t 4.773 174; op- J uauois ?..- T r. , .:;-L sDWft ILLINOIS VOTES 1900-1958 A Compilation of Illinois Edited by Samuel K. Gove INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY ILLINOIS VOTES 1900-1958 A Compilation of Illinois Election Statistics Edited by Samuel K. Gove INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS June, 1959 Price $3.00 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOREWORD The availability of adequate voting statistics is fundamental to the study of many aspects of the government or politics of a state. Unfortunately, in most states, including Illinois, no central compilation of election returns has been made, and, as a result, political research has been made extremely difficult or even impossible. Illinois Votes has been published to provide basic research data on a county- by-county basis to aid and encourage further studies of Illinois voting behavior. Al- though this volume has been designed primarily to aid scholars, it should be of inter- est also to Illinois public officials, political party leaders, and citizens interested in learning more about voting trends and behavior. The Institute wishes to thank all those who have helped in making the publica- tion of this volume possible. Gilbert Y. Steiner Director Institute of Government and Public Affairs 3 III INTRODUCTION Because Illinois voting statistics have been, up to this time, widely scattered, it has been difficult to study long-range voting trends in a systematic way. The lack of a central source for election statistics is not unique to Illinois, but is the case in all but a handful of states. Illinois Votes is intended to provide this central source on a county-by-county basis. The data in this volume has been compiled for each presidential and guberna- torial election since 1900. All contests for United States senator are included since the popular election of these officials began in 1916. In addition, the contests for state treasurer in non-presidential years are included to permit a study of voting trends for those years when national issues have less influence on the outcome of state contests. Preceding each election year is a summary sheet that includes the names and parties of the candidates for each office, the number of counties carried by each party, and a breakdown between Downstate and Cook County returns. The summary sheets, rather than the tables that follow, are the only source for the names of candidates and the names of "minor" parties; i.e., parties other than Republican or Democratic. On the tables the vote of all the minor parties are grouped under the heading "other vote." Percentage comparisons have been computed by county for each contest, both as a percentage of Republican-Democratic votes cast and as a percentage of the total vote, which includes the minor parties. The Republican-Democratic plurality percentage shown is that plurality as a percentage of the total vote cast. The "total vote cast" figure carried in the left-hand column of each table is the total number of votes cast for that contest and not the total vote cast in the election. Cook County and Chicago present a special problem to the student of Illinois voting behavior. Cook County now has over 50 percent of the state's population. Chi- cago, which had 35 percent o^ the state's population in 1900, had about 33 percent by 1955; Cook County outside Chicago increased from 3 percent to 12 percent; Downstate (all counties other than Cook) declined from 62 percent to 49 percent. Because of the obvious impact of the Chicago vote on any statewide contest, a breakdown of the Cook County vote between the city and suburban areas for each contest is included. One caution should be noted when using the Chicago or suburban Cook County data. The boundaries of the city have changed since 1900, as about 30 annexations have added over 30 square miles to the legal boundaries of the city. (The details of these annex- ations are described in the Local Community- Fact Book for Chicago published by the Chi- cago Community Inventory, University of Chicago.) Data on the number of persons brought within the city limits by each annexation are not readily available, but it is probable that they have not markedly affected the total city population, especially in comparison to population increases from other factors. The boundaries of Cook County and the other 101 counties have remained constant in the period covered by this volume, although there have been marked movements of popu- lation, with some counties greatly increasing and others significantly losing. Thus the population changes of any particular county should be considered in analyzing the reason or reasons for marked changes in the total vote cast over the years. Also it should be noted that the percentage figures are not weighted for the voting strength of a county: consequently, a percentage figure for a party's vote in Cook County is much more sig- nificant in a statewide analysis than the same percentage figure for sparsely-populated Putnam County. As indicated earlier, the "other vote" figure is the sum of the vote for the "minor" parties. Generally, minor parties have not been successful in Illinois politics, with the 1912 Progressive (Bull Moose) movement being the major exception. For this year, the Progressive party vote is given in a separate table. In other years, includ- ing 1924 when Lafollette ran, minor parties have been successful in only a handful of counties at most, and usually have run well behind the Republican and Democratic candi- dates. The figures for "other" votes in the tables include votes only for the candi- dates whose names were on the ballot, not for "write-ins." The practices of county officials in reporting write-ins vary considerably, with some ignoring these votes and others very carefully reporting them. The major source of data for the tables that follow is the reports of the Illi- nois Secretary of State. After most elections, the Secretary has published a separate pamphlet of voting returns. For a few years around 1920, these pamphlets were not pub- lished, and the source of these elections is the Illinois Blue Book , also published by the Secretary of State. The source for the Chicago returns in statewide elections is the records of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. Since 1954, these returns have been included in some detail in the Secretary of State's pamphlet. For the period 1900-1936, the Chicago returns were published in the Chicago Daily News Almanac and Yearbook . For the person who wants information on offices or elections, not included in this volume, the following sources are suggested: 1. For early election returns, see Theodore C. Pease, Illinois Election Returns 1818-1848, Collections, the Illinois Historical Library, Springfield, 1923, 598 pp. 2. For statewide returns since 1870 (excepting 1918, 1920, 1922, 1924 and 1928) see a pamphlet ( Official Vote of the State of Illinois ) published by the Illinois Secre- tary of State, which includes returns for all statewide contests, all contests for con- gressional seats, and all contests for seats in the General Assembly, and contains the total vote cast in each county. Data are included for contests in both the primary and general elections. In addition, returns for judicial contests and special propositions are included. The format of the pamphlet has changed and the data included have varied considerably over the years, so that not all of the above-mentioned election returns are included in each issue of the pamphlet. As stated earlier, the pamphlets since 1954 have included detailed returns for Chicago and suburban Cook County. Statewide data for the years 1918, 1920, 1922, 1924, and 1923 are included in the Illinois Blue Book . 3. For Chicago and suburban returns prior to 1936, the Chicago Daily News Almanac and Yearbook is the best published source. Some of the data for major offices are presented on a precinct-by-precinct basis. The Almanac also includes statewide re- turns for the same period. It should be noted that the presentation of the data is not always uniform, and data on all elections are not always included. The unpublished re- cords of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners contain election data for Chicago and certain communities under the Board's jurisdiction not included in the Almanac . 4. A recently published source containing election data for Illinois and the other states is America Votes , compiled and edited by Richard A. Scammon, Governmental vi Affairs Institute, and published by the Mac Millan Company, New York. Two volumes of this series have already been published, and a new volume is to come out every two years. The Illinois data include the vote for president, United States senator, and governor by county for each election since 1948. A breakdown for the returns by ward within the City of Chicago and the total vote for congressional contests are also in- cluded. The same percentage analysis of the data that is used in this volume ( Illi - nois Votes ) is al60 used in America Votes . 5. Another source containing election data for Illinois and other states is Vote Cast in Presidential and Congressional Elections, 1928-1944 , published by the U. S. Bureau of the Census in 1944. This volume includes state summaries of the vote in presidential and congressional elections, and percentage analysis of party voting. For the 1940 and 1944 presidential elections and the 1942 and 1944 senatorial elections, the data are shown by counties; for the 1°42 and 1944 elections for Representatives in Congress, by congressional districts. * * * * * * * In compiling this volume, every possible precaution has been taken to prevent errors. For any that have not been caught, the editor accepts responsibility. In a few instances errors have been noted in the published material used as basic sources. Where it has been impossible to verify the correctness of the original data, the county returns have been included rather than the total shown in the original source. VII ACKNOWLEDGMENT Among the many persons who helped in the compilation of this volume are three research assistants, Messrs. Victor Sapio, William McClure, and Edmund Lyons. All three have rendered valuable assistance at various stages, but Mr. Sapio worked last and longest. The data were processed on electronic equipment by the University's Statisti- cal Service Unit, and the cooperation of Mr. Francis Flerchinger of the unit is espe- cially appreciated. Also several public officials were most helpful, particularly Mr. Don Butler of the office of Secretary of State in Springfield, and Mr. Sidney Holzman, Chairman of the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. Mr. Holzman was particularly helpful in supplying last minute data that made it possible to meet the publication deadline. Much credit for the completion of the volume must go to the secretarial staff of the Institute, particularly Mrs. Laura Duncan and Miss Doris Falk, who were con- stantly alert to the possibility of error. In addition, Mr. Joseph Tucker, research assistant, aided in the final stages of the project. Lastly, the editor is grateful to the University Research Board for a grant that made it possible to bring the project to completion. S.K.G. IX SUMMARY - 1900 PRESIDENT Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican William McKinley 597,935 203,760 394,225 60 Democratic William J. Bryan 503,061 186,193 316,868 42 Prohibition John G. Wool ley 17,623 3,490 14,133 People' s Wharton Barker 1,141 211 930 Socialist Labor Joseph F. Maloney 1,373 434 939 Social Democrat Eugene V. Debs 9,687 6,752 2,935 United Christian J. F. R. Leonard 352 134 218 Union Reform Seth W. Ellis 672 160 512 GOVERNOR Counties Farty Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Richard Yates 580,19° 190,622 389,577 62 Democratic Samuel Alschuler 518,966 198,195 320,771 40 Prohibition Visscher V. Barnes 15,643 3,280 12,363 People's A. C. Vantine 1,106 236 870 Socialist Labor Louis P. Hoffman 1,319 426 893 Social Democrat Herman C. Perry 8,611 6,109 2,502 United Christian John Cordingly 334 130 204 Union Reform Lloyd G. Spencer 650 165 485 PRESIDENT- 1900 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 17,192 7970 4.6 8 ,047 47.6 46.8 8,844 52.4 51.4 301 1.8 Alexander 4,592 1 »030R 22.4 2,790 61.3 60.8 1,760 33.7 38.3 42 .9 Bond 3,898 472B 12.1 2,101 56.3 5 3.9 1,629 43.7 41.8 168 4.3 Boone 3,971 2 , 4 5 5 R 61.8 3 ,159 31.3 79.6 704 18.2 17.7 108 2.7 Brown 3,005 9800 32.6 938 33.4 32.9 1,968 66.6 65.5 49 1.6 Bureau 9,627 1,9559 20.3 5,473 60.9 56.9 3,523 39.1 36.6 626 6.5 Calhoun 2,079 3C20 14.5 373 42.6 42.0 1,175 57.4 56.5 31 1.5 Carroll A, 789 2, 159R 45.1 3,425 73.0 71.5 1,266 27.0 26.4 97 2.0 Cass 4,533 7800 17.2 1,34 5 41.3 40.7 2,626 58.7 57.9 61 1.3 Champaign 12,395 1 ,6457 13.6 6,660 5 7.0 55.1 5,015 43.0 41.5 420 3.5 Christian 8 ,457 933D 9.8 3,636 4 4.9 4j.6 4,519 55.1 53.4 252 3.0 Clark 6,130 80D 1.3 2,929 49.3 4 7.8 3,009 50.7 49.1 192 3.1 Clay 4,764 61^ 1.3 2,356 5 0.7 49.5 2,295 49.3 48.2 113 2.4 Clinton 4,7^1 6730 14.3 1,964 42.7 41.6 2,637 57.3 55.9 120 2.5 Coles .3,770 78 5? 3.9 4,706 54.5 53.6 3,921 45.5 44.7 152 1.7 Cook 4 01,134 17,567" 4.4 203,760 52.3 50.3 136,193 47.7 46.4 11,131 2.8 Crawford 4,685 2? .0 2,301 5 0.0 4 9.1 2,299 50.0 49.1 85 1.8 Cumberland 3,928 123^ 3.1 1 ,3 70 4 3.4 4 7.6 1,9 93 51.6 50.7 65 1.7 DeKalb 8,110 4 ,042R 49.3 5,923 7 5.9 73.0 1,881 24.1 23.2 306 3.8 DeWitt 5, 1 54 3333. 6.5 2,694 53.3 52.3 2,361 46.7 45.8 99 1.9 Douglas 4,926 627P 12.7 2,733 56.5 55.5 2,106 43.5 42.7 89 1.8 DuPage 6 , 1 r > 3 1,922R 31.8 3,86° 66.5 63.9 1,947 33.5 32.2 237 3.9 Edgar 7,702 170 .2 3,766 49.9 43.9 3,733 50.1 49.1 153 2.0 Edwards 2,457 754R 30.7 1,577 65.7 64.2 323 34.3 33.5 57 2.3 Effingham 4,383 1, 1260 23.1 1,353 33.3 37.9 2,979 61.7 61.0 51 1.0 Fayette 6,519 5 30 7.7 2,920 46.0 44.8 3,423 54.3 52.5 176 2.7 Ford 4,5 26 1.467R 3 2.4 2,936 66.7 64.9 1,469 33.3 32.5 121 2.7 Franklin 4 ,411 1090 2.5 2,117 48.7 4 8.0 2,226 51.3 50.5 68 1.5 Fulton 12,321 36?7 3.0 6,130 51.5 50.2 5,762 48.5 47.1 329 2.7 Gallatin 3,498 5720 lb. 4 1 ,432 4 1.7 40.9 2 ,004 58.3 57.3 62 1.8 Greene 5,997 1 ,6540 27.6 2,131 36.0 35.5 3 ,735 64.0 63.1 81 1.4 Grundy 5,692 7 .3467 36.0 3,73 3 63.9 65.6 1,687 31.1 29.6 270 4.7 Hamilton 4,44? 5560 12.5 1,911 43.7 43.0 2,467 56.3 55.5 71 1.6 Hancock 8,741 7500 3.6 3,90 7 45.6 44. 7 4,637 54.4 53.3 177 2.0 Hardin 1,626 5. 3 753 4 7.3 46.3 839 52.7 51.. 6 34 2.1 Henderson 2,859 796P 27.3 1,772 64.5 62.0 976 35.5 34.1 111 3.9 Henry 10,055 4.083R i 5.6 6,892 71.0 68.5 2,809 29.0 27.9 354 3.5 Iroquois o,297 1 , C .^7Q 16.2 5,24 3 53.4 56.4 3,736 41.6 40.2 318 3.4 Jackson 7,^5 , + 331R 4.2 4,05 4 52.1 51.0 3,723 47.9 46.3 177 2.2 Jasper 4 ,62 6 6630 14.4 1 ,923 4 2.6 41.6 2,591 57.4 56.0 112 2.4 Jefferson 6,343 5270 8. 3 2,805 43.7 44.2 3,332 54.3 52.5 206 3.2 Jersey 3 , 7 7, 3 64 9n 17.4 1,496 41.1 40.1 2,145 58.9 57.5 92 2.5 JoDaviess 6, 143 90 ID 14.7 3,444 5 7.5 56.1 2,543 42.5 41.4 156 2.5 Johnson 3,?37 669P 2C .4 1,940 6 0.4 59.0 1 ,271 39.6 38.7 76 2.3 Kane 17,317 6,7727 33.0 12,031 69.6 67.5 5,259 30.4 29.5 527 3.0 Kankakee 8 , 5 ? 7 3, 1247 36.3 5,79 8 63.4 67.4 2,674 31.6 31.1 125 1.5 Kendall 2,944 1 , 4 3 7 4 7.9 2,121 74.8 72.0 713 25.2 24.2 110 3.7 Knox ll, r <4? * , 5 1 1 R 39.1 7,310 70.3 67.6 3,299 29.7 28.6 440 3.8 Lake 7,563 2,9 IP 33.2 5,136 69.7 67.7 2,235 30.3 29.5 217 2.9 LaSalle 20,956 3, HOP 14.3 11,731 57.6 56.2 8,671 42.4 41.4 504 2.4 Lawrence 4,083 6C0 1.5 1 ,961 4 9.2 48.0 2 ,C21 50.8 49.5 101 2.5 Lee 7,635 2,292R 3 0.2 4,320 65.6 63.5 2,528 34.4 33.3 237 3.1 Livingston 13,237 1,7817 17.4 5,505 59.1 56.9 4 ,024 40.9 39.4 378 3.7 Logan 7,^35 1710 2.3 3,5C1 4 8.8 47.7 3,672 51.2 50.1 162 2.2 Macon 11,216 1,2127 10. S 6,036 55.5 54.3 4,374 44.5 43.5 256 2.3 PRESIDENT - 1900 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 10,673 658D 6.2 4,814 46.8 45.1 5,4 72 53.2 51.3 387 3.6 Madison 15,190 1,3539 8.9 8,106 54.6 63.4 6,753 4 5.4 44.5 331 2.2 Marion 7,340 7070 9.6 3,221 45,1 43.9 3,928 54.9 53.5 191 2.6 Marshall 4,187 302R 7.2 2,210 53.7 52.8 1,908 46.3 45.6 69 1.6 Mason 4,636 4810 10.4 2,027 44 .7 43.7 2,508 55.3 54.1 101 2.2 Massac 2,890 1.261R 43.6 2 ,057 72.1 71.2 796 27.9 2^.5 37 1.3 McDonough 7,733 632R 8.2 4,0 76 54.2 52.7 3,4 44 45.8 4 4.5 213 2.3 McHenry 7,468 3, 158R 42.3 5,234 71.6 70.1 2,076 28.4 27.8 158 2.1 McLean 16,818 2.874R 17.1 9.487 53.9 5 6.4 6,613 41.1 39.3 7 I 8 4.3 Menard 3,773 44 6n 11.8 1,632 44.0 43.3 2,073 56.0 55.1 63 1 .7 Mercer 5,563 1, 1949 21.5 3,304 61. 59.4 2,110 39.0 37.9 149 2.7 Monroe 3,308 2220 6.7 1 ,535 4 6.6 4 6.4 1 ,757 53.4 53.1 16 .5 Montgomery 7,886 4950 6.3 3,^83 46.3 4 5 . 4 4,07? 53.2 51.7 236 2.9 Morgan 8,922 20R .2 4,341 50.1 48.7 4,?21 40.O 4 5.4 2 60 2.o Moultrie 3,768 2470 6.6 1,728 46.7 45.9 1 ,975 53.3 52.4 65 1.7 Ogle 7,619 3.084R 40.5 5,255 70.8 69.0 2,171 29.2 28.5 19 3 2.5 Peoria 20,647 1»267R 6.1 10,700 5 3.1 51.8 9,433 46.9 4 5.7 5 1 4 2.5 Perry 4,841 15R .3 2,336 50.? 48.3 2,32i 49.8 4 7.o 184 Piatt 4,620 743R 16.1 2,648 58.2 57.3 1 ,905 41.3 41.2 67 1.5 Pike 8,012 1,6700 20.8 3 ",04 5 39.2 38.0 4 ,715 60.8 58.8 2^2 3.1 Pope 2,752 909R 33.0 1,817 66.7 66.0 908 33.3 33.o 2 7 1.0 Pulaski 3,147 962R 30.6 2,039 6 6.4 64.8 1 ,077 34.6 34.2 31 l.C Putnam 1 ,224 288R 23.5 738 62.1 5 0.3 450 37.o 3 6.8 36 2.° Randolph 6,469 2330 3.6 3,04 5 48.2 47.1 3,278 51.8 c o.7 14 6 2.3 Richland 3,934 249D 6.3 1 ,793 46.8 45.6 2 ,042 53. ^ c 1.9 99 2.' : Rock Island 13,556 3.513R 2 C .9 8,299 63.4 61.2 4,786 36.6 3 5.3 471 3.5 Saline 4,756 30^9 6.5 2,495 53.3 52.5 2,136 46.7 4 5 . 75 1 .6 Sangamon 19,690 2709 1.4 9,769 50.7 49.6 9,400 49.3 4 8.2 422 2. 1 Schuyler 4,050 3760 9.3 l,?oi 45.3 44.2 2 , 1 6 7 54.7 53.5 o-> 2.3 Scott 2,827 381D 13.5 1,204 43.2 42.6 1,585 56.8 56.1 38 1.3 Shelby 8,131 1 > 1490 14.1 3,365 42.7 41.4 4 ,514 57.^ 55.5 252 3.1 Stark 2,713 726R 26.8 1 ,66 c > 63. 61.4 939 3 6.1 34.6 109 4." St. Clair 20,063 630 .3 9,764 4 9.8 48.7 ?,e? 7 50.2 49.0 4 72 2.4 Stephenson 8,911 6949 7.8 4,677 54.^ 52.5 3,983 4 6 . 44.7 25" 2.3 Tazewell 8,235 91D 1.1 3,957 4 9.4 48.1 4,048 c .".6 4o.2 230 C 9 c Union 4,645 1.205D 25.9 1,605 35.9 36.5 2 ,900 63. 1 62.4 c ~ 1. 1 Vermilion 16,671 3,7059 22.2 °,?52 61 .6 50.1 6,147 33.4 35.9 672 4. J Wabash 2,993 4 170 13.9 1,226 42.7 '4 1.0 1,643 r w.? 5 ■■ . 1 2 4 4. 1 Warren 6,351 1.117R 17.6 3,618 59.1 5 7.0 2.5C1 40.o 39.4 3 3 "3 T Washington 4,538 2709 5.9 2,351 53.0 51.8 2 ,081 4^.0 4 5.9 ! 01 2.3 Wayne 6,365 559 .9 3,117 50.4 49.0 3 , ... 2 4 9.6 4°. 1 186 2.'' White 5,915 5120 8.7 2,658 4 5.6 4 4.0 3,170 54.4 53.6 37 1.5 Whiteside 8,687 2,9059 33.4 ^,663 67.2 65.2 2,75 8 32.3 31.7 266 3. 1 Will 16,980 3,4019 20. 10,055 60.2 59.2 , ,655 39.8 39.2 > 1.6 Williamson 6,540 963R 14.7 3, 7 23 =■7.4 5 6.0 2,760 4 2.6 42.2 c 7 . 1 Winnebago 11,147 5,605R 50.3 8,103 76.4 72.7 2,49 '■' 2 :■. . 6 2 2 . 4 54 6 L. . ; Woodford 5,192 14 30 2.8 2,421 43.5 46.6 2,564 51.4 4 9 . 4 20- 4.0 TOTAL 1,131,894 94,9249 8.4 597,985 54.3 5 2.8 503,061 4 5.7 • 4.4 30 2.7 Downstate 730,760 77,3579 10.6 394,225 5 5.4 53.9 316,863 4 4.6 4 3.4 1 U667 2.7 Suburban Cook 28,783 9,9469 34.6 18,o74 6 7.3 65.9 9,028 32.2 31.4 751 2.7 Chicago 372,351 7,6219 2.0 184.78 6 51.1 49.6 177,165 , 8 . 1 47.6 10 400 2.8 GOVERNOR - 1900 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 17,129 962D 5.6 7,943 47.1 46.4 8,905 52.9 52.0 281 1.6 Alexander 4,560 952R 20.9 2,737 60.5 60.0 1 ,785 39.5 39.1 38 .8 Bond 3,872 519R 13.4 2,126 S7.0 54.9 1 ,607 43.0 41.5 139 3.6 Boone 3,947 2.318R 58.7 3,084 80.1 78.1 766 19.9 19.4 97 2.5 Brown 2,996 973D 32.5 991 33.5 33.1 1,964 66.5 65.6 41 1.4 Bureau 9,602 1.817R 18.9 5,410 60.1 56.3 3,593 39.9 37.4 599 6.2 Calhoun 2,079 272D 13.1 891 43.^ 42.9 1,163 56.6 55.9 25 1.2 Carroll 4,762 2. 121R 44.5 3,305 72.7 71.3 1.274 27.3 26.8 93 2.0 Cass 4,519 7720 17.1 1,851 41.4 41.0 2.623 58.6 58.0 45 1.0 Champaign 12,050 1.64CR 13.6 6,659 57.0 55.3 5,019 43.0 41.7 372 3.1 Christian 8,410 799D 9.5 3,693 45.1 4 3.9 4,492 54.9 53.4 225 2.7 Clark 6,096 84D 1.4 2,923 49.3 47.9 3,007 50.7 49.3 166 2.7 Clay 4,737 65R 1.4 2,345 50.7 49.5 2,280 49.3 48.1 112 2.4 Clinton 4,688 6720 14. 3 1 ,9^3 42.7 41.7 2,625 57.3 56.0 110 2.3 Coles 8,715 ^6?R 8.7 4,674 54.4 53.6 3,912 45.6 4 4.9 129 1.5 Cook 399, 163 7,5730 1.9 190,622 49.0 47.8 198,195 51.0 49.7 10 346 2.6 Crawford 4,672 12R .3 2,303 50.1 49.3 2.2^1 49.9 49.0 78 1.7 Cumberland 3,914 127D 3.2 1,866 48.4 47.7 1 ,993 51.6 50.9 55 1.4 DeKalb 8,090 3.717R 45.9 5,771 73.3 71.3 2,054 26.2 25.4 265 3.3 DeWitt 5, 146 283R 5.5 2,575 52.8 52.0 2,392 47.2 46.5 79 1.5 Douglas 4,904 627R 12.8 2,728 56.5 55.6 2.101 43.5 42.8 75 1.5 DuPage 6,039 1»599R 26.5 3,720 63.7 61.6 2,121 36.3 35.1 198 3.3 Edgar 7,691 4 CD .5 3,753 49.7 48.8 3,793 50.3 49.3 145 1.9 Edwards 2,455 7581? 30.9 1 ,579 65.8 64.3 821 34.2 33.4 55 2.2 Effingham 4,8 70 1. 124D 23.1 1,84 8 33.3 37.9 2,972 61.7 61.0 50 1.0 Fayette 6,493 504D 7.8 2,914 46.0 44.9 3,418 54.0 52.6 161 2.5 Ford 4,496 1,424R 31.7 2,906 65.2 64.6 1,482 33.8 33.0 108 2.4 Franklin 4,393 850 1.9 2,121 49.0 43.3 2,206 51.0 50.2 66 1.5 Fulton 12,199 307R 2.5 6,119 51 .3 50.2 5,812 48.7 47.6 263 2.2 Gallatin 3,488 576D 16.5 1,427 41 .6 4 0.9 2,003 58.4 57.4 58 1.7 Greene 5,959 1 ,6200 27.2 2,135 36.2 35.8 3,755 63.8 63.0 69 1.2 Grundy 5,663 1 »948R 34.4 3,67? 68.1 64.8 1,724 31.9 30.4 267 4.7 Hamilton 4,426 5570 12.6 1,904 43.6 43.0 2,461 56.4 55.6 51 1.4 Hancock 8,714 744D 3.5 3,905 45.7 4i.8 4.649 54. 3 53.4 160 1.8 Hardin 1,613 890 5.5 745 4 7.2 46.2 834 52.3 51.7 34 2.1 Henderson 2,843 789R 27.8 1 ,763 64.4 62.0 974 35.6 34.3 106 3.7 Henry 10,040 3,925R 39.1 6,828 70.2 68.0 2,903 29.8 28.9 309 3.1 Iroquois 9,218 1 ,478R 16.0 5,202 58.3 56.4 3.724 41.7 40.4 292 3.2 Jackson 7,907 336R 4.2 4,047 52.2 51.2 3.711 47.8 46.9 149 1.9 Jasper 4,60 2 6680 14.5 1,913 42.6 41.6 2.581 57.4 56.1 108 2.3 Jefferson 6,320 539D 8.5 2,791 45.6 44.2 3,330 54.4 52.7 199 3.1 Jersey 3,729 6310 16.9 1,510 41 .4 40.5 2,141 58.6 5 7.4 73 2.1 JoDaviess 6,132 821R 13.4 3,404 56.9 55.5 2,583 43.1 42.1 145 2.4 Johnson 3,280 671? 20.5 1 ,942 60.4 69.2 1,271 39.6 38.8 67 2.0 Kane 17,803 3,P^4R 21.6 10,626 61.1 59.7 6.772 38.9 38.0 405 2.3 Kankakee 8,595 2.587R 30.1 5,541 65.2 64.5 2.954 34.8 34.4 100 1.2 Kendall 2,938 1.278R 43.5 2,059 72.5 70.1 731 27.5 26.6 98 3.3 Knox 11,528 4.319R 37.5 7,746 69.3 67.2 3,427 30.7 29.7 355 3.1 Lake 7,552 2,771R 36.7 5,060 68.9 67.0 2.289 31.1 30.3 203 2.7 LaSalle 20,853 2.+79R 11.9 11,440 56.1 54.9 8.961 43.9 43.0 452 2.2 Lawrence 4,069 480 1.2 1 ,964 49.4 48.3 2.012 50.6 49.4 93 2.3 Lee 7,516 2, 126R 28.3 4,725 64.5 62.9 2.599 35.5 34.6 192 2.6 Livingston 10,171 1.696R 16.7 5,771 58.6 56.7 4,075 41.4 40.1 325 3.2 Logan 7,315 2210 3.0 3,481 48.5 47.6 3,702 51.5 50.6 132 1.8 Macon 11,233 1,135R 10.1 6,081 55.1 54.1 4,946 '4 4.9 44.0 206 1.8 GOVERNOR - 1900 Totol Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 10,619 669D 6.3 4,802 46.7 45.2 5,471 53.3 51.5 346 3.3 Madison 15,061 1.356R 9.0 8,066 54.6 63.6 6,710 4 5.4 44.6 285 1.9 Marion 7,317 7110 9.7 3,218 4 5 . 4 4.0 3,929 5 5.0 53.7 170 2.3 Marshall 4, 146 267R 6.4 2,175 53.3 52.5 1,903 46.7 46.0 63 1.5 Mason 4,609 4760 10.3 2,024 44.7 43.9 2,500 55.3 54.2 85 1.3 Massac 2,875 1.240R 43.1 2,04] 71 .8 71.0 801 28.2 27.9 3 3 1.1 McDonough 7,702 610R 7.9 4,060 54.1 52.7 3,450 4 5.9 4 4.8 192 2.5 McHenry 7,436 2.923R .39.3 5,107 70.0 68.7 2,184 30.0 29.4 145 1.9 McLean 16,778 2.850R 17.0 9,508 58.8 56.7 6,658 41.2 39.7 612 3.6 Menard 3,762 4380 11.6 1,636 44.1 43.5 2 ,074 55.9 55.1 52 1.4 Mercer 5,565 1 , 184R 21.3 3,305 60.9 59.4 2,121 39. 1 33.1 139 2.5 Monroe 3,297 2180 6.6 1,532 46.7 46.5 1 ,750 5 3.3 53.1 15 . 5 Montgomery 7,859 4760 6.1 3,592 46.9 45.7 4,068 53.1 51.8 199 2.5 Morgan 8,895 48R .5 4,373 0.3 49.2 4,325 4 9.7 43.6 197 2.2 Moultrie 3,756 2420 6.4 1,730 46.7 4 6.1 1,9 72 53.3 52.5 54 1.4 Ogle 7,580 2,964R 39.1 5,185 70.0 68.4 2,221 30.0 29.3 174 2.3 Peoria 20,495 984R 4.8 10,507 52.5 01.3 9,523 47.5 46.5 ■ 465 2.3 Perry 4,809 30R .6 2,343 50.3 48.7 2,313 49. 7 46.1 1 ! 3.2 Piatt 4,620 7 A 99 16.2 2,654 58.2 5 7.4 1 ,905 41.8 41.2 61 1.3 Pike 7,970 1,5950 20.0 3,073 39.7 38.6 4,668 60.3 58.6 229 2.9 Pope 2,748 901R 32.8 1*811 66.6 65.9 910 3 3.4 33.1 27 1 .0 Pulaski 3,135 964R 30.7 2,037 65.5 65.0 1 ,073 34.5 34.2 25 .8 Putnam 1,217 284R 23.3 735 62.0 60.4 451 38.0 37.1 31 2.5 Randolph 6,454 2250 3.5 3,055 48.2 47.3 3,280 51.8 50.8 119 1 .8 Richland 3,906 2450 6.3 1,789 46.8 45.8 2,034 53.2 52.1 33 2. 1 Rock Island 13,534 3.051R 22.5 8,088 61.6 59.8 5,037 38.4 37.2 409 3.0 Saline 4,735 320R 6.8 2,495 53.4 52.7 2,175 46.6 45.9 65 1.4 Sangamon 19,606 339R 1.7 9,798 50.9 50.0 9,459 49. 1 48.2 349 1.8 Schuyler 4,035 3600 8.9 1,797 45.4 44.5 2,157 54.6 53.5 81 2.0 Scott 2,810 3630 12.9 1,209 43.5 43.0 1 ,572 56.5 55.9 29 1.0 Shelby 8,112 1 , 137D 14.0 3,368 42.8 4 1.5 4,605 57.2 55.5 .239 2.9 Stark 2,689 724R 26.9 1,660 63.9 61.7 936 36.1 34.8 93 3.5 St. Clair 19,992 160D .8 9,704 49.6 48.5 9,8 64 50.4 4 9.3 424 2.1 Stephenson 8,881 562R 6.3 4,611 53.2 51.9 4 ,049 46.8 45.6 221 2.5 Tazewell 8,224 138D 1.7 3,945 49.1 43.0 4,083 60.9 49.6 196 2.4 Union 4,627 1 ,2030 26.0 1 ,690 36.9 36.5 2,893 63.1 62.5 44 1.0 Vermilion 16,557 3,621R 21.9 9,772 61 .4 59.0 6,151 38.6 37.2 634 3.3 Wabash 2,990 421D 14.1 1,226 42.7 4] .0 1,647 57.3 55.1 117 3.9 Warren 6,325 1.072R 16.9 3,599 53.7 56.9 2,527 41. 5 4 0.0 199 3. 1 Washington 4,507 255R 5.7 2,34? 5 2.9 52.0 2 , 8 7 47.1 46.3 78 1 .7 Wayne 6,370 46R .7 3,111 50.4 4b. 8 3,065 49.6 48.1 194 3.0 White 5,903 5270 8.9 2,650 45.5 44.9 3,177 54. 53.6 76 1.3 Whiteside 8,601 2,767R 32.2 5,567 66.5 64.7 2,800 33.5 32.6 234 2.7 Will 16,842 3,0719 18.2 9,842 59.2 53.4 6,771 40.3 40.2 229 1.4 Williamson 6,510 965R 14. R 3,710 57.5 57.0 2,745 42.5 42.2 55 .8 Winnebago 11,012 5,424R 49.3 7,979 75.7 72.5 2,555 24.3 23.2 473 4.3 Woodford 5,161 1880 3.6 2,396 48.1 46.4 2,584 51.9 5 0.1 181 3.5 TOTAL 1,126,828 61.233R 5.4 580,199 52.8 51.5 518,966 47.2 46.1 27,663 2.5 Downstate 727,665 68,806R 9.5 389,577 54.8 5 3.5 320,771 45.2 44. 1 13,317 2.4 Suburban Cook 28,605 8.562R 29.9 18,236 65.3 63.8 9,674 34.7 33.3 695 2.4 Chicago 370,558 16, 1350 4.4 172,386 47.8 46.5 188,521 52.2 5C.9 9,651 2.6 SUMMARY- 1902 STATE TREASURER 1- arty Candidate Republican Fred A. Busse Democratic George Duddleston Prohibition Social ist Socialist Labor People' s Charles H. Tuesburg A. W. Nelson Gottlieb Renner Diedrich Balster Total Vote Cook County 450,695 148,943 360,925 127,162 18,434 20,167 8,235 1,518 4,022 14,262 6,621 451 Counties Downstate Ca rried 301,752 65 233,763 37 14,412 5,905 1,614 1,067 STATE TREASURER - 1902 Totol Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 11.748 646D 5.5 5,304 47.1 45.1 5,950 52.9 50.6 494 4.2 Alexander 3,772 987R 26.2 2,347 63.3 62.2 1,360 36.7 36.1 65 1.7 Bond 3,319 504R 15.2 1,317 58.1 54.7 1,313 41.9 39.6 189 5.7 Boone 1,888 1.361R 72.1 1,554 3 9.0 32.3 193 11.0 10.2 141 7.5 Brown 2,060 598D 29.0 706 35.1 34.3 1 ,304 64.9 63.3 50 2.4 Bureau 6,073 1,793R 29.5 3,750 65.7 61.7 1 ,957 34.3 32.2 366 6.0 Calhoun 1,682 430 2.6 799 43.7 47.5 842 51.3 50. 1 41 2.4 Carroll 2,340 1.393R 59.5 1,829 3 0.8 73.2 436 19.2 18.6 75 3.2 Cass 3,597 640D 17.8 1 ,443 4 0.9 40.1 2,033 59.1 57.9 71 2.0 Champaign 8,566 1.761R 20.6 4,981 60.7 58.1 3,220 39.3 37.6 365 4.3 Christian 6,555 331D 5.0 2,960 47.4 45.2 3,2°1 52.6 50.2 3 04 4.6 Clark 5,336 119R 2.2 2,660 51.1 49.9 2,541 48.9 47.6 135 2.5 Clay 4,180 203R 4.9 2,137 52.5 51.1 1 ,934 47.5 46.3 109 2.6 Clinton 3,560 6730 18.9 1,405 40.3 39.5 2,078 59.7 58.4 77 2.2 Coles 7,445 92R 1.2 3,692 50.6 4 9.6 3,600 49.4 48.4 153 2.1 Cook 301,461 21.781R 7.2 148,943 53.9 4 9.4 12 "r,162 46. 1 42.2 25,356 8.4 Crawford 4,229 165R 3.9 2,136 52.0 50.5 1 ,971 43.0 46.6 122 2.9 Cumberland 3,477 1470 4.2 1 ,623 47.8 46.7 1 ,770 52.2 50.9 34 2.4 DeKalb 4,265 2,S99R 68.0 3,468 85.9 81.3 569 14.1 13.3 228 5.3 DeWitt 4,870 158R 3.2 2,451 51.7 50.3 2,293 48.3 47.1 126 2.6 Douglas 4,002 429R 10.7 2,172 55.5 54.3 1,74 3 44. 5 43.6 87 2.2 DuPage 4,481 1.370R 30.6 2,772 66.4 61.9 1 ,402 33.6 31.3 307 6.9 Edgar 7,372 367D 5.0 3,426 47.5 46.5 3,793 52.5 51.5 153 2.1 Edwards 2,103 828R 39.4 1 ,412 70.7 67.1 584 29.3 27.8 107 5.1 Effingham 3,009 7470 24.8 1,101 37.3 36.6 1 ,848 62.7 61.4 60 2.0 Fayette 5,783 2540 4.4 2,674 47.7 46.2 2,928 52.3 50.6 131 3.1 Ford 3,151 1,380R 43.8 2,182 73.1 69.2 802 26.9 25.5 167 5.3 Franklin 3,832 144R 3.8 1 ,934 51.9 50.5 1 ,790 48.1 46.7 108 2.8 Fulton 9,998 538R 5.4 5,095 52.8 51.0 4,557 47.2 45.6 346 3.5 Gallatin 2,846 506D 17.8 1,137 40.9 40.0 1 ,643 59.1 57.7 66 2.3 Greene 3,018 864D 28.6 1,044 35.4 34.6 1 ,908 64.6 63.2 66 2.2 Grundy 4,264 1,816R 42.6 2,931 72.4 68.7 1,115 27.6 26.1 218 5.1 Hamilton 3,761 6020 16.0 1,526 4 1.8 40.6 2, 128 58.2 56.6 107 2.3 Hancock 6,941 1840 2.7 3,288 48.6 47.4 3,472 51.4 50.0 181 2.6 Hardin 1.5Q7 480 3.2 709 48.4 47.0 757 51.6 50.2 41 2.7 Henderson 2,126 683R 32.1 1 ,363 66.7 64.1 6 30 33. 3 32.0 83 3.9 Henry 6,551 2.871R 43.8 4,529 73.2 69.1 1 ,658 26.8 25.3 364 5.6 Iroquois 6,842 1,646R 24. 1 4,118 62.5 60.2 2,472 37.5 36.1 252 3.7 Jackson 6,652 723R 10.9 3,571 55.6 53.7 2,848 44.4 42.8 233 3.5 Jasper 3,183 4030 12.7 1,331 43.4 41.8 1,734 56.6 54.5 118 3.7 Jefferson 5,035 350 .7 2,402 49.6 47.7 2,437 50.4 48.4 196 3.9 Jersey 2,865 3430 12.0 1,237 43.9 43.2 1,580 56.1 55.1 48 1.7 JoDaviess 4,899 636R 13.0 3,689 56.7 54.9 2,053 4 3.3 41.9 157 3.2 Johnson 2,910 652R 22.4 1,752 61 .4 60.2 1 ,100 38.6 37.3 58 2.0 Kane 11,331 4.456R 39.3 7,470 71.3 65.9 3 ,014 28.7 26.6 347 7.5 Kankakee 6,791 3,062R 45. 1 4,823 73.3 71.0 1 ,761 26.7 25.9 207 3.0 Kendall 1,680 964R 57.4 1,263 80.9 75.2 299 19.1 17.8 118 7.0 Knox 7,933 3,595R 45.3 5,552 73.9 70.0 1,957 26.1 24.7 424 5.3 Lake 4,955 2,491R 50.3 3,602 76.4 72.7 1,111 23.6 22.4 242 4.9 LaSalle 15,777 1,385R 8.8 8,273 54.6 52.4 6,833 45.4 43.7 516 3.9 Lawrence 3,733 26R .7 1 ,802 50.4 48.3 1,776 4 9.6 47.6 155 4.2 Lee 4,434 2,285R 51.5 3,265 76.9 73.6 980 23.1 22.1 189 4.3 Livingston 7,812 1,589R 20.3 4,503 60.7 57.6 2,914 39.3 37.3 395 5.1 Logan 6,451 156D 2.4 3,064 43.8 47.5 3,220 51.2 49.9 167 2.6 Macon 8,350 1.676R 20.1 4,872 60.4 58.3 3,196 39.6 38.3 282 3.4 STATE TREASURER - 1902 Total Vote Cast Rep. -De Pluralil m. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County y Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 8,742 6480 7.4 3,827 46.1 43.8 4 ,475 53.9 51.2 440 5.0 Madison 12,340 1.751R 14.2 6,838 ^7.3 55.4 5,087 42.7 41.2 415 3.4 Marion 5,886 4660 1.9 2,567 45.8 43.6 3,033 54.2 51.5 286 4.9 Marshall 3,770 2719 7.? 1 ,989 ■^3.7 52.8 1 ,718 46.3 45.6 63 1.7 Mason 3,631 619D 17. ") 1 ,439 41.1 39.6 2,058 58.9 56.7 134 3.7 Massac 1,904 989R 51.9 1 ,420 76.7 74.6 431 23.3 22.6 53 2.8 McDonough 6,584 86?R 13.1 3,602 56.8 54.7 2,739 43.2 41.6 243 3.7 McHenry 5,168 2.571R 49.7 3,789 75.7 73.3 1,218 24.3 23.6 161 3.1 McLean 12,312 1,988R 16. 1 6,697 58.7 54.4 4,709 41.3 38.2 906 7.4 Menard 3,327 336D 1 '.1 1 ,451 44 .3 4 3.6 1,787 55.2 53.7 89 2.7 Mercer 3,853 1, ] 56R 30.0 2,399 65.9 62.3 1,24? 34.1 32.3 211 5.5 Monroe 3,097 810 2.6 1 ,494 48.7 48.2 1,575 51.3 50.9 28 .9 Montgomery 5,979 4790 8.0 2,640 45.8 44.2 3,119 54.2 52.2 220 3.7 Morgan 8,017 111D 1.4 3,851 49.3 4 8.0 3,962 50.7 49.4 204 2.5 Moultrie 3,148 1910 6.1 1,432 46.9 45.5 1,623 53.1 51.6 93 3.0 Ogle 4,964 2, 166R 43.6 3,480 72.6 70.1 1,314 27.4 26.5 170 3.4 Peoria 16,148 1, 779R 11.0 8,65 55.7 53.6 6,871 44.3 42.6 627 3.9 Perry 4,024 2209 5.5 1 ,981 52.9 49.2 1 ,761 47.1 43.8 282 7.0 Piatt 3,743 775R 20.7 2,203 60.7 58.9 1 ,428 39.3 38.2 112 3.0 Pike 5,663 1,0430 18.4 2,199 Jt0.4 38.8 3,242 59.6 57.2 222 3.9 Pope 2,043 776R 38.0 1,388 69.4 67.9 612 30.6 30.0 43 2.1 Pulaski 2,203 922" 41.9 1 ,538 71.4 69.8 616 28.6 28.0 49 2.2 Putnam 997 151C 15.1 554 57. Q 55.6 403 42.1 40.4 40 4.0 Randolph 5,868 76R 1.3 2 ,904 ■=■0.7 49.5 2,828 49.3 48.2 136 2.3 Richland 3,138 236D 7.5 1,394 46.1 44.4 1 ,630 53.9 51.9 114 3.6 Rock Island 10,156 2,763R 27.2 5,770 65.7 56.8 3,007 34.3 29.6 1,379 13.6 Saline 4,237 369R 8.7 2,253 54.5 53.2 1,884 4 5.5 44.5 100 2.4 Sangamon 17,712 408R 2.3 8,844 51.2 49.9 8,436 4 8.8 47.6 432 2.4 Schuyler Scott 3,516 2660 7.6 1 ,579 46.1 44.9 1 ,845 53.9 52.5 92 2.6 2,475 3280 13.3 1 ,051 43.3 42.5 1,379 56.7 55.7 45 1.8 Shelby Stark 5,808 5<-5D 9.4 2,487 45.1 42.8 3.032 54.9 52.2 239 5.0 2,157 553R 25.6 1,311 6 3.4 60.8 758 36.6 35.1 88 4.1 St. Clair 17,472 9 75R 5.6 9,015 52.9 51.6 8,040 47. 1 46.0 417 2.4 Stephenson 7,769 4 52R 5.8 4,014 5 3.0 51.7 3,562 47.0 4 5.8 193 2.5 Tazewell 6,906 2520 3.6 3,235 43.1 46.8 3,487 51.9 50.5 184 2.7 Union 3,721 9050 24.3 1 ,338 37.4 36.0 2,243 62.6 60-.3 140 3.8 Vermilion 10,137 3, 541R 34.9 6,404 69.1 63.2 2,863 30.9 26.2 870 8.6 Wabash 2,632 211D 8.0 1,123 45.7 4 2.7 1,334 54.3 50.7 175 6.6 Warren 5,388 794R 14.7 2,972 57.7 55.2 2,178 42.3 40.4 238 4.4 Washington 4, 153 690R 16.6 2,369 58.5 57.0 1,679 41.5 40.4 105 2.5 Wayne 5,402 160R 3.0 2,667 51.5 49.4 2 ,507 48.5 46.4 228 4.2 White 5,129 685D 13.4 2,185 43.2 42.6 2,870 56.8 56.0 74 1.4 Whiteside 5,023 2,620R 52.2 3,705 77.3 73.8 1,085 22.7 21.6 233 4.6 Will 1 1,783 3.497R 29.7 7,457 65.3 63.3 3,960 34.7 33.6 366 3. 1 Williamson 6, 163 81CR 13.1 3,399 56.8 55.2 2,589 43.2 42.0 175 2.8 Winnebago 4,70 2 2,641R 56.2 3,118 36.7 66.3 477 13.3 10.1 1,107 23.5 Woodford 4, 183 42 90 10.3 1 ,784 44.6 42.6 2,213 55.4 52.9 186 4.4 TOTAL 859,974 89.770R 10.4 450,695 55.5 52.4 360,925 44.5 42.0 48,354 5.6 Downstate 558,513 67,989R 12.2 3 01,752 56.3 54.0 233,763 43.7 41.9 22,998 4.1 Suburban Cook 19,639 7,257R 37.0 12,851 69.7 65.4 5,594 30.3 28.5 1,194 6.1 Chicago 281,822 14.524R 5.2 136,092 5 2.8 '+8.3 121,568 47.2 43.1 24,162 8.6 SUMMARY- 1904 PRESIDENT Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican Theodore Roosevelt 632,645 229,848 402,797 85 Democratic Alton B. Parker 327,606 103,762 223,844 17 Prohibition Silas C. Swallow 34,770 5,290 29,480 Socialist Eugene V. Debs 69,175 47,743 21,432 Socialist Labor Charles H. Corregan 4,698 2,660 2,038 People's Thomas E. Watson 6,725 3,323 3,402 Continental Austin Holcomb 830 319 511 GOVERNOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican Charles S. Deneen 634,119 236,797 397,322 34 Democratic Lawrence B. Stringer 334,880 106,309 228,571 18 Prohibition Robert H. Patton 35,389 5,112 30,277 Socialist John Collins 59,062 39,521 19,541 Socialist Labor Philip Veal 4,379 2,491 1,888 People's James Hogan 4,364 1,801 2,563 Continental Andrew G. Specht 780 303 477 11 PRESIDENT- 1904 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Porty Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 14,834 1, 128R 7.6 7,277 54.2 49.1 6,149 45.8 41.5 1,408 9.5 Alexander 5,075 1.517R 29.9 3,203 65.5 63.1 1,686 34.5 33.2 186 3.7 Bond 3,679 845R 23.0 2,055 62.9 55.9 1,210 37.1 32.9 414 11.3 Boone 3,585 2,734R 76.3 3,036 91 .0 84.7 302 9.0 3.4 247 6.9 Brown 2.452 4 7D 16.6 934 41.1 33.1 1 ,341 53.9 54.7 177 7.2 Bureau 8,745 3,707R 42.4 5,624 74.6 64.3 1,917 25.4 21.9 1,204 13.8 Calhoun 1,707 85D 5.0 730 47.2 4 2.6 815 52.8 47.7 162 9.5 Carroll 4,092 2,437R 59.6 3,128 31.9 76.4 691 18.1 16.9 273 5.7 Cass 3,904 79D 2.0 1,327 48.9 46.8 1,906 51.1 48.3 171 4.4 Champaign 11,382 3,2O0R 28.1 6,954 64.9 61.1 3,754 35.1 33.0 6 74 5.9 Christian 7,846 559R 7.1 3,856 53.9 49.1 3,297 46.1 42.0 693 8.8 Clark 5,476 61-5R 11.2 2,886 56.0 52.7 2,271 44.0 41, c 319 5.3 Clay 4,527 4 73R 13.4 2,403 55. \ 53.2 1,935 44.5 4 2.7 184 4.1 Clinton 4,296 3050 7.1 1 ,848 46.2 4 3.0 2,153 5 3.8 50.1 295 6.9 Coles 8,828 1.466R 16.6 4,901 58.8 55.5 3,435 41.2 38.9 4 92 5.6 Cook 392,945 126, 386P 32.1 229,848 6 3.9 53.5 103,762 31.1 25.4 59,335 13.1 Crawford 4,423 446R 10.1 2,296 55.4 51.9 1,850 44.6 41.3 252 6.4 Cumberland 3,685 213R 5.8 1,857 5 3.0 50.4 1,644 47.0 44.6 134 5.0 DeKalb 7,693 4,320R 62.7 5,957 34.0 77.4 1,13" 16.0 14.6 5 99 ^.S DeWitt 4,952 899R 18.2 2,771 59.7 56.0 1 ,372 40.3 37.3 309 6.2 Douglas 4,595 3 3 3R 18.1 2,518 59.9 34.8 1,685 40.1 36.7 392 8.5 DuPage 5,991 2.671R 44.6 4,073 74.3 68.1 1,407 25.7 23.5 506 8.4 Edgar 7,457 310r 4.2 3,753 52.2 50.3 J, 443 47.8 46.2 261 3.5 Edwards 2,393 1 ,0150 42.4 1,610 73.0 67.3 595 27.0 24.9 168 7.9 Effingham 4,365 440D 10.1 1,863 44.7 42.7 2,303 55.3 52.3 199 4.6 Fayette 6,3~2 6 3 R 9.5 3,253 55.1 51.6 2,650 44.0 42.1 399 6.3 Ford 3,982 1»910R 48.0 2,836 75.4 71.2 926 24.6 23.3 220 5.5 Franklin 4,151 276R 6.6 2,077 53.6 50.0 1,801 46.4 43.4 273 6.6 Fulton 11,246 2.582R 23.0 6,373 62.7 56.7 3,791 37.3 33.7 1,082 9.6 Gallatin 3, 134 139D 4.4 1 ,401 4 7.6 44.7 1,540 52.4 49.1 193 6.2 Greene 4,333 690D 14. 1 1,959 42.5 40.1 2,649 57.5 54.2 272 5.6 Grundy 4,945 2,6~7R 52.7 3,448 80.4 69.7 341 19.6 17. G 656 13.3 Hamilton 4, 149 155D 3.7 1 ,894 4 3.0 4 5.6 2,049 52.0 4 9., 206 5.C Hancock 7,853 431R 5.5 3,887 52.9 49.5 3,456 47.1 44.0 515 6.6 Hardin 1,540 114R 7.4 756 54.1 49.1 642 45.9 41.7 142 9.2 Henderson 2,540 °60R 37.8 1,663 70.2 65.7 70S 29.3 2 7.9 164 5.5 Henry 9,838 5.941R 60.4 7,331 34.1 74.5 1 ,390 15.9 14.1 1,117 11.4 Iroquois 8,115 2.691R 33.2 5,067 63.1 62.4 2,376 31.9 29.3 672 S.3 Jackson 7,076 1,634R 23.1 3,984 62.9 3 6.3 2,350 37.1 33.2 742 10.5 Jasper 4,179 1350 3.2 1,889 4 8.3. 45.2 2,024 51.7 48.4 266 6.4 Jefferson 5,967 601R 10.1 3,063 55.4 51.3 2,462 44.6 41.3 44 2 7.4 Jersey 3,380 182D 5.4 1,531 't7.2 45.3 i ,713 52.8 50.7 13-6 4.0 JoDaviess 5,368 1»799R 33.3 3,388 63.0 63.1 1,5 98 3 2.0 29.8 382 7.1 Johnson 3,321 1,1 84R 35.7 2,164 63.3 65.2 980 31.2 29.5 177 5.3 Kane 16,708 9,339R 53.9 12,633 31.9 75.6 2,799 13.1 16.8 1,271 7.6 Kankakee 8,224 4,510R 54. 8 6,162 78.9 74.9 1,652 21.1 20.1 410 5.0 Kendall 2,689 1 ,697R 53.1 2,120 33.4 78.8 423 16.6 15.7 146 5.4 Knox 10,247 5,717R 55.6 7,566 30.4 73.8 1,849 19.6 18.0 332 6.1 Lake 8,6"5 5,043R 58.6 6,635 8 0.6 77.1 1,5°2 19.4 18.5 373 4.h La Salle 19,095 6, 339R 33.2 11 ,967 53.0 62.7 5,628 32.0 29.5 1,500 7.9 Lawrence 3,888 2 57? 6.6 1 ,969 53.5 5 0.6 1,712 46.5 44.0 207 5.3 Lee 6,642 3,030R 45.6 4,634 74.3 69.8 1,604 25.7 24.1 404 6.1 Livingston 9,465 3.233R 34.2 6,013 68.4 63.6 2,785 31.6 29.4 662 7.0 Logan 7,076 6213 8.8 3,626 54.7 51.2 3,005 45.3 42.5 445 6.3 Macon 10,003 3,332R 33.3 6,264 53.0 52.8 2,952 32.0 29.5 772 7.7 12 PRESIDENT- 1904 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote ol Total Number Pc». Vote Macoupin 10.272 460R 4.5 4,796 52.5 46.7 4,336 47.5 42.2 1,140 11.1 Madison 15,771 3.580R 22.7 9,009 52.4 57.1 5 ,429 37.6 34.4 1,333 8.5 Marion 6,751 700R 10.4 3,190 56.2 47.3 02,797 6-+ . 3 68.9 223,344 35.7 32.7 56,66:> 8.3 Suburban Cook 29,369 16,645R 55.7 21,8C5 30.9 7 3.0 5,16" 19.1 17. i 2 ,9 04 9.7 Chicago 363,076 109,441R 3">.l 208,0=43 67.3 67.3 93,r02 .2.2 27.2 56,431 15.5 13 GOVERNOR - 1904 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pel. Vote Adams 14-, 820 876R 5.9 7,176 53.3 48.4 6,300 46.7 42.5 1,344 9.1 Alexander 4,988 1,499R 30.1 3,170 65.5 63.6 1,671 34.5 33.5 147 2.9 Bond 3,641 324R 22.6 2,039 62.7 56.0 1,215 37.3 33.4 337 10.6 Boone 3,538 2,454R 69.4 2,859 87.6 80.6 405 12.4 11.4 274 7.7 Brown 2,449 4 160 17.0 932 40.9 38.1 1 ,348 59.1 55.0 169 6.9 Bureau 8,612 3, 536? 41.1 5,525 73.5 64.2 1,989 26.5 23.1 1,098 12.7 Calhoun 1 ,70 7 890 5.2 728 47.1 42.6 817 52.9 47.9 162 9.5 Carroll 4,084 2,296R 56.2 3,064 30.0 75.0 768 20.0 13.8 252 6.2 Cass 3,887 1300 3.3 1,797 48.3 46.2 1,927 51.7 49.6 163 4.2 Champaign 11,313 3, 113R 27.5 6,888 64.6 60.9 3,775 35.4 33.4 65C 5.7 Christian 7,818 470R 6.0 3,797 53.3 48.6 3,327 46.7 42.6 694 8.9 Clark 5,454 580R 10.6 2,866 55.6 52.5 2,286 44.4 41.9 302 5.5 Clay 4,538 437R 9.7 2,388 55.0 53.0 1,951 45.0 43.3 169 3.7 Clinton 4,268 3250 7.6 1 ,829 4 5.9 42.9 2 ,154 54. 1 5C.5 285 6.7 Coles 8,839 1,393R 15.8 4,864 5 8.4 55.0 3,4'71 41.6 39.3 504 5.7 Cook 392,334 130,4S8R 33.3 236,797 69.0 60.4 106,309 31.0 27.1 49,228 12.5 Crawford 4,410 4^5R 10.1 2,292 55.4 52.0 1 ,847 44.6 41.9 271 5.1 Cumberland 3,676 196R 5.3 1,850 52.3 50.3 1 ,654 47.2 4 5.0 172 4.7 DeKalb 7,70 4, 743R 61.6 5,901 33.6 76.6 1 ,158 16.4 15.0 641 8.3 DeWitt 4,907 728R 14.8 2,688 57.8 54.8 1,960 42.2 39.9 259 5.3 Douglas DuPage 4,579 779R 17.0 2,463 59.4 53.9 1,689 40.6 36.9 422 9.2 5,969 2,687R 4 5.0 4,079 7 4.6 68.3 1 ,392 25.4 23.3 498 8.3 Edgar Edwards 7,456 279R 3.7 3,740 51.9 50.2 3,461 48. 1 46.4 255 3.4 2,380 1 ,001R 42.1 1,601 72.7 67.3 isOO 2^.3 25.2 179 7.5 Effingham 4,350 4820 11.1 1 ,842 44.2 42.3 2,324 55.3 53.4 134 4.2 Fayette 6,258 535R 8.5 3,215 54.5 51.4 2,680 ^5.5 42.8 363 5.8 Ford 3,999 1,777R 44.4 2,778 73.5 69.5 1,001 26.5 25.0 220 5.5 Franklin 4, 162 238R 5.7 2,069 53.1 49.7 1 ,831 46.9 44.0 262 6.3 Fulton 11,190 2.405R 21.5 6,293 61.8 56.2 3,883 38.2 34.7 1,009 9.0 Gallatin 3,131 1670 5.3 1 ,387 47.2 44.3 1,5 54 52.8 49.6 190 6.1 Greene 4,870 6900 14.2 1 ,950 42.5 40.0 2,640 57.5 = 4.2 230 5.7 Grundy Hamilton 4,908 2, 532R 51.6 3,410 79.5 69.5 878 20.5 17.9 620 12.6 4, 141 1790 4.3 1 ,892 47.7 45.7 2,071 52.3 50.0 178 4.3 Hancock 7,806 337R 4.3 3,833 52.3 49.1 3,4 96 47.7 44.8 477 6.1 Hardin 1,525 113R 7.4 757 54.0 49.6 644 46.0 42.2 124 8.1 Henderson 2,526 949R 37.6 1 ,659 70.0 65.7 710 30.0 28.1 157 6.2 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 9,811 5,867R 59.8 7,277 83.8 74.2 1,410 16.2 14.4 1,124 11.5 8,0 34 2,546R 31.7 4,983 67.2 62.0 2,437 32.3 30.3 614 7.6 7,334 1,622R 23.1 3,966 62.9 56.4 2,344 37.1 33.3 724 10.3 4, 149 1620 3.9 1,868 47.9 45.0 2,0 30 52.1 48.9 251 6.0 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 5,918 559R 9.4 3,033 55.1 51.3 2,474 44.9 41.8 411 6.9 3,368 19 50 5.8 1,521 47.0 45.2 1,716 53.0 51.0 131 3.9 5,323 1,742R 32.7 3,357 67.5 63.1 1,615 32.5 30.3 351 6.6 3,253 1, 168R 35.9 2, 129 63.9 65.4 961 31.1 29.5 163 5.0 16,689 9,759R 58.5 12,557 81.8 75.2 2,793 13.2 16.8 i,334 8.0 Kankakee 6, 192 4,4 2 6R 54.0 6,116 73.3 74.7 1,690 21.7 20.6 386 4.7 Kendall 2,678 1,686R 63.0 2,108 33.3 73.7 422 16.7 15.8 148 5.5 Knox 10,172 5,54 5R 54.5 7,457 79.6 73.3 1,912 20.4 18.8 803 7.9 Lake 8,555 4,920R 57.5 6,558 3 0.O 76.7 1,638 20.0 19.1 359 4.2 LaSalle 19,0 64 5,619R 29.5 11 ,706 65.8 61.4 6,087 34.2 31.9 1.271 6.7 Lawrence 3,874 232R 6 . 1,953 53.2 50.4 1,721 46.8 44.4 200 5.2 Lee 6,587 2,795R 42.4 4,477 72.7 68.0 1,682 27.3 25.5 428 6.5 Livingston Logan 9,397 3»0/»4R 32.4 5,874 67.5 62.5 2,830 32.5 30. 1 693 7.4 7,074 442D 6.2 3,182 46.3 45.0 3,624 53.2 51.2 268 3.8 Macon 10,000 3,241R 32.4 6,24 1 67.5 6 2.4 3,000 32.5 30.0 759 7.6 14 GOVERNOR - 1904 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 10,216 352R 3.4 4,732 51.9 46.3 4,380 48.1 42.9 1 ,104 10.8 Madison 15,544 3,447R 22.2 8,876 62.0 57.1 5,429 38.0 34.9 1,239 8.0 Marion 6,731 5990 8." 3,164 55.2 47.0 2,565 44.8 38.1 1,002 14.9 Marshall 3,8 74 558R 14.4 2,128 57.5 54.9 1 ,570 42.5 40.5 176 4.5 Mason 3,979 154D 3.9 1 ,738 4 7.9 43.7 1,892 52.1 47.5 349 8.8 Massac 2,770 1 ,4750. 53.2 2,067 77.7 74.6 592 22.3 21.4 111 4 .0 McDonough 7,252 1.279R 17.6 4,001 59.5 5 5.2 2,722 40.5 37.5 529 7.3 McHenry 6,966 3.778R 54.2 5,236 76.2 75.2 1,458 21.8 20.9 272 3.9 McLean 14,961 4.330R 28.9 8,645 66.7 57.8 4,31 5 33.3 28.8 2,001 13.4 Menard 3,445 169R 4.9 1,693 52.6 49.1 1 ,524 47.4 44.2 223 o.c Mercer 5,054 1.791R 35.4 3,213 69.3 63.6 1 ,422 30.7 28.1 419 6.3 Monroe 3,069 178R 5.8 1 ,606 52.9 52.3 1,428 47. 1 46.5 35 1.1 Montgomery 7,255 239R 3.3 3,456 51.8 4 7.6 3,217 48.2 44.3 532 3.0 Morgan 8,233 781R 9.5 4,205 55.1 51.1 3,424 44.9 4 1.6 604 7.3 Moultrie 3,396 208R 6.1 1 ,704 53.3 50.2 1,496 46.3 44.1 196 5.3 Ogle 6,819 3,677R 53.9 4,973 79.3 72.9 1,296 20.7 19.0 550 8.: Peoria 19,034 5,609? 29.5 11,612 6 5.Q 61.0 6,003 34. 1 31.5 1,419 l.i Perry 4,608 939R 20.4 2,428 62.0 52.7 1,489 38.0 32.3 691 15. C Piatt 3,961 1, 124R 28.4 2,480 64.7 6 2.6 1 ,356 35.3 34.2 125 3.2 Pike 6,741 1580 2.3 2,934 48.7 44.3 3, 142 51.3 46.6 615 9.1 Pope 2,516 1 ,065R 42.3 1,736 72.1 69.0 671 27.9 26.7 10° 4.3 Pulaski 3,086 1.403R 45.5 2,187 73.6 70.9 734 26.4 2 5.4 113 3.7 Putnam 1,155 379R 32.8 744 67.1 64.4 365 32.9 31.6 46 4 . Randolph 6,190 660R 10.7 3,202 55.7 51.7 2,542 44.3 41.1 446 7.2 Richland 3,665 132R 3.6 1,751 52.0 47.8 1 ,619 43.0 4^ .2 2->6 6.0 Rock Island 13,124 5.684R 43.3 8,092 77.1 61.7 2,408 22.9 18.3 2,624 20.0 Saline 4,791 924R 19.3 2,717 60.2 56.7 1 ,793 39.8 37.4 2fti 5.9 Sangamon 19,8 38 2.874R 14.5 10,396 5 3.0 5 2.4 7,522 42.0 37.9 1,920 9.7 Schuyler 3,602 770 2.1 1 ,608 4 3.8 44.6 1,685 51.2 46.8 309 8.6 Scott 2,544 98D 3.9 1, 145 47.9 45.0 1 ,243 52.1 43.9 136 6.1 Shelby 7,004 268R 3.8 3,288 52.1 46.9 3.0 20 47.9 4 3.1 696 9.9 Stark 2,472 1, 100R 44.5 1,715 73.6 69.4 615 26.4 2^.9 142 5.7 St. Clair 21,622 3.740R 17.3 11 ,984 5 9.2 55.4 8,244 40.8 33.1 1 , 3 ?4 6.4 Stephenson 8,572 1,431R 16.7 4,798 58.8 56.0 3,367 4 1.2 39.3 407 4.7 Tazewell 7,697 656R 8.5 3,976 54.5 51.7 3,320 45.5 43.1 401 5.2 Union 3,876 429D 11.1 1,532 43.9 3 9.5 1,961 56.1 •50.6 333 9.9 Vermilion 16,610 7.415R 44.6 11,035 75.3 66.4 3,620 24.7 21.8 1,935 11.3 Wabash 2,900 11D •« 1,294 49.8 44.6 1,305 50.2 4 5.0 301 10.4 Warren 5,778 1.912R 33.1 3,515 63.7 6^.8 1,603 31.3 27.7 660 11.4 Washington 4,098 839R 20.5 2.349 60.9 57.3 1,510 39.1 36.8 239 5.8 Wayne 5,830 633R 10.9 3,0 56 55.8 52.4 2,423 44.2 41.6 351 6.0 White 5,544 2660 4.8 2,508 47.5 45.2 2 ,774 52.5 50.0 262 4.7 Whiteside 7,856 3,94 5R 50.2 5,506 77.9 70.1 1,561 22.1 19.9 789 10.0 Will 14,978 6,547R 43.7 9,910 74.7 66.2 3,363 25.3 22.5 1,70 3 11.4 Williamson 6,855 2,021R 29.5 4,036 66.7 58.9 2,015 3 3.3 29. 4 8 04 11 .7 Winnebago 10,8 73 6,677R 61.4 7,987 85.9 73.5 1 ,310 14.1 12.0 1,576 14.5 Woodford 4,614 390R 8.5 2,325 54.6 50.4 1,935 45.4 41.9 354 7.7 TOTAL 1,072,973 299,239R 27.9 634,119 65.4 59.1 334,860 34.6 31.2 103,974 9.7 Downstate 680,639 168,751R 24.8 397,322 63.5 58.4 228,571 36.5 33.6 54,746 6.0 Suburban Cook 29,628 16.415R 55.4 21,745 30.3 73.4 5.3T 1 19.7 18.0 2,553 8.6 Chicago 362,706 1 14.073R 31.5 215, n52 68.0 59.3 100 979 32.0 27.8 46,675 12.9 15 SUMMARY- 1906 STATE TREASURER Counties Farty Candidate Total Vote Coi ok County Downstate Ca rried Republican John F. Smulski 417,544 156,048 261,496 64 Democratic Nicholas L. Piotrowski 271,984 83,772 188,212 33 Prohibition William P. Allin 89,293 6,061 83,232 5 Socialist Wilson E. McDermut 42,005 30,414 11,591 Socialist Labor John M. Francis 3,757 1,559 2,198 17 STATE TREASURER - 1906 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 11 ,416 2 10 1.8 5 ,144 49.0 4 5.1 5 ,345 51.0 46.3 .12 7 3. 1 Alexander .3,804 1,5497 4 0.7 2 ,609 71.1 66.6 1 ,060 26. J 27. i 133 3.5 Bond 3,277 448? 13.7 i ,633 5 7.9 49.3 1 ,185 42.1 36.2 430 14.0 Boone 1 ,099 7 04? 64. 1 784 90.7 71.3 80 9.3 7.3 235 21.4 Brown 1 ,902 685D 36. C 532 3 0.4 29.0 1 ,217 69.6 64.0 153 8.0 Bureau 5,121 1 , 726" 33.7 2,373 71.5 5 6.1 1,147 28.5 22.4 1,101 21.5 Calhoun 1,655 137d" 3.3 636 4 5.5 4 1.5 323 54.5 49.7 146 8.8 Carroll 2,978 1, 568R 52.7 2,162 7 3.4 72.6 594 21.o 19.9 111 7.5 Cass 3,519 4590 13. C 1 ,095 41.3 31.1 1 ,554 53.7 44.2 370 24.7 Champaign 9,2 66 558R 6 . "' 4,248 53.5 i> 5.3 3,690 46.5 39.3 1,323 14.3 Christian 7, 196 6430 6.9 2,013 4 3.1 2 6.0 2,656 5 6.9 36.9 2,527 35.1 Clark 4,966 72P 1.4 2,063 50.9 4 1.5 1 ,991 49.1 40.1 912 18.4 Clay 4,154 3 9 5 R 9.6 2 ,063 55.3 4?. 7 1 ,66 8 44.7 4 0.2 423 10.2 Clinton 4,215 6010 14.3 1 ,632 42.2 3S.7 2 ,233 57.3 5 3.0 350 8.3 Coles 7,429 418R 5.6 3 ,5 14 13.2 47.3 3,096 46.8 41.7 819 11.0 Cook 277,854 72, 276R 26.0 156,048 65.1 56.2 83,772 34.9 30.1 38,334 13.7 Crawford 4,111 205R 5.0 1 ,99 7 52.7 4 8. b 1 ,792 47.3 43.5 322 7.6 Cumberland 3,2 84 1790 5.5 1 ,04 5 46.1 31.8 1 ,224 53.9 37.3 1,015 30.9 DeKalb 3,913 2,433P 62.2 2,911 85.9 7 '+.4 473 14.1 12.2 524 13.4 DeWitt 4,384 40 . 1 1,637 49.9 37.3 1 ,641 50.1 37.4 1,106 25.2 Douglas* DuPage 3,822 4] 3? 10.8 1, 390 5 3.7 3 6.4 977 41.3 25.6 1,455 38.1 4,248 2, 058? 4 9.4 2 ,872 77.9 6 7.6 814 22.1 19.2 562 13.2 Edgar Edwards * 7,081 76" 1.1 3,071 5 0.6 4 3.4 2,995 4 9.4 42.3 1,015 14.3 2, 070 564P 27.2 867 74.1 4 1.9 3 03 25.9 14.6 900' 43.5 Effingham 3,737 7970 21.3 1 ,34 3 33.6 3 5.9 2,14 61.4 57.3 254 6.8 Fayette 6,065 18 80 3.1 2 ,404 43.1 99.6 2,592 51.9 42.7 1,069 17.6 Ford 2,835 1 ,C04R 35.4 1,70 3 7 0.9 '60.1 69 9 29.1 24.7 433 15.3 Franklin 4, 159 107R 2.6 1,912 5 1.4 46.0 1 ,805 48.6 4 3.4 442 10.6 Fulton 9,0 94 408R 4.5 3,831 32 .8 42.1 3,423 47.2 37.6 1,340 20.2 Gallatin 2,373 2 640 9.2 998 44.2 3 4.7 1,262 55.3 4 3.9 613 21.3 Greene 3,10? 728n 23.5 700 32.9 22.5 1 ,423 67.1 46.0 9 74 31.4 Grundy 3,378 1,689P 5 0.P 2,360 77.9 69.9 671 22.1 19.9 347 10.3 Hamilton* 3,521 20D .6 970 4 9.5 27.8 999 50.5 23.4 1,543 43.8 Hancock 6,857 1760 2.6 2,897 43.5 4 2.2 3 ,073 51.5 44.8 387 12.9 Hardin 1,426 68" 4.1 710 52.1 4 9.8 652 47.9 45.7 64 4.5 Henderson l,96 n 6^8R 32.6 1 ,200 69.1 61.2 562 31.9 2 8.7 193 10.1 Henry Iroquois 7,048 2, 123R 3 0.1 4,247 66.7 60.3 2,124 3 3.3 ,-•0.1 677 9.6 5,521 1 ,74 3R 31.6 3,265 63.2 59.2 1,523 31.3 27.6 732 13.3 Jackson 5,741 947R 16.5 2,759 6 0.4 4 9.1 1,312 39.6 31.6 1,170 20.4 Jasper 3,637 291^ 3.0 1 ,453 4 5.4 4-^.0 1 ,744 5 4 . 48.0 440 12.1 Jefferson 6,015 151R 2.5 2,622 51.4 4 5 . 9 2 ,571 4 3.6 '; 4 . 4 522 6.7 Jersey 2,983 3/+6D 11.6 1,239 43.9 4 1.5 1,535 56.1 53.0 164 3.5 JoDaviess 4,777 S54R 17." 2 ,69? 5 9.4 56.5 1 ,845 40.6 3 8.6 233 4. J Johnson 2,597 500R 19.3 1 ,36? 65.3 4 1.2 569 34.7 21.9 95? 36.9 Kane 10,807 4,94 1R 45.7 7,176 76.3 66.4 2,233 23.7 2 0.7 1,398 12.9 Kankakee 6 , 2 ? 3 3,0090 4 S . 4 4,33 5 76.6 69.7 1,326 23.4 21.3 562 9.0 Kendall 1,756 1, 121R 63.8 1,316 37.1 74.9 195 12.9 11.1 245 14.0 Knox 5,999 3,009R 5 0.2 4 ,089 79.1 68.2 1 ,080 20.9 18.0 330 13.6 Lake 5,496 3, 199R 59.2 4,13? 31.5 75.3 940 18. 5 17.1 4 17 7.6 La Salle 15,293 1,973R 12.9 3,07 3 57. C 52.8 6,093 43.3 39.9 1,112 7.3 Lawrence 3,56 3 510 1.4 1 ,337 49.1 37.3 1 ,338 3 0.9 3 9.0 6 36 -3.5 Lee 5,810 1,492R 2 5.7 3,39 5 64.1 58.4 1,903 3 5.9 32.6 512 8.8 Livingston Logan Macon 6,230 1 ,62 OR 2 5.0 3,336 56.0 53.5 1 ,716 34.0 27.5 1,178 18.9 6,086 1650 2.7 2,365 43.3 38.9 2,5j0 51.7 41.0 1,191 13.6 7,692 1,631R 21.2 3,968 62.9 51.6 2,337 37.1 30.4 1,337 16.0 18 STATE TREASURER - 1906 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin S,952 J 140 3. 5 3,631 .+ 7 • 3 4 0.5 3,945 52.1 44.0 1,386 15.5 Madison 12,447 2 i 4 • . 6,427 62.0 51.6 3,943 33.0 31.7 2,077 16.7 Marion 6,461 119R 1.8 2,818 51.1 4 3 . 6 2,699 48.9 41.8 944 14.6 Marshall ? , ': 5 5 240 1. 1,373 49.! 4 4 . 2 1,607 50.5 45.2 375 10.5 Mason 2,1 i 5 360 13.9 330 7. ■ 26.3 1,416 63.0 45.7 855 27.6 Massac 1,75 » 3 3 3 '. '.'■ 1,124 79.4 64.2 291 20.6 16.6 337 19.2 McDonough 6,7 '-■ 7.6 : ,224 54 .3 48.1 2,716 45.7 40.5 765 11.4 McHenry . 2,281R 6 9.6 2,631 87.3 80.9 370 12.2 11.3 257 7.8 McLean 11 , 3 7 7 311-5 7.1 4,225 5 5.3 37.1 3 ,414 44.7 30.0 3,738 32.9 Menard 3,?30 1860 5.7 1,00 "■ 43.7 30.9 1 ,186 54.3 36.6 1,053 32.5 Mercer 3,370 82 ;r 24.3 1,859 64.1 5 5.0 1 ,039 35.9 30.7 481 14.2 Monroe 3 , 2 U":: 3.7 1,518 51.9 50.6 1 ,408 43.1 46.9 74 2.5 Montgomery 6,3M 1120 1.6 2,555 43.9 37.3 2 ,667 51.1 39.0 1,619 23.7 Morgan* 7,925 3 6 30 4.6 1 ,636 45.0 20.6 1 ,999 55.0 25.2 4,290 54.1 Moultrie 3 , 2 1 ! 3.1 957 4 7.6 31.6 1 ,032 52.4 34.8 1,018 33.6 Ogle 5 , 4 6 " 2,552R 46. / 3,692 76.4 67.6 1 ,140 23.6 20.9 628 11.5 Peoria 14,233 1 , 9 1 5 R 1 3 . 5 7,45 : 57.4 52.3 5,535 42.6 58.9 1,248 8.8 Perry 4,211 4 62R 11.5 1,765 57.5 4 4 . 1 ,303 42.5 32.5 943 23.5 Piatt 3,126 ' 22.6 1,563 63.2 53.6 978 36.8 31.3 465 14.9 Pike 5,95 3 - r 6D 7.7 2,279 45.5 38.3 2 ,735 34.5 45.9 939 15.8 Pope 1,713 7 2 9R ■■,2.. 1,131 73 .3 66.0 412 26.7 24.1 170 9.9 Pulaski 2, : 1, 14 7 ■■■ 54.5 1,564 79.0 74.4 417 21.0 19.8 122 5.8 Putnam 1,026 ns° 21.2 56 3 62.0 54.9 345 33.0 33.6 118 11.5 Randolph 5 , .3 6 1 SO IS 5.6 2,626 5 3 . J 49.0 2,325 47.0 43.4 410 7.6 Richland 3,422' 1180 1 ,166 47.6 34.1 1 ,284 52.4 37.5 970 28.4 Rock Island i»'-;i ■ 29.9 5,771 67.6 57.5 2,768 32.4 27.6 1,493 14.9 Saline 4,422 456.R 1 . 3 2,071 56.2 4 6.8 1,615 43.8 36.5 736 16.6 Sangamon* 19,107 1,2160 6.4 4 , 048 44.4 25.4 6,064 55.6 31.7 8,195 42.9 Schuyler 3 ,305 ' 3.6 1,198 44.7 36.2 1 ,481 55.3 44.8 626 18.9 Scott 2, r 2620 10.4 793 42.9 31.5 1,055 57.1 42.1 660 26.3 Shelby 6,430 3250 1 2 . 3 1 ,66 7 40.1 25.9 2,492 59.9 38.8 2,271 35.3 Stark 1,813 6 3 2 R 34.9 1,133 69.3 62.6 503 30.7 27.7 175 9.7 St. Clair IP, 1 99 2»9*9R 16.2 9, 7: 59.7 49.9 6,124 40.3 33.7 3,002 16.5 Stephenson 7 ,22i 4 9 2 R 6.8 3,66 7 5 3.6 3 0.6 3,175 46.4 44.0 379 5.2 Tazewell 6,334 188D 2.8 2,82c 48.4 41.4 3 ,016 51.6 44.1 990 14.5 Union 2,849 3 6 1 D 1 2 . 7 1,102 h3.j 38.7 1 ,463 57.0 51.4 284 10.0 Vermilion 11 ,374 5 » , . 3 R 4 4 . 6,924 73.3 60.9 1,921 21.7 16.9 2,529 22.2 Wabash 2,942 1170 4.0 1,133 47.6 33.7 1,255 52.4 42.7 549 18.7 Warren 5,168 5 3 7 2 13.3 2,439 5 3.0 43.2 1 ,802 42.0 34.9 877 17.0 Washington 62 5? 16. 6 2,002 59.2 53.1 1,377 40.3 36.6 388 10.3 Wayne 3 , 2 6 5 186R 3.5 1,829 52.7 34.7 1 ,643 47.3 31.2 1,793 34.1 White 4, 944 1570 i.2 1 ,673 4 7.8 2 3.8 1,830 52.2 37.3 1,441 29.1 Whiteside 4,372 2 , )64 : 4 7.2 2,986 7 6.4 68.3 922 23.6 21.1 464 10.6 Will 12,131 4 , 2 1 R 2 3. ] 7,553 63.1 62.3 3,5^2 31.9 29.1 1,046 8.6 Williamson 5,929 ' 14.6 2,755 5 9.3 46.5 1,892 43.7 31.9 1,282 21.6 Winnebago 5,428 2, 623R 4 J . j 3,380 31.7 62.3 757 18.3 13.9 1,291 23.8 Woodford 4,043 1350 2.6 1,706 43.5 42.1 1,811 51.5 44.7 531 13.1 TOTAL - . 13 145,560R 1 :.i 417,544 60.6 50.6 271,984 39.4 33.0 135,055 16.4 Downstate = r 6 , 7 2 : 7 . . . • E '• - 13.- 2 6 1,496 58.1 47.B ,212 41.9 34.4 97,021 17.7 Suburban Cook 1 9 , r. 3 ' 1 » 1 6 2 R 53.4 13,433 80.2 70.9 3,321 19.8 17.5 2,226 11.7 Chicago ?58,824 £2,1 Its.' 24.0 142 . 6 3.9 55.1 30,451 36.1 31.1 35,808 13.8 *0ouglas (1,435), Edwards (877), Hamilton (1,515), Morgan (4,133), and Sangamon (7,707) counties were carried by the Prohibition I arty. The number in parenthesis is the vote cast for that party in each county. 19 SUMMARY- 1908 PRESIDENT Co 1 unties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican William H. Taft 629,932 230,400 399,532 69 Democratic William J. Bryan 450,810 152,990 297,820 33 Prohibition Eugene W. Chafin 29,364 5,965 23,399 Socialist Eugene V. Debs 34,711 18,842 15,869 Socialist Labor August Gilhaus 1,680 649 1,031 Independence Thomas L. Hisgen 7,724 5,994 1,730 United Christian Daniel B. Turney 400 178 222 People's Thomas E. Watson 633 73 560 GOVERNOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Charles S. Deneen 550,076 192,937 357,139 53 Democratic Adlai E. Stevenson 526,912 192,891 334,021 49 Prohibition Daniel R. Sheen 33,922 6,680 27 , 242 Socialist James H. Brower 31,293 17,330 13,963 Socialist Labor Gustav A. Jennings 1,526 623 903 Independence George W. McCaskrin 10,883 6,419 4,464 21 PRESIDENT- 1908 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 16,314 1,0610 6.5 7,233 46.6 44.3 3,2 94 53.4 50.3 787 4.3 Alexander 5,936 1 ! 763R 29.7 3,790 65.2 63.8 2 ,027 34.3 34.1 119 2.0 Bond 3,9^2 6733 1 7 . 2,143 5 9.4 53.7 1,465 40.6 36.7 3 84 9.6 Boone 3,668 2,218R 60. i 2,305 82.7 76.1 587 17.3 15.9 296 8.0 Brown 2,64 3 6620 25.0 947 37.1 3 5.3 1 ,609 62.9 60.9 7 3.3 Bureau 9, 136 2,409R 26.2 3,283 64.8 5 7.5 2,371 35.2 31.3 1,035 11.3 Calhoun 1,72 6 1700' 9.8 735 44.3 42.6 905 55.2 52.4 86 5.0 Carroll 4 , 3 1 J 1 »746R 40.5 2,375 71 .6 66.7 1 ,129 23.2 26.2 306 7.1 Cass 4,42 3 5 560 12.6 1 ,378 43.6 4 2.6 2 ,434 5 6.4 55.0 111 2.5 Champaign 12,531 2, 3 32R 18.6 7,162 5 9.7 57.2 4,3 30 40.3 38.5 539 4.3 Christian 8,44^ 4700 5.6 3,686 4 7.0 43.6 4 ,156 5 3.0 49.2 607 7.2 Clark 6,161 365? 5.9 3,158 5 '■ • 1 51.3 2,793 46.9 45.3 210 3.4 Clay 4,543 98R 2.2 2,250 31.1 49.5 2,152 48.9 4 7.4 141 3. 1 Clinton 5,33: 9 1 2D 17.0 2, 104 41.1 39.1 3 ,016 38. 9 66.1 260 4.8 Coles 8,632 4 3 1 R 5.0 4,338 5 2.6 5 0.3 3,957 '-7.4 4 5.8 287 3.3 Cook 415,091 7 7, 4 1 OR 18.6 230,400 60.1 5 6.5 152,990 39.9 36.9 31,701 7.6 Crawford 6,252 2C0R 3.2 3,09 51.7 49.4 2,890 48.3 46.2 272 4.4 Cumberland 3,649 7 ID 1.9 1 ,739 49.0 47.7 1,610 51.0 49.6 100 2.7 DeKalb 8,091 4, 134R 51.1 5,366 7 7.2 72.5 1,732 22.3 21 .4 493 6. 1 DeWitt 4,943 473° Q .6 2,62 3 54. 9 "33.2 2,155 4 5.1 43.6 160 3.2 Douglas 4,803 739? 15.4 2,656 53.1 55.3 1,917 41.9 39. ? 227 4.7 DuPage 7,n83 2,5:5? 36. 1 4,530 69.6 64. 1 ,975 30.4 2 7.9 575 6.1 Edgar 7,445 324R 4.4 3,757 52.3 50.5 3,4 33 47.7 46.1 255 3.4 Edwards 2,503 667R 34.6 1,614 6 3 . 4 64.5 747 SI. 6 29.3 142 5.7 Effingham 4,833 9h9D 19.6 1,877 ? 9 . 9 38.9 2,326 60.1 58.3 127 2.6 Fayette 6,7: ) 68R 1.0 3,261 50.5 43. 7 3, 193 49.5 47. 7 246 3.7 Ford 3,990 1,453R 35.4 2 ,617 69.2 65.6 1 ,164 30.8 29.2 209 5.2 Franklin 5,233 138R 2.6 2,539 51 .4 48.5 2,401 43.6 4 5 . 9 293 5.6 Fulton 12,025 1.171P 9.7 6,077 55.3 60.5 4,906 44.7 40.8 1,042 8.7 Gallatin 3,3^8 434D 12. & 1 ,411 4 3.3 4 1.3 1,845 36.7 54.6 122 3.6 Greene 5,389 1, 1550 21.4 2,004 33.3 37.2 3,159 61.2 5 8.6 226 4.2 Grundy 4,957 1 ,768? 35.7 3 , 127 69.7 6 3.1 1,359 30.3 27.4 471 9.5 Hamilton 4,087 3190 7.8 ] ,609 4 5.9 44.3 2,123 54.1 62.1 150 3.7 Hancock 8,315 479D 5.3 3,781 4 7 . 45.5 4,2 60 53.0 51.2 274 3.3 Hardin 1,543 133R 3.6 813 54.5 5 2.5 680 4 5.5 43.9 55 3.6 Henderson 2,486 ^27R 29.2 1 ,547 65.4 62.2 820 34.6 33.0 119 4.8 Henry -9,897 3.888R 3 9. 3 6,387 71.9 64.5 2,499 28.1 25.3 1,011 10.2 Iroquois 8,237 1 ,839? 22.9 4,855 62.1 63.9 2 ,966 37.9 36.0 416 5.1 Jackson 7,563 °67R 11.5 4,016 66.1 5 3.1 3,149 43.9 41.6 403 5.3 Jasper 4,325 4 5 70 10.6 1,860 44.5 43.0 2,317 55.5 53.6 143 3.4 Jefferson 6,737 167D 2.5 3,210 4 8.7 47.3 3 ,377 51.3 49.8 200 2.9 Jersey 3,332 35SD 10.6 1 ,463 4 4.5 43.2 1,818 55.5 5 3.8 104 3.1 JoDaviess 5,739 822R 14.3 3,132 5 7.6 6 4.6 2,310 42.4 40.3 297 5.2 Johnson 3,072 858R 2 7.9 1 ,913 64.5 62.3 1 ,055 3 5.5 34.3 104 3.4 Kane 18,267 8,524R 46.7 12,340 74.8 70.3 4,316 2 5.2 23.6 1,111 6.1 Kankakee 8,763 3.538R 40.4 5,99 9 70.9 6 8.5 2,461 29.1 20.1 303 3.5 Kendall 2,637 1.392R 52. £ 1 ,948 77.8 7 3'. 