W«MTOi(«M*W»toW**:'f^Wi*t*' :^yl(nwwwi^Wl*»»wa^ „?<.^«^'^M- and \icimtj Early History of Washington, Illinois and Vicinity Published by the Tazewell County Reporter Washington, Illinois Bronze tablet embedded on the band stand in Commercial Square park, Washington, in memory of William Holland, Washington's first settler in 1825. Designed and made by the Brass Foundry Company of Peoria. It was through the activities of Miss Emma J. Scott that the city and township of Washington appropriated money to ipay the ex- pense of installing the tablet. I LIBRARY OF TH£ UNIVERSITY or ^\ LlNOiS 1 ^<'U J^^ METHODIST CHURCH WASHINGTON. ILLINOIS 1828 CIRCUIT RIDERS 1837 JtSSE B.WALKEII- PETER CARTWRICHT- WILLIAM S. CRISSEY- NATHAN W.J CURTISS STEPHEN R. BECCS-S. L. ROBINSON - JAMES LATTA - WILLIAM SEE i\DOC HALL - J. McHENRY - JOEL ARRINCTON - L. S. WALKER - A. E. PHELPS PASTORS 18J7 RICHARD BIRD IdSI H. RITCHIE 1875-76 W. E. STEVENS 18)7 CHARLES ATKINSON 1852 W C. CUMMINC '«'*''? S' )*• 2*SIL''^^u lft3« R. H. MOFFETT 1852 H. M. P. BROWN 1877-78 C. W. MEREDITH 181» JOHN H.WILSON 1853 A.WOLISCROFT 1878-81 U.Z.GILMER 1839 ZADOC HALL 1854 R. N. MORSE 1881-83 J. J. WALTERS IB 10 J.C.PINCKARD 1855 A.M.EARLY 1883-65 WM. McPHEETERS Irttl R.H. MOFFETT 1856 SUPPLIED 1885-88 RICHARD (REWES ENOCH G. FLACONER 1857 J.C. RVBOLT 1H.12 R. H. .'10FFETT ial2 J. B. HOUTS 18-11 GEORGE WHITMAN la-U ZADOC HALL IBIS S, HALL 1S15 C. BABCOCK 1(147 STEPHEN R. BECCS 1M8 R. H. BRENT 1849 A.R. SHINN 1819 i. RIACH IHoO T. F. ROYAL !n50 KM. CADDIS IH'il W. r, c UMMING 1858 ZADOC HALL 1859 L.B.KENT 1860-62 B. APPLEBEE 1862-64 J. BORLAND 1864 W. P. CRAVEi 1865 A. P. HALL 1866 J. G. EVANS 1867-68 E. D. HALL 1868-70 R. C. PEARCE 1870-71 C. C. KNOWLTON 1871-72 L.B.KENT 16/2-73 R.A.COWEN 1873-75 G. W HAVEIiMALF 1875-76 W. E. STEVENS 1876-77 C.W. MARTIN 1877-78 C. W. MEREDITH 1878-81 U.Z.GILMER 1881-83 J. J. WALTERS 1883-65 WM. McPHEETERS 1885-88 RICHARD (REWES 1888-89 L. D. KING 1889-93 O.T. DWINELL 1893-97 W. B. SNOOP 1897-99 R. W. AMES 1899-00 D. C. MURRAY 1900-02 JOHN WILKINSON 1902-03 WM. WOOLLEY 1903-06 W. R. WATSON 1906-10 J. W. PRUEN 1910-12 J. E. MERCER 1912-15 J. L. MILLER 1915-21 J. D. CALHOUN 1921-23 R.W. AMES 1923 S. L. MYERS Bronze tablet hung on the walls of the new Methodist church in Washington giving a list of circuit riders and pastors of the church for one hundred years. Designed and made by the Brass Foundry •Company of iPeoria. Miss Emma J. Scott raised the funds by public subscription for the tablet. Rev. John J. Ryan, historian of the Methodist Conference, pays Miss Scott the following tribute: "The tablet is a beautiful piece of work and you are to be commended for your part in it. There are only a few who have sentiment and the historic instinct combined in one person, and to such we are indebted for the valuaJble phases of history. A good deal of history consists of guesses, but one who reveals the real character of action renders the substantial service. If the Wash- ington church should ever be destroyed by fire the tablet should be saved ftrst, for it has cost iplenty of research and careful discrimination." Story of the Settlement of Washington, One of the Oldest Towns. The "History of Washington, 111., and Its Early Set- tlers", as compiled and read by one of the city's early promi- nent citizens, John W. Doug-herty, attorney at law, at the Centennial celebration held in Washington, July 4, 1876. Responding to the request and recommendation of the Congress of the United States, made on the 6th day oi Sep- tember, A. D. 1780, the state of Virginia did, on the 2nd day of Januaiy, A. D. 1781, yield to the Congress of the United States, for the benefit of the said states, all right, title and claim which the latter had to the territory northwest of the Ohio I'iver, and on the 1st of March, A. D. 1784, by deed of cession, conveyed the property of Virginia in said territory to the United States — being a little more than ninety-two years tgo. On the 13th of July, A. D. 1787, the Congress of the United States passed an Act for the government of the ceded territory, known as the Ordinance of 1778; by which ordinance it was provided, among other things, that said ter- ritory should in the future be erected into not less than three noi more tlian five free and independent states, with all the rights, powers and immunities of the original states; in con- formity to wliich provision the Congress of the United States divided the territory thus ceded into the five states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. On the 3rd day of February, A. D. 1809, the Congress of the United States enacted a territorial government for the territory of Illinois, and provided for the first meeting of the territorial legislature at Kaskaskia, and subsequently, on the 18th day of April, A. D. 1818, passed an enabling Act, which provided for the election, by the qualified voters of said ter- ritory, of thirty-three representatives to form a convention to determine whether it be, or be not, expedient to form a constitution and state government for the people within the said territory ; which convention, on the 26th day of August, A. D, 1818, framed the first constitution of the state of Illi- nois, which constitution was adopted and remained in force until the 1st day of April, A. D. 1848; the people having in convention, on the 31st day of August, A. D. 1847, framed a new constitution, which was ratified at an election held on the 6th day of March, A. D. 1848. This continued in force until the 8th day of August, A. D.1870, when it was super- ceded by our present constitution. 4 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. The county of Tazewell was organized A. D. 1827, prior to which time it was a part of Peoria county, and was not one of the original twenty-two counties that furnished dele- gates to the convention that framed the' state constitution of 1818. Among the earliest settlements of the state was a French settlement at or near the present site of Wesley City, which was also one of the earliest permament settlements in Tazewell county. The first settlement in the town of Washington,_ or its vicinity, of which we have any account, was made in the spring of 1825, by William Holland, Sr., who came here from Peoria — then Fort Cark. He was formerly from North Caro- lina, and was employed by the United States government as a blacksmith for the Indians, who then inhabited this part of Illinois, and for several years after settling here he con- tinued to work for the Indians. Prior to his removal here, he had built a log house near the present site of A. G. Dan- forth's residence. It was the only house and his the only family in or near Washington until 1826. At the time of his location here, Holland's nearest neighbor was Thomas Cam- lin who lived on Farm Creek, some three miles east of Peoria. Camlin was a pleasant gentleman and a good neighbor, al- ways ready to entertain his guests with spicy stories and thrilling incidents of his personal adventures with the In- dians, whom he used to shoot at a distance of one-half to three-quarters of a mile, and Holland whiled away many a pleasant evening in his society. William Holland, Sr., was born in the county of Lincoln, North Carolina, in 1780. In the year 1815 he removed to Illinois Territory and settled at Edwards ville, in Madison county, where he remained three years; then removed xMe- nard county, where he remained two years, and from thence to Peoria in 1820. During his long and eventful life he was married three times, and was the father of twenty-one chil- dren — fourteen by his first wife and seven by his second wife. He had eighty-two grandchildren, most of whom are still living, and fifty great grandchildren. He died at his late residence in this town on the 27th day of November, A. D. 1871, at the advanced age of ninety-one years. Up to within a few years of his death he was vigorous in body and in full possession of his mental faculties. His son, Lawson Holland, was born in North Carolina, and came here with his parents. In the spring of 1826 Holland commnced improving a farm in the northwest quarter of section No. 24, town 26, range 3 west of the third principal meridian, just east of the original town of Washington, and embracing a part of Hoi- EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 5 land, Dorsey, Walthan and Robinson's addition to the town. In 1826 William Thompson came from Ohio and settled on the farm now occupied by John Johnson, and made some improvement on it. The same year William Weeks came from Indiana and located on the farm now occupied by Peter Portman, and built a house on it. The same year John Redman, also of Indiana, settled on the old Portman place, near Squire Baker's farm. These four families were the only white inhabitants un- til 1827, when Ira Crosby of New York came and located on the place now occupied by James R. Crane, wehre he made some improvements. He left two sons, Uriah, now of Mor- ton township, and Nelson. The same year George Burrow of Tennessee located on the Peter P. Scott farm, and commenced to improve it, and William Birkett of Lancaster, England, came and located on and improved the farm south of town, where lie now resides. He is one of the few remaining old settlers. James Holland, a brother of William Holland, Sr., also from North Carolina, located here, remained for three of four years, and then removed to Macoupin county. The little community now numbered eight families. In 1828 James Harvey came from Ohio and located on what is known as the Benjamin Kindig farm, one and a-half miles northwest, of town. He made some improvements on the land and remainect there until 1834, when he removed to Deer Creek and improved a farm there, and afterwards removed to Groveland, where he died in 1859. He left a large family, of whom only Wesley B. remains here. In 1829 Peter P. Scott came from Ohio and bought out the claim of George Burrow, and setted and remained there until his death in June, 1869. He left a large family, few, if any, of whom remain in the county. Scott was the only addition to the little community in that year. "" Some time in 1880 William Heath came from Ohio and located in Wrenn's grove, near the present site of Wade T. Wrenn's residence. He left a family of daughters, of w^hom Mrs. Adam M. Switzer only resides here. The same year Henson Thomas, a son-in-law of Heath's, came from Ohio and located on the farm now occupied by Mrs. George W. Woodcock, formerly Thomas' wife. He left two sons, William and Simon H., who still reside in Wash- ington township. The same year James McClure, from Indiana, came and located, and made improvements upon the farm now occu- 6 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. pied by Orin Castle. He remained in the neighbcrhood until his death. His son, Hamilton, and perhaps others of his family, still reside in this vicinity. There were now thirteen families besides those stopping temporarily. There were several other settlements in the county at this time, the nearest being in Deer Creek at'id Morton townships. Settlements were made in Deer Creek as early as 1828. The winter of 1830 and 1831 is memorable on account of its great snow storm. The snow fell to the depth of three feet, and was drifted and banked up in many places to the height of six or eight feet. Most of the wild game perished, either by being smothered under the snow, or by being cut off from their base of supplies ; and many of the inhabitants, scattered over this sparsely settled country, suffered in con- sequence of this loss of game, upon w'hich they confidently relied for the animal element of their food — many of them not having made other provision for this part of their sus- tenance. But energetic, determined men cannot be foiled, even by great difficulties. They overcame the obstruction by the use of snowshoes, which carried them safely over the top of the drifts to the homes of their more fortunate neighbors who had a small supply, which they glady divided with the unfortunates. This exercise of benevolence and sympathy prevented any great or protracted suffering, Reuben Bandy came from Kentucky in 1831. and bought out the claim of Ira Crosby, and settled there. One of the early marriages in Washington was celebrated at his home in October, 1833, between Lawson Holland and Elizabeth Bandy, both still living. The knot matrimonial was tied by the Rev, Nathan Curtiss, and must have been exceedingly well done, seeing it has held fast for almost forty-three years, while many recently tied matrimonial knots have slipped in a few months, from which we infer they were not well tied. There may have been other causes, but if so they are too deep for our comprehension. Be that, as it may, seven more years will entitle Lawson and Elizabeth to a golden wedding, wlien and where Lawson will be prepared to entertain his guests with a much fuller history of the early times of Washington that we can give, and also to accept such golden tokens of appreciation as his numerous friends may feel dis- posed to contribute. In 1831 Abraham Van Meter came from Kentucky, and located on the farm now occupied by Adam M. Switzer. He remained here until his death, in 1868,_ He left a large fam- ily, some of whom still live in this vicinity. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 7 During this year the Rev, Nathan Curtiss, a Methodist minister, located on the farm now occupied by W. T. Higgins, biult a house, and made other improvements. He hved here for several years. Three of his daughters, Mrs. Peter Filer, Mrs. Charles Kern and Mrs. Wheaton, still live in this vicinity. In the fall of 1831 Col. Benjamin Mitchell came from Louden county, Virginia, and built a house on the farm now occupied by Wade T. Wrenn, near the south ine of Wrenn's grove. He was an active, energetic citizen. He was elected to the legislature in 1834, where he served with distinction, and was elected to the state senate in 1836. He died in 1840. He was succeeded in the senate by Major R. N. Cullom. The next year added quite a number of immigrants, among who was John Durham from Baltimore, Maryland. He occupied the dwelling in which William Witte now^ resides, and was, for a long time, proprietor of the firs t saw mill operated here. He now lives in Peoria. About this time Phihp Varble and Elias Slaughter from Hardin county, Kentucky, and Jonathan and Thomas Reed from Indiana, and Walter and Thomas Birkett from Lanca- shire, England, located here and improved farms south of town. John Johnson also came in this year. He came here from Schuyler county, in this state, to which place he had emi- grated from Ohio while Illinois was yet a territory. He is one of the oldest settlers of Illinois now living here. He located upon the farm on which he now' resides. The Rev. Richard B. McCorkle, from North Carolina, was one of the immigrants of this year. He located on the Huguet farm, nortliwst of town. The country now began to fill up rapidly by immigration from the older states and other parts of this state, but the addition of their names would unnecessarily prolong this narrative. As abeady stated, William Holland, Sr., built the first house and improved the first farm in the vicinity of Wash- ington, The second house in the town was build by William Weeks, on the farm now occupied by Peter Portman. It was built in the southeast corner of the orchard. The third house was built by Charles S, Dorsey, who emigrated here from Kentucky in 1831, on the site of the Corwin place, south of Peoria street. It was occupied by Dorsey as a dwelling and store. In it was exhibited the first stock of goods offered for sale in Washington, consisting of 8 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, etc., etc. The goods were purchased by Dorsey in St. Louis. The above were all log houses. The fourth house was also built by Dorsey, on the pres- ent site of Dr. Allen s block. It was a one story frame house, the first frame house ever erected in Washington. It was covered and sided with clap-boards, and occupied 16 by 36 or 40 feet of ground. It was doubtless a marvel of architec- ture in its time, and was used as a dwelhng, tavern and bar. The fifth building erected was built by Jehu Linley, and used by him as a store room, he having purchased the stock of goods brought to town by Dorsey. That building still stands and is now used by Thomas Handsaker as the office of the Washington Herald. The carpenter work was done by Robert Smith, one of Washington's first carpenters. The sixth building was a log house, built by Mr. Straight, near the present site of Kingsbury & Snyder's grocery store. The seventh building was a one and a-half story log house, built by Samuel Hawkins, on the north end of H. L. Price's lot, used as a dwelling. The eighth building was a two story frame, built by Dorsey, on the present site of Anthony & Denhart's bank. It was used by August Whipple as a dry goods store. This was the second store opened in Washington. Dorsey was one of the active business men connected with Washington's early history. We fi.id his name figuring in all its earlier enterprises, and connected with one of its largest additions. All of the above mentioned buildings were erected prior to 1835. In 1834 William Holland, Sr., laid out the original town of Washington— being a part of that part of town lying east of Main street. The first building erected in the original town plat was put up by Joseph Kelso, Sr., in April, 1834, shortly after his arrival here from Indiana. It was built upon the lot now occupied bv Mrs. Catherine McGinnis. Kelso and a Mr. Wagoner had purchased three lots of Holland for one dollar and fifty cents each, upon a year's credit. That part of the town was heavily timbered, and much valuable timber grew in the street in front of those lots, which, by agreement, the person building the first house would be entitled to use, so Kelso and Wagoner settle^ the question of who should build first, by lot. Fortune, as usual, favored Uncle Joe, and he built first. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 9 Kelso not only built the first house in the original town, but also opened one of the first farms wholly in the prairie, the other settlers having clung to the timber. No doubt they regarded him as a radical innovator, if not a hero. Present experience, however, approves his judgment. The same season. Styles and Titus Hungerford built the house now occupied by Elias Benford, known as the Sherman House. This brings our narrative down to 1835, where we will leave this branch of it for the present. We have already shown that William Holland, Sr., was the first settler, the first to build a house and improve a farm, and we find him also the first mechanic. As such he carried on a blacksmith shop from liis first induction into the coun- try for several years. He did a general blacksmith business, and also repaired guns not only for the white inhabitants, but also for the Indians, who were then numerous in this part of the state. His was the only shop in town prior to 1835, when Brazilla Allee built the large two-story frame building on Main street, in which his widow, Mrs. Sarah Allee, resides. Allee used part of the building for a black- smith shop, and William Spencer used a part of it as a wagon shop. This was the first shop in town in which wagons were manufactured. Prior to this time, the few wagons used here were imported. In those early days wagons were a luxury not enjoyed by every one, and the owner of a wagon was considered particularly fortunate. Traveling was done on foot or on horseback, and hauling principally on sleds. Some, however, of the more ingenious citizens, constructed a home- m.ade substitute for a wagon by sawing wheels out of a log of v/ood and adjusting them to a rude gearing made with an ordinary chopping ax. Shortly after his arrival here Peter P. Scott opened a blacksmith shop near his residence, which he carried on for several years. The manufacture of tinware was first commenced here in 1848, by Charles S. N. Anthony. Before that time tin- ware, stoves and stove pipe were brought hei'e and sold by the merchants. The first grist mill was built by William Holland, Sr., in 1827. It was on the Holland homestead, west of his dwelling. It was run by horse-power, and was called a band mill. It was the only one in the neighborhood — its nearest competitor being located at Elkhart Grove, 60 miles distant. It consisted of one run of burrs; they were procured in Peo- ria for $60, and oui- informant thinks they were manufac- 10 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. tured there. These band mills were an institution in "those days." They were a cheap, simple contrivance in fact, but stil quite expensive when we consider the small amount of money possessed by those pioneers. The mill consisted of one large wheel, the hub or nave of which was a log of wood eight or ten feet long, hewed eight square, set in a perpen- dicular position, and supported with numerous arms or spokes. The lower end was secured by a pivot, on which it turned, to another timber fastened in the ground, the upper end being secured in like manner to a timber above. The arms or spokes were each supplied with several movable pins and constituted an adjustabe rim upon which the band, made of untanned cow hides cut into strips one and a-half to two inches wide and rolled into a rope, was stretched. The band was attached directly to the trundle-head by being wound three times around it — this latter precaution was taken to prevent loss of power by the slipping of the band. The numerous pins in the arms were used to take up the slack caused by the stretching quality of the band. The horse or horses used were attached to levers framed into the hub. They worked under the arms, which were several feet from the ground. The