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To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 CONTENTS Page Location and construction of green¬ houses_ __ 1 Lettuce varieties for forcing_ 3 Production and care of seed. . 5 Rotation and intercropping- 5 Greenhouse soil and its manage¬ ment_ 7 Soil sterilization_ 8 Soil preparation_ 10 Starting the plants_ 11 Soil for seedlings_ 11 Planting the seed_ _ 11 Seed treatments to improve germination_ 12 Transplanting_ 12 Establishing the crop plants 13 General care of the crop_ 15 Watering_ 15 Temperature and ventilation 15 Cultivation_ 16 Page Harvesting and marketing _ 16 Diseases and their control. .. 17 Drop _ 17 Bottom rot _ 18 Gray mold _ 18 Downy mildew _ 18 Anthracnose _ 18 Rosette _ 19 Tipburn _;_ 19 Root knot _ 19 Insect pests and their control_ 19 Prevention of infestations_ 20 Precautions in the use of in¬ secticides_ 20 Aphids_ 20 Caterpillars_ 21 Greenhouse whiteflv_ 21 Two-spotted spider mite_ 21 Slugs, snails, and sowbugs_ 21 Garden svmphylid_ 22 List of scientific names_ 22 Thompson, Ross Calvin, 1896- Growing lettuce in greenhouses ( by Ross C. Thompson. S. P. Doolittle and T. J. Henneberry. Washington] 1\ S. Dept, of Agriculture ( 1958] 22 p. illus. 24 cm. (cU. S. Dept, of Agriculture] Agriculture handbook no. 149) “Replaces Farmers' bulletin 1418. Lettuce growing in greenhouses." 1. Forcing (Plants) 2. Greenhouse management. [2. Greenhouse cultivation] 3. Lettuce. i. Title. (Series) SB851.L6T47 1958 685.52 Agr 58-855 U. S. Dept, of Agr. Libr. lAg84Ah no. 149 for Library of Congress c*it This publication replaces Farmers’ Bulletin 1418, Lettuce Growing in Greenhouses. Washington, D. C. Issued November 1958 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 23. 1). C. - Price 15 cents By Ross C. Thompson , 1 horticulturist, and S. P. Doolittle, pathologist, Crops Research Division, and T. J. Henneberry, entomologist, Entomology Research Division, Agricultural Research Service Growing lettuce under glass is one of the oldest vegetable-forcing industries. Lettuce is well adapted for forcing during the colder months of the year, when light and temperature are less favorable for other vegetable-forcing crops. Much lettuce was grown in hotbeds and coldframes before greenhouses were generally used for growing vegetables. Some lettuce is still grown in frames in early spring and late fall, when only limited protection from cold is required. How¬ ever, most of the forced crop is now grown in greenhouses especially designed for growing vegetables, and therefore the market can be supplied with fresh lettuce throughout the winter, when the weather is too cold for growing crops in frames. With the expansion of the field-grown lettuce industry into regions with mild winters, the demand for greenhouse-grown lettuce has gradually declined. Although field-grown head lettuce can now be obtained in most markets the year round, there is still a demand for high-quality greenhouse-grown lettuce during the winter. Growing lettuce under glass still constitutes a sizable industry in certain dis¬ tricts, where its production has become highly specialized and the winter market has been well organized and maintained. The industry has now become fairly well stabilized. It centers around Grand Rapids, Mich., Rochester, N. Y., Ashtabula, Cleveland, and Toledo, Ohio, and Boston, Mass. Growing lettuce in greenhouses is an expensive and highly special¬ ized business, and it should not be undertaken commercially without practical knowledge in the growing and marketing of the crop. LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION OF GREENHOUSES Since many growers of greenhouse lettuce also plant other crops, they should consider the requirements of these crops in planning the construction of new greenhouses. Lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers are the important vegetable-forcing crops, and many growers plant all three at different seasons. Since lettuce is grown chiefly during the winter, when the days are short and there are many hours of dull, cloudy weather, it is important that greenhouses be constructed so as to afford the maximum of light. It is important that the tempera- Retired July 31, 1958. 1 2 AGR. HANDBOOK 149, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE ture be properly controlled and that drafts be reduced to the minimum consistent with good ventilation. Efficient heating equipment is essential. . . - Some important points to be considered in selecting a location tor a vegetable-forcing greenhouse include (1) nearness to market, (2) availability and cost of labor, (3) supply and cost of fuel, (4) soil suitable for the crops to be grown, (5) water supply, and (b) freedom from smoke and fumes from industrial plants. The type of lettuce grown in greenhouses is not so well adapted toi long-distance shipment as the hard-headed type grown in the field. It tends to wilt quickly unless it is kept moist and cool. 1 he delicacy of the product makes it imperative that the crops be grown fairly near market • Labor is a major item in the cost of almost all commodities, agricul¬ tural as well as industrial. Capable, well-trained help is often diffi¬ cult to obtain. The available labor supply should be kept in mind in selecting a location for a vegetable greenhouse. The cost of fuel has always been a large item of expense m green¬ house maintenance, and it has risen sharply in recent years. Soft coal has been the chief source of fuel for greenhouse heating, but oil and gas have replaced it to some extent. Although the soil used in greenhouses can be made to suit the ciop to be grown by adding fertilizer, organic matter, lime, and other soil amendments, it is highly desirable that the range be located where the soil is naturally suitable for the crops to be grown. The lighter types of soil are preferred for greenhouse-vegetable production. There should be an adequate and constant supply of water tree ot materials that may be toxic to plants or that may corrode the heating system. Highly chlorinated water is not desirable. Avoid a high concentration of salts. ■, • . Smoke from industrial plants reduces light intensity through its presence in the air and forms a film on the glass, which greatly re¬ duces the intensity of the light that reaches the plants. Avoid re¬ ducing the light of dull winter days by smoke or fumes Do not locate greenhouses near industrial plants because of the smoke and also the fumes, which may be toxic to certain plants. Most of the newer greenhouses built for growing lettuce aie eien- span structures of steel, aluminum, or steel and aluminum. \\ ood is used much less than in the past. Although the original cost of wood construction may be low, the upkeep in painting, glazing, and other repairs over a period of years adds greatly to the total cost. Lettuce can be grown in almost any type of greenhouse in winch the lighting is good, except the lean-to type, which is not suitable for com¬ mercial lettuce growing. . .. . ,. The ridge-and-furrow type of construction (fig. 1) is wideh used to enclose a large area under one roof. This kind of structure permits an almost unlimited area to be enclosed with a minimum of obstruction to interfere with cultural operations and the entrance <>t bg it. Large even-span metal-frame greenhouses (fig. 2) are being widely used for vegetable forcing. The use of steel and aluminum m the framework adds greatly to the strength and life of these greenhouses, and they afford better lighting than the old-style wood-fiame buildings. GROWING LETTUCE IN GREENHOUSES 3 23393 Figure 1.—Ridge-and-furrow type of greenhouse, which permits enclosure of very large areas under one roof. 23409 Figure 2.