V * THE THERMAL BEHAVIOR OF ILLINOIS COALS IN THE LOW TEMPERATURE CARBONIZATION PROCESS BY BENJAMIN RACZKOWSKI HARRIS B. S., College of the City of New York, 1917 THESIS Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1921 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/thermalbehavioroOOharr y\i*** which carry the heating current to the grid. 3. the collar 76** which can be adjusted along the tube 66 ** >^* by means of the set screw 69**. The collar 76** engages the arms 57**, 58** and 59** which hold the carbonizer in position in the calorimeter can (not shown), a copper can 9 n x 7” provided with 3 members soldered on its inside on which the projecting ends, of the arms 57**, 58** and 59**, rest. The arms 57 and 58 were cut in two so that the carbonizer might fit into the museum jar l* v for evacuation and replacement of its atmosphere with nitrogen. When in use, the severed halves of the arms were held in place by the glass tubes 55** and 56**. Attention should also be called to the copper-constantan thermocouple 73 v * and its "Pyrex” protecting tube 41***> v ]r which is embedded in the coal between two ribbons when the apparatus is completely assembled. 75 III 1 VI i S a special nut which fixes the brass tube 66 **>* r * firmly on to the principal member of the upper half of the carbonizer. With the exception of numbers 54**, 60**, 61** and 62 1 *, which will be covered in SECTION 4, this completes the description of the upper half of the carbonizer. The lower half of the carbonizer carries on the outside: 1. the rubber tube 46 * for admitting nitrogen. T : : 13 2. the #16B. and S. copper wire leads 49 ** » 1 * 1 and 48 1 1 » which enter at 47*** and 47a*** respectively, and 3. the tube 68 ,111 ,VI (provided with the 30 mesh cop- per gauze 74 V*) for the escape of gases of decomposition On the interior, the lower half of the carbonizer, presents three M TRAN SITE” pegs, (only two of which are shown 42 ***>^* and 44 III, VI) t on which the grid rests. In addition to the pegs, there are two flexible cables, each about l-jj” long, (only one is shown, 43*H), the function of which is to complete the circuit between the binding posts 70 * and 71* and the terminals of the leads 48*** 49 III, on the interior of the carbonizer. PLATES VI and VII show a few additional features and the ac- tual dimensions. In PLATE VI the two halves of the carbonizer are separated and the coil 67* 1 , the leads 48**, 49** and the arms 57** 58** 59** are not shown for the sake of simplifying the draw- ing. PLATE VIII is a detail, self-explanatory, of the member 47lI,IH, (47a*** is similar to it), and shows the manner in which the leads 48**>*** and 49**>*** enter the lower half of the car- bonizer. PLATES IV and V still remain to be described. The former is a photograph of the complete set-up, ready for a run; the latter, a diagrammatic representation of the electrical circuits. The stor- age batteries shown in IV were originally used but later abandoned in favor of 45 or 50 volts taken off the 110 D.C. circuit, 35*^>^ . 10 *V is a Parr Adiabatic Calorimeter, manufactured by the Standard IV Calorimeter Co., Moline, 111 .; 33 , the water heater for the cal- IV IV o orimeter. 6 , 7 Fahrenheit thermometers with a 65 to 90 range, calibrated at the Bureau of Standards, (Beckman thermometers of a 14 . sufficiently large range were not available). 11 IV and 12 1 ^ , and a third not shown, are pyrogallol wash- bottles for the purification of the Linde compressed nitrogen used for displacing the air in the carbonizer. 4** is a reservoir for nitrogen and 5 Iv a leveling bottle corresponding to it; 2*^ a dry- ing tower intermediate between 4*^ and 1^ , the museum jar in which the carbonizer was placed for evacuation. 