wheel, when ready for use, resembled an enormous clothes reel about forty feet in diameter. The bolting was done by hand. The flour produced by this pro- cess was a cross betwen the Extra-Quadruple X flour of to- day and ordinary graham flour, and no doubt was healthy and nutritious. The owner of the mill did not supply the power — the person using it had to furnish the horses. Many persons came fifty miles to this mill, and sometimes had to wait two weeks for their grinding. The first flour, however, made in Washington was made by Lawson Holland, Esq., in 1826 or 1827. It was produced by breaking the wheat with a pestle in a mortar and sifting through a hand sieve. The mortar was made by excavating or hollowing out one end of a log of wood, resembling a butcher's block, the other end of which rested firmly on the ground. The pestle was a heavy piece of round timber, the lower end of which was shaped to fit the excavation in the mortar, the upper end being fastened to a spring-pole, which aided in raising the weight of the pestle. Near the lower end of this pestle were four cross pins or handles for the use of the operators. This pestle seems to have been designed on the principle of a perpendicular battering ram. The idea was, perhaps, borrowed from the ancients. The hand seive spoken of was not the ordinary wire seive of these times. It was peculiar to those early days. It M^as made by draw- EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON. ILL. 11 ing a fawn skin tightly across a wooden hoop Uke a drum head, and perforating the skin with a hot iron rod the size desired. Through these holes in the skin the finer particles of the broken grain escaped during the shaking process. What remained in the seive was returned to the mortar and repounded, and then sifted again until all the flour was sepa- rated from the bran. By this tedious process Lawson pro- duced the flour mentioned. The band mill spoken of was the only kind of mill in this part of the country until 1836 or 1837, when William Kern built a flouring mill near the site of Jacquin's brewery. As a financial venture this first mill proved a failure. The next flouring mill was built by A. H. Danforth & Co. in 1845. It was the first brick building erected in Washing- ton. The bricks used in its structure were made by Danforth, near the site of the mill. The building still stands and is operated by Wells and John Asa Andrews. This mill, unlike its immediate predecessor, seems to have been a financial success. Although this was the first brick building in the town, bricks had been manufactured here by Hamilton Riddle as early as 1837, They were used for building chimneys, cel- lars, etc. The first school taught in Washington was a subscription school. It was taught by George H. Shaw, now of Shaw's Grove, who was traveling through the country prospecting and stopped for the night with William Holland, Sr., where, owing to the severity of the weather — it being winter — he remained till spring. Holland soon discovered Shaw's fitness to teach, and engaged him to teach, and gave him, as com- pensation, his board, washing, and horse feed. Rather slen- der compensation, as it made no provision for clothing. Af- ter engaging the teacher, the next thing was a school house, which wasjiuilt by Holland and his few neighbors in a day or two. It was a log house, such as was called in those days a single cabin, 16x18 feet. They seated it with split logs, the writing desks being constructed of similar material, and lighted it by sawing out part of one log at each end and pasting greased paper over the aperture or opening. This greased paper, while not highly transparent, admitted some light, and kept the wind out. This school was taught in the winter of 1827 ^nd 1828. The house was afterwards used by Lawson Holland as a dwelling. Holland subsequently em- ployed Shaw as surveyor whe nhe laid out the original town. The second school in this vicinity was taught by Eli Red- man, a brother of John Redman, before mentioned. The 12 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. house in which it was taught was built by Wilham Weeks, as a residence, on the Portman farm. Like its predecessor, it was a subscription school, and was only kept during the win- ter of 1828 and 1829. It numbered among its pupils W. B. Harvey, Esq., Lawson Holland, Mrs. H. Riddle and Matthew Holland. In 1830, John Berry taught a school in a log house on the farm now occupied by Squire Baker, near the burying ground on Baker's farm. This was the first house built and used for a school house longer than one term. It was suc- ceeded by the district school house, built in 1837 or 1838, on the site of the west school house in Washington, and was the only school house in the neighborhood up to that time. The first religious society here was organized by Jesse Walker, a Methodist preacher, in 1828 or 1829. Their first meeting was held at William Holland's, whose family and the family of James Harvey constituted most of the society at that time. Holland and Harvey were the ony male members. Their meetings were held in Holland's house for the first few years, then at other private houses until the public school house was built, in which they held their meetings until 1840 or 1841, when they built the old church near the corner of Main and Jefferson streets, now used by Sickler & Zaneis as a carpenter shop. This society now owns the most valuable church building in town, but those first members have all passed away. In 1832 the Christian church was organized here by the Rev. Richard B. McCorkle, in the school house on the Squire Baker farni. Of its first members we find the names of Rev. R. B. McCorkle and wife, James McClure and wife and John Johnson and wife. It was the second church organization in Washington. Up to this* time the Methodist had enjoyed full control in religious matters. From this time forward the two seem to have kept even pace, and are still among our most numerous and influential religious societies, showing, as we think, that in spiritual matters as well as temporal, much is gained by a good start. This denomination erected the old brick church now used by the German Lutherans, and is still the only brick church building in the town. Of these first members only John Johnson and wife remain. The Presbyterian church of Washington was organized on the 16th day of November, 1834, by Rev. Flavel Bascum and Leonard Foster, a committee of the Presbytery of Sanga- mon, appointed for the purpose, at the request of sundry in- dividuals residing at Holland's Grove. The meeting for the organization was held at Dorsey's store. Among the articles EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 13 kept for sale by Dorsey were various kinds of liquors, which, during the organization of the church, were concealed from view by suspending a tablecloth from the upper shelf in front of the bottles. The following named persons united in the organization: Henry Kice, Mary Kice, John J. Tool, Eliza- beth Tool, Horace Blair, Rebecca L. Blair, EHzabeth Ried, Charlotte Berrghet, David Gibson and Mary Gibson, of whom David Gibson and Horace Blair were elected ruling elders. From this germ has grown the present Presbyterian church of Washington. The seats of all these members of the first organization are now vacant. There were some Baptists here as early as 1831, but their church was not formally organized until 1835. Prior to that time they attended church at Tremont, where they had a church organization, and a Baptist minister named Babcock preached here occasionally. Mr. Abraham Van Meter and wife and their son, William C., now extensively and popularly known throughout this country, Matthew and Martha Crane, and Mr. Sherman and wife were of its first members. The minister officiatmg at its organization was the Rev. Thomas Brown, and of these first members the name of Mrs. Martha Crane only appears on its church roll. These four were the only churches organized here up to 1838, and are, therefore, the only ones that come within the purview of our narrative. In addition to these four, we now have two Lutheran, one German Methodist or Evangelical Protestant, and one Catholic church. The first marriage in the neighborhood was Mr. James Hendricks and Miss Sallie Redm.an, a daughter of John Red- man. It was solemnized sometime in 1829 or 1830, but whether by a minister of the Gospel or a justice of the peace we are not informed. The first funeral was that of a child of Henson Thomas. It was buried in the graveyard on the Squire Baker farm. The funeral services were performed by Rev. Zaddock Hail, now residing in Woodford county, and well known to this community. The first adult buried here was a Mr. Pembrock, a stranger who had stopped on account of illness at the resi- dence of William Heath, where he died. He was buried in the burying ground above mentioned. The first physician that located here was Dr. R. T. Good- win. He came from Vermont in 1832, where he had studied medicine with Dr. G. P. Wood. He was a successful physi- cian, and also a good business man. He and Dr. G. P. Wood were for several years partners in business, and were the 14 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. proprietors of Goodwin & Wood's addition to Washington. Goodwin is still living and practicing his profession at Dun- dee, Kendall county, Illinois. Previous to Goodwin's location here each man was his own doctor, and the principle medicine used was white wal- nut bark. It was peeled upward if desired as an emetic, and downward if its cathartic effect was required. Boneset, also, was used as a remedy for "fever and ager". In 1833 James Pfuggins came from North Carolina. He had learned wagon-making in the same shop in which Hol- land worked at blacksmithing. He Hved here for many years and practiced medicine. In 1860 he removed to Peoria, and died til ere in 1870. He and Holland both lived to be old m.en without any break in their early friendship. Dr. G. P. W^ood removed here from Vermont in 1835, and formed a business partnership with Dr. Goodwin. They prac- ticed their profession with marked success, but the history and services of Dr. Wood are too well and favorably known here to require more than the mention of his name. He died here in 1871. He left a large family, all living in this vicinity. Dr. R. W. Burton came from Kentucky and settled here in 1838. He practiced his profession, and also kept a stock of drugs and medicines. His was the first regular drug store opened in Washington. He was a spirited citizen, and took an active part in all of the enterprises undertaken by the citi- zens. He died here in 1859, leaving a large family, many of whom still reside here. The first lawyer to gain a foothold in this new commun- ity was Thornton Walker, from Virginia. At what precise time he came, or how long he remained, our informant does not know ; nor have we any farther reliable information in re- gard to him. We therefore deem it fail- to presume he was a fair representative of the profession, and that in his fre- quent tussels with justice he dealt it many staggering blows, from which it will probably never recover. Of course, like lawyers in all ages of the world, he sympathized with villiany and defended wrong from choice, but could be hired to do right for a money consideration. Upon what community he inflicted his baneful practices after leaving this one, we can not say. So rejoiced were the people to be rid of him that they kept no reckoning of his future course. Peace be to his In 1829 William Holland and William Thompson were elected to the oflice of justice of the peace for this precinct. They were among the first elected in this county. Their ter- ritorial jurisdiction were co-extensive with the boundaries of EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 15 the county, which then embraced a broad expanse of terri- tory east of the IlUnois river and extended northward to Chicago and southward to Jacksonville. The first constable elected was Jonathan Hodge of Stout's Grove. The first member of the board of county commissioners from this place was James Harvey. He was succeeded by Benjamin Mitchell, to whom we shall have occasion to refer hereafter. Prior to this time, however, and while this was part of Peoria county, William Holland was a member of the board of county commissioners. The first land sales for this district were held in Spring- field in 1830 or 1831. Prior to that date no title could be ac- quired to any land in the district. The settlers, however, recognized the justice of securing to each of their number the benefit of his labor, and gave effect to this idea by ap- pointing one of their number, Col. Benjamin Mitchell, agent or registrar of claims. By this arrangement, and the paying of twenty-five cents to the registrar, each applicant secured the registration of his claim, and the right to buy the land he had improved w^hen it came into market. This gave the lands a commercial value in the hands of the holder, and also enabled the person making the cUiim to sell and transfer it, if he so desired. These claims soon became an important item in the limited commerce of these early times — the other items of which were grain, beef and pork. The principle purchasers were immigrants, most of whom had little if any money, but labor and good promises passed current at par, the latter be- ing secured by the honor of the promissor. They were usual- ly religiously observed. Indeed, men usually make much of their honor when it is their only stock in trade. Still, we are inclined to think that the p^) rata of iionesty was really greater in those days than now, and for the following reasons: These men were not speculators or fortune huntei's, but earn- est men, seeking homes in the virgin soil of the Great West, and, actuated by this generous impulse, honesty was the natural sequence. The trade in those da>s consisted chiefly in the direct ex- change of commodities. There being but little money the community had no use for middle-men, of whom so much compaint is now made. They found no place among these eary settlers, and perhaps the surest way to rid the country of them would be to abandon money and commerce, and roll the tide of human progress back half a century, adopt the primitive habits of the early settlers, and thus elfectually squelch them. 16 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. We know but little of the social habits of the people in those days, except what may be inferred from the facts and circumstances above stated. Their appreciation of education is shown in their efforts to establish schools, temporary at first, but finally permanent. Their religious zeal is shown by their successful efforts in establishing churches, and their Christian liberality by the number and variety of them. Nor are we informed in regard to the amusements indulged in by the young folks; but, being young folks, we have no doubt they found many ways of robbing Old Time of loneHness. It would be unfair to suppose them, especially the ladies, desti- tute of fashionable aspirations, but the means for gaudy dis- play were very much circumscribed in those days. The male attire consisted chiefly of buckskin, or home-spun cloth, — we might add home-woven, the loom being far more common in or near their rude huts than the piano or organ They were not, however, destitute of musical taste, and many of their vocal performances would compare favorably with our pres- ent choirs. We may safely say they sang with the spirit. Most of the ladies, also, wore home-spun, which they manu- factured from wool, flax, cotton and the bark or lint of the nettle, colored with such ingredients as nature provided, with- out the aid of art ; a few adopted buckskin. How many yards of the latter article were required for a fashionable dress in those times, or in what particular style they were cut and trimmed, we are not informed, and must leave the ladies to draw their own conclusions. These dresses certainly were durable, and shielded the wearer in outdoor exercises incident to the planting, attending and gathering of the crops — in which pursuits the ladies in all new countries assist. Another of the prevailing fashions was that of carrying firearms, made necessary by the presence ig the neighborhood of roving bands of Indians, most of whom were ostensibly friendly, but like Indians in all times, treacherous and unreliable. These tribes were principally Pottawattamies. There w^ere, also, in the north part of the state, several tribes of hostile Indians, ready at any time to make a murderous, thieving raid upon the white settlers, and an Indian war at any time was an ac- cepted probability, and these old settlers today have a vivid i-ecoflection of the Black Hawk and other Indian wars. And, while target practice was much induged in as an amusement, it was also necessary for a proper self-defense, the settlers finding it necessary, at times, to carry their guns with them when they went to hoe their corn. In some instances their guns were stacked around them, and then moved the guns to a certain position and again proceeded with their work. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 17 These were only a few of the hardships incident to pioneer life, which was largely made up of privations, inconveniences and dangers. They had few labor-saving machines, and no reliable market. Each communication by letter with their distant friends and relatives was rendered difficult for the want of proper mail facilities, and sometimes for the want of money to pay the postage on the letters sent to them — the postage then being twenty-five cents for one single letter, many of which remained in the office for weeks on account of the inability of the persons to whom they were addressed to pay the demanded postage. But time has changed all these things, and in the short pace of fifty years we have grown from a handful of hardy pioneers to be a populous, thriving, energetic community, with all the improvements and ad- vantages of an old settled country, and a town unsurpassed for business, considering the capital invested, by any in the country, while our surplus products are enough to supply some of the petty kingdoms of the old world. Early History Biographical Sketch of David Kindig Written by Himself Benjamin Kindig, born 1783, married Hester Witmer, born 1785. (Parents of David Kindig born in Lancaster county, Pa.), married in 1807, moved to Va. in 1811. My mother died in Va, in 1824. My father married again in Va. to Abigail Patterson. In 1833 moved to Illinois. My step-mother died in 1835. My father again married, Betsy Page, of Metamoi-a, 111. My father died in 1856 and my second step-mother died in 1871. My own mother had four daughters and three sons: Ben- jamin, Esther, Mary, Matta, David, Leah and Henry, David and Leah yet living. My step-mother had three daughters and two sons: Betsy, Anna, Samuel, Susan and Emanuel. Samuel, Susan and Emanuel yet survive. Benjamin Kindig had eight brothers: Emanuel, Joseph, Isaac, Martin, Samuel, John, Abraham, Henry, and two sis- ters: Mary, Leah. All deceased. David Kindig, born in Augusta country, Va., Sept. 12, 1816. Home, Washington, Tazewell county. 111. The follow- ing are the sisters and brothers living: Leah Grove in Wash- ington, (state), Samuel Kindig in Mo., Susan Kindig in Neb,, Emanuel Kindig in Iowa. 18 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. A little remarkable, each one in a different state. (David Kindig was married twice; his first wife was a McCord and his second a Conn. The following were the chil- dren, all by his first wife: Virginia, who became the wife of John Wilson of Washington; Liza Zane, who married a Mc- Murtrey and lived in Missouri; Zura, who lives in Kansas City and never married ; Laura, who married Gila Mapes and lived in Kansas City, son of a former Christian minister who lived in Washington; Marion, who married a Nesmith, sister of Chas. L. Nesmith, and lives in Kansas. Miss Zura and Marion are the surviving children). David Kindig, with his parents, also Andrew Cress, moved to 111. with one four-horse wagon, one three-horse wagon, one one-horse carry-all. (But it failed to carry all). We started for Holland's Grove, Tazewell county. 111. TraveHng west, we passed through the Warm and White Sulphur Springs, crossed the Alleghany Mountains to the Ohio river 255 miles. Crossing the Big Sandy river at its mouth over into Kentucky, passing through Lexington, Frankford, and on to Louisville, on the Ohio river. Crossed the river into New Albany, Indiana, thence to Vincennes, on the Wabash, thence to Vandalia, 111., thence to Springfield, 111., then a small village, it being the last one we saw until we saw Peoria. We inquired for the Fort Clark road and as we came on we inquired for Holland's Grove. We landed on the farm where Christian Engle now fives, (near the Union cemetery) , on the 22d of Oct. 1833, distance of 800 miles, being on the road seven weeks, or 49 days, camp- ing one tent and wagons. When we came here we found William Holland and John Linley. Linley had a twin cabin, lived in one, had store and postolfice in the other. Dorsey Van Meter on the Switzer place. North where Peter Portman now lives ; Heath and Cur- tis in the grove, the Higgins and Wrenn places. The Banta's, Peter P. Scott, John Johnson, McCorkle, Henson Thomas, Mitchel. Dr. Goodwin and Wood, (Dr. Wood's father), James Harvey, (Squire Harvey's father). My father purchased of James Harvey the farm which A. J. Cress and loeger now occupy. 