9 556 22.2 21.1 133 5.0 Knox 11 ,098 3,807R 34.3 7,084 63.4 j3.3 3,277 31.6 2 9.5 737 6.6 Lake 9,379 4, 123R 44.0 6,392 73.3 68.2 2,264 26.2 24.1 723 7.7 LaSalle 2 0,0 74 3.5 70R 17. & 11 ,159 5 9.5 5 5.', 7,589 40.5 3 /.8 1,326 6.6 Lawrence 4,659 56D 1.2 2 ,197 4?. 4 47.2 2,253 50.6 4 3.4 209 4.5 Lee 6,701 2, 111R 31.5 4,255 66.5 63.5 2,144 33.5 32.0 302 4.5 Livingston Logan Macon ",596 i» 531R i 6 • 5 5,358 53.6 65.8 3,778 41.4 3 '1.4 460 4.8 7,275 9 50 1.3 3,451 49.3 47.4 3,546 50.7 48.7 278 3.8 11,866 2,028R 17.1 6,64 3 5 9.0 56.0 4,615 41.0 38.9 603 5.1 22 PRESIDENT- 1908 Rep.-Dem. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of p Total Vote Cast Plurality Number Number Number County Two- Parry Vote Total Vote Two- Pa rty Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 11,664 787D 6.7 4,988 46.3 42.8 5,775 53.7 49.5 901 7.7 Madison 18,503 1,6519 8.9 9,463 54.8 51.1 7,812 45.2 42.2 1,228 6.6 Marion 7,963 566D 7. 1 3 ,435 46.2 43.1 4 ,001 53.8 50.2 527 6.6 Marshall 3,776 179R 4.7 1 ,893 52.5 50.1 1,714 47.5 45.4 169 4.5 Mason 4,424 3400 7.7 1 ,924 4 5.9 43.5 2,264 54.1 51.2 236 5.3 Massac 2,829 1 ,432?! 50.6 2,084 76.2 73.7 652 23.8 23.0 93 3.3 McDonough 7,312 621R 8.5 3,733 54.5 51.1 3,112 45.5 42.6 467 6.4 McHenry 7,501 3,4449 45.9 5,331 73.9 71.1 1,887 26.1 25.2 233 3.8 McLean 16,023 2 » 9 7 1 R 18.5 8,953 59.9 55.9 5,982 40.1 37.3 1,088 6.8 Menard 3,512 148D 4.2 1,600 47.8 45.6 1,748 52.2 49.8 164 4.7 Mercer 4,992 1 »094R 21.9 2,871 61.8 57.5 1,777 33.2 35.6 344 6.9 Monroe 3,273 221R 6.8 1,733 53.4 5 2.9 1,512 46.6 46.2 28 .9 Montgomery 8,287 1270 1.5 3,78? 49.2 4 5.6 3,909 50.8 47.2 596 7.2 Morgan 8,363 26R .3 4,019 50.2 48.1 3,993 49.8 47.7 351 4.2 Moultrie 3,513 9R .3 1 ,704 50.1 48.4 1,6^5 49.9 43.2 119 3.4 Ogle 7,002 3,087R 44.1 4 ,848 73.4 69.2 1,761 26.6 25.1 393 5.6 Peoria 20,635 1,930R 9.4 10,828 54.9 52.5 8,898 45.1 43.1 909 4.4 Perry 5,170 90D 1.7 2,392 49.1 46.3 2,482 50.9 48.0 296 5.7 Piatt 4,053 819R 20.2 2,349 6 0.6 58.0 1 ,530 39.4 37.7 174 4.3 Pike 7,265 9270 12.8 2,932 43.2 4 0.4 3,859 36.8 53.1 474 6.5 Pope 2,518 958R 38. C 1,706 69.5 6 7 .8 748 30.5 29.7 64 2.5 Pulaski 3,349 1.105R 33. C 2,185 66.9 65.2 1,080 33.1 32.2 84 2.5 Putnam 1,324 421R 31.8 834 66.9 63.0 413 33.1 31.2 77 5.8 Randolph 6,473 127D 2.0 3,045 49.0 47.0 3,172 51.0 49.0 256 4.0 Richland 3,816 2540 6.7 1,684 46.5 44.1 1 ,938 53.5 50.3 194 5.1 Rock Island 14,781 3,457R 23.4 8,196 63.4 55.4 4,739 36.6 32.1 1,846 12.5 Saline 5,996 654R 10.9 3,125 55.8 52.1 2,471 44.2 41.2 400 6.7 Sangamon 20,934 1 .0719 5.1 10,422 52.7 49.8 9,351 47.3 44.7 1,161 5.5 Schuyler 3,745 2540 6.8 1,622 4 6.4 43.3 1,876 53.6 50.1 247 6.6 Scott 2,575 2750 10.7 1 ,101 44.4 42.8 1,376 55.6 53.4 98 3.8 Shelby 7,830 7 530 9.6 3,312 44.9 4 2.3 4,065 55.1 51.9 453 5.8 Stark 2,467 897R 36.4 1,635 63.9 66.3 738 31.1 29.9 94 3.8 St. Clair 25,934 1»277R 4.9 12,619 52.7 48.7 11,342 47.3 43.7 1,973 7.6 Stephenson 9,041 529R 5.9 4,505 53.0 50.9 4,076 47.0 45.1 360 4.0 Tazewell 7,923 19D .2 3,767 49.9 47.5 3,786 50.1 47.3 370 4.7 Union 4,529 995D 22.0 1,695 33.7 37.4 2,690 61.3 59.4 144 3.2 Vermilion 19,344 5.406R 27.9 11,726 65.0 60.6 6,320 3 5.0 32.7 1,298 6.7 Wabash 3,509 303D 8.6 1,511 45.4 43.1 1,814 54.6 51.7 184 5.2 Warren 6,066 956R 15.3 3,283 53.5 54.1 2,327 41.5 33.4 456 7.5 Washington 4,372 525R 12.0 2,355 56.3 53.9 1,830 43.7 41.9 187 4.3 Wayne 5,940 155R 2.6 2,946 51 .4 49.6 2,791 48.6 47.0 203 3.4 White 5,600 4980 3.9 2,436 45.4 43.5 2,934 54.6 52.4 230 4. 1 Whiteside 7,997 3, 117R 39.0 5,257 71.1 65.7 2,140 28.9 26.8 600 7.5 Will 16,901 4,6659 27.6 10,358 64.5 61.3 5,693 35.5 33.7 850 5.0 Williamson 9,093 1,273R 14.0 4,786 57.7 52.6 3,513 42.3 38.6 794 8.7 Winnebago 12,467 5.756R 54.2 3,919 30.5 71.5 2 ,163 19.5 17.3 1,385 11.1 Woodford 4,637 48R 1.0 2,204 50.6 47.5 2,156 49.4 46.5 277 6.0 TOTAL 1 ,155,254 179, 122R 15.5 629,932 53.3 54.5 450,810 41.7 39.0 74,512 6.4 Downstate 740,163 101.712R 13.7 399,532 57.3 54.0 297,820 42.7 40.2 42,311 5.8 Suburban Cook 42,270 14,575R 34.5 24,570 71.1 58.1 9,995 28.9 23.6 7,705 18.2 Chicago 372,821 62,835R 16.9 205,330 5V.0 65.2 142,995 41.0 38.4 23,996i l- 6.4 ♦Includes a scattering of votes in Cicero for the candidates of the Socialist Labor, United Christian, and People's parties. 23 GOVERNOR - 1908 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 16»28'2 2,511D 15.4 6,529 41 .9 40.1 9,040 58.1 55.5 713 4.4 Alexander 5,893 1.569R 26.6 3,682 63.5 62.5 2,113 36.5 35.9 98 1.7 Bond 3.998 463R 11.6 2,041 56.4 51.1 1 ,578 43.6 39.5 379 9.5 Boone 3.703 825R 22.3 2,053 62.6 55.4 1,228 37.4 33.2 422 11.4 Brown 2,632 839D 31.9 860 33.6 32.7 1,699 66.4 64.6 73 2.8 Bureau 9,086 1.423R 15.7 4,741 58.8 52.2 3,318 41.2 36.5 1.027 11.3 Calhoun 1,715 2100 12.2 710 4 3.6 41.4 920 56.4 53.6 85 5.0 Carroll 4,280 659R 15.4 2,287 58.4 53.4 1,628 41.6 38.0 365 8.5 Cass 4, 403 8870 20.1 1,703 39.7 3 8.7 2,590 60.3 58.8 110 2.5 Champaign 12,515 289D 2.3 5,733 48.8 45.8 6,022 51.2 48.1 760 6.1 Christian 8,441 922D 10.9 3,450 44.1 40.9 4,372 55.9 51.8 619 7.3 Clark 6,130 258R 4.2 3,103 52.2 50.6 2,845 47.8 46.4 182 3.0 Clay 4,530 136D 3.0 2,128 48.5 47.0 2.264 51.5 50.0 138 3.0 Clinton 5,326 1, 1070 20.8 1,992 39.1 37.4 3.099 60.9 58.2 235 4.4 Coles 8,594 1430 1.7 4,091 49.1 47.6 4.234 50.9 49.3 269 3.1 Cook 416,880 46R .0 192,937 50.0 46.3 192.891 50.0 46.3 31,052 7.4 Crawford 6,212 122R 2.0 3,037 51.0 48.9 2.915 49.0 46.9 260 4.2 Cumberland 3,633 154D 4.2 1,691 47.8 46.5 1.845 52.2 50.8 97 2.7 DeKalb 8,069 2.538R 31.5 5,024 66.9 62.3 2.486 33.1 30.8 559 6.9 DeWitt 4,947 180R 3.6 2,465 51.9 49.8 2.285 48. 1 46.2 197 4.0 Douglas 4,790 216R 4.5 2,381 52.4 49.7 2.165 47.6 45.2 244 5.1 DuPage 6,994 1.053R 15.1 3,736 58.2 53.4 2.683 41.8 38.4 575 8.2 Edgar 7,424 149R 2.0 3,658 51.0 49.3 3,509 49.0 47.3 257 3.5 Edwards 2,496 681R 27.3 1,517 64.5 60.8 836 35.5 33.5 143 5.7 Effingham 4,810 1.2390 25.8 1,730 36.8 36.0 2.969 63.2 61.7 111 2.3 Fayette 6,657 221D 3.3 3,102 48.3 46.6 3.323 51.7 49.9 232 3.5 Ford 4,074 624R 15.3 2,185 58.3 53.6 1.561 41.7 38.3 328 8.1 Franklin 5.220 32D .6 2,454 49.7 47.0 2.486 50.3 47.6 280 5.4 Fulton 11,965 601R 5.0 5,748 52.8 48.0 5.147 47.2 43.0 1.070 8.9 Gallatin 3,372 4790 14.2 1,389 42.6 41.2 1.868 57.4 55.4 115 3.4 Greene 5,397 1,5030 27.8 1,838 35.5 34.1 3,341 64.5 61.9 218 4.0 Grundy 4,955 1.072R 21.6 2,748 62.1 55.5 1,676 37.9 33.8 531 10.7 Hamiltor 4,073 3850 9.5 1,782 45.1 43.8 2.167 54.9 53.2 124 3.0 Hancock 8,277 1 .028D 12.4 3,476 43.6 42.0 4.504 56.4 54.4 297 3.6 Hardin 1.542 111R 7.2 802 53.7 52.0 691 46.3 44.8 49 3.2 Henderson 2,460 593R 24.1 1,465 62.7 59.6 872 37.3 35.4 123 5.0 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 9,891 2.211R 22.4 5,502 62.6 55.6 3.291 37.4 33.3 1.098 11.1 8,190 661R 8.1 4,183 54.3 51.1 3.522 45.7 43.0 485 5.9 7,551 574R 7.6 3,880 54.0 51.4 3,306 46.0 43.8 365 4.8 4,30? 575D 13.4 1,797 43.1 41.8 2.372 56.9 55.1 133 3.1 Jefferson 6,732 369D 5.5 3,093 47.2 45.9 3.462 52.8 51.4 177 2.6 Jersey JoDaviess Johnson 3,374 481D 14.3 1,391 42.6 41.2 1 .872 57.4 55.5 111 3.3 5,739 120D 2.1 2,647 43.9 46.1 2.767 51.1 48.2 325 5.7 3,066 641R 20.9 1,804 60.8 58.8 1.163 39.2 37.9 99 3.2 Kane 18,120 4.722R 26.1 '10,844 63.9 59.8 6.122 36.1 33.8 1.154 6.4 Kankakee 8,780 733R 8.3 4,607 54.3 52.5 3.874 45.7 44.1 299 3.4 Kendall 2,621 902R 34.4 1,681 68.3 64.1 77^ 31.7 29.7 161 6.1 Knox 11.067 2.901R 26.2 6,579 64.1 59.4 3.678 35.9 33.2 810 7.3 Lake 9,348 2.585R 27.7 5,583 65.1 59.7 2.998 34.9 32.1 767 8.2 LaSalle 19,988 926R 4.6 9,774 52.5 48.9 8,848 47.5 44.3 1.366 6.8 Lawrence 4,648 95D 2.0 2,180 48.9 46.9 2,275 51.1 48.9 193 4.2 Lee 6,794 821R 12.1 3,643 56.3 53.6 2,822 43.7 41.5 329 4.8 Livingston Logan 9,495 285D 3.0 4,324 48.4 45.5 4,609 51.6 48.5 562 5.9 7,239 843D 11.6 3,058 43.9 42.2 3,901 56.1 53.9 280 3.9 Macon 11,828 155R 1.3 5,666 50.7 47.9 5.511 49.3 46.6 651 5.5 24 GOVERNOR - 1908 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number* Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Pa rty Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 11,581 1.288D 11.1 4,714 44.0 40.7 6,002 56.0 51.8 865 7.5 Madison 18.441 263R 1.4 8,803 50.8 47.7 8,540 49.2 46.3 1,098 6.0 Marion 7,950 842D 10.6 3,310 44.4 41.6 4,152 55.6 52.2 438 6.1 Marshall 3,766 89D 2.4 1,725 48.7 45.8 1,814 51.3 48.2 227 6.0 Mason 4,419 682D 15.4 1,697 41.6 38.4 2,379 58.4 53.8 343 7.8 Massac 2,828 1,250R 44.2 1 ,995 72.8 70.5 745 27.2 26.3 88 3.1 McDonough 7,281 181R 2.5 3,494 51.3 48.0 3,313 48.7 45.5 474 6.5 McHenry 7,528 1.284R 17.1 4,249 58.9 56.4 2,965 41.1 39.4 314 4.2 McLean 16,074 279R 1.7 7,579 50.9 47.2 7,300 49.1 45.4 1,195 7.4 Menard 3,501 425D 12.1 1.451 43.6 41.4 1.876 56.4 53.6 174 5.0 Mercer 4,961 771R 15.5 2.60.0 58.7 52.4 1.829 41.3 36.° 532 10.7 Monroe 3,263 84R 2.6 1,662 51.3 50.9 1.578 48.7 48.4 23 .7 Montgomery 8 , 2-34 670D 8.1 3,494 45.6 42.4 4.164 54.4 50.6 576 7.0 Morgan 8,360 1,210D 14.5 3,361 42.4 40.2 4,571 57.6 54.7 428 5.1 Moultrie 3,506 175D 5.0 1,602 47.4 45.7 1,777 52.6 50.7 127 3.6 Ogle 6,923 1,564R 22.6 3,998 62.2 57.7 2,434 37.8 35.2 491 7.1 Peoria 20,610 5860 2.8 9,395 48.5 45.6 9,981 51.5 48.4 1,234 6.0 Perry 5,189 360D 6.9 2,275 46.3 43.8 2,635 53.7 50.8 279 5.4 Piatt 4,039 316R 7.8 2,078 54.1 51.4 1,762 45.9 43.6 199 4.9 Pike 7,224 1, 188D 16.4 2,806 41.3 38.8 3,994 58.7 55.3 424 5.9 Pope 2.527 847R 33.5 1,659 67.1 65.7 812 32.9 32.1 56 2.2 Pulaski 3,326 986R 29.6 2,120 65.2 63.7 1.134 34.8 34.1 72 2.2 Putnam 1,313 319R 24.3 768 63.1 58.5 449 36.9 34.2 96 7.3 Randolph 6,458 826D 12.8 2,700 43.4 41.8 3.526 56.6 54.6 232 3.6 Richland 3,817 363D 9.5 1,623 45.0 42.5 1.986 55.0 52.0 208 5.4 Rock Island 14,789 2,542R 17.2 6,766 61.6 45.8 4.224 38.4 28.6 3,799 25.7 Saline 5,942 530R 8.9 3,047 54.8 51.3 2.517 45.2 42.4 373 6.4 Sangamon 20,961 1,409D 6.7 9,172 46.4 43.8 10.581 53.6 50.5 1,208 5.8 Schuyler 3,724 498D 13.4 1 ,490 42.8 40.0 1.988 57.2 53.4 246 6.6 Scott 2,572 4520 17.6 1 ,013 40.9 39.4 1 .465 59.1 57.0 94 3.7 Shelby 7,802 1,0720 13.7 3,149 42.7 40.4 4,221 57.3 54.1 432 5.5 Stark 2,467 422R 17.1 1,371 59.1 55.6 949 40.9 38.5 147 6.0 St. Clair 25,697 784D 3.1 11,583 48.4 45.1 12,367 51.6 48.1 1,74 7 6.8 Stephenson 8,930 813D 9.1 3,848 45.2 43.1 4,661 54.8 52.2 421 4.7 Tazewell 7,907 625D 7.9 3,421 45.8 43.3 4,046 54.2 51.2 440 5.6 Union 4,512 1.1170 24.8 1,627 37.2 36.1 2.744 62.8 60.8 141 3.1 Vermilion 19,195 3.849R 20.1 10,848 60.8 56.5 6,999 39.2 36.5 1,348 7.0 Wabash 3,487 3500 10.0 1,481 44.7 42.5 1,831 55.3 52.5 175 5.0 Warren 6,040 579R 9.6 3,081 55.2 51.0 2,502 44.8 41.4 457 7.6 Washington 4,360 377R 8.6 2,283 54.5 52.4 1,906 45.5 43.7 171 3.9 Wayne 5,889 50 .1 2,847 50.0 48.3 2,852 50.0 48.4 190 3.2 White 5,577 688D 12.3 2,335 43.6 41.9 3,023 56.4 54.2 219 3.9 Whiteside 7,966 1.716R 21.5 4,497 61.8 56.5 2,781 38.2 34.9 688 8.6 Will 16,814 1.348R 8.0 8,684 54.2 51.6 7,336 45.8 43.6 794 4.7 Williamson 9,065 970R 10.7 4,632 55.8 51.1 3,662 44.2 40.4 771 8.5 Winnebago 12,622 3.382R 26.8 7,301 65.1 57.8 3,919 34.9 31.0 1,402 11.1 Woodford 4,627 3400 7.3 1,938 46.0 41.9 2,273 54.0 '♦9.2 411 8.9 TOTAL 1.154,612 23. 164R 2.0 550,076 51. i 47.6 526,912 48.9 45.6 77,624 6.7 Downs tate 737,732 23.118R 3.1 357,139 51.7 48.4 334,021 48.3 45.3 46,572 6.3 Suburban Cook 38,196 7.537R 19.7 21,494 60.6 56.3 13,957 39.4 36.5 2,74 5 7.2 Chicago 378,684 7.491D 2.0 171,443 48.9 45.3 178,9 34 51.1 47.3 28,307 7.3 25 SUMMARY- 1910 STATE TREASURER Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Edwaid E. Mitchell 436,484 144,679 291,805 66 Democratic Alphaus K. Hartley 376,046 157,607 218,439 36 Prohibition Lorenzo J. Kendall 20,113 5,475 14,638 Socialist G. T. Fraenkel 49 , 687 29,852 19,835 Socialist Labor Gustav Larson 2,943 954 1,989 27 STATE TREASURER - 1910 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Pony Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 10,753 1,2020 11.2 4,455 4 4.1 41.4 5,657 55.9 52.6 641 6.0 Alexander 4.854 333R 6.9 2,541 53.5 52.3 2.208 46.5 45.5 105 2.2 Bond 3,269 641R 19.6 1,827 60.6 55.9 1 ,186 39.4 36.3 256 7.8 Boone 2, 184 1.395R 63.9 1 ,664 85.1 76.2 269 13.9 12.3 251 11.5 Brown 1,579 564D 35.7 480 31.5 30.4 1.044 68.5 66.1 55 3.5 Bureau 6,180 1,876R 30.4 3,601 67.6 58.3 1.725 32.4 27.9 854 13.8 Calhoun 1,484 3270 22.0 542 38.4 36.5 869 61.6 58.6 73 4.9 Carroll 2,767 1,447R 52.3 2 ,041 77.5 73.8 594 22.5 21.5 132 4.8 Cass 3,425 5670 16.6 1 ,381 41.5 40.3 1,948 58.5 56.9 96 2.8 Champaign 8,877 2.056R 23.2 5,302 62.0 59.7 3,246 38.0 36.6 329 3.7 Christian 6,659 3350 5.0 2,987 47.3 44.9 3,322 52.7 49.9 350 5.3 Clark 4,903 283R 5.8 2 ,534 53.0 51.7 2,251 47.0 45.9 118 2.4 Clay 3.720 295R 7.9 1 ,961 54.1 52.7 1.666 45.9 44.8 93 2.5 Clinton 3,956 609D 15.4 1,560 41.8 39.4 2.169 58.2 54.8 227 5.7 Coles 6,762 349R 5.2 3,433 52.7 50.8 3.084 47.3 45.6 245 3.6 Cook 338,567 2,9280 3.8 144,679 47.9 42.7 157,607 52.1 46.6 36,281 10.7 Crawford 5,121 69R 1.3 2,445 50.7 4 7.7 2.376 49.3 46.4 300 5.9 Cumberland 2,970 51D 1.7 1 ,415 49.1 47.5 1 ,466 50.9 49.2 98 3.3 DeKalb 4,039 2,152R 53.3 2 ,919 79.2 72.3 767 20.8 19.0 353 8.7 DeWitt 4,248 398R 9.4 2,260 54.8 53.2 1.862 4 5.2 43.8 126 3.0 Douglas 3,586 688R 19.2 2 ,061 60.0 57.5 1,373 40.0 38.3 152 4.2 DuPage 4,441 2.071R 46.6 3,047 75.7 68.6 976 24.3 22.0 418 9.4 Edgar Edwards 6,926 5780 8.3 3,076 45.7 44.4 3,654 54.3 52.8 196 2.8 I ,979 768R 38.8 1,340 70.1 67.7 572 29.9 28.9 67 3.4 Effingham 3,523 6260 17.8 1 ,394 40.8 39.6 2,020 59.2 57.3 109 3.1 Fayette 5,525 23R .4 2,690 50.2 48.7 2,667 49.8 48.3 168 3.0 Ford 2,907 983R 33.8 1,886 67.6 64.9 903 32.4 31.1 118 4.1 Franklin 4,518 202R 4.5 2 ,162 52.5 47.9 1,960 47.5 43.4 396 8.8 Fulton 8,5 79 1. 156R 13.5 4,506 57.4 52.5 3.350 42.6 39.0 723 8.4 Gallatin 2,422 4 790 19.8 918 39.7 37.9 1 ,397 60.3 57.7 107 4.4 Greene 2,955 1.0650 36.0 874 31.1 29.6 1 ,939 63.9 65.6 142 4.8 Grundy 3,757 1.21 OR 32.2 2,3 94 66.9 63.7 1 ,184 33.1 31.5 179 4.8 Hamilton 3,623 3590 9.9 1,583 44.9 43.7 1,942 55.1 53.6 93 2.7 Hancock 6,787 222D 3.3 3, 161 48.3 46.6 3,383 51.7 49.8 243 3.6 Hardin 1 ,418 33R 2.3 702 51.2 49.5 669 48.8 47.2 47 3.3 Henderson 1,995 727R 36.4 1 ,32 5 68.9 66.4 598 31.1 30.0 72 3.6 Henry 6,339 2, 350R 37.1 4,059 70.4 64.0 1 ,709 29.6 27.0 571 9.0 Iroquois 5, 133 1,6659 32.4 3,259 67.2 63.5 1,594 32.8 31.1 280 5.5 Jackson 6,276 1.035R 16.5 3,421 58.9 54.5 2.386 41.1 36.0 469 7.5 Jasper 3,277 3670 11.2 1,401 44.2 42.3 1,768 55.8 54.0 108 3.3 Jefferson 5,303 420 . r 2,753 49.6 47.4 2,795 50.4 48.2 255 4.4 Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 2,90 9 5140 17.7 1,164 41.0 40.0 1,678 59.0 57.7 67 2.3 4,782 727R 15.2 2,670 57.9 55.8 1 ,943 42.1 40.6 169 3.5 2,426 789R 32.5 1,571 6 5.8 64.8 782 33.2 32.2 73 3.0 8,707 3.966R 4 5.3 5,648 75.7 67.2 1,882 24.3 21.6 977 11.2 Kankakee 6,287 2.847R 4 5.3 4,3^2 74.1 69.5 1,525 25.9 24.3 390 6.2 Kendall 1.910 1.037R 54.3 1,434 78.3 75.1 397 21.7 20.8 79 4.1 Knox 6,803 2.846R 41.8 4,501 73.1 66.2 1,655 26.9 24.3 647 9.5 Lake 5,337 2,604R 48.8 3,635 77.9 68.1 1.031 22.1 19.3 671 12.6 LaSalle 15,143 2, 519R 16.6 8,283 59.0 54.7 5.769 41.0 38.1 1,091 7.2 Lawrence 4,2 36 132D 3. 1 1,987 48.4 46.9 2,119 51.6 50.0 130 3.1 Lee 5,251 1.292R 24.6 3,132 63.0 59.6 1.840 37.0 35.0 279 5.3 Livingston Logan Macon 7,470 1.615R 21.6 4,403 61.2 58.9 2.788 38.8 37.3 279 3.7 3,855 3390 5.8 2,644 4 7.0 45.2 2.983 53.0 50.9 228 3.9 9, 146 2.720R 29.7 5,715 65.6 62.5 2.995 34.4 32.7 436 4.8 28 STATE TREASURER - 1910 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 8,934 3900 9.9 3,726 44.7 41.5 4,616 55.3 51.4 642 7.1 Madison 13,920 1»991R 14.3 7,154 53.1 31.4 5,163 41.9 37.1 1,603 11.5 Marion 6,352 64D 1.0 2,767 49.4 43.6 2,831 50.6 44.6 754 11.9 Marshall 3,367 179D 5.3 1,547 47.3 4 5.9 1,726 52.7 51.3 94 2.8 Mason 3,212 546D 17.0 1,277 41.2 39.8 1,823 58.3 56.8 112 3.5 Massac 1,590 834R 52.5 1,181 77.3 74.3 347 22.7 21.8 62 3.9 McDonough 6, 114 646R 10.6 3,235 55.5 52.9 2,589 44.5 42.3 290 4.7 McHenry 3,902 2.379R 61.0 3,074 31.6 78.8 695 13.4 17.8 133 3.4 McLean 11,152 2.644R 23.7 6,543 62.6 58.7 3,904 37.4 35.0 700 6.3 Menard 3,002 1280 4.3 1,393 47.3 46.4 1,521 52.2 50.7 88 2.9 Mercer 3,156 1 , 128R 35.7 2,009 69.5 63.7 831 30.5 27.9 266 8.4 Monroe 3,135 213R 5.8 1 ,660 53.4 53.0 1,447 46.6 46.2 28 .9 Montgomery 6,689 7060 10.6 2,740 44 .3 4 1.0 3,4 46 55.7 51.5 503 7.5 Morgan 7,073 200R 2.8 3 ,547 51.5 50.1 3,347 48.5 47.3 179 2.5 Moultrie 2,870 174D 5.1 1 ,305 46.9 4 5.5 1 ,479 53.1 51.5 86 3.0 Ogle 3,160 1,654R 52.3 2,295 78.2 72.6 641 21.8 20.3 224 7.1 Peoria 14,243 2»087R 14.7 7,664 57.9 53.8 5,577 42.1 39.2 1,002 7.0 Perry 4,157 261R 6.3 2,030 53.4 48. 8 1 ,769 46.6 42.6 358 8.6 Piatt 2,538 683R 26.9 1 ,556 64.1 61.3 873 35.9 34.4 109 4.3 Pike 5,745 6160 10.7 2,412 44.3 42.0 3 ,028 55.7 52.7 305 5.3 Pope 1,879 664R 35.3 1 ,254 68.0 66.7 590 32.0 31.4 35 1.9 Pulaski 2,372 1 ,039R 43.8 1,664 72.7 70.2 625 27.3 26.3 83 3.5 Putnam 1,074 335R 31.2 669 66.7 62.3 334 33.3 31.1 71 6.6 Randolph 5,511 23R .4 2,586 50.2 4 6.9 2,563 49.3 46.5 362 6.6 Richland 3,262 205D 6.3 1 ,466 46.7 44.9 1 ,671 53.3 51.2 125 3.8 Rock Island 9,750 2,999R 30.8 5,5 14 63.7 56.6 2,515 31.3 25.8 1,721 17.7 Saline 5,704 508R 8.9 2,836 54.9 49.7 2,328 45.1 4C.8 540 9.5 Sangamon 17,513 1,692R 9.7 8,958 55.2 51.2 7,266 44.6 41.5 1,289 7.4 Schuyler 3,058 292D 9.5 1,307 4 5.0 4 2.7 1,599 55.0 52.3 152 5.0 Scott 2,362 311D 13.2 999 43.3 42.3 1 ,310 56.7 55.5 53 2.2 Shelby 5,579 731D 13.1 2,245 43.0 40.2 2,976 57.0 53.3 358 6.4 Stark 1,731 576R 33.3 1,119 67.3 64.6 543 32.7 31.4 69 4.0 St. Clair 21,586 2.660R 12.3 10,630 57.2 4.9.2 7,970 42.3 36.9 2,986 13.8 Stephenson 7,525 339R 4.5 3,809 52.3 50.6 3,470 47.7 46.1 246 3.3 Tazewell 6,809 253D 3.7 3,166 4 3.1 46.5 3,419 51.9 50. 2 224 3.3 Union 2,875 8 4 50 29.4 976 34.9 33.9 1 ,821 65.1 63.3 78 2.7 Vermilion 12,5.76 4,460p 35.5 7,990 69.4 63.5 3»530 30.6 28.1 1,056 8.4 Wabash 2,924 160D 5.5 1,327 4 7.2 45.4 1,437 52.3 50.9 110 3.8 Warren 4,800 605R 12.6 2,550 56.7 5 3.1 1,945 43.3 40.5 305 6.4 Washington 3,740 793R 21.2 2,172 61 .2 58.1 1,379 38.8 36.9 189 5.1 Wayne 5,204 379R 7.3 2 ,705 53.8 52.0 2,327 46.2 44.7 171 3.3 White 4,702 273D 5.8 2,125 47.0 4 5.2 2 ,398 53.0 51.0 179 3.8 Whiteside 4,498 2,040R 4 5.4 3,12.2 74.3 59.4 1,082 25.7 24.1 294 6.5 Will 12,791 2.775R 21.7 7,511 61 .3 58.7 4,735 38.7 37.0 544 4.3 Williamson 6,642 1, 186R 17.9 3,437 60.2 52.5 2,301 39.8 34.6 854 12.9 Winnebago 5,940 3.248R 54.7 3,810 37.1 64.1 562 12.9 9.5 1,568 26.4 Woodford 4,143 91D 2.2 1,963 43.9 47.4 2,054 51.1 49.6 126 3.0 TOTAL 885,273 60,438R 6.8 436,484 53.7 49.3 376,046 46.3 42.5 72,743 8.2 Downstate 546,706 73.366R 13.4 291,805 57.2 53.4 218,439 42.6 40.0 36,462 6.7 Suburban Cook 28,347 7,705R 27.2 16,652 65.0 58.7 8,947 35.0 31.6 2,748 9.7 Chicago 310,220 . 20,6330 6.7 128,027 46.3 41.3 148,660 53.7 47.9 33,533 10.8 29 SUMMARY - 1912 PRESIDENT Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican William H. Taft 253,593 74,851 178,742 10 Democratic Woodrow Wilson 405,048 130,702 274,346 64 Prohibition Eugene W. Chafin 15,710 2,737 12,973 Socialist Eugene V. Debs 81,278 52,659 28,619 Socialist Labor Arthur E. Reimer 4,066 2,302 1,764 Progressive Theodore Roosevelt 386,478 166,061 220,417 28 GOVERNOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Charles S. Deneen 318,469 108,578 209,891 14 Democratic Edward F. Dunne 443,120 168,488 274 , 632 67 Prohibition Edwin R. War re 11 15,231 3,193 12,038 Socialist John C. Kennedy 78,679 51 , 520 27,159 Socialist Labor John M. Francis 3,980 2,305 1,675 Progressive Frank H. Funk 303,401 113,357 190,044 21 31 PRESIDENT- 1912 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE* Percent of Percent of Percent County Plurality Number Two- Parly Total Vote Number Two- Party Total Vote Number of Total Vote Number Pet. Vote Vote Adams 14,263 4,219D 29.6 2,733 23.2 19.2 6,952 71.8 48.7 4,578 32.1 Alexander 4,793 67R 1.4 2 ,003 50.9 41.8 1,936 49.1 40.4 854 17.8 Bond 3,433 1260 3.7 1,152 47.4 33.6 1,278 52.6 37.2 1,003 29.2 Boone** 3,682 821R 22.3 1 ,361 71 .6 37.0 540 28.4 14.7 1,781 48.4 Brown 2,312 9770 42.3 381 21.9 16.5 1,358 78.1 58.7 573 24.8 Bureau** 9,153 9840' 10.8 1,816 39.3 19.8 2 ,800 60.7 30.6 4,537 49.6 Calhoun 1,218 229D 18.8 373 38.3 30.6 602 61.7 49.4 243 20.0 Carroll 4,111 479R 11.7 1,577 59.0 38.4 1,098 41.0 26.7 1,436 34.9 Cass 4, 195 1,5040 35.9 719 24.4 17.1 2,223 75.6 53.0 1,253 29.9 Champaign** 12,570 1,2340 9.8 3,220 42.0 25.6 4,454 58.0 35.4 4,896 38.9 Christian 7,882 1,827D 23.2 1,994 34.3 25.3 3,821 65.7 48.5 2,067 26.2 Clark 5,552 6200 11.2 1 ,897 43.0 34.2 2,517 57.0 45.3 1,138 20.5 Clay Clinton 4,341 3040 7.0 1 ,622 45.7 37.4 1,926- 54.3 44.4 793 18.3 4,750 1,7010 35.8 973 26.7 20.5 2,674 73.3 56.3 1,103 23.2 Coles 8,426 1, 1900 14.1 2,263 39.6 26.9 3,453 60.4 41.0 2,710 32.2 Cook** 429,312 55,85lD 13.0 74,851 36.4 17.4 130,702 63.6 30.4 223,759 52.1 Crawford 5,676 1.425D 25.1 1,266 32.0 22.3 2,691 68.0 47.4 1,719 30.3 Cumberland 3,440 683D 19.9 990 37.2 28.8 1,673 62.8 48.6 777 22.6 DeKalb** 7,314 208R 2.8 1,776 53.1 24.3 1,568 46.9 21.4 3,970 54.3 DeWitt 4,725 534D 11.3 1,346 41.7 28.5 1,880 58.3 39.8 1,499 31.7 Douglas DuPage** Edgar 4,467 2470 5.5 1,386 45.9 31.0 1 ,633 54.1 36.6 1,448 32.4 7,961 1,1000 13.8 1,136 33.7 14.3 2,236 66.3 28.1 4,589 57.6 7,399 I ,0490 14.2 2,430 41.1 32.8 3,479 58.9 47.0 1,490 20.1 2,404 167R 6.9 817 55.7 34.0 650 44.3 27.0 937 39.0 Effingham 4,309 [,573D 36.5 1,002 28.0 23.3 2,575 72.0 59.8 732 17.0 Fayette Ford** 6,042 L.301D 21.5 1 ,481 34.7 24.5 2,782 65.3 46.0 1,779 29.4 3,708 2030 5.5 832 44.6 22.4 1,035 55.4 27.9 1,841 49.6 Franklin 5,809 337D 5.8 2,098 46.3 36.1 2,435 53.7 41.9 1,276 22.0 Fulton 11,130 1,6390 14.7 2,263 36.7 20.3 3,902 63.3 35.1 4,965 44.6 Gallatin 3,111 6460 20.8 1,051 38.2 33.8 1,697 61.8 54.5 363 11.7 Greene 4,876 1,7370 35.6 1,064 27.5 21.8 2,801 72.5 57.4 1,011 20.7 Grundy ** Hamilton 4,731 208R 4.4 1 ,380 54.1 29.2 1,172 45.9 24.8 2,179 46.1 3, "64 6780 17.1 1,242 39.3 31.3 1,920 60.7 48.4 802 20.2 Hancock 7,566 2,1150 28.0 1,577 29.9 20.8 3,692 70.1 48.8 2,297 30.4 Hardin 1,585 47R 3.0 691 51.8 43.6 644 48.2 40.6 250 15.8 Henderson** 2,328 730 3.1 648 47.3 27.8 721 52.7 31.0 959 41.2 Henry** Iroquois** Jackson Jasper 9,163 360D 3.9 1,859 45.6 20.3 2,219 54.4 24.2 5,085 55.5 7,516 6C80 8.1 1,866 43.0 24.8 2,474 57.0 32.9 3,176 42.3 7,833 5430 6.9 2,780 45.6 35.5 3,323 54.4 42.4 1,730 22.1 3,944 815D 20.7 1,227 37.5 31.1 2,042 62.5 51.8 675 17.1 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane** 6,614 1,4030 21.2 1,834 36.2 27.7 3,237 63.8 48.9 1,543 23.3 2,857 735D 25.7 838 34.8 29.3 1,573 65.2 55.1 446 15.6 5,460 993D 18.2 1 ,233 35.6 22.6 2,226 64.4 40.8 2,001 36.6 2,923 73R 2.5 1,025 51.8 35.1 952 48.2 32.6 946 32.4 19,066 1,9790 10.4 2,415 35.5 12.7 4,394 64.5 23.0 12,257 64.3 Kankakee 8,728 646R 7.4 3,178 55.7 36.4 2,532 44.3 29.0 3,018 34.6 Kendall** 2,651 3R .1 534 50.1 20.1 531 49.9 20.0 1,586 59.8 Knox** 10,467 1,0080 9.6 1,750 38.8 16.7 2,758 61.2 26.3 5,959 56.9 Lake** LaSalle 10,113 253D 2.5 2,183 47.3 21.6 2,436 52.7 24.1 5,494 54.3 19,784 2, 1780 11.0 4,858 4 0.8 24.6 7,036 59.2 35.6 7,890 39.9 Lawrence 5,320 9330 17.5 1 ,617 38.8 30.4 2,550 61.2 47.9 1,153 21.7 Lee** 6,436 5130 8.0 1,482 42.6 23.0 1,995 57.4 31.0 2,959 46.0 Livingston Logan Macon 9,258 8900 9.6 2,444 42.3 26.4 3,334 57.7 36.0 3,480 37.6 6,701 U832D 27.3 1,397 30.2 20.8 3,229 69.8 48.2 2,075 31.0 12,278 1,0 790 8.8 3,356 43.1 27.3 4,435 56.9 36.1 4,487 36.5 32 PRESIDENT- 1912 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE* Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 10,314 2,7250 26.4 2,177 30.8 21.1 4,902 69.2 47.5 3,235 31.4 Madison 17,868 1,693D 9.5 5,462 43.3 30.6 7,155 56.7 40.0 5,251 29.4 Marion 7,892 1,907D 24.2 1,586 31.2 20.1 3,493 68.8 44.3 2,813 35.6 Marshall 3,768 895D 23.8 790 31.9 21.0 1,685 68.1 44. / 1,293 34.3 Mason 99 180D 2.5 2,410 48.2 33.9 2,590 51.8 36.5 2,099 29.6 Sangamon 19,893 1, 124D 5.7 6,928 46.2 34.8 8,052 53.8 40.5 4,913 24.7 Schuyler 3,414 780D 22.8 924 ?5.2 27.1 1,70'' 64.8 49.9 786 23.0 Scott 2,459 394D 16.0 818 40.3 33.3 1,212 59.7 49.3 429 17.4 Shelby 6,909 1.628D 23.6 1,738 34.1 25.2 3,366 65.9 48.7 1,805 26. 1 Stark ** 2,326 45R 1.9 731 51.6 31.4 686 48.4 29.5 909 39.1 St. Clair 25,940 2,2680 8.7- 8,649 44.2 33.3 10,917 55.8 42.1 6,374 24.6 Stephenson 9,^73 1.907D 21.0 1,889 33.2 20.8 3,796 66.8 41.8 3,388 37.3 Tazewell 7,810 1,707D 21.9 1 ,733 33.5 22.2 3,440 66.5 44.0 2,637 33.8 Union 4,?94 1,352D 30.8 1,261 32.6 28.7 2,613 67.4 59.5 520 11.8 Vermilion 17,522 252R 1.4 6,076 51.1 34.7 5,824 48.9 33.2 5,622 32. 1 Wabash 3,317 6280 18.9 1,000 33.1 30.1 1,628 61.9 49.1 689 20.8 Warren ** 5,Q39 "410 15.8 1,092 34.9 18.4 2,033 65.1 34.2 2,814 47.4 Washington 4,239 3330 7.9 1,395 44.7 32.9 1,728 55.3 4C.8 1,116 26.3 Wayne 5,631 5260 9.3 1,766 43.5 31.4 2,292 56.5 40.7 1,573 27.9 White 5,296 7820 14.8 1 ,863 41.3 35.2 ■2,645 58.7 49.9 788 14.9 Whiteside ** 7,854 45D .6 1,968 45.4 25.1 2,013 50.6 25.6 3,873 49.3 Will 16,721 1,083D 6.5 4,689 44 .6 28.0 5,772 55.2 34.5 6,260 37.4 Williamson 9,226 33R .4 3,336 50.2 36.2 3,303 49.8 35.8 2,587 28.0 Winnebago** 13,209 674R 5.1 3,667 55.1 27.8 2,993 44.9 22.7 6,549 49.6 Woodford 4,527 7640 16.9 1,241 3 8.2 27.4 2,005 61.8 44.3 1,281 28.3 TOTAL 1 , 162,830 124,651D 10.7 318,469 41.8 27.4 443,120 58.2 36.1 t01,291 34.5 Downstate 715,439 64, 7410 9.0 209,891 43.3 29.3 274,632 56.7 38.4 130 916 32.3 Suburban Cook 47,425 1 ,464R 3.1 12,901 53.0 27.2 11,437 47.0 24.1 23,087 48.7 Chicago 400 016 61 ,3740 15.3 95,677 37.9 23.9 157,051 62. 1 39.3 47,238* *36.8 ♦For detail of Progressive Party vote, see table on pages 36 and 37. **These counties carried by the candidate of the Progressive Party. ***Includes a scattering of votes in suburban Cook County for the candidate of the Social Democrat Party. 35 PROGRESSIVE VOTE - 1912 PRESIDE NT GOVERNOR County Percent of Percent of Number Total Vote Number Total Vote Adams 3,780 26.5 3,493 24.6 Alexander 709 14.8 625 13.0 Bond 725 21.1 689 20.0 Boone 1,624 44.1 1,324 35.8 Brown 524 22.7 476 20.4 Bureau 3,738 40.8 3,175 35.0 Calhoun 154 12.6 126 10.5 Carroll 1,257 30.6 1,137 27.5 Cass 1,086 25.9 1,054 25.3 Champaign 4,481 35.6 3,978 31.7 Christian 1,464 18.6 1,267 16.1 Clark 943 17.0 815 14.7 Clay 624 14.4 620 14.3 Clinton 775 16.3 740 15.7 Coles 2,437 28.9 2,061 24.7 Cook 166,061 38.7 113,357 25.3 Crawford 1,525 26.9 1,459 25.7 Cumberland 692 20.1 650 18.9 DeKalb 3,643 4°.8 3,157 43.0 DeWitt 1,306 27.6 1,280 27.0 Douglas 1,277 28.6 1,295 28.7 DuPage 4,169 52.4 3,458 43.7 Edgar 1,244 16.8 1,180 16.0 Edwards 818 34.0 773 32.1 Effingham 622 14.4 533 12.4 Fayette 1,558 25.8 1,614 26.7 Ford 1,729 46.6 1,538 41.5 Franklin 731 12.6 676 11.5 Fulton 3,334 29.9 3,121 27.9 Gallatin 203 6.5 157 5.0 Greene 831 17.0 823 17.0 Grundy 1,919 40.6 1,277 27.5 Hamilton 668 16.9 704 17.7 Hancock 1,937 25.6 1,726 22.9 Hardin 153 9.7 129 8.2 Henderson 871 37.4 821 35.5 Henry 4,505 49.2 4,075 44.6 Iroquois 2,959 39.4 2,616 34.7 Jackson 1,339 17.1 1,324 16.7 Jasper 545 13.8 492 12.5 Jefferson 1,294 19.6 1,234 18.7 Jersey 381 13.3 360 12.6 JoDaviess 1,747 32.0 1,539 28.3 Johnson 809 27.7 775 26.6 Kane 11,494 60.3 10,559 55.6 Kankakee 2,792 32.0 2,403 27.0 Kendall 1,526 57.6 1,336 50.6 Knox 5,386 51.5 4,670 45.3 Lake 4,888 48.3 3,738 37.0 LaSalle 6,918 35.0 5,429 27.3 Lawrence 774 14.5 771 14.5 Lee 2,747 42.7 2,510 38.8 Livingston 3,230 34.9 2,947 32.0 Logan 1,776 26.5 1,566 23.4 Macon 3,976 32.4 3,421 27.8 36 PROGRESSIVE VOTE - 1912 PRESIDENT GOVERNOR County — .... Percent of Percent of Number Total Vote Number Total Vote Macoupin 2,147 20.8 1,880 18.3 Madison 3,197 17.9 2,280 12.8 Marion 2,099 26.6 2,163 27.6 Marshall 1,180 31.3 Q17 24.5 Mason 859 20.8 788 19.2 Massac 788 28.2 748 26.6 McDonough 1,785 25.6 1,545 22.6 McHenry 3,046 40.9 2,575 34.2 McLean 4,350 28.4 4.861 31.7 Menard 903 28.4 774 24.5 Mercer 2,093 41.9 1,°33 38.7 Monroe 299 9.5 250 8.1 Montgomery 1,476 18.2 1,344 16.8 Morgan 2,090 27.6 1,940 25.6 Moultrie 853 26.7 857 26.9 Ogle 2,720 40.3 2,359 35.1 Peoria 9,229 41.9 6,554 30.0 Perry 894 18.9 877 18.4 Piatt 1,150 30.7 1,179 31.6 Pike 1,169 17.7 1,162 17.6 Pope 587 24.5 584 24.3 Pulaski 454 14.3 421 13.2 Putnam 583 39.9 548 37.3 Randolph 1,169 18.3 1,285 20.1 Richland 811 21.8 755 20.3 Rock Island 6,506 42.6 4,589 30.1 Saline 1,468 18.1 1,331 18.7 Sangamon 6,196 31.1 3,775 . 18.9 Schuyler 694 20.2 619 18.2 Scott 379 15.4 372 15.1 Shelby 1,431 20.8 1,461 21.2 Stark 1,053 45.0 841 36.1 St. Clair 4,064 15.7 3,631 14.0 Stephenson 3,476 38.4 3,051 33.6 Tazewell 2,500 32.4 2,159 27.6 Union 458 10.4 434 9.9 Vermilion 4,984 28.4 4,345 24.8 Wabash 601 18.1 492 14.8 Warren 2,627 44.0 2,494 42.0 Washington 1,058 25.0 915 21.6 Wayne 1,418 25.2 1,332 23.7 White 591 11.2 492 9.3 Whiteside 3,904 50.6 3,535 45.0 Will 8,092 48.3 5,713 34.2 Williamson 1,765 19.0 1,582 17.2 Winnebago 7,089 54.1 5,420 41.0 Woodford 1,495 32.3 1,161 25.6 TOTAL 386,478 »** 33. 7 303,401 26.1 Downstate 220,417 19.2 190,044 26.6 Suburban Cook 22,746 45.9 17,366 36.' Chicago 143,315 37.7 95,991 24.0 37 SUMMARY- 1914 SENATOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Lawrence Y. Sherman 390 , 661 103,808 286,853 81 Democratic Roger C. Sullivan 373,403 159,372 214,031 18 Progressive Raymond Robins 203,027 88,487 114,540 3 Socialist Adolph Germer 39 , 889 22,169 17,720 Prohibition George W. Woolsey 6,750 1,108 5,642 Socialist Labor John M. Francis 2,078 788 1,290 STATE TREASURER Counties Farty Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Andrew Russel 418,336 128,528 289,808 66 Democratic W. C. Clifford 374,554 140,724 233,830 36 Progressive Louis G. Favey 95,427 37,736 57,691 Socialist William Acker 43,154 25,521 17,633 Prohibition L. A. Chamberlain 7,469 1,439 6,030 Socialist Labor Gustav Larson 2,395 1,037 1,358 39 SENATOR - 1914 Total Vote Rep. -De Pluralil m. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Cast, y Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 11,4 32 1>489D 13.0 4 ,008 42.2 35.1 5,497 57.8 43.1 1,927 16.9 Alexander 4,609 719R 15.6 2,497 58.4 54.2 1,778 41.6 38.6 334 7.2 Bond 3,403 1.029R 3 2 • 2 1 ,883 63.8 55.3 654 31.2 25.1 666 19.6 Boone 3,191 1.466R 45.9 1,987 79.2 62.3 521 20.3 16.3 683 21.4 Brown 2,083 456D 21.9 548 35.3 26.3 1,004 64.7 48.2 531 25.5 Bureau 6,484 1»073R 16.5 2,918 61.3 4 5.0 1,345 33.7 26.5 1,721 26.5 Calhoun 1,582 2£7D 18.1 614 40.5 38.3 9Q1 59.5 57.0 67 4.2 Carroll 2,943 1.215R 41.3 1 ,806 75.3 61.4 591 24.7 20.1 546 18.6 Cass 3 , 628 1 740 '-.8 1,242 HO • 7 34.2 1,415 53.3 39.0 970 26.7 Champaign 10,990 2,265R 20.6 5,282 63.6 48.1 3,017 36.4 27.5 2,691 24.5 Christian 7,204 62R o 2,958 50.5 41.1 2,896 49.5 40.2 1,350 13.7 Clark 5,115 230R 4.5 2,314 52.6 45.2 2,084 47.4 40.7 717 14. C Clay 4,171 563R 13.5 2,174 57.4 52.1 1,611 42.6 33.6 386 9.3 Clinton 4,233 S57D 20.2 1 ,336 37.9 31.6 2,193 62.1 51.8 704 16.6 Coles 7,483 !(55R 6.1 3,174 53.9 42.4 2,71? 46.1 36.3 1,590 21.2 Cook 375,732 55,564D 14.3 103,803 35.4 27.6 159,372 60.6 42.4 112,552 30.0 Crawford 4,860 165D 3.4 1 ,34 47.9 37.7 2,005 52.1 41.1 1,035 21.2 Cumberland 3,053 128R 4.2 1,411 52.4 46.1 1,283 47.6 42.0 364 11.9 DeKalb 6,360 1 , 646R 25.9 2,659 72.4 41.3 1,013 27.6 15.9 2,683 42.3 DeWitt 4,480 6C0R 13.4 2,061 53.5 46.0 1,461 41.5 32.6 958 21.4 Douglas 4,265 816R 19.1 2,010 62.7 47.1 1,194 37.3 28.0 1,061 24.9 DuPage* 7,172 511R 7.1 2,131 56.8 29.7 1,620 43.2 22.6 3,421 47.7 Edgar 7,300 4980 6.8 2,723 45.3 37.3 3,221 54.2 44.1 1,356 18.6 Edwards 2,227 896R 43.2 1 ,447 72.4 65.0 551 27.6 24.7 229 10.3 Effingham 4,033 5 6 3D 13.9 1,517 42.2 37.6 2,08/) 57.8 51.5 441 10.9 Fayette 5,862 484R 8.3 2,641 55.0 45.1 2,157 45.0 36.8 1,064 18.2 Ford 3,196 473R 14.8 1,276 61.4 39.9 303 38.6 25.1 1,117 34.9 Franklin 6,051 793R 13.1 2,904 57.9 48.0 2,111 42.1 34.9 1,036 17.1 Fulton 9,550 812R 8.5 3,867 55.9 40.5 3,055 44.1 32.0 2,623 27.5 Gallatin 2,478 412D 16.6 923 40.9 37.2 1,335 59.1 53.9 220 8.9 Greene 3,029 562D 18.6 1 ,009 39.1 33.3 1,571 60.9 51.9 449 14.8 Grundy 3,937 1,342R 34.1 2 ,079 73.8 52.8 737 26.2 13.7 1,121 28.5 Hamilton 3,643 36D 1.0 1 ,473 49.4 40.4 1 ,509 50.6 41.4 661 18.1 Hancock 6,524 479R 7.3 2,798 54.7 42.9 2,319 45.3 35.5 1,407 21.6 Hardin 1,629 24CR 14.7 875 57.9 53.7 635 42.1 39.0 119 7.3 Henderson 2,360 492R 2J.8 1,087 64 .6 46.1 595 35.4 25.2 678 28.7 Henry * 7,796 1 , 2 2 1 R 15.7 2,861 63.6 36.7 1 ,640 36.4 21.0 3,295 42.3 Iroquois 6,568 1,578R 24." 3,350 65.4 51.0 1,772 34.6 27.0 1,446 22.0 Jackson 7,443 783R 10.5 3,42 56.5 45.9 2,637 43.5 35.4 1.386 18.6 Jasper 3,536 83R 2.3 1,623 51.3 45.3 1 ,540 48.7 42.9 423 11.3 Jefferson 6,192 307R 5.0 2,326 52.9 45.6 2,519 47.1 40.7 847 13.7 Jersey 3,177 85R 2.7 1,546 51.4 48.7 1,461 48.6 46.0 170 5.4 JoDaviess 4,692 VOIR 3.5 2,094 55.3 44.6 1,693 44.7 36.1 905 19.3 Johnson 2,666 892R 33.5 1,027 70.6 57.3 635 29.4 23.3 504 18.9 Kane* 15,637 U110R 7.1 4,854 55.5 31.0 3,744 43.5 23.9 7,039 45.0 Kankakee 8,674 1,9373 22.3 4,344 64.3 50.1 2,407 35.7 27.7 1,923 22.2 Kendall 2,104 926R 44.0 1,176 82.5 55.9 250 17.5 11.9 678 32.2 Knox 3,300 2,0C8R 24.2 3,980 66.9 48.0 1,972 33.1 23.3 2,348 28.3 Lake 7,321 1»253R 17.1 3,225 62.1 44.1 1,972 37.9 26.9 2,124 29.0 LaSalle 18,264 413D 2.3 7,104 48.6 38.9 7,517 51.4 41.2 3,643 19.9 Lawrence 5,048 473R 9.4 2,500 55.2 49.5 2,027 44.8 40.2 521 10.3 Lee 5,873 1,371R 23.3 2,944 65.2 50.1 1,573 34.8 26.8 1,356 23.1 Livingston 8,722 1.536R 17.6 4,298 60.9 49.3 2,762 39.1 31.7 1.662 19.1 Logan 6,025 157R 2.6 2,332 51.7 38.7 2,175 48.3 36.1 1,518 25.2 Macon 10,993 2,593R 23.6 5,668 64.8 51.6 3,075 35.2 28.0 2,250 20.5 40 SENATOR - 1914 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Oem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 9,810 812R 8.3 4,411 55.1 45.0 3,599 44.9 36.7 1,800 18.3 Madison 16,656 2.354R 14.1 8,068 58.5 48.4 5,714 41.5 34.3 2,874 17.3 Marion 6,816 411R 6.0 2,375 54.7 34.8 1 ,964 45.3 28.8 2,477 36.3 Marshall 3,607 115R 3.2 1,578 51.9 43.7 1 ,463 48.1 40.6 566 15.7 Mason 3,874 300D 7.7 1 ,546 45.6 39.9 1,846 54.4 47.7 482 12.4 Massac 2,200 1, 142R 51.9 1 ,509 80.4 68.6 367 19.6 16.7 324 14.7 McDonough 6,637 1.576R 23.7 3,646 63.8 54.9 2 ,070 36.2 31.2 921 13.9 McHenry 5,791 1.895R 32.7 3,254 70.5 56.2 1 ,359 29.5 23.5 1,178 20.3 McLean 12,748 1.852R 14.5 6,114 58.9 48.0 4,262 41.1 33.4 2,372 18.6 Menard 2,996 109R 3.6 1,360 52.1 45.4 1,251 47.9 41.8 385 12.9 Mercer 4,683 903R 19.3 2,274 62.4 48.6 1 ,371 37.6 29.3 1,038 22.2 Monroe 3,334 403R 12.1 1 ,763 56.5 52.9 1,360 43.5 40.8 211 6.3 Montgomery 7,704 923R 12.0 3,593 57.4 46.6 2,670 42.6 34.7 1,441 18.7 Morgan 7,324 895R 12.2 3,503 57.3 47.8 2,608 42.7 35.6 1,213 16.6 Moultrie 3,121 115R 3.7 1,307 52.3 41.9 1.192 47.7 38.2 622 19.9 Ogle 5,159 1.919R 37.2 2,846 75.4 55.2 927 24.6 18.0 1,386 26.9 Peoria 18,023 385R 2.1 7,478 51.3 41.5 7,093 48.7 39.4 3,452 19.2 Perry 4,432 122R 2.8 1,939 51.6 43.8 1 ,817 48.4 41.0 676 15.3 Piatt 3,556 795R 22.4 1,739 64.8 48.9 944 35.2 26.5 873 24.6 Pike 6,039 240R 4.0 2,810 52.2 46.5 2,570 47.8 42.6 659 10.9 Pope 2,143 894R 41.7 1 ,344 74.9 62.7 450 25.1 21.0 349 16.3 Pulaski 2,701 1,015R 37.6 1,742 70.6 64.5 727 29.4 26.9 232 8.6 Putnam 1,279 69R 5.4 467 54.0 36.5 398 46.0 31.1 414 32.4 Randolph 5,579 24D .4 2,254 49.7 40.4 2,278 50.3 40.8 1,047 18.8 Richland 3,187 109R 3.4 1 ,295 52.2 40.6 1 ,186 47.8 37.2 706 22.2 Rock Island 14,511 2,425R 16.7 6,480 61.5 44.7 4,055 38.5 27.9 3,976 27.4 Saline 6,404 941R 14.7 2,951 59.5 46.1 2,010 40.5 31.4 1,443 22.5 Sangamon 19,939 4,573R 22.9 10,793 63.4 54.1 6,220 36.6 31.2 2,926 14.7 Schuyler 3,160 1430 4.5 1,291 47.4 40.9 1 ,434 52.6 45.4 435 13.8 Scott 2,484 464R 18.7 1,340 60.5 53.9 876 39.5 35.3 268 10.8 Shelby 5,853 448R 7.7 2,390 55.2 40.8 1,942 44.8 33.2 1,521 26.0 Stark 2,086 494R 23.7 1,087 64.7 52.1 593 35.3 28.4 406 19.5 St. Clair 22,618 U276R 5.6 9,704 53.5 42.9 8 ,428 46.5 37.3 4,486 19.8 Stephenson 8,218 286R 3.5 3,062 52.4 37.3 2,776 47.6 33.8 2,380 29.0 Tazewell 6,585 92D 1.4 2,647 49.1 40.2 2,739 50.9 41.6 1,199 18.2 Union 3,389 4550 13.4 1,275 42.4 37.6 1,730 57.6 51.0 384 11.3 Vermilion 16,810 2.395R 14.2 7,783 59.1 46.3 5,388 40.9 32.1 3,639 21.6 Wabash 3,106 238R 7.7 1 ,462 54.4 47.1 1*224 45.6 39.4 420 13.5 Warren 5,343 61R 1.1 1 ,833 50.8 34.3 1,772 49.2 33.2 1,738 32.5 Washington 4,008 866R 21.6 2,198 62.3 54.8 1,332 37.7 33.2 473 11.9 Wayne 5, 145 835R 16.2 2,822 58.7 54.8 1,987 41. J 38.6 336 6.5 White 4,726 R .0 2,143 50.0 45.3 2»143 50.0 4 5.3 440 9.3 Whiteside 6,376 1.750R 27.4 2,976 70.8 46.7 1,2 26 29.2 19.2 2,174 34.1 Will 16,748 1.937R 11.6 6,805 58.3 40.6 4,868 41.7 29.1 5,075 3C.3 Williamson 8,695 1.233R 14.2 4,031 58.9 46.9 2 »848 41.1 32.3 1,766 20.3 Winnebago 10,271 2,796R 27.2 4,371 73.5 42.6 1,575 26.5 15.3 4,325 '»2.1 Woodford 4,531 174R 3.8 2,000 5 2.3 44.1 1,826 47.7 40.3 705 15.6 TOTAL 1 ,015,808 17.258R 1.7 390,661 51.1 38.5 373,403 48.9 36.8 251,744 24.8 Downstate 640,076 72.822R 11.4 286,853 57.3 4 4.8 214,031 42.7 33.4 139,192 21.7 Suburban Cook 36,158 2,769R 7.7 12,625 56.2 34.9 9,356 43.3 27.3 13,677 3 7.8 Chicago 339,574 58.333D 17.2 91 ,183 37.9 26.9 149,516 62.1 44.0 98,875^ *29.1 *DuPage (3,249), Henry (3,C11), and Kane (6,58Q) counties were carried by the Progressive Party. The nurr.ber in parenthesis is the vote cast for that party in each county. ♦■"■Includes a scattering of votes, in Cicero for the candidates of the Prohibition, and Socialist Labor parties. 41 STATE TREASURER - 1914 Total Vote Rep. -De m. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Cast Plurality Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Pa rty Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pel. Vote Adams 10,699 1.993D 18.6 3,633 39.2 34.0 5,626 60.8 52.6 1,440 13.5 Alexander 4*452 557R 12.5 2,405 56.5 54.0 1,848 43.5 41.5 199 4.5 Bond 3,257 707R 21.7 1,835 61.9 56.3 1,128 38.1 34.6 294 9.0 Boone 2,684 1.680R 62.6 1,961 87.5 73.1 281 12.5 10.5 442 16.5 Brown 1 ,989 700D 35.2 490 29.2 24.6 1,190 70.8 59.8 309 15.5 Bureau 6,053 1,3986 23.1 :>,317 63.3 54.8 1,919 36.7 31.7 817 13.5 Calhoun 1,545 299D 19.4 597 40.0 38.6 896 60.0 58.0 52 3.4 Carroll 2,609 1.207R 46.3 1,750 76.3 67.1 543 23.7 20.8 316 12.1 Cass 3,348 628D 18.8 1,143 39.2 34.1 1,771 60.8 52.9 434 13.0 Champaign 10,526 1,593R 15.1 5,422 58.6 51.5 3,829 41.4 36.4 1.275 12.1 Christian 6,947 541D 7.8 2,819 45.6 40.6 3,360 54.4 48.4 768 11.1 Clark 4,912 81D 1.6 2,260 49.1 46.0 2 ,341 50.9 47.7 311 6.3 Clay Clinton 4,113 186R 4.5 2,053 52.4 49.9 1,867 47.6 45.4 193 4.7 3,941 908D 23.0 1,256 36.7 31.9 2,164 63.3 54.9 521 13.2 Coles 7,311 133R 1.8 3,336 51.0 45.6 3,203 49.0 43.8 772 10.6 Cook 334,985 12, 196D 3.6 128,528 47.7 38.4 140,724 52.3 42.0 65,733 19.6 Crawford 4,770 641D 13.4 1,783 42.4 37.4 2,424 57.6 50.8 563 11.8 Cumberland 2,959 98D 3.3 1 ,326 48.2 44.8 1,424 51.8 48.1 209 7.1 DeKalb 5,645 2.101R 37.2 2,902 78.4 51.4 801 21.6 14.2 1,942 34.4 DeWitt 4,330 284R 6.6 2,094 53.6 48.4 1,810 46.4 41.8 426 9.8 Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards 4, 167 478R 11.5 2,107 56.4 50.6 1,629 43.6 39.1 431 10.3 6,571 887R 13.5 2,531 60.6 38.5 1,644 39.4 25.0 2,396 36.5 7,219 705D 9.8 2,845 44.5 39.4 3,550 55.5 49.2 824 11.4 2,099 785R 37.4 1,400 69.5 66.7 615 30.5 29.3 84 4.0 Effingham 3,895 820D 21.1 1,457 39.0 37.4 2,277 61.0 58.5 161 4.1 Fayette Ford 5,748 102D 1.8 2,575 49.0 44.8 2,677 51.0 46.6 496 8.6 2,957 518R 17.5 1,384 61.5 46.8 866 38.5 29.3 707 23.9 Franklin 5,814 443R 7.6 2,807 54.3 48.3 2,364 45.7 40.7 643 11.1 Fulton 9,163 319R 3.5 3,784 52.2 41.3 3,465. 47.8 37.8 1,914 20.9 Gallatin 2,437 532D 21.8 889 38.5 36.5 1,421 61.5 58.3 127 5.2 Greene 2,846 761D 26.7 931 35.5 32.7 1.692 64.5 59.5 223 7.8 Grundy Hamilton 3,663 1.507R 41.1 2,237 75.4 61.1 730 24.6 19.9 696 19.0 3,513 367D 10.4 1,436 44.3 40.9 1,803 55.7 51.3 274 7.8 Hancock 6,314 544D 8.6 2,531 45.1 40.1 3,075 54.9 48.7 708 11.2 Hardin 1,600 203R 12.7 864 56.7 54.0 661 43.3 41.3 75 4.7 Henderson 2,251 367R 16.3 1 ,071 60.3 47.6 704 39.7 31.3 476 21.1 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 7,438 1,402R 18.8 3,145 64.3 42.3 1,743 35.7 23.4 2,550 34.3 6,292 1,496R 23.8 3,439 63.9 54.7 1,943 36.1 30.9 910 14.5 7,078 532R 7.5 3,458 54.2 48.9 2.926 45.8 41.3 694 9.8 3,496 272D 7.8 1 ,520 45.9 43.5 1,792 54.1 51.3 184 5.3 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 6, 154 186D 3.0 2,733 48.4 44.4 2,919 51.6 47.4 502 8.2 2,996 371D 12.4 1,276 43.7 42.6 1,647 56.3 55.0 73 2.4 4,319 281R 6.5 2 ,037 53.7 47.2 1,756 46.3 40.7 526 12.2 2,485 689R 27.7 1,478 65.2 59.5 789 34.8 31.8 218 8.8 12,941 2,332R 18.0 5,125 64.7 39.6 2,793 35.3 21.6 5,023 38.8 Kankakee 8,426 2.365R 28.1 4,687 66.9 55.6 2,322 33.1 27.6 1,417 16.8 Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle 1,934 938R 48.5 1 ,206 81.8 62.4 268 18.2 13.9 460 23.8 7,822 1,977R 25.3 4,036 66.2 51.6 2,059 33.8 26.3 1,727 22.1 6,693 2.415R 36. 1 3,883 72.6 58.0 1,468 27.4 21.9 1,342 20.1 16,721 377R 2.3 7,610 51.3 4 5.5 7,233 48.7 43.3 1,878 11.2 Lawrence 4,946 112R 2.3 2,365 51.2 4 7.8 2,253 48.8 45.6 328 6.6 Lee 5,334 1,477R 27.7 2,960 66.6 55.5 1,483 33.4 27.8 891 16.7 Livingston Logan Macon 8,435 1,467R 17.4 4,473 59.8 53.0 3,006 40.2 35.6 956 11.3 5,626 580D 10.3 2,251 44.3 40.0 2.831 55.7 50.3 544 9.7 10,448 2.177R 20.8 5,844 61.4 55.9 3,667 38.6 35.1 937 9.0 42 STATE TREASURER - 1914 Total Vote Cast Rep. -De m. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Plurality Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 9,468 248D 2.6 4 ,146 48.5 43.8 4,394 51.5 46.4 928 9.8 Madison 15,^04 2, 122R 13.3 8,009 57.6 50.4 5,887 42.4 37.0 2,008 12.6 Marion 6,519 602D 9.2 2,300 44.2 35.3 2,902 55.8 44.5 1,317 20.2 Marshall 3,495 17R .5 1,624 50.3 46.5 1 ,607 49.7 46.0 264 7.6 Mason 3,721 621D 16.7 1,4 56 41 .2 39.1 2 ,077 58.8 55.8 188 5.1 Massac 1 ,989 1 ,0 69R 5 3.7 1 ,449 79.2 72.9 380 20.8 19.1 160 8.0 McDonough 6,406 773R 12.1 3,310 56.6 51.7 2,537 43.4 39.6 559 8.7 McHenry 4,892 2» 180R 4 4.6 3,212 75.7 65.7 1,032 24.3 21.1 648 13.2 McLean 11,946 2, 162R 18.1 6,450 60.1 54.0 4,2-6 8 39.9 35.9 1,208 10.1 Menard 2,801 211D 7.5 1,216 46.0 43.4 1,427 54.0 50.9 158 5.6 Mercer 4,464 827R 18.5 2,343 60.7 52.5 1,516 39.3 34.0 605 13.6 Monroe 3,277 374R 11.4 1,786 55.8 54.5 1,412 44.2 43.1 79 2.4 Montgomery 7,390 50R .7 3,284 50.4 44.4 3,234 49.6 43.8 872 11.8 Morgan 7,303 1,443R 19.8 4 ,24 1 60.3 58.1 2,798 39.7 38.3 264 3.6 Moultrie 2,964 296D 10.0 1 ,214 44.6 41.0 1 ,510 55.4 5C.9 240 8.1 Ogle 4,828 2, 119R 43.9 3,04 3 76.6 63.1 929 23.4 19.2 851 17.6 Peoria 1-6,913 1»573R 9.3 8,394 55.2 49.6 6,821 44.8 40.3 1,698 10.0 Perry 4,253 148D 3.5 1 ,863 48.1 4 3.8 2,011 51.9 47.3 379 8.9 Piatt 3,396 535R 15.8 1,750 59.0 51.5 1,215 41.0 35.8 431 12.7 Pike 5,918 7S3D 13.2 2,373 42.9 40.1 3 ,156 57.1 53.3 389 6.6 Pope 2,046 750R 36.7 1,315 69.9 64.3 565 30.1 27.6 166 8.1 Pulaski 2,555 1,00 7R 39.4 1 ,734 70.5 67.9 727 29.5 28.5 94 3.7 Putnam 1,180 89R 7.5 513 54.7 4 3.5 424 45.3 35.9 243 20.6 Randolph 5,447 334D 6.1 2,269 46.6 41.7 2,603 53.4 47.8 575 10.6 Richland 3,060 234D 7.6 1 ,271 45.8 41.5 1 ,505 54.2 49.2 284 9.3 Rock Island 13,554 2,920R 21.5 6,881 63.5 50.8 3,961 36.5 29.2 2,712 20.0 Saline 6,235 610R 9.8 2,977 55.7 47.7 2,367 44.3 38.0 891 14.3 Sangamon 19,317 3,251R 16.8 10,560 59.1 54.7 7,309 40.9 37.8 1,448 7.5 Schuyler 3,091 442D 14.3 1", 2 1 4 42.3 39.3 1,656 57.7 53.6 221 7.1 Scott 2,391 142R 5.9 1,239 53.0 51.8 1 ,097 47.0 45.9 55 2.3 Shelby 5,778 6460 11.2 2,203 43.6 38.1 2,849 56.4 49.3 726 12.6 Stark 1,972 525R 26.6 1 ,118 65.3 56.7 593 34.7 30.1 261 13.2 St. Clair 21,895 1,475R 6.7 10,207 53.9 46.6 8,732 46.1 39.9 2,956 13.5 Stephenson 7,871 781R 9.9 3,820 55.7 48.5 3,039 44.3 38.6 1,012 12.9 Tazewell 6,473 361D 5.6 2,714 45.9 41.9 3,075 53.1 47.5 684 10.6 Union 3,363 7860 23.4 1,215 37.8 36.1 2,001 62.2 59.5 147 4.4 Vermilion 15,955 1,728R 10.8 7,897 56.1 4 9.5 6,169 43.9 38.7 1,889 11.8 Wabash 2,983 202D 6.8 1 ,298 46.4 43.5 1 ,500 53.6 50.3 185 6.2 Warren 5,057 192D 3.8 1,814 4 7.5 35.9 2,006 52.5 39.7 1,237 24.5 Washington 3,859 657R 17.0 2,129 59.1 55.2 1,472 40.9 38.1 258 6.7 Wayne 5,085 421R 8.3 2,652 54.3 52.2 2,231 45.7 43.9 202 4.0 White 4,568 428D 9.4 1,937 4 5.0 42.4 2,365 55.0 51.8 266 5.8 Whiteside 5,779 1.951R 33.8 3,171 72.2 54.9 1,220 27.8 21.1 1,388 24.0 Will 16,090 2.412R 15.0 7,108 60.2 44.2 4,696 39.8 29.2 4,286 26.6 Williamson 8,244 1,021R 12.4 4,078 57.2 49.5 3,057 42.8 37.1 1,109 13.5 Winnebago 8,424 3,082R 36.6 4,132 79.7 49.1 1,050 20.3 12.5 3,242 38.5 Woodford 4,300 185R 4.3 2,117 52.3 49.2 1,932 47.7 44.9 251 5.8 TOTAL 941,335 43, 782R 4.7 418,336 52.8 44.4 374,554 47.2 39.8 148,445 15.8 Downstate 606,350 55.978R 9.2 289,808 55.3 47.8 233,830 44.7 38.6 82,712 13.6 Suburban Cook 33,493 7,382R 22.0 16,204 64.7 48.4 8,822 35.3 26.3 8,467 25.3 Chicago 301,492 19.578D 6.5 112,324 46.0 37.3 131,902 54.0 43.7 57,266 19.0 43 SUMMARY- 1916 PRESIDENT Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate CarrieJ Republican Charles E. Hughes 1,152,549 435,695 716,854 64 Democratic Woodrow Wilson 950,229 379,438 570,791 38 Socialist Allan L. Benson 61 , 394 32,471 28,923 Prohibition J. Frank Hanly 26,047 2,309 23,738 Socialist Arthur E. Reimer 2,488 1,050 1,438 Labor GOVERNOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican Frank 0. Lowden 696,535 258,051 438,484 79 Democratic Edward F. Dunne 556,654 241,249 315,405 23 Socialist Seymour Stedman 52,326 30,530 21,796 Prohibition John R. Golden 15,309 1,138 14,171 Socialist Labor John M. Francis 1,739 722 1,017 45 PRESIDENT- 1916 Total Vote Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Cast Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 26,808 2,410D 9.0 11,858 45.4 44.2 14,268 54.6 53.2 682 2.5 Alexander 9,505 1,455R 15.3 5,395 57.8 55.8 3,940 42.2 41.5 170 1.8 Bond 6,714 974R 14.5 3,626 57.8 54.0 2,652 42.2 39.5 436 6.5 Boone 6,678 3,970R 59.4 5,181 81 .1 77.6 1,211 18.9 18.1 286 4.3 Brown 4,572 1,277D 27.9 1,579 35.6 34.5 2,856 64.4 62.5 137 3.0 Bureau 14,614 2,420R 16.6 8,213 53.6 56.2 5,793 41.4 39.6 608 4.2 Calhoun 2,413 130 .5 1,168 49.7 48.4 1,181 50.3 48.9 64 2.7 Carroll 6,710 2, 516R 37.5 4,496 69.4 67.0 1,980 30.6 29.5 234 3.5 Cass 8,082 1,2920 16.0 3,19^ 41.6 39.5 4,485 58.4 55.5 404 5.0 Champaign 25,304 5.031R 19.9 14,632 60.4 57.8 9,601 39.6 37.9 1,071 4.2 Christian 15,692 1 ,059D 6.7 6,923 46.4 44.1 7,982 53.6 50.9 787 5.0 Clark 10,446 375D 3.6 4 ,936 48.2 47.3 5,311 51.8 50.8 199 1.9 Clay 7,692 305R 4.0 3,879 52.0 50.4 3,574 48.0 46.5 239 3.1 Clinton 8,037 778D 9.7 3,423 44.9 42.6 4,201 55.1 52.3 413 5.1 Coles 16,357 54?Q 3.3 8,314 51.7 50.8 7,772 48.3 47.5 271 1.7 Cook 850,963 56,257R 6.6 435,695 5 3.5 51.2 379,438 46.5 4 4.6 35,830 4.2 Crawford 10,985 4860 4.4 5,084 47.7 46. J 5,570 52.3 50.7 331 3.0 Cumberland 5,973 810 1.4 2,879 49.3 48.2 2,960 50.7 49.6 134 2.2 DeKalb 13,697 6,378R 46.6 9,764 74.3 71.3 3,386 25.7 24.7 547 4.0 DeWitt 9, 146 80D .9 4,380 49.5 47.9 4,460 50.5 48.8 306 3.3 Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards 8,748 796R 9.1 4 ,564 54.8 52.2 3,768 45.2 43.1 416 4.8 15,294 4, 794R 31.3 9,610 66.6 62.8 4,816 33.4 31.5 868 5.7 13,154 61 ID 4.6 6,099 47.6 46.4 6,710 52.4 51.0 345 2.6 4,412 1»496R 33.9 2,885 67.5 65.4 1,389 32.5 31.5 138 3.1 Effingham 7,946 1,3220 16.6 3,207 41.5 4 0.4 4,529 58.5 57.0 210 2.6 Fayette 11,419 3530 3. 1 5,316 48.4 46.6 5,669 51.6 49.6 434 3.8 Ford 7,043 2,616R 37. 1 4,670 69.5 66.3 2,054 30.5 29.2 319 4.5 Franklin 13,724 48D .3 6,371 49.8 46.4 6,4 19 50.2 46.8 934 6.8 Fulton 20,071 1 ,049R 5.2 9,735 52.8 48.5 8,686 47.2 43.3 1,650 8.2 Gallatin 5,086 935D 18.4 1,985 40.5 39.0 2,920 5S .5 57.4 181 3.6 Greene 9,550 2,7500 28.8 3,400 3 5.6 35.6 6, 150 64.4 64.4 .0 Grundy 7,249 2,570R 35.5 4,811 68.2 66.4 2,241 31.8 30.9 197 2.7 Hamilton 7,001 4050 5.8 3,239 47.1 46.3 3,644 52.9 52.0 118 1.7 Hancock 14,726 1.239D 8.4 6,472 45.6 43.9 7,711 54.4 52.4 543 3.7 Hardin 2,746 15 5R 5.6 1,41" 52.9 51.7 1,264 47.1 46.0 63 2.3 Henderson 4,321 917R 21.2 2,528 61.1 58.5 1,611 38.9 37.3 182 4.2 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 17,434 6, 186R 35.5 1 1 ,406 68.6 6 5.4 5,220 31.4 29.9 808 4.6 13,916 3.526R 25.3 8,503 63.1 61.1 4,977 36.9 35.8 436 3.1 15,447 1,576R 10.2 8,356 55.2 54.1 6,780 44.8 43.9 311 2.0 7,173 774D 10.8 3,110 44.5 43.4 3,884 55.5 54.1 179 2.5 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 13,005 6570 5. 1 6,028 47.4 46.4 6,685 52.6 51.4 292 2.2 5,831 4080 7.0 2,644 46.4 4 5.3 3,052 53.6 52.3 135 2.3 9,62 9 2,270R 23.6 5,775 62.2 60.0 3,505 37.8 36.4 349 3.6 5,230 1 , 4 5 1 R 27.7 3,273 .64.2 62.6 1,822 35.8 34.8 135 2.6 35,249 13,993R 39.7 23,868 70.7 67.7 9,875 29.3 28.0 1,506 4.3 Kankakee 17,009 4,498R 26.4 10,594 63.5 62.3 6,096 36.5 35.8 319 1.9 Kendall 4,399 2,308R 52.5 3,316 76.7 75.4 1 ,008 23.3 22.9 75 1.7 Knox 18,563 4, 133R 22.3 10,918 61.7 58.8 6,785 38.3 36.6 860 4.6 Lake 19,276 7,458R 38.7 12,905 70.3 66.9 5,447 29.7 28.3 924 4.8 La Salle 36,490 6,037R 16.5 20,662 58.6 56.6 14,625 41.4 40.1 1,203 3.3 Lawrence 10,076 5710 5.7 4,481 47.0 44.5 5,052 53.3 50.1 543 5.4 Lee 12,486 3,898R 31.2 7,985 66.1 64.0 4,087 33.9 32.7 414 3.3 Livingston Logan Macon 16,714 3,339R 20.0 9,801 60.3 58.6 6,462 39.7 38.7 451 2.7 12,294 207R 1.7 5,933 50.9 48.3 5,726 49.1 46.6 635 5.2 26,461 2, 816R 10.6 13,997 55.6 52.9 11 ,181 44.4 42.3 1,283 4.8 46 PRESIDENT- 1916 Totol Vote Cost Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 20,335 1,1370 5.6 8,875 47.0 43.6 10,012 53.0 49.2 1,448 7.1 Madison 3 5,317 1,292R 3.7 17,5 94 51.9 49.8 16,3.02 48.1 46.2 1,421 4.0 Marion 14,976 1,454D 9.7 6,438 44.9 43.0 7,892 55.1 52.7 646 4.3 Marshall 6,410 986P 15.4 3,5 79 58.0 55.8 2,593 42.0 40.5 238 3.7 Mason 7,139 8570 12.0 3,029 43.8 42.4 3,886 56.2 54.4 224 3.1 Massac 5,323 2.690R 50.5 3,926 76.1 73.8 1,236 23.9 23.2 161 3.0 McDonough 13,549 1»4 C 2R 10.7 7,192 55.6 53.1 5,740 44.4 42.4 617 4.6 McHenry 12,533 5,746R 45.8 9,024 73.4 72.0 3,278 26.6 26.2 231 1.8 McLean 28,160 3.289R 11.7 14,988 56.2 53.2 11,699 43.8 41.5 1,473 5.2 Menard 5,558 4R . 1 2,693 50.0 48.5 2,689 50.0 48.4 176 3.2 Mercer 9,008 1,878R 20.8 5,308 60.7 58.9 3,430 39.3 38.1 270 3.0 Monroe 4,964 721R 14.5 2 ,825 57.3 56.9 2,104 42.7 42.4 35 .7 Montgomery 15,824 8380 5.3 7,065 47.2 44.6 7,903 52.8 49.9 856 5.4 Morgan 14 ,998 432R 2.9 7,536 51.5 50.2 7,104 48.5 47.4 358 2.4 Moultrie 6,525 4370 6.7 2,933 46.5 45.0 3,370 53.5 51.6 222 3.4 Ogle 12,288 5,432R 44.2 8,639 72.9 70.3 3,207 27.1 26.1 442 3.6 Peoria 38,478 1030 .3 18,615 49.9 48.4 18,718 50.1 48.6 1,145 3.0 Perry 9,649 351R 3.6 4,796 51.9 4y.7 4 ,445 48.1 46.1 408 4.2 Piatt 7,230 984R 13.6 4,012 57.0 55.5 3,028 43.0 41.9 190 2.6 Pike 12,799 1»712D 13.4 5,293 43.0 4 1.4 7,005 57.0 54.7 501 3.9 Pope 4, 169 1,766R 42.4 2,924 71.6 70.1 1,158 28.4 27.8 87 2.1 Pulaski 6,159 1 ,704R 27.7 3,863 64.1 62.7 2,159 35.9 35.1 137 2.2 Putnam 2,311 659R 28.5 1,444 64.8 62.5 785 35.2 34.0 82 3.5 Randolph 11,246 114R 1.0 5,517 50.5 49.1 5,403 49.5 48.0 326 2.9 Richland 6,636 4390 6.6 2 ,992 46.6 45.1 3,431 53.4 51.7 213 3.2 Rock Island 30,410 5.255R 17.3 16,169 59.7 53.2 10,914 40.3 35.9 3,327 10.9 Saline 13,984 1.131R 8.1 7,061 54.4 50.5 5,930 45.6 42.4 993 7.1 Sangamon 40,464 2,942R 7.3 20,900 53.8 51.7 17,958 46.2 44.4 1,606 4.0 Schuyler 6,242 797D 12.8 2,595 43.3 41.6 3,392 56.7 54.3 255 4.1 Scott 4,650 331D 7. 1 2,126 46.4 45.7 2,457 53.6 52.8 67 1.4 Shelby 13,871 1,6040 11.6 5,911 44.0 42.6 7,515 56.0 54.2 445 3.2 Stark 4,337 1,497R 34.5 2,887 67.5 66.6 1,390 32.5 32.0 60 1.4 St. Clair 46,406 4880 1.1 22,134 49.5 47.7 22%b22 50.5 48.7 1,650 3.6 Stephenson 14,764 3,157R 21.4 .8,62 61.2 58.4 5,463 38.8 37.0 681 4.6 Tazewell 14,028 710 .5 6,672 49.7 47.6 6,743 50.3 48.1 613 4.4 Union 8,447 2,0360 24.1 3,135 37.7 37.1 5,171 62.3 61.2 141 1.7 Vermilion 32,496 2,46SR 7.6 16,330 54.1 50.3 13,864 45.9 42.7 2,302 7.1 Wabash 6, 131 6640 10.8 2,600 44.3 4 2.4 3,264 55.7 53.2 267 4.4 Warren 11,152 1.796R 16. 1 6,294 58.3 56.4 4,498 41.7 40.3 360 3.2 Washington • 7,641 1.863R 24.4 4,657 62.5 60.9 2,794 37.5 36.6 190 2.5 Wayne 10,556 449R 4.3 5,383 52.2 51.0 4,934 47.8 46.7 239 2.3 White 9,453 929D 9.8 4,137 45.0 43.8 5,066 55.0 53.6 250 2.6 Whiteside 14,507 6.206R 42.8 10,045 72.3 69.2 3,839 27.7 26.5 623 4.3 Will 31,765 8,503R 26.8 19,881 63.6 62.6 11 ,378 36.4 35.8 506 1.6 Williamson 19,180 2»090R 10.9 10,262 55.7 53.5 8,172 44.3 42.6 746 3.9 Winnebago 22,897 8,695R 38.0 14,893 70.6 65.0 6,198 29.4 27.1 1,806 7.9 Woodford 8, 182 654R 8.0 4,273 54.1 52.2 3,619 45.9 44.2 290 3.5 TOTAL 2,192,707 202.320R 9.2 1152,549 54.8 52.6 950,229 45.2 43.3 89,929 4.1 Downstate 1 ,341,744 146,063R 10.9 716,854 55.7 5 3.4 570,791 44.3 42.5 54,099 4.0 Suburban Cook 99,811 29,334k 29.4 61,946 65.5 62.1 32,612 34.5 32.7 5,253 5.3 Chicago 751,152 26.923R 3.6 373,749 51.9 49.8 346,826 48.1 46.2 30 577* 4.1 ♦Includes a scattering of votes in Cicero for the candidate of the Socialist Labor Party. 47 GOVERNOR - 1916 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Pa rty Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 15,630 401D 2.6 7,379 48.7 47.2 7,780 51.3 49.8 471 3.0 Alexander 5,489 895R 16.3 3, 138 58.3 57.2 2,243 41.7 40.9 108 2.0 Bond 3,871 "23R 23.8 2,265 62.8 58.5 1 ,342 37.2 34.7 264 6.8 Boone 3.743 2,284R 61.0 2,921 32.1 78.0 637 17.9 17.0 185 4.9 Brown 2,642 5050 19.1 1,020 40.1 38.6 1,525 59.9 57.7 97 3.7 Bureau 9,316 1,939R~ 20.8 5,420 60.9 58.2 3,481 39.1 37.4 415 4.5 Calhoun 1 ,863 150 .8 90 5 49.6 48.6 920 50.4 49.4 38 2.0 Carroll 4,409 2,065R 46.8 3,169 74.2 71.9 1,104 25.8 25.0 136 3.1 Cass 4,724 14 70 3. 1 2,183 46 .4 46.3 2,335 51.6 49,4 201 4.3 Champaign 14,346 3- 309R 23.1 6,581 61.9 59.8 5 ,272 38.1 36.7 493 3.4 Christian 6,902 63R .7 4,247 50.4 47.7 4 ,184 49.6 47.0 471 5.3 Clark 5,848 96R 1.6 2,922 50.8 50.0 2,826 49.2 48.3 100 1.7 Clay 4,431 311R 7.0 2 ,283 5 3.7 51.5 1,972 46.3 44.5 176 4.0 Clinton 5,236 815D 15.6 2 ,064 41.8 39.4 2,879 58.2 55.0 293 5.6 Coles 9, 137 667!? 7 ". 3 4,814 63.7 52.7 4,147 46.3 45.4 176 1.9 Cook 5 31,691 16,802R 3.2 258,05 1 51.7 48.5 241,249 48.3 45.4 32,390 6.1 Crawford 6,109 114R 1.9 3 ,017 51.0 4 9.4 2 ,903 49.0 47.5 189 3.1 Cumberland 3,454 34R 1.0 1 ,709 50.5 49.5 1,675 49.5 48.5 70 2.0 DeKalb 7,966 3.881R 48.7 5,749 75.5 72.2 1,868 24.5 23.4 349 4.4 DeWitt 5,111 298R 5.8 2,573 53.1 50.3 2,275 46.9 44.5 263 5.1 Douglas 4,863 658R 13.5 2,632 57.1 54.1 1,974 42.9 40.6 257 5.3 DuPage Edgar Edwards 9,076 3,088R 34.0 5,828 68.0 64.2 2,740 32.0 30.2 508 5.6 7,234 730 1.0 3,463 49.5 47.9 3,536 50.5 48.9 235 3.2 2,543 1 , 03 1R 40.5 1,739 71.1 68.4 708 28.9 27.8 96 3.8 Effingham 4,591 5680 12.4 1,955 4 3.7 42.6 2,523 36.3 55.0 113 2.5 Fayette Ford 6,4 94 139R 2.1 3,177 51.1 48.9 3,038 48.9 46.8 279 4.3 4,111 1,615R 3^.3 2,719 71.1 66.1 1,104 28.9 26.9 288 7.0 Franklin 8,242 112R 1.4 3,809 50.7 46.2 3,697 49.3 44.9 736 8.9 Fulton 11,744 895R 7.6 5 ,740 54.2 48.9 4,845 45.8 41.3 1,159 9.9 Gallatin 3,108 4380 14.1 1,279 42.7 41.2 1,717 57.3 55.2 112 3.6 Greene 5,391 9570 17.8 2,217 41.1 41.1 3,174 58.9 53.9 .0 Grundy Hamilton 4,568 1, 748R 38.3 3,094 69.7 67.7 1 ,346 30.3 29.5 128 2.8 4, 142 210 .5 2,023 49.7 48.8 2 ,044 50.3 49.3 75 1.8 Hancock 8, 140 26R .3 3,648 50.2 44.8 3,622 49.8 44.5 870 10.7 Hardin 1,736 12 9R 7.4 914 53.8 52.6 785 46.2 45.2 37 2.1 Henderson 2,577 785R 33.5 1,630 65.9 63.3 845 34.1 32.8 102 4.0 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 1^,136 4,003R 39.5 6,810 70.8 67.2 2,807 29.2 27.7 519 5.1 8,369 2.396R 28.6 5,264 64.7 62.9 2,868 35.3 34.3 237 2.8 8,743 1, 218P 13.9 4,882 57.1 55.8 3,664 42.9 41.9 197 2.3 4 ,060 2770 6.8 1 ,841 46.5 4 5.3 2,118 53.5 52.2 101 2.5 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 7,055 2470 3.5 3,318 48.2 47.0 3,565 51.8 50.5 172 2.4 3,588 72P 2.0 1,799 51 .0 50.1 1,727 49.0 48.1 62 1.7 5,886 1 ,^61R 26.5 M ,637 6 3.7 61.8 2,076 36.3 35.3 173 2.9 3,133 029R 20.7 1,991 6 5.2 6 3.5 1 ,062 34.8 33.9 80 2.6 20,562 9, 116R 44.3 14,373 73.2 69.9 5,257 26.8 25.6 932 4.5 Kankakee 9,097 2,60 7R 26. 1 6,199 63.3 62.0 3,592 36.7 35.9 206 2.1 Kendall ?,676 1 , 566R 58.5 2 ,095 70.8 78.3 529 20.2 19.8 52 1.9 Knox l'^,992 3,0 54R 27.6 6,766 64.6 61.6 3,712 35.4 33.8 514 4.7 Lake 11,536 4.707R 40.6 7,813 71 .6 67.4 3,106 28.4 26.8 667 5.8 LaSalle 21,492 3, 113R 14.5 11 , Q 27 57.5 55.5 8,814 42.5 41.0 751 3.5 Lawrence 5,751 660 1.1 2,706 49.4 47.1 2,772 50.6 48.2 273 4.7 Lee 7, 137 2, c-nSR 34.9 4,731 68.0 65.8 2,226 32.0 31.0 230 3.2 Livingston Logan 9,3 96 2 , 4 n l r 24.3 6,000 62.5 60.6 3,599 37.5 36.4 297 3.0 7,253 668R 9.2 3,723 54 .9 51.3 3,055 45.1 42.1 475 6.5 Macon 14, 3^8 3 ,003R 20.7 8,262 61.1 56.9 5,259 38.9 36.2 1,007 6.9 48 GOVERNOR - 1916 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 11,871 69? .6 5,44 3 50 . 3 45.9 5,374 49.7 45.3 1,054 8.9 Madison 21,747 1, 286R 5.9 11 ,038 53.1 = 0.8 9,752 46.9 44.8 957 4.4 Marion 8,301 5370 6.4 3,666 46.6 43.8 4,203 53.4 50.3 + 92 5.9 Marshall 3,962 536R 13.5 2,163 5 7.1 54.6 1,627 42.9 41.1 172 4.3 Mason 4,497 870 1.9 2 ,095 4 9.0 46.6 2,182 31.0 43.5 220 4.9 Massac 3,217 1,670R 51.9 2,401 76.7 74.6 731 23.3 22.7 85 2.6 McDonough 7,572 1,411R 18.6 4,236 60. 55. o 2,825 40.0 37.3 511 6.7 McHenry 8,011 3,964R 49.5 5,031 75.1 74.0 1,967 24.9 24.6 113 1.4 McLean 16,800 2,946R 17.5 9,136 59.6 54.4 6,190 40.4 36.8 1,474 8.8 Menard 3,238 390R 12.0 1 ,769 56.2 54.6 1,379 43.8 42.6 90 2.8 Mercer 5,245 1,325R 25.3 3, 180 63.2 60.6 1,855 36.8 35.4 210 4.0 Monroe 3, .367 543R 16. 1 1 ,944 58.1 57.7 1,401 41.9 41.6 22 .7 Montgomery 9,214 240R 2.6 4,409 51 .4 47.9 4,169 48.6 45.2 636 6.9 Morgan 8,263 1 ,096R 13.3 4,543 56.0 55.0 3,447 43.1 41.7 273 3.3 Moultrie 3,702 470 1.3 1 ,756 49.3 4 7.4 1,803 50.7 48.7 143 3.9 Ogle 7,315 4,060R 55.5 5,577 78.6 76.2 1,517 21.4 20.7 221 3.0 Peoria 24,212 1,728R 7.1 12,550 5 3.7 51.8 10,822 46.3 44. 