9^ a Dewar flask cold junction for the thermocouple 73^*; 8^^, a Siemens- Hal ske milli- voltmeter used in connection with 73^*. The coulometer 31^^ , ,r (SEE SECTION 4) is a glass jar 8^” x 2" containing: (1) 2 nickel gauze electrodes, (6 3/4” x 1 3/4”, each provided with a copper wire lead, riveted on), (2) about 230cc. of 15$ NaOH solution, pre- pared from chlorine -f re e NaOH and (3) about 15cc. of carefully puri- fied mineral oil (boiling between 180 and 220° C) to prevent froth- ing. The coulometer is tightly sealed with a rubber stopper fit- ted with (1) the dropping funnel 32^, for the introduction of water and (2) a delivery tube (not distinctly shown) which is in communi cati on with the gasholders 27 IV and 29 1- ^, of which 28 and 30 are the leveling bottles, and (3) the leads to the gauze electrodes. The two-way stop-cock 27a^ permits 27 to be connected with either 31 and 29 or 17*^, a water jacketed 200 cc. measuring burette, for which 18 IV is the leveling tube. Other features of PLATE IV will be referred to in SECTION 4. -V - . c % i o • 1 * . * • • - . 16 PLATE U jit j x v i d 32 PLATE JY 35 CAK3CN/Z.T. R 22 SECTION 4 THEORY OE MEASUREMENTS AND CALCULATIONS -- PROCEDURE The electrical heat input could he measured in a number of ways; after considerable testing of various methods, it was finally decided to adopt the method which requires the measurement of (1) the potential drop across the resistor, (2) the current, (3) dura- tion of flow of current, Elt being the energy in joules, where E represents volts, I, amperes and t, seconds. For the potential measurement a Leeds and Northrup, TYPE 7650, potentiometer, 19^^*“ was used. 20, 21, 22, 23 and 03, PLATES IV and V are accessories to the potentiometer. I and t were measured by means of a water coulometer, 31 IV,;f , reported to be correct to + i-$. A coulometer was preferred to other instruments for two reasons: (l) because it is an integrating instrument, a very important consideration, since a more or less constant temperature was maintained in the grid 72^ by throwing the switch 13*^’^ in or out, the coulometer regis- tering only when current was passing and adding up the various ele- ments of It (2) because it gives directly the current-time product, whereas if any other instrument were used for the measurement of current, time would have to be measured with a stopwatch or chrono- graph, thereby complicating the apparatus and multiplying the er- rors, especially if time would have to be taken out everytime that current was cut out. It was at first intended to use a coulometdr of great er ac- curacy , e.g., a silver or copper voltameter, but the current was so large, 12 to 13 amperes, that cathodes of inconveni ent ly large size would have had to be employed, in order not to exceed the low cur- 23 rent densities which these instruments call for. The mixed gas, from the coulometer, i . e . , the hydrogen and oxy- gen collected in 27^ and 29^ and measured in 17^, was calculated to coulombs with the aid of the following expression: v ( b-p ) x 2,0543 == coulombs T where v is the measured volume, b the barometric pressure, p the vapor pressure of water at the temperature T and T, the absolute temperature at which the gas is measured. ( See Lehfeldt, "Electro- Chemistry," pg. 6 , Longmans, Green and Co., 1904; the factor there given, 1.8373, is incorrect). Now, the product coulombs times volts is the number of joules put in. This divided by 4.184 gives the calories put in and this di vided in turn by the temperature rise, (Centigrade), gives the water equivalent of the system in grams, i.e. when coke is the material treated. In the case of a run with coal, the heat input as above calculated was used as such and compared with the heat output -- which is the product of temperature rise and water equivalent -- to arrive at the exothermic heat. To make it possible to multiply the total number of coulombs by volts, it was necessary to keep the potential drop across the grid constant throughtout the experiment, 5 to 6 minutes, for if the vol- tage varied during the run, it would obviously have been necessary to know how many coulombs corresponded to the respective potential drops. Constancy of potential fall was maintained as follows: 5 or 10 minutes before the heating phase of the experiment, the plate rheostat 16*^'^ was so adjusted, that the potential drop across the external resistance 34^»^, a coil of #18 (B.andS.) ni chrome v/ire, was of such a magni tude- -de te rrnined by a previous calibrati on-- that it corresponded to a potential drop of 50 volts across the grid 72^ 24 when the rolling contact 25*^ » ^ was about in the middle of the slide wire 24* y > ter this coarse adjustment had been