160 acres deeded land, 160 acres timlier claim three miles west of that, also 80 acres where the cabin stood. Compensation, 900 dollars. Other settlers were John Bromfield, (they being the only family we knew here). Peter Chne, now Andrew Gongloff farm. Zea- dock Hall, also William Hester, in what was then called Rag- ged Grove, now John Weeks. Looking back 56 years we find but three of those old EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 19 settlers living, namely: Mr. Z. Hall, now of Kansas, and Mrs. John Johnson of Iowa Also Mrs. Adam Switzer of Washing- ton. When we came here we got a cabin on the Huguet place, stayed three weeks; then William Berry came from south part of the state and occupied it. We built a shanty by roll- ing two lo|?^s together, ten feet distance, covering with clap- boards. Besides this shanty we had a tent and wagon. We moved in, living in those three weeks, until we built a log house, now standing in A. J. Cress's yard. We hauled lum- ber from Camlen's water mill on Farm creek east of Peoria. John Lowman's father made the shingles. Later we laid the upper floor with hnn plank procured from J. J. Banta's saw mill, run by hand, being the only saw mill in this part of the country in those days. Our next lumber was made at a st#m saw mill that Dunham built on Farm creek just south oflJie R. R. bridge west of Washington. The first mill I went to, and all the mill here, was in the grove where John Weeks now lives. Hester had a corn cracker. The mill was a novel- ty. It stood in a scoket, a shaft twelve feet long with a truck wheel run on the ground by means of a shaft, turning the stone, and, when the horses went around the mill, the hopper and all went around on its own axis. Our nearest flour mill was at Pleasant Grove ; that, too, was a horse mill — eight horse power. Father bought some timothy hay and sheaf oats in stack near the mill. A. Cress and myself would go f ^r hay, take a grist and giind at night, return with our hay next day. We got along very well so long as the ground was frozen, but we left our load until the ground thawed out. What then? We went for the balance of the oats. On one occasion Cress sent me ahead to find a good place to cross a slough. As I was not posted on sloughs, I said here is a dry place — where there had been no travel. He started on a run, but when he came to the opposite bank he was thei'e, hub deep. We unloaded our oats, and four horses could scarcely pull out the empty wagon. That was our first introduction to a slough. We always knew what a slough was after that. Well, about the first of Feb. 1834, we commenced mak- ing maple sugar, and continued for six weeks. On one occa- sion my neighbor, John Bromfield, and myself was left to at- tend the camp one night. One kettle would boil over in spite of all we could do. He said to me, get a bacon rind and he would stop it running over. (All right 1 said). He greased the kettle near the top, then he sent me for some assafoedita. He said he was sick, and wanted to make a pill. By the time I 20 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. came back he said we will have to stir this sugar off; it was burning-. We commenced dipping it out. Ycu better believe it stuck to every vessel, black as tar. Kettle was red hot. We dashed a bucket of cold water in, then we heard a racket. That was my first sugar making. Well, we had plows that would shove the ground around — wooden mould boards. Father would stalk his and some of his neighbors' plows. At one time father and I were plowing — he said we would try an experiment. At noon lie cleaned off his plow; said he would bring a bacon rind and grease it. We went about six feet and it stuck; he cleaned and greased again, started — stuck again. Said I, a little more grease. On the 20th of June, 1834, Andrew Cress married my sister, Mary, and commenced housekeeping on the farm where his son, Calvin Cress, now lives. He and wife lived and died on the same farm they first settled on. Well, we lived a frontier life for 20 years, raised tiax and wool to make out clothing. The land was not in market then. Came into market in the fall of 1838. Then the rub. We had no money and money was hard to get. No sale for stock. The best horse would not bring $30; best cow not $5 in cash. I had raised some wheat and oats. I took wheat to the river mill, then took the flour and peddled it out in Peoria. I sold some oats there and received a little money I borrowed some from John Linley, paying 60 per cent interest. (Some paid 100 per cent). I bought eighty acres where I now live and a piece of timber. My home is the only piece of land that has not changed hands to my knoweldge. The neighbors all went together to Springfield with their teams, taking feed and provision; was at Springfield three days. We employed Stephen A. Douglas to call off our lands as they were put up for sale. In some cases speculators would bid against settlers. We all plotted together to prevent it. Mr. Henry Kice (father of John Kice, in Washington) was a large man, weighing 330 lbs. He was standing in the crowd with a large club or cane. He remarked if any man bid on his claim they would feel the weight of that stick. I heard a number remark, you see that large man with that stick. I would not like for him to give me a lick with it. But we all got our land in peace — those that had the money. In sell- ing land they would commence in section one ne section, in town 26, range 3, w of the third principal meridian, offer the e Vz neqr sec 1, etc., etc. How much I hear for it, bid $1,25 — who will give more? If no bid, would be sold. Pass on to the next w y^, same qr., and so on until the section was sold. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 21 Then to the next, etc. We all v/ere happy when we got our lands, came home rejoicing and have been happy ever since. In 1845 the brick mill at Washington was built. In 1846 I assisted in hauling the pine lumber from Chicago to com- plete the inside work. Asa Danforth & Co. hired teams to go to Chicago for lumber. Load with wheat and reload with lumber. The round trip would cost fifteen dollars. Board yourself and team. A trip would occupy from 10 to 12 days. I hauled a load of my own wheat there and sold it for 621^ cents per bushel. I loaded back with lumber at $1.00 per hun- dred feet. Could buy best clear lumber for $10 per thousand. The first Christian church built in Washington was a brick, built in 1851, now occupied by the German Lutherans. William Holland laid out the town of Washington in 1834. On Nov. 28, 1869, the second Christian church was dedi- cated. This house burned Feb. 17, 1870, by defective flue. Another and third building was erected which was dedicated Aug. 28, 1870, and Oct. 29, 1876, was also burned; this time by lightning. But the congregation, not disheartened, erected another, and on eluly 29, 1877, it was dedicated. Whole ex- pense on the several houses was near $32,000.00. I will state here that in the fall of 1834 there were several accidents happened. One was a stranger, came to 111. He got work at Jonathan Reed's, living on the Brown farm now owned by Witmer Kern. He went to the timber to haul rails out onto the prairie, and in coming down a short hill, by some means the team became frightened and ran away. When found he was lying in the road dead, the wagon having passed over him. The team w^as found not far ofi:' tangled up, there being four horses. The stranger was buried in the grave yard on Squire Baker's farm. The other accident was a daughter of Mr. Heath, (sister of Mrs. Adam Switzer) then living in the grove now^ occupied by Mr. Wrenn. It happened thus: There was a long school house built near the grave yard on the land now owned by Squire Baker. This girl, with others, was seated at the desk facing a window east. The Banta family lived some thi'ee hundred yards due east from school house. Cornelius Banta had been having typhoid fever and ague. One day he took the gun and went out to kill a squirrel. He found one sitting on a tree 200 yards from the school house. He shot direct north, the school house be- ing west of him. When he shot the ball struck a limb or something and glanced, going direct through the window and striking this girl in The head. Old Drs. Wood and Goodwin were called. They i-emoved the ball (as supposed) from under the scalp, believing the trouble was all over, but not so; the 22 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. patient grew worse. They summoned a doctor from Pekin in company with the doctors here, returned, made another ex- amination, and found that part of the ball had passed through the skull. Found it between the skull and Hning of the brain. After removing the remainder of ball and piece of bone, the patient got well. Some thought the ball was spHt passing through the glass; others when it struck the skull bone. I should judge the latter. This young lady afterwards became the wife of George Gipson of El Paso. Sorry to say this ac- cident broke up the school. The teacher, (being a stranger), left for parts unknown. When we came to this state in 1833 there were no In- dians here, but there were many signs of where they had had their wigwams; also many ladders sitting up against trees where they had cut holes in trees to catch coons and get honey. Their ladders were made thus: They would cut a sapling and leave the natural limbs about one and one-half feet long for handholds, resting one end on the ground and the other against the tree. In speak- ing of Indians, when we came to Illinois I never saw any heie, nor was I in the Black Hawk war, but I saw the old Indian chief. Black Hawk, in Richmond, Va., when they were on their way to Washington, D. C. That was in the summer of 1833. He was tall with a sharp, keen eye; had rings in his ears and one in his nose, and had a blanket around his shouldeis, and was a fair representation of his picture. There was plenty of small game here of all kinds, but nothing larger than a deer. I have killed some of all kinds except a wild goose; I never could get one although I have shot at them flying, standing, far and near, with ball and shot, and in every instance I would make the feathers fly. I remember of my brother-in-law, J. Grove, and I going into the timber deer-hunting and we did not go very far until we got sight of one. It came up the hollow and when within one hundred and fifty years Grove shot and missed it. It ran direct to- ward us and Grove said, "Dave, shoot!" Snap. "Dave, shoot!" Snap. By this time it was within fifteen yards of me, "Dave, shoot!" Bang. It ran 125 yds. and fell. Grove got to it and caught it by the horns to hold it down ; when I got there I jumped on it. No sooner on than off. It just sent me kiting; naturally stripped my overcoat and powder horn off of me. That was my first introduction, but we got it all the same; weighed 125 pounds. I had an old flint-lock rifle that came from Blue Ridge, Va., was at least fifty years old, but had killed more deer and bear than it was years old. I EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 23 must relate a trip that J. B. McCorkle and myself made to Washington, Washington county, Towa, in 1839, eighteen miles from the Indian Territory. We went horse-back. We stopped with his uncle, John Berry, twelve miles west of the Mississippi river. Berry, wishing to entertain his company, concluded he must have some fresh meat, so he went out among his stock hogs saying he was fond of lean meat. Af- ter dressing it, said he, "this is the first hog-hide I ever salted down." Well, if you believe me, you could hold it up to the sun and read a newspaper through it, providing there had been a hole. When we came to Washington, Iowa, we met a friend from Illinois. He invited us home with him, saying if you can fare as we do you are welcome. I answered I could put up with what any one else could. When we came to the house, it reminded me of a story about the traveler traveling west: He came to a Hoosier's nest, Or, in other words a buckide cabin; Just large enough to hold queen madron. He took the stranger's horse aside. And to a sturdy sapling tied. And in stripping the saddle off He fed him in a sugar-trough. The stranger stooped to enter in The entrance closing with a pin. It being his heart's desire To seat himself by a log heap fire. There he saw a half-dozen Hoosierons With mush and milk, tea cup and spoons, ^ White heads, bare feet, and dirty faces, All desired to keep their places. One side was lined with linen garments, On the othe:- side hung skins of var-nents; Over head pumpkins were strung Where venison ham in plenty hung. Two rifles were placed above the door, Two big dogs stretching on the floor. And so forth and so on. This cabin was not laden with venison, but like all new- commers just commencing a good big fire and the old lady spinning rolls on a little wheel. The family consisted of two • old people, two young ladies, two young men, two children, my friend and 1. There was only one bed in the house. I did not know how we could all sleep. Only one room and that so small, had to move the table out doors after each 24 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. meal. For supper we had no coffee, but instead we had po- tato soup in tin cups with spoons in each. My friend sipped his, found no coffee and pushed it back. I was all right for I was fond of potato soup. Presently the old gentleman came in with gun, prairie chicken and a wallet of corn meal ; had been to a hand mill. That evening passed off by the old man telling hunting stories. He said one time he shot a squirrel in the head; it fell from the tree, jumped up and lan up the tree (quack quack) ; he shot again when lo! and behold he had shot its brains out the first shot. I told him I did not dispute his word, but that was a big story to tell. At another time he killed an oppossum, stripped the hide off and threw it away. It jumped up and ran off. I again told him that I did not dispute his word, but that was a big story to tell. Finally it came bed time. They had a knack of stow- ing them away; first, two children in the foot of the bed, then two old folks occupied the rest of that bed. What next ? The girls made a pallet on the floor for my friend and I. There was about four feet of my friend run out at the foot. I, being short, was all right. I got between him and the fire. The girls drew out a trundle bed and occupied that. The young men went up a ladder, near the comb; two poles were laid across one end of the cabin with clapboards laid on; had a bunk there. Next morning we had horse-mint tea for breakfast. My friend let his tea stand; we then struck for home. He said he would rather pay $2.50 for lodging than to have that for nothing. In the spring of 1842 Mr. John Brady and myself made a trip to Augusta county, Va., on horse-back. We were on the road three weeks, and it cost us only $15, and we did not steal either, but we sponged off our friends. We imagined we could not travel unless we carried a weapon of defense, so I traded a load of corn for a brace of pistols about six inches long, (you may know they were dangerous). We car- ried them loaded until we reached Indianapolis, Indiana, with- out any occasion to use them. We concluded to shoot them off, fearing they might I'ust. We made a mark on a large gum tree from five to six feet through, went five paces back, fired two shots, missed the gum. Brady said we might as well throw them away; if we could not hit as large a mark we could not hit a man. We never reloaded them. I re- mained in Virginia until fall, returning with brother, Benja- min, when he moved to Illinois in 1842. I was married January 13, 1844, to Elizabeth McCord. Five children, Virginia, Eliza Jane, Missouri, Laura and Marian. In April, 1856, my wafe died, leaving me with five EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 25 small children. In the year 1857 I was again married to Miss Ellen Conn of Fayette county, Penn. Before I was first mar- ried I broke prairie four summers with four yoke of oxen to one plow, improving my farm and breaking for others. Those days we would steal our timber for rails from Uncle Sam; every one would steal in Illinois. I have even known preachers to steal, and after we had our land bought we would chop off of congress land and save our own. I built a log house, 14x16, of split logs. We had one room on the ground and one-half room above. I daubed it with black mud. When the winds would blow and rains descend, the mud would come out on the floor dab, dab. Sometimes we would have a lot to carry out and daub again. We lived in that house six years, and in 1851 1 built the house I now live in. That was the season the cholera was so fatal. There were over forty deaths in Worth township that season. In 1853 I bought 80 acres of prairie land which cost $3.00 per acre. That was cheaper than the $1.25 land. Late in 1860 I bought 160 acres for $12.50 per acre. I paid that easier than the $3.00 land. Then in 1866 I bought 80 acres for $26.00 per acre, being still cheaper. Broke and sowed in spring wheat 50 acres; raised 730 bushels, which sold in 1867 at $3.12 roperty, he boldly denounced what he believed to be a great national iniquity. Fleeing fugitives found a friend in him, and he not seldom risked his own life and was cited before magistrates. On one occasion, when he and George Kern wei'e arrested and tried, they were honored by having Abraham Lincoln, then a rising young lawyer, to defend them. He lived to see slavery put away and his convictions on this question justified by an almost universal revolution of public sentiment. In those exciting days of the Under Ground Railroad, Elder Dickey, a Baptist minister, and Owen Love joy, strong anti-slavery men, made an appointment to speak in Wash- ington. On the date announced for their meeting the pro- sjavery men, Rev. Reuben H. Moffatt, the M. E. minister, and Mr. Chase, an M. D. and also an M. E. minister, linked arms and led the mobocrats in taking forcible and armed possession of the church to be occupied by these speakers, determined at all hazard to prevent the meeting from being held there. Elder Dickey was to deliver an address on "The Bible View of Slavery". The pro-slavery people were not willing that he should speak, saying that "if anyone could expound the Bible with convincing argument it was Elder Dickey". With violence and throwing rotten eggs they aispersed the anti-slavery meeting. Mrs. James Robison of Tremont said, "I never climbed mto my wagon so quick in my life as when those mobo- crats broke loose with their determination to break up the meeting. Anthony Field, then a class-leader in the Wash- mgton M. E. church, was pursued to the creek on South Main street and given a veritable shower of the decomposed product. He was turned from the church because of the unchristian spirit of its leaders. A prominent man of conservative views on the slavery question advised the anti-slavery men not to hold the meet- ing, as they were detemined to do, as the mob, he said, was frenzied with hquor and he feared the consequences So they concluded to go to the Pleasant Grove church at Groveland, where they addressed one of the most enthusiastic anti- slavery meetings ever held in this part of the state. Owen 98 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. Love joy was the orator of the day. The mob was deter- mined to follow and break up that meeting also, but were deterred by being told that as the anti-slavery men were on their own ground they would fight, and doubtless blood would be shed. The following letter written by Uncle Patterson Scott and addressed to his sisters, Mrs. Margaret Officer and Miss Jane Scott, Washington, Pa., gives an insight of early times and the slavery controversy in Washington, 111. The letter was written on both sides of one large sheet and folded so no envelope was required. It is yellow with age. The figures "25" is marked where the stamp goes on a letter, which no doubt meant tlie cost of sending: Washington, Tazewell County, 111., Nov. 12, 1838. Dear Sisters: Having, through the kind and gracious province of my heavenly father, been spared until now, I take up my pen to address a few lines to you both. In the first place I would inform you that we are all well at present. William and Mary arrived here in safety, in good health and spirits, this day 2 weeks since. They are still living with us and will almost certainly settle here. I have made a proposal to sell Wm; some of my land, very low, which he ^vill prob- ably accede to. He has not yet (owing to a variety of cir- cumstances) had an opportunity of examining my prairie, but with ray timber land he is well pleased. We expect to remove to our timber shortly, and will continue there dur- ing the winter, as we will be more convenient to our work. We have all come to the determination to spend the winter in making and hauling rails for fencing, and in getting out timber for a dwelling, so that we may be prepared when sprmg returns to improve our lands. Wm, has been to Iowa territory and is well pleased with the country, but thinks our advantages are superior to those that would be afforded there — and upon the whole he appears to be better pleased with this section of country than with that. We were truly grieved to hear of the death of James, and I hope, dear sis- ter Margaret, that you and brother Robert, although you have been called to face the rod of affliction, in this rending of the most tender ties — yet you recognize the hand of Him who hath in His hand the issues of life and death, and I trust that vou have experienced the consolation of His grace, and are prepared to say in a spirit of humble resignation: EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 99 It is our Father's hand — that gave this heavy blow, That took our loved one from our sight And caused our tears to flow; Yet still we would not fret, but to His mandate bow, Trusting that we shall yet know w^hat we know not now. Yes. my dear brother and sister, I believe that you will know hereafter why your Father's hand was thus laid upon you, and I