NirW YOEK TRIBXJNE' EDITION. PEICE.^1 CENTS. rHE UNITED STATES TAX LAW LIBRARr AS AMENI)EI)«NlVERS?rY OF lUlHOlS FOB AMENDMENTS, SEE PAGE 26. AW ACT to 'provide Internal Revenue to support the Governmeni and pay Interest on the Public Debt Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R^e- eentatives of the United States of A-tnerica in Con- gress assembled. That, for the purpose of supe^- (endiug the collection of internal duties, stamp dunes, ‘ lieenses, or taxes imposed by this act, or which may be hereafter imposed, and of assessing the same, an office is hereby created in the Treasury Department to be called the office of the Commissioner of Inter- nal Revenue ; and the President of the United States is hereby authorized to nominate, and,_with the ad- vice and consent of the Senate, to appoint a Cbmmis- ^ser of Internal Revenue, with an annual salary of $4,000, who shall be charged, and hereby is •barged, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, with preparing all the instructions, regula- tions, directions, forms, blanks, stamps, and licenses, and distributing the same, or any part thereof, and all other matters pertaining to the assessment and collection of the duties, stamp duties, licenses, and taxes, which may be necessary to carry this act into effect, and with the general superintendence of his office, as aforesaid, and shall have authority, and hereby is authorized and required, to provide proper and sufficient stamps or dies for expressing and de- ^noting the several stamp duties, or the amount there- in the case of percentage duties, imposed by this act, and to alter and renew or replace such stamps ^frem time to time, as occasion shall require; and the Secretary of the Treasury may assign to the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue such number clerks as he may deem necessaiy, or the exigen- -^des of the public service may require, and the privi- lege of franking all letters and documents pertaining - to the duties of his office, and of receiving free of ) all such letters and documents, is hereby ex- to said Commissioner. number of districts shall not exceed the number of representatives to which any such State may be so en- titled; and Provided fui-ther. That in the State of California the President may establish a number of districts, not exceeding the number of Senators and Kepreeentatives to which said State is entitled la th® present Congress. . ... Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That each of tho assessors shall divide his district into a convenient number of assessment districts, subject to such reg- ulations and limitations as may be imposed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, within each of which he shall appoint one assistant assessor, who shall be resident therein; and each assessor and assistant assessor so appointed, and accepting the appointment, shall, before he enters on the duties of his appointment, take and subscribe, before somo competent magistrate, or some collector, to be ap- pointed*by virtue of this act (who is hereby empow- ered to administer the same), the following oath of affirmation, to wit: "I, A B, do swear, or affirm (as the case may be), that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United States of America, and will support the Constitution thereof, and that 1 will, to the best of my knowledge, skill, and judgment, d^ igenily and faithfully execute the office and duties of assessor for (naming the assessment distriet). without favor or partiality, and that I will do equal right and justice in every case in which I shall aot as assessor.” And a certificate of such oath of affirmation shall be delivered to the collector of tho . district for which sucl^ assessor or assistant assessor shall be appointed. And every assessor or assistfmt assessor acting in the said office without having taken the said oath or affirmation shall forfeit and 1 General Provisfona^ 8*c. 2. And be it further enacted, That, for the purpose of assessing, levying, and collecting the dntm or taxM hereinafter prescribed by this act, the President of the United States be, and he is , hereW authorized to divide, respectively, the States and Territories of the United States and the District ^ af Colnmbiainto convenient collection districts, and to Bominate, and, by and with the advice and consent ^ af tho Innate, to appoint an Assessor and Collector S fOf each such district, who shall be residents within S tlv same: Provided, Thfd any of said States and Tarritories, and the Di^^mt of Columbia, may, if lha Prudent shall deogi it proper, be erected mto and included in one dMrict: Promed, That the ^ Unsber of districts in a^ State shall not exceed the ^ in^Bkbor of ropT^ntatlves to which such State shall pay $100, one moiety thereof to the use of the Uni- ted States, and the other moiety thereof to him who shall first sue for the same, with costs of suit. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That befo» anv such collector shall enter upon the duties of bio office, he shall execute a bond for such amount ao shall be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, under the direction of the Secretary at tho Treasury, with not less than five sureties to be ap- proved as sufficient by the Solicitor of the Treasury| containing the condition that said collector sl^ faithfully perform the duties of his office according to law, and shall justly and faithfully account foe and pay over to the United States, in complianoo with the order or regnlations of the Secretary of tho Treasury, all public moneys which may come into his hands or possession; which bond shall be filed in the office of the First Controller of the Treasury » Montitlod in the present Congress except in such " M are entitled to an increased representatiim ^ in tlm ble, and the names of feM respective proprietors, where known. And the Assistant Assessor making out any such separate list shall transmit therefrom to the Assistant Assessor, where the persons liable to pay such tax reside or shall have their principal lace* of business, copies of the list of property held y persons so liable to pay such tax, to the end that the taxes assessed under the provisions of this act may be paid within the collection district where the persons liable to pay the same reside or may have their principal place of business. And in all cases the said Assessor shall furnish to the Collectors of the several collection districts, respectively, within ten days after the time of hearing appeals, and from time to time thereafter as required, a certified copy of such list or lists for their proper collection dis- tricts; and in default of performance of the duties enjoined upon Assessors by this section they shall severally and individually forfeit and pay the sum of $500 to the use of the United States; and, more- over, shall forfeit their compensation as Assessors: Provided, That it shall he in the power of the Com- missioner of Internal Revenue to exonerate any As- sessor as aforesaid from such forfeitures, in whole or in part, as to him shall appear jnst and equitable. Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That there shall be allowed and paid to the several Assessors and Assistant Assessors, for their services under this act- each AssesBor $3 per day for every day employed in making the necessaxy arrangements and giving the CJ* ■‘CJj 'w 1 4 necessary instructions to the Assistant Assessors for the valuation: and $5 per day for every day em- ployed in hearing appeals, revising valuations, and mating oat lists agreeably to the provisions of this act; and $1 for every 100 taxable persons contained in the tax list, as d^ivered by him to'said Collec- tors. and forwarded to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue; to each Assistant Assessor $3 for every day actually employed in collecting lists and making valuations, the number of days necessary for that purpose to be certified by the "Assessor aud approved by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue; and $1 for every 100 taxable persons contained in the tax list, as completed and delivered by him to the As- sessor. And the said Assessors and Assistant As- sessors, respectively, shall also be allowed their necessary and reasonable charges for stationery and blank books used in the execution of their duties, nd the compensation herein specified shall be in full for all expenses not otherwise particularly author- ized: Provided, The Secretary of the Treasury shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to fix such additional rates of _ compensation to be made to Assessors and Assistant Assessors in the States of California and Oregon and the Territo- ries as may appear to him to be just and equitable in consequence of the greater cost of living and travel- ing in those States and Territories, and as may in his judgment be necessary to Secure the services of competent and efficient men, provided the rates of compensation thus allowed shall not exceed the rates paid to similar officers in such States and Territories respectively. In cases where a collection district embraces more than a single Congressional district the Secretary of the Treasury may allow the As- sessor such compensation as he may deem necessary. Sfic. 18. And be it further enacted. That each Col- lector, on receiving a list, as aforesaid, and from time to time as such lists may be received from the said Assessors respectively, shall subscribe three receipts; one of which shall be given on a full and correct copy of such list, which list shall be de- livered by him to, and shall remain with, the Asses- sor of his collection district, and shall be open to the inspection of any person who may apply to inspect the same; and the other two receipts shall be given cn aggregate statements of the lists aforesaid, ex- hibiiiog the gross amount of taxes to be collected in his collection district, one of which aggregate state- ments and receipts shall be transmitted, to the Com- missioner of Internal Revenue, and the other to the First Controller of the Treasury; and all lists re- ceived from Time to time, as aforesa d, shall be in like form and manner transmitted as aforesaid. Sec. 19. And be it further enacted. That each of ■aid Collectors shall, within ten days after receiving his annual collection list from the assessors, respect- ively, as aforesaid, give notice, by advertisement published in each county in his collection district, in cne newspaper printed in such county, if any such there be, and by notifications to be posted up in at least four public places in each county in his collec- tion district, that the said duties have become due ftnd payable, and state the lime and place within ■aid county at which he will attend to receive the ■ame, which time shall not be less than ten days after such notification; and all persons who shall neglect to pay the duties and taxes so as aforesaid assessed upon them to the Collector within the time ■pecified, shall be liable to pay ten per centum additional upon the amount thereof, the fact of which liability shall be stated in the advertisement aud notifications aforesaid. And with regard to all per- Bons whc shall neglect to pay as aforesaid, it shall jbe the duty of the Collector, in person or by deputy, within twenty days after such neglect, to make a demana personally, or at the dwellings or usual 5 )lacee of business of such persons, if any they have, OJ payment of said duties or taxes, with ten per centum additional aforesaid. And with respect to all such duties or taxes as are not included iu the annnal lists aforesaid, and all taxes and duties the collection of which is not otherwise provided for in this act, it shali be the duty of each Collector, in person or by clapaty, to demand payment thereof, in manner * aldreaaid, within tea days from aud after receiving the list thereof fiom the Assesoori aud if the annual and other duties shall not be paid within ten days from and after such demand thereof, it shall be lawful for such Collector or his deputies to proceed to collect the said duties cf taxes with ten per centum additional thereto, as aforesaid, by distraint and sale of the goods, chattels, or effects of the persons delinquent as aforesaid. And in case of such distraint it shall he the dntj of the officer charged with the collection to make, or cause to be made, an account of the goods or chattels which may be distrained, a copy of which, signed by the officer making such distraint, shall he left with the owner or possessor of such goods, chattels, or effects, or at his or her dwelling, with some person of suitable age and discretion, with a note of the sum demanded, and the time and place of sale; and the said officer shall forthwith cause a notification to be published in some newspaper within the connty wherein said distraint is made, if there is a newspa- per published in said county, or to be publicly posted up at the post-office, if there be one within five miles, fiearest to the residence of the person whose property shall be distrained, and in not less than two other public places, which notice shall specify the articles distrained, and the time and place for the sale there- of, which time shall not be less than 10 nor more than 20 days from the date of such notification, and the place proposed for sale not more than five miles distant from the place of making such distraint: Provided, That in any case of distraint for the pay- ment of the duties or taxes aforesaid, the gooM, chattels, or effects so distrained shall and may be restored to the owner or possessor if, prior to the sale, payment of the amount due or tender thereof shall be made to the proper officer charged with the col- lection of the full amount demanded, together with such fee for levying, and such sum for tbe necessary and reasonable expense of removing, advertising, and keeping the goods, chattels or effects so dis- trained as may be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue; but in case of non-payment or tender, as aforesaid, the said officer shall proceed to sell tbe said goods, chattels, or effects at public ano- tion, and shall and may retain from the proceeds of such sale the amount demaudable for the nse of the United States, with tbe necessary and reasonable ex- penses of distraint and sale, and a commission of five per centum thereon for his own use, rendering the overplus, if any there be, to the person whose goods, chattels, or effects shall have been distrained: Pro- vided, That there shall be exempt from distraint the tools or implements of a trade or profession, one cow, arms, and provisions, and household furniture kept for use, and apparel necessary for a family. Sec. 20. And be it further enacted. That* in all cases where the property liable to distraint foi duties or taxes under this act may not' be divisible, BO as to enable the Collector by a sale of part thereof to raise tbe whole amount of the tax, with all costs, charges, and commissions, the whole of such prop erty shall be sold, and the surplus of the proceeds of the sale, after satisfying the duty or tax, costs, and charges, shall be paid to the owner of the property, or his, her, or their legal representative, or if he, she, or they cannot be found, or refuse to receive the same, then such surplus shall be deposited in the Treasury of the United States, to be there held for the use of the owner, or his, her, or tbeir legal re^ resentatives, until he, she, or they shall make appu- cation thereior to the Secretary of the Treasury, who, upon such application, shall, by warrant on the Tieasury, cause the same to be paid to tbe ap- plicant. And if the property advertfsed for sale as aforesaid cannot be sold lor the amount of the duty or tax due thereon, with the costs and charges, the Collector shall purchase tbe same in behalf of the United States for an amount not exceeding the said tax or duty, with the costs and charges thereon. And all property so purchased may be sold by said Collector under sucn regulations as may be pre- scribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. And the Collector shall render a distinct account of all chotges incurred in the sale of such property, and shall pay into the Treasury the surplus, if any there be, after defraying the charges. Sec. 21. Aud be it further enacted, That in any case where goods, chattels, or effects sufficient xv 6 the duties imposed bv this act upon any per- son liable to pay the same, stall not be found by the Collector or Deputy Collector whose duty it may be to collect the same, he is hereby authorized to col- lect the same by seizure and sale of real estate; and the officer making such seizure and sale shad give notice to the person whose estate is proposed to be sold, by giving him in hand, or leaving at his last and usual place of abode, if he has any such within the collection district where said estate is situated, a notice in writing, stating what particular estate is proposed to be sold, describing the same with reason- able certainty, and the time when and place where said officer proposes to sell the same; which time shall not be less than ten nor more than twenty days from the time of giving said notice; and the said officer shall also cause a notification to the same effect to be published in some newspaper wit'^in the county where such seizure is made, if any such there be, and shall also cause a like notice to be posted up at the Post Office nearest to the place of residence of the person whose estate shall be so seized, and in two other public places within the county; and the S lace of said sale shall not be more than five miles istant from the estate seized. At the time and place appointed, the officer making such seizure shall pro- ceed to sell tbe said estate at public auction, offering the same at a minimum price, including the amount of duties with the ten per centum additional there- on, and all char?es for advertising and an officer's fee of $10. And if no pe -son offers for said estate the amount .of said minimum, the officer shall declare the same to be purchased by him for the United States, and shall deposit with the Dis- trict-Attorney of the United S ates a deed thereof, aa hereinafter specified and provided; otherwise the came shall be declared to be sold to the highest bid- der. And said sale may be adjourned by said officer for a period not exceeding five days, if he shall think it advisable so to do. If the amonot bid shall not be then and there paid, the officer shall forthwith pro- ceed to again sell said estate in the same manner. If the amount bid shall be then and there paid, the officer shall give his receipt therefor, if requested, and within five days thereafter he shall make out a deed of the estate so sold to the purchaser thereof, and execute tbe same in his official capacity, in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State in which said estate may be situated, in which said deed shall be recited the fact of said seizure and s^Ie with the cause thereof, tbe amount of duty for which said sale was made, and of all charges and fees, and the amount paid by the purchaser, and all his acts and doings in relation to said seizure and sale, and shall have tbe same ready for delivery to said purchaser, end shall deliver the same accordingly, upon request therefor. And said deed shall be prima facie evi- dence of the truth of the facts stated therein; and if the proceedings of the officer, as set forth, have been substantially in pursuance of the provisions of this act, shall be considered and operate as a conveyance to tbe purchaser of the title to said estate, but shall not affect the rights of third persons acquired previ- ously to the claim of the United States under this act. The surplus, if any, arising from such sale shall be disposed of as provided in this act for like cases arising upon sales of personal property. And any person whose estate may be seized for duties, as aforesaid, shall have the same right to pay or leader the amount due, with all proper charges thereon, prior to the sale thereof, and thereupon to relieve his ■aid estate from sale, as aforesaid, as is provided iu this act for personal property similarly situated. And any Collector or Deputy Collector may, for the collection of duties imposed upon any person by this act, and committed to him for collection, seize and ■ell tbe lands of such person situated in any other collection district within the State in which said offi- cer resides; and his proceedings in relation thereto •ball have tbe same effect as if the same were bad in bis proper collection district; and the owners, their beirs, executors, or administrators, or any person having an interest therein, or any person on tlieir bebali, shall have tbe liberty to redeem tbe laud sold M aforesaid wirbm one yesn- from and after record- ing the said deed, upon payment to tbe pnrcbaser, or in case he cannot be found in the coouty where the lands are situate, to the Collector for the use of the purchaser, his heirs, or assigns, of the amount paid by the purchaser, with interest on the same at the rate of twenty per centum per annum. And it shall be the duty of every Collector to keep a record of all sales of land made in his collection district, whether by himself or his deputies, in which shall be set forth the tax for which any such sale was made, the dates of seizure and sale, the name of the party assessed, and all proceeding in making said sale, the amount of fees and expenses, the name of the pur- chaser, and the date of the deed, which record shall be certified by the officer making the sale. And it shall be the duty of any deputy making sale, as aforesaid, to return a statement of all his proceed ings to the Collector, and to certify the record there- of. And in case of the death or removal of the Collector, or the expiration of his term of office from any other cause, said record shall be deposited in the office of tbe Clerk of the District Court of the United States for the district within which the said Collec- tor resided, and a copy of every such record certified by the Collector, or by the Clerk, as the case mar require, shall be evidence in any Court of the trutn of 'the facts therein stated. And when any land* sold, as aforesaid, shall be redeemed as herein before Tovided, the Collector or Clerk, as the case may e, shall make an entry of the fact upon the record aforesaid, and the said entry shall be evidence of such redemption. And the claim of the Government to lands sold under and by virtue of the foregoiog provisions, shall be held to have accrued at the time of seizure thereof. Sec. 22. And be it further enacted. That if any Collector shall find upon any lists of taxes returned to him for collection property lying within his district which is charged with any specific or ad valorem tax or duty, but which is not owned, occupied, or superintended by some person known to such collector to reside or to have some place of business within the IJnited States^ Bucb collector shall forthwith take such property into his custody, and shah advertise the same, and the tax charged upon the same, in some newspaper pub- lished in liis district, if any shall be published therein, otherwise in some newspaper in an adjoin- ing disi rict, for tbe space of thirty days; and if tbe taxes thereon, with ail charges for advertising, shall not be paid within said thirty days, such collector shall proceed to sell the same, or so much as is necea- sary, iu the manner provided for the sale of other goods d strained for the non-payment of taxes, and oat of the proceeds shall satisfy all taxes charged upon such property, with the costs of advertising and selling the same. And like proceedings to those provided in the preceding section for the purchase and resale of property which cannot be sold for the amount of duty or tax due thereon shall be had with regard' to property sold under the provisions of this section. And any surplus arising from any sale herein provided for shall be paid into the treasury, for tbe benefit of the owner of the property. And tbe Secretary of the Treasury is authorized in any case where money shall be paid into the treasury for the benefit of any owner of property sold as afore- said, to repay the same, on proper proof being fur- nished that the person applying therefor is entitled to receive the same. Sec. 23. And be it further enacted, that tbe several collectors shall, at the expiration of each and every month, after they shall,, respectively, commence their collections, transmit to the Commissioner of Intern^ Revenue a statement of the collections made by them, respectively, within the month, and pay monthly, or at such time or times as may be required by the Commissiouer of Internal Revenue, the moneys by them respectively collected within the ■aid term, and at such places as may be designated and required by the Commissioner of Internal Rev- enue; and each of the said collectors shall couipiete the collection of all sums annually assigned to him for collection, as aforesaid, shall pay over tbe same into tbe treasury, and shall render his final account to the Treasury Department as oftt n as he may be re«iuired, and within six months from and after the^ day when he shall have received the collection lista ' L’um the said assessure, or Msisumt assseetein 6 a« aforeeaid. And the Secretary of the Treasury is ^ authorized to designate one or more depositories in each State, for the deposit and safe keeping of the moneys collected by virtue of this act, and the receipt of the proper officer of such depository to a collector for the money deposited by him shaU'be a sufficient voucher for such Collector in the settlement of his accounts at the Treasury Department. And the Commissioner of Internal Revenue may, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury prescribe such regulations with reference to such deposits as he may deem necessary. Sec. 24. And be it further enacted. That each collector shall be charged with the whole amount of taxes by him receipted, whether contained in lists delivered to him by the assessors, respectively, or delivered or transmit- ted to him by Assistant Assessors from time to time, or by other Collectors; and shall be credited with the amount of duties or taxes contained in the lists transmitted in the manner above provided to other Collectors, and by them receipted as aforesaid; and also for the duties or taxes of such persons as may have absconded, or become insolvent, prior to the day when the duty or tax ought, according to the pro- visions of this act, to have been collected: Provided, That it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the First Controller of the Treasury that due diligence was used by the Collector, and that no property was left from which the duty or tax could have been re- covered. And each Collector shall also be credited ■with the amount of all property purchased by him for the use of the United Stales, provided he shall faithfully account for and pay over the proceeds thereof upon a resale of the same as required by this act. Sec. 25. And be it further enacted. That if any Collector shall fail either to collect or to render his account, or to pay over in the manner or within the times hereinbefore provided, it shall be the duty of the First Controller of the Treasury, and he is here- by authorized and required, immediately after such dehnquency, to report the same to the Solicitor of the Treasury, who shall issue a warrant of distress against such delinquent Collector and his sureties, directed to the Marshal of the district, therein ex- pressing the amount of the taxes with which the said Collector is chargeable, and the sums, if any, which have been paid. And the said Marshal shall, him- self, or by his deputy, immediately proceed to levy and collect the sum which may remain due, by dis- tress and sale of the goods and chattels, or any per- sonal effects of the delinquent Collector, giving at least five days' notice of the time and place of sale, in the manner provided by law for advertising sales of personal property on execution in the State wherein such Collector resides; and, furthermore, if such goods, chattels and effects cannot be found suf- ficient to satisfy the said warrant, the said Marshal or his Deputy shall and may proceed to levy and collect the sum which remains due, by distress and sale of the goods and chattels, or any personal effects, of the surety or sureties of the 'delinquent Collector, mving notice as hereinbefore provided. And the bm of sale of the officer of any goods, chat- tels, or other personal property, distrained and sold as ^oresaid, shall be conclusive evidence of title to the purchaser, and prima facie evidence of the right of the officer to make such sale, and of the correctness of his proceedings in selling the same. And for want of goods and chattels, or other personal effects of such Collector or his sureties, sufficient to satisfy any warrant of distress, issued { mrsuant to the preceding section of this act, the ands and real estate of such Collector and his sure- ties, or so much thereof as may be necessary for satisfying the said warrant, after being advertised for at least three weeks in not less than three pub- lic places in the collection district, and in one news- paper printed in the county or district, if any there be, prior to the proposed time of sale, may and shall be sold at public auction by the. Marshal or his Deputy, who, upon such sale, shall, as such Marshal or Deputy Marshal, make and deliver to the pur- chaser of the premises so sold a deed of conveyance thereof, to be executed and acknowledged in the maxmer and form prescribed by the laws of the State in which said lands are situated, which said deed so made shall invest the purchaser with all the title and interest of the defendant or defendants named in said warrant existing at the time of seizure thereof. And all moneys that may remain of the proceeds of such sale after satisfying the said war- rant of distress, and paying the reasonable cost and charges of sale, shall be returned to the proprietor of the lands or real estate sold as aforesaid. Sec. 26. And be it further enacted. That each and every Collector, or his Deputy, who shall exercise or be guilty of any extortion or willful oppression, under color of this act, or shall knowingly demand other or greater sums than shall be authorized by this act, shall be liable to pay a sum not exceeding double the amount of damages accruing to the party injured, to be recovered by and for the use of the par y injured, with costs of suit, and shall be dis- missed from office, and be disqualified from holding such office thereafter; and each and every Collector, or his Deputies, shall give receipts for all sums by them collected and retained in pursuance of this act. Sec. 27. And be it further enacted. That a Col- lector or Deputy Collector, Assessor or Assistant Assessor, shall be authorized to enter, in the day- time, any brewery, distillery, manufactory, build- ing, or place where any property, articles, or objects, subject to duty or taxation under the pro- visions of this act are made, produced, or kept with- in hie district, so far as it may be necessary for the purpose of examining said property, articles, or ob- jects, or inspecting the accounts required by this act from time to time to be made. And every owner of such brewery, distillery, manu- factory, bmlding, or place, or persons ha'ving the agency or superintendence of the same, who shall refuse to admit such officer, or to suffer him to ex- amine said property, articles, or objects, or to in- spect said accounts, shall, for every such refusal, forfeit and pay the sum of $500. Sec. 28. And be it further enacted. That if any erson shall forcibly obstruct or hinder a collector or eputy collector in the execution of this actj or of any power and authority hereby vested in him, or shall forcibly rescue, or cause to be rescued, any property, articles, or objects, after the same shall have been seized by him, or shall attempt or en- deavor so to do, the person so offending shall, for every such offense, foneit and pay the sum of $500. Sec. 29. And be it further enacted. That in case of the sickness or temporary disability of a collector to discharge such of his duties as cannot under ex- isting laws be discharged by a deputy, they may bo devolved by him upon one of his deputies: provided. That information thereof be immediately communi- cated to the Secretary of the Treasury, and shall not be disapproved by him: And provided further, That the responsibility of the collector or his sureties to the United States shaU not be affected or impaired thereby. Sec. 30. And be it further enacted. That in case a collector shall die, resign, or be removed, the deputies of such collector shall continue to act until their successors are appointed; and the deputy of such collector longest in service at the time imme- diately preceding may and shall, until a successor shall be appointed, discharge all the duties of said collector; and for the official acts and defaults of such deputy a remedy shall be had on the official bond of the collector, as in other cases; and of two or more deputy collectors, appointed on the same day, the one residing nearest the residence of the collector at the time of his death, resignation, or re- moval, shall in like manner discharge the said duties until the appointment of a successor; and any bond or security taken of such deputy by such collector, pursuant to the fifth section of this act, shall be available to his heirs or representatives to indemnify them for loss or damage accruing from any act of the proper deputy so continuing or so succeeding to the duties of Buch collector. Sec. 31. And be it further enacted. That it shall be the duty of the collectors aforesaid, or their depu- ties, in their respective districts, and they are her^y authorized, to collect all the duties and taxes im- posed by this act, however the same may be desig- x^ated. and to prosecute for the recovery of the 1 nme, and for the recovery of any snm or snms which may be forfeited by virtue of this act: tod aU fines, penalties, and forfeitures which may be incurred or imposed by virtue of this act, shall tod may be sued for and recovered, in the name of the United States, or of the Collector within whose district any such fine, penalty, or forfeiture shall have been incurred, in any proper form of action, or bj any appropriate form of proceeding, before any circuit or district court of the United States for the district within which said fine, penalty, or forfeiture naay have been incurred, or before any other court of competent jurisdiction; and, where not otherwise tod differently provided for, one moiety thereof shall be to the nse of the United States, and the other moiety thereof to the use of the person who if a collector cr deputy collector, shall first i^iform of the cause, matter, or thing whereby any such fine, pen- alty, or forfeiture was incurred. Sec. 32. And be it farther enacted, That if any person, in any case, matter, hearing, or other pro- ceeding in which an oath or affirmation shall be re« quired to be taken or administered under and by virtue of this act, shall, upon the taking of such oath or affirmation, knowingly and willingly swear or affirm falsely, every person so offending shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and shall, on conviction thereof, be subiect to the like punishment and penal- ties now provided by the laws ol the United States for the crime of perjury. Sec. 33, And be it further enacted, That separate accounts shall he kept at the Treasury of all moneys received from mternal duties or taxes in each of the respective States, Territories, and collection districts: and that separate accounts shall be kept of the amount of each species of duty or tax that shall accrue, so as to exhibit, as far as may be, the amount collected from each source of revenue, with the monejs paid to the collectors and deputy collectors, and to the other officers employed in each of the re- spective States, Territories, and collection distiicts, an abstract in tabular form of which accounts it shall be the dury of the Secretary of the Treasury annually, in the month of December, to lay before Congress. further enacted. That there shall be allowed to the collectors appointed under this act, in full compensation for their services, and that of their deputies in carrying this act into effect, •1 centum upon the first finnVnn’ percen turn upon all sums above flUU,bUU; such commissions, to be computed upon the amounts by them respectively paid over and accounted ter under the instructions of the Treasury Department. Provided, That in no case shall such commissions eiceed the sum of $10,000 per annum, except as hereinafter provided. And there shall be further allowed to each Collector his necessary and reason- able charges for stationery and blank books used in the performance of his official duties, which, after being duly examined and certified by the Commis- sioner of Internal Revenue, shall be paid out of the