025.00973 Un3p U.S.-NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND ^ RECORDS SERVICE PRELIMINARY INVENTORY OF THE RECORDS OF THE COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS \ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAISN Illinois historical survey PRELIMINARY INVENTORY OF THE RECORDS the Commission of Fine Arts National Archives & Records Service PI 79/RG 66 General Services Administration GERALD R. FORD President of the United States JACK M. ECKERD Administrator of General Services JAMES B. RHOADS Archivist of the United States PRELIMINARY INVENTORY OF THE RECORDS OF the Commission of Fine Arts Record Group 66 Compiled by Dorothy S. Provine V National Archives & Records Service General Services Administration Washington 1976 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data United States. National Archives and Records Service. Preliminary inventory of the records of the Commission of Fine Arts. (Preliminary inventory - National Archives and Records Service ; 79) Previous ed. issued by National Archives. Includes index. Supt. of Docs, no.: GS 4.10:792/2 1. United States. Commission of Fine Arts—Archives. 2. Art ? Municipal—Washington, D ,C. --History--Sources — Bibliography. 3« District of Columbia—Public works— History—Sources—Bibliography. 4. United States. National Archives and Records Service. I. Provine, Dorothy S. II. United States. Commission of Fine Arts. III. United States. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the Commission of Fine Arts. IV. Title. V. Series: United States. National Archives and Records Service. Preliminary inventory - National Archives and Records Service ; 79* CD3026.A32 no. 79, 1976 [CD304l.c64] 027.573s [029*.9'7] 76-608031 0^5.0(5573 Uv\3f> Foreword The General Services Administration, through the National Archives and Records Service, is responsible for administering the permanently valuable noncurrent records of the Federal Government. These archival holdings, now amounting to more than 1 million cubic feet, date from the days of the First Continental Congress and consist of the basic records of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of our Government. The Presidential libraries of Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson contain the papers of those Presidents and of many of their associates in office. These resources document significant events in our Nation’s history and are preserved because of their continuing practical use in the ordinary processes of government, for the protection of private rights, and for the research use of scholars and students. To facilitate the use of these materials our archivists prepare various kinds of finding aids that describe their nature and content. The present work is one such publication. We believe that it will be of value to anyone who wishes to use the records it describes. JACK ECKERD Administrator of General Services in Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/preliminaryinven00unit_0 Preface The first step in the records description program of the National Archives and Records Service (NARS) is the compilation of preliminary inventories of material in the more than 400 record groups to which the holdings of the Office of the National Archives are allocated. These inventories are called “preliminary” because they are provisional in character. Compiled primarily for internal use, they are intended both as finding aids to help the staff render more efficient reference service and as a means of establishing administrative control over the records. Each preliminary inventory contains an introduction that briefly states the history and functions of the agency that created and accumulated the records. The records themselves are described series by series; that is, by groups of file units of the same type or form, or that deal with the same subject or activity, or that are arranged serially. These series, in turn, are generally listed under subgroup headings that indicate their immediate office of origin within an agency, or, on occasion, the functions to which they relate. Other significant information about the records may sometimes be given in appendixes. Another series of finding aids, inventories have essentially the same content as preliminary inventories but are issued only after the records have been analyzed to ensure their completeness, to eliminate disposable materials, and to perfect the arrangement and description of those retained. In addition to inventories and other finding aids that relate to particular record groups, NARS issues publications that give an overall picture of materials in its custody. A new, comprehensive Guide to the National Archives of the United States (1974) and a guide devoted to one geographical area —Guide to Materials on Latin America in the National Archives of the United States (1974) have been published. Reference information papers, which describe records in the National Archives of the United States on such subjects as transportation, small business, and the Middle East, have also been published. Records of the Civil War have been described in Guide to Federal Archives Relating to the Civil War (1962), Guide to the Archives of the Government of the Confederate States of America (1968), and Civil War Maps in the National Archives (1964); those of World War I in Handbook of Federal World War Agencies and Their Records , 1917-1921 (1943); and those of World War II in the two-volume guide Federal Records of World War II (1950-51). Records of genealogical interest and value have been listed in Guide to Genealogical Records in the National Archives (1964), and a major segment of our motion picture holdings is described in the Guide to the Ford Film Collection in the VI National Archives (1970). The extensive body of maps and charts is described in the Guide to Cartographic Records in the National Archives (1971). Many bodies of records of high research value have been published on microfilm by NARS. These microfilm publications are described in the current Catalog of National Archives Microfilm Publications and are available for purchase. For other publications, see the most recent Select List of Publications of the National Archives and Records Service, General Information Leaflet No. 3. JAMES B. RHOADS Archivist of the United States Contents / Page Introduction . 1 Members of the Commission of Fine Arts. 3 General records . 4 Records relating primarily to projects. 7 Cartographic records . 7 Audiovisual records . g Appendixes I . 9 II .37 HI .53 vii Introduction The Commission of Fine Arts was established as an independent agency by an act dated May 17, 1910 (36 Stat. 371), to advise the Government on matters of art and architecture. The creation of this permanent organization had been preceded by the appointment of numerous temporary committees functioning intermittently to consider matters of art and design for individual projects. As early as the administration of President Washington, a committee of architects and builders was chosen to study designs for the Capitol. Subsequent committees and commissions included one appointed in 1859, which advised on paintings and sculpture for the interior of the Capitol, and the Senate Park Commission of 1901, which outlined plans for public buildings, parks, and other projects in the Nation’s Capital. President Theodore Roosevelt, who favored the creation of a permanent advisory group, appointed a 30-member council of fine arts by Executive Order No. 1010 of January 19, 1909. After only one meeting, however, the Congress expressed disapproval of the Council and President William H. Taft abolished it by Executive Order on March 21, 1909. Taft, however, supported the concept of a legislatively created agency and backed passage of the act of 1910, which created a permanent fine arts commission. The Commission is composed of seven “well-qualified judges of the fine arts” who are appointed by the President for 4-year terms. The Commission is charged with giving advice on the location and design of statues, fountains, and monuments on public land within the District of Columbia and with the selection of artists to execute these projects. In addition, the Commission is generally responsible for advising on “questions of art” when so requested by the President or committees of the Congress. The advisory functions of the Commission have increased over the years. President Taft’s Executive Order No. 1259 of October 25, 1910, directed that all plans for Federal buildings in the District of Columbia be submitted to the Commission for its examination prior to their approval. Executive Order No. 1862, signed by President Woodrow Wilson on November 28, 1913, provided that the advice of the Commission be secured on all structures erected by the Federal Government within the Nation’s Capital which affect the appearance of the city or involve matters of art. On July 28, 1921, President Warren G. Harding issued Executive Order No. 3524, which specified that the design of medals, insignia, and coins produced by executive departments of the Government be submitted to the Commission as well as designs for statues, fountains, monuments, parks, and public buildings constructed by executive departments within the District of Columbia. The duties of the Commission were also increased by legislation. An act of March 4, 1923 (42 Stat. 1509), created the American Battle Monuments Commission and provided that the Commission of Fine Arts must approve the design and materials of battlefield memorials. On May 16, 1930, the Congress passed the Shipstead-Luce Act (46 Stat. 366), which authorized the Commission to review the exterior design and materials for structures adjacent to Federal buildings and public parks in the District; on September 22, 1950, the Congress enacted the Old Georgetown Act (64 Stat. 903), requiring that plans for the construction, alteration, or razing of buildings within Old Georgetown be submitted to the Commission for its recommendation. The National Capital Planning Act of July 19, 1952 (66 Stat. 781), required that the National Capital Planning Commission seek the advice of the Commission regarding the purchase of lands for parks, playgrounds, and parkways. Other functions not specified in legislation or by Executive Order have fallen to the Commission. In 1910, at the request of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, 1 2 INTRODUCTION the Commission agreed to advise the local government on plans for municipal buildings and other projects. A clause in the bequest of Charles Freer requires that the Commission be consulted on purchases for the Freer Gallery of Art. Although the Commission was established primarily to advise the Government on matters of art chiefly in the District of Columbia, from the beginning its opinion has been sought concerning art projects of both public and private character in all parts of the country. Since its creation the Commission of Fine Arts has taken under consideration many significant projects, including the Lincoln Memorial, the National Gallery of Art, the Arlington Memorial Bridge, and the development of the Federal Triangle. Its membership has been distinguished by such notable sculptors, painters, and architects as Daniel H. Burnham, Frederick Law Olmstead, John Russell Pope, Daniel Chester French, Henry Bacon, and Lorado Taft. (A list of Commission members appears following this introduction.) The records described in this inventory are those of the Commission of Fine Arts that were in the National Archives of the United States as of July 1, 1975. The 370 cubic feet of documents are designated Records of the Commission of Fine Arts, Record Group 66 . There are related records in other record groups. Documents pertaining to public buildings, statues, memorials, and parks within the District of Columbia may be found in Records of the Office of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital, Record Group 42; Records of the National Park Service, Record Group 79; Records of the Public Buildings Service, Record Group 121; and Records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, Record Group 48. There is also material concerning the development of the city of Washington, its buildings, parks, and playgrounds in Records of the National Capital Planning Commission, Record Group 328, and Records of the Government of the District of Columbia, Record Group 351. Additional sources of information about the work and activities of the Commission include the Commission’s Reports , which were at first issued annually but later for longer periods, and chapter XXV of Charles Moore’s Daniel Burnham: Planner of Cities (New York, Houghton Mifflin, 1921), which discusses the background, organization, and activities of the Commission during the first decade of its existence. This inventory is based in part on an earlier inventory prepared by Richard S. Maxwell. The entries for cartographic records were prepared by Charles Taylor and those for audiovisual records by Joe Thomas. Members of the Commission of Fine Arts Chairmen Daniel H. Burnham, 1910-12 Daniel Chester French, 1912-15 Charles Moore, 1915-37 Gilmore D. Clarke, 1937-50 David E. Finley, 1950-63 William Walton, 1963-71 J. Carter Brown, 1971- Architects Daniel H. Burnham, 1910-12 Thomas Hastings, 1910-17 Cass Gilbert, 1910-16 Peirce Anderson, 1912-16 Charles A. Platt, 1916-21 William Mitchell Kendall, 1916-21 John Russell Pope, 1917-22 Louis Ayres, 1921-25 Henry Bacon, 1921-24 Milton B. Medary, Jr., 1922-27 William Adams Delano, 1924-28 Abram Garfield, 1925-30 Benjamin W. Morris, 1927-31 John W. Cross, 1928-33 John L. Mauran, 1930-33 Egerton Swartwout, 1931-36 John Mead Howells, 1933-37 Charles A. Coolidge, 1933-36 Charles L. Borie, Jr., 1936-40 Henry R. Shepley, 1936-40 William F. Lamb, 1937-45 Paul P. Cret, 1940-45 John A. Holabird, 1940-45 William T. Aldrich, 1945-50 L. Andrew Reinhard, 1945-50 Frederick V. Murphy, 1945-50 Joseph Hudnut, 1950-55 Edward F. Neild, Sr., 1950-55 Pietro Belluschi, 1950-55 Wallace K. Harrison, 1955-59 Douglas W. Orr, 1955-63 William G. Perry, 1955-63 Ralph Walker, 1959-63 Gordon Bunshaft, 1963-72 Burnham Kelly, 1963-67 John Carl Warnecke, 1963-67 Chloethiel W. Smith, 1967- Kevin Roche, 1969- Nicholas Arroyo, 1971- Landscape Architects Frederick Law Olmsted, 1910-18 James L. Greenleaf, 1918-27 Ferruccio Vitale, 1927-32 Gilmore D. Clarke, 1932-50 Elbert Peets, 1950-58 Michael Rapuano, 1958-62 Hideo Sasaki, 1962-71 Edward'D. Stone, Jr., 1971- Sculptors Daniel Chester French, 1910-15 Herbert Adams, 1915-20 James E. Fraser, 1920-25 LoradoTaft, 1925-29 Adolph Weinman, 1929-33 Lee Lawrie, 1933-37 and 1945-50 Paul Manship, 1937-41 Ralph Stackpole, 1941-45 Felix W. de Weldon, 1950-63 Theodore Roszak, 1963-69 Painters Francis D. Millet, 1910-12 Edwin H. Blashfield, 1912-16 J. AldenWeir, 1916-19 William Sergeant Kendall, 1920-21 H. Siddons Mowbray, 1921-28 Ezra Winter, 1928-33 Eugene F. Savage, 1933-41 Henry V. Poor, 1941-45 Maurice Sterne, 1945-50 George Biddle, 1950-55 Emily Muir, 1955-59 Peter Hurd, 1959-63 3 4 THE COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS William Walton, 1963-71 George A. Weymouth, 1972- Laymen Charles Moore, 1910-40 Edward Bruce, 1940-43 David E. Finley, 1943-63 Aline B. Saarinen, 1963- John Walker, 1967-71 Jane 0. Dart, 1971- General 1. MICROFILM COPY OF MINUTES OF THE COMMISSION. 1910-67. 16 reels. 2Vi ft. Arranged chronologically. Typed official minutes and accompanying ex¬ hibits. Included is a summary of proceedings followed by copies of correspondence, memorandums, Execu¬ tive orders, congressional documents, reports, ex¬ cerpts from verbatim transcripts of proceedings, and other documents bearing on the Commission’s delib¬ erations. Often the minutes are preceded by a table of contents, subject index, or agendum. The minutes on reel 1 are preceded by a “Legislative History of HR 19962 Establishing the Commission of Fine Arts,” which consists of typed excerpts from the Congressional Record of Senate and House debates on this bill. 2. TRANSCRIPTS OF MEETINGS. 1946-55. 3 ft. Arranged chronologically. These verbatim transcripts of Commission meet¬ ings are incomplete. There is a transcript for only one meeting in 1946, one in 1947, three in 1949, and four in 1950. Some copies bear handwritten nota¬ tions and corrections, usually those of a Commission member revising the text of his remarks. 3. CORRESPONDENCE CONCERNING COMMIS¬ SION MEETINGS. 1910-16, 1922-23, and 1934-40. y/i ft. Arranged chronologically by date of meeting. Copies of letters to members notifying them of meeting dates, most of the letters with replies attached, and copies of minutes and agenda for some of the Commission’s meetings. 4. GENERAL FILES. 1910-54. 36 ft. Arranged alphabetically by subject. A few items are dated earlier or later than the 1910-54 period. Secretaries Col. Spencer Cosby, 1910-13 Capt. U. S. Grant III, 1910-12 Col. William W. Harts, 1913-17 Col. C. S. Ridley, 1917-21 Lt. Col. C. O. Sherrill, 1921-22 H. P. Caemmerer, 1922-54 L. R. Wilson, 1954-64 C. H. Atherton, 1965- Records Correspondence, drafts and copies of printed articles and addresses, newspaper clippings, pam¬ phlets, plans and drawings, photographs, miscellane¬ ous records, and bills, resolutions, reports, and other congressional documents concerning topics of interest to the Commission. There are files pertaining to art and architecture in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere, city planning, zoning, the history of the District of Columbia, proposals for monuments and medals, exhibitions, public buildings in the Capital and elsewhere, State and city art commissions, and many other subjects. A select list of subject folders is provided in appendix 1. 5. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE. 1910-23 and 1927-42.4 ft. Arranged in chronological segments of varying lengths of time. Letters received and letters sent covering the entire range of the Commission’s activities, including memorandums, reports, and other papers relating to financial obligations, art projects, and the work of the Commission in conjunction with various Federal offices and officials. The folders for the periods 1920-23 and 1927-37 are designated the “Charles Moore Correspondence” but contain material similar in nature to the re¬ mainder of the file. The correspondence for the period June 1923-June 1927 is missing and is reported to have been lost during one of the Commission’s moves. For additional information relating to Charles Moore, see entries 9 and 13. 6. LETTERS SENT. 1910-14. 