33S.S HGSX : 332.5 HfeSt Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/libermercatorisoOOhobl %;y‘ x Liber ^ercatortg; OR, THE MERCHANT’S MANUAL. London: Printed by A. Spoitiswoode, New-Street-Square. itber Jlmatorfe; OR, THE MERCHANT’S MANUAL: BEING A CONCISE AND PRACTICAL TREATISE ON BILLS OF EXCHANGE, MORE PARTICULARLY AS RELATING TO THE CUSTOM OF MERCHANTS; TOGETHER ALSO WITH THE FRENCH CODE RELATING TO BILLS OF EXCHANGE; TO WHICH IS ADDED, “ THE INTERPRETER,” ON THE USUAL DATES, SIGHTS, AND , USANCES OF FOREIGN BILLS OF EXCHANGE, In Eight Languages. BY FRANCIS HOBLER, JUN. ATTORNEY AT LAW ; AUTHOR OF “ FAMILIAR EXERCISES BETWEEN AN ATTORNEY ANI) HIS ARTICLED CLERK.” LONDON: PRINTED FOR LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS, PATERNOSTER-ROW. 1838 , $4 x+faavti t>ix~neuf Vingt Vingt-et-un Vingt deux, &e. Trente 'iVet'-ct-un Tr ente deux Quxrante C-inquante Soixante ^oi xante dix, or Septante Qaatre-vingt, or Huitante Quatre- vingt dix or \ Nonante J Cent Cent et un Cent deux, &c. Six Cent Mille Million One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-one. Twenty-two, &c. Thirty. Thirty-one. Thirty-two, &c. Forty. Fifty. Sixty. Seventy. Eighty. Ninety. Hundred. Hundred and one. Hundred and two, &c. Six Hundred. Thousand. Million. FRENCH. 107 ORDINAL NUMBERS. Premier Second, or Deuxieme Troisieme Qnatrieme Cinquieme Sixieme Septieme Huitieme Neuvieme Dixieme Onzieme Douzieme Treizieme Quatorzieme Quinzieme Seizieme Dix-septieme Dix-huitierne Dixneuvieme Vingtieme Vingt et unieme Vingt deuxieme, &c. Trentieme Quarantieme Cinquantieme Soixantieme Septantieme Huitantieme Nonantieme Centieme &c. &c. First. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth, Seventh. Eighth. Ninth. Tenth. Eleventh. Twelfth . Thirteenth. Fourteenth. Fifteenth. Sixteenth. Seventeenth. Eighteenth. Nineteenth. Twentieth. Twenty-first. Twenty-second, &c. Thirtieth. Fortieth. Fiftieth. Sixtieth. Seventieth. Eightieth. Ninetieth. Hundredth. 108 THE INTERPRETER. MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Janvier January. Fevrier February. Mars March. Avril April. Mai May. Juin June. Juillet July. Aout, or Aoust August. Septembre, or 7.bre September. Octobre, or 8.bre October. Novembre, or 9.bre November. Decembre, or lO.bre, or X.bre | December. FRENCH. 109 DATE — SIGHT — AND USANCE. A qidnze jours de date A vingt jours de date A trente jours de date A deux mois de date A trots mois de date A quatre-vingt dix jours de date A quatre-vingt dix jours de vue A la fin de Janvier or Fin de Janvier Au quinze de Janvier pro- chain A Usance A trots Usances A vue A trots jours de vue A presentation A la fin du courant At fifteen days date. At twenty days date. At thirty days date. At two months date. At three months date. } At ninety days date. At ninety days sight. At the end of January. On the fifteenth of January J next. At Usance. At three Usances. At sight. At three days sight. On presentation, f At the end of the present l or current month. Usance between France and London is thirty days after the date of the bill. 110 THE INTERPRETER. SPANISH. CARDINAL NUMBERS. Uno One. Dos 4 Two. Tres Three. Quatro Four. Cinco Five. Seis Six. Siete Seven. Ocho Eight. Nueve Nine. Diez Ten. Once Eleven. Doce Twelve. Trece Thirteen. Catorce Fourteen. Quince Fifteen. Diez y seis Sixteen. Diez y siete Seventeen. Diez y ocho Eighteen. Diez y nueve Nineteen. Veinte Twenty. Veinte-uno, &c. Twenty-one, &c. Treinta Thirty. Quarenta Forty. Cinquenta Fifty. Sesenta Sixty. Setenta Seventy. Ochenta Eighty. Noventa Ninety. Ciento