7 840 3.5 Perry 5,567 403R 7.2 2,873 53.8 51.6 2,470 46.2 44.4 224 4.0 Piatt 4,131 844R 20.4 2,415 60.6 58.5 1,571 39.4 38.0 145 3.5 Pike 7,293 4480 6.1 3,273 4 6.8 44.9 3,721 53.2 51.0 299 4. 1 Pope 2,515 1 ,C53R 4 1.9 1,754 71.4 69.7 701 28.6 27.9 60 2.4 Pulaski 3,501 920R 26.3 2,180 63.4 62.3 1,260 36.6 36.0 61 1.7 Putnam 1,590 483R 30.4 1 ,006 6 5.8 63.3 523 34.2 32.9 61 3.8 Randolph 6,659 156R 2.3 3,311 51.2 49.7 3,155 48.8 47.4 193 2.9 Richland 3,730 58R 1.6 1 ,808 5 0.8 48.5 1 ,750 49.2 46.9 172 4.6 Rock Island 18,355 3, 127R 17.0 9,644 59.7 52.5 6,517 40.3 35.5 2,194 12.0 Saline 7,925 629R 7.9 3,937 54.3 49.7 3,308 45.7 41.7 680 8.6 Sangamon 23,075 3,256R 14.1 12,629 57.4 54.7 9,373 42.6 40.6 1,073 4.7 Schuyler 3,607 1990 5.5 1,620 47.1 44.9 1 ,819 52.9 50.4 168 4.7 Scott 2,656 85R 3.2 1 ,352 51 .6 ^0.9 1,267 48.4 47.7 37 1.4 Shelby 7,664 3500 4.6 3,473 47.6 45.3 3,823 52.4 49.9 368 4.8 Stark 2,530 931R 36.8 1,713 68.7 67.7 782 31.3 30.9 35 1.4 St. Clair 30,170 1670 .6 14,406 4 9.7 47.7 14,573 50.3 48.3 1,191 3.9 Stephenson 9,003 2,985R 33.2 5,798 67.3 64.4 2,813 32.7 31.2 392 4.4 Tazewell 8,811 772R 8.8 4,550 54.6 51.6 3,778 45.4 42.9 483 5.5 Union 4,63 3 910D 19.6 1 ,814 40.0 39.2 2,724 60.0 58.8 95 2.1 Vermilion 20,091 2.243R 11.2 10,500 56.0 52.3 8,257 44.0 41.1 1,334 6.6 Wabash 3,5 30' 1460 4.1 1 ,608 4 7.8 45.6 1 ,754 52.2 49.7 168 4.8 Warren 6,055 1,272R 21.0 3,508 61.1 57.9 2,236 38.9 36.9 311 5.1 Washington 4,428 978R 2 2.1 2,642 61.4 59.7 1,664 38.6 37.6 122 2.8 Wayne 5,848 522R 8.9 3,110 54.6 53.2 2,588 45.4 44.3 150 2.6 White 5,282 2530 4.8 2 ,434 4 7.5 46.1 2,687 52.5 50.9 161 3.0 Whiteside 8,570 4, 155R 4 8.4 6,216 75.1 72.5 2,061 24.9 24.0 302 3.5 Will 18,552 5,209R 28.1 11,713 64.3 63.1 6,504 35.7 35.1 335 1.8 Williamson 11,113 1,338R 12.0 5,939 56.3 53.4 4,601 43.7 4 1.4 573 5.2 Winnebago 14,852 7,372R 49.6 10,411 77.4 70.1 3,039 22.6 20.5 1,402 9.4 Woodford 4,357 674R 13.9 2,642 57.3 54.4 1,968 42.7 40.5 247 5.1 TOTAL 1 ,322,563 139.881R 10.6 696,535 55.6 52.7 556,654 44.4 42.1 69,374 5.2 Downstate 790,873 123.079R 15.6 438,484 58.2 55.4 315 ,405 41.8 39.9 36,984 4.7 Suburban Cook 58,619 15.822P. 27.0 35,346 64.4 60.3 19,524 35.6 33.3 3,749 6.4 Chicago 473,071 980R .2 222,705 50.1 47.1 221,725 49.9 46.9 28,641 6.1 49 SUMMARY- 1918 SENATOR Co unties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Medill McCormick 480,367 158,883 321,484 82 Democratic James H. Lewis 427,843 201,219 226,624 20 Socialist William B. Lloyd 37,167 22,563 14,604 Prohibition Frank B. Vennum 3,161 438 2,723 Socialist Labor John M. Francis 3,268 1,852 1,416 STATE TREASURER Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Fred E. Sterling 506,038 181,965 324,073 85 Democratic James J. Brady 364,235 162,880 201,355 17 Socialist Robert L. Harvey 34,247 20,491 13,756 Prohibition Orrin L. Dayton 3,116 433 2,683 Socialist Labor Samuel J. French 3,047 1,783 1,264 51 SENATOR - 1918 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total' Vote Two- Parly Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vole Adams 10,638 1 ,0940 10.3 4,453 44.5 41.9 • 5,547 55.5 52.1 638 6.0 Alexander A, 016 1,343R 33.4 2,667 66.8- 66.4 1,324 33.2 33.0 25 .6 Bond 2,784 938R 33.7 1,808 67.5 64.9 870 32.5 31.3 106 3.8 Boone 2,379 1» 361R 57.2 1,845 79.2 77.6 484 20.8 20.3 50 2.1 Brown 1,646 394D 23.9 621 33.0 37.7 1 ,015 62.0 61.7 10 .6 Bureau 6,675 994R 14.9 3,746 57.6 56.1 2,752 42.4 41.2 177 2.7 Calhoun 1,346 97D 7.2 615 46.3 45.7 712 53.7 52.9 19 1.4 Carroll 3,00 1,679R 56.0 2,300 78.7 76.7 621 21.3 20.7 79 2.6 Cass 3,517 5 00D 14.2 1,459 42.7 41.5 1,959 57.3 55.7 99 2.8 Champaign 9,049 2, 584R 28.6 5,735 64.5 63.4 3,1-51 35.5 34.8 163 1.8 Christian 6,786 133D 2.0 3,236 4 9.0 47.7 3,369 51.0 49.6 181 2.7 Clark 4,752 329R 6.9 2,517 53.5 53.0 2, 188 46.5 46.0 47 1.0 Clay 3,426 40 8R 11.9 1 ,888 56.1 55.1 1 ,480 43.9 43.2 58 1.7 Clinton 3,658 230R 6.3 1,580 5 3.9 43.2 1,350 46.1 36.9 728 19.9 Coles 6,706 653R 9.7 3,645 54.9 54.4 2,99,2 45.1 44.6 69 1.0 Cook 384,955 42,3360 11.0 158,883 44.1 41.3 201,219 55.9 52.3 24,853 6.5 Crawford 4,932 311R 6.3 2,576 53.2 52.2 2,265 46.8 45.9 91 1.8 Cumberland 2,930 148R 5.1 1,522 52.6 51.9 1,374 47.4 46.9 34 1.2 DeKalb 5,119 2,669R 52.1 3,815 76.9 74.5 1,146 23.1 22.4 158 3.1 DeWitt 3,990 565R 14.2 2,251 57.2 56.4 1 ,686 42.8 42.3 53 1.3 Douglas 3,457 704R 20.4 2,052 60.4 59.4 1,348- 39.6 39.0 57 1.6 DuPage 6,136 2,122R 34.6 3,951 68.4 64.4 1,829 31.6 29.8 356 5.8 Edgar 5,942 59D l.C 2,904 49.5 48.9 2,963 50.5 49.9 75 1.3 Edwards 1,950 984R 50.5 1,457 75.5 74.7 473 24.5 24.3 20 1.0 Effingham 3,599 160R 4.4 1 ,839 52.3 51.1 1,6*79 47.7 46.7 81 2.3 Fayette 5,173 581R 11.2 2,810 55.8 54.3 2,229 44.2 43.0 139 2.7 Ford 2,852 1,390R 43.7 2,085 75.0 73.1 695 25.0 24.4 72 2.5 Franklin 6,353 439R 6.9 3 ,244 53.6 51.1 2,805 46.4 44.2 304 4.8 Fulton 8,099 1.207R 14.9 4,485 57.8 55.4 3,278 42.2 40.5 336 4.1 Gallatin 2,214 2 3 7D 10.7 962 44.5 43.5 1 ,199 55.5 54.2 53 2.4 Greene 3,536 420D 11.9 1,535 44.0 43.4 1,955 56.0 55.3 46 1.3 Grundy 2,943 1,277R 43.4 2,091 72.0 71.0 814 28.0 27.7 38 1.3 Hamilton 3,214 13R .4 1,583 50.2 49.3 1,570 49.8 48.8 61 1.9 Hancock 6,337 148R 2.3 3,173 51.2 50.1 3,025 48.8 47.7 139 2.2 Hardin 1,310 152R 11.6 722 55.9 55.1 570 44.1 43.5 18 1.4 Henderson 1,761 663R 37.6 1,196 69.2 67.9 533 30.8 30.3 32 1.8 Henry 7,244 2,828R 39.0 4,905 70.3 67.7 2,077 29.7 28.7 262 3.6 Iroquois 5,670 1.869R 33.0 3,716 66.8 65.5 1,847 33.2 32.6 107 1.9 Jackson 5,570 1,299R 19.8 3,879 60.1 59.0 2,580 39.9 39.3 111 1.7 Jasper 3,385 16R .5 1,690 50.2 49.9 1,674 49.8 49.5 21 .6 Jefferson 5,456 136R 2.5 2,759 51.3 50.6 2,623 48.7 48.1 74 1.4 Jersey 2,388 660 2.8 1 ,149 43.6 48.1 1,215 51.4 50.9 24 1.0 JoDaviess 4,263 1, 150R 27.0 2,628 64.0 61.6 1,478 36.0 34.7 157 3.7 Johnson 2,197 735R 33.5 1,451 67.0 66.0 716 33.0 32.6 30 1.4 Kane 13,578 4, 133R 30.4 8,509 66.0 62.7 4,376 34.0 32.2 693 5.1 Kankakee 6,366 1.653R 26.0 3 ,959 63.2 62.2 2 ,306 36.8 36.2 101 1.6 KendaU 1,710 1.0Q.6R 58.8 1 ,351 79.7 79.0 345 20.3 20.2 14 .8 Knox 7,516 3.049R 40.6 5,209 70.7 69.3 2,160 29.3 28.7 147 2.0 Lake 7,617 2, 562R 33.6 4,943 67.5 64.9 2,381 32.5 31.3 293 3.8 LaSalle 16,383 1.964R 12.0 8,882 56.2 54.2 6,918 43.8 42.2 583 3.6 Lawrence 4,139 234R 5.7 2,153 52.9 52.0 1,919 47.1 46.4 67 1.6 Lee 5,040 1 ,927R 38.2 3,424 69.6 67.9 1,497 30.4 29.7 119 2.4 Livingston 6,942 2, 380R 34.3 4,614 67.4 66.5 2,2 34 32.6 32.2 94 1.4 Logan 5,319 784R 14.7 2,982 57.6 56.1 2,198 42.4 41.3 139 2.6 Macon 9,659 2,038R 21.1 5,708 60.9 59.1 3,670 39.1 38.0 281 2.9 52 SENATOR - 1918 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 9,111 406D 4.5 4,095 47.6 44.9 4,501 52.4 49.4 515 5.7 Madison 14,910 1,649R 11.1 7,790 55.9 52.2 6,141 44.1 41.2 979 6.6 Marion 6,145 150D 2.4 2,879 48.7 46.0 3,o?o 51.3 49.3 237 3.9 Marshall 3,227 542R 16.8 1 ,855 58.6 57.5 1,313 41.4 40.7 59 1.8 Mason 3,251 33D 1.0 1,598 49.5 49.2 1,631 50.5 50.2 22 .7 Massac 2,008 1 ,274R 63.4 1,628 82.1 81.1 354 17.9 17.6 26 1.3 McDonough 6,452 416R 6.4 3,381 ^3.3 52.4 2,965 46.7 46.0 106 1.6 McHenry 5,320 1.969R 37.0 3,578 69.0 67.3 1,609 31.0 30.2 133 2.5 McLean 10,466 2,035R 19.4 6,102 60.0 58.3 4 ,067 40.0 38.9 297 2.8 Menard 2,584 98R 3.8 1 ,329 51.9 51.4 1,231 48.1 47.6 24 .9 Mercer 3,788 1,260R 33.3 2,495 66.9 65.9 1,235 33.1 32.6 58 1.5 Monroe 2,761 1.000R 36.2 1,840 68.7 66.6 84C 31.3 30.4 81 2.9 Montgomery 7,165 151D 2.1 3,411 48.9 47.6 3,562 51.1 49.7 192 2.7 Morgan 6,394 415R 6.5 3,363 53.3 52.6 2,948 46.7 4 6.1 33 1.3 Moultrie 2,846 127R 4.5 1 ,474 52.3 51.8 1,347 47.7 47.3 25 .9 Ogle 5,103 2,615R 51.2 3,819 76.0 74.8 1,204 24.0 23.6 80 1.6 Peoria 17,301 1»736R 10.0 9,313 55.1 53.8 7,577 44.9 4 3.8 411 2.4 Perry 4,489 698R 15.5 2,503 58.1 55.8 1,805 41.9 40.2 181 4.0 Piatt 2,832 838R 29.6 1 ,819 65.0 64.2 981 35.0 34.6 32 1.1 Pike 5,223 441D 8.4 2,331 45.7 44.6 2,772 54.3 53.1 120 2.3 Pope 1,598 747R 46.7 1 ,167 73.5 73.0 420 26.5 26.3 11 .7 Pulaski 2,366 659R 27.9 1 ,507 64.0 63.7 848 36.0 35.8 11 .5 Putnam 1,134 412R 36.3 768 68.3 67.7 356 31.7 31.4 10 .9 Randolph 5,329 984R 18.5 3,082 59.5 57.8 2,098 40.5 39.4 149 2.8 Richland 2,940 36R 1.2 1,457 50.6 49.6 1,421 49.4 48.3 62 2.1 Rock Island 12,861 2,058R 16.0 6,701 59.1 52.1 4,643 40.9 36.1 1,517 11.8 Saline 5,803 1.335R 23.0 3,452 62.0 59.5 2,117 38.0 36.5 234 4.0 Sangamon 18,081 1,779R 9.8 9,666 55.1 53.5 7,887 44.9 43.6 528 2.o Schuyler 3,003 780 2.6 1,437 48.7 47.9 1,515 51.3 50.4 51 1.7 Scott 2,214 100D 4.5 1,046 47.7 47.2 1,146 52.3 51.8 22 1.0 Shelby 5,812 1840 3.2 2,766 48.4 47.6 2,950 51.6 50.8 96 1.7 Stark 1,863 719R 38.6 1 ,282 69.5 68.8 563 30.5 30.2 18 1.0 St. Clair 19,552 723R 3.7 9,490 52.0 48.5 8,767 48.0 44.8 1,295 6.6 Stephenson 6,771 1.472R 21.7 3 ,953 61.4 58.4 2,481 38.6 36.6 337 5.0 Tazewell 6,351 675R 10.6 3,423 55.5 53.9 2,748 44.5 43.3 180 2.8 Union 3,111 637D 20.5 1,225 39.7 39.4 1 ,862 60.3 59.9 24 .8 Vermilion 13,021 2,070R 15.9 7,403 58.1 56.9 5,333 41.9 41.0 285 2.2 Wabash 2,608 2D .1 1,266 50.0 48.5 1,268 50.0 48.6 74 2.8 Warren 4,583 1.201R 26.2 2,854 63.3 62.3 1,653 36.7 36.1 76 1.7 Washington 3,451 I.290R 37.4 2,274 69.8 65.9 9 84 30.2 28.5 193 5.6 Wayne 4,255 758R 17.8 2,485 59.0 58.4 1,727 41.0 40.6 43 1.0 White 4,179 38R .9 2,076 50.5 49.7 2,038 49.5 48.8 65 1.6 Whiteside 5,849 2»896R 49.5 4,307 75.3 73.6 1 ,411 24.7 24.1 131 2.2 WiU 13,234 2,908R 22.0 7,837 61.4 59.2 4,929 38.6 37.2 46 8 3.5 Williamson 8,020 1,863R 23.2 4,828 62.0 60.2 2,965 38.0 37.0 227 2.3 Winnebago 10,170 4.039R 39.7 6,618 72.0 65.1 2,570 28.0 25.4 973 9.6 Woodford 3,644 893R 24.5 2,232 62.5 61.3 1,339 37.5 36.7 73 2.0 TOTAL 951,806 52.524R 5.5 480,367 52.9 50.5 427,843 47.1 45.0 43,596 4.6 Downstate 566,851 94,860R 16.7 321,484 58.7 56.7 226,624 41.3 4 0.0 18,74 3 3.3 Suburban Cook 42,925 8,285R 19.3 24,342 60.3 56.7 16,057 39.7 37.4 2,526 5.9 Chicago 342,030 50,6210 14.8 134,541 42.1 39.3 185,162 57.9 54.1 22,327 6.5 53 STATE TREASURER - 1918 County Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan Macon Total Vote Cast 10 3 2 2 1 6 I 2 3 8 6 4 3 3 6 367 4 2 4 3 3 5 5 1 3 5 2 6 7 2 3 2 3 6 1 1 7 5 6 3 5 2 4 2 11 6 1 7 7 15 4 4 6 4 9 288 428 74 5 208 599 499 303 796 398 812 628 685 386 422 499 552 879 884 839 890 379 Rep.-Dem. Plurality Number 898 787 910 448 096 752 210 708 152 340 793 15-0 228 273 698 028 433 448 337 406 307 171 110 746 098 655 124 172 168 009 832 800 943 369 5970 1.062R 927P 1.563R 385D 1.736R 93D 1.824R 4490 3. 14IR 8R 372R 385R 262R 889R 19.085R 318R 124R 2.963P 620R 819R 2.880R 66D 991R 169R 617R 1.583R 480R 1.412P 2560 378D 1.474R R 261R 149R 687R 3,407" 2, 157R 1 .479o 28R 149R 460 1,288R 711R 5.576" 2,697R 1. 1119 3,603R 3,493R 3.682R 215R 2.232R 2.941R 351R 2.859R Pet. 5.8 31.0 33.8 70.8 24.1 26.7 7.1 65.2 13.2 35.6 .1 7.9 11.4 7. 7 13.7 5.2 6.5 4.3 61.2 15.9 24.2 48.8 1.1 51.9 4.9 12.1 57.5 7.7 18.3 11.9 11.3 52.8 .0 4.2 11.7 40.5 48.5 39.7 22.9 .8 2.8 2.0 3 0.9 33.7 47.5 44.2 67.1 50.6 48.7 24.3 5.4 46.2 43.3 17.2 30.5 REPUBLICAN VOTE Number 2 1 5 3 2 1 1 3 181 2 1 3 2 2 4 2 1 1 2 2 3 4 602 234 783 861 603 029 597 278 440 903 226 506 862 501 659 965 552 488 830 231 073 235 822 442 778 792 138 192 402 926 460 113 546 176 702 177 039 757 911 672 742 119 655 397 349 352 375 294 174 151 079 479 825 835 985 Percent of Two- Party Vote 47.0 65.6 67.6 86.2 37.9 63.7 46.4 83.4 43.3 68.1 50.1 54.0 55.8 54.8 56.9 52.8 53.3 52.2 81.5 58.1 62.3 75.8 49.4 76.2 52.5 56.2 79.4 54.1 59.6 43.9 44.3 76.8 50.0 52.1 55.9 70.6 75.2 70.1 61.7 50.4 51.4 49.0 66.0 67.1 75.1 72.4 83.9 75.8 75.5 62.6 52.7 73.6 71.9 58.8 65.7 Total Vote DEMOCRATIC VOTE Number Percent of 44.7 65.2 65.0 84.3 37.7 62.0 45.8 81.5 42.4 67.0 48.7 53.5 55.0 43.9 56.3 49.5 52.3 51.6 79.1 57.4 61 71 48.8 75.5 51.6 54. 77.7 51.4 57.1 42.0 4 3.7 75.7 49.1 51.0 55.1 69.3 72.4 69.2 60.7 50.1 50.7 48.5 63.7 66.2 71.1 71.4 83.1 74.3 72.1 60.3 51.9 72.0 71.0 57.4 63.9 5 tl99 1.172 856 298 988 2,293 690 454 1,889 2,762 3,218 2,134 1,477 1,239 2,770 Two- Party Vote 162 880 2,234 1 ,364 867 1,611 1,254 1,355 2,888 4 51 1,609 2,175 555 2,712 2,990 1.182 1.838 639 1 ,546 2,915 553 490 1,662 1 ,600 2,432 1,644 2,593 1,165 1,367 686 2,773 1,655 264 1,691 1,681 5,469 1,864 1,247 1,884 1,984 3,126 53.0 34.4 32.4 13.8 62.1 36.3 53.6 16.6 56.7 31.9 49.9 46.0 44.2 45.2 43.1 47.2 46.7 47.8 18.5 41.9 37.7 24.2 50.6 23.8 Total Vote OTHER VOTE Number 50.5 34.2 31.2 13.5 61.8 35.3 53.0 16.2 55.6 31.3 48.6 45.5 43.6 36.2 42.6 44.3 45.8 47.3 17.9 41.4 37.1 23.0 49.9 23.6 47.5 46.7 43.8 20.6 45.9 40.4 56.1 55.7 23.2 50.0 47.9 44.1 29.4 24.8 29.9 38.3 49.6 48.6 51.0 34.0 32.9 24.9 27.6 16.1 24.2 24.5 37.4 47.3 26.4 28.1 41.2 34.3 42, 20, 43, 38, 54, 55.0 22.9 49.1 46.8 43.4 28.9 23.9 29.4 37.7 49.3 48.0 50.5 32.8 32.5 23.6 27.1 15.0 23.7 23.4 36.1 46.5 25.8 27.7 40.1 33.4 Percent of Total Vote 487 22 106 49 8 177 16 64 69 147 184 45 47 682 70 22,707 93 32 142 48 52 308 77 17 61 129 59 306 316 44 42 41 58 137 18 31 257 76 105 21 71 23 149 21 624 91 16 139 317 543 66 106 91 124 258 4.7 .6 3.9 2.2 .5 2.7 1.2 2.3 2.0 1.7 2.8 1.0 1.4 19.9 1.1 6.2 1.9 1.1 2.9 1.2 1.5 5.2 1.3 .9 1.8 2.5 2.1 4.9 4.1 2.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.2 1.4 1.8 3.7 1.4 1.6 .6 1.3 1.0 3.6 1.3 5.3 1.5 1.0 2.0 4.4 3.6 1.6 2.2 1.3 2.5 2.8 54 STATE TREASURER - 1918 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet Vote Macoupin 8,873 1310 1.5 4,124 49.2 46.5 4,255 50.8 48.0 491 5.5 Madison 14,268 2, 190? 15.3 7,763 58.2 3 4.4 5,573 41.3 39.1 932 6.5 Marion 5,916 19R .3 2,849 50.2 40.2 2,830 49.8 47.8 237 4.0 Marshall 3, 147 703? 22.3 1,899 61.4 63.3 1,196 38.6 38.0 52 1.7 Mason 3,066 540 1.8 1 ,49 5 49.1 4 3.8 1,549 50.9 5C.5 22 .7 Massac 1,931 1,269P 65.7 1,5 89 83.2 82.3 320 16.8 lb. 6 22 1.1 McDonough 5,293 1 , 169? 22.1 3,169 61.3 59.9 2,000 33.7 37.8 124 2.3 McHenry 4,701 2,605? 55.4 3,603 73.3 76.6 993 21.7 21.2 100 2.1 McLean 10,021 3,624? 36.2 6,660 63.7 66.5 3,336 31.3 30.3 325 3.2 Menard 2,461 127? 5.2 1,284 52.6 52.2 1,157 4 7.4 47.0 20 .8 Mercer 3,699 1,345? 36.4 2 , 4.9 1 63.5 67.3 1 ,146 31.5 31.0 62 1.7 Monroe 2,7^7 1 ,058? 39.1 1,851 73.0 68.4 793 30.0 29.3 63 2.3 Montgomery 6, -877 101D 1.5 3,291 49.2 47.9 3,392 30.8 49.3 194 2.3 Morgan 6,130 543? 8.9 3,305 54.5 53.9 2,753 45.5 44.9 75 1.2 Moultrie 2,762 191? 6.9 1,462 53.5 52.9 1,271 46.5 46.0 29 1.0 Ogle 4,820 2,883? 59.8 3,810 89.4 79.3 927 19.6 19.2 83 1.7 Peoria 16,863 3,413? 20.2 9-, 941 60.4 5 9.0 6,528 39.6 38.7 394 2.3 Perry 4,265 693? 16.2 2,425 58.3 56.9 •1,732 41.7 40.6 108 2.3 Piatt 2,727 894? 32.8 1,796 66.6 65.9 932 33.4 33.1 29 1.1 Pike 5,124 455D 3.9 2,282 45.5 4 4.5 2,737 54.5 53.4 105 2.0 Pope 1,546 760? 49.7 1,153 75.0 74.6 334 25.0 24.8 9 .6 Pulaski 2,188 922? 42.1 1,5+3 71.2 70.7 626 28.8 28.6 14 .6 Putnam 1,082 480? 4 4 . 4 775 72.4 71.6 295 27.6 27.3 12 1.1 Randolph 5,208 889R 17.1 2 ,983 58.8 57.3 2,094 41.2 40.2 131 2.5 Richland 2,887 3? .1 1 ,416 50.1 49.0 1,413 4 9.9 43.9 58 2.0 Rock Island 12,057 3, 134R 26.0 6,838 64.9 56.7 3,704 35.1 30.7 1,515 12.6 Saline 5,609 1,371? 24.4 3,383 62.7 60.3 2,009 37.3 35.8 220 3.9 Sangamon 17,411 3,699? 21.2 10,310 63.9 59.2 6,611 39.1 38.0 490 2.8 Schuyler 2,941 680 2.3 1 ,412 43.8 48.0 1,430 51.2 50.3 49 1. / Scott 2,146 44D 2.1 1 ,041 49.0 4 3.5 1,085 51.0 50.6 20 .9 Shelby 5,677 1790 3.2 2,696 48.4 47.5 2,875 51.6 50.6 106 1.9 Stark 1 ,796 766? 42.7 1 ,274 71.5 70.9 508 28.5 28.3 14 • 6 St. Clair 19,045 1 ,207? 6.3 9,494 53.4 49.9 8,237 46.6 43.5 1,264 6.6 Stephenson 6,512 1,698? 26.1 3,950 63.7 60.7 2,252 36.3 34.6 310 4.8 Tazewell 6, 196 1,042? 16.8 3,535 53.6 57.1 2,493 4 1.4 40.2 168 2.7 Union 2,998 597D 19.9 1,189 4 3.0 33.7 1,736 50.0 59.6 23 .0 Vermilion 12,331 2,867? 23.3 7,460 61.9 50.5 4,593 33.1 37.2 273 2.5 Wabash 2,557 220 .9 1,231 49.6 48.1 1,253 50.4 49.0 73 2. C J Warren 4,436 1 ,294? 29.2 2,827 64.6 63.7 1,533 35.2 34.6 76 1.7 Washington 3,248 1,246? 3 3.4 2,176 70.1 67.3 930 29.9 28.6 142 4.4 Wayne 4,2^7 778f? 18.5 2,472 59.3 58.8 1,694 40.7 40.3 41 1.0 White 4,112 19? .5 2,032 53.2 4 9.4 2,313 49.8 49.0 67 1.6 Whiteside 5,471 3, 145? 57.5 4,247 79.4 77.6 1,102 20.6 20.1 122 2.2 Will 12,783 4,361? 34.1 3,36 1 67.6 6 5.4 4,000 32.4 31.3 4 22 3.3 Williamson 7,763 1,863? 24.0 4,707 62.3 60.6 2 ,844 37.7 36.6 212 2.7 Winnebago 9,538 5,3 72? 53.2 6 , 784 7 3 . 6 71.1 1,712 20.2 17.9 1,042 10.9 Woodford 3,563 1 ,088? 30.5 2,293 65.6 64.4 1,205 }<4.4 33.8 65 1.8 TOTAL 913,683 141,803? 15.6 506,338 53.1 55.6 364,235 41.9 40.0 40 410 4.4 Downstate 543, 131 122,718R 22.6 324,373 61.7 59.7 201,355 3S.3 37.1 17,703 j.J Suburban Cook 4 1,716 14,000? 33.6 26,645 67.6 63.9 12,645 32.2 3 0.3 2,426 5.o Chicago 325,836 5,385? 1.6 15 5,320 5 0.3 47.7 150,235 49.2 46.1 20 281 6.2 55 SUMMARY -1920 PRESIDENT Counties Farty Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican . Vila r re n G. Harding 1,420,657 635,374 735,233 99 Democratic James M. Cox 535,579 198,683 336,896 3 Socialist Eugene V. Debs 74,815 52,543 22,272 Prohibition Aaron S. Watkins 11,287 910 10,377 Farmer- Labor Farley P. Christensen 49 , 630 4,966 44 , 664 Single Tax Robert C. Macauley 775 230 545 Socialist Labor William W. Cox 3,441 1,901 1,540 SENATOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican William B. McKinley 1,381,984 607,424 774,560 99 Democratic Peter A. Waller 552,527 210,066 342,461 3 Socialist Gustave T. Fraenckel 66,463 45,825 20,638 Prohibition Frank B. Vennum 10,186 1,116 9,070 Farmer- Labor John Fitzpatrick 50,749 4,755 45,994 Single Tax George D. Carrington, Jr. 784 252 532 Socialist Labor Joseph B. Moody 3,107 1,681 1,426 56 SUMMARY- 1920(Contd.) GOVERNOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican Len Small 1,243,514 506,222 737,292 98 Democratic J. Hamilton Lewis 731,647 351,016 380,631 4 Socialist Andrew Lafin 58,998 39,958 19,040 Prohibition James H. Woertendyke 9,876 1,058 8,818 Farmer- Labor John H. Walker 56,480 3,666 52,814 Single Tax Lewis D. Spaulding 930 358 572 Socialist Labor John M. Francis 3,020 1,610 1,410 Harding- Coolidge Republican John M. Harlan 5,985 1,892 4,093 Co-operative Party of America Harrison Parker 1,260 857 403 Liberal Parke Longworth 357 81 276 57 PRESIDENT- 1920 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 22.521 5.630R 25.0 12,852 64.0 57.1 7,222 36.0 32.1 2,44 7 10.9 Alexander B,539 2,120R 24.8 5,287 62.5 61.9 '3,167 37.5 37.1 85 1.0 Bond 5,663 2, 129R 3 7.6 3,662 70.5 64.7 1,533 29.5 27.1 468 8.3 Boone 6,325 ,,890? 31.2 5,386 91.6 89.4 496 8.4 8.2 143 2.4 Brown 5,527 2 76D 7.8 1,590 4 6.0 45.1 1,866 54.0 52.9 71 2.0 Bureau 13,302 7,514? 5 7.2 9,?68 3 . 9 74.9 2,354 19.1 17.7 980 7.4 Calhoun 2,109 664? 31.5 1,367 66.0 64.8 7.0 3 34.0 33.3 39 1.8 Carroll 5,994 4,588? 76.5 5,194 3 9.6 86.7 606 10.4 10.1 194 3.2 Cass 7,318 1 ,095R 15.0 3,956 53.0 54.1 2,861 42.0 39.1 501 6.8 Champaign 21,681 10.326R 4 7.6 15,573 74.3 71.8 5,247 25.2 24.2 861 4.0 Christian 14,285 2,137R 15.0 7,535 53.3 52.7 5,398 41.7 37.8 1,352 9.5 Clark 9,597 1,131? 11.8 5,312 56.0 55.4- 4,181 44.0 43.6 104 1.1 Clay 6, 149 1 , 3 2 5 R 21.5 3,683 61.0 5 9.9 2,358 39.0 38.3 108 1.8 Clinton 7,164 2 , 9 3 R 40.5 4,5 64 73.3 63.7 1,661 26.7 23.2 939 13. 1 Coles 14,574 2, 7 r .?? 13.9 8,563 5.9.6 58.8 5,811 40.4 39.9 200 1.4 Cook* 894,377 436,691? 43. 8 6 3 5,374 76.2 71.0 198,683 23.8 22.2 60 320 6.7 Crawford 9,430 1,096? 11.6 5,188 55.9 55.0 4,092 44. 1 43.4 150 1.6 Cumberland 5,32 933? 17.5 3,095 63.9 58.2 2,162 41.1 40.6 63 1.2 DeKalb 12,361 3,674R 70.2 10,374 35.9 83.9 1.700 14.1 13.8 287 2.3 DeWitt 3,242 1.922R 23.3 5,001 61.9 60.7 3.079 38. 1 37.4 162 2.0 Douglas DuPage 7,491 2,577R 34.4 4,985 67.9 65.2 2.308 32.1 30.8 298 4.0 14,976 i :, 196? 63. 1 12,230 35.5 82.0 2,0 84' 14.5 13.9 612 4.1 Edgar Edwards 12,667 1,056? 3.3 6,750 54.2 53.3 5,694 45.8 45.0 223 1.8 3,79? 2,260? 59.6 3,002 30.2 79.2 742 19.8 19.6 46 1.2 Effingham 7,267 1, 191? 16.4 4,176 58.3 57.5 2,9,3 5 41.7 41.1 106 1.5 Fayette 9,346 1,934R 19.6 5,758 50.1 58.5 3,824 39.9 38.8 264 2.7 Ford 5,062 4,0 3 7? 66.6 4,995 33.9 8 2.4 958 16. 1 15.8 109 1.8 Franklin 14,336 2,714? 18.2 7,608 60.9 51.1 4,894 39.1 32.9 2,384 16.0 Fulton 16,072 4 , 2 3 R 26.3 9,523 64.3 59.3 5,293 35.7 32.9 1,256 7.8 Gallatin 4,3 73 134? 4.2 2, 184 52.2 49.9 2 ,000 47.8 45.7 189 4.3 Greene 7,682 9 I'D 1.2 3,685 49.4 48.0 3,776 50.6 49.2 221 2.9 Grundy Hamilton 5,306 3, 844? 66.2 4 ,64 7 85.3 80.0 803 14.7 13.8 356 6. 1 5,936 629R 10.7 3,220 55.4 54.7 2.591 44.6 44.0 75 1.3 Hancock 12, ""78 2.254? 17.6 7,379 5 9.0 57.7 5,125 41.0 40.1 274 2.1 Hardin 2,52^ 612? 24.2 1,555 62.2 61.5 943 37.8 37.3 29 1.1 Henderson 3,534 2,: 7? 56.0 2,74 7 78.8 76.6 740 21.2 20.6 97 2.7 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 15,677 9, 84<^ 62.3 12,379 33.0 79.0 2,530 17.0 16.1 768 4.9 11,309 6,7 C 7? 57.2 9,186 79.1 77.8 2,429 20.9 20.6 194 1.6 13,347 3,423R 25.7 8,003 63.6 60.0 4,575 36.4 34.3 769 5.8 6,351 3? 8? 4.3 3,279 52.5 51.6 2,971 47.5 46.8 101 1.6 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 10,660 939? 3.8 5,711 54.5 53.6 4,772 45.5 44.8 177 1.7 4,962 874R 17.6 2,873 59.0 57.9 1,999 41.0 40.3 90 1.8 7,997 4,494R 56.2 6,098 79.2 76.3 1 ,604 23.8 20.1 295 3.7 4,191 1,835? 4 3.8 2,972 72.3 70.9 1,137 27.7 27.1 82 2.0 32,393 22,509? 69.5 26,832 3 6.1 32.8 4,323 13.9 13.3 1.243 3.8 Kankakee 16,201 10,025R 61.9 12,853 32.0 79.3 2,828 18.0 17.5 520 3.2 Kendall 3,931 3,0 2 0? 76.8 3,4 59 3 3.7 88.0 439 11.3 11.2 33 .8 Knox 17,005 9,7^7? 57.1 12,559 81 .5 73.9 2,852 18.5 16.8 1.594 9.4 Lake 19,096 1 3 , 3 9 1 R 70.1 15,712 37.1 32.3 2.321 12.9 12.2 1.063 5.6 LaSalle 32,434 1 7 , 1 2 5 R 52.8 23,751 73.2 73.2 6.626 21.8 20.4 2.057 6.3 Lawrence 3,71 4 1 »013R 11.6 4,720 56.0 54.2 3.707 44.0 42.5 287 3.3 Lee 9,646 5,9O0r 51.2 7,615 31.6 78.9 1,715 18.4 17.8 316 3.3 Livingston Logan 13,3 74 7,281? 52.5 10,382 77.0 74.8 3,101 23.0 22.4 391 2.8 10,738 3,725R 34.7 6,957 63.3 64.3 3,232 31.7 30.1 549 5.1 Macon 25,257 8, 569? 33.9 16,435 67.6 65.3 7,917 32.4 31.3 854 3.4 58 PRESIDENT- 1920 Totol Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pel. Vote Macoupin 19,470 2.764R 14.2 8,700 59.4 44.7 5,936 40.6 3C.5 4,834 24.8 Madison 33,292 9, 100R 27.3 19,249 65.5 57.8 10,149 34.5 30.5 3,894 11.7 Marion 12,715 2,269R 17.8 6,620 60.3 52.1 4,351 39.7 34.2 1,744 13.7 Marshall 5,523 2, 166R 39.2 3,734 70.4 67.6 1,568 29.6 28.4 221 4.0 Mason 6,579 1.2479 19.0 3,842 59.7 5 8.4 2,595 40.3 39.4 142 2.2 Massac 4,496 3,o^3R 67.7 3,731 34.4 83.0 683 15.6 15.3 77 1.7 McDonough 11,430 3.291R 28.8 7,221 64.3 63.2 3,930 35.2 34.4 279 2.4 McHenry 11 ,616 3,349R 71.0 9,685 36.6 85.1 1,536 13.4 13.2 195 1.7 McLean 25,555 1C269R 40.2 16,680 72.2 65.3 6,411 27.8 25.1 2,464 9.6 Menard 4,869 1,0 18R 20.9 2,382 6 0.7 59.2 1 ,864 39.3 38.3 123 2.5 Mercer 7,416 3,9579 53.4 5,531 7 7.3 74.6 1 ,574 22.2 21.2 311 4.2 Monroe 4,215 2,023R 4 9.0 2,955 75.0 70.1 932 24.0 22.1 328 7.8 Montgomery 14,039 2,673R 19.0 7,429 61.0 52.9 4,756 39.0 33.9 1,854 13.2 Morgan 12,993 3,722R 28.6 8,169 64.3 62.9 4,447 35.2 34.2 377 2.9 Moultrie 5,881 766R 13.0 3,279 56.6 55.8 2,513 43.4 4 2.7 89 1.5 Ogle 11 ,233 7,6029 67.7 9,322 84.4 83.0 1,710 15.6 15.3 191 1.7 Peoria 37,182 15,088R 40.6 24,541 72.2 66.0 9,453 27.8 25.4 3,188 8.6 Perry 7,864 2, 120R 27.0 4,59S 65.0 58.5 2,478 35.0 31.5 783 10.0 Piatt 6,284 2 , 3 8 R 37.9 4,283 69.2 63.2 1,903 30.8 3C.3 98 1.6 Pike 10,280 1 ,285R 12.5 5,5 64 56.5 54.1 4,279 43.5 41.6 437 4.3 Pope 3,211 1, 799R 56.0 2,486 7 3.3 7 7.4 687 21.7 21.4 38 1.2 Pulaski 6,368 1 , 7 26R 27.1 4,002 63.7 62.8 2,276 36.3 35.7 90 1.4 Putnam 2,192 1,261R 5^.5 1 ,623 31.8 74.0 362 18.2 16.5 207 9.4 Randolph 5,882 2.999R 30.3 6,180 66.0 62.5 3,181 34.0 32.2 521 5.3 Richland 5,304 852R 15.1 3,026 53.2 57.1 2 ,174 41. S 41.0 104 2.0 Rock Island 30,719 16, 700R 54.4 21 ,908 80.8 71.3 5,208 19.2 17.0 3,603 11.7 Saline 12,692 3, 222R 2 5.4 6,722 65.8 53.0 3,50.0 34.2 27.6 2,470 19.5 Sangamon 36,723 10,8209 2 9. '5 21,820 65.5 59.4 1 1 ,000 33.5 30.0 3,903 10.6 Schuyler 5.199 542R 10.4 2.800 5 5.4 53.9 2.258 44.6 43.4 141 2.7 Scott 3,971 289R 7.3 2,075 53.7 52.3 1,786 46.3 45.0 110 2.6 Shelby 11,776 1,238R 10.5 6,351 55.4 53.9 5,113 44.6 43.4 312 2.6 Stark 3,456 2,089R 6^.4 2,750 30.6 79.6 661 19.4 19.1 45 1.3 St. Clair 42,231 7,649R 18.1 21,681 60.7 51.3 14 ,032 39.3 33.2 6,518 15.4 Stephenson 12,821 6,798R 53.0 9,5 70 77.5 74.6 2,772 22.5 21.6 479 3.7 Tazewell 12,250 4 ,o?9R 33.0 7,679 67.8 62.7 3,640 32.2 29.7 931 7.6 Union 6,847 5410 7.9 3,110 4 6.0 45.6 3,660 54.0 53.5 63 1.0 Vermilion 29, .439 9, 541? 32.4 18,175 6 7.6 61.7 8,634 32.2 29.3 2,630 8.9 Wabash 5,479 357R 6.5 2,871 33.3 5 2.4 2,514 46.7 4 5.9 94 1.7 Warren 9,090 4,0739 44.8 6,309 73.8 69.4 2,2 36 26.2 24.6 545 6.0 Washington 5,786 3,417R 59.1 4,519 30.4 73.1 1,102 19.6 19.0 165 2.9 Wayne 8,113 1,7710 21.8 4,903 61.0 50.5 3,137 39.0 36.7 66 .3 White 8,772 346R 3.9 4,494 52.0 51.2 4,143 43.0 47.3 130 1.5 Whiteside 13,363 9,996R 67.3 10,92 3 35.0 SI. 7 1,927 15.0 14. H 513 3.3 Will 28,474 16.336R 57.4 21,746 30.1 76.4 5,410 19.9 19.0 1,318 4.6 Williamson 17,834 5.390R 30.2 10,113 63.2 56.7 4,723 31.3 26.5 2,988 16.8 Winnebago 25, 134 16,5589 65.9 19,913 33.6 f-9.2 3,355 14.4 13. i 1,366 7.4 Woodford 7,137 2,952? 41.4 4,92 9 71.4 69.1 1.977 23.6 21.1 231 3.2 TOTAL 2,^95,354 885,0789 42.2 1420,657 72.6 67.8 535,579 27.4 25.6 139,113 6.6 Downstate 1 ,200 977 448, 387R 3 7.3 785,283 7C . 65.4 336,89 6 3 . 28.1 78,798 6.6 Suburban Cook * ] 10,376 69,700R 63.7 36,131 34.n 78.7 16,431 16.0 15.0 6,314 6.2 Chicago* 735,001 366,991R 46.8 54 9,24 3 75.1 70.0 182,252 24.9 23.2 53,506* * 6.8 ♦The vote listed for Cook Cou nty, Suburb an Cook , and Chica 30 is t hat rep orted in de tail in the 19 21 Chicaq Daily News Almanac . The totals vary slightly from those listed in the published returns of the Secretary of State. ■"♦Includes a scattering of votes for the candidate of the Single Tax Party in suburban Cook County. 59 SENATOR - 1920 County Total Vote Cast Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook* Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan Macon Rep.-Oem Plurality Number 7 5 5 12 2 3 15 11 13 6 10 4 8 4 32 16 3 16 18 32 8 9 13 10 25 22 ,417 4,083R 8 ,422 2,063R 5 ,652 2,217R 6 ,112 4,902R 3 ,554 298D 13 ,379 6,870R 1 ,997 507R 5 ,955 4, 547R 7 ,284 1. 108R 21 ,500 9,674R 14 ,221 2» 188R 9 ,594 1) 13 3R 6 148 1.314R 7 ,193 2. 185R 14 ,537 2.706R 71 140 397, 358R 9 396 1>088R 5 ,310 911R 12 ,246 8,502R 8 348 1»305R 7 441 2.533R 14 ,811 10.117R 12 ,518 1.127R 3 791 2»249R 7 194 965R 9 823 1,905R 6 ,079 3»896R 14 859 2.699R 16 014 3,999R 4 365 189R 620 751 876 764 524 556 671 834 171 349 643 954 043 185 236 118 918 927 838 102 715 684 867 748 095 145D 3.808R 633R 2.025R 605R 1.990R 7»960R 6»624R 3.569R 267R 939R 390R I 4»349R 1.82SR 21.951R 9.642R 3,009R 8,862R 13.142R 16>259R 1»013R 5,89?R 7,153R 3,639R 7,996R 60 SENATOR - 1920 Rep.-Dem. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent Total Vote Cast Plurality Number Number Number County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pel. Vote Macoupin 19,196 2,863R 14.9 8,693 59.9 45.3 5,830 40.1 30.4 4,673 24.3 Madison 33.093 9, 191R 27.8 19,142 65.8 57.8 9,951 34.2 30.1 4,000 12.1 Marion 12.623 2.318R 18.4 6,561 60.7 52.0 4,243 39.3 33.6 1,819 14.4 Marshall 5,501 2,002R 36.4 3,649 68.9 66.3 1 ,647 31.1 29.9 205 3.7 Mason 6,507 1.261R 19.4 3,815 59.9 58.6 2,554 40.1 39.3 138 2.1 Massac 4, 469 3.021R 67.6 3,705 84.4 82.9 684 15.6 15.3 80 1.8 McDonough 11,386 3.315R 29.1 7,221 64.9 63.4 3.906 35.1 34.3 259 2.3 McHenry 11,585 8,279R 71.5 9,839 86.3 84.9 1.560 13.7 13.5 186 1.6 McLean 25,538 10, 189R 39.9 16,668 72.0 65.3 6.479 28.0 25.4 2,391 9.4 Menard 4,830 1.001R 20.7 2,861 60.6 59.2 1.860 39.4 38.5 109 2.3 Mercer 7,406 3.702R 50.0 5,405 76.0 73.0 1,70 3 24.0 23.0 298 4.0 Monroe 4,202 1.999R 47.6 2,934 75.8 69.8 935 24.2 22.3 333 7.9 Montgomery 13,879 2.755R 19.9 7,411 61.4 53.4 4,656 38.6 33.5 1,812 13.1 Morgan 12,875 3.417R 26.5 7,987 63.6 62.0 4,570 36.4 35.5 318 2.5 Moultrie 5,857 831R 14.2 3,308 57.2 56.5 2»477 42.8 42.3 72 1.2 Ogle 10,161 8.616R 84.8 9,310 93.1 91.6 694 6.9 6.8 157 1.5 Peoria 36,768 14.070R 38.3 23,865 70.9 64.9 9,795 29.1 26.6 3,108 8.5 Perry 7,839 2. 129R 27.2 4,589 65.1 58.5 2,460 34.9 31.4 790 10.1 Piatt 6,275 2.429R 38.7 4,310 69.6 68.7 1 ,881 30.4 30.0 84 1.3 Pike 10,295 1.245R 12.1 5,572 56.3 54.1 4,327 43.7 42.0 396 3.8 Pope 3,185 1.797R 56.4 2,472 78.6 77.6 675 ?1.4 21.2 38 1.2 Pulaski 6,332 1.714R 27.1 3,981 63.7 62.9 2,267 36.3 35.8 84 1.3 Putnam 2,185 1.208R 55.3 1,588 80.7 72.7 380 19.3 17.4 217 9.9 Randolph 9,890 2.942R 29.7 6,162 65.7 62.3 3,220 34.3 32.6 508 5.1 Richland 5,309 837R 15.8 3,024 58.0 57.0 2,187 42.0 41.2 98 1.8 Rock Island 30,579 15.421R 50.4 21 ,318 78.3 69.7 5,897 21.7 19.3 3,364 11.0 Saline 12,552 3.245R 25.9 6,639 66.2 52.9 3,394 33.8 27.0 2,519 20. 1 Sangamon 36,553 10.515R 28.8 21,503 66.2 58.8 10,988 33.8 30.1 4,062 11.1 Schuyler 5,182 496R 9.6 2,773 54.9 53.5 2,277 45.1 43.9 132 2.5 Scott 4,072 291R 7.1 2,134 53.7 52.4 1.843 46.3 45.3 95 2.3 Shelby 11,775 1.375R 11.7 6,437 56.0 54.7 5,062 44.0 43.0 276 2.3 Stark 3,446 2.085R 60.5 2,747 80.6 79.7 662 19.4 19.2 37 1.1 St. Clair 41,836 8.087R 19.3 21,547 61 .6 51.5 13,460 38.4 32.2 6,829 16.3 Stephenson 12,752 6,491R 50.9 9,400 76.4 73.7 2,909 23.6 22.8 443 3.5 Tazewell 12,232 4.083R 33.4 7,694 68.1 62.9 3,611 31.9 29.5 927 7.6 Union 6,816 556D 8.2 3,099 45.9 45.5 3,655 54.1 53.6 62 .9 Vermilion 29,117 9,351R 32.1 17,948 67.6 61.6 8,597 32.4 29.5 2,572 8.8 Wabash 5,480 354R 6.5 2,870 53.3 52.4 2,516 46.7 45.9 94 1.7 Warren 8,989 3.874R 43.1 6,182 72.8 68.8 2,308 27.2 25.7 499 5.6 Washington 6,380 3.412R 53.5 4,495 80.6 70.5 1 ,083 19.4 17.0 802 12.6 Wayne 8,096 1,761R 21.8 4,900 61.0 60.5 3,139 39.0 38.8 57 .7 White 8,772 359R 4.1 4,501 52.1 51.3 4,142 47.9 47.2 129 1.5 Whiteside 13,379 8,957R 66.9 10,921 84.8 81.6 1,964 15.2 14.7 4 94 3.7 Will 28,181 15.426R 54.7 21,158 78.7 75.1 5,732 21.3 20.3 1,291 4.6 Williamson 17,735 5,395R 30.4 10,083 68.3 56.9 4,688 31.7 26.4 2,964 16.7 Winnebago 25,133 15.020R 59.8 19,183 82.2 76.3 4,163 17.8 16.6 1,787 7.1 Woodford 7,089 2.942R 41.5 4,910 71.4 69.3 1,968 28.6 27.8 211 3.0 TOTAL 2,065,821 829.457R 40.2 ,381 ,984 71.4 66.9 552,527 28.6 26.7 131,310 6.4 Downstate 1 , 194,681 432.099R 36.2 774,560 69.3 64.8 342,461 30.7 28.7 77,660 6.5 Suburban Cook* 108,342 68,072R 62.8 84,862 83.5 78.3 16,790 16.5 15.5 6,690 6.2 Chicago* 762,798 329.286R 43.2 522,562 73.0 68.5 193,276 27.0 25.3 46,960 6.2 ♦The vote listed for Cook County, Suburban Cook, and Chicago is that reported in detail in the 1921 Chicago Daily News Almanac. The totals vary slightly from those listed in the published returns of the Secretary of State. 61 GOVERNOR - 1920 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 22*818 2.763R 12.1 11,440 56.9 50.1 8,677 43.1 38.0 2,701 11.8 Alexander 3,412 1,699R 20.2 5,019 60.2 59.7 3,320 39.8 39.5 73 .9 Bond 5,647 2 , -'08? 35.6 3,593 6?. 4 63.7 1,590 30.6 28.2 459 8.1 Boone 6,113 4, 120R 67.4 5,023 64 .7 82.3 908 15.3 14.9 177 2.9 Brown 3,547 54 6D 15.4 1,460 42.1 41.2 2,006 57.9 56.6 81 2.3 Bureau 13,453 5,958R 44.3 9,204 73.9 68.4 3,246 26.1 24.1 1,003 7.5 Calhoun ? , 93 52^R 24.9 1,291 62.7 61.5 768 37.3 36.6 39 1.9 Carroll 6 , 5 2 4, 258R 70.4 5,059 3 6.3 83.6 801 13.7 13.2 192 3.2 Cass 7 , 3 1 5 742R 10.1 3,754 55.3 51.3 3,012 44.5 41.2 549 7.5 Champaign 21,533 7,890R 3 6.6 14,294 69.1 66.4 6,404 30.9 29.7 835 3.9 Christian 14,317 1,357° 9.3 7,159 55.2 50.0 5,802 -.4.8 40.5 1,356 9.5 Clark 9,608 1,053R 11.0 5,269 55.6 54.3 4,216 44.4 43.9 123 1.3 Clay 6, 14 5 1 ,265R 2 0.6 3,652 60.5 59.4 2,387 39.5 38.8 106 1.7 Clinton 7,330 ?,208R 30.1 4,274 67.4 58.3 2,066 32.6 28.2 990 13.5 Coles 14,581 1,972R 13.5 3,192 56.3 56.2 .6,220 43.2 42.7 169 1.2 Cook* 906,718 15 C ',206R 17. 1 506,222 59.1 55.8 351 ,016 40.9 38.7 49,480 5.5 Crawford 9,458 919R 9.7 5,091 5 5.U 5 3.6 4,172 4 5.0 44.1 195 2.1 Cumberland 5,335 853'' 15.0 3,0 6-1 •=■3.1 57.4 2,207 41.9 41.4 68 1.3 DeKalb 1 2 . 3- "■ 6 7 , 3 6 3 R 59.8 9,659 33.8 73.5 2,296 19.2 18.7 351 2.9 DeWitt 8,246 1 » 4 3 1 R 17.4 4,773 5 3.3 57.9 3,342 41.2 40.5 131 1.6 Douglas 7,460 2,001R 26.8 4,5 62 64.0 61.2 2,561 36.0 34.3 337 4.5 DuPage 1 5 , : 2 2 4,2 3 5R 28.2 9,258 64.8 61.6 5,023 35.2 33.4 74 1 4.9 Edgar 1 2 , 5 5 J 734R 5.8 6,514 63.0 51.9 5,780 4 7.0 46.1 256 2.0 Edwards 3,800 2, 197R 57.6 2,969 7 9.4 73.1 7-72 20.6 20.3 59 1.6 Effingham 7,337 6° 3° 9.4 3,954 54.8 53.9 3,261 45.2 44.4 122 1.7 Fayette 9,833 1 , 7<"-6P 13.3 5,686 5 9.4 57.3 3,890 40.6 39.5 262 2.7 Ford 6,145 3 , 2 9 6 R 33.6 4,635 77.6 75.4 1,339 22.4 21.8 174 2.8 Franklin 15,014 2, 595R 17.3 7,398 60.6 49.3 4,803 39.4 32.0 2,813 18.7 Fulton 16,111 3,31CR 23.6 9,298 62.9 57.7 5,488 37.1 34.1 1,325 6.2 Gallatin 4,354 2 OR ^.6 2,13" 52.4 60.1 1 ,980 47.6 45.5 194 4.5 Greene 7,727 438D 5.7 3,52:" 47.1 45.6 3,958 52.9 51.2 249 3.2 Grundy 5,801 3, 517° 60.6 4 ,409 •3 3.2 76.0 892 16.8 15.4 500 8.6 Hamilton 3,393 608° 13.3 3,208 5 5.2 54.4 2,600 4 4.8 44.1 85 1.4 Hancock 12,827 1,485° 11.6 7,019 55.9 5 4.7 5,^34 44.1 43.1 2 74 2.1 Hardin 2,531 573R 22.6 1 ,514 61.7 69.3 941 38.3 37.2 76 3.0 Henderson 3 ,567 1.796R 5 j. 4 2,639 75.8 74.0 843 24.2 23.6 85 2.4 Henry ] 5, 774 3.558R 54.3 11,762 78.6 74.6 3 ,204 21.4 20.3 808 5.1 Iroquois 12,059 5,2 3 8° 4 3.4 8,509 72.2 70.6 3,271 27.8 27.1 279 2.3 Jackson 13,260 3, 368P 25.4 7,815 63.7 58.9 4,447 36.3 33.5 998 7.5 Jasper 6,373 163R 2.6 3,211 51.3 5C.' + 3,048 48.7 47.8 114 1.8 Jefferson 10,666 363R 8.3 5,686 54.2 53.3 4,8C2 45.8 45.0 179 1.7 Jersey 5 , . 33 5 2 Q ° 10.5 2,73° ■S5.3 5 4.4 2,210 44.7 43.9 84 1.7 JoDaviess 8,010 3,90 6° 4 3.8 5,33Q 75.1 7 2.9 1,933 24.9 24.1 238 3.0 Johnson 4,183 1, 816R 4 3.4 2,956 7 2.2 70.7 1 ,140 27.8 27.3 87 2.1 Kane 3- ,36', 17,8] TR 54.5 24,632 73.3 75.4 6,822 21.7 20.9 1,212 3.7 Kankakee 1 6 , 2 3 3 7,491° ^6.0 11 ,648 73.7 71.5 4,157 26.3 25.5 478 2.9 Kendall 3,96" 2,67"i° 6 7.4 3,285 34.2 8 3.0 615 15.8 15.5 60 1.5 Knox 16,977 8, 3 8 4R 52.3 12,073 79.1 71.1 3,169 20.9 18.8 1,715 10.1 Lake 19,427 Q^W}? 4 3.4 13,826 75.3 71.2 4 ,418 24.2 22.7 1,183 6.1 LaSalle 32,64 5 13,583° '.1.6 21 ,844 7 2.6 66.9 8,261 27.4 25.3 2,540 7.8 Lawrence 3,756 846° 9.7 4 ,647 5 5.0 53. i 3,801 4 5.0 43.4 308 3.5 Lee 9,890 4, 793R 43.5 7, 143 7 5.2 72.2 2,350 24.8 23.8 397 4.0 Livingston 13,623 6,281° 4 5.3 9,87^ 7 3.3 71.1 3,593 26.7 25.9 413 3.0 Logan 10,85"? 2, 7^3° 25.8 6,520 63.7 60.1 3,722 36.3 34.3 615 5.7 Macon 25,141 4, 8''-~'° 19.3 14, 53? 6O.1 57.8 9,699 40.0 38.6 903 3.6 62 GOVERNOR - 1920 Total Vote Cast Rep. -De Plurali m. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 19,296 2,088R 10.8 8,130 57.4 42.1 6,042 42.6 31.3 5,124 26.6 Madison 33,422 7,857=! 23.5 18,503 63.5 55.4 10,651 36.5 31.9 4,263 12.8 Marion 12,776 1,936R 15.2 6,376 58.9 49.9 4,440 41.1 34.8 1,960 15.3 Marshall 5,543 1,514R 27.3 3,405 64.3 61.4 1,891 35.7 34.1 247 4.5 Mason 6.610 550R 8.3 3,509 54.3 53.1 2,959 45.7 44.3 142 2.1 Massac 4,493 2,984P 66.4 3,690 33.9 92.1 706 16.1 15.7 97 1.2. McDonough 11,429 2,96"R 25.9 7,050 63.3 61.7 4,090 36.7 35.8 289 2.5 McHenry 11,674 6,966" 59.7 9,217 30.4 79.0 2,251 19.6 19.3 206 1.8 McLean 25,566 7, 396R 28.9 15,312 65.9 59.9 7,916 34.1 31.0 2,338 9.1 Menard 4,84<~> 70SR 14.6 2,706 5 7.5 55.9 1 ,998 42.5 41.3 136 2.8 Mercer 7,427 3.276R 44. 1 5,168 73.2 69.6 1,892 26.3 25.5 367 4.9 Monroe 4,211 2,015R 47.9 2,947 76.0 70.0 932 24.0 22.1 332 7.9 Montgomery 14,076 2,206R 15.7 7,175 59.1 51.0 4,969 40.9 35.3 1,932 13.7 Morgan 12,960 2,991R 23.1 7,305 61.9 60.2 4,814 38.1 37.1 341 2.6 Moultrie 5,863 424R 7.2 3,096 5 3.7 52.8 2,672 46.3 45.6 95 1.6 Ogle 11,235 6,667R 59.3 8,359 30.2 76.9 2,192 19.3 19.5 184 1.6 Peoria 37,045 11.309R 30.5 22,401 65.9 60.5 11 ,092 33.1 29.9 3,552 9.6 Perry 7,919 2,077R 26.2 4 ,508 65 ,C 56.9 2,431 35.0 30.7 980 12.4 Piatt 6,286 1,854R 29.5 4,017 65.0 63.9 2,163 35.0 34.4 106 1.7 Pike 10,349 705R 6.8 5,305 53.6 51.3 4,600 46.4 44.4 444 4.3 Pope 3, 274 1,681R 51.3 2,453 76.0 75.1 777 24.0 23.7 39 1.2 Pulaski 6,305 1»705R 27.0 3,963 63.7 62.9 2,258 36.3 35.8 84 1.3 Putnam 2,203 1,049R 47.6 1 ,479 77.5 67.1 430 22.5 19.5 294 13.3 Randolph 9,992 2,952R 2 9.5 6,095 66.0 61.0 3,143 34.0 31.5 754 7.5 Richland 5,329 760R 14.3 2,993 57.3 56.2 2,233 42.7 41.9 103 1.9 Rock Island 30,38 7 14,478R 46.9 20,835 7 6.6 67.5 6,357 23.4 20.6 3,695 12.0 Saline 12,762 3, 176R 24. 9 6,557 66.0 51.4 3,381 34.0 26.5 2,824 22.1 Sangamon 36,927 7,871R 21.3 20,253 62.1 54.8 12,382 37.9 33.5 4,292 11.6 Schuyler 5,226 309R 5.9 2,702 53.0 51.7 2,3 93 47.0 45.3 131 2.5 Scott 4,101 450 1.1 1,972 49.4 46.1 2 ,017 50.6 49.2 112 2.7 Shelby 11 ,812 890R 7.5 6,190 5 3.9 52.4 5,300 46.1 44.9 322 2. 7 Stark 3,453 1,936R 56.1 2 ,666 73.5 77.2 730 21.5 21.1 57 1. 7 St. Clair 42,079 6.719R 16.0 2 r ',757 59.7 49.3 14 ,038 40.3 33.4 7,284 17.3 Stephenson 13,005 4, 21 OR 32.4 8,377 66.8 64.4 4 ,167 33.2 32.0 461 3.5 Tazewell i2,357 3,^96R 29.1 7,437 6 5.9 60.2 3,841 34.1 31.1 1,079 3.7 Union 6,852 6740 9.8 3,047 45.0 44.5 3,721 55.0 54.3 84 1.2 Vermilion 29,284 8,287R 28.3 17,255 65.3 58.9 8,963 34.2 30.6 3,061 10.5 Wabash 5,508 226R 4.1 2,600 52.1 5 . 3 2,574 4 7. '? 46.7 134 2.4 Warren 9,052 3,3 6 r >R 37.1 5,895 69.9 65.1 2,535 30.1 28.0 622 6.9 Washington 6,400 3, 3 6 7R 52.6 4,445 60.5 69.5 1 ,078 19.5 16.8 877 13.7 Wayne 8,097 1,667R 20.6 4,851 60.4 59.9 3, 184 39.6 39.3 62 .8 White 8,788 181R 2. 1 4,414 51.0 50.2 4,233 49.0 43.2 141 1.6 Whiteside 13,452 7,08°R 52.7 °,99'4 77.5 74.3 2,905 22.5 21.6 553 4. 1 Will 28,503 13»4]2R 47.1 20,200 74.8 70.9 6,786 25.2 23.8 1,515 5.3 Williamson 17,920 5.200R 29. C 9,867 67.9 55.1 4,667 32.1 26.0 3,386 18.9 Winnebago 25,500 11,348R 44.5 17,271 74 .5 67.7 5,923 25.5 23.2 2,306 9.0 Woodford 7,127 2,629R ii. 1 ' 4 ,749 69.1 66.6 2,120 30.9 29.7 258 3.6 .TOTAL 2, 112,067 511,867R 24.2 1243,514 63. C 56.9 731,647 37.0 34.6 136,906 6.5 Downstate 1,205,349 356.6S1R 29.6 737,292 66.0 61.2 380,631 34.0 31.6 67,426 7.3 Suburban Cook* 110,002 21.513R 19.6 62,392 60.4 56.7 40,879 39.6 37.2 6,731 6.1 Chicago* 796,716 133,693R 16.8 443,830 58.9 55.7 310,137 41.1 38.9 42,749* * 5.4 *The vote listed for Cook County, Suburban Cook, and Chicago is that reported in detail in the 1921 Chicago Daily News Almanac . The totals vary slightly from those listed in the published returns of the Secretary of State. ♦♦Includes a scattering of votes' in Cicero for the candidates of the Socialist Labor, Progressive, Farmer-Labor, Single Tax, Harding-Cool idge Republican', Co-operative Party of America, and Liberal parties. 63 SUMMARY- 1922 STATE TREASURER Party Candidate Republican Oscar Nelson Democratic Feter Bartzen Counties Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried 938,263 378,838 559,425 79 703,611 360,125 348,486 23 Socialist Farmer Labor Robert H. Howe Robert M. Buck 37,639 33,883 23,425 5,941 14,214 27,942 65 STATE TREASURER - 1922 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Pa rty Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 15, 73? 670 .4 7,471 49.3 47.3 7,538 50.2 47.7 780 4.9 Alexander 6,345 764? 12.0 3,527 56.1 55.6 2,763 43.9 43.5 55 .9 Bond 4,°76 934? 19.2 2,359 59.8 58.6 1,925 40.2 39.5 92 1.9 Boone 3, "29 2, 101? 2,499 35.3 82.5 396 13.7 13.1 132 4.4 Brown 2 • 7 52 533D 23.9 351 33.0 37.8 1 ,389 62.0 61.7 12 .5 Bureau 11,48' 5, 8163 5 0.7 8,511 76.0 74.1 2,695 24.0 23.5 274 2.4 Calhoun 1,828 16^0 3.S 324 4 5.5 45.1 934 54.4 53.8 20 1.1 Carroll 1 » 9 2 9 R 63.2 2,366 34.4 77.5 437 15.6 14.3 250 8.2 Cass 5,666 7.9 2,306 45.6 40.7 2,752 54.4 48.6 608 10.7 Champaign 14,443 i, , 5 a g r> 31.8 9,269 56.2 64.9 4,780 33.3 33.1 294 2.0 Christian 12,156 23? .2 5,869 50.1 48.3 5 ,841 49.9 48.1 446 3.7 Clark 7,365 ^ I 7 ? 2.8 4,019 51.4 51.1 3 ,802 48.6 48.3 44 .6 Clay 5.C23 376P 6.2 3,165 53.2 52.5 2,739 46.3 46.3 69 1.1 Clinton 5,367 3750 7.0 2,267 46.2 42.2 2,642 53.8 49.2 458 8.5 Coles 12, ^20 1,1 54R 8.9 6,995 54.5 54.1 5,641 45.5 45.2 34 .7 Cook 763,^29 1 P ,713R 2.4 373,838 51.3 49.3 360,125 48.7 46.9 29,366 3.8 Crawford 3,213 740 .9 4,054 49.5 49.4 4,128 50.5 50.3 31 .4 Cumberland 4,828 4.3 2 ,5 04 52.2 51.9 2,295 47.8 47.5 29 .6 DeKalb 7,356 4,637? 6 Q .'~ 5,901 32.3 30.2 1,269 17.7 17.3 186 2.5 DeWitt 6,431 1»042.R 15.2 3,682 53.2 57.3 2,640 41.8 41.1 109 1.7 Douglas 4,2o7 1.235R 2 3.9 2,672 65.0 62.6 1,437 35.0 33.7 158 3.7 DuPage 9,883 5,3-" IR 53.6 7,374 73.0 74.6 2,074 22.0 21.0 435 4.4 Edgar 11,556 113? 1.0 5,305 50.5 50.2 5,687 49.5 49.2 64 .6 Edwards 3, "32 1,451R 47.9 2,249 74.0 73.9 789 26.0 26.0 3 .1 Effingham 6, 7?4 3610 13.8 2,659 43.0 42.7 3,520 57.0 56.6 45 .7 Fayette 0,671 235? 2.4 4,39 51.2 50.6 4,655 48.8 48.1 128 1.3 Ford 4, "34 2,563? 63.5 3,255 32.5 80.7 692 17.5 17.2 87 2.2 Franklin 13,023 1,335R 10.3 6,61S 55.6 50.8 5,283 44.4 40.6 1,122 8.6 Fulton 13,932 1, 39"? 9.4 7,269 5 4 .9 52.6 5,969 45.1 43.2 594 4.3 Gallatin 3,643 6530 17.9 1 ,477 40.9 40.5 2,130 59.1 58.5 36 1.0 Greene 5,153 7,: 5q 14.5 2,179 42.7 4 2.3 2,924 57.3 56.7 50 1.0 Grundy 5,927 7,080? 4 1.4 3,475 71 .4 69.1 1,395 28.6 27.8 157 3.1 Hamilton 6,223 3760 6.0 7 ,893 4^.0 46.6 3,274 53.0 52.6 51 .8 Hancock 10,284 74 1' ".2 5,48'- 5 3.6 53.3 4,743 46.4 46.1 57 .6 Hardin 2,707 670 7.5 1,312 43.8 ■43.5 1,379 51.2 50.9 16 .6 Henderson 3,22=' 1 ,404? 4^.5 2,294 72.0 71.1 890 28.0 27.6 41 1.3 Henry 10,oi6 4,466R 4". 9 7,540 71 .0 69.1 3,074 29.0 28.2 302 2.8 Iroquois 8,198 3,263R 40.2 5,623 70.4 69.4 2,365 29.6 29.2 115 1.4 Jackson 10,751 780R 7.3 5,580 53.8 51.9 4,800 46.2 44.6 371 3.5 Jasper 6,043 5Q0D 9.8 2,698 45.1 44.6 3,288 54.9 54.4 57 .9 Jefferson 10,501 1880 1.8 5,108 49.1 48.6 5,296 50.9 50.4 97 .9 Jersey 5,134 107P 2. 1 2,609 51 .0 50.8 2,502 49.0 48.7 23 .4 JoDaviess 5,822 2, 111R 36.3 3,875 68.7 66.6 1,764 31.3 30.3 183 3.1 Johnson 3,457 945R 27.3 2,134 63.8 63.2 1,239 36.2 35.8 34 1.0 Kane 74,43^ 14,437? 59.1 19,092 80.4 78.1 4,655 19.6 19.1 683 2.8 Kankakee 13,232 6,752? 51.0 9,454 77.8 71.4 2,702 22.2 20.4 1,076 8.1 Kendall 3 , 4 '< 1 2,?09R 84.5 3,171 92.4 92.2 262 7.6 7.6 8 .2 Knox 12,120 5,766? 'i 7 . 6 8,490 75.7 70.0 2,724 24.3 22.5 906 7.5 Lake 12,261 7, 193' 58.7 °,333 31.3 76.1 2,140 13.7 17.5 788 6.4 LaSalle 25,167 n , "192R 35.8 16,697 6 3.5 66.2 7,695 31.5 30.6 775 3.1 Lawrence 7,631 4?? .6 3,340 50.3 50.0 3,702 49.7 49.4 49 .6 Lee 7,233 2,792R 33.6 4,02 5 69.5 63.1 2,133 30.2 29.5 175 2.4 Livingston 19, "76 4,013R 39.8 6,953 70.2 69.1 2,948 29. S 29.3 173 1.7 Logan "J * u ° " 1 1,326? 14.1 ^,234 57.2 56.0 3,958 42.8 42.0 191 2.0 Macon l" . 65 5,343R 33.7 1",2<54 67.5 64.9 4 ,951 32.5 31.2 620 3.9 66 STATE TREASURER - 1922 Totol Vote Cast REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Rep.-Dem. Plurality Number Percent of Number Percent of Number • Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vole Two- Parly Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 16,019 1693 1.1 6,554 5 .2 . 7 40.° 6,335 49.3 3 9.5 3 ,030 19.2 Madison 23,818 1, 526R 6.4 11,913 3 3.4 5 0.0 10,392 4 6.6 43.6 1,538 6.3 Marion 11,856 3430 2.0 4,661 43.2 39.3 5,004 51.2 42.2 2,191 13.5 Marshall 5,919 ' • 16.1 3,397 5 3.2 r - 7 . 4 2,443 4 1 . 3 41.3 79 1. 3 Mason 5,455 112D 2. 1 2,653 4 9.0 4 8.6 2,763 51.0 50.7 37 .7 Massac McDonough 2,479 10,160 1 , 360? 1,990R 54.^ 19.5 1,905 6,02 5 7 7.3 59.9 59.3 5 4 5 4 , C 3 5 22.2 4C.1 02.0 -SO 1 29 100 1.2 McHenry 6,803 3,305R 48.6 4,179 74.3 73.2 1 ,674 2 5.2 24.6 15: 2.2 McLean 18,096 4.350R 10,734 62.7 5Q.3 6,3 04 37.3 3 5 . 2 973 5.4 Menard 4,338 392? 9." 2,34 9 54.6 54.1 1 ,95? 4 5.4 4 5.1 32 . 1 Mercer 5,743 2,2"2? 38.3 3,°15 69.5 68.2 1,712 3 1 . 4 29.3 115 Monroe 4,147 652? 15.7 2,355 5 6.-' 1.703 42.0 4 1.1 3 V Montgomery 11,878 2 3 OR 1.9 5,722 51 .0 4 8 . 2 5,402 4 '.0 45.2 664 - .6 Morgan 1 1 ,559 1 , 655R 14.0 6,555 57.2 56.7 4,90 42.3 '•2.4 104 n Moultrie 4,868 1650 3.4 2,327 4 3.3 4 7.3 2,492 51.7 51.2 1.0 Ogle 5,635 3, 631R 63.9 4,616 32.4 81.2 9 3 t 17.6 17.3 34 1.5 Peoria 29,562 11,3 A 1? 38.2 19,841 6 0.0 67.1 3 , 5 4 3^.1 28.9 1,12 1 , . ; Perry 6,950 7589 10.9 3 ,04 6 5 5.8 52.5 2,888 4 4.? 41.6 416 6 . Piatt 3,948 1 , 8 3 R 27.4 2,496 63 .9 63.2 1,41 3 3 6. 1 35.8 39 :.c 1.9 Pike 8,70? 3^30 4.C 4 ,096 4 3.0 47.1 4,44 4 52.0 51.1 162 Pope 2,368 763° 32.2 1,555 56.3 6 5.7 792 ^3.7 3 3.4 21 . . 5 Pulaski 3,952 1 , 147° 29. 1 2,54^ 64 .6 64.3 1 ,3 90 3 5.4 3 5.2 19 Putnam 2,068 1,330°. 64.3 1 ,683 a 0.7 81.'; 3 53 17.3 17.1 32 1.5 Randolph 9,075 694R 7.6 ■'- , 4 3 1 ^4.0 49.5 3,7i5 4 5.3 4 1 . 8 701 ■? Richland 5,340 236R 4.'. 2,76 5 2.2 5 1.7 2-52 '• 4 7.8 4 7.3 56 1.0 Rock Island 21,615 5,2 55R 24.3 12,667 A3.1 58.6 7,412 36.i 34.3 1,536 353 7 i Saline 12,153 17 60 1.4 5,812 40.3 4 7.8 5,138 50.7 4 9.2 2 . '2 Sangamon 34,33"' 8, 9641? 26. 1 20,893 63.7 60.0 11,934. 36.3 34.8 1,50 5 4.4 Schuyler 5,487 1690 3.1 2,643 48.5 48.2 2,312 01.5 51.2 32 .6 Scott 3 , 535 03? 1. 1 1 ,779 50.5 50.3 1 ,74! 41.0 49.3 15 .4 Shelby Stark 9,214 3,233 2980 1,677R 3.2 51.1 4 , '- "; 4 2,469 43.4 7= 7 < - • - 47.3 76.2 4,702 702 51.6 24.3 51.0 24.1 103 22 1.2 . 7 St. Clair 33,068 3,006R 9.1 15,334 5 5.2 / —1 1 2 , 2 C 4 4.8 38 8 ' ,406 12.3 Stephenson 12,418 3, 179R 25.6 7,59] 63.0 61.0 4,5] 3 7.0 36.3 215 1 . 7 Tazewell 10,757 1,351? 17.2 6,] 31 53.9 57.1 4,235 '♦1.1 39.9 O^O 3.1 Union 5,057 792n 15. 7 2,114 4 2.! 4 1.8 2,9 06 57.9 5 7 . 3 37 .7 " .2 Vermilion 20,973 4, ^15^ 21.5 11 ,778 61.9 56.1 7,253 3 3.1 34.6 1 , 5 3 7 Wabash 4,418 220 . 5 2 . n g t. 4i.7 47.2 2,10 p 50.3 47.7 04 ; . 2 Warren 7,449 2, '36? 30.0 4 ,762 65.3 6 3.i 2,5 24 3 3.9 161 2.2 Washington 5,199 1,793? 35.2 3,34 r - 63.3 6 5.6 1,552 31.7 3 . V 202 ' . U Wayne 3,176 474? 5.3 4.295 52.° 52.5 3,821 4 7.1 •+6.7 60 . 7 White 7, 344 4860 6.6 3 , •. 3 4 6.7 46.3 3,389 52 Whiteside 8,488 4,75^? 56.0 6 , ^ 3 6 73.6 77.0 1 ,73'' 21.4 21.0 -. _ Will 23,559 10,634? 45.3 16,110 74 .0 5 , 4 2 1 2 5.2 2 ° 2-017 c Williamson 14,215 4,417R 31.1 8,321 66.7 62.1 4 , ^3.3 »1.0 . .1 Winnebago Woodford 18,378 6,8 74 17,362? 1 , 2 5 6 R 67. 3 13.3 14 ,3 26 4,139 3 7.9 5 9.2 73.0 5 3.3 1 , £ 4 2,783 10.1 40.3 I . ^ • 2,033 ■ 2 ... .8 TOTAL 1,718,396 '29,652? 13.4 938,263 57.0 54.6 703,611 4 3.0 41.2 71,522 'i.2 Downstate 950,067 210,939R 22.2* 5 r . 1 , ', 2 5 61.6 58. ? ■ . . ifj . • : . : 3 , ', 5 : Suburban Cook 91 ,474 26, 1] 3R 28.5 57,165 64.8 6 2.4 3i.i52 35.2 . Chicago 676,855 7,4000 1.1 321 ,773 4 9.4 4 7.2 399,] 73 50.i 4 6.6 25, >09 2.o 67 SUMMARY- 1924 PRESIDENT Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican Calvin Coolidge 1,453,321 688,^73 764,348 88 Democratic John W. Davis 576,975 226,141 350,834 13 Progressive Robert M. LaFollette 432,027 196,149 235,878 1 Socialist Labor Frank T. Johns 2,334 865 1,469 Workers Party of America William Z. Foster 2,622 1,147 1,475 Commonwealth Land William J. Wallace 421 135 286 Prohibition Herman F. Faris 2,367 242 2,125 SENATOR Co unties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Charles S. Deneen 1,449,180 649,052 800,128 90 Democratic Albert A. Sprague 806,702 393,500 413,202 12 Socialist George Koop 18,708 10,767 7,041 Socialist Labor Albert Wirth 2,966 1,469 1,497 Workers Party of America J. Louis Engdahl 2,518 1,107 1,411 Commonwealth Land Lewis D. Spaulding 391 140 251 Limit Land Manipulations and Rents Parke Longworth 382 78 304 68 SUMMARY- 1924(Contd.) GOVERNOR Counties Partv Candidate To tal Vote Cook County Down state Carried Republican Len Small 1 ,366,436 633,478 732, °58 70 Democratic Norman L. Jones 1 ,021,40? 447,136 574,272 32 Socialist Andrew Lafin 15,191 8,537 6,654 Socialist Labor Free Koch 2,312 1,102 1,210 Workers Party of America William F. Dunne 2,329 919 1,410 Commonwealth Land Morris Lychenheim 414 152 262 Independent Republican James A. Logan 1,025 249 776 69 PRESIDENT- 1924 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vole Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 24,404 1.357R 5.6 9,985 53.6 40.9 8,628 46.4 35.4 5,791 23.7 Alexander 7,685 i, 826R 23.8 4,465 62.9 58.1 2,639 37.1 34.3 581 7.6 Bond 6,437 1,5019 23.4 3,644 63.0 56.9 2,143 37.0 33.4 620 9.7 Boone 6,464 4, 524" 70.0 4,372 93.3 75.4 348 6.7 5.4 1,244 19.2 Brown 3,946 5120 13.0 1 ,637 43.2 41.5 2,149 56.8 54.5 160 4.1 Bureau 15,663 7,4629 47.6 9,457 82.6 60.4 1 ,995 17.4 12.7 4,211 26.9 Calhoun 2.361 21R .9 1,136 50.5 43.1 1,115 49.5 47.2 110 4.7 Carroll 7,482 3,9569 52.9 4,559 ■ 3'8.3 60.9 603 11.7 8.1 2,320 31.0 Cass 7,61? 230R 3.0 3,139 51.9 41.2 2,909 48.1 38.2 1,565 20.6 Champaign 27,6-77 9,0 2 39 39.8 14,244 73.2 62.8 5,221 26.8 23.0 3,212 14.2 Christian 16.056 1,5729 9.8 7,398 55.9 46,1 5,826 44.1 36.3 2,832 17.6 Clark 9,178 523R 5.8 4,731 53.0 51.5 4,203 47.0 45.8 244 2.7 Clay 6,919 4453 6.4 3,432 53.5 49.6 2,987 46.5 43.2 500 7.2 Clinton * 7,942 665R 3.4 2 ,358 53.2 29.7 1,693 41.8 21.3 3,891 49.0 Coles 15,194 2,793R 13.4 8,342 6*0.1 54.9 5,544 39.9 36.5 1,308 8.6 Cook 1 ,1 13,652 462.832R 41.6 688,973 75.3 61.9 226,141 24.7 20.3 198,538 17.8 Crawford 9,425 60"?R 6.4 4,830 53.4 51.2 4,223 46.6 44.8 372 3.9 Cumberland 5,281 314R 5.9 2,698 53.1 51.1 2,384 46.9 45.1 199 3.8 DeKalb 13,744 8, °60R 65.2 10,5 00 37.2 76.4 1,540 12.8 11.2 1,704 12.4 DeWitt 8 , 8 2 2,421" 27.5 5,173 65.3 58. S 2,752 34.7 31.3 877 10.0 Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards 7,27" 1,7319 23.8 4,046 63.6 55.7 2,315 36.4 31.8 909 12.5 23,233 15,024" 64.7 16,917 39.9 72.8 1,893 10.1 8.1 4,423 19.0 12,037 1 ,0759 3.9 6,297 5 4.7 52.3 5,222 45.3 43.4 518 4.3 3,952 1,7039 43.1 2,750 72.4 69.6 1,047 27.6 26.5 155 3.9 Effingham 8,063 6550 3.1 3,159 45.3 39.2 3,8.14 54.7 47.3 1,090 13.5 Fayette Ford 10,344 342R 3.3 5,010 51.8 48.4 4,668 43.2 45.1 666 6.4 6,624 3,57?? 54.0 4,672 31.0 70.5 1,093 19.0 16.5 859 13.0 Franklin 17,121 988R 5.8 6,7 79 53.9 39.6 5 ,791 46.1 33.8 4,551 26.6 Fulton 17,921 3,£53R 20.4 e ,664 63.4 48.3 5,011 36.6 28.0 4,246 23.7 Gallatin 4,576 593D 13.0 1,792 42.9 39.2 2,385 57.1 52.1 399 8.7 Greene 8,878 1,1210 12.6 3,527 43.1 39.7 4,648 56.9 52.4 703 7.9 Grundy Hamilton 6,780 3, 595" 53.0 4,337 35.4 64.0 742 14.6 10.9 1,701 25.1 6 , : 4 1 5090 9.4 2,659 45.6 44.0 3,168 54.4 52.4 214 3.5 Hancock 12,385 1,4 899 11.6 6,678 56.3 51.8 5,189 43.7 40.3 1,018 7.9 Hardin 2,809 2 09 .7 1,373 50.4 49.1 1,3 58 49.6 43.3 73 2.6 Henderson 3,951 2.-76" 52.5 2,879 73.2 72.9 8^3 21.8 2C.3 269 6.8 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 18,179 11,215" 61.7 13,159 87.1 72.4 1,944 12.9 10.7 3,076 16.9 11,702 1 3 • r - 3 5, 195R 1.7179 44. 4 13.2 7,493 6,424 76.5 57.7 64.1 49.3 2,303 4 ,707 23.5 42.3 19.7 36.1 1,901 1.899 16.2 14.6 6,397 114D 1.8 ? ,030 49.1 47.4 3,144 50.9 49.1 223 3.5 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 12,130 3520 7.0 5,40b 45.3 44.5 6,258 53.7 51.6 466 3.8 5,536 2 6 30 4.8 2,460 47.5 44.4 2,723 52.5 49.2 353 6.4 9,659 3.387R 35.1 4,854 76.7 50.4 1,477 23.3 15.3 3,318 34.4 4,0^3 1.060R 26.0 2 ,468 63.7 50.6 1 ,408 36.3 34.6 197 4.8 42,858 2 9 , 2 R 68.1 32,717 90,3 76.3 3,517 9.7 8.2 6,624 15.5 Kankakee 1 8,471 9 , 974Q 5 4.0 12,462 83.4 67.5 2,488 16.6 13.5 3,521 19.1 Kendall 4,409 3 , 8 1 R 69.9 3,513 39.0 79.7 432 11.0 9.8 464 10.5 Knox 19,680 10,351" 52.6 12,968 33.2 65.9 2,617 16.8 13.3 4,095 20.8 Lake 24,150 16.221R 67.2 13,229 90.1 75.5 2,008 9.9 8.3 3,913 16.2 LaSalle 35,4 17 15,2019 42.9 21,417 77.5 60.5 6,216 22.5 17.6 7,784 22.0 Lawrence 8,945 5Q4R 5.6 4,607 52.9 51.5 4,103 47.1 45.9 235 2.6 Lee 12,057 5,996R 49.7 8,363 77.9 69.4 2,367 22.1 19.6 1,327 11.0 Livingston Logan Macon 15,025 6, 7840 45.2 9,695 76.9 64.5 2,911 23.1 19.4 2,419 16.1 12,356 3.3 5 5" 27.2 7,063 65.6 57.2 3,708 34.4 30.0 1,585 12.8 2 7,331 9.788R 35.8 16.45S 71.2 60.2 6,670 28.8 24.4 4,203 15.4 70 PRESIDENT- 1924 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Perc snt of Number' Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pc». Vote Macoupin 21,841 2.437R 11.2 8,571 58.3 39.2 6,134 41.7 28.1 7,136 32.7 Madison 41,851 7,063R 16.9 19,926 60.8 47.6 12,863 39.2 30.7 9,062 21.7 Marion 13,381 1, 121R 8.4 5,889 5 5.3 44.0 4,768 44.7 35.6 2,724 20.4 Marshall 6,465 1,940R 30.0 3,776 67.3 53.4 1,836 32.7 28.4 853 13.2 Mason 6,690 986R 14.8 3,522 53.1 52.7 2,536 41.9 38.0 622 9.3 Massac 4,517 2,307P 51.1 3,227 77.8 71.4 920 22.2 20.4 370 8.2 McDonough 12,306 3,489R 2 8.4 7,505 65.1 61.0 4,016 34.9 32.6 785 6.4 McHenry 13,015 7,379R 56.7 8,751 36.4 67.2 1,372 13.6 10.5 2,892 22.2 McLean 29,582 9,724R 32.9 16,550 70.8 55.9 6,826 29.2 23.1 6,206 21.0 Menard 5,217 977R 18.7 2,931 60.0 56.2 1,954 40.0 37.5 332 6.4 Mercer 8,225 3,919R 4 7.6 5,618 76.3 68.3 1,699 23.2 20.7 908 11.0 Monroe 4,943 1 ,021R 2 0.7 2,390 63.6 48.4 1,369 36.4 27.7 1,184 24.0 Montgomery 16,975 2,400R 14.1 8,022 53.3 47.3 5,622 41.2 33.1 3,331 19.6 Morgan 14,844 2.502R 16.9 3,223 59.0 5 5.4 5,721 4 1.0 38.5 900 6.1 Moultrie 5,652 598R 10.6 3,001 55.5 53.1 2,403 44.5 42.5 248 4.4 Ogle 11,799 6.858R 58. 1 3,449 34.2 71.6 1,591 15.8 13.5 1,759 14.9 Peoria 43,112 18,900p 4 3.8 25,243 79.9 58.6 6,343 20.1 14.7 11,526 26.7 Perry 9,289 686R 7.4 3,593 55.1 39.8 3,007 44.9 32.4 2,589 27.9 Piatt 5,907 2,066" 35. 3,799 6 3.7 64.3 1 ,733 31.3 29.3 375 6.3 Pike 10,943 435D 4.0 4,989 47.9 45.6 5,424 52.1 49.6 530 4.8 Pope 3,249 1 , 183R 36.4 2 ,161 63.3 66.5 978 31.2 30.1 110 3.4 Pulaski 5,449 1.655P 3^.4 3,355 66.4 61.6 1,700 33.6 31.2 394 7.2 Putnam 2,218 1, 104R 49.8 1,364 84.0 61.5 260 16.0 11.7 594 26.8 Randolph 10,880 793R 7.3 4,527 54.8 41.6 3,734 45.2 34.3 2,619 24.1 Richland 6,155 333R 5.4 3,082 52.9 50.1 2,749 47.1 44.7 324 5.3 Rock Island 35,647 16.932R 47.5 20,563 85.0 57.7 3,631 15.0 10.2 11,453 32.1 Saline 12,937 2,047R 15.8 6,084 6 0.1 47.0 4,037 39.9 31.2 2,316 21.8 Sangamon 4 5,446 10,803R 23.8 2 3,44 3 65.0 51.6 12,640 35.0 27.8 9,363 20.6 Schuyler 5,906 131D 2.2 2,729 43.3 4 6.2 2,960 51.2 43.4 317 5.4 Scott 4,411 233R 5.3 2,227 52.8 50.5 1 ,994 47.2 45.2 190 4.3 Shelby 11 ,646 340R 2.9 5,605 51.6 48.1 5 ,265 43.4 45.2 776 6.7 Stark 3,796 1,914R 50.4 2,698 77.5 71.1 784 22.5 20.7 314 8.3 St. Clair 50,094 9,459R 16.6 23,380 61.0 4 5.8 14,921 39.0 29.3 12,693 24.9 Stephenson 16,216 6, 185R 33.1 8,638 77.9 53.3 2,452 22.1 15.1 5,126 31.6 Tazewell 14,370 4, 113R 28.6 7,*t33 63.9 52.1 3,375 31.1 23.5 3,507 24.4 Union 6,586 1,2040 13.3 2,579 40.5 39.2 3,733 39.5 57.4 224 3.4 Vermilion 32, .6 15 11 ,398R 34.9 17,322 73.5 54.6 6., 424 26.5 19.7 3,369 25.7 Wabash 5,621 122R 2.2 2,564 51.2 45.6 2,442 43.8 43.4 615 10.9 Warren 10,623 4,472R 42.1 6,912 73.9 65.1 2,440 26.1 23.0 1,271 12.0 Washington 6 , 1 3 1,727R 26.3 3,444 56.7 56.4 1,717 33.3 28.1 942 15.4 Wayne 9,368 690R 7.4 4,937 53.8 52.7 4,247 4 6.2 4 5.3 134 2.0 White 8,454 5970 7.1 3,780 46.3 44.7 4,3 77 53.7 51.8 227 3.5 Whiteside 15,576 9, 575R 61.5 11,5.32 85.5 74.0 1 ,957 14.5 12.6 2,067 13.4 Will 35,505 18,C73R 50.9 22,780 32.9 64.2 4,707 17.1 13.3 8,013 22.6 Williamson 20,689 3,249R 15.7 9,366 60.5 45.3 6,117 39.5 29.6 5,206 25.2 Winnebago 30,814 19.750R 64. 1 21,978 90.8 71.3 2 ,223 9.2 7.2 6,603 21.4 Woodford 7,464 2.462R 3 3.0 4,290 70.1 57.5 1,628 29.9 24.5 1,346 18.0 TOTAL '.470,067 376, 346R 35.5 1453,321 71.6 58.8 576,975 26.4 23.4 439,771 17.8 Downstate 1 ,356,415 413, 514R 30.5 764,348 63.5 56.4 350,634 31.5 25.9 241,233 17.3 Suburban Cook 162,274 102.356R 63.1 119,413 37.5 73.6 17,057 12.5 10.5 25,804 15.9 Chicago 951 ,378 360,476R 3 7.9 569,560 73.1 59.9 209,084 26.9 22.0 172,734 18.2 ♦Clinton County was carried by the Progressive Party candidate. The Progressive vote in that county was 3,876. 71 SENATOR - 1924 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 20,965 1,584R 7.6 11,1611 53.8 53.3 9,584 46.2 45.7 213 1.0 Alexander 7,330 1,807R 24.7 4,546 62.4 62.0 2,739 37.6 37.4 45 .6 Bond 6,099 1.643R 26.9 3,85;' 63.5 63.2 2,209 36.4 36.2 38 .6 Boone 5,496 4,200R 76.4 4,83^ 88.4 88.0 634 11.6 11.5 28 .5 Brown 3,889 513D 13.2 1 ,68;' 43.4 43.3 2,195 56.6 56.4 12 .3 Bureau 14,178 7.379R 52.0 10,58;! 76.8 74.6 3.203 23.2 22.6 393 2.8 Calhoun 2,287 22R 1.0 1,15 50.5 50.3 1 ,129 49.5 49.4 7 .3 Carroll 6,127 3.824R 62.4 4,95| 81.4 80.9 1,133 18.6 18.5 37 .6 Cass 6,683 253R 3.8 3,44<> 51.9 51.6 3,196 48.1 47.8 38 .6 Champaign 20,622 7.832R 38.0 14,17;' 69.1 68.7 6,340. 30.9 30.7 110 .5 Christian 14,424 1,470R 10.2 7,857 55.2 54.5 6,387 44.8 44.3 180 1.2 Clark 8,981 589R 6.6 4,77! > 53.3 53.1 4,183 46.7 46.6 26 .3 Clay 6,714 485R 7.2 3,58" ' 53.6 53.4 3,102 46.4 46.2 25 .4 Clinton 5,762 450R 7.8 3,08] 53.9 53.5 2,631 46.1 45.7 50 .9 Coles 14,614 ?,930R 20.0 8,74] 60.1 59.8 5,811 39.9 39.8 62 .4 Cook 1,056, 113 255,552R 24.2 649,05; ' 62.3 61.5 393,500 37.7 37.3 13,561 1.3 Crawford 9,246 484R 5.2 4,84( 1 52.6 52.4 4,364 47.4 47.2 34 .4 Cumberland 5,295 276R 5.2 2,78] 52.6 52.5 2,505 47.4 47.3 9 .2 DeKalb 12,349 8,316R 67.3 io,30e > 83.8 83.5 1 ,990 16.2 16.1 53 .4 DeWitt 8,527 2,387R 28.0 5,44? 64.0 63.9 3,058 36.0 35.9 24 .3 Douglas 6,843 1,631R 23.8 4,21! 1 62.0 61.6 2,587 38.0 37.8 38 .6 DuPage 20,801 10.301R 49.5 15.46C ' 75.0 74.3 5,159 25.0 24.8 182 .9 Edgar 11,685 1,037R 8.9 6,34{ 1 54.4 54.3 5,311 45.6 45.5 26 .2 Edwards 3,892 1,734R 44.6 2,80' ' 72.3 72.2 1,075 27.7 27.6 8 .2 Effingham 7,527 801D 10.6 3,34( i 44.7 44.5 4,147 55.3 55.1 34 .5 Fayette 10,014 358R 3.6 5,17( i 51.8 51.7 4,818 48.2 48.1 20 .2 Ford 6,100 3.198R 52.4 4,64* 76.3 76.1 1,446 23.7 23.7 10 .2 Franklin 14,881 1,877R 12.6 8,14; 56.5 54.7 6,265 43.5 42.1 474 3.2 Fulton 15,266 3,780R 24.8 9,36; 62.6 61.3 5,582 37.4 36.6 322 2.1 Gallatin 4,402 517D 11.7 i»93: 44.1 43.9 2,450 55.9 55.7 19 .4 Greene 8,406 1, 184D 14.1 3,59< ' 42.9 42.8 4,783 57.1 56.9 24 .3 Grundy 5,751 3,360R 58.4 4,53* 79.4 78.8 1,174 20.6 20.4 43 .7 Hamilton 5,905 5330 9.0 2»67: 45.5 45.3 3,206 54.5 54.3 26 .4 Hancock 12,345 1,535R 12.4 6,905 56.3 55.9 5,370 43.7 43.5 70 .6 Hardin 2,793 40R 1.4 l,40f] 50.7 50.3 1,366 49.3 48.9 21 .8 Henderson 3,806 2.098R 55.1 2,94] 77.7 77.3 843 22.3 22.1 22 .6 Henry 16,168 10.505R 65.0 13.26^ 82.8 82.0 2,757 17.2 17.1 149 .9 Iroquois Jackson 11,134 4.751R 42.7 7,92" 71.4 71.2 3,176 28.6 28.5 31 .3 12,217 2.365R 19.4 7,26* 59.7 59.5 4,899 40.3 40.1 54 .4 Jasper 6,368 129D 2.0 3«10< 49.0 48.8 3.238 51.0 50.8 21 .3 Jefferson 12,380 643D 5.2 5.81S 47.4 47.0 6,461 52.6 52.2 101 .8 Jersey 5,297 171D 3.2 2.55" 48.4 48.3 2,728 51.6 51.5 12 .2 JoDaviess 7,870 2,708R 34.4 5,241 67.4 66.6 2,533 32.6 32.2 96 1.2 Johnson Kane 3,956 1.103R 27.9 2,522 64.0 63.8 1,419 36.0 35.9 15 .4 37,934 25,446R 67.1 31 ,56" ' 83.8 83.2 6,121 16.2 16.1 246 .6 Kankakee 17,106 8.656R 50.6 12,82" ' 75.5 75.0 4,171 24.5 24.4 108 .6 Kendall 4, 156 2.888R 69.5 3,51* 1 84.8 84.6 630 15.2 15.2 8 .2 Knox 17,442 10, 176R 58.3 13,751 79.4 78.8 3,575 20.6 20.5 116 .7 Lake 21,997 10.019R 45.5 15,82! 