4 vols. 5 in. Arranged chronologically. There is a name index in the front of each volume and a subject index to all THE COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS 5 four volumes in the final volume. The latter also contains a chronological index to the minutes of the meetings from July 8, 1910-May 10, 1913. Press copies of letters sent relating to the activities of the Commission. Also included are copies of minutes of Commission meetings, budget esti¬ mates, expenditure reports, and miscellaneous memo¬ randums. 7. CENTRAL FILES. 1920-68. 30 ft. Arranged by a subject classification scheme. Sometime during the 1950’s, the Commission instituted a comprehensive filing system designed to encompass all of its records—administrative and housekeeping records, public inquiries, and other types of material—as well as project files. Earlier material has been incorporated into the system. The overwhelming bulk of the files described herein represents a continuation of the project files de¬ scribed in entry 17. There are in addition records relating to the general development of the city of Washington, urban planning, historical preservation, information inquiries, and other matters not strictly related to the project files. For a select list of subject headings, see appendix II. 8. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE OF THE SEC¬ RETARY/EXECUTIVE OFFICER. 1910-22 and 1927-40. 2 ft. Arranged chronologically in folders covering 6- or 12-month periods. Relates to the submission of reports; payments for supplies; the acquisition of pictures, blueprints, and diagrams of projects being considered by the Commission; invitations to attend public functions; applications for employment; and other matters. Correspondence for the period July 1, 1922- June 30, 1927 is missing and is reported to have been lost during one of the Commission’s moves. 9. CORRESPONDENCE OF THE SECRETARY/ EXECUTIVE OFFICER WITH MEMBERS OF THE COMMISSION. 1910-40. 3 ft. Arranged alphabetically by name of Commission member and thereunder chronologically. Deals largely with attendance at Commission meetings, expense accounts, requests for services from the Secretary, and other administrative matters. Occasionally, oaths of office and biographical data concerning members are included among these rec¬ ords. The correspondence also contains a record of public tributes to deceased members, copies of letters of condolence and resolutions passed by the Commis¬ sion, and a scrapbook pertaining to the death of Charles Moore. For other papers relating to Moore, see entries 5 and 13. 10. SECRETARY’S ORDER BOOK. 1910-13. 1 vol. 1 in. Arranged chronologically. Contains press copies of letters sent relating primarily to office supplies, accounts, and other routine subjects in addition to copies of letters pertaining to projects before the Commission. There are letters concerning a proposed memorial to the American Indian, plans for the reclamation of the Anacostia Flats, the Butt-Millet memorial, memorials to heroes of the battleship Maine , the District of Columbia Armory, and other subjects. 11. LEGISLATIVE FILES. 1947-60. 4 ft. Arranged chronologically by Congress. Files relating primarily to legislative proposals and resolutions referred to the Commission from the President, the Bureau of the Budget and other Government agencies, House and Senate committees, individual Congressmen, and concerned private citi¬ zens and organizations for the Commission’s com¬ ments and recommendations. There are copies of bills and resolutions, rough drafts of legislation, letters, memorandums, telegrams, newspaper clippings, ex¬ cerpts from the Congressional Record, and other documents pertaining to the proposals as well as copies of the* Commission’s reports of its views. There is also a transcript of hearings held June 8-9, 1954, before the House Committee on Education and Labor’s Subcommittee on Arts Foundations and Commissions pertaining to Federal grants for fine arts programs and commissions. 12. RECORDS RELATING TO THE COMMIS¬ SION’S SURVEY OF GOVERNMENT AND ART. 1951-53. 1 ft. In accordance with the January 26, 1951, re¬ quest of President Truman, the Commission under¬ took to conduct a survey of the Federal Govern¬ ment’s activities in the field of art and to submit recommendations on how such activities could be further developed or reorganized. The Commission held hearings as part of its regular monthly meetings and invited testimony from Government departments and agencies, representatives of foreign governments, 6 THE COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS and spokesmen from private organizations concerned with art. The Commission submitted its report entitled “Art and Government” to the President on May 15, 1953. Generally unarranged. A few items are dated later than 1953. These records consist of correspondence, memo¬ randums, summaries and/or verbatim accounts of testimony, press releases, drafts of the Commission’s report, and other documents pertaining to the han¬ dling and application of art by departments of the Federal Government, international cultural ex¬ changes, the role of government in encouragement of the arts, and recommendations for the improvement of the relationship between the Federal Government and the artistic community. 13. PAPERS OF AND RELATING TO CHARLES MOORE. 191542. 2 ft. Arranged roughly by subject. Included are papers of both an official and a private nature. There are drafts and printed copies of articles, reports, and addresses by Moore; correspond¬ ence, memorandums, copies of Commission minutes, clippings, and other documents relating to Moore’s career as Chairman of the Commission of Fine Arts and to projects considered by the Commission; galley proofs and research material pertaining to his book on the life of Charles Follen McKim; research notes and copies of documents relating to the life of George Washington and to his boyhood home, Wakefield; a negative photostatic copy of a typed draft of Moore’s autobiography with editorial comments and annota¬ tions; and correspondence and other records concern¬ ing Moore’s travels, his home, and other private matters. See entries 5 and 9 for other material pertaining to Moore. 14. PAPERS OF HANS PAUL CAEMMERER. Ca. 1922-54. 5 ft. Arranged roughly by subject. The bulk of these papers relate to addresses, lectures, radio talks, articles, and books written by Hans Paul Caemmerer, Secretary of the Commission of Fine Arts during the years 1922-54. There are drafts and printed copies of articles, addresses, and accompanying correspondence pertaining chiefly to the development of the city of Washington and its art and architecture; a typed draft and photographs for a projected book about works of art throughout the United States; correspondence, printed material, drafts, and other records pertaining to a planned book on State capitol buildings (see entry 27 for an album relating to this project); a typed manuscript of two chapters with accompanying photographs that were apparently omitted from Caemmerer’s Ph. D. dissertation “The Influence of Classical Art on the Architecture of the United States with Special Refer¬ ence to the Architecture of Washington”; papers including a draft of an article relating to Caemmerer’s visit to South America in the winter of 1950-51; correspondence, research notes, photostats of docu¬ ments (some dating from 1777), printed material, galley proofs, and other records pertaining to his book on the life of Pierre L’Enfant published in 1950; a scrapbook (Ca. 192644) containing corre¬ spondence, copies of printed matter, and other items concerning publications by Caemmerer, Commission activities and related subjects; and a copy of Caem¬ merer’s Washington: The National Capital (Washing¬ ton, Government Printing Office, 1932) which con¬ tains inserted newspaper clippings, copies of pub¬ lished material and correspondence, and annotations apparently made by the author. 15. CARD INDEX PERTAINING TO EXHIBITS AND HISTORIC SITES. 1950. Yi ft. A file of 3- by 5-inch cards relating primarily to exhibits held in conjunction with the sesquicentennial of the Nation’s Capital and the marking of historic sites within the District as part of the celebration. The file is divided into sections as follows: (1) a master list of exhibit items, arranged by chronological periods; (2) a list of items shown in the exhibit at the Corcoran Gallery of Art, July 17-November 26, 1950, numbered and arranged apparently in accordance with the arrangement of the exhibition; (3) a list of items used in the sesquicentennial exhibition at the Library of Congress, numbered and arranged in accordance with the arrangement of the exhibit; (4) cards relating to historic buildings and sites within the District, arranged alphabetically by name; and (5) a few bibliographic cards relating to the history of the District. 16. ENGRAVED COPPER PLATES, n.d. 4 in. Six wooden-backed engraved copper plates used in illustrating reports of the Commission. Four of the plates show a “Diagram of the Land Near the Capitol”; the other two are views of an unidentified memorial column. THE COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS 7 t Records Relating Primarily to Projects 17. PROJECT FILES. 1910-52. 93 ft. Arranged alphabetically by subject. Case flies concerning individual projects con¬ sidered by the Commission, usually containing memo¬ randums and correspondence with artists, Govern¬ ment officials, and other persons; newspaper and magazine clippings; pamphlets, bulletins, copies of legislation, reports, and other Government docu¬ ments; and maps, drawings, plans, sketches, blue¬ prints, and photographs. A select list of projects appears as appendix III of this inventory. Large scale plans and blueprints relating to projects are described in entries 22 and 23. Later project files have been incorporated into the central files described in entry 7. See entry 10 for additional letters sent concerning projects. 18. SHIPSTEAD-LUCE ACT CASES. 1930-52. 25 ft. Arranged numerically by case file, 1-1449, and in a group of “special” case files not a part of the numbered series. Individual case files consisting of applications for permission to alter or erect residences and business places and to erect, repair, or repaint advertising signs. A typical case files includes drawings, designs, blueprints, plans, and related correspondence. Ex¬ amples of important projects included in these files are the Acacia Life Insurance Building, the Shoreham Hotel, the Evening Star Building, the American Pharmaceutical Association Building, the Japanese Embassy, and a large number of apartment buildings. The numbered files originated in the Office of the District of Columbia Inspector of Buildings where they received their numerical designations before being forwarded to the Commission; the “special” files consist of applications received directly from private sources by the Commission. 19. SUBMISSIONS. 1919-34, 1939-43, 1945-46, and 1950-52. 11 vols. 3 in. The entries are arranged chronologically and numbered sequentially beginning with each fiscal year. A list of matters submitted to the Commission for its advice, the records give the number assigned the submission; the department or individual submit¬ ting the request; whether the matter was assigned to the Commission as a whole, a subcommittee, or an individual; the date it was acted on; and remarks usually elaborating on the nature of the request or the action of the Commission. 20. CARD FILE RELATING TO PROJECTS. Ca. 1933-34. 4 in. Arranged alphabetically by subject. 5- by 9-inch cards relating to projects considered by the Commission. The cards usually contain a brief description of the project and the origin of the Commission’s role. Sometimes there is data concern¬ ing the appropriation act authorizing the project and, in a few instances, a projected date of completion. 21. SCRAPBOOKS. 1902-26 and 1932-33. 27 vols. 4 ft. The arrangement within each scrapbook is usu¬ ally chronological. Newspaper clippings, booklets, congressional documents, published articles, programs of competi¬ tion, and a few copies of correspondence relating to projects considered by the Commission, art and architecture, and other subjects of interest to the Commission. There are two types of volumes: general books that contain documents on a variety of topics and subject scrapbooks that contain items on specific topics such as war memorials, the Theodore Roose¬ velt Memorial, National Capital Planning Commission projects, the public buildings program, and others. Cartographic Records 22. RECORDS PERTAINING TO THE WASHING¬ TON, D.C., METROPOLITAN AREA. 1910-52. 1,177 items. Arranged alphabetically by name of project or structure. Project plans, maps, plats, blueprints, drawings, and sketches created for approval by the Commission under the Fine Arts act. Several hundred projects including both Federal and District of Columbia buildings and their schools, libraries, churches, hospi¬ tals, parks, landscaping, bridges, parkways, memo¬ rials, monuments, and cemeteries are represented in this series. 8 THE COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS 23. RECORDS PERTAINING TO FOREIGN AND U S. AREAS OTHER THAN WASHINGTON, D.C. 1921-50. 25 items. Arranged by city or country. Plans, maps, and drawings of memoriafs, monu¬ ments, and cemeteries honoring the U.S. Government and its citizens. Audiovisual Records 24. GENERAL PHOTOGRAPHS. 1910-50. 8,955 items. Arranged alphabetically by subject, America (co¬ lonial) to World Fair (Chicago, 1893). These photo¬ graphs are mostly lantern slides with corresponding negatives and a few corresponding prints. The slides, negatives, and prints are filed separately. There is a list of captions for the slides. Lantern slides (some hand-colored) and negatives and/or prints of photographs or photographic copies of artworks, documents, maps and plans dating 1745-1950, in relation to projects supervised or needing approval by the Commission; other subjects include life in the American colonies, the history of the District of Columbia, the lives of Pierre Charles L’Enfant and George Washington, and arboretums, ancient and modern architecture, paintings, statues, memorials, monuments, parks, and housing and waterfront developments in foreign countries and parts of the United States. 25. OVERSIZED PICTORIAL MATERIALS. 1893-1935. 75 items. Arranged numerically, 1-63. There is a list of captions for these pictures. Lithographs, sketches, posters, and panoramic and photographic prints (some mounted) of Ameri¬ can flags, army insignia and uniforms, coins, certifi¬ cates, the Panama Canal, portraits of Commissioners, memorials, monuments, murals, statues, cherry trees, and buildings in the District of Columbia. 26. PHOTOGRAPHS OF SCULPTURES. 1920-40. 1,147 items. Arranged alphabetically by surname of artist, Herbert Adams to Adolph A. Weinman. There is a list of the artworks by each artist. Folios of mounted photographic prints of sculp¬ tures or models of sculptures submitted as examples of their work by 102 sculptors seeking commissions for statues, memorials, medals, coins, or insignia authorized by the Federal Government or needing the approval of the Commission. The earliest artwork is dated 1875. The artists include James C. Fraser, Daniel Chester French, Lee Lawrie, Paul Manship, Lorado Taft, Herbert Adams, and Adolph A. Wein¬ man, who were all sculptors and members of the Commission, 1910-50. 27. PROJECT PHOTOGRAPHS. 1910-53. 575 items. Unarranged. Photographic prints, drawings, plans, and photo¬ graphic copies of drawings, plans, and other artworks relating to projects before the Commission. Also include are photographs used to illustrate Commis¬ sion publications, an undated album of photographs and descriptive text compiled by H. Paul Caemmerer of all State capitol buildings in the United States, and a 1950 album of pictures and descriptive text compiled by Doris B. Reed relating to the history and development of Washington, D.C. Appendixes I. Select List of Subject Headings in the General Files, 1910-54 (Entry 4) Abingdon, Va. Academie des Beaux-Arts Acoustics Adams’ Memorial, Rock Creek Cemetery Adams Mill Road, geological exposure “Advancement of Womanhood,” proposed statue Akron , U.S.S., christening of Alabama Art League Alamo Defenders Memorial, San Antonio, Tex. See also Exhibitions and expositions Alaska Highway Albany, N.Y., resolutions regarding park areas Albertina Art Collection, Vienna, Austria Aldrich, William Truman, architect Alexandria, Va. General Colonial tea house on site of Portner Brewery Gazette Old Presbyterian Meeting House Restoration Route 1 Virginia Public Service Corporation Building Zoning Algeria Alonzo, Pietro, proposed monument Alternative structural design for Government buildings Amawalk Nursery American Academy in Rome American Artists Professional League American Bar Association Medal American Civic Association American Economic Association Seal American Federation of Arts American Fine Arts Society American Gold Star Mothers’ Medal American Historical Association American Institute of Architects General Citations Conventions Resolutions Standard form of competition program American Institute of Decorators American Legion American Library in Paris 9 10 APPENDIXES American Memorial Foundation, Inc. American Museum of Musical Art, proposed American National Institute (Prix de Paris) American Pharmaceutical Association, testimonial dinners American Society of Landscape Architects American Society of Painters, Sculptors, and Gravers American University American Village, McGuffey Home and Stephen Foster Cottage Anacostia Naval Air Station Anacostia River Andover, Mass., post office Animal Rescue League Building Annapolis, Md., buildings. See also Naval Academy Anthony, Susan B., proposed memorial Antiques, preservation of Antoinette, Marie, loom of Aquia Creek Episcopal Church Aquia Creek sandstone Architect of the Capitol Architects Biographical sketches of Competitions for selection of and Engineers, registration of and the Government of the United States and their works See also American Institute of Architects Architects’ Advisory Council Architectural competitions Architectural Forum Architecture, practice of in District of Columbia Argentina General Museums Arizona, law regarding advertising on highways Arkansas State Capitol, Little Rock, Ark., decoration of Arlington Beach Amusement Company Arlington County, Va. Armistice Day, sketches by Harry H. Prince Army Medical School Medal Army and Navy heroes, busts of Army show, “Back the Attack” Arno Bridge, Florence, Italy Art American works in foreign countries Criticisms Exportation, legislation on Galleries and museums for Government buildings Lectures Literature in the new Washington for public buildings APPENDIXES 1 1 Publications Vandalism Week Art commissions General Federal Legislation State and municipal See also names of specific city or State commissions Art schools in the United States Artificial stone Artists Selection of in World War II Arts Club of Washington