TWO SECTIONS SECTION TWO THE ECONOMIST A WEEKLY FINANCIAL, COMMERCIAL AND REAL ESTATE NEWSPAPER ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING BY THE ECONOMIST PUBLISHING COMPANY VALUATION SECTION CHICAGO, U. S. A., APRIL 8, 1916 VALUATIONS OF Central Business Property As Determined by the Board of Review and Approved by the State Board of Equalization Chicago Real Estate Transactions and Values All Ground Leases Recorded Since January 1, 1890 The Economist Map of Chioag COPYRIGHT 1916 by THE ECONOMIST PUBLISHING COMPANY 108 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. E. M. WILLOUGHBY J. E. SWANSON WILLOUGHBY & CO. REAL ESTATE Central Business Property Bought and Sold Long-Term Leases Negotiated 7 WEST MADISON STREET CHICAGO Telephone Central 418 J. A. AINSWORTH AGENTS FOR MASONIC TEMPLE COLUMBUS MEMORIAL BLDG. CHICAGO SAVINGS BANK BLDG. STEGER BUILDING WILLOUGHBY BUILDING LYON & HEALY BUILDING CABLE BUILDING ATHENAEUM BUILDING FIRMENICH BUILDING WOLFF BUILDING FAIRBANK BUILDING ROBBINS BUILDING JOSEPH E. OTIS ESTATE FREDERICK R. OTIS PROPERTIES and Other Properties James 0. Hey worth President George W. Graham Treasurer George D. Fairfield Secretary Hey worth -Graham Company General Office 305 Harvester Building 606 South Michigan Avenue Harvester Building Grant Park Building City Hall Square Building Estate of W. D. Oliver Garland Building Telephone Harrison 5578 CHICAGO WM. D. KERFOOT JOHN HOGGINS ESTABLISHED 1862 WM. PRESTON WM. D. KERFOOT & Co. 58-60 W. Washington Street United States Express Building CHICAGO REAL ESTATE LOAN AND FINANCIAL AGENTS Special Attention Given to the Interests of Non-Residents Telephone Central 2 1 44 Automatic 42-920 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. BASIS OF BOARD OF REVIEW VALUATION, 1914 $j (Value in Dollars per Front Foot.) i * k k // < \ The figures given for each block are for inside lots 100 feet deep. For lots of lesser or greater depth the percentage table for depth should be used, which will show, for instance, that a lot 80 feet deep is worth 83 - snow, lor instance, that a lot 80 feet deep is worth 83 and 60-100 per cent, or a lot 150 feet deep 137 and 50-100 DP r r&nt nf tf> frnnt (nn+'n.'i C :.-, n-l n v, A i,i ; iv v\.* v.i_ni, ui a iuL i J\r ice 1. <_iccy io/ OUU JU'IUU per cent of the front foot valuation. Single holdings on corners of a width of 1 00 feet are figured by the square foot at the higher street valuation, and in addition to this the corner percentage must be applied; for ex- ample: A corner 100 feet front by 100 feet deep would receive an increase of 60 feet at the lower street valu- ation, and a lot 50x100 feet would receive an increase For Percentage of Increase for Corners and Depth See Page 5. of 50 feet at the lower street valuation. The diagram shows a corner 100 feet square, and the triangle snows the method of distribution. Where an alley adjoins a lot, five feet should be added to the width or depth of the same, as the case may be, for the benefit derived therefrom. THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. ARTHUR B. HALL WM. MARSHALL ELLIS THOMAS A. HALL & CO. OLD COLONY BUILDING, CHICAGO Managers of Office Buildings ^pWENTY-SEVEN YEARS' successful experience in the opera- tion and renting of high-grade Office Buildings and other Down Town Property enables us to produce for our clients the Best Returns Obtainable. CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OF ESTATES SOLICITED Telephone Harrison 2244 John B. Ackerman REAL ESTATE CENTRAL AND OUTLYING BUSINESS PROPERTY 69 W. Washington St. Phone Randolph 2046 Central Business Property For Sale and Long Lease Office Buildings Managed Money to Loan at Favorable Rates H. O. STONE & CO. 76 W. Monroe St. Telephone, Randolph 300 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. SECTION 2 REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS >ll< IIM. \N AVENITK. New No. Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers* Totals 1913 Value of Bldgs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 lev'ers' Totals 1916 Value of Bides. Owner. 333-335 325-331 317-323 301-311 219-231 215 209-211 201-207 183-185 177-181 173-175 167-171 159-165 165-157 151-153 346-352 342-3*4 336-338 332-331 328-330 324-326 320-322 318 314-316 310-312 300-308 230-232 224-228 213-222 216 214 212 200-210 178-184 176 174 172 166-170 164 160-162 28-34 10-22 2 to 8 2-8 10-16 18-22 24-28 30-32 34-40 100-108 110-114 116-118 120-122 124-126 128-130 132-134 136-138 200-210 212-214 216-220 222-224 226-238 236-238 300-316 318-320 326-330 332-340 400-406 408 to 420 422-438 600-510 512 614-516 518 620 522-634 536 538 600-606 608-612 614-616 618-620 624-630 632-640 700-704 706 708-710 714-716 718-720 722-724 728-730 732-734 736-738 800-804 806-810 812-814 816-820 822 824-826 828-834 836-838 900-912 914-918 1002-1004 1006-1008 1010-1012 1014-1016 1018 1100-1106 1108-1110 2-16 224x123 59*xl24 79*xl24 130x75 130x70 29x130 SOxlSOK 88xl30}< 72x130* 60x130* 30x130% 30.9x130* 31x130* 62*xl30* 89x130* 100x55* I 28*x55.6 f 24x55* 24x55* 24x75 24x75 48x100 48x131% 48x131% 24x131% 96x131% 48x131* 36x131* 36x131 H 24x131* 24x131* 24x131* 118x64* 95*xl29* 24*xl29* 24x129* 24x129* 48x129* 27x129* 135x129* cor Wash'n 96x162* 144x162* { 24x162* f 38x162* 80XX109.33 80x172 120x172 48x172 30x172 38x172 88}> 000 15,000 5,000 75,000 800,000 975,000 4-50,000 1,250,000 682,500 350,000 350,000 1,300,000 150,000 30,000 30,000 35,000 200,000 30,000 20,000 20,000 450,000 35,000 2,000 4,000 12,800 90,000 45,000 29,000 200,000 11,000 22,500 10,000 250,000 250,000 25,000 20,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 10.000 38,491 25,000 17,500 17,640 10,000 15,000 15,000 23,000 15,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 18,000 6,000 220,761 218,955 856,833 1,137,924 13,448,605 2,918,470 907,119 948,234 1,329,174 2,563,671 927,900 406,614 406,614 416,613 593,655 1,249,557 912,963 297,990 6,648,174 414,993 395,123 224,247 558,177 1,268,517 485,568 340,200 1,004,001 255,501 545,199 204,093 467,055 629,886 1,268,235 335,778 200,238 204,237 465,723 353,943 729,006 511,344 450,384 285.690 177.414 239,553 236,481 626,559 471,177 258,226 186.717 199,716 157,431 154,566 431,994 260,058 79,371 76,746 135.144 132,642 257.001 75,714 95,955 298,167 171,960 87,816 201,957 182,415 428,271 309,036 81,573 YMC A YMC A YMCA 226,290 185,220 100,803 96,105 115,071 175,317 91,002 172,068 201,504 454,578 166.920 32,298 exempt 122,754 88,458 76,458 93,945 47,658 73,923 15,000 15,000 200,000 75,000 4,000,000 1,250,000 500,000 315,000 315,000 1,300,000 130,000 30,000 30,000 40,000 200,000 80,000 360,000 20,000 450,000 35,000 2,000 4,000 12,800 90,000 45,000 24,000 260,000 13,700 25,000 8,000 225,000 225,000 Margaret G Blalsdell Estate L J McCormlok J V Le Moyne Estate L J McCormlek (Marshall Field Marshall Field B B Botsford et al Marshall Field Marshall Field Marshall Field Marshall Field Otto Young Edw'd Parsons estate Mandel Bros. Catholic Bishop Michael Burke. Est Cordelia E Barker Frederick T Haskell Edward S Atwater Elizabeth P Klmbark Leon Mandel L A Goddard Chgo R E trustees Est Ed H Roblnsuii Bertha H Palmer Edward C Maher Mrs Bertha H Palmer EstC R Gumming* Henry C. Lytton Est Cyrus M Hawlej Frederick T Haskell C B Beach et al Addlson Ballard Est David Keen* Louis L Cobura Estate Hannah Her>*r W W Klmball Co WWKlmballCo W W Klmball Co Louise Todd Joy Estate Edwin L Bran* William Stewart Frances E Ogden Est William H Ryder William C Lobenstln. Art Institute William C Comstock Lev! z Lelter J T Farrell et al Thomas Chalmers Thomas Murdoch William P Adams Walter L Peck Walter L Peck Jason McCord et al George H Lally Estate Sidney Sawyer Hetty HR Green Emanuel F Selz 1 Harriet E Root / Harriet E Root ICT&TCoTr J C T & T Co Tr Mary M Judson et al Byron L Smith Est Wlrt Dexter P R Barnbelsel Joseph H Andrew* Byron L Smith Lambert Tree et al Mrs Mary G Dempster and H F Gillette Leon Mandel Clarence I Peck Kate S Adams Frederick B Tattle YMCA YMCA YMCA Est Ernest J Lehmana Robert P Bass Isabel A Brosfi Julia F Porter Clara F Bass Sarah F C Stewart Sarah F C Stewart Louis L Coburn Mary F R Burton Charles F Gunther Mary L Barnes et al H H Forsyth Est Richard M Hool; Cato Bishop of Chgn Est N K Kali-bank Mary A Kyersoo Calvin F Rice Julia F Porter Clinton C Clark Walter L Peek 75.77 79 81-85 87-93 n w cor Washington 97-107 s w cor Washington 109-111 1915 Tax rate 5.61 1914. Assessment 564,026,376 1914. Tax rate 5.15 1913 Assessment ... 552,474,075 117-121 n w cor Madison st. 123-131 s w cor Madison st. 133-139 141-143 1913. Tax rate 5.32 1912. Assessment 545,616,834 1912. Tax rate 4.40 1911. Assessment 538,223,166 1911. Tax rate 5.04 1910. Assessment 480,419,826 1910 Tax rate 4.64 149 151-153 155-161 n w cor Monroe st. 163-165 s w cor Monroe it. . 167-169 1909. Assessment 472,977,090 1909 Tax rate 4.47 1908. Assessment 471,646,135 1908 Tax rate 7.52 171 Palmer 185-187 1907. Assessment 478,156,685 1907. Tax rate 7.20 189-1B1 1906. Assessment 406,429,785 1906 Tax rate 6.577 193 195-197 n w cor Adams st. . SOl-206 s w cor Adams st. . 207-209 111-113 S15-221 1905. Assessment 400,874,105 1905. Tax rate 6.796 1904. Assessment 406,569,271 1903. Assessment 399,607,665 1903. Tax rate 5.853 1 902. Assessment 387,768, 1 05 123-2K 227229 1902. Tax rate 5.198 1901. Assessment 381,351,550 1901 Tax rate 5.543 36 n w coi Jackson blv. . . 289-141 s w cor Jackson 243-245 1900. Assessment 267,356,205 1899. Assessment 351,212,770 1899. Tax rate 6.34 1896. Swift commission 438,447,180 The following index presents in the first column the names of the streets covered in the department of valua- tions and ownerships, in the second column the pages on which the valu- ations and ownerships are to be found, and in the third column the pages where ground leases on prop- erties in that district are recorded. There are ground leases in many oth- er parts of the city, but they index themselves, being placed in the al- phabetical order of the streets. 251-J53 255-267 25,000 6.000 10,000 38,400 31,000 268 161 163-265 267-269 271-279 n w cor Van Buren Kl-289 w cor Van Buren 291-B7 K.OOO 10,000 15,000 15,000 23,000 15,000 50,000 8,000 11,000 5,000 18,000 6,000 199-301 303-305 307-309 311-313 315-321 n w cor Congress st 323-329 s w cor Congress st 331-335 337-339 341-345 347.349 351-353 INDEX See plat on page 3, See maps on pag-es 42 to 74. Valuations and Owners. Page ADAMS STREET , , 3 1149-1151 1153to1167 2-12 > e cor South Water st 14-24 n e cor Lake st 140X67K 140x48 100x40 60x108 40x96 40x96 89x96 48x81 H 48X162H 48X162K 48X162H 48.X162W 24X162K 24xl62 97X162M 120x1 62ft 72X162H 40HX162H 101X162H 97^x132 53^x17154 40x172 40x172 80x172 76x172 160x171 54.X171 66x171 116>170 80350 80x171 26*1171 26&X171 26^x171 60x171 96x171 46x90 22x90 22x90 22x90 48x90 40x172 40x172 51x172 106x100 40x79% 57^x792* 33HX171M 20X171H 80x1 80H 160x400x186 120^x111 1 40xl29J f 80X173 40x173 40x173 40x173 40x173 80x172 40x172 40x172 120x172 80x112 40x100 120.6x173 66.6x173 53^x173 78x173 83^x173 109^x180 50^x180 40x180 4UX180 40x180 40x180 41HX100 38)4x100 84KX120 50x120 67X160 24^X160 42HX160 18x110 18x110 18x110 18x110 36x110 27^x110 80x171 2654x171 S6j!ixl71 66^x171 40x171 53^x171 26^X171 53x171 27x171 25x171 25x171 96&X171 328,440 242,100 204,915 213,915 136,270 129,585 408,983 277,016 334,600 327,940 331,340 327,040 173,520 154,450 884,573 1,164,319 555.87? 314,553 1,364,887 1,472,880 458,277 332.640 322,641 633.798 1,175.891 1,531,500 426,651 1,841,012 465.800 682,000 228,280 224,480 224,480 520,680 1,451,883 608,370 149,750 129,000 112,479 258,304 333,276 330.000 420,249 778,536 264,834 260,839 207,751 122,78r 495,960 3,560,664 371,376 267,140 364,914 363,032 186,000 185,730 274.01' 404,675 135,553 126,141 723,560 214.66F 155.616 568,2' 125,940 192,7n 293.961 379,46' 195.S5- 1 35,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 32,000 29,000 24,000 40,00( 44,300 40,000 30,001 10,000 87,500 112,000 50,000 30,000 400,001 650,676 30,000 40,000 30,000 40,000 425,000 198.000 50,000 11,000 10,000 26,000 13,400 10,000 10,000 35,000 40,000 85,000 8,000 8,000 12,000 28,000 7,500 20,000 25,000 26.0f)r 15,000 25,000 25,000 14,00r 45,000 750,000 30,000 40,000 45.00' 47,000 30.0" 7.50i 20.0" 20.000 1,620 10,000 350,000 7,500 7,500 8,000 4,000 8,000 30,000 28,000 92,07 10,000 10,000 1,20' 3,40^ 4,00^ 60,000 1,500 500 l.OOr 2,500 2,5flf 2,500 2,5nr 6.0IK 5,00< 1,500 5 Or 80< 10,001 12,00f 3,00( 55,000 328,440 242,100 204,915 213,915 136,270 129,585 408,983 277,016 334,600 327,940 331,340 327,040 173,520 154,450 884,573 1,164,319 565,872 314,553 1,364.887 1,472,880 458,277 322,640 322,641 633,798 1,175,891 1,531,500 406,650 1,841,012 465.800 682,000 228,280 224,480 224,480 520,680 1,451,883 608,370 149,750 129,000 112,479 258,304 333,276 330,000 420,249 778,536 264,834 260,839 207,751 122,780 494,960 3,560,664 371,376 267,140 364,914 363,032 186,000 185,730 274,016 404,675 135,553 126,141 723,560 214,668 155,616 568,217 125,940 192,710 293,961 379,467 195,552 96,960 50,979 83,160 87,151 68,411 139,839 112,788 40,961 70,336 25,630 25,700 27,030 28,045 63.285 63,878 168,372 41,313 40.043 108,124 70.881 120,744 121,015 35,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 32,000 29,000 24,000 40,000 44,300 40,000 30,000 10,000 87,500 112,000 60,000 30,000 400,000 650,676 30,000 30,000 30.000 40,0i, u 425,000 198,000 30,000 11,000 10,000 26,000 13,400 10,000 10,000 35,000 40,000 85,000 8,000 8,000 12,000 28,000 7,500 20,000 25,000 26,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 14,000 44,000 750,000 30,000 40,000 45,000 47,000 30,000 7,500 20,000 20,000 1,620 10,000 350,000 7,500 7,500 8,000 4,000 8,000 30,000 28,000 92,076 15,000 10,000 1,200 3,400 4,000 60,000 1,500 500 1,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2.500 6,000 5,000 1,500 500 800 10,000 12,000 3,000 43,000 350,000 15,000 22,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 28,000 24,000 40,000 25,000 45,000 26,000 10,000 850,000 100,000 60,000 30,000 500,000 711,000 22,000 27,000 27,000 30,000 410,000 150,000 50,000 95,000 140,000 15,000 12,000 19,500 19,500 31,500 Marshall Field John Schaaf Lucy J Atwater John M Durand Erskine M Phelps et al Jennie M Cook et al Luther W Hodman tr Louis E Latiln Est Henry A Kohn Est L C Paine Freer Le Grand S Burton Mrs Julia F Porter Julia M Watson Herbert Meicalf Est Simon Reid Marshall Field Mary V. McCormick Kmanuel Mandel Fred'ka Sk inner et al Marshall Field est Mary A Ryerson Ellz'b'thW Willing etal A A McKay John Griffiths Bryan Lathrop et al trs Hobart W Williams Charles W Fullerton Martin A Ryerson Martin A Ryerson S Leonard Boyce Joseph N Field Edward S Isham H W Bishop and heirs of E S Isham Mrs F J Shelton Patrick Cavanaugh Kate S Adams Carrie L Munn Augustus Lowell et al Mrs Henry L Hill Julia F Heyworth Edward T Blair Est Simon Reid H Q Scbaaf et al William Blair Rudolph Wurlitzer Co Marshall Field Est. Joseph E Otis Grace O Sage Eldridge M Fowler Henry J Willing William A Giles Henry J Willing et al Marshall Field Estate Marshall Field Estate Louis E Laflin Mrs A E Wrigley ^ rederick R Barnheisel Oath Bishop of Chgo William P Adams Brunswick, Balke C Co H W Bishop Cornelius Price Martin A Ryerson StudebakerBrosMfgCo Est James D Dwen Byron L Smith Bvron L Smith Belle F Wheeler William Blair W C Seipp Est Hiram Wheeler Mrs Carrie L Munn F A Hardy Mrs M L Cook W R Linn A W Rhodes 'Jina B Jenney Cath Bishop of Chicago Dath Bishop of Chl'go Isidore Schmitt Elizabeth Dodd Elbridge Hanecy Thomas B Marston Laura A Parker Albert E Cross De Laskie Miller Michael W Kerwln Genia S Doggett W H Bush Marshall Simonds F O Magie 34-38 s e cor Lake st 48-46 48-50 52-54 S6-62 n e cor Randolph st. 64-66 s e cor Randolph St.. 68-70 tot ^\, 72-74 .... 76-78 80-82 84 86 \ .-/ 88-94 n e cor Washington. 96-104 s e cor Washington. 106-112 .: 114-116 _ L & / IN. / Wv/ :ENTACE. 118-124 n e cor Madison st. 126-132 s e cor Madison st. 134-136 144-146 148-154 156-162 164-176 s e cor Monroe st. . 178-180 DISTRIBUTION OP CORNER PER 182-186 188-196 n e cor > dams st . . 202-206 s e cor Adams st. . . 208-214. 218 220 PERCENTAGE OF INCREASE FOR CORNERS. .08 26 8.07 51 20.42 76 27.67 .08 27 8.63 62 20.83 77 27.8* .18 28 9.18 53 21.23 78 27.08 .30 29 9.73 54 21.62 79 .44 30 10.27 56 22.00 80 28.27 .60 31 10.81 66 22.37 81 28.41 7 .78 32 11.34 57 22.73 82 28.54 8 .98 33 11.87 58 23.08 83 28.67 9 1.20 34 12.39 59 23.42 84 28.79 10 1.44 35 12.91 60 23.75 85 28.91 11 1.70 36 13.42 61 24.07 86 29.02 12 1.98 37 13.93 62 24.38 87 29.13 13 2.28 38 14.43 63 24.68 88 29.23 14 2.60 39 14.92 64 24.97 89 29.32 16 2.94 40 15.41 65 25.25 90 29.41 16 3.30 41 16.89 66 25.52 91 29.4 17 3.68 42 16.37 67 26.. 78 92 . ,_97. 18 4.09 43 16.84 68 26.03 93 29.64 It 4.50 44 17.31 0!) 26.27 94 29.71 20 4.94 45 17.77 70 26.50 96 29.77 tl 6.40 46 18.23 71 26.72 96 20.81 81 5.88 47 18.68 72 26.93 97 29.8S 23 6.89 48 19.13 73 27.13 98 29.9 14 6.93 49 19.67 74 27.32 99 29.97 16 7.50 50 20.00 76 27.50 100 30.00 PERCENTAGE FOR DEPTH. Ft. % Ft. % Ft. % Ft % Ft. % 1 10.99| 41 49.31| 81 84.4S|121 116.35|161 145.07 11.98| 42 50.22| 82 86.26|122 117.10 1 101 146.74 1S.97| 4 51.13| 83 86.09|123 117.85] 163 146.41 18.96| 44 52.04J 84 86. 92 1 124 118.60J164 147.08 14.98| 45 52.95| 85 87.76|125 119.351166 147.76 15.94| 46 52.951 86 87.76|126 119.35] 166 147.76 16.93| 47 54.771 87 89.41 1 127 120.85 [167 149.0* 17.92| 48 55.681 88 90.24|128 121.69J168 149.76 9 18.91] 49 56.591 89 91.07|129 122.35|169 150.43 10 19.90| 60 57.501 90 91.90|130 123.10J170 151.1* 11 20.871 51 48.39| 91 92.711181 12S.83J171 151.75 12 21.84| 62 59.281 92 93.52|132 124.56J172 152.40 18 22.81] 53 60.17| 93 94.33|133 125.29|173 153.06 14 23.78| 54 0.1.06] 94 95.14|134 126.02J174 153.70 15 24.75| 55 61.95] 95 95.95J135 126.75|175 154.35 16 25.72] 56 62.84| 96 96.761136 127.48|176 155.00 17 26.69| 57 63.73] 97 97.57|137 128.21J177 165.65 18 27.66| 58 64.62] 98 98.38)138. 128.94|178 156.30 19 28.63] 59 65.51 1 99 99.19|139 129.67J179 156.95 20 29.60| 60 66.40J100 100.00|140 130.40J180 167.60 21 30.551 61 67. 27] 101 100.79|141 131.11|181 158.23 22 31.50] 62 68.14J102 101.58|142 131.82J182 158.86 28 82.45J 63 69.01|103 102.37|143 132. 53] 183 159.49 24 33.401 64 69.88J104 103.16|144 133.24|184 160.12 25 34.35] 65 70.76|105 103.95|146 133.95|185 160.75 26 36.30] 66 71.62J106 104.74J146 134. 66] 186 161.38 27 86.261 67 72.49J107 105.53|147 135.37|187 162.01 28 37.20] 68 73.36|108 !06.32|148 136.08|188 162.64 29 38.15| 69 74.23|109 107.11|149 136.79J189 163.27 30 39.10| 70 76.10J110 107.901150 137.60]190 163.90 31 40.03| 71 75.95J111 t08.67|151 138.19|191 164.61 32 40.96| 72 76.801112 109.44J152 138.88|192 165.12 33 41.89] 73 77.65|113 110.21J163 139.57|193 165.73 34 42.82| 74 78.501114 110.98|164 140.26|194 166.34 35 43.75] 75 79.35|115 111.75J156 140.951195 166.95 86 44.68| 76 80.20|116 (12.52J166 141.MJ1M 167.66 7 45.611 77 81.05|117 U3.29|157 142.33|197 168.17 38 46.54| 78 81. 90 JUS U4.06|158 143.02|198 168.78 t9 47.47| 79 82.75|119 !14.83|15 143.71|199 169.39 40 48.401 80 83.60|120 116.60|160 144.401200 170.00 222 224-228 830-238 n e cor Jackson. . . . 240-242 s e cor Jackson 244 100,000 7,200 8,000 12,000 25,000 7,500 20,000 47,000 20,000 15,000 25,000 36,000 15,500 42,000 650,000 30,000 29,000 41,500 30,000 22,000 7,500 20,000 18,000 25,000 10,000 345,000 7,?00 7,500 246 248 250-252 258-260.... 862-264 266-268 270 278 n e cor Van Buren 280- 2f 2 s e cor Van Huren 284-288 292-294 296 298-304 308-324 n e cor Congress st 326-332 s e cor Congress . . . 334-336 338-344 346-348 350-352 354-356 358-360 n e cor Harrison st 36* 368 s e cor Harrison st. 370-372 ,.. 374-376 378-388 390-392 l 394-396 \ 398-400 n e cor Hubbard pi. 402-412 s e cor Hubbard pi. 414-420 422-424 2,000 95,000 74,000 68,000 85,000 41,400 15,000 1,000 3,000 5,000 80,000 1,500 500 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 5,000 25,000 1,500 3,000 800 10,000 12,000 3,000 50,000 130-434 436-438 n e cor Peck pi .... 440-452 s e cor Peck pi. . . 454-456 458-460 162-464 50.o - 50.971 83,160 87.15' 68.41' 139.839 112.78!-' 40,961 70,336 25,630 25,700 27.030 28,04 = 63.285 63. f 168,372 41.31? 40,04.1 108.124 70,88! 120,74^' 133,015 exempt 38.001 38,651 220.37? 466-46X 470-472 174-476 480 n e cor Eldrldge pi. . . 482-488 s e cor Eldridge pi, 490-492 494-498 500 504-506 508 510 512 5:4 516-518 520 n e cor Harmon pi.... 522-524 s e cor Harmon pi. 532. 536-540 542-544 W T Hall John M Studabaker Edward S Isham John G Shortall William Luckow Bmumiel Valerga Henry Keep et al 516-548 550 554-556 560. 562. 1,200 l,85f 2.00' 38,001 38,651 220.373 1,200 1,850 2,000 35,998 31,998 193,641 1,000 1,000 2,000 564 566-578 n e cor Twelfth st. STATE STREET. 301 to 307 219-231 201-215 177-191 171-176 151-165 129-139 127 123-125 119-121 101-117 27-35 26 23 19 * N e cor So Water st 70x365 irreg 140x55*4 140X68H 109.5x68 60X68M 169x1 13H I24X150H 1 SOX150H 40X150H ) 40X150H 1 144.6X150J J 100x90 20x90 24X150% 48x1 50% 1,395,878 326,700 430.1S8 387,000 233,040 2,375,090 8,082,162 747.600 15,000 51,000 28,00' 17,500 1.031,600 2,425,000, 1,396,878 326,700 467,188 387,000 233.040 2.375,090 8,082,162 3,872,847 2,075,750 249,460 470,604 882,096 747,600 'l5,000 88.000 28,000 17,500 1,031,600 2,425,000 1,104,600 483,750 1,461,834 329,796 461,625 484,470 218,439 2.291,349 13.448.505 690,000 28,500 88,000 35,000 15,000 928,440 4,000,000 I Hibbard Spencer 1 Bartlett A Co Hhauncey Keep Kst Frederick Tuttle ( F Porter fohn Kranz Was Fra Temple Ass'n f Marshall Field ) H A Osborn tr } Marshall Field t Estate Hugh Speer Marshall Field Uolumbus Safe Dep Co 1 A Stevens Mary M Judson et al Est John M Williams 3 e cor So Water st . 5-27 n e cor Lake st cor Lake st tl-45 < e cor Randolph i3-73 s e cor Randolph St.. '9-81 . . . 33-85 *5-97 n e cor Washington . 101-107 s e cor Washington 109 2,142,000 254,46f 480,604 902,896 X 5,00' 550,000 10.001 20,800 2,074,050 320,418 645,558 1,267,086 495,000 58,000 175,000 385,000 [11 113-115 The dividing- line of north and south streets is Madison street. For illustration, State street north of Madison street is North State street and south of Madison is South State street. State street is the dividing- line of the east and wnst streets. Madison street east of State is known as East Madison street and west of State street is West Madison street. 10 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. Albert H. Wetten Arthur W. Johnson Albert R Wetten & Co. (Formerly Rounds & Wetten) 108 South La Salle Street CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY Frank G. Hoy ne 4 Co. REAL ESTATE RENTING AND VALUATORS 112 North La Salle St., Room 19, CHICAGO G IRRUJ.HERS&O REAL ESTATE ^^ Real Estate Exchange Building A. S. CARRUTHERS ADELBERT TAYLOR Appraisals Estates Managed Exclusive Agent University of Notre Dame Branch Office Branch Office 1 165 E. 43rd St. Telephone Randolph 2231 396 E. 95th St. Member of The Chicago Real Eitate Board TEL. CENT. 5855 PHILLIPS & COMPANY Central Business Property 1412 BORLAND BLDG. 105 S. La Salle St. Chicago E. G. PAULING E. H. SEEMAN E. G. PAULING & CO. REAL ESTATE Mortgage Loans and Investments 5 North La Salle Street N. E. Cor. La Salle and Madlmon Street* CHICAGO April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 11 STATE HTKKKT. New No. Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 . Value of Bldgs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 Rev'ers' Totals 1915 Value of Bldgs. Owner. 13-14 1-11 1-6 1-1 6-7 9-11 1S-1S 17-11 13-19 11 M M IT 39 41 101-116 117-119 131-133 138-141 101-109 111 113-11* 117 119-113 118-119 J31-333 1S5-13T 1-14 101-303 105-107 109-315 317-313 315-331 133-341 401-441 501-608 507-511 518-817 519-511 513-535 537.539 541-843 545-549 551-555 587-659 609-621 623-627 19 (33-639 441-647 649-661 653-666 657-661 663-666 667-673 701-709 711-717 719-713 718-731 T33-737 719-748 747-763 788-7*1 7*8-767 769 771-773 778 801-805 307-809 311-815 817-823 (17 619-833 63* 637-843 S46-867 901-905 907-911 918-917 919-911 913-915 917-919 931-933 936-937 1001 1005 1007-1009 1011-1015 1019 1021-1023 1025-1029 1029-1031 1101-1103 1105-1109 1111-1119 1121-1127 1129-1131 1133-1135 1137-1139 1141-1155 1157-1159 1163-1165 1167-1169 1171-1177 1179-1181 300-304 118-140 Mi 110 111-116 100-108 188-194 186 174-1*4 117-119 111-113 48X150H 48X150H 53^x150* 60x73 40x73 10x73 1 60H144H f 30X144H 30X144H 40x144*4 1 5x83 25x83 20x83 20x83 20x83 20x83 26x83 264x848 27*4x147 40x147 76x147 100x144.9 20x144 22HX145 47J4X145 50xl 40x145 36x145 4x145 I 18x73 ) 71x76 | 40x144 40x144 80x144 80x144 80x144 80x144 400x143 40x88 40x138 20x138 20x138 40x138 60x138 *4 KZ138H 10x138*4 40 xl Its K 100x138*4 80x138 40x138 40x138 40x138 40X138 20x138 20x138 40x138 20x138 60x105 44x80 40x138 40x138 40x138 40x138 40x138 40x138 40x138 20x138 10x138 20x55*4 20x55*4 40x58 40x138 40x138 60x138 20x138 40x138 *0xl38 41x73 100x73 40x56 \ SOX46H 1 I lOxllW f 20x138 20x138 20x138 20x138 20x138 20x138 20x1 118 20x138 40x138 20X138 1 20x138 f 20x138 20x138 40x56 40x28 40x83% 40x138 40x138 40x138 40x138 80x138 80x183 21'.,x82\ 43*$x82?a 21^x82^ 43*$x82* 44x823i 55x80 27x96 20*4x80 20*4x80 60x80 80x20 41*4X80*4 20X80*4 80*4x80). 1,448,096 1,217,596 1,260,714 3,464,015 604,525 604,525 903,675 281,808 234,200 253,100 100,000 596,991 6,443,523 445.517 648,699 1,490,250 2.831,676 311,340 350,132 758,057 748,057 771,850 907,532 1,200,946 814,260 593,900 793,900 733,241 529,800 1,008,113 3,640,065 205,845 231,018 105,138 102,660 207,320 334,980 103,660 307.98C 611,012 317,658 116,58? 106,000 111,000 108,500 52,000 53,000 105,240 56,700 171,574 100,790 109,471 102,360 100,120 110,120 96,120 100,620 98,025 53,830 41.820 47,929 77,538 105,018 88,423 129,280 39,76f 84,520 43,560 59,120 164,356 55,685 63,187 33,696 32,740 32,441 33,741 35,216 36,741 29,491 30,741 79,479 68,823 119,873 27,073 42,849 47,275 exempt exempt exempt 90,159 131,455 33,608 18,235 44,239 50,288 222,443 153,720 69,930 69,930 177,949 120,520 263,780 92,760 388,996 566,000 283,000 30.000 599.901 117,000 117,000 165,000 7,500 6.4OO 7,000 100,000 194,700 498,741 25,400 22,000 46,000 990,00(1 9,000 10,000 40,000 30,000 16.000 350,000 415,000 20.000 ' Vob'.on' 200,000 IO.OOT 20,00' 750,000 3,000 7,000 1,000 3,000 8,000 36,000 4,000 9,00< 35,000 12,000 12,000 5,000 10,000 7,500 1,500 2,500 2,000 2,00' 10,000 3,sor 7,0"' 10,000 10. n 20,000 6,000 10,500 6,000 5,200 3,000 4,000 14,000 15,000 7,000 10,000 1,448,096 1,217,596 1,260,714 3,464,015 604,525 604,525 903,675 281,808 234,200 253,100 100,000 596,991 6,443,523 445,517 648,699 1,490,250 2,831,676 311,340 350,132 758,057 748,057 771,850 907,532 889,692 263,931 1,285,946 814,260 593,900 608,370 1,136,501 1,065,296 1,075,253 3,640,065 205,845 231,018 105,138 102,660 207,320 334,980 103,660 307,980 607,011 317,658 116,583 106,000 111,000 108,500 52,000 53,000 105,240 56,700 171,574 100,790 109,471 102,360 97,120 110,120 96,120 100,620 98,025 53,830 41,820 47,929 77,538 105,018 88,423 129,280 50,800 84,520 43,560 '59,120 164,356 55,685 63,187 33,696 32,740 32,441 33,741 35,216 36,741 29,491 30,741 79,479 68,823 119,873 27,073 42,849 47,275 exempt exempt exempt 90,159 566,000 283,000 30,000 599,901 117,000 117,000 165,000 7,500 6,400 7,000 100,000 194,700 498,741 25,400 22,000 46,000 990,000 9,000 10,000 40,000 30.000 16,000 350,000 332,160 116,340 500,000 20,000 ' r 88',570 177,140 177,140 177,140 750,000 3,000 7,000 1,000 3,000 8,000 36,000 4,000 9,000 31,500 12,000 12,000 5,000 10,600 7,500 1,500 2,500 2,000 2,000 10,000 3,500 7,000 10,000 7,000 20,000 6,000 10,500 6,000 5,200 3,000 4,000 14,000 15,000 7,000 10,000 1 1,040 5,000 1,171,086 1,223,586 1,519,725 3,704,213 632,835 632,835 919,218 294,399 244,920 266,880 100,000 604,590 6,648.174 462,210 677,034 1,549,572 2,788,665 661,485 748,071 771,864 629,691 3,240,153 819,330 766,545 1,286,898 1,077,993 1,010,304 1,119,810 3,838,248 198,462 194,640 85,662 82,734 166,467 272,703 83,733 82,734 165,468 500,322 335,341 117,261 114,123 116,721 106,722 51,861 51,360 104,961 56,562 171,573 100,791 109,470 102,360 97,119 110,121 96,120 98,121 98,025 109,617 46,410 42,828 71,781 89,112 74,517 116,020 41,805 76,614 34,845 47,313 143,955 54,684 63,180 33,390 33,585 32,136 32,736 34,236 37,236 29,484 30,735 73,467 67,911 35,754 39,825 53,643 26,214 39,501 44,424 exempt exempt exempt 107,157 120,531 30,750 17,556 41,391 44,577 220,443 154,248 69,925 69,925 180,681 117,765 262,041 91,758 387,996 289,000 289,000 289,000 750,000 125,000 125,000 150,000 7,500 5,000 5,000 100,000 150,000 450.000 23,000 22,000 44,000 930,000 19,000 30,000 16,000 25,000 1,112,160 45,000 200,000 288,569 177,141 177,141 177,138 750,000 4,000 8,000 1,000 3,000 7,000 33,500 4,000 3,000 6,000 30.000 46,374 13,400 13,400 16,000 6,000 1,500 1,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 3,500 7,000 10,000 7,000 20,000 6,000 8,000 6,000 9,000 2,500 4,000 14,000 15,000 9,000 10,600 10,000 13,000 Mandel Bros. Mandel Bros Marshall Field Marshall Field Otto Young Harriet Albee et al Est Marshall Field T M & V Weil John M Kranz Frederick Fisher School Fund Eugenes Pike Est Potter Palmer Etbelbert W. Peek etal Est Melinda Hamlin Lucy J Rowe Henry Strong Jenmngs-C T A T Co tr Bessie B Hanson Est Henry A Kohn Est Mary McLean Anna H Wilmartb Jennings-(J T A T Co tr Perry Hannah Eugene S Klmball L Z Letter Jennlngs-CT&TCo tr Est Jonathan Clark Henry Keep et al Arthur B Caldwell Est James Campbell L Z Letter John P Wilson et al Orson Smith Samuel Stern L Z Letter Cbauncey Keep Jennlngs-C T A T Co tr August Kllb Edward B Kutler Edward B Butler Kdward Lowe et al ) LatbropAAldUetal f tr8 Lathrop&Aldisetal trs Est Melinda Hamltne Kate & Annie Clifford Samuel Stern Kate A Annte Clifford | L Z Letter Herbert B Bucklen Harriet S Dlmlck etal L Z Letter Catharine Sporleln Frederick H Winston Cbauncey Keep A T A S Bank Est Melinda Hanjlln* Western T A S bk Jacob Blrk Henry Kuclis Est C D Peacock Washington Porter VI llton S Florshelm Mary Kessler Est Christian Haman J H Clough Milton J Palmer William F Bode et al William C Lobensttnc Joseph Theurer et al Hiram B Peabody John R Thompson Herman M Heine John R Thompson Jane Brega P Nacey Patrick Sanders }j L Slaughter Samuel P Parmly Benj F Williams et al Carl Buhl Carl Huh! Carl Buhl Flor'nce Peacock Green Russell D Peacock George L Thatcher etal City of Chicago City of Chicago Cltv of Chicago Geoffrey C Morris J Theurer and C Buhl Caroline Uphof Hattie Jackson John Gurrln Hattie Jackson Est L C Patne Freer Est John H Dunham | Fred S Winston Louis E Laflin Otto Young Est Ma rshallField Edw A Drummond et al Marshall Field 125-127 n e cor Madison st. 129-131 s e cor Madison 133-135 137-143 ( 145... 147. 149-153. . .. j 155 157 159 181 161 165-185 s e cor Monroe St.. 189 191-193 . 195-197 n e cor Adams 101-111 se cor Adams St.. 813 115 217-219 221-283 286 277 2*9- SM J33 Jackson blvd 241-143 s e cor Jackson blvd 145-S47 249-165 157-263 365-171 275-279 n e cor Van Buren 181-319 s e cor Van Buren. 321-323 s e cor Congress St. 325827 :<3L> 331 333336 337-341 343 345 347-349 351-353-355 ne cor Harrison 361-367 s e cor Harrison St. 369 371-373 377-379 381-383 385.... 387. 389-391 393 395-399 n e cor Hubbard pi 403-405 s e cor Hubbard pi. 407-409 411-413 415-417 419-421 421-426... . 4*7-418. 431-433.... 435. 437. 439 441 n e cor Peck pi 445-447 s e cor Peck pi 449-451 453-455 457-461 463. 465-467 5,000 489 471-473 10,000 10,000 8,000 7,000 3,000 3,500 3,200 4,500 5,79? 7,5fV 250 1,500 21,000 9,000 18,400 2,800 7,200 850 exempt exempt exempt 10.000 10,000 8.000 7,000 3,000 3,500 3,200 4,500 5,795 7,500 250 1,500 21,000 9.000 18,400 2,800 7,200 850 exempt exempt exempt 8,000 13,000 7,000 7.000 2,700 4,350 2,900 3,500 5,000 8,000 250 1,500 15,000 8,100 4,000 5.700 8,000 2,500 5,500 500 exempt exempt exempt 22,000 20,600 1,000 2,500 8,000 5,000 15,000 9,500 10,000 10,000 13,000 6.801 15,000 7,000 30,000 475-483 n e cor Eldridge pi 487-489 s e cor Eldridge pi. 491-493 496 497 499. 501 503 505 507 509 511-513 515 517... 519 511 523-525 n e cor Harmon pi. 527-5*9 s e cor Harmon pi . 531-533 135-537 539-541 543-545 547-549 551-557 559-565 25,600 2,000 2,500 9,250 5,000 17,000 9,000 10,000 10,000 13,000 7,480 16,700 8,000 31.000 131,455 33,608 18,235 44,239 50,288 222,443 153,720 69,930 69,930 177,949 120,520 263,780 92,760 388,996 25,600 2,000 2,500 9,250 5,000 17,000 9,000 10,000 10,000 13,000 7,480 16,700 8,000 31,000 >67 569-571 >73. 575-577 579-681 n e cor 12th st 2-4 n w cor South Water 6-10 s w cor South Water 12. 14 16-12 24-28 n w cor Lake st 30-36 s w cor Lake it. . . 38 40-46 KOBAXTD*. The dividing 1 line of north and south streets is Madison street. For illustration, State street north of Madison street Is North State street, and south of Madison Is South State street. State street is the dividing- line of the east and west streets. Madison street east of State Is known as East Madison street and -west of State street Is West Madison street. 12 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. B. M. WINSTON W. R. ODELL WINSTON & Co. MORTGAGE LOANS FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Telephone, Central 4204 CHICAGO J. S. BECK D. W. BECK Harrison 3042 BECK & BECK REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS 122 SOUTH MICHIGAN AVENUE Pioneers in Syndication of Apartment House Property W. H. Botham & Co. ...Real Estate... Loans Renting Management of Properties Solicited Long and Short Term Leases Negotiated 1418 Advertising Building Telephone Central 8430 123 W. Madison St. TELEPHONE MAIN 2181 and 2180 (Not Inc.) 30 North La Salle Street Central, Manufacturing and Warehouse Properties 99 Year Leaseholds Fees 10 to 25 Year Leases. We Specialize in Choice Properties in and near the Loop. ALSO IN North Central Business Distriet The Scene of Wonderful development During the Next Few Years April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 13 STATE STRKKT. New No Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 Value of Bldgs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 Rev'ers' Totals 1915 Value of Bldgs. Owner. 164-170 160-162 164-158 150-152 134-144 126-132 124 116-122 100-108 32-34 30-30 16-18 10-14 3-8 3-4 10-14 16-18 20-22 26-28 32 34 36-44 100-108 110-112 114-116 118 120-122 126-128 130-132 134-136 136-144 300 203-204 206 313 214-216 318 220-222 230-232 234-248 300-302 304-308 310-322 324 326-334 336-348 360-356 400-402 404-412 414-416 418-420 422-434 436-438 430-432 434-436 438-440 443-444 446-448 460 442-464 466 468-468 600-510 13-534 626-538 630-532 636-642 644-648 600-604 606-608 610-612 614 616-618 620-623 634-636 628-630 630-638 40 642-644 646-648 60 652-660 62-674 700-706 708-714 716-722 724-730 733-738 740-742 744-746 752-758 760-762 764-766 768-772 774-780 800-810 812-814 816-824 826-828 830-832 834-836 838-846 848-850 852-854 886-858 860-862 864-866 868-870 872-874 876-878 880-884 900-906 908-912 914-920 1000-1004 1006-1012 1150-1158 48-54 T7.\8II',, 23x80* 28x40% 52X40H 50X30H 35Jx40 20x93* 76*x90X 91HX90H 91!4x90 55x85 65xl25,with 22 ft L to alley 64x143 91HX106 66^x106 48x80 24x120 72x120 24x120 24x120 48x120 24x120 24x120 96x120 80x120 40x120 20x120 25x120 25x120 1 \ 190x340 22HX80* j 20x101 | 1 20x22* f 20x101 20x101 20x100 29x101 33*4x145 42x100 123x100 38x100 463ixlOO 905ixlOO 25x100 50x100 98x100 50x100 50x100 60x100 40x100 19^x100 1HV\100 19JixlOO 19^x100 19^x100 24^x100 24*xlOO 24^x100 24%xlOO 24&X100 245xlOO 75x100 75x100 97x100 25x100 25x100 50x100 50x100 50x108* 50x108* -;..< in- 1 , 25x108* 25x108* 24x108* 24x108* 24X108* 50x108* 25X108K 25X108* 25x108* 25x108* 50x108* 100x108* 40&X108 40^X108 39&X108 40x108 40HX108 23x108* 23x108* 50x100 20x100 20X100 30x100 20x100 20x100 62HX100 25x100 50x100 25x100 25HX100 24HX100 45x100 20x100 20x100 19^X100 20x100 25x100 25x100 30x100 25x100 50x100 25x100 20x100 39^X100 593JX100 50x112 344^X112 407,400 120,480 93,690 266,068 256,800 177,900 185,655 619,515 1,052,775 1,535,064 981,850 2,146,878 1,147,307 831,706 774,320 1,179,680 xempt xempt xempt xempt xempt xempt xempt xempt xempt 1,347,810 616,400 284,160 354,110 423,740 6,432.187 355,110 334,363 270,090 256.200 262,335 497,743 873,976 595,640 1,802,480 646,350 569,800 932,692 261,876 425,722 857,822 533,100 420,159 354,707 227,880 106,400 106,900 107,400 109,750 108,798 141,495 139,995 132,495 133,496 132,495 146,498 328,590 320,590 431,237 116,025 113,875 230,550 271,659 224,384 146,700 71,600 71,600 67,600 64,566 65,056 66,056 138,200 65,600 68,600 67,600 67,600 385,450 121,152 98,524 98,175 97,224 101,146 110,436 67,586 83,755 30,200 9,400 4,00 6,00 15,00 11,200 13,80 24,99 40,00 300,00 227,00 100,00 50,00 188,10 183,65 100,00 400,00f 5,50 154,56 28,76 26,00 25,00 12,50 12,50 800,00 72,00 68,00 I5,0n 17,65 20,01X1 1,399,00 5,00 5,00 6,00 6,00 15,00 127, SW 233,75 10,00 35,OOC 60,00( 40.00 28,000 15,000 13,00 20,00 30,00 21,37 12,50 20,00 3,50 4,000 4,500 6,85 6,00 13,00 11,500 3,99 5,00 3,99 18,000 12,00 4,00 21,800 10,500 8,35 3,50 12,000 23,000 3,500 8,00 8.000 4,00 3,50 4,00^ 5,000 11.000 2,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 37,000 5,001 4,000 5,00 5,001 7,000 2,500 3.500 7,000 407,400 120,480 93,690 266,068 256,800 177,900 185,655 619,515 1,052,775 1,535,064 981,850 2,146,878 1,147,307 831,706 774,320 1,179,680 exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt 1,347,810 616,400 284,160 354,110 423,740 6,432,187 355,110 334,363 270,090 256,200 547,335 670,242 1,205,344 '595,640 1,802,480 646,350 569,800 932,692 261,876 425,722 857,822 533,100 420,159 354,707 227,880 106,400 106,900 107,400 109,750 105,807 141,495 139,995 132,495 133,496 132,495 146,498 324,590 320,590 431,237 116,025 113,875 230,550 269,659 216,384 146,700 71,600 71,600 67,600 64,566 65,056 65,056 138,200 65,600 68,600 67,600 67,600 385,450 116,150 121,152 98,524 98,175 97,224 101,146 110,436 67,586 83,755 30,200 9,400 4,000 6,000 115,000 11,200 13,800 24,999 40,000 300,00 227,00 100,00 50,00 188,10 183.65 100,00 400,00 5,50 154,560 28,76 26,00 25,00 12,50 12.50 800,00 72,00 68,00 15,00 17,65 20,00 1,399,00 5.00 5,00 6,00 6,00 300,00 300,00 565,11 10,00 35.00 60,00 40,000 28,00 15,00 13,00 20,00 30,000 21,37 12,50 20,00 3,50 4,00 4,50 6,85 3,00 13,00 11,50 3,99 5,00 3,99 18,000 8,00 4,000 21,80 10,50 8,35 3,50 10,000 15,000 3,50 8,00 8,00 4,000 3,50 4,00 4,00 11,000 2,00 5,00 4,00 4,00 37,000 410,23 121,98 93,81 268,10 268,07 191,51 101,97 668,83 1,090,80 1,575,91 974,10 2,192,32 1,193,07 1,702,98 1,144,36 exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt 1,504,69 636,24 291,40 366,75 436,11 7,360,94 370,43 337,59 273,31 250,96 253,37 625,02 1,050,48 595,63 1,785,79 546,32 458,80 242,72 421,29 400,92 816,37 514,37 417,85 350,00 186,32 85,82 85,82 85,82 86,82 85,24 116,30 116,80 110,80 106,80 105,80 112,80* 324,59 320,58 226,05 203,39 115,53 113,53 217,00 261,81 216,38 146,19 69,59 73,59 67,59 64,05 67,05 66,05 138,19 64,59 68,09 70,09 67,19 134,70 243,39 90.20 86,99 86,13 91,98 100,71 62,31 80,50 25,200 9,000 3,000 6,000 11,000 8,200 10,800 20,000 30,000 300,000 20-0,000 100,000 50,000 416,000 Hugene K Butler Chgo. R. E. trustees Julia F Porter lOst L C P Freer (Museum of Fine Arts f Boston John M Kran/. William Borden Northern Trust Co Otto Young Netcher-Neuberger ton, 40x55, 40x99, 40x183 C W Pardridge ) Charles W Pardridge Charles Netcher Mrs. Mollie Netcher School fund School fund School fund School fund School fund School fund School fund School fund School fund Frederick Ayer Fannie Belfeldetal Otto Young John Trayner | Otto Young et al Ralph C Starkweather Chas H Starkweather Frank I! Starkweather Cyrus H McCormick Jacob L Kesner Marshall Field Hllza C Hamill et al Levy Mayer C T Otis Barbit Bloom Ralph N Isham Helen E Snow Katharine P Isham Katherine S Isham Harriet S Jones Catharine S Isham L B Otis Lucy F Alexander Charles Counselman C C Starkweather J M * Victor Weil John W Barr Jr C L Jenks Chancellor L Jenks N J Oilman et al Hattie S Parmly et al Est Susan C Knight Samuel Stern Est Edwin L Brand John M Kranz W V Kelley E B Butler Albert B Harris John W Barr Jr Albert B Harris Charlotte Hartman Samuel stern Kernott & Beck Jesse B Lloyd James H Lomax Henry G Miller William A Bartlett J M & V Weil Harry M Marks et al Est Joel Bigelow James E Baker Samuel Stern 1 John V Clarke et al P W Gates Amalia Gesselsen etal Kst Marcus Stearns Kst Marcus Stearns J L Kesner Helena Flint Adele Flint Joseph Bobbe William R Linn Thomas Scanlan Est Ernest J Lebmann C&WIRR t Western -Trust & Savings Hank C & W I R R 3hKO and W. I. R. R. LddllOD Corneau Chgo & G. T Ry Bo. 56 . 58 60 n w cor Randolph st . . 64-70 s w cor Randolph st 72 74 76-82 84-90 94-98 n w cor Washington 100-104 sw cor Washington 106-110 < 112-116 118-124 126-128 n w cor Madison st 132-134 s w cor Madison st 136 420,000 13,500 150,000 25,000 24,500 31,000 6,000 6,000 1,000,000 70,000 60,000 10,000 15,000 14,000 1,200,000 138-144 146 148 150-152 154 156 168-164 n w cor Monroe 166-172 s w cor Monroe st. 174-176 .. . 178 ISO 183 184-186 188-190 192-194 196-198 n wcor Adams.... 200 s w cor Adams st 206. ... 5,500 5,500 14,000 250,000 450,000 10,000 35.000 40,000 12,000 11,000 10,500 14,000 20,000 30,000 19,000 17,000 20,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 4,500 3,000 13,500 14,000 8,000 4,000 3,000 10,000 8,000 4,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 8,000 2,000 10,000 15,000 3,000 6,000 10,000 4,000 3,000 6,000 5,000 11,000 1,000 4,500 6,500 3,600 30,000 35,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 7,000 7,000 3,500 7,000 208 210 212 214 n w cor Quincy st S w cor Quincy st 240 u w cor Jackson blvd.. 242 s w cor Jackson blvd. . 246-248 250-258 860 222-264 268-276 378-280 n w cor Van Buren 282 s w cor Van Buren st. 286-290 802-294 296 898. 300 302. 304 306 . . 308 310 312 314 316 318-324 326-332 334-342 344 346 i48-S50 52-534 n w cor Harrison st 356-358 s w cor Harrison st 360-382 366. 368 370. 372 374 376 78-380 384 386 388 i90 92-396 06-408 5,00 4,000 5,00 5,00 7,000 2,500 3,500 7,000 10-412 12^-414 16-418 20-422 24 26 n w cor Polk St.. . 80-48S s w cor Polk st... 34 36 40 42 44 4-450 52 54-456... 60.... 62 64 66-468 70 72 74 76 78 80 82-484... 86 88-490 92 94 98 98-502 n w cor Taylor st. . 06-508 s w cor Taylor st. . i 10-538 j MEMOBAJTDA. and ' d S01th strets i8 M aaion street. Por illustration, State street north of Madison street is North State street, *"* 14 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. \VHITE> & ROBT. WHITE & J. P. STRICKLAND Surviving Partners ROY B. TABOR, deceased-Member 1901-1916 REAL ESTATE BROKERS 139 So. Fifth Ave. WHITE & TABOR BLDG. CHICAGO MANAGERS OF BOSINESS PROPERTY Tel. Franklin 4600 Callistus S. Ennis & Co. REAL ESTATE Mortgages and Renting Central Business Properly, Factory and Warehouse Property S. E. Corner Clark and Monroe Streets Rector Building, Chicago Telephone Randolph 3384 ESTABLISHED IBBa AS COOPER A BURHAN8 MAIN OKKICEI 25 N. DEARBORN STREET RENTS LOANS BURHANS, 'ELLINWOOD & CHICAGO ESTATE INSURANCE BRANCH OFFICES! CHELTENHAM. 3OOO B. v. . i 1 1 ST. CENTRAL. SOUTH. > l 4 CAI.UM I'.T AVB. BURR ELLYN. flOTIl AND K.BOZIE AVB. CHICAGO SALINGER &/JUBBARD REAL ESTATE SUBDIVIDERS FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Owners, Subdividers and Developers of Salinger & Hubbard's Addition to Rogers Park Salinger & Hubbard's Second Addition to Rogers Park Salinger & Hubbard's Ridgeview Addition to Rogers Park Salinger & Hubbard's First Addition to Ridgeview Addition to Rogers Park and Salinger & Hubbard's For Sale For Rent Manufacturing Property All sections of the City With and Without Switch Track Buildings erected to suit tenants requirements PAUL C. LOEBER & CO. 21 N. La Salle Street Telephone Main 97 (Private Exchange Established 1886 E. F. KEEBLER & CO. CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY LONG AND SHORT TERM LEASES DOWNTOWN RENTING EXPERT RENT VALUATORS 5 N. LA SALLE STREET TACOMA BUILDING MEMBERS OF THE CHICAGO REAL ESTATE BOARD OVER 25 YEARS Nl OUR PRESENT LOCATION April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 15 PLYMOUTH COURT. New No. Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 Value of Bldgs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 Jev'ers' Totals 1915 Value ol Bides. Owner. 301-310 311-317 317-359 321-325 327 329-335 339-345 401-409 411-415 417-419 421-423 42S 427-429 421-437 439 441-443 445-447 501-509 411-515 519-521 525 527-529 531-537 539 543 601-619 621 623 625 627 629 631 633 635 637 1-7 s e cor Jackson bird. 9-11 80x104.3 50x93 40x93 20x93 26x93 70x93 80x50 99x40 S43KX100 24 ^.x 100 49HX100 24^x100 74H*100 24-KX100 J4KX100 49.45x100 50x100 50x100 50x100 50x100 23HX100 23HHOO 25x100 75x100 60x100 175x100 24x101 I 24x101 1 24x101 ) 25x101 25x101 j 25x101 25x101 25x101 25 r 101 787,070 272,620 165,040 115,528 95,075 250.870 295,551 218,070 55,698 55,500 121,776 52,930 164,377 58,793 60,293 178,960 124,950 124.950 109,950 102,950 44,625 45,375 51.225 112,125 191,424 exempt 152.133 124,704 79,200 105,750 47,040 32,928 11,000 25,000 14,000 14,500 3,999 3,99' 18,650 1,200 10,000 7,500 9.00C 76,000 30,000 30,000 15,000 68,000 787,070 272,620 165,040 115,528 95,075 250,870 295,551 218,070 55,199 55,000 121,776 52,930 164,377 58,793 60,293 178,960 124,950 124,950 109,950 102,950 44,625 45,375 51,225 112,125 191,424 exempt 307.133 124,704 79,200 105,750 47,040 32,928 11,000 25,000 14,000 14,500 3,500 3,500 18,650 1,200 10,000 7,500 9,000 76,000 30,000 30,000 15,000 68,000 777,870 272,097 165,057 115,137 94,113 260,955 305,169 215,070 55,176 54,978 119,076 52,905 164,301 60,768 60,267 172,911 122,976 122,976 104,976 162,978 44,640 45,390 50,490 206,466 176,364 exempt 402,183 297,736 70,000 105,000 47,000 32,500 10,000 35,000 24,000 10,500 3,500 3,500 16,000 1,200 10,000 9,500 9,000 70,000 28,000 28,000 10,000 68,000 ti chard W Sears Henry Gerstley Est L C Paine Freer Est Max M Rothschild lenry Simpson iVm N Elsendrath L Lancaster Est Daniel Wearer Abraham Louis Est Arthur Farrar William Kent William Kent et al Frank H Starkweather Carl Buhl Eldridge M Fowler John A Packard John A Packard Walter L Peck Chicago Edison Co John H Walker llessle L Howleson Caroline D. Robinson Thomas R Lyon et al Malek A Loring et al Jones School I Francis M Gray I Francis M Gray i Francis M Gray Francis M Gray I Gordon L Gray Charles Pope 13-15 17 19 21-SS 27-31 n e cor Van Buren st 33-39 s e cor Van Buren st. 41 43. . 45-47 49 51-6S 57 59 61-63 65-67 69-71 73-75 77-79 83. . 750 3,750 9,000 33,000 exempt 750 3,750 9,000 33,000 exempt 155.000 750 3,000 48,000 3,000 exempt 250,000 175,000 ^6 37-91 93-95 n e cor Harrison st. 99-109 s e cor Harrison St. Ill 113 115 117 .... 119 III. 123. 126 ... . 127. ... to 133-135 ..................... 50x99 137-139 ..................... 50x99 141 ......................... 25x99 1 719 143. ........................ 25x99 1 721 145 ......................... 25x99 f 147 ......................... 25x99 J 149-151 ................... I 153. ...................... 5- 98x99 739 155 ...................... 741-743 157-159 n e cor Polk st. . . .'. 48x9 801-811 161-187 s e cor Polk st ..... 100x75 817-819 169-171 ..................... 47J11-217 s e cor Adams St. .. 219-223 n e cor Quincy St.. 2J7-245 s e cor Quincy st. . . 247 s e cor Jackson bird. . . 253-255 257-261 269-273 275-277 279-283 n e cor Van Buren 287-301 s e cor Van Buren 303-305 307-321 323-325 327-329 331-333 337-339 341-351.... 353357 ;;;; 359-361 n e cor Harrison st. 367-373 s e cor Harrison St. 375 377 379-381 883 388. . . . 80x10 30MX74H 36^x80 80x40^ 180X160K | 48x160 1 < 42x160 V I 20x80 j 70x80 100x120 80x120 60x80 28x80* 58x80 36x80 93x120 90x120 76J4X80 63x80 72xl201 24x120 I 24x120 f 24x120 I 48x120 40X120 40X.20 104X120 90X132 99x132 190x340 73x50 92x50 165x100 50x70% 50x70 75X70H 50X70H 100X70K 148KX68H 148)4x67 4fii/,x66 50x66 50x66 50x66 136x66 75x66 50X66 71^X75 25x71 % 26X71H 25x71 H 25X71 M 26KX71K 105,612 101,673 75,192 exempt 178,660 exempt 266,552 352,735 815,000 792,170 314,530 107,439 300,6 iO 334,310 1,043,005 707,420 (211,157 j 689,606 1815,560 exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt 863,751 878,752 6,432,187 584,375 483,500 1,857,500 518,080 303,200 393,575 394,691 518,590 1,064,880 1,287,18: 262,308 842,554 195,275 176,149 174,649 161,149 429,795 434,075 208,332 252,609 54,458 53,649 52,149 52,149 55.008 10,752 17,544 10,368 exempt 19.840 exempt 70,400 10,000 55,000 350,000 70,000 20,000 28,000 5,000 90,000 45,000 67,400 281,961 200,020 1,010,925 40,000 72,000 64,000 91,000 84,99i 100,000 1,390,00,' 150,000 40,000 360,00( 1,000 3,000 17,000 38,200 267,541 400,001 610.00C 90,00(1 325,000 23,001 25,00( 23.50C 10.0 47,500 200.0 30,000 2,000 6,000 4,500 4,500 4.500 105,612 101,673 75,192 exempt 178,660 exempt 266,552 352,735 815,000 792,170 294,530 107,439 468,610 334,310 1,045,005 707,420 (211,157 ] 269,606 (815,560 exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt 863,751 878,752 6,432,187 584,375 483,500 1,857,500 518,080 303,200 393,575 394,691 518,590 1,064,880 1,287,187 262,308 842,554 195,275 176,149 174,649 161,149 429,795 434,075 208,332 252,609 54,450 53,649 52,149 52,149 55,008 d S tl1 **" ls Ma(UsO11 street. 10,752 17,544 10,368 exempt 19,840 exempt 70,400 10,000 55,000 350,000 50,000 20,000 196,000 5,000 90,000 45,000 67,400 281,960 200,020 1,010,925 40,000 72,000 64,000 91,000 84,999 100,000 1,390,008 150,000 40,000 360,000 1,000 3,000 17,000 38,200 267,540 400,000 610,000 90,000 325,000 23,000 25,000 23,500 10,000 47,500 200,000 7,500 30,000 2,000 6,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 103,860 100,235 72,837 exempt 366,579 exempt 264,297 357,735 784,998 717,039 331,701 146,100 514,602 364,899 1,045,008 707,421 1,758,948 exempt exempt exempt exempt exempt 1,232,775 874,548 7.360,946 596,550 417,501 2,014,881 517,461 302,301 392,061 351,312 476,700 1,134,585 1,235,880 243,012 764,589 175,980 166,839 164,838 154,839 391,685 401,670 199,626 262,851 57,6241 58,938! 54,939| 49,644 60,615 9,000 16,200 9,800 exempt Equitable Tru Kate H P Roberts 42,300 Eugene S Klmball *t al exempt 70,400 15,000 55,000 324,000 60,000 Northwest'n University Augustus Lowell et al Edward Landsberg Est L J McConnlck W. C. Niblack. tr Mary B Williams et al 26,500 Caroline M Reeves 211,700 Catholic Bishop 15,000 90,000 45,000 567,000 1,010,000 City of Chi (School Fd) 35,000 60,000 170,000 90,000 1,200,000 36,000 500,000 15,500 35,000 267,500 550,000 610,000 90,000 23,000 25,000 23,000 13,000 47,000 25,000 6,000 2,000 2,000 Emily C McCarthy et al Richard W. Sears Union Bank, Chicago Charles Netcher City of Chi (School Fd) 1 (School Fd) 91,000 City of Chi (School Fd) Shepard Brooks Est Marcus E Steams 150,000 Cyrus H McCormick Myrtle C Heisen Eugene S Pike 500 C T Otis et al 2,000 John J Sherman Harriet B Borland Hiram B Peabody i Anna Maria Bailey I Lucius G Fisher Francis Bartlett, tr R P Lament 305,000 George H Holt Robert H Law F W Matthlessen Henry C Durand James A Murphy 180,000 James W Ellsworth 7,000 Clara F Bass Art Institute 2,000 John J Sherman Jolin J Sherman Frank Cuneo FranK Cuneo 4,500John F Cella For illustration, State street north ' ' east and of Madison street Is Worth ***** **" State *" street, 16 THE ECONOMIST. PERKINS B. BASS & COMPANY CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY MARQUETTE BUILDING CHICAGO PERKINS B. BASS WILLIAM D. COUSIN TELEPHONE RANDOLPH 917 HENRY H. WALKER Chicago, U. S. A. THOMAS H. WILLIS EDGAR M. SNOW ANDREW A. BROCK EDGAR M. SNOW & GO. ESTABLISHED 1873 GENERAL REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE BROKERS APPRAISERS OF REAL ESTATE Boston Correspondents: JOHN JEFFRIES & SONS 6C WEST WASHINGTON ST. 818 and 819 Barristers Hall PHON E CENTRAL 509 Henry H. Walker & Co. Manufacturing Sites Slip and River Frontage LARGE FRONTAGE ON BELT LINE Advance Money for Improvements FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS SUBDIVISIONS Tacoma Building, Madison and La Salle Streets Phones: Main 286 Auto. 31-911 F. D. P. Snelling & Co. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance 1371 Con way Building S. W. Cor. Clark and Washington Sts. CHICAGO Telephone Franklin 811 CHICAGO GEORGE BIRKHOFF Loans REAL ESTATE Renting Insurance Room 506, Chicago Title and Trust Bldg. 69 West Washington Street CHICAGO Special Attention to Loans Telephone Central 7191 JOHN J. FISCHER Real Estate ESTATES MANAGED Bank Floor 10 South La Salle Street Telephone Franklin 4027 ESTABLISHED 1900 MANAGERS AND APPRAISERS OF REAL ESTATE 30 NORTH DEARBORN STREET B. A. THORPE RENTING REAL ESTATE 111 MONROE STREET HARRIS TRUST BLDG. 4 PHONES RANDOLPH 4094 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 17 i> r. . \itito it \ >,TI:I,I.T. New No. Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 Value of Bldgs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 Rev'ers' Totals 53,820 57,321 R R 112,626 106,875 52,938 194,400 194,400 134,700 134,751 124,188 110,616 82,680 103,296 440,199 475,575 320,280 612,591 232,431 362,742 108,081 169,140 377,586 484,686 511,359 369,297 301,551 541,905 550,269 185,100 843,876 888,702 5,244,662 1,377,915 3,193,278 2,819,567 396,216 91,722 90,798 262,392 336,189 83,799 756,633 119,289 132,288 54,435 59,436 152,163 607,632 2,290,359 52,119 50,118 50,619 36,000 35,226 40,635 40,134 104,271 392,883 40,438 40,677 R R 49,974 58,581 1915 Value of Bldgs. Owner. 625 627 631 633-635 637-639 641 701-711 713-727 729-731 733-73S 234-236 230-232 226-228 220-224 200-216 170-186 168-166 160-1S6 134-112 126-132 124 116-122 104-114 100-106 36-44 30-32 24-28 8-16 4-6 2 2-12 14-24 28-46 100-128 132-148 300-338 400-406 408 410 412-420 422-432 436-444 500-508 510-514 516-520 522 524-532 534-538 540-550 600-602 604 606 608 610 612 614 616-628 630-632 634-636 638-640 642-644 700-702 704-706 708-710 712 714-716 718-720 722 724 726-728 730-736 738-740 742-744 746-748 750-752 754-756 387 24x7154 24x7154 25x7154 50x7154 50x7154 25x7154 100x7154 100x7156 50x7156 50x71 56 50x44M 20x8054 36x8054 4154x8054 150x8054 80x180 90x80 90x80 100x20 80x80 1956x80 38^x80 72x80 50x80 90x4056 40x90 4156x90 5S 9454x805i 4954x4056 \ 4056x4954 J 20x40 9254x50 102x9554 194.8x229.40 190x46 % 190x114 396x321 39354x66 75x66 25x66 25x66 75x66 19954x66 80x66 40x66 40x66 20x66 20x66 48&X66 50x66 100x66% 50x66 25x66 25x66 25x66 25x66 25x66 25x66 73x66 25x66 25x66 25x66 25x66 25x66 50x66 25x66 25x66 50x66 40x66 20x66 20x66 20x66 25x66 25x66 25x66 25x66 25x66 25x66 48,744 53,244 R R 102,800 97,300 47,649 194,100 208,100 229,599 124,174 107,507 82,672 104,285 433,390 686,034 324,630 571,590 253,899 382,330 98,753 152,976 323,313 460,787 511,340 366,558 271,560 523,584 531,083 181,110 1,293,250 898,992 7,244,620 733,341 3,243,480 3,642,456 425,026 101,326 97,900 295,700 378,600 94,900 787,613 268,062 58,275 63,275 161,840 219,100 645,840 1,705,347 45,849 47,349 45,349 46,849 36,792 40,401 42,000 40,000 188,829 39,900 - 00,000 R R 50,400 59,382 3,000 3,500 7,500 R R 2,000 4S.744 53,244 R R 102,800 97,300 47,649 194,100 134,'549 135,350 124,174 107,507 82,672 104,285 433,390 686,034 324,630 571,590 253,899 382,330 98,753 152,976 323,313 460,787 511,340 366,558 271,560 523,584 531,083 181,110 1,293,250 898,992 7,244,620 1,283,556 3,243,480 3,642,466 425,026 101,326 97,900 295,700 378,600 94,900 787,613 268,062 58,275 63,275 161,840 219,100 645,840 1,705,347 45,849 47,349 45,349 46,849 36,792 40,401 42,000 40,000 188,829 39,900 00,000 R R 50,400 59,382 3,000 3,500 7,500 R R 2,000 3,000 6,500 R R 6,750 1,000 John S Cella Caroline A Woolford Chgo & W Ind R R Co J hn F Cella IMward S. Hunter .John 11 Walker Michael A. Donohue Michael A. Donohue William Wischemeyer George E Spry Henry Botsford Martha S Hill Kst I N Arnold B H Rogers Frank Cuneo Est Hugh T Dickey Daniel Wells Jr " William liorden R W Sears Est Hugh T Dickey Edward Manierre Benjamin Manierre Chas W Fullerton est 111 Tr ASav City Real Est Trs Jane Boyce et al Katharine S Adams Est S B Cobb Caroline E Haskell Marshall Field Est E L Gillette Melville W Fuller School Fund et al Hetty H. R. Green Est William A Slater Sarah L Brooks et al Est Simon Reid John F Bass Est Marie Lewis Francis King et al Est Nathaniel Thayer Bryan Lathrop et al Carter H Harrison et at James Longley Nelson Morris M A Ryerson Levi P Morton Sarah L Brooks L. W. Hill Albert K lay Samuel D Fay L. W. Hill Cheo Title & Trust Co L. W. Hill L. W. Hill Jennie Thompson L. W. Hill Alice Short August Uihlein John FCellaet al Cyrus C De Coster et al E L Hagenbuck North Chgo St R R Co Anna A Daniels Gilbert W Roe Lambert Tree North Cbgo St R R Co Katharine Hoffman Chgo & W I R R Co Florence A Camp Mary E Dlngman 389. .... 393 395-397 399-401 403 407-413 25,666 39,000 60,000 7,000 8,000 10,000 16,400 62,000 72,000 44,350 53,000 6,000 52.50C 7,60r 7,500 15,000 24,99' 35,000 100,000 5,000 30,000 37,500 11,000 347,000 200,001 4,000,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 7,000 8,000 10,000 16,400 62,000 72,000 44,350 53,000 6,000 52,500 7,600 7,500 15,000 24,999 35,000 100,000 5,000 30,000 37,500 11,000 347,000 200,001 4,000,000 450,216 1,300,200 1,300,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 38,000 35,000 9,000 290,000 25,500 '5,666 15,000 67,500 269,000 1,121,001 3,000 4,500 2,500 4,000 3,000 2,001 3,600 1,600 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 7,000 8,000 10,000 15,400 45,000 30,000 40,000 60,000 415-425 427-429 . ' . 431-433 2-4 s w cor South Water st. Band 117-1198 Water St. . 8-10 ... 12-14 32-46 s w cor Lake st 48-54 56-62 n w cor Randolph st. 68-74 s w cor Randolph st. 76-82 78,500 6,800 7,500 35,000 25,000 35,000 100,000 35,000 30,000 37,500 11,000 200,000 200,000 4,000,000 500,000 1,250,000 1,260,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 35,000 33,000 8,000 305,000 6,000 19,000 84 86-88 90-96 98-102 n wcor Washington 108-110 s w cor Washington 112-114 116-118 122-128 130-132 54 Madison st 134 n w cor Madison st 138-144 s w cor Madison st 148-156 158-172 n w cor Monroe st. 184 s w cor Monroe st. 194-214 n w cor Adams st . . S w cor Adams to Jackson . 250-286 s w cor Jackson 292-294 s w cor Van Buren 296. 1,300,200 1,300,000 10,000 10,000 12,000 38,000 35,000 9,000 290,000 25,500 5',666 15,000 67,500 269,000 1,121,001 3,000 4,500 2,500 4,000 3,000 2,001 3,600 1,600 298- 300-306 . 308-326 328-334. 336-338 340-342 344 346 348-350 5,000 15,000 250,000 1,603,000 4,500 2,500 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 1,500 27,000 200,000 1,500 2,000 R R 3,700 4,000 352-356 358-366 n w cor Harrison. . 368-372 s w cor Harrison st 376 378.... 380. 382.... 384. 386 388-392 394 396 400 404 406 408-410 412. 414 418-420 422-424 428. 430. 432. 1,500 0,000 R R 2,000 4,800 1,500 0,000 R R 2,000 4,800 434 436 438 440 444 I Fll It Al, STREET. 2-8 s w cor Jackson blvd 10-12... 14 16. 18-20.. 22-24 26-32 n w cor Van Buren 36-40 s w cor Van Buren. 42-44 46-48 50-52 54-56 58-74 76 78-80 82-84 90 92 94. 96-98 n w cor Harrison st. 106-110 s w cor Harrison st 112 114 116. 118. 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 100x9956 50x100 25x100 25x100 50x100 50x100 99x100 100x60 50x100 50x100 50x100 50x100 200x100 20x100 40x100 38x100 25x100 25x100 25x100 25x100 25x100 75x100 75x100 25x100 25x100 25x100 25x100 24x100 24x100 24x100 25x100 25x100 25x100 25x100 25x100 2454x100 2254x115 2154x115 973,370 84,89! 65,797 124,833 143,835 491,337 247,227 59,150 64,150 64,149 67,150 257,720 23,860 151,207 149,378 41,575 31,503 31,503 32,803 34,375 193,700 195,000 33,487 593,730 150,460 248,000 25,600 6,500 8,000 25,000 15,000 6,000 2,000 7,00' 6,999 10,000 30,000 1,00( 105,487 105,487 13,000 3,500 3,500 4,800 2,500 5,000 12,000 4,000 285,000 75,000 973,370 84,897 134,593 124,833 143,835 491,337 247,227 59,150 64,150 64,149 67,150 257,720 23,860 151,207 149,378 41,575 31,503 31,503 31,002 34,375 193,700 195,000 33,487 593,730 150,460 248,000 25,600 16,000 8,000 25,000 15,000 6,000 2,000 7,000 6,999 10,000 30,000 1,000 105,487 105,487 13,000 3,500 3,500 3,000 2,500 5,000 12,000 4,000 285,000 75,000 758,676 228,279 71,559 56,559 59,118 111,279 393,759 212,916 58,674 62,175 62,175 67,173 23,868 257,811 150,738 148,908 39,585 29,016 29,016 31,014 34,386 193,047 195,348 32,988 593,733 140,463 118,000 125,000 20,000 5,000 Maud 500 Cath 16,000 8,000 13,500 4,000 1,500 5,000 5,000 - 10,000 J 1,000 ' 30,000 105,000 105,000 11,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 2,500 4,000 12,000 4,000 285,000 65,000 (Charles W Bonynge J. J H Wbittemore I Dnlon League Aux A Est L H Boldenweck Rappleye " -la' - Annie Maria Bailey Est George B Cook Catholic Bishop Henry G Foreman Henry G Foreman Fannie McMahon Est Marcus Stearns ames C Fargo American Express Co Est Fred W Blpper Louis A Seeberger A S Monroe et al Horatio O Stone I H Bellows David W Miller John J Curran Louis L Coburn 3 T Otis et al 3 T Otis et al f Mrs h B liorland Mrs H B Borland Mrs H B Borland Mrs H B Borland Mrs H B Borland Mrs H B Borland Mrs H B liorland Mrs H B Borland Mrs H B Borland Mrs H B Borland Mrs H B Borland Mrs H B Borland Mrs H B Borland Mrs H B Borland StEMOBAITDA The dividing- line of north and south streets is Madison street. Por illustration, State street north of Madison street is North State street, f State 18 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. MCGORMICK PROPERTIES SOUTH SIDE VACANT FOR SALE MANUFACTURING SITES FOR SALE OH RENT OFFICES FOR RENT STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING REAPER BLOCK HOBBS BUILDING BEDFORD BUILDING UNITED STATES EXPRESS BLDG. STORES, FLOORS AND LOFTS CENTRAL DISTRICT FOR RENT. RESIDENCES AND APARTMENTS NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES FOR RKNT. RIVERSIDE LOTS AND ACRES ON DESPLAINES RIVER. JOHN A. CHAPMAN, Agent. 30 NORTH LASALLE STREET TELEPHONE MAIN 1776 JOHN LARSON * co CENTRAL RENTING REAL ESTATE 8 SO. DEARBORN STREET T.i. n h n . .' Randolph 3597 .l.phonej Automal | 42.590 CHICAGO William H. Mulholand & Co. Established 1897 Real Estate Investments Members Chicago Real Estate Board Telephone, Franklin 1920 SO North La Salle Street Chicago J. LEWIS COCHRAN WILLIAM B. McCLUER COCHRAN & MCCLUER 40 N. DEARBORN STREET REAL ESTATE AND RENTING PROPERTY GOLD MORTGAGES FOR SALE HARRY F. PRUSSINC ERNEST H. LYONS CENTRAL VALUATIONS NORTH SIDE PROPERTIES 1101 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 11O7 B. WOLTERSDORF L. F. KLEIN EDWARD J. SCOTT E. WOLTERSDORF & Co. Near-in West Side Real Estate Our Specialty SALES, LOANS AND GENERAL MANAGEMENT Southwest Cor. W. Madison St. and Ashland Blvd. Telephone West 1834 CHICAGO April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 19 I I Kl'ICM, STItl IT New No. Old No. Site. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 Value of Bldgs. 1914 Totals Rev'ers' 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 Rev'ers' Totals 1915 Value of Bides. Owner. 708 142. 25x115 69,018 41,082 69,018 41,082 Mrs H B Borland 710-712 144 25x115 69 018 41,082 69,018 41,082 Mrs H B Borland 714-716 146 25x115 69,018 41,082 69,018 41,082 Mrs H B Borland 718-720 148 . 25x115 69,018 41,082 69,018 41,082 Mrs H B Borland 722 150 25x115 69 018 41,082 69,018 41 082 Henry A Blair 72i-726 152 25x115 69,018 41,08' 69,018 41,082 f 596.0CO 325,000<- Mrs H B Borland 156 25x115 69 018 41,082 69 018 41 082 Mrs H B Borland 732 158. 25x115 69 018 41 08' 69 018 41 082 Mrs 11 H norland 734-736 150 ... 25x115 69,018 41,082 69 018 41*082 Mrs 11 H Borland 738-740 188. 25x115 27,936 27,936 Mrs H B Borland 742-744 164 25x115 746-748 136 25x115 100 610 6,000 134 797 6 650 170,871 12.00C Morris Eisenberg 750-752 800-802 168-170 n w cor Polk st 50x115 25x95 ''i Chi A West Ind R R Cc 804-806 174. 25x100 808-810 176 25x100 811-814 178 25x100 818 ISO 25x100 820-826 182 25x100 R R R R R R R R R R < RR 828-832 ]84 25x100 834 186 25x100 836-844 188-194 100x100 900-938 196-238... 494x100 Chi* WestIndRRC< CI.AHK STItl-'.KT. 237-241 233-235 229-231 223-227 215-219 201-211 ' 187-193 181-185 177-179 173-175 151-169 141-149 133-139 127-131 121 117-119 lit 101-113 19-41 11-17 7-19 3-6 1 1-9 11-13 19-25 IT 31-35 37-47 J 101-107 1 109-115 117 119-113 125-141 ' 301-303 305-307 309 315 317-311 323-325 327 319 331-341 343-345 347-351 401-409 411-415 417-419 411-423 415-419 431-437 439-445 447-449 451-457 501-503 505-607 509-611 515-517 519 521-527 535-537 539-641 643-545 647-557 601-609 611-615 617-619 621-623 626-627 629-631 33-635 637-639 641-643 645-647 649-651 653-655 701-707 709-715 717-719 721-723 715-717 729-731 7M-7M 1-5 s e cor So Water st. . . 7 70x40 20x60 20x63 37 "4X40 25x80* 1 25x50 f 90* x40* 80x80 I 20x180 f 55x80H 26Hx80 21x80M 41*x80 140x80 70x30 22x120 22x160 i 22x160* f 44*xlt>0* 20x80* 10x180* 20x80* 100x160 130x80 50x80 100X120X 48x80 21*x80* 99*x90 40*x90 59x90 25*x90 48^x90 58^x90 21=^x90 44^x90* 43x80* 24x90* 24x90* 24x90* 24x90* 50x90* I 190x181 -j 49* x 103 24*xl03 24* 4 xl03 24*xl03 49*xl03 24^x103 24*xl03 19 5-6x103 79^x103 24^x103 49*xl03 100x107 50^x106 19^x106 30xl06 75x107 50x107 23*xl07 50^x107 25x100 25x100 25x100 25x100 25x100 50x100 23*xlOO 48*1100 25x100 25x100 100x100 100x100 50x100 25x100 24x100 24x100 24x100 26x100 25x100 26x100 25x100 25X100 25x100 43*x95* 25x96* 25x95* 25x95* 25x95* 25x96* 25x96* 154,735 37,896 58,407 58,704 114,330 122,330 444,023 190,744 92,966 89,863 283,480 1,129,159 289,696 281,193 754,015 793.423 10,000 2,730 6,000 7,690 15,000 10,000 20,000 19,000 8,000 7,000 133,000 400,000 10,000 127,500 400,000 400,000 154,735 37,896 58,407 58,704 114,330 122,330 444,023 190,744 92,966 89,863 283,480 1,129,159 289,696 281,193 754,015 793,423 10,000 2,730 6,000 7,690 15,000 10,000 20,000 19,000 8,000 7,000 133,000 400,000 10,000 127,500 400,000 400,000 151,734 37,167 57,408 58,215 121,965 191,787 475,575 185,544 92,979 87,873 288,828 1,173,519 308,550 282,474 753,447 792,333 120,213 640,221 93.330 1.252.9S2 363,568 318,870 1,018,248 392,307 333,342 1,049,895 270,795 387,549 165,528 325,125 798,555 409,914 967,752 683,769 281,979 252,159 143,910 139,428 328,624 4,847,910 508,140 154,188 133,428 121,080 266,484 130,743 128,469 90,333 373,521 132,015 401,334 597,501 140,199 53,169 71,300 74,979 156,159 149,940 70,071 143,829 68,970 67,467 73,968 68,967 65,568 132,939 63,072 138,039 67,470 67,968 368,250 332,000 134,766 37,284 43,926 43,926 35,427 38,385 40,383 39,882 40,383 38,385 41,385 46,707 27,747 26,898 26,700 37,000 :.'7,300 :.'8.500 7,000 2,000 5,000 7,200 15,000 10,000 30,000 14,000 8,000 5,000 133.000 400,000 45,000 127,500 400,000 400,000 9,800 50,000 5,000 118,240 20,000 20,000 200,000 12,000 8,000 40,000 10,000 8,000 2,000 11,000 400,000 226,000 415,000 175,000 100,000 100,000 6,500 6,500 24,000 2,500,000 28,000 13,750 10,000 10,000 45,000 20,000 23,000 6,000 25,000 1,800 17,100 80,000 8,000 2,000 3,000 13,000 27,000 20,000 9,000 12,000 4,000 2,500 9,000 4,000 600 3,000 2,000 12,000 2,500 3,000 12,000 80,000 62,000 900 9,000 9,000 500 2,000 4,000 3,500 4,000 2,000 5,000 600 '466 200 500 800 2.000 Western Theo sem August C Becker Patrick O'Calaghan Mt D A Loring Sr et al tri Est Harold S Peck Washington Porter Florence Clarke Belle P Wheeler E K Butler Helen E Snow Alexander J Alexander Lucy J Rowe et al Alfred S Trade Alfred S Trade L Z Letter Michael C McDonald William Borden John M Durand Nettie F McCormlck First M E Church David A Kohn Est Ezekiel Morrison Edward Morrison Est Ezekiel Morrison Lucy M Mills et al C Edward W Morrison 1 Mary A King 1 Archibald J McBean ( Arthur C Thomson Ft Dearborn Nat Bh Ft Dearborn Nat Bk f Est Thomas Hovne -j Ruben Rubel (James Larmon Harry M Marks et al L M Stumer et al Lambert Tree i Moses G Knight Rivers McNeil] et al Est Henry Field University of Chicago Jennings-C T * T Co tr Louise H Boldenweck Jacob Franks Henry M Marks et al William D Kerfoot Est Washington Smith John P Wilson Louis J Marks et al Shepard Brooks Fanny McMahon J M and Victor Well J M and Victor Well j Henning A Speed James B Speed Aaron E Nusbaum Benjamin Amhelm Joseph R Caldwell Marie Lefens Patrick S Fagan Arthur M Barnhart Will T Stewart et i Lambert Tree Katharine Colvln t al Lydia E Cooper Lambert Tree J Pembroke Thorn James E Baker Poole Bros Lambert Tree et al Victor Weil Katherina Hoffman Mary Jc Julia A. Smith Greenebaum Sons Griffin T Miller et al Simon Stern Henry A hlair Clara A Mitchell Patrick McMahon Mary A Crowe Theodore Hagedorn Charle* H Wacker Caroline 1/ott at >1 9. ... 11-13 15-17 \ 19-27 n e cor Lake at 31-37 s e cor Lake st j 39-43 45. 47. 49-51 53-65 n e cor Randolph st 67-73 s e cor Randolph st. 75. 77 79 81-83 85 87-89 627,855 97,241 1,298,824 353,565 308,870 1,016,060 315,900 380,160 1,025,430 275,836 391,547 167,526 329,008 801,807 658,710 277,880 233,631 144,800 140,412 330,890 5,047,930 498,003 164,209 271,758 420.930 116,275 91, 8 3 379,363 130.450 387.05 566,250 127,9. 48.55( 73.973 71,785 148,247 139,450 65,466 132,156 56,4r. 56,475 55,97 56.97 106,950 50,855 112,830 55,275 54,975 320,000 329,000 67,550 34,775 37,924 37,924 33,224 38,575 39,375 37,775 38,775 35,775 40,275 46,710 27.750 26,900 27,000 27,000 27,300 30.500 30,000 5,000 162,240 20,000 10,000 200,000 10,000 10,000 45,000 15,000 12.000 4,000 14,885 399,415 150.000 96,200 81,441 7,500 7,500 26,300 2,700,000 30,000 13,750 20,520 65,000 10,800 7,500 31,600 2,000 19,000 90,000 9,000 2,500 3.500 16,000 32,000 22,500 10,500 13,500 4,500 4,500 4,000 5.000 3,000 2,000 12.000 3,300 3,000 15,000 80,000 627,855 97,241 1,298,824 353,565 308,870 1,016,060 315,900 380,160 1,025,430 275,836 391,547 167,526 329,008 801,807 658,710 277,880 233,631 144,800 140,412 330,890 5,047,930 498,003 164,209 271,758 420,930 116,275 91,837 379,363 130,450 387,058 566,250 127,980 48,556 73,973 71,785 148,247 139,450 65,466 132,156 56,475 56,475 55,975 56,975 106,950 50,855 112,830 55,275 54,975 320,000 329,000 67,550 34,775 37,924 37,924 33,224 35,774 39,375 37,775 38,775 35,775 40,275 46,710 27,750 26,900 27,000 27,000 27,300 30.500 30,000 5,000 162,240 20,000 10,000 200,000 10,000 10,000 45,000 15,000 12,000 4.000 14,885 399,415 150,000 96,200 81,441 7,500 7,500 26,300 2.700,000 30,000 13,750 20.520 65,000 10,800 7,500 31,600 2,000 19,000 90,000 9,000 . 