—Steel-frame greenhouse, ideal for vegetable forcing. Most greenhouse lettuce is grown on ground beds. In large ranges the entire floor of the greenhouse is fertilized, plowed, and tilled in much the same manner as a field. LETTUCE VARIETIES FOR FORCING Of the many lettuce varieties, only a few are suitable for forcing. In the past numerous varieties of head, Cos, and leaf lettuce were grown under glass, but now two or three constitute almost the entire com¬ mercial crop. Only in the Boston district is head lettuce forced in quantity. In the past Belmont, May King, Big Boston, and Salamander were grown under glass with varying success. Bel-May is a small butterhead variety of lettuce (fig. 3 , A) devel¬ oped by the Massachusetts Agricultural Experiment Station. It is still the important greenhouse variety in the Boston market-garden district, but it is not grown in other districts. None of the crisp head varieties of lettuce are well adapted for grow¬ ing in greenhouses. Paris White, Trianon, Bath, Express, and other AGK. HANDBOOK 149, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE igure 3.—The two most important varieties of lettuce Bel-May, a small butterhead variety; B. Grand Rapuls. a lea . variety. GROWING LETTUCE IN GREENHOUSES 5 varieties of Cos lettuce have at times been grown as forcing crops but with limited success. Of all the types of lettuce, the leaf variety Grand Rapids (fig. 3, B) is the most popular, and it is also the most important greenhouse forcing variety. There are several strains of Grand Rapids, each adapted to particular locations and growing conditions. The Wash¬ ington strain, sometimes called Grand Rapids Forcing, was developed by the United States Department of Agriculture. It is very popular with the Grand Rapids, Mich., growers. A forcing strain of Grand Rapids that is resistant to tipburn was developed by the Ohio Agri¬ cultural Experiment Station. Sometimes known as Resistant Grand Rapids, it appears a few days earlier than the other strains. A third one, Grand Rapids U. S. No. 1, also developed by the Department, is an important strain in New York and other districts where lettuce is forced. It is slower to bolt than the other Grand Rapids strains. PRODUCTION AND CARE OF SEED Only those lettuce varieties that are known to be adapted for forcing should be grown under glass. High-quality seed of a good strain is even more important for the forcing industry than for field production. The supply of such seed is often limited, and therefore many large growers have found it profitable to produce their own seed. By carefully selecting the most desirable plants for seed production, a strain can be developed that is especially adapted to local conditions and resistant to certain diseases. In working for disease resistance, selection should be made under conditions favorable for disease and where disease is present. A pound of seed will be produced from 50 to 75 well-grown lettuce plants. Lettuce averages about 350,000 seeds per pound. The seed of Grand Rapids is small and well below the average in size. A pound of high-quality lettuce seed, if properly handled, will produce enough plants to set an acre. Plants selected for seed production should be transplanted from the beds to some part of the greenhouse where they can be given special attention (fig. 4). Do not save seed plants that are even slightly off- type lest the strain deteriorate. Unless the greenhouse is screened and all insects are kept out, cover each plant with a light-weight muslin bag just before the first flowers open. Keep the coverings on until all flowers have set seed. If the bags are left on until the seed is mature, the plants can be cut and left in the bags until seed-cleaning time. After a desirable strain has been isolated, it need not be increased every year. Enough seed for 2 or 3 years can be grown and kept until used if it is stored in a cool, thoroughly dry place. Lettuce seed loses its viability rapidly under humid conditions. ROTATION AND INTERCROPPING Growing lettuce in greenhouses should be considered in relation to growing other forcing crops. Very few growers produce a single crop throughout the year. At least part of the year most of them grow other vegetables, such as tomatoes or cucumbers, or some kind of flowering plant. 6 AGR. HANDBOOK 14 9, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Figure 4.—A crop of Grand Rapids lettuce seed nearing maturity in a greenhouse. Since lettuce is the only one of the three important vegetable-forcing crops that thrives during the short, dull days of winter, growers usually plan to have it occupy the greenhouse during this period. A crop of tomatoes is often followed by a crop of lettuce, which is fol¬ lowed bv a spring crop of tomatoes or cucumbers. 1 wo or three crops of lettuce sometimes follow a fall crop of tomatoes. If cucumbers aie used in the rotation, they are usually grown as a spring crop, "hen light and temperature are more favorable than during the fall and winter months. Rotation plans in common use in large ranges are given in table 1. If it is desired that lettuce be available for cutting continuously for an indefinite period, plantings should be made on several successive dates, so that only part of the crop will reach cutting size at one time. Table 1 . —Greenhouse crop rotations , with planting and harvesting dates Plan and crop Seed sown Plants set Crop harvested Plan 1: Tomatoes.,_. - - Julv 1-15 Aug. 15-30 Dec. 15-31 Lettuce. - Nov. 15-30 Dec. 15-31 Mar. 15-31 Cucumbers- Feb. 1-15 Apr. 1-15 July 1—31 Plan 2: Tomatoes ..... - - July 1-15 Aug. 15-31 Dec. 15-31 Lettuce Nov. 15-30 Dec. 15-31 Mar. 15-31 Do _ Feb. 1-2S Mar. 15-31 June 1-15 Plan .3: Lettuce . - — Aug. 1-15 Sept. 1-15 Nov. 15-30 Do _ Oct. 15-30 Nov. 15-30 Feb. 1-28 Tomatoes_ Jan. 1-15 Mar. 1-15 Before Aug. 1 GROWING LETTUCE IN GREENHOUSES 7 23328 Figure 5. —Leaf lettuce intercropped with cucumbers. The lettuce is to he harvested before the cucumber vines begin to run. In plan 1, the time between the removal of the cucumbers and the planting of tomatoes may be used for soil sterilization. In plan 2, it is possible to grow a third crop of lettuce in part of the space. Growers who follow this cropping plan usually count on 2 y 2 crops of lettuce. Since leaf lettuce can be grown to salable size in about 8 weeks from the transplanting date, it is often planted between rows of tomatoes or cucumbers (fig. 5) and is harvested before the tomatoes or cucum¬ bers reach such size as to interfere too much with its growth. Intercropping of lettuce presents difficulties, and the product is usually not of the highest quality. Since cucumbers and tomatoes both require temperatures too high for lettuce, either lettuce or the rrop it is grown with is likely to suffer from improper temperature. I he shading effect of tall-growing tomatoes and cucumbers where the vines are trained on trellises makes growing conditions unfavor¬ able for lettuce. In general, intercropping tomatoes or cucumbers with lettuce is not a good practice. GREENHOUSE SOIL AND ITS MANAGEMENT Growing lettuce and other vegetable-forcing crops in greenhouses is an intensive and expensive operation. Maximum production must be reached quickly and maintained continuously. Most ordinary field soils are not suitable and often require large amounts of organic matter, fertilizer, and lime. Sometimes sand or ashes are added to change the texture and physical properties and thus to make the soil better suited for intensive crop production. Few field soils are ideal for greenhouse-vegetable growing. If it is possible to select the soil upon which the greenhouses are to be constructed, choose land that will require as little modification as possible. lor greenhouse-vegetable production the soil should be lighter than is generally considered suitable for growing the same crops in the 471105°—58 - 2 8 AGH. HANDBOOK 149, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE field. The lighter soils are favored because (1) they are more easily handled in transplanting, tilling, and sterilizing than heavy soils, (2) their surface dries more Quickly, and thus disease is less apt to become established and spread: and (3) they are more easily kept in good physical condition, and since they are less likely to become nacked tliev afford better aeration. . Where the original soil is too heavy, make it more friable by l - corporat ing sand and well -decomposed organic matter. r^ ck is i( e for supplying organic matter and making soil more fnable. How ever muck alone is not suitable for vegetable foicmgr. Good drainage is essential. Unless the land selected for green¬ house site is already well drained, provide proper drainage when the greenhouse is constructed, 'file installed for drainage may a so be used for soil sterilization. If underlain by a heavy soil, the tile can be used for subirrigation. Soil Sterilization The control of plant pests in the greenhouse is more necessary and sometimes more difficult than in the field. Almost uniN-ersany ^een- house growers practice soil sterilization to control diseases in..