Ashville, N.C., post office Assay Commission Atlanta, Ga., memorial “Atomic Energy,” painting by Celeste H. Troth Australia General Canberra Austria Aviation Building, 13th St. and Pa. Ave. Bacon, Frank H., architect, reminiscences of Baird, Alvin B., painting owned by Baker, Bryant, sculptor Baker, Edward Dickinson, Col., memorial, Balls Bluff, Va. Baker, Newton D., memorial, Martinsburg, W. Va. Ball, Mary, miniature portrait of Baltimore, Md., police headquarters building Barlow, Joel, proposed memorial Battery Park Memorial Tablet, New York City Bell, Alexander Graham Bernheimer Estate, Hollywood, Calif. Bessemer, Auriel Bible paintings, restoration of Billboards. See Signs and billboards Birdproofing Bjorkman, Olaf, sculptor Blashfleld, Edwin H., artist “Blue Boy,” Painting by Gainsborough, use on signboards Bohland, Gustav, sculptor, photographs of works by Boone, Daniel, shrine (log cabin home of) Borah Circle Boston Museum of Art Boundary between District of Columbia and Virginia Boy Scouts of America Jamboree Boys’ Clubs of America Bret, Floyd M., Brig. Gen., death mask Bridge designing competition 12 APPENDIXES Bridge over Potomac River near Shepherds Landing Bronxville, N.Y., lamp standards Bronze General Art in Casting by “lost wax” method on stone Thickness in statues U.S. standards for Browerer Collection of Life Mask Busts Brown, Glenn, architect Bruce, Edward, artist Bryan, Wilhelmus B., typed manuscript of a portion of his A History of the National Capital Brynes, Joseph W., Memorial Center, Springfield, Tenn. Buffalo, N.Y., Commission of Fine Arts Building materials Granite and marble Marble and stone, durability of Precast concrete slabs. See also National Guard Armory Regulating the selection of materials to be used in buildings on Government property See also Marble and other building materials Building regulations Buildings, temporary war Buildings, memorials, and parks in Washington, D.C., historical sketches Buildings and monuments in the United States Burlew, Ebert K., first Assistant Secretary of the Interior Burnham, Daniel H., architect Byrd, Richard E., Adm. Antarctic expedition stamp Commemorative sundial California, missions and adobes Calvert Manor, Riverdale, Md. Cammerer, Arno B., director, National Park Service, 1933-40, death of Capitol, U.S. General Architect of. See Architect of the Capitol Extension of grounds House of Representatives pediment Senate Chamber, alteration of Senate Reception Room, murals Senate Wing bronze doors Sesquicentennial Statues in Statuary Hall. See also names of individual statues Capitol Hill, restoration Capper Award Caproni casts Carlsbad Caverns Carter’s Grove, Va. Casa Grande National Monument Cassatt, Alexander J., president, Pennsylvania Railroad APPENDIXES 13 Cassell, Albert I., architect Catholic University Chapel of St. Johns Stadium Cavell, Edith (British nurse, World War I), article about Cemeteries, National, a study prepared in the Office of the Quartermaster General upon request of the Committee of Military Affairs, 1944 Ceres and Pomona Restaurants Chalfant, Jefferson David, artist Chamber of Commerce Champlain, Duane, sculptor Chanin Building, New York City Charles River Basin Charlesfort Monument, Parris Island, S.C. Charleston, S.C., Board of Architectural Review Charlottesville, N.C., Mint Museum of Art Cheney, Charles Henry, architect, regarding “amenities” of Washington, D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival Chesapeake and Ohio Canal General Records of Restoration Cheverly, Md. Chevy Chase, D.C. and Md. Chicago, Ill. General Art Commission Art Institute Beach hotel, memorial tablet Parks, memorials, and fountains War memorial World’s Fair of 1933 Christ, statue, National Catholic Welfare Conference Building “Christ the King,” proposed statue Churches, restoration of City planning General History of Civic art Civic virtue Civil Works Administration, employment of architects. See also Public Works Admin¬ istration Civilian Conservation Corps, proposed memorial Clark, Allen C., lawyer, historian Clark, Thomas B., portrait collection Clarke, Gilmore D., landscape architect Classical art Cleveland, Ohio Art Commission Proposed Commission of Fine Arts Terminal Coast Guard Building 14 APPENDIXES Coast Guard Trophy Cochran, Thomas, memorial, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Coinage Coins Designers of commemorative Designs of and medals Colfax, Schuyler, portrait, U.S. Capitol, Speakers’ Hall College Buildings, location of Colleges and universities Colleoni statue Colonial Dames of America Color schemes, public works of art project Columbia Heights Citizens’ Association Columbia and Liberty Lighthouse Tower, proposed Columbian Fountain Columbus Lighthouse, Santo Domingo Columbus, Ohio, Beautification Association Commerce and Labor Department Building Commission of Fine Arts General Anniversaries Annual reports Coat-of*arms of 1901 Dicta Dinner of Feb. 18, 1944 History Letterhead Legislative history of the establishment of Library Meetings Membership Minutes Quarters Records of. See National Archives of the United States Reorganization Seal Trip to Panama, 1913 Trip to Shenandoah National Park, 1932 Conduit Road Citizens’ Association Congressional apartments Connecticut Ave., zoning regarding building heights Constitution, U.S. in the Library of Congress Publication of papers regarding ratification of Sesquicentennial of Convict-made goods Coolidge, Charles A., architect Copley Square, Boston, Mass. Corcoran Gallery of Art, exhibitions Cordoba, Jose Mairo, Gen., and Gen. Antonio Jose de Sucre, proposed statue, Colombia Cornerstones, placement of APPENDIXES 15 Council of Fine Arts Cret, Paul Philippe, architect Cuniberti, Fernando, medals by Currency General Smillie report of 1921 Dallas, Tex., Kessler plan Daniel Road, name of D’Arc, Jeanne. See Jeanne D’Arc Dare, Virginia Proposed memorial, Roanoke Island Tablet Davis, Jefferson, eulogy Dawson, Jackson, medal Daytona, Fla., development of Death Valley Decatur, Stephen, House Declaration of Independence Delano, Frederick A., chairman, National Capital Park and Planning Commission De Lesseps, Ferdinand, monument, Isthmian Canal Zone Denver, Colo., Planning Commission Des Moines, Iowa, art center DeSoto, Hernando, proposed exposition Detroit, Mich., Fine Arts Commission Devil’s Tower National Park District of Columbia General Alley Dwelling Authority Alleys Archives Building code in wartime Citizens’ Advisory Council Citizens’ Efficiency Commission Report of 1937 Commissioner Mabel Boardman Commissioner Melvin C. Hazen Commissioner Dan Sultan Courts Federal payment to Fire stations 13th and K Sts. Conduit Road and Reservoir Flood of 1936, clippings Government Highway plan Home for Feeble-minded, Anne Arundel County, Md. Hospital Center House committee Legislation relating to Libraries Lorton Reformatory. See Lorton Reformatory Manufacturing in 16 APPENDIXES Memorials, monuments, and statues in. See also names of specific memorials Morgue Municipal architect Municipal Fish Market Parking. See also District of Columbia Parks General Brentwood Fort Reno Willow Tree Playgrounds Police stations Potomac Electric Power Company Recreation board Refuse disposal plant Rent Commission Schools Design of Jefferson Junior High School Sewage system Southwest Redevelopment Project Area B Square 726, fence Street crossings and widenings Street names Street waste cans Streets and street cleaning Subways Supreme Court of the Tax data Traffic and parking problems Transportation survey and plan, 1944 Trees Vote Welfare Zoning. See also Zoning See also Washington, D.C. Dix, Dorothea, proposed memorial Doctors’ Hospital Dolarr, Elizabeth, “Emancipation of Women” sketch Douglass, Frederick, proposed memorial Dover Patrol War Memorial Downing, Andrew Jackson, memorial Dumbarton Oaks Estate Dupont Circle Office Building Durban Art Gallery, Natal, South Africa Dykaar, Moses W., sculptor Earhart, Amelia Distinguished Flying Cross Proposed memorial at Thiel College, Greenville, Pa. Eastern Ave., Baltimore and Ohio viaduct over APPENDIXES 17 Edstron, David, sculptor Copy of David Edstron and His Sculpture “Man Triumphant” Education, Bureau of Education in the fine arts Elks Building, Chicago, Ill. Ellsworth, E.E., Col., tablet for Marshall House, Alexandria, Va. Elmslie, George C. Embassies Endicott, John, Gov., statue, Boston, Mass. England American Embassy in Monuments Epping Forest plan Equestrian statues Ericsson, Leif Memorial, Chicago, Ill. Painting of, U.S. Capitol Proposed statue, St. Paul, Minn. Etchings Evening Star, centennial of Everglades National Park Executive orders No. 1010 of Jan. 19, 1909 No. 1862 of Nov. 28, 1913 Dated July 28, 1921 Exhibitions and expositions Atlantic City, N.J., American Home and City Beautification Exposition, 1923 Barcelona, Spain, International Exposition, 1929 Budapest, Hungary, Exhibit of Plan of Central Composition of Washington, D.C., Ca. 1930 Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Exhibition of Pre-Columbian Art Chicago, Ill. Effect of the exposition of 1893 International Municipal Congress and Exposition, 1911 Cleveland, Ohio, Building Arts Exhibition, 1930 Dallas, Tex., Texas Centennial Central Exposition, 1936 See also Alamo Defenders Memorial Harrisburg, Pa., Exhibition of Sculpture-in-the-Open-Air, 1930 Karlsruhe, Germany, Great German Art Exposition, 1923 Lausanne, Switzerland, First National Exposition of Applied Arts, 1922 London, England Town Planning Conference, 1910 International Art Exhibit, 1925 Exhibition, 1942 Lyons, France, International Modern City Exhbiition, 1914 Madison, Wis., University of Wisconsin exhibition of the Washington, D.C., city plan of 1901 (1914) Milan, Italy, Triennial Art Exhibition, 1934 New York, N.Y. City Planning exhibition, 1913 Exhibition of Venetian artistic products, 1919 18 APPENDIXES Architectural and Allied Arts Exposition, 1925 Architectural League Exhibit, 1942 Development of Washington ... as shown in Plans and Models of Frederick Law Olmsted, 1944-45 Paris, France Paris salon, 1921 International Exposition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts, 1925 Exposition, 1931 Philadelphia, Pa. First Municipal City Planning Exhibition, 1911 National Sesquicentennial Exposition, 1926 Sixth Biennial Exhibition of Sculpture-in-the-Open-Air, 1930 Pittsburg, Pa., Architectural and Allied Arts Exposition, Carnegie Institute, 1925 Providence, R.I., American Institute of Architects Exhibit, 1911 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brazilian Centennial Exposition, 1922 Rome, Italy, Universal Exposition, 1939 San Diego, Calif., California-Pacific International Exposition 1935 San Francisco, Calif. Exhibition of American Sculpture, 1929 Golden Gate International Exposition, 1939-40. See San Francisco World’s Fair Seville, Spain, International Exposition, 1927 Stuttgart, Germany, poster exposition, Museum of Domestic Industries Venice, Italy, International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, 1924 Washington, D.C. Corcoran Gallery exhibition of the plan of Washington, 1920 Interior Department exhibition of the plan of Washington, 1939 Library of Congress exhibition of “Historic Views of Washington,” 1942 National Capital Sesquicentennial Exposition, 1950 Fairbanks, Avard, sculptor Fairfax County, Va. Farragut, David G., Adm. Monument, New York City Proposed statue, Knoxville, Tenn. Fechner, Robert, proposed memorial, Chatham County, Ga. Federal employees, housing for Federal Government, organization of Federal Housing Administration Federal Register Fences Ferguson Fund, Chicago, Ill. Ferry Farm (George Washington’s boyhood home) Fine Arts Building, proposed Fine arts in Europe Fine arts museums and professional libraries “Fishbone” buildings Flag, U.S. Flagpoles, design of Folger Library Ford’s Theater. See also Lincoln, Abraham Foreign Service Buildings Commission Fort Eustis, Va., Mathew Jones Home APPENDIXES 19 Fort Marion and Fort Matanzas, St. Augustine, Fla. Fort Meade, Md. Fort Moultrie, S.C. Fort Necessity, proposed memorial Fort Totten Reservoir Fort Washington, historic sketch Fort Wayne, Ind. Forts around Washington, D.C. Foster, Stephen, Cottage. See American Village Founders of the Republic Memorial Building, proposed Fountains Four-and-a-Half Street, name Frankford, Pa., proposed war memorial Franklin, Benjamin Proposed statue for Washington, D.C. Statue, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pa. Fraser Valley Estate Fredericksburg, Va., Citizens’ Guild Freedom shrine Freedom train Freidensstadt, Morovian memorial, Moavin, Pa. French art French Embassy Frye, Alexis Everett, and Matthew H. Hanna, busts of, Cuba Funston, Frederick, Gen., proposed monument, New Carlisle, Ohio Galbraith, F. W., Jr., memorial, Cincinnati, Ohio Gallaudet group Garden clubs Gardens, Shakespeare Garfield, James A., marker, Pennsylvania Railroad Station Gasoline stations, designs of George Washington Memorial Bridge, Dahlgren, Va. Georgetown Germany Gettysburg, painting of Battle Gettysburg, battlefield General Proposed memorial to Alabama soldiers Gettysburg Highway Gibault, Father Pierre, proposed monument, Cahokia, Ill. Gilbert, Cass, architect Gildart, Robert C., Lt. Col., memorial plaque, Fort Tilden, Long Island, N.Y. Gillett, Frederick H., Speaker, proposed bust for U.S. Capitol Glen Dale Tuberculosis Sanitarium, Mother Goose mural Glover Parkway Gold Star Mothers’ Medal. See American Gold Star Mothers’ Medal Government Printing Office, annual banquet of 1938 Governmental art activities Grace College, United Lutheran Church, Wheaton, Md. Graf Zeppelin. See Zeppelin, Graf Grand Army of the Republic Hall, proposed tablet 20 APPENDIXES Grand Canyon Grand Central Terminal, New York City Grand Rapids, Mich., proposed Civil War monument Granite, Stone Creek. See also Building materials Grant Park, Indian equestrian statues, Chicago, Ill. Grant, Ulysses S., Gen. “Grant Before Vicksburg,” painting Memorial Grant, Ulysses S., Ill Grasse, Comte de, proposed memorial Great Falls of the Potomac General Bridge Greece Greek art Greeley, Adolphus W., Maj. Gen., award of medal to Greene, Nathaniel, Gen., statue, Stanton Park Greenleaf, James Leal, landscape architect Greenough, Horatio, “The Rescue,” statue by Greenville Treaty, proposed memorial building, Greenville, Ohio Greenway Court, Va. Greenwood, Culpeper County, Va. Guadalcanal, proposed monument Hackley, Charles H., memorial statue, Muskegon, Mich. Hall of American Artists, New York City Hall of Fame New York City Washington, D.C., proposed Hall of State, proposed Hamilton, Alexander Memorial, Chicago, Ill. Statue, Treasury Department, cleaning of Hancock Bridge, Hancock, Md. Hanna, Matthew H., bust of, Cuba. See Frye, Alexis Everett, and Matthew H. Hanna Harding, Warren G., bust of Harrington Hotel, addition to Harrison, Benjamin, proposed memorial national forest, Indiana Harper, Robert G., death masks by Harper’s Mon thly Harris, Julian H., sculptor, photographs of works by Harvard University School of Architecture Tercentenary Haskall Institute, Lawrence, Kans. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, memorial, Salem, Mass. Hebrew Community Center, 16th and Q Sts. NW Hellas and America Henderson Castle Henkle Press, New Market, Va. Henry, Patrick, home of, Michie Tavern, Va. Highways, National APPENDIXES 21 Historic American Buildings Survey Hohn, Victory, sculptor Holmes, Oliver Wendell Home of, 1720 I St. NW Poem by Hood River Valley, Oreg. Hoover Commission Hoover Dam Houses, southern Housing General Low cost Housing Corporation, U.S. Houston, Sam, statue, Houston, Tex. Howells, John Mead, architect Hubbell and Benes, architectural firm Inaugurations, Presidential, 1921-49 Indian statue, Mich. Indian World War I Memorial, proposed Indiana Federation of Art Clubs Industrial safety, 1952 conference regarding Information Center, U.S., 1400 Pa. Ave. Inscriptions Insignia. See Medals Interior Department Art Gallery Exhibitions International City Managers’ Association International Conference of Architects, 1935-39 International Conference on the History of Art, 1936 International Congress of Architects, 1935 International Fine Arts Council International Historical Museum Irving, Washington, picture of Italy Jackson, Andrew Memorial Commission Portrait by Healy Portrait by Sully Jamestown Island Japanese architecture and gardens Japanese Commission of Fine Arts Jasper Spring, Ga., marker Jay, John, bust for Supreme Court Jeanne D’Arc, celebration, Meridian Hill Park, 1929 Jefferson, Thomas General Bust by Houdin Centennial Commission National Expansion Memorial, St. Louis, Mo. Proposed monument, Jefferson Highway, Okla. Statue, Kansas City, Mo. 22 APPENDIXES Statue, New York City Hall Statue proposed for State, War, and Navy Department Building See also Missouri State Capitol and Monticello Jenkins, Mrs. J. Caldwell, statue purchased by Johnson, Thomas, proposed memorial, Frederick, Md. Joint Committee on the Library of Congress Joint Committee on the National Capital Jones, John Paul, memorial plaque Jones Point, Alexandria, Va. Jones Point Bridge Motel Kansas City, Mo. Art Commission Liberty Memorial Municipal Auditorium Post office Kenmore Association, Fredericksburg, Va. Kennedy-Warren Apartments Keppel, Frederick P., Dr. Kettle Creek, Battle of, tablet, Georgia Kirkpatrick, Malcolm, landscape architect Kirkwood house Klauder, Charles Z., architect Knox, Henry, Gen., Memorial Association Kosciuszco, Thaddeus, Gen., statue Kress Art Collection Labor Department Building. See Commerce and Labor Department Building Lafayette, Marquis de Bust by Houdin Portrait Statue, Baltimore, Md. Statue, Lafayette Square, cleaning of Lafollette, Robert M., statue Latrobe, Benjamin General Papers of Landscape architects Landscape architecture General Exhibition of Law Reporter Printing Co. Building, 518 5th St. NW Lawrie, Lee, sculptor Leather figures Lee, Jason, proposed statue for Capitol Lee, Robert E. Memorial, Dallas, Tex. Proposed, statue Legislation L’Enfant, Pierre Charles General Bicentenary APPENDIXES 23 Membership in Corps of Engineers and other matters Plan for the city of Washington LeNotre, Andrew, gardens of Lettering Lewis, Betty Washington, grave marker, Culpeper, Va. Lewis and Clark Trail Committee Liberty, Statue of. See Statue of Liberty Liberty, temple to Proposed Library of Congress General Court garden Lighting fixtures Lima, Peru Lincoln, Abraham Memorial, records concerning photographs of Museum. See also Ford’s Theater Portraits Shrine, Redlands, Calif. Statue, Dixon, Ill. Statue, Juarez, Mexico Lincoln Highway Lincoln Park, proposed pantheon Lindbergh, Charles, proposed statue for France Logan Circle Long, Huey, statue, bust, and “Washroom” Medal Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, home of Lorton Reformatory Los Angeles, Calif. Committee