2,500 3,500 16,000 32,000 22,500 10,500 13,500 4,500 4,500 4,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 12.000 3,300 3,000 15,000 80,000 91 93-101 ne cor Washington s ecor Washington st 117-119 121-129 131-133 135 n e cor Madison st 141-149 s e cor Madison st. 151-153 155-159 161. 163-165 167-171 173 175-177 n e cor Monroe st. . 179 181 s e cor Monroe St.. 183. .. 185. 187. 189 191-193 195-199 201-203 206-211 n e cor Adams St. . . 241-245 s e cor Jackson 249. 251. 253 255-257. 961 263. ... 265 267-273 275 277-279 n e cor Van Buren. !81 289 s e cor Van Buren. 291293 295 297. 299-303. 305-307... 309 311-315 317 319. 321... 323. 325 327-329. 331 333-335 337. 339 341-349 n e cor Harrison st. 351-359 s e cor Harrison st. 361-363 365 1,000 5,500 5,500 800 4,800 5,600 4,000 5,001 2,00(1 6,500 600 '"466 500 500 800 4.00P 1,000 5,500 5,500 800 2,000 5,600 4,000 5,000 2,000 6,500 600 '"406 500 500 800 4.000 387.... 369. 371. 373. 375 377 381... 385 387... 389-391 . . . .' 393 395. 397 399 401 408.... The dividing- Hue of north and south streets la Madison street. For illustration, State street north of Madison street Is North State street, and south of Madison Is South State street. State street Is the dividing' line of the east and west streets. Madison street east of State Is known as East Madison street and west of State street Is "West Madison street. 20 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. Wylly* W. Baird John T. Wheler ESTABLISHED 1855 Charl.5 T. Gilbart BAIRD & WARNER 29 South La Salle Street, Chicago Telephone, Private Exchange, Central 8300 Real Estate, Rents, Mortgages, Building Loans, Down Town Renting NORTH SIDE BRANCH 4555 BROADWAY, Opposite Wilson Avenue "L" Station Telephone Edgewater 169 Marquette Portland Cement has been used in most of the big buildings in Chicago because of its superior quality. Our book, "Building for the Future," contains a large num- ber of photographic reproduc- tions of buildings in which Marquette was used. Send for a copy. Marquette Cement Mfg. Co., Marquette Building, Chicago. Concrete for Permanence Marquette for Concrete William 0. Green Walter V. Aikman Ogden, Sheldon & Co. Founded 1836 192 N. Clark Street Chicago REAL ESTATE, BUILDING, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS Investments Made for Residents and Non- Residents Assume the management of Estates, collection of rents, payment of taxes, loaning of money on first mortgage real estate security, and advise on the development and improvement of property. FRANK H. LANG REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS VACANT AND BUSINESS PROPERTY RESIDENCE AND APARTMENT BLDGS. BANK FLOOR 40 N. DEARBORN ST. RANDOLPH 2356 j.c.McCORD&co CENTRAL BUSINESS PROPERTY LONG AND SHORT TERM LEASES RENTING, LOANS, INSURANCE Telephone Central 997 116 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET ADAMS EXPRESS BUILDING April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 21 * ' CLARK STREET. New No. Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 Value of Bldgs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 ?ev'ers* Totals 1915 Value of Bides. Owner. 737 739-715 747-749 751-753 755-757 759 761-763 801 to 839 901 to 939 1001 to 1141 240-244 236-238 232-234 228-230 224-226 214-220 aio 200-208 188-194 180-186 178 176 172-174 150-168 34-42 18-20 14 8-12 2-6 I 4 6-8 10-12 14-18 20-22 24-26 30-32 34 36 38-40 42-46 48-52 100-108 110 112-118 120-126 130-132 134-138 140-148 200-210 212-216 218-220 224-242 300-302 304-312 314-318 320-328 330-338 400-408 410-412 414-416 418-420 422-424 426-428 430-432 105 25x95% 50x95% 25x95% 25x95% 25x95% 25x95% 25x95% 66x95% 42x95% 42x95% 25x95% 25x95% 25x95% 25x95% 20x95% 30x95% 25x95 X 25x95% 25x95% 22x95% 25x95% 25x95% 25x95% 25x95% 25x95% 16KX95% 16JiX95% 16^x95% 25x95% 25x95% 50x95% 25x95% 97%x95% 40x96% 25x98% 25x96% 50x96% 25x96% 25x96% 19%x96% 19x98% 19x96% 25x98% 50x96% 27,500 63,000 26,800 35,674 37,075 36,276 59,295 103,474 48,806 46,736 46,440 54,800 97,050 47,735 110.610 401.697 81,484 49,725 67,300 145,614 2,620,960 1,000 10,000 300 7,000 5,200 27,500 63.000 26,800 35,674 35,875 36,276 59,295 103,474 48,806 46,736 46,440 54,800 97,050 47,735 110,610 401,697 81,484 49,725 67,300 145,614 2,620,960 1,000 10,000 300 7,000 4,000 6,666 7,392 3,640 4,000 4,640 4,640 3,000 5,000 6,000 45,000 5,800 4,500 7,000 21,999 1,250,000 27,508 61,499 26,523 32,622 35,823 36,225 60,759 102,081 50,964 47,835 46,000 54,360 97,050 47,583 104,259 393,031 79,527 48,732 67,107 137,628 2,620.962 1,000 9,000 300 4,000 4,000 /.SOD 6,000 4,000 4,200 4,200 4,200 3,000 5,000 3,000 42,000 4,000 3,500 6,800 14,000 1,250,000 O L Jenks Kate S Caruthers Charles 11 Wacker John Reynolds Robert J Gunning Martin M Schultz C * W I R R C and E I R R W I R R I.esiee Helen E. James Helen E. James Caroline Koch Robert H Parkinson Thomas Lonergan Henry Botsford Est Thomas T Shrove John Garibaldi Conrad Furst Hobart W Williams Grahame Jones Minnie E Baldwin Elizabeth Lipe Est Francis C Sherman Courthouse and City H Marshall Field James Ross Todd Mary.T Hoxle John T Boddle Caroline B Kuehn et j L Z Letter Elizabeth M Winston Est Henry H Kohn Est James Campbell Dennis McCarthy Est L C P Freer Dwlght Lawrence et BJ M. B. Madden Howard Henderson et al Hiram Peabody Jared Bassett A F Armstrong et al Est L C P Freer Marshall Field Eliz. T. Meadowcraft Joseph H Andrews Marshall Field Est Marshall Field Est Marshall Field L Z Letter Kate S Carruthers L Z Lelter L Z Leiter West Union Teleg Co Jenningt-C T A T Co tr Daniel A Lorlng Sr, tr Henry and Albert Keep Chauncey Keepet al.trs Peter C Brooks Est Merrltt L Satterlee PhiloAOtis Est Charles D Harlep Est Edwin L Brand M E Sullivan et al Alice King Cade 407-411 . 413 415. . ... 417 419 ' 6,666 7,392 3,640 4,000 4,640 4,640 3,000 5,000 6,000 45,000 5,800 4,500 7,000 21,999 1,250,000 421 n e cor Polk st 423-427 s e cor Polk st 429-431 433.435 437 439 441. 443 .... 445. . 447-449 . ... 451 457. . . 459 461. 463 465 467 467H 469 471 471%. 473 477. ... 477X 479-481 . ... 483 487-493 n e cor Taylor st. . . 495-497 s e cor Taylor st. . . 499 501. 503-505 507 509 511. 511% 513. 515 517-517% 519 521. 32x96% 14x96% 16%x96% 523 525. 527-529 531. 21%x96% 20x98% 533 . . . 533-535 535-539 65x96% 65x96% 19x98% nzB8M 45x96% 22%x96% 40x98% 59x96% 70x22 20x80% 20x80% 20x80% 20^x80% 40x80% 20x80% [ 90x20 80x80 20x70 15x70 20x70 36x70 180x160 381.1x320 180%X107 47%x80 20x80 40%x80 62%x80 25x76 ) 25%xl26 [ 50x50% j 25x126 24x126 *9%xl26 28^x126 39%X126 52x126 21x90% 24x90% 24x90% 43x90% 45%x90% 78x90 30x90 40x90 40x90 40x180 50x180 99x180 100x125 50x125 40x145 186x135 50x213 120x113 50x108 100x108 95x108 100x103 25x103 25x103 18%xl03 18%X103 37% XI 03 50x103 541-545 545% 547. . 549-551 559 561-563 565-567 n e cor Twelfth st. 2-6 s w cor So Water st.. 8 10 12 14 16-18 20 22-28 n w cor Lake st Includes 130 Lake st... 32-38 s w cor Lake st 40 42 44... 46-48 50-66 n w cor Randolph st S w cor Randolph st 104-120 s w cor Washington 122-124... 1,773,350 301,285 111,680 250,439 737,740 783,530 265,800 235,192 280,073 277,729 267.777 283,852 143,912 164,328 169,452 342,597 547,398 879,335 257,717 246,827 265,980 433,792 502,350 2,179,450 1,095,000 380,500 319,850 1,806,860 1,191,105 550,900 267,950 501,924 619,419 503,250 64.75F 64,800 47,181 47,181 94,245 77,800 200,000 16,000 3,000 6,000 50,000 21,000 8,000 10,000 23,000 24,500 14,499 25,000 8,0flr 9,000 9,000 10,000 17,000 150,000 80,890 70,000 17,85r 13,000 29.00T 800,000 50,OP' 42,000 15,000 100,000 240,000 10,000 20,000 75,000 20,00 20,000 4,800 5,000 3,000 3,000 5,000 18,000 1,773,350 301,285 111,680 250,439 737,740 783,530 265,800 235,192 280,073 277,729 185,952 353,957 143,912 164,328 169,452 342,597 547,398 879,335 257,717 246,827 265,980 433,729 502,350 2,179,450 1,095,000 380,500 319,850 1,806,860 1,191,105 550,900 247,950 501,924 619,419 503,250 64,758 64,800 47,181 47,181 94,246 77,800 200,000 16,000 3,000 6,000 50,000 21,000 8,000 10,000 23,000 24,500 25,500 21,000 8.000 9,000 9,000 10,000 17,000 150,000 80,890 70,000 17,850 13,000 29,000 800,000 50,000 42,000 15,000 100,000 240,000 10,000 4,883,166 312,786 111,681 250,839 687,743 778,743 265,446 234,909 274,722 267,933 362,016 351,051 142,929 164,349 179,060 356,286 577,146 929,901 253,092 225,061 263,130 440,793 498,348 2,079,477 1,095,000 377,526 319,674 1,806,882 1,301,115 514,881 530,889 502,029 685,848 555,165 69,450 71,451 52,092 53,028 104,172 81,450 2,500,000 27,500 3,000 6,000 50,000 21,000 8,000 10,000 18,000 15,000 17,500 22,500 7,000 9,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 170,000 75,000 4,500 15,000 20,000 25,000 700,000 50,000 39,000 15,000 100,000 350,000 10,000 300,000 75,000 75,000 30,000 3,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 5,000 15,000 126 128-130 132-136 n w cor Madison st 142 s w cor Madison st... 144 136-138 Madisonst 146 148 150-152 154-156 158-160 182. 166... 168 170 172-174 176-178 n w cor Monroe st 180-184 9 w cor Monroe st. 186 188-190 192-194 196-198 200-202 204-212 n w cor Adams St.. 214 s w cor Adams st . . . 282-326 228-230 232 48nwcorJackson blvd 250 252 sw cor Jackson blvd 254-260 262-264 278-280 n w cor Van Buren. 282-288 s w cor Van Buren. 892 75,000 20,001 20,000 4,800 5,000 3,000 3,000 5,000 18,000 S94 396 298% 298 200-302 MEMORANDA and f^nth * treets ls Madison street. Por illustration, State street north of Madison street is North State street. and nth ffli * . an, ae s . East Madron M t a J /^H street - sta te street is the dividing- line of the east and west streets. Madison street east of State is known as East Madison street and west of State street In West Madison street 22 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. JOHN C. FETZER Real fefaU ^Investments 105 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO TELEPHONES RANDOLPH 3233 AUTOMATIC 51-416 JOSEPH B. FLEMING ATTORNEY EDGAR R. COBB NOTARY PAUL STEINBRECHER & CO. Successors to Geo. W. Cobb & Co. and Dunlap, Smith & Co. CENTRAL REAL ESTATE and HIGH GRADE PROPERTY NEAR LINCOLN PARK A SPECIALTY Tribune Building Wanted for Exclusive Clients, Offerings in Business Property Anywhere in Chicago rUMUND A. CUMMINOS CHARLES fl. OOSS ESTABLISHED 1869. EDWA1D S. JUDD IOIEKT C. OIVINS E. A. CUMMINGS & CO. General Real Estate and Loan Agents. APPRAISERS AND AUCTIONEERS. Buy, Sell nd .YUnage Property on Commission, Collect Rents Mid Pay Taxes, Negotiate Loans. S. W. CORNER DEARBORN AND WASHINGTON STS. TELEPHONES, CENTRAL 24 AND 25. Perry Ulrich Dealer in DOWN TOWN REAL ESTATE SUITE 4O7 TITLE AND TRUST BUILDING 69 W. WASHINGTON STREET TELEPHONE CENTRAL 1870 CHICAGO BURT J. FITZGERALD Harris Trust Building Phones: Randolph 3654, Automatic 42-769 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS April 8, REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 23 CLARK NTRKF/T. New No. Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 Value of Bldsrs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 Rev'ers' Totals 1915 Value of Bldgs. Owner. 434-438 304-306 50x103 118 416 300 118 416 300 80 493 15 000 440-444 310-314... 56^x103 158*760 25,000 ) 158 760 4 0001 131,553 300 446 316. . . 18%xl03 48 442 4,000 f- 48 442 25 000 [ 169 134 20 500 Est Sidney A Kent 600-502 318. 24^x105 57*456 6,000) 57 456 6000 j 53 385 4 000 604-512 380-322. 49i^xl05H 106 931 3 500 106 931 3 500 69 819 5 500 614-518 324. 25x105)6 52 475 500 52 475 *500 132 288 3 000 Joseph B Earl 520-524 336-328 50xl05>6 103 554 103 554 65 469 500 626-632 330 25x105 ^ 103 950 103 950 240 939 111 000 School fund 634-536 332 25X105H 477 200 477 200 240 441 111 000 538-544 334-336 49%xl05 103 554 778 000 Harriet King* Klebs 546-558 338-350 n w cor Harrison st 1495xl05 877,200 877 200 exemp School fund 600-616 618-624 352-360 s w cor Harrison st 363-364 110x108 40x108 227,610 56 440 10,800 2 000 227,610 10,800 ) 236,166 8,000 Arthur B Jones 366-376 1255^x108 371 145 200 001 638-644 378-382 58^x108 94 960 15 000 Griffin T Miller et al 646-648 384-386. 62^x108 85 062 700-706 388-390 50x108 56,296 1,000 1 000 Jos H Andrews et al 708-716 392-404 148x108 198 800 26 000 718-722 406-414 100>^xl08 130,815 15 000 M M Schultz 724-734 416. 24^x108 35,585 5 000 736-738 418. 25x100 34 600 200 740-742 422 n w cor Polk st 50x101 94,527 Ralph S Greenlee et al 744-750 800-818 422-440 s w cor Polk st . . . . 442-444 198-^x102 39% x 102 St Peters R C Church 820-822 446-448 39%xl02 824-826 450 19%xl02 828-842 452 19:^x102 L S & M S R R Co 464 19^x102 1 900-924 456 193^x102 [ 458. : 193xl02 926-938 460 19%xl02 fL S & M S R R From 460 to n w cor Twe'l fth st L S & M S and R I Ry 1000 538 25x122 1 Lake Sh & M S Ry Co 540-544 75x122 1 Lake Sh & M S Ry Co 1140 546-548 69x122 [ Lake Sh A M S Ry Co 1.A S A I, I, j : 201-219 226-241 301-303 303-315 319-321 323-331 333-341 401-409 411-431 433-435 437-441 601-503 605-503 615-521 523-525 527-529 631-533 635-541 615-627 629-631 633-653 701-703 707-711 715 717-719 781 723 726 727-729 731to733 736-737 739-741 743 801 to 839 220-234 214-216 210-212 206-208 202-204 186-192 180-184 3-9 s e cor So Water st. . 11 13 15-27 n e cor Lake st 31-37 se cor Lake st 39 41 43-45 47 49. 51-53 55 57-61 n e cor Randolph st i e cor Randolph st I N e cor Washington st. . f 03-117 s e cor Washington 19-121 23-125 27 29-135 n e cor Madison. . . 39-151 s e cor Madison St. 53-155 57-183 69-175 n e cor Monroe St. . 77-185 s e cor Monroe st . . 87-189... i 93-197 .99-209 n e cor Adams st. -j 211-233 s e cor Adams st. . . 235-247 n e cor Jackson 247-249 s e cor Jackson st.. S3-261 263-265 287-275 277-285 n e cor Van Buren 287-295 s e cor Van Buren. 297-315 517-319 523-325 J27 531-333 535 537 539-345 347-355 357-365 n e cor Harrison st 367-375 s e cor Harrison st 379 381 383-391 393 395-405 409 411 413-417 '. 421 423 425 429-437 439-441 443-447 n e cor Polk st 449-451 s e cor Polk st 453 455 457 459 461 463 465 467-469 471 2-14 s w cor South Water 16-18 24-28 n w cor Lake st 30-36 s w cor Lake st 38-40 100x40 25x80 25x80 150x80 100x40 26x60^ 23^x70^ 25&X70M 30^x70* 16^x70M 75=^x20 181^X103 29x101 44x101 24x101 80x101 135x101 53^x187 88x209.25 80x232 110x50 78x50 50x7254 72^x138 I 22HX188 ( 177HX178H 186^x178 50x213 50x105 100x105 95x80 99MX101K 168x101 ! 50x101 \ 50x101 25x105 50x105 25x105 25x105 75x105 100x105 993xl05 110x105 20x105 20x105 100x105 23x105 27x105 24x105 24x105 78x105 22x105 22x105 28x105 100x105 50x105 50X105 79^x62 19.87x102 19.87x102 19.87x102 39^x102 20x102 19.97x102 19.87x102 39^x102 20x102 j 150x80 38^x80 20x80 20x70 70x60 80x80 40xfO 129,291 30,875 37,090 332,727 155,115 30,750 24,249 51,000 40,886 32,702 48,130 29,646 109,100 2,292,645 266,578 333,308 187,208 1,086,072 1,316,470 exempt 2,123,970 1,983,642 1,110,000 409,075 307,275 1,919,563 2,854,000 exempt 1,191,105 279,280 185,001 359,425 370,905 473,312 254,641 57,815 61,700 194,967 171,060 346,353 24,616 91,443 19,856 19,856 66,882 18,11? 43,950 113,901 63,000 73,002 297,972 55,330 26,674 22,844 150,604 209,280 89,820 9,999 5,800 7,000 60,000 20,000 4,749 4,749 21,000 7,400 2,000 11,800 2,500 10,000 650,000 36,000 35,000 11,000 200,000 75,000 exempt 911,000 750,000 450,000 75,000 10,000 600,000 1,614,000 50,000 240,000 54,000 500,001 130,000 sb'.ooo 25,000 3,000 4,000 80,001 129,291 30,875 37,090 332,727 155,115 30,750 24,249 51,000 40,886 32,702 48,130 29,646 109,100 2,292,645 266,578 333,308 187,208 1,086,072 1,316,470 exempt 2,123,970 1,983,642 1,110,000 334,074 307,275 1,919,563 2,854,000 exempt 1,191,105 279,280 185,001 429,425 370,905 1,023,312 267,531 57,815 61,700 194,967 477,200 212,856 2,500 12,000 200 200 3,000 99 3,000 32,00! 23,001 23,00' 30,000 I2,00r 5,820 5,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 171,060 346,353 24,616 91,443 19,856 19,856 66,882 18,117 43,950 113,901 80,000 109,000 297,972 55,330 26,674 22,844 150,604 209,280 89,820 9,999 5,800 7,000 60,000 20,000 4,749 4,749 21,000 7,400 2,000 11,800 2,500 10,000 650,000 36,000 315,000 11,000 200,000 75,000 exempt 911,000 750,000 450,000 10,000 600,000 1,614,000 50,000 240,000 54,000 500,001 200,000 'fidd.bbb 35,000 3,000 4,000 80,001 477,200 212,856 2,500 12,000 200 200 3,000 99 3,000 32,001 40,000 49,000 146,514 36,351 43,620 349,860 152,316 30,510 24,006 51,000 40,578 36,786 31,401 196,959 2,292,615 260,613 333,441 185,226 1,041,297 1,742,664 954,210 2,073,948 1,573,400 1,140,249 634,074 310,335 1,894,551 2,854,000 exempt 1,301,115 300,321 193,704 429,396 538,605 1,257,240 299,889 66,801 70,212 222,324 Bee Clark st Rand- McNally 351,735 107.136 269,844 34,254 129,159 80,970 98,817 29,038 27,126 34,395 154,845 252,102 30,000 12,000 5,820 5,000 25,000 30,000 30,000 324,609 65,175 31,467 28,017 152,538 199,278 51,000 10,000 5,000 6,000 60,000 20,000 4,500 4,500 9,000 7,000 6,000 4,000 17,000 650,000 30,000 35,000 9,000 150,000 500,000 900,000 400,000 450,000 300,000 13,000 575,000 1,614,000 50,000 350,000 50,000 45,000 200,000 150,000 800,000 25,000 2,000 2,000 80,000 150,000 58,000 147,000 6,000 10,000 22,000 3,000 100 2,000 32,000 89,000 Walter L Peck George Watson John H Dwight et al Lambert Tree Adelaide L Merrill Edgar A linzzell Edsar A Buzzell David G Swartz John L Clark C. H. & C. A. Weaver T Brentano Emma Schmidt I City Hall and County 1 building Chamber of Com S V Co BronsonB Tuttle Est Bronson B Tuttle Uof C Leander J McCormick Y MC A National Life Ins Co LaSalle (a corporation) Harriet Blair Borland Harriet Blair Borland C. & James Deering Home Ins Co of N Y Water fund Northwestern Univ'ty West U Tel Co Equit Trust Co et al Equit Trust Co, Tr H and A Keep Est Edward Mendel James Oliver Marshall Field ( F C Spaulding ( and Carl Hansen Kate Fowler City Chi (school fund) City Chi (school fund) City Chi school fund) Abt Field Drummond Fanny Frank , Annie Goldstein Est Sidney A Kent John Degnan Griffin T Miller et al Bridget E Hickey W H Benton David Zemansky Simon J Levin Marvin A Farr R R Warehouse * S Co Est Sidney A Kent Est Sidney A Kent r L S & M S R R Co LS&MSRRCo L S & M S R R Co CR I APRRCoetal LS&MSBECo L S & M S R R Co L S & M S R R Co L S & M S R R Co Henry C Clement Chi R I 16-22 n w cor Lake st i32-36 s w cor Lake st 40-42 44 46. 52-64 n w cor Randolph st. (70-74 s w cor Randolph st . '76-82 84-100 n w cor Washington 1 102-110 s w cor Washington 112-118 120-122 1124 U26 (128 130 132 |l34 136 n w cor Madison st 1138-144 s w cor Madison st. 146 148 150-154 :i56-158 .160-162 1 164-170 n w cor Monroe st. (174-188 s w cor Monroe st. !l90 Size. 100X46K 79x1 19K 24x90 20x90 20x90 20x90 40x90 j 20x90 I 20.7x90 25x90 I 40x70 | 20x100 60x50 60x90H 1913 Rev'ers Totals 35x90 20x90 50%x90% 24%x90% 24x90 40x90 j 69x90 / 20x64 55x114.66 55^x54^ 110x114 axiwoo 25x100 24x100 24x100 45x100 75x100 50x75 25x100 50x100 40x100 100x100 25x100 25x100 46x100 23x94 23x94 100x94 50x94 25x94 25x94 25x94 25x94 25x94 25x94 50x94 39x106 119x106 19%xl06 39HX106 19%xl06 19%xl06 19%xl06 19%xl08 19%xl06 39%xl06 :^xioo 19%xl06 19%xl06 39.75x108 47x106 50x106 25x106 33x106 60x108 66^x106 70x106 I 20%xl06 V 25x106 \ 39%xl06K -9KX106H 19%xl06H 159X106M 25x106 Vt 25X106H 25X106H 25X106K 25X106VS 25X106K 99KX106H 25X106H BOxlMK 50xl06H 88^x41 I 60x80^ j 150X80V4 91x20 180x80 100x60 80x100 20x80 20x80 19x80 % 19x80% 20x80% 20x80% 10x80% 80x44 20x89% 60x90* 44X92H 43^x92* 02KX92H 176!4x90 493,70 497,42 76,39 49,10 49,10 49,10 110,85 142,24 137,38 196,27 125,66 165,80 74,47 93.90C 46,20 131,81 73,2(X 83,59 328,31 715,27' 323,72 175,77 935,80 5,320,00( 62,50 57,500 52,90 exemp 363.30C 184,77. 52,175 177,90 100,73. 194,800 49,550 57,075 111,66 107,89 139,450 139,450 126,400 35,425 40.22' 34,725 34,725 38,025 52,665 133,125 8,323 61,695 29,773 42,645 21,46. 22,463 21,713 21,463 23,563 26,563 32,163 64,937 32,163 32,163 48,669 50,202 57,200 30,858 57,639 76,040 55,915 264,893 384,784 428,811 17,667 18,167 17,667 17,667 17,667 158,325 35,334 47,860 63,338 297,702 364,245 71,761 521,611 403,565 234,740 176,315 478,532 173,880 179,918 75,000 40,320 40,320 39,740 89,985 61,950 147,580 152,379 224,345 49,814 49,140 158,454 113,437 106,512 373,446 714,482 63,390 1913 Value of Bldgs. 205,20 248.4CK Il,00 4,00 4,00( 4,00 10,00 10,00 8.00C 10,00 15,00 25,40 13,200 7,50 3,000 20,00 ll.OOi 11,00' 80,00 51.700J 56,800) 7,00 150,00' 3,400,001 5,00( 1914 Rev'ers' Totals exemp 16,00' 3,00 75.000 16,000 6,500 2.475 10,000 27,300 44,000 70,00' 70,000 56,95f 70r 5,500 10,240 12,500 7,500 8,000 6,500 498 500 1,500 750 500 2,600 5,600 11,200 23,000 11,200 11.200 9,000 8.001 15.000 3.000 6.991 25,400 118,000 240.87? 231,540 "'566 69.999 200 7,000 500 22,400 90.000 2,320 3,000 45,000 22,400 20,000 50,000 3,000 18,000 8,640 2,400 2,400 2,040 2,040 1,840 3.60U 8,400 20,000 3,500 5,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 45,000 200,000 13,779 1914 I 1915 1915 Value of Rev'ers' 'Value of Bldgs. Totals j Bldgs. 493,704 497,421 76,395 49,100 49,100 49,100 110,854 142,249 137,381 196,275 125,661 165,800 74,478 93,900 46,200 131,817 73,200 83,591 328,317 9,806,597 290,778 935,805 5,320,000 62,500 '57,500 52,900 exempt 363,300 184,776 52,175 177,905 100,735 194,800 ' 49,550 57,075 111,664 107,894 139,450 139,450 126,400 35,425i 40,225 34,725 34,725 38,025 52,665 133,12s 96,822 60,194 29,773 42,645 21,463 22,463 21,713 21,463 23,563 26,563 32,163 64,937 32,163 32,163 48,669 50,202 57,200 30,858 57,639 85,915 55,915 264,893 384,784 428,811 17,667 18,167 17,667 17,667 17,667 158,325 35,334 47,860 63,338 297,702 364,245 71,761 521,611 403,565 234,740 176,315 478,532 173,880 179,918 75,000 40,320 40,320 39.740 89.985 61,950 147,580 152,379 224,345 49,814 48,139 157,953 113,437 106,512 373,446 714,482 63,390 205,200 248,400 11,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 10,000 15,000 25,400 13,200 7,500 3,000 20,001 11,000 11,000 80,001 6,885,000 122,000 150,000 3,400,000 5,000 exempt 16,000 3,000 Vs',666 16,000 6,500 2,475 10,000 27,300 44,000 70,000 70,000 56,950 700 5,500 10,240 12,500 6,000 6,500 6,500 498 500 1,500 750 500 2,600 5,600 11,200 23,000 11,200 11,200 9,000 8,001 15,000 3,000 6,999 30,000 118,000 240,872 231,540 "566 69,999 200 7,000 500 22,400 90,000 2,320 3,000 4'5,000 22,400 20,000 50,000 3,000 18,000 8,640 2,400 2,400 2,040 2,040 1,840 3,600 8,400 20,000 3,500 4,000 14,499 10.000 15,000 45,000 200,000 13,779 Owner. 506,241 496,995 [ 74,391 47,0971 47,097 47,097 110,847 142,317) 163,074i 217,704 128,544 163,377 73,269 93,135 45,693 131,834 72,075 82,590 326,316 10,429.233 6,000,885 200,000 248,000 9,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 9,000 10,000 17,000 23,000 12,000 6,750 2,500 19,000 10,000 10,000 60,000 291,576 925,170 5,102,907 62,499 62,499 57,501 exempt 363,150 105,600; 52,179i 152,910 104,742 204,315 55,077 56,079 99,378 103,8781 139,43l! 139,431; 119,433j 35,016 39,71" 35,716 35,716 37,950 47,35: 130,515 98,475 60,708 29,280 21,690 21,270 21,471 22,470 21,471 21,471 22,971 26,971 36,969 66,948 35,970 36,969 61,947 63,159 62,850 35,424 114,420 159,426 262,905 349,455 399,134 20,385 20,886 20,385 20,385 20,385 171,900 40,986 52,277 67,335 308,532 392,851 71,847 16,491 67,176 373,443 473,376 157,119 471,402 174,369 169,S66 66,963 36,693 36,693 35,490 82,209 56,349 142,089 228,612 51,297 48,132 158,433 118,497 104,562 533.184 692,505 57,351 University of Chicagi University of Chicagi Jesse Holladay Stephen P Brown George Andrin Lambert Tree Clarence W Marks Jacob Franks J J Cor belt Perkins Bass Susan B Kerfoot Washington Porter Edward G Ulhlein Albert E Cross Henry Kau Wm A Pinkerton et &l Mrs Rachel Salsbury Mrs Rachel Salsbury Jennings-C T A T Co tr C. * 0. Nat. Bank exempt 14,400 3,000 sb',666 20,000 16,000 8,000 9,000 15,000 40,000 70,000 70,000 50,000 300 5,000 109,800 William C Lobenatine 150,000! William A Giles 3,000,000 C T A T Co E R Graham Adele F Adams Chicago engine house Edward S Isham William McCoy Arthur Dixon Arthur Dixon Arthur Dixon Arthur Dixon C K Offeld James Oliver Mrs Harriet B Borland Gertrude L Paxton et al Trustees Beloit College James Clare William S Keck Henry A Fitch Frances S Williams Henry A Osborne B S Whitney J B Moos Est James Stenson Est James F Lord Joseph Winterbotham Mary Loetzerich Wilhel'ina Hessenauer Charles A Wathier R H Donnelley Barbara Sch neider et al Mary Faber ("Jacob L Kesner I Howard Copeland j Anthony Worst et al [j L Kesner A E Winterbotham Joseph Winterbotham J F Porter Hulda Bloom Morris Joseph Joyce Joseph Vehon 5,000 10,000 7,000 7,000 6,000 500 300 500 1,500 500 500 2,000 6,000 16,000 25,000 15,000 16,000 20,000 21,000 18,000 13,000 31,000 100,000 110,000 190,000 211,200 '"566 70,000 200 6,000 500 22,500 50,000 1,600 2,000 4,000 30,000 273,036 15,000 50,000 2,000 26,000 8,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 3,000 4,000 20,000 5,000 4,000 15,000 15,000 13,000 75,000 190,000 9,000 Marshall Field Wells, Fargo & Co Grace C Harlow Mary Steinbach J G Harlow John Reynolds Andrew Crawford C T & T Co tr H E Bell William Ohlendorf James C Peasley Clara K Bacon et al D. F. Crilly II. B. Madd.n Mrs Martha E Braun Washington Porter Est L C P Freer Jacob Franks Est Henr'tta Rosenfeld The Hlodsjett Co, Ltd Michael Espert Silas F Miller R R Bradley Walter H Wilson J L Kesner Est Charles G Smith J L Kesner Est L C P Freer Equitable Trust Co etal J L Kesner Geo M High, exr John Irwin Thomas Bassett Joseph Downey Eliza C Ham Est Henry A Kohn Lev! Z Leiter Est John M Williams Sarah C Howlett MEMOBANDA.. The dividing line of north and south streets la Madison street. For illustration, State street north of Madison street la North State street, a f-. ,. Mi i als n ia South State street. State street la the dividing line of the east, and west streets. Madison street east of State la known a.a East Madison street and west of State street is West Madison street 28 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, u. s. A. 66 are both satisfactory 59 A Remarkable Letter! Quite recently THE ECONOMIST received the following letter, names omitted for obvious reasons, concerning advertis- ing now running regularly in its columns: "This is an acknowledgment of your letter of recent date advising that with the last issue of your magazine contract expires for the space. "It is the intention of to continue their advertising on the present basis. The results and service are both satisfactory. "Let us thank you for your interest and many courtesies. May the months to come be most prosperous for you all." From the viewpoint of a veteran advertising expert this is a remarkable letter. The advertisers are among the largest and most influential in the world. The cost of the articles they advertise runs into thousands of dollars and are only purchased by people of large means; only the very rich can afford them. This means that they are not automobiles. This concern is probably the largest advertiser in THE ECONOMIST and its advertising has been running continuously for not less than five years. People of means read THE ECONOMIST. To reach people of means advertise in HE ECONOMIST. April S, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 29 FIFTH AVENUE. .Nw No. 116-118 120-13* 200-218 224-226 228-232 234-238 300-306 308-314 316-318 320-326 400-402 404-406 408-412 414-416 418-424 600-502 504 505-508 S12-520 528-536 140-542 644-546 548 560 552 600-638 Old No. Size. 190-192 194-208 n w cor Adams st. . 210-226 s w cor Adams st . . |228-230 s w cor Quincy St.. 1332-236 !S38-340 n w cor Jackson . . . 344-248 s w cor Jackson. .. ]250-256 1258-268 |274-278 n w cor Van liuren |280 s w cor Van Buren St. . |282-284 286-290 292 294-300 n w cor Congress si 306-308 s w cor Congress st 310. 312-314 | 316-334 n w cor Charles pi. 330-338 s w cor Charles pi.. 340 I | 342 f I 344 346, 348 n w cor Harrison st. .. S w cor Harrison south to 41KJC82 180x80 190x333)4 42x100 64X100 60x100 87HX153 87.5X153 137x186)4 50x86M 22 "4x100 40x100 60x100 20x100 80x100 45x100 20x100 40x100 107x120 107x120 40x120 20)4x120 22x120 22x120 Twelfths! 1913 Rev'ers' Totals. 1913 Value of Bldgs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 Rev'ers' Totals. 1915 Value of Bides Owner. 110,157 19,998 110,157 19,998 49,551 9,000 Est llenrv A Kohn 566,695 70,000 566,695 70,000 566,7181 70,000 Est Edwin H Sheldon 2,515,548 750,000 2,515,548 750,000 2,426,799 600,000 Marshall Field 137,153 15,000 137,153 15,000! 150.135 15,000 Kst .Marshall Field 217,436 35,000 217,436 35,000 217,419 35,000 Valentine C Turner 327,150 20,001 333,150 26,001 338,031 30,000 Hamilton Moses 708.870 "189.999 708,870 189.999 720,636 190,000 George A McKmlock R k R k R R R R R R R R Met W S El Ry 595,534 142,000 593,533 140,000 628,491 136,000 Est Albert A Munger 196,960 1,000 195,852 1.000 James Clare 118,229 5,000 118,229 5,000 113,430 5,000 Thomas P Smith et al 125,528 18,000 125,528 18,000 132,513 25,000 Charles Yondorf 202.338 80,000 202,338 80,000 202,545 80,000 Washington Porter 43,852 2,400 36,690 24,000 42,063 2,400 Sidney Adler 281,210 80,000 281,210 80,000 275.211 74.000|FrankC Farwell 157,575 35,000 157,575 35,000| 154,575 32,000! Washington Porter 53,610 9,000 53,610 9,000 54,612 10,000 Daniel *' Crllly 99,235 10,000 99,235 10,000 99,885 20,000 Pauline C Porter 302,417 59,000 302,417 59,000 298,419 55,000 Otto Young 664,057 355,000 664,057 355,000 649,059 340,000 Wilson Bros 303,174 180,000 303,174 180,000 315,201 192,000 Moses Born 51,168 3,000 51,168 3,000' 50,676 2,500 Kunlgunda Metz 79,573 4,000 79,573 4,000 79,071 3,500 Theresa Simon R R R R R R R R R R R R B.tOChi.TermRRCo I lt\VKI.I\ STKEET. 223-231 219-221 201-215 187-191 181-185 177-179 171-175 n e cor So Water st . 1-9 s e cor So Water st. 11-13 55x80 112)4x50)4 37)4x8014 i 40x110 I 'i 40x80 f 70x20 169 165-167 161-163 151-157 123-139 117-119 101-115 35-41 29-31 27 25 23 1-19 23-39 101-117 123-139 201-219 225-231 233-239 301-309 311-321 323-333 337-345 401-409 415-423 501-509 615-523 529-533 635-539 643-551 216-226 200-212 186-190 182-184 174-180 170-172 162-166 158-160 150-154 124-140 108-120 100-106 32-42 26-28 20-24 14-16 12 10 4-8 2-20 24-40 100-118 112-138 200-210 112-214 224-230 232-238 300-308 310-312 311-416 318 320-322 330-332 334-338 400-414 500-508 512-516 612-532 534-550 173-179 166-169 169-163 153-157 15-37 n ecor Lakest 31-35 s e cor Lake st 37 39-41 43-45 .. 47 ' 25^x60^ I 21x36 I 49 < on alley } I 35HX80M I 51-53 30Hx80 55-57 n e cor Randolph st 90)4x30 65-81 s e cor Randolph st. . 180x50 83-85 40Hx80 87-89 40!4x80 93-97 n ecor Washington: 90x40)4 101-107 se cor Washington! 80Hx20M 111 ! 25x80Ji [113 | 22x80^ ,115. i 20^x80^ ,117 23x83% 119-131 n ecor Madison st. 184x80 135-151 s e cor Madison st. 190x50 153-1 69 n ecor Monroe st..: 190x95 171-189 s e cor Monroe st. . , 198x50 201-209 n e cor Adams st.. 199xl42)4 311-225 s e cor Adams st. .. |333)4xl90M> 227-231 s e cor Quincy st I [ ,,:..,,- J 229-241 n ecor Jackson. f | 245-2558 ecor Jack son.... j 100x153 257-265 | 99x153 267-273... 99x153 275-CT9 n e cor Van liuren 281-283 s e cor Van Buren. 285-289 n e cor Congress st [291-299 s e cor Congress st. 1319-321 323-327 n e cor Charles pi. . 331-335 s e cor Charles pi . . j 339-317 n e cor Harrison stj 2-14 8 w cor South Water! 16-22 n w cor Lake st I 26-36 s w cor Lake st ' 40-42 44-46 48-50 i I 52 I 54-56 i | 58-64 n w cor Randolph st! 66-82 s w cor Randolph st 84-94 98-104 nw corWashington 106-110 sw cor Washington! 112-114 120-122 1124 1126 1128-130 132 n w cor Madison st 100x85 105x52 >s 105x212 105x212!4 53HX80 53-4x80 107x140 107x200 102X25 140)4x40 100x20 40x80 40x80 40x80)4 20x80)4 40x80)4 70x20 180x80 100x80 80x80 80)4x101 40x91 50x91 54x81 25x81 3954x81 53x80% 126,88* 156,191 43.100 199,67' 61,515 61,839 132,654 59,000 29, IS; 39,462 47,150 71,880 248,270 exempt 145,187 233,915 84,885 40,828 35,669 34,048 46,050 490,058 344,347 533,172 372.699 R k 2,515,5-18 964,300 75,306 296,904 428,160 191,b/3 608,637 623,802 94,392 130,440 450,760 335,000 70,212 145,490 75,968 48,120 55,135 53,135 33,060 62.465 58,828 345,9001 148,830 162.5901 216,5021 86.380 103,925 1 1 4',092 36,700 52,473 113,196 12,852 22,035 4,000; 44,800 6,800 12,480 27,000' 13,550 5,100 126,888 156,191 43,100 199,671 61,515 61,839 125,654 59,000 29,188 8,000 39,462 12,000' 4,000i 25,0001 exempt 94,400 106,200 5,000 6,000 6,000' 7,000 8,200 65,000! 40,000 75,000 60,000 R k 750,000 394,800 4,800 42,000 110.000 1 20,000; 271,500, 292,122 38,5201 38,520 235,000 32,000' 7,18?! 24,800, 10,040, 8,000 10,000 8,01)' ! 13.000J 16,70('' 2,500 50 OOP 20,001 10,000 25,000 16,000 19,500 34,560 3,000 9,900 12.0 47,150 71,880 248,270 exempt! 145,187 233,915| 84,885 1 40,828 35,669 34,048 45,050, 490,058 344,347 533,172 372,699; R R i, 515, 548 12,852, 22,035) 4,000 44,800 6,800 12,480 20,000 13,550 5,100 8,000 12,000 4,000 25,000 exempt 94,400 106,200 5,000 6,000 6,000 7,000 7,200 65,000 40,000 75,000 60,000 R R 750,000 964,300 j 394,800 75,306' 296,904| 124,035 140,751 43,083 172,118 58,509 57,618 122,031 57,978 30,072 38.712 55,519 71,928 248,313 exempt 136,170 234,630 90,036 42,345 37,272 35,052 45,057 506,370, 344,109 533,184 395,199 'R R 2.426,799 136-152 s 154-170 n 172-190 s 192-210 n 212-218 s ! 220-226 n 228-236 s 238-242 n i 246-252 s 254-356. . 260-862. . w cor Madison st; w cor Monroe st. ' w cor Monroe st. . w cor Adams st . . i w cor Adams st. . w cor Quincy st.. j w cor Quincy st... w cor Jackson. . .( w cor Jackson ... S89tz80JK | 105,937] 7.00C '272-274 1276-578. |384 n w cor Van liuren st. js w cor Van liuren st. .. ' I N w cor Congress st 292-300 s w cor Congress st 320-340 344-358 n w cor Harrison st 190x73)4 190x140 198X170 198x150 124x100 40^x100 82)4x135 82)4X33 '.17x147 11X147)4 50x147)4 50x147)4 50x147)4 50x147)4 50x100^ 120x1051 ! 63^x100 j I 55.9x201 ; 105x172 230x255 176x74 473.535 1,436,930 806,840 843,100 . 357,480 170.735 531,267 R R 203,550 286,550 158.550 204,549 191.874 428,66s 245,968! 313,8iO: 393,330] 470.0m" 76,200 86,000 104,500 100,000 110,000 36,000 75,000 26,000 25,000 R k 45,000 128,00f 408,159 181,873 608,637 623,802 94,392 130,440 450,760 335,000 70,212) 145.490J 75,968; 48,120! 55,135 53,135) 33,0601 62,4651 58,828 345,9001 148,830i 1 62,590 ; 216,502 i 86,380! 103,925| 114,092j 36.700 1 52,473 113,196 4,800 42,000 90,000 10,000 271,500 292,122 38,520 38,520 235,000 32,000 7,182 24,800 10,040 8,000 10,000 8,0001 13,000 16,7001 2,500 50,000 20,001 10,000 25,000 16,000 19,500 34,560 3,000 j 9,900, 12,000' 929,499 74,505 294,894 401,346 166,707 495,171 615,015 85,863 121,929 515,760 334,941 67,797 136,149! 71,433] 47,127) 52,143 99,708 57.864 58,827 345,903 152,832 161,229 207,096 84,615 101,934 111,543 36,705 50,577 121,230 105,438! 6,501j 110,223 30,000 20.001 50,000 90,000 9,200 195. ono 473,535 1,436,930 806,840 843,100 166','iei 350,980 170,735 531,267 R R 203,550 286,550 158,550 76,200 86,000 1 04,500 ! 100,000; 110,000: 36,000 68,500 26,000 25,000 R R 45,0001 128,000 204,549! 191,874' 428,664 245,968 313,850 393,330 470.000 30,000 20,001] 50,000 446,895 1,471,941 872,391 843,126 456,237 171,501 368,838 189,225 548,973 R R 213,567 276,567 158,568 202,569 180,876 381,375 10.000 C T & T Co Jennings 5,000 William Stewart 4,000 Est Joseph Peacock 30,000 Margaret Peacock David L Streeter M L Barrett 000 J C Walker Est Sidney A Kent Bermann Subert 5,750 10,000 20,000 12,500 6,000 7,200 8,000 4,000 25,000 exempt 85,000 100,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 8,000 7,200 65,000 30,000 75,000 82,500 R R 600,000 360,000 4.000 40,000 95,000 10,000 250,000 295,121 30,000 30,000 300,000 32,000 4,800 18,000 9,000 7,000 7,000 34,500 15,000 2.500 11,250 20,000 9,000 Jo: Charlotte Menge Mary K Otis list Elijah Peacock David Kelley et al Jity of Chicago Wa'lter H Wilson Chicago Telephone Co Jhgo Eye, Ear, etc, Co. Harry T Harvey Est j'oseph Peacock Hiram B Peabody Nettie E Gunder Est L J McCormick Julia I Juhn Marshall Field Kate Fowler C B .t Q R R Co Marshall Field C & N W R R C A N W R R P C Brooks Met W S El Ry 6,500 125,000 895.000 174.000 100,000 34,000 69,000 30,000 65,000 R R 55,000 118,000 30,000 9.000 50,000 572,337) 90,000 376.491 9,200i 393.-957I 195,000 490.6361 t Catherine Seipp et al Clara hartholomay etal Mrs. Murray Warner William Kent Peter Brooks Julia F Porter Julia F Porter Philip K Carter Thomas C Platt James Crowe Julia Foster Porter Josephine Wollensak David G Swartz Eugene S Pike John II Bradshaw George D Loom is Est Maria Bush Marshall Field Est Melinda Hamline ,seph Downey 15,000 Est William Bross 14.000 Est Wm J Morton 17,500 Reuben M Outhet 32,000 William P Adams 3,000 Mrs Eva Hoffman 8,000 Edward Ledger et al 20,000 Jacob Franks F. G. Kammarer JohnG. Shedd Frederick Ayer Heiny Phipps lohn T Pi'ie City of Chicago C Dennehy C. C. Wrenn et al Irene F Andrews et a George lioddie et al James C McMullln Edwin R Perkins tr Henry Strong \V Chgo St R R Tunnel Abraham Kuh etal Catherine O'Reilly Est Max A Mayer 310,000 S Field; A B Jones 80,OOOiKdward B Butler 10 OOfi'Charles A Chapin ct a 175.000 -I li <'1"W * Son 3-17 s e cor Lake st 19-23 25-37 31-33... exempt 110,000 2.000 MARKET^ STREET. exempt! exempt exempt exempt 215,090 70. DOT 215,090 70,000 70,925 17.' 70,925 17,000 62,962 4.00O! 62,962 4,000 exempt 286,143 61,452 exempt 97,000 2,000 Garrett Biblical Inst B A Eckhart et al Eliza and H McDonal., JffEMOKAJTDA- The dividing- line of north and south streets is Madison street. Por illustration, State street north of Madison street is Nortfc State street, and south, of Madison is South State street. State street ia the dividing- line of the east and west streets. Madison street east of State ie known as East Madison street and west of State street is -West Madison street. 30 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. MARKKT STREET. New No. Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 Value of Bldgs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 Rev'ers' Totals 1915 Value of Bldgs. Owner. 191 121-149 101-119 89-41 86-36 83 31 29 25-27 23 1 to 19 1-9 15-21 26-27 29-33 86-43 101-103 106-109 111-117 119-123 125-127 129 131-135 137-145 201-207 209-211 215-217 225-229 231-241 301-309 311-315 817-319 323-325 327-331 333-336 837-343 401-407 411-421 601-611 164-168 188-162 160-156 100-136 30-42 22-42 2-20 2-10 12-20 22-30 32-40 100-138 200-214 224-238 300-308 310-318 320-322 324-328 330-332 334-338 400-416 418-420 422-430 500-612 35 n e cor Randolph si... 37-51 s e cor Randolph st. 53-69 n e cor Washington 71-73 s e cor Washington 75-77 . . 20x90 ^ 180*x60* 180x80 41x80% 41X80K 20*x80M 20*x80Ji 20*x80M 20*x802i 20*x80X 180*xl35 100x65 79x90 40x90 40x90 110x90 50x90=4 25X9D* 1 48x90 f 65x90 30x90 25x90 58x90 95*x90 80x74 45x74 40x74 41*xll2M 124*xll2* 99x178 41x147* 100x147* 50x147* 50x147* 50x147* 50x97* J 52x100 I 1 20x94^ r 50x201 105x210 201x78 45*x78* 45*X78* 91x78* 378x112* .pa, I89JS1 198 '}60Jnl 2009^x197* 99x40 99x262 99x271 99x141 396x297 165x227 155x156 99x187 91x119* 50x105 50x97 50x97 50x79 158x118 50x127 50x147 140.5X176 62,962 354,390 484,065 91,775 67,900 28,480 29,860 29,860 29,860 51,000 1.302.663 308.208 152,642 88,110 77,520 691,239 184,686 203,634 153,144 123,220 46,650 122,746 311,488 268,347 96,355 189,915 216,140 518,719 882,467 R R 156,549 246,549 174,049 170,550 154,394 428,664 245,968 313,850 357,862 58,315 59,282 191,123 678,000 380,620 941,749 143,316 241,364 349,721 259,045 2,228.694 1,127,510 765,350 462,332 R k R R 114,249 130,851 168,351 411,610 52,350 52,750 51,550 4,000 14,000 230,400 4,000 7,010 2,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 21,000 700,000 80,000 30,000 26,100 22,400 144,000 5,001 30,000 35,001 67,840 500 33,400 52,000 25,350 11,200 90,600 80,000 80,000 404,273 R R 30,000 120,000 47,300 28,000 8,000 50,000 '90,666 120,000 15,000 15,000 36,000 7,500 129,240 187,000 9,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 450,000 350,000 140,000 95.000 R R R R 30,000 27,000 15,000 100,000 62,962 354,390 484,065 91,775 67,900 28,486 29,860 29,860 29,860 51,000 1,302,663 308,208 152,642 88,110 77,520 691,239 184,686 203,634 153,144 106,380 46,650 122,746 311,488 268,347 96,355 189,915 216,140 518,719 803,194 R R 156,549 246,549 174,049 170,550 154,394 428,664 245,968 313,850 357,862 58,315 59,282 191,123 678,000 380,620 941,749 143,316 241,364 349,721 259,045 2,228,694 1,127,510 765,350 462,332 R R R R 114,249 130,851 168,351 411,610 52,350 52,750 51,550 4,000 14,000 230,400 4,000 7,010 2,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 21,000 700,000 80,000 30,000 26,100 22,400 144,000 5,001 30,000 35,001 51,000 500 33,400 52,000 25,350 11,200 90,600 80,000 80,000 325,000 R k 30,000 120,000 47,500 28,000 8,000 50,000 Vo',666 120,000 15,000 15,000 36,000 7,500 129,240 187,000 9,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 450,000 350,000 140,000 95,000 R R R R 30,000 27,000 15,000 100,000 60,963 374,115 850,191 99,162 74,396 31,734 31,710 31,710 33,210 exempt 1,109,073 387,657 175,221 100,440 84,168 703,005 209,487 208,140 148,158 118,386 46,656 121,311 309,501 266,196 87,648 180,315 216,162 546,648 822,285 R R 169,614 440,226 173,112 174,615 145,365 101,463 572,337 376,491 339,375 55,911 55,610 177,654 742,893 756,444 1,109,073 185,349 283,857 429,624 378,492 2,325,168 1,071,645 684,843 376,257 R R R R 124,266 126,300 156,498 397,902 306,465 R R 2,000 11,250 535,000 6,500 7,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 4,500 exempt 160,000 125,000 28,000 26,000 18,000 135,000 30,000 36,000 30,000 63,000 500 32,000 50,000 25,000 7,000 81,000 80,000 80,000 300,000 R R 44,000 189,000 47,500 35,000 10,000 20,000 310,000 80,000 120,000 14,000 14,000 40,000 1,000 220,500 160,000 20,000 18,000 40,000 100,000 400,000 300,000 140,000 84,000 R R R R 30,000 25,000 14,500 110,000 150,000 R R Est Maria Bush Marie Lefens Est L C P Freer Thies J Lefens A J Graham Edward P Towne C T & T Co C T & T Co Annie Hill H J Farnham Est L C P Freer Thomas S Hunter Anna R Gross Julia P Warren Nicholas V Boddie Otto Young James F Porter Gustav Wilke Gustav Wilke George H Webster Timothy D McCarthy A E Tower & Co Harriet B Borland Frederick T Haskell Saml P Parmly Lucius G Fisher John B Mailers Clara F Bass Rivers McNeill et a) Met W S El Rv Edwin R Perkins Tr Jacob Rehm W Chgo S R R T Co Z Stiles Ely Nate R Sals bury Est Max A Meyer A Jones; S Field E B Butler University of Chicago Edward T Blair Cyrus H McCormlck August von Glahn J. A Chapman et al Chicago Edison Co W V Kelley Marcus Marx J Harry & E F Selz Robert Law Selz Schwab & Co J V Farwell & Co Martin A Ryerson Joseph Oliver Mary V McCormiek Met W S El Ry Co Met W S El Ry Co W Chgo S R R T On w Chi. StR R Tun. Co. Thomas Chalmers William C Seipp Cornelia R Green Clara R Bacon et al Marshall Field et al 79. 81 83 85 87 89-105 n e cor Madison st. 107-115 s e cor Madison st. 117-123 127-139 131-133 135-143 n e cor Monroe st. . 145-147 s e cor Monroe st. . 149 153 155-159 161 163 165-167 169-177 n e cor Adams St. . . 179-185 s e cor Adams St. . . 187-189 191-193 n e cor Quincy st . . 195-197 s e cor Quincy St. . 199-209 ne cor Jackson blvd 21 1-219 s e cor Jackson blvd 221-223 225-227 229-231 233-235 237-239 241-243 ne cor Van Buren st 259-261 263-267 n e cor Congress st 271-279 s e cor Congress st 2-18 s w cor Lake st... 20-22 24-26 28-34 n w cor Randolph st S w Randolph st to n w Washington st 72-88 s w cor Washington 90-108 n w cor Madison st 110-114 s w cor Madison st. 116-124 126-132 136-144 n w cor Monroe st. 148-178 s w cor Monroe st. . 180-196 s w cor Adams St.. 198-210 n w cor Jackson bid 212-220 sw cor Jackson bid 222-228 230-232 234-236 238-240 242-244 n w cor Van Buren 246-254 s w cor Van Buren 256-258 260-262 264-276 RIVER STREET. 867-377 361-365 357-360 363-355 349-351 346-347 341-348 337-339 331-335 326-327 321-323 361-309 374-378 368-372 360-366 362-358 348-350 342-346 338-340 332-336 322-330 310-312 306-308 1-7.. 9-15. 17-19. 21-23. 25-27. 29-31. 33-35. 37. ... 41.. 43.. 49-53. 2-4.. 6-8.. 10-14. 16.... 18-24. 26-28. 30-32. 34 36-38. 40-46. 48.... 118x85 67*xlOO 32x100 303^x100 34x100 5 34x100 34x100 34x100 24^x103* 24)ix86* 48 MX 69 48x66 48x77 i 48x94 32x106 32x106 32x106 48x106 79x106 65x140 225,328 75,485 44,030 42,020 85,288 46,760 46,760 49,560 35,079 22,532 44,776 86,624 40,68f 56,912 93,922 97,440 43,280 43,760 116,418 126,981 170,544 20,000 8,000 10,750 10,300 18,000 11,400 11,400 9,000 7,500 2,900 18,30( 8,OOC 8,000 14,000 22,500 24,000 10,000 10,00 30,00 35,00' 27,98 225,328 75,485 .44,030 42,020 85,288 46,760 46,760 49,560 35,079 22,532 44,776 86,624 40,688 56,912 93,922 97,440 43,280 43,760 116,418 126,981 170,54 20,000 8,000 10,750 10,300 18,000 11,400 11,400 9,000 7,500 2,900 18,300 8,000 8,000 14,000 22,500 24,000 10,000 10,000 30,000 35,000 27,984 249,996 92,520 42.264 40,704 40,704 44,550 43,344 45,342 49,542 34,578 25,113 41,850 80,667 35,706 55,821 94,06 97,425 43,263 47,769 116,436 141.930 169,560 45,000 25,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 8,000 10,000 9,000 7,000 5,500 15,000 8,000 3,000 John S Miller Ada F. Winston Ursula G Grace John J Clark Emma S Goodman j'ulia F Porter Augustus C Baldwin Margaret Laflin Martta E Braun Abner Price J B Payne Olivia P Worthingtpn Wm M Hoyt Co Est A S Laflin C T & T Co SOUTH WATER STREET. 72-82 66-68 62-64 60 64-58 50-62 2-30 2-16 18 22-24 26-28 30-32 34-36 128 2-10... 125x130 R R R R R R R R R R R R 114 12. 25x130 44 687 15 000 44,687 15 000 40 350 15 110 14 25x130 46 687 10 000 46 687 10 000 37 749 10 106 2 8 16-22 n e cor Michigan av 22-32 n w cor Michigan av 34-36 75x130 131^x96 48x100 228,680 293,626 43,360 25,000 228,680 288,626 97 680 43,360 20,000 15 000 219,204 296,820 84 621 40,0 48, 5( 13 0< 4 38-40 48x100 92 300 92 300 19 600 79 863 17 0( 42 24x84* 41 280 6 000 32 475 4 O 1 8 44-46 9 0( 2 48-50 n e cor Wabash av. . 52-80 n e cor State st 82-88 n w cor State st 90-92 48x73* 365x70 irreg 80x55 40x55 86,624 1,395,878 222,443 8,000 747,600 17,000 86,624 1,395,878 222,443 8,000 747,600 17,000 80,667 1,461,834 220,443 8,$ 20x100 40x100 61,515 75,96? 6,800 10,040 19 040 61,515 75.968 89 384 12,480 6,800 10,040 58,509 71,433 79 482 307 231 20x100 36 380 7 34f 36 380 19,040 33 618 309 233 20x180 14 300 55 5gg 7,340 49 830 311-315 235. 20x180 52 880 14 300 52 880 14,300 47 364 317-319 237 .. . 20x180 52 880 14 300 14,300 47 364 321 239 20x180 14 300 14,300 42 ^63 323-325 241 20x180 52 880 14 300 52 880 14,300 42 363 327-339 343-255 s e cor Market st. . . S w cor Market st 140x180 78x901 exemnt 237.862 exempt exempt 237,862 14,300 exempt exempt 339.375 RANDOLPH STItl.l T. 1915. Value of Bldgs. Owner. 8,000 EstJohn HIghJr 9,000 Mrs Nancy S Foster 10,000 Charles Pope 25,400 Nathaniel C Foster 19,000 Angelina Leicht 15,000 8,000 Lambert Tree 20,000 Lambert Tree et al 26,000 W. E. Solomon 18,000 Conrad Furst 25,000 J A Roebl ing's Sons Co 15,000 Est Elle S I'rescott 25,000 Thomas C. Dennehy 6,000 Emanuel Frankenthal 15,000 Richard S Reynolds 1,600 Martin I! Madden 5,000 Mrs. Martha E. Braun 24,500 Clara F Bass 11,000 Robert K Ismond 22,000 Henry Witbeck 8,000 Lester Curtis 17,500 James F Porter 26,000 Margaret Adams 20,000 .lames li White et al 10,000 M L liarrett 5,750 David L Streeter 9,000 Josephine Wollensak 15,000 Est Henry \V King 7,000 Est Henrv w King 12,000 12,000 John N Drummond Robert E Ismond 12,000 Walter R Roche 7,000|l-' Cortez Wilson 7,000 Est Theron Pardee exempt Garrett Biblical Inst 120.000 T'nlversity of Chicago MEMOKAITDA N e cor Michigan av 1-13 nw cor Michigan av 15-17 19-21 23-25 27-33 n e cor Wabash av. . 35-43 n w cor Wabash av. 45-49 ' 51-61 n e cor State st 63-65 n w cor State st 67... 71-73 75-77 79-83 85-87 89-93 n e cor Dearborn st. 95-101 n w cor Dearborn st 103-109 111-117 111-117 119-125 n e cor Clark st 127-141 nw cor Clark St.. . 143-147. . . ,. 149.. 151.. 153. 155 157 n e cor La Salle st 159-165 n w cor La Salle st 167. ... 171-173 175. 177 179-181 183-189 n e cor Fifth av I91-197nwcor Fifth av... 199-203 205 207-209 211 813. 215. 217. 219 " 221 ne cor Franklin st.. . 223 n w cor Franklin st . . . 227-229. . 231.. 233.. 835.. 237.. 239-243 245-253 n e cor Market st . 259-263 n wcor Market st. S wcor Michigan av.... 28-32 s e cor Wabash a . . . , 34-36 s w cor Wabash av.. I 40-44.'.'.'.'..'.'.".'''.'..'.'.' 46-56 s e cor State st . . . 60s wcor State st........ 68 ................... 70. ....... 72 .............. 74-78 ....... 84 to 94 s e cor Dearborn. 96-98 s w cor Dearborn st 100-102.... 104. ! 108 108-110. 341,620 598,731 195.387 150.500 183,101 408,983 1,137,92- 501.263 2,375,09' 266,068 105.85' 93.856 297.000 276,201 735,98' 166,270 352.735 571.590 936.560 325,760 355,121 1,129,159 2,620,960 266.444 274,998 76.653 76,653 86,058 109,100 505,230 175,680 184,320 exempt 182,352 404,919 378,567 171.30? 83,920 128.82P 53,220 55,908 38,810 39.O4.1 42,327 71,880 58,828 37,044 63,720 51,668 205.740 82.384 60,962 191.12.' exempt- 125. S33 277.016 722,630 398 404 8,082.162 256.800 86.411 105.99S 105.99P 305.340 418 unf 815,000 397.400 260.010 164.580 154.680 3O9.3SO 64,900 , 120,00<; i 39.000 12,500 44.200 32,000 75,000 50,000 1,031,600 6.000 9.000 9,000 31.000 19.000 150,000 15,200 10,000 53,000 350,000 48,000 45,200 400.000 1.250,000 40,000 24.999 6,000 6.000 6,000 10,000 95.241 18.000 30,000 exempt 24,000 39,999 20,001 39,340 19,670 32,380 5,000 5,000 3,500 500 1,000 4,000 2,500 6,480 10,500 10,400 341,620 598,734 195,387 150,500 183,100 408,983 1,137,924 501,263 2,375,090 266,068 105,856 93,856 297,000 276,200 735,980 166,270 352,735 571,590 936,560 325,760 355,121 1,129,159 2,620,960 266,444 i 274,998 i 76,653 i 76,653! 86,058 ; 109,1001 489,990 j 172,680 64,900 120,000! 39,000 12,500 ! 44,200 32,000 75,000 50,000 1,031,600 6,000 9,000 9,000 31,000 19,000 150,000 15,200 10,000 53,000 350,000 346,962 727,305 244,485 183,972 226,134 455,250 1,137,924 481,263 2,291,349 268,107 104,817 88,977 293,958 277,200 745,488 161,256 357,735 612,591 1,000,842 48,000 288,828 45,200; 363,759 400,000 1,530,120 ,250,000 2,620,962 40,000! 262,194 24,999 6,000 6,000! 6,000 ! 10,00n 80,001 15,000 184,320! 30,000 exempt 182,352 404,919 378,567 171,302 83,920 128,820 53,220 j 55,908 38,810 39,043 42,327 71,880 58,828 37,044 63,720 51,668 90,000 j 205,740 30,644 2,000 36,000 82.384 60,962 191,123 exempt 24,000 39,999 20,001 39,340 19,670 32,380 '5,000 5,000 3,500 500 1,000 4,000 2,500 6,480 10,500 10,400 90,000 .10.644 2,000 36,000 exempt 1 6.OOO 29,000 125,000 40.000 2.425.000 15.000 5.300 8,200 8,200 15,999 33.000 55,000 12,000 23,760 10,000 10.000 20.000 exempt! exempt 125, 533 i 16,000 277,0161 29,000 1.781, 394 j 800,000 398,404 8,082.162' 256,8001 86,411 100,797} 105,9981 305,349 418,800 815,000 397,499 260,010 164,580 154,680 309,360 40,000 2,425,000 15,000 5,000 3,000 8,200 15,999 33,000 55,000 12,000 23,760 10,000 10,000 20,000 307,149 361,998 490,008 174,696 180,321 exempt exempt 182,127 396,570 373,443 161,976 82,533 116,451 53,226 55,854 38,661 41,832 42,387 71,928 58,827 34,563 64,221 53,286 205,740 72,126 60,963 177,654 exempt 162,027 332,829 13,448,506 268,077 89,202 105,498 25,699 304,350 315,800 784,998 375,012 278,238 179,469 170,748 345,501 60,000,Koburi PLa-ront 120,000 A A Siiragncet al Irwin Rew William Stewart Albert H. Wetten 41,000 30,000 75,000 30,000 928,440 6,000 8,000 John Kranz 8,000 28,000 20,000 150,000 10,000 15,000 60,000 350,000 133,000 24,000 448,000 1,250,000 35,000 20,000 32,000 80,000 15,000 26,000 12,000 exempt 24,000 40,000 30,000 30,000 18,250 20,000 . 5,000 5,000 3,400 3,300 1,000 4,000 2,500 4,000 11,000 12,000 90,000 24,000 2,000 40,000 exempt 16,000 28,000 4,000,000 11,000 8,000 7,500 7,500 15,000 30,000 55,000 28,000 10,000 10,000 18,000 . Luther W Hodman Tr Est L J McCormick Martin A Ryerson Masonic Frat TemAssn Est L P C Freer John Kranz Louis E Latlin H A Huntington et al Augustine Lowel, et al Levy Mater Edward Landsberg William Borden Francis Bartlett Tr Olympic Theatre. A J A Alexander et al Alex J Alexander Est Frances C Sherman Kenneth Barnhart Est Henry J Furber et al Emma Schmidt et al Karl Sc E Eitel Emil A Karl Eitel Daniel B Gardner Nw Insane Asylum Home fortheFriendless William Blair Albert H Loeb Est L C P Freer William Borden 3raham Jones Est Matthew Laflin Alien Pick Est Eliza Corbridge Est L H Boldenweck W. A. Fisher Herman Tobias Est Elijah Peacock Est Maria Bush Henry G Keasby et al Est Gustav A Koeffler Henry G Keasby Est Enos Ayers Est Maria Bush August Von Glahn J ublic Library Odward Uihle'in Est Matthew Laflin Est Marshall Field Marshall Field Marshall Field Museum Fine Arts fulia A Ray Thomas R Lyon August Von Glahn rohn Kranz 3st L C P Freer ?st L J McCormick B W Sears Oscar P Mayer Washington Porter Washington Porter ^hilip Henrici t " """' East Madison street and west of State street is West Mkdison ? tate * Street north of Ma^on 'treet IB North State street "* and west rtree *- Madison street east of State i* known as 34 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S A. HAM HIM" 1 1 8TRKKT. New No. Old No. 73-79 81-85 87-91 93-9S 151-161 163-165 167-169 171 173 176-177 179-181 183-185 201-207 209 211-219 221-227 229 233-235 301-307 309-317 319-325 327-331 333-337 351-357 112-114 116-118 130-122 124 s e cor Clark st S w cor Clark and s e cor La Salle st 160-163 s w cor La Salle St. 170-172 174 176 178. 180-182 184-186 188-190 s e cor Fifth av. . . . 193-196 s w cor Fifth av . . . 198 1200-208 1208-214 216-218 220-322 s e cor Franklin st. 224-230 s w cor Franklin st : 232-336 238-242 244-248 250-256 s e cor Market St.. S w cor Market st Size. 40^x80 40x160 50^x70 30x70 381x320 131x80 30^x180 30Jixl80 20^x180 20}ixl80 40Jixl80 40HX80 40HX80 60x100 20x100 80X180 80x180 30x180 50x180 80x180 60x180 60x180 60x180 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 167,233 80,615 87,260 257,195 289,696 exempt 557,232 137,898 134,010 92,931 86,931 180,791 410,295 234,740 40,300 366,240 242,240 103,970 248,270 345,900 148,428 150.740 354,390 678,500 1913 I 1914 I 1914 1915 Value of Rev'ers' Value 01 Rev ers' Bldgs. Totals Bldgs. Totals 16,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 10,000 exempt 60,000 21,000 17,500 15,000 9,000 20,000 32,500 22,400 4,000 170,000 46,000 20,000 25,000 50,000 30,000 35,000 14,000 7,500 79,233 80,615 87,260 257,195 289,696 exempt 557,232 137,898 134,010 85,431 176,791 107,971 295,823 234,740 40,300 366,240 242,240 103,970 248,270 345,900 148,428 150,740 354,390 678,500 1915 Value of Bldgs 28,000 5,000 5,000 20,000 10,000 exempt 60,000 21,000 17,'SOO 7,500 16,000 4,000 32,000 22,400 4,000 170,000 46,000 20,000 25,000 50,000 30,000 35,000 14,000 7,500 196,035 i 91,017 98,298 308,550 310,035 938,258 137,5111 90,930i 85,431 176,343 109,5001 279.279' 473,376 38,880; 366,261 231,159! 99,978! 248,313 345,903 148,428 150,741 Owner. 28,000 Est Marcus E Stearns 7^000 Eciw Manicrre et al 45,000 Elizabeth A Ware 12,000 Emily C McCarthy et al City Hall & Ct House Lambert Tree 100,500 21,000 13,000 7,500 16,000 8,000 30,000 273,036 2,580 170,000 34,900 16,000 25,000 50,000 30,000 35,000 374,115 n,250 Ellens King Est Henry Kohn Eitel Bros Frederick Midgley John M Kranz John Kranz Jacob Franks Azariah T Gait Est Ernest J Lehmann John Borden Phimelia Gates David Kelley et al Marshall Field Henry Schoellkopf William C Seipp Marie Lefens 742,893 [ 5,000 J. A Chapman etal WASHIXtJTOSI STREET. 70-81 60-64 32-34 22-26 2-16 2-8 12-14 16-18 20-24 26-30 32-38 60-66 68-60 62 64 66-70 78-74 76-84 160-168 162-166 168-172 174-176 178-182 184-190 200-206 208 212-214 216-218 220-226 228 230 132-234 300-306 308 310 312-314 316 318 320 322 324-330 360-362 77-87 71-76 51-61 23-35 11-17 1-7 1-7 9-11 13-15 17-21 23-33 51-63 56-67 59 61 65-67 69-73 75-81 101-111 116-125 129-137 161-169 161-165 167-171 173-175 177-183 101-203 106-207 209-211 115-217 119-221 M3-225 227-229 231-233 235 301-309 311-315 19 311-323 j N w cor Michigan av IN ecor Wabasnav 21-23 n w cor Wabash av. 25 27-31 i N e cor State st ! 51-55 n w cor State st ! 57 i 61 63-65 67-69 i 71-77 n e cor Dearborn St. 81-85 n w cor Dearborn st 87-89. 91 93 95-97 99-101 103-109 n e cor Clark st Nwcor Clark st 149-153 n w cor La Salle st. 155-157 159-161 163-165 167-169 171-173 n e cor Fifth av.. . . 179-181 n w cor Fifth av. . . 183 185 187-189 197 199 201 203-205 n e cor Franklin st 207-213 n w cor Franklin st 215 217. 219-221 223 225 229 231-237 n e cor Market St. . N w cor Market st iS wcor Michigan av I 111-116 Michigan av 8-20 22-32 s w cor Wabash av. 34-36 38 s e cor State st 46-54 swcor Stalest 56-58 60-62 64-66 68-72 s e cor Dearborn st. 80-82 s w cor Dearborn st. 84-88 88 90 92-96 100-102 104-110 s e cor Clark st S w cor Clark st. 126-130 132-136 s e cor La Salle st. . S w Cor La Salle st 154-158 160-162 164-166 168-172 s ecor Fifth av.... 176-178 s w cor Fifth av . . . 180-182 184-186 188-190 192-194 196-198 200-302 ,204 206 s e cor Franklin st 1308-216 s w cor Franklin st 218-220 224-226. 162V4X96 f 16SHX120 150HX144 50x110 90x100 85x55 40x55 i 40x99 - 40x183 i 120x93 40!4x90 40^x90 20Hx90 20^x1821 60X11821 60x182^ 80x130 107x180 90X180H 93x181 M 100x180 60x180 40x180 40x180 80x60 M'/ixlHO 40!4xl> 39^x180 101X80H 40x180^ 20X180K 40X180H exempt 884,574 1,722,075 8,082.162 1,535,064 441,148 265,128 351,480 371,560 334,310 450,787 429,160 71,500 122,330 120,330 200.712 224.612 873,500 594,021 171,653 151,768 151,060 179,719 257,782 478,532 69,770 170,850 461,700 574,881 91,168 97,000 233,915 162,590 35,030 168,450 89,250 89,250 89,250 91,490 484,065 678,000 318,43 1.164,319 1,768,522 615,300 2,142,000 981,850 2,146,878 1.045,005 511,340 325.116 2,027,657 348,564 1,773,350 723,330 2,292,645 2,294,500 608,520 280,760 271,785 421,497 173,880 110,532 146,788 145,927 133,257 135,257 107,181 48,335 84,885 216,502 92,540 45,350 76,300 exempt 87,500 450,000 2,425,000 300,000 196,020 20,000 30,000 40,000 5,000 15,000 64,600 4,500 12,000 10,000 16,240 32,000 114,000 50,001 18,000 15,000 10,000 8,000 20,000 50,000 10,000 114,999 350,001 350,001 53,100 53,100 106,200 10,000 750 72,000 57,100 57,100 57,100 57,100 230,40f 7,500 112,000 100,000 210,000 550,000 227,000 100.000 90,000 35,000 47,520 632,520 15,000 200,000 650,000 900,000 299,880 75,000 46,200 150,000 3,000 17,000 32,000 32,000 18,000 20,000 14,000 3,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 13,200 12,000 exempt 884,574 1,722,075 3,872,847 1,535,064 441,148 265,128 351,480 371,560 334,310 450,787 429,160 71,500 122,330 120,330 200,712 224,612 873,500 594,021 171,653 151,768 151,060 179,719 257,782 478,532 69,770 170,850 461,700 574,881 91,168 97,000 233,915 162,590 35,030 168,450 89,250 89,250 89,250 91,490 484,065 678,000 1,163,312 1,164,319 2,918,522 615,300 2,075,750 981,850 2,146,878 1,045,005 511,340 325,116 2,027,657 348,564 1,773,350 2,432,790 1 2,292,645 2,294,500 608,520 280,760 271,785 421,497 173,880 110,532 146,788 145,927 133,257 135,257 107,181 48,335 84,885 216,502 92,540 45,350 76,300 exempt exempt! exempt' Pu b lic Library 87,500 1,728,831 850,000 Reid & Murdoch 450,000 1 ,148 ,805 4,000,000 1,104,600 300,000 1 196,020 20,000 30,000 40,000 5,000! 15,000 64,600; 4,500 12,000 10,000 16,240 32,000 114,000 50,000 15,000 10,000 8,000 20,000 50,000 10,000 114,999 350,001 350,001 53,100 53,100 106,200 10,000 750 72,000 57,100 57,100 57,100 57,100 230,400 7,500 ,575,9181 345,144 265,1461 351,501 367,701 364,899 484,686 425,712! 71.025J 119,331 117,330 200,712 217,671 834,549 502,883 112,000 1,250,000 210,000 483,750 227,000 100,000 90,000 35,000 47,520 563,985 185,151 150,267 160,608 184,407 243,564 471,402 79,581 2,136,647 161,229 34,782 150,450 850,191 742,893 1,648,539 1,333,239 2,918,470 595,299 2,074,050 974,000 2,192,325 632,520 15,000 200,000 ,709,460 650,000 900,000 299,880 75,000 46,200 150,000 3,000 17,000 32,000 32,000 18,000 20,000 14,000 3,000 5,000 25,000 25,000 13,200 12,000 300,000 265,146 20,000 30,000 35,000 15,000 25,000 60,000 4,000 9,000 7,000 16,240 25,000 25,000 Marshall Field et al 20,000 31,500 18,000 50,000 10,000 1,389,500 9,000 500 54,000 535,000 5,000 Marshall Field Northern Trust Co Tr Joseph N Field William A Fuller Tr Est Simon Reid L Z Leiter Emily C McCarthy et al 111 Tr & Sav Bk Tr VMcCormick Estate Nettie F. McCormick Nettie F McCormick County and city bldg 111 Tr & Sav Bk Tr W H Mortimer Carrie L Munn 'jamesB need George F Porter I Emmaand G Flrmsn lob The Blodgett Co Ltd The Blodgett Co Ltd Cbgo Telephone Co Chanc L Jenks Jr Univer of Chicago William A McGuire William A MeOuire ,Chgo Telephone Co loseph Downey Est Melinda Hamline John P Wilson Est L C Paine Freer J. A Chapman et al 1 I li 779,841 Mich . Ave . Trust 100,000 Est Marshall Field 1,250,000 Marshall Field 190,000 ! Morris S. Rosenwald 495,000 IColumbus Safe Dep Co 200,000! Otto Young 100,000 Levl Z Leiter 1,045,008 90,000 Richard W Sears 511,359 35,000 City Real Estate trs 319,542! 42,000 George F Porter 1,878,669 353,568 4,883,166 2,373,384 2,294,499 558,639 280,761 256,059 400,2541 174,369 j 121,830 162,741 160,209 145,296 146,220 101,094 54,333 90,036 207,096 84,300 44,151 73,299 489,500 20,000 2,500,000 650,000 Chgo Title and Trst Co 1st M E Church Marshall Field estate Marshall Field estate Cham of (j Safety V Co 900,000 cMcCormIcketal ZSO-OpO'Efanston Hospital 75,000 Adolph J Lichtstern 30,000 , E . c , Rose 14 2'S2 Thies J Lefens etal 2,000 M lchae i E,pert 15,000, E B Butler 30,000 jwm B Chapman et al 30,000 17,500 15,000 George C Chapman Clara F Bass Julia F Porter 8,500 1 John B Adams 5,000 ;Chgo Eye. Ear, etc, Col 7,500 iChgo Eye, Ear, etc, Col 15,000|F,st WmBross 20,000 IChgo Tel Co 12,000 Chgo Tel Co 9,000 Chgo Tel Co MEMOBANDA ^a 2?,f^? i ]3 a i5 8f ., Une ? f or l S?i s ?* 11 streets ie Madison street. Tor Illustration, State street north of Madison street is North State street. rTt M^i.nn^?^!? n^fl t State street. State street is the dividing 01 ne of the east and west streets. Madison street east of State is known as East Madison street and west of State street IB West Madison street. April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 35 WASHINGTON STRKKT. New No. Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 Value of Bldgs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 Rev'ers' Totals 1915 Value of Bldgs, Owner. 325-327 331 to 337 351-365 3 57to363 228-230 40xl80H 80%x41 66J 1 18Q3 99j s If 189i 95x189 99,400 91,775 380,620 380,620 33,000 4,000 129,240 129,240 99,400 91,775 380,620 380,620 33,000 4,000 129,240 129,240 84,441 99,162 j-756,444 18,000 6,500 220,500 Cbeo Tel Co Thies J Lefens Chicago Edison Co Chicago Edison Co 232-238 s e cor Market st... 240-244 s w cor Market st ! 246-250 s e cor river MADISON STREET 70-84 50-64 20-34 2-14 2 to 32 50-52 54 68 60-66 68 70-76 78-84 108-116 118-122 126-136 150-156 158-160 162 164 166-168 174-176 178-182 200-208 210-214 216 218-220 222-224 226-232 300-3 308-310 312-314 316 318-328 360-366 77-86 71-73 66-67 51-63 19-35 11-15 7-9 1-6 1-7 9-15 17-27 31-41 51-67 69-61 63-67 69 71-79 81-89 101-107 109-115 119-123 125-129 131-139 151-155 167-159 161-163 165-167 169-171 173-175 177-181 183-185 187-191 201-205 207-209 211-215 217-221 223-225 227-229 231-235 237-241 301-307 309-311 315-317 319-321 323-331 333-335 337-343 351-363 355-357 369 361-363 366-369 1-17 n w cor Michigan av 19 n e cor Wabash av 162V$x330.8 162%xl01 150KX70H 150V4X53H 106X66H 50x161 2,404,864 1,364,887 1,364,225 1,260,714 1,179,680 706,084 400,000 350,000 30,000 100,000 1,205,567 1,364,887 1,364,225 1,260,714 1,179,680 538,000 400,000 350.000 30.000 100.000 1,376,190 1,623,783 1,329,174 1,519,725 1,144,368 538,000 500,000 315,000 289,000 A M Ward et al F Skinner et al Mandel Bros Marshall Field Mrs Mollie Netcher School Fund Charles Netcher School Fund | Charles Netcher Marshall Field Caroline E Haskell Est L C P Freer Louise Todd Joy Edward W Morrison Edward W Morrison EstEzekiel Morrison Caroline B Kuehn et al David Sinton A D Hannah et al U of C {U of C et al Jennings-C T&T Co tr Lambert Tree Est John High Jr School FundTr Victor F Lawson Jennings-C T & T Co tr L Z Leiter Est James W Paxton Bernard A Eckhart William P Adams Est L J McCormick Frank G Kammerer Marshal Field Julia F Porter Russell D Peacock Est L C Paine Freer W V Kelley Chas L Willoughby Est Marshall Field Est Marshall Field Est Marshall Field Cath Bishop of Chicago Marshall Field School Fund. City Chi (school fund) City Chi (school fund) School Fund Edw S Gillette et al Elizabeth A Ware Est Jacob Rosenberg Joseph H Andrews et ai ( Harrv Rosenf eld et al ( Lucy J Mills et al L Z Leiter Micheal Burke Est Horatio O Stone Est L J McCormick Lucius B Otis Seymour Morris George W Homan Jr Thos A Hagaman et al C C Heisen Est Solon Nickerson Eliza W Herrick et al University of Chicago Est John High Jr Mary J Egan Emily A Knox Washington Porter Clara F Bass Edwards Atwater William Borden Julia I Juhn John G Shedd Est L C Paine Freer Martin A Ryerson Elsie S Madlener Shalah Silverman Edward S Hunter Marcus Marx J B Adams Adeline F Sharpe Jennings C T & T Co City of Chicago 69-75 n w cor State st 77-79 77-79 50X161H 80x161}* 80x161^4 80x63 40x20 20x167 % 68^x167% 20^x167% 20^x167% 40^x67% 80MX21H 80x61Ji 80x177 50x177 101x80 81x52H 40^x128% 20^x179^ 20Jixl79M 80xl79 80x179}$ 30x80 50x80 803ixlO 53^x184 27x184 40x184 40x180 80x184 80%X23% 40x180.5 40x180.5 SbxlSO. 5 136x180.5 197Hx2005 190^x80% 48x80 % 39XX97H 132x97)4 180x80 40x110. 30^x110 73x60 80x48 40x48 81^x192 120x148 50X92H 45x100 45x1 90H 22HX190 67HX190 90x99^ 76x25 50x50^ 45^x90 40^x90 101MX135 50x87 30x189 30x189 30x189 25x189 25x189 60x100 25x100 46HX100 45x80 22^x80 22^x90 45x190 45x190 45x190 45x190 50x190 72^x190 22Hxl89% 45x190 36x189% 54x189% 25x100 65x100 40x99 44x99 22x99 42x99 105x99 363,000 81-87 81-87 1,758,345 815,560 181,110 208,800 585,980 196,210 192,210 191,490 380,160 737,740 825,920 891,352 1,086,07, 3,844,920 exempt 405,945 147,580 243,221 116,703 181,11!. 179,512 490,058 105,937 168,368 144,960 92,049 1,302,663 814,749 650,856 296,138 1,472,880 2,552,920 3,464,015 exempt exempt exempt exempt 1,293,250 487,000 238,500 724,620 1,692,813 953,800 200,000 11,000 12,000 35,000 12,000 8,000 7,000 10,000 50,000 56,000 376,000 200,000 2,100,000 96,000 34,600 3,600 35,000 15,000 30,000 25,000 65,000 7,000 20,000 1,758,345 815,560 181,110 208,800 585,980 196,210 192,210 191,490 380,160 737,740 837,920 891,352 1,086,072 3,844,920 exempt 405,945 147,580 243,221 116,703 181,119 179,512 490,058 105,438 168,368 144,960 953,800 200,000 11,000 12,000 35,000 12.000 8,000 7,000 10,000 50,000 68,000 376,000 200,000 2,100,000 96,000 34,600 3,600 35,000 15,000 30,000 25,000 65,000 6,501 20,000 590,000 200,000 11,000 37,500 12,000 37,000 20,000 11,000 12,000 8,000 50,000 68,000 415,000 150,000 2,000,000 90,000 7,500 4,000 42,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 65,000 6,500 15,000 30,000 ' Vob',666 160.000 100,000 170,000 196,000 711,000 1,300,000 750,000 420,000 89-93 n e cor Dearborn st. 95-97 n w cor Dearborn st. 103 840,741 185,100 550,269 223,995 633,387 219,393 210,393 211,953 333,342 687,743 837,921 930,351 1,041,297 3,844,278 exempt 413,220 142,089 262,689 123,186 185,748 189,126 506,370 110,223 179,478 191,070 102,279 1,373,046 1,109,073 762,495 348,462 428,364 1,691,223 2,563,671 3,704,213 exempt exempt exempt exempt 843,876 554,250 517,485 254,616 1,188,033 1,049,895 778,743 590,685 242,214 1,742,664 2,517,546 265,560 197,133 211,170 305,100 137,334 506,241 228,612 70,455 63,750 209,844 209,493 220,842 223,644 344,109 446,895 102,147 196,134 442,992 84,078 387,657 185,349 141,195 57,108 103,734 exempt 105-109 Ill 113 115-117. ... 1 19-123 n e cor Clark st 129-133 n w cor Clark st . . . . 135-141. 143-145 . 147-155 n e cor La Sallest. 159-166 n w cor La Salle st. 167-169 171 173 175-181 175-181 183. 185-189 n e cor Fifth av.... 191-197 nw cor Fifth av. .. 199-201 203-205 207-209 211-213 215-221 n e cor Franklin st 231-237 n w cor Franklin.. 239-241 243-245 847 ' 700,666 60,000 100,000 140,000 650,676 1,300,000 599,901 400,000 92,049 1,302,663 814,749 650,856 296,138 1,472,880 2,552,920 3,464,015 exempt exempt exempt exempt 1,293,250 487,000 238,500 724,620 1,692,813 700,000 60,000 100,000 140,000 650,676 1,300,000 599,901 400,000 249-261 373-291 n w cor Market St.. 2-8 s w cor Michigan av. 10-12 14-16 18-30 s e cor Wabash av. . 34-38 s w cor Wabash av.. 50-52 54-58 58-64 s e cor State st . 6B-72 s w corstatest . . . 74-78 78-84 180,000 1,010,925 347,000 25,000 9,000 30,000 72,000 180,000 1,010,925 347,000 25,000 9,000 30,000 72,000 100,000 1,010,000 200,000 200,000 25,000 10,000 450,000 40,000 21,000 313,000 20,000 500,000 1,500,000 41,000 10,000 10,000 16,000 1,800 200,000 20,000 1,500 4,500 20,000 22,000 32,500 20,000 30,000 25,000 33,600 9,000 67,000 12,000 125,000 20,000 20,000 5,000 10,000 exempt 86-94 s e cor Dearborn st. 96-98 s w cor Dearborn st 100-102 104-106 : 108 110-114 116-126 s e cor Clark st . . . 130-134 s w cor Clark st... 136-138 783,530 312,685 240,717 1,316,470 1,638,280 214,590 185,625 191,295 275,998 124,470 493,704 224,345 67,371 62,697 197,396 201,220 195,070 224,370 344,347 473,535 93,139 178,284 415,525 76,401 308,208 163,316 115,530 45,692 82,912 exempt 21,000 35,000 18,501 75,000 700,000 15,000 19,300 12,500 18,000 2,000 205,200 20,000 1,500 5,300 20,000 25,000 25,000 32,000 40,000 76,200 4,000 9,000 77,200 12,000 80,000 29.nm 20,000 5,000 10,000 exempt 783,530 452,685 240,717 1,316,470 1,638,280 207,090 185,625 191,295 275,998 124,470 493,704 224,345 67,371 62,697 197,396 201,220 195,070 224,370 344,347 473,535 93,139 178,284 405,325 76,401 308,208 163,316 115,530 45,692 82,912 exempt 21,000 175,000 18,501 75,000 700,000 7,500 19,300 12,500 18,000 2,000 205.200 20,000 1,500 5,300 20,000 25,000 25,000 32,000 40,000 76,200 4,000 9,000 67,000 12,000 80,000 29,000 20,000 5,000 10.00C exempt 140-142 144-146 148-156 s e cor La Salle st. . 160-162 s w cor La Salle st. 164 170 172 174 176 178-182.... 