■>-:^ fi ^ f f c l-Kou Mciv 1 947 UNIVERSITY OF ILLIIi :.; ',: .VIL SERVICE 5S SHiCli'lCATIONS and COMPENSATION PLAN UNIVERSITY Off ILLINOIS UHBAITA, ILLINOIS September, 1947 COMPENSATION PLAN azid INDEX TO CLASS SPECIFICATION NOTE: Vfhere maintenance is provided as a, part of cori^nQation, its cash value is included as part of the total salary; the total salary for any classified position must fall betveen the minimum and maximum of the range indicated in the Compensation Plan, MAINTENAITCE VALUES Urbana, per unit $7.00 Chicago, per unit $8,00 One unit equals one meal per working day per month or room per month. -J o i L cr* ^\y 4 JO in C COMPENSATION ELM xL(au^nci/ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS CIVIL SERVICE Pag£ 1 2 3 h 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 llf 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2h 25 & 25a 26 27 28 Classification Salary Range Accountant, Assistant Chief 350-500 Accountant, Construction 200-280 Accountant, Superviaing 265 -3 50 Accountant, Senior 225-315 Accountant, Junior 175-250 Accountant, Junior Cost 175-250 Administrator of Research and Educational Hospitals, Assistant 300-450 Analyst, Social Research (Division of Services for Crippled Children) 275-lfOO Announcer, Chief 200-280 Apprentice, Coinposlng Room Prevailing Apprentice, Press Room Prevailing Architect, Associate ^100-550 Architect, Senior 1^00-550 Artist, Commercial 265-3 50 Assistant, Editorial 175-250 Assistant, Senior Laboratory 175-250 Assistant, Junior Laboratory 150-225 Assistant, Assistant Laboratory 125-175 Assistant, Personnel 200-280 Assistant, Senior Printing 200-280 Assistant, Senior Purchasing 225-315 Assistant, Junior Purchasing 175-250 Assistant, Radio Programmer l4o-200 Assistant to the Business Manager 300-^50 Assistant to Director of Division of Services for Crippled Children 275-400 Assistant to Director of Hospital Laboratory 225-315 Assistant to Director of Physical Plant 350-500 Assistant to Director of Public Information 275-400 11 Salary Page ClaBBlflcatlon Range 29 Assistant to Director of Housing 275-^00 30 Assistant to Health Officer 200-280 31 Assistant to Manager of Illini Union (Urbana) 175-250 (Chicago) 200-280 32 Assistant to Military Property Custodian 200-280 33 Assistant to Social Director 150-225 3^ Attendant, Airport 150-225 35 Attendant, Equipment 150-225 36 Attendant, Fire Station Prevailing 37 Attendant, Fountain 150-225 38 Attendant, Garage Prevailing 39 Attendant, Senior Lahoratory 175-250 ^0 Attendant, Junior Laboratory 150-225 kl Attendant, Assistant Laboratory I2O-I6O ^2 Attendant, Locker Room lifO-200 43 Attendant, Supply lifO-200 kk Attendant, Tool Room Prevailing ^5 Auditor, Assistant 350-500 k6 Baker, Head 200-280 47 Baker, Second 150-225 48 Bookbinder 150-225 U9 Bookhindery Worker 100-1^0 50 Bracemaker 265-350 51 Bracemaker, Assistant lUO-200 52 Bursar, Assistant 350-500 53 Business Manager, Assistant 350-500 54 Butcher 200-280 55 Caretaker, Head Airport 200-280 56 Caretaker, Head Animal 200-280 57 Caretaker, Animal 150-225 Carpenter Prevailing (See: Tradesman, Skilled) 58 Cashier, Head 250-325 59 Cashier 175-250 60 Cashier, Assistant 125-175 Ill 61 62 63 6k 65 66 61 68 69 70 71 72 73 Ih 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 8^ 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 9^ 95 96 Claesiflcatlon Cement Finisher (See: Tradesman, Skilled) Checker, Laundry Chef Clerk, Executive, President's Office Clerk, Chief Clerk, Senior Clerk, Junior Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Senior Account Clerk, Junior Account Clerk, Assistant Account Clerk, Senior File Clerk, Junior File Clerk, Assistant File Clerk, Chief Information Clerk, Information Clerk, Inventory Clerk, Mailing Clerk, Senior Operations Clerk, Junior Operations Clerk, Senior Pay Roll Clerk, Junior Pay Roll Clerk, Receiving Clerk, Senior Record Clerk, Junior Record Clerk, Assistant Record Clerk, Statistical Clerk, Stores Clerk, Assistant Stores Clerk, Ward Clerk -Stenographer, Supervising Clerk -Stenographer, Senior Clerk -Stenographer, Junior Clerk -Stenographer, Assistant Clerk-Typist, Senior Clerk-Typist, Junior Clerk -l^ist. Assistant Salary Range Prevailing 125-175 200-280 265.350 200-280 150-225 125.175 100-140 175-250 11^0-200 120-160 150-225 125.175 100-lUO llfO-200 125.175 llfO-200 150-225 175-250 llfO-200 175.250 125.175 11^0-200 150-225 125.175 lOO-llfO 125-175 li*0-200 100-lUO 125.175 175-250 150.225 125-175 100-140 150.225 125.175 100-140 Salary Page Classification Compositor Bangs (See: Tradesman, Skilled) Prevailing 97 Consultant, Field Physiotherapy 200-280 98 Consultant, Medical Social Service 250-325 100 Consultant, Nursing 200-280 101 Consultant, Orthopedic Nursing 225-315 103 Consultant, Speech and Hearing 250.325 lOl^ Cook, Head - (Urhana) II1O.2OO (Chicago and Galeehurg) 175-250 105 Cook I (Urhana) 125-175 (Chicago and Galeshurg) 150-225 106 Cook II (Urhana) (Chicnxrri o*>^ z^-" - 120 -i^r^ J Ar. piooo Q-nccifications and Com- should read as shown below. PLSASE LAKE THE CORRECTIONS IN YOUR COPY. ii Tte-a 31 Assistant to Manager of lUini Union in the index, on page xi, I^,^^^^^^^^^ 200 - 260 (Chicago) 175 - 2^0 ,H Ttcm 170 Foraacly, Wnid (Galesburg) l^b - 1'^ on So xL'-itei 361 IchniclL^, Aircraft Instrument 2^0 - 325 Assistant 250-325 119 Dlrectcjr of Division of Services for Crippled Chiiaren 500-700 120 Director of Music, Eadlo Station 250-325 121 Director of Keuropsychiatrio Clinic 250-325 122 Director of Konacademio Personnel, Assistant 300-U50 123 Director of Wurses ^^-hOO 12lt Director of Nurses, Assistant 265-350 VA3^i^H9tlU'^ *c t-^o.tai:ni(!i&;5 •''■■■■'•" :J CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNTANT Definition ; Under supervision, to perform duties necessary to verify costs incurred under contracts executed by the University on a cost basis* Du ties by Example : To test check presence of workers charged to the contract; check hourly rates and extensions on pay- rolls; issue and record receiving memorandums on all materials delivered to the Job; verify exten- sions and footings on all invoices rendered; check and verify monthly vouchers rendered by the contractor for costs incurred by him; see that expenditures are made in accordance vith the terms of the contract f Qualifications : University graduation with two years of training in accounting, or two years of college with two years of training in acco\mting and two years of accounting experience, or any combination between these two extremes. Experience in construction costs may be substituted for accounting experience to a maximum of two years. •vr r 'i^ .tCi>T;^no ' eji.{:t .:;. SUFSRVISIKG ACCOUNTAirr Definition ; Under direction to be responaible for eupervlBory work in aooountlne and related procedures* Duties by Example ; To superrise accountants and aooount clerks; supervise and assist in the preparation of account* Ing reports and reconciliations; check and approve vouchers for payment; administer funds; administer budget accounting; handle correspondeno^; study accounting procedures; perform related duties as assigned « Qualifications ; University graduation vlth % major in aooountlne^ thorou^ knowledge of fux^ accounting; considerable accounting experience; knowledge of > and experience preferred in^ university or college acooinxting; aptitude in accounting^ Bupeonlnory abdlltyj good Judgicaent; minimum, age^ a6» ■l-.i^.it- ^^x^i&td SENIOR ACCOUNTANT Definition ; UMer supervision to perform responsible accounting, auditing, and budgeting work, including the supervision of bookkeeping operations* 3>utieB by Example s To supervise the preparation of accounting reports and reconciliatlond; check and approve vouchers for payment; fund vouchers; supervise account clerks and bookkeepers; supervise appropria- tion and other subsidiary ledgers and determine proper classification of accounts for posting therein; recommend changes in accounting and auditing work. Qualifications: University graduation with a major in account- axKsy; thorough knowledge of fund accoxmting; extensive experience in accounting practices, of which at least one year must have been in a university or college accounting department; accuracy; integrity; good Judgment; ability to deal harmoniously with the faculty and staff; minimum age 2^* JUNIOR ACCOUNTAKT Definition : Under eupervlBlon to perform duties requiring accounting techniqueflj mathematical computations, and maintenance of routine accounting procedures. Duties by Example : To examine department accounts; Iceep ledger accounts; prepare financial statements; audit ledgers; reconcile bank balances; note fiscal irregularities; perform related clerical and accounting work; operate office madiines as required; perform related duties as directed* Qualifications : University graduation with two years* training in accountancy; at least one year of experience in accounting work; high clerical aptitude; some knowledge of university or college accounting; tact; integrity; good Judgpaent; minimum age 20* teji^l ie.i i^ ;no ui^xS xd .'^''t+ -^ :s?no/t«'-^i:jr:» *>.••' JUNIOR COST ACCOUNTAOT Definition : Under supervision, to be responsible for, and to maintain, cost accounts* Duties by Example : To calculate work cost sheets and work record cards; check and post vouchers and supplies and materials requisitions; keep Journals; be respon- sible for billing; keep records; make reports; make up payrolls; perform related duties as directed* Qualifications : High school graduation with college training desirable; at least two years of experience in accounting work; accuracy; hi^ aptitude for figures; thorough knowledge of double entry book- keeping; accuracy; alertness; minimum age 20* IgpOXg to Iw flf 7 ASSISTANT AIKDrrSTRATOR OP BESEAHCH AND KDUCATIQNAL HOSPITALS Definition : Under adjainistratiTe euperyislon^ to assist the Administrator with the administration of the Hospitals and to perform related vork as required. Duties by Example : To svperviee and direct the management of depart- mental units J act for the Administrator in matters of administratiye detail; interview the public; assemble data and prepare reports; assist in the preparation of budgets and control of expenditures; prepare specifications and requisition equipment and supplies; assist in preparation of building alterations and maintenance schedules; inaugurate coat studies and install cost systezos; supervise office personnel; handle services for House Staff} edit manuals, hospital paxnphlets, and brochures; confer with and assist department heads in the performance of their functions; perform related studies and duties as assigned* Qualifications : (Graduation ft?om an accredited university or college, vlth special training in medicine or business adminis- tration; at least two years of successful hospital administration experience; Imowledge of hospital routine and administration methods; integrity; tact; ability to deal harmoniously vith the general public; supervisory ability; minimum age 30. ■ rrr A. *?ae .leitfO 8 SOCIAL RESEARCH ANALYST (Division of Services for Crippled Children) Definition : Under the Director, to plan and organize special studies relating to the various aspects of a state- wide program for physically handicapped children; to originate, plan, direct, and conduct statistical research, and to analyze and prepare for publication the results thereof* Duties by Example : To prepare procedures for use of the Division and cooperating agencies; train staff members to execute such procedures; originate and plan statistical research; collect, analyze, and present results of research data; prepare data for publication; pre- pare the format, tables and content of all statisti- cal reports prepared by the Division; supervise the operation of the Central Registry of Ihysically Handicapped Children in Illinois; supervise statistical and clerical workers; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Graduation from an approved college or university^ with special training in statistics, social service, or public administration, of which at least six semester hours must have been statistics; at least four years of supervisory experience in the conduct of public welfare or public health statistical re- search; activities, one of which must have been in an administrative capacity in a public welfare pro- gram, with a thorough knowledge of bot^i state and federal laws pertaining to physically handicapped children; supervisory ability; tact; personality conducive to harmonious dealing with employees, cooperating individuals and agencies; minimum age 25 • T'.Vv'a^:>l neni. -Qi UTLOri * tr-^-r/fn. » •* .'« ' ..•^ :i1 lit a J «.lf ':i?J^: ^iiti iC t',j • ^...iLiil-;::: ;:.^IJ-u- CHIEF ANNOUNCER Definition s Under supervision, to direot and perform radio announcing duties* Duties by Example : To supervise student azmouncers; arrange audi- tioxis for announcers; announce radio programs; train students in the fundamentals of announcing; assign student announcers to programs; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; Hi^ sdiool graduation; college graduation desirable, vith special training in speech, phonetics and public speaking; at least one year of experience in radio announcing; supervisory ability; pleasing personality; tact; minimum age 21 C*ju^*1 tc car. 10 COMPOSING KOCM APEREMTICE Definition ; Under supervision, to perform general routine work in Composing Boom* Duties "by Example ; To learn to compose type, correct same, distri- bute type properly, "book and Job composition; imposition and lockup; responsible operation and care of type-settiaag macdxlnes. Qualifications ; High school graduation; ability to learn quickly; good physical condition; minimum age 18* 11 HfflSS ROOM APEREKTICE Definition ; Under supervision, to perform general routine work in Press Room* Duties "by Exam-pie : To learn care and operation of all presses; positioning of forms, mate-ready, and running; printing qualities of paper and ink. Qualifi cations : High school graduation; ability to learn quickly; gpod physical condition; minimum age l8« - I':^ *■*- -TctTrc^Tc t'T" 'TT'^r nx^.r' ?' rT ?'i--^^-^ 12 ASSOCIAIE ARCHITECT Definition : Under the architect to perform responsible architectural duties of design and construction. Duties by Example : To supervise subordinates; prepare architectural specifications and design; coxifer with administration and department hands concerning architectural work; supervise preparation of working drawings; write specifications; handle some correspondence; make preliminary cost estimates; prepare contracts; review shop drawings and completed construction work; perform related architectural duties as assigned* Qualifications ; University graduation with degree in architecture; certification as Registered Architect; extensive responsible and technical experience in architec- tural design and construction, of which three years must have been in a supervisory capacity; good Judgment; accuracy; tact; integrity; ability to deal harmoniously with others; minimimi age 50. 13 SENIOR ARCHITECT Definition ; Under the University Architect, to act aa his representative in dealing vith professional architectural and engineering firms, and similar related activities. Duties by Example : To serve as liaison for the work of professional architectural and engineering firms employed for specific projects; confer with administrative aiid academic personnel regarding such projects; check and approve designs, drawings, and expenditures; prepare and maintain budgets, prepare and approve contracts, change orders, certificates for pay- ments, etc.; maintain a general check of project construction as it progresses; do other archi- tectural work as assigned by the University Architect in connection with University constj^uction programs* Qualifications : Ifoiversity graduation with degree in architec- ture; certification as Registered Architect; extensive responsible and technical experience in architectural design and construction, of which three years must have been in a supervisory capac- ity; good Judgment; accuracy; tact; integrity; ability to deal harmoniously with others; minimum age 30. Ik CCMMERCIAL ARTIST Definition ; Under admlnlatratlve eupervlslon, to execute fteehand or technical drawings to Illustrate educational, vocational, and technical training aids. Duties by Example : To draw, in consultation with academic personnel, visual training aids for classroom use; design covers, posters, pamphlets, and bulletins for various University departments and services; make technical drawings as assigned • Qualifications : High school graduation; two years training in professional art school; ability to make layout and do lettering; neatness; accuracy; good physical condition; professional experience* j^iaB ''^n 15 EDITORIAL ASSISTAHT Definition : Under supervision, to do proof reading and perform routine editorial work. Duties "by Example : To read copy for books and manuscripts; edit manuscripts; revise and check page and press proofs; check manuscripts for style, spacing and punctuation; confer with authors on form and style; perform related duties as aseignedt Qualifications : E101 school graduation; college training desirable; thorough knowledge of editorial sym- bols; experience in editorial and proof reading work, with newspaper experience desirable; thorough knowledge of En^ish grammar and spelling; acciaracy; tact; pleasing personality; thoroughness; minimum age 21 • 16 SENIOR LABORATORY ASSISTANT Definition ; Under administrative Bupervieion, to be respon- Blble for the effloient maintenance and operation of a Bcientifio laboratory and to perform dutlea requiring a higti degree of technical skill and ability • Duties by Example ? To assist instructional and administrative staff in laboratory work; perform chemical and other technical analyses; train and supervise subordlimtes; requisition supplies and materials; prepare reports; prepare reagents and oultwe media; make dentures; perform demonstrations; give skilled assistance in conductixig experiments; keep inventories; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : University graduation, with special training in the sciences; at least three years experience in scientific technics, preferably in a university laboratory; supervisory ability; tact; minimum age 25. ?--inv^-rl 17 JUNIOR LABORATORY ASSISTANT Definition; Under general supervision, to perform responsible duties of a technical natxare pertaining to a scientific department* Duties "by Example : To assist instructional and administrative staff in laboratory work; assist in conducting experiments and analyses; train subordinates; prepare and care for laboratory specimens, equipment, drawings, charts, slides and models; prepare reagents and culture media; make dentures; have custody of supplies; assist in research projects; keep inventories; make minor repairs; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation with special training in the sciences; at least two years of experience in laboratory technics; tact; minimum age 19* i>y 2t5^: in X'Wji^'tcu^'^ 18 ASSISTAKT LABORATORY ASSISIAMT Definition ! Under Immediate supervision, to perform routine duties of a technical nature pertaining to a scientific department* Duties by Example ; To assist Instructional and administrative staff In laboratory work; assist In conducting experiments and various analyses; prepare and care for labora- tory specimens, equipment, drawings, charts, slides and models; prepare reagents and culture media; have custody of supplies; keep Inventories; make minor repairs; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Hl^ school graduation; dependability; dexterity as required; minimum age 18 • -*lC#i 1 Ivji^ "1 t .•/, v. .'•iv;'^^"^' 19 PERSOmiEL ASSISTANT Definition ; Under adminietratlve supervision, to perform specialized work requiring training and experience in perfiozmel practices* Duties by Example : Assist in interviewing applicants, examining credentials, and recommending placements; assist in constructing, administering, ard. scoring examinations; perform employee training duties as assigned; assist in carrying on employee studies and preparing reports; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications: University graduation, with training in per- sonnel work desired; pleasing personality; ability to work with people; tact; good Judgment; minimum age 21* U.AU.^» •1 ** iBii!/'l :. aai:. -t ill cfclaiA I. ■ ' 20 SEHilOR ERIimiia ASSISTAIiT Definition : Under direction of the Superintendent of Print Shop, to perform duties involving the use of professionaJL knowleige* Duties by Example : To write Job tickets; prepare copy and layouts; approve press proofs; handle offset printing Jobs; supervise proof room; meet and work with persons requesting service from the University Press; handle routine correspondence; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : High school graduate, college graduate preferred; extensive print shop experience; ability to type- write; aptitude for attention to detail; good personality and ability to work with people; clerical aptitude; minimum age 25« :jjr>^ 21 SENIOR PURCHASIHG ASSISTANT Definition ; Under supervleloni to aselst In making IMlverslty purchases • Duties "by Exatople : To secure quotations; maintain price lists and discount sheets; review quotations; contact depart- ments regarding purchasing problems and needs; maintain commodity lists; Interview salesmen as requested; supervise clerical workers; perform related duties concerning the selection of materials and their purchase as assigned # Qualifications : High school graduation and at least two years of college work, with college graduation desirable; three years of full-time experience In purchasing work; supervisory ability; tact; integrity; pleasing personality; minimum age 23* .V A < ' . 'JfMr: .'\- ^'i.' ^5/10 XTSC "ilii'x 22 JTJWIQR PURCHASING ASSISTANT Definition : Under direct superviaion, to perform responsible duties involved in making University purchases. Duties by Example : To check requisitions and purchase orders; be responsible for catalog file; assist in the securing and reviewing of quotations; assist in maintaining commodity lists, price lists, and discount sheets; contact departments regarding purchasing problems and needs; perform related duties concerning the selection of materials and their p\nrohase as assigned • Qualifications : High school graduation and two years of college work, with training in business or engineering desirable; some experience in purchasing work desirable; full time experience in purchasing work may be substituted year for year for college training; good Judgment; integrity; minimum age 20. y^if : v^ ^ra3Xd i :j. ...;rf>' aJD 23 RADIO PROORAMMER ASSISTAOT Definition : Under the Director of the University Radio Station, to be responsible for one or more phases of radio prog::'aiii work in the University Radio Station. Phasos may include announcing, continuity and script writing, and production. Duties by Exa.TiDJe ; To write radio scripts of all types, including dramatic, narrative, music, or news; rehearsal of radio programs and supervision of production of radio programs on the air; announce programs on the air. Qualifications : University graduate or equivalent, with emphasis upon training in radio or Journalism; experience in one or more of the above duties defined; good physical condition; patience and tact; minimum age 19* ?.zoU 'ievJuU ::.^.J.rL-, 2h ASSISTANT TO TBE BUSINESS MANAGER Definition: Under a Business Manager, to be responsible for routine operations in the Business Office of the colleges and divisions at the University of Illinois at locations other than Urbana- Champaign* Duties by Example : To supervise routine operations in the Business Office; advise departments on budget and other problems; supervise the office staff, prepare reports; handle financial matters delegated by the Business Manager; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : University graduation preferred; at least five years of experience in business vork; knowledge of business procedures; personality conducive to harmonious handling of University problems; minimum age 25* riir yffrj^a ♦n>«»«»«f*#»p iULf Cm is»^-i.-ji>i^ ,'.),^v.>'-j~- '^ «^ il- i •■-. Q] £Q.w'ifif.n.i:r.i. : r«:r 25 ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR OF DIVISION OF SERVICES FOR CREPPUSD CHILDRE3!! Definition; Under the Director of Services for Crippled Children, to "be responsible for adjnlnl strati ve functions and to direct the persoimel program of the central and district offices of the Division, Duties by Example ; To assist vlth the development of a veil trained end coordinated personnel staff; establish and maintain effective working relationships among all staff personnel; administer the University nonacademlc personnel program Including emplc^rment and civil service procedures; assist the Director and Office Manager In preparation of that part of the budget pertaining to personnel; carry out such functions as wage administration, appointments, and promotions, ^nd rate determination; review and approve requests for vacations, terminations, leaves of absence, and disability, so bb to Insure correct procedures and Interpretation of University policies; recruit, interview, select, and hire personnel; maintain adequate personnel records and files; work with the nonacademlc personnel staff of the University in such functions as job analysis. Job classification, job evaluation, and nerit rating; supervise and direct the training program for all new non-professional employees; cooperate with the professional staff in the orientation of new professional workers; conduct staff training conferences for clerical workers; carry out the cooperative relationship agreement between Division of Services for Crippled Children and Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; prepare reports, plaiming and training manuals, and bulletins as requested; perform related duties as assigned. 25a ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR OF DIVISION OF SERVICES FOR CRIPPLED CEEIDREa)! ( continued) Qualifications ; University graduation, with special training in personnel or general public administration; laiowledge of University personnel practices and procedures desirable; five years experience in a con^rehensive personnel program, with a general laiowledge of business methods, three years of which should have been in a responsible administrative capacity; experience in program plaiming and direction desirable; supervisory and administrative ability, Including good leadership qualities; tact, integrity; cooperative attitude; ability to exercise good Judg- ment in evaluating situations and making decisions; interest in, and ability to work cooperatively with representatives of cooperating agencies; good health; mlniimxm age 28 • 26 ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR OF HOSPITAL LABORATORY Definition ; Under administrative direction to have respon- sible charge of the hospital laboratory and to perform related work as required* Duties by Example : To direct the work of the various departments of the hospital laboratory; direct the preparation and examination of specimens; instruct assistants and technologists in their specialized work; super- vise subordinates; make special investigations; make reports and recommendations; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Graduation from a recognized college or uni- versity with science or premedical courses as a major; experience in laboratory work in an accredited hospital; familiarity with modern laboratory practice; demonstrated administrative ability; minimum age 2?» ^ti-¥ 27 ASSISEAMT TO DIRECTOR OF EBYSICAL H*AOT Deflnltlon t UBder Director of JEliyeical Plant, to give general asslatanoe in the adminietration and opera- tion of the Biysical Plant* Duties by Example : To superviee office staff; handle routine administrative matters for the Director, including correspondence, documents, budgets, costs of operation aaad maintenance data; be responsible for space assignment and arrangements for public functions and for the issuance of and record of all keys to University buildings; keep a record of all authorized drivers of University automobiles and advise faculty and staff concerning examina- tions and vehicle laws; approve material for bulletin boards; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; College graduation with training in business procedures; some knowledge of accounting; three years of office experience, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; tact; integrity; good Judgaent and ability to deal harmoniously with students, faculty, and the general public; minimum age 26* *«y^ 28 ASSISTAKT TO DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC IIIFQRMATION Definition : Under Director of Public Information, to aselet In every possible way In the preparation of material for publicizing the University • Duties by Example ; To prepare news and magazine stories, news pictures, copy for booklets, and do whatever Is necessary to present the University creditably to the public* Qualifications ; University graduate in Jovitnallsm and its related fields, with master's degree preferred; at least three years of dally newspaper or press association experience; good physical condition and appearance; good personality; good Judgment; patience; minimum age 2^* •» * :" ' "-!? 29 ASSISTANT TO DIRECTOR OF HOUSING Definition: Under tiie Director, to provide staff aeBlstance in the administration of the University housing pro gram, especially in matters dealing with business organization, finanoial planning, budgeting, and cost accoimting* Duties by Example ; To make surveys of operations; prepare standard procedure bulletins; consult with Director and employees on matters of operating detail; review budgets; prepare special reports; coordinate divisional activities; render advice on special accounting problems; act for the Director in his absence; perform related duties as required • Qualifications : College degree in accounting, or equivalent in specialized training; mature personality; adminis- trative experience of a nature requiring demonstrated ability to assume responsibility ajid to exercise independent Judgment; male* 30 ASSISTANT TO HEALTH OFFICER Definition: Under the Health Officer, to assiet in the operation of the Health Service facilities. Duties by Exfimple t Supervise student clerical workers; be respon- sible for the requisition and care of supplies and equipment; answer routine correspondence; report to departments the physical exazoination status of employees; test faculty and students for permission to operate University automobiles; prepare fumiga- tion permits; prepare reports; maintain filing system; supervise observation of modified quaran- tine of students; check accident reports; perform related duties, as assigned* Qualifications : College or university graduation; knowledge of hygiene and sanitation essentials; at least two years of experience in Health Service work in a college or university; training in accounting desirable; knowledge of rules and regulations of the Illinois State Department of Health; good physical health; pleasing personality; minimum age 21 « U ^' 31 ASSISTANT TO MANAGER OF ILLINI UNION Definition : UMer the Manageri to aeelst in directing the operation of the Illini Union Building and its activities. Duties by Example ; To be responsible for the operation of such Illini Union Building facilities as the information desk, bowling alleys, billiard room, guest rooms, and check rooms; be responsible for retail sales other than food service within the building; be responsible for all routine matters concerning the management of the Illini Uziion Building; make reservations of rooms for special functions and arrange facilities for special gatherings; super- vise the work of the Uhlon Building employees other than food service; be responsible for the operation of the building and its functions in the absence of the n^nager; assist the social director in arranging all programs sponsored by the Illini Union; Insofar as possible, to satisfy the demands of students, faculty, alumni, and guests in the use of the Buildings Qualifications : High school education required, university education desirable; training and extensive experience in business management or office work, two years of which should have been in a super- visory capacity; administrative ability; ability to work harmoniously with students, faculty, alumni, and Uhlversity guests; tact; good Judgment; good appearance; minimum age 25 • \'ii'-*'.M . ' i». •• •^f ^\ i «> i^-J * V , ^t-; -I . . - * ■ :-,j' -.' •»•' ■ \ .?.vi:^ 32 ASSISTANT TO TBE MILITARY EROEERTY CUSTODIAN Definition : Under the Military Property Custodian, to be responsible for all government property under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Ifelversity in conformity with War Department Regulations. Duties by Example : To supervise office and supply room staff and supply procediure; to be responsible for all property, files, records and reports. Qualifications : High School graduate; at least five years experience, two years of which have been in the University; general office experience, supervisory and administrative ability; thorough toowledge of University business procedures* •vi r '7.' 33 ASSISTAOT TO SOCIAL DIBECTQR Definition ; Under adminlfltratlve supervlelon, to be responsible to the Social Director for the social functions of the Illlnl Union Board ^ Involving the supervision of volunteer student workers. Duties by Example : To give assistance and supervision to all student workers; ooimsel students; Interview students for the Social Director; attend social programs and all rehearsals; act as official hostess in the Illlnl I^ilon in the absence of the Social Director; substitute as committee member or speaker; give out authoritative informa- tion upon request; keep ciirrent and future calendar of all campus social events; be responsible for student record file; perform varied duties as occasion demands* Qualifications : University graduate; experience in teaching or personnel work; two years experience in University student activities; tolerance; tact; sense of humor; imagination; attractive appearance; well groomed* .cr ?••■• *> n.vi. 3i^ AIRPCRT ATTENDANT Definition ; Under departmental supervialon, to perform the duties Incidental to the moving^ parldLng^ and eerviclng of aircraft. Datlee by Example : More aircraft In hangar; direct Incoming air- craft to service pits; fuel gas tanks, clean windshields, record and collect for gas and oil sales; aid transient aircraft to tie-downs; do routine work as assigned on aircraft flight line and In guarding hangar* Qualifications : High school education or equivalent tsralrdng; good health; dependability. Integrity, tact, and aeronautical Interest; minimum age 21* r -JXit u ti-. ••^^ 35 EQUIIHBliT ATTSNDANT Definition ; Under direction, to be responsible for the custody, issuance, and receipt of tools and equipment* Duties by Example : To maintain and repair gymnasium equipment and apparatus; be responsible for the custody and issuance of tools; sharpen tools; be responsible for custody and issuance of mechanical equipment and apparatus; set up and arrange equipment for class work; keep records and inventories; perform related duties as required* Qualifications : High school graduation; good physical condition; agility; mechanical aptitude; manual dexterity as required; minimum age 18« 36 FIB£ ST/ITION ATTENDANT Definition : Under direction^ to assist in the oiaintenance and operation of fire fitting equipment and the combat- ting of fires. Duties by Example : To maintain fire fighting equipment; operate fire fighting equipment, including trucks, hose, ladders, extinguishers and related equipment; assist with building inspection for fire preven- tion; be responsible for the custodial maintenance of the fire station; combat fires; be available at scheduled periods for assigned duties; on occasion, represent the fire department at public gatherings; perform related duties as directed* Qualifications : Grammar school education, high school graduation preferable; thorough knowledge of fire fighting equipment; ability to handle fire fighting equipment; courage; bravery; dependability; good physical condition; agility; self-control; minimum height 5 feet 5 Inches (5 feet 7 inches or taller pre- ferred) minimum weight 13^ pounds; minimum age 21* ; -y v^ • ■. » '^ c-f •ii •,.:: ^^i > 37 FOUNTAIN ATTKmPiM Definition : Under supervision to be responsible for the operation of a soda fo\mtaln» Duties by Example : To prepare ll^t lunches^ soft drinks and loe cream dishes; clean fo\mtaln equipment; supervise student help; replenish fountain supplies; malce minor repairs; check fountain equipment; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : High school graduation; at least one year of experience as soda fountain attendant; pleasing personality; agility; ability to pass food handlers' examination; cleanliness; minimum age 16 • 38 GAHAGS: ATTENDANT Definition : Under the garage foreman, to perform eeml* skilled duties Involved In automotive repair and maintenance Duties by Example : To clean the garage; check automotive equipment for defects; check batteries, tires, water, oil, gasoline; oil and grease equipment; wash cars and trucks; make zoinor adjustments az)d repairs under close supervision; perform, related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Grade school education; at least one year of full-time experience in a garage or major service station servicing and greasing automotive eqtiip- ment; ability to work with others; agility; dexterity as required; minimiim age 18 • -if.'iJAU ^^. •'■> 39 SENIOR LABORATORY ATTENDANT Definition : Under general supervision, to perform duties of oonslderable responsibility In the care and maintenance of a scientific laboratory and In the preparation ani care of materials and equip- ment used therein* Duties by Example : To prepare laboratory media and solutions; sterilize equipment; assist Instructional staff in laboratory research; give assistance in conducting experiments; supervise subordinates; keep ixxventories; have custody of supplies and equipment; do repair work; prepare reports; keep records; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation, with special training in the sciences; at least three years' experience in general laboratory vork, preferably in a university laboratory; high degree of manual and technical skill, dependability; good physical condition; minimum age 23 • JUNIOR LABORATORY ATTENHAHT Definition ; Under supervision, but with some indepenience, to perform responsible duties involved in the preparation, care, and maintenance of laboratory specimens and equipment. Duties by Example : To prepare laboratory media ajod solutions; sterilize equipment; care for and maintain laboratory specimens, equipment, drawiiigs, slides, aj^ models; operate laboratory equipment, projectors and lanterns; fire kilns and experi- mental furnaces; supervise subordinates; keep inventories; have custody of supplies and equipment; do repair work; prepare reports; keep records; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; High school graduation; knowledge of general science desirable; at least two years experience in general laboratory work; manual dexterity; mechanical ability; dependability; good physical condition; minimum age 21. •':i-^i'?-;j^i t sarc'y.it 1^1 ASSISTANT LABORATORY ATTEMDAOT Definition ; Under Immediate supervision, to perform duties Involred In the care and maintenance of laboratory specimens and equipment* Duties by Example : To prepare samples, specimens, and museum exhibits; wash and clean glassware, test tubes, and experimental apparatus; hang drawings and charts; pack and unpack equiianent; do minor repair work on equipment; operate experimental fiurnaoes; work with experimental animals; operate projectors and lanterns; keep inventories; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Grade school graduation; manual dexterity; mechanical ability; dependability; good physical ooxsdition; minimum age 18* p\l 'HrtfvtTT \\^t*t^ixr^h IxMinBta. tnr.l^r- LOCKER ROOM ATTENDANT Definition: Under departmental direction, to perftM locker rooBL service* Duties by Example : To assign lockers to students and faculty; issue looks, towels, athletic equipment, uniforms, and supplies; keep records and inventories; handle laundry and dry-cleaning service; do minor repair vork; issue keys; keep lockers ax}d locker room in good condition; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation; pleasing personality; agility; dependability; minimum age 18. hi SUPPLY ATTENDANT Definition : Under direct supervision, to perform duties of a service and custodial nature involving care of supplies. Duties by Example : To assist in supplying departmental requests for supplies; run errands; check out equipment; clean office equipment; do minor repair work; sort and count laundry; deliver drugs and other materials as requested; perform related routine service duties as assigned. Qualifications : Grammar school education; agility; integrity; ability to deal harmoniously with faculty and staff; good physical condition; minimum age 18* •X'^m' kW<^W ^to^^^iOw- — •'Ni'JLv^ W**^ TOOL ROCM ATTEWDAKT Definition ; Under direction, to be responsible for receipt issuance, and custody of tools and equipment] joaintenanoe of tools and equipment; maintenance of tool control records. Duties by Example : To be responsible for maintenance and repair of tools and equipment; replace or repair broken parts to keep them in safe usable condition; dress tool bits, sharpen cutting tools, remove burred heads of hammers, chisels, and other tools; remove from service tools or equipment that are defective and unsafe for use; be responsible for custody and issuance of tools and maintenance of tool room records as outlined in the Tool Control Manual; assist machinists in shop work as required; perform related duties as assigned* Qualificationg : High school graduation preferred; good physical condition; agility; mechanical aptitude; manual dexterity; ability to maintain legible records; pleasant business-like personality conducive to dealing harmoniously with fellow employees; initia- tive; resourcefulness; minimum age 18* J.'.' ^j aJ ^^\t - t h9 BOQKBIKDERy WC3RKER Definition : Under supervision^ to perform routine duties Involved In bookbinding* Duties by Example: To serve as helper on the paper folder and cutter and stapler; compress books; perform manual duties such as check binding^ covering, counting, wrapping, packing, folding, inserting and stringing books; assist in delivery of books; perform general assistance in cleaning the shop; make minor machine repairs; perform related duties as directed. Qualifications : Grammar school graduation; high school gradua-* tion preferable; willingness to work; ability to learn quickly; good physical condition; minimum age 16* a 4 al X»9v 1 rp 9*Ui> BB ' r.r '*' 50 BRACEMAKER Definition: Under supervision, to perform duties involved in the making of braces, orthopedic appliances and supports* Duties by Examp le; To make and fit orthopedic braces, belts and supports; take meastirements; operate machine lathes and power hand tools; perform grinding, polishing, electroplating and precision blacksmith vork; make models from casts; do leather work; order supplies; construct operating room instruments; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Hi^ school graduation; special training in bracemaking; good physical condition; ability to deal pleasantly with people; minimum age 21. M !