73.2 71.9 5,804 26.8 26.4 370 1.7 LaSalle 32,244 12.813R 39.7 22,39" 70.0 69.4 9,580 30.0 29.7 271 .8 Lawrence 8,821 526R 6.0 4,66C 53.0 52.8 4,134 47.0 46.9 27 .3 Lee 11,472 5,698? 49.7 8,56C 74.9 74.6 2,862 25.1 24.9 50 .4 Livingston Losran 14,022 6, 129R 43.7 10,04! 72.0 71.6 3,914 28.0 27.9 65 .5 11,826 3, 175R 26.8 7,462 63.5 63.1 4,287 36.5 36.3 77 .7 Macon 25,234 9.513R 37.7 17,28; 69.0 68.5 7,769 31.0 30.8 183 .7 72 SENATOR - 1924 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE I Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Port/ Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 18,022 3.277R 18.2 10,240 59.5 56.8 6,963 40.5 38.6 819 4.5 Madison 35,838 9.127R 25.5 22,384 62.8 62.5 13,257 37.2 37.0 197 .5 Marion 12,244 1,722R 14.1 6,907 57.1 56.4 5,185 42.9 42.3 152 1.2 Marshall 6,099 1,717R 28.2 3,893 64.1 63.8 2,176 35.9 35.7 30 .5 Mason 6.385 744R 11.7 3,558 55.3 55.7 2,814 44.2 44.1 13 .2 Massac 4,265 2,318R 54.3 3,276 77.4 76.8 958 22.6 22.5 31 .7 McDonough 11,905 3, 359R 28.2 7,611 64.2 63.9 4,252 35.8 35.7 42 .4 McHenry 11,427 6.014R 52.6 8,692 76.4 76.1 2,678 23.5 23.4 57 .5 McLean 25,843 8.917R 34.5 17,312 67.3 67.0 8,395 32.7 32.5 136 .5 Menard 4,951 834R 16.8 2,838 58.4 58.3 2,054 41.6 41.5 9 .2 Mercer 7,793 3,799R 48.7 5,778 74.5 74.1 1,979 25.5 25.4 36 .5 Monroe 4,297 1.247R 29.0 2,764 64.6 64.3 1,517 35.4 35.3 16 .4 Montgomery 14,773 2,446R 16.6 8,510 58.4 57.6 6,064 41.6 41. C 199 1.3 Morgan 14,533 2,083R 14.3 8,282 57.2 57.0 6,199 42.8 42.7 52 .4 Moultrie 5,524 677R 12.3 3,096 56.1 56.0 2,419 43.9 43.8 9 .2 Ogle 10,605 6,596R 62.2 8,580 81.2 80.9 1,984 18.8 18.7 41 .4 Peoria 37,425 16,879R 45.1 26,916 72.8 71.9 10,037 27.2 26.8 4 72 1.3 Perry 7,610 863R 11.3 4,160 55.8 54.7 3,297 44.2 43.3 153 2.0 Piatt 5,734 1.968R 34.3 3,839 67.2 67.0 1,871 32.3 32.6 24 .4 Pike 10,650 2250 2.1 5,178 48.9 48.6 5,403 51.1 50.7 69 .6 Pope 3,197 1.225R 38.3 2,197 69.3 68.7 972 30.7 30.4 28 .9 Pulaski 5,251 1,774R 33.8 3,504 66.9 66.7 1 ,730 33.1 32.9 17 .3 Putnam 1 ,930 1.258R 65.2 1,583 83.0 82.0 325 17.0 16.8 22 1.1 Randolph 9,473 1.227R 13.0 5,307 56.5 56.0 4,080 43.5 43.1 86 .9 Richland 6,023 410R 6.8 3,204 53.4 53.2 2,794 46.6 46.4 25 .4 Rock Island 29,267 15.760R 53.8 22,343 77.2 76.3 6,583 22.8 22.5 341 1.2 Saline 10,757 2.382R 22.1 6,517 61.2 60.6 4,135 38.8 38.4 105 1.0 Sangamon 41,567 12.636R 30.4 26,816 65.4 64.5 14,180 34.6 34.1 571 1.4 Schuyler 5,713 165D 2.9 2,766 48.6 48.4 2,931 51.4 51.3 16 .3 Scott 4,282 249R 5.8 2,262 52.9 52.8 2,013 47.1 47.0 7 .2 Shelby 11,297 431R 3.8 5,818 51.9 51.5 5,387 48. 1 47.7 92 .8 Stark 3,698 1.831R 49.5 2,752 74.9 74.4 921 25.1 24.9 25 .7 St. Clair 43,604 10,783R 24.7 26,716 62.6 61.3 15,933 3 7.4 36.5 955 2.2 Stephenson 13,725 5,436R 39.6 9,497 70.0 69.2 4,061 30.0 29.6 167 1.2 Tazewell 12,311 3.732R 30.3 7,987 65.2 64.9 4,255 34.8 34.6 69 .6 Union 6,470 1 , 164D 18.0 2,627 40.9 40.6 3,791 59.1 58.6 52 .8 Vermilion 27,681 12.160R 43.9 19,739 72.3 71.3 7,579 27.7 27.4 363 1.3 Wabash 5,258 187R 3.6 2,710 51.8 51.5 2,523 48.2 48.0 25 .5 Warren 9,949 4,292R 43. 1 7,082 71.7 71.2 2,790 28.3 28.0 77 .8 Washington 5,538 1,894R 34.2 3,685 67.3 66.5 1 ,791 32.7 32.3 62 1.1 Wayne 9,325 746R 8.0 5,013 54.0 53.8 4,267 46.0 45.8 45 .5 White 8,304 5900 7.1 3,848 46.4 46.3 4,438 53.6 53.4 13 .2 Whiteside 14,085 8,857R 62.9 11,455 81.5 81.3 2,598 18.5 18.4 32 .2 Will 31,491 15.102R 48.0 23,173 74.2 73.6 8,071 25.8 25.6 247 .8 Williamson 17,313 3,662R 21.2 10,407 60.7 60.1 6,745 39.3 39.0 161 .9 Winnebago 26,721 17.528R 65.6 21 ,898 8 3.4 82.0 4,370 16.6 16.4 453 1.7 Woodford 6,932 2,061R 29.7 4,465 65.0 64.4 2,404 35.0 34.7 63 .9 TOTAL 2,280,847 642,478R 28.2 1449,180 64.2 63.5 806,702 35.8 35.4 24,965 1.1 Downstate 1,224,734 386,926R 31.6 800 128 65.9 65.3 413,202 34.1 33.7 11,404 .9 Suburban Cook 151,745 66,867R 44. 1 108,482 72.3 71.5 41,615 27.^ 27.4 1,648 ! .1 Chicago 904,368 188,685R 20.9 540,570 60.6 59.8 351,885 39.4 33.9 11,913 1.3 73 GOVERNOR - 1924 Total Vote Cost Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Pa rty Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 2?, 217 1.820D 7.8 10,592 46.0 45.6 12,412 54.0 53.5 213 .9 Alexander 7,619 364R 11.3 4,226 55.7 55.5 3,362 44.3 44.1 31 .4 Bond 6,299 515R 8.2 3,388 54.1 53.8 2,873 45.9 45.6 38 .6 Boone 6,213 1.384R 22.3 3,781 61 .2 60.9 2,397 38.8 36.6 35 .6 Brown 3,965 1.109D 28.0 1 ,422 36.0 35.9 2,531 64.0 63.8 12 .3 Bureau 14,978 6,5789 43.9 10,723 72.1 71.6 4,145 27.9 27.7 110 .7 Calhoun 2,349 3 5 30 15.0 993 42.5 42.3 1,346 57.5 57.3 10 .4 Carroll 6,373 3,2799 47.7 5,063 73.9 73.7 1 ,784 26.1 26.0 26 .4 Cass 7,344 1»707D 22.6 2,896 38.6 38.4 4,603 61.4 61.0 45 .6 Champaign 22,571 2.460R 10.9 12,455 5 5.5 55.2 9,995 44.5 44.3 121 .5 Christian 15,502 634D 4.1 7,35 ? 47.9 47.5 7,991 52.1 51.5 154 1.0 Clark 9,107 ( 86D 7.5 4,195 46.2 46.1 4,881 53.8 53.6 31 .3 Clay 6,866 77R 1. 1 3,457 59.6 50.3 3,330 49.4 49.2 31 .5 Clinton 7,357 1,752R 23.8 4,531 52.0 61.6 2,779 38.3 37.8 47 .6 Coles 15,175 3760 2.5 7,370 46.8 48.6 7,746 51.2 51.0 59 .4 Cook 1 ,091,573 1 3 6 , 3 4 2 R 17.1 633,478 53.6 58.0 447,136 41.4 41.0 10 959 1.0 Crawford 9,415 2100 2.2 4,5 84 48.9 48.7 4 ,794 51.1 50.9 37 .4 Cumberland 5,410 2550 4.7 2,572 4 7.6 47.5 2.827 52.4 52.3 11 .2 DeKalb 13,153 2.653R 21.7 7,965 60.9 60.5 5,112 39.1 38.9 81 .6 DeWitt 8,80 5 684R 7.3 4,73 53.9 53.7 4,046 46.1 46.0 29 .3 Douglas 7,135 294R 4. i 3,697 52.1 51.8 3 ,403 47.9 47.7 35 .5 DuPage Edgar Edwards 21,932 328R 1.5 11 ,064 5 3.8 50.4 10,736 49.2 49.0 132 .6 11,771 4 120 3.5 5,663 43.2 48.1 6,075 51.8 51.6 33 .3 3,9 7° 904P 22.7 2,436 61.4 61.2 1,5 32 38.6 38.5 11 .3 Effingham 7,,249 1 , 1 1 P 5.0 10,332 52.6 51.0 9,321 47.4 46.0 596 2.9 Madison 39,080 1<8489 4.7 20,369 52.4 52.1 18,521 47.6 47.4 190 .5 Marion 13»686 1»349R 9.9 7,453 55.0 54.5 6,104 45.0 44.6 129 .9 Marshall 6,289 745R 11.8 3,505 55.9 55.7 2,760 44. 1 43.9 24 .4 Mason 6,695 415D 6.2 3,132 46.9 4 6.3 3,547 53.1 53.0 16 .2 Massac 4,519 1,5933 35.3 3 ,04 67.7 67.4 1,451 32.3 32.1 24 .5 McDonough 12,261 1,223R 10.0 6,70 55.0 54.7 5,477 45.0 44.7 74 .6 McHenry 12,2 50 3, 690R 30.1 7,940 55.1 64.8 4,250 34.9 34.7 60 .6 McLean 28,281 2.006P 7. 1 15,025 53.6 53.1 13,019 46.4 46.0 236 .8 Menard 5,132 763D 1^.9 2,179 42.6 42.5 2,942 57.4 57.3 11 .2 Mercer 8,081 1.279R 15.8 4,661 58.0 57.7 3,332 42.0 41.9 38 .5 Monroe 4,700 1,425R 30.3 3,053 65.2 65.0 1,623 34.3 34.6 19 .4 Montgomery 15,866 511R 3.2 8,103 51.6 51.1 7,592 48.4 47.9 171 1.1 Morgan 15,110 1 ,8810 12.4 6,53? 43.8 43.6 8 ,4 7 U 56.2 56.1 51 .3 Moultrie 6,628 131R 2.3 2,373 51.2 51.0 2,742 48.8 48.7 13 .2 Ogle 11 ,222 1,2349 11.0 6,207 55.5 55.3 4,973 44. 5 44.3 42 .4 Peoria 40,912 11 ,6909 28.6 26,081 64.4 63.7 14,391 35.6 35.2 440 1.1 Perry 8,436 750R 8.8 4,564 64.5 53.8 3,814 45.5 44.9 108 1.3 Piatt 5,878 493R 8.4 3,173 54.2 54.0 2,680 45.8 45.6 25 .4 Pike 10,893 1,9020 17.5 4,458 41 .2 40.9 6,360 58.8 56.4 75 .7 Pope 3,257 329R 25.5 2,033 62.8 62.4 1 ,204 37.2 37.0 20 .6 Pulaski 5,439 ?20R 16.? 3 ,170 53.5 56.3 2,250 41.5 41.4 19 .3 Putnam 2,15 ) 1, 154R 53.7 1 ,642 77.1 76.4 498 22.9 22.7 20 .9 Randolph 10,54 3 1,002R 9.5 5,746 54.6 54.5 4,744 45.2 45.0 53 .5 Richland 6,143 190R 3.1 3,154 51 .6 51.3 2,964 48.4 43.3 25 .4 Rock Island 33,370 7, 972R 23.6 20,481 61 .9 61.4 12,609 38.1 37.8 280 .3 Saline 12,815 3,033R 23.7 7,864 61.9 61.4 4,831 38.1 37.7 120 .9 Sangamon 44,3 77 540D 1.2 21,915 49.4 48.8 22,455 50.6 50.0 507 1. 1 Schuyler 5,945 1 , 196D 20.1 2,366 39.9 39.8 3,562 60.1 59.9 17 .3 Scott 4,453 446D 10.0 1 ,997 45.0 4 4.8 2,443 55.0 54.9 13 .3 Shelby 11,651 1,596D 13.7 4,963 43.1 42.6 6,559 56.9 56.3 129 1.1 Stark 3,862 962R 24.9 2,401 62.5 62.2 1,439 37.5 37.3 22 .6 St. Clair 4 7,40 2 1C462R 22.1 28,511 61.2 60.1 13 ,049 33.8 38.1 842 1.8 Stephenson 14,959 3, 3P2R 22.6 9,093 61.4 60.8 5,711 38.6 38.2 155 1.0 Tazewell 13,607 1»937R 14.2 7,741 5 7.2 56.9 5,804 42.8 42.7 62 .5 Union 6,545 1,5740 24.0 2,459 37.9 37.6 4 ,033 62.1 61.6 53 .3 Vermilion 30,758 7, 159R 23.3 18,795 61 .3 61.1 1 1..636 38.2 37.8 327 1.1 Wabash 5,569 350 .6 2,750 49.7 49.4 2,735 50.3 50.0 34 .6 Warren 10,311 313R 3.0 5,276 51.5 51.2 4,963 48.5 46.1 72 .7 Washington 5,982 984R 16.4 3,4 50 5 3.3 57.7 2,466 41.7 41.2 66 1.1 Wayne 9,492 529D 5.6 4,455 4 7.2 46.9 4,934 52.8 52.5 53 .6 White 8,436 9190 10.9 3,753 4 4.5 44.5 4,672 55.5 55.4 11 . 1 Whiteside 15,028 2,786R 18.5 8,884 59.3 5 9.1 6,093 40.7 40.6 46 .3 WiU 33,615 12,923R 38.4 2 3,143 69.4 66.8 10,220 30.6 30.4 252 .7 Williamson 19,445 3»038R 15.6 11 ,164 57.9 5 /.4 8,126 42. 1 41.8 155 .6 Winnebago 28,979 5,748R 19.8 17,159 60.1 59.2 11,411 39.9 39.4 409 1.4 Woodford 7,336 659R 9.0 3,963 54.5 5 4.0 3,304 45.5 45.0 69 .9 TOTAL 2,409,115 345.023R 14.3 1366,436 57.2 56.7 1021,408 42.3 42.4 21,271 .9 Downstate 1,317,542 158,686R 12.'" 732,958 56.1 55.6 574,272 43.9 4 3.6 10 312 .3 Suburban Cook 156,198 17,928R 11.5 86,370 55.8 55.3 68,442 44.2 43.8 1,386 .9 Chicago 935,375 163,414R 18.0 547,103 59.1 58.5 373,694 40.9 40.5 9,573 1.0 75 SUMMARY- 1926 SENATOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Down state Carried Republican Frank L. Smith 842,273 335,184 507,039 88 Democratic George E. Brennan 774,943 417,390 357,553 14 Progressive Parley P. Christensen 6,526 2,050 4,476 Socialist Labor G. A. Jenning 1,977 1,028 949 C Commonwealth Land Morris Lychenheim 427 275 152 Socialist John T. Whitlock 2,998 1,559 1,439 High Life James A. Logan 1,161 633 528 Workers Communist J. Louis Engdahl 1,309 587 722 Light i'Jines and Beer Raymond T. O'Keefe 4,596 1,524 3,072 Independent Republican Hugh S. Magi 11 156,245 82,234 74,011 Independent Democratic James H. Kirby 4,203 198 4,005 Independent Samuel C. Irving 701 138 563 STATE TREASURER Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican Garrett D. Kinney 971,811 437,973 533,833 83 Democratic Samuel L. Nelson 661,378 347,278 314,100 19 Progressive C. W. Bird 5,726 1,323 3,903 Socialist Labor Harry Bloemsma 1,996 1,016 980 Commonwealth Land Alexander Fernod 403 237 166 Socialist Ansel M. Brooks 3,317 1,612 1,705 High' Life I. J. Brown 583 238 345 77 SENATOR - 1926 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vole of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 17,665 117R .7 8,393 50.4 47.5 8,276 49.6 46.8 996 5.6 Alexander 6,043 1.246R 20.6 3,60^ 60.5 59.6 2,354 39.5 39.0 39 1.5 Bond 4,824 1, 542R 32.0 3,129 66.3 64.9 1 ,587 33.7 32.9 108 2.2 Boone 3,838 1.836R 47.8 2,562 77.9 66.8 726 22.1 18.9 550 14.3 Brown 2.707 168D 6.2 1 ,108 46.5 40.9 1,276 53.5 47.1 323 11.9 Bureau 13,389 2,269R 16.9 6,308 61.0 47.1 4 ,039 39.0 30.2 3,042 22.7 Calhoun 1 ,943 54R 2.8 987 51.4 50.8 933 48.6 48.0 23 1.2 Carroll 3,569 1,765R 49.5 2,435 78.4 68.2 6~>0 21.6 18.8 464 13.0 Cass 5,551 24D .4 2,520 4 9.8 45.4 2,544 50.2 45.8 487 8.8 Champaign 15,234 3,290R 21.6 7,781 63.4 51.1 4,491 36.6 29.5 2,962 19.4 Christian 13,152 508R 3.9 6,222 52.1 47.3 5,714 47.9 43.4 1,216 9.2 Clark 7,449 677R 9.1 3,854 54.8 51.7 3,177 45.2 42.7 418 5.6 Clay 5,738 1, 184R 20.6 3,352 60.7 58.4 2,168 39.3 37.8 218 3.8 Clinton 6,980 2,1520 30.8 2,179 33.5 31.2 4,331 66.5 62.0 470 6.7 Coles 11,328 1,838R 16.2 6,073 58.9 53.6 4 ,235 41.1 37.4 1,020 9.0 Cook 842,800 82,2060 9.8 335, 18^ 44.5 39.8 417,390 55.5 49.5 90 226 10.7 Crawford 7,195 1,221R 17.0 3,891 59.3 54.1 2,570 40.7 37.1 634 8.8 Cumberland 4,285 737R 17.2 2,433 58.9 56.8 1,596 41.1 39.6 156 3.6 DeKalb 9,641 3,740R 38.8 5,929 73.0 61.5 2,189 27.0 22.7 1,523 15.8 DeWitt 7,043 955R 13.6 3,019 59.4 42.9 2,064 40.6 29.3 1,960 27.8 Douglas 5,177 799R 15.4 2,677 58.8 51.7 1,878 41.2 36.3 622 12.0 DuPage 12,258 1,329R 10.8 4,861 57.9 39.7 3,532 42.1 28.8 3,865 31.5 Edgar Edwards 10,720 253R 2.4 5,214 51.2 48.6 4,961 48.8 46.3 545 5.1 2,482 1 ,448R 58.3 1,882 81.3 75.8 434 1.8.7 17.5 166 6.7 Effingham 6,110 741D 12.1 2,526 43.6 41.3 3,267 56.4 53.5 317 5.2 Fayette 8,816 931R 10.6 4,714 55.5 53.5 3,783 44.5 42.9 319 3.6 Ford 4,699 1.476R 31.4 2,687 68.9 57.2 1,211 31.1 25.8 801 17.0 Franklin 13,020 968R 7.4 6,765 53.9 52.0 5,797 46.1 44.5 458 3.5 Fulton 12,798 2.849R 22.3 7,372 62.0 57.6 4,523 38.0 35.3 903 7.1 Gallatin 3,311 165D 5.0 1,520 47.4 45.9 1 ,685 52.6 50.9 106 3.2 Greene 4,903 1320 2.7 2,021 48.4 41.2 2,153 51.6 43.9 729 14.9 Grundy 5,953 2,296R 38.6 3,958 7 0.4 66.5 1,662 29.6 27.9 333 5.6 Hamilton 4,774 2960 6.2 2,172 46.8 45.5 2,468 53.2 51.7 134 2.8 Hancock 8,557 888R 10.4 4,040 56.2 47.2 3,152 43.8 36.8 1,365 16.0 Hardin 2,194 264R 12.0 1,214 56.1 55.3 950 43.9 43.3 30 1.4 Henderson 3,091 1,387R 44.9 2,147 73.9 69.5 760 26.1 24.6 184 6.0 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 11,567 3,836R 33.2 7,093 68.5 61.3 3,257 31.5 28.2 1,217 10.5 9,671 2.845R 29.4 5,887 65.9 60.9 3,042 34.1 31.5 742 7.7 10,208 3,099R 30.4 6,507 65.6 63.7 3,408 34.4 33.4 293 2.9 5,291 253R 4.8 2,730 52.4 5 1.6 2,477 47.6 46.8 84 1.6 Jefferson 10,205 954R 9.3 5,4^2 54.8 53.6 4,518 45.2 44.3 215 2.1 Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 4,673 242D 5.2 2,152 47.3 46.1 2,394 52.7 51.2 127 2.7 5,915 1,331R 22.5 3,442 62.0 58.2 2,111 38.0 35.7 362 6.1 2,872 1, 143R 39.8 1,986 70.2 69.2 843 29.8 29.4 43 1.5 24,304 6, 109R 25.1 13,846 64.2 57.0 7,737 35.8 31.8 2,721 11.2 Kankakee 16,757 5.554R 33.1 10,521 67.9 62.8 4 ,967 32.1 29.6 1,269 7.6 Kendall 2,318 1.229R 53.0 1,647 79.8 71.1 418 20.2 18.0 253 10.9 Knox 10,855 5, 123R 47.2 7,654 75.1 70.5 2,531 24.9 23.3 670 6.2 Lake 13,439 3,018R 22.5 6,876 64.1 51.2 3,858 35.9 28.7 2,705 20.1 LaSalle 30,248 16 70 .6 14, 110 49.7 46.6 14,277 50.3 47.2 1,861 6.2 Lawrence 7,113 675R 9.5 3,701 55.0 52.0 3,026 45.0 42.5 386 5.4 Lee 7,397 2,556R 34.6 4,641 69.0 62.7 2,085 31.0 28.2 671 9.1 Livingston Logan 10,567 3,766R 35.6 6,586 70.0 62.3 2,820 30.0 26.7 1,161 11.0 10,481 770R 7.3 4,554 54.6 43.5 3,784 4 5.4 36.1 2,143 20.4 Macon 17,783 2,736R 15.4 8,348 59.8 46.9 5,612 40.2 31.6 3,823 21.5 78 SENATOR - 1926 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Pa rty Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 16,343 186R 1. 1 7,536 50.6 46.1 7,350 49.4 45.0 1,457 8.9 Madison 26,883 2, 177R 8.1 14,154 54.2 52.7 11,977 45.8 44.6 752 2.8 Marion 9,715 1.513R 15.6 5,293 58.3 54.5 3,780 41.7 38.9 642 6.6 Marshall 5,886 616R 10.5 3,079 55.6 52.3 2,463 44.4 41.8 344 5.8 Mason 5,035 185R 3.7 2,342 52.1 46.5 2,157 47.9 4 2.8 536 10.6 Massac 2,401 1, 168R 48.6 1,710 75.9 71.2 542 24.1 22.6 14- 3 6.2 McDonough 8,359 3.091R 37.0 5,405 70. O 64.7 2,314 30.0 27.7 640 7.7 McHenry 6,651 1.816R 27.3 3,878 65.3 58.3 2,062 34.7 31.0 711 10.7 McLean 19,243 3.480R 18.1 8,348 63.2 43.4 4,868 36.8 25.3 6,027 31.3 Menard 3,782 570R 15.1 1,754 59.7 46.4 1, 184 40.3 31.3 844 22.3 Mercer 5,364 2.115R 39.4 3,499 71.7 65.2 1,384 28.3 25.8 481 9.0 Monroe 4,379 226D 5.2 2 ,064 47.4 47.1 2,290 52.6 52.3 2? .6 Montgomery 12,435 534R 4.3 5,963 52.3 48.0 5,429 47.7 43.7 1,043 8.4 Morgan 12,438 2.641R 21.2 7,176 61.3 57.7 4,535 33.7 36.5 727 5.8 Moultrie 4,479 575R 12.8 2,235 57.4 4 9.9 1 .660 42.6 37.1 584 13.0 Ogle 8,089 4,263R 52.7 5,671 80.1 70.1 1 ,408 19.9 17.4 1,010 12.5 Peoria 27,143 1,778R 6.6 13,714 53.5 50.5 11,936 46.5 44.0 1,493 5.5 Perry 6,661 932R 14.0 3,626 57.4 54.4 2,694 42.6 40.4 341 5.1 Piatt 4,110 1» 127R 27.4 2,231 66.9 5 4.3 1,104 33. 1 26.9 775 18.9 Pike 7,460 375R 5.0 3,448 52.9 46.2 3,073 4 7.1 41.2 939 12.6 Pope 2,234 755R 33.8 1 ,459 67.5 65.3 704 32.5 31.5 71 3.2 Pulaski 2,726 1,320R 48.4 1 ,985 74.9 72.8 665 25.1 24.4 76 2.8 Putnam 1,979 780R 39.4 1,322 70.9 66.8 542 29.1 27.4 115 5.8 Randolph 8,764 176R 2.0 4,397 51.0 50.2 4,221 49.0 48.2 146 1.7 Richland 4,921 669R 13.6 2,711 57.0 55.1 2,042 43.0 41.5 168 3.4 Rock Island 21,589 4.668R 21.6 12,588 61.4 58.3 7,920 38.6 36.7 1,081 5.0 Saline 9,168 1,225R 13.4 5,044 56.9 55.0 3,819 43.1 41.7 305 3.3 Sangamon 35,980 3.423R 9.5 17,053 55.6 47.4 13,630 44.4 37.9 5,297 14.7 Schuyler 4,996 332R 6.6 2,444 53.6 48.9 2,112 46.4 42.3 440 8.8 Scott 3,279 207R 6.3 1,612 53.4 49.2 1,405 46.6 42.8 262 8.0 Shelby 7,696 845R 11.0 3,661 56.5 47.6 2,816 43.5 36.6 1,219 15.8 Stark 2,967 950R 32.0 1 ,853 67.2 62.5 903 32.8 30.4 211 7.1 St. Clair 29,771 1.552D 5.2 13,711 47.3 46.1 15,263 52.7 51.3 797 2.7 Stephenson 11,523 2.529R 21.9 6,607 61.8 57.3 4,078 38.2 35.4 838 7.3 Tazewell 11,332 501R 4.4 5,335 52.5 47.1 4,834 47.5 42.7 1,163 10.3 Union 3,944 715D 18. 1 1 ,518 40.5 38.5 2,233 59.5 56.6 193 4.9 Vermilion 23,505 4.932R 21.0 13,703 61.0 58.3 8,771 39.^ 37.3 1,031 4.4 Wabash 4,340 249R 5.7 2,158 53.1 49.7 1,909 46.9 44.0 273 6.3 Warreii 6,788 2.639R 38.9 4,343 71.8 64.0 1,704 28.2 25.1 74 1 10.9 Washington 3,443 1, 120R 32.5 2,210 67.0 64.2 1 ,090 33.0 31.7 143 4.2 Wayne 7,063 1,246R 17.6 4,086 59.0 57.9 2,840 41.0 40.2 137 1.9 White 5,929 20D .3 2,852 49.8 48.1 2,872 50.2 49.4 205 3.5 Whiteside 7,423 3,727R 50.2 5,210 77.8 70.2 1 ,483 22.2 20.0 730 9.3 Will 28,313 1, 168R 4.1 14,264 52.1 50.4 13,096 47.9 46.3 953 3.4 Williamson 13,249 1,953R 14.7 7,403 57.6 55.9 5,450 42.4 41.1 396 3.C Winnebago 19,713 7,389R 37.5 11,322 74.2 57.4 3,933 25.8 20.0 4,45 3 22.6 Woodford 6,967 1.327R 19.0 3,814 60.5 54.7 2,487 39.5 35.7 666 9.6 TOTAL 1,797,359 67.330R 3.7 842,273 52.1 46.9 774,943 47.9 43.1 180 143 10.0 Downstate 954,559 149.536R 15.7 507,089 58.6 53.1 357,553 41.4 37.5 89,917 9.4 Suburban Cook 114,014 2,625D 2.3 43,973 48.6 38.6 46,5 98 51.4 40.9 23,443 20.6 Chicago 728,786 79,581D 10.9 291,211 44.0 40.0 370, 7°2 56. C 50.9 66,783* 9.2 ♦Includes a scattering of votes in Cicero, Chicago Heights, and Summit for the candidates of the Progressive, Inde- pendent Democratic, Socialist Labor, High Life, Commonwealth Land, Socialist, Light Wines and Beer, and Workers Communist parties, but not the Independent Republican candidate. 79 STATE TREASURER - 1926 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 1 5 , 6 J °3R .7 7,523 60.3 50.0 7,430 49.7 4 9.3 102 .7 Alexander 5,657 1,2 " 24.7 3,514 62.4 62.1 2,119 37.6 37.5 24 .4 Bond 4,34? 1,3309 31.7 2,860 65.9 65.8 1,480 34. 1 34.0 9 .2 Boone 3,341 2, 582? 31.3 3 ,003 9 0.3 89.9 321 9.7 9.6 17 .5 Brown 2,412 464D 10.2 07- 4 0.3 40.2 1 ,434 59.7 59.5 3 .3 Bureau 12-6 !5 3, 2°2? 26.1 7,921 63.1 62.8 4,629 36.9 36.7 55 .4 Calhoun 1,692 679 4.o ?75 5 2.1 51.8 809 48.0 47.3 7 . 4 Carroll 2.951 2 » 1 C 9 3 71.5 2,523' B6.0 8^.5 414 14.1 14.0 14 . 5 Cass 5,021 4250 3.5 2,285 4 5.7 4 5.5 2,71? 54.3 54.0 25 .5 Champaign 13,5-3 5,671? 42.0 9,558 71.1 7?. 3 3,887 23.9 28.3 63 .5 Christian 12,015 - • a 1.7 6,159 50. 5 0.4 5,854 49.1 48.7 102 .3 Clark 7,^22 c 3? .8 3,535 51.4 50.3 3,482 49.5 4 9.5 5 .1 Clay 5,517 81 5o 14.3 3,154 6 7.4 5 7.2 2,33? 42.6 42.4 24 .4 Clinton 5,772 1, 2450 21.6 2 ,o&o 31.4 35.7 3,30* 61.6 57.3 407 7.1 Coles 10,417 1,3103 12.6 5 , R 5 3 ^6.3 *6.7 4 , c .4 3 43.7 4 3.6 21 .2 Cook 791, 132 9n , 7qo.p_ 11.5 437,978 5 5.6 6 5.4 347.278 44.2 43.9 4,926 .6 Crawford 6,346 , 86? 7. 1 3 ,64 6 53.6 5 3.2 3,159 '* 6 . 4 46.1 4 2 .6 Cumberland 4,086 3 273 8.^ 2 ,204 54.0 53.9 1 ,877 46.0 45.9 5 .1 DeKalb 8,626 5,"5?op 55.0 7,019 8 2 . 6 32.3 1 ,48o 17.4 17.4 27 .3 DeWitt 5,916 1,16°? 19.8 3,535 59.9 59.3 2,366 40.1 40.? 15 .3 Douglas 4,741 ?169 19.3 2,315 69.7 59.4 1 ,901 4 0.3 '.0.1 24 .5 DuPage ]n Q9j 5,819R 53.4 8,?87 77.i 76.1 2,463 22.9 22.7 136 1.2 Edgar 9,378 4 60 C • - 4 ,906 4?. 8 49.7 4,96? 50.2 ^ n .l 23 .2 Edwards 2 , " ,r ! 1 , ATOP 63.9 1.34 3 32. 1 31.9 4 A 13.0 17.0 4 .2 Effingham 5,4^8 667ri 12.3 2,341 43.8 4 3.3 3,003 56.2 *5.6 5? 1.1 Fayette 8,43"= -"=30 3.? 4 ,609 54.5 *4.3 3,351 4 5.5 4 6.4 ■*> 5 .3 Ford 4,11? 2,063? 5^.o 3,075 75.3 74.3 1 ,012 24.8 24.6 25 .6 Franklin 11,769 9911, °.^ 6,09c, *4.3 53.* 5 , 3 ot 45.7 4 5.1 168 1.4 Fulton 11,775 2,440i? ?9.7 7,051 60.5 59.0 4,61? 39.5 30.? 115 1.0 Gallatin 3,035 426D 14." 1 ,100 4 3.0 'f2.8 1 ,725 57.0 56.8 10 .3 Greene 4,12? 6 630 16.6 1 ,*76 41 .7 4 1.6 2 , 1 4 d 58.3 58.2 9 .2 Grundy 4,723 3, 1909 67.5 3,929 34 .2 83.2 730 15.8 15.6 55 1.2 Hamilton 4,6"? 5370 11.7 2,126 44 .1 44.0 2,563 55.9 55.6 20 .4 Hancock 7,746 7130 9.2 4,221 54.6 54.5 3,503 4 5.4 4 5.3 17 .2 Hardin 2, 147 1 009 9.3 1 ,168 54.7 6 4.4 969 45.3 4 5.1 10 .5 Henderson 2,8?? 1 ,3559 46.3 2,125 73.4 73.3 769 26.6 26.5 K .2 Henry 9,02? 5, 01/49 50.^ 7.^37 76.4 75.9 2,^23 73.6 23.4 69 .7 Iroquois 8,336 3,360R 43.3 6,i c ° 71.7 71.6 7,608 28.3 28.2 20 .2 Jackson 9,?94 ? » 9 4 5 R 31.6 6,055 66.8 66.6 3 , 1 33.2 31. 1 29 .3 Jasper 5,068 1 4 90 ?.o 2,447 48.5 48.3 2,596 51.5 51.2 26 .5 Jefferson 9,759 3D . 1 4,856 5 0.1 49.8 4,864 5 0.0 4 9.3 39 .4 Jersey 4,402 2 r 30 5.9 2,068 4 7.1 47.0 2,326 52.9 52.8 3 .2 JoDaviess 5,25? 1.9639 37.4 3,632 68.9 68.2 1 ,619 31.1 30.3 49 .9 Johnson 2,635 1 ,0289 39.9 1,323 69.6 69.2 796 30.4 30.2 1? .6 Kane 19,812 11 ,6769 69.0 15,669 79.o 79.1 3,993 20.3 20.2 140 .7 Kankakee 15,157 8,2519 5 4.4 11 ,656 77.4 76.9 3,4-5 22.6 22.5 96 .6 Kendall 2,1?2 1 ,40^P 71.1 1 ,795 36.7 85.4 300 14.3 14.3 7 .3 Knox 10,057 6.322R 62. 8,0 96 8 2.0 80.5 1,77': 18.0 17.6 187 1.9 Lake 11,395 6,7 r ^o 50.3 3,039 8".l 78.9 2,232 19.9 19.6 174 1.5 La Salle 25,315 6,6] 30 26.1 15,374 6 3. J? 62.7 9,256 36.3 36.6 135 .7 Lawrence 6,735 3 1° .5 3, 3^5 5 -.2 50.1 3 ,3 44 49.3 49.7 16 .2 Lee 6,2?5 3,5339 56. 4,8'. 6 73.7 78.1 1,313 21.3 21.2 4 6 .7 Livingston 9,632 4,7909 49.5 7,225 74.8 74.6 2,43* 25.2 ?*.l 22 .2 Logan ?, 127 1, 1999 12.9 5, 744 *6.5 56.2 4 ,045 43.5 43.4 38 .4 Macon 15,084 5 . ^o-p 3->.8 1-1,023 67.0 66.4 4,931 33.0 32.7 130 .0 80 STATE TREASURER - 1926 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Porty Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 14,571 194R 1.3 7,195 50.7 4 9.4 7 , C 1 49.3 ^3.0 375 2.6 Madison 23,843 4,713R 19.8 14,193 60.0 59.5 9,480 '.0.0 30. 3 170 . 7 Marion 8,920 6 n 97 6.° 4,741 5 3.4 57.? 4,137 4 6.6 4 6.3 / 7 . 5 Marshall 5,559 1 .0609 19.: 3,3^4 6 9.6 59.4 2,244 40.4 4 0.4 11 .2 Mason 4,592 199D -'■ . i 2,192 47.1 47.7 2.382 52.1 51.9 IS . 6 Massac 1,999 1 , 245P 62.3 1,613 31 .3 30.9 373 13.7 ! c .7 8 . 4 McDonough 7,741 2,6i?9 33.6 5,154 66.9 66.6 2,552 33.1 33." 74 .4 McHenry 5,197 2.9409 56.6 4,057 7 3.4 73.1 1.117 71.6 21.5 ? *? • '» McLean 16.600 7. 6919 46.3 12,072 73.4 72.7 4,33! '•■ .' 14 7 .9 Menard 3,388 4879 1 4 . 4 1 .135 c 7.7 67.1 1,448 4 2.8 '•0.7 G, 1 Mercer 4,951 1 ,862? ?7.6 3,396 6 3.9 6 8.6 1,534 31.1 31.0 ? 3 . 4 Monroe 4,111 509R 12.4 2,313 56.? 5 6.1 1 .790 43.3 ■■3.8 r x .1 Montgomery 11,383 15D . 1 5,618 49.9 4 9.4 5,633 50.1 ' ".5 i -1 1 1.2 Morgan 11,218 '.0119 17.° 6,6^ 60.1 63.9 4 , c °4 4 1 . 41.0 11 . 7 Moultrie 4,193 3169 7.7 2,715 53.9 ^3.3 1 ,391 46.1 ''6.1 7 . 7 Ogle 6,329 5, ?i0n> 76. 1 5 , 99< 88.2 37.3 -700 i:.8 11.7 3- c Peoria 25,137 9, 259R 76.8 17,0 7- 68.6 6 7.9 7,811 31.4 31.1 25 £ i!o Perry 6,018 1 « 104R 18.3 3.542 69.7 58.0 2.438 41.7 40.5 77 .6 Piatt 7,878 1 -2 740 3 3.3 2.546 66.7 66.5 1.27] 13.3 73.2 17 . 7 Pike 6,752 7280 10.8 2, 916 4 4 . 6 44.4 3 ,72'' 5 5.4 5 5 . 2 32 .5 Pope 1,968 779° 39.6 1 ,367 69.9 69.5 588 30.1 29.9 1 3 .7 Pulaski 2,370 1, 1939 59.5 1,783 76.3 75.3 ^36 74.7 7 4.7 7 3 Putnam 1.314 1 .0239 56.4 1.414 73.7 77.9 391. 21.7 11 f- C. j. • - J 1 # t; Randolph 3,129 3899 4.8 4,241 C 2.A 52.2 3.852 i7.6 f 1 {, 3 • ^ Richland 4,597 2639 5.7 2,422 f, O ^2.7 2.159 47.1 47.0 16 n Rock Island 18,023 7,6539 42.5 12,74 6 71 .5 70.7 5 ,092 28.5 28.3 186 l.C Saline 8,515 9629 11.3 4,697 5 6.7 55.2 3 . 7->c 4 4.3 47.9 3 3 i . 1 Sangamon 32.833 9.4S7R 28. F 21 .040 64.6 64.1 11 ,583 35.5 76.7 711 . < Schuyler 4,730 620 1.3 2 , 371 4 9.7 49.2 7,71] 50.7 50.5 11 -> Scott 3.011 8^0 '.8 1 , 4 6 7 4 8.6 4 8. '6 1 ,647 5] .4 6 1.4 7 . i Shelby 6,886 249 .3 3.433 5 0.2 49.0 7,411 '4O.0 4°. 6 4 4 • e Stark 2,783 1.291R 4 6.4 2,033 -f .7 77.1 747 26.7 26.7 a 7 St. Clair 26,859 3.889R 14.5 15 ,210 57.3 56.6 11,321 42.7 '•2.1 323 1 .2 Stephenson 10,916 3,364R 30.8 7,11' 6 C .5 65.2 3,749 34. * 34.7 5 4 C Tazewell 9,638 1-4989 15.5 5,°7^ 58.1 55.3 3,877 41.9 41.7 t '; • " Union 3,712 8 1 7 22." 1,434 75.1 38.6 7,761 61.1 60.6 7 7 -t Vermilion 21,215 6. 258R 29.5 1 3 V " r - 64. P. 64.4 ,7,417 3 C .7 7 A . 1 4 7 1 Wabash 4,023 970 2.4 1 ,"59 4?.° 4 8.7 7 , 1 c 6 C 1.7 c .l .1 P . 2 Warren 6,343 2. 644R 41.7 4 , 4 6 7 71. n 79.4 1 .873 -1O.1 28.7 c 3 . Washington 3,113 1 . ?399 in o 2,162 7i.i 61. c ' O "? 1 ~i O 29.6 73 n Wayne 6,895 74 19 10.7 3.812 65.4 56.3 3. "71 44.6 * • • ~ 1 ? 2 White 5,617 392D 7.C 2,601 4 6. c 46.7 2»°93 53.5 53.3 "> 7 . ', Whiteside 6,702 4, c 14i 6 7.4 5,590 33.0 3 3.4 1 ,07-: 16.1 16.1 3 6 # c WiU 25,911 4, 123R 15.9 14,94 5S.0 R 7.7 10.817 4 2.0 41.7 164 • 6 Williamson 12,035 1.6019 13.3 6 , 7 { 6 66." 56.2 5.165 43.3 10'. . 9 Winnebago 16, 165 1 1,7769 72. P 13.6 04 38.2 84.2 1 .878 11.8 11.3 777 4. r ; Woodford 6,396 1 .9"3R 29.8 4,136 64. o 64.7 2.233 35.1 34,9 27 # £j TOTAL 1,645,214 310.433R 18.9 971,811 59.5 5 9.1 651 ,373 40,5 4 1.2 12,125 7 Downstate 855,032 219,7339 25.7 533,833 63." 62.4 314,10" 37.1 36.7 7, 799 c Suburban Cook 107,589 39,993^ 2 3.8 68,932 64.5 64.1 37,110 35.5 76.3 7i g 1 Chicago 682,593 59»707R 8.7 360,^46 6 4.4 54.1 310,139 45.6 4 C .3 4,208 • A - 81 SUMMARY- 1928 PRESIDENT Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Dnwnstate Ca rrieri Republican Herbert Hoover 1,769,141 812,063 957,078 91 Democratic Alfred E. Smith 1,313,817 716,283 597,534 11 Socialist Norman Thomas 19,138 8,971 10,167 Socialist Labor Verne L. Reynolds 1,812 753 1,059 Workers (Com- munist) Pai ■ty of America William Z. Foster 3,581 2,101 1,480 SENATOR Co unties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Otis F. Glenn 1,594,031 709,375 884 , 656 38 Democratic A. J. Cermak 1,315,338 749,542 565,796 14 Socialist George R. Kirkpatrick 13,002 6,268 6,734 Socialist Labor G. A. Jenning 1,463 660 803 Workers (Com- munist) Party of America Max Bedacht 3,177 1,921 1,256 GOVERNOR Co unties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Louis L. Emmerson 1,709,818 826,490 883,328 81 Democratic Floyd E. Thompson 1,284,897 654 , 685 630,212 21 Socialist George Koop 12,974 6,507 6,467 Socialist Labor J. C. Procum 1,362 619 743 'Workers (Com- munist) Party of America William F. Kruse 3,153 1 , 932 1,221 83 PRESIDENT- 1928 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 29, "193 2,3759 8.2 15,590 54.1 53.6 13,215 45.9 45.4 288 1.0 Alexander a ,252 2. 1083 22.8 5,566 61.4 61.2 3,558 38.6 38.5 28 .3 Bond 6,494 1,8629 23.7 4,161 64.4 64.1 2,298 35.6 35.4 36 .6 Boone 7,369 4, 594R 62.3 5,965 31.3 80.9 1,371 18.7 18.6 33 .4 Brown 4, 165 4229 10.1 2 ,239 55.1 55.0 1,867 44.9 44.8 9 .2 Bureau 18,133 5.071R 23.0 11,557 64.1 63.7 6,486 35.9 35.8 90 .5 Calhoun 3,178 439 1.4 1,594 50.7 50.2 1.551 49.3 43.8 33 1.0 Carroll 8,118 4,3219 53.2 6,197 76.8 76.3 1.876 23.2 23.1 45 .6 Cass 7,494 5439 7.3 4,009 53.7 53.5 3,461 46.3 46.2 24 .3 Champaign 28,550 10,579R 37.1 19,494 68.6 68.3 8,915 31.4 31.2 141 .5 Christian 17,431 2,5519 14.6 9,596 57.4 56.8 7,345 42.6 42.1 190 1.1 Clark 9,283 2,0119 21.7 5,632 6 0.9 60.6 3,621 39.1 39.0 35 .4 Clay 6,940 2. 1049 3 0.3 4,522 65.2 65.2 2,418 34.8 34.8 .0 Clinton 9,152 3,7430 33. 3,331 30.9 30.8 6,774 69.1 68.8 47 .5 Coles 16,60 7 6,408R 33.6 11,479 69.4 69.1 5 ,071 30.6 30.5 57 .3 Cook I ,540, 171 95,7809 6.2 312 ,063 53.1 52.7 716,283 46.9 46.5 11,825 .8 Crawford 9,522 2,4949 26.2 5,989 63.1 62.9 3,4 95 36.9 36.7 38 .4 Cumberland 5,143 1,3699 26.6 3,242 63.4 53.0 1,873 36.6 36.4 28 .5 DeKalb 15,503 7,5619 48.8 11,501 74.5 74.2 3,940 25.5 25.4 62 .4 DeWitt 3,790 3,4699 39.5 6,100 69.9 59.4 2,631 30.1 29.9 59 .7 Douglas 7,171 2,6519 37.0 4,890 63.6 68.2 2,239 31.4 31.2 42 .6 DuPage 38,712 17,537R 45.3 2 8,016 72.8 72.4 10,479 27.2 27.1 217 .6 Edgar 12,836 2, 184R 16.9 7,509 58.5 58.3 5,325 41.5 41.3 52 .4 Edwards 3,826 1,9119 49.9 2,861 75.1 74.8 950 24.9 24.8 15 .4 Effingham 8,214 3570 4.3 3,332 47.6 47.3 4.239 52.2 51.6 93 1.1 Fayette 10,516 2,5479 24.0 6,545 62.1 61.7 3.998 37.9 37.7 73 .7 Ford 6,793 2,5709 37.8 4,668 69.0 68.7 2.098 31.0 30.9 27 .4 Franklin 21 ,622 1,4690 6.8 9,900 46.5 45.8 11.369 53.5 52.6 353 1.6 Fulton 17,680 4,009R 22.7 13,600 61.7 60.0 6,591 38.3 37.3 489 2.8 Gallatin 4,3 73 3410 7.8 2,002 46. 1 45.8 2,343 53.9 53.6 28 .6 Greene 3,421 2239 2.6 4,299 51.3 51.1 4,076 48.7 48.4 46 .5 Grundy 8, ^29 1.952R 23.4 5,126 61.8 61.5 3,174 38.2 38.1 29 .3 Hamilton 6,412 238R 3.7 3,275 51.9 51.1 3,037 48.1 47.4 100 1.6 Hancock 13,290 2,3439 17.7 7,79 5 58.9 58.7 5,447 41.1 41.0 48 .4 Hardin 2,732 8 25R 3 0.2 1,758 65.3 64.3 933 34.7 34.2 41 1.5 Henderson 3,790 1 ,6309 43.0 2,695 71 .7 71.1 1,065 23.3 28.1 30 .8 Henry 20,707 8,808R 42.5 14,666 71.5 70.8 5,358 28.5 28.3 183 .9 Iroquois 13,92? 3,0329 21.3 8,453 60.9 60.7 5,421 39.1 38.9 49 .4 Jackson 15,102 3»344R 22.1 9,130 61 .1 60.8 5,836 38.9 38.6 86 .6 Jasper 6,272 1469 2.3 3,201 51.2 51.0 3,055 48.8 48.7 16 .3 Jefferson 13,301 1,4219 10.7 7,326 55.4 55.1 5 ,905 44.6 44.4 70 .5 Jersey 5,430 520R 9.5 2,993 54.6 54.6 2,473 45.2 45.1 14 .3 JoDaviess 10,283 2.477R 24.1 6,333 62.2 61.6 3,856 37.8 37.5 94 .9 Johnson 4,091 1,729R 42.3 2,392 71.3 70.7 1,163 28.7 28.4 36 .9 Kane 54,673 22,^529 40.3 38,236 70.3 69.9 16,184 29.7 29.6 253 .5 Kankakee 22,271 1,6539 7.4 11,905 53.7 53.4 10,247 46.3 46.0 127 .6 Kendall 4,75 2 2,435R 51.2 3,589 75.7 75.5 1,154 24.3 24.3 9 .2. Knox 22,330 10, 158R 45.5 16,151 72.9 72.3 5,993 27.1 26.8 186 .8 Lake 39,587 14, ^629 36.8 26,814 68.6 67.7 12,252 31.4 30.9 521 1.3 LaSalle 45,228 3,232R 7.1 24,039 53.6 53.2 20,807 46.4 46.0 382 .8 Lawrence 9,726 2.045R 21.0 5,851 60.6 60.2 3 ,806 39.4 39.1 69 .7 Lee 13,76" 4,7629 34.6 9,238 67.4 67.1 4,476 32.6 32.5 46 .3 Livingston 16,992 5,424R 31.9 11,161 66.0 65.7 5,737 34.0 33.8 94 .6 Logan 12,725 2,6129 20.5 7,631 60.3 60.0 5,019 39.7 39.4 75 .6 Macon '4,654 14,56 r 'R 42.0 24,4Q2 71.1 70.7 9,932 28.9 28.7 230 .7 84 PRESIDENT- 1928 Rep. -De m. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent Total Vote Cast Plurality Number Number Number County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 22,438 5910 2.6 10,699 43.7 47.7 11,290 51.3 50.3 449 2.0 Madison 52,406 4.379R 8.3 23,028 54 .2 53.5 23,653 45.8 45.1 720 1.4 Marion 15,052 3,287R 21.8 9,110 61.0 60.5 5,823 39.0 38.7 119 .8 Marshall 6,865 1»201R 17.5 4,029 53.8 58.7 2,828 41.2 41.2 8 .1 Mason 7,221 71 OR 9.8 3,956 54.9 54.8 3,246 45.1 45.0 19 .3 Massac 4,673 2, 164R 46.3 3,405 73.3 72.9 1,241 26. 7 26.6 27 .6 McDonough 13, 138 4.849R 36.9 8,953 63.6 66.1 4,104 31.4 31.2 81 .6 McHenry 16,319 5.065R 31.0 10,661 65.6 65.3 5,596 34.4 34.3 62 .4 McLean 31,789 1%038R 31.6 20,780 65.9 65.4 10,742 34. 1 33.8 26^ .8 Menard 5,025 1,501R 29.9 3,243 65.1 64.5 1,7'' 2 34. 9 34.7 40 .8 Mercer 8,073 3,383R 41.9 5,699 71.1 70.6 2,316 28. J 23.7 58 .7 Monroe 5,665 2130 3.8 2,721 43.1 48.0 2,934 51.9 51.3 10 .2 Montgomery 16,575 1,607R 9.7 8,999 54.9 54.3 7,392 45.1 44.6 164 1.1 Morgan 16,046 4, 387R 27.3 10,192 63.7 63.5 5,8 36.3 36.2 49 .3 Moultrie 5,488 1 , 142R 20.8 3,310 60.4 60.3 2,158 39.5 39.5 10 .2 Ogle 12,546 7, 117R 56.7 9,808 78.5 78.2 2,691 21.5 21.4 47 .4 Peoria 54,913 7.874R 14.3 31,024 57.3 56.5 2 3,150 42.7 42.2 739 1.3 Perry 9,766 393D 4.C 4,636 4 3.0 4^.5 5,029 52.0 31.5 101 1.0 Piatt 6,557 2,606R 30.7 '',565 70.0 69.6 1,959 30.0 29.9 33 .5 Pike 10,836 2.697R 24.9 6,705 62.6 61.9 4 ,008 3 7.4 37.: 123 1.1 Pope 2,706 1.325R 49.0 2,004 74.7 74.1 679 25.3 25.1 23 .8 Pulaski 5,092 1 ,5°3R 31.3 3,319 65.8 65.2 1,726 34.2 33.9 4 7 .9 Putnam 2,270 513R 22.8 1,387 61.5 61.1 369 33.5 33.3 14 .6 Randolph 12,093 51 2D 4.2 5,739 4^.9 47.5 6,251 52.1 51.7 103 .9 Richland 6,623 1 ,4<:>2R 22.5 4,042 61.3 61.0 2,5 50 38.7 38.5 31 .5 Rock Island 41,776 12,912R 30.9 27,246 65.5 65.2 14,334 34.5 34.3 196 .5 Saline 13,983 1 , 168R 3.5 7,525 54.3 53.8 6,337 45.7 4 5.3 121 Sangamon 53,271 10,931R 20.5 31,957 60.3 60.0 21,0 26 39.7 39.5 233 .5 Schuyler 5,576 46 q R 3.4 3,011 54 .2 54.0 2,542 4 5.3 45.6 ~> 1 • 4 Scott 4,338 871R 20. 1 2,601 6 J • 1 60.0 1,730 39.9 39.9 7 .2 Shelby 11,528 3, 143R 27.3 7,214 63.9 62.6 4,071 36.1 35.3 243 2.1 Stark 4,293 1,660R 38.7 2,966 69.4 69.1 1 ,306 30.6 30.4 21 .5 St. Clair 68,037 5,3480 7.9 31 ,026 46.0 4 5.6 36,374 54.0 53.5 637 .? Stephenson 17,643 6,413R 36.3 11,992 63.2 68.0 5,579 31.3 31.5 72 .4 Tazewell 16,586 2.499R 15.1 9 , 'y 9 57.7 56.7 6,910 42.3 41.7 267 1.6 Union 7,530 7970 10.6 3,352 4'. .7 4 4.5 4,149 5 5.3 5 5.1 29 .4 Vermilion 34,717 8, 088P 25.6 21,616 62.9 62.3 12,723 37.1 36.7 373 1.1 Wabash 6,369 1 . 5820 2'+. 3 2,373 37.5 37.3 3 -955 62.5 52.1 41 .6 Warren 10,753 5,234R '.3.7 7, "15 74.7 73.6 2,631 25.3 24.9 157 1.5 Washington 6,508 790R 12.1 3,633. 5 6.1 55.9 2,84 8 43.9 43.3 22 • - 1 Wayne 8,364 2»081R 24.9 q . ,139 62.5 62.0 3,108 37.5 3^.2 67 .3 White 7,879 511R 5.5 4,177 5 3.3 53.0 3,666 45. 7 46.5 36 • ^ Whiteside 17,728 9,501R 53.6 13,580 7 6.9 76.6 4 ,0 79 2 3.1 23.0 6i .4 Will 47,405 5,204R 11.: 26,031 5 5.5 55.^ 20, J-'-' 4 4 . -- . ' . 4 . ' .9 Williamson 21,30Q 774R 3.6 10 ,913 51.3 51.2 10,13^ \B.2 '-7.5 237 1.2 Winnebago 41,372 2 5, 5 74 R 61.3 33,253 31 .2 30.4 7,6?'' 13. 3 18.5 ft 3 H 1.0 Woodford 8,524 1,829R 21.5 5, 140 6". 3 6 n .3 3,311 39.2 3 8.3 73 • . TOTAL 3,107,489 455,324R 14; 7 1769,141 57.4 56.i 1313,817 42.6 42.3 24 ,531 • c Downstate 1 ,567,318 359, 544R 2?. 9 957,178 6 1 .6 61.1 597,534 3 8.'' 38.1 12,706 • •- Suburban Cook 249,206 74, 75"R 30. 1 161 ,398 65.1 6 •' ,° 36, 6'' 3 34.1 3 '• . 3 : ,160 • 2 Chicago 1 ,290,965 21,0309 1.6 650,665 5 0.8 50.4 629,635 '. 1 . ' ''3.c 10 66 K .?. 85 SENATOR - 1928 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Potty Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 26,850 995R 3.7 13,820 51.9 51.5 12,825 48.1 47.8 205 .8 Alexander 8,058 1,508R 18.7 4,775 59.4 59.3 3,267 40.6 40.5 16 .2 Bond 6,088 1,713R 28.1 3,886 64.1 63.8 2,173 35.9 35.7 29 .5 Boone 6,658 4.470R 67.1 5,555 83.7 83.4 1,085 16.3 16.3 18 .3 Brown 3,899 290 .7 1,932 49.6 49.6 1 ,961 50.4 50.3 6 .2 Bureau 17,108 4,453R 26. n 10,750 63.1 62.8 6,297 36.9 36.8 61 .4 Calhoun 2,796 123R 4.4 1,449 52.2 51.8 1,326 47.8 47.4 21 .8 Carroll 7,115 4, 118R 57.9 5,610 79.0 78.8 1,492 21.0 21.0 13 .2 Cass 7,086 65R .9 3,566 50.5 50.3 3,501 49. 5 49.4 19 .3 Champaign 26,168 9.455R 36. 1 17,766 68.1 67.9 8,311 31.9 31.8 91 .3 Christian 16,375 1,554R 9.5 8,906 54.8 54.4 7,352 45.2 44.9 117 .7 Clark 8,713 1.414R 16.2 5,053 58.1 58.0 3,639 41.9 41.8 21 .2 Clay 6,655 1,563R 23.5 4,109 61.7 61.7 2,546 38.3 38.3 .0 Clinton 9,253 3,273D 35.4 2,973 32.2 32.1 6,246 67.8 67.5 34 .4 Coles 15,504 4,943R 31.9 10,205 66.0 65.8 5,262 34.0 33.9 37 .2 Cook 1 ,467,766 40, 167D 2.7 709,375 48.6 48.3 749,542 51.4 51.1 8,849 .6 Crawford 9,132 1,778R 19.5 5,441 59.8 59.6 3,663 40.2 40.1 28 .3 Cumberland 4,875 908R 18.6 2,883 59.3 59.1 1,975 40.7 40.5 17 .3 DeKalb 14,422 7.578R 52.5 10,980 76.3 76.1 3,402 23.7 23.6 40 .3 DeWitt 8,232 2.584R 31.4 5,385 65.8 65.4 2,801 34.2 34.0 46 .6 Douglas 6,886 2,235R 32.5 4,551 66.3 66.1 2,316 33.7 33.6 19 .3 DuPage 36,621 14,596R 39.9 25,514 70.0 69.7 10,91.8 30.0 29.8 189 .5 Edgar 12,213 1,867R 15.3 7,023 5.7.7 57.5 5,156 42.3 42.2 34 .3 Edwards 3,519 1.917R 54.5 2,715 77.3 77.2 798 22.7 22.7 6 .2 Effingham 7,437 6680 9.0 3,367 45.5 45.3 4,035 54.5 54.3 35 .5 Fayette 10,040 1,633R 16.3 5,826 58.1 58.0 4,193 41.9 41.8 21 .2 Ford 6,456 2,444R 37.9 4,443 69.0 68.8 1,999 31.0 31.0 14 .2 Franklin 19,967 2,7560 13.8 8,467 43.0 42.4 11,223 57.0 56.2 277 1.4 Fulton 16,991 3.465R 20.4 10,056 60.4 59.2 6,591 39.6 38.8 344 2.0 Gallatin 4,071 5210 12.8 1 ,768 43.6 43.4 2,289 56.4 56.2 14 .3 Greene 7,582 1120 1.5 3,729 49.3 49.2 3,841 50.7 50.7 12 .2 Grundy 8,009 1.891R 23.6 4,941 61.8 61.7 3,050 38.2 38.1 18 .2 Hamilton 6,044 55R .9 3 ,004 50.5 49.7 2,949 49.5 48.8 91 1.5 Hancock 12,492 1,956R 15.7 7,212 57.8 57.7 5,256 42.2 42.1 24 .2 Hardin 2,534 731R 28.8 1,623 64.5 64.0 892 35.5 35.2 19 .7 Henderson 3,619 1.622R 44.8 2,611 72.5 72.1 989 27.5 27.3 19 .5 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 18,989 8,250R 43.4 13,562 71 .9 71.4 5,312 28.1 28.0 115 .6 13,060 3,245R 24.8 8,139 62.4 62.3 4,894 37.6 37.5 27 .2 14,598 2,894R 19.8 8,718 60.0 59.7 5,824 40.0 39.9 56 .4 6,008 1030 1.7 2,946 49.1 49.0 3,049 50.9 50.7 13 .2 Jefferson 12,366 1,033R 8.4 6,682 54.2 54.0 5,649 45.8 45.7 35 .3 Jersey JoDaviess 4,958 470R 9.5 2,711 54.7 54.7 2,241 45.3 45.2 6 .1 9,266 2,539R 27.4 5,872 63.8 63.4 3,333 36.2 36.0 61 .7 Johnson Kane 3,929 1,622R 41.3 2,763 70.8 70.3 1,141 29.2 29.0 25 .6 49,952 20,420R 40.9 35,098 70.5 70.3 14,678 29.5 29.4 176 .4 Kankakee 20,985 1,507R 7.2 11,206 53.6 53.4 9,699 46.4 46.2 80 .4 Kendall 4,3 74 2.517R 57.5 3,444 78.8 78.7 927 21.2 21.2 3 .1 Knox 20,912 10.293R 49.2 15,551 74.7 74.4 5,258 25.3 25.1 103 .5 Lake 35,423 13,643R 38.5 24,330 69.5 68.7 10,687 30.5 30.2 406 1.1 LaSalle 41,873 2,982R 7.1 22,310 53.6 53.3 19,328 46.4 46.2 235 .6 Lawrence 9,184 1 ,303R 14.2 5,217 57.1 56.8 3,914 42.9 42.6 53 .6 Lee 12,721 4.915R 38.6 8,801 69.4 69.2 3,886 30.6 30.5 34 .3 Livingston Logan 16,077 5.067R 31.5 10,544 65.8 65.6 5,477 34.2 34.1 56 .3 11,679 2,542R 21.8 7,091 60.9 60.7 4,549 39.1 39.0 39 .3 Macon 32,606 12.785R 39.2 22,622 69.7 69.4 9,837 30.3 30.2 147 .5 86 SENATOR - 1928 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Farty Vote Total Vote of Total Number PC. Vote Macoupin 21,029 1,304D 6.2 9,684 46.8 46.1 10,988 53.2 52.3 357 1.7 Madison 48.657 6,245R 12.8 27,177 56.5 55.9 20,932 43.5 43.0 548 1.1 Marion 13*941 1.270R 9.1 7,569 54.6 54.3 6,299 45.4 45.2 73 .5 Marshall 6.590 1.321R 20.0 3,953 60.0 60.0 2,632 40.0 39.9 5 .1 Mason 6,484 472R 7.3 3,471 53.6 53.5 2,999 46.4 46.3 14 .2 Massac 4, 179 2, 116R 50.6 3,139 75.4 75.1 1 ,023 24.6 24.5 17 .4 McDonough 12,284 4.266R 34.7 8,249 67.4 67.2 3,983 32.6 32.4 52 .4 McHenry 14,706 4.751R 32.3 9,710 66.2 66.0 4,959 33.8 33.7 37 .3 McLean 29,794 9.687R 32.5 19,648 66.4 65.9 9,961 33.6 33.4 185 .6 Menard 4,651 1 , 109R 23.8 2, -870 62.0 61.7 1 ,761 38.0 37.9 20 .4 Mercer 7,634 3,366R 44.1 5,482 72.2 71.8 2,116 27.3 27.7 36 .5 Monroe 5,131 296R 5.8 2,711 52.9 52.8 2,415 47.1 47.1 5 .1 Montgomery 15,161 694R 4.6 7,863 52.3 51.9 7,169 47.7 4 7.3 129 .9 Morgan 14,303 3,211R 22.4 8,739 61 .3 61.1 5,528 38.7 38.6 36 .3 Moultrie 5,165 818R 15.8 2,987 57.9 57.8 2,169 42.1 42.0 9 .2 Ogle 11,478 6,841R 59.6 9,147 79.9 79.7 2,306 20.1 20.1 25 .2 Peoria 50,702 8.663R 17.1 29,397 58.6 58.0 20,734 41.4 40.9 571 1.1 Perry 9,029 624D 6.9 4,171 46.5 46.2 4,795 53.5 53.1 63 .7 Piatt 6,205 2,326R 37.5 4,256 68.8 68.6 1,930 31.2 31.1 19 .3 Pike 10,042 1,487R 14.8 5,726 57.5 57.0 4,239 42.5 42.2 77 .8 Pope 2,494 1.253R 50.2 1 ,366 75.3 74.8 613 24.7 24.6 15 .6 Pulaski 4,634 1.421R 30.7 3,012 65.4 65.0 1,591 34.6 34.3 31 .7 Putnam 2,180 529R 24.3 1,348 62.2 61.8 819 37.8 37.6 13 .6 Randolph 11,456 7820 6.8 5,298 46.6 46.2 6,080 53.4 53.1 78 .7 Richland 6,290 1 ,044R 16.6 3,659 58.3 58.2 2,615 41.7 41.6 16 .3 Rock Island 37,466 10,787R 28.8 24,058 64.4 64.2 13,271 35.6 35.4 137 .4 Saline 12,968 643R 5.0 6,764 52.5 52.2 6,121 47.5 47.2 83 .6 Sangamon 50,208 8,883R 17.7 29,443 58.9 58.6 20,560 41.1 40.9 205 .4 Schuyler 5,187 254R 4.9 2,716 52.5 52.4 2,462 47.6 47.5 9 .2 Scott 4,096 665R 16.2 2,380 58.1 58.1 1,715 41.9 4 1.9 1 .0 Shelby 10,784 1.827R 16.9 6,237 58.6 57.8 4,410 41.4 40.9 137 1.3 Stark 4,063 1.714R 42.2 2,882 71.2 70.9 1,168 28.8 28.7 13 .3 St. Clair 63,362 3,999D 6.3 29,458 46.8 46.5 33,457 53.2 52.8 447 .7 Stephenson 16,785 5,547R 33.0 11,142 66.6 66.4 5,595 33.4 33.3 48 .3 Tazewell 15,099 1'917R 12.7 8,399 56.4 55.6 6,482 43.6 42.9 218 1.4 Union 7, 149 841D 11.8 3,140 44.1 43.9 3,981 55.9 55.7 28 .4 Vermilion 32,803 7,922R 24.2 20,224 62.2 61.7 12,302 37.8 37.5 277 .8 Wabash 6,157 977R 15.9 3,553 58.0 57.7 2,576 42.0 41.8 28 .5 Warren 10,092 4.869R 48.2 7,451 74.3 73.8 2,582 25.7 25.6 59 .6 Washington 6,020 1, 199R 19.9 3,602 60.0 59.8 2,403 40.0 39.9 15 .2 Wayne 7,957 1,679R 21.1 4,803 60.6 60.4 3,124 39.4 39.3 30 .4 White 7,500 257R 3.4 3,863 51.7 51.5 3,606 48.3 48.1 31 .4 Whiteside 16,595 9, 148R 55.1 12,850 77.6 77.4 3,702 22.4 22.3 43 .3 Will 44,547 3.810R 8.6 24,023 54.3 53.9 20,213 45.7 45.4 311 .7 Williamson 19,779 1, 174D 5.9 9,207 47.0 46.5 10,381 53.0 52.5 191 1.0 Winnebago 39,824 26, 101R 65.5 32,777 83.1 82.3 6,676 16.9 16.8 371 .9 Woodford 8,157 2,000R 24.5 5,051 62.3 61.9 3,051 37.7 37.4 55 .7 TOTAL 2,927,011 278.693R 9.5 1594,031 54.8 54.5 1,315,338 45.2 44.9 17,642 .6 Downstate 1 ,459,245 318.860R 21.9 884,656 61.0 60.6 565,796 39.0 38.8 8,793 .6 Suburban Cook 239,537 37,242R 15.5 137,939 57.8 57.6 100 697 42.2 42.0 901 .4 Chicago 1,228,229 77,409D 6.3 571 ,436 46.8 46.5 648,845 53.2 52.8 7,948 .6 87 GOVERNOR - 1928 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 28,471 1,239D 4.4 13,513 47.8 47.5 14,752 52.2 51.8 206 .7 Alexander 8,534 2,018R 23.6 5,270 61.8 61.8 3,252 38.2 38.1 12 • 1 Bond 6,489 1 ,457R 22.5 3,959 61.3 61.0 2,502 38.7 38.6 28 .4 Boone 6,793 4,491R 66.1 5,633 83.1 82.9 1,142 16.9 16.8 18 .3 Brown 4,157 453D 10.9 1,849 44.5 4 4.5 2,302 55.5 55.4 6 .1 Bureau 17,979 2,578R 14.3 10,250 57.2 57.0 7,672 42.8 42.7 57 .3 Calhoun 3,031 126R 4.2 1,568 52.1 51.7 1.442 47.9 47.6 21 .7 Carroll 7,532 4,254R 56.5 5,884 78.3 78.1 1,630 21.7 21.6 18 .2 Cass 7,474 6960 9.3 3,381 45.3 45.2 4,077 54.7 54.5 16 .2 Champaign 27,489 6,274R 22.8 16,848 61.4 61.3 10,574 38.6 38.5 67 .2 Christian 17,140 2C5R 1.2 8,613 50.6 50.3 8,408 49.4 49.1 119 .7 Clark 9,103 1.270R 14.0 5,177 57.0 56.9 3,907 43.0 42.9 19 .2 Clay 6,894 1,430R 20.7 4,162 60.4 60.4 2,732 39.6 39.6 .0 Clinton 9,608 2,930D 30.5 3,320 34.7 34.6 6,250 65.3 65.0 38 .4 Coles 16,149 3,708R 23.0 9,912 61.5 61.4 6,204 38.5 38.4 33 .2 Cook 1 ,490,233 171,805R 11.5 826,490 55.8 55.5 654,685 44.2 43.9 9,058 .6 Crawford 9,512 1,660R 17.5 5,571 58.8 58.6 3,911 41.2 41.1 30 .3 Cumberland 5,089 734R 14.4 2,903 57.2 57.0 2,169 42.8 42.6 17 .3 DeKalb 15,128 6,495R 42.9 10,794 71.5 71.4 4,299 28.5 28.4 35 .2 DeWitt 8,656 1.672R 19.3 5,140 59.7 59.4 3,468 40.3 40.1 48 .6 Douglas DuPage 7,142 1.932R 27.1 4,527 63.6 63.4 2,595 36.4 36.3 20 .3 37,554 15.890R 42.3 26,634 71.3 70.9 10,744 28.7 28.6 176 .5 Edgar 12,537 1, 588R 12.7 7,046 56.3 56.2 5,458 43.7 43.5 33 .3 Edwards 3,861 1,852R 48.0 2,853 74.0 73.9 1,001 26.0 25.9 7 .2 Effingham 7,850 986D 12.6 3,410 4 3.7 43.4 4,396 56.3 56.0 44 .6 Fayette 10,499 1,099R 10.5 5,787 55.2 55.1 4,688 44.8 44.7 24 .2 Ford 6,753 1,842R 27.3 4,292 63.7 63.6 2,450 36.3 36.3 11 .2 Franklin 21,368 3,3260 15.6 8,884 42.1 41.6 12,210 57.9 57.1 274 1.3 Fulton 17,723 630R 3.6 9,018 51.8 50.9 8,388 48.2 47.3 317 1.8 Gallatin 4,251 552D 13.0 1 ,844 43.5 43.4 2,396 56.5 56.4 11 .3 Greene 8,393 1 ,0640 12.7 3,657 43.7 43.6 4,721 56.3 56.2 15 .2 Grundy 8,179 2,094R 25.6 5,124 62.8 62.6 3,030 37.2 37.0 25 .3 Hamilton 6,410 77R 1.2 3,198 50.6 49.9 3.121 49.4 48.7 91 1.4 Hancock 13,110 358R 2.7 6,724 51.4 51.3 6,366 48.6 48.6 20 .2 Hardin 2,672 559R 20.9 1,607 60.5 60.1 1 ,048 39.5 39.2 17 .6 Henderson 3,778 1, 144R 30.3 2,452 65.2 64.9 1,308 34.8 34.6 18 .5 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 19,857 5,222R 26.3 12,479 63.2 62.8 7,257 36.8 36.5 121 .6 13,656 2.098R 15.4 7,864 57.7 57.6 5,766 42.3 42.2 26 .2 14,792 2.614R 17.7 8,676 58.9 58.7 6,062 41.1 41.0 54 .4 6,283 2190 3.5 3,026 48.3 48.2 3,245 51.7 51.6 12 .2 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 13,230 2.222R 16.8 7,710 58.4 58.3 5,488 41.6 41.5 32 .2 5,236 441R 8.4 2,836 54.2 54.2 2.395 45.8 45.7 5 .1 9,567 2.211R 23.1 5,851 61.6 61.2 3.640 38.4 38.0 76 .8 4,140 1,665R 40.2 2,891 70.2 69.8 1.226 29.8 29.6 23 .6 52,350 20,459R 39.1 36,323 69.6 69.4 15,864 30.4 30.3 163 .3 Kankakee 21,497 2,663R 12.4 12,042 56.2 56.0 9,379 43.8 43.6 76 .4 Kendall 4,584 2, 153R 47.0 3,367 73.5 73.5 1,214 26.5 26.5 3 .1 Knox 21,801 9.924R 45.5 15,811 72.9 72.5 5,887 27.1 27.0 103 .5 Lake 36,738 14, 84 3R 40.4 25,604 70.4 69.7 10,761 29.6 29.3 373 1.0 LaSalle 43,307 3.768R 8.7 23,431 54.4 54.1 19,663 45.6 45.4 213 .5 Lawrence 9,569 506R 5.3 5,010 52.7 52.4 4,504 47.3 47.1 55 .6 Lee 13,292 4, 5 8 3R 34.5 8,923 67.3 67.1 4,340 32.7 32.7 29 .2 Livingston Logan 16,565 4,409R 26.6 10,459 63.4 63.1 6,050 36.6 36.5 56 .3 12,277 1,413R 11.5 6,827 55.8 55.6 5,414 44.2 44.1 36 .3 Macon 33,961 8»766R 25.8 21,295 63.0 62.7 12,529 37.0 36.9 137 .4 88 GOVERNOR - 1928 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Oem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 22.021 1,9000 8.6 9,891 45.6 44.9 11,791 54.4 53.5 339 1.5 Madison 50,652 8.287R 16.4 29,197 58.3 57.6 20,910 41.7 41.3 545 1.1 Marion 14,852 145R 1.0 7,468 50.5 50.3 7.323 49.5 49.3 61 .4 Marshall 6,718 977R 14.5 3,844 57.3 57.2 2,867 42.7 42.7 7 .1 Mason 6,990 3040 4.3 3,337 47.8 47.7 3.641 52.2 52.1 12 .2 Massac 4,513 2,248R 49.8 3,373 75.0 74.7 1.125 25.0 24.9 15 .3 McDonough 12,863 2,255R 17.5 7,536 58.8 58.6 5.281 41.2 41.1 46 .4 McHenry 15,424 5,552R 36.0- 10,467 68.0 67.9 4.915 32.0 31.9 42 .3 McLean 31,106 7,367R 23.7 19,143 61.9 61.5 11,776 38.1 37.9 187 .6 Menard 4,936 315R 6.4 2,616 53.2 53.0 2.301 46.8 46.6 19 .4 Mercer 7,972 1.88513 23.5 4,913 61.9 61.6 3.028 38.1 38.0 31 .4 Monroe 5,385 666R 12.4 3,023 56.2 56.1 2.357 43.8 43.8 5 .1 Montgomery 16,191 450D 2.8 7,813 48.6 48.3 8.263 51.4 51.0 115 .7 Morgan 15,331 1.561R 10.2 8,431 55.1 55.0 6,870 44.9 44.8 30 .2 Moultrie 5,458 375R 6.9 2,913 53.4 53.4 2,538 46.6 46.5 7 .1 Ogle 12,135 6,517R 53.7 9,314 76.9 76.8 2,797 23.1 23.0 24 .2 Peoria 52,909 6,0?6R 11.4 29,183 55.8 55.2 23.157 44.2 43.8 569 1.1 Perry 9,444 700D 7.4 4,342 46.3 46.0 5,042 53.7 53.4 60 .6 Piatt 6,465 1 ,495R 23.1 3,973 61.6 61.5 2.478 38.4 38.3 14 .2 Pike 10,771 489R 4.5 5,591 52.3 51.9 5,102 47.7 47.4 78 .7 Pope 2,682 1,313R 49.0 1 ,990 74.6 74.2 677 25.4 25.2 15 .6 Pulaski 3,899 583R 15.0 2,226 57.5 57.1 1.643 42.5 42.1 30 .8 Putnam 2,232 524R 23.5 1,372 61.8 61.5 848 38.2 38.0 12 .5 Randolph 11,888 308D 2.6 5,753 48.7 48.4 6.061 51.3 51.0 74 .6 Richland 6,449 742R 11.5 3,587 55.8 55.6 2.845 44.2 44.1 17 .3 Rock Island 41 ,010 2,235D 5.4 19,324 47.3 47.1 21.559 52.7 52.6 127 .3 Saline 13,775 86R .6 6,891 50.3 50.0 6.805 49.7 49.4 79 .6 Sangamon 52,092 6,928R 13.3 29,407 56.7 56.5 22.479 43.3 43.2 206 .4 Schuyler 5,511 306D 5.6 2,599 47.2 47.2 2.905 52.8 52.7 7 .1 Scott 4,318 26D .6 2,146 49.7 49.7 2,172 50.3 50.3 .0 Shelby 11,557 713R 6.2 6,072 53.1 52.5 5,359 46.9 46.4 126 1.1 Stark 4,195 1.407R 33.5 2,794 66.8 66.6 1.387 33.2 33.1 14 .3 St. Clair 64,368 1,424D 2.2 31,261 48.9 48.6 32.685 51.1 50.8 422 .7 Stephenson 17,305 4.785R 27.7 11,022 63.9 63.7 6,237 36.1 36.0 46 .3 Tazewell 15,902 718R 4.5 8,198 52.3 51.6 7.480 47.7 47.0 224 1.4 Union 7,491 1,015D 13.5 3,224 43.2 43.0 4,239 56.8 56.6 28 .4 Vermilion 33,714 6.867R 20.4 20,163 60.3 59.8 13,296 39.7 39.4 255 .8 Wabash 6,379 446R 7.0 3,399 53.5 53.3 2,953 46.5 46.3 27 .4 Warren 10,458 3.408R 32.6 6,908 66.4 66.1 3,500 33.6 33.5 50 .5 Washington 6,472 1.534R 23.7 3,998 61.9 61.8 2,464 38.1 38.1 10 .2 Wayne 8,409 1.759R 20.9 5,069 60.5 60.3 3,310 39.5 39.4 30 .4 White 7,972 7D .1 3,969 50.0 49.8 3.976 50.0 49.9 27 .3 Whiteside 17,213 8,341R 48.5 12,751 74.3 74.1 4.410 25.7 25.6 52 .3 Will 45,081 5.565R 12.3 25,170 56.2 55.8 19,605 43.8 43.5 306 .7 Williamson 21,025 1.336D 6.4 9,767 46.8 46.5 11,103 53.2 52.8 155 .7 Winnebago 40,045 24.047R 60.0 31,871 80.3 79.6 7,824 19.7 19.5 350 .9 Woodford 8,383 1.269R 15.1 ' 4,800 57.6 57.3 3,531 42.4 42.1 52 .6 TOTAL 3,012,204 424,921R 14.1 1709,818 57.1 56.8 1284,897 42.9 42.7 17,489 .6 Downstate 1,521,971 253,116R 16.6 883,328 58.4 58.0 630,212 41.6 41.4 8,431 .6 Suburban Cook 342,234 66.493R 27.4 153,888 63.8 63.5 87,395 36.2 36.1 951 .4 Chicago 1,247,999 105.312R 8.4 672,602 54.2 53.9 567,290 45.8 45.5 8,107 .6 89 SUMMARY- 1930 SENATOR Co unties ] arty Candioate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Ruth H. McCormick 687,469 287,290 400,179 13 Democratic J. Hamilton Lewis 1,432,216 757,623 674,593 89 Socialist George Koop 11,192 5,877 5,315 Liberty Jas. J. McGrath 723 311 412 Anti-League World Court Anti-Foreign Entangle- ments C, Emmet Smith 763 210 553 Peace and Prosperity Louis Warner 1,073 204 874 Independent Lottie K. O'Neill 99,435 23,823 75,662 American National Ernest Stout 1,060 395 665 Communist Freeman Thompson 3,118 1,526 1,592 STATE TREASURER Party Republican Democratic Socialist Liberty American National Candidate Clarence F. Buck Edward J. Barrett John T. Whitlock Salvatore Corrao Carolyn S. Harrison Total Vote Cook County Downstate 965,017 1,039,938 10,726 703 835 419,776 575,468 5,991 361 469 545,241 464,470 4,735 347 366 Counties Carried 62 40 91 SENATOR - 1930 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 20,897 9,249D 44.3 5,199 26.5 24.9 14,448 73.5 69.1 1,250 6.0 Alexander 6,140 879Q 14.3 2,546 42.6 41.5 3,425 57.4 55.8 169 2.8 Bond 5,932 670D 11.3 2,298 43.6 38.7 2,968 56.4 50.0 666 11.2 Boone 4,207 650R 15.5 2,272 58.3 54.0 1 ,622 41.7 38.6 313 7.4 Brown 3,372 1, 1570 34.3 930 30.8 27.6 2,087 69.2 61.9 355 10.5 Bureau 14,598 2,090D 14.3 5,799 42.4 39.7 7,889 57.6 54.0 910 6.2 Calhoun 2,790 449D 16. 1 1,121 41.7 40.2 1,570 58.3 56.3 99 3.5 Carroll 4,963 175R 3.5 2,189 52.1 44.1 2,014 47.9 40.6 760 15.3 Cass 6,058 2,693D 44.5 1 ,431 25.8 23.6 4,124 74.2 68.1 503 8.3 Champaign 20,691 4,553D 22.0 6,810 37.5 32.9 11,363 62.5 54.9 2,518 12.2 Christian 12,786 3.515D 27.5 4,067 34.9 31.8 7,582 65.1 59.3 1,137 8.9 Clark 8,394 1,4330 17.1 3,234 40.9 38.5 4,667 59.1 55.6 493 5.9 Clay 6, 134 810D 13.2 2,492 43.0 40.6 3,302 57.0 53.8 340 5.5 Clinton 7,583 4,4770 59.0 1 ,479 19.9 19.5 5,956 80.1 78.5 148 2.0 Coles 13,135 3, 1340 23.9 4,423 36.9 33.7 7,557 63.1 57.5 1,155 8.8 Cook 1,077,259 470,3330 43.7 287,290 27.5 26.7 757,623 72.5 70.3 32,346 3.0 Crawford 8,752 1, 789D 20.4 2,984 38.5 34.1 4,773 61.5 54.5 995 11.4 Cumberland 4,413 3440 7.8 1 ,933 45.9 43.8 2,277 54.1 51.6 203 4.6 DeKalb 8,927 57D .6 3,756 49.6 42.1 3,813 50.4 42.7 1,358 15.2 DeWitt 7,333 1.658D 22.6 2,409 37.2 32.9 4,067 62.8 55.5 857 11.7 Douglas 5,992 1,151D 19.2 2,131 39.4 35.6 3,282 60.6 54.8 579 9.7 DuPage 26,857 7,5280 28.0 7,739 3 3.6 28.8 15,267 66.4 56.8 3,851 14.3 Edgar 11,942 1,2040 10.1 5,069 44.7 42.4 6,273 55.3 52.5 600 5.0 Edwards 3,025 390R 12.9 1,569 57.1 51.9 1,179 42.9 39.0 277 9.2 Effingham 6,992 2,3720 33.9 2,172 32.3 31.1 4,54*4 67.7 65.0 276 3.9 Fayette 9,646 1.317D 13.7 3,977 42.9 41.2 5,294 57.1 54.9 375 3.9 Ford 4,348 6660 15.3 1 ,585 41 .3 36.5 2,251 58.7 51.8 512 11.8 Franklin 16,744 5.623D 33.6 5,107 32.2 30.5 10,730 67.8 64.1 907 5.4 Fulton 14,956 1,934D 12.9 5,898 43.0 39.4 7,832 57.0 52.4 1.226 8.2 Gallatin 3,934 1,3050 33.2 1,259 32.9 32.0 2,564 67.1 65.2 111 2.8 Greene 5,831 1,751D 30.0 1,860 34.0 31.9 3,611 66.0 61.9 360 6.2 Grundy 6,553 1,3020 19.9 2,358 39.2 36.0 3.660 60.8 55.9 535 8.2 Hamilton 4,983 9250 18.6 1 ,944 40.4 39.0 2,869 59.6 57.6 170 3.4 Hancock 11,587 2,8100 24.3 3,874 36.7 33.4 6,684 63.3 57.7 1 ,029 8.9 Hardin 2,666 1790 6.7 1,222 46.6 45.8 1,401 53.4 52.6 43 1.6 Henderson 3,415 49R 1.4 1 ,609 50.8 47.1 1,560 49.2 45.7 246 7.2 Henry 12,482 4390 3.5 5,565 48.1 44.6 6,004 51.9 48.1 913 7.3 Iroquois 9,913 2,7050 27.3 3,236 35.3 32.6 5,941 64.7 59.9 736 7.4 Jackson 11 ,999 2,3780 19.8 4,490 39.5 37.4 6,868 60.5 57.2 641 5.3 Jasper 5,817 1,459D 25.1 2,041 36.8 35.1 3,500 63.2 60.2 276 4.7 Jefferson 12,516 3,078D 24.6 4,275 36.8 34.2 7,353 63.2 58.7 888 7.1 Jersey 4,574 1,0780 23.6 1,633 37.6 35.7 2,711 62.4 59.3 230 5.0 JoDaviess 5,211 4850 9.3 1,934 44.4 37.1 2,419 55.6 46.4 858 16.5 Johnson 3,027 95R 3.1 1,513 51.6 50.0 1,418 48.4 46.8 96 3.2 Kane 33,726 4,4480 13.2 13,297 42.8 39.4 17,745 57.2 52.6 2,684 8.0 Kankakee 14,766 5,4970 37.2 4,165 30.1 28.2 9,662 69.9 65.4 939 6.4 Kendall 3,683 4410 12.0 1 ,378 43.1 37.4 1 ,819 56.9 49.4 486 13.2 Knox 13,222 2, 113R 16.0 7,070 58.8 53.5 4,957 41.2 37.5 1,195 9.0 Lake 28,557 7,5400 26.4 9,497 35.8 33.3 17,037 64.2 59.7 2,023 7.1 LaSalle 36,604 11.785D 32.2 11,786 33.3 32.2 23,571 66.7 64.4 1,247 3.4 Lawrence 8,206 1,8150 22.1 2 ,815 37.8 34.3 4,630 62.2 56.4 761 9.3 Lee 9,316 123D 1.3 4,253 49.3 45.7 4,376 50.7 47.0 687 7.4 Livingston 10,787 2, 103D 19.5 3,707 39.0 34.4 5,810 61.0 53.9 1,270 11.8 Logan 10,616 2,6050 24.5 3,679 36.9 34.7 6,284 63.1 59.2 653 6.2 Macon 22,543 6,9170 30.7 6,260 [ 32.2 27.8 13,177 67.8 58.5 3,106 13.8 92 SENATOR - 1930 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Pa rty Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 17,875 6,8040 38.1 4,951 29.6 27.7 11,755 70.4 65.8 1,169 6.5 Madison 40,376 17,5600 43.5 10,595 27.3 26.2 28,155 72.7 69.7 1,626 4.0 Marion 12,445 4,0310 32.4 3,867 32.9 31.1 7,898 67.1 63.5 680 5.5 Marshall 6,208 1.214D 19.6 2,353 39.7 37.9 3,567 60.3 57.5 288 4.6 Mason 6,000 1,9030 31.7 1,868 33.1 31.1 3,771 66.9 62.9 361 6.0 Massac 2,930 283R 9.7 1,538 55.1 52.5 1,255 44.9 42.8 137 4.7 McDonough 11,306 1.134D 10.0 4,699 44.6 41.6 5,833 55.4 51.6 774 6.8 McHenry 11,022 2,309D 20.9 4,151 39.1 37.7 6,46C 60.9 58.6 411 3.7 McLean 20,195 3.829D 19.0 6,626 38.8 32.8 10,455 61.2 51.8 3,114 15.4 Menard 4,543 1,2510 27.5 1,472 35.1 32.4 2,723 64.9 59.9 348 7.7 Mercer 5,836 440R 7.5 2,798 54.3 47.9 2,358 45.7 40.4 680 11.7 Monroe 5,201 2,099D 40.4 1,546 29.8 29.7 3,645 70.2 70.1 10 .2 Montgomery 13,769 3.604D 26.2 4,589 35.9 33.3 8,193 64.1 59.5 987 7.2 Morgan 13,531 1.561D 11.5 5,544 43.8 41.0 7,105 56.2 52.5 882 6.5 Moultrie 4,881 1,2590 25.8 1,594 35.8 32.7 2,853 64.2 58.5 434 8.9 Ogle 7,899 335R 4.2 3,564 52.5 45.1 3,229 47.5 40.9 1,106 14.0 Peoria 33,271 12,7930 38.5 9,465 29.8 28.4 22,258 70.2 66.9 1,548 4.7 Perry 8,129 2.711D 33.3 2,452 32.2 3 0.2 5,163 67.8 63.5 514 6.3 Piatt 4,886 7590 15.5 1 ,738 41.0 35.6 2,497 59.0 51.1 651 13.3 Pike 8,880 1,6440 18.5 3,221 39.8 36.3 4,865 60.2 54.8 794 8.9 Pope 2,852 518R 18.2 1,669 59.2 58.5 1,151 40.8 40.4 32 1.1 Pulaski 3,864 16R .4 1 ,840 50.2 47.6 1,824 49.8 47.2 200 5.2 Putnam 2,216 394D 17.8 847 40.6 38.2 1,241 59.4 56.0 128 5.8 Randolph 9,504 3,8180 40.2 2,567 28.7 27.0 6,385 71.3 67.2 552 5.8 Richland 6,236 1.363D 21.9 2,236 38.3 35.9 3,599 61.7 57.7 401 6.4 Rock Island 30,799 7, 755D 25.2 10,677 36.7 34.7 18,432 63.3 59.8 1,690 5.5 Saline 12,259 2.598D 21.2 4,475 38.8 36.5 7,073 61.2 57.7 711 5.8 Sangamon 40,505 10,3120 25.5 13,665 36.3 33.7 23,977 63.7 59.2 2,863 7.1 Schuyler 5,324 1.258D 23.6 1,841 37.3 34.6 3 ,099 62.7 58.2 384 7.2 Scott 3,892 5940 15.3 1,529 41.9 39.3 2,123 5 8.1 54.5 240 6.2 Shelby 8,787 2,0250 23.0 2,831 36.8 32.2 4,856 63.2 55.3 1,100 12.5 Stark 2,995 250 .8 1,382 49.6 46.1 1,407 50.4 47.0 206 6.9 St. Clair 46,501 21.469D 46.2 11 ,963 26.4 25.7 33,432 73.6 71.9 1,106 2.4 Stephenson 10,708 1,539D 14.4 4,025 42.0 37.6 5,564 58.0 52.0 1,119 10.5 Tazewell 13,907 6.487D 46.6 3,326 25.3 23.9 9,813 74.7 70.6 768 5.5 Union 5,145 1,8720 36.4 1,596 31.5 31.0 3,468 68.5 67.4 81 1.6 Vermilion 25,177 7.852D 31.2 7,552 32.9 30.0 15,404 67.1 61.2 2,221 8.8 Wabash 5,161 1,6790 32.5 1,401 31.3 27.1 3,080 68.7 59.7 680 13.2 Warren 8,274 3520 4.3 3,290 47.5 39.8 3,642 52.5 44.0 1,342 16.2 Washington 5,566 1,4600 26.2 1,914 36.2 34.4 3,3 74 63.8 60.6 278 5.0 Wayne 7,827 842D 10.8 3,328 44.4 42.5 4,170 55.6 53.3 329 4.2 White 6,525 1,1690 17.9 2,539 40.6 33.9 3,708 59.4 56.8 278 4.3 Whiteside 9,783 1 ,043R 10.7 4,919 55.9 50.3 3,876 44.1 39.6 988 10.1 Will 32,652 8,8520 27.1 11,024 35.7 33.8 19,876 64. 3 60.9 1,752 5.4 Williamson 16,888 6.233D 36.9 4,880 30.5 28.9 11,113 69.5 65.8 895 5.3 Winnebago 26,498 1.720R 6.5 12,852 53.6 48.5 11,132 46.4 42.0 2,514 9.5 Woodford 6,676 1,9080 28.6 2,041 34.1 30.6 3,949 65.9 59.2 636 10.3 TOTAL 2,237,104 744.747D 33.3 687,469 32.4 30.7 1,432,216 67.6 64.0 117,419 5.2 Downs tate 1,159,845 274,4140 23.7 400 179 37.2 34.5 674,593 62.8 58.2 85,073 7.3 Suburban Cook 166,350 56,4150 33.9 49,932 32.0 30.0 106,347 68.0 63.Q 10 071 6.1 Chicago 910,909 413.918D 45.4 237,358 26.7 26.1 651,276 73.3 71.5 22,275 2.4 93 STATE TREASURER - 1930 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Pony Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 17,797 4, 5 2 3D 2 5.4 6,569 37.2 36.9 11,097 62.3 62.4 131 .7 Alexander 5,126 433R 8.4 2 , 7 "7! 54.2 64.1 2,338 45.8 45.6 17 .3 Bond 4,885 776R 15.9 2,819 5 3.0 57.7 2 ,043 42.0 41.8 23 .5 Boone 3,532 2,245r 63.6 2,879 32." 81.5 634 18.0 18.0 19 .5 Brown 2,895 7160 24.7 1 ,088 37.6 37.6 1,804 62.4 62.3 3 .1 Bureau 12,842 1»888R 14.7 7,348 5 7.4 57.2 5,460 42.6 42.5 34 .3 Calhoun 2,4 89 2200 8.8 1,127 4 5.6 45.3 1,347 54.4 54 .1 15 .6 Carroll 3,482 1,963R 56.4 2,717 78.3 78.0 754 21.7 21.7 11 .3 Cass 5,437 1 , I960 20.2 2,187 39.9 39.9 3,293 60.1 60.0 7 .1 Champaign 18,751 2,:97R 11.7 10,393 55.6 55.4 8,296 44.4 44.2 62 .3 Christian 11,348 6100 5.4 5,323 4 7.3 46.9 5,033 52.7 52.3 92 .8 Clark 7,797 3005 5. 1 3,697 47.4 47.4 4 ,196 52.6 52.5 4 .1 Clay 5,821 233R 4.0 3 ,023 5 2.0 51.9 2,790 48.0 47.9 8 .1 Clinton 6,111 2- "830 3 7.4 1 ,907 31.3 31.2 4,191 58.7 63.6 13 .2 Coles 11,522 4 1 80 3.6 5,532 48.2 48.0 5,950 51.8 61.6 40 .3 Cook 1 ,^2, A 65 155, 692D 15.5 419,^76 4 2.2 41.9 575,468 57.8 57.4 6,821 .7 Crawford 8,139 3190 3.9 3,897 48.0 47.9 4 ,216 52.0 51.8 26 .3 Cumberland 4,095 66' 1.6 2,075 50.3 50.7 2,009 49.2 49.1 11 .3 DeKalb 7,423 3,8°9R 52.5 5.657 76.3 76.2 1,758 23.7 23.7 8 .1 DeWitt 6,350 323R 5. 