £, BAehm, £dwand 6 (untU, r John A. DaviaUon, QwlaUa <}. DeWili, William A. CjairbeA, 3ohn A. liink, $ack (iMtckeJUL, HoaoU A. MyenA, $. £dwin f.ackawa.y, (anl Schweinfunik, QiojiieA S. Viand, and Hanold £. UJaiAon. Two of ikeAe mentioned, (anl Sckweinfuni/i and (kanleA $. Dd'Jiii, one me/nbenA of ike onlglrLai boand of dlAecionA, ike pAeAeni officeAA one; [divand QuaHa, pneAidenl; Boyce MuAon, executive vice pneAideni and inuAi officeA; faUel ftigkinowoA, vice pneAideni and aAAitianl inuAi officeA; Lacey Payne, vice pAeAideni; LuikeA BeckeAen, oAAiAiani vice pAjPAideni; Q Wayn^HigJiAmiik, caAnieA B-72 and aAdLdtant ijutAt office*; Mabel &**$> 29b,W.78; 79*8, $8,878, 57*. 02; 7953, i & h t&to 5- 70; 795$, $7*, k80,033.96; 7961, $76,277,880.^7. —HobeAjtA. MelckeA, AteLdia/vt (jjudhLeA. BWQ( SQHOOL t>1&tViy£S (Taken fnom an a/LtLcJLe w/iLtien in. ike /'It, Vennon lleaiAten.- iiewA by. AddJL*on Hapeman. Block SckooJL wa* deAijtoyed in ike ionnado of December, 7957.) Anoiken. of ike iking* ikai have vanished into ike Limbo of ike pa*t one ike "tiienajiie*" ikai wen.e keid one night pjzck week of school AeaAon ai ike old Black School. Tke*e wen.e not ''play pantie*; " ike*e meeting* wen.e " eddicational, " An avenaae of fifty, on. AJbdty people gathered at ike. Acho?i hou*e eack meeting, night, coming, in wagon* on. bugaie* on. on foot on. han*ebacK By. Aiantina time the yand wa* well filled wLtk a*AonJ:ed vehicles, wLtk tke team* unhitched and one hon*e tied to a wheel on eack Aide. Fin*t on ike evening, 1 4 pnognam we/ie Aong* by ike school ckildjien, /solo and in gnoupA. 'The*e wen.e the old familLan. school Aonp-book aJLn*, and what they lacked in hanmony they made up in vanla- iion. Aften. all the Ainyen* had been given a chance, ike /lecitationA began. TkeAe "piece*" vanied in lengik wLtk ike aye and aaning. of ike young, pen*on doing, ike /tecLting.. Some went in fon. tuck wonk* a* "Lincoln 1 a Qetty*buAjg, AddneAA, " on. Aome of ike cIoaaLca; oiken* Aiuck to Aomeiking, ikey could mon.e neanJjy handle. One man Atill Aememben* tke ven*e he Aeci te d . neanJLy eigkty yean* ago. Six. yean* old at ike ■■'■•■ ■ ' ' . ■ ~' .■ • I ' ■ . . . . \\\ . .. , ' '"'...■ .,••.■■.■■ - ":' ' ' . \ . . ■■ ... . • ..-.■■'■ . ■ >.{•„.. .'■... i ■ . • . . . •■*..■' ■ ■:'■.■■. . . . ■ | . ». ■ • I ] 8-73 time, he manched up ike ai^le, Aautuied away, befo/ie ike audience, and declalraed: "Of. olden, boy* can make a speech, iJe liitle boy* can too, AlihounJi we may not tail *o muck, _ yet we've a wand fori uou, I hi* wo/dd Jut lanae and fjLbL of noom, I ken.e jU a place fon. ail, Ike /tick, ike poo/i, ilie wl*e, ike aood, /he ianne a* weLL a* *mali, " ;i* *oon a* he had finl*hed tie /tan Sack down ike al*le and bunled kU ■M.ce In ike lap of hi* moikeji, who paiied him on ike kead and aaged pnoudly abound in neceive ike plaudit* of ken. neigkbo/i*, npce/L ike lati fattening, neciiation wa* finl*ked ikene wad a *oni of mu*lcal Inienlude, penkap* io *ooike *haiiened nenve*. Usually. Hie o/iche*ixa con*i*ied of a violin, auiiaA, bani,o, iairlounini and nattle-boneA, "Ouick" ?lgg. wa* ike iambounine vlniuo*o, *kak.Lna ike in*inumeni in a knee io hip, abound ike *houlden and oven, ike Lead nouiirce iho.i would kave anou*ed ike envy o t tie mo*i expeni aypty. %£ wa* alto expent on ike "bone*, " being, "*o hoi he didn'i dajie play lono. ai a iime on, he'd *ei ike place on fine, " Tke*e naitle-bone* (aciuaily, Jun £xl* ea*e, faun *ho/ii lenaik* of ikin wood) funnUked a *hanp and *yncopated nJiyihm a* a background fon *uch tune* a* "Liitle Fl*hen fifoiden, " "lied .'Jinn,, " "'Pop $oe* ike )ea*el, " "Dixie" and oiken, Qivil Jcui *ong*, and any oihen* i/iai mo*i of ike playen* could fill In wlik matt of ike iune. Following, thi* musical penlod, ikeze woa dually a debate, ike leaden* "choo*lna up" *U on, *even men io a tide. The debaied tubiecU wene vanled and covered evenyiking, fnom 'What InfUuer.eed ike gnowik of ike nation mo*i: ike plow on, ike pnu.niing, pne**?" ihnu What hod ike mo*i nig,ht6: Ondian on, white man?" io a momeniou* dU- cu**lon a*io Vklek habii co*i fie mo*i; coffee on, iobacco?" I he coffee debaie co*i one man an all-time kick In fine* fon petting out of onden. The gnoup had a nigid *ei of null* Ion be- havloun dujilnn ihe*e *e**lon*, and any Infnaetion of ike nule* bnougki a ,Jne of ien cent*. Dunln., ike coffee-tobacco dl*eu**lon one man wa* laiken cannled away la pn^Ulng, ike *in,engik of hi* wife'* coffee, and became a little too a peel fie The audience. IwwLed with launjiteji, but the. .jjdxieA -Lined him fifteen centi, TheAe flne^o wejie tuied to buy, ke/WAene p>/i the. neflecton.- er.ui.pped wall IcmpA, and wen.e the only expense connected, with the meetings, Alnce the wood uAed to heat the building, woa cist in. tne eanly ■foil, in a community, "wonJvjxg, " But when the coal-oil fund /ion tow "you didn't handly dayie open youi mouth, on. they'd Alap a t Jjie. on y.ou* Sometimes a mock tnlal woa held Instead of the debate* I hen.e we/ie uAually one on. two young, men who we/xe n.ea.iing law who ioen.e wUllrxo, to aln, theln. knowledge, ao t/ie affaln had dome n.eAemb Lance sco tlxe n.eal t'xing. Till* neAemb lance, howeve/i } wad only } l.eetln^, and. usually the pnoceedin^A would have made BlacliAtone a pin In hud cyiave, FWST BAPT3ST QU/RQI OF iW. VgWON Accondlng, to a papen, on "(jxnl.y QxiuxcheA of ffeffenAon Qounty, wnltten In 7?4/ by Rev. Q. //. Todd, paAton. of the FJuiAt l>\ethodlAt (hunch at the time, the BaptUtA held the fln^t ctmmch o /inanimation In, the lenjxlto/xy that now compnlAeA the city limits o^ ht % \J 'ennon. (qJJ1J,<0uL r!u7 t j The I'lethodlAtA met eanllen, but ou-budz tire city lli.iitA, J A /'in., (juxpenten. held a meeting. In the old count houAe and onaojnls.ed a Society of Baptist* In 7o20, Serviced continued Jm ;b'.e count. houAe, nean. the cjxeeh, thiA being, nean.zn. the cet^zn. o r popu- lation at that time. Among, the name* oaao elated with thlA eanly fe>LloiuAtxlp wen.e Ronton, Hondo w and ffondan. Despite the pnoxlmlty of an abundance of waten., r /xe^uent ■floods Aoon convinced thoAe ploneen. BaptiAtA tliat thLd wad not tlxe niOAt d.eAl/xable location fon. a place of won^ixlp, and the Society moved to tne neAldence of Ullllam Rlcka, whesxe AenvlceA wen.e held ^.on. five on. aIx. yeojxA, 3n the meantime, Thomas 'Pace and othen. AettlenA had cleaned a tjw.ll down AoutheaAt thnauah what woa at one time the old pain. gjxoundA, to a deep hole In the cjieek whene then could waten. theln. IxonAcA even In dn.y weathen, /lean. thLd location, called "Uon^e lole, tlxe BaptiAtA e/iected a ApaclouA (fon. thoAe day*) place o r won^hlp. luncheon AeatA wen.e pnovlded and AenvlceA wen.e held unden. ;che tyxeeA whenever poAAible, Hen,e the fjjxAt Baptist AAAoclatlon In 'Je-^fenAon • . .. ' . ' ■ . . . ■ ■ \ . ■ : i . . B-75 Qounty woa keld in ike fall of 782°, Rev, Qarpenter, who organised ike Society, continued a* potion* Rarely in ikoAe day* did ike Bap- ii*i* caJLL any, one from fan. away from ikeir location a* padtor, /he building, erected near "Mor*e Hole" wad u*ed at a won*kip center until about 7oJ5 on. 7Sj6. A second Baptidi ckwick wo* built "up ike creek, " about a half mile north of what i* now ike Fain.fi.eld Road, in ike yean. 7oJJ, /kit worship ce>iter con*i*ied of four larae cabins about ten feet apart farming, a rectangle, ike la.ng.eai cabin beina u*ed fan. wor*lxio and ike oi/ier* for sleeping, purpose* during, camp meeting. occa*ionA on. oiker aervLceA, ttem-bena and friend* from fiU, Venn/in found ikelA way down a iraiA. fon service* and fon. 4e4.d4.0n4 of foot waaluny, wkick wo* con- dcigniiouA.lu ob*enved t On ike eanJ.y 7o60 l * a 'tainted mviker in J*rae,L, " ike wife of jeweler £. 'J} 4 Mo/inan, began to invite dome children who did not attend Sunday School at any cluirck to meet in hen. dining, noom (ikey lived at on. neaz A'inik and Jordan Street*, probably about tie aite of ike old Flahaffey Route), and *kc alto invited oiken children who were reaular pupil* in oiken. Sunday SdwoJLd to heap tkem. company* I'k*, (>brnan ken* elf attended the Fleihccli*t and Presbyterian *ervice* 4 Some 0'^ Hie ckurcke* held Sunday School in i/ie mauenliy told in a few words, by ike Flinute* of ilxe Organisational Meetings, wkick have been, faitk fully copied into eack of ike (kurck /'linule. Booh*, a* follow*: 3-76 "Hula 17, 1868 ('it, Vennon 'JeffenAon Qounty OllinoiA 'PunAuani to annanyemeniA, we, ike undersigned, met at ike Qampb ellile Quuick for ike purpose of onjgani^ing. ourselves into_a ckurck, Bnotken. u, 01, Bnookd of Ashley presided oven, ike meeting, Ike object of ike meeting, being announced, those desiring, membership in ikiA bnanck of Zion were requested to come fonward, Ike following, bn.eikn.en pn.e4eni.ed ikeui name*: ° Bno, %, A, (j/iani; Bno, Q, W 9 {ilonoan; 8 no, D, Sixuvgls; 8 no, 0, Iftubc/ieLLf Bno, Cj, J /iJaykew; SiAten. £, D, y/iani; Sister D, A, nhrgojy Sister A A, SturgiA; Sister SanoA Qrey; Sister filojiika D t Honey.; SiAter /liartka l>\ay- nor; Sister Many irtcKee; Sister Sarah fihlone; SJUten, /ijary /'HtchelL After pn.es eniing. their name*, we pnoceeded to businesA by electing, Bno, bnjooks, (ifodenaion. and Bno. u, Sturgls, Clerk. Brother Cjnan£ moved Ifei Bno, Snook* nead ike Qhwvck Covenant, ike motion was suAtained, Bno, Bnooks suggested tkai'a Qomnvyttee be appointed to invile ikn.ee on. more Riders to jit in council on Ihursday, p/ievious to ike second Sab" batkjLn August to notify, ike pnoceedings of ike meeting* Bnoiker y/umt moved ikat Bno, B/woks, Bro, fihnnjan, and Bno v (>\aykew be ike committee, Ike motion was sustained, No furiker basinets presenting. ilAeif, ike meeting, was doted wilk a very appnopniate pnouer and benediction, Bno, J. (J/, Brooks, /ihderaior Bro, D, SturgiA, Qlerk On August 6, 1 868, ike "membenA of ike /legular Baptist Quuick of ikiA place and vicinity." met ai ike Presbyterian Quuick and pnoceeded to onaanige what ikey decided to call ike First Baptist Quuick of /'li* Vernon, OllinoiA, Ike "Qampb eiiiie Qiuuick" mentioned in ike Ulinuies ( officially iken as now ike Quuick of QhriAiJ was apparently alto known as HeiAenman's Hall and was on ike second floor above Heiserman f s Baheny on ike southeast corner of Ninik and fondan wkick wad later ike location of Henjiins 1 §nocery (ike Herrins were pnominent eanly members Of ike hirst BaptLdi Quuick), one of our earliest movie housed and Lipps ' grocery. Ike Presbyterian Quuick, where ike actual onganigaiion meeting, was field, was apparently on Fourieenik Street between ('lain and Bnoadway and jjust across ike street south from ike Appellate Qount, Bno, 0, i'J. Bnookd woa elected as ike first potion, of ike cluuick on September 21, 7868, wiik Bno. §nant and Bnjo, I'hyhew at ike fuitt dea- con* and Bno, 0, Siungit at clenh, I'ilnA, Amelia Poole woa £ie firti penAon baptised into ike fellowship of ike new ch.un.ck, and fon. about seventy yeanA Ake. coritinuecL oa one. of ike. moAt faitkful membenA of ike ckwick. B -77 Oirmediaiely afien. ike onajinigaiion, ike fuisi place of wo/iskip was an old cjaA.pord.eji shop (possibly ike. some one wkesie ike. Sunday. School was held). Two clodded consiiiuied ike. Sunday. School, and eZgkie.cn was considered io be a good attendance* wiik p/ieacking. once a month* Bui as dome one has said, "They gjicw and as ikey gjiew ikey built* " On 1c71, Lois % 10 and 12 in Block J in Sionms Sum/ey wene purchased* These lois were in ike block souik of. Jordan Si/ieei wiik Lois ° and 12 facini on Hinik Sineei and Loi 10 facing. Tenik Street, A chwick wo* buili on Loi 9 wiik ike parsonaae eitker. nexi doo/i on. a* a pa/ii of ike ckufick building* Bno, D, Siargis wo* Daniel Siurgts who died in ike fail of 1°12 (ike last of ike Qhanter Members), He kad lumber io build a kome on ike southwest corner, of Ninik and Jordan bui con&iibuied it fan. use in building, ike new chwick and waiied several years befo/ie ke was able io build his own kome* Ike congjieaaiion worshiped ai this locaiion uniil ike cyclone of 1888, which destroyed ike chwick and parsonaae. On fiknck 26, 1888, ike tnjusiees pu/ickased a tract on ike southwest co/men of Block 12 in Q/ieens ' Addition (8ik and Jordan) from D/u Iff, Duff Q/ieen and his wife Qorinnd, and on October 6 of ikai yean, ike inusiees deeded ike property io ike First BapiLdi (kwick; a new chwick wo* elected and dedicaied in ike fail of 1888 wiik Dr, John Broadus, P/iesident of ike Louisville I heological Seminary, pleaching, ike dedicaio/iy s en/no n, The "new" chunck in iime pnoved ioo small, and extensive /lemodeling. and enlarging, was done in I^OU, 1<}0' SeptembeA 75, 7929 -OatobeA. 7, 7935, W 9 B, f'b/ULU; Febnuany 16, 7 9 36 -September 5, 79% KobejuL q. Lojuon; (fojich k, 79k5-Au$u*£ 77, 79U7, U. IV. Hcuivey; $un.e 7, 79^8-^uly 27, 7955, Antbiw g. QanakeA,; September 77, 7955-gune 3, 7956* Daniel HeU.- rn.ey.eA. (OrubeAjUn faction,); guune 77, 7956-pn.eAeni, £uyene L, Ho Leon' — Pnepcuied by: Hanold C Howand _ - ' ■ \ • : • " • F ' : ■■'••■ ' . ~ , . ; . . . - ■ '■■"■■ . ' •■ nca! Bureau Historical Research of All Kinds ;i]i!!iy!IS!l!li!llil!!IH!!3I!iliSHlSISi!lg!]iS!SI!3! If It Is In American History "You Name It - We Do It" !l!ll!ilS3i!ii2l!i!]!!Jii])lllllll!ll]l!!fliliaE]ll]!!l! We Handle Genealogical Service Phone 2424535 P. O. Box 683 Mt. Vernon, Illinois ARE YOU IN NEED OF PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE ON LETTERPRESS OR OFFSET PRINTING Register Forms, Letterheads, Envelopes, Business Cards, Rubber Stamps, Booklets, Schedules, Announcements, Etc. C & Telephone 244-2040 — Area Code 618 BENTON ROAD MT. VERNON, ILLINOIS C&ffiML (H/MQ/ Cf QM0S7 7ke flnAi connjvegailon of ike (Juiftck of (knlAi in M. Vennon woa onaani^ed on Ocioben J, 7853 wiik imenty^one membe/iA* ftlLniAieAA pn.eAent wane. 0. (. Ashley., 'John £. ft\cBn.yan, 'John A. lUlHiumd and Uona.ce. I'JatnonA. (anefully pn.eAen.ved to ihiA day, iA ike flnAi wnliien n.econd of ike Oceanian, all. inAcnibed In. ike hand of Hanvey I . face, ike flnAi clenh of ike congregation, Ike name* of ike ckanten, membenA follow: Alfned /ibnaan, khaeA Baugk, Solomon Fond, John Stewant, John Baugk, William Bough, John. Bauak, Jn. , Hanvey 7. face, Nancy. I'JelU, folly Bauak, fto^an Bauak, Qiigabeik Hani, SaAok Fond, fnUciUa Nelcken, Nancy face, Jane /loo/ie, /hny Stewani, John W. Lee, Lea N, Lee, SuAan Bnanckcomb, and Nancy Wallace* Ike wonk. of onaanlging, a local ckunck wad principally led by ft/i, and fbiA. Hanvey 7, face* Oi woa ikein deep conviction xkai ike (hunch muat flouniAk in unity "upon ike ttond of §od alone a* ike nule of faiik and pnacii.ee. " On addition to jenving, a* ike congneaaiion' a fifiAt clenh, flbu face punckaAed and maintained wiik hid pnlvaie meanA ike flnAi kouAe of wonAhlp. Fnam ike day of Ha onaanl^ailon, ike cononegatlon had been meeting, in ike JeffenAon (ouniy (aunt Houac. Ji woa ike county' a second Judicial cenien, having, been built in 7ohO. I he tinuctune woa fonty feet /iauane, with a tauane noof. the count noom, uAed by ike (hunch of (hnJUi on Sunday, woa on ike flnAi fioon, wiik faun office* above* DoonA opened on ike touik, eaAt, and weAi, making, auite a formidable appearance. Rene ike congregation met fan. several month*. On November J, 7853, exactly one monik after ike ckwick'j organisation, /Ik. face negotiated for ike punchaAe of ike old frame building, belonging, to ike /'It. Vennon Society of ike MeikodiAi &iA- copal (hunch fon. ike turn of $Jfy$, 7he structure woa one of hiAionlccl significance. Ot woa ike finAi ckunch building, in /It. Vennon, being. eneded in ike yean 783*i. On 78^0 it woa n.emodeled wiik an additional iwelve feet added to Ua ovenall length. Li. gov. Zadok (aAcy pn.c» tented a bell whlck hung, in ike ckunck' * belfry fan. many yeanA. About tkU tune ike building, woa Hie tcene of a political dUcuA^lon between Abnaham Lincoln and John. A. Mc(lennand, ike meeting, being, held In ike C-2 ckunch due io ike count houAe't iemponoAu inadequate condiiion* By ike. Aummen. of 185*+, ^ho/illy following, /'k. Pace.' 4 punchoAe of ike pnopeniy, ike tinuciune woa taiLdfacionily neno voted fon. uac and ike (kunch of QuiiAi moved iiu Hene, in Ha fuiAi home, ike congnegaiion mei fon. twenty yeanA, gnawing, with pneAiiye in. ike community ai timeA, and weakening, ai oikent, i'Jiik a teniouA JLoaa of number tknougk deaik and nemovaiA, ike c0ngj1eg.aiU.on fell into difficaii timeA, and in 78"jk woa fo/iced io disband, wiik ike iaai seconded addJUionA made on AugjuAi ° of ikai yean. Following, ike deaik of f'lnA, Pace in 7875 ond Ha/wey T, Pace in 1876, ike pnopeniy feJUL inio ike hanxU of ikote who, on one occasion, made, ii available io ike iocai miliiany company, A (Hi* Vennon newt- papen nemanhed concenning, ike inanAaciion: 'Ike QiniAtian (kunch building, had been denied by ike ownen. of Qp, D ad an onmo/iy, Many deiigkifui memonieA cJbuAten anound ikiA oid land-mank, and ii. teemA Ainang,e io dee ike houAe, whote woJULa fon. to many yeanA neAounded io ike teaching, of ike Pnince of Peace, occupied by a niULUbariy company, and filled wiik ike accoutenmentA of wan* " Ton. ike nexi twelve yeanA, ike (hunch of (hniti wo* inactive, Oi iA difficult io eAiabliAh ike name* of miniAtenA and ike iime of ihein tenvice fon. ikiA eanlieAt peniod, I'Jiik ike meayen. infon.- maiion available, we can tunmiAe ikai ike pneackiny and guidance of John £, ftcBnyan led ike liiile congneyaiion daniny ike veny finti yeanA, Pecondt thaw ikai John /V, fuulhie woa leadiny when ike peniod doted in l8tfk n JuaI who ikote wene ikai miniAtened duniny ike hand yeanA of ike i'Jan. Beiween ike SiateA it noi known. Mo aiiempi of n.evivol wot achieved until in Febnuany, 7886, when J m VJ, PobbinA of OliiopoiiA, Jilinoit, woa able io ttin ike "QuiiaiianA Only" io a new life ihnougk ike ncAul±A of a five-week/) 1 evanyeliAiic meeiing, UJiik ike finti teven convenlA and ike n.emaininy membent of i/ie congneaaiion onyani^ed in 7 8^ J, a new chanien. waA wniiien on ftanck 7k, 7886, At ike clote of ike campaign two weekd iaten, ike membenthip of ike chwich nwnbened ikiniy-teven, VJiik B, P, Cfiibent oa ike {JLnAt potion, of ike newly neAion.ed chan.chy ike finAi tenviceA wene keld in ike count houte, n.eminiAceni of eaniien dauA, meeiing, neaulanly each Lond't Day, On Novemben, ike • ■ ■ - ' - . I i'-i i • ! ■ -•■•.■.'■• • ' • . .. .... 3 ... i • . . ■ - • ■ • C-3 dame. yean, anoiken evanyeliAtic meeting, woa keld by £ ft Lampion, of. filiAAounU Duning, ike ikn.ee week* of. ikiA campaign, ike congregation woa Atnengtkened and enlanaed, A Bible SckooJL woa on.gani.