LIBRARY I CATALOGUE SUPPLEMENT OP THE U. S. PENITENTIARY, LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. LEAVENWORTH: UNITED STATES PENITENTIARY PRESS, 1910. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates CATALOGUE SUPPLEMENT OF THE U. S. PENITENTIARY LIBRARY. LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. LEAVENWORTH: UNITED STATES PENITENTIARY PRESS, 1910. o % 7 . <=> 7 / tf 78 c, ' / » 0fT Of’> G£ 3 LECTURES AND ADDRESSES. Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of I Lectures on Satan. Me Rae 7404 the Age of Elizabeth. Hazlitt. . .7403 ] Secret Societies 7462 BIOGRAPHY. Cyrus Hall McCormick. Casson. 7504 Same 7505 Life of Abraham Lincoln. Holland. . .7313 Life of George Washington. Irving. Yol. I 7314 Vol II 7315 Vol. Ill 7316 Yol. IV 7317 Life and Letters of Hugh Miller. Bayne Vol. 1 7318 Vol. II 7319 Lives of Illustrious Shoemakers. Winks. 7320 Life of Mary B Eddy. Wilbur 7496 Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy. Sterne 7321 Memoirs of Madame De Remusat. Hoey 7322 Memoirs of Henry the Eighth. Herbert 7323 Men Worth Imitating Groser 7324 My Mother or Recollections .7325 My Schools and Schoolmasters Miller. 7326 William Tell Hofer 7378 CLASSICS. English Literature. Shaw 7380 < Modern Classics 7382 How I Found It 7381 Nature. Emerson .7383 ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY. ECONOMICS. Political Economy. Fawcett 7400 SOCIOLOGY. Silent South, The. Cable — 7401 ESSAYS. Dreamthorp Smith 7264 Extracts from an Introductory Essay. Erskine 7265 Essays of Elia, The. Lamb 7266 Essays on the Principles of Morality. Dymond 7409 Gold Foil. Titcomb 7267 Human Intercourse. Hamerton 7268 Making the Best of Things. Gray 7269 Might of Right, The. Brown 7270 Miscellaneous Essays and Poems. Mac- aulay, Vol. I 7271 Miscellaneous Essays and Poems. Mac- aulay, Vol. II 7272 Miscellaneous Essays and Poems. Mac- aulay, Vol. Ill 7273 Prose and Masterpieces from Modern Essayists 7274 Prose and Masterpieces from Modern Essayists 7275 Prose and Masterpieces from Modern Essayists 7276 ETIQUETTE. Good Manners 7402 FICTION. Andrews, Jane Only a Year and What it Brought . . . 1508 Stories Mother Nature told her Child- ren, The 2213 Arthur, T. S. Home Mission, The 2214 Austin, Jane G. Standish of Standish 2222 Bailey, Alice Ward, Mark Heffron 2696 Baldwin, E. F. and M. Eisenberg Doctor Cavallo 3503 Balestier. Wolcott Benefits Forgot 3504 Barr, Emelia E. Remember the Alamo 3505 Love for an Hour is Love Forever. . .3506 Battershall, Fletcher Daughter of this World, A 3571 Mists 3869 ' Besant, Walter Dorothy Foster 3870 Black, William Highland Cousins 3871 Beautiful Wretch, That 3872 Strange Adventures of a House Boat. The 3874 Yolande. ... . . 3875 Bloss, C. A. Heroines of the Crusades 3876 Bray, Claude. Kings Revenge, The 3878 Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre 3881 Brown, Anna R. Black Lamb, The .... 3882 Burnham, Clara L. Mistress of Beech Knoll, The 3883 Bynner. Edwin L. Begum’s Daughter, The 3884 Caine, Hall Bondman, The 7486 I Deemster, The. A Romance 3885 , Cambridge, Ada T idelis. . . 