1 3,33 5 52.5 52.5 3 ,012 47.5 47.4 3 .0 Douglas 5,222 772R 14.8 2,991 57.4 57.3 2,219 42.6 42.5 12 .2 DuPage 23,428 7, 599R 32.4 15,379 66.4 65.6 7,780 33.6 33.2 269 1.1 Edgar 11,206 204R 1.8 5,691 5 0.9 50.8 5,487 49.1 49.0 28 .2 Edwards 2,621 1 ,^7^o 41.1 1 ,846 70.6 70.4 769 29.4 29.3 6 .2 Effingham 6,110 1,3850 22.7 2,353 33.6 33.5 3 ,738 61.4 61.2 10 .3 Fayette 9,047 153R 1.7 4,589 50.8 so. 7 4,436 49.2 49.0 22 .2 Ford 3,761 996R 26.5 2,37^ 63.3 63.0 1 ,374 36.7 36.5 17 .5 Franklin 14,219 1,5190 10.7 6,29) 44 .6 44.2 7,809 55.4 54.° 120 .8 Fulton 13,722 1,082R 7.9 7,348 54.0 53.5 6,266 46.0 45.7 108 .8 Gallatin 3,607 894D 24.8 1 ,354 37.6 37.5 2,248 62.4 62.3 5 . 1 Greene 4,571 8850 19.4 1 ,341 40.3 40.3 2,726 59.7 59.6 4 .1 Grundy 5,026 2,418R 48. 1 3,712 74.2 73.9 1,294 25.8 25.^ 20 .4 Hamilton 4,532 5850 12.9 1 ,966 43.5 43.4 2,551 56.5 56.3 15 .3 Hancock 10,764 135R 1.3 5,44 3 50.6 50.6 5 ,308 49.4 49.3 13 .1 Hardin 2,436 99R 4.1 1 ,264 52.0 51.9 1,165 4 8.0 47.8 7 .3 Henderson 3,222 1 ,230R 38.2 2,22S 69.1 69.1 995 30.9 30.9 2 .1 Henry 11,252 3,812R 33.9 7,501 67.^ 66.7 3,689 33.0 32.8 62 .6 Iroquois 8,816 1 ,099R 12.5 4,951 56.2 56.2 3,852 43.8 4 3.7 13 .1- Jackson 10,858 389R 3.6 5,616 SI. 3 51.7 5,227 4 8.2 48.1 15 .1 Jasper 5,305 9640 18.2 2,169 40.9 40.9 3,133 59.1 59.1 3 .1 Jefferson 11,211 4860 4.3 5,351 47.8 47.7 5,837 52.2 52.1 23 .2 Jersey 3,934 2C3D 5.2 1 ,861 47.4 47.3 2,064 52.6 52.5 9 .2 JoDaviess 4,548 1, 145R 25.2 2,784 62.9 61.2 1 ,639 37.1 36.0 125 2.7 Johnson 2,614 710R 27.2 1,658 63.6 63.4 948 36.4 36.3 8 .3 Kane 27,913 8,462R 30.3 18,118 65.2 64.9 9,656 34.8 34.6 139 .5 Kankakee 12,271 ?.903R 23.7 7,556 61.9 61.6 4,653 38. 1 37.9 62 .5 Kendall 2,°"8 1, 5"' 55. 1 2,24 9 77.6 77.3 650 22.4 22.4 9 .3 Knox 12,608 5,^13R 47.7 9,286 73.9 73.7 3,273 26.1 26.0 49 .4 Lake 23,243 5,644R 24.3 14,255 62.3 61.3 3,611 37.7 37.0 377 1.6 LaSalle 30, no 5,554R 13.5 17,750 59.3 59.0 12,196 40.7 40.5 154 .5 Lawrence 7,385 4580 6.2 3,452 46.9 46.7 3 ,910 53.1 52.9 23 .3 Lee 7,575 2,64 19 34.9 5,195 67.5 67.3 2,454 32.5 32.4 26 .3 Livingston 9,50-1 2082R 21.7 5,824 60.9 60.7 3,742 39.1 39.0 24 .3 Logan 9,248 41R .4 4,630 5 0.2 50.1 4,589 49.8 49.6 29 .3 Macon 18,765 3, 725R 19.9 11,194 60.0 59.7 7,468 40.0 39.8 103 .5 94 STATE TREASURER - 1930 Total Vote Cast Rep. -De Pluralil m. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County y Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Port/ Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 16,058 2.298D 14.3 6, 7 2 r > 42.7 41.9 9,027 57.3 56.2 302 1.9 Madison 34,921 4,2750 12.2 15,247 43.9 43.7 19,522 56.1 55.9 152 .4 Marion 13,923 1,419D 13.0 4,727 43. " 43.3 6,146 56.5 56.3 50 .5 Marshall 5,728 4*6R 8.0 3,086 54.0 53.9 2,630 46.0 45.9 12 .2 Mason 5,276 4 5 0D 8.5 2,400 45.7 45.5 2,850 54.3 54.0 26 .5 Massac 2,222 879^ 39.6 1,542 69.9 69.4 663 30.1 29.8 17 .8 McDonough 10,461 2,?89R 21.9 6,333 61.0 60.5 4 ,044 39.0 38.7 84 .8 McHenry 8,425 2,023R 24.0 5,210 62.0 61.8 3,187 38.0 37.8 28 .3 McLean 16,843 3,5 63"? 21.2 10,175 60.6 60.4 6,607 39.4 39.2 61 .4 Menard 3,?62 1643 4.1 1 ,894 47.9 47.3 2 ,058 52.1 51.9 10 .3 Mercer 5,084 1 ,737? 34.2 3,401 67.1 66.9 1,664 32.9 32.7 19 .4 Monroe 4,970 520 1.0 2,4^6 49.5 49.4 2 , 5 o 8 50.5 50.5 6 .1 Montgomery 12,262 O740 7.9 5,582 46.^ 4 5.5 6,556 54.0 53.5 124 1.0 Morgan 12,261 1 ,275R 10.4 6,747 5 5.2 55.0 5,472 44.3 44.6 42 .3 Moultrie 4,284 4 73'-) 11.2 1 ,901 44.4 44.4 2,379 55.6 55. 5 4 .1 Ogle 6,290 2, 372R 45.7 4,665 72.9 72.6 1,593 27.1 26.9 3? .5 Peoria 29,5 08 4, 286R 14.5 16,749 67.3 56.8 12,463 42.7 42.2 296 1.0 Perry 7,687 586D 7.6 3,534 46.2 4 6.0 4 ,120 53.8 53.6 33 .4 Piatt 4,288 1,0 3 8R 24.2 2,657 62.1 62.0 1,619 37.9 3 7.8 12 .3 Pike 7,715 ^780 7.5 3,550 4 6.2 4 6.0 4,128 53.3 53.5 37 .5 Pope 2,624 702R 26.8 1 ,660 63.4 63.3 958 36.6 36.5 6 .2 Pulaski 3,086 742R 24.0 1 ,906 62.1 61.8 1 ,164 37.9 37.7 16 .5 Putnam 2,007 72 1R 35.9 1 ,3^9 63.1 67.7 638 31.9 31.8 10 .5 Randolph 8,629 948D 11.0 3,83 44.5 4 4.4 4 ,778 55.5 5 5.4 21 .2 Richland 5,623 161D 2.9 2,724 43.6 48.4 2,885 51.4 51.3 14 .2 Rock Island 26,0 8 3 2,852R 10.9 14,403 55.5 55.2 11,551 44.5 44.3 129 .5 Saline 10,772 2180 2.0 5,248 49.0 48.7 5,466 51.0 50.7 58 .5 Sangamon 38,003 2, 549R 6.7 20,185 53.4 53.1 17,636 46.6 45*4 182 .5 Schuyler 4,919 4580 9.3 2,224 45.3 45.2 2,632 54.7 54.5 13 .3 Scott 3,425 37R 1.1 1 ,731 50.5 50.5 1 ,694 49.5 49.5 .0 Shelby 7,964 8830 11. I 3,51" 44.4 44.2 4,402 55.5 65.3 4 3 .5 Stark 2,758 885R 32.1 1,817 66.1 65.9 932 33.9 33.8 9 .3 St. Clair 42,249 8,82?D 20.9 16,576 39.5 39.2 25 ,399 60.5 60.1 27^ .6 Stephenson 9,935 1,75'fR 17.7 5,820 58.9 58.6 4,066 41.1 40.9 49 .5 Tazewell 11,937 5400 4.5 5,686 47.7 47.6 6,226 52.3 52.2 25 .2 Union 4,647 1,3150 28.3 1 ,662 35.8 35.8 2,977 64.2 64.1 8 .2 Vermilion 21,180 360R 4.1 10,963 52.0 51.3 10,103 48.0 47.7 114 .5 Wabash 4,538 ?65D 8.0 2,084 46.0 45.9 2 ,449 54.0 54.0 5 .1 Warren 7,910 1,656R 20.9 4,771 60.5 60.3 3,115 39.5 39.4 24 .3 Washington 5,021 399R 7.9 2,710 54.0 54.0 2,311 46.0 46.0 .0 Wayne 7, 146 225R 3.1 3,677 51.6 51.5 3,452 48.4 48.3 17 .2 White 5,996 827D 13.3 2,580 43.1 43.0 3 ,407 56.9 56.8 9 .2 Whiteside 8,468 4, 149R 49.0 6,296 74.6 74.4 2,147 25.4 25.4 25 .3 Will 29,782 1,501R 5.0 15,552 52.5 52.2 14,051 47.5 47.2 179 .6 Williamson 14,937 3, 2490 21.8 5,800 39.1 38.8 9,049 60.9 60.6 88 .6 Winnebago 20,691 12,574R 60.8 16,474 30.9 79.6 3,900 19. 1 18.8 317 1.5 Woodford 6,132 273R 4.5 3,193 52.2 52.1 2,920 47.8 47.6 19 .3 TOTAL 2,017,224 74,9210 3.7 965,017 48.1 47.8 1039,938 51.9 51.6 12,269 .6 Downstate 1 ,015,159 30, 771R 8.0 545,241 54.0 53.7 464 ,470 46.0 45.8 5,448 .5 Suburban Cook 152,810 2, 121R 1.4 76,994 50.7 50.4 74,373 49.3 49.0 943 .6 Chicago 849,255 157,813b 18.6 342,782 40.6 40.4 500 595 59.4 58.9 5,878 .7 95 SUMMARY- 1932 PRESIDENT Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca: rried Republican Herbert Hoover 1,432,756 690,146 742,610 13 Democratic Franklin D. Roosevelt 1,882,304 919,231 963,073 84 Socialist Norman Thomas 67,258 36,998 30,260 Socialist Labor Verne L. Reynolds 3,638 1,870 1,768 Prohibition William D. Upshaw 6,388 2,947 3,441 Communist William Z. Foster 15,582 13,040 2,542 SENATOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Otis F. Glenn 1,471,841 731,009 740,832 28 Democratic William H. Dieterich 1,670,466 813,915 856,551 74 Socialist Charles Pogorelec 37,922 19,359 18,563 Socialist Labor G. A. Jenning 3,379 1,821 1,558 Communist William E. Browder 13,318 11,103 2,215 Independent William J. Baker 1,209 773 436 GOVERNOR Co unties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rried Republican Len Small 1,364,043 533,460 780,583 29 Democratic Henry Horner 1,930,330 1,033,789 896,541 73 Socialist Roy E. Burt 39,389 19,354 20,035 Socialist Labor J. E. Procum 2,896 1,467 1,429 Communist Leondies McDonald 12,466 10,359 2,107 Independent W. W. O'Brien 1,182 748 434 97 PRESIDENT- 1932 Tolol Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 31,669 1 j,964D 34.6 10,134 3 2.4 32.0 21 ,C98 67.6 66.6 437 1.4 Alexander 10,533 924D 8.8 4,72" 4 5.5 44.9 5,653 54.5 53.7 151 1.4 Bond 6,958 4590 6.6 3,171 46.6 45.6 3,630 53.4 52.2 157 2.3 Boone 7,575 3,0C5R 39. 7 5,244 70.1 69.2 2,239 29.9 29.6 92 1.2 Brown 3,993 1 ,6 74D_ 41.9 1,143 28.9 28.8 2,822 71. 1 70.7 23 .6 Bureau 19,280 1, 5880 3.2 8,721 4 5.3 45.2 10,309 54.2 53.5 250 1.3 Calhoun 3,514 99O0 28.3 ] .239 35.7 35.4 2,229 64.3 63.6 36 1.0 Carroll 3,495 759R 3.9 4,571 54 .5 53.3 3,812 45.5 44.9 112 1.3 Cass 8,507 2,9240 34.4 2,745 32.6 32.3 5,66° 67.4 66.6 93 1.1 Champaign 31 ,070 2,4 790 8.0 13,99 5 4 5." 45.0 16,-4 74 54.1 53.0 601 1.9 Christian 18,242 5,4 190 29.7 6,096 34.6 33.4 11,515 6 5.4 63.1 631 3.5 Clark 9,381 1, 5110 15.3 4, 148 42.3 4 2.0 5,659 57.7 57.3 74 .7 Clay 8,064 1, 19 2D 14.3 3 ,373 42.5 41. S 4,565 57.5 56.6 126 1.6 Clinton 10,466 5,1880 4".6 ?,548 24.8 24.3 7,736 75.2 73.9 132 1.7 Coles 18,559 3, 7680 20.3 7,313 3 9.8 39.4 11 ,081 60.2 59.7 165 .9 Cook 1 ,664,2 32 229,0850 13.8 690 ,146 42.9 41.6 "19,731 57.1 55.2 54,855 3.3 Crawford 10,80 1,5310 14.7 4,^50 4?. 8 42.1 6, "81 57.7 56.3 169 1.6 Cumberland 5,3 24 9620 13. 1 2,166 40.9 40.7 3,128 59. 1 58.8 30 .6 DeKalb 16,594 2,4-131? 14.7 9,356 ^7.5 5 6.4 6,923 42.5 41.7 315 1.9 DeWitt 9,673 1 , 1320 11.7 4,207 44.1 43.5 5,339 55.9 55.2 127 1.3 Douglas 8,236 1.846D 22.4 3,108 33.6 37.7 4,9 5.4 61.4 60.2 174 2.1 DuPage 45,809 7.211R 15.7 25,758 58.1 56.2 18,547 4 1.9 40.5 1,504 3.3 Edgar 13,836 1 ,7920 13.0 5 ,953 43.5 43.0 7,745 56.5 56.0 133 1.0 Edwards 4,216 247R 5.9 2 ,203 53.0 52.3 1,956 47.0 46.4 57 1.4 Effingham a, 569 3,5 700 3 7.3 2,93 3 31 .1 30.7 6,*03 68." 68.0 133 1.4 Fayette 12,360 1 ,9310 15.6 6,122 42.1 41.4 7,053 57.9 57.1 185 1.5 Ford 7,616 8330 10.9 3,342 4 4.5 43.9 4,175 55.5 54.8 99 1.3 Franklin 23,290 7. 1940 30.9 7,560 33." 32.5 14,754 6 6.1 63.3 976 4.2 Fulton 20,611 4,5 6 50 2?.l 7,579 33.4 3 6.8 12,144 51.6 58.9 888 4.3 Gallatin 4,813 2, 1"^0 4 5.5 1 ,27" 26.9 2 6.6 3,469 73.1 72.1 65 1.4 Greene ",335 3,4900 3"'. 4 7 , 3 c . 7 31.0 30.6 6,^47 69.0 68.0 131 1.4 Grundy 9,315 264D 2.8 4,491 48.6 48.7 4 ,765 51.4 51.0 69 .7 Hamilton 6,617 1 .5460 23.4 2,513 33.2 38.0 4,05" 61.8 61.3 45 .7 Hancock 13,734 4,0190 29.3 4,78" 3 5.2 34.9 8,303 64.3 64.1 137 1.0 Hardin 3,223 510 1.6 1 ,559 4 9.2 48.4 1 ,610 50.3 5 0.0 54 1.7 Henderson 4, 266 5 570 13.1 1.315 4 3.3 4 2.5 2-372 56.7 55.6 79 1.9 Henry 77,199 1 , 254° 5.6 11,376 5 2." 5] .2 10,122 47.1 45.6 701 3.2 Iroquois 15,898 3,1310 19.7 6 ,303 40.1 3". 6 9,434 59.9 c 9.3 161 1.0 Jackson 17,715 2,0940 11.8 7,636 44.0 43.1 9 , 7 7 56.0 54.9 349 2.0 Jasper 6,726 2,09"O 31.1 2 ,^00 34.4 34.7 4 ,^90 65.6 55.3 36 .5 Jefferson 15,005 4. 1620 2"'. 7 5,333 ^6.0 36.5 9,495 64.0 63.3 177 1.2 Jersey 6,069 1,6500 27.2 2,157 3 5.2 35.6 3 ,807 63.3 62.7 105 1.7 JoDaviess 10,177 "770 9.6 4,520 4 5.1 44.4 5,4 97 54.9 54.0 160 1.6 Johnson 4,861 37R .8 2,424 50.4 4 9.9 2,337 49.6 49.1 50 1.0 Kane 58,656 8,296P 14.1 ?2 ,934 57.2 56.1 24,638 42.3 42.0 1 ,084 1.8 Kankakee 24,792 2,6820 10.8 10,873 44.5 43.9 13.565 55.5 54.7 3 64 1.5 Kendall 5,209 351R 6.7 2,749 53.4 57.8 2,398 46.6 4 6.0 62 1.2 Knox 24,918 38D .2 12,244 4 9.9 49.1 12,282 50.1 4 9.3 392 1.6 Lake 47,122 2,855R 6.1 23,994 63.2 50." 21,13" 46.8 44.9 1,98" 4.2 La Salle 47,587 8,3210 17.5 19,17" 41 .1 40.3 27,500 58.9 57.8 908 1.9 Lawrence 10,441 1 ,9060 13.3 4,194 40.7 40.2 6,100 59.3 58.4 14 7 1.4 Lee 15,161 620" 4.1 7,802 5 7.1 51.5 7, 182 47.9 4 7.4 177 1.7 Livingston 18,589 1,6210 3.7 8,403 45.6 4^.2 10,024 54.4 53.9 162 .9 Logan Macon 14,116 2, 2690 16.1 5,850 41.9 41.4 8,119 53. 1 57.5 147 1.0 3", 346 4,770D 17.1 16,868 4 3.8 42.9 21 ,658 56.2 55.0 840 2.1 98 PRESIDENT- 1932 Total Vote Cast Rep. -De Plurali m. y REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number' Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pel. Vote Macoupin 23,640 7,7790 32.9 7,031 32.2 29.7 14 ,810 67.3 62.6 1,799 7.6 Madison 57,238 16,4770 27.0 19,774 36.0 34.5 3 5,211 64.0 61.5 2,253 3.9 Marion 17,380 4,5150 26.0 6,276 76.8 36.1 in, 7ci 63.7 62.1 7 13 1.8 Marshall 7,345 9670 13.2 3,166 4 3.4 43.1 4,133 66.6 56.3 46 .6 Mason 8.300 3, 1300 37.7 2,551 31.0 30.7 5,63 1 69.0 68.4 68 .8 Massac 5,525 2589 4.7 2,851 5' .4 51.6 2,593 47.6 46.9 31 1 .5 McDonough 14,105 1,2790 9.1 6,329 45.4 44.° 7,608 54.6 63.9 168 1.2 McHenry 18,594 1 »620R 8.7 9,880 54.5 53.1 8,260 4 5.5 44.4 464 2.4 McLean 35,871 4,0850 11.4 15,450 44.2 4 3.1 19,535 55.8 54.5 836 2.5 Menard 5,823 1 , 126D 19.3 2,327 40.3 40.0 3,''53 59.7 59.3 4 3 .7 Mercer 8,835 12717 1.4 4,436 5 0.7 50.2 4 ,309 4°. 3 ''8.8 90 1.0 Monroe 6,259 1,8070 28.9 2,186 35.4 34.9 3,°93 64.6 63.8 80 1.3 Montgomery 17,126 4,511D 26.3 5,945 36.7 34.7 10,456 6 3.8 61.1 776 4.2 Morgan 18,130 2, 38^0 13. 1 7 ,787 43.4 43.0 10,170 66.6 56.1 173 I .0 Moultrie 6,646 1,8660 28.1 2,353 35.9 3 5.4 4,21? 64.7 63.5 74 1.1 Ogle 13,912 2,8085 20.2 8, '24 60.3 59.1 5,416 39.7 3 3.9 77? 2.0 Peoria 63,716 12,4390 19.5 25, 166 4 0.1 39.5 37,6^5 59.0 59.0 9 4 5 1.5 Perry 11,502 3,6220 31.5 3,778 33.8 3 2.3 7,400 66.3 6 4.3 3 24 2.3 Piatt 7,443 1 ,0210 13.7 3,179 43.1 4 2.7 4,200 5ft. o C S.4 64 .9 Pike 12,452 3,8320 30.8 4,181 34.3 3 3.6 8,013 65.7 64.4 258 2.1 Pope 3,732 314P 8.4 2,011 64 .7 53.9 1 .607 45. R 4 5.5 24 .6 Pulaski 6,726 2210 3.3 3,225 48.3 47.Q 3,446 51.7 51.2 55 .8 Putnam 2,651 504D 19.0 1 ,050 40.3 39.6 1 ,5 54 59.7 53.6 47 1.8 Randolph 13,647 3, R87D 28.5 4,747 35.5 74.8 8,634 64.5 63.3 266 1.9 Richland 7,182 1 ,5530 21.6 2,765 39.0 38.6 4 ,318 61 .0 &o. 1 oo 1 . 4 Rock Island 46,549 3,4710 7.5 21,205 4 6.7 45.6 24 ,676 57. 8 53.0 668 1.4 Saline 16,473 3,4310 2^.8 6,294 39.3 38.7 9,725 60.7 50.0 4 54 2.8 Sangamon 60,643 5, 8890 9.7 26,856 4 5 .1 44.7 37,746 54.0 54.0 1,042 1 .7 Schuyler 5,930 1 ,7070 7 P.. 8 2 ,075 35.4 36.0 3,787 64.6 63.8 77 ! . 7 Scott 4,804 1 ,2720 26.5 1 ,740 36.6 36.2 3,012 63.4 62.7 52 1. 1 Shelby 12,969 3,4360 26.5 4,657 76.5 35.9 8,09 3 63.5 62.4 719 1 .7 Stark 4,533 2500 5.5 : , 1 1 9 4 7..? 4 6.7 ?.7ft9 52. 8 52.3 4 5 1.0 St. Clair 72,571 24, 5610 33.8 22,744 32.5 31.3 47,305 67.5 ft 5.2 7.572 7.5 Stephenson 20,198 1..765D 8.7 8,963 45.5 44.4 10,77? 5 4.5 c '.] 507 2.5 Tazewell 21,055 6,3310 30.1 7,260 34.8 34.5 13 •' ' ! 65.2 64.D 204 1.0 Union 9,085 3,2980 36. 3 2,85° 31.7 31 .5 6 ,157 68.3 '. 6? . 9 Vermilion 40., 677 8, 3890 20.6 15,643 7 9.4 38.5 24,032 60.6 c o.l 1,00? Wabash 6,695 1 ,9710 29.4 2 ,309 35.0 34.6 4 , 7 q n 65.0 67.9 10ft ! .6 Warren 11,258 1120 1.0 5 , 4 Q 8 49.5 48.8 5.ftio 60.6 40.8 1 en ] .-- Washington 7,926 1 ,6200 20.4 3,076 39.6 3 3 . 8 4,69ft ft -.4 5o.7 1 "=,4 1 .0 Wayne 9,656 1,3910 14.4 4, "'97 47.7 4 7.4 5,486 57.7 56.8 71 White 9,298 2, 5890 27.8 3,320 36.0 35.7 c . o ^ O 64.0 63.6 ft O .7 Whiteside 18,626 4,378R 23.5 11 ,.388 61.° 61.1 7,010 38.1 7 7.6 275 1.2 Will 52,266 6250 1.2 25,173 4 9.4 48.7 75 , 7op 50.6 4 9.4 1 ,70 = 2.6 Williamson 22,265 4,2470 19.1 8,714 40.2 39.1 12,961 59.8 58.2 590 7.5 Winnebago 46,625 8,925R 19.1 26,632 60.1 67.1 17,707 70.0 1 m , : 7,70ft 4. a Woodford 9,192 1,3780 15.0 3,866 4 7.4 42.1 5,244 57.6 67.0 a 2 .9 TOTAL 3,407,926 449, 5480 13.2 1432, 756 43.2 42.0 18 82,3 04 56.3 ".2 92,866 2.7 Downstate 1 ,743,694 220,4630 12.6 74 7,6 10 43.5 4 7.6 163,073 5 6. •=■ 55.7 7 8 , - 1 1 2.2 Suburban Cook 270,057 19,722R 7.3 140,695 53.8 52.1 120,973 46.2 44.8 8,3R9 3.1 Chicago 1,394,175 248,807^ 17.8 549,451 40.8 39.4 798, 2 C P 50.2 57.3 4 6,466 3.3 99 SENATOR - 1932 Total Vote Rep. -De m. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Cast Plurality Number Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Number Two- Party Vote Total Vole Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 28,765 8,713D 30.3 9,899 34.7 34.4 18,612 65.3 64.7 2 54 .9 Alexander 9,569 62D .6 4,709 49.7 49.2 4,771 50.3 49.9 89 .9 Bond 6,39* 6D .1 3,145 50.0 49.2 3,151 50.0 49.3 98 1.5 Boone 6,997 3,411R 48.7 5,177 74.6 74.0 1,766 25.4 25.2 54 .8 Brown 3,824 1.531D 40. C 1,143 29.9 29.9 2,674 70.1 69.9 7 .2 Bureau 18,143 50R .3 9,037 50.1 49.8 8,987 49.9 49.5 119 .7 Calhoun 3,194 8000 25.0 1,188 37.4 37.2 1,988 62.6 62.2 18 .6 Carroll 7,564 1.732R 22.9 4,630 61.5 61.2 2,898 38.5 38.3 36 .5 Cass 8,335 2.530D 30.4 2,876 34.7 34.5 5,406 65.3 64.9 53 .6 Champaign 28,616 326D 1.1 14,037 49.4 49.1 14,363 50.6 50.2 216 .8 Christian 16,603 3,6030 21.7 6,280 38.9 37.8 9,883 61.1 59.5 440 2.7 Clark 9,175 1.0630 11.6 4,038 44.2 44.0 5,101 55.8 55.6 36 .4 Clay 7,691 8580 11.2 3,386 44.4 44.0 4,244 55.6 55.2 61 .8 Clinton 9,767 4, 1840 42.8 2,729 28.3 27.9 6,913 71.7 70.8 125 1.3 Coles 17,250 2,545D 14.8 7,323 42.6 42.5 9,868 57.4 57.2 59 .3 Cook 1,577,980 82.906D 5.3 731 ,009 47.3 46.3 813,915 52.7 51.6 33,056 2.1 Crawford 10,466 1,273D 12.2 4,568 43.9 43.6 5,841 56.1 55.8 57 .5 Cumberland 5,110 6300 12.3 2,232 43.8 43.7 2,862 56.2 56.0 16 .3 DeKalb 15,589 3,463R 22.2 9,438 61.2 60.5 5,975 38.8 38.3 176 1.1 DeWitt 9,076 623D 6.9 4,193 46.5 46.2 4,816 53.5 53.1 67 .7 Douglas DuPage 7,916 1.3120 16.6 3,285 41.7 41.5 4.597 58.3 58.1 34 .4 42,671 9,313R 21.8 25,572 61.1 59.9 16.259 38.9 38.1 840 2.0 Edgar Edwards 13,189 1.0390 7.9 6,039 46.0 45.8 7.078 54.0 53.7 72 .5 3,948 646R 16.4 2,281 58.2 57.8 1,635 41.8 41.4 32 .8 Effingham 8,836 3,0160 34. 1 2,866 32.8 32.4 5.882 67.2 66.6 88 1.0 Fayette 11,527 1.251D 10.9 5,122 44.6 44.4 6,3 73 55.4 55.3 32 .3 Ford 7,261 60R .8 3,629 50.4 50.0 3,569 49.6 49.2 63 .9 Franklin 21,523 4,9840 23.2 7,940 33.1 36.9 12,924 61.9 60.0 664 3.1 Fulton 19,153 2, 324D 14.7 7 ,882 42.4 41.2 10,706 57.6 55.9 565 2.9 Gallatin 4,513 1,3970 42.0 1,294 28.9 28.7 3,191 71.1 70.7 28 .6 Greene 8,424 2,8770 34.2 2,749 32.8 32.6 5,626 67.2 66.8 49 .6 Grundy Hamilton 8,781 524R 6.0 4,637 53.0 52.3 4,113 47.0 46.8 31 .4 6,370 1,4030 22.0 2,4 67 38.9 38.7 3,870 61.1 60.8 33 .5 Hancock 12,799 2,7880 21.3 4,988 39.1 39.0 7,776 60.9 60.8 35 .3 Hardin 3,209 210 .7 1,573 49.7 49.0 1,594 50.3 49.7 42 1.3 Henderson 3,919 96R 2.4 1,983 51.2 50.6 1,887 48.8 48.2 49 1.3 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 20,041 2,732R 13.6 11,147 57.0 55.6 8,415 43.0 42.0 479 2.4 14,677 1.C79D 7.4 6,763 46.3 46.1 7,842 53.7 53.4 72 .5 16,813 1.328D 7.9 7,647 46.0 45.5 8,975 54.0 53.4 191 1.1 6,435 1 ,746D 27.1 2,335 36.4 36.3 4,081 63.6 63.4 19 .3 Jefferson Jersey Jo Daviess 14,108 3,5680 25.3 5,238 37.3 37.1 8,806 62.7 62.4 64 .5 5,438 1,2290 22.6 2,075 38.6 38.2 3,304 61.4 60.8 59 1.1 9,293 1730 1.9 4,515 49.1 48.6 4,688 50.9 50.4 90 1.0 Johnson Kane 4,583 230R 5.0 2,396 52.5 52.3 2,166 47.5 47.3 21 .5 54,314 9.609R 17.7 31 ,654 58.9 58.3 22,045 41.1 40.6 615 1.1 Kankakee 22,544 50UR 2.2 11 ,425 51.1 50.7 10,925 48.9 48.5 194 .9 Kendall 4,848 861R 17.8 2,844 58.9 58.7 1,983 41.1 40.9 21 .4 Knox 23.108 555R 2.4 11,734 51.2 50.8 11,179 48.8 48.4 195 .8 Lake 43,926 6.216R 14.2 24,360 57.3 55.5 18,144 42.7 41.3 1,422 3.2 LaSalle 43,835 4, 3 640 9.9 19,481 4 6.0 44.4 23,845 55.0 54.3 560 1.3 Lawrence 9,920 1 ,555D 15.7 4,159 42.1 41.9 5,714 57.9 57.6 47 .5 Lee 1? ,974 1,^00^ 13.0 7,637 55.0 54.7 6,237 45.0 44.6 100 .7 Livingston Logan Macon 17,226 393R 2.3 8,778 51.1 51.0 8,385 48.9 48.7 63 .4 13,293 1,2060 9.1 6,005 45.4 45.2 7,211 54.6 54.2 77 .6 36, 134 2,5710 7.1 16,534 '+6.4 45.8 19,105 53.6 52.9 495 1.4 100 SENATOR - 1932 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Pa rty Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 22,233 6,292D 28.3 7,233 34.8 32.5 13,525 65.2 60.8 1,475 6.6 Madison 53,519 13.051D 24.4 19,408 37.4 36.3 32,459 62.6 60.6 1,652 3.1 Marion 16,109 3.797D 23.6 6,088 38.1 37.8 9,885 61.9 61.4 136 .8 Marshall 7,096 281D 4.0 3,395 48.0 47.8 3,676 52.0 51.8 25 .4 Mason 7,852 2,3860 30.4 2,715 34.7 34.6 5,101 65.3 65.0 36 .5 Massac 4,985 433R 8.7 2,685 54.4 53.9 2,252 45.6 45.2 48 1.0 McDonough 13,178 481D 3.7 6,310 48.2 47.9 6,791 51.8 51.5 77 .6 McHenry 17,177 2,601R 15.1 9,794 57.7 57.0 7,193 42.3 41.9 190 1.1 McLean 33,306 833D 2.5 16,042 48.7 48.2 16,875 51.3 50.7 389 1.2 Menard 5,445 864D 15.9 2,284 42.0 41.9 3,148 58.0 57.8 13 .2 Mercer 7,929 1.202R 15.2 4,548 57.6 57.4 3,346 42.4 42.2 35 .4 Monroe 5,832 1, 169D 20.0 2,313 39.9 39.7 3,482 60.1 59.7 37 .6 Montgomery 16,033 3,515D 21.9 6,002 38.7 37.4 9,517 61.3 59.4 514 3.2 Morgan 16,914 1.393D 8.2 7,725 45.9 45.7 9,118 54.1 53.9 71 .4 Moultrie 6,072 1,450D 23.9 2,298 38.0 37.8 3,748 62.0 61.7 26 .4 Ogle 12,484 3.464R 27.7 7,922 64.0 63.5 4,458 36.0 35.7 104 .8 Peoria 58,321 7,2730 12.5 25,228 43.7 43.3 32,501 56.3 55.7 592 1.0 Perry 10,787 3,0760 28.5 3,775 35.5 35.0 6,851 64.5 63.5 161 1.5 Piatt 6,948 414D 6.0 3,253 4 7.0 46.8 3,667 53.0 52.8 28 .4 Pike 11,390 2,9150 25.6 4,185 37.1 36.7 7,100 62.9 62.3 105 .9 Pope 3,488 548R 15.7 2,012 57.9 57.7 1,464 42.1 42.0 12 .3 Pulaski 6,199 430 .7 3,062 49.7 49.4 3,105 50.3 50.1 32 .5 Putnam 2,431 77D 3.2 1,160 48.4 47.7 1,237 51.6 50.9 34 1.4 Randolph 12,812 2,9920 23.4 4,829 38.2 37.7 7,821 61.8 61.0 162 1.3 Richland 6,750 1,2500 18.5 2,737 40.7 40.5 3,987 59.3 59.1 26 .4 Rock Island 43,881 1 ,6130 3.7 20,903 48.1 47.6 22,516 51.9 51.3 462 1.1 Saline 15,536 2,495D 16.1 6,391 41.8 41.1 8,886 58.2 57.2 259 1.7 Sangamon 56,885 3,2240 5.7 26,454 47.1 46.5 29,678 52.9 52.2 753 1.3 Schuyler 5,655 1,3510 23.9 2,143 38.0 37.9 3,494 62.0 61.8 18 .3 Scott 4,542 933D 20.5 1,791 39.7 39.4 2,724 60.3 60.0 27 .6 Shelby 12,170 2,707D 22.2 4,696 38.8 38.6 7,403 61.2 60.8 71 .6 Stark 4,246 262R 6.2 2,247 53.1 52.9 1,985 46.9 46.7 14 .3 St. Clair 67,437 22,2080 32.9 21,706 33.1 32.2 43,914 66.9 65.1 1,817 2.7 Stephenson 18,749 344D 1.8 9,093 4 9.1 48.5 9,437 50.9 50.3 219 1.2 Tazewell 19,178 4,2510 22.2 7,411 38.9 38.6 11,662 61.1 60.8 105 .5 Union 8,632 2.927D 33.9 2,837 33.0 32.9 5,764 67.0 66.8 31 .4 Vermilion 37,736 5,796D 15.4 15,641 42.2 41.4 21,437 57.8 56.8 658 1.7 Wabash 6,229 1 ,6800 27.0 2,258 36.4 36.2 3,938 63.6 63.2 33 .5 Warren 10,579 521R 4.9 5,517 52.5 52.2 4,996 47.5 47.2 66 .6 Washington 7,404 8430 11.4 3,246 44.3 43.8 4,089 55.7 55.2 69 .9 Wayne 9,065 9770 10.8 4,023 44.6 44.4 5 ,000 55.4 55.2 42 .5 White 9,009 2, 1820 24.2 3,397 37.8 37.7 5,579 62.2 61.9 33 .4 Whiteside 17,250 4.629R 26.8 10,874 63.5 63.0 6,245 36.5 36.2 131 .8 Will 48,^89 "78R 2.0 24,603 51.0 50.2 23,625 49.0 48.2 761 1.6 Williamson 20,816 2,Q86D 14.3 8,736 42.7 42.0 11,722 57.3 56.3 358 1.7 Winnebago 41,601 9.446R 22.7 24,815 61.8 59.7 15,369 38.2 36.9 1,417 3.4 Woodford 8,543 547D 6.4 3,985 46.8 46.6 4,532 53.2 53.0 26 .3 TOTAL 3,198,135 198,625D 6.2 1471,841 46.8 46.0 1,670,466 53.2 52.2 55,828 1.7 Downstate 1,620,155 115,7190 7.1 740,832 46.4 45.7 856,551 53.6 52.9 22,772 1.4 Suburban Cook 254,582 36,498R 14.3 143,293 57.3 56.3 106,795 42.7 41.9 4,494 1.3 Chicago 1,323,398 119,404D 9.0 587,716 45.4 44.4 707,12'"' 54.6 53.4 28,562 ?.2 101 GOVERNOR - 1932 Total Vote Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Cast Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Party Vote Total Vo»e Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 3^,54" 7 - 5500 24.7 11 ,366 37.5 37.2 1-8,916 62.5 61.9 258 .8 Alexander Q ,992 5460 5.5 4,679 47.2 46.8 5,225 52.8 52.3 88 .9 Bond 6,804 40D .6 3,342 49. 7 49.1 3,382 50.3 49.7 80 1.2 Boone 7,222 2,627R 36.4 4,39 5 63.3 67.8 2,268 31.7 31.4 59 .8 Brown 3,913 1, 5500 39.6 1 ,175 30.1 3 0.0 2,725 69.9 69.6 13 .3 Bureau 19,153 1 , 8 R 9.4 10,414 54.7 54.4 8,614 45.3 45.0 125 .7 Calhoun 3,408 5190 15.2 1,4-3 5 42.3 42.1 1,954 57.7 57.3 19 .6 Carroll 8,334 ?,425R 29.1 5,360 64 .6 64.3 2,935 35.4 35.2 39 .5 Cass 8,383 2,2 040 26.3 3,061 36.8 36.5 5,265 63.2 62.8 57 .7 Champaign 29,93? 973D 3.2 14,373 48.4 47.9 15,346 51.6 51.2 263 .9 Christian 18,038 2, 1190 11.7 7,723 44.0 42.8 9,847 56.0 54.6 463 2.6 Clark 9,511 9470 10.0 4,262 45.0 44.8 5 ,209 55.0 54.8 40 .4 Clay 7,966 485D 6.1 3,711 46.° 46.6 4,196 53.1 52.7 59 .7 Clinton 10,34? 3,8530 37.2 3 , 194 31.2 3C.9 7,047 68.8 68.1 104 1.0 Coles 17,946 2,2410 12.5 7,816 4 3.7 43.6 10,057 56.3 56.0 73 .4 Cook 1,649, 177 '-5(0,3290 27.3 5 8 3,460 36.1 35.4 1033,789 63.9 62.7 31,928 1.9 Crawford 10,725 7930 7.4 4,924 46.3 45.9 5,717 53.7 53.3 34 .8 Cumberland 5,284 4 100 7.8 2,427 46.1 45.9 2,837 53.9 53.7 20 .4 DeKalb 16,229 1 ,630R 10.4 8,350 55.2 54.5 7,170 44.8 44.2 209 1.3 DeWitt 9,462 520D 5.5 4,437 47.2 46.9 4,957 52.8 52.4 68 .7 Douglas 8,248 5010 6.1 3,852 46.9 46.7 4,353- 53.1 52.8 43 .5 DuPage 44,484 8,2160 18.5 17,625 40.5 39.6 25,341 59.5 58.1 1,018 2.3 Edgar 1 3,588 835D 6.1 6,338 4 6.9 46.6 7,173 53.1 52.8 77 .6 Edwards 4,226 952R 22.5 2,573 61.3 60.9 1,621 38.7 38.4 32 .8 Effingham 9,252 2,535n 27.4 3,303 36.1 35.8 5,8-43 63.9 63.2 101 1.1 Fayette 12,0 3 3950 7.5 5,535 46.3 4 6.1 6,430 53.7 53.5 43 .4 Ford 7,625 104R 1.4 3,834 50.7 50.3 3,730 49.3 48.9 61 .8 Franklin 23,148 2-5230 10.9 10,018 44.4 43.3 12,541 55.6 54.2 589 2.5 Fulton 20,340 5220 2.6 9,601 43.7 4 7.2 10,123 51.3 49.8 616 3.0 Gallatin 4,727 1,731D 36.6 1 ,475 31.5 31.2 3,206 68.5 67.8 46 1.0 Greene 9,006 2,8 7 50 31.° 3,039 33.9 33.7 5,914 66.1 65.7 53 .6 Grundy 9,170 1 , 1629 12.7 5,152 56.4 56.2 3,990 43.6 43.5 28 .3 Hamilton 6,5 73 1 , 1430 17.4 2,7C1 41.3 41.1 3,844 58.7 58.4 33 .5 Hancock 13,365 2,7630 2 0.7 5,268 39.6 39.4 8,031 60.4 60.1 66 .5 Hardin 3,2 7 3 13R .4 1,624 5 0.2 4 9.5 1,611 49.8 49.1 43 1.3 Henderson 4, ] 44 "I? 10.5 2,286 55.3 54.6 1,846 44.7 44.1 51 1.2 Henry 21,121 2«248^ 10.6 11,429 5 5.5 54.1 9,181 44.5 43.5 511 2.4 Iroquois Jackson Jasper 15,520 597P 3.8 3,019 51.9 51.7 7,4 22 48.1 47.8 79 .5 17,261 3230 4.8 3,127 47.6 47.1 8,9 50 52.4 51.9 184 1.1 6,716 1 ■ 5140 22.5 2,590 38.7 33.6 4,104 61.3 61.1 22 .3 Jefferson 14,691 3-2920 22.4 5,656 33.7 38.5 8,948 61.3 60.9 87 .6 Jersey 5,873 1 -0550 17." 2,37S 40.9 40.5 3,433 59.1 58.4 67 1.1 JoDaviess 9,74 1 5170 5.3 4,561 47.3 46.8 5,078 52.7 52.1 102 1.0 Johnson 4,854 383P 7.9 2,607 54 .0 53.7 2,224 46.0 45.8 23 .5 Kane ^7,102 1 ,426° 2.5 2 8,o;_e 51 .3 50.7 27,502 48.7 48.2 672 1.2 Kankakee ?4,4?4 5 . 4 5 5 ^ 21.3 14,844 61.3 60.8 9,389 38.7 38.4 191 .8 Kendall c >D7 o 645P 12. -> 2,847 56.4 5 6.1 2,202 43.6 43.4 30 .6 Knox 24,209 1-9060 7.9 11 ,021 46.0 45.5 12,927 54.0 53.4 261 1.1 Lake 46,126 8,6770 13.8 17,99"> 40.3 3 9.0 26,667 59.7 57.8 1,469 3.2 LaSalle ''6,5]" "!-5320 5.6 21,716 47.2 46.7 24,298 52.8 52.2 505 1.1 Lawrence 1 0,328 9690 ?.4 4,65 7 4 5.3 4 b. 1 5,626 54.7 54.5 45 .4 Lee 14,763 1 , 270R 3.6 7,96.3 74.3 5 3.9 6,693 45.7 45.3 107 .7 Livingston 18,105 10 00 . 6 3,963 4*3.7 40. 5 9,063 50.3 50.1 79 .4 Logan 13,346 3110 5.9 6,4 7 8 47.1 4 6.8 7,239' 52.9 52.6 79 .6 Macon 38,486 3,1410 3.2 17,403 4 5." 45.2 20,549' 54.1 53.4 529 1.4 102 GOVERNOR - 1932 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin ,13,252 4,3020 18.5 8,739 40.1 37.6 13,041 59.9 56.1 1,472 6.3 Madison 55,878 11,740D 21.0 21 ,256 39.2 38.0 32,996 60.8 59.1 1,626 2.9 Marion 16,834 3, 1920 19.0 6,751 40.4 40.1 9,943 59.6 59.1 140 .8 Marshall 7,251 3270 4.5 3,447 47.7 4 7.5 3,774 52.3 52.0 30 .4 Mason 8,160 2,2400 27.5 2,941 35.2 36.0 5,181 63.8 63.5 38 .5 Massac 5,4 24 887R 16.4 3,131 53.3 57.7 2,244 41.7 4 1.4 49 .9 McDonough 13.701 165D 1.2 6,716 49.4 49.0 6,881 50.6 5C.2 104 .8 McHenry 18, 1Q5 402° 2.2 9,169 51.1 50.4 8,767 48.9 48.2 259 1.4 McLean 35,378 8100 2.3 17,043 48 .8 4 8.2 17,853 51.2 50.5 482 1.4 Menard 5,703 8640 15.1 2,413 42.4 42.3 3,277 57.6 57.5 13 .2 Mercer 8,536 1.211P. 14.2 4,836 57.2 56.7 3,625 42.3 42.5 75 .9 Monroe 6,028 8890 14.7 2,551 42.6 42.3 3,440 57.4 57.1 37 .6 Montgomery 16,330 2,3280 16.8 6,738 41.3 4 0.0 9,566 58.7 56.8 526 3.1 Morgan 17,403 2,2240 12.8 7,535 43.6 43.3 9,759 56.4 56.1 109 .6 Moultrie 6,381 1.2390 19.4 2,554 40.2 40.0 3,793 59.3 59.4 34 .5 Ogle 13,415 2,9l0p 21.7 8,099 60.9 60.4 5,189 39. 1 38.7 127 .9 Peoria 61,602 2,4310 3.9 29,271 48.0 47.5 31,702 52.0 51.5 629 1.0 Perry 11 ,259 2,3050 20.5 4,394 39.6 39.0 6,699 60.4 59.5 166 1.5 Piatt 7,252 4240 5.8 3,389 47.1 46.7 3,313 52.9 52.6 50 .7 Pike 11,995 2,6410 22.0 4,617 38.9 38.5 7,258 61. 1 60.5 120 1.0 Pope 3,778 646R 17.1 2,206 58.6 58.4 1,560 41.4 41.3 12 .3 Pulaski 6,522 175R 2.7 3,332 51.3 51.1 3,157 48.7 48.4 33 .5 Putnam 2,594 402R 15.5 1 ,436 57.3 57.3 1,084 42.2 41.8 24 .9 Randolph 13,228 2, 3640 17.9 5,358 41.0 40.5 7,722 59.0 58.4 148 1.1 Richland 7,064 7850 11.1 3,12? 44.4 44.2 3,905 55.6 55.3 39 .6 Rock Island 45,782 3,0260 6.6 21,123 46.7 46.1 24, 149 53.3 52.7 510 1.1 Saline 16,447 1 ,5580 9.5 7,327 45.2 44.5 8,385 54.8 54.0 235 1.4 Sangamon 58,991 3,376R 5.7 30,330 52.9 52.3 27,454 47.1 46.5 707 1.2 Schuyler 5,766 1 ,2580 21.8 2,241 39.0 38.9 3,499 61.0 60.7 26 .5 Scott 4,7 C .2 6550 13.8 2,036 43.1 42.8 2,691 56.9 56.6 25 .5 Shelby Stark 12,699 2,3890 18.8 5,107 4 0.5 40.2 7,496 59.5 59.0 96 .8 4,412 233R 5.3 2,310 52.7 52.4 2,077 47.3 47.1 25 .6 St. Clair 69,657 19,7950 28.4 24,072 35.4 34.6 43,867 64.6 63.0 1,718 2.5 Stephenson 19,610 1,5600 8 • v 3,867 45.0 45.2 10,427 54.0 53.2 316 1.6 Tazewell 20,507 1 ,5160 7.4 9,430 46.3 4 6.0 10,946 53.7 53.4 131 .6 Union 9,016 3,3850 37.5 2,798 31.2 31.0 6,183 68.8 63.6 35 .4 Vermilion 39,473 1,9720 5.0 18,430 47.5 46.7 20.,402 52.5 51.7 641 1.6 Wabash 6,463 1, 1990 13.6 2 ,604 4 0.6 40.3 3,803 59.4 58.8 56 .9 Warren 10,930 329R 3.0 5,581 51.5 51.1 5,252 48.5 48.1 97 .9 Washington 7,808 552D 7.1 3,586 46.4 45.9 4,138 53.6 53.0 34 1.1 Wayne 9,442 6760 7.2 4,364 45.4 46.2 5 ,040 53.6 53.4 38 .4 White 9,290 1 ,995D 21.5 3,631 39.2 39.1 5,626 60.3 60.6 33 • <+ Whiteside 18,264 ^,606R 19.7 10,837 60.0 59.3 7,231 40.0 39.6 156 1. 1 Will 51,324 1,929R 3.8 26,239 51.9 51.1 24,310 48.1 4 7.4 775 1.5 Williamson 21,948 7730 3.5 10,413 43.2 4 7.4 11,186 51.8 51.0 349 1.6 Winnebago 44,709 3,882R 8.7 23,575 54.5 5 2.7 19,693 4 5.5 44.0 1,441 3.2 Woodford 8,944 4180 4.7 4,230 47.6 47.3 4,643 52.4 52.0 66 .7 TOTAL 3,350,306 566,2870 16.9 1364,043 41.4 40.7 1930,330 58.6 57.6 55,933 1.7 Downstate 1,701,129 115,9580 6.8 780,533 46.5 45.9 896.5-+1 53.5 52.7 24,005 1.4 Suburban Cook 265,281 70,6870 26.6 94,691 36.4 35.7 165,378 63.6 62.3 5,212 2.0 Chicago 1 ,383,896 379,6420 27.4 488,769 36.0 35.3 868,411 64.0 62.8 26,716 1.9 103 STATE TREASURER Party Candidate Republican William J. Stratton Democratic John Stelle SUMMARY- 1934 Counties Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried 1,233,214 523,097 710,117 51 1,503,997 793,327 710,670 51 National Progressive Dr. Wm. Venecek Prohibition Frank S. Regan Socialist Labor Socialist J. E. Frocum Morris Franklin 6,335 3,088 3,247 5,769 1,867 3,902 3,638 2,204 1,434 15,845 7,651 8,194 105 STATE TREASURER - 1934 Total Vote Cost Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pel. Vote Adams 23,692 2.481D 10.5 10,549 44.7 44.5 13,030 55.3 55.0 113 .5 Alexander 8, 174 53R .6 4,051 50.3 49.6 3,998 49.7 48.9 125 1.5 Bond 6,170 513R 8.3 3,275 54.2 53.1 2,762 45.8 44.8 133 2.2 Boone 4,477 1 ,917R 42.8 3,172 71 .7 70.9 1,255 28.3 28.0 50 1.1 Brown 3,323 1.052D 31.7 1,130 34.1 34.0 2,182 65.9 65.7 11 .3 Bureau 17,159 3,521R 20.5 10,294 60.3 60.0 6,773 39.7 39.5 92 .5 Calhoun 3,086 1090 3.5 1 ,477 48.2 47.9 1,586 51.8 51.4 23 .7 Carroll 6,682 1.291R 19.3 3,966 ■^9.7 59.4 2,675 40.3 40.0 41 .6 Cass 7,176 9750 13.6 3,085 43.2 43.0 4,060 56.8 56.6 31 .4 Champaign 24,057 1,420R 5.9 12,661 53.0 52.6 11,241 47.0 46.7 155 .6 Christian 16,424 1,666D 10. 1 7,181 44.8 43.7 8,847 55.2 53.9 396 2.4 Clark 9,484 287D 3.0 4,569 48.5 48.2 4,856 51.5 51.2 59 .6 Clay 7,961 62D .8 3,932 49.6 49.4 3,994 50.4 50.2 35 .4 Clinton 8,832 2, 1840 24.7 3,245 37.4 36.7 5,429 62.6 61.5 158 1.8 Coles 15,930 570 .4 7,°09 49.8 49.6 7,966 50.2 50.0 55 .3 Cook 1 ,331,234 270,230D 20.3 523,097 39.7 39.3 793,327 60.3 59.6 14,810 1.1 Crawford 10,134 479 .5 5,065 50.2 50.0 5 ,018 49.3 49.5 51 .5 Cumberland 5,327 309 .6 2,672 50.3 50.2 2,642 49.7 49.6 13 .2 DeKalb 13,971 2,065? 14.8 7,977 57.4 57.1 5,912 42.6 42.3 82 .6 DeWitt 8,783 30 4,375 50.0 49.8 4,378 50.0 49.8 30 .3 Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards 8,039 88R i. i 4 ,04 9 50.5 50.4 3,961 49.5 49.3 29 .4 37,347 2,662R 7.1 19,705 53.6 52.8 17,043 46.4 45.6 599 1.6 13,220 6180 4.7 6,275 47.7 47.5 6,893 52.3 52.1 52 .4 3,904 602R 15.4 2,242 57.8 57.4 1,640 42.2 42.0 22 .6 Effingham 8,399 1.551D 18.5 3,398 40.7 40.5 4,949 59.3 58.9 52 .6 Fayette 11,472 128R 1.1 5,768 50.6 50.3 5,640 49.4 4 9.2 6^ .6 Ford 6,873 1, 1169 16.2 3,984 58.1 58.0 2,868 41.9 41.7 21 .3 Franklin 20,481 2,4940 12.2 8,261 43.4 40.3 10,755 56.6 52.5 1,465 7.2 Fulton 18,061 1,8340 10.2 7,957 44.8 44.1 9,791. 55.2 54.2 313 1.7 Gallatin 4,422 1,3520 30.6 1,517 34.6 34.3 2,869 65.4 64.9 36 .3 Greene 7,433 1,8740 25.2 2,767 37.4 37.2 4,641 62.5 62.4 25 .3 Grundy 8,001 1»975R 24.7 4,977 62.4 62.2 3 ,002 3 7.6 37.5 22 Hamilton 6,589 1.267D 19.2 2,645 40.3 40.1 3,912 59. 7 59.4 32 . 5 Hancock 12,467 1340 1. 1 6,109 49.5 4 9.0 6,243 50.5 50.1 115 .9 Hardin 3,492 939 2.7 1 ,784 51 .3 51.1 1 ,691 48.7 48.4 17 .5 Henderson 3,939 4119 10.4 2,170 55.2 55.1 1 ,759 44.3 44.7 10 .3 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 17,375 2,6619 15.3 9,885 57.8 56.9 7,224 42.2 4 1.6 266 1.5 12,562 23D .2 6,235 49.9 49.6 6,253 50.1 49.8 69 .5 16,562 780 .5 8,198 49.8 49.5 8,276 50.2 50.0 88 .5 6,520 7560 11.6 2,876 44.2 44.1 3,632 5 5. 8 55.7 12 .2 Jefferson 13,378 1,5850 11.8 5,857 44 .0 43.8 7,442 56.0 55.6 7° .6 Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 5,096 7290 14.3 2,174 42.8 42.7 2,903 5 7.2 57.0 19 .4 8,849 5989 6.8 4,710 5 3.4 53.2 4,112 46.6 46.5 27 .3 5,293 798R 15.1 3,035 57.6 57.3 2,237 4 2.4 42.3 21 .4 45,189 6 5 " R 1.5 22, 734 50.7 50.3 22,075 4 9.3 48.9 380 .8 Kankakee 20,354 3550 1.7 9,946 49.1 4 8.9 10,301 50.9 50.6 10 7 .5 Kendall 4,230 9789 23.1 2,593 61 .6 61.3 1,615 38.4 38.2 22 .5 Knox 22,502 1.651R 7.3 11,996 53.7 53.3 10,345 46.3 46.0 161 .7 Lake 37,794 5.941R 15.7 21,656 57.9 57.3 15,715 42.1 41.6 423 1.1 La Salle 40,891 1,7239 4.2 21,098 52.1 51.6 19,375 47.9 47.4 418 1.0 Lawrence 9,569 4290 4.5 4,543 47.7 4 7.5 4 ,972 52.3 52.0 54 .6 Lee 12,855 1.737R 13.5 7,?7 2 56.8 56.6 5,535 4 3.2 43.1 4 8 .4 Livingston Logan Macon 16,314 2.224R 13.6 9,24 3 56.8 56.7 7,019 4 3.2 43.0 52 .3 12,995 1139 .9 6,524 50.5 50.2 6,406 4°. 5 49.3 65 30,361 1 ,2880 4.2 14,365 47.9 4 7.3 15,653 52.1 51.6 343 1.1 106 STATE TREASURER - 1934 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number' Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vole Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pcf. Vote Macoupin 20,032 2,949D 14.7 7,94 5 42.2 39.7 10,894 57.8 54.4 1,193 6.0 Madison 38,996 9,6260 24.7 14,291 37.4 36.6 23,917 62.6 61.3 788 2.0 Marion 13,275 1.732D 13.0 5,684 43.4 42.8 7,416 56.6 55.9 175 1.3 Marshall 6.640 119R 1.8 3,374 50.9 50.8 3,255 49.1 49.0 11 .2 Mason 7,023 2530 3.6 3,368 48.2 48.0 3,621 51.8 51.6 34 .5 Massac 5,276 625R 11.8 2,930 56.0 55.5 2,305 44.0 43.7 41 . 8 McDonough 12,985 1,978R 15.2 7., 458 57.6 57.4 5,480 42.4 42.2 47 .4 McHenry 16,259 3,515R 21.6 9,861 60.8 60.6 6,346 39.2 39.0 52 .3 McLean 25,897 2,395R 9.2 14,023 54.7 54.1 11,628 45.3 44.9 246 .9 Menard 5,285 210 .4 2,613 49.8 49.4 2,634 50.2 49.8 38 .7 Mercer 8,524 2, 137R 25.1 5,312 62.6 62.3 3,175 37.4 37.2 37 .4 Monroe 5,968 407P 6.8 3,174 53.4 53.2 2,767 4 6.6 46.4 27 .5 Montgomery 14,234 1.635D 11.5 6,068 44.1 42.6 7,703 55.9 54.1 463 3.3 Morgan 15,978 5030 3.1 7,705 48.4 48.2 8,209 51.6 51.4 63 .4 Moultrie 5,876 8630 14.7 2,495 42.6 42.5 3,358 57.4 57.1 23 .4 Ogle 11,289 4, 114R 36.4 7,665 68.3 67.9 3,551 31.7 31.5 73 .6 Peoria 40,875 4.646R 11.4 22,627 55.7 55.4 17,981 4 4.3 44.0 267 .7 Perry 9,923 980D 9.9 4,395 45.0 44.3 5,375 55.0 54.2 153 1.5 Piatt 6,907 461R 6.7 3,669 ■^3.4 53.1 3,208 46.6 46.4 30 .4 Pike 10,530 1,6180 15.4 4,428 42.3 42.1 6,046 57.7 57.4 56 .5 Pope 4,035 1»112R 27.6 2,565 63.8 63.6 1 ,453 36.2 36.0 17 .4 Pulaski 6,660 185R 2.8 3,404 51 .4 51.1 3,219 48.6 48.3 37 .6 Putnam 2,593 91R 3.5 1 ,340 51.8 51.7 1 ,249 48.2 48.2 4 .2 Randolph 12,789 1, 118D 8.7 5,755 45.6 45.0 6,873 54.4 53.7 161 1.3 Richland 7,025 457D 6.5 3,259 46.7 46.4 3,716 53.3 52.9 50 .7 Rock Island 35,734 3.825D 10.7 15,835 44 .6 4 4.3 19,660 5 5.4 55.0 239 . 7 Saline 15,652 209R 1.3 7,854 50.7 50.2 7»,64 5 49. 3 48.8 153 1.0 Sangamon 51,167 1 ,497R 2.9 25,800 51.5 50.4 24 ,*303 48.5 47.5 1,064 2. 1 Schuyler 6, 171 3450 5.6 2,902 47.2 47.0 3,247 52.3 52.6 22 .4 Scott 4,448 3840 8.6 2,024 45.7 4^.5 2,408 54. 3 54.1 16 .4 Shelby 10,854 1,2310 11.3 4,783 44.3 44.1 6,014 55.7 65.4 57 .5 Stark 4,169 1 ,036R 24.9 2,597 62.5 62.3 1,561 37.5 37.4 11 . 3 St. Clair 52,223 11,4260 21.9 19,937 33.9 38.2 31,363 61.1 60.1 923 1 .8 Stephenson 14,411 1, 116R 7.7 7,698 53.9 5 3.4 6,532 46. 1 4 5.7 131 .9 Tazewell 16,165 454D 2.8 7,782 48.6 48.1 8,236 51.4 5 ') . 9 147 .9 Union 7,229 1,7270 23.9 2,742 38.0 37.9 4 , '* 6 9 62.0 61.3 13 .2 Vermilion 33,428 237D .7 16,402 49.6 4 9.1 16,639 50.4 4V.8 337 1.2 Wabash 5,171 497D 9.6 2,320 45.2 44.9 2,817 34. t 54.5 34 .7 Warren 10,220 1.552R 15.2 5,860 57.6 57.3 4,308 42.4 42.2 52 .5 Washington 7,590 380R 5.0 3,962 52.5 52.2 3,582 47.5 4 7.2 46 .6 Wayne 9,943 200R 2.0 5,051 51.0 50.8 4,851 49.0 48.8 41 .4 White 8,525 1,617D 19.0 3,423 40.4 40.2 5,040 59.6 59.1 62 . 7 Whiteside 13,540 2,939R 21.7 8,205 60.9 60.6 5,266 39.1 38.9 69 . 5 Will 42,164 62D . 1 20,883 49.9 49.5 20,945 50.1 49.7 336 .8 Williamson 20,009 8650 4.3 9,386 47.8 46.9 10,251 52.2 51.2 372 1.9 Winnebago 31,977 865R 2.7 15,782 51.4 49.4 14 ,917 48.6 46.6 1,278 4.0 Woodford 8,230 516R 6.3 4,347 53.2 52.8 3,831 46.8 46.5 52 .6 TOTAL 2,768,798 270,783D 9.8 1233,214 45.1 44.5 1503,997 54.9 54.3 31,587 1.1 Downs tate 1 ,437,564 553D .0 710,1 17 50.0 49.4 710,670 50.0 49.4 16,777 1 .2 Suburban Cook 200 053 1 1 , 560R 5.8 104,457 52.9 52.2 92,897 47.1 46.4 2,699 1.3 Chicago 1,131,181 281,7900 24.9 418,640 3 7.4 37.0 700 430 b2.6 61.9 12,111 1.1 107 SUMMARY- 1936 PRESIDENT Candiaate Republican Alfred M. Landon Democratic Franklin D. Roosevelt Total Vote Cook County Downstate 1,568,393 2,282,999 701,206 1,253,164 867,187 1,029,835 Counties Carried 31 71 Union Progressive William Lemke Socialist 89,439 48,995 40,444 Labor John W. Aiken 1,921 839 1,082 Prohibition D. Leigh Colvin 3,439 630 2,809 Socialist Norman Thomas 7,530 3,835 3,695 SENATOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican Otis F. Glenn 1,545,170 702,050 843,120 36 Democratic J. Hamilton Lewis 2,142,887 1,177,309 965,573 66 Union Progressive Newton Jenkins Socialist Labor Frank Schnur Prohibition Adah M. Hagler Socialist Arthur McDowell 93,696 54,988 38,708 2,208 1,177 1,031 3,298 717 2,531 7,405 4,226 3,179 GOVERNOR Party Candidate Republican C. Wayland Brooks Democratic Henry Horner Union Progressive William H. Thompson Socialist Labor 0. Alfred Olson Prohibition Harmon W. Reed Socialist John Fisher Total Vote Cook County Downstate l,682,6o5 2,067,361 128,962 7Q4,55? 1,037,207 98,327 383,126 920,654 30,635 Counties Carried 36 66 2,602 1 ,424 1,178 2,896 693 2,203 6,966 3,776 3,190 109 PRESIDENT- 1936 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 33,473 5,7430 17.2 13,114 41.0 39.2 18,857 59.0 56.3 1,502 4.5 Alexander 12,653 1,419D 11.2 5,553 44.3 43.9 •6,972 5 5. .7 55.1 128 1.0 Bond 7,836 505R 6.4 4,046 53.3 51.6 3,541 46.7 45.2 249 3.2 Boone 8,022 2,992R 37.3 5,^75 69. ^ 67.0 2,383 30.7 29.7 264 3.3 Brown 4,549 1, 282D 28.2 1,591 35.6 35.0 2,873 64.4 63.2 35 1.9 Bureau 20,322 946R 4.7 10,462 52.4 51.5 9,516 4 7.6 46.8 344 1.7 Calhoun 4, 102 1750 4.3 1 ,883 4 7.8 45.9 2,058 52.2 50.2 161 3.9 Carroll 9,328 518R 5.6 4,886 52.8 52.4 4,3'68 47.2 46.8 74 .3 Cass 9,090 ?,5770 28.3 3,209 35.7 35.3 5,786 54.3 63.7 05 1.0 Champaign 34,535 2,3950 6.9 15,808 46.5 45.8 18,203 53.5 52.7 524 1.5 Christian 20,521 3,2550 15.9 8,145 41 .7 39.7 11,400 58.3 55.6 976 4.8 Clark 11 ,314 410D 3.6 5,426 48.2 48;C 5,836 51.8 51.6 52 .5 Clay 9,384 2240 2.4 4,528 43.3 48.3 4,752 51.2 50.6 104 1.1 Clinton 11, 145 1 ,702D 15.3 3,653 40.6 32.8 5,355 59.4 48.0 2,137 19.2 Coles 20,868 3, 1310 15.0 8,800 4,2.4 42.2 11 ,931 57.6 57.2 137 .7 Cook 2,008,669 551 ,9580 27.5 701 ,206 35.9 34.9 1253 ,164 64. 1 62.4 54,299 2.7 Crawford 12,099 341D 2.8 5,823 48.6 48.1 6,164 51.4 50.9 112 .9 Cumberland 6,356 274D 4.3 3,016 4 7.8 47.5 3,290 52.2 51.8 50 .8 DeKalb 18,275 1,927R 10.5 9,826 55.4 53.8 7,899 44.6 43.2 550 3.0 DeWitt 10,280 1, 1320 11. C 4,^44 44.5 44.2 5,676 55.5 55.2 60 .6 Douglas 9,694 423D 4.4 ^,606 47.8 47.5 5,029 5 2.2 43.3 51.9 59 .6 DuPage 51,632 6,696R 13.0 28,380 ^6.7 55.0 21 ,684 42.0 1,568 3.0 Edgar 14,898 893D 6.0 6,929 47.0 46.5 7,822 53.0 52.5 147 1.0 Edwards 5,100 602R 11.8 2,813 ■=■5.0 55.2 2,211 44.0 43.4 76 1.5 Effingham 10,583 1,7370 16.4 4,293 41.6 40.6 6,030 58.4 57.0 260 2.5 Fayette 13,371 4050 3.0 6,419 43.5 48.0 6,824 51.5 51.0 128 1.0 Ford 8,410 809R 9.6 4,524 54.9 53.8 3,715 45.1 44.2 171 2.0 Franklin 26,625 4,5460 17.1 10,708 41.2 40.2 15,254 58.8 57.3 663 2.5 Fulton 23,422 2,7340 11.7 10,130 44.1 43.2 12,864 55.9 54.9 428 1.3 Gallatin 5,774 1,697D 29.4 2 ,004 35.1 34.7 3 ,701 64.9 64.1 69 1.2 Greene 10,544 2, 5940 24.6 3,916 37.6 37.1 6 i 510 62.4 61.7 113 1.1 Grundy 10,185 879R 8.6 5,360 54.5 52.6 4 ,481 45.5 44.0 344 3.4 Hamilton 7,535 3310 11.0 3,321 44.4 44.1 4 ,152 55.6 5 5.1 62 .8 Hancock 15,507 3430 2.2 7,383 48.9 47.6 7,726 51.1 4 9. # 8 398 2.6 Hardin 4,011 24R .6 2 ,008 50.3 50.1 1 ,984 49.7 49.5 19 .5 Henderson 5,220 167R 3.2 2,663 51 .6 51.0 2,496 4 8.4 47.8 61 1.2 Henry 24,094 463R 1.9 11,953 51.0 49.6 11,490 49.0 47.7 651 2.7 Iroquois 17,173 746D 4.3 7,908 47.7 46.0 8,654 52.3 50.4 611 3.6 Jackson 20,546 392R 1.9 10,363 51.0 50.4 .9,971 49.0 48.5 212 1.0 Jasper 7,50 2 928D 12.4 3,221 43.7 42.9 4,149 56.3 55.3 132 1.8 Jefferson 17,668 2,9500 16.7 7,290 41 .6 41.3 10,240 58.4 58.0 138 .8 Jersey 7,061 9320 13.2 3,023 43.3 42.8 3,955 56.7 56.0 83 1.2 JoDaviess 11,951 541R 4.9 5,619 52.5 51.3 5 ,079 47.5 46.4 252 2.3 Johnson 6,050 l,040R 17.2 3,537 53.6 58.5 2,497 41.4 41.3 16 .3 Kane 63,729 5,304R 8.3 33*491 54.3 52.6 28,187 45.7 44.2 2,051 3.2 Kankakee 26,538 2,2270 8.4 10,935 45.4 41.2 13,162 54.6 49.6 2,441 9.2 Kendall 5,72 764R 13.4 3,138 56.9 54.9 2,3 74 43.1 41.5 208 3.6 Knox 29,124 l,0l5R 3.5 14,712 51 .3 50.5 13,697 48.2 47.0 715 2.5 Lake 53,672 3.024R 5.6 27,548 52.9 51.3 24,5 24 47.1 45.7 1,600 3.0 LaSalle 51,201 4,6860 9.2 22,240 45.2 43.4 26,926 ^4.8 52.6 2,035 4.0 Lawrence 11,398 l, 108D 9.7 5,060 45.1 44.4 6,168 54.9 54.1 170 1.5 Lee 16,232 2,^69R 12.7 8,914 56.6 54.9 6,845 43.4 42.2 473 2.9 Livingston Logan Macon 20,334 1 ,611R 7.9 10,801 54.0 53.1 9,190 46.0 45.2 343 1.7 15,087 8670 5.7 7,019 47.1 46.5 7,886 52.9 52.3 182 1.2 43,485 11,7750 27.1 15,585 36.3 35.8 27,360 63.7 62.9 540 1.2 110 PRESIDENT- 1936 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 25,851 5.394D 20.9 9,502 38.9 36.8 14,896 61.1 57.6 1,453 5.6 Madison 65,686 20,0990 30.6 22,073 34.4 33.6 42,172 65.6 64.2 1.441 2.2 Marion 19,446 2,4990 12.9 8,321 43.5 42.8 10,820 56.5 55.6 305 1.6 Marshall 7,760 6050 7.8 3,544 46.1 45.7 4,149 53.9 53.5 67 .9 Mason 8,731 1,8830 21.6 3, 395 ^9.1 38.9 5,278 60.9 60.5 58 .7 Massac 6,983 855R 12.2 3,894 56.2 55.8 3 ,039 43.8 43.5 50 .7 McDonough 16,012 1.585R 9.9 8,723 55.0 54.5 7,133 45.0 44 .6 151 .9 McHenry 19,866 5, 138R 25.9 12,031 63.6 60.6 6,393 36.4 34.7 94? 4.7 McLean 39,132 4.682D 12.0 16,826 43.9 43.0 2 1,508 56.1 55.0 795 2.0 Menard 6,277 85D 1.4 3,067 ^9.3 4 8.9 3,152 50.7 50.2 53 .9 Mercer 9,884 277R 2.8 5,028 51 .4 50.9 4 ,751 48.6 48.1 105 1.1 Monroe 6,850 251D 3.7 3,226 48.1 47.1 3,477 51.9 50.8 147 2.1 Montgomery 18,955 1,9920 10.5 8,140 44.5 42.9 10,132 55.5 53.5 683 3.6 Morgan 18,811 9560 5. 1 8,844 47.4 47.0 9,800 52.6 52.1 167 .9 Moultrie 7,249 1 ,036D 14.3 3,074 42.8 42.4 4,110 57.2 56.7 65 • 3 Ogle 15,546 3,800R 24.4 9,576 62.4 61.6 5,776 37.6 37.2 194 1.2 Peoria 74,865 22.638D 30.2 25,425 34.6 34.0 48,063 65.'+ 64.2 1,377 1.8 Perry 12,768 1.561D 12.2 5,482 4 3.8 42.9 7,043 56.2 55.2 243 1.9 Piatt 8,061 1530 1.9 3,931 49.0 48.8 4 ,084 51.0 50.7 46 .6 Pike 13,974 2,5980 IS. 6 5,589 40.6 40.0 8,187 59.4 58.6 198 1.4 Pope 4,548 1,059R 23.3 2,787 61.7 61.3 1 ,728 38.3 33.0 33 .7 Pulaski 7,645 30D .4 3,774 49.8 49.4 3,804 50.2 49.8 67 .9 Putnam 2,901 20 . 1 1,435 50.0 49.5 1 ,437 50.0 49.5 2 9 1.0 Randolph 15,701 1, 1900 7.6 7,05"' 46.1 44.9 8,247 53.9 52.5 39 7 2.5 Richland 8,492 2280 2.7 4,040 48.6 47.6 4 ,268 51.4 50.3 134 7.2 Rock Island 53,027 13,2540 25.0 19,487 37.3 36.7 32,74 1 62.7 61.7 799 1.5 Saline 19,616 1, 1980 6.1 9,055 46.9 46.2 10,253 53.1 52.3 303 1.5 Sangamon 63,670 2,719D 4.3 29,562 47.8 4 6.4 32,281 52.2 50.7 1,827 2.9 Schuyler 6,957 8560 12.3 3,029 43.8 43.5 3,885 56.2 55.8 43 .6 Scott 5,138 7800 15.2 2,165 42.4 42.1 2,945 57.6 57.3 28 .5 Shelby 14,201 2,391D 16.8 5,795 41 .4 40.8 8,186 58.6 57.6 220 1.5 Stark 4,958 476R 9.6 2,696 54.8 54.4 2,220 4 5.? 44.8 4'2 .8 St. Clair 83,762 27,5540 32.9 26,684 33.0 31.9 54,238 67.0 64.8 2,84^ 3.4 Stephenson 21,342 6240 2.9 9,943 48.5 46.6 10,567 51.5 49.5 332 3.9 Tazewell 24,774 8, 5410 34.5 7,946 32.5 32.1 16,487 67.5 66.5 341 1.4 Union 10,461 2.095D 20.0 4,165 40.0 39.8 6,250 60.0 59.8 36 .3 Vermilion 44,156 6,666D 15.1 18,350 42.3 41.6 25,016 57.7 56.7 7^0 1.3 Wabash 7,224 1,3540 18.7 2,860 40.4 39.6 4,214 59.6 58.3 150 ?. 1 Wai ren 12,465 1,510R 12.1 6,919 56.1 55.5 5 ,409 43.9 43.4 137 1.1 Washington 8,868 421R 4.7 4,54 52.4 51.2 4,119 4 7.6 46.4 2 09 2.4 Wayne 11,330 224D 2.0 5,528 49.0 48.8 5,752 51.0 50.3 50 .4 White 8,909 4, 1890 4 7.0 2,322 26.3 26.1 6,511 73.7 73.1 76 .9 Whiteside 21,243 4.684R 22.0 12,666 61.3 59.6 7,93? 33.7 37.6 595 2.8 Will 55,314 3,1070 5.6 2 5,028 47.1 45.2 28,135 52.9 50.9 2,151 3.9 Williamson 27,334 2,344D 8.6 12,319 45.7 45.1 14,663 54. 3 53.6 352 1.3 Winnebago 53,989 2.203D 4. 1 24,997 47.9 46.3 27,200 52.1 50.4 1,79? 3.3 Woodford 10,093 2770 2.7 4,845 48.6 48.0 5,122 51.4 50.7 126 1.2 TOTAL 3,953,721 714.606D 18.1 1568,393 40.7 39.7 2282,999 59.3 57.7 102,329 2.6 Downstate 1 ,945,052 162.6480 8.4 867,187 45.7 44.6 1029,835 54.3 52.9 48,030 2.5 Suburban Cook 319,247 3,534R 1.1 157,551 50.6 49.4 154,017 4 9.4 48.2 7,679 2.4 Chicago 1,689,422 555.492D 32.9 543,655 33.1 32.2 1099,147 66.9 65.1 46,620 2.8 in SENATOR - 1936 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Perc >nt of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 31,324 5,515D 17.3 12,533 41.0 39.4 18,048 59.0 56.7 1,243 3.9 Alexander 12,053 1,4620 12.1 5,245 43.9 43.5 6,707 56.1 55.6 101 .8 Bond 7,460 520R 7.0 3,872 53.6 51.9 3,352 46.4 44.9 236 3.2 Boone 7,630 2,828R 37.1 5,083 69.3 66.6 2,255 30.7 29.6 292 3.8 Brown 4,418 1,274D 28.8 1 ,537 35.3 34.8 2,811 64.7 63.6 70 1.6 Bureau 19,667 1.308R 6.7 10,325 53.4 52.5 9,017 46.6 45.8 325 1.7 Calhoun 3,767 1 860 4.9 1 ,741 47.5 46.2 1,927 52.5 51.2 99 2.6 Carroll 8,720 670R 7.7 4,657 53.9 53.4 3,987 46. 1 45.7 76 .9 Cass 8.824 2,4330 2 7 .6 3,144 36.1 35.6 5,577 63.9 63.2 103 1.2 Champaign 32,425 1, 5860 4.9 15,166 47.5 46.8 16,752 52.5 51.7 507 1.6 Christian 19,518 2,9400 15.1 7,839 42.1 40.2 10,779 57.9 55.2 900 4.6 Clark 11,02 5 404D 3.7 5,288 48.2 48.0 5,692 51.8 51.6 45 .4 Clay 9,195 237D 2.6 4,424 48.7 48.1 4,661 51.3 50.7 110 1.2 Clinton 10,267 1.494D 14.6 3,501 41 .2 34.1 4,995 58.8 48.7 1,771 17.2 Coles 20,210 3,007D 14.9 8,538 42.5 42.2 11 ,545 57.5 57.1 127 .6 Cook 1 ,941, '+6 7 475,259D 24.5 7 02,050 37.4 36.2 1 177,309 62.6 60.7 61,108 3.1 Crawford 11 ,327 411D 3.5 5,655 48.2 47.8 6,066 51.8 51.3 106 .9 Cumberland 6, 147 283D 4.6 2,913 47.7 47.4 3,196 52.3 52.0 38 .6 DeKalb 17,2 06 2.232R 13.0 9,441 56.7 54.9 7,209 43.3 41.9 556 3.2 DeWitt 9,930 842D 8.5 4,510 45.7 45.4 5,352 54.3 53.9 68 .7 Douglas 9,331 3570 3.8 4,460 48.1 47.8 4,817 51.9 51.6 54 .6 DuPage 49,972 7, 197R 14.4 27,696 57.5 55.4 20,499 42.5 41.0 1,777 3.6 Edgar 14.451 775D 5.4 6,771 47.3 46.9 7,546 52.7 52.2 134 .9 Edwards 4,903 618R 12.6 2,694 56.5 54.9 2,076 43.5 42.3 133 2.7 Effingham 10,041 1,746D 17.4 4,039 41.1 40.2 5,787 58.9 57.6 215 2.1 Fayette 12,586 444D 3.5 6,011 48.2 47.8 6,455 51.8 51.3 122 1.0 Ford 8,020 979R 12.2 4,418 56.2 55.1 3.439 43.8 42.9 163 2.0 Franklin 25,542 3,792D 14.8 10,568 42.4 41.4 14,360 57.6 56.2 614 2.4 Fulton 22,199 2,1390 9.6 9,311 4 5.1 44.2 11,950 54.9 53.8 438 2.0 Gallatin 5,492 1»613D 29.4 1 ,91? 35.2 34.8 3,525 64.8 64.2 55 1.0 Greene 10,021 2.571D 25.7 3,687 37.1 36.8 6,258 62.9 62.4 76 .8 Grundy 9,34 1.330R 14.2 5, 154 57.4 55.2 3,824 42.6 40.9 362 3.9 Hamilton 7,340 906D 12.3 3,191 4 3.8 43.5 4,097 56.2 55.8 52 .7 Hancock 14,797 462D 3.1 7,008 48.4 47.4 7,470 51.6 50.5 319 2.2 Hardin 3,936 24R .6 1,972 50.3 50.1 1 ,948 49.7 49.5 16 .4 Henderson 5,0 39 189R 3.8 2,587 51.9 51.3 2.398 48.1 47.6 54 1.1 Henry 22,694 923R 4.1 11,514 52.1 50.7 10,591 4*7.9 46.7 589 2.6 Iroquois 16,397 4270 2.6 7,708 48.7 47.0 8,135 51.3 49.6 554 3.4 Jackson 19,977 761R 3.8 10,288 51.9 51.5 9,527 48.1 47.7 162 .8 Jasper 7,294 990D 13.6 3,091 43.1 42.4 4,081 56.9 56.0 122 1.7 Jefferson 16,954 2,929D 17.3 6,945 41.3 4 1.0 9,874 58.7 58.2 135 .8 Jersey 6,641 843D 12.7 2,868 43.6 43.2 3,711 56.4 55.9 62 .9 JoDaviess 10,625 720R 6.8 5,550 53.5 52.2 4,830 46.5 45.5 245 2.3 Johnson 5,882 1 , 049R 17.8 3,458 58.9 58.8 2.409 41.1 41.0 15 .3 Kane 60,787 6,013R 9.9 32,294 55.1 53.1 26,281 44.9 43.2 2,212 3.6 Kankakee 25, 166 1,5 2 60 6.1 10,660 46.7 42.4 12,186 53.3 48.4 2.320 9.2 Kendall 5,441 795R 14.6 2,994 57.7 55.0 2,199 42.3 40.4 248 4.6 Knox 27,976 1 ,497R 5.4 14,401 52.7 51.5 12,904 47.3 46.1 671 2.4 Lake 51,219 3.962R 7.7 26,680 54.0 52.1 22,718 46.0 44.4 1.821 3.6 LaSalle 47,278 2,7870 5.9 21,246 46.9 44.9 24,033 53.1 50.8 1,999 4.2 Lawrence 1 1 ,039 1 ,0^60 9.3 4,928 45.3 44.6 5,954 54.7 53.9 157 1.4 Lee 15,582 2, 139R 13.7 8,626 57.1 55.4 6,487 42.9 41.6 469 3.0 Livingston 19,537 1 ,<>06R 9.8 10,572 5 5.0 54.1 8,666 4 5.0 44.4 299 1.5 Logan 14 ,608 6480 4.4 6,883 4 7.8 47.1 7,531 52.2 51.6 194 1.3 Macon 40,867 10, I39D 24.8 15,126 37.4 37.0 25,265 62.6 61.8 476 1.2 112 SENATOR - 1936 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 23,873 3,644D 15.3 9,470 41 .9 39.7 13,114 58.1 54.9 1,289 5.4 Madison 62,452 18, 104D 29.0 21,550 35.2 34.5 39,654 64.8 63.5 1,248 2.0 Marion 18,445 2,4670 13.4 7,848 43.2 42.5 10,315 56.8 55.9 282 1.5 Marshall 7,596 3680 4.8 3,580 4 7.6 47.1 3,943 52.4 52.0 68 .9 Mason 8,334 1,7980 21.6 3,241 39.1 38.9 5,039 60.9 60.5 54 .6 Massac 6,453 960R 14.9 3,688 5 7.5 57.2 2,728 42.5 42.3 37 .6 McDonough 15,402 1.678R 10.9 8,471 55.5 55.0 6,793 44.5 44.1 138 .9 McHenry 18,766 4,966R 26.5 11,434 63.9 60.9 6,468 36.1 34.5 864 4.6 McLean 37,336 3,2010 8.6 16,677 45.6 44.7 19,878 54.4 53.2 781 2.1 Menard 6,090 310 .5 3,007 49.7 49.4 3,038 50.3 49.9 45 .7 Mercer 9,286 586R o.3 4,881 53.2 52.6 4,295 46.8 46.3 110 1.2 Monroe 6,482 76R 1.2 3,224 50.6 49.7 3,148 49.4 43.6 110 1.7 Montgomery Morgan Moultrie 18,101 1.908D 10.5 7,823 44.6 43.2 9,731 55.4 53.8 547 3.0 18,060 7430 4. 1 8,590 47.9 47.6 9,333 52.1 51.7 137 .8 6,934 955D 13.8 2,955 43.0 42.6 3,910 57.0 56.4 69 1.0 Ogle 14,875 3,953R 26.6 9,313 63.5 62.6 5,360 36.5 36.0 202 1.4 Peoria 69,138 16,6070 24.0 25,554 37.7 37.0 42,161 62.3 61.0 1.423 2.1 Perry Piatt 12,424 1,388D 11.2 5,414 44.3 43.6 6,802 55.7 54.7 208 1.7 7,842 860 1.1 3,849 49.4 49.1 3,935 50.6 50.2 58 .7 Pike 13,416 2.656D 19.8 5,307 40.0 39.6 7,963 60.0 59.4 146 1.1 Pope 4,404 1.072R 24.3 2,727 62.2 61.9 1,655 37.8 37.6 22 .5 Pulaski 7,173 70 .1 3,554 50.0 49.5 3,561 50.0 49.6 58 .8 Putnam 2,805 39R 1.4 1,407 50.7 50.2 1,368 49.3 48.8 30 1.1 Randolph Richland 15,041 9410 6.3 6,882 46.8 45.8 7,823 53.2 52.0 336 2.2 8,213 3570 4.3 3,845 47.8 46.8 4,202 52.2 51.1 171 2.1 Rock Island 51,107 12,2960 24.1 19,032 37.8 37.2 31 ,328 62.2 61.3 747 1.5 Saline 19,034 9220 4.8 3,929 47.5 46.9 9,851 52.5 51.8 254 1.3 Sangamon 60,839 2,4660 4. 1 28,375 47.9 46.6 30,841 52.1 50.7 1,623 2.7 Schuyler 6,664 3700 13. 1 2,875 43.4 43.1 3,745 56.6 56.2 44 .7 Scott 4,988 707D 14.2 2,129 42.9 42.7 2,836 57.1 56.9 23 .5 Shelby 13,811 2,331D 16.9 5,643 41.4 40.9 7,974 58.6 57.7 194 1.4 Stark 4,810 621R 12.9 2,692 56.5 56.0 2,071 43.5 43.1 47 1.0 St. Clair 79,115 23,5060 29.7 26,483 34.6 33.5 49,989 65.4 63.2 2,643 3.3 Stephenson 20,624 7380 3.6 9,565 43.1 46.4 10,303 51.9 50.0 756 3.7 Tazewell 23,364 7,0730 30.3 7,977 34.6 34.1 15,050 65.4 64.4 337 1.4 Union 9,971 1,950D 19.6 3,994 40.2 40.1 5,944 59.8 59.6 33 .3 Vermilion 41,958 5,681D 13.5 17,735 43.1 42.3 23,416 56.9 55.8 807 1.9 Wabash 6,778 1,3090 19.3 2,661 40.1 39.3 3,970 59.9 58.6 147 2.2 Warren 12,182 1,495R 12.3 6,772 56.2 55.6 5,277 43.8 43.3 133 1.1 Washington 8,403 6159 7.3 4,426 53.7 52.7 3,811 46.3 45.4 166 2.0 Wayne 10,849 2290 2.1 5,289 48.9 4 8.8 5,516 51.1 50.9 42 .4 White 10,552 2,0970 19.9 4,190 43.0 39.7 6,287 60.0 59.6 75 .7 Whiteside 20,567 4, 882° 23.7 12,438 62.2 60.6 7,556 37.8 36.7 573 2.8 Will 51,965 2,3190 4.5 23,818 4 7.7 45.8 26,137 52.3 50.3 2,010 3.9 Williamson 26,130 1,887D 7.2 11 ,972 46.3 45.8 13,859 53.7 53.0 299 1.1 Winnebago 50,710 1,0450 2. 1 23,882 48.9 47.1 24,927 51.1 49.2 1,901 3.7 Woodford 9,741 178D 1.8 4,729 49.1 48.5 4,907 50.9 50.4 105 1.1 TOTAL 3,794,664 597,7170 15.8 1545,170 41.9 40.7 2142,887 58.1 56.5 106,607 2.8 Downstate 1,854,197 122,4580 6.6 843,120 46 .6 45.5 965,578 53.4 52.1 45,499 2.5 Suburban Cook 309,486 1^,245R 3.3 155,523 51.7 50.3 145,278 48.3 46.9 8,685 2.8 Chicago 1,630,981 485,5040 29.8 546,527 34.6 33.5 1032,031 65.4 63.3 52,423 3.2 113 GOVERNOR - 1936 Total Vote Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County IUIUI *UIC Cast Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 32,901 4,4420 13.5 13,683 43.0 41.6 18,125 57.0 55.1 1,093 3.3 Alexander 12,209 1,3 2 50 10.9 5,392 44.5 44.2 6,717 55.5 55.0 100 .8 Bond 7,737 475R 6.1 4,016 53.1 51.9 3,54 1 46.9 45.8 180 2.3 Boone 7,917 2,933R 3 7 .0 5,297 69.1 66.9 2,364 30.9 29.9 256 3.2 Brown 4,528 1,3170 29.1 1,578 35.3 34.8 2,895 64.7 63.9 55 1.2 Bureau 20,137 2,498R 12.4 11,220 56.3 55.6 3.722 43.7 43.2 245 1.2 Calhoun 4,018 2970 7.4 1,831 46.2 45.6 2 ,128 53.8 53.0 59 1.5 Carroll 9,086 622R 6.8 4,823 53.4 53.1 4,201 46.6 46.2 62 .7 Cass 8,961 ?,422D 27.0 3,234 36.4 36.1 5,656 63.6 63.1 71 .8 Champaign 33,146 1,4490 4.4 15,646 47.8 47.2 17,095 52.2 51.6 405 1.2 Christian 20,287 2,0790 10.2 3,753 44.7 43»2 10,837 55.3 53.4 692 3.4 Clark 11,235 2280 2.0 5,486 49.0 48.8 5,714 51.0 50.9 35 .3 Clay 9,332 900 1.0 4,582 49.5 49.1 4,672 50.5 50.1 78 .8 Clinton 10,913 1 ,0500 9.6 4,525 44.8 41.5 5,575 55.2 51.1 813 7.4 Coles 20,59"i 2,8930 14.1 8,800 42.9 42.7 11,693 57.1 56.8 97 .5 Cook 1 ,935,986 292,6480 14.7 794,559 42.2 40.0 1087,207 57.8 54.7 104,220 5.2 Crawford 11 ,940 533D 4.5 5,659 47.8 47.4 6,192 52.2 51.9 89 .7 Cumberland 6,301 241D 3.8 3,009 43.1 47.8 3,250 51.9 51.6 42 .7 DeKalb 17,817 2, 190R 12.3 9,784 56.3 54.9 7,594 43.7 42.6 439 2.5 DeWitt 10,148 9580 9.4 4,569 45.3 45.0 5,527 54.7 54.5 52 .5 Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards 9,592 2190 2.3 4,667 43.9 48.7 4,886 51.1 50.9 39 .4 50,903 8,823R 17.3 28,774 59.1 56.5 19,951 40.9 39.2 2,178 4.3 14,668 5ieo 3.5 7,024 48.2 47.9 7,542 51.8 51.4 102 .7 5,037 609R 12.1 2,790 56.1 55.4 2,181 43.9 43.3 66 1.3 Effingham 10,369 1,5680 15.1 4,353 42.4 42.0 5,921 57.6 57.1 95 .9 Fayette 12,815 3590 2.8 6,188 43.6 48.3 6,547 51.4 51.1 80 .6 Ford 8,242 996R 12.1 4,555 56.1 55.3 3,559 43.9 43.2 128 1.6 Franklin 26,271 3,1030 11.8 11,322 44.0 43.1 14,425 56.0 54.9 524 2.0 Fulton 22,775 1,7000 7.5 10,355 46.2 45.5 12,055 53.8 52.9 365 1.6 Gallatin 5,669 1,6390 28.9 1,993 35.4 35.2 3,632 64.6 64.1 44 .8 Greene 10,392 2.544D 24.5 3,889 37.7 37.4 6,433 62.3 61.9 70 .7 Grundy Hamilton 9,802 1.287R 13.1 5,392 56.8 55.0 4,105 43.2 41.9 305 3.1 7,529 9080 12.1 3,288 43.9 43.7 4,196 56.1 55.7 45 .6 Hancock 15,090 513D 3.4 7,181 43.3 47.6 7,694 51.7 51.0 215 1.4 Hardin 3,Q87 41R 1.0 2,006 50.5 50.3 1,965 49.5 49.3 16 .4 Henderson 5, 140 124R 2.4 2,614 51.2 50.9 2,490 48.8 48.4 36 .7 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 23,123 1,216R 5.3 11,915 52.7 51.5 10,699 47.3 46.3 509 2.2 16,956 44R .3 S,287 50.1 48.9 8,243 49.9 48.6 426 2.5 20,138 344R 1.7 10,156 50.9 50.5 9,822 49.1 48.8 150 .7 7,445 9140 12.3 3,233 43.8 43.4 4,147 56.2 55.7 65 .9 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 17,340 2, 748D 15.8 7,24 7 42.0 41.8 9,995 58.0 57.6 98 .6 6,934 751D 10.8 3,064 44.5 44.2 3,815 55.5 55.0 55 .8 10,832 991R 9.1 5,819 54.7 53.7 4,828 45.3 44.6 185 1.7 6,001 1,104R 18.4 3,547 59.2 59.1 2,443 40.8 40.7 11 .2 62,156 6.884R 11.1 33,560 5 5.7 54.0 26.676 44.3 42.9 1,920 3.1 Kankakee 25,638 6590 2.6 11 ,646 48.6 45.3 12,305 51.4 47.9 1,737 6.8 Kendall 5,603 720R 12.9 3,068 56.6 54.8 2,348 43.4 41.9 187 3.3 Knox 28,633 2,388R 8.3 15,264 54.2 53.2 12,876 45.8 44.9 543 1.9 Lake 52,704 7,233R 13.7 28,383 57.2 54.8 21,650 42.8 41.1 2,171 4.1 LaSalle 49,603 1 , 1490 2.3 23,408 48.8 47.2 24,557 51.2 49.5 1,638 3.3 Lawrence 11,268 9430 8.4 5,115 45.8 45.4 6,058 54.2 53.8 95 .8 Lee 16,095 2,086R 13.0 8,926 56.6 55.5 6,840 43.4 42.5 329 2.0 Livingston Logan Macon 19,979 1,804R 9.0 10,754 54.6 53.8 8,950 45.4 44. e 275 1.4 14,974 9890 6.6 6,925 46.7 46.2 7,914 53.3 52.9 135 .9 42,241 11, 1140 26.3 15,381 36.7 36.4 26,495 63.3 62.7 365 .9 114 GOVERNOR - 1936 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 25,323 1.701D 6.7 11 ,234 46.5 44.4 12,935 53.5 51.1 1,154 4.6 Madison 64,422 16,6060 25.8 23,438 36.9 36.4 40,044 63.1 62.2 940 1.5 Marion 18,922 2»240D 11.8 8,240 44.0 43.5 10,480 56.0 55.4 202 1.1 Marshall 7,729 228D 2.9 3,735 48.5 48.3 3,963 51.5 51.3 31 .4 Mason 8,638 1,6440 19.0 3,477 40.4 40.3 5,121 59.6 59.3 40 .5 Massac 6,738 964R 14.3 3,835 57.2 56.9 2,871 42.8 42.6 32 .5 McDonough 15,763 1,616R 10.3 8,637 55.2 54.8 7,021 44.8 44.5 105 .7 McHenry 19,334 5.207R 26.9 1 1 ,845 64.1 61.3 6,638 35.9 34.3 851 4.4 McLean 38,481 4.020D 10.4 16,930 44.7 44.0 20,950 55.3 54.4 601 1.6 Menard 6,218 69R 1. 1 3,127 50.6 50.3 3,058 49.4 49.2 33 .5 Mercer 9,564 337R 3.5 4,913 51.8 51.4 4,576 48.2 47.8 75 .8 Monroe 6,698 133R 2.0 3,369 51.0 50.3 3,2 36 49.0 48.3 93 1.4 Montgomery 18,581 1,419D 7.6 8,370 46.1 45.0 9,789 53.9 52.7 422 2.3 Morgan 18,419 734D 4.0 8,796 48.0 47.3 9,530 52.0 51.7 93 .5 Moultrie 7,121 902D 12.7 3,088 43.6 43.4 3,990 56.4 56.0 43 .6 Ogle 15,320 3,896R 25.4 9,531 62.8 62.2 5,635 37.2 36.8 154 1.0 Peoria 72,169 13,4150 13.6 23,312 40.6 39.9 42,227 59.4 58.5 1,130 1.6 Perry 12,659 1,3140 10.4 5,572 44.7 44.0 6,886 55.3 54.4 201 1.6 Piatt 7,974 41R .5 3,989 50.3 50.0 3,948 49.7 49.5 37 .5 Pike 13,806 2,9760 21.6 5,352 39.1 38.8 8,328 60.9 60.3 126 .9 Pope 4,491 1.053R 23.4 2,757 61.8 61.4 1 ,704 38.2 37.9 30 .7 Pulaski 7,363 13D .2 3,655 49.9 4 9.6 3,668 50.1 49.8 40 .5 Putnam 2,873 93R 3.2 1,476 51.6 51.4 1,383 48.4 48.1 14 .5 Randolph 15,491 5810 3.8 7,327 43. 