%ed witk ikinty ckildnen ennolled, i'Jiik ikiA added conAtltuency, ike ckunck moved io ReiAenman f A Rail, wke/ie 4en.vic.e4 usefie keld until Febnuany 7°, 1888, On ike afjjennoon of ikat day, a gneat io/inado Awepi i/utougk ike city, deAtnoying, ikiA building* fnampt aciion woa iaken io Aecwie anoiken. meeting, place. Linden, ike caneful dinection of D/u R» S 9 f Lumen, and f>kA, §* r t A Wand, Aenving, oa building, committee, a new Ainuctune woa begun in ike Aummen of 7888 on ike AoutktoeAi connen, of Souik Tenik and Jondan SineelA, Ike building, woa completed in ike following, yean., and on Planck 70, 788% witk ike notable $. R CfonniAon conducting, ike Aen.vic.eA, ike new Ainuctune woa dedicated* Ike ckunck on Souik Tenik Sineet woa ike Acene of a numb en. of fruitful evanyeliAtic campaJugnA led by, Aome of ike moAi celebnjated p/ieackenA and AinaenA of ikein day* Among. ikeAe wene HufuA A, Finneli, Fnanh Q RuAton, $okn T. Bnown, f'h, Daugkenty, l'J 4 R, Book and $ 9 V* (oombA, Tke congregation' a zieAident miniAienA iknougk ikeAe yeouiA, and until 7?75 included: 'B. ft. QiUbeni, S. A, Qooh, H. /L f^cQanty, Q fa SmlikAon, A, U I'JeAi, fi fil FnanciA, Fnanh Q, RuAton, J, R* Siambaugk, J* £ Pnitckeii, and Qml L $n,een» Duning, ike miniAiny of SmitkAon Aevenal additions wene made io ike building, faciliiieA. U/iik ike beginning, of ike miniAiny of D. D, Bunt in Play, 7975, inteneAi woa anouAed in ike. dinection of a muck-needed building, pnognam, While, ike congnegation met in ike count kouAe and ope/ia kouAe inte/unittently, aften dcApoAing, of ike houAe of wonAkip at Tenik and flondan SineeiA, an edifice woa being, erected on ike fonmen. Aite of ike home of On. and /IUa. R. 5. Ptummen, Tenik and Nonik SineeiA* Bnoiken. Bunt, died in ike midAi of ike building pnognam, and Benjamin i'J* I ate came io canny on ike work* Reading, ike genenal AupenvtAion of ike conAtnaction woa ike building committee compoAed of Q. F. ti). i'Jand, A B. OmAley, R. V. Rill, Bent Maaaani and $. FnanciA Qpchnan* Tke coninact woa awanded fon. an amount Icaa than $13,000. . . ' . , &* By ike dote, of B, IV, Tate.' * mlnldiny in gamwny, 7 9 78, ike congA-egjcution. had gnown mea*uneably, doing, well duning, iko*e eanly month* of. ike Fin*i Wonld Wan, Bnuce. Ken*hnen. *enved a *hont ad inienlm mlnl*iny be,fon,e ike coming, of Onvllle Hawhin* in ike *pnlny io lead in a *inongJjy evong^ll*tlc pnjognam thai coniinued ihnougk 7922, £, £ Pedlcond came fon. a *hont mlnldiny, and On dob en 7923 he wa* followed by fteyen A, Madden, The pulpit mlnldiny wad attended in ike yean* following, by Adam K, Adcock, fli, P. Plen*on, Honold 0. Lowe, g. iV. Kilbonn, fc FnankUn Baxien, On Febnuanjy, 7933, $eo/ig,e P. Put- ledae annlved io give ike declining, fourteen yean* of hi* Life, io ine (eninal (hunch of (hnl*i, Afien a coio/ifui caneen a* p/ieachen, edu- caio/iy lectunen, wnlten and edlion. of ike (hnl*ilan Siondand, /fa, Putledae gjave ike inea*une* of kLd bnoad expedience io gnowik and e*iabll*hment in falik fo/i ike local chinch* Ai hJui deaik in 79^7, %, Q, Pan*on*, iken a**oclate mlnl*ien, *iood ai ike kelm untU. ike annlval of £dwin V. Hoyden in May, 1?48, /fa. Uayden led ike congne* gatlon In a canefal teaching, minUiny. On ike foun yean* ikai followed, a pan*onaae. wa* puncha*edi Duning, ike mlnldiny of Le*ien £, Pi fen, which began in Septemben, 7952, ike beautiful audiionlum wa* bulit. The congneaailon puncka*ed ike Adah P. Fly home no/iik of ike old building, fon. a Bible, School Annex, The ?eten*on pnopenty adjacent io it wa* puncha*ed, ike hou*e wa* na%ed, and ike annex, building, wa* moved io pnovi.de ike pne*ent pan*onag,e on ike fonmen Peien*on lot Tki* cleaned ike gnound fon, ike enection of ike new auditonlum. The gnound-bneahing, cenemony following, mo/ining, won*hlp on Apntl 2k, 7955, kenalded ike beginning, of a $775, 000 building, fund campaign. Tke connen*ione wa* laid on Octoben 76 of ike *ame yean, wlik Dn. Manny Poll, iken mutUien of ike (hnUilan (hunch, Ondlanapoli*, Ondlana, a* principal *peahen. The building, wa* completed in 7958 and dedication *envlce* wene con~ dueled on ike aftennoon of ttanck 23, 795^» On addition io ike maienlal accomplishment* Indicated above, a livings-link ml**lonany pnognom wa* inauaunated, wlik ike ckun.cn a**umlna ike *uppo/it of ifa*. P. LaVenne ffon*e (nee Lol* (lilott) who wlik hen hu*6and I* a ml**Lonany in Ho nth Bunma, The chunch al*o expanded li* mlnl*iyiy^ by the *>*iabll*hlna of. an a**ociate minudiny. . ...'.■■ . C-5 Tke following young, men have. served in ikis ca.pa.cuty.: Rickard Williams, Dale. (Aichson, and Qerald Denny, ike present associate minister. filr, fifer closed. his ministry in ike fall of 1°59 °nd •* /l February, 1 Q 60 ike present minister, Herbert $, Wilson, was called. Under his ministry ike churck kas steadily zieduced ike new building and ike day draws nearer when ike final phase of ike building, pAogram can, be carrLed foAward, ike remodeling of ike old building, inio a suitable educational plant. The church is increasing its missionoAy conceAji and has made significant advances in (krJuitian education and siewajuiship. A new library has been inaugurated and specialised training, fan teachers and new members has been developed. Cfmsr gosf^L &&&> A group of people who lived in ike noAik end of M% Vernon met in di.ffeA.eni homes eack Tuesday nigki io have pnayeA meeting* They wene known as The Norik Side Prayer Band, Then a ient was raised on ike lawn of one of ike members of ike group, flfas, Lorene (QrandmaJ Seckresi, On ike monik of June, 1 Q kk 9 Rev. William Foui of Marion, Ohio, keld a revival and much ini.eA.est was shown. The first baptismal service, in {July, 7°W, was held at ike old pump house following ike revival. On July 2, 1 Q ¥i, ike group met io make plans io buiM a church, Rev, William Foui was elected pastor and served fox about six. moniks, Rev, and Mrs, ^eorge H, Skelion leased, free of charge, ike lot and ike mateAial for building ike churck io ike group* The work was done by volunteers in ikeir spare time, The ladies supplied ike lunches, Tke location was at 1102 Warren Avenue, fibt, Vernon, jllinois, and ike churck became known as "(krlsi §ospel (kapeL. On November k, 1°^5§ Tkomas Foster passed away and his funeral was ike first io be keld in ike church whick was not yet finished, Tke men kurried io get enougk of ike wonk done io make it possible io have ike funeral in ike building, flh, Foster had helped wiik ike woaA on ike basement and ike foundation of ike building, Tke group had continued io meet eack Tuesday nigkt in ike homes. Now ikey keld ike first Sunday School, on ike Sunday , ' . • .... '. .. ■ - .- ■■ v. . . ■" , i ' '"' ■ ' '- ' ' ■ ■•■• '■" ' .' ' "' ■ - i ■ . < . . ' i . ■ ''■...:■. ' - ■ ■ \ ' .; ' • . .-. . . .. ■ . - '. _.,.■;.... / ' , .-., ... .■ . i " . t 3 JO Jo . '.. : ; '-■'• I '■•..-.■• - • .■■■■..• .:-," ■ '■,. ■ . ... ; i .• • ■ "■ • • I I ' , ■ ■■•■'. ' .. . . - ■ b i . : i . ; . , ■ ' > " ■ . , -•■■•■■•'' . '...'■•... ' ' ■ • ! • • ■ • ... • u . • I ' . . ■ ' . , • ' ' ' following, {ik* Fatten' s fjunoAol. Rev. Fnanh Staley was elected Sunday. School SupeAintendeni, and fih, Qideon, Qovalt was elected asti^iant tupenintendent. On Octoben 7j, 7° l l i6 f Re.v. (jeonye H. Skelton became ike paston of ike ckunclt.. Oven, tknee kundned and fifty people kave nought tpinitual kelp at the altan. of this chwick, and twenty-five kave been, licenced to p/ieack the $04 pel* On ^amiany 7, 1^7, Donald Depot* ten. was elected Sunday. School Supenintendent, and the Su-vday Sckool anew unden kis leadenskip. He keld this office until kis death, on Sepieriben 2?,- 7^60, (jideon Qovalt continued a* assistant tupenintendent until kid death on $anuany 12, TJtf. Ike ftAst wedding to take place in ike chunch was ike wedding, of William (AeQuine and flhxine. B. Payne, both of t>)t, V canon* The ceremony, was pen.fonm.ed by Rev, §eonge H, Skelton on December 25, 79W, at 2; 00 p. m. Tke Month Side fnayen Band (hunch, which wad onaaniged by Rev, Qeonge H. Skelton on 'July 2, 7°¥i, is inco/ipo/uzted unden. ike name "JndepenxLent Quiist (jOApel (kapel. " Rev, Skcllan has been senving as potion, of the ckunch fon fifteen yean*, — Qeonge H. Skelton /c vffmfQH/msi of comsu * mgustw Ike /'It, Vennon Qiamben of QommeA.ce wo* founded in 7° 20 by a anoup of local businessmen and inconponated a* a non^pnofii con- po nation in 7° 27. Skontly aften inconpo nation the Qkamben entened into negoti- ations to bning tke filt. Vennon Stove Company to this city. Negotiations wene successfully concluded and this plant, due to astute management, kas enjoyed a continual gnowtk, has expanded facilities and has been )t> Vennon, and ikiA committee haA continued to compile AtatiAticA fon pneAeniaiion to ike Highway Department and Buneau of fubltc RoaaA, whick wilt aid them in making, a dLeciAion, ' ..... .• ■ ' ■ 1 ■ . C-8 The Qhamben kaa been called upon Aevenal timeA io make 4un~ veyA of available Jjjbo/i in ike anea, HundneaU of Amall pno^ectd, that onduwnlly ga unnoticed by ike g,ene/tal public, have been Apomoncd and many. timed financed by ike (kamben. TnoApecilve buAlneAA&A have /remedied infonmail.on ihat /Lea 'lined tune and effont by membciA and ike Aiaff, (pnvenilcnA, k~tt p/ioananu) and p.ioj.eciA, and many of ike civic pnoj,?,ciA have o*.en Apon~ Aoned on aided io a AucceAsiful conclaMon, fiemhen~bLtAinc4Amrn have made kunc'nedA of inlpA at t/ieln own expense io Inienvlew pnoApectd fan new indusiny, Oike/iA kave attended waien canfenenceA, kealt ■. con-^en- enccj, and Aineet and /toad meeting* hx Spnlnn,fleJJ and (Ju.cago 4 fnany. onkenA kave gone io I'Ja^hlngton on maiienA of ieyldtatflon which would dlnecily affect ike community, Qity management government, good goring,, city b eawU-ficatu>n, and many oiken p/ioj,ect4 thai, affect ike economy and alinactlvtsieAA of ike community, onialnated in ike ffii, Vennon Q'tamben, msrmc sjt(s mo jr&s of wqal mgissr (fjwrn, a pepen. by DoaIa and Mangonel Ann QummingA de-livened befone ike Jeffe/iAon Qpuniy HlAionlcal Society keld in filL Vennon, OJUlnaU, guly 8, l^lfj. ) 'PenhapA ike fJUiAt neconded white man io tnavenAe oun county woa Qeonne HoyenA (tank, who wHk kid AoldlenA in 7777 blamed kit way iowa/wLi VincenneA, Ike OndlanA /loomed ^effenAon Qounty fo/i hunting, and tnadlny, Tkey cannled ikein peltA to Shawneeiaun, KaAkaAkia and St, LouIa; and on ikein neiunn tkey baniened a vanlety of anilclcA among, ike white AeitlenA kene. On 787J-20 ike DelawaneA came ihnougk ike county on ikein way io ike weAienn neAenvaiijon, Fo/i Aome neaAon tkey nemalned kene fo/i a coriAidenabte iengtk of time, A lanye numb en wene encamped on a cneek wkene $ohn feancy lived. About ajLx. kundned wene encamped fo/i a time on Home (jieek about eight on ten mltcA fnom fili, Vennon, Oaooc QaAey r A daugktenA paid one gnoup of OndlanA a vIaH, I ke old chief, -who had Aevenal lovely Indian. daugktenA r ineaied ike : C-9 while glnld noyally, Many, of ike whiteA viAiled ike OndianA who always iA.eai.ed i/iem well. Of ike AeiileAA nef uAed to cat wit/i ike OndianA, ikeiA koAiA would feel offended; howeven, when ike AeiileAA accepied ike OndianA ' invilaiionA, ike /led men wene higjxly pleaded and declined io eai uniLi ikeiA. paiefa.Ce yueAtsS kad been Aenved and kad finished ikcin meal* Ike only pnobable eanly munden ihougki io kave been done by. ike OndianA woa ikai of Andnew (bone, ike fuvii while Aeillen, who Aeitled in wkai iA now (boncA fnainJLe, Legend ieLLa ike Atony iliai one day Andnew and Aome fniencU piom. ike Saline Aetilement wene oul in i/ie wood* Apliliiny dome boand iimben. wken iwo nedLdkinA joined ikem. On onden. io yet ilxem io leave, /'bone, by AigjiA finally penAuaded ike OndianA io kelp kirn hold ike lay open. They pui ikeiA finyeAA inio ike wedae. ('bone Ainuck ilie wooden wedye causing, il io fly out, and ilxe loo, Ahut on ike OndianA r finyeAA. I'boAe and hiA fnienoU finally neieoAed ike OndianA who Aidlked away in ikeiA hunt dignity. Hevenye, acconding, io ike Atony, woa ike neaAon fo/i ike dealk of (bone, who woa among, AuppoAedly fniendly OndianA. A few yeanA laten ike Ahull of /'bone, woa found and eveniuaily woa bunted in whai La now a paAtuAc noi fan fnora Bell'/} Point Sclwot, hew tnaceA of ike eanly OndianA now nemain in ihiA county* A few Aione IiaickeiA, oAAOwkeadA, etc, have beeix found in ike vicinily of ike. old campA. Nothing, like ike auUjla of an Indian villaye on. a buAuJjrw, gnound iA known to exJUt; howeven, neon the old faingAoundA tkene one a few mound* on. killockd which one ikougki to be pnobabte AemainA of an Indian cemeieny, Jn 7o7o QajiieA I'JiUiey made ike finAi penmeneni Aeiilemeni in {JeffeAAon Qounty. AIao, about ikiA time Daniel QienAhaw and Tlobent (ook came to ike county. AH ikeAe Aeilled in (boneA Pnainic, QienAhaw moved into (\oone 1 a deAented cabin. Then, too, came fifoxey. i'/ilkey, who hod Aixieen children. He woa oIao one of ike paniy ikai opened ike old yoAhen tnail inio a wagon noad. Dancel QienAliaw' a home woa a Aiopping. place fon ilioAe pioneenA who wene puAliing. aoniivwand fnom Kentucliy and TenncAAec io i/ie "Sangamo couniny, " oa middle and nonikenn OllinoiA wene called. Ot woa no un- common Aigki io Aee. a hitnaned wagonA in a Aingle. company headed nonih. f'bu (anien t ! Jilkey long, pAja.ciX.cod. ike budinedA of gjoing, io QanmL wiik ihA.ec pack /wAded io bnina, back meal io /ieli io ikede movent ci iwo do Hand a budhci. Oi wad a g,ood budinedd to a. ikai day,, even if he could bAi.no, back only, iwo on i^Ace dackd of, gnain. How iJdnly deiiied wad ihid deciion can. be Aeon. in. ike AepoAi nw.de by Robeni 3/ieeze. afie-*. he came io oun courtly aboui 7o26. Some iime befone ke came piom G./uinae Qpuniy, Indiana, io §Ajznd P Acinic lowndhip, iloocni. mode a i/u.p fnom Kadkadhia io Vincenned ovcji ike old Vincenned- hadkadkia I Ajace, whick weni ihnougk i/ie nonihenn pojii of. (jAarA Pnainie. He diaied i/iai ikeAe wad noi a haude no a, a cabin. aJjong, ike inace; ikud ke Iiad io dieep oui in ike open, I ke eojily pioneen kome wad auiie a diffeAeni anclvLieciunal and inienion decoAaiino, pAablem io ikai. of ike modeAJi home of ioday, Ine fanmd, ad in. modi fnoniien couninied, wene mene paicJied enclosed wtJJi axlLIa oa, onudn, i ke kouded wene Aound-pole cabind, domeiimed in AOJie cadet made of dmali lo%d, "dkelped down" oa. veny dllgkily kewn, domeiimed of dplii lag^ dmooiked a liiile on ike face. Some of ike cnachd wene chinked and daubed, while dome wene left open io admii liaki and denve ad windowd. Some of ike cabind had cnack* do ian^e a dag, could ,lump ihnougk. Of ike floon woa anyiking, elde bui bane gnound, ii wad made of punckeond oa, dlabd, fadiened down wiik wooden pind oa. noi fadienod ai all. Shelved nediing, on long, pind in ike walid dewed fan. cup~ 60 and, peniny, bureau and wandnobe. Since ikeAe wene few beddieadd, bed dcaf-.olaU wene made on iwo axluU oa. pieced dniven into ike walld, one fon ike dlde and one foA ike end. The connen of ike cabin foAmed ike oihen iwo dided. On ikede, boojidd wene placed and on i/ie boandd ike bed wad laid. I ke following, diony indicaied ike anchiieciunal undoundnedd of ilxede eanly cabind. banian Aickidon, one of ike easily pioneen ^ef^endoniied, iold ihid diony of an eKpenience of kLi duning, ike i'Jan Of- 7o72, ,'Jhiie huniing, Banian and kua doldien t M,endd wene fonced io deeli dkelien fnom ike dnow and cold in a dmali cabin. They dianied io Aoli up in ikein blankeio foA ike niahi, i/ien decided ikai oikend migjii aldo come fan dkelien; do, puiiing, boandd on poled in ike lofi, ikey finally Aaiied up j& dieep. A band of Ondiand came in, kindled a fine, /watted a little meat, and beg/an a night canousal, Atchison, shifting, himself on the boands in onden to tee. betten, lost his balance and. tumbled out of. ih.e loft onto the heads of the Ondians, Needless to day., the Ondians fled in ie/non, and confusion. On those eanly days cooking, utensi-Ls wene few in numben, Ike well-to-do had a pot and a skillet; not a few settlens b nailed thein meat on the coat* and cooked thein "johnny, cake" on a boajuL filany of the finsi settlens had to beat Jhein meal in a montan whicA was aenenallu a stump with a basin banned out. in the. tap of the stwnp, /ileal thus gnound was lifted iJmough a sieve which wad made by. punching, hole* in a piece of deenskin with a hot wheel-spindle and by sinetching, the deenskin oven a hoop. The coansen co/m was used fo/i hominy, the finen fori meal, Osaac and William Qasey constructed a little hand mill (the finsi In the township) that would gnlnd a bushel on. two a day. One of the puis! mills known in ^effenson [punty was that of old Billy Qoins (1817); however, since he kept a tavern, a gnoceny (Mow it would be called a saloon), and many oihen things including, bad com- pany, his mill was patnonl^ed by the "betten settlen" only in dine emeng,encies. On l8l8 Dempsey Hood built hud mill and used buhns fnom §oins , thiA mill was openated by honse powen. Of the many stoni.es told about these eanly mills a few might be zieconded, One man said he always took the conn to the mill on the eon, fon. he could shell the conn fasten than the mill could gnind it, then, too, he had the cobs to thnow at the not* to keep them fnom eating, the conn as it came down the happen, Anothen stony about Hood's mill is that if the gnain of conn got in "cnossways" the mill had to be stopped until the obstacle was removed. Still anothen stony of the finst water mill enected JLs told, I he mitten put the gnist in the happen, and tunned on the waten. As tlie mill gat under way, ike millen heand the gobble of a iunkey in the neanby woods and sianted out to hunt it, A bluejjay Lighted on the hoop anound the buhns and ate eveny gnain of conn as it came dawn the happen, 'JJhen the millen returned, the jay. had eaten all the conn and the millstones wene wonn out. C~12 i'JlUiam ttaxey's mUJL built: in ike fall of 7820 coniniauted lanyely to ike supply, of bnead fan. ike. seitlen. (anten $*&*& P"* "P a stump mill On i/ie fall of 782J Thomas Tunnsiall pui up a tnead mill, ike finst of ike hind in ike county. AIL these easily. mills ~ whetken hand, stump, mind, tnead, on honse — had one feaiune in common — slow speed. Accondlng, to ike eanly kistony of ike county, snaked wene a* plentiful kene a* In Jneland pnlon to Si* Painick's ena. /'In. Johnson tell* ikld stony; "Oi was in 7820 ikat ike finst little old log, sckoolkouse was built at Old Shiloh. Soon often, ike man, tyames Douglas, appealed in ike nelghbonhood and aot up a school A few week* latest to many snakes had appeaned that all concluded that ihene must be a den in ike vicinity, All ike settLens assembled anmed wlik hoe*, axe*, spades, club* and yuns, and still not pnepaned fan. ikat task confronting, them. cyen.Lt tult of gjiass concealed a snake; eveny nach covened one; ^eveny hale and cnevlce contained one; eveJiy nook was full oi. them* r neauenily, on tunning, a nock, eight to ten snakes would be found colled iog.eih.en unden it. 