made, fluctuations in the potential drop across the grid were almost entirely eliminat- ed by varying the resistance 24 v , which is in series with the grid. The run, as far as the electrical heating phase of the procedure is concerned was then ready to begin, (the grid having previously been loaded and placed in the calorimeter 10*^, as is to be described be- low). Three observers were required for this phase of the experi- ment. One manipulated the double-pole, double- throw , knife switch, irjIV,V an d took minute readings on the mill ivol tme ter 8*"^. Another maintained the jacket temperature of the calorimeter 10** T parallel with the temperature of the can and a third manipulated the rolling contact along the wire 24* 7 » v in such a manner as to maintain a minimum amount of deflection in the galvanometer G2*^» v ,(the po- tentiometer having been set at 50 volts before the start of the ex- periment). The double-pole, double- throw, knife switch 14* V,V was, of course, kept in at the left so that the potentiometer registered potential fall across the grid. 13* v » v7 " was kept in until the grid attained a temperature of 500° C and after that the switch was cut out and in, for two minutes, sufficiently often to maintain the O temperature in the immediate neighborhood of 500 C. The thermocou- ple readings do not in any way enter into the calorimetric calcula- tions but serve only to indicate up to what temperature the coal has been carbonized. To make the arrangement even clearer it should be said that (l) by means of 13*^ ,V current may be fed into either the external resis- tance 34*^’ ^or the grid 72 V , the current passing through 16*^ direct- ly to 34 V but through 16 V and 24^ before it reaches the grid and (2) by means of 14* V,V the potentiometer may used to measure the po- tential drop across 34* / »'‘ r or the grid, as required. 23 . After the heating has teen completed, only one observer is re- quired. The switch 13 IV, V stays out permanently and, outside of meas uring the coulometer gas, nothing remains hut to get the final temper ature of the calorimeter system; this generally took 45 to 55 minutes during which time, of course, the jacket temperature was constantly equal to that of the can. It should also he noted that during this interval, the residual gas in the carbonizer was cooling, contract- ing and drawing up water through the gauze 74^1. When the millivolt- *r r r O t -r meter 8 registered about 125 C, the string 54 1 1 --whi ch protruded through an opening in the cover of the calorimeter lG iV --was pulled. This removed the rubber tip 60**, leaving the end 61** of the coil 67 A open to the water of the calorimeter can and allowing (l) the escape of gas (trapped in the carhonizer) through the'gauze 40 ‘-^in- to the coil 67^*, past the point 62 A *, along the coil and finally out through 61 11 into the water and (2) the thorough quenching of the grid, etc., which could not otherwise be effectively done. The I V thermometer 6 was then read until a constant final temperature was attained, as stated above. An account of that part of the procedure will now be given which precedes the heating stage above described. 20 to 25 grams of 60 mesh, air-dry coal, weighed to tenth of a gram, were evenly distri- buted in the grid, the grid having previously been placed in posi- tion on the three pegs, 42*H 44IH in the lower half of the car- bonizer and the leads 43*** screwed into the binding posts 70l, 71*. A steel spatula was drawn a number of times across the grid in a direction perpendicular to the length of the ribbons; this tended to pack the coal more densely and thereby increased the ca- pacity of the grid. The alberene stone plate, (SEE SECTION 3), was . 