3886 | Humble Enterprise, A 3887 Carey, Rosa N. Mary St. John 3888 j Clark, Kate E. Dominant Seventh, The 3890 | Clowes, W. Laird Double Emperor, The 3895 Cobban, J. Maclaren King of Andaman, The 3897 Cobbleigh, Tom Young, Sam and Sabina 3898 Cocke, James R. Blind Leaders of the Blind 3900 Conner, Ralph Black Rock 3903 Same 3908 Same 3911 Same 3912 Same 3913 Same 3914 Same 3915 Same 3917 Same 3918 Same 3921 Same 3926 Same 3927 Same 3935 Same 3937 Sam o 3938 Same 3939 Same 4105 Same 4106 Same 4107 Same 4108 Craddock, Charles E. His Vanished Star 4109 Story of Keedon Bluffs, The 4110 Curtis, George W. Prue and 1 4111 D’Arcy, Ella Monochromes 4113 Davis, Ethel When Love is Done 4114 Davis, Richard H. Exiles, The 4115 Van Bibber and Others . 4116 Dean, Mrs. Andrew Splendid Cousin, A 4117 Deland, Margaret Sidney 4118 De Saint-Amand, Imbert Citizeness Bonaparte 41 19 De Saint-Pierre, Bernardin Paul and Virginia.. 4120 Dickens, Marv A Cross Currents 4121 Dickens, Charles Barnaby Rudge and Edwin Drood . . .4122 Bleak House 4123 David Copperfield 4124 Dombey and Son 4125 Great Expectations 4126 History of England, A 4127 5 David Copperfield .4124 Dombey and Son 4125 Great Expectations 4126 History of England, A 4127 Little Dorrit 4128 Martin Chuzzlewit 4129 Nicholas Nickleby 4130 Old Curiosity Shop 4131 Our Mutual Friend 4132 Oliver Twist 4133 Pickwick Club, The 4134 Sketches By “Boz” 4135 Tale of Two Cities 4136 Doudney, Sarah Godiva Durleigh 4137 Doyle, A. Conan Beyond the City.. 4139 Strange Secrets 4142 White Company, The 4143 Du Maurier, George Trilby 4370 Earle, Anne R. Her Great Ambition . . 4144 Eddy, Daniel C. Percy Fami y 4145 Eggleston, George C. Juggernant, (A Veiled Record) 4146 Egerton, George Keynotes 4147 Eliot, Georg : Adam Bede 4148 Same 4483 Felix Holt, the Radical 4149 Romola ..4150 Fawcett, Edgar Her Fair Fame 4160 Mild Barbarian, A 4168 Fenn, George M. Tiger Lily, The 4169 Forrester, Mrs. Fair Women 4170 Forrester, Francis Jessie Carlton 4176 Gardner, Celia E. Won Under Protest • . . . .4184 Gautier, Theophile Avatar 4186 Graham, Margaret C. Stories of the Foot-Hills 4202 Grand, Madam Sarah Heavenly Twins, The 4207 Green, Anna K. Matter of Millions, A 4229 Haggard, H. Rider People of the Mist, The 4238 Halevy Ludovic Abbe Constantin, The 4239 Hamerton, Philip G. Modern Frenchmen.. 4247 Harlan d, Marion His Great Self 4275 Husbands and Homes 7468 Miriam 4295 Ruby’s Husband 7483 Sunny bank 7484 True as Steele 7485 Harte, Bret First Family of Tasajara, A 4300 Harraden. Beatrice Ships that Pass in the Night 4302 Ships that Pass in the Night 1311 Harrison, Mrs. Burton Errant Wooing, An 4317 Hawthorne, Julian David Poindexter’s Disappearance. ..4331 Hawthorne, Nathaniel Our Old Home, Vol. I 4332 Same Vol. II.. 4339 Haynes, Emory J . Farm-House Cobweb, A 4341 Higginson, S. J. Princess of Java, A 4342 Hocking, Joseph “All Men are Liars” 4343 Holdsworth, Annie E. Joanna Traill Spinister 4344 Holmes, Mrs. Mary J. Cameron Pride, The 7293 Cousin Maud and Rosamond. 