Hundred. Ciento y uno, &c. Hundred and one, &c. Docientos Two Hundred. Mil Thousand. SPANISH, 111 ORDINAL NUMBERS. Primero First. Segundo Second. Tercero Third. Quarto Fourth. Quinto Fifth . Sexto Sixth. Septimo Seventh. Octavo Eighth. Nono, or Noveno Ninth. Decimo, or Deceno Tenth. Undecimo, or Onceno Eleventh. Duodecimo, or Doceno Twelfth. Decimo tertio, or Treceno Thirteenth. Decimo quarto, or Cator- j Fourteemh ceno J Decimo quinto, or Quin- 1 Fifteenth ceno J Decimo sexto Decimo septimo Decimo octavo Decimo nono Vigesimo, or Veinteno Veinteno uno, &c. Trigesimo, or Treinteno Quadragesimo, or renteno Sixteenth. Seventeenth. Eighteenth. Nineteenth. Twentieth. Twenty-first. Thirtieth. Qua ' | Fortieth. Quinquagesimo, or Cin-\ p;f . . cuenteno j-riniein. Sexagesimo, or Sesenteno Sixtieth. Septuagesimo, or Seten- \ g event j fa teno J Octuagesimo, or OchentenoEightieth. Nonagesimo or Noventeno Ninetieth. Centesimo, or Cienteno Hundredth. Milesimo Thousandth. 112 THE INTERPRETER. MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Enero January. Febrero February. Marzo March. Abril April. Mayo May. Junio June. Julio July. Agosto August. Setiembre September. Octubre October. Noviembre November. Deciembre December. SPANISH 113 DATE SIGHT AND USANCE. A un mes de la fecha, or *) A , , r At one month after date A nn mes data J A dos meses de la fecha, or a i . Y At two months after date A dos meses data J A tres meses dela fecha, or “j A tres meses data Awowrcfodiasde la fecha, or n A noventa dias data A quince dias fecha, or A quince dias data A vista A sesenta dias vista A tres dias vista A presentacion A Uso A Uso y medio Por todo Enero, or Por fin de Enero | At three months after date. ^ At ninety days after date. At fifteen days after date. At sight. At sixty days sight. At three days sight. On presentation. At Usance. At Usance and a half. j- At the end of January. Usance between Spain and London is two calendar months after the date of the bill. I 114 THE INTERPRETER, PORTUGUESE. CARDINAL NUMBERS. One. Hum, m. Hua ,/. Dous, m. Duas, f. Tres Quatro Cinco Seys Sete Outo Nove Dez Onze Doze Treze Catorze Quinze Dez e seys Dez e sete Dez e outo Dez e nove Vinte Yinte e hum Vinte e dous, &c. Trinta Quarenta Cincoenta Secenta Setenta Outenta Noventa Cem, or Cento Duzentos Trecentos Quatrocentos Quinhentos Mil Cem mil Milhao j- Two. Thre^. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-one. Twenty-two, &c. Thirty. Forty. Fifty. Sixty. Seventy. ' Eighty. Ninety. Hundred. Two hundred. Three hundred. Four hundred. Five hundred. Thousand. Hundred thousand. Million. PORTUGUESE. 115 ORDINAL Primeyro Segundo Tercero - Quarto. Quinto Sexto Septimo Outavo Nono Decimo Oudecimo Dozeno Trezeno Catorzeno Quinzeno Decimo sexto Decimo septimo Decimo outavo Decimo nono Yinteino Yinteino hum Yinteino dous, &c. Trinteino Quarenteino Cincoenteino Secenteino Setenteino Outenteino Noventeino Centesimo Milesimo NUMBERS. First. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth. Tenth. Eleventh. Twelfth. Thirteenth. Fourteenth. Fifteenth. Sixteenth. Seventeenth. Eighteenth. Nineteenth. Twentieth. Twenty-first. Twenty-second, &c. Thirtieth. Fortieth. Fiftieth. Sixtieth. Seventieth. Eightieth. Ninetieth. Hundredth. Thousandth. 2 116 THE INTERPRETER. MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Janeiro Fevreiro Mar^o Abril Mayo Junho Julho Agosto Septembro Outubro Novembro Decembro January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. PORTUGUESE. 