^pfjkmt Public Hibrarp (|o«r« o£ Opening Iflules CENTRAL LIBRARY Riverside Avenue and Cedar Street Hours of Opening Circulation, Reference, Periodical and Newspaper Rooms, week days, 9 a. m. to 9 p, m. Sundays (for reading only), 2 to 9 p. m. Closed holidays. Children’s Room, week days (except Saturday), 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Closed Sundays and Holidays. BRANCH LIBRARIES Union Park Branch—E2516 Sprague Avenue Open week days, 1:30 to 6 p. m. North Monroe Branch—02811 Monroe Street Open Mondays and Thursdays, 1:30 to 6 p. m. Astor Branch—Corner Astor and Montgomery Streets Open Tuesdays, 1:30 to 6 p. m. Liberty Park Branch—Corner Fifth Avenue and Sherman Street Open Fridays, 1:30 to 6 p. m. Pedagogical Branch—Administration Building of the Public Schools Open week days (except Saturday), 3:30 to 5 p. m. Saturday, 10:30 to 12 a. m. INFORMATION FOR BORROWERS The use of the library for reading and reference is free to all. The library is open on Sundays for reading and reference only. Books are not issued. BORROWERS Any resident or taxpayer, or any non-resident employed or attending school in Spokane, may bor¬ row books from the library without charge on signing an application and an agreement in the presence of a registry assistant. The application of a child under fourteen years of age must also be signed by the parent or guardian. Applications must be renewed every five years; in juvenile department, two years. Non-residents may borrow books on payment of $1.00 a year in advance. A temporary resident may borrow books on de-' posit of one dollar or more, according to value of book drawn. BORROWERS’ CARDS Each borrower will be supplied with one card. This card must always be presented when a book or periodical is borrowed, returned, or renewed. A borower’s card may be used at the central library or branch libraries, but a book must be re¬ turned to the branch from which it is drawn. Each borrower is responsible for the use of his card, for all books charged on it, and for all fines incurred. Cards should not be loaned. A lost card should be reported at once. Adult cards will be replaced on payment of five cents. Juvenile cards will be replaced seven days after notice of loss, upon payment of five Cents, or replaced without payment one month after the loss is reported. If a card reported lost is found, even after a new card has been issued, it should be returned to the library. Change of residence must be reported to the library. ISSUE OF CARDS Borrowers holding adult cards may borrow one or more books at one time, providing only one is fiction. Only two books will be issued at one time on a juvenile card. Books are issued for fourteen days, with privi¬ lege of one renewal, except recent fiction, which may be kept only seven days and is not renewable. The library reserves the right to limit the time for which books in special demand may be kept. Current magazines circulate for four days and are not renewable. Reference books are not loaned except by special permission from reference librarian. Teachers wishing books from adult department for longer than the regular time may have them charged as a collection by special permission of the head of the loan department. No book or periodical may be exchanged on the day on which it is borrowed. RESERVES Non-fiction may be reserved at the library on payment of two cents for postal card notice. Periodi¬ cals may not be reserved. FINES A fine of two cents a day (excluding holidays) will be charged on each book or periodical kept overtime. In place of paying his fine a child may forfeit the use of his card for three months from the date upon which an overdue book is returned. Three days after a book is due notice will be mailed to the person to whom it is charged. When a hook is four weeks overdue a messenger will be sent who has aiiithority to collect the fine incurred, and a fee of twenty-five cents for messenger service. Books should be examined to make sure they are in good condition at the time of borrowing. A borrower must pay for books injured or lost while charged on his card. If a book reported lost is found the amount paid for it will be refunded upon return of the book. A borrower’s card will be held at the library for unpaid fines. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIQN BOOKSTACKS STUTES printing concern : 815 MAIN ; SPOKANE