184 186-188 s e cor Fifth av. . . . 198-194 s w cor Fifth av. .. 196 19K 200-202 204-206 810-212 214-216 220-222 s e cor Franklin st. S w cor Franklin st 240 242-244 246-248 250-252 254 254-264 s e cor Market st. . . 262-264 s w cor Market St. . 268-270 272 274-276 278-286 9IONROE STRKKT. N w cor Michigan av N e cor Wabash av N w cor Wabash av. . . 45-47 N e cor Stalest N w cor State st 71. 73-75 77-89 n e cor Dearborn St. 99-119 n w cor Dearborn.. 119. . . 172x38 172x76 171x76 9&X105M 83x26 120x96 27^X192 54)6x192 120x104 229.40x194.8 in rear 29x89 1,560,273 1,175,891 1,093,506 343,716 596,991 exempt exempt exempt 7,244,620 940,800 425,000 30,000 15,000 194,700 800,000 560,000 91,000 4,000,000 1,560,2731 1,175,891 1,093,506 343,716 596,991 exempt exempt exempt 7,244,620 940,800 425,000 30,000 15,000 194,700 800,000 560,000 91,000 4,000,000 1,581,054 1,453,002 1,249,557 409,209 604,590 exempt exempt exempt 5,244,662 700,000 410,000 80,000 15,000 150,000 1,000,000 560,000 91,000 4,000,000 J A Patten Bryan Lathrop et a Leon Mandel Katherine S Adams Eugenes Pike School Fund City of Chgo (school fd) School Fund Nat Safe Deposit Co & School Fund MEMOHANDA. 36 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago. U. S. A MOMtor. STRF.KT. MEMORANDA New No Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 Value of Bldgs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value o Bldgs. 1915 Rev'ers' Totals 1915 Value of Bides. 1,041,000 18,000 Owner. 74-80 100-108 110 to 132 160-156 158-160 162-164 166 168-172 176-182 200-206 210-212 214-216 218-220 222-230 300-302 304-314 316-322 324-330 350-362 364-376 71-87 51-67 17-33 1-tt 1-19 23-29 31-41 51-53 56-59 C1-A3 90xl25 9U&X45H 45x80 2,221,854 547,398 1,085,200 17,000 2,221,854 547,398 1,085,200 17,000 2,176,221 577,146 Ft Dearborn Na Bk A F Armstrong et al Dwigbt Lawrence Sarah I Dunlevy James Parker Smith La Salle, a corporation Northern Trust Co Howard G Grey Jesse Holladay Henry Gerstley Arthur M liamhart J J Corbett L Z Leiter Rose Rothschild Est Henry A Kohn Est E H Robinson Marshall Field Frederick Ayer Otto Young Selz, Schwab A Co Lucius G Fisher Shepherd Brooks Hobart W Williams L A Goddard Palmer House Frederick Ayer American Express Co Shepherd Brooks Hettv H R (ireen Est James E Adslt Robert L Rea N w cor Clark st 139-141 143 25^x80 f 20'x80|" 142x80 73x189 27HX189 40x189 20x189 60x189 90x25 92WX102H 50X190 40x190 45x190 95x190 50x190 90x190 90x190 90x110 141x99 135x99* 171x88* 171x160 85x53 254 < -,,,,. 130& f 248 * 128x80 90^x189 132x90 46^X190 69^x190 25x190 J 145, 139-167 n e oor La Salle st. 169-174 n w cor La Salle st 175. 1,983,645 1,800.2.' 151,602 223.6.V 101,820 280,000 137,381 373,446 215,916 151,320 165,834 533,172 1,436,930 691,239 259,045 171,855 1,724,031 1,531,501 511,470 6,394,782 1,347,810 828,950 1,115,589 733,341 866,723 251.247 750,000 I 614,250 15,999 40,000 10,000 45,000 8,000 45,000 30,000 18,000 15,000 75,000 86,000 144,000 30,000 30,000 900,000 1 98,000 20,000 450,000 72,000 150,000 165,000 1,983,645 1,800,220 151,602 223,630 101.820 280,000 137,381 1373.446 215,916 151,320 165.834 533,172 1,436.930 691,239 259,045 171,855 1,724,031 1,531,500 511,470 6,394,782 1,347,810 828,950 1,115,589 1,283,556 866,723 1 247 750,000 614,250 15,999 40,000 10,000 45,000 8,000 45,000 30,000 18,000 15.000 75,000 86.000 144,000 30,000 30,000 900,000 198,000 20,000 450,000 72,000 150,000 165,000 450,216 100,000 7.500 2,381,279 1,800,270 160,311 217,806 98,154 334,047 163,074 384,594 210,885 151,329 197,343 533,184 1,471,941 703,005 203,472 378,492 2,213,589 1,794,999 912,963 6.648,174 1,504,695 1,040,235 1,232,775 1,377,915 816,723 255.714 725,000 614,250 27,000 37,500 8,000 45,000 9,000 56,000 25,000 18,000 46,500 75,000 895,000 135,000 90,000 100,000 1,134,000 150,000 360,000 450,000 70,000 135,000 170,000 500,000 50,000 12.000 177-179 . 181 183-187 189 n e cor Fifth av . . 197-201 n w oor Fifth av. . . 203-205 . 207-309 . 211-213 215-221 n e eor Franklin s 229-231 n w cor Franklin s 233-239 ... . ... 243-249 251-257 n e cor Market st. . N w oor Market st 2-14 s w eor Mich av S e oor State st < 58 70 a w oor State st 73-78 80-91 9 e cor Dearborn st.. 102-104 s w cor Dearborn st 106-110 .. 100,000 7.500 119 65-67 69-71 73-77 79-86 101-109 111-119 121-127 131-135 151-159 161-163 165-167 169-171 173-175 181-185 201-207 211-219 221-223 229 231-233 301-319 307-309 311-319 321-323 325-327 329-337 351-375 114 116. 118-130 Secor Clark 134-138 sw cor Clark st 140-146 148-154 156-158 s e cor La Salle st . 164-172 s w cor La Salle st 176. 178. 180-182 184-186 188. 190. 192-194 se cor Flfthav.... 195-202 s w cor Fifth av. . . 204-210 212-214 216-218 230-222 s e cor Franklin st. 232-234 s w cor Franklin st 236-838 240-242 244-246 248-252 254-260 3 e cor Market st. . . S w cor Market st 22^X190 22HX190 45MX190 90^x43 1)0x78 90X188 90x188 50x110 248,295 244,585 511,090 658,710 879,335 1,925,961 1,488,350 1,110,000 2,025,800 15,000 18,000 52,000 150,000 150,000 1,100,001 613,000 450,000 570,000 45x180 45X188 20x100 20x100 | 50x40 f 90x176!* 85x198 45x198 45x198 50x198 50x198 40x198 40X198 40X198 60x198 90HX50 257x396 501.768 87,900 237.777 79,48.' 196,275 714,482 362,961 192,918 220,920 372,699 30,000 15,000 10,000 200,000 75,000 39,999 50,001 60,000 806,840 104.500 229,095 184,686 2,228,694 39,999 5,001 450,000 248,295 244,585 511,090 658,710 879.335 1,925,961 1,488,350 1,110,000 2,025,800) 501,768 237,777' 79,482; 196,275! 714.482 1 361,960 192,918 220,920! 372,699 15,000 18,000 52,000 150,000 150,000 ,100,001 613,000 450,000 570,000 240,045 241,584 511,029 683,769 929,901 2,001,063 1,564,941 1,140,249 1,858,719 5200 175,000 170,000 1,100,000 610,000 450,000 400,000 Ooo Willla: ' Anna K Boardman .m O Goodman Est L C Paine Frer Est Thos Hoyne Est L C P Freer Harris Tr & Sav Bank hi Home for Incur Harriet Blair Borland Marshall Field 87.900 494,189 87,900 L '/ Leiter 30.000 15,000 10,000 200,000 74,000 39,999 50,001 60,000 231,039 80,877 217,704 692,505 384,840 205,401 236,100 395, 199 | 27,000 18,000 10,000 190,000 74,000 52,500 65,200 82,500 Iharles M Smith Wallace L De Woir Perkins Bass John M Williams A A Me Kay J W Butler Paper Co Julius W Butler Kate Fowler 806.840| 104,500 872,391 229.095 39,999 184,686! 5,001 2,228,694 i 450,000 208,140 209,487 2,325,168 174,000 Henry I'hipps 36,000 30,000 400,000 Mary Wllkc James F. Porter V Farwell Co A1>AMH NTKKKT. 74-84 68-72 50-64 18-36 24-16 18-22 1-14 2 to 70-72 74-80 100-116 118-120 121-130 150-156 168-162 164-170 172-178 180-188 200-206 108-210 212-216 220-230 300-318 320-322 330 350-374 71-85 61-67 57-69 61-53 ^9-35 1-15 1-7 9-11 15-23 25-19 31 1-39 1-7 n w cor Michigan av 9-13 15-27 n e cor Wabash av. . 19-33 n w cor Wabasb av. 35 37-39 43-53 n e cor State st 196-198 n w cor State St.... 192-194 State st 188-190 State st 184-186 State st N e cor Dearborn st 89-97 n w cor Dearborn st 103. 105-107 109111 113-119 ne cor Clark st.... 121-135 n w cor Clark st. . . 137-141 143. I 157-161 n w oor La Salle 163-167 169-171 173-175 177-183 n e cor Fifth av . . . 186-191 n w cor Fifth av.. 193-195 197-199 N e cor Franklin st 233-235 nw cor Franklin st 237239 241-243 245-247 N w cor Market sL 2-12 s w cor Michigan av 16-22 24-26 28-30 s e cor Wabash av. . 32-42 s w cor Wabash av. . 44-58 s e cor State st 60-64 sw oor Stalest 66-78 74 78. 78... 110x52 | .,.... 61x52 1 5.924.451 170x1164 ! 1.841,012 100x47 35x77 39x77 147x76 340x190 114x190 26x100 ~| 45*X190 I 4S',,x190f 90x87 J 180x99 45x188 22^x188 ( 72HX138 f 75x188 65x188 40x189 90x40 SOxlSO 48x160 54^x160 142HX199* 150x198 50x198 J 50x198 I 70x95 257x396 81x80 40x80 50x80 171^x80 144.9x100 80KX22K 80X75H 20X75H ) 25X82H f 25x82* 50x105 e I sown r 539,040 175,880 204,152 1,490.250 6.432. i 3.243.480 5.047.930 2.179,450 599.825 1.919,563 2.697.410 482,885 310,160 383,846 260,816 566,695 244,609 254.76; R R 843,100 245,250 202,670 2,228.694 1,688,565 426,141 219,900 456,80' 1,179,801 2,831.676 355.110 394,840 216,912 122.802 353,575 4,061,724 1 10,000 12,800 19,850 8.001 46.000 1,390,00!> 1,300.21" 2.700,000 800.00(1 187.530 600.000 1.436.4' 40.000 45.000 50,000 12.500 70,000 58,0(1' 50. d R R 100,00' 55,400 38,000 450,00^ 350,000 63,360 15,000 10,000 90.000 990,53 339,491 410,380 R R 350,980 26,675 246,425 216,140 765,350 750,000 36,000 85,000 30,000 90,600 350,000 15,000 750,000 360,000 100,000 50,000 120,800 400,000 15,000 130,765 122,000 15,000 125,000 160,000 R R 68,500 3,000 67,400 80,000 140,000 1,050,4891 143,511 78,015 664,761 319,674 3,214,000 10.429,233 2,426,799 171,501 309,501 202,683 180,315 1,071,645 595,638 75,261 89.259 1,326,099 2,014,881 1,806,882 exempt 369,216 1,321,983 410,874 222,738 291.576 150,135 344,094 395,751 R R 368,838 26,676 261,138 216.162 684,843 450,000! Kliza C Hamill et al 20,000 15,000 84,000 15,000 1,600,000 6,000,885 ]- Est H O Stone C H McCormick et al Levi Z Leiter Water Fund C & C National Bank 600,000 1 Marshall Field 34,000 C Dennehy 50,000 K S Adams-W P Adams 38,000 81,000 T C Dennehy LG Fisher 300.000 Martin A Ryerson 10,000 25,000 400,000 Levy Mayer 11,000 C T Otis et al Est Ernest J Lehmann Frank A Bradley et al 500,000 Eugene S Pike 100,000 L Z Lei 50,000 120,800 500,000 25.000 117,765 109,800 15,000 125,000 140,000 R R 69,000 3,000 65,000 80,000 140,000 ; Leiter Northwestern Unvstv J G Shedd Royal Insurance Co John Mason Loomis James F Porter W C Lobenstine Est Marshall Field Marshall Field Est Marshall Field C&N WRR Catharine C Wren et al Paul A Sorg et al Henry C Durand J B Mailers Joseph Oliver JACKSON BOULEVARD. N w cor Michigan av N e cor Wabasn av N w cor Wabash av 45. 47. 49-53 N e cor State st. N w cor State st 73-75 77-83 ... . . . N e cor Dearborn st . . . . Dearborn to Clark st . . . N w cor Clark st N e cor La Salle st N w cor La Salle st 165-173 175-177 N e cor Fifth av N w cor Fifth av 203-205 207-211 213-217 n e cor Franklin stl 223 nw cor Franklin St.. . 225-227 ' 231 171x171 171x96 120x25* 30*x76* 26x76* 71x76 73x58* 100X123 50x82* 100x165 I irregular f 100x165 321x396 135x186 186^X178 60X127 100x165 50x165 233-235 239-241 N e cor Market st . N w cor Market . . . 2-20 s w cor Mich blvd... 22-26 S e cor Wabash av S w cor Wabash av 46-50 Secor Stalest S w cor Stalest S e cor Plymouth pi 84-90 se and sw cor Dearb'n S w cor Dearborn S Wcor Federal st 'Swcor Federal si S ecor Clark st Swcor Clark st S w cor Pacific av S w cor Sherman st. 182-190 s e cor Fifth av. . . . 192-206 sw cor Fifth av... S e cor Franklin st Swcor Franklin st 240-250 s e cor Market st . . S w cor Market st 100x60 46*x86 60x166 115x165 32x82* 43x82* 25x82* 50x82* 50x165 112*xl24* ir.(;xlf>r> 171x160 81x160* 90x46 109x40 62*x80 144x40 100x38 104*x80 70^x50 66x393* 75x99* I 25x99* ( 103x49* 213x50 173^x240 100x200 100x200 153x87* 1 Mi 100 147x97 178x99 127x99 3,157,914 1,451,833 624,885 139,311 147,591 1,200,946 976,530 1,802,480 266,000 1,676,100 1,857,500 1,806,860 exempt 542,060 1,218,067 400,850 935,805 327,150 125,000 160,000 R R 170,735 127,835 59,875 110,400 246.425 518,719 765,350 2,153,335 736,159 608,370 518.185 373,881 814,260 646,350 787.070 518,080 3,642,456 973,370 498.003 1.191,105 3,430,505 5,320,000 708,870 964,300 531,267 882,467 462,332 1,050,000 40.00(1 250,000 415,000 235,000 ' 35,000 9,000 750,000 360.000 100,000 50,000 80,000 400,000 15,000 150,000 20,001 339,491 410.380 R R 26,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 67,400 80,000 140,000 100,000 100,000 85,000 25,000 34,800 20,000 60,000 79,200 - 1 ,000 1.300,000 248,000 30,000 240.00r 500.000 3,400,000 189,999 394,800 75,000 404,273 95,000 3,157,91411 1,451,833 624,885 255,650 263,931 1,285,946 1,021,530 1,802,480 266,000 1,676,100 1,857,500 1,806,860 exempt 542,060 1,218,067 400,850 935,805 333,150 339,491 410,380 R R 170,735 127,835 59,875 110,400 246,425 518,719 765,350 2,153,335 736,159 608,370 518,185 373,881 814,260 646,350 787,070 518,080 3,642.456 973,370 498,003 1,191,105 3,430,505 5,320,000 708,870 964,300 531,267 803,194 462,332 ,050,000 40,000 250,000 116,340 116,340 500,000 280,000 35,000 9,000 750,000 360,000 100,000 50,000 80,000 400,000 15,000 150,000 26,001 125,000 160,000 R R 26,000 20,000 10,000 20,000 67,400 80,000 140,000 100,000 100,000 85,000 25,000 34,800 20,000 60,000 79,200 1,000 248,000 30,000 240,000 500,000 3,400,000 189,999 394,800 75,000 325,000 4,267,896 ' 1,459,593 j 651,150| 519,582 3,240,153 1,785,798 265,041 1,326,099 2,014,881 1,806,882 exempt 1,004,946 1,321,983 410,874 925,170 338,031 344,094 395,751 R R 189,225 138,672 65,811 121,158 261,138 546,648 684,843 2,228,499 836,445 623,517 1,268,235 369,081 819,330 623,241 777,870 517,461 1,300,000 2,819.567 758,676 508,140 1,301,115 3,393,279 5,102,907 720,636 929,499 548,973 822,285 95,0001 376.257 1,460,000 22*6, 6 66 232,680 1,112,160 35,000 8,000 400,000 500,000 Railway Kxchange Mrs Carrie L Munn Est Hannah Horner ( Alexander Officer ( Eugene S Kimball Perry Hannah Eugene S Kimball C T Otis tt al Est Edwin L Brand Frank A Bradley et al Eugene S Pike Custom House L Z Leiter Northw University Frederick Ayer Koyal Insurance Co John Mason Loomis William A Giles Hamilton Moses Marshall Field Est Marshall Field CAN WRR L W Fargo Mary A Hogan Emily B Fall et al Est Wm S Johnston Catharine C Wren et al F Bass liver 100,000 50,000 175,000 500,000 25,000 150,000 30,000 125,000 140,000 R R 30,000 18,000 10,000 20,000 65,000 80,000 Clara , 140,000 Joseph Ol 90,000 Levy Mayer 90,000 Charlotte J Ludington 100,000 Augustus Lowell el al W W Kimball Co 30,000 Clara F Bass 45,000 L 7. Leiler 50,000 Mrs liarbil Bloom 70,000 Richard W Sears 500 C T Otis et al 1,260,000 Sarah Brooks el al 118,000 Union League Club 28,000 Unvty of Chicago 350,000 1 West'Union Tel Co 500,000 3,000,000 190,000 360,000 300,000 84,000 Board of Trade Insurance Exchange George A McKinlock P C Brooks 65,000 George Boddie et al Rivers McNeil elal Mary V McCormick 'Except improvements. The dividing- line of north and south, streets is Madison street. Tor illustration, State street north and south of Madison is South State street. State street is the dividing- line of the east and west streets. East Madison street and west of State street is West Madison street. MEMC HANDS of Madison street is North State street, Madison street east of State \m known n 38 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. VAN BITREX STREET. New No. Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 Value of BldRs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals. 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915 Re'ver's Totals 1915 Value of Bldgs. Owner. 70-78 62-66 60-68 24-34 18-22 2-14 2-10 12-14 16-20 22-26 34-40 50-54 60-70 74-82 100-112 114-124 132-148 132-148 132-148 166-166 168-180 200-204 206-208 210-216 218-224 226-232 300-313 314-318 322-326 328-330 332-334 316-342 350-356 71-87 69-67 51-57 27-37 19-23 1-16 1-9 16 17-21 23-27 36-39 (1-69 63-73 T6-77 81-89 101-111 117-127 167-166 1(7-169 173-175 177-179 181-183 186-187 101-211 16 117-219 113-226 117-229 131-233 136 137-239 241-245 301-311 316-317 119-336 861-869 l-17n w cor Michigan av 19-23 171X101J6 613xl06 100x106 I 171^x10 ) 120x80 51^x80 144x80 100x25 25x80 28^x80 50x80 7054x100 66X393M 100x99 103x49H 108x95 25x98 80x98 174.3xl57J< 100x75 100x75 50X86H 50x86)4 53Hx86 64x100 89HxlOO 100!*x50 48HX50 483^x50 27MX50 25x50 79HX50 79x50 171HX80 90x97M 79&X40 125^x80 45^x80 143x400 100x50 30x99 30x99 40x99 68*xl48H 66x75 60x100 40x100 100x107 100x103 101HX99M 58HX125 22^x160 25x150 25x75 25x75 50x75 100X22K 20x105 20x105 20x105 40x105 20x105 20x105 20x105 53^x105 120X167H 20x105 j 157x80 | Irregular 158x118 2,468,917 448,217 778,536 747,025 173,783 514,387 533,100 90,848 107,665 295,551 1,064,887 3,642,456 491,337 387,058 619,419 87,552 370,905 1,660,446 324,100 363,300 196,960 107,000 181,195 210,139 428,160 194,350 59,505 44,150 29,570 28,020 154,394 156,393 987,492 378,019 264,834 512,991 231.392 3,640,065 420,159 130,375 124,410 218,070 1,287,187 425,026 247,227 165,333 566,250 503,250 473.312 115,161 104,601 120,590 72,860 64,650 184,776 118,229 58,950 43,160 45.160 113,820 44,667 46,671 51,446 191,874 428,664 38,300 435.528 411.610 1,379,000 207,900 26,000 17,500 20,000 10,000 30,000 14,000 7,000 14,000 400,000 1,300,000 15,000 19,000 20,001 3,999 600,000 2,50f 16,000 1,000 1,000 77,592 70,000 110,001 10,000 9,999 8,000 4,500 3,80P 8,000 9,99 150.00C 40,000 15,000 17,640 95,000 750,000 21,375 10,000 6,500 14,500 610,899 10,000 6,000 12,000 90,000 20,000 50,000 1,500 2,001 2,000 5,600 500 3,000 5,000 5,000 2,468,917 448,217 778,536 747,025 173,783 1,065,253 533,100 90,848 107,665 295,551 1,064,887 3,642,456 491,337 387,058 470,905 87,552 370,905 1,660,446 324,100 363,300 196,960 107,000 181,195 197,139 408,159 194,350 59,505 44,150 29,570 28,020 154,394 156,393 987,492 378,019 264,834 512,991 231,392 3,640,065 420,159 130,375 124,410 218,070 1,287,187 425,026 247,227 165,333 566,250 503,250 1,023,312 115,161 104,601 120,590 72,860 64,650 184,776 118,229 58,950 43,160 45,160 113,820 44,667 46,671 61,446 181,873 428,664 38,300 435,528 411,610 1,379,000 207,900 26,000 17,500 20,000 177,140 30,000 14,000 7,000 14,000 400,000 1,300,000 15,000 19,000 100,000 3,999 600,000 2,500 16,000 1,000 1,000 77,592 57,000 90,000 10,000 9,999 8,000 4,500 3,800 8,000 9,999 150,000 40,000 15,000 17,640 95,000 750,000 21,375 10,000 6,500 14,500 610,899 10,000 6,000 12,000 90,000 20,000 600,000 1,500 2,001 2,000 5,600 500 3,000 5,000 5,000 2,523,366 450,321 753,147 729,006 178,782 1,119,801 514,374 89,796 107,739 305,169 1,134,585 2,819,567 393,759 401,334 685,848 93,201 538,605 1,731,846 341,649 363,150 195,852 96,399 153,276 183,126 401,346 180,876 53,316 40,389 29,937 28,206 145,365 156,498 1,081,509 477,988 264,867 511,344 261,393 3,555,135 417,852 123,924 128,394 215,070 1,235,880 396,216 212,916 131,583 597,501 555,165 1,257,240 245,559 100,638 120,594 72,276 115,164 157,779 113,430 51,555 40,845 41,344 109,689 40,269 42,084 48,588 166,707 31,375 37,212 418,540 397,902 1,293,339 210,000 20,000 L J McCormick Arthur Orr Marshall Field est Wm C Lobenstine Est George B Cook Est James Campbell Catherine S Isham Carrie O Meacham Louis L Coburn William N Eisendrath Lucius G Fisher Shepherd Brooks et al Cath Bishop of Chgo Louis J Marks et al C J Keep et al Trs B P Horton Est Edw Mendel Est Sidney A Kent James Longley Edw S Isham \ James Clare Charles F Paxton et a \ Emma Schmidt ( Clara Bartholomay Eugene O'Reilly Abraham Kuh et al J L Kesner Carl Hansen James Clare Met West Side ERR Thomas Chalmers Chicago Club J. E. Otis trust estate Joseph E Otis Art Institute L Z Leiter L Z Leiter Lucius B Otis Est Mary V Reed J Warner Reed Jr Lafayette Lancaster Francis BartlettTr Est Simon Reed Henry G Foreman et a Est Edwin L Brand Shepherd Brooks Peter C Brooks James Oliver -< Nelson J. Riley Wm McCoy George S Bullock William McCoy T P and G T Smith et a Adolph H Uphof Sarah A Boyington Mary E B Meseroe Charles Stose James McNally Clark & Trainer Clark & Trainer Mrs Murray Warner Est Max A Meyer Lawrence Newman Chicago Real Est Trs Wm C Seipp 25-35 n e cor Wabash av.. 39-43 n w cor Wabash av . 25,000 177,138 30,000 13,000 7,000 24,000 550,000 1,260,000 13,500 17,100 75,000 3,600 150,000 600,000 10,000 14,400 1,000 1,000 60,000 57,000 95,000 9,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 7,000 10,000 14,500 140,000 40,000 15,000 16,000 125,000 750,000 19,000 6,000 8,000 10,500 610,000 10,000 4,000 12,000 80,000 30,000 800,000 15,000 6,000 2,000 5,000 1,500 3,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 2,500 32,000 500 49-57 n e cor State st 61-69 n w cor State st . . . . 71-73 75-77 79-83 n e cor Plymouth pi 85-91 n w cor Plymouth 1 N e cor Dearborn st f 91-95 n w cor Dearborn, i 97-103 n w cor Federal St. 105-113 n e cor Clark st 115-123 n w cor Clark St.... 125 127-133 n e cor La Salle st. N e cor Sherman st f 155-163 n w cor Sherman st 165-173 n e cor Fifth av.. . . 179-181 n w cor Fifth av... 183-185 187-189 199-205 n e cor Franklin st 207-211 n w cor Franklin.. 213-217 237 829-233 n e cor Market St. . 235-241 n w cor Market St.. 2-16 s w cor Michigan av 18-26 28-33 s e cor Wabash av. . 34-44 s w cor Wabash av. . 46-48 66-70 s w cor State st 73.74 75, 78-80 s e cor Plymouth pi 82-86 s w cor Plymouth pi to s e cor Dearborn st 92-94 s w cor Dearborn st to s e cor Federal st 96-100 s w cor Federal st . . 102-104 106-112 se cor Clark St.... 116-126 s w cor Clark st. . . . 128-136 s e cor La Salle st. . 158-160 s w cor Sherman st 153 164 166. 168 . 170-172 s e cor Fifth av .... 186 188 190 2,000 27,500 500 2,000 27,500 500 192-194 196. 198. 200 202-204 s e cor Franklin st 206-216 s w cor Franklin st 220 1,000 20,001 50,000 5,000 160,000 100,000 1,000 10,000 50,000 5,000 160,000 100,000 3,000 10,000 50,000 7,000 160,000 110,000 S w cor Market st MEMORANDA. < o\.i:i:*s 18-32 2-14 200-208 210-216 318-230 87 Bl-59 23-37 17-19 1-11 201-209 215-223 ,vtoj -I N w cor Michigan a n e cor Wabash av N w cor Wabash av N e cor State st N w cor Fifth av N e cor Franidin st N w cor Franklin st N e cor Market st 1-7 s w cor Michigan av. 9-11 13 17-19 S e cor Wabash av S w cor Wabash av 47 51-59 s e cor State S w cor Fifth av Secor Franklin st S w cor Franklin st 186% on M 160 on Wab 360K on C 170x80 143x400 100x80 212x105 100x55 90x97 121HX1401 34^x102 [ 17^x100 f 52X120M J 111x160 '4 165^x80 51x40 88x40 100x25 222^x105 105x172 3,560,664 655.755 3,640,065 281,210 608,637 245,968 1,993,378 373,061 371,376 454.12. R R 205,845 157,575 623,802 313,850 750,000 50,000 750,000 80,000 271,500 650,000 25,000 30,000 10,000 R R 3,000 35,000 292,122 90,000 3,560,664 655,755 3,640,065 281,210 608,637 245,968 1,933,378 373,061 371,376 454,128 71,385 205,845 157,575 623,802 313,850 750,000 3,723,429 50,000 750,000 80,000 271,500 650,000 25,000 30,000 10,000 3,000 3,000 35,000 292,122 90,000 626,559 3,555,135 275,211 574.899 572,337 2,551,116 372,546 371,394 635,545 61,155 198,462 154,575 615,015 376,491 650,000 Henry J Willing et al 50,000 750,000 74,000 251,500 310,000 833,456 William P Adams L Z Leiter F C Farwell William Kent A B Jones; S Field I Ignatz Friedman et al < Wm Fitzgerald I James L Clapp 35,000 Est Wm H Colvin 30.000 l Marshall Field estate 16,000 Clarence I Peck l.OOOlElla Williams 4,000 J P Wilson et al 32,000 295,121 80,000 Washington Porter Peter Brooks E B Butler I.OMAX PI n e cor Federal st $ N e cor Clark st. N w cor Clark st | N w cor La Salle st R R R R exempt 133,125 79,573 335,000 470,000 1,172,649 187,62. 310,353 317,658 224.384 exempt 252,609 1,705,347 195,000 329,000 227,610 171,060 R R R R exempt 12. 5 10-44 Harrison st y 367 Wabash uv S e cor State st. S e cor Plymouth pi. ... S e cor Dearborn st. | Also s w cor Plymouth. ) S w cor Dearborn, also I S e cor Federal st. f S e cor Clark st.. ... S e cor La Salle st S w cor La Salle st S w cor Sherman st 166 see s w corSherman-Ha S e cor Fifth av 433,29' 98,323 260,000 7,500 433,295 96,822 260,000 6,000 433,629 98,475 250,000 7,000 S w cor Fifth av... II I ICICAKIt PLACE. 72-86 60-68 60-68 16-32 12-14 2-10 77-88 71-73 61-67 21-37 9-17 1-7 1-3 n w cor Michigan av. 5-9 11-13 n e cor Wabash av. . N w cor Wabasb av 47-49 51-59 n e cor State st S w cor Michigan av. . .. 2-4 S e cor Wabash av 32-46 s w cor Wabash av . . 48-50 52-58 s e cor State st 172x80 80x80 100x40 165x80 33x60 105x60 11SX53H 48x80 173x187% 16554X48 50x40 80x44 1,773,47- 272.7K 155,616 298.16' 28,232 228,148 143.21? 92,732 568,217 166,459 30,352 100.791 1,200,000 160,000 7,500 V.OOO 12,000 4,000 20.000 8,000 2,500 3,500 3,500 1,773,474 272,710 155.616 298,167 28,232 228,148 143,212 92,732 568,217 166,459 30,352 100,790 1,200,000 160,000 7,500 ' V,666 12,000 4,000 20,000 8,000 2.500 3,500 3,500 2,045,142 379,737 155,097 298,167 28,233 171,573 116,743 92,430 613,206 171,960 30,354 100,791 1,400,000 252,000 7,500 ' V.OOO 10,000 4,000 10,000 8,000 3,500 3,500 Otto Young StudebakerBros MfgC'o James G Dwen llyron L Smith Kate' al L 7. Letter Est J H McAvoy Otto Young Byron L Smith Lambert Tree et al Harriet S Dimick et al Herbert E Bucklen POLK STREET. 20 1-30 1 I 1-9 n w cor Stalest 1-19 n e cor Plymouth pi N w cor Plymouth pi to n e cor Dearborn st N w cor Dearborn st to n e cor Federal st 108^x23 99x46 71^x96 66x25 83,755 R k R R 59 3R- 7,000 R R R R 4 800 83,755 R R R R 59 382 7,000 R R R R 4 800 80,502 R R R R 58 581 7,000 R k R R 4 000 Est E J Lebmann C & W Ind R R Co CAW Ind R R Co 1-70 N w corFederal st 115x50 100610 6,000 134 797 6 650 101 997 7 000 1-82 N e cor Clark st 95%x25 59 29 1 ; 6000 59 295 6 000 60 759 7 500 10 N w cor Clark st... 101x50 97,327 2,800 97 327 2 800 94 527 Robt L Greenlee et 18 65 ) 10-124 Necor La Salle st ( N w cor La Salle st cor Sherman st 98x100 87,000 R R 27,000 R R 109,000 R R 49,000 R R 228,249 R R 80,000 R R S A Kent C, RI&PRRCo 6-168 N w cor Sherman st 101 j 64X100 418,331 220.00C 418,331 220,000 426,168 210,000 J A Patten 0-164 103 42x100 8-176 9 Necor Fifth av S-lOs wcor Stalest 12 106X.. 100x50 25x100 264,893 R R R R 118,000 R R R R 264,893 R R R R 118,000 R R R R 262,905 R R R R 110,000 R R R R Joseph Vehon Addlson Corneau -26 -S3 -63 S e cor Plymouth pi S w cor Plymouth pi to s Secor Federal st 75x100 R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R William B Jensen CAW Ind Ry Co -69 S w cor Federal st 95%x25 R R R R R R R R R R R R A W Ind By Co -81 S e cor Clark st 'I5H "C50 R R R R R R R R R R R R 1-109 S w cor Clark at. . . 102xl98Ji St Peter's R C Chur 9 96. 20x79% R R R R R R R R R R R R L S A M S R R Co 7 68. 20x79% R R R R R R R R R R R R L S A M S R R Co 9-123 S e cor La Salle st. 62x79% R R R R R R R R R R R R L S A M S R R Co S w cor Li> Salle st to s e cor Shei man st R R R R R R R R R R R R C RIAPRRCo 7-169 Sw cor Sherman st 106%x76% 105 142 2 500 105 142 2 500 108 066 2 200 7-169 Secor Fifth av 106%x39 64 851 64 851 138,990 65 000 Marshall Field 1-237 Sw cor Fifth av R k R R R R R R R k R k C A Gt Wstn Ry Co WEMOBASD4. The dividing- line of north and sonth streets is Madison street. For illustration, State street north of Madison street is North State street, >t Madison is South State street. State street is the dividing line of the east, and west streets. Madison street eart of State la known as t MaAison street and west of State street is West Madison street. 40 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. ELDRIDGE PLACE MEMORANDA. NewNo. Old No. Size. 1913 Rev'ers' Totals 1913 Value of Bldgs. 1914 Rev'ers' Totals 1914 Value of Bldgs. 1915. Rev'ers' Totals. 1915. Value of Bides. Owner. 70-82 40-66 50-58 28-34 18-26 10-14 2-6 3-83 51-61 19-33 15 11 ItoS 1-13 n wcor Michigan av 15-21 160x40 90x75 100x38 K 165HX94 15x80 55KX131 73x100 181XX80 60x134 120X84K 165HX42V4 26x40 26.5X40 30x40 56x40 100,345 139,839 225,930 231,645 R k 70,401 164,356 715,362 280,480 exempt 192,742 15,892 15,817 14,227 55.685 1,000 60,000 7,000 9,600 R R 15,000 10,000 350,000 220,000 exempt 86,500 2,500 4,000 2,350 8.000 100,345 139,839 225,930 231,645 R R 70,401 164,356 715,362 280,480 exempt 192,742 15,892 15,817 14,227 55,685 1,000 60,000 7,000 9.600 R R 15,000 10.000 350,000 220,000 exempt 86,500 2,500 4,000 2,350 8,000 536,805 65,538 159,876 226,290 R R 60,396 143,955 1,379,064 exempt 185,220 16,380 15,810 13,878 54,684 299,600 2,000 80.000 4,000 R R 5,000 13,000 690,000 exempt 80,000 3,000 4,000 2,000 7,000 Unvty of Chicago Eliza Yott 3eo G Newbury Est E J Lehmann C&SLRTRRCo Wells Fargo A Co Wm C Lobenstlne Otto Young Cath Bish of Chicago Robert P Bass Est Daniel Weaver Daniel B Scully Jos. Tneurer & C. Buhl Daniel B Scully 23-31 n e cor Wabash av. . 33-45 n w cor Wabash av . 47 49-51 S3-57 n e cor State st 2-16 s w cor Michigan av 1(5-18 5 e cor Wabash av 32-46 s w cor Wabash av.. 48 60 5Z . . 54-803 e cor State st TA YI.OH STREET. 1-11 n wcor Stalest 13 100x59 24X99K 76x99* 63,338 500 63,338 500 67,335 500 C A W IRR City of Chicago Chgo El Terml Ry Co C A WIRE CRIAPRRetal CRT APRR James C Peasley Chgo A G W Ry Co Chgo A W I R R Co Chgo A W I R R Co C A EIRR L S A M 8 Ry Co L S A M S Ry Co N w cor Plymouth pi.. . 1 N w cor Custom House, f N e cor Clark st 95XX97X N w cor Clark st to 1 N e cor Sherman st | 106XX24X 106KX50 N e cor Fifth av 112x50 5 w cor Plymouth pi to 1 S w cor Custom House.. ( 814x96 !/, S w cor Clark st 74-84 114KX390H Balance of frontage HARMON PLACE. 0-M n n 70 66-60 80-M 11-16 8 M 9-83 Sl-87 n-ts 7-9 l- 1-9 n w cor Michigan av. 11 127JKX56X 26x120 26x120 26x120 26x120 11 0x27 H 165KX40 82*X40 56x40 171x80 171x80 165tfxl20 55^x80 55^x40 !8x40 240,056 27,068 22,781 22,281 26,568 63,878 211,257 28,569 54,142 370,526 168.372 479,419 30,888 26.500 30,000 500 500 240.056 27,068 22,781 22,281 26,568 63,878 211,257 28,569 54,142 370,526 168.372 479.419 30,888 26,500 ...... 30,000 500 500 ' '5,666 114,720 750 8,500 85,000 1,500 26,374 27.073 1.750 2,800 251,904 26,649 22,722 21,722 25,899 83,886 201,504 28,587 53,643 285,568 152,784 454,578 14,655 26,118 26,214 25,000 750 1,000 Est Marcus C Stearni George Q Newbury George G Newbury Isldora Schmitt J L Kesner Michael W Kerwln Charles F Gunther Carl Buhl Eugenia S Doggett Eugenia S Doggett Mary L Barnes et al Olivet Baptist Church Voplcka A Knbin Florence P Green 13 15 17 5',666 114,720 750 8,500 85,000 1,500 26,374 27,07.' 1,750 2.80C 19-25 n e cor Wabash av. . S7-41 n w cor Wabash av. 48-47 25,000 105,000 750 8,000 49-53 n e cor State st S w cor Michigan av S e cor Wabash av 1,500 265,000 34-48 s w cor Wabash av. . 48-50 50-52 1,500 2,500 LAKE PARK PLACE. 101-103 lOf-107 109-111 11B-117 119-111 UMM 127-129 131-133 1 35x125 25x125 25x125 25x125 25x125 25x125 100x125 ) 75x100 ( R R 62,151 117,251 59.001 58,860 344,276 R R 6,750 6,450 3,600 3,800 8,000 R R 62,151 117.251 59,001 58,860 344.276 R R 6.750 6.450 3.600 3.800 8,000 R R 65,676 125,352 62,976 63,126 504,227 R R 6,000 6,000 3,300 3,450 12,000 Illinois Central R R Elizabeth Winston T R Wells T E Wells Ella W Murray Mrs S King Drowaert Elbert W Shirk 2 3 4. 5 g. . . 7-10 PECK PLACE. KM iO-6 ,2-36 ,(WO J 2-14 16 8-11 78-79 61-67 19-33 7-1S H N w cor Michigan av N e cor Wabasn av 173x40 173x83 165HX160 20x40 42HX40 20x40 55^x20 180x80 180X109K 165KX12CT 82Hx40 56x40 237,140 293,961 430.71 f 12,975 24,210 41,820 42,820 898,140 379,467 310,650 46,212 77,538 5,000 30,000 14,000 2,70f 6,000 3,000 4,000 82,000 78,000 15,000 7,000 14.000 237,140 293,961 430,710 12,975 23,210 41,820 42,820 898,140 379.467 310,650 46,212 77.538 5.000 30,000 14,000 3.70C 5,000 3,000 4,000 82,000 78,000 15.000 7,000 14,000 209,173 337,935 428.271 R R 22,215 46,410 42,828 511,638 369,465 309,036 49,227 71,781 14,000 74,000 11.500 R k 4,000 2,500 4,000 40,000 68,000 135,000 10,000 14,000 Otto Young W C Seipp C I Peck Leslie Carter S H Jamison [ Henry Kuchs Herbert E Bucklen Est Hiram Wheeler Kate S Adams ( Peacock heirs ( Est C D Peacock 31-45 n w cor Wabash av. 47 49-51 53-57 n e cor State St.. . . -j 30-46 nw cor Wabash av . . 46-50 54-60 s e cor State st TWELFTH STREET. 2-4 41.62x60 84x60 111 Cent R R Co 111 Cent R R Co I C R R Co E W Shirk University of Chicago H and A Keep W L Peck James B Ryan South Rapid Transit Co L 7. Leiter Hattle Jackson AT AS FRR C A G T R R C A W IRR Est Martin Crow* CAW IRR 6-1! 14-18 100x75 171x47* 171x96% llXlvl.Vi 20x95H 40^x95^ 55X175H 825ix41 112x334 !< 112X136H 221,58* 221.895 220,373 95,111 11.546 R R 43.262 50,288 60C 43,20f 2,m 35,0nf 1.700 R R 5,000 5,000 221,586 221,895 220,373 95,111 11,546 R R 43,262 50,288 600 43,200 2,000 35.000 1,700 R R 5,000 5,000 199,302 218,745 193,641 73,923 8.883 R k 33,846 44,577 1,000 40,000 2,000 25,000 1,500 R R 5,000 5,000 N W cor Wabash av 74. .. 76-78 80-84 N e cor State st V w cor State st N w cor Plymouth pi tc n w cor Custom H pi 144 T N ecor Clark st I N w cor Clark st ( The dividing- line of north and south streets Is Madison street. For illustration, State street north of Madison street Is North State street, and south of Madison is Sonth State street. State street is the dividing- line of the east and west streets. Madison street east of State is known as East Madison street and west of State street is West Madison street. The Economist Ma P Of Chicago 42 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. KEY MAP Dividing lines and fig- ures indicate pages or map sections. April S, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 1. 43 .PARKRID6E BVD BKVN MAWR I CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 5. 44 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 2. Chicago, U. S. A.. n n n n ,vi n n n r~i n CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAPS NOS. 5 AND 6. April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 3. 45 I kLP ROSE HILL CEMETERY 6OHEMIAN : NATIONAL ! CEMETERY n n n r~ i r~i n rr r~i n" n 1 r~i rnlri c~i rn n n i Vc^s T t < ijV-i n rn n rn ri CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAPS NOS. 6 AND 7. 46 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 4. Chicago, U. S. A. n ii rn i i CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAPS NOS. 7 AND 8. April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 5. 47 CONTINUED NORTH ON MAPS NOS. 1 AND 2. . ^L i i 1 Hi I n n n CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 9. DDDD^ C i n n r~i n 48 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 6. Chicago, U. S. A. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAPS NOS. 2 AND 3. . _ _ll II I L_l I_J|I llll ILJLJI ll_ll_JLjLJLJLJLJLJLJLJ'LJLJ D DDDD^ID H] CD' fciilili DDDDDDDD'DDDDDDl tlDOOgOOlOOOOOOI DDDDSDDJDDDDDD[ OODDDOf DDDODE 0000 o 2 . s0IIDDDD OOP 00 I0PMOO DO_DD DDQQQDf DODOOOODOi D D D D'D pop Iffl SfflflCT TIG DODDDDi i ir i i" "^ t "t r~~'\ i 1 1 H GO W ^ ir~^r^ni i g ] ci c=] R [=3^ | :c=i[=] . 5 2 IZZI CZI CZIC H z o o DDDDDDfflDDODt n r-i r-i r i CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 10. April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 7. 49 CONTINUED NORTH ON MAPS NOS. 3 AND 4. _) i \-J U 1 I LJ LJ I I L-l LJ DIIDD =* Dl'DlDnd DDDMDDft ograog DDDQfl *- J '- I ' _ J- S _ ' LU. ^-J EL=55raS ^ODDD 1DODDDDDDDDP 1 1 1 1 i ^ j ~*- * vy A t^ N ^ i A CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 11. 50 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 8. Chicago, U. S. A. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 4. O fc ft* z o H W Q W O o r, CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 12. April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 9. 51 CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 5. I w. NORTH -- - SOQIDDPOODOIBJ P. s 2 O H 09 Q H & z H 2 O O CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 13. 52 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 10. Chicago, U. S. A. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 6. UIU U U U\\_l U U U u U U U UL O .2 2 O Q W S> fc KH 2 O O GODODQDOOOOtrsy n n n n n n n n n n nn~\ .n n r\N$ L aflDDDDOD CZJCJfcU tZZICZD.IZZI nsei Jn^t=j. l~ PI 1 I 1 I 1 I kfl ' JZJ dZI 1=1 1=3 " ^ DODlQDD DDDDD ODDDD ODQIQD DaDIB DOQDII D D B' innnnlnni nftmnn O o (H CO Q W O O CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAPS NOS. 13 AND 14. April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 11. 53 U U U Lf U-l CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 7. ' U U U U U U U U;U G. i II CD CD CD CD CD LZD'CDt CUD =m=3 n D D D D D D D D[ n a 1=1 BVD. CD DDCD WASHINGTON CD CD CD CD~ AiQr D a D D D CD-CD CD CDC " OO LZJ =O3 D D D ODD LTD 'D 'A D D DldJ CH CH Q D D D c c D D D ^ ^^3 ^ SF^ <=l t=l CD CD CZICZZ1CDCD =1^^^ CD CD LZZ] 2 O M < a Q W O O CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAPS NOS. 14 AND IS. 54 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 12. Chicago, U. S. A. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 8. IHJ9Q o 2 Z O Q U S> 2 t-4 H 2 O O D nana Dana a a na a CD a a a a a & CD a a a a a a a i in w IDQp 1 ID CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAPS NOE. 15 AND 16. April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 13. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAPS NOS. 9 AND 10. UULJLJiUU CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 17. 56 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 14. Chicago, U. S. A. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAPS NOS. 10 AND 11. z o CO W ID o o Pf?ODUCE TERMINAL- CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 18. April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 15. 57 CONTINUED NORTH ON MAPS NOS. 11 AND 12. w IDDDDD ran DO innn Ian IDDD ;a a a Ste. - aa DDD C ODD n [ D IDDDD IDE DDOto 1DDJ1 IDDDDD IDDDDDi LDDP.QDt ID D D t DDDt CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 19. 58 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 16. Chicago, U. S. A. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 12. 1DDO CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 20. April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 17. 59 CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 13. CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 22. 60 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 18. Chicago, U. S. A. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 14. O fc ft 2 O W 2 HH H 2 O u J I r^r^nPnr^ rp izzi cu czi | U_LI U_ DD MDDD D DDDDD DDDDIDO IS DDDOJPt gSDDD[ DDDt DDDf DDDI DDDt DflDDl DDDDDDt DDDDDDI DDDDDDt m Mi DDfflDI O fc ft s 55 O CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 23. April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 19. 61 CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 15. IDOODOi JOOOOOp IOODOO'QO ]DODDOIOD CZICIZI 1 *><3TF3> p?-!F.V ODD ODD OOOODO DDDO DDDO ODD DDDQ W- !SARFIEl_D ]DDDDD|gDflDDDnDD ]DDDDDjDD -i i i t i .1 i i i i i ' i i i t IDDDDO'QD JDDDDOIOO IQDDD1D IDlQDOiyO JD'DOODp lOODDO'OD JOODOQIOD ODODDDDDQDODOflOCI mm DDD[ DDDDDDDQQ OODDODDODDOD ODOOOOD DOOOODDOODOD' DDDOODDDODDD ODDODOD. DDDODOD if^ 3 ^^ 't?. iPQ.PQ.O iDDDQD 1 IDDDOD! 1000001 DD0001DOODOD DDOD'ODO DDODODO D'QDDD <="=^ mm ]ODDOO nr oT3 DO 00 rs.s on DDQ UDDDDDDD ]_0 aD.DME.PSQD P1P1P QD DJ -i n n n n njr^i'nT-i nHnnrnnHnr-innr-i nlri n i~i i Si C3 ^ ODD OD OD oa JUl M H-f i^ j^w B ^D DpDD 1KEDD u.a DDD E '63 'ST BO1D DDD'/IDDDDI ^P^7 n n n n SONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 24. 82 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 20. Chicago, U. S. A - i -, __ _ _ - ] ODD 00 00 ODD OH CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 16. i i 1 i i u U I Ufe II ST. i 4 ]Qfflt d hn JDDD ]QDD JDD ]DD *]DD[WDODOO o z (X < 5 2 O t-i < U Q W t3 2; i t H Z O o DQI ODD a n ODDDDDODI DDDDDD 000000 OAKWOODS CEM PQPQQDQ ]QOD ]QDD JDDD JDDQDOOODODOi IDDQODOOOODDi IDDDOOOOOODOiB ]ODDDO.OOOO,DO! 1DDDDDOODDDO! 01 pa 3 oooo lOOODD-OOQOOOOff CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 25. April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 21. 63 CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 26. 64 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 22. Chicago, U. S. A. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 17. 34 ST -' April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 23. 65 CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 18. z o H 1/1 a H 2 O U Wn n^nl CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 27. r 66 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 24. Chicago, U. S. A CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 19. JODOOOjODOOOQO JOOOOOiOOOOOQO 00000 DDOQO iODDDDDflDDDuOJl 100 2 O O DODOD DODDfflii QQQD JiDDDDODOMD DDDDDD QOOOO _ DDO'DDDDD DJIDIDD DD [DDPODOOD 1 """ DQDODDDDD DDOODDQ fflOffiJDDDQD DDDDD OOiDOM C I W IP A PL O 2 2 O H CO < a Q a H O o CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 28. April 3, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 25. 67 CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 20. JDD'D TOO IQODOrp DOD DOO D D [LOOOt OQffljOOD DC DDDDDflflOtf D ILLINOIS CENTRAL- SHOP5 PULLMAN GOLF GROUNDS CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 29. 68 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 26. Chicago, U. S. A. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 21. _J I II I I I I I I II , ^ > 1 \_JJ - E 79 T -" - - \ - 3T. ** f-r i innni innnr\ i I CONTINUED SOUTH ON MAP NO. 30. April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 27. 69 CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 23. REMINGTON A.V. 70 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 28. Chicago, U. S. A. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 24. ODDD DDDDD ODD ooses E WHO ODD 00 00 0,00 11 7 April 8, 1916. THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 29. 71 CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 25. CALUMET -138 ST -- 72 THE ECONOMIST MAP NO. 30. Chicago, U. S. A. CONTINUED NORTH ON MAP NO. 26. gOJOOOQOQOOOD ILLINOIS CENTRAL. J April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 73 CHICAGO REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS AND VALUES. Street. Clark. 177-183 old Oalhoun pi . Cfcarles pi (Lomax pi) Nos. 132-233 9-13 103 105-107 16-22 24-28 105-10? 109-111 105-107 16-22 Location. X v; cor Franklin 110 ft v; Michigan av j 114 ft \v Dearborn 140 ft w Dearborn 90 ft e Wabash av 50 ft e Wabash N e cor dark 90 ft e Clark 135 e Clark 181 ft w Michigan av 74-78 I60V$ ft w State 103-195 80 ft w 5th m 61 67 E,90 ft e Wabash X K cor !' I th 25 It w of L SalleSt 212-216 142 fi eof Franklin 327-3)3 IS e cor Market 57-59 j50 ft e of Wabash 33-39 w!50E Dearborn 140 ft e Clark ISO ft w Fifth av 200 ft w Fifth av 80 ft e Franklin 224 ft s Van Uuren S Taylor 100 ft n Harrison 13-15 24 299 525-529 393 517-521 275 ft s Taylor 305-307 275 ft s Van Buren 439 393 179-181 183 185 406 to 414 439 533 511)4-513 517-521 535-539 503-505 501 367-369 477)4 313 495 311-315 168 3622111 460 12 7 309 316-318 188 249 445 301-303 303 173-177 175-177 167-171 275 187 189 195-199 201-203 423-427 429--I35 437 439 441 443 445 447-449 451 457-459 461 463-46714 469-473 477 477H 479-481 483 487-493 10 16-18 454-456 261 255-261 405 334-336 11-13 387-389 292 121-129 361-363 326-328 320-328 352-380 362-364 361-363 375 128-130 126 45 419 21-27 N 172-174 W 114-120 S, 186 (old) 200 fl s Polk 325 ft n Polk S w cor Monroe 43 ft s Monroe 67 st s Monroe 100 ft n Polk 200 ft s Polk 509 ft s Taylor 1906 ft s Taylor 319 ft s Taylor 307 ft n Twelfth N Twelfth st N Twelfth st Bet Harrison & Polk N Taylor 472 ft s Van Buren S Taylor 346 ft s Van Buren 112 ft n Monroe 195 ft n Van Buren 376 ft s Polk 62 ft s S Water 70 ft s S Water 325 ft s Van Buren 375K ft s Van Buren 78 ft s Monroe 49)4 ft s Jackson blvd 250 ft s Polk 200 ft s Van Buren 250 ft s Van Buren N e cor Monroe N e cor Monroe 66.55 ft n Monroe 50 ft n Van Buren 91 ft s Monroe 115 ft s Monroe 127 ft n Adams 87 f t n Adams S e cor Polk N e cor Taylor 90 ft s So Water S w cor Haddock pi N w cor Monroe 318 ft s Polk 175 ft s Jackson 100 ft s Jackson 125 ft n Polk 42-46 130-132 For the greater part of the term i 1 10ft South Water 372 ft s Harrison 100 ft a Van Buren 180 ft t Washington 100 ft s Harrison 249H M n Harrison 249Hft n Harrison S w cor Harrison 110 ft 8 Harrison 100 ft s Harrison 272 ft s Harrison 63 ft n Madison 228 ft s Washington 75J ft s of Lake st 25 ft n Polk 130 ft s Washington 180 n Randolph 108 ft s Monroe 78 ft s of M nroe St N e cor Polk St 45 ft n of Monroe S w cor Court pi Size. 150x198 26x 104 45.25x190 81x80 40x80 90x87 I 45.25xl90f 45.25X190 81x80 ( 50x82.5 I 'I 20x75.5 I 48x160 80x81 40x90 66XIS8 54H*160 74x80 40x80 50x85 80x70 40x107 20x107 20x107 49x103 66)4x94 25x100 74x96 50x100 25x95.35 25x100 43x90.5 24x90.5 24x90.5 100^x108 25x95% Transaction Valua- tion. Seller or Lessor 73x97 65x97 50x97 25x96)4 48x100 25x100 25X106 40x96)4 50.77X108 24x903i 50x113 19^x102 Sale Sale Lease i ease Lease Lease Sale Lease Lease Sale Lease hh Fee Sale Lease Sale Lease Lease Sale Lease Sale Sale >ale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease foreclosure Sale Lease Lease Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Lease 20x80 20x60 23)4x107 Sale 43.7x100 Sale 30x90 Leas- 24^x103 Lease 20x95)4 Sale 50x100 Sale 23.85x100 Sale 66.55x90.5 Sale 44 7x90 Sale 58.3x90 5 Sale 24^x103 Sale 24x90)4 Lease 24x90)4 Sale 63x90 Lease Sale Sale 40x90 . 84X95H Lease Sale Sale 25x95)4 Sale 25x95H I Sale 25x85)4 Sale 25x95K Sale 20x95)4 Sale 30x95)4 ISale 25x95)4 ISale 50x95)4 ,Sale 22x95)4 iSale 10ux95!4 ISale 75x95)4 iSale 25x95-4 'Sale 25x95)4 Sale 50x95)4 iSale 25x95)4 iSale Sal.- Sale Lease Lease Sale Sale Lease 20x80)4 40x80)4 45.3x90.7 40x103 74%; x 103 75x103 25x95 1 4 Sale 49^x105 ILease Lesse Sale Lesse Lease Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Lease Sale >ale Lease Lease 72x100 25x103 100x120 50x100 50x105 50il05 110x108 40x103 50x100 25x120 40.5x80 193x80 26x80 25x95 50x80 36x70 Lease Sale 40x90 30x90 50x92H [Sale 43x90 I Lase 3%clSO 'Sale t 800.000 Est Geo A Armour 300.0001 lennie A (.rant 262.500; Estate of J L High 450.000 state of Jos N Field 250.00U A A McKay 160,000 W J Watson 1.500,000 Henry Field estate 450,000 Joseph Field 250,000 A A McKay 00,000 J Ross Todd I Tr of Louis B McCagg 'I Tr of Mahlon Jones Est Thomas Murdoch William Fitzgerald Est Leopold Mayer , Conrad Furst 320.000 Frederick T Haskell 245.500 250,C(0 20000" 300.000 240.(KX) E W Hadley 200.00(1 40.000 John Reynolds ~ Edgar C Qulgle.v 16.001 78,000 C Vanderbilt 56,525 Clifford Folger 25.000 70.000 100,000 15,000 25,000 525,000 Tnomas Hoyne estate Reuben Rubel estate 150.000 125,000 85,000 15,000 23,000 100,000 119,200 30.000 31,001 50,000 95.000 186.750 124,400 75,000 36,000 450.000 230.000 316.0110 80,000 157,500 300,1 On John Gately David C Cook Es'ate Patrick Clancy John H Schoolfleld UlieC Shank lames B Speed Mary E Fowler et al Vallquette estate Henry Larmon estate Mary S Crozer Mary E Fowler etal Est Roger Plant 42,750 Chas E Morrison 78.000 65,000 32,000 25.000 45.0110 25,000 43,000 43,000 J L Curtis Est H W King Herbert CEncliff Edith De Charms Richard Berndt Mary E Marcy Bessie L Howieson Benj Arnhelm Benj Arnheim Howard Henderson 245.25U j H Rhodes 18.100 City Nat Bk Est E S Maltby John D Missroom Est Reuben Rubel WHHoldenAMWatkin: H C Lytton Equitable Trust Co Tr 15.000 James McConahev Est Charles F Miller Lewis H Davis Jennings estate Murphy Bros Thayer estate Johanna Kunreuther H M Marks et al 142.500 John H Page 625.000 T D Knight, Tr, et al T H McNelll et al 200.000 Schoenhofen estate 230.000 W MKent 37.500 John Reynolds 50.000 Charles E Morrison 45,(0 37.500 20,000 38.750 37,500 Samuel Hoffman 81,250 Gludetta Querolli et a 33,000 180.000 93,750 37.500 31,250 62.5110 120,0110 99425 550,000 63,:* 95,000 425,625 22.10(1 James B Cox Eva Hoffman Henry M Hooper et al Andrew Querolli et al Augustus Anderson Carpenter Mattie C Ambler Meyer A Pitluck M L Raftree William Short estate 37,500 C D Clark Livingston Jenks 35,000 J McC Blayney Henry Botsford Armstrong heirs Julia M Ray f*ieser estate Jacob Franks i L B Greene et al 148,350 C B Kinir 75,000 Daniel A Loring et al, tr 90,000 Simeon J Arado et al 75,000! Mrs Emily Satterlee 994.949'CE Morrison tr 75,000 107.200 , 4 T Co., Trustee. 132,500 Charles W Pardridge 250,000 Est. Carter H Harrison ( Anthon Hotter I Joseph Reu'nger 80,000 75.000 40.000 Richard S Thompson f Chas F Simonson I & Edw Dinsley f Mary J Hoxie \ David G Hamilton 325,000 John T Boddie 162.500 SO.oOolFred A Shipman et al 4i.OOO Wm Post of Los Angeles 438.636 Est David A Kohn .j Elizabeth Llpe I Frederick H& Eliza- 1 i beth J Meadowcroft ) 187,'00| Henry C Lytton 142,5001 Harriet B Borland 394,950 Root 1 Bassett ! Miss Mary E Ingalls Buyer or Lessee. John T Pirie Augustus A Karg Marquftte Safety D Co Marquette Safety D co Chapln A Gore John Gately Commercial Nat Bank Commercial Nat Bank Thomas Murdoch Lehman Est jlrwkiRew ) Anna Rew Gross j : Marcus Marx Joseph B Moos Col Tr & Savings Bank Harry A Wheeler Charles E Perkins Charles Curtis August A Lehmann et al Chgo Telephone Co Wilson Bros Washington Porter John H Leslie Charles B King A R Marriott Lambert Tree Est H W King E L Harvey C E Morrison M M Schultz C E Rector C E Rector C E Rector Martin M Schultz C F. Morrison Kdward H Peters Edward H Peters C T A T Co C T A T Co C T A T Co C T A T Co Victor Weill C T A T Co A M Barnhart R C Gunning A E Nusbaum Emil Kraut Max Teich et al E T Glennon R H Parkinson A C Becker A E Nusbaum Est S A Kent John H Webster James \V Stevens et al Henry M Hooker J W Henning J WHenning A JBSpeed Am T A S Bank Am T A S Bank AmT A S Bank John P Wilson Louis M Stumer et al Louis M Stumer et al Cons Natl Safety Dep Co Com Natl Safety Dep Co C A W I R R " C A W 1 R R C A W I RR C A W I RR C A W I R R C A W I R R C A W I R R C A W I R R C A W 1 R R C A W I R R C A W I R R C A W I R R C A W I R R C A W I RR C A W 1 R R C A W I R R <' A W I RR C A W I R R Caroline Koch J L Kesner J W Stevens L S A M S R R lacob Franks Herman Fehr 3 L Jenks Rand McNallv & Co Thaddeus H Howe 1 Chas S Fuller Henry A Blair Robert J Gunning Chicago Gayety Theater Co Richard S Thompson Charles W Pardridge Rand-McNally & Co Arthur B Jones Arthur B Jones Poole Bros Julius Berlovitz Max Goldstein Max Goldstein Eugene K Butler Mrs Harriet B Borland Harr> C Moir ( Samuel A Conn I ( James M Lovelette j Ben I Greenebaum E t Marshall Field Martin M Schultz Francis A Hardy Marshall Field estate Building. 140.000 40,666' 60,000 Disregarded Disregarded Fee 12,500 45.500 40.000 5.000 80,000 Fee Vacant Disregarded Vacant Disregarded Vacant Disregarded Disregarded 40,000 Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 10,000 Disregarded 8,000 8,000 10.000 15,000 Disregarded 15,000 Leasehold Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 8.000 Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Front Foot. J4.400 4,877 10.000 9.800 3,087 2.500 10,0011 3,087 7,142 4.166 3,125 5.000 11.269 4.324 7.500 4.800 2500 1,000 800 1.V50 1,591 856 1.000 405 2,000 600 1.000 12,209 6,208 5,208 850 600 1,150 1,125 1.065 1,000 640 1,000 937.50 1,000 1,720 1,075 1,800 5,000 4,905 930 1,100 1.150 1,739 1,860 6,225 5,000 750 1,500 1,500 6,820 5,450 3.200 6,562.50 5,937.50 9,920 7,500 3,030 1,550 1,500 2,000 1,800 1,500 1,500 1,625 1,500 1,625 1,500 1,800 1,250 1,501 1,250 1,250 1,500 1,200 1.350 2.485 '13,688 1,582 3.8HO 5,674 900 2.927 200 1,250 3.000 9,949.49 1.500 2,144 2,650 2,273 2,000 1,500 1,600 3,824 8-200 3,000 1.*IO 8,773 Sq. Foot. '22.22 Apt, 93. 80 Apr. 97 June, 51 June, 38.50 May, 31. 25 Jan. 91.57 Feb. 52.63 Feb 3X.50 Sept. 87.00 Sept. 1903 IS'.W 190! 1902 1904 1905 1905 I9TH 1900 I'.KV 26 Jan 1910 38.S8 June. 55.55 AUK, 59.75 Feb. Feb. 54.0.5 July, 93.75 Jan. 50.52 Oct. 35.71 Dec, 9.34 Nov, 7.47 Mar, 11.70 June. 15.45 July, 8 ! July, 10 ;Ang. 4.20 Jan. 20 !Apr, 6.31|Aug, 10 Oct, 135.65 Feb, 70 Feb, 58.44|Feb, 7.87iMay, 6 31|May, 12 May, ll.eolftlay, 10 May. 10 May, 6.60 May, 10 May, 9.37 Aug. 10 loot, 16.22 Dec, 11.20]Dec, 16.66;Mar, 55.55 Feb, 43.40 Dec, 9 30 Feu, 14 Feb, 19.17 Jan, 17.39 Jan, 18.60 Jan, 69.16 Aug, 48 7.80 Oct, Dec, June, 15 June, 75.77 Nov, Nov, 60.55 Nov, 32 72.53 June, Apr, 10,040 6.025 2,850 9.183 191] 1911 1912 1912 1912 1913 1915 1909 1901 1902 I9I 1903 1900 1901 1901 1901 1902 1902 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1903 1901 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1904 1904 1902 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1902 1906 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 190, 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1906 1906 1906 1906 1907 1907 1901 1000 1009 1909 1010 1810 1910 1910 1010 1910 .1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 , 1011 ,1911 111.55 June. 1911 65.60 Apr] 110 May, 83.33 May, July 15.20 July 16 21 19 16 16 17 16 17 16 19 13.16 16 July, "> July, 17 Mar, 31. 06 May, 134.30 June, 1.560 July, 37 Nov, 55.18 Feb 9.47 ' 28 July, July, July, July, July, July, July, July, July, July, July, July. 13.16 July! 13.16 July, 16 ~~ ' July', July, May. *-" Aug, 82.01 Oct 14 Apr, M.WM. 25.23JJ.C, 21 Feb. 18.50 Feb, 15 16 100 102 37-50 Mar. 18.94 109.66 June, June, 66.94 30 115 Apr, June. AUK, Mar, Apr. Aug. Dec. Feb. Apr, 1911 1611 1912 1912 74 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. CHICAGO REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS AND VALUES. Street dark Nos. Location. Size. Transaction Valua- tion. 248,106 Seller or Lessor. Buyer or Lessee. Building. Front Foot. 10,337.75 Sq. Foot. 113.91 Date. May, 1912 June. 1912 Aug, 1912 Oct, 1912 Mar, 1913 Mar, 1913 Mar, 1913 June, 1913 June, 1913 May. 1900 Oct. 1914 Aug, 1915 July, 1905 May, 1900 Feb, 1900 Mar, 1901 Mar, 1902 Apr, 1902 Nov, 1902 Apr 1903 May, 1903 May, 1903 June, 1904 April, 1904 Dec, 1904 Dec, 1904 Apr, 1905 July, 1905 July, 1906 Oct, 1906 Mar, 1905 Apr, 1908 May, 1908 June, 1909 July, 1909 Oct, ltd Dec, 1909 Dec, 1908 Dec, 1909 Jan, 1910 June, 1908 May, 1910 May, 1910 May, 1910 Nov, 1910 Feb, 1911 April,1911 June, 1911 June, 1911 Mar, 1912 Mar, 1912 Apr 1912 May 1912 July 1912 Mar 1913 Mar. 1914 May 1914 Jan. 1915 Nov, 1915 Dec, 1915 Aug, 1901 Feb. 1915 Apr, 1908 Feb, 1902 Feb, 1903 Feb, 1906 Sept, 1907 Feb, 1906 Sept, 1907 Feb, 1906 Oct, 1906 Oct, 1906 \ov, 1906 Nov, 1806 Nov, 1906 Nov, 1906 Jan, 1907 Jan, 1907 Oct, 190g Oct, 1908 Oct. 1908 Oct, 1908 Oct. 1908 Oct, 1908 Nov. 1908 Feb, 1909 July, 1908 July, 1909 July, 1908 Mar, 1908 April, 1808 Jan, 1808 Feb, 1808 Feb, 1808 April, 1908 April, 1908 Mar, 1908 Sept, 1908 Oct, 1909 Aug. 1910 April, 1911 May, 1911 Aug 1912 Sept, 1901 Oct. 1902 Nov, 1901 Mar, 1902 Mar. 1902 May, 1903 July, 1903 Sept, 1903 Dec. 1903 Mar, 1904 Mar, 1904 June, 1904 April, 1901 May, 1904 May, 1904 Jan, 190E 40 755-757 327 88 ft n of Monroe 50 ft n of Polk 348H ft n of Van Buren S e cor Lake N e cor Harrison S w cor South Water j 50 ft n Polk 150 ft s Harrison 115 ft n Monroe 122 w Michigan av 80 ft s Lake 272 s Harrison 101. 2 ft e Wabash av 125 ft s Harrison 200 ft s Harrison S e cor Lake 157 ft s Van Buren 350 ft s Harrison 100 ft n of Polk st 99 ft s JacKson S e cor Madison 63 f t n Madison S e cor Harrison N e cor Van Buren 63 ft n Madison 393.5 ft n Polk S Harrison S Van Buren 175 ft s Harrison 160 ft n Harrison S e cor Washington 350 ft n Polk 150 ft n Polk 273 ft > Harrison 271 ft s Harrison S e cor Washington N e oor Washington S w eor Harrison 100 ft Harrison N w cor Lake st 150 ft n Polk 150 ft s Harrison 125 ft s Harrison N E cor Randolph w ft 100 ft s Harrison E ft 92J ft s Madison Bel Harrison t Polk ef 90 ft s Washington Bet Harrison '1 | V'' J T > <': t K ; : 5 ! * if Bldrldgepl 150,000 Fee Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 70,000 46,000 40.000 33.000 75,000 1,000,000 700.000 80,000 40,000 350.000 51,000 61,800 61,800 875,000 50,000 980,800 260,000 887,925 313,500 749,600 135,775 50,000 50.000 396,454 964.625 50,000 Vacant 100,000 ^Vacant 610 612 105-109 10-20 i25-133 105-109n 24-26 N 522-532 S 54-56 60-66 234 86 152 174 174 176 176 180 90 134 140 142 & 160 158 162 126 128 112-116 132 138 144 152 156 122 134 92 94 94 182 150 130 136 134 120 78-80 82-84 76 148 26-23 714-716 Fee Leasehold Sale Exchange Sale Quit Claim Sale % interest Sale Sale 400,000 "130,660 200,000 30,000 6,'250 12,500 16,000 40,000 40,100 35,008 35,100 41,000 25,000 80.000 31,300 50,000 27,250 27,000 25,000 25,000 75,000 5,000 41.66 LeueiioU&Yldg 3.186 2,926 600 22.63 44.05 6 Disregarded w ederal st .... Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 250 1,000 640 1,600 1,604 1,400 1,404 1,640 1,020 800 1,203 1,000 1.090 1,080 1.000 1,000 2.60 10 6.40 16 16.04 14 14.04 16.40 10 8 10.55 9 9.50 9.40 10 10 li> ft s Polk Sale 50 ft s Polk Sale Sale Sale Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange Fxchange Exchange Exchange Exchange 22%xll5 25x115 25X115 25x115 24x100 25x100 24)^x100 25x100 25x100 25x96J$ 25ill5 25x100 24^x100 25x100 24x100 40x100 38x100 25x100 25x115 99ixlOO 25X100 25x92Ji 50x100 50x107 20x100 107x120 40x90 87%xl53 107x120 18^x40 20x90 60x106 25x106 25x106 20x90 8754x81 100x94 36x94 33x106 Exchange Exchange Exchange Exchange Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Fee Leasehold Kale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sa\e Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale 23,000 25.000 26,969 40,000 40,000 50.000 25,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 50,000 50,000 1 27,000 600.000 1.000 1.000 1,100 1,600 1,600 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,020 10 10 11 16 16 20.72 8.69 10 10.20 Disregarded 100 ft n Harrison 75 ft n Harrison 75 ft n Harrison 125 ft s I'olk 225 ft n Polk 297 it I Harrison 372 ft I Harrison 347 ft Harrison 175 ft < Harrison 238 ft n Harrison 200 ft n Harrison 278 ft n Harrison 250 ft In Polk St N W cor Van Buren BetHarrlson&Polk wf S w cor Polk 149 ft n Van Buren N e cor Taylor 45 ft s Congress S w cor Charles pi 85 ft n Monroe 87% ft s Jackson blvd n w cor Charles pi 90 f t s Lake 125 ft n Monroe 181 ft n Polk 96.44 ft n Taylor 120.55 ft n Taylor 25 ft n Monroe 50 ft n Madison 250 ft n Harrison 350 ft n Harrison 115ft n Polk Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 1.164 1,250 1,3 16.78 ii.64 12. &0 13.15 1,080 6.000 9.40 60 324-328 497-499 310 330-338 163-165 250-256 316-324 42 159 407-411 489 487 169 125 319-327 315-317 403-405 23,000 25,000 231,198 85,000 300,000 190,000 15.000 20,000 45,000 12,500 12,500 35,000 100,000 156.25C 50.00C Disregarded Vacant Disregardec Disregarded 1,460 1,250 1,600 2,125 3,440 1,775 804 1,000 500 500 500 1,750 3,703 1,562 1,400 681 4.30 12 50 13.33 23.61 22.50 15 20 11.11 4.71 4.71 4.71 20 46 16.61 14.90 640 Disregardec Disregardec Disregardec 15,000 Disregarded Disregarded 8,000 April 8, 1946. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 75 CHICAGO REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS AND VALUES. Street. Nos. Location. Size. Transaction Valua- tion. Seller or Lessor. Buyer or Lessee. Building. 55S! Foci D.t. Fifth ave 425 423 419-481 377-379 128 130 146 381 403-405 377-379 183-187 16-22 203 340-342 344 205 171 292 312-314 369 228-230 282-284 47&19 47&49 150-154 N e cor Polk 25 ft n Polk 50 ft n Polk 270 ft s Harrison 60 ft n Madison 40 ft n Madison 80 ft s Madison S Harrison 242 ft n Polk S Harrison 110 ft s Monroe N w cor Lake 64 ft n Adams 117 ft e Charles pi 160 ft s Charles pi 40 ft n Adams n e cor Monroe 80 ft n Congress 107 ft n Charles pi 195 ft s Harrison s w cor Quincy 25x106 20^x106 70x106 393ixl06 18x80* 18x80 \ 20x95 20x103 33x106 39^x106 60x70 150x80 24Jix90JC 43x110 20!4xl20 24x90 25x90 20x100 40x100 19SX106 42x100 40x100 38x80 38x80 60x90 19x106 99Kxl06M 159il06M 19.87I106H 20x100 93x106 19x80 50x94 87)4*163 23.37*99 50x106 35x90 25x100 60x100 80x150 20x90 66iixl06 42x100 18%x40X 20x80 20x80 55%x54H 25x106 25x106 25x100 100x61 19.87x105.5 19x80 40x80 166x105 78.9x153 53)^x80 r,3j,xso 55x80 50xl47 50x147}$ 60x80H 40*4x80 87^x125 55x201.7*50.2 60x80 107x100 100x153 24x81 74x176 40x80 40x100 55Hx40 52x120 26x120 26x120 101WX177H 50x101 60x120 48x80 Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Lease Lease Lease Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Leaie Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Lease sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale und 1-5 int Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale ! Exchange Sale Lease Leasehold an bid Sale Sale Exchange Sale und V4 Lease Sale Lease Sale Sale Lease Lease Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Lease Leasehold Ex Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Leasehold ?ale Sale Sale Sale Partiti'nsale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale {Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease 23.50C 20.00C 52.25C 40,01X1 50,000 50.000 50,000 20,000 28,000 40.000 140,000 300,000 53,750 60,000 41.000 70,000 99.EOO 3.750 70,000 16,OUO M O Tremain A E Winterbotlmm J F Rumsey Howard Copland C H Starkweather Jr Kben Lane Mrs Angeline Irwin Mrs Emily Keck L O'Dell estate Howard Copland ilenry Strong N Branch Warehouse John H Taylor Cobe & McKinnon et al Heirs Geo A Springer Adele F Adams Susan P Tweedy Mward A Weissert 'raser estate Caty Leser 5 B Sheldon estate Charles Yondorf oseph H Fitch lenry Botsford } B Lyman ilrs A M Neu Est An Peter Wolf Henry Purst Henry Furst Daniel F Cully Leopold Bloom Est Clarence Q Smith Smilie Kick, executrix / William W \ \ CCole Mrs Katherina Sporlein 1 Anna Zimmer I 1 Felix Zimmer ( Ida B Hum brock i '1 Adele F Basset t f P B Bass Crozer heirs Mary A Lewis (John Milton Oliver 1 and Edgar M Snow Alice H Maack Edwin H Sheldon Charles F Grey Walter H Wilson:tr Louis Wunderle Wm C Lobenstine Thos S Wiles Est R J Busch Ernest R Graham Irving Shuman Chicago T & T Co EbenezerLane Unger est Conrad Furst Mrs Catharena Seipp H Stern H H Kohlsaat George S Lord Robert H Law Ellie G Swartz Walter H. Wilson J Eat Robert Law and \ I Edwin R Holden / Mrs Allon Fuller Morse U G Swartz estate J H Lesher 3 K Parmelee F G Kammerer M C McDonald est Mrs M Lefens Birdsell estate Caroline S Carter 3 G Newbury Isadora Schmltt Mrs Agatha Baitr M C McDonald 1 Frederick C Gibbs 1 1 Mat tie A Loring ) P J Warner J A McGill J Chicago Terminal 1 Transfer R R Co. Wm J Fabian U S Johnston W M Gibbons Warner Bros aiizabeth Blatehford C W Bonynge J H Whittemore 3st J M Loomis E S Kimball et al Joseph Vehon Joseph Vehon Joseph Vehon J L Kesner J L Kesner J L Kesner J L Kesner J L Kesner Leopold Bloom J L Kesner A E and F A Wells D F Crilly Rachel Salsbury Moses Born Moses Born Rachel Salsbury Charles Plant Sidney Adler lullus Rosenw 1 L Kesner Marshall Field 1 L Kesner Henry Botsford Thad H Howe oseph Downey Marshal! Field Wells Fargo & Co Wells Fargo & Co Wells Fargo t Co Jacob L Kftsner lulda B Morris JL Keener Beloit College Geo A McKinlock Edward G Uhlein Joaeph and Edward Bolter Albert E Cross ( E R Graham ) Max Pam Hamilton Moses f Moses Uhlman and t Meyer H Eichengreen Henry Kau Joseph Joyce Marshall Field Co Mrs Martha E Braun Jacob L Kesner Jacob L Kesner David Mayer R J Busch J F Porter Chas J Horn Peoples Life Ins Co R H Donnelley J L Kesner ES Pike Northern Trust Co trs Met West Side ERR John H Leslie Tohn H Leslie Harrey B Hurd Edwin R Perkins John H Brad shaw Chicago Telephone Co R P Smith & Sons Co. ?ield & A B Jones John H Bradshaw J B Townsend Thomas D Jones et el Hoefeld Lelewer Co 940 9 1,000 ! 10 746 : 7 ; 10 2,631 32.88 2,631 3S.8S 2,500 22 1.000 10 848.48 8 1,006.27 9.47 2,333 33.33 1,600 20 1,240 : 25 1.428 13 2.000 16.66 2,916 3240 4,000 I 44.44 1,875 18.76 1,750 IT. 50 800 8 Dec, 1904 Dec, 1904 Dec, 1904 jjan, 1903 'Dec, 1904 Dec, 1904 Aug, 1904 Aug, 1905 Aug, 1905 May, 1905 May, 1905 Nov, 1905 May, 1906 June, 1906 Feb, 1906 Mar, 1907 May, 1907 Nov 2, 1907 !Oct, 1907 'Aug, 1907 Oct, 1907 Nov. 1908 Nov. 1908 Nov. 1908 Jan. 1909 Feb, 1909 Mar, im Mar, 1909 Man*. 1909 May 1909 June, 190B July, 1906 July, 1906 Aug. 1(09 Sept, 1809 Oct. lOOt Feb 1912 Dec. 1910 Mar 1912 Apr 1812 Apr 1912 June 1912 July 1912 Nov. 1912 Oct 1912 Dec 1912 Dec 1912 Mar 1914 Dec 1914 June, 1815 Dec, 1915 Feb, 1916 Feb. 1916 Sept, 1900 Feb, 1902 Mar, 1906 June, 1901 June, 190C O 902 Dec, 190J Mar, 1906 Mar, 1907 Feb, U Apr 1812 May, 1905 Aug, 1906 July, 1907 Jan, 1904 Sept. 1908 April 1914 June, 1916 June, 1905 Oct, 1909 Oct, 1906 Oct, 1906 Apr, 1901 Jan, 1912 Dec, 190T May 190t Fab. 1110 June, 191* Tune, 191* July, 191* Feb, 1900 Mar, 1901 NOT, 1902 Nov, 1908 June 1908 July, 1906 Oct, 2 1907 NOT, 1908 Deo, 1908 June, 1909 June 1912 Maj, 190g May, 1906 June, 1900 June 1900 June, 1901 Aug, 1901 Dec, 1901 Jan, 1902 May, 1908 July, 1903 NOT, 190> Sept, i90b Oct, 1803 June, 190' July, 190' Dec, 190i Jan, 190.' Disregardec Disregarded 60,000 Fee Disregardec Disrf gardec Fee Disregardec Vacant Fee Disregarded 150.000 50.000 68,760 135.000 15.800 91,541 159,270 13,941 62,500 73,500 50,000 80,000 750,000 10 10 3.760 1,315 1.809 1.666 800 tt 1,001 701 8,125 790 2,631 1,600 8.142.85 ; 37.50 22.61 18 "&V66 1.40 e.88 31.25 7.45 32.89 17.01 31 .86 Land 35,000 Disregarded w f 119 ft s of Poik 298 ft > Folk 139 ft < Folk 180 (t n Adamn 43 ft 5 Congress 182 n Folk 101 ft n Madison 200 ft n Harrison S w oor Jackson blvd 180 ft t Monroe 50 ft Van Buren Bet Monroe & Adams 200 ft S Jackson N w cor Jackson blvd S w cor So Water 45M65 441445 192 310 408411 128 329-331 244-248 189 289 123-125S 23 5.000 300,000 375,000 326,050 66,000 66,000 100,000 75,666 6,250 2,173 33.00 996.20 2,380.95 62.50 27 73.33 9.39 23.80 30,000 6,500 127-129 S 727-729 S 224-226 S 186 N 115% ft n of Polk S w cor Quincy 91 ft s of Lake 130 ft n of Madison 103 ft n of Madison S e cor Quincy 275 ft N Polk 275 ft N Polk 168 ft n Van Buren s w cor Randolph 177 s Harrison 50 n Madison N w cor Couch pi N e cor Jackson blvd 110 ft s Jackson blvd 53*4 fi n Charles pi N e cor Charles pi n ecor South Water 141.33 ft s Jackson blvd 141 ft s Jackson blvd S w cor Couch pi n of Washington 8 v oor Quincy N w cor Congress 110ft n Randolph N e cor Charles pi S e cor Jackson N w cor Madison N w cor Harrison S w cor Washington N w cor Quincy 38 ft e Stat 137 ft w Michigan blTd lf9 ft w Michigan blvd 215 ft w Michigan bird N w cor Franklin N e cor Plymouth 112 ft e Wabash av 115 ftw Michigan bl\ j S w cor Fifth are 100 E Franklin 75 E Franklin 120 ft W Wabash 112 ft w Fifth 109 ft w Wabash s w cor Custom H pi 75 ft w Custom H pi 150 ft w La Salle 162 e of State w of Fifth av S.e cor Franklin S e cor Franklin 8 e oor Plymouth ct 32 ft N of Franklin 3,750 i 46.75 18 N 227-231 S 711 711 309-321 130-140 N 623 8N 44-46 229-241 257-265 319-321 323-327 247,450 '"43,666 33,000 4,472.25 82 1,720. 15.22 1,320.00 13.20 800,000 24.000 40.000 36,100 600,000 300,000 65,000 70,000 125,000 400,000 75.000 125,000 190,000 307,500 75,000 440,000 214.341 180,000 234.000 140.808 135,000 20,000 62,500 27.500 26,000 350,000 200,000 66,000 140,000 18,000,000 182,300 91,150 1,207 2,368 900 8,012 3,000 1,200 1,808 2,000 3,000 1,250 3,126 11.45 29.60 21.37 18.68 19.50 15 26.35 15 20.50 5.52 39 Disregarded 100.000 65000 Disregardec Disregarded 15,000 100,000 225-227 258-260 48-50 87-89 228-236 Vacant 21.50 15.62 50-52 323 327 245-255 132 Disregarded 1,250 4,286 3,333 28 41 40,000 Fee 5,000 V H Johnson jhas Dennehy Vopicka A Kubin F L Kesner F L Kesner I L Kesnr J B Clow & Sons 3,520 3,375.00 3,636 1,201 1,057 1,000 44 33.75 9.09 10 8 8 12.50 40 8.16 31 .15 212-214 50-52 11-13 15 IT Disregarded Harrison 4,000 1,100 2,500 5-7-9 2-4 Studebaker Bros M f g Co Dtto Young B 4 Chicago Terminal 1 RBCo. f 3has Greve jhas Greve U S Annuity Ser Co Marshall Field Clara F Bass Dn League Aux Assn Cn League Aux Assn David Mayer W M Gibbons Marshall Field J P Wilson et al P C Brooks Richard W Sean C S Fuller & H T Bowers T E Wells T E Wells Est H W King R E Ismond Dunlap Smith Anna R Gross W L Bradley W R Linn and A Orr Charles Pope M B Madden Augusta A Lehmann i A Podrasnik M L Barrett John Schaaf Botsford estate Mrs Agnes F Ingalls Thad H Howe Disregarded 20,000 Jackson 312-318 308-318 12-20 203-205 46-50 106-112 114 175-177 45A47 207-211 50x82H 25X82X 52Hx76 46^x86 62y,x80 75x99 25x99!