treasury: Provided, That the Secretary of the Ireasury be authorized to make such further allow- ance as may be reasonable in cases in which, from the territorial extent of the district, or from the amount of internal duties collected, it may seem ^ast to make such allowance; but the whole com- pensation shall not exceed $10,000, except in collec- embracing more than one Congressional Sec. 35. And be it farther enacted, That when any duty or tax shall have been paid by levy and distraint, any person or persons or party who may feel aggrieved thereby may apply to the assessor of the district for relief, and exhibit such evidence as he, she, or they may have of the wrong done, or supposed to have been done, and after a full inves- tigation the assessor shall report the case, with such parts of the evidence ‘as be may judge material, including also such as may be regarded material by We party aggrieved, to the Cotfanussioner of Internal Kevenue, woo may, if it shall be made to appear to him that such duty or tax was levied or collected, in Whole or m part, wrongfully or unjustly, certify the amouQt wrongfully and utijustly levied or collected, tod i.he same shall be refunded and paid to the per- son or persons or party as aforesaid, from any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, upon the presentation of such certificate to proper officer thereof. Sec. 36. And be it further enacted, That in all cases of distraint and sale of goods or chattels for non-payment of taxes provided for in this act,’ tho Ddl of sale of such goods or chattels given by the purchaser thereof shall *be conclusive evidence of the right of the officer to make such sale and of the correctness of his pro- ceedings in selling the same. Sec. 37. And be it further enacted, Thatif for any cause, at any time after this act goes into operation, the laws of the United States cannot be executed in a State or Territory of the United States, or any part thereof, or within the District of Columbia, ifc shall be the duty of the President, and be is hereby authonzed, to proceed to execute the provisions of this ■ tbe limits of such State or Territory, or part thereof, or District of Columbia, so soon as the authority of the United States therein shall be re- established, and to collect the sums which would have been due from the persons residing or holding property, goods, wares, or merchandise, object or article therein liable to any duty, license, or tax. with interest at the rate of six per centum per an- num thereon from the time such duty, license; or tax ou^ht to have been paid until paid in the manner and under the regulations prescribed in this act, so far as applicable, and where not applicable the assesment and levy shall be made and the time and manner of collection r^ulated by the instructions and direc- tions of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, un- der the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 38. And be it further enacted, That “’^the officers who may be appointed under this act, except within those districts within any State or Territory which have been or may be otherwise provided for by law, shall be, and hereby are-, authorized, in all c^ees where the payment of such tax has not been assumed by the State, to perform all the duties relat- ing to or regarding the assessment and collection of the direct tax imposed by an act entitled An act to provide increased revenue from imports, to 'pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes " approved August 5, 1861, or any direct tax which o enacted; Provided, That the sum of $19,312, direct tax, laid upon the Territory of Ne- braska by said act, snail be paid and satisfied by ie- ducting said amount from the appropriatioa for legis- lative expenses of the Territory of Nebraska for the year ending 30th of June, 1863, and uo further claim ■ shall be made by said Territory for legislative ex penses for said year: Provided, further, That the btate of Tennessee shall have until the 1st day of December next to assume the payment of her por- tion of said tax. ^ Sec. 39. And be it further enacted. That it shall he the duty of the Collectors, within their respective districts, to grant Ucenses for cistilling, which licenses shall contain the date thereof, the sum paid and the time when the same will expire, and shall he granted to any person, being a resident of tho United States, who shall desire the same, bv appli- cation, in writing, to sueh Collector, upon payment of the sum or duty payable bv this act upon each license requested. And at the time of applying foe said license, and before the same is issued, the per- son so applying shall give bond to the United States in such sum as shall be required by the Collector, and with one or more sureties, ^o be approved by said Collector conditioned that in case any additional still or stills, or other implements to be used as aforesaid, shall be erected by him, his agent or su- perintendent, he will, before using, or causing or permitting the same to be used, report in writing to the said Collector the capacity thereof, and informa- tion Irom time to time of any change in the form, capacity, ownership, agency, or superintendence, which all or either of the said stills or other imple- ments may undergo; and that he will, from day to day, enter, or cause to be entered, in a book to be kept for that purpose, the number of gallons of spiiw Its that may be distilled by said still or stills, or other implements, and also of the quantities of grain or other vegetable productions, or other sahstance* 8 into tlie mash tab, or otherwise used by him, his Sgent, or superintendent, for the purpose of produc- ing spirits, which said book shall be open at all times during the day (Sundays excepted) to the inspection of the said Collector, who may make any memoran- dums or transcripts therefrom; and that he will ren- der to the said Collector, on the first, tenth, and twen- tieth days of each and every month, or within five days thereafter, during the continuance of said li- cense, an exact account, in writing, taken frdm his books, of the number of gallons of spirits distilled , and sold, or removed for consumption or sale, by 'him, his agent, or superintendent, and the proof thereof, and also of the quantities of grain or other vegetable productions, or oth^r substances, put into the mash tub, or otherwise used by him, his agent, or superintendent, for the purpose of producing spirits, for the period or fractional part of a month then next preceding the date of said report, which said report shall be verified by affidavit in the manner prescribed by this act; and that he will not sell or permit to be sold, or remold for consumption or sale, any spirits distilled by him under and by virtue of his said license, until the same shall have been inspected, gauged, and proved, and the quan- tity thereof duly entered upon his books as afore- said; and that he wiM, at the* time of rendering said account, pay to the said Collector the duties which by this act are imposed on the spirits so distilled; and the said bond may be renewed or changed, from time to time, in regard to the amount and sureties thereof, according to the disrcetion of the Collector. Sec. 40. And be it further enacted. That the ap- plication in writing made by any person for a license for distilling, as aforesaid, shall state the place of ffistUling, the number and capacity of the still or BtiUs, boiler or boilers, and the name of the person, firm, company, or corporation using the same; and any person making a false statement in either of the •aid particulars shall forfeit and pay the sum of $100, to be recovered with costs of suit. Sec. 41. And be it further enacted, That, in ad- dition to the duties payable for licenses herein pro- vided, there shall be paid, on all spirits that may be distilled and sold, or removed lor consumption or •ale, of first proof, on and after the 1st day of Au- gust, 1862, the duty of 20 cents on each and every gallon, which shall be paid by the owner, agent, or •upmntendent of the still or other vessel in which the said spirituous liquors shall have been distilled; which duty shall be paid at the time of rendering the accounts of spirituous liquors so chargeable with duty, required to be rendered by this actT Provided, That the duty on spirituous liquors and all other •pirituous beverages enumerated *in this act shall be collected at no lower rate than the basis of first proof, and shall be increased in proportion for any greater strength than the strength of proof. Sec. 42. And be it further enacted, That the term first proof used in this act and in section six of the act of March 2, 1861, entitled ** An act to provide fi>r the payment of outstanding Treasury notes, to authorize a loan, to regulate and fix the duties on imports, and for other purposes," shall be construed, ^d is hereby declared to mean, that proof of a liquor which corresponds to fifty degrees of Tralles’s centesimal hydrometer, adopted by regulation of the Treasury Department of August 12, 1850, at the temperature of sixty degrees of Fahren- heit’s thermometer; and that in reducing the temperatures to the standard of sixty, and in levying duties on liquors above and below proof, the table of commercial values, contained in the manual for inspectors of spirits, prepared by Prof. McCuUoh, under the superintendence of Prof. Dache, and adopted by the Treasury Department, shall be used and taken as giving the proportions of absolute alcohol in the liquids gauged and proved according to which duties shall be levied. Sec. 43. And be it further enacted, That there •hall be designated by the Collector in every assess- ment district where the same may be necessary one or more inspectors, who shall take an oath faithfully to perform their duties in such form as the Commis- noner of Internal Revenue shall prescribe, and who ■hall be entitled to receive such fees as may be fixed and prescribed by said Conumsskmer. And all spirits distilled as aforesaid by any person licensed as aforesaid shall, before the same is used, or re- moved for consumption or sale, be inspected, gauged, and proved by some person bo as aforesaid desig- nated for the performance of such duties, and whe shall mark upon the cask or other package contain- ing such spirits, in a manner to be prescribed by said Commissioner, the quantity and proof of the contents of such cask or package, with the date of inspection and the name of the Inspector. And any person who shall attempt fraudulently to evade the payment of duties upon any spirits diftilled as afore- said, by changing in any manner the mark upon any such cask oj package, shall forfeit the sum of $500 for each cask or package so altered or changed, to be recovered as hereinbefore provided. And the fees of such Inspector shall in all cases be paid by’ the ownerv of the spirits so inspected, gauged, and proved. And any such Inspector who shall know- ingly put upon any such cask or package any false or fraudulent mark shall be liable to the same pen- alty hereinbefore provided for each cask or package so fraudulently marked. And any person who shall use any cask or package so marked, for the purpose of selling spirits of a quality different from that so inspected, shall be subject to a like penalty for each cask or package so used. Sec. 44. And be it further enacted. That the owner or owners of any distillery may erect, at his or their own expense, a warehouse of iron, stone, or brick, wth metal or other fil’eproof roof, to be con- tiguous to such distillery; and such warehouse, when approved by the Collector, is hereby declared a bonded warehouse of the United States, and shall he used only for storing distilled spirits, and to be under the custody of the Collector or his deputy. And the duty on the spirits stored in such warehouse shall be paid when and as it is sold or removed from such warehouse for sale. Sec. 45. And be it further enacted, That every person who, on the 1st day of August, 1862, shall be the owner of any still, boiler, or other vessel, used or intended to be used for the purpose of distilling spirituous liquors, as hereinbefore provided, or wh® shall have such still, boiler, or other vessel under his superintendence, either as agent for the owner or ou his own account, and every person who, after said dajf shall use or intend to use any still, boiler or other vessel, as aforesaid, either as owner, agent, or otherwise, shall from day to day make trjue and ex- act entry, or cause to be entered, in a book to b® kept by him for that pu^ose, the number of gallons of spirituous liquors distilled by him, and also th® nuniber of gallons sold, or removed for consumption or sale, and the proof thereof, which book shall always be open in the daytime, Sundays excepted, for the inspection of the said Collector, who may take any minutes, memorandums, or transcripts thereof, and shall render to said Collector, on th® 1st, 10th and 20th days of each and every month in each year, or within five days thereafter, a general account in writing, taken from his books, of th® number of gallons of spirituous liquors distilled and sold, or removed for consumption or sale, and th® proof thereof, for the period or fractional part of a month preceding said day, or for such portion thereof as may have elapsed from the date of said entry and report to the said day which shall next ensue; and shall also keep a book or books, in a form to be pre- scribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and to be open at all seasonable hours for inspection by the Collector and Assessor of the district, wherein shall be entered, from day to day, the quantities of grain, or other vegetable productions^ or other sub- stances put into the mash tub hj him, his agent do, or cause to be done, any of the things by this ac. required to be done as aforesaid, Ohah forfeit for e\ ?r> each neglect or refusal all the liquors and spirits made by or for him, and all the vessels used in making the same, and the sUHr, boilers, and other vessels used in distillation, to- gether with the sum of $500, to be recovered with costs of suit; which said liquors or spirits, with the vessels containing the same, with all the vessels used in making the same, may be seized by'any collector of internal duties, and held by him until a decision shall he had thereon according to law: Provided, That such seizure be made within thirty days after the cause for the same may have occurred, and thah proceedings to enforce said forfeiture shall have been commenced by such Collector within, twenty days after the seizure thereof. And the proceedings ta enforce said forfeiture of said property shall be iii; the nature of a proceeding in rem, in the Circuit or District Court of the United States for the district where such seizure is made, or in any other court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 55. And be it further enacted. That in all cases in which tbe duties aforesaid, payable on spir- ituous liquors distilled and sold, or removed for con- sumption or sale, or beer, lager beer, ale, porter, and' other similar fermented liquors, shall not he paid at the time of rendering the account of the same, as herein required, the person or persons chargeable therewith shall pay, in addition, 10 per centum on the amount thereof; and, until such duties with such addition shall be paid, they shall be and remain a lien upon the distillery where such liquors have been distilled, or the brewery where such liquors have been brewed, and upon the stills, boilers, vats, and all other implements thereto belonging, until the same shall have been paid ; and in case of refusal or ne- f lect to pay said duties, with the addition, within ten. ays after the same shall have become payable, the amount thereof may be recovered by distraint and sale of the goods, chattels, and effects of the delin- uent; and, in case of such distraint, it shall be the uty of the officer charged with the collection to make, or cause to be made, an account of the goods,, chattels, or effects which m^ be distrained, a copy of which, signed by the officer making such ms» traint, shall be left with the owner or posBCisor of Buch goods, chattels, or effects, at his, her, or their dwelling, with a note of the sum demanded, and thO' time qnd place of sale; and said officer shall forth- with cause a notification to he published in some- newspaper, if any there be, within the county, and publicly posted up at the Post-Office nearest to th©^ residence of the person whose property shall be dis- trained, or at the court-house of the same county, if not more than ten miles distant, which notice shall specify the articles distrained, and the time and place proposed for the sale thereof, which time shall not be less than ten days from the date of such noti- fication, and the place proposed for sale not more than five miles distant from the place of making such distraint: Provided, That in every case ef dis- traint for the payment of the duties aforesaid, the goods, chattels, or effects so distrained may and shall be restored to the owner or, possessor if, prior to the sale thereof, payment or tender thereof shall be made to the proper officer charged with the col- lection, of the full amount demanded, together with such fee for levying and advertising, and such sum. for the necessary and reasonable expenses of removr ing and keeping the goods, chattels, and effects so distrained as may be allowed in like cases by the laws or practice of the State or Territory wherein the distraint shall have been made ; but in case of non-payment or neglect to tender as aforesaid, the said officer shall proceed to sell the said goods, chat- tels, and effects at public auction, after due notice of the time and place of sale, and may and shall retain from the proceeds of such sate the amount demand- able for the use of the Uuited States, with the said necessary and reasonable expenses of said distraint and sale, as aforesaid, and a commission of five per centum thereon for his own use ; rendering the over- plus, if any there he, to the person whose goods, chattels, and effects shall have been distrained. Sec. 56. And be it further enacted^ That every E erson licensed as aforesaid to distil spirituous q.uors, or licensed as a brewer, shall, once in each month, upon the request of the Assessor or Assistant Assessor for the district in which his business as a> 11 distillar or bsower may be carried on, respectively, famish the said Assessor or Assistant Assessor with an abstract of the entries upon his books, herein provided to be made, showing the amount of spirit- ons liquor distilled and sold, or removed for con- sumption or sale, or of beer, lager beer, ale, porter, or other fermented liquor made and sold, or removed for consumpt^n or sale, during the preceding month, respectively; the truth and correctness of which abstract shall be verified by the oath of the party so furnishing the same. And the said Assessor or Assistant Assessor shall have the right to examine the books of such person for the purpose of ascertain- ing the correctness of such abstract. And for any neglect to furnish such abstract when requested, or refusal to furnish an examination of the books as aforesaid, the person so neglecting shall forfeit the sum of $500. liicensos* Sec. 57. And be it further enacted. That from and after the first day of August, 1862, no person, asso- ciation of persons, or corporation, shall be engaged in, prosecute, or carry on, either of the trades or occupations mentioned in section 64 of this act, until he or they shall have obtained a license therefor in the manner hereinafter provided. Sec. 58. And be it farther enacted. That every person, association of persons, partnership or corpo- ration, desiring to obtain a license to engage in any of the trades or occupations named in the 64th sec- tion of this act, shall register with the assistant as- sessor of the assessment district in which he shall design to carry ou such trade or occupation — ^first, his or their name or style; and in case of an associa- tion or partnership, the names of the several persons constituting such association or partnership and their places of residence; second, the trade or occu- pation for which a license is desired ; third, the place where such trade or occupation is to be carried on; fourth, if a rectifier, the number of barrels he designs to rectify; if a peddler, whether ha designs to travel on foot, or with one, two, or more horses; if an inn-keeper, the yearly rental of the house and property to be occupied for said purpose; or, if not rented, the assistant assessor shall value the same. All of which facts shall be returned duly certified by such assistant assessor, both to the assessor and col- lector of the district; and thereupon, upon payment to the collector or deputy collector of the district the amount as hereinafter provided, such collector or deputy collector shall make out and deliver a license for such trade or occupation, which license eball continue in force for one year, at the place or premises described therein. Sec. 59. And be it further enacted. That if any person or persons shall exercise of carry on any trade or business hereinafter mentioned for the exer- cising or carrying on of .which trade or business a license is required by this act, without taking out such license as is in that behalf required, he, she, or they shall, for every such offense, respectively, for- feit a penalty equal to three times the amount of the duty or sum of money imposed for such license, one moiety thereof to the use of the United States, the other moiety to the use of the person who, if a col- lector, shall first discover, and if other than a col- lector, shall first give information of the fact whereby said forfeiture was incurred. Sec. 60. And be it further ‘enacted, That in every license to be taken out under or by authority of this act shall be contained and set forth the purpose, trade, or business for which such license is granted, and the true name and place of abode of the person or pernons taking out the same; if for a rectifier, the quantity of spirits authorized to be rectified; it by a peddler, whether authorized to travel on foot, or with one, or two, or more horses, the time for which such I'cense is to run, and the true date or time of gramiug such license, and (except in the case of auctioneers and peddlers) the place at which the trade or busi ■'ess for which such license is granted shall be carried on: Provided, that a license granted under this act shall not authorize the person or persons, association or corporation mentioned therein to exercise or carry on the trade or business specified in such license in anv other pi 'ce than that mentioned therein, but notuing herein contained shall prohibit the storage of goods, wares, or mer- chandise in other places than the place of business. Sec. 61. And be it further enacted. That in every case where more than one of the pursuits, employ- ments, or occupations hereinafter described, shall be pursued or carried on in the same place by the same person at the same time, except as therein mentioned, license must be taken out for each according to the rates severally prescribed. Sec. 62. And be it further enacted. That no auo tioneer shall be authorized by virtue of his license as such auctioneer to sell any'goods or other prop- erty at private sale; and if any such person shall sell any such goods or commodities, as aforesaid, otherwise than by auction, without having taken out such license as aforesaid for that purpose, he or she shall be subject and liable to the penalty in that behalf imposed upon persons dealing in or retailing, trading, or selling, any such goods or commodities without license, notwithstanding any license to him or her before granted, as aforesaid, forthe purpose of exercising or carrying on the trade or business of an auctioneer, or selling any goods or chattels, lands, tenements, or hereditaments by auction, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided, always. That where such goods or com- modities as aforesaid are the property of any person or persons duly licensed to deal in or retail, or trade in, or sell the same, such person or persons having made lawful entry of his, her, or their house or premises for such purpose, it shall and may be law- ful for any person exercising or carrying on the trade or business of an auctioneer, or selling any goods or chattels, lands, tenements, hereditaments by auction as aforesaid, being duly licehsed for that purpose, to sell such goods or commodities as afore- said, at auction, for and on behalf of such person or persons, and upon his, her or their entered house or premises, without taking out a ^ separate license for such sale. The provisions of this section shall not apply to judicial or executive officers making auc- tion sales by virtue of any judgment or decree of any court, nor public sales made by executors and administrators. Sec. 63. And be it further enacted, That upcn the death of any person or persons licensed under or by virtue of this act, or upon the removal of any sucn person or persons from the house or premises at which he, she, or they were authorized by such license to exercise or carry on the trade or busi- ness mentioned in such license, it shall and may be lawful for the person or persons authorized to grant licenses to authorize and empower, by indorsement on such license, or otherwise, as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall di- rect, the executors or administrators, or the wife or child of such deceased person, or the assignee or as- signs of such person or persons so removing as afore- said, who shall be possessed of and occupy the house or premises before used for such purpose as afore- said, in like manner to exercise or carry on the same trade or business mentioned in such license, in or upon the same house or premises at which such per- son or persons as aforesaid deceased, or removing as before mentioned, by virtue ©f such license to him, her, or them, in that behalf granted, before exer- cised or carried on such trade or business for or dur- ing the residue of the term for which such license was originally granted, without taking out any fresh license or payment of any additional duty, or any fee thereupon for the residue of such term, and until expiration thereof: Provided, always, That a fresh entry of the premises at which such trade or busi- ness shall continue to be so exercised or carried on as aforesaid shall thereupon be made by and in the name or names of the person or persons to whom such authority as aforesaid shall be granted. Sec. 64. And be it further enacted, That on and after the 1st day of August, 1862, for each license granted the sum herewith stated shall be respectively and annually paid. Any number of parsons carry ing on such business in copartnership may transact such business at such place under such license, and not otherwise. 1. Bankers shall pay $100 for each license. Every person shall be deemed a banker within the meaning of this act who keeps a place of business when 12 iredits are opened in favor of any person, firm ot corporation, by the deposit or collection of money or currenOiy, and the same, or any part thereof, shall be paid oat or remitted upon the draft, check, or order of such creditor, but not to include incorporated banks, or other banks legally authorized to issue notes as circulation, nor agents for the sale of mer ehandise for account of producers or mannfacturers. 2. Auctioneers shall pay $30 for each license. Every person shall be deemed an auctioneer within tile meaning of this act whose occupation it is to offer property for sale to the highest or best bidder. 3. Wholesale dealers in liquors of any and every description, including distilled spirits, fermented liquors, and wines of all kinds, shall pay $100 for each license. Every person other than the distiller or brewer, who shall sell or offer for sale any such liquors or wines in quantities of more than three g^ons at one time, to the same purchaser, shall be regarded as a wholesale dealer in liquors within the meaning of this act. 4. Betail dealers in liquors, including distilled spirits, fermented liquors, and wines of every descrip- tion, shall pav $20 for each license. Every person who shall sell or offer for sale such liquors in less quantities than three gallons at one time, to the same purchaser, shall be regarded as a retail dealer : in liquors under this act. But this shall not author- ize any spirits, liquors, wines, or malt liquors, to be drank on the premises. 5. Betail dealers shall pay $10 for each license. Every person whose business or occupation is to sell or offer to sell groceries, or any goods, wares, or merchandise, of foreign or domestic production, in * less quantities than a whole original piece or pack- > ft^e at one time to the same person, (not including wines, spirituous, or malt liquors, but not excluding drugs, medicines, cigars, snuff, oy tobacco), shall be regarded as a ret^ dealer under this act. * 6. Wholesale dealers shall pay $50 for each license. . Eveiy person whose business or occupation is to sell, or offer to sell, groceries, or any goods, wares, or merchandise of foreign or domestic production, by ,, one or.more original package or piece at one time, to the same j)urchaser, not including wines, spirituous or malt liquors, shall be deemed a wholesale dealer under this act; but having taken out a license as a wholesale dealer, such person may also sell, as afore- said, as a retailer. 7. Pawnbrokers shall pay $50 for each license. Every person whose business or occupation is to take or receive, by way of pledge, pawn, or exchange, any goods, wares, or merchandise, or any kind of personal property whatever, for the repayment or security of money lent thereon, shall be deemed a pawnbroker under this act. 8. Bectifiers shall pay $25 for each license to rectify any quantity of spirituous liquors, not exceeding 500 barrels or casks, containing not more than 40 gallons to each barrel or cask of liquor so rectified; and $25 additional for each additional 500 such barrels, or any fractional part thereof. Every person who rectifies, purifies, or refines spirituous liquors or wines by any process, or mixes distilled spirits, whisky, brandy, gin, or wine, with any other materials for sale under the name of whisky, rum, brandy, gin, wine, or any other name or names, shall be regarded as a rectifier under this act. 9. Distillers shall pay $50 for each license. Every person or copartnership who distils or manufactures spirituous liquors for sale, shall be deemed a distiller under this act : Provided, that any nerson or copart- nership distilling or manufacturing less than 300 barrels per year, shall pay $25 for a license; and provided, further, that no license shall be required for any still or other apparatus used by druggists and chemists for the recovery of alcohol for pharma- ceutical and chemical purposes, which has been used in those processes; and provided, further, that dis- tillers of apples and peaches distilling or manufac- turing less than 150 barrels per year from the same, shall pay $12 50 for the license for that purpose and for a greater quantity as other distillers. 10. Brewers shall pay $50 for each license. Every person who manufactures fermented liquors of any name or description, for sale, from malt, wholly or in part, shall be deemed a brewer under this act: Provided, That any person who manufactures lesR than 500 barrels per year shall pay the sum of $25 for a license. 11. Hotels, inns, and taverns shall be classified and rated according to the yearly rental, or, if not ren'ed, according to the estimated yearly rental of the house and property intended to be occupied for said purposes, as follows, to wit: AlP cases where the rent or the valuation of the yearly rental of said house and property shall be $10,000 or more shall constitute the first class, and shall pay $200 for each license; where the rent or the valua- tion of the yearly rental shall be $5,000 and less than $10,00p, the second class, and shall pay $100 for each license; where the rent or the valuation of tho yearly rental shall be $2,500 and less than $5,000, the third class, and shall pay $75 for each license; where the rent or the valuation of the yearly rental' shall be $1,000 and less than $2,500, the fourth class, and shall pay $50 for each license; where the rent or the valuation of the yearly rental shall be $500 and less than $1,000, the fifth class, and shall pay $25 for each ticense ; where the rent or the valuation of tho yearly rental shall be $300 and less than $500, the sixth class, and shall pay $15 for each license; whero the rent or the valuation of the yearly rental shall' be $100 and less than $300, the seventh class, and shall pay $10 for each license; where the rent or the- valuation of the yearly rental shall be less than $100, the eighth class, and shall pay $5 for each license. , Every place where food and lodging ai% provided for and furnished to travelers and sojourners, in view of payment therefor, shall be regarded as a hotel, inn, or tavern under this act. All steamera. and vessels upon waters of the United States, on board of which passengers or travelers are provided^ with food or lodging, shall be required to take out a Ucense of the fifth class, as aforesaid, under this act. The rental or estimated rental shall be fixed and es- tablished by the kssessor of the proper district at its proper value, but at not less than the actual rent: agreed on by the parties; Provided, That if there be. any fraud or collusion in the return of actual rent to the Assessor, there shall he a penalty equal to double" the amount of the license required by this section, to be collected as other penalties under this act are collected. 12. Eating-houses shall pay $10 for each license.. Every place where food or refreshments of any" kind are provided for casual visitors and sold for con- sumption therein, shall be regarded as an eating- house under this act. But the keeper of any eating- house having taken out a license therefor, shall not' be required to take out a license as a confectioner, ■- anything in this act to the contrary notwithstand- ing. 13. Brokers shall pay $50 for each license. Any person whose business is to purchase or sell stocks, coined money, bank notes, or other securities for themselves or others, or who deals in exchanges re- lating to money, shall be regarded as a broker under" this act. 14. Commercial brokers shall pay $50 for each license. Any person or firm, except one holding a license as wnolesale dealer or banker, whose busi- ness it is, as the agent of others, to purchase or sell> f oods, or seek orders therefor, in original or un- roken packages or produce, or to manage busineas matters for the owners of vessels, or for the ship- pers or consignors of freight carried by vessels, or whose business it is to purchase, rent, or sell real estate for others, shall be regarded a commercial broker under this act. 15. Land warrant brokers shall pay $25 for each license. Any person shall be regarded as a land warrant broker within the meaning of this act who makes a business of buying and selling land war- rants, and of furnishing them to settlers or other persons under contracts to have liens upon ihe land procured by means of them according to the value agreed on for the warrants at the time they are fur- nished. 16. Tobacconists shall pay $10 for each license. Any person whose business it is to sell, at retail, cigars, snuff, of tobacco in any form, shall be re- garded a tobacconist under this act. But whole- sale and retail dealers and keepers of hotels inns 13 •ad taverns, having taken out a Keenee therefor, i ^hall not be required to take out a license as tobac- conists, anything in this act to the contrary notwith- standing. 17. Theaters shall pay $100 for each license. Every edifice erected for the purpose of dramatic or operatic representations, plays, or performances, and not including balls rented or used occasionally for concerts or theatrical repreresentations, shall he regarded as a theater under this act. 18. Circuses shall pay $50 for each license. Every building, tent, space, or area where feats of horse- manship or aerobatic sports are exhibited, shall be regarded as a circus under this act. 19. Jugglers shall pay for each license $20< Every person who performs by slight of hand shall be re- garded as a juggler under this act. The proprietors or agents of all other public exhibitions or shows for money, not enumerated in this section, shall pay for each license $10. Provided, That no license pro- cured in one State shall be held to authorize exhibi- tions in another State, and but one license shall be re- quired under this act to authorize exhibitions within any oae State. 