'Rattlesnakes, coppenkeads, vipens, addend, mocassins, all seemed to have made peace and taken up abode tayeihen, N eanly ihnee hundned natilens wene killed and five hundned snakes all iog.eiken. Shiloh wasn't ike only snake infested place; "Henny Tylen settled at what Is now known as the Bnown place in dlanch, 782J, some seven miles nonih oi. town. Aunt Katy found a naiiiesnake one manning, colled on one of ike bans wken she went to milk the cow. One day as (liku (ilaxeu was visiting, the I ulens, ike snakes began to spnead themselves. Une cnawled out of ike jam, anoinen out of a cnack In the heanih, anoiken on the doonsiep. Seven snakes wene killed that day In ike kouse, I ylen and lorn Qasey began to investi- gate and soon had killed and laid out one hundned and seventy. Next day with, kelp they killed 217 mone. Tylen decided ikat ike entlne hill had snakes in Ha boot,* ' so he moved away. " Some two on ihnee hundned snakes wene killed at yollff s suaan camp bnanch. Montkeast of Rome fDixJ ihene was a sineam named Snake Den Bnanch in memony of the venomous neptiles. Ike finst binik, manniaye and death one always maiiens Of. considerable intenesi in a new couniny and one usually necondexL I he finst binikfin 7 8 77 J in fleffenson (ouniy is believed to have been ike son of Osaac Hicks, son-in-law of Osaac (asey. Ike finst deaik (7o78J was ikat of Renlyan flaxey, ike one-yean old child of Bunckeiie and filangxmet f<)ax.ey. Accondlng, to ike klsiony of ike f>\ax.ey Family wnutten In 7925 by ii 'alien S. filaxey, ike following, is necondedt '7 key bunied ike little fellow (William Penlgan) on a hill some fifty yands west of ike nock bnanch, and ikld Id ike finst white penson bunied in ^effenson Qounty. . ,- ■ ■ ' • . . • ■ ■, .. \ ■ - ; ■ fc ■ • " . ; : ■ ■ .. .,-;•■ • - - ' ' • ■• : •; • - > ' ■ ■ ' • > > . 1 ■ ■ pi c-y "Some, monikd laien. HodiiUlna, ike liiile dLaien of Bunckeii i'hx.ey, died and. wad bunted by ike Aide of. Rentgan (dke wad five oa dix. yeand o Id) \ , , Loving, kandd cannted many, nockd fnom ike bnanck neanby and made a bonden onound ikede gnaved ikai id well majihed and dtdiXkci io iktd day (7<}25). , ♦ . wkiJLe ike iimben. kad been deaned away, ikey (ike ownend of ike land) have iefi ikn.ee good dlzed young, ine,ed neon ike gnaved and have neven culttvaied ike land cuode io ike gnaved, • . • "Mean, ikede iwo liiile gnaved Id a dojuane outline of nocltd aboui ikn.ee feet douane ikai an old deiilen iold me wad, accondtna, io inadJttion, wkene iney bunted ike. dkull pound and duppoded io be ikai of. Andnew /'ho/ie, iktnk iktd kiakiy pnobable, ana wky ike k\ax.eyA delected iktd dpoi fan. ikein cktJulnen'd gnaved. On Augjudi, 7^7o, my bnotkend and enecied a dubdianlial manken io ikede gnaved, On 7820, ike findi aduU'd deaik wad ikai of Rkoda Allen (Augudi 2U), wko wad ike findi pendon bunted ai Old Union, Aunt f'lilly Tylen wad ike findi woman bunted ai Old Union, Hen gnave i^ clode io ikai of "loaning. BiLiy" iJoodd, and wad covened wiik a bntcli anck of pAeiiy neai wonkmandktp. Sudan Avani (ifodd, ike findl wife of Random (>bdd, wad i/ie findt woman io be bunted ai Shtlok Qemeieny, Upon ike deaik of Sudan ifodd, Old Sktlok Qemeieny wad laid oui by §ovenno/i Qadey, I'Jtlltam fikxey, and Lewid fokndon in ike yean 7820, Old Union Qemeieny had many ktdiontc memonled, Hene one can find ike gnaved of Zadok (a^ey ( encloded in inon fencing.), Rhode. Allen, Ada i'Jaidon, ike eanly fohndond, and Hanvey 7, Race, along, wiik many of ike oiken eanly deiilend of iktd pentad* On qua wandeningd ihnougk ike old cemeiented we found Rleadani §nove io be mo/ie inieneditng. io ud than Old Union; penkapd ike eade in locaUng ike gnaved wiikoui ftgkitng, toll gnadd, weedd, potdon Ivy, etc, ai Rleadani Qnove wad ike cktef neadon* Ai Rleadani §nove ikene id a tablet upon wktck ike following, id wnLiiem "On memonjy of an infant findi child of Thomad f'i and Hanntet Qadey wktck wad ditll bonn $uly °, 7820, The above wad ike findl Ajntenment made in iktd Ckunck VandL ike land being, donaied by tid panenid io ike (i)eikodidl £pidcopal (kunck fo/i buntal and oiken punpoded foAeven, " Aldo ai iktd cemeteny can be found ike gnaved of HJtlltam filaxeyf kid wife, and kid ien cktldnen wiik one exception, One of ikede ckildnen wad ike famoud Henny BuAckeite filax.ey, do named by faiken WjuLLtam fon. ike famoud mtnidien Henny Bunckeiie, Bunckeiie, ad ke Id mon.e commonly called, buili ike findi koude on ike pubJUtc dc^uane, wktck wad ionn down in onden to build ike Tkind Na&jonal Bank, Hene, too, can be pound ike gnave and maJike/L of fei&n Owen, a ^evolulioruuiu Ua/i soldien in. QoJU Mellon,'* V.uig.inia fteai/aent, A panonamic siony of eanly Jeffenson Qouniy >ieillens is seconded on ike iomb^iones In. ike vcaIous old cemcie/iie.4 in, ike county. A caneful, 4iudy of 9o.ce Qemeieay, Old Union, Shiloh, Pleasant Qnove, and oikens, will necouni ikoAe who la.id ike. foundation fo/i ike develops meni of Jeffenson Qouniu* Unfoniunai^ly, ike gjiaves of many, of ike eanly teiilens ajie unmanked and uixknoun. I he finsi mwtAlaa& of n.econd in. ike county was ikajt of a dauahien of Joseph fondan io Qajiison (jneenwood, a ton of Fleming, Qn.een- wood Among, ike. eanly moAniaaes ikene, ajie a few of special noie, On ike fJLptk of Ocioben, 7879, Zadok Qasejy p^tf^med a . inLple, wedding, wiik HojinJLei /'laxey.io Thomad //I (jitey, Vylinda /'laxey io Abraham 7«_ Qasey, and Benneii //, bhucey io Sally (kenkay, ado pied daugkien of £ie (aseiyt, being, ike. y oung, people coricennecL Oi was ike. lanaesi wedding, of ike. peniod in Aiyle, in numb en. of guests, and in ike numben of bnides and OAOoins. (yenjy family in. ike -county was inviied; all wko could aiiended, and ike. "yood cW was ike besi ike county afforded* A veny humonous account was iold concenning, ike finsi wedding, ceremony penfio tuned by i'Jilliam fikocey, one. of ike finsi yusiJLces of peace, wko was appointed in 7827. Being, naiuAolly thy and ne-4cnved F\n* I'kocey aneaded iliis finsi maAJiiaye cenemony, uniting, Random bbss and Anna Johnson, The. mojiniaye look place July 6, 7827, and William had cane~ fully pnjj.ciix.ed ike ten* ice* He ikougjxl he "/view his piece; "but when. ike. time came, he loti his cue and became confuted. Some. tay he commenced io /tecile ike Declaration, of independence and discovening, his misiake, he weni back; tianjUny oven, he dnipted into ike Qonsii- iuiion of ike UnJUted States. Finally wUk ike aid of a /ikihodisi booh of discipline and [lank r t conmeniani.es, he concluded wiik ikis pnauen, io ike "Land have mency on ikein, tools. " On. ike fall of 7822 Jondan f t Pnauiie [Rome Township J was ouiie disiunbed when new* came ai SaBbaik tenvices being, conducied by Zadok (asey ikai liiile (nasmus Howell, aye tix. on. a even, ton of I homas Howell (who laien became ike second theniff of 'Jp.ffenson Qouniy J, was loti in ike woods. The tenvice uxxs dismissed while all joined in ike hunt fan. fyatmut^ Fnom Sunday io Wednesday ike seanck continued On C-15 I hwt^aay manning §n,een P. Qa>4ey, on ike Qentnalia Road, wa/> feeding,. /«.-«. ho/ujed wken fnom ike 4outkea*i ke. keand a waiU He began io *ean.ck io -dee if Jjt wen,e a child on. a panihen. He pound. £/iaamiu} neanJLy Aianved in ike tall g/txh6*. (/we^ l°°k l^ e little boy. io hia kome, fed kirn b/iead and millx, iken iook /Urn io ike Howelld. Lei u* iuAJi io I'M, Vennon Township and ike Qity of fibt* Vennon, Tke fjjmi AeitleA* of ikLi township — 3*aac Qa*ey, William hid /ion, B/Luneiia hid daugkte/i, and J/iaac Hick*, hi* *on~in>~law mm came in ike Apning, of 7876 fnom ike Ohio Riven, neon. (javelin-Rock and made camp on ike nontkenn edge of ike pnainte jju*i ea*i of wketie ike. Appellate Qpunt building now Aland*. Afien. ike camp had been deAented and /loiied down, a locu*i in.ee Apnxmg up on ike old chimney. pile — ike *ame in,ee ikai Aiood /io long in. ike Aineei ea*i of ike AppelJbate (ount HouAe. On iki* day. of high pniced n.eal e*iate ike pnice* of ike fui*i tale Of. Jj)iA in fi\i. Vennon /ieem unbelievably low, 9 ' ei witk ike medium of exc/wnge being. genenally ike A/tin* of animaJU, penkapA ike*e pnice* wene noi ao lorn in iko/ie eanly day*. What i* now ike TinAi National Bank loi (Aouikwe*i connen. of Tenik and /'lainj fin*i Aold fan. J7j6. 9i wa* on iki* Aite ikai Bunckette t')ax.ey, gnandfaiken. of /Wd f>iaxey, built ike ftn*i hou*e in ike iown. Bond' a connen. /told fo/i £760. Oi wa* on iki* connen. in ike wood* ikai Zadok (a^ey u*ed io p/ieack. Wken. uvnd wa* Ap/iead ikai (a*ey wo* io p/ieack, /io populan, wad ke ikai all who could gaiken.ed io kean. him, Wken foel Pace, Senion, came io Jeffen*on Qpunty in 787% he had been appointed by ^udge B/iown of Shawneeiown, "^udge of ike Realm, " io ikjvee office* ~ (injcuit (lenh of $effeA*on Qounty, Reconden, and Hoiany Public, Afien. coming io ike county, he wa* oIao appointed county clenJ^ Hoi only did Pace find time io attend io ikc*e foun. office*, but al*o he iaugki Ackool at Skiloh, ike fui*i /ickool in ike county, One of ike naiken. interesting eanly anecdoie* about tit, Men.- non ha* io do witk a genenal fight (7820) in whick neanly ike whole population of ike county iook pant. tin. $ohn*on *ay*; , , r *& wa* Aaid ikai Aome of ike tiaxey* had Aaid ikai ike /'laxey* and ihe (jiAey* wene going io nule ike county. %hn Abboit detenmined io /lefute ike idea by whipping ike ftn^i one of ikem he miokt meet. ItiLA woa nox^ed abnoad, and it fell io {tiku /'iaxey io meaAune /iinengik ■. . • C-16 with Abbott. I key. met in town one. day when nearly everybody, else was there, and at it they, went like a couple of. modem pugjJjLxid, cyeAtf~ body got excited; even Uncle $immy Oohnson threw his old straw hat a* $im up and carried htm of.fi. The fiaht lasted -about ftve minute** Ot was roughly estimated that every man In town had his hat, coat, or vest off, calliny fo/i someone to fiynt him* " As our county yrew, law enfo/icement became necessary, The circuit count October term in 7820 returned an indictment ayainsi Ferdinand Hejintn fo/i counterfeiting,, and fo/i the first time the county needed a jail, (Ot id interesting, to note that while the first count house cost J 760, the first jail — on the southwest corner of Harrison and Ninth — cost $320, The difference In the price was due to the number of log* used: JO to 60 fo/i the court house, over 200 for the jaJuL ) ({DJTOgJAL W7£: The old county jjail building, now stands in the ('it, Vernon Qity Park, J The prisoner was taken to the White Qounty lail, from which he escaped. Upon his recapture, he was taken to Old Covington in Washington Qounty until hid trial in $une Qpurt of 1o2U After he was found yuilty, the judye (judye Joseph Phillips) sentenced him to a $20 fine plus costs plus whipping, of thirty-nine stripes on his bare back at 6: JO that evening* He was to be failed until fine and costs were paid. The laryest gathering, of Jefferson Qounty-iies to that time witnessed the whipping* iJayes were so low and payment in jail so poor that Herrin was finally released with fine and costs still unpaid, /he court had nothing, of special interest to us until the April term, 7 8^7, when an indictment of murder was returned against Pollin Bradley charyiny him with the death of one £lUxih P, King* Both King, and Bradley lived in £lk Prairie, Bradley was an industrious man who kepi a barrel of whiskey and who gained property as was common in those days. He became a determined and danyerous man, Kiny, who came to Bradley *s for whiskey, auarrelled with Bradley,' and, iakiny a chair, knocked Bradley down and left him insensible. Upon reyaininy consciousness, Bradley swo/ie revenye and said he'd kill Kiny on sight, I he next day when Kiny came back to Bradley 1 s for more whiskey, Bradley shot and killed Kiny, Then Bradley fled, but later he was captured and tried for murder. The trial lasted from November JO to December 8, I '-•■ C-17 7o^7, with ike vendici yuilty being, yiven. I he sentence was hanging, on ^anuany J, 78^2, between ike houns of iweive and iwo, Bnadley seemed indif^eneni io ike p/io ceedings of ike inial, and at ike con- clusion he anose io yet a dnink of. waten as if nothing, had happened, ulu-^ond Hay.es, a r niend, neiunned fnom S pniny-field wiik a panxion j~on Bnadley, ikus disappointing, a lang,e cnowd which had assembled pon ike execution. On ike ligkten side, a kumo/ious stony is told of a count scene in ) ebb en. Townships Some yeans ago when S >.uine hlanlovj as justice of ike peace was taking, a case on a certain imp/iovemeni, a /tat nan acjioss ike count zioora floon and caught a chicken, Some one with gyieat gnavity made a motion tkai ike /tat be tnJLed ~f.on contempt of count, 3n 7o^0, ike yean, begone the Bnadley inial, ike cincuit count was fenced io meet in ike unpunished hieikodisi Qoiscopal Qhunck f.jist a r ew ^eei nonik of the pnesent city, hall on Honik 7 7ik Sineei on ike. panhing. tot) because it was ike only, noom in town lanye enougk, Ihile ike. count was in session, ,'lbnakam Lincoln and 'John. A. hicQlennand, Jkig. ana Democratic candidates fon pnesideniial electons, came to addness the people. /icQlennand was gJLven ike eniine noon inienmission io speak; but wken Lincoln beyan, ike c Ludg,e called count, io onden and political talks wene banned, b\n, Kinby, ownen of ike Kinky Hotel, said ke was fan fain play even in a dog, fight; " so he invited Lincoln and ike cnowd io ike shade in fnoni of his hotel (pnesent Seems, Roebucli. Com- pany, ike Lincoln Building.). Lincoln mounted ike huye yoods box. Kinby *et [jjntk, and ike cnowd listened .to his political speech, laugjiing, and. sweaniny at him fon ana then houn on iwo. The DaugJitens of the : .menican 'involution have placed a bnonj ; e tablet on ike side of ike entrance into ike Lincoln. Building, f Scans, AoebuaJ, man/ling, ike spot whene Lincoln spoke. Two membens of the ffef t enson C°unty Histonical Society, Ve/uaadel Jood and Bonis Qummings, unveiled this tablet. One of the outstanding, histonical sites in hit, Vennon is ike Appellate (ouni Building,. lUn. Pennin in /Us "Hisiony op Jepfenson County" speaks of ike -yudiciany bnanch op ike yovennment as "3t is ike £ewel thai fnom ike clusten niven would leave all a dank and kopeless chaos. " Localising, we can say tkai hit, Vennon and jepfenson County may. well be tenmed ike "seat of justices and home of Ludyes, " 3n 7ok6 fibt, Vennon, oa well oa Spningfield and Ottawa, woa made, ike AJLte. fan one of. ilxe Supneme. Qount AeaiA. Zadok Qatey an£ ^ ^ uc ^- c ScateA wene gneaily neAponAibie fan lit. V canon f A being, choAen oa one of ikeAe iknee. AeaiA. Fnom 78^8 until Novemben, 7853, Supreme Qount met Jin ike old Odd Fellow Hall on /'lain Stneet, pacing, en annual nent of S75* Fnom tlovemben, 7o53? until ike $76,000 Sup/ieme Qount Building woa completed, ike couni met in ike filaAonic Mall oven 'Joel face 1 a Atone. IkLd Sup/ieme Qount made /unt; fan, Aince ike Supneme Qouni meet* in S pning field, ike Appellate Qouni hoA been held kene, IkLd building kouAeA a law libnany wkick Li one of ike longest and mo At valuable in QJUUnoLa, and few finen can be ■found in ike United SiaieA. On 18^5, Apnil JO, fikuiion Lodge 3. 0, 0. F. waA onganigecL Ike ckanten membenA wene John I'J. Qneeikam, JameA B. Jo lie, TkomaA I'leia- len, Uebent '.'JooaU, and William Ukiie, Dn, W, 0. (jneen became a memben next yean and napidly noAe to ike poAiiion of pneAiding officen of ike §nand Lodge of ike State, /'It, Vennon Lodge No, J7 A. F, and A, f»), ckanten woa dated Ocioben % 1CU5, to WilLiam I'J. Bennett, fi ; I'J. A, TkomaA, S, W. ; W. H. jhoni, , .), At fuiAt ikeg met, like evenybody etae in ikoAe dayA, wkene ikey could, Tkein finat kail entitled to that name woa in ike /toor.i oven ilxe. Atone of Joel face, and Son, connen of thin and Union ( I enikj SineeiA. Afien ike Sinaiion and JohnAon building woa enecied at ike connen of I'JoA/iingion and Bunyan (NiniJx and Bnoadway), ike onden met on ike Aecond floon of ikat building, Ike II, I'J, Hubband Qkapten No, 160, ft. A. I<1 , daicA back to Ocioben 37, 787J, Tke principal of ficenA wene Q. H. faiion, U.f.; ft. A. 0. VJilbanka, K. ; S. S. fonten, S. Ike fihaonic HaJuL (Fnatennal Hall), whick b wined io ike gnound on November 77, 7944, wa* once ike old. Opena Hou*e* Ike i'li, Vennon Daily. liegJUiien fan Saiunday, June 2k, 78°3, dUcu**e* ike Opena Hou*e, llii* buildiny wa* one of. ike finest and be*i opena haute* In Souikenn O'UJLnoL*, ike Joint pnopeniy of. ike Knigkt* of Pytkiji* and ike. F/iee l>\a*on*, Ot wa* lighted by, elecinicity (l8 Q 3)> keaied by. a funnace, funni*ked wLtk opena chain*, eleaanl *ceneny and cuoiiain*, and it co*t oven '^7 0,000, Ike. opena hau*e wa* on ike fin*i flaon, wiik ike iwo lodye* named kaviny ike second floon, TkLd opena kou*e wa* Ixiien ne- modeled io a iknee-*iony *inuciune fo/i u*e of ike A, F, and A, M. and i/ie /(. f. On ike eanly day* fine sometime* devastated *mall communilie*, I'ii. Vennon wa* fantunaie in noi kaviny many *eniau* fine** On Febnuany, 78^2, ike fin*t big, fine occunned, Ike lanye two-*iony buildiny occu- pied by i') m %. Kinky ikai *iaod wkene I'lennill'* JLiveny liable laien *iood on i/ie connen of /'lain and (a*ey f^leventkj wa* eniinely desinoyed by flame*, Ike. next fine of any consequence wa* in ike *pniny of 1 '86 3 wken ike. iobacco wanekou*e of Vannell and Hotloman neon £a*t f'hin Sineei wa* desinoyed. On 785*1 duniny ike mayan*kip of B, Q Well* ike fin*i negulan fine, depanimeni wa* e*iab linked in Lieu of ike aid buchei bnigade, Ike eniine black on ike no/tik of ike public *o.uane, wkick laien became ike Phoenix. Block, wa* *wepi by fine lHanck % 7 868, Tki* fine wa* c/ianyed io a tailon who wanked Jin a liiile *kop. He hod been anne*ted and fined fan b/iuial ineaimeni of hi* bound boy, TkLd man did- appeaned aboui ike time ike fine bnake out, Ot wa* *uppo*ed ke fined kui *kop io yei nevenye fan ike people 1 * kaviny kirn pna*ecuied. Since ike buildings wene wooden and mud wa* faun incke* deep in ike *ineei, ii wa* impo**ible io *ave ike buiddiny* and difficult io *ave ike con- tent* of i/ie buiddiny*. On ike fnengy of ike fine, ihau*and* of dal- lan* wo/ii/i of good* wene iknown inio ike *ineei and inampled in ike mud, $u*i iwelve monik* laien, on filanck 76, 786j, ike count kou*e bunned, Human said ikai i/ie fine oniginated in *ome late nevel* of ™* & C°fifi e y> the *keniff. All ike book* and neanly all ike papen* be- lonying. io ike office* wene *aved. $, S, Boyan, who in an*wen io an • ' ' . ....