^ 50x165 62x76 60x165 153x100 153x'00 105i80 43x82% 25x125 25x125 45HX140 20x180 I 70x382 1 1 85.7x382 f 29x140 26xl50 85.7x152 30x180 20x90 66x118 40x180 20.09x100 with 30x20 48x140 263^x147 20x150 60?ixll4!j 36.46 36.46 44.19 44.19 800,0) Vacant 30,000 Msregarded disregarded Disregarded 100,000 230,000 260,000 100.000 400.000 500,000 2,150 3,200 3,466 4,000 8.000 9,615 25 40 34.90 40.27 48.48 126.51 29.60 32.68 100 E B Sheldon estate Merchants L&T Co tr P Wilson et al Villiam C Lobenstine Thad H Howe J A Edwards Mrs Rattle A Sherman Est C J Fry John M Wing John B Colgate et al Annie Lovejoy Eva Clark et al Wesfn Cold Storage Co A W Wheeler I C Simms tr Est Jakohn j Clara B S Hanks and 1 Botsford est Oole est Hibbard, S, B * Co Est Maria S Scammon W W Lock et al R S Reynolds 453.000 500.000 840,000 Maregardad Disregarded 2.960 3.268 8,000 304-806 3 4 48-50 235 60,000 50,000 100,000 37,000 668,000 60,000 62,250 sslooo 67,500 140,000 120,000 52,000 205.000 71,250 45.000 200,000 Msregarded Msregarded Disregarded 1,200 250,000 Msregarded Disregarded Vacant 30,000 Disregarded 40,986 25,000 Disregarded 48,000 20,000 10.000 65,000 2,400 2,000 2,220 1,250 19.20 16 15.90 7 7 14.77 15.75 21.54 10.18 32.14 12.71 13.20 90 23 35 13.50 11.77 28.50 Lake 137 ft e State 100ft w Franklin S e cor West Water S w cor West Water 192 ft e Wabash av 159 ft w State S w cor West Water 120 ft e La Salle s w cor Fifth av 64 ft w Michigan ar 1 20 ftw Dearborn 20 ft e Franklin N e cor Wabash av 81 K ft e Dearborn 100 ft e Fifth av S ecor Fifth av 24 82 2,068 2,363 141 191 10-14 107-109 221 30-32 86 180 185-189 1,833 2,925 1,500 2,375 {3,270 1,980 1,710 1,754 7(5 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. CHICAGO REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS AND VALUES. Street, No. Location. Size. 1'ran-action. Valua- tion Seller or Lessor. Buyer or Lessee. Building. Front Foot. S w cor Market j8X e State 20x90 20.15x90.4 40x90 21XHO 20x95 80>4x150 6BX118 60x90 63>ix201 45HX169.5 20x100 20x54 Sale Sale Lease Sa e Sale Exchange Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale t 70.000 40.000; 100.0 51.000 30,000 327.500 1 175(100 13620 ?15.0CXi 150.000 lO.O(K) 240.000 115.000 125,000 1 395,000 150,000 200.000 ; 30.000' IU2.000I L'rs for Mrs T li Shreve lohn liupee etal 3ram Walker \Irs Caroline T Jackson jouisa M \Vadskier 3ouch estate Yugusta Lehmann Est W K Ogden s I'llman K S Ingalls et al C F Dupee Est II T Dickey Louise De Koven Howen 1 William Fleming. Sarah 1 F Sawyer et al I'lysses S Gunisey Clarence Buckingham / Edward A Drummand Mrs John V Farwell et al x Grand S Burton An Adele Foster Adams 1 S Reynolds. Utica, NY Honore A J Upham rosepli Walker trustee Elmer E Wilt Est Peter Hayden ttrs Elizabeth White :iinlonC Clark Mary BW.rn.r PMWoolworlli.Bcrlha LockwooJ Grant Walker James D Murphy Thomas G Washburn Kate Roberts Charles F Grey James D Murphy Est Henry Witbeck 3rant Walker et al Lucy J Atwater Mrs Louise DeKoven Bowtn Alois Podrasnik E D Wickes J D Murphy Louise Herrick Mrs. R Friedlander Solomon C Norman Jewish Church J C Billlngslea Kst W U Ogden Joseph Berg University of Chicago Jared Iiasstt J C Bryan et al M J Wentworth Amalla Schloesser Mary K Otis Edward Mendel et al Gaff estate H S Osborne S T White Watson estate J B Mailers Kst Julian S Rumsey Est Eliza S Hoffman Est Henry J Willing Merchants Nat Hank M A Farr R W Stevens U of C Mn Anna E Edward. Eft Arimine L Watkim William B Holdeo Edgar A Buuell Thayer estate Est Marshall Field David Williams Farwell Trust Co Est Nathaniel Thayer Carrie M Watson Est S A Kent Est Amelia Schloesser f'hl Telephone Co United Charities Steele, Wedeles Co Heirs of L B Otis F Roberts Esther P Stockwell Temple Trustees La Sal!, Si 'I'm si & Say. Bank Frederick W Ayer J Ti Woodruff City of Chicago G W Hoffman Mrs.l J liryant Elizabeth A Ware Mortimer and Tapper William Borden J H Swart ;C L Jenks MrsLucv M Mills ct al Mrs H li Borland Lambert Tree John High estate John H Taylor Kay estate B Rosenberg et al, Trs Elizabeth S Cheever *Hannah & Hogg J E A RCOtis Rqultable Trust Co .leanings estate ( Chicago Heal Estate 1 Loan and Trust Co. I Adeline F Sharp* and 1 Cuwell A Sharpe Morris Freytac M Burke Maurice 4 Harry Rosenfeld Andrews Estate Elsa s Maolener Kate F Rosa. Harriet D Lewis Homan Kstate John G Garibaldi Henry Schoellkopf J L Kesner S E Dale E J Stubbs J F Meagher J V LeMoyne Mrs Henrietta A lioal U of <_' John M Kranz Est H W Ring Horace A J Upham lunei D Murphy UlysBM S Gurnsey Mrs Julia Foster Porter Mrs Itache) Friedlander David C Cook David C Cook MHS Margaret Adams Thad H Howe David C Keyes Elmer E Wilt Thomas C Dennehy Thomas Templeton Chauncey Keep AnnaT Kellogg Thomas J Washburn Devoe & Raynolds Co Mrs Clara F. Bass Chauncev Keep Mrs Martha E. Braun AB Jones&StanleyField Est Marshall Field William E Solomon Chauncey Keep : G Pauling .ucian M Williams ,eroy D Kellogg ' H McCormick Cornelia D K Douglas Bernard A Eckhart .1. CBtllingslea M A Farr \l A Farr George Watson William J Watson James H Stevens .Tames H Stevens Northern Trust Co C A Buzzell Corn Ex Natl Bk Corn Ex Natl Bk Ben I Greenebaum ?red Ayer Ben I Greenebaum et a \delaide L Merrill Mrs B B Tuttle Granger Farwell iarnard & Miller : A Buzzell 1 A Murpny Lam bert Tree W H Benton Disregarded 10,000 3.500 1,500 2,500 1.625 1,000 3.593 2,045 1,770 771 2,521 1,008 wi'" 1.876 2,125 38.50 17 27.77 11.60 10.52 73.95 17.33 20 9.40 14.87 10 J0.28 13. St 15.18 May, 1905 Sept, 19o5 Jan, 1908 Mar 1906 Mar 1905 Mar 1906 May 1906 Feb 19n7 May, 1907 Feb, 1908 June 1908 Inly. 1908 At: urn Sept. 1909 Oct, 1909 Oct. 1909 Dee 190t Dec. 1909 Feb. 1910 Feb 1906 June 1910 Apr, 1912 Apr. 1912 May 1912 May 1912 VJay 1912 May 1912 June 1912 July 1912 June 1912 Oct. 1912 Nov. 1912 Nov. 1912 Apr- 1912 Apr, 1912 Apr, 1912 Apr, 1912 Apr, 1912 Apr, 1913 Feb, !914 June, 1914 Mar, 1915 Nov. 1902 Dec, 1902 Dec, I90J Apr. 1903 Apr, 1900 Oct, 1904 Oct, 1904 June, 1905 Jan, 1904 Sept, 1904 Jan, 1905 May, 1905 July, 1906 Sept, 1905 Oct, 1905 Nov, 1905 Nov, 1905 June, 1906 Oct, 1906 Mar, 1907 June, 1907 June, 1907 Mar, 1907 Sept, 1907 Sept. 1909 Ju. 1910 Feb, 1910 Feb, 1110 March. 1910 Apr, 1812 June. 1912 Sept, 1912 May. 1910 Mar. 1911 Apr. 1911 Aug. 1911 Feb. 1911 Apr, 1913 May, 1913 June, 1913 Jan, 1915 June. 1915 June, 1915 Jin. 1916 Mar. 1916 Mar, 1911 Apr, 1903 July, 1897 Nov, 1900 Julj, 1901 Nov, 1901 Nov, 1901 May, 1902 June, 1904 IDec, 1904 Feb, 1S>05 Apr, 1905 Apr, 1805 Apr, 1905 Nov, 1905 Dec, IJ05 ijan, 1906 Man, 1906 April. 1906 June. 1906 May 1908 I April, 1901 May, 190 Jan 1911 Feb. 1911 June, 1911 July, 1911 Dec, 1911 Dec, 1911 Dec. 1911 La'Sallf- 12,000 10,000 40.000 40.000 30.000 60.000 35.000 10.000 53-55 231 248 72-80 226-228 226-228 174-176 63-65 67-6 211-213 1 185-189 248 167-1B9 171-173 w 15-21 55-57e 70 w 72-74 w 04-110 w 14-18 wLk 104-110 w 59-63 e 203 w 16-18 w 15-17 151-157 H ft w State M w cor Franklin *i w cor Franklin 140 ft w Lm Stfe F w cor State 11 H H w State 52H ft t Franklin e cor Fifth ave 13 ft K So u ater fte fifth ave 30 ft e Ffith av Betw'n State & Wabash ft e Wabash 29 1 /, ft e Clark s fr 05% ft e Clark s fr ft w Clark 80 ft w State 40 ft w Clark 7 fte Wabash ft w Fifth av aoy, ft w State 80 ft w State w cor La Salle w cor Wabash 40 ft wN Slate 00 ft w Dearborn 80 ft w Dearborn 61 ft e Dearborn 80 f t w Dearborn 20 ft e Fifth av 00 ft n Polk 872 ft n Polk 200 ft n Polk 00 ft s South Water 26.4 ft n Randolph C w cor Madison 2H ft n Madison N w cor Monroe 45 ft s Lake "J wcor Adams 28 ft n Adams N c cor Van Bnrc 6 ft n Jackson 97 f t n Van liu ren 00 ft s Lake 04 ft n Madison S w cor Quincv 90 ft n Randolph 25 ft n Harri-on <>'4 n Washington OOM s Randolph 272 n Polk st 00 ft n of Madison n w cor Madison 298 ft n Harrison 73 ft n Harrison 72 ft n Harrison 97H ft i Van Buren 10 ft s Monroe Iw cor Adams 30 ft n Madison Sw corQuincy 112 ft S Monroe 126 ft s Lake M ecor Polk st N w cor La Salle & Adams S e cor Harrison 101.8 ft n Randolph S w cor w South Water 138 ft n Adams 85 ft n Randolph 85 ft n of Randolph N w cor Monroe 5 w cor Quincy N wcor Jackson SF120ftw Fifth ave 115.9ttwof State 101 ft e La Salle S e cor Fifth av 140 ft w Dearborn N ecor Fifth av 50.95 fte Fifth av 40 ft w Market 127 ft w Michigan av S e cor Clark 165 ft w La Salle 121 ft w La Salle 1J2 ft w La Salle 119 ft w Michigan av 90 ft w Fifth av 90 ft e Clark N w cor Market 111 fte La Salle 119 ft w MicbUanav 81 ft w La Salle 80M147 40x140 40x140 40x150 42.81x100.48 4lHx80^ 40x180 BOjxlHj 20x62} 40x180 40x180 63.3x169 26%xlOO 24x150 24x150 40x90 50x147 40x90 53% x 100 20x70 50x147 40x80 80X0 40x100 20x80 40x180 28x150 30^x147 20x180 48x148 28x106 78x106 28x106 25x80 19H-X60k 52^x81 49x81 189x73 35.65x60 128x75 60x75 96 ft 10^ in xb2ft7^in 71x60 100x105 26X60H 44x101 38x60 40x72 49x105 21x111 67^x81 78x99 75x120 51x80.9 25x105 25x105 25x105 99Hxl05 78x50 128x75 24x1.01 38x60 78x50 191x60 50x10(1 128x 5 100x110 30.58x70.24 150x80 51Hx73'/i 16HX70 18d,x70 188x95 ?8x60 127x80 60x1(17 50x1(51 50x180 46KXIOO 45x100 50.95x80 30x80 44x90 48x80 90X99H 25x189 20^X180 20MX180 SOxHO 4.ixl89 67'/4xld > 197)4x200 5(1x180 48x80% 40HXI28J, 42x99 30x189 22x90 44x99 45.35x90 45X194.5 22^X190 f Ox 189 60x100 30x189 Sale Judicial ule Sale Sale Mi Sale Gift jease Sale Sale Exchange Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Fee Sale Sale Lease Sale 5ale bite Fee Sale Exchange Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Lease Sale Sale Lease Lease ^ Lease Sale Lease Sale Exchange Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale sale Lease Lease Sale Sale und H int Sale Fee Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease (ale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Lease Lease Lease Lease Sale Lease Sale Lease Sale incase Lease Sale Less- Lease Lease Ltase Lease Lease Lease Lease 40.000 40.000 Disregarded 20.000 9,226 3,132 1.8! 38.91 17.600 1.754 1.500 2,550 28.50 24 H.17 255,000 70.0001 92,500 72,000j 4.015 2,592 3,303 3.000 23.76 25.92 22.20 20.00 20,000 294,242! 5,284.84 35.27 175,000 3.301 33 226.500 250.000; 10 250,000' 55,000 150,000 200.000 4,530 2,650 31 78.12 2,500 2,750 33,194 62.50 34.37 18.40 10 w 65-67 w 66-88 w 20 w 59-61 166-168 17,238 124,666 80.000 95,000 16.800 47,800 19,600 36.500 33.000 585.000 342.400 850,000 41,000 750,000 475.000 400,000 450.000 315,000 31.600 250,000 450,000 125,000 50.000 66.666 200.0UO 4,065 4,000 1,979 600 612 699 1.060 1.180 11,037 27.65 22.22 13.37 6.66 5.77 6.60 13.25 19.66 136 86 57.67 15 78 105.55 50 82.15 26.20 16 46.85 118.33 41.83 10 29 33 Vacant Lornax PI, (Charles PI) . . Madison 11 41 132 134 128-130 160-174 43-45 200-210 194-19b Disregarded Disregarded 6,987 4.210 900 5.859 7.916 4,122 4,929 2,750 907 4,682 7.105 3.012 1.000 3,174 2,66b 50,000 10,000 Disregarded 100,000 40,000 8,000 44,000 150,000 10,000 230-236 267 275 39 123-H5 228 44-46 331-333 90 78-82 413-417 120-124 132-134 335 327 327 327-335 187-1&S Fee 20.000 960000 600.000 29,000 15.000 30,0000 125,000 475.000 750,000 227.856 500,000 475.000 40.000 142.000 758.000 210.000 430,000 350,000 Hotel La Salle Co lames W Stevens vicar A Bunell WUHani H Holden Edgar A Buuell Kate Fowler H B Borland Alfred S. Trude Bronson B. Tuttle La Salle St. Nat Bank Harriet Blair Borland Edgar A Buzzell Rogers A Hall Co Est Marshall F eld ( Mrs Albertine Field 1 "( Drummond f C H & C A Weaver U of Chicago C J Deering TJ White T Brentano Field Museum J G Shedd JGShedd City of Chicago Charles Netcher A D Hannah et al University of Chicago G Blecker Read Victor F Lawson Victor V Lawson Morris Freytag John H Taylor A D Hannah J Z Vogelsang III Life Ins Co 111 Life Ins Co Chicago Athletic Assn J D Murphy J K Sebree W V Kellev 'Brevoort Hotel Co Marshall Field est Ravmond W Stevens William Loeffler Seymour Morris Morris S Mossier A W Hannah F R Bamhe sel Ilarrv C Moir Mnir Hotel & Restaurant Co. White & Tabor Syndicate G Arthur Bui ! Otis Trust Agreement Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 11.800 11.540 1,000 1,200 1.200 1,250 6.090 5.859 9.494 9,210.52 5,448 2.051 1,400 5.921 2,375 98.33 142.M 9.52 11.43 11.42 11.42 120 78.12 94 153.50 109 34.18 14 78.94 23.75 Disregarded 9-11 234-238 180 41 74S 206 S 11.000 150.000 50.000 167 220-234 123-127 161-163 161-163 n 100-116 246-3265 14-18 77-78 Brevoort House 186-190 100-102 185-189 183 268-270 10-12 116-122 176 171 173 10-12 200-202 110-114 2.866 7.000 35.82 93 52.4S 177^88 156.33 14 67 25 38. 7C 66.66 61 41 .W 10.6C 39 140 31.67 :!)> 29.15 46.87 16. 4E 72.5* 60.000 405^6(0 1.200.000 90.000 540.000 300,000 360,000 300,000 250,000 100,000 55,000 liO.OOO 1.250.000 173,725 145,000 105,000 187.50U 160.000 937.703 ' Y.500.000 I6666 180.00 150.00- 200.000 68.118 189.600 368.675 788..150 45< i.OOO 593.420 526.250 296.000 3,660.74 631.000 10,673 9,440 1.500 10,860 4.500 3,870 6,666 5.000 3.333 955 3,125 14,000 6.949 6,250 5.250 3.750 3.111 13.891 75.000 180.000 Disregarde< 13.000 Fee Disregarded 20,000 Disregarded 20,000 Fee 143-145 10-12 167-169 274-276 170 272 268-270 140142 63 -65-67 \\ 30.000 3.478 4.500 3571 9.000 8,090 4.354 8.192 17523 20.000 6.S93 8.770 9,283 166. 43. 4C 35. IE 36 S1.74 34.4C 44 91 90 105.2 34. 8i 87.71 50. 44 Fee 80 ft w La Salle 84 ft w Market 40ft w of Market 141 ft e La Salle 95 ft w l>earborn 167H ft e Clark S fr90V4 e Franklin SIHf'e Fifth ave s fr 81 ft w La Salle 20,000 lo.OOO Disregarded 319381 W 177-181 \\ 165-167 \\ 8,000 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 77 CHICAGO REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS AND VALUES. Street Nos. Location. Size. Transaction Valua- tion Seller or Lessor. Buyer or Lessee. Building Fron Foot Foot Date Madison s \v cor Man- et s w cur Market 46 ft e Fifth ave N w cor n Market S w cor Franklin 150 w Clark 101 s La Salle N e cor La Salle 40x99 40x99 25x100 194.4x200.75 184.8 72>4xl90 45x90 40x90 80x101 10.009 20x80 99HX141 65x90 30x90 65x90 41x80.34 25x90 1001273 84. 30x90. 7 99x157 | 20X90 8.23x144.5 41x80 79x90 53x115 224x124 65x171 26x172 1051172 38x171 25x132 3854x171 48x131 91X162H 62x171 130x75 82x171 7954x124 63x171 1 80x181 1 60x134 54x170 38X137K 53ft3XiH5 25x173 25x173 50x173 60x173 80x173 40x173 40x173 40x180 24HX130 105x171 50x171 43x172 40x171 24X131X 26x172 36x131 24x131 40x171 40xi72 52x172 28^X165 79.58x134 79.58x124 27x129 80x173 39x171 12x84 50x171 40x171 77x172 88^X130 160X171 50X171 30x171 40x171 40X171 134x241 30x177 80x180 40x171 24x171 78il27M 61x130 64x130 89.4x130.1 80%il09M 135x130 61x130 713x171 82x171 26x110 26x172,5 83x131.3 5BHXI27 80x172 39Mx 180 26x171 88x130 20Hx \Ti 30x130 144x162 91x162 H 96x131.6 50x1; f/0 V t 62x171 186x171.5 38x171 88x171 24X55.7 Sale Lease Lease J Lease Sale 1., -.,..!.. 1,1 Ex.1,. Lease Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Exchange sale Sine Me Lease 2Sale Sale and leasehold Lease Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Lease Lease Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Lease Sale Sale Lease Sale Lease Lease !-a.le Lease Lease Sale Lease Sale sale Lease Lease Fee Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Lease transfer Lease Sale .ease Fee Sale Sale Sale Fee und 1-3 inl Sole jease Sale r ee <'ee i'ee jease jease Sale Sale-fee Sale-fee Sale-fee Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale sale Sale Sale Sale 200,000 250.000 221,825 1,837,121 670,000 486,iii 1,040,000 I50.0W 45.00C 350,001 135,000 160,000 140,000 6J.OOO ,000 500,000 215(00 300,000 96,850 1,000,009 120,000 150,000 125,000 224,000 216,000 100,000 385,OOC 400,000 66.00C 300,000 66.500 600.000 310,000 172.350 467,805 115,000 288,070 312,000 129,600 75000 212,500 65,000 65,000 130,000 280,000 230.000 100.000 200.000 120,000 50,000 450,000 125.000 215.000 250,000 40,000 1 50.000 73,000 45.000 250,000 164,000 260,000 92,500 140,000 157,000 101,05! 500.000 362,601 125.00 200,000 341,723 554900 150,000 1,500,000 A W Hannah Marcus Marx Louisa Herrick & A.H. Jc Teresa W V Kelley Outhet Est Frederick R Barnheisel Stone Est James R Walker C R Corwitb et al H J Farnham Jewett est Elizabeth Patterson John Monk James A Lawrence et al Kstate of John Gavin / Nellie B Marshall and ) Randall E Marshall I Robert H Law and Mrs 1 Eliubeth A Ware John V Karwel 1 f C RCorwith. .aabelle -s C McGinness Cramer, (. Ambrose Cramer Busch Est Josephine Griswold j Est H F Waite & I ( Est J Farnsworth i Isabella Loring et al Cornelia McA Houghton M C R R Company Isaac M Daggett ' I Ann W Burton and 1 Virginian Holmes ( 111 Electrical V Co ( and Equitable T Co Bryant H Barber Virginia E P King Peck estate Louis O'Neill etal Clarence W Marks Stanley McCormick Z Stiles Ely J W Masury et al William Stewart Stanley McCormick Mrs. Hette H Clarke J O Armour L W Klahr MrsCMcW Houghton H A Blair W M Whitehead J B Lyon tr H E Bucklen Hoyne est Hopkins Academy Mrs Mary L Blair U of Chgo Geo W Melville et al J H Whittemore J J Mitchell Tr Studebaker Bros Est E M Fowler Lyman et al Mrs Mary M Walker; Miss C D Adams et al Conrad Furst E M Fowler estate Mr* Mary Beecher William Blair estate Mrs Edna M Flood Kderer Bros Mrs Marv O Newell F G Hoyne et al Mrs T B Black.-tone Mrs R F Newcomb Marthas Hill University of Chicago 5 G Warner Thomas Smith Est D K Fraser B H Barber jowell. Lyman et al . B Baldwin Mrs Martha L Homan Mrs Martha H Gage f First Trust and Savings 1 Bank, trustee Eva Perry Moore et al \ First Trust and Savings i Bank, trustee Mrs Olive L McCauley et al < Daisy M Turner I Jehmann Estate 1 Edwin B Sheldon lames Ross Todd Gtaorge A Armour Boston Ground Rent Irs < ist Otho S A Sprague Robert Stevenson Jr Caryl Young S Karpen & Bro ['rank A Helmer Est Mary Morris Walker ( 11 Fred Rush Trustee Est Margarette Stearns H R Green Est Marshall Field E.BurlonHolmes&ArmaWBurton I Richard W. Sears rfrs. Graee P. Blair !< Ilinois Central Ry A. Montgomery Ward A. Montgomery Ward * Berthold Lowenthal j P Porter Frederick Bode Studebakers Northern Trust Co 1 !nt Harvester Co 1 I N Arnold estate Marcus Marx A W Hannah Joseph M Finn V F Lawson John G Sliedd Frank P Boydston C O Andrews University Chicago City of Chicago Iroquois Mem. Hospita Selz, Schwab A Co James A Lawrence et a George H Webster Gnstav Wilkie A J Grsham James Mabon Sell. Schwab t Co Gintav Wilke lj Harry S z f Kmanuel Selz DrWm A Fisher J A Chapman fcJFStone A F Mai the Alfred H Gross Charles Rieck W F McLaughlin .1 H Whittemore ^Congress Hotel Co | Standard Office Co Standard Office Co Ella E Southgate B H Barber W H Mortimer Montgom'ry Ward A Co Gage Bros A Co Lorraine T Bowyer S Karpen A Bros Ederer Bros Gage Bros A Co Otto Young Otto Young Mrs Augusta Lehman Otto Young Otto Young Otto Young Otto Young Otto Young Otto Young Otto Young Otto Young H E Bucklen Henry Schoellkopf Bryan Lathrop et al C H Ruddock E T Blair J L Kesner G L Thatcher Congress Hotel Co Lucian Williams Lucian Williams I L Kesner E T Blair Congress Hotel Co John B Pierce Mrs Mary O Newell Ederer Bros C H Jordan A Co Otto Young John P Hopkins Est Marshall Field C II Ruddock J L Kesner Mrs Julia F Heyuorth K W Sears Levy Mayer C A Cbapln 3 A Cbapln ames A Patten lames A Patten Solomon Karpen et al [ Rydeoa Merrill Carpenter \ and John French Morrill Drake Hotel Co ames A Patten aiialxsth P Kimbark 1 J Lichtstern iobert Stevenson Jr. 'harlca A Stonehill Robert P Lament Charles L Willoughby iary Sprague Miller lias A Stonehill Ilinois Athletic Club > J McCormick est 'yrus H McCormick ?yrus II McCormick 11 Cent R R Co f S Oliver oseph G Murphy Ufred S Trude Congress Hotel Co ).ivi,i H Gaines. Clillord Langley Congress Hotel Co Vyers Boal larry C Levenson el al larvis Hunt et al David C Cook ohn B Murphy rfcCormick estates Dhas A Chapin nt Harvester Co 1 A Patten f H Pratt 5.000 6.250 8,873 9,295.85 9.E05 50 62.5 88.7 48. 8f 4S.2! Dec, 1912 Dec, I91i2 May. 1911 Sept. 1911 Oct. 1914 April, 1915 May, 1915 May. 1915 July 1908 Aug. 1908 May, 1899 July, 1899 Apr, 1900 Mar, 1900 June. 1902 Market 183-185 350-366 2,000 119-123 125-189 126-136 Kli- 21 87 136-144 155-159 161 155-159 75-77 163 130-134 105107 116-128 12,153 10,297 135 128 15 28 14. If 17 22. 2f 17.76 18. 3C 17. W 27.22 18.14 53.78 23. 37.50 16.66 20 8 19.35 22.40 21.30 62 18 37.75 10.58 40.58 18.12 17.66 33.31 8 27 13.64 14 12.30 24.60 15 15 15 27 16.50 14 29 17 12.30 25 11.70 23. S5 36.50 9.22 28 11.50 10.50 36.50 124.50 29 20 16 16 29 36.44 54.36 45000 50,000 35,000 100,000 36,000 Disregarded S.250 2,000 1,538 2,000 1,600 1,484 N w cor Monroe 133 ft s Monroe 168ft n Adams 133 ft s Monroe 41 ft s Washington 153 ft n Adams |98 ft (Madison st S 50 n of Monroe 99ft s Madison N e cor. Randolph N w cor Washington 123 ft s Washington 110 ft s Madison S w cor Hubbard ct S e cor River 160 ft s Adams 110 ft nof Harrison 38 ft s Jackson blvd n w cor Jackson blvd 31 ft n Harrison N w cor Jackson blvd 168 n South Water S w cor Washington 100 ft n Monroe N e cor South Water 101 ft n Van Buren 150 ft n South Water N Monroe S w cor Eldridge ct 80 ft s Kldridge ct 56 ft n Harmon ct S w cor Hubbard ct SOfts Hubbardct 105 fts Hubbardct 130 ft s Hubbard ct 180 ft s Hubbard ct 240 ft s Hubbard ct 40ft nPeckct N w cor Peck ct 120 ft s Peek ct 95H ft s Lake 171 ft s Adams 473S ft n Twelfth 77 ft s Harrison 160 ft s Monroe 96 ft n S Water 240 ft s Congress 84 ft s So Water 134 ft s So Water 159 ft s Monroe 120 ft s Harrison OU ft s Harmon ct 25,000 40.000 4 ,750 2,500 2.S50 3.030 4.843 2,643 VI 3,000 1,500 2,340 1,000 3,323 3,846 3,668 10,390 2,000 6.540 1.385 6,593 5,000 1,325 5,707 1,000 4,646 Mar. 1909 Sept. 1909 Ian. J914 Apr 1910 Sept. 1914 Feb, 1915 Mar. 1915' Apr, 1905 Oct, 1900 Jan, 190o Oct, 1900 July, 1903 Oct, 190S Oct, 1904 May, 1901 July, 1901 Dec, 1901 Feb, 190S Mar, 1902 Apr, 1901 Nov, 1902 May, 1903 June, 1903, 1903 Aug. 1903 Sept, 1903 Nov, 1903 Nov, 1903 Nov, 1903 Nov, 1903 Nov, 1903 Nov, 1903 Nov, 1903 Nov, 1903 Nov, 1904 Sept, 1903 Feb, 1904 July, 1904 Feb. 1905 Feb, 1905 Mar, 1905 May, 1905 July, 1905 July, 1905 Nov, 1905 Dec, 1905 Feb, 1906 Feb, 1906 April, 1906 April, 1906 May, 1906 May, 1906 June, 1906 July, 1906 Oct, 1906 Oct, 1906 May, 1906 Nov, 1907 Oct. 1907 Aug, 1907 Aug. 1907 Aug, 1907 Aug, 1907 April. 1909 April, 1909 Dot, 1908 ept, 1909 )ct, 1909 lov, 1909 Dec, 1909 an, 1910 Deo, 1909 Dee, 1909 Fan, 1910 March, 1910 Feb, 1905 -Vug, 1910 Sept, 1910 Dct. 1910 s'ov, 1910 Dec. 1911 Mar. 1912 Vpr, 1912 Vpr, 1912 Hay, 1912 luly, 1912 luly, 1912 Vug, 1912 iept, 1912 Sherman estat* John A Countryman John Kranz Chas H Hermann Conrad Bereias et al Home for the Friendless E A and C B Shedd John Moll / Trus Bryan Lathrop ( \OwenFAldis J Joseph Beifeld Est Francis Cornwall 1 \ Sherman f J John Koelling and 1 \ Alexander Klappenbaoh J G A Koeffler Est Marcus C Sterns Elizabeth A Ware Rowe Estate W H, F C & G A Glbbs Pabst Brewing Co. Virginia M Rosenthal Mrs Anna Schmidt ( A D Hannah I ) David Hogg i A D Hannah j David Hogg j Est Thomas Murdoch 5,500 Disregarded 31,635 Disregarded 11,111 6.000 3,000 4,187.50 4,150 7,222 6,503 10,869 13.215 (0 30.30 30 / 21.14 20.95 38 33 56.40 69.55 Vacant 40,000 218-220 w 174 48-52 49-51 380,000 25,500 45,000 25,0f.'0 27,400 57,000 110,000 51,000 25,000 22,500 23,000 75,000 123,100 27,833 24,000 33,333 80,000 15,150 18,000 20.500 23,562 63,000 23,100 75.000 840,000 245,200 418.675 8,444 1,275 44.67 12.50 13.33 21.10 9.82 19.20 11 10.20 10 9 9.20 20.16 26.46 13.90 10 6.66 10.44 7.57 9 10.25 11.78 10.50 9.24 30 100.72 38.76 64.31 Disregarded 844 913.33 2,035 1,100 1,020 1,000 900 920 . 1,875 2,462 1,391 1,000 666 1,044 757.50 900 1,025 1,178 1,050 924 3.000 10,500 3,605 5,981 polk 17 121-127 145-147 143 141 117 13-15 9-11 183 113 Fee Disregarded Vacant Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Fee 8.000 77-79 173 177 181 185 187-191 199 41 1-7 13-17 21-26 531-537 421-423 13-17 Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 112,506 202,500 150,000 100,000 120,000 288,636 120,000 615,000 97,000 92,000 5S.OOO 50,000 147,000 124,000 100,000 265.00. 175,000 110,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 200,000 56,00 300,000 158.500 130,000 255,000 75,000 350,000 1,667,692 255,000 , 400.000 220,000 250,000 98,737,50 442,425 10 160,000 1,667,692 1,670,020 50,000 156,717 219,950 365,530 593,550 500,000 460,000 562,500 175,000 95,000 718,400 130.000 2.272 2,977 6,000 1,600 5,800 4,810 1,000 12,500 4,974 1,533 1,850 2,500 4,000 1,950 5,000 4,375 4,375 22.72 82.02 82.50 27 (8.18. 65.42 12.66 133.90 62 8.50 10 27.75 25 10.83 60.97 48.75 43.75 8.81 15 41.66 28 82 16 60 18 18.82 30 15.87 32 58 29.53 38.88 128-126 28 171-179 68 24-34 w 85-87 233-237 211 83 164-168 233-237 70 98-100 98-100 10,000 Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 12,000 Disregarded Disregarded 65,500 Not sold 80.000 80,000 Vacant Vacant Disregarded Disregarded 40,000 Disregarded 125,000 32,500 40,000 40,000 20,000 75,000 Disregarded 40,000 79-81 106 108-110 211 1*0-182 16-17 258-893 74-118 ITS 40-44 1S7-14I 74-78 188-WO 192-196 238-242 177 143 211 8547 127-141 127-411 100402 827-231 112-114 120-122 124 183-189 111-117 111-117 138 134-136 138 163-165 3,750 5,000 4,000 2,800 3,500 3,000 1,154 5,375 2,750 3,618 10,443 5,375 4,938 20,000 4,166 4,936 23.14 27.43 78.22 10,000 4,000 10,432 10,437 44.44 57.95 87.97 Disregarded 23.04 30.54 105 283 43 70.30 88 117 36.30 117.17 39.32 5,498.75 7,372 19,785 6,250 6,625 7,031 8,750 2,750 8,905 3,982 35,000 7,000 Est Lambert Tree * April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 79 CHICAGO REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS AND VALUES. Street. Nos- Location. Size. Transactio. . Valu- ation Seller or Lessor. Buyer or Lessee. Building Front Foot Sq. ?oot Date Randol ph 18-22 K 80 ft w State S e cor Wabash S w cor Wabash 40 ft e Franklin 96 ft e Wabash 140 ft e of Fifth Ave >J w cor n La Salle 80 it w State 80 ft e Clarke St 129X ft w Michigan 60 ft w State S w cor Fifth av 40 ft w State 160 ft w Clark 303.34 ft e State 40x80 48x81 75x104 20x90 40S1C8 20x180 80x181 20^x80 80.5x80 40.5x168 20^x80 60x100 20x80 60.5x161x70 61i4x 34x100 24x103 79x106 32x106 32x106 23il03 34x100 34x100 34x100 48x94 69x99x100 65x100 65x100 26KXI06 50x100 26)4x106 23x94 3x94 50x94 27)4x94 27i4x81 24)4x106 45x106 20x106 22x106 26HX106 66^x106 20x106 20x106 20x106 20x106 40x106 117x106 18x106 18x106 35X106 100x106 50x100 32x55 110x106 100x106 25ilOO 25il06 43x100 50x102 25X10G 20x150 94)4x166 80x55 25x130 80x55 40x53 20x150 80x55 40x150 120x55 40x53 24x140 20x55 80x55 80x55 1 20xl47H I 20x55 20Hxl47H 80x55 SOHxlSOiH SO^xlSOH SOKxlSOH 20x130 80x100 25x130 43%xSO 43HX50 25x140 25x130 24x140 80x55 40x130 20x70 80x55 80x55 80x55 140x55 80.5x155 26%xl50 80x684 H 30X144H 124x150)4 20)4x80 64)4x143 70x209"* 40x56 25x120 25x100 109.5X68H 109.5x68* 20x100 50xl08 80x20 ; 41x8 Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Yt interes Fee Sale Sale X int'st Lease Sale Fee Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale $375.000 2i8,i40 Ost Matthew Latlin L. E Lattin Est Matthew Laflin Est Marshall Field Wm A Fisher Albert H Wetten Frederick T. Hoyt Karl & Emil Eitel Northern Trust Co f A J A Alexander ) 4 Mrs Lucy A Simms f (KD Alexander ) Irwin Rew AnnaRew Gross John Kranz Maurice Taussig J M Kranz K Barnhart Est 1 Hibbard, Spencer, 1 Bartlett & Co Mrs Julia F Porter E A Buzzell C T & T Co, trs Frank P Graves F P Graves Mrs Martha Braun Margaret Laflin Est Albert S Lattin Est Albert S Laflin Est Alberts Laflin John Powers A F Martha c I w n Ha S n Goodman MarTin A Farr MarTin A Farr J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten J A Patten Bingham Son Co Bingham Son Co Bingham Son Co Bingham Son Co Bingham Son Co Bingham Son Co J C Billingslea Public Library William Kent J A Patten JA Patten Henry J Killilea James P Grier 3eorge G Rumsey Lambert Tree Geo W Smith LeTerettThompson etal 1 Hibbard, Spencer, 1 Bartlett & Co George S Lord Allie Shank Equitable Trust Henry Botsford John H Ifradshaw Thomas Murdoch C F Grey Frank Cuneo Frederick Oppenheimer E B Millar <& Co J G Neumeister C E Brown J B Hobos C FGrey W E Mortimer W E Mortimer { Charles C Rumrffl Jo'eph Theurer, Carl Buhl j Charles C Rumrill IkeBeurk Clarence T Peck J K & Isador Ferguson Henry Batsford Andrew & Lawrence Cuneo Marshall Field Russell D Hill Tr Secor Cunningham John L Le Moyne Chicago Title & Tr Co Tr West Theolosr'l Semin'y ThosJ. White U of Chicago ThosJ. White Carl Buhlet al Garrett Bib Inst C H Weaver John Kranz Otto Youog Marshall Field F H Winston C W Pardridge j Hibbard, Spencer, 1 Bartlett * Co William Kroeschell Otto Young J H Lomax Robert C Burton et al W E Hale estate P W Gates Henry Field estate Otto Young FredS Winston 9,375 4,755 117.18 58.70 Feb,; 1911 Feb, 1912 Apr. 1912 May 1912 July 1912 Jan. 1913 AUK, 1913 Sept, 1913 Dec, 1913 Feb, 1914 July, 1914 Mar, 1911 .... 1913 Aug, 1914 June, 1901 Oct, 1906 Dec, 1905 Aug, 1906 Mar 1908 Mar, 1908 Deo, 1909 Feb, 1912 Feb, 1912 Feb, 1912 Feb. 1912 May, 1913 Nov. 1915 Jan I'Jie Jan 1901 Apr 1901 Apr 1902 NOT 1902 NOT 190* NOT 190S XOT 190* NOT 190Z NOT 190* NOT 1902 NOT 1908 NOT 1902 NOT 190* NOT 190* NOT 190* NOT 190* NOT 190* NOT 190Z NOT 190* NOT 190* NOT 190* NOT 190* NOT 190* Apr, 1903 Sept, 1905 Mar, 190* AUK 1908 AUB. 1908 Auc, KM Sept, 1008 Dee, 190* Feb 1909 Dec, 1910 June, 1900 June, 1901 July, 1901 Aug, 1901 June, 1903 NOT, 1904 Apr, 1904 June, 1905 Jan, 1907 Feb, 1907 Feb, 1907 July, 1907 Aug, 1907 Jan, I90g Mar, 1908 May, 1908 NOT, 1908 NOT. 1907 July, 1908 Sept, 1909 Sept. 190* Oct. 190* Feb. 191* May, 1910 Mar, 1911 Mar, 1911 June 1912 June 1912 June 1912 Aug. 1912 Nov. 1912 Nov. 1912 Sept. 1914 Sept. 1914 Sept. 1914 Mar, 1916 Mar, 1916 Mar. 1916 Mar, 1900 May, 1900 Feb, 1901 .Ian, 1901 May, 1901 June, 1901 Aug, 1901 Aug, 1901 Oct, 1901 Dec, 1901 Dec, 1901 Jan, 190* Mar, 1902 May, 190* Sept, 190S Kiv*r 230 62-64 174-176 150-160 4 (Ezra Warner, Jr ) 40.000 221,000 100,000 2,000 5,527 5,000 22.22 32.90 27.77 20,000 70,666 600,000 328,000 75,000 342.400 125,000 375,000 130,000 35,000 30,000 166,666 60.001' 60.000 35,000 52,600 45,244 40.362 123.600 184,975 100,000 120,000 7,750 150.000 10.600 30,060 30,060 60,120 33,550 35,625 30,625 56,250 25,000 15,444 18,603 46,332 14.040 14,040 14,040 16,660 33,320 97,461 14,994 14,994 29,155 6.666 7,453 8,098 3,750 5,706 6,250 6,198 2,131 735 916 2,100 1,900 1,900 1,200 1.547 1,330 1,345 2,575 2,680 1,538 1,846 292.50 407 403 1,250 1,220 1,220 1,220 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 702 702 702 702 702 702 833 833 833 833 833 833 1,080 3,200 3,000 83.32 93.16 48.20 45. 57.06 78. 13 7.35 Jacobs Franks E E Earl EdwAShedd Uertha C Denegre Mrs Nellie E Church Louisa M Wadskier O F Aldis, tr Kst Joel C Walter loel C Walter (dor A Said Est Matthew Laflln Kst Matthew Latlin Est Matthew Lafltn Kst Matthew Laflin Mrs A F Winston A S Laflin estate A F Martha Kelly est Margaret A Steele Bertha Jahn Joamea Kenney V C Price IraB Cook E J Learned J E Otis et al C Ruppert Charles Hill Lehmann est G H High C W Hall M A Farr H Bering E B McCagg C A Chapin Schwarer est W McClintock RS Cox John Cuneo Smith est Fulton est John B Adams Kelly estate Hagaman st Catholic Bishop John B Adams Edward Charles Maher Henry J Killilea Louis E Melton et al Mary Ann Walsh et al James P. Grier Charles W Lasher H H Shufeldt Charles H Baldwin W B Rappleye Harvey B Hurd E C Von Alton Charles W Lasher Clementine W Dunning Victor Du Pont Jr Est W B Ogden Henry Botsford CG Smith Mrs Anna J Comstock Est W S Gurnee C E Brown F W Peck Mortimer & Tapper Mortimer & Tapper I Frances C Adams 1 Thatcher M Adams Charles C Humrill f Carl C Buhl i Joseph Theurer Wary Pining Ferdinand W Peck Mrs Elizabeth O'Niell Est Simon Reid Henry Botsford ' M LThomas DWLindsay Alexander W Hannah E B Millar & Co Thos Murdoch A W Longley E G & A H Armstrong T Pardee est Thos J. White U of Chicago John AHaye Carl Buhl et al T & C Ramm Mrs Y B Holmes Mrs Sarah Roche et al (Central Music Hall Co Heaton Owsley et el Stanley McCormick Estate of C M Reed Mrs K Klassen Corwith estate Sinclair estate W E Hall estate Robert C Burton et al E A Shedd Fred Ayer C D Irwin Fred H Winston 8w 112-116n 80-55 33-35 41 40-46 30-32 3032 41 331-335 347 349-351 360-S64 361x365 345-351 345-351 116 14-16 120 66 68 70-72 74 100 102 104-106 108 114 116 118-124 126 128 130 132 134-136 188-146 148 148)4 150-152 Disregarded 10,000 8,000 Fee Disregarded Disregarded 5,000 N e cor Dock 224 ft e of Wabasb :iv 19.81 17.90 18 11.85 15.47 13.30 13.45 37.39 28 15.38 18.46 27.60 3.84 3.80 15 15 15 15 11.80 11.80 11.80 11.80 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 6.62 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 7.85 10.19 32 30 331 1 A ft e Wabash Lease Sale Exchange Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Bale Sale Quit olaim Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Exchange Exchange Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale und H int Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Exchange Sale Lease Exchange Exchange Sale Sale Lease .Sale Sale Sale 'sale (Sale Sale :Sale Lease iSale Sale iSale 'Sale y, interest 250 ft s Harrison 150 ft s Jackson blvd 214 ft s Harrison 375 ft s Van Buren 398 ft s Van Buren 421 fl a Van Buren 471 ft f Van Buren S w cor Harrison 28!4 ft s Harrison 53 ft s Harrison 98 f t s Harrison 165 ft s Harrison 187 ft s Harrison 233W ft s Harrison 300 ft s Harrison 320 ft s Harrison 340 ft s Harrison 348 ft s Harrison . 363 ft s Harrison f 403 ft s Harrison 520 ft s Harrison 538 ft s Harrison 556 ft s HarJEon N w cor ".folk S w cor Jackson 64 ft e Dearborn Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregardet Disregarded Fee Vacant Sherman ;... * .'.. 2-4 104-106 154-160 162-168 86 86 22-24 54-56 86 217 52-60 S4 to 240 14 Z34-240 270-272 193 160,000 55,000 125 ft n Harmon 125 ft n Harrison 100 ft n Van Buren st 250 ft Van Buna 125 ft n of Harmon ct eTr 80 f t w Fitth av 209J4 ft e State N e cor Franklin 75ft e Michigan av N e cor Franklin 146H ft e Lake 16U ft w La Salle N w cor La Salle 80 ft w La Salle N w cor Franklin 159 ft n e Lake 131 ft w of Michigan 80 ft w Dearborn 150 ft w of Franklin 160 ft w of Franklin 1 1 10 51,250 30,000 55,000 82,000 115.000 25.000 110,000 35,000 60,000 115,000 130.000 125,030 43,750 50.000 40,000 100,000 1,025 1,200 2,250 10.04 11.32 15 11.70 28.75 7.69 22.72 11.60 16.66 22.73 18.33 14.40 20.60 11.90 31.81 32.73 10,000 Disregarded 15,000 State 1,250 1,000 1,818 875 2,500 1,250 2,750 790 1,092 1,666 1,750 1.250 10,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 185-187 212-248 270-272 33 128 258-262 258-262 127 128 129 154-160 201-207 201-207 201-207 13 10,000 5,000 10,000 100,000 78300 158,600 1 400.000 500.626 1 1 33,000 127,000 160,500 55,000 12,000 14,000 Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 3,315 2,000 22 26 J e cor Fifth avt S e cor Fifth Ave S e cor Fifth ave 20 ft e Michigan v SeeorLaSaUe 75 ft e Michigan aT S w cor Dearborn S w cor Dearborn 67% e of Wabash 75 e of Michigan 155 w of Michigan N w cor La Salle S w cor Beaubien Cl 90 lie Mich 40 ft e of Clark N E cor Fifth av N E cor Fifth av N E cor Fifth av W of Franklin S e cor Fifth Ave 60 ft e of Clark 109)4 ft s Lake 210 ft s Madison S e cor Randolph 105 ft s South Water 120 ft s Washington N e cor South Water N e cor Harmon ct 140 ft 8 Monroe 100 ft s Harrison S e cor Lake S e cor Lake 80 ft s Adams S w cor Harrison N w cor Lake 105 ft s Lake 5,000 6,257 33.33 41.71 14 113-115 113-115 57 108-110 75 150-158 115-117 77 1,320 2,953 3.755 2,200 10.15 59 75 15.71 135,000 1,687.50 31.00 150,000 251.893 260,000 425,000 90.000 170,000 300,000 720.000 70.000 1,000,000 270,000 33.00C 320.00C 60,000 250000 250,000 175.CXX 225.00K 126 OXX 22, SOX i,875 3,148 1,857 5,279 3,333 2,633 10,000 5,806.45 3.500 13,566 34.09 57.23 33.76 34.06 22.22 38.65 60 20 38.60 43 94.87 11.40 14.73 91.66 24 33.72 33.72 77.50 42 66.66 13.72 41-45 147 63-73 12 112-116 12,000 Disregarded Disregarded 125,000 Disregarded Disregarded 45,000 Disregarded 523-525 180 366 39-.. 39-.. 210 356-358 24-28 12- 14 825 11,000 2,400 2300 2,300 7,750 4,500 !'i,09f" Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 20.000 Disregarded 80 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. CHICAGO REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS AND VALUES. Street Nos. Loc*iion Size Transaction \ alua lion | 208 62V4 ft s Adams 20x101 Lease t '47 450;Cyrus Me 435 60 ft n of Peck ct 28x13? Sale 47.00U C A Saw\ 155 242 296 547-Ma 229-231 113-120 312 187-189 t-an 369 371-373 539-MI 543-549 S3 ft n Monroe S w cor Jackson blvd 150 ft s Van Buren JOO ft s Harmon ct -' i f: n Jackson blvd HIM ft* Madison S Van Buren 116 ft n Adams S e cor Harrison SO ft s Harrison 120 ft s Harrison 120 ft s Harmon pi 60 ft s Harmon pi 25x83 38x100 19&X100 40x138 36x144 46HX106 24-SiXlOO 26^x147 90x138 40X138H 40x138 40x138 HtxlS8 Lease Lease Lease Sale Lease Lense Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale 40aOOO| Adolf Kr 500.000 .Mrs L Bl 1 23.650; CC Starl 28.700i Est Sallv 625.000) Equitabl 1.275.000 Charles I 7-J.550 I H Sliro .=.62.500 '-'thelber 360.000 High esta 122.50 Pottgiese 40.000iJane L T 41,000 GeoS Bu 80.000 Wm C Se 298 317-219 329 4S342S 214 206 47C 170 s Van Buren 142H ft s Adams 80 ft s Congress 201 ft s Hub bard p) N w cor Quincv 63H ft s Adams IMfxlOO 4?Hxl4o 211x138 40x138 33HX144 MX KM 20x100 Sale Lease Sale Sale [ 22x144 I 1.000 OOolMrs Halt 302 i 71x5854 ) 19 8x100 Sale 100000 C H Star S f r r T t tnoi^.Acu; Bttx73 1.275 000 E S Kiml 410-414 Wxlffi JOOOOOlAdele F I 403-406 48?-489 212 420-422 secor Hubbard pi s e cor Etdridge ct SSHitnQniocy 40 ft 11 Polk 40x88 40x56 2fel45 40HI106 Sale Exchange Lease Safe V D.KKI A K Nils 6: 500 l> H Scill 500.000 Charles F Flint e tat< 410-414 126K ft n Pott 330 SLA ft n Tkvlru- 80x108 > Leane S.U -MM-. lAdeleE a*"- 000 7 Helena F . -HenryS* Seller or Lessor ; McCormicW Thomas McGinnis .1 E and Ralph Otis L E Frazin et al Henry Siegel .1 C Fetzer Thomas McGinnis \V C Seipp Paul Brauer Mrs Mollie Xetcher Samuel Stern Louis Frazin et al Bryan Lathrop el al.Trs Bryan Lathrop et al.Trs eyJ Buyer or Lessee Building 10.000 Disregarded 15.000 45.000 15.000 9.000 Vacant No value Disregarded Fee Disregarded Disregarded Bryan Lathrop et al.Trs Disregarded City of Chicago City of Chicago J P Wilson J M and V Weil H C Lytton Samuel Stern Chauncy Keep Charles Ruppen John R Thompson J Theurer & Carl Buhl Louis Oicese J E Kernott & C E Beck .Disregarded ~ L Kesner Disregarded The Hub Co Disregarded Fiont Foot 12.372 2.350 18,841 16,000 13.158 6.182 717 17.361 27.419 2.902 21.226 4.500 3.062 2.750 1.025 l.UOO 5,500 1,000 18.704 3.350 2.125 25.515 17.953 2.000 2.500 7.500 2.209 CLJenks Martha Hale Harts The Hub Co Charles Greve et al nailRoessler.v M Te ch Schoenhofen Investment 403-405 420-432 427-429 476 416-418 OHM 4D8-502 480 478 434 437 503 444-456 440-462 486-468 470 472 474 482 488 453-455 430-132 434 436 438-440 442 444 44W50 452 494-498 464 908-608 347-349 347-349 437 453-455 503 372 229-231 435 302 430-432 112-118 388 420-422 345 345 260 374 439 Bl -- 492 407-409 e cor Hubbard pi 46 ft n Polk 120 ft n Peck pi 2MH ft o Taylor 86 ft n Polk 20 ft n Peck pi < w cor Taylor 248J ft n laylor 273 ft n Taylor 50 ft . Pot 20 ft n Peck pi 40ftnPe4pl 160 ft s Bdndfe p M7H ft s Polk 297H ft a Polk 372H ft s Polk 358 H ft n Taylor 338 ' . ft n Taylor 318M ft n Taylor 219M ft n Taylor 194H ft n Taylor 249H ft n Taylor 144H ft n Taylor 80 ft s Peek pi SweorPoIk SOfts Pott 70 ft a Polk 90 ft Polk "SOft.Polk 40 ft. Polk '60 ft. Polk 222H ft a Polk 9M ft B Taylor 348 ft a Polk Sweor Taylor 100 ft n Harrison 1 00 ft n Harrison 40 ft n Peck at SO ft s Peeket ISO ft a EUntUe pi 175 ft. Harrison i ft n Jackson bird 80 ft n Peek pi i-i ft . Van Buren SwcorPoJk .. IMS 500-510 23 w 231-2338 210 438-140 8 SI2--'16n 134-144 188-194 218 2-8 40x88 40.8(1 OS 40x138 20x104 40x108 40il38 $9.79*100 24.8x100 24.8ilOO 2Thino 10175.5x50 hue 20x138 50x100 45x100 20i"X) 20ilOO 20x100 30x100 19 79x100 50x100 50x100 40x138 50x100 30x100 20x100 30x100 20x100 20x100 62x100 25x100 59^x100 24MxlOO 50x112 air Sale Safe Safe Safe Sale Us Safe Safe ' Safe Safe Sale Quitclaim Safe Sale Safe Safe Safe Safe Sal. Sale Safe Sale Safe Safe Safe and Hint Safe Sab Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe |Safe 40x136 Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe Safe ., 397 ft s Harriu 46 f t ii Pott 140 ft n Harrison 140 ft n Harrison 198.4 ft n Van Buren 223 ft s Harrison 20 ftn Pk ct 20 ft on Pk ct 192ft. s Adams Bet Polk and Taylor SecrState* Hubbardct 322 ft w Harlson E fr 120 ft s Monroe R froppi'onere&s, 127 ft s Washington Se cor Jackson Blvd 6>v ft n Quincy BO ft s Van Buren S w cor Randolph St BtwMadisonABndlph 160 ft s Harrison wcor Haddock Place S w cor Randolph 3 w cor Lake 3SH ft n of Quincy X w cor Madison 40x138 20x138 40x136 20x138 24x116 36x144.1 20x138 I 19KxlOO 50x100 84x143 25x110 Sale 40x100 Safe 20xl38H Safe ZUU8H Sale 9tle Safe 24X108W 20x92 50x144 BJd "L"Shaped 75x100 20x120 75x101 24X150H 20x110 24 '.i x 100 irreg 106x95 Lease '-'- 40x90 40x138* 60x80 Sale un V* in Sale Lea,? Sale Lease Lease Lease Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sale Jacob Sehwabacher ... ,*,: \ Max L Teich 12o - 00 i)CarlCRoesoler 115,000 Charles Greve 120.000 Sallie C Condie ., I Carl Buhl 4S ' 000 i i Joseph Thetw- 89.000 Fredx W Flint 125.000 J Carlton Abbott 10 Simon Mandcl ILeeCohn 1 Harvey Greenebaum 1 Chancellor L Jenka 50 000 Mary L Schief erstein 40,000 Anna Karnmerer 40.000 Sigmuod Meaanf et al FredTi B Tuttfc 1 Frank Cuneo 1 M EUa C Taylor et a 1 George L Walter 1 George L Walter 1 Brace W Dunham 1 George L Walter 1 William F McLauihiin 1 Geo H Murphy 1 En Sarah J Howard I CharieiGnw Company' Jacob L Keener Charles Greve Charles Greve Ernest J Lehmann J George L Walker '; Herbert E Bucklen John L Jones J Carfeton Abbott Disregarded Disregarded Fee Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 40.000 Addison Cornea . Barbara Bergman ! Travis et al John C Farwell I Mrs Mary Gfflaai : Mrs MadeUne F ; Beanisfcv 1 Alexander W Miller 1 Fred'k W Haman et al 1 Richard P Hagan 1 Fred-k G Smith 1 EUjah H Johnson 1 Elijah H Johnson 1 LouvACeUa 150,000 ' "f 8tose - Fnmk G Hjmvner et *! 160.000 Daniel W Volh 1 Anna Kammerer 102.500 Emil M Gross 27^00 Charles G UvuMprton 73JOO 599,747 Catholic Biehoa Equitable Trust Co tc 161388 1 Joseph Eand Ralph C Ot ChaneeOor F Jeoks ' Amelia Garrity and husb'd Thomas A Gamt> 1.372.727 Charles W Pardridge 75.000 Taylor estate 115,000 Charles Qreve Charles Yondorf WilliamKUnn 300.000 Charles F. Guntber 37.000 Simon L Marks 50.000 Ert Mary F Scheefentein 670.810 G G Suther and tr 75.000 Mary E Miller 200.000 Harriet and Bessie Dimick Frank A Hecnt 195.000 ;5,423XsqftJGift Sale 5,000 21.794' 2.500 1,562 2,400 Joseph Bobbe A T&SBank Geo H Murphy Geo U Murphy Geo H Murphy Geo H Murphy Henry Fuchs Henry Fochs Chan G Livingston Addieon Co.neau Addison Co.-neau Addison Comeau Addition Corneau Addison Corneao Addison Co.-neau Add on Co-neau Addison Corneau Addison Co.-neau Addison Corneau EmilMGro* '- Addison Corneau Addison Comeau Addison Corneau ; Addison Comeau Addiso* Comeau Addison Comeau Addiaon Comeau Addison Co.-neau Addiaon Comeau Addison Corneau Addaon Comeau Daniel W Volts E R Boiler losepb Bobbe Milton S Flo.-sheun PNaoey Adolph Krause Paul Brauer ( Joseph Bobbe TbeBesark ( Addison Comeau Edward HiUman August Von Giahn WiUam R Linn William R Linn Edward B Butler Katherine Porter Isbam Est Harry M Marks [Henry Fuchs IF R Bamheisel iAddison Corneau 22^00 J.12S 2375 1,000 2^50 2425 3.125 2.000 26,000 2.000 U7I i 3.062 15.966 12.000 Hoefeld-Lelewer Co 476.750 V-'m Waller 562 500 Bon of Benjamin Grossman Automatic Exposition Co. 340,000 Shepherd Brooks 600.01X1 Julia Isabelle Tourtelotte 875.000 Paul Brauer 400.000 Philetus W Gates 180.000 Charles F Cumber 1 481.060 Francis Bartlctt 50' .000 of H O H.-we 160 000 Henry WTaylor.Berkeley.Cal Mrs. Louise 1) Bowen 29x145" Sale-fee 66Mxl05.9 Fee purchase 1.481.060 Francis Bartlett 810 000 D C Cook 470 iWO Chas F Gunther 1.000 000 Est Samuel A Crozer E B Butler Cnarles A Stevens Henry C Lytton lacob L Kesner i Nathan J Ullman i i -lacor M Nusbaum i" MaiGoldstmeetal Charles A Stevens Bryan Lathrop et al j Merchants Loan & i i Tr st LouisELaflin f Mus of Fine Arts Boston Estate Marshall Field Mrs Lena Gilmore Mrs Mollie Netcher 12.000 1.541 2.500 13.516 3.000 04000 K.OOO 9,999 HI 185 131.58 61.82 Dec. 5.20 120 258.67 29 Sq. Foot 112.60 Dec, Date I Dec. 'May. Aug. Nov. 144.40 July, 32.60 22.19 20 7.50 7.25 63 10 129 15.82 177.20 Mar. 177.75 Mar. Aug. Nov. Apr. May, Apr, Mav. May. May, Aug. June, Nov. 24.30 Dec. Feb, Aug. 20 Nov. 25 Nov. 75 Apr. 20.45' Apr. 137 1902 1902 1903 1903 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1907 1906 1906 1908 1908 1901 1908 Nov. 19IW Dec. Feb. 298.54 Nov 23.40 Feb t Nov. 28 Oct. May. 1908 1908 MM 1909 1907 1909 1909 190 1 13.14 May. 1909 1909 109 35. 51 [ June, 2fi.62 June 21.74;June | 21.53 June. 20.80 Jon. 22.64 Jury. |May, 190s 1909 1909 1909 KM 1900 .. 1909 March, 1908 May. 1900 Feb. ljulf. 14.49 July Wr. June, May, . Jane, Jaly. May. June. May. 19.S86 3,000 6.356 J8.I25 4,800 26.000 24.035 20.000 7,300 IS.873 25.000 4.000 3,250 8.100 16.227 16.280 !**. lJoe. I*-. . June, Mi?. * Aug. Jut. July. Aug. 14 70 Sept, 9 WOet. *8.400ct. 110.18 May. . - - NOT. 81.t5Nov. ...Dec. 131 ,Pee. J7.J7 D*. ..Uaa. Jan. 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1908 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 IPOv 1908 1909 1908 190* 1909 1908 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1909 1904 1908 1909 1909 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 120 Mar. 14.22 Apr, 27. 17 ! May. 93.20 Aug. 30 Oft. 27.77 Feb. 6.356 Mar. 234 i May. 47.58 June, 191i 166.11 July, 1911 167.03 Aug. 1911 SCO Sept, 1911 73 Oct, 1911 273 {Dec. 1911 277.77 Dec. 1911 29 [Feb. 1912 40.65 Mar. 1912 ..IMar. 1912 97 Apr. 1912 11 Apr. 1912 153.39Apr. 1912 REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 81 CHICAGO REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS AND VALUES Street Nos. Location Size Transaction 33 212-216 120 ft n of Washington iO ft n of Lake M w cor Couch PI *! w cor s Water 347 ft n of Polk 13>A ft s of Adams *J w cor Randolph N e cor Lake s e cor s Water N 52 ft n of Randolph 131 ft n of Monroe 50 ft n of Van Buren N w cor Harrison 322 ft n of Harrison 55 ft s Washington 322 ft n Harrison 80 ft n Randolph 53 Hft n Madison )3 ft n Jackson S e cor Lake 160 ft n Harmon 33.5 ft n Quincy 322 ft s Harrison 171H w Michigan av S e cor Franklin S e cor f ranklin 50 ft w Fifth av N e cor Plymouth pi 104 ft e Market S w cor Sherman 80 ft e Market 73 1-3 ft t Franklin 73 1-3 ft e Franklin SCOOT Franklin S E Cor Fifth Ave Btw La Sal e A Clark S wcor Sherman 75 ft e of 5th av S e cor La Salle W% ft e of Franklin 53H ft e of Franklin my, ft w of Mich av S e cor Franklin 80 ft e Market 160 ft n Harrison 80 f t n Congress xi 1 1 n Hubbard ct 260 ft s Harmon ct 84 ft 8 Eldrldge ct N e cor Monroe 116 ft n Adams 134K ft s Eldridge ct ~0% ft n Madison 293 ft s Harmon ct 192 ft s Randolph 142 ft n Madison 200 ft s Kldridge ct 80 ft s Harrison 144 ft n Washington 160 ft s Peck ct 410 ft s 16th st 108.60ft s Van Bnren 250 ft s 14th st 379 ft s 14th st N w cor Harmon ct 101 ft n Madison N e cor Harmon pi N ecor Hubbard pi 80 ft s Harrison 38V4 ft n Eldridge pi 800 ft n Eldridge pi 80 ft n Eldrtdge pi 137 ft n Washington S e cor Congress N e cor Peck ct N e cor Madison N w cor Adams 160 s Jackson S w cor Lake 252 s Harmon ct 40 ft n Harmon ct 80 ft s Van Buren N w cor Jackson Boul 26 ft n Jackson 63 f t n Harmon pi 217 ft n Van Buren I33J$ ft e Harmon pi 80 ft s Harrison 131 ft s Harrison 240 ft s Harmon pi 120 ft s Harmon pi 150 ft s Eldridge pi 80 ft w Dearborn S e cor Adams st 160 ft s of Jackson bird 24x150 60x80 80x80 55x80 100x108 ^! 20x101 52x40H 140X68X 140x55 28x40 40x153',; 5x83 98x100 100x138 75x100 Lease Sale Sale Lease Sale Lease Lease Lease Fee Sale Sale Lease Lease Lease Sale Kee Sale Fee Leasehold Sale Sale Sale Exchange- Lease Exchange Exchange Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Quit claim Und H int Uml 1-5 int Sale Sale Exchange Lease Lease Sale Sale Fee Fee Lease Sale Lease [Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Kxchange Lease ale Sale Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Sale Sa4xl65 80x171 80x165 I5X165V4 40x0 80x50 4HXI78 40x172 80x165 80x165 40x172 160x91 51x172 71! x 170 71.7xlS04 45x1714 40x173 40x173 SOHxlTO 52x172 70"xl50H 120x172 71 7xl50H 25x165 40x172^ 80il65M 80il65H 40x172 110-112 157-165 w 173-175 117-27 235 237 59-67 241-245 328-334 w 341-345 311-313 390-396 545-549 490-492 158-162 182-186 494-498 113-115 550 80-82 109-111 499-501 370-372 109-111 417-423 1641-1717 292 1425 1438-1444 519 114-118 520 398-400 370-372 474-4 ; 457-459 470-472 80-82 195 197 258-260 29-43 547-549 518-515 291-297 235 233 514 25^--.HSO 536-540 370-373 369 .S,j-ft50 533-539 88- 00 '00-206 358-JKO 144 146 535-539 :>:)-. .vW :>50 a 52 S e cor Congress 266-268 N w cor Monroe N w cor Madison 267 268 350^52 350-352 454-456 286-26S 117-121 390-400 117-121 387 350-352 355-361 457-463 251-2T>3 Lease Sale Quitclaim Sale Lease Fee und 1-5 int. Lease Fee und 1-5 int Sale Buildings Sale Sale Fee 80 ft n Harrison 80 ft n Harrison 109M ft e Feck p! 106 ft n Van Buren N w cor Madison N f cor Hubbard et N w cor Madison 105 ft n Hubbard pi 80 ft n Harrison N w cor Harrison 160 ft n Eldridge pi 80 f t s Jackson Blvd Son" Seller or Lessor Buyer or Lessee $750,000 Frederick J. Tourtelotte chas A Stevens & Bros Estate of L. E. Laflin Estate Marshall Field Max Goldstein 195.000 Mrs L DeKoven Bowen 500.000 Matthew Laflin 296,200|A E Freer 130.000IM L Teich C C RoesslerJQeorge K. Spoor 520,010:Chas H Starkweather ;Buck & Rayner 523,500|Mrs Mary F Dyche !j R Dyche Drug Co 972,200:Frederick Tuttte iGeorge Lytton et al 275.000 Louise DeKoven Bowen Chauncey Keep 50,000 Jennings Estate I Mrs Julia F Porter 367,500| J P Crozer & L R Pane 1,987,500|D Mayer H E Dick 848,500 Edward Lowe 632,520 A Hoefeld & S S Lelewcr 2,900,000 LZLeiter 420.000iWilliam Waller 191.00 !j. C. Simm Est :G. O. Hovey Est H.I. Ickes 800,000 Martha H lie Harts 80.000 I A Hayes 490,000 Lena M 'rilmore 200,000 A Von Glahn 2(10,000 160,000 80.000 165.500 25,000 150.000 42,500 Adeline K Kent A K Kent HL Franket al Est Hiram Kelly Angelo Puzzo Est Wirt D Walk James Clare 215.000 125.000 10 Edward Sproehnle 1 Walter A Rooney ( Anna Ziminer h Edward Zimmer Edward & Joseph Bolin t A Agatha Schneider Wm McCoy Marshall I ; ield Estate I Jones Lineck& Schaefer A Hoefeld * S S Lelewer Robert Rosenthal M NetcterNeuberger W VKelley Chirac Real Estate Tr Mandel Bros Henry C. Lytton James F Porter J L Slaughter Marshall rield P W Gates The Athenaeum Fred Ayer Fred Ayer James ularc W W Eisendrath JCarl Hansen iC AChapin I A J SlrtrtT Walter A Rooney Alvinia C Sprochnle Joseph and Ed war 1 Bolter jWm McCoy : lien jam in P llorton Nelson J Riley Wm McCoy La Salic Terminal Syndicate 850.000 Chas A Chapin 105.000'Lewis J Coburn 648,700jJoseph D Oliver _ _ _ 38,500 Max Goldsiin.- Peter J Sdiatlcrjciark & Trainer a7,50o!smner S Ely Wm H Ely jciark & Trainer 275,000 Gertrude BWhittemorejjojepi, Otis 'Irust Estate 121.500 F Ayer '- 1 Mcrchinii ^'"J" Trm !- Cl '- ' > & Mrs Murray Warner. Tr J 115,000 Mrs Emma S Theurer 3 W Winefield Mrs Caroline S Elv ' 85,900 540.000 285.000 450.000 i Mrs Caroline S Ely I and Mrs Josephine v S Whltehead J 96000 and Mrs .Josephiri I S Whltehead 167,425 Thomas Murdoch 137,500 Mrs Mary J Wilmarth 90.000 J B Adams George II Lally F R Barnbeise ) Studebaker Bros I Mfg Co J C Blllinelca Mrs Julia F Hey worth (catholic Bishop Mrs L De K Bowen MrsCassardet al 75,000 Inter Pack ing (Jo Parsons est 28,6661 William Blair et al 192,000 George H High et al 375.000 Est C Jevne et al SO.OOulCharles F I'axton 100,000 John Cudahy 375.000 Otto Young 83.000 Harriet G McVicker 128,239 Otto Youn 150,000 " 20000 37500 70.000 Eldridge M Fow er J P Wilson William Kent John s Lawrence e al 125.000 Susanna P Lees 40.000 153,775 150.000 48,000 52.500 52,000 234,100 180,000 225,000 Chas P Treat 800.000 450,000 200.000 500,000 95.000 89.375 339.900 730.875 250.000 20.000 205.000 900 150,000 56.01X1 112.000 H GO ,000 180.000 200,000 131,625 ig M Fc Henry C Norris et al R G Dwen et al A J Alexander John Cudahy EBTiitUe Kst O Lunt Est John M Williams W II Taylor estate Mark Skinner heirs Mrs Hester Kim ball Mrs Maria Schuttler Burch estate John li Adams et al La Grande Burton W CComstock Est of Hannah Homer L L Coburn F W Johnson Mrs Maria B Si-huttler !s Karpen A Bro Lyman, Bradley et al I Martin A Ryerson Isadora Schmitt Mandel Bros .William Kent j Williams est Otto Young | Mrs S F C Stewart : A J Alexander Chas A Stevens A Bros Leon Mandel H H Kohlsaat A Co W S Barbee Sercomb Co George H Lally C PGunther E Mandel M W Kerwiti Studebaker Bros MfgCo BJ Rosenthal A W Rhodes Equitable Trust Co W R Linn Mrs Julia F Porter Chicago Portrait Co Wm C Seipp J L Kesner Mrs Bertha II Palmer S Karpen A Bros J V Le Moyne Fairbank estate C F Gunther F R Barnheisel John V Steger J V Steger Albert E Cross Norman D Fraser et al B J Rosenthal D B Lyman William Kent 144.000 J H Willard et al 15,000 162.000 359 200 S L Buyce' 350 000 S Karpen .t Bros Est Perkins Bass H W Bishop et al A A McKay J B Moos H H Forsyth May E Swan 500.000 Chgo Portrait Co 325.0001 Fred Fisher 'JOO.OOO! Heirs or |oel Walter 150.000!<; T & T'G Dyer 384.825 Morrills 150,000 B J Rosenthal 1 Ira Gardiner 101,000 Kate M Adams et al 325,000 Frederick Fischer 150,000 Eva Campbell Hutu* 672,719 Studebaker Bros Mfg Co 150.000 Et Mary Ryerson Turnlev 52.500 Clara G Duck estate 62.500 Benj J Rosential 457.500 David B Lynian 188,500 Est John D Jennings 2.">3.noo Mark sklnnor Willing F O Magic H W Bishop F R Barnheisel Frederick Fish J B Moos Clara F Bass D C Cook R <: Otis et al H G Schsarf et al Withheld H H Forsyth j B Moos B I Rosenthal Julius Roseuwald Rudolph Wurlitzer Co Leon Mandel Mandel Bros Roth-child & Co Thomas Murdoch Minnie L Gardiner Mrs Carrie L Munn Rudolph Wurliuer Co Mandel Bros Tracy C and John B Drake Mandel Bros F R Marti hi'iscl Fred'k R Barnheisel Hmanuei F SeU Wallace N Lufkin \V W Kimhftll Co Building ! Front Foot Sq. Foot 208 40.62 78.12 67 31 12 211.38 237 101.11 35.70 26.04 54 202.80 61.48 84.33 122 04 56 103. SO Date 51,250 3,250 6,250 5385 1.300 Apr. 1912 Mar. 1912 Apr. 1912 Aug. 1912 Sept. 1912 Sept. 1912 Sept. 1912 Sept. 1912 Oct. 1912 Nov. 1912 Nov. 1912 Jan. 1913 Jan. 1913 Jan. 1913 Nov, 1913 Jan. 1914 |Apr. 1914 IJuly. 1914 Mar, 1915 April. 1915 'Jan. 1916 Feb. 1916 ,Mar. 1916 Oot, 1901 vi ar. 190? Mar. 1902 Ian. 19(5 Fen, 1905 Feh, 1905 Mar, IMS Oct. 1905 June, 1909 Jane. 1908 Oat. 1909 Feb. 1911 Feb. 1912 April. 1915 Jan. iai3 May, 1912 Aug. 1912 Aug. 1912 Oct. 1912 Oct. 191 3 Nov. 1913 Nov. 190S Dec, 1902 Dec, 190S April, 1908 April.1903 Jan, 1900 June. 1900 July, 1900 May, 1900 Julv, 1900 Mar. 1901 Apr, 1901 May, 1901 Aug, 1901 Nov, 1901 Dec, 1901 Feb. 1902 Jan, 1902 Mar, 1902 Mnr. 1902 June. 1902 June. U02 May, 1904 Apr, 1904 Dec, 1904 Jan, 1905 Jan, 1905 Feb. 1905 Mar, 1905 Jan. 1905 Ma\, 1905 Apr, 1905 June, 1905 July, 190Ji Aug, 1905 Nov, 1905 Dec, 1905 Dec, 1905 Oct. 1906 Jan. I90e Feb. 1907 Mar. 1907 April. 1906 June, 1906 June, 1906 Julv, 1906 Oct. 1908 Feb. 1907 May, 1906 Mar, 1906 Oct. 1907 Mav 1908 Mav 1908 Mav 1908 Sept, 1908 Nov. 1908 Dec. 1908 .Ian. 1909 Feb 1909 Feb. 1909 March, 1809 June. 1UOS May, 1909 Oct. 1908 July, 1909 Jury, 1909 Sept, 1908 July, 1901 July, 1909 Aug. 1909 Feb. 1910 May. 1910 9,600 6,944 1,964 2,083.33 8,187 20,280 8.485 8,433 50,000 5.600 8,304 300,000 5,479 2,000 12,564 4,000 2,IW<4 2,030 82.04 14.44 85.55 36.36 22.40 19.33 Fee 40.000 Vacant Fee 3.000 30.000 1,600 3,310 814 2,24 1,700 18.55 41.37 16.25 17 34 34 45.45 27.77 56 64.00 18.33 17.85 30.81 22.03 43 12.21 24 14.56 8.20 14.31 35.70 20.75 7 41.68 5.85 21 60 41.66 6 13.08 52 6.50 4.01 26 3.90 3 11.60 2*. 11 13.46 38.41 19 9.87 7.98 7.22 25 28 15.40 42.71 97.82 29.12 20.53 8.54 13.50 24.89 292.35 87.40 10.10 29.80 7.89 16 10 8. It 5.000 6,250 2.625 H-1SII 1,925 1.875 2,989 2.314 2.300 2,000 4,085 1,383 $,710 6,100 3,560 1,120 6,250 1,000 3,500 6,250 1,000 2,250 7,812 1,062 700 4,411 666 500 1,750 4,570 1,481 3,841 3,850 937 1,312 1.300 4.043 2,500 2,679 7,920 9,782 5.000 2,366 1.410 2,234 4,240 29,235 9,615 1,111 5,125 1,350 2,750 1,866 1.400 50.000 20.000 Vacant Disregarded Fee Vacant 78.000 50.000 Disregarded Disregarded -4,000 75.000 ! Disregarded 10,000 Gro'nd only Vacant Gro'nd only Disregarded Vacant Disregarded 4' .000 Disregarded Disregarded 16,000 10,000 Vacant 40,000 Vacant Fee Disregarded Disregarded 10U.OOO Fee Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded Disregarded 40,000 16,000 4,050 4.490 8.000 9.000 2,000 2,500 2.SOO 3,125 6,372 11,842 6 45 90 46.50 52.32 '\6.K 34 34 38 69 25 20.000 30,000 30,000 Vacant No value 30,000 Fee Disregarded Fee Disregarded 8,500 SO l6,638 5.605 10838 2,100 70.68 32.94 70. 6S 12.72 Disregarded 57,566 1 5,718 Disregarded 2,081 i 6,325 34.59 12.57 3S.77 82 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. CHICAGO REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS AND VALUES Valua- tion. $ 50.000 Charles P Taft 225.000 Est Wm A Bixby 150.000'Est Cornelius Price 277,5lO|Francts E Cnrtiss eAft firm * J E & R C & Co. I 50 ' COO 'l Walter Wilson 537,500 Francis E Ogden Estate 586,725 ; MarihaS Hill win nn.i! ' Estate of Leander I 600.0001 - j McCormiok 750,OOOiLeroy A Goddard 325,000! Frederick T Fischer d-z nnn j Estate of Edward I 4(i)UUU : I Matt Robinson f 336 0001 Est or John II Dwlght 193,914|Henry W Bishop Merchants Loan & Trust / Merchants Loan & Trust I & L E Lallin, trustees f 1,500.000' AS Tmde 150,000 Hetty H R Green 743,050!Wm A Giles 2,545,000 Hobart W Williams Front Foot 2,083 8,237 3,750 5,781 6,250 9,750 10,865 11,320 14,152 6,372 9,500 3,000 4,847 9,125 5,200 14.423 3,750 9,288 5,906 1.061 4,175 7.500 -Sir- Foot 12.85 49.34 Street Nos. Location Size Wabash. Waihlngton. Transaction. Seller or Lessor 86 1 96ft w Washington w ft, 24x162 Fee 220 Bet Adams & Jackson w fr ! 26.9x171-7 Sale 374-376 120 ft s Harrison w ft 40x172 I-ease 207-209 |80 ft s of Adams St 48x172 Fee 801-207 ;cor Adams s e 384-328 135 ft n Van Buren 119-123 Btw Monroe & Adams ;S w cor Monroe 50x80 55x172 54x171 329-331 s 128-130-2 706 714 s 815 617 s 53x85 53x85 51x172 Efrll7K ft not Adamsi50xl74irreg 112x165!* S w cor Monroe 106 ft n Van Buren w fr ! 48 ft s Hubbard pi 80 f t s of i arrison St 80 ft s of Adams St seccr S Water St Is w cor E Randolph 534-536 80 ft n of Harrison 423-429 160 ft n of Congress 101-117 IS e cor Monroe 225s |182 ft n of Jackson 101-109 n e cor Washington 333-343 in e cor Van Buren 537-541 '40 ft n Harrison 21&23 [160 ft s Madison 237-245 j n e cor Jackson 159-161 88.8 ft n E Randolph 19-25 N 141 ft n Madison 606-812 72 ft s Harrison 606-612 72 ft s Harrison 29-35 76 n e Monroe 529-531 s 529-531 s 120 n Harrison 120 n Harrison 1125-1127s 200 s Harmon 825-827 SI200 n Eldridge 1-9 s S e cor Madison 106-112S '63 ft s of Monroe 199-201 40 ft e Franklin 206 Secor Franklin 219-221 120 ft w Franklin 224-228 1120ft e Market 217 100 ft w Franklin 95-97 120K ft e Clark 92-96 140 ft e Clark 171-173 N e cor Fifth av I S e cor West Water 191-197 81 ft e Franklin 187-189 140 ft w Fifth av 95-97 120H ft e Clark 176-178 S w cor Fifth av 207-213 N w cor Franklin 227 1 100 ft e Market 200-202 ,40 ft e Franklin 204 It e cor Franklin iH 180 ft w Franklin 160-162 160ftwLaSolle 84-86 40H ft w Dearborn 88-96 80H ft w Dearborn 68-72 S e cor Dearborn 154-168 154-158 95-97 66-68W 162-164W 101-lllw 115-125 178-188 M5-207 178-182 12-14 174-174 62-64 11-17 e 325-327 220-226 173-175 220-226 58-60 311-315 319 321-323 325-327 205-207 w 100 ft w L* Salle ilOOft wLaSalle 120} ft e Clark St 120K ft e Clark st 162 fte Fifth ave S w cor Clark A Wash 97 ft w Clark 40 ft e Fifth ave 40 ft w Fifth ave 40 ft e Firth ave N w cor Fifth ave 100 ft w state st N e cor Lake 80% ft e of 5th 160 ft e of Clark 100 ft e N State 80 ft e Market 80ft E Franklin 80 ft E Fifth ave 80 ft E Franklin 80 ft W Dearborn 100ft w of Franklin 140 ft w of Franklin 160 ft w of Franklin 200 ft w of Franklin 40 ft w Fifth Ave 40x171 30x171 67)^x140 104x175 40X165K 80x171.6 160x180 26-;;,xl65 97x!82 106x100 40xl72H 40x180 96x171 40x96 48X165X 48x1 65H 80x162 40x173 40x173 40x178 40x180 97x171 46x85 40!4x9C 3014x80 40x180 40x180* 20x180 40x80 60x180 Lease Lease Lease Sale Lease Sale Lease Sale Lease Sale Sale Lease Lease Lease Lease Sale Lease Fee Lease % interest : Lease Lease 70x84 80x181 40x181 40x80 40^x100 80x80 20x180 40x90 20MX80S 20x80 " Sale 40x180 i Fee 40^x190 Sale lOOil 10x90 Sale 120x93 Sale 80x181 Fee !Sale Lease I Sale Sale [Lease Exchange [Sale I Sale Sale Lease Sale Sale Exchange Sale Exchange Sale Sale Sale Lease Sale Exchange Sale Exchange Sale Lease Sale 60x180 40x80 40x80 107x180 90x180 40.37x110 40x100 40.37x110 100x181 30x182 63.154 40x110 40x100 50x110 40x181 80x180 40x180 80x180 i 40x180 I. 20x80 f in rear 40x181 20x1-1 40x181 40x181 4!xl(>0 Fee Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale 5 1 Sale Sale 5 Lease Lease Sule Sale Lease Sale Sale Gift Sale Fee Fee Sale Sale Sale Sal,- I Sale Sale 311.250 Buyer or Lesse 295,000 Clement Studebaker Jr Mrs F I Shelton 1,375,000 Simon Reid Est 800,000 A J Averell Est Catholic Bishop MO Richardson 1.850.000iMrs Carrie L Munn 200,000, Mrs Jennie A Cook el al Marie Lehmann 200,000 F RBarnheisel 250,000 C T & T Co 850,000! J L Crozer Est 240,000 J L Kesner 300,000 Mrs A E Wrigley 110,000 Wm T Hall 106.000 Edward Hoffm an 1,157,500 A A McKay estate a ".OOO.W T Church, trustee 150.0001 W A McGuire SO.OOOjCharles E Katz et al 40,0001 Est Mary A Patrick 55,000 'Joseph Downey 25,050lSchallerest 250.000 .1 B Hobbes 346,000 175,000 70,000! F W and" G T Clark 250,000 Matilda McLean 125,000 Livingston Jenks 250,000, George R Thome 142.000, Heirs of Peter Cure 200,000 .las Secor estate 40.000lCatherlne Casey lOO.OOOlJohn B Adams 60,OOOiCarter Harrison et al Thos * Eugene Casey 260,000 Hiram Coombs et al 206,000 EM Wm Borden David C Cook \ Rudolph H Eissefl, tt '( for Caroline F Morgan I John R Walsh 1 11 Miry L Walsh 266.666! James B Forgan Tr 250,000 Est Peter Fahrney 250,000, Est of Dr Peter Fahrney 200.000 Chgo R E Loan & Trust Co David Campbell Mrs Margaretha Roster 1,000,000 2,100.000 v 00.000 185,000 Peck Estate J B White etal Est of David Williams 738,760 125.000 John M Bostwlck 225.000 Geo F Porter John W Blodgett West Meth Book Concern 250,000 Conrad Bareiss et al 291,100'James B Speed 275.000 Shreve et al 1.400,000 Chicago Real Estate Tr 220.000 100,01)0 -'50,000 Mrs Adele F Adams M Me Lean Est Est Me Lean M. Me Lean Est. 475,000 U S Express Co. 35,000 Wm B Lloyd et al 50,000 Horace F Waite estate 110,000 Harriett Klebs et al 150,000 Isabel A Bross 133,000 Conrad Zarra Herbert Metcalf Richard C Lake Jacob L Kesner Henry C Lytton David Mayer Rothschild <* Co. Scholle Furn. Co. Leroy A Goddard David Mayer Rudolph Wuilltzer Co. John T Lenfestey W W Lufkin iudolph Wurlitzer Co. Joseph N field, England Marshall Field Estate Marshall Field A Co lenry Schoellkopf Jr F T Hoyt et al Spiegels J F rUyworlh & T. J. McNully Marshall Field Est N M Kauilman& S R Kaullman J B Forgan Lyon & Healy Wm Holabird Mary V McCormick C T & T Co F R Barnheisel leorgeR Thorn Mrs A E Wrigley J L Kesner Clara Bartholomay F A Hardy Marshall Field Chgo R E Trustees John Griffiths Chgo Telephone Co William A Fisher John P Wilson lharles B King John P Wilson David C Cook J F Firminich Louisa Healy et al 'Jhgo Telephone Co 3 L Jenks Jr Dr Peter Fahrney Michael Espert Joseph Downey L C Paine Freer estate Donnell Safe Co ihic'go Eye etc College Est L C Paine Freer Adolph J Uchstern George F Porter CTiTCo Richard W Sean James B Forgan ^vanston Hospital Thomas W Swan Mrs Nellie F. Mo Conniek Wm E Mortimer Est of Marshall Field Est Marshall Field George F Porter Dr Conrad Czara D J Sehuyler et al Thad H Howe Joseph N Field WBfam C Seipp Chicago Lodge of Elks Mrs Nettie F McCormick Morris S Rosenwald Isabel A Bross Northern Tr. Co. E C Rose U of Chicago Me Cormick Ests Chicago Tel Co Chicago Tel Co Chicago Tel Co Chicago Tel Co E B Butler Building 25,000 50,000 25,000 10.000 10,000 Disregarded 10,000 5,050 50,000 Vacant Disregarded Vacant Disregarded 32,735 30.000 10,000 50,000 Vacant 10,000 Disregarded Disregarded 20,000 Vacant 8,000 8,000 150,000(?) 400,000 9,270 5,000 4.166 .208.33 10.625 8,000 7,500 2,750 2,625 1,932 7,448 3,750 2,000 1,000 1,125 ,000 5.000 5,766.66 4,375 ,000 3,125 2,420 5,500 3,300 1,875 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,000 6,500 5,150 Date Dec. Dec. 21.80 Jan, 33.61 : Apr, 125 | Apr, 1911 1910 1910 1911 1911 56.68, Apr, 63.53!Sept, 133.17!Oct, 163.49!Oct, 31 .331 Nov, iDec, 18 'Dec, 28.30iJan, 53.36 Feb. 36.82 Feb. 192. to! Feb. 24.70 Apr, 54.31 July, 89.60 Nov, 67 Jan, 87.611 Mar, 75 Mar, Oct, Oct, 112 Jan, 52.10 Jan, Mar. 21.31 May, 31. 47 May. 65.52 May, 34.74 Aug, 43.35 Aug, 15.62 Feb. 14 57 Mar, 69.78 Oct, 87.63 Mar. 41. 25 5.55 Jan. 6.25 Feb Oct Feb, 5.55 Jan, 26.50 32 16.36 13.3' Feb. May, June Feb, Nov, July, !75 Nov, 33 23.43 11.11 27.77 Feb, May, June, Feb, 31.25 July May 4,444 6.250 6.250 5,000 9,261 0,000 4,582.61 3,125 5,573 7,500 7,277 6.875 0,000 2,750 2,500 3,125 875 2,500 2,750 3,750 3,255 . 25 36.11 , 87.22 Sept, Aug, April, 89.60 24.67 78.12 78.12 50 103 55.55 June 41.67 31.25 50.44 41.00 4.82 13.81 15.19 20.71 32.55 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1913 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 1914 19i5 1915 1916 1915 1915 1916 190 1900 1900 1900 1901 1901 1910 1902 1902 1507 1902 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1907 190? 1909 1909 1909 CM, 1908 Jan, lli; fov, Dec, May, May, lune Dec, Dec, Dec, Feb, Feb, April. .16 Feb, 68.75 Feb, 181.81 June, Feb, 15.27 Mar. 13.88 Mar, 17.36 Apr, 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1912 1912 1909 1913 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1914 53.97 July, 1914 April, 1915 April, 1915 April, 1915 April, 1915 Oct. 1915 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 83 GROUND LEASES. Summary ol All Instruments Coverinq Chicano Property Placed on Record Since January 1st, 189O Per Year ADAMS st, West, Nos 111-119, n e cor Desplaines st, 119x100, John Coughlan to Louis A Schwab, Nathan Deutsch and Henry Schwab, 99 years from Tan 1, 1908; lessees to ereit a building at least tour stories high, to cost not less than $40,- 000, by Jan 1, 1912; lessor to buy improvements at expiration of lease at appraised value; lessees may buy property and improvements within first five years at $80,000. 5 years $3,000 94 years 3,600 ADAMS st, Nos 74-78; No 74, n f, 20x75^; Nos 76 and 78, n f, 50x82 1 A; James Ross Todd of Louisville, Ky, to Augusta Lehmann et al; 99 years from Aug 1, 1909; lessees purchased build- ing for $12,500; lessees to erect a building prior to Aug 1, 1924, costing at least $150,000; build- ing to lessor at end of term. 13 years 9 mos 19,000 85 years 3 mos 20,000 ADAMS st. N9S 16-22, 81x80, Alexander A Mc- Kay to Chapin & Gore, 99 years from May 1, 1904; lessee to erect a six-story building, to cost not less than $75,000; to go to lessor at end of lease without compensation. 99 years 10,000 ADAMS st, n e cor of Dearborn, 166.02 ft on Adams by 198 ft on Dearborn st, trustees of Stearns estate to the "Fair," 99 years from May 1. 1895; lessee to erect buildirg not less than eight stories high and costing not less than $600- 000, by Jan 1, 1894; improvements to go to let- sor at end of term without compensation 70,000 ADAMS st, Nos 105 and 107, 4SJi190, Joseph N Field of Bowdon, England, to Marquette Safety Deposit Company, 198 years from May 1, 1902; lessee to erect after May 1, 1909, a fire- proof building to cost not less than $200,000, to be ready by May 1, 1911; buildings to go to lessor at expiration of lease without compensa- tion. 2 years 12,000 196 years 18,000 ADAMS st, No 103, 26x100, Shirley T High and others to Marquette Safety Deposit Co, 198 years from May 1, 1902, after May 1, 1909; lessees shall tear down building and erect a fireproof structure to cost not less than $100,000, after plans by Holabird & Roche; to revert to lessor at expiration of lease. 198 years 10,500 ADAMS st, West, Nos 156-164, 9754x165, Jennie Lind Spry to Frank Parmelee Company, 99 years from May 1, 1902; lessees to construct within 18 months a building covering this and the Chandler and Graham properties, to cost not less than $100,000; improvements to be purchased by lessor at expiration of lease at appraised value; leasehold interest may be assigned, but to no one who is worth less than $500,000. First year 1,201 98 years 2,403 ADAMS st, West, Nos 150-154, 75x165, Mary Jane Venning Chandler to Frank Parmelee Company, 99 years from May 1, 1902; lessees to construct within 18 months a building covering this and the Spry and Graham properties adjacent, to cost not less than $100,000; improvements to be purchased at expiration of lease at appraised value; lease- hold interest may be assigned, but to no one who is worth less than $500,000. First year 926 98 years .,. 1,858 ADAMS st, West, Nos 146 and 148, 50x165, An- drew J Graham to Frank Parmelee Company, 99 years from May 1, 1902; lessees to construct within 18 months a building covering this and ' the Chandler and Spry properties, to cost not less than $100,000; improvements to be purchased by lessor at expiration of lease at appraised value; leasehold interest may be assigned, but to no one who is worth less than $500,000. First year 619 98 years 1,238 ADAMS st, 95 ft e of La Salle, s f, 45x190, Wil Ham Borden to Thomas E Williams, 99 years from July 1, 1887; improvements to be purchased by lessor at end of lease at three-quarters their fair cash value. 1 year .' 4,000 98 years 8,000 ADAMS st, West, Nos 39 and 41, 39^x109, W E Blackstone of Oak Park to Elizabeth M O'Neill, 23 years from May 1, 1901. 23 years 1,500 .ADAMS st, West, Nos 43 and 45, 39.75x189, F Cortez Wilson to Elizabeth M O'Neill; 23 years from May 1, 1901. 23 years 1,500 ADAMS st, s w cor Morgan st, n f, 214 ft 6 in x 189 ft 4 in, Robt Bassett to Martin A Devitt and Alfred Henley Shotwell, for 99 years from Oct 1, 1910; lessees to pay taxes and erect upon the west 66 ft a building of either first-class fireproof or standard mill construction, not less than three stories high, to cost not less than $50,000, to be ready for occupancy not later than Oct 1, 1912; building to lessor at end of term without com- pensation. 99 years 4,000 ADAMS st, West, s e cor Market st, n f, 73.72x 80, Fredk T Haskell to Charles E Perkins, Bur- lington, la, 99 years from June 1, 1912; build- ings to lessor at expiration of lease without com- t pensation. ' 99 years 16,000 Per Year ADAMS st, West, bet Aberdeen and Morgan sts, n f, 63 ft 5J4 in x 200, Geo C Aldrich, Martha Aldrich Blish and James W Aldrich to Shotwell Mfg Co, 97 years 9 mos from Jan 1, 1912; lessee to erect building at least 2 stories high, to cost not less than $25,000, prior to Jan 1, 1922; build- ing to lessor at expiration of term without com- pensation. 4 years 900 93 years 9 months 1,260 ADAMS st. West, Nos 158 to 162, s f, 65x189. bet Fifth av and La Salle st , Estate of Leopold Mayer to Landon C Rose, 99 years from Jan 1, 1912; lessee agrees to begin to remove present buildings not later than May 1, 1924, and to erect a fireproof building to be completed 20 months after ne shall have commenced removal of pres- ent buildings; new buildings to be at least 10 stories high and cost not less than $400,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without com- pensation. 1 year 100,000 4 years 25,000 94 years 30,000 ADDISON st, n e cor right-of-way C M & St P Ry, bet North Forty-fifth av and Milwaukee av, s f, 425x190x188x276x25x294, with 25 ft n e f on Milwaukee av, Frank A Helmer and Bessie Brad- well Helmer, his wife, to Myron H Richardson, 99 years from Oct 1, 1909; lessee to pay all taxes; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation; lessee has option to purchase the fee simple for $30,000 at any time prior to Jan 1, 1911. 99 years 2,000 ALLEY, e of State st, e f, 583.2 ft n of Sixteenth st, 25x118, Jennings Trust Company to Lizzie Conley, 99 years from JulJ|l, 1892; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $8,000 by October 15, 1892; to go to lessor at end of lease 1,320 ALLPORT st, 75 ft s of West Twenty-first st, 125x125, w f, James W White et al of Phila- delphia to George W Straight, 25 years from May 1, 1890; lessee to construct within 18 months of date of lease building to cost not. less than $5,000; to be purchased by lessor during the first six months of the last year or to be moved by lessee during the last six months. 