for Home Front Unity Coin, proposed Municipal Art Commission Union Station Louisville, Ky., belt railway Luther Place Memorial Church Lutheran College for Women McClellan, George, Gen., portrait. See also Paine, Thomas, and George B. McClellan McGuffey Home. See American Village McHenry, James, papers McKinley, William, Birthplace Memorial Association McMillan, James. See also Washington, D.C., plan of 1901 MacMonnies, Bacchantes in bronze Madden, James B., bust Madison, James Memorial and James Monroe, birthplace monuments Madison Square Presbyterian Church, New York City “Madonna del Loreto,” painting Maine Ave. name of Mall General Distances Trees Walks and drives 24 APPENDIXES “Mammy,” proposed memorial Manassas Battlefield Park Mansfield, Lord, portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, University of Virginia Law School Building Manship, Paul, sculptor Marble General Cleaning of Exterior, weathering of Tennessee See also Building materials and Vermont marble “Marguerite,” marble bust Marietta, Ohio Marine Corps seal Marine Park, Brooklyn, N.Y. Markers General Historic See also Tablets and National Park Service Marshall Hall, Marshall Hall, Va. Maryland Hall of Records, Annapolis, Md. Historic Maryland-National Capital Planning Commission Mason family tree Massachusetts Avenue Park and Heights Massachusetts State Art Commission Bay Tercentenary War memorial, Boston Mathe, M. Pierre, architect Mather, Stephen T., proposed memorial Mauran, John L., tablet Maximilian, painting of mexican emperor Maya Indian, memorial museum proposed Mead, William Rutherford, architect Medals General Army and Navy Competitions, proposed regulations and Insignia Medalists General List of Society of Melchers, Gari, painter Memorials and monuments General Conversion of metal into war material, proposed. See also Sculpture Erected by U.S. Government or American citizens Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City General Commemorative medal APPENDIXES 25 Mexico General Law regarding protection of archeological and historical monuments Painting in Michie Tavern, Va. See Henry, Patrick, home of Michigan Avenue Viaduct Michigan State General Forts Michigan University, Architectural Building and Museum Microfilming Milan, Italy, Palace of Modern Art Military Posts, list of in 1930 Military Reservations, landscaping Milles, Carl, sculptor Millet, Francis, bronze bas relief by Saint-Gaudens Minnesota stone. See also Building materials Miranda, Francisco, proposed statue Miscellaneous, unarranged Missouri State Capitol, Jefferson City, Mo. Decoration of Statues of Washington and Jefferson Mitchell, John L., proposed medal Mondrain, Piet, painter Monroe, James, birthplace. See Madison, James, and James Monroe Monticello. See also Jefferson, Thomas Moore, Charles, proposed memorial Morris, Robert. See Washington, George Mosaics Mose, Carl, sculptor Moskovitz, Harry S., painter, photographs of works Mosque and Islamic Institute, Mass. Ave. Mount Pleasant Apartment House, Argonne PI. and Harvard St. Mount Vernon. See also Washington, George Mount Vernon Reformatory. See Occoquan, Va., workhouse Municipal Art Society Murals for public buildings Murray, James E. Museum of Modern Art, New York City Museums in the National Capital Music National Academy of Design National Air Mail Poster Contest National Air Service Memorial National Archives of the United States, Records of the Commission of Fine Arts National Arts Club National Capital parks. See also National Park Service National Capital Planning Commission National Cemeteries Commission, proposed National Conference on City Planning 25 APPENDIXES National Council for Historic Sites and Buildings (National Trust for Historic Preservation) National Cultural Center National Education Association National Gallery of Art General Collections Gellatly Collection Widener Collection. See also Widener Art Collection National Gallery of Art Commission National Geographic Society Offices National Horticultural Society National Housing and Town Planning Council Congress, 1920 National Intelligencer, copies dated 1847, 1848, 1858, and 1862 National military parks National monuments and parks National Park Service General Bronze tablets. See also Markers, historic Lectures National Portrait Gallery National Resources Board National School of Domestic Arts and Sciences National School of Modem Mural Art, proposed National Sculpture Society National Symbolism in American Art National Theater, proposed National Training School for Boys, location of National Trust for Historic Preservation. See National Council for Historic Sites and Buildings National Youth Association Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Naval Museum Navy Department Building, parking Navy Medal of Honor Navy paintings Nelson, Knute, proposed statue, St. Paul, Minn. Nevius Tract New Orleans, La., Vieux Carre section New York Avenue Presbyterian Church New York Avenue Railroad Underpass New York City Art Commission Botanical Garden Courthouse, portraits of judges for Plan of Post office World’s Fair of 1939 New York State Art Commission Newspaper correspondents, World War II memorial Niagara Falls Bridge Niehaus, Charles Henry, sculpture of APPENDIXES 27 Nightingale, Edward M., visa for Norris, Tenn., city planning North Carolina Capitol Memorials Commission Northwest Territory Celebration, 1938 Notable Men and Women of the United States, proposed memorial Noyes, Frank B. Nurses’ Memorial Oakwood Terrace, trees Octagon House Oil paints 1940 conference regarding Commercial standards for Occoquan, Va., workhouse Olympia , U.S.S. (Admiral Dewey’s flagship), proposal to place in the Mall Olympic games Olympic National Park, Washington State Osgood, Samuel, portrait by Brumidi in White House Ottawa, Canada, development of Pacific Highway Boundary stones Distance markers Page, William Tyler Paine, Thomas, and George B. McClellan, proposed shrine, Chicago, Ill. Painters Painting As an art From photographs Paintings Cleaning of Repair of Government-owned Restoration of Palas Verdes, Calif., art jury Panama City and Canal Pan American Union Pan American Union International Committee “Pantheon de Guerre,” painting Paper money, designs for Paris, France Park Commission Plan of 1901 Parker, Willard, portrait of Parking and traffic problems Parkman, Francis, memorial, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Parks Concerts and amusements Development of outer Proposed for Adams Mill Rd. State Statuary for 28 APPENDIXES Pasadena, Calif. Federal Building World War I memorial flagstaff Passports Patent Office Patton, George S., Gen., proposed memorial, Mass. Paullin, Charles Pauly Manufacturing Company Pavements and concrete grills, specifications for Payne, John Howard Peace memorial, proposed, Alcatraz Island, San Francisco Bay Peace monument, proposed for U.S.-Canadian border Pennsylvania Ave., improvement of north side Pennsylvania Railroad Bus terminal and hotel, 13th St. NW Terminals Pennsylvania State Education Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Pension Office Building, proposed World War I memorial Pershing, John J., Gen., statue and portrait Philadelphia, Pa. Art Jury Customhouse Philippine Islands, establishment of art commission in Phillips Gallery Photographs Aerial Requests to artists for photographs of their executed works Pickens, Andrew, Gen., proposed monument, Pendleton, S.C. Pittsburgh, Pa., memorial fountain Planetarium Planning, postwar Planning, Parks, and Government Conference of 1932 Platt, Charles Adams, architect and painter Plymouth Rock Mass., canopy and planting Poe, Edgar Allan, shrines Pohick Church, Fairfax County, Va. Point State Park, Pa. Pomona Restaurant. See Ceres and Pomona Restaurants Pontoon Bridges Pope, John Russell, architect Portraits in public buildings in Washington of Secretaries of Departments Portsmouth Rehabilitation Project Post cards of Washington, D.C. Post Office Department General Propaganda from Mexico Post offices Postage stamps, competition. See also Stamps APPENDIXES 29 Postmaster General Potomac River Bridges Historic Pradier, sculptor Prefabrication Presbyterian National Church Presidents, U.S. Memorials Portraits President’s Regatta Cup President’s Relief Committee Printing as one of the fine arts Programs and invitations Public buildings General Expenditures for, 1897-1910 Purchase of Sculpture and paintings for Public Buildings Administration Public Buildings Commission Public Buildings Program General American Institute of Architects Committee Public Buildings, A Survey of Architecture of Projects Constructed by Federal and Other Governmental Bodies , reprinting of Public Health Administration Building, Constitution Ave. between 19th and 20th Sts., description of Public Works Administration, Works Progress Administration, and Civil Works Administration Artwork Clippings and articles See also Works Progress Administration Puerto Rico, development of Quantico, Va., Marine base Quartermaster General’s Office Racine, Wis., World War I Memorial Building Railroad Belt Line Railroad Centennial Railroad Terminal, Chicago, Ill. Real Estate Convention, 1920, Kansas City, Mo. Recchia, Richard H., sculptor Reeves, Mildred, judge, municipal court Reina, Salvatore, sculptor Reinhard, Andrew L., architect Religious memorial, proposed Remington-Rand Building, 13th and F Sts. NW Renaissance, the Reno, Nev., battlefield, proposed memorial Renwick Gallery (U.S. Court of Claims Building) Retail Monument Industry Code (NRA Code) 30 APPENDIXES Rice, Henry M., statue in Statuary Hall, U.S. Capitol Richardson, William Symmes, architect Riggs House, I St. between 16th and 17th Sts. Riverside Museum, New York City Rizio, Fra, portrait by Walter Ingalls Roads, public Robinson, Conway, Judge, proposed memorial park Rochambeau, statue, Lafayette Park Rock Creek Cemetery Rock Creek Park Rock Creek Parkway, Watergate abutment, first aid and comfort station Rockefeller Center, New York City Rockefeller, Percy, collection of historical portraits Rocking chair, Egyptian handcarved Roerich Museum, New York City Rogers, Moses, Capt., proposed monument Rogers, Will, museum, Claremore, Okla., and statue, Statuary Hall, U.S. Capitol Roman art Rome, Italy General Relief model of ancient Rome by Paul Bigot Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Proposed memorial Portraits and busts of Presidential Library Roosevelt, Theodore Influence on coin design Memorial, Central Park, New York City Memorial coin Photographs Portrait by Sargent in White House Root, Elihu, medal Rose Garden, proposed for Washington, D.C. Rosslyn, Va., wharf Royal Fine Arts Commission of England Rumsey, James, proposed sesquicentennial commission Rushmore, Mount Russell, Charles M., proposed statue for Statuary Hall, U.S. Capitol Russian Embassy Russian Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, inquiry regarding historical monuments Sabine Pass, Tex., memorial Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, sculptor, proposed memorial to at Saint-Gaudens, France Saint John’s College, Annapolis, Md. Saint Louis Carl Milles fountain Municipal auditorium Saint Marks Cathedral, Venice, Italy, flagstaffs Saint Paul, Minn., Capitol approach plan Salvation Army Building San Antonio, Tex., Art Commission APPENDIXES 31 San Diego, Calif., railroad tracks and city planning San Francisco, Calif. Bridges Water supply World’s Fair, 1939-40 (Golden Gate International Exposition) Sault Sainte Marie, St. Mary’s Canal obelisk Savage, Eugene, painter Savannah, Ga., post office and courthouse Scott, James, fountain, Detroit, Mich. Scott, John, award Scottish Rite Temple Scudder, Janel, sculptor, exhibit of 1926 Sculptors General Agreements, competitions, and contracts American women Lists of leading American NRA code Photographs of works by Sculpture Concrete casts Exhibitions Melting of metal for war materials. See also Memorials and monuments in soap Seals of Government departments Section of Fine Arts, Public Buildings Administration Security Storage Company, pamphlet published by Selz, Gustave W., painting “The Departure of the Highland Bride” Senate Office Building Senators’ homes Sevier, John, proposed memorial Sewall, Thomas D. Seyffert, I^eopold, portraits by Shepherd, Alexander R., statue Shipstead-Luce Act Shreveport, La., Art Commission Signs and billboards Silvercruys, Suzanne, sculptor Simon, Louis A., supervising architect, PBA, retirement of Sinnock, John R., Director, Philadelphia Mint Sioux Falls, S. Dak., monument Siqueland, T. A., Col., portrait Sixteenth Street Busts of Presidents and Vice-Presidents bordering the sides of the 16th St. heights Slidell, John, House, 1607 H St. Slum clearance Smithsonian Institution Smoke nuisance Social Security Building, murals in board room Soldiers’ Home, reservoir Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines, proposed memorial 32 APPENDIXES Soldiers and sailors memorial, Duluth, Minn. Soldiers and sailors monument, Worchester, Mass. Soloman, Haym, memorial. See Washington, George “Soundings,” magazine South Carolina Archives Building Southern Railway Building Southwest Washington Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N., cottage of Spanish style buildings SPAR barracks Sparrow-Gripson, Louise Keddar, fountain by entitled “I Shall Give Thee Living Waters” “Spirit of the West,” model by Sidney Bedore Springfield, Mass., bridge Stackpole, Ralph, sculptor Stamps General Design of Design competitions Federal Duck Stamps See also Postage stamps “The Star-Spangled Banner,” manuscript of State Department General Consular reports Reports on art Statuary, lighting of Statue of Liberty General Replica of Statues Cleaning of of living persons Steel, stainless Steelox Company houses Stone age art Stone, Harlan Fiske, portrait Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial, Ga. Stratford, Va. Submissions Subtreasury building, New York City Sucre, Antonio Jose, Gen., statue. See Cordoba, Jose Maria, Gen. and Gen. Antonio Jose Sucre, proposed statue (Colombia) “Sulamitide,” bust of Suter’s Tavern Swiss Memorial Switzerland, “Monument de la Reformation” T Street Tablets. See also markers Taj Mahal Takoma Park, Md., swimming pool Taney, Roger B., memorial, Frederick, Md. APPENDIXES 33 Tariff schedules Taylor, Zachary, proposed statue Telephone poles Television Temperence fountain Temple of Fame, proposed Temporary War and Navy buildings, 17th and B Sts. NW Tennessee State Capitol Annex, Nashville, Tenn. Terra Cotta, Use for Federal buildings Thomas, Seymour S., painter Tiber Creek Tidal Basin Naval memorial, proposed Pollution Tiles, Spanish, Importation of “Tin Can” camps Titian, painting entitled “Famese Investiture” Tourist camp Townsend, Mrs. Richard, garden of Traffic, Potomac River bridges and inner loop “Transmitter” (publication of the C & P Telephone Co.) Transportation building, proposed, 17th and H Sts. NW Treasury Department Office of Supervising Architect Section of Painting and Sculpture (Bulletins) Trees General Memorial Trenton, N.J., war memorial “Triangle of the Amenities” Trinity Episcopal Church, razing of Truman Library Tuberculosis schools and homes Tudor Place Tunisia (photographs) Turin, Italy, wholesale market Twain, Mark, memorial park, Florida, Mo. Tyler, John, bust, Virginia Capitol, Richmond, Va. Union College, Memorial Chapel, Schenectady, N.Y. Union Station General Cleaning of facade United Cigar Stores Company United Nations Headquarters Location Proposed peace monument United States of America, proposed monument United States Daily University of California at Los Angeles Verdun medal Vermont marble. See also Marble 34 APPENDIXES Vice-Presidential mansion “Victory Fatigued” by Leo Friedlander Virginia Avenue Underpass, under 23d St. Virginia greenstone Virginia Greenstone Company Virginia State Arts Commission Capitol, Richmond, Va. Historic “Virginia Mother of the States” proposed monument Vitale, Ferruccio, landscape architect. See also Yellowstone National Park Wainwright, Jonathan, Gen. Wallpaper, design competition Walter, Thomas Upstick, architect War Art Museum, proposed War Department General Officers’ quarters at Charleston, Curtis Bay, Pig Point, and Raritan Ordinance Depots War Memorials General Report of 1947 Wardman Park Apartments, Lafayette Square Warrenton, Va., Library Association Washington Album Washington Cathedral Washington Channel Bridge Washington, D.C. General Addresses and articles by H. Paul Caemmerer Architecture of Auditorium Bibliography Board of Trade Bridges Calendar as a center of culture Churches Civic art Colonial garden for Early, 1791-92 the Federal City, article by Alice Torbert Film about Fountains of the future Guides to Historic dwellings Improvements Lectures Memorials Opera Picture post cards. See also Post cards of Washington, D.C. APPENDIXES 35 Plan of general bibliography Plan of 1901 General Model of List of photographs illustrating Planning of city and region Population Post office, inscriptions Postwar planning Regional planning Sculpture Six-year Plan Southeast rehabilitation Statues and memorials in, descriptions of Traffic lights Transportation plans, 1946 Trees See also District of Columbia Washington Gas Light Company Washington, George General Collection of objects of art concerning Descendants Masonic memorial, Alexandria, Va. Mill property, Fairfax County, Va. Painting (Kansas City) Plaque, Subtreasury Building, New York City Portraits General Peale Stuart Trumbull Monument, Washington, D.C. General Photographs Utah stone Robert Morris and Haym Soloman memorial, Chicago, Ill. Sesquicentennial of inauguration Shrine, Long Island, N.Y. Statues Kansas City, Mo. Uruguay Valley Forge, proposed by Ward Writings Washington Home for Incurables Washington, Mary Ball, portrait Washington Society of Alexandria, Va. Watergate concerts Wayne, Anthony, Gen., memorial, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Wayne, Pa., Art Center Webb, Arthur C., redesign of a cupola 36 APPENDIXES Weiser, Conrad, proposed monument, Womelsdorf, Pa. Western Avenue West Point, N.Y., Lawton family plot, West Point Cemetery White House General Cabinet China Committee on Furnishings and Gifts for Cornerstone Paintings of state rooms by Ruth Perkins White, Stanford, architect Whitman, Mildred Walker Widener Art Collection. See also National Gallery of Art Williams, Roger, marker, Providence, R.I. Wilson, James, portrait Wisconsin Avenue improvement Woodland Drive Bridge Women’s War Memorial Works Progress Administration, art projects. See also Public Works Administration; Civil Works Administration Worth, William Jenkins, Gen., proposed memorial, Lake Worth, Fla. Wright Brothers, proposed memorial Dayton, Ohio Wright, Wilbur, memorial, Mons, France Yale University Yellowstone National Park, inspection trip in 1928 by