•• •• • sicrai- '^^ *- Xq isoi) 51 ASSISTANT BRACEMAKER Definition : Under direction to assist In the malclng of orthopedic braces and appllaxxoes* Duties hy Example s To assist In maklxig and repairing special orthopedic braces, supports and appliances; work with leather; keep shop clean and orderly; care for machinery and equipment; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; Grade school education, high school graduation desirable; training in leather work and machine work; mechanical and manual dexterity; dependability minimiua age 18 • (J. OF ILL LIB. vviiOiU ." ''t^t> i' *ia^*^'.'- ^^ : ■J > V f-» > ' 52 ASSISTAOT BURSAB Definition s Under the Burear, to assist in the collection and deposit of all University receipts and in the general management of the Bursar's Office* Duties by Example : Under supervision of the Bursar, to direct a large office force; handle correspondence; assist in the supervision of the collection and deposit of all money due the University; supervise the prepara- tion of records, payrolls and the Issuance of checks; assist in the administration of fee col- lections, the handling of student loans, student organization investments, staff advances and conferences with faculty, staff, and students concerning fiscal matters; meet the public; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : University graduation with special training in businears administration and accounting; four years of experience in business administration or the management of a large office staff, at least tvo years of which must have been in an administrative or supervisory capacity in a college or university; knowledge of methods and techniques required in the collection and accounting for money and of the statutes governing financial control in the Uni- versity; ability to direct a large office force and to deal harmoniously with faculty, students, and the general public; tact; integrity; Initiative and good Judgment; minimum age 28. vJ r4 ,^ ^c 3t 53 ASSLSHkm BUSINESS MANAOER Definition ; Under a Business Manager; to assist in the administration and operation of the Business Office and business transactions of the colleges and divisionB of the University of Illinois at locations other than Urbana-ChaiEpaign. Duties by Example ; Advise departments on budget problems; prepare schedules and statistical information for internal budgets; prepare and review accounting reports; record all changes in the master budget; review and handle correspondence; supervise the installation of accounting systems and procedures; review and approve forms; hold conferences on the recommendation of the Business Manager concerning Business Office problemB; handle matters delegated to him by the Business Manager and perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications ; University graduation, with training In accounting, finance and fiscal problems; knowlege of University or governmental accounting systems; experience in accounting work of which at least three years must have been in an administrative or supervisory capacity; supervision of staff; administrative ability; tact; personality conducive to harmonious handling of University problems; minimum age 27. 5t BUTCHER Definition : Under departmental supervision, to be responsible for slaughtering experimental animals and the preparation of meat products for classroom and experimental puz*poses« Duties by Example : To slaughter livestock; do meat cutting; prepare meat products , purchase meat for classroom and experimental purposes; prepare meat products for sale; supervise the care and operation of the refrigerating system; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Hi^ school graduation; extensive experience az^ skill as a Butcher; practical knowledge of mechanical refrigeration; initiative; supervisory ability; ability to pass food handler's examination; minimum age 25. /liHoiua " ;aoi ..iw .i..;. . ^ • uog Otj X vsninoqxa 31 55 HEAD AIRrCRT CABETAKER Definition : Under the direction of the Supervising Engineer, to supervise and be Immediately responsible for the work of maintenance and labor employees on the building and grounds at the University Airport* Duties by Example t To assign and direct the work of men on mainten- ance and construction projects; check time cards, supervise construction, check materials. Inspect work and perform related duties. Qualifications : Grade school education, high school graduate preferred; extensive experience In general construction and ground care; ability to handle men; good physical condition; good Jud@aent; minimum age $0. -i-;*^rmfcl*XQq -f--.- .* . 1. ,# 56 MAD AinMAL CARETAKER Definition ; Under supervision, to be reaponeible for the handling, feeding and care of experimental anioala. Duties by Example : To supervise the work of subordinates; anesthe- tize and prepare animals for experimental operations, vel^ and mix foods for animal diets; be responsible for supplies and equipment; give general technical assistance; maintain and perform minor repair work on equipment; perform related duties as assigned. Qvalifi cations : Hig^ school graduation; at least one year of experience in care of experimental animals; thorough knowledge of care and feeding of animals; strong physique; supervisory ability; minimum age 21. ff^^^-^m «^ ^ T-.-^'-^ 57 AKIMAL CAHBTAKEH Definition ; Under direct supervision, to perform routine work Involved in tlie handling, feeding, and care of animals used for experimental purposes* Duties by Example ; To assist in the routine handling and feeding of animals; wash and clean cages; prepare and mix feeds care for sick animals; perform related service duties as assigned t Qualifications ; Grade school education; experience in care of animals desirable; strong physique; dexterity and manual skill as required; willingness to work; minimum age l8« rir •xqI iwer It nctc^^-o^'^^X.MjO ;^i* i::AiiUitiiiU 58 HEAD CASHIEH Definition: Under eupervieion, to be responsible for the receipt and custody of cash receipts of the Universilyr* Duties by Example : To supervise the work of subordinates^ and instruct them in correct procedures; supervise receipt of deposits and reports of receipts; assist cashiers with daily balances; reconcile and verify petty cash fund, deferred student fees, and other charges; be responsible for fiscal records; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : University graduation, with special training in finance or accounting desirable; at least two years experience handling cash and record work in a university or college; high clerical aptitude; accuracy; pleasing personality; honesty; ability to qualify for satisfactory bond; minimum age 2k. ii); ■y^.'ZL irif- ^•f V tj-*-...^r -" 59 CASHIER Definition : Under supervision, but with some independence, to hare custody of cash receipts and fee payments Duties by Example : To collect fees; accept payment on student accotints; issue receipts; make chaz^ge; fill stamp requisitions; make bank deposits; record tx^avel advances; list vouchers; draw petty cash checks; keep fiscal records; place coin orders with local banks; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : High school graduation, college training desirable; special training in accounting; at least one year of full-time experience handling cash; hi{^ clerical aptitude; accuracy; honesty; ability to qualify for satisfactory bond; pleasing personality; minimum age 21 • • 3i :."^?;'i'*i.^ 60 ASSISTANT CASHIER Definition : UaxLer direction, to have custody of cash receipts and fee payments* Duties by Example : To collect fees; accept payments on acooimts receivable; make change; cash checks and vouchers; issue receipts; make deposits; issue postal supplies; maintain express register; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : High school graduation; special training in accounting desirable; ability to handle cash with accuracy; good personality; hi£^ aptitude for figures; alertness; integrity; ability to deal with people constantly in a business-like and courteous manner; ability to qualify for satis- factory bond; minimum age 21* ^^^U 61 LAUNDRY CHECKEH Definition; Under eupervislon, to perform work of aortlng €dl articles to be laundered and checklxig all articles that have been laiindered. Duties by Example : To sort all soiled linens, for colored itetas, vools, silks, and vei^ soiled linens ready for washing operations; weigh all flatwork for ironer; check and count slips on each customer; pack delivery baskets ready for delivery; check all articles into separate units to each customer; wrap each bundle; keep records of items of each customer's bundle ready for delivery • Qualifications : Grammar school education; good health; ability to keep records; dependability; integrity; willing- ness to perform duties as directed; at least two years* laundry experience; minimum age 25 • « •' ': • •'yr ■ ''r\^\r*lf frt: 62 CHEF Definition : Under general direction, to have charge of the preparation of food. Duties by Example : To receive food and check wel^t and quality; cut meats and other foods Into serving portions; plan menu items from left-overs; arrange substi- tutions when foods run short; prepare requisitions for foods; supervise and assist in the preparation of food; supervise cleaning of the kitchen; super- vise kitchen personnel; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications : Grade school education, high school graduation desirable; four years of successful experience in the preparation and cooking of food on a large scale; broad kiiowledge of various foods and their preparation; ability to pass food handlers' examination; supervisory ability; good physical coziditlon; minimum age 2^« ::jiqi2r\y'd • nil :.. ...^dJ-OT '- ■ • r\ ■• r '*' t .'3r> .?" '^ ? X Btrr* •toa t V ..r.o lit fl(r£i:iv nxtj 63 EXECUOIVE CLEHK, PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Definition ; Under the President and Aesistant to the President, to perform responsible adininistrative services connected with the Office of the President, Examples of Duties : To receive callers on official "business and to arrange conferences requested with the President and the Assistant to the President; exaMne all incoming correspondence and classify the same for processing by appropriate menibers of the President's Office staff and other University officials; answer such correspcoadence as may be assigned to him; be responsible for the purchase of all office supplies and equipment; issue requisitions and vouchers for supplies, equipment, and services and keep records of office expenditures; be responsible for operation of general office, including supervision of temporaary enployeee; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; High school graduation; college or university training, or in lieu thereof, a minimum of five years* experience in other university or college administrative offices; knowledge of administrative procedures and business methods; a good command of English; integrity, tact, resourcefulness, good Judgment, and ability to deal harmoniously with faculty, students, and the general public; minimum age 25. ,J)or 6U CHIEF CLESK. Definition: Under departmental eupervision, be reeponaible for the operation of a principal administrative unit of the Ifeiversity and for the eupervision of the clerical staff in that unit« Duties by Example : Supervise the office staff €uai office procedures; approve recfuisitions and vouchers; handle routine correspondence; interview students, staff, and other callers; train new employees; assist in budget preparation; be responsible for records and reports; requisition supplies and equipment* Qualifications : Hi^ school graduation; university graduation desirable; at least five years office experience and at least two years experience in the University; tiioroueh knowledge of University business proced\a:^s supervisory and administrative ability; pleasing personality; miziimum age 2^« "SfSJO %SLSD lllT^.?' foil tr. »• -, - ' ■ :a/r iV-^^^^ evict iVxteiriXiaLii Jbna v^'xoaXvioc.ija 65 SENIOR CLERK Definition : Under supervision, to be responsible for the performance of ffliscellaneous duties, essentially clerical, involving eitiier the exercise of inde- pendent 3w3.gnient, or supervision over a group of clerical workers of lower rank, requiriiig a thorough knowledge of University procedures, problems, and policies* Duties by Fixample : To be responsible for the efficient operation of a large office; give out information concerning department; answer departmental inquiries; compile data, reports and statistics; supervise and assign the work of clerical employees of lower rank in the department* Qualifications : High school graduation, college graduation pre- ferred; extensive experience in general clerical work, preferably "Uiree years of which should have been in a university or college; tact; pleasing personality; supervisoiy ability; high clerical aptitude; poise; minimum age 21* :ores2 19 iiK>llt ':fiW ^ 72 JUNIOR FILE CLERK Definition : Under general supervision, to perform duties required in the upkeep of an extensive filing syetesi* Duties by ExamiDle : To sort, Index, code, and file corres^oxjdence, orders,^ requisitions, vouchers, reports, slides, cards, records and otiier file inaterlal; make cross references; carry out system of transfer files; be responsible for the filling of orders and mailing of bulletins, circulars, pamphlets, ma^zlnes, notices; keep records of incoming and outgoing literature and store a33d Inventory printed matter. Qualifications : High school graduation; special training and experience in filing or mailing systems; at least one year of expe3?'ience; two years of work in a university or college may be substituted for the required one year of experience; speed and acc\n:acy in filing; minimum age 18. yirril 5flfi o^o^Q ' tar, o*-': . M 73 ASSISTANT FILE CLERK Definition : UndQr direct supervision, to perform routine clerical work for Byetematlc keeping of files. Duties by Example : To perform routine clerical work such as sorting, withdrawing and Inserting of file material; open, sort and distribute mall; wrap, address, seal and stamp mall; assist in mailing of publications; answer routine inquiries; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation; special aptitude in filing and clerical work; pleaeslng personality; speed and accuracy in sorting and filing material; minimum age 16* tCli 5f f -J^Lt ■ .: top {cKit&f*' ' ' •••!-■■■••;,:■ 7^ CHIEF INraRMATIQN CLEBK Definition : Under general aupervieioni to direot the hospital's information service and visitor control Dttties by Example : Instruct and supervise information clerks; act as information clerk vhen necessary; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Hi^ school graduation; thorou^ knowledge of I^[iiversity operation €md personnel; ability to meet the public and get along with others and to appreciate t^e problems of the ill and distressed; three years experience as an Information clerk or two years experience as a clerical worker in an accredited hospital; supervisory ability; minimum age 25. m3J0 TOITAWKWII *aSIHD . :/rx-neyoen aeh.' ;!t:o>Id net tl a£ iI)dfcjao'XcJciIL hop Hi exit 'ic n;iae . ^. s 75 IKFORMATION CLERK Definition : Under immediate supervision to handle the dispensing of information regarding patients to relatives and friends^ and to direct and control visitors. Puties by Example : Determine eligibility of persons Beeking information regarding patients; exercise Judgment in giving out such information; keep necessary records on patients* condition; control admission of visitors; receive messages for patients and staff; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : High school graduation; one year's experience as a clerical worker in an accredited hospital; ability to meet the public and get along with others; app:^Glation of the problems of the ill and distressed; minimum age 18« :1L .-.'IX a. lOF'^* ^•% P r*«ff^ 76 INVEWTQRy CLERK Definition : Under euperrielon, to be reeponsible for duties involved in the maintenance of a complete inventory record of University equipoient. Duties by Example : To enter and make record of all permanent equipment purchased by the University; maintain an inventory card file; assign inventory numbers; number and mark equiitfnent; advise departments concerning inventory procedures; adjust transfer, trade-in and discard entries of equipment; main- tain classified file; make actual physical check of equipment; keep records of repair and service charges on equipment; supervise assistants; prepare reports; perform related duties as assigned. Qwlifications : High school gradiaation, with xmivereity degree desirable; at least three years of experience in inventory work; thorough knowledge of filing and record work; accuracy; tact; good Judgment; minimum age 21* ij[tfft|!) •5r . :'>j>'n^:::^: .:' yl.i^ ^noaaoioq lie ' >!n';! r.T . 'j ^:\t\ tu^Q :^iam i^riiJ -xotev^a ■ :-■ ' '— --^~ • ■ • ':• ' .'T^r. .. .. ■ ■ \ r^ :uaci:inr»rxt/Ai/^ 4c o^ -re jit ;5iicw v'xc.l'ir/.'ni 77 MAILING CLERK Definition: Unier euparvision^ to be in direct charge of all nailing opera tione performed by the Mailing Center* Duties by Example : To operate the Mailing Center^ including the upkeep of mailing lists and all processes involved in preparing all classes of mail for distribution! plan and supervise work of others; keep records necessary for the operation of the service* Qualifications : High school graduate; experience in the business departments of a large university^ including work in mailing desirable; ability to operate and to do routine maintenance on addressing^ plate cutting^ and postage meter machines; minimum age 21* ^ O^ |flCi '':: 9r*'^.jc' I'itota. •V •j^ cxi •is: e. 78 SBlflQR OIl&RATIONS CLEHK Definition : Uhder supervleionj but vith eome independence^ to be responsible for computing operating records and reports* Duties by Example : To check time cards and material tickets; read meters; figure daily power plant report; check expenditures reports; itemize Job orders; compute daily, monthly, €tnd yearly operating expenditures; make charts; do filing; compute labor, material, and overhead costs; operate business machines as required; perform related duties* Qualifications : Hig^ school graduation, college training desirable; high aptitude for figures; special skills as required; minimum age 21* r^bat oTica lUlv cfucf tHcInJvxo xo - .. ^.:^x."/a SB 0-, • aoxji/D i)9;ra'M©'i iciol-xeq cijoiiijpoi •I. SalatSTt '^reflcr ^rtcl^o. .. -^ ,, 79 JUNIOR OPERATIONS CLERK Deflnition t Under dlreotion^ to aseist in computing operating records and reports. Dtttlee by Example ; To assist in computing €md recording daily, monthly, and yearly power plant operating reports; assist in computing and recording the steam, gas, and electrical consumption of all campus buildings; assist in the making of charts and gra^^s of operating and financial data; assist in the filing of blueprints, correspondence, operating records aad other related data; perform other related duties as assigned* Qualifications ? Hi^ school graduation; technical course with several semesters of mechanical drafting desirable; high degree of clerical aptitude and intelligence; initiative and resourcefulness; minimum age 20* ^ ^ci>rcL . \l/5 .^ iOi. " :tO0- I: .. 80 SENIOR PAYROLL CLERK Definition: Under administrative aupervieion, to be responsible for University payrolls. Duties by Exanyle t From appointments and notices of eirployment for staff, and related data, to prepare and maintain payroll records; calculate withholding tax and retirement deductions and overtime compensation and incorporate into payrolls; verify con5>leted payrolls; disburse pay checks; maintain complete files pertaining to payrolls; furnish the University Retirement System with payroll Information and reports; answer questions from University staff relating to pay. Qualifi cations ; High school graduation with University training desirable; at least three years* experience in clerical work, two years of which must have been in payroll work, typing ability; accuracy and aptitude in handling figures; pleasant but business-like personality, with ability to meet people; tact; thoroughness; minimum age 2^. rfoo rfelH 81 JUNIOR PAYROLL CLERK Definition : Under admlnietrative supervision, to assist in the preparation of University payrolls and inaintain payroll records. Duties by Example : Assist in the preparation and maintenance of payroll records; verify payrolls for accuracy; post earnings records; calculate withholding tax, retirement deductions and overtime con5)ensation; assist in making payments in advance of payroll date; maintain files for payroll authorizations, earnings records and time cards, and other related data* Qualifications : High school graduation; typing ability; accuracy and aptitude in handling figures; thoroughness; tact; ability to meet people. At bsiB nffoJtcT' ■nb Xcr as OCT 82 HECEIVIMr CLEHK Definition : UbcLer administrative supervision^ to be responsible for receipt and distribution of all incoming and outgoing University materials and equipment. Duties by Example : To supervise work of delivery assistants; record all receipts of University property, equipment, and material; correlate receipts with University pur- chase order numbers, vel^ bills, and shipping tickets; be responsible for delivery of above material to proper departanents; maintain petty cash fund for payment of collect shipments; prepare vouchers charging proper department for reimbursement; prepare wei^ bills for outgoing shipments and return of materials* Qualifications : High school graduation, college training desirable; experience in University stores control or property distribution; good physical condition; accuracy; tact; supervisory ability; minimum age 21 • •ft "I In 83 SBNIOH HECQRD CLEHK Definition : Under administrative direction^ to be respon- sible for registration and/or other University records. Duties by Example ? To assist in evaluating credentials for admission^ and draw up hoxK)r lists; check and evaluate graduation requirements; compile reports of a statistical nature; compile and organize personal records and files; supervise registration of students; interview students axjd callers; give authoritative information; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications : Hi^ school graduation, college graduation desirable; at least three years of experience vith records, some of which should have been in a college or university; supervisory ability; tact; ability to meet people; minimum age 21* }Ciajo Or. •fti" 'i&p. In .ttubf* t* ;flol :rj :o.'iev:j • i- ic^ofi:^ 81+ JUNIOR HSCQRD CLEBK Definition : Under supervision, but witto considerable Independent Judgpient, to perform duties involved in keeping records • Duties by Example : To keep student or personnel records; mtake transcripts of records; check credits and admis- sions; record amounts; quantities and prices; keep diagnosis records; check patients* charts; make reports and compile minor statistics from records; give out information; perform related typing and clerical duties as assigned « Qualifications : High school graduation; special training in record keeping; at least one year of experience, preferably in a college or university; tvro years of college or xmiversity work may be substituted for the required one year of experience; pleasing personality; ability to meet people; minimum age 18. -mi^ ^, -^•j^tli V (iX 88 ASSISTAUT STORES CLERK Definition : Under direct eupervlalon^ to do simple clerical and physical work relating to the care, Issuance and dispensing of stores, supplies, and equipment # Duties by Example : To assist In the receiving, unpacking, and care of supplies such as chemicals, groceries, hard- ware, office equipment, axid the like; assist In Inventory of such supplies; keep records; receive and fill orders and requisitions; wrap ajod prepare goods for delivery; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation; good manual dexterity; reliability; accuracy; minimum age 18 • r oAt .:7c . d'ji' 89 WARD CLERK Definition ; Under direct supervision of Nurse in charge of ward unit, to perform routine tasks requiring a knowledge of clerical work. Duties by Example : To keep ward records; fill out reports and requisitions; make supplies; admit patients azid check patients' clothes; perform errands; answer telephone, and take and deliver messages; \n:*ite letters; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation; clerical aptitisie; ability to understand and follow directions; pleasing personality; ability to get along well with others; minimum age 18» ■£_;.'; _'i -.itur UwiLcr iai : gX • 'i J. r -. . muiz^tr. ::fT! rfJiw 90 SUHIRVISING CLEHK-STENOGHAIHEH Definition : Ifeder administrative eupervieion, to be responeible for the efficient operation of a complex stenographic office organization involving at least five subordinate employees. Duties by Example : To be responsible for all office etenograjtoic work; interview prospective office employees; organize the office staff; allocate work; proof- read finished work; handle l^e routine correspondence; perform related stenographic, clerical, and administrative duties as required. Qualifications : Hi^ school graduation, college graduation desirable; at least five years of experience, two years of which must have been in the University; shorthand axKl typing skills; ability to direct the work of subordinates; supervisory and administrative ability; minimum age 25. aol^l-UhEtQ r: r.d^hinva a13 .;Y;tlDte"'/I:-.U 91 SEHIOB CLEBK-STBNCXSRAISER Definition : To be reeponeible for the performance of difficult and reeponelble etenosraphlc and clerical work Involving either the exercise of Independent Judgment, or eupervlelon over a group of clerical or stenographic workers of lower rank, requiring a thorou^ knowledge of University procedures, problems and policies* Duties by Example s To be responsible for the efficient operation of an office; take and transcribe difficult dictation or dictaphone records; supervise and assign the work of clerical employees of lower rank In the office; compose routine correspondence; compile reports and statistics; answer Inquiries; arrange conferences, appointments and meetings; copy manuscripts and reports; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Hlgji school graduation; college graduation preferable; superior Intelligence and clerical aptitude; mastery of typing and shor-ttiand skills; extensive experience In stenographic work, preferably three years of which should have been In a university or college; tact; super- visory ability; pleasant, but biislness-llke, personality; poise; minimum age 21* ..'\}jz :: 3 « tc •iq 92 JUMQR CLEEK-STENOC^AISER Definition ! Under supervision, but vlth some exercise of Judgment, to perform clerical and stenographic duties* Duties by Example : To take and transcribe dictation; do typing of medium difficulty; copy reports, manuscripts, records, vouchers, ajid tabulations; out stencils; classify, sort, index, and file letters, records, vouchers, requisitions, and charts; be responsible for such files; receive students, faculty, and visitors; give out information as instructed; handle departmental mail; under direction, arrange appointments and meetings; perfozm related duties as directed* Qualifications : Hlg}i school graduation; special training in typing, shorthand, and clerical work; at least one year of experience, preferably in a university or college; typing speed 50 net words per minute; shorthand speed 80 words per minute; high clerical aptitude; alertness and intelligence; two years of imiversity or college may be substituted for the one year of experience; tact; poise; pleasing personality; minimum age l8« h. . .Jif u.^l^lnn^ r^ifrme:-?! ;aX ^^-'jforiowov »al5tooi5i ^i^ iO'l 4 bits' 0^'^ I. jia:^ v>J ^T."*"^ . w/ujlAfcXiii \ i^ii* i.*«*XC-»l-'i3C£ 93 ASSISTAWT CLERK- STENOG»AIBER Definition : Under direct eupervieion, to perform routine clerical, stenographic, and typing work. Duties by Example : To take and transcribe dictation; perform routine clerical tasks such as filing, stuffing of envelopes for mailing, typing routine matters, addressing of mail, typing noxi- technical material subject to review; do occasional messenger service; open, seal and deliver mail; cut stencils; ctnswer telephones; receive csLLlers; give out information as instructed; perform related duties as directed* Qualifications ; High school graduation, with training in typing, shorthand, and clerical work; typing speed h^ net words per minute, shorthand speed 70 net words per minute; clerical aptitude; tact; poise; pleasing personality; minimum age 16« h 9h SENIOR CLERK- TYPIST Definition: To be reeponeible for the performance of typing and clerical work in a major administrative office, involving the supervision of persons of lower rank. Duties by Example : To do typing of material dictated on dictaphone records, techniccd manuscripts, tabulated material, statistical material and subject-matter requiring exceptional skill and ability; supervise the work of typists and clerical workers of lower rank in the office; be responsible for files, payrolls and general office routine; arrange appointments and conferences; give out information as assigned; compose routine correspondence; receive callers; dispose of routine matters; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Hl^ school graduation, college graduation preferable; high degree of efficiency in type- writing; high clerical aptitude; extensive clerical and typing experience, preferably three years of which should have been in a university or college; supervisory ability; pleasant, but business-like, personality; tact; poise; minimum age 21. 2»r: c& oT dolxiw 95 JUNIOR CLERK-TTPIST Definition : V Under eupervlBlon, but with eome exercise of Judgment, to perform clerical and typing duties < Duties by Example : To do typing from notes, manuscript, records, reports, and letters; transcribe dictaphone records; cut stencils which sometimes Involve technical text, tab\ilatlons, or foreign languages; sort, classify. Index, insert, and withdraw file letters, records, requisitions, Invoices, and subject matter; arrange appointments; receive callers; give out information as Instructed; perform related duties as directed • Qualifications : High school graduation; special training in typing and clerical work; at least one year experience, preferably in a university or college; typing speed 50 net words per minute; high clerical aptitude; alertness and Intelligence; two years of college or university work may be substituted for the required year of experience; tact; poise; pleasing personality; miziimum age 18 • rj^i^-*Mrt '**'7V ♦••^ CT'»T»^*f'^ >'-,•'>■ vV HAfrf-jfTr •jVu.;iV; onJfcv^J: ^EiX!0W2?J. 96 ASSISTANT CLEBK- TYPIST Definition : Under direct eupervieion, to perform routine clerical and typing work. Duties by Example : To do routine typing of letters, manuscripts, requisitions, and vouchers; address, seal and mall correspondence; cut stencils; answer telephones; receive callers; give out information as instructed; do occasional messenger service; perform related duties as directed* Qualifications : High school graduation, with training in typing and clerical work; typing speed ^5 net words per minute; clerical aptitude; tact; poise; pleasing personality; minimum age 16. t'-^'--l ^c -y.hc My I n^vie- • ;j*w >v i'>LJui) inarJ: \ini.^.+ ff:ff- ^- vr/ 97 FIELD IHYSIOTHERAPy CONSULTANT (Dlvieion of Servioee for Crippled Children) Definition ; Under adminifltrative supervision to be respon- sible in an assigned area for the field physio^erapy service to patients served by the Division of Services for Crippled Children* Duties by Example : To be responsible for carrying out physiotherapy treatments as directed by physicians and surgeons; teach and interpret specific treatments to respon- sible individuals; give consultation services in physiotherapy; assist in promoting services of the Division throughout the state; maintain professional relationships with local physicians and other professional workers rendering related services; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Hi^ school graduation; gradttation from an accredited school of nursing, or from an approved school of physical education, or at least two years of college work; completion of an approved course in physical therapy; four years' experience in a physiotherapy department in an approved hospital rendering service to orthopedic patients, or three years* field experience in physiotherapy work in a state agency for crippled children, at least one year of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; interest in and ability to work with people; freedom to travel extensively; good health; minimum age 22. b,;,;i.sX«*';. i:n^1zoq -i^^^j 98 MEDICAL SOCIAL SERVICE COKSULTANT (Division of ServioeB for Crippled Children) Definition : Vxder the direction of the Supervieor of Medical Social Service, to render medical social service consultation of expert quality to both the meaibers of the field staff of the Division of Services for Crippled Children and to those of other agencies, both public and private. Duties by Example ; To confer with health and welfare agencies both public and private; to give consultation on the medical social aspects of the Division's program; to study and report on the economic and social conditions of cases; to give medical social case work services to a limited number of patients (largely on a demonstration basis); to interpret to children, parents, and the agencies concerned the social implications of medical diagnosis and treatment} to arrange for the cara of patients by the Division or other agencies; to work coopera- tively with other professional staff members of the Division; maintain records and reports; per- form related duties as assigned* Qualifications t (k'aduation from an accredited college (approved by the North Central Association or similar accrediting body) with Bachelor's degree; completion of an approved training course in medical social work leading to Master's Degree (course to be approved by the American Association of Medical Social Workers); two years experience in a hospital r^ijj. . • X£ j'^!v*t«3 lo no/..TlvJtCI) !. Aw - >6ili) ©ii;r 10 10 rvrf'-nfiy^'T vrj ?leii^.^XI \\&^^wi} n;i d1 in;: 99 MEDICAL SOCIM. SERVICE COWStXTANT (Diylelon of Servloee for Crippled Children) (Continued) Qualificationa ( Continued ) : or clinic^ medlceQ. social aerylce department^ under the supervlalon of a qualified medical eocial worker, or one year experience under aupervlslon in a hospital's or clinic *b medical social service department, and one year experience in a public medical care program under supervision; two years experience as a consultant or a supervisor in medical social vork program, preferably in a crippled children's program; interest in, and ability to work with, other people; ability to exercise good Judgment in evaluating situations and in making decisions; tact; enthusiasm; minimum age 25. '.) sis PIj 100 NURSENG CONSULTANT (Dlvieion of Services for Crippled Children) Definition : Under the direction of Nursing Service Super- visor, to be responsible in an assigned area for the general public health nursing of patients for whom , the Division of Services for Crippled Children has assuoied treatoient* Duties by Example t To locate crippled children and initiate plans for securing diagnostic, medical, surgical, and other rehabilitated services; be responsible for the organization and conduct of diagnostic clinics; under medical direction aixd supervision to be responsible for the nursing care of patients; to instruct responsible individuals or local nurses in the care of crippled children in their homes; to promote and develop the services of the Division by conferring and cooperating with the local health, velfare and other agencies; maintain case records and reports and keep these current; perform related duties as required* Qualifications : College graduation preferred from an accredited school of nursing; State Registration in Illinois within a year after begliming work; completion of an approved one year program of study in Public Hi3alth N\irslz3g; advanced training in pediatric nursing is desirable; three years* experience in a generalized public health niu:*sing agency, one of which should be in a supervisory capacity, or two years' experience in a generalized public health nursing program and two years' experience in a specialized field in an accredited hospital or convalescent hdft^; supervisory ability; interest in aM ability to work with people; ability to exercise good Judgment in evaluating situations and in making decisions; good health; minimum age 2?» ^w.LV ation; supervisory ability; minimum age 25 • xooo 1 :e i'^cict 105 COOK I Definition ; Under direction, to "be responsible for the cooking of foods, requiring considerable skill and discretion. Duties "by Example ; To cook meats, vegetables, pastries, and fruits in large quantities; supervise employees of lower rank; perform related duties as directed. Qualifications ; Grade school graduation; good general knowledge of and experience in large quantity cooking; good physi- cal condition; ability to pass food handler *s examination; supervisory ability; tact; pleasing personality; minimum age 22. lo6 COCK II Definition; Under direction, to cook foods ae assigned* Duties by Example ! To cook meats, regetal^Ies, peustries, and fruits in large quantities as directed; perform related duties as euisigned* Qualifications : Grade school graduation; good genereil knowledge of and experience in large quantity cooking; good physical condition; ability to pass food handler's examination; ability to work with others and under supervision; minimum age 22. ,'V . I". 107 FOODS LABORATORY COOK Definition : Under eupervielon, to be responsible for the cooking of foods and for performing other related duties in a laboratory kitchen. Duties by Example ? To prepare and cook foods of all types, to care for kitchen equipment, to keep kitchen and work area clean and orderly; to assist in directing student workers; perform related duties as directed. Qualifications t Grade school graduation; ability to pass food handler's examination; cleanliness; good physical condition; willingness to work with students as directed; minimum age 18 • "7 f^i [•iiJUlluLt '^DfitOQ^iXxi 108 COPXHOLLER Definition : Under direct supervision, to perform routine oopyholding duties. Duties by Example ? To arrange copy; read copy to proofreader; call out all punctuation marks; call attention to discrepancies in printed copy and original manuscript; follow through original copy word for word; assist in revising and checking proof; perform routine duties as assigned. Qualifications : High school graduation; special training and knowledge of English construction, grammar, and spelling; clear, well -modulated voice; ability to follow instructions; minimum age 18* mc^isWi oj tH^. i)^^ '.o-Mun^^i ^'^uclSnoi^rlii^djy. • Oi c iicixjL ;F.nox^Oi/'i..'an; 109 CREAMERYMAN Definition : Under the Creamery Foreman, to perform work of a specialized nature required in the manufacture of dairy products. Duties by Example : To assemble and tmassemble pipe lines to vats and churns; assemble clarifier and separator; receive, weigh, and sample milk and cream; pasteui*- ize milk and cream; run Babcock teets; wash pasteurizers, separators, vats, and chums; scrub floors and vails; clean windows; assist with making ice cream; replace recording charts on pasteurizers; bottle milk; wash cans; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation; one year of experience in general dairy manufactures; certification by University health officer as a food handler; good physical condition; stamina; willingness to work; minimum age 18* '^fO'T Vf^njaA^fO ^f\f *i^h:J] nil orir el: .7 ixiB blcfjreaai^ cT . ..^.. . . , .. ...... :yx 'D 65 J- ;:ro ;;.i.<- V ■; . .. J. ♦ ' t:i lo t^' ;aoWaul)Q^v3 Ic. o^ BBorx^al .8X ej^/^- aisnf.atsii 110 FOREST CUSTODIAN Definition : Under the general supervlelon of the Grounds Foreman, to perform all work related to the grounds maintenance and general upkeep of the University woods • Duties by Example s To clear fire breaks; poison trees and weeds; check erosion conditions; repair fence, gates, culverts; provide general watch service over the areas on which he is working to prevent trespass; to do grounds work on the campus at such times and seasons as presence not needed in the University woods. Qualifications : Grade school graduj^te; good physical condition; dependability; integrity; thoroughness; good Jxadgpient* )% .• .ii..-,va -3W f>a :o nT i ':x J-nov^rr^f oj 7;rj:-\iov ai an rio.t/fv no osoifl Ill ABGHITEICTURAL JESIQ^ESR Definition ; Under the Architect, to perform architectural design work* Duties by Example : To prepare preliminary sketch pl€ms for Uni- Tersity buildings; study group relationships and campus plans; prepare presentation drawings and perspeotives; he responsible for the complete architectural design of buildings and campus feat\n:eS| including the preparation of scale and full-size details; direct the work of others as required; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Uhiversity graduation with degree in Architecture and two years experience in the design of major buildings; or high school graduation with at least six years experience in architectural design, detailing and rendering in several mediums; comprehensive understanding of the proper approach to the solutions of any architectural design prob- lem; good sense of proportion, scale, form, and color; a general familiarity with problems of landscape design and some knowledge of interior decoration and furniture; general knowledge of building materials, fundamental structural and mechanical requirements, building codes, the preparation of working drawings, etc» having a bearing on building design; minimum age 35 • rrU DIETITIAH DgflniUon: Ifojier admlnletratlve superviaion, to "be responsible for the general supervision of Boientific food preparation, distribution, and service* Duties by Example : To plan, assist and supervise the work of assistant dietitians; supervise kitchen staff; confer with department heads concerning efficacy of special diets; give dietetic ixiformation as requested; confer with purchasing agent regarding cost and procurement of foods and equipment; confer with administrative head concerning general policy of food service; Judge the quality of products upon demonstration; approve and sign requisitions ajid invoices for the dietary department; prepare records and reports and exercise general super- vision over the dietary department; inform subordinates on trends in the field of dietetics; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; University graduation or equivalent training in dietetics, plus a twelve-month dietetic internship in a hospital whose course is approved by the American Dietetic Association; at least five years experience in the field of dietetics; thoroi*^ Imowledge of dietetics, food values, and kitchen practices; cleanliness; tact; pleasing personality; good physical condition; supervisory ability; minimvim age 26. .IB -::W>r- knZy 113 ASSISTANT DIETITIAN Deflnltlcai: Under supervision, to be responsible for the scientific preparation of foods. Duties by Example : To supervise the work of the diet kitchen; plan znenus; prepare foods for special diets; make requisitions; keep records; supervise kitchen staff; keep inventories; be responsible for the sanitary condition of kitchens, pantries, refrigerators and store rooms; keep informed on trends in the field of dietetics; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : University graduation or equivalent training in dietetics; thorough knowledge of dietetics, food values and kitchen practices; cleanliness; tact; pleasing personality; good physical condition; twelve -month dietetic internship in a hospital whose internship is approved by the American Dietetic Association; minimum age 21, EDUCATIONAL EROGRAM DIRECTOR, RADIO STATION Definition : Under the Director of the University Radio Station, to be responsible for the selecting, writing, aixL production of educational programs over stations owned and operated by the University. Duties by Example : To select subject material, secure sources of information, mould into effective form, and produce educational programs such as discussions, round- tables, narrations, dramatizations and talks. Qualifications : University graduate, with master's degree preferred in radio. Journalism, or education; at least one year's experience in educational broad- casting; experience in commercial broadcasting of one year or more desirable; good physical condition and appearance; tact and patience; minimum age 22* 0XG-V7 in tzt 115 PRODUCTION DIRECTOR, RADIO STATION Definition: Under the Director of the University Radio Station, to "be responsible for the supervision and production of programs for WILL and W I U C . Duties "by Example ; To be responsible for script review and evalua- tion, rehearsal, and production of programs on the air; supervise the editing of scripts; coordinate programs vith policy of station and within the series presented; supervise production of special events. Qualifications ; Graduate of recognized university, with specializa« tion in radio or radio -Journalism; graduate degree preferred, but equivalent experience will be accepted as alternative; at least two years of experience in radio programming and production desired. 