■■• ■ ■' . ' 0-20 unusual call uxl* going, to ki* office in ike dead of night to i**ue papen*, diAcovened ike fine, On fihy. 2J, 7&Jk, when ike men kad ju*i gotten home fnom ike day.* a. wonk ai ike Si* Loui* and Souikea*ienn liailnoad Qompany machine *hop*, pno.lonyed *ounding, of ike wkiAile woa keand, and fibt, Vennonite* aatkened io *ee i/ie flame* /weep oven, ike combuAiihte noofing, of ike Akop*. Little of ike mackineny wa* *aved 9 and ike building, wad a total lo**, Duning. ike dame yean, ike woolen factony and mLLLd of $, B, lolle banned, ihu* causing, Am. loULe io be /mined fJjiancLalLy, /ime* have ceniaLnly ckanged ike idea* and cu*iom* of a town, Today, ike fine depaniment pnide* it* elf on it* Apeed in neacking. fine*, Oi iA inteneAtina io noie public opinion in 78°7 in negand io ike. 'Speeding, fine depaniment. " Ike following. aAii.de appealed in ike Mt> Vennon Daily New* fan. Satunday, May 8, 78°7: "Stop Oi. "Oi 1 * iime io coJUL a kali in ike fa*t and nechle** mannen in wkick ike fine wagon i* dniven tknougk ike *ineei* of /'It, Vennon, I-cla! niaki on a call £o pnaciice ike wagon da*ked down £a*i /ihin Sineet wiik ike kon*e* on full nun, cau*iny a *cunnyLny io coven, of pede*inian*, bicyclLaiA, and buaaie* wko*e occupani* wene out fon a nide, Ai ikLd houn it i* u*uai fon. ckildnen io tknona ike AtneetA, and a team da*hing down on ikem ai *uck a tennific noie of Apeed oa thai ai wkick ike wagon La uAualiy dniven, La Liable io confuAe ike little one* and cau*e ikem io nun into, LnAiead of away fnom ike danyen, JkL* tkina ha* got io be *iopped on it will be only a oue*tion of a veny *koni time till we will be called upon io necond a htagedy fon. wkick tkene can be no po**Lble excuAe, The dniven. of ike wagon layA kim*elf open io pno*e- cuiion evenu time he dnive* at a too napid on neckle** gait, and it La ike duty ofoun offLcen* io Aee ikat ike law i* enfonced. "Sec 7, Ondinance No, 75% pnovideA unden a penalty of not le*A ikon five dollanA, 'That no pen*on Ahall Aide on anive any konAe, mule on oiken animal, in on iknough any Aineet, on avenue, on alley of ike city of l>)t, Vennon at a violent note of Apeed, on at a gjieaten Apeed tkan at ike note of aLk. mile* an houn, ' "And Sec, 5/ Ondinance No. 7j8, pnovide* unden a penalty of not ie** ikon iknee non mone ikon fifty dollan* that 'in no ca*e *hali ike £iAe wagon, on ko*e and ladden waaon, be dniven io a fine on alanm of fine in a mannen calculated io enaanyen ike *afeiy. of pen*on* on pnopenty in ike *tneet* on avenue* of *aid city. ' fnom iki* it can be *een that eveny time ike fine wagon i* dniven a note to exceed *Lx. mile* pen houn, on La dniven in a mannen calculated io endanyen ike Aafety of any penaon in ike *tneet, ike pen*on on pen*on* *o offending. one *ubj.ect io a heavy tine, li/ene tkene any valid exxu*e fon ikiA wJud dniving. ike fault could, be condoned, but wken no plea of ^u*iification can be /tei up in extenuation of ike iking, funiken. ikon a de^in,e io /thaw off, me demand thai a tiop be put £> ike pnacii.ce and a unanimous pubiJLc back* ikLi demand, " I ke/ie a/ie two anecdote* of ike peniod pn,cviouA io ih.e (ivil [Jan. wklck might be included in oun, item* of inie/ie^i* I noma* f'lcQnxuiy, Field Township, kepi a tiaiion on ike unde/i~ ynound nailnoad. One day. Andrew and William, hit iwo torui, bJjacIied i/ieiA. face* and hanxU at ikein. faike/i't ckojicoal pit, iken went oven, into Home I own/tkip io ike kome of one'Han/non who boasted how ke would ineai ike "niggeAA, " Aa <*oon a* ike Hanmon women aow ike "nlgjyeAA, " ikey left ikein, walking, at ike tpniny end /ion fan. ike kou^e, Ike boy* diaappeajied in ike wood*, cleaned ikemteive* at ike bnanck, ih.en kwuiLed baclx io ike Hanmon't io Join in tea/icking, fo/i ike NegnoeA, I ke yoke woa too good io keep, to ike boy* iold it, Ike nexl election day, a pLe.e-fon.-ail fight occunjied between ike Uanjmon and. f'lcQ/iany factions (Abolition vt Slavery), fik, (John A, Wall, one of ike hJUioniant of £effesi4on (ouniy, ioid ikon wken ke ma* Juti a boy ke accompanied A, f>), Qnant, ike Jailon., io feed ike. inmate* of oua. loo, Jail, He alto n.eniemben*d of ca/ielettly ( penkapt intentionally) letting, a kind-keafiied oid tiave wlw kad been capiiuied and ported a* a tinay on, nunaway yet away io picedom, Ike Jxiilon. lxod put ike oid tiave out in ike tnuck patck fQiiy Hall now) io hoe conn. On ike conventaiion wiik fohn Wall ike old tiave Aaid ke r d lil\e to ao io (anoxia io be fn.ee, Wail taid fon. him io yo if ke wanted io, yod blett you, youny matta, " taid ike tiave, and up ike bnanck In ike direction of Uncle Tom (atey't ke went* Ai tuppeniime Walt n,e- po/uted ike absence of ike oid tiave,' On Sepiemben,, 18^8, a venjy exciting, event occunjied neon, Dix, Oun. ynandfaiken, uted io tell ike tiony, at did moti of ikote wko knew Of ike kappening, Ike tiaie fain, wat being, keid in (entnalia ai ikat time, I nofetton, Wilton eack evening, went up in kua baloon io ike gapping, inieneti of ike tpeciaiont. Sailing, a tho/ii distance, ke would descend, zieiunn to (entnalia, and be /teady fan ike next day' yd penfonmance, Un ike iatt evening, ke mailed iowand ^effenton (ouniy, (otning, down on ike fanni of fi'm, Hanvey in Home (now Dix) neigkbonkood, ke bannaincd wiik fin, Hanvey to haul ike balloon and JUL* ownen, bac/t io (eniAolia; meanwhile ke kad fattened ike anabhook of ike balloon io a nail in an C-22 old wonn fence, Ike Hanvey 's two childnen, four and six yeans of aye, wanting, to see inside ike. balloon, were, placed In. ike basket by. ?no- fesson I'Jilson, A sudden audi of mind swayed ike balloon.; ike nail gave way, and up ike balloon went, catling, awojy io ike southwest, leaving, behind ike frantic parents and ike pnofesson, (yen. i/iougk it was almost dank when, ike balloon escaped JUL* mooning, people immediately seanchedihe ojiea fo/i ike childnen* Just ai daybneak Squire Atchison, living, in. ike southern pant of (Doones Pnairie, went io ike bann io feed ike hansel, and /teeing, something, in a in.ee nearby, naiszd an alanm, there ike childnen were found still asleep lying- in- ike basket of ike balloon* After being, iho/w ugjily warmed and fed, ike childnen wene btwugjkt to /<]£ Vernon and iken to their panents. On 7860 an Agricuitunal Association wad onaani^ed kene in 'Jefferson Qounty fan ike purpose of dbiplaying, unusual pnoducts in ike fawn wo/iid, i'Jitk some chang.es, this eanJLy association became our foist* Ike officens of this first association wejie: $ 9 ft* Allen, pnesident; Jeremiah Taylo/i, secretary; Dn, £, £, VJeUbomx, corresponding, secnetany; and Joel face, treasurer, Fnom A, (K Qnant a fo/iiy-acne plot of land was bought fan. ike fain, grounds fori ike sum of $800 with 7C% intenesi until paid, TkLd plot wiik plenty of shade, wood, and waien from (asey Qneek was in ike soutkeastenn pant of /<&, Vernon, Ike first fain., held on ike 2Jnd, 2kih and 25ik of Ocioben, i860, was well attended and pnaved quite successful. Because of Qivil IJor excitement, no fain, was held in 7 862, The associatian functioned, met and elected officers at. neaulan intervals until May 70, 78y^ f when agreement was "signed, sealed and delivered" to ike Jefferson (ounty Fair lUsociation (a joint-stock company), Ike fairs continued to be a grand social zieunion wiik people of />ii, Vernon and sunrounding. counties* On ike early 7^00 f s a new fair association was fonmed by some of ike young, business men, ~Since iken, ike fairs have been held at ike extreme souilxern end of ike conponation east of Tenth Street, fenkaps the greatest dLdasien, to come io h\t, Vernon was ike tonnado which siruck on Feb/iuory 7% 7888, on a Sunday afternoon about cask, a sho/it time after the dismissal of afternoon ckunch services, Ike tonnado swept oven, ike heaviest populated pant — from ike Beat homestead between what is now SouiJx. Fifteenth and South Seventeenth " • C-23 aeon. Logan Sineet io east of ike Fnanhlin School — naming, the count house and most of ike business section, neAuliing in thinly being. killed, 72§0 made homeless, 3^1 nesldences elihen blown away on. banned, and 578 buildingA being, damayeoi. Since ike Appellate (punt Building, was noi in ike paik of ike. sionm, ii was convenied inio a hospital and mongue* Ike PneAby- ienian Q/iunch facnoss ike. sineet io ike south of ike Appellate Qounjt House) was mode a depot of supplies, Dn, VJ alien i'Jatson was in chanye of ike hospital, wkick was maintained and openated fon sixty days, Qlana Banian. pensonaliy took chanye of ike lied Qnoss nelief, wkick amounted io about #750, 000 wontk of supplies, Nashville was ike finsi town io nespond io ike call fan. help, Oi /lent men and fine fighting, equipment wkick aui.ck.ly. bnaugki ike flames unden contnol, £yansville, Indiana, /lent a special tnain witk twenty-nine physicians who wonked witk oun docions in netting, up ike Appellate [punt Hospital* Qentnalia also nesponded witk fine fiahlina, equipment manned by ikinty~nine men and witk faun, docions assisting ike doctonA alneady kene, Fnank Bogan in ike Febnuany 7°, 7°25, issue of ike 'Reglsten- Hews gave ikeAe fiaunes in negand io buildingA in ike immediate path of ike stonm; Jj8 one-stony fname buildingA occupied by o§0 pensons; 88 iwosiony fname buildingA occupied by 350 penAonA; 47 two-stony bnJLclx buildings occupied by fa pensons; 5 one-stony bnlck nesldences occupied by 7° pensons, Ike total numb en of buildingA damayed on. deAinoyed woa 5^/ tke total numb en of occupantA waA 72k2; 32° buildingA wene in nuins, Ike nebuilding, of ike devastated anea began oa soon aA possible. Food, clothing, money and evenyikiny thai was lacking, wene soon fo/iikcoming, and ike pnessing, needs wene neiieved, Oun finsi hospital was ike emenyency one in ike Appellate (punt Building io cane fon those kunt in ike 7888 ionnado. On 7 8° 5, On, Fnank and Mill filcQLane enected a handsome iknee-siony fname building at ike connen of Iwenileik and (o liege, (x.celsion Sanatorium, as it was called, was ike finsi attempt at a hospital, and yet JUL was opened only to ike patients of ike On, f'lcQlanes, I his foniy-noom kospltal specialised in all hinds of baths — "tunklsk, Russian, electnic, Ahower, needle and plunge. " The Aetup woa rather elaborate far that time. The adv ertiAement stated that Dr. fi)cQLane rt lia6 even, had before htm. the idea of. hygiene and hygienic AUJUwunduigA. He built, the aIjuic- ture where Aunlight may. reign Aupreme. " On Apile of Ha elaborate Aetup, the hoApital failed financially* The development of hospital* down to the preAent Qood Samari- tan, which iA partially, housed in. the more than a hundred-year-old general Q I'J. favey home on Month Twelfth Street, might be uAed a* a ^future topic fan. diACuAAion. ThiA old home is on the old Lincoln Tnail and JU the former residence of $oel face, $ union? whoAe father woa a Revolutionary I'Jar Aoldier, ThiA houAe iA Aaid by Aome to be the fJuut brick building, in $effeAAon County. (flffJCSOAL HOT^j ThiA building, haA Aince been raged, and the preAent Qood Samanitan Ho a pilot waA dedicated in 7ks. §nace HojuL I he cabin, camouflaged by green 4hingJ.es and an addition on ike west, diilL viands on ilie southwest connen. of ike Lot, The old building occupied by ike I'll, Vennon /lilting Qpmpany beginning in ike 7880's is tiill standing, on South Tentk Sireet between ike filLd 1 ■ • " -.. ■ . . . i .. . . . J ~ ■ ,' ' •• • '•■' ■ ■ - - ■ . - C-27 and demonstrated aallantny in action. Tkese people, wene the descendant* of. /IBNffR (ASQI who was bonn in (aunty Tynone, Oneland, and mafuiied a Aelak Lady, iieaji the mi.ddle &fi the 73th centuny Abnen (dsey and kit wif.e decided to come to the "A'eio Jonld" thai was tallied 40 raua'i about in Qjuwpe. Upon tkein annival on the wesierm phones, they, settled in VinoMUa on the Roanoke Riven nean. the famous faimMy of (dniund Randolph. Abnen. anct his wife we/ie the parents of foun. ckild/ien, three Aons and one dauoJiien* I he Aons wene named hto^es, Randal on and Levi } but trie dauohien'j name is unknown. Arwt'ien bounce states that t'tene was also o a /ion named Benjamin. The finst thn.ee of Ahnen Qasey'd sons 4enved in the Revolution, /'loses was a captain, Randolph served' ad a seng^eant, and Levi was ftn/ii a colonel and later promoted to bnig,adten n,enenal» Oi has not been found what nanl\ Benjamin held on what r.iilttany onaan- ization. he Aenved in, Randolph (asey, the father of Zadok fwkode biogyiapky will be found, later in. detail), was deriving, under general F rancid /i)anu.on , "i'ze Swamp Fox. of the Santee" at the time that bkuu.on was holding a i/iuce treaty with Bniiish officers and invited them to eat with them, Ike menu cons.Lsied of roadied dweet potatoes wit/i noiliiny else, tin making, a written report to their commanding of-tcens, the 8/iitishens stated., "SoJjdicAS content to live on duck fane can never be defeated. Abnen Qasey and family moved to South Qarolina about 7J63 and. settled nean. S partanb una; this is the reason fon Iiis sons fiavina dervice wJuttx South Qaroltna troopd instead of Virginia troopd. Ji t& believed ihct Abner passed away between 779@ °nd 7oOO. After t/ie j-alt of (harlesiown, the Bnitisk aut/w/iities cons.iden.ed South (farolina as beinn, unden Bnitisk control; but there were diill manu nebellious ones who diouily dtood out fori the Amenican cause. Ot is neponted i/iat some o r ike welt knovjn "neb els, " including Cjenenal \')itLiamson and [o toned hlayson, came to the Bnitisk cantp and dougjii projection. Levi Qadey, oJLono, witk oihens, daid t'ley would kave no pant o r it, as tJiey we/ie dta.unclx painiots of the Amenican cause and would iake trie risk. \ 'ken (apiain Alexander Boyce died, hod bro>then okn Boyce joined a. mLliJJua company thai was conmand.ed by Levi Qadey and /nomas Duosm* After the famous battle of. Kind's i^oitnin.iji in which. Levi 0-28 QaAey participated, 'John Boy.ce left fon home, whJLch woa not {.an. fnom ike bat-tie Acene and had. only, been home long, enough to g/ieet hud family when io hubs Aiuip/iLie foun. men appealed at hue doon, I 'hey. we/ie headed by ] illiam Qunningham and ike deApiAed and dneaded I ony } liobenl I .acomb, ffolxn Boyce lepi cuichly on fool, with Qunninghara apten IzL.i, Aa Qun- ninghard woa mounted, he. quickly caught up with Boyce befo/ie he could, yet Into a ikicket ihat woa denAe enough to p/ievent tlie ho/uie f/iotn tnaveling, any faniJien, and Ainuc/* a blow i/iai a evened ihn.ee of. Boyce A fJjw,enA, Boyce yot away, had hud would dneAAed oa Aoon aA poAAibie, then mounted a Iw/Lde and Aia/ited on to ziepo/ii the Incident to hiA commanden, Lieutenant Levi QaAey, ThiA incident Atisuied the tempen Of (jLAey 1 A men to ike "boiling, point, " A Amall numb en, of "neb el inoopA Alojited a-ften, ike foun, Bniti^h cnJUtlnaJU arid overtook them at ike (jion.ee Riven,, 'ken QaAey' a men came in contact jjitk the Aavaye B/iitiAheAA, ikey paid pon. .tkein, act with ike Aupneme Aacnifice, I he neAult vjoa that ihey becane occupants of. a ynave in moiJien, eanilx, yenenal Levi QaAey became inteneAied in political activity Aho/iily afien. i/ie. wan, with B/iitain had ended. He continued to live in South Qanolina, and duning, ike remaining, yeanA of /iiA li r e ke keld a nut,iben of elective officer. On 77)aAy had one. daughter tien. name was (kanlty Casey, She was bo/in in So oik (a/wLina and wad manjiced In 7enn&64e.e afiten. ike family. migrated to that state fjiom jeo/vgla. Samuel Qasey woa ike seventk of Randolph (jasey's chilxUen, lie ziemaijied In ike south fo/i several yeanA aften. othen. mejnbenA o r ike family, had mlgsiated io Illinois, Samuel came io jeffenAon Qpunty in 7oJ2, tlie ec.n. ^llinois woa involved in ike Black Hawk Jan., Aa we meniioned befo/ie, several of Samuel* 4 b/ioikenA settled in and abound ike kamlei o^ l<\£. V en.no n; bui he jellied at ike edg,e of y/iand P/iaAle, He made ikai locality hiA home fo/i ike Aemaining, eighteen yeajiA of IxiA life until hiA death in 7o§0, Zadoh QiAeu, whom hisio/iy /iecog,niges oa one o r ike "founding, fatkejis" of ike King, Qity, woa ike young,esi memben. of ike family of Randolph and 1'lan.y 'jane (fasey. He woa bonm l>\an.ck 7, 779& in y/ieen (punty, §eo/igia, and woa mannJied p/iio/i io hid coming, io ike l J n.aisu.e State, A mo/ie detailed biogjiaphical sketch of hiA life will be found late/i. The following, list bnlnaA ioyeiken, ike nameA of ike clhuLaUen of Randolph and Mcuiy jane {Pennington) (asey and. the nai.ies of ilxeln. spouses: Levi, bo/in about 7768, majuiied hlollie Shenjiel; Randolph, ' /i, , bo/in 776% ma/uiied Sallie Pen./?lns; Jsaac, bo/in 7770, fiJist rnoji/iied (lir.abeik i<\c!(ay and laien. Jennie Bullock; /ibnaham, bo/m 777^) manjiied liancy Baken.; Qha/uty, date of bisitk unt'inown, maruiied William OePnlest; illnam, bo/m 7790, ma/i/iied Qatkenine DeP/iiesi (3t Is not now known wheike/u 0/1 not Jilliam DeP/iiesi and Qatkenine DePnlest wen.e n.elatives); Samuel, bo/m 7 79 J, maJinled Ruth (jilbenJ.; and Zadok, bo/m 779&) rnanjiied Racket Kino,. JJilllam (asey woa ike eldest son of Jsaac QaAey and a nephew of Zadok Qasey, He came to jeffenson Qounty in 7o77, ike same yean, that hiA uncle Zadok established residence in. ike an.ea, .Jilliam lived in. jeffejison Qpunty fo/i about twenty yeans, i/ien decided io move io the nonthesm pan.t of ike state, Qlxlcago was a small village when. )illiam made hiA j.ounjxey nonthwand, Aften. living, in ike nonth pant of ike new state fan, a yean. on. iwo, he decided ikai he would pn.e^en. to come back and spend ike /lemainden, of Ills life In the community that he assisted In developing. He. decided io waic/i t/ie little hamlet gjtow . 