4 * . ' \ ■ »/ c placed in position and empty spaces in the carbonizer were loose- ly packed with approximately 12 grams of purified, shredded as- bestos, weighed to +-| gram. (In cases where the material did not cake, e.g. the oxygenated coals, (SEE SECTION 6), there was danger of small portions of the powdered coal being blown out of the grid and escaping decomposition. In such cases, special care was taken to produce good contact between the plate and grid by stuff- ing with asbestos. In spite of these precautions small amounts were occasionally blown out and corrections had to be applied). The surface 38*** *^"* was greased with vaseline, the rubber gasket (not shown) placed in position, the surface 3 sTII>VI greased and the two halves of the carbonizer assembled and clamped as shown in PLATE II. The outer halves of the arms 57**, 58** and the glass tubes 55**, 56** were removed and, after the rubber tip 60**, with the string 54** attached, had been slipped on to the end of the coil 67** at 61** and the junction at 61* 1 coated with paraffin, the carbonizer was placed in the jar 1*^, evacuated twice to 25 millimeters (manometer 3*^) and alternately filled with purified nitrogen from 4*^. The carbonizer was then removed from 1*^, the parts 55, 56, 57 and 58 replaced and the whole put into the calorimeter can (not shown), nitrogen passing into the carbonizer through the tube 46**’*** while it was being handled in the air. Enough water was then added so that the can weighed 6700 grams complete, 46** having been disconnected from the nitrogen train and clamped tightly with 45**. The loaded can was placed in the calorimeter 10*^. With the cover of the calorimeter raised about 4 inches, the thermocouple leads 77 * V , 78 1 ‘ and the grid leads ' . - * - . ■ 27 . 36*^’^, 37*^’^ were drawn through the opening in the cover and screwed into the binding posts 53**, 52^, Sl^" 1 ' and 50*^ respec- tively. The string 54** was then drawn through the opening to make it accessible from the outside, the cover, thermometers and stirrer placed in position, and the apparatus stirred for one hour to allow the system to come to thermal equilibrium. The ini- tial temperature reading was then taken on the thermometer 6*^ and the heating stage, previously described, followed. So much for the actual run. For a water equivalent determination, the procedure preceding the heating stage was somewhat different. The can was loaded and connected at 50**, 51**, 52** and 53 * 1 as above but outside the calorimeter 10*^". The coal was then coked, that is the heat- ing stage was followed through, except that no attention was paid to temperature rise or to getting the system into thermal equi- librium at the start. As soon as heating was over, ice was thrown into the can and nitrogen was passed through the carbonizer, by way of 46 **, for about an hour, until the grid had again cooled to room temperature. From then on the apparatus was treated in a manner which coincided exactly with the actual run described a- bove. The difference, then, between the water equivalent deter- mination and the actual run was that the system heated up in the former case was at the start in a condition almost identical with the condition in which the system in the actual run was after the heating had been completed. After an experiment, the apparatus was disassembled, cleaned, the coke scraped out of the grid and the grid dried over night at O 125 — 200 C and, when necessary, gently ignited over a Bunsen < > . flame ZS. A leaf from the note "book ie shown below to indicate how the data were entered and calculated. p 29 RUN # S x 55b Y/eight of flask coal 83.2 " 11 " - coal 59.0 " » coal 24.2 May 5, 1921 Weight of "bag asbestos 93 « " « « 80 11 " a s be s t o s 13 Temperature Record (46” min. ) Final 82.71 Initial 66.81 Rise 15.90 Coulometer Record C.C. temp. 199.8 22.8 160.2 22.8 126.4 22.8 154.2 22.9 The rmocouple Record VOLTAGE 50.00 Time in minute s Scale Reading Start 0.45 1 5.5 Room temp. 25 C 2 10. 1 3 14.0 Temperature at 5:24 was 72^7 3:24 F 5:24 15.5 18 3.8 22 0.9 33 0.6 46 0.6 pre ss , 744.9 CALCULATIONS Calibration correction 0.00 Stem exposure ” 0.01 RISE (corrected) 15.91 = 8.8390 C. 640.6 x 724.1 x 2.0643 = 3237 coulombs 295.8 3237 x 50.00 - 38685 calories INPUT 4. 