10 years 300 25 years 400 ARCHER av, s w cor Quarry st, 96x254, Helen Culver to A T Young, 99 years from August 1, 1898: buildings to be purchased by lessor at termination of lease at their fair cash value. 99 years 900 ARCHER av, n f, 130 ft e of Dearborn st, irregu- lar, SO'/i ft on Archer av and 180 ft on east line, Dwight K Tripp to Alexander F Shuman, 99 years from February 1, 1892; lessee to erect three-story theater by July 1, 1892, to cost not less than $30,000; to go to lessor at end of term; lease has since been assigned to Bijou Museum Company in which lessor is interested 3,000 ARLINGTON pi, 116 ft e of Loomis st, s f, 118x 169, Hetty H R Green to Alfred Guthmann, 99 years from Jan 1, 1913. 99 years 1,500 ARTHINGTON pr, 116 ft e of Loomis st, 118x 164, Hetty H R Green to Alfred Guthmann and Sidney A Frankenstein, 99 years from Jan 1, 1913 99 years 1,460 ASHLAND av, n w cor west fork of south branch of Chicago river, or 1,823 ft s of Blue Island av, e f, 631x239.9, John C Spry to Scully Steel & Iron Co, 99 years from June 1, 1908; lessee to erect a storehouse, office, warehouse or factory building to be completed in 12 months from date of lease, to cost not less than $100,000; second party has option to purchase fee by paying $235,- 000 on or before 21 years, subject to leasehold estate hereby created and buildings; buildings to lessor at end of term. 99 years 7.500 ASHLAND blvd, n e cor Monroe st, 47x153.7, Lu- cetta A Tascott of Evanston to West End Wom- an's Club, 99 years from May 1, 1904; lessee may purchase within 15 years for $10,000; lessee to erect club house to go to lessor at the expira- tion of the lease without compensation. 99 years 500 ASHLAND av, s w cor Walnut st, 50x156.9, Josephine Weber to Charles E Katz, 25 years from April 28, 1894. 25 years 360 ASHLAND av. n w cor Elk st, e f, 75x114, Bertha and Albert Veith to James R Navigato and An- sani Ortoro, 99 years from June 1, 1913. Lessees to erect within 2 years a building to cost not less than $12,000, lessees have option to purchase premises at any time within 20 years for $15,000. lessor to purchase improvements at expiration of term. 99 years 900 BELDEN av, 139}4 ft e of Sheffield av, s f, 50x 386, also adjacent on Fullerton av, 129^ ft e of Sheffield av, n f, 70x210, McCormick Theo- logical Seminary to Northwestern Elevated Co, 999 years from Nov 1, 1894, at a rental of $29,000 the entire term 29.02 BELLEVUE PL., No. 33, 151 ft e of Rush st, n f. 11154x110, Charlotte S Smith to Buckingham Chandler, 99 years from Mar 15, 1915; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. Rent gradually decreasing each of first 20 years from 112,415.63 for the first year to $8,140.63 for the 20th year. "9 years 3,000 Per Yew BELMONT av, s e cor Sheffield av, n f, 127.22 x!57, Richard A Meiswinkle to Ernest H Stolz and Charles J Grady, 99 years from Nov 1, 1909; lessees to erect a building at least one story high and 157.22x60, fronting on Belmont, by Nov 1, 1910; to go to lessor at end of term with- out compensation; lessee has option to purchase premises for $50,000 before Nov 1, 1910, by giy- ing six months' notice. 99 years 2,50t BELMONT av, West, s e cor of California av. n f, 97x80.3, with 60 ft s w f on Elston av (s f 4954x125), Edward Mendel to Simon Straus, 99 years from Nov 1, 1911; lessee purchases build- ing; agrees to erect prior to Jan 1, 1922, a brick building not less than two stories and basement, for stores, theater, halls, offices and apartments, to cost at least $5,000, and lessee further agrees to deposit security to amount of $30,000 for per- formance of this lease; building to lessor at end of lease without compensation. 5 years 2,250 5 years 2,750 5 years 3,000 84 years 3,500 BLUE ISLAND av, n f, 100 ft w of Oakley av, 150x100, John H Earl to W R Hamilton, 99 years from May 1, 1891; improvements to go to lessor at end of term at an appraised value 960 BLUE ISLAND av, s e cor of Loomis, triangular, 157x187.2x100 ft, Louis Gerlinger et al to Elisha C Ware, 99 years from July 1, 1891; lessor to purchase improvements at end of lease at ap- praised value, or may extend lease 33 years at not less than present rental or more than the le- gal rate of interest on revaluation 3,000 BLUE ISLAND av, s w cor Fourteenth st, n e f, 46x120.4, w line 21.32, s line 100 ft, Thomas O'Connell to Charles Yondorf, 20 years from July 1, 1892; all buildings to become property of the lessor 3,600 BLUE ISLAND av, s e cor Hoyne av, n f, 250x 225, Charles B Scoville of Pasadena to Ajax Forge Co, 30 years from Nov 1, 1905; lessee may have an extension of 10 years upon the same terms. 10 years 1,500 10 years at 5 per cent upon appraised value, but in no event shall it be less than $1,500. 10 years at 5 per cent upon appraised value. BLUE ISLAND av, 240 ft s w of Robey st, n f, 170x228, Charles B Scoville of Pasadena, Cal, to Ajax Forge Co, from Jan 10, 1907, to Oct 31, 1927 1,250 10 years, 5 per cent on the appraised value. 10 years, 5 per cent on the appraised value. Option of ten years more or less on same terms. BLUE ISLAND av, No 725, n w f, 25x120, 177 ft n e of Polk st. Peter J Keapperich to Geo A Stamatides, Oak Park, 111, 40 years from Oct 1, 1912; lessee to erect building to cost $4,000 prior to Nov 1, 1913; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 10 years 400 10 years 550 15 years 600 5 years ; . .; 800 BLUE ISLAND av, 113 ft n e of Polk st, e f, 45x90, Cornelius D B Cowell to George A Stam- atides, 40 years seven months from Oct 1, 1912; lessee to erect new building, building to lessor at expiration of term. 40 years 627 BROADWAY, 49 ft s of Berwyn av, e f. 3754x125, Elisha T Davis to Leo E O Gondolf, 99 years from Dec 1, 1914; lessee to erect building to cost $3,000 prior to July 1, 1915; lessee may buy land within three years from Dec 1, 1914, for $10,000. 99 years 250 BRYNMAWRav, 165 ft e of Evanston av, n f, 85x 281, Wesley Shimeall to Joseph Bobbe, 99 years from June 24, 1912 ; lessee has erected building to be purchased by lessor at expiration of lease. 99 years 2,50i CALHOUN pi, s f, 100 ft w of Dearborn, 80x72, David C Cook to Chicago Telephone Co, 99 years from December 1, 1903; lessee to construct by Dec 31, 1904, fireproof building not less than four stories; to revert to lessor at end of lease. 99 years 8,000 CALUMET av, w f, 5954 ft no of Twentieth st, 33x115, D Harry Hammer to Caroline Thomas, 99 years' lease from Jan 1, 1891; lessee to erect a building not less than three stories high and costing not less than $8,000, in eight months; improvements to go to lessor at end of term with- out cost; option on extension of lease for 99 years more at end of term 700 CALUMET av, s e cor Twenty-sixth st, 70x137, Bronson B Tuttle of Naugatuck, Conn, to Mi- chael D Clarkson, 99 years from Oct 1, 1889; lessee to erect building by July 1, 1892, at a cost of not less than $40,000; to go to lessor at end of lease; lessee has option of purchase of ground at appraised value by Oct 1, 1897, but in no case shall the price be less than $35,000 1,800 CALUMET av, 106 ft n of Thirty-ninth st, 192.4x 95.2, w f, also Calumet av, 168.4x95.2, e f, 106 ft n of Thirty-ninth st, Nimrod Lancaster to C E Springer and Frank H Springer, 25 years from Nov 1, 1888; it was the intention of the lessees to build seven houses on the west tract and eight houses on the east. Lessor can purchase houses by paying original cost of $2,600 and 20 and 40 per cent additional; lease can be extended 25 years on same terms 500 84 REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. Chicago, U. S. A. GROUND LEASES. Per Year CALUMET av, s w cor Thirty-first st, e f, 150x 125, Anna H Bentley and Arthur F, her husband, to Isabella Curran, for 99 years from April 1, 1910; lessee to pay all taxes and erect on or before Aug 1, 1910, a store and flat building to cost not less than $16,000; building to lessor at end of term without compensation; lessee has option at any time within two years from d_ate to purchase premises for $34,000 and at expira- tion of two years and within three years for $35,000. 5 years 1,600 5 years 1,800 89 years 2.150 CAMPBELL av, n w cor Tyler st, 134.6x241, and Taylor st. w to railroad, s f, 136.1x134.3, A Cass Canfield of New York to J W Hedenberg, 99 years from Sept 15, 1892; lessee to erect by Sept 15, 1895, factory buildings to cost not less than $30,000; to go to lessor end of lease. 99 years 1,800 CALUMET at, n e cor Fifty-first st, w f, 125x 127.67, Cornelius J Sullivan to Willard Amuse- ment Co, by Louis J Gross, president, 30 years from June 1, 1910; lessee to erect building to cost at least $30,000 by Oct 15, 1910; lessee has option of extension of lease for 10 years from June , 1940, at $3,500 per annum. 10 years 2,750 20 years 3,000 CANAL st, n w cor Polk st, 31x100, William L Dall to J L Silsbee, 99 years from Aug 15, 1890; improvements to be purchased by lessor at end of term at an appraised value 1,080 CANAL st, e f, 122 ft s of Monroe, 44x70 ft, Charles Stose et al to H Clay Anson, 99 years from Aug 1, 1891; buildings and chattels to se- cure the rent. 2 years 1,500 1 year 2,000 1 year 2,500 95 years 3,000 CANAL st, s w cor Monroe, 80x70}4, D G Swartz to F R Power, 99 years from Nov 1; lessee to construct a four-story fireproof building by May 1, 1896; to go to lessor at expiration of lease. 99 years 6,000 CANAL st, No 606, 25x100, David Zemansky to Isaac D Zeman of New York, N Y, 20 years from May 1, 1902; lessee to construct six-story building by May 1, 1907, to cost not less than $20,000, to be insured for $10,000; lessor to pur- chase building at one-half its actual cash value. 20 years 625 CANAL st, South, 25 ft w of Fifteenth pK w f, 75x100 ft, Leopold Reman to Isaac D Zeman, 25 years from May 1, 1910; lessee to erect build- ing not less than six stories high, to cost at least $45,000, to be ready May 1, 1917; lessor to pur- chase buildings at end of term. 25 years 2,250 CARROLL av, s e cor Elizabeth st, n f, 231}4xl41, Alexander B Scully to Lincoln Ice Co by John F Magi nnis, president, for 99 years from Dec 1, 1910; lessee to pay taxes; lessee has option to purchase prior to Dec 1, 1915, for $31,132.83; lessee to erect a building to cost not less than $25,000 within 15 months from date of lease. 99 years 1,556 CHICAGO av, w f, adjoining alley on west half- way between Wells and La Salle sts, 90.4x160.66, H N. Newberry to the Chicago Pie Co, 30 years from Jan 1, 1890; lessee to erect brick and stone addition to building by May 1, 1892; to go to les- sor at end of lease at appraised value or lease to be extended. 4 years 5,424 26 years at 6 per cent on appraised value every 5 years, CHICAGO river, n w cor Dearborn av, 80.4x184.5 ft, James S Pirtie et al to Sibley Warehouse & Storage Co, 98 years from April 1, 1895; lessee to construct within five years building to cost not less than $50,000; to be purchased by lessor at end of lease at actual value. April 1, 1895 466 98 years 5,000 CHICAGO av, s e cor Cass st, n f, 65x70, Hetty H R Green of Bellows Falls, Vermont, to Sid- ney A Frankenstein, 99 years from April 1, 1912; lessee to erect after May 1, 1912, building to cost not less than $10,000. 99 years 640 CHURCH st, Evanston, s w f, 110 ft s e of Or- rington av, 55x110, Northwestern University to Albert L Butler, 99 years from Aug 1, 1891. 10 years 110 89 years at 4 per cent on appraised value every 10 years. CLARK st, No 126, e f, 19.8x80, bet Madison and Washington sts, Mrs Mary Jerusha Hoxie, owner in fee of % int, and David G Hamilton, owner in fee of und Ys int, to Max Goldstine, 99 years from May 1, 1911, to April 30, 2010; lessee to erect new building to cost $50,000, to be ready by May 1, 1922; to go to lessor at end of term with- out compensation. 5 years 6,000 94 years 6^500 CLARK st, 120 ft n of Washington, 40x8054, and Court pi, 80 ft e of Clark st, n f, 100x100, William Borden to John A Hamlin, 99 years from May 11, 1893; $25,000 paid to lessor May 1, 1893, and annually thereafter in gold. 99 years 25,712 CLARK st. South, No 1921, 25x67, Lafayette Lan- caster of Aurora, 111, to Robert J Gunning, 99 years from AugHSt 1, 1907; lessor agrees to pur- chase the buildings at the expiration of the lease. 99 years 300 GROUND LEASES. Per Year CLARK st, South, s f, 40.5x80, Nos 128 and 130, John T Boddie to Max Goldstine, for 99 years irom Aug 1, 1910; lessee to pay taxes and to erect on or before May 1, 1922, a six-story fire- proof building costing at least $100,000; should lessee remodel building before May 1, 1912, at a cost of $25,000, then the erection of a new building is extended to May 1, 1930; of remodel- ing cost $50,000, then to May 1, 1945; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 13.000 CLARK st, 70 ft s of Monroe st, e f, 30x90, Henry C Lytton to John H Webster of Cleveland, Ohio, 84 years from April 1, 1904; lessee to erect a fireproof building, twelve stories, by April, 1910, to cost not less than $80,000; to go to lessor at end of lease without compensa- tion. 5 years 7,000 77 years 7,500 Privilege of extension for 50 years at $7,500 annually. CLARK st, Nos 121-129, between Madison and Washington, w f, 100x120, Charles E Morrison, trustee of Ezekiel Morrison, deceased, to Chicago Gaiety Theater Co, 99 years from May 1, 1910; lessee to erect fireproof building by July 1, 1911, for commercial, mercantile, hotel or office pur- poses; building to cover at least 80 per cent of the area, to cost at least $300,000, and go to lessor at end of term without compensation; lessee has deposited $50,000 with Chicago Title & Trust Co and must deposit $100,000 more by Jan 15, 1910. 2 years 30,000 97 years 40,000 CLARK st, South, No 292, e f, 25x103, between Harrison and Van Buren, Mrs Emily Satterlee to Robert J Gunning, 99 years from Sept, 1909; buildings to lessor at end of term. 99 years 3,000 CLARK st, South, Nos 11 and 13, between South Water and Lake sts, w f, 37^x40, Daniel A Lor- ing Sr et al, trustee to Thad H Howe and Charles S Fuller, 99 years from March 1, 1909; lessor to purchase building at end of first term if not to extend for an additional 99 years at same rental. 99 years 3,000 CLARK st, South, Nos 326 and 328, e f, 50x105^, Charles W Pardridge to Rand-McNally & Co, 99 years from Feb 1, 1910; lessee to erect on or be- fore Feb 1, 1917, a fireproof steel constructed building, costing at least $50,000; building to les- sor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 5,300 CLARK ST., s w cor Foster av, e f, 77x280, with 77 ft w f on North Ashland av, 99 years from May 8, 1915. Board of Education to Wm W, James T, and Oliver F Paisley; lessees agree to erect building to cost not less than $100,000, construction to begin prior to June 1, 1915; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. After May 8, 1925, rent to be fixed by appraisal. 1 year $1,500 4 years 3,000 4 years 4,300 1 year 4,400 CLARK st, No 249, 24.6x103, the Equitable Trust Co to James W Stevens, 99 years from May, 1904; lessee buys building for $13,871 and may remove it and erect a new one to cost not less than $25,000. 4 years 4,200 95 years 5,000 CLARK st, No 168, 24x90^, Howard Henderson to Emil Kraut, 99 years from Feb 15, 1904; lessee to expend $2,500 in repairs within three months and to add two stories to the building within ten years; to go to lessor at expiration of lease with- out revaluation. 5 years 4,500 5 years 4,600 89 years r. 4,800 CLARK st, n w cor of Madison, 20x80, James E Baker to F M Atwood, 99 years from May 1, 1890, with an option for a renewal for another term of 99 years, at rental of 5 per cent of the appraised value of the land at that time. 6 years 13,500 93 years 16,200 CLARK st, e f, 334 ft a of Harrison, 61x100, E O Hurd of Cincinnati to A J Cooper ( 99 years from Aug 1, 1889, with a five years' option of purchase at $60,000; lessee to erect building not less than four stories high and costing not less than $25,- 000; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation 2,500 CLARK st, n e cor of Kinzie, 100x120, E W Shirk to Mrs Emma L Smith, 99 years from March 31, 1891; improvements to go to lessor at end of term at an appraised value 9,000 CLARK st, s e cor of Harrison, 100x100, James E Baker to Edward A Bacheldor, 99 years from May 1, 1890; lessees to erect building by May 1, 1895, costing not less than $40,000; option of renewal of lease at end of term for 99 years more, at 5 per cent of an appraised value at that time; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 1 year 7,200 98 years 10,000 CLARK st, e f, 188 ft n of Eugenie, 104.6 ft on Clark and La Salle, 106. 15 'A ft on Wells, with a depth of 228 ft on n line and 345.7 on s line, Daniel F Crilly to Chicago Turngemeinde, for 99 years, from Nov 17, 1890; lessee to build be- fore Dec 1, 1891, a structure to cost not less than $25,000, and on or before Tan 1, 1894, buildings to cost not less than $50,000; if at end of lease the land shall be valued at more than the build- ings, the lessor shall have option of purchasing the buildings at appraised value, but if the build- ings shall be valued at more than the land, then GROUND LEASES. Per Year the lessee shall have option of purchase of land at appraised value, otherwise the buildings be- come the property of the owner ef the fee. 5 years 4,000 5 years 4,500 89 years 5,000 CLARK st, North, n w cor of Oakdale av, 197J4x 120, John Druecker to Pythian Temple Co, 99 years from Jan 1, 1890; lessees to erect building not less than three stories in height, and $75,000 in cost, by Jan 1, 1891; improvements to be bought by lessor at an appraised -rarue at end of term 2,500 CLARK st. North, e f, 160 ft s of Maple st, 40* 150, Lowell, Lyman & Harris, trustees of Geo B Blake estate, Boston, to Charles Warfield, 99 years from Dec 5, 1890; lessee to erect build- ing costing not less than $25,000 and not less than four stories high, improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation.... 1,100 CLARK st, n e cor Randolph, 140x80, Alexander John Alexander of Woodford County, Ky, to the Ashland Block Co, 99 years from Sept 1, 1892; in addition to the rental the lessee agrees to pay les- sor any and all net income and profits arising from the property until the sum of $550,000 shall have been paid; for every $5,000 which the les- see shall pay the lessor the rental shall be re- duced $275 a year until the rental shall be re- duced to $50,000, at which figure it shall remain; when this amount shall have been paid the lessor the building shall become the property of the les- see, to be purchased by lessor at end of lease. 99 years 57,750 50,000 CLARK st, w f, 225 ft s of North av, 50x149 ft, Mary E Gossage to James B Galloway, 99 years from Oct 1, 1891; lessee to erect building cost- ing not less than $45,000 by Oct 1, 1892; to go to lessor at end of lease 1,800 CLARK, North, n e cor Addison, 96x525, with 487 ft on Seminary, 586 ft on Waveland, 582.9 on Sheffield, Edmund J Archambault of Milwaukee, Wis, to Charles Weeghman and Wm M Walker, 99 years from Jan 1, 1914; lessees may purchase land prior to Jan 1, 1919, for $388,000. 10 years 16,000 10 years 18,000 79 years 20,000 CLARK st, North, n w cor Schiller st, e f, 106x152, William Waller to Roy B Tabor, 197% years from Aug 1, 1915; lessee may at his option construct at his own expense good and substantial building for mercantile office or manufacturing purposes, to cost not less than $50,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation ; incumbrance $55,000. 197 J4 years 3,850 CLARK st. North, e f, adjoining river, 41 7-12x 80 ft, Mary J Dore to Jacob Johnson, 198 years from July 1, 1891: upon written request lessee shall pay lessor within 5 years $5,000, and in that event rental shall be $2,700 a year; lessor may require lessee to build one additional story on building with other improvements within 5 years; to go to lessor at end of lease 3,000 CLARK st. North, e f, 66 ft s of Huron, 20.6x 110, Felix Babbage to Ellen O'Neil, 99 years from May 1, 1892, lessee to build within It years a brick business building to cost not leu than $6,000; to go to lessor at end of lease; lessee to deposit $2,000 before present building is removed 1,100 CLARK st, s w cor Monroe, 79x90, Herman H Kohlsaat to American Trust and Safety Vault Co, 94 years from May 1, 1893; lessee to begin within six months from May 1 to construct a 12- story office building at a cost of not less than $250,000, to be completed by May 1, 1895; les- see to deposit $50,000 as security for construc- tion of building, also a bond in $50,000; building to go to lessor at end of lease; no intoxicating liquors to be sold on the premises. 1 year 31,006 5 years 33,000 89 years 40,00* CLARK st, s e cor Harrison, 100x100, E A Bach- eldor to A H Blackall et al, 96 years from Feb 1, 1893; lessee to erect building to cost $40,000 by Nov 1, 1895, and if the building should cost $100,000, it is to be completed by Feb 1, 1896; to go to lessor at end of term; lease may be e- tended 99 years at a rental of 5 per cent on the value of the ground. 2 years 11 ,000 2 years 1 2,000 92 years 1 5,000 CLARK st, North, Nos 615 and 617, 49x168, M J Swatek to North End Masonic Temple Associa- tion, 99 years from Aug 1, 1893; lessee to erect by May 1, 1895, a four-story building to cost not less than $40,00; to be purchased by lessor at end of lease. 99 years 1 .980 CLARK st, s e cor Harrison, 100x100, J E Baker to Warren A Wells, 99 years from May 1, 1896; lessee to construct a building by May 1, 1900, to cost not less than $40,000; to go to lessor at termination of lease; lease may be extended 99 years at a rental of 5 per cent on appraised value. 99 years 10,000 CLARK st, 197 ft s of Madison, e f, 43x125.9 with an L fronting 2234 ft on Arcade court with a depth of 80 ft, being s 23 ft It 14 and all Its 15 and 33, Assr's div, b 118, S S add, Edward F Lawrence to William J Fagan and Charles H Barber, 99 years from May 1, 1893; lessee has op- tion of extending lease 25 years on the same terms by giving six months' notice; lessee may remove building preparatory to erecting a new one by giving a bond or security guaranteeing its construction. 99 years 12,000 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 85 GROUND LEASES. CLARK st, s w cor Monroe, 79x90, 93 years and 11 months from May 1, 1S94; lessee must remove all buildings within six weeks and erect a new one by Jan 1, 1895, to be not less than twelve stories and to cost not less than $250,000; prior to removal of building lessee must deposit $35,000 and a bond for $75,000 as security for the fulfill- ment of this agreement; building to go to lessor at end of lease. To May 1, 1895 25,000 4 years 33,000 S8 years 11 mos 40,000 CLARK st, s e cor Jackson, 49.6x103, University of Chicago to Edward Grace, 99 years from Feii 1, 1894; buildings to be purchased by lessor at end of lease at two-thirds appraised value. 99 years 15,90* CLARK st, Nos 196 and 198, 40x180, Ephraim Ingals to E Nelson Blake, \V W Shaw and Kilbv Page, 10 years from May 1, 1894. 1 years 9,000 CLARK st, No 134, 2154x80, James S Pirtie et al to Frederick M Atwood, 90 rears from May 1. 1899. 90 years 6.08C CLARK st, North, 71.5x149, w f, 170 ft n of Di- vision st, Richard Bradley, trustee, to Johanna Zurberg, 198 years from July 2, 1894; buildings become property of lessor at end of lease. 198 years 1,850 CLARK st, South, No 132, e f, 21)4x80, L C Paine Freer estate to F M Atwood, 94 years from May 1, 1895; lessee shall construct within five years a building to cost not less than $50,000: lessee shall give lessor three months' notice and lease shall be extended 50 years at a rental based on the fair value of the ground; buildings to go to lessor at end of lease. 4 years 5,000 90 years 6,000 CLARK st, Nos 305 and 307, 50x100, w f, James B Speed of Louisville, Ky, to Edwin L Harvey, 99 years from April 1, 1901; lessee acquires the building, giving in exchange two equities; build- ing to be kept insured for $30,000 and to go to lessor at the termination of the lease; rental to be in gold, each dollar to contain 25.8 grains of gold ef standard weight and fineness. 99 years 4,000 CLARK st, n w cor Chicago av, 125x150, Mary Jane Bush, B Frank Bush and W L Bush to Bush Temple of Music, 99 years from May 1, 1902, improved with a six-story building valued at $250,000; lessors agree to purchase building at expiration of lease at fair cash value. 99 years 5,750 CLARK st, No 183, 43 ft s of Monroe, 24x9054, estate of Reuben Rubel to Charles E Rector, 99 years from May 1, 1902; lessee to erect building on this, the Hoyne and Larmon lots, to cost not less than $200,000, by May 1, 1905; lessor to pur- chase building at expiration of lease at appraised value. T ~w^ 99 years 6,000 CLARK st, No 185, 67 ft s of Monroe, 24x9054, estate of Henry Larmon to Charles E Rector, 99 years from May 1, 1902: lessee to erect building on this, the Hoyne and Larmon lots, to cost not less than $200,000, by May 1, 1905; lessor to pur- chase building at expiration of lease at appraised value. 99 years 5,000 CLARK st, s e cor Monroe, 43x9054, Thomas M Hoyne and others to Charles E Rector, 99 years from May 1, 1902; lessee to erect by May 1, 1905, a building covering this, the Rubel and Larmon lots, to cost not less than $200,000; to be pur- chased by lessor at expiration of lease at ap- praised value. 99 years 21,000 CLARK st, n e cor Randolph, 180x80. with 160 ft on Couch pi, Alexander J Alexander, Wood- ford County, Ky, to the Ashland Block Associa- tion, 91 years from Sept 1, 1900; lessee to pay all taxes; building to go to the lessor at the end of the term. 91 years 72,750 CLARK st, North, w f, 300 ft n of Wrightwood av, 100x250 ft, Teenie B Williams to Frederick Heide St, 99 years from March 1, 1892; lessee to improve at a cost of not less than $2,000 by May 1, 1893, and by May 1, 1900, of a value of not less than $10,000, and maintain buildings of a value of not less than $12,000 at al! times; to go to lessor at end of lease 1,500 CLARK st, North, w f, 275.5 ft s of North av, 50x149, C W Gates et al to James B Gallo- way, 99 years from May 1, 1893; lessee to con- struct by May 1, 1893, a $20,000 Building; to go to the lessor at end of lease. 99 years 1,200 CLARK st. South, 300 and 302, 50x103, Charles B King to Stromberg, Allen & Co, 94 years from March 1, 1908; for the building $43,800 was paid; the lessor will buy the building back at the expiration of the lease at 60 per cent of the assessed value. 5 years 4,500 5 years 5.500 84 years 6,000 CLARK st, Nos 334 and 336, 49}4xl05, Charles B King to Rand, McNally & Co, 99 years from July 1, 1901 ; lessees to erect fireproof building to be ready by May 1, 1906, to cost not less than $50,000; lessor to purchase buildings at ex- piration of lease at the appraised value. 5 years 4,000 5 years 5,000 89 years 6,000 GROUND LEASES. Per Year CLARK st, n w cor Harrison. 150x105, Pacific av, n e cor Harrison. 200x10554, Board of Educa- tion to Rand, McNally & Co. 99 years from May 1, 1901 ; lessee to erect fireproof building by May 1, 1900, to cost $400.000; to be pur- chased by lessor at the expiration of lease. 10 years 14,375 10 years 15,812 79 years 18,600 CLARK st, Nos 195-199, 63.20x90, Thomas D Knight and John B Knight, trustees of estate of Moses G Knight, to Commercial National Safe Deposit Co, 99 years from May 1, 1905; lessees shall with all reasonable speed after July 1, 1907, erect a fireproof building, to be ready by July 1, 1911, to cost not less than $150,000, not less than eight stories high; lessors have the privilege of extending the lease for an additional 99 years on the same terms; if lease is extended, buildings go to lessors at expiration of the lease without compensation; if not extended the build- ings shall be purchased by the lessors at their appraised value. 99 years 25,000 CLARK st, Nos 201 and 203, 40x90, Thomas H McNeill, Rivers, McNeill and Ellen McShew Coudup to Commercial National Safe Deposit Co, 198 years from May 1, 1905; lessees shall with all reasonable speed, after July 1, 1907, erect a fireproof building, to be ready by July 1, 1911, to cost not less than $100,000; to go to lessor at expiration of the term. 198 years 12,000 CLARK st, 176 and 178, n w cor Monroe, 4554x 90J4, John A Armstrong and Kale A Leathers of Louisville, Ky, and others to James W Ste- vens, 115 years from May 1, 1906, subject to a lease from Amanda F Armstrong and others to Godfrey Snydacker and others, dated March 15, 1886; lessee to construct fireproof building at least 10 stories high to cost not less than $200,- 000, to be ready by April 1, 1917, unless the lessee in the lease by Amanda F Armstrong and others to Godfrey Snydacker shall exercise the option to extend the term thereby demised to 1922, and if the term is extended then the lesee herein shall have the building completed not later than April 1, 1927; lessee shall have the option of an extension for 99 years at a net rental of f/i per cent of the value of the land without the improvements; lessors shall have the option of accepting these terms or shall purchase the build- ings at a price equal to 66 2 A per cent of the value to be ascertained by appraisal. 6 years 15,000 109 years 22,000 CLARK st, 255-261, 7454x103, Jacob Franks to Herman Lehr, 99 years from May 1, 1907; lessee to erect new building by May 1, 1911, theater or office or combination store and office and theater to cost not less than $100,000; pres- ent building valued at $35,000; buildings go to lessor at expiration of lease, without compensa- tion ; lessee may renew lease for 30 years at an annual rental of not less than $17,500, or 4 per cent of the appraised value of the land, but in no case shall it be less than $437,500. 10 years 15,000 10 years 16,000 89 years 17,500 CLARK st, n e cor Adams, 87x90, and Nos 109 and 111 Adams st, 4554x190. Trustees estate of Henry Field to Commercial National Safe De- posit Co, 198 years from May 1, 1905; lessee to erect fireproof building to cost not less than $400,000 by July I. 1911, on which work shall be commenced after July 1, 1907. 198 years 60,000 CLARK st, South, new No 112-118, old No 188- 190, e f, 40x90, between Monroe and Adams sts, and buildings; Elizabeth Ingalls Meadow- craft of Guilforrn Conn, to Ben I Greenebaum, 77 years from May 1, 1911 ; lessee to erect on or before May 1, 1936, a mercantile and office build- ing or a combination mercantile and office build- ing, to cost not less than $100,000, to be ready for occupancy May 1, 1936; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation; lessee has option to extend lease for a further period of 50 years at annual rental of $17,000. pay. 3 years 12,000 2 years 14,000 3 years 15,000 45 years 16,000 24 years 17,000 CLARK st, old No 117-119, South: new, No 21-27, North, w f, 50x80, between Madison and Wash- ington sts; estate David A Kohn to Harry Moir and John Milloy, for 99 years from May 1, 1911; lessee to erect a building to cost not less than $100,000 to be ready by May 1, 1926; to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 2 years 12,500 1 year 13,000 2 years 13,500 5 years 15,000 2 years 16,500 2 years 17,000 85 years 18,000 CLARK st, South, old No 365, new No 617-619, w f, 25x100, between Harrison and Polk sts; estate of Lambert Tree, deceased, to Poole Bros Corp, for 99 years, May 1, 1911 ; lessee to pay taxes, to erect fireproof building not less than two stories in height to be ready May 1, 1921 ; lessee has deposited securities to amount of $4,000; lessee shall have right at any time prior to Dec 1, 2009, to extend lease for an additional 84 years at a rental of 5 per cent of value of land, rental not to be less than $1,800 per annum. 4 years 1,200 5 years 1,500 99 years 1,800 GROUND LEASES. Per Year CLARK st, North, new Nos 121-139, old Nos 75- to 79, w f, 66x120 and 160, 70 ft s of Randolph, Alfred S Trade to James O Heyworth, 198 years from May 1, 1911: lessee to erect office building and theater not less than 16 stories, prior to May 1, 1914, to cost not less than $600,OOOj to go to lessor at expiration of lease. 5 years 18,000 94 years 20,000 99 years 22,000 CLARK st. North, new Nos 117 and 119, old Nos 81 and 83, 136 ft s of Randolph, 44 ft 554 in x 16054 ft, est Levi Z Leiter to James O Hey- worth, 198 years from May 1, 1911; lessee to erect office building and theater not less than 16 stories high prior to May 1, 1914, to cost $600,- 000; to go to lessor at the expiration of the lease. 5 years 18,000 94 years 20,000 99 years 22,000 CLARK st, South, 198 ft n of Harrison st, e f, 50x105, new No 526-530, old No 330 South Clark st, Board of Education to Hand, McNally & Co, for 88 years and nine months from Aug 1, 1911; lessee to erect fireproof building to cost not less than $50,000 by May 1, 1912; to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 9 months 3,375 10 years 7,500 10 years 8,000 68 years 8,500 CLARK st, South, No 40, 88 ft n of Monroe st, e f, 24x90, Estate Hiram B Peabody et al to John R Thompson, 198 years from May 1, 1913; lessee purchases building for $10,000. 198 years 8,000 CLARK st. South, 17454 ft n of Van Buren st, w f, 24)4x103, Estate of Harry M Marks, deceased, and Simon L Marks to Ignaz Dohnal. 99 years from May 1, 1913; buildings purchased for $10,- 000, subject to encumbrance of $25,000; build- ings to lessor at end of term without compensa- tion, 99 years 6,300 CLARK st, North, Nos 1225 to 1235, w f, 240 ft n of Division st, 128x140, Thies J Lefens to Jno B DeVoney and Otto Price, 99 years from Nov 1 1912; lessees to erect building prior to Nov 1, 1913, to cost $25,000; building to lessor with- out compensation at end of term ; lessees have option to purchase on or before Nov 1, 1932, for $125,000 cash. 5 years 4,000 94 years 5,000 CLARK st, North, ne cor Aldine av, w f, 50x8254 ft on s and 123.75 ft on n, Israel Keawana to Mayo Friedberg, 99 years from Nov 1, 1912; lessee to construct building prior to Nov 1, 1942, to cost not less than $25,000; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years , 2,000 5 years 2,250 89 years 2,500 CLARK st, North, n w cor Halsted st, w f, 166* 179, triangular, Fredk W Spelz to Juliui J Cohen, 99 years from May 1, 1912; lessee to erect building to cost at least $30,000, prior to Dec 1, . 1912; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years 3.000 94 years J.00 CLARK st, North, 53 ft s of Division st, w f, 53x 150, Jacob Reyher et al, of Noble, Ind, to Edwd G Pauling, 99 years from Mar 25, 1912; lessee to erect building within 18 months to cost not less than $15,000. 99 years 1,650 CLARK st. North, n e cor Fullerton blvd, w f, 140x156x177.85x42x191.7, Wm Craine of N Y to Oliver P L Watson, 99 years from Sept 20, 1911; lessee to erect building to cost at least $20,000, to be ready by June 1, 1912; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensa- tion ; lessee has option to purchase fee simple any time prior to Jan 1, 1914, for $50,000. 99 years 2,000 CLARK st, n e cor Harrison, w f, 100x100, J Pem- broke Thorn and Hunt R May Thorn, of Bait imore, to Henry L and Jacob Weber, 99 years from May 1, 1913; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $200,000 prior to April 30, 1913; lessee has option to extend lease for 50 years at a rental of $18,000 annually; lessee has option to purchase buildings at expiration of first term ; buildings to lessor at end of extended term without compensation. 15 years 15,000 15 years 16,000 CLARK st, 50 ft n of Polk st, e f, 25x105, Est of Lambert Tree to Pritchard and Will T Stewart ; lessees to erect new building to be ready prior May 1, 1923; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years 1.200 5 years 1,500 5 years 1,800 84 years 2.00C CANAL st, s w cor West Eighteenth st, 325x175, with 48 ft on Canalport av and 246 ft on Seward st; Chas W Tegtmeyer to Tegtemeyer Box and Lumber Co., 95 years from March 1, 1913; Lessee to erect building prior to March 1, 1933, to cost $40.000; lessor to pay 50 per cent of in- creased value of premises by reason of improve- ments thereon at end of term. Value to be as- certained by appraisal. 20 years 7,000 30 years 8,000 30 years 9,000 15 years 10,000 86 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. QBOTTND LEASES. Per Year CLARK st, n w cor Chestnut st, e f, 100x152, Caroline O Jones and Frances O Jones to Nathan Wolf and Maurice A Choynski, 99 years from June 1, 1913; lessees to construct a building to cost not less than $40,000, building to lessor at expiration of term without compensation; lessees to have option to purchase premises on or before June 1, 1920, for $75,000. 5 pears 3,000 5 years 3,500 89 years 4,000 CLARK st, 50 ft n of Polk st, e f, 25x105, Estate of Lambert Tree to Pritchard and Will T Stewart, 99 years from May 1, 1913; lessee to erect new building prior to May 1, 1923. Buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensa- tion . 5 years 1,200 5 years 1,500 5 years 1,800 84 years 2,000 CLARK st, North, n e cor Maple st, w f, 65x150, Alex O Mason to Herbert E and James J Bittourna and Henry Dugnias, 99 years from May 1, 1914. 99 years 2,000 CLIFTON av, s e cor Lawrence av, w f, 405x70, William Deering to Frank D Moon, 99 years from Nov 1. 1909; lessee to erect buildings to cost $7,000 by Aug 1, 1910; lessor to purchase buildings at end of term ; lessee may purchase within 10 years for $40,500. 10 years 2,025 Thereafter by appraisal at not less than $40,500; lesee to pay 5 per cent of the cash valuation every 10 years. CLINTON st, w f, 102 ft s of Van Buren st, 44x 151 ft, Normal D Fraser to Union Manufactur- ing and Storage Company, 98 years from May 1, 1891 ; improvement to go to lessor at end of lease at half appraised value 1,700 CLINTON st, n w cor Adams st, 38.90x100, Ebenezer Buckingham et al, trustees, to Alois Hunkeler, 99 years from May 1, 1903; lessee to erect before May 1, 1904, building to cost not less than $25,000. One year from May 1, 1904 1,000 One year from May 1, 1905 1,100 One year from May 1, 1906 1,200 One year from May 1, 1907 1,300 94 years 1,600 CLINTON st, s w cor VanBuren st, e f, 83x159, Arthur J Caton, Thomas D Catlin and Charles E Towne, trustees for John Dean Towne and Nor- man Towne, under will of John D Caton, to the Western Electric Co, 50 years from Jan 1, 1900; lessee has option of purchase during last year of term at $118,000, by giving sixty days' notice in writing, rental payable in gold coin. 50 years 4,130 CLINTON st, s e cor of Van Buren, 112x150, A W Oilman to Union Manufacturing and Stor- age Co, 99 years, from May 1, 1890; lessor to furchase improvements at appraised value. 1 years 6,000 88 years 5,000 CLINTON st, 139 ft s of Monroe st, e f, 118x 100, J H Whittemore to James A Miller, 99 years from May 1, 1895, building to go to lessor at end of lease. 99 years 5,000 CLINTON st, Nos 507-509, between Harrison and Van Buren sts, w f, 50x159, 99 years from July 1, 1915, F O Butler to Frank B Macomber. 10 years 2,475 10 years 2,700 79 years 3,150 COLORADO av, s w cor of California av, 695 years from Aug 1, 1914; lessee agrees to erect within 4 years from Aug 1, 1914, a building to cost at least $25,000 upon tract 2; if lessee removes building on tract 2 he agree to deposit $35,000 as security and on removal of building from tract 1, security amounting to $120,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term. 9 years 7,040.58 88!4 years 6,979.96 DIVISION, st, West, No 1541 and 1443, Frank J Swejkal to Victor Brandonski and others, 25 years from June 1, 1914; lessees to construct within five years from July 1, 1914, a building to cost not less than $25,000 to go to lessor at expiration of lease without compensation. 25 years 3,000 25 years 3,600 DIVISION st. West, s e cor California av, n f, 9754x120.44. Edwin B Jennings to James Ma- haros, Necalas J Demontopulos and Geo De- montopulos, 99 years from Oct 1, 1913. 99 years 2,100 DIVISION st. West, Nos 1616 and 1618, s f, 50x100, Joseph C Theurer and Carl Buhl to Ariel L Homa, 99 years from May 1, 1910; lessor to remodel within 18 months the first floor of present building for a commercial business at cost of not less than $3,500; building to les- sors at end of term without compensation. 99 years 1,500 DIX st, foot of Sangamon st, three blocks having 250 ft on Dix st, 348 ft on south side, 258 ft, w f, on Sangamon st and 77 ft, e f, on Sanga- mon, H Paepcke & Co to Goodwillie-Paepcke Company, 98 years, from October 1, 1890, im- provements to lessor at end of term at an ap- praised value 6,600 88 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. GROUND LEASES. Per Year DREXEL blvd, n w cor East Forty-seventh st, e f, 80x200, Aylae Keen Van Valzak, Hjalmar H Boyesen, Bayard H Boyesen, Ethel Randolph Van Schaiek, Mary R Craig and Maria L H Keen to Harry Eisenstein, 99 years from May 1, 1914; lessee to erect within one year building to cost not less than $25,000 ; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 99 years 1.600 DREXEL blvd, 165 ft s of Oakwood blvd, w f. 135x180. Daniel F Crilly to Nathan. Max and Harry Ascher, 99 years from June 1. 1915. 5 years , $2,750 5 years ..'.... 3,600 89 years 4,200 ELLIS av, s w cor Sixty-third st, 149.25x150 ft, W M Colvin to Herman Vollmer, 99 years from Tune 1, 1892, lessee to erect building to cost not less than $50,000 by December 1, 1893, to be pur- chased at end of lease by lessor at a value equal to its value as an improvement 2,750 ELLIS av, 407 ft n of Thirty-ninth st, e f, 66x106, Estate of Edward M Robinson to Elizabeth L Stuart and Nellie M Billings, 99 years from Jan 1, 1914. 99 years 400 ELM st, Nos 257 and 259, 24.9x135. f, s f, 114 ft e of Franklin st : Simeon B Williams to Andrew Lanquist and Henry Ericson, 99 years from May 1, 1894; lessee to construct building Dy May 1, 1899, to cost not less than $5,000; to be purchased by lessor at end of lease 360 to pay all taxes in addition; buildings and im- provements to lessor at end of term without compensation. 198 years 2,150 ELSTON av, 262 ft n of Redfield st, w f, 151x 362x72x145x291, also Stein st, 237 ft n of Red- field st, e f, 25x156, Peter N Kohlsaat to Gates Iron Works, 99 years from Nov 1, 1894; lessees to construct within 12 months from Aug. 1894, buildings to cost not less than $25,000; to go to lessor at expiration of lease, or ground can be purchased within three, years for $27,500. 3 years 1,650 96 years 1,800 ELSTON av, s w cor Sloan st, e f, 166x183 and buildings, Henry S Lovejoy of Janesville, Wis, to Ross-Sellinger Co; by Ovington Ross, president, 99 years from May 1, 1911; buildings to lessor at. end of term. 99 years 2,400 ELSTON. av, s e cor Addison st, w f, 200x130, also 120 ft on Kedzie av, triangular shape, 99 years from Nov 10, 1911, Edwd Mendel to Abraham Frank; lessee to pay taxes and to erect on or be- fore Nov 10, 1916, building or buildings costing :not less than $6,500; lessee has option to pur- chase premises for $10,000 cash any time on or before Nov 10, 1913; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 10 years,.. 600 89 .years 1,000 ELSTON av, n w cor Montrose av, n e f, 160x 151, George R Benson to George A Stamatides, 99 years from Dec 1, 1912; lessee to erect a building, to cost at least $10,000 ; lessee has op- tion to purchase premises at any time within five years from date at $50,000. 29 years , 2,500 20 years .'. 2,750 20 years 3,000 20 years 3,250 10 years 3,500 ELSTON av, 226 ft s e of Francisco av, n e f, 50x125 ft on n and 141 ft on s, Elbert J Owen to Complete Artificial Stone Co, 25 years from Nov 1, 1912; lessee to erect building prior to May 1, 1913, to cost not less than $3,500, buildings to lessor at end of term. Per annuam 1 80 ERIE st, Nos 283 and 289, 8854x102, Emily A Gil- more and Julia H Gilmore of Concord, Mass, to William Bonnar, 99 years from May 1, 1902; building to go to lessor at end of lease without compensation; lessee may purchase buildings on the first day of May, August, November or Feb- ruary before Jan 1, 1920, for $60,000. 99 years 3,000 ERIE st,.n f, 341 ft e of Kingsbury, 250x100; Margaretta E Dorman to B V Page Co, 48 years from May 1, 1888, with" option of 48 years more; lessee to place $25,000 of improvements on prop- erty; lessor to purchase buildings at end of term at an appraised value 3.500 EVANSTON av, 850 ft s e of Wilson av, e f, 250x100; Clarence Buckingham to John F Mc- Cracken and Otto Price, 34 years and three months from Dec 1, 1909; lessees to erect by March 1, 1910, a fireproof building to cost at least $18,000. 3 months gratis 10 years 2,540 10 years 3,174 14 years 3,809 FEDERAL st. No 92, e f, 24^x100, Davis W Miller and E Alice Miller, his wife, to Robert J Gunning, 99 years from Aug 1, 1909; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $10,000 within 10 years from Aug 1, 1909; lessee has option on and after Aug 1, 1919, to purchase premises for $30,000; lessors to purchase buildings at end of term. 10 years 1,000 89 years 1,200 FIFTEENTH pi, 125 ft w of Western av, n f, 408x124 ft, Walter Mills to Chicago Junction Ry Co, 35 years from Dec 1, 1910; lessee has option to purchase premises for $44,000 on Dec 1, 1915; for $47,000 on Dec 1, 1920; buildings and im- provements to lessor at end of term without compensation. 35 years 2,460 GROUND LEASES. Per Year FEDERAL st, n w cor of Van Buren st, e f, 995x100, Catholic Bishop of Chicago to David Mayer, for 99 years, 9 months from Aug 1, 1909; lessee to erect fireproof building at least six stories high, costing at least $150,000; erection to begin by May 1, 1921, and be finished within 18 months; lessee deposits with the Chicago Title & Trust Co securities amounting to $35,000 upon delivery of the lease and on May 1, 1911, and on May 1 of each year up to and including May 1, 1920, an additional $5,000 in securities, making a total deposit of $85,000; if lessee desires an exten- sion of time to begin building lessor grants ex- tension not exceeding five years or until May 1, 1926, provided that on or before Mav 1, 1921, lessee shall deposit $25.000 additional securities, making total of $110,000 in securities; these se- curities can be drawn put to pay for construction of building upon architect's certificates; upon ex- piration of lease buildings shall go to lessor with- out compensation. 9 months 4,500 10 years 17,000 14 years 22,000 26 years 24,000 49 years 26,000 FIFTH av. No 292, 20x100, Edward A Weissart to Sidney Adler, 99 years from Nov 1, 1907; lessee agrees to erect new building to cost not less than $15,000, not less than four stories high, by Oct 31, 1912; to go to lessor at end of lease without compensation. 5 years 1,200 94 years 1,500 FIFTH av, e f, 101 ft n of Madison st, 19x80, Clarence A Burley, trustee under will of Clar- ence Gaylord Smith, deceased, to Jacob L Kesner, 94 years 7 months from May 1, 1909, ending Nov 30, 2003; lessee agrees to erect a new build- ing on or before Dec 1, 1916, costing not less than $10,000. 99 years 2,000 FIFTH av, No 310, e f, 20x100, 45 ft s of Con- gress st, Daniel F Crilly to Jacob L Kesner, 78 years and 9 months from May 1, 1909; lessee purchased building for $5,000; building to lessor at end of term. 78 years 2,500 9 months 1,875 FIFTH av, Nos 319-327, 100x94, Cnarles F Pax- ton, trustee, to the Paper Mills Co, 99 years from May 1, 1904; lessee to erect within one year fireproof building; lessee may buy ground within 10 years at $85,000; building to go to lessor at end of lease without compensation. 99 years 6,400 FIFTH ay, e f, 20 ft north of Madison st, 20x80, L C Paine Freer to Edward Baggott, 93 *A years from Nov 1, 1889; at end of lease lessee has op- tion of 50 years at $3,000 a year. 10 years 2,000 83}^ years 2,500 FIFTH av, Nos 47 and 49. w f, 38x80, Henrv Botsford to Thaddeus M Howe and Charles S Fuller, 99 years from Nov 16, 1908; lessee to buy buildings for $15,000; to go to lessor at expira- tion of lease without compensation. 99 years 2,750 FIFTH av, Nos 282 and 284, 40x100, Charles Yon- dorf to Jacob L Kesner, 99 years from Tan 1, 1909; building to go to lessor at expiration of lease without compensation, 99 years 6,000 FIFTH av, Nos 377 and 379, 30^x106: Howard Copeland of Buffalo, N Y, to Jacob L Kesner. 99 years from Dec 1, 1904; lessee to erect build- ing to cost not less than $10,000; lessor to pur- chase the building at the expiration of the lease at appraised value. 99 years 1,600 FIFTH av, n e cor Jackson st, 110x115; William A Giles to Medinah Temple Association, 95 years from July 1, 1892; lessee to erect a 12-story fire- proof building, to be completed by Jan 1, 1894, to cost not less than $400,000; to go to lessor at end of term: lessee must deposit in bank $50,000 by Dec 1, 1892; $50.000 before the buildings are removed, and $50,000 more by April 1, 1893, to be drawn out on architect's certificate as construc- tion proceeds, and in case the building is not com- pleted by the time specified the whole amount of money shall go to lessor; it is also agreed that the preferred stock to be delivered to lessor in consideration of this lease shall be fully paid and non-assessable and shall pay annual dividends not to exceed T*A per cent. 95 years 24,000 FIFTH av, No 128. 19x80?*, Charles H Stark- weather to Jacob L Kesner, 99 years from Dec 1, 1904; lessee will within 12 years erect a new building to cost not less than $10,000; to go to lessor at end of lease without compensation; lease may be extended 30 years at $2,250 annu- ally. 99 years 2,000 FIFTH av, No 130. 19x80*$, Ebenezer Lane to Jacob L Kesner, 99 years from Dec 1, 1904; les- see will within 12 years erect a new building to cost not less than $10,000; to go to lessor at end of lease without compensation; lease may be ex- tended 30 years at $2,250 annually. 99 years 2,000 FIFTH ay, n w cor Madison st, 10x60.35, John D Jennings to Edward Baggot, 99 years from Mav 1, 1884; lessee agrees to add to present buildings within 10 years to make their value $10,000; lessee has privilege of surrendering premises on last day of Ayril, 1904, or any 20 years thereafter, on giving 60 days' notice 2,100 FIFTH av, w f. 146 ft s of Randolph st, 344.12-x 80, Clark A Holton to E S Pike, 198 years from GROUND LEASES. Per Year March 1, 1891; lessee to erect by March 1, 1895, fireproof building of four stories costing not less than $30,000 3,000 FIFTH av, No 381, 20x103, Mrs Emilie Keck to Jacob L Kesner, 99 years from July 1, 1905; building to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 800 FIFTH av, 90 ft s of Madison st, e f, 20x92.8, Mrs Angelina Irwin to Jacob L Kesner, 99 years from May 1, 1905; lessee to construct new build- ing to cost $15,000 by May 1, 1916; to go to les- sor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 2,000 FIFTH av, No 203, 24x90.4, James Taylor to the Dry Goods Reporter, 99 years from Jan 1, 1906; $10,000 paid for building; lessee may at any time erect building to cost not less than $10,000; building to go to lessor at end of lease without compensation. 99 years 2,150 FIFTH av, North, 130 ft n of West Madison st, e f, 20x80, Walter H Wilson, trustee under a deed in trust from Elvy W Clement, to Jacob L Kesner, 91 years 2 months from Oct 1, 1912; lessee to erect building on or before Dec, 1916, to cost not less than $150,000, buildings to les- sor at end of term without compensation ; lessee purchases building for $1. 91 years 3,000 FIFTY-FIFTH st, s w cor Monroe av, 175x100; Theodore Sheldon to Joseph Von Craenenbroeck, 99 years from Oct 1, 1895; building to go to les- sor at end of lease. 99 years 4,000 FIFTY-FIFTH st, n e cor Lexington av, 115x100, W A Giles, trustee, to Gilbert E Porter, 99 years from Oct 1, 1892; lessee to erect a four-story building by July 1, 1893, at a cost of $47,000; to be purchased by lessor at actual cash value at end of lease. 99 years 2,520 FIFTY-FIFTH st, n e cor Jackson av, 106^x72, Simon F Fogg to Frederick B Clarke, 99 years from July 1, 1892; lessee to erect within nine months a four-story building to cost not less than $46,000; to go to the lessor at end of lease; lessor also loans lessee $30,000. 99 years 2,100 FIFTY-FIFTH st, n f, 72 ft e of Greenwood av, 114x100, J V N Standish of Galesburg to Louis E Steinfeld, 99 years from July 1, 1892; lessee to erect within nine months a four-story build- ing; to go to lessor at end of lease. 99 years 2,100 FIFTY-FIRST st, s e cor Prairie av, 105 5^x100, Thomas Boyle to Alex L Levy, from Feb 10, > 1908, to April 30, 1909, at $1,500: then in case lessee constructs building before May 1, 1909, to cost not less than $10,000, he may have a lease for 98 years from May 1, 1909: 9 years 1,500 5 years 1,600 5 years 1,700 79 years 1,800 FIFTY-FIRST st, abt 10 ft e of Illinois Central R R, s f, 443 ft e I 130 and 650 ft frontage on lake, w 1 about 620 ft, James Morgan to Clem- ent L Eaton and Nelson C Chapman of Minne- apolis, 99 years from March 1, 1892; to be used for hotel purposes only; hotel to cost more than $350,000, to be built by May 15, 1893; to go to lessor at end of lease. 10 years 15,000 89 years, 5 per cent on value, but it must not be in excess of $15,000 a year. FIFTY-FIRST st, Nos. 331-333-335 s w cor Calu- met av, n f, 66x100, Gustav A Wenzel to John W Behan, 99 years from May 1, 1914; lessee to erect building prior to May 1, 1934, to cost not less than $10,000, building to lessor at expira- tion of term without compensation. 99 years 6.000 FIFTY-FIRST st, s f, 127.35 ft west of Cottage Grove av, 100x180; T W Sprague and E Louis Kuhns to South Park Club Association, 99 years from Oct 1, 1892; lessee may remove present building after depositing $25,000 for the purpose of replacing it with another building to be pur- chased by lessors at end of lease at two-thirds of its fair cash value, or extend lease 99 years at 5 per cent on value. 99 years 2,1 00 FIFTY-THIRD st, n w cor Lake av, 90x80, Charles B Waite to Richard S Peale, 99 years from April 1, 1893; lessee purchases building for $65,000, which is to be purchased by lessor at end of lease at its actual cash value. 99 years 4,000 FIFTY-THIRD st, East, s e cor Lake av, n f, 25x54, Anna Dow French to Charles R Hoo- ries, 50 years from May 1, 1912; lessee to erect prior to May 1, 1922, building to cost not less than $10,000. 50 years 600 FILLMORE st, s f, 391 ft w of Campbell av, 236x 126, J W Hedenberg to W H Chenoweth, 99 years from June 1, 1890; lessee to erect build- ing not less than five stories high and costing not less than $15,000; improvements to go to les- sor at end of term without compensation 1,200 FOREST av, n e cor Thirty-eighth st, 298.8x95, Nimrod Lancaster to Charles E Springer, 20 years from May 1, 1893; rental shall be paid at end of each year; lessor shall purchase buildings and all permanent improvements at end of lease at original cost with 10 per cent added, or lease may be extended 5 years on same terms 1,200 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 89 GROUND LEASES. Per Year FOREST av (Evanston), w f, 205 ft s of Ham- ilton st, 50x215, Northwestern University to W V Griffin, 99 years from Sept 1, 1890. 10 years 100 89 years at 4 per cent on appraised value, building to be ready by Feb 1, 1912, to cost not less than $25,000; lessees deposit $10,000 as se- curity for the fulfillment of their agreement; buildings to lessor at end of term without com- pensation. 99 years 1,800 FORTY-FIRST st, East, Nos 739 to 757, n f, 100 w of Cottage Grove av, 144 ft extending to Junc- tion R R, Hetty H R Green to Max A Goldberg, 99 years from Jan 1, 1914. 99 years 775 FORTY-EIGHTH av. South, Nos 200 to 236, e f, 380x125, s w cor Fulton st and n w cor Park av, Wm M Derby Jr to Joseph Rosenberg, 99 years from May 1, 1912; lessee purchases buildings for $85,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of lease without compensation. 10 years 3,250 10 years 3,575 79 years 3,900 FORTY-SEVENTH st, s e cor Prairie av, 130x99, William T Brown of New York City to Ed- win A Roser, 50 years from Oct 1, 1905; lessee to erect by Dec 1, 1905, a modern business block to cost not less than $25,000; to go to lessor at the end of the term without compensation. 10 years 2,500 10 years 2.750 30 years 3,000 FORTY-SEVENTH st, s e cor Ellis av, 200x73 ft, Norman Towne to Jacob Bass, Joseph Padorr and Peter Sissman, 99 years from May 1, 1911, lessees to erect building to cost not less than $20,000 prior to May 1, 1912; lessees have option to purchase land at any time after 254 years for $28,000; at any time after 5 years at $30,000 and prior to 10 years at $35,000. 10 years 1,080 89 years 1,400 FORTY-SIXTH av, South, and Drainage Canal, 280x1,394.97, the Sanitary District of Chicago to J Nelson Vance of Wheeling, W Va, 50 years from Feb 15, 1905; lessee shall excavate at his own expense the north half of the main channel adjacent to the property herein leased and to con- struct dock; revaluation shall be made at the ex- piration of 25 years to fix the rental for the last half of the term, which shall be 5 per cent upon the value of the land so determined. 10 years 112 15 years 225 FORTY-EIGHTH av, n e cor Milwaukee av, w f, 225.1x203.80x213.9, Ida B Larson to Her- man W Stoker, 99 years from May 1, 1914; building to be erected on north part of property to cost $35,000, the cost to be divided equally between the lessor and lessee, buildings to lessor at expiration of term by paying one-half of valua- tion of building to lessee. 99 years 1,000 FORTY-THIRD st, n f, 73 ft w of Oakenwald av, irregular, 85.3x106x131.5x21.33 ft, Thomas R Lyon of Ludington, Mich, to Marian K Spencer, 99 years from July 1, 1891; lessee to maintain building of at least three stories and of same size and value as now there; to go to lessor at end of lease 1.200 FORTY-THIRD st, s w cor Vincennes av, n f, 143x100, Emma F Chapin and husband, Marshall P Chapin of South Bend, Ind, to Elwin A Roser, 99 years from April 1, 1910; lessee to erect a brick and stone building at least one story high costing $10,000, by May 1, 1910; buildings to lessor at expiration of lease without compen- sation; lessor has option to purchase at any time before April 1, 1920, for $25,000. 99 years 1,250 FOURTEENTH J, s e cor Jefferson st, n f, 125x 173 ft on w, o 75 ft on e, John E Cramp, Stock- ton Cal, to Arthur D Rehm and Stephen R Wilson, 99 years from April 1, 1913; lessee to erect within one year a building to cost not less than $5,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 5 years 1,500.00 5 years 1,600.00 10 years 1,760.00 10 years 1,936.00 10 years 2,129.60 10 years 2,342.56 10 years 2,576.80 10 years 2,834.50 10 years 3,117.95 10 years 3,429.75 9 years 3,772.73 FRANKLIN, st, 22 ft n of Calhoun pi, w f, 6 inches by 80.75 ft, G L Barber to H B Peabody, 91 years and 1 month from May 1, 1899. 91 years and 1 month 45 FRANKLIN st, n w cor Madison, 23.85x80.79, F G Kammerer to the Hoefeld-Lelewer Co, nine years from Feb 1, 1907; lessee has paid lessor $15,000; bought building and equipment for $25,- 000; lessee may remove building for the purpose of constructing a new one on the site upon de- positing securities to the value of $25,000; build- ing to go to lessor at the expiration of the lease without compensation. 10 years 3.20C FRANKLIN st, n w cor Harrison st, 176xl02M, e f, with dock frontage on Chicago river, Michael C McDonald to James B Clow & Sons, 92 years from May 1, 1901; building to cost at least $200,- 000 to be erected. 5 years 10,00 5 years 12,00 82 years 14,000 GROUND LEASES. Per Year RANKLIN st, w f, 231 ft n of Calhoun pi, 20.08x 80.75 ft, Hiram R Peabody to Henrietta Greg- ory, 99 years from June 1, 1891; lessee to main- tain building worth not less than $10,000; value of present building $10,000 <. . 1,782 RANKLIN st, Nos 128 and 130, e f, 53x81; H J Luedde, Warsaw, 111, to Charles S MacCarty, 99 years from May 1, 1895; building to be pur- chased by lessor at end of lease at appraised value. 99 years 5,000 FULLERTON av, n e cor Lincoln av, s f, 92}4x 140, Maritz Freytag to Morris and Herman Brown and Jacob and Harry Kaplan, 99 years from April 1, 1914; lessees purchase buildings for $15,000; lessees may erect new building to cost not less than $65,000, building to lessor on expiration of term without compensation. 20 years 6,000 79 years 7,000 FULTON st, s e cor Halsted st, 8954x140, Nelson T Burroughs to Robert and Robert S McClelland of Tabor, Iowa, 99 years from May 1, 1907; les- see to erect building to cost $20,000 within two years from date of lease; lessees may buy land within 10 years of date of lease for $70,000, or in 20 years thereafter at $75,000; buildings to go to lessor at expiration of lease without compensa- tion. 5 years 2,800 94 years .' 3,000 FULTON st, n w cor Ada, 125x93.1, H B Pea- body to Bennett College of Electric Medicine, 99 years from January 2, 1889; lessee to erect a building not less than three stories high at a ost of not less than $7,000 by Nov 1, 1889; to be purchased by lessor at end of lease as build- ing material 1,000 FULTON st, n e cor Desplaines, 110x7954, James W Paxton, Wheeling W Va, to Edward A. Hart- well, 198 years from June 1, 1893; lessee to maintain building to the value of $30,000 during the term; to go to lessor at end of 198 years 2,400 FULTON st, n w cor South Forty-eighth av, s f, 100x112, Wm W Derby Jr to Joseph Rosenberg, 99 years from May 1, 1912; lessee purchases buildings for $21,00*0; buildings to lessor at ex- piration of term without compensation. 99 years 1,500 GARFIELD blvd, s w cor Prairie av, n f, 59x 10154. Henry B Scott of Burlington, Iowa, to Alice Boyle, 99 years from May 1, 1913; lessee to erect prior to May 1, 1915, a fireproof build- ing 3 stories high, to cost at least $75,000; lessee has option to purchase fee before expira- tion of 10 years for $120,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensa- tion. 5 years 4,500 94 years 5,000 GARFIELD blvd, West, s w cor So Park av, n f, 67x134, bldgs and impmts, Mary E. Ryan and bus, Patrick J, to Tony Roumel and Harris Reckas, 99 yrs from Oct 1, 1912; lessees to erect a bldg on or before Oct. 1, 1922, to cost not less than $20,000, to go to lessor at end of term; lessees have option to purchase premises at any time within 5 yrs from date for $25,000. 10 years 1,200 5 years J-35J 5 years 1,500 5 years 1,650 20 years 1,800 44 years 2,000 GARFIELD blvd, s e cor Normal av, n f, 97x140, James C Bussey to George D Oglesby, 99 years from Jan 6, 1915. 10 years 550.00 1 years 605.00 10 years 665.50 10 years 732.00 10 years 805.20 10 years 885.00 10 years 974.35 10 years 1,071.79 10 years 1,178.97 9 years 1,296.81 GILPIN pi, s e cor Loomis st, nf, 350x100, Hetty H R Green to Alfred Guthmann, 99 years from Jan. 1, 1913. 99 years 2,400 GRAND blvd, n w cor East Fifty-first st, e f. 299x 150, Jay Hubbard of Mankato, Minn, and Henri- etta Lausten to Samuel Kohn, 99 years from and after Dec. 7, 1910; lessee to erect on north half of premises a building to be ready on or before Dec 1, 1915, not less than two stories high, cost- ing not less than $40,000; lessee may buy this land at any time within three years from date for $95,000; if the lessee shall on or before Dec. 1, 1915, construct upon said premises a building that shall cost not less than $125,000, then the lessee shall be relieved of the obligation of constructing said building as above stated; buildings at the end of term to lessors. 90 years 5,000 GRAND blvd, n w cor Fifty-first st, e f, 299x150, Tay Hubbard of Mankato, Minn, and Henrietta N Lausten of Chicago, to Isabella Curran, 99 years from June 7, 1909; lessee to pay all taxes, to erect upon n J4 of premises a building not less than two stories high costing not less than $40,000, to be ready for occupancy by March 1, 1910; lessee has option to buy property any time within three years from date for $95,009. 99 years 5,000 GRAND blvd, s e cor Forty-third st, 100x150, Estate of Wilbur F Story to Richard Curran. 10 years 1,500 R9 years 1,750 GRAND blvd, s w cor Thiryt-fifth st, 153x165; F O Matthiessen of Irvington, N Y, to E E Trussing of Highland Park, 111, 99 years and 5 GROUND LEASES. Per Year months from December 1, 1894; lessee agrees to construct a building on the ground by April 30, 1906, to cost not less than $75,000, to go to lessor end of term. 10 years, from May 1, 1895 3,600 89 years 3,960 GRAND blvd, s e cor Oakwood blvd, n f, 152x150, Thos M and Frank G Sloane and Helen S Ford and Mary B Hamilton to Richard J Mahony, 99 years from Sept 1, 1915, lessee agrees to erect by Sept 1, 1918 a building to cost not less than $30,000; lessee may purchase land within ten years at $34,000. 99 years 1 ,700 GREEN st, e f, 100 ft n of Fulton, 50x250, with 25 ft on Peoria st, Mrs Mary A and C B Sco- ville of Pasadena, Cal, to James S Agar and others, 99 years from July 1, 1903; lessees agree to construct by January 1, 1904, building to cost not less than $10,000, and improvements within ten years to cost not less than $25,000; to go to lessor at expiration of lease. 99 years 1,250 GREEN st, 30x125, 100 ft s of Lake st, e f, Au- gusta N Hall to Fred Rentz; 25 years from May 1, 1898; building to go to lessor at the expiration of this lease. 25 years 550 GREEN st, North, No 364, s w cor Kinzie st, e f, 100x75, Francis H Easby, trustee, under will of Cyrus N Pierce et al to Louise \ Pierce, Evanston, III, 99 years from Feb 1, 1911; lessee has option to extend for 99 years at an annual rental based upon the value of the lots at the rate of 5% per annum, the rent not to be less than $950 annually; lessee to pay all taxes. 99 years 950 GROVE st. s e cor West Twenty-second st, n w f, 280x72, William M and Etaily J Hoyt to William P and Hannah C Henneberry ; lessors agree to construct upon said premises and will furnish money to fully complete prior to April 1, 1916, a new and first-class, modern, four-story and basement mercantile building: to cost not less than $175,000 and not more than $250,000; 99 years from September 1, 1915. 99 years 3,000 HALSTED st, South, Nos 231 and 233, 2654*50; Charles W Pardridge to Frank Hunt, for 99 years from Nov 1, 1910; lessee to pay all taxes; lessee within 10 years to improve and remodel present building at a cost of not less than $10,000; build- ing to lessor at end of term without compensa- tion. 99 years 1,500 HALSTED st, s w cor Thirty-first st, e f, 50x125; Edwin B Jennings to Peter, George and David Maniatis, 99 years from Jan 1, 1910; lessees to erect building to cost at least $5,000 by May 1, 99 years 900 HALSTED st, 197 ft n of W Forty-second st, w f, 22}4xl26, Harry S Grain, trustee, to Mary Lynch for 39 years from May 1, 1892; least dated March 28, 1892; lessee to pay all taxes; 39 years 450 HALSTED st, South, Nos 520 and 522, 50x102, Mrs Frances B Macfarlane to Phillip O Ep- stein, 99 years from May 1, 1907; lessee to erect building to cost $1,000 by May 1, 1908, to be purchased by lessor at expiration of the lease at appraised value. 20 years 1,335 79 years 1,400 HALSTED st, s w cor Monroe, 50x125; Frances A Ward and Charles C Ward, her husband, of Mt V'ernon, Ohio, and Rhoda E Pratt, of Lookout Mountain, Tenn, to Louis and Isaac Marks, for 99 years and 4 months from January 1, 1908; lessees have privilege of improving the land with a new building to be purchased by lessors at the end of the lease; lessors paid $12,000 for present building. 99 years and 4 months 2,600 HALSTED st, South, No 421, e f, 25x100; Michael Connery to Philip Mosheik, for 25 years from May 1, 1909; lessee pay all taxes. 25 years 897 1, 1890; buildings to go to lessor at end of lease. 99 years 850 HALSTED st, s w cor of Van Buren, 100x125, H Strong to E J Monaghan, 99 years from July 1, 1889; lessee to erect Duildings costing not less than $50,000; improvements to go to lessor at end of term at an appraised value 6,000 HALSTED st, w f, 173 ft n of Forty-second st, 24x126; Harry S Cram, trustee, to John C Christman; 40 years from May 1, 1891. 2t> years 450 20 years, 6 per cent on appraised value. HALSTED st, s w cor of Lumber st, one block having 204 ft on Halsted, 275 ft on Lumber and 312 ft on the river; O'Neil estate to P L Un- derwood; 50 years from May 1, 1890; improve- ments to go to lessor at end of term at an ap- praised value. 3 years 3,000 10 years 4,500 Balance of term 6 per cent on an appraised value every succeeding ten years. HALSTED st, n e cor Jackson blvd, w f, 58 ll-12x 156, also Quincy st, n f, 55x107, with 50x32 ft adjoining, Walter Farwell and Mildred Farwell, Rose F Chatfield-Taylor and Hobart Chatfield- Taylor, Grace F McGann and Robert G McGann, her husband, Anna de Koven and Reginald de Koven to Frank Hunt, 99 years from May 1, 1909; lessee paid $25,000 for the building, which is subject to lease to Jackson Hotel Co, expiring April 30, 1913; lessee has privilege of rebuild- 90 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. GROUND LEASES. Per Year ing and may, with consent of lessors, remove present buildings and construct new building, to cost not less than $100,000; lessee has option to purchase land at any time before May 1, 1919, for $125,000; buildings to lessors at end of term without compensation; if, however, new build- ing is erected as specified, the lessors shall on expiration of lease pay to lessee 75% of the cost. 99 years ..................................... 5.000 HALSTED st, South, 25x102, w f, 23}4 ft s of Thirteenth st, Grace McNaughton of Grand Rapids, Mich, to Clara Pritikin, 99 years from May 1 ; lessees agree to construct a building to cost not less than $10,000 by May 1, 1918, to be purchased by the lessor at the expiration of the lease at is appraised value. ^^ 10 years ..................................... 900 89 years ..................................... liOOO HALSTED st, s e cor Thirteenth st, 23^x102, Frances C P Macfarlane to Clara Pritikin, 99 years from May 1, 1908; lessee to construct new building before May 1, 1909, to cost not less than $10,000; lessor to purchase the building at the expiration of the term at appraised value. 