20. Bowling-alleys and billiard-rooms shall pay according to the number of alleys or tables belong- ing to or used in the building or place to be li- censed. When not exceeding one alley or table, $5 for each license ; and when exceeding one alley or table, $5 for each additional alley or table. Eyei^ place or building where bowls are thrown or billiards played, and open to the public with or without price, shall be regarded as a bowling alley or billiard-room resnectively, under this act. 21. Confectioners shall pay $10 for each license. Every person who sells at retail confectionery, sweetmeats, comfits, or other confects, in any build- ing, shall he regarded as a confectioner under this •ct. Bat wholesale and retail dealers having taken out a license therefor shall not be required to take out a license as a confectioner, anything in this^ act to th« contrary ootwithstanding. 22. Horse-dealers shall pay for each license the sum of $10. Any person whose business k is to buy and seU horses or mules shall be regarded a horse- dealer under this act: Provided, That if such horse- dealer shall have taken out a license as a livery sta- blo keeper no new license shall be required. 23. Livery stable keepers sbaU pay $10 for each license. Any person whose occupation or business is to keep horses for hire or to let shall be regarded as a livery stable keeper under this act. 24. Cattle-brokers shall pay for each license the stun of $10. Any person whose business it is to bay and se!i and deal* in cattle, bogs, or sheep, shall be considered as a cattle broker. 25. Tallow-chandlers and Soap-makers shall pay for each license the sum of $10. Any person whose busi- ness it is to make or manufacture candles or soap shall be regarded a tallow-chandler and soap-maker under this act. 26. Coal-oil Distillers shall pay for each license the sum of $50. Any person who shall refine, pro- duce, or distil crude petroleum or rock oil, or crude coal oU, or crude oil made of aaphaltum, shale, peat, or other bituminous substances, shall be regarded a coal-oil distiller under this act. 27. Peddlers shall be classified and rated as fol- lows, to wit: when traveiling with more than two horses, the first class, and shall pay $20 for each license; when travelling with two horses, the sec- ond ciasi, and shall pay $15 for each license; when traveling with one horse, the third class, and shall pay $10 for each license; when travelling on foot, the fourth class, and shall pay $5 for each license. Any person, except persons peddling newspapers, Bibles, or religious tracts, who sells or offers to sell, at retail, goods, wares, or other commodities, travel- ling from place to place, in the street, or throu^lh different parts of the country, shall be regarded a peddler under this act: Provided, That any peddler who sells, or offers to sell, dry goods, foreign and domestic, by one or more original packages or pieces, at one time, to same person or persons, as aforesaid, shall pay $50 fox each license. And any person who peddles jew- elry shall pay $25 for each license. Provided, that manufacturers and prodneers of agricnltoral tooli and implements, garden seeds, stoves, and hollow ware, brooms, wooden ware, and powder, deliverin| and selling at wholesale any of said articles, by themselves or their authorized agent, at places ethoi than the place of manufacture, shall not be required^ for any sale thus made, to take out any additiozuk license therefor. 28. Apothecaries shall pay $10 for each hcense Every person who keeps a shop or building where medicines are compounded or prepared according te prescriptions of physicians, and sold, shall be re> garded an apothecary under this act. Bat wholesale and retail dealers who have taken out a license therefor, shall not be required to take oat a license as apothecary, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. 29. Manufacturers shall pay $10 for each license* Any person or persons, firms, companies, or corpora* tions, who shall manufacture by hand or machinery, and offer for sale anv goods, wares, or merchandise, exceeding annually tLe sum of $1,000, shall he r^ garded a manufacturer under this act. 30. Photographers shall pay $10 for each license when the receipts do not exceed $500; when over $500 and under $1,000, $15; when over $1,000, $2& Any person or persons who make for sale photo- graphs', ambrotypes, daguerreotypes, or pictures on glass, metal, or paper, by the action of light, shell be regarded a pnoto^apher under this act. 31. Lawyers sh^ pay $10 for each license. Every person whose business it is, for fee or rewar^ to prosecute or defend causes in any court of record or other judicial tribunal of\the United States or of any of the States, or give advice in relation to cansee or matters pending tj^erein, shall be deemed to ho n lawyer within the meaning of this act. 32. Physicians, surgeons, and dentists shall pay $10 for each license. Every person (except apothe- caries) whose business it is, for fee and reward, to prescribe remedies or perform surgical operations for the enre of any bodily disease or ailing, shall bo deemed a physician, surgeon, or dentist, as the caso may be, within the meaning of this act. 33. Claim agents and agents for procuring patent! shall pay $10 for each license. ^ Every person whoso bosiness it is to prosecute claims in any of the Ex- ecutive Departments of the Federal Government, or procure patents,.sbaU be deemed a claim or patent agent under this act. Sec. 65. And be it further enacted. That whero the annual gross receipts or sales of any apothecaries, confectioners, eating-houses, tobacco- nists. or retail dealers, shall not exceed the sum of $1,000, such apothecaries, confectioners, eating- houses, and retail dealers shall not be required to take out or pay for license, anything in this act to the contrary notwithsianding; the amount or estimated amount of such annual sales to be ascertained or estimated in such manner as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall prescribe, and so of all other annual sales or receipts where the rate of the license is graduated by the amount of sales or re- ceipts. Sec. 66. And ]>e it further enacted, That nothing contained in the preceding sections of this act, laying duties on licenses, shall be construed to require a license for the sale of goods, wares, and merchandise made or produced, and sold by the manufacturer or producer at the manufactory or place where the same is made or produced ; to vintners who sell at the place where the same is made, winja of their own growth ; nor to apothecaries, as to winM or spirituous liquors, which they use exclusively in the preparation or making up of medicines for sick, lame, or ^seased persons; nor shall the provisions of para- graph number twenty-eight extend to physicians who keep on hand medicines solely for the purpose of making up their own prescriptions for their own patients. Sec. 67. And be it further enacted, That no license heretofore provided for, if granted, shall be construed to authorize the commencement or continuation of any trade, business, occupation, or employment therein mentioned, within any State or Territory of the United States in which it is or shall be specially prohibited by the laws thereof, or in violation of the 14 laws of any State or Territory; Provided, Nothing in this act shall be held or construed so as to prevent the several States, -within the limits thereof, from placing a duty, tax, or license for State purposes, on any business, matter or thing on which a duty, tax, or license, is required to be paid by this act. Manufactures, Articles, and Products, SPECIFIC AND AD VALOREM DUTY. Sec. 68. And be it further enacted,That on and after the 1st day of August, 1862, every individual, partner- ship, film, association, or corporation (and any word or words in this act indicating or referring to person or persons shall be taken to mean and include part- nerships, firms, associations, or corporations, when not otherwise designated or manifestly incompatible with the intent thereof), shall comply with the fol- lowing requirements, that is to say: First. Before commencing, or, if already com- meneed, before continuing, any such manufacture for which he^ she, or they may be liable to be assessed, under the provisions of this act, and which shall not be differently provided for elsewhere, within 30 days after the date when this act shall take effect, he, she, or they shall furnish to the Assistant Assessor a statement, subscribed and sworn to, or affirmed, setting forth the place where the manmacture is to be carried on, name of the manufactured article, the proposed market for the same, whether foreign or domestic, and generally the Mnd and quality manufactured or proposed to bs manufactured. Second. He shall within ten days after the first day of each and every month, after the day on which this fiet takes effect, as hereinbefore men tinned, or on or before a day prescribed by the Com- missioner of Internal Eevenue, make return of the products and sales or delivery of such manufacture in form and detail as may be 'required, from time to time, by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Third. All such returns,! statements, descriptions, memoranda, oaths, and affirmations, shall be in form, scope, and detail as may be prescribed, from time to time, by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Sec. 69. And be it further enacted. That upon the amounts, quantities, and values of produce, goods, wares, merchandise, and articles manufactured and •old, or delivered, hereinafter enumerated, the manu- facturer thereof, whether manufactured for himself or others, shall pay to the collector of internal reve- irae within his district, monthly, or on or before a day to be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, the duties on such manufactures; Pro- vided, That when thread is manufactured and sold or delivered exclusively for knitted fabrics, or for weaving or spooling, as provided for in the 75th sec- tion of this act, the duties shall be assessed on the articles finished and prepared for use or consumption to the party so finishing or preparing the same, and any party so finishing or preparing any cloth or other fabrics of cotton, wool, or other materials, whether imported or otherwise, shall be considered the manufacturer thereof for the purposes of this act; and for neglect to pay such duties within ten days after demand, either personal or written, left at his, her, or their house or place of business, or manu- factory, the amount of such duties, may be levied upon the real and, personal property of any such manufacturer. Ana such duties, and whatever shall be the expenses iMr mining, blasting, artillery, or sporting pnrposes, When valced at eighteen cents per pound, or less, 'Ive mills per pcnnd; when Talned at above eighteen cents per ponnd, and not exceeding thirty cents pel pound, one cent per ponnd; and when valued above thirty cents per pound, six cents per pound. On white lead, twenty>five cents per one hundred pouude On oxide of rino, twenty*five cents per one hun- dred pounds. On sulphate of barytes,, ten cents per one hundred pounds: Provided, That white lead, oxide of zinc, and sulphate of baryte^ or any one of them, shall not he subject to any additional duty in consequence of being mixed or ground with linseed oil, when the duties upon all the materials so mixed or ground shall have been previously actually paid. On all paints and painters colors, dry or ground in oih or in paste with water, not otherwise provided for, 5 per centum ad valorem. On clock movements made to run one day, 5 cents each; made to run more than one day, 10 c^ts each. On pins, solid head or other, 5 per centum ad val- crem. On umbrellas and parasols made of cotton, silk, or ocher material, 5 per centum ad valorem. On screws, commonly called wood screws, l|c. per lb; On railroad iron, and all other iron advanced be- yond slabs, blooms, or loops, and not advanced be- yond bars or rods, and band, hoop, and sheet iron, Bot thinner than number eighteen wire, gauge, and plate iron not less than one- eighth of an inch in thickness, $1 hOper tnn; on railroad iron, rerolled, ySc. per tun; on band, hoop, and sheet iron thin- Ber than number eighteen wire gauge, plate iron less than one-eighth of an inch in thickness, and cut Bfuls and spikes, $2 per tun: Provided, That bars, rods, bands, hoops, sheets, plates, nails, and spikes, manufactured from iron upon which the duty of fl 50 has been levied and paid, shall be subject only to a duty of 60c. per tun in addition thereto, aoy- iWng in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. On stoves and hollow ware, $1 50 per tun of two thousand B ; cast iron used for bridges, buildings, or ©ther permanent structures, $1 per tun: Pro- vided, That bar iron used for like purposes, shall be charged no additional duty beyond the specific duty imposed by this act. On steel in ingots, bars, sheets or wire not less than one-foarth of an inch in thick- ness, valued at 7c. per B or less, $4 per tun; valued at above 7c. per B, and not above 11c. per B, $8 per tun; valued above 11c. per B, $10 per tun; On paper of aU descriptions, including paste- hoard and binders' board, three per centum ad valorem; On soap, castile, palm-oil, erasive, and soap of all other descriptions, white or colored, except soft soap and soap otherwise provided for, valued not above 3jc. per B, one mill per B; valued above 3^c. per B, five mills per B ; On soap, fancy, scented, honey, cream, trans- parent, and all descriptions of toilet and shaving soap, 2 cents per pound. On salt, 4 cents per 100 pounds. Oh pickles and preserved fruits, and on all pre- ierved meats, fish, and shell-fish in cans or air-tight packages, 5 per centum ad valorem. On glue and gelatine of all descriptions in the solid ■tate, five mills per pound. On glue and cement, made wholly or in part of glue, to be sold in the liquid state, 25 cents per gallon. On patent or enameled leather, 5 mills per square foot. On patent japanned split, used for dasher leather, 4 mills per square foot. On patent or enameled skirting leather, 1^ cents per square foot. On all sole and rough or harness leather, made from hides imported east of the Cape of Grood Hope, and all damaged leather, 5 mills per ponnd.. On all other sole or rough leather hemlock, tanned and harness leather, 7 mills per pound. On all sole or rough leather, tanned in whole or in part with oak, 1 cent per ponnd. On all finished or curried upper leather, made from_ leather tanned In the interest of parties fixdshinf «i carrying such leather not prevmnsly taxed ia thA rough, except calf skins, 1 cent per ponnd. On bend and butt leather, 1 cent per povnd. On ofial leather, 5 mills per ponnd. On oil-dressed leather and deer skimi, dressed ef smoked, 2 cents per pound. On tanned calf skins, 6 cents each. On morocco, goat, kid, or sheep skins, ennied, manufactured, or finished, 4 per centum ad valoremi Provided that the price at which such skizu are oso* ally sold shall determine their value. On horse and hog skins, tanned and dressed, 4 pei centum ad valorem. On American patent calf skins, 5 per centum ad valorem. On conducting hose of all kinds for eondncting water or other fluids, a duty of 3 per centum ad valorem. On wine, made of grapes, 5 cents per gallon. On varnish, made wholly or in part of gam copal or other gums or substances, 5 per centum ad valorem. On fnrs of all descriptions, when made np or manu- factured, three per centum ad valorem. On cloth and all textile or felted fabrics of cotton, wool, or other material, before the same has been dyed, printed, bleached, or prepared in any other manner, a duty of 3 per centnm ad valorem: Pro- vided, 'That thread or yam manufactured and sold or delivered exclusively for knitted fabrics, or for weaving, when the spinning and weaving for the manufacture of cloth of any kind is carried on sep- arately, shall not be regarded as manufactures wit hm the meaning of this act; but aU fabrics of cotton, wool, or otUer material, whether woven, knit, or felted, when finished for sale, shall be regarded as manufactures, and be subject to the duty, as above, of 3 per centum ad valorem. On all diamonds, emeralds,' and all other jewelry, a tax of 3 per centum ad valorem. On and after Oct. 1, 1862, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a tax of ^ cent per pound on all cotton held or owned by any person or persons, corporation, or association of persons; and snob tax shall he a lien thereon in the possession of any per- son whomsoever. And further, if any person or per- sons, corporations, or association of persons, shall re- move, carry, or transport the same from the place of ■ its production before said tax shall have been paid, such person or persons, corporation or association of persons, shall forfeit and pay to the United Statea double the amount of such tax, to be recovered in any court having jurisdiction thereof: Provided, however, That the Commissioner of Interna' Reve- nue is hereby authorized to make such rules and reg- ulations as he may deem proper for the payment of said tax at places difierent from that of the produc- tion of said cotton: And provided further, That all cotton owned and held by any manufacturer of cot- ton fabrics on the 1st day of October,. 1862, and prior thereto, shall be exempt from the. tax hereby im- posed. On all manufactures of cotton, wool, silk, worsted, flax, hemp, jute, india-rubber, gutta-percha, wood, willow, glass, pottery-ware, leather, paper, iron, steel, lead, tin, copper, zinc, brass, gold, silver, horn, ivory, hone, bristles, wholly or in part, or of other materials, not in this act otherwise provided for, a duty of 3 per centum, ad valorem: Provided, That on all cloths, dyed, printed, bleached, manufactured into other fabrics, or otherwise prepared, on which a duty or tax shall have been paid before the same were so dyed, printed, bleached, manufactured, or prepared, the said duty or tax of 3 per centum shall be assessed only upon the increased value thereof; and provided further, That on all oil-dressed leather, and deer skins dressed or smoked, manufactured into gloves, mittens, or other articles, on which a duty or tax shall have been paid before the same were so manufactured, the said duty or tax shall be assessed only upon the increas^'d valuation; and pro- vided further That on all oil-dressed leather and deer-skins, dressed or smoked, manufactured into gloves, mittens, or other articles, on which a duty or tax shall have been paid before the same were so manufactured, the said duty or tax of 3 per cent 17 ■haU De asecBsed only npon tbe increased valuation: And provided, furthor, in estimating the duties upon all articles manufactured when - removed and sold at any other place than the place of manufacture, there shall he deducted from the gross amount of sales the freight, commission, and expenses of sale actually paid, and the duty shall be assessed and paid upon the net amount after the deductions as aforesaid: And provided, farther, that printed books, maga- rines, pamphlets, newspapers, reviews, and other similar printed publications; boards, shingles, and other lumber and timber; staves, hoops, headings, and timber only partially wrought and unfinished for chairs, tubs, pails, snathes, lasts, shovel and fork handles; umbrella stretchers; pig iron, and iron not advanced beyond slabs, blooms, or loops; maps and charts; charcoal; alcohol, made or manufactured of spirits or materials upon which the duties im- posed by this act shall have been paid; plaster or gypsum; malt; burning fluid; printers’ ink; flax prepared for texUe or felting purposes, tmtil actu- ally woven or fitted into fabrics for consumption ; all flour or meal made from grain; bread and bread- stuffs; pearl barley and split peas; butter; cheese; concentrated milk; bullion, in the manufacture of silverware; brick; lime; Roman cement; draining tile%{ marble; slate; building stone; copper, in ingots or pigs; and lead, in pigs or bars, shall not be •egarded as manufactures within the meaning of this act: Provided, that whenever, by the pro- visions of this act, a duty is imposed upon any article removed for consumption or sale, it shall apply only to such articles as are manufactured on or aRer the first day of August, 1863, and to such as are manufactured and not removed from the place of manufacture, prior to that date. Auction Sales* S£C. 76. And. be it farther enacted, That on and after the 1st day of August, 1862, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on all sales of real estate, goods, wares, merchandise, articles, or things at auction, not including all sales of stocks, bonds, and other securities a duty of one-tenth of one per centum on the gross amount of such sales, and every auctioneer mak- ing such sales, as aforesaid, shall, at the end of each and every month, or within ten days thereafter, make a list or return to the Assistant- Assessor ofthe district of the gross amount of all such sales, made as aforesaid, with the amount of duty which has ac- crued, or should accrue thereon, which list shall have annexed thereto a declaration under oath or affirma- tion, in form or manner as may be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, that the same is true and correct, and shall at the same time, as aforesaid, pay to the Collector or Deputy Collfector the amount of duty or tax due thereupon, as afore- said, and in default thereof shall be subject to and pay a penalty of $500. In all cases of delinquency m making said list or payment, the assessment and collection shall be made in the manner prescribed in the provisions of this act : Provided, That no duty shall be levied under the provisions of this section upon any sales by judicial or executive officers making auction sales by virtue of a judgment or de- cree of any Court, nor to public sales made by •xecators or administrators. Garriages, Tachts, Billiard-Tables, and Plate. Sec. 77. And be it farther enacted, That from and after the said 1st day of August, 1863, there shall he levied, collected, and paid, by any person or persons owning, possessing, or keeping any carriage, yacht, and billiard-table, the several duties or sums of money set down in figures against the same respect- ively, or otherwise specified and set forth in schedule marked A [SCHEDVLB A-1 CARRIAGES, YACHTS, BILLIARD-TABLES, AND PLATE, Carriage, gig, chaise, phseton, wagon, buggy-wagon, carryall, rockaway, or other like carriage, the body of which rests upon springs of any descrip- tion, kept for use, and which shall not be exclu- sively employed in hnsb^dry or for the trans* portatioR of merchandise, and valued at $75 of over, including the harness used therewith, when drawn by one none 00 Carriages of like description, drawn by twohonei^ and any coach, hackney-coach, omnihns, or four> wheel carriage, the body of which rests npea springs of any description, which may ho kept for use, for hire, or for passengers, and which shall not he exclusively employed in husbandry or for the transportation of merchandise^ valued at $75, and not exceeding $200, including the harness nsed therewith, drawn by two horses or more. ... t 0$ Carriages of like description, when valued above $200, and not exceeding $600... f it Carriages ot like description, valued above $600. ... 10 it Pleasure or racing vessels, known as yachts, whether by sail or steam, under the vuue of $600 f it Yachts valued above $600, andnot exceeding $1,000 10 Ot And for each additional $1,000 in value of said yachts 10 Ot Billiard-tables, kept for use 10 00 Plate of gold, kept for use, per ounce troy it Plate of silver, kept for use, per ounce troy.... t Provided, That silver spoons or plate of silver, to an amount not exceeding 40 ounces, as aforesaid, belonging to any one person, shall be exempt from duty. Slaughtered Cattle* Hogs and Sheep. Sec. 78. And be it further enacted, Thai on and after the first day of August, 1862, thera shall be levied, collected, and paid by any person or persons, firms, companies, or agents or employer! thereof, the following duties or taxes, that is to sayi on all homed cattle exceeding 18 months old, slaughtered for sale, 30 cents per head; on all calvet and cattle slaughterd for sale, under 18 months ol^ 5 cents per head; on all hogs, exceeding 6 montha old, slaughtered for sale, when the number thus slaughtered exceeds 20 in any one year, 10 cents per head. On all sheep slaughtered for sale, 5 cents per head; Provided that all cattle, hogs, and sheep slaughtered by any person for his or her own con**^ sumption, shall be exempt from duty. Sec. 79. And he it further enacted, That on^ and after the date on which this act shall tako j effect, any person or persons, firms, or companies, ; or agents or employees thereof, whose business orl occupation it is to slaughter for sale any cattle^' calves, sheep, or hogs, shall he required to make $na’ render a list at the end of each and every month to ' the Assistant Assessor of the district where the bnsi- , ness is transacted, stating the number of cattle, ifi any, the number of hogs, if any, and the number's^ of sheep, if any, slaughtered, as aforesaid, with the several rates of duty as fixed therein in this act, < together with the whole amount thereof, which lirtj shall have annexed thereto a declaration of said per- son or persons, agents or employees thereof, atj aforesaid, under oath or affirmation, in such manner^ and form as may he prescribed by the Commissioner' of Internal Revenue, that tbe same is Itrne and cmv rect, and shall, at the time of rendering said Rett's pay the full amount of duties which have accrued, ' or should accrue, as aforesaid, to the Collector or.i Deputy Collector of the district, as aforesaid; and; in case of default in making the return or payrnenli^ of the duties, as aforesaid, the assessment and coUj lection shall be made as in the general provisions this act required, and in case of fraud or evasion the I party ofiending shall' forfeit and pay a penalty of | $10 per head for any cattle calves, hogs, or sheep j so slaughtered, upon which the duty is fraudulently ■ withheld, evaded, or attempted to he evaded: Pro* ■ vided that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue i shall prescribe such further rules and regulations as ( he may deem necessary for ascertaining the correct i number of cattle, hogs, and sheep, liable to be taxed under the provisions of this act. Railroads, Steamboats, and Ferry-Boats- Sec. 80. And be it further enacted, That on and after the first day of August, 1862, any person or persons, firms, companies, or corporations, own- ing or possessing, or having the care or managements of any railroad or raUroads upon which steam it^ used as a propelling power, or of any steamboat other vessel propelled by steam power, shall be sub- i ject to and pay a duty of three per centum on- the gross amount of all the receipts of such railroads for . tbe transportation of passengers over and npon th$- same, and any person or persons, companies, or cor- porations, owning or possessing or having the cart at! management of any railroad or railroads using ai^i other power than steam thereon, or owning, potstit -- 18 Ing, or having the care or management of any ferry- boat propelled by steam or horse power shall be sub- ject to and pay a duty of 1^ per centum upon the p-oss receipts of such railroad or ferry-boat, respec- tively, for the transportation of passengers over and upon said railroads, steamboats, vessels, and ferry- boats; j,nd any person or persons, firms, companies, or cor) jrations, owning, possessing, or having the care or management of any bridge authorized by law to receive toll for the transit of passengers, beasts, carriages, teams and fraght of any description over such bridge, shall be subject to and pay a duty of 3 per centum on the gross amount of all their receipts of every description. And the owner, possessor, or person c- peiiaons having the care and management of any such railroad, steamboat, ferry-boat, or other vessel, or bridge, as aforesaid, shall, within five days after the end of each and every month, commencing as hereinbefore mentioned, make a list or return to the Assistant Assessor of the district within which such owner, possessor, company, or corporation may have his or its place of business or where any such railroad, steamboat, ferry-boat, or bridge is located or belongs, respectively, stating the gross amount of such receipts for the month next preceding, which return shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of ench owner, possessor, manager, agent, or other S er officer, in the manner and form to be pre- ed from time to time by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and shall also, monthly, at the time of making such return, pay to the Collector or Deputy Collector of the dis- trict the full amount of duties which have accrued on such receipts for the month aforesaid; and in case of neglect or refosal to make said Usts or return for the space of five days, after such return should be made as aforesaid, the assessor, or assist- ant assessor, shall proceed to estimate the amount received, and the duties payable thereon, as herein- before provided in other cases of delinquency to make return for purposes of assessment ; and for the purpose of making such assessment, or of ascertain- ing the correctness of any such return, the books of any such person, company, or corporation, shall be subject to the inspection of the assessor, or assistant assessor, on his demand or request therefor; and, in case of neglect or refusal to pay the duties as afore- said, when the same have been ascertained as afore- said, for the space of five days after the same shall have become payable, the owner, possessor, or per- son having the management, as aforesaid, shall pay, in addition, 5 ^ cent on the amount of such duties; and for any attempt knowingly to evade the pay- ment of such duties, the said owner, possessor, or person having the care or management, as aforesaid, shall be liable to pay a penalty of $1,000 for every such attempt — to be recovered as provided in this act for the recovery of penalties; and all provisions of this act, in relation to liens a’td collections by distraint, not incompatible, herewith 'shall apply to this section, and the objects therein embrac-d; Pro- vided, That all such persons, companies, and corpora- tions, shall have the right to add the duty or tax imposed thereby to their rates of fare, whenever their liability thereto may commence, any limita- tions which may exist by law or by agreement with any person or company, which may have paid or be liable to pay such fare, to the contrary not withstand- ing. Railroad Bonds* Sec. 81. And be it further enacted That on and after tlje first day of July, 1862, any per- son or persons owning or possessing, or having the eare or management of any railroad company or rail- load corporation, being indebted for any sum or Bums of money for \\*«hich bonds or other evidences of indebtedness have been issued, payable in one or more years alter date, upon which interest is, or thall be, stipulated to be paid, or coupons represent- ing, the interest shall be or shall have been issued to be paid, and all dividends in scrip or money or sums money thereafter declared due or payable to stock- holders of any railroad company, as part of the earn- ings, profits, or gainsofsaid companies, shall be subject to and pay a duty of 3 per centum on the amount of all sucb interest, or coupons, or div d^nds, whenever ihe same shall be naid; ??,nd railroad comoani s or railroad corporations, or any person or penonB owning, possessing, or having the care or manage- ment of any railroad company or railroad corpora- tion, are hereby authorized and required to deduct and withhold from all payments made to any per- son, persons, or party, aft r the first day of July, as aforesaid, on account of any interest or coupons or dividends due and payable as aforesaid, the said duty or sum of 3 per centum ; and the duties deducted as aforesaid, and certified by the president or other roper officer of said company or corporation, shall e a receipt and discharge, according to the amount thereof, of said railroad companies or railroad cor- porations, and the owners, possessors, and agents thereof, on dividends and on bonds, or other evi- dences of their indebtedness, upon which interest or coupons are payable, holden by any person or party whatsoever, and a list_ or return shall be made and rendered within thirty days after the time fixed when said interest, or coupons, or divi- dends become due or payable, and as often as every six months, to the' Commissioner of Internal Rev- enue, which shall contain a true and faithful account of the duties received and chargeable, as aforesaid, during the time when such duties have accrued or should accrue, and remaining unaccounted for, and there shall be annexed to every such list or return a declaration under oath or affirmation, in manner and form an may be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, of the President, Treasurer, or some proper officer of said railroad company or rail- road corporation, that the same contains a true and faithful account of the duties so withheld and re- ceived during the time when such duties have accrued or should accrue, and not accounted for, and for any default in the making or rendering of such list or return, with the declaration annexed, as aforesaid, the person or persons owning, possessing, or having the care or management of such railroad company or railroad corporation, making such default, shall for- feit, as a pei a’ ty, the sum of five hundred dollars; and in case of any default in making or rendering said list, or of any default in the payment of the duty, or any part thereof, accruing or which should accrue, the assessment and collection shall be made according to the general provisions of this act. Banks, Trnst Companies, Savings Institutions, and Insurance Companies* Sec. 82. And be it further enacted. That on and after 'July 1, 1862. there shall be levied, collected, and paid by all banks, trust companies, and savings institutions, and by all fixe, marine, life, inland, stock, and mutual insurance companies, un- der whatever style or name known or called, of the United States or Terri ories, specially incorporated or existing under general laws, or which may be hereafter incorporated or exist as aforesaid, on all dividends in scrip or money thereafter declared due or paid to stockholders, to policy holders, or to de- positors, as part of the earnings, profits, or pains of said banks, trust companies, savings institutions, or insurance companies, and on all sums added to their surplus or contineent funds, a duty of three per cen- tum : Provided, That the duties upon the dividends of life insurance companies shall not be deemed due, or be collected, until such dividends shall be payable by such companies. And said banks, trust companies, savings institutions, and insurance companies, are hereby authorized and required to deduct and with- hold from all payments made to any person, persons, or party , on account of any dividends or sums of money that may be due and payable, as afore- said, after July 1, 1862, the sail duty or sum of three per centum. And a lisl or return shall be made and rendered _ within thirty days after the time fixed when such dividend! or sums of money shall be declared due and payable, and as often as every six months, to the Commis- sioner of Internal Revenue, which shall contain a true and faithful account of the amount of dutiei accrued or which should accrue from time to time, as aforesaid, during the time when such duties re- main unaccounted for, and there shall be annexed to every such list or return a declaration, under oath or affirmation, to be made in form and manner as *hall be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal 19 devetiue, of the President or some other proper officer of said bank, trust company, savings institu- tnion, or insurance company, respectively, that the same contains a true and faithful account of the du« ties which have accrued or should accrue, and not accounted for, and for any default in the delivery of such list or return, with such declaration annexed, the bank, trust company, or insurance company making such default shall forfeit, as a penalty, the sum of $500. Sec. 83. And be it farther enacted, That any person or persons owning or possessing, or having the care or management of any railroad company or railroad corporation, bank, trust com- K , savings institution, or insurance company, as ofore mentioned, required under this act to make and render any list or return to the Commis- sioner of Internal Kevenue, shall, upon rendering the same, pay to the said Commissioner of Internal Revenue the amount of the duties due on such list or return, and in default thereof shall forfeit as a penalty the sum of $500; and in case of neglect or refusal to make such list or return as aforesaid, or to pay the duties as aforesaid, for the space of thirty days after the time when said list should have been made and rendered, or when said duties shall have become due and payable, the assessment and col- lection shall be made according to the general pro- visions heretofore prescribed