3 84 8.8390 x 4524.4 = 39991 calories OUTPUT 39991 38685 = 1306 calories EXOTHERMIC HEAT 30 SECTION 5 HISTORY, PREPARATION AND ANALYSIS OF SAMPLES Six samples were worked with in all. As far as possible all material was kept in stoppered bottles under nitrogen to prevent weathe r ing . SAMPLE #1 was a West Frankfort, Franklin County coal, obtained from Harris, Dillavou and Co. , Champaign, 111. Good \ pound lumps were picked out of a recent shipment, crushed in a Sturtevant mill to ^ inch size and air dried. The air-dry material was reduced to buckwheat size in a coffee mill and ground on a buckboard to pass a 60 mesh sieve. This material was then used for the experimental work. SAMPLE #2 was a mixture of Ba(C 103 )., , anhydrous, 1 part and ignited BaSQ^ 10 parts. SAMPLE #3 -- Vermillion County coal, from the Sharon Coal Co., Urbana, 111. Good 2 pound lumps were picked from a carload pile, one week old and were treated like SAMPLE #1. SAMPLE #4 -- Harrisburg, Saline County coal, secured from Huff and Co., Urbana, 111. Good 2 pound lumps were selected from a bin, which had been stored 2 to 3 weeks. Treatment given was the same as in the case of SAMPLE #1. SAMPLE #5 -- weathered Franklin County coal. About 220 grams of air-dry SAMPLE #1, buckwheat size, were placed in an air-drying oven kept at about 35° C. After 6 weeks the coal had lost in weight 2.3 grams and still gave a fairly good coke in a crucible test. It was therfore ground to 60 mesh, placed in oven at 105° and raked once a day so as to expose fresh surfaces to the air. After 10 31 days' heating, it had lost only 0.5 grains, whereas according to the moisture determination (SEE TABLE II, below), it should have lost 3.64$. Taking into account the 2.3 grams lost during the 6 weeks'' exposure , it seems that the coal absorbed at 105° C about 2.5$ of oxygen -- possibly also C0 2 and N 2 -- from the air. This oxygena- ted material was submitted to tests in the carbonizer. SAMPLE #6 -- weathered Vermillion County coal. In this case a part of 60 mesh, air-dry SAMPLE #3 was placed directly in the oven kept at 105°. A more careful recor'd of weights was kept and is recorded below. TABLE I SHOWING ABSORPTION OE OXYGEN BY VERMILLION COUNTY COAL AT 105° C DURATION OP HEATING WEIGHT OF COAL HOURS GRAMS Start 269.7 2 254.4 12 255.5 24 256.5 38 256.8 60 256.8 84 257.6 108 259.1 132 599.6 154 260.1 176 260.5 204 260.6 228 260.8 According to the moisture determination, (SEE TABLE II), the O sample should have lost 16.02 grams at 105 and since it lost only 8.9, the absorption from the air amounts to 7.12 grams or 2.64$. This is based on the assumption that the coal lost no more weight during ten days' heating, either as hygroscopic moisture or by oxidation of hydrogen, than it lost on one hour's heating at 105° . 1 - - . • # : . ■ ■ » - • 32 . in a C0 9 atmosphere, the conditions under which moisture loss was determined. Since that is undoubtedly not the case, the 2.64$ is only a minimum, the amount of material actually absorbed being very probably higher. The same criticism is applicable to the calcula- tion made for SAMPLE #5. The loss on air-drying was as follows: SAMPLE #1, 5.19$; #3, 10.48$; #4, 3.5$, Table II gives the proximate and ultimate analyses of the samples. All determinations were made in duplicate; single figures indicate calculated percentages. TABLE II ANALYSES OF SAMPLES SAMPLE MO IS* VOLA- FIXED ASH C H 0 N S CALS. BASIS NO. TURE TILE CARBON PER MATTER GRAM 1 3.67 36.21 52.54 7.72 71.614.97 9.01 1.57 1.26 7156 3.61 36.07 7.63 72.18 1.51 1.29 7166 3 5.98 37.26 49.48 7.43 69.824.84 9 . 20 1.83 1.07 6833 AIR- 5.89 36.95 7.49 69.57 1,79 1.03 6821 DRY 4 2.53 35.16 53.03 9.41 70.645.01 8.54 1.85 2.00 7122 2.46 35.00 9.37 70.73 1.98 1.90 7104 1 • » • • 37.50 54.52 7.96 74.615.16 9.35 1.60 1.32 7431 3 • • • • 3 9.45 52. 60 7.93 74.095.15 9.78 1.92 1.12 7258 MOISTURE FREE 4 • • • • 35.97 54.38 9.63 72.485.14 8.76 1.96 2.00 7294 The analyses canno t be expected to be typical of these coal s , inasmuch as the samples were selected and not representative. 77 SECTION 6 EXPERIMENTAL DATA -- DISCUSSION It was thought desirable to submit the accuracy of the method to an absolute test by charging the grid with material which was known to yield a definite quantity of exothermic heat. A suitable substance was not easy to find for it had to fulfill a variety of requirements, some of which were: 1. Sharp decomposition at a temperature not much above 500° C . 2. Decomposition should be complete in 5 or 6 minutes. 3. No complicating side reactions should occur. 