Ferruccio Vitale Yorktown Monument Young Men’s Christian Association Zantzinger, Clarence, architect Zeppelin, Graf Zion Lutheran Church Zoning. See also District of Columbia APPENDIXES 37 II. Select List of Central Files, 1920-68 (Entry 7) Budget and appropriations Estimates, fiscal years 1963-68 Budgets and appropriations, fiscal years 1962-65 City development, bridges Baltimore and Ohio railroad bridge, R.I. Ave. NE, 1961-62 Beach Drive, 1956 Connecticut Avenue Bridge, lions, 1964-65 Constitution Avenue Bridge, 1954-59 E Street Bridge, 1952-54 East Capitol Street Bridge, 1951-55 Eleventh Street Bridge SE, over Anacostia River, 1958-64 Fourteenth Street Bridge, old 1961 George Mason Memorial Bridge, 14th St., 1958-62 Independence Avenue, 1955 Jones Point, 1958 New Hampshire Avenue, 1954 Potomac River report, 1952 Roaches Run, 1954-55 Shepherds Landing, 1953 City development, bridges and tunnels Potomac River crossing, Constitution Ave., proposed, 1956-57 City development, buildings, Federal Government Capitol, east front, clippings, 1955-60 Capitol, House Office Building garage Construction program for Federal buildings, 1956-57 Square 62, land agreement between American Pharmaceutical Association and United States, 1956-58 City development, buildings, other Baker and Confectionary Workers International Union Headquarters Building Capitol, Honolulu Evening Star Gasoline service station, Wis. and Mass. Aves. NW, 1956-59 International Union of Operating Engineers Headquarters Building National Grange Headquarters, 1616 H St. NW, 1958-60 Penn-17 Office Building, 1717 Pa. Ave. NW, flagpoles, 1960 Potomac Electric Power Company substation No. 126 at 411-23 12th St. SW, 1958 Potomac Plaza Apartments, 2475 Va. Ave. NW, 1952-59 Presidential reviewing stand, 1960 Seal test Foods, 2535 Pa. Ave. NW, sign relocation, 1960 Sidewalk cafes, 1959-65 38 APPENDIXES Gty development, District of Columbia Gippings, 1956-63 Parade routes, 1960-64 Gty development, expositions New York World’s Fair of 1964 (1962-64) Gty development, parks Anacostia Park, golf concession building, 1960 C & 0 Canal, barge landing, 1963 Eastland Gardens, 1964 Garfield Park, 1964 Marion Park, 1963-64 Rawlins Park, west landscaping, 1966 Rock Creek Park, golf clubhouse, 1963 Rock Creek Park, Nature City and Planetarium, 1959-60 Southwest Neighborhood Park (Lansburgh Park), 1964 Stanton Park, landscaping, 1963 Turkey Run Recreation Area, comfort station, 1963 U.S. Reservations 72, 73, and 74, Mass. Ave. at 5th and 6th Sts. NW, 1965 U.S. Reservation 309C, Columbia Rd. at 16th and Harvard Sts. NW, 1963 U.S. Reservation 700, Mass, and Wis. Aves. NW, 1963 Ward Circle, landscaping, 1963 Washington Circle, landscaping, 1963 Gty development, parkways and highways Anacostia Freeway, 1957 Arizona Parkway Baltimore-Washington Parkway Bridge, over Anacostia River, 1952-53 Clippings, 1955-63 George Washington Memorial Parkway, 1958-63 Inner Belt Parkway, Clark report, 1955 Southwest Freeway, 1956-59 City development, planning Area growth and expansion, clippings, 1955-63 Federal city of Pakistan Gty development, transportation Mass Transportation Survey of the Washington Region, National Capital Planning Commission, 1958-60 Railroads Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, 1964-66 City development, urban renewal Clippings, 1955-64 APPENDIXES 39 City development, utilities and services Potomac River, clippings, 1951-61 Codes Signs and billboards, clippings, 1955-61 Zoning and rezoning, clippings, 1954-59 Fine arts Clippings, 1950-63 Cultural exchange, 1956-61 Government and art, 1954-63 Fine Arts Act, American battle monuments East coast memorial, 1956-59 Grafenwohr, Germany, monument, 1st Battalion, 2d Armed Cavalry, 1958-59 Information, inquiries, 1945-55 Okinawa memorial, 1959-60 Report on survey in Europe, Aug.-Sept. 1946, Harbeson, Hough, Livingston, and Larson, consulting architects 3d Infantry Division memorial, Chateau-Thierry, Aisne, France, 1958-61 War memorials, 1942-53 Fine Arts Act, American battle monuments, American military cemeteries Ardennes, France, chapel, sculpture by Dean Cornwell, 1959 Ardennes, France, chapel, sculpture by C. Paul Jennewein, 1958-61 Belleau Wood, France, 1955 Brittany, France, 1953-57 Epinal, France, 1949-57 Honolulu, Hawaii, 1954-60 Honolulu, Hawaii, maps by Mr. and Mrs. R. Lahey, 1959 Lorraine, France, 1951-53 Lorraine (St. Avoid), France, sculpture by Walker Hancock, 1959 Luxemburg, 1953-60 Manila, Philippines, 1949-56 Normandy, France, 1950-57 North Africa, 1949-54 Rhone, France, 1950-59 Fine Arts Act, coins, insignia, and medals-coins Fifty cent piece, head of Benjamin Franklin U.S. coins, correspondence, 194546 Fine Arts Act, coins, insignia, and medals-insignia Army Dept., Superior ROTC Cadet and NDCC Ribbon Emblem, 1958-59 Flag, U.S.,49 stars, 1958-59 Flag, U.S., 50 stars, 1958-59 40 APPENDIXES Seal: Civil Service Commission, 1962-63 Commerce Department, 1963-65 Federal Aviation Agency, 1959-61 High Commissioner of the Ryukyu Islands, 1958-59 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965 President’s Council on Aging, 1965 President’s Council on Youth Fitness, 1957-61 U.S. Court, Administrative Office, 1958 Seals and State flags, general, 1936 Fine Arts Act, coins, insignia, and medals-medals Air Force Dept.: Awards for Valor, 1961 Commendation Medal Cross 1960 Distinguished Service Medal, 1958-62 Airmen’s Medal for Valor, 1960-61 Combat Ready Medal, 1963 Medal of Honor, 1962-63 Medal of recognition to Maj. Gen. Benjamin D. Foulois, 1963-65 Standard Miniature Medals, 1958-59 Army Dept.: Atomic Energy Medal Distinguished Civilian Service Award Fairbank Medal, 1959 Four Chaplains Medal, 1960-61 Korean Service Medal Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Medal Century 21 Exposition, 1961 Civil War Centennial Commission Medal, 1961 Coast Guard, Distinguished Service Medal, 1961 Colorado Centennial Medal, 1959 Defense Dept.: Armed Forces Expeditionary Service Medal, 1962 Defense Supply Agency, Exceptional Civilian Service Award, 1963 Defense Supply Agency, Meritorious Civilian Service Award, 1963 Distinguished Civilian Service Award, 1955 Distinguished Public Service Award, 1957 Joint Service Commendation Medal, 1963 Legion of Merit Medal Meritorious Civilian Service Award Dooley, Thomas A., Ill, Dr., 1961-62 First Union Health Center in U.S., 50th Anniversary Medal, 1963-64 Frost, Robert (Treasury Dept.), 1961-62 Goddard, Robert H., Prof., medal, 1959-60 Hope, Bob, medal, 1962 International Cooperation Administration Award Emblem, 10 years service International Exhibition of Contemporary Medals Kansas Centennial Medal, 1960 APPENDIXES 41 MacArthur, Douglas, Gen., medal, 1963 Mobile, Ala., 250th anniversary, 1961 NASA: Distinguished Service Medal, 1961-62 Exceptional Bravery Medal, 1962-63 Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal, 1962-63 Outstanding Leadership Medal, 1962 National Medal of Science, 1960 National Security Agency, Exceptional Civilian Service Award, 1959-61 Navy Dept.: Antarctica Service Medal, 1959-62 Civilian Service Award Conrad Award for Scientific Achievement, Capt. Robert Dexter, 1957-58 Distinguished Achievement in Science Medal, 1961 Naval Reserve Meritorious Service Medal, 1964 Secretary of the Navy Commendation for Achievement Award, 1964 Nevada Centennial Medal, 1963 Nevada Silver Centennial Medal, 1959 Olympic games, Australia Pony Express Termination Medals, 1961 President’s Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service, 1957-61 Rayburn, Sam, medal, 1962-63 Rickover, Hyman G., Vice Adm., medal, 1958 St. Louis Bicentennial Medal, 1964 Salk, Jonas E., Dr., and Benjamin Franklin Medal Serra, Padre Junipero, medal, 1963 State Dept., Agency for International Development, Distinguished Honor Award, 1964 State Dept., Diplomatic Courier Service Treasury Dept., Exceptional Civilian Service Medal Treasury Dept., Surviving Veterans, War Between the States, medal Trophy award designs for rifle and marksmanship, U.S. Coast Guard USIA, Honor Award West Virginia Centennial Medal, 1961-62 Fine Arts Act, grounds and streets Arlington National Cemetery: Arlington Memorial Amphitheater hedge, relocation of boxwood Arlington Memorial Amphitheater, weather cover for west entrance to Entrance, “Last Farewell” Taft memorial, 1959 Benches Clippings Playgrounds, Langley Recreation Center, shelter building, 1960 Rhode Island Ave., Logan Circle NW. to 4th NE Trees, 15th St. between H and I Sts. NW Trees, Pa. Ave., 1st to 17th St. NW (north side), 1962-63 42 APPENDIXES Fine Arts Act, National Capital Planning Commission Clippings, 1953-63 Land acquisition: Benning Neighborhood Park, 1959 Buchanan School playground addition, 1959 Fort Drive, 1960 Fort Reno Park George Washington Memorial Parkway Palisades Park Petworth School playground, 1959 Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Southwest Neighborhood Park, 1960-61 Watts Branch Parkway Wheatley School playground, 1960 Fine Arts Act, organizations, reports and statistics Report on actions taken by the Commission on Old Georgetown applications, 1962-63 Fine Arts Act, paintings and portraits Agriculture Dept., Benson, Ezra Taft, 1955 Federal Aviation Agency, administrator, 1960 Post Office Dept., Summerfield, Arthur E., 1956 Supreme Court, Vinson, Fred M., Chief Justice, 1959 Fine Arts Act, postage stamps Labor Day stamp, 1956 Mellon, Andrew W., 1955 Fine Arts Act, public buildings, District of Columbia District of Columbia Stadium, building design, 1958-60 District of Columbia Stadium, clippings, 1957-60. See also Fine Arts Act, public buildings, Federal, National Memorial Stadium Fire Dept. #1,23d and M Sts. NW, 1958-59 Fire Dept. #13, 6th and E Sts. NW, 1959 Fire Dept. #18, 414-18 8th St. SE, 1963 Fire Training School, Blue Plains: Site and key, 1958-59 Building #6, fire training bldg., 1959 Building #8, drill tower, 1959 Building #9, thermocouple dial house, 1959 Building #10, administration bldg, and main school, 1959 Flarbor Precinct, Maine Ave. and N St. SW, 1963 Incinerator #4, Fort Totten Dr. and Hawaii Ave. NE, 1959 Municipal Building, 1956 National Civic Auditorium and Cultural Center, 1936-57 APPENDIXES 43 Police Precinct: #3, 23d and L Sts. NW, 1962 #4, 4th and E Sts. SW, 1958-59 #7,3128 Volta PI. NW #13, V St. between 16th and 17th Sts. NW, 1962 Public Library: Administration Building, 499 Pa. Ave. NW, 1938-40 Benning Branch, 1960-61 Capitol View Branch, 1962 Fort Davis Branch, 1959 Palisades Park Branch, 1962 Southwest Branch, 1963 Tenley Branch, 1958-59 Washington Higlilands Branch, 1958 Woodbridge Branch, 1955-58 Redevelopment Land Agency, Northeast, 1960-63 Redevelopment Land Agency, Northwest, Adams-Morgan Area, 1960-65 Redevelopment Land Agency, Southwest: Area B, 1952-62 Area C, 1955-63 Carrolsburg Square, 1962 Chalk House West, 1962-65 Clippings, 1954-64 CFA policy, 1952-59 Portal site, 1962 Reporters Building, 1962 River Park Cooperative, 1961 Tiber Island, 1961 Waterfront, 1940-64 Squares 463 and S463, 1965 School: Aiton, Maud E., Elementary School, 1958 Amidon-Greenleaf Elementary School, 1958-59 Anacostia High School, 1955 Bakus, Bertie, Junior High School, 1959 Ballou, Frank W., High School, 1958 Crippled children, 1956 Eliot Junior High School, 1955 Evans Junior High School, 1959 Garfield Elementary School, 1955 Garrison School, 1962 Green, Mildred, Elementary School, 1963 Harris, Caroline Wilder, Elementary School, 1962 Hendley Elementary School, 1957 Hine Junior High School, 1963 Houston, Charles H., Elementary School, 1950 LaSalle School, 1955 Lewis, Katie, Elementary School, 1960-61 Meyer, Eugene, School, 1961 Rabaut, Louis Charles, Junior High School, 1963 Roper, Daniel D., Junior High School, 1963 Watkins, Catherine, Elementary School, 1959 44 APPENDIXES Webb School, 1958 Wilson, J. Ormond, Elementary School, 1958 Youth Correctional Center, Lorton, Va., 1955 Fine Arts Act, public buildings, Federal American National Red Cross, sculpture for, 1951 Anacortes, Wash., post office, selection of sculptor, 1963 Army Dept.: Corps of Engineers, rowhouse buildings, 1956 Corps of Engineers, Walter Reed Medical Center, chapel and chaplain’s office, 1956 Corps of Engineers, Walter Reed Medical Center, graduate school, 1956 Corps of Engineers, Walter Reed Medical Center, NCO open mess, 1956 Fort McNair, apartments, 1956 Map Service, Cartographic Engineering Building, 1959 Map Service, Gimrada Engineering and Operations Building, 1962 Map Service, Precision Photogrammetric Laboratory, 1962-63 Medical library, 194146 Baltimore, Md., Federal Office Building (FOB) and Gerontology Building, selection of artists, 1965-66 Billings, Mont., FOB and courthouse, selection of artist for mural, 1964 Boston, Mass., John F. Kennedy Federal Building, selection of artists, 1965-66 Brooklyn, N.Y.: FOB and courthouse, selection of artist for marble mural, 1963 FOB and courthouse, selection of artist for metal screen, 1963 FOB and courthouse, selection of sculptor for great seal of United States, 1961 FOB and courthouse, selection of sculptor for open-door panel, 1963 Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1963 Camden, S.C., post office, selection of artist, 1965 Carter Barron Amphitheater, weather cover for, 1952 Central Heating Plant, east extension, 1957-58 Central Intelligence Agency, Langley, Va., 1957-59 Central Maintenance Shop, Brentwood, Md., 1960 Charleston, S.C., FOB, selection of artist, 1965-66 Cheyenne, Wyo., post office and courthouse, selection of muralist, 1963 Cincinnati, Ohio, FOB, selection of artist for ceramic mural, 1960-63 Cincinnati, Ohio, FOB, selection of artist for exterior sculpture, 1961-63 Clippings, 1954-64 Concord, N.H., post office and courthouse, selection of artist, 1965 Custis-Lee Mansion, 1931-64 Dalecarlia Filter Plant, 1960 Dalecarlia Filter Plant, Coastal Engineering Research Center, 1963 Defense Dept., space study, 1960 DeLand, Fla., post office, recommendations regarding murals, 1966 Denver, Colo., FOB and courthouse, selection of sculptor, 1962 Employment Security Building, 1959-61 Executive Office space, 1957. See also Fine Arts Act, public buildings, Federal, White House Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 1950-61 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, landscaping, 1963 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, selection of sculptor, 1961-62 APPENDIXES 45 Federal Office Building: #5, 4th and C Sts. SW #6,4th and C Sts. SW, 1957-58 #7, 17th St. to Jackson PI. and Pa. Ave. to H St., 1942-62 #8, C, D, and 2d and 3d, Sts., SW, 1957-62 #9, Civil Service Commission Building, 19th and E Sts. NW, 1957-63 #10, Independence Ave. between 6th and 9th Sts. SW #14, Treasury Annex extension, Lafayette PI., 1958 Federal Triangle Refrigeration Building, 1958-63 Fort Hunt, 1962-63 Fort McNair, Building 56B (Old Walter Reed Hospital), 1961 Fort McNair, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, 1956 Fort McNair, National War College, 1964 Fort Myer, quarters #7, 1960 Fort Washington, 1962-63 Fort Washington, employee residence, 1963 Fort Worth, Tex., FOB, selection of artist, 1964 Gainesville, Fla., post office and courthouse, selection of artist, 1964 Gallaudet College: Auditorium, 1959-61 Cafeteria and service building, 1958 Classroom and laboratory building, 1957 Fine arts building, 1962-65 Girls’ dormitory, 1956 Hearing and speech center, 1957-63 Kendall School, 1959-60 Kendall School maintenance building, 1959 Kendall School maintenance help apartments, 1959 Library, Edward Miner memorial, 1955 Men’s dormitory, 1957-58 Men’s and Women’s dormitories, 1963 Physical education building, 1956 General Accounting Office, murals, 1951-54 General Accounting Office, sculpture, 1949-50 General Services Administration, regional office building, 7th and D Sts. SW, refacing, 1961-63 Government Printing Office: Field plant, 2d and D Sts. SW, 1962 Field plant, Navy yard annex, 1964 Loading dock, N. Capitol and G Sts. NW, 1966 Sign, N. Capitol and G Sts. NW, 1960 Housing and Urban Development Dept., 1964 Howard University: Auditorium and fine arts building, 1955 Classroom building #2, 1962 Classroom building #2, selection of sculptor, 1964 Home economics building, 1959-62 Law school building, 1951 Men’s dormitories, 1955 Pharmacy building, 1952 Physical education building, 1959 46 APPENDIXES Preclinical medical building, 1953 Women’s residence hall, 1961-62 Identification of public buildings, 1956 Independence, Mo., post office and FOB, selection of sculpture, 1965 Interior Dept. Building, murals, 1938 Jacksonville, Fla., FOB, selection of sculptor, 1965 Juneau, Alaska, post office and courthouse, selection of sculptor, 1962 Kansas City, Mo., FOB, selection of artist, 1965 Kansas City, Mo., FOB, selection of sculptor, 1961 Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, greenhouses, 1963 Long Beach, Calif., customhouse, selection of sculptor, 1964 Los Angeles, Calif., customhouse and FOB, selection of artists for tile murals, 1960 Memphis, Tenn., FOB, selection of muralist, 1962 Milledgeville, Ga., post office, selection of artists for lobby murals, 1961 National Academy of Sciences, 1965 National Arboretum, headquarters and administration building, 1958-59 National Archives shrine, 1952 National Armed Forces Museum, 1946-60 National Bureau of Standards: Administration building, 1960 Boiler plant, 1960 Engineering mechanics laboratory, 1960 General purpose laboratory, 1960 Landscaping, 1961 Main gatehouse, 1960 Radiation physics laboratory, 1960 Reactor building, 1961 Service building, 1960 Shops building, 1960 Supply and plant building, 1960 National Cultural Center: Architect, selection of Clippings, 1957-65 Correspondence, general, 1958-62 Design, 1959-63 Legislation, 1958-63 Seal Site, 1958-65 National Institute of Health, building #10, sculpture, 1950 National Institute of Health, expansion, 1948 National Library of Medicine: 1957-59 Decoration of building, 1959-62 Frieze by F. Wildenhain, 1961 Selection of C. Paul Jennewein as sculptor, 1959-62 National Memorial Auditorium, proposed, 1954 National Memorial Stadium, D.C., 1945-56. See also Fine Arts Act, public buildings, District of Columbia, District of Columbia Stadium National Portrait Gallery, 1953-63 Navy Dept., gasoline filling station, Mass. Ave. NW, 1957 New York, N.Y., Customs court and FOB, selection of artists, 1966 Newark, N.J., FOB, selection of artist, 1965-66 APPENDIXES 47 Northwest submaintenance unit, 1965 Ocala, Fla., post office, selection of artist for mural, 1961-63 Ogden, Utah, FOB and courthouse, selection of sculptor, 1963 Oklahoma City, Okla., courthouse, selection of artists for sculpture, 1960-62 Reno, Nev., FOB, selection of artist, 1964 Richland, Wash., post office and FOB, selection of artist, 1965 Saint Elizabeths Hospital, maximum security building, 1955-56 St. Louis, Mo., courthouse, selection of