in this act. Sec. 84. And be it further enacted. That on the first day of October, Anno Domini 1862, and on the first day of each quarter of a year thereafter, there shall be paid by each insurance company, whether inland or marine, and by each individual or associa- tion engaged in the business of insurance from loss or damage by fire, or by the perils of the sea, the duty of one per centum upon the gross receipts for premiums and assessments by sacn inUividual asso- ciation or company during the quarter then preced* ing; and like duty shall be paid by the agent of any foreign insurance company having an office or doing business within the United States. Sec. 85. And be it further enacted. That on the 1st day of October next, and on the first day of each quarter thereafter, an account shall be made and rendered to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue by all insurance companies, or their agents, or asso- ciations or individuals making insurance, except life insurance, including agents of all foreign insurance companies, wffich shall contain a true and faithful account of the insurance made, renewed, or con- tinued, or indorsed upon any open policy, by said companies, or their agents, or associations, or indi- viduals, during the preceding quarter, setting forth the amount insured, and the gross amount received, and the duties accruing thereon under this act; and there shall be annexed to and delivered with every such quarterly account an affidavit, in the form to be pi escribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, made by one of the officers of said com- pany or association, or individual, or by the agent m the case of a foreign company, that the statements in said accounts are in all respects just and true; and such quarterly accounts shall be rendered to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue within thirty days after the expiration of the quarter for which they shall be made up, and upon rendering such account, with such affidavit, as aforesaid, thereto at lexed, the amount of the dnties due by such qLarterly accounts shall be paid to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue; and for every default in the delivery of such quarterly account, with such affidavit annexed thereto, or in the payment of the amount of the duties due by such quarterly account, the company, or agent, or association, or individual making such default shall forfeit and pay, in addition to such duty, the sum of $5,000. Salaries and Pay of Officers and Persons in the Service of the United States. Sec. 86. And be it further enacted, That on and after the first day of August, 1862, there shall be levied, collected, and paid on all sala- ries of officers, or payments to persons in the civil, military, naval, or other employment or service of the United States, including Senators and Repre- fentauvea and Delegates in Congress, when exceed ing the rate of $600 per annum, a dnty of three per centum on the excess above the said $600; and it shall be the duty of all paymasters, and all disburs- ing officers, under the Government of the United States, or in the employ thereof, when maWng any payments to officers and persons as aforesaid, or upon settling and adjusting the accounts of such officers and persons, to deduct and withhold the aforesaid duty of three per centum, and shall, at the same time, make a certificate stating the name of the officer or person from whom such deduction was made, and the amount thereof, which shall be trans- mitted to the office of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, and entered as part of the internal duties; and the pay-roll, receipts, or account of officers or persons paying such duty, as aforesaid, shall be made to exhibit the fact of such payment. Sec. 87. And be it further enacted. That for every passport issued from the office of the Secretary of State, after the 30th day of June, 1862, there shall be paid the sum of $3; which amount may be paid to any collector appointed under this act, and his receipts therefor shall be forwarded with the application for such passport to the office of the Secretary of State, or any agent appointed by him. And the Collectors shall account for aU moneys re- ceived for passports in the manner hereinbefore provided. And a like amount shall be paid for every passport issued by any Foreign Minister or Consul of the United States, who shall account therefor to the Treasury. Advertlsemeiits. Sec. 88. And be it further enacted, That on and after the 1st day of August, 1862, there shall be levied, cpllected, and paid by any person or per- sons, firm, or company, publishing any newspaper, magazine, review, or other literary, scientific, or news publicafiion, issued periodically, on the gross receipts for all advertisements, or all matters for the insertion of which in said newspaper or other publi- cation as aforesaid, or in extras, supplements, sheets, or fiy-leayes accompanying the same, pay is required or received, a duty of 3 per centum; and the person, or persons, firm or company, owning, possessing, or having the care or management of any and every such newspaper or other publication as aforesaid, shall make a list or return quarterly, commencing as heretofore mentioned, containing the gross amount of receipts as aforesaid, and the amount of duties which have accrued thereon, and render the same to the Assistant Assessor of the respective districts where such newspaper, magazine, review, or other literary or news puolication is or may be published, which list or return shall have annexed a declara- tion, under oath or affirmation, to be made according to the manner and form which may be from time to time prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, of the owner, possessor, or person having the care or management of such newspaper, maga- zine, review, or other nublication, as aforesaid, that the same is true and correct, and shall also, quarterly and at the time of making said list or re- turn, pay to the Collector or Deputy Collector of the district, as aforesaid, the full amount of said duties; and in case of neglect or refusal to comply with any of the provisions contained in this sec- tion, or to make and render said list or return, as aforesaid, for the space of thirty days after the time when said list or return ought to have been made, as aforesaid, the Assistant Assessor of the respective districts shall proceed to estimate the duties, as heretofore provided in other cases of delinquency; and in case of neglect or refusal to pay the duties, as aforesaid, for the space of thirty days after said duties become due and payable, said owner, possessor, or person or persons having the care or managemeni of said newspapers or publications, as aforesaid, shall pay, in addition thereto, a penalty of 5 ^ cent on the amount due; and, in case of fraud or evasion, whereby the revenue is attempted to be defrauded, or the duty withheld, said owners, possessors, or per son or persons having the care or management oi said newspapers or other publications, as aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of $500 lor each oftense, or for any snm fraudulently unaccounted lor; and ail provisioua in this act, in relation to liens, 20 MsetsmentB, and collection, not incompatible here- with, shall apply to this section, and objects herein embraced: Provided, That, in all cases where the rate or price of advertising is fixed by any law of (he United States, State, or Territory, it shall be lawful for the company, person or persons, publish- ing said advertisements, to add the duty or tax imposed by this act to the price of said advertise- ments, any law, as aforesaid, to the contrary not- withstanding: Provided further: That the receipts for advertisements, to the amount of $1,000, by any person or persons, firm, or company, publishing any newspaper, magazine, review, or other literary, scientific, or news publication, issued periodically, shall be exempt from duty; And provided further, That aU newspapers whose circulation does not ex- ceed 2,000 copies shall be exempted from all taxes for advertisements. Income Duty. Sbc. 89. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of modifying and re-enacting, as hereinafter provided, so much of an act, entitled “ An act to provide increased revenue from imports, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other pur- poses," approved 5th of August, 1861, as relates to an income tax; that is to say, sections 49 50^— except BO much thereof as relates t6 the selection a^ appointment of depositaries — and 51, be, and the sailSB are hereby, repealed. Sec. 90. And be It further enacted, That there shall be levied, collected, and paid annually, upon the annual gains, profits, or income of every person residing in the United States, whether de- rived from any kind of property, rents, interest, dividends, salaries, or from any profession, trade, employment or vocation carried on in the United States or elsewhere, or from any other source what- ver, except as hereinafter mentioned, if such annual gains, profits, or income, exceed the sum of $600, and do not exceed the sum of $10,000, a duty of 3 V cent on the amount of such annual gains, profits, or income, over and above the said sum of $600; if said income exceeds the sum of $10,000, a duty of 5 ^ cent upon the amount thereof exceeding $600; and upon the annual gains, profits, or income, rents, and dividends accruing upon any property, securi- ties, and stocks owned in the United States by any citizen of the United States residing abroad, except as hereinafter mentioned, and not in the employment of the Government of the United States, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty of 5 per centum. Sec. 91. And be it further enacted. That m estimating said annual gains, profits, or income, whether subject to a duty, as provided in this act, of 8 per eentum, or 6 per centum, all other national, State, and local taxes, lawfully assessed upon the property or other sources of income of any person, as aforesaid, from which said annual gains, profits, or income of such person is or N should be derived, shall be first deducted from the gains, profits, or income of the person or persons who actually pay the same, whether owner or tenant, and all gains, profits, or income derived from salaries of officers, or payments to persons in the civil, military, naval, or other service of the United States, including Senators and Members of Con- ress, above $600, or derived from interest or divi- ends on stock capital, or deposits in any bank, trust company, or savings institution, insurance, gas, bridge, express, telegraph, steamboat, ferry-boat, or re- read company, or corporation, or on any bonds oi other evidenc’es of indebtedness of any railroad com- pany or other corporation, which shall have been assessed or paid by said banks, trust companies, sav- mgs institutions, insurance, gas, bridge, telegraph, steamboat, ferry-boat, express, or railroad compa- nies as aforesaid, or derived from advertisements or any articles manufactured, upon which specific stamp or ad valorem duties shall have been directly ae- sessed and paid, shall also be deducted; and the duty herein provided for shall he assessed and collected upon the income for the year ending the 31st day of rteoember next preceding the time for levying and collecting said duty, that is to say, on the 1st day of May. 1863, and in each year thereafter; Provided, That upon such portion of said gains, profits, or in- come, whether subject to a duty as provided in this act of 3 per centum or of 5 per centum, which shall be derived from interest upon notes, bonds, or other securities of the United States, there shall be levie^ collected, and paid a duty not exceeding 1 and i ofl per centum, anything in this act to the contrary not- withstanding. -0. 92. And he it further enacted, That the duties on incomes herein imposed shall he due and payable on or before the 30th day of June, in the year 1863, and in each year thereafter until and including the year 1866, and no longer; and to any sum or sums annually due and unpaid for 39 days after the 30th of June, as aforesaid, and for ten days after demand thereof by the collector, there shall be levied in addition thereto, the sum of five per centum on the amount of duties unpaid, as a penalty, except from the estates of deceaseu and in- solvent persons; and if any person or persons, or party, liable to pay such duty, shall neglect or re- fuse to pay the same, the amount due shall be a lien in favor of the United States from the time it was so due until paid, with the interest, penalties, and costs that may accrue in addition thereto, upon all th® property, and rights to property, stocks, securities, and debts of every description from which the in- come upon which said duty is assessed or levied shall have accrued or may or should accrue; and in de- fault of the payment of said duty for the space of thirty days, after the same shall have become due, and be demanded, as aforesaid, said lien may he en- forced by distraint upon such property, rights to property, stocks, securities and evidences of debt, by whomsoever holden; and for this purpose the Com- missioner of Internal Eevenue, upon the certificate of the collector or deputy collector that said duty is due and unpaid for the space of ten days after notice duly given of the levy of such duty, shall issue a warrant, in form and manner to be prescribed by said Commissioner of Internal Revenue, under the directions of the Secretary of the T.’easury, and by virtue of such warrant there may oe levied on snch property, rights to property, stocks, securities, and evidences of debt, a further sum, to be fixed and stated in such warrant, over and above the said an nnal duty, interest, and penalty for non-payment, sufficient for the fees and expenses of such levy.^ And in all cases of sale, as aforesaid, the certificate of such sale by the collector or deputy collector of the sale, shall give title to the purchaser, of all right, title, and interest of such delinquent in and to sneb property, whether the property be real or personal; and where the subject of sale shall be stocks, the certificate of said sale shall be lawful authority and notice to the proper corporation, company, or associ- ation, to record the same on their books or records, in the same manner as if transferred or assigned by the person or party holding the same, to issue new certificates of stock therefor in lieu of any original or prior certificates, which shall be void whether eancelled or not; and said certificates of sale of the collector or deputy collector, where the subject of sale shall be securities or other evidences of debt, shall be good and valid receipts to the person ^ party holding the same, as against any person or per- sons, or other party holding, or claiming to bold, possession of snch secmities or other evidences ox debt. Sec. 93. And be it farther enacted. That it shall be the duty of all persons of lawful age, and all guardians and trustees, whether such trustees are so by virtue of their office as executors, administrators, or other fiduciary capacity, to make return in the list or schedule, as provided in this act, to the proper officer of internal revenue, of the amount of Ms or her income, or the income of such minors or persons as may be held in trust as afore- said, according to the requirements hereinbefore stated, and in case of peglect or refusal to make such return, the Assessor or Assistant Assessor shall assess the amount of his or her income, and proceed there- after to collect the duty thereon in the same manner as is provided for in other cases of neglect or refusal to furnish lists or schedules in the general provisionB of tMs act, where not otherwise incompatible, and the Assistant Assessor may increase the amount of the list or retnm of any party making snch return, if he shall be satisfied that the same is understated: ProTided, That any party, in bis or her own behalfi 21 «r as OTafdian or trustee, aforesaid, shall be per- mitted to declare, under oath or affirmation, the form and manner of which shall be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, that he or she was not possessed of an income uf $600, liable to be assessed according to the provisions of this act, or that he or she has been assessed elsewhere and the same year for an income duty, under authority of the United States, and shall thereupon be exempt from an income duty; or, if the list or return of any party shall have been increased by the Assistant Assessor, in manner as foresaid, he or she may be permitted to declare, as aforesaid, the amount of his or her annual income, or the amount held in trust, as aforesaid, liable to be assessed, as aforesaid, and the same so declared shall be received as the sum upon which duties are to be assessed and collected. Stamp Duties. Sec. 94. And be it further enacted, That on and after the first day of October, 1862, there ■hall be levied, collected, and paid, tor and in respect of the several instruments, matters, and things men- tioned, and described in the schedule (marxed B), hereunto annexed, or for or in respect of the vellum, parchment, or paper, upon which such instruments, matters, or things, or any of them, shall be written or printed, by any person or persons, or party who ch^ make, sign, or issue the same, or for whose use or benefit the same shall be made, signed or issued, the several duties or sums of money set down in figures against the same, respectively, or otherwise specified or set forth in the said schedule. Sec. 95. And be it further enacted. That if any person or persons shall make, sign, or issue, or cause to be made, signed, or issued, any instru- ment, document, or paper of any kind, or descrip- tion whatsoever,^ without the same being duly stamped for denoting the duty hereby imposed there- on, or without having thereupon an adhesive stamp to denote said duty, such person or persons shall incur a penalty of $50, and such instrument, docu- ment, or paper, as aforesaid, shall be deemed invalid and of no effect. Sec. 96. And be it further enacted. That ao stamp appropriated to denote the duty charged on any particular instrument, and bearing the name of such instrument on the face thereof, shall be used for denoting any other duty of the same amount, or, if so used the same shall be of no avail. Sec. 97. And be it further enacted. That no vellum, parchment, or paper, bearing a stamp appropriated by name to any particular instrument, shall Be used for any other purpose, or if so used, the same shall be of no avail. Sec. 98. And be it further enacted. That if any person shall forge or counterfeit, or cause or procure to be forged or counterfeited, any stamp or die, or any part of any stamp or die, which shall have Been provided, made, or used in pursuance of this act, or shall forge, counterfeit, or resemble, or cause or procure to be forged, counterfeited, or re- sembled, the impression, or any part of the impres- sion, of any such stamp or die, as aforesaid, upon any vellum, parchment, or paper, or shall stamp or mark, or cause or procure to Be stamped or marked, any vellum, parchment, or paper, with any such forged or counterfeited stamp or die, or part of any stan^ or die, as aforesaid, with intent to defraud the United States of any of the duties hereby im- posed, or any part thereof, or if any pers®n shall nttsr, or sell, or expose to sale, any vellum, parch- ment, or paper, article or thing, having thereupon the impression of any such counterfeited stamp or die, or part of any stamp or die, or any such forged, counterfeited, or resembled impression, or part of topression, as aforesaid, knowieg the same respect- ively to be forged, counterfeited, or resembled; or if any person shall knowingly use any stamp or die which shall have been so provided, made or used, as aforesaid, with intent to defraud the United States; or if any person shall fraudulently cut, tear, or get off, or cause or procure to be cut, torn, or got off, the impression of any stamp or die which shall have been provided, made, or used in pursuance of this act, from any vellum, parchment, paper, or any in- strument or writing charged or chargeable with any 4l the duties hereby imposed; then, and in everr eucli case, every person so offending, and every per- son knowingly and willfully aidmg, abetting, or assisting in committing any such offense as afore- said, shall bo deemed guilty of felony, and shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit the said counterfeit stamps and the articles upon which they are placed, and Be punished by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, and by imprisonment and con&ement to hard labor not exceeding five years. Sec. 99. And be it further enacted, That In any and all cases where an adhesive stamp shall be used for denoting any duty imposed by this act, except as hereinafter provided, the person using or affixing the same shall write thereupon the initiafi of his name, and the date upon which the same shall be attached or used, so that the same may nob again be used. And if any person shall fraudulently make use of an adhesive stamp to denote any duty imposed by this act vrfthout so effectually canceling and obliterating such stamp, except as before men- tioned, he, she, or they shall forfeit the sum of $50. Provided, nevertheless, that any proprietor or pro- prietors of pronrietary articles, or articles subject to stamp duty under schedule C of this act, shall have the privilege of furnishing, without expense to the United States, in suitable form, to be approved by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, his or their own dies or designs for stamps to be used thereon, to be retained in the possession of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for his or their separate use, which shall not be duplicated to any other person. That in all cases where such stamp is used, instead of his or their writing, his or their initials, and the date thereon, the said stamp shall be so affixed on the box, bottle, or package, that in opening the same, or using the contents thereof, the said stamp shall be effectual ly destroyed; and in default thereof shall be liable to the same'penalty imposed for neglect to afiix said stamp, as hereinbefore prescribed in this act. Any person who shall fraudulently obtain or use any of the aforesaid stamps or designs therefor, and any per- son forging, or counterfeiting, or causing, or procur- ing the foripng or counterfeiting any representation, likeness, similitude or colorable imitation of the said .ast mentioned stamp, or any engraver, or printer, ^0 shall sell or give away said stamps, or selling the same, or, being a merchant, broker, peddler, or person dealing, in whole or in part, in similar goods, wares, merchandise, manufactures, prepara- tions, or articles, or those designed for similar objects or purposes, shall have knowingly or fraudulently in his, her, or their possession any such forged,, counterfeited likeness, similitude, or colorable imi- tation of the said last mentioned stamp, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon con- viction thereof, shall be subject to all the penalties, ffines, and forfeitures prescribed in section 93 of thia act. Sec. loo. And be *it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall make, sign, dr issue, or cause to be made, signed, or issued, or shall accept or pay, or cause to be accepted or paid, with design to evade the payment of any stamp duty, any bill of exchange, draft or order, or promissory note for the payment of money, liable to any of the duties im- posed by this act, without the same being duly stamped, or having thereupon an adhesive stamp for denoting the duty hereby charged thereon, he, she, or they shall, for every such bill, draft, order, or note, forfeit the sum of two hundred dollars. Sec. 101. And be it further enacted. That the acceptor or acceptors of any bill of exchange or order for the payment of any sum of money drawn, or purporting to be drawn, in any foreign country, but payable in the United States, shall, before paying or accepting the same, place thereupon a stamp, indicating the duty upon the same, as the law requires for inland bills of ex- change or promissory notes; and no bill of exchange shall be paid or negotiated without such stamp, and if any person shall pay or negotiate, or offer in pay- ment, or receive or take in payment, any such draft or order, the person or persons so offending shall forfeit the sum of $100. Sec. 102. And be it further enacted. That the Commissioner of Internal Revenue be, and is hereby 'authorized to sell to and suunly Collectors Deoutr 22 CoUectors, Postmasters, stationers, or any other persons, at his discretion, with adhesive stamps or stamped paper, vellum, or parchment, as herein pro- vided for, upon the payment, at the time of delivery, of the amount of duties said stamps, stamped paper, vellum, or parchment, so sold or supplied, represent, and may thereupon allow and deduct from the ag- gregate amount of such stamps, as aforesaid, the sum of not exceeding five per centum as commission to • the Collectors, Postmasters, stationers, or other purchasers; but the cost of any paper, vellum, or archment shall be added to the amount, after de- noting the allowance of per centum as aforesaid: Provided, That no commission shall be allowed on any sum or sums so sold or supplied of less amount than $50. And provided further. That any proprie- tor or proprietors of articles named in schedule C, who shall furnish his or their own die or design for stamps, to be used especially for his or their own proprietary articles, shall be allowed the following discounts, namely; On amounts purchased at one time of not less than $50 nor more than $500, five per centum; on amounts over $500, ten per centum. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue may from time to time make regulations for the allowance of such of the stamps issued under the provisions of this act as may have been spoiled or rendered useless or unfit for the purpose intended, or for which the owner may have no use, or which through mistake may have been improperly or unnecessarily used, or where the rates or duties represented thereby have been paid in error or remitted, and such allowance ^all be made either by giving other stamps in lieu of the stamps so allowed for, or by repaying the amount or value, after deducting therefrom, in case of repayment, the sum of five per centum to the owner thereof. Sec. 103. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any person to present to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue any instrument, and require his opinion whether or not the same is chargeable with any duty; and if the said Commis- sioner shall be of opinion that such instrument is not chargeable with any stamp duty, it shall be lawful for him, and he is hereby required, to impress there- on a particular stamp, to be provided for that pur- ose, with such word or words or device thereon as e shall judge proper, which shall signify and de- note that such instrument is not chargeable with gany stamp duty; and every such instrument upon which the said stamp shall be impressed shall be deemed to be not so chargeable, and shall be received in evidence in all courts of law or equity, notwith- standing any objections made to the same, as being charged with stamp duty, and not stamped to denote the same. Sec. 104. And be it further enacted, That on and after the date on which this act shall take effect, no telegraph com^ny or its agent or em- ployee shall receive from any person or transmit to any person any dispatch or message without an ad- hesive stamp, denoting the duty imposed by this act, being affixed to a copy thereof, or having the same stamped thereupon, and in default thereof shall incur a penalty of $10: Provided, that only one stamp shall be required, whether sent through one or more companies. Sec. 105. And be it further enacted. That on and after the date on which this act shall take effect, no express company or its agent or employee shall receive for transportation from aoy person, any bale, bundle, box, article, or package of any descrip- tion, without either delivering to the consignor thereof a printed receipt, having stamped or affixed thereon a stamp denoting the duty imposed by this act, or without affixing thereto an adhesive stamp or stamps denoting such duties, and in default thereof shall incur a penalty of $10: Provided, That but one stamped receipt or stamp shall be required for each shipment from one party to another party at the same time, whether such shipment consists of one or more packages: And provided, also, that no stamped receipts or stamp shall be required for any bale, bun- dle, box, article, or package transported for the Government, nor for such bales, bundles, boxes, or packages as are transported by such companies without cnarge thereon. Seo 106. And be^ further enacted, That all the provisions of this act relating to dies, stamps, adhesive stamps, and stamp duties, shall ex* tend to and include (except where manifestly inap- plicable) all the articles or objects enumerated in schedule marked C, subject to stamp duties, and ap- ply to the provisions in relation thereto. Sec. 107. And be it further enacted, That on and after the 1st day of August, 1862, no person or persons, firms, companies, or corporations shall make, pre- pare and sell, or remove for consumption or sale, drugs, medicines, preparations, compositions, arti- cles, or things, including perfumery, cosmetics, and playing-cards, upon which a duty is imposed by this act, as enumerated and mentioned in schedule C,i without affixing thereto an adhesive stamp or label denoting the duty before mentioned, and in default thereof shall incur a penalty of $10: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall apply to any uncompounded medicinal drug or chemical, nor to any medicine compounded according to the United States or other national pharmacopoeia, nor of which the full and proper formula is published in either of the dispensatories, formularies, or text-books in common use among physicians and apothecaries, in- cluding homeopathic and eclectic, or in any pharma- ceutical journal now issued by any incorporated col- lege of pharmacy, and not sold or offered for sale, or advertised under any other name, form, or guise than that under which they may be severally denom- inated and laid down in said pharmacopoeias, dis- pensatories, text-books, or journals, as aforesaid, nor to medicines sold to or for the use of any person,, which may be mixed and compounded specially for said persons, according to the written recipe or pre- scription of any physician or surgeon. Sec. 108. And' be it further enacted. That every manufacturer or maker of any of the arti- cles mr sale mentioned in schedule C, after the same shall have been so made, and the particulars herein- before required as to stamps have been complied with, who shall take off, remove, or detach, or cause or permit, or suffer to be taken off, or removed or detached, any stamp, or who shall use any stamp, or any wrapper or cover to which any stamp is affixed, to cover any other article or commodity than that originally contained in such wrapper or cover, with such stamp when first used, with the intent to evade the stamp duties, shall for every such article, re- spectively, in respect of which any offense shall be committed, be subject to a penalty of $50, to be re- • covered, together with the costs thereupon accruing, and every such article or commodity as aforesaia shall be forfeited. Sec. 109. And be it further enacted, That every maker or manufacturer of any of the arti- cles or commodities mentioned in schedule C, as aforesaid, who shall sell, send out, remove, or de- liver any article or commodity, manufactured as aforesaid, before the duty thereon shall have been fully paid, by fixing thereon the proper stamp, as in this act provided, or who shall hide or conceal, or cause to be hidden or concealed, or who shall remove or convey away, or deposit, or cause to be removed or conveyed away from or deposited in any place, any such article or commodity, to evade the duty chargeable thereon, or any part thereof, shall bo subject to a penalty of $100, together with forfeiture of any such article or commodity: Provided, That medicines, preparations, compositions, perfumery, and cosmetics, upon which stamp duties are required by this act, may, when intended for exportation, bo manufactured and sold, or removed without having stamps affixed thereto, and without being charged with duty, as aforesaid; and every manufacturer or maker of any article, as aforesaid, intended for ex- portation, shall give such bonds and be subject to such rules and regulations to protect the revenue against fraud as may be from time to time prescribed by the Secretary of thb Treasury, Sec. 110. And be It further enacted. That every manufacturer or maker of any of the arti- cles or commodities, as aforesaid, or his chief work- man, agent, or superintendent, shall at the end of each and every month make and sign a declaration in Writing that no such article or commodity, as aforesaid,' has, during such preceding month, or time 23 when the ket declaration was made, been removed, carried, or sent, or caused, or sujBered, or known to have been removed, carried, or sent from the premi- ses of such manufacturer or maker, other than such as have been duly taken account of and charged with the stamp duty, on pain of such manufacturer or maker forfeiting for every refusal or neglect to make such declaration, $100; and if any such manu- facturer or maker, or his chief workman, agent, or superintendent, shall make any false or untrue decla- ration, such manufacturer or maker, or chief work- man, agent or superintendent, making the same, shall forfeit $500. Schedule B. duties. Agreement or contract, other th those specified in this schedule; any appraisement of value or amage, or for any other purpose ; for every sheet or piece of paper upon which either of the same shall be written, 5 cents duty. Bank check, draft, or order for the payment of any snm of money exceeding $20 drawn upon any bank, trust company, or other person or persons, companies, or corporations, at sight n on demand, two cents. Bill of exchange (inland), draft, or order for the pay- ment of any sum of money exceeding $20 and not exceeding $100, otherwise than on sight or on demand, or any promissory note, except bank notes issued for cir- cnlation, for a sum exceeding $20 and not exceeding $100. five cents ; exceeding $100 and not exceeding $200, 10 cents ; exceeding $200 and net exceeding $350, 15 cents; exceeding $350 and not exceeding $500, 20 cents; exceeding $500 and not exceeding $750, 30 cents; exceeding $750 and not exceed- ing $1,000, 40 cents; exceeding $1,000 and not exceeding ■»1, 500, 60 cents ; exceeding $1,500 and not exceeding $2,500, $1; exceeding $2,500 and not exceeding $5,000. $1 50; and for every $2,500 or part of $2,500 ia excess of $5,000, $1. Bill of exchange (foreign), or letter of credit drawn in, hut payable ont of the United States, if drawn singly, or other- wise than in a set of three or more, according to the custom of merchants and bankers, shall pay the same rates of duty as in- land bills of exchange or promissory notes. If drawn in sets of three or more, for every bill of each set where the sum made payable shall not exceed $150, or the equivalent thereof in any foreign cnrrency in which such bill may be expressed, according to the standard of value fixed by the United States, 3 cents ; above $150 and not above $250, 5 cents ; above $250 and not above $500, 10 cents; above $500 and not above $1,000 15 cents ; above $1,000 and not above $1,500, 20 cents ; above $1,500 and not above $2,250. 