10 years ..................................... 900 89 years ..................................... 1.000 HALSTED st, e f, 179 ft n of Clay st, 50x125 ft, Felix Babbage to Bernard McGary; 99 years from October 1, 1891; lessee to erect a two-story building costing not less than $6,000 within 12 months; improvements to go to lessor at end of lease ......................................... 4 HALSTED st, w f, 141.67 ft of Root t, 25x 126 ft; Harry Spencer Crane, trustee, to John C Backer; 94 years and 9 months from August 1, 1891 ...................................... 50 HALSTED st, No 6860, n w cor Sixty-ninth st, e f, 25x119, Otto Ecker to Gustav E Anderson, 99 years from May 1, 1915; $500 paid for present building; lessee to erect building prior to May 1, 1917, to cost at least $12,000, lessor to purchase building at expiration of lease. 99 years ..................................... 2,400 HALSTED st, No 60S, 24x100, 144 ft n of Henry st. Griffin F Miller to James E Woodruff, 99 years from March 1, 1894; lessee will erect within two years building to cost not less than $3,000 ....................................... 180 HALSTED st, South, No 607, 24x100, e f. Griffin F Miller of Cincinnati to James E Woodruff; 99 years from September 1, 1887; lessee can pur- chase ground at any time for $3,600 ........... 180 HALSTED st, South, No 613, 24x100, e f, Griffin F Miller of Cincinnati to James E Woodruff; 99 years from September 1, 1887; lessee can pur- chase ground at any time for $3,600 ......... 180 HALSTED st. South, 23x100, 116 ft n of R R r of w, e f, Griffin F Miller of Cincinnati to Ed- ward C Pfauschmidt; 99 years from March 1, 1894; lessee can purchase ground for $3,600. 99 years ..................................... 180 HALSTED st, South, No 609, 24x100, e f. Griffin F Miller of Cincinnati, O, to James E Wood- ruff; 99 years from September 1, 1887; lessee can purchase ground at $3,600. 99 years ..................................... 180 HALSTED st. South, No 611, 24x100, e f. Griffin F Miller of Cincinnati, O, to James E Wood- ruff; 99 years from September 1, 1887; lessee can purchase ground at $3,600. 99 years ..................................... 180 HALSTED st, 99 ft n of West Forty-second st, w f, 49x126; H S Cram, trustee, to Star Brew- ery; 40 years from May 1, 1891; lessor to con- struct two-story building within 6 months, which may be removed at any time. 40 years ..................................... 900 HALSTED st, 2254*126, 189 ft s of Root st, w f, T S Cram to Edward Fitzgibbons; 40 years from May 1, 1896; lessee shall construct by May 1, 1897, a two-story building to cost not less than $7,000; to go to lessor at the expiration of this lease. 20 years ..................................... 450 20 years, 6 per cent on appraised value. HALSTED st, n e cor Fulton st, w f, 170x119, through to Wayman st, trustees of Hamline University of Minnesota to the Scully Steel and Iron Company; 57 years from May 1, 1900. 57 years ..................................... 3,200 HALSTED st, 61 X f t s of O'Brien st, w f, 6l%x 105.3, Abbie Nichols to Simon Arkin and Louis Hermann, 25 years and three months from Feb- ruary, 1903; lessee to construct new building to cost not less than $6,000, to be finished within nine months from date of lease; improvements to go to the lessor at the end of the lease. 25 years, 3 months ............................ 691 HALSTED st. South, No 603, 20x100. e f; Griffin F Miller to James E Woodruff; 99 years from March 1, 1894; lessee can purchase ground for $3,600. 99 years ..................................... 180 HALSTED st, s e cor Root st, w f, 21.57x126, John Sergeant Cram, trustee, to Antoine and Victor F Sivore, 40 years from May 1, 1903; lessee to erect building to cost $17,000, to revert to the lessor at the end of the lease. 40 years ..................................... 1,050 HALSTED st. 21.57 ft s of Root st, w f, 25x126, John Sergeant Cram, trustee, to Domencia Fer- ari, 40 years from May 1, 1903; lessee to erect building at a cost of $8,000, to go to the lessor at the expiration of the lease. 40 years ..................................... 840 HALSTED st. South, Nos 524 to 528, 75x102, Grace M and Daniel McNaughton of Grand Rap- ids, Mich, 99 years from May 1, 1905; lessee to construct building not less than two stories high GHOUND LEASES. Per Year to cost not less than $10,000; lessor to purchase buildings at end of term at appraised value. First year 1 ,628 24 years 1,800 24 years 2,000 HALSTED st. South, No 564, s e cor Fourteenth st, 24x90, Gustav Friedlander to Morris L Man- sure, 99 years from February 1, 1907; lessor to purchase the buildings at the expiration of the lease if he so desires; if not, the lease is to be extended for 99 years at a rental of 6 per cent on the value of the land. 99 years 1,200 HALSTED st, s e cor West Adams st, w f, 40.2x 90.7 ft, Henry P Klein to Louis Feder and S Milton Eichberg, for 99 years, from July 1, 1911; lessees to have option of renewal of lease at 5% per annum on the value of the land as determined in the 99th year of the term first herein provided; buildings at end of term to lessor without compensation. 2 years 2,750 97 years 3,000 HALSTED st, South, t e COT W Sixty-ninth st, w f, 50x215, 99 years from May 1, 1912, Ber- nard Ebers and Mary Ebers, his wife, to August J Salomon; lessee purchases 2-story frame build- ing now for $1,000; lessee to erect on or before May 1, 1913, building to cost not less than $12,000. 15 years 2,000 5 years 2,400 79 years 3,000 HALSTED st, South, s e cor Congress st, w f, 101*95.5, Philip Henry Matthei to Henry Wolf, 99 years from July 1, 1912; lessee purchases building for $14,000; buildings to lessor at expira- tion or term without compensation ; lessor may extend lease for 50 years at yearly rate at sum which will be equal to the then yearly rate of interest on appraised value and building, less 75 per cent of appraised value. 5 years 4,500 15 years 5,000 79 years 6,000 HALSTED st, Nos 6240-6242, e f, 50x125 and buildings, Amelia M Guderjahn et al to Kasel Sidder, 99 years from May 1, 1913; lessee to erect building to cost $35,000 prior to NOT 1, 1918, to go to lessor at expiration of term with- out compensation. 99 years 9,000 69 years 18,000 HALSTED st, Nos 240-42, e f. 50x125 and build- ings, Amelia M Gunderjahn et al to Kasel Sid- der, 99 years from May 1, 1913; lessee to erect building to cost $35,000 prior to Nov 1, 1918; buildings to lessor at expiration of term with- out compensation. 99 years 9,000 HALSTED st, 150 ft s of Sixty-third st, w f, 53x 113, Wm H Stege to Geo L Herman, 99 years from Aug 1 ; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $20,000; buildings and improve- ments to lessor at end of term without com- pensation. 5 years 4,000 5 years 4,500 5 years 5,000 5 years 5,500 79 years 6,000 HALSTED st, n w cor Congress st, e f, 73x125, Henry Bptsford to Herman A Binder, 99 years from April 1, 1911 ; lessee agrees to erect a build- ing prior to January 1, 1915, to be at least three tsories high and to cost not less than $25,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 5 years 4,000 15 years 5,000 50 years 5,100 29 years 5,000 HALSTED st. South, n e cor of Taylor st, w f, 115x112, Pasquale Schiavone to Daniel J Schuy- ler Jr, 99 years from May 1, 1912; lessee pur- chases building for $45,000; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 50 years 5,000 49 years 6,000 HARRISON st, n w cor Honore st, s f, 97x100; College of Physicians and Surgeons to Univer- sity of Illinois, for 25 years from May 1, 1900; lessee has option of purchase of all property, in- cluding buildings, fixtures, etc, at the expiration of the lease for $217,000. 25 years 12,000 HARRISON st, n w cor Desplaines st, s f, 50x 112J4, and buildings, Clarence Buckingham to Roy B Tabor, Frederick A Brown, Lewis M Smith, Charles A White and Francis E Man- nierre, trustees, Harrison and Desplaines Trust Agreement, 198 years from May 1, 1911; lessees to pay all taxes in addition ; buildings and im- provements to lessor at end of term without com- pensation. 198 years 2,150 HARRISON st, West, n e cor Claremont av, t f. 44x125, Hetty H R Green, of Bellows Falls, Vt. to Mary t McCullough, 99 years from May 1. 1912 ; lesse has option to purchase premises at any time prior to April 30, 1917, for $10,000; before April 30, 1927, for $12,000; lessor pur- chases building for $1. 99 years 400 HARRISON st, n e cor Morgan st, e f, 119*4x 126^, Jacob S. Beck to John Walker, 99 years from May 1, 1914; lessee to erect building to cost $50,000 prior to May 1, 1934; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 2 years 5,000 97 years 4.500 G BOUND LEASES. Per Year HARRISON st, s e cor Sangamon st, n f, 51x148, 99 years from May 1, 1915, Louis P and Wm A Cardwell to Onorphnon Bock. 99 years 600 HINMAN st, 230 ft n of Hamilton st, w f, 50x 190, Northwestern University to L P Stanwood, 100 years from April 1, 1892; lessee may re- move buildings at end of lease. 10 years 130 90 years, 4 per cent on valuation every 10 years. HUMBOLDT blvd, s e cor Logan Square, w f, 100x125, Mrs Carrie Boyington Gilbert to S N Geannopulos, 99 years from May 1, 1909; lessee to erect a two-story building not less than 50x97 ft, facing Humbqldt blvd ; foundation to be for three story building costing not less than $30,- 000, to be ready by May 1, 1914; lessor to purchase buildings at end of term. 99 years 2,400 HURON st, n e cor Franklin, 88x100, Otto C Butz to Alexander Bauer, 99 years from Oct 15, 1914; buildings to go to the lessor at the expiration of the lease. 99 years 3,600 HYDE PARK av, w f, 174 ft n of Walnut st, 100x130; Charles F Swan to Edward L Yarlott, 99 years from January 1, 1893, lessee to erect building, costing not less than $50,000, by May 1, 1893, to be purchased by lessor at cash value at end of lease. 99 years 1.500 HYDE PARK blvd, n w cor Lake av, s f, 118x 197x183 ft, Richard S Peale of New York City to Adolph Raphael, 99 years from Sept 1, 1913; lessee to erect a building to cost not less than $90,000 prior to Oct 1, 1914; all buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensa- tion. 5 years 2,000 5 years 2,300 89 years 2,600 HYDE PARK blvd, n e cor Jefferson av and Rosalie av, s f, 63x183 ft 8}4 inches, Richard S Peale of New York City to Wilford L Porter, 99 years from Sept 1, 1913; lessee will erect building to cost at least $60,000 before Oct 1, 1914 ; building to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 5 years 1,000 5 years 1,200 89 years 1,400 ILLINOIS st, n w cor St. Clair st, 125x100, William M Hoyt to George P Blair, 99 years from January 1, 1908; lessee to erect a building not less than 4 stones high for general com- mercial use, to cost not less than $60,000, to be completed by January 1, 1909; lessee may pur- chase fee on or before January 1, 1913, for $56,- 250, improvements to go to the lessor at the end of the term without compensation; lessee may assign lease to Samuel Cupples Woodenware Co and Samuel Cupples Envelope Co of St Louis. 99 years 2,000 ILLINOIS st, 124 ft e of Wells st, s f, 86x100, Mary Adelaide Yerkes to the North Chicago Street Railroad Company, 93 years from July 93' years' 2.580 ILLINOIS CENTRAL R R PIER, s w cor slip D, 980x200; Illinois Central Railroad Company to Western Cold Storage Company ; 10 years from June 1, 1898; lessor may cancel lease on giving notice after one year and paying cost of im- provements, pther consideration and 10,000 INDIANA ay, n e cor Thirty-first st, 24x130, Charles N Perry to John B Mailers, 99 years from March 1, 1892; lessee to build a structure of not less than four stories by May 1, 1897, to go to lessor at end of lease at 80 per cent of value or lease to be extended 99 years at S per cent on appraised value 3,000 INDIANA av, n w cor Thirty-first at, 22x119, Barbet Bloom to A D Hannah and David Hogg, 99 years from May 1, 1896; lessees to construct within six months a building to cost not less than $17,000, to go to lessor at end of lease. 99 years 1,200 INDIANA av, 24.87x160.41, e f, 125 ft s of Twen- ty-third st, Suzanne F High to Mary McCIellan Boomer Page, 99 years from November 1, 1894; lessor to construct a 4-story building to cost not less than $10,000 by May 1, 1910, to go to lessor at expiration of the lease. 99 years 300 INDIANA av, s w cor Thirty-ninth st, e f, lOOx 177, Chicago Society of the New Jerusalem, by trustees, to Jacob Lowenstine, Valparaiso, Ind, 99 years from Aug 1, 1912; lessee has option to purchase premises on or before Aug 1, 1917, for $90,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of lease. 10 years 4,000 89 years 5,000 INDIANA av, s w cor Twenty-first st, e f, lOOx 161 and buildings, Moses E Greenebaum to Vesta Accumulator Co, 99 years from April 1, 1912; lessee to reconstruct the brick and stone church building now on premises into a brick and stone factory or commercial building at least 3 stories high at a cost of $40,000, or will erect a new building to cost at least $40,000; to be completed within 12 months from Oct 1, 1912; lessee has option to purchase the fee for $80,- 000 on or before Mar 31, 1922, for $85,000 on or before Mar 31, 1932; building to lessor at expira- tion of term without compensation. 6 months 1 98 years 6 months J.750 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 91 GBOUND LEASES. Per Year INDIANA av, s w cor Forty-third st, e t, 100x115, Wm R Sellick to Joseph Lechleiter, 99 years from Jan 1, 1913; lesse to erect building to cost not less than $10,000 on or before Jan 1, 1919; buildings to lessor at end of term without com- pensation 99 years 2,750 INDIANA st, n w cor Rush st, 100x100, W L Bradley of Dubuque, la, to W F Singleton, 198 years from January 1, 1892; lessee to erect by May 1, 1893, a store and apartment building not less than six stories and basement, 100x80 feet, and to cost not less than $100,000, to go to lessor end of lease 6,000 INDIANA cor Thirty-fifth st, 51x123, Francis M Callman of Freeport, 111, to William H Bowens and George L Leibrandt, 30 years from May 1, 1905. 30 years 2,100 INDIANA av, s w cor Thirty-first st, e f, 150x160, and buildings, John M Studebaker of So Bend, Ind, to Israel and Samuel Lanski, 99 years from Jan 1, 1912. Lessees to erect a building to cost at least $50,000 by May 1, 1913; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 10 years 7,500 10 years 9,000 79 years 10,000 INDIANA av, s e cor Fifty-first st, w f, 75x189, Henry B Scott to Otto Weber and Jas C Mc- Nanie, 99 years from May 1, 1913; lessee to erect building on or before May 1, 1923, to cost at least $75,000; buildings to lessor on expira- tion of term without compensation. 3 years 3,500 96 years 5.000 INSIDE lot, 20x25, being 60 ft n of Quincy st and 50 ft e of Dearborn st, being n 20 ft of s 80 ft w { A It 6, b 140, S S add, for light court, C C Heisen to Dexter Safe Deposit Co, 92 years from October 1, 1892. 92 years 450 IRVING PARK av, n e cor Kedzie av, s t, 75x127, Edward Mendel to George A Stamatides, 99 years from Dec I, 1912; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $12,000 prior to Dec 1, 1915, to go to lessor at end of term without com- pensation. 5 years 1,500 94 years 1,800 JACKSON blvd, West, 231 ft e of Halsted st, s f, 123x145, John J Corbett to Geo W Jackson, Inc, 99 years from March 1, 1907; lessee to pay taxes and erect building to cost at least $25,000 by Sept 1, 1907; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years 4,500 5 years 5,000 5 years 5,500 84 years 8,000 JACKSON blvd, 100 ft e of Dearborn, 75 ft, * f, to a depth of 82>i ft and in the rear a frontage of 57 ft north on Quincy st, 125 ft e of Dear- born, for a depth ot 82J4 ft adjoining the fore- going, Ella B Ward, Charles F Bradley et al to Great Northern Theater & Hotel Co; 99 years from May 1, 1895; lessee to construct a building to cost not less than $200,000 by January 1, 1897; lessor will pay lessee 75 per cent of the value of the building at the end of the lease or extend lease 50 years at same rental. 99 years 30.000 JACKSON blvd, s w cor of Morgan, 120x100, J A Packard to Howard & Berwin, 99 years, with option of purchase for $45,000, until July 1, 1893; lessees to erect building of not less than three stories in height and costing not less than $40,- 000; lessor to purchase improvements at end of term at an appraised value. 1 year 1,200 1 year 2,100 1 year 2,500 96 years 2,800 JACKSON blvd, Nos 22 to 26, 81x160, Charlotte J Ludington and Mary J Barnes to Al Hayman and W J Davis. 99 years from January 1, 1900; the lessees to construct a fireproof theater not less than three stories by October 1, 1900, at a cost of not less than $150,000; at the termination of the lease by lapse of time the building is to be pur- chased by lessor at appraised value. First year 4,000 Second year 13,000 97 years 15,000 JACKSON blvd, Nos 175 to 177, 50x165, Mary H Loomis and John McLaren, trustees, to Da- vid Mayer, 99 years from May 1, 1903: lessee agrees to erect within ten years a fireproof building not less than 12 stories high, to go to the lessor at the expiration of the lease. 99 years 16.000 JACKSON blvd, 150 ft w of State st, s f, 25x82#, also Quincy st. 182 ft e of Dearborn st, s f, 25x82J4, adjoining the foregoing, Mary Virginia Dunham to F W mnd George T Clark, 99 years from May 1, 1895; to be improved with adjacent property by the construction of a theater and hotel building to be purchased by lessor at end of lease or lease extended 50 years at a rental of $10,100 a year. August 1, 1895 1,833.34 November 1, 1895 1,875.00 February 1, 1896 1,875.00 1 year 7,700.00 1 year 7.900.00 1 year 8,700.00 1 year 8,900.00 92 years 10,100.00 JACKSON blvd. s f, 150 ft w of State st, 25x82, John H Dunham to Archibald M Wilson, 99 years from April 1, 1892; lessee to expend $2,000 * in improvements within 60 days ; lessee shall give a bond of $20,000 to construct within 12 months GROUND LEASES. Per Yea from the time of removal a building of the same size as the one removed, at a cost of not less than $12,000, to go to lessor at end of lease; lessor has first privilege of purchasing interest of lessee 5,500 JACKSON blvd, West, new No 714, 100 ft w of Desplaines st, n f, 30x119, Henry Botsford to Louise Morris, Adolph Goldschmidt and Charles Baer, 99 years from Nov 1, 1911; lessees shall within five years from Nov 1, 1911, erect build- ing not less than two stories, to cost not less than $10,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation ; lessee may buy land within five years from Nov 1, 1911, for $22,000 cash. 5 years 800 15 years 900 79 years 1,200 JACKSON blvd. 75 ft w of South Franklin st, s f, 25x83, Wm J Fabian, Emily B Fall and Cor- nelia F Worthington to Chas Greve, 99 years from July 1, 1913; lessee will after Dec 31, 1915, make improvements to the amount of $11,000; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $50,000 to be ready July 1, 1938; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 25 years 2,600 74 years 4,000 JACKSON blvd, 100 ft w of South Franklin st, s f, 50x83, Est Wm O Johnston to Chas Greve. 99 years from July 1, 1913; lessee will expend after Dec 31, 1915, $22,000 for alterations; lessee to erect a building prior to July 1, 1938, to cost $100,000, buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 25 years 5,200 74 years 8,000 JEFFERSON st, 42 ft a of Monroe st, w f, 60x79^, Abraham Bernstein to Thomas A An- derson and Julius Severus, 99 years from May 1, 1914; lessees purchase the buildings and im- provements for $15,000, buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 99 years 3,000 JEFFERSON st, South, Nos 80 to 84, 79x79M, John M Symth to Marshall & Huschart Machin- ery Co, 99 years from Oct 1, 1906; lessee to erect by April 30, 1909, a building to cost at least $30,000 ; to go to lessor at end of term at ap- praised value; lessee may purchase the real estate for $45,000 before Oct 1, 1916. 99 years 2,400 JEFFERSON av, n e cor Fifty-fifth st, 100x150, Julianna Chambers to The Jefferson Building Company, 99 yearf from June 1, 1902 3,000 JEFFERSON st, 250 ft n of Harrison, e f, 50x 95, Warren Springer to C C Russell, 99 years from January 26, 1895. 10 years 1,800 80 years 2.100 JEFFERSON av, n w cor East Fifty-third st, e f, 120x153, Katherine Philpot and others to Fred- erick W McKinney, 99 years from July 1, 1913; lessee to erect a building to cost at least $75,000 prior to May 1, 1914; buildings to lessor at ex- piration of term without compensation. 99 years 4,500 KEDZIE av, s e cor West Lawrence av, w f, 75x 125, Chas R Donaldson to Thos Chamales, 99 years from April 1, 1913; lessee to erect a brick and stone building to cost at least $10,000 prior to Nov 1914, additional building before Nov 1, 1924, to cost at least $20,000, buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 5 years 1,500 5 years 2,000 89 years 2,500 KEDZIE av, n e cor West Montrose av, w l f lOOx 125, Gustav H Jacobson to Frank Dalliams and Thomas Dalliams, 99 years from December 20, 1913; lessee to erect a building to cost not less $10,000 prior to April 1, 1915; lessees also agree to erect an additional building within five years from April 1, 1915, to cost not less than $10,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 5 years 2,100 94 years 2,500 KENMORE av, n w cor Bryn Mawr av, e f, lOOx 150; Marion Brower Erskine to Charles H Kusel; 99 years from October 1, 1915; lessee to erect building of at least two stories for offices, stores or apartments or any combination thereof by October 1, 1915, to cost not less than $35,000; buildings to lessor at the end of term without compensation. 5 years 2,500 5 years 2,750 89 years 3,000 KING pi, n e cor Blucher st, 100x130, John Entminger to John Schaepne, 10 years from July 1, 1892; lessee agrees to build new green- houses on the lots. 10 years 2,000 KINZIE st, n w cor Franklin st, 45x103, New- berry Library to Morris Adler and Herman Oberndorf, 25 years from May 1, 1900; lessee to construct building to cost not less than $10,- 000 by May I, 1900. 25 years 1.000 KINZIE st, 144 ft e of Oakley av, s f, 288x138, Helen E Culver to Maurice Von Platen and Tames A Dick, 99 years from October 1, 1902; lessees to erect a $20,000 building with reason- able dispatch, to be purchased by lessor at expira- tion of lease at its actual cash value. 99 years 1,152 LAFLIN st, s e cor of West Fifteenth st, 166x 124, Henry C Sampson to W H Wells Jr, 29 years* lease from February 1, 1892. 5 years 900 5 years 1,200 10 years 1,350 GROUND LEASES. Per Year LAKE st, s w cor Peoria st, n f, 125x100, and two- story building to be erected by Feb 1, 1910, John Heinsen to Cornelius J Short, Raymond W Short and Frederick J Short (Short Bros Teaming Co), for 25 years from Feb 1, 1910; lease dated Nov 1, 1910; lessee to pay all taxes. 5 years 4,144 20 years 4,395 LAKE st, s e cor of Fifth av, n f. 6044x11454, Richard S Reynolds of Utica, N Y, to Thad H Howe, 99 years irom Feb 1, 1905; lessor to purchase buildings at end of term at appraised value. 99 years 8,000 LAKE st, n w cor Clinton. 80x150, Ransom R Cable, of Rock Island, III, to Ben I Greene- baum, 99 years from July 1, 1907; lessee buys building for $1 and agrees to improve it to the extent of 420,000 within first ten years; lessee may erect building any time within ten years to cost not less than $50,000, to go to the lessor at expiration of lease without compensation. | years 4 500 5 years 5,500 89 years 6.00O LAKE st, n e cor Robey, 50x127, Amanda T Dooley and Albert G Dooley and George and Ida Hoyer to Roger C Sullivan, 99 years from May 1, 1907; lessees to erect a brick building not less than two stories high, to cost not less than $15,000, to go to lessor at expiration of lease without com- pensation. 99 years 1,200 LAKE av, n w cor Fifty-sixth st, e f. 44x111, Jefferson av, n e cor Fifty-sixth st, w f, 44x125, adjoining with 236 ft s f on Fifty-sixth st Quinten Johnstone to John W Trainor, May 1 1909, to April 30, 1959. 50 years j 500 ^AKE st, West, Nos 130 to 138, 120x140. extend- ing back to Lydia st, Henrietta A Boal and SrSS? T Boal to Arthur J O'Leary and John W O'Leary, 99 years from May 1, 1909; lessees to erect fireproof building at least three stories high on south one-half and one story on north one-half, to cost not less than $40,000; lessee to convey buildings to lessor at end of term. 99 years Ii3 oo LA , KE , av l, s . e . cor Fifty-fourth st, 50x134.3, Charles M Anderson to William D Washburn 99 years from August 4, 1892; if lessor refuses to renew lease at expiration of this one at a reasonable figure he shall purchase the buildings at appraised value at end of lease 1,080 ^l^.ny* " . e cor Forty-seventh st, 77jxl81}4x 234x194, Lilhe B Stevens to Wallace L De Wolf, 99 years from June 1, 1893; lessee to ex- pend $5,000 in building within two years, and within five years $15,000, the improvements to be purchased at the end of the lease at their appraised value; lessee has privilege of purchas- ing the ground by June 1, 1895, for $45^000, or June 1, 1898, for $50,000. 99 years 2 000 i-AKE st, n f, 60 ft e of Oakley av, 30x97. D Harry Hammer to Virgil Fry, 99 years from November 1, 1890; lessee to erect three-story building m nine months, improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation... 300 uAKE st, 30x180, n f, 80 ft e of La Salle, N C Foster, of Eau Claire, Wis, to C G Wheeler, 99 years from May 1, 1894; buildings to be pur- chased by lessor at end of lease at actual cash value or lease may be extended 99 years at cur- rent rate of interest. 99 years 3 500 LAKE st, s w cor La Salle, 80x80, Grant Walker ' a?d , M A G lasige, of Boston, Mass, to Walter H Wilson, 99 years from June 1, 1890: lessee to erect building costing not less than $35,000, improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation 8,750 LAKE st, Nos 132 and 134, 40x90, Gran* Walker, Weston, Mass, trustee, to Jacob L Kesner, 99 years from April 1, 1905; if lessee decides to construct new building it must be completed by May 1, 1916, and must cost not less than $50,000; in lieu of constructing a new build- ing the lessee must deposit on or before April 1, 1915, with the Northern Trust Company in- surance policies on his life to the amount of $20,000, or $20,000 in cash or securities satisfac- tory to the Northern Trust Co to the value of $20,000; lessee may purchase land any time prior to April 1, 1910, for $100,000; lessor to purchase buildings at end of lease at actual cash value as determined by appraisal. 99 years 4 000 LAKE st, s f, 40.2 ft w of Clark st, 40.2x90, Grant Walker, of Boston, Mass, to Walter H Wil- son, 99 years from October 1, 1892; lessee agrees to alter and improve the premises within four years from October 1, 1892, at a cost of not less than $15,000 ; buildings to go to lessor at end of lease ; lessee has option of purchase of ground within 10 years at $135,000. J<> years 5 OOO 89 years 6,000 T AKE st, West, s e cor Union, n f, 25x156, Caro- line Ely et al of New York, and T E Patterson, Chicago, to Charles A Raggio, 99 years from October 1, 1895; lessee to construct within five years from May 1, 1896, a four-story building; lease may be extended 99 years at 5 per cent on the fair cash value of the ground, or buildings to be purchased by lessor at end of lease at fair cash value. Jg years 1,500 89 years 1,80* LAKE av, n w cor Fifty-sixth st, 44x236, Quenten Johnstone to John W Trainor, 50 years from May 1, 1909; in the event that the property be- comes subject to prohibition laws, through the exercise of local option or otherwise, the ground rent is to be reduced from $1,500 to $1,100. 50 years 1,500 92 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. GROUND LEASES. Per Year LAKE st, 129 ft w of State st, s f, 50x147, James D Murphy to Devoe & Raynolds Co, 99 years From May 1, 1912; lessees to construct building prior to May 1, 1913, to cost not less than $60,- 000 ; building to lessor at expiration of lease with- out compensation. 1 year 5,200 1 year 8,000 97 years 10,000 LAKE st, East, s e cor Wabash av, n f, 40x100, Lucy J Atwater, of Poughkeepsie, N Y, to Chauncey Keep, 198 years from Feb 1, 1912; les- see to erect new building prior to Feb 1, 1922, to cost not less than $150,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years 9,000 193 years 10,000 LAKE st, n e cor North State st, s f, 68x140, Frederick B Tuttle to Landon Cabell Rose, Geo Lighten and David J Schuyler, Jr, 99 years from Sept 14, 1912; lessee purchases building for $50,- 000 and agrees to expend in addition, sum not less than $40,000; lessee to erect building prior to May 1, 1940, to cost not less than $200,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 10 years 32,000 10 years 37,000 79 years 40,000 LAKE st, Nos 18-20, s f, 31x150, between State and Dearborn sts, James D Murphy to National Clock and Mfg Co, 99 years from May 1, 1913; lessee to erect a building prior to May 1, 1923.; buildings to lessor at expiration of term with- out compensation. 2 years 5,000 97 years 6,000 LAKE SHORE blvd, Evanston, n e and n w cor Greenleaf st, 117.5x200 and 117.5x175, Frank M Elliott to the Evanston Boat Club, 96 years from July 12, ,1892; lessee may remove buildings at end "of lease. 96 years 500 LA SALLE st, Nos 120 to 124, e f, 75x120, Ray- mond W Stevens to the Hotel La Salle Co, 96 years from May 1, 1908; lessee to construct fire- proof building to cost not less than $600,000, not less than 22 stories high, to be ready for occu- pancy May 1, 1910; to lessor at expiration of lease without compensation. 1 year 9,600 95 years 38,400 LA SALLE st, Nos 327 to 335, w f, 99J4xl05, between Van Buren and Harrison sts, Miss Kate Fowler, of New York City, to Edgar A Buzzell, 99 years from March 1, 1910; lessee to erect a building not less than 10 stories high; building to lessor at end of term without compensation ; lessor may extend lease for additional 25 years at same rental. 99 years 5,625 LA SALLE st, Nos 119 and 121, w f, 148 ft n of Madison, 29x101, Bronson B Tuttle, of Nauga- tuck, Conn, to S M Parish, 99 years from Oc- tober 15, 1899; buildings to og to the lessor at the termination of the lease ; lessee may remove buildings upon depositing $70,000 with the lessor. 99 years 10,000 LA SALLE av, s e cor Illinois st, 39x70, Philip L August Schwarz and Gottlieb F Schwarz to John Angus, 99 years from April 1, 1892; lessee to erect a first-class building costing not less than $12,000 by October 1, 1892, to be purchased by lessor at end of term at one-half fair cash value. 5 years 1,300 95 years 1,400 LA SALLE st. n w cor Madison, 52^x81, Uni- versity of Chicago, by Martin A Ryerson, to James W Stevens, 99 years from May 1, 1905; lessee to erect fireproof building not less than 12 stories high, to cost not less than $250,000, to be ready by Nov 1, 1907; building period may be extended to Nov I, 1909; lessor shall pur- chase buildings at expiration of lease. 99 years 23,400 LA SALLE st, Nos 194 and 196, 60x75, Mary K Otis to Charles B Foote, 96 years and eight months from May 1, 1907; lessee to erect by May 1, 1908, modern building, to cost not less than $150,000; lessee may purchase property upon any rent payment day during lease, pro- vided six months' notice is given. 96 years and 8 months 1 9,000 LA SALLE st, Nos 112 to 118, 100 ft s of Wash- ington st, 80x100, Chicago Exchange Building Company to Cyrus Bentley; lessee covenants to pay the ground rental under the original ground lease from William A Fuller during a term of 90 years and 1 month from March 31, 1900. 90 years 1 month 30,000 LA SALLE st, n w cor Adams, 128x75, Amalia Schloesser to Charles B Foote, 99 years from Jan 1, 1905; lessee to construct building to cost not less than $300,000 by May 1, 1908, to go to lessor at end of lease without compensation ; les- see may purchase land within six months after the death of Mrs Schloesser for $1,000,000. 2 years 30,000 3d year 22,000 4th year 25,000 95 years 30,000 LA SALLE st, Nos 347 to 355, formerly Pacific av, Nos 74 to 78, 100x105 Y,, Board of Educa- tion to Rand, McNally & Co, 98 years from May 1, 1902; lessee to erect fireproof building by May 1, 1906, to cost $100,000; lessee to have rent free during the period of construction, not to exceed eight months; lessor to purchase build- ing at expiration of lease at actual cash value... 4,800 GROUND LEASES. Per Year LA SALLE st, 148 ft n of Madison, w f, 29.9x 101, Bronson B Tuttle to Central Bank Vault Company, 9& I /Z years from November 1, 1895 ; buildings to go to lessor at end of term. 9S'/i years 12,500 LA SALLE st, 80x120, e f, 80 ft s of Washing- ton, W A Fuller to Exchange Building Com- pany, 99 years from May 1, 1893; lessees to erect by May 1, 1895, a building to cost not less than $400,000, to go to lessor at end of lease at one-half its appraised value, or may extend lease 99 years at $30,000 a year, at end of which time buildings will go to lessor. 1 year . 10,000 98 years 30,000 LA SALLE st, No 421, 22x105, David Zemansky to Isaac D Zeman of New York, N Y, 33 years from May 1, 1902; lessee to erect a six- story building by May 1, 1907, to cost not less than $30,000, and to be insured for $15,000; to be purchased at end of lease at one-half its appraised value. ppraise 3 year; 33 y 1,500 LA SALLE st, No 90, 20x111, H C Willing to L Baird and F Bradley, 99 years from February 1, 1890; buildings to revert to lessor at end of lease 3,000 LA SALLE st, Nos 128 and 130, 409x81, Jared Bassett, of Evanston, to Illinois Life Insurance Co, 99 years from May 1, 1905; lessee to erect a building not less than 12 stories by Nov 1, 1907, to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years 10,000 5 years 12,000 89 years 14,000 LA SALLE st, n e cor Van Buren st, 99x80, Edward Mendel and others to Benjamin I Greenebaum, 99 years from May 1, 1905 ; lessee to construct a fireproof building to cost not less than $200,000 by May 1, 1909; lessee giv- ing bond to guarantee the fulfillment of the con- tract; lease may be extended 50 years at an an- nual rental of $22,000; buildings to go to lessor at end of lease without compensation. 99 years 10,000 LA SALLE, North, 170 to 174, 190 ft in Randolph, e f, 40x80, George D Rumsey and others to Barnard & Miller, 99 years from July 1, 1906; lessee paid $10,000 for the building; in event of removal of building new structure shall cost not less than $35,000; lessee has privilege of the ex- tension of the lease for 25 years at the same rental but the building must be worth at least $35,000. 99 years 5,000 LA SALLE st, 96}4 ft n of Van Buren st, w f, 100x105, Wyoming Hotel Co to Benjamin I Greenebaum, Sheldon H Tolles and John H Webster, 73 years and 8 months less one day from Sept. 1, 1905; $40,000 paid for building; for any renewal or extension of this lease $11,- 000 per annum; buildings to go to lessor at expiraton of lease. Eight months, beginning Sept 1, 1905 7,000 5 years 12,000 5 years 10,000 63 years less one day ; 1 1,000 LA SALLE st, s e cor Harrison st, w f, 110x100, Feb 1, 1912, Northern Trust Co, as trustee for Albertine Field Drummond, to Wm N Rumely of La Porte, Ind, for 99 years from March 1, 1912; lessee to erect a building not less than seven stories, to cost not less than $100,000, to be ready not later than May 1, 1913; lessee has option to extend lease f9r 25 years at an annual rental of $10,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 9,500 LAWRENCE av, West, n e cor Kimball av, s f, 66x125, Edward Menkin to Alexander W Han- nah, 99 years from November 1, 1913, subject to lease from Edward Menkin to N W Land Assn of said It 24, which said lease may be cancelled at any time giving 60 deays' notice in writing to the lessee thereon. 99 years 2,000 LINCOLN av, s e cor Southport av, n e f, 104x 104x87 ft, Wm Meyer to John W Stafford and Solomon Klee, 99 years from July 1, 1913; lessee to erect a building prior to July 1, 1928, to cost at least $20,000; building to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 99 years 2,400 LINCOLN av, n w cor Ashland av, s w f, 274x242. with a depth of 130 ft, tract triangular shape, and 2-story building, Alfred B Church, New York City, Jessie E Sherwood et al, Elgin, 111, and Clark H Eno, Aurora, 111, to Saml and Jas Gross- man, 99 years from May 1, 1908; lessees to erect building to cost at least $18,000 within two years from date of lease ; also to erect another building on May 1, 1918, and to cost at least $25,000. 2 years 3,000 2 years 3,600 15 years 4,880 10 years 5,400 70 years 6,000 LINCOLN av, n e cor Lawrence av, s w f, lOOx 177x125, e f, on North Claremont av, Elizabeth A B Patterson and husband, Harry C, to Her- man L Gumbiner, 99 years from July 1, 1915; lessee to construct by 1920 buildings to cost at least $40,000, or if he puts $25,000 into a mer- cantile building by that time, he may erect a place of amusement at that place to cost $25,000. 5 years $4,000 5 years 6,000 89 years 6,500 CtKOUND LEASES. Per Year LINCOLN av, s e cor Fullerton av, w f, 141 J^x 17054, Mrs Marietta A Dow, of Aurora, 111, to Nicholas Wetzel Jr, term 99 years from Sept 1, 1911; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $20,000, on or before Sept 1, 1914; build- ings to lessor at end of term without compen- sation. 10 years 1,600 10 years 1,800 79 years 2,000 MADISON st, n w cor Market st, s f, 194 ft 4 in x 200^4 ft and 184 ft 8 l / 2 in on n line. Wm V Kelley to The Chicago Daily News Co, 198 years from Aug 1, 1913; lessee agrees to erect a fire proof building to cost at least $500,000 prior to May 1, 1923 ; building to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 5 years 45,000 10 years 60,000 183 years 75,000 MADISON st, n f, 45.33x90, 114 ft e of La Salle st, Nos 140 to 142, Michael Burke to Frederick R Barnheisel, president of H H Kohlsaat & Co. 99 years from May 1, 1912; lessee to construct a fireproof building prior to May 1, 1913, to cost not less than $75,000 with foundations sufficiently substantial to carry a building reaching 80 feet from the sidewalk level. 5 years 12,000 5 years 13,000 A9 years 15,000 MADISON st, East, Nos 268 and 270, n f, 44x99, 40 ft w of Market st, Moritz Freytag to Alex- ander W Hannah, 99 years from May 1, 1911; lessee paid $15,000 for the building and agrees to expend $25,000 in improving the present buildings prior to May 1, 1912; buildings to go to lessor at expiration of lease without compen- sation. 20 years 6,000 79 years 8,000 MADISON st, West, s e cor of Clinton st, w f, 79 MADISON st, n f, 16754 ft e of Clark st, 22*4* 199.5, old No 108, Helen A Mowry, Helen R Andrews and Eleanor Andrews of Chicago and W A Andrews of Brooklyn, N. Y, to the Moir Hotel and Restaurant Company, 105 years and six months from Nov 1, 1910; lessee to erect fireproof building not less than ten stories high prior to May 1, 1923, to go to lessor at expiration of lease. 105 years and 6 months 18,000 MADISON st, East, new Nos 71 to 79, old Nos 110 to 114, between Clark and Dearborn sts, Maurice and Harry Rosenfeld to Harry C Moir 96 years, one month and two days from March 94 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. GBOUND LEASES. Per Year 30, 1911, to April 30, 2007; lessee agrees that he will not later than May 1, 1923, remove pres- ent buildings and replace with a first class fire- proof structure; building shall be at least ten stories high to be ready 18 months after re- moval of old buildings; to cost not less than $400,000; lessee deposits $100,000 with the Chi- cago Title and Trust Co as security for the per- formance of all the terms of the lease and to further secure the performance of the terms the lessee agrees to deposit $10,000 annually (pro- viding the new building agreed to be erected shall not have been begun prior to May 1, 1911) until the erection of new building shall have been begun; buildings to go to lessors at end of of term without compensation; extension of term for SO years at a yearly rental of not less than $38,000. 7 years, 1 month 36,000 89 years 38,000 MADISON st. West, No 177-181, n f, 60x100, be- tween Fifth av and La Salle st (old No 178-82 East Madison st), Kate F Ross and Geo F Ross, her husband, Altadena, Cal, und Vi, Geo A Tate and wife, Theresa, of Los Angeles, Cal, Ji, Har- Tiette D Lewis and James E, her husband, of DeKalb, III, tf, to G Arthur Buhl, 99 years *rom Nov 1, 1911; lessee has purchased building for $20,000 subject to lease of Jno Z Vogelsang, xp April 30, 1915, who agrees to erect modern fireproof building to cost not less than $200,000, not less than 10 stories and basement in height, to be ready for occupancy by April 30, 1920, to go to lessor at end of term without compensa- 4 years . 11,000 5 years 16,000 5 years 18,000 85 years 22,000 MADISON st. East, old No 246 to 252 (new No 319 to 331), n f, 90x189.75, 90 ft e of Market st, Elsa Madlener to Edward A Renwick, Hoy B Tabor, Frederick A Brown, Charles A White and Alfred S Benson, trustees under the Mad- ison St Trust Agreement, for 99 years from Dec 1, 1911; lessee purchases building and to expend $40,000 on present building by Tune 1, 1912; lessee to erect new 8-story building by Dec 1, 1936, to cost not less than $400,000, to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 25 years 20,000 74 years. 25,000 MADISON st. East, old No 172 (new No 165-167), n f, 30x189, between La Salle st and Fifth av, Geo W Homan of Chicago to Nelson B Williams of Bedford, N Y, and Chas Counselman of Chi- cago, joint tenancy, 100 years from May 1, 1911: lessee purchases building for $8,000; lessee shall have right within 25 years to move present build- ing and erect new steel fireproof building to cost not less than $50,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 1 year ' 6,000 5 years 10,000 94 years 12,000 MADISON st. West, s w cor Market st, n f, 40x 99, Marcus Marx to Alexander W Hannah, 198 years from Nov 1, 1911; lessee may after 15 years remove buildings and erect fireproof build- ing at least 8 stories high to cost at least $50,- 000, to go to lessor at end of term. 198 years 10,000 MADISON, st. West, n e cor Halsted st, s f, 42x 187, Eliz C Parker to H Solomon, A Simon and L J Solomon of Chicago and Sidney Simon of Waterloo, la, and Harry Simon of Oelwein, la, 99 years from July 1, 1911; lessees to construct building to cost not less than $25,000 within 25 years from date of this lease; lessee to deposit $25,000 with C T & T Co before taking down present buildings; lessor to purchase buildings at end of term; lessees purchase the 4-story brick and stone building now on premises for $25,000. 1 year 10,500 41 years 11,000 57 years 13,000 MADISON st. West, n e cor Robey st, s f, ISlx 125, The Hibernian Baking Association as trust- ee, WM B White, Gertrude Florence Tyler and Frank B White to Max Goldstine and Peter J Schaefer, 198 years from Jan 2, 1912; lessee to erect a first class building to cost not less than $40,000 to be ready Jan 1, 1915; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 198 years 7,500 MADISON st. West, a w cor Fortieth ar, n f, lOlx 121, Anna B Nelson, of Ann Arbor, Mich, to Leroy C Towle, 99 years from Dec 1, 1912; lessee may erect building to cost $35,000 after making a deposit of $25,000 in bonds to secure fulfillment of agreement ; buildings to be purchased by lessor at expiration of term a t80 per cent of ap- praised value ; lessor may elect to extend lease for 50 years at $5,000 a year in lieu of buying buildings, in such an event improvements go to the lessor at the expiration of the lease without compensation. 5 years - 3,500 5 years - 4,000 89 years 5,000 MADISON st. West, Nos 1462 to 1466, bet Ogden av and Bishop ct, a f, 6354x125, 3-story building to be erected by lessor, Chester A Cook and Raymond C Cook of Evanston to Peter Wohl and Welburn D Comstock, 99 years from May 1, 1912; lessee has option to purchase premises for $37,800 prior to Jan 1, 1926. 99 years 2,076 In addition 20,000 MADISON st, West, Nos 183-5, n f, 4654 ft e of Fifth av, 25x100, Miss Louise Herrick and Mrs Anna de Teresa to Joseph M Finn, 198 years GROUND LEASES. Per Year from May 1, 1912; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $25,000, to be ready by May 1, 1923; building to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 2 years .................. . ................. 4,000 10 years .................................... 7,500 186 years ..................................... 9,000 MADISON st. West, No 1859, s e cor Lincoln st, n f, 25x125, Estate of Jennings to Saml P Davis and Bernhardt R Ferson ; 99 years from Jan , 1911. 99 years ..................................... 1,600 MADISON st, West, 160 ft w of North Franklin st, s f, 25x180, Margaret L Perry, Alice P Alton, Florence P Green and Archarge P Holls- worth to Illinois Publishing & Printing Co, 99 years from Jan 1, 1913; lessor to erect business building at least three stories high, to cost not less than $20,000, to be completed not later than five years from date ; buildings to lessor at end of term. 1 year ....................................... 2,500 9 years ....................................... 5,000 89 years ....................................... 6.000 MADISON st, West, 50 ft w of South Fortieth n, s I, 25x175, Joseph Nelson to Jno E Decker, Sept 1, 1912 to Aug 1, 2011; term rental $91,200; lessee agrees to construct building to cost not less than $10,000; bldgs to lessor at end of term without compensation. 10 years ...................................... 600 10 years ....................................... 720 10 years ........................ . .............. 780 10 years ....................................... 840 10 years ....................................... 900 10 years ....................................... 960 10 years ....................................... 1,020 10 years ....................................... 1,080 10 years ....................................... 1,140 9 years ....................................... 1,200 MADISON st, West, Nos 4755-57, s e cor South Forty-eighth av, 50x165, John Cella to Samuel Rothschild, 99 years from May 1, 1915; it is agreed that a lease from Katherine Walsh and Edwd P Walsh, dated Dec 1, 1904, demising the premises to James and Jos Orado, expires on April 30, 1915 ; said lessee will have no further in- terests or rights to occupy the premises; lessee will pay $5,000, and on the first day of May, 1915, the further sum of $4,625 for the building now standing on the premises; property is subject to a trust deed to secure a note for $10,000; lessee to purchase buildings at expiration of lease. S years ...................................... 3,500 94 years ...................................... 5,000 MADISON st W, Nos 1350 and 1352, 100 ft e of Sheldon st, s f, 50x116, William Lawther of Dubuque, la, to Adolph N Perlman, 99 years from Oct 1, 1914; lessee agrees to expend not less than $5,000 on improvements on building within two years. 10 years ...................................... 2,500 10 years ...................................... 3,000 10 years ...................................... 4,000 69 years ...................................... 5,000 MAPLEWOOD v, s e cor Bloomingdale av, w f, 805^x12554, also Campbell av, s w cor Bloom- ingdale av, e f, 96x125, these properties be- ing adjacent, Samuel Gans to Sylvester Whee- lock, 99 years from May 1, 1895. 99 years ..................................... 900 MAPLEWOOD av, s e cor Bloomingdale av, 80$$x 125^4, and Campbell av, s w cor Blooming- dale av, 96!^xl25!4, Samuel E Gans to Syl- vester Wheelock, 99 years from May 1, 1898, lessee to construct certain two-story flat buildings by May 1, 1899, to go to lessor at termination of lease. 99 years ..................................... 900 MARKET at, Nos 126 to 132, e f, 99x271, 99 ft n of Monroe st, Sept 1, 1909, Robert H Law and Elizabeth A Ware to Selz, Schwab & Co, 98 years and 4 months from Sept 1, 1909; lessee purchased buildings for $25,000; lessee to complete before Sept 1, 1919, on westerly part of lot a new building covering at leas't 8,000 sq ft and not less than five stories and basement, suitable for mercantile or manufacturing purposes, costing not less than $100,000, or to complete on easterly portion a new similar building covering not less than 12,000 sq ft and not less than six stories and basement, costing not less than $125,000; build- ings to lessors at end of term without compensa- tion. 4 months ................................... 5,000 4 years ..................................... 15,000 1 year ...................................... 16,500 93 years ..................................... 20,000 MARKET st, 198 ft s of Madison st, e f, 10x150, and a strip 25 ft square next west and adjoin- ing the 10 feet described, to be used as a private alley, Robert Law to Henry Corwith, 99 years from Aug 24, 1882; lessor shall have right to use in common with lessee a strip of land 25 ft square north and adjoining said 25 ft south of first above described. 99 years ...................... '. .............. 300 MARKET st, e f, 300 ft s of Van Buren st, irreg- ular, 141 n, e 165 ft 8% in, Chicago river frontage of 62 ft 3$ in, s w It 173 ft 854 in; Marshall Field to Union Elevated Railroad Co, 99 ears from January 1, 1896; lessee to construct uilding to cost not less than $100,000, by Jan- uary 1, 1898, to go to lessor at end of term. 99 years ..................................... 6,000 MARKET st, 47x100, e f, 62 ft s of Oak st, J J Kreer to John F and Mary E Walsh, 99 years from October 1, 1894, building valued at $5,000, to be purchased by lessor at actual cash value. 99 years ..................................... 550 y b GROUND LEASES. Per Year MARKET st, e f, from Quincy to Jackson and back to river, 165 by about 132 ft, James and Joseph Oliver of South Bend, Ind, to John B Mailers, 99 years, from May 1, 1892; lessee to erect by May 1, 1894, a building not less than seven stories high, and costing not less than $300,000, to expend $75,000 on the building in 1892: lessee having option of purchase at $550,- 000 before January 1, 1895, improvements to go to lessor at 80 per cent of appraised value at end of lease. 5 years 20,000 5 years 22,500 88 years 25,000 Renewal for 99 years at $25,000. MARKET st, No 87, w f, 20Mx80#, Harry J Farnham to Iroquois Memorial hospital, 99 years from Aug. 1, 1908; lessee to expend $5,000 in im- provements on present building not later than May 1, 1911, or may tear down the building and erect a new building, to cost not less than $20,- 000; to go to lessor at end of lease without compensation. 99 years 1,800 MARKET st, w f, 150 ft n of Monroe, 40x90, Nos 127 and 129, with five-story-and-basement brick building, Mrs Julia P Warren of Rockford, III, to Frank P Baker, 99 years, from July 15, 1891; lessee to construct within four months two additional stories and remodel into a modern building at a cost of not less than $25,000, lessor to purchase improvements at end of lease at half appraised value 6,000 MARKET st, 50x110, 150 ft no of VanBuren, e f, Thomas R Lyon to Metropolitan Elevated Rail- road" Company, 199 years from July 1, 1898. buildings to go to the lessor at the expiration of this lease. 199 years 3,000 MARKET st, n e cor West Randolph st, w f, 20x90, Lawrence A R Erhard, Tr, to William A Fisher, 99 years from Aug 25, 1914; lessee pur- chases present building; lessee to erect build- ing to cost not less than $20,000, to be com- pleted by Aug 25, 1924; building to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 5 years 2,500 5 years 3,000 89 years 4,000 MARKET st, n e cor Washington st, w f, 40x80, Marie Lefens to Wm Herbert Johnson, 99 years from May 1, 1914, lessee to erect first-class mercantile or office building to cost not less than $30,000 prior to May 1, 1926; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 7 years 4,000 5 years 4,500 15 years 5,000 72 years 6,000 MICHIGAN av, Nos 2446 and 2448, e f, 50x126 ft on south and 186 ft on north, being 100 ft north of Twenty-fifth st, and improvements, Thomas H Phillips to Howard Ames, 99 years from Sept 1, 1902: lessees to erect building costing not less than $5,000; lessors to take build- ing at end of term at appraised value. 99 years 1,500 MICHIGAN av, 175 ft s of Twenty-second st, e f, 25x174, Garabed T Pushman to Landon C Rose, 99 years from March 1, 1910; lessee to pay all taxes and complete before March 1, 1911, a build- ing to cost at least $45,000, to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years 1,562.50 10 years 1,875.00 10 years 2,187.50 10 years 2,500.00 15 years 3,125.00 49 years 3,750.00 MICHIGAN ar. No 330, e f, 24x171, Daisy M Turner of Skaneateles, N Y, to Elizabeth P Kimbark, 198 years from Oct 1, 1909; lessee pays to lessor $25,000 and is thereby not required to improve the property unless present building is removed or destroyed; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 1 year 2,000 6 years 2,600 25 years 3,000 25 years 3,250 25 years 3,500 17 years 4,000 99 years 6,000 MICHIGAN av, Nos 145 and 147, e f, 71 2-3x171, Caryl Young to New Illinois Athletic Club of Chicago, by Wm Hale Thompson, president, 99 years from July 1, 1905; lessee to erect a modern steel fireproof building costing at least $450,000 by July 1, 1906; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 25,000 MICHIGAN av, n w cor Hubbard ct, e f, 80x180, First Trust and Savings Bank, trustee, Otto Young, deceased, to the Drake Hotel Co, by Tracy C Drake, president, 144 years and 3 months from Oct 1, 1908; lessee to erect a build- ing not less than 12 stories, fireproof, to cost not less than $800,000, to be ready by May 1, 1910; buildings to go to lessor at end of term with- out compensation. During erection of building lessee is entitled to an abatement of rent amount- ing to $17,850. 3 months a total of $300. 5 years, commencing Tan 1, 5 years, commencing Tan 1, 89 years, commencing Tan 1, 45 years, commencing Jan 1, MICHIGAN blvd, n e cor East Twenty-third st, w f, 50x160, except bldgs; Ellen L Van Schaick to William Waller; 99 years from Jan 1, 1916; buildings to lessor at end of term without com- pensation. Per year 99 years $4,500 1909 25,000 1914 30,000 1919 33,500 2008 40,000 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 95 I QBOUND LEASES. MICHIGAN av, 56 ft n of Harmon pi, e f, 78x 127)4, Nos 309 to 311, Adolph J Lichtstern to Augusta Lehmann, Emelia Peacock, Edward J Lehmann, Augusta E Spies, Edith M Lehmann and Otto W Lehmann, 197 years and 3 months; present building valued at $175,000; lessees to maintain a building of said value during tern lessors to purchase buildings at end of tern ng of said value during term; it-rouia LU pui.uase buildings at end of term; if they do not, lessees may renew lease for an- other 198 years at a rental based on 454% of the appraised value of the land. 197 years and 3 months 15,750 MICHIGAN av, s w cor Eldridge ct, 134x241, First Trust and Savings Bank, Trustee, Otto Young to S Karpen & Bros, 99 years; lessees to erect by May 1, 1911, on Michigan av, a fireproof build- ing costing at least $250,000, and within ten years on Eldridge ct a building costing at least $100,800. 2 years 10,000 15 years 30,000 10 years 33,000 72 years 35,000 MICHIGAN blvd, No 1619, 37.8x163, Flora L Reed to William Herlan and Samuel Block, 99 years from Feb 1, 1909; lessees to erect build- ing by Feb 1, 1911, to cost not less than $20,000, and to be not less than two stories high, to go to lessor at the expiration of the lease. 5 years 2,000 20 years 2,500 20 years 3,000 74 years 3,600 MICHIGAN blvd, n w cor Thirteenth st, 100x171, Mrs Mary A Tuttle and Howard B Tuttle, of Naugatucfc, Conn, to Alexander Dryburgh and Frederick Findeisen, 9 years and 2 months from Sept 1, 1907; lessees to remodel building at a cost of $200,000, to be finished by November 1, 1908; building to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. One year and two months 11,629 2 years 1 9,1 98 14 years 22,948 5 years 25,525 14 years 28,535 63 years 22,000 MICHIGAN av, No 285, 28*4x165, Edna M Flood, formerly Edna M Boal, to John B Pierce, 99 years from Feb 1, 1906; lessee has the right to cancel the lease at the expiration of eight years upon the payment of $8,000; buildings to go to lessor at the expiration of lease without compensation. 2 years 2,000 2 years 3,000 16 years 4,000 79 years Four per cent upon the appraised value, but it shall not be less than $4,000 annually. MICHIGAN av, a e cor of Thirtieth st, 73x119, Elizabeth A Ware to Walter C Randolph, 99 years, from June 1, 1890; lessee to erect build- ing costing not less than $75,000 and not less than five stories high, by June 1, 1891; lessor to purchase improvements at end of term at an ap- praised value 4.500 MICHIGAN av, Nos 230 and 231, 52x172, Ed- ward T Blair and John C Melley, trustees, to Congress Hotel Company, 99 years from Feb 1, 1906; lessee to construct prior to Feb 1, 1908, a fireproof building not less than twelve stories high, to cost not less than $150,000. 6 years 10,400 93 years Four per cent upon fair cash value of the land, but in no event shall it be less than $10,400 annually. MICHIGAN av, e f, 52 ft n of Adams st, 39x171, with improvements, William C Comstock to Wil- liam C Ritchie, 198 years, from May 1, 1891, improvements to go to lessor at end of term with- out cost 5,500 MICHIGAN av. No 228, 26x172, Mrs Mary M Walker to Congress Hotel Company, 100 years, from May 1, 1905; lessee to erect by May 1 1910, a building to cost not less than $40,000; to go to lessor at expiration of lease without compensation. 100 years 6,000 MICHIGAN blvd, n w cor Hubbard pi, 80x171, First Trust & Savings Bank, trustee estate of Otto Young, to the Drake Hotel Co, 144 years and three months from Oct 1, 1908; the lessees agree to construct a fireproof building not less than 12 stories high, to cost not less than $600,- 000, to go to the lessors at the expiration of the lease without compensation. 1 year 1,200 4 years and 3 months 25.000 K 5 years 30,000 89 years 33.500 45 years 40,000 MICHIGAN av e f, 80 ft s of Peck ct, 40x180, Catharine L Cameron to H S Bucklen, 99 years from May 1, 1890, with the option of purchase within ten years, for $60,000; lessee to erect building costing not less than $40,000, improve- ments to go to lessor at end of term without compensation 2,800 MICHIGAN av, n e cor of Lake st, 88x130.2, Joseph R Putnam to Thompson & Taylor Spice Company, 99 years from May 1, 1890; lessee to erect building costing not less than $70,000, by May 1, 1891, improvements to be purchased by lessor at end of term at an appraised value. 1 year g,7SO 98 years 7,300 MICHIGAN av, Nos 3006-08, 48x100, O H Horton to W H Blood, 99 years, from January 1, 1890, at $1.800 per year, with option of 33 years more, building not less than four stories and costing at least $37,500, to be erected by lessee, which is to be purchased by lessor at termination of \ lease at an appraised value 1,800 OROTJND LEASES. Per Year MICHIGAN av, n w cor of Monroe st, 38x171, J F Stafford to A J Cooper, 99 years, from May 1, 1889; lessee to erect building costing not less than $25,000, improvements to go to lessor at termination of lease without compensa- tion 5.000 MICHIGAN av, Nos 3117 and 3119, 50x160, Peter Schoenhofen to Edward B Fish, 99 years, from January 1, 1890, buildings costing not less than $5,000 to be erected by lessee, which are to be purchased by lessor at an appraised value 1,600 MICHIGAN av, w f, 684.8 ft s of Fourteenth st, 21x161.3, Adolph J Lichstern to R J Gunning, 99 years, from Feoruary 9, 1891; lessor to buy improvements at end of term at an appraised value 900 MICHIGAN, av, Nos 3002 and 3004, 48x100, O H Horton to W H Blood, 99 years, from Jan- uary 1, 1890, with option of 33 years more, lessee to erect building not less than four stories and costing not less than $37,500; lessor to pur- chase buildings at termination of lease at an appraised value 1 ,800 MICHIGAN av, n w cor of Sixteenth it, 163.9x 172, Marshall Field to First Infantry Armory Association, 99 years, from January 1, 1890; lessee to erect building by May 1, 1891, costing not less than $100,000, improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation... 4,000 MICHIGAN av, e f, 112 ft s of Congress st, 26x 172, Mary J Wilmarth and Anna H Wilmarth to Congress Hotel Company, 99 years, from May 1, 1892; lessee to improve at a cost of not less than $20,000, by November 1, 1893, improve- ment to be purchased by lessor at end of lease. 5,200 MICHIGAN av, w f, 275 ft n of Thirteenth st, 25x131, Richard B Field, Cincinnati, O, to Jos- eph R Putnam, 99 years' lease, from July 1, 1891; lessor to purchase improvements at end of term at an appraised value or extend lease for 99 years more 1 ,500 MICHIGAN av, w f, 125 ft n of Twenty-second st, 25x161.3, Hannah W Jennings to Nellie Bacheldor, 99 years, from May 1, 1891, build- ings to go to lessor at end of term 1,600 Renewal for 99 years at 5 per cent on appraised value. MICHIGAN av, n e cor Twenty-second st, w f, 125x161.3 ft. Warren A Wells to the Lexing- ton Hotel Company, 99 years, from August T, 1891; lessee to build by October 1, 1892, 10-story fireproof hotel and store building, to go to lessor at end of lease; lessee has option of purchase of ground within 10 years at $450,- 000. From May 1, 1892 22,500 Renewal tor 99 years at 5 per cent on appraised value. MICHIGAN av, e f, 180 ft s of Hubbard ct, 30x 180, Thomas R Lyon of Ludington, Mich, to Herbert E Bucklen, 99 years from May 1, 1892; lessee cannot assign lease until he has erected building to cost not less than $40,000, to go to lessor at end of term; lessee has privilege of purchase in 10 years at $75,000. 4 years 1,800 95 years 3,600 MICHIGAN av, e f, 68 ft n of Monroe st, 48x 177 ft, E K Butler to H H Kohlsaat, 99 years from March 1, 1892; lessee to erect by May 1, 1894, a building to cost not less than $50,- 000, to go to lessor at end of lease. 1st year 2.000 98 years 6,500 MICHIGAN av, a w cor Congress st, 6254x122, Joseph H Rice and Ignatz Friedman to William Fitzgerald, 99 years from May 1, 1892; lessee to erect building by November 1, 1893, to cost not less than $125,000, to be purchased by les- sors at end of term or lessors can extend lease 99 vears at $15,000 a year; assigned to Perry D Creager April 15, 1892 15,000 MICHIGAN av, e f, 6254 ft s of Congress st, 26x 110, C W Fullerton to William Fitzgerald, 99 years from May 1, 1892; lessee to erect by January 1, 1894, a fireproof building not less than eight stories high and to cost not less than $300,000, to go to lessor at actual cash value at end of lease; assigned to Peary D Creager April 15, 1892 5,000 MICHIGAN av, e f, 88.5 ft s of Congress st, 26x 110, F A Helmer to William Fitzgerald, 99 years from May 1, 1892; lessee to erect a building of not less than eight stories at a cost of not less than $30,000 by Nov 1, 1893, to be pur- chased by lessor at end of term at appraised value; assigned to Perry D Creager, April 15, 1892 4,500 MICHIGAN blvd. No 306, 60x201, Edwin F Gil- lette, Delphine May Gillette Jenks to Augusta Lehmann and others, 198 years from March 1, 1909; lessee to erect within 20 years a first-class building to cost not less than $100,000, pending which they will deliver a bond in $100,000 to guarantee the fulfillment of this part of the contract; buildings to go to lessor at the expira- ration of the lease without compensation. 10 years 10,000 188 years 12,000 MICHIGAN av, e f, 150.3 ft n of Twenty-second st, 49.9x119, Charles H Deere, of Mofine, 111, to James Ingram, 99 years from June 2, 1892; lessee to erect a seven-story apartment house covering entire ground and costing not less than $100,000 by May 1, 1893, to be purchased by lessor at end of lease or latter to be extended for 99 years at appraised valuation 6.000 MICHIGAN av. No 147, 40x171, Boston Ground Rent Trust Company to N B Judah, 99 years from January 1, 1890; improvements to go to lessor without compensation at termination of lease .- 4.000 GB.OUND LEASES. Per Yeai MICHIGAN av, s e cor Thirtieth st, 99x119, Mar- garet W Rhodes to Lakota Company, 99 years from December 1, 1891 ; lessee to erect building eight stories high and worth $300,000 by Decem- ber 31, 1892; lessor to purchase buildings at fair cash value at end of lease or extend lease 99 years at 6 per cent on appraised value 7,500 MICHIGAN av, n e cor Fortieth st, 91x160.3, D R Lewis to Peter J Biegler and John D Evans. 98 years from October 15, 1893; lessees to buim by November 1. 1894, an apartment house to cost not less than $100,000, to be purchased at end of lease. 3 years from May 1, 1894 4,968 95 years 3.60O MICHIGAN blvd. No 1619, 37.8x163, Flora L Reed to William Herlan and Samuel Block, 99 years from February 1, 1909; lesses to erect building by February 1, 1911, to cost not less than $20,000, and to be not less than two stories high, to go to lessor at the expiration of the lease. 5 years 2,000 20 years 2,500 20 years 3,000 54 years 3.60O MICHIGAN av, n e cor South Water st, 130x75, Z Stiles Ely to Lorraine F Bowyer, 99 years from May 1, 1902; lessee to construct six-story building within 20 years at a cost of $75,000; lessee may purchase ground at any time during lease for $175,000. . 6 years 5,250 93 years 7,000 MICHIGAN av, 250 ft s of Twelfth st, w f, 27.2x 131}^, M A T Peck to James H Parish, 99 years from October 1, 1894. 18 months 5,040 9754 years 2,160 MICHIGAN av, e f, 220 ft n of Harrison st, 3854x172*4, F W Peck to Congress Hotel Co, 98 years 9 months and 7 days from May 23, 1892; lessee to erect building to cost not less than 4200,000 by November 1, 1893; to be pur- chased by lessor at end of lease 7,700 MICHIGAN av, Nos 154 and 155, 3954x171, William C Comstock to William C Ritchie, 198 years from May 1, 1891 ; rental to be paid in gold coin ; lessee to maintain a six-story build- ing to cost at least $75,000. 198 years 5,500 MICHIGAN av. No 134, 30x171, G A Armour to McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, *30 years from October 1, 1898; lessee may pur- chase land at expiration of lease at$l 10,000. 3 years 2,500 96 years 5,000 MICHIGAN av, 159 ft s of Madison st, e f, 62x 71, Stanley McCormick to Frederick Bode and George Ebeling, 99 years from January 1, 1903; lessee purchased building for $301,577; building to revert to lessor at the expiration of the lease. 7 years 7,440 92 years 12,400 MICHIGAN av, Nos 148 and 149, 40x171, es- tate of Eldridge M Fowler, deceased, to Jacob L Kessner, 99 years from October 1, 1905; lessee to expend $30,000 in reconstruction of present buildings within six months ; in the event that the lessee desires to construct a new fireproof building it shall be completed within one year from October 1, 1905; improvements shall revert to lessor at expiration of lease. 99 years 10,000 MICHIGAN blvd. No 2429, w f, 25x165, Carl Buhl and Jos Theurer to John E Kernott and Clarence E Beck, for 198 years from February 1, 1910; lease dated February 1, 1910; lessee to pay all taxes; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years 1,000 5 years 1,200 188 years 1,500 MICHIGAN blvd, w f, No 2339, 25x161, Jas Hoi- ton to John G Cottle, for 99 years from July 1, 1910; lessee to erect a three-story building for business purposes, to cost not less than $25,000, to go to lessor at end of term without compensa- tion. 10 years 2,100 89 years 2,600 MICHIGAN blvd, s w cor Thirtieth st, e f, 123x 100, Jacob L Kesner to James W Stafford and Margaret J Busch, for 99 years from October 1, 1910; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 7,600 MICHIGAN blvd, s w cor Hubbard pi, 77x172, Thomas Smith to Mrs Julia F Heyworth, 198 years from May 1, 1906; lessee to construct fire- proof building by June 1, 1907, to cost not less than $100,000; to go to lessor at expiration of lease without compensation. 5 years 12,000 5 years 16,000 89 years 20,000 99 years 25,000 MICHIGAN av, Nos 226 and 22*, 41x172, e f, Rosina Hooley, Grace E Hurlbut and Mary Hooley to Congress Hotel Company, 99 years from May 1, 1901 ; building of fireproof construc- tion to cost $100,000 to be ercted on or before November, 1902. 99 years 7,000 MICHIGAN blvd. No 1208, 50x18054, John P Wilson to Jacob L Kesner, 99 years from Feb- ruary 1, 1905; lessee to erect on or before Feb- ruary 1, 1906, new building covering entire front- age, not less than two stories, to cost not less than $20,000; building to go to lessor at expira- tion of lease without compensation. 10 years 2,500 89 years 3,000 96 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. GROUND LEASES. Per Year MICHIGAN blvd, 48 ft s of Thirteenth st, w f, 24x130, J H Whittemore to George A Hart, 99 years from June 15, 1895; building to go to lessor at end of lease. 99 years .................................... 1.680 MICHIGAN blvd. No 337, 30x171, Edward D Thayer to Lauris B Baldwin, 184 years from May 1, 1904; lessee to construct a fireproof building to cost not less than $25,000, to be ready by May 1, 1909. 184 years .................................. 2,200 MICHIGAN blvd, Nos 1537 and 1537, 42x161, Henry Schlacks to the Chicago Cold Storage Warehouse Company, 25 years from March 1, 1903; lessee to erect building prior to March 1, 1907, to cost at least $10,000; lessee may pur- chase the land at any time during the first 20 years of the lease for $40,000, and at any time durig 25 years for $50,000. 25 years .................................... 1,600 MICHIGAN blvd, n w cor Madison st, 38x16254, Catholic Bishop of Chicago to Montgomery Ward & Co, 43 years 10 months and 16 days from July 15, 1896; lessee to construct within nine months after removal of present building a structure to cost not less than $75,000 ; to be purchased by lessor at cash value at end of 13 years 10 months and 16 days .............. 3,500 15 years .................................... 4,000 15 years .................................... 