7463 Daisy Thornton 7465 Darkness and Daylight. 7466 Dora Deane 7467 Edna Browning 7469 English Orphans, The 7470 Ethelyn’s Mistake « 7471 Forest House 7472 Her Fatal Sin 4345 Homestead on the Hillside 7473 Hugh Worthington 7474 Lena Rivers 7475 Marian Grey 7476 Meadow Brook 7477 Millbank. 7478 Mildred 7479 Rose Mather 7480 Tempest and Sunshine 7481 West Lawn . 7482 Howells, W. D. Imperative Duty, An 4346 Hugo, Victor By Order of the King 4347 History of a Crime 4348 Ninety-Three .... 4349 Same 4350 Notre-Dame De Paris 4351 Toilers of the Sea, The .7. 4352 Les Miserables, Vol. I . , 4353 Same Vol. II 4355 Same Vol. Ill 4356 Same Vol. IV 4357 Iron, Ralph African Farm, An 4358 Jerome, Jerome K. Diary of a Pilgrimage 4359 Keary, C. F. Herbert Vanlennert. 4360 Kellogg, Elijah Hard Scrabble of Elm Island, The. . . .4361 Kingsley. Charles Hypatia . 4362 Lorimer, Horace Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son 4363 Longfellow, Henry W. Hyperion 4364 Lyall, Edna Donovan 4365 Knight-Errant 4366 6 Le Queux, William Temptress, The 4367 Martin, Mrs. Herbert Lindsay’s Girl 4368 Marryat, Florence Parson Jones 4369 Mitchell, Walter Two Strings to His Bow 4371 Moore, Frank F. Daireen 4372 Gray Eye or So, A 4373 “I Forbid the Banns!” 4374 Moore, George Vain Fortune 4375 Muhlbach, L. Daughter of an Empress, The 4376 Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. .4377 Mulock, Miss John Halifax “Gentleman” 4378 Nicholson, Meredith Main Chance, The 4379 Norris, W. E. St. Ann’s 4380 Ouida Princess Napraxine 4381 Page, Thomas Nelson Burial of the Guns, The 4382 Pain, Amelia Saint Eva 4383 Parker, Gilbert Right of Way, The 7487 Peek Gr0O W Peck’s Bad Boy and His Pa 4397 Pendered, Mary L. Pastoral Played Out, A 4398 Perry, Bliss Plated City, The 4399 Phelps, Elizabeth S. Come Forth 4461 Gates Ajar, The 4400 Porter, Miss Jane Scottish Chiefs 4401 Thaddeus of Warsaw 4402 Pool, Maria Louise Dally 4403 Price, Eleanor C. In the Lion’s Mouth 4404 Runkle, Bertha Helmet of Navarre, The 4405 Russell, W. Clark My Danish Sweetheart 4406 Emigrant Ship, The 4407 Sand, George Consuelo 4408 Countess of Rudolstadt, (sequel to Consuelo) 4409 Scott, Sir Walter Bride of Lammermoor, The 4410 Count Robert of Paris 4411 Fortunes of Nigel 4412 Heart of Mid-Lothian, The 4414 Ivanhoe 4415 Kenilworth 4116 Monastery, The .4417 Peveril of the Peak 4418 Pirate, The 4419 Quentin Durward 4420 Rob Roy 4421 Tales of a Grandfather 4422 Waverly 4423 Serrao, Theodoro Brushes and Chisels 4424 Shelley, Mary W. Frankenstein 4425 Shipton, Helen Herons, The 4426 Shorthouse, J. H. Blanche Lady Falaise 4427 Spencer, Maja hriend to the Widow, A 4428 Stowe, Harriet B. We and our Neighbors 4429 Stuart, Esme Woman of Forty, A 4430- Sue, Eugene Mysteries of Paris, The 4431 Wandering Jew, The 4432 Swan, Annie S. Fettered Yet Free. 4433 Tasma. Not Counting the Cost . 4434 Thackeray, Wm. M. Adventures of Philip, The 4435 Burlesques 4436 Christmas Books, The 4437 Henry Esmond and Lovel the Wid- ower 4438 Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, The 4439 Newcomes, The 4440 Paris Sketch Book, The 4442 Pendennis 4443 Roundabout Papers . . . 4444 Vanity Fair 4445 Virginians, The 4446 I Tiernan, Mary S I Jack Horner 4447 i Tolstoi, Count Lyof My Husband and I 4448 Tourgee, Albion W. Black Ice 4449 With Gauge and Swallow, Attys.,. . .4450 Tracy Louis Wings of the Morning, The 4484 Twain, Mark Tramp Abroad, A 4451 Van Dyke, F. S. Millionaires of a Day 4954 Verne, Jules Eight Hundred Leagues on the Ama- zon 4452 Victor, Horace Mariam 4453 Walcott, Earle A. Blindfolded 4454 Walworth, Mrs. Jeannette H. Uncle Scipeo 4455 Ward, Mrs Humphry Story of Bessie Costrell, The 4456 Wells, Kate G. Modern Women, Two 4457 Wilkins, MaryE. New England Nun, A 4458 Wolf, Emma Other Things Being Equal 4459 Wynman, Margaret My Flirtations 4460 1 FICTION. UNKNOWN AUTHORS, Actress in High Life, The 4462 Addie’s Husband 4463 Arne 4464 Authors Love, An 4465 Beulah 4466 Chaperoned 4467 Descendants, The 4468 Doris 4469 Georgians, The 4470 Klaus Brewer’s Wife 4482 Lesson in Love 4471 Money Makers, The 4472 Singularly Deluded .... 4473 Stories by American Authors, Vols. 1 and II ...4474 Stories by American Authors, Vols. Ill and IV 4475 Stories by American Authors, Vols. V and VI... 4476 Stories by American Authors, Vols. VII and VIII 4477 Superfluous Woman, A .4478 Thousand and One Nights, The 4479 Toilers of the Sea 4480 What Would You Do, Love 4481 FOREIGN. FRENCH. Florian Fables 7391 Same 7392 Resurrection. Tolstoi 7494 Monte-Christo. Dumas. Vol. I Same, Vol. II Les Chouans. Balzac GERMAN. 7534 7535 7536 Die Altvater. Barth 7393 Im Beguinenturm. Haidheim .. .7493 German Story, A. Anon 7394 Kleine Gechichten. Haltaus .. 7396 Handbuch der Masigkeit. Edwards. . .7395 INDIAN. Woonspe Itakihna. Renville 7397 LATIN. Quinti Horath Flacci Opera. Delphini.7398 | C. Julii Caesaris. Delphini . . 7399 REFERENCE AND TEXT BOOKS. ( These books may be obtained only on special order.) Caesar’s Commentaries on the Gallic War Harkness 7352 Cicero De Officus. Crowell. . 7356 Dialogues to Teach German Conversa- tion. Worman 7388 English French Dictionary. Meadows 7357 English Italian Dictionary. Wessely . .7353 French Grammar 7358 German Course, A. Comfort 7354 German Reader, A. Whitney 7355 German Fourth Reader 7389 German Reader for Beginners. Schra- kainp 7390 Virgil’s Aeneid. Searing 7495 HISTORY. UNITED STATES-GENERAL. Abolition of the Presidency, Tne. Lack- wood 4829 America not Discovered by Columbus. Anderson 7338 Grant and His Campaigns. Coppie . 4838 History of the Civil War in America, The. Abbott, Vol. 1 4849 History of the Civil War in America, The. Abbott, Vol. II 4871 Maine, History of the State of. Hak- luyt . 4876 Pictorial History of the American Rev- olution 7312 Utah, Life in. Beadle 4915 5 ANCIENT. Ancient History. Bloss 4955 Five Great Monarchies, The. Rawlin- son, Vol. I.