117 DATE SIGHT AND USANCE. A hum mez de data A dous Inezes de data A tres mezes de data A noventa dias de data A quinze dias de data A vista A tres dias vista A quarenta dias vista A trinta dias vista A presentagao A Uso A Uso e meyo Por tudo o mez de Ja- neiro, or A fim de Janeiro * A trinta dias precisos At one month after date. At two months after date. At three months after date. At ninety days after date. At fifteen days after date. At sight. At three days sight. At forty days sight. At thirty days sight. On presentation. At Usance. At Usance and a half. At the end of January. At thirty days precisely (i. e. without grace). Usance between Portugal and London is two calen- dar months after the date of the bill. 118 THE INTERPRETER. ITALIAN. CARDINAL NUMBERS. Una One. Due Two. Tre Three. Quattro Four. Cinque Five. Sei Six. Sette Seven. Otto Eight. Nove Nine. Died Ten. Undid Eleven.. Dodid, or Duodid Twelve. Tredid Thirteen. Quattordid Fourteen. Quindid Fifteen. Sedid Sixteen. Didssette, Didasette, or ] Diedsette j- Seventeen. Diciotto, or Dieciotto Eighteen. Didnove, Diciannove, o?* ] Dieeinove j- Nineteen. Yenti Twenty. Vent’uno Twenty-one. Ventidue, &c. Twenty two. Trenta Thirty. Quaranta Forty. Cinquanta Fifty. Sessanta Sixty. Settanta Seventy. Ottanta Eighty. Nonanta, or Novanta Ninety. Cento Hundred. Duecento, or Duegento Two hundred. Mille Thousand. ITALIAN, 119 ORDINAL NUMBERS. Primo Secondo Terzo Quarto Quinto Sesto Settimo Ottavo Nono Decimo Undecimo Duodecimo Terzodecimo Quartodecimo Quinto decimo Sesto decimo Decimo settimo Decimo ottavo Decimo nono Yentesimo, or Yigesimo Yentesimo primo, &c. Trentesimo, or Trigesimo Quarantesimo Cinquantesimo Sessantesimo Settantesimo Ottantesimo Novantesimo, or Nonan-" tesimo Centesimo Ducentesimo, or Dugen-] tesimo Millesimo First. Second. Third. Fourth, Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth. Tenth. Eleventh. Twelfth. Thirteenth. Fourteenth. Fifteenth. Sixteenth. Seventeenth. Eighteenth. Nineteenth. Twentieth. Twenty-first, &c. Thirtieth. Fortieth. Fiftieth. Sixtieth. Seventieth. Eightieth. Ninetieth. Hundredth. Two hundredth. Thousandth. I 4 120 THE INTERPRETER. MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Gennaro, or Gennajo January. Febbraro, or Febbrajo February. Marzo March. Aprile Maggio Giugnio Luglio Agosto Settembre April. May. June. July. August. September. Ottobre October. Novembre November. Dicembre December. ITALIAN. 121 DATE — SIGHT AND USANCE. A guindici giorni dopo ) data, or >- At fifteen days date. A giorni 15 dopo data J Ad un mese dopo data or\ ^ month after date . A mese uno dopo data J A due mesi dopo data At two months after date. A giorni novanta dopo dataAt ninety days after date. A giorni novanta dopo vistaAt ninety days after sight. Alla fine di Gennajo, or 1 At the end of January, or Alla fine del mese di j- At the end of the month of Gennajo J January. Ai guindici di Gennajo 1 On the fifteenth of January prossimo, or I next, or Ai guindici del mese di | On the fifteenth of the Gennajo prossimo J month of January next. Ad Uso At Usance. A vista At sight. A tre giorni vista, or 1 A tre giorni dopo vista, or >- At three days after sight. A giorni tre dopo vista J A piacere At pleasure (« at sight ). A presen tazione On presentation {at sight), * n n i i , f At the end of the present Alla fine del mese corrente < . s. L or current month. 