0-31 and pnaApen, /lealLpjng, that ke played a p/iominenl pcuit in giving, bijutk to a new locality. Aa staled eJUewkeJie, J ilU am (dAey gAonted twenty acneA of land io ike new county {an ike puApoAe of eAiablUhlng, ike penmanent a eat o t .J,uAiLce. TkU iwerdty-axjie tnact Included what iA now ike county, couaJL yand In lilt. V ennan and ike downtown buAineAA dlAtnlci. iJiLUam La zieponted to have accumulated a conAidenahle amount of wealtk dunlng hlA Lifetime, Abnakam 7. [aAeUj a bnoiken. of William, waA a mlnlAlen. but It La not known wkat neliglouA faLtk ke nep/ieAented. He uxla mojuu.ed to VylLnda l>iax.ey ike yean, that ike county wad onganlged. Abnakam and hlA wLfe kad tkeln. kome on wkat woa late/i called Salem 'Road. He pn.ec.cked at many place* Ln all dlnecilonA {nam (fit* V ' ennon, He paAAed away Ln 7oJ^ TkomaA t>), (a±e£ "fu^i aow ike light of ike wonld" Ln 7o07 Ln ike bonden Atate of Kentucliy. He ann.ived Ln JeffenAon Qpunty, JUlnoiA, wLtk kU pan.eniA Ln 7o7J t Two yeanA laten. ke woa mcuinled to Hanjicet 1'tax.ey Ln Octoben., 7c7^, Ike /'laxey family oIao played a ve/iy active pant. Ln ike development o^ ike new communLty o^ /'It. Vennon. TkomaA (juey woa a munLAien. of ike i'leikodlAt £pLAcopal (Tuuick. Abnakam f, [aAe£, Aon of 'Rondo Ipk, Sn tJ woa bonn Ln South Qanotlna and came to {JeffenAon Qpunty Ln 7o78, He Lived Ln ike hit, Vennon an.ea only a few yeasiA, iken moved to ike communLty i/iai woa known oa y/iand Pn.aLn.Le, wkene ke built ike fuiAi dwelling, kouAe Ln i/iai an.ea. He laten. decided to netunn to ike /'It. Vennon conmuniiy. Ot La zieponted that ke did not like to live Ln one locality veny long, and that ke moved Aevenal iLmeA. Laten. Ln life ke moved to /'ILaaouax. and. nemalned iliene until JxLa deatk Ln ike eanly 7gU0'a, HLa wl r e Lived uniLl a few moniJiA a {lien, ike cloAe of ike QivLl Jan.. /ib/icuiam K (jLAey woa ike fatken of five AonA and two daugJxteAA; #okn Q. , §neen ? J . , Fnanklin S, , jAaac, QLanlAAa and Qtizab eik, Fnanklin S. QaAey mannled Tlkoda Taylon. He woa a veny ag,- gjieAALve man and waA LnteneAted Ln buALneAA and poliiLcA. He woa a paniicLpani Ln ike Black Hawk .Ian. in. wkick ke waA commiAALoned fJjMZ Lieutenant Ln Qaptaln Bowman' a company. I kiA woa ike only wan. that Abnakam Lincoln kad miliian.y Aenvice in, and it AeemA poAAible that LLeutenant (jiAey and Lincoln, /tneiu eacJi oiken. FnanJdln Acnved a numben. C-32 of iermA oa county, ymdye. He oIao had tke korw/i of. being, a membe/i of. ike QonAtltuiional Qonve/ltion of l8k8. I hiA latter oAAiynment may nave been ike greatest achievement of hiA life. He died In 7877 . Zadok (jMe-y A name tlxat had been written immortally on ike packed o^. kit, Vernon history 1a that of Zadok QaAey. HjU activity in. public ll t e, boiJi oa a clergyman and oa a AtateAman, woa a p/iiceteAA contribution to ike welfare of. thiA community. He Ia credited ujitk kelpiny to rmae kt, Vernon one of tke leading, cltieA of "Little cgypt. " Reverend QaAey wcia not contented with tke life of a private citizen, Ot ujoa hiA aira and ar.bition to engage in tke kind of Life thai would Aiiape and mold a better civilisation Ion. pOAieritu, HiA Aterlinq, cJualiileA U It CI o were no doubt at leaAt pa/itly attributable to hU upbringing and hiA heritan.e, Aa Atated bepo/ie, ke descended from a family of Aturdy pioneerA of /iU>k-+ } cIaIx immiyrantA. He woa tke Aon of Randolph QaAey, a vetenan op tke Uojl fan. independence. He luoa a nephew of general Levi QaAey who played a p/iominent part in. driving the "tied cooIa" prom naerlcan AOil. Zadok woa the younyeAt child of Randolph and h\ary 'Jane ( Pennington J QaAey. All of the clilldren except Zadok were born in South Qarolina. The family moved to Qeoryia about 77^5, and Zadok woa born on /'larch 7, 17%, tri Cjreen Qounty, ^eoryia. 3n 7oOJ, Randolph QaAey moved hiA fanily from their Cfeorgia home to Smitli Qounty, 1 enneAAee, where he died in 7o7j. Zadok waA Aeventeen yearA of aye at tlie time of hiA fatker' a death and woa already thinking of following Aome of hiA older brotherA who had come to t/ie J.LllnoiA Territoru b-.r thai time. He woa a Irm believer Cf O 4 in ckrUtlanity and woa a follower of t/ie /'lethodLdi faith, early in life he woa auilxoniged by the iletkodJLAt Qhurch to Aerve that faith oa a cleryuMan, and beo,an hi* miniAierial work while reAidina in TenneAAee, Shortly a^fter hiA twentieth birihdau.. Zadok married Rachel <\ung in lenneAAee. Zadok and Rachel Atarted their Jjoumeiy to JUlnoiA In 7o77, when he woa twenty-one yearA of aye. The trip woa aJLow and liagiraouA, aA the country woa full of JndianA and wild anuaaU. Jt 1a reported thai t/iey brought all of their physical yoocU on a ho/iAe; theAe conAiAled of a Akittet, rifle, a few coo/Uny utenAiU and their •• '• . C-33 clo;tkina. II Ia wile rode ike korAe and Zadok walked and let ike korAe, carriU.no, ike rifle, (JO I Tkelr place of. arrival woa noi pan. from ike original Slxilon I'let'wdlAt QkurcJi, wkick woa locaied a few mllcA norikweAt of wkere j'ht* Vernon woa io be bulli. After arnl.vlna, /lately, ai ikeJji deAilnatcon t'tey. camped for ike nlgki, and while f i\ackel woa preparing, ike evening, meal, Zadok, wko woa a firm believer in prayer and divine zulaance, knelt betide a ijiee and offered pn.atj.en. and ikanJxAglvino. { jor ike Aa^e fourney ikai ikeu had experienced from ike Aouik land. J ken Zadok QaAey came io ike mldweAt, ke came io Aiay. He woa of ike type of. penAonality ikai woa aygsieAAlve and made : r aAi ad.vancemeni. rto Aooner had ke anjiLved ai IiIa destination ikon, ke beg,an ike conAirucilon of a dwelling, fan. kiA family. I kid woa, o^. courAe, constructed of logs, as ikere was no Aawed lumber io be had* A& ke wad an authorised mlnlAter prior io hid leaving, J enneAAee, Jut was hid define io conilnue ike practice o r kid pno>~eAAA.on In ike new io colli:', Ikene were no onxianlzed ckurckes In ike vlcuuly wken ke came kere, bui ikis did noi p/ieveni him from proclaiming, ike §OApel io ike people ai every oppo/iiuniiy. He delivered AeniiionA io gjioupA ai rellolous AervlceA fan. mile* anound wken ike wonslxip AervlceA were keld In named. After bieikodlii ckurckes were buili In ikis area, ke was called upon io preack io local ynoup/i In all directions, Rev, Qpsey ujas one of ike best known men In ike lui. Vernon area during, ike penlod of lis d.ev elo pmeni. On addition io being, a cleromnan. ke took an active interest In po liilcal life. Ike legislature had been moved from Ha original location ai liaAaat'ila io Vandalle, Ton. a numb en. o^ yeans fie merrbens of ilxe jeneral ,'sAembiy were elected io represent ike county Of, ikelr residence. Jlikln ikn.ee yeajiA afien. moving, io JilinolA, Zadok QaAey decided io enter, ike race fan a a eat In ike leglAlaiure. /ltd opponent vjoa a On. IncLean from "Jhlie Qouniy, and Qasey woa defeated In ililA cam- paign. I kougk ke waA young, and many young, men would have been ao alAcounag,ed fjiom ike defeat ikai iliey would have given up a political careen, Qasey woa determined to ho id up his courag,e and iry It ayaln. I wo yeanA later (7o22/ ke woa a candldaie for ike Aame office ag,alnst i/ie Aame canclldate, and by iltis tune Ixis popuJanliy arid influence had. ' ' C-J* ln.cjiQ.aAod mai.eAi.aliu, wlik ike voiens, do that ke was elected, At ike end o r ;tke two-yean ienm he doughi ike office as an incumbent and. won, tie. denveo, ii\ ike lowen house of. ike leaistatu/ie fan two consecutive ixATiiAm He tewed ^effenson Qounty {.on faun full yean* in ike House of 'Kepnesentatived, On 7o26 f'k, Qasey enie/ied ihe nace fo/i ike State Senate and won. He denved in this capacity unit! 7 3 JO, iken decided to file his name in ike /iace fo/i Lieutenant (jovennon, which ke won, ^ohn "Reynolds wa^ ike ao vennon duning, this pentad, Zadok (asey did not finisk his ienm ad lieutenant yovennon, ad ke entened ike conanesdional nace in ike fall of 7SJ2, I ke Stack Hawk Jan. kad its beginning, in ike dpning, of 7oJ7, ond It wad thought ikat ikid conflict would be -finidked Jin a few monikd, Ike Indian chief , Black Hawk, decided to tny to chive tlxe white deitlens out of thein tennitony ike following, yean, and kodtilitied wene nesumed, (jovennon fiey.no idd called fo/i tnoopd fnom ikid diaie to dupp/iedd ike Jnaland and wad given a r.uick ziedponde, Qpmpanies of tnoopd we/ie 0ng.ani7.ed fnom diffenent pantd o r i/ie diaie, including, feffenson Qounty, Seconds p/iepa/ied by devenal dounce.4 indicate that Zadok Qasey die>cid&L to j.oin a company of doldkens that wene ono.aniy.ed in /<& Vennon in the dp/iing, of 7oJ2, Oi id not dhown whethen on. not he nesi^ned ad lieu- tenant g.ovennon pnion to joining, tlie miliia/iy company. The conflict woa o r dhont dun.ati.on, ad ihe Ondiand duyin.enden.ed on August 2, 7o'J2, Ad diated above, Qasey wad a candidate fan. Qonq/iesd in 7oJ2 and wad elected. On 7oJJ he wad dwonn in, and ke denved continuously f&/i ike next ten yeans ad a memben of Qongnedd ^inom ilxid anea, Qasey was defeated in 7oU2 in ike conynesdionai nace and netunned to p/iivate iij-e in ike fret, Vennon anea fon ihe next five yeand. On To^y, Zadok Qasey wad elected to ihe Qonsiiiuional Qonven- iion, Oi id neponied iJiai ke wielded a lanye influence in causing, ike Supneme (punt to be located in ike King, Qiiy, On 7o52 he entened ike political anena ayain, ad ke was elected to ike Ollinois Cenenal Addemblu. He was a diaie denaion at Hie iirae of Iiis death, Zadok Qadey is cnedited with being, one of ike pnincipal j.oundend of hit, Vennon, Ike public denvice iJmi he nendened to ike county and io iJie. diate. beans iliis out, I'lany luave daid t'ict ke wad a . - ■ ,' ! i . i ■ ■ ■ . ■ C-35 "bo/m leaden." among, men, Jkile ke waA Ae/iving, In ike Leg/^la^.iuie tkejie we/ie tLaeA when. diAcuAAionA an.0Ae tkat caused conAid-Uwhle diACuAAion ao tkat ike. Apeaken of ike kou/.e wouuld auite often day, 'i'Je will leave this oueAtion to ike yentleman piom Jef r enAon Qpunty fon. an opinion* ' riiA opinions on ieaiAiative matters we/ie n.eApecied by a aneat mane/, of kiA cotleaaueA. I'lembenA of. (fonaAZAA piom. ike vanlouA AtateA Aoon ieajuied. ikat Qovennon. QaAey fnom OllinoiA, oa ke waA called, poAAeAAed Aound ^udymeni in ike enactment of fedenxl legislation, .Jkile Zadok QaAey aApJuied to eiecii..ve opfice and poAAeAAed the ability fon. thai vocation, ke neventkeieAA continued ike pn.acti.ee of ike pnofeAAion to wkick ke kad been Aummoned in easily li r e. niA belief in Q/uiiAiianiiy ujoa ao Atnona thai ke continued kiA wo/ik aA a niiniAien until Hie time o r kiA deatk. Jeyond any. doubt tiie li^e tkat Zadok QaAey 'Lived and ike coninJluiionA i/iat ke made helped, to moid hit* Vennon in beina. one oi. ike moAt civilized and pn,oo,n,eAAive com- er i O I o munilieA in Soutkenn OilinoiA, Ot can njLohl fully be Aaid ihxut Zadok QaAey lived a full and diAiinauiAhed life, HjLa coionful cafieen. came to a cloAe duoing, tiie Qivii ^Jan., aA he paAAed away on September, k, 7862, He died at. QaAeyville, jIIl- noiA, and ike /lemainA wen.e b/iouakt to h\i, \! emwn and buried in Old Union Qemeien,y. iliA wife diced Janua/iy 26, 7o6o, and Ake waA bunded cloAe by ken. kuAband 1 'a a/uzve. Zadok and Rachel QaAey wene ike panentA of eiakt children: I'laJzala, Ina/iy 'Jane, Samuel K, , HViam R, , Alice, Newton R, , TkomaA 5, and John R, QaAey, Newton and John we/ie p/iaciicina pkyAicianA ana IkoroaA Aenved aA a fudtye on ike iudicial ci/tcuil in ikiA an.ea, I ke QaAey family have played a ven.y impo/iiant zioie in t/ie founding, and. developing, of hi, Vennon, and we n.eo./iet tkat Apace aoeA not pensiiLt nxentLoninn, all o f ike people wko descend piom ikiA pioneering, iMfaJuLum I o FOllST ScJlLQl OH QlSNffl TOMS/MR Ike fteaUby fi/iAt Aeitlen. in QaAnen. I ownAiiip waA my ryicnd- fjzthe/l, jeo/v%e QaAnen., He woa bonn in 7/^6 and paAAed away in kiA C-* eiokiy--ikind yean, in lS7°. Mz mm ma/inted ikn.ee timet. Of kU finsl wi r e, J have no kisio/iy oiken, ikon ike location of ken. yiave. TkLs i* also inue of. hts second. wLfe. His ikind wife was my ynandmoiken., bo/m Qatkentne Lewis Qilhneik, fnorn Jales. To ikis ikind mcvuUape wen,e bo/m iwo daugjiiensi, ike younnen of wham was my moiken. Tkene wene ikn.ee ckildnen of ike finsi manntaye and ien of ike second manntaye. All of ikese ckildnen kave padded away, but ikene an.e faun g/ianddaugkiens and one gyiancUon Living, at pnesent, ana, many descendants. lie had foun. sons in ike Qivil Jan.: John, Andy on. Andnew, jieve and jeonae. Two sons went out to ike aold nusk in ikose dayA but nciunned.. yeonae Qasnen, and sons built ike finsi log, scJxool house on his land; ikis building, bunned, Tken ike school was built about a mile nontk of ike home place; fnom ikene ike location was moved to ike present old school, Qasnen, Sckool. He was a fanmen. and couipenten. He made coffins up .to ike tirae o^ kis deaik. Anoiken. iking, my moiken. iold me, ke gave money as well as land fon. ike L & N liatlnoad. uefone ikai, about twice a yean, ke made tie inip io Si. Louts wiik ox.en fon. supplies on, necessities* He was bonn in Vinainia, passed away on ike kome site. He and his ikn.ee wives ane bunted on a little knoll JMAi beside ike L & /V '/iailnoad. He was said, io kave been kalf Ondtan. iny faiken, John H. 'Randolph, bought out ike keins of ike Qasnen, esiate. J was bonn in ike finsi piame house built in Qasnen, Township, ilie kouse Qeong.e Qasnen. built. On 7Ua+ Anna IAoaa, * * * * * The fJuud. white man to Aeitle in tyeffenAon Qouniy, Andnew /'ho/ie, yave J\La name to ike anea wkene he Aeitled — ■ fibo/ie a I nainLe, One day (>\oon.e and hiA youny Aon /tode down to fondan r A filiLL, in F/ianklui Qounty, aften meal and neven netunned. Some. Aix. yecuiA laten a human Ahull woa found Aiuck upon a Anag, of an elm tnee wiihin two milzA of ike fibo/ie place, 'Recoyriginy ike evidence of a mLdAiny tooth, flint* (i)oon,e identified ike AkuUL oa that of hen miAAiny husband. She took ike gkoAily /lelic home, kept it in ken inunk and had it placed in hen coffin when Ahe died, Ot woa p/ieAumed that OndianA had committed ike munden of ike faiken and had taken the child with them, Ot woa Aaid that Billy QaAey and Oaaoc Hichd wene ike only pioneenA wko b/iouakt any AunpluA money wiik them, Much of ike land entened by ike eanly AettlenA woa entened wiik money bo/mowed fnom one of ikeAe two, Ot woa believed thai Billy QaAey had a conAidenable Aum bunied away at ike time of hiA deaik, "which would, neven be found unleAA by accident, " Apparently ikene iA AiiUi an accident anound, waiting, to happen. Anoiken pioneen woa Roaning, Billy UJootU, who got kbd name fnom ike peculian way of hallo Lny when intoxicated, Alfned, a bnoiken of loaning, Billy, waA killed in 7828 by a falling, bee tn.ee. He woa bnougkt to Old Union fan. bunial, but ike cneeli (QaAey FonJi?) woa ao higk that it woa neceAAany to build a naft ao ike little pnoceAAion could cnoAA, 0-3 Ot Aeon* thai yetting, married was an exciting, event In the. Uoods family. Ilk*. Alfred Mood* bittzrly opposed the marnlaye of ken. daughter Money, to Bill Dodds. Learnlny that the tux> had yone over, to 'John Dodds to be married, the seized a Iwiye butcher knife and set ou£ on foot at full speed to have hen. way., on. to have blood, preferably that of Bill DodcU. She /leached the Dodds hone, but too late, fatly, overpowered, ske soon accepted the inevitab le t Andeison Woods and Maltha Morton aJUo had parental opposition from Jacob, Martha's father However, Jacob's opposition was vetoed by unantmoLUi decision of the young, couple. One day Martha was at the gap, milking; Anderson /wde up, ftkuitha jumped up behind him and away they went, with /leconctltatton following, in due time, I'Je have mentioned Aunt Becky Depnlest. One of hen. sons, (jneen, had a cunlous countshtp. Slanting, to Walnut Hill for a tittle spn.ee, he stopped on the way at the house of a widow Allen to make some inouirles. The daughter joined in the conversation, and (//teen fancied hen. appearance. He told hen. who he was and also told hen. that he would ilfie to majuiy hen, if ayreeable, I') ell, she said, she did not care, So §reen Depnlest took a wife, bnlnglna ken. home the next day, to the astonishment of his fnlends and neighbors. The choice, accondlng, to Johnson, proved an excellent one for (jneen Depnlest, * * * * * £lsewkene it will be recorded that in 78jO*J7 the first school in Jefferson Qounty seems to kave been held in Shiloh I ownship, the building, being, of toys. On 78j8-jkuick 7779, and tewed eigkieen moniks. HlA ancestors were Insiru- menial in. saving. Jamestown and many, of ike colonists pwm ike massacre of 7622. Joel'* grandfather, flckard face, kad befriended an Indian who, in turn, Informed hts pale- face friend af ike Indians ' impending, aiiack and enabled scores of colonists io flee to ike blockade befo/ie ike /ledmen came on ike pitiful band of settlers* Joel face, S/u, came io Jefferson Qpunty io jjoin ike family, of hts ton, Joel face, Jr. Ike senior face died in 78J7 and U bunted In face Qemetery neon, fili, Vennon, JUlnols, i ! Je know of two oiken f evolutionary soldiers who are bunted in Jefferson Qpunty: IJllliam Tony, bunted at Old Union Qemetery; and feier Owen, bunted at fleasani (j/iove Qemetery. Joel face Qkapier kad kad ike graves of ikese soldiers manhed and kept in good condition. Among, ike many oiken. activities of Joel face Qkapier wad ike dedication of a bronze tablet to ike memony of Abnakam Lincoln on November 22, 7923, Appropriate ceremonies preceded ike placing of ikls permanent historical marker on a building, on A'orik I enik Street In /'It, Vernon. This bronze plate marks ike spot wkere an address was gM/en by Abraham Lincoln. Ike work of ike Daughters of ike American Revolution Includes that of pairioitc education, historical researck, ike preventing, of desecration of ike flag, ike creation of an Interest for and a respect of ike flag, conservation of good roads and old trails, Americani- zation, and Iniennatlonal relations. --Nell J. Kell ... DS fifocallen Dinmiddle wad bonn in dlaveny on Decemben 4, 7oh6, in iMddouni. HJL6 fatken had come, piom Afnica and wad in dlaveny all of kid life, in AmenJLca and poddihiy befo/ie Ae wad b nought to Amenica* young, /'hcallen Dinwiddle dpent ike foidt yeani of hid life in M^ouftl, whene ke wad owned by a family, named Qanten who lived in Ononion, /'liddouni, Veny toon aflei ike Qivil Wan. wad oven, /ihcollen Dinwiddle and kid bnotkend wene taken to a place in Texad to be h.eld a* dlaved* Tkein fatken wo* left in Ononion* filUdouni, and the. Dinwiddle bnoikem did not yet know that the wan wad oven wken tkey wene ;tahcn to I exad, Ot id not now known wketken on. not fiiddounl fon dome tlrae, wad mannied ikene and kad one child pnlon. to coming, to OUinold, He wad mannied to £tlen Tiuddeli in Ononion, filiddOLUii, about ike uean 7875* />ln. t Dinwiddle dpent kid eniine life ad a fanmen. He came to Jeffendon Qounty, Jllinoid pnlon. to 7^00, but ike exact yean id unknown. He findi deiiled on a fanm doutk of .Joodlawn whene he dpent a few yeand. Then ke punckaded a fanm in Section I wo of Skiloh Towndkip whene ke nemained until hid aeaih. Hid daugkien, h\nd, Hanny young, and ken kudband now live on tkid dame fanm. r ■ ' ■ • ■ . ■ ' v. ■ " i - ' I ■ 0-9 /'hcallen Dinwiddle inuly aomj Alaveny in Ha fulleAi, bui kid life woa an ouiAiandlna dernonAiruanUjon ikai he woa woniky of ike fneedom ke had necelved. He departed ikiA Life, on AuyuAi 1, 7%% and kiA body. JLleA bunled in ike 9» 0. 