116 ASSISTANT DIHECTGQR OF CLINICS Definition : Under the superriBlon of the Director of Research and Educational Eoepitala^ to assist in the adxninis* tration of the Outpatient Clinics and perform related work as required* Duties byExaaple : To supervise and direct the Outpatient Clinics^ acting for the Director in his absence; conduct interrievs; handle correspondence; cooperate with the medical staff; prepare reports; assess charges; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Graduate of an accredited university or college^ with special training in medicine or business administaration^ or graduation from an accredited medical sohooli pltU9 tvo years administrative experience in a general hospital; knowledge of clinic and hospital operation; administrative proficiency; supervisory skill and ability to deal harmoniously with students, faculty, patients, and the general public* BCiRuo to >Tyr3a,^fcrci ;a' r-.^.jr ; . 't •. . .^ •Ilia ^lOBJtV) *1t«iiiii 117 DIRECTOR OF DIETARY SEIRVICE Definition ; Under adminietrative direction, to conduct efficiently the operation of a dietary department» Duties by Example : To be responsible for entire food service in ihe Research and Educational Hospitals and allied institutions; plan and supervise the work of the Dietitians, Cooks, Food Service Assistants, and other employees; confer vith department heads concerning food service; approve and sign requisitions and invoices; prepare reports and exercise general supervision over all functions of the department; requisition food supplies; be responsible for physical maintenance and repair of equipment and facilities; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Ifolversity graduation or equivalent training in dietetics, plus a tvelve-month dietetic internship in a hospital whose course is approved by t^e American Dietetic Association; at leaet five years experience in a supervisory capacity; tact; pleasing personality; good physical condition; administrative ability; minimum age 30 • ' :it 9t>' ett^r JVlflW 118 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF DIETAKlf SERVICE Definition ; Under the direction of the Director of Dietary Service, to assist In the adininlstratlcn and operation of the Hospital food services* Duties hy Exaiig)le : To check for quality and quantity all foods received directly or indirectly; supervise preparation of foods for patients and personnel; "be responsible for planned menus; create requisitions for food supplies^ cleaning agents, linens, equip- ment, repairs, and maintenance; prepare time schedules for main kitchen eii[5)loyees; assist in handling eii5)loyee personnel problems, and selection of staff additions and replacements; assist staff, if necessary, in planning time schedules for different units in the department; confer with purchasing agent regarding procurement of foods and equipment; check all dietary Invoices before submitting for final approval; judge samples of foods submitted for testing; in the absence of the Director, assume duties of that position; conduct meat cost studies; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : University or college graduation, approved hospital internship; member of the American Dietetic Association; at least five years experience; administrative and supervisory ability; thorough knowledge of foods and dietetic practices; pleasing personality; good physical condition; minimum age 28. «»ri J n 119 DIHBCTOR OF DIVISION OF SERVICES FOR CRIPIIED CHILDREN Definition : Under Vice President in Charge of the Chicago ProfeBBlonal Colleges, to be responsible for the planning, organization, and administration of a state-wide program rendering services to physically handicapped children* Duties by Example : To plan, organize, and administer the program of the Division; coordinate the work of the various services in the Division; prepare budgets; be responsible for medical social service, nursing, research, and fiscal program of the Division; be responsible for records and reports; formulate methods for improvement of the Division program; cooperate with Federal, state, and local agencies and related social services; establish and maintain cooperative arrangements with physicians and hospitals; handle correspondence; perform related duties necessary to the efficient administration of the Division* Qualifications : University graduation, with special traiiiing in public health and public welfare administration; extensive experience with programs for handicapped children, of which at least three years must have been in administrative capacity; at least five years' experience in specialized public health or public welfare administrative work; executive and administrative ability; integrity; tact; resourceful- ness; personality conducive to harmonious handling of Bivision problems; minimum age 30« co^ ■' ii:cl' 'lX>llP: li* 3 %;fi:iVL.'Uali ibllA: ov 120 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC, RADIO STATION Definition : To be responBibl© for arranging and eupervieino the presentation of musics live and mechanical, on etatione owned and operated by the University; and for eupervieing ffiusical continuity used in musioal prograjBis for the air* Duties by Example : To audition live and mechanical musical talent available; approve choice of talent and numbers to be used on radio programs; supervise the production of live musical programs* Qualifications : Uhiversity graduation with a degree in music, preferably a master's degree; experience in x^io broadcasting desirable, or equivalent experience in public performances; ability to play at least one solo instrument; good physical condition and appearance; tact; patience; minimum age 23 • to n r--^-i'>M.Ti Irr.r. cv^f :I:^■:??f^vii 121 DIKECTOR OP KEUROPSYCHIATRIC CLINIC Dafinltion : Under adminiBtrative direction, to be reeponeible for the operation of a Heuropsychiatrlc Clinic. Duties by Example : To be responsible for appointments and admissions of oliiiic an! hospital patients; assist doctors; handle contacts with outside agencies; interview patients and families; be in charge of diagnostic files; handle correspondence; assign case work to medical and nursing students; select and distribute cases to clinic doctors; supervise nursing and office staff in assisting physicians ani in organizing the various functions of the outpatient service. Qualifications ; High school graduation; certification as a registered nurse, with special training and experience in working with neuropsychiatric patients; total experience in nursing not less than five years, of which at least two should have been spent in a responsible supervisory or administrative capacity; poise; tact; ability to get along with people at all levels* VllQ'U. ^-MlOi^^BT^l - 122 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NONACADEMID PERSQN1CE3L Definition ; Under the Director of Nonacadeiaic Personnel, to assist in the development and administration of the nonacademic personnel program* Duties by Example ; To assist the Director in developing and administer* ing the program of the Office of Nonacademic Personnel; handle administration of Civil Service rules and regulations, including examinations; he responsible for Job analysis, Job classification, Job evaluation, merit rating, and wage and budget administration; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; Uhivereity graduation, with special training in personnel and related subjects; three years of experience in personnel work, preferably in a large university or Civil Service system, at least one year of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; thorough knowledge of the University personnel practices and procedures; administrative ability; tact; good Judgment; integrity; ability to deal harmoniously with the general public, faculty, and staff; minimum age 28. * / >in!jn.' 123 DIRECTOR OF NURSES Definition : Under hospital administrative direction, to be reeponelble for the organization, adminiatration, and development of the nursing service, and to he responsible for the clinical experience of student nurses • Duties by Example : Supervise the nursing service of the hospitals; confer with nursing staff and physicians; interview applicants for positions in the nursing staff; interview and advise Nurses concerning their persona, problems; confer with the Hospital Administrator; handle correspondence; prepare budgets and reports and make recommendations; superintend Nurses' Residence; supervise Central Supply department; see that proper provisions are made for the clinical experience of student nurses. Qualifications : High school graduation and graduation from an accredited three-year school of nursing in a hospi- tal having a daily average of 50 or more patients; University nursing degree desirable; certified as registered nurse; extensive experience in nursing work, three years of which must have been in a supervisory or administrative capacity, preferably as an Assistant Director of Nurses; poise; tact; good Judgment; personality conducive to dealing harmoniously with nurses, patients, staff, and general public; ability to meet emergency situations calmly; make decisions readily; possess the quality of leadership; qualified to take her proper place in community and nursing affairs; minimum age 50. J.- :, ^Dcrxj8' -■tt ^ai;*.; ■ riKxi. .. ,- . ■ .• :.f '->?i f?H*l i.xi^.. :»ff . .'. . 4' - -/^^'V •fr^uiii ill? tliirsrv g^lV4rf Xi^^ ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF NURSES Definition : Under the direction of the Director of Nuraee, to assist in the supervision and operation of the nursing service. Duties by Example : To relieve the Director of Nurses of administra- tive details; confer with supervising nurses and head nxrrses on ward problems, patient care, hours and duties of employees; prepare daily report of all employees and of the department; confer with Health Service; aarrange relief and change of employees' time schedule; make arrangements for special nurses for patients; confer with employees regaarding their work; be responsible for carrying out administrative policies of the hospitals; make inspection of wards and report findings; assist in the superintending of the Nurses' Residence and the supervision of the Central Supply department; pre- pare reports and make recommendations; assist in supervision of the nxirsing staff; act for the Director of Nurses as delegated and in the absence of the Director, assume the duties of that position; perform related duties as assigned* Qiialifications : Hi^ school graduation and graduation fl*om an accredited three-year school of nursing in a hospital having a daily average of 50 or more patients; certificate as registered nurse; Uni- versity nursing degree desirable; extensive experience in nursing work, two years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; poise; tact; good Judgment; personality conducive to dealing harmoniously with nurses, patients, staff, and general public; ability to meet emergency situations calmly, make decisions readily; minimum age 25. vrri^f^'^.^ri'ic:' •Si*. :,03 16 V Ci^ 125 ASSISTMT DIRECOXDR OF PURCHASES Definition ; Under the Purchasing Agent, to assist in the operation and administration of the Purchasing Office. Duties by Example : To interview salesmen; investigate sources of supply; prepare specifications; make recommenda- tions on bids; supervise office staff; approve orders and requisiticne; make adjustments on purchases; advise department heads concerning purchases; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : University graduation, with special training in business or engineering desirable; at least three years of experience in responsible purchasing work, one year of which must have been in a super- visory capacity; thorough knowledge of commodity sources, values, and market trends; supervisory ability; tact; integrity; good Judgment and personality conducive to harmonious handling of purchasing problems; minimum age 28. 126 Definition : Under direction, to perform free-hand or technical drawing requiring a knowledge of drafting. Duties by Example : To draw, revise or trace plans of buildings, maps, machines, equipment and the like; assist in drawing specifications; assist in making drawings; perform related drafting work as assigned. Qualifications : High school graduation; imiversity training in drafting desirable; ability to make outline and complete drawings; experience in drafting desirable; accuracy; good physical coxxLltion; minimum age 20. 127 SEIHIOR AHCHIOECTURAL ISRAFTSMAK Definition ; Under supervision, to perform architectural drafting involving a hig^ degree of technical skill and ability* Duties by Example : To prepare working drawings on building construction; do scale drawings; investigate building conditions and requirements for alterations, repairs, and the like; prepare preliminary estimates; on occasion, assist in writing specifications; check construction and materials; perform related drafting duties as assigned* Qualifications : Special training in architecture; at least six years of experience in architectural drafting work; ability to perform highly technical drafting work; university education in architecture may be substi- tuted year for year for experience up to a maximum of three years; ability to deal harmoniously with others; accuracy; good Judgment; thorou^ness; good physical condition; minimum age 25. A ». •J5 -vn yy:\.: .j ;Ai:"-.-v : iJfr-.' I'C 128 JUNIOR ARCHITSCTURAL nRAFTa^All Definition : Under direction^ to perform technical dutlee involving skill and experience in architecttiral drafting* Duties by Example : To prepare preliminary working drawings from sketches; check shop drawings; take measurements; prepare working drawings for building operations; determine quality of construction materials for conformity to contract requirements; make preliminary estimates; on occasion, assist in design planning and detailing; make scale drawings; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Special training in architecture; at least three years of experience In architectural drafting work; university education in architecture may be substi- tuted year for year for experience up to a maximum of two years; ability to perform technical drafting work; accuracy; good Judgment; thoroughness; good physical condition; minimum age 23* .'T:riA ^ir: ;t0.^5TJ f^^^ C.t \. .;0O ./Ay llsiijC tarfovZow a uo v:ovr 129 SEKICSR MGBEERING 12RAF1BMAN Definition: To do technical and skilled dbrafting and engineering drawing work in connection with layout, detailing > and assembly of drawings for use in engineering teste and projects. Duties ty Exanple : To prepare working and scale drawings of mechanical, electrical, and structural euLterations and equipment, of utilities and of reference mapsj to assist in investigating utilities and obtaining data for drctfting purposes relative thereto; to assist in obtaining field information for detailing mechanical, electrical, and structural alterations and equipment; to perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; Specialized training in engineering; at least three years of experience in engineering drafting; education in engineering drafting may be substi- tuted year for year for experience up to a maximum of two years; ability to deal harmoniously with others; accuracy; good Judgment; thoroughness; good i^ysical condition* 130 JUNIOR ENGHmillNa IBAFTSMAN Definition ; Under supervision, to perform engineering drafting involving skill and experience* Duties "by Example : To prepare sketches; make drawings of graphs; prepare diagrams, and detailed working drawings; compile and list such information on limits and tolerances, strength of materials, mechanics, gearing. Joints, weights and volumes, as may "be required to complete projects assigned; to maintain file containing drawings, negatives, tracings, graphs, etc* Qualifications ! High school graduation, plus two years college work in engineering, or equivalent experience; formal training in engineering drawings; minimimi of two years experience in engineering work, including some work experience in drafting. 131 13RIVER Definition : To operate autoiao*bilee, trucks, or buaes. Duties by Example t To drive aut^omobiles, eervioe trucks or buses; load, haul, and deliver supplies and equipment, livestock, mail, freight and express; maintain and perform minor repair work on vehicles; perform related duties as directed. Qualifications : Grade school education or equivalent; State driver's or chauffeur's license as required; ability to pass University driver's examination; thorough knowledge of State laws governing the operation of motor vehicles on State highways; good physical condition; skill in operating motor vehicle; alertness; dependability; minimum age 21. 132 EMCTRO-ACOUSnCIAN Definition: To be responsible for the designing, construction, and maintenance of electro-acoustic imits^ Duties by ExampJ^e : To design, construct, and develop special electro- acoustic apparatus for testing, treating, and diagnosing the speech and hearing handicapped covering mental and psychological disc^^ers; design and construct laboratory instruments capable of establishing standards of measurement for the calibration and maintenance of precision electro- acoustic equipment; conduct an efficient electro- acoustic laboratory for research; provide line- drawings, blueprints, operational techniques, contractual requirements, and procurement informa- tion pertaining to all electro-acoustic installations employed in the work of the speech and hearing clinic coordinate knowledge of electro-acoustic engineering relative to proper construction, treatment, and maintenance of classrooms, auditorium, and special test studios; re-design, modify, and maintain accuracy of electro-acoustic equipment for use in the treatment, determining the condition of and retraining of patients consist ixig of the following equipment: Electroencephalograph, Electronic ^ock- Therapy Device, Electronic White -Noise Generator, Sound -Pressure Level Meter, Voice Pitch Indicator, Auditory Training Auqplifiers, Dual-Speed Lateral, Recorders, Magnetic-Tape Recorders, Wire Recorders, Audio-Signal Generators, Dual-Speed Transcription Turntables, Audiometers, Soui^d Motion Picture Equipment, and Clinical Evaluators for Auditory 133 ELECTRO -ACQUISTICIM (continued) Duties by Example : (continued) Testing; advise and consult with others regarding the re-designing and modification of eauipment now in use; provide technical advice as to the expendi- ture of funds; setup and maintain standards of jneasurements for all electro-acoustic devices as constructed or modified in this laboratory. Qualifications : University graduation desirable; thorough training and experience in radio and general electro- acoustic design and engixieering, augmented by a knowledge of mechanics, physics, acoustics control, audiology, and current clinical practices in hearing and speech rehabilitation; thorough acquaintance with all types of electro-acoustic instruments and with the catalog of parts. »iU.-vy 13^ AIRCHAPT MAHnEKAKGE EKGIHEEH Definition : Under the Director of the Institute of Aeronau- ticB, to bs responsible for the management and operations of the aircraft maintenance shop at the University Airport. Duties by Example ? Supervision of ihe aircraft maintenance staff; organize aircraft maintenance and repair; maintain satisfactory stock room; be responsible for recoards end reports; check time cards and other records; supervise in- service- trainees; recommend appoint- ments to shop staff. Qualifications : College graduate or equivalent, Civil Aero- nautics Authority Aircraft and Engine ratings, Civil Aeronautics Authority private or commercial pilot rating; extensive responsible and technical experience in aircraft and engine repair; adminis- trative ability; good Judgment; accuracy; integrity; ability to deal harmoniously with staff ai^ general public; minimum age 2^. :\ TW^'PTTA te oonr/is^ffliijm j-iinoilfl o/fif Itc floialviogii^ 135 ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEER Definition : Under direction, to be reeponslble for structural deelgn and construction of University buildings and their alteration and repair* Duties by Example : To design, prepare drawings and specifications, and assist with supervision of construction for structural phases of University building con- struction and maintenance, including construction with steel, wood, reinforced concrete, masonry; make site surveys; prepare structural estimates; work with and direct subordinates. Qualifications ; University graduation in civil, structural, or architectural engliieering; three years of experience in structural design ai5d supervision of construction, of which at least two years must have been in responsible charge of design; thorougjh knowledge of graphical statics, design of buildings, stjruc- tures; knowledge of the Chicago building code as it applies to structural design; supervisory ability; thoroughness; accuracy; minimum age 26 • 7Vi 136 ABGHiaECTORAL MBCHANICAL £1«>I1IE£H Definition: Under adminietrative supervision, to be responsible for engineering work requiring training and experience in oechazxical engineerizig Duties by Example : Under direction, to design ai>d prepare drawings and specifications and assist with supervision of construction in cozmection with mechanical engineering design and construction for new Ui>i- versity buildings and alteration and remodeling of present buildings, also to advise on maintenance problems, including plumbing, heating, ventilating^ air coiaditloxiing, electrical, and elevator work; supervise subordinates; determine methods and materials to be used in building construction in relation to mechanical trades; check equipment and construction for contract requirements; perform related duties as assigned; prepare mechanical estimates* Qualifications : University graduation with degree in mechanical engineering; extensive full-time experience in mechanlcd,l engineering, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; thorough knowledge of building construction, mechanical equip ment, workmanship, and materials; thoroughness; ability to organize, assign, and direct, work; accxaracy; resourcefulness; good Judgment; minimxun age 50» ilO 137 OBIIEF BUILDING OIERATIHG ENGIKEER Definition : Under administrative eupervleion, to have immediate charge of the operation and maintenance of building mechanical equipment* Duties by ]B}xample : To supervise building operating exigineers and assistant building operating engineers] direct and assist In the work of operating and maintaining air conditioning equipment, and building and kitchen mechanical equipment; make emergency repairs and adjustments, making self available for any special functions regardless of schedule of work week; maintain a record of work done and the costs involved in the operation of utility and mechanical services. Qualifications : Grade school education, hi^ school graduation preferred; college training in mechaxilcal or electrical engineering desirable; extensive experience in operating and maintaining air conditioning and building mechanical equipment, three years of which must have been in a super- visory capacity; a thorough knowledge of ventilating, air conditioning, heating, and refrigeration equipment; good physical condition; good personal appearance; ability to perform duties in public places with a minimum of disturbance; good Judgment; tact; dependability; mlnimuta age 50 • 138 BUILDING OPERATING ENGINEER Definition : Under eupervieion, to operate and maintain b\iildixig fflcchanical equipment* Duties by Example : To operate air conditioning equipment; read and check gauges^ meters, and thermometers; maintain proper temperatures and humidity throughout building; check steam and water distribution sys- tems; care for and clean all btiilding mechanical equipment; check opei*ation and report necessary repairs to building and kitchen mechanical equip- ment; perform related duties as requested • Qitttlifications ; Grade school education; training in operating mechanical equipment; higih mechanical aptitude; three years' experience in the operation and mainteimnce of building and kitchen mechanical equipment; good physical condition; good personal appearance; ability to perform duties in public places with a minimum of disturbance; good Judgment; tact; dependability; minimum age 26* ulBm xnac ^0 Or- •Chtib r^ejt7i/b.x>G.icU??' ,n-ou aii>Ix>i;f ^ru ct.^^oej 139 ASSISTANT BUILDII3G OIERATING ENGINEER Definition : Under direct supervision, to assist in the operation and maintenance of "buildix^ aiechanical equipment* Duties by Example : To assist in operating and maintaining air conditioning equipment, and building and kitdien mechanical equipment; help in maintaining proper building temperatures and humidity; read and check gauges, meters, and thermometers; assist in caring for and cleaning all building and kitchen mechanical equipment; perform related duties as requested* Qualifications : Grade school education; high mechanical aptitude; some mechanical experience; good physical condition; good personal appearance; ability to perf03:m duties in public places with a minimum of disturbance; good Judgment; tact; dependability; minimum age 22 • aa f'^i •OilJ 7Q 140 CIVIL ENGINEER Definition : Under administrative supervision, to plan, develop, and supervise building construction and maintenance. Duties by Example : To check and verify estimates of proposed work, including maintenance, alterations, replacement, and new construction work; make preliminary construction surveys and investi^tions for proposed work, office, or field; supervise sur- veying; supervise estimates of Job costs; check Job costs and make cost breakdowns; consult and collaborate with the legal department and the business office in formulating deeds to property; check surveys on legal descriptions of properties; make appraisals of property; review the engineering features and legal procedure involved in local municipal improvements affecting the University; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : University graduation, with a degree in Civil Engineering; extensive full-time experience in civil engineering, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; high school gradua- tion; the possession of a Land Surveyor's License from the State of Illinois, and eight years of full-time experience in civil engineering will be accepted in lieu of tdhie above qualifications; thoroughness; accuracy; integrity; good physical condition; minimum age 28* >l4'i. ELECmiCAL ENGINEER Definition : Under administrative supervision, to plan, develop, and supervise electrical installation, maintenance, and repair^ Duties by Example ; To design high voltage power distribution, secondary biiilding distribution systems, signal systems, transformer and switchgear vaults, secondary distribution centers, illumination and lightning protective systems; plan and direct the work of electrical foremen; supervise all electrical construction work; supervise elevator maintenance; supervise maintenance of University telephone signal systems, public address, and projection services; prepare cost estimates of electrical labor and materials; plan work programs; prepare specifica- tions; make recommendations to departments on electrical work; formulate standards of worlonanship and materials; give advice on pxirchase of electrical equipment; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : University graduation with degree in electrical engineering; extensive full-time experience in electrical design, installation, and maintenance, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity in design or maintenance work; thorough knowledge of electrical distribution systems, signal systems, and electrical equipment and machinery; ability to formulate high standards of workmanship and materials; thoroughness; ability to organize, assign, and direct work; accuracy; resourcefulness; good Judgment; good physical condition; minimum age 30. ■■;--"/»rrr;^-t:'^^'>'r''J^ < i 1U2 INDUBTRIAL MCmJEER, HOMING COKSTRTOTION ANALTOT Definition ; Under administrative supervision, to conduct investigations pertaining to stcuidards of efficiency in housing construction. Duties l)y Example ; To plan and organize methods for conducting the investigations; direct the activities of assistants in the collection of data; organize and compile data into publishahle reports demonstrating the results and conclusions of the investigations* Qualific ations : University graduation, vith special training in industrial engineering and in "time -motion" analyses; five years of experience in industrial engineering and in analysis of production methods in manufacturing and construction; knovledge of efficiency engineering; minimum age 30, mSTRUMEm? AUD EFFICIENCY ENGIN&ER Definition s Under the Superintendent of Utilities, to be reeponeible for the most efficient operation of all power plant equipment* Duties by Example : To check and calibrate all instxnaaente; super- vise the maintenance of all instruments; conduct boiler, turbine, pump, fan, and dust collector efficiency tests; report and recommend needed repairs to bring equipment up to peak efficiency; give special attention to the smoke elimination problem; check temperatures of coal storage piles for hot spots; supervise and check coal sampling and test procedure; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : High school graduation, with graduation from uaaiversity in Mechanical Engineering desirable; six years general power plant work in plants of 200 Ibs/sq. in. or higher steam pressure, two years of which must have been in test and efficiency work; university credit in mechanical engineering may be substituted year for year for required experience; specialized education in combustion engineering may be substituted year for year for test aiid efficiency work required; general knowledge of power plant Instruments; ability to make combus- tion and efficiency calculations; good health; minimum age 2k • MECHAlOiCAL ENGIKEER Definition: Under adirlnistrative eupervleion, to be responsible for engineeriiig work requiring training and experience in mechanical engineering. Duties by Example : To design and estimate new construction and mechanical repair work; make inspections; check shop drawings; inspect plumbing, heating, venti- lating and air conditioning systems in buildings; prepare specifications for various trades; super- vise subordinates; determine methods and materials to be used in building construction in relation to mechanical trades; check equipment and construction for contract requirements; perform related duties as assigned* .Qualifications : University graduation, with degree in mechanical engineering; extensive full-time experience in mechanical engineering, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; tliorou^ knowledge of building construction, mechanical equip- ment, worlonanship, and materials; thoroughness; ability to organize, assign, and direct work; accuracy; resourcefulness; good Judgment; minimum age 50. .Ivjny».t33;3 ait tHiXcl.rtno.riJtA^O • - '^: */i ai no^(f iSYiMi. *t«i;ii: .:,roQD'X ;7,o. OPEEtATIQNS WOJNESR Definition: Uhder administrative supervision, to be responsible for preparation of programs and execution of wcark in grounds maintenance and development, truck and car operation and maintenance, building operation, police and public function activities, and for related work as assigned • Duties by Example ; To be responsible for periodic inspections on vork performance and efficiency of operations; assist in preparation of manuals of operation and maintenance programs; supervise field lay«»out and construction on grounds improvement projects; supervise greenhouse and public function preparations; survey and make recommendations for maintenance and improvement of traffic and parking facilities; prepare time study and collect information as required for budget preparation; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : University graduation, or equivalent, vith specialized training in landscape architecture or in engineering; experience in management problems related to the operation and maintenance of buildings and grounds; admixiistrative ability; resourcefulness; tact; integrity; ability to direct personnel in an agreeable manner; good physical condition; minimum age 30. at iLsoir b::B Bms'ip^c^nj Jo i. . -roi I- •■ ■ ■ 'X V,':tHM'^ ;v>^ OESHATIVE CHANE: ENGINEEH Definition : Operate heavy duty tractors; power cranes; air compressors; pumps; otiier power eqtiipment on construction^ and maintenance work* Duties by Example : To operate power cranes, derricks, tractors, power graders and other power equipment on construction and maintenance work; load and unload coal, sand, gravel, steel, and other heavy materials witii power equipment; maintain equipment; perform zninor repairs; perform related duties as directed. Qualifications : Grade school graduation or equivalent training and experience; tiiorough knowledge of crane and tractor operation; completion of full apprentice- ship or training period to qualify as Journeyman Operating Engineer; at least four years of experi- ence operating cranes, heavy duty tractors, and related power equipment; alertness; dependability; good physical condition; minimum age 25. ^Dicioa^ .nsTDt-iiioi.^ »ifiri- ».o -lov. 7... . .. .... ,,. . .UA/.;r:!..- . cr^ ^i^oc/H ; /a TO HiEvIiVlB n^ OR '-roc ^o 'v^noiJ .t XXC: 151 POWER PLAOT MECHANICAL ENGINEER (Continued) Qualifications : Technical and practical training and experience; college graduate In mechanical or electrical engineering preferred; administrative training, experience, and ability to coordinate and direct the operation of the power plant, distribution eystems, and related equipment; thorough Imowledge of power plant design, operation, and maintenance; resourcefulness; dependability; loyalty to University policies and objectives; good Judgment; good physical condition; ability to work har- moniously with both academic and nonacademic staff of the University; minimum age 25 • 152 CHIEF RADIO MCrlMER Definition : Unier the Director of the University Radio Station, to be reaponeible for the technical maintenance, operation, and efficiency of the IMversity Radio Station. Duties by Example : To be responsible for the techxiical maintenance and operation of the radio station; train stvident operators and engineers; supervise ihe development, testing, and construction of new equipment; repair of breakdowns; set up remote broadcast units; carry on technical radio research; be responsible for requisitioning supplies and equipment; supervlrse recording service; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : University graduation, with a degree in radio or electrical engineering; extensive responsible experience in radio engineering; complete knowledge of Federal and State communication regulations; good physicial condition; patience; hi^ technical aptitude; minimum age 2k* 153 ASSISTANT RADIO ENGINEER Definition : Under the Chief Radio Engineer, to operate a radio transmitter, serve as studio control operator, and repair and check radio equipments Duties by Example ; To serve as operator of the transmitter; observe operations to assure that equipment is working at maximum efficiency and in accordance with Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations; serve as control operator in the studios; switch programs; check programs; play recordings; iLonitor all programs on the air; repair and check various pieces of equipment used in the origination and transmission of programs; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation; at least two years of satisfactory academic work in a university or college; Federal Radio Operator's license suitable for operation of Station WILL; at least two years of radio experience; alertness; pleasing personality; tact; good health; minimum age 18* }A" "^^y: .'io J "3; 15^ STRUCTURAL ENGIMEB Definition : Under administrative eupervlslon, to be reeponfllble for the structural condition of buildings and the inspection of all plant repair and maintenance work* 3>utie6 by Example : to inspect the structural condition of buildinge, and prevent overloading of floors; design and review structural design on new construction repairs, and changes in buildings; inspect all repair and maintenance work; make reports; make structural sur- veys; confer on development problems; prepare estimates; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : University graduation in civil, structural, or architectural engineering; five years of experience in structural design and supervision of construc- tion, of which at least two years must have been in responsible charge of design; thorough knowledge of graphical statics, design of buildings, struc- tures; knowledge of the Chicago building code as it applies to structural design; supervisory ability; thoroughness; accuracy; minimum age 30. fir.' Utdcw 'fcjvn.^j'.>iaii.u i Mcl^r^':>ni:lmp ^^•JSJQ n}: 'l* ' A-r ^- " ' ita Ic VI ;Beiij^ 155 SWIMMING FOOL OI!BRATING ENGHiEEB (Galesburg) Definition : XInder direct supervision, to be responsible for the operation of swimming pool, filtration, and water treatment eqiilpmentt Duties by Example : To operate, maintain, and clean filters, chlorlnators, and other related equipment; collect samples of water for bacteriological analysis as directed; adjust chlorlnator feed to produce residual chlorine In pool at specified amounts; determine pH and alkalinity of pool water; to maintain predetermined water and air temperatures and water level In pool; assist In repairs to equipment; keep operating records and perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation or the equivalent In experience and training; knowledge of mechanical tests required for water treatment; mechanical ability; ability to work cooperatively with others and to follow instructions; good physical condition; mixdmum age 21. '^'^*: Tfi :u^' "^ 156 ESTIMATOR Definition : Under superviaion, to make routine eetiioateB of maintenance and repair costs* Duties by Example : To compute labor ^ material^ equipment^ and installation costs; canpile lists of materials needed by the Physical Plant Department; compute unit costs; assist in siirveying and drafting; estimate cost of repair Jobs; perform related duties as assigned « Qualifications : l^ciiversity graduation from a recognized college of engijieering and four years of experience in a recognized contractor's or engineer's office preparing estimates or supervising work; in lieu of University degree, substitution of experience in responsible charge of construction work may be made year for year up to a maximum of four years; minimum age 26 • 157 ASSISIAOT EXAMIKER Definition : Under the Examiner^ to perform reaponeible duties related to admissiona* Duties by Example > To conduct correspondence about the University, scholarahipSi pre-legal requirements, C«P«A» examinations, and admission requirements; evaluate credentials for admission to the IMversity; confer with prospective students aaad their parents regard- ing admissiojis on the campus and in high schools; counsel with students; check admissions to the professional colleges; make evaluations of transfer credits; administer entrance examinations; super- vise subordinates; prepare reports; keep some records; perform related duties as assigned* Qialifications : Uhiversity graduation; two years of experience in a university registration office relating to admissions work, or equivalent teaching experience; f&miliarity with the functions of the Registrar's Office; thorough knowledge of credits evaluation; tact; good Judgment; pleasing personality; minimum age 2k. '..t 158 ASSISTANT EXAMINER AND RECORDER Definition : Under the Examiner €tnd Recorder, to perform reeponalble duties related to admlsslone and scholaetlc records. Duties by Example : To evaluate credentials for admission; confer with prospective students regarding admissions and registration; prepare material for Committee on Admissions and arrange for student conferences; help with student registration; assist In the assessment of fees; supervise scholastic records; determine status of students for degrees; prepare tentative graduation lists; assist In the prepara- tion of reports; handle correspondence; contact faculty on office matters; supervise subordinates; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications ; Ulnlverslty graduation; two years of experience In college registration and records work; famili- arity with the functions of the Examiner and Recorder's Office; thorou^ knowledge of credits evaluation and systematic record keeping; tact; good Judgment; pleasing personality; minimum age 2k 159 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, ERESIDENT'S OFFICE Definition : Under the Rreeident and Aseiatant to the Preaident, to perform reeponaible executive and eecretarial work connected with the Office of the President • Duties by Example : To confer with membera of the faculty, students, and the general public; serve on committees designated by the President; supervise office staff; handle correspondence upon request; review appointments to the University staff and assist with the University budget; supervise the keeping of academic and appointment records of the staff; edit publications issued by the President's Office; gather material and prepare reports for the use of the President and other administrative officers; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : University graduation with specialization in any one of the following fields: social sciences, education, business administration. Journalism, or related fields; at least five years of experience in responsible secretarial or executive work, of which at least two years must have been in the specialized field of executive secretarial or editorial work connected with University administra- tion; graduate or professional work may be substituted year for year in lieu of the required experience up to a maximum of three years; thorough knowledge of administrative procedures and business methods, editorial, and secretarial practices; knowledge of University budgets desirable; super- visory ability; integrity; tact; resourcefulness; good judgment; ability to deal harmoniously with faculty, students, and the general public; minimum age 28. •x^ JL- :. « *.mi i. 4 ■'v' ;.j;-:;!