sculptor, 1961 St. Paul, Minn., courthouse and FOB, selection of artist, 1965 Salt Lake City, Utah, FOB, selection of sculptor, 1961-62 Smithsonian Institution, Natural History Museum, 1954-57 Smithsonian Institution, National Zoological Park, public rest room Smithsonian Institution, National Collection of Fine Arts museum, 1956 Soldiers’ Home, domiciliary building C, 1959 Sparta, Ga., FOB, selection of muralist, 1963 Stillwater, Okla., post office, selection of muralist, 1962-63 Tampa, Fla., FOB, selection of artist, 1964 Temporary Building: A, 2d and R Sts. SW, 1941 B, 2d and R Sts. SW, 1941 C, 2d and RSts.SW, 1942 F, 23d St. NW, 1941 G, 23d between C and D Sts. NW, 1941 H, 23d St. NW, 1941 I, south of Reflecting Pool, 1942 J, south of Reflecting Pool, 1942 K, south of Reflecting Pool, 1942 L, south of Reflecting Pool, 1942 M, 26th St. and Constitution Ave., 1941 O, 4th, 5th, and G Sts. NW, 1942 P, 4th, 5th, and G Sts. NW, 1942 Q, 25th St. and Constitution Ave. NW, 1942 R, 300 Jefferson Dr. SW, 1941 S-l, 600 Jefferson Dr. SW, 1941 S-2, 600 Jefferson Dr. SW, 1941 T-l, 300 Constitution Ave., 1941 T-3, 17th St. and Constitution Ave. NW, 1942 T4, 17th St. and Constitution Ave. NW, 1942 T-5, 17th St. and Constitution Ave. NW, 1942 T-6, National Institute of Health Reservation, Bethesda, 1942 T-7, Washington National Airport, 1942 U-l, 200 Constitution Ave. NW, 1941 W, rear of Munitions Building, 1941 X, 19th and B Sts. NE, 1942 Y, 19th and B Sts. NE, 1942 Cafeteria and shop, 7th St. and Independence Ave. SW, 1942 Munitions, addition to 7th St. wing U.S. Court of Claims, Court of Customs, and Patent Appeals Building, 1950-68. (includes material on Renwick Gallery, old home of Court of Claims, as well as new structure on Lafayette Square) Washington National Airport, navigational aids for jet aircraft, 1966 48 APPENDIXES Washington Planetarium and Space Center, 1962 Water sports center, 1959-60 Fine Arts Act, public buildings, Federal, White House Blue Room, 1942 Clippings, 1955-63 East Room, panel, 1953-54 Grandfather clock, 1951 Green Room rug, 1955-56 Guardhouses, 1963 Paintings, 1960-61 Portraits, Presidential wives, 1954-55 Redecoration, gift offers, 1961-62 Redecoration, items for sale, 1961-63 Restoration and reconstruction, 1938-54 West Wing enlargement, 1946-57. See also Fine Arts Act, public buildings, Federal, Executive Office space Fine Arts Act, sculpture Eagle in Australian National Memorial to the United States, model for sale by sculptor, 1959 Kennedy, John F., bust by Maurine Ligon, Delaware House, Kennedy Memorial Highway, Del., 1965-66 Fine Arts Act, Ship stead-Luce, reports and statistics Report on actions taken by the Commission of Fine Arts on Shipstead-Luce applications, 1962-63 Fine Arts Act, signs, petitions Transit vehicles, 1956 Fine Arts Act, statues, monuments, and memorials American Roll of Honor, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, England, 1946-56 Barry, John, Comdr., statue, 1946-50 Blair House plaque, insignia in honor or I^eslie Coffelt, White House guard, 1952 Boy Scout memorial, 1958-62 Brumidi, Constantino, memorial tablet and correspondence regarding inscription in rotunda of Capitol, 1949-51 Byrd, Richard E., Rear Adm., memorial, Memorial Ave., Arlington, Va. 1959-61 Chief Crazy Horse memorial, 1947-55 Churchill, Sir Winston, statue, 1963-66 Corregidor/Bataan memorial, 1953-65 Dill, Sir John, Field Marshal, memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, 1948 District of Columbia World War II memorial, 1945-46 Ericson, Leif, statue, 1929-61 Ericsson, John, statue, 1961 1st Division monument, World War II addition, 1947-59 APPENDIXES 49 First flight of an airplane on a U.S. Army installation, 1957-58 Five Freedoms memorial, 1954-61 Forrestal, James, Secretary of Defense, bust in Pentagon Building, 1950 Foster, Stephen, Proposed memorial, 1949-51 4th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, memorial, 1959 4th Infantry Division memorial, 1959 Gandhi, Mohandas K., proposed memorial, 1951-59 Garfield, James A., statue, peace monument relocation, 1961 Hale, Nathan, statue, Dept, of Justice, 1945-47 Holmes, Oliver Wendell, memorial, 1938-40 Jackson, Andrew, Gen., statue, Hickory, N.C., 1953 Jefferson, Thomas, memorial, handrails and lighting for steps, 1963-64 Johnson, Adelaide, house, proposed, 1950-53 Jusserand memorial, Rock Creek Park, 1925-38 Kennedy, John F., memorial, Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island, Fla., 1964 Lane, Franklin A., flagpole memorial, 1934-57 Lincoln, Abraham, memorial, handrails and lighting for steps, 1963-64 Lincoln, statue in front of D.C. courthouse Logan, John A., memorial tablet, 1926-54 Marine Corps memorial, 1945-57 McMillan, James, fountain, 1961-62 Mitchell, William L., Brig. Gen., statue, 1942-58 Muhlenberg, Peter G., Gen., memorial, 1928-59 National Capital Sesquicentennial Commission, historical markers, 1951 National Guard memorial, Vierville-Sur-Mer, Normandy, France, 1966 101st Airborne Division memorial, 1957-58 Red Cross Heroic Dead memorial, 1956-59 Roosevelt, Theodore, Island, footbridge, 1964 Rush, Benjamin, Dr., statue, 1960-63 Salomon, Haym M., memorial, 1936-56 2d Division memorial, 1920-63 Space memorial, 1962 Taft, Robert A., Sen., memorial, 1955-59 3d Division memorial, 1956-61 Vinson, Fred M., Chief Justice, bust, 1957-59 Wilson, J. Finley, Dr., Interior Dept., 1952-53 Gifts , Federal Government, to the United States Bell, gift of Thailand Government, 1964-65 Bolivar, Simon, statue in Bolivar, Mo., gift of Venezuelan Government, 1948 Bolivar, Simon, statue in D.C., gift of Venezuelan Government, 1955-63 Brandeis, Louis, bust by Bahka Paeff, 1954 Cambodia, Buddha idol, 1958 Carillon, gift of Netherlands Government, 1951-60 Carillon console, AMVETS, installed in Arlington Memorial Amphitheater, 1950 Declaration of Independence, illuminated painting by Arthur Szyk, 1954 “Discus Thrower,” gift of Italian Government, 1956 Eagle sculpture by Pierre Bourdelle, American Embassy in Copenhagen, 1954-55 Eisenhower, bust by Dr. Jeorge Navia, 1960. See also Poster of Eisenhower German gift of sculpture by Herman Blumenthal, 1955 Japan, gift of lantern, 1954-63 50 APPENDIXES Japan, gift of pagoda, 1957-58 Kennedy, John F., portrait by Phyllis Coombs Larimore, Federal Building, Miami, Fla., 1964-65 Korea, gift of Korean Liberty Bell, 1957 Lincoln, Abraham, bust by Gutzon Borglum, 1954 Lincoln, Abraham, oil painting by James Montgomery Flagg, 1955 Lincoln, Abraham, statuette by Jeno Juszko, 1955 Martin, Joseph, bust, 1954 Melpomene statue, gift of Greek Government, 1963-65 Painting by Archie Teater entitled “The Flight of the Greasy Grass,” 1960 Painting by German Novoa entitled “The History of Man,” 1951 Painting by Carter entitled “Peace and Concordia,” 1955 Poster of Eisenhower entitled “Liberation Spirit” by Douglas Stewart, 1952-53. See also Eisenhower, bust by Jeorge Navia Rainbow monument by George Gray Barnard, 1956 Ten Commandments monument, Israeli, George Barnes, 1957 Woodcarving of the great seal of the United States by Henry Avery, 1955-56 Gifts, Federal Government, to foreign countries Gold Coast, Ghana, bust Lincoln statue by Saint-Gaudens, replica for Mexico, 1960-66 Washington statue by Houdon, replica for Uruguay, 1960-61 Gifts, White House, arts and crafts Emperor’s bowl, American Committee for the United States, Japan Centennial, 1960 Great seal of the United States and the national motto, proposed plaque, 1960 Jefferson and Washington busts by Houdon, not acquired, 1946-51 Objects of art, Mrs. Theodore Schulze, 1957 Portrait: Adams, John and Abigail, by Gilbert Stuart, not acquired, 1946 Cleveland, Grover, not acquired, 194647 Cleveland, Mrs. Grover, gift of National League of American Pen Women, Inc., 1950-52 Eisenhower, Mrs. Dwight D., gift of National Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc., not acquired, 1954 Hoover, Mrs. Herbert, by Lydia Emmet, gift of Girl Scouts of America, 1950 Roosevelt, Mrs. Franklin D., by Douglas Chandor, not acquired, 1952 Washington by Charles Willson Peale, not acquired, 1945-53 Washington by Rembrandt Peale, 1961 Washington by Gilbert Stuart, not acquired, 194146 Washington by Gilbert Stuart, gift of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Payson, 1949 Rostrand porcelain with U.S. crest, gift of Mrs. Ira N. Morris, 1951-52 Sculpture, gift of J. L. McGurk, not acquired, 194647 Silver-gilt objects, gift of Mrs. Margaret T. Biddle, 1956-57 Tapestry, “America,” gift of Lewis Einstein, 1949-51 Washington Cincinnati chinaware, gift of Mass. Society of Cincinnati, 1956 APPENDIXES 51 Gifts, White House, furnishings Cabinet, corner, gift of Mrs. George Baker, not acquired, 1953 Cabinet, comer, gift of Mrs. George Angus Garrett, not acquired, 1951 Candelabra, mirror, and painting, gift of British Embassy, 1951 Chaise longues, chairs and footstool, declined, 1959 Chandelier, gift of Mrs. George Angus Garrett, not acquired, 1949-50 Chandelier, James Madison, gift of Lewis D. Crenshaw, not acquired, 1945 Chandeliers in U.S. Capitol, formerly in White House, 1961-62 Chandeliers, not acquired, 1941-60 Chinese screen, gift of Mrs. William A. M. Burden, 1959-60 Chinese screen, gift of Mrs. L. Boyd Hatch, 1961 Chippendale bed and chaise longue, declined, 1960 Clock, grandfather, gift of Joseph and Stewart Alsop, 1950 Coromandel screen, gift of Mrs. Cecilia von Rath, 1961-62 Early American room proposed by the Dearborn Company, declined, 1959 Lincoln furniture, gift of Mrs. Frank F. Bunker, not acquired, 1956 lincoln furniture, gift of John Witt, 1954-56 Mirror, bullseye, gift of Mrs. E. T. H. Metcalf, not acquired, 1948 Mirrors, gift of Mrs. W. Murray Crane, 1955 Mirrors, 2 oval, gift of French and Co., Inc., not acquired, 1950-51 Piano, 1952-53 Rug, Ferahan, gift of Livingston Phelps, not acquired, 1952 Salon suite, Louis XVI, for sale, not acquired, 1953-61 Settee, offer of Morrison, not acquired, 1953 Settee, James Monroe, gift of Col. Theodore Bames, 1956 Table, dining, gift of Mrs. George A. Garrett, 1951 Gifts, White House, miscellaneous Gavel, to DAR, 1949-55 Library, 1st floor, refurnishing by American Institute of Decorators, 1961 “Oval Library,” refurnishing by National Society of Interior Designers, Inc., 1958-61 Historic preservation Belmont, Alva, house, 1954-58 Clippings, 1954-63 Correspondence, 1950-63 Independence Hall, Philadelphia, 1945-46 LeRay Mansion at Camp Drum, N.Y., 1955 Old Union Enginehouse, 19th and H Sts. NW, razed, July 1956, (1955) Woodley estate, 1949-52 Information, inquiries General, 1932-63 Commissions sculpture, Dick Wiken, 1955-61 Technical, Old Georgetown, request for information regarding Old Georgetown Act, from John Codman, Beacon Hill, 1954-60 52 APPENDIXES Information , press releases Press releases, 1957-60 Organization and management Policies, public buildings, National Capital Planning Commission’s Special Committee, 1956—public building program Reports and statistics, report on organization of Executive Branch of Government, (Hoover Report), 1950-57 APPENDIXES 53 III. Select List of Project Files, 1910-52 (entry 17) A.B.C. (Argentina, Brazil, Chile) Mediator’s Medals Acacia Mutual Life Insurance Company Building Adams, John and Abigail, Portraits in White House by Gilbert Stuart Aeronautics’ seal. See National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics’ Seal Air Mail Flyers’ Medal of Honor. See Post Office Department Air Medal Air Service Insignia Agriculture Department Administration Building General Murals Arches across B St. Bureau of Economics Building Distinguished Service Medal “Extensible Building” Landscape plans Terra cotta panels Greenhouses International Livestock Exposition Medal Alabama Memorial Coin Albany, N.Y., Memorial Coin Alexandria, Va. Abattoir Belle-View Apartments American Cemeteries in Europe, World War I General American Battle Monuments Commission Decorations European trip of 1921 Headstones. See also Headstones, World War I graves List of photographs Projects Aisne-Marne, Belleau Wood Audenard, Belgium, war memorial Belleau Wood Brest, France, World War memorial Brookwood, England Chateau Thierry, France, war memorial Dun-Sur-Meuse Bridge Flanders Field, Belgium Jewish Welfare Board, Tomb of Unknown Soldier Meuse-Argonne Cemetery Oisne Aisne Chapel Pennsylvania State monuments Saint Mihiel Chapel Somme Cemetery, Bony (Aisne), France Suresnes Tours, France, World War monument Woodman memorial, France 54 APPENDIXES American Defense Service and Good Conduct Medals American Federation of Labor Memorial. See Gompers, Samuel, memorial American Legion Building American Pharmaceutical Association Building General Clippings and journal Dedication Flagpole Laboratory building Legislation Plans Taxation Anacostia abattoir Anacostia Park Development project Field house Anacostia wharf Analostan Island, gas storage tank Ancient Hall of Records and Art Anderson, Clinton P., portrait for Department of Agriculture Anderson, Marian, mural painting for Department of Interior building Antarctic Expedition, 1939-41, medal Antietam Memorial Coin Apartment building, 25th and E Sts. NW Apartment building, 1st St. between B and C Sts. NW Apex Building. See Federal Trade Commission Building Appomattox Courthouse memorial Aqueduct Bridge, removal of Arkansas Centennial Coin Arlington Experimental Farm Arlington Hotel Arlington Mansion (Custis-Lee Mansion) General Flagpole Arlington Memorial Bridge General Entrance. See also Columbia Island Plaza Grades Inscriptions Landscape plans Lighting Paving Statuary Arlington National Cemetery General American Legion memorial Amphitheater General Awning “Bivouac of the Dead” tablet Flagpole Gaillard, David Du B., Col., memorial tablet. See also Gaillard, David Du B., Col. APPENDIXES 55 Grand Army of the Republic memorial tablet Huguenot insignia Pierce, Charles C., Col., memorial Presidential chair Unknown Soldier, bust by Margaret French Cresson Army and Navy Nurses memorial Baker, John Loring, memorial Bartolucci-Dundas, Luigi, Lt., monument Bliss, Tasker H., Gen., monument Byrd, Richard E., Adm., lot. See also Byrd, Richard E., Adm. Canada War memorial Caskey, G. L., Comdr., monument Chaplains World War memorial Clark, Charles E., Adm., memorial Coast Guard World War memorial Confederate memorial Daughters of the Confederacy memorial Daughters of the War of 1812 memorial Design of monuments Dewey, George, Adm., mausoleum Expansion of the Cemetery 5th Division memorial Flowers Gheen, Edward H., Adm., monument Gorgas, William C., Gen., memorial tablet. See also Gorgas, William C., Gen. Gralund, Otto W., Maj., memorial Haan, William, Maj. Gen., memorial Headstones, cleaning of Italian tablet “Last Farewell” statue Lawton, Henry W., Maj. Gen., monument Lee, Robert E., Gen., statue L’Enfant, Pierre Charles, tomb. See also L’Enfant, Pierre Charles Lincoln, Robert Todd, memorial Magoon, Harrison C., Sgt., marker Maine, U.S.S., memorial March, Peyton C., Gen., monument McLean, Arthur P., Judge, memorial Miles, Nelson A., Gen., tomb Mother of the Unknown Soldier, tree Nesmith, Capt., monument Parks, James (slave of George Washington Parke Cutis and Mrs. Robert E. Lee and a laborer at Arlington Cemetery) Peary, Robert E., Adm. Memorial Memorial tablet Pershing, John J., Gen., gate. See also Pershing, John J., Gen. Porter, David D., Adm., monument President Lincoln, U.S.S., tablet Richardson, Charles W., Dr., monument Rogers, Harry L., Gen., monument Sigma Chi Founders memorial 56 APPENDIXES Soldiers Memorial Cross Taft, William Howard, monument. See also Taft, William Howard Tank Corps monument Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Trees, memorial Weeks, John W., memorial Wilkes, Charles, Adm., monument Work, Hubert, Dr., monument World War I section and headstones Armies of occupation, World War II, medal Army Balloon School, Fort Omaha and Fort Crook memorial tablet Army Medical Museum and Library Army of Occupation of Germany Medal Army War College General Bronze tablets Artigas, Jose, Gen., statue Arts and Industries Building (Smithsonian Institution) Asbury, Francis, Bishop, statue Asheville, N.C., courthouse Attucks, Crispus, proposed memorial Audubon, John James, statue Aviators’ memorial Aycock, Charles B., Gov., statue for Statuary Hall, Capitol Badge of Military Merit Baker, Mrs. L. R., residence. See residence for Mrs. L. R. Baker Baltimore-Washington Parkway General Bridges Barney Circle General Bus terminal Barry farm Barry, John, Comdr., statue Bartholdi fountain Baseball, proposed monument Bathing beach for blacks (Tidal Basin). See also Potomac Park, Bathing beach Botanic Garden. See also National Arboretum Battery Cove, Va., cession to Virginia Battleground National Cemetery, Ga. Ave. Becker, Gustav, memorial, Springerville, Ariz. Beltsville, Md. experimental farms Belvoir, Va., restoration (Lord Fairfax estate) Benjamin Franklin Building, 315 3d St. NW Blackstone, Sir William, statue, Judiciary Square Blair House General Bronze tablet Blair, Montgomery, memorial portal, 16th St. Blands Court Apartment House Bolivar, Simon, Gen., statue APPENDIXES 57 Bolling Field Boone, Daniel Memorial, Cumberland Gap, Tenn. Memorial Coin Tablet Braddock Trail Branciforte, Vincenzo, gift of monument Brazil Centennial monument Chancery Medal Bridgeport, Conn., Centennial Coin Brightwood Reservoir Bronze Star Medal Bryan, William Jennings, memorial Buchanan, James, memorial Bullfinch gatehouses Burke, Edmund, statue Burns, Robert Statue, Cheyenne, Wyo. Statue, Saginaw, Mich. Bus terminal, Pa. Ave. between 6th and 7th Sts. Butler, Smedley D., Brig. Gen., tablet, Marine headquarters Butt, Archibald W. and Francis Davis Millet, memorial fountain Byrd, Richard E., Adm. Medal Medal, 2d Antarctic Expedition See also Arlington National Cemetery California Pacific International Exposition Coin California Souvenir Coin Calvary Baptist Church Auditorium, 8th and H Sts. NW Calvert Street Bridge Camp Merritt, N.J., memorial Camp Springs military highway (Naylor Road) Campbell, William, Gen., proposed statue, Abingdon, Va. Canada-United States Boundary memorial Capitol, U.S. Frieze in the Rotunda Grounds enlargement Lamppost design for grounds Painting by George Heriot Picture made of straw by William Rumrill Remodeling of Senate and House Chambers Roof Statuary Hall Statuary Hall of Fame, proposed Caraway, Thaddeus H., Sen., proposed memorial, Lake City, Ark. Carnegie, Andrew, portrait Carver, George Washington, home as a National monument, Diamond, Mo. Cavalry Association Medal Census Bureau Building 58 APPENDIXES Central heating plant for public buildings Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Chain Bridge Chalmette monument, New Orleans, La. Chamberlain, George Earle, Sen., memorial plaque Charles Fort monument, Parris Island, S.C. Chevy Chase Circle Bus terminal Display of Washington at Valley