trust that you will make a suitable . im- provement of this afilictive dispensation, and that it will be one among the number of those things that will work out for you a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Although I have been afflicted and tried in various ways, principally on account of my anti-slavery principles, yet the Lord has helped me thus far, and I trust that whatever may become of me He will carry on this holy cause, in the midst and despite of all the opposition that earth and hell combined can rain against it, until the accursed system that is frauglit with the groans, tears, wailings and degradation of 214 millions of our fellow men shall forever cease from our land, and that the negro shall stand forth "a. man acknowl- edged" by our nation and our nation's laws, and clothed with all the rights that belong to him as such; when he shall be put in possession of himself, his wife, his children and all those tilings that man holds dear liere on earth, and sliall be permitted for himself to search the volume of Eternal Truth, and find what God would have him know and do, that he may become a free man in Christ Jesus, and in that liberty rejoice, and worship God as to him seemeth right. We formed a County Anti-Slavery Society about four weeks since and now number nearly 100 members, some of whom are the flower and sinew of this county. We have also commenced observing the monthly concert of prayer for the abolition of slavery throughout the United States — and the world. Notice was given to the congregation assem- bled for public worship in our public school house, on yes- terday 3 weeks, that a meeting of the aforementioned kind would be held on the last ]\Ionday in October (which was 3 weeKs since this day) in the school house, but the trustees of the school, who are violently opposed to Abolitionists, refused to let us have the use of the house, and one of them, who was formerly a slave-holder and removed to this place from Kentucky about a year ago since, a ad professes to be a gentleman, together with some others in this place, grew very much enraged aud threatened us very hard. They 100 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. swore that we should not hold such a meeting in the place and that if we attempted it, scenes worse than that at Alton (in which the Rev. E. H. Lovejoy was murdered) should be enacted here. But we felt that even though we were very- few in number, we were engaged in the cause of God and Humanity and we were not in the least bit intimidated by their threats. When we were refused the use of the school house I told the brethren that my house was at their ser- vice for the meeting and that here we would meet on the evening of the day appointed for the meeting. Wm. and Mary (Sample), Hugh Hughes and 2 other young men from Wash- mgton (Mr. Jeffrey and Mr. Graham) arrived here and some of the citizens who were not Abolitionists, but in favor of the discussion, came in about the time the meeting com- menced. This Kentuckian, with an axe hardle upon his shoulder, together with some more of the devil's emmis- saries from one of his principal outposts (a grocery), well- primed with the elixir of hell (as an old Methodist here calls it) came to the door and some of them began to peep in at the windows. Upon seeing them I went out and re- spectfully invited them to come in, but could not prevail upon them to do so then. But in short time 4 of them came m and stood with their backs against the door and remained there for some time, but did not attempt to interrupt us. I have since been informed that they came in to find out wnat we were doing and then to go out and report to the rest, and if anything like a lecture was delivered or any resolutions passed, they were determined to destroy my house, but notwithstanding considerable was read on the subject of slavery and many remarks made by the pastor of our church, also a young man (a member of the Baptist church), who is a native of Kentucky and who was converted by reading Channing on Slavery, and the Constitution of Am. A. I. Soc, which I loaned him about 18 months since), the mobocrats did not attack us, although they came pre- pared with clubs and dirks, determined to do it. While all this was in progress several of the citizens, who are not Abolitionists, were collected in the back ground, a few rods from the house, to see what was going on, and if any attack had been made they were prepared to resist it. You see from this that we were called upon to contend with the power of darkness in attempting to promote the cause. We felt so and we also felt that it was a solemn crisis, and that we were called upon to meet it then. The Lord preserved us, so to Him be all the praise. We expect EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 101 to form a society in this place 'ere long. Then we expect we shall be mobbed. We may be disappointed in our expec- tations, but we are determined not to give up our principle but with our lives, and we shall make them known, also, if we do meet with opposition. The Kentuckian, the leader of this mob, is a physician and also a merchant of this place, but he has gained to himself no honour by this. Margaret and Randolph join me in love to you all, and vou will remember us to grandfather and mother Workman and all other enquiring friends. No more at present, but re- main your affectionate brother, P. J. Scott. May 5, 1921. Miss Scott, Washington, 111. Dear Friend: I have just this morning read the en- closed letter the second time. It certainly is very interest- mg. I have from childhood days admired the anti-slavery pioneers, who, with fortitude and courage, stood firmly by their principals — when it cost life itself. The monument, marking the John Brown fort at Har- per's Ferry, was one of my "shrines" in my young man- hood. Of course, he led an insurrection, but in the provi- dence of God, that seemed necessary to wake up the country. We shall never know in this life how our noble heroes, such as the writer of this letter, served and how much they contributed to the overthrow of slavery. 1 thank you for the privilege of reading this bit of "ancient history" relative to the very community in which we now live. Yours respectfully, (Rev.) J. D. Calhoun. The early settlers of this county, although mainly from the southern or slave states, entertained a deep-seated preju- dice against the Negro, for which it is hard for us to ac- count at the present day. The depot masters and conductors on the "under ground railroad" from Elm Grove to Crow Creek were Josiah Matthews, Lawyer Briggs, Absalom Dillon, Johnson Som- mers, William Woodrow, Anthony Field, Deacon and Willard Gray, Uriah H. Crosby, Daniel Roberts and sons John M., Ambrose, Darius and Walter, Seth Billings and Elijah Lewis, George, Channey and Charles Crandle; Orin M. Bartlett, James Patterson and J. Randolph Scott, Parker, Mark and Levi ]\Iorse; George Kern and sons John, George and An- drew; Norman Dutton, the Work brothers and Wilham 102 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. Lewis. Nathaniel Smith and Moses Pettingill of Peoria proved their faith by their works. The main depot of the "under ground railroad" in Elm Grove township was at Josiah Matthews' on section 24. Mr. Matthews was an earnest anti-slavery man, and helped gain freedom for many slaves. He prepared himself with a cov- ered wagon especially to carry black freight from his sta- tion on to the next. One day there arrived a box of freight at Mr. Matthews' and was hurriedly consigned to the cellar. On the freight contained in this box there was a reward of $1500 offered, and the pursuers were but half an hour behind. The wagon in which the box containing the Negro was brought, was immediately taken apart and hid under the barn. The horses which had been driven very hard were rubbed off, and thus all indications of a late arrival were covered up. The pursuers came up in hot haste, and suspecting that Mr. Matthews' house contained the fugitive, gave the place a verv thorough search, but failed to look into the innocent- looking box in the cellar. Thus, by such stratagem, the slave hunters were foiled and the fugitive saved. Tlie house was so closely watched, however, that Mr. Matthews had to keep the Negro a week before it was safe to conduct him north. Uriah H. Crosby, who came from New York to Morton in 1832, was one of those men who in danger, wath a destiny to fulfill, never faltered. It was at his home on section 9 in Morton township that there was an U. G. R. R. station. A company of fugitives had just passed his station when a young man hastily came up. He had invented a cotton- gin, and was in haste to overtake the others of the party as they had the model of his invention. He was separated from them through fright. John M. Roberts found this young man in the morning hid away in his hay stack, fed him and sent his son Junius with him in haste to Mr. Cros- by's. On his arrival. Conductor Crosby put him in his wagon, covered him with a buffalo robe and drove through Washington and delivered him to Georg Kern, who took him in an open buggy to the next station at William Lewis'. John M. Roberts of Morton was quite an artist and on the walls of his living room he painted scenes. There was a blind door at the side of the fire place and back of that was a space in w4iich he secreted Negroes. A master came searching for his slaves. Mr. Robert's mother, an elderly lady, sat in a rocking chair in front of this door knitting. He said, "I will not ask grandmother to get up". He went EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 103 away without finding his slaves, but later swore he could smell his niggers, but could not find them. John M. Roberts and Orin M. Bartlett took three Ne- goes to (now) East Peoria. They were to have been taken across the river in a skiff, but just before they reached the river, Negro hunters overtook him. The fugitives rushed into the swampy thicket and one only of them reached the boat. Strange to relate when Mr. Roberts was in Chicago attending the National Republican convention that nomin- ated Abraham Lincoln for president of the United States, a Negro spoke to him on tlie street and called him Mr. Rob- erts, who said "J do not know you". He replied you will when I relate a circumstance. His co-travelers had never found him. Excitement ran very high and the anti-slavery people were closely watched. I have heard my father say, "I never )3rought a colored person to my house, but I have fed many of them and helped them on their way to freedom". At one time there were five brought to him, three men and two women; he had them lie down in the wagon bed and then threw hay over them. He warned them before start- ing, as he did all others whom, he assisted, that if he were stopped, they must look out for themselves as he would nave to take care of his team. He had not driven two miles wnen two men on horesback came riing rapidly to meet him. They separated, one passing on either side of his vehicle, but rode right on. In a few minutes they turned about and overtook him, again one riding on either side of his wagon for some distance. Finally one of them, punctuating his language with an oath, said: "This is not what we are look- ing for", and turned and went their way. He knew the riders — and it was just what they were looking for. His cargo was delivered at George Kern's about dawn, when he turned around in his feed lot and returned home via another route. The anti-slavery people were constantly on the alert. Father came into Washington one day and at the postoffice saw a poster describing a runaway slave on which a reward of one thousand dollars was offered. He went to the store of John Gaunt, who took him aside and said: "Mr. Scott, 1 am with you on the anti-slavery question, but I dare not let it be known: do not come this way tonight or you will be killed, for this "master" threatens vengence on any one assisting his slave; he owns several hundred and this is the first one that ever ran away and he proposes to make 104 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. an example of him". Father saw the master, who looked the desperate character his threats would indicate him to be. Father went to Uncle Patterson's, but the Negro was not there. He rode on to Anthony Field's ; he found that he and his wife had gone to Morton and left a neighbor girl with their children. He wrote a note and placed it under a bowl on top of a cupboard, instructing the young miss to tell Mr. Field of it on his return. After starting home he rjecame uneasv and turned back to wait for them to come home. When they came the advertised Negro was with them. Father told him that his master was ahead of him, the reward offered and why offered. With the Anglo-Saxon m his nature calling for recognition, this powerful Negro gave vent to his feeling and suited his actions to his words Dy drawing a dirk and saying, "I will never be taken". Mr. Field kept him for a week and piloted him safely north. Parker Morse of Metamora said eight-tenths of all the Negroes who came under my observation were of white mixture. Canada, the northern termination of the "under ground railroad, received these refugees from "freedom's (?) soil" and administered to their wants. Queen Victoria having is- sued a proclamation that every fugitive from the United States slavery should be recognized and protected as British subjects the moment his or her feet touched the soil of her domain. Billings Lewis of Morton rapped at the door at one o'clock a. m. and said, "I have a Negro in a buggy at the bars". Father said, "go back, we are watched; I will be with you in a minute". He dressed, but carried his boots, fear- ing his steps on the porch might be heard. Mr. Lewis re- mained with his brother, who lived nearby. The watchers were two neighbors. One of whom confessed, in after years, that they heard the bars, but waited for some activity. He also expressed shame that he had been guilty of such de- meanor. Some colts belonging to Mr. Briggs, a lawyer of Tre- mont, had wandered away on the open prairie, and he was out hunting them. Meeting a man, living in the vicinity of father's place, he made enquiry for his property, which had not been seen. He then asked where Randolph Scott lived; he was given direction, with the added information that Scott stole niggers and no doubt had stolen his colts, too. Mr. Briggs said, "I will go over and see". He came chuck- EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 105 ling to tell father of his reputation among the pro-slavery neighbors. Mr, Briggs was one of father's staunchest friends in the anti-slavery cause. While conditions were really quite serious at times, there was also a wave of mirth that would bubble over in a joke on the pro-slavery people. A covered wagon load of young people from Morton (Lewis, Ewings, Crandles and Grays) had spent the evening at "Uncle Tom Castle's cabin" and on their way home they called at Alfred Phillips', and some one opened a window and enquired what was M^anted. The questioner said, "We would like to learn the way to Randolph Scott's". After they had aroused the curiosity of this family they went on home. Mr. Phillips and his son Hiram set out for Scott's, thinking the enquirer was some one with a load of Negroes. They aroused Louis Beal from his slumbers, and asked him to accompany them, but he de- clined. As they crossed a stream, enruote, the ice failed to Dear the son's weight and he fell in the water — returning riome to reflect on his folly. Father had a trap door in the floor, just inside of the out door, which he opened at night. If his door was forced open, the culprit would find himself in a pit and he would nave a chance to overpower him. Although he had been threatened with vengence, he was never molested. These things occurred when he was a bachelor. Sand Prairie Township Slaves Stolen Mr. Shipman came here from Kentucky in 1826, but did not live in this township a great while. He moved into Elm Grove township where he spent the remainder of his Hfe. He brought with him to this township a Negro man, his wife and children. He treated them kindly, and they in turn loved him. They all lived here in peace and freedom, carving new homes in the wilderness and preparing for fu- ture prosperity and pleasure. The quietude of the httle set- tlement was disturbed one dark night by the appearance of some slave hunters. There were some men from Kentucky came up the river, left their boats at the mouth of the Mack- inaw, quietly came over and carried off the Negro family. They were all tied and hastily run to the river. It appears that Mose, the name of the Negro man, was a singularly constructed Negro, and it would almost seem, as an old set- tler said, that "he was part aligator". He had a double row of large sharp teeth. His hands were tied and with a rope he was led along. He pulled l^ack considerable, and lagged 106 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. behind as much as he dare do, all the while chewing on the rope by which he was led. Finally he succeeded in severing it, when with all is might he ran back to the settlement and informed the neighbors of the theft of his family. This aroused the ire of those sturdy pioneers and, being equal to any emergency, three of them saddled up their horses that gloomy night and set out for St. Louis, Mo., anticipating the destination of the thieves. These resolute men were Johnson Sommers, William Woodrow and Absalom Dillon. They pushed on towards that city and fortunately rode off the ferry boat just as the Kentucky would-be slave traders landed with the family of Mose. This was a singular co- incidence, but true, and with determination that plainly snowed he meant what he said Sommers jumped from his norse, gathered up a stone and swore he would crush the first one who attempted to leave the boat, and the men, who could steal the liberty of their fellow men, were passive be- fore the stalwart pioneers. One of the pioneers hurried up to the city and procured the arrest of the men. We do not know the penalty inflicted, but most likely it was nothing, or, at least, light, for in those days it was regarded as^ a legitimate business to traffic in human beings. The family was secured, however, and carried back to this county where most of them lived and died. All honor to the daring hu- mane pioneers. The following incident came to Peter Logan, whom I nave seen and my parents knew well. He was owned by a man in Arkansas, who gave him a chance to buy his own freedom and also that of his sister Charlott and her daugh- ter Nancy. When on their way north they were captured in Missouri and taken back. Their master said, "They are free and shall be privileged to go unmolested". They came and located near Tremont, where he was for many years in tne employ of the Dillons and was known for miles around as Uncle Peter Logan. He could neither read nor write, but he could sing. Once at our home he asked father to read the Bible to him, which he did. He then sang "Jerusalem My Happy Home" and "The Year of Jubilee Am a Comin' " in plaintive tone that only the "bond-man" can express. Charlott's services were in great demand at all home and neighborhood feasts, for she was an excellent cook. Nancy was bright in school, and would get on a stump and preach a sermon to her white schoolmates. These colored people were honorable and were highly respected citizens through- out their long lives. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 107 Sanford P. Gorin's brought "Black Jack" with them when they moved here from Kentucky, where he hved dur- ing his lifetime and was laid to rest in their family lot in in the old cemetery in October, 1869, aged 52 years. When the slaves were emancipated he refused to leave the Gorins. He owned a team, farmed for himself and did some hauling. He was sexton of the Christians when they held services in their brick church. I first learned who he was when he drove past "Greenridge" school house with a wagon load of women and children (Gorins, Burtons, Wells, Eccles, Cranes, An- drews and Danforths (who were going out to their Uncle John and Aunt Ann McClintock's for a picnic in their grove on a balmy day in June. The children of the whole town found a friend in him, and he was respected by all who knew him, Calvin Dunnington says my father worked for Sanford P. Gorin when a small boy. Something went wrong with the norses, Mr. Gorin came into the barn and took down a har- ness tug and began beating father. Black Jack was there and said: "Mars Gorin, you hit that boy one more lick and you will have me to lick, too". Mr. Gorin began on father, and Jack did his part and whipped Mr. Gorin. At Jack's death John Dunnington bought his old gray horses. "Principles have achieved more victories than horsemen and chariots". Mention has been made of the "Underground Railway" m connection with the work of anti-slavery. The origin of the railway name came about when the slave owners, in pur- suit of slaves, found that they had mysterious^' disappeared. So the baffled southern men asserted that an "Underground Railway" must have been used to spirit the slaves away. The Hicks Family Mother's parents, with their ten children, came from Barnesville, Ohio, to Tremont, Illinois, in the fall of 1837. Grandfather, Asa Hicks, Sr., came to Illinois on horseback during the summer and rented the Dillon farm one and one- half miles west of Tremont, in Tazewell county, for a term of five years, and paid one year's rent in advance. He re- turned to Ohio via the Ohio and Illinois rivers. A committee of tlie Tremont colony of 35 families from New York City, throe Harris brothers, selected this site in 1834 and the colony came out in 1835. Tliey made some good improvements — a school house, church and postoffice — which made Tremont a center of influence and of good so- ciety. The county court site was also located here in 1836. 