4. The substance should not melt, for if it did, it would run out of the grid. 5. The products of decomposition should preferably be solids insoluble in water, etc., etc. Ba(Cl 0^)3 diluted wi th Ba SO 4 was finally decided upon. The reaction 2 Ba (Cl 0 3)0 Ba ( CIO 4 ) g-hBaClg + BOg proceeding rather sharply at 425 C # with a liberation of 92 calories per gram of Ba(C 103 ) 2 . A few experiments were made but the work a had to be discontinued on account of the corrosive action, at 450C , of the oxygen and a small amount of chlorine which also formed. Ow- ing to these circumstances, the results were not sufficiently reli- able. However, such indications as were obtained, seemed to lead to the conclusion, that the accuracy was probably not better than +20$ or 25$. This agrees fairly well with the estimation of the ac- curacy, made in SECTION 2, on purely hypothetical grounds. TABLE III, below, gives the exothermic values of the five 34 . coals studied in this investigation. The quantities recorded are means of 4 determinations, with the average deviation from the mean in the extreme right hand column. TABLE III EXOTHERMIC HEAT VALUES FOR FIVE COALS SAMPLE NAME EXOTHERMIC™ HEAT IN a7~d7 _ NO. CALORIES PER GRAM IN — i AIR-DRY COAL MOISTURE FREE COAL 1 Frankl in 26 27 22 3 Vermillion 39 41 8. 5 4 Saline 13 13 16 5 #1 Weathered 55 57 6. 3 6 #3 Weathered 58 62 13 In the case of SAMPLE #4, the material was only raised to 500 0 and the heating was stopped, i. e . the 2 minute per i od , (SEE SECTION 4 , infra) , had to be di spens ed with b ecause of the d if f i cul by exp srienced in maintaining at 500° a constant potential drop across the grid. Thi s , however , should not material ly affect the r e sul t , since very little decomposition -- as indicated "by gas evolution -- occurred at 500° as compared with the amount of decomposition up to 500° C. DISCUSSION It is evident from the results that the exothermic heat in- creases wi th oxygen content, "both with the oxygen normally present and with the oxygen taken up on weathering f especially when the coals are compared on the moisture free basis, which is quite ap- 35 propriate, considering that the material must necessarily he free of its moisture at the more or less elevated decomposition temperatures. For the three coals studied, the exothermic heat, on the moisture free basis, is given roughly by the expression 12.5 + 28 (n - 8.75) where n is the per cent of oxygen on the moisture free basis and the other terms are empirical constants. The oxygen taken up on weather- ing obviously yields much greater quantities of exothermic heat than the oxygen of composition, the ratios for 1$ of oxygen being: for Franklin County coal, 12 to 3, for Vermillion County coal ? 8 to 4 calories. It is interesting to note that though the Franklin and Ver- million County coals are rather far apart in exo thermi ci ty , the weathered coals corresponding to them come very much closer to being the same . The ratio of exothermic heat to per cent oxygen on the "unit coal” basis is interesting, at least for the oxygenated coals. TABLE IV RATIO OF EXOTHERMIC HEAT TO PERCENT OXYGEN "UNIT COAL” BASIS SAMPLE NO. NAME EXOTHERMIC HEAT IN CALORIES ITo CALS. $ 0 1 Franklin 31 10.3 3.01 3 Vermillion 46 1C. 8 4.26 4 Saline 15 10.1 1.48 5 #1 , We athered 63 13.2 4.77 6 # 3, Weathered 68 13.9 4.88 ' - ■ : . " . . t * 36 Here, again, the ratios for #1 and #3 are rather far apart, whereas for #5 and #6, the corresponding oxygenated coals, the ratios are remarkably close. Heretofore, it has been customary to compare exothermic heats as per cents of the calorific values of the coals. It is difficult to see what importance such a ratio can have. It seems that it would be more instructive to know what part of the heat actually required to coke the coal is furnished by the exothermic reaction. By the "heat actually required to coke the coal" is meant the sum of the various quantities used up in vaporizing the liquid products of carbonization and the combined heat capacities of all the pro- ducts. Such a definition is not purely arbitrary. It has a real significance in the low- temperature carbonization process; for, the coal is brought up to a suitable reaction temperature, i.e., a temperature at which a vigorously exothermic stage sets in and from then on, only such a quantity of heat is fed in through the walls