Forge Newlands fountain. See Newlands, Francis G., memorial fountain China Service Medal Chinese Medal (Sun Yat-sen Medal) Christian Science Church C and 1st Sts. NW 16th St. NW Cincinnati, Ohio, Memorial Coin Civil Aeronautics Building at National Airport and Hydrographic Service Building at Suitland, Md. Civil Service Commission Building Ramp Sign See also Patent Office Building (Old) Clark, Champ, bust. See Mann, James R., and Champ Clark, busts Clark, George Rogers Memorial, Vincennes, Ind. General Sculpture Memorial Bridge, Montezuma, Ind. See also Harrodsburg, Ky., memorial Clay, Henry, statue, Caracas, Venezuela Cleveland, Ohio, Centennial Coin Cleveland, Grover, memorial Cleveland, Mrs. Grover, portrait for White House Coast Guard headquarters Cohan, George M., medal Colonial Village, Rock Creek Park estates. See also Rock Creek Park estates Columbia Island Bridge Plaza. See also Arlington Memorial Bridge Columbia, S.C., Sesquicentennial Coin Columbian fountain by Frederick MacMonnies Columbus, Ga., historical marker Comfort stations Commerce Department Building General Cafeteria, murals Murals Triangle planting See also Federal Triangle and Public Buildings Program Congressional Medal of Honor APPENDIXES 59 Connecticut Avenue Bridge Widening of streetcar lanes Connecticut Tercentenary Coin Constitution Avenue Bridge, hearing regarding, 1955 Landscaping Underpass at intersection with Pa. Ave. Constitution Hall. See Daughters of the American Revolution Building Constitution, U.S., painting of signing, Capitol Continental Building, 14th and K Sts. NW Coolidge, Calvin Bust by Dykaar for Senate Corridor, Capitol Medal Portrait for White House “Crusading for Rights,” statue by Raphael Peyre Cuban urn Cushing, Alonzo H., Lt. Col., painting of death at Gettysburg, for Capitol Dante, Alighieri, statue Dare, Virginia, portrait for Capitol. See also Roanoke Island, N.C., Memorial Coin Darlington, Joseph H., memorial fountain Daughters of the American Revolution Building Dawes, Charles G., bust for Capitol Delano, Jane A., memorial Delaware Tercentenary Coin Dingley, Nelson Jr., Rep., portrait for Capitol Distinguished Flying Cross District Building, World War I memorial entitled “Supreme Sacrifice” District of Columbia Armory Automobile tags Central garage and warehouse Court buildings Courthouse Drinking fountains Entrances Filtration plant Fire alarm headquarters Fire engine house, 16th St. Flag Flagstaffs Grade crossings Health center Home for Aged and Infirm, infirmary ward Jail Lampposts Libraries General Anacostia Central Cleveland Park Branch 60 APPENDIXES Fairmont Branch Georgetown Markets General Center Eastern and Western, coverings for stands Municipal Fish Southwest Water Street Terminal Western Municipal Center General Murals Police Court Building. See Police Court Building Sculpture West Administration Building parking area Municipal Garage Municipal Lodging House Parks and playgrounds General Rose Park Playground Turkey Thicket Playground Post office Lighting fixtures Memorial tablet Public Works Administration projects Receiving Home for Children Recorder of Deeds Office Recreation facilities Reservation No. 10 Reservations and small parks Schools General Brick facing Anacostia Junior High School Banneker Junior High School Bell School Benning High School Brightwood School Coolidge High School Eastern High School Garnet-Patterson School Jefferson Junior High School Langdon-Woodridge School McKinley High School Parkside School Patterson Elementary School Roosevelt High School Taft Junior High School Takoma Park Senior High School Western School APPENDIXES 61 Wilson, James O., School Wilson, Woodrow, High School Street signs Streetcars General Extensions Loading platform Traffic lights Traffic signs Water supply. See also Great Falls of the Potomac World War I memorial, West Potomac Park Dog memorial Dominican Campaign Badge Dominican Medal Dormitories for women, World War II Dupont, Samuel Francis, Adm., memorial fountain Dupont Circle Underpass E Street Bridge Widening Early Settlers of Washington, D.C., proposed memorial East Capitol Street Bridge Development East Potomac Park. See also Potomac Park Edison, Thomas, memorial Elgin, Ill., Centennial Coin Ellicott Square. See L’Enfant and Ellicott Squares Ellsworth, Lincoln, Medal Engraving and Printing, Bureau of Annex Building General Exterior lamps Ericsson, John, Capt., memorial Ericson, Leif, statue, Reykjavik, Iceland Exhibition building, N.J. and Ind. Aves. NW F Street, widening Farragut, David G., Adm., memorial window, Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Federal Reserve Board Annex Building Federal Trade Commission Building (Apex Building) General Landscaping Sculpture See also Federal Triangle and Public Buildings Program Federal Triangle General Flagpoles, kiosks, and pylons 62 APPENDIXES Great Plaza. See also Straus, Oscar S., memorial fountain See also Public Buildings Program and names of specific buildings composing the Federal Triangle Federal warehouse, 7th and D Sts. SW, paintings. See also Warehouse, Federal Federation Interallies Des Anciens Combattants of Paris, France, Medal Film vaults, Suitland, Md. Firemen and Policemen’s Medal First Division World War II memorial Fitch, John, monument, Bardstown, Ky. Flag, U.S., standardization Flagpoles for public buildings Fleet Marine Corps Reserve Medal Ford Motor Company Service Building, northwest corner of John Marshall PI. and Pa. Ave. Forrestal, James, bust, Pentagon Fort Drive Forts Fort Belvoir, Va. Dining room MacKenzie Hall Fort Bragg, N.C., chapel Fort Benning, Ga., barracks Fort Defiance, Ohio, museum building Fort Dupont Croffut property Water tower Fort Humphreys, Va. Fort Lincoln Cemetery, Prince George’s County, Md. Fort Myer, Va., proposed chapel in memory of Norman Prince Fort Recovery, Ohio, memorial Fort Reno, water tower Fort Stanton, water tower Fort Stevens Fort Sumter, S.C., flagpole Fort Vancouver Coin Fort Wood, N.Y., tablet honoring Lt. Eleazer D. Wood Foster, Stephen, memorial, Pittsburgh, Pa. Fountain Square, Cincinnati, Ohio Fourteenth Street Bridge Overpass 4th Division, World War I, memorial France, American Embassy, portraits of American Ambassadors for Franklin, Benjamin Portrait by Benjamin Wilson for White House Statue, relocation of Franklin Square Fredericksburg-Spotsylvania National Military Park Freedmen’s Hospital Nurses’ home Tuberculosis unit APPENDIXES 63 Freer Gallery of Art (Smithsonian Institution) General Fence Purchases Fuller, Melville W., Chief Justice, bust for Supreme Court Building Gadsden Purchase Coin Gaillard, David Du B., Col., memorial tablet, Panama Canal Zone. See also Arlington National Cemetery Gallatin, Albert, statue Gallinger Municipal Hospital Building Contagious disease ward Pediatrics and crippled children’s building Gandhi, Mahatma, memorial Garfield, James A. Monument, Long Beach, N.J. Portrait for White House Gelert, John, proposal for summer library and fountain General Accounting Office Building Georgetown Reservoir Georgetown University Hospital George Washington Memorial Parkway George Washington University Germantown monument, Germantown, Pa. Gettysburg Memorial Coin Peace memorial Gibbons, James, Cardinal, statue Gilliss, James Melville, Lt., proposed bust for Chilean National Conservatory Goethals, George W., Maj. Gen., memorial, Panama Canal Zone Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, bust Gompers, Samuel, memorial (American Federation of Labor Memorial) Good Conduct Medal. See American Defense Service and Good Conduct Medals Gorgas, William C., Memorial Institute, Panama. See also Arlington National Cemetery Government Printing Office Annex Annex sculpture Memorial tablet, World War II Office building Grand Army of the Republic, proposed national memorial shrine in honor of Grant, Ulysses S. Centennial Coin Statue Gray, Horace, Justice, Plaque, Supreme Court Building Great Falls of the Potomac Dam Landscape Park project Power house Power project See also District of Columbia 64 APPENDIXES Great Smokey Mountain National Park, bridges Greek Column, proposed gift from Greece Greene, Nathaniel. See Guilford Courthouse battlefield monument Greenwich, Conn., Tercentennial Medal Greyhound bus terminal, N.Y. Ave. between 11th and 12th Sts. Grossman, I., medal deisgned by Guam memorial Guilford Courthouse Battlefield monument, near Greensboro, N.C. Gunter, William A., mayor of Montgomery, Ala. bust H Street Office Building, 1818 H St. NW Hague Peace Palace, statue representing the United States Hahn Shoe Store, 7th and K Sts. NW Hains Point Flagsstaff, memorial to Franklin K. Lane Pavilion Hale, Nathan, statue Hamilton, Alexander and Thomas Jefferson, statues of Harding, Warren G. Proposed memorial, Marion, Ohio Portrait for White House Harrodsburg, Ky., memorial (George Rogers Clark) Hastings, Mich., flagstaff Hawaii Sesquicentennial Coin Hawaiian Islands World War I memorial Headstones, World War I graves. See also American Cemeteries in Europe Hearst Art Collection, proposed Government purchase of Heating Plant, 20th and K Sts. NW Heating and power plant Hecht Company warehouse, N.Y. Ave. Henry, Joseph, statue, relocation of Hewes, Joseph, monument, Edenton, N.C. Hoff, John Van Rensselaer, Col., memorial, Walter Reed Hospital Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Justice, memorial Home Owners’ Loan Corporation Building, sculpture reliefs for Extension building and remodeling Hoover, Herbert Portrait for White House Portrait, State Art Museum, Springfield, Ill. Horseshoe Bend battlefield monument, Tallapoosa, Ala. Hot Springs, Ark. National Park, administration building War and Navy hospital building House of Representative, new office building Howard, Oliver 0., statue, Gettysburg Howard University Buildings Clinical building, 1953 Telephone poles Hoyt, H.M., vase proposed for Lafayette Park Hub Furniture Store, 7th and D Sts. NW APPENDIXES 65 Hudson, N.Y., Sesquicentennial Coin Huguenot-Walloon Tercentenary Coin Huges, Charles Evans, bust for Supreme Court Building Huges, Howard, Medal Hydrographic Service Building, Suitland, Md. See Civil Aeronautics Building at National Airport and Hydrographic Service Building at Suitland, Md. Independence Avenue, extension and widening Indian, North American Buffalo hunt statuary, proposed purchase of Memorial, Pawhuska, Okla. Memorial proposed for New York Harbor Trademark for craft goods Ingersoll, Robert, proposed statue Internal Revenue Service building General Extension See also Federal Triangle and Public Buildings Program Interior Department Building General Murals General by Louis Bouche by Nicolai Cikovsky by Ernest Fiene Painting and sculpture Painting entitled “The Purchase of Alaska” Portraits of Secretaries of the Interior by H. S. Hubbell Sculpture Employee Honor Award Medal Seal International Livestock Exposition Medal. See Agriculture Department Interstate Building Association Offices, 15th St. and N.Y. Ave. NW Interstate Commerce Commission Building General Parking Pediments See also Labor Department Building; Federal Triangle; Public Building Program Iowa Centennial Coin Isabella, Queen of Spain, memorial Iwo Jima memorials. See Marine Corps Jackson, Andrew Portrait, Senate Wing of Capitol Statue, Lafayette Park, removal of Jackson, Rachel Donelson, portrait for White House Jackson, Thomas J. (“Stonewall”), monument, Manassas battlefield Japanese cherry trees, memorial tablet Japanese Embassy Japanese lantern Jeanne D’Arc, statue, Meridian Hill Park. See also Meridian Hill Park 66 APPENDIXES Jefferson Davis Highway, marker Jefferson, Thomas Bicentennial Coffee urn of Desk of at White House Memorial General Clippings Documents relating to Miscellaneous publications Roadways Signs Statues See also Hamilton, Alexander, and Thomas Jefferson, statues Jefferson nickel Jewish home for the aged John Marshall Place Joint Chiefs of Staff, painting of Jones, John Paul, statue Judiciary Square Jusserand, Jean Jules, memorial Justice Department Building General Murals General (includes records relating to Post Office Department murals) by John R. Ballator by George Biddle by Emil Bistram by Louis Bouche by John Stewart Curry by Leon Kroll by Henry Varnum Poor by Boardman Robinson by Symeon Shimin by Maurice Stern Sculpture Solicitor General’s Office frieze Radio antenna See also Federal Triangle and Public Buildings Program K Street Elevated highway. See Whitehurst Freeway Grade separation and widening Kass Realty Building, 25th and E Sts. NW Kearny, Philip, Maj. Gen., statue, Arlington, Va. Keokuk Street and proposed circle. See also National Capital Planning Commission Key Bridge General Lampposts Overpass Tablet, Daughters of 1812 Key, Francis Scott APPENDIXES 67 Mansion General Flagpole Memorial, Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md. King, Ernest Joseph, Adm. See Marshall, George, Gen., and Adm. Ernest Joseph King, Medals King, Rufus, monument, Clinton, N.C. Kitchin, Claude, bust, Capitol Klingle Road Bridges Klingle Valley Bridge, Conn. Ave. Knights of Columbus war memorial Korea Service Medal Kroonland, S.S., Medal Labor Department Building General Memorial plaque Murals for executive dining room Sculpture for Labor Department Building and Interstate Commerce Commission Building Sculpture, photographs, and photostats See also Interstate Commerce Commission Building; Federal Triangle; Public Build¬ ings Program Lafayette Building, Vermont Ave. and H St. NW Lafayette, Marquis de, statue, Lafayette Park Lafayette National Park, Maine Bridge Lafayette Park General Christmas trees Lane, Franklin K., memorial flagstaff .See Hains Point Lascari, Salvatori, duties on mosaics by Latimer, James and Henry, portraits Lee Highway General Connection, Arlington Memorial Bridge Rezoning L’Enfant and Ellicott Squares L’Enfant, Pierre Charles Memorial fountain Tomb. See Arlington National Cemetery Legion of Merit Medal Lexington-Concord Sesquicentennial Coin Liberty, Statue of. See Statue of Liberty Library of Congress annex Life masks of war heroes by Victor Salvatore Lighthouses on the Great Lakes Lincoln, Abraham Bust by Charles Henry Niehaus Memorial General Architects’ competition Contract with Daniel Chester French 68 APPENDIXES Dedication Description Driveways Lighting Marble Miscellaneous publications and clippings Planting Reflecting or rainbow pool Specifications Portrait by George Healy Statue, District Court House, Washington, D.C. Statue, Gettysburg, Pa. Statue, London, England Tablet, Gettysburg, Pa. Lincolniana collection of Col. Oldroyd Lindbergh, Charles Medal Proposed statue in France Little Falls of the Potomac pumping station Lodge, Henry Cabot, proposed memorial Lone Jack, Mo., battlefield monument Long Island, N.Y., Tercentenary Coin Lutheran Church of the Reformation (E. Capitol St.) Lynchburg, Va., Sesquicentennial Coin M Street Bridge Macdonough, Thomas, Comdr., memorial, near Plattsburg, N.Y. Macon, Nathaniel, monument, Warrenton, N.C. Macfarland, Henry B. F., memorial Maine , U.S.S., Memorial Coin Mall Cross-axis between 7th and 9th Sts. Lighting Manassas battlefield Mann, James R., and Champ Clark, busts Marconi, Guglielmo, memorial General Landscape development Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal Insignia Memorial, Chicago, Ill. Memorial, Washington, D.C. (Iwo Jima Memorial) Reserve Service Medal Statue, Parris Island, S.C. See also Navy and Marine Corps Marksmanship Trophy, U.S. Engineers Marshall, George, Gen., and Adm. Ernest Joseph King, medals Marshall, John Statue, Capitol grounds, removal of Statue proposed, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, Richmond, Va. Maryland Tercentenary Coin APPENDIXES 69 Masonic Temple, lOth and U Sts. NW Massachusetts Avenue Apartment building (between 14th and 15th Sts. NW Bridge over Rock Creek Parkway Residence at 2432 Mass. Ave. NW Widening of Mather, Stephen T., park Maury, Mathew Fontaine, statue McColloch, Samuel, memorial tablet McLean Gardens McMillan, James, Sen., memorial fountain McMillan Park Fieldhouse Storehouse McNair, Lesley J., Gen., plaque, Army War College Meade, George, Gen., memorial Medal of Freedom Medical Corps of World War II, memorial Medical Society of D.C. Building, 1718 M St. NW Mellon, Andrew W., memorial fountain Memphis, Tenn., National Cemetery Merchant Marine Corps Medal, World War I Medal, World War II Victory Medal Meridian Hill Park General Armillary sphere Comfort stations Congressional documents Legislation Planting See also Jeanne D’Arc and Serenity, statue of Methodist Church Office Building, 1st St. and Md. Ave. NE Miami, Fla., Federal building, murals Military road General Structures Milk Drivers’ Union Building Mines, Bureau of Garage Medal Minute Men memorial, Culpeper, Va. Missouri Centennial Coin Mitchell, William, Brig. Gen., monument and medal Monroe Doctrine Centennial Coin Monroe, James, bust, White House Montgomery County Courthouse, Rockville, Md. Montrose Park Moore, Charles, portrait Morgan, David B., Gen., tablet, Chalmette, New Orleans, La. Morristown, N.J., library and historical museum 70 APPENDIXES Morse, Samuel F. B., plaque, Capitol “Mother Love” memorial Mothers’ memorial Mount Hood, Oreg., hotel, Cloud Cap Hotel Mount Vernon Memorial Highway General Agreements with Alexandria, Va. Clippings Encroachments Legislation Publications Mount Vernon Reformatory Muhlenberg, Peter, monument, Woodstock, Va. Murphy, Frank, Justice, portrait Nashville, Tenn., Federal office building, decoration of National Academy of Sciences Building General Clippings Planting National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics’ Seal National Arboretum General Articles and reports Botanic gardens Clippings Conferences Congressional documents Costs Garden club literature Government publications Hearings Lecture Miscellaneous Plans Plant catalogs National Airport. See Washington National Airport National Archives Building General Clippings Description Extension proposed Murals Sculpture See also Federal Triangle and Public Buildings Program National Bank of Fairfax, Va. National Cancer Institute National Capital Planning Commission General Clippings Coldren, Fred G. Coordinating Committee projects APPENDIXES 71 Criticisms Dinner, 1940 D.C. parks D.C. playgrounds Establishment of Excess Condemnation Bill Organization Reorganization Sidewalks and parking widths Virginia and Maryland Land Acquisitions General Arlington County development Belmont Road B Street NW Bureau of Standards Park Camp Meade and Camp Humphreys Circles (Broad Branch and Nev., Chevy Chase) Fort Drive Fort Dupont Park Fort Dupont Water Tower Fort Foote Fort Slocum Fort Stanton Fort Stevens Fort Washington and Fort Hunt Great Falls Bridge Keokuk Street Klingle Valley Parkway Maryland Ave. NE, extension Palisades of the Potomac, protest relating to quarrying Patterson tract Piney Branch