108 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON. ILL. Laban Hicks and Joseph Hicks, brothers Df my grandfather, were here, too, as was their sister, Mrs. Rachel Parsons. Laban built a hotel in this new town, Joseph was construc- tion boss on the grading for the I. B. & W. railroad, and their sister was assisting in the hotel, for they were board- ing these workmen. Grandfather's shipped their household goods and barrels of dried fruit to Pekin, the family coming overland with a five-horse team, one a saddle-horse from which the rider drove the team with one line. Israel, the oldest son, had been driving, and being tired of riding he got down to walk, when a dog from a home nearby ran out and started the colts they had with them. They ran past the team, frightening the horses into a run. Israel could not catch the line and his father got out of the wagon to try and check the team, but slipped from the wagon tongue and was thrown under the wheels. He expired in a few minutes. The whole country-side poured out its sympathy and assisted this grief-stricken family to bury their dead in the Friends cemetery near Bloomingdale, Parks county, Indiana. They resumed their journey the following day and ix young man acted as guide to the Wabash river, which they crossed at Campbell's ferry. Then on via Danville, Bloom- ington and Stout's Grove. They crossed the Mackinaw river on a ferry boat, spent the night with relatives in Tremont and went to the Dillon farm the next day. It took a cour- ageous mother to battle with the trial of life and rear her large family, tlie half of them under ten years of age. Is- rael , in his 22d year, shouldered the bread-winning task. Tliey were dutiful children and by constant labor and untir- ing industrv in a few years the dark clouds of adversity were scattered. They lived at Tremont five years and one year at Pleasant Grove. There were many good people in that locality who became their life-long friends, among them the Harris, Lovejoy^, Nichols, Fishers, Buckleys, Morses, Robi- sons, (Jreeleys Kelloggs, Matthews, Leonards, Dillons and Lacklands. In 1843 they bought 160 acres in section 30, Washing- ton township, and moved to the house on the site of Miss Kate Unsicker's home on Walnut street while they improved their farm. Pioneering brought one hardship after another, and re- quired great determination to succeed, as well as lending the helping hand. They paid for this land with corn. The mother and her younger brothers shelled this corn on a hand-sheller, sacked EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 10'9 it and Uncle Israel hauled it with a four-horse team to Wes- ley City, getting but 10 cents per bushel. On one of these trips he came very near perishing in a blinding blizzard. Israel Hicks married Susan M. Humphrey, a daughter of Luke and Eliza Humphrey, Feb. 24, 1848. One day grandmother and some of her children had Deen blackberrying and stopped at William Wilson's, the present home of Will Miller. Mrs. Wilson had died, leaving tive children. Mary, the eldest, twelve (later Mrs. Swisher of Eureka) was trying to make bread, her brother, John, (now in his 85th year) not two years old, was quite sick and their father away. She doctored the little fellow until he was quite better, looked after the bread, did other help- ful turns and gave them of the berries. A friend in need. When Uncle Asa, Jr., was yet in his teens he went out huntmg and shot a deer. With great pride he brought it nome. He was a good marksman and an untiring hunter. In later years he had many colonies of bees and sold honey in ton quantities. He was an efficient supervisor of Little IVIackinaw township for many years. Robert Kimble of Peoria (his wife and son James ac- companying him) made his third overland trip to California in 1859 v^ith a drove of cattle. Uncle Elwood Hicks was a member of his caravan. Uncle returned in December, 1862, via Panama and New York City, N. Y. Elwood Hicks and Eliza A. Shoemaker, daughter of Elmore and Nancy Shoe- maker, were married March 5, 1863. Uncles Harrison and Milton were grain and lumber merchants, respectively. Grandmother, Anna Cox-Hicks, was a beautiful christian character and much beloved for her many virtues. Her life was a benediction. She died March 18, 1853, and rests in Washington's old cemetery. When the Danforth mill was erected in 1845 they wanted good seamstresses to sew the "bolting cloth". Mrs. James Marsh and mother did this task at 25 cents per day, this being the customary price per day for sewing. The mill was dedicated with a "home talent" play in which Dr. E. F. Wood most graciously acted the lady. Mother learned to make men's clothing after she came to Tremont. The workmen on the I. B. & W. railroad were m need of garments and there were no "ready-to-wear" to buy. Her uncle got some garments cut from which she took patterns and in this way earned much toward the support of this fatherless family. After they moved to Washington sne assisted Lot White, the tailor, who had her make all 110 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. button-holes and do much of the most particular finishing on garments. It was a help financially, too, that she could make all clothing for her brothers as well as for her mother and sisters. Mother, too, had learned to spin well, both cross- banded and twisted yarns, and to knit these threads into comfortable garments. She assisted Robert Kelso in preparing the threads and m weaving coverlets, and she returned the compliment by helping mother to make eight coverlets for her mother's family. Such relics are now much in demand by antique hunters. The all-day social gatherings of the pioneer ladies were wool pickings, spinning contests and quilting bees. Their "cards" made wool into rolls and bats; the spinning wheel, with the "wheelfinger" deftly used, brought these into threads to be woven into coverlets, blankets and cloth, for at that time "home-spun" garments were extensively used. Miss Harriett Kingsbury, later Mrs. Laughlin; the Kice sisters, later Mrs. Bryan McCorkle and Mrs, John Kaufman, and my mother Asenath Hicks, later Mrs. J. Randolph Scott, could spin more hanks of yarn in a day than any of their rivals. In winding the thread from the spindle onto the reel for a certain number of threads the reel would click, thus tieing a loop around this group of threads, and so on until there were tied in groups 80 threads 54 inches long, making a skein; 17 skeins made a hank and 18 hanks a spindle. When I was quite a little girl mother tauglit me to make rolls, to spin and to knit. She could also spin flax and showed me how to use the "heckel" in preparing flax to be spun. Father had lived in Illinois ten years, and had gone through many trials and hardships. He had boarded, kept bachelor's hall and at times had families in his house who boarded him. Mother, too, had carried many cares after her father's death, helping to provide for those dependent. Father was a member of the Presbyterian church of Washington, 111., having united with this organization in its earliest infancy, and made great sacrifices to establish and maintain it. Uncle Patterson was a member of the church building committee and mortgaged his farm as surety. A financial crisis came and father borrowed money at 12 V2 per cent and lifted his brother's mortgage to hold the site on which the church now stands. He was then a single man, but his brother had a family and father could not forbear making this self-sacrifice for them. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. Ill Father and mother were married November 25, 1847, by Rev. George Elliott, pastor of the Presbyterian church. (Rev. ElHott had earlier, that same evening, married Andrew Gerbrick, whose daughter, Mrs. Frances Brubaker, resides in Eureka, 111.) They lived happily together for nearly 47 years. He died April 16, 1894, and she October 28, 1901. Mother was complained of having married out of unity with Friends, and was disowned by their meeting. This is a method no longer practiced by the Friends or Quakers. Father had a four-room house with a porch 18x8 on his farm and there they went to housekeeping December 9, 1847. In the new home the same spirit of energy and faithfulness pervaded her life; she was truly a helpmate. They began with small financial means, but made a success and were al- ways comfortable and good livers, ever sheltering and help- ing those less fortunate. Mother lived on this farm 49 years, which was in the Scott name 68 years. When father enlarged his home, before his marriage, Mathew Crane, the father of James R., Thomas, Joseph, George, Charles, Wilham and Jane, (later Mrs. Benjamin Miles, mother of the Miles brothers of Peoria) made the built-in cupboards and clothes closets, and Thomas Whitten built the stone wall for the cellar under the living room, which was 16 feet square. Father procured these stones and those used in the foundations of all his farm buildings from a ravine on his timber land. There were two fireplaces, with a mantle piece over each. In the living room there was a grate, in which coal was the fuel used, it being hauled from a coal bank near the Illinois river. The one in the kitchen was deep, and large back-logs were rolled into it; the and- irons held up the long fireplace wood. There was a crane in this on which the bright copper tea-kettle and the cooking vessels were hung in preparing the meals. Here they also rendered lard, etc. They had a "Rotary" cook stove and did not use this primative method of cooking. Mother, also, had a Dutch oven which her mother's people had brought from Georgia to Ohio in 1805 and from thence to Illinois in 1837. (This was an iron vessel about 6 inches in depth and 12 inches in diameter, having short legs and an iron lid). It was used to roast meats, bake bread, pies, cake, corn-pone, etc., by placing it on a bed of hot coals and covering it with the same. Father had one, too, in which he roasted meat and potatoes for himself and for men who helped with farm labor when he kept bachelor's-hall. 112 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. There were not even matches, and fires were lighted by the sp^rk from a flint is:niting tinder in a tinder bcx. They were careful to keep fires aHve and not, as it sometimes happened, have to go to their neighbor's for hve coals. Father had a half-dozen split-bottomed chairs and mother two rocking chairs, of the same kind (made by the Asa H. Danforth Furniture Co., and now owned by their children). A walnut drop-leaves dining table, a walnut stand with a drawer, a large mahogany chest of drawers and look- ing glass, with frame of same wood, a nice clock on the mantle, high-posted bedsteads corded with rope and with canopy tops and valences, brass and glass candle sticks, a perforated tin lantern, in all of which were used "home- made" tallow candles. On the living room floor was an all- wool rag carpet with a braided rag rug before the fireplace. Good books and papers, viz: The Herold of Truth, Water- cure Journal, The Messenger of Peace, Phrenological Journal, New York Independent, Louisville Courier- Journal, Christian Era (in the latter Uncle Tom's Cabin, by Harriett Beecher Stowe, was run as a serial), a dasher churn, a wash board and tub, clothes rung by hand. This is the picture of my parents' home set up 80 years ago, in which a housewife did all of her own work of every kind, even to browning the family's supply of coffee and grinding it in a mill upon the side wall near the cupboard in the kitchen. James Smith, Sr., was the contractor with his son, James Jr., as boss when our home was enlarged in 1862 by adding five rooms, two halls and a portico. Of the carpenters and workmen on that addition which included George Blackwell, Levi Stumbugh, Mr. McFarlane the plasterer, George E. Lee wno put in the stairway, Mr. Walters who did the graining and varnishing, William Jones is the only man now hving, to my Knowledge, who assisted there. The west half of our bank-barn was built in 1850 an set on very large log piers. The east half was built in 1875 when these piers and the full foundation was made of stone. Mr. Pierce was the boss on the west half and Peter Dorward on the east part. Josiah Moore was a "waterwitch" and with forked peach-tree limbs, one branch in each hand, he located a spot for our stock well, by the limbs turning down in his hands as if drawn by a magnet. It has proven to be a never-failing well. Father had a stock well on the east 80 acres of the farm where he put up a watering trough in the road for the convenience of the public. This was the route most people EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 113 took in hauling their grain or going to Washington, which was the "trading post" for the surrounding country, and it was much appreciated by all in their long drives. James i^ane carried the mail between Deer Creek and Washington tor many years before the former town was served by the Lake Erie railroad. George Duncan was living with father when he was married and continued to make his home there for some years, when he married (a sister of Mrs. Joseph Kidd and Mrs. William Monroe) and moved to Deer Creek township. Robert Anderson also farmed with father and later built a large square house three miles south from ours which he sold to John Voorhees. Rodger Jenkins did his first farming here on father's farm, bought land nearby and made life a success. Father was always among the first to buy the most ap- proved farm and home conveniences. He owned the first McCormick reaper in our neighborhood ; used four horses on It, a man to drive and one to rake the grain from the plat- lorm. With this he not only cut his own grain, but did reaping for many of his neighbors. Among them was Mr. Naffziger, Sr., the father of Valentine, Christian and Peter. They v/ere then single men. The next machine was a self-rake, then the Walter A. Wood self-binder, now the "combine". The first ha\ rake was an all-wooden one that revolved, making winrows; the next a sulky rake with metal teeth, the driver being provided with a seat on which to ride; then the loader. l:*ather and Uncle Joe Kelso had the first portable hay stackers, with a fork to be used either on the stacker or in tne barn, operated by horse power with ropes and pulleys. Driving a horse to elevate the hay to the stack or barn loft was one way of getting outdoor fife and exercise that gave me strength. The evolution of the plow has been as great a marvel as that of almost any other piece of farm machinery. The woden-tooth "A" harrow was offer used with a weight on it. Breaking corn stalks on a frosty morning, using a long neavy pole with a team at each end was an early way of clearing a field, after which the stalks were raked into wind- rows with a ponderous revolving wooden rake. They were often burned in the evenings. Next came the stalk-cutter and from that time on the stalks were not burned, but plowed under. 114 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. Tliere were few carriages or buggies, and wagons were seated by placing iron pieces over the top of the wagon-box on both sides, near the front and the back of the box, and a hickory strip laid in the fold of the irons to allow of son\e spring for the seats placed on them. In October of 1848 father, mother, Anna Hicks who was mother's sister, William Sample, his wife and two sons Hugh and Theodore v.^i\de an overland trip to Barnesville, Ohio, and Washingtori, Pa., in a covered M^agon fitted up with springs. Their travels were of six weeks' duration over miles and miles of corduroy roads and bridges. There were many stretches of swamps filled in so as to make travel possible. This was their first visit east, after coming to Illinois eleven years earlier. The Sample family had located, some years prior to that date, on a farm known as "Sample's Corners" near Mie Bucl:eye church. On their return in December thev stopped Saturday night at Sam Stumbaugh's, north of Deer Creek, 111., where Theodore, about two years old, was severe- ly scalded by causing a cup of hot coffee to be spilled on him. He bore this scar through life, as he did others that came to him. At the age of sixteen years he enhsted in the l-ltli 111., cavalry as buglar, but threw his bugle away when cross- ing the Ohio river. When asked why he did it he said, "I took that method of getting into the army; now I am in and that is all I want". He was a messenger and after sev- eral almost miraculous escapes was captured and was in An- dersonville prison, Ga., five months and twelve days. He came from that "pen" a skeleton of his former self, was ex- changed and honorably m.ustered out of the service of the Civil war. He served the T. P. & W. railroad, beginning as brakeman, and held all the positions — baggageman, freight and passenger conductor, yardmaster and depotmaster at Logansport, Ind., and retired as a pensioner several years be- fore his death. The family moved from "Sample's Corners" to their Washington home, the house now owned by Miss Kate Wohlgemuth, when Hugh, Theodore and Sarah attend- ed school in the seminary. While WilHam and Theodore Sample were in the Civil war the family moved to El Paso. Hugh w^as a very capable man and was assessor and sheriff of Woodford county, and Sarah was an efficient teacher there until her death in 1875, Hugh having died in 1871. Father in hauling farm produce to Peoria, crossed over the Illinois river on the ice, if was frozen over, as was cus- tomary. In those days Peoria had no bridge over the Illi- nois river, and crossing was by ferry at the foot of Walnut EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 115 Street, near where the McKinley bridge now stands. Peoria's bridge was a "toll-gate" with James Tart as gatekeeper for many years. Father's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Officer, came from Pennsylvania on a visit, and they had to cross the river from Peoria in a skiff and land far into what is now East Peoria. For years there was a long levee from the river bridge some distance into East Peoria, but that has disappeared by "made land" filling the swamp. Father would let a lot of ear corn roll out of the cribs onto the barn floor, bring in a number of loose horses, then go into the loft above them and by using a long whip drive tnem around and around. Thus they tramped the corn from the cobs. This shelled corn was for stock feed. When on our way from school we children stopped at Jesse Cooper's to see the corn sheller that was being used by Elias Wood — two horses traveling on an inclined moving bridge, called a "treadmill". Father had been the "Shepherd boy" on his father's larm and knew the sheep business well. He was successful m raising them and at one time he sold over a thousand head, but kept fewer thereafter. It is truthfully said that "where one sheep goes the rest will follow", be that Wherever it may be. I have seen father try to stop the hock from crossing the pasture bridge, when the leader w^ould come with a bold defiant jump and leap past him — then there was no hope of stopping the rest. They are most interesting animals, especially the lambs at play. Sheep- snearmg time was an interesting time, too. There were al- ways a number of shearers, George Woodcock, Henry Bliss and Thomas (Tom) Seaman being on the force for many years. "As a sheep before her shearer is dumb" it was rare tor one to offer resistance in the hands of the shearer. Father folded the fleeces, one at a time, in the wool press. He frequently sold this crop to Sol Bennett of Peoria, de- livering it in great hay rack loads. 