1 4 7.3 7,903 51.9 51.0 256 1.7 Richland 8,381 389D 4.6 3,924 47.6 46.3 4,313 52.4 51.5 144 1.7 Rock Island 52,161 12,0850 23.2 19,749 33.3 3 7.9- 31,3 34 61.7 61.0 573 1.1 Saline 19,451 6C9D 3.1 9,394 4 3.4 47.8 9,913 51.6 51.0 2 34 1.2 Sangamon 62,577 2,3240 3.7 29,564 48.1 47.2 31 ,38d 51.9 51.3 1,125 1.8 Schuyler 6,790 879D 12.9 2,94 1 4 3.5 43.3 3,820 56.5 56.3 29 .4 Scott 5,079 672D 13.2 2,196 43.4 4 3.2 2,868 56.6 56.5 15 .3 Shelby 14,098 2,362D 16.8 5,800 41 .5 41.1 8,162 58.5 57.9 136 1.0 Stark 4,929 633R 12.8 2,770 56.4 56.2 2,137 43.6 43.4 22 .4 St. Clair 81,388 17.623D 21.7 30,920 38.9 38.0 48,543 61.1 59.6 1,925 2.4 Stephenson 21,153 426D 2.0 10,042 49.0 47.5 10,463 51.0 49.5 54 3 3.0 Tazewell 24,221 6,6890 27.6 8,617 36.0 35.5 15,306 64.0 63.2 293 1.2 Union 10,283 1.9100 18.6 4,166 40.7 4C.5 6,0 T 6 59.2 59.1 41 .4 Vermilion 42, .943 5,2080 12.1 13,551 43.8 43.2 23,759 56.2 55.3 633 1.5 Wabash 6,958 1,2060 17.3 2,830 41.2 40.7 4 , ? 6 58.8 53.0 92 1.3 Warren 12,345 1 ,3199 10.7 6,777 55.4 54.'-) 5,453 44.6 44.2 110 .9 Washington 8,571 8439 9.3 4,555 55.0 54.3 3,812 4 5.0 4 4 . 5 104 1.2 Wayne 11,101 4340 3.9 5,320 48.0 47.9 5,7 5'; 52.0 51.8 27 .2 White 10,794 2,9480 19.0 4,347 4 0.5 40.3 6,395 59.5 59.2 52 .5 Whiteside 20,939 4,969R 23.7 12,721 62.1 60.3 7,752 37.9 37.0 466 2.2 Will 53,216 2,464D 4.6 2 4,447 47.6 45.9 26,911 52.4 50.6 1,553 3.5 Williamson 26,804 1,4190 5.3 12,564 47.3 46.9 13,983 52.7 52.2 257 i.O Winnebago 52,389 815D 1.6 24,996 49.2 47.7 25,311 50.6 49.3 1.532 3.0 Woodford 10,021 960 1.0 4,92° 49.5 49.2 5,025 50.5 5C.1 67 .7 TOTAL 3,891,972 335, 1750 9.9 1682,685 44.9 43.2 2067,861 55.1 53.1 141,426 3.6 Downs tate 1 ,905,986 92,5280 4.9 888,126 47.5 4 6.6 980,654 52.5 51.5 :> 7 ,206 2.0 Suburban Cook 319,552 2 7.04 2R 8.5 167,444 54.4 52.4 14 0,402 45.6 43.9 11,706 3.7 Chicago 1,666,434 319,6900 19.2 627,115 39.8 37.6 946,8^5 50.2 56.8 92,514 5.6 115 SUMMARY -1938 SENATOR Party Republican Democratic Candidate Richard J. Lyons Scott W. Lucas Total Vote Cook County 1,542,574 715,072 1,638,166 918,857 Counties Downstate Carried 827,502 61 719,309 41 Prohibition Enoch A. Holtwick 10,707 4,810 5,897 STATE TREASURER Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican William R. McCauley 1,490,659 695,671 794,988 59 Democratic Louie E. Lewis 1,595,354 904,124 691,230 43 Prohibition Clay F. Gaumer 9,733 4,022 5,711 117 SENATOR - 1938 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 23,199 9970 4.3 11,067 47.8 47.7 12,064 52.2 52.0 68 .3 Alexander 11.016 700 .6 5,44 9 49.7 49.5 5,519 50.3 50.1 48 .4 Bond 6,972 412R 5.9 3,378 53.2 48.5 2,966 46.8 42.5 628 9.0 Boone 6,126 2, 875R 46.9 4,494 73.5 73.4 1,619 26.5 26.4 13 .2 Brown 3,326 7590 22.8 1 ,275 38.5 38.3 2,034 61.5 61.2 17 .5 Bureau 16,328 3,0C7R 18.4 9,644 59.2 59.1 6,637 40.8 40.6 47 .3 Calhoun 3,457 205D 5.9 1,614 47.0 46.7 1 ,819 53.0 52.6 24 .7 Carroll 6,711 1,572R 23.4 4,133 61 .7 61.6 2,561 38.3 38.2 17 .3 Cass 7,409 1.014D 13.7 3,184 43.1 43.0 4,198 56.9 56.7 27 .4 Champaign 27,383 2,639R 9.6 14,958 54.8 54.6 12,319. 45.2 45.0 106 .4 Christian 15,849 8560 5.4 7,456 47.3 47.0 8,312 52.7 52.4 81 .5 Clark 9,624 107D 1.1 4,732 49.4 49.2 4,839 50.6 50.3 53 .6 Clay 7,916 110R 1.4 3,990 SO. 7 50.4 3,880 49.3 49.0 46 .6 Clinton 9,595 938D 9.8 4,307 45.1 44.9 5,245 54.9 54.7 43 .4 Coles 16,536 178D 1.1 8,136 49.5 49.3 8,314 50.5 50.4 56 .3 Cook 1,638,739 203, 785D 12.4 715,072 43.8 43.6 918,857 56.2 56.1 4,810 .3 Crawford 10,132 395R 3.9 5,244 52.0 51.8 4,849 48.0 47.9 39 .4 Cumberland 5,536 42D .8 2,739 49.6 49.5 2,781 50.4 50.2 16 .3 DeKalb 13,345 4,355R 32.6 8,830 66.4 66.2 4,475 33.6 33.5 40 .3 DeWitt 8,745 300R 3.4 4,507 51.7 51.5 4,207 48.3 48.1 31 .4 Douglas 8,717 536R 6.1 4,608 53.1 52.9 4,072 46.9 46.7 37 .4 DuPage 40,769 14.899R 36.5 27,769 68.3 68.1 12,870 31.7 31.6 130 .3 Edgar 12,952 273R 2.1 6,601 51.1 51.0 6,328 48.9 48.9 23 .2 Edwards 4, 188 920R 22.0 2,542 61.0 60.7 1,622 39.0 38.7 24 .6 Effingham 8,246 1,563D 1 9 . 3,322 40.5 40.3 4,885 59.5 59.2 39 .5 Fayette 11,040 619D 5.6 5,171 47.2 46.8 5,790 52.8 52.4 79 .7 Ford 6,990 1,802P 25.8 4,391 62.9 62.8 2,589 37.1 37.0 10 .1 Franklin 22,273 1,824D 8.2 10,182 45.9 45.7 12,006 54.1 53.9 85 .4 Fulton 18,870 124R .7 9,459 50.3 50.1 9,335 49.7 49.5 76 .4 Gallatin 4,625 1,3840 29.9 1,602 34.9 34.6 2,986 65.1 64.6 37 .8 Greene 6,911 1 ,7590 25.5 2,567 37.2 37.1 4,326 62.8 62.6 18 .3 Grundy 8,275 2,303R 27.8 5,281 63.9 63.8 2,978 36.1 36.0 16 .2 Hamilton 6,691 230D 3.4 3,217 48.3 48.1 3,447 51.7 51.5 27 .4 Hancock 13,220 674P 5.1 6,925 52.6 52.4 6,251 47.4 47.3 44 .3 Hardin 3,975 1210 3.0 1,917 48.5 48.2 2,038 51.5 51.3 20 .5 Henderson 4,528 416R 9.2 2,464 54.6 54.4 2 ,048 45.4 45.2 16 .4 Henry 18,277 3,404R 18.6 10,803 59.4 59.1 7,399 40.6 40.5 75 .4 Iroquois 14,277 2.424R 17.0 8,326 58.5 58.3 5,902 41.5 41.3 49 .3 Jackson 17,929 401D 2.2 8,725 48.9 48.7 9,126 51.1 50.9 78 .4 Jasper 6,546 675D 10.3 2,921 44.8 44.6 3,596 55.2 54.9 29 .4 Jefferson 14,582 1,2900 8.8 6,601 45.5 45.3 7,891 54.5 54.1 90 .6 Jersey 5,328 5730 10.8 2,368 44.6 44.4 2,941 55.4 55.2 19 .4 JoDaviess 7,756 1,449R 13.7 4,596 59.4 59.3 3,147 40.6 40.6 13 .2 Johnson 5,616 664R 11.8 3,135 55.9 55.8 2,471 44.1 44.0 10 .2 Kane 44,819 16,563R ?7.0 30,649 63.5 68.4 14,086 31.5 31.4 84 .2 Kankakee 22,966 3,5530 15.5 13,228 57.8 57.6 9,675 42.2 42.1 63 .3 Kendall 4,525 1.573R 34.8 3,044 67.4 67.3 1,471 32.6 32.5 10 .2 Knox 24,251 4 ,075R 16.8 14,131 58.4 58.3 10,056 41.6 41.5 64 .3 Lake 45,919 12,043R 26.2 28,953 63.1 63.1 16,910 36.9 36.8 56 .1 LaSalle 43,037 4.563R 10.6 23,675 55.3 55.0 19,112 44.7 44.4 250 .6 Lawrence 9,434 239P 2.5 4,819 51.3 50.8 4,580 48.7 48.3 85 .9 Lee 12,672 3.487R 27.5 8,068 63.8 63.7 4,581 36.2 36.2 23 .2 Livingston 18,5^7 3,387R 18.3 10,927 59.2 59.0 7,540 40.8 40.7 40 .2 Logan Macon 13,417 502R 3.7 6,935 51.9 51.7 6,433 48.1 47.9 49 .4 33,646 176R .5 16,852 50.3 50.1 16,676 49.7 49.6 118 .4 118 SENATOR - 1938 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE -1 Number Perc :nt of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 21.314 2,2390 10.5 9,496 44.7 44.6 11,735 55.3 55.1 83 .4 Madison 49,742 2,8550 5.7 23,334 47.1 46.9 26,189 52.9 52.6 219 .4 Marion 12,357 1, 1500 9.3 5,566 45.3 45.0 6,716 54.7 54.3 75 .6 Marshall 6,287 537R 8.5 3,412 54.3 54.3 2,875 45.7 45.7 .0 Mason 7,466 6790 9.1 3,386 45.4 45.4 4,065 54.6 54.4 15 .2 Massac 6,300 1, 109P 17.6 3,683 58.9 58.5 2,574 41.1 4C.9 43 .7 McDonough 12,541 2.027P 16.2 7,272 58.1 58.0 5.245 41.9 41.8 24 .2 McHenry 16,202 6.828P 42.1 11 ,503 71.1 71.0 4,675 28.9 28.9 24 .1 McLean 28,970 1.634R 5.6 15,255 52.8 52.7 13,621 47.2 47.0 94 .3 Menard 5,666 74R 1.3 2,865 50.7 50.6 2,791 49.3 49.3 10 .2 Mercer 8,026 2, 103R 26.2 5,059 63.1 63.0 2,956 36.9 36.8 11 .1 Monroe 6,248 107R 1.7 3,177 50.9 50.8 3,070 49.1 49.1 1 .0 Montgomery 15,735 7360 4.7 7,434 47.6 47.2 8,170 52.4 51.9 131 .8 Morgan 16,268 257R 1.6 8,250 5 0.8 50.7 7,993 49.2 49.1 25 .2 Moultrie 6,011 463D 7.7 2,755 46.1 4 5.8 3,218 53.9 53.5 38 .6 Ogle 11,286 5.206R 46. 1 8,233 73.1 72.9 3,027 26.9 26.8 26 .2 Peoria 49,370 2,945R 6.0 26,106 53.0 52.9 23,161 47.0 46.9 103 .2 Perry 10,485 1, 1220 10.7 ^,664 44.6 44.5 5,786 55.4 55.2 35 .3 Piatt 6,230 962R 15.^ 3,592 5 7.7 57.7 2,630 42.3 42.2 8 .1 Pike 11,067 2,0850 18.8 ^,463 40.5 40.3 6,548 59.5 59.2 56 .5 Pope 4,095 640R 15.6 2,360 57.8 57.6 1,720 42.2 42.0 15 .4 Pulaski 6,754 369P 5.5 3,556 52.7 52.7 3,187 47.3 47.2 11 .2 Putnam 2,647 368R 13.9 1,506 S7.0 56.9 1,138 43.0 43.0 3 .1 Randolph 14,51? 24R .? 7,253 50.1 50.0 7,229 49.9 49.8 31 .2 Richland 6,816 88R 1.3 3,430 5 0.6 50.3 3.342 49.4 49.0 44 .6 Rock Island 39,031 7 7 30 2.0 19,096 49.0 48.9 19,869 51.0 50.9 66 .2 Saline 18,301 1,4520 7.9 8,391 46. C 45.8 9,843 54.0 53.8 67 .4 Sangamon 54,845 2, 130R 3.9 28,406 51.9 51.8 26,276 48. 1 47.9 163 .3 Schuyler 5,588 4460 8.0 2,558 46.0 4 5.8 3,004 54.0 53.8 26 .5 Scott 4,626 3360 7.3 2,140 46.4 46.3 2,476 53.6 53.5 10 .2 Shelby 11,347 1,1010 9.7 5,075 45.1 4 4.7 6,176 54.9 54.4 96 .8 Stark 3,760 1.084R 28.8 2,419 64.4 64.3 1,335 35.6 35.5 6 .2 St. Clair 59,087 9,2150 15.6 24,863 42.2 42.1 34,078 57.8 57.7 146 .2 Stephenson 17,214 2.986R 17.3 10,086 58.7 58.6 7, 10C 41.3 41.2 28 .2 Tazewell 18,395 1, 1180 6.1 8,611 47.0 46.8 9,729 53.0 52.9 55 .3 Union 7,886 1 , 3440 17.0 3,262 41.5 41.4 4,606 58.5 58.4 18 .2 Vermilion 37,722 1.379R 3.7 19,473 51 .3 51.6 18,094 48.2 48.0 155 .4 Wabash 6,180 5960 9.6 2,750 45.1 44.5 3,346 54.9 54.1 84 1.4 Warren 9,767 1, 749R 17.9 5,748 5 9.C 58.9 3,999 41.0 40.9 20 .2 Washington 7,680 1.735R 22.6 4,694 61.3 61.1 2,959 38.7 38.5 27 .4 Wayne 10,139 766R 7.6 5,426 53.8 53.5 4,660 46.2 46.0 53 .5 White 8,225 2, 1300 25.9 3,029 37.0 36.8 5,159 63.0 62.7 37 .4 Whiteside 15,010 6.066R 4 1.4 10,526 70.2 70.1 4,460 29.8 29.7 24 .2 Will 4 7,820 6, 396R 13.4 27,028 56.7 56.5 20,632 43.3 43.1 160 .3 Williamson 24, 116 4070 1.7 11,804 49.2 48.9 12,211 50.8 50.6 101 .4 Winnebago 39,8 34 7,^14R 19.9 2 3,82-< 6 0.0 59.8 15,9'6 40.1 39.9 103 .3 Woodford 8,740 848R 9.7 4,776 54.9 54.6 3,928 45.1 44.9 36 .4 TOTAL 3,191,447 95,5920 3.C 1542,574 43.5 48.3 1638,166 51.5 51.3 10 707 . 3 Downstate 1,552,708 108, 193R 7.0 827,502 53.5 53.3 719,309 46.5 46.3 5,897 .4 Suburban Cook 242,040 51,492R 21.3 145,956 60.7 6 0.3 94,464 39.3 39.0 1 ,620 .7 Chicago 1,396,699 255.2770 18.3 569,116 4 0.8 40.7 824,393 59.2 59.0 3,190 .2 119 STATE TREASURER - 1938 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number D ercenf County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 22,215 1, 3620 6.2 10,386 46.9 46.3 •11,768 53.1 53.0 61 .3 Alexander 10,711 5 3.0 .5 5,307 4 9.8 49.5 5,360 50.2 50.0 44 .4 Bond 6,702 5 36? 3.0 3,471 5 4 . 2 51.3 2,935 45.8 43.8 296 4.4 Boone 5 , 8 5 2 » 8 3 1 R 48.4 4,333 7 4.3 74.1 1 ,502 25.7 25.7 15 .3 Brown 3,116 9280 29.8 1 ,083 35.0 34.8 2,011 65.0 64.5 22 .7 Bureau 15,870 3047R 19.2 9,434 59.6 59.4 6,387 40.4 40.2 49 .3 Calhoun 3,255 c 70 1.8 1,583 49.1 48.8 1,645 50.9 50.5 22 .7 Carroll 6,4?9 1.695R 26.4 4 , c 3 63.2 63.0 2,358 36.3 36.7 13 .3 Cass 7,054 1, 1200 15.9 2,951 47 .0 4 1.3 4,071 58.0 67.7 32 .5 Champaign 26,356 2, 68 ,r ? 10.2 14,468 55.1 54.9 11 ,785 44. 9 44.7 103 .4 Christian 15,291 963D 6.3 7,123 4 6.8 46.6 8.086 53.2 52.9 82 c Clark 9,3 77 13 70 , 1.5 4,5^4 49.3 4 9.0 4 ,731 50.7 50.5 52 .6 Clay 7,750 125R 1.6 3,913 *o.e 51.5 3,788 49.2 4 8.9 49 .6 Clinton 9,018 1 ,059D 11.7 3,962 44 . 1 4 3.9 5 ,021 55.9 55.7 35 . 4 Coles 16,031 192D 1.2 7,89 1 4 9.4 49.2 8,083 50.6 50.4 57 .4 Cook 1,603,317 2 J 3, 4 5 3D 13.0 695,671 4 3.5 4 3.4 904,124 56.5 56.4 4,022 .3 Crawford 9,911 414R 4.2 5,142 5 2.1 51.9 4,726 4 7.9 47.7 41 • 4 Cumberland 5,390 c io .9 2 ,662 4 9.5 49.4 2,713 50.5 50.3 15 .3 DeKalb 12,537 4 ,04 3R 32.3 8,263 6 6.2 65.9 4,215 33.8 33.6 59 DeWitt 3,485 39^R 4.6 4,426 ■^2.3 52.2 4,032 47.7 4 7.5 27 .3 Douglas 8,461 554R 6.5 4,483 53.3 53.0 3,934 46.7 4 6.5 39 C DuPage 39,315 14,768? 37.6 26,976 68.8 68.6 12,208 31.2 31.1 131 .3 Edgar Edwards 12,542 34R .3 6,275 50.1 50.0 6 ,241 49.9 49.8 26 .2 3,991 862R 22.1 2,425 61.1 60.8 1,543 38.9 38.7 23 .6 Effingham 7,907 1 , 565C 19.8 3,151 '*0.1 39.9 4,716 59.9 59.6 40 .5 Fayette 10,463 6450 6.2 4,878 46.9 4 6.6 5,523 53.1 52.8 62 .6 Ford 6,776 1.840R 27.2 4,302 63.6 63.5 2,462 36.4 36.3 12 .2 Franklin 21,710 2,9730 13.7 9,329 43.1 4 3.0 12,302 56.9 56.7 79 .4 Fulton 17,753 290 .2 6,828 4 9.9 49.7 8,857 50.1 49.9 68 .4 Gallatin 4,337 1, 3290 3 0.3 1,511 34.7 34.4 2,840 65. 3 64.7 36 .8 Greene 6,469 1 ,6610 25.7 2,395 37.1 37.0 4,056 62.9 62.7 18 .3 Grundy 7,926 2 » 4 1 * R 3 0.4 5,163 6 5.2 65.1 2,7 50 34.8 34.7 13 .2 Hamilton 6,487 2 54-1 3.9 3,104 43.0 4 7.8 3,3^8 52.0 51.8 25 .4 Hancock 12,767 6i :? 4.8 6,66? 5 2.4 ^2.2 6,052 47.6 4 7.4 53 .4 Hardin 3,832 1060 2.7 1,879 43.6 4 8.4 1,985 51.4 51.1 13 .5 Henderson 4,591 463R 10.5 2,418 55.3 55.1 1,955 44.7 44.5 IS .4 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 17,641 3,622R 20.5 10,594 50.3 60.1 6,972 39.7 39.5 75 .4 13,3 : 2 2,608R 18.9 8,177 59.5 59.2 5,569 40.5 40.3 56 .4 17,572 5260 3.0 8,479 43.5 48.3 9,005 51.5 51.2 88 .5 6,434 4820 7.5 2,961 46.2 46.0 3,443 53.8 53.5 30 .5 Jefferson Jersey Jo Daviess Johnson Kane 14,226 1,3660 9.6 6,385 45.2 4 4.9 7,751 54.8 54.5 90 .6 5,018 4990 9.9 2,253 45.0 44.8 2,749 5 5.0 54.8 19 .4 7, r 36 1.493R 19.9 4,5 10 6 0.0 59.3 3 ,012 40.0 40.0 14 .2 5,547 6 3 3R 11.5 3,088 55.8 56.7 2,450 44.2 44.2 9 .2 42,339 14,?S7R 33.4 28,614 67.7 67.6 13,627 32.3 32.2 93 .2 Kankakee 21,314 3.2 58R 14.9 12, 57.5 3 7.3 9,245 42.5 4 2.4 66 .3 Kendall 4,317 1,63JR 37.8 2 ,963 68.9 68.8 1,338 31.1 31.0 11 .3 Knox 23,]63 4,224R 18.2 13,657 59.1 59.0 9,433 40.9 4 0.7 73 .3 Lake 43,6^3 i : ,73 0? 24.6 2 7,153 62.3 62.2 16,415 37.7 37.6 75 .2 LaSalle 4~,5~6 4,957R 12.2 22,619 3 6.2 55.3 17,662 43.8 43.6 225 .6 Lawrence 9, 151 267R 2.9 4,672 51.5 51.1 4 ,405 48.5 48.1 74 .8 Lee 12,130 3,393R 2 8.0 7,7/, q 6 4. r ' 6 3.9 4,356 36.0 35.9 25 .2 Livingston Logan 17,936 3, 335R 21.3 10,892 6T.7 6 0.6 7,057 39.3 39.2 37 .2 12,890 497R 3.9 6,667 51.9 51.7 6,170 48.1 47.9 53 .4 Macon 32,537 361R 1.1 16,4^9 "0.6 5 0.4 16,048 49.4 49.2 130 .4 120 STATE TREASURER - 1938 Total Vote Cast Rep. -De Plurali m. y REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Pa rty Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 23,362 2.530D 12.4 8,880 4.1.3 4 3.6 11,410 56.2 . .. .4 Madison 48,6:6 2,2530 4.6 23,070 47.7 47.5 25,325 52.3 52.1 213 • - Marion 11,952 1 , 1 7dD 9.9 5,351 4 5.0 44.3 6,529 55.0 54.6 .'. .6 Marshall 5,981 437=? 7.3 3,209 53.7 53.7 2,772 46.3 46.3 .0 Mason 6,917 6950 1 1. 3,1">3 4 5 . 3,7^8 5 5 . r; . .2 Massac 6,121 1.047R 17.1 3 ,564 5 3.6 • 2,517 4 1.4 4 : . 1 / j 7 McDonough 12.209 2, 185R 17.9 7,185 59.0 5 8 . 9 5 , f C 7 41." 41 ." ?4 McHenry 15,479 6,4^-69 41.7 10,956 7T.9 70.8 4 • " 29.1 79.1 . 1 McLean 27,671 2,7379 10.1 15,181 55.1 54.9 12. 4 4.9 '. ' . 3 ?6 . 3 Menard 5,389 1069 2.0 2 , 74 2 51.0 50.9 2,636 49.0 4 5.7 1 1 • 2 Mercer 7,793 2, ^7 39 2 6.6 4,926 6 3.3 6 3.2 2 , 8 n 3 36. 7 . 1 1 • 2. Monroe 6,2 ; !9 44R .7 3,126 5 . 4 50.3 3,032 49.6 ^.') 1 .0 Montgomery 15,358 8100 5.3 7,223 47.? 47.0 8,0 52.7 . : c ■ .7 Morgan Moultrie 15,433 11 OR .7 7,747 5 1.4 50.2 7,637 49.6 ■ . 5,83: 4950 3.5 2,649 4 5.7 45.4 3,14 4 54.3 . 37 .1 Ogle 10,590 4»804R 4 5.4 7,68 72.8 72.5 2,876 77.7 27.2 34 .2 Peoria 46,783 3, 148R 6.7 2 4,913 53.4 53.3 21,765 4 6.6 4 6.5 105 .2 Perry 10,219 1,1450 11.2 4,52: 4 4 . 4 5,665 55.6 r - 5 . 4 3 ': .3 Piatt 5, ">73 959R 15.8 3,511 57.9 5 7.3 2, c 52 4 2.1 42.0 1 . n Pike 10,429 1,7760 1 7 . 4,299 41.4 41.2 6,075 58.6 58.3 55 • 3 Pope 3,877 6397 16.5 2,251 53.3 58.1 1,612 41.7 41.6 14 • 4 Pulaski 6,493 224R 3.4 3,352 51.7 51.6 3,123 4 8.3 46.2 1 j • t- Putnam 2,554 400R 15.7 1 ,475 c .7.3 57.8 1,0 75 42.2 42.1 4 .2 Randolph 14,295 1950 1.4 7,036 4 9 . 3 ^9.2 7,231 50.7 50.6 23 .2 Richland 6,942 1 , 3739 19.8 4,142 59.9 5 9.7 2,769 40.1 . 31 .4 Rock Island 37,918 9140 2.4 18,455 4o .3 4 3.7 19,369 51.2 51.1 )'; .2 Saline 17,948 1, 5230 8.5 8,177 45.7 45.6 9,700 54. 3 54.: 71 .4 Sangamon 51,435 2, 1G4R 4. 1 26,685 52.1 51.9 24,561 4 7.9 47.8 16^ . 3 Schuyler 5,349 4210 7.9 2 ,44 9 46.0 4 5.8 2,870 54.0 5 3.7 30 .6 Scott 4,522 14 'JO 3.1 2,186 4 8.4 2,3 26 3I.6 5 : . 4 1 ) .2 Shelby 11 ,015 1 , ~>830 9.8 4,921 45. A 44.7 6,004 55.0 3 4 . 5 .0 Stark 3,653 1,12 5 7 3 - . e 2,386 6 5.4 67.3 1,261 J k . 6 34.5 6 .2 St. Clair 56,862 9,6620 17.0 23,527 41 .5 41.4 3 3,189 55.5 . !-'> ■ Stephenson Tazewell 16,627 2,6419 15.9 9,613 53.0 57.3 6,977 ► 2.0 . . 3 2 .2 '.7,255 9620 5.7 8,11 : 4 7.1 4 7.3 9,992 72.9 52.7 c • _*' Union 7,742 1 ,3050 16.- 3,: 41 .6 4 1 . 4 4 ,514 3«,'< ! . i .2 Vermilion 36,325 1,373R 3.8 18,7-2 51.9 51.6 17,3 59 43.1 7 .6 Wabash 5,959 5670 9.5 2 , 6 5 45.2 ■t4 • 5 - ! ; 54.8 5 4 . r . >2 . Warren 9,361 1 ,8039 19.? 5,572 = 9.7 59.5 3,767 4 0.2 2 2 • Washington 7,373 1,2 77o 17.3 4,311 5 3.7 53.5 3,0 34 41.3 • :.." .4 Wayne White 9,871 839R 8.5 5,330 54. 3 54. 4 , •', 9 1 45.7 \ ■ . 5 • i? 7,971 2, 1020 26.4 2,917 36.8 3 6.6 r . , ■■ 1 ' 63.2 53.7 If .<* Whiteside 14,484 5,957R 41.1 10,206 7:. 6 T ~.5 4,249 29.4 ">■•> m 2 Will 45,958 5,981R 13." 2 5,894 5a. 5 56.3 19,913 43.5 . 151 .3 Williamson 23,512 7550 3.2 11,331 43.4 48. 2 12, 86 51.6 . ■ . • 1 Winnebago Woodford 38,027 7.039R 18.5 22,466 5 9.3 59.1 15,427 . . ' 1 J. . 4 8,320 883R 10.6 4,534 53.3 55.1 3,791 44.7 4 -i . 5 35 .4 TOTAL 3,095,746 104,6950 3.4 1490,65° 4 3.3 48.2 15 95,3.4 :■ i . 7 51. > 9,73? . 3 Downstate 1,491,929 103,7589 7.0 794,983 53.5 65.3 691,2 30 46.5 1, . 5,711 .4 Suburban Cook 236,555 51,767R 21.9 143,830 61.0 60. 8 92,063 39.7 . .3 Chicago 1,367,262 260,2200 19.: 551,841 40.5 40.4 812,061 59.5 3,360 .2 121 SUMMARY- 1940 PRESIDENT Co unties Farty Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rriec Republican Wendell L. Willkie 2,047,240 938,454 1,108,786 73 Democratic Franklin D. Roosevelt 2,142,934 1,161,141 981,793 29 Socialist Norman Thomas 10,914 4,908 6,006 Prohibition Roger W. Babson 9,190 2,675 6,515 SENATOR (Special Election) Co unties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican C. Wayland Brooks 2,045,924 959,556 1,086,368 77 Democratic James M. Slattery 2,025,097 1,107,304 917,793 25 Socialist Clarence H. Mayer 6,517 2,281 4,236 Prohibition Enoch A. Holtwick 8,625 3,844 4,731 GOVERNOR Co unties Farty Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Ca rriec Republican Dwight H. Green 2,197,778 1,077,243 1,120,535 80 Democratic Harry B. Hershey 1,940,833 1,014,563 926,270 22 Socialist Arthur G. McDowell 7,523 3,598 3,925 Prohibition Clay F. Gaumer 6,467 2,153 4,314 123 PRESIDENT- 1940 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- forty Vote Total Vote Two- Pa rty Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pel. Vote Adams 36,333 1, 119R 3.1 18,480 51.6 50.9 17,361 48.4 47.8 492 1.4 Alexander 12,988 331D 2.5 6,260 48.7 48.2 6,591 51.3 50.7 137 1.1 Bond 8,285 1,378R 16.6 4,754 53.5 57.4 3 ,376 41.5 40.7 155 1.9 Boone 8,632 4,053R 47.0 6,330 73.5 73.3 2,277 26.5 26.4 25 .3 Brown 4,648 3 7 70 8.1 2,101 45.9 45.2 2 ,478 54.1 53.3 69 1.5 Bureau 21,60 7 4,984R 23.1 13,258 61.6 61.4 8,2 74 38.4 38.3 75 .3 Calhoun 4,158 891R 21.4 2,516 60.8 60.5 1,625 39.2 39.1 17 .4 Carroll IT, 013 2,806P 28.0 6,398 64.0 63.9 3,592 36.0 35.9 23 .2 Cass 9,416 364Q 3.9 4,49 48.1 4 7.7 4,854 51.9 51.6 72 .8 Champaign 38, 144 2,751° 7.2 20,314 53.6 53.3 17,563 4 6.4 46.0 267 .7 Christian 21,862 1 ,2020 5.5 10,255 4 7.2 46.9 11 ,457 52.8 52.4 150 .7 Clark 10,8 36 If 169R 10.8 5,^76 55.4 55.1 4,807 44.6 44.4 53 .5 Clay 10,222 251R 2.5 5,185 51.2 50.7 4 ,934 48.8 48.3 103 1.0 Clinton 12,2 30 3,024? 24.7 7,582 62.5 62.0 4,558 37.5 37.3 90 .7 Coles 22,014 881D 4.0 10,528 48.0 47.8 11 ,409 52.0 51.8 77 .3 Cook 2,107,178 222,687D 10.6 938,454 44 .7 4 4.5 1161 ,141 55.3 55.1 7,583 .4 Crawford 12,805 1 ,333R 10.4 7,036 5 5.2 54.9 5,703 44.8 44.5 66 .5 Cumberland 6,451 239R 3.7 3,330 51.9 51.6 3 ,091 48.1 47.9 30 .5 DeKalb 19,668 5,588R 28.4 12,577 64.3 63.9 6,989 35.7 35.5 102 .5 DeWitt in,R74 425R 4.0 5,477 ^2.0 51.8 5,052 43.0 47.8 45 .4 Douglas 10,031 938R. 9.4 5,451 54.7 54.3 4,513 4 5.3 45.0 67 .7 DuPage 60,049 21,8233 36.3 40,746 68.3 67.9 18,923 31.7 31.5 390 .6 Edgar 14,780 1,272P 8.6 7,985 54.3 54.0 6,713 45.7 45.4 82 .6 Edwards 5,182 1,591R 30.7 3,361 65.5 64.9 1 ,770 34.5 34.2 51 1.0 Effingham 12,006 47D .4 5,94 1 49.8 49.5 5,998 50.2 49.9 77 .6 Fayette 14,915 200R 1.3 7,496 50.7 50.2 7,286 49.3 48.0 143 1.0 Ford 8,862 2,708R 30.6 5,77^ 65.3 65.1 3,062 34.7 34.6 30 .3 Franklin 28,660 2,5870 9.0 12,936 45.5 45.1 15,523 54.5 54.2 201 .7 Fulton 25,228 618R 2.4 12,816 51.2 50.8 12,198 48.8 48.4 214 .8 Gallatin 5,929 7050 11.9 2,588 44.0 43.6 3,293 56.0 55.5 4 8 .8 Greene 10,925 1, 175D 10.8 4,840 44 .6 44.3 6,015 55.4 55.1 70 .6 Grundy 10,741 2,483R 23.2 6,593 61.6 61.4 4,105 38.4 38.2 43 .4 Hamilton 7,748 3 14P 4.1 4,005 52.0 51.7 3,691 -V8.0 47.6 52 .7 Hancock 15,961 2f420R 15.2 9,108 57.7 57.1 6,688 42.3 41.9 165 1.0 Hardin 4,333 359R 8.3 2,333 54.2 53.8 1 ,974 45.8 45.6 26 .6 Henderson 5,281 1.287R 24.4 3,264 62.3 61.8 1 ,977 37.7 37.4 40 .8 Henry 25,648 4,490R 17.5 14,971 53.8 58.4 10,481 41.2 40.9 196 .8 Iroquois 18,191 4 , 1 1 R 22.0 11 ,047 61.1 60.7 7,036 3 8.9 38.7 108 .6 Jackson 21,708 2,380R 11.0 11,980 55.5 55.2 9,600 44.5 44.2 128 .6 Jasper 7,815 393R 5.0 4,082 52.5 52.2 3,689 47.5 47.2 44 .6 Jefferson 19,715 2, 195D 11.1 8,692 4 4.4 44.1 10,887 55.6 55.2 136 .7 Jersey 7,694 266R 3.5 3,958 SI. 7 51.4 3,692 48.3 48.0 4 '4 .6 JoDaviess 11,192 3,421R 30.6 7,285 65.3 65.1 3,864 34.7 34.5 43 .4 Johnson 6,094 1,573R 25.8 3,827 62.9 62.8 2,254 37.1 37.0 13 .2 Kane 67,913 16,273R 24.0 41 ,°49 62.0 61.8 25,676 38.0 37.8 288 .4 Kankakee 29,838 2,282R 7.6 15,998 53.8 53.6 13,716 4 6.2 46.0 124 .4 Kendall 6, 196 2,222R 35.9 4,200 68.0 67.8 1,978 32.0 31.9 18 .3 Knox 30,224 4, 862R 16.1 17,459 58.1 57.8 12,597 41.9 41.7 168 .6 Lake 63,461 13,277R 20. 9 38,242 60.5 60.3 24,965 39.5 39.3 2 54 .4 LaSalle 55,399 4,4180 8.0 25,296 46.0 45.7 29,704 54.0 53.6 399 .7 Lawrence 11 ,833 436R 3.7 6,061 51.9 51.2 5,625 43.1 47.5 147 1.2 Lee 17,285 5,223R 30.2 11,228 65.2 65.0 6,005 34.8 34.7 52 .3 Livingston 21,686 6, 187R 28.5 13,909 *4. 3 64.1 7,722 35.7 35.6 56 .3 Logan 15,725 2, 1769 13.8 8,929 56.9 56.8 6,753 43.1 42.9 43 .3 Macon 47,864 7,5910 15.9 19,993 42.0 41.8 27,589 58.0 57.6 277 .6 124 PRESIDENT- 1940 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 27,610 1,356D 4.9 13,000 47.5 47.1 14,356 52.5 52.0 2 54 .9 Madison 75,924 14,358D 18.9 30,445 40.5 40.1 44,803 59.5 59.0 676 .9 Marion 24,476 3,346D 13.7 10,461 43.1 42.7 13,807 56.9 56.4 203 .8 Marshall 7,910 1, 184R 15. C 4,527 57.5 57.2 3,343 42.5 42.3 40 .5 Mason 8,998 125R 1.4 4,541 50.7 50.5 4,416 49.3 49.1 41 .5 Massac 7,574 1 ,909R 25.2 4,72? 62.7 62.3 2,813 37.3 37.1 39 .5 McDonough 16,217 4.543R 28.0 10,326 64.1 63.7 5,783 35.9 35.7 103 .7 McHenry 22,795 10,31 OR 45.7 16,480 72.3 72.3 6,170 27.2 27.1 145 .6 McLean 40,166 3»841R 9.6 21,365 54.8 54.4 18,024 45.2 44.9 277 .7 Menard 6,458 637R 9.9 3,531 55.0 54.7 2,894 46.0 44.8 33 .5 Mercer 10,204 2,506R 24.6 6,336 62.3 62.1 3,830 37.7 37.5 38 .4 Monroe 7,602 1,928R 25.4 4,754 62.7 62.5 2,826 37.3 37.2 22 .3 Montgomery 20..325 843R 4.1 10,497 52.1 61.6 9,654 4 7.9 47.5 1 74 .9 Morgan 19,283 1 ,055R 5.5 10,137 52.7 52.6 9,082 '.7.3 4 7.1 64 . -* Moultrie 7,373 60D .8 3,636 49.6 49.3 3,696 50.4 50.1 4 1 . 6 Ogle 16,742 7.005R 41.8 11,838 71 .0 70.7 4,833 79.0 23.9 71 .4 Peoria 77,221 7,098Hi 9.2 34,911 45.4 45.2 42 ,009 54.6 54.4 301 .4 Perry 13,837 704} 5.1 7,243 52.6 52.3 6,539 47.4 47.3 55 .4 Piatt 8,159 1 ,000R 12.3 4,564 56.2 55.9 3,564 43.8 43.7 31 .4 Pike 14,441 1.057D 7.3 6,619 46.3 45.8 7,676 53.7 53.2 145 1.0 Pope 4,430 1.4153 31.9 2,914 66.0 65.8 1 ,499 34.0 33.3 17 • 4 Pulaski 8,085 1,133R 14.0 4,589 57.0 56.8 3,456 43.0 42.7 40 Putnam 2,985 583R 19.5 1 ,778 59.8 59.6 1 ,195 40.2 40.0 12 .4 Randolph 17,215 1,531R 8.9 9,333 54.5 54.2 7,802 45.5 45.3 30 .5 Richland 9,446 687R 7.3 5,022 53.7 53.2 4,335 ' + 6.3 45.9 8 9 .9 Rock Island 61,101 9,6110 15.7 25,629 42.1 41.9 35,240 57.9 57.7 232 .4 Saline 21,377 1250 .6 10,567 49.7 <*9.4 10,692 50.3 50.0 113 .6 Sangamon 67,628 3,521R 5.2 35,464 52.6 52.4 31,943 47.4 47.2 221 .3 Schuyler 6,803 860 1.3 3,318 49.4 4 8.8 3 ,404 50.6 50.0 31 1.2 Scott 5,099 93R 1.8 2,585 50.9 50.7 2,492 49. 1 48.9 22 • 4 Shelby 15,197 4540 3.0 7,250 48.5 47.7 7,704 51.5 50.7 243 1.6 Stark 5,225 1,575R 30.1 3,393 65.1 64.9 1,818 34.9 34.8 14 .3 St. Clair 89,891 17,4840 19.5 35,993 40.2 40.0 53.482 59.3 59.5 411 .5 Stephenson 23,045 5,129R 22.3 14,040 61.2 60.9 3,911 38.3 38.7 94 .4 Tazewell 30,159 5,205D 17.3 12,419 41.3 41.2 17,624 58.7 58.4 116 .4 Union 10,800 889D 8.2 4,915 45.9 45.5 5,804 54.1 53.7 81 .3 Vermilion 46,242 1689 .4 23,059 50.2 49.9 22,891 49.8 49.5 292 .6 Wabash 7,965 5280 6.6 3,659 46.6 45.9 4,187 53.4 52.6 119 1.5 Warren 12,735 2,912R 22.9 7,7°0 61.5 51.2 4,678 3 8.5 38.3 6^ .5 Washington 9,222 2,222R 24.1 5,701 62.1 61.8 3,479 37.9 37.7 42 .5 Wayne 12,192 987R 8.1 6,556 54.1 53.8 5,569 4 5.9 45.7 67 .5 White 11 ,493 4500 3.9 5,459 48.0 47.5 5,9 09 52.0 51.4 125 1.1 Whiteside 23,242 3,396R 36. 1 15,752 68.2 67.8 7,356 31.3 31.6 13 4 .6 Will 61,946 2,849R 4.6 32,291 52.3 52.1 29,442 47.7 47.6 213 • 3 Williamson 29,217 2120 .7 14,433 49.6 49.4 14,645 50.4 5C.1 139 r Winnebago 59, 105 2.622R 4.4 30,633 52.2 51.9 28,061 4 7.3 4 7.6 361 .6 Woodford 10,942 2,2619 20.7 6,575 60.4 60.1 4,314 30.6 39.4 53 .5 TOTAL 4,210,278 95,6940 2.3 2047,240 48.9 48.6 2142,934 51.1 50.9 20 104 .5 Downstate 2, 103,100 126,9930 6.0 1108,786 53.0 52.7 981 ,793 4 7.3 46.7 12,521 .6 Suburban Cook 340,299 75,135R 22.1 206,738 61.1 60.8 131,603 33.9 33.7 1,953 .6 Chicago 1 ,766,879 297,8220 15.9 731 ,716 41.5 4 1.4 1 2 9 , 5 3 8 53.5 38.3 5,62 5 • 125 SENATOR - 1940 (Special Election) Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 34,260 1.525R 4.5 17,769 52.2 51.9 16,244 47.8 47.4 247 .7 Alexander 12,231 1540 1.3 5,988 49.4 49.0 6.142 50.6 50.2 101 .8 Bond 7,938 1,243R 15.7 4,473 58.1 56.3 3,230 41.9 40.7 235 3.0 Boone 8,465 4, 186R 49.5 6,315 74.8 74.6 2,129 25.2 25.2 21 .2 Brown 4,426 331D 7.5 2,028 45.2 45.8 2,359 53.8 53.3 39 .9 Bureau 21,131 5,448R 25.8 13,265 62.9 62.8 7,817 37.1 37.0 49 .2 Calhoun 3,891 661R 17.0 2,271 58.5 58.4 1.610 41.5 41.4 10 .3 Carroll 9,32 3 2,974R 31.9 6,142 66.0 65.9 3,168 34.0 34.0 13 .1 Cass 9,02 5 1790 2.0 4,401 49.0 48.8 4,580 51.0 50.7 44 .5 Champaign 35,730 2,864R 8.0 19,215 54.0 53.8 16,3-51 46.0 45.8 164 .5 Christian 20,911 1,01 3D 4.8 9,888 47.6 47.3 10,901 52.4 52.1 122 .6 Clark 10,428 9 OR 8.6 5,644 54.3 54.1 4,744 45.7 45.5 40 .4 Clay 9,754 255R 2.6 4,961 51.3 50.9 4,70b 48.7 48.2 87 .9 Clinton 11 ,689 2,433R 20.8 7,022 60.5 60.1 4,589 39.5 39.3 78 .7 Coles 21,174 7760 3.7 10,177 48.2 48.1 10,953 51.8 51.7 44 .2 Cook 2,072,985 147,7480 7.1 959,556 46.4 46.3 1107,304 53.6 53.4 6,125 .3 Crawford 12,685 1 ,033R 8.1 6,833 54.1 53.9 5,800 45.9 45.7 52 .4 Cumberland 6,286 254R 4.0 3,257 52.0 51.8 3.003 48.0 47.8 26 .4 DeKalb 19,052 5,966R 31.3 12,485 65.7 65.5 6.519 34.3 34.2 48 .3 DeWitt 10,269 519R 5.1 5,3 76 52.5 52.4 4,857 47.5 47.3 36 .4 Douglas 9.800 948R 9.7 5,348 54.9 54.6 4,400 45.1 44.9 52 .5 DuPage 58,785 22,0 54R 37.5 4 0,285 68.8 68.5 18,231 31.2 31.0 269 .5 Edgar 14,333 1, 124R 7.8 7,704 53.9 53.8 6,580 46.1 45.9 49 .3 Edwards 4,760 1.457R 30.6 3,094 65.4 65.0 1.637 34.6 34.4 29 .6 Effingham 11 ,414 322D 2.8 5,512 48.6 48.3 5,854 51.4 51.1 68 .6 Fayette 13,769 22R .2 6,839 50.1 49.7 6,817 49.9 49.5 113 .8 Ford 8,602 2, 582R 30.0 5,583 65.0 64.9 3,001 35.0 34.9 18 .2 Franklin 27,668 2,oi3Ri 7.3 12 ,750 46.3 46.1 14,763 53.7 53.4 155 .6 Fulton 23,630 1 ,038R 4.4 12,269 52.2 51.9 11,231 47.8 47.5 130 .6 Gallatin ■^,746 732D 12.7 2,488 43.6 43.3 3.220 56.4 56.0 38 .7 Greene 10,336 1»C11D 9.8 4,646 45.1 44.9 5.657 54.9 54.7 33 .3 Grundy 10,3 54 2,768R 26.7 6,547 63.4 63.2 3,779 36.6 36.5 28 .3 Hamilton 7,487 248R 3.3 3,845 51.7 51.4 3,597 48.3 48.0 45 .6 Hancock 15,450 2,296R 14.9 8,832 57.5 57.2 6,536 42.5 42.3 82 .5 Hardin 4,235 337R 8.0 2,274 64.0 53.7 1.937 46.0 45.7 24 .6 Henderson 5,002 It 186R 23.7 3,078 61.9 61.5 1.892 38.1 37.8 32 .6 Henry 24,253 4.^59R 18.8 14,337 59.5 59.1 9,778 40.5 40.3 138 .6 Iroquois 17,724 4 , 7 1 P 23.0 10,857 61.5 61.3 6,786 38.5 38.3 81 .5 Jackson 21 ,035 2, 194R 10.4 1 1 ,569 55.2 55.0 9,375 44.8 44.6 91 .4 Jasper 7,551 2C4R 2.7 3 ,862 51.4 51.1 3,658 48.6 48.4 31 .4 Jefferson 19,084 2,0030 10.5 8,494 44.7 44.5 10,497 55.3 55.0 93 .5 Jersey ' 7 ,3 73 365R 5.0 3,352 52.5 52.2 3,487 47.5 47.3 34 .5 JoDaviess 10,319 3.296R 30.5 7 ,040 65.3 65.1 3.744 34.7 34.6 35 .3 Johnson 5,955 1.619R 27.2 3,782 63.6 63.5 2.163 36.4 36.3 10 .2 Kane 65,211 17,755R 27.2 41 ,392 63.7 63.5 23.637 36.3 36.2 182 .3 Kankakee 28,593 3, 123R 10.9 15,806 55.5 55.3 12,683 44.5 44.4 104 .4 Kendall 5,939 2, 172R 36.6 4,052 68.3 68.2 1,880 31.7 31.7 7 .1 Knox 28,955 5,409R 18.7 17,121 59.4 59.1 11,712 40.6 40.4 122 .4 Lake 60,879 14, 737R 24.2 37,722 62.1 52.0 22.985 37.9 37.8 172 .3 LaSalle 52,406 6.0P5R 11.5 29,064 55.8 55.5 23,059 44.2 44.0 283 .5 Lawrence 11,552 i 79R 3. 3 5,901 51.7 51.1 5,522 48.3 47.8 129 1.1 Lee 16,769 5.212R 31. 1 10,971 65.6 65.4 5,759 34.4 34.3 39 .2 Livingston 21,034 5,986R 28.5 13,489 64.3 64.1 7,503 35.7 35.7 42 .2 Logan 15,120 2 , 1 5 1 R 14.2 8,619 57.1 57.0 6,468 42.9 42.8 33 .2 Macon 45,498 5.9450 13. 1 19,679 43.4 43.3 25,624 56.6 56.3 195 .4 126 SENATOR - 1940 (Special Election) Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet Vote Macoupin 26,629 243D .9 13,102 49.5 49.2 13,345 50.5 50.1 182 .7 Madison 73 ,009 11,995D 16.4 30,212 41.7 41.4 42,207 58.3 57.8 590 .8 Marion 23,113 2,963D 12.8 9,994 43.5 4 3.2 12,957 56.5 56.1 162 .7 Marshall 7,638 1.101R 14.4 4,352 67.2 57.0 3,251 42.8 42.6 35 .5 Mason 8,599 509 .5 4,306 50.3 50.1 4,256 49.7 49.5 37 .4 Massac 7,024 1 »928R 27.4 4,466 63.8 63.6 2,538 36.2 36.1 20 . 3 McDonough 15,858 4,260R 26.9 10,022 63.5 63.2 5,762 36.5 36.3 74 .5 McHenry 21 ,805 9,975R 45.7 15,854 72.9 72.7 5,879 27.1 27.0 72 .3 McLean 33,484 4, 3179 11. Z 21,315 55.6 55.4 16,998 44.4 44.2 171 .4 Menard 6,346 669R 10.5 3,498 55.3 55.1 2,829 44.7 44.6 19 .3 Mercer 9,540 2»608R 27.3 6,062 63.7 63.5 3,454 36.3 36.2 24 . 3 Monroe 7,313 1»710R 23.4 4,505 61.7 61.6 2,795 38.3 38.2 13 .2 Montgomery 19,555 599R 3. 1 10,009 51.5 51.2 9,410 48.5 48.1 136 .7 Morgan 18,532 1, 186R 6.4 9,839 53.2 53.1 8,653 46.8 46.7 40 .2 Moultrie 7,123 11R .2 3,548 50.1 49.8 3,537 49.9 49.7 38 .5 Ogle 16, 157 7, 163R 44. 3 11 ,635 72.2 72.0 4,472 27.8 27.7 50 . 3 Peoria 70 ,740 1, 3180 1.4 34,764 4 9.3 49.1 35,782 50.7 50.6 194 .3 Perry 13,418 569R 4.2 6,974 52.1 52.0 6,405 47.9 47.7 39 .3 Piatt 7,953 948R 11.9 4,44 66.0 55.8 3,492 44.0 43.9 21 .3 Pike 14,001 1,034D 7.4 6,439 46.3 46.0 7,473 53.7 53.4 89 .6 Pope 4,2 98 1,357R 31.6 2,820 65.8 65.6 1,463 34.2 34.0 15 . 3 Pulaski 7,560 1 » 131R 15.0 4,327 57.5 57.2 3,196 42.5 42.3 37 .5 Putnam 2,903 559R 19.3 1,728 59.6 59.5 1,169 40.4 40.3 6 .2 Randolph 16,896 1,394R 8.3 9,119 54.1 54.0 7,725 45.9 45.7 52 .3 Richland 9,171 696R 7.6 4,900 53.8 53.4 4,204 46.2 45.8 67 .7 Rock Island 59,038 7,060D 12.0 25,899 44.0 43.9 32,959 56.0 55.8 180 .3 Saline 20,697 124R .6 10,368 ^0.3 50.1 10,244 49.7 49.5 85 .4 Sangamon 64,339 6.396R 9.9 35,299 55.0 54.9 28,903 45.0 44.9 137 .2 Schuyler 6,568 1500 2.3 3,180 48.8 48.4 3,330 51.2 50.7 58 .9 Scott 4,874 81R 1.7 2,472 50.8 50.7 2,391 49.2 49.1 11 .2 Shelby 14,629 463D 3.2 6,992 48.4 47.8 7,455 51.6 51.0 182 1.2 Stark 5,077 1,633R 32.2 3,350 66.1 66.0 1,717 33.9 33.8 10 .2 St. Clair 85,664 14,308D 16.7 35,520 41.6 41.5 49,828 58.4 58.2 316 .4 Stephenson 22,405 4, 842R 21.6 13,590 60.8 60.7 8,748 39.2 39.0 67 .3 Tazewell 28,507 3.967D 13.9 12,224 43.0 42.9 16,191 57.0 56.8 92 .3 Union 10,528 953D 9.1 4,753 45.4 45.1 6,706 54.6 54.2 69 .7 Vermilion 43,765 962R 2.2 22,253 51.1 50.8 21,291 48.9 48.6 221 .5 Wabash 7,596 549D 7.2 3,468 46.3 45.7 4,017 53.7 52.9 111 1.5 Warren 12,514 2, 372R 2 3.0 7,662 61.5 61.2 4,790 38.5 3 8.3 62 .5 Washington 9,025 2,258R 25.0 5,630 62.5 62.4 3,372 37.5 37.4 23 .3 Wayne 11,729 1 ,014R 8.6 6,34 7 54.3 54.1 5,333 45.7 45.5 49 .4 White 10,775 3240 3.0 5,179 48.5 48.1 5,503 51.5 51.1 93 .9 Whiteside 22,632 8, 541R 37.7 15,543 68.9 63.7 7,002 31.1 30.9 87 .<* Will 58,393 4,961R 8.5 31 ,594 54.3 54.1 26,633 45.7 45.6 166 .3 Williamson 27,823 30R . 1 13,883 50.1 49.9 13,853 49.9 49.8 87 .3 Winnebago 56,896 4,435R 7.8 30,539 53.9 53.7 26,104 46.1 45.9 253 .4 Woodford 10 ,250 2, 143R 20.9 6,180 60.5 60.3 4,037 39.5 (9.4 33 .3 TOTAL 4,086,163 20,827R .5 2045,924 50.3 50.1 2025,097 j 49.7 49.6 15,142 .4 Downstate 2,013,178 168.575R 8.4 1086,368 64.2 54.0 917,793 45.8 45.6 9,017 .4 Suburban Cook 343, 157 69, 531R 20.3 204,685 60.2 59.6 135,154 39.8 39.4 3,318 1.0 Chicago 1 ,729,828 217, 2790 12.6 754,871 43.7 43.6 972,150 56.3 56.2 2,807 .2 127 GOVERNOR - 1940 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pc». Vote Adams 35,172 1,655R 4.7 18,296 52.4 52.0 16,641 47.6 47.3 235 .7 Alexander 12,424 2120 1.7 6 ,061 49.1 43.8 6,273 50.9 50.5 90 .7 Bond 8, 136 1 ,fH5R 12.8 4,529 56.5 5 5.7 3,4 84 43.5 42.8 123 1.5 Boone 8,581 4, 244R 49.5 6,401 7^.8 74.6 2,157 25.2 25.1 23 .3 Brown 4,557 4 4 50 9.8 2 ,037 4 5.1 44.7 2,482 64.9 54.5 38 .8 Bureau 21,404 5,336R 24.9 13,349 62.5 62.4 8,013 37.5 37.4 42 .2 Calhoun 4,n03 539R 13.5 2,266 56.7 56.6 1,727 43.3 43.1 10 .2 Carroll 9,631 2,997R 31.1 6,308 65.6 6^.5 3,311 34.4 34. 4 12 .1 Cass 9,210 34R .4 4,600 50.2 49.9 4,566 49.8 49.6 44 .5 Champaign 36,486 4, 445R 12.2 20,398 56.1 55.9 15,953 4 3.? 43.7 135 .4 Christian 21,661 2,0810 9.6 9,739 45.2 45.0 11 ,820 54.8 54.6 102 .5 Clark 10,617 825R 7.8 5,702 53.9 53.7 4 ,877 46. 1 45.9 38 .4 Clay 9,880 287R 2.9 5,045 51.5 51.1 4,758 43.5 48.2 77 .8 Clinton 12,121 1 ,855R 15.3 6,952 ^7.7 57.3 5,0Q7 42.3 42.0 72 .6 Coles 21,580 2390 1. 1 10,652 49.4 49.4 10,891 50.6 50.5 37 .2 Cook 2,097,557 62,680R 3.0 1077,243 51.5 51.4 1014,563 43.5 48.4 5,751 .3 Crawford 12,920 883R 5.8 6,877 53.4 53.2 5,9 94 46.6 46.4 49 .4 Cumberland 6,380 274R 4.3 3,316 52.2 52.0 3,042 47.8 47.7 22 .3 DeKalb 19,386 6, 397R 33. C 12,867 66.5 66.4 6,470 33.5 33.4 49 .3 DeWitt 10,447 585R 5.6 5 ,500 52.8 52.6 4,915 47.7 47.0 32 .3 Douglas 9,959 1, 169R 11.7 5,542 55.9 55.6 4,373 44.1 4 3.9 44 .4 DuPage 59,484 26,431R 44.6 42,867 72.3 72.1 16,386 27.7 27.5 231 .4 Edgar 14,514 1,281R 3.8 7,874 54 .4 54.3 6,593 45.6 45.4 47 .3 Edwards 4,861 1 ,382R 28.4 3,110 64.3 64.0 1 ,728 35.7 35.5 23 .5 Effingham 11,830 205D 1.7 5,780 49.1 48.9 5,985 50.9 50.6 55 .5 Fayette 14,119 92D .7 6,965 49.7 49.3 7,057 50.3 50.0 97 .7 Ford 8,761 2, 742R 31.3 5,744 65.7 65.6 3,002 34.3 34.3 15 .2 Franklin 28,321 1,467D 5.2 13,3 54 47.4 47.2 14,821 52.6 52.3 146 .5 Fulton 24,177 1 ,233R 5.1 12,646 52.6 52.3 11 ,413 47.4 4 7.2 118 .5 Gallatin 5,854 7810 13.3 2,519 4 3.3 43.0 3,300 56.7 56.4 35 .6 Greene 10,639 9480 3.9 4,329 45.5 45.4 5,777 54.5 54.3 33 .3 Grundy 10,539 2.999R 28.5 6,755 64.3 64.1 3,756 35.7 35.6 28 .3 Hamilton 7,666 161R 2.1 3,390 51 .1 50.7 3,729 48.9 48.6 4 7 .6 Hancock 15,742 2,0] 1R 12.8 8,34 2 56.4 56.2 6,831 43.6 43.4 69 .4 Hardin 4,293 3 14R 7.3 2,291 53.7 53.4 1 ,977 46. 3 46.1 25 .6 Henderson 5, 114 1, 1119 21.7 3,098 60.9 60.6 1 ,987 39.1 38.9 29 .6 Henry 24,527 4,552R 18.6 14,472 59.3 59.0 9,920 40.7 40.4 135 .6 Iroquois 18,053 4,0 9 2R 22.7 11 ,032 61 .4 61.1 6,940 38.6 38.4 81 .4 Jackson 21,319 2,075R 9.7 11 ,658 54 .9 54.7 9,583 45.1 45.0 78 .4 Jasper 7,746 191R 2.5 3,954 51 .2 51.0 3,763 48.8 48.6 29 .4 Jefferson 19,401 1.775D 9.1 8,767 45.4 45.2 10,542 54.6 54.3 92 .5 Jersey 7,546 387R 5.1 3,950 52.6 52.3 3,^63 4 7.4 47.2 33 .4 JoDaviess 10,963 3.391R 30.9 7,160 65.5 65.3 3,76° 34. 5 34.4 34 .3 Johnson 6,057 1 ,595P 26.3 3,821 6 3.2 63.1 2,226 36.8 36.8 10 .2 Kane 66,288 18,979R 23.6 42,547 64.4 64.2 23,568 35.6 35.6 173 .3 Kankakee 28,966 3,208' 11.1 16,040 55.6 55.4 12,832 44.4 44.3 94 .3 Kendall 6,014 2,335R 33.8 4,171 69.4 69.4 1,836 30.6 30.5 7 .1 Knox 29,516 5,807R 19.7 17,603 59.9 59.6 11,796 40.1 40.0 117 .4 Lake 62,218 17,575R 28.2 39,818 64.2 64.0 22,243 35.8 35.8 157 .3 LaSalle 53,970 6 , 4 3 5 R 11.9 30,^64 56.0 55.7 23,629 44.0 4 3.8 277 .5 Lawrence 11,721 296R 2.5 5,955 51.3 50.3 5,659 48.7 48.3 107 .9 Lee 17,110 5, 249R 30.7 11,159 65.4 65.2 5,910 34.6 34.5 41 .2 Livingston 21,344 5,855R 27.4 13,583 63.7 63.6 7,728 36.3 36.2 33 .2 Logan 15,583 2,216R 14.2 8,982 57.1 57.0 6,666 42.9 42.8 35 .2 Macon 46,822 3,8970 3.3 21 ,371 45.8 45.6 25,268 54.2 54.0 183 . 4 128 GOVERNOR - 1940 Total Vote Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County of Total Cast Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 27,277 1.050R 3.8 14,086 51.9 51.6 13,336 48.1 '*7.8 155 .6 Madison 74,378 10,536D 14.2 31 ,635 42.9 42.5 42,171 57.1 ^6.7 572 .8 Marion 23,657 3,2370 13.7 10, 1 34 43.1 42.8 13,371 56.9 66.5 152 .6 Marshall 7,820 1 . 197R 15.3 4,492 67.7 57.4 3 ,?o^ 42.3 4 2.1 33 .4 Mason 8,836 460 .5 4,426 5 0.3 50.1 4,370 49.7 40.6 32 .4 Massac 7,242 1.917R 26.5 4,570 6 3.3 63.1 2,663 36.7 36.6 19 .3 McDonough 16,012 3,722R 23.2 9,333 61 .7 61.4 6,111 38.3 33.2 63 .4 McHenry 22,210 9,892R 44.5 16,016 7?. 3 72.1 6,124 27.7 77.6 70 .3 McLean 39,307 4,671R 11.9 21 ,013 56.0 55.7 17,24? 44.0 4 3.9 152 .4 Menard 6,423 645R 10.0 3,527 *5.0 54.9 2,882 4 5.0 44.9 14 -> Mercer 9,747 2,645R 27.1 6,184 63.6 63.4 3,53° 36.4 36.3 .^4 .2 Monroe 7,454 1,393R 13.7 4,416 59.4 59.2 3,023 40.6 4 0.6 15 .2 Montgomery 20,233 965R 4.8 10,541 5 2.4 52.1 9,576 47.6 '7.3 116 .6 Morgan 18,953 1, 170R 6.2 10,042 53.1 53.0 8, 872 46.0 46.8 39 .2 Moultrie 7,286 80R 1.1 3,669 50.6 50.4 3,589 4 . 4 4 9.3 28 .4 Ogle 16,410 7.463R 45.5 11 ,914 72.8 72.6 4,451 27.2 27.1 4 5 .3 Peoria 72,950 2,899R 4.0 37,835 52.0 51.9 34,936 48.0 4 7.9 179 .2 Perry 13,686 509R 3.7 7,080 51.9 51.7 6,571 48.1 48. C 35 .3 Piatt 8,074 1, 128R 14.0 4,590 57.0 56.8 3,462 43.0 42.9 22 .3 Pike 14,275 1*2510 8.8 6,469 45.6 45.3 7,720 54.4 c 4.1 86 .6 Pope 4,356 1,304R 29.9 2,822 6 5.0 64.8 1,518 35.0 34.8 16 .4 Pulaski 7,672 1 ,076R 14.0 4,357 67.^ 56.8 3,2 81 43.0 42.8 3 4 .4 Putnam 2,943 564R 19.2 1,751 5 9.6 59.5 1,187 40.4 4 0.3 5 .2 Randolph 17,142 1,124R 6.6 9.108 53.3 53.1 7,9 84 46.7 46.6 50 .3 Richland 9,344 608R 6.5 4,945 53.3 52.9 4,337 46.7 46.4 62 .7 Rock Island 60,044 5,6700 9.4 27,102 45.3 45.1 32,772 54.7 54.6 170 .3 Saline 21 ,005 194R .9 10,660 60.5 50.3 10,366 4 9.5 49.4 79 • 4 Sangamon 66, 177 7,450R 11.3 36,74 7 55.6 55.5 29,2-97 44.4 44.3 133 .2 Schuyler 6,697 1250 1.9 3,263 49.1 48.7 3,388 50. 50.6 4 6 .7 Scott 4,988 169R 3.4 2,574 51 .7 51.6 2 » 4 6 48.3 48.2 9 .2 Shelby 14,920 1020 .7 7,321 4 9.7 49.1 7,423 50.3 4 9.8 176 1.2 Stark 5,136 1,662R 32.4 3,394 66.2 66.1 1,732 33.8 33.7 10 .2 St. Clair 87,293 14,2710 16.3 36,361 41 .8 41.7 50,632 58.2 53.0 3"i .3 Stephenson 22,733 5.227R 23.0 13,951 61.5 61.4 8,724 38.5 38.4 58 .3 Tazewell 29,381 2,909D 9.9 13,201 45.0 44.9 16,110 55.0 54.8 70 .2 Union 10,695 1OM0 9.7 4,793 45.1 44.8 5,834 64.9 54.5 68 .6 Vermilion 44,492 1- 381R 3.1 22,827 51 .6 51.3 21 ,446 43.4 4 8.2 210 .5 Wabash 7,723 6280 8.1 3,503 45.9 45.4 4,131 54. 1 "^3.5 30 1.2 Warren 12,663 ?,985R 23.6 7,80] 61 .3 61.6 4,816 33.2 Q 8.o 4 6 .4 Washington 9,161 2,065R 22.5 5,601 61 .3 61.1 3,535 38.7 33.6 26 .3 Wayne 11 ,910 815Q 6.8 6,337 5 3.4 5 3.2 5,522 4 6.6 46.4 6 1 .4 White 11,160 4890 4.4 5,292 47.3 4 7.4 5,781 52.2 51.8 87 .8 Whiteside 22,889 8,478R 37.0 16,639 68.6 68.3 7,161 31 .4 3 : . 3 qr; .4 Will 59,929 5,167R P. 6 32,468 c 4 .3 54.2 27, ^ni 4 6.7 45.6 Ifcfj .3 Williamson 28,368 236R .8 14,?58 5 0." 50.3 14,022 49.6 49.4 8P 1 Winnebago 57,923 6,085R 10.5 31 ,897 65.3 55.1 25,812 44.7 44.6 214 .4 Woodford 10.437 2 , 1 6 1 R ?0.7 6,284 60.4 60.2 4,123 39.6 TO. 5 30 . 3 TOTAL 4,152,601 255,9459 6.2 2197,778 53.1 52.9 1940,833 46.9 46.7 13,990 .3 Downstate 2,055,044 194,2659 ".5 1120,^36 ^4 .7 54.5 926,270 4 5.3 46.1 8,2^0 .4 Suburban Cook 344,879 104.383R 30.3 223, °06 65.2 64.9 119,623 ^4.P 34.7 1,460 .4 Chicago 1,752,678 41,7030 2.4 853,337 48 .3 48.7 896 ,04 r 51.2 51.1 4,?ri .2 129 SENATOR Party Republican Democratic Candidate C. Wayland Brooks Raymond S. McKeough Prohibition Enoch A- Holtwick SUMMARY- 1942 Counties Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried 1,582,887 738,919 843,968 93 1,380,011 850,949 529,062 9 10,331 3,228 7,103 STATE TREASURER Party Candidate Republican William G. Stratton Democratic W. D. Forsyth Prohibition William J. Goodman Counties Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried 1,553,944 728,375 825,569 92 1,300,091 813,963 486,128 10 10,537 3,669 6,868 131 SENATOR - 1942 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 22,911 2,189R 9.6 12,505 54.8 54.6 10,316 45.2 45.0 90 .4 Alexander 9,778 2450 2.5 4,741 48.7 48.5 4,986 51.3 51.0 51 .5 Bond 5,706 1, 348R 23.6 3,350 62.6 58.7 2,002 37.4 35.1 354 6.2 Boone 5,287 3,650R 69.0 4,461 84.6 84.4 811 15.4 15.3 15 .3 Brown 3,069 2370 ■7.7 1,402 46.1 45.7 1,639 53.9 53.4 28 .9 Bureau 14,465 5,949R 41.1 10,193 70.6 70.5 4,244 29.4 29.3 28 .2 Calhoun 2,855 620R 21.7 1,725 61.0 60.4 1,105 39.0 38.7 25 .9 Carroll 5,663 3,222R 56.9 4,435 78.5 78.3 1,213 21.5 21.4 15 .3 Cass 6,574 163R 2.5 3,354 51.2 51.0 3.191 48.8 48.5 29 .4 Champaign 24,674 5.274R 21.4 14,904 60.7 60.4 9,630 39.3 39.0 140 .6 Christian 14,913 305D 2.0 7,233 49.0 4 8.5 7,538 51.0 50.5 142 1.0 Clark 3,032 1.357R 16.9 4,6^3 58.5 58.2 3,316 41.5 41.3 43 .5 Clay 7,133 921R 12.9 3,980 56.5 55.8 3,059 43.5 42.9 94 1.3 Clinton 9, 154 3, 132R 34.2 6,121 6,7.2 66.9 2,989 32.8 32.7 44 .5 Coles 14,811 1, 323R 3.9 8,023 54.5 54.2 6,7Q5 45.5 45.3 78 .5 Cook 1,593,096 112 ,030D 7.0 733,919 46.5 46.4 850,949 53.5 53.4 3,228 .2 Crawford 9, 147 985R 10.8 5,042 55.4 55.1 4,057 44.6 44.4 48 .5 Cumberland 4,871 4?6R 8.7 2,637 54.4 54.1 2,211 45.6 45.4 23 .5 DeKalb 12,491 6, 31 OR 50.5 9,369 75.4 75.0 3,059 24.6 24.5 63 .5 DeWitt 6,873 1,443R 21.0 4, 138 60.6 60.2 2,695 39.4 39.2 37 .5 Douglas 7,066 1,411R 20.0 4,219 60.0 59.7 2,808 40.0 39.7 39 .6 DuPage 44,583 20,905R 46.8 32,717 73.5 73.2 11,812 26.5 26.4 154 .3 Edgar 10,502 2,108R 20.1 6,289 60.1 59.9 4,181 39.9 39.8 32 .3 Edwards 3,053 1 ,596R 55.6 2,358 78.1 77.2 662 21.9 21.7 33 1.1 Effingham 3,616 622R 7.2 4,593 63.6 53.3 3,9*71 46.4 46.1 52 .6 Fayette 11,236 586R 5.2 5,846 52.6 52.0 5,260 47.4 46.8 130 1.2 Ford 6,502 3, 146R 48.4 4,818 74.2 74.1 1,672 25.8 25.7 12 .2 Franklin 19,144 1.617R 3.4 10,299 54.3 53.8 8,682 45.7 45.4 163 .9 Fulton 16,817 2,535R 15.1 9,617 57.6 57.2 7,082 42.4 42.1 118 .7 Gallatin 3,736 52R 1.4 1 ,879 50.7 50.3 1,827 49.3 48.9 30 .8 Greene 6,434 225R 3.5 3,345 51.7 51.6 3,120 48.3 48.1 19 .3 Grundy 7,849 3,4 70R 44.2 5,656 72.1 72.1 2,186 27.9 27.9 7 .1 Hamilton 5,692 663R 11.6 3,159 55.9 55.5 2,496 44.1 43.9 37 .7 Hancock 11,328 2,683R 23.7 6,969 61.9 61.5 4,286 38.1 37.8 73 .6 Hardin 3,105 638R 20.5 1 ,859 60.4 59.9 1,221 39.6 39.3 25 .8 Henderson 3,633 1 ,099R 30.2 2,361 65.2 64.9 1,262 34.8 34.7 15 .4 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 16,335 c; ,470R 33.5 10,870 66.8 66.5 5,400 33.2 33.1 65 .4 12,157 6, 177R 53.8 9,145 75.5 75.2 2,968 24.5 24.4 44 .4 '4,127 3,701R 26.2 8,873 63.2 62.8 5,172 36.8 36.6 82 .6 6,179 393R 6.4 3,275 53.2 53.0 2,882 46.8 46.6 22 .4 Jefferson 13,495 86D .6 6,665 49.7 49.4 6,751 50.3 50.0 79 .6 Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 5,443 687R 12.6 3,057 56.3 56.2 2,370 43.7 43.5 16 .3 7,044 3, 155R 44.8 5,081 72.5 72.1 1,926 27.5 27.3 37 .5 3,979 1,671R 42.0 2,816 71.1 70.8 1,145 28.9 28.8 18 .5 40,3 60 18.512R 4 5.9 29,379 73.0 72.8 10,867 27.0 26.9 114 .3 Kankakee 19,336 8, 125R 4 1.9 13,710 71.1 70.7 5,535 28.9 28.8 91 .5 Kendall 4,264 2.314R 54.3 3,281 77.2 76.9 967 22.8 22.7 16 .4 Knox 20,242 6,582R 32.5 13,378 66.3 66.1 6,796 33.7 33.6 68 .3 Lake 41,968 15,309R 36.5 28,592 68.3 68.1 13,283 31.7 31.7 93 .2 LaSalle 36,290 12, 117R 33.4 24,120 66.8 66.5 12,003 33.2 33.1 167 .5 Lawrence 7,647 1 ,5C3R 19.9 4,461 60.1 59.1 2,958 39.9 39.2 128 1.7 Lee 11 ,488 5.983R 52.1 8,727 76.1 76.0 2,744 23.9 23.9 17 .1 Livingston Logan Macon 14,317 6,667R 4 6.6 10,465 73.4 73.1 3,798 26.6 26.5 54 .4 11 ,242 3.054R 27.2 7, 138 63.6 63.5 4,084 36.4 36.3 20 .2 27,996 2,5340 9.1 12,625 45.4 45.1 15,159 54.6 54.1 212 .8 132 SENATOR - 1942 Total Vote Cast Rep -Dem Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 19,264 1 ,629R 8.5 10,400 54.2 54.0 8,771 45.8 45.5 93 .5 Madison 46,546 1, 147D 2.5 22,552 48.8 48.5 23,699 51.2 50.9 295 .6 Marion 15,596 774R 5.0 8,103 52.5 5 2.0 7,329 47.5 47.0 164 1.1 Marshall 6,048 1 ,700R 28. 1 3,872 64.1 64.0 2,172 35.9 35.9 4 .1 Mason 6,503 1,1 10R 17.1 3,795 58.6 58.4 2,685 41.4 41.3 23 .4 Massac 3,907 1 ,974R 50.5 2,929 75.4 75.0 955 24.6 24.4 23 .6 McDonough 13,288 3.936R 38.3 7,092 69.2 68.9 3,156 30.8 30.7 40 .4 McHenry 15,939 9.721R 61.0 12,814 80.6 80.4 3,093 19.4 19.4 32 .2 McLean 23,033 6, 564R 28.5 14,734 54.3 64.0 8,170 35.7 35.5 129 .6 Menard 4,529 917R 20.2 2,715 60.2 59.9 1,798 39.8 39.7 16 .4 Mercer 6,980 2.528R 36.2 4,730 68.2 67.8 2,202 31.8 31.5 48 .7 Monroe 5,604 1,566R 27.9 3,583 64.0 63.9 2,017 36.0 36.0 4 .1 Montgomery 14,548 1 »627R 11.2 8,007 55.7 55.0 6,380 44.3 43.9 161 1.1 Morgan 14,514 2.0C2R 13.8 8,238 56.9 56.8 6,236 43.1 43.0 40 .3 Moultrie 5, 142 555R 10.8 2 ,822 55.5 54.9 2,267 44.5 44.1 53 1.0 Ogle 10,611 6.355R 59.9 8,459 80.1 79.7 2,104 19.9 19.8 48 .5 Peoria 37,368 10.824R 29.0 24,030 64.5 64.3 13,206 35.5 35.3 132 .4 Perry 9,135 1,738R 19.0 5,412 59.6 59.2 3,674 40.4 40.2 49 .5 Piatt 5,381 1 ,03*,R 19.2 3,198 59.6 59.4 2,164 40.4 40.2 19 .4 Pike 9,473 144R 1.5 4,775 50.8 50.4 4,631 49.2 48.9 67 .7 Pope 3,003 1,452R 48.4 2,221 74.3 74.0 769 25.7 25.6 13 .4 Pulaski 4,664 1 ,986R 42.6 3,313 71.4 71.0 1,327 28.6 28.5 24 .5 Putnam 2,180 809R 37.1 1 ,491 68.6 68.4 682 31.4 31.3 7 .3 Randolph 12,568 1,832R 14.6 7,181 57.3 57.1 5,349 42.7 42.6 38 .3 Richland 6,988 1,039R 14.9 3,987 57.5 57.1 2,948 42.5 42.2 53 .8 Rock Island 41 ,467 2,416R 5.8 21 ,876 52.9 52.8 19,460 47.1 46.9 131 .3 Saline 14,718 1 ,485R 10.1 8,063 55.1 54.8 6,578 44.9 44.7 77 .5 Sangamon 48,152 8,221R 17.1 28,106 58.6 58.4 19,885 41.4 41.3 161 .3 Schuyler 4,905 440R 9.0 2,647 54.5 54.0 2,207 45.5 45.0 51 1.0 Scott 3,851 350R 9.1 2 ,094 54.6 54.4 1,744 45.4 45.3 13 .3 Shelby 10,962 367R 3.3 5,585 51.7 50.9 5,218 48.3 47.6 159 1.5 Stark 3,067 1.659R 54. 1 2,359 77.1 76.9 700 22.9 22.8 8 .3 St. Clair 59,797 1 ,088D 1.3 29,277 49.1 49.0 30,365 50.9 50.8 155 .3 Stephenson 13,825 5, 189R 37.5 9,474 68.9 68.5 4,285 31.1 31.0 66 .5 Tazewell 17,759 946R 5.3 9,301 52.7 52.4 8,355 47.3 47.0 103 .6 Union 6,866 73D 1.1 3,388 49.5 49.3 3,461 50.5 50.4 17 .2 Vermilion 29,562 7,525R 25.5 18,443 62.8 62.4 10,918 37.2 36.9 201 .7 Wabash 5,079 R56R 16.9 2 ,928 58.6 57.6 2,072 41.4 4C.8 79 1.6 Warren 8,454 2,985R 35.3 5,690 67.8 67.3 2,705 32.2 32.0 59 .7 Washington 6,843 .:,730R 39.9 4,765 70.1 6 9.6 2,035 29.9 29.7 43 .6 Wayne 8,385 1.704R 2 0.3 5,022 60.2 59.9 3,318 39.8 39.6 45 .5 White 8,272 521R 6.3 4,366 53.2 52.8 3,845 46.8 46.5 61 .7 Whiteside 14,370 9, 364R 65.2 11 ,851 82.7 82.5 2,487 17.3 17.3 32 .2 Will 41,484 10,904R 26.3 26,131 63.2 63.0 15,227 36.3 36.7 126 .3 Williamson 17,974 3,269R 18.2 10,577 59.1 58.8 7,308 40.9 40.7 89 .5 Winnebago 34,717 10.111R 29.1 22,324 64.6 64.3 12,213 35.4 35.2 130 .5 Woodford 8,098 2,575R 31.8 5,315 66.0 65.6 2,740 34.0 33.8 43 .5 TOTAL 2,973,229 202,876R 6.8 1582,887 53.4 53.2 1380,011 46.6 46.4 10 331 .3 Downstate 1 ,380,133 314.906P 22.8 843,968 61.5 61.2 529,062 38.5 36.3 7,103 .5 Suburban Cook 249,023 65,729R 2 6.4 157,108 63.2 63.1 91 ,379 36.8 36.7 536 .2 Chicago 1,344,073 177,7590 13.2 581,811 43.4 43.3 759,570 56.6 56.5 2,692 .2 133 STATE TREASURER - 1942 County Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan Macon Total Vote Cast 21 7 5 5 2 13 2 5 6 23 14 7 6 8 14 1.546 8 4 11 6 6 43 10 2 10 6 18 15 3 6 7 5 m 3 3 15 11 13 5 13 5 6 3 38 18 4 19 40 33 7 10 13 10 27 486 305 461 096 890 970 693 425 191 632 105 777 814 542 325 007 973 700 734 680 824 645 104 882 060 596 243 007 4 70 499 56 619 349 900 005 472 856 693 619 990 130 212 641 849 295 592 096 457 615 468 317 999 942 803 246 Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE Number Pet. 2.807R 1.425R 1, 146R 3,7n2R 284D 6,068R 544R 3,3C6R 102D 5,783R 5640 1 ,095R 955R 2.480R 1 , 564R 85, 588D 1,198R 431R 6,667R 1.542R 1.576R 23, 360R 1,794R 1,688R 303R 3 56R 3,337R 1,503R 2, 666R 3 4D 60 3,737R 579R 2.481R 607R 1,175R 5,9^7R 6,403R 3, 642R 306R 9950 626R 3, 151R 1,627R 19,913R 8,78-iR 2, 557R 7, 746R 18, n4R 12,865R 1,464R 6,u96R 7, 104R 2.969R 1,0833 13.1 19.5 21.0 72.6 9.8 43.4 20.2 60.9 1.6 24.5 4.0 14.1 14.0 29.0 10.9 5.5 13.4 9.2 56.6 23.1 23.1 53.5 17. R 5 8.6 3.8 3.4 53.5 8.3 17.2 1.0 .1 49.0 10.8 22.8 20.2 33.8 37.4 54.8 26.7 5.1 7.5 12.0 47.4 42.3 52.0 47.2 62.4 39.8 44.6 38.4 2 .0 5 5.4 51.0 2^.5 4.0 Number Percent of Two- Party Vote 12 4 3 4 1 10 1 4 3 14 6 4 j 5 7 728 5 2 9 4 4 33 5 2 4 5 4 9 9 1 3 5 2 6 1 2 10 9 6 2 4 2 29 13 3 13 29 23 4 8 10 6 12 104 339 206 392 287 003 606 357 029 62^ 709 411 838 492 907 375 158 554 191 094 179 435 935 267 153 419 784 677 J 713 15 674 94 6 646 795 317 660 024 592 136 054 911 879 73 042 637 3 1° 568 32 9 092 329 540 499 R75 972 56.6 5 9.8 60.9 36.4 4 5.0 71.3 60.2 80.6 4?. 2 62.3 4 8.0 57.1 57.1 64 .6 S5.5 4 7.2 56.7 54.6 7 3.5 61 .6 61.6 76.3 5 3.9 79.7 51.9 51.7 76.8 64.2 53.7 50. C 74.5 ^5.4 61 .5 6 0.2 5 7.0 63.8 77.5 63.4 52.6 46.2 5 6 . ^3.3 71.2 ^6.1 73.7 31.3 70.0 7?. 4 65.3 6 0.2 77.7 75.6 63.8 4 3 . Total Vote DEMOCRATIC VOTE Number Percent of Two- Party Vote 56.3 59.4 58.7 86.2 44.5 71.6 59.6 30.3 4 8.9 61.9 4 7.6 56.7 56.3 64.3 55.2 47.1 56. 54.3 78.0 61.3 61.2 76.6 5 8.7 73.7 51.5 51.1 76.6 53.7 58.2 4 9.1 49.3 74.5 5 5.1 61.0 66.7 68.5 77.2 63.1 r ' 2 . 4 45.9 55.9 73.5 70.9 75.8 7 1.3 81.0 69.7 70.2 69.0 59.2 77.6 75.3 63.6 4 7.6 3 1 1 3 3 7 3 2 3 6 313 3 2 2 2 2 10 4 11 10 2 2 3 3 14 297 914 60 690 571 935 062 051 131 84C 273 3 16 843 012 3 43 963 86" 123 5 24 552 6 3 075 141 579 850 063 447 174 3 34 752 021 937 367 165 183 142 923 621 950 3 30 n 4 5 230 723 103 120 857 762 822 195 2^7 865 444 395 906 ,055 43.4 40.2 39. 1 13.6 55.0 23.2 39.8 19.4 50.8 37.7 52.0 4 2.9 42.9 35.4 44.5 52.8 43.3 45.4 21.5 3 8.4 38.4 23.2 41.1 20.3 48.1 Total Vote OTHER VOTE Number 43.3 39.9 37.7 13.5 5 4.4 28.2 39.4 19.4 50.6 3^.4 51.6 4 2.6 4 2.3 35.3 4 4.3 52.6 43.0 45.2 21.4 3 8.2 33.1 23.1 41.0 20.1 47. o 48. 3 4 7.3 23.2 23.2 45.8 4 5.4 41.3 40.9 50.5 50. 1 50.0 49.9 25.5 2 5.4 44.6 44.3 33.5 38.2 39.3 39.5 33.0 32.9 31.2 .- 1 . 22. 5 22.4 36.6 36.3 47.4 47.2 53.3 53.5 4 4 . ;, -.3.3 26.2 26.^ 23.8 26.7 23.9 2 3.3 26.3 26. I IS." I?. 6 3 0.0 2 9. ; 2 7.6 2 7.6 30.7 30.6 39.8 39.2 22.3 22.2 24.4 24.4 36.2 36.2 52.0 51. 6 35 52 10 5 14 3 2 32 25 17 31 159 123 50 93 3 3 lb 3,659 55 2 3 6° 34 42 135 2S 3 6 57 114 12 156 136 2 3 3 36 3i 22 13 7 3 4 8 77 24 7? 16 3 4 16 124 93 15 -> T 91 1 4 9 12 3 15 43 22 J i 134 STATE TREASURER - 1942 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Patty Vote Total Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 18,701 1 , 5 4 1 R 8.2 10,0 76 . . 1 53.9 3,535 45.9 4 5.6 90 .5 Madison ^4,731 538R 1.2 22, 50.6 50.3 21,962 49.4 49.1 269 .6 Marion 14,551 321R 2.2 7,353 51.1 50.5 7,032 4 3.9 46.3 166 1.1 Marshall 5,856 1 ,656R 28.3 3,754 64 .1 64. 1 2,098 35.9 35.8 4 .1 Mason 6,049 1 ,044R 17.3 3,534 58.7 58.4 2,49 41. 3 41.2 25 .4 Massac 3,555 1»853R 52.1 2,693 76.2 75.8 840 23.8 23.6 22 .6 McDonough 9,984 4, 119R 41.3 7,030 70.7 70.4 2,911 29.3 29.2 43 .4 McHenry 15,423 10, 119R 65.6 12,742 82.9 82.6 2,623 17.1 17.0 53 .4 McLean 22,082 8,622R 39.0 15,295 69.6 69.3 6,673 30.4 30.2 114 .5 Menard 4,392 729R 16.6 2,556 58.3 58.2 1,827 41.7 4 1.6 9 .2 Mercer 6,776 2,7?"R 40. 1 4,725 70.2 69.7 2,005 > • . 8 29.6 46 .7 Monroe 5,434 1,472R 27.1 3,451 63.6 63.5 1,979 36.4 36.4 4 .1 Montgomery 13,899 1,577R 11.3 7,672 55.7 55.2 6,095 44.3 43.9 132 .9 Morgan 13,847 2>293R 16.6 3,053 53.3 58.2 5,760 41.7 41.6 34 .2 Moultrie 4,862 578R 11.9 2 ,694 56.0 5 5.4 2,116 44.0 43.5 52 1.1 Ogle 10,054 6,6 "'^R 65.7 8,306 33.0 82.6 1 ,702 17.0 16.9 46 .5 Peoria 35,363 13.127R 37.1 24,177 63.6 68.4 11,050 31.4 31.2 136 .4 Perry 8,808 1,584R 18.0 5,172 59.0 58.7 3,538 41.0 40.7 43 .5 Piatt 5,163 1,470R 2 3.5 3,309 64.3 64.1 1,839 35.7 35.6 15 .3 Pike 9,012 20R .2 4,483 5 0.1 ■49.7 4,463 49.9 49.5 66 .7 Pope 2,867 1,408R 49. 1 2,132 74.6 74.4 724 25.4 25.3 11 .4 Pulaski 4,368 1.884R 43.1 3,115 71.7 71.3 1 ,231 28.3 23.2 22' .5 Putnam 2,074 316R 39.3 1 ,441 69.7 69.5 625 30.3 3 0.1 3 .4 Randolph 12,049 1,716R 14.2 6,863 57.1 57.0 5, 147 42.9 42.7 39 .3 Richland 6,698 801R 12.0 3,725 56.0 55.6 2,924 44.0 43.7 49 .7 Rock Island 39,451 3,566R 9.0 21,440 54.5 54.3 17,8 74 45.5 45.3 137 .3 Saline 14,157 1.300R 9.2 7,690 5 4.6 54.3 6,390 45.4 45.1 77 .5 Sangamon 47,086 3,278R 17.6 27,601 53.8 58.6 19,323 41.2 41.0 162 .3 Schuyler 4,620 3 64R 7.9 2,468 54 .0 5 3.4 2,104 4 6.0 45.5 43 1.0 Scott 3,661 3579 9.8 2,002 54.9 5 4.7 1,645 45.1 44.9 14 .4 Shelby 10 ,468 262R 2.5 5,292 51.3 50.6 5,030 43. 7 48.1 146 1.4 Stark 2,977 1W39R 58.4 2,354 79.3 79.1 615 20.7 20.7 8 .3 St. Clair 56,946 601D 1 .1 28,088 49.5 49.3 28,689 50.5 50.4 169 .3 Stephenson 13,373 6,313R 47.2 9,814 73.7 73.4 3,496 26.3 26.1 63 .5 Tazewell 16,726 2,040R 12.2 9,34 56.1 55.8 7,300 43.9 43.6 86 .5 Union 6,600 130D 2.0 3,227 49.0 48.9 3,357 51.0 50.9 16 .2 Vermilion 28,038 8,450R 30.1 18,148 65.2 64.7 9,698 34.8 34.6 192 .7 Wabash 4,830 691R 14.3 2,720 57.3 56.3 2,029 42.7 42.0 81 1.7 Warren 8,112 3,226R 39.8 5,64 3 7 0.. 6Q.6 2,417 30.0 29.8 52 .6 Washington 6,428 2.535R 39.4 4,461 69.8 69.4 1,926 30.2 3C.0 41 .6 Wayne 3, 187 1.733R 21.2 4,939 60.6 60.3 3,206 39.4 39.2 42 .5 White 7,963 325R 4.1 4,114 52.1 51.7 3,789 47.9 47.6 60 .8 Whiteside 13,834 9,319R 67.4 11,562 33.8 83.6 2,243 16.2 16.2 29 .2 Will 39,816 11,368R 28.6 25,529 64.3 64.1 14,161 35.7 35.6 126 .3 Williamson 17,250 3,277R 19.3 10,213 59.6 59.2 6,936 40.4 40.2 101 .6 Winnebago 33,195 11,5J7R 34.7 22,263 67.4 67.1 10,746 32.6 32.4 136 .6 Woodford 7,799 2,753R 35.5 5,262 67.8 67.5 2,494 32.2 32.0 43 .6 TOTAL 2,364,572 253.853R 8.9 1553,944 54.4 54.2 1300 091 45.6 45.4 10 537 .4 Downstate 1 ,318,565 339.441R 25.7 825,569 62.9 62.6 486,128 37.1 36.9 6,868 .5 Suburban Cook 242,5 3 72,427R 29.9 157,085 65.0 64.8 84,658 35.0 34.9 787 .3 Chicago 1 ,303,477 158,0150 12.1 571,290 43.9 43.8 729,305 56.1 56.0 2,882 .2 135 SUMMARY- 1944 PRESIDENT Party Republican Democratic Candidate Thomas E. Dewey Franklin D. Roosevelt Counties Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried 1,939,314 924,659 1,014,655 85 2,079,479 1,275,367 804,112 17 Socialist Labor Edward A. Teichert Prohibition Claude A. Watson 9,677 7,411 4,232 1,933 5,445 5,478 SENATOR Party Republican Democratic Candidate Richard J. Lyons Scott W. Lucas Total Vote Cook County 1,841,793 892,632 2,059,023 1,254,747 Downstate 949,161 804,276 Counties Carried 80 22 Socialist Labor Frank Schnur Prohibition Enoch A. Holtwick 7,312 5,798 3,618 1,684 3,694 4,114 GOVERNOR Party Republican Democratic Candidate Dwight H. Green Thomas J. Courtney Counties Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried 2,013,270 995,504 1,017,766 90 1,940,999 1,186,498 754,501 12 Socialist Labor Charles Storm Prohibition Willis R. Wilson 6,906 5,590 3,679 1,674 3,227 3,916 137 PRESIDENT- 1944 County Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan Macon 7 32 1 9 8 n i 2,206 10 5 1 60 12 4 10 437 44 110 750 463 191 617 106 210 357 035 775 069 250 119 1»361R 23* 179R 1 ,907R 1.819R 854R 11 7 23 20 4 9 6 13 3 4 22 15 16 6 16 6 9 4 62 26 5 26 61 51 9 15 1 12 42 7 605 213 229 295 574 876 551 378 438 255 761 648 791 624 551 486 797 833 236 688 701 16 J 310 878 305 317 719 852 569 897R 3 ,047R 2 2860 171R 1020 7D 2 766R 668R 2 634R 667R 1 14 5R 4 409R 5 221R 3 267R 311R 5800 636R 3 l£7R 1 .776R 5 .327R 3 .914R 2 »349R 5 »894R .221R 6 »690R 1 » 188R 5 >498R 6 »2C5R 3 »087R 3 »200D 43.5 32.0 33.4 38.0 53.8 45.7 120 29.8 18 50.2 173 44.2 166 50.6 47 49.3 45 35.9 22 44.5 55 39.9 68 39.8 31 36.4 10 40.1 92 33.0 91 40.1 54 47.4 29 51.3 139 44.9 30 33.7 34 31.5 13 37.5 185 42.5 SO 29.3 6 39.5 126 4 1.5 133 41.4 2.210 43.0 111 32.0 21 33.3 52 37.9 29 53.6 153 138 PRESIDENT- 1944 Totol Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 23,683 3790 1.6 11,572 49.2 48.9 11 ,?51 50.8 50.5 160 .7 Madison 68,872 11,7150 17.0 28,399 41.5 41.2 40,114 58.5 58.2 359 .5 Marion 19,640 6710 3.4 9,408 48.3 47.9 10,0 79 51.7 51.3 153 .8 Marshall 6,801 1,599R 23.5 4,195 61.8 61.7 2,596 38.2 38.2 10 -1 Mason 7,262 677R 9. 3 3,959 '■-.4.7 54.5 3,282 4 5.3 45.2 21 .3 Massac 5,648 2,056R 36.4 3,814 68.4 67.5 1,758 31.6 31.1 76 1.3 McDonough 13,616 4.531P 33.3 9,028 66.8 66.3 4 .497 33.2 33.0 91 .7 McHenry 21,299 10.099R 47.4 15,666. 73.8 73.6 5,567 26.2 26.1 66 .3 McLean 33,562 5,355R 16.0 19,366 5 8 v . 