of the retort as is necessary to compensate for the loss due to radiation, conduction and heat carried out by volatile products. The actual energy of carbonization, as stated in SECTION 1, is fur- nished primarily by the exothermic heat of the reaction. Fortunately, the data taken in connection with SAMPLES 3 and 5, the Vermillion coals, make it possible to estimate the ratio of the exothermic heat to the heat actually consumed in carbonizing the coal. At first hand, it may appear that the difference between the heat input in an actual run and the heat input in a correspond- ing water equivalent determination should represent the heat ac- tually required to carbonize the coal. This would be true if no heat were lost by radiation and conduction. This loss, which must 37 "be subtracted from the difference referred to above, may be estima- ted from the temperature rise, indicated on thermometer 6 , at the time when the heating period was ended* In the case of SAMPLES 3 and 4, this observation was made, in addition to the observa- tions mentioned in SECTION 4* Now the ratio of the temperature rise, up to the end of the heating period, to the total rise is a measure of the heat lost by radiation and conduction, the amount by which the difference in the heat inputs for coke and coal must be diminished to arrive at the quantity of heat actually required to decompose the coal. TABLE Y gives all the necessary data and calculations. In this case, too, the values are averages of sever- al determinations. TABLE V SHOWING RATIO OF EXOTHERMIC HEAT TO THE HEAT "ACTUALLY REQUIRED TO DECOMPOSE THE COAL. " SAM- PLE NO. AYERAGEHKEAT INPUT IN CALORIES DIFFERENCE TEMPERATURE RISE ° F HEAT IN CALS. PER GRAM RATIO COKE COAL TOTAL PER GRAM TOTAL AT END OF HEAT PERIOD OF DE- . COMPO- SITION EXO- THER- MIC 3 31180 36290 5110 265 14.37 6.50 113 39 35$ 5 34550 37580 3030 130 15.26 5.64 82 55 67/o In the case of #3, the heat "actually re qui red to decompose the coal" also includes a correction for the heat of vapori zation of its moisture, i.e. the moisture lost at 105 , for that cannot in any sense be considered a product of decomposition. The samples listed above are, of course, relatively strongly exothermic and less exothermic coals would no doubt show a smaller ratio. 35 . Still, the figures do show that the exothermic heat is not an inconsiderable factor in the energy required to decompose the coal . Perhaps the most significant point to he noted is that the exothermic values here reported are very much lower than those that are to he found in the literature. Taking the highest value ob- tained, 39 calories (SAMPLE #3) and increasing it by 50$, to cor- rect for a possible though highly improbable error, the exothermic heat is still only 0.9$ of the calorific value, whereas the values in the literature range from 2 to 7$, as stated in SECTION #1. The most likely explanation for this difference is that the results o here given represent exothermic heat up to 500 C. only, while the high results mentioned were obtained in high temperature carboniza- tions. Evidence for the existence of marked exothermic reactions above 500 is not lacking. The heating curves furnished by the 1 work of Vliet (unpublished report) and Hollings and Cobb give unmistakable proof that considerable evolution of heat occurs be- tween 600 and 800° C. 39 SECTION 7 SUMMARY 1. A new method has been developed for the study of the thermal behavior of coals during carbonization. 2. The method affords semi- quanti tat ive results with an accuracy probably not better than +25 3. The exothermi city of high oxygen coals has been de- monstrated by this new method. 4. The exothermic heat of carbonization of three Illi- nois coals and two weathered Illinois coals has been measured. 5. It has been confirmed that exothermi ci ty increases with oxygen content. 6. It has been established, for the first time, that the oxygen absorbed during weathering contributes from 2 to 4 times as much heat, per unit of oxygen, as the oxygen originally in the coal. . SECTION 8 40. -a- I 1 2 . 3. 4. 5. 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 14. 15. 16 . 