6,000 MICHIGAN st, 50 ft w of Orleans st, n f, 168x 100, Fritz Goetz to the Denny Envelope & Tag Company, 25 years from the time of the com- Eletion of a building to be ready for occupancy y August 1, 1902; lessee may purchase ground and building within five years of date of lease, at $245,000, less $5,000 a year for the time oc- cupied. 25 years .................................... 15,000 MICHIGAN blvd. No 229, 26x172, Ann W Bur- ton and Mrs Virginia B Holmes to Congress Hotel Co, 99 years from July 1, 1902; lessee to erect building by July 1, 1912, to cost $50,000, to go to lessors at expiration of the lease ; lessee may purchase ground prior to July 12, 1902, at 4,000 MICHIGAN av, 170 ft n of Twenty-second st, w f, 80x161, Francis O Platt and Roseha B Kittridge of Highland Park to Burt J Fitzgerald, 198 years from Nov 1, 1911 ; lessee to erect new buildings in ten years costing at least $40,000; lessee may purchase Nov 1, 1913, for $144,000 and by Nov 1, 1916, for $150,000; no right . to purchase after Nov 1, 1916; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years .................................... 6,000 5 years .................................... 6,500 10 years .................................... 7,000 178 years .................................... 8,000 MICHIGAN av, n e cor Thirty-fifth st, w f, 152x 143.7, Edward B Butler to Simon W and Sam- uel J T Straus, 99 years from May 1, 1911; lessee to erect prior to May 1, 1912, two-story building covering w 50 ft, to contain stores in first and offices in second story, and a 1 -story brick building to cover s 50 ft or more of the e 91 ft, to contain stores facing on Thirty- fifth st, to cost not less than $25,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation ; lessees have option to purchase land on any quar- terly yearly rent payment day during first 30 years of this lease for $120,000. 10 years .................................... 3,500 S years .................................... 4,000 5 years .................................... 4,500 10 years .................................... 5,000 69 years .................................... 5,500 MICHIGAN av, Nos 166 to 170 (old Nos 87 to 89), e f, 48x1 29 J4 ft, between Lake and Ran- dolph sts, Estate of L C Paine Freer to Fed- eral Life Insurance Company. 99 years from May 1 1911; lessee to remove building within one year from May 1, 1911, and to replace it with a fireproof building not less than 10 stories, to cost not less than $150,000, if lessee desires to build five stories within specified time he may, provided that prior to May 1, 1912, he will add five addi- tional stories; buildings to lessor at end of the term. 9 months .................................. * r 4% years ........... : ....................... 4,500 10 years .................................. 6,OOC 84 years .................................. 8,000 MICHIGAN blvd, n w cor Harmon pi, e f, 56^x 127, Richard I Stearns and Hugh M Boice, as trustees under the will of Margaret E Stearns, to Frederick S Oliver, for 99 years from De- cember 1, 1911 ; lessee to pay all the taxes and to erect a building costing not less than $50,000, to be completed not later than Oct 1, 1912; lessee further agrees to erect a building not less than eight stories high to cost at least $150,000, to be ready by April 1, 1932, and in lieu of com- pensation for improvements at the end of the term has the right to extend the lease 50 years, at an annual rental of $15,000; buildings and im- provements to lessor at end of the term without compensation. 99 years .................................... 15,000 MICHIGAN av, Nos 2210 to 2216, e f, 75x183, Garabel T Pushman to Landon C Rose, 97 years from March 1, 1912; lessee buys building for $35,- '000; subject to existing encumbrance; building to lessor at expiration of lease. 10 years ..................................... 7,500 10 years ..................................... 8,000 77 years ..................................... 10,000 MICHIGAN av, Nos 2246-2248, e f, 45)4x178, Wm H Barry to Fred Wittenberg, 99 years from Oct 1, 1912; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 99 years ..................................... 5,000 GROUND LEASES. Per Year MICHIGAN av, No 1619, w f, 37)4x163, 162 ft s of Sixteenth st, and building, Flora L Reed of Wellesley, Mass, to Charles B Munday, 99 years from April 1, 1912; lessor, in addition to rent, agrees to pay an indebtedness of $30,000; lessor to purchase improvements at end of term. Upon execution of lease 5,000 40 years 3,000 59 years 3,600 MICHIGAN av, n w cor Monroe st, e f, 68x71, International Harvester Co to University Auxiliary Association, 198 years from Nov 1, 1907 ; lessee agrees to erect within two years from Nov 1, 1907, building to cost at least $700,000, to go to lessor at end of term. 5 years 30,000 5 years 35,000 10 years 40,000 178 years 45,000 MICHIGAN av, n e cor Garfield blvd, w f, 200x 161 ; Northern Trust Co, tr for Sidney A Kent, deceased, to Le Roy F Harris ; 99 years from Nov 1, 1915; lessee agrees to erect building to cost not less than $100,000; lessee has option to extend lease for an additional term of 25 years at an annual rental of $6,000. 5 years $3,000 5 years 3,500 5 years 4,000 5 years 4,500 79 years 5,000 MICHIGAN blvd, 80 ft in Hubbard pi, e f, 80x172, L C Paine Freer estate to Chicago Mu- sucal College, 99 years from May 1, 1906; lessees to erect prior to April 30, 1908, fireproof store and combination office and theater building to cost not less than $200,000 and to guarantee the fulfillment of this part of the lease ; lessees de- posited $15,000 in cash or securities; building to go to lessors at expiration of lease without com- pensation ; lease may be extended for 50 years at an annual rental of $20,000. 1 year and 3 months 4,000 8 years and 9 months 8,000 10 years 10,000 79 years 16,000 MILWAUKEE av, s w cor Ashland av, n e f, 82x80x100, with a triangular piece in rear 65x80x 78, Carl Buhl and Joseph Theurer to Alexander W Hannah, 99 years from April 1, 1910; build- ings to lessor at end of term without compensa- tion. 99 years 10,000 Milwaukee av, s w cor North Green st, n e f, 41x77)4x116)4x20x141, Alex O Mason to Chas B Heffenbery, 99 years from Dec 31, 1915. Build- ings to lessor at end of term without compensa- tion, except to pay to lessor 50 per cent of the increased value of the improvements. 99 years $1,500 MILWAUKEE av, s e cor Ellen st, n e f, 25x100, John Larmer to National Tea Company, by Geo Rasmussen, president, 25 years from May 1, 1910; lessee to build by Jan 1, 1911, at cost of at leat $5,000; building to lessor at end of term. 25 years 1,100 MILWAUKEE av. s e cor West Armitage av, s w f, 269x195, with 175 ft e on North Western ay, Clara C Irwin to Emil, Oscar S and Joseph Eiger, for 150 years from Dec 1, 1910; building sold to lessee for $1 ; lessees to erect prior to June 1, 1918, a building costing not less than $50,000; lessor to pay Caroline Misemer $75 per month during life ; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 3 years 3,750 2 years 5,750 4 years 7,250 141 years 7,750 MILWAUKEE av, Nos 1496 to 1506, 132x100, A O Butler to Louise Wendel, 96 years 3 months and 19 days from September 1, 1893; lessee to maintain buildings to the value of not less than $30,000. 96 years 3 months and 19 days.. 2,400 MILWAUKEE av, n w cor Armitage av, n e f. 92x110, Estate of Henrietta Snell to John S Edwards, 25 years from May 1. 1911; lessee purchases buildings for $1 and other good and valuable consideration; lessee to erect, prior to May 1, 1913, a building not less than two stories to cost not less than $20',000, to go to lessor at end of term at actual cash value. 5 years 3,000 10 years 3,750 10 years 4,250 MILWAUKEE av, nw cor West Fullerton av, n e f, 109.4x121.6x84.8 ft, Edward Mandel to Ike Bezark, 99 years from June 15, 1911; lessee purchases bulding for $15,000; has option of purchase any time within 10 years for $30,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without com- pensation. 10 years 800 89 years 1 ,200 MILWAUKEE av, s e cor Girard st, s w f, 25x 118 buildings, Margaret Leon to Samuel W Winefield, 99 years from July 1, 1911 ; lessee pur- chased buildings and has option to purchase land for $30,000, not earlier than July 1, 1921, and not later than June 30, 1926; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 1.80 MILWAUKEE av, 1307, to 1311, s w f, 48x100, Rolsy Friend to Ike and Saml Bezark, 99 years from April 1, 1913; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $25,000 prior to April 1, 1918. 5 years 8,000 15 years 8,500 20 years 9,125 15 years 10,000 15 years 11,000 29 years 12,000 GROUND LEASES. Per Year MILWAUKEE av, cor Tell pi, Nos 1431 and 1433, n f, 55x64, Fred and Hulda Jacob to Jos and Samuel Sherman, 99 years from Nov 1, 1912; lessees to erect building to cost not less than $10,000 prior to Nov 1, 1922; lessees have op- tion to purchase land within 10 years for $18,- 000; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 2yi years 750 2Y, years 900 94 years 1,000 MILWAUKEE av, No 1240, 154 ft w of Ashland av, n e f, 22)4x100, Louis Knipp to Jos K Fer- guson for 99 years from May 1, 1913; lessor will sell present building any time for $10,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term with- out compensation. 15 years 4,200 20 years 4,800 1 5 years 5,700 49 years 6,000 MILWAUKEE av, 167 ft n w of Armitage av, n e f, 200^x105, Wm Ohlhafer to Adolph Silver, and Max Silver, 99 years from Oct 1, 1913; lessees purchase building for $10,000; building to lessor at expiration of term without com- pensation. 5 years 6,500 94 years 7,000 MILWAUKEE av, 100 ft n w of Paulina st, n e f, 25x100, buildings and improvements, Morris Kauffman to Hyman S Caplan and Sam'l Sigal, 99 years from April 1, 1913; lessee pays as ad- ditional consideration $5,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation; lessee to make improvements on present building prior to Jan 1, 1917, to extent of $5,000; sub- ject to lease between lessor and Louis J Koch expiring Jan 1, 1916. 2V* years 3,000 96)4 years 5,000 MILWAUKEE av, 200 ft s e of Fontenoy place, n e f, 50xl24# or to "L" R R, Paul Machler and Anna E A Machler to Oscar S Eiger, 99 years from June 1, 1913; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 5 years 2,500 5 years 2,750 89 years 3,000 MILWAUKEE av, n w cor Wolfram st, n e f, 78x 231, n w line 127 ft, w line 60 ft, Chester A Cook and Reymond C Cook, trustees, to Chas H Ku- sel, 99 years fro mFeb. 1, 1915. Lessee has erected one-story brick store and theater cost $30,- 000 as security for the payment of the rent. Build- ings to lessor without compensation. 99 years 2,625 MILWAUKEE av, s w cor Chicago av, n e f, 47x55, with a s e f, 120 ft, Salomon Baer and Eliza Baer to Adolph and Mat Silver, 99 years from April 1, 1914; lessees have right to erect new building to be at least 4 stories, costing not ness than $50,000; building to lessor at expira- tion of term without compensation. 1 year : 21,000 3 years 6,000 5 years 6,500 5 years 7,000 85 years 7.5QO MILWAUKEE av, 740 to 744, n e f, 50 ft to North Curtis st, 100 ft n w of Carpenter st, Louise C Rhodes to Franklin Meyers, 99 years from Aug 1, 1914; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $10,000 befox: Aug 1, 1916, to go to lessor at end of term without compen- sation. 5 years 750 10 years 1,000 84 years 1,250 MONROE st, n e cor South Fortieth av, s f, 125x13754, Est Lambert Tree to James B Hea- ney and Hugh J Armstrong, for 99 years from July 1, 1913; lessee to erect a new building on premises which goes to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 10 years 800 1 years 900 10 years 1,000 20 years 1,200 49 years 1,500 MONROE st, s f, No 71, 132 ft w of State st, 27^x192, Board of Education to Estate of Cath- arine Boomer, 99 years from May 8, 1902; les- see to erect fireproof building by July 1, 1903, to cost not less than $150,000; at expiration of lease buildings are to be purchased hy lessor at appraised value; no rent to be paid during building period of eight months. 3 years 3,000 96 years 9,000 MONROE st, Nos 45 to 49, 49^x107, Miss Kath- erine S Adams to David Mayer, 99 vears from October 1, 1902; building and ground to revert to lessor at end of term. 5 years and 7 months 16,000 93 years and 5 months 14,000 MONROE st, West, n f, 79.86 ft e of Clinton, 39.75x189 ft, Webster Batcheller to Alfred J Cox, 99 years from December 1, 1891; lessee to construct two additional stories at a cost of $10,000 within four months, making the build- ing worth $50,000; to be purchased by lessor at end of lease at appraised value as building ma- terial 3,000 MONROE st, Nos 73 and 75, 5453x192; Board of Education to John J Knickerbocker et al. to Etate James J Gore, estte 99 years from May 8, 1902; lessee to construct prior to July 1, 1908, fire proof building to cost not less than $300,000; rent free during period of construction, eight months; buildings to be purchased by lessor at expiration of lease at actual cash value. 3 years 1 3,800 96 years 18,000 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 97 GROUND LEASES. Per Year MONROE st, s f, 72y, ft w of La Salle st, 27J4x 189.7 ft, H J Wallace and Charles J Gibson to W J Jefferson, 99 years from October 1, 1891; lessee to maintain structure of not less than six stories, covering the entire property and worth not less than $50,000; to go to lessors at end of lease at 80 per cent of appraised value; lessors have option of extending lease for 99 years at appraised value, to be not less than $6,000< a year ................................ 6.000 MONROE st, Nos 139 and 141, 45.46x80. Edward F Lawrence to Henry Phipps Jr and John Walk- er, of Pittsburgh, and Henry A Gardner, for 99 years from October 1, 1894; this lease has since been assigned to the La Salle, the corpo- ration owning the New York Life building; les- sees will construct within nine years a building to cost not less than $100,000. 8 years .................................... 5,000 91 years .................................... 8,000 MONROE st, s w cor La Salle, 95x189, Mar shall Field to Women's Temperance Building As- sociation, 198 years from January 1, 1890; lessee to erect a 12-story building costing not less than $1,000,000 ; improvements to go to owner of the * zee at termination of lease .................... 40,000 MONROE st, No 145, 20jx80, James P Smith to the La Salle, 95 years from May 1, 1897; lessee will construct within six years from date of lease a structure similar to the New York Life building, the cost of which shall not be less than $40,000. 95 years .................................... 4,200 MONROE st, West, n f, 100 ft w of Desplaines st, 100x189^, Amanda M Lane to Brink's City Express Company; 99 years from October 1, 1890; lessee to erect building within 12 months costing not less than $30,000; 10 years' option to lessee for purchase of land at $100,000 in case of renewal of lease for another term of 99 years; rent to be six per cent of appraised value at time of renewal ; improvments to go to lessor. at end of term without compensation. 5 years .................................... 3,000 94 years .................................... 3.300 MONROE st, West, Nos 69-71, n f, 22^x190. be- tween Clark and Dearborn sts, Wm O Goodman to Thomas McGinnis, 99 years from May 1, 1905; lessee purchases improvement for $12,000; lessee to expend in permanent improvemeints on build- ings now on premises in 20 years, from May 1, 1900, at least $15,000; buildings to lessor at end of term. 5 years .................................... 5,500 5 years .................................... 6,000 89 years ............................... , ..... 6,500 MONROE st, West, No 77, old Nos 118-120, n f, 445.25x190, between Clark and Dearborn sts, Jos Theurer, Peter Theurer and G Arthur Buhl, as trustees of the Schoenhofen Investment Co, to Childs Co of New York City, for 94 years ; build- ings to lessor at end of term without compensa- 1*9 "'years ........................ ............ 19-000 75 years .................................... 25.000 MONROE st, West, n w cor Centre av, s f, 125x111 ft, James Bolton to The Workman Man- ufacturing Co, 99 years from December 1, 1909; lessee to erect a 3-story factory building; lessee to pay in addition a sum as rental being 1 per cent on the amount that may remain from time to time unpaid on moneys that shall be advanced by the lessor for the improvements with a build- ing, such sum estimated to be approximately $40,000 ; 1 per cent to be computed and paid semi-annually, when the building is erected it . shall become part of the premises and trans- ferred to lessee when fully paid for by lessee: lessee to have first privilege of buying land whenever the lessor desires to sell ; lessor to urchase buildings at end of term. 9 years .................................... 1,250 MONROE st, West, s w cor South Dearborn st, n i, 54x190, Estate Edward Math Robinson to Modie J Spiegel, Richard Pick, Wm B Franken- stein, Alfred S Alschuler and Arthur H Spiegel, 99 years from Mar 1, 1912; lessees to erect build- ing of a value not less than $450,000, to be ready for occupancy not later than Mar 1, 1914; les- sees to have first option of purchasing premises. 99 years ..................................... 65,000 MONROE st, West, s e cor Central av, w f, 74x 188, Henry A Delano to Frank Parmalee Co, 99 years from March 16, 1913; lessee to erect withtn 10 years building to cost not less than $20,000, to go to lessor at expiration of term without com- pensation. 99 years .................................... 2,000 MONROE st. West, 130 ft e of Crawford av, s f. 281/2x137)4, Lambert Tree Estate to James B Heany and Hugh I Armstrong; 97 years from July 1, 1915; lessee to erect prior to December 1, 1918, a building. 8 years ..................................... 90.00 10 years ..................................... 100.00 10 years ..................................... 11 0.00 69 years ..................................... 120.00 MONROE ST, WEST, Nos 218 and 220, s f, 45x189, 95 ft e of Franklin st, 99 years from October 1, 1915. E H R Green, tr, to John R Jones and J Carleton Abbott; lessee agrees to erect within 25 years a building to cost not less than $50,000. 5 years ..................................... 6,500 5 years ..................................... 7,000 5 years ..................................... 7,500 5 years ..................................... 8,000 5 years ..................................... 8,500 5 years ..................................... 9,000 , 5 years ..................................... 9,500 1 5 years ..................................... 10.000 59 year's ..................................... 10,500 p 9 GROUND LEASES. Per Year MORGAN st, n w cor Taylor st, 52x123, 2-stroy frame building, containing store and 1-story brick building, Mrs Magdalena Winckler, Louise Simon and Max L Simon, her husband, to Frank and Antonio Broccolo, 99 years from July 1, 1912; lessees to erect complete within five years from July 1, 1912, at least a 2-story brick building to cost at least $20,000, to be ready Nov 1, 1917; lessors to purchase buildings at end of term. 5 years .................................... 2,000 5 years .................................... 2,100 89 years .................................... 2.200 MORGAN st, South, n e cor Adams st, w f, 145x 118, Addison E Shaffner and Rachel Shaffner to Alexander Schulman, 99 years from Oct 1, 1912; lessee tto erect building on n one-half of g remises to cost $40,000 prior to Oct 1, 1917; uilding to lessor at end of term ; lessee has option to purchase land for $60,000 either Oct 1, 1927, 1930 or 1937. On delivery of lease ......................... 10,000 99 years .................................... 2.500 NINETY-SECOND st, East, 100 ft e of Commer- cial av, s f, 75x140, Patrick T O Sullivan to Ed- ward Gassman Jr, and Max Gassman, 99 years from Nov 1, 1913, to Oct 31, 2012; lessees have deposited at the South Chicago Savings Bank mortgage securities to the value of $10,000 as a guarantee for the payment of rent and the making of the improvements; buildings to lessor at ex- piration of term without compensation. 99 years ....... . ............................. 5.000 NORTH av, n e cor Halsted st, s f, 57x125, Aug Yondorf to Herman Lieberman, 99 years, from July 15, 1913; lessee purchases building for $15,000 and has privilege to erect a new build- ing which shall cost at least $50,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term. 99 years ....................................... 4,500 NOBLE st, w f, 51 ft s of West Ohio, 125x155.25, August T Johnson to A J Jonnson & Son's Fur- niture Company, ground and buildings, 30 years from August 1, 1891 ........................... 2.000 NORTH av, Nos 379 and 381, 61x214, Ludwig Schindler to Jones, Linick & Schaefer Co, 25 years from Get 1, 1909; lessees to construct a building costing at least $60,000. 25 years .................................... 5,200 NORTH av, n e cor Western av, 99x130, W H Powell to F F Bischoff, 99 years from January 1, 1893; lessee to erect building to the value of $8,000; to go to lessor at end of lease. 5 years .................................... 1,200 5 years .................................... 1,500 89 years ................................ ____ 1.800 NORTH av, n w cor Campbell av, s f, 73x120, C C Hansel to Rudolph Riespen, 99 years from May 1, 1895: lessee can purchase fee at any time within five years at $20,000; lessee shall construct by January 1, 1896, a three-story building to cost not less than $20,000 ; lessor to purchase improvements at appraised value at end of lease. 99 years ........................... , ......... 1,200 NORTH av, 75x149, n f, 50 ft w of Smith av, Ida Ristow to Chicago Building Company, 99 years from June 1, 1897. 99 years ................ .................... 2,400 NORTH av, Nos 267-269, first floor and basement, Conrad Folt to Yondorf Bros, 99 years from May 1, 1890 ...... ' .......................... 3,120 NORTH CLARK st, s w cor Kinzie st, n f, 80 ft through to Water st, Richard W Sears to John R Thompson, 198 years from May 1, 1912; lessee to erect building to cost at least $150,000 prior to May 1, 1914; buildings to lessor at expira- tion of term without compensation. 198 years .................................... 15,000 NORTH WATER st, n w cor Dearborn, s f, 80x 105, John H Whittemore to the Pilcher-Hamilton Co, 99 years from Nov 15, 1904; lessee to erect a building to cost not less than $60,000 by July 1, 1905, to go to lessor at expiration of lease; lessor agrees to make a building loan of $30,000. 99 years ............................ ....... . 3,250 NINETY-FIFTH st, South Chicago, s e cor of Erie av, 101 ft on Ninety-fifth st, 100 ft on Erie av, 174 ft on south line, Geo B Cook, Woon- socket, R I, to Andrew Peterson, 99 years from Nov 1, 1899; lessee to erect building costing not less than $5,000j improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation ............ 480 OAKENWALD av, 595 ft e and n of Lake av, w f, 60x103.4, J V Rider, Dubunue, la, to Sarah P Marshall, 99 years from Feb 1, 1893; lessee to build in six months a four-story structure to cost $22,500; lessor has option of purchasing the building as building material at end of lease or extending the latter 99 years at prevailing rate. 99 years ......................... . .......... 1.100 OAKWOOD blvd, n e cor of Vincennes av, 178.3x 61.5, William Bettles to A L Patterson and J F Thompson, 99 years from April 1, 1891 ; five years' option of purchase at $30,000; lessee to- erect building costing at least $40,000 ; improve- ments to go to lessor at end of term with- out compensation ............................ 1,800 OGDEN av, n e cor Van Buren st, w f, 67x52 ft, and 58 ft on Wood st, triangular shape, Trus- tees under Ogden trust agreement to Jno Rees, for 99 years from Dec 1, 1912; building to les- sor at expiration of lease; lessee has option to purchase for $25,000 prior to April 30, 1920. 5 years ..................................... 1 ,470 5 years ..................................... 1,680 89 years ..................................... 1.890 OGDEN av, s w cor Kedzie, 77x138, Charles Lichtenberger Jr to Joseph B Terbell, 99 years from Jan 1, 1914; lessee to construct prior to May 1, 1914, building to cost not less than $15,000 to go to lessor at end of term. 10 years .................................... 1,500 10 years .................................... 1.800 79 years .................................... 2,000 GROUND LEASES. Per Year OHIO st, 50 ft e of St Clair st, n f, 100x100, Anita McCormick Blaine to Underwriters' Lab- oratory, 99 years from Jan 1, 1905; lessee agrees to erect within one year a building to cost not less than $15,000, to go to lessor at expiration of lease. 99 years 1,000 OHIO st, 50 ft e of St Clair st, n f, 106^x100, Cyrus H McCormick and Cyrus Bentley, trus- tees, to Underwriters' Laboratories, 96 years from Tan 1, 1908; lessee to erect within five years from Jan 1, 1908, an addition to present building, to cost at least $25,000. 96 years 1,796 OHIO st, s e cor Orleans st, 145x100, Thomas Murdoch to J M Berry, 99 years from May 1, 1896; buildings under way to be completed: by July 1, 1896; to go to lessor at end of lease. 99 years 3.000 OHIO st, West, 49 ft w of South Forty-sixth av, s f, 312x124, David T Atherton to Jno E Her- row, 40 years from May 1, 1913; lessor to erect a 1-story brick warehouse to cost at least $5,000. 10 years 1,200 30 years . 1,500 OHIO st, 166 ft e of St Clair st, n f, 50x100; Mrs Anita McCormick Blaine to Calumet Baking Powder Company, 99 years from June 1, 1903 ; lessor sold building to lessee for $27,875. 99 years 700 ORRINGTON av, Evanston, n w f, 182 ft n e of Clark st, 16x210, Northwestern University to Rebecca N Butler; 99 years from Sept 1, 1892. 10 years 124.80 89 years, 4 per cent on appraised value every 10 years. PAULINA st, e f, 311 ft s of Blue Island av, 512 ft on Paulina st by 299 ft deep and 500 ft on Paulina st and slip by 249 ft deep, David Sin- ton, Cincinnati, O, to the Wells & French Co, 25 years' lease from July 1, 1891; lessee to maintain dock and keep slip i4 feet deep and to have right to remove building at end of term, failing which they become the property of the owner. 25 years 5,000 PLYMOUTH pi, No 423, w f, between Van Buren and Harrison sts, 49J4xlOO, Mrs Fannie E Farrar, Miss Fannie E Farrar and Emeline P Westcott to Fred S. Kenfield 105 years from May 1, 1912; lessee to erect new building prior to May 1, 1918, to cost $60,000, buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 105 years 4,500 PARK av, n w cor of Paulina, 88x131 %; J L Ful- ton to Walter Prescott, 99 years from April 1, 1890; lessee to erect building not less than three stories and costing not less than $40,000; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation 1 ,000 PEORIA st, s w cor of Jackson blvd, e f, 50x125, The Scotch Westminster Presbyterian Church to Max L Oberndorf, for 99 years from May 1, 1910; lessee to remove present building and re- place same with building costing at least $30,000. 50 years 1 800 49 years 2,400 PINE st, s e cor Ohio st, w f, 30x100, Comfort E Peck to James B Keough. 99 years 500 PLYMOUTH ct, Nos 21 to 25, 216 ft s of Jackson blvd, w f, 70x93, Henry Sampson of New York, N Y, to Jacob L Kesner, for 99 years from March 1, 1911 ; lessor agrees to erect within 10 years a fireproof structure to cost not less than $200,000. 5 years 14,000 10 years 16,000 84 years 17,000 PLYMOUTH pi, No 41, 24x100, John VA Weaver et al to Robert J Gunning, 99 years from July 1, 1907; lessee to erect first-class building not less than three stories high, to cost not less than $25,000, by July 1, 1922; to go to lessor without compensation. 5 years 2,350 5 years 3,000 5 years 3,350 84 years 3,500 PLYMOUTH ct, e f, 198 ft s of Jackson, 49.6x100, Anna Maria Bailey to Shea Smith, 99 years from Nov 1, 1892; lessee to erect a building not less than five stories high at a cost of not less than $25,000 by Nov 1, 1893; to go to lessor at end of lease. 5 years 4,^00 5 years 7,000 89 years 7,500 PLYMOUTH ct, w f, 200 ft n of Harrison, 50x101 ft; Wm M Patterson to Robert J Gunning, 99 years from Sept 1, 1892; lessee to erect before May 1, 1893, a building to cost not less than $15,000, and within 12 years a building to go to lessor at end of lease at appraised value as building material. 5 years 4,500 94 years 5,000 PLYMOUTH ct, 175 ft n of Harrison st, 25x100, w f, J H Walker to James Conley, 99 years from Dec 1, 1893. 99 years 2,115 PLYMOUTH ct, No 50, 25x100, Carl Buhl to W F Coleman, 99 years from Feb 1, 1890; lessee to erect within 12 months a four-story building to cost not less than $15,000; to he purchased at end of lease at one-half its fair cash value. 99 years 1,500 PLYMOUTH ct. w f, 322.86 ft s of Van Buren 24.66x100, C Muhl to F Coleman, 99 years from Feb 1, 1890; lessor to purchase improvements at end of term at an appraised value 1,500 98 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. GBOUND LEASES. Per Yeir PLYMOUTH ct, Nos 9 and 11. 50x93, Henry Gerstley to Robert J Gunning, 99 years from July 1, 1908; will make improvements by Jan 1, 1903, to cost not less than $5,000, and by July 1, 1913, will erect building to cost not less $50,000; lessee to purchase it at its actual cash value at the expiration of the lease. 5 years 4,000 5 years 5,500 89 years 5.000 PLYMOUTH ct, 98x100, w f, 48 ft n of Polk st, A E Kent of San Rafael, Cal, to Naomi, Reuben and T E Donnelly, 99 years from May 1, 1897; lessees to complete $100,000 building by Jan 1, 1898 ; lessor will sell land or purchase building at termination of lease. 10 years 6,000 89 years 6,500 PLYMOUTH ct, n f, 123W ft s of Van Buren. 23)4*100, A Louis to W J Gunning, 9 years lease from April 1, 1889; lessor to purchase im- provements at end of term at an appraised value 1,800 PLYMOUTH ct, w f, 321 ft s of Van Buren st, 24^x100 ft, Carl Buhl to W F Coleman, 99 years from Feb 1, 1890; lessee to erect within 12 months a four-story building to cost not less than $15,000; to be purchased by lessor at end of lease at one-half appraised value 1,500 PLYMOUTH pi, old Nos 9 and 11 (new Nos 311- 315), w f, 50x93, between Jackson blvd and Van Buren st, and building, Robert J Gunning to City Club of Chicago, by Henry B Favill, presi- dent, 90 years, 10 months, 27 days (,Aug 1, 1910. to June 28, 2001) ; sub lessee to erect new building prior to July. 1912, to cost not less than 475,000. 5.00O in cash. 10 years 10,150 80 years 12,000 PLYMOUTH ct, 90 ft n of VanBuren st, w f, 70x93 ft, together with 6-story trick building, Henry Sampson, New York City, to Jacob L Kesner, 99 years from Mar 1, 1911; lessee to make alterations to cost not less than $20,000, in case of total destruction of building lessee to construct new building to cost not less than $200,000; buildings to lessor at end of term. S rears 14,000 10 years 16,000 84 years 17,000 POLK st. West, 367^x125, n f. Harvard st, 366x 125, s f, lying east side of Rockwell st, Carter H Harrison to A C Brakebush, 25 years from March 18, 1890; lessor to purchase improve- ments at end of term at an appraised value. 5 years 1,500 20 years 1,800 POLK cor Canal, 162x118, Caroline P Ford of Ashtabula, O to L J Blades, 99 years from July 1, 1893; lessee to erect building by Jan 1, 1898, to cost not less than $40,000; to go to les- sor at end of lease. 2tf years 1,500 96J4 years 3,000 POLK st, s f, 98 ft w of Desplaines, 176x120, and parts of Its 33 and 34, same block, Warren Springer to W H Tinsler, 99 years from May 1, 1896; lessee to construct seven-story building by August 1, 1896; to be purchased by lessor at end of lease at appraised value. S years 6,000 5 years 7,500 89 years 10,000 PRAIRIE av, No 5510, e f. 33x59, together with 1-story brick building, Chas A Brooke of Val- paraiso, Ind, to Alice Boyle, 99 years from May 1, 1913; lessee to erect prior to May 1, 1914, a first class modern building to cost not less than $10,000; lessor has option to purchase prior to May 1, 1923, for $20,000 or prior to May 1, 1933, for $28,000; building to lessor at expira- tion of term without compensation. 99 years 1,400 PRAIRIE av, s w cor East Fifty-eighth st, e f, 49x 178, Henry B Scott of Burlington, la, to Otto E Weber, 99 years from Jan 1, 1914; lessee to erect building prior to Jan 1, 1924, to cost not less than $75,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 7 years 3,500 92 years 5,000 PRAIRIE av, n w cor East Twentieth st, e f, 26x 177; Chicago Title and Trust Company, trustee, to The Hump Hair Pin Manufacturing Company ; 99 years from August 1, 1915; lessor to erect within a reasonable time building or buildings, subject to the approval of lessee, to be paid for by the lessee; buildings to lessor at the end of term without compensation. 99 years 5,400 QUARRY st, n e cor Chicago river, 800x190, with 190 ft on C & A R R and 800 ft on a slip to the east, containing 2,717 acres, Northwestern Uni- versity to Commonwealth Edison Co, 95 years from Nov 1, 1908. 95 years 3,250 QUINCY st, 100 ft e of Dearborn st, n f, 25x82tf. John Mulveil to the Great Northern Theater & Hotel Co, 99 years from May 1, 1895; to be improved with adjacent propertv east and south with a theater and hotel building, to be pur- chased by lessor at end of lease or lease ex- tended 50 years at $6,000 a year. 99 years 6,000 RANDOLPH st, 100 ft e of Franklin st, No 211, 20x180, Mabel B Pagin to Albert Pick, 99 years from Feb 1, 1911; lessee to erect a building not less than eight stories high, first class construc- tion, to cost not less than $40,000, to be ready not later than Apr 30, 1932; lessor may extend lease for an additional 99 years at same terms at the expiration of said extended lease; buildings to lessor without compensation. 99 years 3.000 GBOUND LEASES. Per Year RANDOLPH st, s e cor Clark st. n f, 30.11x70.3, Emily D McCord, Susan L Lord. Edgar C Rowe and Samuel D Rowe to Frank W Alter, 99 years from Mar 1, 1911; lessor purchases build- ing for $30,000; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 1 year 17,500 5 years 22,000 S years 23,000 88 years 24,000 RANDOLPH st, Nos 112 and 114, 120 ft e of Clark st, n f, 40x80, and building; Estate of Marcus C Sterns to David Mayer, 99 years from May 1, 1910; buildings to lessor at end of term with- out compensation. 10 years 8,000 89 years 9,000 RANDOLPH st, n w cor Carpenter st, s f, lOOx 200; Chicago Title & Trust Co to Barney Pet- chaft, for 20 years from May 1, 1910; lease dated Jan 27, 1910; lessee to pay all taxes and erect within one year a building costing at least $7,000. 20 years 2,160 RANDOLPH st, 30 ft e of Clark st, n f. 49 ft 7 in x 70 ft 3 in, Nos 120 and 122, Elizabeth A Ware to David Mayer, for 198 years from May 1, 1910; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years 10,000 5 years 11 ,000 178 years 15,000 RANDOLPH st, s e cor West Water st, n t, 43}4x378, Sanitary District of Chicago to Sebas- tian Krug, Oct 1, 1909, to Sept 30, 1944; lessee to pay all taxes and within five years te erect a building costing $50,000 and to use premises only for shipping and storing building material and for the needs of his excavating and wrecking business. 10 years 6,770 25 years to be determined by appraisal. RANDOLPH st, n w cor Clark st, s f, 160x180, Walter H Wilson, trustee, Francis C Sherman, deceased, to Joseph Beifeld, 99 years from Jan 1, 1906; lessee to erect fireproof building not less than 10 stories high, to cost at least $1,- 000,000, to be ready by Jan 1, 1911; to lessor at end of term without compensation. 2 years 55,000 11 years 60,000 10 years 63,000 10 years 66,000 66 years 69,000 Less $42.000 for one year during construction of building. RANDOLPH st. East, No 143, 60^x160, irregular shaped tract, total square feet 5,655.75, Edward A Shedd to Joseph Beifeld, 99 years from May 1, 1909; lessee to erect on or before May 1, 1919, a fireproof building not less than six stories high, to cost at least $100,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years 14,000 5 years 16,000 89 years 18,000 RANDOLPH st, n w cor of Market, 80x91, Jona- than Abel to R M Dorman, 99 years from Jan 1, 1890; lessee to add two stories to building; lessor to buy buildings at expiration of the lease at appraised value 9,000 RANDOLPH st. No 177, between La Salle st and Fifth av, s f, 20x180, Chicago Home for lincur- ables, by A C Bartlett, president, to M J Corboy Co, 99 years and 2 months from March 1, 1909; lessee paid $10,000 for building; no rent for March and April. 10 years 3,500 89 years 4,000 RANDOLPH st, s f, west of Dearborn, 80x180; Francis Bartlett to Frank Amberg for German Opera House Association, 99 years from May 1, 1890; lessee to erect fireproof building in two years costing $300,000; improvements to go to lessor at end of term at an appraised value. .17.500 RANDOLPH st, n w cor Fifth av, 80x180, ft, L C Paine Freer to Robert D Sheppard, 99 years from May 1, 1892, with option of 50 years more; lessee to expend within one year $100,000 on the building by the addition of one-story and an attic to be finished for offices, or, in case of re- moval of building, to replace it with 12-story store and office building to cost not less than $250,000; damage to owner in case of failure to remodel $50,000, and by failure to build $100,000, secured by bond in the sum of $200,000, signed by lessee; improvements to go to lessor at end of lease. 5 years 20,000 5 years 25.000 89 years 30.000 Option of 50 years 35,000 RANDOLPH st, s f, 80 ft w of Dearborn, 80x180; Francis Bartlett of Boston to Franz Amberg, 99 years from May 1, 1896; lessee to erect a first- class fireproof building not less than 10 stories high at a cost of not less than $300,000 within two years after securing actual possession; lessor to purchase the building at appraised value at end of lease or extend the lease for 99 years on the same terms; lease may be assigned to German Opera House Association 17,500 RANDOLPH st, No 70, 20x81 #, n f, 50.25 ft w of State; W H Taylor to P H Heffron, 99 years from Jan 1, 1892. 2 years 6,000 5 years 3,200 92 years 4,000 RANDOLPH st, Nos 85 and 87, 20x70 and 20x 90, Bryan Lathrop and Owen F Aldis, trustees, to Will J Davis and Harry J Powers and others; 99 years from May 1, 1903; lessee to construct fireproof building to cost $100,000; lessor may extend lease for additional 50 years from May GBOUND LEASES. 1, 2002, at the same terms. If option is not exercised lessor shall purchase building at the cash value as rendered by appraisal. 2 years 6 000 97 years g.QOO RANDOLPH st, n f, 30.1 ft e of Clark, 50.3x70 ft, John H Kedzie to Edward Koch, 99 years from May 1, 1892; lessee to expend $50,000 in remod- eling present building, or $80,000 on a new one within six months to be known as Kedzie build- ing and to go to lessor at end of lease. 5 years 10,000 4 years 12,000 RANDOLPH st, n f, 40.2 ft w of Dearborn, 40.2x 100, Hiram Shaw et al to John Koelling and Alexander Klappenbach, 99 years from March 1,1892; lessees to maintain subsequent to May 1, 1895, a building worth at least $35,000, to go to lessors at end of lease at appraised value; lessors have opttion of extending lease for 99 years, $9,000 a year. 1 years 8,000 92 years 9,000 RANDOLPH st, s f, 49 ft w of Desplaines, 40x90; John G Lindsay to Elizabeth Smeeth; 99 years from May 1, 1896; lessee to construct by July 1, 1896, a four-story building, to be purchased by lessor at end of lease at appraised value. 2 years 1,200 8 years 1,800 10 years 2,009 10 years 2,200 69 years 2,400 RANDOLPH st, West, n w cor North Ann it. t t. 188x182, Hetty H R Green, Bellows Falls, Vt, to Harry E Peacock, 99 years from May 1, 1912. f yers J,0o 5 years a, 250 5 years 2,500 5 years 2,750 79 years 3,000 RANDOLPH st, s w cor Fifth av, 60x100, Jacob Franks to Maurice Tausig, 99 yea 1911; lessee shall erect new bui av, 60x100, Jacob years from Jan 1, building prior to Jan 1, 1921, to be at least 12 stories high and cost not less than $100,000; building to lessor at expiration of term; lease may be extended 30 years at a yearly rental of not less than $14,000, or not less than 4 per cent on the value of the land which shall not be less than $350,000. 10 years .................................... 12,000 10 years .................................... 13,000 79 years .................................... 14,000 RHODES av, 51 ft n of Thiity-eightht pi, e f, 62^x124, Hering Medical College and Hospital, by J R Boynton to Charles N Brown, 99 years from Oct 31, 1908; lessee ot rebuild and have ready for occupancy by June, 1909, building to be not less than three stories, to be purchased by lessor at end of term. 99 years ..................................... 1,000 RHODES av, 51 ft n of Thirty-eighth pi, e f, 6254x124, Hering Medical College and Hospital, by J R Boynton to Charles N Brown, 99 years from Oct 31, 1908; lessee to rebuild and have ready for occupancy by June, 1909. building to be not less than three stories, to be purchased by lessor at end of term for $ - . 99 years ..................................... 1,000 RIVER st, Nos 2 and 4, 48 ft to Chicago river; Olivia P Worthington to James F Kennedy; 99 years from Nov 1, 1898; building to be pur- chased by lessor at appraised value at the ex- iration of the lease. 9 years ..................................... 1,500 RIVER st, n w cor Dock st, e f, 79.87xl35.65x40x 131.1, Chicago Real Estate Trustees to John B Legnard, 99 years from Nov 1, 1894; lessee to erect a six-story fireproof office building to cost not less than $90,000, by May 1, 1895. 99 years ..................................... 7,500 ROOT st, n w cor Emerald av, 116.66x125, Wil- liam R Linn to Frank W and William J Baker, 99 years from Oct 1, 1900; rental payable in gold coin. 99 years ..................................... 1,650 ROOT st, n w cor Emerald av. 116.66x125; Wil- liam Seward Webb et al to Christian Olson; 25 years from Dec 1, 1891; lessee to erect within two years a three-story brick and stone building, to be removed at end of lease. 5 years ..................... % ............... 1,566 20 years at 5 per cent on appraised value every 5 years. RUSH st, n w cor Indiana st, 100x100; W L Bradley to W II Browne, since assigned to the Dubuque Building Company; 99 years from April 1, 1894; lessees to construct eight-story^ building to cost $100,000, to go to lessor at expiration of lease. 99 years ..................................... 6,000 RUSH st, s w cor Chicago av, e f, 90x40, Lucy Atwater of Poughkeepsie, N Y, to Murray pi 99 J Wo olbach, 99 years from April 1, 1912; lessee to erect building prior to May 1, 1914, to cost at least $20,000; buildings to lessor at expira- tion of lease without compensation. 2 years ..................................... 1,500 3 years ..................................... 1,750 94 years ..................................... 2,000 SANGAMON st, 189 ft n of Washington blvd, 74x125, John J Badenoch to George P Bent, 93J4 ears from April 24, 1900; lessee to erect a uilding to cost not less than $20,000. 3H years ................................... 1,200 SANGAMON st, s e cor Van Buren st, w f, 20.13x 125, Estate of Calvin De Wolf to Charles Kiper, 99 years from June 1, 1912; lessee to erect on part of property at s e cor Sangamon and Van Buren sts a mill constructed building to cost at least $110,000 and to be not less than 7 stories ye bu April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 99 GROUND LEASES. Per Year high: building on property at Sangamon st, 100 ft of Van Buren st, w f, 100x125, costing not less than $120,000, must be maintained; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 99 years 8,000 SANGER st, n w cor Twenty-fifth pi, e f, 63x90, j H Richardson of Niles, Mich, to Isabella R Thomas, 99 years from Oct 1, 1893. 10 years 800 89 years 900 SAWYER av, s w cor Twenty-first st, e f, 50x125, Clayton B Shourds to Joseph R Oppenheimer, 99 years from May 1, 1909; lessee to erect build- ing to cost not less than $10,000 before May 1, 1909; lessor to purchase the building at expira- tion of lease at appraised value. 99 years 250 SEDGWICK st, 23x123, e f, 93 ft n of Menomiuee, Selma and Otto Haack to Richard Schroeder, 99 years from Feb 1, 1891; lessee agrees to construct within six months of date of lease a building to cost not less than $5,000; to be purchased by lessor at termination of lease at appraised value. 99 years 200 'SEDGEWICK st, s e cor North av, w f, 91.38x127, 99 years from Jan 1, 1914, Louis J Mueller to Emanuel Herzog, lease is subject to an incum- hrance of $40,000; lessee agrees to pay $25,000 and the lessor $15,000. The aforementioned $25,- 000 is to be used on and about remodeling of and improvements to be made upon buildings; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. X year 3,600 24 years 4,800 74 years 5.400 SEVENTY-THIRD st, 133 ft e of Vincennes rd, s f, 58.47x120.75, Mrs Hetty H R Green to Sadie Price, 99 years from July 1, 1912; lessee to erect building any time after July 1, 1912, to cost not less than $5,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 99 years 2*9 SEVENTY-FIFTH st, s e cor Ellis av, n f, 207x125, Nina W Winston and Philip M Thomas to Charles Spare, 99 years from Aug 1, 1914. 20 years 4,000 79 years 5,000 SHEFFIELD av, n w cor Belmont av, e f, 75x 125, John Borden and Ellen Waller Borden to August J Salomon, 198 years from May 1, 1912; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $18,000 on or before May, 1, 1913; buildings to lessors at expiration of lease without compen- sation. > 1 year 1,500 9 years 3,000 15 years 3,300 20 years 3,500 153 years 3,600 SHERIDAN rd, a w cor Hamilton av, 150x150 ft, Northwestern University to Herbert A Thomas, 50 years from Sept 1, 1888; buildings may be removed at end of lease. 10 years ISO 4 per cent upon a revaluation every ten years thereafter. SHERMAN st. No 86, 25x106, Francis Kendall of Watertown, Mass, to R J Gunning, 99 years from May 1, 1894; lessee shall construct a new biuld- ing within 10 years from May 1, 1894, to be fin- ished within one year from time of beginning, to cost not less than $20,000; prior to removal of present building lessee shall deposit $10,000 or give bonds for the construction of the new building; lease may be extended 35 years at same rental, or lessor shall purchase the building at two-thirds its value. 99 years 1,500 SHERIDAN rd, n e cor Leland av, n f, 124x83, Chester A and Raymond C Cook to Charles H Kusel and Jacob L Harris, 99 years from March 1, 1914, lessees to erect a building prior to Sept 1, 1914 t to cost at least $40,000, to go to lessor at expiration of term. 99 years 3,150 SHERIDAN rd, n e cor Clarendon av, s f, lOOx 206, Helen M Drueck to Charles H Kusel, 99 years from April 1, 1914; lessee to erect build- ing to cost at least $20,000 prior to April 1, 1915 ; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 10 years 3,000 10 years 4,000 79 years 5,000 SHERIDAN ROAD, 101 ft n of Argyie st, w f, 100x153, Joseph S Heil to H Erskfne Campbell and Samuel N Crowen, 99 years from May 1, 1915; lessees to erect building prior to May 1, 1918, to cost at least $25,000, buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation ; lessees to have option to purchase at any time as follows : On or before May 1, 1916, $21,000; by May 1, 1917, $32,500; by May 1, 1918, $35,000; by May 1, 1919, $37,000; by May 1, 1920, $40,000. 99 years 2,000 SHERIDAN RD., s w cor Argyie st, e f 115x143, Peter J Schaefer to Charles H Kusel and Phineas A Harris. 198 years from May 1, 1915; lesses to erect building not less than two stories adapted to apartments, store and hotel purposes, to cost not less than $75,000, prior to Nov 1, 1916, buildings to lessor at end of term. 5 years 5,400 5 years 5,750 20 years 6,000 20 years 6,25(1 1 48 years 6,500 GROUND LEASES. Per Year SHERIDAN road, n e cor Eastwood, w f, 124x 126; Herbert Stern to Charles H Kusel, 99 years from September 1, 1915; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $85,000 to be ready Sep- tember 1, 1916; buildings to lessor at the end of term without compensation. 99 years 4,800 SHIELDS av, 166 ft s of Thirty-rifth st. e f, 210x 233, estate of Elijah Peacock to Pascal J Sham- pay, 30 years from Jan 23, 1901; lessee to erect brick building by May 1, 1901; may purchase ground prior to 1911 at $21,000, or for $32,500 Before 1921 840 olXTEENTH st, 160 ft e of Clark, 50x85, s f and a triangular piece in rear adjoining con- taining 4,575 sq ft, J C Welling to American Cereaf Co, 25 years from Aug 1, 1898; lessee has right to terminate lease after 6 months upon giving notice. 25 years 1,595.30 SIXTEENTH st, w f. 232 ft w of Prairie av, '7.33x43.1, W B Hincks, trustee, to William T Allen, 99 years from February 19, 1892 275 SIXTY-FIRST st, s w cor South Park av, n f, 64"4 on north, 16954 on east x 77 ft on s, Thomas Edmund Wells Estate to Charles H Kusel; 99 years from August 2, 1915 ; lessee to erect build- ing to cost not less than $46,000 to be ready August 1, 1916; buildings to lesson at end of term without compensation. 5 years 1,500 5 years 1,800 89 years 2,000 SIXTY-THIRD st, West, Nos 726-732, 136 ft e of Halsted st, s f, 88 ft 9 in x 124 ft 10>4 in and 1 -story and basement brick building, Estate of Hilton B Hall to Thos Gaynor, 25 years from May 1, 1912; lessee to erect building prior to May 1, 1917, to cost not less than $60,000, must be completed in one year. 25 years 4,380 SIXTY-SEVENTH st, t w cor Stony Island av, 115x100, Harry C Edmonds to John V and Thom- as J Mahoney, 99 years from Fubruary 1, 1914. 5 years 5,000 5 years 5,250 89 years 6,000 SIXTY-THIRD st, s w cor Harvard av, n f, 186x118, Henry Veeder to Sam A Mark, 99 years from May 1, 1913; lessee to erect building to cost at least $40,000 prior to May 1, 1914; lessee has option to purchase premises as fol- lows on or before Feb 1, 1918 for $105,000, after Feb 1, 1918 or before Feb 1, 1928, $110,000, after Feb 1, 1928 or before Feb 1, 1933, $115,- 000, after Feb 1, 1933, but before expiration of term the same shall be 20 times the annual rent herein reserved to said lessor for the year in which said notice shall be given; building to lessor at expiration of term without compensa- tion. 10 years 5,000 10 years 5,500 10 years 6,000 10 years 6,500 10 years 7,000 49 years 7,500 SIXTY-THIRD st, s w cor Harvard av, w f, 186.8x118, Henry Veeder to Samuel A Marx. 99 years from May 1, 1913; lessee to erect building to cost at least $40,000 prior to May 1, 1914; lesse may purchase land prior to Feb 1, 1918, for $105,000; prior to Feb. 1, 1928, for $110,000; prior to. Feb. 1, 1933, for $115,000, and at any time prior to expiration of lease at 20 times the annual rental in which the lessee may avail himself of this option. 10 years S.OOO 10 years 5,500 10 years 6,000 10 years 6,500 10 years 7,000 49 years 7,500 SIXTY-THIRD st, s e cor of Evans av, n f, 47}*x 100, David S Baird to Simon Tuckhorn, for 99 years from July 1, 1910; lessee has option of buying at any time within five years from date, premises and improvements, for $120,000 cash. Cash 2,981 2 years 2,076 3 years 1,000 5 years 1,200 89 years 1,400 SIXTY-THIRD st, 266.82 ft w of Stewart av, s f, 720 , , be purchased by lessor at end of lease. 10 years .................................... 40 years 6 per cent on revaluation every 10 years. SIXTY-THIRD st, 225-82 ft w of Stewart av, s f, 41x135.72, Mary Forbes to George Byrne, 50 years from April 1, 1893; lessee to com- plete building to cost not less than $15.000 by June 1, 1893; to be purchased at end of lease at fair cash value. 10 years .................................... 40 years, 6 per cent on valuation, to be not less than $300 a front foot. SIXTY-THIRD st, n w cor Madison av, 150x90, s, f. Lloyd T Pullen of Baraboo, Wis, and May S Potter of Beloit, Wis, to J R Towle and H A Morse, 99 years from January 1. 1893; lessees to expend $7,000 on buildings by May 1, 1893, and by January 1, 1898, shall have expended not less than $50,000 in the construction of buildings, to , 20x101. Cyrus H McCormick and others to Thomas McGinnis, 99 years from May 1, 1903; lessee pays $10.000 for building, which reverts to the lessor at the expiration of the lease. . 10 years 9.000 89 vears 10.000 STATE st, Nos 392-396. 50x1 08 ^. Richard I Stearns, trustee, to Loval L Smith. 99 years from Feh 1. 1903: lessee to erect bv Feh "1, 1915. a fireproof htiilHins. to cost not less than $50.000; to go to the lessor at the expiration of the lease. 99 years 3.600 GROUND LEASES. Per Year STATE st, n w cor Thirty-first st, 63x117, C J Singer to Henry S Knill, 99 years from Nov 1, 1890; buildings to go to lessor at the end of the term. 99 years 4,125 STATE st, s w cor Adams st, 22y,xBO'/,, Ralph E Starkweather to Louis Frazin and Abraham M Oppenheim, 99 years from May 1, 1903; les- see pays $15,000 for the building; also lessee agrees to erect, before May 1, 1915, building to cost not less than $50,000; to go to the lessor at the expiration of the lease. 2 years , 15,000 97 years i 17,000 STATE st, Nos 268-276, 100x100, Heirs of Mrs Harriett S Jones to Herman E Dick and David Mayer, 99 years from May 1, 1908; lessors to deposit $50,000 in securities that they will build; improvements to go to lessor at expiration of lease without compensation. 5 years 35,000 94 years 40,000 STATE st. No 304, 19JixlOO, State Bank of Chicago, trustee, to John E Kernott and Clarence E Beck, 99 years from April 1, 1908; lessees paid $9,000 for the building; to go to lessor at ex- piration of lease without compensation. 2 years 5,000 8 years 5,500 89 years 6,000 STATE st, South, No 302, e f, 19.75x100, between Van liuren and Harrison sts, Chancellor L Jenks to "Ike" Bezark; lessee paid $12,000 for build- ing; 99 years from Nov 1, 1909; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years 6,000 94 years 6,500 STATE st, No 476, e f, 20x100, Carl Buhl and Joseph Theurer to Louis Olcese of Oak Park, 99 years from Nov 1, 1908; building to go to lessor at the expiration of the term. 99 years 2,000 STATE st, Nos 187 and 189, 27^x147, Wm H and Ethelbert W Peek and others to Louis Frazin and Abraham M Oppenheim, 99 years trom May 1, 1907; lessees to improve the property with a fireproof building not less than eight stories high, to cost not less than $100,000, by May 1, 1917; $50,000 to be deposited with the Corn Exchange National Bank to guarantee the fulfillment of the contract; buildings to go to the lessors at the ex- piration of the lease without compensation. 10 years 20,000 10 years 21,000 79 years 22,000 STATE st, South, Nos 229 and 231, w f, 36x144.9, Equitable Trust Co, trustee of John D Jennings, deceased, to Paul Brauer, 99 years from May 1, 1904; lessee may replace present building with another costing not less than $50,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation; lessee has purchased building for $25,000. 15 years 20,000 10 years 22,500 74 years 25,000 STATE st, No 212, e f, 29x145, May 21, 1909, Charles F Gunther to Jacob L Kesner, 99 years from June 1, 1909; lessee paid $40,000 for build- ing and improvements and is to pay taxes; les- see may remove building at any time and replace same with building to cost not less than $50,000, to be completed within fifteen months after the removal of the building; lessee to deposit $50,000 as security for building covenant; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 20,000 STATE st, South, Nos 48 to 54, e f, 77x80, being s w cor of Couch pi, between Lake and Ran- dolph sts, Eugene K Butler to William M Cahn, 99 years from March 1, 1909. 1 year 22,500 5 years 25,000 6 years 27,500 87 years 30,000 STATE st , South, Nos 412'/, and 414, e f, 39#x 108, between Harrison and Polk sts, and im- provements. Miss Adele E Flint of New York City to Edward T Lehmann and Charles Greve, 99 years from Jan 1, 1909. 99 years 4,000 STATE st, s w cor Jackson blvd, 38x100, Mrs Barbit Bloom to John C Fetzer, 100 years and five months from Dec 1, 1903; lessee paid $15,000 for building and deposited $50.000 to guarantee the construction of a firenroof building within five years to not less than $100.000; to go to lessor at expiration of the term. Rent for 17 months, $25,500. 99 years 20,000 STATE st, Nos 217 and 219, \A2'A ft s of Adams, trustees of estate of Henry Kohn, to Henry C Lytton, approximately 99 years from Julv 1. 1905: lessee to erect within 15 months from May 1, 1917, fireproof building not less than eight stories with foundation heavv enough to carrv twelve stories, to secure the fulfillment of which $50.000 has been deposited with the Northern Trust Co; building to ETO to lessors at the ex- piration of the lease without compensation ; lease mav be extended for nine years from May 1. 2004. at $36.000 a vear. From Tuly 1, 1905, to Dec. 31, 1906 30,000 From Jan 1, 1907, to Dec 31, 1911 30,000 From 'Tan 1, 1912 to Apr 30, 1914 32,500 From May 1, 1914, to Apr 30, 1924 35,000 From May 1, 1924, to Apr 30, 2004 36.000 STATE st. No 155, w f, 25x83, Adolf Kraits to Henry Sieffel and David Maver, 101 years and 11 months from Auer 1, 1902; lessee mav on or before Aug 1. 1912, pav to the lessor $45.000. the rent then to be reduced from $18.000 to $16,000; buildings revert to lessor at end of lease 18,000 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 101 - GROUND LEASES. Per Year ' STATE st, n e cor Sixteenth, 120x151, Chicago Title and Trust Co, trustee, John D Jennings, deceased, to Henry Siegel and Frank E Vogel, 99 years from Jan 1, 1907; lessee to erect buildings to cost $200,000 within 12 months; buildings to go to lessor at expiration of lease without compensation. 99 years , 8,000 STATE st, 120 ft s of Adams, w f, 22J4xl45, C H Beers to Henry Siegel, 99 years and 3 months from February 1, 1899; lessee shall ex- Eend $10,000 in improvements within four years rom date of lease, in case building is destroyed by fire or otherwise lessee shall construct a build- ing not less than eight stories at a cost of not less than $25,000; lessor to purchase it at ter- mination of lease at appraised value. 5 years 11,000 94 years and 3 months 12,000 STATE st, 100 ft s of Adams, w f, 20x145, Equitable Trust Co, trustees, to Henry Siegel of New York, 99 years from May 1, 1899; lessee is required to expend $10,000' in improvements by May 1, 1903, and may construct building at a cost of not less than $25,000 within one year from May 1 of any year, but must first deposit $25,000 with lessor before removing the present building. 99 years 8,000 STATE st, old Nos 229-231, new No 235 South State st, w f, 36x144 9-10, between Jackson blvd and Adams st, Paul Brauer to The Hub for 91 years from May 1, 1912; lessee to pay all taxes; buildings to lessor at end of term without com- pensation ; lessee purchases building for $25,000. 5 years 30,000 12 years 32,500 74 years 35,000 STATE st, ne cor Van Buren, 80x144, Francis D Everett and George H Campbell, trustees es- tate James Campbell, to A L Sercomb, for 99 years from Aug 1, 1892; lessee deposited $10,000 as security for payment of rent and $100,000 in U S bonds or currency to guarantee the con- struction of an 8-story building, to cost $150,- 000 ; buildings to be purchased by lessors at ex- piration of lease. 2 years 20,000 97 years 30,000 STATE st, North, s w cor Randolph st, e f, 106.9x 90x25x40x31x20x50x30, Francis Bartlett of Bev- erly, Mass, to Max doldstine, Peter T Schaefer ana Aaron J Jones, 198 years from Jan 2, 1912; lessee to pay taxes and to erecl not later than Jan 2, 1916, fireproof building to cost not less than $300,000, to be reay Mar 2, 1917; build- ings to lessor at end of term without compensa- tion. 5 years 50,000 20 years 55,000 173 years 60,000 STATE st, e f, 120 ft s Monroe st, new No 114 S, 20x120 ft, Heirs of Benjamin Grossman to Auto- matic Exposition Co, 99 years from May 1, 1911. 99 years 22,500 STATE st, n e cor Jackson blvd, 58 ft 354 inches by 73 ft, Eugene S Kimball and Mrs Helen M Galloway to The Hub for 103J4 years from Nov 1, 1907 ; lessee to erect fireproof building not less than ten stories, to cost not less than $150,- 000, prior to Jan 1, 1915; to go to lessors at ex- piration of term without compensation ; rent for the year building is in construction shall be $25,000 instead of $50,000. 4'A years 22,500 50 years 50,000 49 years 51,000 STATE st, Nos 235-237, 58J4 ft n of Jackson blvd, w f, 22.25x147, L-shaped with 71x80 ft, s f, in Jackson blvd, Hattie H Keeney, Chicago, Claribel and George W Gardner, of St Paul, and Elsie R Hannah of Traverse City, Mich, to The Hub, 10354 years from Nov 1, 1907; lessee to erect fireproof building not less than 10 stories high prior to Jan 1, 1915; to go to lessor at ex- piration of term without compensation. 454 years 20,000 1 year 18,000 9 years 38,000 89 years 40,000 STATE st. South, n e cor Van Buren st, w f, 80x144, State Safety Co, by Albert L Sercomb, president, and Henry G Foreman, secretary, to Rothschild & Co, 80 years and five months from Oct 1, 1905; lessee to erect building not less than 10 stories high, to cost not less than $300,000, to be ready Jan 1, 1913; to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 80 years and five months 63,000 STATE st, South, old 265-271 (new 325-331), w f, 80x144, between Van Buren st and Jackson blvd. Estate of Louisa G Bigelow to Rothschild & Co, for 99 years and nine months form Aug 1, 1906; lessee to erect building not less than 10 stories high, to cost not less than $200.000; to go to lessor at end of term without compensa- tion. 13 years and nine months 50,000 86 years 55,000 :STATTE st, South, old 257-263 (new 317-323), w f, 80x144, between Van Buren st and Jack- son blvd, Albert Keep, Mary K Otis and Chauncey Keep to Rothschild & Co, for 99 years and three months, from Feb 1, 1907; lessee to erect modern building to cost not less than $200,000, to be ready by April 30, 1914; to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 4 years and three months 40.000 20 years 52,000 75 years 54,000 STATE st, South, old No 253 and 255, w f, 40x 144, between Van Buren st and Tackson blvd, 120 ft s of Jackson blvd, Frederick W Clark, Geo T Clark, Emmaretta M Kauffman and Jona- than Yates Clark, as surviving trustees under *deed of trust from Alice Clark, widow of Jona- GKOUND LEASES. Per Year than Clark, deceased, to Rothschild & Co, for 71 years from Jan 1, 1909; lessee to erect build- ing not less than 10 stories, to be ready by Jan 1, 1914; to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 71 years ....j 28,000 STATE st, South, old Nos 245, 247, 249 and 251, w f, 80x144, between Van Buren st and Jackson blvd, 40 ft south of Jackson blvd, Estate of Jonathan Clark, deceased, by trustees, to Roth- schild & Co, for 71 years from January 1, 1909i; lessee to erect a building not less than 10 stories high, to be ready by January 1, 1914; to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 71 years 50,000 STATE st, South, Nos 407-409, w f, 40x80, 40 ft s Hubbard pi and Hubbard ct, Nos 48 to 50', n f, 50x80, Harriet S Dimick and Bessie Dimick to Frank A Hecht, 99 years from Feb 1, 1911. 99 years 8,000 STATE st, South, Nos 1739-1735, w f, 86x123, Chicago Title & Trust Co, trustee, under will of John D Jennings, deceased, to Frederick S Oliver, 198 years from Feb 1, 1911, to Jan 31, 2109; lessee may purchase fee any time within ten years from date for $82,500. 198 years 3.750 STATE st, North, No 23, w f, and building, 120 ft s of Washington st, 24x150, Julia Isabella Tourtellotte and Fredk J Tourtellotte to Chas A Stevens & Bros, 99 years from May 1, 1911; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $100,000 prior to May 1, 1925; $50,000 deposit required to secure erection of building; lease to be extended 50 years if improvements are not purchased; rental $30,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 99 years 30,000 STATE st, n w cor West Randolph st, e f, 52.37x 40y,, Mary S Dyche to D R Dyche Drug Co, by Louis Eckstein, pres : 75 years from Alar 1, 1907. 4 years 16,00( 6 years 18,000 10 years 19,000 20 years 20,000 20 years 21,000 15 years 22,000 STATE st, South, 22 ft s of Adams st, e f, 20x 101, with 20 ft n front on Adams st, Nos 202- 204 State st, Charles H Starkweather to Buck & Rayner, by Louis Eckstein, 103 years 6 months from July 1, 1910; lessee to erect build- ing at least 5 stories to cost not less than $50,- 000 prior to June 30,1920; building to lessor at expiration of term ; lesse purchases building for 20,000. 103% years 21,000 STATE st, n e cor Twenty-ninth st, w f, 139x141, George W Ludlow of Evanston to Allie C Shank, 99 years from July 1, 1912; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 2,400 STATE st, South, Nos 458-468, e f, 75x100, be- tween Van Buren and Harrison sts, Albert Hoe- feld and Stewart Lelewer to Robert Rosenthal, 92 years, 9 months from May 1, 1913; sub lessee purchases improvements for $50,000. 1 year 17,000 8 years 22,500 5 years 23,000 13 years 25,000 65 Yi years 26,000 STATE st, South, Nos 340-346, 50 ft n of Van Buren, e f, 98x110 ft, Herman E Diek and David Mayer to Jones Linick and Schaeffer Co for 94 years beginning May 1, 1913; lessee to erect prior to May least $150,000. 4 years 65,000 90 years 80,000 STATE st, n e cor Twenty-eighth st, w f, 50x72, Harriet A Croxon of Monroe, Cal, to Samuel Lauter, 99 years from July 1, 1911; lessee pur- chases buildings for $7,500; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 5 years 1,100 10 years 1,200 84 years 1,250 STATE st, w f, 370 ft n of Sixteenth st, 45.9x 164.65, Mary B Williams of Lexington, Ky, to Jonathan Clark, 99 years from Jan 1, 1890; should 25 ft be condemned for use of Alley L road, rent to be reduced 6 per cent on amount of damages awarded 1,000 STATE st, North, n w cor of Ontario, 65.4x40, Thomas Howard to J V A Weaver, 99 years, from May 1, 1890; lessee to erect building cost- ing not less than $15,000 and not less than four stories high; lessor to purchase improvements at end of term at an appraised value. 5 years 1,200 94 years 1,500 STATE st, w f, 80 ft s of Hubbard ct, James W Paxton, Wheeling, W Va, to John W Conroy, 99 years from May 1, 1890; lessee to erect three-story building in rear, not less than three stories high and costing not less than $8,000; improvements to go to lessor at end of term with- out compensation. 5 years 2,500 5 years 3,600 89 years 4.0UU STATE st, s w cor Cloud ct, 152x100 ft, Theo- dore G Dickinson to James F Winter, 99 years from July 1, 1891; lessee to erect within seven months a three-story store and flat building to cost not less than $7,000; improvements to go to lessor at end of lease 6,000 STATE st, e f, 125 ft s of Thirty-ninth st, 75x 103, S M Akerly of Orange County, N Y, to Aaron B Mead, 99 years from May 1, 1892; 94 years beginning May 1, 1913; lessee to erect prior to May 1, 1923 a building to cost at GROUND LEASES. Per Year lessee may purchase the ground by May 1, 1902, at $18,000; building to be purchased by lessor at end of lease at cash value 900 STATE st, n w cor Washington st, 91J4x90, George M Pullman and Watson Matthews, trustees, to Herman H Kohlsaat, Hannah M Williams et al being parties of the third part; 102 years from May 1, 1893; Lessee will within 11 years from May 1, 1896, remodel the building and until 12 months from the time of beginning shall expend at least $100,000 in improvements of a perma- nent character; the lessee may, however, take down present building and construct a new one within 11 years and 6 months from May 1, 1896; should it be remodeled, it is to be completed within 12 months from the time it is commenced; in case lessee determines to erect new building it shall be completed by Nov 1, 1907, and within 18 months from the time destruction of the old building is commenced; the building shall cover the, entire ground and shall be at least eight stories high, fireproof and shall be a modern store and office building; the lessee agrees to deposit with the Marchants' Loan & Trust Co securities to the amount of $100,000 or convey real estate in Cook County of like value; he must furnish a bond of $100,000 to be appraised by George M Pullman pri'or to the remodeling or destruction of the present building, and as soon as a like amount has been expended the securities or bond shall be re- turned to the lessee; the present building is of the value of $100,000, and should lessee fail to comply with the requirements of this lease he shall pay to lessors $100,000; lease may be extended 99 years from May 1, 1995, at $75,000; should it not be extended, lessors shall pur- chase the buildings at two-thirds of value. 3 years 47,350 5 years 57,500 5 years 65,000 89 years 75,000 STATE st, e f, 100 ft n of Seventeenth st, 50x151 ft, Joseph A Brown et al to Henry Siegel, 99 years from July 1, 1891; lessee to purchase building at expiration of lease at appraised value 2,400 STATE st. old No .206, 62 y, ft s of Adams, e f, 20x101, Frank H Starkweather to John R Thomp- son, 99 years from May 1, 1906; lessee paid $15,- 000 for the building. 2 years 11,000 10 years 13,000 87 years 15,000 STATE st, n w cor Quincy, 3354x144, Antoinette K Dangler, Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs Eliza C Hamill to Charles Ruppert, 99 years from May 1, 1916, lessee to construct steel building to cost not less than $200,000 within one year from May 99 years 35,000 Lease is subject to prior lease to Foreman Shoe ; Company, 10 years from May 1, 1906, at annual rental for five years of $25,000; next five years $30,000. This is the site of the Consumers' build- ing, Ruppert having sold his interest to J. L. Kesner. STATE st, 135 ft s of East Fifty-fourth st, w f, SOx 161. Hetty H R Green to Morris A Katz, 99 years from Oct 1, 1914; lessee has purchased buildings. 