■ • * nematodes, and other plant pests. Sterilize greenhouse soil at least once a year whenever it can be done with the least interference wit crop production. This is usually during the summer, when high tem¬ peratures are unfavorable for greenhouse crops. ■ j Most large greenhouse ranges for forcing vegetables are eoui>11 to sterilize with steam, which is the most effective and widely used method of controlling soil-borne plant pests. New greenhouses should be provided with such equipment. The most generally used devices for applying steam in soil sterilization are (1) the imeited pan, (-) perforated iron pipes, and (3) drain tile. The method to be used must be determined largely by the conditions. The inverted pan is best adapted for porous soils, which oftei least resistance to penetration by steam. 1 he equ^ment consists o wooden or metal pan of almost any convenient size. Galvanized ■ beet iron is more durable and lighter than wood Convenient-sized pans are 4 to 6 feet by 10 to 12 feet and 6 to 8 inches deep. IIo\\e\er, the size and shape of the pans should be determined by the dimensions of the planting beds, the capacity of the boiler, and the means of moving t e equipment. Each pan is provided with a pipe connection for attaching the steam hose. The pan is inverted, and the edges are forced into the soil a few inches to prevent the escape of steam. If the steam pressure is high, it may be necessary to add ^e add.Uona weio-ht to hold the pan in the soil. Some large groweis have the pan equipped with wheels and a mechanical device bv which the apparatus is lifted and rolled when it is necessary to move the pan ( hg. b). The perforated-pipe arrangement consists of 4 to b perforated n on pipes 144 or 1V 2 inches in diameter and 20 to TO feet or more in length, l-hich are fastened to a header pipe, 2 inches m diameter, at spacing of 12 to 18 inches. The header pipe is provided with a connection for attachment to the steam hose. The perforations are usually Vs or % inch in diameter and 12 inches apart. The size of the equipment is determined by the size of the greenhouse, boiler capacity, and help GROWING LETTUCE IN GREENHOUSES 9 218G9 Figure 6.—Mechanically movable steam pan being used for sterilizing green¬ house soil. The equipment is lifted by a special hoist and moved to a new location on wheels, which roll on the concrete walks. available for moving. This equipment is buried to a depth of 6 to 10 inches in the soil, and the entire surface is covered with plastic or a heavy canvas to confine the steam. If two or more sets of equip¬ ment are available, one set can be buried and made ready while sterili¬ zation is going on in another section. The chief objection to this method of sterilization is the great amount of labor required to bury the pipes. A variation of this method is known as the rake, or steam-harrow, system. The equipment consists of a framework of metal pipes with tees at intervals of 6 to 8 inches, to which about 6-inch lengths of small iron pipe, usually y 2 inch in diameter, are connected. The lower ends of these small pipes are closed by flattening to form wedges. Holes, Ys or % 6 inch in diameter, which are drilled through each pipe just above the wedge, provide openings for the escape of steam. The header pipe is equipped with a connection for attachment to the steam hose. The perforated pipes, or pegs, of this equipment are forced into the soil, and the surface is covered with plastic or a heavy canvas to confine the heat. Where the boiler capacity is sufficient to supply the steam, several of these rakes can be operated con¬ tinuously by a group of workmen. The rake is especially well suited for small greenhouses and ranges having raised benches. A drain tile 4 inches in diameter and set about 1 Yz feet deep in rows iy 2 to 2 feet apart can be used for both steam sterilization and sub¬ irrigation. However, tile lines may be a source of trouble, because they provide a shelter and breeding place for crickets, roaches, and other pests. 10 AGR. HANDBOOK 149, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Iii order to destroy the most resistant plant pests, heat the soil to a depth of several inches to 212° F. for a half hour or more. The time required for the soil to reach this temperature will depend on the amount of steam, soil texture, and type of equipment used. Excessive heating breaks down organic materials and leaves the soil in a poor condition for the growing of plants. Plant growth is more satis¬ factory when steam-sterilized soil is permitted to lie idle for 3 to 4 weeks before it is used. Soil Preparation The best soil for forcing crops is one naturally deep, well drained, and friable. In large ranges where the crop is grown on ground beds, the soil remains in place from year to year. Its productivity is main¬ tained by the addition of manure, or other organic matter and ferti- Hzer, and by sterilization. Animal manure is the best source of organic matter. Apply it at the rate of 1 ton to each 1,500 square feet of sur¬ face, or about 30 tons per acre. Because of the increasing scarcity and cost of animal manure, greenhouse growers have had to find substitutes for part of the organic matter and to supplement manure with chemical fertilizers. Muck is a good source of organic matter and can be used as a substitute for manure if supplemented with chemical fertilizer. Experiments show that good results can be obtained with 15 tons per acre of manure plus half a ton per acre of a 3-12-4 ferti¬ lizer or other commercial fertilizer having a similar formula. Except on highly fertile soils already well supplied with plios- phorus, lettuce yield generally increases with an application of phosphorus in an available form. Superphosphate is preferred to the less soluble forms of bonemeal and ground rock phosphate. Foliage crops like lettuce use large amounts of nitrogen. However, avoid overfeeding with available forms of nitrogen such as nitrate of soda and sulfate of ammonia. Excessive stimulation with nitrogen causes a rank, succulent growth that is subject to disease. Lettuce does not have a high potassium requirement. However, best results with lettuce are generally obtained when a complete feitilizei supply mg nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the proportion of about 1 part of nitrogen, 2 or 3 parts of phosphorus, and 1 part of potassium is u>ed. When making a heavy application of chemical fertilizer, spread it uniformly and work it thoroughly into the soil before planting. Side dressing with nitrate of soda or sulfate of ammonia aftei the ciop has become established should not exceed about 200 pounds per acre. Continued use of large amounts of nitrate of soda may in time result in toxic residues. Lettuce is more sensitive to soil reaction than are tomatoes or cucumbers. When tomatoes or cucumbers are grown in rotation with lettuce on the same soil, note especially the requirement of lettuce, which does best on soils that are only slightly acid. If the soil is moderately or very acid, correct the acidity by applying lime. It is usually unsafe to'exceed the amount indicated by lime-requirement tests. Lime may be applied as ground limestone, ground burned limestone, or hydrated lime. Ground burned limestone gives the quickest re¬ sults; ground limestone is slow in its reaction. About one-half as GROWING LETTUCE IN GREENHOUSES 11 much ground burned limestone or about three-fourths as much hydrated lime is required to give the same change in soil reaction as a given quantity of ground limestone. Once the soil in a greenhouse has been brought to the proper condition of acidity, a moderate appli¬ cation once a year as indicated by lime-requirement tests will generally maintain a satisfactory soil reaction. More lime will be required when acid-forming materials like sulfate of ammonia are used in the fertilizer than when base-forming materials are used. STARTING THE PLANTS Greenhouse lettuce is usually grown from transplants