30 cents; above $2,250 and not above $3,500, 50 cents; above $3,500 and not above $6,000, 70 cents; above $5,000 andnot above $7,500, $1; and ^r every $2,500 or parts thereof in excess of $7,500, 30 cents. ' Bill of lading or receipt (other than charter party) for any goods, merchandise, or effects, to he exported from a port or place in the United States to any foreign port or place, 10 cents. Express — For every receipt or stamp issued or nsed by any express company, or carrier, or person whose oc- cupation it is to act as such, for all boxes, bales, packages or bundles, for the transportation of which such company, carrier or person, shall receive a compensation of not over 25 cents, 1 cent. When such compensation exceeds the snm of 25 cents, and not over $1, 2 cents. When one or more packages are sent to the same address at the same time, and the compensation exceed $1, 5 cents. Bond — For indemnifying any person who shall have become bound or engaged as surety for the payment of any sum of money, or for the dne execution or performance of the duties of any office, and to account for money received by virtue thereof, 50 cents. Bond of any description other than such as are required in legal proceedings, and such as are not otherwise charged in this schedule, 25 cents. Certificate of stock in an incorporated company, 25 cents. Certificate of profits, or any certificate or memorandum showing an interest in the property or accumulations of any incorporated company, if for a sum not less than $10 and not exceeding $50, 10 cents. For a snm „ exceeding $50, 25 cents. Certificate— Any certificate of damage, or otherwise, and all other certificates or documents issued by any Port Warden, Marine Surveyor, or other person acting as such, 25 cents. Certificate of deposit of any sum of money in any hank or trust company, or with any banker or person acting as such — If for a snm not exceeding $100, 2 cents. • For a snm exceeding $100, 5 cents. Certificate of any other description than those specified, 10 •ents. Charter Party— Contract or agreement for the charter of any •hip or vessel, or steamer, or any letter memorandum, or other writing between the captain, master or owner, or person act- ing as agent of any ship or vessel, or steamer, and any other person or persons for or relating to the charter of such -«hlp or vessel, or steamer, if the registered tunnage of such ^’'ip or vessel, or steamer, does not exceed 300 tuns, $3. Exceeding 300 tuns, and not exceeding 600 tuns, $5. Exceeding 600 tuns, $10. Contract — Brokers note, or memorandum of sale of any goods or merchandise, stocks, bonds, exchange, notes of hand, real estate, or property of any kind or description issued by brokers or persons acting as such, 10 cents. Conveyance — Deed, instrument, or writing, whereby any lands, tenements, or other realty sold shall be granted, (leased,) assigned, transferred, or otherwise conveyed to, or vested in, the purchaser or purchasers, or any other person or persons by bis, her, or their direction, when the consideration or valuetx- ceeds $100, and does not exceed $500, .50 cents; exceeding $500, and not exceeding $1,000, $1; exceeding $1,000, and not exceeding $2,500, $2; exceeding $2,500, and not exceed- ing $5,000, $5; exceeding $5,000, and not exceeding $10,000, |10: exceeding $10,00, and not exceeding $20,000, $20; and for every additional $10,000 or fractional part thereof, in excess of $20,0o0, $20. Dispatch, Telegraphic— Any dispatch or message, the charge for which for the first ten words does not exceed 20 cents, 1 cent. When the charge for the first ten words exceeds 20 cents, 3 cents. Entry of any goods, wares, or merchandise at the Custom Hons^ either lor consumption or warehousing, not exceeding $100 in value, cents. Exceeding $100, and not exceeding $500 in value, ,60 cents. Exceeding $500 in value, $1. Entry for the withdrawal of any goods or merchandise from bonded, warehouse, 60 cents. Insurance, Life — Policy of insurance, or other Instrument by whatever name the same shall he called, whereby any insurance shall be made upon any life or lives— When the amount insured shall not exceed $1,000, S5 cents. Exceeding $1,000, and not exceeding $5,000, 60 cents. Exceed- ing $5,000, $1. Insurance, Marine, Inland, and Eire — Each policy of insurance, or other instrument, by whatever name the same shall he called , by which insurance shall be made or renewed, upon property of any description, whether against perils by the sea or by fire, or any other peril of any kinm made by any insurance company, or its agents, or by any other company or person, 26 cents. Lease, agreement, memorandnm, or contract for the hire, nse, or rent of any land, tenement, or portion tiicreof— li for a period of time not exceeding three years, 50 cents. If for a period exceeding threo years, $1. Manifest for Custom-House entry or clearance of the cargfc of any ship, vessel, or steamer for a foreign port— If the regis* tered tunnage of such ship, vessel or steamer does not exceed 300 tuns, $1. Exceeding 300 tuns, and not exceeding 600 tuns, $3. Exceeding 600 tnns, $5. Mortgage of lands, estate, or property, real or personal, her- itable or movable whatsoever, where the same shall he made as a security for the payment of any definite and certain snm of money lent at the time or previously due and owing or for- borne to be paid, being payable ; also any conveyance of any lands, estate, or property whatsoever, in tmst to be sold o* otherwise converted into money, which shall be intended only as security, and shall he redeemable before the sale or other disposal thereof, either by express stipulation or other- wise ; or anyr personal bond given as security for the payment of any definite or certain sum of money exceeding $100, and not exceeding $500, 50 cents. Exceeding $500, andnot exceeding $1,000, $1. Exceeding $1,000, and not exceeding $2,500, $2. Exceeding $2,500, and not exceeding $5,000. $5. Exceeding $5,000, and not exceeding $10,000, $10. Exceeding $10,000, and not exceeding $20,000, $15. And for every additional $10,000, or fractional part thereof in excess of $20,000, $10. Passage Ticket— By any vessel from a port in the United States to a foreign port, if less than $30, 50 cents. Exceeding $30, $1. Power of Attorney for the) sale or transfer of any stoek, bonds, or scrip, or for the collection of any dividends or inter- est thereon, 25 cents. Power of Attorney or proxy for voting at any election foa|||b officers of any incorporated company or society, except reU-^ gions, charitable, or literary societies, or public cemeteries^ 10 cents. Power of Attorney to receive or collect rent, 25 cents. Power of Attorney to sell and convey real estate, or to rent or lease the same, or to perf6rm any and aU other acts not hereinbefore specified, $1. Probate of Will, or Letters of Administration— Where thf estate and effects for or in respect of which such probate ol letters of administration applied for shall be sworn or declared not to exceed the value of $2,500. 50 cents. To exceed $2,500 and not exceeding $5,000, $1. To exceed $5,000 and not exceeding $20,000, $2. To exceed $20,000 and not exceeding $50,000, $5. To exceed $50,000 and not exceeding $100,000, $10. Exceeding $100,000 andnot exceeding $150,000, $20. And for every additional $50,000 or fractional part thereof $ 10 .' Protest-i-Upon the protest of every note, hill of exchange, acceptance, check or draft, or any marine protest, whether rotested by a notary public or by any other officer who may e authorized by the law of any State or States to make such protest, 25 cents. Warehouse Receipt, for any goods, merchandise, or prop- erty of any kind held on storage in any puhUc or pri vate warehouse or yard, 25 cents. Legal Documents — Writ or other original process by which any suit is commenced in any court of record, either law or equity, 50 cents ; provided that no writ, summons, or other process issued by a Justice of the Peace, or issued in any criminal suits commenced by the Unitod States or any State, shall be subject to the payment of stamp duties; and pro- vided, further, that the stamp duties imposed by the forego- ing schedule B, on manifests, bills of lading, and passage tick- ets, shall not apply to steamboats or other vessels plying be- tween ports of the United States and ports in British North America. Schedule C- Medicines or Preparations — For and upon eve^ packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other inclosi^re containing pills, powders, tinctures, troches, or lozenges, sirups, cor iais, bit- ters, anodynes, tonics, plasters, liniments, salves, ointments, pastes, drops, waters, essences, spirits, oils, or other prepara- tions or compositions whatsoever, made or sold, or removed for consumption and sale, by any person or persons whatever, wherein the person making or preparing the same has, or claims to have, any private forntala or occult secret -n: art for 24 Jlie making or preparing the same, or which are prepared, ut- tered, vended, or exposed for sale under any letters patent, or held out or recommended to the public by the makers, vend* eis, or proprietors thereof as proprietary medicines, or as remedies or specifics for any disease, diseases, or affections whatever, affecting the human or animal body, as follows: where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other inclosure, with its contents, shall not exceed, at the retail price or value, the sum of 25 cents, Ic. Where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other in- elosure, with its contents, shall exceed the retail price or value of 25 cents, and not exceed the retail price or value of 60 cents, 2c. Where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other in« eloBure, with its contents, shall exceed the retail price or value of 50 cents, and shall not exceed the retail price or value of 75 cents, 3c. When such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other in* eloBure. with its contents, shall exceed the retail price or value of seventy-five cents, and shall not exceed the retail price or value of $1, 4c. When such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other in- •losure, with its contents, shall exceed the retail price or value of $1, for each and every 50 cents or fractional part thereof over and above $1, as before mentioned, an ad* ^tional 2c. Perfumery and Cosmetics— For and upon every packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other inclesure, containing any essence, extract, toilet water, cosmetic, hair oil, pomade, hairdressing, hair restorative, hair dye, tooth wash, dentrifice, tooth paste^ aromatic, cachous, or any similar articles, by whatsoever name the same heretofore have been, now are, or may here- after be called, known, or distinguished, used or applied, or to be used or applied as perfumes or applications to the hair, mouth, or skin, made, prepared, and sold or removed for con- sumption and sale in the United States, where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or ether inclosure, with its contents, shall not exceed at the retail price of value the sum of 25 aents, Ic. Where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other inclos- tSre, with its contents, shall exceed the retail price or value af 25 cents, and shall not exceed the retail price or value of 50 «ents, 2 cents. where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other inclos* nre, with its contents, shall exceed the retail price or value of 60 cents, and shall not exceed the retail price or value of 75 Vonts, 3 cents. where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other inclos- nre, with its contents, shall exceed the retail price or value of 75 cents, and shall not exceed the retail price or value of Ibl, 4 cents. Where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other inclos* Sre, with its contenFs, shall exceed the retail price or value of m, for each and every 50 cents or fractional part thereof over and above the $1, as before mentioned, an additional 2 cents. Playing Cards — For and upon every pack of whatever num- ber, when the price per pack does not exceed 18 cents, 1 cent ; over 18 cents, and not exceeding 25 cents per pack, 2 cents ; over 25 and not exceeding 30 cents per pack, 3 cents ; over 80 and not exceeding 36 cents per pack, 4 cents ; over 36 cents per pack 5 cents. ^liegacies and DistribntiTe Shares of Personal Property. Sec. 111. And be it farther enacted, That any person or persons having in charge or trnst, as administrators, executors, or trustees of any lega- eies^or distributive shares arising from personal prop- erty, as aforesaid, shall exceed the sum of $1,000 in actual value, passing from any person who may die af- ter the passage of this act possessed of such property, wther by will or by the intestate laws of any State or Territory, or any part of such property or interest therein, transferred by deed, grant, bargain, sale, or gift, made or intended to take effect in possession or enjoyment after the death of the grantor or bar- gainor, to any person or persons, or to any body or bodies politic or corporate, in trust or otherwise, ehall be, and hereby are, made subject to duty or tax, to he paid to the United States, as follows, that is to say: First : Where the person or persons entitled to any beneficial interest in such property shall be the lineal issue or lineal ancestor, brother or sister, to the person who died possessed of such property, as aforesaid, at and after the rate of 75 cents for each and every hundred dollars of the clear value of such interest in such property. Second : Where the person or persons entitled to any beneficial interest in such property shall be a descendant of a brother or sister of the person who died possessed, as aforesaid, at and after the rate of 50 for each, and every hundred dollars of the clear ▼alue of such interest. Third : Where the person or persons entitled to any beneficial interest in such property shall be a brother or sister of the father or mother, or a descendant of a brother or sister of the father or mother of the person wno died possessed, as afore- said, at and after the rate of $3 for each and every hundred dollars of the clear value of such interest. Fourth : Where the person or persons entitled to any beneficial interest in such property shall he a brother or sister of the grandfather or grandmother, or a descendant of the brother or sister of the grand- father or grandmother of the person who died pos- sessed, as aforesaid, at and after |the rate ol $4 for each and every hundred dollars of the clear value of Buch interest. Fifth : Where the person or persons entitled to any beneficial interest in such property shall he in any other degree of collateral consanguinity than is hereinbefore stated, or shall he a stranger in blood to the person who died possessed, as aforesaid, or shall be a body politic or corporate, at and after the rat© of $5 for each and every $100 of the clear value of such interest: Provided, That all legacies or prop- erty passing by will, or by the laws of any State or Territory, to husband or wife of the person who died possessed, as aforesaid, shall be exempt &om tax or duty. Sec. 112. And be it farther enacted, That tl\e tax or duty aforesaid shall be a lien and char&re upon the property of every person who may die, as afore- said, until the same shall he fully paid to and dis- charged by the United States; and every executor, administrator, or other person who may take the harden or trnst of administration upon such property shall, after taking such burden or trust, and before paying or distributing any portion thereof to the leg- atees or any parties entitled to beneficial interest therein, pay to the Collector or Deputy Collector of the district the amount of the duty or tax, as afore- said, and shall also make and render to the Assistant Assessor of the district a schedule, list, or statement of the amount of such property, together with the amount of duty which has accrued or should accrue thereon, verified by his oath or affirmation, to he ad% ministered and certified thereon by some magistrate or officer having lawful power to administer such oaths, in such form and manner as may he prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Eevenne, which schedule, list, or statement shall contain the names of each and every person entitled to any beneficial interest therein, together with the clear value of such interest, which schedule, list, or statement shall he by him delivered to such Collector; and upon such payment and delivery of such schedule, list, or statement, said Collector or Deputy Collector shall grant to such person paying such duty or tax a re- ceipt or receipts for the same in duplicate, which shall be prepared as hereinafter provided; such receipt or receipts, duly signed and delivered by such Collector or Deputy Collector, shall be sufficient evi- dence to entitle the person who paid such duty or tax as having taken the burden or trust of admmis- tering such property or personal estate to be allowed for such payment by the person or petsons entitled to the beneficial interest in respect to which such tax or duty was paid; and such person administering such property or personal estate shall be credited and allowed such payment by every tribunal which, by the laws of any State or Territory, is or may he empowered to decide upon and settle the accounts of executors and administrators; and, in case such per- son who has taken the burden or trust of administer- ing upon any such property, or personal estate, shall refuse or neglect to pay the aforesaid duty or tax to the Collector or Deputy-Collector, as aforesaid, within the time hereinbefore provided, or shall neglect or refuse to deliver to said Collector or Deputy-Collector the schedule, list, or statement ol such legacies, property, or personal estate, under oath, as aforesaid, or shall deliver to said Collector or Deputy-Collector a false schedule or statement ol such legacies, property personal estate, or give the names and relationship of tbe persons entitled beneficial interests therein untruly, or shall not truly and correctly set forth and state therein the clear value of such beneficial interest; or where no ad- ministration upon such property or personal estate shall have been granted or allowed^ under existing laws, the proper officer of tbe United States shall commence such proceedings in law or equity before any Court of the United States as may be proper and necessary to enforce and realize the lien or charge 25 upon finch property or personal estate, or any pan thereof, for' which sach tax or duty has not been truly and justly paid. Under such proceedings the rate of duty or tax enforaed shall be the highest rate im* posed or assefised by this act, and shall be in the name of the United States against such person or persons as may have the actual or constructive custody or possession of such property or personal estate, or any part thereof, and shall subject such property or personal estate, o>ahy portion of the same, to be sold upon the judgment or decree of euch court, and from the proceeds of such sale, the amount of such tax or duty, together with all costs and expenses of every description to be allowed by such court, shall be first paid, and the balance, if any, deposited according to the order of such court, to be paid under its direction to such person or persons as shall estab- lish their lawful title to the same. The deed or deeds, or any proper conveyance of such property or personal estate, or any portion thereof, so sold under •uch judgment or decree, executed by the officer lawfully charged with carrying the same into effect, shall vest in the purcnase thereof all title of the delinquent to the property or personal estate sold under and by virtue of such judgment or decree, and ■hall release every other portion of such preperty or personal estate from the lien or charge thereon created by this act. And every person or persons, who shall have in hi* possession, charge, or custody, any record, file, or paper containing or supposed to contain any information concerning such property or personal estate, as aforesaid, passing from any person who may die, as aforesaid, shall exhibit the same at the request of the Collector of the revenue, his deputy, or agent, and to any law officer of the United States, in the performance of his duty under this act, bis deputy or agent, who may desire to examine the flame; and if any such person, having in his possea- ■esflion, charge, or custody, any such records, files, or papers, shall refuse or neglect to exhibit the same on request, as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of |500; and in case of any delinquency in making the shedule, list, or statement, or in the pay- ment of the duty or tax accruing, or which should accrue thereon, the assessment and collection shall be made as provided for in the general provisions of thifi act; Provided, In all legal controversies where ■uch deed or title shall be the subject of judicial in- ▼estigation the recital in said deed shall be presumed to be true, and that the requirements of the law had been complied with by the officers of the Govern- ment. Sic. 113. And be it farther enacted. That when- ever, by this act, any license, duty, or tax of any description has been imposed on any corporate body, or property of any incorporated company, it shall be lawful for the Commissioner of Internal Eevenue to prescribe and determine in what district such tax ■hall be assessed and collected, and to what officer thereof the official notices required in that behalf fihaU be given, and of whom payment of such tax ■hall be demanded. Sec. 114. And be it farther enacted. That all* ar- ticles upon which duties are imposed by the provis- ions of this act, which shall be found in the posses- sion of any person or persons for the purpose of be- ing sold by such person or persons in fraud thereof, and with the design to avoid payment of said duties, may he seized by any collector or deputy collector who shall have reason to belie v^e that the same are possessed for the purpose aforesaid, and the same ■hall be forfeited to the United States. And the pro- ceedings to enforce said forfeiture shall be in the na- ture of a proceeding in rem in the Circuit or District Court of the United States for the district where ■nch seizure is made, or in any other court of com- petent jurisdiction. And any person who shall have in his possession any such articles for the purpose of ■elling the same with the design of avoiding pay- ment of the duties imposed thereon by this act, shall bf hable to a penalty of $100, to be recovered as hereinbefore provided. Appropriation* Sec. 115. And be it further enacted. That the pay of the assessors, assistant-assessors, col- lectors, and deputy-collectors,' shall be paid out of the accruing internal duties or taxes before the same Is paid into the Treasury, according to such regula- tions as the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall prescribe ; and for the purpose of paying the Ccmmissioner of Internal Revenue and clerks, procuring dies, stamps, adhesive stamps, paper,* printing forms and regulations, advertising, and any other expenses of carrying this act into effect, the sum of $500,000 shall be, and hereby is, appropriated, or 80 much thereof as may be necessary. Allowance and Drawback. Sec. 116. And be it further enacted, That from and after the date on which this act takes effect there shall be an allowance or drawback on all articles on which any internal duty or tax shall have been paid, except raw or unmanufactured cotton, equal in amount to the duty or tax paid thereon, and no more, when exported, the evidence that any such duty or tax has been paid, to furnished to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue by such person or persons as shall claim the allowance or drawback, and the amount to be ascertained under such regulations as shall, from time to time, be prescribed by the Com- missioner of Internal Revenue, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, and the same shall be paid by the warrant of the Secreta^^ of the Treas- ury on the Treasurer of the United States out of any money arising from internal duties not other- wise appropriated: Provided, That no aUowanee or drawback shall be made or had far any amount claimed or due less than $20, anything in this act to the contrary notwithstanding. And, Pro- vided further, That any certificate of drawback for goods exported issued in pursuance of this act, may, under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury he received by the col- lector or his deputy in payment of duties under this act; and the Secretary of the Treasury may make such regulations with regard to the form of said cer- tificates, and the issuing thereof as in his judgment may be necessary. And provided further, That in computing the allowance or drawback upon articled manufactured exclusively of cotton, when exported, there shall be allowed, in addition to the three, per centum duty which shall have been paid on such ar- ticles, a drawback of five mills per pound upon suck articles, in all cases where the duty imposed by thi^ act upon the cotton used in the manufacture thereof has been previously paid; the amount of said al- lowance to be ascertained in such manner as may he prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Rev- enue, under the direction of the Secreta,ry of the Treasury. Sec. 117. And be it further enacted. That if any person or persons shall fraudulently claim or seek to obtain an allowance or drawback on goods, wares, or merchandise, on which no internal duty shall have been paid, or shall fraudulently claim any greater allowance or drawback than the duty actually paid, as aforesaid, such person or per- sons shaU forfeit triple the amount wrongfully or fraudulently claimed or sought to he obtained, or the sum of $500, at the election of the Secretary of the Treasury, to he recovered as in other cases of forfeife* nre provided for in the general provisions of this act. Sec. 118. And be it further enacted. That the sum of $60,000, appropriated to complete the capitol in New-Mexico, by the second section of an act of Congress approved June 25, 1860, and the sum of $50,000, appropriated for miliary roads in New- Mexico, by act of Congress, approved March 2, 1861, be, and the same are hereby credited to the Territory of New-Mexico in payment of the direct annual tax of $62,648 levied upon said Territory under the eighth section of an act of Congress approved August 5, 1861, to be taken up on account of said direct tax under said act, as the same may fall due to the United States from said Territory. 8ic. 119. And he 'it farther enacted, That 26 so much of an act entitled, “ An Act to provide increased revenues from imports, to pay interest on the public debt, and for other purposes,” approved August 5, 1861, as imposes a direct tax of $20,000,000 on the United States, shall be held to authorize the levy and collection of one tax to that amount. And no other tax shall be levied under and by vir- . tne thereof until the first day of April, 1865, when the same shall be in full force and virtue. Noth. — The United States Internal Revenue Act, passed at the Second Session of the XXXVIIth Congress, was con- siderably changed by an Amendatory Act, passed March 3, 1863. In the succeeding pages, the latter law is given exactly as it passed Congress, and, in addition, an alphabetical table of the rates of duty imposed by both laws. This table, therefore, shows the rates as they now stand. THG Al^ENDATORlT ACT. AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An act to provide inter- nal revenue to support the Government and pay interest on the pubHc debt,” approved July 1, 1862, and for other purposes. Be it enacted, hy the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the United States of America in Con- gress assembled, That “An act to provide internal revenue to support the Government and pay interest on the public debt,” approved July 1, 1862, be, and the same hereby is, amended as hereinafter set forth, namely: That wherever any written notice, or other in* strument in writing, is required, the same shall be lawful if written or partly written and printed. That section 11 be and hereby is amended so as to authorize Assistant Asses sors to perform any duties therein imposed upon Assessors. That section 19 be so amended that the Deputy Collector, as well as the Collector, may perform all the duties required of the said Collector in the said section ; and any notice required by said section to persons who neglect to pay their taxes may be sent by mail or left at the dwellings or usual places of business of such persons, if any they have, written or printed, and said notice shall state the amount of duty or tax for which such persons are liable, in- clumng the 10 per centum additional, as provided for in said section, demanding payment of the same; ^ and with respect to all such duties or taxes as are not included in the annual Ksts as provided for in said section, and all taxes and duties the collection of which is not otherwise provided for in said act, it shall be the duty of each Collector, in person or by deputy, to demand payment therefor, in the man- ner provided, within ten days from and after the expiration of the time within which such duty or tax should have been paid; and any copy of distraint shall be left at the dwelling or usual place of business of the owner or possessor of the prop- erty distrained; Provided, That such special demand shall not be necessary in respect to taxes assessed by section 77 of said act. That section 28 be and hereby is amended by striking out the words “ forfeit and pay the sum of $500,” and inserting in lieu thereof “upon convic- tion thereof by a court of competent jurisdiction, forfeit and pay the sum of $500, or be imprisoned for a term not exceeding two years, at the discretion of the court.” That section 43 be amended by striking out the following words: “ and any person who shall use any cask or package so marked, for the purpose of selling spirits of a quality different from that so in- spected, shall be subject "to a like penalty for each cask or package so used,” and 'inserting in lieu thereof “ and any person who shall fraudulently use any cask or package so marked for the purpose of selling any other spirits than that so inspected, or for selling spirits of a quality or quantity different from that so inspected, shall be subject, to a like penalty, as provided, for each cask or package so used.” That section 44 be and hereby is amended, by striking out the words “to be contiguous to such distillery.” That section 55 be and hereby is amended, by in- serting after the words “ shall not be paid at the time of rendering the account of the same as herein required,” the words “ or at the time when they shall have become payable.” liicenses. That section 64 be and hereby is so amended, “ That no license shall be required of an attorney having taken out a license aseuch in consequence of being employed to purchase, rent, or sell real estate, or to collect rent thereon for others in the ordinary course of business;” in paragraph number 16, by in- serting after the word "“taverns” the words “or eating-houses;” by adding to paragraph number 28 the following words: “Nor shall apothecaries who have taken out a license as such be required to take out a license as retail dealers in liquors in con- sequence of selling alcohol;” and in paragraph num- ber 29, by inserting after tUe word “ merchandise,” “ or who shall manufacture by hand or machinery, for any other person or persons, goods, wares, or merchandise.” That section 64 be and hereby is further amended by adding, at the end thereof, the following para- graphs: “ 34. Architects and civil engineers shall pay $10 for each license. Every person whose business it is to plan, design or superintend the construction of buildings or ships, or of roads or bridges, or canals or railroads, shall be regarded as an architect and civil engineer under this act : Provided, That this shall not include a practical carpenter who labors on a building. “ 35. Builders and contractors shall pay $25 for each license. Every person whose business it is to construct buildings, op ships, or bridges, or canals, or railroads, by contract," shall be regarded as a builder and contractor under this act: Provided, That no license shall be required from ai^ person whose building contracts do not exceed $2,500 in any one year. “36. Stallions and jacks, owners of, shall pay $10 for each license. Every person who keeps a male horse or a jackass for the use of mares, requiring or receiving pay therefor, shall be required to take out a license under this act, which shail contain a brief description of the animal, its age, and place or places where used or to be used: Provided, That all accounts, notes, or demands, for the use of any such horse or jack without a license, as aforesaid, shall be invalid and of no force in any court of law or equity “ 37. Lottery ticket dealers shall ^ pay $1,000 for each license. Every person, association, firm, or corporation who shall make, sell, or offer to sell lot- tery tickets or fractional parts thereof, or any token, certificate, or device representing or intended to represent a lottery ticket or any fractional part thereof, or any policy of numbers in any lottery, or shall manage any lottery or prepare schemes of lotteries, or superintend the drawing of any lottery, shall be deemed a lottery ticket dealer under this act. “ 38. Insurance agents shall pny $10 for each li- cense. Any person who shall act as agent of any fire, marine, life, mutual, or other insurance com- pany, or companies, shall be regarded as an insur- ance agent under this act: Provided, That no license shall be required of any insurance agent or broker whose receipts, as such agent, are less than the sum of $600 in any one year. “ 39. Butchers shall pay $10 for each license. Every person whose business it is to sell butchers’ meat at retail shall be regarded as a butcher under this act: Provided, That no butcher having taken out a license, and paid $10 therefor, shall be required to take out a license as retail dealer on account of selling other articles at the same store, stall, or premises: Provided, further. That butchers who re- tail butchers’ meat exclusively from a carter wag#n, by themselves or agents, shall be required to pay $5 only lor each license, any existing law to the con- trary notwithstanding, and having taken out a license therelor shall not be required to take out a license as a peddler for retailing butchers’ meat, aa 27 aforesaid: and Provided, further, That no license shall be reqnired of a butcher whose annual sales do not exceed ^1,000. “ 40. Eetail dealers shall pay $10 for each license. Every person whose business or occupation it is to sell or offer for sale any ^oods, wares, or merchan- dise of foreign or domestic production, not including wines, spirituous or malt liquors, but not excluding drugs, medicines, cigars, snuff, or tobacco, and whose annual sales exceed $1,000, and do not exceed $25,000, shall be regarded as a retail dealer under this act. “ 41. Wholesale dealers, whose annual sales do not exceed $50,000, shall pay $25 for each license; if exceeding $50,000 and not exceeding $100,000, shall pay $50 for each license ; exceeding $100,000 and not exceeding $250,000, shall pay $100 for each license; exceeding $250,000 and not exceeding $500,000, shall pay $200 for each license; ’exceeding $500,000 and not exceeding $1,000,000, shall pay $300 for each license ; exceeding $1,000,000 and not exceeding $2,000,000, shall pay $500 for each license; exceeding $2,000,000, shall pay $250 for every $1,000,000 in excess of $2,000,000, in addition to the $500. Every person shall be regarded as a whole- sale dealer under this act whose business or occupa- tion it is to sell or offer to sell any goods, wares or merchandise of foreign or domestic production, not including distilled spirits, fermented liquors, or wines, but not excluding, drugs, medicines, cigars, snuff, or tobacco, whose annual sales exceed $25,000; and the license required by any wholesale dealer shall not be for a less amount than his sales for the previous year, unless he has made or pro- poses to make some change in his business that will obviously reduce the amount of his annual sales; nor shall any license as wholesale dealer allow any such person to act as a commercial broker: Pro- vided, That any license understated may be again assessed. “ 42. Wholesale dealers in liquors shall pay for each license the amount required in this act for license to wholesale dealers. Every person other than the distiller or brewer who shall sell or offer for sale any distilled spirits, fermented liquors, and wines of all kinds, in quantities of more than three gallons at one time, or whose annual sales shall exceed $25,000, shall take out a license as a whole- sale dealer in bquors. “43. Eetail dealers in liquors shall pay $20 for each license. Every person other than a ^stiller or brewer who shail sell or offer for sale any dis- tilled spirits, fermented liquors, or wine of any description, in quantities of threo gallons or less, and whose annual sales do not exceed $25,000, shall be regarded as a retail dealer in liquors under this law; but nothing herein contained shall authorize the sale of any spirits, liquors, wines or malt liquors to be drank on the premises: Provided, That no person licensed to keep a hotel, inn or tavern shall be allowed to sell any liquor to be taken off the remises, and no person licensed to keep an eating- ouse shall be allowed to sell spirituous or vinous liquors. And no person who has taken out a license to keep a hotel, inn, tavern or eating-house shall be required to take out a license as a tobacconist be- cause of any tobacco or cigars furnished in the usual course of business as a keeper of a hotel, inn, tavern or eating-house.” Manufactures, Articles, &c. That section 75 be and hereby is amended, by in- serting after the words, Provided, That white lead, oxide of zinc, and sulphate of barytes,” the words, “and paints and painters' colors ” ; by in- serting before the words, “on lard oil,” and at- tached to the next preceding sentence, as follows, “ and all duties or taxes on coal mined, and delivered by coal operators at the mines on contracts made prior to July 1, 1862, shall be paid by the purchaser thereof,” by striking out the following words, “ on sugar, refined, whether loaf, lump, granulated, or pulver.zed, two mills per pound ; on sugar, refined, or made from molasses, sirup of molasses, melado, or concentrated melado, two mills per pound,” and inaertiog m lieu thereof as follows, “ sugar refiners ( shall pay 1 J per cent on the gross amount of the sales of all the products of their manufactories; Provided, That every person shall be regarded as a sugar refiner under this act whoso business it is to advance the quality and value of sugar by melting and recrystallization, or by liquoring, claying, of other washing process, or by any other chemical or mechanical means, or who shall advance the quality or value of molasses and concentrated molasseB melado or concentrated melado, by boiling or other process ” ; and by inserting therein, in lieu of any other duties, or rates of duty, on the articles herein- after enumerated in this section, or provisions exist- ing in relation thereto, the following; “ On marine engines, 3 per centum ad valorem. “ On rivets, exceeding one-fourth of one inch in diameter, nuts, wrought, railroad chairs, bolts, and horseshoes, $2 per tun: Provided, That where a duty upon the iron from which said articles shall have been made has been actually paid, an addi- tional duty only shall be paid of 50 cents per tun. “ On rolled brass, copper, and yellow sheathing metal, in rods or sheets, 1 per centum ad valorem. “ On sails, tents, shades, awnings, and bags, made of cotton, flax, or hemp, or part of either, or other materials, 3 per centum ad valorem : Provided, That the sewing' of sails, tents, shades, awnings, carpets, and bags, the materials whereof be- longed to the employer, shall be exempt from duty, where the cloth or material from which they are made was imported, or has been subject to and paid a duty. “ On tobacco, cavendish, plug, twist, fine-cut, and manufactured of aU descriptions (not including snuff, cigars, and smoking-tobacco, prepared with all the stems in or made exclusively of stems), 15 cents per pound. “ On smoking-tobacco prepared with all the stems in, and on smoking-tobacco made exclusively of stems, 5 cents per pound. “ On snuff manufactured of tobacco, on (or) stems, or of any substitute of tobacco, ground, dry, or damp, of all descriptions, 20 cents per pound. “ On mineral or medicinal waters, or waters from springs impregnated with minerals, one cent for each bottle containing not more than one quart; when containing more than one quart, two cents for each bottle. Tailors, boot and shoemakers, milliners and dressmakers, making clothing or articles of dress for men’s, women’s, or children’s wear, to order as cus- tom work, and not for sale generally, shall, to the amount of $1,000, be exempt from duty, and for any excess beyond the amount of $1,000 shall pay a duty of one per centum ad valorem. “ On umbrellas and parasols, made of cotton, silk, or other material, three per centum ad valorem. “On all ships, barks, brigs, schooners, sloops, sailboats, steamboats (not including the engine), canal boats, and all other vessels or water craft hereafter built, made, or constructed, two per cent. “ On sugar-candy and all confectionery made wholly or in part of sugar, valued at 14 cents per pound or less, two cents per pound; when valued at exceeding 14 cents and not exeeeding 40 cents per pound, three cents per pound; when valued at ex- ceeding 40 cents per pound, or when sold otherwise than by the pound, five per centum ad valorem. “ On all gold leaf fifteen cents per pack, contain- ing not more than twenty books of twenty-fivei leaves each.