-^ f ;b- l6o EXTEZRMINATOR Definition : Under direct supervision, to be responsible for extermination of pests and rodents, and for related work Involved. Duties by Example : To Inspect buildings for pests and rodents, such as cockroaches, sliver fish, ants, rats, mice, files, and termites; to exterminate such pests throu^ use of siiitable poison bait, contact bait, or traps; to dispose of used poison bait so as to create no hazard; to keep a record of buildings Inspected, treatments made, and results obtained* Qualifications : High school education, general knowledge of, and experience In, pest control and precautions to be used In the various methods of extermination preferred; ability to follow instructions; good physical condition; tact; good Judgment; minimum age 21. 70 10 r • ^. r - , ;-^"Ti I6l FIELDMAN Definition: Under faculty supervision, to "be responsible for general field work# Duties by Example : To supervise and be responsible for all work on experimental field crops and pasture; supervise the care and maintenance of fana machinery; supervise repair vork; supervise assistants; requisition extra help as needed; supervise and perform €lL1 related duties pertaining to the farm* Qualifications ; High school graduation or equivalent; two years of University training desirable; special training in farm management; extensive experience in farm vork vith farm machinery; at least three years experience as Assistant Fieldman or equivalent; excellent knowledge of farming; supervisory and administra- tive ability; resourcefulness; good Judgment; good physical condition; minimum age 25 • ... ■.'•', ^ . . ,t :Bnciyr,>il(ItJa.C 3 ovba.'ioj-xe id" . ear 'nn^l 162 ASSISTANT FTELDMAN Definition; I^der ouperylBion^ to give skilled assistance in general field work. Sfij^ties ^by Example ; To eu3Sist in routine vork involving the planting, cultivation, and harvesting of field or vegetable crops, pastures, and/or ftruits; assist in the care and maintenance of farm machinery; perform related duties as assigned. Qi^if ications : Bigh school graduation or equivalent; three years of experience in general farm work; good knowledge of fafnlng; good pbysioal condition; minimum age 21^ > c '^^Ji>. ^\':t 163 FIHS CAPTAIN Definition : Under the Assletant Chief, to perform respon- sible supervisory duties relating to the efficient operation of the fire department. Duties by Example : To direct the work of a platoon; assist In formulating house rules, training, and Inspection programs; recommend needed supplies and equipment; supervise inspection work; while on duty to he responsible for maintenance of fire station and egulpaent; pez*form related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; Grade school education; high school education desirable; two years of experience as a fireman; excellent physical condition; ability to handle fire fighting equipment; courage; initiative; tact; ability to maintain command of emergency situations; ability to handle men; minimim age 25 • -1 ■i l6k FIRE CHIEP Definition: Under flupervieion, to be responsible for the operation^ direction^ and jsaintenance of the University fire department and to be responsible for fire prevention. Duties by Example : To supervise and assist in the operation and maintenance of the fire station; oare for and operate fire fighting equipment; direct the operation of the fire department; cooperate with city fire departments in emergencies; supervise testing and investigation of fire alarm boxes and cables; inspect all University buildings for the detection of fire hazards aasd make recommendations for improvements; plan and direct regular drills and instjruction of the fire department; be thor- oughly acquainted with rules and regulations recommended by the National Board of Fire Uxider- writers; supervise emergency pumping operations; instruct and assign men to attend public gatherings where representation of the fire department is advisable; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Grade school education, high school graduation preferred; at least three years of experience as a fireman with at least one year in a supervisory capacity; excellent physical condition; ability to handle fire fitting equipment; courage; initiative; tact; ability to maintain command of emergency situations; ability to handle men; minimum age 2^« 'il -L ••• J- A.WA ■■ji 165 ASSISTAIST FIBE CHIEF Definmon ; Under the Fure Chief, to be responsible for the imittedlate supervision of the fire department* Duties by Exam^de : To foimulat*) house rules, training, ani inspec- tion programs; in the absence of the Fire Chief to direct depa*rtment during fires; direct a platoon; give :lnetruotions to subordinates; reoommeM puroiase of equipment and supplies; handle disciplinary matters; be responsible for equipment maintenance; in the absence of the Fire Chief, to perform the duties of that office* Qualifications a Grade sohool education, high school graduation preferred; at least three years of experience as a fireman with at least one year in a supervisory capacity; excellent physical condition; ability to handle fire fighting equipment; courage; initiative; tact; ability to maintain command of emergency crituations; ability to handle men; minimum age 2k • ©iit tc ^i;:! erB c:t .5 . -11? 07. .j'lr.iTLv rt f/'il7 eJU;i^*i 166 FIRE FIRST LIEUTMANT Definition: Under the senior Platoon Officer of the Fire Department, to perform responsible supervisory duties relating to the efficient operation of the Fire Department, Duties hy Example ; To assist senior Platoon Officer in the direction of the work of the platoon and to take charge of the platoon in the absence of the senior Platoon Officer; assume command of the Fire Department at a fire or other emergency in the absence of the Fire Captain and superior officers; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; Grrammar school education; high school education desirable; two years of experience as a fireman; excellent physical condition; ability to handle fire fighting equipment; courage; initiative; tact; ability to maintain command of emergency situations; ability to handle men; minimum age 23, THAV: oiBlT •xolner. orict ' 167 FIBE SECOro LIEUTEWANT Definition: Under liie senior Platoon Officer of the Fire Department, to perform reaponslMe supervisory duties relating to the efficient operation of the Fire Department* Duties hy Example ; To assist senior Platoon Officer in the direction of the vork of the platoon and to take charge of the platoon in i^e absence of the senior Platoon officer; assume command of the Fire Department in the ahsenoe of the Fire First Lieutenant and superior officers; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; Grammar school education; high school education desirable; two years of experience as a fireman; excellent physical condition; ability to handle fire fighting equipment; courage initiative; tact; ability to maintain command of emergency situations; ability to hat^e men; minimimi age 23* .rs[ V. .0 Tool'-' n.. :kT ;:rfoe erf* -r'^r^) otc^myZ \ir eoi&iiz . ^ -.'J lo ::i aO .ijonaiear: un Bol;^ab b^^jaiot fin:yH;oq noJt^«<,'>tr^?'- TftfiP ir ?Ctj3U;tlB /.lUiiUri ... r : ;. rj 168 BOILER -ROCM FIREMAN Deflnitlon t Under the Chief Plant Operating Engineer, to \>e reBponelble for firing of heating and power bollere* Duties by Example ; To fire boilers; operate coal handling equipment in the boiler room; operate combustion control equipment; record steam and electric meter readings; assist in the operation of boiler room auxiliaries such as coal scales, soot blowers, boiler feed water pumps, special yalres, pumps, and the like; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Grade school education; high school graduation desirable; good physical condition; at least one year of experience in a plant of comparable size as laborer; ability to think and act quickly in an emergency; dependability; good physical condi- tion; minimum age 20* ' 169 IWCIKERATQR FIREMAN (Galefiburg) Definition : Under direct superviaion^ to operate the Uxjiversity incinerator. Duties by Example : To aeeiet in tbe unloading of garbage truolis, separate burnable from unburnable and salvage material^ clean flues and ash pits^ assist in malcing minor repairs to incinerator plant; clean refuse cans; perform related duties as assi^ed* Qualifications: Grade school education; good physical condition; dependable; willingness to work and to perform duties as directed; minimum age 21 • va*^*' ^r.:ioirxJ- en^'^ - .•?Lii3B:i cT 3B sa a^i-jijh ;>9^rtlj*i .:iCii<5>q jfen^? 170 MAID FOREIAIY (Galeeburg) Deflnltion t Under direction, to supervise a group of Custodial es^ioyees and perform domestic duties, Duties by Sxaag>le ; To assign specific doioestic duties; Inspect vork, check supplies and materials; clean and dust furnishings, rooms, hallways and lavatories; make beds; mop floors; clean windows; lock and unlock buildings and rooms; collect linens; supervise prepcuration for special events; perform related domestic duties as directed* Qualifications ; Grammar school graduation, with some high school education preferred; at least three years of janitorial experience j good physical condition; dependability; tact; Integrity; ability to handle wosBn and to Instruct them as directed; minimum ag0 23. •Be .. •> Hoc ^cfaoo-i ' ■ - -'^' ' •• — i^r- '^rr-;^ Loorioa 'XSap:-v^O •s^oerxlJb Bd w^^ffct ;yo;"f.tanl 171 ELWATOR OPERATIONS FOREMAN Definition Under general supervision, to instruct and supervise elevator operators in their duties • Duties ty Example; To assist in the selection of elevator Operators; instruct new operators in their duties; provide maintenance and supervision of the schedule of working hours for the operators; check the performance of operators on the Job to maintain high standards of service. Qualifications ; Good physical condition; knowledge of elevator operation; knowledge of public safety laws; general ability to get along with people and to supervise the work of others. fftiw .Vii:- 172 SUPERVISING FARM FOREMAN Definition ; Uhder departmental supervision, to supervise the care and zaanagement of farm, garden, greenhouse, livestock, and/or poultry enterprises. Putiee hy Example : To supervise planting, cultivating, and harvesting field and garden crops; keep experimental records; assign men to specific Jobs; supervise all related duties pertaining to the care and management of farm, garden, greenhouse, livestock, and/or poultry. Qualifications ; High school graduation or equivalent; two years of University training desirahle; extensive training in euid excellent kxKnrledge of general and experimental farming; supervisory axid administrative ahility; resourcefulness; good judgment; good physical condi- tion; minimum age 25 • lyriotdi^.iri 173 FARM FOREMAN Definition ; Under faculty supervlelon, to "be responsible for general farm work. Duties by Example : To supervise and be responsible for all work on field or vegetable crops, pastures, or ftruits; supervise the care and maintenance of farm machinery; supervise repair work; supervise assistants; requisi- tion extra help as needed; supervise and perform all related duties pertaining to the farm. Qualifications ; High school graduation or equivalent; two years of University training desirable; special training in farm management; extensive experience in farm work cmd with farm machinery; at least three years of experience as assistant farmer or equivalent; excellent knowledge of farming; supervisory and administrative ability; resourcefulness; good Judgment; good physical condition; minimum age 2?« '^8 h*- j'iV ^f5 a i)oo^ ^Jiio, 17^ JAWITOR FQREMAU Definition : Under direction, to supervise a group of custodial employees and perform Janitorial work. Duties by Example : To assign specific Janitorial duties; inspect work, check supplies and materials; clean, wax, and polish floors; do minor repair work; Instruct employees on building maintenance and use of equipment; supervise preparation for special events; perform related custodial duties as directed. Qualifications : Grade school garaduation with some high school education preferred; at least three years of Janitorial experience; good physical condition; dependability; tact; integrity; ability to handle men and to instruct them as directed; minimum age 23. 2 CJ> mCtv = ni: 175 PABK FCXREM/Uf Definition : Under direction^ to supervise and be immediately responsible for all work related to the maintenanoe and operation of park grounds* Duties by Example : To check time and materials, supervise and instruct workmen in all phases of lawn, shrub, tree, and road maintenance; supervise operations related to snow removal, drainage, road repairs, and timber management; supervise all duties related to the maintenance and operation of park grouxads* Qualifications : High school graduation or equivalent; good physical condition; dependability; good judgment; ability to meet the public in a satisfactory manner; minimum of five years of experience in park or institutional groimda maintenance* :nc '^'i Ju -ito cT . ax? ^eeT:^ • ■■j-mic:. L(TC:ti*nt?lflJJp 4^f^ XvtilMfi 176 FQIREMAN (Skilled Trades) Definition : Under direction, to aupervlse and be immediately responsible for the work of skilled trades and maintenance, and labor employees on University buildings and grounds. Duties by Example : Automotive Foreman To direct the work of all drivers for the Hiyslcal Plant department; check time cards; supervise the hauling of coal to and from storage and the removal of cinders from the power plant; direct operators of cranes, road graders, enow plows, and the like; supervise the unloading of carload equipment and supplies; do related work as assigned* Bookbindery Foreman To supervise and manage the work of bookbinders; train and instruct apprentices; cut stock and trim books; check time and materials; maintain machinery; plan work of department; sijpervise its execution and assume responsibility for timely delivery* Bricklayer Foreman To direct the work of bricklayers aaad laborers; check time cards and materials; check safety devices for men working on scaffolds; calculate cost for labor and materials; check repair work; do bricklaying and machinery work as required* :rv jJC; .^■-^ :iE 177 Carpenter Foreman To assign and direct the work in the wood shop or on general maintenance work; check Jobs for materials needed; act as custodian of tools, equipment, and material used on the Job; check time cards and materials; supervise flooring installation; direct floor sanding; perform related duties as assigned. Composing Room Foreman To supervise and manage the work of compositors, linotype operators, and monotype operators; assist with the layout and design of type forms; make imposition layouts; arrange the imposition of Job and book forms for press room; train and instruct apprentices. Electrician Foreman To check time and materials of electricians and laborers; supervise replacement of light bulbs and broken glassware; maintenance of secondary switches and fuses; maintenance of campus lights and cables; supervise the work on blown fuses and short circuits; check voltage and loads on main and branch circuits; perform related labor* nfineio% 7e.xtr:. ■'•IQ ••-Iri 178 Qarafje Foreman To check time and materlale; supervise repair of all automobiles, tractors, power mowers, and the like; make estimates on repair of wrecked cars; maintain supply of automotive parts; supervise the test lane for all University trucks and county school busses; supervise paint and body work; instruct mechanics; perform related automotive duties* Grounds Foreman To check time and materials; supervise and instruct men in road grading, sprinkling, road repair, street cleaning, snow removal, and drainage; maintain and repair sidewalks; supervise the care and maintenance of lawns; supervise weed eradication; supervise maintenance of shrubs and hedges, tree removal, planting, and spraying; supervise greenhouse and forestry duties related to the maintenance of University grounds* 179 Machinist Foreman To check time and materials; supervise the maintenance of such equipment as electrical motors, vacuim, steam, and sump pumps, air compression boilers, liquid air maohines, automotive vehicles, tractors, and all tools used by the various trade crafts; supervise locksmiths; make dies, molds. Jigs, and fixtures; perform machine shop vcrk. Painter Foreman To check time and materials; supervise interior decoration and refinishing, exterior painting, and protective finishes; estimate painting Jobs; super- vise all work requiring the skills of a member of the painting trade; inspect work after completion^ Plvmbor Foreman . !■ a _ . Ill I Tii I. ■ 1 1. J ■ r To check time and materials; supervise plumbing and steam fitting Jobs; estimate plumbing and steam fitting Jobs; supervise all work requiring the skills of a member of the plumbing trade; inspect work after completion. Press Room Foreman To supervise and manage the work of the press room; maintain printing presses and other press room equipment; train and instruct apprentices; check time and materials; plan work of department and check its qiiantity ani quality. namo-xt) eizctic. ftC*? Tt' 180 Sheet Metal Foreman To check tools, time, and materials; supervise the repair and myaintenance of roofs and the repairing of gutters, eaves, and down-spouts; supervise the construction and installation of all ventilating ducts; repair and rebuild sky-- lights; supervise repair and installation of hot air fvomaoe hoiler breeching; perform related vork requiring experience and skill in sheet metal and roofing work* Water Station Foreman To check time and materials; supervise the immediate operation of the University water fil- tration plant; supervise tbe maintenance of wells, pumps, and related eqiiipment; make detejiTuinations of chlorine, iron, and alkalinity content; measiire and record ground water levels; inspect valves and leaks, meters, and repair work; be responsible for the operation and maintenance of s^rimming pools; supervise rodent and insect extermination; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Grade school graduation; high school graduation preferred; extensive experience in designated trade or craft; ability to handle men; good physical condition; good Judgment; minimum age 28 • r>fra«?. 181 SOaSAM DISTRIBUTION FOREMAN Definition ; Under administrative supervision, to direct the operation of heating, ventilating, and air condi- tioiiing eguipment and the maintenance of steam distribution piping, vacuum pumps, and tunnels. Duties by Example : To direct the work of steam distribution per- fioimel in such operations as follows: opening and closing of steam valves to buildings; starting and stopping of building ventilating fans; checking buildings to see that satisfactory temperatures are being maintained; Inspection of radiator traps; maintenance of tuimel piping, steam traps, condensation meters, expansion Joints, pressure reducing valves, etc. Qualifications : Grade school education; graduation from hlgji school preferred; experience and training to qualify as a steamfitter; thorough knowledge of building heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment; eupervlsory ability; resourcefulness; Initiative; personality conducive to harmonious dealings with employees «ind academic staff; good physical condition; minimum age 25. 182 SUB-FOREMAN Definition : Under general direction of the Foreman, to exercise Immediate supervialon over a group of laborers or skilled tradesmen. Duties by Example : To check and file time slips and clock cards; supervise and direct workmen; be responsible for records and reports; supervise the moving of equipment and furniture; act as a Foreman; be responsible for work performed; perform related duties as directed* jSualificatlons ; Grade school education; at least three years of experience in custodial work; ability to direct workers; initiative; dependability; tact; good physical condition; minimum age 25, 183 AGRICULTURAL GARDENER. (also Grounds Gardener) Definition: Under faculty supervieion, to be responsible for gardening work. Duties by Exajgple : To supervise and be responsible for the planting, cultivation and care of vegetables, fruits, flowers, lawns, shrubs, and/or trees; supervise the upkeep of gardens, flower bedd, lawns, and greenhouses; assist in the selection of flowers, fruita, and/or vegetables for class, demonstration, and experimental purposes; supervise assistants; requisition extra help as needed; supervise and perform all related duties pertaining to the garden. Qualifications ; Higja school graduation or equivalent; two years of University training desirable; special training in Horticulture; extensive experience in garden manage- ment; at least three years of experience as Assistant Gardener or equivalent; excellent knowledge of gardening; supervisory and administrative ability; resourcefulness; good Judgment; good physical condition; minimum age 25* :6 fi^Ino ASSISTANT AORICULTURAT. GARDENER (also Aseietant Grounds Gardener) Definition; Under direct supervision, to perform gardening work. Duties "by £:x:ample : To assist in routine vork involving seeding, cropping, propagation, watering, spraying, and cultivation of vegeta^blas, field crops, grasses, flowers, shru*bs, and/or trees; assist in the physical upkeep of greenhouses and experimental plots; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; Hi^ school graduation or equivalent; three years of experience in gardening; good knowledge of the care of gardens; good physical condition; minimum age 21* .tow ■i «•■ V J^V :di iSi 185 SENIOR (SASS BLOWER Definition s Under direction, to auperviee and perform work requiring special skills and experience in glass "blowing and vacuum-tube techniques. Duties by Example : To do soft and hard glass blowing, including work in quartz; use glass blowing lathe; shape, seal, cut, grind, and finish glassware; make any variety of large mietal- to-glass seals; perform vacuum bake-out and annealing processes; design and construct experimental glass apparatus; clean and purify used mercury; supervise work of glass blowers; instruct graduate students in the technique of glass blowing; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications t High school graduation; special training and extensive experience in glass blowing work, including experience and training in the develop- ment of vacuum tubes; supervisory ability; ability to work with graduate students; minimum age 25 • 186 GLASS BLOWER Definition : Under direction, to perform work requiring skill and experience in glass blowing* Duties by Example ? To do soft and hard glass blowir^g; design and construct experimental glass apparatus; mend equipment; shape, seal, cut, grind, and finish glassware; clean and purify used mercury; construct glass apparatus for instructional laboratories; perform demonstrations; perform vacuum bake-out and annealing processes; perform other skilled techniques as assigned o Qualifications ; Hi^ school graduation; special training and extensive experience in glass blowing work; expert manual dexterity; mechanical ability; depeijdability; minimum age 2^» 187 Definition : Uhder supervision of Grounds Forejaan to perform ai\y or all physical labors attendant to grounds maintenanoe or construction assignments* Duties by Example ; To perform work incidental to lawn and planting construction and maintenance; secondary road and parking area repair; cultivation and care of shrubs, trees, and flowers; tree transplanting and removals, snow shovelling; street and catch basin cleaning; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications : Grade school graduation or equivalent; general health, stamiim, and physique above average and adequate for outside work under any weather condition; minimum age 18. :;---i- cvr?/5,'rD I87a HANGER Definition: Under supervision of a Foreman, to perform work requiring skills in window shade and Venetian "blind hanging, cleaning, manufactixre, and repair. Duties hy Example ; Window shade cloth and roller cuttings; sewing, assembling, and hanging shades; cleaning, reversing, repairing, and assembling of window shades and Venetian "blinds; making and installation of window shades and Venetian "blinds* Qualifications ; Grammar school education; vocational training desirable; four years experience in the trade; proficiency in the use of tools and equipment; good physical condition; minimum age 21» ■r-iJr. ,>-"ii,*. ■ i. 188 EERrSMAN Definition ; Under faculty supervision, to "be responsi'ble for the care and xoanagement of livestock* Duties by Ebcample t To supervise and "be responsi'ble for the care and feeding of livestock; assist in the selection of livestock for class, deioonstration, and experimental purposes; assist in the purchase and sale of live- stock; Judgo livestock; supervise assistants; requisi tion extra help as needed; supervise and perform all related duties pertaining to the care of livestock. Qualifications : High school graduation or equivalent; two years of University training desirable; special training in animal husbandry; extensive experience in livestock management; at least three years of experience as Assistant Herdjman or equivalent; excellent knowledge of livestock; supervisory and administrative ability; resourcefulness; good Judgment; good j^ysical condi- tion; minimum age 25* • f^/^ ^ * f »«• I •■ • r. r '-•'■.•► -'-,••-••*:/' io 9tr' UGCtT^q tNO^ji/*/ JDi>Ci^-?.x;i • ;>:5 ijCmiLnioi" \aol^ 189 ASSISTANT HERDSMAN Definition: Under supervlelon^ to give skilled assistance In the feedltig and general care of livestock* Dtttiea "by Example ; To assist in the care and feeding of livestock; assist in the preparation of livestock for class, demonstration, and experimental ptirposes; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; High school graduation or equivalent; three years of experience with livestock; good knowledge of the care of livestock; good physical condition; minimum age 21* }/L' -fiorriJjq Ls^xf d^ ^'-^ 190 HOUSEKBEPER Definition : Under superviBion, to be responsible for housekeeping duties required in the Child Development Laboratory. Duties by Ibcainple ; To sveep porches^ steps > and cement; clean children's toilets, dust and wax furniture and voodvork; eispty vastebaskets; clean blackboards and all other equipment; set up l«nch trays; wash and iron; mend linens ;, keep kitchen and laundry cupboards in order; check on Janitor supplies and order as needed; perform general mid-semester and semester houseeleaning. Qualifications ; Female; high school graduate; experience in home- fflaking, and some institutional housekeeping experience desirable; must be free of any communicable disease. : '^.f'^ff. • Yt ni a. :eiToIi'joo!:'!:JtXcuP .^ O011 od ^aira t.o^^^ 191 INSTRUMENT MAKER Definition : Under general direction, to do precision work requiring a high degree of mechanical skill in the development of scientific equipment • jDuties by Example : To develop, design, and huild experimental equip- ment requiring the use of precision Instruments; perform skilled mechanical work of fine tolerances; repair, adjust, and regiiate scioatific Instruments; calibrate instruments to coincide with standards; construct Instruments from blueprints and written specifications; skillfully use all machinists* hax3d tools, includiiig thoae of micro-measurement; perform lathe work with precision tolerances; shape metal parts to precision dimensions. Qualifi cations : High school graduation, additional technical training desirable; extensive experience in specialized use of machine and instmment tools requiring precision dimensions; at least five years of experience in the design and construction of precision instruments; complete knowledge of shop mathematics, all machinists* tools, calipers, micrometers, and gauges; special skills as required; minimum age 25« 192 INTAKE INTERVIEIVER Definition: Under Immediate supervision, to interview patients to determine eligibility for clinic care and perform related vork as required. Duties ; To take personal and social history of patients; ascertain and verify, if necessary, elignDllity for clinic care; maintain records; make reports pertain- ing to interviews. Qualifications : College or University graduate, with work in social service; one year of experience in a hospital or social agency; proficiency In techniques of interviewing, securing the confidence of the patient, and in obtaining as accurate information as possible from patients. 193 JANITOR - JANITRESS Definition : Under eupervlslon, to perform custodial work required in the routine upkeep of buildings. Duties ty Example : To perform custodial duties such as sweeping, mopping, waxing, and polishing of floors; clean and dust furniture and exhibition cases; shovel snow; collect and bale waste paper; clean Venetian blinds; look and unlock buildings and offices; care for lavatories; wash windows; collect linens; perform related duties as directed. Qualifications : Grade school graduation; good physical condition; ability to perform good custodial work as directed; experience in Janitorial work preferred; dependa- bility, integrity, and willingness to perform duties as directed; minimum age 21* 19^ 3ENTCR iCCTCEEN HELPER Definition : Under direction, to exercise supervision over a group of Kitchen Helpers* Duties by Example : To supervise work of a group of Kitchen Helpers; arrange and organize their work; perform related kitchen duties as directed* Qualifications : Grade school graduation; ability to pass food handler's examination; cleanliness; good physical condition; willingness to work as directed; minimum age 18. KI jq ji'iw* Ov ..tj$**f>ciJ:li.xw ix- 195 KITCHEN HELPER Definition ; Under eupervieion to perform routine duties in the preparation of foods. Duties by Example ; To assist in the preparation of meats, fish, fruits, vegetables and other food for serving; wash dishes; clean tables, pans and dishes; serve food; care for kitchen equipment; do bus service; perform related duties in the preparation and serving of foods as directed* Qualifications ; Grade school graduation; ability to pass food haxsdler's examination; cleaxiLiness; good physical condition; willingness to work as directed; minimum age 18 • 196 LABOECSR Definition : Under supervision^ to perform physical labor on construction and maintenance vorlc^ vith sufficient skill and experience to assist mechanics in the skilled trades* Duties by Example ; To perform unskilled labor in building construc- tion, in shops in buildings; more heary equipment; mix, place, and puddle concrete; mix mortar; erect scaffold; rig staging; perform related labor* Qualifications ; Grade school graduation, or eguiyalent; able to do outdoor work under adverse weather conditions; working knowledge of tools and equipment of skilled trades; sufficient mechanical aptitude to assist mechanics in the execution of tlieir work; dependability; willingness to work as directed; minimum age 21* ^ui i... '. 1 viCv) •' J^^^4^- i^ ■^- ■■- ^_j^^ 4 ^ -• ^ t^ -.. ^- • TOd/N. "Xd'j , LUCttXiOft r?v^; ©i^ ni r. 197 FARM LABORER Definition ; Under direct supervision, to perform routine farm duties. Duties "by Example ; To feed and care for farm animals; milk; operate farm machinery; plant, cultivate, and harvest crops; perform related manual lahor usually required on a farm. Quetlif ications : Grade school education; good general knowledge of farm work; one year of experience on a farm; good physical condition; minimum age 18. iII7 198 KXTCHEN LABOiRSB Definition : Under superTlsion, to perform routine heavy labor duties about t£e Idtchen* Duties by Example : To vaah pots and pans; wash dishes; clean tables, pans azKl dishes; care for kitchen equipment; dispose of garbage, care for garbage containers; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; Grade school graduation; male; ability to pass food handler's examination; cleanliness; willing'* ness to work as directed; minimum age 16 • t^. tXfO^ i..n. ::•..'{. at Yd'lIlo'B '^elar ;nc oo 6Jbi=5'fO 199 PABK LABOS^EB Definition : tfeder flupervision of Pevrk Foreman, to perform az\)r or all physical labors attendant to park grounds maintenance and operation* Duties by Example : To perform work incidental to maintenancle of lawns and gardens, care of shrubs, trees, and flowers; tree maintenance, including transplanting and removals; road and parking area repairs; snow removal; care of statuary, sculpture, and garden ornaments; collection and removal of paper and debris; jsaintenance of sanitary facilities; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications : Qrade school graduation, or equivalent; general heetlth, stamina, and physique above average and adequate for outside work uiider any weather con- dition; at least tnree years general outside labor experience^ with at least one year in some phase of work allied to grounds maintenance in park or institutional developments* -a .IB i>i n I hHl9 u..--:: I 200 LAUN13RESS Definition : Under supervision, to perform all work required to shake c;xt, feed, and fold all flat work, and hand iron all wrinkles from finished work, and fold. Duties by Example : To shake out all flat work, set on poles ready for ironing by mangle; separate rough-dry for tumbling, feeding flat work into ironer; fold all flat-work as it comes from mangle that is ready for service and separate large and small articles ready for delivery baskets; perform other work incidental to finishing flat work; hand iron all wrinkles from articles to be finished and folded ready for use* Qualifications ? Grade school education; good health; dependa* bility; integrity; willingness to perform duties as directed; minimum age 18* 88SIH^i'/' 'ser>. r. .1 It • or 201 MEDICAID EECORD LIBRARIAN Defliiltlon ; Under administrative eupervision, to have csharce of the medical records department and to perform related work as required. Duties by Example : Supervise the medical record department, making reports concerning admissions, "births, transfers, discharges, or deaths of patients, briefing and transcribing case histories and records; supervise cross indexing and coding of diagnoses, both primary and secondary, of all medical records and histories of hospital patients according to a standard nomen- clature; check all histories to ascertain whether they are complete; check histories in and out and keep a record of them; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; Graduation from an accredited school of medical record librarians; registration as a Medical Record Librarian; two years of experience in the medical record department of an accredited hospital; accuracy; minimum age 25 • 202 ASSISTANT MEMCAL RECORD LIBRARIAN Definition : Under general supervision, to assist in the maintenance of medical records* Duties by Example : To check daily reports and charts; check case records; brief and transcribe histories, jihysicals, and operative procedures; cross- index and file disease records; make reports concerning admissions, births, transfers, discharges, or death of patients; supervise clerks; prepare reports; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Graduation from an accredited school of medical record librarians; registration as a Medical Record Librarian; one year experience in the medical record department of an accredited hospital; ability to get along with others; demonstrated clerical ability; good Judgment; minimum age 20* Jr..:. 203 MAID Definition : Under direct supervision, to perform routine doQiestio duties* Duties by Example : To clean and dust furnishings, rooms, hallways, and lavatories; make beds; mop floors; clean windows; perform routine domestic and custodial duties as directed* Qualifications : Grade school graduation; good health; good physical condition; dependability; willingness to work; mlnimim age 18. r;. t^flC ■w MAINTENMCE HJLPER (GalesT3urg) Definition: Under direction to perform semi-ekilled work in a trade or of a mechanical nature • Duties by Example ; To assist in the performance of skilled work in a trade or of a mechanical nature. Qualifications : Grammar school education; vocational training desirable; proficiency in the use of tools and equipment; good physical condition; minimum age 18, .ioa vrf a 'tc TO o1:mj . --f-^-D.^'!'^ J'lJbrtoo laoiexttcx bo'\) :^&nra.c.J:iio^ 205 LAUNDRY, MAINTENANCE MAN (Galesburg) Definition! Under supervision, to perform general mechanical work in the laundry • Duties by Example s To repair and maintain laundry equipment; assist in caring for and cleaning all laundry mechanical equipment; perform related labor. Qualifications; Grammar school education, technical school training desirable; mechanical ability; good physical condition; experience in o©3^6^al mechanical trades as required; minimum age l8. 206 Definitlo nt Under adjnlnistrative direction, to be responsible for the euooessful operation of a bookstore* Duties by Example : To employ and supervise sales and clerical staff; be responsible for the purchase and sale of new and used books, supplies, and equipment; handle corres- pondence; be responsible for the receipt and transfer to the proper University office of all cash receipts; handle credits axsd dividend accounts; direct advertising; interview salesmen; price merchandise; supervise inventories; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Hi^ school graduation with university graduation desirable; five years of experience in a university or college bookstore^ at least two of which were in a supervisory capacity; managerial and administrative ability; tact; good Judg^Ient; integrity; pleasixig personality; minimiua age 2^. >]:iDA^IAH ooivit ;i^ cT .... ^ . .. -JO 207 ASSISTAlfX' BOOKSTORE MAHAGER Definition : Under tiie Bookstore Manager, to assist in directing the opera tioiis of the bookstore • Duties by Example : To assist tile Manager in the general operations of the store and to be directly responsible for those phasea of the operations delegated by the Manager; be responsible for the operation of the store in the absence of the l^nager* Qualifications : High school graduate, with three years of experience in a university or college boolcstore; managerial ability, tact, good Judgment, pleasing personality. a i asI^xXI orit ^t 208 BOWLXNG ALLEY MAHA<2SR Definition : Under administrative supervision, to be respon- sible for the maintenance and operation of bowling alleys and related services. Duties by Examp le: To supervise the operations and maintenance of the bowline alleys; be responsible for cash receipts, income, and sales; supervise assistants; order supplies and equipment; organize bowling leagues, keep records, supearvise billiard room; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications : High school graduation; experience in bowling alley management; knowledge of bowling; managerial ability; tact; pleasing personality; good physical condition; minimum age 2k. . *^uCitt«'. n 209 FOOD ERODUCTION MANAOER Definition: Under supervision, to be responsible for the functional operation of a food service department* Duties by Example : To plan and organize the work of cooIoei, assistan coolcs, kitchen helpers, and waiters; supervise food preparation; check and order supplies; assist in planning the menus; keep records; make reports; perform related duties involved in the efficient operation of the food service unit as assigned* Qualifications : University graduation; major in home eoonomicsi or equivalent training in institutional management; supervisory ability; good health and physical condition; ability to pass food hax^dler'a examina- tion; at ?.east three years of experience in food service management; tact; good Jud(pent; minimum age 25* '«1^».: -0 t"ota»f»ofv*^ ^n' joco'i al 210 ASSISTAOT FOOD PRODUCTION MANAGER Definition : Under eupervlsion, to be responsible for the production and service of food* Duties by Example : To assist In supervising the preparation and service of food; assist In planning of menus; schedule personnel; check, order, and requisition foodsti^ff s aj3d supplies; keep records of food costs; plan and supervise the general housekeeping and sanitation of tiie kitchens, dining rooms, and all adjacent areas; at all times be able to substi- tute for the Food Production Manager or Food Service Manager* Qualifications : Hi^ school graduation; at least two years of college traiiolng in home economics and several years of experience In kitchen supei^islon; or, graduation from an accredited college \Tith a major in home economics and one year of experience in kitchen supervision; supervisory ability; good Judgment; good health and physical condition; ability to pass food handler's examination; minimum age 25* 211 FOOD SBHVICE WmOER (HBSHQSNCE HALLS) Definition ? Under adminiatratlve eupervlsion, to be respon- sible for the efficient operation of the Residence Halls food services • Duties by Example : To superintend the work of food production managers, dining room superrieors, dietitians, cooks, waiters, and otiier food service employees; estimate in advance the needs for materials, supplies, and methods; plan menus for the various 'units to coordinate the whole program based on supplies, costs, personnel, and equipment; manage the physical upkeep; supervise expenditures within the units to keep them within budgeted allowances; perform related executive duties involved in the management of a large food service unit* Qualifications: College graduation, or equivalent tralMng la home economics or foods specialization; extensive experience in a large cafeteria or food service organization; thorough knowledge of cafeteria and dining room management; familiarity with health and safety principles; executive ability; minimum age 28. /OlOilt ai;. 