1 remember of mother attending a wool-picking at Mrs. Elmore Shoemaker's, three miles west of our home. There were many ladies at this party. They dined on their spa- cious porch, having picked the wool on the lawn. Father took me with him when he went to bring mother and the ladies living near us home at the close of the day. it was a full day's task to take a load of farm produce to Peoria. On one occasion father took a load of wheat over and did not return at the usual hour. His wagon had sus- tained a broken wheel, and he had to transfer his load and 116 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. have the wheel repaired. We children were quite young, but we knew that mother was anxious. She said, "Something has detained father, but w^hen he comes he will be him.self". We never had any occasion, throughout his long life, to have the confidence mother instilled in us shaken in the least. He had no more prominent characteristic than his strong con- victions and his fearless expression of them. Among these convictions were his temperance principles. These he im- bibed in his youth and which continued steadfast in his character. Much of this world's want and woe has come through intemperance. Until 1907, when the local option law was passed, Illinois was under a dram shop law which provided for the licensing of dram shops. The use of hquor was quite common in early days. Men sometimes used it when in the field and not infrequently they became incapacitated for work. The common "grog shops" were numerous. There were, ai one time, six saloons, a brewery and a calaboose in our little town, with drunken brawls on many occasions; fam- ilies abused and destitute of the necessities of life, except wnen fed and clothed by people who did not indulge their appetites in that which is not bread. Hiram Bunn, a policeman, was equal to quelling almost any such disturbance of the peace, for the drinkers all feared his shillalah which they knew he would use with persuasive force if his commands were not obeyed. He was called to a nome where there was a daughter three days old; the father had been up town and came home drunk. The children had prepared dinner. He overturned the table, breaking -the dishes, and picking up a chair ordered his wife to prepare dinner for him. Two of the children succeeded in warding off the blow intended for their mother, while the third one ran for Mr. Bunn, who summarily put him in the "cooler". This man had been opposed to intoxicating drink, but fell a victim to it through the social glass. There have been a number of very sad cases here through this demon rum. Some men have tried hard to re- form and have succeeded, but there were others whose com- panions have held them and forced them to drink. Among these were some of our brightest minds and our best busi- ness men. There have always been some very active tem- perance people here. The Good Templar lodge was a strong organization. Lewis Tobias was one of the leading members and entertained John B. Gough, Rev. Afflect (the Mark Twain EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON. ILL. 117 of England), Ross, Mason Long and others. He was threat- ened with violence for his activities in the cause and the trees in his orchard were girdled in retaliation by his op- posers. The "Crusaders" were a band of our purest and best christian women, and their methods proved effectual. In answer to their prayers has come the victory song, "Carry. On Illinois", The Woman's Christian Temperance Union is called of God for a specific purpose, and has been built around total abstinence — the major in law observance and law en- forcement. Nothing takes peace out of life more surely and more quickly than the curse of drink. The greatest good of llie greatest number demands its social control. in 1883 Miss Florence Kingsbury, later Mrs. A. H. Heiple, and I were delegated by oui* local W. C. T. U. to circulate a petition, asking that the screens be removed from ine saloon windows. We succeeded, and the city council passed an ordinance granting this request. Tlie saloons were closed in 1907 when we passed the local option law. Tlius, step by step, our efforts have banished every sa- loon from our city, and it has improved in every way. Tliere can be no argument on this subject when the finished pro- ducts of the "imbiber" and the "abstainer" are compared. We know that prohibition is the best method. We have stout Hearts and great courage and will "Hold Fast and Go For- ward". in September, 1855, the people of Washington and vicin- ity gaye a dinner, over the west side drug store, to the offi- cials of the Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw railroad, and were in- vited by them to take the first trip over the road to Cruger. Flat cars used in building the track were converted into open- air passenger cars by the simple means of building benches cross-wise of the cars and a short distance apart. In that way they carried a great many pasengers. Mother declined to go, as did others, because it was said "they will not bring you back", but father took me on his arm and with sister Martha and brother Quincy were of that initial group of pas- sengers who were greeted by the people of Cruger and those of her country-side with loud acclaim, for a new day of pro- gress had dawned in this vicinity in the opening of the rail- road. The grade for the Petersburg and Tonica railroad was completed through Washington, but the track was not laid 118 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. and the shareholders lost their investments. The right of way here was later purchased by the Chicago and Alton rail- road. Birth of the Republican Party Prof. B. J. Radford, the beloved prominent old settler of Eureka, recently wrote an interesting account of the birth of the Republican party. I take pleasure in quoting the same, as follows, in my historical sketch as it relates to my father's activities at that time: "The Republican party became seventy years old on the 29th of May, 1927. It was born in Major's Hall in Blooming- ton, May 29, 1856. Leading men throughout the state, aroused by Lincoln's two years' campaign against the plans of Senator Douglas and his Southern backers to throw the new territories of the United States open to slavery, gath- ered in Bloomington that day to see what could be done to avert the calamity. It was a large and representative body, men from all parts of the state and of both parties — Whigs and Democrats. After others had spoken, Lincoln was called out for the climax, and he climaxed. It was half-past five o'clock when he began speaking. Pretty soon everybody for- got about time, or supper; reporters forgot their pencils, and no one took a long breath till half-past seven when Lincoln ended that famous "lost speech". But, in fact, it was lost. It inspired the great gathering to inaugurate the movement which crystalized into the Republican party, nominated Gen. Frement for President and, four years later, elected Lincoln to the Chief Magistracy. "Other times and places have laid claims for the honor of giving birth to the Repubhcan party. There were several conventions that year of patriotic citizens which denounced the old parties and called for a new alinement, but none of them had the prestige to give momentum to a nation-wide current of reform. Illinois was the only state in which the public mind had been prepared for such a movement, and Lincoln had done the preparing by setting forth during two years the need, the principles and purpose of it, and how it might be accompHshed ultimately. In New York, Horace Greeley and Seward were not yet fully emancipated from the Henry Clay policy of compromise; while in New England Sumner and his fellow abolitionists thought only of the im- mediate destruction of slavery, without any practical plans as to how it could be done. Bloomington, 111., and May 29, 1856, were the the place and time of the birth of the Repub- lican party. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 119 "By the way, the public hall in which that convention was held was owned by Wm. T. Major, a brother of Ben Ma- >< J or, who settled at Eureka in 1835, and became the leader of the founders of Eureka college". May 29, 1918, Centennial year celebration in Illinois, there was dedicated a tablet of bronze upon the walls of lamous Major's hall at Bloomington. The tablet had been prepared by the Daughters of the American Revolution. The dedication was attended by many prominent Republicans of the nation, Frank 0. Lowden, who was then governor, headed a delegation from Springfield. Washington People at Notable Meeting Father attended this convention at Wm. T. Major's Hall in Bloomington, 111., and took five delegates with him, viz: Thomas Fish, John H. Anthony, William A. Ross, John M. Roberts and George Crandle. A call was issued for 226 dele- gates, but so great was the interest that more than twice tnat many were present. Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A Douglas, in their de- oates, aroused all the people and they went far to hear them. Mother, brother Charlie and I were visiting with mother's sister, Mrs. 0. B. Judson of Galesburg, 111., and father came to attend their joint debate October 7, 1858, on the east side of "Old Main" on Knox college campus. I well. remember the day and the delegations with their flags and bands and the speakers, too, but not their speeches. My aunt who was with us later on writing me said, "Mr. Douglas spoke one hour and when Mr. Lincoln arose to speak Douglas said, 'How long, Lord' how long', to which Lincoln replied, 'The days and the years of the wicked are short'." Lincoln was tall and lean, Douglas was short and fat, thus each poked fun at the per- sonal appearance of the other. Cowper said that "A man re- nowned for repartee will seldom scruple to make free with friendship's finest feelings". Lincoln spoke one and a-half hours and Douglas followed with a half hour which closed their three-hour debate. The crowd was estimated at 15,000. A great day never to be for- gotten by those who were privileged to be present. We came nome the following day, and enroute the coach that we were riding in ran off of the track and rolled over, but no one was seriously hurt. We waited a long time and were brought on our way to Peoria in a grain car, with improvised seats — nail kegs with boards laid across them. The first national Republican convention was held in Chicago, May 16, 1860, when Abraham Lincoln was nomin- / 120i EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. ated for the presidency. Father was there and on the stand next to John M. Roberts of Morton, 111., who was a teller. It was an intensely exciting experience, for they all realized that the destiny of the repubhc was changed. On one occasion during this exciting campaign Lincoln's opponents asserted that they had completely flayed him. He arose and pointed aptitudinally to their assured political death : "Hark from the tomb, the mournful sound, Mine ear attend the cry, Ye living men come view the ground Where you shall shortly lie". Lincoln was vindicated in this assertion by being elected to the presidency. Tlie Washington Republican wigwam, on the lot east of our Community building, was dedicated by Judge Sweat of Chicago on the afternoon of June 23, 1860. The "Wide- awakes", wearing black oil cloth capes and black caps of the same material, with this word in white letters across the front, carried torches and paraded in the evening, accompan- ied by a fife and drum corps. In September, 1860, delegations from Morton, Eureka and Washington met at Charles Kinnear's corner, Cruger, enroute to Metamora for a campaign rall^, and a vast throng was present. There was an improvised large wagon decor- ated with red, white and blue in which were small girls who met at Cruger dressed in pink calico dresses, white aprons bound with pink, a blue strip across their waists on which was the name of a state in white letters. A large fla^: was on the wagon and each of the girls carried a small one. There were several troops of ladies, mounted, viz: Elm- wood, Metamora and Eureka and Washington as one. They also represented the states of the Union. The latter wore blue velvet hats, pink shambry waists, white skirts, blue sasnes and brown debeige riding skirts. They made quite an impressive showing. The other troops were each dressed dif- ferent, but were as attractively attired as were ours. A prize was offered for the best and most graceful rider m these troops and it was awarded to cousin Elizabeth Gertrude Scott, who rode a beautiful, spirited, dapple-gray horse that pranced and danced to the lively martial music. He and his rider attracted much attention and she received many com- pliments on her graceful riding and equestrianism. Both Morton and Washington were represented by splen- did drum corps. The former was composed of John M. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 121 Roberts fifer, Luke Humphrey snare drum and George Cran- dle the bass drum. In the latter's was Thomas Fish fifer, Oliver Hungerford snare drum and Morris Reece Trimble bass drum. Oliver Hungerford was later band major of the 47th 111. Infantry. Stephan Douglas' Visit to Washington The Metamora Herald a number of years ago contained an extended write-up of tl';e Lincoln-Douglas debates. Among other things, it had the following with reference to Douglas' visit to Washington in 1858. They were unable to discover an account of Lincoln's visit: The visits of Lincoln and Douglas do not appear in the history of the debates of 1858 between the two statesmen by reason of the fact that Metamora was not on the scheduled hst of speaking places advertised at the outset of the cam- paign. The two candidates for United States senator were on their way to Galesburg for one of their great debates and were traveling by easy stages through the country, speaking in all the counties traversed. As seen from the dates of the speeches here, Lincoln was two days' travel behind Douglas. Unfortunately no printed description of Lincoln's visit has yet been found, but Douglas' trip from Peoria to Metamora and his stops in Washington and Metamora are tersely re- lated in the following dispatch taken from the Chicago Times of October 6, 1858: "Metamora, 111., Sept. 30, 1858.— The demonstration here today was never equalled before, and can hardly be equalled aq-ain. Senator Douglas, accompanied by a large number of friends, left this morning by the eastern extension of the Peoria and Oquawkya railroad and on arriving in Washing- ton, a thriving town in Tazewell county, near the Woodford county line, was met by an immense delegation and escorted to the town square by Dr. R. B. M. Wilson, the Democratic candidate for the legislature in Tazewell county." The correspondent then gives a synopsis of the address of Dr. Wilson, and relates the trip from Washington to Meta- mora in the following: "After a short reply from Senator Douglas the delega- ton set out for Metamora, seven miles distant. On leaving Washington there were 108 wagons in the procession, aver- aging eight persons to the wagon and some 25 or 30 car- riages and buggies, and this long line of vehicles received ac- cessions at every cross road and farm house along the route. When within three miles of Metamora we were received by the Young Men's Democratic club of Woodford and delega- 122 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON. ILL. tions from Minonk, Eureka, Spring Bay, Metamora and other places. The Minonk delegation had eight four-horse teams in their line, and turned out strong. The procession must have been over four miles long, so great was the number of w^agons, carriages, buggies and horsemen in it. Such a scene I never witnessed before. The air was full of flags, banners, music and the shouts of the multitude, while ever and anon the thunder of cannon came in to swell the general jubilee. It was indeed a glorious sight, far beyond my descriptive powers to convey to you an idea of. About noon a heavy shower liassed over the town, which served to lay the dust (a terri- ble quantity of which had been kicked up) , but not to dampen the ardor and enthusiasm of the people." About October 19, 1860, the people of this community gave a supper to the "Wide-awakes", in the wigwam, with Mrs. Thomas Fish as chairman, after which there was a great parade, people having come to town from every direc- tion. When Abraham Lincoln's call "to arms" came, many from Washington and vicinity volunteered to sacrifice their lives to preserve the Union. Our boys went, for the most part, in the 47th, 86th and 132nd Illinois Infantry and the 14th Illinois Cavalry. We, among their relatives and friends, went to the camp in Peoria to bid the boys of the 47th good- bye. They were brave and composed, Tliose were stirring times, and the loyal people here could not have done more for the boys in the "war zone" nor for their dependants at home than they did do. There was a high flag pole set up in our public square which was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies. The men of our neighborhood went to father's timber and made_ a flag pole, which was set on our land in the corner opposite the South Mennonite church, that being a high point on a much traveled highway. The women met at Uncle Patterson Scott's and made a large flag wliich was flung to the breeze by Joseph Culbertson, who then lived in our tenant house. 1 well recall the pall that fell over this community when Captain Daniel Miles fell out of the ranks. His funeral caused people to more fully realize the conflict that'was then being waged. He stood for principle, and did his duty as he saw It. He was fearless in his denunciation of those who were not loyal to this government — some of whom sought hiding in Canada and elsewhere until the smoke of battle Cleared awav and then had the audacity to return to the pro- tection of our "flag" that had been preserved, but not through - EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 123 any of their efforts. The Knights of the Golden Circle were quite active here, too, for a time, but they were silenced. There were fifteen who went from our road, less than four miles in length, viz: Stephen Decatur and William Henry Humphrey, Russell, Newton, Albert and Rodney Shoe- maker, Robej't Lewis, Jacob, Sebastian, Henry and George Minch, Ebenezer Wood, William and Sanford Van Meter and William Culbertson. They came off victorius in battle, and all were honorably discharged from the service in the Civil war except Stephen Decatur Humphrey, whose head was severed from his body by a cannon ball at the battle of Corinth, Miss., Oct. 3, 1862, while Charles Crane and Theo- aore Amsbary were on either side of him. Phelix Monroe, Captain William Bogardus, Captain B. F. Biser and David Smith also were of those who made the supreme sacrifice on their country's altar. When the soldiers came home they and their friends were given a supper in the old seminary. Al- though there were many sad hearts because their dear ones had not been spared to return, it was nevertehless, in many ways, a time for great rejoicing. Sebastian Minch was the first one to "pass on". All are now (Jan. 2, 1928,) gone and their wives, too, except Albert Shoemaker and his wife, Lavina Riddle, who live at 800 Pacific avenue. Long Beach, Calif. He is 86 years of age, without a gray hair and appears but 60; she is 82. They and Jacob Minch and wife, Ann Eliza Birkett, lived in our tenant house and farmed our land the first year they were m.arried, 1866. May a grateful nation every pay tribute to their valor and our government long endure, which it will if we are true to our flag. No Red— Without the White and Blue There's no other land hke my land, Beneath the shining sun; There's no other flag like my flag. In all the world — not one; One land, one tongue, and one people, To one flag loyal, true — No red shall wave o'er my fair land Without the white and blue. There's grandeur in my land's mountains, Contentment in her vales ; There's wealth in her broad prairies, There's freedom in her gales. In my land all men are equal. 124 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON. ILL. Her flag proclaims it, too — No red shall wave o'er my fair land Without the white and blue. There's majesty in Old Glory, Hope in each stripe and star; It heralds freedom, liberty, To nations, near and far; Unsullied and triumphant, Glorified, she floats anew — No red shall wave o'er my fair land Without the white and blue. — Ernest E. Cole. The Methodists built their first church on the corner of Main and Jefl'erson streets in 1839, during the pastorate of Rev. Zadoc Hall. This site was exchanged for the corner of Walnut and Elm streets on which their second edifice was dedicated December 8, 1867, when Rev. E. D. Hall was the minister and Rev, J. Borland the presiding elder. This was then the most commodious church building in Washington, Illinois. The Presbyterian church is their second on the original site. In the fall of 1876 the Christian church was struck by lightning and entirely destroyed. They soon built their third church, for the brick church, now the home of the Telephone Co., was their first edifice. The Baptists, too, were quite numerous in the early life of Washington, but lack of strength caused them to disband some years since. The total eclipse of the sun in August, 1869, made ani- mal life believe that night had come. The cattle and sheep came to their pens and lay down, the chickens went to their roosts and when it passed off they crowed as though morn- ing had dawned. During the Chicago fire, which was ignited October 9, 1871, the heat and smoke from it produced here, 150 miles, distant, a glowing haze in the atmosphere of those balmy autumn days. Professor Kellogg was superintendent of schools in the old seminary, and with his family resided on the corner of Main and Holland streets, later known as the Rev. I. A. Cor- nelison home. Sister Martha attended school there and she later took me with her when Prof. James Brady and Miss Isadore Trimble were conducting an oral examination for teachers. The Misses Anna and Victoria Triplet (later Mrs. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 125 Whitmer Kern and Mrs. Jacob Ray), Misses Mary R. and Rebecca V. Scott (the latter later Mrs. John Guthrie) were among the applicants for certificates. The school gave a play in which Silas Eccles had the leading part, and Monroe Webster was also in the cast. The orchestra attracted me most. Miss Molhe Wood was the ac- companist, George and Charles Bayler and Dr. E. F. and Prof. Josiah Wood were violinists. We were two miles from either Jefferson or Greenridge schools, but belonged in the latter district. Our parents were much interested in education, and have sent us to Jef- ferson when their teacher was superior to ours. Prof. Cyrus Parker, at Jefferson, was an excellent instructor. My first teacher was Miss Josephine Sickler, daughter of Jaser Sick- ler, Sr., and the first wife of liUther North, Miss Tyaura Parker, daughter of Prof, Cyrus Parker and wife of Charles Crane, came next. I was tutored by many, for we often had a new teacher three times in a school year. Moses Yoker stands out most prominent of those at Greenridge. He made study attractive by setting a goal and an incentive to attain it. He was a fine elocutionist and there were none better as a, grammar teacher. There is but one person now residing in Greenridge district who attended school there when I did; that is Mrs. Julia White Callahan, and comparatively few of our schoolmates are now living. Boyhood Days at Greenridge School I can see the doors and windows In the school house far away, Where in youth I played and frolicked With my schoolmates — ever gay. Moi'e than thirty years have fleeted Since the time on Greenridge ground, Where we played all games at noontime. And at recess frolicked round. But all scenes are quite familiar. Desks and blackboards, hooks and all. Where we sat and learned our lessons — Hung our hats on each side wall. Teachers with an eye for business Called the roll and rang the bell, But we boys were full of mischief — Stories Oft times did tell. Still we toiled — recited — figured Many a problem with a will. 126 i!JARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. Hoping thus to be the master of Each book and learn to spell. In we came and took our places In the desks all made of pine, Where with penknife notches gathered — Made they were in broad day time. All the masters were good fellows; Lady teachers very kind, Excepting one who flailed the writer To the tune of dancing time. And to her Fm still revengeful; Perhaps she's dead — I can not say. But if she is — I can not help it — Man was bom to go that way. — Lincoln R. Scott. We attended Jefferson school under Prof. Josiah Wood. He was a real schoolmaster and a grammar king. His methods were somewhat in advance of those of the old Scothman's division of his subject into four parts, viz: or-tho-gra-phy, et-i-me-lo-gy, swyn-tax and per-so-da. Re- capitulation was a hobby of his. Often when we became restless he would tune up his vioHn, and tell us what he would play or ask us what we wished him to play. Tell us who the composer was and of his compositions. He then expected us to work. Nothing escaped his eyes or ears. We could never see eyes in the back of his head, but he could tell just what we were doing, even with his back toward us. There was a cannon stove; he would riddle, then poke the fire, fill the stove with coal, bang the door, throw the poker into the coal-hod with a slam, then brush his clothes and hands in a' way all his own, but this activity of his still lingers with me. He was very approachable, and someone asked him why he snrugged his shoulders and he rephed, "When I was a little fellow I had to wear a coat much too large for me an it was always slipping off, thus I acquired this habit of lifting it on my shoulders". We also attended his private school in his school house and in the west school house, now called the primary school building, in the fall of 1876. The new brick school house was opened December 1, 1876, with Prof. James A. Kelley as su- perintendent. Miss Mary Italin began her teaching career then, too. I entered the high school January 1, 1877, with 84 pupils in that room, and my brothers entered the grades. Prior to this date I had been a student in the Morris-classic EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 127 Institute under Prof. Newton C. Dougherty, who later be- came the superintendent of Peoria's school and the embez- zler of her school funds. Uur get-together events during our school days were in literary societies, singing schools, temperance meetings, Sun- day school conventions, spelling schools and picnics. Additional Incidents The following are a few incidents that I have over- looked in my historical sketch that may be of interest: The mail was first carried on horseback and later by four-horse stage coaches. In 1838 Funk and Trobridge (headquarters in Chicago) took contracts on all the country ]-outes to carry mail between Chicago and Peoria, 150 miles. The schedule called for a daily mail between these points. The green flies and mosquitoes that were in the high grasses of the sloughs and swams on the prairies in early days made life for man and beast almost unbearable. I can remember in early times when two bushels of wheat was given in exchange for a day's work. Butter was 4 cents per pound, and all farm products were priced on this basis. Father on one of his early trips to Chicago, where he hauled produce to market, brought back lumber, stoves and salt which he sold at good prices, the latter bringing $5.00 per barrel. In the pioneer times tlie custoni was for open fields, as the farmers found it cheaper to herd their stock than fence their farms. I remember Col. Dan Miles as a splendid bass singer. He belonged to the Washington quartette, the other members being Sam Biser, Chatty Smith Price and Laura Potter Crane. Prof. B. J. Radford in the Eureka Journal : The Col. Dan Miles Grand Army Post of Eureka was named in honor of a man raised in the neighboring town of Washington, his fath- er being one of the pioneer settlers in that village. When I first knew Dan Miles he was clerking in Danforth's general store, called by the settlers "the big store." It was a one- story frame building with limestone-walled basement, and stood on the corner near the northwest corner of the public square, now occupied by a garage. Dan was a tall handsome fellow and along in the fifties organized a crack military com- pany, which was a peculiar pride of the town. Dan was a fine drill-master and it seemed to me that his company com- pared favorably in appearance and action with Bryner's 128 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON. ILL. famous Blues. In 1861 Dan helped to organzie the 47th Illi- nois Infantry of which he became Colonel, and was killed while leading his regiment at the battle of Shiloh, April 7, 1862. "Our fathers find their graves in our short memories, and sadly tell us how we may be buried in those of our survivors". He has not served who gathers gold, Nor has he served whose life is told In selfish battles he has won. Or deeds of skill that he has done — But he has served who now and then has helped along his fellow men. Strong men to stand beside the weak, Kind men to hear what others speak, True men to keep our country's laws, And guard its honor and it cause; Men who will bravely play life's game Nor ask rewards of gold or fame. Washington and vicinity has reached the age when the "old settlers" are now mostly the children and grandchildren of the original old settlers. Much of the history of those early days has already been lost because it was never written down and because those who knew it are dead. The younger generation may not understand the prob- lems and situations with which the early settlers had to deal, but nevertheless it is under obligation to give the builders all possible recogniton and consideration. All about us are the landmarks of the yesterdays. And it is good that it is this way, for we must never forget that we have what we have because of the courageous lives and sacrifices of thousands who have played their parts and re- tired behind the curtains. We are in happiness, in success and in hope because of the yesterdays. "We are only remembered by what we have done." When God made the star He did not say, "Earn praise." He said, "Give light." It is to bring to "light" the deeds of the pioneers and to show our appreciation of the background which they made that we contribute this memento of the past. The copy was furnished the newspaper and I did not have an opportunity to read or revise the proofs, so I hope some of the mistakes and grammatical errors will be excused. Emma Julia Scott. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 129 The James Smith Family Which Came to Washington in Year 18S5 The following is an account of one of the early families that settled in Washington and descendants of the family have continued to live in the city and take a prominent part in the welfare of the community: James and Ann Cargill Smith came to New York from Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1834, Later on they came around the coast to the Mississippi river, then to Ft. Clark, now Peoria. In 1835 the Hollands, who came to Ft. Clark to trade, learning that Mr. Smith was a carpenter contractor, per- suaded him to come to Washington, as they were in need of that kind of a man. Mr. Smith's first home was at the corner of High and Jefferson streets, a one-room house. In 1837 he took his family, which consisted of his wife, two sons and himself, to a new home at the north end of Spruce street. Here they carried on farming and carpentering as well. This was the only home they had, Mrs. Smith living there .until her death in i898. Mr. Smith built many homes, schools and churches and later on, by the aid of his sons, he had the furniture busi- ness, making all the furniture they sold. He also had a large saw mill and employed many people. For some time the firm acted as the undertaker for Washington. Mr. Smith built all of the depots on the T., P. & W. railroad from Bushnell to Effner. To the Smith union there were born six sons, James, John, William, David, Fred and George, and two daughters, Ellen and Susan. Mrs. J. M. Murray (Ellen) of Riverside, Calif., is the only one of the family now living. Some Early History of Washing- ton From the Official Records "Picturesque Washington, Illinois," pubhshed in 1906 by Paul R. Goddard and Theo. Roehm, contained the following historical facts: The only ofhcial records of the town of Washington ex- 130 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON. ILL. tant today date back to 1839, When E. E. Heiple was elected clerk of the city of Washington in 1878 he received a letter from a relative of an early settler, Dr. Carr, who stated that he had one of the books containing the early proceedings of the town and would send it to him upon request. Mr. Heiple wrote for the document and has since had it in his posses- sion. While the book of proceedings only contained a few years of the early history of the town it throws a light on the first organization. The first date in the book is Monday, August 20, 1838. Washington at that time had a town or- ganization and was governed by a Town Board of four Trus- tees. The first members of the board, as shown by this record, consisted of E. A. Whipple, J. Kern, B. Allen and A. H. Danforth. May 4, 1839, occurred an election at which James Brown was elected president and Wm. G. Spencer, George W. Danforth, Peter Shelly and Thomas Fish, trus- tees. Thomas Fish was appointed clerk, Jacob Kern asses- sor, A. H. Danforth collector, Haven Pierce treasurer and E. A. Whipple street commissioner. At the first meeting of this board the following resolution was passed: "Resolved, That the corporation line be extended a half-mile each way from the center of Commercial Square so as to contain one mile square. All laws in relation to the corporation boundary passed Mav 5, 1838, are hereby repealed." At a meeting held Mav 11, 1840, it was ordered that a public well be dug in the Public Square and that it be walled with rock and a pump put in the same. May 7, 1840, R. M. Burton was ap- pointed clerk of the town board. The last entry in this book of proceedings was on September 4, 1841. It was or- dered that a fine be imposed on Sample and others for dis- charging fire arms in the Public Square. This record was signed by Wilham Holland as president. That closes the records of Washington until the town was incorporated under a special act of the Legislature of the State of Illinois, passed February 10, 1857. On March 25, 1857, the Board of Trustees met and organized. All mem- bers were present and were qualified by David Kyes. The first trustees were: John L. Marsh, R. B. M. Wilson, James Smith, Dan L. Miles and Jacob Sonneman. John L. Marsh was elected first president of the board, R. C. Dement clerk, Thomas Cress constable, Asa H. Danforth treasurer and Thomas Fish street commissioner. James Smith ofi:ered the first resolution: "Resolved, That any person riding or driving on any sidewalk inside of EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 131 the corporation of the town of Washington shall pay a fine of $5.00, to be collected before any Justice of the Peace for the use of the inhabitants of the said town." The board of trustees elected in 1858 was Elias Wenger, Ben Tobias, Dan L. Miles, Jazer Sickler and Jacob Sonneman; W. P. Springate, clerk. The board elected March 7, 1859, was Ben Tobias, John A. Andrews, Jazer Sickler, S. Y. Weiser and T. 0. Brown. T. 0. Brown was elected president, Wm. Springate clerk and Asa H. Danforth treasurer. The first dram shop ordinance was passed April 19, 1859, and the first licenses were granted to George Jacquin, A. Vetterhiefer and Henry Bartlette, May 3, 1859. September 16, 1859, Ben Tobias and Jazer Sickler were appointed a committee to receive propositions to build a jail. They reported they could buy a lot for $175 and get a jail built for $125. Report received. November 1, 1859, the lot on Jefferson street was bought for $175 and a contract to build the jail or calaboose was awarded to James Smith & Sons for $136. The city of Washington was organized and the first election held April 16, 1878. Peter Fifer was elected first mayor and E. E. Heiple clerk. The following are the mayors who have since been elected: Second, Ben Tobias, 1879-80 third, L. S. North, 1881-82; fourth, J. G. Gorin, 1883-84 fifth, W. B. Harvev, 1885-86; sixth, W. B. Harvey, 1887-88 seventh. H. R. Danforth, 1889-90; eighth, G. W. Cress, 1891- 92; ninth, J. H. Anthony, 1893-94; tenth, Ben Tobias, 1895- 96; eleventh, Ben Frederick, 1897-98; twelveth, H. L. Price, 1899-1900; thirteenth, H. L. Price, 1901-02; fourteenth, D. J. Chaffer, 1903-04; fifteenth, C. P. Cress, 1905-06. (Sixteenth, Ed L. Meyers, 1907-08; seventeenth, R. F. Tanton, 1909-10; eighteenth, I. W. Miller, 1911-12; nine- teenth and twentieth, D. J. Chaffer, 1913-16; twenty-first and twenty-second, E. H. Roberts, 1917-20; twenty-third, F. S.Harvey, 1921-22; twenty-fourth, Chris Ebert, 1923-24; twentv-fifth and twenty-sixth, Geo. H. Rinkenberger.) The first council on April 18, 1878, was Peter Fifer, mayor; E. E. Heiple, clerk; John Dougherty, attorney; T. C. Sonneman, treasurer; aldermen, Henry Mahle, Henry Den- hart, James Cameron, short term, one year; D. J. Chaffer, Lawson Holland, E. Rapp, long term, two years. A contract was made with G. C. Morgan to install the water works December 22, 1887. W. B. Harvey was the mayor of the city. 132 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. A contract was made with the Sun Electric Light Co. and signed February 3, 1891. The incandescent hghts boiler blew up and destroyed the plant February 4, 1895. The plant was then moved near the depot and arc light installed. The Eagle Electric Co. was installed in 1900 with arc Hghts. Today Washington is the model little residence city. It has all the modern conveniences which go to make a happy and contented lot of people. It has a wealthy and progressive class of citizens. As has been truthfully stated there are more wealthy people residing here than in cities many times larger. Not only is this true, but the people as a whole are all in moderate circumstances. The business square of Washington was paved with brick in 1903 and one year later South Main street was paved to the corporation line. A contract has now been let for the paving of the street to the city limits on the north. It will not be long until the streets are also paved to the city limits east and west. Gravel roads connect at the city limits and run in the four directions, the gravel road being nearly com- pleted on the west all the way to Peoria. Complete List of Graduates of the Washington High School From 1876 The following is a list of the graduates of the Washing- ton High School: Class of 1876— Charlotte Wells, Belle Cameron, Clara Crane, Mary Italin. Class of 1880— Mary Cameron. Class of 1881— Angle Benford, Lizzie Gorin, Mate Maffit. Class of 1882— Carrie McDonald, Frank Neitz. Class of 1883— Lizzie Rickman, Frances Crow, Lizzie Van Meter, Anna Voorhees, Bertha Nafzinger, Mary Jane Hill, Lou Cameron. Class of 1884 — Ida Pierce, Carrie Voorhees, Mam.ie Bratt, Ida Parsons, Kate Harms, Nellie Gorin, Carrie Gibson, Lulu Gove. Class of 1885— Cassie Danforth, Leva A. Crane, Telva B. Andrews, NelHe Crane, Hattie Zinser, Tina Van Meter, Harry L. Zinser. Class of 1886— John A. Andrews, Louisa Portman, Theo- dore Roehm, Hattie Sheppard, Kate Miles, Robert Comelison, Marv McDonell. EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 133 Class of 1887 — Mary Hartwell, Hattie Frederick, Cora Huddleston, Julia W. Smith, Clara Alphonso, Bertha Small. Class of 1888 — Edith Dougherty, Asa H. Danforth, Josie North, Eugene Fuesslej Louis Kelso. Class of 1890 — Lillie Long, Edgar Bon Durant, Herman Danforth, George Wehner, Plutella Chaffer, Laura Cress, Orestes Ferner, Frank Rickman. Class of 1891 — Martha Dougherty, Luella Cress, William Van Meter. Class of 1892 — Jessie Enos, Violet Crane, Christie Wohl- gemuth, Susie McDonell, Nina Magarity, Prudence Schmuck, Fannie Watson, Laura Rickman, Harriet Heiple. Class of 1893 — Paul W. Busse, Amy Shaffer, Maona Cress, Pearl Long, Clara Neitz, Harry Graham, Viola Cress, Lulu Hornish, Dora Weber, Clara Stormer, Hattie Rickman, Mary Smith, Josephine Witte. Class of 1894 — Avis Price, Mary Stormer, Fannie Price, Jessie Waring, Josephine Chaffer, Anna Andrews, Mary Dan- forth, Edith Welch, Rae Crane, Fred Kehr, Ralph Weirick, Etta Habben, Frank Thomas, Emma Voorhees, Eloise Allen. Class of 1895— Emma Miller, Samuel McCluggage, Ollie Berney, Charlie Wehner, Susie Allen, Ida Birkett, William A. Gott, Mary Bullock, Susie Wagner, Sadie Glabe, Bessie Minch. Class of 1896— Etta Smith, Grace Corbin, Mary Hayes Watson, Laura Dougherty, Dora Holland, Celia Bayler, May Cassell, Lynn Kent, Marion Wilson. Class of 1897— Caroline Price, Roy Smith, Maude Hugill, Ethel Keene, Edna Hoover, Pearl Rapp, John McCluggage, Roy Zinser, Blanche Stoll, Clara Schaeber, Elizabeth Weirick, Harold Jones, Harry Mason, Ethel Cress. Class of 1898 — Carrie Harms, Florence Bayler, Dean Cassel, Louisa Miller, Effie Downing, Dave McCluggage, Jes- sie Holland, Thomas E. Holland, Frank Stormer, Nellie E. Watson, Frank Cramer, Anna Haas. Class of 1899 — Eva Lonnecker, Bessie Rapp, Katherine Witte, Anna M. Stahl, Mary Weiser, Clyde Smith, Edith Yale, Marie Wrenn, Mabel Armstrong, Gertrude Heiple, Ada Zinser, William Blumenshine. Class of 1900 — Jennie Holland, Laura Devine, Bessie Bir- kett, Callie Eddy, Clyde Strubhar, Gertrude Wilson, Mabel Whitehill, Ella F. Harms, Clara Keil, Mary Rapp, Gertrude Carlson, Mae Reynolds, Beatrice Cockbill, Viola Bamber. 134 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. Class of 1901— Maude Heiple, Hulda Minch, Harry Bir- kett, Dolly Birkett, May Heiple, Roy Miller, Martha Birkett, Bertha Kraus, Nellie Wilkinson. Class of 1903 — Beulah Hornish, Elsie Wrenn, Maude An- drews, Alice Pifer, Elna Stolt, Hattie Carlson, Eunice Zaneis, Laura Kice, Regie Sencenbaugh, Gusta Blumenshine. Class of 1904 — Hattie Holland, Theresa Jacquin, Elsie Heyl, Ruby Rapp, George Danforth. Class of 1905— Mabel Tobias, Robert F. Wrenn, Bessie Tervene, Frank Heiple, Barbara Strubhar, Grace Alvord, Daniel Vaubel. Class of 1906— Mildred Husser, Pauline Pfeiffer, Mabel Jones, Ernest Rich. Class of 1907 — Fred Sweitzer, Walter Goddard, Arthur Specht, Stacy Merchant, William A. Pfeiifer, Blanche Lowry, Frieda Streid, Sylvia Holland, Annie Smith, Frances Dough- erty. Class of 1908 — Edna Burkey, Alvin Brunnenmeyer, Ma- bel Bontz, Horace Dougherty, Florence Ebert, Edward Heiple, William Holtzman, Louise Miller. Class of 1909 — Eleanor Pruen, Isadore Engel, Ethel Cooper, Caroline Heiple, Harold Geason, Forrest Moyer, Anna Frederick, Ida Bellows, Elsie Danforth, William Vau- bel, Meinhardt Ryf , Chester Birkett. Class of 1910 — Roy Risser, Lloyd Sampson, Emma Vaubel, Hattie Stolt, Hayes Ferner, Elsie Pfeiffer, Harold Heiple, Mary Holtzman, Arthur Vogelgesand, Esther Wolge- muth, Bernard Volz, Josephine Sullivan, William Sullivan. Class of 1911 — Harry Blumenshine, Ochel Haines, Wil- liam Buck, Oliver Enselman, Donald Heiple, lona Heyl, Cul- lom Long, Beulah Manshardt, Jack Waltmire, Sadie Vaubel, Prudence Trowbridge, Steele Zinser, Milton Rich, Inez Samp- son, Clayton Roehm, Ray Sencenbaugh, Irene Wehner, Max Webster, Glenn Weeks, Martha Waltmire, Aldred Waltmire, Fred Vogelgesang, Sarah Vaubel. Class of 1912 — Imogene Goddard, Trella Valentine, Clara Theilbar, Grace Hornish, Marguerite Bennett, Dorothy Holt- greve, Isabelle Danforth, Grace Belsly, Matilda Schuck, Elva White, Helen Hungerford, Hazel Wagner, Ella Best, Bessie Lowry, Esther Strubhar, George Willhardt, Robert Stormer, Glenwood Tanton, John Glabe, Paul Holtgreve, Clyde Petri, Herbert Keil, Robert Zinser, Charles Strathman, Robert Dougherty, Donald Hops. Class of 1913 — Patience Pennewill, Clifford Stivers, Lawrence Smith, George Moehl, Lester Spring, Ralph Swal- EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 135 low, Henry Wiese, Robert Sullivan, Ruth Sencenbaugh, Caro- lyne Phillipi, Phillips Goddard, John Brunnenmeyer, Denver P'rederick. Class of 1914 — Vera Manshardt, Vera Valentine, Bessie Martini, Bessie Belsly, Opal Petri, Marguerite Geason, Flor- ence Berney, Helen Miller, Eleanor Jenkins, George Zehr, Wendell Trower, Clifford Manshardt, Frank Stivers, William Engel, John Blumenshine. Class of 1915 — William Scharp, Nellie Ropp, Josephine Myers, Luella Brunnenmeyer, Josephine Pennewill, Ruth Strubhar, Telva Roehm, Barbara Imhoff, Clarence Roehm, Gertrude Holtgreve, Louise Ryf, Rufus Rich, Agnes Ensel- man, Florence Danforth, Lester Ebert. Class of 1916— Alice Birkett, Wayne Bennett, Verna Belsly, Charles McVey, Frances Childress, Knoble Roe^im, Mildred Garber, Ernest Pfeiffer, Bernice Weeks, Robert Mil- ler, Helen Weeks, Harold Ebert, Helen Holtzman, Susan Simpson, Paul Schmidt, Harold Sampson. Class of 1917 — Augusta iMoehl, Katherine Jenkins, Na- thaniel White, Bessie Morris, Katherine Schmidt, Bell Cock- bill, Clee Roth, Ross Huguet, Maurice Thomas, Berl Bride, Irma Minch, Frances Mahle, Lee Blumenshine, John Norris, Bernice McClintock, Robert Schroen, Florence Thielbar. Class of 1918— Josephine Belsly, Amy WilUams, Edward Koenig, Iva Naffziger, Elizabeth Schuck, Thomas Waughop, Silas Crocker, Harold Muller, Lloyd Risses, Raymond Ebert, Kenneth Petri, Robert Ryf, Harold Jenkins, Gladys Horn- beck, Mabel