Parkway Tuberculosis hospital area Vermont Ave. and Connecticut Ave., extension Projects Clippings 1925-32, projects Purchases, 1936-48 National Carillon National Conservatory of Music, proposed National Defense Button National Gallery of Art (Smithsonian Institution) General Clippings Congressional documents Design by Saarinen Publications National Geographic Society Administration Building National Institute of Public Health Building Expansion 72 APPENDIXES National Literary Hall of Fame National Medical Association Headquarters Building, 1954 National Memorial cemeteries National Museum (Smithsonian Institution) National Park Service Bridges in national parks Insignia National Press Club Building, 14th and F Sts. National Training School for Boys, dining room and kitchen National Training School for Girls National War Memorial Arts Commission, proposed National Zoological Park (Smithsonian Institution) General Anteater statue Bird house Fence Pachyderm house Reptile house Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Bench “Don’t Give Up the Ship” flag Farragut, David G., Adm., memorial window. See Farragut, David G., Adm. Gates Naval Air Station Naval Battalion storehouse Naval Expeditionary Forces Medal Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Md. Naval Observatory Naval Reserve Medal Naval Testing Basin Navy Armory Navy Department Building General Addition Radio mast, 1954 See also War Department Discharge buttons Insignia Navy and Marine Corps Medal Memorial Navy and munitions buildings, parking Naylor Road (Camp Springs Military Highway), bridge under NC-4 Medal first trans-Atlantic flight Negroes’ Contribution to America memorial Netherlands Legation Memorial carillon “New Era” and “Pilgrim Mother and Child” statues New Haven, Conn., post office Newlands, Francis G., memorial fountain, Chevy Chase Circle APPENDIXES 73 New Rochelle, N.Y., Memorial Coin New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, Rev. and Mrs. Wallace Radcliffe memorial New York City Tercentenary Coin Noble, Alfred, memorial fountain Norfolk, Va., Memorial Coin Norse-American Centennial Coin North Carolina Women of the Confederacy memorial, Raleigh, N.C. Northwest Rectangle. See also names of specific projects Norton, William E., paintings by Nuns of the Battlefield monument Oakland Bay Bridge Coin. See San Francisco, Calif. Office Building, N.Y. Ave., 15th and G Sts. O’Higgins, Bernardo, memorial Old Crossing Indian Treaty memorial Minn. Olmsted, Frederick Law, memorial Olson, Floyd B., proposed memorial Oregon, U.S.S., battleship, painting by William F. Halsall Oregon Memorial Building, Champoeg, Oreg. Oregon Trail Memorial Coin Osgood, Samuel, statue, Postmaster General’s office P Street Bridge Panama Canal General Memorials and statues Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Calif. Coin Selection of site Pan American Highway, tablet Pan American Union Administration building General Landscaping Annex Parking Elevated system, 1322 G St. NW Garage, 1415 Pa. Ave. Lot, Q and 22d Sts. NW Viaduct Parks, roadway lights Patent Office, new building for Patent Office Building (Old) General Proposed disposal of 1953 Remodeling and widening of F Street See also Civil Service Building Peace dollar Peace monument Peace tower, proposed Peary Polar Expedition of 1908-9 Medal 74 APPENDIXES Pennsylvania Avenue Bridge, SE (John Philip Sousa Bridge) Lighting Loading platforms Pennsylvania fountain Pennsylvania Railroad Bridge Pennsylvania and Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Viaduct at 9th St. NE Pentagon. See War Department Perry, Oliver Hazzard, monument, Put-in-Bay, Ohio Pershing, John J., Gen., Medal. See also Arlington National Cemetery Petersburg, Va., park Philadelphia, Pa., customhouse, preservation of Pike, Zebulon, statue “Pilgrim Mother and Child” statue. See “New Era” and “Pilgrim Mother and Child” statues Piney Branch Bridge lamps Piney Branch Parkway and Bridge Pitt, William, the Elder, statue Plymouth, Mass., Memorial Coin and Pilgrim Tercentenary Commission Pocahontas Monument Jamestown, Va. Painting by W. R. Leigh Point Grave, France, monument commemorating U.S. intervention, World War I Police Court Building. See also District of Columbia, Municipal Center Police Department memorial fountain Policemen’s memorial tablet Policemen and Firemen’s Medal Portland, Oreg., post office Portuguese Embassy Post Office Department Air Mail Flyers’ Medal of Honor Building General Painting, sculpture, and murals Pediment and sculpture by A. Stirling Calder by Gaetano Cecere by Gleb Derujinsky by Karl Free by Chaim Gross by Rockwell Kent by Tom Lea by Arthur Lee by Doris Lee by Oronzio Maldarelli by Berta Margoulies by Reginald Marsh by Frank Mechou by Attilio Piccerilli by Eugene Savage by Carl Schmitz by Louis Slobodkin APPENDIXES 75 by Heinz Wameke by Sidney Waugh by William Zorach See also Justice Department Building, murals Ramp See also Federal Triangle and Public Buildings Program Potomac Electric Power Company Power plant, Buzzards Point Substation near Delacarlia Reservior Potomac Park General Bandstand Bathing beach, Tidal Basin. See also Bathing beach for blacks Levee Planting Rose garden Stadium Storehouse Tourist camp Viaduct connection with Rock Creek Park See also East Potomac Park Potomac River Crossing (railroad and automobile tunnels) Powell, John Wesley, memorial, Grand Canyon Power plant, U.S. Presidents, U.S., birthplaces of President’s Hotel, N.J. Ave. and C St. SE President’s Park, south of State, War, and Navy Dept. Building President’s Plaza, Nashville, Tenn. Prince, Norman. See Fort Myer, Va. Princeton, N.J., battle monument Proctor, William, Jr., monument Public Buildings Program General Congressional documents Clippings Legislation See also Federal Triangle and names of specific projects Public Roads laboratory Pulaski, Casimir, statue Pedestal Removal of Purple Heart Medal Q Street Bridge Quartennaster General, flag Quartermaster Review, design of Radcliffe, Rev. and Mrs. Wallace. See New York Avenue Presbyterian Church Railroad Retirement Board Building. See Social Security Building and Railroad Retirement Board Building Raleigh, Sir Walter. See Roanoke Island, N.C., Memorial Coin Rawlins, John A., Gen., statue, relocation of 76 APPENDIXES Rawlins Square Reconstruction Finance Building, 811 Vermont Ave. NW Red Cross Building Reed, Thomas B., Speaker, bust Reservation 310-B, placing of captured German cannon and flagpole Reservations, plantings Reserve Officers’ Headquarters Building, 2517 Conn. Ave. NW Residence for Mrs. L. R. Baker, 1310 27th St. NW Rhode Island Commemorative Coin Riker and Hageman Company, clock Roanoke Island, N.C., Memorial Coin Rochester, N.Y., post office Rock Creek Park General Bridges Culverts Olmsted report of 1918 Pierce Mill, veranda Rock Creek Park Estates, 16th St. See also Colonial Village Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway General Bridges General Pennsylvania Ave. Bridge Clippings Grading Planting Pumping stations Watergate Abutment, first aid and comfort station Rock Island Arsenal memorial Roosevelt, Franklin D. Bust, Grand Coulee Dam Bust, Warm Springs, Ga. Dime and Eleanor, mural caricature of Memorial Medal, 1945 Portrait by Ellen Emmet Rand, White House Presidential Medal Tablet, War Springs, Ga. Roosevelt, Theodore Arch, Continental Divide, Marias Pass, Mont. Memorial proposed for Rock Creek Park Memorial, Roosevelt Island Monument, Medora, N. Dak. Portrait by Sargent, White House Portrait by George B. Torrey, Capitol Rosslyn, Va. Bus terminal Road Rostron, Arthur Henry, Capt., medal Rush, Benjamin, Dr., statue, relocation of APPENDIXES 77 Sacajewea memorial, Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyo. Saint Elizabeths Hospital, medical and surgical building Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, sculpture by Saint Inigoes Bay, Md., memorial Saint Johns Church, tablet Salina, Kans., post office murals Salomon, Haym, memorial San Diego, Calif., Marine Administration Building tower San Francisco, Calif. Customhouse Oakland Bay Bridge Coin Rincon annex post office murals State Building San Martin, Jose, Gen., statue Sault Ste. Marie, landscaping of Government park Savannah, Ga., memorial sundial Schenectady, N.Y., Mount Pleasant High School Scott Circle Landscaping Traffic islands Underpass Screven, James, Gen., and Gen. Daniel Stewart, monument, Midway, Ga. Sculpture, metal, melting for use as war material Second Baptist Church, 17th and E. Capitol Sts. NE Second Nicaraguan Campaign Medal Senate office building annex Serenity, statue, of, Meridian Hill Park Sesquicentennial of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence Exposition Coin Sesquicentennial of the National Capital General Exhibition at the Corcoran Art Gallery Shenandoah National Park Sheridan, Philip, Gen., statue Landscaping Removal of Sherman, William Tecumseh, Gen., statue, landscaping Shields, James, Gen., monument, Carrollton, Mo. Sixteenth Street Extension Rezoning Skinner Medal Social Security Building and Railroad Retirement Board Building Murals by Ben Shahn Sculpture by Robert Cronbach Soldiers’ home General Dome Flagpole Hospital Soldiers’ Medal Sons of the Revolution, proposed memorial Sousa Bridge. See Pennsylvania Avenue Bridge, SE 78 APPENDIXES South Capitol Street Bridge Spalding, Henry and Eliza, proposed memorial building, Spalding State Park, Idaho Spanish-American War Memorial, Lincoln, Nebr. Memorial, Tampa, Fla. Memorial, Washington, D.C. Spanish Trail Coin “Spirit of St. Louis” display Standards, Bureau of General Electrical laboratory building High voltage laboratory Hydraulic laboratory Material testing laboratory Standard Oil Company of New Jersey Building, 3d and B Sts. NW State Department Building for and remodeling of State, War, and Navy Department Building, 21st St. and Va. Ave. NW Tablet Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor Stewart, Daniel, Gen. See Screven, James, Gen., and Gen. Daniel Stewart, monument Stone Mountain Confederate Memorial Coin Straus, Oscar S., memorial fountain. See also Federal Triangle Submarine 0-9, proposed memorial Suitland, Md., Federal buildings Sullivan, John, Gen., proposed statue Sullivan, Thomas J., tablet, Bureau of Engraving and Printing Sullivan Boys of Waterloo, Iowa, proposed memorial Sullivan’s Island memorial, Charleston, S.C. Sun Oil Company, oil tanks and wharf, Rosslyn, Va. Sun Yat-sen Medal. See Chinese Medal Proposed statue Supreme Court Building General Paintings and busts Supreme Court Justices, Albert Rosenthal’s portraits of Taft Bridge Taft, William Howard Bust, Supreme Court Building House Monument, Manila, Philippine Islands See also Arlington Memorial Cemetery Taft, Mrs. William Howard, portrait for White House Takoma Park, portal Tank Corps Insignia Monument Taylor, Edward T., portrait, Capitol Temple Heights Texas Cavalry Medal APPENDIXES 79 Texas Centennial Coin Exposition, Government exhibit building Statue of cowboy Theater of Operations Medals 33d Division memorial Thomas Circle General Underpass Thomas, George H., Gen., portrait Tidal Basin Bathing beach. See Bathing beach for blacks Boathouse Titanic H.M.S. memorial Tokyo, American Embassy in, murals Tourist Information Center, 6th St. and Pa. Ave. NW Trans-Atlantic Flight Medal. See NC-4 Medal Trash receptacles Treasury Department building Annex Columns Landscape plan Penthouse Tree markers Troy, N.Y., memorial tower Truman, Harry S., Presidential Medal Tunlaw Road Twain, Mark, proposed memorial 29th Division, A.E.F., memorial Tyler, John, monument, Richmond, Va. Typhus Commission Medal Underwood, Oscar, bust, Capitol Union Square Union Station Dioramas Extension of east side for mail facilities Lamp standards Marquee Taxicab tunnel, proposed Traffic shelter Union Station Plaza United States University, proposed Uruguay, statue for presentation to Valley Forge, memorial arch Valparaiso, Chile, monument Vance, Zebulon B., statue, Raleigh, N.C. Venezuela Centennial Coin Vermont Sesquicentennial Coin Vermont State Capitol, grounds, Montpelier, Vt. Veterans’ Administration Building, cafeteria 80 APPENDIXES Veterans of All Wars memorial, Alexandria, Va. Veterans’ Hospital, Arlington County, Va. Vicksburg National Park Kansas memorial Memorial arch South Carolina memorial Victoria, Queen, portraits for White House Victory Medal, World War II Virginia Avenue, extension of Virginia State Conservation and Development Commission, historical markers Wadsworth, James C., Gen., memorial tablet. See Wilderness Battlefield Wake Island, proposed memorial Wakefield General Association meetings Bills and estimates Bridge and Parkway Burial ground Business matters Certificate of incorporation and by-Laws China Clippings Correspondence, official Albright, Horace M. Donn, Edward W. Fine Arts Commission Ludgate, V. Roswell Moore, Dr. Charles M. National Park Service Nevius, Avon M. Rust, Mrs. Harry L. Taylor, Oliver G. Washington Bicentennial Commission Dedication Ferry Farm Furniture History Illustrated lecture Legal papers Legislation Minor, Benjamin S. Montross survey Nevius financial report Newspapers Publications Publicity Published matters Reports, National Park Service Rockefeller, John D. Rust, Mrs. Henry Site, dispute over APPENDIXES 81 Sketch, historical manuscript States Tombstone, design Utility House Washington Bicentennial Washington Inventory Washington, wills See also Washington, George Wallace, Henry A., portrait for Department of Agriculture Walter Reed Army Hospital Central dental laboratory Extension War Department Buildings Arlington County, Va. (Pentagon) Northwest Rectangle, 26th and C Sts. NW General Murals Sculpture General by Henry Kreis by Jean de Marco by Earl Thorp and Navy Department Buildings Collar insignia for enlisted men Insignia for Construction Division Medals Road network and bridges Ward, Artemas, Gen., statue Wardman Apartment House, Woodley Rd. Warehouse, Federal Washington, Booker T., memorial coin Washington Circle Washington City Early settlers of. See Early settlers of Washington, D.C. Post Office building Waterfront General Bicycle Concession, Engineer’s wharf Washington, George Bicentennial General Art and sculpture exhibition Clippings Coin Frieze Medal Portrait Publications of the Bicentennial Commission Woodward and Lothrop display Bust by Houdin, replica for Pan American Union Building Memorial Building, Constitution Ave. and 6th St. NW 82 APPENDIXES Monument General Grounds and gardens Knights of Pythias memorial stone Repairs and tablet Statue by Marachetti for White House Statue by John Quincy Adams Ward, replica of Statue by Lee Lawrie in Washington Cathedral See also Wakefield Washington Hotel, Colon, Canal Zone Washington Hotel, 15th St. and Pa. Ave. Washington and Lee University, Lee Chapel Washington Loan & Trust Company Building, 17th and G Sts. NW Washington National Airport General Approaches Articles and publications Clippings Congressional documents Wharf Washington and Old Dominion Railroad Terminal Watergate Band Shell Weather Bureau Building West central heating plant West Point Military Academy, buildings Whipple, Amiel W., Gen., memorial, Fredericksburg, Va., battlefield White, Edward D., Chief Justice Painting Statue White House General Clock, Green Room mantel Cross, gift of rejected East Room, parquet floor and East Terrace surfacing Executive Offices General Extension, Truman Administration Fence Fireplaces Fireproofing Furnishings Gates Greenhouses, relocation of Inscription, mantel of State Dining Room Landscaping Lighting fixtures Piano Porte cochere Portraits. See also names of individual subjects Renovations Rockefeller, Percy, collection of historical portraits and other items Second floor restoration APPENDIXES 83 Seal, floor of Entrance Hall Sundial Truman Balcony, South Portico West Wing extension Whitehurst Freeway Whitney, Alexander Fell, proposed statue Wichard, Claude R., portrait for Department of Agriculture Wilderness Battlefield, Va., Gen. James S. Wadsworth memorial tablet Wilson, James, portrait for Department of Agriculture Wilson, Woodrow Memorial terrace and carillon, Lee Highway Portrait for White House Wisconsin Centennial Coin Women’s Army Corps Medal Women, memorials to Women’s Suffrage memorial, Capitol Wood, Eleazer, Lt., tablet. See Forts, Fort Wood, N.Y. World War I memorials General Agriculture Department war memorial American Federation of Arts, photographs of war memorials American Legion American War decorations Amesbury, Mass., memorial Andover, Mass., war memorial Balboa, Calif., memorial fountain Baltimore, Md., war memorial Belleau Wood Memorial Association Canton, Ill., Soldiers and Sailors’ war memorial Certificates Death Discharge Wounded Evanston, Ill., memorial 1st Division World War memorial Foreign officers Foreign War memorial Forest Service memorial tablet Frostburg, Md., memorial Gold Star Cemetery Association War memorial Gold Star Medal Gold Star Mothers and Fathers Gold Star Mothers’ memorial Hackensack, N.J., war memorial Harvard World War memorial Hospitals Insignia and medals Interstate Commerce Commission memorial tablet Jacksonville, Fla., memorial Lehigh University war memorial Library of Congress memorial Limitation of Armaments Conference Medal 84 APPENDIXES Lynchburg, Va., memorial Markers Marne memorial Massachusetts World War memorial Medal of Honor Memorial arch Militia insignia Missouri memorial Montfaucon, France, memorial column and cemetery Montsec, France, memorial Nashville, Tenn., Davidson County memorial National World War memorial Navy plaque Nebraska memorial New Jersey memorial New York memorial Pennsylvania monument honoring black soldiers Photographs and paintings Pilots and Balloonists’ Insignia Plainfield, N.J., memorial Pleasant Groove, Utah, memorial Providence, R.I., war memorial Puerto Rico memorial Red Star Animal Relief memorial tablet Regimental colors Reserve Officers Training Corps Insignia and Medal Rome, Italy, World War memorial St. Nazaire, France, memorial Sandusky, Ohio, memorial Second Division memorial Somme Py, France Swampscott, Mass., memorial Tablets for Government buildings Tours, France, memorial Verdun memorial Victory Medal War Memorials Council Ypres, Belgium, memorial World War II memorials in Europe and in the United States World War II posters Wright, Orville and Wilbur Memorial, Dayton, Ohio Memorial, Kitty Hawk, N.C. Yangtze River Campaign Medal Yellow Fever Medal Yellowstone National Park Fishing bridge Glass windows for chapel West entrance York County, Maine, Coin APPENDIXES 85 Yorktown Monument and park Sesquicentennial Medal and celebration Yosemite National Park Young Women’s Christian Association Home, near 2d and C Sts. NE Zero Milestone Zion National Park, hotel Zoological Park. See National Zoological Park ' I^V General Services Administration ~\r r y V ■ ' HI