212 POOD SBHVICE MANACS2R Definition : UiJder adminiatrative supervision, to be responsible for tiie efficient operation of a complex system of food services* Duties by Example : To superintend the work of dining room super- visors, dietitians, cooks, waiters, and other employees; to estimate in advance the needs for materials, supplies, and methods; plan banquets; be responsible for planning of menus; manage the physical upkeep; supervise expenditures and collections; perform related administrative duties involved in the management of a large food service unit* Qualifications : College graduation, or equivalent training in home economics or foods specialization; extensive experience in management of a large cafeteria or food service organization; thorough knowledge of cafeteria and dining room management; familiarity with health and safety principles; executive ability; minimum age 28* 213 ASSISTANT FOOD SERVICE MANAGER Definition : Under direction of the Food Service Manager, to assist in the eiipervision of food preparation and serving, cleaning, and dishwaehing* Duties by Examp le? To make working sohediiLeQ for all employees; allocate all Jobs and check on their performance; check menus and arraiige serving stations; super- vise all dlshroom operations; arrange for supplies of clean trays, silver, etct; arrange for bringing of food supplies from kitchen; be able to substi- tute for Manager in her absence • Qualifications ; High school education, home economics degree desirable; at least five years of experience in a supervisory capacity; good physical condition; pleasing personality and appearance; knowledge of foods and prices; ability to meet the public and get along with employees; minimum age 28* 21^ EOUI^ MANAGER Definition : Under the Director of Residence Halls, to be responsible for the mianagerffient of a hall. Duties by Example : To supervise custodial staff; organize work schedxiles; plan menus; assist In the piirchase of food and supplies; assist In the preparation of budgets; be responsible for records and reports; check payrolls and time cards; supervise the plan- ning, preparation, and serving of meals; be responsible for tb.e general care and upkeep of the building and equipment; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : UnivercJity graduation or its equivalent; training in institutional management; at least two years of experience in planning menus; administrative ability; tact; pleasing personality; minimum age 28* 9(U eelt\ col ■:. :C 3 .cJ...:±iIL " • •-. nJ: ,■ ■ f #62 ©3S iwj, 215 ASSISTANT house: MAMCSSR Definition ; Uhder the House Manager^ to assist in the management of a residence hall* Duties by Example : To organize work schedules; supervise subordi- nates; l7e responsible for receipt and issuance of supplies; assist in planning of menus; plan special functions; serve as chaperon at social functions; perform related supervisory duties as assigned. Qualifications : University graduation or its equivalent; training in institutional management; supervisory ability; pleasing personality; poise; good Judgment; minimum age 21. '■^,'- rtviyi'j: in: 2l6 LABCRATCSRY MAHAOER Definition : To "be responsible for carrying out administrative and business details of a large research laboratory or project according to plans and policies estab- lished by laboratory staff. Duties by Example : To be responsible for securing and supervising nonacademic personnel, including organizing of groups of temporary specialized labor; assist in procurement of specialized equipment or material requiring technical knowledge and Judgment; conduct contract negotiations; supervise operation of stockroom of general scientific research supplies and equipment, including maintenance of records and inventory; prepare and edit semi -technical written matter relating to research and development on project; assist in preparation of patents. Qualifications ; University graduation, preferably in scientific or engineering curriculum; at least five years of experience in research or development laboratory duties similar to those outlined above; minimiaa age 25* •/ i . • -I . 217 LAUNDRY MAMGSH Definition : Under administrative direction, to be respon- sible for the operation of a laundry. Duties by Example ! To assign work and instruct laundry workers; inspect the operation of laundry machinery and arrange for necessary adjustments and repairs; keep records of supplies and employees' time; prepare solutions; direct the cleaning of the laundry; assist when necessary in the operation of equipment; keep cost records; make reports and recommendations f Qualifications : Grade school education; five years of experience in the operation of steam laundry, two years of which shall have been in a supervisory capacity; supervisory ability; knowledge of various textiles; knowledge of wash room supplies and their uses; good physical condition; minimum age 2^« 218 OFFICE MAIUGER (Dlvielon of Services for Crippled Children) Definition : Under the direction of the Comptroller of the University and lihe Director of Division of Services for Crippled Children, to assist in the administra- tion and operation of the husiness functions of the Division and to perform reeponsihle accounting, auditing and budgeting work, including supervision of all physical equipment, purchases for the divi- sion and related work. Duties hy Example : To prepare budgets and financial statements relative to the division; supervise all accounting reports and reconciliations; verify the accuracy of transcriptions and compilations; check and approve all vouchers; requisition supplies and eqtilpment; handle routine correspondence; prepare special reports and records as requested; check and approve all bills; audit all hospital bills submitted; fill orders requisitioned by district offices; prepare leases for central and district offices; check and approve all payroll vouchers; keep records of vacations, sick leaves; maintain free balance records on vacant or partially used positions; approve requisitions for repairs of automobiles and maintain log of mileage* Qualifications : High school graduation; college graduation desirable; completion of an approved accovmting course in an accredited business school; advanced courses in business management, economics and statistics desirable; advanced courses in commercial .f^^iiiTj h V^a) 00 :JO0 a/i anec ^7n Ir ^':rrc^:!: .0 ui. 4i'T •ia 9i .ill ^ *••*■■ - ^'^'i^i rccJC^SOJjy Tto 6. 219 OFFICE MANAGflER (Division of Servloee for Crippled Children) (Continued) Qualificatlon^B (Continued) law and superviaion; five years experience in a university or in a large-scale business or insti- tutional office, two of which must have been in a supervisory capacity, with a thorou^ knowledge of University business and purchasing procedures; supervisory and administrative ability.; personality conducive to harmonious relationship with people; resourcefulness; initiative; good health; high aptitude in accoimting and system development; minimum age 28* J'wLD. i« 220 PABK MANAGSSR Definition ; Under administrative supervision, to "be respon- sible for the perforinance of all duties relating to the maintenance, operation, security, and improve- ments of Allerton Park* Duties hy Example : Administration of all personnel^ records, and equipment required for park operations; make surveys, preliminary designs and reports relative to proposed improvements; supervise constructlonj he responsihle for security measures, police and fire protection; supervise park activities in accordance with rules, regulations, and policies as estahlished. Qualifications ; College graduate with technical training in landscape architecture and engineering; minimum of five years practical experience as a landscape architect, a substantial amount of which is in the field of park and recreational planning; good physical condition; pleasing personality; ability to meet and deal harmoniously with the public in an agreeable manner; tact; diplomacy; and good Judgment* \* vri.^!-rr-' - ef H' ».*■.•• ^ -^ TjJJoJtlOi; q^Xj/i df 221 Definition : Under administrative supervision, to assiime responsibility for distribution of all coznmodities received 'by the University. Duties by Example ; Obtain quotations of rates; supervise tariff files; audit transportation bills; 'handle over- charges and loss or damage claims; route ehipments for best or quickest delivery at lowest costs; trace shipments; arrange car supply; pack for shipment; receive frei^t; prepare shipping papers; supervise local emd plant traxisportation; select warehouse and distribution centers; prepare cases before the comiaissions; advise Purchasing Department of changes affecting shipments* Qualifications : College degree or equivalent in training and experience; several years of experience in transportation work, preferably in industrial or commercial traffic fields. 222 MANAGER OF CHICAGO ILLINI UNION Definition : Under administrative supervision, to be responsible for the management of the Chicago mini Union. Duties by Example : To coordinate the operation and program of the Chicago niixii Ifeion, including the food service, social, and recreational programs; be responsible for accounts, collections, and deposits; prepare budgets; supervise staff; serve as host to visiting delegations and campus organizations; perform related duties as assigned » Qualifications : l&iiversity graduation, with training in business management desirable; extensive experience in business administrative work; integrity; tact; good Judgment; ability to deal harmoniously with students, faculty, and the general public; minimum age 28. Uti^ 223 mmjm OEF IfiOTOGRAIfilC LABORATORY Definition ; Xfader supervision of the Director of Hxysical Plant, to be responsible for the efficient and finanoi€tlly successful operation of the photographic and blueprinting laboratory. Duties by ExamT>le ; To plan and supervise the work of all employees of the departoient; be responsible for all photo- graphic work going througji the department including taking of photomicrographs, sound, azid silent motion picture photogsraphs; preparing lantern slides; printing of photographs; supervise receipt of orders and delbrerlsQ be responsible for ch€a*ges and collections, records, reports, pay rolls, and budgets; supervise blueprinting and photostating; perform or supervise hi^ly technical work in photography; be responsible for maintenance of equipment; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications : Hi^ school graduation; tliorou^ knowledge of photography, blueprinting work, of which at least two years must have been in a supervisory capacity; ability to take good pictures with all types of photographic equipment; tact; integrity; good health; ability to deal harmoniously with faculty and staff; minimum age 25* ' '50 fi !r: ija*.'^ t - >« V > elciafly Z v4 goJ:J^t- MANAGER OF STUDENT SUPPLY STOKE (Chicago) Definition : Under the general direction of the Business Manager, to be responsible for the suocessfiil operation of the Student Supply Store. Duties by Example ; To determine in cooperation with the various department heads in the Chicago colleges, all books, materials, supplies, and eqxxipment required for college courses; prepare specifications and itemized lists in requisition form for purposes of purchase; stock and assemble outfits, supplies, equipment, and books for student distribution; act as custodian of University- owned microscopes, instrument cases, and other items issued on rental basis; maintain adequate stocks of supplies through cooperation with the Purchasing Office; keep a perpetual stock inventory record; prepare monthly and annual reports; negotiate all departmental and student sales, either for cash or on conditional sales contract; price merchandise; contact vendors for new products; supervise the work of other employees; perform related duties as assigned » Qualifications : High school graduation, with university gradua- tion desirable; three years of experience in university or college bookstore, at least two of which have been in a supervisory capacity; managerial and administrative ability; tact; good Judgment; integrity; pleasing personality; minimum age 25. •fj 225 MANACaSR Of TBMFQRABY FAMILY HOUSING Definition : Under the Supervisor of Temporary Housing, to provide staff assistance in the administration of the University temporary housing program, especially in matters dealing with operation of faioily dwelling units* I>utiee by Example ; T6 inspect buildings, grounds, and equipment; review requisitions for supplies and service; maintain contact with the Hiysical ELant Department and other University departments; conduct personal interviews and consultations; prepare and arrange assignments for new occupants; check occupants in and out of dwellings; review, approve, and sign leases, rental adjustments, daily reports; prepare forms and statements; advise in matters pertaining to personal and conmunity problems and activities; supervise publications for group; supervise work of subordinates; perform related duties as required. Qualifications : University graduate; general administrative experience with interest in administrative work; Veteran of World War II; ability to get along with people; pleasant appearance; male» ? TO in': 10 vd esltiw^Ci ifr :jWio >•-<■ #^-^^-v » m^ ^«^ n#r.%o»^>«s Tf%^^*\ ^ .Jr> |.U 230 AIRCHAFT MAIHTEHANCE AlO LBiE MBCHAIUC Definition : Under the direction of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer^ to perform responsible duties in the maintenance and repair of aircraft at the University Airport. Duties by Example : To supervise subordinates, make such repairs as may be assigned on aircraft and engines in the parts of the shop or on the flight line; run line, top, and periodical inspection on aircraft and engines; operate drills, lathes, and testing devices; install aircraft and engine instruments • Qualifications : High school graduate, or equivalent; Civil Aeronautics Authority Aircraft and Engine license; good Judgment; accuracy; tact; integrity; super- visory ability; minimum age 20. t^rtll riir ,^. :U' :lS 231 (SSIIEHAL AIHFORT MBCEANIC Definition : Under general direction, to perform the duti^o requiring a hlg^ degree of skill involved in servicing axid repairing airport machinery. Dtttiee by Example : Check automotive equipment for defects; repair motors, tractors, snow removal equipment, trucks, and busses; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; Grade school education, high school preferred; at least five years of full-time experience In machinery servicing and general repair work; good physical condition; good Judgpient; minimum age 20 • U^t^iSh aitt ATXOVi 232 AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC Definition: Under the Garage Foreman, to perform eldllled mechanical work on automotive vehicles • Duties hy Example : To repair motors; make wheel alignments; adjust brakes; install heaters and defrosters; do dis- assembling and overhauling of engines, tranflmissionS| differentials, and other assemblies; replace worn or broken parts; grind valves; use specialized garage machines, gauges, and tools; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Grade school education; at least five years of experience in a recognized garage performing duties of general overhauling and rebuilding of automotive equipment; thorough working knowledge of general ignition and carbixretor systems; experience in synchronizing equipment; vacuum and test gauges> brake testing, wheel alignment, and light testing equipment; ability to work with others; pleasant disposition; minimum age 23* •ic 233 ELEVATOR MECHANIC Definition : Itoder the Elevator Operations Foromm, to inspect and service elevator equipment* Duties by Example : To adjust motor, generator, exoitor, voltage regulator, and floor selector brushes, contacts, and switches; adjust governors and safety switches; install cables, bearizigs, gears, and brakes; inspect and service hydraulic elevators and electric dumb waiters; inspect and service book conveyors, Lamsen Tube System, and hand power elevators; oil and grease motors and equipment as assigned; perform related duties necessary to efficient elevator service* Qualifications ; High school education; at least five years of experience in actual elevator construction work for one of the nationaDy known elevator manufac- turers; ability to maintain the operation of all types of elevator equipment and to perform any of the outlined "Duties by Example"; good physical condition, with normal vision and hearing; person- able and neat appearance; ability to work constructively with others; minimum age 25 • :/rol:tJb:tneCI . .^ . r .. .( Iviea •c© jonco SmiOR LABORATORY MBCHAKIC Pefixiition : Under general direction, to perform duties requiring a hl^ degree of slclll In the develop- ment, oonstructlon, az^ repair of experlinental and laboratory equipment* Duties by Example ? To be responsible for mechanical work of employees of lower rank In the laboratory or shop; assist in planning, layout, and construction oi experimental and scientific equipment; construct equipment from blueprints and diagrams; design and construct apparatus; give technical advice on use and design of apparatus; Instruct labora- tory mechanics aM assistants in the assembling, operation, and repair of equipment; perform hl^y skilled work on wood and steel lathes; operate precision Instruments; advise on the purchase of materials, machinery, tools, and general equipment of the shop* Qualifications : Hl^ school education or equivalent training, extensive experience and high degree of skill in constructing scientific apparatus; ability to do mechanical precision work; excellent physical condition; dependability; good Judginent; minimum ^rry' V rnafiU" •»} a!ELEPHOKE MECHMIC Definition: Under general supervision, to maintain and repair telephone installations including receivers, transmitters, cables, and sid-tchboards. Duties "by Example ; To repair telephone lines, switchboard and other telephone equipment; test telephone equipment with standard instruments to locate trouble; repair telephone cable; lay out plans for new circuits and estimate materials required; service other electrical systems such as signal systems, buzzers, burglar alarms, public address systems, automatic calling systems, and electric time clocks. Qualifications ; Good physical condition; training or experience adequate to enable him to perform above duties; high school education desirable; minimum age 18. il>31J 2hi WSFRlCSSRkTlON MECHANIC HELPSH Definition : To perform semi-ekilled work, involving the repair and maintenance of refrigeration equipment. Duties by Example : To test and check for refrigezotloileaks; assist Refrigeration Mechanic on overhaul and repair of refrigeration units by dis-assembling, checking, and repairing or replacing parts; assembling and testing for leaks in condensers, compressors, pipes, fittings, couplings, and valves; repair some parts by simple welding and brazing; remove and install electric motors and thermostats; repair and check carburetors and install carbon dioxide gas cylinders; service and repair air conditioning equipment, fans, and circulating pumps; assist in overhauling and installing air compressors and compressor pumps; perform related work as reqxaired. Qualifications : High school graduation and completion of a vocational trade school training course in refrigeration equipment repair work; working knowledge of the principles, practices, materials, and tools of refrigeration equipment maintenance and repair; knowledge of the hazards and safety precautions of refrigeration work; skill in making minor repairs to and in assisting in the overhaul of refrigeration eqiiipment; some skill in the use of tools and practices in general mechanical repair work; some experience in the repair and maintenance of refrigeration equipment* J-8lr.C53 isrt "li. a. ::' .\ . . 1 igft*f -yd oal*? 2k2 MEDICAL OFFICER^ DIVISION OF SERVICES FOR CRIPHED CHILDREN Definition : Under the general administrative direction of the Director^ to he responsihle for the medical aspects of the Division's program. Duties W Example : To organize and direct the operation of diag- nostic clinics; formulate improvements in clinical procedure; review recommendations for medical care; prepare standax*ds for medical persozmel of the Division; analyze medical services rendered; cooperate with local health and welfare agencies in rendering medical services to Division patients; address and secure the cooperation of professional and lay groups in coimection with the services offered by the Division; participate in staff training activities; cooperate with the supervisor of medical social service and orthopedic and public health nursing to the end that an integrated prograzn may result; cooperate in the conduct of special studies and the preparation of research analyses and reports; make pediatric apparaisals and recommendations and serve as liaison officer between the administrators and the physicians serving the Division; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Graduation from an approved medical school, at least one year internship in an approved hospital, and license to practice medicine in Illinois; two years of specialized training in pediatrics, or one year post-graduate training in public health 2^3 MEDICAL QFPICER, DIVISION OF SIRVICES FOR CHIPPUSD CHILDREI!! (continued) Quallflcatlona; (continued) with a degree of Master of Public Health or its equivalent and one year of specialized training in pediatrics; practice in pediatrics > orthopedics, or public health desirable; thorou^ knowledge of general laedlcal practice; a knowledge of clinic procedures, medical forms, record systems of pediatric or public health procedures and of facili* ties and state and federal ImrB pertaining to servicei to crippled children; ability to work efficiently with people; tact; good Judgment; minimum age 28* D JA*:' n^f^ il(fuq 10 ot ^7 \o: MESSSNGBH Definition : Under direct supei^ision, to perform messenger duties and simple oXerical work. Dgtiee by Example ? To receive and deliver supplies for departments; carry and ^elve books; sort and deliver letters, messages, documents^ records^ and inter-office memoranda; make trips to and from outside estab- lishments; keep simple records; clean office equipment; check supplies; perform miscellaneous erraxide* Qualifications t Grade school education; good physical condition; agility; dependability; accuracy; minimum age 18» :oc. ^1 i^^iil a.L :... L.^i. .;? '3^:-^' .,.1 ■-^^n- .li nrtr.i ^^X'j; .M:i:?:,i? 2^5 HOLDER Definition: Under supervision, to shape pliable material to the desired form and to process the molded objects for hardening; /or/ to prepare and finish ftrom workable materials the molds or forms for the casting of desired objects. Duties by Example ; To make block; case, or working molds of plaster of par is; to half -embed model in clay, treat with soap solution and cover with plaster of par is, harden turn and complete the block mold; by similar process to make case molds and from the case molds as many working molds as are desired; /or/ to operate press machine for the shaping of plastic or malleable material to desired shapes; /or/ to mix and knead clay or other soft material and mold it by hand either to fill molds which cannot conveniently be filled by machine or to achieve the desired shapes without molds; to use mallet, Jogger, and other tools required to fill and remove molds. Qualifications : Grammar school education required, hlgja school graduation desirable; good physical condition, demonstrated ability to perform required duties; minimum age 20. ^6 CLINIC NURSE Definition : Uiider the Director of Outpatient Nurses, to supervise and administer an assigned clinic. Duties by Example : To be responsible for efficient management of assigned clinic; assist staff in teaching and research programs; prepare patients for examination; assign patients to students and medical staff; assume responsibility for student conduct; assist the doctors; assist in care and comfort of patients; (iheok all patients* charts; make appointments for patients; arrange for consultations and transfers, make out laboratory requests; keep departmental records and files; maintain equipment and requisi- tion supplies; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation and graduation from an accredited three- year school of nursing in a hospital having a daily average of fifty or more patients; three years toward university degree desirable; at least three years of experience with preference for clinic or public health work immediately preceding application; administrative experience desirable; ability to get along with others; ability to meet emergency situations; minimum age 2k. 2k7 HEAD MXRSB Definition : Ifoder the direction of the Supervising Nurse, to be reeponeible for the management and super- vision of the nursing service of a single hospital ward imit. Duties by Example s To oversee the general administration of the ward and the nursing care and treatment of patients; be responsible for carrying out established administrative policies and procedures; collaborate with the Medical Staff in the care and treatment of patients; handle admissions, transfers, and discharges; order supplies and drugs; supervise the administration of medicines and treatments "as prescribed by the Medical Staff; instruct and supervise staff nurses, student nurses, nurse's aides, orderlies, and ward clerks; make reports; check records; make rounds with doctors, conduct staff conferences; assist supervising nurse in the discharge of her duties* Qualifications : High school graduation, graduation from an accredited school of nursing in a hospital having a daily average of 50 or more patients; Certificate as registered nurse; university courses in advanced nursing education, in ward management and ward supervision desirable; two years of experience in nursing, one year of which must have been spent in the capacity of staff nurse; supervisory ability; ability to meet emergency situations calmly; abilit;v to get along with others; minimum age 23 • ■•f -t-r*-' ►,'f t- -jS»*» f ••.-^i( .7 •u IJ f<^ ASSlSTPim BEAD miRSB Definition: Under the direction of a Head Nxarse, to aeeist in the supervision of the nursing service of a single hospital ward unit* Duties by Example : To assist with the supervision of Staff Nurses and the ward teaching of student nurses; act as ward instructor of nurse's aides, orderlies, and ward clerks; oversee general nursing care of ward; handle admissions, transfers, and discharges of patients; make roxinds with the doctors; assist the head nurse in the discharge of her duties; check reports and supplies; conduct staff conferences; be in charge of a ward unit in the absence of the head nurse* Qualifications : High school graduation; graduation from an accredited school of nursing, having a daily average of 50 or more patients; certificate as registered nurse; courses in advanced nursiiig education desirable; some experience in staff nursing in the particular branch of service to which she will be assigned; ability to get aloiig with others; tact; good judgment; supervisory ability; minimum age 21* nci J -l:-:; ^jVTj.:^^- ft *■ '".• '-' • ^:r»C! .!"^ .?'. T t^ii^t STAFF NUR^ Definition : Under the supervision of Head Nurse , to perform general duty nursing in the care and treatment of patients • Duties by Example : To be responsible for bedside and related nursing care of patients; administer treatments and medi- cations as prescribed by physicians; assist doctors with dressing of surgical wounds; take and record vital signs and observe other facts indicative of patient's condition; assist at operations; prepare daily reports and clinical records; assist with serving of meals and feeding patients; give atten- tion and assistance to visitors; perform related nursix^ duties as assigned # Qualifications ; High school graduation, with graduation from an accredited three-year school of nursing in a hospital having a daily average of 50 or more patients; experience in nursing desirable; certifi- cate as registered nurse; good ph;YQical condition; ability to get along well with others; calm disposi- tion; minimum age 21 • ♦ iJX ,iiii.'.\ '^ -xc" 9d oT • / • ' ■ • ; ( ^mis> ci- .' rfeflv ** i'^i/^f :Zii^:iUlijL;^ 250 SUIERVISING OTRSE Definition : Under the Director of DJureee, to superviee and develop the nursing service of one or more hospital divisions* Duties by Example : To supervise and direct the work incident to the care and treatment of patients assigned to the ward division; be directly in charge of Nurses and subsidiary workers in the division; be responsible for their hours and assignment of duties; make ward rounds of inspection; confer with, and advise, employees; assist doctors; be responsible for compliance with Doctors' orders; check patients' charts; prepare reports and records; requisition supplies; be responsible for the ward teaching program of staff and student nurses. Qualifications : Higjh school graduation, and graduation from an accredited three-year school of nursing in a hospital having a daily average of 50 or more patients; certificate as registered nurse; university nursing degree desirable; at least three years of experience in the nursing field, with one year of experience in the capacity of head nurse preferable; ability to get along with others; ability to meet emergency situations calmly; super- visory ability; minimv^m age 2k ^ ir^.Wti -.. ^JL^-,; viiJ "i Jo '^Ljlx- .1 IE' <: ©a ■.rto .-, Ki. .,- «^ f r ^, .i^ cxf 251 VISITING NURSE Definition ; Under direction of Director of Nonacademlc Personnel and/or Assistant Director of Nonacademlo Personnel, to Oiake home visits to 111 and disabled employees* Duties by Example : To maintain liaison between Office of Nonacademlc Personnel and University Health Service and disabled employees; determine whether proper medical care Is available; recommend steps to provide proper medical care If needed; provide limited amount of nursing service In the home; Inform employees of rights under disability and Retirement provisions; investi- gate claims for compensation; make reports and keep records; be of general aid and assistance to all disabled employees; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; High school graduate, college education desirable with a degree in nursing; at least one year of experience in public health or other visiting nurse capacity; good health; pleasing personality; ability to inspire confidence; initiative; self direction. :rt."l:» va -i'J ; 7/3 ur 252 Definition ; Ifeder supervision, to assist nurses and to perform other routine duties In hospital wards and divisions. Duties by Example : To make beds; wash beds, bedside tables, chairs, and patients' equipment; assist with the serving of meals and feeding of patients; check clean linen and collect soiled laundry; do erirands; transport patients; give non-professional care to patients; pass nourishment between meals; perform related duties as directed. Qualifications : Grade school education; high school education desirable; good health; good physical condition; pleasing personality; ability to get along with nurses and patients; minimum age 18« I :S /.'* Ji^'fJ-i/C v>j .. ._ ' iC»:i :o;iux:'^.ji;.J:^ 253 FOOD SEaiVICE OFFICE ASSISTANT Definition : To perform office duties in connection with restaurants; understudy supervisory positions in all parts of the food service* Duties by Example : To do all typing in food service office; count cashier's cash and make deposits at banks; do all routine office work such as requisitions, authorizations, etc.; work regular restaurant stations whenever possible in order to learn each position; be familiar with the food service organization as a whole. Qualifications : Home economics degree; good physical condition; supervisory ability; tact; pleasing personality and appearance; ambition and interest in food work; ability to do routine typing; accuracy; willingness to work as directed; minimum age 20. :rx«i .r,>a^ r«,,r» CHIEF ATMITTING OFFICER Definition : Under general supervision, to oversee and direct the activities of tlie adiolttlng office. Duties by Example : Supervise the admitting officers In their work; take personal histories of patients; Interview patients to ascertain their eligibility for admission; maintain records of hospital occupancy; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Graduation from an accredited high school; demonstrated ability to meet and defil with people; at least two years of experience as an adMtting officer In an accredited hospital; supervisory ability; minimum age 25* 255 AlKETTIKC OFFICER Definition: Uz)der isonddlate supervision, to admit patients and perform related work as required. Duties by Example : Interview all patients applying for admission to the Hospital; follow up all patients while in the Hospital; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications : Graduation from hi^ school, and at least two years of experience in an accredited hospital; ability to meet euid deal with people; minimum age 21 • ^-l^• ** jJ9agla&A H^ noLiiih Xi&^Ble'i ia^xoliaq U.^i:q.iui; inU ovi &^^l &B ^ ^'^rfo'3 rfoi'il mcil flcWiXwi)^'':-;) 256 PERSONNEL OPPICER Definition! Under administrative direction, "but with the exercise of considerate independent Judgment, to he responsihle for the supervision and functioning of major elements of the nonacademic personnel program* Duties hy Example ; To supervise the operation of an office of non- academic personnel serving a Branch or Division of the University; handle therein such matters as wage administration, appointments, and promotions, dis- ability claims and benefits; supervise and direct a training program; perform research in special problems; edit employee publications; coordinate and direct recreational and social programs; assist in handling grievances and negotiations; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; University graduation, or training and experience vhich offsets lack of college degree; practical experience in a siqpervisory capacity in a personnel program; thorough knowledge of University practices and procedures; administrative ability; tact; integrity; ability to deal effectively and harmoniously with the genereil public, faculty, and staff; minimum age 2?« trio \3: ■ >3 0*. I0id\Ba'i091 Ci' •C) : :^ «/j.fi!j.i< 260 ELEVATOR OBSRATQR (Chicago) Definition : Unler direction, to operate elevators. Dtttiea by Example : To operate elevator; aesiet in loading patients, supplies, and the like; transport passengers hetveen floors; operate control devices; give information to passengers; perform related duties as assigned. Qualificatiox^ : Grade school education; thorough knowledge of elevator operation; courteous and pleasing per- sonality; dependability; minimum age 18 • .w ne - .b •^^cJ-.t^? 261 LAUNERY PRESS OIERATCR Definition : Under direction, to operate the various laundry pre sees* Duties by Example : To press all finished articles such as shirts, pants, coats, etc* Qualifications : Grade school education; good health; at least one year of laundry experience; dependability; willingness to perform duties as directed; minimim age 18. if 01/0 ceJ Jk.v»JJi> 262 SENIOR OFFICE APHJANCE OHBATOB Definition : Under supervision, to be responsible for, and perform, complicated office appliance work. Duties by Example : To supervise the work of subordinates operating office appliances; perform hi^^y technical work requiring the use of office machines; be respon- sible for the clerical and mechanical duties related to the operation of such machines; make reports; keep records; perform related supervisory work as required. Qualifications : High school graduation; special aptitude and at least three years of experience in the operation of office appliances; supervisory ability; high clerical aptitude; dexterity as required; minimum age 21. or£t c 263 JUNICR OFFICE APH*IANCE OHSRATCR Definition : Under supervision, to perform work requiring a thorou^ knowledge and skill in the operation of business offioe machiz^s, and to perform related clerical work* Duties by Example : To operate independently, business office machines such as — adding, key pimch, duplicating, tabulating, comptometer, mimeograph, and multigraph; out addressograph and multigraph plates; oil, clean, and perform minor repairs on machines; keep records; do filizig of stencils, plates, cards, etc.; maintain stores and supplies; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : High school graduation, special training and proficiency in the operation of office appliances as required; at least two years of experience operating said machines; hi£^ clerical aptitude; manual dexterity; minimum age 20« ai-x-V- :r ,. ... : 'iJ •2/ uii^'SJ ' • t ' . . . f r - «- , . -- .. :.\ IV^l 26h ASSISTANT QFTICE APILIANCE OPERATOR Definition : Under immediate eupervieion, to perform routine work requiring knovledge and alcill in the operation of 'business office machines^ and to perform related clerical wor3c# Duties by Example : To operate business office machines^ such as bookkeeping^ adding^ calculating^ key punch, tabulating, comptometer, mimeograph, duplicating, multigraph, and addressograph machines; cut sten- cils and addressograph plates; clean, oil, and care for machines; do filix^g; store supplies; make minor jrepairs; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : High school gradiaation; special traiMng and proficiency in the operating of machine as required; clerical aptitude; manual dexterity; minimum age 18« ru^qot 2e. 265 ASSISTANT RADIO OPERATOR Definition : Under direct supervision, to perform routine work in the operation and maintenance of radio station equipment* Duties by Example : To assist in operating transmitter and studio equipment; perform routine service labor in setting up and operating remote broadcast equipment; drive radio truck; do messenger service; assist in making minor repairs; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Hig^ school graduation; training or experience in radio work desirable; agility; mechanical aptitude; reliability; good physical condition; willingness to work; minimum age 18 • itiJPQ .lea h-x^t:! zs liincjt.l r^r. • oJtIo*! :o 266 STEAM DISTRIBUTION OBERATOR peflnltion : Under the Steam Distribution Foreman, to assist in operating heating, ventilating, and air condi- tioning equipment. Duties by Example : To operate steam valves to buildings, air coiJditioning equipment and ventilating fans; inspect and maintain steam traps, condensation meters, vacuum pumps, expansion Joints, pressure reducing valves, and the like; clean, oil, grease, and pack equipment; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Grade school education; at least one year of experience as laborer or steam distribution worker in this or an institution of comparable size, or tv70 years of experience in the operation and maintenance of mechanical equipment of buildings of similar size and capacity; good physical condition; minimum age 28* .^- X^_' i.r/,tt*rnt\:-r haB ■■ ". ?.^: :.yX ST smmfs-. 267 CHIEF SWITCHBOARD 0EE3lATaR Definition ; To be responsible for the complete operation of a telephone svltchboard* Duties by Example : To Interview switchboard operators; prepare operators' schediiles; receive complaints and criticisms of the switchboard operation and correct same; compile necessary Information to enable switchboard operators to give efficient and satisfactory service; set up necessary procedures and routines for the efficient handling of all Incoming and outgoing calls; operate switchboard • Qualifications : Hl^ school graduate; experience in operating a switchboard; supervisory ability; pleasing personality and telephone voice; courteous; tactful • Ic flC ,J ■i\/ , . I 91 91t; 271 ORDERLY Definition : Under Bupervlsion, to perform orderly duties in the Hospital* Duties by Example : Bathe> dress^ and feed male patients; transfer patients; assist vith serving meals; make beds; clean equipment; run exrands; assist in handling patients; collect soiled laundry; do heavy lifting; perform related work as directed. Qualifications : High school graduation desirable; experience in orderly work desirable; good physical condition; agility, integrity; ability to get along with patients and staff; minimum age 18* ^r.ijlan&i 272 HOTOCaRAIHER Definition : Utoder eupervieion, to be reeponeible for independent work requiring a high degree of skill in {diotography* Duties by Example : To be responsible for all types of photographic vork^ including taking of photomicrographs and tiie like; prepare lantern slides; operate all types of motion and still photographic equipment^ including sound recording and projection; edit sound and motion picture film; print photographs; perform highly technical work in photography; conduct experiments in photography; supervise assistants; perform related duties as assigned. Qiialifications : High school graduation; thorough knowledge of photography; extensive experience in photographic work; ability to make good pictures with all types of photographic equipment; good health; ability to deal harmoniously with faculty and staff; minimum age 25. :a 273 ASSISTANT IHOTOCaRAIHER Definition : Under general supervision^ to do independent work requiring skill and training in photography • Duties ty Example : To do photography; printing of photographs; make lantern slides; operate blueprinting machines; make motion pictiires; assist in photographic experiments; superriBe assistants; perform related duties in the photographic laboratory as directed* Qualifications : High sdiool graduation; thorough knowledge and training in photography; ^t least three years of experience in photographic work; good physical condition; tact; pleasing personality; minimum age 21. lancJtv CHIEF IHYSICXIHERAPIST Definition : Under medical direction^ to supervise physical- therapy treatments and the services of the Hxysiotherapy department. Duties by Example : To supervise therapists; instruct students; administer phototherapy, electrotherapy, hydro* therapy, diathermy, and massage treatments; perform related technical and supervisory duties ae assigned • Qualifications : High school graduation; graduation from an accredited school of physiotherapy or certification as registered nurse or two years of university or college training with special training in physio- therapy; special training in anatomy, physiology, and massage; at least three years of full time experience in physiotherapy work; strong physical condition; calm disposition; tact; pleasing personality; minimum age 25 • 275 SENIOR IHySIOlBERAftEStf Definition : Uxider supervision, to perform toohnioal duties Involving a liigh degree of skill and training in physiotherapy. Duties by Example : To supervise subordinates; interview and make appointments for patients; give treatments in electrotherapy, diathermy, massage, ultra-violet, and hydrotherapy, under doctors' orders; assist in planning a schedule of work; keep records on treatment of patients; requisition supplies; maintain equipment; perform related technical duties as assigned. Qualifications ; Hi^ school graduation; graduation from an accredited school of physiotherapy, or certification as registered nurse, or two years of university or college training with special training in physio- therapy; special training in anatomy, physiology, and massage; at least three years of full-time experience in physiotiierapy work; strong physical condition; calm disposition; tact; pleasing personality; minimum age 23. ^*r iXili 276 JUNIOR IHYSIOIHERAPIST Definition ! Under supervision, to administer physiotherapy treatments « Duties hy Example ; To administer treatments in physiotherapy, electrotherapy, diathermy, hydrotherapy, and massage; give muscle training exercises; keep records; make reports; perform related duties as assigned # Qualifications t Higlh schooil graduation; nurses' training or equivalent training in physiotherapy; at least one year of experience in administering physio- therapy treatments; good physical condition; tact; good Judgment; minimum age 20. 277 HYSKWHEIRAPY AOIEKDANT Definition : . Under direct flupervislon, to perform routine duties Involved In the admlxiletratlon of physio- therapy treatments* Duties by Example ; To dress and undress patients; assist In keeping oharts and records; administer ultra- violet treatments; give muscle exercises to children; assist In administering electrotherapy and massage treatments; he responsible for maintenance and cleanliness of booths and treatment rooms; change laundry; perform related duties as directed. Qualifications : High school graduation; special training In physiotherapy; nurses' training desirable; good physical condition; tact; willingness to learn; minimum age 19* ^n*if^'i. Mr.-: ' tn-M^-tncT . _ .. . , . : > :^) ect'fiUCO y:txJ:rjOC^'A >i-*'V f f pf'H 278 POLICE CAPOMN Definition : Under adinlni strati ve aupervlelon, to be responsible for the efficient operation of the University Police Organization. Duties by Example : To direct the work and personnel of the day platoon; correlate activities and reports of the Police Lieutenants; be responsible for carrying out all training programs; supervise investiga- tions; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Two years high school education, with gradua- tion desirable; two years of experience as a policeman; excellent physical condition; thoroucjh Imowledge of law enforcement procedures; courage; initiative; tact; pleasing personality; ability to maintain command in an emergency situation; ability to handle men* ':£Xi'^rC f ".rrcit**-- 279 POLICE FIRST LIEUTERAKT Definition : To be reBponslble to Police Captain for efficient operation of platoon assignment* Duties by Example ; To be immediately responsible for the direction of platoon personnel and work assignments; super- vise training activities; act as executive officer in the administration of police aotivities in the absence of the Captain* Qualifications : Two years of high school education; one year of experience as a policeman; excellent physical condition; thorough knowledge of law enforcement procedures; courage; initiative; tact; pleasing personality; ability to maintain command in an emergency situation; ability to handle men* ^c •• 280 POLICE SECOND LIEUTENANT Definition : To be responsible to Police Captain for efficient operation of platoon asslgiaient. Duties by Example : To be Immediately responsible for the direction of platoon personnel and work assignments; super- vise training activities. Qualifications ; Two years of hlgb school education; one year of experience as a policeman; excellent physical condition; thorough knowledge of law enforcement procedures; courage; initiative; tact; pleasing personality; ability to maintain coimiand in an emergency situation; ability to handle men. 281 POLICEMAN Definition : Under supervision, to enforce rules and regula- tions of the University pertaining to the behavior of the University staff, students, and the general public, the protection of University property and equipment « Duties by Example ; To enforce traffic regulations; supervise traffic and parking at public functions; enforce bicycle code, amoldlng regulations; patrol University property; report Infractions of rules to University authorities; investigate irregularities on Uni- versity property; assist local departments during emergencies; protect lives and property; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; High school graduation or equivalent; minimum physical requirements 5 feet 8 Inches height; 1^5 pounds weight; excellent physical condition; thorough knowledge of police code and University rules and regulations; good moral character; agility; courage; dependability; tact; good Judg- ment; minimum age 2^« 282 POTTER Definition : Under supervision^ to perfoim duties requiring a thorough knowledge of maklxig pottery and clay working* Duties by Example : To make pottery and clay products; deraonstrate the making of clay slip, throwing, Jiggering, casting, and glazing; supervise kiln and furnace firing; make ceramic equipment and supplies for departmental use; care for stores and equipment; supervise laboratory work; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Grade school education, higji school graduation desirable; at least three years of experience in making pottery or ceramic products; skill and training in molding, throwing, glazing, and casting clay products; manual dexterity; good physical condition; minimum age 23* ^•VwiitA fi^'^ .it iBa&i ■^ij^ U.' .il-w*.trf.-(>iiO'. 283 POULTRTOAN Definition ; Under faculty supervision, to te responsi'ble for the care and management of poultry. Duties hy Example ; To supervise and be responsi'ble for the care and feeding of poultry; supervise the incubation and hatching of eggs; assist in the selection of poultry and eggs for class, demonstration, and experimental purposes; keep records on trap nest performance; supervise assistants; requisition extra help as needed; supervise and perform all related duties pertaining to the care of poultry. Qualifications ; Higji school graduation or equivalent; two years of University training desirable; special training in poultry husbandry; extensive experience in poultry management; at least three years of experience as Assistant Poultryman or equivalent; excellent knowledge of poultry; supervisory and administrative ability; resourcefulness; good Judgment; good physical condition; minimum age 25. I'Vrmjjyi yq 2eh ASSISTANT POULTRTOAN Definition: Uhder superyiaion, to give skilled aesistonce in the feeding and general care of poultry. Duties by Example ; To assist in the care and feeding of poultry; assist in the process of incubation and hatching of «ggs; assist in the preparation of birds for class, demonstration, and experimental purposes; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Hi^Ji school graduation or equivalent; three years of experience with poultry; good knowledge of the care of poultry; good physical condition; minimum age 21* w ,*•• ''Xx- .V> U-nJt 4 jx»aj3-Ltj 285 SENIOR HtOQFREATOSR Definition ; Ifader supervision, to be responsible for and perform proofreading duties. Duties by Example s To eupervise subordinates; distribute manu- scripts to proofreaders; proofread books, pamphlets, and other manuscripts; revise and check page and press proofs; review manuscripts for appe€wrance, style, spacing, and pagination; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation, college training desirable; at least six years of full-time experience in proofreading; college training will be accepted year for year up to a maximian of fovr years in lieu of required experience; thorou^ knowledge of editorial symbols; accuracy; thorough knowledge of English usage, grammar, and spelling; thorou^j^iness; pleasing personality; supervisory ability; minimum age 23* 1 t:'ici-xdq ixxc 286 JUNIOR PROOFREADER Definition ; Under direction, to perform proofreading work. Duties l)y Example : To review manuscriptB and printed matter for typographical errors; revise and check proofs; mark corrections on page and press proofs; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school gradtbation, college training desirable; four years of full-time experience in proofreading work; college training will be accepted year for year in lieu of experience required; knowledge of editorial symbols; thor- ough knowledge of English usage > grammar, and spelling; accuracy; thoroixghness; pleasing personality; minimum age 21* rV> •ni' 287 amiCAL PSYCHOLOGIST (Division of Servicea for Crippled Children) Definition ; Under the Director, to be responsible for the psychological services included in the state*vide program of the Division of Services for Crippled Children. Duties by ExamDle t To evaluate the needs for psychological services in the program of the Division of Services for Crippled Children; develop, utilize, and interpret psychological resources through consultation with parents, physicians, nurses, and social workers; aid in the selection, administration, and inter- pretation of tests best suited for each iiidividual situation; be available for case consultations and conferences; be available to test patients for whom psychological evaluations or consultations seem advisable; establish and maintain effective working relationships with health, welfare, educational, and other public and private agencies throu^out the state; correlate the psychological services with the other professional services of the Divi- sion; maintain accurate records and reports; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : College graduation from an approved college or university; at least one year of graduate work, with a major in psychology and special training in clinical psychology; Master's degree from an approved college or university in clinical tTjta; TC m 11 e'/ 288 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST (Dlvleion of Services for Crippled Children) (Continued) Qualificationg (Continued) psychology, including advanced courses in child psychology, psychological testing, abnormal psychology, with a comprehensive and specialized Imowledge of the principles and techniques of clinical psychology; Hi. D» degree desirable; a minimum of five years of experience in clinical psychology in a public school, college, university, hospital, or a public care program, at least tv7o of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; one year of research in clinical psychology desirable; ability to organize and carry out a state-wide program; ability to exercise good Judgment in evaluating sitiaations and making decisions; tact; enthusiasm; pleasing personality; interest in and ability to work with people; good health; minimum age 26 » 289 PURCHASING AQMT Definition; Under the Business Manager of a branch location, to handle purchases at any branch of the University, Duties by Exarola ; To supervise the purchasing functions for all activities at the branch; supervise the operations of general storerooms; interviev salesmen; check requisitions; secure quotations; discuss proposed purchases with administrative axid academic officers and staff; make purchases in accordance vith Board rules; recommend purchases requiring BoaiTd approval; issue and sign purchase orders; handle correspond- ence; approve invoice vouchers; supervise office staff; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; University graduation; at least five years experience in business, preferably purchasing, two years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; thorough knowledge of business and purchasing procedures; administrative ability; personality conducive to harmonious handling of University problems; minimum age 27. t^i 290 ASSISTAOT RECORDER Definition : Under the Recorder, to perform responsible duties related to the keeping of student scholastic records* Duties by Example : To confer with students ajad faculty on record problems, {jrade reports, and the interpretation of University regulations; supervise subordinates on grade recording, fee assessments, photostatic work, and registration procedures; check graduation requirements and athletic eligibility and inter- pret Uxiiversity regulations relative thereto; conduct correspondence and prepare reports; train new employees; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : University graduation; two years of experience in college records work; familiarity with the functions of the Registrar's Office; thorough knowledge of systematic record keeping; good vocabulary; good Judgpient; pleasing personality; minimum age 2k • 61 yt irCclTl: :coeT no t^IwDBi -f^-lixro cl' j'; iSn'.'i.T '^C'2'Vv. . i^iuciodj H o'xi:f Tc o/roi":>iir;'i m«-ij:i:ri.':r.i 291 lUSTHJMEa^T EEPAIRMAU Definition; Under general eupervisicn, to perform duties requiring a high degree of akill in the inBtallaticn, maintenance, repair and calibration of varioua measuring instruments. Duties by Exaanple t To repair and adjust recording, regulating, and control instruments, such as pressure, flow, and coBibustlon meters and gau^s; disconnect inaccuirate or damaged instrument and replace it with a spare one; disassemble instruments, examine mechanism and clean parts in gasoline or water; replace worn or broken parts with new ones; malce new parts or repair old ones on a lathe (m); assemble Instrument and install it on testing apparatus; calibrate instrument to coincide with an established standard; Inspect all recording instruments periodically, and make minor adjustments to those not functioning properly; adjust and repair mechanism and valves of automatic control devices. Qualifications : High school education or equivalent; considerable experience and skill in the adjustment and maintenance of instruments; good physical condition; dependa* billty; minimum age, 20, 292 POWER PLANT REPAIRMAN Definition : Under the Chief Plant Operating Engineer, to aasiat in the maintenance and repair of power plant equipment* Duties by Example : To assist in cleaning boilers, superheaters, economizers, and air preheaters; repair and maintain boilers, condensers, cooling tower, air and oil coolers, coal and ash handling equipment; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Grade school education, high school education desirable, with a minimum of three years of experience as a povrer plant laborer; experience as a Steamfltter, Plumber, Auto Mechanic, or Machinist Helper, or Assistant Plant Operating Engineer is desirable; good physical condition; agility, mechanical aptitude, and manual dexterity; minimum age 21* -.-.^1-1/ nQXJ4^ ... . :• uii- gT anoJfoq ^j> « 'f '--f ine-t u crxx: 293 SEAMSTRESS Definition : Under direct supervision, to do work requiring skill in sewing* Duties by Example : To cut and sow uniforms, linens, and the like; repair garments, uniforms, and linens; check, sort, and pack same; make curtains and draperies; perfonn related duties in sewing work* Qualifi cations : Grade school education; experience in sewing desirable; ability to do either hand or machine sewing; good eyesight; good physical condition; minimum age 18* 294 SENIOR SECRETARY Definition To "be responsible for secretarial duties and direct assistance to the head of a general adninistrative unit or college. Duties by Example ; To he responsible for the stenographic vork of the Dean or Administrative head; be responsible for records and reports, statistics, budget matters, payrolls, and other administrative pro- ceedings; act as intermediary between the Administrative head and the faculty, staff, and students; supervise stenographers and clerks; handle business not requiring personal attention of the head; arrange appointments, conferences, meetings, and reservations; approve requisitions, vouchers, payrolls, atKl expenditures; keep budget accounts; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; Hi^ school graduation, with a college degree required, unless offset by University experience of special value and significance; superior intelligence and clerical aptitude; secretarial experience in excess of five years, of which one year must have been in a university or college; tact; poise; pleasing persomdity; minimum age 25* tits r ^ ^r^- i- ,7(f ,Bol:tf'. -rs Bh'tot no; Xw VV5 lo 295 SECRETARY Definition : To be responsible for secretarial duties In the office of an academic department head or the head of a major division of a genered administrative unit Duties by Example : To be responsible for the stenographic work for the head of a department or unit; be responsible for records, reports, statistics, budget matters, payrolls, and other similar procedures; act as Intermediary between the administrative head and faculty staff, students, and administration; supervise stenographers and clerks; handle business not requiring personal attention of head; arrange appointments, conferences, meetings, and reserva- tions; approve requisitions, vouchers, payrolls, and expenditures; keep budget accounts; prepare time tables; do typing and stenographic work as assigned for staff members of the department; write routine letters; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; High school graduation, with college degree required unless offset by University experience of special value and significance; high Intelligence and clerical aptitude; secretarictL experience, of which at least one year must have been in a university or college; tact; poise; pleasant personality; minimum age 21. n ff-f *^,^^ ^d"*"" ^."*^^'"j'^' ■"^*VT* eelniL 296 LAUHERY SEBYICEMAN Definition : Ufader direct eupervieion, to be reaponelTDle for collecting and delivering laundry and performing necessary clerical work connected with such collec- tion and delivery. Duties by Example ? To collect soiled linens; count and mark soiled linens; make up laundry tickets; keep records of laundry collections and deliveries; deliver cleaned linens; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Grade school education; good health; ability to keep records; dependability; integrity; at least tvo years of laundry experience; minimum age 25 • :nct id .ICO H*i '^on 297 MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER (DirlBion of Services for Crippled Children) Definition : Ifeder the direction of the Supervisor of Medical Social Service, to be responsible for the medicaJL social service work in an assigned area as it relates to patients for whom the Division of Services for Crippled Children has assumed treatment* Duties by Example t To cooperate with social, welfare, health, and other agencies both public and private, in effecting medical treatment; to conduct investi^tions and report on the economic and social condition of cases; interpret to children, parents, and agencies concerned, the social implications of medical diag- nosis and treatment; airange for care of patients cmd make necessary contacts with relatives; under medical direction and supervision to undertake the treatment of social difficulties of patients; work cooperatively with other professional staff members of the Division; maintain records and reports; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Graduation from an accredited college approved by the North Central Association, or similar aocred- Ifclrig body, with Bachelor's degree; completion of training course in medical social work which has been approved by the American Association of Medic€il Social Workers and which leads to a Master's degree; two years of experience in a medical social service department in a hospital or clinic under the supervision of a qualified medical social worker; one year of experience as a medical social ■:-^:.^i\L.. Ic floXn' .w^'k' f* .» 298 MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER (Division of Servloee for Crippled Children) (Continued) Quialifloatlonfl : ( Continued ) eervioe vorker in a public medical care program, preferably in a crippled children's program; interest in, and ability to work with, people; supervisory ability; ability to exercise good Judgment in evaluating situations and in making decisions; pleasing personality; tact and enthusiasm; good health; minimum age 2^« *^ *• ''r:','^ '''••J ii-*^»--» '.•ii-iuif^. 298a MEDICAL SOCIAL WOREES (Chicago FrofeaslonaX Colleges) Definition; Uhder supervision, to perform social service reg.iiiring a thorou^ knowledge of medical social vork< Duties ty Bxample t To intervlev cases; sdcure medical histories of patients; confer with social agencies oxiii investi- gate and report the economic and domestic conditions of cases; undertake the treatment of social diffi- culties of patients; Interpret to children^ parents j and agencies the social implications of medical diagnosis and recoismendations; arrange for care of patients; make necessary contacts with relatives; cooperate with relief and social welfare agencies in effecting medical treatment; make reports j keep records; perform duties as assigned. Qualifications ; University graduation in medical social work and at least two years of experience in medical social work work I one year of \ih±ch must have been in a hospital clinic or puhllc medical care program under the supervision of a qualified medical social worker; or: graduation from ft two-year course in an approved school of social work in a x*ecognized social service department of a hospital or clinic, one year of which must have been in a public medical care program under the supervision of a qualified medical social worker; good j&ysical health; pleasing personality; supervisory ability; tact; good Judgment; minimum age 25* ifrA'l^r v^rv imiB (■ Z'-. i.'jiJ. •)F. J>.- ^i&'yUk 'O Co ^oa 299 SUBEETISING PSyCHIA!IRIC SOCIAL SERVIC3E WORKER Definition : Under adminletrative supervision, to be responsible for the performance of psychiatric social service activities. Duties by Example : To supervise subordinates; cooperate with physicians in planning and participating in staff meetings and teaching groups; Interpret to socIclL agencies and community groups the work of the psychiatric social service department; assist with tiie training of students; do interviewing In case work; perform related duties as assigned t Qualifications : University graduation from a recognized school of social work with specialization in psychiatric social work and special training in psychiatric clinical field work; two years of experience as a paid case worker in a psychiatric clinic or mental hospital; or^ two years of college training, including one year of psychiatric clinical field work; four years of experience as a paid case worker in a recognized social agency, at least two years of which must have been in a psychiatric clinic or mental hospital work; supervisory ability; pleasing personality; poise; good Judgment; minimum age 27. r/Ti ■'^liV^Sr -*►•- 300 PSYCHIATOIC SOCIAL SERVICE WORKER Definition : Unier euperrision, to perform psychiatric case work and associated activities • Duties by Example : To Interview relatives of newly admitted patients; explain procedures; obtain operative permits, etc.; secure psychiatric social histories of patients; through continued case work, attempt such changes In emotional and physical environment as are necessary for the adjuslaient of mental patients; cooperate with social agencies axid interpret to them the psychiatric needs of patients; do follow-up work with discharged patients and their families; assist social service students assigned for psychiatric field work; participate in staff xoeetings; compile reports; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : University graduation, with special training in psychiatric social service work, or one year of training in a recognized school of social work, including two semesters or the equivalent of psychiatric clinical field work, and two years of full-time experience as a paid case worker in a recognized social agency; ixnderstanding of, and skill in, the use of psychiatric case work techniques; ability to cooperate with staff members, students, patients, and relatives of patients; stability; poise; minimum age 25. -r;j5o cl-xJjiirtov V V f ^fr.r 301 SENIOR STATISTICIAN definition : Under adjninietratlve supervision, to originate, plan, direct, and coxiduct etatifltloal research, and to analyze and prepare for publication the results thereof. Duties by Example : To originate and plan statistical research; collect, analyze, axid present complex statistical data; supervise charting and diagramming of data; Interpret data and sxanmarlze results; prepare findings for publication; make constructive criti- cism of statistical studies; appraise comparative values of various statistical techniques; supervise statistical and clerical workers; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : University graduation with master's degree in statistics or mathematics; six years of experience in progressive, responsible statistical research; evidence of ability to plan statistical under- takings, collection and compilation of data; inter- pretation and evaluation of current statistics In the form of some published article or articles; acquaintanceship with current literature and advanced statistical techniques; supervisory ability; minimum age 25 • 'iSi:iiQ£i 302 JUNIOR STATISTICIAN Definition ; Under admlnletratlve supervision, to prepare, analyze, emd Interpret material requiring a comprehensive knowledge of statistics* Duties by Example : To bo responsible for the compilation and interpretation of statistical data; prepare both regular and tabulated reports; keep records and files; interpret trends; plan procedure and technique for solution of statistical problems; analyze quantitative statistical data; operate calc\LLating machines; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : University graduation with special training in statistica and mathematics; ability to prepare, analyze, and interpret complex statistical data; accuracy; thorou^^iness; good Judgment; minimum age 21 1 303 STOREKEEPER Definition: Under supervision, to te responsible for store- room and inventories t Duties by Example : To assist in the receiving, storage, and issuing of supplies and equipment; in requisitioning and making up of work orders; in l^e supervision and keeping of inventories of equipment, supplies, perpetual inventories, and stock records* Qualifications : High school graduate; good general knowledge of and experience in requisitioning, receiving, issuing, storage, and purchasing procedures; good physical condition; good Judgment; dependability. TOcJ-flovrr. ban- iJioot 30k ARCHITECTURAL SUIERINTEKDENT Definition: Under adoinistrative supervisioni to be responsible for general supervision of University building construction and preparation of con- struction documents in connection therewith* Duties by Example : To provide general supervision of University building construction, both new and alteration work, including handling of construction documents dealing with such construction, direct field tests, maintain Job cost recoils, prepare field reports. Qualifications : Gferaduation from college with degree in archi- tecture, architectural engineering, or civil engineering or high school graduation, with equivalent demonstrated ability acquired through other training and experience; minimum age 30« '^'^.f'^^r 305 SUBERINTEraSKT OF BUILDING MAIWTEHANCE De finition : Under administrative supervision, to be respon- sible for the maintenance and repair of University buildings arid structures, for the direction of the work of the general building trades craftsmen, and for the direction of open Job order work» Duties by Example : To establish standards and long term programs for maintenance and modernization of University buildings and structures; establish working schedules and be responsible for direction of work in the execution of maintenance and modernization programs; be respon- sible for supervision of repairs, replacements, additions, and alterations of Hiysical Plant and departmental equipment when executed by University employees; operation of Physical Plant and depart- mental equipment when executed by University employees; operation of Physical Plant Routing Office and tool room; preparation and maintenance of service drawings and maps; preparation of estimates, establishment of unit costs for esti- mating purposes, and maintenance of records; surveys, structural investigations, and reports; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Univoralty graduation, uith special training]; in engineering or architecture; extensive experience ^n construction and maintenance of industrial, public, or institutional buildings, two years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; knowledge of l^'Ti sa 306 SUFSRWHESJOmT OF BUILDIKG MAINTEHMCE (continued) Qii€tllf icatlong : (continued) building construction jsethods, isaterials and equipment; thorough knowledge of huilding codes ^ shop practice^ and engineering design; administra- tive ability; resourcefulness; integrity; ability to direct a large group of men; tact; good physical condition; miniBtum age 30* \.:^-ii„^:. /no: I'd -n : v.oxcv 307 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENnENT OF BUILDINGS AND (GROUNDS (Chicago) Definition : Ifader the Superintendent of Bulldinge and Grovmds, to exercise general eupervision over all divielons of the Chicago Hiysical Plant* Dtttlee by Example g To supervise the operation and maintenance of tlie heating plant, routing office, and drafting room; supervise the work of trade crafts in mjaintainlng buildings; assist in the preparation of the depart- mental budget; assist in estimating Improvements and remodeling; confer with University officials on physical plant problems; perform related super- visory duties as assigned. Qualifications g Ifoiversity graduation, with major in mechanical, civil, or architectural engineering; five years of experience in engineering work, of which at least three years must have been in a supervisory capacity; ability to organize and direct a large staff; good Judgment; accuracy; dependability; good physical condition; minimum age 30* f '^,-4. .Jj:^Q'j 308 ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDINGB AND GROUNDS (Galefl*burg) Definition ! Under Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, to give general assistance in the administration and operation of the Physical Plant on the Galeshurg Campus* Duties by Example ; To handle routine administrative matters for the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, including correspondence, budgets, cost of operation and maintenance data; he responsible for the preparation of operating reports and statistics and for internal audit control; prepare administration operating procedures; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; College graduation, vith a degree in accountancy or b\i8iness administration desirable; some knowledge of procedure writing; three years of office experience, at least one year of which must have been in a super- visory capacity; tact; integrity; good Judgment; ability to deal heormoniously with staff and the general public; minimum age 28* 309 SUEEIRIinEimENT OF McKINLEY HOSPIOIAL Definition : Under the Health Officer, to be refiponeible for the operation and utaintenanoe of McElnley Hoepltal* Duties by Example : To be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the hospital; supervise staff; requisition routine equipment and supplies; purchase drugs and medical supplies; approve pay rolls; keep inventories and records; supervise general care and comfort of patients; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Itolvereity graduation with degree in nursing; five years of experience in nursing, of which at least two years must have been in a supervisory capacity; administrative ability; tact; good Judgpient; thorou{^ Imowledge of hospital organiza- tion; ability to deal harmoniously with staff, patients, and the general public; minimum age 28* iQinc : /•*/*. ^ + 0» 310 SUPERIin!EllI)ENT OF OIERATIOWS (Chicago and Url^ana) Definition: Under administrative supervision^ to be responsible for grounds maintenance, truck and car operation, garase operation, building operation (janitorial service), police and watchmen service, and for related work involved* Duties by Example ; To establish standards of operation for the above responsibilities and for the training of personnel involved; establish working schedules and be responsible for direction of work to meet the established standards; be responsible for materiU.s, supplies, tools, and mechanical equipment required for the work and as assigned; be responsible for the operation of nursery and greenhouses; develop long term planting and grotinds improvement programs; be responsible for the physical arrangements in buildings and on grounds for extra-curricular performances, such as concerts, lectures^ athletic events, etc.; be responsible for traffic and parking in conjiection with University functions; develop budgets for programs and be responsible for the expenditure of funds for operation and maintenance of services assigned^ perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : College or technical school graduation with special training in landscape architecture or the equivalent in experience and traixiing; extensive and responsible experience in the management and maintenance of grounds and properties, of which two years must have been in a supervisory capacity; administrative ability; resourcefulness; integrity; ability to direct a large group of men; tact; good physical condition; minimum age 30. .▼^©a • '^.M^ ...:-• ^ \ ..;>aI 3 ic irrt -' QI .um4.ixi. SUmiNMmE^T OF OMATIOBS ^lOa (Galesburg) Definition: Under administrative supervision, to be respon- sible for direction of supervisory 3ani"torial service, police service, fire protection, messenger service, operation of post office, and for related vork involved on the Galesburg Campus* Duties by Example ; To establish standards of operation for the above responsibilities and for training of personnel involved; establish working schedules and b© respon- sible for direction of work to meet the established standards; be responsible for materials, supplies, tools, and mechanical equipment required for the work and as assigned; be responsible for physical arrange- ments in buildings and on grounds for extra-curricular performances, such as concerts, lectures, and athletic events; be responsible for police and watchman service; be responsible for inspection of buildings and the operation and matintenance of fire protection facili- ties; supervise operation of fire station; supervise operation of campus post office and messenger service; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; High school graduation, with college or technical school graduation preferred, or the equivalent in experience and training; extensive and responsible experience in management and maintenance of prop- erties of which two years must have been in a supervisory capacity; administrative ability; resourcefulness; integrity; ability to direct a large group of employees; tact; good physical condition; minimum age 30. l^.-3C^' o i.:t 311 ASSISTANT SUimiMTENrENT OP OPERATIONS (Chicago) Definition ; Under the adjolnlstrative supervisor, to assist In th the supervision of the Buildings Operations Division* Duties hy Sganple g To consult with and supervise Janitor crew leaders, Janitor foremen and supervising housekeepers; advise them on the proper use of znaterials and supplies; organise work assignxnents and time schedules; advise them on methods of cleaning furnishings and equipment; be responsible for the training of supervisors and foremen; establish standards and methods for inspec- tion of buildings; approve time cards and check requisitions; assist the Superintendent of Buildings in the formulation of an efficient managment program; perform related duties as assigned^ Qualifications ; High school graduation; university graduation preferred; experience may be substituted year for year for university graduation; supervisory ability; tact; good Judgment; ability to meet and to deal with people; minimum age 2?« ■^^SSr..i : oln jo f^Qy isJOfO' tol 312 ASSISTANT SUIERIHTENEENT OF HRINT SHOP Definition : Under the Superintendent, to asolst in the fflaintenance, operation, and supervision of the Print Shop* Duties by Example ? To assist in the general supervision of the entire Rrint Shop; confer with Foremen on printing matters; approve press proofs; assist in planning of printing Jobs, including typographical lay-out, design, printing, and engravings; review Job printing for quality of worlananship; make prelimi- nary estimate of costs of production on printing work; perform supervisory duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation; at least five years of experience as Foreman of a composing room, or ten years of experience in composing room work; thorou^ knowledge of printing methods of production and printing equipment; competence as a Compositor and Linotype Operator; thorough knowledge of book and Job printing; ability to handle men; supervisory ability; good Judgment; tact; ability to deal harmoniously with others; minimum age 30. :iol:}e 313 SUEERIKTEOTEOT OF REPAIRS AND UTILITIBS (Galeeburg) Definition : Under administrative supervieion, to be respon- sible for the operation and isaintenance of the heating plant^ water treatment plant, incinerator, steam, light, power, gas, and water distribution, swimmizig pool, biiilding maintenance, projection service, sound or public address systemLS, telephone system, maintenance shops, and for related work involved on the Galesburg campus* Duties by Example : To establish standards of operation for the above responsibilities and for the training of personnel involved, to establish working schedules and be responsible for direction of work to meet the established standards; be responsible for materials, supplies, tools, and mechanical equip- ment required for the work and as assigned; be responsible for supervision of repair and replace* ment, additions, or alterations to Hiysical Plant and departmental equipment, when executed by University employees; preparation of estimates, ustablishment of unit costs for estimating purposes and for preparation of operating budget; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; High school graduation. University graduation in mechanical, civil, or architectural engineering preferred, or the equivalent in experience and training; extensive and responsible experience in the management and maintenance of properties, of which two years must have been in a supervisory capacity; administrative ability; resourcefulness; integrity; ability to direct a large group of employees; tact; good physical condition; minimum age 30. :^ . } i'J I 31^ SUIERINTEinJEro OF ROADS, GROUNDS, AMD TRAHSPQROIATION (Galoeturg) Definition : Uxider admlnietratire superrision, to be respon- sible for grounds nainter^ance, truck and car operation, garage operation, trash ani garbage pickup, pest conlarol, and to perform related work involved. Duties by Example t To establish standards of operation for the above responsibilities and for the training of personnel involved; establish working schedules and the responsibility for direction of work to meet the established standards; be responsible for materials, supplies, tools, and mechanical equipment required for the work and as assigned; develop planting and grounds improvement program; prepare and maintain record for budget purposes; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications t Graduation from recognized school of landscape architectiire, or the equivalent in experience and training; extensive and responsible experience in maintenance of grounds asd equipment of which two years must have been in a supervisory capacity; administrative ability; resourcefulness; integrity; ability to direct a large group of employees; tact; good physical condition; minimum age 30 • ooei a73 SUPERHnENDENT OF SANITATION AND SAFETY Definition : Ifoder administrative supervlBlon, to be reeponr elble for operation of Fire Station, Water Station, departmental safety program, pest extermination, and related work Involved in the maintenanoe of higji sanitation and safety standards* Duties by Example : To establish staxidards for training firemen and for the operation and maintenance of fire protec- tion facilities; supervise operation of fire station; establish standards for pixrifioation and protection of water supply; supervise the construe* tion, operation, and repair of water station equip- ment; supervise operation of swimming pools, food service inspection as assigned, and pest extermina- tion; be responsible for budgeting and for expenditure of funds for operation and maintenance of services assigned. Qualifications : College or technical school graduation; wit^ix special training in sanitary or civil engineering; extensive practical experience in sanitary engineering work; knowledge of statutes relating to standards of sanitation as they apply to the University of Illinois; knowledge of standards of fire protection and necessary equipment; knowledge of the methods of operation of filtration plants and the production of pure, healthful water; tact; good Judgment; ability to deal harmoniously with the faculty and staff; minimum age 26. it/ 90. SUHSRIHTEWDENT OF UTILITIES Definition : Uhier administrative aupervieion, to be reepon- eible for providing heat, light, and power service to the University ani to exercise general and technical supervision over the UtaLveralty heating and pover plant and related services* Duties by Example : To plan, organize, coordinate, and direct the staff of the pover plant and steam distribution system and related services; give active assistance, supervision, and Instruction to staff; be respon- sible for reports on purchases, deliveries, maintenance, and operating expenditures; prepare budgets; issue req\iisitions and work (»rders> super- vise the design, specifications, and layout of major improvements; handle correspondence; cooperate with the other divisions of the Hiysical Plant staff; upon request, make recommendations on QEi^nlzatlon az^d management of Hiyslcal Plant prob- lems; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Graduation from a college or university of recognized standing, with major work in mechanical and steam eaiglneering or an equivalent combination of education and training; thorough knowledge of boilers, engines, pumps, motors, and other power plant equipment; familiarity with State laws and regulations relating to power plant operation; mechanical skill and aptitude; organizing and supervisory ability; resourcefulness; good Judgment; extensive experience in a plant of similar capacity, at least two years of which has been in a supervisory capacity with major responsibility; good physical condition; ability to deal harmoniously with the administrative staff of the University; minimum age 50* 317 CREAMERY SUPERVISOR Definition : Under administrative euperrieion, to be respon- sible for the efficient operation and josaintenanoe of a dairy t Duties by Example : To plan the work for the men in the dairy; super- vise work; operate creamery machinery; make butter, cheese and ice cream; pasteurize milk and cream; supervise bottling of milk; keep production and plant records; make tests; make reports; supervise maintenance of compressors^ motors, machines, and equipment; keep dairy equipment in sanitary coxjdltion; keep Inventories; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : University graduation with major in dairy technology desirable; three years of experience In the manufacture of dairy products; thorough knowledge of mechanical refrigeration; in lieu of University degree, experience of responsibility in the manufacture of dairy products may be substi- tuted year for year up to a maximum of f otxr years; thorough knowledge of the manufacture of butter, cheese, and ice cream; ability to handle men; certification by University health officer as food handler; minimum age 26. lo sc Jw;j^*o'x &'^zvs;^ ii. ;.-.::cc^*iO 318 CUSTODIAL SUHSRVISQR Definition : toder direction, to Bux>enriee work involved in the oare and maintenance of buildings and grounds* Duties by Examt)le : To supervise Janitorial staff; arrange and adjust work schedules; make work assignments; supervise preparation for public functions; make out minor repair orders; direct movement of department equipment; check time cards; inspect work, buildings, and equipment; perform related duties as directed* Qualifications : Grade school graduation, high school graduation preferred; extensive experience in ciuatodial work, of which three years must have been in a university or college; supervisory ability; good physical condition; tact; good Judgpient; minimum age 25. DINING ROOM SUHCRVISQR Definition : Under direction, to eupervlee the ope3ratlon of a dining room or Imich room* Duties by Example : To supervise dining room and kitchen employees; assist in the planning of menus; supervise serving of foods; supervise storeroom; mate reports; arrange work schedules; assist in planning banquets and special functions; make inventories; be responsible for the general appearance of the dining room and kitchen, the care of linen, silver, and equipment; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; Mgh school graduation; university graduation vlth training in home economics desirable; experience in dining room operation; pleasing personality; excellent physical condition; good appearance; minimum age 20 • 320 FOUNTAIN SOIERVISOR Definition ; Under general supervieion, to be responsible for the complete operation of a soda fountain* Duties by Example : To plan working schedules for employees; super- vise their work; order supplies from kitchen em^ storeroom; oversee cleaning and maintenance; receive cash from cashier and make deposits; make daily reports to manager* Qualifications : Hi^ school education; five years of experience in fountain work; two yeare of supervisory experi- ence; tact; pleasing personality and appearance; ability to get along with the public; good physical condition; ability to direct employees; knowledge of food and prices; minimum age 28* 321 INTAKE SUPERVISOR Definition! Under administratlYe supervifilon, to direct end supervise the activities of the Intake Division of the Clinico and perform related vork as required. Duties hy Example ; To supervise the intake intervievers in their work; take personal and social histories of patients; interview patients to ascertain their eligibility for clinic care in accordance with the policy of the institution; confer with agencies and with the Director of Clinics on problematical cases; maintain necessary records. Qualifications ; Graduate of a recognized college or university with work in sociology, psychology, and social admlnistraticn; two years eoperience in either an accredited hospital or a social agency; a real interest in human heings; capacity to supervise others; tact; skill in interviewing and in professional relationships with physicians, social agencies, and others. 1,1 .bVJi;^ 322 INVENTORY SUPERVISOR Definition : Under the Purchaein^ Agent, to be responsible for •Qie maintenance of a complete inventory record sys- tem for University equipment, and to study the use made of equipment and insofar as possible to re- assign in instances of greater need* Duties by Example : To be responsible for the maintenance of a tabulating card inventory system for all pexTaanent University equipcient, and a card system for the classification of equipment; make suggestions for improving tbe system; assign appropriate code numbers to each item of permanent University equip- ment; maintain a manual of instructions for the use of all persons working with inventories; advise departments concerning inventory procedures; study the use made of permanent equipment througjiout the University and make recommendations for reassign- ment where desirable; prepare reports; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : University graduation; extensive experience in inventory work desirable; some of which should have been in a supervisory capacity; thorough knowledge of inventory procedures and of coding, filing, and record work; accuracy; good Jud^ent; ability to work harmoniously with staff members; minimum age 25. ..>5 Jy - jnxaa J''^i-:.:::*:tr 1 laa:^^ - iiC/.i'v Oi *jl*Tc>i:f;;,.'*I .. .^- :-. , iJ 1:7 ^■ ^- ' .1 :^:rc:iii rLtlv •Aftjiil'icv IlB '^C .■>-TU ;>ai{)cc Iq £afl bo'X;;!^^;, ' r.: 525 LAUN33RESS SUPERVISOR Definition ; Under direction, to aupervise work of laundresses* Duties by Example : To supervise and direct laundresses working on the mangle; shake out flat work; feed flatwork, folding and separating flat work, rough dry from tumbler; be responsible for work performed; perform related duties as directed* Qualifications : Grade school education; at least three years of laundry experience; ability to direct workers; good health; initiative; depandability; tact; minimum age 25. c :t'XGV ncX^l^nt^-^ •it ii.iiny:: :^^ 3214- MAILING SERVICE SUEERVISQR Definition: Under the Director of the University Press, to "be responsible for the operations of the Nailing Service Duties hy Example : To be familiar with all mailing procedures and requirements; be familiar with various types of mailing machines and postal meter machines and vith their operation; supervision of Messengers; supervision of mailing service employees* Qualifications : University graduation desirable, vith experience in handling mail; university graduation not required if offset by considerable experience in mail handling; supervisory ability; pleasing personality; integrity; dependability; good Judgment. JT^IV^SfC: r>ICLIIAM a- '.noitmn^n ■'^1 • ii"^^! ^^i'ia'^slo^b rsol'Tfiij?u\Ti] \MaiB\tCA^ :_-■. o<^;i ao^.:- "■ ' - ■^^tB'smf-.cii; {liars •-•'•'•-'' -^ ai 325 MEDICAL SOCIAL SERVICE SUPERVISOR (Division of Services for Crippled Children) Definition : Under the Director^ to be responsible for the medical social program of the Division of Services for Crippled Children* Duties by Example : To evaluate the needs of the medical social service program; participate in general planning of the Division's program to increase the under- standing and skill in social service to sick people on the part of staff members; plan and direct the activities of the medical social service staff; direct reonaitment and orientation of the staff members in medical social service program; give consultation on medical social service problems to the members of the Division staff; interpret and promote the policies emd procedures of the Division as related to medical social service; establish and maintain effective working relation- ships vith healthy welfare^ educatiozial^ vocational, and other public and private agencies throughout the State; correlate the medical social service adjust- ment program for individual children with other services of the Division of Services for Crippled Children; maintain records and reports; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Graduation from an accredited college approved by the North Central Association or similar accrediting body with Bachelor's degree; completion of a training course in Medical Social Work approved by the American Association of Ifedical Social Workers which leads to a Master's degree .ai o*r tool-nsa iiUooti :lBoi ,lyia) .TC f& ^r no £ioiJsxrL' i 'cfjj^ -lorW: to rtolaJtYJ ," J&evc- 326 MEDICAL SOCIAL SERVICT SUPERVISOR (Dlvielon of Servioee for Crippled Children) (Continued) Qixalifioatione : (Continued) from an approved college or univerflity in medical social work; five years of experience in medical social service work, two of which should be in an accredited hospital or clinic social service department, under the supervision of a qualified medical social worker; two years of experience in a public medical care program, at least one of which should be in a crippled children's program; at least three years of the above experience must have been in a responsible administrative capacity in medical social service work in a recognized agency; interest in and ability to work with other people, including good leadership qualities; ability to exercise good judgment in evaluating situations and in making decisions; supervisory ability; tact; enthusiasm; good Judgment; pleasing personality; good health; minimum age 28* •a 9R- 327 KURSING SERVICE SUPERVISOR (Division of Services for Crippled Children) Definition : Under the Director, to be responsible for the nursing aspects of the Division's state-vide program of services for crippled children. Duties by Example : To evaluate the needs of the nursing program; plan and direct the activities of the nursing staff; arrange for in-service training programs; establish and maintain effective working relation- ships with health, welfare, and other public or private agencies throughout the state; plan and conduct staff educational programs such as insti- tutes, conferences, and demonstrations, which will stimulate increased interest in, and cooperation with, the Division's program; cooperate in the development of a well-rounded medical, nursing, and social service program* Qualifications : College graduation from an accredited school; graduation from an accredited school of nursing, and State Registration within a year after beginning work; completion of an approved one- year program of study in Public Health Nursing; completion of an approved course in physical therapy, or completion of an approved combined course in orthopedic nursing and physical therapy; advanced training in pediatric nursing preferred, and a course in supervision desirable; four years of experience in a generalized public health nursing agency, two of which must have been in a ixoo .aojxfj 328 NURSING SIERVICE SUPERVISOR (Dlvlalon of Serrloee for Crippled Children) (Continued) Quallfloatlona : (Continued) responaible eupervleory capacity, or at leaat two yeare of public health nursing experience and not leee than three years of nursing experience In a responsible supervisory capacity; three years as a nursing consultant In an agency rendering services to crippled children; super- visory and administrative ability. Including good leadership qualities; Interest In, cmd ability to work with, people; ability to exercise good Judg- ment In evaluating situations and In making decisions; good health; minimum age 28* ci z V . •i^ i^ .-**'. 329 • ASSISTANT NORSINC; SERVICE SUITOVISOR (Dlvialon of Services for Crippled Children) Definition : Under the direction of the Supervisor of Kursine Services^ to assist with the development of the nursing aspects of the Division's state-wide program of services for crippled children* Duties "by Example ? To assist in the execution of the field activi- ties planned for the nursing staff; be responsible for the nursing aspects of the special services of the Division. Qualifications ; College graduation from an accredited school; graduation from an accredited school of nursing, and state registration in Illinois within a year after beginning work; completion of an approved one-year program of study in Public Health Nursing; completion of an approved course in physical therapy or completion of an approved combined course in orthopedic nursing and physical therapy; advanced training course in pediatric nursing desirable; a course in supervision desirable; four years of experience in a generalized Public Health Nursing agoncy, two of which must have been in a responsible supervisory capacity or as a supervisor; two years of experience as a nursing conaultant in an agency rendering services to crippled children; supervisory and administrative ability, inducing good leadership qualities; interest in, and ability to work with, people; ability to exercise good Judgment in evaluating situations and in making decisions; good health; mlnimiui age 28* >:x; 0J3 330 OFFICE SUEEHVISCE Definition: Under the Dean of a College, to exercise general supervision over the clerical and stenographic staff of the College, Station, or Extension staff. Duties by Example : To establish uniform standards for stenogaraphic, clerical, and mimeograph work; confer with depart- ment heads and office staff concerning matters of office procedure; keep College personnel records; assist department heads and the Dean on budget matters involving clerical staff; approve or recom- mend for approval requisitions for office equipment; edit and proofread material submitted for mimeo- graphing; prepare reports; approve wage pay rolls for clerical staff; meet with and advise departments concerning policies, procedure, and good office practice; keep abreast of modern trends in business practice and procedure; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; University graduation, with special training in business administration; extensive experience in secretarial work, of which at least three years must have been in a supervisory capacity; thorough knw/l- edge of modern office practices and procedures; tact; integrity; good Judgment; ability to deal harmoni- ously with faculty and staff; minimum age 2^. i \^^ tnci:^ IcD Q Vff «| It n ra>l --.:Vii: T.-v :>*r r ;u.i. . 1:^3 \ > 331 POWER HaAkt shift SOTBRVISQR Definition : Under the Power Plant Mechanical Engineer, to have inmiecLiate charge of and be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the power plant and equipment during working hoxirs of shift ae assigned* Duties by Example : To supervise and direct the work of Plant Opera- ting Engineers, POwer Plant Mechanics, Water Station Operators, coal and ash handlers, and other employees as assigned; assist the Power Plant Mechanical Engineer in the development of operating standards and preventive maintenance programs; train and direct the work of the employees assigned to maintain those standards and programs; record data and operating statistics of shift assignment; per- form related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Sufficient technical training and experience to make performance tests of fuels and equipment; some college or university training, or the equivalent in special training courses is preferred; super- visory training, experience, and ability to direct the work of power plant employees on shift assign- ment; sufficient knowledge of power plant design to direct operation and maintenance of power plant with the minimum of technical assistance; resource- fulness; dependability; loyalty to University policies and objectives; good Judgment; ability to work harmoniously with the power plant staff; minimxuu age 2^. T'^.aV'.i ^ •.1^J-.U 332 E5YCHC(L0GICAL SERVICE SUPERVISOR Definition ; Utader the Director, to "be responsible for the development and carrying out of a program of psycho- logical services for children served "by the Division of Services for Crippled Children. Duties hy Example ; To develop and utilize psychological resources in consultation with parents, physicians, school authorities, nurses, a^d social workers; determine mental educahllity of children; develop educational and vocational plans for them; work cooperatively with public and private agencies of all kinds; correlate psychological services with the other professional services of the Division; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Graduation from an approved college or university, with a major In social studies, psychology, or education; master's degree or its equivalent from an approved college or university, with a major in clinical psychology; minimum of five years of experience in psychological work in a public school, college, university or social agency clinic, at least two of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; comprehensive and specialized knowledge of the principles and techniques of clinical psychology, guidance, and good Jxidgment; good physical condition; ability to travel extensively; minimum age 28« •r^TCfo- '&*j bn^ n c^i.3-:: 333 BECORD ROOM SUPERVISaR • (Dlvlfllon of Services for Crippled Children) Definition : Under the Director, to be responeible for the development and maintenance of a reference library containing professional and educational material for the VLBe of the professional staff of the Division of Services for Crippled Childrent Duties by Example : To maintain a system of circulation of current literature, pamphlets, books, and news releases for the professional staff and district offices; maintain a permanent library of literature, educational material, and magazines; develop diannels for the dissemination of information; abstract Joicrnals, special dictionaries, and professional publications and pamphlets for the use of the professional staff; review and evaluate books in special fields isolated to the professional work of the Division; keep the staff r©mba*8 adequately Informed of significant new cwitributions in each of their professional fields and those related to the medical, educa- tional, and social program; examine government and state documents and publications, clinic and foundation publications as a source for reference material; arrange cooperative exchanges with other libraries; secure information on current natloml legislation which affects the services of the Division and its cooperating agencies; report dally on legislative proposals and actions taken by the General Assembly on bills which are of Interest and pertinent to the Division program; J £>eJ.ti\ix'iZf =aO-i tiXL ^Ij-^^.^U .u^^-(;_iJ -i -.JirUvia ..... . , '^^....- - .'t ^^^ 11 1c '^t.-m 33^ RECORD ROCM SUPERVISOR (Division of Services for Crippled Children) (continued) Duties by Example ; (continued) supply district offices vlth educational material suitable for distribution to parents; collect and maintain exhibits useful to parents and individuals working with crippled children; gather data in relation to such programs or projects; plan lay- outs and exhibits illustrative of the vork and program of the Division* Qualifications ; GrTaduation firom an accredited college or uni- versity, with a major in Journalism or library science; special courses in composition and design; one year of training in library science desirable; knowledge of typing; three years of experience, one year of which should have been in editorial work and two years of which should have been medical library or clinic, which Included the organization and set-up of a library plim; pleasing personality; tact; resourcefulness; good Judgment; ability to work wltii other people; ability to exercise good JudgpDBent and discrimination in selecting and evaluating professional material; good health; minimum age 2!?« : .:.^3iii i^Iqtiiia tzi eooiv'ro3 1o Ain^o,' c'i- .i.c/f.'.rh :.r;l'-V;-::^- .Jk'f': •"' v/.^^l^.^t, ":W ;'>V^£f 111:' 'ft 335 BOUTING SUPERVISOR Definition : Under the Superintendent of Buildings and Cferounds, to be responsible for the routing of all reports for repairs and maintenance of buildings and grounds* Ihities by Example ! To issue work orders to perform all Job orders; supervise subordinates; issue material requisitions to the Purchasing Department; set up repair orders for detailed statements; check breakdovm on repair Jobs for work order, number, class, labor, and materials; close out Job orders; assign auto2&obiles to staff; check progress reports on open Jobs; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation; fire years of experience in the University Eayslcal Plant, at least two years of which must have been in the Routing Office; thorou^ knowledge of Physical Plant Job order system €md accounting procedures; knowledge of building trades terminology; tact; ability to cooperate with associates; minimum age 23 • i^r...^ -.0 puiltj;;;:>{'ei« niV f --.-o- •J- 336 SEWING AND SURGICAL mBSSHG SUEEKVISCR Definition ! Under the direction of the Administrator to supervise and adsiinister the mending and manufacture of hospital linens^ and the packaging and issue of surgical dressizigs. Duties hy Example : To supervise end assign duties to personnel; direct and assist in pattern design, layout and cutting of materials; requisition materials needed for production and distribution; consult vith purchasing agent in selection of materials, garments and supplies used in fabrication of hospital linens; keep cost records on time and materials and allocate them to Job sheets and work orders; consult with hospital departments concerning special linen requirements; exercise Judg- ment as to method of mending axid repair of hospital linens and garments; requisition and package surgical dressixigs according to hospital requirements; i>erform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation; three years of experience as power sewing machine operator, at least one year of supervisory experience; ability to manufacture and interpret patterns; knowledge of textiles and surgical supplies; good physical condition; super- visory ability; minimum age 30. . . ^ L ■ • J .1 1. rii^t -i .^,: hrtB ^ 337 SSEECH PJXD HEARING SERVICE SUFERVISCSR (Divlalon of SerTlcea for Crippled Children) Definition : Under the Director, to be responsihle for the stateiride speech and hearing rehabilitation program of the Division of Services for Crippled Children. Duties by Egample ; To evaltmte existing facilities in speech and hearing rehabilitation; correlate the speech and hearix2g aspects of the Division program vit^ other facilities in the state and encourage the further development of facilities; conduct speech and hearing clinics for diagnostic and treatment purposes through- out the state; arreuige with physicians, nurses, speech correctionists, and school officials for treatment, education, and follow-up care; render consultation service in speech and hearing rehabilitation; determine eligibility of children with speech and hearing defects for re-education; correlate speech and hearing rehabilitation services with other services of the Division of Services for Crippled Children; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : Graduation fTom an approved college or university, vith a major in speech re-education or pathology; Master's degree ftrom a recognized college or university in speech correction, or in clinical psychology, including advanced courses in idie hard -of -hearing field; course in supervision :e ^JtcriX. dnamq"oX*rvoi? rn oI,L ri toft ^Q&nh coo ^ua- i' ••ii'Xi: 338 SPEECH AND HEARING SERVICE SOTERVISOR (Division of Services for Crippled Children) (continued) Qualifications ; (continued) recommended; at least four years of experience in speech correction, including two years supervisory experience in the public sf^hools, a hospital > or a university clinic; experience in program planning and development of speech correction services; super- visory and administrative ahllity, including good leadership qualities; ahllity to organize and carry out a state «vide program; ability to exercise good Judgment in evaluating situations and in making decisions; tact; enthusiasm; Interest in, and ability to work with, people; good heedth; freedom to travel extensively; minimum age 26. . V • 339 STOBES SUPERVISOR Definition ; To be responsible for the supervision of Store- keepers and to coordinate activities and relationships of a group of storerooms. Duties by Example ; To supervise employees working under his direction in the receiving, storage, and issuing of supplies and ec[uipmentj dispense stores and equipment to students, faculty, and the general public; keep inventory of entire stock; on occasion interview salesmen and assist in the purchase of stores and supplies; prepare reagents and solutions; do minor repair work; supervise the receipt, inspection, storage, pricing and billing of stocks; be respon- sible for storeroom accounts; be reoponeible for stock records; perform other supervisory duties necessary for the efficient operation of storerooms* Qualifications ; High school graduation, college training desirable; at least five years of experience in stores clerk work, of which two years must have been in the University; good physical condition; accuracy; tact; supervisory ability; minimum q© 21 • •^ - »^,"» ^*-^'.- «^^>^v>- .0-i ii;:^i.5w. TABULATING mCSJM SUIERVISOR Definition: Under the Chief Accountant^ to be responsible for the operation of the Tabulating; Office* Duties by Example : To supervise the operation of tabulating egulp- ment; wire contact boards; set and adjust machlzoery; make calculations; do minor repair work; supervise staff; consult with, and advise, department heads concerning their statistical and tabulating work; perform tabulating machine service for all depart- ments upon request; keep time and cost records; charge departments for services; prepare Stores Vouchers; keep records; prepare reports; approve pay rolls; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications : Ifoiversity graduation with special training in accounting or engineering; extensive experience with tabulating and statistical egulpment| at least one year of vhioh must have been in a college or university; tact; resourcefulness; good judgment; personality conducive to dealing harmoniously with faculty and staff; minimum age 2^« r.oiihinta 3^1 ASSISTANT TABULATING MACHINE SUPERVISOR Definition : Under the SupervlBor, to aeeist in directing the operation of the Tabulating Office. Duties by Example s To operate all unite of tabulating equipment as required; vira and check plugboards of accounting xrachines; assist the Supervisor as directed and be responsible for the operation of the office in his absence; check and route all materials coming into and going out of the office; be responsible for all work with deposits records done in t^e Tabulating Office; make all reconciliations; compute charges and bill for all service done in the office; be responsible for all inventory and adequacy of all tabulating supplies; compute monthly departmental profit and loss statements. Qualifications : University graduation, vli:h basic training in accounting; full time experience in accounting work may be substituted year for year for a maximiua of two years for university work; two years of full- time experience operating and wiring tabulating equipment, or satisfactory completion of training courses ofte:^ by manufacturers of tabulating equip- ment; tact; resourcefulness; good Judgment; minimum age 22. ■lllf .It: •nv^vLd. 3k2 mAlNIHG SUHERVISOR, MEDICAL SOCIAL SERVICE Definition ; To "be responsible for the planning and cajrrylng out of training programs for xaedlcal social students and practicing workers. Duties by Exaflgple : To plam and carry out field vork placement and supervise planned experience for medical social students and practicing workers; arrange for their participation in related aspects of classroom instruction; assist in participation in educational programs for students in other professional fields^ assist in participation in staff education programs: assist with any developed training project. Qualifications : Ccmpletion of an approved course in medical social work in an accredited school of social work; five years (within the last ten years) full-time paid experience in the practice of social work In an agency maintaining etcceptahle standards ^ vhlch must Include: one year of supervised experience in medical social work in a hospital or clinic whose social service department maintains acceptable standards, one year of supervisory responsibility for students or workers in social work, and one year of additional experience in work Involving consulta- tive, administrative, supervisory, or teaching reBponsibility; preference will be given to experience secured in public health or in public medical care programs. or :^i U' nx ^' :ot ei TO 3^3 TRAINING SUPERVISOR^ MEDICAL SOCIAL SERVICE (continued) Quallf Icatione ; (continued) Completion of a two •year course in an accredited achool of social work; five years (within the last ten years) full -time paid experience in the practice of social work in an agency maintaining acceptable standards, ^^ich mist include: two years of super- vised experience in medical social work in a hospital or clinic maintaining acceptable standards; one year of supervisory responsibility for students or workers in social work^ and one year of additional experience in work involving consultative^ administrative^ supervisory, case work, or teaching responsibility; preference will be given to experience secured in public health or in public medical care programs. ►^^.... .. ■ '^ nvT-H:.^ ( b<^ur^ tc^»^ot)^ •. aacl BO ASSISTANT TRAINIHG SUEERVTSOR, MEODICAL SOCIAL SERVICE Definition ; Uhder the Training Supervisor, Medical Social Service, to assist in the planning and carrying out of training programs for medical social students and practicing workers. Duties hy lEbcanrple ; To assist the Training Supervisor, Medical Social Service, in planning and carrying out field work placement and supervising planned experience for medical social students and practicing workers, in arranging for their participation in related aspects of classroom instruction, and in the development of training projects; perform related duties as assigned, Qualifications ; • Completion of an approved course in medical social work in an accredited school of social work; three years of full-time paid experience in the practice of social work in an agency maintaining acceptable standards, two of which must include supervised experience in medical social work in a hospital or clinic whose social service department maintains acceptable standards* w Completion of a two year course in an accredited school of social work; three years of full-time paid experience in -ttie practice of social work in an agency maintaining acceptable standards which must Include: two years of supervised experience in medi- cal social work in a hospital or clinic whose social service department maintains acceptable standards; one year of supervisory responsibility for workers or students* :.o .b- *:• 8.*^i:.jwi) j^dctj^Ie-i iiUc/i^eKi '^'^ ^'ij.V:i:v ijqr;e o^^ . *r:j % 3h3 SUiERVISQR OF ANIMAL HOSPITAL Definition : Under supervision, to be responsible for the operation of the animal hospital. Duties by Example : To be responsible for the operation of the department; train new employees; be responsible for records; regulate expenditures in conformity to bixdget appropriation; recommend purchases for the department; on occasion, design new equipment; cooperate with doctors; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : College graduation with special training in business; at least two years of experience in animal hospital work desirable; supervisory ability; minimum age 25 • i!.'. ; :6^ •ici^/il. Kt '^\'.' \ 3^+6 ASSISTANT SUPEBVISQR OF ANIMAL HOSPITAL Definition : Under the Supervisor^ to be responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Animal Hospital. Duties by Example : To assist In establishing and maintaining rules and regulations for the Department; requisition the purchase of animals, feed, department supplies, and equipment; train and supervise subordinates; co- operate with, and assist, scientific and research staff members; give skilled assistance during operations on animals, administer anaesthesia to animals; maintain sterile operating rooms; operate X-ray equipment; make reports; keep Inventories; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : University graduation, with special training In science; at least one year of experience In a medical or scientific laboratory; thorough knowledge of animal hospital operation; supervisory ability; hlgih degree of technical skill; good physical condi- tion; minimum age 21. SUPERVISOR OF BUILDING CRAFTSMEN (Chicago) Definition : Under direction, to supervise and be immediately responsible for directing the work of such employees and foremen of skilled trades and crafts performinc the duties of carpenter, painter, electrician, con- struction laborer, mason, hanger, elevator, and others when assigned to the University's Physical Plant Department, Division of Building Maintenance, at the Chicago Professional Colleges • Duties by Example : To assign, direct, coordinate, and be responsible for the work of all employees in the Division of Building Maintenance either directly or through the foreman as the case may require; be responsible for reports of this division on purchases, deliveries, maintenance, and expenditures; prepare budgets; issue requisitions and work orders; cooperate with other divisions of the Hiysical Plant staff; follow up all phases of departmental work as assigned to this division; schedule proper routine building maintenance; prepare estimates as requested; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation; college training in structural or architectural engineering preferred; extensive experience in construction and buildinc maintenance work, at least two years of which must have been in a supervisory capacity; ability to lay out work and handle men; good physical condition; good Judgment; minimum age 30. 3^8 SUIERVISQR OF CHICAGO ILLINI CEOTER Definition : UncLer administrative direction, to supervise the operation axid activities of the Chicago Illinl Center t Duties by Example : To supervise the activities of the Chicago mini Center; organize soci€tl and recreational programs; serve alumni in Chicago area; arrange almnni meetings in Chicago; promote the program for Illinois alumni; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Graduation from the University of Illinois; training and experience in social activity work; enthusiastic interest in the University alumni program; pleasing appearance and personality; tact; minimum age 20 # 'Id'oii ort:!' T XJtUJ OOttfilJ SUPERVISOR OP CLiiNIC NURSES Definition ; Under the direction of the department head, to be reeponsible for the organization and supervision of the Clinic Nxrsee* Duties by Example ! To be responsible for assigning duties to nursing staff; cooperate with the faculties in the teaching program of the College of Medicine and the School of Nursing Education; cooperate with the Director of the Hospital Nursing Service; supervise all care and treatment of clinic patients; inspect clinics; hold staff conferences; recommend to the head of the department procedures for personnel management; handle coorrespondence and prepare reports; be responsible for efficiency of nursing service; maintain high standards of nursing service; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; High school graduation and graduation from an accredited three-year school of nursing in a hospital having a daily average of fifty or more patients; university nursing degree desirable; extensive experience in nursing work, including clinic experience, three years of which must have been in a supervisory or administrative capacity; poise; tact; good judgment; personality conducive to dealing harmoniously wi-Ui nurses, patients, staff, and general public; ability to meet emergency situations calmly; make decisions readily; minimum age 50. crv7 iG Dfiyrl e/1:f cd :t-!-iiffj ':.' 'lO. VtOL. 350 ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR OF CLIKIC NURSES Definition ; Unier the Suporrisor of Clinic Nurses, to assist in the supervision aod operation of the outpatient nursing service* Duties by Example : To arrange daily working schedules of clinic nurses; prepare daily reports of employees in department; arrange for health check-up of nurses; make inspection of clinics and report findings; assist in supervising nursing searvioe; assist in care ax^ comfort of patients; order supplies for clinics; in the absence of the director assume the duties of that position; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : High school graduation and graduation from an accredited three-year school of nursing in a hospital having a daily average of fifty or more patients; university nursing degree desirable; extensive experience in nursing work, including clinic experience, three years of which must have been in a supervisory or administrative capacity; poise; tact; good Judgment; personality conducive to dealing harmoniously with nurses, patients, staff, and general public; ability to meet emergency situations calmly; make decisions readily; minimum age 27* 351 SUPERVISOR OF HOUSEKEEPING Definition s Under supervision, to be responsible for routine work of a hospital housekeeping department. Duties by Example : To supervise the work of Janitors, Jani tresses, and maids; inspect cleaning; train employees; check time cards; make work schedules; prepare requisitions; check supplies of linen and equipment; keep informed of latest practices in cleaning; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; High school graduation desirable; experience may be substituted year for year for high school train- ing; thorough knowledge of housekeeping; neat appearance; good physical condition; personality suited to dealing with professional and administra- tive staff of the University; ability to meet emergency situations calmly; make decisions readily within scope of duties; minimum age 30* t%*ff^/f f so Id jc me ^^Bi/ij^in looii Vv 352 SUIERVISOR OF INFOE^MATION OFFICE Definition : Under administrative supervision, to "be respon- sible for the operation of the Information Office. Duties by Examt)le : To give Information about the University to students, faculty, and the general public; super- vise campus mall service; distribute the weekly University calendar; perform Notary Public service for faculty and students; direct the work of clerical assistants; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Iftilverslty graduation; thorou^ knowledge of University operation and personnel; pleasing personality; tact; ability to deal harmoniously with students, faculty, and the general public; minimum age 21. • ■ or \:a\i:tiipYl:aU exit -/.>rj5r.':.;liii: ov^ ;! 353 SOPERVISOR OF UNEN SERVICE Definition: Under supervision of Hospital Administrator, to be in charge of the Linen Service and to perform related work as required. Duties by Exaigple : To supervise the sorting, counting, storing, and issuing of clean linens to the various services; svipervise the marking, repairing and condemnin{5 of all linens; requisiticn and receive new linen; maintain invent oiy records; check linen closets on the various wards; direct the pick-up, inventory, and deliveiy of soiled linens to the laundry. Qualifications ; High school graduation desirable; two years of experience as linen supply attendant in an accredited hospital preferred; supervisory ability; excellent health; minimum age 28« 3^h SOTERVISQR OF OFF-CAMHB HODBINO Definition : tftider admlnietrative direction, to be responsible for the supervision of relationships between the Housing Division and off-caxopiis student housing units. Duties by Example : To direct and coordinate activities relative to student housing; supervise inspection program; recommend approval or disapproved of student homes; supervise special permissions; inspect room and board units; inspect food service units; supervise cooperative housing; negotiate with jarospective house operators; control approved sign program; airange for housing directory; supervise collection of housing cards; hire student help; compile housing statistics; assexoble and distribute infozrmation on housing facilities; advise students on housing problems; recommend settlement in student -landlord controversies; assist in house organization; gather and edit material for student housing hcmdbook; arrange meetings of housemothers and operators to discuss problems arising from student housing* Qualifications : College degree, with some work in sociology, personnel relations, or related subjects; consider- able experience in some phase of housing; good health; pleasing appearance and personality; ability to work with and to get along with people; male; minimum age 25* fy ■Ap '■V"!f'?tT'.r2 ijoot ' i ■ - - - .,■•:> a -XOW OflXOfi 355 ASSISTMT SUPERVISOR OP OFF CAMPUS HOUSING Definition ; Under direction of Supervisor of Off -Campus Housings to assist in natters relating to the supervision of off -campus housing imits. Duties by Example ; To dictate replies to correspondence concerned vith women's housing; plan inspections; confer with Housing Visitor; interview callers requesting housing information; edit reports on house inspec- tions; hear complaints and assist in making contract adjustments; keep current list of vacancies up to date; attend meetings of such organizations as housemother groups and inter -sorority council; keep in close personal touch with organized women *s groups; establish pleasant relations with community groups; participate in College Day programs as requested by Dean of Men; interview prospective, as well as former, students and interview parents requesting information on housing. Qualifications . College degree, preferably with some work in sociology. Journalism, personnel administration, or related subjects; working knowledge of interior decoration, furniture values, and house construction desirable; ability to carry on effective corres- pondence; aptitude for getting along with people and for adjusting differences of opinion; good health; female; minimum age 21* tf: '(^fsrrr ■Iv 356 SUPERVISOR OF UPOLOGy CLINIC Defixiiticai : Under the Director of Olinics, to supervise the Urology Clinic, Duties by E^tBinple ; To "be responsible for efficient management of the Urology Clinic; assist staff in teaching program; prepare patients for examination; assi{p patients to students and medical staff; assume responsibility for students^ conduct; assist the doctors; assist in care and comfort of patients; check all patients' charts; make appointments for patients; arrange for consultation and transfers, make out laboratory requests; keep departmental records and files; maintain equipment and requisition supplies; prepare and catalogue pathological specimens; carry out delegated technical procedures in animal experimen- tation in research program; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications; Male; high school graduate; graduate of an accredite-^- three-year school of nursing in a hospital having a daily average of fifty or more patients preferred; at least three years' experience in hospital or clinic, preceding application; adminis- trative experience desirable; ability to get along with others; ability to meet emergency situations; aptitude for investigative work; minimum age 24» 357 SUPERVISOR OF UROLOGY CIIin:C (continued) Qualifications ; (ccntinued) (Educational requirements may be waived, due to pecularitiee of position, where applicant has had severaJL years of practical experience and has demonstrated particular ability and aptitude for this type of work. In such instances, the applicant must submit to and successfully pass a practical test and demonstration, aarranged by members of the Urology Staff, and the Assistant Medical Director*) 358 SUPEaiTISOR OF VETEBMS EQUIIMEWT EROCUKEMENT Definition ; Under general supervision, but witii considerable independence, to supervise the procurement of text- books a33d equipment needed by students attending the University under Public Laws 3^6 and l6; to be responsible for the keeping of records satisfactory to the University Accounting Department, and to the officers of the Veterans Administration; to be responsible for the work of the clerical staff employed in the office* Duties by Example : To supervise the office staff and the procedure of the office; sign student order books and estab- lish regulations concerning limitations of quantity and quality of equipment provided war veterans; approve vouchers in payment of textbooks and equip- ment purchased; handle correspondence of the office; interview students who have problems concerning procurement or complaints against policies adopted by the University limiting the amount or quality of equipment furnished; be responsible for records and reports required by the University and by the Veterans Administration; train new employees; request supplies and equipment; assign work to office staff; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications ; Hi^ school graduation and at least two years of university training, preferably in accounting, business procedure and personnel work; university graduation desirable; extensive training and \ :'-r. . t« "• ' I i^oca r>i';r t i*Xii j;i*liilii:»'4ij 359 SUEERVISQR OF VETERANS EQUIIMENT PROCUREMENT (Continued) Qualifi cations : (Continued) experience In office work, particularly in dealing with the public; thorou^ Imowledge of University business procedures; pleasing appearance; resource- fulness; initiative; poise; personality conducive to dealing harmoniously vlth students, faculty, and the general public; minimum age 25 • 3bO TEACHER OF HANDICAPPED CHILDREN Definition ; Under administrative direction, to be responsible for teaching in the elementary emd high school. Duties by Example : To prepare class schedules; give placement tests, conduct classes at various levels equivalent to teaching given in the public school system; do individual and bedside teaching; contribute to treatment of the patient by utilizing apjaropriate instructions; conduct such studies as may be pertinent; keep such records and statistics as the department requires; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications : (Jraduatlon fl'om a recognized college or uni- versity, with a major in education, and at least two years of teaching experience in an accredited school; state certificate; minimum age 20. >o \m 361 AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN Definition : Under direction of the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, to perform responsi'ble duties in the maintenance of aircraft and engine instruments at University Airport. Duties by Example : Test and repair altimeters, tachometers, pressure gaiiges, compasses. Gyros, turn ajid bank indicators, and other instruments; construction of experimental instruxnents* Qualifications ; Hig^ school graduate, extensive experience in aircraft instruments; understanding of principle of aircraft instrument operation; manual skill; minimum age 20. ^Hi Jxi/lJ" r-Ji;.;il,\ cm:: OS ^.ga 362 BRACE TECHNICIAN Definition; Iftider BUpervielon, to perform duties in clinics and in the field involved in the fitting, adjusting, and repairing of orthopedic traces, appliances and supports, and render auxiliary services in the conduct of clinics in the field. Duties hy Exaniple : To confer with orthopedists on type of "brace or appliance; secure from orthopedic surgeon specifi- cations of equipment needed; fit orthopedic "braces, appliances, supports, and shoes; take measurements and make molds and casts; make adjustments and repairs on orthopedic appliances, braces, and supports; order "braces and supplies; maintain file of specifications and manufacturers; handle neces- sary correspondence; assist in rendering miscel- laneous services in connection with clinics, e.g., arranging equipment and preparing examining rooms; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications ; High school graduation; some knowledge of methods of brace and appliance manufacture and repair; special training in fitting and adjusting hraces and appliances; at least one year of experience in orthopedic clinics for crippled children, including the fitting of braces and appliances; clerical and stenographic experience; ability to drive car; good physical condition; ability to deal with people pleasantly; minimum age 2% JiU iji^tdiTd iB BB utfnm 363 LABORATORY AND X-RAY TECHNICIAN Definition: Under the Superintendent of McKinley Hospital, to perform technical X-Ray and laboratory work. Duties "by Example : To operate radiographic equipment and fluoroscope; develop X-Ray films; perform electrocardiography; perform laboratory techniques such as blood counts, urinalyses and bacteriological tests; perform metabolimetry; give therapeutic treatments; do sterilization and fumigation; perform related technical duties. Qualifications : University graduation, with special training in biological and physical science; at least three years of experience in X-Ray and laboratory technique; in lieu of college degree experience may be substi- tuted year for year up to a maximum of four years; thorough knowledge and skill in laboratory and X-Ray technique; accuracy; personality conducive to harmonious cooperation with doctors, faculty, staff, and students; minimum age 23* MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN Definition: Under direction of Director of School of Music; to "be in charge of Shop in Music Building and he responsihle to Director for maintenance of musical instruments, except pianos. Duties by Ebcaiople ; To tune, regulate, and repair musical instruments, such as pipe and electric organs, string instruments, wind instruments, phonographs with radio amplifier, electric motors of the organs, phonographs, chimes, and direct cuarrent generators of the organs; keep University chimes and clock in working order, and check accuracy of time daily; keep complete stock of material on hand for all repairs; perform related miebellaneous duties as necessary or directed; act in supervisory capabity for care of all musical instru- ments, except pianos. Qualifications ; faigh school graduate desirable; high degree ot faechaniciil ability; extensive experience in mainteh* ance and repair of all ihakes of pljie tad electric birgahs tad fetring ^»d wihd Instt^uinents; good knowledg< of electricity; ability to operate lathes, drill press, electrip saws. Jointers, shapers, with precision tolerance; read blue prints; use calipers and micrometers; possess knowledge of clock and chimes mechanism; good physical condition; minimum age 28. t5 : /:• V <-. f ■- -*- v,itot i .uiiBxU 365 ASSISTANT EHOTOGaRAEaiC TECHNICIAN Definition ; Under direction, to assist In the technical work of a photographic laboratory. Duties Vy Example ; To assist in the development of fllans; photo- stating; enlargement of photographs; trimming and checking of "blueprints; set up lights, cameras, and background; assist In the making of lantern slides; pwform other routine work as directed. Qualifications . High school graduation; training In photography desirable; mechanical skill and dexterity; good physical condition; dependability; minimum age 18. • • • « 31 •f-t 4jajff 371 SENIOR MEDICAL TECHNCfLOGIST Definition: Under administrative supervision, to "be respon- sible for, and perform, medical laboratory work requiring the use of proficiency and skill in all methods required or desired in hie department • Duties by Example ; To perform medical laboratory tests of all types as required by the vork of the department, involving the use of both routine procedures and special skills and techniques; supervise the work of subordinates; perform laboratory work involving a high degree of skill and traj-ning; study and test new procedures and analyses; assist in instruction in laboratory tech- nic; caiTy on planned laboratory research; assist instructional staff; perform related technical duties as assigned. Qualifications : University graduation, with special training in biologic and physical sciences; at least three years of experience in technical laboratory work; super- visory ability; thorough knowledge of technical laboratory procedures; tact; pleasing personality; minimum age 23. rv 372 JUNIOR MEa)ICAL TEJCHWOLOGaST Definition ; IJnder general supervision, to perform xnedlcal laboratory work of a general and routine nature not requiring use of proficiency and skill in all methods required in his department. Duties hy Example ; To perform laboratory tests involving a thorough knowledge of routine medical laboratory technic, including such items as hematology, histology, bacteriology, parasitology, chemistry and/or serology; assist instructional staff in laboratory research; supervise work of subordinates; prepare reports; prepare media and special reagents; per- form related technical duties as assigned* Qualifications ; Hi^ school graduation; at least two years of attendance in an accredited university or college, special training in hiologlcal and physical science; at least one year of full-time experience in labora- tory procedures; a hi^ degree of technical skill; pleasing personality; minimum age 20. yry a^ym^^v -ftl :fj\ \ttol6BUb flCTi li d'B 373 ADVANCED REGISTRY TESTER Definition; Under departmental supervision , to visit owners of pnre-bred dairy herds and make official tests of milk and butter fat from animeds under Advanced Registry Testing. Duties "by Example ; To supervise milkings for test periods; weigji and record amount of milk from each covj take sample of milk for butter fat test; conduct Babcock test on milk samples; compute milk and butter fat yields for the test period; keep records of milk and butter fat production; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications : Hl^ school graduation; two years of education in an agricultural college or eqtiivalent desirable; one year of experience in testing in dairy herd improve- ment associations; aptitude for figures; personality suitable to meeting and serving people; minimim age a* ttJTt^-jZ^- -1 ija lilies •'I 37^ SKILLED TRADESMAN Definition: Under the supervision of a Foreman, to perform work requiring skill In a given trade. Duties by Example ; To perform skilled work In the following trades: Brlckmason and Stonemason Pattern Maker Carpenter Plasterer Cement Finisher Plumber-Steamfltter Compositor Pressmen Electrician Roofer Glazier Sheet Metal Worker Linotype Operator Sound Technician Locksmith Welder Machinist Window Washer (Chicago) Painter and others as needs may require. Quali fications ; III ■ »ll I IIIW I Grade school education; vocational training desirable; experience sufficient to qualify as a Journeyman with minimum of four years of actual work at the trade; must possess license in trades where license isroiulred; proficiency in the use of tools and equipment; good physical condition; minimtmL age 21* ;fl ^rS-t mf'-^ r \*^rff^4*i ••\^* CM 'iccf.s'x<&qO . ^ r ...... '. 375 SKTrTiKT) TEU^ES EELPER Definition ; Under direction, to perform semi-skilled work in a given trade* Duties "by Example : To assist in the performance of skilled work in the following: Brickmason and Stonemason Pattern Makep Carpenter Plasterer C^aent Finisher Plum'ber - Steamfitter Compositor Pressman Electrician Boofer Glazier Sheet Metal Worker Linotype Operator Sound Technician Locksmith Welder Machinist Window Washer (Chicago) Painter and others as needs may require* Qualifications : Grade school education; vocational training desirable; experience sufficient to qualify as an apprentice in the trade; proficiency in the use of tools and equipment; good physical condition; minimum age 18. ■'. 3 nX. -.1 •xeloofi rt» fO TREE SURGEON Definition : Under eupervision, to be reeponeible for the care, preservation, and treatment of trees and shrubs, Duties "by Example : To he responsible for tree maintenance, including the trimming, feeding, spraying, cabling, belting, and cavity treatment of trees; be responsible for tree removals; check trees for diseases and necessary treatment; prune and transplant trees and shrubs; supervise laborers; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Grade school education; at least three years of experience in the care and treatment of trees; good physical condition; thorough knowledge of tree surgery; minimum age 21. i JDoa «n: T.Cf ^4^Mn.«iv«ip mk»f fit iBao 1^ lo - 377 ASSISTANT TREE SURGEON Definition ; Under direct supervision, to perform routine work in connection with -ttxe care, preservation, and treatment of trees and shrubs* Duties hy Eacanple : To assist in general tree maintenance, including trimming, feeding, spraying, cabling, and bolting; assist in tree removals; prune and transplant trees and shrubs; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Grade school education; at least two years of training and experience in the care and treatment of trees; agility; reliability; good physical condi tion; minimum age 20* •=aA vCQii cT l'^:^^' 378 TREE miMMEE Definition Under the direct supervision of Tree Siirgeon, or Assistant Tree Surgeon, to perform necessary physiceJL later involved in the care of campus trees* Duties by Example : To trim, cable, brace, and perform miscellaneous work in the repair of trees as directed; perform the necessary labor involved in feeding and spraying; generally assist in tree moving and removal opera- tions as directed; perform related grounds duties as directed. Qualifications ; High school graduation preferred; general knowledge of the use of tree trimming tools; excellent physical condition, plus ability to climb and be at ease at high levels above the ground. A ';».U. >.:■.; n-^^I^BOl'VlJC^lP 379 HOUSINa VISITOR Definition ; Under general superTielon, to inspect student housing facilities and to prepare reports and statistics dealing vith housing conditions* Duties hy Example ; Inspect student houses; prepare reports as required; ccmpile housing statistics; interview students and house operators* Queilif ications : College degree, with some experience in dealing with people; good Judgment; pleasing personality; ability to work harmoniously with stidents, parents, and housing operators; minimum age 21* vd r^:^- J.;;n 380 WABEMAN Definition Under supervision, to be responsible for washing all soiled articles that are to be laundered. Duties by Ebcample ; To supervise vringermen; mix soaps and alkalies; check sudsing and rinsing of linens while washing* Qualifications ; Grade school education; good physical condition; general laundry experience; dependability; initia- tive; tact; xninimiaa age 28. fioo? •:..AT07C /p»:0- 381 WATCHMAN Definition: Under Bupervieion, to guard University property and equipment. Duties "by Example ; To guard property against fire, theft, and illegal entry; maJce periodic inspection tours of buildings and grounds; lock doors; put out lights; keep away trespassers; report "breakages and other Irregularities; perform related duties necessary to the safeguarding of buildings and property as directed* Qualifications : CrTade school graduation; good physical condition; dependability; integrity; thoroughness; good Judg- ment; minimum age 22* .Cr.... f9fm V 4 .*fovr J. . rTj ».*r ^'T.'» BtfiKeov o^^!^^fa^'>if^^ F^^ J. O/^'Xil^XC i- _^ t 4.^.. ^rt . r..,,r. Jijmln'iL' 383 coKTnroiTy vrariER Definition ; Ubder supervision, to vrlte scripts -- news, annoimcemsntB, and raxslcal continuities - fete radio troadcastlng. Duties by Example ; To wlte continuity; prepare news stories for teoadcasting; vrlte Introductions for radio speakers and special events programs] re-wite educational naterials, nalclng them suitable for presentation ty radio; perform related duties as assigned. Qualifications ; Tftiiversity graduation, with a degree preferably in Journalism or radio broadcasting, experience in radio and newspaper workj tact; good Judgment; minimum age 21. Te:f -•• T. f -r/T n- beo"!.. j1.0w' »q (Oit\?*i EDITORIAL WRITER Definition: Under the Director of Public Information, to pro- cure, develop, and wite up material for presentation to the public. Duties hy Example ; Gather facts concerning scientific i^ork and achievements of the University; put these into acceptable form for press associations, newspapers, etc*; prepare a different type of story (on same subject) for trade publications, house organs, etc* which would be interested; write articles specifi- cally requested by editors of newspapers or magazines on subject or subjects suggested by said editors; gather and send to the hometown newspapers facts concerning scholarship and other achievements of students on the campus; take pictures and assume responsibility for proper handling of photographs illustrating University work and activities; prepare material for leaflets and other small publications put out by the Department of Public Information for consumption by the general public; perform related duties as assigned* Qualifications : Graduation ftrom a recognized college or university, preferably in Journalism; at least two years of writing experience on a daily newspaper or magazine; demonstrated ability to interpret in xnritten form educational and scientific material in language which would be normally acceptable to editors of the media above mentioned; general knowledge of the varied research activities in an institution such as the University of Illinois; minimum age 21. 1^ 'i' .?. w ft ao 385 SESCIFICATIONS WHITER Definition Under the Architect, to he reeponaihle for ^W'iting hullding specifications. Duties hy Example ; To vrite specifications for University huildings, including general and inechanical work; prepare con- tracts; certificates of payment and other documents; check shop details and superintend minor projects; conduct correspondence with manufacturers and inter- view salesmen; perform related duties as assigned • Qualifications : College graduation, with a degree in architecture or architectural engineering, with three years of experience in specifications writing on major huildings; or high school education and six additional years of experience in an architect's office in specification writing, hullding superintendence, or architectural drafting; thorough knowledge of hullding materials, construction, trade practices, and Juris- dictions; fundamental structural and mechanical requirements including plumbing, heating, ventilating, and air conditioning; fundamental electrical require- ments of huildings including wiring for light and power, telephones, and communications systems; a general knowledge of acoustical treatment, insulation, etc.; ahllity to check working drawings, and supervise the work specified; familiarity with the form and execution of documents, performance honds, waivers of lien, certificates of payment and other documents related to architectural and engineering work; good Judgment, thorotighness, and tact, with personality suited to work with others in allied fields; minimum age 30, ^5r*r^:f -4*..- ,* r- lo e^ rJ sei^:' 'fr^ ^JB-lf^l -Iv •■f-**4 >./•^*-.. IV/ P .Jd-fMiriJ-a . 1 '••f-'n**^fr-Tr'> cjrj: ■7 oii:r lWJS3i Accountant, Assistant Chief 1 Accountant, Construction 2 Accountant, Junior 5 Accountant > Junior Cost 6 Accountant, Senior h Accountant, Supervising 3 Account Clerk, Assistant 70 Accoimt Clerk, Junior 69 Account Clerk, Senior 68 Administrator of Research and Educational Hospitals, Assistant 7 Admitting Officer 255 Admitting Officer, Chief 25^^ Advanced Registry Tester 373 Agent, Purchasing 289 Agricultural Gardener 1^ Agricultural Gardener, Assistant l8^ Aide, Kurse's 252 Aircraft Instrument Technician 36I Aircraft Maintenance and Line Mechanic 230 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer 13^ Airport Attendant 3^ Airport Caretaker, Head 55 Airport Mechanic, General 231 Airport Tower Operator 257 Analyst, Social Research 8 Animal Caretaker 57 Animal Caretaker, Head 56 Animal Hospital, Assistant Supervisor of 3^6 Animal Hospital, Supervisor of 3^5 Announcer, Chief 9 Apprentice, Composing Room 10 Apprentice, Press Room 11 Architect, Associate 12 Architect, Senior 13 Architectural Designer 111 Architectural Draftsman, Junior 128 Architectural Draftsman, Senior 127 Architectural Engineer 135 Architectural Mechanical Engineer I36 11 lOTEX, continued Architectural Superintendent 3CA Artist, Commercial Ih Assistant Account Clerk 70 Assistant Administrator of Research and Educational Hospitals 7 Assistant Agricultural Gardener iSh Assistant, Assistant Laboratory 13 Assistant Auditor ^5 Assistant Bookstore Manager 207 Assistant Bracemaker 51 Assistant Building Operating Engineer 139 Assistant Bursar 52 Assistant Business Manager 53 Assistant Cashier 60 Assistant Chief Account 1 Assistant Chief Svitchhoard Operator 268 Assistant Clerk &I Assistant Clerk -Stenographer 93 Assistant Clerk -Typist 96 Assistant Dietitian 113 Assistant Director of Clinics ll6 Assistant Director of Dietary Service 118 Assistant Director of Nonacademic Personnel 122 Assistant Director of Nurses 12^ Assistant Director of Purchases 125 Assistant, Editorial 15 Assistant Examiner 157 Assistant Examiner and Recorder 158 Assistant Fieldman l62 Assistant Pile Clerk 73 Assistant Fire Chief I65 Assistant Pood Production Manager 210 Assistant Pood Service Manager 213 Assistant, Food Service Office 253 Assistant Grounds Gardener (See : Assistant Agricultural Gardener) Assistant Head Hurse 2^8 ainii Hi INDEX, continued Assistant Herdsman I89 Assistant House Ifenager 215 Assistant, Junior Laboratory 17 Assistant, Junior Purchasing 22 Assistant Laboratory Assistant 18 Assistant Laboratory Attendant 4l Assistant Laboratory Mechanic 236 Assistant Manager of Temporary Family Housing 226 Assistant Matron 228 Assistant Nursing Service Supervisor 329 Assistant, Personnel 19 Assistant Photographic Technician 365 Assistant, Radio Programmer ^ Assistant Record Clerk 85 Assistant, Senior Laboratory I6 Assistant, Senior Printing 20 Assistant, Senior Purchasing 21 Assistant Stores Clerk 88 Assistant Superintendent of Print Shop 312 Assistant Supervisor of Animal Hospital 3^6 Assistant Supervisor of Clinic Nurses 350 Assistant Supervisor of Off -Campus Housing 355 Assistant Tabulating Machine Supervisor 3^1 Assistant to Director of Division of Services for Crippled Children 25 Assistant to Health Officer 30 Assistant to Director of Hospital Laboratory 26 Assistant to Director of Housing 29 Assistant to Director of Physical Plant 27 Assistant to Director of Public Information 28 Assistant to Manager of Illini Union 31 Assistant to Military Property Custodian 32 Assistant to Social Director 33 Assistant to the Business Manager 2k Cb iv INDEX, continued Assistant Training Supervisor, Medical Social Service 3^^ Associate Architect 12 Attendant, Airport 3** Attendant, Assistant Laboratory hi Attendant, Eq.uipni©nt 35 Attendant, Fire Station 36 Attendant, Fountain 37 Attendant, Garage 38 Attendant, Junior Lal>oratory ^0 Attendant, Locker Room ^2 Attendant, Senior Laboratory 39 Attendant, Supply ^3 Attendant, Tool Room hk Auditor, Assistant ^5 Automotive Foreman 176 Automotive Mechanic 232 Assistant Medical Record Librarian 202 Assistant Office Appliance Operator 26k Assistant Hiotographer 273 Assistant Plant Operating Engineer 1^8 Assistant Radio Engineer 153 Assistant Radio Operator 265 Assistant Recorder 290 Assistant Superintendent of Buildings and G^otmds 307 Assistant Tree^ Surgeon 377 Attendant, Physiotherapy 277 Baker, Head h6 Baker, Second *^7 Boiler Room Fireioiian l68 Bookbinder W Bookbindery Foreman 176 Bookbindery Worker ^9 Bookstore Manager 206 Bookstore Manager, Assistant 207 VI 5^Ir.T±^^.T0c , STTI Ice: - r'.^-^-\- c^: '^•TDd'B'.C ^10 *idS a'^/:Jai.^ :<5aA 94 ;^noJ&.Ta;frfA INDEX, continued Bowling Alley Manager 208 Bracemaker 50 Bracemaker, Assistant 51 Brace Technician 362 Bricklayer Foreman 176 Brick -Mason 37h Building Craftsmen, Supervisor of 3^7 Building Maintenance, Superintendent of 305 Building Operating Engineer 138 Building Operating Engineer, Assistant 139 Building Operating Engineer, Chief 137 Buildings and Grounds, Assistant Superintendent of 307 Bursar, Assistant 52 Business Manager, Assistant 53 Business Manager, Assistant to the 2h Butcher 5^ Captain, Fire l63 Captain, Police 278 Caretaker, Animal 57 Caretaker, Head Airport 55 Caretaker, Head Animal 56 Carpenter 37^ Carpenter Foreman 177 Cashier 59 Cashier, Assistant 6o Cashier, Head 58 Cement Finisher 37^ Checker, Laundry 6l Chef 62 Chicago mini Center, Supervisor of 3^8 Chicago mini Union, Manager of 222 Chief Accountant, Assistant 1 Chief Admitting Officer 25^ Chief Announcer 9 INEEX, continued Chief, Assistant Fire I65 Chief Building Operating Engineer 137 Chief Clerk 6k Chief Cold Storage Operator 258 Chief, Fire l6h Chief Information Clerk 7^ Chief Physiotherapist ^k Chief Radio Engineer 152 Chief Switchhoard Operator 267 Chief X-Ray Technician 368 Civil Engineer 1^0 Clerk, Assistant 67 Clerk, Assistant Account 70 Clerk, Assistant File 73 Clerk, Assistant Record 85 Clerk, Assistant Stores 88 Clerk, Chief 6k Clerk, Chief Information 7^ Clerk, Executive,, President's Office 63 Clerk, Information 75 Clerk, Inventory 76 Clerk, Junior 66 Clerk, Junior Account 69 Clerk, Junior File 72 Clerk, Junior Operations 79 Clerk, Junior Pay Roll &l Clerk, Junior Record 8U Clerk, Mailing 77 Clerk, Receiving 82 Clerk, Senior 65 Clerk, Senior Account 68 Clerk, Senior File 71 Clerk, Senior Operations 78 Clerk, Senior Pay Roll 80 Clerk, Senior Record 83 Clerk, Statistical 86 Clerk -Stenographer, Assistant 93 Clerk -Stenographer, Junior 92 Clerk -Stenographer, Senior 91 Clerk -Stenographer, Supervising 90 no vii INDEX, continued Clerk, Stores 87 Clerk -Typist, Assistant 96 Clerk -l^ist, Junior 95 Clerk -Typist, Senior 9h Clerk, Ward 89 Clinical Psychologist 287 Clinic Nurse 2fc6 Clinic NxxTses, Assistant Supervisor of 350 Clinic Nurses, Supervisor of 3^9 Clinics, Assistant Director of 116 Cold Storage Operator 259 Cold Storage Operator, Chief 258 Cdmnercial Artist Ik Composing Room Apprentice 10 Composing Room Foreman 177 Compositor 37^ Construction Accountant 2 Consultant, Field Physiotherapy 97 Consultant, Medical Social Service 98 Consultant, Nursing > 100 ConsTiltant, Orthopedic Nursing 101 Constiltant, Speech and Hearing 103 Continuity Writer 383 Cook I 105 Cook II 106 Cook, Foods Laboratory 107 Cook, Head lOU Copyholder 108 Cost Accountant, Junior 6 Creameryman 109 Creamery Supervisor 317 Custodial Foreman (See: Custodial Supervisor) Custodial Supervisor 318 Custodian, Forest 110 »I? '::)Vft'l X,. ^O 100 902 'f^f. . vlli INDEX, continued Designer I Architectural 111 Dietary Service, Assistant Director of ll8 Dietary Service, Director of 117 Dietitian 112 Dietitian, Assistant 113 Dining Room Supervisor 319 Director, Educational Program, Radio Station lli^ Director of Clinics, Assistant ll6 Director of Dietary Service 11? Director of Dietary Service, Assistant 118 Director of Division of Services for Crippled Children 119 Director of Division of Services for Crippled Children, Assistant to 25 Director of Hospital Laboratory, Assistant to 26 Director of Housing, Assistant to 29 Director of Music, Radio Station 120 Director of Neuropsychiatric Clinic 121 Director of Nonacademic Personnel, Assistant 122 Director of Nurses 123 Director of Nurses, Assistant 12^ Director of Physical Plant, Assistant to 27 Director, Production, Radio Station 115 Director of Public Information, Assistant to 28 Director of Purchases, Assistant 125 Division of Services for Crippled Children, Director of 119 Draftsman 126 Draftsman, Junior Architectural 128 Draftsman, Junior Engineering 130 Draftsman, Senior Architectural 127 Dreiftsman, Senior Engineering 129 Driver 131 Cs ?« B«r 6 .' INDEX., continued Editorial Assistant 15 Editorial Writer 381^ Educational Program Director, Radio Station llU Electrical Engineer ll^l Electrician 37^ Electrician Foreman 177 Electro -Acoustician 132 Elevator Mechanic 233 Elevator Operations Foreman 171 Elevator Operator 260 Engineer, Aircraft Maintenance 13^ Engineer, Architectural 135 Engineer, Architectural Mechanical I36 Engineer, Assistant Building Operating I39 Engineer, Assistant Plant Operating lU8 Engineer, Assistant Radio 153 Engineer , Building Operating 138 Engineer, Chief Building Operating 137 Engineer, Chief Radio 152 Engineer, Civil ito Engineer, Electrical itl Engineer, Industrial — Housing Construction Analyst 1^2 Engineering Draftsman, Junior 130 Engineering Draftsman, Senior 129 Engineer, Instrument and Efficiency 1^3 Engineer, Mechanical ikk Engineer, Operations IU5 Engineer, Operative Crane lh6 Engineer, Plant Operating 1^7 Engineer, Plant Operating Watch 1^9 Engineer, Pover Plant Mechanical 150 Engineer, Structural 15^ Engineer, Swimming Pool Operating 155 Equipment Attendant 35 Estimator I56 Examiner and Recorder, Assistant I58 Examiner, Assistant 157 ^v^t'rrf^fl^ INKEX, continued Executive Clerk, President's Office 63 Executive Secretary, President's Office 159 Exterminator 160 Farm Foreman 173 Farm Foreman, Supervising 172 Farm Laborer 197 Fieldman • 161 Fieldman, Assistant 162 Field Physiotherapy Consultant 97 File Clerk, Assistant 73 File Clerk, Junior 72 File Clerk, Senior 71 Finisher, Cement 374 Fire Captain 163 Fire Chief l6k Fire Chief, Assistant 165 Fire First Lieutenant 166 Fireman, Boiler Room 168 Firemnn, Incinerator 169 Fire Second Lieutenant 167 Fire Station Attendant 36 Food Production Manager 209 Food Production Manager, Assistant 210 Food Service Manager 212 Food Service Manager, Assistant 213 Food Service Manager, Residence Halls 211 Food Service Office Assistant 253 Foods Laboratory Cook 107 Forelady, Maid 170 Foreman, Automotive 176 Foreman, Bookbindery 176 Foreman, Bricklayer 176 Foreman, Carpenter 177 Foreman, Composing Room 177 Foreman, Custodial (See: Supervisor, Custodial) •^v 9'. ''TJO^O'.-v ' "^ TK^caJ-vxoqij'C! 'i (iliiO C'.fA^li^/^r-A .V .t-.> ■ ,.i"srii! (Ifii^d'Rr IKDEX, continued Foreman, Electrician 177 Foreman, Elevator Operations 171 Foreman, Farm 173 Foreman, Garage 178 Foreman, Grounds 178 Foreman, Janitor nk Foreman, Janitor Sub- 182 Foreman, Machinist 179 Foreman, Painter 179 Foreman, Park 175 Foreman, Pltnriber 179 Foreman, Press Room 179 Foreman, Sheet Metal 180 Foreman, Skilled Trades 176 Foreman, Steam Distribution 181 Foreman, Sub- 182 Foreman, Supervising Farm 172 Foreman, Water Station 180 Forest Custodian 110 Fountain Attendant 37 Fount aiin Supervisor 320 Garage Attendant 38 Garage Foreman 178 Gardener , Agricultural 183 Gardener , Assistant Agricultural leh Gardener , Assistant Grounds (See: Gardener, Assistant Agricultural) Gardener , Grounds (See : Gardener, Agricultural) General Airport Mechanic 231 Glass"blower 186 Glasflblower, Senior 185 Glazier 37^ Grounds Foreman 178 Grounds Gardener (See : Agricultural Gardener) xil ITOEX, continued Grounds Gardener, Assistant (See: Agricultural Gardener, Assistant) Gferoundsioan l&f Handicapped Children, Teacher of 360 Hanger l87a Head Airport CaretaJcer 55 Head Animal Caretaker 56 Head Baker k6 Head Cashier 58 Head Cook lOif Head Nurse 2^7 Head Nurse, Assistant 2if8 Health Officer, Assistant to 30 Herdsman I88 Herdsman, Assistant I89 Housekeeper I90 Housekeeping, Supervisor of 351 House Manager 21^^- House Manager, Assistant 215 Housing Visitor 379 Incinerator Fireman I68 Industrial Engineer -- Housing Construction Analyst Ikz Information Clerk 75 Information Clerk, Chief jk Information Office, Supervisor of 352 Instrument and Efficiency Engineer lii3 Instrument Maker 19I Instrument Repairman 291 Instrument Technician, Aircraft 36I Instrument Technician, Musical 36^ Intake Interviewer 192 Intake Supervisor 321 Interviewer, Intake 192 Inventory Clerk 76 Inventory Supervisor 322 xill INDEX, continued Janitor 193 Janitor Foreman 17li Janitress 193 Junior Accountant 5 Junior Account Clerk 69 Junior Architectiaral 3>raftainan I28 Junior Clerk 66 Junior Clerk -Stenographer 92 Junior Clerk -Typist 95 Junior Cost Accountant 6 Junior Engineering Draftsman 130 Junior File Clerk ^2 Junior Laboratory Assistant I7 Junior Laboratory Attendant 40 Junior Laboratory Mechanic 235 Junior Medical Technologist 372 Junior Office Appliance Operator 263 Junior Operations Clerk 79 Junior Pay Roll Clerk 8I Junior Proofreader 286 Junior Physiotherapist 276 Junior Purchasing Assistant 22 Junior Record Clerk 84 Junior Statistician 302 Junior X-^ay Technician 370 Kitchen Helper 195 Kitchen Helper, Senior 19^ Kitchen Laborer I98 Laboratory and X«^ay Technician 363 Laboratory Assistant, Assistant I8 Laboratory Assistant, Junior 17 Laboratory Assistant, Senior I6 /i r ; TSIXEX., continued xir Lal)oratory Attendant, Assistant kl Laboratory Attendant, Jtmlor kO Lal)oratory Attendant, Senior 39 Laljoratory Cook, Foods 107 La'boratory Manager 2X6 Laboratory Mechanic, Assistant 236 Laboratory Mechanic, Junior 235 Laboratory Mechanic, Senior 23^ Laborer 196 Laborer, Farm 197 Laborer, Kitchen I98 Laborer, Park 199 Laundress 200 Laundress Supervisor 323 Laundry Checker 6I Laundry Maintenance Mau 205 Laundry Manager 217 Laundry Press Operator 26l Laundry Serviceman 296 Librarian, Assistant Medical Record 202 Librarian, Medical Eecord 201 Linen Service, Supervisor cf 353 Linotype Operator 37^ Locker Room Attendant 42 Locksmith 37^ Machinist 37^ Macdiinlst Foreman 179 Maid 203 Maid Forelady 170 Mailing Clerk 77 Mailing Service Supervisor 32^ Maintenance Engineer, Aircraft 13^ Maintenance Helper 20^ Maintenance Man, Laundry 205 n ■'SI. XV INDEX, continued Manager, Assistant Bookstore 207 Manager, Assistant Food Production 210 Manager, Assistant Food Service 213 Manager, Assistant House 215 Manager, Bookstore 206 Manager, Bowling Alley 208 Manager, Food Production 209 Manager, Food Service 212 Manager, Food Service, Residence Halls 211 Manager, House 21^^ Manager, La'boratory 2l6 Manager, Laundry 217 Manager of Chicago Illini Union 222 Manager, Office 218 Manager of Illini Union, Assistant to 31 Manager of Hiotographic Laljoratory 223 Manager of Student Supply Store 224 Manager of Temporary Faiaily Housing 225 Manager of Temporary Family Housing, Assistant 226 Manager, Park 220 Manager, Traffic 221 Mason, Brick- and Stone- 37^ Mason, Stone- 37^ Matron 227 Matron, Assistant 228 McKinley Hospital, Superintendent of 309 Meat Cutter 229 Mechanical Engineer 1U4 Mechanical Engineer, Architectural 136 Mechanical Engineer, Power Plant 150 Mechanic, Aircraft Maintenance and Line 230 Mechanic, Assistant Laboratory 236 Mechanic, Automotive 232 Mechanic, Elevator 233 Mechanic, General Airport 231 Mechanic Helper, Refrigeration 2^1 Mechanic, Junior Laboratory 235 xvl INDEX J continued Mechanic, Power Plant 237 Mechanic, Refrigeration 238 Mechanic, Senior Laboratory 23^ Mechanic, Telephone 2^0 Medical Officer 2i^2 Medical Record Librarian 201 Medical Social Service Consultant 98 Medical Social Service Supervisor 325 Medical Social Worker 297 Medical Technologist, Jxmior 372 Medical Technologist, Senior 371 Messenger 24*^ Military Property Custodian, Assistant to 32 Molder 2if5 Musical Instrument Technician 3&\^ Music, Director of, Radio Station 120 Neuropsychiatric Clinic, Director of 121 Nonacademic Personnel, Assistant Director of 122 Nurse, Assistant Head 2^8 Nurse, Clinic 2k6 Nurse, Head 2^7 Nurse's Aide 252 Nurses, Assistant Director of 124 Nxirses, Director of 123 Nurse, Staff 2if9 Nurse, Supervising 250 Nurse, Visiting 251 Nursing Consultant 100 Nursing Service Supervisor 327 Nursing Service Supervisor, Assistant 329 Off -Campus Housing, Assistant Supervisoi^ of 355 Off -Campus Housing, Supervisor of 35^ TP^ ins ^H H4iS nr\ n>- ^A ■>. "i'^' x'^r . ->'''M Ito t( ir2 V ,ORTlf;'> INDEX, continued Office Appliance Operator, Aaeistant 26k Office Appliance Operator, Jimior 263 Office Appliance Operator, Senior 262 Office Assistant, Food Service 253 Office Manager 218 Officer, Admitting 255 Officer, Chief Admitting 2^ Officer, Medical 2if2 Officer, Personnel 256 Office Supervisor 330 Operating Engineer, Assistant Plant iW Operating Engineer, Plant 1^7 Operating Engineer, Swimming Pool 155 Operating Watch Engineer, Plant 1^9 Operations, Assistant Superintendent of 3II Operations Cleric, Junior 79 Operations Clerk, Senior 78 Operations Engineer 1^5 Operations, Superintendent of 3IO Operative Crane Engineer lh6 Operator, Airport Tower 257 Operator, Assistant Chief Switchboard 268 Operator, Assistant Office Appliance 26k Operator, Assistant Radio 265 Operator, Chief Cold Storage 258 Operator, Chief Switchboard 267 Operator, Cold Storage 259 Operator, Elevator 26O Operator, Junior Office Appliance 263 Operator, Laundry Press 26I Operator, Linotype 37if Operator, Senior Office Appliance 262 Operator, Steam Distribution 266 Operator, Switchboard 269 Operator, Water Station 270 Orderly 271 Orthopedic Nursing Consultant 101 xvlli IKBEX, continued Painter 37^ Painter Foreman 179 Park Foreman 175 Park, Laborer 199 Park Manager 220 Pattern Maker 37** Pay Roll Clerk, Junior 81 Pay Roll Clerk, Senior 80 Personnel Assistant 19 Personnel Officer 256 Photographer 272 Photographer, Assistant 273 Photograi^ic Laboratory, Manager of 223 Photographic Technician, Assistant 365 Physiotherapist, Chief Z[h Physiotherapist, Junior ^6 Physiotherapist, Senior 275 Physiotherapy Attendant 277 Physiotherapy Consultant, Field 97 Plant Operating Engineer Ikl Plant Operating Watch Engineer lii-9 Plasterer 37^ Plxaaber Foreman 179 Plumber -Stenmf i tter 37^ Police Captain 278 Police First Lieutenant 279 Policeman 281 Police Second Lieutenant 280 Potter 282 Poultryman 283 Power Plant Mechanic 237 Power Plant Mechanical Engineer 150 Power Plant Repairman 292 Power Plant Shift Supervisor 331 Pressman 374 Press Room Apprentice 11 Press Room Foreman 179 Printing Assistant, Senior 20 xix INDEX, continued Production Director, Radio Station 115 Program Director, Educational, Radio Station Uh Prograraaer Assistant, Radio 23 Proofreader, Junior 286 Proofreader, Senior 285 Psychiatric Social Service Worker, Supervising 299 Psychiatric Social Service Worker 300 Psychological Service Supervisor 332 Psychologist, Clinical 28? Purchases, Assistant Director of 125 Purchasing Agent 289 Purchasing Assistant, Junior 22 Purchasing Assistant, Senior 21 Radio Engineer, Assistant 153 Radio Engineer, Chief 152 Radio Operator, Assistant 265 Radio Prcgrannner Assistant 23 Radiiaa Technician 366 Receiving Clerk 82 Record Clerk, Assistant 85 Record Clerk, Junior &*■ Record Clerk, Senior 83 Recorder, Assistant 290 Record Room Supervisor 333 Refrigeration Mechanic 238 Refrigeration Mechanic Helper 2^1 Repairman, Instru23ient 291 Repairman, Power Plant 292 Repairs and Utilities, Superintendent of 313 Research and Educational Hospitals, Assistant Administrator of 7 Roads, Grounds, and Transportation, Superintendent of 31^ Roofer 37^ Routing Supervisor 335 i'v-": XX IKEEX, continued Sanitation and Safety, Superintendent of 315 Seamstress 293 Second Baker hi Secretary 295 Secretary, Executive, President's Office 159 Secretary, Senior 29^ Senior Accountant k Senior Account Clerk 68 Senior Architect 13 Senior Architectural Draftsman 127 Senior Clerk 65 Senior Clerk-Typist 9if Senior Engineering Draftmnan 129 Senior File Clerk 71 Senior Glasstlower 185 Senior Kitchen Helper 19^ Senior Laboratory Assistant 16 Senior Laboratory Attendant 39 Senior Laboratory Mechanic 23^ Senior Medical Technologist 371 Senior Office Appliance Operator 262 Senior Operations Clerk 78 Senior Pay Roll Clerk 80 Senior Physiotherapist 275 Senior Printing Assistant 20 Senior Proofreader 285 Senior Purchasing Assistant 21 Senior Record Clerk 83 Senior Secretary 29^ Senior Statistician 301 Senior X-Ray Technician 368 Serviceman, Laundry 296 Sewing and Surgical Dressing Supervisor 336 Sheet Metal Foreman 180 Sheet Metal Worker 37^ Skilled Trades Foreman 176 Skilled Trades Helper 375 Skilled Tradesman 31h xxl INDEX, continued Social Director, Assistant to 33 Social Research Analyst 8 Social Service Supervisor, Medical 325 Social Service Worker, Psychiatric 300 Social Service Worker, Supervising Psychiatric 299 Social Worker, Medical 297 Sound Technician 36? Specifications Writer 385 Speech and Hearing Consultant 103 Speech and Hearing Service Supervisor 337 Staff Nurse 2^9 Statistical Clerk 86 Statistician, Junior 302 Statistician, Senior 301 Steam Distribution Foreman l8l Steam Distribution Operator 266 Steamfitter (See: Plumber -Steamfltter) Stone -Mason 37^ Storekeeper 303 Stores Clerk ^ Stores Clerk, Assistant 88 Stores Supervisor 339 Structural Engineer 15^ Student Supply Store, Manager of 22^^ Sub -Foreman 182 Sub-Foreman, Janitor l82 Superintendent, Architectural 304 Superintendent of Building Maintenance 305 Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, Assistant 307 Superintendent of McKlnley Hospital 309 Superintendent of Operations 310 Superintendent of Operations, Assistant 311 Superintendent of Print Shop, Assistant 312 Superintendent of Repairs and Utilities 313 Superintendent of Roads, Grounds, and Transportation 31^ aacll Hn^EX, continued Superintendent of Sanitation and Safety 315 Superintendent of Utilities 3l6 Supervising Accountant 3 Supervising Clerk -Stenographer 90 Supervising Farm Foreman 172 Supervising Nurse 250 Supervising Psychiatric Social Service Worker 299 Supervisor, Assistant Nursing Service 389 Supervisor, Assistant Tabulating Machine 3^1 Supervisor, Assistant Training, Medical Social Service 3^^ Supervisor, Creamery 317 Supervisor, Custodial 3l8 Supervisor, Dining Room 319 Supervisor, Fountain 320 Supervisor, Intake 321 Supervisor, Inventory 322 Supervisor, Laundress 323 Supervisor, Mailing Service 3^ Supervisor, Medical Social Service 325 Supervisor, Nursing Service 327 Supervisor of Animal Hospital 3^5 Supervisor of Animal Hospital, Assistant 3^^ Supervisor of Building Craftsmen 3^7 Supervisor of Chicago Illini Center 3^8 Supervisor of Clinic Nurses 3^9 Supervisor of Clinic Nurses, Assistant 350 Supervisor, Office 330 Supervisor of Housekeeping 351 Supervisor of Information Office 352 Supervisor of Linen Service 353 Supervisor of Off -Campus Housing 35^ Supervisor of Off -Campus Housing, Assistant 355 Supervisor of Urology Clinic 356 Supervisor of Voter ai^s ©luipment Procurement 358 Supervisor, Power Plant Shift 331 Supervisor, Psychological Service 332 4Sf A«% ^'^ cTi... j-n; XJClll ITOEX, continued Supervisor, Record Room 333 Supervisor, Routing 335 Supervisor, Sewing and Surgical Dressing 336 Supervisor, Speech and Hearing Service 337 Supervisor, Stores 339 Supervisor, Tabulating Machine 3^0 Supervisor, (Draining, Medical Social Service 3^2 Supply Attendant ^3 Swimming Pool Operating Engineer 155 Switchhoard Operator 269 Switchboard Operator, Assistant Chief 268 Switchboard Operator, Chief 267 Tabulating Machine Supervisor 3^0 Tabulating Machine Supervisor, Assistant 3^1 Teacher of Handicapped Children 36O Technician, Aircraft Instrument 36I Technician, Assistant Hiotographic 365 Technician, Brace 362 Technician, Chief X-Ray 368 Technician, Junior X-Ray 370 Technician, Laboratory and X-Ray 363 Technician, Musical Instrument 36^ Technician, Radium 366 Technician, Senior X-Ray 368 Technician, Soxjnd 367 Technologist, Junior Medical 372 Technologist, Senior Medical 371 Telephone Mechanic 2^0 Temporary Family Housing, Assistant Manager of 226 Temporary Family Housing, Manager of 225 Tester, Advanced Registry 373 Tool Room Attendant kk Trades Helper, Skilled 375 Tradesman, Skilled 37^ Traffic Manager 221 Training Supervisor, Assistant, Medical Social Service 3kh xxiv IKDEX, continued !Eralnlng Supervisor, Medical Social Service 3^2 Tree Surgeon 376 Tree Surgeon, Assistant 377 Tree Trimmer 378 Urology Clinic, Supervisor of 356 Utilities, Superintendent of 316 Veterans Equipment Procurement, Supervisor of 358 Visiting Nurse 251 Visitor, Housing 379 Ward Clerk 89 Washman 38O Watchman 38I Water Station Fcreman I80 Water Station Operator 270 Welder 37^ Windov Washer ^ yjh Worker, BookMndery 49 Wrlngerman 382 Writer, Continuity 383 Writer, Editorial 38U Writer, Specifications -385 X-Ray Technician, Chief 368 X-Ray Technician, Junior 370 X-^ay Technician, Senior 368 r-^-v-^-^ r-.->:r,: aaoi^jioi .•T ■V J . ^ J* _ - _ ONlVEBSni Ul- ILLIIlUIS-UBUI.il- 3 0112111982465 ■<*v^^ I I \M