rather than by seeding in the beds where the crop is to be grown. Enough seed¬ lings for an entire range can be grown in one greenhouse, where uniform growing conditions can be maintained. A large part of the range is thus available for other crops while the lettuce plants are being started. The seedlings are grown on solid beds or raised benches with or without the use of flats. Better plants can generally be obtained if flats are used, and the plants are more easily handled. Soil for Seedling's Use a good grade of composted soil for starting the plants. Pre¬ pare the compost pile several months or preferably a year in advance. This prepared soil should be free of large clods, stones, or trashy organic matter. Two parts of field sod to one part of stable manure, preferably horse or cattle manure, makes a good compost. If the soil is acid, acid ground limestone to the compost pile to correct the con¬ dition. It is generally desirable to add a few pounds of a complete fertilizer high in phosphorus to each ton of compost. A 5-10-5 fertilizer or one having a similar analysis is suitable. Cut down the compost pile and turn once and preferably twice to incorporate the manure thoroughly. The lime and fertilizer can best be added at the first turning. Large ranges are equipped with soil shredders, through which the compost is passed before it is used for planting. If the prepared compost contains coarse material, pass it through a screen. It is advisable to sterilize all compost used for starting the plants, although this is not always done. An entire range may be infected with a disease that originates in the plant bed or seed flat. It is important that the soil used for starting the plants be friable enough to fall apart readily and permit the separation of the seedlings with a minimum of root injury. Small plants start off more rapidly after transplanting and are much less subject to injury by soil-borne organisms if the root system is kept intact than if the roots are broken or otherwise injured. Planting the Seed Since greenhouse lettuce does not sell well until local field-grown lettuce is off the market, set the fall crop so as to be ready to harvest it soon after the field-grown crop is no longer available. About a month is required to produce plants for setting. Growth is slower 12 AGR. HANDBOOK 149, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE and more time is required to produce the crop during the short days of winter than when the days are brighter and longer. When lettuce is not grown with other crops, plant the seed from August 1 to 15 for a crop to mature the last part of October or early November. In large ranges where several crops are grown during the fall. \n mtei . and spring, planting and harvesting go on continuously and several plantings are necessary. . Drill planting of lettuce seed is preferable; however, the seed may be planted broadcast. Drop the seed at the rate of 8 to 12 per inch in very shallow furrows spaced about 2 inches apart. A suitable planting furrow can be made with the edge of a thin piece of wood such as a lath. Cover the seed to a depth of not more than one-eighth inch with muck or leaf mold mixed with sand. Muck is not a good covering when used alone, as it is too light and tends to be pushed up in a sheet as the seed germinates, and therefore a weak, elongated seedlino- may result. Muck mixed with sand to add weight makes an ideal cover for lettuce seed. Sometimes burlap or other cloth is substituted for the soil covering, and it is thoroughly wet after being laid to help hold the moisture until the seed germinates. \\ hen cloth is used, it is essential to remove it as soon as the seed starts to germinate. Seed Treatments To Improve Germination The seed of many lettuce varieties germinates poorly if planted soon after harvest. Such dormant seed requires a month or two of after¬ ripening in storage under dry conditions before it will germinate veil. Some lettuce seed germinates poorly at temperatures of 75° F. or above, especially the Grand Rapids variety. When the greenhouse temperature can be controlled, keep it at 65 c to 70° until the lettuce seedlings have emerged aboveground. Good, viable, nondormant seed will germinate in less than 24 hours at this temperature. At higliei temperatures most lettuce seed will require at least 3 to 5 days tor emergence, depending somewhat on the depth of co\eiing. If dormant lettuce seed is to be planted when the greenhouse tem¬ perature cannot be held below 75°, germination can be greatly im¬ proved by soaking the seed in a ^-percent solution of thiourea for ’ to 10 hours at 65° to 70°. After removal from the solution, the seed may be planted while damp, or it may be scattered thinly on a drj surface until dry and then stored until planting time. The increase in germination due to the thiourea treatment will remain effective for several months if the seed is stored in a cool, dry place. A similar treatment with water alone will aid in the germination of most lettuce ^Dormant lettuce seed can be made to germinate more readily if (riven a cold treatment just before planting. Germination has im¬ proved Greatly when dormant lettuce seed is soaked in water tor •_ or 3 hours and then held at 39° with good aeration for 4 to 6 days. With the cold treatment the seed cannot be dried and stored. It must be planted while moist to benefit from the treatment. Transplanting Greenhouse lettuce is usually transplanted, or pricked off, twice, (1) from the planting bed or seed flats to other flats and (2) from GROWING LETTUCE IN GREENHOUSES 13 21853 Figure 7. —Plants for a 10-acre range transplanted into flats and placed on a greenhouse bed. these flats to the beds where the crop will be grown. Transplanting is expensive, but it produces better plants. Do the first transplanting about a week after the seedlings emerge. The interval between emer¬ gence and transplanting depends on the growth rate and the thickness of seeding. If the seedlings are close together or the temperature in the greenhouse is high, transplant sooner than if the greenhouse is cool or the plants are not crowded. If vigorous, stocky plants are to be obtained, do not delay transplanting until the seedlings become crowded. The less the roots of the seedlings are broken or injured in lifting from the plant beds or flats, the sooner the plants will recover after transplanting. The seedlings are sometimes transplanted into small pots or paper bands, but the common practice is to transplant them into standard planting flats (fig. 7). Allow about 2 inches between the plants in the flats. The flats in general use hold 60 to 75 plants at the 2-inch spacing. Experienced workers can transplant as many as 5,000 plants a day. As soon as the plants are set in the flats, water the soil. It is important that the first watering be thorough. Apply enough water to wet the soil to the bottom of the flat. Apply the water as a fine spray so as not to injure the plants by covering the leaves with mud. Be especially careful if the plants are wilted. ESTABLISHING THE CROP PLANTS After transplanting the seedlings, leave them in the growing flats or pots until good, sturdy plants have developed but not until they are crowded. Holding too long before the final transplanting results in elongated, bleached plants that are stunted and start off slowly. Planting distances of 7 by 7 inches to 9 by 9 inches are generally used. Some growers plant closer in one direction than in the other to make cultivation easier. Planting in squares allows the plants to develop uniformly. The greater number of plants required for close planting 14 AGR. HANDBOOK 149, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE (table 2) adds to the cost of plants, increases the chances for disease, and may not increase the total yield per unit area enough to justify the practice. In setting the plants in the greenhouse beds, some kind of marker is essential for spacing the plants accurately. One such device (fig. H) consists of a broad board with wooden pegs, which are li/ 2 inches in diameter and about 2 inches long and are attached at the desired plant¬ ing distances. It speeds the work of setting and assures accurate spacing of the plants. The workers kneel on the board while they are transplanting. As the plants are being set in holes already made by the marker, other holes are being made. Retain as much soil as possible on the roots in removing the plants from the flats, so that there will be a minimum check in growth. Run¬ ning a knife through the soil between the plants in both directions Table 2. —Planting distance and number of lettuce plants required per 1.000 square feet and per acre Distance between plants (inches) Plants for— 1,000 square feet 1 acre 6 by 7 Number 3, 42!) 