^ “ On castings of iron, exceeding ten pounds in weight for each casting, not otherwise provided for in this act, or in the act to which this act is an amendment, $1 50 per tun: Provided, That there shall be deducted from duties assessed upon railroad cars any duties which may have been assessed and paid upon car-wheels under the provisions of this act. “ On clocks and time-pieces, and on clock move- ments when sold without being cased, 3 per centum ad valorem.” That section 77 be aijd hereby is amended, by re- quiring the taxes provided for in that section to be levied, collected, and paid annually, by any person or persons owning, possessing, or keeping any car- 28 Tiage, yacht, plate, or billiard-table; by inserting in the first paragraph of Schedule A, after the words “ kept for use,” the words “ for hire or for passen- gers;” and by exempting from duty plate belonging to rellgiuos societies. Slaughtered Cattle. That section 78 be and hereby is amended, by re- ducing the duty so that on horned cattle slaughtered the duty shall* be 20 cents per head, on sheep and lambs slaughtered the duty shall be 3 cents per head, and on hogs slaughtered, exceeding 100 pounds in weight, without regard to age, 6 cents each, and no duty shall be charged on hogs slaughtered of less weight; and the cattle, hogs, and sheep slaughtered by any person for his or her own consumption, not exceeding six of each, shall be exempt from duty. O-eneral Amendments. That section 91 be amended by strildng out the word “ gas” wherever it occurs, and by striking out the words “ or on any articles manufactured” after the word ” advertisements.” That section 93 be amended so that in case of neglect or refusal to make the returns referred to in said section, the proceedings thereafter for the as- sessment and collection of the duty shall be in the same manner as provided for in other cases of neglect. That section 99 be amended by striking out the words ” ninety three” preceding the words “ of this act,” and inserting “ 98.” That section 102 be and hereby is amended by striking out the words ” thereupon allow and de- duct from,” and inserting in lieu thereof the words “ allow upon;” by striking out the words “added to the amount, after deducting the allowance of TOP centum as aforesaid, "and inserting in lieu thereof tne words “ paid by the purchaser of such stamped paper, vellum, or parchment;" and by striking out the word “ discount,” and inserting in lieu thereof the word “ commission.” That section 112 be and hereby is amended by in- serting after the word “ district,” where it first occurs, as follows: of which the deceased person was a resident;” and by inserting after the word “ district,” where it next occurs, as follows: “ of Which the deceased person was a resident.” Stamp Duties. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted^ That on and after the first day of May, 1863, no person or per- sons, association, firm, or corporation, shall make, sell, or offer for sale, or dispose of any lottery ticket, or fractional part thereof, or any policy of numbers in any lottery, or any token, certificate, or device, representing or intended to represent the holder, or any other person or persons as entitled or to be en- titled in any lottery, lottery scheme, or game of hazard or chance to be drawn, to any prize or share or part of a prize, or any sum or* part or share of any sum of money, or other article of value, or any fractional part thereof, without affixing thereto an adhesive stamp or stamps denoting the duty im- posed by this act, and in default thereof shall incur a penalty of $50 for each and every such offense; and no prize or part of a prize drawn to or by any ticket, or fractional part thereof, token, certificate, or de- vice as aforesaid, and no sum of money or thing of value made payable or deliverable upon any stake or investment or risk in, or upon any policy of num- bers, shall be demanded or recovered by any legal proceedings or otherwise, without the ticket or fractional part thereof, or policy of numbers, token, certificate, or device, shall have been duly stamped at the time of the making sale or delivery or dis- posal thereof: Provided, That in addition to all other penalties and forfeitures now imposed by law for the evasion of stamp-duties, any person who shall purchase, obtain, or receive any lottery ticket, or iractional part thereof, or any token, certificate, or device represent- ing or intended to represent a lottery ticket or frac- tional part thereof, or any policy of numbers, with- out first having thereon the stamp imposed by this act, may recover from the person of whom the same was purchased, obtained or received, at any time within three years thereafter, before any court of competent jurisdiction, a sum equal to twice the amount paid for such ticket or fractional part there- of, token, certificate or device, or staked or invested in or upon any policy of numbers as aforesaia, with just and legal costs: Provided further. That the stamp duty herein provided for shall be classed in the act to which this act is an amendment under schedule B, as follows, to wit : “ Lottery tickets, fractional parts of lottery tick- ets, policies of numbers in lotteries, tokens, certifi- cates or devices in any form, representing the holder or any person or persons as entitled, or to be enti- tled, in any lottery, scheme, or game of hazard or chance, hereafter to be drawn, to any prize or por- tion of a prize, or sum of money, or share thereof, or other article of value, or any portion ^r share thereof, when such ticket, fractional part of a ticket, policy of numbers, token, certificate or device shall not exceed $1 in the amount risked, or in the retail price thereof, 50 cents; when such ticket, fractional part of a ticket, policy, token, certificate, or device shall exceed $1 in the amount risked, or in the retail price thereof, then for each and every dollar, or fractional part thereof, over and above $1, as before mentioned, an additional 50 cents: Provided, however. That no stamp duty herein provided for shall be construed to authorize any lottery, or the sale of any lottery tickets, tokens, or certificates, rep- resenting shares or fractional parts of shares therein, within any State or Territory of the United States in which lotteries or the sale of lottery tickets is or shall be specially prohibited by the laws thereof; or in violation of the laws of any State or Territory ; and nothing in this act shall be held or construed so as to prevent the several States, within the limits thereof, from placing a duty, tax, or li- cense for State purposes, on any sale of lottery tick- ets on which a duty is required to be paid by this act.” Sec, 3. And be it further enacted, That any per- son or persons, firm, company, or corporation’ who shall issue tickets or contracts of insurance against fatal or non-fatal injury to persons while travelifig by land or water, shall pay a duty of one per centum on the gross amount of all the receipts for such in- Buranee, and shall be subject to all the'provisions and regulations of existing law applicable thereto, in relation to insurance companies ; Provided, That no stamp duty shall be required upon tickets or con- tracts of insurance, as aforesaid, when limited to fatal or non-fatal injury to persons while traveling. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted. That all con- tracts for tbe purchase or sale of gold or silver coin, or bullion, and all contracts for the loan of money or currency, secured by pledge or deposit or other disposition of gold or silver coin of the United States, if to be performed after a period exceeding three days, shall be in writing or printed, and signed by the parties or their agents or attorneys; and shall have one or more adhesive stamps, as provided in tbe act to which this is an amendment, equal in amount to one-half of one per centum, and interest at the rate of six per centum per annum on the amount so loaned, pledged, or deposited. And if any such loan, pledge, or deposit, made for a period not exceeding three days, shall be renewed or in any way extended, for any time whatever, said loan, pledge, or deposit, shall be subject to the duty im- posed on loans exceeding three days. And no loan of currency or money on the security of gold or sil- ver coin of the United States as aforesaid, or of any certificate or other evidence of deposit payable in gold or silver coin, shall be made exceeding in amount the par value of the coin pledged or depos- ited as security; and any such loan so made or at- tempted to be made shall be utterly void; Provided, That if gold or silver coin be loaned at its par value, it shall be subject only to the duty iniposed on other loans; Provided, however, That nothing herein con- tained shall apply to any transaction by or with the Government of the United States. Sec. 5. And be it further eaacfed!, That all con- tracts, loans, or sales of gold and silver coin and bullion, not made in accordance with this act, shall 29 be wholly aud absolutely yoid; and, in addition to the penalties provided in the act to which this is an amendment, any party to said contract may, at any time within one year from the date of the contract, bnng suit before any court of competent jurisdiction to recover back, for his own use and benefit, the money paid on any contract not made in accordance with this act. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, section 110 be and hereby is amended as follows: "Any memorandum, check, receipt, or other written or printed evidence of an amount of money to be paid on demand, or at a time designated, shaU be consid- ered as a promissory note within the meaning of that section, and shall be stamped accordingly; and that Schedule B, following said section, be and is hereby amended so that any inland bill of exchange, draft, or order for the payment of any sum of money ex- ceeding $20, otherwise than at sight or on demand, and any promissory note shall (in lieu of the duties prescribed in Schedule B) have a stamp or stamps affixed thereon denoting a duty, upon every sum of $200 or any fractional part thereof, if payable on de- mand or at any time not exceeding thirty-three days including the grace from the date or sight, of one cent. If payable at any time not less than thirty-three days as aforesaid, and not exceeding sixty-three days, including the grace, from date or sight, of 2 cents. If payable at any time not less than sixty-three days, as aforesaid, and not exceeding ninety-three days, including the grace, from date or sight, of 3 cents. If payable at any time not less than ninety-three days, as aforesaid, and not exceeding four months from date, or sight and grace, of 4 cents. If payable at any time not less than four months, as aforesaid, and not exceeding six months from date or sight and grace, of 6 cents. If payable at any time exceeding six months from date or sight and grace, of 10 cents. And that Schedule B, following section 110, be and is hereby further amended, so that the stamp duty on certificates of any other description than those specified in said schedule, in lieu of 10 cents as therein prescribed, shall be 5 cents. On passage tickets by any vessel from a port of the United States to a foreign port, costing $30 or less, 50 cents. On any power of attorney for the sale or transfer of any scrip or certificate of profits or memorandum, showing an interest in the profits or accumulations of any corporation or association, if for a sum not exceeding $50, 10 cents. On any policy of insurance or other instrument, by _ whatever name the same shall be called, by which insurance shall be made or renewed upon property of any description, whether against perils by sea or by fire, or other peril of any kind, made by any insurance company or its agents, or by any other company or person in which the premium or assessment shall not exceed $10, 10 cents. On any bill of sale by which any ship or vessel, or any part thereof, shall be conveyed to or vested in any other person or persons when the considera- tion shall not exceed $500, there shall be affixed a stamp or stamps denoting a duty of 25 cents. If the consideration exceeds $500 and does not ex- ceed $1,000, the duty shall be 50 cents. If the consideration exceeds $1,000, for each and every additional amount of $1,000, or any fractional part thereof, in excess of $1,000, the duty in addi- tion shall be 50 cents. On each and every assignment or transfer of a mortgage, lease, or policy of insurance, a stamp duty shall be paid eq[ual to that imposed on tho orig- inal instrument. Any power of attorney, conveyance, or document of any kind made, or purporting to be made in any foreign country to be used in the United States shall pay the same duty as is rec[uired by law on similar instruments or documents when made or issued in the United States; and the party to whom the same is issued or by whom it is to be used, shall, before using the same, affix thereon the stamp or stamps in- dicating the duty required. * Any mortgage or personal bond for the payment of money, or as secunty for the payment of any defi- nite or certain sum of money, in lieu of tho duties imposed as prescribed in Schedule B following tho noth section, shall have a stamp or stamps affixed thereon denoting a duty upon every sum of $200, or any fractional part thereof, of 10 cents. No conveyance, deed, mortgage, or writing, whereby any lands, tenements, realty, or other property shall be sold, granted, assigned, or other- wise conveyed, or shall be made as security for the payment of any sum of money, shall be required to pay a stamp duty of more than the sum of $1,000, anything to the contrary notwithstanding. No stamp duty shall be required on powers of at- torney or any other paper relating to applications for bounties, arrearages of pay, or pensions, or to the receipt thereof from time to time; or indemnity awarded for depredations and injuries by certain bands of Sioux Indians, nor on any warrant of a'<- toiney accompanying a bond or note, when such bond or note shall have affixed there- to the stamp or stamps denoting the duty re- qmred; and "whenever any bond or note shall he secured by a mortgage, but one stamp duty sball be required to be placed on such papers; Provided^ That the stamp duty placed thereon is the highest rate required for said instruments, or either of them; nor on certificates of the measurement or weight of animals, wood, coal, or other articles, nor on deposit notes to mutual insurance companies for insurance upon which policies subject to stamp duties have been or are to be issued; nor on any certificate of the record of a deed or other instrument in writing, or of tho acknowledgement or proof thereof by at- testing witnesses. The duty or stamp required for transportation by express companies and others is hereby repealed, and such transportation shall be exempt from stamp duty. That the stamp duty on a contract or agreement fof the charter of any ship, or vessel, or steamer, as now provided for in Schedule B, or any letter, mem- orandum, or other writing between the captain, master, or owner, or person acting as agent of any ship, or vessel, or steamer, and any other person or persons for or relating to the charter of such ship, or Vessel, or steamer, if the registered tonnage of such ship, or vessel, or steamer, does not exceed one hun- dred and fifty tuns, shall be $1. Exceeding one hundred and fifty tuns and not ex- ceeding three hundred tuns, $3. Exceeding three hundred tuns and not exceeding six hundred tuns, $5. Exceeding six hundred tuns, $10, Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the Com- missioner of Internal Revenue be and is hereby authorized to prescribe such method for the cancella- tion of stamps as a substitute for or in addition to the method now prescribed by law as he may deem expedient and effectual. And he is further author- ized in his discretion to make the application of such method imperative upon the manufacturers of pro- prietary articles, and upon stamps of a nominal val- ue exceeding twenty-five cents each. Dividends, Receipts, &c. Sbc, 8. And be it further enacted, That on and after tho passage of this act, any person or persons owning or possessing, or having the care or manage- ment of any canal company or canal navigation or slack-water corporation, or turnpike companies, be- ing indebted for any sum or sums of money for which bonds or other evidences of indebtedness have been issued, payable in one or more years after date, upon which interest is or shall he stipulated to be paid, or coupons representing the interest, shall be or shall have been issued to be paid, and all divi- dends in scrip or money, or sums of money there- after declared due or payable to stockholders of any canal navigation, or slack-water or turnpike com- S , as part of the earnings, profits, or gains of 2 ompanies, shall be subject to and pay a duty of three uer centum on the amount of all such inter- 30 «8t, or coupons, or difidends, whenever the same shall be paid; and said canal companies, or canal navigation or slack- water corporations, or turcpike companies, or any person or persons owning, pos- sessing, or having the care or management of any canal company, or canal navigation or slack- water corporation, or turnpike company, are hereby au- thorized and required to deduct and withhold from all payments made to any person, persons, or party, after the first day of July, as aforesaid, on account of any interest, or coupons, or dividends, due and payable, as aforesaid, the said duty or sum of three per centum ; and the duties deducted, as aforesaid, and certified by the president or other proper officer of said company or 'corporation, shall be a receipt and discharge, according to the amount thereof, of said canal companies, or canal navigation or slack- water corporations, or turnpike companies, and the owners, possessors, and agents thereof, on dividends and on bonds or other evidences of their indebted- ness upon which interest or coupons are payable, holden by any person or party whatsover, and a list or return shall be made and rendered within thirty days after the time fixed when said interest or cou- pons or dividends become due or payable, and as often as every six months, to the Commissioner of Internal Eevenue, which shall contain a true and faithful account of the duties received and charge- able, as aforesaid, during the lime when such duties have accrued or should accrue, and remaining unac- counted for; and there shall be annexed to every such list or return a declaration, under oath or af- firmation, in manner and form as may be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, of the president, treasurer, or some proper officer of said canal company, or canal, or navigation and slack-wa- ter corporation, or turnpike companies, that the same contains a true and faithful account of the duties so withheld and received during the time when such duties have accrued or should accrue, and not ac- counted for; and for any default in me making or rendering of such list or return, with the declara- tion annexed, as aforesaid, the person or persons owning, possessing, or having the care or_ manage- ment oi such canal company, or canal navigation or slackwater corporation, or turnpike companies, mak- ing such default, shall forfeit, as a penalty, the sam of $533; and in case of any default in making or rendering said list, or of any default in the payment of the duty, or any part thereof, accruing or which should accrue, the assessment and collection shall he made according to the general provisions of the act to wnich this act is an amendment. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted^ That any per- son or persons, firms, companies, or corporations, owning or possessing, or having the care or manage- ment of any ferry-boat or vessel used as a ferry- boat propelled by steam or horse-power, in lieu of the duties now imposed by law, shall be subject to pay a duty of one and one half of one per centum upon the gross receipts of such ferry-boat; and the return and payment thereof snail be made in the manner presciibed in the act to which this act is an amendment. Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That on and after the 1st day of April, eighteen hundred and six- ty-three, any person cr persons, firms, companies or eorporatioDs carrying on or doing an express busi- ness shall, in licu of the tax and stamp duties im- posed by existing laws, be subject to and pay a duty of two per centum on the gross amount of all the receipts of such express butiness, and shall be sub- ject to the same provisions, rules and penalties as are prescribed in section £0 of the act to which this is an amendment, for the persons, firms, companies or corporaiions owning or possessing, or baviag the management of railroads, steamboats and lerry- hoats; aud all acts or parts of acts inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That in esti- mating the annual gains, profit or income of any per- son, under the act to which this act is an amendment, the amount actually paid by such person for the rent of the dwelling house or estate on which he resides shall bo first deducted fiom the gains, profit or in- come of such person. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted. That no duty shall be required to be assessed or collected on beer, lager beer, ale, or porter, brewed or manufactured, or on coal illuminating oil, refined, produced by the distillation of coal, asph^tum, shale, peat, petro- leum, or rock oil, distilled spirits, cotton, or woollen fabrics, when brewed, manufactured, or distilled prior to the first day of September, 1862, whether the same was removed for consumption or sale or not, when the ovvner, agent or superintendent of the brew- ery or premises in which such articles as aforesaid were made, manufactured, produced, or distilled, shall famish to the assessor of the district,^ without costs or expense to the United States, satisfactory proof that such beer, lager beer, ale, or porter, or such coal illuminating oil, refined, produced by the distil- lation of coal, asphaltum, shale, peat, petroleum, or rock oil, distilled spirits, cotton, or woollen fabrics, was actually brewed, manufactured, produced, or distilled prior to the first day of September, 1862, as aforesaid: Provided, That, in addition to the frac- tional parts of a barrel allowed in section 50 of the act to which this act is an amendment, fractional parts of a barrel may be thirds and sixths, when the quantity therein contained is not greater than such fractional part represents: Provided further. That from and after the passage of this act, and until the first day of April, 1864, there shall be paid on ail beer, lager beer, ale, porter, and other similar fer- mented liquors, by whatever name such liquors may be called, a duty only of 60 cents for each and every barrel containing not more than 31 gallons, and at a like rate for any other quantity or for fractional parts of a barrel: And provided, further. That the Commissioiier of Internal Revenue is authorized to make rules providing for deductions on account of leakage, from the quantity of spirituous liquors sub- ject to taxation, under the act to which this act is an amendment, not exceeding 5 ner centum of the amount removed for sale; and said deductions shall be so adjusted in the different parts of the United States as to be proportioned, as nearly as practica- ble, to the distances over which the manufacturer usually transports said liquors for wholesale thereof; and the owner of the aforesaid liquors shall he charged with and pay the expense of ascer- taining the leakage. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted. That any brewer of ale, beer, lager beer, porter,, or other malt liquors, shall be required to render accounts and make returns on the first day of each and every month, and no oftener. And no brewer of ale, beer, lager beer, porter, or other malt liquors shall here- after be required to keep a record or an account, or to report or return the quantities of grain or other vegetable productions, or other substances pul into the mash-tub by him or his agent or superintendent for the purpose of producing malt liquors, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 14. And be it further enacted. That every in- corporated bank, or other bank legally authorized to issue notes as circulation, which shall neglect or omit to make dividends or additions to its surplus or contingent funds as often as once in six months, shall, m lieu thereof, make returns, under oath, to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, on the first days of January and July in each year, or within thirty days thereafter, of the amount of profits which have accrued or been earned and received by said bank during the six months next preceding said first days of January and July; and at the lime of making such returns, shall pay to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue a duty of three per cent on such profits, and shall bo subject to the provisions of the 82d section of the act to which this is an addi- tion: Provided, That the return for the 1st of Jan- uary, 1863, shall be made within thirty days alter the passage of this act. Creneral Provisions. Sec. 15. And be it further enacted,. That the several assessors shall, on the first Monday of May next, and on the first Monuay of May in each suc- ceeding year, direct and cause the several assistant assesBors to proceed through every part of their re- spective districts, and inquire alter aud concerning 31 all persons being within the assessment districts where they respectively reside, and liable to license duty nnder the provisions of this act, or of the act to which this is in addition, and assess such persons as in sail acts is required. And all licenses so assessed shall continue in force until the first day of May next succeeding. And all licenses granted after the first day of May in any year shall expire on the first day of May following, and shall be issued upon the payment of a ratable proportion of the whole amount of duty impossd for such license; and each license so granted shall be dated on the first day of the month in which it is issued: Pro- vided, That any person, firm, or corporation that on the first day of May next shall hold an unexpired license, shall be assessed a ratable proportion for the time between the expiration of the license and the first day of May, 1864. Sec. 16. And be it further enacted. That in any collection district where, in the judgment of the Com- missioner of Internal Revenue, the facilities for the procurement and distribution of stamped vellum, parchment or paper, and adhesive stamps, are or shall be insuflS.cient, the Commissioner, as aforesaid, is authorized to furnish, supply, and deliver to the Collector of any such district a suitable quantity or amount of stamped vellum, parchment or paper, and adhesive stamps, without prepayment therefor, and shall allow the highest rate of 'commissions to the Collector allowed by law to any other parties pur- chasing the same, and may, in advance, require of any such Collector a bond, with sufficient sureties, to an amount equal to the value of any stamped vel- lum, parchment or paper, and adhesive stamps, which may be placed in his hands and remain unaccounted for, conditioned for the faithful return, whenever so required, of all quantities or amounts undisposed of, and for the payment, monthly, of all quantities or amounts, sold or not, remaining on hand. And it shall be the duty of such Collector to supply his deputies with, or sell to other parties within his dis- trict who may make applications therefor, stamped vellum, parchment or paper, and adhesive stamps, upon the same terms allowed by law, or under the regulations of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, whf- is hereby authorized to make such other regulations, not inconsistent herewith, for the secu- niy of the United States and the better accommoda- tion of the public in relation to the matters herein- before mentioned, as he may judge necessary and expedient : Provided, That no instrument, document orp'j'per made, signed or issued prior to the 1st day of June, Anno jjomini 1863, without being duly stamped, or having thereon an adhesive stamp to de- note the duty imposed thereon, shall, for that cause, be deemed invalid and of no efiect: And Provided, That no instrument, document, writing or paper, re- quired by law to be stamped, signed or issued, with- out being daly stamped prior to the day aioresaid, or any copy thereof, shall be admitted or used as evi- dence in any Court until a legal stamp, or stamps, denoting the amount of duty charged thereon, shall have been affixed thereto or used thereon, and the initials of the persons using or affixing the same, to- gether with the date when the same is so used or affixed, shall have been placed thereon by such per- son. And the person desiring to use any such instru- ment, document, writing or paper as evidence, or his agent or attorney, is authorized in the presence of the Court to stamp the same as heretofore provided by law. Sec. 17. And he %t further enacted. That, in ad- dition to the compensation now allowed to collectors for their seivicee, and that of their deputies, there shall bo allowed their necessary and reasonable charges for postage actually paid on letters and doc- uments received or sent and exclusively relating to official business; and in calculating the commissions of Collectors of Internal Revenue in districts whence distilled spirits are shipped to be sold in other dis- tricts in parsnance of the provisions of the act to which this act is an amendicebt; the amount of du- ties due on the qaantiiy of spirits so shipped shall be added to the principiil on which the commiesiona of such collectors are calculated, and a corresoond- ing amount shall be deducted from the principal sum on which the commissions of the collectors in the districts to which such spirits are shipped are calcu- lated: Provided, however, That the salary of no collector shall exceed $10,000 in the aggregate, or more than $5,000 exclusive of the expenses of ad- miniatering the office. Ssc. 18. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Com missioner of Internal Rev- enue to pay over to the Treasurer of the United States monthly, or offcener if required by the Secre- tary of the Treasury, all public moneys which may come into his hands or possession^ for which the Treasurer shall give proper receipts and keep a faithful account, and at the end of each month the Commissioner, as aforesaid, shall render true and faithful accounts of aU public moneys received or paid out, or paid to the Treasurer of the United States, exhibiting proper vouchers therefor, and the same shall be received and examined by the Fifth Auditor of the Treasury, who shall thereafter cer- tify the balance, if any, and transmit the accounts, with the vouchers and certificate, to the First Con- troller for his decision thereon ; and the Commis- sioner, as aforesaid, when such accounts are settled as herein provided for, shall transmit a copy thereof to the Secretary of the Treasury. He shall at all times submit to the Secretary of the Treasury aod the Controller, or either of them, the inspection of moneys in his hands, and shall, prior to the enter- ing upon the duties of his office, execute a bond, with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the Secre- tary of the Treasury and by the First Controller, in a sum of not less than $100,000, payable to the United .States, conditioned that said Commissioner ehall faithfully perform the duties of his office ac- cording to law, and shall justly and faithfully ac- count for and pay over to the United States, in obe- dience to law and in compliance with the order or regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury, all public moneys which may come into his hands or possession, and for the safe-keeping and faithful ac- count of all stamps, adhesive stamps, or vellum, parchment, or paper bearing a stamp denoting any duty thereon; which bond shall be filed in the office of the First Controller of the Treasury, and such Commissioner shall, from time to time, rensw, strengthen, and increase his official bond as the Sec- retary of the Treasury may direct. Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That the President shall appoint in the Department of the Treasury, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a competent person, who shall be called the Deputy Commissioner of Intercal Revenue with an annual salary of $2,500, who shall be charged with such duties in the Bureau of Internal Revenue as may be prescribed by tbe Secretary of the Treasury, or as may be required by law, and who shall act as Commissioner of Internal Revenue in the absence of that officer, and exercise the privilege of franking all letters and documents pertaining to the office of Internal Revenue. Sec. 20. And be it further enacted. That the Sec- retary of the Treasury may appoint not exceeefing three revenue agents, whose duties shall be, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, to aid in tue prevention, detection, and punishment of frauds upon the revenue, who shall be paid such compensation as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem just and reasonable, not exceeding $2,000 per annum. The above salaries to be paid in the same manner as are other expenses for collecting the revenue. Sec. 21. And be it further enacted. That the Presi- deut of the United States be and he is hereby autho- rized to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of ttie Senate, a competent person, wbo shall be called the cashier of internal duties, with a salary of twenty -live hundred dollars, who shall have charge of the moneys received in the office of the Com- missioner of Internal Revenue, and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to his office by said Commissioner, under the regulations of the Secretary of tlie Treasury; and belore entering upon His duties as Cashier he shall give a bond witn sufficient sure- ties, to be approved by the Secretary of ibe Treasury and by the Solicitor, that he will fgnthiaUy accooat 32 for all the moneys, or other articles of value, belong- ing to the United States, which may come into bis hands, and perform all the duties enjoined upon bis office, according to law and regulations, as aforesaid; which bond shall be deposited with the First Comp- troller of the Treasury. Sec. 22. And be it further enacted, That in lieu of the pay allowed by law, the several assessors, from the date of their appointment, shall be allowed and paid a salary of _ $1,500 per annum, payable quarter- ly, and in addition thereto, where the receipts of the collection district shall exceed the sum of $200,000, and shall not exceed the sum of $400,000 annually, one-half of one per centum upon the excess of receipts over $200,000; where the receipts of a collection dis- trict shall exceed $400,000, and shall not exceed $800,000, one-fourth of one per centum upon the ex- cess of receipts over $400,000; where the receipts shall exceed $800,000, one- tenth of one per centum upon such excess; but the salary of no assessor shall in any case exceed the sum of $3,000. And the sev- eral assessors shall be allowed and paid the sums actually Expended for office rent, not exceeding the rate of” $500 per annum. The Commissioner of In- ternal Eevenue, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, is authorized tp allow each assessor such clerks as he may deem necessary for the proper transaction of business, and to fix their compensation. Such assessors shall also be allowed their'neceasary and reasonable charges for postage actually paid on letters and documents received or sent, and exclu- sively relating to official business, and for stationei^ and blank books used in the .execution of their duties; and the compensation herein speoifie,d shall be in full for all expenses not otherwise particularly authorized. And assistant assessors shall, in addi- tion to pay and charges allowed by law, also be al- lowed their necessary and reasonable charges for postage actually paid on letters and documents re- ceived or sent, and exclusively relating to official business: Provided, That the Secretaiy of the Treas- ury shall be and he is hereby authorized to fix such additional rates of compensation to be made to as- sessors and assistant assessors in the States of Cali- fornia and Oregon, and the Territories, as may ap- pear to him to be just and equitable in consequence of the greater cost of living and traveling in those States and Territories, and as may, in his judgment, be neeessary to secure the services of competent and efficient men: Provided, further, That the rates of compensation thus allowed shall not exceed the rates paid to similar officers in such States and Ter- ritories, respectively. Sec. 23. And be it further enacted, That Assist- ant Assessors shall make out their accounts for pay and charges allowed by law monthly, specifying each item and including the date of each day of ser- vice, and shall transmit the same to the Assessor of the District, who shall thereupon examine the same, and it it appear just and in accordance with law he shall indorse his approval thereon, but otherwise shall return the same with objections. Any such account so approved may be presented by the As- sistant Assessor to the Collector of the District for payment, who shall thereupon pay the same, and When receipted by the Assistant Assessor be allowed therefor upon presentation to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Where any account so trans- mitted to the Assessor shall be objected to, in whole or in part, the Assistant Assessor may appeal to the Commissioner of Internal Eevenue, whose decision on the case shall be final; and should it appear at any time that any Assessor has willfully and cor- ruptly approved any account as aforesaid, allowing any Assistant Assessor a sum larger than was due according to law, it shall be the duty of the Com- missioner of Internal Eevenue, upon proper proof thereof, to deduct the sum so allowed from any pay which may be due to such Assessor; or the Commis- sioner as aforesaid may direct a suit to be brought in any Court of competent jurisdiction against the As- sessor or Assistant Assessor in default, for the re- covery of the amount willfuEy and corruptly allowed, as hereinbefore mentioned. Sec. 24. And be it further enacted. That if any person dr persons shall knowingly exercise or carry on any trade or business, for the exercising or carry, ing on of^ which trade or business a license is re- quired, without taking out such license as is in that behalf required, he, she, or they shall for every such offense, upon conviction thereof, in lieu of or in addition to other penalties now imposed by law, at the discretion of the Court, be subject to imprison- ment for a term not exceeding two years. Sec. 25. And be it further enacted, That no auc- tioneer shall be authorized, by virtue of his license as such auctioneer, to sell any goods or other propJ erty in any other district than that in which the li- cense shall have been granted ; but lawyers, phy- sicians, surgeons, or dentists, having taken out a license as such, shall not be required to take out any additional license in consequence of practicing their profession within or beyond the limits of the district where licensed. Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, That, upon the removal of any person or persons from the house or remises at which he, she, or they were authorized y license to exercise or carry on any trade or busi- ness mentioned in such license, and authorized by the act to which this act is an amendment, it shall and may be lawful for the person or persona author- ized to grant licenses to authorize and empower, by indorsement on such license or otherwise, as the Commissioner of Internal Eevenue shall direct, the person or persons so removing, as aforesaid, to any other place, to carry on the trade or business speci- fied in such license at the place to which such jperson or persons may have removed, for or during the residue of the term for which such license was originally granted, without taking out any fresh license or payment of any additional duty or any fee thereupon for the residue of such term, and until the expiration thereof: Provided always. That a fresh entry of the premises at which such trade or business shall continue to be so exercised or carried on, as aforesaid, shall thereupon be made by and in the name or names of the person or persons to whom such authority, as aforesaid, shall be granted. Sec. 27. And be it further enacted. That any per- son who shall offer for sale, after the 30th of Septem- ber, 1863, any of the articles named in Schedule C of the act to which this act is an amendment, whether the articles so offered are imported, or are of foreign or domestic manufacture, shall be deemed the manufacturer thereof, and subject to all the duties, liabilities, and penalties in said act imposed in regard to the sale of such articles without the use of the proper stamp or stamps, as in said act is required. Sec. 28. And be it further enacted. That all medi- cines, preparations, compositions, perfumery, and cosmetics, intended for exportation, as provided for in section 109 of the act to which this act is an amendment, in order to be manufactured and sold or removed, without being charged with duty, and without having a stamp affixed thereto, may, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, be made and manufactured in warehouses known and designated in Treasury regulations as bonded warehouses, class two; Pro- vided such manufacturer shall first give satisfactory bonds to the Collector of Internal Eevenue for the faithful observance of the rules and regula- tions herein provided for, in amount not less than half required by the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury from persons allowed bonded ware- houses, class two. Such goods, when manufactured in such warehouses, may be removed for exporta- tion, under the direction of the revenue officer hav- ing charge thereof, without beingcharged with duty, and without having a stamp affixed thereto. Any manufacturer of the articles aforesaid, or of any of them, havjng such bonded warehouse as aforesaid, shall be at liberty, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, to convey therein any materials to be used in such manufacture which are allowed by the provisions of the said act to be exported free from tax or duty, as weU as the necessary materials, implements, pack- ages, vessels, brands, and labels for the preparatjon, putting up, and export of the said manufactured articles; and every artido so used shall be exempt 33 from stamp and excise duty. Articles and materials BO to be used may be transferred from any bonded ■warehouse in which, the same may be, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, into any bonded warehouse, class two, in which such manufacture may be conducted", and may be used in such manufacture, and, when so used, ehall be exempt from stamp and excise duty; and the receipt of the officer of the revenue in charge shall be received as a voucher for the manufacture ^ such articles. Any materials imported into the Umted States may, under such rules as the Secre- tary of the Treasury may prescribe, and under the direction of the proper officer of the customs, bo re- moved in original packages from on shipboard, or from the bonded warehouses in which the same may be,^to the bonded warehouse, class two, in which such manufacture may be carried on, for the pur- pose of being used in such manufacture, without payment of duties thereon, -and may there be used in such manufacture. No article so removed, nor any article manufactured in said bonded warehouse, class two, shall be taken therefrom except for ex- portation, under the direction of the proper officer of the customshaving charge thereof, whose certifi- cate, describing the articles by their marks, or other- wise, the quantity, the date of importation, and name of vessel, with such additional particulars as may from time to time be required, shall be received by the Collector of Customs in cancellation of the bonds, or return of the amount of foreign import duties. All labor performed and services rendered under these regulations shall be under the super- vision of an officer of the customs, and at the ex- pense of the manufacturer. Sec. 29. Andheil further enacted^ Ths.% spokes, hubs, felloes, grindstones, coke, silver bullion rolled or prepared for platers' use exclusively; materials for the manufacture of hoop skirts exclusively, and unfitted for other use (such as steel wire, rolled, tempered or covered, cut tapes and small wares for joming hoops together); spindles and castings of all descriptions, where made exclusively for instruments, articles or machinery upon which duties are assessed and paid, shall be exempt from duty; and all goods, wares and merchandise, and articles made or manu- factured from materials which have been subject to, and upon which internal duties have been actually paid, or materials imported upon which duties have been paid, or upon which no duties are imposed by law, where the increased value of such goods, wares and merchandise, and articles so made and manufac- tured, shall not exceed the amount of 5 per centum ad valorem, shall be and hereby are exempt from uuty* Sec. 30. And be it further enacted^ That on all cloths of silk, cotton, or other material, dyed, printed, bleached, manufactured, or prepared into other fabrics, which were removed from the place of manufacture, prior to the 1st of September, 1862, or which have been or shall be imported, the duty or tax of three per centum shall be assessed only upon the increased value thereof: Provided, fur- ther, That whenever the duty has been assessed, or assessed and collected at the full value thereof upon cloths of silk, cotton, or other material manufac- tured and removed from the place of manufacture prior to the 1st of September, 1862, or which were imported prior to the passage of this act, and which have been dyed, printed, bleached, manufactured, or other wire prepared into other fabrics since the said Ifet of September, 1862, the Commissioner of In- ternal Eevenue, subject to the regulation of the Secretary of ine Treaiury, shall be and he hereby is authorized and directed to remit, refund, and pay hack such proportion of said duties as were assessed upon the Vblue of such cl jths before vhe same were Bo djed, printed, bleached, manufactured, or otiier- Wije prepared. Sec. 31. And he it further enacted. That the Commiesioncr of Internal Keveaue, subject to the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury, shall be and Lereby is authorized to remit, refund, and pay back all duties erroneously or illegally assessed or collected, and all judgments or sums of money re- covered m any court against any Collector or Dep- uty Collector for any dutiea or licensea paid under protest. Sec. 32. And he it further enacted, That manu* factures of lard oil, lubricating oil and linseed oil Bhall be subject to the provisions of the act to which this IS au amendment, relating to distillers of apirito- ous liquors, and designed for the purpose of ascer- taining tho quantity produced, so far as the same lu the judgment of the Commissioner of Inter- nal Eevenue, and under regulations to be pre- scribed by him, be deemed necessary. Sec. 33. And be it further enacted. That the pro- yifiions of the act to which this act is an amendment, in relation to retiirns by manufacturers and the pay- ment and collection of duties ireon manufactured ar- ticles, enumerated in section 75 of said act, shall be and hereby are made applicable to the producers of articles which are also mentioned in said Bection, and' on which taxes are levied. Sec. 34. And be it further enacted, That there shall be designated by the Collector in every dis- trict where the same may be necessary one or more inspectors of manufactured tobacco, who shall take an oath faithfully to perform their duties in such form as the Commissioner of Internal Eevenue shall prescribe, and who shall be entitled to receive such fees as may be fixed and prescribed by said Commis- Bioner. And all manufactured tobacco shall, before the same is used or removed for consumption or sale, be inspected and weighed by an inspector, desig- n^ed as aforesaid, who shall mark upon the box or other package containing such tobacco, in a manner to be prescribed by said Commissioner, the quality the contents of such package, wilffi ree date of inspection and the name of the inspector. Tne ftes of such inspector shall in all cases be paid by the owner of the tobacco so inspected and weighed. The penalties for the fraudulent marking of any package of tobacco, and for any fraudulent attempt to evade the duties on tobacco, so inspected, by changing in any manner the package or the marks thereon, _ shall be the same as are provided in relation to distilled spirits by existing laws. That manufactured tobacco may be removed from the place of manufacture for the purpose of being ex- ported, after the quantity and quality to be so re- moved_ shall have been ascertamed by inspection, according to the provisions of this act, unon and with the written permission of the Collector or Deputy Collector of the district, without payment of the duties thereon previous to such removal, the owner thereof having given bond to the United States, with sufficient sureties, in the manner and form and under regulations to be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Eevenue, and in at least double the amount of said duties, to export the said manufactured to- bacco or pay the duties thereon within such time as may be stated in the bond; and all the pro'visionff relative to the exportation of distilled spirits in bond) contained in the act to which this is an amendment, as far as the same may be applicable, shall be ap- plied to the exportation of tobacco in bond; Pro- vided, hmoever. That nothing herein contained shall be considered to apply to snuff, fine-cut tobacco, or cigars. Sec. 35. And be it further enacted. That the evi- dence of exportation to entitle to benefit of draw- back under the^ act to provide internal revenue to which this act is an amendment, and the rules and regulatiops pertaining thereto, shall be the same as those which are now or may be required to entitle the exporter to benefit of drawback under the acts relating to drawbacks of duties on imports, with such other rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe; that the bureau in charge of exports for the benefit of drawback uudor the acts as aforesaid at the port of New-Tork (and at such other ports as the Secretary of the ifaeasury may designate) shall have charge of the same under the act to which this act is an amendment; that the • head of such bureau shall be invested with the au- tliority and receive the emoluments of a deputy of the collector of customs; and that the said bureau shall, under the direction of the collector of the cus- toms, embrace the supervision of all exports entiiled to remission of duties, or to drawback of duties paid, 34 under the acts above mentioned; the ascertaining and certifying such duties; the taking and cancella- tion of required bonds; the charge of all export en- try papers for benefit of drawback and officers’ returns thereon, and of certificates in proof of the landing of such exports abroad: Provided, That nothing hereia contained shall be construed to change or modify the existing mode of paying the draw- backs and debentures allowed by the laws boforo referred to. Sec. 36. And be it further enacted. That the As- sistant Treasurer of the United States at San Fran- cisco is required, under such instructions as the Com- missioner of Internal Revenue shall prescribe, to audit, allow, and pay the accounts for services of the collectors and assessors of California, Oregon and Nevada Territory, subject to the revision of the said Commissioner. Sec. 37. Andr be it further enacted. That this act, except where otherwise indicated, shall take effect from and after its passage, and all acts and parts of acts repugnant to the provisions of this act be and the same are hereby repealed: Provided, That the existing laws shall extend to and be in force, as modi- fied, for the collection of the duties imposed by this act, for the prosecution and punishment of all offen- ses, and^ for the recovery, collection, distribution, and remission of all fines, penalties and forfeitures, as folly and effectually as if every regulation, pen- alty, forfeiture, provision, clause, matter, and thing to that effect, in the existing laws contained, had been inserted in and re-enacted by this act. Sec. 38. And be it further enacted. That from and after the date when this act takes effect there shall be an allowance or drawback on cordials and other liquors manufactured wholly or in part of domestic spirits, on which a duty shall have been paid equal in amount to the duty paid on such spirits when'ex- ^rted, with such deduction as the Secretary of the Treasury may think reasonable, not exceeding five per centum of the amount of duty so paid, the amount to be ascertained in the manner and under the regulations prescribed in Section 116 of the act to which this is additional, and the same to be sub- ject to all the provisions of said section applicable thereto: Provided, That no such allowance shall bo made unless the value of the spirits used in such manufacture shall exceed one-half of the whole value of the article manufactured as aforesaid. ^ Approved, March 3, 1863. AJLPBABSTlCAli BE€APlTlJler ct. Do., do., when the product shall be above 5,000,000 per 1,000 cubic feet 15 cents. Gas, all illuminatiug same as coal gas. Gelatine, of all descriptions in BoUd state, per pound 5 mills. Ginger, ground, and all imitations of, per pound 1 cent. Glass, manufactures of, not otherwise specified 3 per ct. G1u6j in a liquid form, per gallon 25 cents. Do., in a solid state, per pound 5 mills. Goat skins, curried, manufactured, or finished 4 per ct. Gold, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for.. 3 per ot. Gold Leaf, per pack containing not more than 20 books of 25 leaves '15 cts. Goods, made for the use or consumption of the -maker Free. Do., except spirituous andmalt liquors, andleaf, and stem, or manufactured tobacco, where the annual product does not exceed $600, provided that this shall not apply to any business or transaction where one party furnishes the materials, or any part thereof, and employs another party to manu- facture, make, or finish the goods, wares, or merchandise, or eirticles paying or promising to pay therefor, and receiving the goo^, wares, and merchandise, or articles ; but, in all such cases the party furnishing the materials and receiving the goods, wares, and merchandise, or articles, shall be liable to and charged with all accruing duties thereon Frae. Grindstones Free. Gunpowder, and all explosive substances used for mming, artillery, or sporting purposes, when val- : nod at 18 cents per pound or leas, per pound 5 mills. Do., do., when valued above 18 cents per pound, and not exceeding 30 cents, per pound Do., do., when valued above 30 cents per pound, per pound Gutta percha, manufactures of, not otherwiso pro- vided for Gypsum is not to bo con^ered a manufacture. Hackney coachmen, undTr which term is included every person whoso business it is to keep a hack, coach, omnibus or other carriage drawn by horses for tho transportation of passengers for hire, no license required. Hair dye, name as medicines. Harness leather, per pound Harness leather, made of hides imported east of the Cape of Good Hope, per pound Headings are not to be considered a manufacture. Hemp, manufactures of, when pot otherwise speci- fied Hog skins, tanned or dressed Hogs, exceeding 100 pounds in weight, without refer- ence to age, slaughtered, each, for sale Do. , slaughtered, weighing less than 100 pounds, without reference to age Do., slaughtered by any person for his own con- sumption, to a number not exceeding six Hollow, ware, iron, per tun of 2,000 iiounds.. Hoop iron (see iron). s Hoop skirts, material for the manufacture of, exclu- sively Horn, manufactures of, not otherwise provided for.. Horned cattle, slaughtered for sale, each Horse skios, tanned and dressed Horse shoes, per tun Horse dealers, under'which term is included every person whose business is to buy and sell horses and mules, for eachlicense Do., when they have taken out a license as livery- stable keepers, are not required to take out an ad- ditional one. Hostetters’ Bitters, same as “Dentifrice.” Hose, conducting Hotels— under which term is included every jplace where food and lodgings are provided for aaa fur- nished to travelers and sojourners, in view of pay- ment therefor, where the rent or the valuation of the yearly rental of tho house and property occu- pied shall be $10,000 or more for each yearly li- cense Do., do., where the rent or the valuation of the year- ly rental shall be $5,000 and less tiran $10,000, for each yearly license Do., do., where the rent or the valuation of tho year- ly rental shall be $2,500 and less than $5,000, for each yearly license Do., do., where the rent or the valuation of the year- ly rental shall be $1,000 and less than $2,500, for each yearly license Do., do., where tho rent or the valuation of the year- ly rental shall be $500 and less than $1,000 for each yearly license. Do., do., where the rent or the valuation of tho year- ly rental shall be $300 and less than $500, for each yearly license Do., do., where the renter the valuation of the year- ly rental shall bo $ ICO and less than $ 300, for each yearly license Do. do., where the rent or tho valuation of the yearly rental shall be less than $100, for each yearly license Steamers and vessels upon waters of the United States, on board of which passengers or travelers are provided with food or lodging, shall be re- quired to take out a license of the fifth class, viz., at Illuminating oil. coal, proved to have been manufac- tured before Sept. 1, 1862 * . . Income, annual, of every person, when exceeding $600 and not exceeding $10,000, on the excess over $600 Do., exceeding $10,000 and not exceeding $50,000, on excess over $6G0 Do., annual, from property of any kind in the United States, realized by any citizen of the United States residing abroad, and not in the employ of the United States Government, not otherwise provided Income— Rent of residences is to be deducted from the income taxed. Indemnity — Papers relating to indemnity awarded for depredations and injuries by certain bands of Sioux Indians. ^ India-rubber, manufactures of, not otherwise speci- fied Inns, same as “Hotels.” Instruments of attorney, made in foreign countries, same stamp duty as if made iu the United States. Insurance Companies, Mutual, deposit notes to, stamp duty Insurance policies of any kind, on which there is a premium not exceeding $10, stamp duty Insurance Companies, all, on dividends Insurance Companies, inland or marine, upon gross receip .s for pre mi ims and assessments Insurance (liie)— Policy of insurance, or other in- strument by whatever name the same shall be called, whereby any insurance shall be made or 1 cent. 6 cent*. SpercL 7 mills. Smilla. 3 per ct. 4 per ct. 6 ct«. Free. Free. $1 50 Free. 3 per ct. 20 cts. 4 per ct. $2 00 $10 00 3 peret. $200 00 100 00 75 OO 50 00 25 00 15 00 10 00 500 25 00 Frofc Spcrct. Sperot. Sporct. Sperefc. None. 10 cents. 3 per ct. 1 per cfc, 38 renewed, marine or inland, upon property of any description, whether against perils by the sea or by fire, or other peril of any hind, made by any insurance company or its agents or by any othef company or person 25 cents. Insurance agents, under which term is Included every person who shall act as agent of any fire, marine, life, mutual or other insurance company or companies ; Provided, that no license shall be required of any insurance agent or broker, whose receipts, as such agent, are less than the sum of $600 in any one year, for license $10 00 Insurance, tickets or contracts of, when limited to fatal or non-fatal injury to persons while traveling, are not required to pay a stamp duty. Insurance, persons insuring against injury to travel* ers, on gross receipts 1 per ct. Insurance policies, assignment of, see “Assign* ment.” Insurance policy, or renewal, see “Policy of Insur- ance.'* Interest, income from, when exceeding the sum of $600 per annum, and not exceeding $10,000, on the excess of income over $600 3 per ot. Do., exceeding $10,000, and not exceeding $50,000, on the excise over $600 5 per ot. Do., incomes from, when realized by any citizen of the United States residing abroad, and not in the employ of the United States Government, not otherwise provided for. 5 per ct. Interest on bonds and dividends of canal companies 3 per ct. Iron, manufactures of, if not otherwise specified. , . 3 per ct. Do., cast, nsed for bridges, buildings, or other per* manent structures, per tan .' $100 Do., casting, exceeding ten pounds in weight, not otherwise provided for in the Tax law (see “ Rail- road cars”), per tun. 1 50 Do., railroad, pet tun I 50 Do., rerolled, per tun 75 cents. Do., advanced beyond slabs, blooms, or hoops, and not advanced beyond bars or rods, per tun $1 53 Do., band, hoop, and sheet, not thinner than No. 18 wire gauge, per tun 1 50 Do., plate, not less than one-eighth of an inch in tMckness, per tun... 1 50 Do., band, hoop, or sheet, thinner than No. 18 wire gauge, per tun 2 00 Do., plate, less than one-eighth of an inch in thick- ness, per tun 2 00 Do., nails, cut, and spikes, per tun 200 Do., bars, rods, bands, hoops, sheets, plates, nails, and spikes, upon which the duty of $1 50 has been levied and paid, are only subject to an additional duty of, per tun 50 cents. Do., marine engines 3 per ct. Do., rivets, exceeding one-fourth an inch in diame- ter, pertun $200 Do., nuts, pertun 2 00 Do« railroad chairs, per tun 200 Do., bolts, per tun 2 00 Do., horse-shoes, per tun 2 00 Iron, rivets, nuts, railroad chairs, bolts, and horse- shoes, where the duty upon the iron from which said articles shall have been made has been actu- ally paid, only an additional duty of, per tun. 50 cents. Iron, pig, is not to be considered a manufacture. Ivory, manufacture of, if not otherwise specified. . . 3 per ct. Jacks and Stallions, for license, see stallions $10 00 Jewelry 3 per ct. Jute, manufacture of, if not otherwise specified .... 8 per ct. Jugglers, including every person who performs by sleight of baud, for each license. $20 00 The proprietors or agents of all other public exhibi- tions or shows for money, not enumerated in this section, shall pay for each license. $10 00 Kid skins, curried, manufactured, or unfinished 5 per ct. Lager beer, per barrel, containing 81 gallons (frac- tional parts of abarrel to pay proportionately), see "Malt Liquors.” Lambs, slaughtered for sale, each 3 cents. Lambs, exemption same as with “ Sheep.” Land warrant, brokers, under which term is included every person who makes a business of buying and selling land warrants and furnishing them to set- tlers or other persons, under contracts that the lands procured by means of them shall be bound for the prices agreed on for the warrants, for each license $25 00 Lard oil, per gallon 2 cents. Lawyers, under which term is included every per- son whose business it is, for fee or reward, to pros- ecute or defend any cause in any court of record or other judicial tribunal of the United States, or of any of the States, or give advice in relation to an:^ cause or matter pending therein (lawyers re- fusing to pay for this license shall not be allowed to practice in any such court or tribunal), for each license. (See “ Attorney”) $16 00 Lead, manufactures of, if not otherwise specified... 3 per ct. Lead, white, per hundred 25 cents. Leaf, gold, per package containing not more than 20 books of 25 leaves each 15 cents. Lease, for the hire, use, or rent of any land, tene- ment, or portion thereof, if for a period of time not exceeding three years, stamp duty 50 cents. Do., do., for a period of time exceeding three years, stamp duty $1 00 lieases, assignment ef, see “ Assignment.” Leather, bend, per pound Do., butt, per pound Do., damaged, per pound Do., enameled, per square foot. Do., enameled skirting, per square foot Do., harness, per pound Do., harness, made from hides imported east of the Cape of Good Hope, per pound.. Do., offal, per pound Do., oil dressed, per pound ; Do., patent, per square f^oot. Do., patent japanned splits, used for dasher leather, equate foot Do., patent enameled skirting per square foot. Do., rough, made from hides imported east of the Cape of Good Hope, per pound Do., rough, all other hemlock tanned, per pound Do., rough, tanned in whole or in part with oak, per pound.. Do., sole, made from bides imported east of the Cape of Good Hope, per pound Do., sole, all other hemlock tanned, per pound Do., sole, tanned in whole or in part with oak, per pound Do., tanned calf skins, each Do., upper finished or curried, made from leather tanned in the interest of the parties currying such leather, not previously taxed in the rough, per pound Do., manufactures of, when not otherwiso specified Legacies — Any person or persons having charge or trust, as administrators, executors, or trustees, of any legacies or distributive shares arising from personal property, of any kind whatsoever, where the whole amount of such personal property, as aforesaid, shall exceed the sum of $1,000 in actual value, passing from any person who may die after the passage of this act. possessed of such property, either by will or by the intestate laws of any State or Territory, or any part of such property or interest therein, transferred by deed, grant, bar- gain, sale, or gift, made or intended to take effect in possession or enjoyment after the death of the grantor or bargainer, to any person or persons, ot to any body or bodies, politic or corporate, in trust or otherwise, are subject to the following taxes: Where the person or persons entitled to any bene- ■ fieial interest in such property shall be the lineal issue or lineal^ ancestor, brother or sister, to the person who died possessed of such property, for each and every $100 of the clear value of such in- terest in such property Do., do., when the person or persona entitled to any beneficial interest in such property shall be a descendant of a brother or sister of the person who died possessed of such property, for each and every $100 of the clear value of such interest Do., do., when the person or persons entitled to any beneficial interest in such property shall be a brother or sister of the father or mother, or a de- scendant of a brother or sister of the father or mother of the person who died possessed of such propertv, for each and every $100 of the clear value of such interest Do., do., where the person or persons entitled to any beneficial interest in such property shall be a brother or sister of the grandfather or grand- mother, or a descendant of the brother or sister of the grandfather or grandmother of the person who died possessed of such property, for each and every $100 of the clear value of such interest.. .. Do., do., where the person or persons entitled to any beneficial interest in such property shall be in any other degree of collateral consanguinity than is stated above, or shall be a stranger in blood to the person who died possessed, as aforesaid, or shall be a body politic or corporate^ for each and every $100 of the clear value of such interest. . . . Do., passing by will or by the laws of any State or Territory, to husband or wife of the’person who died possessea of the property Legal documents, writ, or other original process commenced in any court of law or equity, stamp duty Letters of credit (see Bills of Exchange, foreign). Letters of Administration — Where the estate and ef- fects for or in respect of which such letters- of ad- ministration applied for sh^ll be sworn or de- clared not to .exceed the value of $2,500, stamp duty Do., do., to exceed $2,500, and not exceeding $5,000 Do, do., to exceed $5,000, and not exceeding $20,000 Do. do., to exceed $20,000, and not exceeding $50,000 Do. do., to exceed $50,000, and not exceeding $100,000 Do. do., exceeding $100,000, and not exceeding $150,000 Do. do., for every additional $50,000 or part thereof Licenses must be taken out each year by the follow- ing named persons, for which they are to pay the sum placed opposite their names, viz : Agents, insurance Apothecaries Architects Auctioneers Bankers Billiard tables, each.. li- cents, cents. 5 mills. 5 mills. cents. 7 mills. 5 mills. 5 mills. 2 cents. 5 mills 4 mills. 1^ cents. 5 mills. 7 miUs. 1 cent 5 mills. 7 mills. 1 cent G cents. 1 cent. 3 per ot 75 oouti. $1 50 $3 00 400 5 00 Free. 50 oents. 50 cents $1 00 3 00 6 00 10 00 20 00 10 Oo $10 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 100 00 5 00 39 Brewera, Bee “Brewers**...; .».$258Qd50 00 Brokers 50 00 Brokers, insnrance 10 00 Bowliog alleys, for each alley 5 00 Bailders 25 00 Batchers, see “ Butchers.” 10 00 Cartmeu, two horse 3 00 Cattle brokers 10 00 Circuses 50 00 Civil eogineers 10 00 Claim agents^ 10 00 Coachmen, hackney 3 00 Coal oil distillers 50 00 Commercial brokers 50 00 Confectioners 10 00 Contractors 25 00 Dentists 10 00 Distillers, see “ Distillers.” Eating houses 10 00 Horse dealers 10 00 Hotels, see "Hotels” .from $5 to 200 00 Ja(^s 10 00 Jugglers 20 00 Lawyers 10 00 Livery stable keepers 10 00 Lottery ticket dealers 1,000 00 Manufacturers 10 00 Peddlers, see "Peddlers” from $5 to 20 00 Photographers 10 00 Pawnbrokers 50 00 Physicians 10 00 Retail dealers 10 00 Retail dealers in liquors 20 00 Rectifiers, see " Rectifiers.” Surgeons 10 00 Tobacconists 10 00 Theaters 100 00 Tallow chandlers 10 00 Soap makers 10 00 StaUions, owners of. 10 00 Wagoners ^... 3 00 Wholesalfl, dealers, whose sales do not exceed $50, OOOPfor each license 25 00 Do. do., exceeding $50,000 and not exceeding $100,000, for each license. 