30 giorni dopo data, e) 30 days after date, and there- cosi al 23 Agosto del J- fore on the 23d of August corrente anno 18 — J of the current year, 18 — A tutto Settembre { 0n b £ e last ^ of Se P tem " A tutto Settembre pros - 1 On the last day of Septem- simo venturo J ber next coming . A tutto il diecessette Set- \ All on the seventeenth of tembre, 1837 J September, 1837. A mesi tre e mezzo At three months and a half Usance between Italy and London is three calendar months after the date of the bill. 122 THE INTERPRETER. GERMAN. CARDINAL NUMBERS. Ein Zwey Drey Vier Fiinf Sechs Sieben Acht Neun Zehn, or Zehen Elf, or Eilf Zwolf Drey zehn, or Dreyzehen Vierzehn Fiinfzehn Sechzehn Siebenzehn, or Siebzehn Achtzehn Neunzehn Zwanzwig Ein und zwanzwig * Zwey und zwanzwig, &c. Dreissig Ein und dreissig Zwey und dreissig Vierzig Ein und vierzig Fiinf zig Sechzig Siebenzig, or Siebzig Achtzig Neunzig Hundert Hundert und ein Hundert undzwey Zwey hundert Drey hundert Tausend Zehn tausend Hundert tausend Eine million One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-one. Twenty-two, &c. Thirty. Thirty-one. Thirty-two. Forty. Forty-one. Fifty. Sixty. Seventy. Eighty. Ninety. Hundred. Hundred and one. Hundred and two. Two hundred. Three hundred. Thousand. Ten thousand. One hundred thousand. A million. GERMAN. 123 ORDINAL NUMBERS. The First. — Second. — Third. — Fourth. Der Erste — Zweyte — Dritte — Vierte — Fiinfte — Sechste — Siebente, or Siebte — Achte — Neunte — Zehnte — Elfte, or eilfte — Zwolfte — Drey zehnte — Vierzehnte — Fiinfzehnte — Sechszehnte — Siebenzehnte, or Sieb- zehnte — Achtzehnte — Neunzehnte — Zwanzwigste Eiii und zwanzigste — Dreissigste Ein und dreissigste — Yierzigste Ein und vierzigste — Fiinfzigste — Sechzigste — Siebenzigste, or Sieb- zigste — Achtigste — Neunzigste — Hundertste Hundert und erste Hundert und zweyte Zwey hundertste Drey hundertste *Tausendste &c. &c. — Fifth. — Sixth. — Seventh. — Eighth. — Ninth. — Tenth. — Eleventh. — Twelfth. — Thirteenth. — Fourteenth. — Fifteenth. — Sixteenth. — Seventeenth. — Eighteenth. — Nineteenth. — Twentieth. — Twenty -first. — Thirtieth. — Thirty -first, — Fortieth. — -first. — Fiftieth. - — Sixtieth. — Seventieth. — Eightieth. — Ninetieth. — Hundredth. — Hundred and first. — Hundred and second. Two hundredth. Three hundredth. Thousandth. 124 THE INTERPRETER. MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Ja nner, or Januar January. Februar February. Marz, or Maerz March. April April. Mai May. Junius June. Julius July. August August. September September. October October. November November. December December. GERMAN. 1-25 DATE SIGHT AND USANCE. Funfzehn Tagenach datol or r Funfzehn Tage nach heute J Fin Monath nach dato,! or Fin Monath nach heute J Zwey Monathe nach dato Drey Monathe nach dato Neunzig Tage nach dato Seeks Wochen nach sicht Am ende Januars An letzten Tage Januars, or Januarii J Am funfzehnten kunftigen ) Januars J A Uso A vista Drey Tage nach sicht Am ende Januars, K. J. *1 (or komende Jahr) J Am Achten November "| d. J. (or dieses Jahr) J Medio Februar, d. J. \ Fifteen days after date. ■ One month after date. Two months after date. Three months after date. Ninety days after date. Six weeks after sight. At the end of January. On the last day of January. On the fifteenth of January next. At Usance. At sight. Three days after sight. On the last day of January in the coming year. On the eighth of November of this year. On the middle of Febru- ary of this year. Usance between Germany and London is one ca- lendar month after the date of the bill. 126 THE INTERPRETER. DUTCH. CARDINAL NUMBERS. Een One. Twee Two. Drie Three. Yier Four. Vyf Five. Zes Six. Zeven Seven. Agt Eight. Negen Nine. Tien Ten. Elf Eleven. Twaalf * Twelve. Dertien Thirteen. Yiertien Fourteen. Vyftien Fifteen. Zestien Sixteen. Zeventien Seventeen. Agtien Eighteen. Negentien Nineteen. Twin tig Twenty. Een en twintig T went y-one. Twee en twintig, &c, Twent y-two. Dertig Thirty. Viertig Forty. Vyftig Fifty. Zestig Sixty. Zeventig Seventy. Taggentig Eighty. Negen tig Ninety. Honderd Hundred. Duizend Thousand. Millioen Million. DUTCH. 