- — 4956 Five Great Monarchies, The. Rawlin- son, Val, II 4964 Five Great Monarchies, The. Rawlin- son, Vol. Ill — 4965 Manual of Ancient History, A. Thal- heimer 4971 Remarkable Events. Young- 5054 Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy, The. Rawlinson 5195 Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy, The. Rawlinson 5349 Universal History. Tytler 5448 BRITISH EMPIRE. Constitutional History of England, The. Hallam, Vol. I 5449 Constitutional History of Eng-land, The. Hallam, Vol. II ‘.5849 History of England, The. Vol, I, Mac- aulay, . 5850 History of England, The. Vol. II, Mac- aulay 5922 History of England, The. Vol. Ill, Mac- aulay 6378 History of England. The. Vol. IV, Mac- aulay 6445 History of England, The. Vol. V, Mac- aulay ... 6514 FRANCE. Charles The Bold, Vol. I. Kirk 6626 I Historyof France, The. Vol. V, Guizot .6673: Same Vol. II 6665 ! Same Vol. VI 6679 Same Vol. Ill 6666 Same Vol. VII 6680 History of France, The. Vol I, Guizot6667 j , Same Vol. VIII 6681 Same Vol. II 6670 Legends of the Bastille. Brentano . . .6938 Same Vol. Ill ..... .6671 Marie Antoinette. DeSaint Amand . . .6971 Same Vol. IV. . ...6672 MISCELLANEOUS. Catherine the Second. Schmucker . . . .7254 Child’s History of Germany. Yonge . .7255 Freemasonry in all Ages. Carey .... 4834 Gibraltar and its Seiges 7250 Historyof Civilization in Europe. Guizot7410 History of the Roman Empire, The. Vol. I, Milman . .7081 History of the Roman Empire, The. Vol. II, Milman : . . .7129 History of the Roman Empire, The. Vol. Ill, Milman History of the Roman Empire, The. Vol. IV, Milman History of the Raman Empire, The. Vol. V, Milman 7249 Musical History 7257 Rise and Fall of Papacy, Fleming 7258 Rule of the Turk, The. Green 7259 Shaw’s New History of English Litera- ture. Backus 4917 State of Europe, The. Vol I Hallam7269 Same Vol. II 7261 Stories from European History. Jones 7262 Study of Mexico, A. Wells 7263 7143 7206 LETTERS Letters . to an Incognita. Stoddard 7405 MAGAZINES. Century, The j Living Age. Nov 1885 to Apr. 1886 ... 7384 Oct. Nov. and Dec. 1877 7385 May 1886, to Oct. 1886. 7385 Jan. Feb. and March 1878 7387 I Our Young Folks 7489 PHILOSOPHY. Natural and Experimental Philosophy. j Natural Philosophy • •• — 7373 Parker 7406 I Proverbial Philosophy. Tupper 7407 9 POETRY. Arnold, Edwin Light of Asia. The ±544 Ay to arn, William E. Scottish Cavaliers . 4557 Baker, Jr. George A. Point Lace and Diamonds 4558 Bowring, Edgar A. Poems of Goethe, The 4563 Poems of Schiller, The 4598 Browning, Elizabeth B. Aurora Leigh 4612 Browning, Robert. Poetical Works 4636 Byron, Lord Complete Works 4638 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury Tales, The 4641 Coleridge, S. T. Poetical Works 4645 Cowper, William Poems 4646 Dante, Alighieri. Visions of Hell Purgatory and Para- dise 4650 Dryden, John. Poetical Works 4652 Goethe. Works of Vol. .1 7498 Same Vol. II 7499 Same Vol. Ill 7500 Same Vol. IV 7501 Heine, Heinrich. Poems and Ballads 4663 Howe, Julia Ward, World’s Own. The 4665 Hugo, Victor. Literary Life and Poetical Works . . . 4675 Ingelow, Jean Poetical Works 4689 Johnson, Benj. F. Neighborly Poems 4690 Kingsley, Charles Poems 4706 Lang, Louis Personal Poems. Vol. I 4714 Same. Vol. II .7537 UNKNOWN Awful 4805 Half Hours with the Poets 4807 Linton, W. J., and Stoddard, R. H. English Verse, Dramatic Scenes, and Characters 4721 Lover, Samuel Poetical works 4727 Meredith, Owen Poetical Works 4747 Milton, John Poetical Works 4749 Moore, Thomas Lalla Rookh 4750 Works 7310 Poems 7459 Percy, Thomas Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. .4734 Poe, Edgar Allen Poems. 4735 Pollok, Robert Course of Time, The 4736 Pope Alexander Odyssey of Homer, The 4737 Poetical Works 4738 Procter, Adelaide A. Poems 4739 Riley, James W. Afterwhiles 4740 Saunders, Frederick Festival of Song, A 4741 Scott, Walter. Rockeby, a Poem 4743 Tennyson, Alfred. Last Tournament, The — 4745 Poetical Works 4746 Same 731x Wesley, Charles. Finer and Less Familiar Poems 4752 White, Henry K. Poetical Works 4756 White, Geo. Home Ballads 4787 Words warth Poetical Works 4797 AUTHORS. Pet Lamb and other Stories 4808 REFERENCE AND TEXT BOOKS. ( These books may be obtained only on special order.) American Debater, The. McElligott. .7339 Composition and Rhetoric. Quacken- bos 7340 Concise Dictionary of the Bible. Junior. 7341 Crabb’s Handy Cyclopedia. Crabb . . . .7342 Elementary lessons in Logic. Jevons. .7343 Same 7344 Elements of Perspective. Sullivan — 7345 Home Improvement. Anon 7346 How to Understand Music. Mathews. .7347 Improved Housewife, The. Anon 7359 Lightning Addition. Anon 7379 Portable Commentary, The. Jamieson. Vol. I 7348 Same. Vol. II 7349 Revised Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol. I 7439 Same. Vol. II 7440 Same. Vol. Ill 7441 Same. Vol. IV 7442 Same. Vol. V 7443 Same. Vol. VI 7444 IO Revised Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol. YII 7445 Same. Vol. VIII 7446 Same. Vol. IX 7447 Same. Vol. X . 7448 Same. Vol. XI 7449 Same. Vol. XII 7450 Same. Vol. XIII 7451 Same. Vol. XIV 7452 Same. Vol. XV 7453 Same. Vol. XVI 7454 Same. Vol. XVII 7455 Same. Vol. XVIII 7456 Revised Encyclopaedia Britannica Vol. XIX 7457 Same. Vol. XX 7458 Science and Health. Mrs. Eddy 7297 Same 7497 Theological Dictionary. Buck 7350 Universal Phonography. Allen 7351 United States Patent Office Official Gazettes and Index from 1893 to 1905. 115 Volumes. Specifications and Drawings of Patents for the years 1871-72 and 1905. 11 Volumes. RELIGIOUS. Broken Lights. Cobbe 7277 Christians Daily Treasury, The. Tem- ple 7278 Discourses on Christian Nature. Bush- nell 7279 Divine Law of Beneficence, The. Cooke. 