0, F, Qemeieny, IJoodlawn, OllinolA, (Onfonmaiion on ike Life of fik, Dinwiddi e woa funnldked by, hid daugkien, /'InA, Ha/uiy i/ouna, Woodlawn, QJJjLnoiA 9 J Ccutrry ?gsoNAUJTj& (l aken fjiom anilcleA wniiien in ike ftU, Vennon ReyiAienJ^ewA by L, A Oeaninyen) Up in Rome TownAklp, aboui iwo mile* beyond Qnage Point, wad Budiown, Ai one iime ikiA eanly inadiny cenien could boaAi of a Alone, a ynLdi mill, and a b lackdmiik Ahop. The AmHky woa an accompllAlxed wonken in Inon; one, ii Aeemed, who could nepain o/i maize JmaI aboui eveny iooi on Implement uAed on a foam, /'lany men of ioday have hobbleA — flAnlny, playing, golf* phoiognaphy, wnlilny, HobbleA one noi new, one noi neceAAonily ike neAuli of IncneaAed lelAune, Oun Amiiky ai Budiown had a hobby. On kiA Apane iime he liked io make died, on. moidd, which when filled wiik mo lien Lead pnoduced half~aollanA having, a nemankable neAemb lance io ike legjal coin* uAed ai ike iime, TheAe ApunlouA coin* wene paAAed io painonA in ike counAe of making, chanye, Pooling, i/ieAe coin* quickly bnougki ike black.Amiik an inviiaiion io an exiended Aojounn in ike Fedenal HcaI Home ai Leavenwonik, KanAaA, While a yucAi of ike govenn- meni oun Amiik mei oiken unlucky counienfeiienA, fnom whom he leanned dome of ike finen poiniA of die makiny. Upon kit neleoAe fnom pnlAon oun blackdmiik Aoon dlAcovened ikai ke AillL had much io ieann aboui mailing, dleA, ao back ayain io Leavenwonik, Afien kid second incancen- aiion noihiny mone Ia keand aboui ^effenAon Qpuniy' A counienfeHen, Which, penkapA, iA j.uAi oa well, Tke public hoA Utile inieneAi in ike unAucceAAful, especially unAucceAAful counienfeiienA, -0- -0- -0- -0- One of ike vLciimA of ike Budiown counienfaiien woa one Hewi Bnown, gAxindfaiken of /Vewl Baowo, (\t* Vennon dnuyyldi. Newt Bnown, D-W tlie asiandfathen,, not the djiwgalAi, was one of a family, of Steven boy* and fowl glnls. Q/iandfathen. Brown became, a. farmer, and. a p/ieacher. Ot had been claimed that f/ieachen, B/iown wo* well able, to cope wHk sin and sinne/is, anywhe/ie ke found either, One day. f arson B/iown bought a mule, a very stubborn, canton- kerous mule, the handling of which chalienaed to the utmost the parson's ability to cope. 'Preachers, a* everyone knows, are even-tempered, mild of speech, and kind to men and beast*. And the mule never wo* bo/uz which wouldn r i take advantage of such a situation. One day i± happened Tilled with the impatience of Job — Job, i± must be known, was the most impatient of men -~ with his bare fist Preacher Brown smote the mule mlahtlly upon Jut* note, Oi has been /lelated that the parson suffer*! no injury piom such a blow, but the mule carried throughout Itsd mulelsh career a /sizeable tump as a memento of the occasion. rU Preacher Brown's remark* were not /lepo/iied, about the only observation left Id thai mules appa/tently a/ie no respecters of parsons. Accordlna to Newt Brown, t/ie auryylst, not the grandfather, Newt Brown, the grandfather., not the druaglsi, stood six. feet ilviee and was well-built. !/et, he was the /wot among, the brothers, .llxat a bas- ketball team those seven B/iown brothers would have been! Unfortunately, basketball had not ilien been Invented* * •* * * ..ft A An A fir. Jesse A. Dees when a boy originated the old Nashville road. He and some friends were camped out on the I'Jesi Fo/ik (of t/ie Muddy. J when a man came along, and asked one of them to pilot him across the country. In the direction of tlie Beaucoup settlement. Jesse undertook the job, and the inail w/ilch they made was followed by others and soon became a path. i'Jhen the /toad was Located It followed thi* path ^rom the cneek to the county tine. Then the other county took it. up and followed It on to Beaucoup. The pnesent hand /wad to Nashville follows ini* old /load In many places. WBUJC H3QH SPOOLS ON MT. VQWN fill. Vernon Township High School Is the successor, of tlie old I'hU Vennon Qiiy High School, which graduated Juts fljist class in lo8k. On 7 88 J the fatponent, a /i]t. Vejmon neu)6pape.n > /taponied that the city • D-n had nine. ieackend, eight of whom wene. teaching, ike lowen. gnaded and one ike high dckool, An alumni. second of. 7^06 lldtd fa L Fnokock ad dupenlnten- dent and ike fallowing, ad membend of ike (ladd of 788U: Qnace ?lummen, hany §owenlock, ftblile Hawkins, Kaie Hodi, Lillian flohndon, Mamie Hayed, (lanence Lyon, Nellie Kllnken, £tia (nowden, Amy. Downen, £mma Hoffman, Viola Stungldd, Minnie Kellen, and fihny Pannldk. Oiken. dupenintendentd duning, ike yeand 788j io 7 Q 05 wene Iff. Q Bannhant, S. ft ftcRea, fohn 8. HlckoU, A. 0, fteubeli, fa 7. £1LU, H. fa AbsL*, and £ £. Van (lev e. Ike city high school wad locaied ai Sixik and Hannidon Stn.eeid, in ike Fnanhlin School building, u/klck had been condinucied In 786J, Sclwold wene dldnupted by ike cyclone of 7888 wklck dedtnoyed ike F/ianklin School, and Odcan 0, Silick wad ike lone member of ike (ladd of 7888. Fkene wene no gnaduaied In 788% Afien ike cyclone ike FnankUn School wad rebuilt and ike high school wad conducied tkene until [June, 7)i+ Vernon Town*klp Higk School replaced ike old city klgk *ckooJL Ike ierAitoAy included not only, ilxe city of. fibt, Vernon but ike entuic />H, Vernon 7own*kip» Ot ka* a *epanaJbe boand of education and I* not a part of ike /'bt* Vernon city, school *y*tem* On 7° 03 ike people of ike iown*kip kad voted to e*iablUk a iown*klp kink school and elected a boand of edu.caii.on, but because of *ome tecknlcality ike pnoceexLiny* were declared illegal, and a new *iart wa* made in 7°0k, On ike boand elected in 7°0k wen.e Frank Snyder, president, 993> 000 io build a new classroom building, io remodel Building, 8, io p/iovide a new keating. plant, and to modernise oiker buildings. Ike new building, it io be completed in 1 '96 J. I ke school is well represented in oryani/aiions end acii-vitt-es, Representing, ike views of ike students iA ike Student (ouncil, org,an- iy.ed in 797% 3t Ia now made up of a boy. and a girl elected by, eack cIx.ua and a boy and a ginl t uiom ike senior cIoaa elected t Jiom tlxe Aclxool at larg,e. TkiA council iA ike yuiding, oraanizaiion of all Aiudent oraanizationA. I ke Hi-7/ii League, a character training, onaanization fon. gJjoiA originated in I'li, Vennon Township High Scliool in 792$, 3t woa on.ganig.ed by ft lis A (onnelia Pien.ce, ike finAi dean of girls, 3i i^ a cit.anten.ed oroanizaiion and kaA become state-wide, 3i iA one of ike two schools in ike Aiaie to win four Aiaie cJwsapionAhipA in basketball, (kampionsliips were won in 7920, 79^9) 7950 and 795 l[ » 3n ike earlier dayA of ike AcJwol wken debating, woa in vogue, iJie. debating, trains vx>n many victories including. iJtn.ee sout/iern ' M6 Olllnols champlon4hlp4. On later years 4chool musicians have won many, honors, these Include. State ttuslc Sweep4takes (hamplon4Jii,p4 in 79^9$ l%h 1956, 1157, 7967, and 7962. The Vernols, 4chool yearbook, and ike Vernols Hew4, ike 4tudent new4paper, nave maintained high 4iandaras, Ike V ernois llew4 won HSfA /ill-American ratings for 4 even yean*, 7 9^7-1 9 S 1 *! ^^ again In 7956. 3t wa4 aUo QSPA inedalist In 79^8 and 79^9. During ike pLpt.ij.-4 even years of lis history, l1ffH0fflST (Hffl(H The /'leihodiAi £piACOpal (kuAck South of Dix woa organised in 7 063, Among, the fiAAt memberA were I.ed in 7 $6 2. The baAement, AtoAted in 7^S^j ^cla made poAAible by a becuett fAom I'Iaa, Oacoa FieldA, who before her maAAiage woa Lena Haw/zinA. A beauedt by fiAA. Salter ( l\iley, whoAe husband woa formerly the mayoA of Dix, alto helped. Several other donations were received, and much o^ the work woa done by the memberA. I he church haA been redecorated, an organ inA tailed, and undeji the paAiorate of 'Rev. HoAemary HarriA iA malting great progjieAA. ' im Tom Jarren iA the present church Achool Auperiniendent. An active churcli Achool, (i).y.F., pAayesi meeting and 'J oman 1 a Society of QuiiAiian service, oa well oa a Vacation Bible School under, the direction o r btAA, y/tace Doui/uJi, are maintaJjted, — By '/lev. HoAeinary 'larrLd c-> LDU3S UHCOUi QWQISQN (Qccenpts {.nam a papen pnepaned by Denven /'iaJonald and n.e- pnod.uced in quantity by tke i<\i. Vennon (Jxamben. of QommenceJ On November, 1 86 J, Pnesident rib/iaham Lincoln, spoke his memo /table. wonds at Cfettysbuna, while Ike outcome of tlxe titanic stnuyale of tke Qivil Jan. was veny muck in doubt* Ike following, month a son was bo/m to 'Jesse and Fannie Saundet (jnmenAon, I ke boa was named Louis Lincoln (mmenson, /to named because his g/iandfatken allan rrrmenson' s two lenms in tke State Leyislatu/xe with nbnakard Lin- coln liad. caused tke r amily to kave undying, nespect fo/i i/'ie man wko now ao cousic.aeouslu tnied to /lemold tke countnn into one cjieal united gjioup o^ stated, I ke name Qivnenson is an old and kono/iable one and kas been traced, baok to Qialand pnJuon to tke yean, lUOO. On 7ojo pioneens of tlxe Amenican b/ianck of tke family came to Opswick, !<)ojdSachusetls, with tke Punitojxs. Fnom thence, ancestons of Louis L, Qimenson went to V in- gJLnia, laten to Kentucky, to Indiana; and in ToTJ Louis' gjiand^athen. Allan moved to Ollinois. L, L, Qnmenson's mothen. was a native of Swit^.enland. iiiA 'jjatken. was a man of s tenting, integ/iity, a man wko fneauently senved kid community as a public official in office* of high tnusl. On tke stinning, dat.cs Jjust befo/ie tke Qivil .'Jan. ke was elected the skeniff of (jha/icU Qpunty, Ollinois, and won distinction by tke efficiency of kis ad.iiais;tn.ajtion at a time wken being, skeniff was veny ka^andous. Ike finst decade of young. Louis' li r e was a time of stinjxing, event* in tke nation. Skenraan ma/icked to tke sea and captained Savannak. Lincoln was ne-elected. Lee sunji.enden.ed at Appomattox, I ke /itlanjtcc Qabte was laid. I ice iilu Klux. Klan was ong.anig.ed and coixtnolled ttxe Soutlx tlxnouoh Lean, and violence. Hebnaska was adj.iitteci to tke Union. Alaska, was punckased. Pnesident Jolinson was impeached.. Tke finst nailnoad to the Pacific was completed. Joss I weed lost contnol o r l*ew yonJi, and tlxe Panic of 7oyj was just beginning, to become a gnim neality* Diuiing, tlxis tnoubted peniod of oun national life, veny little can be leanned about Louis, who had now ynown to the aye of ten. Ot i^ as- sumed., koweven, that ke was gswwing, up along, tke tnaditional lines; and. thai tke influences of tlxe home, tlxe ckun.clx arxd tlxe school wene 1 I ■ • 7 ■ &2 beginning, to shape up and set the pattern for the sterling, character Ae WOS to pOSSeSS, Ike. second decade of. his life was also one. in. wkick our nation was expanding, in spite of. internal strife, Quster made his last stand, Ike telephone wast invented Qplorado was admitted to ike Union, f resident Hayes withdrew ike troops from ike South, fdlson Invented ike Incandescent electric tight* President Qarfield was add assinaied. During, this period Louis had advanced from gyiade school to higji school, He was very industrious and had - r ew idle moments, How- ever, he apparently lived a normal Ollinols small-town boyhood with penJiaps a bit mo/ie than ike no/unat amount of worlx in. Li, He. was a student of music and earned for ko.iself a place in. t/ie Albion High Sdwol band Ot was while playing, in the band that hlA romance started with hiiss Anne I'laitkews. who seven uears later was to become his wl^e, lo the welt-hnown prestiae of ike Qrmerson family was now added that of ike well and favorably /mown i'laitkews family, lnorriA ^mmerson, older brother of Lou, had left the family home at Albion and had decided to seek his future in kit, Vernon some : fifty miles away. He soon established himself in the newspaper busi- ness and was very successful. So thoroughly was ke sold on ike r uture of hit, Vernon that ke wrote his brother Lou, as/ling, that he consider bruwjjrg, his bride and making, hid home here, They came, Ot was 7do/, Lou was twenty-one and full of ambition, Qapitallzina on his experience as a store clerli at Albion, he now decided to yo Into busi- ness for himself, He opened a department store and built a successful business based on ike principle of honest dealing, with ilxe people he served.. His popularity Increased, His friendship and advice were soon sought by men of all classes. Soon his name was being, mentioned In political circles. He ran for alderman in 7oJJ and was elected, Ot Is interesting, to note (as might be expected of sucJx a man) thai he ran for office on a public improvement progyiam. On 7o^J he was also ilxe people's choice for president of the school board, Larg,ely through his dynamic leadership a building, program was started w/tic/i greatly enlaryed the educational facilities of the hit, Vernon schools. Success seemed to be his. Ot was his belief thai a man should liave more than one business connection. Thus it was no surprise . . ' " '■ , .. . . ' . • c -J to Ixis -Oiiends when he founded ike Boston Store In 70oJ. This Atone soon became tlxe outstanding store In hit. Vernon, Ots phenomenal suc- cess can be traced to the policies o r fain, and honest dealing which ok* Qiimerson belteved Jin so thoroughly. At the time he was establishing, himself as a business man. he was also becoming, a political fig,ure. He went piom alderman to p/iecinct committeeman, Later he was elected 'Republican (ounty (Ixaininan of Jef- ferson (ounty/ and he processed from this to mo/ie important poliM-cat positions , sewing, on the (ongressional (ommittee and -finally as a member of the State (entral Qommittee. He was a member o r the J tale Board of (auatigation during, pa/it of the term I^Ok-I^Oo. Duning, the adninistAation of governor Jeneen he was appointed a memben. of the Soutlxern O.Uinois Prison (ommission. His tho /toughness, his organx.^Lng, ability, his sincerity, and his ability, to make and hold friendships, as evidenced in these minor political j,obs, made him a man.ked man for ■future and greater political service. hir. (jnmesison's business life was as extensive as /lis other activities. He was engayed in the mercantile business until 7^07, when he helped organise the Third Motional Jank and accepted the position of cashier. He/ie he made fjiiends by, the score, ilis co onto us treatment of customers and tlxe efficient manner, in whic/i he did his work was soon brought to the attention of his superiors. hlany promotions were to be Ixis, both, politically and in business. He advanced to the presi- dency of the bank, which position he filled in a most capable manner. />ir t (mmerson was very active in civic and ■JxaterncJ. oryani- gajcions, He was a Roiarian and a staunch supporter of tlxe hit. Vernon club. He belonged to the Odd Fello.js, Knights of Pythias, 'Red l^en, Loyal Order of hioose, £JJis, hlodenn Joodmen, and the hlasonic Order. His J'iasonic history is one of g/ieai activity, covering mojxy years of faith-ful service. He bears the unusual distinction of having been jrand High 'Priest of the jrand Royal ,\rch (hapten, and. (;rand (om- mander o r the. ground (ommandery of Illinois, in addition to t/'ie title of ^rand lno^te/i. On 78^7 he was made a i>iaster hlason in i<)t. Vernon Lodye, 2nd became its h'lasier in 7^7 J, He was exalted in H. 0. Hubbard (hapten, R.A.h)., in Int. Vernon, and served as its High Priest for seven years up to 7^05, when he was elected to office in the §rand (hapten line, be- coming, ynand High Priest in October, 7J7J. He received the (ouncil '..■'■ ; ' . : . .- ■ ' . ,'. ' ■ c -4 c degrees in Janville Qouncil, a-fJtenwand tailing, pant in ike on^anigation o r ike i\n, QimeAAon wcut one of ilxe AiAone,eAt AupponteAA of ike effontA fan. g.ood govennineni. lie woa one of ihoAe who adviAed witk QovennoA Lowden in ike wonking, out o r ike hand zioacU AyAiem and in advocating, ike fiAAt ^60 } 300, 000 bond iAAue io be paid off witk automobile feed. AlwayA an advocate of g.ood no add, he /taw in thiA plan an opportunity io pull JllinoiA oui o>. ike mud and helped veAy matenJLally In kiA official capacity io make ike plan a aucccaa. yovennoA Lowden snowed kiA eAlimcie of 1>a. (jmieAAon a ability and wonik wken ke made kin manacieA of i/ie Lowden campaign, foA ike Republican nominaiion fo/i pAeAident in 1^20. ThuAAaay, /JovembeA 70, 7<}27 f wad "(jiimeAAon Day." in l')i. VeAnon, A ojieai CAOuid of tome five ikouAand fjiiencU and political leadenA in QeiucAal and SouifieAn OllinoiA, AepAeAentino, at ieoAt fiiftg. counties, o,cikeAed in front of SecAeiary of State (jrmenAon* a home io keaji kim maJie a Aiaiement concerning, hiA candidacy. foA ike g,overnorAhip .in. Opposing. Small in ike primary election ike Republican farty had Il'jo otkeA men, Oacoa £ QaALstAom, wko wad Aerving, oa atloAney aeneAal, and Secretary of State L. L. (jivneAAon. />k. QarldtAom finally wit/xa/xew aA candidate for q.overnoA and decided io Aeek Ae-eleciion ad a;cloAney g,eixeral. ThiA left a AiAaigkt-out battle between governor Small and I>1a, (jmenAon foA ike nominaiion, (i]/U (jrunerAon wad ike peopV a c/ioice. i key lilted the pAog/iam wlxich tkud cuietf unaAAu/ning man advocated. Furtkermore, ikey had fjaiilx ikat ke could and would fulfill kiA promiAeA. /it ike polla he woa gXven Auch an enonmouA moronity of voteA ikat ke cajuiied kiA entuie ticJiet io vicioAy witk him. IhuA, at ike age of Aixiy-fouA, an ag.e when many ajie considering. reiiAing, fjiom ike AiAain of oua pAeAent Aociety, LouiA L. QnmerAon woa beginning. kiA gjieateAt wo nil — Aerving. ike people of ike gyxeai State of JllinoiA oa ilxeir twenty- A evenik ciovension, iliA adtiiiniAiAaiion Aianted undeA moAi favorable auApiceA, but before a yean Ixad paAAed ilxe great depreAAion AtrucJi ilxe couniAy and . A. » ■ . . . ■ . • . . I ■ ■. ■ ike nation tiacw,en.ed widen, ike blow, No tiaie wat kii kanden. i/ian ike gyieat induttaZaZ ttate of JZLinoLd, wke/ie hundnedt of ikoutandt wen.e iknawn oui of empZoyment almost ovennioki by ike doting, of JuuvOiecU of rmnufactunJuno. planto. At ike panic continued monik often, monik, ike tituaiion g/iew even, nio/ie tenZout, and. no public man in ike counijiy n.ecog/ii7.ed ike tenioutnett of ike cnitet mo/ie auichly ikon, ike yove/mon. of OZlinoLd, fie wat among, ike fZnti yovenno/it io caJUL upon kLd ZegJudZatwie fo/i iiwiedZate and. adeauate relief meatun.et io ca/ie fon. ike ikoutandt who had been made detiiiuie by, ike unexpected butinett dep/iettion, Jiik food /licit ikfieaiened in (kicayo wiik lit gjieat numb en. of fo/ieigji bonn, and wiik condiiZont aZmoti a* teniaut in oihen. ietten. induttnJjiZ cenieAt, ike/ie wat no iime fo/i delay, lhen.e wad noi iime io tet up any tuck eZabo/iaie tytiem of zieZief machinenu at hat tince been pui in operation, Oi wad a iime fan. ajuick aciZon and fon. dnatiic meatunet, and unden. ike ZeadeJithZp of ^ove/inon. Qmiejiton JZZinoLd acied p/iorapiZy and efficiently, AZwayt a humane and kindZy man, ike aovennon. wad deepZy iouched by ike tad plight of many of ike peopie of ike tiaie; and he wonJxed nisJxt and day on meatun.et io heZp ikem and io avent tenZout inouble, Jn hit effontt io do ihit he fo/iaoi panty poZitict and wo/u\ed wiik ZocaZ officiaZd aZL oven, ike ttate, tianding, tlioulden. io thouZden, wiik ike Democnxiiic mayon. of (kicagjo when.e ike tituaiion wat moti tenZout, Jin even.y effo/ii io relieve a tituaiion ikai wad mon.e ienjuhZe and menacing, ihan many peopZe of ike nxuiaZ tectiont of. ike t;taie even, ziealiged, pAeaueniZy he wad uAyed io HiobiZige ike National Cjuand and tend JUL io (kicag,o io aveni ike even, p/ieteni ih/ieai of bloody food nioit, but ikLd he tieadiZy /lefuted io do, declaring, ikai tome way muti be found io tave ike tiiuaiion without n,etont io tuck iaeatun.et, OZlinoit fought ltd way iknougk ike danJiett dayt of i/Ut ncutionaZ cnitLd, but ikey iooh a ioZZ on ike keaiih of itd gx>venno/i fjionx wliich he neven, fuiZu /lecovened, ,iZwayt a f.ian of i/iej.ienaout enejig,y and vitality, he Zeft ike govennon.' 