127 ORDINAL NUMBERS. Eerste First. Tvveede Second. Derde Third. Vierde Fourth. Yyfde Fifth. Zesde Sixth. Zevende Seventh. Agtste Eighth. Negende Ninth. Tiende Tenth. Elfde Eleventh. Twaalfde Twelfth. Dertiende Thirteenth. Viertiende Fourteenth. Yyftiende Fifteenth. Zestiende Sixteenth. Zeventiende Seventeenth. Agtiende Eighteenth. Negen tiende Nineteenth. Twintigste Twentieth. Een en twintigste Twenty^/fotf. Twee en twintigste Twenty -second. Dertigste Thirtieth. Yiertigste Fortieth. Vyftigste Fiftieth. Zestigste Sixtieth. Zeventigste Seventieth. Taggentigste Eightieth. Negentigste Ninetieth. Honderste Hundredth. Duizenste Thousandth. Millioenste Millionth. 128 THE INTERPRETER. MONTHS OF THE YEAR. January February Maart April Mei Juny July August September October November December January. February. March. April. May. June. July August. September. October. November. December. DUTCH. 129 DATE — SIGHT — AND USANCE. Vyftien da gen na dato, o Vyftien dagen na heden Negentig dagen na dato Fen raaand na dato Twee maanden na dato Drie maanden na dato Fifteen days after date. Ninety days after date. One month after date. Two months after date. Three months after date. Opdenlaatstenvan January On the last day of January. Op den vyftienden toekom- ") enden January, or I On the fifteenth of January Op den vyftienden naas- f next. ten January J A Uso At Usance. A vista, or op vertooning At sight, or on presentation. Drie dagen na zigt Three days after sight. Usance between Holland and the Netherlands and London is one calendar month after the date of the bill. K 130 ( THE INTERPRETER. En Twa Tre Fvra Fem Sex Sju Atta Nie, or Nio Tie, or Tio Elfva Tolf Tretton Fjorton Femton Sexton Sjutton Aderton Nitton Tjugu Tjuguen, &c. Tretti Forti Femti Sexti Sjutti Atti Nitti Hundra Tusen SWEDISH. CARDINAL NUMBERS. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen . Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-one, &c. Thirty. Forty. Fifty. Sixty. Seventy. Eighty. Ninety. Hundred. Thousand. SWEDISH, 131 ORDINAL NUMBERS. Forsta Andra Tredje Fjerde Femde Sjette Sjunde Attonde Nionde Tionde Elfte Tolfte Trettonde Fjortonde Femtonde Sextonde Sjuttonde Adertonde Nittonde Tjugonde Tjugu forsta, &c. Trettionde Fortionde Femtionde Sextionde Sjuttionde Attionde Nittionde Hundrade Tusende First. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth. Tenth. Eleventh. Twelfth. Thirteenth. Fourteenth. Fifteenth. Sixteenth. Seventeenth. Eighteenth. Nineteenth. Twentieth. Twenty-first, &c. Thirtieth. Fortieth. Fiftieth. Sixtieth. Seventieth. Eightieth. Ninetieth. Hundredth. Thousandth. K 2 132 THE INTERPRETER. MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Januari January. Februari February. Martii, or Marts March. April April. Maj May. Junii, or Juny, or] Junius J j~ June. Julii, or July, or 1 Julius J Ijiily. August August. September September. October October. November November. December December. SWEDISH. 