7280 Divine Life, The. Craik 7281 From Ocean to Ocean. Booth 7282 From Aleppo to Jerusalem. Maundr ell. 7490 God of Glory, The. Philip 7283 John Ploughman’s Talk. Spurgeon. . .7284 Same 7461 Joshua. Ebers 7285 Life of Elder John Smith. Williams . .7327 Life and Letters of Mrs. E. C, Judson. Kendrick 7286 Living Truths. Brown 7287 Mind and Words of Jesus, The. Mac- duff 7460 Miscellaneous Writings. Mrs. Eddy. . .7288 Notes on the Book of Genesis. Anon. .7289 Original Sermons. Hunter 7290 Our Eternal Homes. Anon Overcoming Life, The. Moody Pilgrims Progress, The. Bunyan Religious Duty. Cobbe Right to the Point. Haynes Sermons. Robertson Sermons on Several Occasions. Vol. I, Wesley Sermons on Several Occasions. Vol. II, Wesley Sermons. Spurgeon Same Spirit of Christianity, The. Nepven. . Story of Jesus, The. Farrar Trials and Persecutions of Miss Edith O’Gorman Trees, Fruits, and Flowers of the Bi- ble. Cook Urbane and His Friends. Prentiss . . . Ways of Life, The. Weaver ... Way to God, The. Moody Young Professor, The. Hatcher..... REPORT and STATISTICS. CONGRESSIONAL RECORDS. Dec. 3 to Jan. 10, 1907, 59th Congress. 3813 Jan. 11 to Jan. 29, 1907, do 3844 Jan. 30 to Febr. 12, 1907, do — 3845 Febr. 13 to Febr. 24, 1907, .do . . . 3847 Febr. 25 to March 18, 1907, do ... . 3848 Dec. 2, 1907, to Jan. 13, 1908, 60th Cong. .3819 Jan. 14, to Jan. 31, 1908... do 7506 Feb. 3 to Feb. 18, 1908 do.... 7507 Feb. 19 to March 6, 1908 do — 7508 March 7 to March 24, 1908 do. . . .7509 March 25 to April 10, 1908 do.... 7510 April 11 to April 28, 1908 do.... 7511 April 29 to May 12, 1908 do 7512 May 13 to May 25, 1908 do 7513 May 26 to June 15, 1908 do . . . Dec. 7 to Des. 19, 1908 do... Jan 4 to Jan. 16, 1909 do... Jan. 18 to Jan. 31, 1909 do .. Feb. 1 to Feb. 14, 1909 do... Feb. 15 to Feb. 25, 19 9 do... Feb. 26 to March 13, 1909 do .. March 15 to April 9, 1.9C9, 61st Congress April 10 to May 15, 1909 do . . May 17 to June 14, 1909 do... June 15 to June 30, 1909 do . . . July 1 to July 31, 1909 do... Aug. 2 to Sept. 1, 1909 do .7291 .7292 .7294 .7295 .7296 .7298 .7299 .7300 .7301 .7302 . 7303 .7304 .7329 7305 .7306 .7307 .7308 .7309 . 7514 .7515 7516 7517 7518 .7519 7520 7521 .7522 7523 7524 . 7525 . 7526 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD INDEX. Dec 3, 1905, to March 18, 1907, 59th Congress 3842 Dec. 2, 1907, to Jan. 31, 1908, 60th Congress 7527 Feb. 3 to April 1 1, 1908, 60th Congress. 7528 I Apri 1 1 3 to May 31, 1908 , . . . do . . 7529 Dec. 2 to Dec. $ >1, 1908 . 7530 I >ec. 7; ; 1908. to Jan 31, 1909. .7531 Feb. 1 to Marc! i 13. 1909 ... . . . . do . . . .7532 Man ;h 1 5 to Aug .6, 1909, 61st < Congress .7533 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. FARMERS’ BULLETIN. 251-275 7437 I Foreign Relations 7502 276-300 7438 Kansas Historical Society, 1905 to 1906.4877 301-325. 7436 | Same. 1906 to 1908.7433 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION. 1895-1896. Vol. I 7411 1895-1896. Vol. II 7412 1896-1897. Vol. I 7415 1896-1897. Vol. II 7416 1897-1898. Vol. I 7417 1897-1898. Vol. II 7418 1898-1899. Vol. I 7419 1898-1899, Vol. II 7420 1899-1900. Vol. 1 7421 1899-1900. Vol. II 7422 1900-1901. Vol I 7423 1900-1901. Vol. II 7424 1902. Vol. I 7425 1902. Vol. II 7426 1906. Vol. I 7427 1906. Vol. II . ... 7428 1907. Vol. I 7429 1907. Vol. II 7430 1908. Vol. I 7431 1908. Vol II 7432 1909 Vol. I ..7503 Interstate Commerce Commission, 1908 .7434 Smithsonian Institution, Reportof 1907.7435 SCIENTIFIC. Correlation and Conservation of For- ces. Youmans 7368 Domestic Management of the Sick- Room. Griffith 7492 Earth and Man, The. Guyat 7369 Fireside Science. Nichols 7370 First Book of Botany, The. Youmans. 7374 Physicians Problems, A. Elam 7374 Sound. Tyndall 7375 Views of Nature. Seaman 7376 What to Eat and Howto Serve It. Her- rick 7377 NATURAL HISTORY. Natural History of Animals. Tenney 7372 STANDARD AUTHORS. Carlyle, Thomas. Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches. Vols. land II 4485 Oliver Cromwell’s Letters and Speeches. Vol. III. 7253 Early Kings of Norway, The 4486 Essays, Critical and Miscellaneous. .4487 ‘Same 4488 French Revolution, The 4489 History of Friedrich the Second. Vols. I and il . 1490 History of Friedrich the Second. Vols. Ill and IV 4191 History of Friedrich the Second. Vols. V and VI.. 4492 History of Friedrich the Second. Vols. VII and VIII 4493 Sartor Resartus 4494 Hood, Thomas. Choice Works 4493 Irving, Washington. Adventures of Captain Bonneville, The 4496 Astoria 4497 Bracebridge Hall 4498 Conquest of Granada, The 4499 Crayon Papers 4500 History of New York 4501 Irving, Washington. Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus, The 4502 Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 4503 Mahomet and His Successors 4504 Sketch Book, The 1 — . 4505 Lytton, Edward B. Works of Vol. I..... 4528 Same. Vol. II 4529 Same. Vol. Ill 4530 Same. Vol. IV .....4531 Same. Vol. V 4532 Same. Vol. VI 4533 Same. Vol. VII 4534 Same. Vol. VIII . 4535 Same. Vol. IX 4536 Poe, Edgar Allan. Works of Vol. I 4506 Same. Vol. II 4507 Same. Vol. Ill 4508 Same. Vol. IV . 4509 Same. Vol. V 4510 Same. Vol. VI 4511 Same. Vol. VII ..4512 Same. Vol. VIII 4513 Same. Vol. IX 4514 Same. Vol. X 4515 Ruskin, John. Arinde Florentina 4516 Fors Clavigera, Yols. I and II. 4517 Same. Vols. Ill and IV 4518 Joy For- Ever 45 19 Modern Painters. Vols. I and II ... . 4520 Same. Vols. Ill and IV. 4521 | Ruskin, John. Mornings in Florence 7363 Sesame and Lilies 4523 Stones of Venice. Vols. I and II — 4524 Same. Vols. Ill and IV. 4525 Two Paths, The 4526 Swift, Dean. Choice Works 4527 Same. Vols. V and VI.. 4522 TALES Classic Tales. Oliver 7328 Dream Life .... . . 7330 Eastern Fairy Legends. Frere :7331 Eastern Tales. Valentine 7488 Fables of Aesop, The 7332 Inex, a Tale of the Alamo. Evans ... 7333 Stories from the Greek Commedians. Church 7334 Stories of Adventure. Verne 7366 Stone-Mason of Saint Point. Lamar- tine 7335 Tales of Old Thule. Smith 7336 Vicar of Wakefield, a Tale. Goldsmith. 7337 TRAVEL, ADVENTURE AND DESCRIPTION. Adventure of Gil Bias, The. Smollet.7360 American Four in Hand. Carnegie ...7362 Far North, The. Kane 7491 Letters of Travel. Sanford — 7362 O’er Ocean and Continent. Marison. . .7364 Round the World. Carnegie 7365 Travels of Baron Munchausen 7367 WIT AND HUMOR. Bill Nye and Boomerang. Nye 7408 The following books have been removed from the library. 1508, 2213, 2696, 3503, 3504, 3505, 3506,13571,4331,4332,4663,4721,4955,5849.