50 00 Do. do., exceeding $100,000 and not exceeding $250,000, for each license 100 00 Do. do., exceeding $250,000 and not exceeding $500,000, for each license 200 00 Do. do., exceeding $500,000 and aot exceeding $1,000,000, for each license 300 00 Do. do., exceeding $1,000,000 and not exceeding $2,000,000, for each license 500 00 Do. do., exceeding $2,000,000, for each $1,000,000 in excess of $2,000,000, for each license 250 00 Wholesale dealers in liquors, same as “ Wholesale Dealers.” Life insurance companies, see “Insurance.” Lime is not to be regarded as a manufacture. Liniments, same as " Dentifrice.” Linseed oil, per gallon 2 cents. Liquors, malt, until April 1, 1864, duty, per bbl., con- taining not more than 31 gallons 60 cents. Liquors, malt, proved to have been manufactured be- fore Sept. 1, 1862 Free* Livery stable keepers, under which term is included every person whose occupation is to keep horses for hire or to let, for license $ 10 Lotions, same as “Medicines.” Lottery tickets, on each offered for sale without a stamp, penalty $50 Lottery tickets, when they, or any fraction of them, shall not exceed the retail price of $ 1 50 cents. Do. do., exceeding $1, for every dollar or fraction. 50 cents. Lottery ticket dealers, under which term is included every person, association, firm, or corporation, who shall make, sell, or offer to sell lottery tickets or fractional parts thereof, or any token, certificate, or device representing or intended to represent a lottery ticket, or any fractional part thereof, or any policy of numbers in any lottery, or shall manage any lottery or prepare schemes of lotter- ies, or superintend the drawing of any lottery, for license $1,000 Lozenges, medicinal, same as “ Medicines.” Lumber is not to be considered a manufacture. Magazines are not to be regarded as a manufacture of paper or submitted to a rate of duty as a manu- facture. Do. for all advertisements, on gross receipts 3 ^ cent. Maltis not to be considered a manufacture. Malt liquors, until April 1, 1864, duty, per bbl., con- taining not more than 31 gallons 60 cents. Do. do., proved to have been manufactured before Sept. 1, 1862 Free. Manifest of the cargo of any ship, ve ssel or steamer, for a foreign port, if the registered tannage of such ship, vessel or steamer does not exceed 300 tuns, stamp duty $1 Do. do., exceeding 300 tuns, and not exceeding 600 tuns $3 Do. do., exceeding 600 tuns $5 Manufacturers, under which term is included any person or persons, firms, corporations or com- panies, who shall manufacture by hand or ma- chinery and offer for sale any goods, wares, or merchandise, or who shall manufacture by hand or machinery for any other person or persons, goods, wares, or merchandise, exceeding annnally the sum of $1,000, for license Manufactures not otherwise specified: $10 Of jute .V.3 per ct. Of lead 3perct- Of leather 3 per ct. Of paper 3 per ct. Of pottery 3 per ct. Of silk 3 per ct. Of silver 3 per ct. Of steel 3 per ct. Of tin 3 per ct. Of willow. 3 per ct. Of wood 3 per ct. Of wool 3perct. Of worsted 3 per ct. Of other materials. . . .3 per ct. Sperct. 1 cent 2 cents. 3 cents. 4 cents. 10 cents. Of bone 3 per ct. Of brass 3 per ct. Of bristles 3 per ct. Of copper 3 per ct. Of cotton 3 per ct. Of flax 3 per ct. Of glass 3 per ct. Of gold 3 per ct. Of gutta percha 3 per ct. Of hemp 3 per ct. Of horn 3 per ct. Of india-rubber 3 per ct. Of iron 3 per ct. Of ivory 3 per ct. Maps are not to be considered a manufacture. Marine Engines. . Marine Insurance Companies, see “ Insurance.” Marine protest 25 cents. Measurement, Certificates of, stamp duty. None.' Meats preserved 5 per ct. Medicines, see when the value of the package con- taining the same shall not exceed, at the retail price or value, the sum of 25 cents Do., exceeding 25 cents, and not exceeding 50 cents. Do., exceeding 50 cents, and not exceeding 75 cents. Do., exceeding 75 cents, and not exceeding $1 Do., exceeding $1, for each and every 50 cents, or fractional part thereof over and above $1, an addi- tional 2 cents. Merchandise, see “ Goods.*’ Metal, yellow sheathing, in rod or sheets 1 per ot. Milliners, making articles to order as custom work and not for sale generally, shall to the amount of $1,000 be exempt from duty, and for any excess beyond the amount of $1,000 shall pay a duty of.. 1 per ct. Mineral coal, except pea coal, per tun 3^ cts. Mineral water, per quart bottle 1 cent. Do., do., for bottles bolding more than a quart 2 cents. Morocco, skins, cured, manufactured, or finished.... 4 per ct. Mortgage— Any, or personal bond for the payment of money, or as security for the payment of any definite or certain sum of money, shall have a stamp or stamps affixed thereon denoting a duty upon every sum of $200, or any fractional part thereof, of. Mortgage— None shall be required to pay a stamp duty of more than $1,000. Movements, clock, made to run one day, each 5 cents. Do., do., made to run over one day, each 10 cents. Mustard, ground, per pound 1 cent. Mustard-seed oil, per gallon «... 2 cents. Mutual Insurance Companies, see ** Insurance ” Nails, cut, per tun $200 Naphtha, per gallon ^ 3 per ct. ad valorum. Newspapers are not to be regarded as a manufacture, or submitted to a rate of duty as a manufacture. Newspapers, for all advertieements, on gross re- ceipts, see “ Advertisements ” Notarial act, see “Protest.” Note, see “Promissory Note.” Nuts, iron, per tun Do. do., where the duty has been paid on the mate- rial of which made, only an addition of, per tun.. ! Oils, animal all, pure or adulterated, if not other- wise provided for, per gallon 2 cents. Do,, illuminating, refined, produced by the distilla- tion of coal, aspha tum,^ shale, peat, petroleum or rock oil, and all other bituminous substances used for like purposes, per gallon 10 cents. Do., do., do. proved to have been manufactured be- fore Sept. 1, 1862 Free Do., lard, pure or unadulterated, if not otherwise provided for, per gallon 2 cents. Do., linseed do., per gallon 2 cents. Do., mustard seed, do., per gallon 2 cents. Do. , all vegetable, per gallon 2 cents. Oils, medicinal, same as “Medicines” 2 cents. Oils, refined, produced'by distillation of coal exclu- sively, per gallon Oleic acid, produced in the manufacture of candles, and used in the manufacture of soap Order for the payment of any sum of money drawn upon any bank. Trust Company, or any person or persons, companies or corporations, at sight or on demand, stamp duty same as “ Bill of Exchange.” Oxide of zinc, per 100 pounds 25 cents. Packet, containing medicines, &c., same as bottles containing the same, see "Bottles.” Paints, dry or ground in oil or in paste, with water, not otherwise provided for Paints shall not be subject to any additional duty ' in consequence of being mixed or ground in oil, when the duties upon all the materials so mixed and ground shall have been previously actually paid. Painters* colors, same as “Paints,” Pamphlets are not to be regarded as a manufacture or submitted to a rate of duty as a manufacture. Do., on gross receipts for advertisements Paper of all descriptions 3 per ct. Paraffine oil Exempt. Parasols of any material 3 per ct* Passport, on each issued from the office of the Sec- retary of State $3 Sperct. $2 00 50 cents. cents. Free. 5perot. 3 per ct. 40 Do., oneachissnedby Miniitera or Consnls of the United States $3 Passage ticket, by any vessel from a port in the Uni- ted States to a foreign port of $30 or less oO eents. Do., exceeding $30 : $1 Pasteboard, made of junk, straw, or other material. 3 per ct. Patent leather (see “Leather”)i per square foot.... 5 mills. Pawnbrokers, under which term is included every person whose business or occupation is to take or receive, by way of pledge, pawn or exchange, any goods, wares or merchandise, or any kind of per- sonal property whatever, for the repay ment or se- cnrity of money lent thereon, for license. ........ $50 OO Pearl barley is not to be considered a manufacture. Pectoral balsam, same as “ Dentifrice.” Peddlers, under which term is included every per- son who sells, or offers to sell, at retail, goods, wares or other commodities, traveling from place to place, in the street, or through different parts of the country, when traveling with more than two horses, for each license $20 00 Do., do., when traveling with two horses, for each license $15 00 Do., do., when traveling with one hprse, for each license $10 00 Do., do., when traveling on foot, for each license.... $5 00 Do., who sell newspapers, Bibles or religious tracts.. Exempt, Do., who sell, or offer to sell, dry goods, foreign or domestic, by one or more original packages or pieces at one time to the same person, for each license $50 00 Do., wbopeddleijewelry, for each license $25 00 Pensions, applications for stamp-duty None. Pepper, ground, and all imitations of, per pound. ... 1 ceut. Perfumery, same as “ Medicines.” Petroleum, refined, per gallon 10 cents. Phial, containing medicines, &c., same as “Bot- tles,” which see. Photographers, under which term is included every person'who makes for sale photographs, amhro- types, or pictures on glass, metal or paper, by the action of light, for each license, when the receipts do not exceed $500 $10 00 Do., do., when the receipts are over $500, and under $1,000, for license 15 00 Do., do., when the receipts are. over $1,000, for li- cense 25 00 Physicians, under which term is included every per- son (except apothecaries) whoso business it is to, for fee or reward, prescribe medicine or perform any surgical operation for the cure of any bodily disease or ailing, dentists included, for each li- cense 10 00 Pickles Sperct. Fig iron is not to be considered a manufacture. Pills, same as “ Dentifrice.” Pimento, ground, and all imitation of, per pound. .. 1 cent. Pins, solid head or other 5 per ct. Do., solid bead or other, in boxes, packets, bundles or other form.. Sperct. Plaster is not to be considered a manufacture. Plasters same as “ Dentifrice.” Plate of gold, kept for use, per oz. troy 50 cents. Plate of silver, do., per oz. troy 3 cents. Plate, silver, as above, to the extent of 40 Free. Plate, belonging to religious societies Free. Plate iron, see “ Iron.” Playing cards, see “ Cards.” Plug tobacco, see “ Tobacco.” Policy of insurance (life), jiee “ Insurance.” Do. (marine or inland), see “Insurance.” Do. (fire), see “ Insurance.” Do., of any kind on which there is a premium not exceeding $10, stamp-duty 10 cents. Porter, per barrel of 31 gallons, fractional pjurts in proportion. See “Malt Liquors.” Pot, containing medicine, &c., same as “ Bottles.” Pottery ware, if not otherwise specified 3 per Ct. Power of attorney for the sale or transfer of any - scrip, or certificate of profits, or memorandum, showing an interest in the profits or accumulation of any corporation or association, for a sum less than $50 10 cents. Power of atterney for the sale or transfer of any stock, bonds, or scrip, or for the collection of any dividend, or interest thereon, stamp duty. 25 cents. Power of attorney or proxy for voting at any elec- tion for officers of any incorporated company or society, except charitable, religious, literary and cemetery societies, stamp duty 10 tSHUtBi. Power of attorney to sell and convey teal estate, or to rent or lease the same, or to perform any and all other acts not specified, stamp duty $1 CO Power of attorney to receive or collect rents, stamp duty -. 25 cents. Power of attorney made in any foreign country, same stamp duty as if made in the United States. Preparations, medical, same as medicines. Preparations of wjaich coffee forms a part, or which are prepared for sale as a substitute for coffee, per pound 3 mills. Preserved fish 5 per ct. Preserved fruit 5 per cL Preserved meats, 5 per ct. Printed books are net regarded as a manufacture, or submitted to a rate of auty as a manufacture. Do., on all advertisements, on gross receipts for .. 3 per ct. Printers’ ink is not to be considered a manufacture. Probate of will, where the estate and effects for or in respect of which such probate applied for shall he sworn or declared not to exceed the value of $2,500, stamp duty 50 eents. Do. do., to exceed $2,500 and not exceeding $5,000 $1 00 Do. do., to exceed $5,000 and not exceeding $20,000 2 00 Do. do., to exceed $20,000 and not exceeding $50,000 5 00 Do. do., to exceed $50,000 and not exceeding $100,000 10 00 Do. do., exceeding $100,000 and not exceeding $150,000 20 00 Do. do., for every additional $50,000, or fraction^ part thereof. 10 00 Profits, annual, of every person when exceeding $600, and not exceeding $10,000 on the excess over $600. Speret. Do., exceeding $10,000, and not exceeding $50,000 on the excess over $600 5 per ot. Do., annual, when received by any citizen of the United states resident abroad, and not in employ of the United States, not otherwise provided for. . 6 pot Ct. Promissory note — Any memorandum, check, re- ceipt, or other written ot printed evidence of an amount of money to be paid on demand, or at a time designated, shall be considered as a “ Fromis- Bory Note” and restamped accordingly. See “ Bill of Exchange (Inland).” Property, annual income from, same as profits. Property left by legacy, see “ Legacies.” Protest of every note, bill of exchange, acceptance, check, ox draft 25 Ofi&tl. Publications, same as “Printed Books.” Eailroads— On gross receipts from carrying passen- gers Sperct Do., the motive power of which is not steam, on gross receipts from carrying passengers IJ per ct Railroads— On bonds or other evidences of indebted- ness upon which interest is stipulated to bo paid, on the amount of interest ^ 3 per cent Railroad cars — There shall be deducted from duties assessed upon railroad cars any duties which have been assessed and paid upon car wheels. Railroad chairs per tun $200 Do. do., where the duty has been paid on the mate- rial of which made, only an additional duty, of per tun 50 cents. Railroad iron, per tun $150 Do. , rerolled, per tun 75 cents. Receipt, warehouse, stamp duty 25 cents. Receipt (other than charter party) for any goods, merchandise or effects to be exported from a port or place in the United States to any foreign port or place, stamp duty. ; . • • 10 OCfits, Do., for any goods, merchandise or effects to be car- ried from one port or place in the United States to any other port or place in the United States, either by land or water, except when carried by an ex- press company or carrier, stamp duty repealed. Receipts of express companies, gross 2 per cent. Receipts, gross, of ferry-boat companies ..lipetccnU Rectifiers, under which term is included every per- son who rectifies, purifies or refiaes spirituous li- quors or wines by any process, or mixes distilled spirits, whisky, brandy, gin or wine with any othermaterialsfor sale under the name of rum, whisky, brandy, gin, wine, or any other name or names, for each license to rectify any quantity of spirituous liquors not exceeding 500 barrels, con- taining not more than forty gallons to each ' $25 00 Do., for each additional 500 barrels, or any fraction thereof. 25 00 Red oil. used as material iu the manufacture of soap. Free. Refiners’ Sugar, see “ Sugar Refiners.” Renewal of insurance, see “ Policy of Insurance.” Rents, annual income from, when exceeding $600, on the excess over $600 (see Incomes) 3 percent. Rents, annual income from, when realizedby a citi- zen of the United States residing in a foreign conn- ^ try and not in the employ of the United States.... 5 per cent. Rent of residences is to be deducted from income before levying the tax thereon. Retail dealers, under which term is included every person whose business or occupation it is to sell or offer for sale any goods, wares or merchandise of foreign or domestic production not including wines, spirituous or malt liquors, hut not exclud- ing drugs, medicines, cigars, snuff cr tobacco, and whose annual sales exceed $1,000 and do not exceed $25,000, for license $10 00 Retail liquor dealers underwhich term is included every person other than a distiller or brewer wh» shall sell or offer for sale any distilled spirits, fer- mented liquors, or wine of any description in quantities of three gallons or less, and whose an- nual sales do not exceed $25,000; but nothing herein contained shall authorize the sale of any spirits, liquors, wines or malt liquors to be drank on the premises. Provided. That no parson licensed to keep a hotel, inn, or tavern shall be allowed to sell any liquors to be taken off the pre- mises, and no person licensed to keep an eating- house, shall be allowed to sell spirituous or viu- ous liquors, and no person who has taken out a license to keep a hotel, inn, tavern cr eating- house shall be required to take out a iicenso as a 41 iobaeeonist liecause of any tobaceo or cigars far* nisbed io the usual coarse of business as a keeper of ahotelj inn, tavern or eating-house Reviews same as “Pamphlets.” Rivets, exceeding oue-fourth of an inch in diameter, per tun Rivets, exceeding one-fourth of one inch in di- ameter, iron, where he duty has been paid on the material of which made only an additional duty, per tuu...., Rock oil, refined, see “ Oils.” Roman Cement is not to be regarded as a manufac- ture. Sail boats, hereafter built Sails made of cotton, flax or hemp, or parts of either, or other material Sails— See “ Awnings.” Salaries, annual income from, when exceeding $600, on the excess over $600 Do., all, of persons in employ of the United States, when exceeding the rate of $600 per y-ear, on the excess above $600 Saleratus, per pound Soles, auction, of goods, &c., on gross amount of Bales 1-10 of Do., of stocks, &c > 1-10 of Sales made by public officers, &c Salt, per hundred pounds Savings institutions, on all dividends Schooners, hereafter huilt Screws called wood screws, per pound Scrip, paper i e the sale or transfer of, stamp duty, Segars, valued at not over $5 per 1,000, per 1000. . . . Do., valued at over $5 per 1,000 and not over $10 per 1,000 Do., valued at over $10 and not over $20perl000 per 1000 Do., valued at over $20 per 1,000, per 1,000 Shades, same as “ Awnings’” Sheathing metal, yellow Shell Fish, in cans or air tight packages Sheep, slaughtered for safe, per head. Sheep, slaughtered by auy person for his own con- sumption, to a number not exceeding six Sheep-skins, tanned, carried and finished. . Sheet-iron, see Iron.” Shingles are not to be considered a manufacture. Ships, hereafter built Shoemakers, see “ Bootmakers.” Silk parasols Silk umbrellas Silk, manufactures of, not otherwise specified Silver bullion, rolled or prepared for platers’ use exclusively Silver, manufactures of, when not otherwise speci- fied Skins, calf, tanned, each Do., American patent Do., goat, curried, manufactured or finished Do., kiddo Do., morocco do Do., sheep, tanned, curried ot finished Do., deer, dressed and smoked, per pound Do., hog, tanned and dressed Do., horse do Skirts, hoop, materials for the manufacture of, ex- clusively Slates are not to be considered a manufacture. Slaughtered cattle, see “ Cattle.” Do,, hogs, see “ Hogs.” Do., sheep, see “ Sheep.” Sloops, hereafter built Smoking tobacco, see “ Tobacco.” Snufif, manufactured of tobacco, or stems, or of any substitute for tobacco, ground, dry or damp, of all descriptions, per pound Soap, castife, valued not above Sj cents per pound, per pound Do., castHe, valued above 3^ cents per pound, per pound Do., cream, per pound Do., erasive, valued at not above 3^ cents per pound, per pound Do., erasive, valued above 3^ cents per pound, per pound Do., fancy, per pound Do., honey, per pound Do,, palm oil, valued not above 3i cents per pound, per pound Do., palm oil, valued above 3^ cents per pound, per pound Do., scented, per pound Do., shaving, per pound Do., toilet, of all descriptions, per pound Do., transparent, per pound Do., of all other descriptions, white or colored, ex- cept soft soap, and soap otherwise provided for, valued not above SJ cents per pound, per pound.. Do., do., valued above 3J cents per pound, per pound Soapmakers, under which is indued every person wnoge-businesa is to ifiake or manufheture soap, for •ach license Soda, bi-carbonate of, per pound.., see “ Leather.” Spikes, p. r tnn Spindles, exclusively for articles on which duties are I paid, and articles manufactured from material al- ready taxed, where the increased value does not exceed 5 per cent 20 00 $2 00 50 cents. 2 per ct. 3 per ct. 3 per ct. 3 per ot. 5 mills. 1 per ct. 1 per ct. exempt. 4 cents. 3 per ct. 2 per ct. IJ cents. 10 cents. $1 50 $2 $2 50 $3 50 1 per ct. 5 per ct. 3 cents. Free. 4 per ct. 2 per ct. 3 per ct. 3 per ct. 3 per ct . Free. 3 per ct. 6 cents. 5 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 4 per ct. 2 cents. 4 per ct 4 per ot. Free. 2 per ot. 20 cents. ImilL 5 mills. 2 cents. 5 mills. 2 cents. 2 cents. linUL 5 mills. 2 cents. 2 cents. 2 cents. 2 cents. ImilL 6 mills. $10 00 5 milla $2 00 Free. Spirits, distilled, per gallon 20 eenfe. Spirits, medicinal, same as “Dentifrice.” Split peas are not to he considered a manufacture. Spokes Free Stallions and Jacks, owners of, under which term is included every person who keeps a male horse or a jackass for the use of mares, requiring or receiving pay therefor, shall be required to take out a li- cense under this act. which shall contain a brief description of the animal, its age, and place or places where used or to be used: Provided, that all accounts, notes, or demand for the use of any such horse or jack without a license, as aforesaid, shall be invalid, and of no force in any court of law or equity, for license $10 OO Starch, made of corn, per pound 1 J mills. Do., made of potatoes, per pound 1 mill. Do., made of rice, per pound 4 mills. Do., made of wheat, per pound mills. Do., made of any other material, per pound 4 mails. Steamboats, exept farry-boats, on gross receipts. .. . 3 per ct. Steamboats, hereafter built, not including the en- gines 2 per ct. Steel, manufactures of, when not otherwise specified 3 per ct, Steel, in ingots, bars, sheets or wire, not less than one-quarter of an inch in thickness, valued at 7 cents per pound or less, per tun $400 Do., do. , valued above 7 cents, and not above 11 cents per pound, per tun 8 00 Do., do., valued above 11 cents per pound, per tun. . 10 00 Stills, used in distilling spirituous liquors, for each yearly license 50 00 Do., used in distilling spirituous liquors, for each half-yearly license 25 00 Do., used by distillers of applea and peaches may be licensed for tho space of three months, upon pay- ment for each license for such time 12 50 Stock insurance companies, see “ Insurance.” Stoves, per tun of 2,000 pounds $150 Sugar refiners, under which term is included every person whose business it is to advance the qual- ity and value of sugar by melting and recrystal- lization, or -by liquoring, claying, or any other washing process, or by any other chemical or me- chanical means, or who shall advance the quality or value of molasses and concentrated molasses, melado or concentrated melado, by boiling or oth. er process, on the gross amofint of the sales of all the products of their manufactories per ct. Sugar, brown, Muscovado or clarified, produced di- rectly from the sugar cane, and not from sorghum and imphee cane, per pound 1 cent. Sugar candy, made wholly or in part of sugar valued at 14 cents per pound or less, per pound 2 cents. Do., valued at exceeding 14 cents and not exceeding 40 cents per pound, per pound 3 cents. Do., valued at exceeding 40 cents per pound, or when sold otherwise than by the pound 5 ^ cent Sugar coated pills, same as “ Dentrifice.” Sulphate of barytes, per 100 pounds 10 cents. Surgeons, for each license $10 Tailors, same as “Milliners.” Tallow chandlers, under which term is included every person whose business it is to make or man- ufacture candles, for each license $10 Tar, coal, produced in the manufacture of gas Exempt. Taverns, same as “ Hotels.” Telegraphic dispatches, see “ Dispatch.” Tents, same as “ Awnings.” Theaters, under which term is included every place or edifice erected for the purpose of dramatic or operatio representations, plays or performances, and not including halls rented or used occasionally for concerts or theatrical representations, for each license $100 Ticket, passage, by any vessel from any port in tho United States to a foreign port, if less than $30. . . 50 cents. Do., exceeding $30 $1 Timber is not to be considered a manufacture. Timepieces (see “ Clocks”) 3 ^ cent. Tin, manufactures of, when not otherwise specified. 3 ^ cent. Tobacconists, under which term is included every person who shall oflTer for sale, at retail, cigars, snuff or tobacco in any form (wholesale and retail dealers, keepers of hotels, inns and taverns or eating-houses having taken out a license are not required to take out a license as tobacconists) for each license $10 Tobacco, cavendish, per pound 15 cents. Do., fine cut, per pound 15 cents Do., ground, dry or damp of all descriptions (except aromatic or medicinal snuff in phials, pots, boxes, or packets! per pound 8 centa. Do., manufactured, of all kinds, not including snnff, cigars, or smoking tobacco, prepared with all tho stems, or made exclusively of stems, per pound. . 15 centa. Do., smoking tobacco, prepared with all the stems In, or made exclusively of stems, per pound 5 cents. Do., plug, same as “ Tobacco, cavendish.” Do., twist, same as “ Tobacco, cavendish.” Trust Companies, on dividends, &o 3 per ct. Umhrelleu), made of cotton 3 per cL Do., made of any other material 3 per ot. Umbrella stretchers are not to be considered a manu- facture. Varnish, made wholly or in part of gum copal, ot of other gums or substances 5 per et Do., made of other gums or substances..... 5 per ct Vegetable oils, per gallon. 2 centa. 42 Vessels, hereafter bnilt Warehouse entry, a|; Custom-Hogses, not exceeding tlCOin value, stamp duty Do., do., exceedingllOC and not exceeding $500.... Do., do., exceeding $500 in value Warehouse receipts, stamp duty Whale oU Whisky, per gallon Do., rectified, is not to pay an additional duty. Wholesale dealers (under which term is included every person whose business or occupation it is to sell or offer to sell any goods, wares or merchan- dise of foreign or domestic production, not includ- ing distil ed spirits, fermented liquors, or wines, but not excluding drugs, medicines, cigars, snuff, or tobacco), whose annual sales exceed $25,000, and do not exceed $50,0( 0, for each license Do. do. do., if exceeding $50,COO and not exceeding $100,000, for each license Do. do. do., exceeding $1C0,C00 and not exceeding $250,000, for each license Do. do. do., exceeding $250,100 and not exceeding $500,000, for ea:;h license Do. do. do., exceeding $500,000 and not exceeding $1,000,000, for each license Do. do. do , exceeding $ l,0t 0,000 and not exceeding $2,000,000, for each license Dc. do, do., exceeding $2,000,000. for every $1,000,- 000 in excess rf $2,000,000, in addition to the $500. Wholesale dealers — The license required by any ivlioleaalo dealer, ehall not be for a less amooift 2 per ct. 25 cents. 50 cents. $1 00 . 25 cents. Exempt. 20 cents. $25 00 $50 00 $100 00 $200 00 $300 00 $500 00 $250 00 than his sales for the previous year, unless he has made or proposes to make some change in his bn six ness that will obviously reduce the amount of hiS' « I annuel sales, nor shall any licensed or wholesale dealer allow any such person to act as commercial. ’ broker ; provided, that any license understated ' may be again assessed. Wholesale dealers in liquors, under which term is included every person other than the distiller or brewer, who shaM. sell, or offer for sale, any dis- tilled spirits, fermented liquors, and wines of all Linds, in quantities of more than three gallons at one time, or whose annual sales shall exceed $25, •< €00, shall pay for each license the amount re» quired for license to “wholesale dealers.’* Willow, manufactures of..... 3 per et. Wine made of grapes, per gallon 5 cents.^ Withdrawal entry, at Custom-House, stamp duty... 60 cents.' Wood, manufactures of, if net otherwise provided for 3 per eb Woodscrews 1^ center Wool, manufactures of, not otherwise specified 3 per cti, W^'orsted, manufactures of, not otherwise specified.. 3 per ct% Worm Iczenges, same as “ Dentifrice.” Writ, stamp duty 50 cents., Yachts, under the vslne of $600 $5 00 Do- value abov<^ $600. and not above $1,000 $10 OO! Do., for each additional $1,000 in value $10 OQi Yellow sheathing metal ; 1 per ot^ Zinc, manufactnres of, not otherwise specified...... 3 per ot>, Do.y ozyda of, per 100 2Sl ceotik. NEW EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED. ALL ABOOTt^ tax LAW! JTJST A OF THE U. S, TAX LAW, With all the Amendments passed by the last Congress: CONTAINING, IN ADDITION TO THE LAW IN FULL, UPWARDS OF TWO HUNDRED DECISIONS BY THE OOiilSSIONER, MANY JUDICIAL EXPOSITIONS, ' AND COPIOUS NOTES AND EXPLANATIONS ; FUENISHING Full Directions for every class of business, and alLkinds of property subject to the Excise Duties; ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT TO OFFICERS OF THE REVENUE, BANKS, INSURANCE COMPANIES, MANUFACTURERS, MERCHANTS, MECHANICS, PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS MEN, AND TO ALL WHO HAVE TO PAY TAXES; Alphabetically arranged, embracing every pursuit and every article Taxed ; TO WHICH IS ADDED A COPIOUS INDEX. COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL SOURCES, By A MAS A A. R E D F I E L D , Esq., Counsellor at Law. In this work the provisions of the Law are greatly simplified by being arranged into Books and Chap- ters, Articles and Sections, under which all the various sub- jects of Taxation and License, Modes of Assessment and Collection of Duties, Penalties, Proceedings, &c., are sepa- rately treated, elucidated, and explained. ONE VOL., 12mo., 340 PAGES, BOUND IN CLOTH, PRICE $1.26. Sent by mail, prepaid, upon receipt of price. Address JOHN S. VOORHIES, Publisher, or 20 Nassau Street, N. Y.. BAKER & GODWIN, Printers, Tribune Buildings, N. Y. Orders from the Trade solicited. BRANBRETH’S PILI THEONI.Y I VCETH THE PATENT COG-WHEEL REGULATOR. Ko Wringer can be Pnralile witbont COG-WHEELS. Opinion of Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher. I am most happy to speak in the veiy highest terms of the “Universal Clothes Wringer.” The hardest part of “washing-day ” work, is, in my opinion, the wringing ; and the inventor of this machine may have the satisfaction of feeling that he has changed one of the most toilsome parts of woman’s work into a very attractive amusement The laundress looks upon it as a great blessing. I could hardly express my approbation of them more highly than I have by ordering one, in these hard times, for my daughter. I look upon it as among the most useful articles in her house. October, 1861. ME8. HENRY WARD BEECHER. Opinion of Mrs. C. Fowler Wells, Having used the “ Universal Clothes Wringer ” in our family several months, we could not be induced ti part with it. unless we could be sure of finding a substitute. Our _Mary — who is not very fond of “machinery ” d antr amra a>iA la oivtt ■ftimil'XT ixTlirk iiaaa ** 'Will RAWA AT»Ancr"h "in nriA frACiT f.A T\a.\r any kind — says she is sure any family who uses the New York, 1861, will save enough iu one year to pay for it MRS. C. FOWLER WELLS. Opinion of Solon Robinson (one of the Editors of the New York Tribune^ If I can say anything to induce families to buy the “Universal Clothes Wringer,” I shall be glad of the opportunity. My family have had One in use a year or two, and I pronounce it one of, if not the very best, labor* saving machines ever invented for woman’s use. My fiimily would as soon give up th^ QQq|^g-stove as tWs Clothe* Wringer. It cannot be too highly recommended. New York, Feb. 12, 1862. SQLOlSh RQBJQSSON. The Universal Wringer Took the FIRST PREMIUM, a Silver Medal and Diploma, at the New York State Fair, 1862. It was pronounced superior to all others in the World’s Fair at London* 1862, 'and has always taken the FIKST PREMIUM in every State and County Fair, when exhibited in fair competition with other machines. Canvassers wanted in every towm Persons residing where no canvasser is appointed, by remitting the price to us, shall receive the Wringer by express, prepaid, B. C. BROWNING, Agent, 345 BROADWAY, N. Y. THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. THE HEW-YOBK DAILY TBIBUHE IS PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING AND EVENING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), BY THB TRIBUNE ASSOCIATION. IN THE TRIBUNE BUILDINGS, Cor. of Nassau & Spruce Streets, opposite the City Hall, And delivered to City Subscribers at 18 cents per week. Mail Subscribers $8 THE NEW-YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE Is published every Saturday Morning at the low price of $2 per annum, in advance. Three Copies for $5 ; Five Copies for $8; Ten Copies for $15 ; Twenty Copies to one address (and any larger number at the rate of $1 25 per ann), $25 ; Twenty Copies to address of each subscriber (and any larger number at the rate of $1 50 each), $30, Any person sending us a club of twenty or more will be entitled to an extra copy. Subscriptions to commence at any time. Advertisements in the Weekly Tribune cost ONE DOLLAR A LINE for each insertion. Nothing inserted for less than $5. Is published every Tuesday and Friday Morning. Price $3 per annum ; Two Coplei for $5; Five Copies for $12. ' A VERY LARGE PAPER FOR THE COUNTRY, THE SEHI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE FOR EUROPEAN CIRCULATION Is published on the departure of each Mail Steamer for Liverpool at $5 per annum, postage included. Single Copies, Five Cents. Address THE TRIBUNE ASSOCIATION, No. 164 Nassau Street, N. 7. At tlie Fairs of the U. S. AGRICDLTUEAL SOCIETY American Institute, New- York. Mechanics’ Association, Boston. Franklih Institute, Philadelphia. Metropolitan Mechanics’ Institute. Washington. Mechanics’ Institute, Baltimore. Mechanics’ Association, Cincinnati. Kentucky Institute, Lom'sville. Mechanical Association, St. Louis. Mechanics’ Institute, San Francisco At the State Fairs ol Offlce-506 BBQADWAY, New York. Maine, Ohio, Vermont, Indiana, ^ Connecticut, Iowa, t New York, Tennessee, ^ New Jersey, Illiaois, 1 Pennsylvania, Kentucky, ' Virginia, Michigan, Mississippi, Wisconsin, Missouri, California, Ijg) And at hundreds of County Fair^, f © 6C©iiniiinj©Pj ©t®. York. ' Th-is machine makes the “ LOCK-STITCH,” and ranks highest on account of the elanti Sn’ii’ general desirableness of the stitching when SfSd the S range of its application.-Bepori of tU American InstUute, New York " @F Si Of fo»eTL?k^“re ?S‘eTeUl/;ata^^^^^ With this Sewing Machine. Subjoined is a summary of several of tL tfbS ^ Gentlemen’s Shirts, 1 Frock Coats, 2 Satin Vests, *.l Linen Vests, ^ 0 Cloth Pants, .0 Summer Pants, 0 Silk Dress, 1 Merino Dress, 1 BY MACHINE. Hours. Min. 16 BY HAND. Hours. Min. 14 26 14 51 Calico Dress, 0 Chemise, .1 Moreen Skirt, .0 Muslin Skirt, . .0 Drawers, ! *. ! . .0 Night Dress, 1 Silk Apron, '[o Plain Api-on, * ’o BY MACHINE. Hours. Min. BY HAND. Hours. Min NUMBER OF STITCHES MADE PER MINUTE, 1 6 2 .16 , 2G Stitching fine Linen, 23 ‘‘ Satin,.. “ Silk, Seaming fine Cloth, 38 By H’d. With Mach. Ratio. ...23 640 28 ...24 520 22 5.50 18 ...38 594 16 With Mach. 175 510’ 210 374 rr X . X By H’d. Patent Leather, fine Stitch. 7 Fitting Ladies Gaiters, 28 Stitching Shoe Vamps, 10 . Binding Hats, .' 33 When the machines are driven by power, the ratio is much higher— 1 500 and 2 000 stitches per minute not being an unusual average. ’ ’ ^ considerable length are ordinarily sewed, with the best machines, at the rate of a yaid a minube,.and that, too, m a manner far superior to hand-sewing. Ratio 25 18 21 11 the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machinef resulting from the wide range of its application, is the varying branches of business to which jt is applied as fashion changes. Thus, a house or a person furnished with these machines may, at different or Clothing, Skirts, or Mantillas, or Diamond Rufflimr Shirts, or stitching Hats and Caps, etc. It is not as if they were limited to one branSi of unused unless that particular article were in demand. So Ion as sewin| is to be done, these machines are sure of something to do. Hence the Wheetfr Wilson Sewing Machine is the machine for all kinds of Family Sewing, and for the use ^ ITO r\-P • j ./-NT T ^ ance °eacS^ n"? ft" “d the same appear ance upon each side of the seam, a single line of thread extending from stitch to stitch It IS formed with cwo threads, one upon each side of the fabric and ifterlocked in the ceSfee S ’*■ pd regularity, and m the firmness of the seam formed, it excels hand sewing^ exceSe^nf ‘"•"a Machine “e l f excellence of stitch alike upon both sides of the fabric sewed. 2 Strength fiT-mnpss -ni durability of seam, that will not rip nor ravel, and made with— 3. Economy^of ’tlirea^- 4 "li eleg“ LlrituH??/ to purposes and material: Comra^ess eis? nf ^ ^ ® \ Simplicity and thoroughness of constraction 7. Spe«^ ease of operation and management, and quietness of movement. ^ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA