THE PORT OF NEW YORK N. Y. AND N. J. Port Series No. 5 Revi-sed 1978 im™ immi aoa g uu uir CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY The person charging this material is re- ‘-oonsible for its return to the library from 'uch it was withdrawn on or before the \st Date stamped below. Wilation, and underlining of books are reasons \linary action and may result in dismissal from y Telephone Center, 333-8400 CAMPAIGN ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA < T -- ■ " ‘■.■■■tM! L161—0-1096 CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY PORT SERIES NO. 5 REVISED 1978 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, N. Y., AND N. J. DEPOSITORY JUN 2 2 1979 UNIV. 01- ILL. LIBRARY UR13AHA CHAMPAIGN PREPARED BY THE BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1978 For sale by the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 Price $10.50 For sale by the Superintendent ot Documents, U.8. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Ill CONTENTS PAGE NO. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS : Location and General Description. 1 Harbor and Channel Improvements by the United States. 4 Harbor and Channel Improvements by Local Interests. 19 Channel Depths. 25 Anchorages. 29 Bridges. 54 Weather Conditions. 54 PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES : Piers, Wharves, and Docks. 72 Oil Handling and Bunkering. 326 Bulk Liquid Storage. 333 Warehouses. 334 Open Storage. 348 Hoisting Equipment - Ashore and Afloat. 349 Marine Repair Plants. 352 Drydocking Facilities. 352 Floating Equipment. 352 Rail Lines. 353 ILLUSTRATIONS : Selected Views of Waterfront Facilities. 59 _ 71 INDEX OF PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS. 370 - 376 IV LIST OF CURRENT REPORTS PORT G.P.O. SERIES SALES NO. PRICE 1 The Ports of Portland and Searsport, Maine, and Portsmouth, N.H., 1976. $3.25 3 The Port of Boston, Mass., 1978. 4 The Ports of Southern New England, 1976 (Providence, R.I.; Fall River, Mass.; New London, New Haven, and Bridgeport, Conn.). 4.00 5 The Port of New York, N.Y. and N.J., 1978. 10.50 6 The Port of Albany and Ports on the Hudson River, N.Y., 1978. 8 The Ports of Philadelphia, Pa., Camden, N.J., Wilmington, Del., and Ports on Delaware River, 1978. 10 The Port of Baltimore, Md., 1978. 4.25 11 The Ports of Hampton Roads, Va., 1971 (Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Newport News, and Hampton). 4.60 12 The Ports of Wilmington and Morehead City, N.C., 1970. 2.30 13 The Ports of Charleston and Georgetown, S.C., 1970. ** 14 The Ports of Savannah and Brunswick, Ga., 1972. 1.80 15 The Port of Jacksonville, Fla., 1978. 16 The Ports of Miami, Port Everglades, and Palm Beach, Fla., 1972. 2.70 17 The Port of Tampa, Fla., 1978. 18 The Port of Mobile, Ala., 1978. 19 The Ports of Panama City and Pensacola, Fla., and Pascagoula, Miss., 1978 . * 20 The Port of New Orleans, La., 1970/77. 4.50 21 The Ports of Baton Rouge and Lake Charles, La., 1969. ** 22 The Ports of Port Arthur, Beaumont, and Orange, Tex., 1969. 2.00 23 The Ports of Galveston and Texas City, Tex., 1969. 3.05 24 The Port of Houston, Tex., 1971. ** 25 The Port of Corpus Christi, Tex., 1978. 26 The Ports of Freeport, Port Isabel, and Brownsville,. Tex., 1969. 2.00 27 The Port of San Diego, Calif., 1978. 28 The Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, Calif., 1978. * 30 The Ports of San Francisco and Redwood City, Calif., 1974. 2.25 31 The Ports of Oakland, Alameda, Richmond, and Vallejo, and Ports on Carquinez Strait, Calif., 1974. 4.60 32 The Ports of Sacramento, Stockton, Pittsburg, and Antioch, Calif., 1975. 3.15 33 The Ports of Coos Bay and Astoria, Oreg., and Longview and Vancouver, Wash., and Ports on the Columbia River, 1975. 3.05 34 The Port of Portland, Oreg., 1974. 2.35 35 The Ports of Tacoma, Grays Harbor, and Olympia, Wash., 1975. 3.90 36 The Port of Seattle, Wash., 1975. 3.50 37 The Ports of Port Angeles, Port Townsend, Everett, Anacortes, and Bellingham, Wash., 1975. 4.00 38 The Ports of Anchorage, Nikiski, Whittier, Seward, Valdez, and Ketchikan, Alaska, 1976. 3.50 41 The Port of Buffalo, N.Y., 1971. 2.15 42 United States Ports on Lake Erie, 1970 (Erie, Pa., and Conneaut, Ashtabula, Fairport Harbor, Lorain, Huron, and Sandusky, Ohio). 4.40 43 The Port of Cleveland, Ohio, 1970. 2.10 44 The Port of Toledo, Ohio, 1972. 1.15 45 The Port of Detroit and Ports on the Saginaw River, Mich., 1972. 3.20 46 The Port of Chicago, Ill., 1975. 3.80 47 The Port of Milwaukee, Wis., 1972. 2.10 48 The Ports on Lake Michigan, 1973 (Green Bay and Manitowoc, Wis.; Muskegon and Escanaba, Mich.; and Indiana Harbor and Bums Waterway Harbor, Ind.). 4.45 49 The Ports of Duluth, Minn., and Superior, Wis., Taconite Harbor, Silver Bay, and Two Harbors, Minn., and Ashland, Wis., 1974. 2.25 50 The Ports of Hawaii (Honolulu, Hilo, Kawaihae, Kahului, Nawiliwili, and Port Allen), 1969. ** *Under revision. **Stock exhausted. NOTE: Copies of the Port Series may be obtained by ordering directly from the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060, at prices quoted under G.P.O. sales price. Check or money order should be made payable to the Superintendent of Documents. Payment is required in advance. V INTRODUCTION This report on the Port of New York, New York, and New Jersey is published as No. 5 of the Port Series. It super¬ sedes a similar report revised in 1965. The reports in the Port Series cover the principal United States coastal and Great Lakes ports, and are com¬ piled and published by the Port Facilities Division, Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Kingman Building, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060, under authority of Section 7 of the River and Harbor Act of July 19, 1918, Section 500 of the Transportation Act of February 28, 1920, and Section 8 of the Merchant Marine Act of June 5, 1920. Acknowledgement is made of the valuable assistance given by the District Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer Dis¬ trict, New York; facility operators; port organizations; shipping and transportation companies; and city officials in the work of compiling data for this report. Unless otherwise stated, the information contained in this report was current upon completion of field survey in June 1977. Additional revised data have been included through April 1978. VI METRIC CONVERSION TABLE Section 3 of Public Law 94-163, the Metric Conversion Act of 1975, declares that the policy of the United States shall be to coordinate and plan the increasing use of the metric system in the United States. As an initial step, in accordance with the Metric Con¬ version Act of 1975, this Metric Conversion Table is in¬ cluded in this Port Series Report. MULTIPLY BY TO OBTAIN Inches 2.54001 Centimeters Feet 0.304801 Meters Miles, statute 1.60935 Kilometers Square feet 0.0929034 Square meters Acres 0.404687 Hectares Pounds per square foot 4.88241 Kilograms per square meter Tons, short 0.907185 Metric tons Tons, long 1.01605 Metric tons Gallons 3.78543 Liters Degrees, Fahrenheit 5/9 (F-32) Degrees, Celsius Barrels, oil 1.58988 Hectoliters Bushels 0.0352391 Cubic meters 1 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS LOCATION AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Port of New York, New York, and New Jersey Harbor is 386 nautical miles southwest by water from Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, and 240 nautical miles northeast of Philadelphia. The New York-New Jersey Port District, encompasses ports of both states, with a total of 1,500 square miles within a 25-mile radius of the Statue of Liberty. The area includes 17 counties and 234 munici¬ palities, with a population of over 12 million. Eight separate bays and associated waterways provide 755 miles of frontage of which 460 miles is in New York and 295 miles in New Jersey. Many factors are responsible for the development of the bistate port, including the fact that it has a large, protected, natural, deepwater har¬ bor, and is located only 9 miles from the Atlantic Ocean. In addition, the port's principal freight-handling activity is concentrated in the fringe areas of the port district, enabling intermodal transport systems to serve areas of recent expansion. Included in the port district are areas contiguous to New York Har¬ bor and its approaches: Jamaica Bay to the Queens-Nassau County line, and Long Island Sound to the Connecticut border on the east; the Hudson River to Tarrytown on the north; Newark Bay and Arthur Kill, including navigable portions of the Hackensack, Passaic, and Raritan Rivers on the west; and Raritan and Sandy Hook Bays on the south. New York Harbor, the principal entrance by water to New York City and the surrounding port, is divided into the Lower Bay (Outer Harbor) and Upper Bay (Inner Harbor) at The Narrows spanned by the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. LOWER BAY Lower Bay is that part of New York Harbor extending from Sandy Hook westward to the Raritan River, northward to The Narrows, and eastward through Jamaica Bay. The Lower Bay extends about 9 miles from The Narrows to the Atlantic Ocean. Jamaica Bay is an indentation in the south shore of Long Island, separated from the Atlantic Ocean by Rockaway Beach, and has an area of about 18 1/2 square miles. The entrance is about 8 miles east of The Narrows. Raritan Bay lies to the west of the Lower Bay between the southern end of Staten Island and the New Jersey shore. Channels serving the Lower Bay area are: 2 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY Ambrose Channel, providing the principal entrance to New York Harbor, extends from the sea in a northwesterly and then in a north¬ erly direction for a distance of about 10.2 miles to a point south of The Narrows. Anchorage Channel, an extension of Ambrose Channel, leads through Upper Bay to the Battery, Hudson River Channel continues northward from the Battery for about 5 miles to West 59th Street, Manhattan. Sandy Hook Channel provides a secondary route from the sea to deep water in the Lower Bay, connecting with Raritan Bay Channel to the west. Chapel Hill Channel to the north, and Terminal Channel to the south. Swash Channel provides passage between Ambrose Channel and Sandy Hook Channel. Rockaway Inlet, between Rockaway Point on the south and Man¬ hattan Beach and Barren Island on the north, is the entrance into Jamaica Bay. UPPER BAY The Upper Bay consists of the Lower Hudson River, East River, Long Island Sound, and tributary waterways. To the east, the tribu¬ tary waterways are Gowanus Creek, Newtown Creek, Harlem River, Bronx River, Westchester Creek, Flushing Bay and Creek, Hutchinson River, and Byram River; and to the west, the tributaries are the Kill Van Kull, Arthur Kill, Newark Bay, Passaic River, and Hackensack River. The Upper Bay is connected with the Lower Bay by The Nar¬ rows, a natural channel having a width of about 3, 500 feet and depths varying from 45 to 100 feet. Descriptions of the waterways and chan¬ nels in the Upper Bay follow: Upper Bay extends southerly from the junction of the Hudson and East Rivers opposite the Battery, New York City, a distance of about 5 1/2 miles to The Narrows. Anchorage Channel, a continuation of Ambrose Channel, extends northward from The Narrows to the mouth of the Hudson River at the Battery. Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels lie along the east shore of the Upper Bay and together with Buttermilk Channel, which lies between Governors Island and the Brooklyn shore, form an easterly channel along the Brooklyn waterfront from The Nar¬ rows to deep water in the East River. Bay Ridge Channel also affords access to Gowanus Creek Channel. Gowanus Creek is a small tidal inlet extending northeasterly about 11/2 miles from Bay Ridge Chan¬ nel. The upper part is known as Gowanus Canal. The Hudson River flows in a southerly direction and empties into Upper New York Bay. The Hudson River Channel extends from the Weehawken-Edgewater Channel to deep water in the Upper Bay to about one mile south of the George Washington Bridge. Manhattan Island ex¬ tends along the east bank of the river for a distance of about 14 miles PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 3 above the Battery. Many of the former piers along the lower section of the waterfront have lost their potential for shipping operations and are being replaced by commercial development and a new highway. The primary passenger terminal, serving the New York area, is lo¬ cated between W. 48th and W. 52d Streets, approximately 4. 5 miles above the Battery. The East River is a tidal strait about 14 miles long and from 600 to 4, 000 feet wide. It connects deep water at Governors Island in the Upper Bay with Long Island Sound at Throgs Neck, separating Long Island from the mainland. The reach, between Roosevelt Island and Wards Island, known as Hell Gate, is noted for its strong tidal cur¬ rents. Tribuatry waterways to the East River are: Newtown Creek, a tidal arm of the East River, forms a portion of the boundary between the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. The mouth of the creek is located on the east bank, approximately 3. 6 miles above the Battery. The Harlem River leads northward from East River, between the Boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx, and con¬ nects with the Hudson River through Spuyten Duyvil Creek. The chan¬ nel through Harlem River is narrow, tortuous, and navigable only by powered vessels. Bronx River flows into the East River, about 11 miles northeast of the Battery. Westchester Creek flows south into the East River at a point about 14 miles from the Battery. Flushing Bay is an indentation of the East River in the northern shore of Long Island, about 12 miles from the Battery, and Flushing Creek flows into the head of the bay from the south. Long Island Sound is a deep navigable waterway situated between the shores of Connecticut and New York on the north, and the northern coast of Long Island on the south. Manhasset Bay is an indentation in the north shore of Long Island, between the headlands of Great Neck and Manhasset, and is located about 20 miles above the Battery. Hutchinson River flows into Long Island Sound from the north, about 21 miles from the Battery. New Rochelle Harbor, Echo Bay Harbor, and Mamaroneck Harbor are all situated on the north shore of Long Island Sound about 2 3, 24, and 2 7 miles, respectively, from the Battery. The Byram River forms part of the New York-Connecticut boundary and is about 32 miles by water northeast of the Battery. Arthur Kill is a narrow body of water separating Staten Island, N. Y., from New Jersey. To the north, it connects with the Kill Van Kull and to the south with Raritan Bay. On the shores of the Arthur Kill are the localities of South Amboy, Perth Amboy, Woodbridge, Carteret, Linden, and Elizabeth, N.J., and Staten Island, N.Y. Kill Van Kull lies between Staten Island, N.Y., and Bayonne, N.J., and is 4 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY the connecting link between the main harbor channel on the east and Arthur Kill and Newark Bay on the west. The Rahway River enters Arthur Kill from the west about 7. 2 miles above Raritan Bay extending westward to the town of Rahway and forms part of the boundary between Union and Middlesex Counties. The Raritan River empties into the western end of Raritan Bay be¬ tween Perth Amboy and South Amboy. Newark Bay is a tidal estuary about 1 mile wide and 4 miles long, situated north of Arthur Kill and west of Kill Van Kull. On the east side of the bay are the cities of Bayonne and Jersey City; on the west, the cities of Elizabeth and Newark. The Hackensack and Passaic Rivers both flow southerly, entering Newark Bay at its northern extremity. HARBOR AND CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS BY THE UNITED STATES (Project Depths Refer to Mean Low Water) New York Harbor: Entrance Channels and Anchorage Areas The works included under the above title are in the Lower and Upper Bays. Improvements of the channels in this portion of the har¬ bor have been authorized by the River and Harbor Acts of July 5, 1884, March 3, 1899, June 25, 1910, August 8, 1917, July 3, 1930, August 30, 1935, August 26, 1937, July 3, 1958, and October 27, 1965. The existing project provides for the following work: Ambrose, Sandy Hook (East Section), Bayside, and Main Ship Channels : T^he existing project, authorized in 1884 and modified in 1935, 1937, and 1958, provides for: Ambrose Channel - 45 feet deep and 2, 000 feet wide from the Atlantic Ocean to deep water in the Lower Bay; about 10. 2 miles long. Sandy Hook Channel (East Section) - 35 feet deep and 800 feet wiae along an alignment generally west of South Channel from the 35-foot ocean contour to the junction with Bayside Channel; about 3.4 miles long. Elimination from the authorized project of part of the Bayside-Gedney Channel. Sandy Hook Channel (Bayside Channel) - 35 feet deep and 800 feet wide extending from the junction with Sandy Hook Channel (East Section) to the junction with Main Ship Channel (Chapel Hill Channel); about 3. 7 miles long. Main Ship Channel (Chapel Hill Channel) - 30 feet d^ep and 1, 000 feet wide, extending from Bayside Channel to deep water in Lower Bay; about 5. 3 miles long. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 5 Removal of Craven Shoal to a depth of 30 feet; about 0. 6 mile long. Anchorage Channel - The existing project, authorized in 1930 and modified in 1937, provides for: A channel, an extension of Ambrose Channel, 45 feet deep and 2,000 feet wide, opposite the anchorage grounds in the Upper Bay; about 5. 7 miles long. Anchorage Areas and Channel along New Jersey Pierhead Line - The existing project, authorized in 1935 and modified in 1965, pro- vides for: An anchorage area in the southerly half of Red Hook Flats to be deepened 45, 40, and 35 feet over an area of 928 acres; An anchorage area of 334 acres in Gravesend Bay with debths of up to 47 feet; An anchorage 20 feet deep in the vicinity of Liberty Island; A channel 20 feet deep, 500 feet wide, with widening of bends to 800 feet along the New Jersey Pierhead Line, con¬ necting the Kill Van Kull with deep water in Anchorage Channel south of the Liberty Island anchorage, about 3 miles long; and A channel 16 feet deep, 200 feet wide extending from bell buoy 23 to Hoffman and Swinburne Islands, for a length of 2.3 miles. The project has been completed except for dredging Red Hook Flats anchorage and deepening Gravesend Bay anchorage. Mean tidal range is 4. 7 feet, with an extreme range of 14. 8 feet (MLW). New York and New Jersey Channels The works in the above title extend from deep water northwest of Sandy Hook, through Lower New York Bay and Raritan Bay to Perth Amboy and thence through Arthur Kill, Lower Newark Bay, and Kill Van Kull to deep water in Upper New York Bay. This portion of the harbor has been under improvement since 1874, with modifications authorized by numerous acts through 1922. The existing project, authorized in 1933 and modified in 1935, 1950, and 1965, provides for: A channel 37 feet deep in rock and 35 feet deep in soft material, 600 feet wide through Lower New York Bay, 6 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY Raritan Bay, and Arthur Kill to a point 1, 000 feet north of Smith Creek, except in the vicinities of Seguine Point and Ward Point where the width is to be 800 feet; thence 500 feet wide to a point 1,000 feet south of Piles Creek; thence 500 to 600 feet wide passing north of Shooters Island and protected by a dike on its northern side to the junction of the channel into Newark Bay; thence 800 feet wide through Kill Van Kull to Constable Hook; thence 1,000 feet wide from a point opposite the east end of Constable Hook to a point near the intersection with the channel along the New Jersey Pierhead Line; and thence 1,400 feet wide through Kill Van Kull to Upper New York Bay; total project length 30. 8 miles. Included in the project are: Two anchorages 38 feet deep to accommodate five vessels each, one in the vicinity of Sandy Hook and the other south of Perth Amboy. In addition, construction of a dike north of Shooters Island, and two secondary channels 30 feet deep and 400 feet wide, one south of Shooters Island and the other in Raritan Bay connecting with the Raritan River, have been completed under previous projects and are maintained under this project. The project has been completed except for widening the junction with Main Ship (Chapel Hill) Channel to a depth of 30 feet. Perth Amboy anchorage was dredged to depths of 37 and 25 feet deep and 1, 800 feet wide in lieu of 38 feet deep and 1, 600 feet wide. No work has been done in the anchorage area in the vicinity of Sandy Hook. Tidal ranges are (feet): Ft. Hamilton Arthur Kill Elm Park (Staten Island) Mean 4.7 5. 2 4.9 Extreme 14.8 14.7 14.4 Newark Bay and Hackensack and Passaic Rivers, N. J. Improvements by the United States in Newark Bay, and the Hacken¬ sack, and Passaic Rivers have been made since the adoption of the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1852. Work was carried on under various modifications of the Act until the adoption of the present existing project as described below: Newark Bay and Port Elizabeth - The existing project, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of September 22, 1922, and modified by the Acts of 1943, 1954, 1964, 1966, and 1975, provides for: A main channel 37 feet deep in rock and 35 feet deep in other material, and being 700 feet wide to the branch PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 7 channel to Port Newark, thence 500 feet wide to a turning basin 1, 300 feet long and 900 feet wide at the junction of the Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Channels, length about 4. 7 miles; a maneuvering area south of the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central R.R. of New Jersey) railroad bridge 2, 200 feet long and 300 feet wide with depths of 38 feet in the southern half and 35 feet in the northern half; a com¬ bined bend cutoff and maneuvering area at the southern side of the junction with Elizabeth Branch Channel; and widening of bends at the Kill Van Kull and Port Newark Channels. Additional widening at the junction with Kill Van Kull in the vicinity of Bergen Point by deepening to 35 feet a tri¬ angular area south of Kill Van Kull channel and east of Shooters Island; this area to be included in the Newark Bay project and deleted from the New York and New Jersey Chan¬ nels project. At Port Newark - a branch channel 800 feet wide lead¬ ing to an inshore channel 400 feet wide, total length about 1. 6 miles; a pierhead channel 200 feet wide along the east bulkhead between the Port Newark and Elizabeth Branch Channels, length 4,100 feet. At Elizabeth Marine Terminal - a branch channel 500 feet wide and about 1.4 miles long; a pierhead channel along the east bulkhead 2 90 feet wide, and about 1.1 miles long; a south channel along the south bulkhead 290 feet wide and about 2, 600 feet long; a southern approach area just above Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central R.R. of New Jersey) rail¬ road bridge enlarged for turning and maneuvering, with a maximum length of about 2, 700 feet and width (between the pierhead channel and Newark Bay Channel) of about 800 feet. Hackensack River - adopted 1912, modified 1922-1927, 1954, and 1966, provides for: A channel in the Hackensack River, 34 feet deep in rock and 32 feet deep in soft material, 400 feet wide from the upper end of the Newark Bay Channel to the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central R.R. of New Jersey) railroad bridge, length 1.1 miles; thence with the same depths and 300 feet wide, to a point about 2, 000 feet north of the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Erie- Lackawanna) (D.L. & W) railroad bridge, length 2.8 miles, with a turning basin 25 feet deep at the upper end of the channel thence 15 feet deep, 200 feet wide, to Little Ferry, 10.1 miles; thence 150 feet wide, to the Court Street Bridge in Hackensack, length 2. 3 miles. Total length about 16. 3 miles. Passaic River - adopted 1907 and 192 7, modified 1911, 1912, and 1930, provides for: 8 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY A channel in the Passaic River, 30 feet deep, 300 feet wide, from Newark Bay to a point 3, 000 feet above Lincoln Highway Bridge, length 2. 6 miles; thence 20 feet deep, 300 feet wide to Congoleum Industries, Inc., (Nairn Linoleum Works) length about 4.4 miles; thence 16 feet deep, 200 feet wide, to the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Greenwood Lake Divi¬ sion) railroad bridge, length about 1.1 miles; thence 10 feet deep, 150 feet wide, to the Eighth Street Bridge at Passaic, length 7.3 miles. Total length - about 15.4 miles. The project is about 60 percent complete. The work remaining to be done consists of deepening about 1. 7 miles of channel in Newark Bay and deepening the Hackensack River to project depths of 32 feet and 15 feet. Completion of the 20-foot-depth channel in the Passaic River described above is inactive. Tidal range is 4. 9 feet, with an extreme tidal range of about 14.4 feet (MLW). Raritan River, N. J. A survey was made in 1836 of the Raritan River for the improve¬ ment of New Brunswick Harbor. Subsequent projects were authorized by Acts of 1878 and 1881. The existing project, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1919, and modified by the Acts of July 3, 1930, August 26, 1937, October 17, 1940, and October 2 3, 1962, provides for: A main channel, 25 feet deep and 300 feet wide, from the turn in New York and New Jersey Channels, near Great Beds Light to the Raritan Center (Raritan Arsenal) Wharf; thence 15 feet deep and 200 feet wide, to the Washington Canal; thence 10 feet deep in soft material and 11 feet deep in rock, and generally 100 feet wide, with widening at bends, to the Delaware and Raritan Canal entrance at New Brunswick; about 13.8 miles. A turning basin opposite Raritan Center Wharf, 25 feet deep, 300 feet wide, and 1,000 feet long. A south channel, 25 feet deep and 300 feet wide, from its junction with the main channel opposite Keasby to the upper limit of the Titanium Pigment, Division of NL Industries, Inc., property; 10 feet deep and 150 feet wide to its junction with the main channel at Crab Island; about 3. 2 miles long. The project is about 96 percent complete. The work remaining to be done is dredging the South Channel to a depth of 10 feet and a width of 150 feet for a length of 1, 300 feet to the upper junction with the main channel at Crab Island. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 9 Tidal range is 5.1 feet at Perth Amboy with an extreme range of 15. 6 feet (MLW). Rahway River, N. J. The original project for the improvement of the Rahway River was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1879. The existing project, authorized by the Act of August 30, 1935, provides for: A channel, 8 feet deep and generally 100 feet wide, from the mouth of the river to a point just above the former Lambert's Wharf with widening at the entrance and at bends. A turning basin, 8 feet deep, at the head of the im¬ provement; about 2.5 miles long. No work has been done on this project; the project is inactive. Tidal range is 5.2 feet with extreme tidal range of about 15 feet (MLW). Raritan River to Arthur Kill Cut-Off Channel, N. J. The existing project, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1935, provides for: A channel, 20 feet deep and 800 feet wide, to connect the Raritan River Channel with the southern end of the Arthur Kill Channel, New York and New Jersey Channels project; about 1 mile long. The project has been completed. When examined in January 1964, the controlling mean low water depth through the channel was 20 feet for a width of 800 feet. Tidal range is 5.1 feet with an extreme tidal range of 15.6 feet (MLW). East Rockaway Inlet, N. Y. The existing project for the improvement of East Rockaway Inlet, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930, provides for: A channel, 12 feet deep, 250 feet wide, from a 12- foot depth in the Atlantic Ocean to a 12-foot depth in East Rockaway Inlet. 10 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY The construction of east and west jetties, 4, 250 and 3, 000 feet long, respectively. West jetty portion of project is considered inactive. Work under active portion of existing project is 100 percent com¬ plete. Tidal range is 4. 3 feet with an extreme tide of 10. 8 feet (MLW). Jamaica Bay, N. Y. Jamaica Bay has been under improvement since the adoption of the River and Harbor Acts of June 14, 1880 and July 13, 1892. The exist¬ ing project, authorized by the Act of June 25, 1910, and modified by the Acts of March 2, 1945 and May 17, 1950, provides for: An interior channel extending from the vicinity of the Marine Parkway Bridge along the west and north shores of the bay, 18 feet deep at mean low water and 300 feet wide to Mill Basin, with a swinging basin 1, 000 feet wide and 1, 000 feet long at that point; thence 12 feet deep and 200 feet wide to Fresh Creek Basin. An interior channel extending from the same locality along the south shore to Head of Bay, 15 feet deep and 200 feet wide. A channel in Mott Basin 15 feet deep and 200 feet wide extending from the channel along the south shore 3, 000 feet to the junction of the two branches, thence 2, 200 feet in the north branch (Inwood Creek) and 3, 200 feet in the south branch. An entrance channel connecting the two interior channels with deep water in the Atlantic Ocean, of suit¬ able hydraulic dimensions to maintain the present tidal prism in the bay, but not less than 18 feet deep and 500 feet wide from opposite Barren Island to Rockaway Point; thence enlarging to not less than 20 feet deep and 1,000 feet wide to the Atlantic Ocean, protected by one riprap jetty. Length of section included in project is 19.5 miles. The project has been completed. Tidal range is 4. 9 feet with an extreme range of 13. 7 feet (MLW). Sheepshead Bay, N. Y. The original project for the improvement of Sheepshead Bay, was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 1880 and modified by Acts PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 11 of 1881 and 1889. The existing project, authorized by the Act of July 25, 1912, provides for: A channel, 6 feet deep and 100 feet wide, from a 6-foot depth in the Atlantic Ocean to a 6-foot depth in Sheepshead Bay; length of project, about 0.3 mile. The project has been completed. Tidal range is 4. 7 feet with an extreme range of 14. 8 feet (MLW). Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, N. Y. This portion of the New York Harbor has been under improvement since the adoption of the River and Harbor Act of March 8, 1881. The existing project, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1899, and modified by the Acts of March 2, 1907, and July 3, 1930, provides for: A channel 40 feet deep, of the following widths: 1, 200 feet from The Narrows to Bay Ridge Avenue, Brooklyn, thence 1, 750 feet to the junction of Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, and thence 1, 200 feet through Red Hook Channel to its junction with Buttermilk Chan¬ nel. In the entrance to Gowanus Creek, the width nar¬ rows uniformly to 500 feet at 28th Street, Brooklyn; length of project, about 4.0 miles. The project has been completed. Tidal range is 4. 7 feet with an extreme range of 14. 8 feet (MLW). Buttermilk Channel, N. Y. This portion of New York Harbor has been under improvement by the United States since the passage of the River and Harbor Act of June 14, 1880. Work was carried on under various modifications of the Act until the adoption of the existing project, authorized by the River and Harbor Acts of June 13, 1902, August 30, 1935, and Octo¬ ber 2 3, 1962, which provides for the following work: A channel 1,000 feet wide with 40- and 35-foot depths in the easterly and westerly halves, respectively, with suitable widening at the junctions with the East River and Anchorage Channels to a depth of 35 feet and with Red Hook Channel to a depth of 40 feet and additional widening to provide a minimum clear channel width of 2,100 feet to a depth of 35 feet at the junction with Anchorage and Red Hook Channels. 12 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY The project has been completed. Tidal range is 4.4 feet with an extreme range of 14.4 feet (MLW). Newtown Creek, N. Y. Newtown Creek has been under improvement since the River and Harbor Act of June 14, 1880. The existing project, authorized by Acts of March 2, 1919, July 3, 1930, and August 26, 1937, provides for: A channel 23 feet deep, 130 feet wide, from the East River to a point 150 feet north of Maspeth Avenue. A triangular area 23 feet deep at the north side of the entrance to creek. A turning basin 23 feet deep at former location of Mussel Island. A channel in the East Branch 18 feet deep and 150 feet wide, from a point 150 feet north of Maspeth Avenue to the Grand Street Bridge, and thence 18 feet deep, 125 feet wide, to Metropolitan Avenue. A channel in Dutch Kills 20 feet deep, 75 to 100 feet wide, and 2, 800 feet long, with a turning basin at the head. A channel in Maspeth Creek 20 feet deep, 100 feet wide, and 2, 000 feet long. A channel in English Kills 20 feet deep and 150 feet wide to Metropolitan Avenue Bridge, including the easing of bends; and thence 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide, to a point 80 feet below Montrose Avenue Bridge, suitably widened at bends and materially widened by the excavation of upland at the second bend above the Metropolitan Avenue Bridge. Total length of project is about 5. 2 miles. The project is about 64 percent complete. The remaining work consists of completing, to project dimensions, the 23-foot main chan¬ nel between Greenpoint and Meeker Avenues; and between 800 and 150 feet north of Maspeth Avenue; the 20-foot channel in the East Branch; and the 20- and 12-foot channels in English Kills. The portion of the authorized project in Maspeth Creek above 49th Street was filled in under a Department of the Army permit issued in 1942. Tidal range at Belmont Island (north of the entrance to Newtown Creek) is 4. 2 feet with an extreme range of 10. 7 feet (MLW). PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 13 East River, N. Y. Improvements in the East River have been made by the United States since the adoption of the River and Harbor Act of August 30, 1852, The existing project, authorized by Acts of March 3, 1915, July 2 7, 1916, August 8, 1917, July 18, 1918, September 22, 1922, and December 17, 1970, provides for: A main channel 40 feet deep, 1,000 feet wide, from Upper New York Bay to the former Brooklyn Navy Yard, and thence 35 feet deep, 550 to 1,000 feet wide to Throgs Neck; about 16 miles long. A channel east of Roosevelt (Welfare) Island, from the main channel to 43d Drive, Long Island City, 30 feet deep, 500 to 900 feet wide, with widening in the approach from the main channel. A channel between South Brother and Berrian Islands, 20 feet deep, 300 feet wide, with widening in the approach from the main channel. South Brother Island Channel, 35 feet deep and 400 feet wide, with widening at the junction with the main channel and a turning basin at the head of the channel. The removal of Coenties Reef to 40 feet. The removal of the following rocks and reefs to give access to wharves: Fulton Ferry Reef to 25 feet. Jay Street Reef to 25 feet, Corlears Reef to 35 feet. Shell Reef to 25 feet. Horns Hook Reef to 40 feet, Rhinelander Reef to 26 feet, and reel off Oak Point to 30 feet. The construction of a dike in Pot Cove, Hell Gate. The project is about 89 percent complete, with work remaining con¬ sisting of deepening the South Brother Island Channel. Tidal range varies from 4.4 feet at the Battery to 7.1 feet at Throgs Neck (Fort Schuyler); extreme tide ranges from 14.4 feet to 19. 3 feet (MLW), respectively. Harlem River, N. Y. The original project for the improvement of Harlem River was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of June 23, 1874. The existing project, authorized by the River and Harbor Acts of June 18, 1878, and March 4, 1913, provides for: 14 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY A channel 15 feet deep, 400 feet wide, from East River to the Hudson River, except in the vicinity of the Washington Bridge, where it is 354 feet wide, and at the rock cut west of the Broadway Bridge where it is 18 feet deep and 350 feet wide. Straightening the channel at the former Johnson Iron Works (south of Henry Hudson Bridge) by making a cut 15 feet deep and 400 feet wide; length of the project is about 7. 6 miles. The project has been completed. Tidal range varies from 4. 9 feet at Mill Rock (junction with the East River) to 3. 9 feet at Spuyten Duyvil (Hudson River entrance); ex¬ treme ranges are 15.1 feet and 14.1 feet (MLW), respectively. Bronx River, N. Y. Bronx River has been under improvement by the United States since the adoption of the River and Harbor Act of June 3, 1896. The existing project, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 4, 1913, provides for: A channel 10 feet deep and at least 100 feet wide, from the East River to the dam at East 177th Street, in¬ cluding the widening of bends; the first dredging to in¬ clude a section from the East River to Randall Avenue 200 feet wide, thence a section to Spofford Avenue 150 feet wide, thence a section to Watson Avenue 125 feet wide, thence a section to the railroad bridge above West¬ chester Avenue 100 feet wide, except in the south approach to the bridge where it is to be 140 feet wide, and thence 100 feet wide to the head of navigation; length of project, about 3. 3 miles; navigable for 2. 6 miles. The project is about 82 percent complete. Remaining work consists of widening to project width, the reach between the railroad bridge above Westchester Avenue and East 172d Street. The channel between East 172d Street and upper limit of the authorized project is being filled in the City of New York under Department of Army permit and is no longer a waterway. Local cooperation was refused for work remaining below East 172d Street. Tidal range is 6. 9 feet with an extreme range of 19.5 feet (MLW). Westchester Creek, N. Y. The original project for the improvement of Westchester Creek was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910. The existing project, authorized by the Act of September 22, 1922, and modified by the Act of September 3, 1954, provides for: PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 15 A channel 12 feet deep, 100 feet wide, for a distance of 2,000 feet at the entrance, thence 80 feet wide for a dis¬ tance of 3, 000 feet, and thence 60 feet wide for a distance of 8, 800 feet to the head of navigation at East Tremont Avenue with widening at bends; about 2, 6 miles long. Three turning basins 12 feet deep, one near the head of navigation, one located about 500 feet downstream, and one near Bruckner Boulevard Bridge. The project is about 82 percent complete. Remaining work con¬ sists of dredging the 12-foot turning basin near the head of navigation. Tidal range is 7.0 feet with an extreme range of 19. 3 feet (MLW). East Chester Creek (Hutchinson River), N. Y. The original project for East Chester Creek (Hutchinson River) was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 1873, modified by various acts up to 1907, and further modified by Acts of 1910 and 1930. The existing project, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of May 17, 1950, provides for: A channel 10 feet deep at mean low water and gener¬ ally 150 feet wide from Long Island Sound through East- chester Bay to a point 700 feet below the Boston Post Road Bridge, and thence 70 feet wide extending to a point where the creek divides into a Y, thence approximately 1,000 feet into the east branch of the Y and approximately 500 feet into the west branch of the Y; a passing basin south of the Boston Post Road Bridge; widening of the channel at the Boston Post Road Bridge; and for construction of a check dam at the head of navigation; length of project, about 5 miles long. No work has been done under the existing project. Under the pre¬ vious project adopted in 1930, which provided for a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water and generally 150 feet wide from Long Island Sound through Eastchester Bay to a point 700 feet below the Boston Post Road Bridge, and thence 70 feet wide to the northern terminus of the project, about 300 feet above the Fulton Avenue Bridge and for a passing basin in the vicinity of the Boston Post Road Bridge, work was completed in August 1941. Tidal range is 7. 3 feet with an extreme range of 19. 3 feet (MLW). Flushing Bay and Creek, N. Y. The original project for the improvement of Flushing Bay and Creek was authorized by the River and Harbor Acts of March 3, 1879, 16 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY March 4, 1913, and March 3, 1925. The existing project, authorized October 23, 1962, provides for: A bay channel with a depth of 15 feet, a width of 300 feet from deep water in the East River to the maneuvering area, a distance of 1.8 miles; a creek channel with a depth of 15 feet, a width of 200 feet to the Northern Boulevard Bridge from which point the width would decrease uniformly to 170 feet at a point 50 feet downstream of the Van Wyck Expressway Bridge, a distance of about 1.1 miles; a branch channel with a depth of 15 feet, a width of 200 feet from the bay channel to the maneuvering area, a distance of about 0.1 mile; an irregularly shaped maneuvering area approxi¬ mately 2, 000 feet by 750 feet with a depth of 15 feet except at the approach to the west side of the municipal boat basin which will remain at 12 feet; an anchorage basin about 2,100 feet by 1, 800 feet encompassing about 84 acres with a depth of 6 feet; and construction of a 1,400-foot long earth dike with riprap protection. The project has been completed. Tidal range is 6. 8 feet with an extreme range of 18.4 feet (MLW). Manhasset Bay, N. Y. The existing project, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930, provides for: A channel 8 feet deep, 100 feet wide from deep water in Manhasset Bay to Crampton Brothers wharf at Great Neck; about 1.4 miles long. A turning basin 8 feet deep near the end of the project. No work has been done on this project; the project is inactive. Tidal range is 7.4 feet with an extreme range of 21.6 feet (MLW). New Rochelle Harbor, N. Y. The original project for improvement of New Rochelle Harbor was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1881. The existing project, authorized by the Act of September 22, 1922, provides for: A channel 8 feet deep, 120 feet wide, from deep water between Glen Island and Davenport Neck to 300 feet below the dam near Leland Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y.; about 0. 6 mile long. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 17 A channel 8 feet deep, 100 feet wide, south of Glen Island, from deep water in Long Island Sound, to deep water in the harbor; about 0.4 mile long. The project has been completed. Tidal range is 7. 3 feet with an extreme range of 19. 3 feet (MLW). Echo Bay Harbor, N. Y. The original project was authorized under the River and Harbor Act of June 18, 1878. Work was carried on under various modifications of this Act until the adoption of the existing project, authorized June 25, 1910, and modified in 1973, providing for: A channel 10 feet deep, 100 feet wide, from the 10- foot contour in Echo Bay to the City Wharf at Beaufort Point; about 0. 3 mile long. A turning basin 10 feet deep at the inner extremity of the channel. An irregularly shaped anchorage 35 acres in extent, with a 7. 9-acre area, 7 feet deep, and a 2 7.1-acre area, 6 feet deep. Work remaining on the project consists of dredging the anchorage area. Tidal range is 7. 3 feet with an extreme range of 19. 3 feet (MLW). Mamaroneck Harbor, N. Y. The original project for the improvement of Mamaroneck Harbor was authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 1882 and modified in 1899 and in 1912. The existing project, authorized by the River and Harbor Act of September 22, 1922, and modified by the Acts of Au¬ gust 20, 1935 and July 14, 1960, provides for: A main channel 10 feet deep, 100 feet wide, from Long Island Sound to Orienta Point, and thence 80 feet wide to a point 150 feet below Boston Post Road; and a branch channel 10 feet deep, 80 feet wide, extending 300 feet northeast of the main channel. Two anchorages near the head of navigation in the East Basin, one of 10-foot depth about 4. 5 acres in extent, and the second about 14 acres in area to a depth of 6 feet. An anchorage area 6 feet deep in the West Basin, with a channel about 1.8 miles long of the same depth and 80 feet wide connecting this anchorage with the main channel. 18 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY The project has been completed. Tidal range is 6. 9 feet with an extreme range of 19. 3 feet (MLW). Port Chester Harbor (Byram River), N. Y. The improvement of Port Chester Harbor commenced with the adoption of the River and Harbor Act of June 10, 1872. Work was car¬ ried on under various modifications of the Act until authorization of the existing project by the River and Harbor Act of June 25, 1910, modi¬ fied by the Act of July 3, 1930, which provides for: A channel 12 feet deep, 150 feet wide, from Long Island Sound to Fox Island; 10 feet deep, 100 feet wide, from Fox Island to 900 feet below Mill Street Bridge; and 3 feet deep, 175 to 100 feet wide, from the latter point to 100 feet below Mill Street Bridge; about 1.7 miles. A turning basin opposite the steamboat landing. An anchorage, 12 feet deep, near the breakwater. Fenders opposite Fox Island. A breakwater at Byram Point. The project is about 94 percent complete. Work remaining con¬ sists of widening the turning basin and constructing fenders on the bank opposite the southern end of Fox Island, and is considered as inactive. Tidal range is 7.1 feet with an extreme tide of 19. 3 feet (MLW). Hudson River Channel, N. Y. Improvements in the Hudson River have been made since the adop¬ tion of the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1875. The existing proj¬ ect, authorized by the River and Harbor Acts of March 4, 1913; March 4, 1915, August 8, 1917; March 3, 1925; January 21, 1927; July 3, 1930; August 30, 1935; and August 26, 1937, provides for: A channel 45 feet deep, 12, 000 feet wide, suitably widened at bends, from deep water in Upper New York Bay to West 40th Street, Manhattan, and thence 48 feet deep, 2, 000 feet wide to 59th Street; about 6 miles long. A channel 40 feet deep for the full width of the river, extending from deep water in Upper New York Bay off Ellis Island to West 59th Street, Manhattan; about 6 miles long. A channel 30 feet deep, 750 feet wide along the Weehawken-Edgewater waterfront; about 5 miles long. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 19 Removal of a shoal on the New York side between West 59th Street and West 61st Street to 40 feet, and the removal of an obstruction near Spuyten Duyvil to the depth of the surrounding river bottom. The project has been completed. Mean tidal range is 4.4 feet with an extreme range of 14.4 feet (MLW). HARBOR AND CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS BY LOCAL INTERESTS New York and New Jersey Channels Under the Acts of May 28 and August 30, 1935, work on these channels is subject to the following conditions of local cooperation: (a) Where the project channel encroaches upon upland property and extends shoreward of harbor lines, the completion of the encroaching portions of the project shall be deferred until the neces¬ sary rights-of-way for channel purposes shall have been granted free of cost to the United States; and (b) That local interests provide areas of land adjacent to the waterway, free of cost to the United States, for the disposal of dredged materials except where, in the judgment of the Chief of Engi¬ neers, no suitable disposal areas exist. Under condition (a) a portion of Buckwheat Island, necessary for channel purposes, has been ceded to the United States. An easement dated August 4, 1942, approved by the Chief of Engineers on Septem¬ ber 5, 1942, conveyed to the United States, free of cost, rights-of-way for channel purposes at Howland Hook, Staten Island, N. Y.; condition (b) is being complied with. Authority was granted by the Chief of Engi¬ neers on November 11, 1935, to require local interests to provide areas for the disposal of dredged material only in the section of the waterway extending from the vicinity of Outerbridge Crossing at Perth Amboy to the vicinity of the channel north of Shooters Island. The River and Harbor Act of May 17, 1950, provides that local interests shall; (a) Provide without cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas necessary for the construction and subsequent maintenance of the project, when and as required; (b) Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction and subsequent maintenance of the project; and 20 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY (c) Deepen the approaches and berths at the terminals which would use the recommended improvement in order to secure the full advantages of the deeper channel. The River and Harbor Act of October 2 7, 1965, provides that local interests shall: (a) Provide without cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and spoil-disposal areas necessary for the construction and subsequent maintenance of the project; (b) Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction and subsequent maintenance of the project; and (c) Provides for maintenance of aids to navigation. Assurances of compliance were furnished by the City of Bayonne, N. J., and City of New York in June 1966. Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers, N. J. The River and Harbor Act of 1954, provides that local interests furnish lands, rights-of-way, and suitable spoil-disposal areas for initial construction and future maintenance; provide depths commensu¬ rate with channel depths in the approaches and berths at terminals of companies which would use improvement; and hold the United States free from damages. The River and Harbor Act of 1962, provides that local interests must provide lands, easements, and rights-of-way for maintenance and construction, hold the United States free from damages, provide and maintain adequate public terminal and transfer facilities, and provide and maintain depths in berthing areas at terminals, accomplish re¬ moval or relocation of pipelines, cables, and other utilities without cost to the United States. Assurances were furnished by Port of New York Authority and accepted June 12, 1964. Local cooperation required by previous modifications has been fully complied with. Raritan River, N. J. Fully complied with, except local interests must furnish spoil- disposal areas for maintenance of a 25-foot channel from Consolidated Rail Corp. (New York & Long Branch Railroad) railroad bridge to junc¬ tion of Main and South Channels, and in South Channel to Titanium Pigment Division of NL Industries property. The River and Harbor Act of October 23, 1962, provides that local interests agree to furnish spoil-disposed areas and necessary retaining dikes, bulkheads, and embankments therefor, required for maintenance of improvement, when and as required, and hold the United States free from damages. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 21 Rahway River, N. J. The project was authorized subject to the condition that local interests shall construct at least one wharf open to the public and suitable for barge traffic within one-half mile of the head of the im¬ provement; and shall furnish free of cost to the United States suitable areas for the disposal of dredged material during initial construction, and provide for future maintenance as and when needed. In a letter dated September 24, 1945, the City of Linden offered to lease a portion of Lambert's dock for a period of 10 years and open it to the general public in lieu of constructing a wharf. The Chief of Engineers on December 6, 1945, accepted the proposed leasing of a portion of the dock as a satisfactory means of compliance with the condition requiring construction of a wharf. In letter dated July 10, 1945, local interests gave assurances that spoil-disposal areas would be made available. Conditions of local cooperation have not been satisfied; project is inactive; no work has been performed. Newtown Creek, N. Y. The River and Harbor Act of March 2, 1919, requires that all land needed for the right-of-way be furnished without cost to the United States, and provides that no work shall be done in Maspeth Creek, in the removal of Mussel Island, or in English Kills until such lands has been provided in each case and corresponding changes made in existing harbor lines; also that no work shall be undertaken under the existing project in Dutch Kills until the obstructive bridges near its mouth have been suitably modified. The River and Harbor Act of August 26, 1937, requires that local interests furnish, free of cost to the United States, necessary ease¬ ments or rights-of-way for the enlargement of the channel in English Kills above Metropolitan Avenue and give assurances satisfactory to the Secretary of the Army that they will remove obstructive deposits resulting from the discharge of sewage into the waterway. That Act also requires that before widening the second bend south of Metropol¬ itan Avenue, local interests shall furnish necessary lands or rights- of-way and construct a new bulkhead on the widened channel. Harlem River, N. Y. The River and Harbor Act of June 18, 1878, authorizing the exist¬ ing project, and the River and Harbor Act of March 3, 1879, provided that the necessary right-of-way should be provided free of cost to the United States before any work was begun. This provision was compiled with by the State of New York, which procured the necessary lands and completed their transfer to the United States in May 1887. A similar provision is contained in the River and Harbor Act of March 4, 1913, 22 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY authorizing the straightening of the channel at the former Johnson Iron Works. The River and Harbor Act of March 4, 1915, provided for the cession to the State of the land occupied by the present channel at that point, after the right-of-way for the cutoff had been provided, and the new channel completed. Requirements of local cooperation have been complied with. Bronx River, N. Y. The River and Harbor Act of March 4, 1913, provides that any right-of-way that may be necessary for the execution of the project shall be furnished free of cost to the United States. Right-of-way within the bulkhead lines below the Westchester Avenue Bridge was accepted by the Chief of Engineers on June 9, 1920, and above the Westchester Avenue Bridge on October 4, 1928. On September 10, 1940, the Chief of Engineers approved releases from damages furn¬ ished by adjoining property owners in the reach of the river between Westchester Avenue and East 174th Street. On November 12, 1940, the Chief of Engineers approved an agreement under which the City of New York would reimburse the United States for the cost of a retain¬ ing wall to protect adjoining property in the reach of the river between Westchester Avenue and New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company bridge in lieu of furnishing additional right-of-way. On October 28, 1940, the Secretary of War authorized the acceptance of $10, 000 from the City of New York to defray the cost of the retaining wall. The $10, 000 was deposited to the credit of the United States on December 7, 1940. Additional right-of-way required in the section below East 172d Street has not been furnished. The City of New York has indicated that it does not feel justified in acquiring any additional land along the river. Westchester Creek, N. Y. The River and Harbor Act of September 3, 1954, provides that local interests agree to furnish all lands, easements, and rights-of- way necessary for construction and maintenance of the improvement and furnish suitable spoil-disposal areas for initial work and subse¬ quent maintenance when and as required; hold the United States free from damages; and provide and maintain a suitable bulkhead or other works approved by the Chief of Engineers for retaining the east bank of the turning basin alongside the Hutchinson River Parkway; and that local interests give assurances they will construct a public wharf when required. Requirements under prior acts have been fully complied with. East Chester Creek (Hutchinson River), N. Y. The River and Harbor Act of 1950 provides that local interests shall: PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 23 (a) Furnish free of cost to the United States all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable areas for disposal of dredged material during construction of the project and for subsequent main¬ tenance, as and when required; and (b) Hold and save the United States free from damages due to the construction works and subsequent maintenance. These conditions have not been fulfilled. No work has been done on the existing project. Work has been completed on the previous project adopted in 1930 which provided for a channel 8 feet deep at mean low water and gen¬ erally 150 feet wide from Long Island Sound through Eastchester Bay to a point 700 feet below the Boston Post Road Bridge, and thence 70 feet wide to the northern terminus of the project, about 300 feet above the Fulton Avenue Bridge and for a passing basin in the vicinity of the Boston Post Road Bridge. Flushing Bay and Creek, N. Y. The River and Harbor Act of October 23, 1962, provides that local interests make a 50 percent cash contribution toward the first cost of construction of the recreational anchorage, breakwater, and 100-foot widening of the bay channel (1.8 miles long); provide all lands, ease¬ ments, and rights-of-way required for construction and maintenance of the project; provide aids to navigation upon the request of the Chief of Engineers; hold the United States free from damages; provide and maintain adequate approach channels and berths, and modify existing facilities at terminals which would permit use of the waterway to secure full advantage of deeper channels; accomplish all necessary removals or relocations of pipelines, cables, and other utilities, and perform all necessary protective measures to bridges and other structures crossing or adjacent to the waterway; provide and maintain necessary mooring facilities and utilities for recreational boating including public landings with suitable supply facilities and public automobile parking areas; and assign to a competent and properly constituted public body the power to regulate use, growth, and free development of waterway facilities with the understanding that said facilities will be open to all on equal terms. Assurances of compliance were furnished by the City of New York and accepted on December 26, 1962. Supplementary assurances of local cooperation to provide for ex¬ tension of the Federal anchorage area and a boat basin, all for the City of New York, in conjunction with dredging project channels, anchor¬ age, and maneuvering areas were accepted on February 26, 1963. Con¬ tributed funds, in the amounts of $532,425 and $48,000, were deposited to the credit of the United States by the City of New York and by the New York World's Fair 1964-1965 Corporation, respectively, for this work. 24 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY Manhasset Bay, N. Y. The River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930, provides that local interests shall contribute $50, 000 toward the first cost and furnish, without cost to the United States, suitable spoil-disposal areas, prop¬ erty diked or bulkheaded where necessary. These conditions have not been complied with, and no work has been done on this project. New Rochelle Harbor, N. Y. The River and Harbor Act, approved September 22, 1922, provided that local interests furnish free of cost to the United States suitable dumping grounds properly protected by bulkheads, or, in lieu thereof, to pay the additional cost of disposing of the material at an outside dumping ground. These requirements of local cooperation have been met. Mamaroneck Harbor, N. Y. Provisions under the River and Harbor Acts of 1922 and 1935 have been fully complied with except that local interests must provide adequate and suitable spoil-disposal areas suitably diked or bulkheaded as needed. River and Harbor Act of July 14, 1960, provides that local interests contribute in cash 50 percent of the first cost of construction, to be paid in a lump sum prior to initiation of construction, final allo¬ cation of cost to be made after actual costs are determined; provide all lands, easements, rights-of-way, and suitable disposal areas neces¬ sary for initial construction and subsequent maintenance of the anchor¬ age, when and as required; hold the United States free from damages; provide at all times adequate public landing facilities, open to all on equal terms, for access to the shore by users of the anchorage; and allocate an adequate portion of the anchorage to accommodate a min¬ imum of 15 boats, and provide mooring facilities therein, specifically designated for use by transient craft on terms equal to those in portions of the anchorage designated for use by local craft. Assurances of com¬ pliance were furnished by the village of Mamaroneck and accepted by the District Engineer on April 3, 1962. Port Chester Harbor (Byram River), N. Y. The River and Harbor Act of July 3, 1930, provides that local interests shall contribute $5, 500 in cash toward widening the channel at the turning basin. This condition has not been fulfilled and there is no indication as to when compliance may be expected. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 25 CHANNEL DEPTHS Project depths, controlling depths, and dates of survey for the major Federal channels serving the Port of New York, New York, and New Jersey are given in the following table: CHANNEL PROJECT DEPTH (FEET) CONTROL¬ LING DEPTH (FEET) DATE OF SURVEY New York Harbor, Lower Bay Ambrose Channel 45 45 1973 Main Ship (Chapel Hill) Channel 30 30 1972 Bayside Channel 35 35 1972 Sandy Hook Channel 35 35 1972 New York and New Jersey Channels From Main Ship Channel to Tottenville 35 35 1976 Perth Amboy Anchorage 38 37 1976 Arthur Kill to Shooters Island 35 17 1974 Kill Van Kull to Shooters Island 35 17 1974 Newark Bay, Hackensack and Passaic Rivers Newark Bay including branch channels at Port Newark and Port Elizabeth to a point 1, 200 feet south of the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central RR of New Jersey) bridge. 35 35 1976 Hackensack River from junction with Passaic River to 300 feet south of Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central RR of New Jersey) bridge. 32 30 1976 Remainder of waterway 15-32 10-30 1976 Passaic River from junction with Hackensack River to Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central RR of New Jersey) bridge. 30 30 1976 Remainder of waterway 10-30 6-20 1976 26 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY CHANNEL DEPTHS (CONTINUED) CHANNEL PROJECT DEPTH (FEET) CONTROL¬ LING DEPTH (FEET) DATE OF SURVEY New York Harbor, Upper Bay Anchorage Channel 45 45 1973 Channel along N. J. Pierhead Line 20 20 1973 Red Hook Flats Anchorage 45 45 1973 Liberty Island Anchorage 20-35 20-30 1973 Raritan River, N. J. Main Channel from New York and New Jersey Channels to junction of South Channel 25 25 1975 Remainder of channel 10-25 1-25 1975 East Rockaway Inlet, N.Y. Atlantic Ocean to East Rockaway Inlet 12 12 1974 Jamaica Bay, N.Y. Entrance Channel to Rockaway Point 20 17 1974 Rockaway Point to Barren Island 18 18 1974 Branch channels 12-15 12-18 1974 Gowanus Creek Channel, N.Y. Entrance to Percival Street 30 30 1974 Percival Street to Sigourney Street 30 28 1974 Sigourney Street to Hamilton Avenue 18 18 1974 Branch channel, Henry Street Basin 30 30 1974 Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, N.Y. The Narrows to 69th Street Pier, Brooklyn 40 35 1974 Remainder of channel 40 30-35 1974 Buttermilk Channel, N.Y. East River to Anchorage 35-40 36-40 1971 Channel PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 27 CHANNEL DEPTHS (CONTINUED) CHANNEL PROJECT DEPTH (FEET) CONTROL¬ LING DEPTH (FEET) DATE OF SURVEY Newtown Creek, N. Y. Main Channel, from East River to turning basin 23 12-21 1974 Remainder of waterway 18 9-16 1974 East River, N.Y. Upper Bay to Wallabout Channel 40 40 1976 Wallabout Channel to Throgs Neck 35 20-35 1976 Remainder of waterway 20-35 20-35 1976 Harlem River, N.Y. East River to Sherman Creek 15 15 1972 Sherman Creek to Hudson River 18 14-15 1972 Bronx River, N.Y. East River to Bruckner Boulevard Bridge 10 10 1972 Bruckner Boulevard Bridge to East 172d Street 10 3-10 1972 Westchester Creek, N.Y. East River to upstream limit 12 12 1973 East Chester Creek (Hutchinson River), N.Y. Long Island Sound to Turtle Cove 10 6 1974 Turtle Cove to Canal Street 10 1-9 1974 Flushing Bay and Creek, N.Y. East River to junction with branch channel 15 15 1973 Branch channel to Roose¬ velt Avenue Bridge 15 6-13 1973 Manhasset Bay, N.Y. Deep water to 3, 000 feet upstream 8 6 1958 Branch channels 8 0-4 1958 28 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY CHANNEL DEPTHS (CONTINUED) CHANNEL PROJECT DEPTH (FEET) CONTROL¬ LING DEPTH (FEET) DATE OF SURVEY Port Chester Harbor (Byram River), N.Y. Long Island Sound to Fox Island 12 12 1966 Remainder of waterway 3-10 1-10 1966 Hudson River Channel, N.Y. and N.J. Upper Bay to West 40th Street 45 39-43 1976 West 40th Street to West 59th Street 48 38-48 1976 Hudson River, N.Y. Upper New York City Limits to Tarrytown 32 32 1968 PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 29 ANCHORAGES Anchorage areas serving the Port of New York are listed below. All such areas are regulated under Title I, Ports and Waterways Safety Act of 1972. Whoever violates any regulation under this Act is liable to a civil penalty of not more than $10, 000; and if the violation is willfull is fined not less than $5, 000 or more than $50, 000 or imprisoned for not more than 5 years or both. Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 1 . Southwest of a line between Neptune Island and Glen Island ranging from Aunt Phebe Rock Light and tangent to the north edge of Glen Island; southwest of a line tangent to the northeast edge of Glen Island and Goose Island breakwater; southwest of a line bearing southeasterly from the southwest end of Goose Island breakwater and on range with the south gable of the Casino on the northeast end of Glen Island; west of a line ranging from the east edge of Goose Island break¬ water to the west edge of the north end of Hart Island; west of Hart Island; and northwest of a line extending from Hart Island Light to Lo¬ cust Point; excluding from this area, however, (i) the waters northeast of a line ranging 303° from the southwest end of Hart Island; northwest of a line ranging from the water tank at the north end of Davids Island 207°40' to the northwest end of City Island; and south of latitude 40°52'12 n ; and (ii) the waters west of Hunter Island; and south of a line ranging from the most southerly end of Glen Island tangent to the most northerly end of Hunter Island. (1) Boats shall not anchor in this area in buoyed chan¬ nels. (2) Boats shall be so anchored as to leave, at all times, an open, usable channel, at least 50 feet wide, west and south of Glen Island. Special Anchorage Areas within Anchorage No. 1, wherein vessels not more than 65 feet in length, when at anchor, shall not be required to carry or exhibit the white anchor lights required by the navigation rules, are: New Rochelle Harbor, west and south of Glen Island . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 1, between Hog Island, Travers Island, Neptune Island, Glen Island, and the mainland, to the westward of a line extending from the cupola at the southeast extrem¬ ity of Glen Island to the easternmost extremity of Hog Island, and to the 30 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY northeastward of a line extending from the southwest extremity of Hog Island and to the southeast corner of Travers Island; excluding there¬ from all waters within 25 feet of the 50-foot channel west and south of Glen Island. New Rochelle Harbor, east of Glen Island . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 1, between Glen Island and Goose Island breakwater, northward of a line extending from the northwest end of Goose Island breakwater to the cupola at the north end of the bathing beach on Glen Island. City Island Harbor, east of City Island . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 1, between City Island and Hart Island, eastward of a line ranging 339° between the steeple on City Island and the westernmost corner of the Administration Building at Orchard Beach; southward of a line ranging 50° between the northerly abutment on the westerly end of the City Island drawbridge and tangent to Chimney Sweeps; westward of a line tangent to Chimney Sweeps and ranging 163° toward the west gable on Rat Island and westward of a line tangent to the east¬ erly side of High Island and ranging 152°30' from the west gable on Rat Island; and northward of a line ranging 56° between the Buryea Pier at Belden Point, City Island to Hart Island Light, except for the cable and pipeline area extending between City Island and Hart Island. Eastchester Bay, west of City Island . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 1 west of City Island and within the follow¬ ing limits: Northward of a line ranging 244° from the Buryea Pier at the foot of City Island Avenue to Big Tom Nun Buoy No. 2 (latitude 40°50'01 M , longitude 73 47'25"); thence northwestward of a line ranging 329° from Big Tom Nun Buoy No. 2 through the Nun Buoy (latitude 4(r50'46", longitude 73°48' 01"), off the southern end of Rodman Neck; southeast¬ ward of a line ranging 205° from the east abutment of the City Island Bridge through the south tower of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge; and southward of a line ranging 90° from the Pelham War Memorial in Pel¬ ham Bay Park and the steeple of the church at the southeast corner of Elizabeth Street and City Island Avenue. Eastchester Bay, along west shore. That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 1 along the west shore of Eastchester Bay north of and including Weir Creek, shoreward of a line ranging 349° from the end of the timber pier at the foot of Pope Place, Edgewater, and through the transmission tower at the northeast side of the draw of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad bridge over Eastchester Creek (Hutchinson River), and having as its northerly limit the line ranging 79 through the row of telephone poles along the north side of Watt Avenue. Anchorage No. 1-A. Southwest of a line ranging from Duck Point, Echo Bay, through Bailey Rock Lighted Buoy 3 BR; northwest of a line ranging from Hicks Ledge Buoy 2H to Old Tom Head Rocks Buoy 4; and north of a line ranging from Old Tom Head Rocks Buoy 4 to the southern¬ most point of Davenport Neck. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 31 Anchorage No. 1 -B . West of a line ranging from the point on the southwest side of the entrance to Horseshoe Harbor, Larchmont, to Hicks Ledge Buoy 2H; north of a line ranging from Hicks Ledge Buoy 2H to Duck Point; and in Echo Bay north and west of the channel. New Rochelle, Echo Bay . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorages No. 1-A and No. 1-B northwest of a line ranging 30°30' from the northeastern tip of Davenport Neck to the southeastern tip of Premium Point. Anchorage No, 2 . West of a line from Locust Point tangent to the northeasterly seawall at Throgs Neck. A "Special Anchorage Area" within Anchorage No. 2 wherein vessels not more than 65 feet in length, when at anchor, shall not be required to carry or exhibit the white anchor lights required by the navigation rules, is: Eastchester Bay, Locust Point Harbor . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 2 included within the limits of Locust Point Harbor between Wright Island and Throgs Neck and to the westward of a north and south line (longitude 73°47'58") through the southerly corner of the concrete culvert at the southerly end of the stone wall at Locust Point on Wright Island. Anchorage No. 3 . Northeast of a line from the south side of Barker Point to Gangway Rock Bell Buoy 27; southeast of a line from Gangway Rock Bell Buoy 27 to Sands Point Reef Lighted Buoy 25; and southwest of a line from Sands Point Reef Lighted Buoy 25 through Sands Point Light to Sands Point. Anchorage No. 4 . Manhasset Bay, excluding the seaplane restricted area, and that portion of Long Island Sound northeast of a line ranging from Stepping Stones Light through Elm Point Buoy 2 to Elm Point; south¬ east of a line ranging from Stepping Stones Light to Gangway Rock Bell Buoy 27; and southwest of Anchorage No. 3. "Special Anchorage Areas" within Anchorage No. 4, wherein vessels not more than 65 feet in length, when at anchor, shall not be required to carry or exhibit the white anchor lights required by the navigation rules, are: Manhasset Bay, west area at Manorhaven . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 4 westward of a line (longitude 73°42'53") ranging 180° from the end of the Town of North Hempstead pier at Manor- haven; northwestward of a line ranging 233° from the intersection of the shore and the northerly line of Corchang Avenge (extended) on Tom Point toward Plum Point Shoal Buoy 3 (latitude 40 49'48.5", longitude 73 0 43'25"); and northeastward of a line ranging 119 from the cupola on Plum Point toward the inshore end of the northerly side of the Purdy Boat Co. pier at Port Washington; excluding therefrom the irregularly 32 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY shaped, seaplane restricted area, which lies offshore at Manorhaven; its axis being a line bearing 166°50' true from latitude 40°50'17. 337", longitude 73°43'03. 877", which point is on the south side of Orchard Beach Boulevard at Manorhaven; and being 100 feet wide for a distance of 380 feet in a southerly direction from the south side of Orchard Beach Boulevard, and thence flaring to a width of 300 feet at the southerly limit line. (1) Vessels shall not anchor or moor within the re¬ stricted area. (2) All vessels traversing the area shall pass directly through without unnecessary delay, and shall give seaplanes the right- of-way at all times. (3) The regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Captain of the Port-New York and such agencies as he may designate. Manhasset Bay, east area at Manorhaven . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 4 bounded as follows: Beginning at the southerly tip of Tom Point; thence 2 70° to latitude 40°49'58 , longitude 73°42'4l"; thence 234° to latitude 40°49'48.5", longitude 73°42'58 ; thence 90° to latitude 40°49'48.5", longitude 73°42 , 22. 5"; thence 20° to latitude 40°50'01.5", longitude 73°42'16 ; thence due north to the point of land at Manorhaven northeasterly of Tom Point; and thence southwesterly along the shore to the point of beginning. Manhasset Bay, at Port Washington . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 4 southward of latitude 40°49'44"; eastward of a line ranging 161° from the offshore end of the Yacht Service, Inc., pier on the Copp Estate at Manorhaven toward the flagpole on the end of the Whitney Dock at Plandome; and northward of latitude 40°49'06". Manhasset Bay, at Kings Point . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 4 bounded as follows: Beginning at a point on the shoreline at latitude 40°49'24. 4", longitude 73°43 , 41.5"; thence to a point to latitude 40°49'32.5", longitude 73°43'30.l"; thence to a point at latitude 40 49'42.9", longitude 73°43'55.2"; thence to a point on the shoreline at latitude 40°49'39", longitude 73°43'59"; thence along the shoreline to the point of beginning. Manhasset Bay at Plandome . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 4 southward of the line of the Whitney Dock at Plandome extended; eastward of a line ranging 186° from the Manhasset-Lakeville Water District tank at Thomaston toward the tank at Tom Point; and northward of Thompson's pier at Plandome extended. Kings Point . That portion of Long Island Sound Anchorage No. 4 beginning on the shoreline at latitude 40°49'00.3", longitude 73° 45'43.5"; thence to latitude 40 49'03.9", longitude 73°45'47.l"; thence to latitude 40°49'12.9", longitude 73°45'41.2 ; thence to latitude 40°49‘ PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 33 18.7", longitude 73°45'19"; thence along the shoreline to the point of beginning. Note: Temporary floats or buoys for marking anchors in place are allowed. Fixed mooring piles or stakes are prohibited. An ordi¬ nance of the village of Kings Point regulates mooring and anchoring in the area which includes this special anchorage area. Anchorage No. 5 . In Little Neck Bay; and east of a line ranging from Fort Totten flagpole to Hart Island Light; and south of Anchorage No. 4. A "Special Anchorage Area" within Anchorage No. 5, wherein ves¬ sels not more than 65 feet in length, when at anchor, shall not be re¬ quired to carry or exhibit the white anchor lights required by the navi¬ gation rules, is: Little Neck Bay . That portion of Long Island Sound, Anchor¬ age No. 5, southeastward of a line ranging approximately 20°30' from the flagpole at Fort Totten, Willets Point to the outermost dolphin of the United States Merchant Marine Academy's pier at Kings Point, Long Island. Cold Spring Harbor . That portion of the waters of Cold Spring Harbor easterly of a line ranging from the cupola in the extreme inner harbor through Cold Spring Harbor Light; southerly of a line ranging from the southernmost point of an L-shaped pier off Wawepex Grove through the Clock Tower at Laurelton and northerly of a line ranging from the outer end of the Mobil Oil Corp. pier at Cold Spring Harbor through the Clock Tower at Laurelton, with the exception of an area within a 300-foot radius of the outer end of the Mobil Oil Corp. pier. Oyster Bay Harbor, New York . That portion of Oyster Bay Harbor adjacent to the easterly side of Centre Island, westerly of a line on range with Cold Spring Harbor Light and the Stone House on the end of Plum Point, Centre Island. Hempstead Harbor, New York . That portion of the waters of Hempstead Harbor southerly of the Glen Cove breakwater, northerly of a line ranging from "Dome" at Sea Cliff through Hempstead Harbor Buoy No. 9, and easterly of a line ranging from Glen Cove breakwater Light through Hempstead Harbor Anchorage Buoys A and B and Hempstead Harbor Buoy No. 9, except for the entrance to Glen Cove Creek as de¬ fined by Hempstead Harbor Anchorage Buoy A and Glen Cove Entrance Buoy No. 1 on the north side of the entrance, and Hempstead Harbor Anchorage Buoy B the Glen Cove Entrance Buoy No. 2 on the south side of the entrance. Harbor of Oyster Bay, Oyster Bay, New York. The water area north of the town of Oyster Say enclosed by a line beginning on the shoreline at latitude 40°52'35.5", longitude 73°32'17"; thence to latitude 34 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY 40°52' 59.5", longitude 73 32'18"; thence to latitude 40 53'00", longitude 73°30' 53"; thence to latitude 40°52'39", longitude 73°30 , 54"; thence to the shoreline at latitude 40 o 52'25", longitude 73°31'18". East River Anchorage No. 6 . On Hammond Flats north of a line bearing 260° from the head of the pier on Throgs Neck at the foot of Pennyfield Avenue to the north tower of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge at Old Ferry Point. Anchorage No. 7. South of a line from Whitestone Point to the outer end of Willets Point Wharf. Anchorage No. 8 . North of a line bearing 259° between the north tower of the Bronx-Whitestone Bridge at Old Ferry Point and a point at latitude 40°47'57", longitude 73°52'16"; thence east of a line bearing 0 to latitude 40 48'06 ; thence southeast of a line parallel to the bulk¬ head extending northeasterly to latitude 40 48'20"; thence north of a line bearing 296° to shore. Anchorage No. 9 . East of a line from College Point Reef Light tangent to the west side of College Point; and south of a line from College Point Reef Light to Whitestone Point. Anchorage No. 10 . An area in Flushing Bay, beginning at a point on shore at LaGuardia Airport at latitude 40°46'49", longitude 73 02*21"; thence to latitude 40°47'20", longitude 73°51 , 55"; and thence to a point on shore at College Point at latitude 40°47 , 38", longitude 73°51 , 15"; and an area on the west side of Bowery Bay, beginning at a point on shore at latitude 40°46'58", longitude 73 o3 , 46 1 '; thence to latitude 40 o 47'03", longitude 73°53'39"; thence to latitude 40°47' 00", longitude 73 0 53'3l"; thence to latitude 40°46'55", longitude 73°53'32"; and thence to a point on shore at latitude 40°46'49", longitude 73°53'39". "Special Anchorage Areas" within Anchorage No. 10, wherein ves¬ sels not more than 65 feet in length, when at anchor, shall not be required to carry or exhibit the white anchor lights required by the navigation rules, are: Flushing Bay, north area . That portion of East River Anchor¬ age No. 10 in the vicinity of College Point, southeastward of a line tan¬ gent to the west side of College Point ranging from College Point Reef Light to the offshore end of the most northerly rack of the former College Point Ferry slip. Flushing Bay, north-central area. That portion of East River Anchorage No. 10 on the east side of flushing Bay, southward of a line projecting due west from the tank located on the north side of the foot of 15th Avenue, College Point, eastward of a line parallel to, and 50 feet east of the east channel line in Flushing Bay, and northward of a line ranging 41 from Flushing Bay Light No. 8 on the north end of the dike. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 35 Flushing Bay, south-central area . That portion of East River Anchorage No. TO on the east side of Flushing Bay, southward of a line ranging 52° from a point at latitude 40°46 , 29", longitude 73°51 , 16"; east¬ ward of a line parallel to, and 50 feet east of the east channel line in Flushing Bay, and northward of a line ranging 67 from a point at latitude 40°46'12", longitude 73°51'06" to the shore. Flushing Bay, southeast area . That portion of East River An¬ chorage No. 10 south of a line ranging 60 from the northeasterly corner of the municipal pier at the Flushing Bay Boat Basin toward the stack (latitude 40°45 , 54", longitude 73°50'29") of the New York City Asphalt Plant. Flushing Bay, southwest area . That portion of East River An¬ chorage No. 10 southwest of the breakwater, projecting offshore and southeast of LaGuardia Airport; southerly of a line extending from the offshore end of the breakwater at latitude 40°45'53", longitude 73°51'06" to Flushing Bay Light No. 12 on the southerly end of the dike; westerly of a line extending from Flushing Bay Light No. 12 to a point at latitude 40°45' 48", longitude 73 51'00"; northwesterly of a line ranging 229° from the point at latitude 40°45 , 48", longitude 73°51'00" to the shore. The anchoring of vessels and placing of temporary moorings in anchorage areas described in the two preceding paragraphs of this section will be under the jurisdiction, and at the discretion, of the local Harbor¬ master appointed by the City of New York. Flushing Bay, west area . That portion of East River Anchor¬ age No. 10 adjacent to the northeasterly side of LaGuardia Airport, easterly of a line ranging 39° from the control tower at LaGuardia Air¬ port to College Point Reef Light, southward of a line extending due west from the tank on the north side of the foot of 15th Avenue, College Point, westward of a line parallel to, and 100 feet west of the west channel line in Flushing Bay and northerly of a line extending due west from Flushing Bay Light No. 8 on the north end of the dike. Bowery Bay . All of that portion of East River Anchorage No. 10 on the west side of Bowery Bay. Anchorage No, 11 . An area in East River beginning at a point on a pierhead at latitude 40°47'55", longitude 73°53'19.5"; thence to latitude 40 47' 40", longitude 73 51'58"; and thence to a point on shore at latitude 40°57'16", longitude 73°52'15". Anchorage No. 14 . In Hallets Cove, east of a line from a point on shore 100 feet west of the southerly prolongation of Second Street, Astoria, to Gibbs Point. Hudson River Anchorage No. 16 . North of a line on a range with the north side 36 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY of the north pier of the Union Dry Dock and Repair Co. shipyard. Edge- water, New Jersey; west of a line ranging 25° from a point 120 yards east of the east end of said pier to a point (500 yards from the shore and 915 yards from the Fort Lee flagpole) on a line ranging approxi¬ mately 100°22' from the Fort Lee flagpole toward the square chimney on the Medical Center Building at 168th Street, Manhattan; and south of said line ranging between the Fort Lee flagpole and the square chim¬ ney on the Medical Center Building. When the use of Anchorage No. 16 is required by naval vessels, the vessels anchored therein shall move when the Captain of the Port directs them. i Anchorage No,, 17 . North of a line bearing 66° from shore to a point at latitude 40°51'34", longitude 73°56 , 54'; thence west of a line bearing 29° to latitude 40°52'27 , longitude 73°56'16"; thence 20° to latitude 40°5 o 4'17", longitude 73°55'23 ; thence 15° to latitude 40°56'20", longitude 73 54'39"; thence south of a line bearing 284° to shore. When the use of Anchorage No. 17 is required by naval vessels, the vessels anchored therein shall move when the Captain of the Port directs them. Anchorage No. 18-A . East of lines bearing 8° from the northwest corner of the crib icebreaker north of the Consolidated Rail Corp. drawbridge across Spuyten Duyvil Creek (Harlem River) to a point 250 yards offshore and on line with the Consolidated Rail Corp. signal bridge at the foot of West 231st Street, extended, at Spuyten Duyvil, Bronx, New York; thence bearing 19° to the channelward face of the Mount St. Vincent Dock at the foot of West 261st Street, Riverdale, Bronx, New York. When the use of Anchorage No. 18-A is required by naval vessels, the vessels anchored therein shall move when the Captain of the Port directs them. Anchorage No. 18-B . North of the south side of West 181st Street, prolonged; east of a line ranging 28° from the northwest corner of the east tower of the George Washington Bridge and tangent to the east shore of the river at Inwood Hill Park; and south of the prolongation of the south side of Dyckman Street, Manhattan, New York, where it passes beneath the tracks of the Consolidated Rail Corp. When the use of Anchorage 18-B is required by naval vessels, the vessels anchored therein shall move when the Captain of the Port directs them. Anchorage No. 19 . An area located east of the Weehawken-Edgewater Channel beginning at a point on the Manhattan shoreline at latitude 40° 46'47. 8", longitude 73°59'22.3"; thence to latitude 40°46 , 59. 8", longitude 73°59 , 52. 8"; thence to latitude 40°47'42.5", longitude 73°59 , 18"; thence to latitude 40°48'27 M , longitude 73°58'45.5"; thence to latitude 40 o 49'28", PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 37 longitude 73 o 58'06.2"; thence to latitude 40°50'15. 5", longitude 73°57' 18'; thence to latitude 40°51 , 02.3", longitude 73°56'59"; thence to a point on the Manhattan shoreline at latitude 40°51 , 00.8", longitude 73° 56'5l"; thence following the shoreline to the point of beginning. (i) No vessel may anchor in Anchorage No. 19 without per¬ mission from the Captain of the Port. (ii) Each vessel shall report its position with Anchorage No. 19 to the Captain of the Port immediately after anchoring. (iii) No vessel may conduct lightering operations in Anchorage No. 19 without permission from the Captain of the Port. (iv) When the use of Anchorage No. 19 is required by naval vessels, the vessels anchored therein shall move when the Captain of the Port directs them. (v) No vessel over 800 feet, in length overall, or 40 feet in draft may anchor in Anchorage No. 19 unless it notifies the Captain of the Port at least 48 hours before it arrives in New York Harbor. "Special Anchorage Areas" in the Hudson River, wherein vessels not more than 65 feet in length, when at anchor, shall not be required to carry or exhibit the white anchor lights required by the navigation rules, are: Hudson River, at Yonkers . Northward of a line on range with the footbridge across the Consolidated Rail Corp. 's tracks at the south¬ erly end of Greystone Station; eastward of a line on range with the square, red brick chimney west of the Consolidated Rail Corp. 's tracks at Hastings-on-Hudson and the easterly, yellow brick chimney of the Glen- wood powerhouse of the Yonkers Electric Light & Power Co.; and south¬ ward of a line on range with the first Consolidated Rail Corp. 's signal bridge north of the Yonkers Yacht Club. Hudson River, at Glenwood, Yonkers, New York . That portion of the waters of the easterly side of Hudson River and adjacent to the northerly limits of the City of Yonkers, New York, northward of the northerly face of an outfall sewer pipe which is 2, 200 feet north of the Glenwood powerhouse; east of a line on range with the northwest corner of the powerhouse bulkhead and the westerly end of the outfall sewer pipe; and southward of a line ranging 110° true to the first Consolidated Rail Corp. signal bridge, north of the Yonkers Corinthian Yacht Club. Hudson River, at Nyack . That portion of the waters north of a line ranging 270° from latitude 41°05'35.l", longitude 73°54'27", to the shoreline; west of a line connecting latitude 41°05'35.1", longitude 73°54'27", and latitude 41°06'06.3", longitude 73°54'27"; and south of a line ranging 270° from latitude 41°06'06.3", longitude 73P54'27" to the shoreline. 38 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY The area is principally for use by yachts and other recre¬ ational craft. A mooring buoy is permitted. Hudson River, at Hastings-on-Hudson . That portion of the waters northerly of a line extending from a point at latitude 40°59'56.0", longitude 73°53'11.3" to the shore at latitude 40°59'55.7"; easterly of lines extending from the aforementioned point at latitude 40°59 , 56.0", longitude 73°53' 11. 3" through a point at latitude 41°00'04. 6", longitude 73°53'10.9" to a point at latitude 41°00'14.6 n , longitude 73°53 , 08.2"; and southerly of a line extending from the last-mentioned point to the shore at latitude 41°00'14.2". Hudson River, at West Point . That portion of the waters of the westerly side of the Hudson River, adjacent to the United States Mili¬ tary Academy, shoreward of a line connecting the extreme northwest corner of the south dock with a projection of land located approximately 1, 575 feet north thereof. Hudson River, at Hyde Park, New York . Beginning at a point on the shoreline at latitude 41 u 49'06. 5 ", longitude 73°56'35.3"; thence west to a point at latitude 41°49'06.5", longitude 73 0 56'42.5"; thence north-northeasterly to a point at latitude 41°49'12.5", longitude 73°56' 40.7"; thence due east to a ^>oint on the shoreline at latitude 41°49' 12.5", longitude 73°56'37.7 ; thence along the shoreline to the point of beginning. Upper Bay Anchorage No. 20 . Northeast of Ellis Island; southeast of a line ranging approximately 51°15' from the northwest corner of Ellis Island toward the end of the former Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey Pier No. 7; south of a line ranging approximately 96°20' from the southeast corner of the former Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey Pier No. 11, toward the outer end of the Staten Island Ferry rack on the Manhattan shore; west of a line ranging approximately 183°30' from the southeast corner of the former Lehigh Valley Railroad Pier A to latitude 40°41' 54.3", longitude 74°01 , 59' ; and north of a line ranging approximately 85°10' from the southeast corner of the northerly half of Ellis Island toward the outer end of the Staten Island Ferry rack on the Manhattan shore. Anchorage No. 20-A . South of a line bearing 102P and ranging between the southeast corner of the southerly half of Ellis Island and Governors Island Light; west of a line bearing 194°30' from latitude 40° 41' 42", longitude 74?02'02"; to Main Channel Lighted Bell Buoy 31, thence 206° to latitude 40°40'05", longitude 74°02'55" and north of a line extended and ranging 313° through Claremont Terminal Channel Buoy 2 and the northeast corner of Caven Point Pier. The portion of Anchorage No. 20-A which is easterly of a line ranging 204°30' from the east end of the east landing pier on Liberty Island to PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 39 Bayonne Terminal Lighted Bell Buoy 2 and Robbins Reef Lighted Gong Buoy 27 and the northerly prolongation of that line is set aside as a temporary anchorage for vessels arriving in and leaving port. No vessel shall occupy this anchorage for a longer period than 72 hours, unless a permit is obtained from the Captain of the Port. Anchorage No. 20-B . South of a line bearing 129° from the south- east corner of Greenville Pier B, to the center of the former south pier of the Bethlehem Steel Co. in Brooklyn; west of a line bearing 206° from latitude 40°39' 50", longitude 74°03'05", to latitude 40°39 , 31.5", longitude 74 o 03'17"; north of a line bearing 121 and ranging from New Jersey Pierhead Channel north entrance Buoy 15 to the northwest corner of Pier 3, Brooklyn; west of a line bearing 204°30' and ranging from Bayonne Terminal Lighted Buoy 1 through Robbins Reef Lighted Gong Buoy 27 and Coast Guard Depot North Dock Light, St. George, Staten Island; north of a line ranging 262° from Robbins Reef Lighted Gong Buoy 27; and north¬ east of the channel approach to the north side of Constable Point. The portion of Anchorage No. 20-A which is easterly of a line ranging 204°30' from the east end of the east landing pier on Liberty Island to Bayonne Terminal Lighted Bell Buoy 2 and Robbins Reef Lighted Gong Buoy 27 is set aside as a naval anchorage. The Captain of the Port may permit commercial vessels to anchor temporarily in this area, ordi¬ narily for not more than 24 hours, when the anchorage will not be needed for naval vessels. Commercial vessels so anchored shall be moved at their own expense whenever the anchorage is needed for naval vessels. Anchorage No. 21 . (Bay Ridge Anchorage). An area located at the junction of Bay Ridge and Anchorage Channels, beginning at a point of latitude 40°38'03", longitude 74°02 , 49. 5"; thence to latitude 40 c ’38 , 03", longitude 74°03'02"; thence to latitude 4Cr38'57 l! , longitude 74°03 , 10"; thence to latitude 40°40'22.5", longitude 74°02 , 14.5"; thence to latitude 40°40 f 19.5", longitude 74°01 , 28"; thence to latitude 40°39'49", longitude 74°01 , 23"; thence to latitude 40°38'42", longitude 74°02'32.5"; thence to the point of beginning. Anchorage No. 21 is divided into Anchorage No. 21-A, Anchorage No. 21-B, and Anchorage No. 21-C. Anchorage No. 21-A . That portion on Anchorage No. 21, north of a line of latitude 40°3§'09", and east of a line connecting a point at latitude 40°39'09", longitude 74°02'22", and latitude 40°40'20", longitude 74 c t)l'35". Any vessel anchored in or intending to anchor in Anchorage 21-A shall comply with the following requirements. (i) No vessel may anchor unless it notifies the Captain of the Port when it anchors of the vessel's name, length, and draft and its position in the anchorage. (ii) Each vessel anchored shall notify the Captain of the Port when it weighs anchor. 40 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY (iii) No vessel may conduct lightering operations unless it notifies the Captain of the Port before it begins its lightering operations. (iv) Each vessel lightering shall notify the Captain of the Port when it ends its lightering. (v) No vessel may anchor unless it maintains a bridge watch, guards, and answers channel 16 FM, and maintains an accurate position plot. (vi) If any vessel is so close to another that a collision is probable, each vessel shall communicate with the other vessel and the Captain of the Port on channel 16 FM, and shall act to eliminate the close proximity situation. (vii) No vessel may anchor unless it maintains the capability to get under way within 30 minutes, without permission from the Captain of the Port. (viii) No vessel may anchor in a "dead ship" status (propulsion or control unavailable for normal control) without permission from the Captain of the Port. (ix) Each vessel in a "dead ship" status while lightering shall engage a tug alongside during tide changes. The tug alongside may assume the channel 16 FM radio guard for the vessel after it notifies the Captain of the Port. (x) No vessel over 800 feet in length overall or 40 feet in draft may anchor unless it notifies the Captain of the Port at least 48 hours before it arrives in New York Harbor. Anchorage No. 21-B . That portion of Anchorage No. 21 north of a line drawn from latitude 40°39'14.3", longitude 74°02'59" to latitude 40° 38'43.9", longitude 74°02'30.5", and exclusive of the above-designated Anchorage No. 21-A area. (i) No vessel with a draft 3. 048 meters (10 feet) or less may anchor in Anchorage No. 21-B. (ii) Any vessel anchored in or intending to anchor in Anchor¬ age No. 21-B must comply with the regulations for Anchorage No. 21 -A. Anchorage No. 21-C . That portion of Anchorage No. 21 south of a line drawn from latitude 40°39'14.3", longitude 74°02'59" to latitude 4CP 38'43.9", longitude 74°02'30.5". (i) No vessel with a draft of 10.058 meters (33 feet) or less may anchor in Anchorage No. 21-C. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 41 (ii) Any vessel anchored in or intending to anchor in Anchor¬ age No. 21-C must comply with the regulations for Anchorage No. 21 -A. Anchorage No. 23 . (Stapleton Anchorage). An area located west of the Anchorage Channel beginning at a point of latitude 40°38'36. 5", longitude 74°04'13.3"; thence to latitude 40°38'37", longitude 74°03'49"; thence to latitude 40°38'22", longitude 74°03'36"; thence to latitude 40° 37'26.8", longitude 74°03 , 18 n ; thence to latitude 40°37'23.2", longitude 74°03'59"; thence to latitude 40°37'30.7 n , longitude 74°04 , 04.5"; thence to the point of beginning. Anchorage No. 23 is divided into Anchorage No. 23-A and Anchorage No. 23-B. Anchorage No. 23-A. That portion of Anchorage No. 23, north of a line bearing 090 U T from the northernmost corner of Pier 12, Staten Island at latitude 40 o 37'49.5", longitude 74°04 , 10.4". (i) No vessel may anchor in Anchorage No. 23-A for a period longer than 48 hours without permission from the Captain of the Port. (ii) No vessel with a length overall of more than 670 feet may anchor in Anchorage No. 23-A unless otherwise authorized by the Captain of the Port. (iii) No vessel with a draft of 40 feet or over may anchor in Anchorage No. 23-A without permission from the Captain of the Port unless it anchors within 5 hours after ebb current begins at The Nar¬ rows. Daily predicted times of ebb current are found in the Depart¬ ment of Commerce Tidal Current Tables, Atlantic Coast of North America, utilizing The Narrows as the reference station. (iv) Any vessel anchored in or intending to anchor in Anchor¬ age No. 23-A shall comply with the regulations for Anchorage No. 21 - A (§110.155(d) (5-A) (i)-(x)). Anchorage No. 23-B . That portion of Anchorage No. 23, south of a line bearing 050° "t from the northernmost corner of Pier 12, Staten Island at latitude 40°37'49. 5", longitude 74 o 04'10.4". (i) No vessel may anchor in Anchorage No. 23-B for a period longer than 48 hours without permission from the Captain of the Port. (ii) No vessel with a length overall of 670 feet or less may anchor in Anchorage No 23-B, unless otherwise authorized by the Captain of the Port. (iii) No vessel with a draft of 40 feet or over may anchor in Anchorage No. 2 3-B without permission from the Captain of the Port unless it anchors within 5 hours after ebb current begins at The 42 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY Narrows. Daily predicted times of ebb current are found in the Department of Commerce Tidal Current Tables, Atlantic Coast of North America, utilizing The Narrows as the reference station. (iv) Any vessel anchored in or intending to anchor in Anchor¬ age No. 23-B shall comply with regulations for Anchorage No. 21-A. Anchorage No. 24 . (Stapleton Anchorage South). An area located west of the Anchorage Channel beginning at a point of latitude 40°37' 23.2", longitude 74°03'59"; thence to latitude 40°37'26.8", longitude 74° 03'18"; thence to latitude 40°36'25", longitude 74°02'58"; thence to a point on the Staten Island shoreline at latitude 40°36'20", longitude 70° 03'14"; thence to the point of beginning. (i) No vessel may anchor in Anchorage No. 24 for a period longer than 48 hours without permission from the Captain of the Port. (ii) No vessel with a length overall of less than 800 feet (243. 840 meters) or with a draft of less than 40 feet (12.192 meters) may anchor in Anchorage No. 24. (iii) No vessel with a draft of 40 feet or over may anchor in Anchorage No. 24 without permission from the Captain of the Port unless it anchors within 5 hours after ebb current begins at The Narrows. Daily predicted times of ebb current are found in the Department of Commerce Tidal Current Tables, Atlantic Coast of North America, utilizing The Narrows as the reference station. (iv) Any vessel anchored in or intending to anchor in Anchor¬ age No. 24 shall comply with the regulations for Anchorage No. 21-A. Anchorage No. 25 . (Gravesend Bay). An area located east of Am- brose Channel beginning at a point on the Coney Island shoreline at lati¬ tude 40°34'36", longitude 74°00'47"; thence to latitude 40°34'53", longi¬ tude 74°01'56.5"; thence to latitude 40°35'24", longitude 74°02 , 05"; thence to latitude 40 o 35'58", longitude 74°02 , 18.5"; thence to a point on the Brooklyn shoreline at latitude 40°36'12.9", longitude 74°01'24.2"; thence following the shoreline to latitude 40°36'06.8", longitude 74°00'54.5; thence to latitude 40°34'53.8", longitude 74°00'23.5"; thence following the shoreline to the point of beginning. (i) When the use of Anchorage No. 25 is required by naval vessels, the vessel anchored therein shall move when the Captain of the Port directs them. (ii) Any vessel anchored in or intending to anchor in Anchor¬ age No. 25 must comply with the regulations for Anchorage No. 21-A. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 43 Jamaica Bay Jamaica Bay, West Area . That portion of the waters on the westerly side of Jamaica Bay, westerly of a line ranging from Island Channel Buoy No. 21 through Island Channel Buoy No. 23, northward of a line ranging from Island Channel Buoy No. 21 to the north abutment of the Shore Parkway Bridge across Paerdegat Basin, and southward of a line ranging 310° from Island Channel Buoy No. 23. Jamaica Bay, South Area . That portion of Broad Channel westerly of a line bearing l90 u 30' from the northerly terminus of the New York City Transit Authority trestle across Broad Channel to lati¬ tude 40°35' 50", longitude 73°49 , 06"; and thence northerly of a line bear¬ ing 254° to the shore. The area is principally used by yachts and other recreational craft. Temporary floats or buoys for marking anchors will be allowed. The Captain of the Port of New York is authorized to issue permits for maintaining mooring buoys within the anchorage. The method of anchor¬ ing these buoys shall be as prescribed by the Captain of the Port. No vessel shall anchor in the anchorage in such manner as to interfere with the use of a duty authorized mooring buoy. Lower Bay Anchorage No. 26 . In Sandy Hook Bay south of a line extending from Point CJomfort to Sandy Hook Point Light. Note: Anchorages 49-F and 49-G in this area are reserved for ves¬ sels carrying explosives and are excluded for use as general anchorages. (1) Pleasure or commercial craft may not navigate or moor within 750 yards of the Naval Ammunition Depot Pier at Leonardo, New Jersey, nor anchor in the approach channel or the turning basin adjacent thereto. (2) When immediate action is required and representatives of the Coast Guard are not present in sufficient force to exercise effective control of shipping, the Commanding Officer of the Naval Ammunition Depot at Earle, New Jersey, may control the anchorage or movement of any vessel, foreign or domestic, to the extent he deems necessary to insure the safety and security of his command. Anchorage No. 2 7 . (1) Atlantic Ocean . Beginning at Sandy Hook Light 15 to lati¬ tude 40 o 28'52", longitude 74°00'03"; thence to latitude 40°28'4l", longi¬ tude 73 0 58'54"; thence to latitude 40°25'58", longitude 73 c ^5 , 00"; thence 180° to latitude 40°23'46"; thence 270° toward Highland Light and Sandy Hook shore; thence following the easterly shoreline of Sandy Hook to the point of beginning. 44 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY (2) Romer Shoal . Beginning at latitude 40°27'30", longitude 73°55'00"; thence due north to latitude 40 o 29'05"; thence to latitude 40°31 , 25", longitude 74°00'55"; thence to latitude 40°32'll", longitude 74°01'4l"; thence to latitude 40°32'12", longitude 74°02'07"; thence 180° to latitude 40°31'27 ; thence to latitude 40°30'13", longitude 74°00'07"; thence to the point of beginning. (3) Flynns Knoll . Beginning at Sandy Hook Channel Lighted Bell Buoy 18; thence along the north side of Sandy Hook Channel to Sandy Hook Channel Lighted Buoy; thence along the southwest side of Swash Channel to junction buoy, thence along the east side of Chapel Hill Channel to Chapel Hill Channel Buoy 2; and thence to the point of beginning. Anchorage No. 28 . West of lines bearing 154°30' from Fort Wads- worth Light to Craven Shoal Lighted Bell Buoy 19A, thence in succes¬ sion to the buoys marking the east side of West Bank and the buoys on the west side of Chapel Hill Channel to Southwest Spit Junction Lighted Gong Buoy, thence 182° to a line extending from Sandy Hook Point Light to Point Comfort north of the latter line and the New Jersey shore; and east of a line bearing 353° from the head of the former Keans- burg Steamboat Pier at Point Comfort through Great Kills Flat Buoy 4, to the Staten Island shore; excluding from this area, however, (i) the waters west of a line ranging from the stack on Hoff¬ man Island 344° through the northeast corner of the T-shaped pier at South Beach, northwest of a line ranging from Great Kills Light 39° and tangent to the offshore face of the T-shaped pier at Midland Beach; and northeast of a line ranging from the stack on Swinburne Island 301° to the shore end of the north jetty at New Creek; and (ii) the waters west of a line ranging from Conover Light at Leonardo, New Jersey, 340° through Old Orchard Shoal Light; northwest of a line bearing 230° from the stack on Hoffman Island; and northeast of a line ranging from Great Kills Light 332° through Marine Park Light at Crooks Point. Newark Bay Anchorage No. 34. South of the bridge of the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey); west of lines from a point on the bridge 100 yards west of the west pier of the west lift span to Newark Bay Channel Buoy 5, thence to the east end of the dike north of Shooters Island; north of the dike and a line ranging from the west end of the dike through Kill Van Kull Light 18 and Kill Van Kull Buoy 20; and east of a line 250 feet east of and parallel to the Singer Company's bulkhead. The following are designated as "Special Anchorage Areas" where¬ in vessels not more than 65 feet in length, when at anchor, shall not PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 45 be required to carry or exhibit the white anchor lights required by the navigation rules: Newark Bay, Southeast Area . That portion of the waters on the southeasterly side of Newark Bay, north of a line ranging from the offshore end of the breakwater north of the former Elco Boat Works through Newark Bay Channel Buoy 6; east of a line ranging from a point 200 yards east of the east pier of the lift span of the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Company of New Jersey) railroad bridge to a point 200 yards east of the east end of the lift span of the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Pennsylvania-Lehigh Valley Railroad) railroad bridge; and south of a line ranging from the southwest corner of the bulkhead at Bayonne City Park through Newark Bay Channel Buoy 11. This special anchorage is within the area of General Anchorage No. 37. Newark Bay, Southwest Area . That portion of the waters on the southwesterly side of Newark Bay, north of a line ranging from Kill Van Kull Light 16 through Kill Van Kull Light 18 and Kill Van Kull Channel Buoy 20, northeast of a line through Kill Van Kull Channel Buoy 20 perpendicular to the Singer Company's bulkhead, and southeast of a line 150 feet east of and parallel to the Singer Company's bulkhead, and south of a line 250 feet south of and parallel to the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Company of New Jersey) railroad bridge and west of a line perpendicular to the dike at Kill Van Kull Light 16, excluding therefrom the pipeline area. The greater portion of this special anchorage is within the area of General Anchorage No. 34. Great Kills Harbor . Beginning at a point on the shoreline at latitude 40°32'05.6", longitude 74°08'24.2"; thence to latitude 40°32' 06.7", longitude 74°08'27.6"; thence to latitude 40°32'19", longitude 74°08'23.l"; thence to latitude 40°32'27", longitude 74°08'25. 9"; thence to latitude 40°32'40.2", longitude 74°08'10.5 ; thence to latitude 40°32' 44.2", longitude 74°08'12. 9 ; thence along the northern and eastern shoreline to the point of beginning. The special anchorage area is principally for use by yachts and other recreational craft. A temporary float or buoy for marking the location of the anchor of a vessel at anchor may be used. Fixed mooring piles or stakes are prohibited. Vessels shall be anchored so that no part of the vessel comes within 50 feet of the marked channel. No vessel shall be anchored in such a manner as to interfere with the use of a mooring buoy authorized to be placed by the Captain of the Port, New York. No mooring buoy shall be placed in this special anchorage area except as authorized by the Captain of the Port-New York. This special anchorage area is within the limits of General Anchorage No. 28. Anchorage No. 36. South of Port Newark Channel; west of a line ranging from a point 200 yards west of Newark Bay Light 3 to a point 100 yards west of the west pier of the west lift span of Consolidated 46 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Company of New Jersey) railroad bridge; and north of said bridge. Anchorage No. 37 . North of Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Company of New Jersey) railroad bridge; east of a line rang¬ ing from a point 200 yards east of the east pier of the east lift span of the bridge to a point 200 yards east of the east end of the lift span of the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Pennsylvania-Lehigh Valley Railroad) railroad bridge; and south of the latter bridge. A portion of this gen¬ eral anchorage is designated as a special anchorage in Newark Bay, Southeast Area. Anchorage No. 38 . North of the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Pennsylvania-Lehigh Valley Railroad) railroad bridge; east of lines ranging through a point 200 yards east of the east end of the lift span of the said bridge and the red channel buoys marking the dredged chan¬ nel in Newark Bay and Hackensack River; and south of the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Company of New Jersey) railroad bridge. Anchorage No. 39. Between the entrance channels of the Hacken- sack and Passaic ftivers, northwest of lines from the abutment of the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Company of New Jersey) railroad bridge on the west side of the Hackensack River to Hackensack River Light 1, and thence to Newark Bay Light 5, and east of a line from said light ranging toward the southeast corner of the Texaco, Inc., wharf, and of a line ranging from the southeast corner of the former Gross Wharf to the abutment and end of fill of the Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Company of New Jersey) railroad bridge on the east side of the Passaic River. Arthur Kill Anchorage No. 41 . The passage between Pralls Island and Staten Island included between a line running 29° from the extreme northwest point of Pralls Island to a point on Staten Island and a line from the southern point of Pralls Island to the north side of the mouth of Neck Creek at Travis, Staten Island. Anchorage No, 42 . East of lines ranging from the head of the former Tottenville shipyard Co. pier at Tottenville, Staten Island, to the first pier of the Outerbridge Crossing west from the Staten Island shore, thence to Arthur Kill Light 10, thence to Arthur Kill Light 14, and thence to Arthur Kill Lighted Buoy 16; and south of a line from thence to Smoking Point. Raritan Bay Anchorage No. 44. An area in Raritan Bay located at the junction of Arthur Kill and Raritan River, beginning at a point at latitude 40°30' 07", longitude 74°15'13"; thence to latitude 40°30'0l", longitude 74°15' 30"; thence to latitude 40°29'27", longitude 74°15'06"; thence to latitude PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 47 40^29*24", longitude 74°15'0l"; thence to latitude 40°29'15", longitude 74 0 14'55"; thence to latitude 40°29' 14", longitude 74°15'25"; thence to latitude 40°29'48", longitude 74 0 15'48"; and thence to the point of beginning. (i) The anchorage is restricted to deep-draft vessels ex¬ cept that barges may moor in the portion of the anchorage south¬ erly of latitude 40P29'22". (ii) No vessel shall occupy the deep-draft portion of the anchorage for a longer period than 48 hours without a permit from the Captain of the Port. Anchorage No. 45 . West of the Raritan Bay Channel leading into Arthur Kill; north of the Raritan River Channel leading into the Raritan River, and east of the Cutoff Channel between the Raritan River and Arthur Kill, except that part of the said area occupied by Anchorage No. 44. Anchorage No. 45-A . West of the Cutoff Channel between the Rari¬ tan River and Arthur Kill; north of the Raritan River Channel; east of the Consolidated Rail Corp. railroad bridge; and north of the Raritan River Channel to the prolongation of Market Sreet, Perth Amboy, New Jersey, in Arthur Kill. Anchorage No. 46 . West of the west limit of Anchorage No. 28, as defined by a line bearing 353° from the head of the former Keansburg Steamboat Pier at Point Comfort, through Great Kills Flat Buoy 4 to the Staten Island shore; north of Raritan Bay Channel as defined by the buoys and lights marking the north side of the channel, including Princess Bay; northeast of Raritan Bay Channel leading into Arthur Kill; and south of a line bearing 243° from the gable of a house at Ward Point, Staten Island. Anchorage No. 47 . South of the Raritan River Channel from opposite the former Sun Oil Company's pier at South Amboy to Raritan River Buoy 3; thence south of a line in the direction of Boundary Day beacon to latitude 40 p 28'48.5", longitude 74 0 14'31.6", thence south of lines through Raritan Bay Light 7B, Raritan Bay Light 3A, and the buoys marking the south side of Raritan Bay Channel off Seguine Point to the west limit of Anchorage No. 28 as defined by a line bearing 353° from the head of the former Keansburg Steamboat Pier through Great Kills Flat Buoy 4 to the Staten Island shore; and west of the latter line. Vessels shall not anchor in the channel to Keyport Harbor west of lines ranging from Keyport Channel Buoy 1 to Keyport Channel Buoy 9, thence through Keyport Channel Buoys 11 and 13 to the northeast corner of the easterly steamboat wharf; and east of a line extending from a point 400 yards west of Keyport Channel Buoy 1 tangent to the west shore at the mouth of Matawan Creek. 48 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY Note: Anchorage No. 49-D in this area is reserved for vessels carrying explosives and is excluded from use as a general anchorage. Sheepshead Bay Western Area . South of a line 25 feet south of and parallel to the bulkhead wall along the south side of Emmons Avenue; east of a line 200 feet east of and parallel to the prolonged west line of East 15th Street; north of a line 75 feet north of and parallel to the bulkhead wall along the north side of Shore Boulevard between Amherst Street and Dover Street and as prolonged to a point 325 feet south of the bulkhead wall along the south side of Emmons Avenue and 25 feet west of the prolonged west side of Ocean Avenue; and west of a line parallel to and 25 feet west of the prolonged west line of Ocean Avenue. Northern Area . South of the established United States pierhead line on the north side of the bay; west of the prolonged west line of Coyle Street; north of a line ranging from a point 90 feet south of said pierhead line in said prolonged west line of Coyle Street to the intersection of the south line of Shore Boulevard and the west line of Kensington Street; north of a line parallel to and 325 feet north of the bulkhead wall along the north side of Shore Boulevard; northeast of a line ranging from the point of intersection of the last-mentioned line with the prolonged east line of East 28th Street, toward a point on the prolonged east line of East 27th Street and 245 feet south of the established United States pierhead line on the north side of the bay; and east of the prolonged east side of East 27th Street. Southern Area . South of a line extending from a point 175 feet northerly of the bulkhead wall along the north side of Shore Boulevard (perpendicular distance) and in the prolonged west side of Hastings Street to a point on the prolonged east side of Mackenzie Street 125 feet north of the bulkhead wall on the north side of Shore Boulevard; thence south of a line parallel to and 125 feet northerly of the bulkhead wall along the north side of Shore Boulevard from the last-mentioned point to the prolonged west line of Coyle Street; west of the prolonged west line of Coyle Street; north of a line parallel to and 25 feet north of the bulkhead wall along the north side of Shore Boulevard; and east of the prolonged west side of Hastings Street. General Regulations (1) Except in cases of great emergency, no vessel shall be anchored in the navigable waters of the Port of New York outside of the anchorage areas established in this section, nor cast anchor within a cable or pipeline area shown on a Government chart, nor be moored, anchored, or tied up to any pier, wharf, or vessel in such manner as to obstruct or endanger the passage of any vessel in transit by, or to, or from, adjacent wharves, piers, or slips. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 49 (2) No vessel shall occupy for a longer period than 30 days, un¬ less a permit is obtained from the Captain of the Port for that purpose, any anchorage for which the time of occupancy is not otherwise pre¬ scribed in this section. No vessel in a condition such that it is likely to sink or otherwise become a menace or obstruction to navigation or anchorage of other vessels shall occupy an anchorage except in an emergency, and then only for such period as may be permitted by the Captain of the Port. (3) Whenever, in the opinion of the Captain of the Port, such action may be necessary, he may require any or all vessels in any designated anchorage area to moor with two or more anchors. (4) Any vessel whose crew may be reduced to such number that it will not have sufficient men on board to weigh anchor at any time shall be anchored with two anchors, with mooring swivel attached before the crew shall be reduced or released, unless the Captain of the Port waives such requirement. i (5) Anchors of all vessels must be placed well within the anchor¬ age areas, so that no portion of the hull or rigging shall at any time extend outside the boundaries of the anchorage area. (6) Any vessel anchoring under circumstances of great emergency outside of the anchorage areas must be placed near the edge of the channel and in such position as not to interfere with the free navigation of the channel nor obstruct the approach to any pier nor impede the movement of any boat, and shall move away immediately after the emer¬ gency ceases, or upon notification by the Captain of the Port. (7) The Captain of the Port may grant a revocable permit for the habitual maintenance and use of a given mooring space in an anchorage area. Application information for a mooring permit is available from: Captain of the Port, Mooring Permit Section, Building 109, Governors Island, New York, N.Y. 10004. (i) A mooring permit is issued for exclusive use by an individual, of a specific mooring, of a specific type, at a specific location, for a specific vessel. (ii) Mooring permits shall expire on April 30 of the year after issuance. (iii) Mooring permits are not transferable. (iv) Moorings are shown on the large scale chart which may be seen at the office of the Captain of the Port-New York. (v) Mooring anchor, chain, and pendant: (Note: Contact Captain of the Port for anchor type and weight, minimum chain 50 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY size requirement, and placement of anchor). These requirements may be waived or modified by the Captain of the Port upon written request from the applicant for such waiver or modification. (vi) The mooring buoy shall be white in color with the Cap¬ tain of the Port mooring permit number, in black letters, clearly visible at all times. The buoy is to extend not less than 1 foot above the surface of the water at all times, exclusive of flagstaffs, rings, quick pickup devices, etc. (vii) All required equipment shall be provided by, installed by, and remain the property of the permit holder. (viii) Mooring equipment should be raised at least every 2 years, inspected for deterioration and replaced if necessary. (ix) Each person holding a mooring permit shall make what the Captain of the Port-New York considers reasonable use of the mooring. Nonuse of a mooring up to 30 days during the boating season is deemed reasonable. (x) Moorings for which permits have expired without re¬ newal or have been revoked by the Captain of the Port-New York shall be removed by the owner within 10 days of such expiration or revocation. (xi) Granting of a Captain of the Port-New York mooring permit does not give a right of access across private property. Arrangements for access shall be made by the permit holder. (xii) Each person to whom a Captain of the Port-New York mooring permit is issued agrees to hold harmless the United States, its officers, agents, and employees, for any death, personal injury, or damage which may result from the use of the permit or the rights granted under the permit. (xiii) No vessel shall continuously occupy a mooring when a vessel in regular traffic requires the berth or when navigation would be menaced or inconvenienced thereby. (xiv) No vessel shall moor in any anchorage in such a man¬ ner as to interfere with the use of a duly authorized mooring buoy. Nor shall any vessel moored to a buoy authorized by a Captain of the Port-New York permit be moored such that any portion of that vessel comes within 50 feet of a marked or dredged channel. (xv) No vessel shall be navigated within the limits of an anchor¬ age at speed exceding 6 knots when in the vicinity of a moored vessel. (xvi) In an emergency the Captain of the Port may shift the position of any unattended vessel moored in or near any anchorage. PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 51 (8) Barge dispensing stations and stake boats may be anchored in such places as the Captain of the Port may designate. (9) Upon approval of the District Engineer, Corps of Engineers, the Captain of the Port may permit wrecking plant or other vessels legally engaged in recovering sunken property, or in laying or repair¬ ing pipelines or cables legally established, or plant engaged in dredg¬ ing operations, to anchor within channels of the Port of New York. Permit issued by the Captain of the Port is not necessary for plant engaged upon works of river and harbor improvement under the super¬ vision of the District Engineer, but the District Engineer will notify the Captain of the Port in advance of all such proposed work. (10) Whenever the maritime or commercial interests of the United States so require, the Captain of the Port is hereby empowered to shift the position of any vessel anchored within the anchorage areas, of any vessel anchored outside the anchorage areas, of any vessel which is so moored or anchored as to impede or obstruct vessel movements in any channel or obstruct or interfere with range lights, and of any vessel which, lying at the exterior end of a pier or alongside an open bulkhead, obstructs or endangers the passage of vessels in transit by, or to, or from, adjacent wharf property or impedes the movements of vessels entering or leaving adjacent slips. (11) A vessel upon being notified to move into the anchorage limits or to shift its position on anchorage grounds, shall get under way at once or signal for a tug, and shall change position as directed, with reasonable promptness. (12) Nothing in this section shall be construed as relieving any vessel or the owner or person in charge of any vessel from the penal¬ ties of law for obstructing navigation, for obstructing or interfering with range lights, or for not complying with the navigation laws in re¬ gard to lights, fog signals, or for otherwise violating law. (13) Any vessel prohibited by these rules from anchoring in a specific anchorage because of the vessel's length or draft may anchor in the anchorage with permission from the Captain of the Port. (14) At least 48-hour advance notice to the Captain of the Port of arriving vessels which are over 800 feet in length and/or 40 feet or more in draft if such vessels desire to use the inner harbor anchorages. (15) Notification of the Captain of the Port of the commencement and conclusion of lightering operations by vessels at anchor. (16) Maintenance of an alert bridge watch on vessels in anchorages including guarding VHF Radio Channel 16. (17) Vessels in anchorages must maintain a capability to get under¬ way within a reasonable time unless permission has been obtained from 52 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY the Captain of the Port to be in "dead ship" status. Vessels in "dead ship" status, if engaged in lightering, must have a tug standing by during changes of the tide. Anchorages for Vessels Carrying Explosives Anchorage No. 49-C (naval and military anchorage) . In Gravesend Bay, north of a line bearing 260^30 1 from latitude 40®34'58", longitude 74°01'20", to latitude 40°34'54", longitude 74°01'49", and ranging through the stack on Hoffman Island; east of a line bearing 342° from the last-mentioned point to latitude 40°35'59", longitude 74°02'17", and ranging 250 yards due west of Fort Lafayette; south of a line bearing 96° from the last-mentioned point to latitude 40°35'56", longitude 74°01' 45" and west of a line bearing 343° from the last-mentioned point to latitude 40°34'58", longitude 74°01'20", and passing through Fort Ham¬ ilton Southwest Buoy 20. (1) The Captain of the Port may permit the anchorage of com¬ mercial vessels in the southerly part of the area south of a line bearing 252° from the flagpole in the vicinity of Bay Parkway, Brooklyn, when use of the anchorage by naval or military vessels will permit. Any commercial vessels so moored as to obstruct the use of the area for the anchorage of naval or military vessels may be required by the Captain of the Port to shift its position or clear the area when found necessary, at its own expense. (2) Fishing and navigation by pleasure and commercial craft are prohibited within the area at all times when vessels which are moor¬ ed in the area for the purpose of loading or unloading explosives display a red flag by day or a red light by night, unless special permission is granted by the Captain of the Port. (3) Vessels carrying high explosives in this anchorage shall not anchor closer than 400 yards to one another, but the number of ves¬ sels which may anchor in the area at any one time shall be at the dis¬ cretion of the Captain of the Port. This provision is not intended to prohibit barges or lighters from tying up alongside ships for the transfer of cargoes. (4) Vessels carrying high explosives shall not occupy this anchorage for a period of time longer than is necessary to receive or discharge such cargoes, or between sunset and sunrise except by special permit from the Captain of the Port in cases of great emergency. (5) Barges and lighters loaded with explosives may anchor in the easterly portion of this area provided such barges and lighters are anchored so as not to approach one another closer than 300 feet. The Captain of the Port may authorize the placing of moorings in the east¬ erly portion of the area and the making fast thereto of not to exceed three barges or lighters at each mooring, provided these moorings are PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 53 so spaced that the vessels at one mooring shall at all times be not less than 300 feet from the vessels at an adjacent mooring. Anchorage No. 49-F (emergency naval anchorage) . That portion of Sandy Hook Bay bounded by a line bearing 170°, 3, 800 yards, from a point bearing 281°30', 2, 050 yards, from Sandy Hook Light; thence 260°, 500 yards; thence 350°, 3,800 yards; thence 80°, 500 yards to the point of beginning. (1) This anchorage is to be used for the anchorage of naval vessels during emergencies only. (2) No pleasure or commercial craft shall navigate or moor within this area at any time when naval vessels which are moored in the area display a red flag by day or a red light by night. Anchorage No. 49-G (naval anchorage). That portion of Sandy Hook Bay bounded by a line bearing 208®, 1, 350 yards, from a point bearing 292°30', 3, 600 yards, from Sandy Hook Light; thence 298°, 620 yards; thence 2°, 1, 250 yards; thence 107°, 1,150 yards, to the point of beginning. No pleasure or commercial craft shall navigate or moor within this area at any time when vessels which are moored in the area dis¬ play a red flag by day or a red light by night. Regulations for Explosives Anchorages (1) Anchorages Nos. 49-C, 49-F, and 49-G are reserved for vessels carrying explosives. All vessels carrying explosives shall be within these areas when anchored, except as provided in paragraph (6) below. (2) A written permit shall be obtained from the Captain of the Port before vessels carrying explosives or on which explosives are to be loaded, may proceed to the anchorages provided for them; and no vessel shall occupy a berth in such anchorage except by authority of such permit, which permit may be revoked at any time. (3) Vessels used in connection with loading or unloading explosives on vessels in anchorage areas, including tugs and stevedore boats, shall carry a written permit from the Captain of the Port. The Captain of the Port may, in his discretion, require every person having busi¬ ness on board vessels which are being loaded with explosives, other than members of the crew, to have a pass from the Captain of the Port in such form as he shall prescribe. Such permit or pass shall be shown whenever required by him or by his authorized agents. (4) The Captain of the Port may require the attendance of a tug upon any vessel not fitted with mechanical power anchors while carrying 54 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY explosives in the explosives anchorages, when in his judgment such action is necessary. (5) Vessels carrying explosives shall comply with the general regulations in paragraph (1) of this section when applicable. (6) The District Engineer, Corps of Engineers, may authorize, in writing, a vessel carrying explosives for use on river and harbor works or on other work under Federal permit issued by the District Engineer, to anchor in or near the vicinity of such work without a permit from the Captain of the Port. The District Engineer will pre¬ scribe the quantities of such explosives allowed on such vessel and the conditions under which they are to be stored and handled, and will furnish the Captain of the Port with a copy of such safety instructions together with a copy of his written authorization. (7) Every vessel loading, unloading, transporting, or containing explosives shall display by day a red flag at least 16 square feet in area at its masthead, or at least 10 feet above the upper deck if the vessel has no mast, and shall display by night a red light in the same position specified for the flag. (8) When local regulations require previous authority for the transfer of explosives or fireworks between vessels or between a vessel and a wharf or other places ashore, the Captain of the Port will permit the removal from the anchorage of such vessels containing explosives to any place covered by such local regulations only when he is satisfied that the required local authority has been granted. BRIDGES Bridges over the most important navigable waterways of the Port of New York are listed on pages 56, 57, and 58. WEATHER CONDITIONS New York City has a climate which more closely resembles the continental type of climate than it does the maritime type, despite its nearness to the ocean and the numerous bays and rivers. Its modified continental climate follows from the fact that weather conditions affect¬ ing the City usually approach from a westerly direction and not from the ocean. New York's mean annual temperature is slightly higher than that of most places in the United States of the same latitude, with the ex¬ ception of localities near the Pacific coast. Precipitation is moderate and distributed evenly throughout the year. Most of the rainfall from June through September comes from thunderstorms of brief duration, but are relatively intense. From October to April, precipitation is gen¬ erally associated with widespread storm areas, so that daylong rain or PORT AND HARBOR CONDITIONS 55 snow is common. Over the entire year the City receives 59 percent of the sunshine hours possible at its latitude. Within a 25-mile radius of Central Park, climatic conditions do not vary appreciably from those described above, according to avail¬ able suburban weather records. Frequently on winter mornings, however, temperature readings run 10° to 20° lower in the suburbs. Summer maximum temperatures are generally lower in the coastal areas where seabreezes tend to alleviate the heat. Relative humidity averages about the same throughout the metropolitan area, although Long Island and the New Jersey shores usually are slightly more humid than other localities. The one climatic element with a rather marked aerial variation is the average annual precipitation. This increases gradually from about 40 inches in southwestern Long Island to about 47 inches in the northern and western suburbs of the City. The information in the table below was compiled from records of the Central Park United States Weather Bureau Station, New York City, and was furnished by the Weather Bureau, U. S. Department of Commerce. METEOROLOGICAL DATA FOR PERIOD OF RECORD NORMAL DAILY PRECIPITATION PREVAILING TIME TEMPERATURE F.° NORMAL TOTAL DIRECTION MAXIMUM MINIMUM (INCHES) OF WINDS NO. OF YEARS 29 29 29 45 January. 38. 5 25. 9 2. 71 NW February . 40.2 26. 5 2. 92 NW March. 48.4 33. 7 3. 73 NW April. 60. 7 43.5 3. 30 NW May. 71.4 53. 3 3.47 SW June. 80. 5 62. 3 2. 96 SW July. 85. 2 68.0 3. 68 SW August. 83.4 66.4 4. 01 SW September .... 76. 8 59. 9 3. 27 SW October. 66. 8 50. 6 2. 85 SW November. 54.0 40. 8 3. 76 NW December. 41.4 29. 5 3. 53 NW Year 62. 3 46. 7 40. 19 NW 56 LIST OF BRIDGES MILES ABOVE MOUTH 2.0 11.5 11.6 1.1 1.5 1.5 1.6 0.0 0.2 1.0 2.2 0.8 1.1 2.3 5.5 5.5 6.4 7.8 8.2 10.7 13.8 15.8 0.0 0.4 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.8 2.0 2.1 1.8 2.2 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.4 5.0 5.3 5.4 6.9 7.7 8.8 8.9 11.4 14.0 15.2 16.2 16.3 16.5 0.0 1.3 1.5 1.9 2.1 LOCATION AND NAME TYPE CLEARANCE (FEET) PURPOSE HORIZONTAL VERTICAL MLW MHW ARTHUR KILL, N.Y. & N.J. Outerbridge Crossing Fixed 675 148 143 Highway Goethals do. 617 142 137 Do. Staten Island Railroad Corp. Vertical lift 500 35-139 31-135 Railroad BRONX RIVER, N.Y. Bruckner Boulevard Bascule 69 34 27 Highway Westchester Avenue Fixed 60 21 14 Do. Westchester Avenue (Rapid Transit) Fixed 60 68 61 Railroad West Farms (Consolidated Rail Corp.) do. 69 15 8 Do. CHEESEQUAKE CREEK, N.J. State Highway No. 35 Bascule 50 30-110 25-105 Highway Consolidated Rail Corp. do. 50 8 3 Railroad Garden State Parkway (3 spans) Fixed 59 20 16 Highway EASTCHESTER BAY, N.Y. City Island Fixed 53 19 12 Highway EAST RIVER, N.Y. Brooklyn Suspension 1,350 136 127 Highway Manhattan do. 1,200 144 134 Highway & railroad Williamsburg do. 1,536 140 133 Do. Queensboro (West Channel) Fixed 900 138 131 Highway Queensboro (East Channel) do. 760 140 133 Do. Roosevelt Island (East Channel) Vertical lift 403 47-106 40-99 Do. Triborough Suspension 1,070 143 138 Do. Hell Gate Fixed 830 136 134 Railroad Rikers Island do. 125 58 52 Highway Bronx-Whitestone Suspension 2,265 142 135 Do. Throgs Neck do. 1,711 145 138 Do. ELIZABETH RIVER, N.J. Front Street Bascule 74 8-64 3-59 Do. South 1st Street do • 60 10 5 Do. Consolidated Rail Corp. Fixed 59 19 14 Railroad FLUSHING CREEK. N.Y. Whitestone Expressway do. 140 41 34 Highway ( Whitestone Expressway do. 140 41 34 Do. Northern Boulevard do. 80 32 25 Do. FRESH KILLS. STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. West Shore Expressway (2 spans) do. 125 33 28 Do. GOWANUS CANAL, N.Y. Hamilton Avenue Bascule 47 23 19 Do. Hamilton Avenue Fixed 47 97 92 Do. Gowanus Parkway do. 47 97 93 Do. Ninth Street Bascule 45 11 7 Do. Smith & 9th Streets Fixed 100 94 90 Railroad Third Street Bascule 41 14 10 Highway Carroll Street Retractile 36 7 3 Do. Union Street Bascule 43 13 9 Highway & Railroad HACKENSACK RIVER, N.J. Lincoln Highway Vertical lift 200 40-140 35-135 Highway Pulaski Skyway Fixed 300 140 135 Do. Consolidated Rail Corp. (passenger) Vertical lift 168 45-140 40-135 Railroad Consolidated Rail Corp. (freight) do. 158 16-140 11-135 Do. Witt-Penn do. 158 40-140 35-135 Highway Consolidated Rail Corp. (Erie-Lackawanna) do. 150 45-140 40-135 Railroad Consolidated Rail Corp. (Penn Central) Swing 99 28-147 23-142 Do. New Jersey Turnpike Fixed 259 108 103 Highway Consolidated Rail Corp. (Erie-Lackawanna) Swing 99 12 7 Railroad Consolidated Rail Corp. (Erie-Lackawanna) Vertical lift 127 13-115 8-110 Do. Consolidated Rail Corp. (Bergen County Line) Bascule 101 9 4 Do. State Highway No. 3 (eastbound) Fixed 148 55 50 Highway State Highway No. 3 (westbound) do. 151 56 50 Do. New Jersey Turnpike (2 spans) do. 178 55 50 Do. State Highway No. 46 Bascule 150 40 35 Do. Interstate Highway No. 80 Fixed 148 57 51 Do. Court Street Swing 56658 8 3 Do. New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad do. 43 7 2 Railroad Court Street do. 53 12 7 Highway HARLEM RIVER, N.Y. 103d Street Vertical lift 300 60-141 55-136 Pedestrian Triborough do. 204 59-141 54-136 Highway Willis Avenue Swing 109 30 24 Do. Third Avenue do. 100 30 25 Do A Park Avenue Vertical lift 225 30-139 25-135 Railroad | LIST OF BRIDGES CONTINUED 1 57 m MOUTH 2.3 2.8 3.2 4.3 4.5 4.6 6.0 6.8 7.2 7.9 11.0 27.0 0.4 0.5 0.9 » 2.2 2.5 2.8 2.9 ’ 3.0 6.0 6.7 10.0 10.6 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.0 1.5 0.7 „ 0.7 4.0 4.3 0.6 1.3 2.1 3.1 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.4 CLEARANCE (FEET) LOCATION AND NAME TYPE HORIZONTAL VERTICAL PURPOSE MLW MHW HARLEM RIVER. N.Y. (CONTINUED) Madison Avenue Swing 104 29 25 Highway 145th Street do. 104 30 25 Do. Macombs Dam do. 164 32 27 Do. High Fixed 322 107 102 Pedestrian & pipeline Alexander Hamilton do. 366 107 102 Highway Washington Suspension 354 138 134 Do. 207th Street Swing 101 30 26 Do. Broadway Vertical lift 288 29-144 24-135 Highway & railroad Henry Hudson Parkway Fixed 417 145 141 Highway Spuyten Duyvll (Consolidated Rail Corp.) Swing 100 9 5 Railroad HUDSON RIVER. N.Y. George Washington Suspension 3,169 217 213 Highway Tappan Zee Fixed 1,098 144 139 Do. HUTCHINSON RIVER. N.Y. Pelham Parkway Bascule 59 20 13 Do. Consolidated Rail Corp. Rolling lift 68 15-137 8-130 Railroad Hutchinson River Parkway Bascule 130 38 30 Highway New England Thruway do. 110 38 31 Do. Boston Post Road Fixed 118 57 50 Do. Pelham Manor do. 100 137 130 Pipeline Fulton Avenue Bascule 80 13 6 Highway JAMAICA BAY. N.Y. Marine Parkway Vertical lift 503 59-156 55-152 Do. Beach Channel Cross Bay Boulevard Fixed 200 55 52 Do. Hammel Swing 101 31 26 Railroad North Channel Cross Bay Boulevard Bascule 100 25 20 Highway Howard Beach Swing 100 31 26 Railroad Fresh Creek Belt Parkway Fixed 43 25 21 Highway Hawtree Creek 163d Avenue do. 63 22 17 Pedestrian 103d Street do. 20 12 7 Highway Mill Basin Shore Parkway Bascule 135 39 34 Do. Mott Creek Mott Creek Fixed 33 17 12 Do. Paerdegat Basin Shore Parkway do. 61 33 29 Do. Plumb Beach Channel Shore Parkway do. 113 40 35 Do. Shellbank Basin 165th Avenue Bascule 37 15 10 Do. KILL VAN KULL, N.Y. & N.J. Bayonne Fixed 1,640 155 150 Do. NEWARK BAY, N.J. Consolidated Rail Corp. (East Channel) Vertical lift 134 39-139 35-135 Railroad Consolidated Rail Corp. (West Channel) do. 216 39-139 35-135 Do. New Jersey Turnpike Consolidated Rail Corp. (Penn Central- Fixed 585 139 135 Highway Lehigh Valley) Vertical lift 300 39-139 35-135 Railroad NEWTOWN CREEK, N.Y. Pulaski Bascule 150 43-50 39-46 Highway Greenpolnt Avenue do. 149 30 26 Do. Kosciusko Memorial Fixed 249 129 125 Do. Grand Avenue (East Branch) Swing 88 13 8 Do. Dutch Kills Long Island Railroad Swing 46 5 2 Railroad Do. Bascule 50 19 14 Do. Borden Avenue Retractile 49 9 4 Highway Midtown Highway Fixed 90 94 90 Do. Hunters Point Avenue Bascule 60 13 8 Do. English Kills Metropolitan Avenue Bascule 86 15 10 Do. Montrose Avenue (Long Island Railroad) Swing 46 9 4 Railroad 58 LIST OF BRIDGES - CONTINUED MILES ABOVE MOUTH LOCATION AND NAME TYPE CLEARANCE (FEET) PURPOSE HORIZONTAL VERTICAL MLW MHW NEW YORK HARBOR (THE NARROWS), N.Y. " Verrazano-Narrows Suspension 4,000 232 229 Highway OVERPECK CREEK, N.J. 0.0 New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad Bascule 37 9 4 Railroad 0.0 Consolidated Rail Corp. Swing 30 8 3 Do. PASSAIC RIVER, N.J. 1.1 Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey) Swing 100 30 25 Do. 1.8 Lincoln Highway Vertical lift 300 45-140 40-135 Highway 2.0 Pulaski Skyway Fixed 520 140 135 Do. 2.6 Consolidated Rail Corp. (Waverly and Passaic Branch) Swing 103 21 16 Railroad 2.7 New Jersey Turnpike Fixed 319 105 100 Highway 4.6 South 4th Street Swing 75 20 15 Do. 5.0 Port Authority, Trans-Hudson (PATH), Consolidated Rail Corp. Vertical lift 200 29-143 24-138 Railroad 5.6 Bridge Street/Harrison Avenue Swing 80 12 7 Highway 5.8 Consolidated Rail Corp (Morristown Branch) do. 77 20 15 Railroad 5.8 Stickel Memorial Vertical lift 200 40-140 35-135 Highway 6.0 Clay Street Swing 75 13 8 Do. 6.3 Consolidated Rail Corp. (Newark Branch) Bascule 126 12 7 Railroad 8.0 Consolidated Rail Corp. (Greenwood Lake Division) (west span) Fixed 70 40 35 Do. (east span - east draw) Swing 45 41 36 Do. (east span - west draw) Swing 48 41 36 Do. 8.9 Rutgers Street/Belleville Turnpike Bascule 98 13 8 Highway 10.7 Avondale Swing 65 12 7 Do. 11.7 Consolidated Rail Corp (Lyndhurst-Delawanna) do. 47 31 26 Railroad 11.8 State Highway No. 3 Bascule 125 40 35 Highway 13.2 Union Avenue Swing 60 18 13 Do. 14.0 Gregory Avenue do. 71 17 12 Do. 14.7 Second Street Fixed 100 10 5 Do. 15.3 West 8th Street do. 70 10 3 Do. 15.9 Wall Street do. 78 10 5 Do. RAHWAY RIVER, N.J. 2.0 Consolidated Rail Corp. Bascule 65 11 6 Railroad 2.0 New Jersey Turnpike (2 spans) Fixed 72 41 37 Highway 4.4 Lawrence Street Swing 53 11-51 6-46 Do. 4.5 State Highway No. 25 Fixed 55 28 23 Do. 5.1 Milton Avenue do. 42 9 4 Do. 5.4 Monroe Street do. 30 12 7 Do. RARITAN RIVER, N.J. 0.5 Consolidated Rail Corp. Swing 132 13 8 Railroad 1.6 Victory do. 140 33 28 Highway 2.1 Thomas A. Edison Memorial Fixed 200 140 135 Do. 2.2 Garden State Parkway do. 199 140 134 Do. 10.2 New Jersey Turnpike do. 154 51 45 Do. 11.1 Morris Goodkind Memorial (U.S. Highway No. 1) do. 90 96 91 Do. 11.1 U.S. Highway No. 1 do. 135 95 90 Do. 12.8 Albany Street do. 54 22 16 Do. SHEEPSHEAD BAY, N.Y. 0.9 Brooklyn, Sheepshead Bay do. 39 12 8 Pedestrian WESTCHESTER CREEK, N.Y. 1.7 Bruckner Boulevard Bascule 60 21 14 Highway 1.7 Bruckner - Cross Bronx Expressways (3 spans) Fixed 150 55 50 Do. WOODBRIDGE CREEK. N.J. 0.5 State Street Bascule 50 12-68 7-47 Do. 0.6 Consolidated Rail Corp. do. 50 10-45 5-40 Railroad 59 General view of piers on Red Hook Channel along lower Brooklyn waterfront; Port Authority mooring piers in foreground; Todd Shipyards and SuCrest Corp. piers at center (P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 100 through 114). 60 Overall view of general cargo piers along the central Brooklyn waterfront (P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 129 through 140). 61 20th Ward Water Pollution Control Plant Pier (P.W.D. Ref. No. 28) . Department of Sanitation, South¬ west Brooklyn Marine Loading Station (P.W.D. Ref. No. 49). Smith Street Dock (P.W.D. Ref. No. 88) . U.S. Coast Guard, Tango Pier (P.W.D. Ref. No. 122) . Brooklyn-Port Authority Marine Terminal, Pier No. 10 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 120). Receiving bulk cement at Norcem Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 211). 62 Brooklyn-Port Authority Marine Terminal, Pier No. 9A (P.W.D. Ref. No. 130). Brooklyn-Port Authority Marine Terminal, ton Terminal, Pier No. 1 (P.W.D. Ref. No. Ful- 140) , Graving dock No. 4 at Coastal Dry Dock & Re¬ pair Corp. Berth No. 6 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 148). Hammerhead crane at Seatrain Ship¬ building Corp. (P.W.D. Ref. No. 149). Exxon Co., U.S.A., Brooklyn Terminal Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 182) . Mobil Oil Corp. , Kings II Dock (P.W.D. Ref. No. 184). area an 4 it SCj 63 Charles J. King Dock (P.W.D. Ref. No. 196) . Prolerized Schiabo Neu Co. Dock on Newtown Creek (P.W.D. Ref. No. 205). Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Ravensworth Generating Station Coal Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 217). Bowery Bay Water Pollution Control Plant Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 225). 64 Unloading sand at Peckham Materials Corp. Port Chester Dock (P.W.D. Ref. No. 253). CIERO Petroleum-Lanimret Terminal Lower Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 274). Amoco Oil Co. Mt. Vernon Dock (P.W.D. Ref. No. 279) . State University of New York Maritime College Pier (P.W.D. Ref. No. 284). Throgs Neck Bridge in background. 65 Handling conventional general cargo at Pier No. 36, Netumar Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 327) on the lower East River, Manhattan. "Queen Elizabeth II" preparing to dock at Pas¬ senger Ship Terminal (P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 345, 346, and 347); Circle Line-Sightseeing Yachts, Inc., Pier No. 83 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 344) in foreground. Passenger Ship Terminal Piers Nos. 88, 90, and 92 (P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 345, 346, and 347). A. Tarricone Wharf on Hudson River in Yonkers (P.W.D. Ref. No. 356). Port Seatrain, Pier H, container-handling facility at Weehawken, N.J. (P.W.D. Ref. No. 390). Passenger Ship Terminal Pier No. 90, Berth No. 3 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 346). 66 Bethlehem Steel Corp., Hoboken Yard, Shipbuilding Division (P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 396 through 400). 67 Colgate-Palmolive Pier (P.W.D. Ref. No. 416). Greenville South Marginal Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 435) in Jersey City, operated by Penn Industries, Inc. Global Terminal Wharf container-handling facility at Port Jersey (P.W.D. Ref. No. 436). El Dorado Terminals Corp., Plant No. 2 Pier (P.W.D. Ref. No. 447). Bayonne Industries Pier No. 2 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 454) Coal-unloading bucket elevator at Public Serv¬ ice Gas and Electric Co. Hudson Generating Sta¬ tion on Hackensack River (P.W.D. Ref. No. 473). 68 Tidewater Stone & Supply Co. Dock in Hackensack, N. J. (P.W.D. Ref. No. 482) . Koppers Co. Tar Plant Pier (P.W.D. Ref. No. 495); in background, Hudson Generating Station (P.W.D. Ref. No. 473). River Terminal Development Co., Berths Nos. 1, 2, and 3 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 506) used for ship¬ breaking in Kearny, N. J. Newark Asphalt Corp. Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 522). Atlantic Cement Co. Newark Station Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 533). Tenneco Oil Co. Newark Terminal Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 541) . I 69 Port Newark Berth No. 21 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 545) operated by Lipsett Steel Products, Inc. Port Newark Berth No. 6 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 554) operated by Ecuadorian Line, Inc. Port Newark Berths Nos. 26 and 28 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 558) . Loading vessel at Maersk Container Service Co. Terminal, Port Newark Berth No. 51 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 564). Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 54, 56, and 58 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 566), operated by Puerto Rico Maritime Shipping Authority. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 62 and 64 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 567), operated by Inter¬ national Terminal Operating Co., Inc. 70 Loading containers at Sea-Land, Inc., Port Elizabeth Terminal (P.W.D. Ref. No. 572). Retractable boom container-handling crane at Maher Terminals, Inc., facility at Port Elizabeth (P.W.D. Ref. No. 571). Allied Chemical Corp. Elizabeth Works Pier (P.W.D. Ref. No. 573) . 71 Loizeaux Builders Supply Co. Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 575) . Archer Daniels Midland Co., Bayway Plant Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 579) . " 5 , t * Northville Linden Terminal, Tanker Berth (P.W.D. Ref. No. 588). Outerbridge Terminal Wharf, Perth Amboy, N.J. (P.W.D. Ref. No. 620). Howland Hook Marine Terminal Wharf on Staten Island (P.W.D. Ref. No. 654). New York Telephone Co., Port Richmond Boat Yard Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 679). 72 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Seven hundred and twenty piers, wharves, and docks are described in this report for the Port of New York, New York, and New Jersey. Approximately one-half of the facilities are located east of the Hudson River, basically on Jamaica Bay, along the Brooklyn waterfront north of The Narrows, along the East River and Long Island Sound and their tributaries, and along the Hudson and Harlem Rivers. The remainder are situated in the State of New Jersey and at Staten Island and adjacent waters in New York and include facilities situated along the Hudson, Hackensack, and Passaic Rivers; on the shores of Upper New York and Newark Bays, the latter including the Port Newark - Port Elizabeth complex; along Kill Van Kull and Arthur Kill and their tributaries; along the Staten Island shore of The Narrows, and in the Lower Bay area west of Sandy Hook. Each facility is described under a reference number in the table of Piers, Wharves, and Docks beginning on page 86. These reference numbers designate facility locations on the accompanying Port Facilities Maps. Waterfront facilities in the port used exclusively by recreational craft are not included in this report. The table on pages 76 through 85 summarizes the functional uses of the various piers, wharves, and docks at New York and further indicates the location of each within the various segments of the port. Many of these wharves are used for various purposes as indicated in the table; each can be identified by its respective P.W.D. reference number. Summaries of the facilities engaged in handling containerized and conventional break-bulk general cargo are given in the table beginning on page 73. SUMMARY OF GENERAL CARGO FACILITIES 73 P.W.D. REF. NO. OPERATOR AND TERMINAL BERTHING DEPTHS ALONGSIDE CONTAINER FREIGHT STATIONS SPACE (FEET) AT MLW (FEET) NO. CARGO SPACE (SQ. FT.) CONTAINER STORAGE CAPACITY 568 A. C01 Atlantic Container Line, Ltd. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 68 and 70. STAINER TE 1,920 RM INALS 39-40 2 116,700 2,500 436 Global Terminal and Container Services,Inc. Global Terminal Wharf. 1,800 35 2 247,500 5,624 654 Howland Hook Marine Terminal Corp. Wharf. 2,512 35 2 202,500 6,320 567 International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 62, 64, and 66. 1,920 35 1 120,000 10,200 564 Maersk Container Service Co., Inc. Port Newark Berth No. 51. 764 35 1 135,000 1,100(1) 571 Maher Terminals, Inc. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 78, 80, 82, 84, and 86. 3,250 42 1 371,000 5,000(1) 569 Pittston Stevedoring Corp. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 72 and 74. 800 35 2 62,400 1,500 566 Puerto Rico Maritime Shipping Authority Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 52, 54, 56, 58, and 60. 2,875 35-37 1 80,000 2,817(1) 572 Sea-Land Service, Inc. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, and 98. 4,519 40 1 215,200 6,800(1) 390 Seatrain Lines, Inc. Port Seatrain, Pier H. 1,895 34-36 1 38,000 1,434(1)(2) 563 Universal Maritime Service Corp. Port Newark Berths Nos. 59, 57, 55, and 53. 3,056 35 2 378,000 40 acres. SUBTOTAL. 25,311 — 16 1,966,300 -- (1) On chassis. (2) 20-foot units. P.W.D. BERTHING DEPTHS ALONGSIDE TRANSIT SHEDS REF. NO. OPERATOR AND TERMINAL SPACE (FEET) AT MLW (FEET) NO. CARGO SPACE (SQ. FT.) 97(1) B. CONVENTIONAL FACILITIES Aid Export Trucking Corp. Henry Street Basin Wharf. 265 8-12 130(2) Barber Steamship Lines Inc. Brooklyn Port Authority, Marine Terminal Pier No. 9A. 1,700 32 1 121,200 129 Pier No. 9B. 1,670 35 1 121,200 65(4) Bush Terminal Co. Pier No. 5. 2,515 32 1 124,800 67 Pier No. 6. 2,290 32 1 314,000 68 Pier No. 7. 2,426 32 1 153,500 66 (4) Short Pier. 215 25 - - 88 Continental Terminals, Inc. Smith Street Dock. 1,025 22-30 1 12,000 554(3) Ecuadorian Line, Inc. Port Newark Berth No. 6. 600 35 1 100,800 633 Federal Warehouses Raritan Center Wharf. 2,000 17-18 3 31,500 138(3) GranColumbiana (New York), Inc. Brooklyn Port Authority, Marine Terminal, Pier No. 3. 1,650 32 1 118,000 (See footnotes at end of table.) 74 SUMMARY OF GENERAL CARGO FACILITIES - CONTINUED P.W.D. REF. NO. OPERATOR AND TERMINAL BERTHING SPACE (FEET) DEPTHS ALONGSIDE TRANSIT SHEDS AT MLW (FEET) NO. CARGO SPACE (SQ. FT.) B. CONVENTIONAL FACILITIES - Continued Greenpoint Terminal Warehouse, Inc. 171(4) Dock. 320 15 - Harborside Terminal Management, Inc. 415(1) Harborside Terminal, Pier D. 1,690 30-32 1 150,000 413(1) Harborside Terminal, Pier F. 1,830 30-32 1 148,000 Hellenic Lines, Ltd. 57 Military Ocean Terminal, Brooklyn Pier No. 4. 2,586 35 1 230,000 58 Pier. 2,600 36 1 92,000 International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. 76 Brooklyn Pier, Berths A, B, and C. 1,180 30 3 129,300 77 Brooklyn Pier D. 740 28-30 8 70,000 54 Brooklyn Pier No. 1. 1,965 35 - - 55 Brooklyn Pier No. 2. 2,648 35 1 230,000 56 Brooklyn Pier No. 3. 2,614 35 1 230,000 Brooklyn Port Authority, Marine Terminal 133(2) Pier No. 6. 1,670 35 1 117,600 132(3) Pier No. 7. 2,210 35-40 I 179,200 558 Port Newark, Berths Nos. 26, 28, 30, and 32. 2,400 35 2 340,000 Moller Steamship Co., Inc. 119 Brooklyn Port Authority, Marine Terminal, Pier No. 1 . 2,078 32 1 180,000 Moore-McCormack Lines, Inc. 75 Brooklyn 23d Street Pier. 2,780 30-32 1 185,000 74 Brooklyn 25th Street Pier. 1,300 33 - “ Netumar, Inc. 327(3) Pier No. 36. 1,808 33-38 1 333,900 Northeast Marine Terminal Co., Inc. 70(3) Brooklyn 35th Street Pier. 3,253 35 1 80,000 69 Brooklyn 39th Street Pier. 2,165 35 2 420,000 Pittston Stevedoring Corp. Brooklyn Port Authority, Marine Terminal 131(2) Pier No. 8. 2,000 32-35 1 121,200 120 Pier No. 10. 2,021 32 1 120,600 117 Pier No. 12. 1,930 32 1 122,000 The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey 409(3) Pier A. 1,400 33 1 144,300 Port Newark 549 Berth No. 13. 608 35 1 87,300 548 Berth No. 15. 603 35 1 87,300 547 Berth No. 17. 574 35 1 39,600 559 Berth No. 34. 530 35 - . 551 Berths Nos. 7 and 5. 1,064 35 • . 555 Berths Nos. 8, 10, and 12. 1,445 35 1 84,800 557 Berths Nos. 16, 18, 20, 22, and 24. 2,700 35 3 407,600 550 Berths Nos. 11 and 9. 1,440 35 1 78,660 Pouch Terminal, Inc. 709 Pier No. 19. 2,270 12-30 1 80,700 710 Pier No. 20. 980 12-30 1 70,400 Prudential Lines, Inc. 71 Brooklyn 29th Street Pier. 1,180 20 2 141,000 140(3) Prudential Lines, Inc., Venezuelan Line, and Peruvian State Line, Brooklyn Port Authority, Marine Terminal, Pier No. 1... 1,594 32 1 175,000 Universal Maritime Service Corp. Brooklyn Port Authority, Marine Terminal 139(3) Pier No. 2. 1,592 32 1 112,200 134(2) Pier No. 5. 1,621 34 1 120,200 135 New York Dock Railway, Pier No. 4. 689 30 1 48 ,000 SUBTOTAL. 80,434 — 57 6,252,860 GRAND TOTAL... . 105,745 — 73 8,219,160 (See footnotes on the following page.) FOOTNOTES FOR SUMMARY OF GENERAL CARGO FACILITIES B. CONVENTIONAL FACILITIES (1) Cargo is handled by vessel-borne barge. (2) Includes heated storage space. (3) Also handles containerized cargo. (4) General cargo is handled by barge. (5) Wharf was fenced and undergoing rehabilitation at time of survey (1977). PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED 76 <3 CQ East Rockaway Inlet. C - Mill Basin . E - Plum Creek Channel. G - Gowanus Creek - Continued Rockaway Inlet. D - Jamaica Bay. F - Sheepshead Bay. H - Red Hook Channel. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED - CONTINUED 77 O CO *— 1 • o> CN • r—1 00 < CN r—1 p- CN r—4 vO CN r—1 m CN r-l N • •rH o • • d> • u • Li o • • a • 0 0) . CD CL • o • 3 • AJ T3 • • rH • 3 • •rH • cd 3 • 4-4 • XL • 0 cr ■ O • dJ • • • u cd • T3 M • • • TO co cd a • 3 60 • • ■o • o d> Pi 60 • cd C • • d> rs AJ CO W 3 TO • •rH • • C CO 3 CO 3 • CO AJ • • 3 CO cd • (0 AJ • • o O u AJ 3 • •H •H • • 1 —i *—4 T) (J • • u • 3 o • 3 O • • 0 r-H •rH 3 z 60 cd • cd •H • CO CO • c CO TO w t—1 rH • d> > •H V4 c cd • > •H 4-4 <0 u. TO cd >T3 d) c 60 cd z 2 cd CD N-C cd o CO CLr-4 •H u u o X! c 4-4 1—1 aj Pi •rH •rH 60 60 <0 d) 1-4 • O c c 4-4 CL H Q O o U S S Z W XL c o •rH •rH CO o < 60 a •rH no U u 3 O 3 U •rH H >s o o cd AJ Q • cd x: cd u o o u o hJ CL cj c/> X Q Z Z H z r^. m i-H • • vO m • • r-4 m m • r-4 (X AJ • AJ • CO w AJ V4 CO •H • CO 3 3 cd AJ 14-4 • 3 co • cd 60 o AJ • O U • AJ AO r—4 3 3 3 • XL o 3 o d> 3 d> 3 4-A a H Q 0 O CJ U Uh CL XL 3 -H co L4 o <• 60 CL *rH *■4 3 QJ c; 3 u •r4 u O cd TO AJ c cd XL Cd O V4 3 o pJ CJ CQ Z Z H 3) z . BROOKLYN 5 T - 1 • • CQ OO i—l • CN 00 i—1 • z w a r-4 00 t—4 • CJ H o 00 r-4 • Oh P- t—4 • • 00 P' T - 1 • EAST RIVER, BROOKLYN p- p~ r—4 • X> P- T—1 • m p- r—1 • r—4 • X) 1—1 • CQ X> T—1 m CN hO r-4 • • • r—4 X) r—l • O X t—4 • Oh m r—4 • 00 m r—l • O 60 •• u 60 tO 3 o TO Cd 3 U C0 x: o 60 Ll cd o n *H ,-h r—4 3 cu s 3 o CO 0) cl xi c a s - o 3 cj -J cl p; Cd T3 cfl T3 C U 3 cd u WWW rH Cd H C 0 ) a o cd 3 a> o u u* ocL Z H 60 4J 3 O -rH 3 rH TO TO 3 3 CO cd -C TO Li —i • . 00 H • vO 00 r-4 • m 00 • Z od O M . 1 5 o • j a. M o Mt CM • ON CO CM • 238 • CO 5 g a x u a u 237 • vO CO CM • 235 1 • 3 CM • CO CO CM • CM CO CM • z R 33 CO § «—t CO CM • O CO CM • ON CM CM • 00 CM CM • • X 227 • o 226 • tn 225 • ■ w Mt CM CM • CO CM CM • EAST RIVER. QUEENS 222 • i—1 CM CM • ozz\ • ON 1—1 CM • •X) f—I CM • r*N r—1 CM • 216 • m »—< CM • 1214 • 213 • e a O co « 60 60 ^ cd J-i P T3 X) >-< ■U 4^ C ^ 60 60 0) ^(dr-icca. J 0k 0!! W M-S o Vj u o o u o o o z z z 00 NO CM • NO CM • 2 NO NO CM • m NO CM • Mt NO CM • CO NO CM • CM NO CM • t—1 NO CM • * O NO CM • ON m CM • 00 m CM • BYRAM RIVER r-> m CM • nO m CM • m m CM • Mi- in CM • CO m CM • 252 • 251 • o m CM • ON Mt CM • • 00 Mt CM • H w Mf CM • * NO Mt CM • m mi- CM • Mt Mt CM • Q CO Mt CM • CM CM • rH Mt CM • LOCATION: P.W.D. REFERENCE NUMBERS: Cargo handling: Fish and seafood. Petroleum products. Sand, stone, and gravel. Scrap metal. Sludge. Mooring company-owned equipment,.. Mooring (miscellaneous). Passenger and vehicular ferry. Not operated and not used. Not used for handling waterborne commerce.. < CO u Newtown Creek, Brooklyn D - East River, Queens G - East River, Bronx J - Mamaroneck Harbor M - Hutchinson River Dutch Kills, Queens E - Luyster Creek, Queens H - Bowery Bay, Bronx K - Echo Bay Harbor N - Cowans Canal Newtown Creek, Queens F - Bowery Bay, Queens I - Flushing Bay, Queens L - Long Island Sound 79 □ UJ D Z Z o u I □ Ui (/) D I y i £ a: 0 UL LlI (/) 0 CL q: D CL •< Ease River PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED - CONTINUED 80 o 00 m • ON CO • 00 CO • n* CO • 376 • T751 • CO • 373 • • 372 • 371 • o CO • [369] • [368] • 367 • • vO CO • m vO CO • • • Mt vO CO • CO v£> CO • CM v£> CO • 361 • 360 • 3591 • 35 81 • 357 • 356 • 355 • 354 • 353 • 00 o • • o O • m o • g • CO o <1- • CM o • r—• o • o o • on ON CO • 00 on CO • • r>* ON CO • vO ON CO • • • m CT CO • *4- CTN co • CO ON CO • CM CT CO • •— 1 ON CO • o ON CO • • ON CO CO • 00 CO' CO • r-* CO CO • • • v£> 00 CO • uo CO CO • • 3 CO • • • CO CO CO • • • • CM 00 CO • —< CO CO • • • • • • • • • • • • • 07 O X i • • c a • • 0 • • *i 07 • • , -) M c • • a. c X 0) C0 o • • • • • B rM X 43 • » cx • • •M i-1 • • 07 X : • • /—\ • •M O CO 07 > • p ✓“s 3 P X • • • /“N 07 • • p M g Q*X i ■ J cr • a) S3 • X •M B • • CO •H 0) • • X • - a> C0 • 07 CO CX • CO u $ w H tlOW • CO 17 CO P w • 60 E •M • U O oo c • U • • • - X p • 60 •r4 P • co c 60 4* co TJ CO o • • G • s. x • *H C0 3 5 G a • CJ • o rM 40 ±J o • X X »M r o cO O *H • X X co 60 X u ^ CO -i -H x • 60 *X *H 07 i rM XJ J 60 co M • c 07 P C X c u • C 3 a • p O >3 fM c J •• X C CO • cO C ° -H c cO z 00 r-4 cC cm M • X cr c (1) CO z 60 co co CO p • CO 5 07 43 c0 X w i •M a) cm a • C CO u c O 0) x CO • 07 u O C co 2 H m g a CO X 2 •M 43 07 o • fM *M l cO *M X X w p- *M «M 0) • 'w 43 B •H 07 T—1 fM •5 43 CO >3^ MM 07 o c X x a) 3 l iM 0) 07 03 3 0 B M X CO 07 x i CO 60 a C r-l . 4J •M c o a) >N 0 10 00 M U . j o V—' CO •• c X 07 CO •H o U 07 <3 OJ CO 2 Cl UHH > X P X cO 0) X 2 2 co 07 CM M P rH 07 X • • a a x» X X 4= CO M u CO M iM p 60 60 60 60 0) O X C CM c O' r-H 60 4* 60 B co X 07 07 • CQ O p 07 0) 3 « -* 5 a M • ss o l4 CO 07 U 07 C O M (TJ a co Q C O CJ | it X Oh 03 03 to > •H o H Q o u -1 H > O c *M o X 0* o P • 00 •o x x 6C X •M X 5 x X O o u a 3 x >3 X O ■u •U a L> o o o o CO u CO o o o cx C * s s z pj CX o Q s X 2 2 Weehawken Cove vO CO Mt • • Mt vO Ml- • U-> CO Mt • • • CO vO Mt- i • • Ml" • • • CO CO Mt • rH VO Ml- • CM CO • O vO Ml" • s r-l CO • Os LO Mt • 2 o o CO Mt • 00 m Mt [ i • • • • ON CM Mt • • r-* m Mt • • p6 e 00 CM <3- • vO m Mt • • p r- CM Mt • m m Mt • • • • vO CM Mt • Mt m Mt • • • m CM <3- • CO m MT • □ LxJ □ *4- CM • CM m Mt • • • CO CM Mt • rH m Mt • z L_ Q CM CM h-J Os Mt Mt • u U O CM Mt • 3 00 » CO Mt • • LOCATION: ! P.W.D. REFERENCE NUMBERS: | ti r- 1 'V i cd X o S U cd u General cargo. Chemicals... Coconut oil. Construction materials, supplies and equipment Containers. Electrical equipment. Heavy lift items. Petroleum products. Scrap metal. Structural steel. Subway cars. Landing for passenger ferry,excursion or sightseeing, and service boats. Fueling vessels. Marine repairs. Drydocking. Mooring: Company-owned equipment. Government-owned equipment. Miscellaneous. Service vessels. Transfer of railcars to and from car floats Not used for handling waterborne commerce.. Not operated and not used. LOCATION: P.W.D. REFERENCE NUMBERS: Cargo handling: Asphalt. Cable. Caustic soda. Cement (bulk). Chemicals. Commodities (liquid). Latex (liquid). Molasses. Oils (bulk inedible). Petrochemicals. Petroleum products. Solvents. Tallow. Vegetable oils. Bunkering. Loading harbor-bunkering barges. Fueling vessels. Marine repairs. Mooring for cleaning and gas freeing. Mooring (miscellaneous). Not used for handling waterborne commerce.. Not operated and not used. 81 i i < CQ Smith Cove C - Ellis Island E - Upper New York Bay Tidewater Basin d - Liberty Island PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED 82 Q LlI D Z H Z 0 o 492 • 491 • 490 • X 't • X 00 * X • £ 3 vO OO • *5 CJ < m X r>» • 00 r-'. • < r- • v£> • < r>* vO o> • CO OV • • 497 1 • • vO o> •r4 p • • ■U • 4*5 c • X CL 4J • r-l a • C • co C • P Cd • 43 u CO r—4 • a • CO G (X • co CO a) E •i O • P ■u G 9 • cd o J-i . o o o CO • *r4 o co a) p u a • V4 ■u H X c X CO CO o CO O C O CO o ■U o 4J 4J co Cd CO r-4 u o X o eg r-4 43 r-4 cx 5 G ■u P B a 4J o CO Cd 4J _ ^ V4 0) ^ 50 5d G G 1 V4 H o o o o s s z § o M • < Q * 8 3 . r NEWARK CO P o o < 50 CO CJ 4*5 c r4 O P *H 4 ^ 4 J w u - P- P- 3 § CO CO 8 8 o o G C cd co ■u o O C V U CO H H g G 0) OJ a a *-• co u u 43 co o o cx o >W H H P B • 6 co P V4 <0 50 r-4 o * U X u C <0 CO CL. CO <0 _ „ g • U • • M 6 H <0 P £ • <0 O 0 < a 50 43 O 5043 O'-' CO X CL. r—I C U p ,-4 r-4 .P 50 50 50 OH p CO c c c CO CO CO H s 83 ARTHUR KILL o vO • CO o kO • • • CM O kO • i-1 o vO • • • • O O MD • • ON ON m • • 00 m • • • 597 • 596 • 03 595 • ARTHUR KILL 594 • • • • 593 • • 592 • • 591] • 590 • 589 • 00 00 m • [ 587 • • • • 586 • m 00 m • m • • • • 583 • 582 • • 581 • 580 • • • • 579 • • 578 • • L!ZZj • 1 ■u • fi • 03 • H • a • •rH • G G • • • • cr o • • • • a) •rH • • • • 4J • • • • j • X> ex • • • • G • G • 03 • cd • • CO J • • • CO • • 3 • • • f— CO • • • 03 4-» • • X • CO . . -r G • • • G O • • *i -H • 1—1 • • c o • • • O G • • G X) CO • cd o • • • 4-J x) • • r • 03 od ■ •rH • • 1— • • • CO o • • 03 /—s CO w • U 4J • • • CO G • co G • a> G • • • X) X a • • G j • u cd • co • o G • [3 O ■U • cd • • G r-H • r—1 • G cd •—I • CO • 3 03 o • 8 • • cc a. G *rH CO X3 03 XJ r—H • > G G • G O r-H O ** 03 *rH cd • 0 cd w 03 • P • • CT us: cd u r-H g a •rH i r-H XI u •8 • o co • a o ex 60 o ex 03 CO Cd G • i—l P Z 00 • • • •rH U • CO iHrl C*H > 0) • H 03 cd W p • • CO CO ■U cd i—i G *rH B cd T3 O •U • cd O s •r • • 1—1 O S* -rH X 1 -H CO -U a) y G G tH cd • X CO X w r— r—1 4J o cd p o c •rH Cd 43 03 60 cd u B • i •rH 03 Uh X O i—1 •H J G CC O X C3 O r-H 03 G • 0 FI ■U •. w C £ CO U *rH •U 03 0) •rH *rH o o 60 ^ 43 03 60 J V—' cd Z 2 cc O jC CO CO O.T3 £■ i-l G G U u X X) o) a 4J G u o 43 u ex G p a p cr 03 cr 43 -u u G G 03 i—l CO •rH 60 60 03 M • CO « , - o O Cl T JO tH G 03 03 cd r—1 xj G cd Si -5 G ex Q 0 C CJ < J u uut w G G G Pm CO CO CO CO 5 •rH o < 0 4* 4 G U r* u G 0 o ■u o 3 G J 0 o cu pa S s z U 0) < 03 Newark Bay PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED- CONTINUED 84 C«U Raritan Bay Fresh Kills Kill Van Kull 85 Q UJ D Z H Z o u I □ LU w D I y x £ cr O Ll UJ CO O a a 889, • • rv 00 vO • VO 00 vO • • • lO 00 vO • vO • CO 00 vO • CM 00 vO • i—1 00 vO • 089 • CP rv vO • • 00 n- VO • r>. vO • • >-4 vO p-. vO • m p" VO • • > <»■ vO • ►-I M * CO p- VO • CM pv vO • iM rv vO • o vO • • CTv vO vO • 00 vO vO • • pv VO vO • • VO vO vO • m VO VO • vi¬ vo vO • CO vO vO • CM vO vO • rM vO vO • LOCATION: P.W.D. REFERENCE NUMBERS: Cargo handling: Construction materials and supplies... Fuel oil. Sand and stone. Shipyard materials and supplies. Sludge. Submarine cable. Mooring company-owned floating equipment.. Mooring floating drydocks. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair. Mooring (miscellaneous). < vO i—1 f-v • THE NARROWS m i—i rv • o rv • 708 • P- o pv • vO O Pv • • UPPER NEW YORK BAY m o rv • <1- o rv • CO o p- • • • CM O P-*. • • • 701 • o o rv • :iLL VAN KULL Oh Oh vO • 00 Oh vO • • rv. Oh vO • 696 • S69 • Oh vO • CO Oh vO • CM o Oh • • CM • vO U P- »—• Oh Oh • tM • vO rv O 00 Oh • • iM • vO CQ pv Oh rv 00 • iM • vO rv . • . 00 • • l-i • G • <11 g • M •M cd • u 1-1 . G cd o • G 4J • y a cd X • h • a • cd 4J Q) • • CM M • B • o co •M CO • X M • « CO • *M • O • f—1 CM G • <0 cd C/5 2 G • O • o • CM O M /V cd • CO 5 2 /-v U4 CO • cd 0 P CO o • P w CO co pq • M • 4J • i—i • oo • X X O p Of pq M p • M • O • P • c • C 4J (1) tn O X • M c O o O • P • o • •M • •H C c U 01 cd • O 1-1 fri P CO a • a*M G co iM •M • G cd u •• a iM 2 tc CO M • o 1—• w c O 4J X) O w r—1 <0 1-1 a X cd cd o r—i 0) c c G 00 0 *M 01 (a o • M CM u. X r— < g • • w g G o CO G > cd N-X cd • > Cxi G o V_X 2 2 Q> X ■-< g a 0 CM o O O O Cd CM •M M G O o «$ cd p o o o o O o G o o o cd o ►-) CU O a E X s X X X X H 2 2 a u s >> cd u 0 ) CO o 0 ) ^5 G G o o cd o 2 G sc o iM M Jn cd Q. X o 1 c X O cd C/5 u C/5 < CQ CJ 86 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02550 02560 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 1 Dock Code No. 150 2 Dock Code No. 074 3 Dock Code No. 086 NAME U.S. Coast Guard, Atlantic Beach Station Piers. Breezy Point Cooperative, Breezy Point Dock. Breezy Point Cooperative, Rockaway Point Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Atlantic Beach, Nassau County, Long Island, south side of East Rockaway Inlet. Queens, south side of Rockaway Inlet to Jamaica Bay, north side of Rock¬ away Point, 2 miles west of Marine Parkway Bridge. Queens, south side of Rockaway Inlet to Jamaica Bay, north side of Rockaway Point, 1.5 miles west of Marine Parkway Bridge. OWNED BY United States Government. Breezy Point Cooperative, Inc. Breezy Point Cooperative, Inc. OPERATED BY U. S. Coast Guard Reserve. Rockaway Boat Lines, Inc. Rockaway Boat Lines, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring and repairing small U.S. Coast Guard vessels. Landing for passenger ferries opera¬ ting to Sheepshead Bay, Municipal Pier No. 10 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 48). Landing for passenger ferries operating to Sheepshead Bay, Municipal Pier No. 10 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 48). TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Two parallel, timber pile, timber¬ decked piers. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 415- by 8 -foot timber approach; 3 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 475- by 8 -foot timber approach; one timber dolphin on east side in line with face. DESCRIPTION Lower pier Upper pier Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side bimensions (Feet) 120 by 5 120 by 6 42 25 25 60+60 24 24 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 0-12 0-12 9 - - 24 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 100 See Remarks. 150 w/dolphs _ 150 w/dolph. . _ Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9 100 Lighted. 8 150 Lighted. 8 150 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Daytona Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Bay Boulevard, concrete and asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Rockaway Point Boulevard extended, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via road, through parking lot, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Rockaway Point Boulevard extended, asphalt, 20 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 3/4 inch line. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Chemical cart, hydrant, hose reels, and hand extinguishers. None. Hydrant at inner end of approach. REMARKS Additional 200 feet of berthing space is available at 2 parallel timber piers extending at right angles from east side of upper pier; depths of water alongside range from 9 to 12 feet. Two boat-launching ways and one 5- ton-capacity, marine railway extend from boathouse in rear. Ferries operate during summer season. Ferries operate during summer season. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Jamaica Bay, Queens 87 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02560 02561 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 4 Dock Code No. 120 5 Dock Code No. 203 6 Dock Code No. 240 NAME U.S. Coast Guard, Rockaway Station, Boat Basin. Rockaway Park Water Pollution Control Plant Wharf. Tepco Storage Terminal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT North side of Rockaway Point, west of Marine Parkway Bridge. Between foot of Beach 106th and Beach 108th Streets, Rockaway Park. West side of Vemam Basin, foot of Beach 75th Street. OWNED BY United States Government. City of New York. SKO Realty Corp. and Arveme Properties Corp. OPERATED BY U.S. Coast Guard. City of New York, Department of Water Resources, Bureau of Water Pollution Control, Division of Plant Operations. Tepco Storage Terminal. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring U.S. Coast Guard boats and other government-owned vessels. Disposal of sludge by vessel. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION South side: One 200-foot timber and one 55-foot steel sheet pile bulkheads solid fill; east and west sides: 8- foot-wide, timber pile, timber-decked wharves; north side: two, 6-foot-wide steel sheet pile, timber-decked break¬ waters . Concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with part asphalt-surfaced solid fill; fronted by steel, retract¬ able, bumper system with timber fenders. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION South side of basin West side of basin East side of basin Face Face bimensions (Feet) 200 and 55 250 123 590 120 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. Dries-12 4-8 6-7 16 8 Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 and 55 100 123 590 120 Width of Apron Do. Open. 12 12 Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 8 8 8 150 Lighted. 10 150 Lighted. 10 150 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One hand-operated davit located on south side bulkhead. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Rockaway Point Boule¬ vard, dual lane, asphalt, each side 60 feet wide. Via Beach Channel Drive, asphalt, 80 feet wide. Via Amstel Boulevard, asphalt, 50 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 1-inch hose connections at inner ends of piers. Through hydrant on wharf. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. Fire protection (Other than City) Chemical carts, hose stations, and hand extinguishers. Hydrant. Foam and water hydrant, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Additional 420 feet of berthing space available at 2, parallel, 100- by 10- foot, timber piers extending at 65- degree angle from face of wharf on west side with 4- to 12-foot depths; and alongside a 50- by 8-foot, timber float extending from south side of basin with 2- to 12-foot depths. Three boat-launching ways extend from boathouse located on south side be¬ tween the 200- and 55-foot bulkheads. Entrance to boat basin is 97 feet wide between breakwaters. U.S. Coast Guard Station buildings located in rear of south side. Two 12-inch pipelines, each with 10- inch hose connection extending from one 24-inch pipeline and 2 sewage sludge storage tanks in rear, total capacity 900,000 gallons; vessels designed for dumping at sea are load¬ ed at wharf. Sewage treatment plant located on opposite side of Beach Channel Drive. One 8- and three 6-inch pipelines ex¬ tend from face of wharf to one, vertical steel and 3, underground, storage tanks, total capacity 20,200 barrels. At the time of survey, the three 6-inch pipelines were sealed. 88 RlERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS J—1 c« Bay, Arverne, Queens Corps of L.-.g:aeers frrrt Code Be 02361 5STTsr»ci . 242 g Dock Code Bo. 244 9 Dock Code So. 260 UB Quadroxxi Concrete Corp. Dock. Rivara Contracting Co. Dock. Yancarib Enterprises Wharf. location op *ATtar*arr Last side of Verna® Basin, between foot of Gouverneur it «MI and Anstel Boulevard. East side of Vernaa Basin, between foot of Gouverneur and Bessler Avenues. West side of 5 cit rrillc Basin, south of foot of DeCosta Avenue. 0WAED ST Quadrozzi Realty Corp. Anthony Rivera Contracting Co., Inc. Yancarib Enterprises Boat Works. onum 5 T Quadrozzi Concrete Corp. do. do. PT^POSZ PGP laics 7SIE Receipt of sand, gravel, and stone by barge. Mooring coopany-owned floating equip- Mooring and repairing small vessels. TT?t OP CCSSTKXrnOP Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill; row of timber mooring dolphins extends perpendicular to face of wharf. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with part concrete-surfaced solid fill. description Face Face Dolphins Face Diacasiou (Feet) 223 - 1 120 75+75 220 Lepli il - 25 s 1 je at >CJ» Do. U 12 14-32 Gs*ble Berthing Space Dc. 215 | 120 150 220 Width of 4*ro» Do. Open. Open. - Open. ■eight of Deck Aocve ML* Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lipisted or Onl lplated 10 Do lighted. 10 Cnlighted. 10 100 Partly lighted. TtsjtsiT sans Sum&er ace Type of Construction Sene. Sooe. Bone. Length aad Width (Feet) ■eight Inside Do. Floor Area for Car?o (Sq.Ft.) - Lead Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Carte boors BClinCiL 8 IH.I1G FACILITIES One diesel, crawler crane with 85- foct boon, equipped with 3-cubic yard backet, unloading rate, 230 tons per boor; one 6 -cubic yard, receiving hopper serves a 24 - inch, electric, belt conveyor extending to concrete batch plant in rear; and one 6 - and one 3-cubic yard, diesel, front-end loaders. Bone. One 15-ton, gasoline-operated, stiff- leg derrick with 70-foot boom mounted on bull wheel. BAIL WAT CXWXECT1ONS Bone. Bone. Bone. HIGHWAY CCnSC ? 104 S Via Amstel Boulevard, asphalt, 50 feet vide. Via Gouverneur Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet vide. Via driveway, cinder, 20 feet wide, from DeCosta Avenue, asphalt, 20 feet vide, and Beach 63d Street. WATER SCPPLT (Available to Vessels) Bone. Bone. Through 3-inch line. ELECTRIC CHO-EXT (Available to Vessels) Bone. Bone. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle F I 5Z PSOTECTI cm (Other thaa City) Hand extinguisher cn crane, hydrant, and hose. Sene. Hcse, hand extinguishers inside build¬ ing, and hydrant at foot of DeCosta Avenue. ffiiais Open storage area in rear of wharf for approximately 30,000 tons of material. Additional 100 feet of berthing space is available along timber floats at adjacent aarina. Yard at rear of wharf is used for storing construction equipment and materials. Metal building at rear of wharf is used for warehouse, workshop, and office. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Jamaica Bay, Queens 89 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02565 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 10 Dock Code No. 300 11 Dock Code No. 303 12 Dock Code No. 310 NAME Long Island Lighting Co., West Wharf. Long Island Lighting Co., East Wharf. Wechter Petroleum Corp. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South side of Motts Basin, on west side of Bayswater Channel between foot of Bay 24th and Bay 25th Streets, Far Rockaway. South side of Motts Basin, on east side of Bayswater Channel between foot of Bay 24th and Bay 25th Streets, Far Rockaway. Inner end of Motts Basin, at foot of Carvel Place. OWNED BY Long Island Lighting Co. Long Island Lighting Co. Inwood Petroleum Corp. OPERATED BY Not operated. do. Wechter Petroleum Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption. Receipt and occasional shipment of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Part timber and part steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Part steel sheet pile.and part timber bulkhead with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face West side of 8lip Face East side of slip Face bimensions (Feet) 553 740 135 794 300 Depth Alongside at ML*/ Do. 20 13 20 13 5 (See Remarks) Usable Berthing Space Do. 553 177 135 230 300 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12.6 12.6 and 9.4 150 Lighted. 12.5 12.6 and 9.4 150 Lighted. 8.5 150 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One electric, coal-unloading tower, with hinged, horizontal boom with 48- foot outboard reach, equipped with 4- cubic yard bucket, unloading rate 300 tons per hour; when operational, one 100 -ton, receiving hopper in tower serves one 36- and one 48-inch, elec¬ tric, belt conveyors extending to plant and/or to open storage area in rear. One diesel-powered bulldozer for re¬ claiming coal from stockpile to yard hopper, conveyor belt to plant. (See Remarks.) None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Bay 24th Street, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Mott Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 10. Via Sheridan Boulevard and Beach Channel Drive, asphalt, 60 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguish¬ ers; and one, 100,000-gallon, water tank. Seme as Ref. No. 10. Foam and water hydrant, hose, hand extinguishers, and chemical carts. REMARKS All mechanical handling facilities are being maintained on a standby basis. Open storage area in rear has capac¬ ity for 80,000 tons of coal. Electric winches are located at each end of wharf for positioning barges. One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to one 47,500-barrel storage tank located at power plant in rear. Oil barge berths at high water to discharge. One 8- and three 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 12 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 40,000 barrels. Approximately 600 feet of oil spill containment boom available at wharf. 90 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Jamaica Bay, Inwood, Nassau County, Long Island Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02565 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 13 Dock Code No. 322 14 Dock Code No. 324 15 Dock Code No. 340 NAME Shell Oil Co. Wharf. Southvllle Industries Corp. Wharf. Amoco Oil Co., Inwood Terminal Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South side of Inwood Creek, at foot of Knoll Street. South side of Inwood Creek, at foot of Cerro Street. Uncle Daniels Point, approximately 700 feet northwest of foot of Doughty Boulevard. OWNED BY Shell Oil Co. Southvllle Industries Corp. Amoco Oil Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE 0? CONSTRUCTION 281 feet of steel sheet pile and 383 feet of timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 265- by 4-foot timber approach ex¬ tending from a timber bulkhead with solid fill; 3 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Lower side Upper side dimensions (Feet) 664 187 31 21 21 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 12-14 12 15-20 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 281 187 175 w/dolpha - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft, (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 8 150 Lighted. 8 150 Unlighted. 10 250 Lighted. transit Sheds Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. - Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Oargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Two swivel-Jointed, counter-balanced hose connections. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Rogers Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Gates Street, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via Gates Street, from Bayview Avenue, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via Doughty Boulevard, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110/220 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. None. A.C., 125 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. Fire protection (Other than City) Foam and water hydrant, hose, and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 13. One 3-inch fire water line with 4 connections on wharf and approach, and REMARKS Six 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 7 steel storage tanks, total capacity 51,500 barrels. Approximately 200 feet of oil spill containment boom available at wharf. Five 6-inch pipelines extend from face of wharf to 7 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 33,350 barrels. Approximately 600 feet of oil spill containment boom and absorption material available in rear. Two 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 2 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 26,600 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Jamaica Bay, Inwood, Nassau County, Long Island 91 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02561 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 16 Dock Code No. 342 17 Dock Code No. 344 18 Dock Code No. 346 Mobil Oil Corp. Pier. Inwood Terminal Nassau Docks Pier. Nassau Docks Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South side of Elders Creek, north of Uncle Daniels Point, at foot of Doughty Boulevard. South side of entrance to Mott Creek, approximately 750 feet west of foot of Johnson Road. South side of entrance to Mott Creek, west of foot of Johnson Road. OWNED BY OPERATED BY Mobil Oil Corp. do. Nassau Docks, Bros., Inc. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Not used. Division of Hendrickson Nassau Docks Bros., Inc. Nassau Docks Bros. , Inc., , Division of Hendrickson , Division of Hendrickson and Rason Asphalt, Inc. Receipt of sand, stone, and gravel. TYPE OK CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 800-foot timber approach; 1 timber mooring dolphin on upper side in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 16- by 3.5-foot timber approach and pipeline trestle; moor¬ ing dolphins located on lower side in line with face. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION bimensions Depth Alongside at MLW Usable Berthing Space Width of Apron Height of Deck Above MLW Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. Lighted or Unlighted transit Sheds- (Feet) Lower side Upper side Lower side Upper side 10 10 10 10 10 576 Do. 12 6-10 9-15 200 w/dolph, 130 w/dolphs - 576 Open. Open. Open. Do. (Lbs.) 10 200 Lighted. 11 150 Lighted. 9 500 Crane lighted. None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width _ (Feet) Height Inside _ Do. | Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Oargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One hand-operated davit for handling hose. None. One 150-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 80-foot boom equipped with 4- cubic yard bucket; and one 80-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 70-foot boom equipped with 2 -cubic yard bucket; and one diesel, front-end loader for yard use. Cranes unload products into 13 storage bins, total capacity 1,825 tons, which are served by two 24-inch, electric, belt conveyors each extending to 2 ready-mix, asphalt, batch plants in rear. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels None. Via Doughty Boulevard, asphalt, feet wide. None. None. None. 30 Via Johnson Road, asphalt and con¬ crete, 20 feet wide, from Rockaway Boulevard, asphalt, 60 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 17. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., cycle. 110 volts single-phase, 60- FlRE PROTECTION (Other than City) REMARKS Foam and water hydrant on pier from 4-inch fire line; hose and hand extinguishers._1_ One 10-, two 8 -, and one 6 -inch pipe¬ lines extend from wharf to 9 steel storage tanks located in rear, total capacity 341,000 barrels. None. One 6 -inch pipeline with 1-inch steam tracer line extends from wharf to 4, steel, asphalt storage tanks in rear; total capacity 10,000 barrels. In addition, one 6 -inch steam line ex¬ tends to wharf. Pipelines and storage tanks were not in use at time of survey. Hydrant and hand extinguishers. Open storage area at rear has capacity for 8,000 tons of material. Liquid asphalt received by truck at 2 storage tanks in rear of wharf, total capacity 30,000 gallons. 92 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Jamaica Bay, Long Island Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo. 02561 02569 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP MO. 1 19 Dock Code No. 349 20 Dock Code No. 347 Dock Code No. 635 NAME Carbo Industries Wharf. Texaco Long Island Sales Terminal Pier. John F. Kennedy International Airport Tank Farm, Pier No. 3. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Inwood, Nassau County, south side of Mott Creek, approximately 700 feet above entrance at foot of Johnson Road. Inwood, Nassau County, Norton Point, approximately 500 feet north of en¬ trance to Mott Creek. Queens, south side of Bergen Basin, approximately 0.9 mile above entrance. OWNED BY Concord Terminals Corp. Texaco, Inc. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY Carbo Industries, Inc. do. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Not used. TYPE 01 CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender system Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 48- by 13-foot timber approach and pipeline trestle; 3 tim¬ ber mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Face Lower side Upper side Face Lovrer side Upper side dimensions (Feet) 130 28 200+80 280 20 20 20 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 12 22 14-23 14-21 16 _ - Usable Berthing Space Do. 130 - 200 200 120 w/dolphs - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9 250 Lighted. 11 150 Lighted. 10 100 Lighted. TftANSIT sheds Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Johnson Road, asphalt and con¬ crete, 20 feet wide, from Rockaway Boulevard, asphalt, 60 feet wide. Via private driveway, asphalt, 15 feet wide, from East Avenue, asphalt and concrete, 30 feet wide. Via Commissary Road, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from West Hangar Road, asphalt, 40 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 2^-inch hose connection from 6-inch water line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Foam system and hand extinguishers. Foam and water hydrant, hose, foam cart, and hand extinguishers. Foam and water hydrant, hose station, hand extinguishers, and airport fire REMARKS Two 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 7 vertical and 2 horizontal, steel storage tanks, total capacity 66,650 barrels. One 8- and seven 6-inch pipelines extend from pier to 18 steel storage tanks, total capacity 240,700 barrels. Approximately 1,600 feet of oil spill containment boom available at wharf. Five unused 12-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 10 steel storage tanks, total capacity 104,750 barrels. These pipelines are connected to the entire airport'8 tank farm of 62 tanks, having a total storage capacity of 589,500 barrels. Ref. Nos. 21 through 25 are connected by pipeline to tank farm. In addition, Buckeye Pipe Line Co. pro¬ vides product via a 20-inch pipeline from Bayonne, New Jersey. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS South side of Bergen Basin, Jamaica Bay, Queens 93 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02569 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 22 Dock Code No. 634 23 Dock Code No. 633 24 Dock Code No. 631 NAME John F. Kennedy International Airport Tank Farm, Pier No. 2. John F. Kennedy International Airport Tank Farm, Pier No. 1. John F. Kennedy International Airport Tank Farm, Pier A. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1 mile above entrance. Approximately 1.1 miles above en¬ trance. Approximately 1.2 miles above entrance. OWNED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY Not operated. Allied N. Y. Services, Inc. Allied N. Y. Services, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Receipt of aviation fuel by barge. Receipt of aviation fuel by barge. TYPE 01- CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 75- by 8-foot timber approach and pipeline trestle; 5 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 58- by 21-foot timber approach and pipeline trestle; 4 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 67- by 22-foot timber approach and pipeline trestle; 4 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 20 20 20 44 22 22 40 20 20 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 16 - - 16 - - 16 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 150 w/dolphs _ 150 w/dolphs _ _ 150 w/dolphs _ _ Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 100 100 100 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs . ) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Commissary Road, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from West Hangar Road, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 22. Same as Ref. No. 22. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Foam and water hydrant, hose station, hand extinguishers, and airport fire department. Same as Ref. No. 22. Same as Ref. No. 22. REMARKS Four unused 12-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 4 steel storage tanks, total capacity 41,900 barrels. Pipe¬ lines also connected to tank farm described under Ref. No. 21. Five 12-, one 10-, and one 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 10 underground and 8 vertical steel steel storage tanks, total capacity 58,650 barrels. Pipelines connected to tank farm described under Ref. No. 21. Nine 12-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 24 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 283,800 barrels. Pipelines also connected to tank farm described under Ref. No. 21. 94 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Bergen Basin, Jamaica Bay, Queens Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02569 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 25 Dock Code No. 632 26 Dock Code No. 640 27 Dock Code No. 645 John F. Kennedy International Airport Tank Farm, Pier B. Jamaica Bay, Bergen Basin, Oil Terminal Piers. Jamaica Water Pollution Control Plant Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South side, approximately 1.3 miles above entrance. West side, approximately 3,500 feet above entrance. West side of entrance to Bergen Basin. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. City of New York. OPERATED BY Allied N. Y. Services, Inc. Jamaica Bay Oil Corp. City of New York, Department of Water Resources, Bureau of Water Pollution Control, Division of Plant Operations. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of aviation fuel by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Occasional disposal of sludge by vessel. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 45- by 10-foot timber approach and pipeline trestle; 4 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Two timber pile, timber-decked, off¬ shore wharves, each connected to shore by timber approach with steel stairway at inner end: North ap¬ proach, 75 by 4 feet; 3 and 4 timber mooring dolphins in line with faces of north and south piers, respectively. Concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Dimensions (Feet) Lower side Upper side North pier South pier 20 12 10 by 10 20 by 10 400 Depth Alongside at MLW 15 2Q Usable Berthing Space 130 w/dolphs- 225 w/dolpha 300 w/dolphs 400 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft.(Lbs.j Lighted or Unlighted TftAflS'iT Sheds- 10 100 Lighted. 10 150 Lighted. 10 500 Unllghted. None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs .) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Commissary Road, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from West Hangar Road, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via Lefferts Boulevard, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via private driveway, gravel, 12 feet wide, from Lefferts Boulevard, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through one 2-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., llO volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; D.C., 135 volts. FIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) REMARKS Foam and water hydrant, hose station, hand extinguishers, and airport fire department. Automatic fire detection service, foam and water hydrant, hose, chem- ical cartst.and watchmen. Hand extinguishers in building. Three 12-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 15 steel storage tanks, total capacity 178,550 barrels. Pipelines also connected to tank farm described under Ref. No. 21. One 6-inch pipeline on North Pier connects with one 8-lnch pipeline on South Pier extending to one 35,700- barrel storage tank at rear. Two additional 8-inch pipelines on South Pier were unused at time of survey. One 12-inch, sludge pipeline extends from plant at 134th Street to one, 375,000-gallon, sewage sludge storage tank at rear of vftiarf; pipeline extends from tank to two, 10-inch, hose con¬ nections on wharf for loading self- propelled vessels specially designed for dumping at sea. One 8-inch, sub¬ marine pipeline extends from tank to Spring Creek Park drying beds. RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Jamaica Bay, Brooklyn 95 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02569 REFERENCE HUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 02567 28 Dock Code No. 747 29 Dock Code No. 794 30 Dock Code No. 796 NAME 26th Ward Water Pollution Control Plant Pier. Ajax Block Corp. Wharf. Mobil Oil Corp. Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT North aide of Jamaica Bay on west side of entrance to Hendrix Creek, at foot of Hendrix Street extended. Easterly side of East Mill Basin, north of foot of Avenue X. Easterly side of East Mill Basin, north of foot of Avenue W. City of New York. Glencord Building Corp. Mobil Oil Corp. OPERATED BY City of New York, Department of Water Resources, Bureau of Water Pollution Control, Division of Plant Operations. Ajax Block Corp. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Disposal of sludge by vessel. Receipt of shell. Receipt of petroleum products by barge and seIf-propelled vessel. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with a 415- by 20-foot roadway and pipeline trestle approach; concrete-capped mooring platforms with catwalk con¬ nections at east and west ends of wharf, and 4 timber breasting dolphins in line with face; wharf fronted by steel and timber fender system. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Eli sio (Peet) East side West side 375 27 27 200 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 25 12-15 9-14 Usable Berthing Space 465 w/dolphs 250 200 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 10 and open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS- Lighted. 10 Lighted. 10 150 Lighted. None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 60-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 60-foot boom and 2-cubic yard bucket, unloading rate approximately 90 tons per hour. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, 15 feet wide, from Pennsylvania Avenue, asphalt, 60 feet wide. Via private driveway, from E. 69th Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via private driveway, 30 feet wide, from E. 30 feet wide. gravel and concrete, 69th Street, asphalt. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through hydrant on wharf with 2%-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. FIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) Hand extinguishers on crane and inside building in rear. Foam and water connections, foam cart, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Two 12-inch pipelines, each with 10- inch hose connection extending from one 24-inch pipeline extending from sewage sludge storage tanks at plant in rear; vessels designed for dumping at sea are loaded at wharf. Concrete storage bins at rear have capacity for 3,500 cubic yards of shell; 2 concrete silos at rear have total capacity for 375 tons of cement received by truck. Plant at rear manufactures cement blocks. Three 6-inch pipelines extend f rom wharf to 3 steel storage tanks, total capacity 35,150 barrels. One pipeline was not in use at time of survey. One 2-inch air line serves wharf. Approximately 500 feet of oil spill containment boom available at rear. 96 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Jamaica Bay, Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02567 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 31 Dock Code No. 798 32 Dock Code No. 801 33 Dock Code No. 818 NAME Muller Boat Works Piers. Landy's Boat Yard Pier. Coppola Bros. Excavating Corp. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT East side of East Mill Basin, south of foot of Avenue V. East side of East Mill Basin, north of foot of Avenue V. Easterly side of Mill Basin, west of Strickland Avenue, at foot of E. 57th Place extended. OWNED BY Muller Boat Works, Inc. Ralph F. Landolfi. G.l.J. Realty Co. OPERATED BY do. Landy's Boat Yard. Coppola Bros. Excavating Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring small vessels for repair. Mooring small commercial boats and small craft for repair. Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce. TYPE 0> CONSTRUCTION Four parallel, timber pile, timber¬ decked piers; distances between piers south to north are 36, 72, and 30 feet. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf extending from stone-revetted bank; inclined gangway extends from wharf to U-shaped arrangement of timber floats at west end. DESCRIPTION Faces Lower sides Upper sides Face Lower side Upper side Face Floats Dimensions (Feet) 6, each 88, each 88, each 25 116 37 183 8 by 2. eac) Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 12 0-12 0-12 u 0-4 _ 7 4-17 Usable Berthing Space Do. _ 88, each 88, each See Remarks Marine _ 183 34, total Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Railway Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 12 8 9 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 50 300 300 Lighted or Unllghted Unllghted. Portable lights. Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Vidth (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 1^-ton, electric, ricka. stiff-leg der- One 10-ton, hand-operated, mast-and- bootn derrick with 20-foot reach. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, gravel, 15 feet wide, from E. 69th Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 31. Via private driveway, gravel, 20 feet wide, from Strickland Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 1-inch hose connection. Through 2%- and 1%-inch hose connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels ) A.C., 110/220 volts, 8 ingle - phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3- phase, 60-cycle; D.C., 110 volts. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; through cable from building in rear. None. FIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, pump, and hand extinguishers. Hose and hand extinguisher. Water connections, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Marine repair shops located in rear. Two 300- and one 150-ton marine rail¬ ways located adjacent to piers. Berthing is available along the sides of one 26- by 4-foot float moored end-to face of pier with depths ranging from 4 to 15 feet alongside. Additional berthing is available at a 93- by 14-foot, timber pile, timber¬ decked pier located 95 feet south¬ ward with 80- by 8-foot wooden floats along each side; water depths range from 4 to 35 feet. One 100- and one 40-ton marine rail¬ ways located along lower side. Yard at rear used for storing construction equipment and machinery. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side of Mill Basin, Jamaica Bay, Brooklyn 97 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02567 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 34 Dock Code No. 820 Dock Code No. 822 36 Dock Code No. 824 Coppola Bros. Excavating Corp. Wharf. Metropolitan Petroleum Co. Wharf. Mill Basin Circle Line Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT West of Strickland Avenue, Mayfair Drive extended. at foot of West of Strickland Avenue, at foot of E. 59th Place extended. West of Strickland Avenue, at foot of E. 60th Place extended. G.I.J. Realty Co. Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. Industrial Terminal Corp. and Tama Realty Corp. OPERATED BY Not operated. Not operated. Circle Line Sightseeing Yachts, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Not used. Mooring sightseeing boats for storage and repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 26- by 4-foot timber approach; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf extending from a 141-foot, steel sheet pile bulkhead on north side and 75- foot timber bulkhead on south side. Timber pile, part timber- and part concrete-decked wharf. DESCRIPTION Lira Lower side Upper side North side South side sions 31 10 10 30 300+300 Depth Alongside at MLW 10 15 Usable Berthing Space 185 w/dolphs. - 32 600 Width of Apron Open. Open. 4 and open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS 9 250 Lighted. 9 250 Lighted. 12 500 Partly lighted. None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, asphalt, 20 Via Strickland Avenue, feet wide, from Strickland Avenue, feet wide, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY None. (Available to Vessels) ELECTRIC CURRENT None. (Available to Vessels) None. None. FIRE PR0tECt(0n- (Other than City) None. One 5-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 25-foot boom. None. asphalt, 30 Via private driveway, cinder, 10 feet wide, from Mill Avenue, asphalt, 30 and 50 feet wide. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle; D.C., 110 volts. Hydrants, hose, pumps, and hand extin¬ guishers . REMARKS Property at rear was vacant at time of survey. Three 6- and five 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 20 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 251,100 barrels. Storage tanks were empty and property was for sale at time of survey. Compressed air line serves wharf. Steel frame, metal-covered shed on wharf contains repair shop and storage area. 98 PIERS. WHARVES, AND DOCKS Mill Basin, Jamaica Bay, Brooklyn Corpa of Engineers Port Code Mo. 02567 REFERENCE NUMBER OH MAP NO. 1 37 Dock Code No. 830 38 Dock Code No. 838 39 Dock Code No. 840 NAME A. R. Fuels Wharf. Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Madison Terminal Wharf. Sunmark Industries, Brooklyn Terminal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Inner end, east of foot of E. 61st Street. Northerly side, foot of E. 57th Street. Northerly side, foot of Pearson Street. OWNED BY A. R. Fuels, Inc. Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. Sunmark Industries, Division of Sun Co. of Pennsylvania. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, pier extending from remains of timber bulk¬ head with solid fill; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf «rith 32- by 4-foot timber approach. Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf fronting timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face West 8ide East side South face East face Face dimensions (Feet) 6 25 25 240 225+410 265 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 6 _ . 11 7-11 20 Usable Berthing Space Do. 110 w/dolphs. - 240 - 265 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 11 150 Partly lighted. 11 12 150 Lighted. 11 150 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Mill Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Avenue U, granite block, 50 feet wide. Via private driveway, from Avenue U, asphalt and granite block, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. (Other than City) Foam and water connections in rear, chemical cart, and hand extinguishers. Foam system in rear, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Foam system, hydrant, hose, hand extin¬ guishers, chemical cart, watchmen, and electric pump. REMARKS Two 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 6 steel storage tanks in rear; total capacity 8,200 barrels. Three 6-inch pipelines on south face extend to 6 steel storage tanks, total capacity 52,350 barrels; one 8- and two 6-inch, unused pipelines on east face Join with the three 6-inch lines and storage tanks described above. Approximately 300 feet of oil spill containment boom and absorption material available in rear. Three 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 4 underground and 2 vertical steel storage tanks, total capacity 60,000 barrels. Approximately 300 feet of oil spill con¬ tainment boom and absorption material available at rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS 99 Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo. 02567 02560 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP MO. 1 40 Dock Code No. 868 41 Dock Code No. 869 42 Dock Code No. 135 NAME Hunter Fish Pecking Co. Wharf. Nicholas Rosa,Lobster Wharf. National Ocean Survey, Floyd Bennett Field Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT West side of Mill Basin, east of Flat- bush Avenue, approximately 2,700 feet south of Avenue U. West side of Mill Basin, east of Flat- bush Avenue, approximately 2,950 feet south of Avenue U. Southeast side of Barren Island, Floyd Bennett Field, approximately 0.8 mile above Marine Parkway Bridge. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. United States Government. OPERATED BY Hunter Fish Packing Co. Nicholas Rosa. National Ocean Survey, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fish; mooring fishing boat. Receipt of lobsters; mooring lobster boat. Mooring oceanographic research vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete bulkhead with granite block and conerete-surfaced solid fill on concrete relieving platform supported by timber piles. Concrete bulkhead with solid fill on concrete relieving platform supported by timber piles. Concrete-capped, timber pile, concrete¬ decked wharf fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 50 40 1,800 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 15 15 25 Usable Berthing Space Do. 50 40 500 (See Remarks). Width of Apron Do. 0 and open. 4 and open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. 12 Partly lighted. tRAHSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 1/10-ton, electric, mas t-and-boom derrick with 15-foot boom for handling fish baskets. One hand-operated, mast-and-boom der¬ rick. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, from Flatbush Avenue, granite block, 100 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 40. Via roads through Floyd Bennett Field, various widths, from Flatbush Avenue, granite block, 100 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 3/4-Inch line. None. Through hydrants on wharf. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cyc le. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguisher in building on wharf. None. REMARKS Structure on wharf used for process¬ ing, packing, and retail sales of fish. Building on wharf is used for housing lobster storage tanks. Lobsters are received and stored alive for local wholesale distribution. At the time of survey, the Northeast end of the wharf was used for "Marine Echo Systems Analysis Project" in study of bay pollution and not available for berthing. Trucks have access to wharf. i PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Shell Branch Creek (Plum Creek Channel), Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02567 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP HO. 1 43 Dock Code No. 877 44 Dock Code No. 882 45 Dock Code Ho. 890 NAME Sclabarra Bros. Fish Co. Dock. Coney Island Water Pollution Control Plant, Chlorine Dock. A.M.C. Fish Packing Co. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Avenue Z. South of foot, of Avenue Z, of Knapp Street. east side North of foot of Harkness Avenue. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. Michael Camarda. OPERATED BY Sciabarra Bros. Fish Co. City of New York, Department of Water Resources, Bureau of Water Pollution Control, Division of Plant Operations. A.M.C. Fish Packing Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fish. Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce . Receipt of fish. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION A 115- by 35-foot,covered, wooden barge fronting timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead fronted by timber pile, concrete-decked wharf with two, 20-foot-wide concrete driveways extending from Knapp Street. A 100- by 35-foot, covered, wooden barge connected to shore by timber walkway; 130-foot timber mooring rack located adjacent to west side of barge. DESCRIPTION Face of barge Face of wharf Face of barge Dimensions (Feet) 115 390 100 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 15 15 20 Usable Berthing Space Do. 115 390 100 Width of Apron Do. - Open. - Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 8, barge. 9.5 4, barge. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - 500 - Lighted or Unlighted Partly lighted. Unlighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 200 pound electric mast-and-boom derrick with 5-foot boom. None. Two electric, mast-and-boom derricks, lift capacity 100 pounds each. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, from Knapp Street, asphalt, 75 feet wide. Via driveways, concrete, 20 feet wide, from Knapp Street, asphalt, 75 feet wide. Via roadway, unimproved, varied widths, from Harkness Avenue, concrete and gravel, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Two electric and one gasoline pumps, hose, and hand extinguishers. None. Electric pump extinguishers with hose and hand REMARKS Barge is owned by operator. One 14- by 12-foot doorway on water side for receipt of fish. Fish is processed for fishermen prior to delivery to wholesale markets. Water pollution control plant at rear was not in use at time of survey. Covered barge has two 8- by 8-foot receiving doors on water side and one entrance door on shore side. PIERS. WHARVES, AND DOCKS Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn 101 Corps of Engineers Port Code No■ 02540 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 46 Dock Code No. 058 47 Dock Code No. 062 48 Dock Code No. 080 NAME Stella Maris Fishing Station Pier. Municipal Piers Nos. 1 through 9. Municipal Pier No. 10. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT North side, between foot of E. 27th and E. 28th Streets. North side, between foot of E. 21st and E. 26th Streets. North side, at foot of E. 21st Street. OWNED BY Stella Maris Fishing Station, Inc. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY do. City of New York, Department of Ports and Terminals. Rockaway Boat Lines, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring and fueling fishing boats and supplying wholesale bait and tackle. Mooring charter fishing boats. Landing for passenger ferries operating to Rockaway Point (Ref. Nos. 2 and 3). TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier ex¬ tending from timber bulkhead with solid fill; two 72- by 14-foot timber floats moored at face of pier. Nine, parallel, timber pile, asphalt¬ surfaced, timber-decked piers extending from concrete-capped timber bulkhead. All piers fronted by timber fender systems. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from concrete-capped timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Faces Lower sides Upper sides Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 15 75 75 28, each 180 to 215 180 to 200 42 171 167 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 5, floats 0-6 0-5 8-13 6-13 6-13 20-26 6-26 7-20 Usable Berthing Space Do. See Remarks - - 28, each 1,751, total 1,739, total 42 171 167 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 8 13 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 150 500 500 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Street lights. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Enmons Avenue wide. asphalt. 85 feet Same as Ref. No. 46. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) Through 3/4-Inch hose connections. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- Through one 2Vinch hose connection at Pier No. 8. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. cycle. Same as Ref. No. 46. Through one 2^-inch hose connection. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. Fire Protection (Other than City) Electric pumps, hose, and hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hose and hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Fishing boats berth at floats to take on fuel, bait, and tackle. Three gasoline and one diesel fuel pumps on float; 1%-lnch pipelines extend from pumps to 10 storage tanks at rear, total capacity 200 barrels. Piers are 20 feet wide and project at approximate 45-degree angles from bulkhead located along south side of Emmon8 Avenue. Pier is 30 feet wide, projecting at 45- degree angle from bulkhead located along south side of Enmons Avenue. Ferry operates during summer months. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Gravesend Bay, Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02510 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 1 49 Dock Code No. 035 30 Dock Code No. 034 51 Dock Code No. 032 NAME Department of Sanitation, Southwest Brooklyn, Marine Loading Station Department of Sanitation, Southwest Brooklyn. Marine Loading Station Barge Slip. Paragon Oil Co., Bensonhurst Plant Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of 25th Avenue and Bay 41st Street extended. Between foot of 25th Avenue and Bay 41st Street extended. Between foot of 24th and 25th Avenues extended. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. Paragon Oil Co., Division of Texaco, Inc. OPERATED BY City of New York, Department of Sanitation. City of New York, Department of Sanitation. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of ashes and residue from incinerator by barge. Shipment of refuse by scows; mooring barges. Receipt of petroleum products by barge for local distribution. TYPE Oh CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile calls with solid fill and concrete bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill; fronted by retractable timber fender system. Barge slip formed by pier-type struc¬ ture consisting of part steel sheet pile cells with solid fill and part steel H-plles with concrete deck; 175- by 100-foot, part masonry and part metal-covered building with con¬ crete floor over slip (See Remarks). Timber pile, timber-decked pier with 4 timber breasting dolphins fronting outer end of north side. DESCRIPTION Face Barge slip Outer north side, pier structure Outer south side, pier structure Face South side North side bimensions (Feet) 333 41 by 170 193 193 10 340 340 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 25 25 25 25 24 10 17-20 Usable Berthing Space Do. 333 One barge. 193 193 _ - 340 Width of Apron Do. 5 to open. 3. 4.5. 8.5 7 10 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 11 175 Lighted. 11 100 Lighted. 10 100 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors » MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 4-foot-wide, electric, chain- link conveyor belts in inclined gallery extend from incinerator to loading chute suspended over barge berth, loading rate approximately 10 tons per hour. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveways, asphalt, 30 and 40 feet wide, from Shore Parkway service road, asphalt and concrete, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 49. Via private driveway, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Shore Parkway service road, asphalt and concrete, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch hydrant connection from 8 -inch line. Through 2^-inch connections from 4-lnch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 49. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, chemical carts, and one 5,000-gallon water tank on top of plant building. Water line, hose, hand extinguishers, chemical carts, and one, 500-gallon per minute, electric pump. Foam system, hand extinguishers, hydrants, and hose. REMARKS Incinerator is located at rear of wharf. Timber fender system along sides of slip and outer north and south sides of pier structure forming slip. Trucks dump refuse into barge moored in slip below, through 6 counter- weighted hopper doors in floor of building; doors open automatically under weight of refuse; 30-foot-wlde truck ramp approach to floor of building. One metal rollup door at entrance to slip. One 8 - and four 6 -lnch pipelines extend from pier to 10 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 68,200 barrels. A 500-foot boom for oil spill contain¬ ment is stored in building at rear. # PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Brooklyn 103 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02510 02470 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 52 - MAP HO j Dock Code No. 027 53 - MAP NO. 2 Dock Code No. 010 541 . MAP Hn 9 Dock Code No. 017 NAME Metropolitan Petroleum Co Terminal, North Pier. ., Bay Oil Owls Head Pollution Control Plant Wharf. Military Ocean Terminal, Brooklyn Pier No. 1. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Gravesend Bay, foot of Bay 34th Street extended. Bay Ridge Channel, approximately 2.9 miles above Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, between foot of 65th Street extended and Shore Road Drive. Bay Ridge Channel, foot of 63d Street extended. OWNED BY C. & M. Holding Corp. City of New York. United States Government. OPERATED BY Metropolitan Petroleum Co ., Inc. City of New York, Department of Water Resources, Bureau of Water Pollution Control, Division of Plant Operations. International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge for local distribution. Disposal of sludge by vessel. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION A 110- by 45-foot, timber pile, concrete-decked pier with 150- by 6- foot, timber pile, timber-decked ex¬ tension at outer end in line with north side of pier. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by timber piles; 3 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete decked wharf with timber pile, concrete decked pier extension in line and con¬ tiguous with upper side. DESCRIPTION Face South side North side Face Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 6 and 39 150 and 110 260 200 430 60 619 619+727 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 18 6-18 6-16-18 20-24 24-30 35 35 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. _ . 150 350 w/dolpha 430 60 619 1,346 Width of Apron Do. 66 45 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 9 12 11 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 300 and 150 _ 500 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Partly lighted. Lighted. fhANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width(Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels ) None. None. Two surface tracks on pier, total length 2,400 feet, join with additional trackage at rear; connect with Long I8land Railroad. Via private driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Shore Parkway service road, asphalt and concrete, 30 feet wide. Through 2^-inch connection. Via private driveway, asphalt, 12 feet wide, from 2d Avenue, asphalt, 60 feet wide. Through 3/4-inch connections. Via 58th Street, part asphalt and part stone block, 60 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Through 2-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) FTRE PROTECTION (Other than City) REMARKS A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. Automatic fire detection and foam systems, hose, and hand extinguishers. Two 6-inch pipelines (one unused) extend from pier to 5 underground steel storage tanks; total capacity 17,100 barrels. Approximately 300 feet of oil spill containment boom and absorbent ma¬ terial are available at pier. Shopping complex buildings adjacent to north side form 80-foot barge slip with pier. Same as Ref. No. 52. Hydrants and watchmen. Concrete-decked seawall and rubble- stone dike extend approximately 775 feet southward from wharf. A 746- by 402-foot sewage treatment plant is located at rear. One 14- inch pipeline with a 10-inch con¬ nection on west side, and one 12-inch pipeline with a 10-inch connection on north side are used for loading sludge by gravity from elevated stor¬ age tanks at plant to self-propelled vessels specially designed for dump¬ ing at sea. A.C., llO volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 208/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Hydrant and hand extinguishers. Approximately 47 acres of paved, open storage area is located at rear of this and adjacent piers (Ref. Nos. 55, 56 and 57). 104 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Bay Ridge Channel, Brooklyn # Corps of Engineers Port Code No. Q2470 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 55 Dock Code No. (jig 56 Dock Code No. Q 22 57 Dock Code No. 0?s NAME Military Ocean Terminal, Brooklyn Pier No. 2. Military Ocean Terminal, Brooklyn Pier No. 3. Military Ocean Terminal, Brooklyn Pier No. 4. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of 62d Street extended. Foot of 60th Street extended. Foot of 59th Street extended. OWNED BY United States Government. United States Government. United States Government. OPERATED BY International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. Hellenic Lines, Ltd. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from bulkhead with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from bulkhead with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from bulkhead with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 150 1,324 1,324 150 1.307 1.307 150 1.293 1.293 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 150 1,324 1,324 150 1,307 1,307 150 1,293 1,293 Width of Apron Do. 65 5 5 50 5 5 40 5 5 Height of Deck Above MLW Do- 11 11 Lighted. 11 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - 2-story, concrete frame, part metal covered; wood over concrete floors. One - 2-story, concrete frame, part metal covered; wood over concrete floors. One - 2-story, concrete frame, part metal covered, wood over concrete floors. Length and Width (Feet) 1,270 by 140 1,270 by 140 1.270 by 140 Height Inside Do. 20, 1st floor; 14, 2d floor 20, 1st floor; 14, 2d floor 20, 1st floor; 14, 2d floor Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 230,000, net 230,000, net 230,000, net Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 250 250 250 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: 1st floor, continuous, 20 by 14; 2d floor, continuous, 14 by 14; face, two, 20 by 14; rear, two, 18 by 18. Shipside: 1st floor, continuous, 20 by 14; 2d floor, continuous, 14 by 14; face, two 20 by 14; rear, two, 18 by 18. Shipside: 1st floor, continuous, 20 by 14; 2d floor, continuous, 14 by 14; face, two 20 by 14; rear, two, 18 by 18. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment is available as required. Same as Ref. No. 55. Same as Ref. No. 55. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks inside transit shed, total length 2,240 feet. Join additional trackage at rear; connect with Long Island Railroad. Two surface tracks inside transit shed, total length 2,300 feet, join additional trackage at rear; connect with Long Island Railroad. Two surface tracks inside transit shed, total length 2,300 feet, join additional trackage at rear; connect with Long Island Railroad. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 58th Street, part asphalt and part stone block, 60 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 55. Same as Ref. No. 55. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2-inch connections. Through 2-inch connections. Through 2-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 208/440 volts, 3-phase, 60 cycle. Same as Ref. No. 55. Same as Ref. No. 55. Fire protection (Other than City) Automatic fire detection system, sprinkler system inside transit shed, hydrant, and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 55. Same as Ref. No. 55. REMARKS See Remarks under Ref. No. 54. See Remarks under Ref. No. 54. See Remarks under Ref. No. 54. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Bay Ridge Channel, Brooklyn 105 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02470 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 58 Dock Code No. Q29 59 Dock Code No. q^q 60 Dock Code No. q^2 NAME Hellenic Lines Pier. Narrows Station Gas Turbine Barge Pier. Narrows Station Tanker Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of 57th and 58th Streets extended. South of foot of 53d Street. Between foot of 52d and 53d Streets extended. OWNED BY Hellenic Lines, Ltd. Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y., Inc. Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade; passengers. Mooring gas turbine generator barges. Receipt of fuel oil by tanker and barge for floating plant consumption. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, timber¬ decked pier with concrete-decked aprons on each side (See Remarks). Concrete retaining walls, with asphalt-surfaced solid fill, on concrete relieving platform supported by timber piles; pier extends from steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked pier extending from steel sheet pile bulk¬ head with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper 8ide bimensions (Feet) 120 1,300 1,300 60 240+120 240+120 24 550 550 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 26 26 26 35 35 35 - 35 16-35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 120 1,300 1,300 60 240 240 24 550 Not used Width of Apron Do. 22-24 1 and 15 25 Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 10 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, metal-covered; asphalt-surfaced floor. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) 1,378 by 98 Height Inside Do. 15 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 92,000, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Seventy-seven, 20 by 20; all steel rollup; rear, two 12 by 14. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment is available as required. None. Two 10-inch, swivel-jointed, pipeline loading arms. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 57th Street, part asphalt and part stone block, 40 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Via 53d Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each 8ide 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 59. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch connections. Through one 4-inch line. Through one 3-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Automatic fire detection system, sprinkler system inside transit shed, hose, hand extinguishers, and watch¬ men. Water line and hand extinguishers. Foam line on pier, hose, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. REMARKS Apron on lower side has been widened to 15 feet for length of 1,000 feet. S.W. Ref. No. 2 located in rear. A 215- by 80-foot, gas turbine gener¬ ator barge is moored on each side of pier. Two 6-inch fuel oil pipelines and one 12-inch natural gas pipeline extend to each barge from the steel storage tanks and plant described under ad¬ jacent Ref. No. 60. Two 10-inch pipelines extend from pier to 6 steel storage tanks at plant in rear, total capacity 334,000 barrels. 106 PIERS, WHARVES. AND DOCKS Bay Ridge Channel, Brooxiyn Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo Qy, 7 p REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP no. 2 51 Dock Code No. 044 52 Dock Code No. 045 63 Dock Code No. NAME New York City Police Harbor Launch Wharf. Department of Sanitation, 52d Street Marine Loading Station Pier. New York State 52d Street Armory Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of 52d Street. Between foot of 51st and 52d Streets. Between foot of 51st and 52d Streets extended. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. State of New York. OPERATED BY New York City Police Department, Harbor Unit. City of New York, Department of Sanitation. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring harbor patrol craft. Shipment of refuse by scows; mooring barges. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete bulkhead with part asphalt- and part concrete-surfaced solid fill; fronted by timber pile fenders. Timber pile, part timber- and part concrete-decked pier, with elevated, cantilevered, concrete, dumping platform on north side. Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face dimensions (Feet) 132 300 60 894 894 367 Depth Alongside at mlW Do. 10 0-15 12-19 5-12 8-19 12-15 Usable Berthing Space Do. 132 300 60 - 894 367 (See Remarks). Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. _ . Open. Height of Deck Above Do. 10 Lighted. 9 Lighted. 10 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 52d Street, stone block, 28 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet vide. Same as Ref. No. 61. Same as Ref. No. 61. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 3/4-inch connection. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Water line and hand extinguishers. Hydrant, 1%-inch water line, and watchmen. None. RE HARKS Police station is located in rear of north side. Trucks ascend ramp to elevated platform along north side of pier and dump refuse into scows moored below. Face of wharf is contiguous with upper side of Ref. No. 62. An additional 88 feet of berthing space is available at inner end of slip along timber pile, concrete-decked extension. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Bay Ridge Channel, Brooklyn 107 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. Q2470 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 64 Dock Code No.047 65 Dock Code No. q 65 66 Dock Code No. 0 67 NAME New York Dock Railway, 51st Street" - Transfer Bridges. Bush Terminal Co., Pier No. 5. Bush Terminal Co., Short Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of 50th and 51st Streets. Foot of 44th Street extended. Foot of 43d Street. OWNED BY New York Dock Railway. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY do. Bush Terminal Co. Bush Terminal Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Transfer of railroad cars to and from car floats. Receipt and shipment of general cargo by barge and lighter in intraport trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo by barge and lighter in intraport trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Two timber ferry racks, each with ad¬ justable transfer bridge on pontoons. Timber bulkhead, concrete-surfaced, solid fill, with timber pile, timber¬ decked extensions along face and sides. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier; 115-foot, timber pile, concrete-decked, covered wharf at inner end of lower side and 90-foot, timber pile, concrete¬ decked wharf at inner end of upper side. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) Two car floa t slips. 149 1,315 1,200 28 125 90 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 32 25 32 32 25 25 25 Usable Berthing Space Do. 149 1,315 1,200 28 125 90 Width of Apron Do. 15-23 2 2 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 10 500 on fill; 350 on piles. Lighted. 10 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. One - steel frame, wood covered; asphalt-surfaced floor. None. Length and Width (Feet) 1,292 by 144 Height Inside Do. 17 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 124,800, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 in center; 350 at sides. Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: One hundred and fifty-six, 15 by 23, and two, 10 by 10; Rear: One, 12 by 17. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Stevedore equipment is available as required. Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New York Dock Railway: 2 tracks on each transfer bridge with third track switch to serve 3-track car floats; tracks connect with 270-car-capacity yard in rear and serve Bush Terminal Co. piers (Ref. No. 65 through 68) and buildings and waterfront area between 29th and 50th Streets (See Remarks). Surface track at rear connects with New York Dock Railway's Bush Terminal Yard. One surface track extends full length of pier; connects with New York Dock Rail¬ way's Bush Terminal Yard. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 518t Street, stone block, 30 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Via 43d Street, stone block, 30 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 65. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through small hose line. Through 2%-inch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, 8ingle-phase, 60- cycle. A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 208 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. See Remarks. See Remarks under Ref. No. 65. REMARKS Tugs serving car floats berth along upper side of a 100- by 4-foot, timber pile, timber-decked pier located be¬ tween transfer bridges. The New York Dock Railway connects with the South Brooklyn Railway Co. and via car floats with Consolidated Rail Corporation Greenville Transfer Bridges (Ref. No.431) and The Staten Island Railroad Corporation Transfer Bridge (Ref. No.700). Additional berthing available along 270-foot timber bulkhead at head of slip on lower side. Fire protection at Bush Terminal piers includes automatic fire detection system, sprinkler system, central pump and water tower, private alarm system, watchmen, and motor patrol, nozzle holes in deck, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. A paved marginal driveway, from 50 to 100 feet wide, for trucks and cargo- handling equipment, extends along the bulkheads and sheds at the shore end of all Bush Terminal piers. The oper¬ ating office of the terminal is located at rear. 108 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Brooklyn f Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02470 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 67 Dock Code No. 069 68 Dock Code No. 074 69 Dock Code No. 083 Bush Terminal Co., Pier No. 6. Bush Terminal Co., Pier No. 7. Brooklyn 39th Street Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Bay Ridge Channel, at foot of 42d Street. Bay Ridge Channel, between foot of 41st and 39th Streets extended. Gowanus Bay, between foot of 39th and 36th Streets extended. City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY Bush Terminal Co. Bush Terminal Co. Northeast Marine Terminal Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo In foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo In foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo In foreign trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Lower side steel sheet pile retaining wall, and upper side, concrete retain¬ ing wall on timber piles, with solid fill; timber pile, timber-decked ex¬ tensions on face and lower side; 110- by 90-foot covered wharf located at Inner end of upper side. Part steel sheet pile, part timber bulkhead and part timber crib retain¬ ing walls, solid fill, with timber pile, timber-decked extensions along face and sides; 235- by 55-foot slip with water depths of 3 to 8 feet L ocated at Inner end of upper side See Remarkfl.Ii Part concrete retaining wall on timber piles, part steel sheet pile bulkhead with part asphalt- and part concrete¬ surfaced solid fill; and steel pile, concrete-decked extension on Inner end of upper side. DESCRIPTION Dimensions (feet Lower side Upper side Lower side Upper side Lower side Upper side 87+87+102 1.150 1.140 158 1,220 1,206 709 1,005 550+610 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 32 32 32 32 32 32 35 35 35 Usable Berthing Space 276 1,150 1,140 158 1,220 1,206 709 1,005 550+610 3T Width of Apron Do. 22-15, open. 50 and open 14-28 30 30 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted TRANSIT SHfbS- 10 500 on fill; 350 on piles. Lighted. 10 500 on fill; 350 on piles. Lighted. 12 500 Lighted _ __^__ Two - lower side, U-shaped, steel frame, metal covered; asphalt-surfaced floor; up- Number and Type of Construction One - 2-story, steel frame, wood covered; 1st floor, part wood block and part asphalt surfaced. One - steel frame, wood covered. per side, Bldg U-shaped Bldg. N, steel frame masonry walls. BldJUJL Length and Width (Feet) 993 by 217 and 258 by 79 1,192 by 144 540 by 190 Height Inside Do. 18, 1st floor; 11, 2d floor 17 24 18 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 314,000, net 153,500, net 340,000, net 80,000, net Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors 500 and 350, 1st floor; 250, 2d floor 500 In center: 350 at sides 500 500 (Feet) Shipslde: Upper side, seven, 20 by 15 on 1st floor, none on 2d; lower side: Doors in every bay, approxlmate T ly 15 by 20 on 1st and approximately 15 by 18 on 2d floors. Shipslde: One hundred and forty-three 15 by 23, and two, 10 by 10; rear: One,12 by 17. Shipslde: Thirty- nine, 20 by 18 *640 by 120, and 512 by 200 Shipslde: by 18 Eight, 20 MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment Is available as required. Stevedore equipment Is available as required. One 250- and one 140-ton, diesel, mobile cranes, each with 140-foot boom. Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 70. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Surface tracks at rear of pier con¬ nect with New York Dock Railway's Bush Terminal Yard. Two surface tracks Inside transit shed join additional terminal track¬ age; connect with New York Dock Rail¬ way's Bush Terminal Yard at rear. Six surface tracks at rear, total length 6,600 feet, connect with South Brooklyn Railway. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 43d Street, stone block, 30 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 67. Via 39th Street, stone block, 50 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch line. Same as Ref. No. 67. Through 2^-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 208 volts, 3-phase, 60- cyc le. Same as Ref. No. 67. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) See Remarks under Ref. No. 65. See Remarks under Ref. No. 65. Automatic fire detection system, sprink¬ ler system, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Slip In outer end Is 260 by 87 feet with 19-foot depth of water for barges and lighters. S.W. Ref. No. 3 located In rear. Lighters berth at 100-foot, timber pile, timber-decked bulkhead at Inner end of lower side with water depths of 10 to 20 feet alongside. Electric winches located on all 3 sides for positioning barges and vessels. Use of open storage area described under Ref. No. 70. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side of Gowanus Bay, Brooklyn 109 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02470 02430 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 70 Dock Code No. 085 71 Dock Code No. 089 72 Dock Code No. Q 04 NAME Brooklyn 35th Street Pier. Brooklyn 29th Street Pier. Brooklyn 27th Street Yard, Pier No. 2. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of 35th Street. Foot of 29th Street. Between foot of 28th and 27th Streets. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. OPERATED BY Northeast Marine Terminal Co., Inc. Prudential Lines, Inc. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of containerized general cargo, including roll-on roll-off cargo trailers, in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Lower side: Steel sheet pile bulk¬ head; face: Steel sheet pile cells; upper side: Concrete retaining wall on timber relieving platform support¬ ed by timber piles; steel piles under craneway. All with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete-decked pier (See Remarks). Timber bulkhead, part asphalt- and part concrete-surfaced solid fill with steel pile, concrete-decked pier extension on upper side. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 600 1,118 1,535 95 1,174 1,180 100+40 800 800+775 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 35 35 25-30 0 20 28 28 28 Usable Berthing Space Do. 600 1,118 1,535 95 See Remarks. 1,180 40 800 1,575 Width of Apron Do. Open. 17 & open. Open. 15 _ u Open. Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Unllghted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, metal covered; con¬ crete floor; canopy roof extends from shed over portion of apron on lower side. Two - steel frame part metal coverec Pier Shed part masonry and l; concrete floors. 59th St. Bldg. None. Length and Width (Feet) 970 by 110 1,184 by 72 470 by 60 Height Inside Do. 22 25 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 80.000. net. 85,000, net. 56,000, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 500 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Approximately forty, 18 by 20; others: Truck entrance doorways ( at shore end, and 2 doorways at outer end. All doors steel rollup. Shipside: Fifty, 14 by 16. South side: Con¬ tinuous; east end: Three, 18 by 14. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 70-ton and one 56-ton electric, traveling, container¬ handling cranes, each with 150-foot, hinged-cantilevered boom having 133- foot outboard reach and 60-foot back reach; cranes have 283-foot container travel length, hoist heights of 78 and 85 feet, respectively, above apron, and an operating rate of 10 to 20 containers per hour each; fourteen 10- to 50-ton, diesel or gasoline, straddle carriers; one hundred and twenty-six 2\- to 35-ton, diesel or gasoline, fork lift trucks. Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 69. Stevedore equipment is available as required. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Use of surface tracks serving 39th Street Pier (Ref. No. 69). None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 39th Street, stone block, 50 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Via 29th Street, asphalt, 50 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Via 2d Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from 29th Street, asphalt, 50 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 70. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Sprinkler system inside transit shed, fire curtains under roof, fire nozzle holes in deck, hose reels, hand ex¬ tinguishers, and watchmen. Sprinkler system in sheds, fire cur¬ tains under roof, hose, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. None. REMARKS Approximately 111 acres of paved, open storage area at rear includes maneuvering area and storage space for containers stacked 3 high in single rows or on individual chassis. At time of survey, fill was being placed along lower side for future terminal construction. Lighters berth at 98- and 500-foot bulkheads located at inner end of upper side with water depths of 6 to 13 feet. no PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East tide, Gowanus Creek, Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02430 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 73 Dock Code No. 008 74 Dock Code No. Q23 75 Dock Code No. Q27 NAME Gowanua Station Gas Turbine Barge Pier. Moore-McCormack Lines, Brooklyn 25th Street Pier. Moore-McCormack Lines, Brooklyn 23d Street Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Poot of 27th Street. Between foot of 24th and 25th Streets extended. Poot of 23d Street extended. OWNED BY Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY do. Moore-McCormack Lines, Ino'. Moore-McCormack Lines, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil by tanker and barge for floating plant consumption; mooring gas turbine generator and fueling barge 8 . Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign trade. TYPE OP CONSTRUCTION Part timber and part timber crib bulk head, asphalt-surfaced solid fill, with steel pile, concrete-decked pier extension at outer end contiguous with lower side; upper side fronted by 4 steel pile, concrete-decked, breasting platforms; 4 additional timber pile, concrete-decked, breast¬ ing platforms located at inner end of lower side. Part rock-revetted bank, part steel sheet pile bulkhead, with asphalt- surfaced solid fill; and part timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete- decked pier. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Pace Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side t)i mens ions (Feet) 35+300 1.493 57Of680 175 400 400+940 250 1.440 1.340 Depth Alongside at mlw Do. 28 28 28 20-33 0-20 33 30 J2 ao Usable Berthing Space Do. See Remarks. 720+450* 110+450*+68( 175 1,300 250 1,440 1,340 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 25 17 15 Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 Partly lighted. * at breasting platforms. 10 600 Lighted. 10 600 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. One - steel frame, aluminum siding; concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 1.440 and 1.340 by 200 Height Inside Do. 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 185.000. net (See Remarks). Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 Cargo Doors (Feet:) Shlpside: Continuous, 20 by 12; trucks have access to interior of shed through doors in headhouse shed. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Stevedore equipment is available as required. Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 2d Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from 29th Street, asphalt, 50 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Via 23d Street, asphalt, 60 feet wide from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 74. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 2%-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 74. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Water lines, monitors, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Automatic fire detection system, sprin¬ kler system inside transit sheds, hydrants REMARKS Additional 280 feet of berthing Is available at rear of timber pile, timber-decked portion of face at upper end. Two 215- by 80-foot, gas turbine barge 8 and two 210- by 40-foot fuel barges are moored on each side. Total capacity of fuel barges, 95,200 barrels. One 10-Inch fuel supply pipeline ex¬ tends from rear of face to each fuel barge, and 8 -inch pipelines connect fuel barges with gas turbine barges. Additional storage area available in an adjoining 440- by 68 -foot headhouse shed of same construction. An additional 225 and 100 feet of berth¬ ing are available at heads of lower and upper slips, respectively, with 15-foot depths of water. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS East side, Gowanus Creek, Brooklyn III Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02430 02433 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 76 Dock Code No. 031 77 Dock Code No. 032 70 Dock Code No. 043 NAME International Terminal Operating Co., Brooklyn Pier Berths A, B, and C. International Terminal Operating Co., Brooklyn Pier D. Brooklyn Asphalt Plant Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of 21st and 22d Streets extended. Foot of 20th Street. Below Hamilton Avenue Bridge. OWNED BY International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. City of New York. OPERATED BY International Terminal Operating Co., Inc., and Gowanus Towing Co., Inc. do. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade; mooring company - owned tugboats. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with asphalt- surfaced solid fill on timber re¬ lieving platform supported by timber piles, with timber pile, concrete- decked extension on lower side (See Remarks). Concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Part concrete and part timber bulk¬ head with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Berths A & B Upper side Berth C Face Lower side Face dimensions (Feet) 240 1.180 610 240 510 590 Depth Alongside at ifljy Do. 30 30 30 28 32 13 Usable Berthing Space Do. 240 1.180 (See Remarks'! 240 500 590 Width of Apron Do. 30-100 20 25 26-20 45-60 Height of Deck Above mlw Do. 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction Three - part block, and p covered; asp brick, part art steel fra nalt-surfacec Shed B. concrete me, metal floor. * Shed C. Eight - adjoining, one- and 2-story, part brick, mill-type and part steel frame, metal covered; first floor is None. Length and Width (Feet) 640 bv 130 544 by 105 280 bv 87 600 bv 160 Height Inside Do. 15 and 20 14-18 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 129,300, net total. 70,000, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 500. 1st floor. Cargo Doors (Feet)" Shipside: Numerous, varying in size from 15 by 12 to 20 by 14. Trucks have access to interior of each shed. *See Remarks. Shipside: Various sizes on south and north sides of sheds. Trucks have access to interior. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment is available as required. Stevedore equipment is available as required. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 21st Street, asphalt, 75 feet wide, from 3d Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 76. Via Hamilton Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 76. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Fire PROTECTION (Other than City) Hose, hand extinguishers, and watch¬ men. Same as Ref. No. 76. None. REMARKS Sheds B and C are located on outer end of pier; Shed A is located along rear of inner portion of lower side. At time of survey, outer portion of upper side of pier and Shed C had been damaged by explosion; however, plans called for restoration of facility. Additional 221 feet of berthing is available at head of slip on lower side. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02440 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 79 Dock Code No. 051 80 Dock Code No. 053 81 Dock Code No. 054 NAME Gowanus Canal, 9th Street Bridge Dock. 7th Street Basin, South Wharf. Kentile, 7th Street Basin Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Above 9th Street Bridge. South side of 7th Street Basin. North side, inner end, and south side of 7th Street Basin. OWNED BY Ben Spevack. Ben Spevack. Kentile Floors, Inc. OPERATED BY Gus Johnson Co. Not operated. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of manila, sisal, nylon, and polypropylene rope. Not used. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with asphalt- surfaced solid fill. Timber crib bulkhead with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill. Timber bulkhead with part asphalt- and part concrete-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face North side of basin Inner end of basin South side of basin Distensions (Feet) 376 385 460 120 75 Depth Alongside at Do. fl 5-10 5-10 5 5 Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 385 460 120 75 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open, 5 5 Open. Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9 Unlighted. 9 Unlighted. 9 and 14 250 Partly lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Fork lift trucks. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 9th Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 79. Via 2d Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Hamilton Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) None. None. None. REMARKS Operator bases launch at wharf for delivering rope to vessels at other locations in harbor. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn 113 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02440 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 82 Dock Code No. 063 83 Dock Code No. 509 Dock Code No. 534 NAME Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Adams Oil Terminal Wharf. Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Wharf. | Ferrara Brothers Building Materials Corp. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Left bank, south side of 6 th Street Basin at eastern end. Left bank, between Union and Sackett Streets. Right bank, at foot of 5th Street extended. OWNED BY Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp. Ferrara Brothers Building Materials Corp. OPERATED BY Not operated. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Receipt of petroleum products by self-propelled barge. Receipt of crushed stone by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber crib bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with concrete- surfaced solid fill. Part timber and part concrete bulkhead on timber piles, with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 200 200 888 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 8 z 8 Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 200 888 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9 150 Unlighted. 9 250 Unlighted. 9 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. One 20-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 70-foot boom equipped with 1 3/4-cubic yard clamshell bucket, unloading rate approximately 100 tons per hour. Crane unloads material from barge into re¬ ceiving hopper served by a 24-inch, electric, inclined, belt conveyor ex¬ tending to open storage area at rear. One 2^-cubic yard, diesel, front-end loader for reclaiming from storage. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, unpaved, 15 feet wide, from 2d Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Sackett Street, stone block, 24 feet wide. Via Hoyt Street, stone block, 20 feet wide, from 4th Street, stone block, 30 feet wide, from Smith Street, asphalt 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) None. Hand extinguishers and foam system. None. REMARKS Three 6 -inch pipelines extend from wharf to 5 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 35,700 barrels. Approximately 1 acre of open storage area is located in rear. 114 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Gowanua Canal, Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02440 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 85 Dock Code No. 541 86 Dock Code No. «2 Dock Code No. -54JL. Transit Mix Concrete Corp. Dock. CIBRO Petroleum/Brooklyn Dock. Greco Brothers Ready Mix Concrete Co. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Above 9th Street Bridge. Below 9th Street Bridge. Above Hamilton Avenue Bridge. Transit Mix Concrete Corp. CIBRO Petroleum/Brooklyn, Inc. Greco Brothers Reedy Mix Concrete Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand, gravel, stone, and bulk cement by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by small tank vessel and barge. Receipt of crushed stone by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Part concrete and part timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Dimensions (Feet) 29Q 622 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. ±Q 14 Usable Berthing Space Do. 290 639 231 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS 9 250 Lighted. 9 250 Lighted. Unllghted. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 100-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 100-foot boom equipped with one 3- and one 2^-cublc yard buckets Receiving hopper on wharf served by a 24-inch, inclined, electric, belt conveyor extending to ready-mix concrete plant at rear. One gasoline, mobile crane with 70-foot boom equipped with 3/4-cublc yard bucket and one 3-cublc yard, diesel, front-end loader. Receiving hopper on wharf is served by s 24-inch, inclined, electric, belt conveyor extending to ready-mix concrete plant at rear. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Smith Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Hamilton Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 85. Same as Ref. No. 85. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) TTRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) None. Water line, pumps, and hose. Hydrant, monitor, water line, and hand extinguishers. Hose and hand extinguishers. One 6-inch pneumatic pipeline ex¬ tends from wharf to plant at rear. Approximately 1% acres of open storage area is located at rear of wharf. Plant and cement storage silos were under construction at time of survey. Two 8- and four 6-inch pipelines ex¬ tend from wharf to 10 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 48,400 barrels. Approximately % acre of open storage area is located at rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Gowanus Creek, Brooklyn 115 Corpa of Engineers Port Code No. 02430 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 88 Dock Code No. 553 89 Dock Code No. 554 90 Dock Code No. 555 NAME Smith Street Dock, Pier No. 3. Ira S. Bushey 4 Sons, Pier No. 1. Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Pier No. 2. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Below Hamilton Avenue Bridge. Foot of Smith Street. East of foot of Court Street. OWNED BY Continental Terminals, Inc. Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc. Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and occasional shipment of general cargo Including coffee and metals in foreign and domestic trade. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Part steel sheet pile, and part con¬ crete bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, timber- decked pier extending from timber bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, timber¬ decked wharf. DESCRIPTION Face Face Upper side Lower side Face South side Dimensions (Feet) 1.025 60 410 w/blkhd. 183 410 60 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 22-30 28 28 14-28 28 28 Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,025 410 183 410 Width of Apron Do. Open and 17. Open. Open. Open and 25. Open. Height of Deck Above mlW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 10 400 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction Bldg. J - 1st floor of 4-story brick building; asphalt-surfaced floor. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) 200 by 80 Height Inside Do. 12 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 12.000. net (See Remarks). Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 Cmrgo Doors (Feet)" Shlpside and rear: Two, 12 by 10 each. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Several 1- to 4-ton-capacity, LP-gas fork lift trucks. Use of mobile and floating equipment described under Ref. No. 93. Use of mobile and floating equipment described under Ref. No. 93. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Smith Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Hamilton Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Via Bryant Street, from Court Street, both asphalt and 40 feet wide, from Hamilton Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 89. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FlRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Automatic fire detection and sprin¬ kler systems Inside transit shed and warehouses at rear; and hand extin¬ guishers . Foam line, hydrants, and hand extin¬ guishers . Same as Ref. No. 89. REMARKS The remaining floors of Building J are utilized as a warehouse. An additional 75 + 150 feet of berthing is available along timber bulkhead at inner end of upper side. An additional 175 feet of berthing is available along timber bulkhead at inner end of upper side. 116 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Gowanua Creek, Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02430 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 91 Dock Code No. 556 92 Dock Code No. 557 93 Dock Code No. 559 NAME Patchogue Oil Terminal Corp. Wharf. Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Pier No. 3, Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Pier No. 5. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Court Street. Foot of Court Street. Foot of Little Court Street. OWNED BY Patchogue Oil Terminal Corp. Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc. Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc. OPERATED BY do. Patchogue Oil Terminal Corp. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by small tank vessels and barges. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by small tank vessels and barges. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair, mooring floating drydock. TYPE OK CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 130 30 165 1904-35 40 345 381 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 15-20 26 15-26 26 30 20-30 20-30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 130 - 165 190 40 Drydock. See Remarks. Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Use of one 50-ton, diesel, A-frame der¬ rick with 85-foot boom and 15-foot Jib extension with 5-ton hoist, mounted on a 100- by 40-foot, steel barge; one 20- ton, diesel, mobile crane with 50-foot boom; and one 17-ton, diesel, mobile crane with 80-foot boom. Mobile equip¬ ment and floating derrick are available for use at all piers and throughout yard. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Little Court Street, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Bryant and Court Streets, both asphalt and 40 feet wide, from Hamilton Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each aide 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 91. Same as Ref. No. 91. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 2^-inch line. Same as Ref. No. 92. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110/220 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase. 60- cycle; A.C./D.C. converters, 100/220 VOlt 8 . Fire protection (Other than City) Foam line, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 91. Sprinklers under pier deck, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Two 6 -inch pipelines extend from bulk¬ head to 10 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 549,000 barrels. Two 8 -inch pipelines extend from pier to steel storage tanks described under Ref. No. 91. Floating Drydock No. 1, capacity 1,200 tons, moored on upper side. The inner 281 feet of berthing on lower side is restricted to width of approxi¬ mately 30 feet to clear Floating Drydock No. 2 berthed at adjacent Pier No. 6 (Ref. No. 94). RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Gowanua Creek, Brooklyn 117 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02430 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 94 Dock Code No. 560 95 Dock Code No. 561 95 Dock Code No. 562 NAME Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Pier No. 6 . Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Pier No. 7. Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Pier No. 8 . LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Above foot of Clinton Street extended. Foot of Clinton Street extended. Below foot of Clinton Street extended. OWNED BY Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc. Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc. Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc., and Patchogue Oil Terminal Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair; mooring floating drydock. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair; mooring floating drydock. Receipt of petroleum products by tanker; mooring vessels for outfitting and repair; mooring floating drydock. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier extending from timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side dimensions (Feet) 6 320+45 255+60 60 510+60 585 40 765 1,350 w/bulkhead Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 15-35 Usable Berthing Space Do. - Drydock See Remarks - Drydock 585 40 494 + dry- 1,350 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. dock Height of Deck AboveMLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 on solid fill Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 5-ton, pneumatic, stiff-leg der¬ rick with 65-boom. Use of mobile and floating equipment described under Ref. No. 93. One 11-ton, diesel, locomotive crane with 85-foot boom. Use of mobile and floating equipment described under Ref. No. 93. One 5-ton, pneumatic, stiff-leg derrick at inner end of pier. Use of mobile and floating equipment described under Ref. No. 93. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Little Court Street, asphalt, 20 feet side, from Bryant and Court Streets, both asphalt and 40 feet wide, from Hamilton Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 94. Same as Ref. No. 94. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 94. Same as Ref. No. 94. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110/220 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; A.C./D.C. converters, 100/ 220 volts. Same as Ref. No. 94. Same as Ref. No. 94. FI re Protection (Other than City) Sprinkler system under pier, hose, and hand extinguishers; Same as Ref. No. 94. Same as Ref. No. 94. REMARKS Floating Drydock No. 2, capacity 1,200 tons, is moored on upper side; Drydock No. 3, moored on upper side of adjacent Pier No. 7 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 95), restricts mooring on lower side. Pier Is equipped with lines for supplying fresh and salt water, steam, and compressed air. Floating Drydock No. 3, capacity 7,500 tons, is moored on upper side. Pier is equipped with lines for sup¬ plying fresh and salt water, steam, and compressed air. Floating Drydock No. 4, capacity 2,650 tons, is moored at inner end of upper side. Two 12- and one 10-inch pipelines extend from pier to steel storage tanks described under Ref. No. 91. Pier is equipped with lines for supplying fresh and salt water, steam, and com¬ pressed air. 118 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Govanus Creek, Brooklyn 4 Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo . 02430 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 97 Dock Code No. 564 98 Dock Code No. 565 99 Dock Code No. 534 NAME Henry Street Basin Wharf. Continental Terminals, Clinton Street Dock. Columbia Street Marine Terminal, Grain Elevator Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT East side of Henry Street Basin, at foot of Bryant Street extended. East side of Henry Street Basin, at foot of Halleck Street. Approximately 800 feet above foot of Columbia Street. OWNED BY Sabato Catucci. Continental Terminals, Inc. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY Aid Export Trucking Corp. do. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of general cargo in foreign trade by vessel-borne barge. Receipt of coffee and cocoa beans by lighter and vessel-borne barge. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from timber bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Upper side Lower side dimensions (Feet) 265 225 60 580 550 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 8-12 4-8 25 10-25 12-30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 265 225 60 580 550 Width of Apron Do. Open. 15 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 23 Unlighted. 10 300 Unllghted. 10 150 Unllghted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction See Remarks. One - steel frame, brick walls; con¬ crete floor. None. Length and Width (Feet) 200 by 200 Height Inside Do. 15 and 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 30,000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Three, 12 by 14; others: Five, 12 by 14. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment is available as required. Several 1- to 4-ton-capacity, LP-gas, fork lift trucks. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Clinton Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Hamilton Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 97. Via Columbia Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide, from Hamilton Avenue, asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Automatic fire detection system, hydrants, and hand extinguishers. None. REMARKS At time of survey, plans called for construction of transit shed at rear of bulkhead. S.W. Ref. No. 4 located at rear. Grain elevator at rear has storage capacity for 1,800,000 bushels; however, the elevator was Inactive at time of survey. % PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Brooklyn 119 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02430 02475 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 100 Dock Code No. 586 101 Dock Code No. 587 102 Dock Code No. 096 NAME Columbia Street Marine Terminal, Columbia Street Pier. Columbia Street Dock. Erie Basin-Port Authority, Marine Terminal Dock B, Berth No. 1. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Gowanus Creek, approxi¬ mately 180 feet above foot of Columbia Street. Right bank, Gowanus Creek, along southeast side of lower end of Columbia Street. Red Hook Channel, on south side of Erie Basin. OWNED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. City of New York- The Port Authority of New York and New iJersey. OPERATED BY do. City of New York, Department of Ports and Terminals. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels and barges. Mooring vessels. Mooring vessels and barges. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete-decked pier extending from bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Part steel sheet pile and part con¬ crete bulkhead, with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead, with asphalt-surfaced solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Face West side Dimensions (Feet) 150 1,250 1,206 1,330 1.000 200 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 25 35 35 8-12 31 20-31 Usable Berthing Space Do. 150 1,250 1,206 1,330 1,000 200 Width of Apron Do. 22 5 39 Open. 25 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Unlighted. 10 250 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, metal covered; asphalt-surfaced floor. None. One - steel frame, metal covered; asphalt-surfaced floor. Bldg. No. 211 Length and Width (Feet) 1,181 by 106 751 by 140 Height Inside Do. 20 - Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 94,000, net. 70,100, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 250 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Fifty, 14 by 14; others: Two, 14 by 14. Shipside: Ten, 20 by 20; ends: Two, 20 by 20; rear: Twelve, 10 by 12. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Cargo beams on lower side of transit shed. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Columbia Street, asphalt, 35 feet Same as Ref. No. 100. wide. Via driveway, asphalt, 25 to 50 feet wide, from foot of Columbia Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch connections. None. Through 2ij-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Hydrants. An 8-acre, asphalt-surfaced, open storage area is located at rear. Automatic fire detection system, sprink¬ ler system inside transit shed, hydrants, and hose. REMARKS 120 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Red Hook Channel, Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo. 02475 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 103 Dock Code No. 095 104 Dock Code No. 102 105 Dock Code No. 103 NAME Erie Baain.port Authority Marine Terminal Breakwater Wharf, Berths Noa. 2, 3, 4, and 5. Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Erie Basin, Pier No. 5. Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Erie Basin, Pier No. 4^. LOCATION ON WATE RFRONT West aide of Erie Basin. West of Columbia Street, approximately 1,000 feet south of Halleck Street. Between foot of Otsego Street extended and Columbia Street. OWNED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Divi¬ sion. Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Division. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels and barges. Mooring vessels for repair, conver¬ sion, and outfitting; mooring floating drydock. Receipt of shipyard materials and sup¬ plies by lighter; mooring vessels for repair, conversion, and outfitting. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall, supported by timber piles, with concrete-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete¬ surfaced solid fill; 3 timber mooring dolphins in line with south side. DESCRIPTION Face Face South side North side East side South side Dimensions (Feet) 2,176 18+22 1,078 1,040 200 175 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 30 35 30-35 29-35 25-35 36 Usable Berthing Space Do. 2,176 - 456 6 dry- 1,040 200 355 w/dolphs Width of Apron Do. 20 and open. Open. dock Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 250 Lighted. 9 300 Lighted. 10 800 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction Four - steel asphalt-surf No. 181 frame, metal seed floors. Nos. 1616141 covered; No. 121 None. None. Length and Width (Feet) 476 by 130-35 457 by 130 502 by 130 Height Inside Do. 25 25,each 25 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 41,250, net 82,500* 43,500, net Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 250 250, each 250 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Twenty-four, 22 by 22, total; others: One, 16 by 22 at both ends of each transit shed. ♦Net total. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Two traveling, revolving, full-portal, gantry cranes: One, diesel, with 100- foot boom and 10-foot jib extension, capacity 50 tons at 50-foot radius; one, diesel-electric, with 95-foot boom and 10-foot jib extension, capac¬ ity 25 tons at 40-foot radius. One diesel, locomotive crane with 80-foot boom, capacity 30 tons at 10-foot radius; and two diesel, mobile cranes, each with 90-foot boom and a capacity of 45 tons at 40-foot radius. Mobile equipment is available for use through¬ out shipyard. Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 104. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, 25 to 50 feet wide, from foot of Columbia Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide. Via Beard Street, part asphalt and part stone block, 40 feet wide, from Columbia Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 104. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch connections. Through 2^-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 104. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 208/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; D.C., 115/230 volts. Same as Ref. No. 104. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Automatic fire detection system, sprinkler system inside transit sheds, hydrant., and hose. Sprinkler system under pier, plant fire department, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Plant fire department, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS None. Floating Drydock No. 7, capacity 17,800 tons, is moored along inner section of south side of pier. Pier is equipped with service lines for fresh and salt water, steam, com¬ pressed air, oxygen,and acetylene gas. Pier is equipped with service lines for fresh and salt water, steam, compressed air, oxygen, and acetylene gas. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Red Hook Channel, Brooklyn 121 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 024 7 5 REFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP NO. 2 106 Dock Code No. 104 107 Dock Code No. 105 108 Dock Code No. 113 NAME Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Erie Basin, Pier No. 4. Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Erie Basin, Pier No. 3. Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Erie Basin, Pier No. 2. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foort of Otsego Street extended. Between foot of Dwight and Otsego Streets extended. Foot of Dwight Street extended. OWNED BY Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Divi¬ sion. Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Divi¬ sion. Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Divi¬ sion. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring floating drydocks. Mooring vessels for repair, conver¬ sion, and outfitting; mooring floating drydock. Mooring vessels for repair, conversion, and outfitting. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, concrete-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Outer section: Timber pile, timber¬ decked pier; inner section: Steel sheet pile retaining wall with concrete¬ surfaced solid fill forming entrance to graving dock. DESCRIPTION Face South side North side Face South side North side Face South side North side Dimensions (Feet) 18 38+665 694 20 580 429 32 330 330+220 Depth Alongside at MLW Do- 35 35 32 32 32 25-31 28-32 28-32 26-28 Usable Berthing Space Do. - Drydock 234 & Dry- - See Remarks 429 32 330 550 Width of Apron Do. Open. Dock Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 9 300 Lighted. 9 300 Lighted. 10 900, fill Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES TWo traveling, revolving, full-portal, gantry cranes: One, diesel with 100- foot boom and 10-foot Jib extension, capacity 50 tons at 50-foot radius; one, diesel-electric with 95-foot boom and 10-foot Jib extension, capa¬ city 22 tons at 30-foot radius. Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 104. Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 104. Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 104. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Beard Street, part asphalt, part stone block, 40 feet wide, from Columbia Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 106. Same as Ref. No. 106. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 106. Same as Ref. No. 106. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 208/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; D.C., 115/230 volts. Same as Ref. No. 106. Same as Ref. No. 106. Fire protection (Other than City) Sprinkler system under pier, plant fire department, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 106. Same as Ref. No. 106. REMARKS Floating Drydock No. 9, capacity 13,360 tons, moored on south side; Drydock No. 8 , capacity 23,380 tons, moored on north side. Pier Is equipped with service lines for fresh and salt water, steam, com¬ pressed air, oxygen,and acetylene gas. Floating Drydock No. 8 moored at ad¬ jacent Pier No. 4 (Ref. No. 106), restricts mooring on south side. Pier Is equipped with service lines for fresh and salt water, steam, com¬ pressed air, oxygen, and acetylene gas. Graving Dock No. 1 located at inner end of south side of pier. Pier is equipped with service lines for fresh and salt water, steam, compressed air, oxygen, and acetylene gas. 122 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Red Hook Channel, Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02475 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 109 Dock Code No. 114 HO Dock Code No. H5 HI Dock Code No. n$ NAME Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Erie Basin, Pier No. 1. SuCrest Corp., Erie Basin, East Slip Wharf. SuCre.t Corp., Erl. B»«ln, Pier B. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Northwest of foot of Dwight Street extended. Northwest side of East Slip, between foot of Dwight and Richards Streets. Northwest side of East Slip, between foot of Dwight and Richards Streets. OWNED BY Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Divi¬ sion. SuCrest Corp. SuCrest Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels for repair, conver¬ sion, and outfitting. Receipt and shipment of molasses; shipment of liquid sugar. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber crib bulkhead, with part concrete-surfaced solid fill and timber pile, timber-decked pier ex¬ tension in line and contiguous with north side. Timber crib bulkhead, with concrete- surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face South side North side Face Face South side North side binensions (Feet) 35 568 568.557 679 70 455 409 Depth Alongside st MLW Do. 26 25-26 15-26 15-20 20 15-20 15-20 Usable Berthing Space Do. 35 568 1,125 679 70 455 409 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 9-12 2 2 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 350 Lighted. 9 450 Lighted. 9 300 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. One - steel frame, metal covered (See Remarks). Length and Width (Feet) 400 by 65 Height Inside Do. 17 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 17,700, net Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 300 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shlpside: Eighteen, 16 by 12; face: One, 16 by 12; rear: One 16 by 12. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One diesel, traveling, revolving, full-portal, gantry crane with 95-foot boom and 10-foot Jib extension, capac¬ ity 22 tons at 30-foot radius. Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 104. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Beard Street, part asphalt and part stone block, 30 feet wide, from Columbia Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 109. Same as Ref. No. 109. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-lnch connections. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 208/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; D.C., 115/230 volts. None. None. Eire protection (Other than City) Sprinkler system under pier, plant fire department, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Sprinkler system Inside transit shed, fire nozzle holes in deck of pier, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Pier is equipped with service lines for fresh and salt water, steam, com¬ pressed air, oxygen, and acetylene. Eight 10-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 12 molasses storage tanks; total capacity 5,500,000 gallons. East Slip is 138 feet wide. South side is in line and contiguous with Ref. No. 110. Transit shed used as part of processing plant. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Red Hook Channel, Brooklyn 123 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02475 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 112 Dock Code No. 117 113 Dock Code No. 118 114 Dock Code No. 123 NAME SuCrest Corp. , Erie Basin, Pier A. SuCrest Corp. Dock. , Erie Basin, West Slip Erie Basin, Port Authority Marine Terminal, Warehouse Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Richards Street. Between foot Streets. of Richards and Van Brunt Foot of Van Brunt Street. OWNED BY SuCre8t Corp. SuCre8t Corp. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY do. do. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and McAllister Brothers, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of bulk raw sugar. Shipment of bagged refined sugar by barge; receipt of plant equipment. Mooring barge B . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber crib bulkhead with surfaced solid fill. concrete- Timber crib bulkhead with surfaced solid fill. concrete- DESCRIPTION Face South side North side Face Face South side North side Dimensions (Feet) 100 495 488 739 218 1,038 622 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 25 18-25 18-25 0-21 25 z5 25 Usable Berthing Space Do. 100 495 488 739 218 650 (See Remarks). Width of Apron Do. 12 2 2 2-25 38 38 19-29 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 9 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs . ) 300 450 1,000 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS One - timber frame, wood-covered. None. Dne - 4-, 2-, and 1-stories, brick; 1st floor, asphalt-surfaced, others wood. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) 467 by 96 562 by 150 and 725 by 160. Height Inside Do. 18 - Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 29,900, net. See Remarks. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 300 - Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Twenty, 20 by 15; face: Two, 16 by 12; rear: Two, 16 by 12. Shipside: South side, ten, 18 by 12; both sides, numerous smaller doorways. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Sugar is unloaded from vessels into transit shed by stevedores' floating cranes equipped with 5-cubic yard clamshell buckets. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Beard Street, part asphalt and part stone block, 30 feet wide, from Columbia Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 112. Via Van Brunt Street, stone block, 40 feet wide, from Beard Street, part asphalt and part stone block, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 112. Sprinkler system, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS At time of survey, outer end of south side and all of north side were in poor condition; and transit shed was not usable. S.W. Ref. No. 7 located in rear. 124 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02475 02410 REFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP NO. 2 Dock Code No. 133 Dock Code No. 001 Dock Code No. 015 NAME Brooklyn Pier No. 41. New York Daily News, Newsprint Terminal Wharf. Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal Pier No. 12. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Red Hook Channel, at foot of Ferris Street extended. Buttermilk Channel, between foot of Wolcott and Coffey Streets extended. Buttermilk Channel, lower side of entrance to Atlantic Basin, above foot of Pioneer Street extended. OWNED BY Andover Realty, Inc. New York News Syndicate. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY Lehigh Warehousing Corp. of Brooklyn. do. Pittston Stevedoring Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of coffee by barge. Receipt of newsprint. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. TYPE OP CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead, asphalt-surfaced solid fill, with timber pile, concrete-decked extensions. Concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill; upper 425 feet fronted by tim¬ ber pile, concrete-decked extension. Steel sheet pile bulkhead, asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill, with concrete- encased, timber pile, concrete-decked extensions. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face North side West side East side Dimensions (Feet) 215 491 248 135+425 320 910 700 Depth Alongside at mlW Do. 26-29 29 126 30-35 32 32 32 Usable Berthing Space Do. See Remarks. 470 See Remarks 425 320 910 700 Width of Apron Do. 40-65 42 25 30 and open. 20 30 30. Height of Deck Above MLW 00 ’ Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 11 Lighted. 13 900, fill. Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction See Remarks. One - 2-story, concrete frame, brick and block walls; concrete floors. One - steel frame, aluminum-covered above low concrete wall; part asphalt¬ surfaced concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 339 by 255 and 313 700 by 260 Height Inside Do. 20 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 66,800, net (See Remarks). 122,000, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 900 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Six, 14 by 14 and three, 6 by 8 (for use of conveyors only). Shipside: Sixteen, 20 by 19; face: Three, 20 by 19; rear: Two, 14 by 20. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment is available as required. Three electric chain conveyors, set flush in wharf deck and floor of transit shed, extend from face of wharf to truckloading bays at rear; and 3 electric, vertical, chain con¬ veyors with curved block pads extend to 2d floor of transit shed. Electric fork lift trucks equipped with paper roll clamps. Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. Two platform-level tracks along upper side of transit shed, total length 1,400 feet, connect with New York Dock Railway. New York Dock Railway: Tracks and yard serve open paved area at rear. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, concrete, 10 feet wide, from Van Dyke Street, stone block, 30 feet wide. Via Walcott Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Van Brunt Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 116. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 2^-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. Available. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle firf protection— (Other than City) Sprinkler system, steam lines, extinguishers, water tower, and watchmen. hand Sprinkler system, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Automatic fire detection system, sprin¬ kler system inside transit shed, pumps, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers. REMARKS At time of survey, face and upper side was in poor condition. Building on pier used as storage warehouse (See S.W. Ref. No. 6). Approximately 70,000 square feet of open storage area located at rear. Second floor of transit shed used for storing newsprint rolls. Highway trucks have access to wharf via driveway at lower end. and watchmen. Approximately 4.2 acres of paved, open storage area located at rear of transit shed. The north side of Pier No. 12 and south side of Pier No. 10 (Ref. No. 120) form a 600-foot entrance channel to Atlantic Basin from Buttermilk Channel. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Buttermilk Channel, Brooklyn 125 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02410 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 Hg Dock Code No. 017 Dock Code No. 020 12 o Dock Code No. 025 NAME New York Dock Railway Transfer Bridge. Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal, Pier No. 11. Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal, Pier No. 10. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South side of Atlantic Basin. East side of Atlantic Basin,between foot of Pioneer Street extended and Hamilton Avenue. Upper side of entrance to Atlantic Basin, at foot of Hamilton Avenue. OWNED BY New York Dock Railway. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY do. Moller Steamship Co., Inc. Pittston Stevedoring Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Transfer of railroad cars to and from car floats. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber ferry rack with adjustable transfer bridge on pontoon. Concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Concrete-encased, timber pile, concrete decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face South side West side East side bimensions (Feet) One car float slip. 2,078 326 “9S0 715 Depth Alongside at mlw Do. 32 32 32 32 Usable Berthing Space Do. 2,078 326 980 715 Width of Apron Do. 25 20 30 30 Height of Deck Above MLW Du* Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. One - steel frame, aluminum-covered above low concrete wall; asphalt floor. One - steel frame, aluminum-covered above low concrete wall; asphalt floor. Length and Width (Feet) 1,800 by 150 680 by 266 Height Inside Do. 20 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 180,000, net. 120,600, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Twenty-nine, 20 by 19; each end: One, 14 by 20; rear: Twenty-seven along truckloading platform. Shipside: Sixteen, 20 by 19; south side: Three, 20 by 19; rear: Two, 14 by 20. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 10-ton, electric, traveling, bridge crane straddles several rail tracks and roadway in rear. Stevedore equipment is available as required. Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New York Dock Railway: Two tracks on transfer bridge with third track switch to serve 3-track car floats. New York Dock Railway: Surface tracks serve open area at rear of shed. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Ferris Street, stone block, 30 feet wide, from Wolcott Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Hamilton Avenue, asphalt, 50 to 55 feet wide; and Conover Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Hamilton Avenue, asphalt, 50 to 55 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 3-inch connections. Through 2%-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 119. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 119. FirE protection (Other than City) Water line, hose, hand extinguishers, water barrels and pails, and watch¬ men. Automatic fire detection system, sprinkler system inside transit shed, pumps, hydrants, hose, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 119. REMARKS Additional 214 and 200 feet of moor¬ ing are available along steel sheet pile bulkheads at south and north ends of basin, respectively. Approximately 9.1 acres of paved, open storage area located at rear. A 20-foot-wide, covered, loading platform, accommodating 144 trucks, extends along rear of transit shed. Two storage warehouses located in rear of transit shed (See SW Ref. Nos. 1 and 9). Approximately 3.8 acres of paved, open storage area located at rear of transit shed. 126 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Buttermilk Channel, Governors Island Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02410 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 121 Dock Code No. 005 122 Dock Code No. 010 123 Dock Code No. 012 NAME U.S. Coast Guard, Lima Pier. U.S. Coast Guard, Tango Pier. U.S. Coast Guard, Yankee Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 120 feet below foot of 14th Road. Approximately 170 feet above foot of 14th Road. Below foot of Division Road. OWNED BY United States Government. United States Government. United States Government. OPERATED BY U.S. Coast Guard. U.S. Coast Guard. U.S. Coast Guard. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring U.S. Coast Guard vessels. Mooring U.S. Coast Guard vessels. Mooring U.S. Coast Guard vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 215- by 50-foot timber pile concrete-decked approach at upper end. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber¬ decked, offshore wharf with 196- by 20-foot approach of similar construc¬ tion at center. V-shaped, steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 200- by 20-foot, steel pile, concrete-decked approach at center. DESCRIPTION Face Rear of face Lower side Face Rear of face Upper and lower sides Face Rear of face Upper and lower sides Dimensions (Feet) 400 350 50 500 240+240 30, each 415+415 408+408 30, each Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 22 16 16-22 22 16 16-22 22 22 22 Usable Berthing Space Do. 400 350 - 500 240+240 - 415+415 408+408 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 11 500 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 11 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 20-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 65-foot boom and 15-foot Jib extension; additional equipment available as required. Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 121. Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 121. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via island roads, from ferry slip, serviced by Governors Island Ferry, from lower Manhattan, Ref. No. 335. Same as Ref. No. 121. Same as Ref. No. 121. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch line with 2%- and 3/4- inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 121. Same as Ref. No. 121. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 480 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 121. Same as Ref. No. 121. PI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) U.S. Coast Guard Fire Department, monitors on vessels, and hand extin¬ guishers . Same as Ref. No. 121. Same as Ref. No. 121. REMARKS Pier is equipped with a 5-inch sewer, 2%-inch steam, and 2-inch compressed air service lines. Row of 4 timber mooring dolphins is located approximately 100 feet in rear of face. One 5-ton, mobile, vertical, boat lift, used for servicing small U.S. Coast Guard craft, is located above inner end of approach. Pier is equipped with a 5-inch sewer, 2%-inch steam, and 2-inch compressed air service lines. Two timber mooring dolphins are located approximately 100 feet in rear of face above and below approach. Pier is equipped with a 5-inch sewer, 2%-inch steam, and 2-inch compressed air service lines. Three timber mooring dolphins are located approximately 100 feet in rear of face and above and below approach. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Buttermilk Channel, Governors Island 127 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02410 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 124 Dock Code No. 030 125 Dock Code No. 031 126 Dock Code No. ()32 NAME U.S. Coast Guard, Omaha Dock. U.S. Coast Guard, Piers Nos. 1 and 2. U.S. Coast Guard, Berthing Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 100 feet below foot of Andes Road. Foot of Andes Road. Approximately 100 feet above foot of Andes Road. OWNED BY United States Government. United States Government. United States Government. OPERATED BY U.S. Coast Guard. U.S. Coast Guard. U.S. Coast Guard. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring U.S. Coast Guard vessels. Mooring U.S. Coast Guard vessels. Mooring U.S. Coast Guard vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, decked pier. concrete-surfaced timber- Two parallel, timber pile, timber¬ decked piers, approximately 40 feet apart, extend from 6teel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill; bulkhead fronted by concrete seawall supported by timber piles; timber mooring dolphin at face of Pier No. 2. Steel pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete¬ decked pier fronted by timber fender systern. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Pier No. 1 Pier No. 2 Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 120 130 130 115 by 9 115 by 9 15 172 172 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 12 12 12 0-12 0-12 16 16 16 Usable Berthing Space Do. 120 130 130 115+115 115+115 - 172 172 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLV Do. 10 9 11 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) 100 100 300 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Partly lighted. Partly lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs. ) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 121. Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 121. Use of mobile equipment described under Ref. No. 121. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via island roads, from ferry slip serviced by Governors Island Ferry, from lower Manhattan (Ref. No. 335). Same as Ref. No. 124. Same as Ref. No. 124. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2\- and 3/4-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 124. Through 1%-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 480 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 124. Same as Ref. No. 124. Fire protection (Other than City) U.S. Coast Guard Fire Department and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 124. Same as Ref. No. 124. REMARKS Pier is equipped with a 5-inch sewer, 2%-inch steam, and 2-inch compressed air service lines. Pier is equipped with a 5-inch sewer, 2%-inch steam, and 2-inch compressed air service lines. Pier No. 1 is located approximately 45 feet below Pier No. 2. Pier is equipped with a 5 2%-inch steam, and 2-inch air service lines. -inch sewer, compressed 128 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02410 02210 02410 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 127 Dock Code No. 033 128 Dock Code No. 990 129 Dock Code No. Q37 NAME U.S. Coast Guard, Captain of the Port, Small Boat Marina. U.S. Coast Guard, Soissons Ferry Dock. Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal, Pier No. 9B. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Buttermilk Channel, Governors Island, approximately 200 feet above foot of Andes Road. North side of Governors Island, approximately 700 feet northwest of Brooklyn Battery Tunnel Ventilator. Buttermilk Channel, Brooklyn, between foot of DeGraw and Irving Streets extended. OWNED BY United States Government. United States Government. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY U.S. Coast Guard. U.S. Coast Guard. Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring U.S. Coast Guard small craft. Terminal for passenger and vehicular ferries operating between Governors Island and lower Manhattan. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Small craft basin: 7 parallel, timber-decked, polystyrene floats on west side and 4 on east side; floats extend from 2 sectional float ap¬ proaches of similar construction from timber trestle walkway spanning upper (Continued under Remarks) Two timber ferry slips with electri¬ cally operated, adjustable, transfer bridges. Concrete-encased timber pile, concrete- decked pier extending from concrete- capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Faces Lower side Upper side Two ferry slips Face Lower side Upper side dimensions (Feet) 5. each. 38. each. 38. each. 160 by 60, each (approximately). 320 650 700 Depth Alongside at mijj Do. z 1 Z 16-17 35 35 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 38, each. 38, each. 160, each. 320 650 700 Width of Apron Do. Open. _ 20 30 30 Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. One - steel frame, aluminum-covered over low concrete walls; concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 680 by 260 Height Inside Do. 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 121,200. net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 Cargo Doors . (Feet) Shipside: Twenty-two, 20 by 19; face: Three, 20 by 19; rear: Two, 14 by 20 with ramps for truck access. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via island roads, from ferry slip, serviced by Governors Island Ferry, from lower Manhattan (Ref. No. 335). Via Van Brunt Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Kane Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 1-inch connections. Through 2%- and 3/4-inch connections. Through 2^-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 208 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. (Other than City) U.S. Coast Guard Fire Department and hand extinguishers. U.S. Coast Guard Fire Department and hand extinguishers. Automatic fire detection system, sprin¬ kler system Inside transit shed, pumps, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS end of basin. Two additional 25- by 4-foot approaches extend to concrete seawall at rear of west floats; all floats are anchored by timber piles. East side of basin is formed by Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel Ventilator. Ferries operate to and from Governors Island Ferry Slip in lower Manhattan (Ref. No. 335). Transit shed has 1,600 square feet of heated cargo storage area. Approximately 3.4 acres of paved, open storage area located at rear of transit shed. Additional 227 feet of berthing is avail¬ able along concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill at head of slip on lower side, with 20-foot depth of water. PIERS, WHARVES. AND DOCKS Buttermilk Channel, Brooklyn 129 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02410 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 130 Dock Code No. 045 131 Dock Code No. 050 2^22 Dock Code No. 055 NAME Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Termi¬ nal, Pier No. 9A. Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Termi¬ nal, Pier No. 8. Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Termi¬ nal, Pier No. 7. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Kane Street. Between foot of Baltic and Congress Streets extended. Between foot of Atlantic Avenue ex¬ tended and Congress Street. OWNED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. Pittston Stevedoring Corp. International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete-encased timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Concrete-encased timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Concrete-encased timber pile, concrete- decked pier extending from concrete- capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 320 630 750 320 680 1.000+250 300 1,200 710 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 32 32 32 35 32 35 40 40 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 320 630 750 320 680 1,000 300 1,200 710 Width of Apron Do. 20 30 30 20 30 30 20 30 30 Height of Deck Above mLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, aluminum covered over low concrete walls; concrete floor. One - steel frame, aluminum covered over low concrete walls; concrete floor. One - steel frame, aluminum covered over low concrete walls; concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 680 by 260 680 by 260 1,120 by 240 Height Inside Do. 20 20 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 121,200, net (See Remarks). 121,200, net (See Remarks). 179,200, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 500 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Twenty-two, 20 by 19; face: Three, 20 by 19; rear: Two, 14 by 20, with ramps for truck access. ShipsIde: Twenty-four, 20 by 19; face: Three, 20 by 19; rear: Two, 14 by 20, with ramps for truck access. Shipside: Forty-three, 20 by' 19; face: Three, 20 by 19; rear: Two, 14 by 20, with ramps for truck access. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment is available as required. Stevedore equipment is available as required. Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Kane Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Columbia Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide. Via Columbia Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide. Via Atlantic Avenue, asphalt, 60 feet wide, and Columbia Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch connections. Through 2^-inch connections. Through 2ij-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. Same as Ref. No. 130. Same as Ref. No. 130. Fire protection (Other than City) Automatic fire detection system, sprinkler system inside transit shed, pumps, hydrants, hose, hand extin¬ guishers , and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 130. Same as Ref. No. 130. REMARKS Transit shed storage area includes 1,600 square feet of heated space. Approximately 3.8 acres of paved, open storage area is located at rear of transit shed. Additional 266 feet of berthing space is available along concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill at head of 8lip on lower side, with 20-foot depth of water. Transit shed storage area includes 3,000 square feet of heated space. Approximately 4.6 acres of paved, open storage area is located at rear of transit shed. Additional 266 feet of berthing space is available along concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill at head of 8lip on lower side, with 20-foot depth of water. Approximately 5.1 acres of paved, open storage area is located at rear. Additional 190 and 250 feet of berth¬ ing space are available along concrete capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill at head of slip on lower side, with 20-foot depth of water. 130 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02410 02210 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 ^33 Dock Code No. 060 ^34 Dock Code No. 065 135 Dock Code No. Q01 NAME Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Termi¬ nal, Pier No. 6. Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Termi¬ nal, Pier No. 5. New York Dock Railway, Pier No. 4. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Buttermilk Channel, above foot of Atlantic Avenue extended. Buttermilk Channel, at foot of Joralemon Street. Left bank. East River, at foot of Montague Street extended. OWNED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. Universal Maritime Service Corp. Universal Maritime Service Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete-encased timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Concrete-encased timber pile, concrete-decked pier, with concrete relieving platform over portion span¬ ning I.R.T. Subway Tunnel beneath pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 340 680 650 375 621 625 124 689 540 Depth Alongside at Do. 35 35 35 34 34 34 28 30 22-25 Usable Berthing Space Do. 340 680 650 375 621 625 124 689 Width of Apron Do. 20-25 ~30 30 20-30 30 30 10 5 14 Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. 11 300 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, aluminum covered over low concrete walls; concrete floor. One - steel frame, aluminum covered over low concrete walls; concrete floor. One - steel frame, metal covered. Length and Width (Feet) 630 by 280 572 by 315 694 by 104 Height Inside Do. 20 20 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 117,600, net (See Remarks). 120,200, net (See Remarks). 48,000, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 500 300 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Fourteen, 20 by 19; face: Three, 20 by 19; rear: Two, 14 by 20, with ramps for truck access. Shipside: Fourteen, 20 by 19; face: Three, 20 by 19; rear: Two, 14 by 20, with ramps for truck access. Shipside: Thirty-six, 20 by 40; others: Three, 15 by 20. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment is available as required. Stevedore equipment is available as required. Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. New York Dock Railway: One surface track serves interior of Trade Facilities Building located at rear. New York Dock Railway: One 525-foot surface track along upper side. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Atlantic Avenue, asphalt, 60 feet wide, from Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. Via Furman Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Atlantic Avenue, asphalt, 60 feet wide, and Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. Same as Ref. No. 134. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch connections. Through 2%-inch connections. Through 2%-inch connections. (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . Same as Ref. No. 133. Same as Ref. No. 133. (Other than City) Automatic fire detection system, sprinkler system inside transit shed, pumps, hydrants, hose, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 133. Fire nozzle openings in deck, sprin¬ kler system inside transit shed, hand extinguishers, and watchman. REMARKS Transit shed storage area includes 2,200 square feet of heated space. Additional 225 feet of berthing space is available along concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill at head of slip on lower side, with 20-foot depth of water. Transit shed storage area includes 2,400 square feet of heated space. Approximately 3.6 acres of paved, open storage area is located at rear of transit shed. Additional 290 and 140 feet of berth¬ ing space are available along timber pile, concrete-decked extensions at heads of slips on lower and upper sides, respectively, each with 17- foot depth of water. Approximately 1 acre of paved, open storage area is located at rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank. East River, Brooklyn 131 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02210 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 136 Dock Code No. 003 137 Dock Code No. 004 138 Dock Code No. 007 NAME New York Dock Railway, Fulton Terminal Transfer Bridge. New York Dock Railway, Fulton Terminal Pier. Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal Fulton Terminal, Pier No. 3. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot pont Streets of Montague and Pierre- extended. Between foot |pont Streets of jlontague and Pierre- Between foot of Pierrepont and Clark Streets extended. OWNED BY New York Dock Railway. New York Dock Railway. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY do. do. Grancolombiana (New York) Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Transfer of car floats. railroad cars to and from Mooring car floats and company-owned tugs. Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign and domestic trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION One adjustable transfer bridge on pontoon; timber pile, timber-decked fender pier on upper side. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile. timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Car float slip Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 140 by 40 18 197 380 350 665 635 Depth Alongside at mlw Do. 15 26 10-26 10-26 32 32 32 Usable Berthing Space Do. 140 - 197 180 350 665 635 Width of Apron Do. - Open. 20 to 30 30 30 Height of Deck Above mlw Do. - 11 12 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - 600 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. One - steel frame, aluminum siding, and roof with plastic panels. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) 610 by 290 Height Inside Do. 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 118,000, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 600 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Seventeen, 20 by 18. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS New York Dock Railway: Two tracks on transfer bridge with third track switch to serve 3-track car floats; 4 surface tracks on open pier above bridge, total length approximately 1,000 feet. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Furman Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Atlantic Avenue, asphalt, 60 feet wide, and Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. Same as Ref. No. 136. Same as Ref. No. 136. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through two 2%-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. PIrE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers and watchman. Hand extinguishers and watchman. Hand extinguishers and watchman. REMARKS Car floats operate to Consolidated Rail Corporation Greenville Transfer Bridges (Ref. No. 431) and The Staten Island Railroad Corporation Transfer Bridge (Ref. No. 700). Approximately 3.4 acres of paved, open storage area is available at rear of transit shed. 132 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, East River, Brooklyn Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02210 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 139 - MAP NO. 2 Dock Code No. 010 140 - MAP NO. 2 Dock Code No. 020 141 - MAP NO. 3 Dock Code No. 067 NAME Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Termi¬ nal, Fulton Terminal, Pier No. 2. Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Termi¬ nal, Fulton Terminal, Pier No. 1. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Farragut Station Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of Clark and Orange Streets extended. Between foot of Orange and Fulton Streets extended. Between foot of Jay and Gold Streets. OWNED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. OPERATED BY Universal Maritime Service Corp. Prudential Lines, Inc.; Venezuelan Line; and Peruvian State Line. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign and domestic trade. Receipt and shipment of general and containerized cargo in foreign and domestic trade. Mooring tankers. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked pier. Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf. Steel sheet pile bulkhead fronted by concrete retaining wall with solid fill on concrete relieving platform supported by timber piles. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper 8ide Face dimensions (Feet) 350 632 610 1,091 503 301 821 Depth Alongside at MLW Do- 32 32 32 32 32 - 25 4 Usable Berthing Space Do. 350 632 610 1,091 503 - 821 Width of Apron Do. 20 to 30 30 30 30 30 - Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 500 Lighted. 12 600 Lighted. 15 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, aluminum siding, roof with plastic panels. One - L-shaped, steel frame, aluminum siding, roof with plastic panels; concrete floor. None. Length and Width (Feet) 580 by 290 1,041 by 201 + 240 by 201 Height Inside Do. 20 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 112,200, net 175,000, net Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 600 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Seventeen, 20 by 18. Shipslde: Twenty-two, 20 by 18; rear: Sixteen, 20 by 18. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment is available as required. Stevedore equipment is available as required. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Furman Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Atlantic Avenue, asphalt, 60 feet wide, and Brooklyn-Queens Expressway. Via Furman Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Fulton Street, asphalt, various widths. Via driveway, from Hudson Avenue, each stone block, 18 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through two 2%-inch connections. Through three 2%-inch connections. Through 3-inch connection. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. (Other than City) Sprinkler system inside transit shed, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchman. Same as Ref. No. 139. Fireboat connections, water lines, and watchmen. REMARKS Approximately 3.2 acres of paved, open storage area available at rear of transit shed. Approximately 3.8 acres of paved, open storage area available at rear of transit shed. -■ CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf. Steel sheet pile bulkhead and short masonry section at upper end, all with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 400 360 245 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 7 4 5 Usable Berthing Space Do. 400 360 245 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 Lighted. 12 150 Partly lighted. 12 Partly lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) £argo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One diesel crawler crane with 80-foot boom equipped with 3-cubic yard bucket. Two diesel, crawler cranes: One with 70-foot boom equipped with 1%-cubic yard bucket and one with 65-foot boom equipped with 1-cubic yard bucket. An additional crane with 65-foot boom was inoperable at time of survey. Cranes and front-end loaders are avail¬ able as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Purdy Avenue, asphalt-surfaced brick, 30 feet wide, from Main Street. Via private driveway, concrete-paved, 10 to 15 feet wide, from Townsend Street. Via South Water Street, asphalt, 28 feet wide, from Mill Street. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. Hose and hand extinguishers. None. REMARKS Open storage area for approximately 100,000 cubic yards of material and asphalt batch plant are located at rear. Two elevated truckloading hoppers, concrete batch plant, and open storage area for approximately 4,000 cubic yards of material are located at rear. Sand and stone are received by truck. Open storage area for approximately 10,000 cubic yards of material and an asphalt batch plant are located at rear. RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS 171 Corpg of Engineers Port Code No. Q2115 091 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 256 - MAP NO. 5J Dock Code No. 124 257 - MAP NO. 5.1 000,1 Code No - 132 258 - MAP NO. 5 °° c,t C° de No - 079 NAME Exxon Co., U.S.A., Greenwich Wharf. Hoffman Fuel Co. Wharf. CIBRO Petroleum-Westchester Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Greenwich, Connecticut, left bank of Byram River, foot of Berrian Street. Greenwich, Connecticut, left bank of Byram River, between foot of Berrian and Division Streets. Mamaroneck, New York, east side of East Basin of Mamaroneck Harbor, south of East Boston Post Road. OWNED BY Exxon Co., U.S.A. Chevron OilJ Inc. CIBRO Petroleum-Westchester, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge and small tank vessel. Receipt of petroleum products by barge and small tank vessel. Not used (See Remarks). TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore platform with 50- by 5-foot walkway and pipeline trestle approach; 3 tim¬ ber mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber bulkhead, solid fill, part with timber pile, timber-decked extension; one timber mooring dolphin in line with 60-foot section of face. Timber pile, timber-decked pier and pipeline trestle; row of timber moor¬ ing dolphins extends outward from outer end of pier; pier extends from stone and concrete retaining wall. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face West side East side dimensions (Feet) 20 12 12 6(M-15+20 3 65 65 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 12 _ - 5-10 5 5 - Usable Berthing Space Do. 150 w/dolpha _ 75 w/dolph. - 150 w/dolphs - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 Lighted. 12 Lighted. 10 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via South Water Street, asphalt, 28 feet wide, from Mill Street. Same as Ref. No. 256. Via private driveway, asphalt, 12 feet wide, from East Boston Post Road. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None.. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Foam system, hose, hydrant, and hand extinguishers. Foam system and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Three 6-inch pipelines extend from platform to 7 steel storage tanks located at terminal in rear, total capacity 32,600 barrels. Approximately 600 feet of oil spill containment boom is available at terminal. Six 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 6 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 23,800 barrels. Two 6-inch pipelines extend from pier to 6 steel storage tanks, total capacity 16,900 barrels. Outlet of Mamaroneck River is located adjacent to the west side of pier; adjacent to east side is a marine railway operated by a recrea¬ tional small-craft repair yard. Pipelines are sealed; pier is maintained on standby basis. 172 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS New Rochelle Corpe of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02140 02145 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 259 - HAP NO. 5E Dock Code No. 090 260 - MAP NO. 5E Dock Code No. 087 261 - MAP NO. 5 Dock Code No. 553 NAME Nelstad Materials Corp. Wharf. Sentinel Oil Co. Wharf. Davids Island Ferry Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Inner end of West Branch of Echo Bay Harbor, east of foot of Huntington Place. Inner end of West Branch of Echo Bay Harbor, north of foot of Evans Street. East side of Neptune Island, foot of Fort Slocum Road. OWNED BY Nelstad Materials Corp. Sentinel Oil Co., Inc. City of New Rochelle. OPERATED BY do. Not operated. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand, gravel, and stone by barge. Not used (See Remarks). Mooring launches and handling con¬ struction equipment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Part timber crib and part timber sheet pile bulkhead with part concrete-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore platform with row of timber pile mooring dolphins at angle to face with 35- by 3-foot catwalk and pipe¬ line trestle approach. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face Face North side South side Face Southwest side Northeast side Dimensions (Feet) 66+108+120 10 10 10 J0 90 75 Depth Alongside at mtu Do. 2-6 3 14-15 5-15 5-15 Usable Berthing Space Do. 66+108+120 30 w/dolphs. _ - 70 50 75 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above 1)0 • Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 250 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 12-10 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One diesel crawler crane with 80- foot boom equipped with 1 3/4-cubic yard clamshell bucket; crane unloads materials from barges into elevated receiving hoppers and open storage area at rear. None. Overhead frame with hoisting equip¬ ment for adjusting transfer bridge was inoperable at time of survey. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, concrete, 10 feet wide, from Huntington Place, asphalt-surfaced, stone block, 20 feet wide. Via Evans Street, concrete, 20 feet wide, from Main Street. Via Fort Slocum Road, asphalt, 20 to 25 feet wide, from Pelham Road. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. (Other than City) Water line, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . Foam system and hand extinguishers. None. REMARKS Two concrete batch plants and a 3,750-cubic yard capacity open storage area located in rear. Two 6 - and two 4-inch pipelines ex¬ tend from wharf to 9 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 8,600 barrels. Pier is maintained on standby basis. Pier was in poor condition at time of survey. Gates Construction Corp. occasionally uses pier in connection with the laying of submarine cable to Davids Island. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Bronx, Long Island Sound 173 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. Q2155 02160 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 5 262 Dock Code No. 015 263 Dock Code No. 010 264 Dock Code No. 022 NAME Hart Island Coal Dock. Hart Island Ferry Slip. City Island Ferry Slip and Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT West side of Hart Island. West side of Hart Island, approxi¬ mately 600 feet south of Ref. No. 262. East side of City Island, at foot of Fordham Street. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY do. City of New York, Department of Marine and Aviation. City of New York, Department of Marine and Aviation. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Occasional mooring of city-owned floating equipment. Landing for passenger and vehicular ferry carrying supplies to Hart Island and corpses for burial on island. Landing for passenger and vehicular ferry carrying supplies to Hart Island and corpses for burial on island; pier not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber¬ decked wharf with 108- by 20-foot ap¬ proach from shore. A 21- by 13-foot, depressed ramp, in deck of south end of wharf, was formerly used for side vessel handling of cargo. Timber ferry rack with hand-operated, adjustable, transfer bridge. Timber ferry rack with adjustable trans¬ fer bridge and timber pile, timber¬ decked pier at outer end of a 350- by 30- foot, timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber-decked approach from shore. DESCRIPTION Face South side North side North side of pier Dimensions (Feet) 121 40 40 One ferry slip. One ferry sli p. 120 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 12-15 12-15 12-15 12 12 12 Usable Berthing Space Do. 121 40 40 - - 120 Width of Apron Do. Open. . - Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 11.5 and 11.25 Lighted. Lighted. 12 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via roads on Hart Island. Ferry slip connects with roads on Hart Island. Via foot of Fordham Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from City Island Avenue. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Hose. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; D.C., 110 volts. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. fire protection (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. None. Hand extinguishers, water line, and hose. REMARKS Former correctional facilities on Hart Island were vacant at time of survey (1977). Wharf was formerly used for receipt of coal. Fuel oil is now received via truck using ferry (Ref. No. 263). Ferryboats operate to City Island Ferry Slip (Ref. No. 264). Ferry rack is along south side of pier. Small building located at outer end con¬ tains offices and storage space. Concrete roadway on the approach is about 20 feet wide. Ferryboats operate to Hart Island Ferry Slip (Ref. No. 265). 174 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Bronx Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02170 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 5D 265 Dock Code No. 528 266 Dock Code No. iQO 267 Dock Code No. 5^4 NAME New York City Department of Highways, Conner Street Wharf. Pascap Co., Scrap Metal Wharf. Plaza Materials Corp. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank of Hutchinson River, near entrance. Left bank of Hutchinson River, approximately 0.1 mile above New England Thruway Bridge. North side of Cowans Canal, east of Provost Avenue. OWNED BY City of New York. Pascap Co., Inc. Plaza Materials Corp. OPERATED BY City of New York, Department of High¬ ways . do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce. Shipment of scrap metal by barge. Receipt of sand, gravel, and stone by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete-capped, timber bulkhead with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Lower side Face dimensions (Feet) 450 225 85, approx. 375 Depth Alongside at MLW Do* 8 10 - 0-3 Usable Berthing Space Do. 450 225 . 375 Width of Apron Do. Open and 25. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 Unlighted. 12-14 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Two 20-ton, diesel, crawler cranes, each with 60-foot boom, equipped with 54-inch magnet, for loading barges. Three similar cranes serve open stor¬ age area in rear. Two diesel crawler cranes: One 70-ton with 70-foot boom, equipped with 2-cubic yard bucket, and one 40-ton with 80-foot boom, equipped with 2 %-cubic yard bucket RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Conner Street, asphalt, 60 feet wide, from Boston Post Road (U.S. Highway No. 1). Via service road under Boston Post Road Bridge, asphalt, 50 feet wide from Boston Post Road (U.S. Highway No. 1), asphalt, 50 feet wide. Via Provost Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Watchmen. Hand extinguishers and watchmen. Hand extinguishers and hose. REMARKS A concrete wall,180 feet long and 6 feet high, Is located 25 feet in rear of the wharf face; wall is used to retain 4 storage bins with total capacity for 2,100 cubic yards of material. A pumping station for sewage system is located near lower end of wharf. Scrap-metal processing plant located in yard. Ready-mix asphalt plant, contractor's storage yard, heavy equipment garage, office, and open storage area for 40,000 cubic yards of material are located in rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Hutchinson River 175 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02170 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 5D 268 Dock Code No. 515 269 Dock Code No. 517 270 Dock Code No. 5^5 NAME Petrillo Associates, Cowans Canal Dock. Petrillo Associates, Main Dock. Mt. Vernon Energy Terminals Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Bronx, north side of Cowans Canal, at foot of Edison Avenue. Bronx, right bank of Hutchinson River, above|Cowans Canal. Mount Vernon, right bank of Hutchinson River, approximately 300 feet below foot of Dock Street extended. OWNED BY Petrillo Associates. Petrillo Associates. Mt. Vernon Energy Terminals, Inc. OPERATED BY Petrillo Builders Supply Co., Inc., and Urban Builders Supply Co., Inc. Petrillo Builders Supply Co., Inc., and Urban Builders Supply Co., Inc. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand and crushed stone by barge. Receipt of sand, gravel, and stone by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete-capped timber bulkhead with solid fill. Part steel sheet pile and part concrete-capped timber bulkhead with solid fill. Part timber and part steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 125 4051-75 350 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 2-3 4-5 12-13 Usable Berthing Space Do. 125 480 350 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Unlighted. 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) £argo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One diesel, crawler crane with 65- foot boom and 1 %-cubic yard clamshell bucket. Mobile truck and crawler cranes, equipped with clamshell buckets, are used for unloading materials from barges to receiving hopper and open storage areas; an electric, belt- conveyor system extends to concrete batch plant in rear. Use of crane described under Ref. No. 268. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Edison Avenue, concrete, 35 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 268. Same as Ref. No. 268. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers and watchmen. Hand extinguishers, water line, hose, and watchmen. Foam system and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Open storage area at rear for 2,000 cubic yards of material. Ready-mix concrete plant located in rear. Three 8 -inch pipelines extend from wharf to 14 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 44,200 barrels. Truckloading racks located at terminal in rear. 176 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hutchinson River, Mount Vernon Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02170 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP HO. 5D 27i Dock Code No. 512 272 Dock Code No. 510 273 Dock Code No. 509 NAME 41 Edison Avenue Dock. Mobil Oil Corp., Mount Vernon Terminal Pier. Fee Oil Co. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 100 feet below foot of Dock Street extended. Upper side of foot of Dock Street extended. Approximately 150 feet below Fulton Avenue Bridge. OWNED BY Petrillo Associates. Mobil Oil Corp. Fee Oil Co., Inc. OPERATED BY Petrillo Builders Supply Co., Inc., and Urban Builders Supply Co., Inc. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used for handling waterborne commerce. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete-capped, timber bulkhead with solid fill (See Remarks). Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 18- by 15-foot approach from timber bulkhead with solid fill; one timber mooring dolphin on each side in line with face. 75 feet of timber and 70 feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead, all with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Lower side Upper side Face dimensions (Feet) 150 24 20 20 135 Depth Alongside at mlw Do. 6-7 5-10 - - 5-10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 100 (See Remarks). 135 w/dolphs. - - 135 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above Do. 10 Unllghted. 10 Lighted. 10 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Edison Avenue, concrete, 35 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 271. Same as Ref. No. 271. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. Water line, hose, hand extinguishers, and foam system. Foam system, hose, and hand extinguisher REMARKS At time of survey, bulkhead was partially collapsed. Open storage area for approximately 800 cubic yards of material in rear. Six 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 7 steel storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 78,600 barrels. Two 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 7 steel storage tanks, total capacity 31,000 barrels. Wharf provides 2 berth¬ ing locations for barges, each with hose connections of various sizes. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hutchinson River, Mount Vernon 177 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02170 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 5D 274 Dock Code No.506 275 Dock Code No .505 276 Dock Code No. 504 NAME CIBRO Petroleum-Lanimret Terminal, Lower Wharf. CIBRO Petroleum-Lanimret Terminal, Upper Wharf. Power Oil Corp. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT 250 feet above Fulton Avenue Bridge. Approximately 500 feet above Fulton Avenue Bridge. Approximately 600 feet above Fulton Avenue Bridge. OWNED BY CIBRO Petroleum-Lanimret Terminal, Inc. CIBRO Petroleum-Lanimret Terminal, Inc. Power Oil Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked wharf. Steel sheet pile bulkhead, with solid fill. Timber-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill, fronted by timber fenders. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 216 15 15 110 82+143 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 7 _ _ 7 4 Usable Berthing Space Do. 216 _ . 110 82+143 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open and 15. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 Lighted. 12 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via S. Columbus Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 274. Same as Ref. No. 274. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through hose from building in rear. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . None. None. EIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Foam system, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Foam system and hand extinguishers. Foam system. REMARKS Four 6-inch pipelines extend from bulkhead to 12 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 55,200 barrels. Four 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 274. Two 6- and three 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 9 steel storage tanks, total capacity 42,500 barrels. 178 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hutchinson River, Mount Vernon Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02170 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 5D 277 Dock Code Mo. 503 278 Dock Coda Mo. 502 279 Dock Coda No. 5^^ NAME Nigro Bros., Lower Dock. Nigro Bros., Upper Dock. Amoco Oil Co., Mount Vernon Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT West side of West Y, approximately 800 feet above Fulton Avenue Bridge. West side at head of West Y, approxi¬ mately 1,000 feat above Fulton Avenue Bridge. East side of West Y and north side of East Y. OWNED BY Canal Equities, Inc. Canal Equities, Inc. Amoco Oil Co. OPERATED BY Nigro Bros., Inc. Nigro Bros., Inc. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of solvents by barge. Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce. Receipt of petroleue products by barge and small tank vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead, with solid fill. Part steel and part concrete bulkhead, with solid fill. Steal sheet pile bulkheads with solid fill, asphalt-surfaced along West Y. DESCRIPTION Face Face Head of West Y West YJ Face , East Y Face Dimensions (Feet) 105 210 45 400 500 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 7 8 Dries. Dries. 3-8 Usable Berthing Space Do. 105 210 - 400 500 Width of Apron Do. 15 Open. Open. Open 6 20. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 12 Unlighted. 12 300 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One unused, hand-operated, mast-and- boom derrick. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Canal Street, asphalt and con¬ crete, 30 feet wide, from S. Columbus Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 277. Same as Ref. No. 277. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. (Other than City) Foam system and hand extinguishers. None. Foam system, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS One 4-inch pipeline extends from wharf to one 150,000-galIon storage tank in rear. Contractor's storage yard in rear. Four 6-inch pipelines extend from West Y side and five 6-inch pipelines extend from East Y side to 12 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 90,650 barrels. RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Pelham Manor, left bank of Hutchinson River 179 Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo. Q2170 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP N0.I5D 280 Dock Code No. 500 281 Dock Code No. 115 282 Dock Code No. iq8 NAME Imparla Bros. Wharf. Exxon Co. U.S.A., Pelham Manor Dock. Power Test Petroleum Distributors Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South side of East Y, approximately 1,300 feat above Fulton Avenue Bridge. Approximately 250 feet above Fulton Avenue Bridge. Approximately 1,300 feet above Boston Post Road Bridge. OWNED BY Imperla Realty Corp. Exxon Co. U.S.A. Power Test Petroleum Distributors, Inc. OPERATED BY Imperla Bros., Inc. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand, gravel, and stone by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge and small tank vessels. Receipt of petroleum products by barge and small tank vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Part steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill, and part 8tone-revetted bank. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill, fronted by timber fender system. A 24-foot-square, timber-decked, loading platform is located at center of bulk¬ head. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 322 183+475 400 Depth Alongside at mih Do. g 5 5 Usable Berthing Space Do. 322 183 400 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open and 22. 5 and 24 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 15 Partly lighted. 11 500 Lighted. 7.5 Lighted. +RANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two diesel, crawler cranes, one with 90- and one with 60-foot booms, each equipped with a 2^-cubic yard clam¬ shell bucket, unload material from barges to open storage area and to elevated receiving hopper which serves a 24-inch, electric, belt- conveyor system extending to concrete block manufacturing plant in rear. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Canal Road, concrete, 25 feet wide, from Secor Lane and Pelham Parkway. Same as Ref. No. 280. Via driveway, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Boston Post Road, (U.S. Highway No. 1). WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Water lines, hose, hand extinguish¬ ers, and watchmen. Foam system, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . Foam system at tanks, hydrant, and hand extinguishers in rear. REMARKS Plant in rear manufactures concrete blocks. Open storage area in rear for approx- One 8- and five 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 12 steel storage tanks, total capacity 78,000 barrels. Four 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 20 steel storage tanks, total capac¬ ity 32,500 barrels. 8,000 cubic yards of material. 180 PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS Bronx Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02170 02213 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 283 - MAP NO. 5D Dock Code No. 102 284 - MAP NO. 5 Dock Code No. 460 285 - MAP NO. 5 Dock Code No. 508 NAME Colonial Sand & Stone Co. River Wharf. Hutchinson State University of New York, Maritime College Pier. U. S. Naval and Marine Reserve Center, Fort Schuyler Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Left bank, Hutchinson River, above the Boston Post Road Bridge. Right bank, East River, Throgs Point, below Throgs Neck Bridge. Right bank, East River, Throgs Point, approximately 0.5 mile below Throgs Neck Bridge. OWNED BY Colonial Sand & Stone Co., Inc. United States Government. United States Government. OPERATED BY Transit-Mix Concrete Corp. State University of New York Maritime College. U. S. Naval Reserve. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Occasional receipt of sand, gravel, stone, and bulk cement by barge (See Remarks). Mooring training vessel "Empire State"; receipt of fuel oil for university consumption. Mooring training vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Part timber and part concrete bulkhead with solid fill. Concrete pile, concrete-decked, off¬ shore wharf with 165- by 20-foot approach. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 230- by 20-foot approach. One timber mooring dolphin located on each side in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Face Rear of face Upper and lower sides Face Upper slde Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 150 450 50-375 40 240 30 30 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 5 30 10 - 35 _ Usable Berthing Space Do. 150 450 375 . 420 w/dolphs. _ _ Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 9 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs . ) 500 - Truck loading Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs. ) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Cranes are available as required. None. None. - RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, unpaved, 10 feet wide, from Boston Post Road, asphalt, 50 feet wide. Via campus roads (Shepard and Erban Avenues), each asphalt, 20 feet wide, from foot of PennyfieId Avenue, asphalt, 24 to 30 feet wide. Via road, asphalt, 20 feet foot of Pennyfield Avenue, to 30 feet wide. wide, from asphalt, 24 WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 4-inch line. Through connections from 8 -inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, D.C., through rectifiers. 60-cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Fire protection (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . Same as Ref. No. 283. Sprinkler system under deck, pumps, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Facility was inactive at time of sur¬ vey. Six 5-inch hose connections at wharf for unloading dry bulk cement from barges serve pipelines extending to cement storage bins. Concrete batch plant and open storage area for approximately 20,000 cubic yards of material located in rear. One 4-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 4 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 2,400 barrels. One 4-inch steam and one 2-inch return lines on wharf serve training vessel. Bilge water separation equipment and sewer line for ships' waste located on wharf. U. S. Naval and Marine Reserve Training Center located in rear. PIERS. WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Westchester Creek, Bronx 181 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02230 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 5C 286 Dock Code No. 556 287 Dock Code No. 542 288 Dock Code No. 539 NAME Cummings Diesel Sales Wharf. CIBRO Gasoline Corp., Chatterton Avenue Dock. CIBRO Terminal Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of Hermany and Story Avenues extended. Above Bruckner Boulevard Bridge. Between foot Avenue8. of Blackrock and Watson OWNED BY City of New York. Blackrock Avenue Realty Corp. CIBRO Terminal, Inc. OPERATED BY Cummings Diesel Sales, Inc. (See Remarks). Not operated. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Occasional mooring of small craft. Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce . Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with concrete¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete relieving platform supported by timber piles. Part concrete and part timber bulkhead with solid fill on relieving platform supported by timber piles. Concrete bulkhead with solid fill on timber relieving platform supported by timber piles. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 268 210 230 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 7-8 10 10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 268 210 230 Width of Apron Do. Open. 30 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 12-14 11 8 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs. ) 400 500 500 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Zerega Avenue, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via Chatterton Avenue, asphalt, 50 feet wide, from Zerega Avenue, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via Zerega Avenue, asphalt, 40 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 3/4-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. 7TRT PROTECTION- (Other than City) REMARKS Hand extinguishers, foam system to all tanks, hydrants, one 40-gallon foam cart and hose. Foam system, hose, hydrants, monitor nozzles, and hand extinguishers. Building to house diesel engine repair and sales facilities at rear was under construction at time of survey. Four 6-inch pipelines extend from 2 unloading stations on wharf to 6 steel storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 52,000 barrels. 182 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Bronx Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02232 02240 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 289 - MAP NO 5C Dock Code No. 512 290 - MAP NO. 5C n» c k Code No. 508 291 - MAP NO. 5D Dock Code No. q 92 NAME Amerada Hess Pier. Corp., Westchester Creek Schildwachter & Sons Dock. Bronx Iron & Metals Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank of Westchester Creek, approximately 600 feet below bulkhead across head of creek. Right bank of Westchester Creek, approximately 300 feet below bulkhead across head of creek. Right bank of Bronx River, Lafayette Avenue. at foot of OWNED BY Amerada Hess Corp. Fred M. Schildwachter & Sons, Inc. Bronx Iron & Metals, Division of Schiavone Bonomo Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge and small tank vessels. Shipment of scrap metal by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier; one steel and one timber pile mooring dolphins In line with face. Part timber crib bulkhead and part natural bank fronted by log floats. A 20- by 10-foot, timber, loading platform supported by concrete pillar is located at center portion. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with part concrete-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face Dimensions (Feet) fi 50 50 140+220 655 Depth Alongside at mlw Do. 13 5-6 10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 100 w/dolpha _ 140+220 655 Width of Apron Do. 0 pen. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above Do. 10 11 12 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - 500 Ligtited or Unllghted Lighted. Lighted. Partly lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Six diesel, crawler cranes with 40- to 60-foot booms equipped with 65-inch magnets . RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Commerce Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Westchester Avenue. Via Ferris Place, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Westchester Avenue. Via Edgewater Road, asphalt, 60 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. TTRE PRotECflON (Other than City) Foam system, hydrant, hose, and hand extinguishers. Foam system, watchmen. hand extinguishers, and Hose, hand extinguishers on equipment, and watchmen. REMARKS One 8- and two 6-inch pipelines extend from pier to 3 steel storage tanks, total capacity 35,700 barrels. The 140-foot bulkhead is used for mooring oil barges. One 6-inch pipe¬ line extends from upper 220-foot section of wharf to 3 steel storage tanks, total capacity 24,500 barrels. Scrap metal baling and processing equipment and open storage area for approximately 12,000 tons of scrap metal located in rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Bronx River, Bronx 183 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02240 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. SB 292 Dock Code No. HO 293 Dock Code No. 100 294 Dock Code No. 100 NAME Transit-Mix Concrete Corp., Bronx River Wharf. Bronx Queen Pier. Claire Fleet Piers. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 600 feet above Bruckner Boulevard Bridge. Approximately 250 feet below West¬ chester Avenue Bridge. Approximately 200 feet below West¬ chester Avenue Bridge. OWNED BY Transit-Mix Concrete Corp. William and Raymond McCombs. Boat Claire, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand, stone, gravel, and bulk cement by barge. Mooring party fishing vessel "Bronx Queen." Mooring party fishing vessels "Claire III," "Claire II," and "Superclaire." TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, part concrete- and part timber-decked wharf; timber mooring dolphins on lower side in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked pier; one timber mooring dolphin on lower side in line with face. Two parallel, 110- by 6-foot, timber pile, timber-decked piers connected by 40- by 6-foot walkway. DESCRIPTION Face Face Lower side Upper side Lower Pier Upper Pier Face Sides Lower side Upper 6ide Dimensions (Feet) 290 7 TTo 110 6 110 110 TTT5 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 10-12 4-5 - - 4-5 0-4 4 0-5 Usable Berthing Space Do. 440 w/dolpha 75 w/dolph. - - 25 w/float - 50 60 Width of Apron Do. Open and 20. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above mlW Do. 12 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 10 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One steel, electric, stiff-leg derrick with 80-foot boom equipped with 4-cubic yard bucket; electric winch for positioning barges. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Edgewater Road, asphalt, 18 feet wide, from Westchester Avenue. Same as Ref. No. 292. Same as Ref. No. 292. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 2-inch line. Through 1%-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . Same as Ref. No. 293. Fire protection (Other than City) Fire water line, hose, and watchmen. Water line, hand extinguishers, and hydrant in rear. Same as Ref. No. 293. REMARKS Concrete batch plant, truckloading hoppers, and open storage area for 5,000 cubic yards of material lo¬ cated at rear. Two 6- and one 4-inch pneumatic pipelines extend from wharf to 6 cement storage silos at rear, total capacity 940 tons. One 1%-inch pipeline for fueling extends to pier from truck connection on Edgewater Road. One 1-inch pipeline for fueling extends to pier from truck connection on Edge- water Road. 184 PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS Right bank, East River, Bronx Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02213 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 5F 295 Dock Code No. 620 296 Dock Code No. 622 297 Dock Code No. 642 NAME Department of Sanitation, South Bronx Loading Station, Barge Slips. Hunts Point Pollution Control Plant Wharf. Tiffany Street Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Hunts Point, south of foot of Hunts Point Avenue. Between foot of ManIda and Coster Streets extended. Foot of Tiffany Street and Viele Avenue. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY City of New York, Department of Sanitation. City of New York, Department of Water Resources, Bureau of Water Pollution Control, Division of Plant Operations. City of New York, Department of Ports and Terminals. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of refuse by scows. Disposal of sludge by vessels. Occasional mooring of barges. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION One 176- by 170-foot, steel frame, asbestos-covered building with concrete floor over 2 barge slips supported on concrete piles. Concrete bulkhead, with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill; one concrete- capped, solid-filled, steel sheet pile, cellular breasting dolphin on each side in line with face. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber¬ decked pier. DESCRIPTION Two barge 8 1 ip8 Face Face West side East side Dimensions (Feet) 176 by 40, each. 305 52 543 543 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 21 10-17 25-30 5-30 0-25 Usable Berthing Space Do. 176, each. 500 w/dolphs 52 400 100 Width of Apron Do. . Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do- Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. 10 250 Lighted. 10 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Electric winches for positioning barge8 in slips. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via truck ramp, asphalt, 24 feet wide, from foot of Hunts Point Avenue, asphalt, 75 feet wide, and dual lane, each side 60 feet wide. Via driveway, asphalt, 16 feet wide, from Ryawa Avenue, asphalt, 60 feet wide. Via Tiffany Street, granite block, 50 feet wide, from Oak Point Avenue, asphalt 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Salt water pumps and hose reels. Hydrants and hose. None. REMARKS Timber fender system extends along sides of 81ips and east and west sides of offshore structure forming slips; 213 feet of berthing space for idle barges is available at each side of structure and 150 feet at a con¬ crete bulkhead at foot of Hunts Point Avenue. Trucks dump refuse through openings in floor of building directly into scows moored in slips below. One 14-inch pipeline, with 12-inch hose connection on wharf, loads sewage sludge by gravity from elevated storage tanks at plant in rear to self-propelled vessels specially de¬ signed for dumping at sea. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, East River, Bronx 185 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02213 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 5F 298 Dock Code No. 647 299 Dock Code No. 654 3 qq Dock Code No. 657 NAME Paragon Oil Co., Bronx Terminal Wharf. Gold Bond Building Products, New York Plant Pier. Gold Bond Building Products, New York Plant Fuel Oil Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Truxton Street extended. East of foot of Barry Street extended. Approximately 325 feet west of foot of Barry Street extended. OWNED BY Paragon Oil Co., Division of Texaco, Inc. Gold Bond Building Products, Division of National Gypsum Co. Gold Bond Building Products, Division of National Gypsum Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by tanker; receipt and shipment by barge. Receipt of gypsum rock by self¬ unloading vessels. Receipt of fuel oil by barge for plant consumption. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Tanker berth platform loc steel sheet solid-filled dolphins, al of 150- by 1 catwalk exte (Continued u : One 40- by 30-foot ated between two 30-foot, }ile, concrete-capped, , cellular breasting 1 fronting outer portion 4-foot, angular-shaped nding from outer end of nder Remarks) Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber pile, timber decked pier. Timber catwalk extending from lower \ side fronted by one steel pile-, and / two steel pile, concrete-capped-, breasting dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf. DESCRIPTION Tanker Berth Barge Berth Face Upper side Lower side Face dimensions (Feet) 40 150 90 244 219 120 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 40 16 25-30 - - 5-18 Usable Berthing Space Do. 170 w/dolphs 150 306 w/dolphs - _ 100 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 10 Height of Deck Above mlw Do. 10 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 10 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors HECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Steel frame with 3 chain hoists on platform for handling hose. Gypsum rock receiving hopper at outer end of pier serves a 54-inch, electric, belt-conveyor system ex¬ tending to storage building at plant in rear; maximum rate, 2,000 tons per hour. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. Plant trackage In rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 299. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Tiffany Street, granite block, 50 feet wide, from Oak Point Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via plant roads, from Oak Point Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 299. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2-inch line. Through 2-inch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, chemical carts, hand extinguishers, foam system, and watchmen. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers and watchmen. REMARKS 245- by 60-foot concrete pier. Barge berth: Row of timber mooring dolphins along rear of outer portion of angular-shaped catwalk. Two 16- and two 8-inch pipelines extend from hose connections on plat¬ form to 8 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 328,900 barrels. Wharf is equipped with steam and compressed air lines. Storage building has capacity for 100,000 tons of gypsum rock. A timber mooring dolphin, located at outer end of wharf, is used for mooring vessels when berthed at Ref. No. 299. One 8-inch pipeline extends from wharf to one 14,300-barrel, fuel oil storage tank in rear. 186 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, East River, Bronx Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo. 02213 REFERENCE NUMBER ON NAP NO. 5f 301 Dock Code No. 671 302 Dock Code No. 672 303 Dock Code No. 673 NAME CIBRO Petroleum, Oceans Terminal, Ship Dock. CIBRO Petroleum, Oceana Terminal, Berth No. 2. CIBRO Petroleum, Oceana Terminal, Berth No. 3. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South of foot of E. 149th Street. Between foot of E. 141st and E. 149th Streets extended. North of foot of E. 140th Street extended. OWNED BY Oceana Terminal Corp. Oceana Terminal Corp. Oceana Terminal Corp. OPERATED BY CIBRO Sales Co. CIBRO Sale. Co. CIBRO Sales Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleira products by tanker and shipment by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Row of three, 35-foot, steel sheet pile, concrete-capped, solid-filled, cellular breasting dolphins fronting 130- by 30-foot, timber pile, timber- decked wharf; center dolphin supports 40- by 30-foot steel and timber plat¬ form; catwalks extend from wharf to end dolphins. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 15- by 12-foot timber approach and pipeline trestle from shore; 2 rectangular-shaped, timber dolphins on north side in line with face, each served by catwalk extending from shore. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 15- by 10-foot timber approach and pipeline trestle from shore; 2 rectangular-shaped, timber dolphins on north side in line with face, each served by catwalk extending from shore. DESCRIPTION Breasting Dolphins Face Lower side Upper side Pace Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 260 30 20 20 30 20 20 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 45 25-35 - _ 20-30 . . Usable Berthing Space Do. 260 160 w/dolpha. - - 160 w/dolphs. - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 10 , top of dolphins. Lighted. 10 Lighted. 10 Lighted. fRANSff SHEf)S Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Steel frame, with electrically oper¬ ated, 30-foot boom, on center dolphin platform for handling hose. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, partly paved, 30 feet wide, from E. 149th Street, asphalt, 45 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 301. Same as Ref. No. 301. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 3-inch line. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . Same as Ref. No. 301. Same as Ref. No. 301. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers, foam system, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 301. Same as Ref. No. 301. REMARKS One 14-, one 12-, and one 8-inch pipelines with two 10- and one 8-lnch hose connections on center platform dolphin extend to 7 steel storage tanks, total capacity 529,750 barrels. One 10- and two 8-inch pipelines with three 6-inch hose connections extend from wharf to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 301. Three 8-inch pipelines with three 6 -inch hose connections extend from wharf to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 301. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank. East River, Bronx 187 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02213 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 5F 304 Dock Code No. 681 305 Dock Code No. 533 306 Dock Code No. 535 NAME Metropolitan Petroleum Co., East River Terminal, North Barge Dock. Metropolitan Petroleum Co., East River Terminal, Tanker Dock. Metropolitan Petroleum Co. Terminal, South Barge Dock , East River LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of E. 138th and E. 140th Streets extended. Between foot of E. 137th and E. 138th Streets extended. Between foot of E. 135th and E. 137th Streets extended. OWNED BY Metropolitan Petroleum Co , Inc. Metropolitan Petroleum Co , Inc. Metropolitan Petroleum Co. , Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum) products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by tanker and shipment by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum prod¬ ucts by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Offshore row of three, 50-foot, steel sheet pile, concrete-capped, solid- filled, cellular breasting dolphins; all connected by steel catwalks; a 28-foot-wide approach and pipeline trestle extend from shore to center d 2 1 S h l n Ai rUbber ^ enders shipside Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Breasting dolphins Face North side Dimensions (Feet) 510 200 355 40 Depth Alongside at mLW Do. 15 36.5 20 _ Usable Berthing Space Do. 510 200 355 - Width of Apron Do. 27 - Open. Height of Deck Above mlw Do. 10 12, top of dolphins. 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) _ - - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs . ) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Electric winch on wharf for position¬ ing barge8. Steel framework on center dolphin with 2 electrically operated, cable hoists for handling hose. Electric winch on wharf for positioning barges. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, paved, 25 feet wide, from Locust Avenue, paved, 25 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 304. Via E. 138th wide. Street, asphalt, 45 feet WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 2^-inch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Foam system, hydrants, hose reels, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 304. Same as Ref. No. 304. REMARKS Three 8-inch pipelines, each with two 6-inch hose connections, extend along rear of bulkhead to 8 steel storage tanks, total capacity 307,000 barrels. One 16-inch pipeline with two 10-inch connections, one 12-inch pipeline with 8-inch connection, and one 12- inch pipeline with two 8-inch con¬ nections extend from center dolphin to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 304. Three 6-inch pipelines along rear of bulkhead serve 2 barge-loading stations on wharf and extend to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 304. One 8-inch pipeline at south end of wharf serves slop tank. 188 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Righc bank. East River, Bronx Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02213 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 5A 307 Dock Code No. 592 308 Dock Code No. $94 309 Dock Code No. 709 NAME New York City Police Department, Harbor Unit Mooring Slips. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Hell Gate Station Wharf. Wards Island, Water Pollution Control Plant Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT East of foot of E. 134th Street. Between foot of E. 132d and E. 134th Streets. East shore of Wards Island. OWNED BY City of New York. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. City of New York. OPERATED BY City of New York, New York City Police Department, Harbor Unit. do. City of New York, Department of Water Resources, Bureau of Water Pollution Control, Division of Plant Operations. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Upper slip: Mooring police boats; Lower slip: Mooring confiscated craft. Occasional mooring of barges. Shipment of sludge by vessels; receipt of fuel oil for plant consumption. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Two former ferry slips enclosed by timber ferry racks. Concrete piers on rock supporting steel beams and concrete deck with brick paving; fronted by timber fender system. Upper 1,395 with asphalt 244 feet: Cc asphalt-surf* relieving pli caissons. Al cushioned tin type fender "eet: Concrete bulkhead surfaced solid fill; lower ncrete retaining wall with iced solid fill on concrete itform supported by concrete 1 fronted by neoprene- iber and steel "Brancato" ystem. DESCRIPTION Face Face Dimensions (Feet) Two slips. 540 1.395+244 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 30-35 25-40 Usable Berthing Space Do. 500 1.640 Width of Apron Do. 35 Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 10 1,000 Lighted. 8 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors KECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via foot of E. 134th Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Triboro Bridge approach. Same as Ref. No. 307. Via driveway, asphalt, 26 feet wide, from Triboro Bridge approach. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 2-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle at 106 and 200 amperes. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and 24-hour duty. Hydrants, hose, hose stations, plant fire pumps, hand extinguishers, and Hydrants and 2-inch fireline. REMARKS Ferry ramps are inoperable. Power plant in rear is no longer in service. Wharf is divided into four 420-foot berths. One 24-inch pipeline, with two 12 -inch connections at each berth, extends from 2 sludge storage tanks at treatment plant in rear, total capacity 400,000 cubic feet. One 8 -inch pipeline, with connections at each berth, extends to 6 fuel oil storage tanks, total capacity 4,300 barrels. In addition, each berth is served by one 3-inch steam, one 1 %-inch conden¬ sate, and one 6 - and one 4-inch, diesel fuel pipelines. Wharf was under construction at time of survey. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Harlem River 189 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02310 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 6 310 Dock Code No. 068 311 Dock Code No. Q92 3^2 Dock Code No. j^9 NAME Marine Police Wharf. Gerosa Wharf. Central Coal Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT West side of Randalls Island, north of Trlboro Bridge. Approximately 200 feet below 3d Avenue Bridge. Approximately 300 feet south of E. 144th Street. OWNED BY City of New York. Gerosa, Inc. Bradley Mahoney Corp. OPERATED BY New York City Police Department, Harbor Precinct Repair Shop. do. Central Coal Co., Inc., and Central Petroleum Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring police launches. Occasional receipt and shipment of heavy machinery and construction materials by barge. Occasional receipt of coal by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, L-head pier. Concrete bulkhead with concrete- surfaced solid fill, fronted by timber fender system. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower 6ide Upper side Face Face dimensions (Feet) 75 186 150f27 518 310 Depth Alongside at mlw Do. 5 0-5 0-5 15 10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 75 _ _ 400 310 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Lighted. 10 Unlimited. Partly lighted. 10 500 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 3%-ton, electric crane with 20- foot boom mounted on bull wheel. Thirty-five diesel, crawler/mobile cranes with capacities from 18 to 200 tons and boom lengths of up to 100 feet are available as needed. Cranes serve primarily as rental equipment. One coal hopper with 3 bins and one with 5 bins; one electric, revolving, gantry crane with 60-foot boom and 2 -cubic yard bucket; and one gasoline, crawler crane with 40-foot boom and %-cubic yard bucket. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Triboro Bridge, from First Avenue. Via Lincoln Avenue, cobblestone, 55 feet wide. Via Exterior Street, stone block, 50 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 3/4-inch line. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-pha6e, 60-cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers on launches. Hydrant and hand extinguishers. None. REMARKS An irregular-shaped catwalk, north of pier, extends 200 feet from shore; also used for mooring police launches. Small marine railway and repair shop located at shore end of pier for repair of police launches of up to 52 feet in length (27 long tons). Equipment storage areas located at rear of wharf and on opposite side of Lincoln Avenue. Open storage area for 3,000 tons of coal at rear. 190 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Harlem River Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02310 02315 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 6 313 Dock Code No. 149 3^4 Dock Code No. 344 313 Dock Code No. 293 NAME Rubel Corp. Wharf. Howard Oil Co. Pier. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Sherman Creek Plant Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Left bank. 300 feet north of E. 150th Street. Right bank, between foot of W. 218th and W. 220th Streets. Sherman Creek at foot of Academy Street. OWNED BY City of New York. Howard Oil Co., Inc. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc., and City of New York. OPERATED BY Rubel Corp. do. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Occasional receipt of coal by barge. Receipt of fuel oil by barge. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with concrete - surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked pier with 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Part timber pile and part concrete bulkhead with timber-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face South side Slip No. 5 North side Slip No. 4 Face Lower side Upper side Sherman Creek side Harlem River side Dimensions (Feet) 230 249 249 5 75 70 280+100 550 Depth Alongside at Do. H 0-10 0-10 12 0-12 0-12 6-18 18 Usable Berthing Space Do. 230 . _ 130 w/dolphs - - 280 550 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 400 Unlighted. 10 100 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 1,500-ton hopper with 6 bins; two 25-ton hoppers; one electric, crawler crane with 70-foot boom and 1^-cubic yard bucket; and one diesel, crawler crane with 55-foot boom and 1%-cubic yard bucket. None. Two Inoperable, steam, coal-unloading towers, each with 2-ton bucket and 50- foot boom; two electric capstans for positioning barges; one 30-inch, elec¬ tric, belt-conveyor system along bulk¬ head extends to powerplant in rear, unloading rate 150 tons per hour; skip hoist cars for conveying ashes to hoppers in rear of bulkhead. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Exterior Street, concrete, 30 feet wide. Via W. 218th Street, asphalt, 26 feet wide. Via W. 201st Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Foam system and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Open storage area for 5,000 tons of coal at rear. One 8- and two 6-inch pipelines ex¬ tend from pier to 14 underground and one aboveground storage tanks, total capacity 54,500 barrels. Concrete fly ash hopper on wharf for loading trucks. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Harlem and East Rivers, Manhattan 191 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02310 02213 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 316 - MAP NO. 6 Dock Code No. 083 317 - MAP NO. 3 Dock Code No. 736 318- MAP NO. 3 Dock Code No. 751 NAME Certified Industries Dock. Department of Sanitation, E. 91st Street, Marine Transfer Station, Barge Slips. IConsolidated Edison Co. of New York, 74 th Street Station Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of E. 128th and E. 130th Streets. Foot of E. 91st Street. Between foot of E. 73d and E. 76th Streets. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY Certified Industries, Inc. City of New York, Department of Sanitation. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand, gravel, cement, and stone by barge. Shipment of refuse by scows. Occasional receipt of fuel oil by barge for plant consumption. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill. One steel frame asbestos-covered building with concrete floor over 2 barge slips supported on timber piling. Masonry bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill; fronted by 9-foot-wide, timber pile, timber-decked extension. DESCRIPTION Face Two barge 8 lip 8 Face Dimensions (Feet) 825 180 by 40, each. 840 Depth Alongside at MUW Do. 10 21 22 Usable Berthing Space Do. 825 180, each. 840 Width of Apron Do. Open. - 9 Height of Deck Above muj Do. 10 Unlighted. Lighted. 10 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 150-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 100-foot boom and a 4-cubic yard bucket feeds a 200-cubic yard hopper and 125-cubic yard storage bin. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via E. 127th Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, and service road. Concrete truck ramp over Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive,from E. 91st Street. Via driveway, asphalt, 60 feet wide, from Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 3/4-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrant and hand extinguishers. Hose reels and hand extinguishers. Hose reels, salt water line, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Transit-mix concrete plant located in rear. Truck ramp serves openings in con¬ crete floor over each barge slip for dumping refuse directly into scows. One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 4 steel, fuel oil storage tanks in¬ side plant, total capacity 1,900 bar¬ rels. 192 PIERS. WHARVES, AND DOCKS East River, Manhattan Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02217 02213 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 319 Dock Code No. 277 320 Dock Code No. 790 321 Dock Code No. Roosevelt Island Power House Wharf. E. 37th Street Dock. |Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Waterside Plant Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Beneath Queensboro Bridge, Roosevelt Island, East Channel. Right bank, between foot of E. 36th and E. 37th Streets. Right bank, below foot of E. 36th Street. City of New York. City of New York. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. OPERATED BY Health and Hospitals Corp. of the City of New York. Moran Towing Corp. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption. Handling waste materials from con- 8 true tion proJ ec ts. Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall on timber relieving platform supported by timber piles with concrete-surfaced solid fill. Granite-faced concrete bulkhead, solid fill paved surface, on concrete relieving platform supported on timber piles. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier. DESCRIPTION T5T (Feet) Lower side Upper side mens ions -12&- 320 30 136 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 12 25 30 18-30 18-30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 126 320 30 136 138 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 30 30 30 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHED§- 9 500 Unllghted. 10 1,000 Lighted. 9 250 Lighted. None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs .) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Roosevelt Island road network con¬ nects with bridge, from 36th Avenue, Queens. Via Marginal Street, asphalt, 20 feet wide, shoreward of Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. Same as Ref. No. 320. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. FIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) Hydrant and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 12 steel storage tanks in power house, total capacity 11,400 barrels. Concrete ramp leading to elevated, concrete, truck dump platform is supported on steel columns. The 12,400-barrel-capacity oil barge, Electra II is permanently moored at lower side of pier; one 6-inch pipe¬ line on pier extends to plant in rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank. East River, Manhattan 193 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. Q2213 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 322 Dock Code No. 830 323 Dock Code No. 834 324 Dock Code No. 851 NAME Pier No. 70. Transit-Mix Concrete Corp Wharf. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, East River Station Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of E. 22d Street extended. Between foot of E. 20th and E. 21st Streets extended. Between foot Streets. of E. 13th and E. 15th OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. Consolidated Inc. Edison Co. of New York, OPERATED BY City of New York, Department of Sanitation. Transit-Mix Cement Corp. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring barges, handling supplies and equipment. Occasional receipt of sand, gravel, crushed stone, and cement by barge. Occasional receipt of fuel oil by barge for plant consumption. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile. timber-decked pier. Masonry stone bulkhead with concrete- surfaced solid fill. Concrete retaining wall on timber relieving platform supported by timber piles with concrete-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 61 581 581 140 674 Depth Alongside at m^W Do. 20-28 4-24 2-28 6-13 30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 61 581 525 140 674 Width of Apron Do. 25 . - 20 15-32 Height of Deck Above jjjjj Do. 10 10 9 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - 1,000 Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS See Remarks None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 20-ton, diesel, electric, crawler crane equipped with 70-foot boom and 1%-cubic yard bucket. A 24-inch belt conveyor system serves ready- mix concrete plant in rear; one electric winch for positioning barges. Four electric winches for positioning barges. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Marginal Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, shoreward of elevated section of Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. Same as Ref. No. 322. None. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch connections on 380- foot section of pier. None. Through one 2 ^-inch connection. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, 8 ingle-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 240 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Standpipes and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. Hose reels, sand barrels hand extinguishers, and REMARKS At time of survey, former transit shed on pier was used for storage of trucks and other city-owned equip¬ ment. Ten bins at rear for storing con¬ crete aggregates, total capacity 300 cubic yards, and 7 bins for storing cement, total storage capacity 835 tons. One 4-inch pipeline for unloading bulk cement; rate: 30 tons per hour. Two 6 -inch pipelines serve one 20-inch pipeline extending from wharf to 3 steel storage tanks, total capacity 119,000 barrels. 194 PIERS. WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, East River, Manhattan Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02213 02210 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 3 325 Dock Code No. 870 326 Dock Code No. 896 327 Dock Code No. 904 NAME New York City Fire Department Marine Co. No. 6 Dock. Pier No. 42, Standard Fruit and Steam¬ ship Co. Wharf. Pier No. 36, Netumar Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Grand Street extended. North of foot of Gouvemeur Slip. Between foot of Rutgers Slip and Gouvemeur Slip. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY New York City Fire Department. Standard Fruit and Steamship Co. Netumar, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring fireboat "Archer." Receipt and shipment of fruit by vessel. Receipt and shipment of general cargo including containers in foreign trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Granite-faced concrete bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill on 32- foot-wide concrete relieving platform supported by timber piles. Steel pile, concrete-decked wharf, fronted by timber fender system. Steel pile, concrete-decked wharf, fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face South Slip lower side bimensions (Feet) 230 635 80f 1.301 m Depth Alongside at mjjj Do. 25 2Q 38 13 Usable Berthing Space Do. 230 635 80+1,301 427 Width of Apron Do. Open. 15 Open and 30. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 1,000 Lighted. 14 750 Lighted. 10 600 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. One - steel frame, aluminum and cin¬ der block siding; aluminum roof with plastic skylights; concrete floor. One - steel frame, aluminum siding with lower 6 feet concrete; aluminum roof with plastic skylights; concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 628 by 160 1,082 by 160 and 150 Height Inside Do. 22 22 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 100, 500 333, 900 (See Remarks). Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 750 600 Cargo Doors (Feet) Ship8ide: Continuous doors. Rear: Forty-four platform-level truck doors. Shlpside: Sixteen, 37.6 by 22. Rear: Six, 37.6 by 22, and four, 35 by 22. One, 37.6 by 22 at each end. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Two electric, traveling, semiportal, gantry, banana unloaders serve 18-inch, electric, belt-conveyor system through shed at rear, handling rate 15,000 to 16,000 boxes per hour (See Remarks). Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private drive, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. Via South Street, asphalt, 100 feet wide, from Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. Same as Ref. No. 326. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 2^-inch connection. Through 2^-inch connections. Through 2^-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. (Other than City) - Sprinkler system, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 326. REMARKS Two-story, 60- by 30-foot, brick firehouse in rear. Handling equipment described was being installed at time of survey. Cooler storage area is to be added in modernization of handling and storage facilities. Face of wharf is in line and con¬ tiguous with Pier No. 36 (Ref. No. 327). Customs office in building at rear with approximately 3,000 square feet of customs bonded storage area located inside shed. Open storage area for approximately 125 containers on wharf. Face of wharf is in line and contiguous with Pier No. 42 (Ref. No. 326). PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank. East River. Manhattan 195 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02210 reference number on map no. 2 328 Dock Code No.950 329 Dock Code No. 952 33O Dock Code No. 954 NAME Pier No. 18. Pier No. 17. Pier No. 16, South Street Seaport Museum. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Beekman Street. Foot of Fulton Street. Foot of Burling Slip. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY City of New York, Department of Com¬ merce and Industry. City of New York, Department of Com¬ merce and Industry. South Street Seaport Museum, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Occasional receipt of fish. (Occasional receipt of fish. Permanently moored vessels on exhibi¬ tion. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete and stone block decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked, concrete¬ surfaced pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side bimensions (Feet) 40 453 450 40 564 370+85 70 535 211+347 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 28-38 4-34 9-31 22-38 4-38 2-20 23 23 23 Usable Berthing Space Do. 40 420 450 40 564 370+85 70 535 211+347 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Ice-crushing machine on pier for icing boats and fish boxes. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via South Street, asphalt, 100 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 328. Same as Ref. No. 328. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2 \-inch connections. iThrough 2%-inch connections. Through 2%-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . PI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hose reels and hand extinguishers. Sprinkler system in building, hose reels, and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers and sand pails. REMARKS One 2-story, steel frame, asbestos- covered market building is located at rear of pier. Pier used extensively for parking automobiles. On bulkhead between Piers Nos. 17 and 18 are located a 4-story, wood and steel, metal-covered market building approximately 190 by 110 feet, and a refrigerator building 150 by 35 feet. On the pier near the bulkhead building is located a 2-story, steel frame, 65- by 25-foot, metal-covered building, housing the heating plant. At the time of survey, museum exhibit included 3 vessels: "Peking," "Ambrose," and "Howard." 196 PIERS. WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank. East River, Manhattan Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02210 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 331 Dock Code No.956 332 Dock Code No. 966 333 Dock Code No. 967 NAME Pier No. 15, South Street Seaport Museum. Pier No. 11. American Boat Cartage Bulkhead. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Fletcher Street. Between foot of Gouvemeur and Jones Lanes. Foot of Gouvemeur Lane. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY South Street Seaport Museum, Inc., and St. John's Guild. Circle Line Sightseeing Yachts, Inc. (See Remarks). American Boat Cartage, Inc., and Kosnac Floating Derrick, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Permanently moored vessels on exhibi¬ tion; mooring hospital ship. Idle mooring of excursion boats. Mooring towboats and company-owned floating equipment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier. Masonry bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Dimensions (Feet) 80 541 541 60 547 549 250 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 36-45 17-38 23 20 12-20 12-20 2-8 Usable Berthing Space Do. 80 541 541 60 547 549 250 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Partly lighted. 10 500 Unlighted. 10 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via South Street, asphalt, 100 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 331. Same as Ref. No. 331. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 3/4-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. (Other than City) Hand extinguishers and sand pails. Hand extinguishers on vessels. Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Pioneer marine school operates train¬ ing facilities in two permanently moored barges approximately 100 feet below lower (south) side of pier, per¬ pendicular to bulkhead. Small building on shore end of pier used as office. Katz Parking Systems, Inc., uses pier for parking automobiles. Office barge moored alongside. Tow¬ boats and floating equipment moor to office barge. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank. East River, Manhattan 197 Corps of Engineers Port Code No REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 £221Q 334 Dock Code No. 977 335 Dock Code No. 990 Dock Code No. 994 Downtown Heliport, Pier No. 6. Governors Island Ferry,Slips Nos. 7 and 6. Staten Island Ferry, Slips Nos. and 5. 1, 2, 3, LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Coenties Slip. Foot of Moore Street. Foot of Whitehall Street. City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. U. S. Coast Guard. City of New York, Department of Marine and Aviation. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce. Terminal for passenger and vehicular ferries operating between lower Man¬ hattan and Governors Island. Terminal for passenger and vehicular ferries operating between lower Man¬ hattan and St. George Staten Island. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete-decked pier. Two timber ferry slips with elec¬ trically operated, adjustable, trans¬ fer bridges. Timber ferry racks with electrically operated, adjustable transfer bridges for vehicles at ground level and for passengers at 2d floor-level of termi¬ nal building. DESCRIPTION T5T (Feet) Lower side Upper side Two ferry slips Four ferry 8 lips mens ions 85 553 553 160 by 60, each (approx.) 160 by 60, each (approx.) Depth Alongside at MLW 26 3-26 10-24 17 24 Usable Berthing Space 160, each 160, each (See Remarks) Width of Apron Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS 10 400 Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via South Street, asphalt, 100 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 334. Same as Ref. No. 334. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) 'ftirough 2^-inch connections. Through 2%-inch connections. A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) FIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) Concrete firewall beneath pier, chemical carts, water pump, hose reels, and hand extinguishers. Hose reels and hand extinguishers. Hose reels and hand extinguishers. Ferries operate to and from Governors Island Ferry Slip (Ref. No. 128). Building on bulkhead at rear of Slips Nos. 6 and 7 serves as terminal and waiting room. Slip No. 5 used only in emergency. Ferries operate to and from St. George Staten Island Ferry Terminal (Ref. No. 704). Building on bulkhead at rear of Slips Nos. 1 and 2 serves as terminal, ticket office, and waiting room. 198 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, East River, Manhattan Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02210 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 2 337 Dock Code No. 995 338 Dock Code No. 997 339 Dock Code No. ggg NAME Coast Guard Pier C. Coast Guard Pier B. Coast Guard Pier A. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Battery Park, north of foot of State Street. Battery Park, north of foot of State Street. Battery Park, north of foot of State Street. OWNED BY United States Government. United States Government. United States Government. OPERATED BY U. S. Coast Guard. U. S. Coast Guard. U. S. Coast Guard. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring U. S. Coast Guard and other government vessels. Mooring U. S. Coast Guard vessels. Mooring U. S. Coast Guard vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber crib, stone and gravel filled pier, with asphalt-paved, concrete- capped deck, and timber fender system. Timber crib, stone and gravel filled pier, with asphalt-paved, concrete- capped deck. Timber crib, stone and gravel filled pier, with asphalt-paved, concrete- capped deck. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 18 150 150 10 170 170 10 200 198 Depth Alongside atMLW Do. 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Usable Berthing Space Do. - 150 See Remarks. - 170 170 - 200 198 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 9 950 Lighted. 9 950 Lighted. 9 950 Lighted. Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via South Street, asphalt, 100 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 337. Same as Ref. No. 337. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch connections. Through 2%-inch connections. Through 2^-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C. , 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers on board vessels and at building in rear. Hand extinguishers on board vessels and at building in rear. Hand extinguishers on board vessels and at building in rear. REMARKS National Park Service vessel "Liberty II" and Corps of Engineers craft berth along upper (east) side of pier. Battery Park Coast Guard Operations Building located at rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River, Manhattan 199 Corps of Engineers Port Code Wo 02900 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 340 - MAP NO. 8 Dock Code No. 002 341 - MAP NO. 8 Dock Code No. 007 342 - MAP NO. 7 Dock Code No. 205 Battery/Park Landing. New York City Fire Department, Marine Co. No. 1, Pier A. Pier No. 76. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Battery Park, South Ferry. South of foot of Battery Place. Foot of W. 36th Street extended. City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY Circle Line-Statue of Liberty Ferry, Inc. New York City Fire Department. New York City Police Department. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED iLanding for excursion and harbor¬ sightseeing boats. Mooring fireboat "John D. McKean" and other vessels. Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Masonry and concrete bulkhead, with asphalt-surfaced, solid fill, fronted by timber fender system. Stone retaining wall, with part concrete- and part asphalt-surfaced, solid fill. Concrete-capped timber piles, with concrete deck, fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Mi sions (Feet) Lower side Upper side Lower side Upper side 1,533 45 293 285 300 724 724 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 9-20 20-25 10-25 9-20 32 32 Usable Berthing Space 1,333 45 205 285 300 724 724 Width of Apron Do. Open. 15 20 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANS I T'SHEDS- 9.5 500 Lighted. 9 500 Unlighted. 11 400 Lighted. None. None. None (See Remarks). Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. Cargo Doors (Lbs.) MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via West Street and Battery Place. Same as Ref. No. 340. Via 12th Avenue, stone block, wide. 60 feet WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 1^-inch line. Through three 4-inch hose connections on each side. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. FIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) Hand extinguishers on boats and inside build ing. REMARKS Fire alarm and sprinkler systems, stand¬ pipe, hydrants, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . Passenger excursion boats operate between Battery Park and Statue of Liberty (P.W.D. Ref. No. 422) and Ellis Island National Park (P.W.D. Ref. No. 420). Wire fence along face of bulkhead with 5 passenger gates and ramps. Adjacent to south side of pier is located a 72- by 47-foot, timber pile and masonry, timber-decked, offshore wharf connected to pier by 5-foot tim¬ ber approach. Building on pier and bulkhead used as Marine Co. No. 1 fire station and office. Steel frame, metal-covered buildings on pier (former transit shed) now serves as automobile storage area and police office. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River, Manhattan Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02901 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 343 Dock Code No. 219 344 Dock Code No. 224 345 Dock Code No. 237 NAME Pier No. 81. Pier No. 83. Passenger Ship Terminal, Pier No. 88, Berths Nos. 1 and 2. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of W. 41st Street. Between the foot of W. 42d and W. 43d Streets. Foot of W. 48th Street. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY Hudson Bay Line, Inc., and Circle Line-Sightseeing Yachts, Inc. Circle Line-Sightseeing Yachts, Inc. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Landing for excursion boats and harbor tour vessels. Landing for excursion boats and harbor tour vessels. Arrival and departure of passengers by vessel; mooring cruise vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked pier. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier. Outer 775 feet: Timber pile, concrete¬ decked pier; inner 325 feet: Concrete bulkhead, with concrete-surfaced solid fill; all fronted by timber fender sys¬ tem. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Berth No. 1 Lower side Berth No. 2 Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 60 700 700 85 710 710 125 Moo 1,050 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 20 13-22 6-19 30 14-26 17-30 32 12 32 Usable Berthing Space Do. 60 700 700 85 710 710 125 1,100 1,050 Width of Apron Do. 24 - - ~25 - - 26 5 5 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9 500 Lighted. 9 500 Lighted. 9.7 500, lower deck; 100, second deck; 50, rc Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None (See Remarks). None (See Remarks). Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Two 9-ton passenger elevators, and 2 4-ton freight elevators; 3 passenger escalators; 6 portable baggage conveyors 6 diesel fork lift trucks, and 1 mobile, diesel hoist. Two 50-foot, enclosed, electrically oper ated, passenger ramps extend from the 2d floor of each berth. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 12th Avenue, stone block, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 343. Via 12th Avenue, stone block, 30 feet wide, from W. 55th Street. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch line. Same as Ref. No. 343. Through eight 2%-inch connections. "ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 125/250 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; D.C., 240 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 343. None. (Other than City) Sprinkler system, hose, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchman. Water line, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchman. Sprinkler system, booster pump, hoses, hand extinguishers, and watchman. REMARKS Vessels "Day Line" and "Miss Freedom" berth alongside pier. A 710- by 85-foot, reinforced- concrete structure on pier is used as a passenger terminal with space for parking automobiles on upper and lower floors. One 3%-inch sewage disposal line extends from pier to city system. Two-story building on pier provides bag¬ gage and freight handling services on lower floor, passenger terminal on the 2d floor, and rooftop parking for ap¬ proximately 350 automobiles. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River, Manhattan 201 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02901 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 346 Dock Code No. 243 347 Dock Code No. 248 348 Dock Code No. 253 NAME Passenger Ship Terminal, Pier No. 90, Berths Nos. 3 and 4. Passenger Ship Terminal, Pier No. 92, Berths Nos. 5 and 6. Pier No. 94. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of W. 50th Street. Foot of W. 52d Street. Foot of W. 54th Street. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Kinney System, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Arrival and departure of passengers by vessel; mooring cruise vessels. Arrival and departure of passengers by vessel; mooring cruise vessels. Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Outer 775 feet: Timber pile, concrete deck; inner 325 feet: concrete bulk¬ head, with concrete-surfaced solid fill, all fronted by timber fender system. Outer 775 feet: Timber pile, concrete deck; inner 325 feet: Concrete bulk¬ head, with concrete-surfaced solid fill, all fronted by timber fender system. Outer 615 feet: Timber pile, concrete deck; inner 160 feet: Concrete pile caissons with concrete deck, fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Berth No. 3 Lower side Berth No. 4 Upper side Face Berth No. 5 Lower side Berth No. 6 Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 125 1,100 1,100 125 1,100 1,100 150 775 775 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 44 32 32 42 32 28 38 30 30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 125 1,100 1,100 125 1,100 800 150 775 775 Width of Apron Do. 26 “3 5 26 5 5 30 14 14 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9.7 500 Lighted. 9.7 500 Lighted. 11 650 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None (See Remarks). None (See Remarks). None (See Remarks). Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 9-ton passenger elevators, two 4- ton freight elevators, and 3 passenger escalators; 6 portable baggage con¬ veyors, and 7 diesel fork lift trucks. Two 50-foot, enclosed, electrically operated, passenger ramps extend from the 2d floor of each berth. Same as Ref. No. 346. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 12th Avenue, stone block, 30 feet wide from W. 55th Street. Same as Ref. No. 346. Same as Ref. No. 346. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through eight 2%-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 346. Through 2%-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Sprinkler system, hoses, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 346. Hose, hand extinguishers, and watchman. REMARKS Two-story building on pier provides baggage and freight handling services on lower floor, passenger terminal on the second floor, and rooftop parking for approximately 350 automobiles. Two-story building on pier provides baggage and freight handling serv¬ ices on lower floor, passenger ter¬ minal and general offices on the second floor, and rooftop parking for approximately 300 automobiles. Former transit shed is used as long-term parking facility for cruise vessel pas¬ sengers . 202 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River, Manhattan Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02901 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 349 Dock Code No. 256 350 Dock Code No. 258 351 Dock Code No. 261 NAME Pier No. 95. Pier No. 96. Pier No. 97. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of W. 55th Street. Foot of W. 56th Street extended. Foot of W. 57th Street. OWNED BY City of New York. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY Not operated. Not operated. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Not used. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete-decked pier. Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete-decked pier. Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 60 700 700 60 700 700 110 700 700 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 30 32 33 30 15-30 12-33 30 18-32 11-37 Usable Berthing Space Do. 60 700 700 60 700 700 110 700 700 Width of Apron Do. 24 _ _ 24 . - 25 5 5 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Unlighted. 9 400 Unlighted. 10 400 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - 2-story, steel frame, metal covered,with concrete floor. One - steel frame, metal covered,with concrete floor. One - 2-story, steel frame, metal covered, with concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 676 by 56, 1st floor;659 by 56,2d fl. 676 by 56 675 by 101,1st floor;658 by 101.2d floor Height Inside Do. 20 20 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 74.760 37,856 134.633 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500. 1st floor; 250. 2d floor. 400 500. 1st floor; 250, 2d floor. Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Continuous, 18 feet wide; others: Two, 18 by 18. Shipside: Continuous, 18 feet wide. others: Two, 18 by 18. Shipside: Continuous, 18 feet wide; others: Two, 18 by 18. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 12th Avenue, stone block, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 349. Same as Ref. No. 349. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2ij-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 349. Same as Ref. No. 349. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. (Other than City) Sprinkler system and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 349. Same as Ref. No. 349. REMARKS Facility was abandoned at time of survey. Facility was abandoned at time of survey. Facility was abandoned at time of survey. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River, Manhattan 203 Corpa of Bnglnsera Port Code No. 02901 02902 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 352 Dock Code No. 264 353 Dock Code No. 266 354 Dock Code No. 395 NAME Consolidated Edison Co., 59th Street Station, Pier No. 98. Department of Sanitation, 59th Street Loading Station, Pier No. 99. Department of Sanitation, W. 135th Street Loading Station, Barge Slips. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of W. 58th Street. Foot of W. 59th Street. Foot of W. 135th Street. OWNED BY Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY do. City of New York, Department of Sanitation. City of New York, Department of Sanitation. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption. Shipment of refuse by scows. Shipment of refuse by scows. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Part steel pile, concrete-decked and part timber pile, timber-decked pier. One steel frame, metal-covered build¬ ing with concrete floor over barge slip supported by timber piles at outer end of a timber pile, timber¬ decked pier. Steel frame, asbestos-covered building with concrete floor over 2 barge slips. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side < Barge slip Pier lower side Pier upper side Two barge slips Dimensions (Feet) 60 800 800 320 bv 48 355+400 Z£2 16Q by 40,ea. Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 22 18 25 15 8-20 1-19 15 Usable Berthing Space Do. - 800 - 320 - - 160, each. Width of Apron Do. . - _ _ 3k 2 _ Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9 500 Lighted. 9, pier Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 12th Avenue, stone block, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 352. Via foot of W. 135th Street. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2-inch line. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/460 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers and watchmen. Hand extinguishers and watchmen. None. REMARKS Oil barges "F.J. Hafner," "Waterside," and "Sawkill," total storage capacity 42,700 barrels, are permanently moored along upper (north) side of pier. One 8 - and one 4-inch pipelines extend from pier to 6 steel storage tanks at /powerplant in rear, total capacity 12,850 barrels. Truck ramp serves openings in con¬ crete floor over barge slip for dumping refuse directly into scows. Truck ramp serves openings in floor over each barge slip for dumping refuse di¬ rectly into scows. The North River Water Pollution Control Plant,located approximately 200 feet above the station, was under construction at time of survey, and is scheduled to begin sludge transport by vessel in the mid-1980's. 204 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River, Yonkers Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02910 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 16 355 Dock Code No. 010 356 Dock Code No. 045 357 Dock Cod. No. 070 NAME Westchester County Joint Treatment Plant Wharf. A. Tarrlcone Wharf. Refined Syrups & Sugars, Raw Sugar Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 5 miles above the George Washington Bridge. Foot of Pier Street extended. Approximately 500 feet below foot of Vark Street extended. OWNED BY Westchester County. A. Tarrlcone, Inc. Refined Syrups & Sugars, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of sludge and grit by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of raw sugar by vessel. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete bulkhead with concrete- paved solid fill; fronted by steel fender system. One timber mooring dolphin in line with face. Row of offshore, timber, mooring dolphins with 40- by 10-foot, timber approach. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Mooring dolphins Face Dimensions (Feet) 267 160 400 Depth Alongside st MLW Do. 0-18 10 28-30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 251 w/dolph. 160 See Remarks. Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 40 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 8 Lighted. 9 100 Lighted. 10 500 and 1,200 Lighted. ThANStf SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. • None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Tt.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) £argo Doors - MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 5-ton, electric crane with 40- foot boom mounted on a bullwheel. None. Two 14-ton, diesel, floating cranes, each with 7ij-cubic yard bucket, perma¬ nently moored at face of wharf. Cranes serve two 20-ton, receiving hoppers on wharf and a 42-inch, electric, belt- conveyor system extending to storage buildings in rear, rate, 500 tons per hour. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. One surface track serves plant in rear; connects with Consolidated Rail Corpor¬ ation. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Fembrook Street, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 355. Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from foot of Federal Street. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 1-inch line. None. Through 2^-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220/330 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Foam system at tanks, chemical carts, and hand extinguishers. Sprinkler system Inside warehouse, hy¬ drants, and hose. REMARKS One 12- and one 4-inch pipelines for loading sludge and one 6-inch pipe¬ line for loading grit are located at center of bulkhead. Ten 6-inch pipelines, only 6 were operational at time of survey, extend from wharf to 15 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 59,500 barrels Truckloading racks and company offices located at rear. Fuel oil is received also for Refined Syrups and Sugars, Inc., plant (Ref. Nos. 357 and 358) and stored in 9 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 33,300 barrels. Concrete buildings at rear of dock pro¬ vide covered storage for 20,000 tons of raw sugar. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hudson River 205 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02910 02911 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 16 358 Dock Code No. Q72 359 Dock Code No. ^£g 360 Dock Code No. £58 NAME Refined Syrups & Sugars, Building No. 2 Pier. A. Tarricone, Yonkers Pier. Mobil-Tappan Tanker Terminal Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Yonkers, approximately 200 feet above foot of Vark Street extended. Yonkers, south of foot of Ashburton Avenue. Hastings-on-Hudson, at foot of Southside Avenue. OWNED BY Refined Syrups & Sugars, Inc. A. Tarricone, Inc. Mobil-Tappan Tanker Terminal, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of liquid sugar by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from concrete bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked pier; 2 timber mooring dolphins on upper side in line with face. Steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 125- by 8-foot, steel pile, steel grating approach; two 50-foot-wide, solid-filled, concrete-capped, steel sheet pile, cellular, breasting dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 42 100 + 191 8 150 150 45 20 20 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 30 15-30 12-25 _ _ 14 31 _ - Usable Berthing Space Do. 42 . 191 - - 250 w/dolphs 200 w/dolphs - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Lighted. 7 Lighted. 7 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track serves plant in rear; connects with Consolidated Rail Corporation. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from foot of Federal Street. Via Alexander Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Southside Avenue, asphalt, 16 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Hydrants and hose. Foam and chemical carts and hand extinguishers. Elevated, 75,000-gallon, water tower; hydrants, hose, foam system, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Six 4- and one 3-inch liquid sugar pipelines extend from storage tanks at plant in rear to upper side of pier. Three 6-inch pipelines extend from pier to 9 steel storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 72,850 barrels. One 16-, one 14-, and one 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 4 steel storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 310,000 barrels. 206 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Edgewater Corps of Engineers Port Code No 02907 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 361 Dock Code No. 345 362 Dock Code No. 557 363 Dock Cod. Ho. 558 NAME Amerada Hess Corp., Edgewater Terminal Wharf. Seatraln Lines Pier. Hills Brothers Coffee Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of Archer Street and Vreeland Terrace. Foot of Archer Street extended. South of foot of Archer Street extended. OWNED BY Amerada Hess Corp. Seatraln Lines, Inc. Hills Brothers Coffee, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Occasional receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. Occasional mooring of tugs, barges, workboats, and harbor craft. Receipt of bagged coffee beans by lighter .\ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf, with 405 by 4-foot approach on undecked remains of old pier; one timber breasting and one timber mooring dolphins on upper side in line with face. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from concrete bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, concrete-decked, covered, offshore wharf with 626- by 20 -foot, covered, timber approach; timber cat- walk extensions on upper and lower sides parallel to approach. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 35+35 55+300,appro k . 475,approx. 62 530 417 60 59 59 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 18-20 - 0-18 15 0-15 0-15 12 12 12 Usable Berthing Space Do. 70+240w/dolp h. - 125 - 250 250 60 lOOw/dolphs. lOOw/dolphs. Width of Apron Do. Open. 15 27 - 4 4 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 10 Lighted. 9 Lighted. 8.7 175 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None (See Remarks). None (See Remarks). Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Fixed, overhead, electric, belt-conveyor system carries green coffee bean sacks from the upper and lower sides of wharf through the approach to the coffee- processing plant in rear; overhead installation of the rubber belt conveyor permits alternative use of warehouse tractors and/or fork lift trucks between the barge 8 and the plant. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. Three platform-level tracks inside plant connect with New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via River Road, concrete, 25 to 50 feet wide. Via private driveway, unpaved, 10 feet wide, from River Road, concrete, 50 feet wide. Via plant driveway, paved, 40 and 20 feet wide, from River Road, concrete, 50 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FTRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) REMARKS Foam generator piped to tanks and wharf, hose reels, chemical carts, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. One 12-, three 8 -, and two 6 -inch pipelines extend from wharf to 12 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 700,000 barrels. Storage tanks are supplied mostly via pipe line from Bayonne, N.J., Terminal, (Ref. Nos. 443-445). Watchmen. Water line, hose reels, gulshers, and watchmen. hand extin- Former transit shed used for storage of company-owned equipment. Approximately 1 acre of open area at rear of pier for storage of containers. Structure covering pierhead and approach is steel frame with corrugated sheet metal siding; shipside doors are steel rollup. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Edgewater 207 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. Q2907 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 364 Dock Code No. 359 365 Dock Code No. 5 ^ 366 Dock Code No. 573 NAME Seatraln Lines, Edgewater Terminal Pier. Tri-Terminal Pier. The Celotex Corp. Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT About 0.2 mile south of foot of Archer Street extended. Approximately 200 feet above foot of Chemical Lane extended. Approximately 500 feet below foot of Chemical Lane extended. OWNED BY Seatraln Lines, Inc. Tri-Terminal, Inc. The Celotex Corp. OPERATED BY Not operated. Tri-Terminal, Inc., and iNepco Termi¬ nal, Inc. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. 1 Mooring vessels and various types of harbor craft occasional receipt of fuel oil by barge for consumption by heating plant; occasional shipment of heavy-lift items by barge. Occasional mooring of barges and scows. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile|, concrete-decked pier, fronted by timber fender system. Steel pile, concrete-decked pier with permanently moored deck; barges form¬ ing T-shaped, offshore wharf at outer end (face). Timber pile, concrete-decked pier with row of 9 steel, H-pile, concrete-capped, breasting dolphins on lower side in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Wharf face Pier face Pier upper side Pier lower side Face Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 90 600 600 630 460 556 556 155 850 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 27 0-27 0-27 23 20 7-14 13-17 23 10-17 Usable Berthing Space Do. 90 550 600 630 _ - 500 735 w/dolphs. - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 15 60 60 23 and open. 12 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 1,000 Unlighted. Unlighted. 9 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None (See Remarks). None (See Remarks). Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Fixed, structural steel frame on pier supports two 125-ton, electric, trav¬ eling, bridge cranes (See Remarks). None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Four surface tracks extend full length of pier and join with yard tracks at rear; connect with New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad. New York, Susquehanna & Western Rail¬ road: One 550-foot surface track on south apron, one depressed track inside full length of building, and two 550-foot surface tracks on north apron; all connect with storage yard in rear. Plant trackage in rear connects with New York, Susquehanna & Western Rail¬ road. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, asphalt, 30 feet wide,from River Road. Via Chemical Lane and overpass, asphalt, 25 feet wide, from River Road. Via plant road, partly paved, 10 feet wide, from River Road. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch hose connections. None. Through one 6 -inch line with 2If-inch hose connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. Tire protection (Other than City) Hydrants, hand extinguishers, and watchman. Hose reels, hand extinguishers, sprinkler system inside building, 100 , 000 -gallon, elevated water tank, and watchmen. Water lines, hydrants, hose, and watchmen. REMARKS Bridge cranes on pier were not opera¬ tional at time of survey. Approximately 2.5-acre area at rear of pier for container storage. One 2-story building on pier (1,500 by 360 feet), steel frame with brick walls and concrete floors, total area approximately 1 , 000,000 square feet; building was formerly used as an assembly plant by Ford Motor Co. At time of survey, building was being used by New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad for office space and by Citroen Cars Corp. for automobile storage. One 6 -inch pipeline extends to 2 steel storage tanks, total capacity 5,240 barrels. One part 2- and part 4-story, concrete and steel building (843 by 133 feet) on pier used by Lever Brothers Co., Inc., for private storage. 208 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo. 02907 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 ' 347 Dock Code No. 579 368 Dock Code No. 583 369 Dock Code No. 608 NAME Spencer Kellogg Dock. Lever Brothers Co. Pier. Capital City Products Co., North Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Edgevater, approximately 1,600 feet below foot of Chemical Lane extended. Edgewater, approximately 1,000 feet above foot of Bulls Ferry Road ex¬ tended. Guttenberg, foot of 70th Street ex¬ tended. OWNED BY Spencer Kellogg, Division Inc. of Textron, Lever Brothers Co., Inc. Capital City Products Co., of Stokely-Van Camp, Inc. Division OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of bulk liquid castor and vegetable oils by barge. Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption by barge. Receipt and shipment of vegetable oils by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile. timber-decked pier. Timber pile. timber-decked pier. Row of 3 timber pile dolphins with 85- by 8-foot approach from outer end of a timber pile, concrete-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Row of dolphins Upper side of pier Lower side of pier Dimensions (Feet) 62 468 468 24 170 170 115 202 165 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 20 15-20 6-20 18 18 18 5-8 0-4 0-4 Usable Berthing Space Do. - 468 - 24 170 170 115 202 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 15 and open. 15 and open. Height of Deck Above j,fLW Do. _ 9 9.38 9-10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs . ) - 250 - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None (See Remarks). None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Mechanized equipment, including fork lift trucks with clamps for handling drums, is available from plant in rear when needed. Hand-operated davit occasionally used for handling hose. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track along south side of plant building in rear connects with New York, Susquehanna 6 Western Railroad. Plant trackage in rear connects with New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad. Consolidated Rail Corp.: tracks in rear serve tank racks. Surface car loading HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, paved, 10 feet wide, from River Road, concrete, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 367. Via overpass, cobblestone, wide, from River Road. 12 feet WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through one 2%-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hose reels, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers and watchmen. REMARKS Three 4-inch pipelines on pier con¬ nect with 15 steel, vegetable oil storage tanks in rear, total capacity about 15,000 tons. Pier is also served by 2-inch steam line. A 453- by 57-foot, metal-covered shed on pier serves as drum storage warehouse. One 6-inch pipeline extends from pier to one 6,000-barrel, steel storage tank located at plant in rear. Pumphouse and intake located on outer end of pier. Three 6-inch pipelines extend from pier to 30 steel storage tanks at vegetable oil refinery in rear, total capacity approximately 26,400 tons. One 2-inch steam and one lfc-inch compressed air lines serve pier. One 85- by 50-foot, steel frame, metal- covered shed located at outer end of pier. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River 209 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02907 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 370 Dock Code No. 611 371 Dock Code No. 616 372 Dock Code No. 618 NAME Capital City Products Co., South Pier. E. Di Clemente & Sons Pier. Thomas Henry Material Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Guttenberg, foot of 68th Street extended. Foot of 66th Street extended. Below foot of 66th Street extended. OWNED BY Captial City Products Co., Division of Stokely-Van Camp, Inc. E. Di Clemente & Sons, Inc. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees and Thomas Henry Material Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of bulk and drummed vegetable and other oils by barge. Mooring miscellaneous small craft. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, part concrete-surfaced, timber-decked pier (See Remarks). Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber-decked pier. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Dimensions (Feet) 113 300 300+218 53 200 400 242 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 16 0-16 10-16 18 5-12 7-18 8-9 Usable Berthing Space Do. 113 300 53 200 400 242 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9 Lighted. 9 Partly lighted. 10 1,000 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Pumps and cargo-handling equipment available as required. None. One diesel, revolving, gantry crane with 60-foot boom equipped with 2- cubic yard clamshell bucket. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Consolidated Rail Corp.: Three surface spur tracks along main tracks in rear of yard serve tank car loading racks. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via overpass, cobblestone, 12 feet wide, from River Road. Via overpass, asphalt, 12 feet wide, from River Road. Same as Ref. No. 371. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2-inch line. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. None. TIRE PROTECtlON (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, sand barrels, and watchmen. Hydrant and watchmen. None. REMARKS One 6- and four 4-inch pipelines, with connections along lower side of pier extend to 75 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity approximately 40,000 tons. Outer end of pier has been burned and was in poor condition at time of survey. U.S. Maritime Academy vessel "Hudson Mariner" berthed alongside of pier at time of survey. Wharf forms slip with inner portion of lower side of E. DiClemente & Sons Pier (Ref. No. 371). Buildings on property were vacant at time of survey. 210 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, West New York Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02907 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 222 - Dock Code No. 622 374 Dock Code No. 625 1Z5 Dock Code No. 627 Penn Central Transportation Co. No. 13. Pier Penn Central Transportation Co., Pier No. 12. Penn Central Transportation Co., Pier No. 11-A. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of 64th Street extended. Foot of 63d Street extended. Foot of 62d Street extended. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustee s. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees OPERATED BY Gates Construction Co. Not operated. Hydromar Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring and repairing company-owned floating equipment. Not used. Mooring company-owned floating equipment TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier ex¬ tending from timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION m- TFeetJ Upper side Lower side Upper side Lower side Upper side Lower side mens ions A 403 403 401 401 83 400 400 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 0-8 0-8 20 0-20 0-20 Usable Berthing Space 40 403 403 60 401 83 400 400 Width of Apron Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS- Number and Type of Construction 10 250 Partly lighted. 10 250 Unlighted. 10 250 Unlighted. None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Company-owned cranes are available as required. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from River Road. 10 to Same as Ref. No. 373. Same as Ref. No. 373. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through two 2Jj-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Pump8, hydrants, hose, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. Hydrant. Hydrant. Additional berthing available along- sides of a 200- by 12-foot, timber pile, timber-decked pier with 15- foot depth of water, located 125 feet south of and parallel pier. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, West New York 211 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02907 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 376 Dock Code No. 631 377 Dock Code No. 640 378 Dock Code No. 643 NAME Penn Central Barge Dock. Transportation Co., Penn Central Transportation Co., Pier No. 11. Penn Central Transportation Co., Pier No. 9. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of 61st Street extended. Foot of 58th Street extended. Foot of 56th Street extended. OWNED BY Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. OPERATED BY do. Not operated. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring miscellaneous floating equip¬ ment . Not used. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill, fronted by 3 parallel rows of timber dolphins extending perpendicular to face. Timber pile, cinder-covered, timber¬ decked pier extending from timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked pier ex¬ tending from timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Dolphins Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 1.050 240. each side. 80 600 600 80 600 600 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 10 9-25 21 8-21 8-21 19 12-19 12-19 Usable Berthing Space Do. 930 240, each side 80 600 600 80 600 600 Width of Apron Do. Open. I Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 8.5, approx. 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs. ) 1,000 250 250 Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. Unlighted. Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs. ) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS \ None. Two surface tracks on pier, total length 1,144 feet, were not usable at time of survey. One 580-foot surface track on pier. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, asphalt, 10 to 20 feet wide, from River Road. Same as Ref. No. 376. Same as Ref. No. 376. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. None. None. REMARKS 212 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, West New York Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02907 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 379 Dock Code No. 652. 380 Dock Code No .$55 381 Dock Code No. £79 Penn Central Transportation Co., Pier No. 7. Penn Central Transportation Co., Pier No. 6. Penn Central Transportation Co. No. 2. Pier LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of 54th Street extended. Between foot of 51st and 54th Streets extended. Foot of 46th Street extended. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. OPERATED BY Not operated. Consolidated Rail Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring miscellaneous floating equip¬ ment. Not used. Not used for handling waterborne commerce. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier with remnants of concrete surface on outer section and masonry foundations on inner section. Timber pile, timber-decked pier (See Remarks). Timber pile, timber-decked pier ex¬ tending from timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION UTn sions ""(Tee t) Upper side Lower side Upper side Lower side Upper side Lower side J22 870 1 ZQ -S 5 S64 864 200 1.230 874 Depth Alongside at MLW 20 - 5-20 5^1Q 20 I3-3Q 15-30 25 10-25 10-25 Usable Berthing Space 127 870 870 95 864 864 200 1,230 874 Width of Apron Do. 0P«n- Open. 41 5 and open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT ShEM- 10 Unlighted. 10 250 Unllghted. 13 250-350 Unlighted. None. None. Number and Type of Construction One - 2-story, timber frame, metal- covered, with wooden floors; sides of shed slope inward at top. Length and Width (Feet) 833 by m. Height Inside Do. 15 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 265.000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors (Feet) 250-350 on 1st; 100-200 on 2d. Shipside: Fifty 8 by 10. Others: One 25 by 25; two 8 by 10. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Consolidated Rail Corp: Two platform- level tracks inside transit shed, total length 1,620 feet; and one 340- foot surface track along bulkhead at inner end of north side of pier. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, asphalt, 10 to 20 feet wide, from River Road. Same as Ref. No. 379. Same as Ref. No. 379. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) FIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) REMARKS Highway vehicles have access to inner 400 feet of pier only. Pier was in poor condition at time of survey. At time of survey former transit shed was being used for storage of rail cars. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Weehawken 213 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. Q2907 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 7 382 Dock Code No. 679 383 \ Dock Code No. 686 384 Dock Code No. 688 NAME New York Trap Rock Corp., Barge Mooring. Union Dry Dock 6 Repair Co., Pier No. 2. Union Dry Dock & Repair Co., Floating Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Clifton Terrace extended. About 180 feet south of foot of Pershing Road. About 350 feet south of foot of Pershing Road. OWNED BY Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustee8. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. OPERATED BY New York Trap Rock Corp. Union Dry Dock & Repair Co. Union Dry Dock & Repair Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned scows and barges. Mooring vessels for repair; mooring Floating Drydocks Nos. 1 and 2. Mooring vessels for repair; mooring Floating Drydock No. 3. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore row of timber breasting dolphins fronting natural bank. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Floating pier: Three steel-decked barges permanently moored to timber dolphins with adjustable gangway from shore. DESCRIPTION Breasting dolphins Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side dimensions (Feet) 500. approx. 16 390+55 435 40 380 380 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 11-22 15 20(See Remki 20 9-10 15 15 Usable Berthing Space Do. 500, approx. 165, approx. 275, approx. 230, approx. 380 Width of Apron Do. _ Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Unlighted. 9 Lighted. 8 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo boors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Two 4-ton, diesel, fork lift trucks. One 25- and one 10-ton, diesel, mobile cranes with 45- and 30-foot booms, respectively, and use of fork lift trucks described under Ref. No. 383. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS None. Via roadway, partly paved, 10 feet wide, from foot of Pershing Road, asphalt, 30 to 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 383. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 1%-inch line. Same as Ref. No. 383. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110/220 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3- phase, 60-cycle; D.C. generators. Same as Ref. No. 383. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. Two electric pumps, water line, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Water line, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS ** Floating Drydock No. 1 (1,500 tons) moored along inner part of upper side of pier with pool depth of 30 feet; Floating Drydock No. 3 (350 tons) moored along inner part of upper side with pool depth of 15 feet. Floating Drydock No. 2 (500 tons) moored along inner part of lower side of pier with pool depth of 20 feet. 214 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River > Weehawken Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02907 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 385 - MAP NO. 7 Dock Code No. 690 386 - MAP NO. 7 Dock Code No. 695 387 - MAP NO. 8 Dock Code No. 719 Union Dry Dock & Repair Co., Repair Slip. Penn Central Transportation Co. (Old United Fruit Co.) Wharf. Hudson Tank Storage Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT In rear of Ref. Nos. 383 and 384. Above Lincoln Tunnel. Upper side of slip at foot of Baldwin Avenue. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. Hudson Tank Storage Co., Inc. OPERATED BY Union Dry Dock & Repair Co. Not operated. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels for repair. Not used. Receipt of vegetable and animal oils, tallow, and liquid caustic. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Slip approximately 190 by 170 feet, partly divided Into two sections by a 110-85- by 55-foot, timber pile, timber-decked pier; sides of slip con¬ sist of open timber pile, timber and steel pile bulkheads, each with solid fill. Steel H-plles, topped by concrete pil¬ lars, supporting a concrete deck, all fronting steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; face of wharf fronted by a timber fender system. A 100-foot- row of timber pile dolphins extends perpendicular to wharf at south end. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber¬ decked wharf fronted by 4 timber breasting dolphins. DESCRIPTION dimensions "(Feet) Sides of slip Lower side Upper side Face 190+45+110+55+85+50+180 1,040 50 120 250, approx. Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 0-10 28 13-18 Usable Berthing Space 650, approx. 1 ,000,approx 250 (See Remarks) Width of Apron Varies. 29 and open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted transit Sheds- 8 , 9, and 10. Lighted. 9 500 Lighted. Lighted. None. None (See Remarks). None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Do. Height Inside Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Use of equipment described under Ref. No. 384. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Consolidated Rail Corp.: 8 platform- level tracks Inside former transit shed, total length 3,200 feet. Consolidated Rail Corp.: 2 surface tracks serve tank car loading rack at plant in rear. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road, partly paved, 10 feet wide, from foot of Pershing Road. Via road, partly paved, 10 to 20 feet wide, extending from foot of Pershing Road to foot of Baldwin Avenue. Via foot of Baldwin Avenue, asphalt, 10 to 15 feet wide, from Kennedy Boulevard. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 1%-lnch line. Through 2%-lnch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 120/208 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle; D.C., 120/240 volts. TTRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) Water line, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. None. Steam and water lines, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. One 2-story, tile and block, shop building, located on pier, contains company offices on 2d floor. At time of survey, the 440- by 270- foot transit shed, formerly used for handling bananas, was being used by Weehawken Fire Department as a training facility. The row of dolphins extending perpen¬ dicular to wharf limits berthing of vessels near the Lincoln Tunnel tubes Additional mooring available for barges at row of timber piles along outer section of 81ip. Six 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 130 vegetable oil storage tanks, total capacity 15,000,000 gallons, and eight 6- lnch pipelines extend from wharf to 8 liquid caustic storage tanks, total capac¬ ity 3,000,000 gallons, all located at terminal In rear. One 3-inch steam line serves wharf. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Weehawken 215 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 388 Dock Code No. 726 389 Dock Code No. 729 390 Dock Code No. NAME Port Seatraln, Pier C. Port Seatraln, Pier D. Port seatraln , Pier H. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 500 feet below foot of Baldwin Avenue. Approximately 800 feet below foot of Baldwin Avenue. Approximately 0.3 mile below foot of Baldwin Avenue. OWNED BY Seatraln Lines, Inc. Seatraln Lines, Inc. Seatraln Lines, Inc. OPERATED BY Seatraln Lines,Container Division, Atlantic Coast. Seatraln Lines, Container Division, Atlantic Coast. Seatraln Lines, Container Division, Atlantic Coast. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce . Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce. Receipt and shipment of containerized general cargo in foreign and domestic trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile. concrete-decked pier. Timber pile. concrete-decked pier. Concrete-filled, steel pipe piles sup¬ porting concrete-surfaced, prestressed concrete beams; fronted by steel and rubber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper 8 ide Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 102 822 820 104 756 756 120 975 920 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 20-25 5-25 5-25 - 5-25 5-25 34 36 34 Usable Berthing Space Do. 102 822 820 - 756 756 - 975 920 Width of Apron Do. 23 3 3 16 3 3 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) - 500 - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - 2-storv, timber frame,metal- covered, with wooden floors; firewall extends full length of center of shed (See Remarks). One - 3-story, steel frame, metal- covered, with wooden floors (See Remarks). None. Length and Width (Feet) 808 by 96 740 by 98 Height Inside Do. 16 16.6 and 14 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 126,275 176,402 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) - 500, 1st; 300, 2d; 200, 3d floor. Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Twenty, 12 by 12. Others: One, 25 by 25, and two, 10 by 12. Eight of the doorways on the north and 7 on the south sides of shed have down ramps in pier apron and shed floor. Ship 8 ide: Twenty, 12 by 12. Others: One, 25 by 25, and two, 10 by 12. Doorways on tne 1st floor have down ramps in pier apron and shed floor; 4 doors are on each side of 2d and 3d floors. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Three 45-ton, diesel-electric, traveling, container-handling cranes, each with re¬ tractable boom having 120 -foot outboard reach and capacity for handling 25 con¬ tainers per hour, and one 50-ton, diesel, mobile stacker. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveways, asphalt, 10 to 15 feet wide, extending from Baldwin or Park Avenues. Same as Ref. No. 388. Same as Ref. No. 388. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 8 -inch line with 2%-inch con¬ nections . ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Fire protection (Other than City) Sprinkler system, hose reels, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 388. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS Former transit shed is used for stor¬ ing company-owned equipment. Former transit shed Is used for stor¬ ing company-owned equipment. All containers are handled on chassis. Terminal area in rear includes a paved, open storage area for 1,434 containers, including 122 positions for refrigerated cargo containers and a 38,000-square foot container freight station with 14 truck¬ loading stations. A 4-story, 270- by 125-foot, administra¬ tion and general office building is also located in rear. 216 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Weehawken Cove Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 391 Dock Code No. 741 392 Dock Code No. 741 393 Dock Code No. 743 NAME City of Hoboken, Pier F. City of Hoboken, Pier D. William de Goode Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Weehawken, between foot of 17th and 18th Streets extended. Hoboken, foot of 17th Street extended. Hoboken, between foot of Hudson and Bloomfield Streets. OWNED BY City of Hoboken. City of Hoboken. William de Goode Enterprises. OPERATED BY Eastern Seaboard Pile Driving Co., Inc. (See Remarks). Eastern Seaboard Pile Driving Co., Inc. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment . Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment. Not used (See Remarks). TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, part concrete-decked, and part concrete-surfaced, timber¬ decked pier extending from steel pile, concrete-decked wharf. Steel H-pile, concrete-decked pier extending from wharf of same con¬ struction (See Remarks). Rock-filled, timber crib bulkhead with part asphalt- and part concrete-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face East side Dimensions (Feet) 16 230+192 230+194 35 685 860 625 200 Depth Alongside at MLJW Do. 20 12 12 20 18-20 18-20 17 5-20 Usable Berthing Space Do. 16 220 220 35 685 685 625 200 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 50 20-50 Height of Deck Above MU>J Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 9.5 500 Un lighted. 9.5 500 Unlighted. 9 Unlighted. Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. Three platform-level tracks along rear of building connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, stone block, 20 feet wide, from Park Avenue, asphalt, 50 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 391. Via private driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from foot of Hudson Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) ” " None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. Tint protection (Other than City) " Hydrants, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS Company was preparing to vacate facility at time of survey. Inner end of pier was partially col¬ lapsed at time of survey (See Remarks Under Ref. No. 391). A 12-story, steel and concrete, plant building at rear was for lease at time of survey. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Hoboken 217 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 394 Dock Code No. 746 395 Dock Code No. 743 396 Dock Code No. 752 NAME City of Hoboken, Pier No. 16. Bethlehem Steel Corp., Hoboken Yard, Pier No. 6. Bethlehem Steel Corp., Hoboken Yard, Pier No. 5. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Lower side of Weehawken Cove, approxi¬ mately 1,000 feet above foot of 14th Street. Approximately 600 feet above foot of 14th Street. Approximately 300 feet above foot of 14th Street. OWNED BY City of Hoboken. Bethlehem Steel Corp., Shipbuilding Division, Hoboken Yard. Bethlehem Steel Corp., Shipbuilding Division, Hoboken Yard. OPERATED BY Palace Fishing Boats. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring party-fishing boats. Not used. Mooring vessels for repair; mooring floating drydock. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, part concrete- and part timber-decked pier (See Remarks). Timber pile, (See Remarks) concrete-decked pier • Concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, concrete-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 100 1,015 865 115 890 890 55 920 r"690 Depth Alongside atMLW Do. 30 30 15-30 35 30-35 30-35 40 35-40 47 Usable Berthing Space Do. 100 900, approx. 760, approx - 890 890 55 920 See Remarks. Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 18 9 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - 400 400 Lighted or Unlighted Partly lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Equipment available on pier for clean¬ ing vessels' fuel tanks includes: Three 1-ton, mast-and-boom derricks on elevated platforms for handling hoses, boilers, steam lines, tanks, pumps, and an oil-cleaning and -separating system (See Remarks). Two electric, traveling, revolving, full-portal, gantry cranes; each with 120-foot boom and lift capacity of 35 tons at 65-foot radius. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. Surface tracks serve shipyard in rear and connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via road, part asphalt, 10 feet wide, from Junction of Hudson and 14th Streets. Via private driveway, asphalt, 10 to 20 feet wide, from main entrance at junction of Hudson and 14th Streets. Same as Ref. No. 395. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 3/4- inch line. Through 4-inch line with 2if-inch connections. Through 6-inch line with 2%-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 480 volts, 3-phase, D.C., 250 volts, 3-phase, 60-eyele; 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 395. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Plant fire department, pumps, water lines, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 395. REMARKS Outer end of pier was in poor con¬ dition at time of survey. One 4-inch steam line serves pier. Pier was in poor condition and equip¬ ment was not being used at time of survey. Floating Drydock No. 4 (16 capacity) is moored along pier and has a pool depth ,760-ton lower side of of 50 feet. 218 PIERS, WHARVES. AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Hoboken Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 397 Dock Code No. 755 398 Dock Code No. 758 399 Dock Code No. 7$0 NAME Bethlehem Steel Corp., Hoboken Yard, Pier No. 4. Bethlehem Steel Corp., Hoboken Yard, Pier No. 3. Bethlehem Steel Corp., Hoboken Yard, Pier No. 2. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of 14th Street. Approximately 300 feet below foot of 14th Street. Approximately 500 feet below foot of 14th Street. OWNED BY Bethlehem Steel Corp., Shipbuilding Division, Hoboken Yard, Bethlehem Steel Corp., Shipbuilding Division, Hoboken Yard. Bethlehem Steel Corp., Shipbuilding Division, Hoboken Yard. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring floating drydocks. Mooring vessels for repair; mooring floating drydock. Mooring vessels for repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, concrete-decked pier. Steel H-pile, concrete-decked pier. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from timber crib bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side dimensions (Feet) 40 765 715 35 690 670 30 738 738 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 38 47 50 30 30-45 30 35 26-35 26-35 Usable Berthing Space Do. _ (See Remarks) . (See Remarks) 670 _ 738 738 Width of Apron Do. Open. i Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two electric, traveling, revolving, full-portal, gantry cranes. One with 85-foot boom and 10 -foot Jib, has a lift capacity of 45 tons at a 30-foot radius; and one with 130-foot boom, has a lift capacity of 35 tons at 65- foot radius. In addition, one 15- and one 12 ^-ton, diesel, locomotive cranes, one 20 -ton, diesel, mobile crane with 80-foot boom and two full- revolving floating cranes: One 24-ton steam-pneumatic with 80-foot boom and one 20 -ton diesel with 100 -foot boom serve all piers. Two electric, traveling, revolving, gantry cranes. One with 100-foot boom and 15-foot jib with a 5-ton hoist, has a lift capacity of 15 tons at 55-foot radius; and one with 80- foot boom and 10-foot jib with a 5- ton hoist, has a lift capacity of 35 tons at 65-foot radius. Use of locomotive, mobile, and floating cranes described under Ref. No. 397. Use of locomotive, mobile, and floating cranes described under Ref. No. 397. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track extends full length of pier and joins additional trackage serving shipyard in rear; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 397. Same as Ref. No. 397. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, asphalt, 10 to 20 feet wide, from main entrance at junction of foot of Hudson and 14th Streets. Same as Ref. No. 397. Same as Ref. No. 397. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 6-inch line with 2%-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 397. Same as Ref. No. 397. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 120/208 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440/480 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; D.C., 250 volts. Same as Ref. No. 397. Same as Ref. No. 397. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Plant fire department, salt water pumps, water and steam lines, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 397. Same as Ref. No. 397. REMARKS Floating Drydock No. 2 (26,000-ton capacity) is moored along lower side of pier and has a pool depth of 50 feet; and Floating Drydock No. 3 (114,200-ton capacity) is moored along the upper side and has a pool depth of 47 feet. Floating Drydock No. 1 (7,500-ton capacity) is moored along north side of pier and has a pool depth of 40 feet. PIERS. WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right Dante, rtuason River, Hoooken 219 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 400 Dock Code No. 762 401 Dock Code No. 764 402 Dock Code No. 755 NAME Bethlehem Steel Corp., Hoboken Yard, Pier No. 1. General Foods Corp., 12th Street Pier. General Foods Corp., Coffee Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT About 0.15 mile south of foot of 14th Street. Foot of 12th Street. Between foot of 11th and 12th Streets. OWNED BY Bethlehem Steel Corp., Shipbuilding Division, Hoboken Yard. General Foods Corp., Maxwell House Division. General Foods Corp., Maxwell House Division. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels for repair. Occasional mooring of barges. Receipt of bagged coffee lighter. i>eans by TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Part steel and part timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from timber crib bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier extending from a timber bulkhead with paved solid fill. Concrete-encased, timber pile, concrete decked wharf with timber fender system fronting timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 40 760 760 68 590 490 326 20 20 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 30 26-30 20 20 - 10-20 10 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. - 760 760 - - 490 325 - - Width of Apron Do. Open. 10.5 1 7 Open & 15. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 11.5 11, approx, (covered). Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) 500 500 - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. One - steel frame, with corrugated asbestos siding and concrete floor. None (See Remarks). Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) 513.5 by 60 Height Inside Do. 18 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 30.397 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Continuous, all 15 by 15 (See Remarks). MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two electric, traveling, revolving, full-portal, high shipyard type, gantry cranes, each with lift capac¬ ity of 15 tons at a 60-foot radius. One of the cranes is equipped with an 80-foot boom and a 10-foot Jib extension, and one is equipped with an 85-foot boom and a 10-foot Jib extension. Use of locomotive, mobile, and float¬ ing cranes described under Ref. No. 397. Thirty 2-ton, LP-gas, fork lift trucks and other mechanized plant equipment available when needed. Electric unloading machines under canopy roof on wharf apron are used to unload bagged coffee beans from barges onto a 24-inch, electric, belt- conveyor sytem extending to storage silos at processing plant located in rear. Fork lift trucks and other plant equipment are available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Surface tracks serve shipyard in rear and connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, asphalt, 10 to 20 feet wide, from main entrance at Junction of foot of Hudson and 14th Streets. Via private driveway, asphalt, 15 feet wide, from Hudson Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 401. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch line with 2%-inch connections. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 120/208 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 480 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle; D.C., 250 volts. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Plant fire department, pumps, water lines, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Sprinkler system inside transit shed, plant equipment, hydrants, hose, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 401. REMARKS Transit shed on pier is used as a private storage warehouse. Building on wharf contains 70 silos with a total capacity for 8,500 tons of coffee beans. 220 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Castle Point, Hoboken Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 403 Dock Code No. 773 404 Dock Code No. 775 405 Dock Code No. 77$ NAME Union Dry Dock & Repair Co., Pier S. Union Dry Dock & Repair Co., Pier R. Union Dry Dock & Repair Co., Pier Q. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of 10th Street extended. Between foot of 10th and 9th Streets extended. Between foot of 10th and 9th Streets extended. OWNED BY Union Dry Dock & Repair Co. Union Dry Dock & Repair Co. Union Dry Dock & Repair Co. OPERATED BY Not operated. Not operated. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used (See Remarks). Not used. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 25 519 390 M 383 325 3Q 300 250 Depth Alongside at mlW Do. 20-24 0-20 12-24 22 5-30 5-30 J2 5-15-30 8-30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 500 390 383 325 300 250 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 9 Unlighted. 10 Lighted. 10 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 25-ton, fixed, electric, full- portal, gantry crane; outboard reach on south side, 27 feet, and on north side, 42 feet, with 70-foot elevation above pier deck. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via River Road, stone block, 30 feet wide, from Hudson Street. Same as Ref. No. 403. Same as Ref. No. 403. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. None. None. REMARKS One 6-inch pipeline extends from pier to 3 steel, fuel oil storage tanks, total capacity 1,400 barrels. At the time of survey, the pipeline was sealed and property was not in use. Union Dry Dock & Repair Co. in Weehawken, N. J. (P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 383, 384, and 385) was contemplating moving to this location (P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 403, 404, 405, and 406). See Remarks under Ref. No. 403. See Remarks under Ref. No. 403. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Castle Point, Hoboken 221 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 406 Dock Code No. 777 407 Dock Code No. goo 408 Dock Code No. 305 NAME Union Dry Dock & Repair Co., Pier P. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Pier C. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Pier B. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of 9th Street extended. Between foot of 4th and 3d Streets. Between foot of 3d and 2d Streets. OWNED BY Union Dry Dock & Repair Co. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY Not operated. Not operated. Hudson Engineering, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Mooring miscellaneous small vessels. Mooring vessels for repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Steel pile, concrete-decked pier; fronted by timber fender system. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 30 230 230 323 700 700 103 955 955 Depth Alongside at mtu Do. 30 8-30 4-30 JO JO 30 30 30 30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 230 100 323 700 700 103 955 955 Width of Apron Do. Open. 20 20 20 130 4 4 Height of Deck Above muj Do. 10 12 , approx. 600 Lighted. 10 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. One - steel frame, aluminum-covered, concrete floor. One - steel frame, metal-covered, concrete floor (See Remarks). Length and Width (Feet) 680 by 283 825 by 79 Height Inside Do. _ 16.5 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 192,400 65,200 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 600 _ Cargo Doors ( Feet ) Shipside: 13 regular and 1 double¬ size doors on each side and 4 at face, all with 16-foot vertical clearance. Doorways through firewall connect with bulkhead shed. Shipside: One 20 by 20 door in each bay. Doorways through firewall connect with bulkhead shed. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. One surface track inside headhouse and 2 surface tracks in open area at rear of sheds were not in use at time of survey. Same as Ref. No. 407. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via River Road, stone block, 30 feet wide, from Hudson Street. Via River Street, asphalt, 60 feet wide, from Hudson Place and River Road. Same as Ref. No. 407. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 2%-inch connections. Through 2%-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. Sprinkler system inside building, water line, hydrants, hose, 100 , 000 - gallon water towei; and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 407. REMARKS See Remarks under Ref. No. 403. Two-story, 465- by 130-foot, brick and steel headhouse, located in rear of transit shed, was unused at time of survey. Two-story, 400- by 130-foot, brick and steel headhouse, located in rear of transit shed, is used as company office. Former transit shed serves as repair shop and equipment storage area. 222 PIERS, WHARVES. AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Jersey City Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo. 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 409 Dock Code No. 810 410 Dock Code No. 328 411 Dock Code No. 357 NAME The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Pier A. Consolidated Rail Corp., Lackawanna Canal Dock. Tug and Barge Dry Docks Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Hoboken, foot of 1st Street extended. Jersey City, lower side of Lackawanna Canal, foot of 18th Street extended. Jersey City, Harsimus Cove, between foot of 8th and 7th Streets extended. OWNED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Consolidated Rail Corp. Tug and Barge Dry Docks, Inc., (See Remarks). OPERATED BY Pittston Stevedoring Corp. do. do. PURPOSE POR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo. Including containers, in foreign and domestic trades; occasional receipt of automobiles. Shipment of electrical equipment, subway cars, and other heavy-lift items by barge. Mooring floating drydocks; mooring vessels for repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, concrete-decked pier; fronted by timber fender system. Concrete retaining wall with solid fill supported by timber cribbing. Pier formed by concrete retaining walls with concrete-surfaced solid fill and 320- by 15-foot, timber pile, timber- decked pier extension from face. DESCRIPTION Face Upper 8ide Lower side Face Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 328 700 700 1,901 15 320+683 320+454+2i3 Depth Alongside at mlw Do. 33 33 33 10 15 20-37 4-15 Usable Berthing Space Do. 328 700 700 1,901 Drydocks&270 320+454+223 width of Apron Do. 20 25 20 Open. Open. 15 & 27 15 & 38 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 12, approx. 600 Lighted. 8 800 Lighted. 10 500 (fill). Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, aluminum-covered; concrete floor. None. None (See Remarks). Length and Width (Feet) 680 by 283 Height Inside Do. 12 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 144,300, net. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 600 Cargo Doors Shipside: 13 regular and one double- size doors on each side and four at face, all with 16-foot vertical clearance; 2 truck entrance and 14 truckloading doors at shore end. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Thirty 1- to 5-ton, LP-gas and gaso¬ line fork lift trucks. One 15- and one 25-ton, diesel, mobile stackers for containers and machinery. Two 60-ton, electric, revolving, full- portal, gantry cranes, each with 110- foot boom and 10-foot Jib extension; working in tandem, the 2 cranes can lift 120 tons within 60-foot radius. Cranes travel a distance of 1,600 feet and straddle 2 elevated rail tracks. One 5-ton, diesel, and one 4-ton, steam locomotive cranes, each with 50-foot boom. One 12-ton, floating, diesel, A-frame derrick and one workboat equip¬ ped with 6-ton, diesel crane having 35-foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. Consolidated Rail Corp.: Two ele¬ vated and one surface tracks extend¬ ing along rear connect with adjacent Hoboken Yard. One surface track along inner end of upper side of pier connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via River Street, asphalt, 60 feet wide, from Hudson Place and River Road. Via private driveway, varied widths, unpaved, from Henderson Street at 12th Street and Holland Tunnel Entrance Plaza. Via private driveway, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Pavonla Avenue. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-lnch line. None. Through 3/4-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; D.C* 220 volts. FIre Protection (Other than City) Sprinkler system, hose, hydrants, 100,000-gallon water tower tank, and watchmen. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Pump, hydrants, hose, hand extinguish¬ ers, and watchmen. REMARKS Two-story, 265- by 175-foot, brick and steel headhouse, located in rear of bulkhead on north side; 1st floor used for storing equipment and 2d floor is unused. Approximately 2 acres of open stor¬ age area located at rear of transit shed and headhouse. Approximately 2 acres of open storage area located at rear. Former Piers 4 and 3, extending from outer end of wharf, was in poor con¬ dition and inoperable at time of survey. Parent company is McAllister Bros., Inc. Solid-filled portion of pier is 92 feet wide. Machine, electrical, and carpenter shops located in buildings on pier. One 2,000- and one 1,500-ton floating drydocks are moored at pier extension, and one 1,000- and one 800-ton floating drydocks are moored along upper side. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hudson River, Jersey City 223 Corpa of Engineers Port Code No. 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 412 1)00,1 Code *>. 859 413 Dock Code No. 879 414 Dock Code No. 883 NAME Chicago Shippers Association Pier. Harborside Terminal, Pier F. Harborside Terminal Bulkhead. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between foot of 6th and 7th Streets extended, Harsimua Cove. Approximately 1,000 feet above foot of Montgomery Street (Exchange Place). Approximately 800 feet below foot of Montgomery Street (Exchange Place). OWNED BY Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. Newport Associates. Newport Associates. OPERATED BY Chicago Shippers Association. Harborside Terminal Management, Inc. Harborside Terminal Management, Inc. PURPOSE FOR VHICH USED Not used for handling waterborne commerce. Occasional receipt of general cargo by barge and lighter in intraport and local trades. Not used for handling waterborne commerce. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining walls supported on timber piles with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier. Concrete bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Lower side Upper side Face Dimensions (Feet) 360 1.246 1.650 160 915 915 698 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 5-15 20 32 30-32 30-32 15 Usable Berthing Space Do. - 1,246 1,650 - 915 915 698 Width of Apron Do. Open. 25 5 5 10 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None (See Remarks). One - 2-story, steel frame, metal- covered, with concrete floors. See Remarks. Length and Width (Feet) 885 by 150 Height Inside Do. 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 148.000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500. 1st floor; 450, 2d floor. Cargo Doors ‘ Shipside: Seventy-four, 18 by 18 and thirty-five, 15 by 18. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 15- and one 5-ton, electric, freight elevators inside warehouse (transit shed); steel cargo beams on both sides of roof; stevedoring equipment available as required. Warehouse building at rear has six, 2 -ton and eight, 6-ton, electric, freight elevators and 9 passenger ele¬ vators; stevedoring warehouse handling equipment available as required. RAHWAY CONNECTIONS Consolidated Rail Corp.: 9 parallel surface tracks serving truck terminal and 2 surface tracks with overhead electric wires along rear of lower side. Consolidated Rail Corp.: 3 surface tracks inside transit shed, total length 1,800 feet. Consolidated Rail Corp.: Surface tracks inside building and in open area in rear of building connect with those serving Ref. No. 413. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from foot of 6th Street. Via private driveway, asphalt and concrete, 15 feet wide, from foot of Pearl Street. Same as Ref. No. 413. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. TIRE "PROTECT I ON- (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, suction pipes for pumper truck, and watchmen. Sprinkler system inside warehouse, pumps, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 413. Buildings on pier used as truck and rail terminal. Clearance height at entrance to transit shed is 13 feet, 3 inches, at 1st floor and 10 feet, 6 inches, at 2d floor. Single access road serves all Harborside Terminals. Highway trucks enter 2d floors of warehouse (transit sheds) on Piers F and D via concrete ramp. Harbor- side Terminal Warehouse (8 stories) connects with rear of Piers F and D (See S.W. Ref. No. 36). Eight-story, brick and concrete, ware¬ house building contains both cold and dry storage, main offices of terminal, and service facilities. See Remarks under Ref. No. 413. 224 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 415 Dock Code No. 887 418 Dock Code No. 899 417 Dock Code No. 925 NAME Harborside Terminal, Pier D. Colgate-Palmolive Pier. Portside Terminal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Hudson River, above foot of Montgomery Street (Exchange Place). Right bank, Hudson River, between foot of Morris and Sussex Streets. North side of Tidewater Basin, between foot of Washington and Warren Streets. OWNED BY Newport Associates. Colgate-Palmolive Co. McConnell Fuel Oil Co. OPERATED BY Harborslde Terminal Management, Inc. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Occasional receipt of general cargo by barge and lighter in Intraport and local trades. Receipt of coconut oil, caustic soda, and trldecyl benzene by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge and small tank vessel fueling tugs and other small vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. One 225- and one 165-foot, timber bulk¬ head, each with solid fill. Additional berthing on both sides of a 75- by 3- foot, timber pile, timber-decked pier extending from east end in line with face of the 165-foot bulkhead; sides of pier are fronted by timber dolphins. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face blmensions (Feet) 125 850 550 33 375 375 225+165 Depth Alongside at MLW Do* 32 30-32 30-32 15 15 15 14 and 16 Usable Berthing Space Do. 125 840 550 - 375 375 240 w/pier. Width of Apron Do. 15 5 5 Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 10 500 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 10 250 Lighted. transit ShedS Number and Type of Construction One - 2-story, steel frame, metal- covered, with concrete floors. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) 835 bv 115: 65 bv 40 Height Inside Do. 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 150,000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500, 1st floor; 450, 2d floor. Cargo Doors * (Feet) Shipside: Continuous, 15 by 18 on 1st floor; forty-seven, 8 by 18 on 2d floor. Shore access described under Pier F (See Ref. No. 413). MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Four 5-ton, electric, freight ele¬ vators Inside warehouse (transit shed] steel cargo beams on both sides of roof; stevedoring equipment available as required. Steel tower on pier for handling hose. Small hand-operated hoist for handling drums of lubricating oil. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Consolidated Rail Corp.: Use of trackage described under Ref. Nos. 413 and 414. Plant trackage in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, asphalt and concrete, 15 feet wide, from foot of Pearl Street. Via plant road, varied widths, from Hudson Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via foot of Warren Street, paved, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2 \-inch line. Through 2-inch line. Through one 2-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT ‘ (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. TIRE PROTECTION (Other than Cit REMARKS y) Sprinkler system Inside warehouse, pumps, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Water line, hydrant, steam line, and watchmen. Water line, foam line, hand extinguish¬ ers, and watchmen. See Remarks under Ref. Nos. 413 and 414. Four 4-inch pipelines extend from pier to 4 coconut oil storage tanks, total capacity 498,000 gallons; one 560,000-gallon caustic soda storage tank, 3 trldecyl benzene storage tanks, total capacity 716,000 gallons; and 2 sulfuric acid storage tanks, total capacity 40,000 gallons; all located at plant in rear. Sulphuric acid was not being received by water at time of survey. One 2-inch steam line serves pier. Three 12-, two 8-, and three 6-inch pipelines extend from lower 225-foot bulkhead, and two 8- and three 6-inch pipelines extend from the upper 165- foot bulkhead to 10 steel storage tanks, total capacity 274,250 barrels. Tugs and other small vessels are supplied with diesel fuel at pier extension through 6-inch pipelines with 2- and 3-inch metered hoses; No. 6 fuel oil is also available. Lower bulkhead was not in use at time of survey. RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Jersey City 225 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02905 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 418 Dock Code No. 928 419 Dock Code No. 939 420 Dock Code No. 990 Rodermond Industries Docks. Schiavone-Bonomo Corp., Wharf. Morris Basin Ellis Island National Park, Ferry Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Smith Cove, north side of Tidewater Basin, between foot of Henderson and Van Vorst Streets. North side of head of Tidewater Basin at foot of Jersey Avenue extended. Ellis Island, off New Jersey mainland, at mouth of Hudson River, north side of Ellis Island Slip. Rodermond Industries, Inc. Schiavone-Bonomo Corp. United States Government. OPERATED BY do. Department of Interior, National Park Service, and Circle Line. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring small vessels for repair; mooring floating drydocks. Receipt and shipment of scrap metal by barge. Landing for passenger ferry and service boats. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Irregularly shaped slip formed by timber bulkheads along the east side, timber and steel sheet pile bulkheads along west and south sides and steel sheet pile bulkhead along north side. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf. Concrete bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION East side Dimensions "(Teet) North side West and South sides 2404-2004-320 205 330 & 180 280 132 Depth Alongside at ^ Do. 14 14 14 Usable Berthing Space 2004-320 Drydocks 330 & Drydock 280 132 Width of Apron Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT "sheds- Lighted. 8 Lighted. 10 Unlighted. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. Cargo Doors (Lbs.) MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 50-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 70-foot boom and 30-foot jib; one 50-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 100-foot boom mounted on barge; one 30-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 70-foot boom and 30-foot jib and one 10-ton, gasoline, floating Two 10-ton, electric, traveling, bridge cranes equipped with 72- and 65-inch magnets, each extending over open storage area at rear and having 25-foot outboard reach; one 25-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 50-foot boom, equipped with 54-inch magnet, and one 20-ton, mobile crane with 45-foot boom, equipped with 54-inch magnet, serve open storage area at rear. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks serving yard in rear connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Henderson Street, paved, 25 feet wide. Via Jersey Avenue, wide. asphalt, 40 feet WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2-inch connections. Through hydrant with 2-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle; D.C., 220/440 volts (from generator). FIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Hydrants, hand extinguishers, watchmen. and Hand extinguishers. REMARKS One 2,500-, one 2,100-, and one 750 ton, wooden, floating drydocks with pool depths ranging from 28 to 36 feet, moored end-to north side of slip, one 1,300-ton, wooden, floating drydock moored along south side of slip, and one 4,000-ton, wooden, floating drydock moored along 240- foot portion of east side of slip. Two-story office building and scrap metal processing machinery in yard at rear. Wharf used only during summer months for sightseeing vessels. 226 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West aide, Upper New York Bay Corpa of Englneeri Port Code No. 02715 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 8 421 Dock Code No. 300 422 Dock Code No. 290 423 Dock Code No. 273 NAME Liberty Island East Pier. Liberty Island West Pier. Liberty Park Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT East side of Liberty Island. Southwest side of Liberty Island. Jersey City, Drive. south of foot of Wolf OWNED BY United States Government. United States Government. State of New Jersey. OPERATED BY Department of Interior, National Park Service. Department of Service, and Liberty Ferry Interior, National Park Circle Line-Statue of , Inc. Circle Line-Statue of Liberty Ferry, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of construction supplies, materials, and equipment; landing for service boats. Landing for passenger excursion boats from Battery Park, Manhattan, mooring^ service vessels. Landing for harbor sightseeing boats. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile. timber-decked pier. Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber¬ decked, L-shaped pier; additional 83 feet of berthing space available at rear of face. Face fronted by steel and timber fender system. Timber bulkhead with part asphalt - surfaced solid fill; one 10-foot-wlde, Indented, passenger ramp located at center. DESCRIPTION Face North side South side Face East side West side Face Dimensions (Feet) 20 200 200 123 234 42+192 300 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 6 4-6 4-6 15 15 15 21 Usable Berthing Space Do. 20 150 150 123 234 300 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Tnen. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 , approx. 10 , approx. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. TtbsTT . „ Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. Rone. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lba. ) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Electric mast 12 -foot boom for handling -and-boom derrick with located at rear of face supplies. Rone. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. Rone. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Pier connects the Island. with service roads on Same as Ref. No. 421. Via Wolf Drive, asphalt, 24 feet wide, from connection with New Jersey Turnpike Interchange 14 B. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single phase, 60- cycle. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hand extlnguiahe watchmen. rs, and Same as Ref. No. 421. Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Excursion boats operate from Battery Park Landing (Ref. No. 340). Park area located in rear. Passenger sightseeing boats operate to Ellis Island (Ref. No. 420) and on trips around Manhattan Island. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Upper New York Bey, Jersey City 227 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02715 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP MO. 9 424 Dock Code No. 260 425 Dock Code No. 259 426 Dock Code No. 258 NAME Caven Point Pisr. Caven Point, Wharf. Permanent Marine Base Metropolitan Petroleum Co. Avenue Pier. , Linden LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Caven Point, foot of Chapel Avenue. Foot of Chapel Avenue, south of inner end of southerly side of approach to Caven Point Pier. North of foot of Linden Avenue. OWNED BY City of Jersey City. United States Government. Trustees of Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. OPERATED BY Not operated. Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army. Metropolitan Petroleum Co. , Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used (See Remarks). Mooring government-owned floating equipment. Receipt and occasional shipment of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber-decked, offshore pier with 2,800- by 40-foot timber roadway approach. Additional berthing avail¬ able along a 1,300-foot row of five, 100- by 30-foot, timber, mooring platforms (Continued under Remarks) Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; south portion of face fronted by lower-level, 6-foot-wide, timber extension. Additional berthing avail¬ able at stalls formed by 10 timber piers at angle to two 5-foot-wide timber walkways extending from face. Timber pile, timber-decked pier con¬ sisting of 3 offshore platforms with mooring dolphins in line with faces of south sides; platforms connected by catwalk and with 500- by 6-foot timber approach from shore. DESCRIPTION Face South side North side Face Southeast side South side Dimensions (Feet) 95 1,800 1.800 500 250 715 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 35 35 16 16 26 Usable Berthing Space Do. 95 1,800 1,800 360, approx. 250 715 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANS IT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 10-ton, diesel, mobile crane with 30-foot boom. One 2-ton, hand-operated, crane. hosehandling RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. Consolidated track serves loading rack Rail Corp.: One surface 11 -car-capacity tank car- in rear. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, concrete, 20 feet wide, from Chapel Avenue, asphalt, 25 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 424. Via private driveway, asphalt, 15 feet wide, from foot of Linden Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 2%-inch connections. Through 3-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volt8, 3-phase, 60- cycle. None. Pi re PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants and pumping system. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, salt water pumping system, and Foam system, watchmen. hand extinguishers, and REMARKS located 700 feet from and parallel to north side of pier. Corps of Engineers uses the parallel row of timber mooring platforms for mooring barges engaged in harbor debris collection. One 75-ton, vertical, boat lift, with 60- by 20-foot platform and rail- cradle, is located in slip near center of face of bulkhead; lift is used for raising and lowering small boats into and out of water, then shifted onto cradle traveling on rails located along bulkhead and into a machine shop building for making repairs. One 16-, three 8-, and one 6-inch pipe¬ lines extend from pier to 20 steel storage tanks at rear, and 15 steel storage tanks at terminal on Caven Point Road, approximately 3,000 feet north of pier, total capacity 1,440,000 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Upper New York Bay, Jersey City Corps of Engineers Port Code No. Q2715 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 9 427 Dock Code No.257 428 Dock Code No. 256 429 Dock Code No. 255 NAME Lehigh Valley, Claremont Wharf. Prolerized Schlabo Neu Co., Claremont Wharf. J. Rich Steers Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Inner end, south aide of Claremont Terminal Channel, between foot of Linden and Chapel Avenues. Approximately 2,200 feet from inner end, south side of Claremont Terminal Channel, between foot of Linden and Chapel Avenues. North side, outer end of Claremont Terminal Pier, between foot of Linden and Chapel Avenues. OWNED BY Trustees of Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. Trustees of Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. Trustees of Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. OPERATED BY Prolerized Schlabo Neu Co. Prolerized Schlabo Neu Co. J. Rich Steers, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring barges. Receipt of scrap metal by barge and shipment by vessel. Receipt and shipment of construction supplies, materials, and equipment; mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete bulkhead supported on tim¬ ber piles with solid fill; fronted by timber fenders. Part steel sheet pile bulkhead and part concrete bulkhead supported on timber piles, all with solid fill. Concrete bulkhead supported on timber piles with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 1,855 250+850 520 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 24-32 24-30 22-26 Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,855 250+850 520 Width of Apron Do. 6 and open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above mlw Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Partly lighted. 10 500 Partly lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - 2-story, steel frame, concrete and tile walls, with asphalt block floors: 1st and 2d floors are each divided into 4 sections by firewalls. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) 817 by 103-123 (See Remarks). Height Inside Do. 15, each floor. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 194.000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500. 1st floor; 400. 2d floor. C»rgo Doors ( Fee c) Shipside: Doors In every bay, 11 by 12; others: Doors along concrete rail and truckloading platform ex¬ tending along rear of shed. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES 1 None. Two 25-ton, electric, pedestal- mounted cranes, each with 40-foot boom equipped with grapples and mag¬ nets. One 80-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 80-foot boom; and one loading tower having cantilevered, electric, conveyor boom with 72-inch belt and 50-foot outboard reach; maximum loading rate 1,100 tons per hour. Hoisting equipment is available as needed. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Consolidated Rail Corp.: 4 surface tracks extend along rear of face of open portion, total length approxi¬ mately 4,000 feet and 2 platform- level tracks along rear of transit shed. All join additional trackage in rear. Consolidated Rail Corp.: One surface track along rear of face. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS < Via Linden Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 428. Same as Ref. No. 428. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, water barrels and palls, and watchmen. Hydrants, hose, and watchmen. Watchmen. REMARKS Several adjustable ramps in wharf apron formerly used for handling cargo to and from side doors in covered barges. New Jersey American Warehouses Corp. operates transit shed as storage warehouse. Scrap metal processing plant and open storage area for approximately 100,000 tons of scrap metal at rear. Contractor's storage yard located in rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Upper New York Bay, Jersey City 229 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02715 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 9 430 Dock Code No. 211 431 Dock Code No. 201 432 Dock Code No. 194 NAME J. Rich Steers Mooring. Consolidated Rail Corp., Greenville Transfer Bridges. Greenville, Pier B. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT West side, outer end of Claremont Terminal Pier, foot of Linden Avenue. Foot of Gates Avenue, north portion of outer end of Greenville Terminal. Foot of Gates Avenue, middle of outer end of Greenville Terminal. OWNED BY Trustees of Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. Consolidated Rail Corp. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees OPERATED BY J. Rich Steers, Inc. Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal Railroad. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment for storage and repair. Transfer of railroad cars to and from car floats. Not used. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill; timber retaining walls supported by timber piles with solid fill; 100- foot timber pile, timber-decked pier extends from lower end of 300-foot section of face fronted by timber piles along north side. Six adjustable transfer bridges supported by overhead steel frame¬ work with timber ferry racks and fenders (See Remarks). Timber pile, timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face South side in canal Car float slips Face South side North side Dimensions (Feet) 270+300 1.200 250 by 450 120 2,002 2,002 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 12 6-12 15 17-20 10-20 20-23 Usable Berthing Space Do. 270+300 1,200 250+250 (See Remarks). 120 2,002 2,002 Width of Apron Do. Open. ~Ope^ Open. Height of Deck Above mlW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 Unlighted. Lighted. 11 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 25-ton, diesel, locomotive crane with 45-foot boom. Electric hoisting machinery for adjusting level of bridges. One 20- and three 10-ton, electric, traveling, full-portal, straight-line, gantry cranes, each with 40-foot boom and topping lifts; 2 of the 10-ton cranes have 5-ton auxiliary hoists equipped to handle magnets. Cranes were inoperative at time of survey. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Consolidated Rail Corp.: Surface tracks serve bulkheads and open storage area in rear. Consolidated Rail Corp.: 2 tracks on each transfer bridge, with third track switch to serve 3-track car floats, connect with Greenville Storage Yard in rear. Consolidated Rail Corp.: 3 surface tracks on pier join with Greenville Storage Yard in rear. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, partly paved, 10 feet wide, from foot of Linden Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Gates Avenue, asphalt, 16 feet wide, from State Highway No. 169, at New Jersey Turnpike Interchange 14A. Same as Ref. No. 431. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through hydrant with 6-inch line. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Water line, hose, hand extinguishers, water pump, and watchmen. Hydrants, hose, and watchmen. Hydrants and watchmen. REMARKS One 500-ton, marine railway with 100- by 39-foot cradle, 7-foot depth of water over blocks when submerged. Marine repair shops and other facil¬ ities are for use of own equipment only. Additional berthing available at tim¬ ber pile dolphins and grounded barges and vessels located offshore. Only 2 of the transfer bridges were operational at time of survey. Car floats operate to New York Dock Rail¬ way's Fulton Terminal Transfer Bridge and Brooklyn Eastern District Termi¬ nal's N. 10th Street Transfer Bridge (Ref. Nos. 136 and 165, respectively) in Brooklyn, and the Staten Island Railroad Corp. Transfer Bridge (Ref. No. 700) on Staten Island. Two of the full-portal gantry cranes served the north side of the pier (one 20 - and one 10-ton) and 2 of the cranes served the south side. 230 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side, Upper New York Bey, Jersey City Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02713 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 9 433 Dock Code No. 190 434 Dock Code No. 105 435 Dock Code No. igQ HAKE Greenville, Pier C. Greenville, Mooring Wharf. Greenville, South Marginal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Gates Avenue, outer end of Greenville Terminal. Foot of Gates Avenue, south end of outer end of Greenville Terminal. South side of Greenville Terminal. OWNED BY Consolidated Rail Corp. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees. Penn Central Transportation Co. Trustees OPERATED BY Penn Industries, Inc. Penn Industries, Inc. Penn Industries, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring barges. Mooring barges. Receipt and shipment of bulk and crated general cargo, structural steel, and heavy-lift items by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining walls with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill supported by tim¬ ber piles. Timber bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by steel H-plles. 575-foot timber bulkhead, 1,025-foot concrete wall, and 900-foot steel sheet pile bulkhead; all with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face South side North side Face Face blmensions (Feet) 200 1.010 1,010 420 2.500 Depth Alongside at mlw Do. 12-14 22 18-22 17-22 15-25 Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 1,010 1,010 420 2,500 Width of Apron Do. 10 4 4 Open. Open. Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Lighted. 13 Unlighted. 13 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - steel frame, metal-covered, with asphalt block floor. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) 1.002 by 192 Height Inside Do. - Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 168,000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 Cargo Doors (feet) Shipslde: Forty-eight, 16 by 12; others: Five, 16 by 12; four of which are truck entrance doors at shore end. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. One 40-ton, diesel, revolving crane with 65-foot boom, and three 10-ton, diesel, locomotive cranes, each with 40-foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Consolidated Rail Corp.: 2 depressed tracks at carfloor-level inside transit shed, total length 1,964 feet. Consolidated Rail Corp.: Parallel surface tracks extend at right angle to rear of bulkhead. Consolidated Rail Corp.: 2 surface tracks along rear of face Join addi¬ tional trackage in rear. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Gates Avenue, asphalt, 16 feet wide, from State Highway No. 169, at New Jersey Turnpike Interchange No. 14A. Via private driveways, part unpaved, 10 feet wide, and part asphalt, 16 feet wide, from State Highway No. 169. Same as Ref. No. 434. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. None. None. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Water line, hydrants, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. Watchmen. None. REMARKS Trucks have access to interior of transit shed. Portion of transit shed is leased to Southern Trucking Co., Inc. Approximately 14 acres of open storage area located in rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS West side. Upper New York Bay, Bayonne 231 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02715 Q282S REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 9 436 Dock Code No. 178 437 Dock Code No. 170 43g Dock Code No. 517 NAME Global Terminal Wharf. Bethlehem Steel Corp., Military Ocean Terminal, Berths Nos. E-2 and E-l. Exxon Co.,U.S.A., Constable Hook, Fuel Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Port Jersey Industrial and Marine Center, between foot of E. 51st and E. 48th Streets extended. Outer end. Military Ocean Terminal, foot of E. 40th Street extended. East side of Constable Hook, at entrance to Kill Van Rail. OWNED BY Dart Container Line; Columbus Line; and Fabre. United States Government. Exxon Co.,U.S.A. OPERATED BY Global Terminal & Container Services, i Inc. Bethlehem Steel Corp., Shipbuilding Division, Hoboken Yard. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of containerized general cargo in foreign and domestic trades. Mooring vessels for repair. Receipt and shipment of petroleum prod¬ ucts and solvents and receipt of asphalt by barge; fueling vessels; loading har¬ bor bunkering barges. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete pile, concrete-decked wharf; fronted by timber fender system. Two sections, timber pile, asphalt- surfaced, concrete-decked wharf separated by 250-foot-wide entrance to graving dock. Part concrete and part timber bulkhead with solid fill; two 24-foot diameter, steel sheet pile, cellular, breasting dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Berth No. E-2 Berth No. E-l Face Dimensions (Feet) 1.800 650 400 646 Depth Alongside at mlw Do. 35 35 AI 24 Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,800 650 400 940 w/dolphs Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above mlw Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12.5 4,000 Lighted. 13 Lighted. 10 Lighted. CONTAINER FREIGHT STATIONS Number and Type of Construction SHED A Steel frame, metal covered over brick walls . Both have SHED B* Steel frame, con¬ crete block walls. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) 132 by 1,130 300 by 325 Height Inside Do. 20 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 150,000 97,500, gross. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 1,000 1,000 Cargo Doors 77 truck- and 4 rail-loading stations. * See Remarks. 39 truck-loading stations. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Three 45-ton, electric, traveling, container-handling cranes, each with hinged-cantilevered boom having 133- foot outboard reach and 60-foot back reach; cranes have a 243-foot, con¬ tainer travel length and an operating rate of 25 containers per hour each. Cranes can handle other heavy-lift lcargo up to 50 tons. Three 35-ton, mobile, bridge cranes, 1 two diesel with 74-foot span, and one 1 hydraulic with 45-foot span. Two diesel-electric, traveling, gantry cranes, one 50-ton with 105-foot boom and one 20-ton with 171-foot boom, serve graving dock. Berths are served by 2 floating cranes described under Ref. No. 397 and additional rental cranes as required. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Port Jersey Railroad: 2 platform- level tracks serving north side of Shed A, total length 360 feet, and 2 surface tracks serving open con¬ tainer storage area, total length 1,240 feet, connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. One surface track at rear of each berth, extending from trackage along each side of graving dock. Joins trackage serving Military Ocean Termi¬ nal, connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Terminal trackage in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Port Jersey Boulevard, asphalt, 80 feet wide, from State Highway No. 169, at New Jersey Turnpike Inter¬ change 14A. Via Port Terminal Road and other base roads, from foot of E. 40th Street and E. Avenue. Via private road, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from foot of E. 22d Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch line. Through connections from 6-inch main. Through 2-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 115 volts, single-phase, 60- A.C., cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle; D.C., 120/240/440 volts. 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) REMARKS Sprinkler systems Inside buildings, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, Mid watchmen. Fire water line, hydrants, hose, steam, and watchmen. Steam, 8 inch fireline, pump, hydrants, and hose. In addition, ninety-six 5- to 52-ton, fork lift trucks and 26 tractors serve the terminal. Shed B is located approximately 1/2 mile west of terminal between Port Jersey Boulevard and Pulaski Lane. Ancillary facilities at the 84-acre terminal include paved, storage space for 2,000 containers stacked 3-high, 3,500 on chassis, and 124 positions for refrigerated cargo containers. Concrete graving dock, located be¬ tween sections of wharf, can accom¬ modate vessels of up to 1,082 feet in length, 138 feet in width, and 43 feet draft. Four 16-, four 12-, one 10-, thirteen 8-, and one 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to approximately 85 steel storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 7,500,000 barrels. 232 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Kill Van Kull, Bayonne Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02825 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 9 439 Dock Code No. 517 440 Dock Code No. 518 441 Dock Code No. 524 NAME Exxon Co., U.S.A., Constable Hook, Pier No. 7. Exxon Co., U.S.A., Constable Hook, Pier No. 6. El Dorado Terminals Corp., Plant No. 1 Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT East aide of Constable Hook, at entrance to Kill Van Kull. East end of Constable Hook, at entrance to Kill Van Kull. Approximately 1,500 feet above mouth of Kill Van Kull. OWNED BY Exxon Co., U.S.A. Exxon Co., U.S.A. El Dorado Terminals Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products, asphalt, and solvents by barge; loading harbor bunkering barges Receipt and shipment of petroleum products and asphalt; bunkering tankers berthed at pier; and loading barges for bunkering vessels at berth in harbor. Receipt and shipment of caustic soda, petrochemicals, and tallow, and receipt of molasses. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore platform, two 40- by 30-foot, similar, breasting platforms on each side In line with faces of platform; all con¬ nected by steel catwalks; breasting faces fronted by timber fender sys¬ tems . Steel H-plles with concrete beams and concrete deck; steel pile, concrete- capped, hexagonal dolphin, located off outer end, connected by steel walkway. Timber bulkhead with solid fill, fronted by timber pile,timber-decked pier; steel pile, concrete-capped, mooring dolphin in line with each side connected by T- shaped steel walkway. DESCRIPTION Lower face Upper face Sides Face Lower side Upper side Face Upper side Lower side dimensions (Feet) 80 80 40, each. 57 594 554 68 350 350 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 23 23 . 35 38 36 34 32 26 Usable Berthing Space Do. 480 w/plats. 480 w/plats. - - 750 w/dolph 700 w/dolph 68 420 w/dolph 420 w/dolph Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 16 6 6 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 Lighted. 10 400 Lighted. 9 250 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. One - steel frame, metal-covered, with wooden floor. Length and Width (Feet) 375 by 56 Height Inside Do. - Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 22,000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 250 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Four on lower and 3 on upper sides, each 18 by 17fc. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Loading tower, with 5 electrically operated loading arms, serves north side of pier; 2 electric hosehandling derricks on south side. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Terminal trackage In rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 439. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private road, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from foot of E. 22d Street. Same as Ref. No. 439. Same as Ref. No. 439. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2-inch line. Through 6-Inch line. Through 2-inch hose connections from 4-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cyc le. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Steam, 8-inch fireline, pump, hydrants, and hose. Steam and salt water lines, and hose reels. Water lines, hose, hydrants, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Five 16-, nine 12-, one 10-, seven¬ teen 8-, and one 6-inch pipelines connect with pipelines and storage tanks described under Ref. No. 438. One 30-, one 24-, five 20-, four 16-, two 12-, four 10-, five 8-, and four 6 -inch pipelines extend from pier to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 438. One 4-Inch slop line also serves wharf. Additional 400 feet of berthing with 20 -foot depth is available at bulkhead on upper side. Shed on pier is not used for storing cargo. One 12-, one 8-, one 6-, and two 4-inch pipelines extend from pier to 31 steel storage tanks, total capacity 8,514,600 gallons. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Kill Van Kull, Bayonne 233 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. Q2825 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 9 442 Dock Code No. 525 443 Dock Code No. 527 444 Dock Code No. 529 NAME Stone Container Corp., Constable Hook Wharf. Amerada Hess Corp., Bayonne Terminal, Pier A. Amerada Hess Corp., Bayonne Terminal, Pier B. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1,800 feet above mouth of Kill Van Kull. Approximately 0.4 mile above mouth of Kill Van Kull. Approximately mile above mouth of Kill Van Kull. OWNED BY Stone Container Corp. Amerada Hess Corp. Amerada Hess Corp. OPERATED BY Not operated. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products; loading harbor bunkering barges. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by tanker and barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Inner section: Timber piles with tim¬ ber deck on pipeway and concrete piles with concrete deck on driveway; outer¬ angled section: Timber and steel piles with concrete deck. Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete- and timber-decked pier with steel pile, concrete-decked 50- by 30-foot loading platform located at face on upper side of pier and connected by steel catwalk. DESCRIPTION Face Face Lower side Upper side Face Sides of pier Sides of platform Dimensions (Feet) 275 150 50f210 120+20 67+50 402 30 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 19 35 20 and 30 - 35 25-32 25-35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 33 210 _ 450 (See Remarks) - _ Width of Apron Do. Open and 30. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 8 Lighted. 10 900, on outer portion. Lighted. 11 400 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Pneumatic mast-and-boom derrick with 40-foot boom atop elevated loading platform for handling 6 hose connections RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Surface tracks In rear of property connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, asphalt, 15 feet wide, from foot of East 22d Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 442. Same as Ref. No. 442. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 6-inch line. Through 2%-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Fire protection (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Water lines, hose, hand extinguishers, suction line, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 443. REMARKS Two-story building at rear of bulkhead used for paper storage and processing. One 12-, two 10and two 4-inch pipe¬ lines extend from pier to 33 steel storage tanks located at terminal in rear, total capacity 1,050,000 bar¬ rels . In addition, one 4-inch steam and one 4-inch return lines serve pier. At time of survey, pipelines extended from pier to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 441. Berthing space includes face of Pier C; 800-foot vessels can be berthed across the faces of Piers A, B, and C. 234 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS La ft bank, Kill Van Kull, Bayonne Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo. 02825 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 445 - MAP NO. 9 Dock Cod* No. 530 446 - MAP NO. 10 Dock Code No. 535 447 * MAP NO. 10 Dock Code No. 540 NAME Amerada Hass Corp., Bayonne Terminal, Pier C. Atlantic Oment Co., Bayonne Station Wharf. El Dorado Terminals Corp., Plant No. 2 Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1 mile below Platty Kill Creek. Approximately 2,800 feet below Platty Kill Creek. Approximately 2,300 feet below Platty Kill Creek. OWNED BY Amerada Hess Corp. City of Bayonne. El Dorado Terminals Corp. OPERATED BY do. Atlantic Oment Co., Inc., a subsid¬ iary of Newmont Mining Co. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce (See Remarks). Receipt and shipment of bulk cement by barge. Receipt and shipment of bulk inedible oils, chemicals, and various other liquid commodities. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-surfaced, timber-decked pier. One steel pile, concrete-capped, rec¬ tangular, breasting platform located on upper side. Offshore wharf consisting of three, 20 - by 20-foot and one, 50- bv 20- foot, concrete breasting dolpnlns supported by steel piling; dolphins spaced 150 feet apart, are each fronted by timber pile fenders, and connected by timber walkways in line with rear side of dolphins. (Continued under Remarks) Offshore wharf, consisting of two 33- by 30- and one 24- by 20-foot, steel pile, concrete-decked, breasting platforms, connected by 4-foot-wide timber walkway to sides of outer end of a 215- by 20- foot timber approach. j DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Rear of face Face Rear of face ^intensions (Feet) 77 380 370 470 w/dolphs 470 w/dolphs 340 1504-150 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 - 17-35 28 25 37 17 Usable Berthing Space Do. (See Remarks^ - 370 470 w/dolphs 470 w/dolphs 340 1504-150 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 11 500 Unllghted. 11.5, breasting dolphins. Lighted. 11.5, walkways. Lighted. TRANSIf SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Steel tower located on the 30- by 20- foot concrete dolphin (2d one from east) supports outer end of a 245- foot inclined gallery from shore; gallery is equipped with walkway and a 42-inch, electric, belt-conveyor system extending from 8 cement storage silos; conveyor serves chute for load¬ ing barges berthed at rear of face, loading rate 500 tons per hour. One 4-ton, fixed, hydraulic, rotating derrick, with 40-foot telescopic boom atop elevated loading platform for handling hose, located on center 24- by 20-foot breasting platform. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. Four surface tracks serve plant in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, asphalt and brick, 15 feet vide, from foot of E. 22d Street. Via Commerce Street, stone and asphalt, 25 feet wide, from Hook Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via driveway, asphalt and concrete, 20 feet wide, from Hook Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Water lines, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, suction line, and watchmen. None on wharf; hand extinguishers in plant at rear. Hydrant, hose, foam system, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. REMARKS A 100- by 80-foot oil pollution pre¬ vention flume is located at inner end of west side. Vessels berth at face (See Remarks under Ref. No. 444). Row of timber mooring dolphins extends along rear of concrete dolphins and walkway, providing 470 feet of berth¬ ing space. Four 12-inch pipelines suspended under gallery extend from wharf to 8 cement storage silos, with total capacity for 14,800 tons. Barges berthed at face pump bulk cement through the pipelines to the storage silos at a rate of 600 tons per hour. Barges can load or unload at rear of face while tankers are berthed at face. Two 12-, one 8-, seven 6-, and four 4- inch pipelines extend from loading platform to 70 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 13,000,000 gallons. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Kill Van Kull, Bayonne 235 Corps of Engineer* Port Code Ho. 02825 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 10 448 Dock Code No. 550 449 DocLc Code No. 55$ 450 Dock Code No. 559 NAME Gordon Terminal Service Co. Pier. iKxxon Co., U.S.A., Bayonne, Pier Nc. 1. * Bayonne Industries Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1,700 feet below Platty Kill Creek. Below entrance to Platty Kill Creek. Upper side of Platty Kill Creek inside entrance. OWNED BY Gordon Terminal Service Co. Exxon Co., U.S.A. Bayonne Industries, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Bayonne Terminal Warehouse Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of solvents, petroleum products, and glycols; shipment of liquid latex and pyridine, by tanker and barge; fueling vessels and loading bunkering barges. Receipt of bulk lubricating oil by ship and barge. Shipment and occasional receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 300- by 10-foot approach from steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; one steel pile, concrete - decked, breasting platform on each side in line with face, connected by steel pile, timber-decked walkways. Concrete retaining walls supported on timber piles with concrete-surfaced solid fill. Timber crib bulkhead, with solid fill, partly on timber relieving platform. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Dinenslons (Feet) 40 25 25 43 700 700 1.050 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 39-42 _ _ 32-35 32 10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 w/platforms. - . 43 700 - 1,050 (See Remarks). Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 Lighted. 11 400 Lighted. 9 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) £argo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 7%-ton, fixed, electric-hydraulic, rotating derrick with 40-foot tele¬ scopic boom atop elevated loading platform at outer end of approach for handling hose. Nine pneumatic loading arms on ele¬ vated steel platform . None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track serves 12-car- capacity loading rack in rear, con¬ nects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Plant trackage in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Plant trackage in rear connects with East Jersey Railroad and Terminal Co. which connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, varied widths, from foot of Hook Road, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via plant roads, from E. 22d Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Some aa Ref. No. 449. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2-inch line. Through connections from 6-inch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 460 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle, at 60 amperes. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers and watchmen. 8-inch line with mounts and fire hoses. Same as Ref. No. 449. REMARKS One 12- and one 10-inch pipelines ex¬ tend from wharf to 3 fuel oil storage tanks, total capacity 52,400 barrels, and eleven 8- and two 6-inch pipelinet extend from wharf to 24 steel storage tanks, total capacity 19,188,900 gal¬ lons . Nine 8-, three 6-, and three 4-inch pipelines extend from pier to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 438. One 6-inch steam and one 4-inch slop lines serve pier. Two 8-inch pipelines extend from pier connecting with additional pipelines extending to 155 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 6,000,000 barrels. Wharf is in line and contiguous with lower side of Ref. No. 451. 236 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Kill Van Kull, Bayonne Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02825 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 10 451 Dock Code No. 560 452 Dock Code No. 561 453 Dock Code No. 562 NAME Bayonne Industries, Pier No. 4. Bayonne Industries, Pier No. 3. Bayonne Industries, Coal Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Upper aide of Platty Kill Creek at entrance. Approximately 250 feet above Platty Kill Creek. Approximately 400 feet above Platty Kill Creek. OWNED BY Bayonne Industries, Inc. Bayonne Industries, Inc. Bayonne Industries, Inc. OPERATED BY Bayonne Terminal Warehouse Corp. Bayonne Terminal Warehouse Corp. Bayonne Terminal Warehouse Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products, vegetable oils, and chemi¬ cals by vessel and barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by vessel and barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier with raised center section. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side bimenslons (Feet) 60 330 330 62 330 470 20 367 355 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. - 24 24 28 24 30 21 30 24 Usable Berthing Space Do. - 330 (See 330 62 330 470 20 367 355 width of Apron Do. Open. Remarks) 20 n Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 9 300 Lighted. 9; center deck, 11 300 Lighted. 11 200 Lighted. Wans it sheds Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage in rear connects with East Jersey Railroad and Terminal Co. which connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 451. Same as Ref. No. 451. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roads, asphalt, 12 to 20 feet wide, from E. 22d Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 451. Same as Ref. No. 451. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIrE protection (Other than City) Six-inch fire water line, hydrant, hose, hand extinguishers, and watch¬ men . Three-inch fire water line, hydrant, hose, hand extinguishers, and watch¬ men. Six-inch fire water line, hydrant, hose hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS Lower side of pier is in line and contiguous with Ref. No. 450. One 10-, three 8-, and one 6-inch pipelines extend from pier to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 450. One 3-lnch steam line serves wharf. Two 8-inch vegetable oil lines extend from pier to 35 steel storage tanks located in rear, total capacity 58,300 barrels. One-story storage warehouse located at rear of Piers Nos. 3 and 4. One 12-, one 8-, and nine 6-inch (6 inactive) pipelines extend from pier to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 450. Two 12- and one 8-inch pipelines extend from pier to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 450. Three-story, concrete - framed, compound building warehouse in rear of bulkhead between Coal Pier and Pier No. 2. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Kill Van Kull, Bayonne 237 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02825 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP No. 10 454 Dock Code No. 563 455 Dock Code No. 564 456 Dock Code No. 565 NAME Bayonne Industries, Pier No. 2. Bayonne Industries, Pier No. 1. Bayonne Industries, Pier A. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 600 feet west of Platty Kill Creek. Approximately 800 feet above Platty Kill Creek. Approximately 1,000 feet above Platty Kill Creek. OWNED BY Bayonne Industries, Inc. Bayonne Industries, Inc. Bayonne Industries, Inc. OPERATED BY Bayonne Terminal Warehouse Corp. Bayonne Terminal Warehouse Corp. Bayonne Terminal Warehouse Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products; bunkering tankers berthed at pier; loading barges for bunkering vessels at berths in harbor. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products and chemicals; bunkering tankers berthed at pier; loading barges for bunkering vessels at berths in harbor. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products (diesel and fuel oils); load¬ ing barges for bunkering vessels at berths in harbor. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier; 2 timber mooring dolphins at outer end, one in line with each side, connected to face by steel catwalks in shape of "Y." Timber pile. timber-decked pier. Timber pile, shaped pier. timber-decked , angular- DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 50 200+190 410 50 568 567 14 72+106 72+106 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 32 17-27 32 32 32 35 22 20 - Usable Berthing Space Do. 50 280 w/dolph. 490 w/dolph. 50 568 567 - 72+55 - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above mlw Do. 11 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs. ) 300 600 250 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Ten hand-operated, hosehandling derricks, each with twin 30-foot booms, mounted on elevated steel platform on pier. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage in rear connects with East Jersey Railroad and Terminal Co. which connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 454. Same as Ref. No. 454. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant road, asphalt, 12 to 20 feet wide, from E. 22d Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 454. Same as Ref. No. 454. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 3-inch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Six-inch fire water line, hose, hand extinguishers, watchmen. hydrant, and Six-inch fire water line, chemical cart, hydrants, hose, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 455. REMARKS One 12-, three 8-, and three 6-inch pipelines extend from pier to stor¬ age tanks described under Ref. No. 450. One 8-inch chemical line extends to 2 spherical storage tanks located approximately 750 yards northwest; total capacity 20,600 barrels. Three 16three 12-, five 8-, and one 6-inch pipelines extend from pier to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 450. In addition, one 10one 8-, and one 6-inch pipelines extend to 15 steel, chemical storage tanks, total capacity 183,200 barrels. Four 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 450. One 8-inch chemical pipeline (not used) extends to 3 of the storage tanks described under Ref. No. 455, total capacity 37,600 barrels. 238 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank. Rill Van Kull, Bayonne Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo. 02825 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 10 457 Dock Code No. 572 458 Dock Code No. 574 459 Dock Code No. 577 NAME Howard Oil Co., Pier No. 2 Mooring. Howard Oil Co., Pier No. L. Standard Tank Cleaning Corp. Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1.3 miles below Bayonne Bridge. Approximately 1.3 miles below Bayonne Bridge. Approximately 1.2 miles below Bayonne Bridge. OWNED BY Howard Oil Co., Inc. City of Bayonne. Bayonne Properties, Inc. OPERATED BY do. Howard Oil Co., Inc., and Standard Tank Cleaning Corp. (See Remarks). Standard Tank Cleaning Corp. and Coastal Petroleum Transport Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge; loading harbor bunkering barges. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products; bunkering tankers berthed at pier; loading harbor bunkering barges; mooring floating equipment. Mooring tankers and barges for cleaning and gas freeing; mooring miscellaneous floating equipment (See Remarks). TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Four steel sheet pile, cellular, breasting dolphins located at outer end of angular 24CM-300- by 14-foot, timber pile, timber-decked pipeline and steel walkway approach from inner timber portion of Pier No. 1 (Ref. No. 458). Pier: Outer 550 feet - concrete pile, concrete-decked; inner 150 feet - tim¬ ber pile, timber-decked. Three steel sheet pile, cellular,breasting dol¬ phins in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Breasting dolphins Face Lower side Upper side Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 330 35 700 700 60 325 325 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 26 33 22 10-33 36 0-24-28 36 Usable Berthing Space Do. 330 450 w/dolphs 500+70 650 60 300 250 Width of Apron Do. - Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 , approach. 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) - - _ Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One steel frame for hanging hose. One 1%;-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 20 -foot boom. Two 7-ton mobile cranes: One gasoline with 25-foot boom and one diesel with 40-foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Pier Street, from Ingham Avenue, extending from E. 5th Street, each asphalt, 20 to 24 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 457. Same as Ref. No. 457. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. Through 12-inch line with inch connections on pier. 3-, 4-, and 6 - ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrant, hose, foam system, and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 457. Pump, hydrant, hose, hand extinguishers, and 8 team line. REMARKS Two 16-, one 12-, two 10-, two 8 -, and one 6 -inch pipelines extend from pier to 18 steel storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 1,964,000 barrels. Standard Tank Cleaning Corp. has berthing rights on upper side of pier. Two 16-, one 12-, two 10-, two 8 -, and one 6 -inch pipelines on pier con¬ nect with those serving Ref. No. 457. Coastal Petroleum Transport Co., Inc., moors floating equipment at pier. One 12-inch slop, one 12-inch, hot salt water, one 12 -inch eductor, and one 6 - inch 8 team lines extend from pier to boiler house and separator plant in rear. Five steel storage tanks located at separator plant, total capacity 1,500,000 gallons. PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS Bayonne 239 Corpa of Engineers Port Code No. 02825 02860 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 10 460 Dock Code No. 578 461 Dock Code No. 005 462 Dock Code No. Q10 NAME Rollins Terminal Wharf. Texaco Bayonne Terminal, Pier 91. Texaco Bayonne Terminal, Pier 35. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Kill Van Kull f approximately 1 mile below Bayonne Bridge, between foot of Hobart Avenue extended and Ingham Avenue. Easterly shore of Newark Bay, approx¬ imately 600 feet south of foot of W. First Street. Easterly shore of Newark Bay, approx¬ imately 220 feet south of foot of W. First Street. OWNED BY Rollins Terminal. Texaco, Inc. Texaco, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Texaco, Inc., (See Remarks] and General Cable Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of liquid caus¬ tics and chemicals by tanker. Mooring tank barges for cleaning. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by tanker and barge; loading harbor bunkering barges; occasional shipment of cable by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber joist, steel- decked, offshore wharf with 225- by 17-foot, angular, timber approach; 3 steel pile, timber-decked and one steel sheet pile, concrete-decked breasting dolphins in line with face; all connected by catwalk. Timber pile, timber-decked pier fronted on northerly side by 3 timber breasting piles. Masonry retaining wall with solid fill, fronted by timber fender piles; sheds supported on concrete piers; 70-foot section on south side and 240-foot section on north side rebuilt with steel piles and concrete deck. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Southerly side Northerly side Face Southerly side Northerly side Dimensions (Feet) 100 25 25 8 200 200 113 696 696 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 36 - . 10 - - - 15-32 15-32 Usable Berthing Space Do. 450 w/platforms (See Remarks). _ _ 200 113 656 566 Width of Apron Do. Open.1 1 Open. 25 20 20 Height of Deck Above mlW Do. 10 12 10.5 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - 400 Lighted or Unllghted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. transit Sheds None. None. Four - reinforced-concrete frame, stuccoed tile walls, concrete floors. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) 142 by 64, each shed. Height Inside Do. 12 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 48,475, total 4 sheds. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 400 on 1st floor; 300 on 2d floor. Cargo Doors Shipside: 29 doors, various sizes; others: Six, various sizes. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Steel frame supporting two 2- and eighteen 1-ton, straight-line, elec¬ tric, chain hoists for handling hose. None. Three pneumatic and 2 hand-operated, mast-and-boom derricks for handling hose. One 5-ton crane formerly used for handling packaged and drummed cargo; monorail system on northerly side; and 2 pneumatic winches. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks serving tank car¬ loading rack and 4 serving warehouses in rear, connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Plant trackage in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 400-foot, platform-level track extends along inner portion of south¬ erly apron joins additional terminal trackage in rear; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via E. 2d Street, from Ingham Avenue, each asphalt, 20 to 24 feet wide. Via terminal roads, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Avenue A, asphalt, 36 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 461. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through hose from hydrant. Through one ♦-inch line. Through connections from one 3-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, steam line, suction line on wharf for city pumper, and sprinkler system atop and under wharf. Hose carts, hydrant, and ♦-inch water watchmen. line. Hydrants, hose, portable foam carts, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Ten 6-, seventeen 4-, and nine 3-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 77 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 14,709,000 gallons. One 4-inch slop, one 4-inch water, one 3-inch steam, and one 2-inch, compressed air lines located on pier with connections for cleaning tank barges. General Cable Corp., occasionally trans¬ fers cable manufactured at nearby plant directly from railroad flat car to barge berthed at southerly side. Bunker C and marine diesel fuels are furnished to vessels at berth in harbor by barges loaded at pier. One 12-, six 10-, five 8-, sixteen 6-, and two 4-inch pipelines extend from pier to 241 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 1,869,600 barrels. 240 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Easterly aide, Newark Ray, Bayonne Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02860 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 10 463 Dock Code No. 012 464 Dock Code No. 013 465 Dock Code No. Q14 Texaco Bayonne Terminal, Pier 216. Texaco Bayonne Terminal, Pier 204. NL Industries, Bayonne Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT At foot of W. First Street. North of foot of W. First Street. South of foot of Gertrude Street. Texaco, Inc. Texaco, Inc. NL Industries, Inc., Industrial Chemical Division. OPERATED BY do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of petroleum products In drums by barge and lighter; fueling tugs with diesel fuel. Shipment of petroleum products by vessel and barge. Receipt of castor oil. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked pier; fronted by 2 circular protective dolphins; bulkhead on southerly side in rear of pier Is constructed of concrete retaining walls with solid fill on concrete relieving platform supported by timber piles. Timber pile, concrete-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Southerly Aide Northerly side Southerly side Northerly side T5Ii sTo 150 50 419 419 80 215 215 Depth Alongside at MLW 15 32 26-32 26-32 13 8-13 8-13 Usable Berthing Space 117 50 419 419 80 215 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 11 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs. Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction 11 300 Lighted. 11 300 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. None. None. One, steel frame, clear span, metal- covered; concrete floor. Length and Width (Feet) 202 by 76 Height Inside Do. 18 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 15,350 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs Cargo Doors 500 (Feet) Shipslde: Nine, 16- by 101; others: One, 16- by 10. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One %-ton, hand-operated, mast-and- boom derrick with 15-foot boom for handling drums. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Terminal trackage In rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 463. One surface track serves plant in rear; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via terminal roads, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Avenue A, asphalt, 36 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 463. Via Avenue A, asphalt, 36 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle, In shed. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, portable foam carts, and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 463. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, 3 electric, salt water pumps, and watch- One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 6 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 178,000 barrels. Heated storage shed on wharf is used for storing lubricating oils furnished to tugs. One 2-Inch steam and one 2-inch slop lines also serve wharf. Nine 8- and four 6-Inch pipelines extend from pier to steel storage tanks described under Ref. No. 462. 275-foot bulkhead on north side maintained for emergency barge berth with depths of 20 to 26 feet. One 1%-lnch slop line also serves pier. Transit shed used by plant for general storage. One 4- becoming 6-Inch pipe¬ line extends from pier to 5 steel, castor oil storage tanks, total capacity 600,000 gallons; one 2-Inch steam line on pier. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Newark Bay 241 Corps of Engineers Port Codo No. 02860 02870 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 466 - MAP NO. 10 Dock Code No. 020 467 - MAP NO. 11 Dock Code No. 008 468 - MAP NO. 11 Dock Code No. 010 NAME Best Foods Pier. Posnak & Turkish Bulkhead. Colonial Concrete Co., Droyer's Point Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Easterly shore, Bayonne, south of foot of W. 4th Street. Northerly shore, Droyer's Point, Jersey City, foot of Kellogg Street. Northerly shore, Droyer's Point, Jersey City, foot of Kellogg Street. OWNED BY Best Foods, A Division of CPC Inter¬ national , Inc. Posnak & Turkish, Inc. Posnak & Turkish, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Colonial Concrete Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of vegetable oils by barge. Mooring barges. Receipt of sand and crushed stone by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 735- by 8-foot pipeline and walkway approach; 4 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Part timber and part concrete bulk¬ head with solid fill. Part timber and part concrete bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face dimensions (Feet) 14 10 10 650 500 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 17 7 7 0-8 8-16 Usable Berthing Space Do. 120 w/dolphs _ 500, approx. 375 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 100 Lighted. Unlighted. Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. One diesel crawler crane, with 70-foot boom and 1%-cubic yard clamshell bucket, used for unloading materials from barges to open storage areas and to hoppers at concrete batch plant in rear. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Consolidated Rail Corp.: One surface track along rear of bulkhead. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Avenue A, asphalt, 36 feet wide. Via Kellogg Street, concrete and unpaved, 20 feet wide, from New Jersey State Highway No. 440. Same as Ref. No. 467. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers and watchmen. Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers and hose. REMARKS One 6-inch pipeline extends from face of wharf to 7 vegetable oil, steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 2,380,000 gallons. A 25- by 20-foot, 1-story, steel¬ framed, asbestos-cement covered pumphouse, located offshore with 225-foot approach, is maintained on standby basis to furnish water for plant use. One 2-inch steam line serves pier. Inner end of bulkhead being filled. Small, 1-story, yard office located at bulkhead. Open storage area for approximately 450 tons of sand and 650 tons of stone located at rear. 242 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hackensack River, Jersey City Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02870 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 11 469 Dock Code No. 085 470 Dock Code No. 087 471 Dock Code No. Q89 NAME West Bank Energy Pier. Hudson Builders Material Wharf. Public Service Electric and Gas Co., West End Gas Plant Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Belov foot of Hovell Street. Above foot of Howell Street. Above and below foot of St Avenue. . Pauls OWNED BY City of Jersey City. City of Jersey City. Public Service Electric and Gas Co. OPERATED BY West Bank Energy, Inc. Hudson Builders Material, Inc. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge and vessel; occasional shipment by barge. Receipt of sand, gravel, and crushed stone by barge. Receipt of fuel oil and kerosene and shipment of tar by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 50- by 10-foot approach; 4 steel mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, with part timber and part concrete-decked wharf. Lower and upp bulkheads wit tion: 79- by timber-decked concrete bulk approach from with solid £1 fronted by ti er sections: h solid fill; 30-foot, tin , offshore wh head at face steel sheet 11 at rear; e mber fender s Concrete center aec- iber pile, arf with and 18-foot pile bulkhead ach section Ystenu DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 16 10 60 120 and 185 337+7*4-150 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 10-35 - _ 16 13-15 Usable Berthing Space Do. 150 w/dolphs 350 337+79+150 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - - Lighted or Unllghted Unlighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One steel, diesel, stiff-leg derrick with 75-foot boom mounted on bull- wheel; and one diesel crawler crane with 80-foot boom, each equipped with 1^-cublc yard bucket. Electric winch on wharf for positioning barges. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Howell Street, concrete, 20 to 25 feet wide, from approaches to Newark Avenue Bridge. Same as Ref. No. 469. Via St. Pauls Avenue, unpaved, 25 feet wide, from Duffield Avenue, asphalt and stone block, 15 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 2%-inch line. Through 3-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Water line, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . Water line and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Three 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 2 steel storage tanks, total capacity 85,700 barrels. Timber and concrete storage bins, located at rear of wharf, have total capacity for 1,500 to 2,000 cubic yards of material. Aggregate batch¬ ing plant and ready-mix concrete plant located in rear. Two 8-inch pipelines extend from center section of wharf to one 25,000-barrel, fuel oil storage tank and to 3 kerosene storage tanks with a total capacity of 153,600 barrels. One 6-inch pipeline extends to wharf from 2 tar storage tanks, total capacity 19,100 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS La ft bank, Hackensack River 243 Corps of Knilneara Fort Code Ho. 02870 02871 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 11 472 Dock Code No. Q97 473 Dock Code No. q98 474 Dock Code No. 218 NAME Public Service Electric and Gas Co., Marlon Generating Station Wharf. (Public Service Electric and Gas Co., Hudson Generating Station Wharf. Amerada Hess Corp., Secaucus Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Jersey City, approximately 1,000 feet above Consolidated Rail Corp. (Erle- Lackawanna) railroad bridge. Jersey City, approximately 1,500 feet above Consolidated Rail Corp. (Erie- Lackawanna) railroad bridge. Secaucus, below State Highway No. 3 Twin Bridges. OWNED BY 1 Public Service Electric and Gas Co. |Public Service Electric and Gas Co. Amerada Hess Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil and kerosene; mooring coal barges. Receipt of coal for plant consumption. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OP CONSTRUCTION Concrete bulkhead supported by timber piles with solid fill. Timber pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 30- by 16-foot approach; 8 steel sheet pile, cellular breasting dolphins in line with face, connected by catwalk; fronted by rubber loop fenders. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore platform with 60- by 4-foot approach; ,3 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Face Lower side Upper side Face Eiaensions (Feet) 195+324 61 68 68 20 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 20-22 26 _ _ 13 Usable Berthing Space Do. 195+324 750 w/dolphs - - 210 w/dolphs Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 500 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 10 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft, (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TR'fltsrr SHEbS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Three electric winches on wharf for positioning barges. Elevated unloading tower with bucket elevator mounted on transverse rails having 42-foot maximum outboard reach, equipped with 37 one-ton buckets. Elevator serves a 54-inch, electric, belt conveyor extending to open stor¬ age area at rear, rate 1,900 tons per hour. Bulldozers reclaim coal to a 36-inch, belt-conveyor system extend¬ ing to breaker unit thence via 30- inch belts to boilers, rate 500 tons per hour. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Trackage serving plant in rear con¬ nects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 472. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, paved, 10 to 15 feet wide, from foot of Duffield and Van Keuren Avenues. Same as Ref. No. 472. Via Meadowlands Parkway, asphalt, 60 feet wide, from State Highway No. 3 access ramp. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Fl RE ^ROTOLTtON (Other than City) Hydrants, pump, hose, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 472. One 6 -inch suction line, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. REMARKS Four 8 -inch pipelines connect wharf with one large fuel oil tank used for storing reserve fuel. One 6 -, becoming 8 -, then 10-Inch pipeline extends from wharf to 2 steel, fuel oil storage tanks, total capacity 325,000 barrels. One 6 -, becoming 10-inch, pipeline ex¬ tends from wharf to one 50,000-barrel kerosene storage tank. Marlon Generating Station at rear of wharf was out of service at time of survey, and has been replaced by ad- Jacent Hudson Generating Station (See Ref. No. 473). In addition, fuel oil storage tanks ar tending from Amerada Hess Corp., Newar Open storage area at rear for 300,000 tons of coal. Two 10-inch pipelines, each with a 6 - inch hose connection, extend from wharf to 7 steel storage tanks, total capacity 42,000 barrels. supplied by a 12 -inch pipeline ex- Terminal (See Ref. No. 532). 244 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02871 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 475 - MAP NO. 11 Dock Code No. 251 476 - MAP NO. 11 Dock Code No. 253 477 - MAP NO. 12A 1)0011 Code No. 363 NAME Sowerbutt Asphalt, Hackensack River Secaucua Wharf. Schmitt Builders Supply Co. Wharf. United Fuel Oil Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Secaucua, left bank of Hackensack River, above State Highway No. 3 Twin Bridges. Secsucus, left bank of Hackensack River, below foot of Paterson Plank Road. Ridgefield Park, N.J., right bank of Overpeck Creek, approximately 0.5 mile above junction with Hackensack River. OWNED BY Sowerbutt Asphalt, Inc., Division of Sowerbutt Quarries, Inc. Schmitt Realty Co., Inc. Oil City Petroleum Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. Schmitt Builders Supply Co. Ridgefield Park Fuel Terminal, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand and crushed rock by barge. Occasional receipt of sand and stone by barge. Receipt of fuel oil by small tank ves¬ sel . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Approximately 240 feet of timber bulk¬ head and 50 feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead, all with unsurfaced solid fill. Part steel sheet pile and bulkhead with solid fill. part timber Timber pile, timber-decked wharf plat¬ form with 6 timber pile dolphins in line with face; narrow solid fill ap¬ proach extends to platform from river bank. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 290 300, approx. 12 24 24 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 8-12 6 10-12 . _ Usable Berthing Space Do. 290 300, approx. 85 w/dolphs. - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 8 8 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - - Lighted or Unlighted Unllghted. Partly lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One diesel, crawler crane, with 1 3/4- cubic yard clamshell bucket and 80- foot boom, unloads materials from barges to storage piles located in rear of wharf. Two diesel, crawler cranes, with 80- foot booms, equipped with 1 %- and 2 - cublc yard clamshell buckets, unload materials from barges to elevated storage hoppers and open storage area in rear. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, from foot of Paterson Plank Road, granite block and asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 475. Via Bergen Turnpike, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through hose from plant at rear. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. fire protection (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Water line and hand extinguishers. Hydrant, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Asphalt batch plant and open storage area for approximately 5,000 tons of material at rear. Concrete batch plant and open storage area for 3,000 tons of material at rear. One 8 -inch pipeline extends from plat¬ form to 2 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 10,800 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Hackensack River 245 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02871 REFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP NO. 12B 478 Dock Code No. 395 479 Dock Code No. 433 4g0 Dock Code No. NAME Dowling Fuel Co. Wharf. Amerada Hess Corp., Bogota Terminal Wharf. Bergen Asphalt Corp. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Ridgefield Park, approximately 800 feet above foot of Mt. Vernon Street. Bogota, approximately 0.3 mile below Court Street Bridge. Bogota, above Court Street Bridge. OWNED BY Dowling Fuel Co. Amerada Hess Corp. Bergen Asphalt Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. Bergen Asphalt Corp. and Joseph Raia & Sons, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of sand, gravel, crushed stone, and bulk cement by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Part steel sheet pile and part con¬ crete bulkhead with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Concrete retaining wall supported by timber piles with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 125 28 28 480, approx. 765 Depth Alongside at MLW Do- 2-8 - - 10-12 0-10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 125 _ _ 480, approx. 765 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do- 10 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 11 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. One diesel locomotive crane with 50- foot boom equipped with 2 1 / 2 -cubic yard bucket and one diesel crawler crane with 180-foot boom equipped with 3 1/2- cubic yard bucket. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track serves tank car loading rack in rear; connects with New York, Susquehanna & Western Rail¬ road. None. One 500-foot surface track on wharf joins additional trackage in rear; connects with New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Industrial Avenue, concrete, 16 feet wide, from Mt. Vernon Street, asphalt, 60 feet wide. Via Fort Lee Road, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via Fort Lee Road, asphalt, 40 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Water line and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers, foamite system, chemical cart, water pump, and watch¬ men . Hand extinguishers, hydrants, hose, and watchmen. RE HARKS Four 6 -inch pipelines extend from wharf to 6 steel storage tanks, total capacity 28,600 barrels. The river bank at downstream side of wharf is protected by a steel sheet pile retaining wall. Bulkhead wharf provides berth for unloading 2 barges at one time; lower berth has six 6 -inch pipelines and upper berth has one 8 - and four 6 - inch pipelines; all pipelines connect with 15 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 235,800 barrels. Open storage area for approximately 4,000 cubic yards of material located at rear of wharf. Bergen Asphalt Corp. operates an asphalt batch plant and Joseph Raia & Sons, Inc. operates a ready-mix concrete plant in rear. 246 PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS Hackensack, right bank of Hackensack River 0 Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo. .02071 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP HO. 12B 481 Dock Code No. 440 482 Dock Code No. 434 483 Dock Code No. 428 NAME Bergen Evening Record Newsprint Wharf. Tidewater Stone & Supply Co. Dock. Exxon Co., U.S.A., Hackensack Terminal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Below New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad bridge. Below Court Street Bridge. Approximately 0.3 mile below Court Street Bridge. OWNED BY Bergen Evening Record Corp. Tidewater Stone & Supply Co. Exxon Co., U.S.A. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Occasional receipt of newsprint rolls. Receipt of crushed stone, gravel, and sand by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pipe pile, concrete-decked wharf. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked pier extending from timber retaining wall with solid fill; 2 steel pipe pile mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Face Upper side Lower side bimensions (Feet) 110, approx. 15 15 428 15 40 40 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 5-12 - - 5-10 8 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 110, approx. - - 428 150 w/dolphs. - - Width of Apron Do. 20 Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 12 Lighted. 7 Partly lighted. 12 200 Lighted. Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None (See Remarks). None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One, 5-ton, electric, semiportal, straight-line, traveling crane, with 20-foot outboard reach, unloads newsprint rolls from vessels onto apron. Three LP-gas and one electric lift trucks, equipped with roll clamps, transport rolls into ware¬ house at rear. One diesel, crawler crane with 60-foot boom, equipped with 1 3/4-cubic yard bucket, unloads stone and sand from barges into hoppers and open storage area at rear. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One platform-level track along north side of warehouse connects with New York, Susquehanna & Western Railroad. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via River Street, asphalt, varied widths. Via Court Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from South River Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via South Kansas Street, asphalt, 28 feet wide, from South River Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through hose line from 2%-inch hydrant. None. Through 2 1/2-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Automatic detection service, hydrants, sprinkler system inside warehouse, and watchmen. Hand extinguishers and water line. Chemical carts and hand extinguishers. REMARKS One 215- by 110-foot, steel frame, metal-covered warehouse for storage of newsprint rolls located at rear. Open automobile parking area, mechan¬ ical shops, printing plant, and main office of daily newspaper located in rear of wharf and on river bank ex¬ tending downstream. Open storage area for approximately 8,000 tons of material at rear. Six 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 8 steel storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 58,500 barrels. RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Hackensack, right bank, Hackensack River 247 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02871 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 12B 484 Dock Code No. 420 485 Dock Code No. ^Qg 486 Dock Code No. in7 NAME Reinauer Petroleum Co. Dock. Ever Ready Oil Co. Wharf. Lancia Oil Co. Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Below foot of E. Broadway. Approximately 300 feet above Inter¬ state Highway No. 80 Bridge. Above Interstate Highway No. 80 Bridge. OWNED BY Reinauer Petroleum Co. Ever Ready Oil Co. Lancia Oil Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of fuel oil by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore platform with 50- by 6-foot approach from shore; 3 timber pile mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 90- by 3-foot timber approach from shore; 3 timber pile mooring dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked, unloading platform; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 10 11 11 10 18 18 8 20 ~20 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 13 - - 5-10 - - 10-12 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 125 w/dolphs _ _ 80 w/dolphs. _ _ 80 w/dolphs. _ _ Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do* 10 Lighted. 8 to 10 Lighted. 10 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Oargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via foot of East Broadway, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from South River Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via South River Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via private driveway, asphalt, varied widths, from South River Street, asphalt 40 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. fire Protection (Other than City) Portable foam generators and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Two 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 5 steel storage tanks, total capacity 111,000 barrels. One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 7 steel storage tanks, total capacity 28,600 barrels. One 6-inch pipeline extends from un¬ loading platform to 2 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 30,300 barrels. 248 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Hackensack, right bank, Hackensack River Corps of Engineers Port Code Wo. 02871 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 12B 487 Dock Code No. 406 488 Dock Code No. 405 489 Dock Code No. NAME Phillips Fuel Co. Wharf. Town Fuel Co. Dock. Central Bergen Fuel Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Below Interstate Highway No. 80 Bridge. Approximately 200 feet below Inter¬ state Highway No. 80 Bridge. Approximately 400 feet above Interstate Highway No. 80 Bridge. OWNED BY Phillips Fuel Co. Bashlow Realty Co. Central Bergen Fuel Co. OPERATED BY do. Town Fuel Co. and Reserve Oil Co. Central Bergen Heating and Appliance Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleian products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel H-pile and wooden plank bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by row of steel pile mooring dolphins. Steel sheet pile bulkhead fill. with solid Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 186 35 125 125 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 1-5 - 6-7 6-7 Usable Berthing Space Do. 186 - 125 (See Remarks). 125 (See Remarks). Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs . ) - - - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. transit Sheds None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via South River Street, asphalt, 40 feet vide. Same as Ref. No. 487. Via Shafer Place, asphalt, 20 feet wide from South River Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . None. TIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Foam system and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. Foam system and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Four 6- and two 4-inch pipelines ex¬ tend from wharf to 8 steel storage tanks, total capacity 65,000 barrels (3 tanks unused). Face of bulkhead is in line and con¬ tiguous with Ref. No. 489 providing for 250 feet of continuous berthing 8pace. Two 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 5 steel storage tanks, total capacity 43,000 barrels. Face of bulkhead is in line and con¬ tiguous with Ref. No. 488 providing for 250 feet of continuous berthing space. One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 2 steel storage tanks, total capacity 20,000 barrels. The wharf bulkhead extends downstream across the foot of Shafer Place. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Hackensack River 249 Corpa of Engineers Port Code No. 02871 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 490 - MAP NO 1 ?R ■’PC 1 ' Code No. 491 - MAP NO. Dock Code No. 330 492 - MAP NO 12 a Dock Code No. 333 NAME Power-Mate Corp. Dock. Amerada Hess Corp., Little Ferry Terminal Dock. Little Ferry Asphalt Corp Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Hackensack, approximately 400 feet below foot of Moonachie Road. Little Ferry, above U.S. Highway No. 46 Bridge. South of foot of Bergen Turnpike. OWNED BY Power-Mate Corp. Amerada Hes 9 Corp. Little Ferry Asphalt Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge (See Remarks). Receipt of sand and gravel by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 50- by 10-foot approach at outer end; one timber mooring dolphin on each side in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked pier; 3 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Dimensions (Feet) 25 12 12 6 25 25 280 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 5 _ . 6 _ _ 10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 150 w/dolph« - 75 w/dolphs. _ - 280 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open & 21. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 9 8 9 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - - Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. One diesel, crawler crane with 90-foot boom, equipped with 3^-cubic yard clamshell bucket. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, asphalt, 36 feet wide, from South River Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via private driveway, unpaved, 10 feet wide, from Bergen Turnpike. Via private driveway, from foot of Bergen Turnpike, concrete, 40 feet wide, from U.S. Highway No. 46. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. fIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Foam system, auxiliary, gasoline- powered pump with one 6 -inch water line from river, and hand extin¬ guishers . Hand extlngulsher s. Water line, hose, and hand extinguish¬ ers. REMARKS One 8 - and one 6 -inch pipelines ex¬ tend from wharf to 6 steel storage tanks, total capacity 14,400 barrels. At time of survey, pier was being maintained on standby basis. One 8 -inch pipeline with two 6 -inch connections, and one 6 -inch pipeline extend from wharf to 5 steel storage tanks, total capacity 23,800 barrels. Open storage bins at rear have capacity for 900 cubic yards of material. 250 PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS Little Ferry, right Dante. Hacxensacx River Corps of Engineers Fort Code Mo. Q2871 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 12A 493 Dock Code No. 364 494 Dock Code No. 358 495 Dock Code No. 350 NAME R.K.D. Oil Co. Wharf. Gates Construction Corp. Dock. Texaco Little Ferry Terminal Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Opposite mouth of Overpeck Creek. Foot of Industrial Avenue. Foot of Mehrhof Road. OWNED BY R.K.D. Oil Co., Inc. Gates Equipment Corp. Paragon Oil Co., Division of Texaco, Inc. OPERATED BY do. Gates Construction Corp. and Gates Equipment Corp. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleun products by barge. Handling construction materials and equipment; mooring floating equipment; receipt of packaged food products by barge (See Remarks). Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked offshore wharf with 60- by 4-foot approach; 3 timber pile, mooring dolphins in line with face. Upper section: Timber pile, timber- decked wharf; center and lower sec¬ tions: 100 - and 200 -foot, grounded, steel barges, each filled and concrete* surfaced; timber pile, mooring dol¬ phins located between and at each of wharf sections. Timber pile, timber-decked pier; 3 timber pile, mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side \ Lower side Face Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 30 10 10 100 + 100+200 15 30 30 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. Dries. - - Dries & 10-1 8-10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 80 w/dolphs - . 700 w/dolphs 186 w/dolphs - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open, 39 back to warehouse. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 200 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 15 200 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Contractors' equipment available as required. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Riverside Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide, (a continuation of Mehrhof Lane), from Main Street. Via Industrial Avenue, from Washington Avenue, each asphalt, 24 feet wide. Via private driveway, asphalt, 16 feet wide, from Mehrhof Road, concrete, 20 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through hose line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hose and hand extinguishers. Chemical cart, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. ■Remarks Four 6 -inch pipelines extend from wharf to 13 steel storage tanks, total capacity 19,550 barrels. Food products are handled for Pope Products Food Division Purex, Ltd., plant located in rear. Contractors' equipment and storage yard located in rear. One 8 - and two 6 -inch pipelines extend from wharf to 8 steel storage tanks, total capacity 56,700 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Kearny, right bank, Hackensack River 251 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02870 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 11 496 Dock Code No. 092 497 Dock Code No. 094 498 Dock Code No. q62 NAME Koppers Co., Seaboard Plant Tar Plant Pier. Koppers Co., Seaboard Plant Wharf. 1 Public Service Electric and Gas Co., Kearny Generating Station Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1,500 feet above Con¬ solidated Rail Corp. (Erie-Lackawanna) railroad bridge. Approximately 200 feet above Con¬ solidated Rail Corp. (Erie-Lackawanna) railroad bridge. Approximately 200 feet above Pulaski Skyway Bridge. OWNED BY Koppers Co., Inc. Koppers Co., Inc. Public Service Electric and Gas Co. OPERATED BY do. Koppers Co., Inc. and Trumbull Division of Owe ns-Coming Fiberglas Corp. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of coal tar prod¬ ucts by barge. Receipt of asphalt; mooring barges. Receipt of coal and kerosene by barge for plant consumption. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier; 5 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Concrete retaining wall with solid fill on timber relieving platform supported by timber piling. Concrete bulkhead with solid fill on timber relieving platform supported by timber piling. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Face bimensions (Feet) 15 10+45 10+45 500+471 7 0 84-120 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 21 - - 20-30 20 Usable Berthing Space Do. 100 w/dolphs - - 500+471 708+120 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above mlw D°• Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 Lighted. 10 375 Unlighted. 9 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. One fixed, coal-unloading tower with 3- ton clamshell bucket and 35-foot out¬ board reach; crane unloads coal from barges to receiving hopper serving a 42-inch, electric, belt conveyor ex¬ tending to a 36-inch belt conveyor to plant and open storage area, rate 500 tons per hour. Electric winch on wharf for positioning barges. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage connects with Consoli¬ dated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 496. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, part gravel and part asphalt, 10 to 15 feet wide, from Newark-Jersey City Turnpike (State Route No. 7). Same as Ref. No. 496. Via private driveway, asphalt, 10 feet wide, from Hackensack Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Lincoln Highway (U.S. Highway No. 1). WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 2 1/2-inch connection. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Fire PROTECTION (Other than City) Foam cart, hydrant, hose, and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. Hydrant, hose, hand extinguishers, and sprinkler system for unloading equip¬ ment. REMARKS Inner end of pier is 8 feet wide. Shore moorings allow berthing of 350- foot barge. One 8-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 25 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 8,500,000 gallons. One 2-inch, steam and one 1-inch,com¬ pressed air lines also serve pier. One 12-inch pipeline extends from lower portion of wharf to 4 steel storage tanks at Trumbull Division plant located approximately 3/4 mile inland. Property was for sale at time of sur¬ vey. Open storage area at rear for approxi¬ mately 125,000 tons of coal. One 10- and one 12-inch fuel oil pipe¬ lines extend from wharf to 2 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 125,000 barrels. In addition, fuel oil storage tanks are supplied by a 12-inch pipeline extending from Amerada Hess Corp., Newark Terminal (See Ref. No. 532). One 8- becoming 10-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 2 steel, kerosene storage tanks at rear, total capacity 150,000 barrels. 252 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Kearny, right bank, Hackensack River Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02870 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 11 Dock Code No. 060 500 1)00,1 Code No - 058 501 Dock Code No. q 42 NAME Arco Terminal Corp. Wharf. Marzahl Chemical Co. Wharf. River Terminal Development Co., Berths Nos. 13, 14, 15, and 16. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Above Pulaski Skyway Bridge. Below Pulaski Skyway Bridge, at foot of 3d Street extended. Below Lincoln Highway Bridge; Berth No. 13 located at head of North Wet Basin; Berths Nos. 14 and 15 along north side of basin; Berth No. 16 along river. OWNED BY Arco Terminal Corp. Marzahl Chemical Co., subsidiary of H. Kohnstamm & Co., Inc. River Terminal Development Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of liquid caustic sods by barge. Occasional receipt of bulk liquid caustic soda by barge (See Remarks). Mooring vessels for shipbreaking; shipment of scrap metal by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete pillars with concrete deck at shoreline fronted by remains of timber pile, timber-decked wharf. Timber bulkhead, partially solid- filled, with row of timber pile dol¬ phins in line with face; two 105- by 30-foot timber barges permanently moored along face. Berth No. 13: Steel sheet pile bulk¬ head with solid fill; Berths Nos. 14, 15, and 16: Timber pile, timber-decked wharf with unsurfaced solid fill along rear. DESCRIPTION Face Sides of barges Face of Berth No. 13 Face of If Ml- Face of Berth No. 16 1)1 mens ions (Feet) 187 210 190 670 60 Depth Alongside at mlw Do. 0-10 18 15-17 25 25 Usable Berthing Space Do. 187 210 190 670 60 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 Lighted. Lighted. 8 600 on solid fill. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Two 50-ton, electric, traveling, full- portal, gantry cranes serve Berths Nos. 14, 15, and 16, each with 92-foot boom and 8-foot Jib extension. Cranes can be used together with combined lifting capacity of 100 tons. Following cranes are available for use at all waterfront facilities Ref. Nos. 501-504: One 50-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 125-foot boom; one 50- and two 15-ton, diesel, mobile cranes with 125- and 50-foot booms, respectively, and one 30-ton, diesel, locomotive crane with 45-foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two platform-level tracks in rear connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks serve plant and tank car loading racks in rear, con¬ nect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks along rear of Berths Nos. 14 and 15, Join additional track¬ age serving buildings and property in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, unpaved, 10 feet wide, from Hackensack Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Lincoln Highway (U.S. Highway No. 1). Via plant driveway, unpaved, 12 feet wide, from Hackensack Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Lincoln Highway (U.S. Highway No. 1). Via plant roads, concrete and asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Hackensack Avenue, concrete, 25 feet wide, and Lincoln Highway (U.S. Highway No. 1). WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2-inch line. None. Through 4-inch line with hydrant. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. FTRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. Fire truck pumper, hydrants, pumps, water lines, and watchmen. REMARKS Office building located on upstream section of concrete deck and plant buildings in rear. One 4-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 30 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 1,000,000 gal¬ lons . One 4-inch pipeline extends from wharf to connection with pipeline and tankage described under Ref. No. 500. At time of survey (1977), wharf was being maintained on standby basis. One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 7 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 600,000 gallons. Approximately 50,000 square feet of open storage area located in rear of Berths Nos. 14 and 15. North Wet Basin on upper side is 250 feet wide at entrance. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Kearny, right bank, Hackensack River 253 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. Q2870 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 11 502 Dock Code No. 040 034- 503 Dock Code No. 504 Dock Code No.028-030 NAME River Terminal Development Co., Berths Nos. 10, 11, and 12. River Terminal Development Co., Berths Nos. 9 and 8. River Terminal Development Co., Berths Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 600 feet below Lincoln Highway Bridge; Berth No. 10 located along river. Berths Nos. 11 and 12 along south side of North Wet Basin. Approximately 1,250 feet below Lincoln Highway Bridge. Approximately 0.5 mile below Lincoln Highway Bridge; Berths Nos. 1 and 7 located along river. Berths Nos. 2, 3, 5, and 6 along sides of South Wet Basin OWNED BY River Terminal Development Co. River Terminal Development Co. River Terminal Development Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels for shipbreaking; shipment of scrap metal by barge. Mooring vessels for shipbreaking. Mooring vessels for shipbreaking. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf; and row of timber mooring piles and dolphins across outer ends of former shipbuilding and launching ways. Timber pile, timber-decked wharves. A 460-foot row of timber mooring piles and dolphins extend from upper end of Berth No. 7 in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face of Berth No. 10 Face of Berths Nos. 11 and 12 Face of wharf Mooring Dolphins Faces of Berths Nos. 1 and 7 Face of Berths Nos. 5 and 6 Face of Berths Nos. 2 and 3 Dimensions (Feet) 280 800 230 410+720 160 & 150+460 1,100 460+44D+80 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 20-25 25 10 10 15-25 25 18 Usable Berthing Space Do. 280 800 230 410+720 160 & 610* 1,100 960 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 8 500 Lighted. 8 600 on solid fill. Partly lighted. 8 *w/piling. 600 on solid fill. Lighted. Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Three 50-ton, electric, traveling, full-portal, gantry cranes serve Berths Nos. 11 and 12, each with 92- foot boom and 8-foot jib extension. Cranes can be used together with combined lifting capacity of 100 tons. Use of portable cranes listed under Ref. No. 501. One 70-ton, electric, traveling, full- portal, gantry crane on south side of former shipbuilding and launching way No. 10; and two similar 70-ton cranes on south side of shipway No. 11. Each crane equipped with 92-foot boom and 8-foot jib extension. Use of portable cranes listed under Ref. No. 501. Berths Nos. 5 and 6: Two 30-ton, elec¬ tric, traveling, full-portal, gantry cranes, each with 92-foot boom and an 8-foot jib extension with a capacity of 7^ tons. Cranes used in tandem have capacity of 50 tons. Berths Nos. 2 and 3: One 75-ton, electric, traveling, full-portal, gantry crane with 100-foot boom and two 75-ton, electric, overhead traveling bridge cranes in Building 149 Annex in rear; crane rails extend about 325 feet beyond east end of building toward head of slip. Use of portable cranes listed under Ref. No. 501. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks along rear of Berths Nos. 11 and 12 join additional trackage serving buildings and prop¬ erty; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Surface tracks along rear of north side of shipway No. 10, rear of 230- foot wharf section, and along rear of south and north sides of shipway No. 11, join additional trackage serving buildings and property; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks each, along rear of Berths Nos. 5 and 6 and Berths Nos. 2 and 3, total length 3,800 feet, join additional trackage serving buildings and property in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via plant roads, concrete and asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Hackensack Avenue, concrete, 25 feet wide, and Lincoln Highway (U.S. Highway No. 1). Same as Ref. No. 502. Same as Ref. No. 502. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch line with hydrant. None. Through 4-inch line with hydrant. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. FT RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Fire truck pumper, hydrants, pumps, water lines, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 502. Same as Ref. No. 502. REMARKS Approximately 96,000 square feet of open storage area located in rear of Berths Nos. 10, 11, and 12. Former shipbuilding and launching way No. 11 located on upper side is approximately 150 feet wide and is constructed of steel sheet pile bulk¬ heads and sloping concrete bottom. South Wet Basin is 250 feet wide at entrance. Bridge piers (remains of rail bridge) located in river below Berth No. 1. 254 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02880 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 11 505 Dock Code No. 026 506 Dock Code No. 045 507 Dock Code No. 049 NAME Columbia Terminals Dock. Western Electric Co. Wharf. Tomkins Tidewater Terminal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Hackensack River, approxi¬ mately 0.3 mile above mouth. Left bank, Passaic River, above Con¬ solidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey) railroad bridge. Left bank, Passaic River, below and above Pulaski Skyway Bridge. OWNED BY Columbia Terminals, Inc. Western Electric Co. Tomkins Tidewater Terminal. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products, chemicals, vegetable oil, and miscellaneous bulk liquids by barge. Receipt of fuel oil for plant consump¬ tion. Occasional mooring of barges and mis¬ cellaneous floating construction equip¬ ment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 275- by 6 -foot approach; 5 timber breasting dolphins in line with face, 3 accessible from approach and 2 from walkway extending from outer end. Concrete retaining wall with part concrete-surfaced solid fill on tim¬ ber relieving platform supported by timber piles. Part timber pile, timber-decked, part timber bulkhead, solid fill; and part steel sheet pile bulkhead, solid fill, fronted by timber breasting dolphins; concrete bridge pier separates lower and upper wharf sections. DESCRIPTION Face Inner Outer Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 40 29 129 1,602 856+425 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 16 - - 3 14 Usable Berthing Space Do. 315 w/dolphs. - - 1,602 8564425 Width of Apron Do. Open. 37%, 50 & open Varies. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 15 Lighted. 10 1,000 Lighted. 7 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Rental equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Four surface tracks serve car-loading racks, total capacity 80 cars; con¬ nect with Consolidated Rail Corp. One unused surface track extends along apron and joins additional plant trackage in rear; connects with Con¬ solidated Rail Corp. Eight tracks serve terminal buildings in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Central Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide from Lincoln Highway (U.S. High¬ way No. 1) . Via plant road, concrete, 20 feet wide, from Central Avenue, concrete, 50 feet wide. Via private driveway, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Jacobus Avenue, asphalt, 50 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRF PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers and watchmen. Plant fire department, fire truck, hydrants, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers; all buildings sprinklered. REMARKS Ten 6 -inch pipelines extend from wharf to 6 steel storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 72,000 barrels. Additional storage tanks at terminal are not connected to wharf. Wharf is fenced. Plant in rear is used for manufacture of miscellaneous telephone parts. One steam-traced, 6 -inch pipeline ex¬ tends from lower part of wharf to 2 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 20,500 barrels. One 1-inch steam line serves wharf. Eleven buildings in rear leased to various tenants engaged in manufacturing distributing, and warehousing. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank of Passaic River 255 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. Q2880_02881 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 508 - MAP NO 11 1)0011 Code No - 065 509 - MAP NO. 12E 1)0011 Code No - 125 510 - MAP NO. 12 1)0011 Code No - 157 NAME Monsanto Co., Kearny Plant Wharf. Public Service Electric and Gas Co., Harrison Gas Plant Wharf. Otis Elevator Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Kearny, approximately 700 feet below Consolidated Rail Corp. (Waverly and Passaic Branch) railroad bridge. Harrison, above South Fourth Street Bridge. Harrison, below Port Authority, Trans- Hudson System (PATH) railroad bridge. OWNED BY Monsanto Co. Public Service Electric and Gas Co. Otis Elevator Co., subsidiary of United Technologies. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption. Receipt of fuel oil, naphtha, and kerosene for plant consumption; ship¬ ment of tar by barge. Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: Steel sheet pile, cellular caisson supporting 20-foot square concrete platform with 56- by 4-foot steel grating approach; 2 timber breasting dolphins in line with face. Part concrete bulkhead with solid fill, on timber relieving platform supported by timber piles; part timber- and part steel sheet pile- bulkhead, all with solid fill; perma¬ nently moored 45- by 33-foot steel barge serves as unloading station. Part steel sheet pile and part timber pile bulkhead with solid fill; part with concrete deck. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face dimensions (Feet) 20 20 20 475+580 1.736 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 12 _ _ 16 10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 195 w/dolphs - - 45 @ barge. 300 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Varied and open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Lighted. 10 150 Lighted. 11 150 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One hand-operated, mast-and-boom derrick with 25-foot boom on barge for handling hose. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Three surface tracks serve plant in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Surface tracks serve plant in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private entrance, from foot of Pennsylvania Avenue, concrete, 40 feet wide, from Jacobus Avenue, asphalt, 50 feet wide. Via plant road, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from South Fourth Street, concrete, 40 feet wide. Via South First Street, concrete, 60 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through hose line from hydrant. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hose, chemical cart, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Hydrants and hose; river hydrant with 500-gallon per minute gasoline pump. REMARKS One 10-inch pipeline extends from wharf to one 16,700-barrel storage tank at plant in rear. One 2-inch slop line serves wharf. One 10-, one 8-, and one 6-inch pipe¬ lines extend from wharf to one 54,000- barrel, naphtha storage tank and one 47,000-barrel, fuel oil storage tank, total capacity 171,000 barrels. One 6-inch pipeline extends to wharf from 5 tar storage tanks, total capacity 59,000 barrels. Chain link fence extends along entire length of face of wharf. One 6-inch, fuel oil pipeline extends from face at center of wharf to 2 steel storage tanks, total capacity 10,000 barrels. 256 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Passaic River Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02881 REFERENCE NUMBER OH MAP NO. l2E 511 Dock Code No. 175 512 Dock Code No. 191 513 Dock Code No. 193 Tenneco Oil Co., Harrison Terminal Wharf. Harrison Supply Co., Lower Wharf. National Fuel Oil Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Harrison, below Bridge Street Bridge. East Newark, foot of Reynolds Avenue. East Newark, below foot of Searing Avenue. Tenneco Oil Co., a division of Tenneco, Inc. Philbro. Philbro. OPERATED BY do. Harrison Supply Co. National Fuel Oil Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Occasional receipt of sand, stone, and gravel by barge. Occasional receipt of fuel oil by barge. Timber bulkhead with part timber¬ decked solid fill. Part timber and part steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill; 185- foot concrete block fire wall for oil storage tanks in rear of bulkhead at lower end. DESCRIPTION W mens Ions ' (feet) 213 256 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 15 12 Usable Berthing Space 300 213 114 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 8 and Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 150 Lighted. 8 150 Lighted. 8 150 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One unused, hand-operated, mast-and- boom derrick for handling hose. One 10-ton, electric, stiff-leg der¬ rick with 85-foot boom, mounted on a bull wheel, equipped with 2-cubic yard bucket, unloading rate 160 tons per hour. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, granite block, varied widths, from Harrison Avenue, asphalt over granite block, 30 feet wide. Via private driveway, concrete, varied widths, from Passaic Avenue, asphalt over granite block, 30 feet wide. Via Passaic Avenue, asphalt over granite block, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hand extinguisher on crane. Three 6-inch pipelines (two-sealed) extend from wharf to 5 steel storage tanks located in rear, total capacity 19,000 barrels. E. W. McClave, Inc., leases space on wharf for storage of lumber. Ready-mix concrete plant, 2 storage hoppers with total capacity for 475 tons, and an open storage area for 1,000 tons located in rear. Five 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 4 steel storage tanks, total capacity 23,800 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Passaic River 257 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02881 02882 02883 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 514 - MAP NO. 12E Dock Code N0L95 515 - MAP NO. 12D Dock Code No - 265 516 - MAP NO. 12C Dock Code No 421 NAME Harrison Supply Co., Upper Wharf. MaguIlian Heating 6 Cooling Wharf. Kelways Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT East Newark, between foot of Searing Avenue extended and Central Avenue. Kearny, approximately 1,000 foot below Consolidated Rail Corp. (Greenwood Lake Division) railroad bridge. East Rutherford, approximately 0.4 mile above Union Avenue Bridge. OWNED BY Philbro. Magullian Heating & Cooling. Kelway8, Inc. OPERATED BY Harrison Supply Co. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand, gravel, and stone by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 494 200 445 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 8-16 5 11 Usable Berthing Space Do. 494 200 445 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9 Lighted. 12 150 Lighted. 12 150 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 10-ton, electric, traveling, stiff-leg derrick with 85-foot boom mounted on a bull wheel, equipped with 2-cubic yard bucket, unloads into 4 storage bins at rear, rate 160 tons per hour. Storage bins are served by a 30-inch/ 24-inch, electric, be It-conveyor system extending to plant in rear. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Passaic Avenue, asphalt over granite block, 30 feet wide. Via Passaic Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Madison Street, concrete, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. - Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Ready-mix concrete plant, 4 storage bins with total capacity for 785 tons, and open storage area for 2,250 tons of material located in rear. One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 14 steel storage tanks, total capacity 15,600 barrels. One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to one 55,000-barrel, steel storage tank in rear. 258 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Passaic River Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02883 02882 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 517 - MAP NO. 12C Dock Code No. 426 518 - MAP NO. 12C Dock Code No. 432 519 - MAP NO. 12D Dock Code No. 272 NAME Keller Engineering Co. Wharf. Coastal Oil Co., Passaic Wharf. Northern New Jersey Oil Co. Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT East Rutherford, left bank, approxi¬ mately 0.3 mile below Main Avenue Bridge. Passaic, right bank, below Main Avenue Bridge. Newark, right bank,below Consolidated Rail Corp. (Greenwood Lake Division) railroad bridge. OWNED BY Keller Engineering Co. Coastal Oil Co., division of Conti¬ nental Oil Co. Northern New Jersey Oil Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleun products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by two 20- by 10-foot, timber pile, timber-decked platforms; mooring and breasting dolphins In line with faces of platforms. 580-foot steel sheet pile and 110-foot timber bulkhead, all with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore platform with 20- by 3-foot approach from access tunnel under McCarter Highway; 4 timber mooring dolphins In line with face. DESCRIPTION Faces of platforms Lower sides of platforms Upper sides of platforms Face Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 10, each 20, each 20, each 690 10 6 6 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 11 _ _ 10 4 _ Usable Berthing Space Do. 230 w/dolphs - - 580 200 w/dolphs - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 11 150 Lighted. 8 150 Lighted. 9 150 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, from foot of Madison Street, concrete, 30 feet wide. Via River Drive, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via private driveway to plant, asphalt, varied widths, from McCarter Highway, concrete, dual lane. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 6-Inch line with 1 1/4-inch connection. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hydrant, hose, and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Four 6-Inch pipelines extend from north platform to 7 steel storage tanks located in rear, total capacity 45,200 barrels. One unused, 8-Inch pipeline extends from south platform to 2 steel storage tanks,located about one mile south, total capacity 10,700 barrels. Timber bulkhead section of wharf at upper end Is not usable. Six 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 19 steel storage tanks, total capacity 214,200 barrels. One 8- and one 6-lnch pipelines extend from wharf through tunnel to 4 steel storage tanks located at terminal on opposite side of McCarter Highway, total capacity 47,600 arrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Newark, right bank, Passaic River 259 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02882 02881 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 12D 520 Dock Code No. 256 521 Dock Code No. 254 522 Dock Code No. 244 NAME Coastal Oil Co., Newark Wharf. Q Petroleum Wharf. Newark Asphalt Corp. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 200 feet above Delevan Avenue extended. Below foot of Delevan Avenue extended. Between foot of Harvey Street and Herbert Place extended. OWNED BY Coastal Oil Co., division of Con¬ tinental Oil Co. Q Petroleum, Inc. Napp Realty, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. Newark Asphalt Corp., subsidiary of Napp-Grecco Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of sand and gravel by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Part timber crib and part timber bulkhead with solid fill. 252-foot section: Concrete bulkhead with solid fill, on timber relieving platform supported by timber piles; remainder: Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face dimensions (Feet) 97 97 and 200 1.272 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 4-5 Dries and 10 4-6 Usable Berthing Space Do. 97 200 252 Width of Apron Do. Open and 3 Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 7 150 Lighted. 8.5 500 on 200-foot upper section. Lighted. 9.5 500 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. One 15-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 65-foot boom, equipped with 2%-cubic yard bucket, unloads into open storage area at rear; front-end loader trans¬ fers material into four, 25-cubic yard- capacity, receiving hoppers served by 24-inch, electric, belt conveyor ex¬ tending into plant at rear. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Riverside Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 520. Via private driveway, asphalt, 25 feet wide, from Passaic Street, granite block, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 1-inch connection. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . Fire protection (Other than City) Foam system and hand extinguishers. Foam connection on wharf and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers in shop at rear and hydrants. REMARKS Two 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 7 steel storage tanks, total capacity 11,600 barrels. Barges use 200-foot upper section. Five 6- and three 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 8 steel storage tanks located in rear, total capacity 43,450 barrels. Asphalt batch plant located in rear. 260 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Newark, right bank, Paaaaic River Corps of Engineers Port Code No 02881 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 523 - MAP NO. 12D Dock Code No. 222 524 - MAP NO. 12D Dock Code No - 218 525 - MAP NO. 12E 00ck Code No. 194 W.A.S. Terminals Wharf. Linde-Griffith Construction Co. Wharf. Colonial Concrete Co., Newark Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of 3d Avenue. Between foot of 4th Avenue and Con¬ solidated Rail Corp. (Newark Branch) bridge. Foot of Clay Street, above William A. Stlckel Memorial Bridge. W.A.S. Terminals, Inc. Llnde-Griffith Construction Co. Colonial Concrete Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Transfer of construction materials and equipment; mooring company-owned floating equipment. Receipt of sand, stone, gravel, and bulk cement by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill; 75- foot section at foot of 3d Avenue consists of: Timber bulkhead,with solid fill, on timber relieving plat¬ form supported by timber piles. Concrete retaining wall, solid fill with cobblestone deck, on timber re¬ lieving platform supported by timber piles. Timber bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill. DESCRIPTION dimensions (Feet) 533+219 63 200 Depth Alongside at MLW 15 10 Usable Berthing Space 533 63 200 Width of Apron Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRan sit" §heT)s- 8 and 13 150 Unllghted. 9 150 Unllghted. 9 150 Lighted. None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (L bs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Cranes of various types and capac¬ ities are available as needed. One diesel, crawler crane with 60-foot boom, equipped with 2%-cubic yard bucket, unloading rate 125 tons per hour. TWo steel receiving hoppers, capacity 35 tons each, serve 24-inch, electric, belt- conveyor system extending to plant; and one 80-ton-capacity sand hopper. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track in rear of property serves tank car loading rack, connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via 4th Avenue, concrete, 40 feet wide, from Passaic Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via private driveway, asphalt, 30 feet wide from foot of 4th Avenue concrete, 40 feet wide. Via private driveway, varied widths, from McCarter Highway, asphalt, 60 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY None. (Available to Vessels) ELECTRIC CURRENT None? (Available to Vessels) None Through 2-inch line. None. A.C., A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. FIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) Foam system, hydrants, hose, extinguishe rs. and hand Hydrant in rear. Four-inch water line with 2-inch con¬ nection and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Four 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 7 steel storage tanks, total capacity 46,700 barrels. Sunken wooden scow located at face of bulkhead. Municipal Dock No. 3 at foot of 4th Avenue provides for additional 60 feet of berthing space in depth of 10 feet. Five 6-inch pipelines extend from con¬ nection on wharf to 3 cement storage hoppers, otal capacity 160 tons. Open storage area in rear for 1,600 tons of material. Ready-mix concrete plant located in rear, PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Newark, right bank, Passaic River 261 Corps of Engineers Port Code No REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NAME . 02881 526 - MAP NO. 12E P°ck Code No. 156 Newark Municipal Dock No. 4 and Slip. 527 - MAP NO. 12E P°ck Code Wo - BP Oil, Newark Bulk Plant Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Foot of Center Street. Foot of Brill Street extended. City of Newark. BP Oil, Inc. OPERATED BY PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring small vessels. Receipt of fuel oil by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION Di mensions Depth Alongside at MLW Usable Berthing Space Width of Apron Height of Deck Above MLW Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Concrete bulkhead with concrete- surfaced solid fill, on timber re¬ lieving platform, supported by timber piles; additional 70 feet of berthing at head of slip. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. (Feet) Do. Do. Do. Do. (Lbs.) River side 120 and 15 6 _ 120 _ Open. _ 11 500 Lighted. None. Upper side of slip Lower side of slip 40+50 95 Open. Face 201 8.5 201 12 _ 8 150 Unlighted. None. 108 528 - MAP NO. 11 Pock Code No - Robert Bossert and Co. Wharf. 100 West of foot of Chapel Street extended. Robert Bossert and Co., Inc. Receipt of sand, gravel, and stone by barge. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Face 544 9_ 544 Open. _ 8 150 Unlighted. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. One gasoline crawler crane with 55- foot boom and 1%-cubic yard bucket; one 200-ton-capacity, metal, receiving hopper served by 24-inch, electric, belt conveyor extending to asphalt plant in rear. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) Via Center Street, asphalt and granite block, varied widths, McCarter Highway, asphalt. Through hydrant and hose. from Via private driveway, asphalt, varied Via private driveway, from Lister widths, from Raymond Boulevard, as- Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. phalt, 40 feet wide. None. None. A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. None. None. FIRE pR0tECT(On- (Other than City) Hydrants. Foam system, house in rear hose station at pump- , and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Former Newark Fire Department Station House,located on north side of slip, was not in use at time of survey. Three 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 5 steel storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 72,000 barrels. Asphalt plant in rear has a capacity of 100 tons per hour. Open storage area at rear has capacity for 4,000 to 5,000 tons of material. 262 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Newark, right bank, Passaic River REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 11 529 Dock Code No. 064 530 Dock Code No. 044 531 Dock Code No. 042 NAME Public Service Electric & Gas Co., Essex Generating Station Wharf. Chemical Leaman Tank Lines Wharf. Getty Refining and Marketing, Newark Terminal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Below Consolidated Rail Corp. (Waverly and Passaic Branch) railroad bridge. Approximately 700 feet below Lincoln Highway Bridge. Approximately 1,200 feet below Lincoln Highway Bridge. OWNED BY Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Chemical Leaman Tank Lines, Inc. Getty Refining and Marketing Co. OPERATED BY do. We11in Oil Co. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil and kerosene for plant consumption. Receipt and shipment of fuel oil by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum prod¬ ucts by barge and small tanker. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 490-foot concrete bulkhead; 265-foot steel sheet pile bulkhead; and 200- foot concrete retaining wall on timber relieving platform supported by timber piles, all with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead fill. with solid Timber pile, timber-decked,offshore wharf with 120- by 6-foot approach; 2 steel sheet pile, solid-filled, cellular breasting dolphins In line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 490+465 300 80 30 25 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 13-20 9 30 _ Usable Berthing Space Do. 490+465 300 170 w/breastlng dolphs. (See Remarks). Width of Apron Do. Open. - Open- 1_1 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 11 8 11 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) 500 - 150 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One electric, coal-unloading tower, with a 40-foot reach and equipped with 4-cubic yard bucket, was Inoperable at time of survey. None. One elec trie-hydraulic, A-frame derrick with 30-foot boom for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One surface track at rear of face connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, macadam, 20 feet wide, from Lincoln Highway, concrete, 50 feet wide. Via Doremus Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 530. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. None. (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, chemical carts, and hand extinguishers. Foam system and hand extinguishers. 3-inch fire water line, hydrants, hose, foam connections, foam cart, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Open coal storage area located south of plant, maximum capacity 70,000 tons. One 12-Inch pipeline extends from wharf to 2 steel, fuel oil storage tanks, total capacity 120,000 barrels; one 12-inch pipeline extends from wharf to one 112,850-barrel, kerosene storage tank. In addition, fuel oil storage tanks are supplied by a 12-inch pipeline extending from Amerada Hess Corp., Newark Terminal (See Ref. No. 532). One 6-lnch pipeline extends from wharf to one 80,000-barrel steel storage tank at rear. Shore moorings allow berthing of 300- foot vessels. Three 8- and two 6-lnch pipelines extend from wharf to 11 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 333,300 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Newark, right bank, Passaic River 263 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02880 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 11 532 Dock Code No. 038 533 Dock Code No. 036 534 Dock Code No. 032 NAME Amerada Hess Wharf. Corp., Newark Terminal Atlantic Cement Co., Newark Station Wharf. Nimco Shredding Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 400 feet above foot of Roanoke Avenue. Below foot of Roanoke Avenue. Above Consolidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Company of New Jersey) rail¬ road bridge. OWNED BY Amerada Hess Corp. Atlantic Cement Co., Inc. ary of Newmont Mining Co. a subsidi- Nimco Shredding Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil by barge. Receipt and shipment of bulk cement; receipt of fuel oil, all by barge. Mooring barges. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 60- by 5-foot approach; timber mooring dolphins and walkway in line with face on each side. iTimber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 85- by 3-foot approach; 5 timber mooring dolphins in line with face, connected by catwalks. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf; timber mooring dolphin on upper side in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Upper side Face Face Lower side Upper side Dimensions (Feet) 30 28 275 275 92 92 192 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 15-19 - - 26 11 _ - Usable Berthing Space Do. 285 w/dolphs - - 275 130 w/dolph - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 9 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 250 - 400 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None (See Remarks). Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs. ) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. Two surface tracks serving storage silos and one surface track serving warehouse in rear connect with Con¬ solidated Rail Corp. One surface track serves plant in rear; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Doremus Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 532. Same as Ref. No. 532. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . None. Fire protection (Other than City) Foam system, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Two 10-, one 8-, and two 6-inch pipe¬ lines extend from wharf to 8 steel storage tanks located in rear, total capacity 105,900 barrels. Timber pipe rack and approach extends from concrete retaining wall along upper side of storage tank farm. In addition, 12-inch fuel oil pipeline extend from terminal to Hudson and Essex Generating Stations of the Public Service Electric & Gas Co. (Ref. Nos. 473 and 529 respectively). Atlantic Cement Co.: Two 10-inch pipelines extend from face of wharf to 4 concrete storage silos with one interstice at rear, total storage capacity 15,600 tons; unloading rate 800-900 tons per hour. One railroad car unloading pump for receipt of cement, unloading rate 800 barrels per hour; and two tank-truck loading spouts over truck scales, loading rate 150 tons per hour, located at terminal in rear. One 4-inch compressed air line serves wharf. Pitt-Consol Chemical Co.: One 8-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 2 steel, Two 6-inch pipelines extending from wharf to 21 steel storage tanks at rear total capacity 44,800 barrels, were not in use at time of survey. A one-story, 92- by 82-foot, metal building at rear of wharf with four, 8- by 8-foot shipside doors is used for storage. fuel oil storage tanks, total capacity 35,700 barrels.] 264 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Newark, left bank, Passaic River Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02880 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 11 535 Dock Code No. 030 536 Dock Code No. Q24 537 Dock Code No. q18 NAME Essex Chemical Corp. Wharf. Celanese Chemical Co., Newark Chemical Storage Terminal Wharf. Sunmark Newark Terminal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 600 feet below Consoli¬ dated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Company of New Jersey) railroad bridge Approximately 1,200 feet below Con¬ solidated Rail Corp. (Central Railroad Company of New Jersey) railroad bridge. Approximately 900 feet above foot of Wilson Avenue. OWNED BY Essex Chemical Corp. Celanese Chemical Co., Division of Celanese Corporation of America. Sunmark Division of Sun Co. of Penn¬ sylvania. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of sulfuric acid by barge. Receipt and shipment of bulk liquid petrochemicals; receipt of liquid molten sulphur. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge and vessel; bunkering company-owned tugs. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 50- by 10-foot approach and shore connection via catwalk; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face on each side. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 180- by 10-foot approach; 2 steel sheet pile, solid-filled, cellular and 2 timber breasting dolphins in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf ex¬ tending offshore along lower 730 feet with pipeline and walkway approaches from shore; fronted by timber breasting dolphins. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Dimensions (Feet) 24 75 15+60 60 30 30 998 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 15 - - 31 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 125 w/dolphs - - 190 w/dolphs - - 998 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLk Do. 13 13 11 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 250 500 300 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and T ype of Construction Length and Width (F eet)I Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 2%-ton, electric, hydraulic, rotating, mast-and-boom derrick with 60-foot boom having 20-foot outboard reach for handling hose. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Trackage serving plant in rear con¬ nects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 535. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Doremus Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 535. Via three private driveways, asphalt, varied widths, from Doremus Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels ) fcone. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C. , cycle. 110 volts single-phase, Through 2%-inch hydrant connection and hose on wharf. Through 2- and 1^-inch hose connections from a 4- to 2-inch line. 60- A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, cycle; A.C., 480 volts, 3-phase 60-cycle. 60 None. TTW "PROTECTION (Other than Cit REMARKS y) Hydrant in rear; 3/4-inch hose line off water intake line to plant, and pumps.__ One 8-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 5 sulfuric acid storage tanks at rear, total capacity 725,000 gallons; and through pipeline system to 8 additional tanks on opposite side of Doremus Avenue, total capac¬ ity 104,000 gallons. Sprinklers under wharf, foam system, monitor nozzles, pump, chemical cart, _hog e, and hydrants, _ Two 8-, six 6-, and eleven 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 30 steel storage tanks at rear and on opposite side of Doremus Avenue; total capacity 130,000 barrels. One 8-inch pipeline extends from wharf to one 10,000-long ton, liquid sulphur storage tank located at rear of Essex Chemical Corp. Wharf (Ref. No. 535). Foam system, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Two 14-, two 12-* two 12- becoming 8-, three 8-, and one 4-inch pipelines ex¬ tend from wharf to 76 storage tanks in rear, total capacity 621,100 barrels The larger pipelines have 6-inch wharf connections. A 14-inch pipeline extends to terminal from refinery at Marcus Hook, Pa. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Newark, left bank, Passaic River 265 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02880 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 11 538 Dock Code No. 016 539 Dock Code No. Q14 540 Dock Code No. Q12 NAME 3M Co., Newark Chemical Plant Wharf. The Van Iderstine Co. Dock. Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 550 feet above foot of Wilson Avenue. Above foot of Wilson Avenue. Below foot of Wilson Avenue. OWNED BY 3M Co. The Van Iderstine Co., Division of Darling of Delaware. Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used for handling waterborne cotmnerce. Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption; shipment of tallow by barge (See Remarks). Disposal of sludge by vessel. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with two 25- by 10-foot ap¬ proaches . Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 35- by 10-foot approach; 4 timber breasting dolphins in line with face. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by steel piles; fronting steel sheet pile bulk¬ head with solid fill (See Remarks). DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 100 22 22 40 55 20+35 561 42 42 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 16 16 16 17 25 Usable Berthing Space Do. 100 - - 200 w/dolphs - - 561 - - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 42 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 250 Lighted. 11 Lighted. 11.5 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. One vertical, steel, A-frame gantry supporting electric hoist for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Trackage serving plant in rear con¬ nects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks serving plant in rear connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveway, asphalt, 16 feet wide, from Doremus Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via private driveway, asphalt, varied widths, from Wilson and Doremus Avenues, each asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 539. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 3/4-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 250 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle at 50 amps. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Foam system, hydrants, and hose. Hydrant and hand extinguishers. Hydrant and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Wharf and plant were under construc¬ tion at time of survey (1977). One 6-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 4, steel, fuel oil storage tanks, total capacity 83,000 barrels. One 6-inch pipeline extends to wharf from 6 tallow storage tanks, total capacity 4,500 tons. One 2-inch steam line serves wharf. Two 14-inch pipeline connections at each of 3 locations on wharf connect with one 20-inch pipeline extending from 2 storage tanks at sewage treatment plant in rear, total capacity 3,000,000 gallons. Wharf was under construction at time of survey (1977). 266 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Newark, left bank, Passaic River Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02880 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 11 541 Dock Code No. 004 542 Dock Code No. 003 543 Dock Code No. 002 NAME Tenneco Oil Co., Newark Terminal Wharf. Texaco, Newark Terminal Wharf. Atlantic Richfield Co., Newark Terminal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 450 feet above foot of Delaney Street. Above foot of Delaney Street. Below foot of Delaney Street. OWNED BY Tenneco Oil Co., a division of Tenneco, Inc. Paragon Oil Co., Division of Texaco, Inc. Atlantic Richfield Co. OPERATED BY do. do. Not operated. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products and petrochemicals by barge and vessel. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products; bunkering vessels; loading barges for bunkering vessels at berth in harbor. Not used (See Remarks). TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Center section: 200-foot steel sheet pile wharf with 230-foot timber walk¬ way extensions at each end. Timber walkways connect extensions to shore. Steel sheet pile bulkhead topped by concrete retaining wall with solid fill; fronted by 3 rectangular, steel pile, concrete-decked, loading plat¬ forms connected by timber catwalks; one steel pile, concrete-capped, mooring (Continued under Remarks) Steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with two approaches--one 240- by 14-foot and one 140- by 14-foot. DESCRIPTION Face Upper section Center section Lower section Face Upper side Lower side bimensions (Feet) 200 33 by 40 60 by 40 36 by 40 510 30 30 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 32 31 - - 26-33 Usable Berthing Space Do. 660 w/walkways. 400 w/platforms & dolphins. 510 -* - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open- Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 11 500 and 250 Lighted. 12 200 Lighted. 10 250 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 2-ton, pneumatic, A-frame derrick with 25-foot boom mounted on steel frame tower located on center section and four 1-ton, hand-operated, mast- and-boom derricks with 20-foot booms located on extensions. Steel tower with electric hoist for handling hose located on center plat¬ form. Four electrically operated, mast-and- boom derrick assemblies for handling hose; two with single and two with double booms, each 30 feet in length; capacity 2 tons each. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via private driveways, asphalt, 25 and 15 feet wide, from Doremus Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Delaney Street, asphalt, 18 feet wide, from Doremus Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 542. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch line with 2%-inch connections. Through one 2%-inch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Hydrant, hose, pumps, foam system, chemical cart, portable dry powder, and hand extinguishers. Hydrant, foam connection, hose, portable dry powder, and hand extin¬ guishers . Hydrants. REMARKS Six 14-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 12 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 1,060,700 barrels. Two 12- and two 6-inch pipelines (not in use at time of survey) extend from wharf to 70 horizontal, lique¬ fied petroleum gas storage tanks located at Amerada Hess Corp. termi¬ nal in rear. dolphin in line with face on each side. Platforms and dolphins fronted by timber fender systems. Three 12- and three 10-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 18 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 1,864,000 barrels. Four 18-, six 16-, and four 12-inch pipelines extend from face of wharf to 10 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 658,000 barrels. Pipelines were sealed at time of survey. Wharf is being maintained on standby basis. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Port Newark, west shore of Newark Bay, north side of Port Newark Channel 267 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 544 Dock Code No. 545 Dock Code No. 495 546 Dock Code No. 494 NAME Port Newark, Bertha Nos. 25 and 23. Port Newark, Berth 21. Port Newark, Berth 19. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Outer end of channel, at foot of Port Street. Approximately 1,400 feet west of entrance, east of foot of Navy Street extended. Approximately 0.4 mile west of entrance, foot of Navy Street extended. OWNED BY City of Newark (See Remarks). City of Newark. City of Newark. OPERATED BY Pitts ton Stevedoring Co. (See Remarks). Lipsett Steel Products, Inc. Coastal Oil Co., Division of Continental Oil Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of automobiles in foreign trade. Receipt of scrap metal by barge and shipment by vessel. Receipt of petroleum products by tanker and shipment by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with asphalt- surfaced, solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform, supported by con¬ crete beams and timber piles; fronted by timber fender system. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf fronting timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with one 50- by 40-, one 65- by 40-, and two 40- by 10-foot pipeline and walkway approaches, from timber bulkhead with solid fill at rear. DESCRIPTION Face Outer end Face Face bimensions (Feet) 1,400 50 700 712 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 _ 35 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,400 - 700 712 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 10 & open. Height of Deck Above Do. 11 Lighted. 11 Lighted. 11 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Two 22-ton, diesel-electric, full- portal, revolving, gantry cranes, each with 130-foot boom, having 100- foot maximum outboard reach and equipped with 92-inch magnet. Use of two 18-ton, diesel-electric, floating cranes, each with 65-foot boom, having 32-foot gooseneck Jib and equipped with 80-inch magnets. Two 8 -inch, swivel-Jointed, loading arms. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two connecting surface tracks on apron and one in rear of Berth No. 23 connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two connecting surface tracks on apron join additional trackage in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Port Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from Exit 14, New Jersey Turn¬ pike (Interstate Highway No. 95 and U.S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9). Via Navy Street, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Port Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 545. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants. Hydrant and hand extinguishers. Hydrant, chemical cart, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. REMARKS The port facilities at Port Newark (Ref. Nos. 544 through 564) are under long-term lease to The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, the agency responsible for overall devel¬ opment of the complex. Automobiles are handled for Auto Warehouses, Inc., who operates a 30- acre, asphalt-paved, open storage area at rear, with capacity for approximately 7,000 automobiles. Scrap metal processing plant and open storage area for approximately 16,000 tons of material located at rear. Two 10- and two 8 -inch pipelines ex¬ tend from 3 loading stations on wharf to 14 steel storage tanks located at terminal in rear, total capacity 745,200 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Port Newark, west shore of Newark Bay, north side of Port Newark Channel Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02861 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 547 Dock Code No. 491 548 Dock Code No. 490 549 Dock Code No. 489 NAME Port Newark, Berth No. 17. Port Newark, Berth No. 15. Port Newark, Berth No. 13. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT East of foot of Do re mu 8 Avenue. West of foot of Doremus Avenue. Approximately 1,000 feet west of foot of Doremus Avenue. OWNED BY City of Newark (See Remarks, Ref. No. 544). City of Newark. City of Newark. OPERATED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Chilean Line, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo and miscellaneous bulk commodities In foreign and domestic trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo In foreign and domestic trade. Receipt of general cargo In foreign and domestic trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked wharf ex¬ tending from concrete bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete relieving platform, supported by con¬ crete beams and timber plies; fronted by timber fender system. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete relieving platform, supported by con¬ crete beams and timber piles; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 574 603 608 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 35 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 574 603 608 Width of Apron Do. 66 56 56 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 11 500 Lighted. 11 500 Lighted. 11 500 Lighted. tRANstT Sheds Number and Type of Construction Building No. 2: Steel frame, metal- covered; concrete floor (See Remarks). Building No. 290: Steel frame, metal- covered; asphalt floor. Building No. 291: Steel frame, metal- covered; asphalt floor. Length and Width (Feet) 410 by 100 522 by 176 522 by 176 Height Inside Do. 20 20 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 39,600 87,280 87,280 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 500 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipslde: Six. One on each side and at rear. All 20 by 18. Shipslde: Eight, 20 by 18; rear: Eight, 20 by 14; each side: One, 20 by 14.- Shipslde: Eight, 20 by 18; rear: Eight, 20 by 14; each side: One, 20 by 14. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment Is available as required. Stevedore equipment Is available as required. Stevedore equipment Is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks on apron Join ad¬ ditional trackage In rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two connecting surface tracks on apron and 2 connecting platform-level tracks at rear of transit shed; con¬ nect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 548. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Doremus Avenue, asphalt, 24 to 30 feet wide, from Port Street and con¬ nections with New Jersey Turnpike and U. S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9. Via Transit Street, asphalt, 50 feet wide, from Corbin and Port Streets, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 548. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch line. Same as Ref. No. 547. Same as Ref. No. 547. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) Non*. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Sprinkler system Inside transit shed, hose stations, standpipes, hydrants, and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 547. Same as Ref. No. 547. REMARKS Transit shed was in poor condition at time of survey. Approximately 5 acres of fenced,open storage area located at rear of transit shed. Approximately 7 acres of asphalt¬ surfaced, fenced, open storage area located at rear of transit shed. Approximately 7 acres of asphalt¬ surfaced, fenced, open storage area located at rear of transit shed. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Port Newark, west shore of Newark Bay, Port Newark Channel 269 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02861 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 4881 550 Dock Code No. 487 45? 551 Dock Code No. 435 -453 552 Dock Code No. 431 NAME Port Newark, Berths Nos. 11 and 9. Port Newark, Berths Nos. 7 and 5. Port Newark, Berths Nos. 3 and 2. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT North side, approximately 1,500 feet east of head of channel, foot of Marlin Street extended. North side at head of channel. Head and inner end, south side of channel. OWNED BY City of Newark (See Remarks, Ref. No. 544). City of Newark. City of Newark. OPERATED BY Pittston Stevedoring Corp. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Witte Heavy Lift, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of break-bulk and containerized general cargo in foreign and domestic trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trade (See Remarks). Mooring floating derricks. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced, solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform, supported by con¬ crete beams and timber piles; fronted by timber fender system. Concrete-capped, timber pile, concrete¬ decked wharf fronted by timber fender system. Berth No. 3: Concrete-capped, timber pile, concrete-decked wharf; fronted by timber fender system. Berth No. 2: Concrete retaining wall with asphalt- surfaced, solid fill on timber re¬ lieving platform, supported by timber piles. DESCRIPTION Face Face Berth No. 3 Berth No. 2 Dimensions (Feet) 1,440 1,064 685 600 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 35 32 32 Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,440 See Remarks. 505 420 Width of Apron Do. 56 6 c open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 11 500 Lighted. 11 Lighted. 11 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction One - Steel frame, metal covered, concrete floor. Building No. 292. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) 522 bv 176. Height Inside Do. 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 78,660 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Eight, 20 by 18; rear: Eight, 20 by 14; each side: One, 20 by 18. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment is available as required. Stevedore equipment is available as required. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two connecting surface tracks on apron and two connecting platform- level tracks at rear of transit shed connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two connecting surface tracks at rear of face were not usable at time of survey. One surface track at rear of face of Berth No. 3 and two at rear of face of Berth No. 2 connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Transit Street, from Corbin and Port Streets, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, and connection with New Jersey Turnpike and U.S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9. Same as Ref. No. 550. Via Corbin Street, asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, from Port Street. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Sprinkler system inside transit shed, hydrants, and hand extinguishers. Hydrants. Hydrants and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Approximately 22 acres of asphalt¬ surfaced, fenced, open storage area located in rear. At time of survey (1977), wharf was fenced off and was undergoing re¬ habilitation. Three heavy-lift floating derricks owned by The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey are based at wharf. 270 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Port Newark, west shore of Newark Bay, south side of Port Newark Channel Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02861 ___ 478 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 553 Dock Code No. 480 554 Dock Code No. 479 555 Dock Code No. £ 7 ^ NAME Port Newark, Berth No. 4. Port Newark, Berth No. 6 . Port Newark, Berths Nos. 8 , 10, and 12. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 600 feet east of inner end of channel. Approximately 1,200 feet east of inner end of channel, west of foot of Mari¬ time Street. Between foot of Maritime and Import Streets extended. OWNED BY City of Newark (See Remarks, Ref. No. 544). City of Newark. City of Newark. OPERATED BY Not operated (See Remarks). Ecuadorian Line, Inc. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Receipt and shipment of break-bulk and containerized general cargo in foreign and domestic trade; receipt of bananas. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with asphalt- surfaced solid fill on timber reliev¬ ing platform supported by timber piles (See Remarks). Concrete retaining wall with part asphalt- and part concrete-surfaced solid fill on timber relieving plat¬ form supported by timber piles; fronted by timber fender system. Concrete retaining wall with part asphalt- and part concrete-surfaced solid fill on timber relieving plat¬ form supported by timber piles; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 600 600 1.445 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. - 35 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. (See Remarks' 600 1,445 Width of Apron Do. Open and 48 Open and 48 Open and 47 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 11 11 500 Lighted. 11 500 Lighted. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - Lighted or Unllghted Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction Building No. 138: Steel frame, metal- covered; asphalt floor. Building No. 140: Steel frame, metal- covered; asphalt floor. Building No. 137: Steel frame, metal- covered; asphalt floor. Length and Width (Feet) 462 by 202 562 by 202 442 by 202 Height Inside Do. 20 20 20 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 88,600 100,800 84,800 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - 500 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Seven, 20 by 18; rear: Seven, 20 by 14; each side: One, 20 by 18. Shipside: Nine, 20 by 18; rear: Six, 20 by 14 and forty, 12 by 12; each side: One, 20 by 18. Shipside: Seven; rear: Seven; each side: One; all 20 by 18. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Four electric, traveling, banana un¬ loaders with retractable conveyor booms which extend into sides of ves¬ sels; and serve main conveyor belt sys¬ tem extending along wharf apron under transit shed canopy; bananas in car¬ tons are transferred to overhead con¬ veyor through shed to truckloading stations at rear; average unloading rate 2,500 to 3,000 boxes per hour; and seventeen 25-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks. Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two platform-level tracks at rear of transit shed connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks on apron and two platform-level tracks at rear of transit shed connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 554. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Intercoastal Street, from Marsh, Corbin, and Port Streets, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, and con¬ nection with New Jersey Turnpike and U.S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9. Via Oceania or Maritime Streets, each asphalt, 30 and 50 feet wide, from Marsh Street. Via Coastwise Street, from Marsh Street each asphalt, 50 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 2^-inch line. Same as Ref. No. 554. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Sprinkler system inside transit shed, hydrants, and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 553. Same as Ref. No. 553. REMARKS At time of survey, major portion of wharf had collapsed and dock was not usable for berthing. Fenced open area at rear of transit sheds is used for parking and maneu¬ vering banana trucks and as open stor¬ age area. Approximately 18 acres of paved, open storage area located at rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Port Newark, west shore of Newark Bay 271 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02861 __ 473, 472 02864 _ 377. 376 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 55 $ Dock Code No. 475 471 557 Dock Code No. 47 Q 558 Dock Code No. ^7^’ NAME Port Newark, Berth No. 14. Port Newark, Berths Nos. 16, 18, 20, 22, and 24. Port Newark, Berths Nos. 26, 28, 30, and 32. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South side of Port Newark Channel, approximately 0.4 mile west of en¬ trance. South side of Port Newark Channel, west and south of entrance. Approximately 600 feet south of en¬ trance to Port Newark Channel. OWNED BY City of Newark (See Remarks, Ref. No. 544). City of Newark. City of Newark. OPERATED BY Not operated (See Remarks). The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trade. Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on timber reliev¬ ing platform supported by timber piles; fronted by timber fender system Concrete retaining wall with asphalt- surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by steel piles; fronted by timber fender system. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by timber piles; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Berths Nos. 16, 18. 20 , and 22 Berth No. 24 Face Dimensions (Feet) 754 2.150 550 2.400 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 35 35 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 754 2,150 550 2,400 Width of Apron Do. Open. 50 50 50 & open. Height of Deck Above mlw Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 11 500 Lighted. 11 500 Lighted. 11 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. Three - Each steel covered: asphalt flc Buildings Nos. 145 and 141 rarne, metal ors. Building Nos. 152-153-154 Two - Each steel frame, metal covered; asphalt floors. Buildings Nos. 178-179 and 180-181 Length and Width (Feet) 442X202 and 462X702 1,023+462 by 202 Height Inside Do. 20 . each. 20 20 , each. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 84.100 and 87.900 235,600 340.000. total. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500. each. 500 Cargo Doors Ship 8 ide: 13; each side, each building: 1. All 30 by 18. Rear: Six, 20 by 14 and seven, 15 by 2Q Shipside: 30, each side: 1. All 20 by 18. Rear: Thir¬ teen, 20 by 18 and two, 15 by 20 truck entrance. Each building - Shipside: 14; rear: 12; each side: 1. All 20 by 14. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Stevedore equipment is available as required. Seven steel, 12^-ton-capacity cargo beams on shipside of each transit shed. Stevedore equipment is avail¬ able as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks at rear of face, joined by a single track at center of berth, connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks along Port Newark Channel apron and 2 platform-level tracks at rear of each transit shed connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks on apron and 2 platform-level tracks along rear of transit sheds connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Export, Marsh, Corbin, and Port Streets, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, and connection with New Jersey Turnpike and U.S. Highways Nos. 1 and -JL Via Suez Street, from Marsh Street, each asphalt, 50 feet wide. Via Calcutta Street, asphalt, 55 feet wide, from Corbin Street. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 120 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle (Other than City) Hydrants. Sprinkler systems inside transit sheds, hose stations, hydrants, and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 557. REMARKS At time of survey, wharf was under lease to Hudson Tank Storage Co., however, it was not being operated. Four 6 -inch, stainless steel pipe¬ lines, formerly used for handling bulk wine, extend from face of wharf to 56 storage tanks located in Build¬ ing No. 173 on opposite side of Marsh Street in rear, total capacity 2,400,000 gallons. Approximately 12 acres of fenced, paved, open storage area located in rear of transit sheds. Approximately 12.5 acres of fenced, paved, open storage area located in rear of transit sheds. 272 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Port Newark, west shore of Newark Bay Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02864 02863 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 559 Dock Code No. 373 5^0 Dock Code No. 372 561 Dock Code No. 270 NAME Port Newark, Berth No. 34. Port Newark, Berth No. 36. Port Newark, Berth No. 63. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 550 feet north of entrance to Elizabeth Channel. North of entrance to Elizabeth Channel. North side, outer end of Elizabeth Channe1. OWNED BY City of Newark (See Remarks, Ref. No. 544). City of Newark. City of Newark. OPERATED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Schiavone-Chase Corp. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of general cargo in foreign and domestic trade. Receipt of scrap metal by barge and shipment by vessel; mooring floating derricks (See Remarks). Receipt and shipment of scrap metal and miscellaneous bulk materials. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by timber piles; fronted by timber fender system Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by timber piles; fronted by timber fender system Concrete retaining wall with asphalt - surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by timber piles; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 530 530 775 Depth Alongside at mlw Do. 35 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. _ 530 530 775 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above mlw Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 11 500 Lighted. 11 500 Lighted. 11 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo boors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Stevedore equipment is available as required. Stevedore floating cranes berth be¬ tween wharf face and vessel for load¬ ing; five 10 -ton, diesel, crawler cranes, each with 70-foot boom equipped with 70-inch magnet, are used for unloading barges. Stevedore equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks at rear of face connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 559. Same as Ref. No. 559. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Starboard Street, from Tyler, Corbin, and Port Streets, each as¬ phalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, and con¬ nection with New Jersey Turnpike and U.S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9. Same as Ref. No. 559. Same as Ref. No. 559. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch line. Through 2^-inch line. Through 2^[-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants and hand extinguishers. Hydrants and hand extinguishers. Hydrants and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Open storage area located 300 feet in rear of face for scrap metal (See Ref. No. 560). M. J. Rudolph Corp. bases one 130-, one 80-, and two 45-ton floating derricks at wharf. Open storage area in rear of Berths Nos. 34, 36, and 63 has capacity for 70,000 tons of scrap metal. Open storage area located 280 feet in rear of face for scrap metal (See Ref. No. 560). 273 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Port Newark, west shore of Newark Bay, north side of Elizabeth Channel Corps of Engineers Port Code No mei 268. 267. “266 Dock Code No. 265* REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 562 Dock Code No. 269 563 564 Dock Code No. 264 NAME Port Newark, Berth No. 61. Port Newark, Berths Nos. 59, 57, 55, and 53. Port Newark, Berth No. 51. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT 775 feet west of outer end of channel. Approximately 1,500 feet west of outer end of channel. Inner end of channel. City of Newark (See Remarks, Ref. No. 455). City of Newark. City of Newark. OPERATED BY Associated Metals & Minerals Export Corp. Universal Maritime Service Corp. Maersk Container Service Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of scrap metal by barge and shipment by vessel. Receipt and shipment of containerized and break-bulk general cargo In for¬ eign trade. Receipt and shipment of containerized general cargo and heavy-lift items in foreign and domestic trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by timber piles; fronted by timber fender sys¬ tem. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by timber piles; fronted by timber fender sys¬ tem. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by timber piles; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Dl mensions (Feet) Depth Alongside at MLW _ Do. Usable Berthing Space Do. Width of Apron Do. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS/CONTAINER FREIGHT STATIONS 610 35_ 610 Open. 11 500 Lighted. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors * (Feet) MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Three 30-ton, diesel-electric, crawler cranes with 55-foot booms; are equipped with 65- and one with 55-inch magnets. 3,056 _ 35_‘ 3 ,056 _ 125 and op en. 11 500 764 35_ 764 Open. 11 600 Lighted. Two - identical, steel frame, metal covered, connected by 100-foot; covered area; asphalt-surfaced; concrete floor. Buil din g No. 220 _ 1,700 by 250 _ 20 _ 378,000 _ 500 _ Shipside: Eleven, 45 by 20; rear: Nine, 45 by 20 to platform; each side: One, 45 by 20. One 70- and one 56-ton, diesel- 2 electric, traveling, container¬ handling cranes, each with articulated hinged-cantilevered boom having 111- foot outboard reach and 44-foot back reach; cranes have a 224-foot con¬ tainer travel length and an operating rate of 20 containers per hour each. Nine 25- to 40-ton, diesel, fork lift trucks and yard hustlers also serve terminal. Lighted. _ One - steel frame, metal covered; asphalt-surfaced; concrete floor. 674 by 212 _ 12 _ 135,000 _ 600 _ Shipside: Forty-nine, 9 by 10 for containers; rear: Fourteen, 20 by 14 to 46-truck-capacity platforms; east side: Three, 20 by 14 for rail cars. One 45-ton, diesel-electric, traveling, container-handling crane with articu¬ lated, hinged-cantilevered boom having 106-foot outboard reach and 30-foot back reach; crane has a 216-foot con¬ tainer travel length and an average operating rate of 26 containers per hour. Two 35-ton, diesel, container, lift trucks, 15 yard hustlers and forty seven 5- to 7-ton, electric, fork lift trucks also serve terminal. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) One surface track along rear of face connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two connecting surface tracks on apron, and 2 connecting platform-level tracks at rear of transit shed/con¬ tainer freight station connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks along rear of face, and 2 carfloor-level tracks along east side of container freight station con¬ nect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Via Export, Tyler, Corbin, and Port Streets, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, and connection with New Jersey Turnpike and U. S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9. Through 2%-inch line. Via Starboard, Panama, Tyler, Corbin, and Port Streets, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, and connection with New Jersey Turnpike and U. S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9. Through 2%-inch line. Via Tyler, Corbin, and Port Streets, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, and connection with New Jersey Turnpike and U. S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9. Through 2^-inch line. None. None. None. Eire protection (Other than City) REMARKS Hydrants and hand extinguishers. Nine acres of open storage area for approximately 45,000 tons of scrap metal located in rear. Sprinkler system inside building, hydrants, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. _ Rail platform, at rear of transit shed/container freight station, has space for 120 trucks. Approximately 40 acres of open, con¬ tainer storage area in rear includes 350 positions for refrigerated cargo containers. Same as Ref. No. 563. LTL cargoes enter terminal via Maritime Street from Tyler Street. Open storage area has capacity for 1,100 containers on chassis and includes 46 positions for refrigerated cargo con¬ tainers . PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Port Elizabeth, west shore of Newark Bay, Elizabeth Channel Corns of Engineers Port Code No. 02863 262, 261, 260, 257, REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 565 Dock Code Ho. 263 566 Dock Code No. 567 Dock Code No. 255* NAME Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berth No. 50. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 52, 54, 56, 58, and 60. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 62, 64, and 66. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Head of channel. South side at Inner end of channel. Approximately 0.5 mile west of outer end of channel. OWNED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY do. Puerto Rico Maritime Shipping Author¬ ity. International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels and barges (See Remarks). Receipt and shipment of containerized and roll-on roll-off general cargo and shipment of vehicles In Puerto Rican trade. Receipt and shipment of containerized general cargo and heavy-lift Items In foreign trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by concrete-capped, timber piles. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by concrete-capped, timber piles. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by concrete- capped, timber piles. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 815 2,875 1,920 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 35-37 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 815 2,875 1,920 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open, Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. CONTAINER FREIGHT STATIONS Number and Type of Construction None. One - steel frame, metal covered; asphalt floor. Building No. 1220 One - steel frame, metal covered; asphalt floor. Building No. 2300 Length and Width (Feet) 1,087 by 100 750 by 80 and 250 by 85 Height Inside Do. 15 15 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 80,000 120,000 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - Cargo Doors (Feet) Total of 170 truckloading positions along sides and 16 rail positions in¬ side . ■ Seventeen, 20 by 14 to 2 platforms, with total capacity for 120 trucks; seven, 10 by 12 rail doors. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None (See Remarks). Three 30-ton, electric, traveling, container-handling cranes, each with articulated, hlnged-cantllevered boom having 106-foot outboard reach; cranes have a 193-foot container travel length and an operating rate of 25 containers per hour each. Three port¬ able 80- by 15-foot steel ramps for handling roll-on roll-off cargo and fork lift trucks and yard hustlers are available as required. Two 40- and two 30-ton, dlesel-electrlc, traveling, container-handling cranes, each with articulated, hinged- cantilevered boom having 114-foot out¬ board reach; cranes have a 20-foot container travel length and an oper¬ ating rate of 25 containers per hour each. Twenty-one 32%-ton, diesel, straddle carriers capable of stacking 20-foot containers 3-high and 40-foot containers 2-high, and 4 container lift trucks--one 35- and one 25-ton, diesel-, and two 30-ton, gasoline-operated. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks at rear of face connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two connecting surface tracks along rear of Berth No. 60, one surface track through east side of container storage area, and 2 platform-level tracks inside container freight station connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two connecting surface tracks along rear of face, one surface track through west side of container storage area, and 2 platform-level tracks along west side of container freight station connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Corbin Street, from Port Street, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, and connection with New Jersey Turn¬ pike and U.S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9. Via North Fleet, Corbin, and Port Streets, each asphalt, 30 to 70 feet wide, and connection with New Jersey Turnpike and U.S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9 (See Remarks). Via Bay Avenue, from McLester, Lyle King, and Corbin Streets, each asphalt, 30 to 70 feet wide (See Ref. No. 566). WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) REMARKS Hydrants, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Four acres of open storage area at rear Is used by operator of adjacent facility (Ref. No. 566); dock area Is not used for handling cargo. Sprinkler system Inside container freight station, hydrants, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. _ Alternate highway access to terminal is via Bombay, Lyle King, andMcLester Streets and North Avenue, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, from Spring Street (U.S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9). Open storage area at rear for 2,817 containers on chassis. Same as Ref. No. 566. Open storage area for approximately 10,200 containers, stacked and on chassis in rear. W PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS Port Elizabeth, west shore of Newark Bay 275 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02863 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 - 254 " 568 Dock Code No. 253 - 252 — 569 Dock Code No. 251 570 Dock Code No. 250 NAME Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 68 and 70. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 72 and 74. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berth No. 76. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South side of Elizabeth Channel, approximately 1,000 feet west of outer end. Outer end, south side of Elizabeth Channel. South of Elizabeth Channel. OWNED BY The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. OPERATED BY Atlantic Container Line, Ltd. Pittston Stevedoring Corp. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of containerized and roll-on roll-off general cargo and vehicles in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of containerized general cargo in foreign and domestic trade. Mooring vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by concrete- capped timber piles. One 100- by 60- foot, concrete pile, concrete-decked platform for roll-on roll-off cargo is located between berths. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by concrete- capped timber piles. One 70- by 60- foot, concrete pile, concrete-decked platform extends from east end of face intended for use by roll-on roll-off cargo. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by concrete- capped timber piles. 1 DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 965+100+955 800+85 650 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 39 and 40 35 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 965 and 955 800 650 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. CONTAINER FREIGHT STATIONS Number and Type of Construction Two - Each steel frs asphalt floors. Export Shed Building No. 2180 me, metal covered; Import Shed Building No. 3000 Two - Each steel fr£ asphalt floors. Building No. 3010 me, metal covered; Building No. 3020 None. Length and Width (Feet) 538 by 100 & 134 416 by 200 260 by 100 260 by 200 Height Inside Do. 15 15 15 15 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 50,100 66,600 20,800 41,600 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 500 500 500 Cargo Doors (Feet) Each shed - Shipside: 10, and Rear: 10. All 20 by 10 and truck-bed level. Shipside and rear: 6 , each. All 20 by 10 and Shipside and rear: 8 , each. :ruck-bed level. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 30-ton, diesel-electric, travel¬ ing, container-handling cranes, each with articulated, hinged-cantilevered boom having 105-foot outboard reach and 33-foot back reach; cranes have a 196-foot container travel length and an operating rate of 20 containers per hour each. Use of container crane described under Ref. No. 569. Three 30-ton, diesel, straddle carriers capable of stacking 3-high and 20 yard hustlers also serve terminal. One 30-ton, diesel-electric, travel¬ ing, container-handling crane with articulated, hinged-cantilevered boom having 105-foot outboard reach and 33- foot back reach; crane has a 196-foot container travel length and an oper¬ ating rate of 20 containers per hour; also used at Ref. No. 568. Four 30- ton, diesel, lift trucks equipped with container clamps. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two carfloor-level tracks along rear of Export Shed Building No. 2180 con¬ nect with Consolidated Rail Corp. One surface track along Fleet Street in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Bay Avenue from McLester, Lyle, King, Corbin and Port Streets, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide; and con¬ nection with New Jersey Turnpike and U.S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9. Via Fleet Street, from Bay Avenue (See Ref. No. 568). Same as Ref. No. 569. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. Through 2%-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. TIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) REMARKS Sprinkler systems Inside buildings, hydrants, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. _ Alternate highway access to terminal is via Bay Avenue, McLester Street and North Avenue, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, from Spring Street (U. S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9). Open storage area at rear for approxi¬ mately 2,500 containers. Terminal has an annual throughput capacity of 60,000 containers. Same as Ref. No. 568. Open storage area for approximately 1,500 containers extends to rear of Berth No. 76 (Ref. No. 570). Hydrants and watchmen. Approximately 4 acres of open storage area located at rear is used by operator of adjacent facility (Ref. No. 569). Dock area is not used for handling cargo. 276 PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS West Shore, Newark Bay Corps of Engineers Port Code No REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 0286? 249, 248, 247, T5J Dock Code No. 245 244, 243, 242, ■ 541 ; Dock Code No. 239 P2860 571 572 Dock Code No. 035 NAME Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 78, 80, 82, 84, and 86. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 88 , 90, 92, 94, 96, and 98. Allied Chemical Corp., Elizabeth Works Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Port Elizabeth, 750 feet south of entrance to Elizabeth Channel. Port Elizabeth, approximately 0.5 mile south of entrance to Elizabeth Chan¬ nel. South of foot of North Avenue extended. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. Allied Chemical Corp. OPERATED BY Maher Terminals, Inc. Sea-Land Service, Inc. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of containerized and break-bulk general cargo and lum¬ ber in foreign trade. Receipt and shipment of containerized general cargo In foreign and domestic trade. Receipt and shipment of oleum and sul¬ furic acid and shipment of hydrochlo¬ ric acid by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by concrete-capped timber piles. Concrete retaining wall with asphalt¬ surfaced solid fill on concrete re¬ lieving platform supported by concrete-capped timber piles. Timber pile, asphalt-surfaced, concrete¬ decked pier extending from rock-revetted causeway; 2 timber dolphins located at outer end. DESCRIPTION Dimensions ■(feet) East face South face North side South side 3,250 2,019 2,500 16 360 360 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 42 40 40 15 Usable Berthing Space 3,250 2,019 2,500 360 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 500 Lighted. 12 500 Lighted. 11.5 Lighted. CONTAINER FREIGHT STATIONS Number and Type of Construction One - L-shaped, steel frame, metal- covered; asphalt floor. Building No. 4000 None. One - two rectangular sections, steel frame, metal-covered; concrete floor; connected by 24-foot-wide, covered, loading platform on west side. Building No. 5130 Length and Width (Feet) 1,092 by 218 and 750 by 180 1,158 by 150 and 965 by 100 Height Inside Do. 21 15 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 371,000 215,200 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors (p ee t) 500 500 Total of 90 containers and 118 truck doors and 6 rail-loading stations. Total of 360 truck¬ loading stations. and 10 rail- MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 45- and one 33-ton, electric, traveling, container-handling cranes with retractable booms, each having 115-foot outboard reach and 85-foot back reach; cranes have a 300-foot container travel length and an oper¬ ating rate of 24 to 28 containers per hour each; cranes have 73- and 58-ton lifting capacities at 70 feet, respec¬ tively; seven 35- to 40-ton, diesel, container lift trucks and 52 yard hustlers also serve terminal. Five 34-ton, electric, traveling container-handling cranes with re¬ tractable booms, each having 115-foot outboard reach and 43-foot back reach; cranes have a 258-foot container travel length and an operating rate of 24 containers per hour each; turntable allows cranes to operate along either face. All containers are handled on chassis by yard hustlers. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two platform-level tracks, total length 600 feet, serve north side of container freight station; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two platform-level tracks, total length 1,000 feet, serve west side of container freight station; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Plant trackage In rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels Via Izmir Street, from Bay Avenue or Tripoli Street, and McLester, Lyle King, Corbin, and Port Streets, each asphalt, 30 to 50 feet wide, and con¬ nection with New Jersey Turnpike and U.S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9(See Remarks). Through 2%-Inch line. Via McLester Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Lyle King Street or North Avenue (See Ref. No. 571). Through 2%-Inch line. Via plant road, varied widths, from foot of North Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Through 1-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessel s) None. A.C., 110/220 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; A.C., 480 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. FIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) REMARKS Sprinkler system Inside container freight station, hydrants, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. _ Alternate highway access is via North Avenue from Spring Street (U.S. High¬ ways Nos. 1 and 9) to McLester Street Open storage area in rear has storage capacity for 5,000 containers on chassis and 128 positions for refrig¬ erated cargo containers (32 with 440- and 96 with 220-volt connections). Container cranes described under Ref. No. 572 can also be used at this wharf. Same as Ref. No. 571. Open storage area in rear has storage capacity for 6,800 containers on chassis and 680 positions for refrig¬ erated cargo containers with 440-volt connections. Container cranes described under Ref. No. 571 can also be used at this wharf. Fire department suction line and hand extinguishers. Two 6-, one 4- becoming 6-, and one 3- inch pipelines extend from pier to 6 sulfuric acid storage tanks, total capacity 21,000 tons; 2 hydrochloric acid tanks, total capacity 650,000 gallons; and one 2,000-ton-capacity, oleum storage tank; all located at plant in rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Elizabeth, right bank, Arthur Kill 277 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02823 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 574 Dock Code No. 656 575 Dock Code No. 660 576 Dock Code No. 661 NAME United Oil Co. Pier. Loizeaux Builders Supply Co. Wharf. Chevron Bayway Lubricants Plant Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT West of foot of Elizabeth Avenue. Approximately 2,000 feet above Staten Island Railroad bridge. Approximately 1,700 feet above Staten Island Railroad bridge. OWNED BY United Oil Co., Inc. Achter Kol Corp. and Loizeaux Builders Supply Co. Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. OPERATED BY do. Loizeaux Builders Supply Co., Inc. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Receipt of sand, stone, and gravel. Receipt of bulk lubricating oils; shipment of bulk, packaged, and drummed lubricating oils. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier; 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. Part timber bulkhead and part concrete retaining wall on timber and concrete relieving platform, supported by timber piles; all with solid fill. Timber pile, part timber- concrete -decked wharf. and part DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 3 70 70 474 728 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 20 - - 13-16 24 Usable Berthing Space Do. 90 w/dolphs. - - 474 728 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 30 and open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) - 400 500 Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. Unlighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs. ) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One electric, traveling, revolving crane with 90-foot boom and 2-cubic yard clamshell bucket; crane travels 400 feet along apron and has a 40- foot outboard reach. One diesel, crawler crane with 50-foot boom and 1 3/4-cubic yard clamshell bucket. Traveling crane unloads material from barges to open stockpiles or into 6 steel hoppers, total capacity 1,800 tons, serving a horizontal and an in¬ clined, 30-inch, electric, belt- conveyor system extending to 2 con¬ crete, ready-mix plants at rear. One 15-inch, roller conveyor extends to wharf from plant at rear; one 2 \- and ten 2-ton, LP-gas, and one 2-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Tracks of Consolidated Rail Corp. extend along shore at rear of pier. Three surface tracks serve yard at rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. One surface track at rear of wharf joins additional plant trackage; con¬ nects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via foot of 50 feet wide asphalt, 35 asphalt, 40 Elizabeth Avenue, asphalt, , and South Front Street, feet wide, from Bay Way, feet wide. Via South Front Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide, from Bay Way, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 575. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 3- and 2%-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. FTRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hose, water line, and hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS One 4-inch pipeline extends from pier to one 20,000-barrel-capacity, steel storage tank located at rear. Open storage area in rear for approx¬ imately 40,000 tons of material. Six 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 10 steel storage tanks located at rear, total capacity 140,500 barrels. 278 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Elizabeth, right bank, Arthur Rill Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02823 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP no. ir 577 Dock Code No. 662 578 Dock Code No. 663 522 Dock Code No. 664 NAME Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Elizabethport Wharf. CRODA Wharf. Archer Daniels Midland Co. Plant Wharf. , Bayway LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 700 feet above Staten Island Railroad bridge. Approximately 400 feet above Staten Island Railroad bridge. Approximately 250 feet above Staten Island Railroad bridge. OWNED BY Crown Central Petroleum Corp. CRODA, Inc. Archer Daniels Midland Co. OPERATED BY do. do. Archer Daniels Midland Co. and Joint Meeting Sewage Disposal Commission. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt and shipment of liquid chem¬ icals in foreign trade; receipt and shipment of caustic soda in domestic trade. Receipt and shipment of fish and sea animal oils in foreign and domestic trades; disposal of sludge by vessel. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Part timber, part steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill, fronted by 2 steel pile, timber¬ decked, breasting platforms located 54 feet apart. DESCRIPTION Face Face Upper platform Lower platform Dimensions (Feet) 491+180 80 20 by 22 22 by 22 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 26 32 32 26 Usable Berthing Space Do. 491+180 460 w/platforms (See Remarks). 96 w/platforms (See Remarks). Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. OP«n. l 1 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs. ) 500 500 500 Lighted or Unllghted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. transit Sheds None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 2-ton, LP-gas, fork lift truck. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. One 360-foot surface track serves plant at rear; connects with Consoli¬ dated Rail Corp. One 460-foot surface track serves plant at rear; connects with Consoli¬ dated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via South Front Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide, from Bay way, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 577. Same as Ref. No. 577. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through one -inch line. Through one 1%-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FT RE PROTECTION (Other than City) One 1,000-gallon per minute pump, chemical carts, and continuous operation. Automatic fire detection system, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguish¬ ers. Automatic fire detection system, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS Three 10- and one 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 7 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 457,000 barrels. Reciprocal berthing agreement with operator of Ref. No. 579 allows berthing of 500-foot vessels. Four 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 15 storage tanks at rear, and two 6- and four 4-inch pipelines extend to 31 storage tanks located on opposite side of South Front Street; total storage capacity approx¬ imately 3,000,000 gallons. Reciprocal berthing agreement with operator of Ref. No. 578 allows berth¬ ing of 500-foot vessels. Two 6- and one 4-inch pipelines extend from north platform to 18 steel stor¬ age tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 5,929,150 gallons. Two 12-inch sewage sludge pipelines extend to lower platform from the Joint Meeting Sewage Disposal Commission sewage disposal plant located at rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Elisabeth, right bank, Arthur Kill 279 Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02823 REFERENCE NUMBER ON HAP NO. 13 580 Dock Code No. 566 581 Dock Code No. 667 582 Dock Cod D No. *69 NAME Borne Chemical Co. Wharf. Bayway Terminal Wharf. Phelps Dodge Bayway Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Between Staten Island Railroad bridge and Goethals Bridge. South side of slip below Goethals Bridge. Approximately 600 feet below Goethals Bridge. OWNED BY Borne Chemical Co., Inc. Linbay Realty Co. Phelps Dodge Copper Products Co. OPERATED BY Borne Chemical Co., Inc., and Coastal Services, Inc. Bayway Terminal, Division of Colt Industries, Inc. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of drummed lubricating oils, petroleum products, additives, and petrochemicals in foreign and domestic trades; receipt of waste oil; and mooring company-owned oil pollution control equipment. Mooring barges. Receipt of copper bars; receipt of fuel oil for plant consumption. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber bulkhead with solid fill. Part steel and part timber pile, concrete-decked wharf extending from part timber and part stone bulkhead. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf ex¬ tending from part timber and part timber crib bulkhead with solid fill. Center 350- + 35-foot section elevated with timber ramp access to lower level of upper and lower ends. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 465 680 452+481 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 8-9 3-12 12-15 Usable Berthing Space Do. 400 500 (outer portion). 452+481 Width of Apron Do. 23 and open. 20 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 375 Lighted. 10 250 Unlighted. 8 and 15 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Three 1-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks. None. Floating crane furnished by stevedore contractor is used for unloading copper barge. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Surface tracks serve plant at rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 540-foot, platform-level track serves building at rear ;connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 550-foot, platform-level track along Bay way and surface tracks serving plant at rear connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via South Front Street, asphalt, 35 feet wide, from Bay Way, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 580. Same as Ref. No. 580. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 3/4-inch connection. None. Through 2%-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Automatic fire detection system, hydrants, hose, chemical cart, and Hydrants, hose, sprinkler system inside building with connections on whar f. Sprinkler system under wharf, water tower, hand extinguishers, and watch¬ men. REMARKS Two 6-inch pipelines extend to 42 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 775,200 barrels. Five-story, concrete frame, tile- walled building in rear leased to private operators for nonmaritime use. One 6-inch, fuel oil pipeline extends from wharf to 2 steel storage tanks, total capacity 3,600 barrels. Copper wire manufacturing plant located in rear. 280 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Arthur Rill REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 583 - MAP NO. 13 Dock Code No. 673 584 - MAP NO. 14 Dock Code No. 680 585 - MAP NO. 14 Dock Code No. 685 NAME Bayway Terminal, Morses Creek Wharf. Exxon Co., U. Refinery, Nos S.A., Bayway . 1 and 2 Tanker Docks. Exxon Co., Bayway Refinery A and B. , Piers LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Elizabeth/Linden, foot of South Front Street, north side of entrance to Morses Creek. Linden, approximately 2,100 feet below Goethals Bridge. Linden, approximately 0.8 mile below Goethals Bridge. OWNED BY Linbay Realty Co. Exxon Co., U. S.A. Exxon Ca.., U. S.A. OPERATED BY John I. Tooker and Sons, Inc. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned, marine, salvage equipment. Receipt of crude oil and petroleum products; shipment of petroleum prod¬ ucts, hot asphalt, and alcohol. Shipment and occasional receipt of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber-pile. part timber-decked wharf. Concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, conerete-decked, offshore wharf with two 125- by 30-foot driveway, 2 cat- walk and 3 pipeline trestle approaches fronted by timber fender system. Two parallel, concrete pile, concrete- decked piers located 175 feet apart; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Upper sides Lower sides Dimensions (Feet) 80 1,280 30 580 580 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 8 40 23 23 23 Usable Berthing Space Do. 80 1,280 - 450+450 450+450 Width of Apron Do. _ Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 11 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - 500 500 Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo.Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Rental equipment is available as re¬ quired. North end: One steel tower with electrically operated, hosehandling winches, and three 12-inch, swivel- jointed, loading arms; south end: Six 12-inch, swivel-jointed, loading arms. Two 1^-ton, hand-operated, hosehandling hoists on overhead beams located on each pier. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via South Front Street, part asphalt and part brick, 35 feet wide, from Myrtle Street and Amboy Avenue, each concrete, 30 feet wide, from Bay Way, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via Refinery Road, asphalt, 40 feet wide, from Edgar Road (U. S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9), asphalt, dual lane, each side 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 584. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 6-inch line with nections. -inch con- Through 2-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FT RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydran t. Plant fire department, water pumps, water, steam, and foam pipelines, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 584. REMARKS None. Two 30-inch crude oil and numerous other pipelines extend from wharf to 181 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 15,975,000 barrels. Refinery at rear is connected to company-owned Bayonne, N.J,,Terminal by two 10- and two 8-inch pipelines. Three 12- and nine 8-inch pipelines extend from each pier to steel storage tanks described under Ref. No. 584. Each pier is served by four 2-inch steam lines. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Linden, right bank, Arthur Kill 281 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02822 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 14 586 Dock Code No. 690 587 Dock Code No. 715 588 Dock Code No. 7^5 NAME Linden Generating Station Standby Wharf. E. I. du Pont de Nemours Grasselll Plant Wharf. Co., Northville Linden Terminal Berth. Tanker LOCATION ON WATERFRONT On north side of entrance Creek. to Piles Approximately 3,000 feet below entrance to Piles Creek. Approximately 1.1 miles above mouth of Rahway River. OWNED BY Public Service Electric and Gas Co. E. I. du Pont de Nemours Co., Inc. Northville Linden Terminal Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption (See Remarks). Receipt of liquid sulphur and celes- tite ore; shipment of caustic soda, sulphuric acid, and waste liquids (See Remarks). Receipt and shipment of petroleum products. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: Three steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped cells with connecting catwalk and 60- by 30-foot, steel pile, concrete¬ decked approach from shore to lower cell. Offshore wharf: Three steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped cells with connecting catwalk and 120- by 20-foot approach from shore to center cell. Offshore wharf: Three steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped cells with 4-foot timber approaches to end cells and 10-foot timber ap¬ proach to center cell. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 150 230 270 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 18 23 35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 150 230 270 (See Remarks). Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 9.5 9 11 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Two 12-inch, arm8. swivel-jointed, loading RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 586. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway wide, from U feet wide. asphalt, 25 feet wide, from South Wood Avenue, concrete, 18 feet S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9, asphalt, dual lane, each side, 30 Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from South Wood Avenue, concrete, 18 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 2%-inch connection. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. EIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) None. Plant fire department, water tower, pumps, and watchmen. Hydrants, 6,000-gallon per minute pumps foam connection, and hydrants. REMARKS Wharf is maintained on standby basis for receipt of fuel oil for plant consumption. One 8-inch pipeline ex¬ tends from wharf to one steel storage tank at plant in rear. At time of survey, wharf was under construction and is described as it will appear upon completion. GAF Corporation: One 6-inch, caustic soda pipeline extends to wharf from one 500,000-gallon, steel storage tank located at plant in rear. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.: One 10-inch pipeline extends from wharf to one 10,000-ton liquid sulphur storage tank, and one 4-inch pipeline extends to wharf from 5 sulfuric acid storage tanks, total capacity 6,000 tons. Shore moorings allow tankers up to 750 feet to be berthed at wharf. Three 18-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 8 steel storage tanks at ter¬ minal in rear, total capacity 2,160,000 barrels. 282 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Linden, right bank, Arthur Kill Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02822 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 14 539 Dock Code No. 716 590 Dock Code No. 717 591 Dock Code No. 719 NAME Northvilla Linden Terminal, Barge Berth. Linden Roselle Sewage Authority, Sludge Wharf. BP Oil Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1.0 mile above mouth of Rahway River. Approximately 0.9 mile above entrance to Rahway River. Approximately 0.8 mile above entrance to Rahway River, opposite Pralls Island. OWNED BY Northville Linden Terminal Corp. Linden Roselle Sewage Authority. The Standard Oil Co. (Ohio). OPERATED BY do. do. BP Oil, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by vessel and barge. Disposal of sludge by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by vessel and barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: Three steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped cells; with 4-foot timber approaches to end cells; and 10-foot timber approach to center cell. Steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 90- by 12-foot concrete approach from steel sheet pile bulk¬ head with solid fill; 2 steel pile mooring dolphins in line with face connected by catwalks. Upper section: Steel pile, concrete- decked wharf extension fronted by 3 steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete capped cells and 2 steel pile, concrete¬ decked platforms; center section: Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill, fronted by 2 (Continued under Remarks) DESCRIPTION Face Face Upper side Lower side Face Dimensions (Feet) 240 50 40 40 315+400.240 Depth Alongside at MLW Do* 24 20 - - 32 Usable Berthing Space Do. 240 (See Remarks). 150 w/dolphs - - 715 w/cells+240 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 11 Lighted. 10-12 Lighted. 12.5 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Five hand-operated, mast-and-boom derricks for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. Two surface tracks serve tank car loading rack in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from South Wood Avenue, concrete, 18 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 589. Via driveway, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from South Wood Avenue, concrete, 18 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through one 2-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, 6,000-galIon per minute pumps, foam connection, and hydrants. None. Hydrants, hose, chemical carts, hand extinguishers, and salt water pump. REMARKS Shore moorings allow barges up to 350 feet to be berthed at wharf. Two 18- and one 12-inch pipelines extend from wharf to the storage tanks described under Ref. No. 588. Two 10-inch sewage sludge pipelines extend to wharf from sewage disposal plant at rear. One l-story, 20- by 11.5-foot, asbestos-covered building located at rear of wharf. steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete capped cells and 2 steel pile, concrete¬ decked platforms; lower section: Cellu¬ lar steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Five 12one 10-, and three 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 30 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 1,879,200 barrels. PIERS * WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Arthur Kill, Tremley Point, Linden 283 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02822 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 14 592 Dock Code No. 721 593 Dock Code No. 723 394 Dock Code No. 728 NAME Cities Service Oil Co., Barge Dock. Cities Service Oil Co., Tanker Wharf. American Cyan amid Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2,700 feet above mouth of Rahway River. Approximately 2,100 feet above mouth of Rahway River. At foot of South Wood Avenue extended, above mouth of Rahway River. OWNED BY Cities Service Oil Co. Cities Service Oil Co. American Cyanamid Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge; bunkering vessels. i Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by vessel; bunkering vessels. 1 Receipt of liquid sulphur and fuel oil for plant consumption; shipment of sulfuric acid and plant effluent for disposal. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. Offshore wharf: Three steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped cells each with approach from steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill at rear; center cell is surmounted by a 35- by 20-foot, steel, loading plat¬ form. Part timber pile, timber-decked, and part concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, concrete-decked wharf; fronted by tim¬ ber fender system. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face dimensions (Feet) 375+365 . 250 320 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 32 32 32 Usable Berthing Space Do. 375+365 250 320 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 30 and 10 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 500 Lighted. 10 500 Lighted. 10.5 600 Lighted. TRANSIT $Hfit>S Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Pneumatically operated hoists for handling hose on elevated, steel hose rack. One ^-ton, electric, traveling hoist on overhead beam for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. Plant trackage in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, 30 feet wide, from South Wood Avenue, concrete, 18 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 592. Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from South Wood Avenue, concrete, 18 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. Eire protection (Other than City) One foam/pumper truck, one foam truck, 2 utility trucks, foam generator, hydrants, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . Same as Ref. No. 592. Plant fire department, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Six 12-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 39 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 3,600,000 bar¬ rels. Four 16- and four 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 592. One 12-inch, liquid sulphur pipeline extends from wharf to one 5,000 long ton steel storage tank; one 6-inch sul¬ furic acid pipeline extends to wharf from 8 steel storage tanks, total capacity 8,700 tons; one 6-inch, plant effluent pipeline extends to wharf from 4 steel storage tanks, total capacity 810,000 gallons; and one 4-inch fuel oil pipeline extends from wharf to one 15,000-barrel, steel storage tank. Plans call for cessation of plant effluent shipments in 1981. 284 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02840 02822 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 14 595 Dock Code No. 119 596 Dock Code No. 733 597 Dock Code No. 735 NAME Thom-Wilinerding Corp. Wharf. GATX Terminals Corp., Carteret Terminal Dock No. 4. Amoco Oil Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Linden, left bank, Rahway River, 2.3 miles above mouth, at foot of Marshes Dock Road. Carteret, right bank, Arthur Kill, lower side at mouth of Rahway River. Carteret, right bank, Arthur Kill, below mouth of Rahway River. OWNED BY Weldon Materials, Inc. GATX Terminals Corp. Amoco Oil Co. OPERATED BY Thom-Wilmerding Corp., division of Weldon Materials, Inc. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand, gravel, and stone by barge. Shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Row of 20 timber mooring dolphins fronting parallel, timber pile, steel beam craneway and 3-foot timber walk¬ way. Two steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped cells fronting timber pile, concrete-decked extension of remains of timber bulkhead with solid fill. Offshore wharf: Row of 5 steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped cells, each fronted by timber pile fenders and 4 with 40- by 4-foot cat- walk approaches from 4-foot wide concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, concrete-decked walkway extending along rock-revetted bank at rear. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 459 294+480 600 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 5 13-18 25 Usable Berthing Space Do. 459 480 600 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 13 Crane lighted. 11 350 Lighted. 11 350 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Crane unloads material into open stockpiles or into receiving hopper served by 22 - and 24-inch, electric, beIt-conveyor systems extending to ready-mix concrete plants at rear. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks serve plant in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. One surface track serves terminal in rear; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Marshes Dock Road, concrete, 20 feet wide, from Lower Road, asphalt, 30 feet wide, and U.S. Highways Nos. 1 and 9. Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Lafayette Street, concrete, 20 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 596. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through one 3-inch 1ine. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) 20 , 000 -gallon water tank, hydrant, and hose. Hydrants, hose, chemical cart with 450 feet of hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . Foam system, waterline, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Two ready-mix concrete plants at rear. Open storage area in rear for approx¬ imately 15,000 tons of material. Eleven hoppers adjacent to wharf, total capacity 20,000 tons; 10 hop¬ pers at plant in rear, total capacity 700 tons. Three 10- and one 8 -inch pipelines extend from wharf to 7 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 1 , 022,000 barrels. Ten 8 -inch pipelines extend from wharf to 18 steel storage tanks located at terminal in rear, total capacity 1,470,000 barrels. In addition, two 14-inch pipelines extend to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 598. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Carteret, right bank, Arthur Kill 285 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02822 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 14 598 Dock Code No. 739 599 Dock Code No. 742 600 Dock Code No. 743 NAME GATX Terminals Corp., Carteret Termi¬ nal Dock No. 3. GATX Terminals Corp., Carteret Termi¬ nal North Berth. GATX Terminals Corp., Carteret Termi¬ nal Dock No. 1, Berths C, B, and A. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 2,100 feet below mouth of Rahway River. Approximately 1,800 feet above foot of Roosevelt Avenue. Approximately 1,200 feet above foot of Roosevelt Avenue. OWNED BY GATX Terminals Corp. GATX Terminals Corp. GATX Terminals Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of chemicals, petrochemicals, and petroleum prod¬ ucts by vessel. Receipt and shipment of petrochemicals and petroleum products by barge. Receipt and shipment of petrochemicals and petroleum products by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: Four steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped cells; center 2 cells are surmounted by a 115- by 30-foot steel platform with 225- by 10-foot approach; outer cells connected to platform by cat- walks. Timber pile, timber-decked offshore wharf with 150- by 15-foot timber approach. Irregularly shaped, steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped, cellular bulkhead; row of 4 cells of like con¬ struction extend from bulkhead between Berths C and B. DESCRIPTION Face Face Upper side Lower side Berth C (upper) Berth B (center) Berth A (lower) Dimensions (Feet) 270 400 24 24 300 by 50 300 bv 70 300 bv 70 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 26 . _ 26 26 26 Usable Berthing Space Do. 270 (See Remarks). 400 - - 300 by 50 300 by 70 300 by 70 (See Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Remarks) Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12.5 500 Lighted. 12.5 500 Lighted. 12 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 3-ton, electric, mast-and-boom derricks for handling hose on ele¬ vated steel hose rack. None. Three 8-inch, swivel-join ted, loading arms located on row of cells between Berths C and B. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Four surface tracks serve tank car loading racks and loading platform in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks serve tank car loading racks in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 599. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, varied widths, from Lafayette Street, concrete, 20 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 598. Same as Ref. No. 598. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch line. Through 3-inch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Plant fire department, monitors, 1,500-gallon per minute pump, foam system, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Plant fire department, foam system, hydrants, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers. Same as Ref. No. 599. REMARKS Shore moorings allow tankers up to 700 feet to berth at wharf. Thirty-one pipelines, ranging from 4 to 10 Inches in diameter, extend from wharf to 47 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity 379,000 barrels, of which approximately 38,000 barrels are for storage of petroleum products. Two 14-inch pipelines extend to above tanks from adjacent Amoco wharf (Ref. No. 597) for unloading tankers. One 16-inch, naphtha pipeline extends from wharf to storage tank at rear, thence via 10-inch pipeline to Public Service Electric and Gas Company plant in Linden, N.J. Two 10- and three 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 124 steel stor¬ age tanks, total capacity approxi¬ mately 2,190,000 barrels, of which approximately 657,000 barrels are for petroleum products. Parallel barge berths at angle to shore are limited in size by pierhead line. Fourteen 10- and two 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 599. 286 PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS Caresret, right bank, Arthur Kill Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02822 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. U 601 Dock Code No. 750 602 Dock Code No. 754 603 Dock Code No. 753 NAME GATX Terminals Corp., Carteret Termi¬ nal Dock No. 2. FMC Corp., Industrial Chemical Division Wharf. Karl Koch Erecting Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 750 feet above foot of Roosevelt Avenue. Approximately 200 feet above foot of Roosevelt Avenue. Approximately 700 feet below foot of Roosevelt Avenue. OWNED BY GAIK Terminals Corp. FMC Corp., Industrial Chemical Division. Woodbrldge Roosevelt Realty Corp. OPERATED BY do. Not operated. Karl Koch Erecting Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of chemicals, petrochemicals, and petroleum prod¬ ucts; bunkering tankers berthed at wharf. Not used. Receipt of steel and shipment of fabri¬ cated steel products; mooring company- owned floating equipment; handling construction equipment, materials, and supplies to and from barxes TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: Four steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped cells. Center 2 cells are surmounted by a 140- by 20-foot steel platform with a 325- by 10-foot approach;outer cells connected to platform by cat- walks (Continued under Remarks) Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 170- by 10-foot approach; 2 timber mooring dolphins on upper side connected by timber catwalk. Part steel sheet pile and bulkhead with solid fill. part timber DESCRIPTION Face Face Upper side Lower side Face Dimensions (Feet) 260 40 52 52 450+550 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 9 _ _ 6-14 Usable Berthing Space Do. 260 (See Remarks). 160 w/dolphs. - - 1,000 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 12.5 11 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 150 - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 1-ton, pneumatic, and two 1-ton, hydraulic, mast-and-boom derricks for handling hose on elevated steel hose rack. None. Eight 200-ton, diesel, crawler cranes with up to 240-foot booms; additional equipment available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks on south side of property serve tank car loading racks and loading platform; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Plant trackage in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One surface track serving open fabri¬ cation area in rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, varied widths, from Lafayette Street, concrete, 20 feet wide. Via driveway, asphalt, varied widths, from Roosevelt Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Roosevelt Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 6 -inch line. None. Through 2^-inch connection. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Plant fire department, monitors, 2 , 000 -gallon per minute pump, foam system, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Sprinkler system under deck, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Timber mooring dolphins, with cat- walks from shore, are located above and below wharf at rear of face to allow berthing of 700-foot vessels. Approximately 80 pipelines ranging from 4 to 10 Inches in diameter ex¬ tend from wharf to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 599. Pumphouse and water intake located on wharf; pipelines extend to plant at rear. Vessels berthed at GATX Terminals Corp., Dock No. 2 (Ref. No. 601) extend beyond upper end of this wharf by agreement. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Arthur Kill, Carteret 287 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02822 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 604 - MAP NO 14 Dock Code No. 770 605 - MAP NO 15 Dock Code No. 794 606 - MAP NO. 15 Dock Code No. 798 NAME Atlantic Sulphur Terminal Wharf and Barge Berth. Tanker United States Metals Refining Co., Oil Wharf. United States Metals Refining Co. , Refinery Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Below mouth of Noes Creek. Approximately 0.7 mile above Tufts Point. Approximately 0.6 mile above Tufts Point. OWNED BY Atlantic Sulphur Terminal Inc. United States Metals Refining Co. United States Metals Refining Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and sulphur. shipment of liquid Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption. Receipt of copper pigs; shipment of refined copper. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: Two steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped cells, connected by steel catwalk with 270- by 3-foot, timber approach; timber mooring dolphins with catwalk ap¬ proaches located at rear of wharf and at rear of line of face on lower side. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with curved, angular timber ap¬ proach at lower end; 3 timber mooring dolphins in line with face on lower side, with timber catwalk extending to nearest dolphin. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf, with curved rail trestles, ex¬ tending from shore to upper and lower ends and an additional 45- by 20-foot rail approach at center; pipeline trestle at lower end; 4 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Rear of face (See Remarks) Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 216 180 200 40 40 209 31 31 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 32 16 14 - - 16 5 5 Usable Berthing Space Do. 586 w/dolphs 250 w/dolphs 310 w/dolphs - - 370 w/dolphs - - Width of Apron Do. _ Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 9.3 12.5 12.5 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - 450 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two steel frames with hand-operated hoists for handling 14-inch, swivel- jointed, loading arms; one located at face to unload tankers and one at rear to load barges. Tanker unload¬ ing rate 2,000 tons per hour; barge¬ loading rate 500 to 800 tons per hour. None. One 7^-ton, diesel, stiff-leg derrick with 50-foot boom handles copper pigs and refined shapes between barges and narrow-gauge rail cars on plant tram¬ way system; unloading rate 35 to 40 tons per hour. Rail cars are pushed by gasoline tractors. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 200-foot surface track serves tank car loading rack at rear; con¬ nects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One surface track extending to rear of wharf joins additional trackage serving plant at rear; connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Plant trackage at rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, gravel, 20 feet wide, from Roosevelt Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Middlesex Avenue, concrete, 20 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 605. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch line. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Water line, hose, steam line with snuffer nozzle, and hand extinguish- ers. Foam system, hydrants, and hose. Sprinkler system under wharf, hydrants and hose. REMARKS Tankers berth at face and barges berth along row of timber mooring dolphins parallel to, and approxi¬ mately 100 feet in rear of face. One 14-inch, steam-traced pipeline extends from wharf to 2 steel storage tanks, total capacity 27,200 tons. One 6-inch, steam-traced pipeline ex¬ tends from wharf to one 45,000-barrel, fuel oil storage tank at rear. One 30-inch intake pipeline and pump house located on lower end of wharf. Electric winch at rear of face for positioning barges. 288 PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS Right bank, Arthur Kill Corps of Engineers Port Code No. Q2822 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 607 Dock Code No. 801 608 Dock Code No. 818 609 Dock Code No. 823 Amerada Hess Corp., Second Reserve Terminal, East Wharf. United States Metals Refining Co. Pier. Consolidated Rail Corp., Port Reading Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Carteret, approximately 2,700 feet above Tufts Point. Woodbridge, approximately 0.5 mile below Tuft8 Point. Woodbridge, approximately 1.1 miles above mouth of Smith Creek. United States Metals Refining Co. Consolidated Rail Corp. Amerada Hess Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of copper pigs and bulk cop¬ per slags; shipment of refined cop¬ per, bagged zinc oxide, granulated slag, and drummed silver and lead slag. Shipment of coal by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products; bunkering tankers berthed at wharf. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, part timber- and part concrete-decked pier extending from part steel sheet pile and part timber bulkhead with solid fill. Part timber and part steel pile, part timber- and part concrete-decked, off¬ shore wharf with 180- by 22-foot approach from steel sheet pile bulkhead with asphalt-surfaced solid fill; 2 steel sheet pile cellular dolphins in line and 2 at rear of line of face. DESCRIPTION Dimensions '(Feet) Upper side Lower side Upper side Lower side Face of Wharf (Tanker Berth) Face of Bulkhead (Barge Berth) 36 480 480 79 900 900 110 820 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 16-30 14-21 17 10 -dries 17 36 18-22 Usable Berthing Space 390 390 650 w/dolphs 820 (See Remarks) Width of Apron Do. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Open. Open. Open. Open*. Load Capacity per Sq.Pt. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted TRAkSiT 'SiiEH- 12 450 Lighted. 11 150 Lighted. 13 500 Lighted. 13 Lighted. None. None. None. Number and Type of Conatructlon Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo boors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Two 40-ton, diesel, locomotive cranes, each with 50-foot boom and equipped with 1-cubic yard, clam¬ shell bucket; and one 2%-ton, gaso¬ line, fork lift truck. One combination steam and electric car dumper, with chute, having 20- foot outboard reach, unloading rate 200 cars per 24-hour-day; coal¬ thawing plant at rear has capacity for 40 cars per day. One steel structure with pneumatic, mast-and-boom derrick for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels Fire PROTECTION (Other than City) REMARKS Two connecting surface tracks on pier join additional plant trackage in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two narrow-gauge tracks on pier connect with plant traaway system. Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Middlesex Avenue, concrete, 20 feet wide. Consolidated Rail Corp.: Two-track timber trestle on pier serves car dumper; and one track extends from storage yard and thawing plant at rear to car dumper, and one track extends from kick-back trestle on pier to storage yard at rear. Via driveway, unpaved, from Cliff Road, asphalt, 22 feet wide, and School Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Surface tracks serving terminal at rear connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from School Street and West Avenue, each asphalt, 40 feet wide. ) ) Through llf-inch line. None. Hydrant, hose, and hand extinguishers. Average handling rates per hour for raw materials and by-products are: Blister copper, 35 tons; bulk slags, 75 tons; bagged oxide, 25 tons; and drummed slags, 50 tons. Through lij-inch line. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. Sprinkler system under pier connected to 6-inch water line with pump; hy¬ drants. hose, and hand extinguishers. Additional 200 feet of berthing available alongside bulkhead at inner end of lower side with water depths of 17 feet. Yard at rear has total storage capacity of 300 cars. Through 4-inch line with 2^-inch con¬ nection. None. Plant fire department, monitors, two 2,000 g.p.m. pumps, and 12-inch salt water line, chemical cart.and hand extinguis hers Barges berth along bulkhead between ap¬ proach and approach to West Wharf (Ref. No. 610). Four 10- and five 8-inch pipelines ex¬ tend from wharf to 72 steel storage tanks at refinery located in rear, total capacity approximately 5,546,000 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Woodbridge, right bank, Arthur Kill 289 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02822 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 15 610 Dock Code No. 824 611 Dock Code No. 827 612 Dock Code No. 830 NAME Amerada Hess Corp., Second Reserve Terminal, West Wharf. Public Service Electric and Gas Co., Sewaren Generating Station, Coal Wharf. Public Service Electric and Gas Co., Sewaren Generating Station, Oil Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1.0 mile above entrance to Smith Creek. Approximately 0.7 mile above mouth of Smith Creek. Approximately 0.6 mile above mouth of Smith Creek. OWNED BY Amerada Hess Corp. Public Service Electric and Gas Co. Public Service Electric and Gas Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of crude oil, receipt and shipment of petroleum products; bun¬ kering tankers berthed at wharf. Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption. Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, part steel grating and part concrete-decked, offshore wharf, 35 feet wide with 170- by 22-foot approach from steel sheet pile bulk¬ head with asphalt-surfaced solid fill; cellular mooring dolphins located above and below wharf in line with face. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; one cellular mooring dolphin located above, and 3 timber mooring dolphins below wharf in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf; 2 steel sheet pile, cellular, breasting dolphins in line with face connected to shore by timber catwalks. DESCRIPTION Face tanker berth Rear of face barge berth Bulkhead barge berth Face Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 290 160+110 450 400 40 30 30 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 18-22 18-22 30 30 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 724 w/ dolphs 350 and 310 450 (See 680 w/dolphs 200 w/dolphs Width of Apron Do. Open. w/dolphs Remarks) Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 13 11 11 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) 500 500 - Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Elevated steel structure with hydrau¬ lically operated, mast-and-boom der¬ rick for handling hose. One electric, coal-unloading tower, with horizontal boom having 55-foot outboard reach, equipped with a 4-ton traveling bucket, unloading rate 600 tons per hour. An inclined, electric, belt-conveyor system extends from unloading tower to electric generating plant and open, coal storage area at rear (See Remarks). None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage at rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks, extending from face of whar^ join additional trackage serving power plant and coal storage area at rear* connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Plant trackage at rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from School Street and West Avenue, each asphalt and 40 feet wide. Via driveway, asphalt, 20 from West Avenue, asphalt wide. feet wide, 40 feet Same as Ref. No. 611. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch line with 2%-inch connection. Through 3-inch line. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Plant fire department, monitors, two 2 ,000-gallon per minute pumps, and 12 -inch salt water line, chemical cart, and hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers REMARKS Referenced bulkhead barge berth is located below wharf approach (See Remarks, Ref. No. 609). Twelve 8- and thirty-eight 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to steel storage tanks described under Ref. No. 609. One 12-inch pipeline extends from wharf to one steel, 125,000-barrel storage tank. At time of survey, coal was not re¬ ceived at wharf, however, handling equipment was being maintained on a standby basis. One 12-inch pipeline extends from plat form to storage tank described under Ref. No. 611. 290 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Arthur Kill, Sewaren Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02821 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 15 613 Dock Code No. 854 614 Dock Code No. 860 615 Dock Code No. 864 NAME Royal Petroleum Corp. Wharf. Royal Petroleum Corp. Pier. Shell Oil Co , Sewaren Terminal. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 200 feet belcw foot of Ferry Street. Approximately 800 feet below foot of Ferry Street. Above mouth of Woodbrldge Creek. OWNED BY Royal Petroleum Corp. Royal Petroleum Corp. Shell Oil Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by vessel and barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products and petrochemicals by vessel and barge; bunkering vessels; and loading barges for bunkering vessels at berth. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender sys¬ tem. Offshore wharf: Three steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped cells with 158- by 16-foot, steel pile, concrete-decked approach; one cellular breasting dolphin and one mooring dolphin on each side in line with face. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 110- by 22-foot approach to upper end; fronted by 3 concrete-filled steel pipe pile,concrete-decked,breast¬ ing platforms; 2 steel sheet pile, concrete-capped, cellular, mooring dol¬ phins in rear of line of face connected DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Offshore Wharf Rear of face Shore Wharf Dimensions (Feet) 350 30 30 75 22 22 456 bv 28 427 458 by 20 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 16-18 0-15 0-15 35-36 - - 34-36 17 17 Usable Berthing Space Do. 350 - - 588 w/dolphs - - 290 w/plats. 427 458 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 12 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs. ) 250 500 500 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width(Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One elevated, steel structure with hydraulic, mast-and-boom derrick for handling hose. Two elevated, steel structures equipped with hand-operated hoists on offshore wharf and four 1-ton, hand-operated, mast-and-boom derricks on shore wharf for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels None. None. Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from West Avenue, asphalt, 35 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 613. None. ) ) None. Through one 2-inch line. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, cycle. Four surface tracks serve tank car loading rack at rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 613. 60- Through 3-inch line with 2-inch con¬ nection at face and at each barge berth. None. TIRE PROTECTION- (Other than City) REMARKS Foam system, one 1,000-gallon per minute pump, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. _ Two 10-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 25 steel storage tanks, total capacity 1,842,000 barrels. Foam system, one 500-gallon per min¬ ute pump, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. _ Barges berth at rear of face on upper end with 17-foot depth of water. At time of survey, wharf was under construction and is described as it will appear upon completion. Five 12-inch pipelines extend from wharf to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 613. Plant fire department, monitors, foam system, sprinkler system under wharf, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. One 20-, six 12-, six 10-, eleven 8-, and twenty-two 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 80 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 2,699,600 barrels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: by catwalks; timber-pile, timber-decked wharf along shore at rear forms barge basin with rear of face. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Arthur Kill, Perth Amboy 291 Corpe of Engineers Port Code No. 02821 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 15 616 Dock Code No. 874 617 Dock Code No. B81 618 Dock Code No. 882 NAME Amerada Hess Corp., Perth Amboy Wharf. Chevron U.S.A., Perth Amboy Refinery Wharf, Barge Berths Nos. 3 and 4. Chevron U.S.A., Perth Amboy Refinery Wharf No. 2. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Below mouth of Woodbridge Creek. Approximately 0.8 mile above Outer- bridge Crossing. Approximately 0.7 mile above Outer- bridge Crossing. OWNED BY Amerada Hess Corp. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products; bunkering vessels serving wharf. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products; loading bunkering barges. Receipt of crude oil; shipment of petroleum products by vessel and barge loading bunkering barges. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 110- by 50-foot approach, from steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; 2 steel sheet pile, concrete-capped, breasting dolphins in line with face and 2 similar mooring dolphins below and in rear of line or tace. Steel sheet pile, cellular bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by rubber fender system. Steel pile, concrete-decked, offshore wharf with 335- by 45-foot approach; 2 steel sheet pile,cellular, mooring dolphins above, and one below, in line with face, connected by catwalks (See Remarks). DESCRIPTION Offshore wharf Rear of face Bulkhead Face Offshore wharf Rear of face Dimensions (Feet) 52 bv 32 40 290 900 738 by 40 290+275 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 32 16 16 28 37 33 Usable Berthing Space Do. 560 w/dolphs 90 w/dolphs 290 900 1,110 w/dolphs.| 290+275 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted 8 150 Lighted. 11 Lighted. 14 300 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Elevated steel structure on wharf with pneumatically operated hoists for handling hose. Two 8-inch, swive1-jointed, loading arms. Two 16- and one 12-inch, swivel- jointed, unloading arms serve tanker berth; and three 8-inch, swivel- jointed, unloading arms serve barge berth at rear of upper face. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks serve tank car loading rack at rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Two surface tracks serve tank car loading rack and loading platform at refinery in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 617. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, varied widths, from State Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 617. Same as Ref. No. 617. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch line with three 2 %- inch connections. None. Through 3-inch line with 2-inch connection. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Foam system, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Plant fire department, monitors, portable foam units, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 617. REMARKS Approximately 25 pipelines ranging in size from 4 to 20 inches extend from wharf to 88 steel storage tanks in rear, total capacity approximately 1,420,000 barrels. Two 12-, seven 10-, and one 2-inch pipelines extend from wharf to ap¬ proximately 150 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity approximately 6,030,000 barrels. Barge berths No. 2 and No. 6 located at rear of face above and below ap¬ proach, respectively. At time of survey, plans called for reconditioning bulkhead at rear of lower side to provide an additional 413 feet of berthing space for barges. One 30-, one 20-, one 16-, one 12-, one 10-, six 8-, one 6-, and one 4- inch pipelines extend from wharf to steel storage tanks described under Ref. No. 617. Pier is equipped with service lines for compressed air and salt water. 292 PIERS, WHARVES. AND DOCKS Righc bank, Arthur Kill, Perth Amboy Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02821 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 619 - MAP NO. 15 Dock Code No. 885 620 - MAP NO. 15 000,1 Code No - 906 621 MAP NO. 16 °° ck Code No - 915 NAME Chevron U.S.A., Perth Amboy Refinery Pier No. 1. Outerbridge Terminal Wharf. Amboy Terminaling Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 3,000 feet above Outer- bridge Crossing. Below Outerbridge Crossing at Ploughshare Point. Approximately 1,000 feet above foot of Buckingham Avenue. OWNED BY Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Outerbridge Terminal, Inc. Union Carbide Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. Amboy Terminaling Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt and shipment of petrochemi¬ cals, miscellaneous liquids, and limited amounts of general cargo; receipt of miscellaneous dry bulk commodities. Receipt and shipment of containerized plastic pellets (raw material). TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier ex¬ tending from part steel sheet pile and part timber bulkhead with solid fill. Offshore wharf: Concrete walls, part concrete-surf fill on timber relieving supported by timber piles by 30-foot approach at loi steel pile, concrete-capp dolphins in line with fac by catwalks. (Continued ui retaining seed solid platform, , with 200- »*er end, 3 ed, breasting e connected pder Remarks) Concrete pile,¬ shore wharf with 300- by 40-foot, angular approach; 3 mooring dolphins in line with rear of face. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side bimensions (Feet) 57 240 255 250 30 30 300 68 68 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 23 23 r 23 38 - - 33 - - Usable Berthing Space Do. 57 212 218 1,000 w/dolp 18 . | - - 580 w/dolphs - Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 11 300 Lighted. 10 Lighted. T4 725 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Self-unloading vessels serve 2 re¬ ceiving hoppers on wharf, and one on steel pile, concrete-decked platform at rear of face, each serving a com¬ mon, 42-inch, electric, belt conveyor supported by steel trestle extending to a 48-inch, electric, stacker, belt conveyor for stockpiling material in open storage area at rear. One 30-ton, diesel-electric, traveling, container-handling crane with 90-foot, hinged-cantilevered boom having 73-foot outboard reach and 118-foot container travel length; crane has hoist height of 45 feet above apron, and an operat¬ ing rate of 20 containers per hour; 2 diesel, mobile, container bridge cranes; and 5 diesel, straddle car¬ riers serve open storage area in rear. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Two surface tracks serve tank car loading rack and loading platform at refinery in rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. Three surface tracks serving tank car loading rack and bulk-loading facili¬ ties at rear connect with Consoli¬ dated Rail Corp. Three surface tracks serving plant at rear connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, varied widths, from State Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via driveway, part asphalt and part gravel, varied widths, from State Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via driveway, asphalt, 40 and 20 feet wide, from State Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through one 3-inch connection. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. (Other than City) Plant fire department, hydrants,hose, portable foam units, and hand ex¬ tinguishers . One 2,500-gallon-per minute pump, foam system, and monitors. Hand extinguishers. REMARKS One 10-, seven 8-, one 6-, and two 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 617. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION - Continued Catwalks also extend from approach and upper dolphin to additional mooring dolphins at rear. At time of survey, twelve 2- to 10- inch pipelines were being installed between wharf and 16 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 1,100,000 barrels. Open storage area at rear for approximately 90,000 tons of material. Approximately 12 acres of paved, open storage area at rear, includes maneu¬ vering area and space for approximately 1,400 containers stacked 2 and 3 high. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Arthur Kill, Perth Amboy 293 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02821 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 16 622 Dock Code No. 933 623 Dock Code No. 935 624 Dock Code No. 936 NAME Duane Marine Corp. Pier. Perth Amboy Dry Dock Co., Pier No. 4. Perth Amboy Dry Dock Co., Pier No. 3. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Above foot of Washington Street. Below foot of Washington Street. Approximately 200 feet below foot of Washington Street. OWNED BY I.P.I. Holding Corp. Perth Amboy Dry Dock Co. Perth Amboy Dry Dock Co. OPERATED BY Duane Marine Corp. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment . Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, Remarks). timber-decked pier (See Timber pile, Remarks). timber-decked pier (See Timber pile, steel plate decked pier; steel pile, concrete-capped, breasting dolphin, located at outer end. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 26 490 470 17 350 285 26 335 125+225 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 44 44-dries 44-dries 30 30 30 30 10-30 10-30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 26 245 - 17 350 285 26 300 300 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MI>J Do. 13 8 8 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft . (Lbs. ) 150 500 500 Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. Unlighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 10-ton, gasoline, crawler crane with 40-foot boom; one 5-ton, diesel, mobile crane with hydraulic boom; and one 5-ton, gasoline, mobile crane with 30-foot boom. Additional rental equipment is available as required. Use of equipment described No. 623. under Ref. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Surface tracks serving plant at rear connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via High Street, asphalt, wide. 35 feet Via Commerce wide. Street, asphalt, 35 feet Same as Ref. No. 623. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through 2-inch line. Through 2-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 623. FI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers Same as Ref. No. 622. Same as Ref. No. 622. REMARKS At time of survey, outer portion of pier was in poor condition and only the inner end of upper side was available for mooring. At time of survey, center portion of pier had collapsed and was spanned by catwalk. Pier is equipped with service lines for compressed air, water, steam, and electricity. Service lines described under Remarks (Ref. No. 623) are also available at this pier. 294 RIERS. WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Arthur Kill, Perth Amboy Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02821 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 16 625 Dock Code No. 937 626 Dock Code No. 938 627 Dock Code No. 942 NAME Perth Amboy Dry Dock Co., Pier No. 2. Perth Amboy Dry Dock Co., Pier No. 1. Edward 0. Wickberg & Co. Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Below foot of Broad Street extended. Above foot of Commerce Street. Above foot of Fayette Street. OWNED BY Perth Amboy Dry Dock Co. Perth Amboy Dry Dock Co. Edward 0. Wickberg 6 Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring floating drydocks. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair. Mooring company-owned, floating equipment; handling construction equipment, materials, and supplies to and from barges. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier; steel pile, concrete-capped, breasting dolphin located at outer end. Offshore wharf: Steel barge perma¬ nently moored to steel pile, concrete- capped dolphins on each end, with 360- by 25- +95-foot, timber pile, timber¬ decked approach at upper end. Timber pile, timber-decked pier, 2 timber mooring dolphins in line with face. DESCRIPTION Face Upper side Lower aide Face Upper side Lower side Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 27 370 370 320 350 250 31 145 70 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 30 30 30 25 0-25 0-25 8 0-8 0-8 Usable Berthing Space Do. 27 Drydock. Drydock. 370 w/dolphs 400 w/dolphs 200 160 w/dolphs 145 - Width of Apron Do. Open. 35 25 25 5 1 1 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 8 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lba.) 500 500 225 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Partly lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs. ) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Use of equipment described under Ref. No. 623. One 7-ton, fixed, diesel, gantry crane with 50-foot boom and use of equipment described under Ref. No. 623. Company-owned and rental equipment are available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Commerce feet wide. Street, asphalt, 35 Same as Ref. No. 625. Via Fayette Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2-inch line. Through 3-inch line. None. Electric current (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 625. None. Fire protection (Othor than City) Hydrants, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . Same as Ref. No. 625. Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Service lines described under Remarks (Ref. No. 623) are available on pier and floating drydocks. Floating Drydocks Nos. 3 and 2, capacities 5,000 and 2,280 tons, moored on upper and lower sides, respectively. Service lines described under Remarks (Ref. No. 623) are available on pier and floating drydocks. One 170- by 29-foot, steel frame, metal-covered building, located on pier, used as repair shop and for storing contractor's equipment and supplies. Additional 145 feet of berthing is available along bulkhead located at inner end of upper side. PIERS, WHARVES. AND DOCKS 295 Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02821 02811 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 16 628 Dock Code No. 944 629 Dock Code No. 085 630 Dock Code No. q 85 NAME U.S. Naval Reserve Wharf. Amerada Hess Corp., Reserve Terminal, Barge Dock. Amerada Hess Corp., Reserve Terminal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Perth Amboy, right bank, Arthur Kill, below foot of Fayette Street. Woodbridge, left bank, Raritan River, approximately 600 feet above Victory Bridge. Woodbridge, left bank, Raritan River, approximately 625 feet above Victory Bridge. OWNED BY United States Government. Reserve Terminal Corp. Reserve Terminal Corp. OPERATED BY U.S. Naval Reserve. Amerada Hess Corp. Amerada Hess Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring U.S. Naval Reserve training vessels. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products by vessel and barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete-capped, steel sheet pile bulkhead, with asphalt-surfaced solid fill; fronted by 2 timber pile, timber-decked platforms and row of 8 timber mooring dolphins. Two offshore, timber pile, timber¬ decked, loading platforms with timber approaches; 3 timber mooring dol¬ phins in line with faces. Platforms spaced 245 feet apart. Steel pile, part steel grating and part concrete-decked, offshore wharf, with 166- by 22 -foot approach at upper end. DESCRIPTION Faces of platforms Faces of platforms Lower sides Upper sides Face of wharf dimensions (Feet) 50. each. 30, each. 10 , each. 10 , each. 243 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 15-18 15-18 - - 25-30 Usable Berthing Space Do. 380 w/dolphs 495 w/dolphs - - 243 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12.5 500 Lighted. U 500 Lighted. 11 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) . Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. One elevated steel structure with pneumatic, mast-and-boom derrick for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. One surface track at rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Same as Ref. No. 629. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Fayette Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via driveway, along upper side of Victory Bridge approach, asphalt, 25 feet wide, from Smith Street, asphalt and concrete, 50 to 60 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Veasela) Through 2-inch line. Through 2^-inch connection. Same as Ref. No. 629. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. None. None. VIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers. Foam system, pumps, chemical cart, and hydrants. Same as Ref. No. 629, kE HARKS Various sizes of pipelines extend from platforms to 28 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 5,000,000 barrels. Five 12-inch pipelines extend from wharf to steel storage tanks described under Ref. No. 629. 296 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Left bank, Raritan River Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02811 02816 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 16 631 Dock Code No. 089 632 Dock Code No. 107 633 Dock Code No. 144 NAME Weldon Concrete Corp. Wharf. Gallo Asphalt Co. Wharf. Raritan Center Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Woodbridge, below Thomas Bridge. approximately 900 feet A. Edison Memorial Woodbridge, approximately 3,000 feet above Garden State Parkway Bridge. Edison, approximately 2 miles above Garden State Parkway Bridge, at foot of Pershing Avenue. OWNED BY Weldon Concrete Corp. Gallo Asphalt Co., Inc. Federal Warehouses. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand, stone, and cement by barge. Receipt of sand and stone by barge. Mooring vessels (See Remarks). TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Irregularly-shaped, timber bulkhead, with concrete-surfaced solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber piling. Timber pile, timber-decked wharf with curved, timber railroad trestle at upper end. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 150 600 2,000 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 12-15 14 17-18 Usable Berthing Space Do. 150 600 2,000 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 50 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 10 10 12 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) 150 - 500 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. Three - tile and brick walls; concrete floors; located on wharf. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) 210 by 50, each. Height Inside Do. 18 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 31.500. total. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) 800 Cargo Doors (Feet) Shipside: Nineteen, 8 by Eighteen, 8 by 10 at rear 10 ; others: platform. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One diesel mobile crane with 40-foot boom equipped with 3/4-cubic yard, clamshell bucket; one steam, stiff- leg derrick with 100 -foot boom mount¬ ed on bull wheel equipped with 1 %;- cubic yard,clamshell bucket; and two 50-ton, receiving hoppers, each serv¬ ing a 30-inch, inclined, electric, belt conveyor extending to plant in rear. One diesel crawler crane with 125- foot boom and 8 -cubic yard, clam¬ shell bucket; one diesel crawler crane with 60-foot boom and 4-cubic yard, clamshell bucket; and one 8 -, one 4-, and one 1-cubic yard, diesel, front-end loaders. One 65-ton, diesel-electric, stiff- leg derrick with 90-foot boom mounted on bull wheel, located on upper end of wharf,was not in service at time of survey. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. Two surface tracks on apron, total length 4,000 feet, and one 630-foot, platform-level track in rear of sheds join additional trackage serving ware¬ house complex at rear; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Smith Street, asphalt, 60 feet wide. Via Crows Mill Road, asphalt, 24 feet wide, and gravel, varied widths, from Smith Street, asphalt, varied widths. Via Raritan Center Parkway, asphalt, varied widths, from Woodbridge Avenue, asphalt, 60 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60 cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 440 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. Eire protection (Other than City) Water line, guishers. hose, and hand extin- Hand extinguishers. Pumps and hydrants. REMARKS One 5-inch pipeline extends from wharf to 3 cement storage silos at rear, total capacity approximately 385 tons. Ready-mix concrete plant located in rear. Two ready-mix, asphalt plants lo¬ cated in rear. Plans call for eventual handling of general dry-bulk and liquid cargoes. Public storage warehouses at rear are operated by Federal Warehouses (S.W. Ref. No. 62). PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Raritan River 297 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 16 NAME 02814 _ 634 Dock Code No. 308 Public Service Electric and Gas Co., Piscatawaytown Wharf. 635 Dock Code No. 201 Jersey Central Power & Light Co., Sayreville Generating Station Wharf. Q28I5_ 636 Dock Code No. 130 Middlesex County Sewerage Authority Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Piscatawaytown, left bank, below foot of Silver Lake Avenue extended. Sayreville, right bank, approximately 0.9 mile below entrance to Washington Canal. Sayreville, right bank, approximately 1.5 miles above Garden State Parkway Bridge. OWNED BY Public Service Electric and Gas Co. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. Middlesex County Sewerage Authority. OPERATED BY do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil for plant con- Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption; occasional shipment of tar. sumption (See Remarks). Disposal of sludge by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION El mens ions Depth Alongside at MLW Usable Berthing Space Width of Apron Height of Deck Above MLW Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. Lighted or Unlighted TRANSIT SHEDS Timber pile, timber-decked, wharf with timber approach; by steel sheet piling. TFeetJ Do. Do. Do. Do. (Lbs.) Face 135 15 _ 135 Open. 12 300 Lighted. None. offshore fronted Steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill; timber pile, timber-decked, loading platform fronting indented lower section, steel sheet pile, concrete-capped, cellular, breasting dolphin on upper side and 12 timber mooring dolphins* all in line with face. Face Offshore wharf consisting of one 20- by 16-foot and four 15- by 12-foot, timber pile, concrete-decked platforms con¬ nected by timber catwalk; 75- by 4-foot, timber approach extends to center plat¬ form from steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill. (Continued under Remarks) Face 320+225 305 14 730 w/dolphs 305 Open. 12 250 Lighted. None. Lighted. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One hand-operated, mast-and-boom derrick for handling hose. One fixed, electric, coal-unloading tower on wharf with straight-line boom having 40-foot outboard reach, equipped with 5^-ton, traveling, clamshell bucket, and 100 -ton-capacity receiving hopper, unloading rate 400 tons per hour; one 42-inch, electric, belt-conveyor system extends from receiving hopper to plant at rear (See Remarks). One 5-ton, hand-operated, A-frame derrick with mast and 18-foot boom on center platform for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage at rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Plant trackage in rear connects with Raritan River Railroad. Surface tracks serve plant in rear; connect with Raritan River Railroad. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, 16 feet wide, from Silver Lake Avenue, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via driveway, gravel, varied widths from River Road, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via road, part asphalt, 20 feet wide from Chevalier Avenue, asphalt, 20 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) REMARKS Hydrants, hose, chemical fire truck, hose, hand extinguishers, and watch¬ men. _ One 8 -inch pipeline extends from wharf to 3 fuel oil storage tanks, total capacity 130,700 barrels and one 6 -inch pipeline extends from 4 steel, tar storage tanks, total capacity 11,250 barrels. Hydrant, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. At time of survey, mechanical han¬ dling facilities were being main¬ tained only on standby basis; coal storage area is no longer available. Three 10-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 6 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 171,000 barrels. Hand extinguishers. Four timber fender, breasting racks located between and in line with faces of platforms. Two 18-inch pipelines extend from 4 sludge storage tanks at plant in rear, total capacity 3,000,000 gallons. 298 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Raritan River Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02815 02811 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 16 637 Dock Code No. 121 638 Dock Cod ® *»• 065 639 Dock Code No. q 51 NAME Titanium Pigment Wharf. Splnlello Construction Co. Dock. Jersey Central Power & Light Co., E.H. Werner Station Coal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Sayreville, approximately 1.0 mile above Garden State Parkway Bridge. South Amboy, approximately 1,800 feet above Consolidated Rail Corp. bridge. South Amboy, approximately 500 feet below Consolidated Rail Corp. bridge. OWNED BY Titanium Pigment Division of NL Industries, Inc. Splnlello Construction Co. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of liquid sulphur, caustic soda, and fuel oil; shipment of sul¬ furic acid; and shipment of liquid waste for disposal at sea. Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment; handling construction equipment, materials, and supplies to and from barges. Mooring barges (See Remarks). TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet pile bulkhead with part concrete-surfaced, solid fill on con¬ crete relieving platform supported by timber piles and timber pile, timber¬ decked pier extension at lower end; all fronted by timber fender system (See Remarks). Natural bank (See Remarks). Part steel sheet pile and part concrete bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Lower side Face Face dimensions (Feet) 755+360 14 1.200 463 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 20-30 20 6, dries. 14 Usable Berthing Space Do. 865 (See Remarks). 1,200 (See Remarks). 463 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 1,000, bulkhead. Lighted. Unlighted. 10 250 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One electric, traveling, unloading tower with 58-foot hinged boom having a 45-foot outboard reach, equipped with a 6-cubic yard, clamshell bucket, unloading rate 350 tons per hour; one diesel, crawler crane with 60-foot boom and 1%-cubic yard, clamshell bucket; and one gasoline, mobile crane with 75-foot boom and 1-cubic yard, clamshell bucket. Company-owned equipment is available a8 required. One electric, unloading tower with 30-foot outboard reach, equipped with 2^-ton, clamshell bucket; inclined, 24-Inch, electric, beIt-conveyor sys¬ tem serving 50-ton-capacity receiving hopper on wharf extends to plant In rear; rate, 100 tons per hour (See Remarks) . RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Surface tracks serve plant and tank car loading rack at rear; connect with Raritan River Railroad. None. Plant trackage serving power plant In rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, concrete, varied widths, from Chevalier Avenue, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via Main Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via driveway, asphalt, 18 feet wide, and railroad overpass, from Main Street asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 4-inch line. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 240 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . None. Fire protection (Other than City) Hydrants, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . Hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS At time of survey, plans removal of lower 250 feet extension having been danu Caustic soda: One 6-inch tends from wharf to 5 stoi total capacity 5,422,000 Liquid sulphur: One 8-in< jacketed pipeline extends to one 10,000-ton storage sulphur is also piped to area to be solidified. Fuel oil: One 6-Inch plp< Sulfuric acid: One 6-lncl Liquid waste: Two 10- an called for of pier iged by fire, pipeline ex- -age tanks, >ounds. .h, steam- from wharf tank; liquid >pen storage At time of survey, facilities were under construction and plans for berthing facilities had not been finalized. At time of survey, mechanical handling facilities were being maintained only on standby basis; coal storage area is no longer available. Electric winch on wharf for positioning barges. •line extends from wharf to 4 steel storage tanks, total capacity 91,700 barrels, pipeline extends to wharf from one 3,685-ton storage tank, one 6-Inch pipelines extend to wharf from one 100,000-galIon storage tank. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS 299 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02811 02821 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 640- MAP NO. 16 Dock Code No. 048 641- MAP NO. 16 Dock Code No. 033 642 - MAP NO. 15 Dock Code No. 12 o NAME Jersey Central Power & Light Co., E.H. Werner Station Oil Pier. McCormack Sand Pier. Mobil Oil Corp., Tanker Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South Amboy, right bank, Raritan River, approximately 800 feet below Consoli¬ dated Rail Corp. bridge. South Amboy, south shore of Raritan Bay, foot of Augusta Street extended. Staten Island, left bank, Arthur Rill, Port Mobil, approximately 1.3 miles above Outerbrldge Crossing. OWNED BY Jersey Central Power & Light Co. McCormack Sand, Division of Penn Indus trie s, Inc. Mobil Oil Corp. OPERATED BY do. Not operated. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fuel oil for plant con¬ sumption. Not used for handling waterborne com¬ merce. Receipt and shipment of petroleum products; bunkering tankers berthed at wharf; supplying bunkering barges. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Two offshore, steel sheet pile, solid- filled, concrete-capped, breasting dolphins perpendicular to shoreline with 85- by 4-foot, steel approach to inner cell from part concrete and part timber bulkhead with solid fill; one timber mooring dolphin in line with upper face of cells. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; timber pile, part timber-decked extension at outer end. Concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, concrete-decked platform fronting steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete- surfaced solid fill; one concrete-filled steel pipe pile, concrete-capped, breast ing dolphin at each end; and timber mooring dolphins at lower end with shore connections. All in line with face. DESCRIPTION Upper face Lower face Face Upper side Lower side Face Dimensions (Feet) 115 115 30 155+80 153+80 180 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 14 - 18 18 18 26-35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 200 w/dolph. - 30 155+80 155+80 650 w/dolphs. Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 10 Lighted. 10 Unlighted. 12 300 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One 36-inch, electric,belt conveyor extending along center of inner por¬ tion of wharf serves electric, traveling conveyor-stacker serving open storage area at rear (See Remarks). One elevated, steel structure with electric hoist. One 2*5-ton, electric-, and one 2^-ton, hand-operated, mast-and-boom derricks for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Plant trackage at rear connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, 18 feet wide, and railroad overpass, from Main Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via driveway, part asphalt, varied widths, from Main Street, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Ellis Place, asphalt, 12 feet wide, from Arthur Kill Road, concrete, 36 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through one 4-inch line with 2-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIre Protection (Other than City) Chemical cart and hand extinguishers. None. Monitors, foam system, pumps, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS One 10-, one 8-, and one 6-inch pipe¬ lines extend from wharf to 5 steel storage tanks at rear, total capacity 159,000 barrels. At time of survey, stone was being received only by truck. Approximately 4 acres of open storage area at rear. One 22-, three 18-, twelve 12-, and three 8-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 47 steel storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 2,311,900 barrels. 300 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Staten Island, left bank, Arthur Kill Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02821 02822 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 15 643 Dock Code No. 121 644 Dock Code No. 124 645 Dock Code No. HQ Mobil Oil Corp. and 3. Bertha Nos. 1, 2, Mobil Oil Corp. through 9. Barge Berths Nos. 4 Vlgllarolo Brothers Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Port Mobil, approximately 650 feet above foot of Ellis Place. Port Mobil, approximately 1,000 feet above foot of Ellis Place. Approximately 1,200 feet below Smoking Point. Mobil Oil Corp. Mobil Oil Corp. Vlgllarolo Brothers, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt and shipment of petroleum products; bunkering tankers berthed at wharf and supplying bunkering barges. Shipment of petroleum products by barge; supplying bunkering barges; mooring barges for cleaning. Receipt of sand and stone by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber decked wharf ex tending from steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill; fronted by 3 steel pile concrete¬ decked breasting platforms. Timber pile, concrete-decked wharf fronting steel sheet pile bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill; 2 breasting dolphins at upper end In line with face, connected by catwalk. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION ibimensions (Pee t) 280 1,000 400 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 30 15-21 Usable Berthing Space 280 1,500 w/dolphs. 400 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unllghted TftANSlT $HfeD$ 12 300 Lighted. 12 300 Lighted. 10 Lighted. None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One elevated steel structure with electric hoists and one lj-ton, elec¬ tric, stiff-leg derrick with 50-foot boom mounted on bull wheel for han¬ dling hose. One diesel, crawler crane with 60-foot boom and 4-cubic yard clamshell bucket; three 5-, one 4-, and one 1 1/8-cubic yard, diesel, front-end loaders. Crane unloads material from barges into 7-ton receiving hopper, served by a 30-Inch, electric, belt-conveyor system extending to a mobile radial stacker serving open storage area at rear. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Ellis Place, asphalt, 12 feet wide, from Arthur Kill Road, concrete 36 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 643. Via Johnson Street, part asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Arthur Kill Road, con¬ crete, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through one 4-Inch line with 2-Inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 643. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. Ft RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Monitors, foam system, pumps, hy¬ drants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 643. Hand extinguishers. Several 6-Inch pipelines extend from wharf to steel storage tanks de¬ scribed under Ref. No. 642. Eight 12- and three 8-lnch pipelines extend from wharf to the steel storage tanks described under Ref. No. 642. One steam pipeline and one waste oil recovery pipeline extend from wharf to Barge Cleaning Plant located at rear. Ready-mix concrete plant and approxi¬ mately 4 acres of open storage area located at rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Staten Island 301 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02822 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 646- MAP NO. 15 Dock Code No. 146 647- MAP NO. 14 Dock Code No. 160 648 - MAP HO. 14 Dock Code No. 162 NAME Energy Terminal Services Corp. Wharf. Department of Sanitation, Marine Unloading Plant No. 1 Dock. Department of Sanitation, Marine Unloading Plant No. 2 Dock. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Left bank, Arthur Kill, approximately 3,000 feet above Smoking Point. Left bank, Fresh Kills, at junction with Great Fresh Kills, approximately 0.4 mile above Arthur Kill. Right bank. Fresh Kills, approximately 1,400 feet above Veterans Road Bridge. OWNED BY Public Service Electric and Gas Co. City of New York. City of New York. OPERATED BY Energy Terminal Services Corp. City of New York, Department of Sani¬ tation. City of New York, Department of Sani¬ tation. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of liquefied natural gas by tanker (See Remarks) . Receipt of refuse by scow. Receipt of refuse by scow. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, concrete-decked offshore wharf with 100- by 40-foot approach at lower end; 2 breasting dolphins connected by cat- walks in line with face and 2 mooring dolphins in rear of line of face, all of same construction as wharf. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill, fronted by timber fender system; 325-foot row of timber mooring dol¬ phins, with walkway along rear, ex¬ tends from upper end of bulkhead; 850- foot row of timber mooring dolphins, with walkway, extends from lower end. Steel sheet pile bulkhead, solid fill, fronted by timber fender system; 158- foot row of timber mooring dolphins, with walkway along rear, extends from upper end of bulkhead; 183-foot row of timber mooring dolphins, with walk¬ way, extends from lower end. DESCRIPTION Face Face of bulkhead Face of bulkhead bimensions (Feet) Ttt 500 318 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 35 15 15 Usable Berthing Space Do. 1,000 w/dolphs. 1,675 w/dolphs. 659 w/dolphs. Width of Apron Do. Open. Open, 18, and 6. 9, 2, and 6.| Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 14 150 Lighted. 11 500, bulkhead. Lighted. 11.5 500, bulkhead. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One electric, stiff-leg derrick with 75-foot boom and 10-cubic yard, clam¬ shell bucket; one fixed, revolving, diesel crane with 125-foot boom and 10-cubic yard,clamshell bucket. Un¬ loading rate approximately 230 tons per hour. One electric, stiff-leg derrick with 75-foot boom and 10-cubic yard, clam¬ shell bucket, unloading rate approxi¬ mately 230 tons per hour. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Arthur Kill Road, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via driveway, unpaved, varied widths, from West Shore Expressway and Arden Avenue, each asphalt, 40 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 647. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through one 4-inch line with 2^-inch connections. Through one 4-inch line with 2^-inch connection. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 480 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Monitors, pumps, foam system, hydrants, and hand extinguishers. One fire tower with revolving spray nozzle, pumps, hydrants, hose and chemical carts. Portable pump, hydrant, hose, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS At time of survey, product was not being received as certain environ¬ mental protection aspects had not yet been resolved. One 30- and one 16-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 2 prestressed concrete tanks at rear, total capac¬ ity 1,800,000 barrels. Additional 288 feet of berthing is available for barges along a row of timber mooring dolphins with timber walkway along rear on left bank of Great Fresh Kills below junction with Fresh Kills. Electric winch on wharf for position¬ ing barges. Refuse is placed in adjacent sanitary fill areas. - — - ■ 1 ■- 302 RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Staten Island, left bank, Arthur Kill Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02822 02823 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 14 649 Dock Code No. 168 650 Dock Code No. 163 651 Dock Code No. 223 NAME Consolidated Edison Oo. of New York, Arthur Kill Station, Oil Wharf. Road Material Corp., Chelsea Wharf. Gulf Oil Refining and Marketing Oo., Gulfport Terminal Concrete Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 1,500 feet above foot of Victory Boulevard. Chelsea, left bank, Pralls Creek, (Arm of Arthur Kill), approximately 800 feet above foot of Meredith Avenue. Approximately 0.5 mile below Goethals Bridge. OWNED BY Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Road Material Corp. Gulf Oil Refining and Marketing Co., Inc. OPERATED BY Not operated. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used (See Remarks). Receipt of sand, gravel, and crushed stone by barge. Receipt and shipment of petroleum prod¬ ucts; bunkering tankers berthed at wharf; supplying bunkering barges. TYPE OK CONSTRUCTION Concrete bulkhead with solid fill; fronted by timber fender system; rows of timber mooring dolphins In line with face, connected by walkways at rear, extend from each end. Concrete retaining wall with solid fill on concrete relieving platform supported by timber piles. Concrete-filled, steel pipe pile, concrete-decked wharf. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Lower side Upper 8ide Dimensions (Feet) 255 525 1,190 50 50 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 11 10-13 32 _ . Usable Berthing Space Do. 540 w/dolphs. 525 1,190 _ _ Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open and 20. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9.8 500 Lighted. 10 500 Unlighted. 12 500 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. One diesel, crawler crane with 80- foot boom and 4-cubic yard clamshell bucket; unloading rate 400 tons per hour. Crane unloads material from barge into steel receiving hopper with 5 bins, total capacity 1,330 tons, serving a 30-inch, electric belt con¬ veyor system extending to asphalt plant, and 2 double truckloading hop¬ pers at rear. Three 3-cubic yard, diesel, front-end loaders serve open storage area at rear. Two hydraulically-operated, telescopic boom derricks for handling hose. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Victory Boulevard, asphalt, 20 feet wide. Via driveway, crushed stone, varied widths, from South Avenue, asphalt, 34 feet wide. Via Gulf or Western Avenues, asphalt, 22 and 30 feet wide, respectively. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through one 2-inch line. Electric current (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. Fire protection (Other than City) Foam system, hydrants, hose, and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguishers. Plant fire department, foam truck, pumps, hydrants, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . REMARKS One unused 10-inch pipeline extends from wharf to one 24,500-barrel steel storage tank. At time of survey, fuel oil was being received only by inland pipeline. Open storage area at rear has capac¬ ity for 8,000 tons of material. Two 14-, one 12-, six 10-, fourteen 6-, and two 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 100 steel storage tanks at terminal in rear, total capacity 5,200,000 barrels. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Staten Island, left bank, Arthur Kill 303 Corps of Engineers Port Code Wo 02823 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 652 - MAP NO. 14 Dock Code No. 228 653 - MAP NO. 14 Dock Code No. 234 654 - MAP NO. 13 Dock Code No. 270 Gulf Oil Refining and Marketing Co. Gulfport Terminal Crib Wharf. Gulf Oil Refining and Marketing Co. Gulfport Terminal Barge Wharf. Howland Hook Marine Terminal Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 0.4 mile below Goethals Bridge. Approximately 0.3 mile below Goethals Bridge. Above Goethals Bridge. Gulf Oil Refining and Marketing Co. Inc. Gulf Oil Refining and Marketing Co. Inc. City of New York. OPERATED BY do. do. Howland Hook Marine Terminal Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Shipment of petroleum products by vessel and barge; supplying bunkering barges. Shipment of petroleum products by vessel and barge; supplying bunkering barges. Receipt and shipment of containerized general cargo In foreign and domestic trade. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Offshore wharf: 3 steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped, cellu¬ lar breasting dolphins, with 160- by 18-foot approach; 3 rock-filled, tim¬ ber crib,breasting dolphins in line with face; one timber crib mooring dolphin at lower end, in rear of line of face, all connected by catwalks. Offshore wharf: 6 steel sheet pile, solid-filled, concrete-capped, breasting dolphins connected by cat- walk extending along rear of face; timber catwalk approaches to each end. Part concrete pile, part concrete- encased, steel caisson pile, concrete¬ decked wharf; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION T5Im Face sions TFeet) 45 Face of wharf Lower side Upper side 44 2,512 67 67 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 32 20 35 0-35 0-35 Usable Berthing Space 350 w/dolphs 360 w/dolphs 2,512 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 12 Lighted. 12 Lighted. 7 750 Lighted. Two - steel frame; L.C.L. No. 1, with metal siding; L.C.L. No. 2, with alumi¬ num siding, concrete floors. L.C.L. No. 1 L.C.L. No. 2 Container Freight Stations Number and Type of Construction None. None. Length and Width (Feet) 816 by 120 768 by 224 Height Inside Do. 16% 16-25 Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) 73.500, net. 129.000. net. Load Capacity per Sq.F t. (Lbs.) Cargi Doors 250 250 One 22- and twenty One hundred fifty- seven, 10-foot. MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One mast-and-boom derrick with elec¬ tric hoist for handling hose. Elevated steel structure with elec trie hoists for handling hose. Five 45-ton, electric, traveling, container-handling cranes, each with 140-foot, hinged-cantilevered boom having 115-foot outboard reach and 50- foot back reach; cranes have approxi¬ mately 215-foot container travel length, hoist height, 75 feet above apron, and an operating rate of 10 to 20 containers per hour each; four 50-, four 35-, and six 30-ton diesel, container lift trucks four 5-ton, diesel,fork lift trucks equipped with container-handling frames; five 5- and sixty-eight 2%-ton, diesel (Continued under Remarks) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. One platform-level track serving con¬ tainer freight stations at rear connects with Staten Island Railroad Corp. (Chessie System). HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels Via Gulf or Western Avenues, asphalt, 22 and 30 feet wide, respectively. Same as Ref. No. 652. Via Western Avenue,from Richmond Terrace each asphalt, 30 feet wide, or Inter¬ state Highway No. 278. None. None. Through 2%-inch connections. feLECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels None. A.C. A. C. , 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle; , 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Y IRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Plant fire department, foam truck, pumps, hydrants, hose, and hand ex¬ tinguishers. Same as Ref. No. 652. Access holes in deck of wharf, hydrants, and watchmen. REMARKS’ One 12-, four 10-, three 8-, and three 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 77 of the storage tanks described under Ref. No. 651. Wharf connected to upper end of crib wharf (Ref. No. 652) by timber walk¬ way. One 12-, four 10-, three 8-, and three 6-inch pipelines extend from wharf to storage tanks described under Ref. No. 651. fork lift trucks; and 33 yard tractors for moving containers on chassis also serve terminal. Approximately 187 acres of paved, open storage space for approximately 2,370 containers on chassis, and approximately 3,950 containers stacked 3 high. 304 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Staten Island, left bank, Arthur Kill Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02823 02824 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 13 655 Dock Code No. 286 656 Dock Code No. 290 657 Dock Code No. 300 NAME Procter & Gamble, Port Ivory, Piers Nos. 2 and 3. Spearin, Preston 6 Burrows, Staten Island Mooring. M and P Marine Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Port Ivory, approximately 1.1 miles above Goethals Bridge. Mariners Harbor, between foot of Federal Place and Northfleld Avenue. Mariners Harbor, between foot of Arlington and South Avenues. OWNED BY Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Co. Spearin, Preston & Burrows, Inc. Nida Construction. OPERATED BY do. do. M and P Marine, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of vegetable oils and caustics for processing; receipt of fuel oil for plant consumption. Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment; handling construction materials and supplies to and from barges. Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment; mooring barges for salvage. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber-pile, timber-decked pier ex¬ tending from timber bulkhead with solid fill. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with solid fill; row of timber mooring dolphins extend channelward from lower end of bulkhead. Timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face , Lower side Upper side Face Upper side Face dimensions (Feet) 3d “366 400 250+158 100 250 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 17 17 17 8 8 0-8 Usable Berthing Space Do. - - 400 250+158 100 (See Remarks). 80 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. I Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9 200 Lighted. 9 Unlighted. 10 Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Oargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Company-owned equipment is available as required. Company-owned equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, cinder, 30 feet wide, from Richmond Terrace, concrete and asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via driveway, unpaved, 15 feet wide, from Richmond Terrace, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Via Richmond Terrace, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Plant fire department, hydrant, and hose. Portable pumps, hose, hand extin¬ guishers, and watchmen. Hydrant. REMARKS Two 4-inch pipelines extend from pier to vegetable oil storage tanks, total capacity 150,000,000 pounds; one 6- inch pipeline extends to 3 caustic storage tanks, total capacity 9,000,000 pounds; and one 6-inch pipe¬ line extends to 2 fuel oil storage tanks, total capacity 20,000 barrels. All tanks located at soap and deter¬ gent manufacturing plant in rear. A total of 1,600 feet of additional berthing space available along both sides of dolphins. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Kill Van Kull, Staten Island, Mariners Harbor 305 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02824 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP 658 - MAP NO. 13 Dock Code No. 315 659 - MAP NO. 13 Dock Code No. 316 660 - MAP NO . 10 Dock Code No. 317 NAME J.M.L. Trading Corp., Pier No. 11, J.M.L. Trading Corp., Pier No. 10. J.M.L. Trading Corp., Pier No. 9. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT West of Shooters Island, between foot of South and Grandview Avenues extended. West of Shooters Island, between foot of South and Grandview Avenues extended. West of Shooters Island at foot of Grandview Avenue extended. OWNED BY J.M.L. Trading Corp. J.M.L. Trading Corp. J.M.L. Trading Corp. OPERATED BY Not operated. Not operated. American Dredging Co., Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Not used. Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment on east side only. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile , concrete-decked pier. Timber pile concrete-decked pier. Timber pile concrete-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face West side East side Face West side East side Face West side East side Dimensions (Feet) 36 409 90 15+21 90 572 30 375 392 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 21 17-21 - 21 - 21-25 21 21-25 20-21 Usable Berthing Space Do. 36 363 See Remarks - See Remarks 572 30 373 392 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 9 9 9 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs. ) - - - Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. Unlighted. Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. Company-owned equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Richmond Terrace, asphalt, 30 feet wide, at foot of Andros Avenue. Same as Ref No. 658. Same as Ref No. 658. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. fI RE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrant and watchmen. Hydrant and watchmen. Hydrant and watchmen. REMARKS Former shipway is located on east side. Former shipway is located on west side. 306 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank. Kill Van Kull, Statan Island, MarInara Harbor Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02824 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 10 661 Dock Code No. 318 662 Dock Code No. 319 663 Dock Code No. 323 NAME J.M.L. Trading Corp., Pier No. 8. J.M.L. Trading Corp., Pier No. 7. J.M.L. Trading Corp., Pier No. 3. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT West of Shooters Island, between foot of Grandview and Mersereau Avenues extended. West of Shooters Island,at foot of Mersereau Avenue. South of Shooters Island, at foot of Andros Avenue extended. OWNED BY J.M.L. Trading Corp. J.M.L. Trading Corp. J.M.L. Trading Corp. OPERATED BY American Dredging Co., Inc. Llpsett Steel Products, Inc. Dunbar and Sullivan Dredging Co. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment on west side only. Mooring barges. Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, concrete-decked pier. Steel sheet pile bulkhead with part concrete- and part asphalt-surfaced solid fill; timber pile, concrete beam, timber-decked extension at outer end. Timber pile. concrete-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face West side East side Face West side East side Face West side East side Dimensions (Peet) 30 385 404 35 510 100 79 35 685 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 21 20-21 19-21 29 25-29 - 35 - 20-35 Usable Berthing Space Do. 30 378 400 35 510 See Remarks 79 - 680 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 9 9 9 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) - - - Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. Unlighted. Partly lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Company-owned equipment is available as required. None. Company-owned equipment is available as required. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Richmond Terrace, asphalt, 30 feet wide, at foot of Andros Avenue. Same as Ref. No. 661. Same as Ref. No. 661. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. (Other than City) Hydrant and watchmen. Hydrant and watchmen. Hydrant and watchmen. REMARKS Former shipway is located side. on east Additional 145 feet of berthing is available along timber pile, timber- decked wharf at head of slip on east side. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank. Kill Van Kull, Staten Island, Mariners Harbor 307 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02824 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 10 664 Dock Code No. 324 665 Dock Code No. 326 666 Dock Code No. 327 NAME J.M.L. Trading Corp., Mariners Harbor Marina Pier No. 2. J.M.L. Trading Corp., Pier No. 1. J. A. Snyder & Son Bulkhead. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South of Shooters Island, between foot of Lock man and Andros Avenue extended. South of Shooters Island Harbor Road. foot of South of Shooters Island foot of Harbor Road and extended. between Bush Avenue OWNED BY J.M.L. Trading Corp. J.M.L. Trading Corp. J. Donald Snyder. OPERATED BY Dunbar and Sullivan Dredging Co. and Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. Thomas Transportation Corp. and Thor Wetlesen, Inc. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment. (See Remarks) Mooring company-owned floating equipment. Mooring company-owned floating equipment. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile timber-decked pier. Timber pile, part timber concrete-decked pier. and part Part timber bulkhead, part timber pile, timber-decked wharf; outer end fronted by 3 timber mooring dolphins. DESCRIPTION Face West side East side Face West side East side Face Outer end Dimensions (Feet) 35+38 570 595 20 535 475+50 455 ~82 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 30 30 30 29 29-35 18-29 0-16 16-18 Usable Berthing Space Do. . 570 595 - 535 - 150 100 w/dolphs . Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 9 9 9 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) - - - Lighted or Unllghted Partly lighted. Unlighted. Unlighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Company-owned equipment is avail¬ able as required. Same as Ref No. 664. Same as Ref No. 664. RAILVAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Richmond Terrace, asphalt, 30 feet wide, at foot of Andros Avenue. Same as Ref No. 664. Via driveway, part asphalt, 20 feet wide, from Richmond Terrace, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 3/4- inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. PiRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrant and watchmen. Hydrant and watchmen. Hand extinguishers. REMARKS Dunbar and Sullivan moors floating equipment on west side; Great Lakes Dredge and Dock on east side. 308 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank. Kill Van Kull, Staten Island, Mariners Harbor Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02824 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 10 667 Dock Code No. 328 668 Dock Code No. 330 669 Dock Code No. 331 NAME Brewer Dry Dock Co., Pier No. 4. Brewer Dry Dock Co., Pier No. 3. Brewer Dry Dock Co., Pier No. 2. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South of Shooters Island, at foot of Bush Avenue extended. South of Shooters Island, between foot of Bush and Union Avenues extended. South of Shooters Island, at foot of Union Avenue extended. OWNED BY Brewer Dry Dock Co. Brewer Dry Dock Co. Brewer Dry Dock Co. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair; mooring floating drydock. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair; mooring floating drydock. Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier. DESCRIPTION Face West side East side Face West side East side Face West side East side Dimensions (Feet) 28 505 517 14 280 335 28 [650 650 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 27 12 and 27 7-27 25-32 20-32 15-25 25-32 15-25 15-32 Usable Berthing Space Do. - 505 350+drydock 12 100 -fdrydock 335 28 650 650* Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9 400 Lighted. 10 400 Lighted. 9 400 Lighted. *See Remarks. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo boors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 40- and one 35-ton, diesel, mobile cranes and two 15-ton, diesel, locomotive cranes, one with 80- and one with 72-foot booms. Equipment is available for use throughout yard and plant. Use of mobile cranes described under Ref. No. 667. Use of mobile cranes described under Ref. No. 667. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Richmond Terrace, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 667. Same as Ref. No. 667. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2%-inch connections. Same as Ref. No. 667. Same as Ref. No. 667. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. Same as Ref. No. 667. Same as Ref. No. 667. (Other than City) Automatic fire detection system, hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. Same as Ref. No. 667. Same as Ref. No. 667. REMARKS r Floating Drydock No. 5, capacity 1,00( tons, moored on east side at inner end. Pier is equipped with service lines for compressed air and water. Floating Drydock No. 2, capacity 1,500 tons, moored on west side of pier. Pier is equipped with service lines for compressed air, water, and steam. Mooring on east side limited to 47- foot width, due to Floating Drydock No. 6 moored at adjacent Pier No. 1 (Ref. No. 670). Pier is equipped with service lines for compressed air, water, and steam. RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank. Kill Van Kull, Staten Island, Mariners Harbor 309 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02824 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. l 6 670 Dock Code No. 332 671 Dock Code No. 333 572 Dock Code No. 335 NAME Brewer Dry Dock Co., Pier No. 1. Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co., Henry DuBois Pier. George W. Rogers Construction Corp. Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT South of Shooters Island, between foot of Union and DeHart Avenues extended. East of Shooters Island, between foot of DeHart and Van Pelt Avenues ex¬ tended. East of Shooters Island, at foot of Van Pelt Avenue extended. OWNED BY Brewer Dry Dock Co. Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. George W. Rogers Construction Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring vessels for outfitting and repair; mooring floating drydocks. Mooring and repairing company-owned floating equipment. Mooring company-owned floating equip¬ ment . TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked pier. Timber pile, timber-decked pier ex¬ tending from concrete bulkhead with concrete-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked pier extend¬ ing from timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face West side East side Face West side East side Face West side East side Dimensions (Feet) 20 639 639 15 620 620 25 50+540 690 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 40 40 30-35 12 0-12 0-12 4-9 4-9 0-9 Usable Berthing Space Do. 20 130+drydock 300+drydock - 500 500 - 50-540 See Remarks. Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 9 400 Lighted. 10 Lighted. 9 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Use of mobile cranes described under Ref. No. 667. Company-owned equipment is available as required. Same as Ref. No. 671. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Richmond Terrace, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 670. Same as Ref. No. 670. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2^-inch connections. Through 3-inch line with 2^-inch connections. Through 2^-inch line with 3/4-inch connections. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/440 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 115 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 230 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle . A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Automatic fire detection system, hydrants, hose, and hand extin¬ guishers . Hose, hand extinguishers, and watch¬ men. Hose and watchmen. REMARKS Floating Drydocks Nos. 6 and 4, capacities 10,500 and 8,000 tons, moored on west and east sides, respectively. Pier is equipped with service lines for compressed air, water, and steam. Additional 160 feet of berthing space is available along timber bulkhead at inner end of east side. Several derelict barges, wrecks, and sunken drydock sections were located on mud flats along east side. Additional 110 feet of berthing available along timber bulkhead at inner end of west side. 310 PIERS. WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank, Kill Van Kull, Staten Ieland Corps of Engineers Port Code Ho. 02824 02825 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 10 673 Dock Code No. 337 674 Dock Code No. 341 675 Dock Code No. 35 ^ NAME Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co., West Mooring. Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co., East Pier. Sipco Oil Corp. Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Mariners Harbor, east of Shooters Island, between foot of Van Name and Simonson Avenues extended. Mariners Harbor, east of Shooters Island, between foot of Simonson and Lake Avenues extended. Elm Park, approximately 850 feet west of Bayonne Bridge. OWNED BY Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. Stephanie H. Lota. OPERATED BY do. do. Sipco Oil Corp. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring and repairing company-owned floating equipment. Mooring and repairing company-owned floating equipment. Receipt of fuel oil; mooring barges. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Three offshore, steel sheet pile cells with solid fill; 240- by 12-foot timber pile, timber-decked pier ap¬ proach extends from shore at rear. Pier formed by timber retaining walls with solid fill Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore pier with 20 - by 4-foot timber approach from timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face West side East side Face West side East side Face West side East side dimensions (Feet) 100 195 440 120 fiQ .15 IDO 30+20+50 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 10-12 10-12 6-18; 10 16 and 6-8 8-16 0-16 10 10 10 Usable Berthing Space Do. 100 195 440 w/ap- 120 340 80 - 100 - Width of Apron Do. Open. proach 50 35 35 Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 9 Partly lighted. 9 400 Lighed. 9 Lighted. Lighted or Unlighted TOansIT 'SHEDS- Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES Company-owned equipment is available as required. Same as Ref. No. 673. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Richmond Terrace, asphalt, 30 feet wide. Same as Ref. No. 673. Same as Ref. No. 673. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. Through hose connections inside building. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle. A.C., 208 volts, 3-phase, 60-cycle. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60-cycle FlRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hand extinguishers and watchmen. Hose, hand extinguishers, and watch¬ men. Chemical cart and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Building on pier is used for office and for storing equipment. One 6 -inch pipeline extends from pier to 8 underground storage tanks, total capacity 3,600 barrels. RIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Right bank. Kill Van Kull, Staten Island 311 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02825 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 10 676 Dock Code No. 352 677 Dock Code No. 355 678 Dock Code No. 370 NAME Scaramella Wharf. Vacar Construction Corp. Wharf. Tavema Fuel Co. Wharf. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Above Bayonne Bridge. Foot of Sharpe Avenue extended. Foot of North Street extended. OWNED BY Scaramella, Inc. Vacar Construction Corp. Tavema Fuel Co., Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of sand and stone by barge. Mooring company-owned, floating equip¬ ment; handling construction materials and supplies. Receipt of fuel oil by barge. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel sheet fill. pile bulkhead with solid Timber crib bulkhead with part concrete-surfaced solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked, offshore wharf with 15- by 4-foot approach. DESCRIPTION Face Face Face Upper side Lower side Dimensions (Feet) 250 224 90 5 i Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 'To 18 11 11 11 Usable Berthing Space Do. 250 224 90 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. Open. Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 8 10 10 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) - - - Lighted or Unlighted Unlighted. Unlighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES One 12-ton, diesel, crawler crane, with 60-foot boom equipped with 1 - cubic yard bucket, unloads material from barge into a 75-ton receiving hopper served by a 14-inch, electric, inclined, belt conveyor extending to ready-mix concrete plant at rear; one 4- and one 1%-cubic yard, diesel, front-end loaders serve open storage area. One 40-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 70-foot boom; additional company-owned equipment is available as required. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Richmond feet wide. Terrace, asphalt, 30 Same as Ref. No. 676. Via North Street, granite block, 20 feet wide, from Richmond Terrace, asphalt, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. None. FIRE PROTECTION (Other than City) Hydrant, water line, and hand extinguishers. Hand extinguisher. Automatic fire detection system, chemi¬ cal system, hand extinguishers, and watchmen. REMARKS Approximately 2 acres of open storage area at rear. One 6 - and two 4-inch pipelines extend from wharf to 15 underground storage tanks, total capacity 13,700 barrels. 312 PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS Rlghc bank. Kill Van Kull, Staten Island Corps of Engineers Port Code Mo. 02825 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 10 679 Dock Code No. 391 680 Dock Code No. 393 681 Dock Code No. 398 NAME New York Telephone Co., Port Richmond, Boat Yard Wharf. Moran Tewing Corp., Port Richmond, Staten Island Pier. Relnauer Transportation Companies Pier. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Approximately 250 feet below foot of Richmond Avenue. Approximately 350 feet belew foot of Richmond Avenue. Approximately 700 feet below foot of Richmond Avenue. OWNED BY New York Telephone Co. Moran Shipyard Corp. Relnauer Transportation Companies, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. do. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Mooring company- shore of Sandy Hook Bay and left bank of Compton Creek, between foot of Church and Main Streets extended. Belford, N.J., left bank Creek, approximately 750 Main Street Bridge. of Compton feet below OWNED BY United States Government. Seacoast Products, Inc. J. Howard Smith, Inc. OPERATED BY Not operated. do. Belford Seafood Cooperati tion, Inc. ve Associa- PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Not used. Receipt of fish; shipment of fish oil Receipt of fish. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Two steel pile, concrete-decked, L- shaped piers forming mooring basin, with 56-foot entrance on east side. Part timber and part steel sheet pile bulkhead with part concrete- and part asphalt-surfaced solid fill. Timber bulkhead with concrete¬ surfaced solid fill; fronted by timber fender system. DESCRIPTION Upper pier Lower pier Face Face Dimensions (Feet) 21 bv 159+26 bv 195 37 by 266+26 by 195 300+710+305+175+100 250 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 0-15 0-18 12 6 Usable Berthing Space Do. 130+174 208+158 200+710+305+175+100 250 Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 4 and 25 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. 11.5 10 8 Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) 500 to 750 250 250 Lighted or Unlighted Lighted. Lighted. Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS None. None. None. Number and Type of Construction Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. Four 10-inch suction pipelines for unlpading fish extend from wharf to processing plant in rear, rate 400 tons per hour. Two and five 1/3-ton, electric, mast-and-boom derricks, each with 18- foot boom. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via driveway, asphalt, varied widths, from Bay Street, asphalt, 40 feet wide. Via driveway, asphalt, varied widths, from Port Monmouth Road and Main Street, each asphalt and concrete, 30 feet wide. Via driveway, gravel, varied widths, from Main Street, part asphalt and part concrete, 30 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) Through 2-inch line with 1-inch connections. Through 3-inch connections. Through 1-inch line. ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220/460 volts, 3-phase, 60 cycle. Same as Ref. No. 716.- (Other than City) Hydrant, hose carts, water line, and hand extinguishers. Hydrants, hose, hand extinguishers, and foam carts. Hydrant, pump, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS One 8-inch pipeline extends to wharf from 15 steel storage tanks at fish oil processing plant in rear, total capacity 2,000,000 gallons. Fish-processing and -packing plant at rear. PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS 325 Corps of Engineers Port Code No. 02620 02610 02611 REFERENCE NUMBER ON MAP NO. 16 718 Dock Code No. 160 719 Dock Code No. Q72 720 Dock Code No. Q10 NAME Middletown Township Public Dock. Exxon Co., USA, Wharf. Atlantic Highlands Municipal Harbor. LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Belford, N.J., right bank of Compton Creek, below Main Street Bridge. Atlantic Highlands, southerly shore of Sandy Hook Bay, west of foot of Avenue D extended. Atlantic Highlands, southerly shore of Sandy Hook Bay, east of foot of First Avenue extended. OWNED BY J. Howard Smith, Inc. Exxon Co., USA. Borough of Atlantic Highlands. OPERATED BY Middletown Township. do. Borough of Atlantic Highlands Harbor Commission. PURPOSE FOR WHICH USED Receipt of fish; mooring fishing boats and other types of small vessels. Receipt of petroleum products by barge. Mooring pilot boat, charter fishing boats, and other types of small vessels. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber pile, timber-decked wharf extending from timber bulkhead with solid fill. Timber pile, timber-decked, isolated, offshore wharf, with 2 timber moor¬ ing dolphins in line with face. Four T- and 2 L-shaped, timber pile, timber-decked piers, each 11 feet wide, extending 400 feet from a 1,070-foot, timber bulkhead with solid fill. DESCRIPTION Face Face East side West side Basin Dimensions (Feet) 143 40 18 18 1,820 by 400 Depth Alongside at MLW Do. 5-9 12 - - 7.5-12 Usable Berthing Space Do. 143 200 w/dolphs - - See Remarks Width of Apron Do. Open. Open. 10 Height of Deck Above MLW Do. Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Lighted or Unlighted 8 250 Lighted. 12 100 Lighted. 10 100 Lighted. TRANSIT SHEDS Number and Type of Construction None. None. None. Length and Width (Feet) Height Inside Do. Floor Area for Cargo (Sq.Ft.) Load Capacity per Sq.Ft. (Lbs.) Cargo Doors MECHANICAL HANDLING FACILITIES None. None. None. RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. HIGHWAY CONNECTIONS Via Main Street, part asphalt and part concrete, 30 feet wide. Via Avenue D, asphalt, 25 feet wide. Via Simon Lake Drive, asphalt, 24 feet wide, from First Avenue, asphalt 24 feet wide. WATER SUPPLY (Available to Vessels) None. None. Through 3/4-inch lines with hose con¬ nections along bulkhead and on all piers f ELECTRIC CURRENT (Available to Vessels) None. None. A.C., 110 volts, single-phase, 60- cycle; A.C., 220 volts, 3-phase, 60- cycle on Piers Nos. 5 and 6 only. Fire protection (Other than City) None. None; hand extinguishers on barges. Hydrants and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Two 8- and one 6-inch, submerged pipelines extend from wharf to 5 steel storage tanks at terminal on shore in rear, total capacity 109,000 barrels. The piers form 5 separate boat basins with a total of 250 boat stalls. Metered diesel oil and gasoline pumps are available for fueling small ves¬ sels . Pilot boats moor at Pier No. 1 (westerlymost pier). 326 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY OIL HANDLING AND OIL BUNKERING Two hundred and twenty-two of the waterfront facilities described in this report for the Port of New York, New York, and New Jersey are equipped to handle petroleum products. Forty-one are owned and operated by industries for the receipt of fuel oil for private consump¬ tion, six are located adjacent to airports and equipped to receive aviation gasoline, and two wharves are equipped to handle liquefied natural gas. The remainder of the facilities handle petroleum products for regional distribution or serve one of the three waterfront refineries. Thirty-nine facilities of this latter group are capable of handling ocean¬ going tankers. Most of the larger terminals are located along the Arthur Kill and Kill Van Kull. Some provide direct bunkering service to vessels; others load bunkering barges for servicing ships in the harbor. These barges are described in the table of Floating Equipment on page 352. The table beginning on the following page gives information on the facilities equipped to handle petroleum products; details are given in the table of Piers, Wharves, and Docks, beginning on page 86, under the reference numbers indicated. Tank storage at recreational craft service stations is not included. 327 OIL HANDLING AND BUNKERING FACILITIES, P.W.D. OPERATOR AND/OR USER USABLE STORAGE TANKS REF. BERTHING DEPTH ALONGSIDE NUMBER TOTAL CAPACITY NO. SPACE (FEET) MLW (FEET) (BARRELS) JAMAICA BAY. INWOOD 6 Tepco Storage Terminal 120 8 4 20,200 11(1) Long Island Lighting Co. 135 & 230 20 & 13 1 47,500 12 Wechter Petroleum Corp. 300 5 12 40,000 13 Shell Oil Co. 281 12-14 7 51,500 14 Southville Industries Corp. 187 12 7 33,350 15 Amoco Oil Co. 175 15-20 2 26,600 16 Mobil Oil Corp. 200 12 9 341,000 19 Carbo Industries, Inc. 130 12 9 66,650 20 Texaco, Inc. 200 & 200 14-23 18 240,700 BERGEN BASIN. JAMAICA BAY 21 John F. Kennedy International Airport, Tank Farm 120 16 22 Do. 150 16 23 Do. 150 16 62 589,500 24 Do. 150 16 25 Do. 130 14 26 Jamaica Bay Oil Corp. 225 & 300 15 1 35,700 EAST MILL BASIN, JAMAICA BAY 30 Mobil Oil Corp. 200 9-14 3 35,150 MILL BASIN. JAMAICA BAY 37 A.R. Fuels, Inc. 110 6 6 8,200 38 Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. 240 11 6 52,350 39 Sunmark Industries, Division of Sun Co. of Pennsylvania 265 20 6 60,000 GRAVESEND BAY. BROOKLYN 51 Paragon Oil Co., Division of Texaco, Inc. 340 17-20 10 68,200 52 Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. 150 6-16-18 5 17,100 BAY RIDGE CHANNEL. BROOKLYN 60(1) Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y., Inc. 550 35 6 334,000 GOWANUS CREEK. BROOKLYN 73(1) Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y., Inc. 720+450 28 4(2) 95,200 110+450+680 28 GOWANUS CANAL, BROOKLYN 83 Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp. 200 7 5 35,700 86 CIBR0 Petroleum/Brooklyn, Inc. 639 8 10 48,400 GOWANUS CREEK, BROOKLYN 91 Patchogue Oil Terminal Corp. 130 15-20 92 Do. 165 6. 190 15-26/26 10 549,000 96 Do. 40, 494, & 1,350 30, 30, 15-35 LEFT BANK, EAST RIVER, BROOKLYN 142(1) 143(1) Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y., Inc. Do. 400 420 40 • 40 4 261,900 154(1) Amstar Corp. 230 18-30 2 9,500 157 158 Nepco Terminals Corp. Do. 844 260 35 15 6 714,300 168 Paragon Oil Co., Division of Texaco, Inc. 158+178 16 10 137,000 LEFT BANK, NEWTOWN CREEK, BROOKLYN 179(3) Shell Oil Co. 633 12-14 10 38,100 182 Exxon Co., U.S.A. 415 15 1 73,300 184(3) Mobil Oil Corp. 568 20 137 118,000 185 186 Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. Do. 438 240 15-16 10 5 88,300 187 Mobil Oil Corp. 510 20-21 28 522,800 188 Amoco Oil Co. 141 13 8 122,000 189(1) Brooklyn Union Gas Co. 105+1,867 18-22 5 141,200 (4) LEFT BANK. ENGLISH KILLS, BROOKLYN 230 20-21 190 Gulf Oil Refining and Marketing Co. 460 11-13 14 86,600 191 A.R. Fuels, Inc. 90 11-13 16 27,400 193 CIBRO Terminal, Inc. 159 6-8 6 39,300 195 Premium Oil, Division of Northville 403 & 100 5 7 46,000 Industries RIGHT BANK, NEWTOWN CREEK 198 Exxon Co., U.S.A. 110+126 12 9 36,100 199(1) Phelps Dodge Refining Corp. 100+170+ 530+240 10-14 2 8,300 202 Newtown Refining Corp. 741 14-21 4 9,500 203* Barrow Oil Corp. 230 12-15 33 31,900 204 Getty Refining and Marketing Co. 214 14 3 20,350 210 Sunmark Industries, Division of Sun Co. 213 10-14 6 25,000 of Pennsylvania (See footnotes at end of table.) *Sealed at time of field survey 328 OIL HANDLING AND BUNKERING FACILITIES - CONTINUED P.W.D. REF. NO. 216 218(1) 222 ( 1 ) 224 226(1) 227 230 236 241 245 246* 247 248 251 252 256 257 258(5) 260(5) 270 272 273 274 275 276 279 281 282 284(1) 288 289 290 298 300(1) 301 302 303 304 305 306 309(1) USABLE STORAGE TANKS OPERATOR AND/OR USER BERTHING SPACE (FEET) DEPTH ALONGSIDE MLW (FEET) NUMBER TOTAL CAPACITY (BARRELS) LEFT BANK, EAST RIVER, L.I. CITY, QUEENS Royal Petroleum Corp. 300 9 4 71,400 Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 300 10-17 1 17,850 LEFT BANK, EAST RIVER, ASTORIA, QUEENS Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 620 35 10 1 428,600 29,000 (10) Greater New York Terminal, Inc. 950+500+250 600 22-34 35 11 1,526,200 RIGHT BANK, EAST RIVER, BRONX City of New York, Dept, of Correction 225 15 10 11,650 LEFT BANK, EAST RIVER, JACKSON HEIGHTS. QUEENS Allied Aviation Service Co. of New York, Inc. (LaGuardia Airport) 275 8 14 122,150 FLUSHING RIVER Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. 325 4 14 69,050 Premium Oil, Division of Northville Industries Corp. 198 15 4 71,350 EASTERLY SHORE, FLUSHING BAY Sunrise Oil Co., Inc. 80 1 4 10,000 GREAT NECK, WESTERLY SHORE OF MANHASSET BAY Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. 150 3 5 38,300 BP Oil, Inc. 225 1 8 42,000 Universal Utilities, Inc. 145 0 6 59,500 PORT WASHINGTON. NORTHEASTERLY SHORE OF MANHASSET BAY Lewis Oil Co., Marketing Dept, of Gulf Oil Corp. 180 8 15 261,900 PORT CHESTER, RIGHT BANK OF BYRAM RIVER Power Test Petroleum Corp. 80 10 4 11,900 A. Tarricone, Inc. 75 0-7 7 34,300 GREENWICH, CONN., LEFT BANK OF BYRAM RIVER Exxon Co., U.S.A. 150 12 7 32,600 Chevron U.S.A., Inc. 75 5-10 6 23,800 MAMARONECK HARBOR, MAMARONECK CIBRO Petroleum-Westchester, Inc. 150 5 6 16,900 NEW ROCHELLE. WEST BRANCH OF ECHO BAY HARBOR Sentinel Oil Co., Inc. 30 5 9 8,600 RIGHT BANK OF HUTCHINSON RIVER, MOUNT VERNON Mt. Vernon Energy Terminals, Inc. 350 12-13 14 44,200 Mobil Oil Corp. 135 5-10 7 78,600 Fee Oil Co., Inc. 135 5-10 7 31,000 CIBRO Petroleum-Lanimret Terminal, Inc. 216 7 ,„) 55,200 Do. 110 7 12 ) Power Oil Corp. 82+143 4 9 42,500 Amoco Oil Co. 500 3-8 12 90,650 LEFT BANK OF HUTCHINSON RIVER. PELHAM MANOR Exxon Co., U.S.A. 183 5 12 78,000 Power Test Petroleum Distributors, Inc. 400 5 20 32,500 RIGHT BANK, EAST RIVER, THR0GS NECK State University of N.Y. Maritime College 450 6. 375 30 & 10 4 2,400 RIGHT BANK, WESTCHESTER CREEK, BRONX CIBRO Terminal, Inc. 230 10 6 52,000 Amerada Hess Corp. 100 13 3 35,700 Fred M. Schildwachter & Sons, Inc. 140+220 5-6 3 24,500 RIGHT BANK, EAST RIVER, BRONX Paragon Oil Co., Division of Texaco, Inc. 170 & 150 40 & 16 8 328,900 Gold Bond Building Products, Division of National Gypsum Co. 100 5-18 1 14,300 CIBRO Sales Co. 260 45 ) Do. 160 25-35 7) 529,750 Do. 160 20-30 ) Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. 510 15 ) Do. 200 36.5 8) 307,000 Do. . 355 20 ) City of N.Y., Dept, of Water Resources 1,640 25-40 6 4,300 (See footnotes at end of table.) ♦Sealed at time of field survey OIL HANDLING AND BUNKERING FACILITIES - CONTINUED 329 P.W.D. OPERATOR AND/OR USER USABLE STORAGE TANKS REF. BERTHING DEPTH ALONGSIDE NUMBER TOTAL CAPACITY NO. SPACE (FEET) MLW (FEET) (BARRELS) RIGHT BANK, HARLEM RIVER, MANHATTAN 314 Howard Oil Co., Inc. 130 12 15 54,500 RIGHT BANK, EAST RIVER, MANHATTAN 318(1) Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 840 22 4 1,900 ROOSEVELT ISLAND, EAST RIVER 319(1) Health and Hospitals Corp. of the City of New York 126 12 12 11,400 RIGHT BANK, EAST RIVER. MANHATTAN 30, 18-30, 6. 321(1) Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 30, 136, 6. 138 1(2) 12,400 18-30 324(1) Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 674 30 3 119,000 LEFT BANK, HUDSON RIVER, MANHATTAN 352(1) Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 800 18 6 2,850 3(2) 42,700 LEFT BANK, HUDSON RIVER, YONKERS 356 A. Tarricone, Inc. 160 10 15 59,500 356(1) Refined Syrups & Sugars, Inc. 160 10 9 33,300 359 A. Tarricone, Inc. 250 14 9 72,850 360 Mobil-Tappan Tanker Terminal, Inc. 200 31 4 310,000 RIGHT BANK, HUDSON RIVER. EDGEWATER 361 Amerada Hess Corp. 70+240, & 125 18-20 6. 0-18 12(5) 700,000 365(1) Tri-Terminal Pier 500 13-17 2 5,240 368(1) Lever Brothers Co., Inc. 24, 170, 6.170 18 1 6,000 NORTH SIDE OF TIDEWATER BASIN, JERSEY CITY 417 McConnell Fuel Oil Co. 240 14 6.16 10 274,250 WEST SIDE, UPPER NEW YORK BAY, JERSEY CITY 426 Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. 715 26 35 1,440,000 LEFT BANK, KILL VAN KULL, BAYONNE 438(3) Exxon Co., U.S.A. 940 24 ) (6) 439(6) Do. 480 6. 480 23 ) 85 > 7,500,000 440(6) Do. 750 6. 700 38 6. 36 (7) ) 449 Do. 43 6. 700 32-35 6. 32 ) 443(6) Amerada Hess Corp. 210 20 6. 30 1,050,000 444 Do. 450(8) 35 33) 448(3) (6) Gordon Terminal Service Co. 200 39-42 3 52,400 450 Bayonne Terminal Warehouse Corp. 1,050 10 ) 451 Do. 330 6. 330 24 ) 452 Do. 62, 330, 6.470 28, 24, 6. 30 ) 453 Do. 20, 367, 6.355 21, 30, 6. 24 ) 454(6) Do. 50, 280, 6.490 32, 17-27, 6.32 155) 6,000,000 (7) ) 455(6) Do. 50, 568, 6.567 32, 32, 6. 35 ) (7) ) 456(6) Do. 72+55 20 ) 457(6) Howard Oil Co., Inc. 330 26 18 > 1,964,000 458(6) Do. 450 6. 500+70 33 6. 22 (7) ) 462(6) Texaco, Inc. 113, 656,6.566 15 6. 32 2411 1,869,600 464 Do. 50, 419, 6.419 26 6. 32 463(3) Do. 117 15 6 178,000 LEFT BANK, HACKENSACK RIVER, JERSEY CITY 469 West Bank Energy, Inc. 150 10-35 2 85,700 471(1) Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 337+79+150 13-15 4 178,600 472(1) Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 195+324 20-22 3(9) 375,000 LEFT BANK, HACKENSACK RIVER, SECAUCUS 474 Amerada Hess Corp. 210 13 7 42,000 RIGHT BANK, OVERPECK CREEK 477 Ridgefield Park Fuel Terminal, Inc. 85 10-12 2 10,800 LEFT BANK, HACKENSACK RIVER 478 Dowling Fuel Co. 125 2-8 6 28,600 479 Amerada Hess Corp. 480 10-12 15 235,800 HACKENSACK, RIGHT BANK OF HACKENSACK RIVER 483 Exxon Co., U.S.A. 150 8 8 58,500 484 Reinauer Petroleum Co. 125 13 5 111,000 485 Ever Ready Oil Co. 80 5-10 7 28,600 (See footnotes at end of table.) 330 OIL HANDLING AND BUNKERING FACILITIES - CONTINUED P.W.D. USABLE STORAGE TANKS REF. OPERATOR AND/OR USER BERTHING DEPTH ALONGSIDE NUMBER TOTAL CAPACITY NO. SPACE (FEET) MLW (FEET) (BARRELS) HACKENSACK, RIGHT BANK OF HACKENSACK RIVER - CONTINUED 486 Lancia Oil Co. 80 10-12 2 30,300 487 Phillips Fuel Co. 186 1-5 8 65,000 488 Town Fuel Co. and Reserve Oil Co. 125 6-7 5 43,000 489 Central Bergen Heating and Appliance Corp. 125 6-7 2 20,000 RIGHT BANK. HACKENSACK RIVER 490 Power-Mate Corp. 150 5 6 14,400 491 Amerada Hess Corp. 75 6 5 23,800 LITTLE FERRY, RIGHT BANK, HACKENSACK RIVER 493 R.K.D. Oil Co., Inc. 80 Dries 13 19,550 495 Paragon Oil Co., Division of Texaco, Inc. KEARNY. RIGHT BANK. HACKENSACK RIVER 186 8-10 8 56,700 498(1) Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 708+120 20 2(9) 125,000 505(14) Columbia Terminals, Inc. LEFT BANK, PASSAIC RIVER 315 16 6 72,000 506(1) Western Electric Co. 1,602 3-5 2 20,500 508(1) Monsanto Co. 195 12 1 16,700 509(1) Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 45 16 1 47,000 510(1) Otis Elevator Co., Subsidiary of United Technologies 300 10 2 10,000 511 Tenneco Oil Co., A Division of Tenneco, Inc. 300 15 5 19,000 513 National Fuel Oil Co., Inc. 114 12 4 23,800 515 Magullian Heating & Cooling 200 5 14 15,600 516 Kelways, Inc. 445 11 1 55,000 517 Keller Engineering Co. 230 11 7 45,200 RIGHT BANK, PASSAIC RIVER 518 Coastal Oil Co., Division of Continental Oil Co. 580 10 19 214,200 NEWARK, RIGHT BANK, PASSAIC RIVER 519 Northern New Jersey Oil Co. 200 4 4 47,600 520 Coastal Oil Co., Division of Continental Oil Co. 97 4-5 7 11,600 521 Q Petroleum, Inc. 200 Dries & 10 8 43,450 523 W.A.S. Terminals, Inc. 533 15 7 47,600 527 BP Oil, Inc. 201 8.5 5 72,000 529 Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 490+465 13-20 3 232,850 530 Wellin Oil Co. 300 9 1 80,000 531 Getty Refining and Marketing Co. 170 30 11 333,300 532 Amerada Hess Corp. 285 15-19 8 105,900 533(1) Pitt-Consol Chemical Co. 275 26 2 35,700 NEWARK, LEFT BANK, PASSAIC RIVER 537(7) Sunmark Division of Sun Co. of Pennsylvania 998 35 76 621,100 539(1) The Van Iderstine Co., Division of Darling of Delaware 200 17 4 83,000 541 Tenneco Oil Co., a Division of Tenneco, Inc. 660 32 12 1,060,700 542 Paragon Oil Co., Division of Texaco, Inc. 400 31 18 1,864,000 543* Atlantic Richfield Co. 510 26-33 « 10 658,000 PORT NEWARK, WEST SHORE OF NEWARK BAY, NORTH SIDE OF PORT NEWARK CHANNEL 546 Coastal Oil Co., Division of Continental Oil Co. 712 35 14 745,200 RIGHT BANK, ARTHUR KILL, ELIZABETH 574 United Oil Co., Inc. 90 20 1 20,000 576 Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. 728 24 10 140,500 577 Crown Central Petroleum Corp. 491+180 26 7 457,000 580 Borne Chemical Co., Inc., and Coastal Services, Inc. 400 8-9 42 775,200 582(1) Phelps Dodge Copper Products Co. 452+481 12-15 2 3,600 RIGHT BANK, ARTHUR KILL, LINDEN 584 Exxon Co., U.S.A. 1,280 40 ) 585 Do. 450+450 & 23 181) 15,975,000 450+450 ) 586(13) Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 150 18 1 - 588 589 Northville Linden Terminal Corp. Do. 270 240 35 24 8 ) 8 ) 2,160,000 591 BP Oil, Inc. 715+240 32 30 1,879,200 592(7) 593(7) Cities Service Oil Co., Inc. Do. 375+365 250 32 32 39^ 3,600,000 594(1) American Cyanamid Co. 320 32 1 15,000 (See footnotes at end of table.) *Blanked-off at time of field survey. OIL HANDLING AND BUNKERING FACILITIES — CONTINUED 331 P.W.D. USABLE STORAGE TANKS REF. OPERATOR AND/OR USER BERTHING DEPTH ALONGSIDE NUMBER TOTAL CAPACITY NO. SPACE (FEET) MLW (FEET) (BARRELS) RIGHT BANK, ARTHUR KILL, CARTERET 596 GATX Terminals Corp. 480 13-18 7 1,022,000 597 Amoco Oil Co. 600 25 18 1,470,000 598 GATX Terminals Corp. 270 35 47 379,000(11) 599 Do. 400 26 ) 600 Do. 300 by 50 26 ) 300 by 70 26 124) 657,000(11) 300 by 70 ) 601(6) Do. 260 35 ) 605(1) United States Metals Refining Co. 310 14 1 45,000 RIGHT BANK, ARTHUR KILL, WOODBRIDGE 609(7) Amerada Hess Corp. 650/820 36 & 18-22 ) 610(7) Do. 724 350 & 310 35 18-22 7 2) 5,546,000 450 18-22 ) 611(1) Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 680 30 1) 125,000 612(1) Do. 200 30 ) RIGHT BANK, ARTHUR KILL, SEWAREN 613 614 Royal Petroleum Corp. Do. 350 588 16-18 35-36 25 ) 1,842,000 615(2) Shell Oil Co. 290,427, & 34-36, 80 2,699,600 (6) RIGHT BANK, ARTHUR KILL, PERTH AMBOY 458 17 & 17 616(7) Amerada Hess Corp. 560, 90, & 32, 16, & 16 88 1,420,000 290 617(6) Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. 900 28 ) 618(6) Do. 1,110, & 37 & 35 ) 290+275 150) 6,030,000 619 Do. 57, 212, & 23 ) 218 ) LEFT BANK, RARITAN RIVER, WOODBRIDGE 629 630 Amerada Hess Corp. Do. 495 243 15-18 25-30 28) 5,000,000 LEFT BANK, RARITAN RIVER, PISCATAWAYTOWN 634(1) Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 135 15 3 130,700 RIGHT BANK, RARITAN RIVER, SAYREVILLE 635(1) Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 730 14 6 171,000 637(1) Titanium Pigment Division of NL 865 20-30 4 91,700 Industries, Inc. 640(1) RIGHT BANK, RARITAN RIVER, SOUTH AMBOY 14 Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 200 5 159,000 LEFT BANK, ARTHUR KILL, STATEN ISLAND 642(6) Mobil Oil Corp. 650 26-35 ) (7) ) 643(6) Do. 280 30 47) 2,311,900 (7) ) 644(6) Do. 1,500 15-21 ) 646 Energy Terminal Services Corp. 1,000 35 2(10) 1,800,000 651(6) Gulf Oil Refining and Marketing Co., Inc. 1,190 32 ) (7) ) 652(6) Do. 350 32 100) 5,200,000 653(6) Do. 360 20 ) 655(1) Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Co. 400 17 2 20,000 RIGHT BANK, KILL VAN KULL, STATEN ISLAND 675 Sipco Oil Corp. 100 10 8 3,600 678 Tave m a Fue1 Co., Inc. 90 11 15 13,700 683 Riche Fuel Co., Inc. 50 18-20 8 9,400 690 T. F. Quinlan and Son, Inc. 240+120 0-14-20 6 2,700 & 425 WESTERN SHORE, UPPER NEW YORK BAY, ST. GEORGE, STATEN ISLAND 702 City of New York, Department of Marine 475 0-22 2(3) 3,900 and Aviation 703 Do. 200 18-20 1(3) 2,600 SANDY HOOK BAY, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N.J. 719 Exxon Co., U.S.A. 200 12 5 109,000 TOTAL. 103,904 -- 3,025(12) 101,174,910 (See footnotes on following page. ) 332 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY FOOTNOTES FOR OIL HANDLING AND BUNKERING FACILITIES (1) Fuel oil for plant consumption. (2) Storage in tank barges. (3) Fueling small vessels. (4) Facility also has 28 tanks for liquefied petroleum gas, total capacity 20,000 barrels, and 2 tanks for liquefied natural gas with a total storage capacity equivalent to 1,000,000,000 cubic feet gaseous. (5) Storage tanks primarily served by pipeline. (6) Loading harbor bunkering barges. (7) Bunkering service. (8) Berthing space includes faces of Piers A and B (Ref. Nos. 443 and 445). (9) Also received via pipeline from Ref. No. 532. (10) Liquefied natural gas. (11) Approximate petroleum storage capacity; storage tanks serving Ref. Nos. 598 and 599 have additional capacity for 1,874,000 barrels of miscellaneous bulk liquids; number of storage tanks used specifically for petroleum products is subject to change. (12) See Ref. Nos. 598 and 599. (13) Wharf maintained on standby basis. (14) Storage tanks are also used to store other liquid commodities; additional tanks at terminal do not con¬ nect to wharf. PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES 333 BULK LIQUID STORAGE Ten companies maintain facilities for public storage, drumming, blending, packaging, and distribution of various types of bulk liquids. One is located on the Hudson River at Weehawken, five are situated on the Kill Van Kull in Bayonne, one is on the Hackensack River at Kearny, and the remainder are in New Jersey along the right bank of Arthur Kill. Commodities generally handled include petroleum products, petro¬ chemicals, chemicals, and vegetable and animal oils. The following tabulation gives information on the bulk liquid storage facilities; details are given in the table of Piers, Wharves, and Docks, beginning on page 86, under the reference numbers indicated. Petroleum-handling facilities are described in the Oil Handling and Bunkering section in this report, beginning on page 326. BULK LIQUID STORAGE P.W.D. STORAGE TANKS REF. NO. OPERATOR NUMBER CAPACITY (BARRELS) 387 Hudson River, Weehawken Hudson Tank Storage Co., Inc. . . . 130 71,400 441 Kill Van Kull, Bayonne El Dorado Terminals Corp. 31 202, 700 447 Do. 70 309, 500 448 Gordon Terminal Service Co. 27 456, 900 452 Bayonne Terminal Warehouse Corp. 35 58, 300 455 Do. 17 203, 800 460 Rollins Terminal. 77 350,200 505 Hackensack River, Kearny Columbia Terminals, Inc. 6 72,000 578 Arthur Kill, New Jersey -CRODA, Inc .... .. 46 71,400 596 GATX Terminals Corp. 7 1,022,000 598-601 Do. 171 2,568, 950 620 Outerbridge Terminal, Inc. 16 1,100, 000 TOTAL. 633 6, 487, 150 334 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY WAREHOUSES Within the New York, New York, and New Jersey metropolitan area, 55 companies operate warehouses having a total of 13,432,400 square feet of dry cargo storage space and 24, 127,200 cubic feet of freezer and cooler space. The facilities listed in the table of storage warehouses represent the respondents to a mailed questionnaire, as time restrictions precluded field gathering of information. In addition, there are 16 privately operated container freight stations with a total floor area of 1, 966, 300 square feet for storing, packaging, and handling containerized cargo. Locations and working areas of the container freight stations are indicated in the summary of General Cargo Facilities Table, beginning on page 73. Further details are given under the individual reference numbers in the table of Piers, Wharves, and Docks, beginning on page 86. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey owns approximately 50 buildings at the Port Newark-Port Elizabeth complex. Nine of these buildings were being used as storage warehouses by various private operators at the time of survey (1977), and are described under S.W. Ref. Nos. 51 through 57. As the occasion demands, the remainder of these buildings, representing a total area of over 3, 500, 000 square feet, are leased by various operators to fulfill their particular storage require¬ ments . PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES 335 SUMMARY OF DRY AND COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSES s. w. REF. NO. OPERATOR STORAGE AREA DRY (SQ.FT.) COLD (CU.FT.) 44 A & D Packing Corp. 100,000 - 3 A.P.A. Warehouses, Inc. 500,000 - 21 Bronx Refrigerating Co. , Inc. - 360,000C - 690, 000F 17 Brooklyn Steel Warehouse Co. 400,000 - 8 Bush 18th St. Warehouse Corp. 40,000 - 10 Carlton Warehouse, Inc. 55,000 - 50 Central Warehouse Co. , Inc. 110,000 - 27 Clipper Worldwide Distributors Co., Inc. 100,000 - 1 Coastal Warehouse, Inc. 120,000 - 4 Continental Terminals, Inc. 350,000 - 33 Cooke Warehouses, Inc. 90,000 - 34 Do. 69, 500 30,000C 35 Do. 50,000 - 40 Do. 75,000 - 41 Do. 80,000 - 47 Courier Services, Inc. 40,000 - 2 Dahill Moving & Storage Co., Inc. 275,000 - 59 East Coast Warehouse & Distribution Corp. 375,000 3,058,000C 56 Ellison, Inc. 150,000 - 52 Express Forwarding Warehousing Corp . 52,000 - 62 Federal Warehouses. 500,000 - 30 Feidelson Warehouse Co. , Inc. 175,000 - 15 Greenpoint Terminal Warehouses, Inc . . 1,500,000 - 24 H & H Warehouse Corp. 56,000 - 13 Hall Street Cold Storage Warehouses, Inc. - 400,000C - 1,100,000F 36 Harborside Terminal Co., Inc. - 2,000,000C 4 ,000,000F 51 Held Warehouse & Transportation Corp . 350,000 - 39 Do. 180,000 20,000C 49 Hine & Sons, Inc. 25,000 - 25 Hubert Warehouses, Inc. 100,000 8,500C 28 Jane Street Warehouse, Inc. 80,000 - 55 International Terminal Operating Co .... 350,000 - 14 Interport Warehouse Corp. 148,500 - 58 Lehigh Terminals, Division of Cooke Warehouses, Inc. 318,700 - 6 Lehigh Warehousing Corp. of Brooklyn.. 220,000 - 336 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY SUMMARY OF DRY AND COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSES (Continued) s. w. STORAGE AREA REF. NO. OPERATOR DRY (SQ.FT.) COLD (CU.FT. ) 18 Marlyn Warehousing Corp. 140,000 _ 19 Mas-Brook Terminal Warehouses, Inc . . 245,000 60,000C 43 McCarthy Warehousing Corp. 10,000 40,000C 5 McGovern, G. T., Sons Warehouse, Co. , Inc. 150,000 9 Mercedes Distribution Center, Inc. 480,000 - 48 Merchants Refrigerating Co. 160,200 640,650C 46 Do. . 872,900F 1,152,600C 26 Do. 3,482,000F 511,050C 37 North River Warehouses, Inc. 167,000 4,379,500F 57 Ohio Fast Freight Corp. 30,000 - 29 Packet Facilities, Inc. 100,000 - 53 Port Newark Refrigerated Warehouse .. . - 1,100,000F 54 Port Warehousing & Distributing Corp . . 130,000 - 63 Pouch Terminal, Inc. 530,000 - 23 Reliable Kirchbaum Warehouse Corp. . . . 55,000 200,000C 12 S & F Warehouses, Inc. 740,000 20,000F 11 St. Joe Distributing Corp. 200,000 - 60 Select Distribution Center. 500,000 - 20 Singer Warehouse & Trucking Corp. 48,000 2,000C 16 Stagg Warehousing & Distributing Co. . . . 27, 500 - 32 State Warehouse Co., Inc. 315,000 - 31 Do. 355,000 - 22 Sun Warehouses, Inc. 90,000 - 45 Transway Public Warehousing Corp. 390,000 - 42 Ultimate Distribution Systems, Inc .... 106,000 - 38 Van Brunt Port Jersey Warehouse, Inc. . 249,000 - 7 Van Brunt Stores, Inc. 150,000 - 61 Waverly Warehouse Corp. 130,000 — TOTAL. 13,432,400 24,127,200 C - Cooler space. F - Freezer space STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public merchandise only) 337 WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 2 1 2 J OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Coastal Warehouse, Inc. 45 Bowne Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 Dahill Moving & Storage Co., Inc. 5706 First Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11232 A.P.A. Warehouses, Inc. 140 43d Street Brooklyn, NY 11232 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ _ _ LOCATION Same as above. Adjacent to Hellenic Lines Pier (P.W.D. Ref. No. 58). Adjacent to Bush Terminal (P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 67 and 68). KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Dry. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise. Electronic equipment, machinery, and general merchandise. Imported general merchandise. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Brick walls and concrete floor. Steel and concrete. Concrete walls and floors. Number of Floors One. Six. Six. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor.... 20 14 14 Other Floors. _ 14 Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. Unlimited. - - Other Floors. - - - AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 90.000 275,000 400,000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) 30.000 - 100,000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. New York Dock Railway: One 2-car- capacity, carfloor-level track. One 4-car-capacity, platform-level track inside building connects with New York Dock Railway. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Platform. Twelve. Eighteen. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Six 3-ton, LP-gas, fork lift trucks; other equipment available as required. - Fifteen LP-gas, fork lift trucks and 11 elevators. FIRE PROTECTION ■ " ■ REMARKS WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 2 4 5 6 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Continental Terminals, Inc. 611 Smith Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 G. T. McGovern Sons Warehouse Co., Inc. 1000 Dean Street Brooklyn, NY 11238 Lehigh Warehousing Corp. of Brooklyn 207 Van Dyke Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S - - - LOCATION P.W.D. Ref. No. 98. Same as above. Brooklyn Pier No. 41 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 115). KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Drv. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED Green coffee beans and nonferrous metals. General merchandise. General merchandise, bagged, raw coffee beans, and sugar. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Brick and steel. Concrete. Brick, mill-type (See Remarks). One. Four. Two and three. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 40 15 12 Other Floors. _ 15 - Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 750 Unlimited. 300 Other Floors. _ 250 _ AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 350 r 000 150.000 150.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) 70.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Four at platform and sixteen at doors. Seventeen. - HANDLING EQUIPMENT Eighteen 2 \- to 4-ton, LP-gas, fork lift trucks. Two 3-ton, LP-gas tractors, four 1^- ton, electric walkers, two fork lift trucks, and two 3-ton, electric elevate Seven 1%-ton, electric, fork lift trucks. rs. I FIRE PROTECTION * - Sprinkler system, steam lines, hand extinguishers, water tower, and watchmen. REMARKS Lighter service and deep-water vessel discharge direct to warehouse. Building has eight 2-story and two 3-story sections of which nine 1st floor sections are used as transit shed (67,000 sq. ft.) and other sections as storage warehouse. 338 STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public m#rchondl»* only) WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 2 7 8 9 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Van Brunt Stores, Inc. 480 Van Brunt Street Brooklyn, NY 11232 Bush 18th St. Warehouse Corp. 158 Pioneer Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 Mercedes Distribution Center, Inc. 62 Imlay Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ _ _ LOCATION Adjacent to P.W.D. Ref. No. 114. Same as above. Rear of P.W.D. Ref. No. 119. KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Dry. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise. General merchandise. Imported general merchandise, novelties, and gift items. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Brick, mill-type. Brick walls and concrete floors. Concrete. Number of Floors Five. Two and basement. Five. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 10 20 13 Other Floors. 10 2d. 20 15 ~e Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 1.000 Unlimited. Unlimited. Other Floors. 200 Unlimited. Unlimited. Unlimited. - AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 70.000 40.000 480.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) 80 f 000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. One 10-car-capaclty, carfloor-level track connects with New York Dock Railway. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Four platform and five bays. Twenty. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Three fork lift trucks. Four fork lift trucks. Twenty electric, fork lift trucks and 16 electric elevators. FIRE PROTECTION Sprinkler system, central alarm system, and watchmen. ” ” REMARKS WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 3 “To 11 12 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Carlton Warehouse, Inc. 163 Carlton Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11205 St. Joe Distributing Corp. Bldg. No. 3, Brooklyn Navy Yard Brooklyn, NY 11205 S & F Warehouses, Inc. Bldg. No. 77, Brooklyn Navy Yard Brooklyn, NY 11205 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ No. 3. No. 77. LOCATION Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Drv. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise. General merchandise. General merchandise. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Brick, mill-type. Concrete and steel. Reinforced concrete walls and concrete floors. Number of Floors Four and basement. Six. Six. Clear Height for Storage (Feetl: First Floor. 12 12 20 Other Floors. 2d. 8^, 3d, 10; 4th, 11%. 12 10 _ _ Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): _ First Floor. 225 400 Unlimited. Other Floors. 125 250 2d, 500; 3d. 400; 4th thru 6th, 300. Basement. ~555 - - AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 55.000 200.000 600,000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) 140.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. Nearby surface tracks connect with Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal Railroad. One 3-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal Railroad. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Five at platform. Thirty. Forty at platform. HANDLING EQUIPMENT One 1%-ton, electric, fork lift truck, two 2%-ton, electric, floor jacks, and 1%-ton, electric elevator. Conveyors, power jacks, 12 fork lift trucks, and 3 elevators. Four 4- and nine 2-ton, electric, fork lift trucks, 15 hand jacks, and four 8-ton elevators. FIRE PROTECTION - - Sprinkler system, standpipes, fire hydrants, and water tanks on roof. REMARKS New York Foreign Trade Zone #1 occupies an additional 120,000 square feet in¬ side building. STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public merchandise only) 339 WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 3 13 14 15 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Hall Street Cold Storage Warehouses, Inc. 14 Hall Street Brooklyn. NY 11205 Interport Warehouse Corp. 485 Kent Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11211 Greenpoint Terminal Warehouses, Inc. Foot of Noble Street Brooklyn, NY 11222 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ Dry. LOCATION Same as above. Same as above. West Street, between Greenpoint Avenue and Oak Street. KIND OF STORAGE Cooler and freezer. Dry. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED Perishable food commodities. Bonded merchandise. General merchandise. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Reinforced concrete and brick, mill- type. Concrete and steel. Thirty units - brick, mill-type. Number of Floors Six and basement. Eleven. Thirteen. 1-storv: seventeen. 2. 5. & 7 Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 12 10 Other Floors. 12 10 16 Basement. 2 . Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 50 Unlimited. Unlimited. Other Floors. S2 ISO Basement. Unlimited. AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 1.500.000 U.S. Customs Bonded. (Sq .Ft.) 148.500 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) 400.000 Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) 1.100.000 Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal Railroad yard located nearby. None. None. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Twelve. Eight, . HANDLING EQUIPMENT Twenty electric, fork lift trucks and 4 elevators. Equipment available as required and 2 electric elevators. One electric and 17 LP-gas, fork lift trucks, and one 5-, one 4-, and seven 3-ton. electric elevators. FIRE PROTECTION " Automatic alarm system and automatic sprinklers. Sprinkler system, hand extinguishers, and sand and water buckets. REMARKS Brine and ammonia refrigeration systems; temperature range: 0° to 5“C. in cooler and -18° to -10°C. in freezer. WAREHOUSE REF. NO ON MAP 4 15 17 18 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Stagg Warehousing & Distributing Co. 187 Gardner Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11237 Brooklyn Steel Warehouse Co. 1819 Flushing Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11237 Marlyn Warehousing Corp. 38-10 Review Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ _ _ LOCATION Same as above. Same as above. Rear of P.W.D. Ref. No. 171. KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Dry. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise. Machinery and metals. Wine and liquor. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Brick and concrete. Brick and steel. Concrete frame and brick walls; concrete floor. One. One. Three. Clear Height for Storage (Feed: First Floor. 16 60 22 Other Floors. _ _ 18 Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. Unlimited. 250 Other Floors. _ 250 AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 27.500 300.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) 100.000 140.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 3-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Long Island Railroad. One 8-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Long Island Railroad. One 4-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Long Island Railroad. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Two at platform and two at doors. Twenty-five doors. Twelve at platform. HANDLING EQUIPMENT One 1%-ton, LP-gas and two 1%-ton, gasoline, fork lift trucks. Nine 75-ton, overhead, traveling cranes and one fork lift truck. One 2-ton, gasoline and one 1%-ton, LP gas, fork lift trucks, and two 4-ton, FIRE PROTECTION - - Sprinkler system and watchmen. REMARKS 340 STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public mvrchondlM only) WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 19. MAP NO. 4 20 - MAP NO. 6 21- MAP NO. 6 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Mas-Brook Terminal Warehouses, Inc. 46-24 28th Street Long Island City, NY 11101 Singer Warehouse & Trucking Corp. 149th Street and East River Bronx, NY 10455 Bronx Refrigerating Co., Inc. 520 Westchester Avenue Bronx, NY 10455 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ - _ LOCATION Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. KIND OF STORAGE Dry and cooler. Dry and cooler. Cooler and freezer. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED Foodstuffs, liquor, confections, and appliances. Groceries. Perishable food commodities. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Concrete frame, walls, and floors. Steel and masonry walls and concrete floors. Brick and plaster walls and concrete floors. Number of Floors Two and basement. One. Six and basement. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 18 18 10 Other Floors. 16 _ 10 12 _ 10 Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 350 420 Other Floors. 350 420 Basement. Unlimited. - Unlimited. AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 200.000 48.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) 45.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) 60.000 2.000 360.600 Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) 690,000 Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One platform-level track connects with Long Island Railroad. One 10-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 3-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Fifteen. Nine at platform. Eight at platform. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Seven llj-ton, electric and three 1^- ton. LP-gas, fork lift trucks, and 6 elevators. Eight fork lift trucks. Fifteen 1- to 3-ton, electric, straddle trucks and three one 1%-, and one 3/4-ton, LP-gas, fork lift trucks. FIRE PROTECTION * • REMARKS Freon refrigeration system; temper¬ ature range: 10° to 12°C. in cooler. Freon refrigeration system maintains temperature below 5°C. in cooler. Brine refrigeration system; temperature range: 0° to 5°C. in the cooler and -18” to -13°C. in the freezer. WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 8 22 23 24 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Sun Warehouses, Inc. 79-101 Laight Street New York, NY 10013 Reliable Kirchbaum Warehouse Corp. 169-175 Hudson Street New York, NY 10013 H & H Warehouse Corp. 603 Greenwich Street New York, NY 10014 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ _ LOCATION On the south side of Laight Street, between West and Washington Streets. Same as above. Same as above. KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Dry, cooler, and freezer. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise. Foodstuffs. Groceries, toys, and clothes. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Brick walls and wooden floors. Brick walls and wooden floors. Brick walls; 1st floor concrete; others and basement, wooden. Number of Floors Six and basement. Seven and basement. Six and basement. Clear Height for Storage (Feed: First Floor. 8 14 12 Other Floors. 2d. 3d. 4th. and 6th. 14; 5th. 18. 2d, 14; 3d through 7th, 10. 6th, 12; others, 10. Basement. 8 10 |8 Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 150 475 450 Other Floors. 150 2d. 475; 3d through 7th. 325. 250 Basement. Unlimited. 475 “550 AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 45.000 55.000 56.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) 45.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) 200.000 Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) 20,000 Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Eleven doors. Eight at platform. Six doors. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Four electric, fork lift trucks and two 2%-ton, electric elevators. Four 2-ton, electric, fork lift trucks and two 4-ton elevators. Three fork lift trucks. FIRE PROTECTION Standpipes and hose. - - REMARKS Freon refrigeration system; temperature range: 0° to 5°C. in the cooler and -18°C. in the freezer. Approved U.S.D.A. meat inspection service. 341 STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public mtrchondis* only) WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 8 73 75 27 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Hubert Warehouses, Inc. 390 W. 12th Street New York, NY 10014 Merchants Refrigerating Co. 850 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 Clipper Worldwide Distributors Co., Inc 531 W. 21st Street New York, NY 10011 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S Dry and cooler. _ LOCATION North side of W. 12th Street, between 99-109 Tenth Avenue New York. NY 10011 Same as above. KIND OF STORAGE Dry and cooler. Cooler and freezer. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise and foodstuffs. Perishable food commodities. Packaged dry goods. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Concrete frame walls and concrete floors. Timber frame walls and concrete floors, Concrete walls and floors. Number of Floors Seven and basement. Nine and basement. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 12 10 12 Other Floors. 10 12 8 10 Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 400 200 250 Other Floors. 250 200 250 AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 75.000 100.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) 25,000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) 8.500 511.050 Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) 4.379.500 Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. One 3-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Ten at platform. Twenty-five. Ten at platform. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Six 1-ton, electric, fork lift trucks and 4 electric elevators. Thirty-five 2- and thirteen 1%-ton, electric, fork lift trucks and 18 electric elevators. One LP-gas fork lift truck. FIRE PROTECTION Hand extinguishers. • REMARKS Freon refrigeration system; temper¬ ature range: 14° to 18°C. in the cooler. Direct expansion ammonia with second¬ ary brine refrigeration system; temper¬ ature range: 0° to 2°C. in cooler and -23° to -18°C. in the freezer. WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 8 28 29 30 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Jane Street Warehouse, Inc. 56 Fleetwood Drive Rockaway, NJ 07866 Packet Facilities, Inc. 220 12th Avenue New York, NY 10001 Feidelson Warehouse Co., Inc. 239 Eleventh Avenue New York, NY 10001 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ _ - LOCATION 533 W. 22d Street New York. NY 10011 Between 27th and 28th Streets. South side of W. 26th Street, between 11th and 12th Avenues. KIND OF STORAGE Drv. Dry. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise. General merchandise. General merchandise. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Concrete. Brick walls and wooden floors. Concrete walls and floors. Number of Floors Six. Six and basement. Nine and basement. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 20 7 12 Other Floors. 20 7 12 _ 8 Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. Unlimited. 265 500 Other Floors. 200 265 300-150 Basement. - Unlimited. Unlimited. AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 80.000 100,000 175,000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. None. None. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Twelve at platform. Thirty at platform. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Equipment available as required and one 4-ton elevator. Four electric, fork lift trucks and 6 electric elevators. Four LP-gas and 6 electric, fork lift trucks; six 5-ton, electric elevators. FIRE PROTECTION - - Automatic detection system, sprinkler system, hose with standpipe connection and hand extinguishers. REMARKS All floors are heated. Special services include contract packaging service. S' ftl.tus—Pi Balvolr 342 STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public m«rchondlM only) WAREHOUSE RE) . NO. ON MAP 8 31 32 33 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS State Warehouse Co.. Inc. 617 W. 27th Street New York, NY 10001 State Warehouse Co., Inc. 16th & Coles Streets Jersey City, NJ 07305 Cooke Warehouses, Inc. 140 Bay Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ LOCATION Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. KIND OF STORACE Drv. Drv. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED Imported liquor, vine, and textiles. Imported liquor, trine, and textiles. General merchandise and goceries. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Part steel and part brick, mi11-type; concrete floors. Concrete. Reinforced concrete. Number of Floors Part seven and part nine vith basement. Six and basement. Six and basement. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 11 1S 12 Other Floors. n 2d through 5th. 14: 6th. 15. 12 Basement. _ 10 10 Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 250 250 300 Other Floors. 250 250 250 400 AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORACE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage. Sq.Ft.) 250.000 170.000 90.000 U.S. Customs Bonded. Sq.Ft.) 105.000 145.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. One 2-car-capacity, indoor, platform- level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 3-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS HANDLING EQUIPMENT Eighteen LP-gas, fork lift trucks and 10 electric elevators. Six LP-gas, fork lift trucks and 4 elevators. Two LP-gas and 5 electric, lift trucks equipped with forks and barrel and paper clamps; 3 electric elevators. FIRE PROTECTION Automatic detection system, sprinkler system, hand extinguishers, and hose. Sprinkler system. REMARKS WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 8 34 35 36 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Cooke Warehouses, Inc. 140 Bay Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 Cooke Warehouses, Inc. 140 Bay Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 Harborside Terminal Co., Inc. 34 Exchange Place Jersey City, NJ 07302 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ . _ LOCATION 123 Bay Street Jersey City, N.T 07302 135 Morgan Street Jersey Citv f NJ 07302 P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 413, 414, and 415. KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Drv and cold. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise and groceries. General merchandise. General merchandise and perishable food commodities. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Concrete frame, walls, and floors. Reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete frame, brick and tile walls, and concrete floors. Number of Floors Five. ElRht. ElRht. Clear HelRht for StoraRe (Feet): First Floor. 15-26 "To 17 Other Floors. 12 "To 12-16 Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.) : First Floor. 400 300 500 Other Floors. 250 250 400 AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 69.500 50,000 800,000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(So.Ft.) 100.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) 30.000 2,000,000 Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) 4,000,000 Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 3-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 2-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 22-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Nine. Six. Six at platform. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Seven LP-gas, lift trucks equipped with forks and barrel and paper clamps; one electric elevator. Eight LP-gas, fork lift trucks and 2 electric elevators. Thirty fork lift and 15 hand trucks, and 23 elevators. FIRE PROTECTION “ " Sprinkler system, hose, hand extin¬ guishers, pumps, and watchmen. REMARKS Freon refrigeration system; temper¬ ature range: 9° to 18°C. in the cooler. Cargo occasionally is handled directly from ships and to and from lighters. U.S.D.A. meat inspection available. Am monia and brine refrigeration systems; temperature^range: 0° to 5°C. in cool¬ ers and -18° to -13°C. in freezers. STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public merchandise only) 343 WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 37- MAP NO. 8 38 - OFF MAP NO. 9 39 - MAP NO. 10 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS North River Warehouses, Inc. 100 Caven Point Road Jersey City, NJ 07305 Van Brunt Port Jersey Warehouse, Inc. 112 Port Jersey Boulevard Jersey City, NJ 07305 Held Warehouse & Transportation Corp. 471 Van Brunt Street Brooklyn, NY 11232 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S . _ LOCATION Same as above. Same as above. 99 Hook Road Bayonne. NJ 07002 KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise. General merchandise. General merchandise. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Concrete frame, walls, and floors; steel roof. Conerete. Steel frame and walls; concrete floor. Number of Floors One. One. One. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 24 20 24 Other Floors. - . Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 500 son Other Floors. AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 167.000 193.000 120.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) 56.000 60.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) 20,000 Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 4-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 4-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 7-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Seventeen. Seventeen at platform. Total. 20 at 2 platforms. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Six LP-gas, fork lift trucks and several high-speed, pallet jacks. Eleven 1%- and 2-ton, electric, fork lift trucks. Twelve LP-gas and 6 electric, fork lift trucks. FIRE PROTECTION " ■ " REMARKS Temperature range: 5° to 10°C. in the cooler. WAREHOUSE REF NO ON MAP 10 40 1*1 42 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Cooke Warehouses, Inc. 140 Bay Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 Cooke Warehouses, Inc. 140 Bay Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 Ultimate Distribution Systems, Inc. 48 Hook Road Bayonne, NJ 07002 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S - - - LOCATION Foot of E. 22d Street Bayonne. NJ 07002 Foot of E. 22d Street Bayonne. NJ 07002 Same as above. KIND OF STORAGE Drv. Dry. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise and chemicals. General merchandise and chemicals. Soft goods, wines, liquors, cigarettes and bagged and drum items. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Reinforced concrete. Steel frame, metal-coverdd; concrete floor. Steel frame, and concrete walls and floor. Three. One. One. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. ~L5 18 22 Other Floors. 18 _ _ Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 300 650 500 Other Floors. 250 _ AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 75.000 80,000 64.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sa.Ft.) 42.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 4-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 4-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 3-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Ten. Ten. Eleven. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Nine 2-ton, LP-gas, fork lift trucks and 2 elevators. Nine LP-gas, fork lift trucks. Four 2-ton, fork lift trucks (1 elec¬ tric and 3 LP-gas). FIRE PROTECTION “ ” “ REMARKS 344 STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public m«rchondi»« only) WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 41 - MAP NO. 11 44- MAP NO. 11 45 - OFF MAP NO. 11 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS McCarthy Warehousing Corp. 50 Bennett Street Jersey City, NJ 07304 A & D Packing Corp. 100 Larch Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07306 Transway Public Warehousing Corp. New County Road Secaucus, NJ 07094 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S Waterfront Export Services. Inc. LOCATION Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. KIND OF STORAGE Drv and cooler. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED Spices and textiles. General cargo. General merchandise. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Brick and concrete block walls and steel roof; concrete floor. Brick and concrete. Brick and concrete block walls; concrete floor. Number of Floors One. One. One. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 20 12 24 Other Floors. - - - Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. Unlimited. Unlimited. _ Other Floors. _ - _ AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 10.000 100.000 350.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) 40.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) 40.000 Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. One 5-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS One door. Twenty at platform. One platform. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Three electric, fork lift trucks. Six LP-gas, fork lift trucks. LP-gas, fork lift trucks. FIRE PROTECTION “ * REMARKS WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 46 - OFF MAP NO. 11 47 - MAP~N0, 12 48 - MAP NO. 13 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Merchants Refrigerating Co. 850 Third Avenue New York, NY 10022 Courier Services, Inc. 34 providence Street Newark, NJ 07105 Merchants Refrigerating Co. 110 Avenue C Newark, NJ 07114 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ _ _ LOCATION One Enterprise Avenue Secaucus. NJ 07094 Same as above. Same as above. KIND OF STORAGE Cooler and freezer. Dry. Dry and cold. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED Perishable food commodities. General merchandise in drums. Perishable food commodities. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Concrete walls and floor. Brick walls; concrete floor. Concrete frame, walls, and floors. Number of Floors One. One. Nine. Clear Heifcht for Storaae (Feetl: First Floor. 22 22 10 Other Floors. _ - 10 Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.) : First Floor. 900 500 200 Other Floors. 2d through 7th, 200; 8th and 9th, 225. AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 40.000 160.200 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) 1.152.600 640,650 Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) 3.482.000 872,900 Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 9-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. None. One 9-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Fifty-one ■ Fourteen. Twenty-two at platform. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Twelve 2-ton, electric, fork lift trucks; 49, two-ton, electric, pallet transporters; and 37, two-ton, elec¬ tric, high-lift stackers. Ten 1- to 2^-ton, LP-gas, fork lift trucks. Four l^-ton, electric, fork lift trucks; seven 1-ton, electric, pallet jacks; and six 1%-ton, electric, tier¬ ing machines; and 4 elevators. FIRE PROTECTION ~ - Automatic sprinkler and alarm system. REMARKS Freon refrigeration system, temper¬ ature range: Maintained at 7°C. in the cooler and -18° to -20°C. in the freezer. Approved U.S.D.A. meat Inspection. Brine refrigeration system; temper¬ ature range: 2° to 10°C. in the cooler and -20° to -23°C. in the freezer. STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public merchandise only) 345 WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 49 - OFF MAP NO. 13 50 - OFF MAP NO. 13 51 - MAP NO. 13 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Hine & Sons, Inc. 247 Eninet Street Newark, NJ 07114 Central Warehouse Co., Inc. Foot of Pacific Street Newark, NJ 07114 Held Warehouse & Transportation Corp. 471 Van Brunt Street Brooklyn, NY 11232 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ 201. 265. and 266. LOCATION Same as above. Same as above. Bldg. 201 - Export St., Port Newark, NJ (Continued under Remarks) KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Dry. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED Hides, extracts, and chemicals. General merchandise, appliances, chemicals, and pigments. General merchandise. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Concrete frame, brick walls; concrete and wooden floors. Brick walls; concrete floors. Steel frame, metal-covered; concrete floor. Number of Floors Three and basement. Two. One. each. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 10 40 24, each. Other Floors. 10 25 _ Basement. 8 - - Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 100 Unlimited. 500, each. Other Floors. 100. Unlimited. _ Basement. Unlimited. - - AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 25.000 110.000 350.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS None. One 4-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Bldg.201 - 1 surface track at carfloor- level extends along west side of build¬ ing. Bldgs. 265 and 266 - 3 surface tracks at carfloor-level extend between warehouses. Total capacity 36 cars; connect with Consolidated Rail Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Three at platform. Four. Fifty-five at doors and platforms. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Two fork lift trucks and 2 elevators. Fifteen 2-ton, LP-gas and gasoline fork lift trucks; one elevator. Sixty 2- to 3^-ton, LP-gas, fork lift trucks. FIRE PROTECTION - • Sprinkler system, firewalls, and hand extinguishers. REMARKS Import/export service - sorting, packing, container consolidation, and break-down. Export packing service. Bldgs. 265 and 266 - Distribution Street, Port Newark, NJ. WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 13 52 53 54 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Express Forwarding Warehousing Corp. Bldg. 263 A/B Distribution Street Port Newark, NJ 07114 Port Newark Refrigerated Warehouse Tyler and Mohawk Streets Port Newark, NJ 07114 Port Warehousing & Distributing Corp. 147 Corbin Street Port Newark, NJ 07114 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S 263 A & B. Bldg. 125. 198. LOCATION Same as above. Same as above. Panama Street Port Newark, NJ 07114 KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Freezer. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise. Perishable food commodities. General merchandise, resins, and chemicals. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Steel frame, metal-covered; concrete floor. Steel frame, aluminum siding; concrete floor. Walls, floor, and roof are all insulated. Steel frame, metal-covered; asphalt¬ surfaced, concrete floor. One. One. One. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 20 to 30 18 30 Other Floors. _ - - Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 300 350 900 Other Floors. _ - AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 52.000 130,000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) 1.100.000 Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAIUJAY CONNECTIONS One 7-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 4-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 15-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Twelve. Twelve. Sixteen. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Five fork lift trucks. Seven electric, fork lift trucks. Ten 2- to 7%-ton, LP-gas, fork lift trucks. FIRE PROTECTION Sprinkler system. Sprinkler system. Sprinkler system. REMARKS Light crating and packaging service available. Freon refrigeration system maintains temperature at -18°C. 346 STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public m#rchondi»e only) WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 13 55 56 57 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS International Terminal Operating Co. 17 Battery Place New York, NY 10004 Ellison, Inc. 201 Clipper Street Port Newark, NJ 07114 Ohio Fast Freight Corp. 107 Marsh Street Port Newark, NJ 07114 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S 195 202 2280 D LOCATION Foot of Calcutta Street Port Newark, NT 07114 Same as above. Bay Avenue and Formosa Street Port Elizabeth. NJ 07114 KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Dry. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise. General merchandise. General merchandise. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Steel frame, metal-covered, asphalt¬ surfaced, concrete floor. Steel frame, metal-covered; concrete floor. Steel frame, metal-covered; concrete walls and floor. Number of Floors One, One. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 25 24 18 Other Floors. Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.) : First Floor. 6QQ 500 500 Other Floors. AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 350,000 150,000 30.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 18-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 6-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Numerous. Twenty-seven. Six at 3 double doors. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Fork lift trucks with capacities ranging from 2^ to 35 tons. Fifteen LP-gas, fork lift trucks. Four LP-gas and one gasoline, fork lift trucks. FIRE PROTECTION Sprinkler system. Sprinkler system. - REMARKS Building is leased to Case Cartage Co., Inc. WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP 13 [38 59 60 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Lehigh Terminals, Division of Cooke Warehouses, Inc. 140 Bay Street Jersey City. NJ 07302 East Coast Warehouse & Distribution Corp. 2210 McLester Street Elizabeth. NJ 07206 Select Distribution Center 228 North Avenue Elizabeth, NJ 07207 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S - . LOCATION 201 Bay Avenue Port Elizabeth, NJ 07201 Same as above. Same as above. KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Dry and cooler. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise, groceries, and chemicals. Foodstuffs. General merchandise, metals, packaging material, and chemicals. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Steel frame, concrete block walls; concrete floor. Steel frame, metal-covered; concrete floor. Steel frame, concrete block walls; concrete floor. Number of Floora One, One. One. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 20 22 24 Other Floors. Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. 650 500 Unlimited. Other Floors. - - - AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 318.700 300,000 500,000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sa.Ft.) 75.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) 3.058.000 Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 12-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 39-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 19-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Fifty-seven doors. Fifty-two. Seventy-six at platforms. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Twenty-one LP-gas, fork lift trucks. Eighteen LP-gas, fork lift trucks and 13 electric tractors. Twenty LP-gas. fork lift trucks. FIRE PROTECTION Automatic detection and sprinkler systems. ~ “ REMARKS Freon refrigeration system; temper¬ ature range: 10° to 20° C in the coolers at 50% relative humidity. STORAGE WAREHOUSES (For public mcrchandlst only) 347 WAREHOUSE REF, NO. ON MAP 61 - OFF MAP NO. 13 62 - MAP NO. 16 63 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Waverly Warehouse Corp. 963 Newark Avenue Elizabeth, NJ 07208 Federal Warehouses 231 Johnson Avenue Newark, NJ 07108 Pouch Terminal, Inc. 1 Edgewater Street Clifton, Staten Island, NY 10305 BUILDING DESIGNATION/S _ - . LOCATION Same as above. 300 Raritan Center Parkway Edison. NJ 08817 (See Remarks) Rear of P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 709, 710, and 711. KIND OF STORAGE Dry. Dry. Dry. COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED General merchandise. General merchandise. General merchandise and coffee beans. DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Concrete and steel; concrete floor. Steel frame, masonry walls; concrete floor. One 7-story, concrete building, and four 1-story, steel frame, metal- covered buildings. Number of Floors One. One. Seven and one. Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. 2 24 18 Other Floors. _ 9 Load Capacity (Lbs/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. Unlimited. Unlimited. 250 Other Floors. - 250 AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) 130.000 500.000 500.000 U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) 30.000 Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.) Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS One 6-car-capacity, platform-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. One 12-car-capacity, carfloor-level track connects with Consolidated Rail Corp. Carfloor-level tracks serve each build¬ ing and connect with Staten Island Railroad Corp. TRUCKLOADING STATIONS Seven at platform. Thirty. ElRht. HANDLING EQUIPMENT Seven 2- to 2%-ton, fork lift trucks (1 gasoline and 6 LP-gas) and one 100- ton. traveling crane. Twelve LP-gas, fork lift trucks. Six 2 \- to 3%-ton, LP-gas and four 1- ton, electric, fork lift trucks and two 5-ton elevators. FIRE PROTECTION Automatic detection and sprinkler systems. Sprinkler system. Automatic detection and sprinkler systems. REMARKS Located at rear of Raritan Center Wharf (P.W.D. Ref. No. 633). WAREHOUSE REF. NO. ON MAP OPERATOR AND ADDRESS BUILDING DESIGNATION/S LOCATION KIND OF STORAGE COMMODITIES USUALLY STORED DESCRIPTION Type of Construction Clear Height for Storage (Feet): First Floor. Other Floors. Load Capacity (Lbe/Sq.Ft.): First Floor. Other Floors. AREAS FOR PUBLIC STORAGE: DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE DRY STORAGE COLD STORAGE General Storage.(Sq.Ft.) U.S. Customs Bonded.(Sq.Ft.) Cooler Space.(Cu.Ft.l Freezer Space.(Cu.Ft.) Convertible Space...(Cu.Ft.) RAILWAY CONNECTIONS TRUCKLOADING STATIONS HANDLING EQUIPMENT FIRE PROTECTION REMARKS 348 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY OPEN STORAGE In addition to the long- and short-term, covered, storage facili¬ ties for general cargo provided in the warehouses and transit sheds, there are large open areas available on or near the waterfront for storing a variety of commodities not requiring protection from the weather. A tabulation of open storage facilities, available to the public at the Port of New York, New York, and New Jersey, is given below. A tabulation of the open storage areas used primarily or exclusively for containers is given in the General Cargo Facilities Table, beginning on page 73. Other terminal operators with waterfront facilities at the port have open storage areas to meet their own operational requirements; these areas are not usually available for public use. OPEN STORAGE (Available for Public Use) NEAREST P. W.D. REF. NO. OPERATOR STORAGE AREA (ACRES) BAY RIDGE CHANNEL, BROOKLYN 54 International Terminal Operating Co. , Inc. 47.0 GOWANUS BAY, BROOKLYN 70 Northeast Marine Terminal Co. , Inc. 111.0 RED HOOK CHANNEL, BROOKLYN 115 Lehigh Warehousing Corp. of Brooklyn. . . . 1.6 BUTTERMILK CHANNEL, BROOKLYN 117 Pittston Stevedoring dorp. 4.2 119 Moller Steamship Co., Inc. 9.1 120 Pittston Stevedoring Corp. 3.8 129, 130 Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. 7.2 131 Pittston Stevedoring Corp. 4.6 132 International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. 5.1 134, 135 Universal Maritime Service Corp. (2 areas) . 4.6 EAST RIVER, BROOKLYN 138 Grancolombiana (New York), Inc. 3.4 139 Universal Maritime Service Corp. 3.2 140 Prudential Lines, Inc., Venezuelan Line, and Peruvian State Line. 3.8 176 Lumber Exchange Terminal, Inc. 30.0 PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES 349 OPEN STORAGE (Available for Public Use) (Continued) NEAREST STORAGE P.W.D. OPERATOR AREA REF. NO. (ACRES) UPPER NEW YORK BAY, BAYONNE 435 Penn Industries, Inc. 14. 0 PORT NEWARK, WEST SHORE OF NEWARK BAY 547 The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . 5. 0 548 Do. 7.0 549 Chilean Line, Inc. 7.0 550 Pittston Stevedoring Corp. 22.0 555 The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey . 18. 0 557 Do. 12.0 558 International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. 12. 5 TOTAL. 336. 1 HOISTING EQUIPMENT - ASHORE AND AFLOAT General cargo usually is handled to and from vessels by ships' tackle. However, shore-based, hoisting facilities are available to the public for making heavy lifts of up to 725 tons, and a large number of floating cranes and derricks are based at the port for performing heavy- lift work at shipside. Some of the floating hoisting equipment are equipped with clamshell buckets or with electric magnets. Details of the floating cranes and derricks available for hire are given in the table on page 354 ; lifting capacities of this equipment range up to 500 tons. The following tabulation gives details of the hoisting equipment - ashore, available for hire. Cranes, derricks, and special-handling equipment at other waterfront facilities within the port area are usually for the sole use of the operating companies, and are described under Mechanical Handling Facilities in the preceding table of Piers, Wharves, and Docks. Hoisting Facilities - Ashore Northeast Marine Terminal Co., Inc. (P.W.D. Ref. Nos. 69 and 70). One, 250-, and one, 140-ton, diesel, mobile cranes, each with 140-foot boom. 350 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY One, 70-, and one, 56-ton, electric, traveling, container¬ handling cranes, each with 150-foot, hinged-cantilevered boom having 133-foot outboard reach and 60-foot back reach. Seatrain Lines Container Division, Atlantic Coast (P, W.D. Ref. No, "“ssff);- Three, 45-ton, diesel-electric, traveling, container-handling cranes, each with retractable boom having 120-foot out¬ board reach and capacity for handling 25 containers per hour. Penn Industries, Inc. (P.W. D. Ref. No. 435). One, 40-ton, diesel, revolving crane with 65-foot boom. Three, 10-ton, diesel, locomotive cranes, each with 40- foot boom. Global Terminal & Container Services, Inc. (P, W. D. Ref. No, 436). Three, 45-ton, electric, traveling, container-handling cranes, each with hinged-cantilevered boom having 133-foot outboard reach and 60-foot back reach. Cranes can handle heavy-lift cargo (other than containers) up to capacity of 50 tons. Universal Maritime Service Corp. (P.W.D, Ref, No. 563) . One, 70-, and one, 56-ton, diesel-electric, traveling, container-handling cranes, each with articulated, hinged- cantilevered boom having 111-foot outboard reach and 44-foot back reach. Cranes have a 224-foot container travel length and an operating rate of 20 containers per hour each. Maersk Container Service Co,, Inc. (P. W.D. Ref, No. 564) . One, 45-ton, diesel-electric, traveling, container-handling crane with articulated, hinged-cantilevered boom having 106- foot outboard reach and 30-foot back reach. Crane has a 21 6- foot container travel length and an average operating rate of 26 containers per hour. Puerto Rico Maritime Shipping Authority (P.W.D. Ref. No. 566) . Three, SO-ton, electric, traveling, container-handling cranes, each with articulated, hinged-cantilevered boom having 106-foot outboard reach. Cranes have a 193-foot container travel length and an operating rate of 25 con¬ tainers per hour each. International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. (P.W.D. Ref. No. 567) . Two, 40-, and two, 30-ton, diesel-electric, traveling, container-handling cranes, each with articulated, hinged- cantilevered boom having 114-foot outboard reach. Cranes have a 20-foot container travel length and an operating rate of 25 containers per hour each. PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES 351 Atlantic Container Line, Ltd. (P. W. D. Ref. No. 568) , Two, 30-ton, diesel-electric, traveling, container -handling cranes, each with articulated, hinged-cantilevered boom having 105-foot outboard reach and 33-foot back reach. Cranes have a 196-foot container travel length and an operating rate of 20 containers per hour each. Pitts ton Stevedoring Cor p. (P. W. D. Ref. No. 569) . One, 30-ton, diesel-electric, traveling, container-handling crane with articulated, hinged-cantilevered boom having 105-foot outboard reach and 33-foot back reach. Crane has a 196-foot container travel length and an operating rate of 20 containers per hour. Maher Terminals, Inc. (P. W.D. Ref. No. 571) . Two, 45-, and one, 33-ton, electric, traveling, container¬ handling cranes with retractable booms, each having 115- foot outboard reach and 85-foot back reach; cranes have 73- and 58-ton lifting capacities at 70-feet, respectively. Cranes have a 300-foot container travel length and an operating rate of 24 to 28 containers per hour each. Sea-Land Service, Inc. (P.W. D. Ref. No. 572) . Five, 34-ton, electric, traveling, container-handling cranes with retractable booms, each having 115-foot out¬ board reach and 43-foot back reach. Cranes have a 258- foot container travel length and an operating rate of 24 containers per hour each. Howland Hook Marine Terminal Corp. (P. W. D. Ref. No. 654) . Five, 45-ton, electric, traveling, container-handling cranes, each with 140-foot, hinged-cantilevered boom having 115-foot outboard reach and 50-foot back reach. Cranes have approximately 215-foot container travel length and an operating rate of 10 to 20 containers per hour each. Pouch T erminal, Inc. (P. W. D. Ref. No. 709 and 710). Nine, 5-ton, gasoline, mobile cranes, each with 20- foot boom. Hoffman International, Inc., P. O. Box 2828, Port Newark, NJ 07114. One, 725-ton, diesel, rolling breast derrick with 67-foot boom and 55-foot outboard reach. Three, 300-ton, diesel, mobile cranes with booms of up to 270 feet. One, 140-ton, diesel, mobile crane with 200-foot boom and 50-foot jib extension. 352 THE PORT OF NEW YORK, NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY One, 75-ton, diesel-hydraulic, mobile crane with 105-foot boom and 45-foot jib extension. Two, 50-ton, diesel-hydraulic, mobile cranes with 115- foot booms and 32-foot extensions. One, 18-ton, diesel-hydraulic, mobile crane with 60-foot boom. MARINE REPAIR PLANTS Eighteen marine repair plants operate waterfront facilities at the Port of New York, New York, and New Jersey. Sixteen of these plants operate haul-out or drydocking facilities, which are described in the section on Drydocking Facilities. The repair plants offer a wide range of services, including construction, repair, and conversions to ocean¬ going vessels, tugs and towboats, lighters, scows, barges, car floats, and other types of small vessels. Details of these waterfront repair facilities are found in the table of Marine Repair Plants, beginning on page 355. Also located within the port area are a number of concerns without waterfront facilities which are engaged in various types of marine repair work. These companies maintain shops and portable equipment for performing work on all types of craft at berth. DRYDOCKING FACILITIES Thirty-five floating drydocks, 8 graving docks, and 8 marine rail¬ ways are located at 16 of the 17 waterfront marine repair plants. Lifting capacities of the floating drydocks range from 350 to 26, 000 tons; the lengths of the graving docks from 328 feet to 1, 092 feet; and the haul-out capacities of the marine railways from 40 to 350 tons. Detailed descriptions of these facilities are given in the tables on pages 358 through 366. FLOATING EQUIPMENT The Port of New York, New York, and New Jersey is well provided with every type of floating equipment to meet the needs of shipping. This equipment includes tugs and towboats, barges, scows, lighters and car floats, tank barges and tankers, and other specialized types of harbor craft. Services of most of the operating companies extend beyond the limits of the port to points along the Atlantic coast line. Long Island Sound, Hudson River, New York State Barge Canal, and Great Lakes; several of the companies operate tugs equipped for ocean towing. The tables on pages 367 through 369 list and describe the port- based tugs and towboats available to the public and the tank barges and self-propelled tankers used for making deliveries of bunker fuel to vessels at berth. It does not list port-based floating equipment PORT AND HARBOR FACILITIES 353 which is owned and operated by marine contractors and is used primar¬ ily by them in their contracting work. The tables also do not list the vessels based at the port which are used exclusively in transportation service. Information on floating cranes and derricks is given under the section Hoisting Facilities - Ashore and Afloat, beginning on page 349. Additional information on floating equipment can be obtained from Transportation Series No. 5, titled "Transportation Lines on the Atlan¬ tic, Gulf, and Pacific Coasts. " This report, published annually by the Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, describes the American flag vessels engaged in the carriage of freight and passengers, listing the net registered tonnage, length, width, draft, horsepower, carrying capacity, and other details of construction; and describes the operations of each vessel operator, listing the waterways used and the localities served. Copies of this publication are for sale by the District Engineer, U. S. Army Engineer District, New Orleans, P. O. Box 60267, New Orleans, LA 70160. RAIL LINES The port area of New York is served by two trunkline railroads, three short-line railroads, and five terminal and switching railroads as follows: Trunkline Railroads Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company (Chessie System) Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail) Short-Line Railroads The Long Island Railroad Co. New York, Susquehanna and Western Railroad Co. Staten Island Railroad Corporation (Chessie System) Terminal and Switching Railroads Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal Railroad East Jersey Railroad and Terminal Co. New York Dock Railway Raritan River Railroad South Brooklyn Railway Co. In addition, the Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal Railroad oper¬ ates carfloats across the harbor area connecting with Consolidated Rail Corp. in Jersey City, Staten Island Railroad Corp. (Chessie System) on Staten Island, and New York Dock Railway in Brooklyn. HOISTING EQUIPMENT - AFLOAT DIMENSIONS HOISTING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR AND ADDRESS NAME OVERALL BOOM LIFT REMARKS LENGTH WIDTH TYPE LENGTH CAPACITY (FEET) (FEET) (FEET) (TONS) Consolidated Rail Corp. No. 5 Whirley 110.0 45.0 Steam, revolving 80 50 Crane Gillens Sons Lighter- Phelps Dodge 82.0 36.0 Diesel, revolving 98 10 age, Inc. crane 21 Main Street Laurel Hill 75.0 32.0 do. 98 10 Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Antrim 112.0 38.0 Gasoline, stiff-leg 90 5 derrick M. P. Howlett, Inc. Howiett No. 3 90.0 40.0 Steam, revolving 90* 10 *Boom lengths include goose- 415 32d Street crane neck extensions. Union City, NJ 07087 Hewlett No. 4 90.0 40.0 Diesel-electric, 100* 10 revolving crane Howiett No. 5 90.0 40.0 Steam, revolving 90* 10 crane Howiett No. 6 90.0 40.0 do. 90* 10 Howiett No. 7 115.0 35.0 Diesel-electrie. 90* 10 revolving crane Howlett No. 8 100.0 36.0 Steam, revolving 90* 10 crane Howlett No. 9 85.0 36.0 Diesel-electric, 92* 10 revolving crane Howlett No. 11 100.0 36.0 Steam, revolving 90* 10 crane Howlett No. 12 90.0 38.0 do. 104 20 Howlett No. 14 90.0 35.0 do. 90* 10 Howlett No. 15 120.0 38.0 do. 108 35 Howlett No. 16 90.0 38.0 do. 92 10 Howlett No. 17 85.0 34.0 do. 97 10 A Howlett No. 18 100.0 50.0 Diesel-electrie. 85 65 revolving crane \J Howlett No. 19 100.0 50.0 do. 85 65 Howlett No. 20 135.0 50.0 do. 140 80 Kosnac Floating Derrick Huron 125.0 42.0 Diesel-pneumatic, 90+40 40 10-ton capacity on jib. Corp. Pier 11, East River New York, NY 10004 stiff-leg derrick Murphy Pacific Marine Merritt 400 135.0 50.0 Diesel, shear-leg 80 400* *Long tons; cranes are Salvage Co. derrick mounted on same barge. 1 World Trade Center Diesel, stiff-leg 90 60* Suite 8833 New York, NY 10048 derrick M. J. Rudolph Co., Inc. Crane Rl 100.0 38.0 Steam, revolving 90+32* 25 ♦Gooseneck boom. Cranes can Starboard & Export crane be equipped with 100-inch Streets Crane R4 100.0 38.0 do. 90+32* 25 diameter electric magnet. Port Newark, NJ 07114 Crane R5 100.0 38.0 Diesel, revolving 90+32* 45 bucket or hook. crane Crane R6 100.0 38.0 do. 90+32* 45 Crane R12 100.0 52.0 do. 140 80 Weeks Stevedoring Co., Crane No. 501 112.0 52.0 Diesel, revolving 120 45 Inc. Crane No. 502 100.0 52.0 do. 120 50 216 North Avenue East Crane No. 503 155.0 50.0 Steam, revolving 120 75 Cranford, NJ 07016 Crane No. 504 100.0 52.0 Diesel, revolving 120 70 Crane No. 505 100.0 52.0 do. 120 70 Crane No. 507 120.0 60.0 Diesel-electrie. 150 100 revolving Crane No. 508 120.0 60.0 do. 150 100 Crane No. 510 100.0 52.0 Diesel, revolving 120 80 Crane No. 511 100.0 52.0 do. 120 80 Weeks Dredging & Con- Crane No. 500 112.0 52.0 Diesel, revolving 130 50 tracting, Inc. 570 Broad Street Elizabeth, NJ 07201 Crane No. 600 110.0 45.0 Steam, revolving 120 50 Witte Heavy Lift, Inc. Century 165.0 66.0 Steam, stiff-leg 115 500* ♦Capacity at 15-foot outboard 1250 Liberty Avenue derrick reach, and 350 tons at 40- /j Hillside, NJ 07205 Monarch 154.0 51.0 do. 98 250 foot outboard reach. Cranes 1 ' Constitution 151.0 55.0 do. 105 150 are owned by The Port Author¬ ity of New York and New Jer¬ sey and berthed at Port Newark Berths Nos. 2 and 3 (P.W.D. Ref. No. 552). MARINE REPAIR PLANTS 355 REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 8 31 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Rockaway Marine Center, Inc. 72-46 Thursby Avenue Arveme, Queens, N. Y. 11692 Muller Boat Works, Inc. 2214 East 69th Street Brooklyn, N. Y. 11234 LOCATION OF PLANT Jamaica Bay, east side of Vernon Basin, Amstel Boulevard, between Beach 72d and 73d Streets. Jamaica Bay, east side of Mill Basin, south of foot of Avenue V. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Combination machine and carpenter shop; portable hand and powered tools, welding units; air compressor; one 13and one 8-ton, mobile boatlifts, and one 250-ton marine railway. Machine and carpenter shops; welding units; paint spray¬ ing equipment; portable hand and powered tools; and two 300- and one 100-ton marine railways. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Above- and below-waterline repairs to wooden and steel hull8 up to capacity of marine railway; propeller; repair; scraping, caulking, and painting. Above- and below-waterline repairs to small wooden, aluminum, and steel-hulled vessels up to capacities of marine railways; engine repair. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED None. Lathe: 28-inch swing by 8-foot bed. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. None. VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT One on railway, others at berth. One on each railway, others at piers. REMARKS Marine railway Is owned by Rockaway Marine Center, Inc., and operated by Seaway Marina Corp. Plant can turn shafts up to 22 feet in length. All repair work done at plant. REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 32 89-96 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Landy's Boat Yard 2166 East 69th Street Brooklyn, N. Y. 11234 Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc. 764 Court Street Brooklyn, N. Y. 11231 LOCATION OF PLANT Jamaica Bay, east side of Mill Basin, north of foot of Avenue V. Right bank of Gowanus Creek, below foot of Court Street extended. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Machine and carpenter shops; welding units; and one 100- and one 40-ton, marine railways. Shops: Machine, blacksmith, boiler, plate, sheet metal, pipe, diesel, joiner, electronic, electrical; mold loft; sawmill; one 7,500-, one 2,650-, and two 1,200-ton floating drydocks; one 50-ton, floating crane. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Above- and below-waterline repairs to small vessels up to capacities of marine railways; repairs to gasoline and diesel engines. Above-waterline repairs of any nature to deep-draft and oceangoing vessels; below-waterline repairs to hulls of vessels up to capacities of floating drydocks. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED None. 20 inches by 35 feet. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. None. VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT One on each railway, others at float at outer end of pier. One in each drydock, several at adjacent piers. REMARKS Repair work done primarily at plant. REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 104-109 119 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Division Foot of Dwight Street Brooklyn, N. Y. 11231 Arthur Tickle Engineering Works, Inc. 26 Delevan Street Brooklyn, N. Y. 11231 Location of plant Red Hook Channel, Erie Basin, foot of Dwight Street. Between Richard and Columbia Streets. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Shops: Machine, blacksmith, boiler, plate, furnace, pipe, paint, riggers, joiner, and pattern; mold loft; air compressor house; welding equipment; one 23,380-, one 17,800-, and one 13,360-ton floating drydocks; one graving dock; one 30-ton locomotive crane; and two 45- ton, diesel, mobile cranes. Shops: Machine, forge, blacksmith, pipe, plate, and fabrication; portable hand and powered tools. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Construction, conversion, and above-waterline repairs of any nature to deep-draft and oceangoing vessels; below- waterline repairs to hulls of vessels up to capacities of floating drydocks and graving dock. Conversions and above-waterline repairs of any nature to deep-draft and oceangoing vessels; general machine and repair work on all marine equipment. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED Lathe: 120-inch swing and 53-foot bed. 98 inches by 19 feet, 8 inches. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. - VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT One in each drydock, several at adjacent piers. None. REMARKS Reapir work done at plant and on board vessels at any location in harbor and other nearby ports. Repair work done at plant and on board vessels at any location in harbor and other nearby ports. 356 MARINE REPAIR PLANTS REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 145-148 149-150 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Coastal Dry Dock & Repair Corp. Building 131, Brooklyn Navy Yard Brooklyn, N. Y. 11205 Seatrain Shipbuilding Corp. Building 292, Brooklyn Navy Yard Brooklyn, N. Y. 11205 LOCATION OF PLANT Left bank, East River, Wallabout Basin, between foot of North Portland Street and Carlton Avenue extended. Left bank, East River, approximately 0.5 mile below Williamsburg Bridge at entrance to Wallabout Basin. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Shops: Machine, carpenter, plate, pipe, paint, elec¬ trical, blacksmith. Joiner, boiler and fabrication; portable and stationary welding machines; saws and bending equipment; mobile and gantry cranes up to 50-ton capacity; 3 graving docks up to 727 feet in length. Shops: Machine, carpenter, plate, pipe, paint, elec¬ trical, blacksmith, boiler and fabrication; mobile and gantry cranes up to 200-ton capacity with 150-foot booms; 3 graving docks up to 1,092 feet in length. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Complete conversion, outfitting, and above- and below- waterllne repairs of any nature to deep-draft and ocean¬ going vessels up to capacities of graving docks. Complete construction, conversion, and above- and be low- waterline repairs of any nature to deep-draft and ocean¬ going vessels up to capacities of graving docks. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED Lathe: 48-inch swing and 23-foot bed. By subcontract. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. None. VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT 8, depending upon size. 8, depending upon size. Remarks Work done primarily at plant (former Brooklyn Navy Yard). Approximately 3.5 acres of open storage area, 7 acres of covered warehouse area and facilities to accommodate 400 ship'8 personnel are available. Work is done at plant although operator has capability for performing work at any location in the harbor, should it be necessary. REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 383-385 395-400 & 437 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Union Dry Dock & Repair Co. Foot of Pershing Road Weehawken, N. J. 07087 Bethlehem Steel Corp., Shipbuilding Division Hoboken Yard, 1301 Hudson Street Hoboken, N. J. 07030 LOCATION OF PLANT Right bank, Hudson River, south of foot of Pershing Road. Right bank, Hudson River, foot of 14th Street. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Shops: Machine, carpenter, and plate; saw mill; portable hand and powered tools; welding equipment; air compressor, one 2,000-, one 1,500-, one 500-, and one 350-ton float¬ ing drydocks. Shops: Machine, blacksmith, boiler, sheet metal, rigging, plate, pipe, copper, paint, carpenter, and electrical; tank-cleaning plant; welding equipment; one 26,000-, one 16,760-, one 14,200-, and one 7,500-ton floating drydocks; one 1,092-foot graving dock, workboats, derrick barges, and 2 floating cranes. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Complete above- and below-waterline repairs to aluminum and steel tugs, towboats, lighters, scows, barges, car floats, and other vessels ud to 350 feet in length; repairs to machinery. Complete conversion and repairs of any nature to deep- draft and oceangoing vessels, including hulls and machin¬ ery. Manufacture of turbine blades; diesel engine repair; industrial fabricating; and gas freeing. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED Lathe: 16-inch swing by 78-inch bed. Lathes: 120-inch swing by 36-foot bed, and 72-inch swing by 55-foot bed. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. None. VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT One in each drydock, 14 to 18 at piers and moorings. One in each drydock, 12 to 14 at piers and wharves. REMARKS Graving dock and 650- and 450-foot berths are located at Military Ocean Terminal (P.W.D. Ref. No. 437). Repair work done at plant, on board vessels at any loca¬ tion in harbor and other nearby ports. REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 411 418 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Tug and Barge Dry Docks, Inc. P. 0. Box 4064 Jersey City, N. J. 07304 Rodermond Industries, Inc. 184 Henderson Street Jersey City, N. J. 07302 LOCATION OF PLANT Right bank, Hudson River, Harsimus Cove, between foot of 8th and 7th Streets extended. Smith Cove, north side of Tidewater Basin, between foot of Henderson and Van Vorst Streets. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Shops: Machine, blacksmith, electric, electronic, diesel engine forge, sawmill and carpenter; portable welding equipment; one 12-ton floating derrick; one work- boat, one 2,000-, one 1,500-, one 1,000-, and one 800- ton floating drydocks. Plans call for installation of a tower crane to serve two of the drydocks. Shops: Machine, plate, blacksmith, electric, and car¬ penter; one 4,000-, one 2,500-, one 2,100-, one 1,300-, and one 750-ton floating drydocks; one 50- and one 30- ton crawler and one 50- and one 10-ton floating cranes. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Complete above- and below-waterline repairs up to capaci¬ ties of drydocks and reconstruction of steel tugs, tow¬ boats, lighters, scows, and barges; repairs to engines, deck machinery, propellers, shafts, rudders, and electri¬ cal systems. Complete above- and below-waterline repairs to steel hulls up to capacities of drydocks; repairs to steam and diesel engines; metallizing; dynamic balancing; propeller, shaft, and rudder repair; sandblasting and painting. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED Lathe: 40-inch swing by 24-foot bed. Lathes: 60-inch swing by 18-foot bed; 30-inch swing by 38-foot bed. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. None. Vessel Capacity at plaitt One in each drydock, 3 to 4 at pier. One in each drydock, 5 to 6 at bulkheads in slip. REMARKS Parent company is McAllister Bros., Inc. - MARINE REPAIR PLANTS 357 REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 623-626 667-670 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Perth Amboy Dry Dock Co. Commerce and Front Streets Perth Amboy. N. J. 08862 Brewer Dry Dock Co. 2945 Richmond Terrace Staten Island, N. Y. 10303 LOCATION OF PLANT Right bank, Arthur Kill, between foot of Conmerce and Washington Streets. Right bank, Kill Van Kull, Mariners Harbor, between foot of Bush and DeHart Avenues extended. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Shops: Machine, boiler, blacksmith, electrical, and carpenter; one 5,000- and one 2,280-top floating dry- docks . Shops: Machine, paint, pipe, electric, plate, and boiler; sawmill; one 10,500-, one 8,000-, one 1,500-, and one 1,000-ton floating drydocks. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Above- and below-waterline repairs to wooden, aluminum, and steel vessels up to capacities of floating drydocks; repairs to engines, boilers, shafts, dynamos, and deck machinery. Construction, conversion, and above- and below-waterline repairs to vessels up to 550 feet in length. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED 12 inches by 25 feet. 24 inches by 30 feet. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. None. VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT One in each drydock, others at piers. One in each drydock, others at piers. REMARKS Repair work done at plant and on board vessels at any location in harbor. Repair work done at plant and on board vessels at berth at any location in harbor. REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 686-688 (Main Yard) & 695-699 (East Yard) 713-714 OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Caddell Dry Dock & Repair Co., Inc. Foot of Broadway, West New Brighton Staten Island, N. Y. 10310 Reynolds Shipyard Corp. 200 Edgewater Street Rosebank, Staten Island, N. Y. 10305 LOCATION OF PLANT Right bank. Kill Van Kull, between foot of Van Street and Pelton Avenue. Right bank, The Narrows, above foot of Clifton Avenue. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Shops: Machine, plate, blacksmith, boiler, pipe, electrical, paint, and woodworking; stationary and port¬ able welding units; ultrasonic testing equipment for weld and plate thickness; steam cleaning machinery; one 2,500-, one 2,400-, one 2,000-, and two 1,500-ton float¬ ing drydocks. Shops: Machine, blacksmith, carpenter, and pipe; welding units; portable hand and powered tools; and one 1,200-ton floating drydock. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Complete above- and below-waterline repairs to wooden, aluminum and steel hulled vessels up to capacities of drydocks; tank cleaning; and repairs to engines, boilers, and electrical equipment. Above- and below-waterline repairs to wooden and steel hulled vessels up to capacity of drydock; repairs to engines and deck machinery. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED 10 inches by 40 feet. 30 inches by 22 feet. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED None. None. VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT One in each drydock, others at piers. One in drydock, others at piers. REMARKS Repair work done at plant and on board vessels at any location in harbor. Repair work done at plant and on board vessels at any location in harbor. REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 718 See Remarks. OPERATOR AND ADDRESS Belford Marine Railway Main Street Belford, N. J. 07718 Hudson Engineering Co. 520 York Street Elizabeth, N. J. 07201 LOCATION OF PLANT Sandy Hook Bay, Shoal Harbor, right bank, Compton Creek, west of Main Street Bridge. Same as above. REPAIR SHOPS AND EQUIPMENT Woodworking shop; welding units; portable hand and powered tools; and one 100-, and one 50-ton marine railways. Shops: Combination machine, steel fabrication and welding; portable welding units. NATURE OF WORK UNDERTAKEN Above- and below-waterline repairs to wooden hulled vessels; painting; repairs to engines, shafts, and propellers. Above-waterline repairs to vessels at berth at any location in harbor; machine work; repairs to hydraulic systems and components, deck machinery, steel plates, hatches, and electrical systems; painting; and general overhaul. LARGEST SHAFTS PRODUCED - By subcontract. LARGEST CASTINGS PRODUCED - None. VESSEL CAPACITY AT PLANT- One on each marine railway. REMARKS Operator leases berthing space as needed at various locations in harbor; repairs also made on board vessels at berth at any location in harbor. FLOATING DRYDOCKS MOORED AT P.W.D. REF. NO. 93 through 96 OWNED BY Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc. OPERATED BY do. ADDRESS 764 Court Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Gowanus Creek, between foot of Clinton and Court Streets TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber. Timber. Timber, 3 sections. Timber, steel wingwall! DIMENSIONS (FEET): No. 1 (YFD-30) 240 185 60 48 17 No. 2 241 200 60 48 17 No. 3 455.2 450 92.6 71.4 21 No. 4 271 200 72.8 66.8 20 Maximum depth over blocks, dock submerged. LIFTING CAPACITY (TONS) 1,200 1,200 7,500 2,650 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) 6 CRANE SERVICE One 5-ton, stiff-leg derrick on Pier No. 6 (Ref. No. 94); one 11-ton locomotive crane on Pier No. 7 (Ref. No. 95); one 5-ton, atiff-leg derrick on Pier No. 8 (Ref. No. 96); one 20- and one 17-ton, diesel, mobile cranes; and one 50-ton, floating, A-frame derrick. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Fresh and salt water, steam, compressed air, welding gas, and A.C., 110/220/440 volts; D.C., 100/220 volts. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 250 250 460 - DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT 1943 1943 1921/1944 - REMARKS Drydock No. 1 is moored on upper side of Pier No. 5 (Ref. No. 93); Drydock No. 2, moored on upper side of Pier No. 6 (Ref. No. 94); Drydock No. 3, moored on upper side of Pier No. 7 (Ref. No. 95); and Drydock No. 4, moored along inner portion of upper side of Pier No. 8 (Ref. No. 96). # MOORED AT P.W.D. REF. NO. 104 OWNED BY Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Division. OPERATED BY do. ADDRESS Foot of Dwight Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Red Hook Channel, Erie Basin, west of Columbia Street, approximately 1,000 feet south of Halleck Street. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Steel, 3 sections. DIMENSIONS (FEET): No. 7 622 (w/2 aprons) 543.6 124 93.2 28 Maximum depth over blocks, dock submerged. LIFTING CAPACITY (TONS) 17,800 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) 4.5 to 5 CRANE SERVICE One 25-ton, locomotive crane; two 45-ton, mobile cranes; and one 50- and one 25-ton, traveling, gantry cranes. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Fresh and salt water, steam, compressed air, oxygen, acetylene gas, and A.C., 120/208/440 volts; D.C., 115/230 volts. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 716 by 75 DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT 1943 REMARKS Drydock No. 7 is moored along inner portion of lower side of pier. FLOATING DRYDOCKS 359 MOORED AT P.W.D. REF. NO. 106 OWNED BY United States Government. OPERATED BY Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Division ADDRESS Foot of Dwight Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Red Hook Channel, Erie Basin, between foot of Dwight and Otsego Streets extended. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber, 7 sections. Timber, 4 sections. DIMENSIONS (FEET): Length overall. Length on blocks. Width overall. Maximum clear width for vessel. Maximum depth over blocks, dock submerged. No. 8 765 Tw/2 aprons) 700 139 99 25.5 (4-foot blocks) No. 9 470 (w/2 aprons) 400 139 99 25.5 (4-foot blocks) LIFTING CAPACITY (TONS) 23,380 13,360 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) 4.5 to 5 CRANE SERVICE One 25-ton, locomotive crane; two 45-ton, mobile cranes; and one 50- and one 22-ton, traveling, gantry cranes, UTILITIES AVAILABLE Fresh and salt water, steam, compressed air, oxygen, acetylene gas, and A.C., 120/208/440 volts; D.C., 115/230 volts. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) - - DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT 1942/- 1942/- REMARKS Drydock No. 8 is moored on upper side of pier and Drydock No. 9 is moored on lower side. MOORED AT P.W.D. REF. NO. 383, 384, and 385 OWNED BY Union Dry Dock & Repair Co. OPERATED BY do. ADDRESS Foot of Pershing Road Weehawken, NJ 07087 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Hudson River, south of foot of Pershing Road. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber, steel wingwalls. Timber. Steel. DIMENSIONS (FEET): No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 266 206 71 62 14 154 120 61 47 10 160 135 50 42 9 310 266 90 78 15 Maximum depth over blocks, dock submerged. LIFTING CAPACITY (TONS) 1,500 500 350 2,000 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) 4.5 CRANE SERVICE One 25- and one 10-ton, diesel, mobile cranes with 45- and 30-foot booms, respectively; floating cranes are available as required. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Water, compressed air, welding gas, A.C., 110/220/440 volts, and D.C. generators. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 220 by 45 150 by 40 130 by 40 - DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT -71969 -/1960 - 1977/- REMARKS Drydock No. 1 is moored along upper side of Ref. No. 383; Drydock No. 2, moored along lower side of Ref. No. 383; Drydock No. 3, moore< along upper side of Ref. No. 384; and Drydock No. 4 was under con¬ struction at time of survey. 360 FLOATING DRYDOCKS MOORED AT P.W.D. REF. NO. 395 through 400 OWNED BY Bethlehem Steel Corp., Shipbuilding Division, Hoboken Yard. OPERATED BY do. ADDRESS 1301 Hudson Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Hudson River, foot of 14th Street. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber, steel winzwalls. Timber, 6 sections. Steel. Steel. DIMENSIONS (FEET): Length overall. Length on blocks. Width overall. Maximum clear width for vessel. Maximum depth over blocks, dock submerged. No. 1 wr~ 367 95 73 23 No. 2 6S5~ 615 130 110 29 No. 3 549 469 120 94 27 No. 4 640 580 120 100 25 LIFTING CAPACITY (TONS) 7,500 26,000 14,200 16,760 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) 4.5 CRANE SERVICE Two electric, traveling, gantry cranes, each with 120-foot boom and 35-ton lift capacity at 65-foot radius on Pier No. 5 (Ref. No. 396); 2 electric, traveling, gantry cranes on Pier No. 4 (Ref. No. 397)--one 35-ton capacity at 65-foot radius and one 45-ton capacity at 30- foot radius; 2 similar cranes on Pier No. 3 (Ref. No. 398) with capacities of 15 tons at 55-foot radius and 35 tons at 65-foot radius; 2 gantry cranes on Pier No. 1 (Ref. No. 400), each with lift capacity of 15 tons at 60-foot radius. In addition, one 20-ton, mobile, and one 15- and one 12-ton, locomotive cranes and 2 full-revolving, floating cranes--one 24-ton, steam pneumatic with 80-foot boom and one 20-ton. diesel with 100-foot boom. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Fresh and salt water, steam, compressed air, welding gas, and A.C., 120/208/440 volts; D.C.. 250 volts. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 435 bv 56 700 _ _ DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT 1878/1918 1919/- - - REMARKS Drydock No. 4 is moored on lower side of Pier No. 5 (Ref. No. 396); Drydock No. 3, moored on upper side and Drydock No. 2, moored on lowe side of Pier No. 4 (Ref. No. 397); and Drydock No. 1, moored on upper side of Pier No. 3 (Ref. No. 398). MOORED AT P.W.D. REF. NO. 411 418 OWNED BY Tug and Barge Dry Docks, Inc. Rodermond Industries, Inc. OPERATED BY do. do. ADDRESS P. 0. Box 4064 Jersey City, NJ 07304 184 Henderson Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Harsimus Cove, between foot of 8th and 7th Streets extended. Smith Cove, north side of Tidewater Basin, between foot of Henderson and Van Vorst Streets. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber. Timber. Timber. Steel. Timber (each). DIMENSIONS (FEET): Length overalls. Length on blocks.... Width overall. Maximum clear width for vessel. Maximum depth over blocks, dock submerged. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 6 215 151 96 72* 13 - 5 *12 228 162 84 64* ieet wide 234 198 60 48 8 r at top 130 110 60 48 7.5 292 292 110 84 12 130 130 68 56 10 289 289 79.6 61.6 12 261 261 85.6 60.6 15 156 156 61 46 10 LIFTING CAPACITY (TONS) 2,000 1,500 1,000 800 4,000 1,300 2,100 2,500 750 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) 4.5 to 5 4.3 CRANE SERVICE One 12-ton, floating derrick; one 6-ton crane on workboat; one 3-ton, electric hoist on wingwall of Drydock No. 4; plans call for installation of one tower crane with 115-foot reach to serve Drydock Nos. 1 and 2. One 50- and one 30-ton, crawler, and one 50- and one 10-ton, floating cranes. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Fresh and salt water, compressed air, steam, A.C., 110/220/440 volts, and D.C., 220 volts. Water, compressed air, welding gas, and A.C., and D.C. 220/440 volts. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 300 x 65 29lx 40 125 x 40 12 U 300 140 366 285 160 DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT 1920/- 1920/- 1942/- 1947/- - - 1944 1912/ 1931 REMARKS Facilities relocated at this pier subsequent to field survey. Parent Company is McAllister Bros. Drydock No. 3 has 6 sections. Drydocks Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 6 have maximum pool depths of 28, 30, 36, and 30 feet, respectively. FLOATING DRYDOCKS 361 MOORED AT P.W.D. REF. NO. 625 667, 669, and 670 OWNED BY Perth Amboy Dry Dock Co. Brewer Dry Dock Co. OPERATED BY do. do. ADDRESS Commerce and Front Streets Perth Amboy, NJ 08862 2945 Richmond Terrace Staten Island, NY 10302 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Arthur Kill, between foot of Commerce and Washington Streets. Right bank. Kill Van Kull, Mariners Harbor, between foot of Bush and DeHart Avenues extended. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION DIMENSIONS (FEET): Length overall. Length on blocks. Width overall. Maximum clear width for vessel. Maximum depth over blocks, dock submerged LIFTING CAPACITY (TONS) MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) CRANE SERVICE Timber. Timber. No. 2 239.6 180.6 80 60.5 17 No. 3 336" 336 90 70 18 No. 2 205 176 80 60 14 No. 4 388 388 117 87 20 No. 5 166 132 60 47 15.6 No. 6 496 496 117 87 22 2,280 5,000 1,500 8,000 1,000 10,500 5.3 4.5 One 10- and one 5-ton, gasoline, crawler cranes; and one 5-ton, diesel, mobile crane. One 40- and one 35-ton, diesel, mobile cranes; and two 15-ton, diesel, locomotive cranes. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Water, steam, compressed air, and A.C., 110/220/440 volts. Water, steam, compressed air, and A.C., 110/220/440 volts. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 240 330 200 390 165 500 DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT REMARKS Drydock No. 2 is moored along inner portion of lower side of pier and Drydock No. 3, moored along upper side of pier. Drydock No. 5 is moored along lower side of Pier No. 4 (Ref. No. 667); Drydock No. 2, moored along upper side of Pier No. 3 (Ref. No. 669); Drydocks Nos. 6 and 4, moored along upper and lower sides of Pier No. 1 (Ref. No. 670), respectively. MOORED AT P.W.D. REF. NO. 686, 688, and 698 713 OWNED BY Caddell Dry Dock & Repair Co., Inc. Reynolds Shipyard Corp. OPERATED BY do. do. ADDRESS Foot of Broadway, West New Brighton, Staten Island, NY 10310 200 Edgewater Street Staten Island, NY 10305 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Right bank, Kill Van Kull, between foot of Van Street and Pelton Avenue. Right bank. The Narrows, above foo of Clifton Avenue. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Timber. Timber. DIMENSIONS (FEET): Length overall-. Length on blocks. Width overall. Maximum clear width for vessel. Maximum depth over blocks, dock submerged. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 272 272 60 50 18 No. 5 No. 1 256 186 84.6 67.5 ISO 130 65 52 18 180 130 63 51 16 330 260 87 61 24.5 210 150 75 55 to 60 18 (4-foot blocks.) LIFTING CAPACITY (TONS) 2,400 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,500 1,200 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) 5 5 CRANE SERVICE One 25-ton, diesel, mobile crane; one 10-, one 7-, and one 5-ton, gasoline, mobile cranes. One 15-ton, diesel, one 8- and one 3-ton, gasoline, mobile cranes. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Water, compressed air, and A.C., 110/220 volts. Water, compressed air, and A.C., 110/220 volts. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 208 250 by 50, barge. DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT 1927/- 1925/- 1927/- 1929/1930 REMARKS Drydocks Nos. 1 and 2 are moored on upper and lower sides of Pier No. 1 (Ref. No. 688), respectively. Drydocks Nos. 3 and 4 are moored along upper and lower sides of Pier No. 3 (Ref. No. 686), respectively. Dry- dock No. 5 is moored at rear of face of Pier No. 5 (Re Drydock moored along lower side of pier. f. No. 698). 362 * U o Q CD Z > < DC CD 363 365 * u 0 Q 0 Z > < X e> r- co P c co -< •r4 oo rH C •H G (U £ o P CO o 9S co p X5 •H o C cO sc o •* X) • r\ •H OO So C P P O <0 (U o • r>. PQ U o ooo X rH P c P CU 44 <0 •H 54 CU X) O 4J QJ co i—4 <-> >4 O P CJ CU X) <44 O CU •r4 O (U C CU o C/3 o 2 o X5 > o 2 P O co O O > S* DS P O P PQ o o Ph M p 54 p p 54 P P H E-4 1-4 o CO 00 CO P p CO P P CO P <5 H S c CU X) X) 4 M < o o P H Q a uO H W W P W Q P O d £ P 5 w CO s s a CQ a M S < CO W M H i uo X) O C i—! •» CO 00 .g c a P -H O ■H > O £ >H P O C > P O 0 C £ UNO 54 a) « c a o 0) G • CO r-4 a; e co o 1 a <0 r-4 r^ P G 54 *G r-4 CO , CM CU a S* P o oo G 'H O X) 03 O O • 00 i-4 CO G 44 CU •H P > •« G cO 54 C 54 O -H o 4-i a 366 MARINE RAILWAYS REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 8 31 OWNED BY Rockaway Marine Center, Inc. Muller Boat Works, Inc. OPERATED BY Seaway Marina Corp. do. ADDRESS 72-46 Thursby Avenue Arveme, Queens, NY 11692 2214 East 69th Street Brooklyn, NY 11204 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Jamaica Bay, east side of Vernon Basin, south of foot of Thursby Avenue. Jamaica Bay, east side of Mill Basin, south of foot of Avenue V. TYPE Crandall, timber and steel. Crandall. DIMENSIONS (FEET): Length of cradle. Length on blocks. Clear width of cradle at top of keel blocks. Depth over keel blocks at MHW: Forward. Aft. 100, adjustable. 100 32 7 12 No. 1 112 88 22 9 12 No. 2 76 58 30 7.5 9.5 No. 3 106 84 32 9 12 HAULING POWER (TONS) 250 300 150 300 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) 5 5 CRANE SERVICE One, 20-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 50-foot boom with extension up to 100 feet; and one, 10-ton, diesel, crawler crane with 50-foot boom with extension up to 80 feet. Nos. 1 and 3: One, each, 8-ton, electric, stiff-leg derrick with 65- foot boom. No. 2: One, 2-ton, electric, stiff- leg derrick with 95-foot boom. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Water, compressed air, welding gas, and A.C., 110/220 volts. Water, compressed air, and A.C., 110/220/440 volts; D.C., 110 volts. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 110 by 30 120 by 22 85 by 29 120 by 32 DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT 1955/1975 -/1974 REMARKS Repair work is performed either by vessel owner or by marine center personnel. - REF. NO. OF NEAREST PIER OR WHARF 32 718 OWNED BY Ralph Landolfi Belford Marine Railway OPERATED BY Landy's Boat Yard Peter Kopasz ADDRESS 2166 East 69th Street Main Street Brooklyn, NY 11204 Belford, NJ 07718 LOCATION ON WATERFRONT Jamaica Bay, east side of Mill Sandy Hook Bay, Shoal Harbor, right Basin, north of foot of Avenue V. bank of Compton Creek, west of Main Street Bridge. TYPE Crandall. Crandall. DIMENSIONS (FEET): Length of cradle. 45-60 35 60 (adjustable) 25 Length on blocks. 45-60 35 65 25 Clear width of cradle at top of keel blocks. 20 20 24 14 Depth over keel blocks at MHW: Forward. 10 5 5.5 3 Aft. 14 7 8.5 6 HAULING POWER (TONS) 100 40 100 50 MEAN RISE AND FALL OF TIDE (FEET) 5 - - - CRANE SERVICE One, 10-ton, hand-operated, mast- One, 3-ton, gasoline, mobile crane and-boom derrick with 20-foot reach. with 18-foot boom. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Water and A.C., 110 volts. Water, compressed air, and A.C., 110 volts. LARGEST VESSEL HANDLED (FEET) 105 by 19 60 by 16 90 50 DATE BUILT AND/OR REBUILT -/1964 - REMARKS - - FLOATING EQ^PIENT ( AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC ) 367 U to DO a C ■rl A •H * p u P P 41 0 4-1 O •H X •H X X P X M co « p, •* >* p DO P DO P C & « q £ co t) O) 5) •H 0) CO x z o z o o o o o *§ *5 XJ o c XJ *M XJ s C C d CD CO 3 CD CO 0) 43 •* DO * DO Lt CO DO p CD q cd p COM •M X 43 •H X Q> X P ^ P o td co O XJ q o C 3 Q C St XJ CO XJ cO P P * ® C * 03 C DOrl Q) DO rl U co •<-) O D XI O 0X3 H > co H > co to q *H a P P CM O CO DO p •H 43 X P fi co co X • C O co P CO • o •H o * >-• P rl DO P rs c * CO *M Q) CO • ^ z 0 O O o c O Z XJ *H XJ • c C cO JO i W X o o o o o o o O o o o o o O o o o O O o o o o o o o o o o O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o O o O ON o o o o o 38 O O VO vO o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O OOOOOCOCOCOONONO o vO vO o o o m m m m m m m oo o o o cn o o 00 o o o o o O O' H HTOCO 00 00 00 00 oo vo . cn CN CO CO rM rM XJ XJ XJ XJ XJ XJ X> XJ XJ XJ XJ XJ XJ XJ XJ CL Q •H rM a Q c Q 03 £ X c H W ooco 00 CN CO CN ON r>» «n oo CN O CO O ON ON vO vO rM O OvOvO vo in m co co m m vo vO vO 00 O O VO ON moo oo m oo 00 00 rl o o o o o rl o c N N vO vO lO CO C4 CO CO CO CN rM CN CO CN O CN CO rM CO CN rsimriiOvOvON , oo m m r>- VO rM •M St . in O 00 o^-ooo o o o o O *M £ *M (0 rl H <1 *M X rM -M ^ o •H •H rM < rM < < c o CO CO co U fl 0 q q c .0 o 43 E u 43 Li CO Ll E P < r—1 rl *M ^ < & rM • rM rM S X rM rM rM o < CJP C CO c X Ll c Ll c a C C 0 « X cO cO co S 43 Li o •M Ll p O p p i- r-l • rM rM HU 2 rM Li X < < rM X u E £ CO Li to c c 0 cO 0 cO cO CO .Q S 1-1 Ll Ll Ll Li p o 43 O p f* 43 H o H X < « < rM < X < a) o o CO 0) < < .y X Li 0 Li CO X cO c X u X Li Li Ll S o • 0 0 .0 43 p H 43 Li H Li 4) z Q u o < SA o p p X X Li C co X • £ Li p Li CO 0 0 o 0 • X tM X X X q Em Ll d 0 • p P P q £ « s O X >»< CO 0) X) *H •H X U Q X Q 43 Q Li CO £ css s co x *H CD 3 H 0 • f* 43 d 4) •M s X •H Vi • x q L. c Li a *M Ll CO X X X 0 •rl 43 •H 43 43 q co p P to 43 Fi CO •n Li Fi 43 C ’M 0) •Mg • rM CO X P co Q> • >v 43 O •H Li • & 43 rM •rl cO X C 4) 43 CO >vH X cO Li q 0X0 co 43 U 43 O q CD cO 0) 0 U a) X o CO •o rM to •M X X X 43 > P u 41 co X O *M xj q N ■& 43 U Li Li a 0 p q -m 43 •h p oo *h c q q •rl 43 p 43 4) DC >s X rM T-) CO c S -M < L. s •o v DO CO d -H C Li q CO co M U U u u Li co cO M Li Li rM p Li u p X xuss H 43 P r i q cn xj A X q 5 P 43 X 0 m cn rM X Q 0 « X CD P p Em m P p 1 CQ w •rl P o A o o q P X rl CO >1 q • 4) >* o 43 o rl CQ q 0 P 43 d P < ^ p U ^1 43 P CD UN 43 o d a 03 d • ►» X rl 5S X C/3 o z H X o FLOATING EQUIPMENT ( AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC ) 368 co a> Je X Q) c C 0 OOOOOOOO X X X X x d tJ ,000 XXX OOOOO *o d "O TJ *o tit 3 o m r* O U 1_ 2 < 2 < 2 < 0 O O O O 00 CSl 1 1 1 l CM CM l • 1 I**- 1 1 1 m On 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rH NO co vo co 1 1 1 H CM CM rH CM rH rH rH rH rH X 0 £ 3 O O OOOO O O a> 0 OOOO 3 O O 0 X XXXXXXXXtH o X X **H X O O X X X X X X X X •H X 3 X X X X O X X H Q H O H H O H W crj < u-> m inmmooooom m co m m 0 m O O 0 0 m m 0 0 m on vo vO no cm OOO CM CM CM N CS 4 f—1 rH rH rH rH 00 OO O O O O 0 O 0 m 0 O O O O OOOO 0 0 O VO 0 0 0 C? O OOOOOOOOtH 00 rH 7 8 9 1 CM -H • z ZZZZZZZZP VO O CM a> Q) rH O O m rH rH 0 P >% X • • • • • 0 z a> d) X 2 c a) p cd a 0 p CO O U P U u U • 0 co cOojcflcflcflcOfljcdO ■U •u p a> H 3 X x CO X) co cq co pa PQ rJ H w CQCQCQPQCQCQCQCQCJ CO CO CO co H CO C }H 2 G 0) G G • CJ tH •H tH Q G 0 3 rH O 6 ,c cd tH PQ 00 00 00 oc 00 p C C ccccggccg rH rH rH rH rH rH ►J O *P cd O g 3 O rH cd c c c G PGP O 0 000000000 rH rH rH •H tH p P CO 4 H £ c P ^ p G Xi S P CO

Q < -0 x: 0 ) rH p rH • G rH P rH 0 K P O • p CO a> cu P < 0 CO P 0 0 O CO O a. co 0 G > OP 0 ►H • v Z P rH Z fT z tH < 2 P « a > rH •> Q) 05 * P CO r < 0 to X >h G tH >h Q 2 u 0 ^ X • rH PQ tH P tH 2 W to z C ^ < 5 3 G 0 ^ 3 P O £ rH K < X <0 tH • y n o) • 0 m 0) • tH 00 a) O O Cl) • O CQ W 2 t-J 2 X rH Z 2 X rH Z 2 2 co z 2 z 2 /TV /-“■S N /TN /"» /T\ rv cd Z v-/ P CO £) v>/ w CO rO V./ v»/ CO N_^ z CO v-' Cd X) V-/ v-f FLOATING EQUIPMENT (AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC) 369 * 9 370 INDEX OF PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. Aid Export Trucking Corp., Henry Street Basin Bethlehem Steel Corp., Shipbuilding Division, Wharf. 97 118 Hoboken Yard Ajax Block Corp., Wharf. 29 95 Military Ocean Terminal, Berths Nos. Allied Aviation Service Co. of New York, Inc., E-2 and E-l. 437 231 227 161 Pier No. 1. 400 219 573 276 Pier No. 2. 399 218 Allied N. Y. Services, Inc., John F. Kennedy Pier No. 3. 398 218 International Airport Pier No. 4. 397 218 Tank Farm Pier No. 5. 396 217 Pier A 24 93 395 217 Pier B. 25 94 Blackman Plumbing Co., Inc., C & M Sand & Stone 23 93 232 163 Amboy Terminaling Co., Wharf. 621 292 Blackrock Avenue Realty Corp.* A.M.C. Fish Packing Co., Dock. 45 100 ***CIBR0 Gasoline Corp., Chatterton Amerada Hess Corp. Avenue Dock. 287 181 Bayonne Terminal Boat Claire, Inc., Claire Fleet Piers. 294 183 Pier A. 443 233 Borne Chemical Co., Inc. 444 233 **Wharf. 580 279 *Pier C. 445 234 Borough of Atlantic Highlands Harbor Commission Bogota Terminal Wharf... 479 245 Municipal Harbor.. 720 325 Edgewater Terminal Wharf. 361 206 Bossert, Robert, and Co., Inc., Wharf. 528 261 Little Ferry Terminal Dock. 491 249 BP Oil, Inc. Newark Terminal Wharf. 532 263 ***Great Neck Wharf. 246 167 616 291 527 261 Reserve Terminal Wharf. 591 282 Barge Dock. 629 295 Brewer Dry Dock Co. 630 295 Pier No. 1. 670 309 474 243 Pier No. 2. 669 308 Second Reserve Terminal Pier No. 3. 668 308 609 288 667 308 West Wharf. 610 289 Bronx Iron & Metals, Division of Schiavone 289 182 291 182 American Boat Cartage, Inc. Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal Railroad 333 196 431 229 594 283 160 139 American Dredging Co., Inc. N. 6th Street Pier. 162 139 J.M.L. Trading Corp. N. 6th Street Transfer Bridge. 161 139 Pier No. 8. 661 306 164 140 Pier No. 9. . . 660 305 166 141 American Sugar, Division of Amstar Corp. N. 10th Street Transfer Bridge. 165 140 154 137 N. 11th Street Pier. 167 141 155 137 Wharf. 163 140 Refined Sugar Wharf. 153 136 Brooklyn Union Gas Co., Greenpoint Energy Center Amoco Oil Co. Wharf. 189 148 Inwood Terminal Pier. 15 90 Bush Terminal Co. 279 178 65 107 188 148 67 108 597 284 Pier No. 7. 68 108 Archer Daniels Midland Co. Short Pier. 66 107 **Bayway Plant Wharf. 579 278 Bushey, Ira S., & Sons, Inc. 499 252 Pier No. 1. 89 115 A. R. Fuels, Inc. Pier No. 2. 90 115 37 98 Pier No. 5. 93 116 191 149 94 117 Associated Metals & Minerals Export Corp., Port Pier No. 7. 95 117 562 273 **Pier No. 8. 96 117 Atlantic Cement Co., Inc., a subsidiary of New- Byram Coal & Supply Corp., Wharf . 254 170 mont Mining Co. Caddell Dry Dock & Repair Co., Inc. Bayonne Station Wharf. 446 234 East Yard 533 263 699 318 Atlantic Container Line, Ltd., Elizabeth-Port Pier No. 1 . 695 317 568 275 Pier No. 2 . 696 317 Atlantic Richfield Co., Newark Terminal Wharf*** 543 266 Pier No. 3 . 697 318 Atlantic Sulphur Terminal, Inc., Tanker Wharf Pier No. 5 . 698 318 and Barge Berth. 604 287 Main Yard Barber Steamship Lines, Inc. East Pier No. 1 . 688 315 Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal Pier No. 2 . 687 314 Pier No. 9A. 130 129 686 314 Pier No. 9B. 129 128 Capital City Products Co., Division of Stokely- Barrow Oil Corp. Van Camp, Inc. ***Wharf. 203 153 369 208 Bayonne Terminal Warehouse Corp. South Pier . 370 209 Bayonne Industries Carano Construction Co., Inc. 453 236 174 143 Pier A. 456 237 19 92 Pier No. 1 . 455 237 Celanese Chemical Co., Newark Chemical Storage Pier No. 2 . 454 237 536 264 Pier No. 3 . 452 236 Celotex Corp., The Pier No. 4. 451 236 ***Pier . 366 207 Wharf . 450 235 Central Bergen Heating and Appliance Corp.,Wharf 489 248 Bayside Fuel Oil Depot Corp., Wharf. 83 113 Central Coal Co., Inc. Bayway Terminal, Division of Colt Industries, **Wharf . 312 189 Inc., Wharf. 581 279 Central Petroleum Corp. Belford Seafood Cooperative Association, Inc., **Wharf . 312 189 Wharf . 717 324 Certified Industries, Inc. Bergen Asphalt Corp. Dock . 316 191 **Wharf. 480 245 Wharf . 200 152 Bergen Evening Record Corp., Newsprint Wharf.... 481 246 Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. Best Foods, A Division of CPC International, Bayway Lubricants Plant Wharf . 576 277 Inc . , Pier . 466 241 Hoffman Fuel Co. Wharf . 257 171 (See footnotes at end of tabulation.) 371 INDEX OF PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS - CONTINUED NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. - Continued Coppola Bros. Excavating Corp. Perth Amboy Refinery ♦Wharf. 33 96 Barge Berths Nos. 3 and 4 617 291 CRODA, Inc., Wharf. 578 278 Pier No. 1. 619 292 Crown Central Petroleum Corp., Elizabethport Wharf No. 2. 618 291 Wharf. 577 278 Chicago Shippers Association Cummings Diesel Sales, Inc., Wharf. 286 181 ♦Pier. 412 223 Darress Dock. 249 168 Chilean Line, Inc., Port Newark, Berth No. 13... 549 268 de Goode, William, Enterprises CIBRO Petroleum/Brooklyn, Inc. ♦♦♦Wharf. 393 216 86 114 371 209 CIBRO Petroleum-Lanimret Terminal, Inc. Dowling Fuel Co., Wharf. 478 245 Lower Wharf. 274 177 Duane Marine Corp., Pier. 622 293 Upper Wharf. 275 177 Dunbar and Sullivan Dredging Co. CIBRO Petroleum-Westchester, Inc. ♦♦J.M.L. Trading Corp., Mariners Harbor ♦♦♦Pier. 258 171 Marina Pier No. 2. 664 307 CIBRO Sales Co. J.M.L. Trading Corp., Pier No. 3. 663 306 Petroleum Oceana Terminal du Pont de Nemours, E. I., & Co., Inc., Berth No. 2. 302 186 Grasselli Plant Wharf. 587 281 Berth No. 3. 303 186 Eastern Seaboard Pile Driving Co., Inc. Ship Dock. 301 186 City of Hoboken CIBRO Terminal, Inc. Pier D. 392 216 193 150 Pier F. 391 216 Dock. 288 181 Ecuadorian Line, Inc., Port Newark, Berth No. 6. 554 270 Circle Line-Sightseeing Yachts, Inc. Eklof Marine Corp., Pier. 684 313 ♦♦Ellis Island National Park, Ferry Dock... 420 225 El Dorado Terminals Corp. Pier No. 11. 332 196 Plant No. 1 Pier. 441 232 ♦♦Pier No. 81. 343 200 Plant No. 2 Pier. 447 234 Pier No. 83. 344 200 Energy Terminal Services Corp., Wharf. 646 301 Wharf. 36 97 Essex Chemical Corp., Wharf. 535 264 Circle Line-Statue of Liberty Ferry, Inc Ever Ready Oil Co., Wharf. 485 247 Battery Park Landing. 340 199 Exxon Co., U.S.A. ♦♦Liberty Island West Pier. 422 226 Bayonne Pier No. 1. 449 235 Liberty Park Dock. 423 226 Bayway Refinery Cities Service Oil Co. Nos. 1 and 2 Tanker Docks. 584 280 Barge Dock. 592 283 Piers A and B. 585 280 Tanker Wharf. 593 283 Brooklyn Terminal Wharf. 182 146 Coastal Dry Dock & Repair Corp. Constable Hook Berth No. 3A Wharf. 146 134 Fuel Dock. 438 231 Berth No. 6 Wharf. 148 135 Pier No. 6. 440 232 Pier C, Berths Nos. 2 and 3. 145 134 Pier No. 7. 439 232 Pier D, Berths Nos. 4 and 5. 147 134 Greenwich Wharf. 256 171 Coastal Oil Co., Division of Continental Oil Co. Hackensack Terminal Wharf. 483 246 Newark Wharf. 520 259 Maspeth Terminal Dock. 198 151 Passaic Wharf. 518 258 Pelham Manor Dock. 281 179 Port Newark, Berth 19. 546 267 Wharf. 719 325 Coastal Petroleum Transport Co., Inc. Federal Warehouses, Raritan Center Wharf. 633 296 ♦♦Standard Tank Cleaning Corp.. Pier. 459 238 Fee Oil Co., Inc., Dock. 273 176 Coastal Services, Inc. Ferrara Brothers Building Materials Corp., Dock. 84 113 ♦♦Borne Chemical Co. Wharf. 580 279 FMC Corp., Industrial Chemical Division Colgate-Palmolive Co., Pier. 416 224 ♦♦♦Wharf. 602 286 Colonial Concrete Co. Gallo Asphalt Co., Inc., Wharf. 632 296 Droyer's Point Wharf. 468 241 Gates Construction Corp. Newark Wharf. 525 260 ♦♦Dock. 494 250 Colonial Sand & Stone Co., Inc. Penn Central Transportation Co., Pier Flushing Wharf. 239 165 No. 13. 373 210 Interboro Asphalt Paving Co., Flushing Gates Equipment Corp. Dock. 238 165 ♦♦Gates Construction Corp, Dock. 494 250 Columbia Asphalt Co., Wharf. 231 162 GATX Terminals Corp. Columbia Terminals, Inc., Dock. 505 254 Carteret Terminal Clancy Brick Sales Corp., Wharf. 233 163 Dock No. 1, Berths C, B, and A... 600 285 Concrete Conduit Corp. Dock No. 2. 601 286 **Tully & Di Napoli Wharf. 228 161 Dock No. 3. 598 285 Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. Dock No. 4. 596 284 ***Arthur Kill Station, Oil Wharf_ 649 302 North Berth. 599 285 Astoria Station General Cable Corp. East River Coal Wharf. 221 159 ♦♦Texaco Bayonne Terminal, Pier 35. 462 239 Oil Wharf. 222 159 General Foods Corp., Maxwell House Division ♦"♦♦Brooklyn 27th Street Yard, Pier Nc . 2_ 72 109 Coffee Wharf. 402 219 East River Station Wharf. 324 193 12th Street Pier. 401 219 Farragut Station Wharf. 141 132 Gerosa, Inc., Wharf. 311 189 59th Street Station, Pier No. 98.. 352 203 Getty Refining and Marketing, Inc. Gowanus Station Gas Turbine Barge Pier... 73 110 Long Island City Wharf. 204 153 Hell Gate Station Wharf. 308 188 Newark Terminal Wharf. 531 262 Hudson Avenue Dock. 143 133 G.I.J. Realty Co. Hudson Avenue Oil Wharf. 142 133 ♦♦♦Coppola Bros. Excavating Corp. Wharf. 34 97 Narrows Station Gas Turbine Barge Pier... 59 105 Global Terminal & Container Services, Inc.,Wharf 436 231 Narrows Station Tanker Pier. 60 105 Gold Bond Building Products, Division of Na- Ravenswood Generating Station tional Gypsum Co. ♦♦♦Coal Wharf. 217 158 New York Plant Fuel Oil Dock. 300 185 Oil Wharf. 218 158 New York Plant Pier. 299 185 74th Street Station Wharf. 318 191 Gordon Terminal Service Co., Pier. 448 235 ♦♦♦Sherman Creek Plant Wharf. 315 190 Gowanus Towing Co., Inc. Waterside Plant Pier. 321 192 **International Terminal Operating Co., ***Wharf. 151 136 Brooklyn Pier Berths A, B, and C. 76 111 Consolidated Rail Corp. Grancolombiana (New York), Inc., Fulton Terminal Lackawanna Canal Dock. 410 222 Pier No. 3. 138 131 ♦Penn Central Transportation Co., Pier Grand-Metro Transit Mix Corp., Dock. 197 151 No. 2. 381 212 Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. Port Reading Pier. 608 288 Henry DuBois Pier. 671 309 Continental Terminals, Inc. East Pier. 674 310 Clinton Street Dock. 98 118 J.M.L. Trading Corp. Smith Street Dock, Pier No. 3. 88 115 ♦♦Mariners Harbor Marina Pier No. 2 664 307 (See footnotes at end of tabulation.) 372 INDEX OF PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS - CONTINUED NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. - Continued Kellogg, Spencer, Dock. 367 208 516 257 Pier No. I. 665 307 Kentile Floors, Inc. West Mooring. 673 310 ***7th Street Basin Dock. 81 112 Greater New York Terminal, Inc., Oil Pier and King, Charles J., Inc., Dock. 196 151 Wharf. 224 160 Kinney System, Inc. Greco Brothers Ready Mix Concrete Co., Inc., ♦Pier No. 94. 348 201 Dock. 87 114 Koch, Karl, Erecting Co., Wharf. 603 286 Greenpoint Terminal Warehouse, Inc. Koppers Co., Inc., Seaboard Plant 171 142 Tar Plant Pier. 496 251 ♦Pier A. 169 142 497 251 Greenwich Cove Marine, Inc., Dock. 250 169 Kosnac Floating Derrick, Inc. Gulf Oil Refining and Marketing Co. ♦♦American Boat Cartage Bulkhead. 333 196 Brooklyn Wharf. 190 149 Lancia Oil Co., Dock. 486 247 Gulfport Terminal Barge Wharf. 653 303 Landy's Boat Yard, Pier. 32 96 Gulfport Terminal Concrete Wharf. 651 302 Lansdell, R., Bituminous Corp. Gulfport Terminal Crib Wharf. 652 303 ♦The Lansdell Co. Wharf. 244 167 Harborside Terminal Management, Inc. Lehigh Warehousing Corp. of Brooklyn, Pier ♦Harborside Terminal Bulkhead. 414 223 No. 41. 115 124 Harborside Terminal Pier D. 415 224 Lever Brothers Co., Inc., Pier. 368 208 Harborside Terminal Pier F. 413 223 Lewis Oil Co., Marketing Department of Gulf Harrison Supply Co. Oil Corp., Pier. 248 168 Lower Wharf. 512 256 Linde-Griffith Construction Co., Wharf. 524 260 Upper Wharf. 514 257 Linden Roselle Sewage Authority, Sludge Wharf. 590 282 Health and Hospitals Corp. of the City of New Lipsett Steel Products, Inc. York, Roosevelt Island Power House Wharf. 319 192 Dock. 194 150 Hellenic Lines, Ltd. J.M.L. Trading Corp., Pier No. 7. 662 306 Military Ocean Terminal, Brooklyn Pier Port Newark, Berth 21. 545 267 No. 4. 57 104 Little Ferry Asphalt Corp., Wharf. 492 249 Pier. 58 105 Loizeaux Builders Supply Co., Inc., Wharf. 575 277 Henry, Thomas, Material Co., Inc. Long Island Lighting Co. ♦♦♦Wharf. 372 209 East Wharf. 11 89 Hills Brothers Coffee, Inc., Pier. 363 206 ♦♦♦West Wharf. 10 89 Howard Oil Co., Inc. Long Island Railroad Co., The Pier. 314 190 ♦♦♦Railroad Pier. 213 156 ♦♦Pier No. 1. 458 238 ♦♦♦Transfer Bridges Nos. 1 and 2. 212 156 Pier No. 2 Mooring. 457 238 Lumber Exchange Terminal, Inc., Pier. 176 144 Howland Hook Marine Terminal Corp., Wharf. 654 303 Mac Asphalt Contracting Co., Inc., Wharf. 234 163 Hudson Bay Line, Inc. Machinery Haulage Co. ♦♦Pier No. 81. 343 200 ♦Huron Street Pier. 175 144 Hudson Builders Material, Inc., Wharf. 470 242 Maersk Container Service Co., Inc., Port Hudson Engineering, Inc. Newark Berth No. 51. 564 273 The Port Authority of New York and New Magullian Heating 6. Cooling, Wharf. 515 257 Jersey, Pier B. 408 221 Maher Terminals, Inc., Elizabeth-Port Authority Hudson Tank Storage Co., Inc., Wharf. 367 214 Berths Nos. 78, 80, 82, 84, and 86. 571 276 Hunter Fish Packing Co., Wharf. 40 99 M and P Marine, Inc., Wharf. 657 304 Hydromar Corp., Penn Central Transportation Co., Marble and Stone Storage Corp. Pier No. 11-A. 375 210 ♦♦♦Colonna & Co. Wharf. 219 158 IKG Industries, Division of Harsco Corp., Wharf. 208 155 Maris, Stella, Fishing Station, Inc., Pier. 46 101 Imperia Bros., Inc., Wharf. 280 179 Marlyn Warehousing Corp., Wharf. 201 152 Independent Scrap Iron & Metal Corp., N. 4th Marquette Cement Manufacturing Co., Wharf. 237 164 Street Pier. 159 138 Marzahl Chemical Co., subsidiary of H. Kohns- Interboro Asphalt Paving Co., Inc., Brooklyn tamm & Co., Inc., Wharf. 500 252 Wharf. 181 146 McAllister Brothers, Inc. International Terminal Operating Co., Inc. ♦♦Erie Basin, Port Authority Marine Ter- **Brooklyn Pier Berths A, B, and C. 76 111 minal, Warehouse Pier. 114 123 Brooklyn Pier D. 77 111 **U.S. Coast Guard Base, Staten Island, Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal North Pier. 706 321 Pier No. 6. 133 130 McCombs, William and Raymond, Bronx Queen Pier. 293 183 Pier No. 7. 132 129 McConnell Fuel Co., Port Terminal Wharf. 417 224 Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. McCormack Sand Division of Penn Industries, 62, 64, and 66. 567 274 Inc.*** Military Ocean Terminal ♦Pier. 641 299 Brooklyn Pier No. 1. 54 103 Metropolitan Petroleum Co., Inc. Brooklyn Pier No. 2. 55 104 ♦♦♦Adams Oil Terminal Wharf. 82 113 Brooklyn Pier No. 3. 56 104 Bay Oil Terminal, North Pier. 52 103 Port Newark, Berths Nos. 26, 28, 30, and East River Terminal 32. 558 271 North Barge Dock. 304 187 Jamaica Bay Oil Corp., Bergen Basin, Oil Ter- South Barge Dock. 306 187 minal Piers. 26 94 Tanker Dock. 305 187 Jersey Central Power & Light Co. Flushing Terminal Dock. 230 162 Sayreville Generating Station Wharf. 635 297 Great Neck Terminal Wharf. 245 167 E. H. Werner Station Coal Wharf. 639 298 Greenpoint Terminal, Lower Dock. 185 147 E. H. Werner Station Oil Pier. 640 299 Greenpoint Terminal, Upper Dock. 186 147 Jersey City, City of Linden Avenue Pier. 426 227 ♦♦♦Caven Point Pier. 424 227 Madison Terminal Wharf. 38 98 Jersey Marine Contracting, Inc. ♦♦♦Mill Basin Wharf. 35 97 Pier No. 1. 691 316 Middlesex County Sewerage Authority, Dock. 636 297 Pier No. 2. 692 316 Middletown Township, Public Dock. 718 325 Pier No. 3. 693 316 Mobil Oil Corp. Pier No. 4. 694 317 Barge Berths Nos. 4 through 9. 644 300 235 164 643 300 J.M.L. Trading Corp. Inwood Terminal Pier. 16 91 ♦♦♦Pier No. 10. 659 305 Kings I Dock. 187 148 ♦♦♦Pier No. 11. 658 305 Kings II Dock. 184 147 Johnson, Gus, Co., Gowanus Canal, 9th Street Mount Vernon Terminal Pier. 272 176 Bridge Dock. 79 112 Pier . 30 95 Joint Meeting Sewage Disposal Commission; Archer Tanker Wharf. 642 299 Daniels Midland Co. Mobil-Tappan Tanker Terminal, Inc., Dock. 360 205 ♦♦Bayway Plant Wharf. 579 278 Moller Steamship Co., Inc., Brooklyn Port Keller Engineering Co., Wharf. 517 258 Authority Marine Terminal. Pier No. 11. 119 125 (See footnotes at end of tabulation.) 373 INDEX OR PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS - CONTINUED NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY Monsanto Co., Kearny Plant Wharf. 508 255 Rockaway Park Water Pollution Moore-McCormack Lines, Inc., Control Plant Wharf. Brooklyn 23d Street Pier. 75 110 Tallmans Island Water Pollution 74 110 Moran Shipyard Corp., Port Richmond, Staten 2 th Ward Water Pollution Con- 680 312 Moran Towing Corp., E. 37th Street Dock. 320 192 Wards Island Water Pollution 270 175 Muller Boat Works, Inc., Piers. 31 96 Fire Department 712 322 Nassau Dock, Division of Hendrickson Bros., Inc. Marine Co. No. 6 Dock. 17 91 18 91 513 256 Nelstad Materials Corp., Wharf. 259 172 ♦♦♦Pier No. 95. Nepco Terminals Corp. ♦♦♦Pier No. 96. 157 1 T8 ♦♦♦Pier No. 97. N. 3d Street Wharf. 158 138 Police Department Nepco Terminals, Inc. Harbor Precinct Repair Shop. 365 207 Netumar, Inc., Pier No. 36. 327 194 Harbor Unit New Rochelle, City of, Davids Island Ferry Dock. 261 172 Launch Wharf. New York, City of Mooring Slips. ★★★Brooklyn Asphalt Plant Wharf. 78 111 New York Dock Railway ♦♦Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, 51st Street Transfer Bridges. 315 190 Department of Commerce and Industry Fulton Terminal Transfer Bridge. Pier No. 17. 329 195 Pier No. 18. 328 195 New York News Syndicate, New York Daily News, Department of Correction Newsprint Terminal Wharf. Rikers Island Oil Dock. 226 161 New York, State of Department of Highways ♦♦♦New York State 52d Street Armory Wharf.. ♦Conner Street Wharf. 265 174 New York Telephone Co., Port Richmond, Boat Department of Marine and Aviation Yard Wharf. City Island Ferry Slip and Pier.. 264 173 New York Trap Rock Corp., Barge Mooring. Hart Island Ferry Slip. 263 173 Newark Asphalt Corp., subsidiary of Napp-Grecco St. George, Staten Island Ferry Co. Wharf. Terminal Newark,City of Mooring Wharf. 705 320 Newark Municipal Dock No. 4 and Slip.... Repair Base and Oil Pier. 702 319 ♦♦♦Port Newark, Berth No. 4. Slips Nos. 1, 2, and 3... 703 320 ♦♦♦Port Newark, Berth No. 14. Slips Nos. 4, 5, and 6... 704 320 Newtown Refining Corp., The Van Iderstine Co., 707 321 Staten Island Ferry, Slips Nos. Nigro Bros., Inc. 1, 2, 3, and 5. 336 197 209 155 Department of Ports and Terminals Nimco Shredding Co., Wharf. Columbia Street Dock. 101 119 NL Industries, Inc., Industrial Chemical 214 157 Long Island City Mooring Wharf... 215 157 Norcem, Inc., Wharf. Municipal Piers Nos. 1 through 9. 47 101 Northeast Marine Terminal Co., Inc. 170 142 297 184 Department of Sanitation Northern New Jersey Oil Co., Pier. E. 91st Street, Marine Transfer Northville Linden Terminal Corp. 317 191 52d Street Marine Loading Sta- Tanker Berth... tion Pier. 62 106 Otis Elevator Co., subsidiary of United Greenpoint Loading Station, Technologies, Wharf. 183 146 Marine Unloading Plant No. 1 Dock 647 301 Palace Fishing Boats, City of Hoboken, Pier Marine Unloading Plant No. 2 Dock 648 301 No. 16. Pier No. 70. 322 193 Paragon Oil Co., Division of Texaco, Inc. Pier No. 99. 353 203 South Bronx Loading Station, Bronx Terminal Wharf. 295 184 Southwest Brooklyn Marine Loading Texaco Newark Terminal Wharf. Station Wharf. 50 102 Barge Wharf. 49 102 Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners, Wharf... 31st Avenue Loading Station. 240 165 Patchogue Oil Terminal Corp. W. 135th Street Loading Station Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Pier No. 3. 354 203 Department of Water Resources, Bureau of Wharf... Water Pollution Control, Division of Pearl-Wick Corp., Wharf. Plant Operations Peckham Material Corp. Bowery Bay Water Pollution Con- ♦♦Greenwich Wharf* . 225 160 ♦Coney Island Water Pollution Penn Central Transportation Co.!, Trustees Control Plant Chlorine Dock... 44 100 Barge Dock. DuPont Park Water Pollution Con- ♦♦♦Greenville, Pier B. trol Plant Wharf. 177 144 ♦♦♦Thomas Henry Material Co. Wharf. Hunts Point Pollution Control ***(Old United Fruit Co.) Wharf. Plant Wharf. 296 184 ♦♦♦Pier No. 6. Jamaica Water Pollution Control Pier No. 7. 27 94 ♦♦♦Pier No. 9. Owls Head Pollution Control ♦♦♦Pier No. 11. Plant Wharf. 53 103 ♦♦♦Pier No. 12. Port Richmond Water Pollution Penn Industries, Inc. Control Plant Pier. 682 313 Greenville, Pier C. MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. 5 87 242 166 28 95 309 188 341 199 325 194 262 173 144 133 342 199 349 202 350 202 351 202 310 189 61 106 307 188 64 107 137 131 136 131 118 125 116 124 63 106 679 312 382 213 522 259 526 261 553 270 556 271 202 153 277 178 278 178 534 263 465 240 211 156 70 109 69 108 519 258 589 282 588 281 510 255 620 292 394 217 51 102 298 185 495 250 542 266 168 141 266 174 540 265 92 116 96 117 91 116 220 159 255 170 253 170 376 211 432 229 372 209 386 214 380 212 379 212 378 211 377 211 374 210 433 230 (See footnotes at end of tabulation.) 374 INDEX OF PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS - CONTINUED NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY Penn Industries, Inc. - Continued Greenville, Mooring Wharf. Greenville, South Marginal Wharf. Perth Amboy Dry Dock Co. Pier No. 1... Pier No. 2. Pier No. 3. Pier No. 4. Peruvian State Line ★★Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal Fulton Terminal, Pier No. 1. Petrillo Builders Supply Co., Inc. ★★Cowans Canal Dock. **41 Edison Avenue Dock*. **Main Dock... Pfizer, Charles N., & Co., Inc., Wharf. Phelps Dodge Copper Products Co. Bayway Wharf. Wharf. Phillips Fuel Co., Wharf. Pittston Stevedoring Corp. Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal Pier No. 8. Pier No. 10. Pier No. 12. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 72 and 74. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Pier A. Port Newark, Berths Nos. 11 and 9. Port Newark, Berths Nos. 25 and 23. Plaza Materials Corp., Wharf. Poling Transportation Corp. **Pier. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, The Columbia Street Marine Terminal Columbia Street Pier. ***Grain Elevator Pier. *Downtown Heliport, Pier No. 6. Elizabeth-Port Authority Berth No. 50. Berth No. 76. Erie Basin-Port Authority Marine Terminal Breakwater Wharf, Berths Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5. Dock B, Berth No. 1. **Warehouse Pier. John F. Kennedy International Airport ***Tank Farm Pier No. 2. ***Tank Farm Pier No. 3. Passenger Ship Terminal Pier No. 88, Berths Nos. Pier No. 90, Berths Nos. Pier No. 92, Berths Nos. Pier C. Port Newark, Berth No. 15. Berth No. 17. Berth No. 34. Berth No. 63. Berths Nos. 7 and 5. Berths Nos. 8, 10, and 12... Berths Nos. 16, 18, 20, 22, and 24... Inc., Bulkhead. 1 and 2. 3 and 4. 5 and 6. MAP REF. NO. 12 . 20 . 21 ***.. Dock., Dock.'.: Posnak & Turkish, Pouch Terminal Pier No. *Pier No. *Pier No. Power-Mate Corp., Power Oil Corp Power Test Petroleum Distributors, Inc. Dock. Wharf. Precast, Inc., Wharf. Premium Oil Division of Northville Industries Brooklyn Terminal Dock. Flushing Terminal Pier. Principe-Danna, Inc., Bulkhead. Procter & Gamble Manufacturing Co. Port Ivory, Piers Nos. 2 and 3. Prolerized Schiabo Neu Co. Claremont Wharf. Dock. Lehigh Valley, Claremont Wharf. Prudential Lines, Inc. ★★Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Terminal, Fulton Terminal, Pier No. 1. Brooklyn 29th Street Pier. Public Service Electric and Gas Co. Essex Generating Station Wharf. Harrison Gas Plant Wharf. 434 435 626 625 624 623 140 268 271 269 156 582 199 487 131 120 117 569 409 550 544 267 690 100 99 334 565 570 103 102 114 22 21 345 346 347 407 548 547 559 561 551 555 557 467 709 710 711 490 276 282 251 223 195 236 207 655 428 205 427 140 71 529 509 PAGE NO. 230 230 294 294 293 293 132 175 176 175 137 279 152 248 129 125 124 275 222 269 267 174 315 119 118 197 274 275 120 119 123 93 92 200 201 201 221 268 268 272 272 269 270 271 241 322 322 322 249 177 179 169 160 150 164 154 304 228 154 228 132 109 262 255 NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY Hudson Generating Station Wharf. Kearny Generating Station Wharf. Linden Generating Station Standby Wharf. Marion Generating Station Wharf. Piscatawaytown Wharf. Sewaren Generating Station Coal Wharf. Oil Wharf. West End Gas Plant Wharf. Puerto Rico Maritime Shipping Authority Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 52, 54, 56, 58, and 60. Q Petroleum, Inc., Wharf. Quadrozzi Concrete Corp., Dock. Quinlan, T.F., and Son, Inc. ★★Poling Transportation Corp. Pier. Raia, Joseph, & Sons, Inc. ★★Bergen Asphalt Corp. Wharf. Ranbeth Realty Corp. ★★★Wharf. Rason Asphalt, Inc. ★★Nassau Docks Wharf. Refined Syrups & Sugars, Inc. Building No. 2 Pier. Raw Sugar Dock. Reichert Towing Line, Inc., Dock. Reinauer Petroleum Co., Dock. Reinauer Transportation Companies, Inc., Pier Reliable Fuel Supply Co., Inc., Pier. Reserve Oil Co., Town Fuel Co. Dock**. Reynolds Launch Service, Inc., Reynolds Ship¬ yard Corp., Pier No. 24**. Reynolds Shipyard Corp. ★★Pier No. 24. Pier No. 25. Rhodes, James H., & Co., Dock. Riche Fuel Co., Inc., Pier. Ridgefield Park Fuel Terminal, Inc., United Fuel Oil Co. Wharf. Rivara, Anthony, Contracting Co., Inc., Dock. River Terminal Development Co. Berth No. 8. Berth No. 9. Berths Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7. Berths Nos. 10, 11, and 12. Berths Nos. 13, 14, 15, and 16. R.K.D. Oil Co., Inc., Wharf. Road Material Corp., Chelsea Wharf. Rockaway Boat Lines, Inc. Breezy Point Cooperative Breezy Point Dock. Rockaway Point Dock. Municipal Pier No. 10. Rodermond Industries, Inc., Docks.. Rogers, George W., Construction Corp., Pier.. Rollins Terminal, Wharf. Rosa, Nicholas, Lobster Wharf. Royal Petroleum Corp. Pier. Wharf. Wharf... Rubel Corp., Wharf. St. John's Guild ★★Pier No. 15, South Street Seaport Museum. Sandy Hook Pilots, U.S. Coast Guard Base, Staten Island, North Pier**.... Scaramella, Inc., Wharf. Schiavone-Bonomo Corp., Morris Basin Wharf... Schiavone-Chase, The, Corp., Port Newark, Berth No. 36..... Schiavone Construction Co. ★★Forty-fourth Drive Pier. Schildwachter & Sons, Inc., Dock...... Schmitt Builders Supply Co., Wharf. Sciabarra Bros. Fish Co., Dock. Seacoast Products, Inc., Wharf. Sea-Land Service, Inc. Elizabeth-Port Authority, Berths Nos. 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, and 98. Seatrain Lines, Inc. ★★★Edgewater Terminal Pier. Pier 3bZ. Seatrain Lines,Container Div..Atlantic Coast ★Port Seatrain, Pier C. ★Port Seatrain, Pier D. Port Seatrain, Pier H. Seatrain Shipbuilding Corp. Pier G, Berths Nos. 11, 12, 13, and 14 Pier J, Berths Nos. 15, 16, and 17.... MAP REF. NO. 473 498 586 472 634 611 612 471 566 521 7 690 480 152 18 358 357 178 484 681 685 488 713 713 714 206 683 477 8 503 503 504 502 501 493 650 2 3 48 418 672 460 41 614 216 613 313 331 706 676 419 560 214 290 476 43 716 572 364 362 388 389 390 149 150 PAGE NO. 243 251 281 243 297 289 289 242 274 259 88 315 245 136 91 205 204 145 247 312 314 248 323 323 323 154 313 244 88 253 253 253 253 252 250 302 86 86 101 225 309 239 99 290 157 290 190 196 321 311 225 272 157 182 244 100 324 276 207 206 215 215 215 135 135 (See footnotes at end of tabulation.) INDEX OF PIERS. WHARVES. AND DOCKS - CONTINUED 375 NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. Sentinel Oil Co., Inc. ★★★Wharf. 260 172 Town Fuel Co. Shell Oil Co. ★★Dock. 488 248 Dock. 179 145 Transit-Mix Concrete Corp. Sewaren Terminal. 615 290 Bronx River Wharf. 292 183 Wharf. 13 90 Colonial Sand 6 Stone Co., Hutchinson Sipco Oil Corp., Pier. 675 310 River Wharf. 283 180 Slag Co. of America, Inc. Dock. 85 114 *Dock. 192 149 Wharf. 323 193 South Street Seaport Museum, Inc. Tri-Terminal, Inc. ★★Pier No. 15, South Street Seaport Museum. 331 196 ★★Pier. 365 207 Pier No. 16, South Street Seaport Museum. 330 195 Trumbull Division of Owens-Coming Fiberglas Southville Industries Corp., Wharf. 14 90 Corp. Sowerbutt Asphalt, Inc., Division of Sowerbutt ★★Koppers Co., Seaboard Plant Wharf. 497 251 Quarries, Inc. Tug and Barge Dry Docks, Inc., Pier. 411 222 Hackensack River Secaucus Wharf. 475 244 Tully & Di Napoli, Inc. Spearin, Preston & Burrows, Inc., Staten Island ★★Wharf. 228 161 Mooring. 656 304 Union Dry Dock 6c Repair Co. Spevack, Ben Floating Pier. 384 213 ★★★7th Street Basin, South Wharf. 80 112 Pier No. 2. 383 213 Spiniello Construction., Dock. 638 298 ★★★Pier P. 406 221 Standard Boat Co., Pier. 689 315 ***Pier Q. 405 220 Standard Fruit and Steamship Co., Pier No. 42, ★★★Pier R. 404 220 326 194 ★★★Pier S. 403 220 Standard Tank Cleaning Corp. Repair Slip. 385 214 ★★Howard Oil Co., Inc., Pier No. 1. 458 238 United Oil Co., Inc., Pier. 574 277 ★★Pier. 459 238 United States Government Stapleton Launch Service, Inc., Wharf. 708 321 U. S. Army, Corps of Engineers State University of New York Maritime College, Caven Point, Permanent Marine Pier. 284 180 Base Wharf. 425 227 Staten Island Railroad Corp. U. S. Coast Guard ★★★Pier No. 6. 701 319 Berthing Pier. 126 127 Transfer Bridge No. 2. 700 319 Captain of the Port, Small Boat Steers, J. Rich, Inc. Marina. 127 128 Mooring. 430 229 Governors Island Ferry, Slips Wharf. 429 228 Nos. 7 and 6. 335 197 Stone Container Corp. Lima Pier. 121 126 ★★★Constable Hook Wharf. 442 233 Omaha Dock. 124 127 Stonite Realty Corp., Metropolitan Asphalt Corp. Pier A. 339 198 243 166 Pier B. 338 198 SuCrest Corp. Pier C. 337 198 Erie Basin Piers Nos. 1 and 2. 125 127 East Slip Wharf. 110 122 Rockaway Station, Boat Basin... 4 87 Pier A. 112 123 Soissons Ferry Dock. 128 128 111 122 122 126 West Slip Dock. 113 123 Yankee Pier. 123 126 Sunmark Industries, Division of Sun Co. of U. S. Coast Guard Reserve Pennsylvania Atlantic Beach Station Piers... 1 86 Brooklyn Terminal Wharf. 39 98 Department of Commerce, National Ocean Newark Terminal Wharf. 537 264 Survey, National Oceanic and Atmo- Wharf. 210 155 spheric Administration Sunrise Oil Co., Inc., Pier. 241 166 Floyd Bennett Field Wharf. 42 99 Turecamo Coastal and Harbor Towing Corp. Department of Interior, National Park ★★Pouch Terminal, Pier No. 20*. 710 322 Service Tarricone, A., Inc. ★★Ellis Island National Park, Port Chester Pier. 252 169 Ferry Dock. 420 225 Wharf. 356 204 Liberty Island East Pier. 421 226 359 205 422 226 Tavema Fuel Co., Inc., Wharf. 678 311 U. S. Naval Reserve Tenneco Oil Co., a division of Tenneco, Inc. U. S. Naval and Marine Reserve Harrison Terminal Wharf. 511 256 Center, Fort Schuyler Pier... 285 180 Newark Terminal Wharf. 541 266 Wharf. 628 295 Tepco Storage Terminal, Wharf. 6 87 ★★★U. S. Quarantine Station, Mooring Texaco, Inc. Basin. 715 324 ★★Bayonne Terminal, Pier 35. 462 239 United States Metals Refining Co. Bayonne Terminal, Pier 91. 461 239 Oil Wharf. 605 287 463 240 Pier. 607 288 Bayonne Terminal, Pier 204. 464 240 Refinery Wharf. 606 287 Long Island Sales Terminal Pier. 20 92 Universal Maritime Service Corp. 3M Co. Fulton Terminal, Pier No. 2. 139 132 ★Newark Chemical Plant Wharf. 538 265 Brooklyn Port Authority Marine Ter- Thomas Transportation Corp. minal, Pier No. 5. 134 130 ★★J. A. Snyder & Son Bulkhead. 666 307 New York Dock Railway, Pier No. 4. 135 130 Thorn-Wilmerding Corp., division of Weldon Port Newark, Berths Nos. 59, 57, 55, 595 284 563 273 Tidewater Stone & Supply Co., Dock. 482 246 Universal Utilities, Inc., Dock. 247 168 Titanium Pigment Division of NL Industries, Inc., Urban Builders Supply Co., Inc. 637 298 271 176 Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn Division ★★Petrillo Associates, Cowans Canal Erie Basin Dock. 268 175 Pier No. 1. 109 122 ★★Petrillo Associates, Main Dock. 269 175 Pier No. 2. 108 121 Vacar Construction Corp., Wharf. 677 311 Pier No. 3. 107 121 Van Iderstine Co., The, Division of Darling Pier No. 4. 106 121 of Delaware, Dock. 539 265 Pier No. 4ij. 105 120 Vanguard Diversified, Inc. Pier No. 5. 104 120 173 143 Tomkins Tidewater Terminal, Wharf. 507 254 ★Kent Street Pier. 172 143 Tooker, John I., and Sons, Inc. Venezuelan Line, Brooklyn Port Authority Ma- Bayway Terminal, Morses Creek Wharf. 583 280 rine Terminal,Fulton Terminal, Pier No. 1** 140 132 (See footnotes at end of tabulation.) 376 INDEX OF PIERS, WHARVES, AND DOCKS NAME OF OPERATOR AND FACILITY Vigliarolo Brothers, Inc., Wharf. W.A.S. Terminals, Inc., Wharf. Waterfront Sand & Stone, Ltd., Wharf. Wechter Petroleum Corp., Wharf. Weldon Concrete Corp., Wharf. Wellin Oil Co., Chemical Leaman Tank Lines Wharf. West Bank Energy, Inc., Pier. Westchester County Joint Treatment Plant, Wharf. Western Electric Co., Inc., Wharf. Wetlesen, Thor, Inc. **J. A. Snyder & Son Bulkhead. Wickberg, Edward 0., & Co., Inc., Pier. Williamsburg Steel Products Co. *Dock***. Witte Heavy Lift, Inc., Port Newark, Berths Nos. 3 and 2. Yancarib Enterprises Boat Works, Wharf. MAP REF. NO. PAGE NO. 645 300 523 260 229 162 12 89 631 296 530 262 469 242 355 204 506 254 666 307 627 294 180 145 552 269 9 88 *Not used for handling waterborne commerce. **Various operators. ***Not operated and/or not used. 'OW'B'MB jgDka nmvhq oar as viva yoioauia z,z6i 3Nnr do sv viva ai3id odsi oo'oi. oSf "o' ' 1-31 lddd dO 31V0S ( va ‘yiOAi3a id) 0 a ‘N019NIHSVM syosyvH onv SH3Aiy yod sy33Ni9N3 do c amos aNvnsi onoi - aaAia is 1 NUOA M3N 30 IdOd IV S3liniOVd ■''Q cso lV U. S. ARMY 4 / jjn 33 ? n£>. 5" 1 ^ 7 ? CORPS OF ENGINEERS PORT FACILITIES AT PORT OF NEW YORK GRAVESEND BAY, CONEY ISLAND CREEK, SHEEPSHEAD BAY a JAMAICA BAY, NEW YORK BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS WASHINGTON,D.C. (FT. BELVOIR.VA.) SCALE OF FEET 0 15 OC 30 OC SUBMITTED: APPFyDVAL RECOMMENDED: JJ- TECHNICAL DIRECTOR BlVISION FIELD DATA AS OF OCT. 1976 APPROVED: t?4A ___ COLONEL, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, U.S.A. MAP 1 DATA BY DRAWN BY WL-McC- 9 ON dVIAl NO I SIAia 33l Ad3 S QJM J V DI 1 S llVlS‘d3l H D V'SJ d 3 3 N19N3_d_0_sdd0_0_‘3_3N0300 :a30N3WW033d "IVAOdddV WtijM _HDNV d 9 _S 1 dOd OjlS3WOa ‘J3IHD aBAOaddv :a3inwans S96i ioo-3Nnr do sv viva ai3U 00 N019NIHSVM SdOQdVH ONV Sd3Ald dOd Sd33NI9N3 dO ddV08 OOfe 002 0 002 1333 Ml 33 VOS A'N ‘Sd3* NOA - ddAld NOSQflH *dOA M3N 30 IdOd IV SdliniDVd IdOd Awav s n CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY 1 LEGEND ® COAL HANDLING • OIL HANDLING O SUGAR HANDLING X RAILWAY FREIGHT STATIONS X RAILWAY PASSENGER STATIONS 0 SAND, GRAVEL, STONE, a CEMENT TRANSIT SHEDS ARE SHOWN AS CROSSHATCHED BUILDINGS. NOTE: TERMINAL FACILITIES ON THIS MAP ARE DESCRIBED IN VOL. 2. PAGES 34 THRU 37. PORT FACILITIES AT PORT OF NEW YORK HUDSON RIVER - YON KERS, N.Y SCALE IN FEET BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS WASHINGTON DC. SUBMITTED: FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE-OCT 1965 APPROVED- CHIEF, DOMESTIC PORTS BRANCH APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: iW6" COLONEL, CORPS'OF ENGINEER%r7SA MAP NO. 6 Awav s n CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY NQISJA!0 331Ad3S J3]W 1 V011$I1V1S331 HD _ V3 3 NI ON 3_3_0_ S d dO?_‘3_3 N 01 03 a30N3WW0338 IVAOdddV **3? ’?'* * " y * n * f /tS _HDNVd9_Sia0d 011S3WO0 ‘33IHD •a3iiiiNgns QSAOdddV |S96I 100-3 NOP 30 SV viva 033 13 oa N019NIHSVM SUO0HVH ONV S03AIH HOJ Sd33NI9N3 30 QdVOQ A'N‘NO±9NIA0I 0 N V Add 3d S0aoa-03Aiy NOSODH *dOA M3N 30 IdOd IV S3I1IH0V3 IdOd Awav s n CORPS OF ENGINEERS U. S. ARMY --^IL-fiP _HACK ENiAc)( N J BOROUGH OF LITTLE FERRY N~j - \ V LEGEND 12 railway freight station |F5| SAND, GRAVEL, STONE, tea CEMENT HANDLING ffl NEWSPRINT HANDLING 0 OIL & PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HANDLING NOTES NUMERALS REFER TO DESCRIPTIONS IN TEXT PORT FACILITIES AT PORT OF NEW YORK HACKENSACK AND PASSAIC RIVERS BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON,DC. (FT. BELVOIR.VA) SCALE OF FEET 500 0 500 I -T=T t— I SUBMITTED: 1000 1500 = :" I -1 FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE 1977 APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: jfL TECHNICAL DIRECTOR APPROVED: MAP 12 SANDY HOOK BAY MAP 16 387 Un 333 no. 5 1 mz CORPS OF ENGINEERS U.S. ARMY shorejwl '.BRUNSWICK t t € t t * t -Vf* .*.* * •*.* * •»*^••** # « *•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*••••. LOCATION MAP SAYREVILLE •»/ PORT MONMOU' BELFORD’^sLxTxT _SANDY HOOK BAY MAP 16 HIG HLlAN DS . PORT OF NEW YORK. N. Y. and N. J BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS M LJ 1 WASHINGTON. D. C. (FT. BELVOIR, VA. ) SCALE OF MILES 5 1.0 JUNE 1977 H general cargo DOMESTIC TRADE 8 dry bulk commochties O SALT HANDLING 121 SULPHUR HANDLING 0 CHEMICAL HANDLING SAND, STONE, CtMENT ft HANOLING • OIL HANDLING © FISH, SEAFOOO HANDLING ® MARINE REPAIR PLANT MARINE REPAIR PLANTS Tower Ridge/| ANGETOWN ROCK LAND _CO_ BERGEN CO Pioneer^ Boat Club : orest Palisade Boat Cluk Yachtl Club qY ^Country ;ourse\ Corinthian C Yacht Club* BM 16 / ^Twomblys' Landing Powerplanti Alpine ,Boat Basin ^ oewage ! - _ D isposal/* •: Colleg'eAjt Mt St BM 11' YONKERS UPPER HUDSON RIVER Yacht Clu) ROCKLAND BERGEN i : orest ^Twomblys' Landing INTERCHANGE §I4p / Powerplanti Alpine ,Boat Basin ■Huylers Landing ^ oewage ! - _ D isposal/* 3 * •: 5 Lambiers Dock Colleg'eAjt Mt St BM 1T / / PORT FACILITIES AT PORT OF NEW YORK RARITAN RIVER & SANDY HOOK BAY UPPER HUDSON RIVER BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS U S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON,D.C. (FT. BELVOIR VAj SCALE OF FEET 1000 20 0 0 30pp 40pQ 5pp o FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE 1977 SUBMITTED: APPROVAL RECOMMENOED: JJL TtCHNiCAr BiflECTOk MAP 16 DRAWN BY C B.F a» f HcC Map WATERWAYS UNITED STATES river Missouri yiP / Marquette"'-—v- lor M Ashland \ M Man! IS. W.lT7i ~.„Esconaba- fl KEWEENAW ^ Z' waterway / ^ y ^ MeuomineeW ft Marinette* U Sturgeon Boy yf Green Bay*/ / Appleton • * 5 Nlanitowoc i. Wane KIVEB'_jLi ( WaoWna"-- Sault Ste. . MARYS .VJSTOA^ BISMARCK Brainerd *Ttoverse City MICH- Wausau , Manistee Ludington Minneapolis Brookings [Port Union • Saginoo* sT , C 1 AIB S 0VSR cahswb OETROUj pETBOlTWfj river r Rochester ^ Madison Sheboygan V Muskegon Y • Grand Bop 1 (• Holland / Bottle Creek l Benton Harbor /s.Bend _-— /' ~* d Blkhart ’ Michigan City HAD. ft p(apne* .Lake . 'gr Clair- MILWAUKEEI * MADISON ^ Racine* _Kenoshaj Waukegan* III. rl . Elgin • Aurora * IOWA Evanston ^CHICAGO Dubuque’ Sioux City pHIUbtf^ Wllm Oskolooso CHEKENNE. Logansport Burlington ^4 TTE oh SfSP' £>/• LotayeUe 1W) ' M,M0US l/cWCINNMI / sfcdfec HevNEW ORLEATMD gulf seaway MORGAN CITY ROUTE FLORIDA^a' I CANAL «'■ Son Antonio* MARINE NEWS PUBLISHING CO NEW YORK CITY For Use in FIFTH EDITION OF DEEP WATER V^P^alveston HOUSTON SHIP CHANNEL plaquemine Okeechobee^ LEGEND Completed waterways • • • • Obsolescent waterways LI— . i Authorized waterways l I Recommended waterways a:.i Proposed waterways Corpus Christi' W.Palm Beach Harlingen SCALE OF MILES 100 150 200 Brownsville INTRA-COASTAL WATERWAY ALONG MEXICAN COAST Best Map Copyright by HAGSTROM COMPANY. INC. N. Y., Map Makars MINN. Grand Forks^ %> L, Id I __5 o v OJZZZ up VAN; BRUNT"ST. r COLUMBIA, ST. smith sf. legend' PORT FACILITIES AT PORT OF NEW YORK HUDSON AND EAST RIVERS BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON, D.C. fFT. BEL VOIR, VA) SCALE OF FEET DRYDOCKING MARINE REPAIR PLANTS FERRIES-PASSENGER S VEHICULAR GENERAL CARGO TERMINALS FOREIGN TRADE GENERAL CARGO TERMINALS DOMESTIC TRADE CONTAINER SHIPBUILDING & OUTFITTING CAR FLOAT BRIDGES SAND, GRAVEL, STONE CEMENT GYPSUM ROCK 8 SHELL HANDLING STEEL & ME T AL HANDLING W SUGAR HANDLING ~H NEWSPRINT HANDLING £ OIL HANDLING O FISH HANDLING □ DRY STORAGE WAREHOUSES Kl INTRAPORT & LOCAL TRADE FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE 1977 AERIAL FLOWN APRIL 1978 SUBMITTED APPROVED CHIEF FACILITES DIVISTl APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: COLONEL. CCmPS OF ENGINEERS TECHNICAL DIRECTOR I-A/-M mce AT DODT OF NFW YORK ■0 NATIONS PORT FACILITIES AT PORT OF NEW YORK EAST RIVER board of engineers for rivers and harbors U S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON,D.C. (FT. BELVOIR, VA) SCALE OF FEET LEGEND MOLASSES HANDLING DRY STORAGE WAREHOUSES LUMBER HANDLING COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSES SUGAR HANDLING INTRAPORT & LOCAL TRADE FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE 1977 AERIAL FLOWN APRIL 1978 OIL HANDLING CHEMICAL HANDLING GENERAL CARGO TERMINALS FOREIGN TRADE SUBMITTEO SCRAP METAL 8 STEEL HANDLING APPROVED Chief faCilites di' CAR FLOAT BRIDGES CEMENT HANDLING APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: SHIPBUILDING & OUTFITTING MARINE REPAIR PLANTS COLONEL, ccmps OF ENGINEERS TECHNICAL DIRECTOR DRYDOCKING □ □ Kl 0 a o Q cr < o CD < 3_U o Z CD 3 CO O Ur>33 1 ?° no. t3 LEGEND PORT FACILITIES AT PORT OF NEW YORK NEWTOWN CREEK BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON,D.C. (FT. BELVOIR, VA) SCALE OF FEET CHEMICAL HANDLING ORE HANDLING OIL HANDLING SCRAP METAL HANDLING SAND, GRAVEL, STONE, CEMENT, GYPSUM ROCK a SHELL HANDLING DRY STORAGE WAREHOUSES FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE 1977 AERIAL FLOWN APRIL 1978 APPROVED: SUBMITTED FAClLITES DIVISTi CHIEF APPROVAL RECOMMENDED COLONEL. CORPS OF ENGINEERS ECHNICAL DIRECTOR DRAWN BY C B.F. aW. E. McC Un3$$i*o no. s' Ci>f >s Midi Cor P PORT FACILITIES AT PORT OF NEW YORK HARLEM RIVER BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON,D.C LEGEND (FT. BELVOIR, VA) SCALE OF FEET COAL HANDLING SAND, GRAVEL, STONE, CEMENT, GYPSUM ROCK a SHELL HANDLING FIELD DATA AS AERIAL FLOWN OF JUNE 1977 APRIL 1978 SUBMITTED OIL HANDLING APPROVED CHIEF FAClLITES COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSES APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: COLONEL. Cl PS OF ENGINEERS DRY STORAGE WAREHOUSES TECHNICAL DIRECTOR DRAWN BY CBF. aw. EMcC llOKlU. Bfee.tUEIi iisLuvB BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON,D.C. (FT. BELVOIR, VA) Un33> p° nu. 5" til* NORTH legend OIL HANDLING HANDLING PLANTS MARINE REPAIR PAV-^ DRYDOCKING CL F SIDE i«*a-' FF WE€H^ S l = - .v'TJ' chemical la iHMnW z # o6E * WER *«e §9 lb* ®f I K.»^: d .. HUDSON HUDSON co NSOUq^ ° Kf, 09An ■ V - .*« C . HENRY HIXSON PKH PORT FACILITIES AT PORT OF NEW YORK HUDSON RIVER N.Y & N. J. BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS U S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON,D.C. (FT. BELVOIR, VA) SCALE OF FEET : WEST SIDE TfltT FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE 1977 AERIAL FLOWN APRIL 1978 SUBMITTED APPROVED CHIEF IRT faCilitcs divTsii L INCOLN CEN* ..FOR THI APPROVAL RECOMMENDED COLONEL, CORPS OF ENGINEERS : ORMING TECHNICAL DIRECTOR /->* A A 6 dVW 8Z6L llddV NM033 3Vld3V z.z,6i 3Nnr 30 sv viva aidid 0091 008 0 1333 JO 3~IVDS (VA‘yiOA338 li) 0 a‘N019NI S833NI9N3 30 SddOO AWy syo8yvH onv sy3Aiy yod sy33Nior T'N SAN AV9 >idOA M3N N30A M3N 30 IdOd IV S3I1I1 38 ' CONTAINER TERMINALS GENERAL CARGO TERMINALS DOMESTIC TRADE CEMENT HANDLING {•} Por|-|GN L tSdE 0 TERMINALS INTRAPORT & LOCAL TRADE © TALLOW HANDLING CHEMICAL HANDLING ferries-passenger a VEHICULAR # OIL HANDLING D SHIPBUILDING & OUTFITTING ★ DRYDOCKING MARINE REPAIR PLANTS CAR FLOAT BRIDGES PORT FACILITIES AT PORT OF NEW YORK UPPER NEW YORK BAY N.Y. & N.J. BOARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS U S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON,D.C. (FT. BELVOIR.VA) 800 1 ? SCALE OF FEET 0 800 1600 SUBMITTED: FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE 1977 AERIAL FLOWN APRIL 1978 APPROVED JJL 7ml* TECHNICAL DIRECTOR COLONEL. CORPS OF ENGINEERS. MAP 9 CHEMICAL HANDLING VEGETABLE OIL HANDLING OIL HANDLING OIL BUNKERING MARINE REPAIR PLANTS SHIPBUILDING & OUTFITTING SAND. GRAVEL. STONE 8CEMENT HANDLING DRYDOCKING PETROCHEMICAL HANDLING LIQUID LATEX HANDLING STEEL CABLE HANDLING (UCHMOND ^ERR'ACE IMPORT FACILITIES AT PORT OF NEW YORK *| NEWARK BAY. KILL VAN KULL | POARD OF ENGINEERS FOR RIVERS AND HARBORS l U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON,D.C. (FT. BELVOIR, VA) J SCALE OF FEET msww wi FIELD DATA AS OF JUNE 1977 AERIAL FLOWN APRIL 1978 SUBMITTED APPROVED CHIEF, FACILITES Dl’ APPROVAL RECOMMENDED COLONEL, Cl PS OF ENGINEERS TECHNICAL DIRECTOR i 71 dVW 'SM3BNI9N3. 30_SdM)0 'J3NJDQ2 QBAOdddV *Q±33Hia JVOII "-yui 7 •030N3WH003H "1\ :Q3 DA6L liadV NMCfld 3VIM3V z,6i 3 Nnr ao sv viva aiau 153 4 JO 3 * 1 VOS h/A‘ ai 0 M 3813 ) OQ'NOIONIHSVW ot JS»W» 0 JS » 33 K,«» SdOQdVHUNV oa - , □nv-isi N3J.vis s laaaiaw n| . _ i \ i r ’ ~\ 111 11 r 1 w « ; LOWER RD NEW JERSIV TURNPIKE legend PETROCHEMICAL HANDLINo OIL & PETROLEUM PRODUCTS HANDLING OIL BUNKERING SULPHUR HANDLING ORE HANDLING PRODUCTS HANDLING CHEMICAL HANDLING SAND, GRAVEL STOT GYPSUM ROCK & SHE >ORT ScIUtS AT PORT OF NEW YORK iNnFN CARTERET & STATEN ISLAND .IND EN , LA" AND HARBORS ■n'KK "Sv. WASHINGTON^ gtBELVOm. A) SUBMITTED APPROVED: faCilites CHIEF APPROVAL RECOMMENDED ;PS OF ENGINEERS COLONEL. Cl TECHNICAL DIRECTOR 00 Ul 00 co QC o r\ C\ cn co tN. LU «sg ID rd -> or CL < Ul co ^ Ct S o: q: Ll LU LU LLJ < NEST legend ® ®M0Dities ng " DRy a- liquid ^ 0,1 SUNKER/ng ® domestic trade term| nals SAND a STONE HANDLING - PETR OCHEM,CAL HANDLING C0PPER handling ^ “ N «'NE RI2ED PLflsr(c PELLET J ■PS m-Mt: IB §3 i- V- r Rm Ss4™2;;* ' 4 *• « wiu&ffLVO.R.w, suBMirreo. -Wll “T* »«o„ TOOeo 1600 E 'LLD^^ 3 ._ 4erml flow s »;«f 9 tw APPROVED; ™ WQ r- colonel, S OP ENG/NEEjfe; map ts UNIVERSITY OF ILUNOIS-URBANA