138 DATE SIGHT Femton dagar ifran dato Twa manader ifran dato En manad ifran dato Tre manader ifran dato Nittio {or Nitti ) dagar l ifran dato J Wid Januarii manad s slut Dem femtonde nastfol- "1 jande Januarii J A vista Tre dagar efte sigt Sex wecker ifran dato Wid forevisning A Uso AND USANCE. Fifteen days after date. Two months after date. One month after date. Three months after date. Ninety days after date. At the end of January. On the fifteenth of January next. At sight. Three days after sight. Six weeks after date. On presentation. At Usance. Usance between Sweden and London is seventy-five days after date. 134 THE INTERPRETER DANISH. CARDINAL NUMBERS. Een, or Eet To Tre, or Trende Fire Fem Sex Syv Otte, or Aatte Ni Ti Ell eve Tolv Tretten Fiorten Femten Sexten Sytten Atten Nitten Tyve Een og tyve To og tyve, &c. Tredive Fyrgetive Hal vtredsindstyve Tredsindstyve Halvfierdesindstyve Firesindstyve, or Fiiresindstyve Halvfemtesindstyve Hundrede Eet tusende, or tusinde One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. ' Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-one. Twenty-two, &c. Thirty: Forty. Fifty. Sixty. Seventy. | Eighty. Ninety. Hundred. A thousand. DANISH, 135 ORDINAL NUMBERS. Forste Ander, or Andet Tredie Fierde Femte Siette, or Sjette Syvende Ottende Niende Tiende Ellevte Tolvte Trettende Fiortende Femtende Sextende Syttende Attende Nittende Tyvende Een og tyvende To og tyvende, &c. Tredivte Een og tredivte, &c. Fergetyvende Halvtredsindstvvende Tredsindstyvende Halvfierdesindstyvende Fiirsindstyvende Halvfemtesindstyvende Hundrede Hundrede og forste, &c. Tusendste First. Second. Third. Fourth. Fifth. Sixth. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth. Tenth. Eleventh. Twelfth. Thirteenth. Fourteenth. Fifteenth. Sixteenth. Seventeenth. Eighteenth. Nineteenth. Twentieth. Twenty-first. Twenty-second, &c. Thirtieth. Thirty-first, &c. Fortieth. Fiftieth. Sixtieth. Seventieth. Eightieth. Ninetieth. Hundredth. Hundred and first. Thousandth. 136 THE INTERPRETER. MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Januari January. Februari February. Martii, or Marts March. April April. Mai May. Juni, or Junius June. July, or Julius July. August August. September September. October October. November November. December December. DANISH. 137 DATE AND SIGHT. Femlen dage efter dato Een maaned efter dato To maaneder efter dato Halvfemtesindstyve dage efter dato Ved slutningen af Ja- nuarii, or Med Januarii maaned s udgang Fifteen days after date. One month after date. Two months after date. At ninety days after date. At the end of January. Den femtende nsestkom- mende Januarii Sex uger efter dato Tre maaneder efter dato A vista Tre dage efter sigt Ved Foreviisning Paa anfordring I On the fifteenth of January J next. Six weeks after date. Three months after date. At sight. Three days after sight. On presentation. On demand. No Usance. THE END. London : Printed by A. Spottiswoode, New- Street. Square. 39, Paternoster Row, London, May , 1838. NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS. LATELY PUBLISHED BY ® @ KT © MI ASSES) © ®. THE ROBBER. A Tale. By G. P. R. James, Esq. Author of “The Gipsy,” “ Mary of Burgundy,” &c. &c. 3 vols. post 8vo. LIFE AND ADMINISTRATION OF EDWARD, FIRST EARL OF CLARENDON; With Original Correspondence and Authentic Papers, never before published. By Thomas Henry Lister, Esq. 3 thick vols. 8vo. with Portrait and Facsimiles, price 21. 8s. cloth lettered. MR. BAKEWELL’S INTRODUCTION TO GEOLOGY. Fifth Edition, considerably enlarged from the Fourth Edition, and with new Sections and Cuts. Price One Guinea, cloth lettered. PETER PLYMLEY’S LETTERS. New Edition, post 8vo. 7s., cloth lettered. A HISTORY OF PRICES; With Reference to the Causes of their Principal Variations, from 1792 to the Present Time. 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