3, 000 2, 007 2, 93!) Number 149, 308 130, 080 110, 175 128, 023 6 by 8 0 by 9 _ 7 by 7 _ --- Distance between plants (inches) Plants for— 1 1,000 square 1 acre feet Number Number 7 by 8- - - 2. 571 111.993 7 by 9_ 2. 280 99. 579 8 bv 8_ 2. 250 98. 010 8 by 9_ 2. 000 87, 120 Figure 8 . —Setting lettuce plants in the greenhouse. The board serves as a support for the workers as well as a marker for spacing the plants. GROWING LETTUCE IN GREENHOUSES 15 helps to retain the soil around the roots. Too deep setting of lettuce plants is ruinous. It is better to set them a little shallow than too deep. The soil should come almost to the bottom pair of leaves. Leaf petioles and blades are much more subject to decay by soil organisms than stems. GENERAL CARE OF THE CROP Watering Lettuce, which requires a great deal of water, should never be per¬ mitted to suffer from want of moisture. Thorough irrigation is much better than frequent light wettings. Frequent wetting of lettuce leaves tends to spread diseases. Moisture favors drop, bottom rot, gray mold, and mildew. The sooner moisture can be dried from the leaves after wetting the better. There is less danger of foliage dis¬ eases getting started in lettuce during the early stages before the plants cover the soil and when ventilation and air movement are good. Subirrigation is ideal for lettuce, because moisture can be kept off the leaves. Overhead irrigation insures more uniform distribution of water, reduces labor costs, and provides less chance for damage to plants than hand-operated nozzles. Pipelines equipped with sprinkling nozzles spaced about a foot apart are fastened to the supporting parts of the greenhouse. A single line of pipe will handle a 40- to 50-foot width of greenhouse space. By inserting a swinging joint near the valve end, the entire line can be rotated so as to cover all the space between the lines. Temperature and Ventilation Lettuce is a cool-season crop and thrives best at fairly low tempera- tures. Pligh temperatures favor rapid growth, but they increase the chances for disease and may cause weak, spindling plants. Tempera¬ tures may be high with less danger to the plants during the early stages of growth than when the plants are larger and air movement between them is reduced. It is important that temperatures be held low as the crop nears maturity. There should be a difference of 10° to 15° F., and perhaps more, be¬ tween day and night temperatures; however, sudden changes in tem¬ perature should be avoided. The exact temperatures that should be maintained within a greenhouse for growing lettuce must be de¬ termined to some extent by the conditions outside, as they affect the amount of ventilation that can be used. After irrigation, when the humidity within the greenhouse is high, it is best to maintain the tem¬ perature a few degrees lower than if the foilage were dry and the humidity low. Night temperatures of 45° to 50° and day tempera¬ tures 15° higher are satisfactory for lettuce during the winter. How¬ ever, in early fall and late spring it may be impossible to maintain these optimum temperatures. Ventilate the lettuce as much as outside conditions will permit. The top vents should never be closed tightly, except during very cold or stormy weather. Stagnant, humid air contributes to the development of some diseases of greenhouse lettuce. 16 AGR. HANDBOOK 149, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Cultivation The removal of weeds, which is one of the chief purposes of cultivat¬ ing crops grown in the open, is generally not a problem in greenhouses. Once the soil in a greenhouse has been steam sterilized, weeds should not be troublesome unless their seeds are introduced in manure and other materials used in preparing the soil. Shallow cultivation to break up the surface crust may be beneficial while the plants are small, especially if the soil contains considerable clay. However, after the plants have begun to cover the soil, cultivation may do more harm than good. Cultivation is usually done with ordinary hand tools. Long- handle tools can be used on narrow beds, but some kind of trestlework on which workmen can stand is desirable for wide beds. If the spac¬ ing is wide, wheel hoes may be used for cultivating small plants. HARVESTING AND MARKETING The time required to produce a crop of lettuce, from transplanting in the greenhouse beds until harvesting, ranges from 6 to 1 2 weeks, depending on the market demand as regards plant size and the season of the year. When prices are good, it may be profitable to harvest before the plants reach maximum size even though this means some loss in total yield. When lettuce is sold by weight, growers like to allow the plants to become as large as possible without reduction in quality. A longer time is required to produce plants of marketable size during the short days of winter than during the sunnier, longer days. If another lettuce crop is to follow the one about ready to harvest, the condition of the seedlings for the next crop may make it necessary to harvest earlier than otherwise to avoid damage from holding the seedlings in a crowded condition. In harvesting, the plants are cut just above the soil surface with a short-blade knife. Sometimes they are trimmed and packed in the greenhouse as they are harvested. However, most large establishments are equipped with washing and packing sheds, and then only the spoiled, dirty outer leaves are removed in the greenhouse. The plants are placed in containers and taken to the shed where they are trimmed, washed, and packed for market (fig. 9). The washed plants are packed wet, as some moisture is required to keep them fresh in transit. If the bottom of the packing containers is tight, holes should be made to permit the escape of the water that collects at the bottom. . There is no established standard container for packing and shipping greenhouse lettuce. arious kinds of packages, baskets, hampers, boxes, and barrels have been used. Rectangular splint baskets holding about 10 pounds of lettuce are generally used by Ohio growers. Large containers are usually lined with heavy paper. Paper linings afford some protection from freezing when lettuce is shipped in cold weather. The container covers are of paper to prevent wilting of the lettuce before it is placed on the market. Grades and marketing standards are subject to periodic changes. Information about legal standards can be obtained from the Agricul¬ tural Marketing Service, United States Department of Agriculture. GROWING LETTUCE IN GREENHOUSES 17 23413 Figure 9.— Harvesting lettuce in bushel baskets for removal to the packing shed, where it is to be trimmed, washed, and packed. The profit to be expected from a given unit area of greenhouse lettuce depends on many factors—labor, fuel, fertilizer, and other production costs, market demand, quality of the product, and yield. Any estimate of profit that might be expected could only be a rough approximation. About a pound of lettuce per square foot of green¬ house space is considered a good yield. Yield per unit area depends largely on the stage of development at which the crop is harvested. In order to obtain a yield of a pound per square foot of space, the plants must reach near-maximum size before cutting. Market demand and prices may make it more profitable to harvest smaller plants even though the total yield is reduced. DISEASES AND THEIR CONTROL Drop Drop is possibly the most damaging disease of greenhouse lettuce. It is caused by fungi that persist in the soil. The stem is infected at the soil line, after which the leaves progressively wilt and the entire plant eventually collapses. Affected plants show a soft watery rot of the stems and leaves near the soil. The decayed tissues are soon covered with a cottony-white fungus growth, which produces black sclerotia, or seedlike bodies. These are found in or on the decayed leaves and stems, their size depending on the species of fungus present. Sclerotia are resistant to an unfavorable environment and serve to maintain the fungus in the soil. Drop is particularly apt to cause trouble during damp, cloudy weather. Too high a temperature, improper ventilation, overwater¬ ing, and crowding the plants tend to increase losses from the disease. Proper management of the crop, particularly using water sparingly during the 3 or 4 weeks before harvest, helps to check the spread of drop. 