57.7 14,011 42.0 41.7 185 .6 Menard 4,926 1, 125R 22.8 3,013 61.5 61.2 1 ,888 38.5 38.3 25 .5 Mercer 8,978 2.390R 26.6 5,667 63.4 63.1 3,277 36.6 36.5 34 .4 Monroe 6,109 1,964R 32.1 4,032 66.1 66.0 2,068 33.9 33.9 9 .1 Montgomery 17,045 1, 134R 6.7 8,989 53.4 52.7 7,855 46.6 46.1 201 1.2 Morgan 15,930 1 ,958R 12.3 8,923 56.2 56.0 6,965 43.8 43.7 42 .3 Moultrie 6,079 327P 5.4 3,180 52.7 52.3 2,853 4 7.3 46.9 46 .3 Ogle 14,712 6,729R 45.7 10,680 73.0 72.6 3,951 2^.0 26.9 81 .6 Peoria 67,251 1,334R 2.0 34,171 51.0 50.8 32,837 49.0 48.8 243 .4 Perry 10,946 1 ,559R 14.2 6,236 57.1 57.0 4,677 42.9 42.7 33 .3 Piatt 6,588 1,271R 19.3 3,912 59.7 59.4 2,641 40.3 40.1 35 .5 Pike 11,532 2000 1.7 5,633 49.1 48.8 5,833 50.9 50.6 56 .6 Pope 3,158 1,492R 47.2 2,305 73.9 73.0 813 26.1 25.7 40 1.3 Pulaski 5,598 937R 16.7 3,248 58.4 5 8.0 2,311 41.6 41.3 39 .7 Putnam 2,396 656R 27.4 1 ,521 63.7 63.5 865 36.3 36.1 10 .4 Randolph 13,756 1,319R 9.6 7,518 54.8 54.7 6,199 45.2 45.1 39 .3 Richland 7,514 1.719R 22.9 4,577 61 .6 60.9 2,858 38.4 38.0 79 1.1 Rock Island 54,262 6, 1220 11.3 23,980 44.3 44.2 30,102 55.7 55.5 180 .3 Saline 16,539 1.732R 10.5 9,083 ■^5.3 54.9 7,351 44.7 44.4 105 .6 Sangamon 61,745 4, 158R 6.7 32,871 5 3.4 53.2 28,713 46.6 46.5 161 .3 Schuyler 5,405 246R 4.6 2,801 52.3 51.8 2,555 47.7 47.3 4 9 .9 Scott 4,058 321R 7.9 2,185 54.0 53.8 1,864 46.0 45.9 9 .2 Shelby 12,243 282R 2.3 6,201 51 .2 50.6 5,919 4 8.8 48.3 123 1.0 Stark 4,458 1,649R 37.0 3,050 68.5 68.4 1 ,401 31.5 31.4 7 .2 St. Clair 82,209 14, 7680 18.0 33,557 4 1.0 40.8 48,325 59.0 58.8 327 .4 Stephenson 19,821 4, 193R 21.2 11,948 60.6 60.3 7,755 39.4 39.1 118 .6 Tazewell 27,039 1,8810 7.0 12,531 46.5 46.3 14,412 53.5 53.3 96 .4 Union 8,527 2530 3.0 4,114 43.5 48.2 4,367 51.5 51.2 46 .5 Vermilion 39,454 2,407R 6.1 20,794 53.1 52.7 18,387 46.9 46.6 273 .7 Wabash 6,603 47^R 7.1 3,496 53.6 52.9 3 ,026 4 6.4 45.8 81 1.2 Warren 11,050 3, 159R 28.6 7,085 64.3 64.1 3,926 35.7 35.5 39 .4 Washington 8,186 2,705R 33.0 5,428 66.6 66.3 2,723 33.4 33.3 35 .4 Wayne 9,763 1.664R 17.0 5,683 53.6 58.2 4,019 41.4 41.2 61 .6 White 10,052 317R 3.2 5,139 51 .6 51.1 4,822 48.4 48.0 91 .9 Whiteside 19,888 8,607R 43.3 14,162 71 .8 71.2 5,555 28.2 27.9 171 .9 Will 57,453 2,973R 5.2 30,058 52.6 52.3 :7,085 47.4 4 7.1 310 .5 Williamson 22,671 2,620R 11.6 12,594 55.8 55.6 9,9 74 44.2 44.0 103 .5 Winnebago 58,945 3,006R 5.1 30,837 ^2.6 52.3 27,831 47.4 47.2 277 .5 Woodford 9,787 2.723R 27.8 6,237 64.0 63.7 3,514 36.0 35.9 36 .4 TOTAL 4,035,881 140, 1650 3.5 1939,314 48.3 48.1 2079,479 51.7 51.5 17,088 .4 Downstate 1 ,829,690 210.543R 11.5 1014,655 55.8 ^5.5 804,112 44.2 4 3.9 1C 923 .6 Suburban Cook 376,129 65, 128R 17.3 219,949 58.7 58.5 154,821 41,3 41.2 1,359 .4 Chicago 1,830,062 415,8360 22.7 704,710 33.6 38.5 1120,546 61.4 61.2 4,806 .3 139 SENATOR - 1944 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Porty Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 28,035 665D 2.4 13,635 48.8 48.6 14,300 51.2 51.0 100 .4 Alexander 9.633 81R .8 4,631 50.4 48.1 4,550 49.6 47.2 452 4.7 Bond 6,438 1,1 10R 17.2 3,659 58.9 56.8 2,549 41.1 39.6 230 3.6 Boone 7,631 ?,488R 45.7 5,552 72.9 72.8 2.064 27.1 27.0 15 .2 Brown 3,491 3790 10.9 1 ,548 44.5 44.3 1 .927 55.5 55.2 16 .5 Bureau 18,406 4,326" 23.5 11 ,343 61.8 61.7 7,022 38.2 38.2 36 .2 Calhoun 3,054 487R 15.9 1 ,764 58.0 57.8 1,277 42.0 41.8 13 .4 Carroll 8,279 2.9 54R 35.7 5,608 67.9 67.7 2,654 32.1 32.1 17 .2 Cass 7,458 6580 8.8 3,388 45.6 45.4 4 ,046 54.4 54.3 24 .3 Champaign 31,856 3, ?44R 10.5 16,980 55.3 55.0 13,736 44.7 44.5 140 .5 Christian 17,893 1 ,2680 7.1 8,276 46.4 46.3 9,544 53.6 53.3 73 .4 Clark 8,864 1.532R 17.3 5,176 58.7 58.4 3,644 41.3 41.1 44 .5 Clay 7,824 792R 10.1 4,271 55.1 54.6 3,4 79 44.9 44.5 74 .9 Clinton 10,058 2,090R 20.8 6,053 60.4 60.2 3,963 39.6 39.4 42 .4 Coles 17,897 43" .2 8,949 50.1 50.0 8,906 49.9 49.8 42 .2 Cook 2,152,681 362, 115D 16.8 892,632 41 .6 41.5 1254,747 58.4 58.3 5,302 .2 Crawford 10,381 1.270R 12.2 5,793 56.2 55.8 4,523 43.8 43.6 65 .6 Cumberland 4,983 230R 4.6 2,600 52.3 52.2 2,370 47.7 47.6 13 .3 DeKalb 17,520 5,675R 32.4 11 ,582 66.2 66.1 5,907 33.8 33.7 31 .2 DeWitt 8,216 556R 6.8 4,360 53.4 53.1 3.804 46.6 46.3 52 .6 Douglas 7,892 1, 164R 14.7 4,515 57.4 57.2 3.351 42.6 42.5 26 .3 DuPage =9,663 18. 864P 31.6 39,183 65.9 65.7 20,319 34.1 34.1 161 .3 Edgar 11,545 1. 385R 12.0 6,445 56.0 55.8 5,060 44.0 43.8 40 .3 Edwards 4,045 1.645R 40.7 2,830 70.5 70.0 1,185 29.5 29.3 30 .7 Effingham 9,563 305R 3.2 4,902 51.6 51.3 4,597 48.4 48.1 64 .7 Fayette 11 ,443 624R 5.5 5,979 52.8 52.3 5.355 47.2 46.8 109 1.0 Ford 7,447 2 . 7 6 1 R 37.1 5,095 68.6 68.4 2,334 31.4 31.3 18 .2 Franklin 22,628 815D 3.6 10,831 48.2 47.9 11,646 51.8 51.5 151 .7 Fulton 19,825 1.285P 6.5 10,487 53.3 52.9 9,202 46.7 46.4 136 .7 Gallatin 4,185 215D 5.1 1,96 3 47.4 46.9 2.178 52.6 52.0 44 1.1 Greene 8,095 4100 5.1 3,827 47.5 47.3 4,237 52.5 52.3 31 .4 Grundy 9,370 2.483R 26.5 5,916 63.3 63.1 3.433 36.7 36.6 21 .2 Hamilton 6,376 424R 6.6 3,378 53.3 53.0 2.954 46.7 46.3 44 .7 Hancock 13,075 2.156R 16.5 7,595 58.3 58.1 5.439 41.7 41.6 41 .3 Hardin 3,413 596R 17.5 1 ,993 58.8 58.4 1.397 41.2 40.9 23 .7 Henderson 4,111 927R 22.5 2,514 61.3 61.2 1.587 38.7 38.6 10 .2 Henry 21 ,540 3.850R 17.9 12,659 59.0 58.8 8,809 41.0 40.9 72 .3 Iroquois 15,260 4.919P 32.2 10,048 66.2 65.8 5,129 33.8 33.6 83 .5 Jackson 16,513 2,623P 15.0 R,545 58.0 57.8 6.922 42.0 41.9 46 .3 Jasper 6,466 97P 1.5 3,269 50.8 50.6 3.172 49.2 49.1 25 .4 Jefferson 15,845 7490 4.7 7,499 47.6 47.3 8,248 52.4 52.1 98 .6 Jersey 6,238 286R 4.6 3,250 52.3 52.1 2,964 47.7 47.5 24 .4 JoDaviess 9,515 2,789" 29.3 6,136 64.7 64.5 3,347 35.3 35.2 32 .3 Johnson 4,734 1.721R 36.4 3,221 68.2 68.0 1.500 31.8 31.7 13 .3 Kane 60,887 15.955R 26.2 38,345 63.1 63.0 22,390 36.9 36.8 152 .2 Kankakee 25,407 ??631P 14.3 14,485 57.2 57.0 10,854 42.8 42.7 68 .3 Kendall 5,4 69 2-206P 40.2 3,84 5 70;i 70.0 1.639 29.9 29.9 5 .1 Knox 25,429 4,321" 17.0 14,824 58.5 58.3 10.503 41.5 41.3 102 .4 Lake ^9,863 8-796P 14.7 34,245 57.4 57.2 25,449 42.6 42.5 169 .3 LaSalle 47,518 5.891P 12.4 26,622 56.2 56.0 20,731 43.8 43.6 165 .3 Lawrence 8,983 1 , 002R 11.2 4,941 55.6 55.0 3.939 44.4 43.8 103 1.1 Lee '4, 860 4,884P 32.0 5,865 66.4 66.4 4,981 33.6 33.5 14 .1 Livingston 18.145 5,512R 30.4 11,809 65.2 65.1 6,297 34.8 34.7 39 .2 Logan 12,50? 2.360P TO Q x O • " 7,421 59.5 59.3 5,061 40.5 40.5 23 .2 Macon 41 ,0 94 5,7160 13.9 17,624 43.0 42.9 23,340 57.0 56.8 130 .3 140 SENATOR - 1944 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Oem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 23.079 784D 3.4 11,085 48.3 48.0 11,869 51.7 51.4 125 .5 Madison 66,038 12.971D 19.6 26,372 40.1 39.9 39,343 59.9 59.6 323 .5 Marion 18,696 1, 1240 6.0 8,722 47.0 46.7 9,846 53.0 52.7 128 .7 Marshall 6,718 1.318R 19.6 4,014 59.8 59.7 2,696 40.2 40.1 8 .1 Mason 7,174 4 670 6.5 3,343 46.7 46.6 3,810 53.3 53.1 21 .3 Massac 5,483 2,040R 37.2 3,725 68.9 6 7.9 1,685 31.1 30.7 73 1.3 McDonough 13,365 3,766R 28.2 8,527 64.2 63.8 4,761 35.8 35.6 77 .6 McHenry 20,391 9.309R 45.7 14,827 72.9 72.7 5,518 27.1 27.1 46 .2 McLean 32,479 3, 195R 9.8 17,765 54.9 54.7 14,570 45. 1 44.9 144 .4 Menard 4,875 826R 16.9 2,841 58.5 58.3 2,015 41.5 4 1.3 19 .4 Mercer 8,719 1,734R 19.9 5,216 60.0 59.8 3,4 82 40.0 39.9 21 .2 Monroe 5,938 1.832P 30.9 3,881 65.4 65.4 2,049 34.6 34.5 8 .1 Montgomery 16,634 687R 4.1 8,573 52.1 51.5 7,886 47.9 47.4 175 1.1 Morgan 15,381 1 ,077R 7.0 8,214 53.5 53.4 7,137 46.5 46.4 30 .2 Moultrie 5,863 195R 3.3 3,008 51.7 51.3 2,813 48.3 48.0 42 .7 Ogle 14,155 6,211R 43.9 10,151 72.0 71.7 3,940 28.0 27.8 64 .5 Peoria 61,914 4,3020 6.° 28,708 46.5 46.4 33,010 53.5 53.3 196 .3 Perry 10,675 1,44CR 13.5 6,043 56.8 56.6 4,603 43.2 43.1 29 .3 Piatt 6,394 848R 13.3 3,609 56.7 56.4 2,761 43.3 43.2 24 .4 Pike 11,303 7940 7.0 5,226 46.5 46.2 6,020 53.5 53.3 57 .5 Pope 3,093 1,425R 46. 1 2,243 73.3 72.5 818 26.7 26.4 32 1.0 Pulaski 5,319 839P 15.8 3,065 57.9 57.6 2,226 42.1 41.8 28 .5 Putnam 2,332 533R 22.9 1,427 61.5 61.2 894 38.5 38.3 11 .5 Randolph 13,276 <585P 7.4 7,112 53.7 53.6 6,127 46.3 46.2 37 .3 Richland 7,113 1.220R 17.2 4, 136 53.7 58.1 2,916 41.3 41.0 61 .9 Rock Island 53,587 7,3200 1 i.7 2 3,046 43.1 4 3.0 30,366 56.9 56.7 175 .3 Saline 16,187 1.328R 8.2 8,717 54.1 53.9 7,389 45.9 45.6 81 .5 Sangamon 57,289 1,9089 3.3 29,529 51.7 51.5 27,62.1 48.3 48.2 139 .2 Schuyler 5,280 30R .6 2,639 50.3 50.0 2,609 49.7 49.4 32 .6 Scott 3,973 163R 4.1 2,064 52.1 52.0 1,901 47.9 47.8 8 .2 Shelby 12,034 2500 2.1 5,837 49.0 4 8.5 6,087 51.0 50.6 110 .9 Stark 4,386 1.446R 33.0 2,914 66.5 66.4 1,468 33.5 33.5 4 .1 St. Clair 78,177 14,4440 18.5 31,728 40.7 40.6 46,172 59.3 59.1 277 .4 Stephenson 19,380 3,057r 15.8 11,172 57.9 57.6 0.115 42.1 41.9 93 .5 Tazewell 25,725 6, 1360 23.9 9,753 33.0 37.9 15,889 62.0 61.8 83 .3 Union 8,366 5330 6.4 3,898 45.8 46.6 4,431 53.2 53.0 37 .4 Vermilion 37,053 1 ,491R 4.0 19,160 52.0 51.7 17,669 48.0 47.7 224 .6 Wabash 6,311 227R 3.6 3,236 51.8 51.3 3,009 48.2 47.7 66 1.0 Warren 10,540 2,571R 24.4 6,539 62.2 62.0 3,968 37.8 37.6 33 .3 Washington 7,963 2.504R 31.4 5,218 65.8 65.5 2,714 34.2 34.1 31 .4 Wayne 9,438 1.347R 14.3 5,364 57.2 56.8 4,017 42.8 42.6 57 .6 White 9,655 490 .5 4,767 49.7 49.4 4,816 50.3 49.9 72 .7 Whiteside 19,583 8,147R 41.6 13,806 70.9 70.5 5,659 29.1 28.9 118 .6 Will 55,949 2.089R 3.7 28,893 51.9 51.6 26,804 48.1 47.9 252 .5 Williamson 21,787 7 »236R 10.3 11,966 55.2 54.9 9,730 44.8 44.7 91 .4 Winnebago 56,801 1,397R 2.5 28,986 51 .2 51.0 27,589 48.8 48.6 226 .4 Woodford 9,490 2, 173R 22.9 5,817 61 .5 61.3 3.644 38.5 38.4 29 .3 TOTAL 3,913,926 217,2300 5.6 1841,793 47.2 47.1 2059,023 52.3 52.6 13,110 .3 Downstate 1,761,245 144.885R 3.? 949,161 54.1 53.9 804,276 45.9 45.7 7,303 .4 Suburban Cook 351,043 45,4689 13.0 197,665 55.5 5t>.3 152,197 43.5 43.4 1,131 .3 Chicago 1 ,801,638 407,5830 22.6 694,967 33.7 38.6 1102,550 61.3 61.2 4,121 .2 141 GOVERNOR - 1944 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 28,315 1,7659 6.2 14,990 53.1 52.9 13,225 46.9 45. 7 100 .4 Alexander 9,394 468R 5.0 4,898 52.6 52.1 4,430 47.5 47.2 66 .7 Bond 6,566 1,4509 22.1 3,037 61.3 60.0 2,^87 38.7 ?7.9 142 2.2 Boone 7,700 3,3179 49.6 5,752 74.8 74.7 1,935 25.2 25.1 13 .2 Brown 3,530 1150 3.3 1,699 48.4 48.1 1,814 51.6 51.4 17 .6 Bureau 18,62-8 4,8839 26.2 11, 7 37 63.1 63.0 6,854 36.9 36.8 37 .2 Calhoun 3,104 6959 22.4 1 ,^94 61.2 61.0 1 ,199 38.8 33.6 11 .4 Carroll 8,453 3,4619 40.9 5,047 70.5 70.4 2,486 29.5 29.4 20 .2 Cass 7,515 1330 1.8 3,670 49.1 49.0 3.812 50.9 50.7 24 .3 Champaign 30,978 7,7169 24.9 19,280 62.5 62.2 11 ,564 37.5 37.3 134 .4 Christian 18,178 2629 1.4 °,186 50.7 50.5 8,924 49.3 49.1 68 .4 Clark 8,933 1. 5619 17.5 5,22 5 53.3 58.5 3,664 41.2 41.0 44 .5 Clay 7,879 1.0219 13.0 4,415 66.5 56.0 3,394 43.5 43.1 70 .9 Clinton 10,406 1^6129 15.5 5,088 57.8 57. c 4,376 42.2 42.1 4 2 .4 Coles 18,122 7469 4.1 9,412 52.1 5 1.9 8,6 66 47.9 47.8 44 .2 Cook 2,187,355 190,9940 8.7 995,504 45.6 45.5 1186,498 54.4 54.2 5,353 .2 Crawford 10,397 I ,5879 15.^ 5,962 57.7 57.3 ^,375 42.3 42.1 60 .6 Cumberland 5,088 2889 5.7 2,682 52.8 52.7 2,394 47.2 47.1 12 .2 DeKalb 17,776 7,0609 39.7 12,399 69.9 69.8 5,339 30.1 30.0 38 .2 DeWitt 8,325 1» 1719 14. 1 4,722 57.1 56.7 3,551 42.9 42.7 5? .6 Douglas 7,942 ] ,5889 2 0.0 4,^5? 60.0 59.8 3 ,164 40.0 39.8 26 .3 DuPage 60,034 25,2519 4 2.1 42,568 71.1 70.9 17,317 28.9 28.8 149 .2 Edgar 11 ,630 1,8849 16.2 6,739 58.1 57.9 4,855 41.9 4 1.7 36 .3 Edwards 4,117 1,8019 43.7 2 ,°4 4 7 2.0 71.5 1,14 3 28.0 27.8 30 .7 Effingham 9,842 760R 7.7 5,271 53.9 53.6 4,5*11 46. 1 45.8 60 .6 Fayette 11,635 1, 109R 9.5 6,323 54.8 54.3 5,214 45.2 44.8 98 .3 Ford 7,538 3,411? 45.3 5,466 72.7 72.5 2,055 27.3 27.3 17 .2 Franklin 22,911 267D 1.2 11 ,246 49. A 49.1 11,513 50.6 50.3 152 .7 Fulton 20,013 1,9859 9.9 10,930 65.0 54.6 8,945 45.0 44.7 138 .7 Gallatin 4,256 1130 2.7 2,049 43.7 48.1 2,162 51.3 50.8 4 6 1.1 Greene 8,248 3789 4.6 4 ,^00 52.3 52.1 3,o?2 47.7 47.6 26 .3 Grundy 9,504 2,658R 28.0 6,^71 64.0 63.9 3,413 36.0 35.9 20 .2 Hamilton 6,460 507R 7 .8 3,462 54.0 53.6 2 ,955 46.0 45.7 43 .7 Hancock 13,193 2,7569 20.9 7,055 60.5 60.3 5,199 39.5 39.4 3 9 .3 Hardir 3,404 6359 13.7 2,008 59.'. 59.0 1,373 40.5 4 0.3 23 .7 Henderson 4, 140 1, 1109 26.8 2,620 63.4 63.3 1.510 36.6 36.5 10 .2 Henry 21 ,759 5 • ? 3 Total Vote of Total Number Pet Vote Macoupin 23.287 794R 3.4 11,978 51.7 51.4 11,184 48. 3 • . 125 .5 Madison 66,765 6,8840 10.3 29,783 44.8 44.6 36 ,667 55.2 5 4.9 315 .5 Marion 19,002 U3R .8 9,512 5 0.4 50.1 T.W \ 9 . 6 49.3 1 21 .6 Marshall 6,784 1,320? 26.8 4,293 63.4 63.4 2,478 36.6 36.^ 8 .1 Mason 7,067 883R 12.5 3,967 56.3 56.1 3 ,"P4 4 3.7 43. 6 ] t • £ Massac 5,538 2,214R 4-0.0 3,845 70.2 69.4 1 ,631 ?9.8 29.5 62 1.1 McDonough 13,394 4, 69 n R 34.3 8,o53 67.2 66.8 4,363 32.8 32.6 70 • 6 McHenry 20,51? 10,385R 50.6 15,426 75.4 75.2 5 ,041 24.6 24.6 45 . 2 McLean 32,777 6, 515R 19.9 19,5.77 60.-1 59.7 13,062 4^.0 3°.° 1 ip .4 Menard 4,923 1 » 137R 23.1 3,022 61 .6 61.4 1,885 38.4 38.3 I 6 .3 Mercer 8,789 2,-AOlR 27.3 5,584 63.7 63.5 3,183 36.3 36.2 2? .3 Monroe 5,945 2,047R 34.4 3,992 67.2 67.1 1,945 32.8 32.7 9 .1 Montgomery 16,806 1,456R 8.7 9, '153 54.4 53.9 7,"7 4 5.6 4 5.2 156 .9 Morgan 15,513 2,135R 13.8 8,811 56.9 56.8 6,676 43.1 4^.0 2 6 .2 Moultrie 5,919 448R 7.6 3.163 53.8 53.4 2,715 4 6. ? 4 5.9 4 1 .7 Ogle 14,318 6, 759R 47.2 10,^06 73.7 73.4 3,747 26. 3 26.3 65 • - Peoria 62,343 6.599R 10.6 34,381 55.3 55.1 27,782 44.7 44 .6 ^ D ^ .3 Perry 10,8*6 1,446R 13.3 6,133 56.7 56.5 4,687 43.3 4 3.2 2 6 .2 Piatt 6,485 1»462R 2?. 5 3,961 61 .3 61.1 2,499 38.7 38.6 26 .4 Pike 11 ,387 168R 1.5 5,749 50.7 50.5 5,581 49. 3 49.0 57 .5 Pope 3,105 1 ,437R 46.3 2,252 73.4 7^.5 815 26.6 26.2 33 1.2 Pulaski 5,372 967R 18.0 3,156 59.0 58.7 2,189 41.0 40.7 27 .5 Putnam 2,367 665R 28.1 1,511 64.1 63.8 846 35.9 35.7 10 .4 Randolph 13,449 1 ,606R 11.9 7,^09 56.0 55.8 5 ,903 44.0 4 3.9 3 7 .3 Richland 7,202 1.667R 23. 1 4,407 61 .7 61.2 2,740 33.3 38.0 ^^ .8 Rock Island 53,846 4, 2930 8.0 24,691 4 6.0 45.9 28,984 54.0 53.8 171 .3 Saline 16,298 1,708R 10.5 8,965 55.3 55.0 7,257 44.7 44.5 76 .5 Sangamon 57,946 5,412R 9.3 31,619 54.7 54.6 26,207 4 5.3 45.2 120 .2 Schuyler 5,292 3 17R 6.0 2,789 5 3.0 52.7 2,47? 4 7.0 46.7 31 .6 Scott 3,986 436R 10.9 2,207 55.5 5 5.4 1 ,771 44.5 44.4 8 .2 Shelby 12,152 459R 3. 8 6,255 51.9 51.5 5 ,796 48.1 47.7 191 .8 Stark 4,388 1 ,706R 38.9 3,^44 69.^ 69.4 ] ,338 3H.5 30.5 6 .1 St. Clair 79,029 9,2090 11.7 34,768 44.2 4 4.0 4^,977 65.8 55.6 2 84 .4 Stephenson 19,563 4, 859R 24.8 12,166 62.5 62.2 7,307 37.5 3 7.4 90 =. Tazewell 25,999 5830 2.2 12,567 4 8.9 48.7 1 3,250 51.1 51.0 8? .3 Union 8,467 320D 3.8 4,055 48.1 47.9 4,375 51.9 51.7 37 .4 Vermilion 37,779 3,428R 9.1 20,493 54.6 54.2 17,065 45.4 45.2 221 .6 Wabash 6,382 560R 8.8 3,439 54.4 53.9 2,879 ': 5 . 6 45.1 64 1.0 Warren 10,609 3,270R 30.8 6,924 65.5 65.3 3,6 54 3 4.5 34.4 31 .3 Washington 8,034 2,603R 32.4 5,304 66.3 66.0 2 ,701 33.7 33.6 29 .4 Wayne 9,538 1 ,445R 15.1 5,4 64 57.6 57.3 4,019 42.4 42.1 cc, .6 White 9,773 301R 3.1 5 ,004 51.6 61.2 '< , 7 3 'i8.4 4 8.1 66 .7 Whiteside 19,693 8.953R 45.5 14,257 72.9 72.4 5 ,304 27. 1 26.9 133 • ' Will 56,420 3,817R 6.8 29,989 :3.4 53.2 26,17? 4 6.6 46.4 2 5° .5 Williamson 21,984 2,840R 12.9 12,37 56.5 56.3 9,530 43.5 43.3 8 4 . '• Winnebago 57,359 5.331R 9.3 31,228 54.7 5 4.4 25,897 45.3 45.1 234 .4 Woodford 9,577 3,009R 31.4 6,278 65.8 6 c . f 3,269 34.2 34.1 30 .3 TOTAL 3,966,765 72,271R 1.8 2013,270 50.9 50.8 1940,999 49.1 48.9 12,496 .3 Downstate 1 ,779,410 263.265R 14.8 1017,766 57.4 57.2 754 ,501 42.6 42.4 7,143 .4 Suburban Cook 406,657 120, 310R 29.7 263,170 64.9 64.7 142,360 36.1 3^.9 1,127 .3 Chicago 1 ,780,698 311,904D 17.5 732,334 41.2 41.1 1044,138 58.3 ^.- 4,226 .2 143 SUMMARY -1946 STATE TREASURER Party Candidate Republican Richard Y. Rowe Democratic Sam Keys Counties Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried 1,959,881 1,046,335 913,546 99 1,480,597 974,131 506,466 3 Prohibition Robert W. Melven 14,144 6,933 7,211 MS STATE TREASURER - 1946 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vole Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 21,902 3.898R 17.8 12,855 53.9 56.7 8, 41.1 40.9 90 .4 Alexander 8,770 1,876? 21.4 3,30 3 60.7 60.5 3,427 39.3 39.1 4 .5 Bond 6, 126 1,4559 23.7 3,689 62.3 60.2 2 ,2 34 37.7 36.5 205 3.3 Boone 4,916 3»328R 67.7 4,111 34.0 53.6 783 16.0 15.9 22 .4 Brown 2,905 20 3D 7.2 1,339 46.4 46.1 1,348 53.6 33.3 13 .6 Bureau 1 3 , 40 7 5, 682R 36.9 10,525 63.5 68.3 4,843 31.5 31.4 39 .3 Calhoun 2,717 633R 23.3 1,671 61.7 61.5 1,033 38.3 38.2 3 .3 Carroll 5,288 3.3S5R 5 3.8 4,823 77.0 76.7 1,433 23.0 22.9 27 .4 Cass 6, 132 i04R 1.7 3,104 50.9 50.6 3, 49.1 48.9 28 .5 Champaign 25,771 9,553? 37.2 17,60 3 63.7 66.3 6,020 31.3 31.1 148 .6 Christian 14,254 526? 3.7 7,358 51.9 51.6 6,8 32 48.1 47.9 64 .4 Clark 7,632 1»342R 17.5 4,488 53.6 58.4 3, 146 41.2 41.0 48 .6 Clay Clinton o,557 1 13.4 3,737 5 6.3 56.1 2,846 43.2 42.8 74 1.1 8,802 2,783R 31.6 5,768 65.9 65.5 2,985 34.1 33.9 4 9 .6 Coles 14,005 2, 599? 18.6 3,231 59.3 59.1 5,682 40.7 40.6 42 .3 Cook 2,027,399 72-2 04R 3.6 1 046,335 51.8 51.6 974,131 46.2 48.0 6,933 .3 Crawford 9,073 1,572° 17.3 5,298 5 3.7 58.4 3,726 41.3 41.1 4 9 .5 Cumberland 4,546 635R 14.0 2 ,584 57.0 56.8 1,949 4 3.0 42.9 13 .3 DeKalb 12,671 7,6?4R 60.2 10,126 80.3 79.9 2,492 19.7 19.7 53 .4 DeWitt 6,424 1,556R 24.2 3,972 62.2 61.8 2,4 16 37.8 3 7.6 36 .6 Douglas DuPage 6,190 2, 193R 35.4 4.175 67.8 67.4 1 ,932 32.2 32.0 33 .5 51,956 31, 93 1R 61.5 41 ,849 80. o 80.5 9,918 19.2 19.1 189 .4 Edgar 10,378 2,3'-9R 22.6 6,348 61.4 61.2 3,999 38.6 38.5 31 .3 Edwards 3,421 1.777R 51.9 2,578 76.3 75.4 301 23.7 23.4 42 1.2 Effingham 3,950 70°R 7.8 4,798 c 3.9 5?. 6 4 ,098 4 6.1 45.3 54 .6 Fayette Ford 10,919 474R 4.3 5,656 52.2 51.8 5,132 47.8 47.5 81 .7 6,181 3.739R 60.5 4,952 80.3 80.1 1,213 19.7 19.6 16 .3 Franklin 18,797 1,327R 7.1 9,966 53.6 53.0 8,639 46.4 46.0 192 1.0 Fulton 15,228 2,758R 18.1 8,909 59.2 53.5 6,151 40.8 40.4 168 1.1 Gallatin 3,733 140 .4 1 ,844 49.3 4 9.4 1,858 50.2 49.8 31 .8 Greene 6,293 680R 10.8 3,479 55.4 55.2 2,799 44.6 44.4 20 .3 Grundy Hamilton 7,751 3.962R 51.1 5,849 75.6 75.5 1,387 24.4 24.3 15 .2 5,573 460R 8.3 3,006 54.1 53.9 2,546 45.9 45.7 21 .4 Hancock 10,758 2,607R 24.2 6,649 62.2 61.8 4,042 37.8 37.6 67 .6 Hardin 3,~~6 640R 21.3 1,813 60.7 6^.3 1,173 39.3 39.0 20 .7 Henderson 3,490 1.368R 39.2 2,419 69.7 69.3 1 ,051 30.3 30.1 20 .6 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 15,746 6,303? 40.0 1 " ,994 70.1 69.8 4,691 29.9 29.3 61 .4 12,230 6.528R 53.4 9,342 75.9 76.4 2,814 23.1 23.0 74 .6 13,375 3,932R 29.4 3,615 64.8 64.4 4,683 35.2 35.0 77 .6 5,788 218R 3.3 2,983 51.9 51.6 2,770 48.1 47.9 30 .5 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 13,724 1.035R 7.5 7,333 53.8 53.4 6,298 46.2 45.9 93 .7 5,127 918R 17.9 0,013 59.0 53.8 2,095 4 1 . 40.9 19 .4 6,664 3,367R 5 3.5 5,003 75.4 75.1 1,636 24.6 24.5 25 .4 4,117 1 , 4 9 R 36.2 2,601 68.1 68.0 1 ,311 31.9 31.8 5 .1 49,924 25,7400 31.6 37,760 75.9 75.6 12 ,020 24.1 24.1 144 .3 Kankakee 21,350 9, ,3 3? 41.4 15,369 70.8 70.3 6,334 29.2 29.0 147 .7 Kendall 4,700 3,090R 65. 7 3,3^1 82.9 32.8 601 17.1 17.0 8 .2 Knox 20,61 3 10 , 1 1 7R 4 9.1 15,320 74.6 74.3 5,203 25.4 25.2 90 .4 Lake 49,723 2C325R 41.9 35,207 71 .0 70.8 14,3 82 29.0 28.9 134 .3 LaSalle 37,043 12,277R 33.1 24,596 66.6 66.4 12,319 33.4 33.3 133 .4 Lawrence 8,012 1.2 75R 15.9 4,596 56.1 57.4 3,321 41.9 41.5 95 1.2 Lee 11,309 5,362? 4 9.6 8,815 74.9 74.6 2,953 25.1 25.0 41 .3 Livingston Logan 14,236 6,372R 44.8 10,281 72.5 72.2 3,909 27.5 27.5 46 .3 10,984 1.387R 12.6 6,174 56.3 56.2 4 ,787 4 3.7 43.6 23 .2 Macon 30,747 4,67?R 15.2 17,604 57.7 57.3 12,925 42.3 42.0 218 .7 146 STATE TREASURER - 1946 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE I Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 19,477 1.375R 1U.1 10,630 55.1 54.8 8,705 44.9 44.7 92 . 5 Madison 48,026 1,626? 3.4 24,738 51.7 51.5 23,112 48.3 48.1 176 .4 Marion 15,843 231? 1.5 7,976 5". 7 5 0.3 7,745 49.3 48.9 122 Marshall 5,768 1.861R 32.3 3,808 66.2 66.0 1,947 33.8 33.3 13 . £. Mason 5,891 1, 199? 20.4 3,534 60.2 6 0.0 2,335 39. S 39.6 22 . t Massac 4,057 1.963R 48.4 2,994 74.4 73.8 1,031 2 5.6 2 5.4 32 . 3 McDonough 10,031 4.371R 43.6 7,172 71.9 71.5 2,801 23.1 27.° 53 . 6 McHenry 16,807 11 ,046R 65.7 13,90 5 32.9 82.7 2 ,65° 17.1 17.0 4 3 .3 McLean 25,969 9,442? 36.4 17,655 63.3 66.0 8,213 31.7 31.6 101 .4 Menard 4,378 1, 178R 26.9 2,774 63.5 63.4 1,5 96 36.5 36.5 8 .2 Mercer 6,357 3, 176R 50 . C 4,757 75.1 74.3 1,581 :■<. ) 24.9 1 .3 Monroe 5,073 1 ,804R 35.6 3,437 67.8 6 7.8 1,633 32.2 32.2 3 .1 Montgomery 15,-001 2,07"-? 13.8 8,497 57. : 56.6 6 , 4 2 n 4 3.3 4 I . : 84 .6 Morgan 13,325 3,248R 24.4 8,"6 r 62 .2 62.0 5,01 7- 37.0 37.^ 4 3 .3 Moultrie 5,510 678R 12.3 3,065 56.2 5 r - . 6 2, 8"7 4 3 . o 4 3 . 3 58 1.1 Ogle 10,039 6, 713? 66.9 8,363 83.5 83.3 1 ,65C 16.3 16.4 2o • J Peoria 47,987 15,357? 3 3.0 31 ,835 66.6 66.3 15,978 33.4 3 3.:. 17-+ .4 Perry 9,5 72 1,770P 18.5 5,638 59.3 58.9 3,868 40.7 4 0.4 66 .7 Piatt 4,875 1,689? 34.6 3,266 6 7.4 67.0 1,577 32.6 32.3 32 .7 Pike 8,937 429R 4.8 4,659 5 2.4 52.1 '+,23 47.6 4 7.3 4 8 • 5 Pope 2,598 1,238? 47.7 1,912 73.9 73.6 6 74 26. 1 2 1 • 9 12 . 5 Pulaski 4,118 1,777? 43.2 2,937 71.7 71.3 1,160 28.3 23.2 21 .5 Putnam 2,319 813R 35.1 1 ,563 67.6 67.4 750 32.4 32.3 6 .3 Randolph 12,268 1.676R 13.7 6,954 56.9 56.7 5,278 43.1 43.0 3 6 .3 Richland 6,545 1,572R 24.° 4,028 62.1 61 .5 2,456 37.9 37.5 61 .9 Rock Island 34,856 5,285R 15.2 19,971 57.6 57.3 14,686 42.4 42.1 199 .6 Saline 14,670 2,361R 16.1 8,438 58.1 57.5 6,077 41.9 41.4 155 1.1 Sangamon 51,568 14.411R 27.9 32,916 64.0 63.8 18,505 36.0 35.9 14 7 .3 Schuyler 4,816 581R 12.1 2,673 56.1 56.5 2,092 43.9 43.4 C 1 1.1 Scott 3,364 631R 18.8 1,996 59.4 59.3 1,365 40.6 40.6 3 .1 Shelby 10,215 184R 1.8 5,157 50.9 50.5 4,973 49.1 43.7 85 .3 Stark 3,025 1.754R 58.0 2,385 79.1 78.8 631 2 0.9 20.9 9 .3 St. Clair 67,796 1,352R 2.0 34,432 51 .0 50.8 33,030 49.0 48.3 284 .4 Stephenson 13,392 5.894R 44.0 9,607 72.1 71.7 3,713 27.9 27.7 72 .5 Tazewell 19,932 2,984R 15.0 11,422 57.5 57.3 8,438 42.5 42.3 72 .4 Union 7,408 80D 1.1 3,653 49.5 49.3 3,73 3 50.5 50.4 22 .3 Vermilion 31,493 8,233R 26.1 19,718 63.2 62.6 11,485 36.3 36.5 290 .9 Wabash 5,419 901R 16.6 3,122 58.4 5^.6 2,221 41.6 41.0 76 1.4 Warren 8,718 3,904R 44.8 6,298 72.5 72.2 2,394 27.5 27.5 26 .3 Washington 6,505 2,822R 43.4 4,64 9 71 .6 71.5 1,827 28.2 23.1 29 .4 Wayne 8,182 1,457? 17.8 4,79 7 5 3.0 56.6 3,340 41.0 4C.3 4 5 • z. White 8,214 56 1R 6. b 4,343 53.5 52.9 3,782 46.5 46.0 29 1.1 Whiteside 14,192 9, 94R 64.1 11 ,614 32.2 81.8 2,520 17.8 17.3 53 . -V Will 44,0 )6 14,370? 32.7 29,100 66.4 66.1 14,73.' 33.6 33.5 176 • 4 Williamson 16,536 4,713? 23.5 10,573 64.3 63.9 5,360 35.7 35.4 103 .6 Winnebago 40,185 12,242? 30.5 26,062 65.3 S ', . 9 13,020 3 4 . 7 3 i . '- 3 J 3 . 3 Woodford 7,864 3,343? ^2.5 5 , 5 s : 71.4 71.0 2,233 23.6 28.5 45 .6 TOTAL 3,454,522 479, 284R 13.9 1959,881 57. C 55.7 1430,597 4 3.3 42.9 14,14 4 • -t Downstate 1,427,223 407,980? 2 3 . 5 913,54,; 64.3 64.0 5 06,466 35.7 35. c -i - ■< - 1 , L. X 1 • - Suburban Cook 336,675 133,57^P ?9.7 2 3 4 , i : 6 ?. 9 63.7 101 ,091 03.1 n r ... _ • . .- • J Chicago 1,690,724 61.371C 3.6 Oil, 66'-" 43.2 4 3.0 87" ,040 .' i . o 11 c _ • ... 1 , 1 ■ • 4 147 SUMMARY -1948 PRESIDENT Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican Thomas E. Dewey 1,961,103 1,015,800 945,303 77 Democratic Harry S. Truman 1,994,715 1,216,636 778,079 25 Prohibition Claude A. Watson 11,959 3,451 8,508 Socialist Norman Thomas 11,522 7,987 3,535 Socialist Labor Edward A. Teichert 3,118 2,025 1,093 SENATOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican C. Wayland Brooks 1,740,026 891,068 848,958 60 Democratic Paul H. Douglas 2,147,754 1,320,819 826,935 42 Prohibition Enoch A. Holtwick Socialist Labor Frank Schnur 9,784 2,693 2,847 1,735 6,937 958 GOVERNOR Party Republican Democratic Candidate Dwight H. Green Adlai E. Stevenson Total Vote C ook County 1,678,007 840,218 2,250,074 1,386,642 Counties Downstate Ca rried 837,789 53 863,432 49 Prohibition Willis R. Wilson Socialist Labor Louis Fisher 9,491 2,673 2,832 1,745 6,659 928 149 PRESIDENT- 1948 County Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardir. Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan Macon Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality 29 9 6 6 3 17 2 8 7 31 17 8 7 9 17 2,245 9 4 16 7 7 62 11 3 9 11 7 21 17 4 7 9 5 12 3 3 20 14 15 5 16 6 8 4 60 27 5 24 62 44 9 13 16 12 40 433 298 483 882 389 743 923 189 217 365 062 303 108 963 084 899 364 832 567 513 127 034 470 77 J 859 608 013 444 931 200 727 239 669 777 087 838 999 001 408 94 3 321 139 5 70 309 867 201 466 933 1 ; T2 436 057 441 876 310 420 Number 631D 800 601R _'»975R 243D 4, 744R 149R 2,509R ■ 3850 7.584R 1,7900 763R 622R 355R 245R 200 3360 961R 98R 6,293R 8 83R 1,288R 30.266R 1, 161R 1,285R 1170 540 2,824R 2, 3430 1,278R 5960 3960 2,699R 137R 1,539R 355R 871R 3»8?4R 4,228R 1 ,349R 21R 1,5350 7 10 2,079R 1,268R 18, 108P 4, 394R 2»408R 5, 244? 17.264R 4,787R 81R 4,633R 5, 566R 2,599R 2, 7680 Pet. 2.1 .9 9.3 43.2 7.2 26.7 5.1 30.6 5.3 24.2 10.5 9.2 8.8 3.6 1.4 8.9 10.3 2.0 38.0 11.8 18.1 48.8 10.1 34. 1 1.2 .5 40.3 10.9 7.1 14.2 5.1 29.2 2.4 12.0 11.5 22.7 18.4 30.2 8.8 9.4 1.2 24.3 29.4 29.8 16.2 44. 1 21.0 27.8 10.3 .9 34.5 33.0 21.1 6.6 REPUBLICAN VOTE Number 14,329 4,561 3,438 4,916 1 ,562 11 ,207 1,526 5,318 3,391 19,156 7,5 7£ 4,477 3,782 5, 128 8,638 1015,800 5,111 2,451 11 ,380 4,178 4,131 45,794 6,282 2,491 4,823 5,717 4,903 9,407 9,504 1 ,789 3,539 5,954 2,887 7,198 1,713 2, 336 12,363 9,051 8,288 2,957 7,393 3,021 5,299 2,778 39,284 15,699 3,925 15,016 39,456 24,453 4,472 9 ,001 11,184 7,431 18,719 Percent of Two- Parly Vote 4 3.9 49.6 54.8 71 .7 46.4 63.4 52.6 65.4 47.3 62.3 44 .7 54.7 54.5 51.6 50.7 45.5 55.2 5 1.0 69.1 55.9 59.1 74.7 55.1 67.4 49.4 49.8 70.2 44.5 53.6 42.9 47.4 64.7 51.2 56.1 55.8 61.5 59.3 65.2 54.4 5 0.2 45.3 49.4 62.2 64.8 65. C 53.1 72.1 60.6 64.0 55.4 50.5 57.3 66.6 60.6 46.5 Total Vote 48.7 49.1 53.0 71.4 4 6.1 63.2 52.2 64.9 47.0 61.1 44„4 53.9 53.2 51.5 50.6 45.2 54.6 5 0.7 68.7 55.6 58.7 73.8 54.8 66.1 48.9 4 9.3 69.9 43.9 53.0 42.6 47.1 64.4 50.9 55.6 55.5 60.9 58.9 64.6 53.8 49.8 45.3 49.2 61.8 64.5 64.5 57.7 71.8 60.2 63.5 55.0 49.4 67.0 66.3 60.4 46.3 DEMOCRATIC VOTE Number 14 4 2 1 1 6 1 2 3 11 9 3 3 4 1216 4 2 5 2 15 5 1 4 5 2 1 1 3 3 1 21 11 1 9 22 19 4 4 5 4 21 960 641 837 941 805 463 377 809 776 572 366 714 160 773 393 636 150 353 032 290 893 528 121 206 »40 771 079 750 226 385 035 255 750 559 358 465 489 823 939 936 928 092 2 20 510 176 305 517 772 192 666 391 368 618 832 487 Percent of Two- party Vote Total Vote OTHER VOTE 51.1 50.4 45.2 28.3 53.6 36.6 47.4 34.6 52.7 37.7 55.3 45.3 45.5 48.2 49.3 54.5 44. 49.0 30.9 44. 1 40.9 25.3 44.9 32.6 50.6 50.2 29.8 55.5 46.4 57.1 52.6 35.3 48.8 43.9 44.2 38.5 40.7 34.8 45.6 49.8 54.7 50.6 37.8 35.2 35.0 41.9 27.9 39.4 36.0 44.6 49.5 32.7 33.4 39.4 53.4 50.8 49.9 43,8 28.2 53.3 36.4 47.1 34.3 52.3 36.9 54.9 44.7 44.5 47.9 49.1 54.2 44.3 48.7 30.7 43.8 40.6 25.0 44.6 32.6 5C.1 49.7 29.6 54.8 45.9 56.8 5 2 35 48 43 44.0 38.2 40.4 34.4 45.0 49.4 54.7 50.4 37.6 35.0 34.3 41.6 27.8 39.2 35.7 44.3 48.5 32.5 33.3 39.3 53.2 Number I 144 96 208 25 22 73 20 52 50 637 120 112 166 62 53 13,463 103 28 105 45 53 712 67 73 96 120 31 287 201 26 53 30 32 120 16 37 147 127 131 50 26 51 21 407 197 24 145 454 317 194 72 74 47 214 150 PRESIDENT- 1948 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Parly Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 22,173 If 544D 7.0 10,198 46.5 46.0 11,742 53.5 53.0 233 1.1 Madison 66,287 15,8380 23.9 25,059 3 6.0 37.8 40,897 62.0 61.7 331 • 5 Marion 16,884 1 ,080D 6.4 7,798 4 6.3 46.2 8,8 73 5 3.2 52.6 20H 1.2 Marshall 6,318 1.271R 20.1 3,785 60.1 59.9 2,514 39.9 . 19 .3 Mason 7,0 74 22R .3 3,525 50.2 49.8 3,503 49.S 49.5 4 6 .7 Massac 5,125 1 , 359R 26.5 3,201 63.5 62.5 1 ,842 36.5 35.9 62 1.6 McDonough 12,373 3,852R 31.1 8,058 65.7 65.1 '+,206 34.3 34.0 109 .9 McHenry 20,936 9.928R 47.4 15,387 73.8 73.5 5,459 26.2 26.1 >o .4 McLean 31,517 5,526R 17.5 18,430 58.3 58.5 12,904 41.2 4 0.9 133 .6 Menard 4,968 8563 17.2 2,899 63.7 58.4 2 ,043 41.3 41.1 26 .5 Mercer 8,418 2, 150R 25.5 5,267 62.8 62.6 3,117 ^7.2 37.0 34 .4 Monroe 5,432 1, 377R 25.3 3,403 62.7 62.6 2,026 37.3 3 .' . 3 3 .1 Montgomery 16,455 446R 2.7 3,348 51 .4 5 . 7 7,902 43.6 43.0 205 1.2 Morgan 15,255 1,600R 10.5 8,398 55.3 55.1 6,798 44.7 44.6 59 • 4 Moultrie 6, 161 6R . 1 3 ,043 5 0.0 4 9.4 3,037 50.0 49.3 81 1 .3 Ogle 13,371 5,723R 42.8 9,519 71.5 71.2 3,796 26. 3 23.4 36 .4 Peoria 66,346 3.992R 6 • J 35,018 53.0 52.8 31 ,026 4 7.0 46.3 302 • 5 Perry 11,226 66R .6 5, 109 50.3 50.0 5,043 49. I 49.3 7 it .7 Piatt 6,062 1,2853 21.2 3,646 60.7 60.1 2,361 39.3 38.9 66 .9 Pike 10,494 952D 9.1 4,722 45.4 45.0 5,674 54.6 54.1 • .9 Pope 2,696 8^8R 31.5 1,764 65.6 65.4 916 34.2 34.0 16 .6 Pulaski 5,033 314R 6.2 2,658 63.1 52.8 2,344 46.9 46.6 31 .6 Putnam 2,334 500R 21.4 1 ,405 60.8 60.2 905 3?. 2 38.8 24 1.0 Randolph 13,781 15R .1 6,367 50.1 49.8 6,852 49.9 49.7 62 . 4 Richland 6,413 1,446R 22.5 3,884 61.4 60.6 2,438 38.6 33.0 91 1.4 Rock Island 47, 131 2.350D 5.0 22,192 47.5 47.1 24,542 52.5 52.1 397 .8 Saline 15,485 42D .3 7,676 4 9.9 49.6 7,718 30.1 49.8 91 .6 Sangamon 63,132 4,518R 7.2 33,714 53.6 53.4 29,196 46.4 46.2 222 .4 Schuyler 5,074 55R 1.1 2 ,519 50.6 49.6 2,464 49.4 46.6 91 1.3 Scott 3,588 105R 2.9 1 ,840 51.5 51.3 1,736 43. 5 46.4 13 • Shelby 11,029 307D 2.8 5,232 43.6 4 7.9 5,589 51.4 50. 7 153 1.4 Stark 3,706 1, 3749 37.1 2,537 53.6 6 8.5 1 ,163 31.4 31.4 6 .2 St. Clair 85,557 23,3770 27.3 30,883 36.3 36.1 54,260 63. 7 63.4 414 .5 Stephenson 18,122 3, 155R 17.4 10,564 5 3.3 5 3.3 7,409 41.2 40.9 1 4 9 .8 Tazewell 26,778 1,6270 6.1 12,504 46.9 46.7 14,131 5 3.1 5 2.3 14 3 .5 Union 8,398 6150 7.3 3,864 46.3 46.0 4,47? 53.7 . 5 5 .7 Vermilion 35,594 2 , 8 2 1 R 7.9 18 ,994 54.0 53.4 16,173 46. 4 5.4 427 1.2 Wabash 5,898 59R 1.0 2,916 50.5 4 9.4 '2,857 49.5 46.4 126 2.1 Warren 10,178 3, 371R 33.1 6,733 66.7 66.2 3,367 33. 3 33.1 73 .7 Washington 7,330 1 ,807R 24.7 4,544 52.4 62.0 2,737 37.5 3 7.3 49 .7 Wayne 9, 114 914R 10.0 4,984 55.0 54.7 4,070 43.0 44.7 60 • 7 White 9,338 2630 2.8 4,493 43 .6 43.2 4,751 51.4 51.0 79 .5 Whiteside 18,375 7,623R 41.5 12,922 70.9 70.3 5 ,299 29.1 26.6 154 .6 Will 55,495 2, 171R 3.9 28,601 52. 3 51.5 2 6,43" 43.0 47.6 464 . 3 Williamson 20,357 545R 2.7 10,386 51.3 5 1.0 9,841 v i. : 4 fi . 3 130 .6 Winnebago 57,121 2.392R 4.2 29,537 52.1 51.7 >7,145 47. } 4 . 4 39 .3 Woodford 9,276 2,338R 25.2 5,784 62.7 62.4 3,446 37.3 37.1 46 • 5 TOTAL 3,982,417 33,6120 .8 1961 ,103 49.6 49.2 1994,715 50.4 50.1 26,599 .7 Downstate 1 ,736,518 167.224R 9.6 945,303 64.9 54.4 778,07Q 4 3.1 44.6 1 3 , 1 3 s .8 Suburban Cook 395,946 1 1 4 , 6 7 1 R 29.0 253,351 64.6 64.1 139, 160 35.4 .2 . Chicago 1 1,849,953 i 315,5070 17.1 761,949 41.4 41.2 1077,456 58.6 53.2 13 543 .6 151 SENATOR - 1948 County Adams Alexander Bond Boone Brown Bureau Calhoun Carroll Cass Champaign Christian Clark Clay Clinton Coles Cook Crawford Cumberland DeKalb DeWitt Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards Effingham Fayette Ford Franklin Fulton Gallatin Greene Grundy Hamilton Hancock Hardin Henderson Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane Kankakee Kendall Knox Lake LaSalle Lawrence Lee Livingston Logan Macon Total Vote Cast 28 8 6 6 3 17 2 7 7 30 16 8 6 9 16 2.216 9 4 16 7 6 61 11 3 9 11 6 20 17 4 5 12 3 3 20 13 15 5 15 5 8 4 59 26 5 24 60 42 13 16 11 39 Rep.-Dem Plurality Number 478 792 343 812 232 519 756 780 108 442 565 055 j 894 440 ! 482 I 3,3980 13R 220R 2,624R 4120 3.926R 169R 1.882R 9300 2.396R 3,0480 556R 331" R 7440 Pet. 469 1429,7510 135 371R 702 5R 221 i 4,792R 346 335R 932 618 127 630 356 ! 216 872 441 476 006 336 904 386 466 028 689 456 705 003 803 607 962 358 189 675 199 223 378 708 ^20 774 182 211 918 260 936R 18,244R 811R 1,150R 382D 473D 2.333R 4,0210 166R 681D 761D 1.891R 159D 999R 284R 704R 2»700R 3,898R 2D 214D 2,743D 451D 1.960R 1, 153R 11,344R 3.033R 1,954R 3.021R 7.957R 2.131R 299D 3,838R 4 ,069R 1.809R 7,610D 11, t 3, 38, 12, 22.4 6.1 24.2 13.1 7.9 18.4 6.9 4.8 .0 4.5 19.4 4.1 .1 29.5 4.6 13.5 29.6 7.3 31.7 4.1 4.2 33.9 19.7 .9 17.0 10.4 21.2 3.0 8.0 9.4 19.1 13.2 28.4 .0 3.7 17.6 7.6 23.5 27.5 19.0 11.6 37.4 12.4 13.1 5.0 3.4 29.1 25.1 15.2 19.4 REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE Number Percent of 12 4 3 4 1 10 1 4 3 16 6 4 3 4 7 891 4 2 10 3 3 39 5 2 4 5 4 8 8 1 3 5 2 6 1 2 11 8 7 2 6 2 5 2 35 14 3 13 34 22 4 3 10 6 15 496 360 159 712 404 702 455 813 073 319 722 267 535 700 855 068 718 344 468 824 914 837 948 362 447 322 592 118 748 652 273 390 602 693 650 183 535 751 443 778 432 747 148 664 427 548 583 656 272 354 164 483 119 849 762 Two- Party Vote 44.0 50.1 51.8 69.3 43.6 Total Vote 61 ,2 53 1 62 .2 43 .4 54 ,C 40 .8 53 .5 52 .5 50 .0 47 .7 40 .3 52 .0 50 .1 64 .8 52 .3 56 .8 64 .8 53 .7 66 .1 47 .9 47 ,9 67 ,0 40 .1 50 .5 41 .5 44 .8 60 .6 48 .5 54 .0 54 .7 59 .6 56 .6 64 .3 50 .0 48 .1 41 .2 46 .2 61 .8 63 .8 59 .5 55 .8 68 .7 56 .2 56 .6 52 .5 48 .3 64 .6 62 .6 57 .6 40 .3 Percent of Number 43.9 49.6 49.8 69.2 43.4 61.1 52.8 61.9 43.2 53.6 40.6 53.0 51.3 49.8 47.7 40.2 51.6 49.9 64.5 52.1 56.5 64.7 53.5 65.1 47.5 47.5 66.8 39.7 50.1 41.2 44.6 60.5 48.3 53.7 54.5 59.2 56.4 63.9 49.6 47.9 41.2 46.1 61.6 63.6 59.4 55.5 68.6 56.0 56.5 52.3 47.5 64.4 62.4 57.5 40.1 15 4 2 2 1 6 1 2 4 13 9 3 3 4 8 1320 4 2 5 3 2 21 5 1 4 5 2 12 8 2 4 3 2 5 1 1 8 4 7 2 9 3 3 1 24 11 1 10 26 20 4 4 6 5 23 Two- Pa rty Vote 894 347 939 088 816 776 286 931 003 923i 770 711 204 700 599 819 347 339 676 489 978 593 137 212 829 795 259 139 582 333 034 499 761 694 366 479 835 853 445 992 175 198 188 511 083 515 629 635 315 223 463 645 050 040 372 56.0 49.9 48.2 30.7 56.4 38.8 46.9 37.8 56.6 Total Vote 46.0 45.7 59.2 46.5 47.5 50.0 52.3 59.7 48.0 49.9 35.2 47.7 43.2 35.2 46.3 33.9 52.1 52.1 33.0 59.9 49.5 58.5 55.2 39.4 51.5 46.0 45.3 40.4 43.4 35.7 50.0 51.9 58.8 53.8 38.2 36.2 40.5 44.2 31.3 43.8 43.4 47.5 51.7 35.4 37.4 42.4 59.7 55.8 49.4 46.3 30.7 56.2 38.7 46.7 37.7 56.3 59.0 46.1 46.5 49.8 52.2 59.6 47.6 49.7 35.0 47.5 43.0 35.0 46.2 33.4 51.6 51.7 32.9 59.4 49.1 58.2 55.0 39.3 51.3 45.7 45.1 40.1 43.2 35.4 49.6 51.6 58.8 53.6 38.1 36.1 40.4 44.0 31.2 43.6 43.3 47.3 50.9 35.2 37.3 42.3 59.5 OTHER VOTE Number 88 85 245 12 12 41 15 36 32 200 73 77 155 40 28 .582 70 19 77 33 40 188 42 56 80 99 21 184 146 21 29 15 23 79 12 27 86 101 115 33 17 22 14 165 136 11 87 121 143 147 54 42 29 126 152 SENATOR - 1948 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Port/ Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 21,476 3,4570 16. 1 8,969 41.9 41.8 12,426 58.1 57.9 81 .4 Madison 64,115 19,8130 30.9 22,055 34.5 34.4 41,868 65.5 65.3 192 .3 Marion 16,156 2, 1440 13.3 6,924 43.3 42.9 9,068 56.7 56.1 164 1.0 Marshall 6,194 972R 15.7 3,578 57.9 57.8 2,606 42.1 42.1 10 .2 Mason 6,860 288D 4.2 3,266 47.9 47.6 3,554 52.1 51.8 40 .6 Massac 4,945 1, 168R 23.6 3,026 62.0 61.2 1,858 38.0 37.6 61 1.2 McDonough 12,133 3,32?R 27.4 7,690 63.8 63.4 4,368 36.2 36.0 75 .6 McHenry 20,423 8.230R 40.3 14,309 70.2 70.1 6,079 29.8 29.8 35 .2 McLean 30,539 1.372R 4.5 15,907 52.3 52.1 14,535 47.7 47.6 97 .3 Menard 4,826 642R 13.3 2,728 56.7 56.5 2,086 43.3 43.2 12 .2 Mercer 8, 143 1.743R 21.4 4,931 60.7 60.6 3,188 39.3 39.2 24 .3 Monroe 5,300 1 ,059R 20.0 3,179 60.0 60.0 2,120 40.0 40.0 1 .0 Montgomery 15,921 94"D 6.0 7,408 47.0 46.5 8,357 53.0 52.5 156 1.0 Morgan 14,973 195R 1.3 7,561 50.7 50.5 7,366 49.3 49.2 46 .3 Moultrie 5,906 2320 3.9 2,802 48.0 47.4 3,034 52.0 51.4 70 1.2 Ogle 12,972 4.282R 33.0 8,614 66.5 66.4 4,332 33.5 33.4 26 .2 Peoria 63,398 2,9270 4.6 30,156 47.7 47.6 33,083 52.3 52.2 159 .3 Perry 9,976 9350 9.4 4,495 45.3 45.1 5,430 54.7 54.4 51 .5 Piatt 5,928 802R 13.5 3,346 56.8 56.4 2,544 43.2 42.9 38 .6 Pike 10,121 1,2930 12.8 4,381 43.6 43.3 5,674 56.4 56.1 66 .7 Pope 2,631 790R 30.0 1,704 65.1 64.8 914 34.9 34.7 13 .5 Pulaski 4,706 381R 8.1 2,532 54.1 53.8 2,151 45.9 45.7 23 .5 Putnam 2,294 344R 15.0 1,312 57.5 57.2 968 42.5 42.2 14 .6 Randolph 13,302 1, 190D 8.9 6,036 45.5 45.4 7,226 54.5 54.3 40 .3 Richland 6,189 922R 14.9 3,517 57.5 56.8 2,595 42.5 41.9 77 1.2 Rock Island 46,477 4,9260 10.6 20,646 44.7 44.4 25,572 55.3 55.0 259 .6 Saline 14,796 832D 5.6 6,958 47.2 47.0 7,790 52.8 52.6 48 .3 Sangamon 60,783 5,2570 8.6 27,709 45.7 45.6 32,966 54.3 54.2 108 .2 Schuyler 5,018 480 1.0 2,44 7 49.5 48.8 2,495 50.5 49.7 76 1.5 Scott 3,470 57D 1.6 1,701 49.2 49.0 1,758 50.8 50.7 11 .3 Shelby 10,795 9470 8.8 4,863 45.6 45.0 5,810 54.4 53.8 122 1.1 Stark 3,599 1,222R 34.0 2,409 67.0 66.9 1,187 33.0 33.0 3 .1 St. Clair 81,094 28.668D 35.4 26,093 32.3 32.2 54,761 67.7 67.5 240 .3 Stephenson 17,725 402R 2.3 9,023 51.1 50.9 8,621 48.9 48.6 81 .5 Tazewell 26,106 4,2510 16.3 10,880 41.8 41.7 15,131 58.2 58.0 95 .4 Union 8,198 972D 11.9 3,596 44.0 43.9 4,568 56.0 55.7 34 .4 Vermilion 34,230 1.491R 4.4 17,698 52.2 51.7 16,207 47. g 47.3 325 .9 Wabash 5,686 2300 4.0 2,681 47.9 47.2 2,911 52.1 51.2 94 1.7 Warren 9,927 2.723R 27.4 6,304 63.8 63.5 3,581 36.2 36.1 42 .4 Washington 7,103 1,391R 19.6 4,230 59.8 59.6 2,839 40.2 40.0 34 .5 Wayne 8,857 449R 5.1 4,632 52.5 52.3 4,183 47.5 47.2 42 .5 White 8,825 7630 8.6 4,003 45.6 45.4 4,766 54.4 54.0 56 .6 Whiteside 17,972 6,400R 35.6 12,129 67.9 67.5 5,729 32.1 31.9 114 .6 Will 54,540 3.004D 5.5 25,605 47.2 46.9 28,609 52.8 52.5 326 .6 Williamson 19,562 966D 4.9 9,254 47.5 47.3 10,220 52.5 52.2 83 .4 Winnebago 55,588 3,5300 6.4 25,906 46.8 46.6 29,4^ 53.2 53.0 246 .4 Woodford 9,094 1,723R 18.9 5,393 59.5 59.3 3,6 7 40.5 40.4 31 .3 TOTAL 3,900 257 407,7280 10.5 1740,026 44.8 44.6 2147,754 55.2 55.1 12,477 .3 Downstate 1,683,788 22,023R 1.3 843,958 50.7 50.4 826,935 49.3 49.1 7,895 • 5 Suburban Cook 390,469 55,234R 14.1 222,412 57.1 57.0 167,178 42.9 42.3 879 .2 Chicago 1,826,000 484,9850 26.6 668,656 36.7 36.6 1153,641 63.3 53.2 3,703 .2 153 GOVERNOR - 1948 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vole Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 28,995 3.654D 12.6 12,625 43.7 43.5 •16,279 56.3 56.1 91 <3 Alexander 8,965 70R .8 4,480 50.4 50.0 4,410 40.6 49.2 75 .8 Bond 6,417 3810 5.9 2,936 47.0 45.8 3,317 53.0 51.7 164 2.6 Boone 6,837 2»664R 39.0 4,744 69.5 69.4 2,080 30.5 30.4 13 .2 Brown 3,335 5490 16.5 1,387 41 .7 41.6 1,936 58.3 58.1 12 .4 Bureau 17,669 3,408R 19.3 10,519 59.7 59.5 7,111 40.3 40.2 3a .2 Calhoun 2,836 2D 1,409 50.0 49.7 1 ,'4 1 1 50.0 49.8 16 .6 Carroll 7,937 1,762R 22.2 4,83 4 61.1 60.9 3,072 38.9 38.7 31 .4 Cass 7,205 ' 728D 10.1 3,224 44.9 44.7 3,952 55.1 54.9 29 .4 Champaign 30,836 591R 1.9 15,620 51.0 50.7 15 ,-029 49.0 48.7 187 .6 Christian 16,822 3,2370 19.2 6,756 40.3 40.2 9,992 59.7 59.4 75 .4 Clark 8, 165 230R 2.8 4, 160 51.4 50.9 3,930 49.6 48.1 75 .9 Clay 6,955 168R 2.4 3,492 51.2 50.2 3,3 24 48.8 47.8 139 2.0 Clinton 9,825 8480 8.6 4,4 71 45.7 45.5 5,319 54.3 54.1 35 .4 Coles 16,741 7850 4.7 7,963 47.7 4 7.6 3,7.48 52.3 52.3 30 .2 Cook 2,231,437 546,4240 24.5 840,218 37.7 37.7 1386,642 62.3 62.1 4,577 .2 Crawford 9,216 72R .8 4,607 50.4 50.0 4,535 49.6 49.2 74 .8 Cumberland 4,774 219D 4.6 2,269 47.7 47.5 2,488 52.3 52.1 17 .4 DeKalb 16,384 4,3699 26.7 10,34 1 63.4 63.1 5,972 36.6 36.5 71 .4 DeWitt 7,482 1660 2.2 3,643 43.9 48.7 3 ,809 51.1 50.9 30 .4 Douglas 7,047 749R 10.6 3,880 65.3 55.1 3,13-1 44.7 44.4 36 .5 DuPage 61,740 8, 346R 13.5 34,949 56.8 56.6 26,603 43.2 43.1 188 .3 Edgar Edwards 11,320 692R 6.1 5,934 5 3.1 52.9 5,292 46.9 46.7 44 .4 3,672 961R 26.2 2,289 63.3 62.3 1 ,328 36.7 36.2 55 1.5 Effingham 9,575 2530 2.6 4,626 48.7 48.3 4, "879 51.3 51.0 70 .7 Fayette 11,430 9250 8.1 5,209 45.9 45.6 6,134 54.1 53.7 87 .3 Ford 6,961 1 ,6819 24.1 4,310 62.1 61.9 2,629 37.9 37.8 22 .3 Franklin 21,077 4,0350 19.1 8,436 40.4 4^.0 12,471 59.6 59.2 170 .8 Fulton 17,751 115R .6 8,365 50.3 49.9 8,750 49.7 49.3 136 .8 Gallatin 4,050 584D 14.4 1 ,723 42.8 42.5 2,307 57.2 57.0 20 .5 Greene 7,482 893D 11.9 3,280 44.0 43.3 4,173 56.0 55.8 29 .4 Grundy 9,067 1,5739 17.3 5,314 58.7 58.6 3,741 41.3 41.3 12 .1 Hamilton 5,527 3 8 90 7.0 2,557 46.5 46.3 2,946 53.5 53.3 24 .4 Hancock 12,633 799R 6.3 6,675 53.2 52.8 5,876 46.8 46.5 82 .6 Hardin 3,060 202R 6.6 1,625 53.3 53.1 1 ,423 46.7 46.5 12 .4 Henderson 3,748 621R 16.6 2 ,173 58.3 58.0 1,552 41.7 41.4 23 .6 Henry 20,609 2,5659 12.4 11 ,544 56.2 56.0 8,979 43.8 43.6 86 .4 Iroquois Jackson Jasper 13,905 3,3239 23.9 8,562 62.0 61.6 6,239 38.0 37.7 104 .7 15,227 5900 3.9 7,265 48.0 4 7.7 7,355 52.0 51.6 107 .7 5,870 347D 5.9 2,74 4 4 7.0 46.7 3 ,091 5 3.0 52.7 35 .6 Jefferson 16,709 1,9230 11.5 7,393 44.2 44.2 9,316 55.8 55.8 .0 Jersey 6,06 3 9270 15.3 2,559 42.3 42.2 3,486 57.7 57.5 18 .3 JoDaviess Johnson Kane 8,396 1,3879 22.5 5,13'n 61.3 61.1 3,243 38.7 38.6 23 .3 4,269 1 , n ]69 23.8 2,633 62.0 61.7 1 ,617 38.0 37.9 19 .4 60,125 9, 3279 15. 5 34,646 67.8 57.6 25,319 42.2 42.1 160 .3 Kankakee 26,503 3,5329 13.7 15,002 56.9 66.6 11 ,370 43.1 42.9 131 .5 Kendall 5,261 1,7729 33.7 3,512 66.9 66.8 1 ,74 33.1 33.1 9 .2 Knox 24,679 3,5939 14.6 14,094 57.3 57.1 10,5-1 42.7 42.6 84 .3 Lake 61 ,393 ',7719 4.5 32,017 52.3 52.2 29,245 47.7 47.6 130 .2 LaSalle 4 3,412 2,975R 6.9 23,129 53.4 53.3 20,154 46.6 46.4 129 .3 Lawrence 8,86*8 4960 5.5 4,122 47.2 46.5 4,618 52.8 52.1 128 1.4 Lee 13,298 3,S53R 29.0 8,549 64.5 64.3 4,696 35.5 35.3 53 .4 Livingston Logan 16,548 2,362R 14.3 9,434 57.2 57.0 7,072 42.8 42.7 42 .3 12,146 1,5079 12.4 6,312 56.2 56.1 5,305 43.3 43.7 29 .2 Macon 39,930 9,3330 23.4 15,243 38.3 38.2 24,576 61.7 61.5 111 .3 154 GOVERNOR - 1948 Total Vote Cast Rep.- Dem Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 21.863 3,5620 16.3 9,109 41.8 4 1 . 7 12,671 53.2 58.0 83 .4 Madison 65,219 20,6380 31.5 22,195 34.1 34.0 42,833 65.9 65.7 191 .3 Marion 16,516 2,6660 16. 1 6,84 3 41 .3 41.4 9,509 59.3 57.6 164 1.0 Marshall 6,294 8069 12.8 3,545 56.4 56.3 2,739 43.6 *-3.5 10 .2 Mason 6,993 2310 3.3 3,366 43.3 48.1 3,597 51.7 51.4 30 .4 Massac 5,061 1 ,OO0R 19.8 2 ,999 60.0 59.3 1 ,999 40.0 39.5 6 3 1.2 McDonough 12,283 3,351R 27.3 7,776 63.7 63.3 4,425 36.3 36.0 82 .7 McHenry 20,701 6,924R 33.4 13,792 66.3 66.6 6,868 33.2 33.2 41 .2 McLean 31,211 2,3470 7.5 14,3.83 46.2 46.1 16,730 53.8 53.6 98 .3 Menard 4,928 585? 11.9 2,749 56.0 55.8 2,164 44.0 43.9 15 .3 Mercer 8,267 1,825R 22. 1 5,033 61 .1 60.9 3,208 38.9 38.3 26 .3 Monroe 5,344 750R 14. 3,046 57.0 57.0 2,2 96 43.0 43.0 2 .0 Montgomery 16,261 1,4820 9.1 7,325 45.4 45.0 8,807 54.6 54.2 129 .8 Morgan 15,147 159R 1.0 7,638 50.5 50.4 7,479 49. 5 4 9.4 30 .2 Moultrie 6,037 4120 6.8 2,781 46.6 46.1 3.193 5 3.'' 52.9 63 1.0 Ogle 13,131 3,915R 29.8 8,509 64.9 64.8 4,594 3 5.1 35 .0 28 .2 Peoria 64,494 5, 17no 8 . 29,579 46.0 45.9 34,749 54.0 53.9 166 .3 Perry 10,169 1,335D 13.1 4,392 43.4 43.2 5,727 56.6 56.3 50 .5 Piatt 6,018 496R 8.2 3,238 54.1 53.8 2,742 4 5.9 45.6 38 .6 Pike 10,276 1 ,386D 13.5 4,408 43.2 42.9 •=•,704 56.8 66.4 74 .7 Pope 2,656 743R 28.0 1,694 64.0 63.8 951 36.0 35.8 11 .4 Pulaski 4,899 40 8 R 8.3 2,638 54.2 53.8 2,230 45.8 45.5 31 .6 Putnam 2,320 290R 12.5 1 ,299 66.3 56.0 1 ,009 43.7 43.5 12 .5 Randolph 13,558 1 ,7690 13.0 5,873 43.5 4 3.3 7,642 56.6 56.4 43 .3 Richland 6,325 620R 9.8 3,438 55.0 5 4.4 2,818 45.0 44.6 69 1. 1 Rock Island 46,697 4, 5890 9.8 20,927 45.1 44.8 25,516 54.-3 64.6 254 .5 Saline 15,051 8660 5.8 7,066 47.1 46.9 7,932 52.9 52.7 53 .4 Sangamon 61,823 2,5410 4. 1 29,588 47.9 47.9 32,12-9 62.1 52.0 106 .2 Schuyler 5,076 1000 2.0 2,455 4 9.0 48.4 2,555 51.0 50.3 66 1.3 Scott 3,535 5 7"i 1.6 1 ,735 49.2 49.1 1 ,792 50.8 50.7 8 .2 Shelby 11 ,079 1 .44 80 13. 1 4,759 43.4 43.0 6.207 56.6 56.0 113 1.0 Stark 3,634 1 , 142R 3 1.4 2,396 65.7 65.7 1,2 44 3 4. 3 34.2 4 .1 St. Clair 82,394 30,3410 36.8 2 5,910 31.5 31 .4 56,251 63.5 6 8.3 233 .3 Stephenson 17,952 110 .2 8,917 49. a 4 9 . 7 3,94 8 5 0.1 4 9 . 9 '7 .5 Tazewell 26,487 4, 1200 15.6 11,134 42.2 42.0 15,254 57.9 67.6 99 .4 Union 8,339 1,0400 12.5 3,633 43.7 '•3.6 4,673 55.3 56.0 33 . 4 Vermilion 34,568 2,7^79 7.9 18,493 <^4. r ' 53.5 15., 756 4 5.0 4 5.6 319 .9 Wabash 5,761 3780 6.6 2,651 46.7 4 6.0 3,029 53.3 52.6 81 1.4 Warren 9,995 2,399P 24.0 6, 176 62.1 61.8 ',,777 37.? 37.8 _•■ p . \ Washington 7,208 639R 8.9 3 ,908 ^4.5 54.2 3,269 4 5.5 4 6.4 31 .4 Wayne 9,015 67° .7 4,521 5 0.4 60. 1 '»» 4 5 4 4?. 6 '* 9 . 4 40 .4 White 9,004 951D 10.6 3,999 4 4.7 44.4 4 , 9 c i 5 5.3 5 5.0 : 1 .6 Whiteside 18,146 5,682R 31.3 11,856 65.8 6 5.3 6, 174 3'+. 3 34.0 116 .6 Will 55,004 4.301D 7.8 25,188 46.1 4 5.8 2 9 , 4 e Q 53.9 53.6 ' 2 7 .6 Williamson 19,984 1.2410 6.2 9,327 45.9 46. 7 10,568 5 3.1 5 2.9 89 • t Winnebago 56,122 6,4290 11.5 24,726 44.2 44.1 31.156 55.8 241 .4 Woodford 9,216 858R 9.3 5,022 54.7 54.5 ■4, 164 4 5.3 4 6.2 30 .3 TOTAL 3,940,245 572,0670 14.5 1678,007 42.7 42.6 2250,074 57.3 57.1 12,164 .3 Downstate 1,708,808 25,6430 1.5 837,789 49.2 49.0 86 3,4 32 50.3 50.5 7,' ? . '♦ Suburban Cook 393,031 11.687R 3.0 201,915 51.5 5 1.4 190,228 48.5 48.4 3 3 3 .2 Chicago 1 ,838,406 558, 111D 30.4 638,303 14.8 34.7 1196,414 65.3 65.1 'ijbS^l .2 155 SENATOR Party Republican Democratic Candidate Everett M. Dirksen Scott W. Lucas Prohibition Enoch A. Holtwick STATE TREASURER Farty Candidate SUMMARY- 1950 Republican William G. Stratton Democratic Michael Howlett Prohibition Eugene Neubauer Total Vote Cook County 1,951,984 996,257 1,657,630 988,132 Counties Downstate Carried 955,727 82 669,498 20 13,050 7,895 5,155 Total Vote Cook County 1,959,734 988,840 1,568,765 962,935 11,329 6,043 Counties Downstate Carried 970,894 95 605,830 7 5,286 157 SENATOR - 1950 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of 1 Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 25.413 2,999R 11.8 14,169 55.9 55.3 11,170 44.1 44.0 74 .3 Alexander 8,757 264R 3.0 4,499 51.5 51.4 4,235 48.5 48.4 23 .3 Bond 5,96.1 423R 7.2 3,106 53.7 52.1 2,678 4 6.3 44.9 177 3.0 Boone 6,40,1 3, 192R 49.9 4,790 75.0 74.3 1,598 25.0 25.0 13 .2 Brown 3,3 8/9 990 2.9 1,637 48.5 48.3 1,736 51.5 51.2 16 .5 Bureau 17,139 6, 5 541? 33.2 11,334 69.1 69.0 5,280 30.9 30.8 25 .1 Calhoun 3,000 6R .2 1 ,494 50.1 49.8 1,488 49.9 49.6 18 .6 Carroll 7,084 2,886R 40.7 4,977 7 0.4 70.3 2,001 29.6 29.5 16 .2 Cass 6,448 2350 3.6 3,095 43.2 48.0 3,330 51.8 51.6 23 .4 Champaign 29,421 9.763R 33.2 19,561 66.6 66.5 9,798 33.4 33.3 62 .2 Christian 16,008 1.002R 6.3 3,484 53.1 53.0 7,4«2 46.9 46.7 42 .3 Clark 8,271 995R 12.0 4,615 56.0 55.8 3,620 44.0 43.8 36 .4 Clay 7,820 862" 11.0 4,308 55.6 55.1 3,446 44.4 44.1 66 .8 Clinton 8,810 5R .1 4,398 5 0.0 49.9 4,393 50.0 49.9 19 .2 Coles 16,784 2»735D 16.3 9,749 58.2 58.1 7,01^ 41.8 41.8 21 .1 Cook 1 ,992,284 8 , 1 2 5R .4 996,257 50.2 50.1 983,132 49.8 49.6 7,895 .4 Crawford 9,099 1 ,5199 16.7 5,278 53.4 58.0 3,759 41.6 41.3 62 .7 Cumberland 4,878 3779 7.7 2,623 53.9 53.8 2,246 46.1 46.0 9 .2 DeKalb 14,748 6,8709 46.6 10,787 73.4 73. I 3,917 26.6 26.6 44 .3 DeWitt 6,710 1.482R 22.1 4,087 61 .1 60.9 2,605 38.9 38.8 18 .3 Douglas 6,770 1,905R 23. 1 4,325 64 .1 63.9 2,420 35.9 35.7 25 .4 DuPage 63,068 34,7139 55.0 48,804 77.6 77.4 14,091 22.4 22.3 173 .3 Edgar 11,179 7,233R 20.0 6,693 60. C 59.9 4,46C 40.0 39.9 26 .2 Edwards 3,865 1»659R 42.9 2,748 71 .6 71. 1 1 ,089 28.4 28.2 28 .7 Effingham 9,639 2,126R 22.1 5,854 61.1 60.7 3,728 38.9 38.7 57 .6 Fayette 11,279 34R .3 5,614 50.2 49.8 5,580 49.8 49.5 85 .8 Ford 7,026 ?,345P 47.6 5,181 7^.8 73.7 1,836 26.2 26.1 9 .1 Franklin 19,812 4650 2.3 9,628 43.8 48.6 10,093 51.2 50.9 91 .5 Fulton 18,437 2.968R 16.1 1^,669 58.1 57.? 7,701 41.9 41.8 67 .4 Gallatin 3,970 7 5 00 19.1 1,577 40.4 40.2 2,327 59.6 59.4 16 .4 Greene 7,195 5590 7.8 3,313 46.1 46.0 3,872 53.9 53.8 10 .1 Grundy 8,606 3,640R 42.3 6,118 71.2 71.1 2,478 28.8 28.8 10 .1 Hamilton 5,670 261R 4.6 2,956 52.3 52.1 2,695 47.7 47.5 19 .3 Hancock 12,077 1 ,954R 16.2 6,986 58.1 57.8 5,032 41.9 41.7 59 .5 Hardin 3,304 150 .5 1 ,635 49.8 49.5 1,650 51.2 49.9 19 .6 Henderson 3,825 806R 21.1 2,310 60.6 60.4 1 ,504 39.4 39.3 11 .3 Henry 18,305 5,7469 31.4 12 ,001 65.7 65.6 6,255 34.3 34.2 49 .3 Iroquois 13,623 5,073R 37.2 9,315 68.7 68.4 4,242 31.3 31.1 66 .5 Jackson 14,054 1, 134R 3.1 7,573 54.0 53.9 6,439 46.0 45.8 42 .3 Jasper 5,755 480 .8 2,834 49.6 49.2 2,882 50.4 50.1 39 .7 Jefferson 15,322 7650 5.1 7,252 47.5 47.3 8,017 52.5 52.3 53 .3 Jersey 5,814 319D 5.5 2,744 47.3 47.2 3,063 52.7 52.7 7 .1 JoDaviess 7,789 2, 171R 27.9 4,970 64.0 63.8 2,799 36.0 35.9 20 .3 Johnson 4,485 911R 20.3 2,696 60.2 60.1 1 ,785 39.8 39.8 4 .1 Kane 58, 128 23,7749 40.9 40,399 70.5 70.4 17,125 29.5 29.5 104 .2 Kankakee 2 5,415 5, 357R 23.0 15,597 hi .6 61.4 9,740 38.4 38.3 78 .3 Kendall 5,108 2,778R 54.4 3,936 77.3 77.1 1 ,158 22.7 22.7 14 .3 Knox 22,828 6, 378R 27.0 14 ,586 64.0 63.9 8,208 36.0 36.0 34 .1 Lake 59,556 19, 5429 32.8 39,501 66.4 66.3 19,959 33.6 33.5 96 .2 LaSalle 44,513 9.793R 22.0 27,104 61 .0 60.9 17,311 39.0 38.9 98 .2 Lawrence 8,386 8?9P 10.0 4,57? 55.1 54.5 3,733 44.9 44.5 81 1.0 Lee 13,344 5,8?59 44.? 9,599 72.2 71.9 3,704 27.8 27.8 41 .3 Livingston 16,749 6, 101-3 36.4 11,413 63.2 68.1 5,313 31.8 31.7 23 .1 Logan 11 ,741 3,2799 27.9 7,498 64.0 63.9 4,219 36.0 35.9 24 .2 Macon 34,296 1130 .3 17,026 49.8 49.6 17,139 50.2 50.0 131 .4 158 SENATOR - 1950 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE i Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 20,961 1,0390 5.0 9,929 47.5 47.4 10,968 52.5 52.3 64 .3 Madison 53,586 8.7640 16.4 22,351 41.8 41.7 31,115 58.2 58.1 120 .2 Marion 15,391 267D 1.7 7,527 49.1 48.9 7,794 50.9 50.6 70 .5 Marshall 6,592 1.872R 28.4 4,229 64.2 64.2 2.357 35.8 35.8 6 . 1 Mason 7,274 352D 4.8 3,455 47.6 47.5 3,807 52.4 52.3 12 .2 Massac 5,011 1.147R 22.9 3,072 61 .5 61.3 1 .925 38.5 38.4 14 .3 McDonough 12,261 3.865R 31.5 8,032 65.8 65.5 4,167 34.2 34.0 62 .5 McHenry 20,713 10.328R 49.9 15,497 75.0 74.8 5,169 25.0 25.0 47 .2 McLean 30,150 7,596R 25.2 18,841 62.6 62.5 11.245 37.4 37.3 64 .2 Menard 5,012 1.022R 20.4 3,010 60.2 60.1 1 ,988 39.8 39.7 14 .3 Mercer 7,347 2.261R 30.8 4,797 65.4 65.3 2,536 34.6 34.5 14 .2 Monroe 5,271 699R 13.3 2,984 56.6 56.6 2,285 43.4 43.4 2 .0 Montgomery 15,157 81D .5 7,497 49.7 49.5 7,578 50.3 50.0 32 .5 Morgan 14,354 1.922R 13.4 8,132 56.7 56.7 6.210 43.3 43.3 12 .1 Moultrie 5,829 389R 6.7 3,084 53.4 52.9 2.695 46.6 46.2 50 .9 Ogle 12,157 6»266R 51.5 9,194 75.8 75.6 2.928 24.2 24.1 35 .3 Peoria 61,313 13.170R 21.5 37,201 60.8 60.7 24,031 39.2 39.2 81 .1 Perry 10,295 434R 4.2 5,354 52.1 52.0 4,920 47.9 47.8 21 .2 Piatt 5,467 1.382R 25.3 3,416 62.7 62.5 2.034 37.3 37.2 17 .3 Pike 9,891 429D 4.3 4,700 47.8 47.5 5.129 52.2 51.9 62 .6 Pope 2,676 642R 24.0 1,656 62.0 61.9 1,014 38.0 37.9 6 .2 Pulaski 5,030 362R 7.2 2,682 53.6 53.3 2.320 46.4 46.1 28 .6 Putnam 2,463 633R 25.7 1 ,545 62.9 62.7 912 37.1 37.0 6 .2 Randolph 13,458 633D 4.7 6,400 47.6 47.6 7,033 52.4 52.3 25 .2 Richland 6,858 1.014R 14.8 3,918 57.4 57.1 2.904 42.6 42.3 36 .5 Rock Island 40,435 3,646R 9.0 21 ,944 54.5 54.3 18.298 45.5 45.3 193 .6 Saline 14,723 374D 2.5 7,149 48.7 48.6 7.523 51.3 51.1 51 .3 Sangamon 60,378 9,045R 15.0 34,650 57.5 57.4 25,605 42.5 42.4 123 .2 Schuyler 4,871 536R 11.0 2,684 55.5 55.1 2,148 44.5 44.1 39 .8 Scott 3,429 99R 2.9 1,760 51.4 51.3 1.661 48.6 48.4 8 .2 Shelby 10,032 141R 1.4 5,040 50.7 50.2 4.899 49.3 48.8 93 .9 Stark 3,639 1.721R 47.3 2,678 73.7 73.6 957 26.3 26.3 4 .1 St. Clair 68,873 14,2660 20.7 27,162 39.6 39.4 41,428 60.4 60.2 283 .4 Stephenson 15,660 5,258R 33.6 10,433 66.8 66.6 5,175 33.2 33.0 52 .3 Tazewell 28,824 2.356R 8.2 15,570 54.1 54.0 13.214 45.9 45.8 40 .1 Union 7,421 1. 119D 15.1 3,141 42.4 42.3 4.260 57.6 57.4 20 .3 Vermilion 36,705 5.991R 16.3 21,261 58.2 57.9 15,270 41.8 41.6 17'* .5 Wabash 5,702 387R 6.8 3,003 53.4 52.7 2.616 46.6 45.9 83 1.5 Warren 9,187 3,889R 42.3 6,528 71 .2 71.1 2.639 28.8 28.7 20 .2 Washington 7,375 1.246R 16.9 4,298 58.5 58.3 3 .052 41.5 4 1.4 26 .3 Wayne a, 922 1.1509 12.9 5,016 56.5 56.2 3.866 43.5 43.3 40 .4 White 8,627 103R 1.2 4,337 50.6 50.3 4.234 49.4 49.1 56 .6 Whiteside 17,063 8,467R 49.6 12,740 74.9 74.7 4,273 25.1 25.0 50 .3 Will 54,083 8,658R 16.0 31 ,324 58.0 57.9 22,666 42.0 41.9 Q 3 .2 Williamson 20,655 475R 2.3 10,525 51 .2 51.0 10.050 48.8 43.7 80 .4 Winnebago 52,682 8.395R 15.9 30,445 58.0 57.8 22.C50 42.0 41.9 187 .<- Woodford 9,553 3.501R 36.6 6,518 68.4 68.2 3.017 31.6 31.6 18 .2 TOTAL 3,622,664 294,354R 8.1 1951 ,934 54.1 53.9 1657,630 45.9 45.8 13.050 .4 Downs tate 1,630,380 286,229R 17.6 955,727 58.8 58.6 669,498 41.2 41.1 5,155 .3 Suburban Cook 397,470 146.207P 36.8 271,365 68.4 68.3 125,158 31.6 31.5 947 .2 Chicago 1,594,814 138,0820 8.7 724,892 45.7 45.5 862.974 54.3 54.1 6,948 .4 159 STATE TREASURER - 1950 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 24,336 3.825R 15.7 14,037 57.9 57.7 10,212 42.1 42.0 87 .4 Alexander 8,498 518R 6.1 4,498 53.1 52.9 3,980 46.9 46.8 20 .2 Bond 5,705 1.145R 20.1 3,349 60.3 58.7 2,204 39.7 38.6 152 2.7 Boone 6,237 3.720R 59.6 4,972 79.9 79.7 1,252 20.1 20.1 13 .2 Brown 3,149 31D 1.0 1,551 49.5 49.3 1,582 50.5 50.2 16 .5 Bureau 16,692 6,555R 39.3 11 ,609 69.7 69.5 5,054 30.3 30.3 29 .2 Calhoun 2,796 345R 12.3 1,559 56.2 55.8 1,214 43.8 43.4 23 .8 Carroll 6,769 3,285R 48.5 5,017 74.3 74.1 1,732 25.7 25.6 20 .3 Cass 6,212 167R 2.7 3,175 51.4 51.1 3,008 48.6 48.4 29 .5 Champaign 28,680 10,784R 37.6 19,693 68.9 68.7 8,909 31.1 31.1 78 .3 Christian 15,425 417R 2.7 7,897 51.4 51.2 7,480 48.6 48.5 48 .3 Clark 8,017 1,238R 15.4 4,610 57.8 57.5 3.372 42.2 42.1 35 .4 Clay Clinton 7,592 1,010R 13.3 4,264 56.7 56.2 3,254 43.3 42.9 74 1.0 8,193 1.522R 18.6 4,846 59.3 59.1 3,324 40.7 40.6 23 .3 Coles 16,240 3,103R 19.1 9,661 59.6 59.5 6,558 40.4 40.4 21 .1 Cook 1,957,818 25,905R 1.3 988,840 50.7 50.5 962,935 49.3 49.2 6,043 .3 Crawford 8,847 2,051R 23.2 5,426 61.7 61.3 3,375 38.3 38.1 46 .5 Cumberland 4,766 496R 10.4 2,625 55.2 55.1 2,129 44.8 44.7 12 .3 DeKalb 14,448 8, 104R 56.1 11 ,260 73.1 77.9 3 ,156 21.9 21.8 32 .2 DeWitt 6,467 1,819R 28.1 4,131 64.1 63.9 2,312 35.9 35.8 24 .4 Douglas DuPage Edgar Edwards 6,603 2, 120R 32.1 4,347 66.1 65.8 2,227 33.9 33.7 29 .4 62,557 35, 169R 56.2 48,749 78.2 77.9 13,580 21.8 21.7 228 .4 10,997 2,282R 20.8 6,626 60.4 60.3 4,344 39.6 39.5 27 .2 3,760 1.801R 47.9 2,767 74.1 73.6 966 25.9 25.7 27 .7 Effingham 9,073 1.327R 14.6 5,170 57.4 57.0 3,843 42.6 42.4 60 .7 Fayette Ford 10,888 575R 5.3 5,690 52.7 52.3 5,115 47.3 47.0 83 .8 6,902 3,537R 51.2 5,212 75.7 75.5 1,675 24.3 24.3 15 .2 Franklin 18,897 44 5D 2.4 9,186 48.8 48.6 9,631 51.2 51.0 80 .4 Fulton 17,893 3,072R 17.2 10,452 58.6 58.4 7,380 41.4 41.2 61 .3 Gallatin 3,697 381D 10.3 1,648 44.8 44.6 2,029 55.2 54.9 20 .5 Greene 6,687 112R 1.7 3,393 50.8 50.7 3,281 49.2 49.1 13 .2 Grundy Hamilton 8,567 4,365R 51.0 6,460 75.5 75.4 2,095 24.5 24.5 12 .1 5,411 255R 4.7 2,823 52.4 52.2 2,568 47.6 47.5 20 .4 Hancock 11,755 2.562R 21.8 7,127 51.0 60.6 4,565 39.0 38.8 63 .5 Hardin 3,223 210R 6.5 1 ,707 53.3 53.0 1,497 46.7 46.4 19 .6 Henderson 3,686 1.028R 27.9 2,351 64.0 63.8 1,323 36.0 35.9 12 .3 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 17,924 6,318R 35.2 12,096 67.7 67.5 5,778 32.3 32.2 50 .3 13,311 5.863R 44.0 9,553 72.1 71.8 3,690 27.9 27.7 68 .5 13,571 1.776R 13.1 7,647 =.6.6 56.3 5,871 43.4 43.3 53 .4 5,592 158R 2.8 2,856 51.4 31.1 2,698 48.6 48.2 38 .7 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 14,397 132D .9 7,101 49.5 49.3 7,233 50.5 50.2 63 .4 5,591 220R 3.9 2,903 52.0 51.9 2,683 48.0 48.0 5 .1 7,575 2,997R 39.6 5,276 59.8 69.7 2,279 30.2 30.1 20 .3 4,313 1.277R 29.6 2,792 64.8 64.7 1,515 35.2 35.1 6 .1 56,901 25,258R 44.4 41 ,023 72.2 72.1 15,765 27.8 27.7 113 .2 Kankakee 24,916 6.384R 25.6 15,608 62.9 62.6 9,224 37.1 37.0 84 .3 Kendall 4,998 3,0 94R 61.9 4,041 81.0 8C.9 947 19.0 18.9 10 .2 Knox 22,105 7,851R 35.5 14,956 67.8 67.7 7,105 32.2 32.1 44 .2 Lake 58,568 23,181R 39.6 40,824 69.8 69.7 17,643 30.2 30.1 101 .2 LaSalle 42,729 11, 143R 26. 1 26,898 63.1 63.0 15,755 36.9 36.9 76 .2 Lawrence 8,151 1,209R 14.8 4,641 57.5 56.9 3,432 42.5 42.1 78 1.0 Lee 12,949 6, 180R 47.7 9,548 73.9 73.7 3,368 26.1 26.0 33 .3 Livingston Logan Macon 16,441 6,366R 33.7 11,387 69.4 69.3 5,021 30.6 30.5 33 .2 11,500 3.525R 30.7 7,501 65.4 65.2 3,976 34.6 34.6 23 .2 33,575 1,804R 5.4 17,614 52.7 52.5 15,810 47.3 47.1 151 .4 160 STATE TREASURER - 1950 Totol Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 20,208 423R 2.1 10,281 51.1 50.9 9,858 48.9 48.8 69 .3 Madison 51,810 3,754D 7.2 23,965 46.4 46.3 27,719 53.6 53.5 126 .2 Marion 14,865 490R 3.3 7,643 51.7 51.4 7,153 48.3 48.1 69 .5 Marshall 6,305 2.132R 33.8 4,215 66.9 66.9 2,083 33.1 33.0 7 .1 Mason 6,877 880R 12.8 3,870 56.4 56.3 2,990 43.6 43.5 17 .2 Massac 4,754 1.487R 31.3 3,113 65.7 65.5 1,626 34.3 34.2 15 .3 McDonough 12,118 4,376R 36.1 8,216 68.1 67.8 3,840 31.9 31.7 62 .5 McHenry 20,363 11.205R 55.0 15,759 77.6 77.4 4,554 22.4 22.4 50 .2 McLean 29,339 9,021R 30.7 19,142 65.4 65.2 10,121 34.6 34.5 76 .3 Menard 4,875 1,241R 25.5 3,054 62.7 62.6 1,813 37.3 37.2 8 .2 Mercer 7,187 2,702R 37.6 4,937 68.8 68.7 2»235 31.2 31.1 15 .2 Monroe 5,174 1,229R 23.8 3,201 61.9 61.9 1 ,972 38.1 38.1 1 .0 Montgomery 14,682 964R 6.6 7,784 53.3 53.0 6,820 46.7 46.5 78 .5 Morgan 14,091 2.656R 18.8 8,364 59.4 59.4 5,708 40.6 40.5 19 .1 Moultrie 5,595 562R 10.0 3,054 55.1 54.6 2,492 44.9 44.5 49 .9 Ogle 11,760 6,977R 59.3 9,351 79.8 79.5 2,374 20.2 20.2 35 .3 Peoria 59,722 17,238R 28.9 38,432 64.5 64.4 2 1,194 35.5 35.5 96 .2 Perry 9,964 667R 6.7 5,307 53.4 53.3 4,640 46.6 46.6 17 . 2 Piatt 5,362 1,650R 30.8 3,498 65.4 65.2 1,848 34.6 34.5 16 .3 Pike 9,298 256R 2.8 4,732 51 .4 50.9 4,476 48.6 48.1 90 1.0 Pope 2,590 833R 32.2 1 ,708 66.1 65.9 875 33.9 33.8 7 .3 Pulaski 4,752 560R 11.8 2,643 55.9 55.6 2,083 44.1 43.8 26 .5 Putnam 2,356 703R 29.8 1 ,527 65.0 64.8 8 24 3 5.0 35.0 5 .2 Randolph 13,104 219R 1.7 6,650 50.8 50.7 6,431 49.2 49.1 23 .2 Richland 6,567 1,229R 18.7 3,880 59.4 59.1 2,651 40.6 40.4 36 .5 Rock Island 39,661 4,667R 11.8 22 ,061 55.9 55.6 17,394 -+4.1 43.9 206 .5 Saline 14,201 467R 3.3 7,305 51.7 51.4 6,838 48.3 48.2 58 .4 Sangamon 58,532 12.297R 21.0 35,351 60.5 60.4 23,054 39.5 39.4 127 .2 Schuyler 4,769 793-} 16.6 2,760 58.4 57.9 1,967 41.6 41.2 42 .9 Scott 3,253 318R 9.8 1,783 54.9 54.8 1,465 45.1 45.0 5 .2 Shelby 9,708 557R 5.7 5,091 52.9 52.4 4,534 47.1 46.7 83 .9 Stark 3,585 1,802R 50.3 2 ,691 75.2 75.1 889 24.8 24.8 5 .1 St. Clair 66,121 9,0?5D 13.7 28,397 4 3.1 42.9 37,452 56.9 56.6 272 .4 Stephenson 15,312 6, 7^4R 44. 