Risser, Lena Deatherage, Mary Burroughs, Eber- hardt Schoon, Harold Blumenshine. Class of 1919 — Margaret Belsly, Pearl Hagenstoz, Viola Hoeflin, Orva Kera, Ruth Schaefer, Erma Stormer, Gladys Weeks, Olga Winkler, Fay Chase, Harlan Danforth, Kem Homish, Floyd Muller, Jesse Orth, Clifford Roehm, Lyle Strubhar, Edward Sullivan, Samuel Zinser. Class of 1920 — Chauncey Blumenshine, Miriam Roehm, Nealie Hawbecker, Ethel Spring, Keith Wehner, Marie Fer- ner, Grace Huddleston, Christian Sommer, Ralph Sullivan. Class of 1921— Russell Decker, Evalyn Camp, Thelma Ebert, Esther Hoefln, Mars Homish, Josephine Miller, James Morris, Charlotte Norris, Raymond Pfeiffer, Ethel Shaffer, Lois Thewlis, Homer Thomas, Harold White, Ruby Williams. Class of 1922— Margaret Burgi, Maud Danforth, Helen Garber, Dorothy Fichl:, Esther Glabe, Walter Guth, Charles Heiple, Elenora Hexamer, Lucy Horabeck, Raymond Jones, 136 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. Anna Hulse, August Martini, Clifford Menz, Thurman Muller, Paul Mahle, Susan Belsly, Edward Schabinger, Mae Scharp, Beatrice Snell, Viola Sommer, Earl Summer, Lloyd Vercler, Myrvan Weeks, Esther Willhardt, Eugene Wehner. Class of 1923 — Alice Risser, Helen Mahle, Isadore Bay- ler, Meredith Mosley, Mary Evelyn Hoeilin, Lyle Spring, Clarence Blumenshine, Orva Wistehuff, Christian Blumen- shine, Donald Muller, Clara Frederick, Harvey Summer, Alice Esch, Ervin Wagner, Mary Stormer, Alvin Menz, Margaret Ebert, Luella Guth. Class of 1924— Helen Birkett, Anna Bridt, Gladys Bra- die, Lorraine Decker, Elsie Ekena, George Femer, Gerdon Gundy, Harold Heitzman, Ethel Kehl, Maurice Marshall, Car- line Ortwein, Harper Roehm, Lura Springer, Marietta Storey, Edna Snell, Mildred Wurmnest, Carolyne Zinser, Adrian Brook, Clarence Brunnenmeyer, Arthur Berck, Marion Deck- er, Mabel Esch, Florence Guth, WelHngton Heyl, Agnes Hunkler, Ralph Muller, Susan Mahle, Ralph Rinkenberger, Lillian Rich, Ira Summer, Ida Shaffer, Lois Tilton, Helen Thomas. Class of 1925— NeUie Belsly, Margaret Birkett, Alice Chellberg, Carl Diebel, Ralph Esch, Viola Guth, Gertruc^e Heiple, Pauline Hucckins, Glenwood Imhoff, Mary Jenkins, Marcia McClung, Viola Newman, Margaret Orth, Doris Ropp, George Storey, Orva Vogelgesang, Carl Wood, Glenn Wag- ner, Frank Belsly, Esther Bradle, Carroll Imhoff, Miles Dun- nington, Catherine Fish, Rhoda Hornish, Cecil Huguet, Vic- toria Hoeflin, Gilbert Kyes, Louise Myer, Fred Nash, Ben- jamin Pfefhnger, Eunice Schertz, Ralph Vercler, Ethel Wind, Walter Williams. Class of 1926— Clyde Nutty, Bernice Bradle, Ruth Hol- land, Henry Kehl, Lucile Vaubel, Walter Muller, Josephine Mahle, Eva Stock, Mildred Heyl, Angie Thomas, Milton Wagner, Harold Boley, Catherine Stormer, Ernest Hurst, Frances Decker, Homer Muller, Lois Brown, Verna Summer, Nellie Hartman, Robert Roehm, Raymond Blumenshine,, Or- ville Guth, Richard Payne, Cecilia Brown, Sybil Ficht, Mae Muller, Beula Attig, Irvin Slonneger, Esther Kinsinger, Les- ter Vohland, Floy Crabtree. Class of 1927— Frances Birkett, Thelma Deatherage, Kenneth Naffziger, Jessie Oberlander, Orvel Schroen, Mel- vin Sommer, Stephen Smetana, Margaret Handschu, Sarah Gerken, Frances Miller, Maona Nafziger, Clara Thomas, Helen Tilton, Carl Vaubel, Homer Stormer, Margaret Stein, EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 137 Ii-vin Vogelgesang-, Donald Willhardt, Josephine Vohland, Minerva Robbins, David Snell, Harry Williams, Orville Kamp, Joseph Deatherage, Gertrude Decker, Fayette Draher, Helen Ebert, Dorothy Imhoff. Class of 1928 — Glen Slonneger, Orville Thomas, Stanley Weppler, Frances Mahle, Willis Brown, Clara Davison, Glad- den Esch, Louise Murray, Willis Sullivan, Walter Koppen- hoefer, Edith Kinsinger, John Roehm, Wilson Kimmell, An- drew Hoeflin, Henry Esser, Ernest Miller, George Funk, Martha Stock, Irvin Nofsinger, Irvin Kopp, Vernon Nof- singer, Eugene Zinser, Clarence Slonneger, Paul Sullivan, Erma Blumenshine, Russell Leighton, Edward Diebel, Mil- dred Garber, Alma Shaffer, Frieda Minch, Donald White, Tilman Theobald, Elmo Muller. Class of 1929 — John Blumenshine, Clarence Brown, Blanche Dingledine, Gilbert Gross, Bessie Heiser, Catherine Imhoff, Milton Kamp, Gertrude Ochenrider, Elda Spring, Catherine Schabinger, Vera Vogelgesang, Virginia Busse, Mildred Brown, Arta June Dixon, Lyle Hartman, Anna Randschu, Alice Kimmell, Clyde Belsly, Clara Perrine, Dorothy Small, Catherine Spring, Ruth Wehner, Robert Bradle, Nellie Christ, Florence DuBois, Willis Hett, Dorothy Holtzman, Robert Kern, Clare McClung, Dorothy Sullivan, Clayton Summer, Elizabeth Storey. Celebration of the 105th Anni- versary of the Methodist Church The Centennial of the establishment of the Methodist church in Washington was celebrated on April 19, 20 and 21, 1928. The event was planned by Rev. S. L. Myers, pastor, and the members of the congregation. On Thursday evening, April 19, the pageant, "A Century of Methodism," written by Mrs. Esther Myers, was presented at the church. There were three scenes in the pageant, "The Founding of the Methodist Society at Holland's Grove in 1828," "The Departure of Rev. and Mrs. Stephen Beggs in 1830," and "The Building of the First Methodist Church in 1839." The cast of characters was as follows: William Holland E. Garber Mrs. William Holland Mrs. P. A. Birkett Senath Holland - Roberta Burkey 138 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. William Heath L. E. Wood Mrs. William Heath - Mrs. W. E. Petri James Harvey George Muller Mrs. James Harvey Cora Hill Lawson Holland Howard Hughes Rev. Jesse Walker J. M. Cooper Elizabeth Heath Lois Tilton Harriett Heath Lois Birkett Rev. Stephen Beggs Lucien Wise Matilda Holland Elizabeth Wood Rev. Zadok Hall Ralph Muller Henson Thomas Kenneth Naffziger . Mrs. Henson Thomas Iris Tilton Abraham Van Meter Davd Snell William Birkett Chester Birkett William Thompson Wilson Kimmell Thomas Trimble Gilbert Muller William Holland, Jr James Small Mary Holland Ruble Casper Hannah Harvey Marion Birkett Wesley Harvey .— - James Roehm William Harvey William Roehm Levicy Holland Audrey Seaton The pageant was coached by Mrs. Pauline Hughes and Mrs. Rita Marshall. Friday evening, April 20, was Fellowship evening. At 6:30 a pot-luck supper, and at 7:30 a program of music and speaking in the auditorium. Mrs. W. A. Pinckney, Rev. R. W. Ames and Rev. W. B. Shoop recalled memories of former days. Sunday, April 22, at 11 a. m., sermon by Dr. Guy Z. Moore, and at 7:30 p. m. an address by Dr. John H. Ryan, the conference historian. Historical List of Many of Our Old Settlers Compiled for Record Those Whose Birth Antedate 1800, Thomas Birkett, Sr. A. D. Henry Bogardus James Allison of Eureka Rev. John Bowen Rev. Wells Andrews, Sr. George Burrow- Nicholas Baker William Birkett Sam Beck Reuben Bandy John Birkett. Sr. Walter Birkett EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 139 Thomas Birkett Thomas Brady Garret Burns Dr. Robert Burton Thomas Bullock of Eureka Willoughby Capes Rev. Nathan W. J. Curtiss Mathew Crane, Sr. "Pap" Coon Thomas Camlin Archie Crobb Ira Crosby Dr. Carr Peter P. Cartwright Rev. Jason Corwin Richard N. Cullom Thomas Castle George Cradle, Sr. Mr. Davidson of Eureka John Durham George Duncan, Sr. Rev. John Evans Rev. George Elliott Ira Fish Samuel G. Franklin William Farrow, Sr. Abraham Grove Henry Grove Emanuel Hartman William Holland, Sr. William Heath Joshua N. Harlan Martin B. Hornish William Houshaw Samuel Hawkins Titus Hungerford Jonathan Hodge Janes Harvey Rev. Zadock Hall Luke Humphrey Richard Higgins George Hill Amhurst Kingsbury George Kern Laban Kyes, Sr. Abram Rice Joseph Kilso, Sr. William Kern Henry Kice Jacob Lindley John Lindley John L. Marsh Joseph Buckingham Miles James McClure Benjamin Mitchell Rev. Reuben H. Maffett Parker Morse Morgan McCockhill Benj. Majors of Eureka Phillip Nicholai Rufus North Cyrus Parker Jacob E. Parsons Haven "Dad' Pierce Joseph Planck Alden Ranney William Ricketts John Redman Eli Redman Milton Shurtleff Joshua Staples George H. Shaw Wm. G. Spencer Robert Smith Lyman Smith John Sunderland. Peter Tobias William Thompson William Trimmer Thomas Trimble Abram Van Me.>;r Thomas L. Wathan William Wilson James West James Wright Levi Walkei- William Weeks August Whipple James Waughop Theodore Walker E. A. Whipple Mr. Wagner James F. Waughop Dr. G. P. Wood James Wathen Those WTiose Births Were From 1800 To 1835 John H. Anthony Dr. R. G. Allen Rev. William Adams 140 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. Brazilla Allee Dr. J. Quincy Adams Chas. N. Anthony, Sr. Elijah M. Applegate Robert Anderson Benjamin Allen George Applegate John Brown Phillip Brown John M. Bush Lewis Beal Peter Brubaker Robert Barnard George Bayler, Sr. Asa Brown William Burroughs Benjan-in Beddow George Bon Durant Mr. Baird, Eureka, 9 8 years James S. Bell Thomas Baird, Sr. William B. Bogardus David Brubaker Thomas Baker William Buckley John Bayler Thomas Baird, Jr. Rev. Romulus Barnes Squire D. Baker Ira Castle Dr. 3. W. D. Chase David Cargill Henry Cress, Sr. Rev. I. A. Cornelison, D. D. Thomas Cress Abram Chaffer Thomas Cooper Vivian Cloud William Criswell Mr. Capes George Cashman, 1805 James R. Crane John Cargill Orin Castle A. A. Couch Mathew Craig John Cassels James Cogswell Joseph Culbertson Andrew Cress Chauncv C. Crandle William Cunningham George Crandle, Jr. Shelby M. CuUom Thomas Crane Joel Cloud Henry Dimmott Asa Danforth Samuel Davis Henry Danforth, Sr. John Dunlary George Deibert John Dingeldine John W. Dougherty Andrew Denhart Joshua Dunnington Isaac P. Dayhoff James H. Elworthy Wm. Eiramett Isaac Eversoll Joseph Eccles Mr. Eggleston H. Slem Eckhart Rev. George Elliott Roland Ellis, Sr. John Enrest Joseph Ellis, Sr Benjamin Egley Mr. Eichelberger Mr. Engle Phillip G. Ferree Thomas Fish George Ferner, Sr. Anthony Field Rev. George W. Freese Andrew Frazer Peter Fleming Jonas Farlin John Frederick Nicholas Fries George Fish Frederick Fries Geo. L. Gibson John Gaunt Jiles Greenman Sanford P. Gorin Christian Garber, Sr. Wm. C. George George Gipp Mr. Gillura Hiram Gove Samuel Gove EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 141 Heuiy Grove Abrani Grove Henry Geason George Gerard Andrew Gerbrick Thomas Gaunt Jack Gorin (colored) Emanuel Garber, Sr. Dr. Goodman Rev. Dr. Green Noah Graves Charles Greenman Henry Heiple, Sr. Michael Herbert David Hill Wesley B. Harvey Alathew Holland Rev. Hughes William Higgins Milton Hicks William Huxtable, Sr. Martin Huddlesion Mr. Hawbaker Berry Huddleston, 1835 Richard Higgins James Huddleston Henry Hops, Sr. Frederick Hill Lev. Heriford Rev. Daniel R. Howe J. Hadley William Hittle Lawson Holland William Holmes Israel Hicks Richard Hartley J. Hadley Rev. Dr. S. W. Harkey Thomas Huxtable William Hepperly William Holland, Jr. Thomas Holland, Sr. Andrew Hoeflin, Sr. Conrad Italin John Johnson J. Roger Jenkins Daniel Jones, Sr. Joseph Kelso William Kelso Benjamin P Kelly David Kindig Joseph Kindig Francis A. Kellogg Nathaniel Kellogg Ji cob Kern John Kyd Mathew Kingman James Kyes David Kyes George Kinnear Emanuel Kindig John Kice John Kopp Robert Kelso Aaron Kelso Prof. Kellogg Benjamin Kindig Henry Kopp Thomas Kirk John Kern Edwin Kingsbury Adam Koker, Sr. Joseph Kidd Jacob Kennel Charles L. Kyes William Lockwood John Lowman Billings Lewis Watson Lockwood Ezra Lee George Lewln George Lewis Wilson Lane James Lane Rev. F. Sanford Martin Rev. John Maris Mr. Milligan Solomon Myers, Sr. Benjamin Miles John McClintock James Marsh William Mooberrj William Murphy William Merchant Peter Myers John McClintook Benjamin Miles Jonathan Mills Joe Majors Will Major Joe Meek Henrv Meek 142 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. Jack Mitchell George McCuUough Geo. L. Myer Rev. R. B. McCorkle Milas McCorkle John Minch, Sr. Josiah Moore Alex Mooberry William Monroe Jack McGinnis James McCloud Hamilton McClure Timothy McCarty Valentine Naffziger, Sr. Cyrus Nyles Dr. Benjamin Nichols Thomas Norvell, 1825 George P. Nicolai Thomas Nelson Benjamin O'Brien Dennis Osborn Phillip Orth, Sr. David Osborn Mr. Ott Mr. Pearl Allen Patrick Peter Portman, Sr. John Plum, Sr. Andrew Pinkham Joseph Portman Jesse Petty Eli Patrick Andrew Pinkhani Alfred Phillips James Plum, Sr. John Phillips Hiram Parker William Reed George Reubsam William A. Ross William Ricketts James Ramsey George Rogers Thomas Roberts Joseph Rich, Sr. Andrew Roads, 1810 Mr. Rubles James Robinson Prof. B. J. Radford David Riegel Thomas Reed Hamilton Riddle Mortimore Robinson Mr. Ratleff Christian Risser Joe Reed Mr. Richardson A. Stockwell J. Randolph Scott William Sample L. J. Smith Jaser Sickler, Sr. John Stock (father of George) Christian Shaffer Thomas Scott Samuel Stumbaugh Auric Smith Thomas Strickland William Sang Mr. Sutton, S.-. Emil Schaeber James Smith, Jr George Shafer Nicholas Slagle James Slagle James Slack, Sr. Peter T. Strubhar, Sr. John Sampson Jacob Stevens James Patterson Scott Peter P. Scott James Smith, Sr R. D. Smith Adam Switzei John Seitzei, Sr. William Smith, Sr. Horace Sill Elmore Shoemaker Jacob Sonneman Robert Small John Small, Sr. Alex Small Josiah Snyder Jethrow Sumler Reuben Skinner Lorin Trowbridge, Sr. Lewis Tobias Andrew Thomas Morris Reece Trimble Mr. Timberman Henry Tobias James Thomas EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON. ILL. 14:5 Frank L. Tobias Tunas Ten Eyck Hensen Thomas George Thomas Mr. Truett Jolin Unsicker Jolin Vining Rhodes Van Meter William Van Camp Jacob Vining John Van Camp, Sr. Nathan W. Van Meter Real D. Van Meter William Van Meter Phillip Vauble John Vauble George Woodcock' Dr. Elias Wenger Richard Waughop, Sr. James J. Waughop Dr. R. B. M. Wilson Jacob Wilsoi: Phillip Wareham Richard White, Sr. Mr. Webster (father of A. M.) John E. Waughop George Woodcock James Wright Warren Willard Dr. Elias Wenger James J. Waughop Levi Walker • Ja:ob Wilson Richard White, Sr. Dr. E. F. Wood Prof. Josiah P. Wood William Wallace James Wathan William Witte Silas Willard Richard Waughop, Sr. John Weeks Samuel Y. Weiser Nesbert Young Prof. Moses Yoder George C. Yale William B. Yale Solomon Zinser, Sr. Mr. Zaneis (father of Nicholas) Frederick Aubrey Those Whose Births Were After 1835 Frank Aubertine, Sr. Wells Andrews, Jr. John Augustine Dr. A. Alphonso J. C. Ashmon George Andrews John Asa Andrews Ernest Augustine Hamlet Amsbary A. Abrahams Charles Anthony, Jr. Henry Bliss Chas. L. Birkett Herman Bunn William Barnes John Baetty Robert Bamber Elias Benford Benjamin Bratt T. O. Brown John Bassett R. S. Burnham Obed Brown R. Bingham R. B. Brandon J. W. Blumenschein P. A. Brubaker George Bayler, Jr. Frank Risser Valentine Burkey James Baughman Wesley Beauchamp Joseph Birkett Thomas Barrett James Burns Adam Burke, Sr. Sol Betz James Berney Milton Berry, Sr. Thornton L. Benford George Burchard John Bloodworth W,m. A. Birkett John Brown J. C. Bowman John Blumenshine Wm. G. Bontz 144 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. B. F. Biser Charles Bayler, Jr. G-eorge Blackwell G. C. Bradford James F. Brady Lafayette B'rkett W. S. Bowen George Botham Joe Bassett John Burkey John Crandle Thomas Cooper Milton Cloud Thomas Crane John Chaffer Dr. Willia^m Crane Samuel Cushmaa James Cams James Cameron J. P. Oullen G. G. Curtiss Walter H. Crow Jack Cress Dan J. Chaffer Elijah Chaffer Johnson Cornwell Jesse B. Cooper Fred Chaffer Mathew Craig Isaac Cams Mr. Corzelius H. A. Criswold George M. Cullen George Crance Charles Crane George W. Cress George Cline Dr. Crawford Calvin Cress Thomas Cress Andrew Cress Peyton Cress Peter Dorward Henry Deffenbaugh John Dunnington James Duncan Henry R. Danforth Henry Denhart K. C. Dement James M. Drummard Reuben Dunnington James Davis James Darnell Wm. A. Davidson Henry Danforth, Jr. John Dorward Salem Deffenbaugh George Duncan A. G. Danforth Lemuel Danforth Edward Dameroll M. Diebel M. S. Davidson Robert Davis William Drury Benjamin Egley John Eggman Oliver P. Eaton Eli Enos Silas Eccles Mr. Eggleson William Edwards John B. Ewing Josiah Ernest Joseph Ellis, Sr. Dr. Eldridge Lewis Freese George Floyd John Wesley Ferner Benjamin Field Charles Fish Peter Fifer Jonathan Frazer D. Fairchild Mike Foster Nicholas Fries, Sr. Nicholas Fries, Jr. Zethan Freepe George Ferner, Jr. Frank Field Benjamin Frederich George Fish Henry Frilman Phillip Fishburn J. F. Panchaiers Edward Fish Fred P'ries Henry Field Rev. Green - . John Garber Isaac Graves John G. Gorin EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. ^^l Cyruii Gibsou Dr. W. T. Griffith Harvey W. Gove Henry Glabe Levi Glabe Martin Greenman Joseph Garber James Gullett Alex Graham James Gott George Guyver F. A. Geason Henry Gieselman Mr. Ganzhorn Mr. Garrison (father of Job) Miles Humphrey William Henry Humphrey George Horner Noah Heiple Levi Hanford Gideon Hornish Alex Heiple Herman Habben Jacksin Hukill Frank Harrington Wm. C. Harding William Hadley Lewis Holland Richard Helwig Chas. C. Holland Almond Holland George Holland Conrad Italin, Miss Mary's father Andrew Heflin Stephen Decatur Humphrey John Haines Henry Heiple, Jr. Eli E. Heiple James Huddleston Henry Hornish Cyrus Hornish Henry Hops Oliver Hungerford Newton Harlan George Huxtable, Sr. Thomas Handsaker John Hopkins, Sr. Joseph Hostettler, Sr. Henry Harms, Sr. Nicholas Huguet John Hagensto/ George Hagenstoz George Johnson Daniel Jones, jr. George Jacquiu William Jones Clark Kelso Phillip King Joseph Kidd John Rupp Christuf Kui>p Phillip Kimb.e William Kirk Adam Koker, Jr. James Kimbie David Kern Martin Kern Charles Kern John C. Kyes Fred Kerr, Sr. Rev. G. G. Know] (III James S. Kelly George Kent Perry Kyes, Si Oscar Kelso Isaac King Robert Kelso, Jr. Ferdinand Kupp Jacob Kennel Samuel Kirk Charles Koker John Kern Isaac Kerii Whitmore Kern Charles L. Kyes John Kice George W. Kingsbury Benjamin Kelley Mr. Ketchum Jrof. James A. Kelley Adam Keil Robert Lockwood Bostwick Lane J. W. Lisle Mr. Lichtendeller John Larimcre Lansing Lockwood Willia;m Leeper James Lane Ezra Lee 146 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. Lamar Hadley William Long Daniel Lawson Sajmuel Lawson Mr. McGinn is Peter Myers Hamilton McClure William McCloud Martin Minick Henry Minch Jacob Minch Patrick (Paddy) Malone Edward McTaggart E. Mason Ezra Miles John McNutt Wm. G. Huddleston A. J. Minkler Daniel Miles William McFarlin I. W. Miller Mr. Mahafy Mr. Moulton Robert McOluggage Joseph Miles Benjamin Miles Isaac McDonald Lewis H. Myers Henry Myers Joseph Miles George Minch Sebastian Mincn Felix Monroe Washington McClo:,a Charles Moore Deacon Moffitt E. T. Messinger Robert McNutt Henry Mickling S. R. McBride Dan M. Moore Philo Mile, Charles Miles John B. MuUer Dr. Martin Simon Miller Andrew McDonell Peter Naffziger, Sr. Mr. Newport John Norris, Sr. George Lyon Christian Naffziger, Sr. Luther North Henry Nuding Thomas Nelson Phillip Orth D. Peters Samuel Plum Hiram Phillips William Phillips Newton Phillips Levi Parsons, Sr. Ira Parker Benjamin Pfeffinger Jacob Paull John W. Palmer G. N. Portman Mr. Powell, Sr. Marion Patrick Orvil Patrick Dougles Patrick James Petty John Petty Edward Phillips James Phillips David Parsons John Potts Williaiji Parker M. T. Powell William A. Patton H. L. Price Dr. Z. Patrick Joseph Petty Jesse Pitman Dr. Frank Rosenburg Erastus Roberts William Riegel Wm. F. Roehm Jacob Rapp John Ruble AVilliam Ricketts August Ross Albert Rich Jacob Rorp Ernest Rapp Chas. Rapp Edmand John Koich Dr. Rosenburg, Sr. Solomon Riegel Christian Risser EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. 147 Jesse A. Nolen Valentine Naffziger, Jr. William Ruble Frederick Rickman Albert Rodinius Henry Reynolds Louis Rein John Slonneger Louis Shaffer Peter Sweitzer, Sr. Albinus Sill Hugh Sample Walker Sutton Alford Sutton Dan Sullivan Russell Shoemaker Newton Shoemaker Elias Cornelius Scott Wesley Scott Ne'son Scott William Smith John Stong Jacob Stong Casper Stormer John Stumbaugh James Shores Conrad Stormer Chris Stormer G. S. Soliday Edwin Selleck Austin Strong H. W. Snow Josiah Snyder Thomas Seaman John C. Smith David Smith George Summers Mr. Simpsoa (father of George) George Stock David Stock James Strickland Alike Schmaltz John Schoon William Shaffer John Sweitzer, Jr. Peter Sweitzer, Jr. Levi Stumbaugh Theodore Sample Phillip Sutton Edward Sullivan Joe Roberts Andrew Rouvenac Elias Slaughter John W. Scott Clay Scott Edwin Smith Newton Smith Samuel Smith George Stumbaugh Ellwood Stumbaugh Prof. Skidmore Andrew Stormer Nicholas Slagle H. W. Stewart J. Sheppard, Sr. William Stormer John Simmons George Small Fred Smith Henry Story Dennis Sheppard, Sr. Israel Schiottfelton Theodore Sonneman Jacob Stahl Henry Thamer James Trimble William Trimmer, Sr. Geo. W. Tobias James Trowbridge William Triplett Jiimes Triplett George Taylor Samuel H. Tobias Simon Tobias Nicholas Thomas Wesley Tobias B. Frank Tobias Ike Tobias Benjamin Tobias Milton Triplett John Taylor W. K. Tobias John C. Tobias Andrev>' Thomas Wm. L. Trimmer Thomas Thompson Heui-y Tervene Mr. Trewett John "Van Camp Rev. E. von Freeden 148 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILL. Peter Sullivan Albert Shoemaker Sanford Van Meter Phillip Vauble William Voelker M. Voelker Orris Vogelgesang Di. E. F. Wood Phillip Wareham Layton Woodcock Miletus West Hampton Wrenn Samuel Wright Dr. Wenger Phillip Wolgemuth Balzar Wenk John Wehner George Waughop William Warren Ebanezer Wood Cephas Wood Josiah P. Wood Samuel Wareham David R. Van Meter Christian Vogelgesang Rodney Shoemaker Wade T. Wrenn Louis Wehner, Sr. John Wilson Abrani Wenger John Wolgemuth Dr. Wm. H. Weirick Frank Waughop, Ji . Netus Wood John Watson Charles Wistehuff Daniel Waters Fred Yeck, Sr. Mr. Zaneis, Sr. Samuel C. Zinser Israel Zinser Frank Zinser Solomon L. Zinsei George W. Zinser John Zinser UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 977.354T21E C001 EARLY HISTORY OF WASHINGTON, ILLINOIS AN 3 0112 025393015