't office witlx kLd health bnohen but wiik ike figjit won. The peopZe of OZiinoLt owe him a gsieai debi of gAotitucLe fon. kLd counjag,eowd and tuveiett ef^jontt in ikote clayt of iniaZ, . ■ i . ■ ; • ■ '.'■■■'. . . • ' . ■ - • C-7 Loui* L. ^mmerAon'* life a* a banker, a bu*ine** man, hi* time a* S ecretary of State and finally ad aovernor La well, known to thousand*, inany phase* of. hi* life were le** colorful In the eye* of the pub tic — yet the*e *howed the true yreatne** wktck wa* his. /ihg £rrmer*on wa* deeply, religtou*. He *erved a* a deacon and trustee of the First fresb ytenJLan Qhurch and taught a Sunday. School das* t/iejie fo/i many years, Ot wa* called the "TOO Qlass" by the hundred men that composed it* He wad a cienuine student of tlxe Bible jjust a* he wad a student of human natu/ie, Jhile serving, as governor he made a special trip jjiom Spring, field to be present at the twentieth zieunion of t/ie men' * bible clas* of which he wa* a charter meiwe/i and also fo/une/i teacher, fibi, Qmmenson was the speaker of tlxe evenina. a I'/e have already mentioned his active interest in civtc and ■fraternal organt Ration*. Another phase of l>\r, Qnmerson's life wad Ln tlie afield o r * ports and athletic*. He wad an evident sport r an and seldom missed an oppo/itunity to attend all po**ibte baseball and basketball g,arde*. He tuas also very fond of golf, V, !/. Oallman, writing, fo/i the Illinois State 'Aegtster wrote, "0 was wondering, how the governor retain* fits girlish fig.ure and keep* *o young, when, to my surprise, was advised that he rises every moaning, at 5 o'clock, play* a ziound of yolf before breakfast and after a cold plunye iA all zieady for a hand day' 4 wo/ik at hid desk by 8 o'clock. Here'* another *ecret: The aovernor con ( Jjled to me that he is a 'poor golf en' but that he *hot a <}6 fo/i To hole* tJxis week, " ferhap* his best loved *po/it wa* in the field o r fishing,. His *!^ill with the /tod won him considerable fame. I he magazine, hteld and Stream, " ha* told of *ome of hi* exploit* — how he caugjit the largest fiing^Ush even, taken in the water* off tlxe Honduras (oast. I he margarine al*o carried hiA *to/iy of a kk-pound muskelonye catch w/iich wa* penliap* the highltght of hi* fishing, career. I'ln, (jivne/i*on wa* a writer of considerable *kill. His mag,a- £ine articles were enjoyed by hundreds of fishermen. He traveled widely and at every opportunity. One of the mo*t interesting, article* have even. read dealing, with South America wa* his paper written upon Ixis return from a visit to every Soutli American country. Hi* paper deal* • • ' I ' &8 with "Cultivating, Fnienddkipd, " Ot id boded on ike addumpiion that South ^menica id a land of oppontunity fan ud on. fon Qunope — fon ud if we make only a neadonably effective effont io meet ihem half way in inade nelationd. /'in. (jnmendon wad hononed in many, wayd. Jhile dewing, ad jecn.eian.y of State, ike finest hotel in Souihenn Ollinoid wad built. and. named in hid honon. lo have duck a dinuciune bean. one r d name id unriiidiahable pnoof of one'd eminence. He Loved /'it, Vennon. Hene kid two daughtend, Find, Aline i'JaAjd and In/id, Hanold Jatdon, wene bonn } dpent ikeJui childhood and laten edtablidked homed of ikein own. Hene hid gnandckilxlnen wene bonn. Hene he wad "Lou" to hid couniledd fnJLendd and neigkbond. He wad neven do happy ad when at home, dunnounded by kid family ci/icle whene ke cadi adi.de ike caned of budinedd and political life, Ot wad to tkid town and family cin.de that ke neiunned at ike clode of kid tenni ad govennon. Ot wad hene eight yeand laten. thai he padded cuieily away. (jdwin Rackaway, ediion of the Regidten-Newd, dunmed up /'In. (jmendon' d padding, do well when on Febnuany f>, Tl^h he wnoie: Qignt yeand have elapded dince (jovennon £mmendon left the executive mandion io netunn to hid home town, to take up the thneadd of iLfe whene he had dnopped ihem yeand befone to devote kimdelf io a public caneen, Jko can day that zhede eight yeand, dedpite hid illnedd, wene not among, ike kappLedi of hid life, ° ' Ot mudi kave been a welcome °ui&k often trie dtonm, and ke dpent kid ladt yeand dunnounded by tkode he loved bedt. the devoted wife of mone than naif a centuny, hid child- nen and ojiandcJiildnen, 6 . I aid beautiful f amity cincle, bnoken now afien j'^ifty yeand, dup^e/id modi in hid peaceful padding,, afien a gneat and hononable caneen, but thene one many oikend who one deeply gnieved, Qiti^end ike diatune of Louid L, £mmendon, men of hid ability, and integ/uJjy ane nane, unfontunately. They cannot be eadily dpaned. I ke govennon id gone and kid kome town had lodt domething. of gneat value in hid padding. Ot will pnobably be a long time befone we dee hid like again. &ST SAL£ft imSJOIiW DA'PTOST QilM(H The (jidt Salem. /'liddionany uaptidt (hunch wad ong.anized in .Jecejiiben, 7o'5_?, in. i/ie Duncan SrJtool Jloude, and the findt negulan chunch ■ ' . ■• I ■ ■ '■ ' • - I '■'■. ■ ' A. • •■ C-9 dew ice wad keld on 'Januany 7% 7o^, Senviced wene keld in ike Duncan, School butlding, until ike fuidt ckunck wad ejected in 7o60 on land donated by Blufond ila/ihow. I kid lang,e log, building, id diiLL dianding,, Ike land kad neven, been out of. ike HanJLou) family dince ii wad deeded to Aanon Hantow by ike g,ovennmeni in 7SJ5* Ot t* now owned by bin* and I l/ui. QLaude Q, rlantow. Ike pnedeni ckuAck building, wad ejected in 7dS2 on land donated by Hinam Juncan £.0/1 ike ckunck and cemeie/ty, Ike fuidt pendon bunted in ike cemete/iy wad HiAam Duncan 4. don, /Jaikaniel Duncan, 3n l<\ay, 73^6, ike ckun.cn building, wad almost dedinoyed bj, a io/mado end iuad nebuilt in ike fall of 78^6. /idditional cladd noomd and a badement kave been added io ike ckunck in tie ladi few yeand, — />kd, QLaude (\ Hanlcw '..■•■•■'•■■■.• '. ■■ ; ■ • ■ ■■ .. '■ ■: ■.-.-■ . ;• ■- . I " , ••■ ... '..■'•:::■' I ■ i ■■ '.. . . '■''■■■..../ .■■■'.". ■ - ' ■ « ~ ' ' . . ■ ■ ( S ....... / ; • . ■ ■■ •' ■ ' I F-7 ¥%(£ flffHQOOST QimQi Tke Fn.ee MeikodlAt (kuAck woa onjyanl^ed by a convention of lay membenA and minlAte/iA wklck met at fekln, NlayaAa (aunty, New \JonJ< on ike 2Jnd of AuyuAi, i860, Ike. flnAi ^enenal (on.fen.en.ce of ike newly, fo/imed ckuAck met on. ike. second UedneAday of October, 7862, cut Si^ (kanleA, JllinolA. TkiA meeting, onyanlged ike. wonk of ike Fn.ee filetkodiAi (kunck in ike Atate of OltlnoiA* Because of tnxmA~ poniation dtfflcultieA In tkoAe no /we and buyyy day* Jit became neceAAa/iy to divide ike weAtenn y/wup into Amalten. ajieoA, and in l88§ ike (entnal JltinolA (onfen.en.ee of ike Fn.ee filetkodiAi (kiuick woa onyanlgecL TkLd new anea included flit, Vennon, tycffenAon (ounty, JlLinoiA, and it became a pajit of ike ckiuzch known oa ike (owden DlA- inJLci* Ike fi'bt Vennon Fn.ee MeikodiAt (kuAck woa onyanl^ed at ike twin of ike centwiy and woa known oa ike fftL Vennon4'Jayne (incuH* Linden, ike leadenAnlp of 'Rev. i'J. D. (ocknan, DiAtnlct ?n.eAldent, ike chwick anew and pno opened in. Ha location on £aAt Main Street between. Sevenik and [iykik StneeiA, Ha flnAi paAion being, Rev. Q 9. £wlny, Tke cong/ieyailon met to decide on a relocation proved, and ike committee found a diie in. ike Old On.ckand Division located at A'ineteenik and Loyan StneeiA in tke AouihweAi pant of ike city of /'!& Vennon. On 7^12 conaiAuction beyan and woa completed on ike AtnuctuAe wkick AilJJL AtanoA, and ike present conyA.eyaii.on wonAklpA in a fine and adeauate buildlny and facilitieA. Tke pnoynam on. onyanl^ailon of ike Fn.ee flleikodLai (kunck extenxU to ike fan. connenA of ike eanik iknouyk Ha extensive miAAionajiy endeavon, aAAlAted by tke local membenA of ike I'J omen' a fillAAlonaAy Society under ike leaderAklp of Ha preAident, M/ia. Olive Duncan Lawrence. OiA mlAAion field, home and abroad, extendi to twenty- two monld areoA. I ke mlAAlonary pnoynam iA extended to ike entire liAteniny wonld iknouyk ike medium of nadio. Tke "Ligki and Life Hour, " now in Ha elykteenik yean, AendA Ha meAAoye oven, many continental and fonelgn AtationA in Aeven lanyuayeA, Includlny RuAAlan and Latvian. Dn. (nynon F. Boyd, ike director, and kiA Aiaff are now wonklny on a pnoynam to ike (klneAe in ikeir native lanyuaye. . . - ' F-2 The "Light and Life (Hen* A Fellowship" is a world wide organ- isation of ihe men of ihe church, They, have adopted as ihein motto, "Men Jin Men, " An active, agressLve and inspirational program is in operation fo/i the youth group known as ike "F.fti,!/, " fF/iee fiteikodList i/ouih, Thld include* a monthly, contact list of all military 4en.vi.ce personnel of the chu/ich and any others desiring, this 4eA.vi.ce. The aim of this organisation is to chnJi^tianL^e the youth for better world social influence and to prepare them effectively to Aerve ihein fellow man. The program fon ike inteAmediate youth and Jjuniors is coAAted on through a well organised educational prognam known as the. C*y*Cr (Qvu-Aiian youth (juisaders) , This program La set up to teaclx them better citizenship and to instruct them in the basic principles and fundamental* of the church. An award and merit system La set up in assisting, the boy* and yirls in developing, character, The Qhurch Study Hour (Sunday School), under i/ie. capable leadership of ihe superintendent, Opal Wemeiie, is set up with a definite evangelistic outlook. Since ihe days of Ltd beginning, the Fn.ee Methodist (hunch has hod outstanding, men who have faithfully pasiored ihe chun.cn, 'Rev, $. laul Taylor began his pub tic ministry in ihtd church, and today he is a bishop of ihe denomination, 'Rev, V, L, Parsons, still veny active in ihe ministry, began his ministry here. Others we call to memory have eniened their blessed nest, among, them Rev, Thomas Dulaney and " cv * G & J^na; Rev* £lmen McKay, who became ihe church* 4 outstanding, eva/ig.elisi, faithfully senved Qod and ihe community. The wonk and labons of those who have gone on is carried on by ihe present pastor, Rev, T, %. ,'Jemette, and ike faiikful membens who stand by ike principles of this fine church. FORSJ FR& MIL BAPTIST Q\URQi The First Fn.ee Will Baptist (hunch of fi\i, Vernon, Illinois, would be considered as a rather young chunch as fan as yeans go, being, established thinty-iwo yeans ago on ike present site on ike connen of 11th and Jordan sineeis. F-J AfteA a *weepin^ Aevival beginning, on FebnuaAy 2 J, 7 9 JO, and continuing, foA revert full week*, conducted by ike Rev. &* R. Bunion and $. N. Alien, ike ckwio'i wa* o Agonised wiik fifty- ckoAieA memben*. Rev. IV. R. Bunion, of. iJkittinaion, JlLnol*, U con*ideAed by many, to be ike. dean of ike Tn.ee Will Bapti*i (kuAcke* iknougkoui Souilienn. OliinaLt, and me one veny pleated io *ay ikai ke i* *till on ike *emi>-active lent at a mini*ieA in oua onjgxmlgaijuon, Onmediately afien ike fin*t nevival teJivLce* teAminated, ike ckwick wa* onaanlged and ike. fin*t elected iAu*iee* weAe Ant/urn Owen*, AaMwa. Raney, i ! J. Q. tttlUfond and Rev. fii L BakeA. Tke fiA*i deacon* weAe (jeonae fifago, Tom Flanniaan, HenbeAt Rea and Rev. l>\. L BakeA, On lyjk a A.e.vlva.1 conducted by Rev. Raul SulceA and Rev. Onan Ken*k continued fo/i foniu-iwo conde.cuii.ve niakt* wiik ike. netult of oven, a kunajied deci*i.on* fori (kntti. Ike baptismal zieA.vi.cc4 foA iki* revival weAe keld in ike Ftn*i Baptiti Qkwick of ftli. Vennon. Wiik an eveA-injCAea*ing, membeAtkip, officeA* of ike ckwick nealcged ike need fan. an ex.pan*ion pAoanam. fon added fajcilitLe* fon. ike. Sunday Sckool wkLck wa* in dJjie need of moAe *pacc On July 20, 7^JJ, i/ie ckwick puAcka*ed a modenn. iwo-*iony bnJLck buildina *iiuated immedi- ately in. back of ike. ckwick, wkick had been ike kome of ike Hanna /AJjitina (p. Tki* building, wa* completely /lemodeled inside foA da**- noom*, wiik *ix. cla**naom* on ike. *econd floon and a miniAieA 1 * tiudy. I ke main floon, wa* remodeled fon. a dining, ojiea and AecAeatlondl pun," po*e*. Tke Educational Buildina wa* dedicated In 7<}56 by ike. Rev. U. R. Bunion, ike oniainal founden. of ike ckwick. Tke pAe*ent potion, of ike ckwick I* ike Rev. Raul SulceA. Deacon* one Ralpk Deiknow, Fnanh QardteA, FelU DAennan, Molten. Skelton, and Ben Thompson. Tnu*iee* cuie Antkun. Raney, £d Fioia, Cjale Floia, Otto BayeA, Hall Qienjiy and Cjeonae Kink Fm\ BUREAU OF gffF&SQN (aim Ike need fon. beiten fanming. wa* evident to a few of u* who knew of tome oihen co untie* klnJjxa fanm advl*on* who weAe agAtcuituAal gAoduate*, and we decided we needed kelp in. impnovina oua fanm* and at ' - ' ike. same tune. raising, our standard of living, 7e started a memb enship drive to secure three Ixundred mem/yens (ihai amount was necessary fio/i ike. extension service to o, k, an advJson), After we seamed ike Aer.uLn.ed nurrher, we oraani^ed by electing, vJ, J. Wooden president, 3 was a director, and 3 believe Xavien Kiefe/i was one other, bat do not remember ike. reit of ike boand, Je hincd Bentnrm /ibneu as our ^linst advtdor, and 3, I'la/ite , : Jeo,and as otlice secp.eia/Liu )e sic. "lied calling, meciijnys on dif.<.erent subiecis, and having, speakers from ike University of 311inois to speak on vanJjou* subjects related io farm activity., \ : )e could alrnosi always have at least ike boojid memb ens present, and sometimes six. io twelve farmers present, km, /ibney worlied ka/id io g,et interest stimulated in all lines of ^arm impno vemeni, .Je went along, some, time as a county unit } but laien aff-Lu~aied. wiik ike. 311inois Agricultural Association and American Farm Bureau h edenaiion, 3nterest was picking, up wken fifa, Abney left us and went wiik ike TonA. koior Qompany T/iacto/i Division, 3 think then we hined L, a, [aldujeil as farm advisor. He was wiik us some, time, then he went io /askingjjon (ounty, 3 believe we iken hired a th. Scott, who was ihene only a sho/it time, Our next advison, believe, was hlr, Sidwell, then (jjuiies Iwig^g, then oun. present Don Lee, Fly memo/iy is so poo/i 3 cannot give all ike information on oun Fajim Bureau, but Fanm Bureau has done a fine wo/ik in aiding, the farraens of 'Jefferson [ounty io help ihems elves and will continue, 3 believe io be. oun best asset. 3 haven't said anuihino, about it* aur^iiiary services and orgxini^aiions, but ihey one veny important in the lives of oun farmers, — Aaron j\ Dnennan • £-7 Cmcu or goo, sqiinth sm&r m cons& &&%, The Quuick of (jod with international keadauantens in Qleve- land, Tennessee, had its humble. beyinniny in ike mountain* of A'onih Qanolina, when a ynoup of people, became dissatisfied with ike ckunckes witk which tkey wene affiliated. They, felt they wene becoming, too modem and fonmaL Out of this dissatis faction ynew one of the longest Pentecostal chunches in the wonld. The yean. 7^67 manhed its Diamond jubilee yean, (7886-7^67 ) 3n the yean of 7^78 only six. ckunckes wene onyaniged in the state of Illinois and all of tkem wene in the southenn section of the state. Ot was in this yean that 11, A, Fielden, a tnaveHiny evanye- lisi, came to /'bL Vennon and set up a tent on the £dison School yand and stanted a nevivai. The nevivai met wLth such success that the congregation decided to build a chunck building* They built, on the co /men of Fifth Stneet and Sell, Hene tkey enjoyed some yneat nevivals of the sensational onden. The buildiny was often so well attended that the people stood in the yand and stneet to see what was goiny on. At some laten time the congregation decided to move to a I enik Stneet Location, I he chunch was maintained kene until tke yean 7^k8, when unden tke leadenship of £stel /-bone the congregation moved to the pnesent location of Seventh and Qonyen. Hot too muck La on necond of the activities of tke chunch up until this time, I'Jith the new buildiny enected, it became necessany in foun on five yeans to punchase a house fo/i the fusion. The buildiny was bouykt at 7077 Soutk Sixth Stneet. Ot was ike pansonaye until 7<}67, when tke pnesent pasion /lelocaied tke /'linisien f s Home to 6 Ok Soutk 7^tk Stneet, Heal estate holdings of the chunck include the chunch site at Seventh and Qonyen, the pan/liny lot immediately in fnont of the. chunch buildiny, and tke pansonaye at 60k Soutk 7<}ik Stneet, The total value of ike pnopenty would be placed at penhaps $ty? 9 000, The (hunch of §od has had many set-backs due to the type of people tke chunch neackes, I he chunck /lenJUi^ed a welt-nounded ynowih in every department until ike yean when the /<)i* Vennon Qar /'lanufactuniny Qompany closed. Since the moronity of its membens wene wonkiny people, the chunch suffened seniously financially, Pony of ' , 9-2 ike people, moved into oiken aneaa {on. employment. Fnom ike. yean. 795^ until 7°57 ike. ckunck felt ike diing. of neceAdion penkapd ad keenly ad any. ckunck in town, Duning. ikid time, weekly attendance often wad veny low, Ike. faiikfuJ few kept holding, on and believing, in ike futune of ikein ckunck and ikein city* On September of 7957$ l^-e pnedent potion, moved into ike pandonaae, Ike ckunck began to take on new life a little at a time, Tke Sunday Sckool began to climb dlowly, and befone long, ike attendance kad doubled, Tke menhendkip of ike. ckunck had inipled dince 7957$ and financially ike ckunck iA ad dound ad it kad even been, acconding, to ike old iimend of ike ckunck. Tke ckunck dianted it* "Voice of Faiik" nadio pnognam in Sepiemben of 7959* Tkid wad a veny wiAe move fan ike ckunck, Ot had been stated ikat ike "Voice of Faitk" kad one of ike lanaedt listening. audlenced of any pnognam on ike local station. On Augudt of 7° 59 ike pad ton, along, witk ike men of ike ckunck, daw ike need of a neligioud book Atone, A building, woa nented and ike opening, day woa August J7, 7959* ?