'When the disease appears, remove and destroy affected plants, 18 AGR. HANDBOOK 149, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE including taproots and surrounding soil. This helps to prevent, in¬ fection of adjacent plants and also the formation of sclerotia. M lien drop causes severe loss, the hest remedy is to sterilize the soil with steam (see p. 8). Bottom Rot Bottom rot is destructive in some sections of the country, especially to head lettuce, whose outer leaves rest on the ground. It most fre¬ quently occurs as the plants approach maturity. The disease is caused by a soil-borne fungus. Brown spots develop on the midribs and blades of the leaves. This begins at the bottom of the plant and is followed by a brown soft rot that extends into the head. There is a brown fungus growth over the leaves and formation of brown sclerotia. Excess moisture favors bottom rot. and losses can often be much reduced by using no more water than is essential for satisfactory growth. When this measure is not elective, sterilize the soil with steam (seep. 8). Gray Mold Gray mold is caused by a fungus that is most likely to be damaging when plants are weakened by unfavorable growing conditions or by other diseases. It is characterized by a brown soft rot of the lea\es. which become covered with a grayish mass of fungus growth. TV hen plants are severely damaged, black sclerotia may be produced. Gray mold often follows tipburn, as the fungus readily attacks the dead areas caused by tipburn at the leaf margins. Ample ventilation and soil sterilization with steam (see p. 8) help to prevent or delay the development of gray mold. Downy Mildew Downy mildew is characterized by yellowish or brownish spots on the outer leaA'es. The lower surface of the leaves becomes co\ered with a white fuzzy growth of the causal fungus. Insufficient ventilation, overwatering, and fluctuating temperatures favor the development of downy mildew. Careful management of the greenhouses, particularly the avoidance of high humidity, is usually effective in controlling this disease. Anthracnose Anthracnose, also known as shot hole or rust, is caused by a fungus that produces reddish-brown roughly circular spots on the leaves. The centers of the older spots often drop out and give a shot-hole appear¬ ance. On the midribs the spots are narrow and slightly sunken. The fungus lives on infected plant refuse and its spores are water borne. Low temperatures and overwatering favor this infection, especially when water is applied as a coarse spray that spatters soil on the plants. Plant losses can be reduced by using water sparingly. Apply it as a fine mist, as a slow stream from a hose, or by subirrigation to avoid spattering soil on the leaves. GROWING LETTUCE IN GREENHOUSES 19 Rosette Rosette causes considerable losses of greenhouse lettuce. This dis¬ ease and bottom rot are caused by the same fungus, which attacks the plants when they are small. Rosette is characterized by a decay of the roots that stunts the plants, especially when they have been badly set, improperly fertilized, or grown on poor soil. Good growing practices help to reduce loss, but soil sterilization (see p. 8) may be necessary if the disease persists. Tipburn Head lettuce and, to a less extent, leaf lettuce are subject to tipburn. This nonparasitic injury causes the margins of the leaves in the central part of the plant to turn brown and die. The dead areas rarely extend more than one-half inch from the edge of the leaf. ■ Tipburn is most prevalent when temperatures are high and the plants are making a rapid succulent growth. It often occurs after a few cloudy days when the greenhouses are kept at rather high tempera¬ tures with inadequate ventilation. Slightly lower temperatures than normal and adequate ventilation will reduce losses from tipburn dur¬ ing the winter. When outside temperatures are high during the fall and spring, care in the use of nitrogenous fertilizers, watering, and ventilating will help to maintain a firm growth of leaves and hold the disease in check. Root Knot 2 Root knot has never been considered particularly destructive to greenhouse lettuce, but it must be controlled to obtain the best lettuce yield. During the winter, lettuce greenhouses are usually kept at such a low temperature that the disease remains dormant and does no dam¬ age, but during the warmer weather of fall and spring root knot may cause serious injury. It is very injurious to both cucumbers and to¬ matoes, and when one or both of these vegetables are rotated in the greenhouse, the disease should be controlled. Steam sterilization of the soil is an effective control measure if done carefully and thoroughly. The microscopic nematode, or eelworm, causing this disease works down to a depth of a foot or more and penetrates under walks and side walls. Satisfactory control cannot be expected unless the soil is heated to at least 212° F. and to a depth of at least a foot. INSECT PESTS AND THEIR CONTROL Greenhouse lettuce is subject to injury by a variety of insects and related pests. Those most commonly encountered are aphids, cater¬ pillars, the greenhouse whitefly, the two-spotted spider mite, slugs, snails, sowbugs, and the garden symphylid. These pests frequently cause serious damage to the lettuce crop. Try to prevent infestations and apply control measures when these pests appear. 2 Prepared by A. L. Taylor, nematolosrist, Crops Research Division. 20 AGK. HANDBOOK 149, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE Prevention of Infestations A good sanitary program is important in preventing infestations. Outside the greenhouse provide a clean strip free from weeds and crops that may harbor pests of lettuce. In the greenhouse eliminate trash and plant debris to prevent breeding and hiding places of these pests. If possible, grow transplants in a separate house free from pests so as to start with clean plants. After harvesting a crop, apply a 10-percent parathion aerosol at 1 pound of solution per 25,000 cubic feet of greenhouse space to keep the greenhouse free of insect pests for a new crop. After applying the aerosol, keep the greenhouse closed overnight for maximum results. Fumigation with calcium cyanide at 4 ounces per 1,000 cubic feet of greenhouse space is also effective. Precautions in the Use of Insecticides Insecticides are poisonous. Handle them with care, hollow the directions and heed all precautions on the container label. When handling or mixing concentrated insecticides, avoid spilling them on your skin and keep them out of your eyes, nose, and mouth. If you spill any on the skin or clothing, wash it off and change your clothing immediately. Wear a respirator and goggles when you are working with concentrated sprays or dusts. Many insecticides can be absorbed directly through the skin in hazardous quantities. In applying them, try to keep them off your skin and away from your eyes, nose, and mouth. When you have finished using them, wash all exposed surfaces of the body with soap and water. Change your clothing if you have spilled any insecticide on it. Parathion , TEPP. and calcium cyanide are extremely poisonous. They should be applied only by a person thoroughly familiar with their hazards and one who will assume full responsibility for safe use and comply with all the precautions on the labels. Store insecticides in closed containers in a dry place where children, irresponsible persons, and animals cannot reach them. Aerosols usually contain the poison gas methyl chloride. Regard¬ less of the insecticide in these aerosols, they should be applied only by a trained operator