1 11,011 72.1 71.9 4,257 27.9 27.6 44 .3 Tazewell 2 7,8 74 4 , 5 1 R 16.1 16, 164 58.1 58.0 11,663 41.9 41.8 47 .2 Union 7,053 685D 9.7 3,173 45.1 45.0 3,858 54.9 54.7 22 .3 Vermilion 35,595 8,443R 23.7 21,941 61.9 61.6 13,498 38.1 37.9 156 .4 Wabash 5,492 715R 13.0 3,063 56.6 55.8 2,348 43.4 42.8 81 1.5 Warren 0,982 3»993B 44.5 6,476 72.3 72.1 2,483 27.7 27.6 23 .3 Washington 7,157 1.769R 24.7 4,451 62.4 62.2 2,682 37.6 37.5 24 .3 Wayne 8,653 1.362R 15.7 4,986 57.9 57.6 3,624 42.1 41.9 43 .5 White 8, 155 493R 6.0 4,298 53.0 52.7 3,805 47.0 46.7 52 .6 Whiteside 16,893 9.003R 53.3 12,925 76.7 76.5 3,922 23.3 23.2 46 .3 Will 52,826 11,049R 20.9 31 ,901 60.5 60.4 20,852 39.5 39.5 73 .1 Williamson 20,0 74 1,122R 5.6 10,561 52.8 52.6 9,439 47.2 47.0 74 .4 Winnebago 50,479 12,894R 25.5 31 ,598 62.8 62.6 18,704 37.2 37.1 177 .4 Woodford 9,145 3.725R 40.7 6,428 7n.4 70.3 2,703 29.6 29.6 14 .2 TOTAL 3,539,828 390,969R 11.0 1959,734 55.5 55.4 1568,765 44.5 44.3 11,329 .3 Downstate 1,582,010 365,064R 23.1 970,894 61.6 61.4 605,830 38.4 38.3 5,286 .3 Suburban Cook 391,673 151,190R 38.6 271 ,063 69.3 69.2 119,873 30.7 30.6 742 .2 Chicago 1 ,566,143 125,2850 8.0 717,777 46.0 45.8 843,062 54.0 53.8 5,301 .3 161 SUMMARY- 1952 PRESIDENT Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower 2,457,327 1,188,973 1,268,354 98 Democratic Adlai E. Stevenson 2,013,920 1,172,454 841,466 4 Socialist Labor Eric Hass 9,363 6,128 3,235 GOVERNOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican William G. Stratton 2,317,363 1,125,934 1,191,429 93 Democratic Sherwood Dixon 2,089,721 1,216,582 873,139 9 Socialist Labor Louis Fisher 8,777 5,486 3,291 163 PRESIDENT -1952 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 32.974 6, 351R 19.3 19,652 59.6 59.6 13,301 40.4 40.3 21 .1 Alexander 9,553 914R 9.6 5,219 54.8 54.6 4,305 45.2 45.1 29 .3 Bond 7,356 1.789R 24.3 4,565 62.2 62.1 2,776 37.8 37.7 15 .2 Boone 3,932 4,341R 48.6 6,628 74.3 74.2 2,287 25.7 25.6 17 .2 Brown 3,699 580R 15.7 2, 137 5 7.9 57.8 1,557 42.1 42.1 5 .1 Bureau 20,498 8, 127R 39.6 14,300 69.3 69.8 6,173 30.2 30.1 25 .1 Calhoun 3,371 461R 13.7 1,915 56.8 56.8 1,454 43.2 43.1 2 .1 Carroll 9,576 4,394R 45.9 6,978 73.0 72.9 2,584 27.0 27.0 14 .1 Cass 7,565 747R 9.9 4, 152 54.9 54.9 3,405 45.1 4 5.0 8 .1 Champaign 41 ,244 13.237R 32.1 27,188 66.1 65.9 13,951_ 33.9 33.8 105 .3 Christian 19,767 62R .3 9,906 50.2 50.1 9,844 49.3 49.8 17 .1 Clark 9,326 2,079R 22.3 5,700 61.2 61.1 3,621 38.8 38.8 5 .1 Clay 8,700 1.822R 20.9 5,254 60.5 60.4 3,432 39.5 39.4 14 .2 Clinton 11,620 1,907R 16.4 6,760 58.2 58.2 4,853 41.8 41.8 7 .1 Coles 20,556 4,784R 23.3 12,660 61.6 61.6 7,876 38.4 38.3 20 .1 Cook 2,367,555 16, 519R .7 1188,973 50.3 50.2 1172,454 49.7 49.5 6,128 .3 Crawford 10,724 2,821R 26.3 6,768 63.2 63.1 3,947 36.8 36.8 9 .1 Cumberland 5,513 1.102R 20.0 3,302 6 0.0 59.9 2,200 40.0 39.9 11 .2 DeKalb 19,945 9,697R 48.6 14,807 74.3 74.2 5,110 25.7 25.6 28 .1 DeWitt 8,436 1.991R 23.6 5,212 61.3 61.8 3,221 38.2 38.2 3 .0 Douglas 8,241 2,824R 34.3 5,530 67.1 67.1 2,706 32.9 32.8 5 .1 DuPage 93,817 48,645R 51.9 71 ,134 76.0 75.8 22,489 24.0 24.0 194 .2 Edgar 12,891 3,765R 29.2 8,323 64.6 64.6 4,558 35.4 35.4 10 .1 Edwards 4,669 2,340R 50.1 3,502 75.1 75.0 1,162 24.9 24.9 5 .1 Effingham 11,300 1.785R 15.8 6,530 57.9 57.8 4,745 42.1 42.0 25 .2 Fayette 12,339 1.729R 14.0 7,028 R7.0 57.0 5,299 43.0 42.9 12 .1 Ford 8,343 4,095R 49.1 6,216 74.6 74.5 2,121 2 5.4 25.4 6 .1 Franklin 23,766 2 5 8D 1.1 11,723 49.5 49.3 11,981 50.5 50.4 62 .3 Fulton 21,760 4,888P 22.5 13,302 61.3 61.1 8,414 38.7 38.7 44 .2 Gallatin 4,461 147R 3.3 2,300 51.7 51.6 2,153 48.3 48.3 3 .2 Greene 9,132 913R 10.0 5,019 55.0 55.0 4,106 45.0 45.0 7 .1 Grundy 10,478 4,229R 40.4 7,347 70.2 70.1 3,118 29.8 29.8 13 .1 Hamilton 6,717 1.385R 20.6 4,047 60.3 60.3 2,662 39.7 39.6 8 .1 Hancock 13,880 4.500R 32.4 9,181 66.2 66.1 4,681 33.8 33.7 18 .1 Hardin 3,553 421R 11.8 1 ,984 55.9 55.8 1,563 44.1 44.0 6 .2 Henderson 4,303 1.381R 32.1 2,839 66.1 66.0 1,458 33.9 33.9 6 .1 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 24,892 7,743R 31.1 16,301 65.6 65.5 8,558 34.4 34.4 33 .1 17,101 7,822R 45.7 12,456 72.9 72.8 4,634 27.1 27.1 11 .1 17,674 2,736R 15.5 10,193 57.8 57.7 7,457 42.2 42.2 24 .1 6,490 1,025R 15.8 3,753 57.9 57.8 2,728 42.1 42.0 9 .1 Jefferson 18,553 1.143R 6.2 9,341 53.1 53.0 8,698 46.9 46.9 19 .1 Jersey 7,461 607R 8.1 4,031 54.1 54.0 3,424 45.9 45.9 6 .1 JoDaviess 10,003 4,274R 42.7 7,132 71.4 71.3 2,858 28.6 28.6 13 .1 Johnson 4,947 1.713R 34.6 3,327 67.3 67.3 1,614 32.7 32.6 6 .1 Kane 74,955 26,743R 35.7 50,801 67.9 67.8 24,058 32.1 32.1 96 .1 Kankakee 33,005 7,643R 23.2 20-.279 61.6 61.4 12,636 38.4 38.3 90 .3 Kendall 6,461 3,506R 54.3 4,982 77.1 77.1 1,476 22.9 22.8 3 .0 Knox 28,940 8,215R 28.4 18,569 64.2 64.2 10,354 35.8 35.8 17 .1 Lake 87,427 22,576R 25.8 54,929 62.9 62.8 32,353 37.1 37.0 145 .2 LaSalle 54,276 11.536R 21.3 32,857 60.6 60.5 21,321 39.4 39.3 98 .2 Lawrence 10,036 2.332R 23.1 6,207 61.6 61.5 3,875 38.4 38.4 4 .0 Lee 16,650 7.241R 43.5 11,941 71.8 71.7 4,700 28.2 28.2 9 .1 Livingston 19,727 3,483R 43.0 14,095 71.5 71.5 5,612 28.5 28.4 20 .1 Logan 14,229 4, 114R 28.9 9,162 64.5 64.4 5,048 35.5 35.5 19 .1 Macon 48,066 3.467R 7.2 25,744 53.6 53.6 22,277 46.4 46.3 45 .1 164 PRESIDENT- 1952 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality I REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- forly Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 25,348 608D 2.4 12,336 48.8 48.7 12,944 51.2 51.1 68 .3 Madison 87,039 14,5280 16.7 36,206 41 .6 41.6 50,734 58.4 58.3 99 .1 Marion 20,140 1,487R 7.4 10,804 53.7 53.6 9,317 46.3 46.3 19 .1 Marshall 7,201 2,5073 34.8 4,850 67.4 67.4 2,343 32.6 32.5 8 .1 Mason 8,047 1.921R 23.9 4,982 61 .9 61.9 3,061 38.1 38.0 4 .0 Massac 6,930 1.501R 21.7 4,212 60.8 60.8 2,711 39.2 39.1 7 . 1 McDonough 14,053 6,204R 44. 1 10,126 72.1 72.1 3,922 27.9 27.9 5 .0 McHenry 28,257 13,757R 48.7 20,975 74.4 74.2 7,218 25.6 25.5 64 .2 McLean 37,826 11, 198R 29.6 24,494 64.8 64.8 13,296 35.2 35.2 36 .1 Menard 5,256 1.361R 25.9 3,307 63.0 62.9 1 ,946 37.0 37.0 3 . 1 Mercer 9,097 3.737R 41.1 6,416 70.5 70.5 2,679 29.5 29.4 2 .0 Monroe 6,959 2.098R 30.1 4,528 65.1 65.1 2,430 34.9 34.9 1 .0 Montgomery 18,225 1.819R 10.0 10,014 55.0 54.9 8,195 4 5.0 45.0 16 .1 Morgan 17,046 3,768R 22.1 10,405 61.1 61.0 6,637 38.9 38.9 4 .0 Moultrie 6,563 1,205R 18.4 3,880 59.2 59.1 2,675 40.8 4C.8 8 .1 Ogle 17,160 9,555R 55.7 13,351 77.9 77.8 3,796 22.1 22.1 13 . 1 Peoria 83,339 15.290R 18.3 49,245 59.2 59.1 33,955 40.8 40.7 139 .2 Perry 11,923 1.240R 10.4 6,580 55.2 55.2 5,340 44.8 44.8 3 .0 Piatt 6,932 2,481R 35.8 4,701 67.9 67.8 2»220 32.1 32.0 11 .2 Pike 11,611 1, 163R 10.0 6,382 55.0 55.0 5,219 45.0 <»4.9 10 .1 Pope 2,883 1.014R 35.2 1 ,947 67.6 67.5 933 32.4 32.4 3 .1 Pulaski 5,854 1,050R 17.9 3,447 59.0 58.9 2,397 41.0 40.9 10 .2 Putnam 2,703 681R 25.2 1 ,691 62.6 62.6 1,010 37.4 37.4 2 . 1 Randolph 15,438 1,429R 9.3 8,427 54.6 54.6 6,998 45.4 45.3 13 .1 Richland 8.139 3,004R 36.9 5,569 68.5 68.4 2,565 31.5 31.5 5 . 1 Rock Island 60,912 5,054R 8.3 32,933 54.2 54.1 27,879 45.6 45.8 100 .2 Saline 17,006 1,435R 8.4 9,206 54.2 54.1 7,771 45.8 45.7 29 .2 Sangamon 72,968 5, 866R 8.0 39,392 54.0 54.0 33,526 46.0 45.9 50 . 1 Schuyler 5,375 1,219R 22.7 3,295 61.3 61.3 2,076 38.7 38.6 4 .1 Scott 3,807 792R 20.8 2,298 60.4 6^.4 1,5^6 39.6 39.6 3 .1 Shelby 12,468 1.921R 15.4 7,189 57.7 57.7 5,268 42.3 42.3 11 .1 Stark 4,500 2,298R 51.1 3,398 75.5 75.5 1,100 24.5 24.4 2 .0 St. Clair 100 503 20,5980 20.5 39,713 39.7 39.5 60,311 60.3 60.0 479 .5 Stephenson 21,086 7.841R 37.2 14,446 68.6 68.5 6,605 31.4 31.3 35 .2 Tazewell 37,653 3,901R 10.4 20,763 55.2 55.1 16,862 44.8 44.8 28 .1 Union 8,963 362R 4.0 4,658 52.0 52.0 4,296 48.0 47.9 9 .1 Vermilion 44,226 6,596R 14.9 25,367 57.5 57.4 18,771 42.5 42.4 68 .2 Wabash 6,913 1.585R 22.9 4,246 61 .5 61.4 2,661 33.5 38.5 6 .1 Warren 11,003 5,047R 45.9 8,020 73.0 72.9 2,973 27.0 27.0 10 .1 Washington 8,381 2.722R 32.5 5,546 66.3 66.2 2,824 33.7 33.7 11 . 1 Wayne 10,418 2,584R 24.8 6,495 62.4 62.3 3,911 37.6 37.5 12 . 1 White 10,431 1.857R 17.8 6,141 58.9 58.9 4,284 41.1 41.1 6 .1 Whiteside 23,599 11,056R 46.8 17,294 73.5 73.3 6,238 26.5 26.4 67 .3 Will 68,386 8.784R 12.8 38,533 56.4 56.3 29,749 43.6 43.5 104 .2 Williamson 24,223 2,510R 10.4 13,348 55.2 55.1 10,838 44.8 44.7 37 • C Winnebago 75,004 12,059R 16.1 43,468 53.1 58.0 31 ,409 41.9 41.9 127 .2 Woodford 11,308 4,749R 42.0 8,022 71.0 70.9 3,273 29.0 28.9 13 .1 TOTAL 4,480,610 443,407R 9.9 2457,327 55.0 54.3 2013,920 45.0 44.9 9,363 .2 Downstate 2,113,055 426.888R 2C.2 1268,354 60.1 6C.0 841,466 39.9 39.8 3,235 .2 Suburban Cook 526,568 177.761R 33. e 351,379 66.9 66.7 173,618 33.1 33.0 1,571 .3 Chicago 1,840,987 161,2420 8.8 837,594 45.6 45.5 998,836 54.4 54.3 4,557 165 GOVERNOR - 1952 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 32*095 2.390R 7.4 17,233 53.7 53.7 14,843 46.3 46.2 19 .1 Alexander 9,000 627R 7.0 4,807 53.5 53.4 4,180 46.5 46.4 13 . 1 Bond 7,201 1.354R 18.8 4,271 5 9 . 4 59.3 2 ,917 4 0.6 40.5 13 .2 Boone 8,886 4,089R 46.0 6,481 73.0 72.9 2,392 27.0 26.9 13 .1 Brown 3,608 258R 7.2 1 ,931 53.6 53.5 1 ,673 46.4 46.4 4 . 1 Bureau 20,386 7.032R 34.5 13,702 67.3 67.2 6,670 32.7 32.7 14 .1 Calhoun 3,319 336R 10.1 1 ,827 55.1 55.0 1 ,491 44.9 44.9 1 .0 Carroll 9,388 4.005R 42.7 6,69 3 71.3 71.3 2,688 28.7 28.6 7 .1 Cass 7,403 610R 8.2 4,005 54.1 54.1 3 ,395 45. 9 45.9 3 .0 Champaign 40,328 S,096R 20.1 24,181 60.1 60.0 16,085 39.9 39.9 62 .2 Christian 19,135 375D 2.0 9,372 49.0 49.0 9,74 7 51.0 50.9 16 .1 Clark 9,209 1,658R 18.0 5,431 59.0 59.0 3,773 41.0 41.0 5 . 1 Clay 8,359 1,472R 17.6 4,910 58.8 58.7 3,438 41.2 41.1 11 .1 Clinton 11,142 836R 7.5 5,987 53.8 53.7 5,151 46.2 46.2 4 .0 Coles 19,770 2.884R 14.6 11 ,319 5 7.3 57.3 8 ,435 42.7 42.7 16 .1 Cook 2,348,002 90,648D 3.9 1125,934 48.1 48.0 1216,582 51.9 51.8 5,486 .2 Crawford 10,606 2,24 5R 21.2 6,423 60.6 50.6 4,178 39.4 39.4 5 .0 Cumberland 5,449 750R 13.8 3,096 56.9 56.8 2,346 43.1 43.1 7 .1 DeKalb 19,765 8, 173R 41.4 13 ,959 70.7 70.6 5,786 29.3 29.3 20 .1 DeWitt 8,282 1.608R 19.4 4,94? ^9.7 59.7 3,335 40.3 40.3 4 .0 Douglas DuPage 8,113 2,283R 28.1 5,197 64.1 64.1 2,914 35.9 35.9 2 .0 93,572 39,885R 42.6 66,656 71.3 71.2 26,771 28.7 28.6 145 .2 Edgar Edwards 12,637 2,947R 23.3 7,787 51.7 61.6 4,840 38.3 38.3 10 .1 4,543 2, 116R 46.6 3 ,327 73.3 73.2 1,211 26.7 26.7 5 . 1 Effingham 10,963 678R 6.2 5,812 53.1 53.0 5,134 46.9 46.8 17 .2 Fayette 12,125 1.205R 9.9 6,660 55.0 54.9 5,455 45.0 45.0 10 .1 Ford 8,035 3,615R 45.0 5,825 72.5 72.5 2,210 27.5 27.5 .0 Franklin 23,048 749D 3.2 11,119 48.4 48.2 11,868 51.6 51.5 61 .3 Fulton 20,506 4,032R 19.7 12,2 C 2 59.8 59.7 8,220 40.2 40.1 34 .2 Gallatin 4, 346 1190 2.7 2,111 43.6 4 8.6 2 ,230 51.4 51.3 5 .1 Greene 8,783 687R 7.8 4,732 53.9 53.9 4 ,(145 46. 1 46.1 6 .1 Grundy 10,315 4,525R 43.9 7,417 71.9 71.9 2,892 28.1 28.0 6 .1 Hamilton 6,636 1, 135R 17.1 3,884 53.6 58.5 2,749 41.4 41.4 3 .0 Hancock 13,591 3,464R 25.5 8,521 62.8 62.7 5,057 37.2 37.2 13 .1 Hardin 3,511 387R 11.0 1 ,946 55.5 55.4 1,559 44.5 44.4 6 .2 Henderson 4,235 1, 134R 26.8 2,682 63.4 63.3 1 ,548 36.6 36.6 5 . 1 Henry Iroquois Jackson Jasper 24,705 7,162R 29.0 15,921 64.5 54.4 8,759 35.5 35.5 25 .1 16,947 7, 115R 42.0 12,026 71.0 71.0 4,911 29.0 29.0 10 .1 17,210 1,656R 9.6 9,425 54.8 54.8 7,769 45.2 45.1 16 .1 6,416 C 24R 8.2 3,466 54.1 54.0 2,942 4 5.9 4 5.9 8 .1 Jefferson Jersey JoDaviess Johnson Kane 18,016 419R 2.3 9,211 51 .2 51.1 8,792 48.8 48.8 13 .1 7,357 331R 4.5 3,84 1 52.3 52.2 3,510 47.7- 4 7.7 6 .1 9,910 3,338R 33.7 6,619 66.9 65.8 3,281 33. 1 33.1 10 .1 4,90 7 1,643R 33.5 3,272 66.8 66.7 1,629 33.2 33.2 6 .1 74,706 21»416R 28.7 48,018 64 .4 64.3 26,602 35.6 35.6 86 .1 Kankakee 32,488 6, 184R 19.0 19,308 59.5 59.4 13,124 40.5 40.4 56 .2 Kendall 6,390 3.215R 50.3 4,801 75.2 75.1 1 ,586 24.8 24.8 3 .0 Knox 27,659 7,261R 26.3 17,452 63.1 63.1 10,191 36.9 36.8 16 .1 Lake 86,599 18.273R 21.1 52,379 60.6 60.5 34,106 39.4 39.4 114 .1 LaSalle 54,123 9,432R 17.4 31 ,2°1 58.9 57.8 21,859 41.1 40.4 973 1.8 Lawrence 9,687 1.598R 16.5 5,642 58.2 58.2 4 ,044 41.8 41.7 1 .0 Lee 16,622 3.736R 22.5 10, 175 61.2 61.2 6,439 33.8 38.7 8 .0 Livingston Logan Macon 19,445 7,496R 38.5 13,463 69.3 69.2 5,967 30.7 30.7 15 .1 14,060 3,651R 26.0 8,849 63.0 62.9 5,198 37.0 37.0 13 .1 46,417 3.312D 7.1 21,534 46.4 46.4 24,846 53.6 53.5 37 .1 166 GOVERNOR - 1952 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Numbei Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin Madison 24,451 272D 1.1 12,066 49.4 4 9.3 12,338 50.6 50.5 4 7 .2 85,219 16.0O3D 18.8 34,556 40.6 4^.5 5^,559 59.4 59.3 104 .1 Marion 19,339 877R 4.5 10,101 52.3 52.2 9,224 47.7 4 7.7 14 .1 Marshall 7,101 2, 101R 29.6 4,598 64.8 64.8 2,497 35.2 35.2 6 .1 Mason 7,883 1,832R 23.2 4.855 61.6 61.6 3,023 38.4 38.3 5 • J. Massac 6,677 1 , 4 4 R 21.6 4,056 60.8 60.7 2,616 39.2 39.2 5 .1 McDonough McHenry McLean 13,686 5.274R 38.5 9,47e 69.3 69.3 4,204 30.7 30.7 4 .0 27,523 12.045R 43.8 19,767 71.9 71.8 7,722 28.1 23.1 34 .1 36,937 8, M6R 22.5 22,61? 61 .3 61.2 14,296 38.7 38.7 29 .1 Menard 5,219 1,258R 24.1 3,237 62.1 62.0 1 ,979 37.9 37.9 3 .1 Mercer 8,919 3,378R 37.9 6,146 63.9 68.9 2,768 31.1 31.0 5 .1 Monroe 6,852 1.721R 25.1 4,286 62.6 62.6 2,565 37.4 37.4 1 .0 Montgomery Morgan Moultrie 18,000 1,336R 7.4 9,663 53.7 53.7 8,327 46.3 4 6.3 10 .1 16,950 3,313R 19.5 10,130 59.8 59.8 6.817 40.2 40.2 3 .0 6,366 651R 10.2 3,505 r >5.1 55.1 2»854 44.9 44.8 7 .1 Ogle Peoria 16,509 7.729R 46.8 12,116 73.4 73.4 4,387 26.6 26.6 6 .0 8n,689 11,963R 14.8 46,277 57.4 57.4 34,314 42.6 42.5 93 .1 Perry Piatt 11 ,843 747R 6.3 6,294 53.2 53.1 5.547 46.8 46.8 2 .0 6,859 1.883R 27.5 4,367 63.7 63.7 2,484 36.? 36.2 8 1 • i Pike 11,323 749R 6.6 6,033 53.3 53.3 5,284 46.7 46.7 6 1 • J. Pope Pulaski 2,864 956R 33.4 1 ,909 66.7 66.7 953 33.3 33.3 2 .1 5,507 338R 15.2 3,168 57.6 57.5 2,330 42.4 42.3 9 .2 Putnam 2,656 664R 25.0 1,659 62.5 62.5 995 37.5 37.5 ? .1 Randolph Richland 15,010 980R 6.5 7,989 S3. 3 53.2 7,009 46.7 46.7 12 .1 7,973 2, 128R 26.7 5 ,049 63.4 63.3 2,921 36.6 36.6 3 .0 Rock Island 60,064 2.511R 4.2 31 ,248 52.1 52.0 2 8,737 4 7.9 47.8 79 . 1 Saline 16,857 1,252R 7.4 9,041 53.7 53.6 7,789 46.3 46.2 27 -> Sangamon 70,563 5,177R 7.3 37,854 53.7 53.6 32,677 46.3 46.3 32 .0 Schuyler Scott 5,312 850R 16.0 3 ,080 5 3.0 58.0 2 ,230 42.0 42.0 2 .0 3,747 734R 19.6 2,239 59.8 ^9.8 1,505 40.2 40.2 3 . 1 Shelby Stark 12,108 1 ,084R 9.0 6,593 54.5 54; 5 5,509 45.5 45.5 5 .0 4,429 2,159R 48.7 3,293 74.4 74.4 1,13 4 25.6 25.6 2 .0 St. Clair 96,819 ?1,508D 22.2 37,510 38.9 38.7 59,018 61.1 61.0 291 .3 Stephenson Tazewell 20,869 5, 746R 2 7.5 13,293 63.8 63.7 7,547 36.2 36.2 29 . 1 37,186 2,609R 7.0 19,887 53.5 53.5 17,278 46.5 46.5 21 .1 Union 8,891 460 .5 4,42^ 49.7 49.7 4,466 50.3 50.2 5 .1 Vermilion 42,697 5,415R 12.7 24,023 S6.4 56.3 18,608 43.5 4 3.6 66 .2 Wabash 6,801 1 ,091R 16.0 3,Q43 68. Q 58.0 .2,8 52 42. 41.9 6 .1 ^Varren 10,659 4, 145R 38.9 7,398 69.5 69.4 3,253 30.5 30.5 . 1 Washington 8, 126 2,361R 29.1 5,240 64.5 64.5 2,879 35.5 35.4 7 .1 Wayne White Whiteside WiU Williamson 10,205 2.063R 20.2 6,129 60.1 60.1 4 ,066 39.9 39.8 10 10,101 1 »024R 10.1 5,560 55.1 55.0 4 ,536 4 4.9 4 4.9 5 .0 23,501 9,316R 39.6 16,383 69.9 69.7 7,067 30.1 30.1 51 .2 67,244 7,929R 11.8 37,545 55.9 55.8 29,616 44. 1 44.0 .1 23,783 1 ,974R 8.3 12,860 54.2 54.1 10,886 45.8 4 5. S 37 .2 Winnebago Woodford 72,822 6,302R 8.7 39,511 54.3 54.3 33,209 4 5.7 45.6 102 • I 10,766 3,787R 3 5.2 7,270 67.6 67.5 3,483 32.4 32.4 13 .1 TOTAL 4,415,861 227,642R 5.2 23 17,363 52.6 52.5 2039,721 4 7.4 47.3 8,777 ..' Downstate 2,067,859 318.290R 15.4 1191 ,429 57.7 57.6 873,139 42.3 42.2 3.291 .2 Suburban Cook Chicago 522,347 141,475R 27.1 331 ,564 63.6 63.5 190. ~P9 36.4 36.4 694 . 1 1,825,655 232, 1230 12.7 794,3 70 4 3.6 43.5 1026,493 5 6 . 4 56.2 4,792 .3 167 SUMMARY- 1954 SENATOR Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican Joseph T. Meek 1,563,683 746,013 817,670 67 Democratic Paul H. Douglas 1,804,338 1,058,915 745,423 35 STATE TREASURER Counties Party Candidate Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried Republican Warren E. Wright 1,641,272 770,858 870,414 80 Democratic David F. Mallett 1,632,331 992,147 640,184 22 169 SENATOR - 1954 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 23.606 1 ,644D 7.0 10,981 46.5 46.5 12,625 53.5 53.5 .0 Alexander 7,747 83R 1.1 3,915 50.5 50.5 3,832 49.5 49.5 .0 Bond 6,601 130 .2 3,294 49.9 49.9 3,307 50.1 50.1 .0 Boone 5,592 2,436R 43.6 4,014 71 .8 71.8 1 ,578 28.2 28.2 .0 Brown 3, 190 4900 15.4 1,350 42.3 4 2.3 1,840 57.7 57.7 .0 Bureau 15,377 3,.625R 23.6 9,501 61.8 61.8 5,876 38.2 38.2 .0 Calhoun 3, nr !R 22R .7 1,515 5 0.4 50.4 1 ,493 49.6 49.6 .0 Carroll 6,600 1,980R 30.0 4,290 65.^ 65.0 2,310 35.0 35.0 .0 Cass 6,458 8900 13.8 2,784 43.1 43.1 3,674 56.9 56.9 .0 Champaign 27,270 4.428R 16.2 15,849 58.1 58.1 1 1 ,421 41.9 41.9 .0 Christian 16,784 3, 108D 18.5 6,838 40.7 40.7 9,946 59.3 59.3 .0 Clark 7,969 395R 5.0 4,1.82 52.5 52.5 3,787 47.5 47.5 .0 Clay 7, 149 413R 5.8 3,781 52.9 52.9 3,368 47.1 47.1 .0 Clinton 9,595 73R .8 4,834 60.4 50.4 4,761 49.6 49.6 .0 Coles 14,486 606R 4.2 7,546 52.1 52.1 6,940 47.9 47.9 .0 Cook 1,804,928 312.902D 17.3 746,013 41 .3 41.3 1058,915 58.7 5e.7 .0 Crawford 7,331 577R 7.9 3,954 53.9 53.9 3,377 46.1 46.1 .0 Cumberland 4,962 50R 1.0 2,506 50.5 50.5 2,456 49.5 49.5 .0 DeKalb 13,066 5,462R 41.8 9,264 70.9 70.9 3,802 29.1 29.1 .0 DeWitt 6,628 324R 4.9 3,476 52.4 52.4 3,152 47.6 47.6 .0 Douglas 6, 186 1,452R 23.5 3,819 61.7 61.7 2,367 38.3 38.3 .0 DuPage 70,878 ?6,914R 38.0 48,896 69.0 69.0 21 ,982 31.0 31.0 .0 Edgar 11,159 1,317R 11.8 6,238 55.9 55.9 4,921 44.1 44.1 .0 Edwards 3,562 1, 160R 32.6 2,361 66.3 66.3 1,201 33.7 33.7 .0 Effingham 8,758 320D 3.7 4,219 48.2 48.2 4,539 51.8 51.8 .0 Fayette 10,247 3290 3.2 4,959 4 8.4 48.4 5 ,288 51.6 51.6 .0 Ford 5,929 2,467R 41.6 4,198 70.8 70.8 1,731 29.2 29.2 .0 Franklin 20,177 4,415D 21.9 7,881 39.1 39.1 12,296 60.9 60.9 .0 Fulton 17,082 62R .4 8,572 50.2 50.2 8,510 49.3 49.8 .0 Gallatin 3,699 54 90 14.8 1 ,575 42.6 42.6 2,124 57.4 57.4 .0 Greene 6,921 561D 8.1 3,180 45.9 45.9 3,741 54.1 54.1 .0 Grundy 7,436 2, 230R 30.0 4,833 65.0 65.0 2,603 3 5.0 35.0 .0 Hamilton 5,888 2460 4.2 2,821 47.9 47.9 3,067 52.1 52.1 .0 Hancock 10,793 1, 119R 10.4 5,956 55.2 55.2 4,837 44.8 44.8 .0 Hardin 3,108 48R 1.5 1 ,578 50.8 50.8 1 ,530 49.2 49.2 .0 Henderson 3,687 595R 16.1 2,141 58.1 58.1 1 ,546 41.9 41.9 .0 Henry 17,551 3,629R 20.7 10,590 60.3 60.3 6,961 39.7 39.7 .0 Iroquois 12,805 4.477R 35.0 8,641 67.5 67.5 4,164 32.5 32.5 .0 Jackson 13,773 365D 2.7 6,704 48.7 48.7 7,069 51.3 51.3 .0 Jasper 5,698 448D 7.9 2,625 46.1 46.1 3 ,073 53.9 53.9 .0 Jefferson 14,657 1,9230 13.1 6,367 43.4 43.4 8,290 56.6 56.6 .0 Jersey 6,468 608D 9.4 2,930 45.3 45.3 3,538 54.7 54.7 .0 JoDaviess 7,871 2,245R 28.5 5,058 64.3 64.3 2,813 35.7 35.7 .0 Johnson 4, 193 703R 16.8 2,448 58.4 58.4 1 ,745 41.6 41.6 .0 Kane 50,117 15,411R 30.8 32,764 65.4 65.4 17,353 34.6 34.6 .0 Kankakee 23,373 3, 1UR 13.3 13,242 56.7 56.7 10,131 43.3 43.3 .0 Kendall 4,693 2,217R 47.2 3,455 73.6 73.6 1,238 26.4 26.4 .0 Knox 18,933 3,723R 19.7 11 ,328 59.8 59.8 7,605 40.2 40.2 .0 Lake 64,558 8,632R 13.4 36,595 56.7 56.7 27,963 43.3 43.3 .0 LaSalle 36,903 3,693R 10.0 20,298 55.0 55.0 16,605 45.0 45.0 .0 Lawrence 7,813 279R 3.6 4 ,046 51 .8 51.8 3,767 48.2 48.2 .0 Lee 11 ,028 4, 136R 37.5 7,582 68.3 68.8 3,446 31.2 31.2 .0 Livingston 13,841 5.057R 36.5 9,449 68.3 68.3 4,392 31.7 31.7 .0 Logan 11 ,844 1,652R 13. a 6,748 57.0 57.0 5,096 43.0 43.0 .0 Macon 34,591 5,6750 16.4 14,458 41.8 41.8 20,133 58.2 58.2 .0 170 SENATOR - 1954 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 21,096 3,928D 18.6 8,584 40.7 40.7 12,512 59.3 59.3 .0 Madison 61,279 20,081D 32.8 20,599 33.6 33.6 40,680 66.4 66.4 .0 Marion 15,734 2,090D 13.3 6,822 43.4 43.4 8,912 56.6 56.6 .0 Marshall 5,845 837R 14.3 3,341 57.2 57.2 2,504 42.8 42.8 .0 Mason 6,276 82D 1.3 3,097 49.3 49.3 3,179 50.7 50.7 .0 Massac 5,150 692R 13.4 2,921 56.7 56.7 2,229 43.3 43.3 .0 McDonough 9,578 2, 766R 28.9 6,172 64.4 64.4 3,406 35.6 35.6 .0 McHenry 19,973 8,769R 43.9 14,371 72.0 72.0 5,602 28.0 28.0 .0 McLean 25,022 3, 744R 15.0 14,383 57.5 57.5 10,639 42.5 42.5 .0 Menard 4,439 549R 12.4 2,494 56.2 56.2 1,945 43.8 43.8 .0 Mercer 6,864 1.690R 24.6 4,277 62.3 62.3 2,587 37.7 37.7 .0 Monroe 4,879 865R 17.7 2,872 58.9 58.9 2,007 41.1 41.1 .0 Montgomery 15,705 1 ,547D 9.9 7,079 45.1 45.1 8,626 54.9 54.9 .0 Morgan 13,206 850R 6.4 7,028 53.2 53.2 6,178 46.8 46.8 .0 Moultrie 5,266 338D 6.4 2,464 46.8 46.8 2,802 53.2 53.2 .0 Ogle 12,255 5,283R 43.1 8,769 71 .6 71.6 3,486 28.4 28.4 .0 Peoria 52,412 2, 110R 4.0 27,261 52.0 52.0 25,151 48.0 48.0 .0 Perry 9,903 709D 7.2 4,597 46.4 45.4 5,306 53.6 53.6 .0 Piatt 5,317 825R 15.5 3,071 57.8 57.8 2,246 42.2 42.2 .0 Pike 9,038 1.036D 11.5 4,001 44.3 44.3 5,037 55.7 55.7 .0 Pope 2,260 698R 30.9 1 ,479 65.4 6 5.4 781 34.6 34.6 .0 Pulaski 4,575 323R 7.1 2,449 53.5 53.5 2,126 46.5 46.5 .0 Putnam 2,140 320R 15.0 1,230 57.5 57.5 910 42.5 42.5 .0 Randolph 13,138 1 ,9600 14.9 5,589 42.5 42.5 7,549 57.5 57.5 .0 Richland 6,647 621R 9.3 3,6.34 54.7 54.7 3,013 4 5.3 45.3 .0 Rock Island 44,681 5,9010 13.2 19,390 43.4 43.4 25,291 56.6 56.6 .0 Saline 14,165 1,7170 12.1 6,224 43.9 43.9 7,941 56.1 56.1 .0 Sangamon 59,985 291D .5 29,847 49.8 49.8 30, 138 50.2 50.2 .0 Schuyler 4,516 98R 2.2 2,307 51.1 51.1 2,209 4 8.9 48.9 .0 Scott 3,320 78R 2.3 1,699 51.2 51.2 1,621 48.8 48.8 .0 Shelby 10,797 1,281D 11.9 4,758 44.1 44.1 6,039 55.9 55.9 .0 Stark 3,075 1.375R 44.7 2,225 72.4 72.4 350 27.6 27.6 .0 St. Clair 70,479 25,0670 35.6 22,706 32.2 32.2 47,773 67.8 67.8 .0 Stephenson 14,314 1 >694R 11.8 8,004 55.9 55.9 6,310 44.1 44.1 .0 Tazewell 27,045 3,4930 12.9 11 ,776 43.5 4 3.5 15,269 56.5 56.5 .0 Union 7,386 1,0200 13.8 3,183 43.1 43.1 4,203 56.9 56.9 .0 Vermilion 35,352 250R .7 17,801 50.4 50.4 17,551 49.6 49.6 .0 Wabash 5,314 210R 4.0 2,762 52.0 52.0 2,552 48.0 48.0 .0 Warren 7,834 2.718R 34.7 5,276 67.3 67.3 2,558 32.7 32.7 .0 Washington 7,422 750R 10.1 4,086 55.1 55.1 3,336 44.9 44.9 .0 Wayne 8,551 473R 5.5 4,512 52.8 52.8 4,039 47.2 47.2 .0 White 8,375 5310 6.3 3,922 46.3 46.8 4 ,453 53.2 53.2 .0 Whiteside 14,572 6, 110R 41.9 10,341 71.0 71.0 4,231 29.0 29.0 .0 Will 51,012 726R 1.4 25,869 50.7 50.7 25,143 49.3 49.3 .0 Williamson 19,568 1,574D 8.0 8,997 46.0 46.0 10,571 54.0 54. .0 Winnebago 48,835 1 ,9n9R 3.9 25,372 52.0 52.0 23,463 43.0 48.0 .0 Woodford 8,859 2,341R 26.4 5,600 63.2 63.2 3,259 36.8 36.8 .0 TOTAL 3,368,021 240,6550 7.1 1563,683 46.4 46.4 1804,338 53.6 53.6 .0 Downstate 1 ,563,093 72.247R 4.6 817,670 52.3 52.3 745,423 47.7 47.7 .0 Suburban Cook 424,152 80, 100R 18.9 252,126 59.4 59.4 172,026 40.6 40.6 .0 Chicago 1,380,776 393,002D 28.5 493,887 35.8 35.8 886,889 64.2 64.2 .0 171 STATE TREASURER - 1954 Total Vote Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Cast Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 22, 1, 33 >3 3.1 12,213 54.1 4 .1 10,375 45.9 45.9 .0 Alexander 7,393 '.6 3,796 3. .3 51.3 ' 3,602 48.7 48.7 .0 Bond • 5223 3.2 3,427 54.1 54.1 2,905 45.9 45.9 .0 Boone 5,4 7V 2 , 9 5 1 R 3 3.9 4,215 76.9 76.9 1,264 23.1 23.1 .0 Brown 2 » > 9 3 256D 3.5 1,371 45.7 45.7 1,627 54.3 54.3 .0 Bureau 1 4 , 9 9 4 ,»94d7 3 3.0 9,971 6 6.5 66.5 3 ,023 33.5 33.5 .0 Calhoun 2,650 1753 5.1 1 ,514 53.1 5 3.1 1,339 46.9 46.9 .0 Carroll .274 2 » 5 5 J 3 43.6 4,412- 7 3.3 73.3 1,862 29.7 29.7 .0 Cass 6, 1 12 - ) 1.9 3,041 49.0 49.0 3,161 51.0 51.0 .0 Champaign 26, 357 3, 5853 32.6 17,471 66.3 66.3 8,886 33.7 33.7 .0 Christian 16,305 1 ,7 -.50 10.5 7 , sc 44.8 44.8 9,005 55.2 55.2 .0 Clark 7,784 76;? 9.8 4,273 34.9 54.9 3,511 45.1 45.1 .0 Clay 6,927 71 " •■ : i . o 3,84 3 55.5 5 5.5 3,0 84 44.5 44.5 .0 Clinton 9 , -; 1 3 9 57* 10.6 4,980 5 -J. 3 5 5.3 4 ,023 44.7 44.7 .0 Coles 13,902 2, "1223 14.5 7,962 >6 7 . 3 57.3 5 ,940 42.7 42.7 .0 Cook i ,763, 5 221.289D 12.6 770, 5 -j 43.7 43.7 992,147 56.3 56.3 .0 Crawford 7,15 "j 1 • 14. 1 4 ,084 5 7.0 57.0 3,075 43.3 43.0 .0 Cumberland 4,333 ■ 5R 6.3 2,369 53.2 53.2 2,264 46.8 46.8 .0 DeKalb I2,i 7 6,7' :? 52.9 9,686 76.5 76.5 2,981 23.5 23.5 .0 DeWitt 6,4." 5 1 , 1253 17.6 3,767 53.3 58.8 2,638 41.2 41.2 .0 Douglas 5,978 1 » 9 5 " R 3 2.8 3,963 56.4 t6.4 2,010 33.6 33.6 .0 DuPage 7?, : 55 31,2113 44.6 50,633 '2.3 72.3 19,422 27.7 27.7 .0 Edgar 1 ,937 1,8593 17. •: 6,398 53.5 5 8.5 4,539 41.5 41.5 .0 Edwards 3,33^ 1, 3969 41.3 2,383 n.7 70.7 992 29.3 29.3 .0 Effingham J . , 2 3 7 3 513 '4.2 4,319 52.1 52.1 3,968 47.9 47.9 .0 Fayette 9,989 2513 2.5 5, 120 51.3 51.3 4,869 48.7 46.7 .0 Ford 5,774 •> '■ >23 51.8 4,383 75.9 75.9 1 , 3 ,; > 1 24.1 24.1 .0 Franklin 1 ' » 3,046D 16.0 8,001 42.0 42.0 11 ,047 58.0 53.0 .0 Fulton 16, 544 1 , 4 9 3 9.0 9 ,317 54.5 54.5 7,527 45.5 45.5 .0 Gallatin 3,414 2 5 D 7.3 : , : 4 6.3 46.3 1,832 53.7 53.7 .0 Greene 6,571 113R 1. 7 3,342 50.9 3 0.9 3,229 49.1 49.1 .0 Grundy 7 , 3 7 5 2,9' 13 42.3 5,033 71.1 71.1 2,042 28.9 28.9 .0 Hamilton 5 ,717 36P 1.5 2,901 5 0.7 6 0.7 2 ,816 49.3 49.3 .0 Hancock 10,359 1 , 343.3 13.6 6,151 5 9 . 4 59.4 4,2C8 40.6 40.6 .0 Hardin 3. 863 2.8 1 ,592 51.4 51.4 1,506 48.6 48.6 .0 Henderson i ,557 3693 24.4 2,213 62.2 52.2 1,344 37.3 37.8 .0 Henry ] 7 -24 1 4, 3893 28.4 11 ,065 64.2 64.2 6,176 35.3 35.8 .0 Iroquois 12,44 : ; , 5443 44.6 3,^9? 72.3 72.3 3,443 27.7 27.7 .0 Jackson 13,439 ■ 6.6 7,174 53.4 53.-* 6,265 46.6 46.6 .0 Jasper 3,536 I960 3.6 2,654 4 3.2 43.2 2,852 51.3 51.3 .0 Jefferson 14, an 1,4940 10.5 6, 362 44.7 4 4.7 7,356 55.3 55.3 .0 Jersey 5,177 870 L • *4 3,04 5 49.3 49.3 3,132 50.7 50.7 .0 JoDaviess 7,514 3,1483 41.9 5, j3, 70.9 70.9 2,183 29.1 29.1 .0 Johnson 4,. '.J 9623 23.3 2,502 61.9 61.9 1,540 38.1 38.1 .0 Kane ■ 3,982 13, 3523 3 i . 9 33,767 63.9 65.9 15,215 31.1 31.1 .0 Kankakee 22, tl 5, 13 79 23.0 13, 7 39 51.5 61.5 8,602 38.5 38.5 .0 Kendall 4,565 2,617? 5 7.,. 3 , :- 9 1 73.7 73.7 974 21.3 21.3 .0 Knox 18, 5 , 3 2 " 32.1 11,946 56.0 66.0 6,144 34.0 34.0 .0 Lake 62,724 15,1623 24.2 33, • 62.1 62.1 23,781 37.9 37.9 .0 LaSalle 35,3? • ?323 25.3 22,12-, 62.6 62.6 13, 194 37.4 37.4 .0 Lawrence 7,55'* 6943 9.2 • , 124 54.6 54.6 3,430 45.4 45.4 .0 Lee 1 " , 6 3 o 4,902R 4 6.1 7,766 73.1 73.1 2,364 26.9 26.9 .0 Livingston 13,177 . 2473 46.7 9,812 73.3 73.3 3,565 26.7 26.7 .0 Logan 11,4 56 5,3 063 2 3.6 7,386 64.4 64.4 4,030 35.6 35.6 .0 Macon 3 3 , : 9 3 2,8133 3.3 17,- 5 4.3 54.3 15,140 45.7 45.7 .0 172 STATE TREASURER - 1954 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vole Total Vote Two- Pa rty Vole Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 20.069 1,5090 7.5 9,280 46.2 46.2 10,789 53.8 53.8 .0 Madison 59,077 13,4190 22.7 22.829 33.6 38.6 36,248 61.4 61.4 .0 Marion 15.178 1. 1020 7.3 7,036 '^3.4 4 6.4 6 ,140 33.6 53.6 .0 Marshall 5,69? 1, 194R 21.0 3,44 6 6 0.5 60.5 2,252 1 . 39.5 .0 Mason 5,010 ■ ! 10.1 3.309 55.1 5 5.1 2,701 4 « . .' • • . • .0 Massac 4 . 90 5 1. 29,R 21.0 2 ,967 60.5 60.5 1,936 39.3 39. J .0 McDonough 9,307 3.457R 3 7 .1 6,362 63.6 6 3 . 6 2,925 31.4 31.4 .0 McHenry 19,563 1 ,159R 51.9 14,371 73.9 75.9 4,712 24.1 24.1 .0 McLean 24,094 7.382R ^2.7 ] 5,988 66.4 66.4 3,106 33.6 33.6 .0 Menard 4 ,303 681R 20.5 2,592 6 3.2 60.2 1,711 3 3 . . .0 Mercer 6.721 ?, 121R 31.6 4,421 65.8 65.3 2,300 34.2 34.2 .0 Monroe 4,793 1 . 1 7 R 24.4 ? ,384 62.2 6 3.3 1,314 37.3 '. Montgomery 14,067 91 15 .6 7,438 4 3.7 *9.7 7,52 9 50.3 5n.3 .0 Morgan 13,01? ?»470R 19.3 7,741 53.5 59.5 5,271 40.5 40.5 .0 Moultrie 5 , 189 179R 3.5 2,634 51.3 51.8 2,455 48.2 48.2 .0 Ogle 11 ,478 6 . 5 9 6 R 37.5 9,037 7 8.7 73. 7 2,441 21.3 21.3 .0 Peoria 5?, 633 9.057R 17.9 29,856 53.9 53.9 20,7 C ;3 41.1 41.1 .0 Perry 9,596 420 .4 4,777 49.8 49.3 4,819 3 j. 2 50.2 .0 Piatt 5,124 1.722R 33.6 3,4:3 66.8 6 6.3 1,701 33. : 33.2 .0 Pike 8,69o 2850 3.3 4,207 4 3 . 4 48.4 . • . ' > 51.6 51.6 .0 Pope 2,215 733? 3 4.0 1,484 67.3 67.0 731 33.0 33.0 .0 Pulaski 4,236 474? 11.1 2,333 65.5 5 5.5 1,906 44.5 44.5 .0 Putnam 2,: "4 564R 2 T .2 1,319 6 3.6 63.6 765 36.4 3 6.4 .0 Randolph 12,703 1470 1.2 6,278 49.4 49.4 6,425 3 3.6 50.6 .0 Richland 6,2 99 1, 133? 13.3 3,716 69.0 59.0 2,5 83 41.3 41.0 .0 Rock Island 4 3,631 1, 26^0 -7 21,183 4 3 . 6 48.6 22,443 51.4 51.4 .0 Saline 13,769 92 70 6.7 6,421 4 6.6 46.6 7,3^8 53.it 53.4 .0 Sangamon 53,129 11, 177? 19.2 34,65 3 5 9.6 5 9.6 2 3,4 76 40.4 40.4 .0 Schuyler 4,333 510R 11.6 2,44 5 5 3.3 5 5.3 1,9 33 4h.2 44.2 .0 Scott 3,221 425? 13.2 1,823 56.6 3 6.6 1 ,393' 43. h. 4 3.4 .0 Shelby 10,433 2730 2.6 5,080 4 3.7 43.7 5,353 51.3 ',1.3 .0 Stark 3 , 2 7 1 ,535R 50.7 2,231 75.4 7 5 . 4 746 24.6 24.6 .0 St. Clair 67,801 21. 13 ID 31.2 23,335 34.4 J4.4 44 , 466 65.6 65.6 . Stephenson 13,699 4.553R 33.2 9,126 66 .6 66.6 4,573 33.4 3 3.4 .0 Tazewell 25,963 567R 2.2 13,265 51.1 51-.1 12 ,1 43.9 . . Union 7,120 750D 10.5 3,185 44.7 44,7 3,933 5 5.3 53.3 .0 Vermilion 34,274 ?» 766? 1 1 . C 19,32 1 5 5 . 3 5 3 . 5 15,2 54 t4.5 44.5 . • u Wabash 5, 136 5 3 3 9.7 2,3] <> . '. 5 -'• . 3 '2,318 . . ; 4 5.1 .0 Warren 7,673, 3.184R 41.5 5,431 70.7 7 3.7 2 ,247 2 . 3 . ^ Washington 7,142 1.294R 18.1 4,218 59.1 5 9.1 2 . J ^ •, 40. 3 • . . 3 Wayne 8,318 366R 1 .' . ', 4 , ' >. 3 5.2 3,726 - ■ . >4.6 .0 White 8.008 2i60 2. 7 . i - . 7 4,112 51.3 51.3 .0 Whiteside 14,22 7 7.129R 3 3.1 l.j>678 7 5.1 7 5.1 5,34/ 2-+.0 24.9 .0 WiU 49,660 7 . 576R 15.3 26,618 '. 21 ,042 4 2.4 42.4 .0 Williamson 19. 12 8R • '.. 9,514 50.0 . . 5j.: .0 Winnebago 46,436 8,244? 17.8 27,34 5 . 9 53.9 1 ; ,3 96 + i.i -.i.i .3 Woodford 8,629 3, 141R 35.4 5,835 6 3 . 2 6o.2 2 ,74 4 31.3 31.3 .0 TOTAL 3, 273,633 8 » 9 4 1 R .3 1641 ,272 53.1 5 3.1 1632,331 49. ) 49.9 • G Downstate 1 ,513,598 230.230P 15.2 5 7 J,-. 14 57.6 5 7.6 ( • ,1-34 42.i 42.4 .0 Suburban Cook 417,201 3 3.223? 23.8 3 5 3,21 3 61.9 6 1 . 3 158 . 36.1 .0 Chicago 1 ,345,804 320.5140 23.8 512, 33.1 3 5.1 833, 133- 61.9 61.9 .0 173 SUMMARY- 1956 PRESIDENT Party Republican Democratic Candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower Adlai E. Stevenson Total Vote Cook County 2,623,327 1,293,223 1,775,682 977,821 Counties Downstate Carried 1,330,104 97 797,861 5 Socialist Labor Eric Hass 1,342 5,800 2,542 SENATOR Party Republican Democratic Candidate Everett M. Dirksen Richard Stengel Total Vote Cook County Downstate 2,307,352 1,133,251 1,174,101 1,949,883 1,077,803 872,080 Counties Carried 14 Socialist Labor Louis Fisher 7,587 5,510 2,077 GOVERNOR Party Republican Democratic Candidate William G. Stratton Richard B. Austin Total Vote Cook County 2,171,786 1,044,894 2,134,909 1,189,993 Counties Downstate Carried 1,126,892 73 944,916 29 Socialist Labor Edward C. Gross 7,874 5,541 2,333 175 PRESIDENT- 1956 Total Vote Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Cast Number Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Number >- a. > Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 31,^03 8,167R 26.3 19,569 63.2 63.1 11,402 36.8 36.8 32 .1 Alexander 8,613 258R 3.0 4,425 51.5 51.4 4,167 48.5 48.4 21 .2 Bond 7, 137 1,508R 21.0 4,342 60.5 60.4 2,834 39.5 39.4 11 .2 Boone 3,602 4.816R 56.0 6,706 78.0 73.0 1,890 2 2.0 22.0 6 .1 Brown 3,775 278R 7.4 2,026 53.7 53.7 1 ,748 46.3 46.3 1 .0 Bureau 19,711 8,123R 41.2 13,909 70.6 70.6 5 ,781 29.4 29.3 21 .1 Calhoun 3,391 394R 11.6 1,392 55.8 55.8 1,498 44.2 44.2 1 .0 Carroll 9,211 3,sior 41.4 6,503 70.7 70.6 2,693 29.3 29.2 15 .2 Cass 7 , 5 o /, 757R 10.1 4,125 55.1 55.0 3,363 ^4.9 44.9 11 .1 Champaign 42. 339 14,391R 34.2 28,190 67.1 67.1 13,799 32.9 32.8 50 .1 Christian 19.4 34 1 , ! R9R 6.1 10,232 53.1 52.9 9,393 4 5.9 46.8 59 .3 Clark 3,974 1,932° 21.5 5,451 6 0.8 60.7 3,519 39.2 39.2 4 .0 Clay 8,543 1.526R 17.6 5,079 53.3 53.7 3,553 41.2 41.1 16 .2 Clinton 11,627 7, 13 6P 27.0 7, 3^8 6 3.5 63.5 4,242 36.5 36.5 7 .1 Coles 20,015 4 , 8 6 7 R 24.3 12,436 62.2 62.1 7,569 37.8 37.8 10 .0 Cook 2,276,°'.'. 315,4029 13.9 1253,223 5 6.9 56.3 977,821 43.1 42.9 5,800 .3 Crawford 10,662 2, 84 ]R 2 5 . 6 6,74 7 63.3 63.3 3,906 36.7 36.6 9 .1 Cumberland r , r 1 ? 963R 17.5 3,235 ^8.7 58.7 2,272 41.3 41.2 5 .1 DeKalb 1', 10,252R 51.4 15,078 75.3 75.7 4,826 24.2 24.2 24 .1 DeWitt S , 4 1 4 2, 214R 26.3 5,30 7 53.2 63.1 3,093 36.8 36.8 4 .0 Douglas e,23? 2,785R 33.4 5,55° 66.7 65.7 2,774 33.3 33.3 6 .1 DuPage 115,116 63,7'IP 59.7 91 ,834 79.9 79.3 23,103 20.1 20.1 179 .2 Edgar 12,309 3,51 R 29. 1 7,942 64.5 64.5 4,362 35.5 35.4 5 .0 Edwards 2, 129P 46.8 3,339 73.4 73.4 1,210 26.6 26.6 1 .0 Effingham 1 1 , 3 8 .1 2,''49R 21.5 6,914 50.8 60.7 4,455 39.2 39.1 21 .2 Fayette 11,653 1, 4 25R 15.7 6,739 57.8 57.3 4,914 42.2 42.2 5 .0 Ford 8,182 ?,375R 47.4 6,027 73.7 73.7 2,152 26.3 26.3 3 .0 Franklin 23.069 453R 2.0 11,761 51.0 51.0 11 ,308 49.0 49.0 .0 Fulton 21,125 3 ,673? 17.4 12,375 53.7 53.6 3,702 41.3 41.2 48 .2 Gallatin 4,415 510 1.2 2,17° 4 9.4 4 9.4 2,230 50.6 50.5 6 .1 Greene 8,646 809R 9.4 4,718 54.7 54.5 3,909 45.3 45.2 19 .2 Grundy 10,261 5.0Z2R 7,640 74.5 74.5 2,618 25.5 25.5 3 .0 Hamilton e ,3 64 990R 15.6 3,675 57.8 37.7 2,685 42.2 42.2 4 .1 Hancock 13,297 3,577R 26.9 3,431 63.5 63.4 4,854 36.5 36.5 12 .1 Hardin 3 ,-71 475R 14.1 1 ,919 57.1 56.9 1,444 42.9 42.8 8 .2 Henderson 4,215 1,274R 30.2 2,743 55.1 65.1 1 ,469 34.9 34.9 3 .1 Henry 24,; 34 7, C 4 7R 31.1 15,396 6 5.6 65.5 8,349 34.4 34.4 39 .2 Iroquois 16,609 7,617R 4 5 . 9 12,104 73.0 72.9 4,487 27.0 27.0 18 .1 Jackson 17,92 7 3, 135R 17.5 10,5 26 53.7 58.7 7,391 41.3 41.2 10 .1 Jasper 6,002 212R 3.5 3,107 51.3 51.8 2 .895 48.2 48.2 .0 Jefferson I 7 , 7 k' 7 1.547R 3.7 9,637 54.4 54.4 8,090 45.6 45.6 .0 Jersey "',64 3 °C5R 10.5 4,220 5 5.3 55.2 3 ,415 44.7 44.7 5 .1 JoDaviess 9,686 3,856R 39.8 6,762 59.9 69.8 2,906 30.1 3C.0 18 .2 Johnson 4,524 1,424R 31.5 2,973 65.7 65.7 1,549 34.3 34.2 2 .0 Kane 76,916 3 r >,161R 45.7 56,00"9 72.9 72.8 23,848 27.1 27.1 59 .1 Kankakee 33,123 10,?05R 32.9 21, 993 55.3 66.4 11 ,088 33.5 33.5 47 .1 Kendall 6,471 3,650R 56.4 5,057 73.2 78.1 1,407 21.8 21.7 7 • a Knox 28,251 ?,098R 32.2 18,556 66.1 66.0 9,558 33.9 33.8 37 .1 Lake 9" , 179 34.5 02R 3 •'' . 3 56,781 67.4 67.3 32,279 32.6 32.5 119 .1 LaSalle 51,862 1 5 - 3 4 3 3 2^.2 33,461 64.6 64.5' 18,318 35.4 35.3 83 .2 Lawrence 9,862 2, r-535 23.^ 6,104 51.9 61.9 3,751 38.1 38.0 7 .1 Lee 16,183 T > 1227 44.0 11,653 72.0 72.0 4,531 28.0 28.0 5 .0 Livingston 1 " , 1 . 3 3, ■'42^ 4 5 . 7 13,939 7 2.3 72.8 5,197 27.2 27.1 7 .0 Logan 14,79 6 , ^ '6a 9 , 5 8 9 66.7 06.6 4,793 33.3 33.3 14 .1 Macon 5" 771 6,607^ 9.1 2 7 , r, 7 3 54.5 54.5 23,066 45.5 45.4 32 .1 176 PRESIDENT- 1956 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 24,627 130 .1 1-2,290 50.0 49.9 12,303 50.0 50.0 34 .1 Madison 87,393 8,4840 9.7 39,413 45.1 45.1 47,897 54.9 54. S 88 .1 Marion 19,385 2.262R 11.7 10,813 55.8 55.8 8,551 44.2 44.1 21 . 1 Marshall 7,niA 2,519R 35.9 4,764 68.0 67.9 2,245 32.0 32.0 5 .1 Mason 7,889 1 »47SR 18.7 4,677 r 9.4 59.3 3,199 40.5 40. 6 13 .2 Massac 6,629 1.9C6R 28.6 4,265 64.4 64.3 2,359 35.6 35.6 5 .1 McDonough 13,605 5,853R 43.0 9,725 71.5 71.5 3,872 28.5 23.5 3 . 1 McHenry 31 ,^98 18,092R 56.9 24,912 73.5 73.3 6,820 21.5 21.4 66 . 2 McLean 38,1 11 13.426R 3 5. .2 25,758 67.6 67.6 12,332 32.4 32.4 21 .1 Menard 5,:25 W355R 27.0 3,188 63.5 6 3.4 1 ,833 36.3 36.5 4 . 1 Mercer 8,708 2,763R 31.7 5,732 65.9 66.8 2,969 34.1 34.1 7 .1 Monroe 7,364 2.067R 28.1 4,715 6 4.0 64.0 2,648 36.0 36.0 1 .0 Montgomery 17,645 2,253R 12.8 9,945 56.4 56.4 7,692 4 3.6 43.6 8 .0 Morgan 16,600 3,935R 23.7 10,262 61.9 61.8 6,327 38.1 38.1 11 .1 Moultrie 6,515 1,005R 13.4 3,756 c 7.7 3 7.7 2,751 42.3 42.2 8 .1 Ogle 16,370 9, >34R 56.5 1? ,194 73.3 73.2 3,660 21.7 21.7 16 .1 Peoria 81,141 20, h3R 25.6 50,888 62.8 62.7 30,145 37.2 37.2 108 .1 Perry 11,414 1,612R 14.1 b,513 57.1 57.1 4,901 42.9 42.9 .0 Piatt 6,979 2.266R 32.5 4,622 66.2 66.2 2,356 33.3 33.8 1 .0 Pike 11,318 538? 4.6 5,920 52.4 52.3 5,382 47.6 47.6 16 .1 Pope 2,765 920R 33.3 1 ,342 66.6 66.6 922 33.4 33.3 1 .0 Pulaski 5,227 720R 13.8 2,966 56.9 56.7 2,246 43.1 43.0 15 .3 Putnam 2,641 811R 30.7 1 ,724 65.4 65.3 9 13 34.6 34.6 4 .2 Randolph 15,221 1,661R 10.9 8,439 55.5 55.4 b,773 -.4.5 44.5 4 .0 Richland 7,794 2,319R 36.2 5,304 63.1 63.1 2,485 31.9 31.9 5 .1 Rock Island 60,604 2, 197R 3.6 3 1 , 3^2 51.8 51.7 29,145 48.2 48.1 117 .2 Saline 15,716 1,266R 8.1 6,481 54.0 54.0 7,215 46.0 45.9 20 .1 Sangamon 71,935 14,0Q2R 19.5 4 2,951 59.7 59.7 28,949 40.3 40.2 35 .0 Schuyler 5,2 70 879R 16.7 3,066 ^3.4 58.2 2 , 1 8.9 41.6 41.5 13 .2 Scott 3,781 825R 21.8 2,303 60.9 60.9 1,476 39. 1 39.1 .0 Shelby 12,425 1,738R 14.0 7,075 57.0 56.9 5,337 43.0 43.0 13 .1 Stark 4,361 2,123R 48.7 3,241 74.4 74.3 1 ,116 25.6 25.6 2 .0 St. Clair 97,106 13,7670 14.2 4 1,528 42.9 42.8 55,295 37.1 66.9 233 .3 Stephenson 2n,614 7,896R 38.3 14,245 69.2 69.1 6,3^° 3 0.3 3T..8 20 .1 Tazewell 39,970 7,460R 18.7 23,690 ' ?.3 6°. 3 16,230 40.7 40.6 3 .1 Union 8,569 155D 1.6 4,204 l±i .1 49.1 4,359 50.9 50.9 6 .1 Vermilion 44,585 8,543R 19.2 26,534 53.6 59.5 17,991 40.4 40.4 60 .1 Wabash 7,146 1»712R 2'+. 4,425 ^2.0 61.9 2,712 3 3.0 38.0 8 .1 Warren 10,582 4, 5 84R •+3.3 7,580 ~i\ .7 71.6 2,996 28.3 25.3 6 .1 Washington 8,135 2,479R 30.5 5,2^9 6 5.3 66.1 2,820 34.7 34.7 16 . 2 Wayne 10,242 2,344R 22.9 6,236 6 ..5 61.4 3,942 33. 3 3 3.3 14 . ± White 1 ) , 9 1 7 1, 3 50R 12.4 6,123 56.2 56.1 4,778 4 3 . 3 ''3.3 11 .1 Whiteside 23,734 11»431R 48.1 17,5 89 74.1 ?4.0 6,153 . 2 6.9 37 .2 Will 73,916 20,440r 28.8 -3,628 64 .4 c4.3 25, 188 J 5. 6 35.3 100 .1 Williamson 2 3,810 3, J9 3R 13.0 13,433 5 6 . 5 3 6.4 10,345 -3.5 43.4 27 . ^ Winnebago 77,484 19,269R 24.9 <• 8 , 3 3 2 62.4 62.4 29,062 37.6 37.5 69 . 1 Woodford 11,768 5, 248R 44.6 8 , 5 C 5 ".3 72.3 3,257 27.7 27.7 6 .1 TOTAL 4 , 4 '"! 7 , 3 5 1 847,045R 19.2 2623,327 3 9.b 39.5 1775,682 4 . 4 4.3.3 o,342 • 2 Downstate 2, 130,507 5 32,24 jR 2 5 . 1330,104 62.5 62.4 797,361 37.5 37.4 . , (-2 . 1 Suburban Cook 615,488 273, 333R 44.4 443,932 72.2 72.1 i 70,647 2 7.3 27.7 ■ .1 Chicago 1 ,661, 356 42.367R 2.5 349,241 a .3 51.1 31 /, 174 4 3.7 4 3.6 4 , • j 177 •SENATOR - 1956 Total Vote Rep.-Dem. REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Percent of Percent of Percent County Cast Plurali y Number Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number' Two- Party Vote Total Vote Number of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 29,151 4,233R 14.5 16,679 57.3 57.2 12,446 42.7 42.7 26 .1 Alexander 8,012 201D 2.5 3,896 43.7 48.6 4,097 51.3 51.1 19 .2 Bond 6,930 970R 14.0 3,944 5 7.0 56.9 2,974 43.0 42.9 12 .2 Boone 8,299 4,015R 48.4 6,155 74.2 74.2 2,140 25.8 25.8 4 .0 Brown 3,460 155D 4.5 1,652 47.8 47.7 1 ,807 52.2 52.2 1 .0 Bureau 19,436 6,422R 33.0 12,920 66.5 66.5 6,498 33.5 33.4 13 .1 Ci'lhoun 3,141 193R 6.1 1 ,666 53.1 53.0 1,4^3 46.9 46.9 2 .1 Carroll 8,850 2,998R 33.9 5,919 67.0 66.9 2,921 33.0 33.0 10 .1 Cass 7,259 580 .8 3,597 49.6 49.6 3,655 50.4 50.4 7 .1 Champaign 40,446 10, 118R 25.0 25,263 62.5 62.5 15,145 3^.5 37.4 33 .1 Christian 18,219 8250 4.5 8,679 47.7 47.6 9 ,504 52.3 52.2 35 .2 Clark 8,777 1,288R 14.7 5,030 57.3 57.3 3,742 42.7 42.6 5 .1 Clay 8,275 886R 10.7 4,576 55.4 55.3 3,690 44.6 44.6 9 . 1 Clinton 10,535 1 ,542R 14.6 6,034 57.3 57.3 4,492 42.7 42.6 9 .1 Coles 19.190 2,782R 14.5 10,981 57.3 57.2 8,199 42.7 42.7 10 .1 Cook 2,216,564 55.448R 2.5 1133,251 51.3 51.1 1077,803 48.7 48.6 5,510 .2 Crawford 10,227 1, 768R 17.3 5,993 58.7 58.6 4,225 41.3 41.3 9 .1 Cumberland 5,227 395R 7.6 2,809 53.8 53.7 2,414 46.2 46.2 4 .1 DeKalb 19,339 8,408R 43.5 13,866 71.3 71.7 5,458 28.2 28.2 15 .1 DeWitt 8,176 1 ,345R 16.5 4,753 53.2 58.2 3,413 41.8 41.7 5 .1 Douglas 8,027 2.002R 24.9 5,012 62.5 62.4 3,010 37.5 37.5 5 .1 DuPage 113,477 51,243R 45.2 82,282 72.6 72.5 31 ,039 27.4 27.4 156 .1 Edgar 11 ,977 2.640R 22. n 7,306 61.0 61.0 4,666 39.0 39.0 s .0 Edwards 4,325 1,672R 38.7 2 ,998 69.3 69.3 1 ,326 30.7 30.7 1 .0 Effingham 10,753 1 , 108R 10.3 5,924 55.2 55.1 4,816 44.3 44.8 13 .1 Fayette 11,221 783R 7.0 6,000 ■=■3.5 53.5 5,217 46.5 46.5 4 .0 Ford 8,007 3,278R 40.9 5,64 2 70.5 70.5 2,364 29.5 29.5 1 .0 Franklin 21,312 2, 1460 10.1 9,583 4 5 . 45.0 11,729 55.0 55.0 .0 Fulton 20,487 1,635R 3.0 11 ,044 54.0 53.9 9,409 4 6.0 45.9 34 .2 Gallatin 4, 129 376D 9.1 1,875 45.4 45.4 2,251 54.6 54.5 3 .1 Greene 7,992 41R .5 4 ,009 50.3 50.2 3 ,968 49.7 49.6 15 .2 Grundy 9,720 3,977R 40.9 6,846 70.5 70.4 2,869 29.5 29.5 5 .1 Hamilton 6,062 264R 4.4 3,162 52.2 52.2 2,898 47.3 47.8 2 .0 Hancock 12,880 2,719R 21.1 7,794 60.6 60.5 5 ,076 3°. 4 39.4 11 .1 Hardin 3,280 332R 10.1 1,802 55.1 54.9 1 ,470 44.9 44.8 8 .2 Henderson 4, 124 957R 23.2 2,539 61 .6 61.6 1,582 38.4 38.4 3 .1 Henry 23,921 5, 10OR 21.3 14,495 60.7 60.6 9,395 39.3 39.3 31 .1 Iroquois 16,232 6,490(5 40.0 11 ,353 70.0 69.9 4,863 30. o 30.0 16 .1 Jackson 17,177 1,321R 7.7 9,24 5 53.3 53.8 7,924 46.2 46.1 8 .0 Jasper 6,002 2 12R 3.5 3,107 51.8 51.8 2,895 48.2 48.2 .0 Jefferson 16,880 1720 1.0 8,354 49.5 49.5 8,526 50.5 50.5 .0 Jersey 7,291 144R 2.0 3,716 51.0 51 .0 3,572 49.0 49.0 3 .0 JoDaviess 9,273 2,965R 32.0 6,115 66.0 65.9 3,150 34.0 34.0 8 .1 Johnson 4,359 1, 136R 26. 1 2,746 63.0 63.0 1,610 37.0 36.9 3 .1 Kane 73,296 25.905R 35.3 49,57? 67.7 67.6 23,668 32. 3 32.3 55 .1 Kankakee 30,827 6,675R 21.7 18, 736 60.8 60.8 12,060 39.2 39.1 32 .1 Kendall 6,371 3, 138R 49.3 4,751 74.7 74.6 1,613 25.3 25.3 7 .1 Knox 27,349 6,025R 22.0 16,676 61 .0 61.0 10,651 39.0 38.9 22 .1 Lake 95,740 22.960R 24.0 59,298 62.0 61.9 36,338 38.0 38.0 104 .1 LaSalle 49,638 9, 539c 19.2 29,552 59.6 59.5 20,013 40.4 40.3 73 .1 Lawrence 9,2 74 1, 147R 12.4 5,207 56.2 56.1 4,060 43.3 43.8 7 .1 Lee 15,694 5.751R 36.6 10,721 68.3 68.3 4,970 31.7 31.7 3 .0 Livingston 18,432 7,215R 39.1 12,820 69.6 69.6 5,605 30.4 30.4 7 .0 Logan 13,793 3,045R 22.1 8,415 61.0 61.0 5,370 39.0 38.9 8 .1 Macon 48,689 3,0120 6.2 22,324 46.9 46.9 25,836 53.1 53.1 29 . 1 178 SENATOR - 1956 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet Vote Macoupin 22.914 1,7530 7.7 10,558 46.2 46.1 12,321 53.8 53.9 25 Madison 83,298 16, 128D 19.4 33,544 40.3 40.3 49,672 59.7 59.6 82 Marion 18,622 480R 2.6 9,541 51.3 51.2 9,061 43.7 48.7 20 Marshall 6,861 1,8279 26.5 4 , 3 '» ? 63.3 63.3 2,515 36.7 36.7 4 Mason 7,702 391R 5. 1 4,042 52.5 52.5 3,651 47.5 4 7.4 9 Massac 6,290 1 ,468R 23.3 3,877 61 .7 61.6 2,4^9 38.3 38.3 4 McDonough 13,086 4.903R 37.5 8,992 68.7 68.7 4,089 31.3 31.2 5 McHenry 30,276 14.449R 47.7 22,342 73. Q 7 3.8 7 ,893 26.1 26.1 41 McLean 36,986 9,661R 26.1 23,313 63.1 63.0 13,652 36.9 36.9 21 Menard 4,926 893R 13.1 2,908 5 9.1 59.0 2 ,015 40.9 4 0.9 3 Mercer 8,519 1.692R 19.9 5,103 59.9 59.9 3,411 40. 1 4 0.0 6 Monroe 7,165 1 ,306R 18.2 4,235 5 9.1 59.1 2,979 40.0 40.9 1 Montgomery 16,749 608R 3.6 8,674 51 .8 51.8 3,066 48.2 48.2 9 Morgan 16,092 1 >888R 11.7 8,985 55.9 55.8 7,007 44. 1 44.1 10 Moultrie 6,215 372R 6.0 3,291 63.0 53.0 2.919 47.0 47.0 5 Ogle 16,372 7, 947R 43.5 12,151 74.3 74.2 4,204 25.7 25.7 17 Peoria 78,440 8,940R 11.4 43,640 55.7 55.6 34,700 44.3 44.2 100 Perry 11,061 565R 5.1 5,313 52.6 52.6 5,243 4 7.4 '* 7 . 4 .0 Piatt 6,828 1,597' 23.4 4,212 61 .7 61.7 2,615 38.3 38.3 1 .0 Pike 10,848 315D 2.9 5,259 48.5 48.5 5 ,574 51.5 51.4 15 . 1 Pope 2,678 747R 27.9 1,71? 64.0 63.9 965 36.0 36. 1 .0 Pulaski 4,785 514R 10.7 2,644 55.4 55.3 2,130 44.6 44.5 11 .2 Putnam 2,575 57QR 22.5 1 ,574 61 .3 61.1 995 38."' 38.6 6 .2 Randolph 14,611 24 5R 1.7 7,425 50.8 50.8 7,181 49.2 49.1 4 .0 Richland 7,385 1,883R 25.5 4,632 62.8 62.7 2, 740 37. 1 3 7.2 4 .1 Rock Island 59,464 7,9300 13.3 25,723 43.3 43.3 33,653 56.7 56.6 33 . 1 Saline 15,262 298R 2.0 7,770 51.0 50.9 7,472 49.0 4 9 . 20 . 1 Sangamon 68,951 4.075R 5.9 36,4^5 53.1 52.9 3?, 420 4 7.0 4 7.0 3 6 .1 Schuyler 5,103 460R 9.0 2,777 54.5 54.4 2,317 45.5 45.4 9 .2 Scott 3,602 382R 10.6 1 ,992 55.3 55.3 1,610 44. 7 44.7 .0 Shelby 11,952 444R 3.7 6,193 51.9 51.8 5,749 48.1 4 8.1 10 . 1 Stark 4,218 1,742R 41.3 2,979 70.7 70.6 1,237 29.3 29.3 2 .0 St. Clair 92,048 18,6130 21.2 36,604 39.9 39.8 55,217 50.1 60.0 227 .2 Stephenson 19,939 6,068R 30.4 12.997 65.2 66.2 6,929 34.3 34.3 13 .1 Tazewell 38,502 157R .4 19,312 50.? 50.2 19,155 49.3 49.9 35 . 1 Union 8,279 8130 9.8 3,730 45.1 46.1 4 ,543 64.9 54.9 6 . 1 Vermilion 42.944 4.918R 11.5 23,907 55.7 55.7 1.8,989 44. 3 44.2 48 . 1 Wabash 6,814 804R 11.8 3,806 ^6.9 5 6.9 3,002 44. 1 44.1 6 .1 Warren 10,329 3,613R 35.0 6,969 67.5 67.5 3,356 32.5 32.5 4 .0 Washington 7,662 1,746R 22.8 4,702 61.4 61.4 2,956 38.6 38.6 4 .1 Wayne 9,684 1 ,280R 13.2 5,478 56.6 56.6 4,108 43.4 43.3 8 • 1 White 10,188 124R 1.2 5,153 50.6 50.6 5,029 4 9.4 4 9.4 6 . 1 Whiteside 23,378 9,336R 39.9 16,34 1 70.0 69.9 7,005 30.3 30.0 32 . 1 Will 68,999 12,080R 17.5 40,501 58.8 58.7 ?8,4?1 41.2 4 1.2 77 .1 Williamson 22,779 669R 2.9 11,711 51.5 5 1.4 11 ,04? 4 3.5 48.5 26 . 1 Winnebago 74,780 11 ,004R 14.7 42,347 5 7.4 57.3 31,843 42.6 42.6 SO . 1 Woodford 11,137 3,581R 32.2 7,356 66.1 66.1 3,775 33.9 33.9 6 .1 TOTAL 4,264,822 357,469R 8.4 2307,352 54.2 54.1 1949,833 45.3 ''5.7 7,587 .2 Downstate 2,048,258 302,0?1R 14.7 1174,10 1 5 7.4 67.3 872.080 42.6 42.6 2,0 77 •> Suburban Cook 604,771 199,8409 33.0 401,916 66.5 66.5 202.067 33.5 33.4 "-88 .1 Chicago 1 ,611,793 144,4010 9.0 731 ,335 45.5 45.4 875,736 54. 5 54.3 4,722 .3 179 GOVERNOR - 1956 Totol Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pcf. Vote Adams 30,010 1 ,34 3? 4.5 15,663 52. 2 52.2 14,320 47.8 47.7 30 .1 Alexander 8,165 1 ,060D 13.0 3,544 43.5 43.4 4 ,604 56.5 56.4 17 .2 Bond 7,031 546R 7.8 3,783 53.9 5 3.8 3,237 46.1 46.0 11 .2 Boone 8,347 3,375R 40.4 5,858 70.2 70.2 2,483 29.8 29.7 6 . 1 Brown 3,595 42 50 11.8 1,584 44.1 44.1 2 ,009 55.9 55.9 2 .1 Bureau 19,572 5,3?0R 27.2 12,438 6 3.6 63.5 7,118 36.4 36.4 16 .1 Calhoun ^>,242 ^s:i 1.2 1 ,601 49.4 49.4 1,639 50.6 50.6 2 . 1 Carroll 8,931 2,6^:-= 29.9 5,797 65.0 64.9 3,125 3 5.0 3 5.0 9 .1 Cass 7»409 6410 8.7 3,380 45.7 45.6 4,021 54.3 54.3 8 .1 Champaign 40,710 8,4393 ?0.7 24,552 60.4 60.3 16,113 39.6 39.6 45 .1 Christian 18,761 1,7320 9.2 8,494 4 5.4 45.3 10,226 54.6 54.5 41 .2 Clark 8,865 1.091R 12.3 4,976 5b. 2 56.1 3,885 4 3.8 43.8 4 .0 Clay 8,388 530R 6.3 4,4 54 53.2 5 3.1 3,924 46.8 46.8 10 .1 Clinton 10,956 1 ,006R 9.2 5,9 74 54.6 5 '+.5 4,968 45.4 45.3 14 .1 Coles 19,468 1 ,067R 5.5 10,264 52.7 5 7.7 9,197 47.3 47.2 7 .0 Cook 2,240,428 145,099D 6.5 1044,894 46.8 46.6 1189,993 53.2 53.1 5,541 .2 Crawford 10,383 876R 8.'* 5,625 54.2 54.2 4,749 45.8 45.7 9 .1 Cumberland 5,333 178R 3.3 2,754 51.7 51.6 2,576 48.3 48.3 3 .1 DeKalb 19,473 6,655R 34.2 13,054 67.1 67.0 6,399 32.9 32.9 20 .1 DeWitt 8,272 754R 9.1 4,510 54.6 54.5 3,756 45.4 45.4 6 .1 Douglas 8, 138 1,492R 18.3 4,812 59.2 59.1 3,320 40.8 40.8 6 .1 DuPage 1 14,011 31 ,060R 27.2 72,438 63.6 63.5 41,3 78 36.4 36.3 195 .2 Edgar 12,123 2,075R 17.1 7,095 58.6 58.5 5 ,020 41.4 41.4 8 .1 Edwards 4,388 1,493R 34. C 2,940 67.0 67.0 1 ,447 33.0 33.0 1 .0 Effingham 1 J, 987 294R 2.7 5,633 51.3 51.3 5, 33^ 48.7 48.6 15 .1 Fayette 11,406 177R 1.6 5,788 50.8 50.7 5,611 49.2 49.2 7 .1 Ford 8,040 2, 7 54.R 34.3 5,395 67.1 67.1 2,641 32.9 32.8 4 .0 Franklin 21,962 2,628D 12.0 9,667 4 4.0 44.0 12,295 56.0 56.0 .0 Fulton 20,610 631R 3.1 10,600 51.5 51.4 9,969 48.5 48.4 41 .2 Gallatin 4,278 4170 9.7 1,929 43.1 45.1 2,346 54.9 54.8 3 .1 Greene 8, 141 424D 5.2 3,849 47.4 47.3 4,273 52.6 52.5 19 .2 Grundy 10,002 3 , 8 )'* R 38.1 6,906 69.1 69.0 3,092 30.9 30.9 4 .0 Hamilton 6,221 1-14D 1.8 3,052 49.1 49.1 3,166 5 0.9 50.9 3 .0 Hancock 13,033 1,558R 12.0 7,291 56.0 55.9 5,733 44.0 44.0 9 .1 Hardin 3,326 246R 7.4 1,782 53.7 53.6 1,536 46.3 4 6.2 8 .2 Henderson 4, 140 743R 18. 1 2 ,44 3 59.0 59.0 1,695 41.0 40.9 . 2 .0 Henry 23,981 4 , 1 1 R 16.7 13,980 53.4 58.3 9,969 41.6 4 1.6 32 .1 Iroquois 16,333 5, 326R 32.5 10,346 66.3 66.2 5,520 33.7 33.7 17 .1 Jackson 17,506 472R 2.7 8,98 c 51.3 51.3 8,513 48.7 48.6 8 .0 Jasper 6, 177 1180 1.9 3,029 4 9.0 49.0 3,147 51.0 50.9 1 .0 Jefferson 17,198 1 ,0 840 6.3 8,057 4 6.8 46.3 9,141 53.2 53.2 .0 Jersey 7,404 1S30 2.5 3,606 48.7 43.7 3,794 51.3 51.2 4 .1 JoDaviess 9,4^5 2,569R 2 7.3 5,983 63.7 63.6 3 ,414 36.3 36.3 3 .1 Johnson 4,427 302R 18.1 2,613 5 9.1 59.0 1,811 4 . 9 4C.9 3 .1 Kane 73,759 21,483R 29.1 47,586 64.6 64.5 26,103 35.4 3 5,4 70 .1 Kankakee 31,249 4 » 6 3 3 R 14.8 17,927 67.4 5 7.4 13,2 94 42.6 42.5 28 .1 Kendall 6,391 2,803R 43.° 4,5 94 71.9 71.9 1,791 28.1 26.0 6 .1 Knox 27,619 4,962R 18.0 16,281 59.0 53.9 11,319 41.0 41.0 19 .1 Lake 96,980 13,3SSR 13.8 55,125 56.9 56.8 41,737 43.1 43.0 118 .1 LaSalle 50,812 7,326R 14.4 29,029 57.2 57.1 21,703 42.8 42.7 80 .2 Lawrence 9,4 09 392R 4.2 4,397 52.1 52.0 4,505 47.9 47.9 7 .1 Lee 15,867 4.561R 28.7 10,212 64.4 64.4 5,651 35.6 35.6 4 .0 Livingston 18,703 6,121R 32.7 12,405 66.4 66.3 6,284 33.6 33.6 14 .1 Logan 14,026 2,384R 17.0 8,199 53.5 58.5 5,815 41.5 41.5 12 .1 Macon 49,198 2,4000 4.9 23,382 4 7.6 4^.5 25,782 52.4 52.4 34 .1 180 GOVERNOR - 1956 Total Vote Cost Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 23,486 2,0720 8.8 10,694 45.6 45.5 12,766 54.4 54.4 l; .1 Madison 84,852 18,6560 22.0 33,055 3 9 . 39.0 51,711 61.0 60.9 .0 Pike 11,070 5260 4.3 5,264 47.6 47.6 5,790 5 2.4 52.3 16 . 1 Pope 2,729 660R 24.2 1,694 62.1 62.1 1 ,034 37. 9 3'.9 1 .0 Pulaski 4,971 219R 4.4 2,590 62.2 52.1 2,3 71 47.8 -7. ! 10 -i • 1_ Putnam 2,602 452R 17.4 1 ,524 68.7 58.6 1 ,072 41.3 41.2 6 .2 Randolph 14,914 ID • U 7,454 5 0.0 50.0 7,455 50.0 50.0 5 .0 Richland 7,533 1.280R 17.0 4,405 5 3.5 58.5 3,125 41. 5 4 1 . 5 3 • Rock Island 59,634 5,3080 8.9 2 7,110 45.5 45.5 3 2,418 54.5 54.4 106 .2 Saline 15,529 2670 1.7 7,619 49.1 49.1 7,836 50.9 50.8 2 1 .2 Sangamon 69,835 5010 .7 34,644 49.6 49.6 35,1^5 50.4 3 0.3 4 6 .1 Schuyler 5, 194 213R 4.2 2,701 52.1 52.0 2,483 47.9 4 7.3 10 .2 Scott 3,705 237R 6.4 1 ,971 53.2 53.2 1,734 46.8 46.8 .0 Shelby 12,193 3610 3.0 5,910 43.5 43.5 6,271 51.5 5 1.4 12 . 1 Stark 4,227 1.418R 33.5 2,820 66.8 66.7 1,402 33.2 33.2 ~ . 1 St. Clair 93,575 22,3810 23.9 35,465 33.0 3 7.9 57,346 62.0 61.6 264 . 3 Stephenson 20,166 4, 366R 24.1 12,509 62.1 62.0 7,643 37.9 3 7.9 14 .1 Tazewell 38,452 9440 2.5 18,739 48.8 4 8.7 19,683 51.2 51.2 30 .1 Union 8,432 1,4930 17.7 3,466 41.1 41.1 4,9 59 33.9 58.8 7 . 1 Vermilion 43,356 3,523R 8.1 23,420 54 .1 54.0 19,397 45.9 4 5.9 S9 . 1 Wabash 6,963 3389 4.9 3,647 52.4 52.4 3,309 47.6 4 7.3 7 .1 Warren 10,384 2.878R 27.7 6,62° 63.9 6 3.8 3,761 36.1 36.1 4 .0 Washington 7,557 1 ,634R 21.6 4,590 6 0.3 60.7 2,956 39.2 39.1 11 . 1 Wayne 9,832 970R 9.9 5,396 54.9 54.9 4,426 45.1 4 5.0 10 White 10,514 5740 5.5 4,965 47.3 4 7.2 5,539 52.7 : -: .7 10 !i Whiteside 23,574 8.338R 35.4 15,13° 67.7 67.6 7,6^1 32.3 \ . '} £ . i Will 69,660 6,9?3R 10.0 38,2 55 6 5 . C r '> . ? 3 3, 122 45.0 ■ j > • '" c: J . 1 Williamson 23,197 6700 2.9 11,249 4 0.6 4 . 5 11, '19 i : . 4 : .4 tl 5 .1 Winnebago 75,237 6.808R 9 . 40,975 54.5 54.5 34,167 - 5 . 5 »'-•-+ ?* • i Woodford 11 ,259 2,649R 23.5 6,94 a 61.3 61.7 4, 38.2 38. 2 1 J .1 TOTAL 4,314,569 36,877R .9 2 171 ,786 50.4 50.3 2134,9 9 4 9.6 49.3 7,67. • c_ Downstate 2,0 74, 14 1 131.976R 3.6 1126,892 5h .-+ 54.3 044,916 4 5.6 <+5.6 2,333 Suburban Cook 609,662 119.975R 19.7 3 64,353 5 9.9 5 5. 3 244,333 41.1 4 . 1 921 • c Chicago 1 ,630,766 265,0740 16.3 630,5 36 -.1.8 41.7 945,610 33.2 5 8.0 4,620 • J 181 SUMMARY- 1958 STATE TREASURER Party Candidate Republican Warren E. Wright Democratic Joseph D. Lohrnan Counties Total Vote Cook County Downstate Carried 1,548,902 723,619 825,283 70 1,688,809 1,014,735 674,074 32 183 STATE TREASURER - 1958 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Party Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Adams 21.663 606R 2.8 11,137 51.4 51.4 10,531 48.6 48.6 .0 Alexander 7,447 301R 4.0 3,874 5 2.0 52.0 3,573 43.0 48.0 .0 Bond 5,251 173R 3.3 2,717 51 .6 51 .6 2,544 48.4 48.4 .0 Boone 5,253 2,413R 4 5.9 3,833 73.0 73.0 1,420 27.0 27.0 .0 Brown 3,146 340D 10.8 1,403 44.6 4 4.6 1 ,743 55.4 55.4 .0 Bureau 14,311 3,335R- 23.3 8,823 61.7 61.7 5,488 38.3 38.3 .0 Calhoun 2, 64 5 330 1.2 1 ,306 49.4 4 9.4 1,339 50.6 50.6 .0 Carroll 6,042 1.760R 29.1 3,901 64.6 64.6 2,141 35.4 35.4 .0 Cass 5, 757 4410 7.7 2,658 46.2 46.2 3,099 53.8 53.8 .0 Champaign 25,955 7,079R 27.3 16,522 63.6 63.6 9,443 36.4 36.4 .0 Christian 15,060 1, 760D 11.7 6,650 44.2 44.2 8,410 55.8 55.8 .0 Clark 7,710 162R 2.1 3,936 51.1 51.1 3,774 48.9 48.9 .0 Clay 7,330 150R 2.0 3,740 51.0 51.0 3,590 49.0 49.0 .0 Clinton 9,017 429R 4.8 4,723 52.4 52.4 4,294 47.6 47.6 .0 Coles 14,823 1,351R 9. 1 8,087 54.6 54.6 6,736 45.4 45.4 .0 Cook 1 ,738,3 54 291, 1 160 15.7 723,619 41 .6 41.6 1014,735 58.4 58.4 .0 Crawford 7,728 R)8R 10.6 4,273 55.3 55.3 3 ,455 44.7 44.7 .0 Cumberland 5,003 2770 5.5 2,363 47.2 47.2 2,640 52.8 52.3 .0 DeKalb 12,663 4, 8 3 7R 38.2 8,75^ 69.1 69.1 3,913 30.9 30.9 .0 DeWitt 5,770 1 , 140R 19.8 3,455 59.9 5 9.9 2,315 40.1 40.1 .0 Douglas 6,377 1.227R 19.2 3,302 59.6 59.6 2 ,575 40.4 40.4 .0 DuPage 82,427 30,813R 37.4 56,520 63.7 68.7 25,807 31.3 31.3 .0 Edgar Edwards 9,616 1 ,658R 17.2 5,637 58.6 55.6 3,979 41.4 41.4 .0 3,929 917R 23.3 2,423 61.7 61.7 1 ,506 38.3 38.3 .0 Effingham 9, 144 2820 3.1 4,431 43.5 4B.5 4 ,713 51.5 51.5 .0 Fayette 9,742 34 00 3.5 4,701 43.3 4 3. 3 5 ,041 51.7 51.7 .0 Ford 5,352 2,388R 4 4.6 3,870 72.3 72.3 1 ,4S2 27.7 27.7 .0 Franklin 18,770 3, 3180 17.7 7,726 41.2 41.2 11 ,044 58.8 58.3 .0 Fulton 17,207 83R .5 8,645 5 0.2 50.2 8,562 49.8 49.3 .0 Gallatin 3,981 6390 16. 1 1,671 42.0 42.0 2,310 53.0 58.0 .0 Greene 6,374 356D 5.6 3,009 47.2 4 7.2 3,365 52.8 52.8 .0 Grundy 7,041 3,015R 42.8 5,028 71 .4 71.4 2,013 28.6 28.6 .0 Hamilton 5,3 96 2140 4.0 2,591 43.0 4 3.0 2,805 52.0 52.0 .0 Hancock 9,349 1,4 19R 15.2 5,384 57.6 57.6 3,965 42.4 42.4 .0 Hardin 2,656 234R 8.8 1 ,445 54 .4 5 4.4 1 ,211 45.6 45.6 .0 Henderson 3,539 64 39 18.2 2,091 5 9.1 59.1 1,448 40.9 4C.9 .0 Henry 13,930 3,214R 23.2 8,522 61 .6 61.6 5 ,3 18 3 8.4 38.4 .0 Iroquois 10,391 4,689R 4 5.1 7,540 72.6 72.6 2,851 27.4 27.4 .0 Jackson 14,596 52R .4 7,324 50.2 50.2 7,272 49.8 49.8 .0 Jasper 5,438 3940 7.2 2,522 46.4 46.4 2,916 53.6 53.6 .0 Jefferson 14,545 383D 2.6 7,081 43.7 43.7 7,464 51.3 51.3 .0 Jersey 6,108 5000 3.2 2,304 '+5.9 45.9 3 ,304 54. 1 54.1 .0 JoDaviess 6,549 1,437R 21.9 3,993 61.0 61.0 2,556 39.0 39.0 .0 Johnson 3,679 949R 25.8 2,314 62.9 62.9 1,365 37.1 37.1 .0 Kane 48, 170 11,664R 24.2 29,917 62.1 62.1 18,253 3 7.9 37.9 .0 Kankakee 23,171 3,709R 16.0 13,440 53.0 5 8.0 9,731 42.0 42.0 '.0 Kendall 4,551 1,94 3R 42.7 3,247 71.3 71.3 1 ,304 28.7 28.7 .0 Knox 18,468 4,090R 22.1 11,279 61.1 61.1 7,189 38.9 38.9 .0 Lake 66,770 16,744R 25.1 41 ,757 62.5 62.5 25,013 37.5 37.5 .0 LaSalle 33,010 5,694? 17.2 1Q,352 53.6 58.6 13,658 41.4 41.4 .0 Lawrence 7,814 82R 1.0 3,94 8 50.5 50.5 3,866 49.5 49.5 .0 Lee 11,162 3,976R 35.6 7,569 67.8 67.8 3,593 32.2 32.2 .0 Livingston 11,079 4,467R 40.3 7,773 70.2 70.2 3,306 29.8 29.8 .0 Logan Macon 10, 47^ 3»203R 3 0.6 6,841 65.3 65.3 3,638 34.7 34.7 .0 34,076 1,5660 4.6 16,255 4 7.7 47.7 17,821 52.3 52.3 .0 7200-3 5-36 184 STATE TREASURER - 1958 Total Vote Cast Rep.-Dem. Plurality REPUBLICAN VOTE DEMOCRATIC VOTE OTHER VOTE Number Percent of Number Percent of Number Percent County Two- Parly Vote Total Vote Two- Party Vote Total Vote of Total Number Pet. Vote Macoupin 19,50^ 2,7310 14.0 8,389 43.0 43.0 11,120 57.0 57.0 .0 Madison 55,251 16,999D 30.8 19,126 34.6 34.6 36,125 65.4 65.4 .0 Marion 15,026 1,4780 9.3 6,774 4 5.1 45.1 8,252 54.9 54.9 .0 Marshall 5 , 3 1 1 999R 18.8 3,155 59.4 59.4 2,156 40.6 4C.6 .0 Mason 6, 112 2580 4.2 2,927 47.9 4 7.9 3,185 52.1 52.1 .0 Massac 4,981 737R 14.8 2,859 57.4 5 7.4 2,122 42.6 42.6 .0 McDonough 8,540 2,996=! 35.1 5,768 67.5 67.5 2,772 32.5 32.5 .0 McHenry 20,719 9, 195R 44.4 14,957 72.2 72.2 5,762 27.8 27.8 .0 McLean 23,645 7,159R 30.3 15,402 65 .1 65.1 8,243 34.9 34.9 • Menard 4, 314 694R 17.3 2,354 53.6 5 8.6 1,660 4 1.4 41.4 .0 Mercer 6,786 1,758R 25.9 4,2 72 63.0 63.0 2,514 37.0 37.0 .0 Monroe 6,676 420R 6.3 3,548 53.1 53.1 3,128 46.9 46.9 .0 Montgomery 14.093 4^70 3.1 6,328 48.4 48.4 7,265 51.6 51.6 .0 Morgan 13,?5i 2,345R 17.3 7,952 53.6 58.5 5,607 41.4 41.4 .0 Moultrie 5 ,34 :■ 90R 1. 7 2,71 5 50.8 50.8 2 ,625 49.2 49.2 .0 Ogle 10,803 5, 189R 4 8 . 7,996 74.0 74.0 2,807 26.0 26.0 .0 Peoria 46,316 6,362R 13.7 26,339 55.9 56.9 19,977 43.1 43.1 .0 Perry 9,556 136D 1.4 4,710 49.3 49.3 4,846 50.7 50.7 .0 Piatt 5,377 It 151R 21.4 3,26^ 60.7 60.7 2,113 39.3 39.3 .0 Pike 8,105 889D 11.0 3,608 44.5 44.5 4,497 55.5 55.5 .0 Pope 2,102 560R 26.6 1 ,331 63.3 63.3 771 36.7 36.7 .0 Pulaski 4,030 40 8R 10.1 2,219 55.1 55.1 1,811 44.9 44.9 .0 Putnam 2,031 399R 19.6 1,215 59.8 59.8 816 40.2 40.2 .0 Randolph 13,052 2320 1.8 6,410 49.1 49.1 6,642 50.9 50.9 .0 Richland 6,863 827R 12.1 3,845 56.0 56.0 3,018 44.0 44.0 .0 Rock Island 35*, 131 1,437D 4.1 16,84 7 48.0 48.0 18,284 52.0 52.0 .0 Saline 12,595 2350 1.9 6,181 49.1 49.1 6,415 50.9 50.9 .0 Sangamon 58, 1 11 6,839R 11.8 32,475 55.9 55.9 25,636 44.1 44.1 .0 Schuyler 4,567 257R 5.6 2,412 52.3 52.8 2,155 47.2 47.2 .0 Scott 3,224 422R 13.1 1,823 56.5 56.5 1 ,401 43.5 43.5 .0 Shelby 9,687 8350 3.6 4,426 4 5.7 45.7 5,261 54.3 54.3 .0 Stark 2,771 949R 34.2 1,860 67.1 67.1 911 32.9 32.9 .0 St. Clair 65,576 20,9540 31.9 22,361 34.0 34.0 4 3,315 66.0 66.0 .0 Stephenson 12,423 3,31 7R 26.7 7,870 63.4 63.4 4,553 36.6 36.6 .0 Tazewell 27,020 54R .2 13,537 50.1 50.1 13,483 49.0 49.9 .0 Union 7,110 1, 1360 16.0 2,987 42.0 42.0 4,123 58.0 58.0 .0 Vermilion 33,607 1 , 1 1 R 3.3 17,354 51.6 51.6 16,253 48.4 48.4 .0 Wabash 5,433 1275 2.3 2,653 4 3.3 48.8 2,780 51.2 51.2 .0 Warren 7,380 2,466R 3 3.4 4,923 66.7 66.7 2,457 33.3 33.3 .0 Washington 6,679 1,021R 15.3 3,850 57.6 57.6 2,829 42.4 42.4 .0 Wayne 8,753 593R 6.8 4,673 5 3.4 5 3.4 4,0 30 46.6 46.6 .0 White 8,516 8640 10.1 3,826 44.9 44.9 4,690 55.1 55.1 .0 Whiteside 15, 122 4,992R 3 3.1 10,057 66.5 66.5 5,065 33.5 33.5 .0 Will 49, lie 7,588R 15.4 2 8,353 57.7 57.7 20,765 42.3 42.3 .0 Williamson 19,193 1,603D 8.4 8,795 45.8 45.8 10,398 54.2 54.2 .0 Winnebago 53,106 6.394R 12.0 29,750 56.0 56.0 23,356 44.0 44.0 .0 Woodford 8,953 2,257R 25.2 5,605 62.6 62.6 3,348 37.4 37.4 .0 TOTAL 3,237,711 139,9070 4.3 1548,902 47.8 47.8 1638,809 52.2 52.2- .0 Dovvnstate 1 ,490,357 151»209R 10.1 325,283 55.0 55.0 674,074 45.0 45.0 .0 Suburban Cook 431 ,552 192.628R 21.3 292,090 60.7 60.7 189,462 39.-3 39.3 .0 Chicago 1 ,256,802 393,7440 31.3 431,529 34.3 34.3 825,273 65.7 65.7 .0 185 .-.:-,'•• ■ ; -"~- AMIMttm* »1 MO J.UK1J UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 324 773G74I C003 ILLINOIS VOTES. 1900-1958, A COMPILATION \: 0112 025283588