99 years 400 STATE st, new no 231 and 233, 117 ft n East Jackson blvd, 40x144, Mrs Harold I Ikes to Robert H Ulmer (since assigned to Henry C Lytton) 54 years and six months from Nov 1, 1912. S'/2 years 23,000 5 years 35,000 1 year 37,500 43 years 40,000 iTEWART av, s w cor of South Normal nark- way, 71x135, George B Cook, Woonsocket, R. I, to John H Earl, 99 years from September 1, 1890; lessee to erect building in two years not less than two stories and costing not less than $4,000; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation 300 STEWART av, n w cor of Sixty-ninth st, 70x135, George B Cook, Woonsocket, R I, to John H Earl, 99 years from Sept 5, 1890; lessee to erect brick building in two years costing not less than $6,000; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation 540 STONY ISLAND av, s w cor Sixty-seventh st, 100x115, Harry C Edmonds to John V Mahoney and Thomas J Mahoney, 99 years from Feb 1, 1914; lessees to erect a building prior to July 1 1914, to cost at least $25,000; buildings to lessor without compensation on expiration of term; lessee has option to purchase premises any time prior to July 1, 1924, for $90,000. 18 mos 3,333 4 years 5,000 5 years 5,250 89 years 6,000 STONY ISLAND av, s w cor Seventy-fifth st, 166x7954, Eliza O Harvey to Geo L Berman, 99 years from May 1, 1914. 5 years 1.500 5 years 2,000 5 years 2,500 89 years 3,000 TAYLOR st. s w cor Aberdeen, 84.98x95, William Loeb to Valeria M Williams, 99 years from Tan 1, 1892, lessee to erect by Oct 1, 1892, a four-story store and flat building to cost not less than $40,000; to go to lessor at appraised value at end of lease; lessor to have the right to purchase interest of lessee at any time on same terms as offered by any others 1,800 102 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. GB.OUND LEASES. Per Year TAYLOR st, s w cor Loomis st, n f, 65x104, Hettie H R Green to Isaac Marks, 99 years from July 1, 1912; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $15,000. 99 years j 000 ' V " A Jin I'lUV * i?u-r t v****n . - - , cost not less than $2,000; to be purchased, by lessor at the expiration of lease at appraised value; lessee may purchase ground by Nov 1, 1914, for $4,100. ... 93 years 'and three months TAYLOR st, 200x134, n f, 106 ft e of Rockwell st, Helen Culver to Miller Hall, 99 years from Feb 1 1898; lessee agrees to construct a build- ing to cost not less than $25,000 with all rea- sonable dispatch; to go to lessor at end of ... 1,200 3,000 THIRTY-lRST st. s e cor Dearborn, 35.6x114, Libbie H Underbill to Henry Werveke, 50 years from Mar 1, 1893; lessee to construct building to "ostnot less than $15,000; to De purchasea by lessor at end of term at appraised value. 50 years $50,000 5 years THIRTY-FIFTH st, 440 ft e of Ashland ay, n f, 550x632. John A Spoor and F S Winston, trustees, to Chicago House Wrecking Co, 20 yrs from July 1, * 1907 ; lessees may buy land within five years at $105,000. 20 years : ' not les? than $25,000, within one year; improve- - ments to go praised value ,, o to lessor at end of term at an ap- 500 ' ' >uv 1.45 1,74 THIRTY-SEVENTH st, s e cor Ashland ay, 500x 100, John A Spoor and Arthur G Leonard, trus- tees, to Pfanmueller Engineering Co ; lessors to erect a warehouse costing $60,000. 25 years THIRTY-NINTH st, n f, 264 ft w of Cottage Grove av, 70x150, Nancy F Nickerson to the Oakland Warehouse Company, 99 years from Dec 16, 1894. Should the lessee desire to erect a building, it will be necessary .to give a $20,000 bond to secure the construction of a $20,000 structure. 99 years l - 6K THIRTY-NINTH st, n f, from Sherman west to Winter st, 265.5x597 ft, HA Cram and G Moore, trustees, to Bouton Foundry Co, 25 years from April 1, 1889; lessee may cancel lease at end of any 5 years on giving three months notice. 1st 5 years 2d 5 years 3d 5 years .;; 10 years, 5 per cent on appraised value. THIRTY-NINTH st, East, n e cor Indiana av, s f, 60x100, Augustine V and Charles M Gillespie to Joseph K Lawler, 99 years from Nov 1, 1912; lessors agree to pay existing incumbrance of $7,000 ; rent first 2Yi years 4,20 J ?.;:;:::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::& S years 5,00 8654 years 6 ' THIRTY-NINTH st, n e cor Aldine av, t t, 85x 101, Chicago Title & Trust Co to Burt J Fitzger- ald, 198 years from Jan 1, 1915. Lessee has option to purchase premises prior to Oci I, 192*. for $22,500, buildings to lessor at end of term. 10 years 60 188 years M TURNER av, 200 ft s of West Nineteenth st, e f, 25x125; Hetty H R Green to Samuel J Fried- man, 99 years from July 1, 1915; lessee may August 1, 1916; buildings to lessor at end of 99 years TURNER av, 350 ft t of West Twenty-first st, e f, 31x125, and Homan av, 375 ft s of West Twenty-first st, w f, 86x125, Rose M and Ed- ward Tehle to R B Arnold Coal Co, 99 years from Sept 15, 1914; lessee may purchase land prior to Sept 15, 1924, at $17,000. 99 years TWELFTH st, West, s e cor Halsted st, n f, 50x100, Frederick Scholer to West Side Trust & Savings Bank, for 30 years from Jan 1, 1910; lessee to pay all taxes; lessee may extend lease for additional 20 years at $12,000 a year for first ten years and $13,500 a year for second ten years ; buildings to lessor at end of term. 5 years 7,8C 5 years 8,40 20 years 9,00 TWELFTH st, West, No 737, n f, 50 ft e of Hal- sted st, 25x90, Louisa J Eber and Ida C Dutton to West Side Trust & Savings Bank, by Benj S Meyer, president, for 27 years, 8 months from May 1, 1912; lease dated Nov 3, 1910; lessee to GROUND LEASES. Per Year pay all taxes and has an option of 20 years more at $3,600 a year. 8 months 1,600 4 years 2,400 5 years 2,700 18 years 3,000 WELFTH st, West, Nos 520-526, n f, 97x124, Alfred B Wilson to Max Goodman and Annie Goodman. 99 years from May 1, 1909; lessee to pay taxes and erect during first ten years building to cost $10,000; lessors to purchase building at end of term; lessees have option to purchase any time within ten years from May 1, 1909, the land and buildings for $15,000. 5 years 750 94 years 900 WELFTH st. s f, 125 ft e of Michigan av, 83x 60, Ehila W Garratt to Fred J Ferris of St Louis, Mo, 99 years from July 1, 1890, with a ten years' option of purchase for $33,333; lessee to erect building costing not less than $40,000; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation 2,000 WELFTH st, n e cor Spaulding av, sf, 82x125 ; Michael Reilly to Phillip Epstein, for 99 years from April 1, 1911; lessee to erect a building by Oct 1, 1911, to cost $9,000; to go to lessor at the end of the term. 99 years 1.000 TWELFTH st, West, n w cor Spaulding av, s f, 50J4xl25, Cora B Upton and husband, Thos J, of Manistee, Mich, to Louis M Polakow, 99 years from Feb 1, 1912; lessee to erect build- ing to cost at least $7,000 prior to Feb 1, 1914. 10 years 600 10 years 650 79 years 750 TWENTIETH st. n f, 80 ft w oi State, 71x155, Andrew J Cooper to South Side Electric Co, 98 years from July 1, 1890; lessee to make certain improvements ; to go to lessor at end of lease. 5 years 5,000 93 years 8,000 TWENTIETH st, 100J4 ft e of Dearborn, 50#x 182 ft on east line of Archer av, Dwight K Tripp to Geo C English, 99 years, from Sept 1, 1890; lessee to erect building costing not less than $35,000 and not less than three stories high, within six months j improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation 3,000 TWENTIETH st, 124 ft w of Wentworth av, s f, 8x200, Board of Education to the N K Fair- banks Co, 93 years from July 1, 1911; buildings to lessor at end of term. 93 years 159 TWENTY-FIRST st, n f, 132 ft e of Wabash av, 48x200 ft, John C Bigelow to the Chicago Il- luminating Company, 99 years from Nov 1890; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $8,000 ; to be purchased by lessor at end of lease provided the cost is not in excess of $75,000. 20 years 1,500 6 per cent upon appraised value every 20 years thereafter. TWENTY-FIRST st, Nos 147 and 151, 48x200, J C Bigelow to Chicago Illuminating Company, 99 years from Nov 1, 1890; lessee shall con- struct buildings to cost not less than $8,000'; to be purchased oy lessor at expiration of the lease at their appraised value, but under no circum- stances at more than $75,000. 21) vears _. 1.50C 79 years at 6 per cent on the appraised value. TWENTY-SECOND st, n e cor Union st, 363x497, also Twenty-first st, n e cor Ruble st, 100x95, Vina Watk'ns. William A Fuller and others to S Karpen & Bros, 99 years from June 1, 1905; lessee to erect new building prior to Jan 1, 1906, upon part of the premises, to cost not less than $50,000, and to expend $25,000 upon addi- tional improvements within two years; to go to the lessor at expiration of lease without com- pensation. 4 years 7,50 10 years 9,50 85 years 10,00( TWENTY-SECOND st, 77 ft w of Michigan av, s f, 21x27, John D Jennings et al to Henry C Scott, 87 years from May 1, 1887, buildings to go to lessor at end of lease. 87 yean 35 TWENTY-SECOND st, East, Nos 63 and 65, n f, 45x100, between Michigan and Wabash avs, Joseph B Moos to Berthold E Uubele, 99 years from Jan 1, 1912; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $15,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 99 years 2,05 TWENTY-FOURTH st, 133 ft e of Michigan blvd, s f, 61x127, Moritz Freytag to Chicago Motor Car Co, 99 years from March 1, 1909; lessee to erect not later than Oct 1, 1909, a concrete fire- proof building not less than three stories high, to cost not less than $20,000; to go to lessor at the expiration of the lease without compensation. 10 years 1,0! 89 years 1.20C TWENTY-FOURTH st, s f, 145.92 ft w of Indiana av, 60x127, Fred Kiessling to W C Roosevelt, 19 years and 10 months from July 1, 1892 1,00 TWENTY-FIFTH pi, n w cor Sanger st, 90x63. J H Richardson of Niles, Mich, to Isabella B Thomas, 99 years from Oct 1, 1893; buildings to be purchased by lessor at end of lease. renewed for 99 years at 6 per cent on appraised valuation. 10 years 8( 89 years 90 TWENTY-SIXTH st, n f, 135 ft e of Wabash av, 56.4x138.65, Kate H Judah to Alexander W Van Haaften, 99 years, from July 1, 1890; lessee SB.OUND LEASES. Per Year to erect building not less than three stories high and costing not less than $15,000, within six months ; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years 1,000 5 years 1,250 89 years 1,500 WENTY-SIXTH st, West, s w cor South For- tieth av, n f, 133x125, Edward and Albert Mendel to Simon Straus, 99 years from Oct 1, 1911; lessee purchases buildings on part of premises for $6,000; lessee to erect buildings on part not improved at a cost not less than $20,000, said building to be done prior to Jan 1, 1922; build- to lessors at end of term without compensation. 10 years 1.6W 89 years 2,200 'WENTY-NINTH st, n w cor Vernon av, lOOx 95.4, Eugene Hogue to Charles E Waters and W J Richardson, 99 years from January 1, 1891 ; lessee to erect building at least three stories high and costing not less than $5O,000 ; improvements to go to lessor at end of term at an appraised value 2,400 TWENTY-NINTH st, n e cor of Calumet av, 63x100, E Hogue to W C Cockson, 99 years, from May 1, 1890; lessee to erect building not less than three stories high and costing not less than $20,000; lessor to purchase improvements at end of term at an appraised value 1,200 VAN BUREN st. s f, 100 ft w of Fifth av, 53.5x 80, James W Paxton of Wheeling, W Va, to Richard Kultchar, 99 years from July 1, 1892; lessee to erect eight-story building to cost not less than $80,000 by May 1, 1893 ; to go to lessor at end of lease; to January, 1894 5,400 9T/i years 5,400 VAN BUREN st, West, Nos 150 and 152, 50x 11954, Fre d and William F Knoch to the Rub- ber Paint Co, 99 years from Dec 1, 1904; lessees to erect within 10 years, building ; to go to lessors at the termination of the lease at its ap- praised value. 99 years 1.250 VAN BUREN st, n f, 112 ft e of franklin st, 50x 105, Charles Stose to Robert H Given Jr, 99 years' lease, from June 20, 1891, with ten years' option of purchase for $80,000; lessee to nlace foundations for a seven-story building within five years ; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without cost. 2 years 2,500 2 years 3,000 1 year 3,500 93 years 4,800 VAN BUREN st, n f, 142.9 ft e of Western av, 41x125 ft, Alonzo C Montgomery to Casper Schladmeller, 85 years from July 1, 1891 ; lessee to erect building not less than two stones and worth not less than $1,500 within 12 months of date of lease; lessor to have option of purchase or new lease upon same plan at end! of lease. Should this be not agreed to, building to go to lessor. 5 years 300 80 years, 6 per cent upon appraised value every ten years. VAN BUREN st, n f, 120 ft w of Franklin st, 20x105, Lawrence Newman, Toledo, O, to Wil- liam L Allen, 99 years' lease from May 1, 1892; lessee to add two stories to present build- ing within two years or pay $5,000 improve- ments to go to lessor at end of term without cost. 2 years 2,50 97 years 3,000 VAN BUREN st, n f, 50 ft e of Seeley av, 25.2ix 99, Geo B Cook to Fred D Doty, 99 years from July 1, 1892; lessee agrees to keep buildings of the value of $6,500 on the premises ; to go to lessor at end of lease. 99 years 30 VAN BUREN st, n f, 117.75 ft w of Throop t, 24x110, Christian Hulvel to W H Depuye for 99 years from Feb 15, 1892; lessee shall give bond in $500 to guarantee erection of build- ing within six months after the removal of the present structure, to go to lessor at end of lease ; lessee option of purchase within 10 years at $5,800. 10 years 2iO 89 year 26* VAN BUREN st, n e cor Wood, 125x75, Helen S Magill to Joseph Kahn et al. 99 years from May 1, 1891 ; lessee to erect by May 1, 1892, a structure one or two stories high and within 10 years one to cost not less than $40,000; lessee can purchase at any time at appraised value or lease can be extended for a second term of 99 years at 6 per cent on appraised value. 5 years 1.500 5 years 1,620 5 years 1,800 5 years 1,920 5 years 2,100 5 years 3,600 5 years 4,200 5 years 4,800 5 years 5,400 S years 6,000 49 years 6,600 VAN BUREN st, w f. 339 ft e of Halsted st. 56^x101, Martin de Tamble to S M Fischer and E J Stransky, 99 years from May 1, 1892; lessor to purchase buildings at end of lease. 1st year 6,387.50 2d year 6,387.50 3d year 6,200.00 4th year 6,012.50 95 years 2,700.00 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 103 GROUND LEASES. Per Year VAN BUREN st, 55x119.26, n f, 350 ft w of Des- plaines, Martin De Tamble to Simeon Steiniger, 99 years from July 1, 1892 ; building to be pur- chased by lessor at end of lease. 1st year 6,387.50 2d year 6,37.50 3d year 6,200.00 4th year 6 .?i 3 - 00 95 years 2,700.00 VAN BUREN st, 18 to 26, 90}4x8754. John H Whittemore of Naugatuck, Conn, to the Athen- aeum, 98 years from October 10, 1901, building purchased for $25,000; lessee shall keep the building insured for $25,000 in favor of the lessor, should the lessee desire to replace the present building with a new structure, $25,000 must be deposited with the lessor before the existing building is removed, to guarantee the construction of a new building; building shall go to the lessor at the expiration of the lease. 98 years 8,000 VAN BUREN st, n w cor Pacific av, 174.8x157.1, P D Armour and S A Kent to Chicago Deposit Vault Company, 99 years from May 12, 1885; lessees to construct a building not less than eight stories high to cost not less than $650,000 by November 1, 1886, to go to lessors at ter- f mination of lease; lessee may mortgage building and leasehold interest to John C Black for $200,000. First year, from May 12 to following May 1.... 30, 000 98 years 30,000 VAN BUREN st, 150 ft w of Leavitt st, n f, 114.6x125, James M Banks to the People's Insti- tute Hotel Company, 99 years from May 1, 1899; lessee shall not take possession of the premises nor begin erection of building until a oond of $30,000 in furnished; lessee shall construct a building not less than three stories similar to the People's Institute, to cost not less than $30,- 000, by May 1, 1900; to be purchased at ap- praised value at the expiration of the lease, lessee may purchase ground in 1950 for $20,- 2Y, years 1,000 9754 years 1,000 VAN BUREN st, 61.75x91, s f, 100 ft e of Wabash av, Society of the New Jerusalem to the New Temple of Music Building Company, 98 years and 11 months from June 1, 1894; lessee to construct a first-class building to cost not less than $200,000 by May 1, 1895 ; to go to lessor at expiration of lease. 11 months until April 30, 1895 5,000 9 years 12,500 10 years 15,000 10 years 17,500 10 years 20,000 59 years 25,000 VAN BUREN st, n w cor Leavitt, 150x125, J M Bank to People's Institute Improvement Co, . 98 years from May 1, 1895, not less than f three stories high and to cost not less than $40,000; lessor to purchase buildings at end of lease at their full value. 99 years 1.800 VAN BUREN st, n f, 452 ft w of Fifth av, 20 xl05, Mary E B Meserve to Richard Messer- schmidt, 99 years from April 1, 1891 ; improve- ments to go to lessor at end of term without compensation 1,800 VAN BUREN st, West, s w cor Center av, n f, 98x120, and improvements, Jessie Button Bishop to David Spencer, for 99 years; lessee to erect before Dec 1, 1913, building to cost not less than $10,000, and further agrees to erect modern building on or before Dec 1, 1926, to cost not less than $25,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 2 years 2,000 2 years 2,200 95 years 2.450 VAN BUREN st, West, 79 54 ft e of Market st, s f, 52x50, Emma S Thewiere to Samuel W Wine- field, 198 years from Nov 1, 1913; lessee agrees to erect a building to cost not less than $20,000 within 15 years from date; building to lessor at expiration of term without compensation ; lessee has option to purchase premises at any time within 15 years for $120,000, $30,000 in cash and $90,000 to fall due on or before the delivery of warranty deed with interest at 454% per annum. 10 years 4,600 188 years 5,400 WABASH av, 120 ft s of Harrison st, Nos 374- 376, w f, 40x172, Estate of Cornelius Price to Jacob L Kesner, 99 years from Tan 1, 1911; buildings to lessor at the end of the term with- out compensation. 99 years 6,000 WABASH av, 120 ft s of Washington st, w f, 72x 162.5, Nos 106-112, Marie Lehmann to La Verne W Noyes and Benjamin J Rosenthal, for 99 years from Jan 1, 1913; lessor in lieu of mak- ing compensation for improvements shall have the right any time prior to Jan 1, 1909, to elect to extend the lease for additional 99 years com- mencing Jan 1, 2002, at an annual rental of $30,- 000; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 15 years 24,000 15 years 25,000 69 years 30,000 WABASH av, 120 ft n of Harmon pi, e f, 80x165; Sarah Frances Cowles, Steward Alfred Cowles and William Hutchinson Cowles to Wallen W Shaw Auto Livery Co, 20 years from March 15, 1910; lessors to erect two-story building by June 15, 1910; rent on basis of $8,000 for ground and $4,800 for building. 20 years 12,800 WABASH av, No 233, 26x110, Lewis L Coburn to John V Steger, for 99 years from May 1, 1907, rental payable in gold upon first day of May, Aug, Nov and t Feb of each year; lessee to erect a fireproof building at least six stories high and costing at least $60,000, to be ready by May 1, GROUND LEASES. Per Year 1909; lessee to carry insurance to amount of $60,000, payable to lessor, who will repay to lessee upon architect's certificates for rebuilding of structure : lessee to rebuild in case of fire or destruction by other means ; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 10,000 WABASH av, n w cor Seventy-first st, 100x1595$, Thos R Shearer and Alonzo L Howard to Roths- child & Co, for 25 years from Jan 1, 1911; lessors to erect a brick and stone building with frontage of 100 feet on each of side streets; build- ing to be ready five months from date. 25 years 2,500 WABASH av, s w cor Harrison st, 72x103 and 125, Hariet Elizabeth Root to Tom Chamales, 99 years from April 1, 1907; lessee to erect new building by May 1, 1928, to cost not less than $100,000; to go to lessor at expiration of lease. 3 years 13,734 5 years 10,000 5 years 12,000 5 years 14,000 81 years 16,000 WABASH av, n w cor Jackson blvd, No 235, 25.14x100, estate of Hannah Homer to John V Steger, 99 years from July 1, 1907; lessee to construct a building not less than 10 stories high to cost not less than $125,000 by Nov 1, 1910; to go to lessor at expiration of lease without com- pensation. From July 1, 1907, to April 30, 1911 11,085 May 1, 1911, to April 30, 2006 30,000 WABASH av, Nos 2130 to 2134, e f, 75x120, 50 ft n of Twenty-second st, C T & T Co, trustee of John D Jennings, deceased, to Thaddeus H How and Charles S Fuller, 99 years from May 1, 1909 ; lessees to pay all taxes ; lessees may erect new building at any time to cost not less than $37,500 ; buildings to lessor at end of term without com- pensation. 5 years 3,000 10 years 3,500 84 years 3,700 WABASH av, 65 ft n of Eighteenh st, e f, 50x165, Frank W Baker of Benton Harbor, Mich, to Wm F Herlan and Samuel Block, 99 years from May 1, 1909; lessees to erect build- ing not less than two stories high, to be ready by May 1, 1902, to cost not less than $20,000; buildings to lessor at end of term without com- pensation. 5 years 2,000 20 years 2,500 20 years 3,000 54 years 3,600 WABASH av, n w cor Hubbard pi, 120x180, Studebaker Bros Mfg Co to Tracy C Drake and John B Drake, 143 years and 6 months from July 1, 1909; lessees to erect a building (or com- bination of two or more) for amusement, hotel or mercantile purposes to front on Hubbard pi, to cost not less than $150,000, to be ready by Jan 1, 1912; lessees to remodel buildings on west 100 ft by Jan 1, 1912; lessors to erect and maintain during term on west 100 ft a fireproof building for amusement, mercantile or hotel purposes at least eight stories high, costing at least $200,000, by Dec 31, 1921 ; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 1 year 3,200 1 year 18,000 3 years 20,000 3 years 22,500 5 years 24,000 86 years and 6 months 26,000 44 years 30,000 WABASH av, n e cor Van Buren st, w f, 106x100, and buildings. Anna B Averell to Timothy F McDermott of De Kalb, 111 ; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 25 years 25,000 WABASH av, Nos 1510 to 1516, e f, 70x170, Henry H Forsyth to Benjamin J Rosenthal, 99 years from April 1, 1909; lessee to pay taxes and to erect a high grade building not less than six stories, to cost not less than $100,000, to be ready by April 1, 1912; security to the value of IJ $25.000 to be deposited to guarantee performance y of building covenant ; lessor in lieu of compen- sation for building at end of lease may extend lease for 50 years at annual rental equivalent to 454 per cent of value of land; rent to be not less than $4,200 annually. 99 years 4,200 WABASH av, 9 w cor Twelfth st, e f. 25x140, Harris Whittemore of Naugatuck, Conn, to Thomas G Vickery and John R Vickery, 99 years from July 1, 1909; in case lessees deem it advis- able to tear down present building, $25,000 shall be deposited with the Northern Trust Co, or to such other bank as may be selected, as security for the erection of another building; buildings the property of lessor at end of term without com- pensation. 99 years 3,125 WABASH av, e f, 92.6 ft s of Sixteenth st, 25x 165.68, Margaret H Rhodes to C F Bruschke, 99 years, lease from October 1, 1889; lessee to erect building costing not less than $25,000, improvements to go to lessor at end of term at an appraised value 1 ,800 WABASH av, n e cor Peck ct. 8354x173, Charles P Treat to Thomas P Brooks; 25 years from Feb 10, 1905; lessee to erect a fireproof build- ing to cost not less than $60,000 : to be ready five months from Feb 11, 1905. 25 years 10,750 WABASH, av, Nos 350 to 352, w f, 40x173, 80 ft n of Harrison st, to Thomas Murdoch to Ben- iamin J Rosenthal, 99 years from April 1, 1909: lessor sells building to lessee (consideration not given) ; lessee to erect a high grade building t not less than eight stories, of fireproof construction, to be ready by April 1, 1934; lessee may at his GROUND LEASES. Per Year option extend time to construct building to April 1, 1944, provided lessee shall on or before April 1, 1934, deposit with lessor securities having an actual market value of $100,000: lessee to deposit securities to the amount of $100,000 before he commences to tear down present build- ing ; lessor in lieu of making compensation for improvements, shall have right to extend lease for an additional 50 years at an annual rental of a sum of money equal to 4% per cent of the value of the land determined by appraisers. WABASH av, 200 to 206, s e cor Adams, 80x50, S Leonard Boyce has leased to Ralph C Otis, Jo- seph E Otis and Walter H Wilson for 198 years from March 1, 1906; $30,000 was paid for the building ; buildings to go to lessor at expiration of the lease without compensation. 5 years .................................... 12,000 5 years . . . . ................................ 13,000 188 years .................................... 15,000 WABASH av, w f, 1335$ ft s of Harmon ct. 26^x171, Charles L Willoughby to Eliza H Gates and David R Fraser, 99 years, from April 5, 1890 ; lessee to erect buildings costing not less than $60,000 ; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation ..... 4,500 WABASH av, e f, 223 '/, ft n of Thirteenth st, 2654x17054, Harvey W Harper to Robert J Gunning, 99 years, from October 1, 1890; les- sees to erect buildings by October 1, 1900, costing not less than $20,000 ; improvements to be purchased by lessor at end of term at an ap- praised value. 2 years ..................................... 900 5 years ......................... ............ 1,500 92 years ..................................... 2,100 WABASH av, s e cor of Jackson, 46x90, Lowell, Lyman & Harris, trustees of Blake estate, Boston, Mass, to Thomas Whitfield, 198 years, from January 1, 1891, improvements to go to lessors at end of term without compensation. ... 10,000 WABASH av, s e cor of Twenty-third, 100x292, Catharine L Cameron of Detroit, Mich, to Leroy Payne, 99 years, from July 1, 1890; lessee to erect building within five years, costing not less than $30,000 ; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation .............. 3,600 WABASH av, e f, 10 ft s 177.80, Frederick Haskell t of Adams st, 80x Simon Florsheim, July 1, 1886; improvements to end of term without compensa- 99 years, from go to lessor at tion. 49 years 12,000 50 years 14,000 WABASH av, e f, 336.9 ft s of Sixteenth st, 40x165.6, C L Willoughby to F E Morse and Fred C Williams of Chicago and G H Mitchell of Forestville, Conn, 99 years, from July 1, 1890; lessee to erect building costing not less than $35,000 by January 1, 1892; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensa- tion. 5 years 3,333 94 years 3,888 WABASH av, n e cor Hubbard pi, 40x100, R G Dinen et al to Studebaker Bros Mfg Co, 99 years from May 1, 1904; lessor has option of an extension of this lease for 99 years at $7,200 annually; improvements to go to lessor at ex- piration of the lease. 1 year 6,000 12 years and 6 months 7,200 WABASH av, w f, 140.8 ft s of Van Buren, 20x 171.6, Percy W Palmer to S H Packard, 99 years, from March 15, 1890; lessor to purchase improvements at an appraised value 2,400 WABASH av, e f, 53 ft s of Monroe st, 47x85, Joseph N Baker, trustee, Carrie L W Hoops and Charles L Hoops to William Fitzgerald, 99 years from October 1, 1892; lessee within two years from May 1, 1893, must add two stories and expend $25,000 in other improvements ; if lessee desires to remove buildings he must de- posit $50,000 in bank to be paid out on archi- tect's certificate. 99 years 15,000 WABASH av, 78.4 ft s of Madison, e f, 81. 6x 170, Michael Burke to Benjamin Allen, Edward Holbrook, George H Robinson. 99 years from May 1, 1896; lessee to deposit $50,000 with First National Bank to secure the construction of a building not less than nine stories and to cost not less than $150,000, on which work is to be commenced May 1, 1896 ; to go to lessor at end of lease at appraised value. 1 year J 98 years 20,000 WABASH av, e f, 125 ft s of Fourteenth st, 3754x 145.6 ft, Julia M Watson to Henry W Snyder, 99 years, from January 1, 1891 ; lessee to erect building costing not less than $50,000 before June 1, 1891 ; to become property of lessor at end of lease 3,600 WABASH av, Nos 533 to 539, 80x16554, H H Forsyth to Joseph B Moos, 149 years from June 1, 1908 ; lessee to erect mercantile building not less than five stories high, to be finished by July 1, 1909; lessee has deposited with lessor $73,- 000 to be used in the construction of the build- ing ; building to go to the lessor at the expira- tion of the lease without compensation. 99 years 8,000 50 years at a yearly rental equivalent to 5% upon the fair cash market value of the land but in no event shall it be less than $8,000 a year. WABASH av, Nos 266 and 268, 51x157, Frederick Fisher to Rudolph Wurlitzer Co, 20 years from May 1, 1906; rent, $1,000 a month; by an agree- ment attached lease is extended for 80 years from May 1, 1926; lessee shall erect within fifteen years from May 1, 1906, a new building, to cost not less than $150,000. 254 years 12,000 9654 years 13,000 104 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. GROUND LEASES. Per Year WABASH av. w f, 276 ft s of Sixteenth st, lOlx 172.2, Charles L Willoughby to Thomas Whit- field et al, 99 years from May 1, 1892; lessees to erect a building to cost not less than $50,000, to be completed and ready for occupancy by De- cember 1, 1892; buildings to go to lessor at end of lease. 99 years 9,000 WABASH av, n w cor Twenty-eighth st, 99x116, William L Bradley of Dubuque, la, to the Mosher Apartnrent Building Co, 99 years from October 27, 1892; lessees to erect within eight months an apartment house not less than four stories high at a cost of not less than $150,000; at the end of lease lessor shall determine whether he shall purchase building as building material or extend the lease for 99 years at an appraised value 7,800 WABASH av, e f, 80 ft s of Adams st, 46x177.80, Francis E Ely to Zephaniah S Holbrook for 99 years from May 1, 1892, subject to the leases now running for three years; lessee to erect with- in one year after getting possession of property a $50,000 building to go to lessor; lease may be extended for 50 years at $20,000 a year. 5 years 13,000 94 years at 6 per cent appraised value but must be at least 16,500 WABASH av, e f, 160 ft s of Adams st, 80x 177.8, Frederick Haskell to Simon Florsheim, 99 years from July 1, 1886; building to be erected by lessee costing $75,000, in 24 months; im- provements to go to lessor without compensation. 49 years 12,000 50 years 14,000 WABASH av, s e cor Peck st, 10954x180, Hiram Wheeler to George F Kimball, 10 years from May 1, 1892; lessee to erect by May 1, 1893, building to cost not less than $30,000 ; to be removed by lessee at end of lease 10,000 WABASH av, w f, 110 ft s of Van Buren st, 33}n annuallv: rent from March 29 to April .in. 1905. $333.33. 5 years 28.000 94 years 32.000 GROUND LEASES. WABASH av, Nos 291-297, 80 ft a of Van Bure'n st, e f, 80x170.7, William C Comstock to Freder- ick R Barnheisel, 99 years from May 1, 1906; lessee to construct before May 1, 1916, a build- ing to cost not less than $100,000, and to guaran- tee the fulfillment of this part of the agreement there has been deposited with the Merchants' Loan and Trust Co securities to the value of $20,000; lease may be extended for 99 years at $14,000 annually, but should this not be the case the lessor shall purchase the improvements at 80 per cent of their value; in the event of an extension of the lease the buildings shall go to the lessor at the expiration of the extended term without compensation. 3 years 8,000 8 years 12,000 88 years 14,000 WABASH av, Nos 519 and 515, 40x165, Mrs F R rJurton and Le Grande W Burton to Chas F Gunther, 99 years from Nov 1, 1905; lessee to construct a building to cost not less than $35,- 000 by Dec 1, 1910; to go to lessor at the expira- tion of the lease. 4 years 3,000 95 years 3,600 WABASH av, Nos 258 and 260, 40x172, Mrs Maria B Schuettler, 99 years from May 1, 1905; lessee paid $40,000 for building, and to rebuild in case of fire; lessee may purchase land prior to May 1, 1907, for $205,000. 99 years 8,000 WABASH av, n e cor Peck ct, 83^x173, Chas P Treat to Preston W Brooke, 25 years from Feb 10, 1905; lessee to construct building to cost not less than $60,000, to be ready for occupancy within five months from Feb 11, 1905. 25 years 11,750 WABASH av, e f, 150 ft s of Twenty-fifth st, 50x180 ft, Lazarus F Minzesheimer to William Fitzgerald, 199 years from May 1, 1892; lessee to erect by Nov 1, 1893, a brick building to cost not less than $20,000; to go to lessor at end of lease 1,500 WABASH av, e f, 116 ft n of Madison st, 40x172, John P Atwater, Poughkeepsie, N Y, to Edwin C Donaldson, 99 years from Aug 1, 1892: lessee to maintain building worth $31,000; to be pur- chased by lessor at appraised value at end of lease or new lease made for 99 years at $10,000 a year 8,000 WABASH av, Nos 303 and 305, 30x170, James T Farrell, Hartford, Conn et al to the Kuntz-Remm- ler Co, 99 years from Oct 1, 1902; lessee to erect a two-story building, to cost $15,000, within one year, and to add four stories to it within four years; buildings to go to lessors at expiration of lease. 10 years 5.200 10 years 5,350 79 years 5,500 WABASH av, South, old Nos 267 and 269 (new Nos 330 and 332), e f, 45x171, between Van Buren st and Jackson blvd, and buildings, Ryder et al, Morrill Carpenter (formerly Ryder Mor- rill, and now wife of George Boone Carpenter) John French Morrill, to Rotschild & Co, for 99 years from May 1, 1909; lessee to erect build- ing at least eight stories high, to cost at least $150,000, to be ready by May 1, 1919; to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 10 years 12,000 10 years 14,000 79 years 16,000 WABASH av, South, old Nos 263 and 265 (new Nos 324-328), e f, 55x171, between Van Buren st and Jackson blvd, estate of Frances E Ogden, deceased, by trustees, to Rothschild & Co, for 104 years from May 1, 1910; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $250,000, to be ready May 1, 1920; to go to lessors at end of term without compensation. 5 years 17,750 10 years 19,000 10 years 20,000 79 years 22,000 WABASH av, Nos 1706-1714, e f, 100x166.78, Mary E Hammond of Chicago, Helen D Parker of New Rochelle, N Y, Jennie B Stevens Tappan and Herrika M Stevens Button of New York City, to Rotschild & Co, for 20 years from June 1, 1907; the lessee may on or before June 1, 1910, request lessors in writing, the lessors agree to add to the building on the premises three ad- ditional stores, the lessee to pay a further annual rental of $6,562 for their use and occupation. 20 years 18,000 WABASH av. South, s e cor East Madison st, w f, 97x171, Alexander A McKay to John B Mai- lers, 99 years from Dec 1, 1910; lessee to erect a fireproof building not less than 12 stories to be ready by May 1, 1913: lessor's option to ex- tend term in lieu of making compensation for improvements for additional term of 99 years from Dec 1, 2009, at an annual rental of $50.000. 6 months 1 5.000 954 years 40,000 R9 vears 50.000 WABASH av. South, No 128-132 (old No 185-187), e f, 50.14x174.6, between Monroe and Adams sts. Edward H R Green, trustee estate of Ed- ward Mott Robinson, deceased, Terrell, Tex, to Tohn T Lenfestey, for 99 years from Jan 1, 1912; lessee to make improvements within 10 years to the value of $25,000; lessee may erect new build- ing at any time during the life of this lease; les- see has first privilege of purchasing the premises at any time during lease. 99 years 19.000 WABASH av, s w cor East Fortv-third st. e f. 78x143. Margaret A Doherty to Ralph New-field; 99 years from July 1, 1915, lessee purchased building for $20,000! 99 years 2,500 April 8, 1916. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 105 GROUND LEASES. Per Year. WABASH av, South, Nos 119-121-123, w f, 54x171, between Adams and Monroe sts, Martha S Hill to SchoIIe Furniture Co and Charles H Scholle for 99 years from Jan 1, 1912; lessee will prior to 30th day of April, 1912, erect and complete a building at least seven stories in height, cost- ing approxmately $100,000; lessee has deposited $50,000 in securities with lessor for the faithful performance of the building clause; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 4 months ..................................... 1 year ................................... 17,000 19 years ................................... 21,600 78*5 years .................................. 23,750 WABASH av, No 144-146 old (25-27 new), s w f, 40x172, 156 ft n of Mowrie st, Alexander A McKay to Peter Bosch and Chas Bosch, 98 years ten months from July 1, 1908; lessee to erect new building before July 1, 1909, to cost not less than $50,000; to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 99 years .................................... 14,400 WABASH av, South, s w cor East Monroe st, e f, 52.95x85, Leroy A Goddard to David Mayer, for 198 years from Nov 1, 1911; lessee will not later than Feb 1, 1913, remove present building and replace it with a modern fireproof building to be ready by Aug 1, 1914, to cost not less than $300,000; name of new building shall be "God- dard building;" dep9sit of $50,000 with the Cen- tral Trust Co of Illinois as security for the per- formance by the lessee of the covenants and pro- visions of this lease; further deposit of $250,000 before the removal of present building; building and improvements to lessor at end of term with- out compensation. 198 years ................................... 30,000 WABASH av, 120 ft s of Harrison st, Nos 374-376, w f, 40x172, estate of Cornelius Price to Jacob L Kesner, for 99 years from Jan 1, 1911; build- ings to lessor at end of term without compensa- tion. 99 years .................................... 6.000 WABASH av, Nos 423-429, between Van Buren and Congress sts, w f, 80x171.6, Win A Giles to Edwd F Bosley, Wm B Simpson, Fredk T Hoyt, trustees under the Wabash trust agree- ment, 198 years from July 1, 1912; lessee to erect new fireproof building to cost at least $400,000 prior to July 1, 1932; building to lessor at ex- piration of lease without compensation. 6 years ................. ................... 24,000 6 years .................................... 27,000 186 years ..................................... 30,000 WABASH av, South, 322 ft n of East Fifty-third st, e f, 230x161, Harvey T Weeks to Bosworth Bros Fireproof Storage Co, 99 years from Sept 1, 1912; lessee to construct building to cost not less than $50,000; to lessor at expiration of lease without compensation. 99 years ..................................... 5,000 WABASH av, n e cor Van Buren st, w f, 106x100, Anna B Averell to Timothy F McDermott, De Kalb, 111, 25 years from March 1, 1909; lessee to spend not less than $25,000 in remodeling build ing; lease assigned by T F McDermott to Wex- ford Co. 25 years ..................................... 25,000 WABASH av, South, Nos 534-536, e f, 80 ft n of Harrison st, 40x165)4, Hetty H R Green of Bel- lows Falls, Vt, to Henry Schelikopf Jr, 99 years from May 1, 1912; lessee to erect building prior to May 1, 1914, to cost not less than $25,000. 10 years ..................................... 6,000 10 years .................. - .................. 6.500 5 years ................... ................... 7,000 5 years ...................................... 7,500 5 years ..................................... 8,000 64 years ..................................... 10,000 WABASH av, South, Nos 128 to 132, e f, 50x92J* ft on n and 174 ft on s, 110 ft n of Adams st, Edward H R Green, trustee under estate of Ed- Mott Robinsoi, to Potter Palmer Jr, 99 years from May 1, 1912; lessee to make improvements to the value of $25,000 prior to May 1, 1922; lessee has first privilege to purchasing prem- ises in Case lessor shall elect to sell. 99 years ..................................... 19,250 WABASH av, s e cor East Monroe st, w f, 160x 180, Hobart W William to Modie J Spiegel, Ar- thur H Spiegel, Sidney M Spiegel, 99 years from May 1, 1917; lessees to erect commercial and of- fice building not less than 12 stories high, to cost not less than $1,000,000; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 10 years .................................... 85,000 10 years .................................... 90,000 10 years .................................... 95,000 20 years ..................................... 100,000 49 years .................. .................. 1 10,000 WABASH av, Nos 1821 to 1823, w f, 52x168, Hetty H R Green to Reuben S Lowenstein, 99 years from January 1, 1913; lessee will on or be- fore Jan 1, 1918 begin the construction of a build- ing to cost not less than $35,000. 1 year ......................................... 300 1 year ......................................... 400 1 year ......................................... 500 1 year ..................... : ................... 600 1 year ......................................... 700 94 years ........................................ 825 ' ABASH av, n w cor East Washington st, w f, 96x162 (or to Garland ct), Clifford W Barnes, Wm R Nash and Northern Trust Co, Tr of Simon Reid, dec, to James O Heymouth and Thomas J McNulty, 99 years from Mar 1, 1913; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $800,000 prior to Mar 1, 1918; lessee to deposit with Northern Trust Co on delivery of lease, stock of Michigan ay Co with a market value of $100,000, also in addition, securities approved by the Northern Tr Co, having an actual market GROUND LEASES. Per Year. value of not less than $200,000; buildings to lessor at expiration. 1 1-6 years 52,500 5 years 55,000 92 5-6 years 65,000 WABASH av, Nos 606-612, e f, 48x125}^, 72 ft s of Harrison st, Frederick R Barnheisel to Wm C Niblack, 99 years from May 1, 1914; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $100,000; lessor has right to extend this lease for an additional 50 years, prior to April 1, 2013; build- ings to lessor on expiration of the additional term of 50 years without compensation. 99 years 10,000 WABASH av, 66 ft n of Forty-second st, ef, 125x 160, Rebecca Livingston to Livingston Baking Co, of which she is the president, 99 years from De- cember 1, 1914; lessees may construct building to cost $100,000 at any time after December 1, 1914, to go to lessor at expiration of lease with- out compensation. 99 years 4,800 WABASH av. North, 159-161. w f, 40x96, 88J4 ft n of East Randolph st, John W Barr Jr, Tr, to Wm Holabird, 99 years from March 20, 1914, lessee has option to purchase, prior to Dec 1. 1920, for $200,000, new building to be erected by lessee within 5 years; if not, $10,000 must be expended upon present building. 99 years 8,000 WABASH av, South, 120 ft n of East Harrison st, w f, 40x172.5, Ada Elizabeth Wrigley to Jacob L Kesner, 99 years from August 1, 1915; build- ings to lessor at end of term without compensa- tion ; lessee to buy buildings for $1.00. 99 years 12,000 WABASH av, South, 40 ft n of East Harrison st, w f, 40x172, the Catholic Bishop of Chicago to Nathan M and Samuel R Kaufman of Mar- quette, Mich., 99 years and ten months from March 1, 1913; lessee to erect, so as to be ready on or before May 1, 1920, a building of fireproof construction not less than six stories high and to cost not less than $100,000. 10 months 6 000 10 years 8,000 10 years 9,000 10 years 10 000 69 years 12,000 WALL st, s e cor Thirty-seventh st, 150x107 John A Spoor and Arthur G Leonard, trustee: to Dorley Brothers. WARREN av, s w cor Hoyne av, 47.58x125.1, Thomas R Lyon to Alto E Weber, 99 years from Aug 1, 1894; lessee to erect a four-story build- ing to cost not less than $40,000 by Jan 1, 1895; to go to lessor at end of term 900 WARREN av, 68 ft w of Lincoln st, n f, 16x90, 82 . years from May 1, 1900; Elsie, Mary and James B White to Robert Greig. 3 years 99.00 5 years 103.50 10 years 112.50 15 years 121.50 10 years 130.50 15 years 139.50 10 years 148.50 14 years 157.50 WASHINGTON blvd, n w cor Sangamon st, 125x 190, Kate A Papin to George P Bent, 99 years from Oct 24; lessee to complete within one year from Oct 1, 1894, a four-story building to cost not less than $70,000; to be purchased by lessor at expiration of lease. years 2,400 88 years 3,000 WASHINGTON st, Nos 187 and 189, s f, 40Hx IBl'A, Chancellor L Jenks Jr to Chicago Tele- phone Co; lessee buys buildings, improvments and fixtures for $25,000; 198 years from May 1, 1910; lessee to erect building costing at least $150,000 by May 1, 1915; buildings to lessor at end of term without compensation. 198 years 8,000 WASHINGTON av, n w cor Fifty-ninth st, e f, 250x300 ft on Fifty-ninth st, s f, and 198J4 ft, w f, on Madison av, except buildings and im- provements, Marcus H Cartwright of Nashville, Tenn, to Louis E Ingalls of Joliet, 111, for 99 years from Oct 1, 1910; lessor to purchase build- ings at end of term. 99 years 8,000 WASHINGTON st, West, Nos 120-126, 11654x186, estate of Henry Witbeck to H M Hooker, 98 years and 8 months from July 1, 1907; lessee to erect building to be completed by Jan 2, 1909, to cost not less than $100,000; to go to lessor at expiration of the lease. Rent for eight months 2,330 98 years 4,660 WASHINGTON st, Nos 200 and 202, 40%x90'/ 3 , John B Adams et al to the Donnell Safe Co, 99 years from Feb 1, 1907; building to go to lessor at expiration of time without compensation. 99 years 4,000 WASHINGTON st, Nos 191-197, 80x181, Matilda McLean of Brooklyn, N Y, to Chicago Telephone Co, 99 years from Jan 1, 1903; lessee may alter buildings so that the value of the improvements shall not be less than $30,000; building to go to the lessor at the appraised value. 99 years 10,000 WASHINGTON, st, s f, 90 ft w of Canal st, 61.5x 76.6, George W Thomas to Helen M Brown, 99 years from June 1, 1891; lessee to erect build- ing in five years costing not less than $20,000; option of purchase to lessee for $61,500 within five years; lessor to purchase improvements at end of term at an appraised value. 2 years 2,000 3 years 2,100 94 years 3,075 GROUND LEASES. WASHINGTON av, n w cor of Fifty-ninth s" 200x150, Madison av, n e cor of Fifty-ninth st, 100x150, A T Ewing to Frank H Barry et al, 99 years from Aug 1, 1892; lessee to erect within 12 months a building to cost not less than $150,- 000; to be purchased by lessor at end of the lease 5,500 WASHINGTON blvd, s e cor Green, 100x100, Henry Gerstley to Edward C and Henry A Kohler, 99 years from Feb 1, 1907; lessees will erect not later than May 1, 1908, mill constructed building not less than five stories high, to cost not less than $30,000; to go to lessor at expira- tion of lease. 99 years 2,500 ing within one year costing not less than $30,000 and not less than five stories high; improvements to be purchased by lessor at end of term at an appraised value 2,500 WASHINGTON st, s f, 54.7 ft w of Wabash av, 24x108.6, James F Lord o Marshall Field, for 99 years from Jan 1, 1892; building to cost not less than $20,000 to be erected within five years from Jan 1, 1892; to go to lessor at the end of the term 6,000 WASHINGTON st, 131 ft e of Fifth av, s f, 40x 180, Tax Abstract Co to Robert F Shanklin, 99 years from May 1, 1895; lessee to construct with- in one year from May 1, 1895, a building to cost not less than $200,000. 99 years 15,000 WASHINGTON st, 40 ft e of Franklin st, s f, 40x90, William H Lundie to the Chicago Tele- phone Co, for 99 years and 9 months from May 1, 1899; lessee to construct building at a cost of not less than $75,000; lessee may terminate lease at any time upon giving three months' notice and all liability will cease. 99 years and 9 months 6,000 WASHINGTON st. 40 ft e of Franklin, s f, 40x 90, W A McGuire to W H Lundie, 99 years from May 1, 1899; the lessee to construct within two years from May 1, 1899, a structure to cost not less than $75,000; to go to the lessor at the termination of the lease. 99 years 6,000 WASHINGTON st. West, n w cor Fifth av, a f, 101x182, Dec 1, 1911, John W Blodgett of Grand! Rapids, Mich, to Thaddeus H Howe, for 99 years from Dec 1, 1911; lessee purchases building, $1; lessee will on or before Dec 1, 1926, erect fire- proof building not less than $500,000; to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 15 years 27,000 84 years 30,000 WASHINGTON st, West, 178-182, s f, 40x110, be- tween La Salle and Fifth av, Geo F Porter to Landon Cabell Rose, 99 years from Dec 1, 1911; lessee will on or before May 1, 1917, make im- provements on building at a cost of not less than $15,000; lessee has option to extend lease for 50 years; annual rental $9,000; at expiration of term buildings to lessor without compensation. 99 years 9.000 WATER st, s w cor of Clark st, n f, 22x90, s depth 80 ft, Northern Trust Co trustee for Helen E James under the will of Marshall Field deceased to Frank Cuneo, 99 years and 2 months from Mar 1, 1913; lessee to erect fireproof building to cost not less than $50,000 prior to May 1, 1918; lessor may extend lease for 25 years from May 1, 2012 at same rental in lieu of making com- pensation for improvements ; buildings to lessor at expiration of term without compensation. 99 1-6 years 6,300 WATER st, Nos 113 and 115, s w cor Dearborn st, 43J4x50, Henry Botsford to Andrew and Law- rence Cuneo, 99 years from March 1, 1911; les- sees to pay all taxes in addition to rent; lessors sells building to lessees for $10,000; lessee may cancel lease at expiration of 20 years; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 99 years 6,435 WATER st. South, a e cor Fifth av, 8054xl50j4, Carl C Buhl and Joseph Theurer to Charles C Rumrill, 99 years from Sept 1, 1909; lessee to pay taxes and within 15 months to alter store occupied by Crerar, Adams & Co at a cost of at least $20,000; to construct a new store and of- fice building within 30 years from date, costing not less than $100,000. 8 months 10,800 5 years 21,000 Balance of term 20,000 WATER st, West, n e cor of Washington, 152.8 ft on West Water st by 70 ft on Wasnington st, James M Gamble to Henry F Billings, 99 years from April t 1, 1889; lessee to erect building not less than six stories high; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation 6,000 WATER st, South, s f, 114 ft e of State st, 95H*55, also triangular piece, 201.6 ft on river, 15.8 on State st and 119M ft on east line, Reed estate, Erie, Pa, to Central Market Company, 99 years from November 1, 1890; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation 8,200 WATER st, n f, 980 ft w of Canal basin, 120 ft front, with an irregular depth, 225 and 199 ft, Chicago Dock and Canal Company to Henry J Rogers, 61 years and 9 months from Auuj?st 1, 1892; lessor to purchase at end of lease build- ings or extend lease for 20 years at 6 per cent on appraised value. 21 years and 9 months 1,800 20 years, 6 per cent. 20 years, 6 per cent. WATER st. South, s e cor Dearborn, 20x80 Jennings Trust Company to Louis Olcese, 99 vears from March 1, 1890, with four-story brick building: lessee shall make improvements to ex- tent of $7,000 within six months of date of lease : to go to lessor at expiration of lease. 99 years 3,600 106 THE ECONOMIST. Chicago, U. S. A. GROUND LEASES. Per Year WATER st, n w cor Fifth av, s f, 80x155, Uni- versity of Chicago to Thomas J White, 99 years from Sept 1, 1914; lessee to erect building to cost not less than $100,000, which shall be com- pleted and paid for by Aug 31, 1921; lessor to purchase buildings at end of term. 20 years 8,250 30 years 9,375 49 years 11,250 WELLS st, n w cor Sigel, 154x318, Levi Z Leiter to Adolph Schoeninger, 97 years, from August 1, 1891 ; lessee to build five-story factory within one year; to lessee option of renewal of lease at same terms for 25 years 7,500 WELLS st, n w cor of Superior st, 50x110, Mar- garet S Watson to J B Galloway, 99 years, lease from February 1, 1890; lessee to erect building not less than three stories high and costing not less than $25,000 ; improvements to be purchased by lessor at end of term at an appraised value.. 1,500 WELLS st, w f, 69'/, ft s of Huron st, 64^x110, F A Edgerton of Detroit, Mich, to Theodore A Kochs. 35 years ; improvements to go to lessor at end of term without compensation. 1 year 810 2 years .967.50 32 years, 6 per cent on an appraised valuation. WELLS st, s w cor Schiller, 299x330, with front- age of 456 on Sigel and 143 on Franklin, L Z Leiter to Adolph Schoeninger, 99 years from May 1, 1892; lessor shall purchase buildings at one-half cash value or lease be extended for 25 years. 99 years 18,000 WELLS st, n w cor Erie, e f, 30x110, Ruth M Gardner to Phoebe M Butler; 99 years from July 1, 1903; buildings to be purchased by lessor at expiration of lease 840 WENTWORTH av, n w cor Goshen st, 24x117, John G Earle to Charles Domke, 50 years' lease, from May 1, 1891 ; lessee to erect building 24x117; improvements to be purchased by les- sor at end of term at an appraised value or re- new lease for 25 years more. 50 years 150 WENTWORTH av, w f, 88 ft s of Sixty-second st, 67x100, Bronson B Tuttle of Naugatuck, Conn, to William V Jacobs, 99 years from De- cember 3, 1891 ; building to go to lessor at end of lease 1,500 WENTWORTH av, s w cor Forty-sixth st, 44x117, John G Earle to Eugene L Shreffler, 50 years from November 1, 1892; buildings to go to lessor at end of lease. 50 years 400 WENTWORTH av, e 66 ft s of Forty-sixth st, 22x 117, John G Earle to Eugene L Shreffler, 50 years from November 1, 1892; buildings to go to lessor at end of lease. 50 years 150 WENTWORTH av, e f, 88 ft a of Forty-sixth st, 22x117, John G Earle to Eugene L Shreffler, 50 years from November 1, 1892; buildings to ?o to lessor at end of lease. years I 150 CtBOUND LEASES. Per Year WENTWORTH av, e f, 110 ft s of Forty-sixth st, 44x117, John G Earle to Eugene L Shreffler, 50 years from October 1, 1891 ; lessee to erect brick store and flat building; lessor may lease, may extend lease for 25 years or purchase building. 50 years 300 WENTWORTH av, n w cor Forty-sixth st, 36x 103, J L Curtis to A S Whitman, 99 years a three-story building by July 1, 1896; to go to lessor at end of lease. 99 years 600 WENTWORTH av, n w cor Twentieth st, 200x 124 y,, Board of Education to W K Fairbank Co, 99 years from July 1, 1905 ; buildings belong to lessee; to go to lessor at end of lease with- out compensation. 25 years 2,100 25 years 2,310 25 years 2,541 24 years 2,922 WENTWORTH av, e f, 44 ft s of Forty-sixth st, 22x117, John G Earle to Eugene L Shreffler, 50 years from November 1, 1892; buildings to go to lessor at end of lease. 50 years 1 50 WENTWORTH av, n w cor Sixty-third st, 50x100, P R Chandler to J F Winter, 99 years from November 1, 1895 ; lessee agrees to expend $2,000 by May 1, 1896, in putting premises in condi- tion for use as a storage warehouse; lessee may purchase premises within 15 years at $50,000.... 3,000 WENTWORTH av, s w cor of West Fortieth st, e f, 85x122; Fifth av, s e cor West Fortieth st, w f, 122x122; Fifth av, s w cor West Fortieth st, e f, 122x122, except a piece of land, being a right angle triangle, with a base 10 ft on Princeton av, measured from its s e cor at the intersection of s line and Fortieth st, and running to an apex 55 ft e of s cor, on a s line of s Fortieth st; David G Hamilton to Peabody Coal Co, for 25 years from March 1, 1912. 25 years 2,400 WENTWORTH av, 199 ft n of West Seventy-third st, e f, 50x122, 99 years from March 1, 1915, Hetty H R Green to Sidney W Golden. 99 years 250 WENTWORTH AV, n w cor Sixty-sixth st, e f, 100x51.95, 99 years from October 1, 1914, Hetty H R Green to Andrew N Grossman; lessee may at any time after October 1, 1914, erect a building or improvement upon said premises. 5 years 500 94 years 400 WESTERN av, South, Nos 600 to 606, 8 w cor Harrison st, 99^x125, Mary King to Louis Samkovitz and Mandel Dulsky, for 99 years from Aug 18, 1911; lessee to pay incumbrance of $17,000 on property in lieu of buying build- ing; lessee may purchase land prior to Jan. 1, 1922, for $39,250. 99 years 1,800 WESTERN av. North, s w cor West Lawrence av, e f, 100.42x125, Eliakim R Bliss to Charles H Kusel and Jacob L Harris, 99 years from June 1, 1914; lessee agrees to erect building 5,500 GROUND LEASES. Per Year to cost not less than $25,000, to be ready by October 1, 1915 ; building to lessor at end of term without compensation. 5 years .................................... 2,500 5 years .................................... 3,000 5 years .................................... 4,000 84 years .................................... 5,000 WILSON av, s e cor Kenmore av, n f, 143x125, Thomas B Jeffery of Kenosha, Wis, to Elwin A Roser, 99 years from June 1, 1909; lessee as security for rent agrees to erect within eighteen months a substantial brick or stone building, to cost at least $10,000, for general business pur- poses. 99 years ..................................... 2,000 WILSON av, n w cor Evanston av, 320x112, Clarence Buckingham to Percy C Stohr. 35 years ..................................... 4,000 WILSON av, 105 ft e of Evanston av, s f, 60x100, William H Vehon to Jones, Linick & Schaefer Co, 25 years from May 1, 1909; lessee to pay taxes; lessor to complete by May 1, 1909, a theater building. 25 years WILSON 'av, s w cor Kenmore av, n f, 50x125, Chancellor L Jenks to Roy B Tabor, 198 years from Feb 1, 1915. Lessee purchases buildings and may at his option erect a building to cost $65,000, buildings to lessor at expiration of lease. Lessee agrees to pay $63,000 incumbrance. 5 years .................................... 6,000 193 years .................................... 6,500 WINTHROP av, n e cor Argyle st, w f, Elzer C Noe to Edwin A Roser, 99 years from January 1, 1911; lessee to pay taxes in addition to erect a building within 12 months from date to cost not less than $10,000. 5 years 10 years 84 years ..................................... WOODLAND PARK, s i, 400 ft e of Cottage Grove av, 50x120.6, Matson Hill to M L Beers, W W Clay and L B Dutton, 99 years from November 1, 1892; lessees to erect by April 1, 1893, a four-story building to cost not less than $33,000; to go to lessor at the end of lease; lessees have option of purchase on or before February 1, 1894, at $20,000; in case they shall erect a first-class fireproof structure, costing $100,000, and it shall be good July 1, 1991; lessor shall have option of purchase of building or of extending the lease 99 years .............. WOODLAND av, cor Myrtle, 215.55x217.5x56, F N Green to Woodlawn Park Club Auxiliary Association, 99 years from April 30, 1891. 5 years ..................................... 1 25 years ......... ............ . ............... 430 69 years, 6 per cent on appraised value every WOODLAWN av, n e cor Forty-sixth st. 120x 170.2, Granger Farwell to John J Shutterly and Abel Bliss of New Lenox, 99 years from October 1, 1892; lessees to erect a three-story and base- ment apartment building, 100x70, to cost $50,000, by May 1, 1893; lessor to purchase improvements at their fair cash value at end of the lease, or extend latter for 99 years. 99 years ..................................... 3,700 1,300 1,500 1,800 1,200 CHICAGO TITLE & TRUST COMPANY Title and Trust Building ABSTRACTS OF TITLE: The company possesses the only complete abstract plant in existence, covering all titles in Cook County, 111., made up from day to day by its own experts, through an examination of the original instruments and records. TITLE GUARANTEE POLICIES: These policies are issued upon titles approved by the attorneys of the company as being safe and merchantable. They furnish a security to purchasers of real estate and of mortgages not possible under any other system. TRUSTS: The company accepts and executes trusts of every character. It acts as trustee under wills, deeds in trust, and under judgments or decrees of courts, and as receiver or trustee in bankruptcy, executor, administrator, guardian or conservator. FEES AND CHARGES: Are as low as is consistent with a moderate profit and the maintenance of adequate reserves. ASSETS EXCEED $9,500,000 NO DEMAND LIABILITIES HARRISON B. RILEY, President A. R. MARRIOTT, Vice-President WM. C. NIBLACK, Vice-President and Trust Officer ABEL DAVIS, Vice-President JUSTIN M. DALL, Vice-President JOHN A. RICHARDSON, Vice-President FRANK G. GARDNER, Treasurer E. L. FITZ-RANDOLPH, Asst. Treasurer R. W. BODDINGHOUSE, Secretary CHARLES R. DALRYMPLE, Asst. Secret; OFFICERS JAMES A. PATTEN WYLLYS W. BAIRD A. R. MARRIOTT ABEL DAVIS MOSES E. GREEXEBAUM CHARLES L. BARTLETT EDGAR M. SNOW NATHAN G. MOORE DIRECTORS HARRISON B. RILEY CHARLES S. CUTTING J. LEWIS COCHRAN WILLIAM C. NIBLACK H. C. MAEHLER, Asst Secretary J. FRANK GRAF, Asst. Secretary WALTER B. SMITH, Asst. Secretary HARRY J. TANSLEY, Asst. Secretary WM. ARNOLD, Real Estate Officer EUGENE C. JENKINS, Escrow Officer CHARLES L. BARTLETT, General Counsel SHERMAN C. SPITZER, Asst. Gen. Counsel RALPH ADAMS, Asst. Mgr. Abstract Dept. BERNARD A. ECKHART JAMES B. FORGAN GEORGE E. RICKCORDS NOBLE B. JUDAH OTTO C. BUTZ EDMUND A. CUMMINGS EDWARD A. SHEDD EDWARD P. RIPLEY 16. REAL ESTATE VALUATIONS. 107 COMMISSIONS AND CHARGES Prescribed by the Chicago Real Estate Board SECTION I. FOR NEGOTIATING LEASES FOR BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY WHERE RENTS ARE NOT COLLECTED BY THE AGENT, AND WHERE BUILDINGS ARE ALREADY ERECTED, BUT NOT INCLUDING GROUND LEASES. Where the term of lease is six months or less, charge 7 per cent on an amount equal to six months I. (See rule 3 of this article.) (2) Where the term is more than six months and c.oc ' not exceed two years, charge 5 per cent on an amr. in. equal to one year's rental. (See rule 3 of this .) (3 If the monthly rentals are not uniform through- out he entire term of any lease coming under the pro- visio s of rules 1 and 2, the average monthly rental for f h<- i :tual period of the least shall be used as the basis mputation. v4) -Where a term exceeds two years, use as a basis charg 5 per cent, and add for each six months or frac- tion t ereof over two years, one-half of 1 per cent, which rate all be figured on one average year's rental of the entire erm. (5) In figuring commissions to be charged on leases where ie rental to be received by the lessor is net, that is to ! v, where the lessee agrees to pay taxes and fire insurai ' ^ premiums, in addition to the rental named in rr * , the annual rental upon which to compute com- . s shall be the net rental plus the amount of the xes and estimated fire insurance premiums; the ntt.iti 'i being to make the charge on the same basis as if the It. ;or paid same and made the lease on the usual gross basM. As it ned in the foregoing are to be made at the rate stipulated, unless there shall have been a previous agree ment between the owner and the agent for the collection of rent. SECTION III. CHARGES POR MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY WHERE AGENT COLLECTS THE RENT, MAKES LEASES, RE PAIRS, ETC. (11) For renting and collecting rents, regardless of the character, use or location of the property, charge 5 per cent on collections, unless special or extraordinary services are required, when an additional charge may bt made which will be commensurate with the service rendered. (12) For office and residence property, wherevei located, charge 5 per cent on collections. (13) In the management of property under this sec- tion the agent shall be entitled to charge on disburse- ments as follows, to-wit: On amounts paid out for taxes on improved property, 1 per cent, and on unimproved property 2*6 per cent, no charge to be less than $U Members shall have the right to charge for special services not contemplated under ordinary agency. (14) For negotiating new leases and for the renewals of old leases the charge shall be in accordance with the circumstances and services performed, and shall be in addition to the amount expended for advertising. (15) Where the collections of rents on property is withdrawn from an agent, such agent shall be entitled to charge for the unexpired term of any leases he may have made or renewed during his agency, at the rates specified in the first part of this article hereof. (16) Agents may take the management of buildings and charge the regular board rates for making new leases as prescribed in sections 1 and 2 hereof, and in their discretion reduce the charge hereinbefore provided in this section for renting and collecting. This policy is recom- mended to members for the reason that it places them in position to pay commissions to other brokers who may assist them in making leases. (17) For transferring or assigning leases the charge shall be in proportion to the service rendered, but in no event shall same be less than $5 for leases on residence property and $15 for leases on business property. SECTION IV. GROUND LEASES. The following charges shall be made for ground leases, whether the agent is managing and collecting rents on the property at the time of making lease or not. (18) For making an original lease, or a sub-lease thereof, where the term of lease is seven years or less, charge in accordance with Section 1 of this article. (19) For making an original lease, or a sub-lease there- of, where the term of lease is over seven and does not exceed 15 years, charge on the total rent for the term 2 per cent. (20) For making an original lease, or a sub-lease thereof, where the term of lease exceeds fifteen years, charge on the value of the ground as determined by capitalizing the annual ground rental on a 4 per cent basis of 2 l /i per cent. PROVISION (A) OF RULE 20. If the annual ground rental during the entire term of the lease is not uniform, the charge shall be made on the value of the land as determined by the average annual ground rental capital- ized as aforesaid. PROVISION (B) OF RULE 20. If the lease contains a clause providing for re-appraisement of the ground by appraisers during the term of the lease the average an- nual rental between the date of lease and the date set for the first appraisement shall be taken as the basis on which to compute the total rental for the entire term. (21) In any case if cash or other consideration is paid in addition to the ground rent, the amount of such cash, or value of such consideration, shall be added to and be- come a part of the capitalized value on which the charge shall be figured. SECTION V. CHARGES FOR MAKING SALES OF REAL ESTATE. Rule 22. On a sale of $2,000 or less 5 per cent, but no charge shall be less than $25. Rule 23. On a sale over $2,000 up to and includ- ing $3,000 $1.20 Rule 24. On a sale over $3,000 up to and includ- ing $4,000 140 Rule 25. On a sale over $4,000 up to and includ- ing $5,000 160 Rule 26. On a sale over $5,000 up to and includ- ing $6,000 180 Rule 27. On a sale over $6,000 up to and includ- ing $7,000 200 Rule 28. On a sale over $7,000 up to and includ- ing $8,000 220 Rule 29. On a sale over $8,000 up to and includ- ing $9,000 240 Rule 30. On a sale over $9,000 up to and includ- ing $10,000 250 Rule 31. On a sale exceeding $10,000 2yi per cent The above schedule does not apply to the handling of subdivisions where the charge shall be a matter of con- tract. (32) In selling or exchanging acre property outside of Cook County, or farm lands located in said County, the charge shall be 5 per cent. (33) For selling leaseholds of buildings, or parts thereof, charge for the unexpired term of the lease the same rates as if a new lease were made, plus 20 per cent of the bonus. For selling ground leases and improvements, charge 4 per cent on the amount of the sale price of the lease- hold interest and improvements, plus \]6 per cent on the value of the ground as determined by capitalizing on a 4 per cent basis the annual ground rental being paid at the time of sale. (34) In case of exchanges of property, a full commis- sion, based upon the sale price, shall be paid by each party, the same as if a sale of each property had been made. (35) All charges herein provided for the sale or ex- change of real estate and the sale of leaseholds and build- ings, shall be based upon the sale price, meaning thereby gages, the sale price shall be construed to mean the price 'hat if the sale is made subject to a mortgage or mort- of the equity, plus the encumbrances. SECTION VI. CHARGES FOR MAKING LOANS. (36) On real estate leans the mortgagor shall pay Zy* per cent on the amount of the loan, and in addition thereto, the attorney's fees for the examination of title, recorder s fees for recording the necessary loan papers, and the cost of guaranty policy, and of continuation of the abstract of title brought down to include the record of the deed securing the loan. (37) For renewal of loans the mortgagor shall pay at the same rate as provided in the preceding paragraph. SECTION VII. FEES FOR VALUATIONS. For making valuations on real estate, members shall not charge less than the following amounts: On amounts not exceeding $10,000, charge $25. On amounts over $10,000 and not exceeding $30,000, charge $25 on the first $10,000 and $2 per thousand on excess, up to and including $30,000. 108 THE ECONOMIST. : Chicago, U. a. A. "Real Estate the Basis of All Security!" Can you imagine any investment more secure than CHICAGO BUSINESS PROPERTY That is MORE CERTAIN OF RETURNS? or that offers better inducements for the increase of one's principal? We have had over 30 years experience in the handling of this class of property in buying and selling, in negotiating long term ground leases, in erecting buildings for desirable ten- ants, in making expert valuations, in manag- ing estates, and in conserving the interests of non-residents, corporations and individuals. When you wish to know anything about Chicago Business Property SEE US OLIVER & COMPANY Dearborn & Washington Sts., CHICAGO MEMBERS OF Chicago Real Estate Board Chicago Association ol Commerce Phones: Randolph 3220-3221-3222.3223 and 3224 HD