*& ckunck diill mainiainA ike dtone, wkick dupplied all kindd of neligjjoud dupplied fon any ckunck need — except Sunday Sckool litenatune, Tke Pathway Bible Book Stone iA ike finAi aA4ociate-iype book dtone openation in ike Qkunck of Qod. TkiA ckunck mainiainA a Sunday Sckool and Qkunck buA wkick iA intended to funniAk inanApontation to people who oikenwiAe would not be able to attend ike ckunck. One of ike noted ikingA about ike Qkunck of §od iA itd muAJLc and Ltd dinging* ftJany people nemank of ike enikuAiaAtic ringing, done by ike people of ikiA ckunck. Few have any muAical inaining, wkateven, Tke dinging. neceived a veny lanae pant of ike wondkip time of ike negalan denviced, Sevenal muAical inAinumeniA one oIao a pant of ike muAical oApect of ike ckunck, Tke Qkunck of Qod hoA a ckunck designed witk youngAtenA nanaing, fnom ike ag,ed of five to fifteen in mind, £yeny Sunday manning, at 77;00 ikiA denvice iA unden ike dineciion of dome one appointed fon ike wonk. Tkid iA in addition to ike negulan Sunday Sckool. . I V ... ";. ■ ■ I "• . ' -. • ' ■ . . , ■ . ' ( ■.--■• I . I ■' • .. ■ , ' ■'> ■'■ ' ' '•' ' . • 9 ■■ ■• • ■ : ■' • ;.''.':'.' ; '■ ' .'' k O ■ ■ ■ ,'•-■■■ . i /■ "■■■ ■ ■> ■ ... ■ ■ • . ■ ... ' : ... ■ ■ ■ ... i 3 A3 . • .'•.' - i i 9-3 Tke youths of ihe ckwick also have a AeA.vi.ce. duntna ihe week unden ihe name, of young. People' 4 faideavon* 7ke senvice La fon. ihe iAoining. of. ihe young, people, Ike (kunck of Qod in OlltnoLd has an annuam camp meeting, on Lis camp gnound in Benton, Illinois, 9i ha* as Ltd main gavenning body, of assembly ike ^enenal Assembly keld biennially. Since 7 Q 52 until 7J62 ike meetings kave been keld in Memphis, Tennessee, Ike official weekly, ongan of ihe. chuAch is called ike "(hunch of §od {yanaeL " Tke officio/, youih magazine is a monikly penLodical called "LiaJuted 'Pathway, " Tti£ 5JO& OF TH£ gff/tfW. (ike Qenenal was in /lit, Vennon fnom $une 78 io ike monning. of <]une 20, 7^62, $une 78, 7^62, was exacily one kundned yeans fnam ike day ikai seven of ike men who pantidpaied in ike chase descniked kene wene hanaed as spies in public execution ai /Mania, (jeonaLa, J $eff (din, engineen on ike i'Jesienn & Atlantic Railnoad, lei his locomotive, ike Qenenal, /toll io a stop ai Big, Skaniy, (jeongXa, aboui six o ' clock ike monning. of Apnil 72, 7862, He and kit fineman and ike condi'.ctojL Ataated iowand ike neanby koiel fon. bneakfast .hoand ike inain a iall man with a black beand stood as ike doo/i closed behind (din and casually sianted iowand ike doon, and one. man followed kirn, Boik made an inspection outside, a signal was given, and eighteen oihen men in ike coack nose and weni outside also, J key climbed down on ike side opposite io ike koiel, iken moved silentiy along, tnackside iowand ike locomotive, Tke beanded man was flames fl, Andnews, a Union secnei senvi.ce agent, and of ike nineteen men wiik kirn, all except one wene Union soldiens dnessed in civilian cloihes, Afien ihe coupling, pin was pulled behind ike lasi fneigki can, sixteen of ihe men scnambled into one of ihe empiy fneigki caAS~Andn.ews and ik/iee oikens climbed into ike cab of ihe (jenenai, Onside ike koiel, Qonducion Fullen. glanced out ihe window and sinned — ihe ^enenal's wkeels spun bniefly, iken ihe locomoiive lunched fonwand wiik ihnee boxcans inailing, behind it Fullen skouied, ke and ihe engineen and foneman bunsi outside jusi in time io see ihe ■■•'■. ■,.-•' ■ - . • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■• • ■ . ■ ■ \ 1 | • - • • ■ ■ i i loAi can of ike inain diAappean anound a cunve, Ike Qonfedenaie fnoni /tan. fnom blempkiA, I enneAAee, io Alex.- andnJua, Vinyinia, J fie, punpoAe of ike naLd woa io cui ikiA fnoni in iwo by cnippliny ike vJUboJL nail Aupply iink beiween Ailania and (kai- ianooya, I ke plan, woa io commandee/i a locomoiive and. en nouie no/iik io Aei fine io oa manny oa poAAibie of. ike Aevenal bniolyeA on ike W, & A, 'Railnoad, ikuA puiiiny ike nailnoad oui of commiAAion, Aa ike ikn.ee nailnoad employee* Aaw ihein inain diAappean, in a Aeeminyly fuiile yeAiune ikey Aianied io nun along, ike inack in punAuii, Ai hloon'A Siaiion, iwo mileA down ike -Line, ikey bonnowed a puAk can and Aei off down ike long, downkill ynade. Two mileA fnom {jtowak ike puAkcan woa denailed by a yap in ike inack wlxene ike fugi- iiveA appanenily kad ziemoved iwo iengikA of /tail, Fallen, and kiA men auickiy pui ike can baclx on ike inack beyond ike gap and pnoceeded io (jtowak t Tkene ike old i/onak, wiik a full kead of Aieam, woa Aiandiny on ike A pun. Fallen, and kiA ynoup boanded ike Honak and wiikin minuieA ikey and Aome Aix. on eJuyki Qonfedenaie AoldienA wene goominy down ike inack in a mLAi of nain, Tke founieen mileA io iCingAion wene cove/ied in fifieen minuieA, indeed a necond fon ike ikinieen-yean- old engine, Ai KinyAion, koweven, Fullen. mei wiik mone fnuAinaiion, Ike ayeni kad been fooled inio penmiiiiny AndnewA and kiA boxcanA fall of Fedenal AoldienA io paAA iknoagji. Afien keaniny ike ayeni' a Aiony, Fallen., fi'lunpky and ike oikenA abandoned ike !/onak and uncoupled ike locomoiive Smiik piom Ha paAAenyen coack and ayain ike ckaAe woa on, Tke yoiny woa aIow, koweven. Ai inienvalA, ike engineen kad io Aiop ao ikai cnoAAiieA could be nemoved fnom ike inack, and afien faun mileA ike inain kad io yive up ike ckaAe. Fullen. and hlunpky climbed down and Aianied ayain on fooi, I ke iwo men kad covened, pen- hapA iknee mileA in ike dineciion of AdainAviLLe wken ikey keand a Aouikbound inain, 3i Aiopped fon ikem and hlunpky explained wkai kad kappened, Tke enginneen /levenAed ike inain on hlunpky 'a ondenA and coniinued down ike main line in nevenAe — ike name of kiA locomoiive woa ike Tex.aA, Tke nexi nine mileA wene covened in iwelve minuieA, Aboui iwo mileA nonik of (alkoun, Fullen. and hlunpky Aigkied ike (jenenai Aiopped and a ynoup aiiempiiny io pny up a naii, A \i t Vernon, ike com- mended, cenien of a gneat commonwealth, wkick numbers among, Ha people ike best and mo At progneAAive: a city, of beauiy embalmed in ike keani of love of eveny flit. V ennonian. Did /tome band wisk io pro- nounce an apoAtropke io ike King, Qity of Southern Jliinois, kene would ke find kiA text. 3t iA naturally one of ike attractive citieA of Jllinois and upon it iA stamped ike Aianet of enter priAe and public Apirit, "Tke Aum of fibt. Vernon' a proAperity iA but in its ascendency and Atill fan fnom ike genUJu (Enterprise iA planning, new forms of lab on. and new institutions of learning, and charity. " All this is taken fnom a publication of 7 Q 76 modestly en- titled: "greater i'kt. Vernon. Opportunity's gateway — Ike King, Qity, v)e also kave ike statement of 'Joe V. Baugk that, "Ikene one few mo fie inviting, Apots on §od f A foot-Aiool tkan b\t. Vernon during, ike keated term. " i'Jken 9 was asked to do this paper on Pioneer Business Firms and industrial Development of / ■■.••■■...'': ' ' - -. ■ ■ ■ . | H-3 which wene fonmenly numerous had entirely left ike. limits of ike State* Dear were then more abundant than, in the, first settlement of the country., as they appeared to increase with the population, apparently, because, they, found pAote.oU.on in the neighborhood of man, from the beasts of pney that assail tkem In ike. wilderness and jjwm whose attacks their young. paAiiculanly can with difficulty escape, Orrmense numbers of deer were killed every yean by huntens who took tkem port. ike. hams and skjuns, throwijna away ike Aest of ike coacoss. Venison hams and hides were important articles of expo/it. hresh hams usually sold at from 750 to J 7. 50 a pain, and when properly cured were a delicious article of food, TaAtAidyes were taken witk nets in ike. winter by hundreds in a day and furnished no irifliny item in ike, luxjunieA of ike. city markets, BeeA were plentiful, and many frontier people made tkem a profiiabie business, Afier the. frost had killed the. vegetation, ike people, would hunt ike. bees fo/i honey and wax, boik of which found a neady market. Bees wene. kept by farmers to a considerable extent* I'lany ^farmers had larye droves of cows, and the auihon says they could be multiplied to an almost indefinite extent, Butler woa 720 to 200 a pound, and home made. cheese brought 80 to 700, Other products wene. yrapes, plums, cnab apples, appieA, peacheA, conn, wheat, oaiA, baniey, buckwheat, OnJUsh and sweet potato es, turnips, nye fon horse feed and diAtilleAieA, tobacco, cotton, hemp, flax., caAioA beanA, and beet sugar, TheAe people oIao raised beef, honAeA and swine which bnougjii foun. to five dollanA delivered, Befone this time, howeven, /unty (onyani^ed in 7878 J had 5} 551* ^aAkinaion Qounty ( onaani^ed ike Aame yean) had J, 2^2. Hamil- ton Qouniy fbonn in 7 827 J boosted 2, 877 inhabitants, and Manion (oun±y (fonmed in 7823 fnom Jeffenson and Fayei±e QountiesJ had 2, 88k. /'It. Vennon — ike Aeai of justice — woa neon, ike centen. of ike county on a b/ianck of ike Big, Muddy Riven, Ot woa pleasantly Aiiuated on ike no/iik Aide of Qaney f A P/iaJuiie and AuAAOunded witk a considerable Aeitlemeni. Population in 7835 woa about 750, witk Aix. Ato/ieA, ikn.ee anocenies, one iavenn, two pkyAicianA, two ministens, a counikouse, a joist, a I'letkodiAt episcopal and a Baptist Society, besides vajiiouA mechanical eAiablishments. jeffenson Qounty even iken fonmed a Aauane of twenty- foun. miles wUk an acneaye of 57& Aauane miles. Ike Aunface of ike county was about one-ikind pnaJUiie, ike n.emainden iimben.. The Aoil was 'tolerable Aecond note. " I he/ie we/ie Aeve/ial compact Aeiilemenis in ike county, among, wkick were; Moo/ies PnaJLnJLe, Aix to twelve miles Aouikeast of /'It, Vennon ' • • ■ . - J • .■ , ■ . ■ ■ H-6 with about Aeventy-fiive families; fnatnie was etght miles long, two to thnee miles wide.; §un fnainie — aLk miles Aouth, two railed long,, one mile wide, land g,ood, twenty. fi.amtli.eA; Long, 'P/iaJjiie — five miles) west between ike middle and west fionhs of. Big, t'luddy, tolenably fenttle, fioun miles long,, one and a half miles wide, fionty families; 'Jondans fnatnle — Aix. miles no/itA, five mile* long,, one and a half. mileA wide, fifty, ■families; othen old towns in the county., now extinct, included t'Jinfield, htt^aenald, and Lynchbung,, Spning. §anden was also at one time one of the leading, cities of the county, Othen town* in. this section of the state in thoAe day/) we/ie: Salem — a pleasant villaye of about one hundned Alxty; (no mention of. Qentnalia iA made in this book); /\/aAhvitle — on the main wo ad to Jiwwneetown, Aevenal Ato/ieA and mechanicA, a Ateam mill, population one hurd/iccl to one hundned twenty; Fain field — several AtoieA, hand- Aoi\ie cou,xthouAe, about one hundred Atxty; QanmL — about two hundned fifty. Chicago at that time had a population of about 8, 000, and was j.ust Atanting, to gnow, /'It, (asjnel, Shawn.cetown, (dwandAville, wene all conAldenabty ,lang,en than h)t, V e/inon; and Alton woa neally booming, with wayes of 42.50 to £3. 00 fon bnicklayens pen day, & 00 to J2.50 f-on Atone maAono, and ^7.50 lesA $00 pen day bound fon labonenA. LabonenA in the [aAt wene yetting, UO? pen day, Bound at thein hotel* was Jj t OO to ^,00 a week without lodging* Lodyino, woa J.7.00 to ^7,50 a week additional, Bounding, houses yot #2. 50 to fj, 00 pen weeli l^dgXng, included, Jllinois Qplleye had 42 AtudentA in colleye claSAeA and 22 in the I nepanatony Depantraent, (allege claAAes wene not yet ong.ani.zed at Shuntleff and IncKendnecan (olleges, but iliey had 60 and 50 students in the '/■ 'nepanatony Department, Steamboat fiojie fnom Louisville including, meals was ^72, 00 and deck pasAaye was /4, 00, /'it, Vennon woa badly handicapped in the veny eanlu days by transportation probiems. The townA t/ien expected to prospen wene along, navigable rivers on main Ataye noutes, Anound 7ojJ was the peniod of development of the intennal noad and canal Aysiem, the canal pant of which flopped in. the panic of 78J7, fnactlcally all of the ' .■' . . H-7 nxzllnoad expansion of Illinois was still on papen. In 7oJJ, ojnd nowhene Is ikene any. mention of. ike nallnoads which nave. flauned In ike gAowik of Qeninalla, (anhondale and //'Id. Vennon* Hon. had ike , l ) llllamson-F nanh- lin Qounty coal field neatly been uncovered ai ikai time, apparently* The national Road had been mapped a* fan. wesi as Vandalia but not completed aJUL ike way. io ikcuc city, and JUlnols was putting, on ike pressure io have It cross ike I'lisslsslppl at Alton rather ikon at Si* Louis* I he next modi Important siaye no ate was Vlncennes io Si* Lout*, which passed ikrougk Salem and (arlyle, and ike routes from ike Ohio, panticulanly from Skawneeiown, tied into ihaA noad at (jirlyle but apparently missed /'It, Vernon* Until development of ihe railroads which now pass ihrough it* Vernon, we we/ie more on. less Isolated fnom any particular reasons fon, aitnaction on. expansion, Ihe railroads deem to have brought ike irons poriailon needed fon. starting. Industries. Under ike conditions, it Is remarkable ihai fiU, Vennon made as much progress as she did during, ihe first 2$ on. JO yeans, i'Je seem io have had oulte a sionmy time in aeiiina our fi/isi railroads, replete with vanlous schemes, Including, much politics, city slichens, high hopes, bitten disappointments, and all ihe intmmlnys* Finally ike Si* LooLa and South Qasiern 'Railroad (now ihe L & N) was extended fnom Ashley io (>)i* Vennon In 7869-70 using, ike orlalnal noad bed made In l8$8 by Van Du^er, Smith and Qompany* I his was accom- plished larg,ely iknough ihe effonis of Samuel K, Qasey, On, i'J. Duff §reen, James /<). face, Stephen 1 . Sinaitan, Jueye Thomas S< Qcisey, §eorg,e i'J* (vans, Qharles H, faiton, 'James £, Feryerson, (jeonae //. Vannell, Qyrus L, Hayes and oihens, I he Air Line (now ike Souikenn Hallway) neached lit, Vennon In 7ooJ* The (kesier and Tamanoa Road (later known as i/ie .'J Q & 19 ond fon. a time owned by On. Letcher Onons and now a bnanck of ike (iiissounu, faclflc) was built In ike oO's. 3 1 was destined io be continued io I enjie Haute, Ondlana, and io become pant of anoiker irunh line sy^iem* Ihe 'Jaclisonvllle and Souihenn also came Into Dnlvens and on Into l\r. I'Jall calls hit. Vernon a newspaper, yrave yard because of t/ie many papers that have been born and died kere in t/ie past. On 7869 the First Bank of Qarlin Qioss and (pmpcuvy was or- piniy.ed and a little later taken over by local capitalists °as the It. Vernon Rational Bank with Noah Johnston, President and. Q D. Ham, Qashier. On 7880 it became known as the hit, Vernon BanJx of Q 0. Ham and (pmpany, which name continued until 7 897 when it became the flora /fe&onal Bank. The Tfilrd National 3ank was organized with a capital Jtoch of J50, 000 and beyan business February 4, 7902, The Jefferson Slate Bank was organised November 20, 7905, also with a capital stock of .,50, 000. The hit. Vernon State and Savin.gs Bank consolidated with the I hind I National in 7905. /'it. Vernon was incorporated as a village in 78 JJ and char- tered as a. city in 7872 with James (,). face as the first mayor. Alder- men were I hurras H. Hobbs, Alexander Smart, John J. Bomb rook, and lhamas Handsale*. John //. face was city clenJ,, John N. Sattcrfield police marinate, and £dwaid J. Jaters was city marshal!. A rather complete roster of our business men ol past ueaAS woulJ. probably be of considerable interest to some, and hene ale some of such names as have been able to dly up. I 0-9 flame* l>\, face, in ike *upplement dated 7l Pace, and /'In*, fl, fl* Fly* The Unioni*i, one of ike now deceased new*papen*, in an i**ue of Novemben 7 '86 J li^i* bu*ine** e*iablLihmeniA of i/iai iime: fl, 'Pace and Son, /'lain and Union Sineei*; H, J, Pace, *ouikwe*i connen. i'lain and Union; ft. i-J, Lyon, nonikea*i connen Bunyan and Union; I . n. ilobb* (2 (p. , *ouikea*i connen Bunyan and Union; Sinaiian (2 Fengen*on, no/iikea*i connen Bunyan and Ja*hingion; fl, F, 'JcuUon, I'lain below .Ja*l\inojton and Union; D, Baligel & Son, /'lain connen (a*ey; flohn*on & Ham, *ouikvje*i connen. /'lain and Qa*ey; anocenie* wene: vh 0, waidon, • Union nonik of /•'lain; £, fl, Jinion, (>\ain below Union <2 Ja*kingion; flohn ideine, iuain Sineei, cloikina : l$ wene n.e- named, bui ii wa* when fludge A. D. 'ebb, faiken. of Pog.en, Qeonae, Andy, and /'In*, Qlanence Sielle, wa* ciiy aiionney. On 7878, bu*ine** men included Banaen Bnoiken*, Sinaiian, Pace and )e*ibnook, 0, B, $oodnich, fil, /'l Qoodale, S, S 9 Ponien, £. I'i . ■■■■■. ' . ■ ■ ' ■ ' ' ■ ' . . . . ' . • , . • j - ... • . , . . • . 1 . ■ ! . ■ ' i 9 ■ . '' • • ' . ' . H-70 Ske.ppcuid k L, H, 7h.om.p4on, QhasU&d Zienjjaclis, .\n/,isbuny Qprnpany., HobbA, 1 'abb and Hayne.6, Vannell and Company,, uittnof^ and Ryan, < K Q JadiAon, J, q, Fenaenson and Company, i>k, and l>ms, James rliichcock, v), S» HaLio- well, favey and alien, Tneston and Libby, Dn, Blum* 7ooO ~ The JeffeASon County centum was 20, 636, iluyent and .^nothen had moved to St, Louis, Local busineAA men inclined A. Q, Ryan, 'R. F, face, 1 licks and Company, B, F, Honmon, JiAe and Company, liudsp&Oi and Poole, §, F, / Law, b\y own outfit! Aeenxt to nave been hene at least by 7o'oJ In the ynoceny busineAA (my ynandfatken Soloman, my fat/ien, and UncJ.e Joe, J They wene In busineAA In a half, do gen dlfpenent location* on the Asuzcne, Aold out and went to Atlanta fon a few yeans, and came bacli and Junta yjiocenies ayain. On 7o?7 Uncle Joe and Sam C^ty slanted a wholesale ynoceny on Jest unoadiuay as J, T, Howard and Company, one of the fljist wholesale ynocenies in Southern O-Llinois, On October, 7o L ]% My fathen Aold his zietail Atone and joined the jlinm which was inco/ipo noted on hlay 7, 7 Q 02, and continued fori many yeans. Few local ■flnms have had as tony a continuous his tony, but Aevenal have been in. busineAA a ciood long, time and have had extnernelu intenestino, caA.ee/ui, One of the moAt vivid necoll.ectlons of my own boy/iood cays is of the Fain. Stone, C* & C°°^ paopnieton, on the no nth. Aide of the Acuane, second, doon east of the Ham National Bank. , , a mo At unusual business establishment which handled a little of al.iOAl evenytJiiny in a mo At fascinating, Atate of disonden and a mone unusual pnopnieton who was in. even mone of a Atate of diAonden, J/eonye Jebb told me a Atony a few yeanA aao about how t/iene was a ledye built into the fnont Of his Atone, and the villaye loosens insisted on Aittiny on Aaid ledjye fon nouns at a time, I his innitated /