who will enforce the precautions prescribed by the manufacturer and assume full responsibility for safety. Do not use parathion on lettuce within 21 days or TEPP within 3 days before harvest. Do not use malathion within 10 days or nicotine sulfate within 7 days before harvest. Do not apply DD I to lettuce after the leaves to be marketed or eaten appear. Aphids Three species of aphids, or plant lice—foxglove aphid, green peach aphid, and potato aphid—are common pests of greenhouse lettuce. These insects are readily controlled with a parathion or malathion GROWING LETTUCE IN GREENHOUSES 21 aerosol, except in plots or benches of dense foliage. TEPP is then the most effective insecticide. I se a 10-percent parathion or mala- thion aerosol or a 5-percent TEPP aerosol at the rate of 1 pound of solution per 50,000 cubic feet of greenhouse space. One application is usually adequate. Malathion may also be applied to the foliage in wettable-powder or emulsion sprays. Use 1 pound of malathion per 100 gallons of water. Nicotine sulfate is also effective when applied to the foliage in a spray containing 1 quart of the 40-percent solution per 100 gallons of water. Caterpillars The caterpillars attacking lettuce include the armyworm, cabbage looper. and cutworms. These insect pests may be controlled with a 10-percent malathion or parathion aerosol applied at the rate of 1 pound of solution per 50,000 cubic feet of greenhouse space. Mala¬ thion may also be applied in a spray as for aphids. A 3-percent DDT dust is effective when applied to the foliage, but it should not be used after the leaves to be marketed or eaten appear. Greenhouse Whitefly The greenhouse whitefly is a common pest of greenhouse lettuce. It sucks the juices from the leaves. Infested plants become yellowish green and often stunted. These insects may be controlled with a 10-percent parathion or malathion aerosol at the rate of 1 pound of solution per 50,000 cubic feet of greenhouse space. Repeat this treatment 2 to 3 times at 2-week intervals or until satisfactory control is obtained. Malathion may be used in a spray as for aphid control. A 5-percent TEPP aerosol is effective when applied at the rate of 1 pound of solution per 50,000 cubic feet of greenhouse space. Repeat this treatment every 5 days for 4 to 5 weeks. Two-Spotted Spider Mite The two-spotted spider mite is often troublesome. It feeds on the undersurface of the leaf and produces a chlorotic condition. In ex¬ treme cases the plants may be stunted or even killed. Apply a 10-percent parathion or a 5-percent TEPP aerosol at the rate of 1 pound of solution per 50,000 cubic feet of greenhouse space. Two or three applications of the parathion aerosol at 7- to 10-day intervals are necessary to destroy an infestation. Repeat the TEPP treatment at 5-day intervals until the infestation is controlled. Slugs, Snails, and Sowbugs The presence of slugs and snails is revealed by their trail of slime, as well as feeding injury. They feed at night and hide by day under pots, benchboards, flats, or dense foliage. Effective baits on the market usually contain metaldehyde with 2 percent of calcium arsenate or 5 percent of cldordane. Sprinkle the bait between the plants, or place about a teaspoonful in a pile at in- 22 AGU. HANDBOOK 149, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE tervals. Two or more applications may be required, as the slugs and snails may not feed every night but rest for several days between feed¬ ings. I se extreme care in applying these baits. I)o not apply them to the foliage or excess residues may be left on the marketed crop. Sowbugs feed at night or on cloudy days and hide by day under pots, boards, or trash. Apply a 3-percent* DDT dust to the soil for effective control. Garden Symphylid Garden symphylids are present in the loose soil high in organic- matter that is found in most greenhouses. They feed on the roots and do the most damage to young plants. Soil sterilization (see p. 8) is the recommended method of control. First moisten the soil so that the symphylids will congregate near the surface, heat to 180° F., and hold at this temperature for 4 hours. The method most used in vegetable greenhouses makes use of buried lines of drain tiles spaced about 18 inches apart and connected by headers. Steam at 15 pounds’ pressure is introduced into the headers. Suit¬ able covers of plastic or special paper over the soil help retain the steam and insure sterilization of the soil surface. They also aid in getting heat penetration to the maximum depth. Sterilization by the inverted-pan method will destroy garden symphylids in raised benches. LIST OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES Fungi That Cause Diseases of Greenhouse Lettuce and Insects That Attack It DISEASES Common name Causal organism Antliracnose_ Marssonina panattonianu (Berl.) Magn. Bottom rot_ Rliizoctonia solani Kuelin Downy mildew_ Uremia hut near Kegel Drop_ Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) DBy. and S. minor Jagger Gray mold_ liotrytis cinerea l’ers. Rosette_ Rliizoctonia solani Kuelin INSECTS Common name Army worm_ Cabbagelooper- Foxglove aphid_ Garden symphylid- Green peach aphid- Greenhouse whitefly- Potato aphid- Two-spotted spider mite- Scientific name Pscudaletia unipuncta (Haw.) Trichoplusia ni (Hbn.) Myzus solani (Kltb.) Scutigcrella immaculata (Newp.) Myzus ycrsicac ( Sul/..) Trialcuroilcs vaporariorum (Westw.) Macrosiphum solan if otii (Ashm.) Tctrunychus tclarius (L.) U. S GOVENNMt NT PRINTING OFFICE 195® UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURE LIBRARY \GRICULTURE HANDBOOK NO. 150 J. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE • FOREST SERVICE Production of POPLAR TIMBER in Europe and Its. Significance and Application in the United States by ERNST J. SCHREINER in charge, Forest Genetics Research Northeastern Forest Experiment Station U. S. DEPARTMENT OF Washington, D. C. AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE February 1959 Acknowledgments Acknowledgment is made particularly of the wholehearted co¬ operation of the late Prof. Dr. G. Houtzagers of the Instituut voor Bosbouwkundig Onderzoek, Afd. Houtteelt, in Wageningen, The Netherlands, who made all arrangements for the author’s travels through the poplar regions of Europe. His comprehensive first¬ hand knowledge of European poplar culture and his personal ac¬ quaintance with the poplar specialists of Europe made the highly successful study tours possible. The author is also heavily indebted to Prof. Dr. G. Piccarolo, Director, Institute de Sperimentazione per la Pioppicoltura, Ca- sale Monferrato, Italy, who spent 3 weeks showing him the inten¬ sive poplar culture in the Po Valley. Appreciation and thanks are also expressed to the following in¬ dividuals who conducted the author on poplar study tours in their vpanppti vp poimtrip^ • Prof. Dr. F. Bauer, Waldbau Institut der Universitat Freiburg, Freiburg i. Br., Germany. Prof. Ola Borset, Norges Landbrukshogskole, Instituut for Skogskjqtsel, Vollebekk, Norway. Dr. B. Bouvarel, Station de Recherches et Experiences Fores- tieres, Nancy, France. Mr. J. Chardenon, Service de Plantations de Peupliers du SEITA, Saintines (Oise), France. Oberforstmeister F. Eichbaum, Deutche Pappelverein, Bonn, Germany. Mr. H. Erhelens, Director, Nederlandsche Algemeene Keurings- dienst voor Boomkweekerijgewassen (NAKB), The Hague, The Netherlands. Dr. Fritz Fischer, Eidgenossische Anstalt f.d. Forstliche "\ er- suchswesen, Zurich, Switzerland. Mr. F. Flon, Forester, Belgium Match Co., Grammont, Belgium. Mr. H. J. Gerritsen, Nederlandsche Heidemaatschappij, Arn- Viptti Thp NpfliprlanrU Dr. A. Herbignat, Directeur General de Eaux et Forets, Brus¬ sels, Belgium. Prof. Dr. H. H. Hilf, Director, Forschungsstelle f. Flurholzan- bau d. Lignikultur, Reinbek b. Hamburg, Germany. Mr. F. Jaime, Ingeniero de Montes, Jefe de la Brigada de Te- ruel, Zaragoza, Spain. Dr. Helge Johnsson, Director, Foreningen for Vaxtforadling av Skogstrad, Ekebo, Kallstorp, Sweden. Dr. W. Langner, Director, Institut f. Forstgenetik u. Forstpflan- zenziichtung, Schmalenbek ii. Ahrensburg, Germany. Dr. C. Muhle Larsen, Directeur Scientifique, Institut de Populi- culture, Grammont, Belgium. ii Dr. C. Syrach