17 . BIBLIOGRAPHY J. Gas lighting 126 917 (1914), 131 290 (1914) J. Chem. Soc. 107 T 1106-15 (1915) Gas World 60 872-8 (1914) Weyman, J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 39 _ #12, 168 T (1920) Heuser and Skiolde brand , Z. Angew, Chem. 32. I 41 (1919) J. Soc. Chem. Ind. 38 2I5A (1919) "Fuel Production and Utilization," (pp. 258-259), H. S. Taylor Balliere Tyndall and Cox, London, 1920. Chem. Ahst . 13 71 (1919), British Patent 119, 040 (1918) Bulletin #24 (1908) Illinois Eng. Expt. Station Files of Prof. S. W. Parr, University of Illinois Euchene , Trans, Int. Gas Congress, Paris, 1900 Barnum , Amer. Gas Light J. (1906) 576 Mahler, Comptes Rendus (1891) 863 Constam and Schlapfer, Journ. fur Gasbel. 741-7, 774-9 (1906) Constam and Kolhe , Journ. fur Gasbel. 770-780 (1909). Poole, quoted in Journal fur Gasbel. (1906) 776 Amer. Gas Light. J. 68 125 (1898) Constam and Kolbe , J. fur Gasbel. (1908) 669-73, 693-99. Frankenfeld, Gas World (1914) 36 Klason, Zeit. fur Angew. Chem. (1910) 1256. Klason, J. fur Prakt. Chem. 90 442 (1914) 41 SECTION 9 APPENDIX In compiling ths table which follows, an attempt was made to recalculate the data more or less to the same basis throughout but in many cases that was not possible owing to the failure of the authors to state explicitly what the figures were or how they were arrived at. So that, although the "heat losses," (SEE SEC- TION 2, for a definition of this term), are not strictly compar- able, they do serve at least to show the general order of magni- tude . It would, of course, be interesting to compare ultimate com- positions, especially oxygen contents, with the respective ex- othermic heats but the ultimate analyses are not available in a sufficient number of cases. It is, however, true that exother- micity increases with oxygen content. A number of values for wood is included for purposes of com- parison . The first figure in the table was found by a calculation based on statements made in Lewes', "Carbonization of Coal" page 90, Benn Bros., Ltd., London 1918. . ■ f ■ . COMPILATION OF EXOTHERMIC HBAT VALUES FROM THE LITERATURE ^2. Name of Coal Fixed Car- bon % Ash % h 2 o % Heat of Com- bustion Cals, per Gram "Heat Loss" % of Cal- orific Value Index No. to Biblio- graphy • • • • • • • • • • • • 0.9 8 • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • 6.6 9 Commentry • • • * • • • # # • • # 3.5 10 Belgian Anthracite 86.75 3.75 1,23 8217 4.8 11 Ruhrmage rkohle 81.92 4.18 1.19 8124 5.67 11 Huh re sskohle 81.26 3.96 0.97 8202 4.93 11 Ruhrfe t tkohle I 79.56 2.64 0.77 8427 5.10 11 Ruhrfe t tkohle II 74.63 3.17 1.02 8279 3.01 11 Ruhrgassflammkohle 62.72 6.42 1.57 7686 5.76 11 Bright Coal Not- tinghamshire 49.23 3.06 9.60 7004 4.6 12 Trencherbone Coal Lancashire 57.64 1.42 2.58 8066 3.8 12 Kinneil Coal 57.61 4.11 7.50 7811 4.1 12 Low Main Seam Durham 61.74 1.91 2.36 8250 4.5 12 Hutton Seam Durham 65.60 0.94 1.61 8594 3.3 12 Barnsely Coal York- shire 59.09 8.65 0.94 7276 2.6 12 Durham Ballarat Seam 70.71 2.95 2.81 8321 3.9 12 Nixons Navigation Coal, Wales 77.20 1.79 0.98 8486 3.0 12 Best Hard Coal Not- tinghamshire 53.84 3.36 7.50 7208 4.2 12 • • • • • • • • • # • • 3.06 13 • •••••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.1 13 Gardanne 39.8 10.79 10.55 5673 7.20 14 Chapelle sous Dun 42.2 14.39 10.43 5876 4.4 14 Pyranaenkohle 52.4 4.75 3.88 7156 6.68 14 43 Name of Coal Fixed Car- Ash % H£0% Heat of Com- "Heat Loss" Index bon % bustion Gals. % of Cal- No. to per Gram orific Biblio Value Graphy Bruay 58.1 3.96 2.36 7663 6.0 14 Blanze 51.7 13.70 2.93 6793 4.8 14 St* Etienne 64.9 5.50 0.94 8085 3.3 14 Lens 67.3 4.66 0.98 8138 3.7 14 Ronchamp 63.8 14.05 0.87 7369 4.5 14 Grand' Combe 69.3 10.53 0.74 7531 2.6 14 Meurchin 84.3 2.93 1.08 8326 2.2 14 Epinac 77.8 11.05 0.97 7505 4.4 14 Ostricourt 85.0 4.71 1.10 8115 3.2 14 La Mure 89.2 3.41 3.48 7627 3.6 14 • • • • • • • • • • • • 3.4 15 Wood • • • • 0 0 0 0 • • • • 6.3 16 tf • • • • • • • • • • • • 4.6 16 ft • • • • • • • • • • • • 5.9 16 ff • • • • • • • • • • • • 6.6 16 Purified Cellulose • • • • • • • • # • • • 3.8 16 ft ff • • • • • • « • • • • • 5.4 16 tl M • • • • • • • • • • • • 5.3 16 tf tf • • • • ♦ • • • • • • • 6.4 16 Wood 0 0 0 0 • • • • 0 0 0 0 3.5 17 ff # * ♦ • • « • • 0 0 0 0 2.0 17 ft • • # • • • • • 0 0 0 0 -1.0 17 ft 0000 • • • • 0 0 0 0 10-15 4