THE EDU CATION COMMITTEE OF THE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. a— Is— I Chairman = = CHARLES WELCH, F.S.A. |mr. ffrmtmr : E. M. BORRAJO. |on. Smitarg ; HENRY D. ROBERTS. S — §L OF Classes in Library Economy. °}*io SESSION 1897-98. Education Committee of the Library Association. oo^oo TECHNICAL TRAINING OF LIBRARIANS. SESSION 1897-98. fJlHE COMMITTEE have pleasure in announcing that arrangements have been made for courses of Lectures, as under : — 1. Catalogui^^by Mr. John Macfarlane (British Museum), on Wednesdays, at 3 p.m., at 20, Hanover Square, W. commencing on Wednesday, March 2nd. (Ten lectures.) SYLLABUS. Cataloguing in general— its aims — how affected by circumstances. The Author Catalogue — selection of heading — treatment of title — abbreviation and annotation. The Subject Catalogue in its various forms, more especially the Subject Index. The Dictionary Catalogue. 2. Bookbinding, by Mr. Douglas Cockerell (L.C.C. Teacher on Bookbinding), oq?§Wednesdays, at 4.30 p.m., at 20, Hanover Squar^Wg commencing on Wednesday, March 2nd. (Ten lerohres.) SYLLABUS. 1. — Folding. Pulling to pieces. Mending. Making End-papers. Joints. 2. — Sewing. 3. — Glueing. Backing. Lacing in boards. 4. — Cutting in boards. 5. — Headbanding. Paring leather. (5.— Covering. 7. — Lettering. 8.— Pasting down and Opening. 9. — Leathers. 10.— Recapitulation. Through the generosity of Mr. Zaehnsdorf, the Committee are able to supply the Students of this class with copies of his treatise on “ The Art of Binding f at half the published, price , namely 2/6. Applications to be made to the Hon. Sec. 3- Elementary Bibliography, by Mr. Henry Guppy (Sion College), on Thursdays, at 3 p.m., at the St. Bride Foundation Institute, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, E.C., commencing on Thursday, March 10th, and continued on alternate weeks. (Seven lectures.) SYLLABUS. 1. Importance of a systematic study of bibliography in the training of a Librarian. 2. The books of the Ancients : the methods and materials used for the transmission of knowledge prior to the advent of typography. 3. Manuscripts: their care and treatment. With an introduction to the study of Palaeography . 4. Early printed books and book rarities. 5. Subject bibliography. 6. G-uides and aids to readers. 7. The classification of literature : a glance at the various systems. 4. Historical Printing, by Mr. John Southward, on Thursdays, at 4.30 p.m,, at the St. Bride Foundation Institute, Bride Lane, Fleet Street, E.C., commencing on Thursday, March 10th. (Ten lectures.) SYLLABUS. 1. Introductory. 2. The “Cradle Books” of the Fifteenth century— the work of the first great printers, e.g. Jenson. 3. The Printers of the Sixteenth century ; with special regard to their typographical habits and mannerisms — the identification of books from particular presses by their typographical peculiarities. 4. Printers of the Seventeenth century similarly considered. 5. Printers of the Eighteenth century. 6. Printers of the Nineteenth century. 7. The faces or styles of types selected by eminent printers —from the early Venetian press to the present day— book decorations as initials, vignettes, head and tail pieces. 8. Book illustration by wood cuts, plate engravings, lithography, typographic engraving (etcliing), process blocks, collotype, photogravure. 9. Short review of the bibliography of the printing arts. Note. — A lecture on the “ Technique of Printing,” will be given by Mr. C. T. Jacobi (Chiswick Press) during the course or at its conclusion. The following Fees (in all cases payable in advance) will be charged for each course of Lectures : — Students engaged in Library administration ... 5/- Junior Library Assistants 2/6 Students not engaged in Library administration 10/6 Half Fees only will, in every case, be charged for each additional course in the same term. An Examination will be held at the end of each course, at which all Students will be expected to present themselves. The Inaugural Meeting, to which all intending Students are invited, will be held in the Museum of Practical Geology, Jermyn Street, W., on Friday, February 25th, 1898, when an Address will be delivered by the Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London. The Chair will be taken, at 8 p.m., by the Right Hon. Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P., F.R.S. The Honorary Secretary will be pleased to receive the names of any Students desiring to join the Classes. Intending Students, at present engaged in Library administration, are asked to mention the Library in which they are employed. HENRY D. ROBERTS, Eon . Sec . St. Saviour’s Public Library, 44a, Southwark Bridge Road, S.E.