Larsen, Director, Arboretum, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural College, Horsholm, Denmark. Dr. R. Muller, Director, Wissenschaftliches Institut des Deut- chen Pappelvereins, Briihl, Germany. Mr. M. Navarro, Ingeniero de Montes, Jefe de la Brigada de Aragon, Zaragoza, Spain. Prof. A. Pavari, Director, Stazione Sperimentale di Selvicol- tura, Florence, Italy. Mr. T. R. Peace, Forest Pathologist, Forestry Commission, For¬ est Research Station, Alice Holt Lodge, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey, England. Dr. J. Pourtet, Ingenier Principal de Eaux et Forets, Station de Recherches et Experiences Forestieres, Nancy, France. Dr. Ernst Rohmeder, Director, Institut f. Forstsamenkunde u. Pflanzenziichtung, Munich, Germany. Dr. Rene Rol, Le Sous-Directeur de l’Ecole Nationale de Eaux et Forets, Nancy, France. Mr. J. M. Sanz-Pastor, Ingeniero del Patrimonio Forestal del Estado, Jefe de la Division Hidrologico-Forestal del Tajo, Madrid, Spain. Dr. H. van Vloten, Director, Bosbouwproefstation T.N.O., Wageningen, The Netherlands. Dr. W. Wettstein, Leiter Doz., Abteilung Forstpflanzenziich- tung, Forstlichen Bundesversuchsanstalt Mariabrunn, Vienna, Austria. In addition to the help and cooperation acknowledged above, the author owes a debt of gratitude to several hundred European foresters, poplar specialists, nurserymen, and poplar growers. The success of the study reported here stems primarily from the in¬ formation they so kindly provided. Schreiner, Ernst Jefferson, 1902- Production of poplar timber in Europe and its significance and application in the United States. Washington, U. S. Dept, of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1959. iv, 124 p. illus., map. 24 cm. (l 1 . S. Dept, of Agriculture. Agri¬ culture handbook no. 150) Bibliographical footnotes. 634.9723 lAgS4Ab no. 150 Agr 59-29 U. S. Dept, of Agr. Libr. for Library of Congress m Contents Pane Introduction_ 1 History and importance of poplar in Europe_ 3 Expansion in poplar culture. . 4 Significance for the United States_ 5 Poplars grown commercially in Europe_ 6 Northern Europe_ 6 Central Europe_ 9 Southern Europe__ . 12 Significance for the United States_ - _ 14 Selection and breeding_ 14 Clonal selection_ 14 Controlled breeding_ 23 Significance for the United States_ 28 Nursery practice_ 29 Aigeiros poplars_ _ 30 Leuce poplars_ 34 Significance for the United States_ 36 Site and soil requirements_ 37 Aigeiros poplars_ 37 Leuce poplars_ 42 Significance for the United States_ 43 Outplanting_ 44 Site preparation_ 44 Planting stock_ 44 Spacing_ 47 Planting_ 49 First-year plantation care_ 50 Significance for the United States_ 52 Management and silviculture_ 54 Leuce poplars_ 54 Aigeiros poplars_ 56 Significance for the United States_ 66 Diseases_ 68 Trunk, branch, and twig dis¬ eases_ 68 Page Diseases—Continued Leaf diseases_ 76 Root diseases_ _ 78 Unidentified diseases_ 78 Wood decay and stains_ 80 Significance for the United States_ 80 Insects_ 83 Boring insects_ 83 Insects on the leaves_ 85 Insects on the bark.. 87 Significance for the United States_ 87 Damage by other agents_ 89 Mistletoe_ 89 Environmental and climatic damage_ . 89 Damage by animals_ . 90 Significance for the United States_* 90 Growth and yield_ . 91 Aigeiros poplars in planta¬ tions_ 91 Aigeiros poplars in row plant¬ ings_ 98 Native aspen in Scandinavia.. 99 Significance for the United States_ 101 Characteristics of the wood_ 105 Utilization in Europe_ 106 Utilization in the United States_ 109 Appendix_ 112 Identification and naming of the poplars_ 112 Poplar names used in this re¬ port_ 114 Insect names used in this re¬ port_ 118 Description of poplar stands listed in table 2_ . 119 Description of row plantings listed in table 5_ 123 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 45 cents IV Production of Poplar Timber In Europe and its Significance and Application in the United States INTRODUCTION Between October 1951 and October 1952 the author studied pop¬ lar culture and research in western Europe, partly under a Ful- bright Research Grant and partly under the auspices of the U.S. Forest Service. He attended the International Poplar Commission meetings and study tours in Spain in 1955, and in France in 1957, as official representative for the United States. During these visits, which involved more than 30,000 miles of automobile travel (fig. 1), and through personal correspondence with poplar experts and growers in all the western European countries, he has had the opportunity to observe and collect infor¬ mation about European experience in poplar culture and research. This is his report on these studies, with special reference to the significance of European poplar work for the United States. Since hybrid poplar culture started in Europe, there is much to be learned from the practices that have developed during the past 200 years. European poplar culture is impressively extensive and successful; but practice, and to some extent research, still lean heavily on traditional concepts and methods. The author has at¬ tempted to differentiate among the traditional, the biological, and the economic aspects of poplar production. Research will be nec¬ essary to test the biological and economic validity of some of the traditional practices. There is now a worldwide interest in the use of hybrid poplars for timber production. Within recent years the interest in hybrid poplars has grown rapidly in the United States. For example, during the past 3 years the Northeastern Forest Experiment Sta¬ tion has received about 8,000 letters from farmers, landowners, and forest industries that wanted information about planting stock, planting methods, culture, and markets for poplar wood. This publication will, it is hoped, answer many of these questions. The question of probable markets for hybrid poplar timber can be answered only for localities within the commercial range of our native poplars (cottonwoods and aspens) ; that is, where there is a present market for poplar timber. It will seldom be possible to profitably market the limited poplar production of one or even several small landowners where there is no industry that utilizes poplar within reasonable transportation distance. 1 2 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Figure 1.—The author traveled more than 30,000 miles by automobile in his studies of poplar culture and research, forest genetics, and general forestry, during visits to Europe in 1951-52, 1955, and 1957. Where there is no present market, hybrid poplars can be ex¬ pected to produce their potential share of the local timber wealth only if they are grown in sufficiently large quantities to attract industry. Existing local industries are not essential; with a suffi¬ cient and continuing supply of good poplar timber in sight, indus¬ try can be expected to compete for the product and even for the establishment of local conversion plants. In localities where climate and soils are apparently suitable for poplar culture, but where there now are no available markets, it PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 3 would require the cooperation of many farmers and landowners to foster a production program on a scale that would create a profit¬ able market. An essential first step in such new territory is the establishment of test and demonstration plantings. It would also be necessary to determine— 1. The economic limits of the proposed production area. 2. How much suitable poplar land would be available within the production area. 3. How many landowners would agree to plant poplar, and the acreage of suitable land the prospective growers would use for poplar production. 4. The possibility of agreement among prospective growers on a plan for continuous annual production (sustained yield). This would require agreement on a minimum acreage to be planted annually. 5. Whether the estimated annual production would create a reliable market. 6. The need and desirability for a local poplar-growers organi¬ zation for mutual protection, cooperation, and exchange of ideas and information. Demonstration and test plantings and a survey of local possi¬ bilities could be made by interested individuals, independently or under the sponsorship of local organizations. Successful demon¬ stration plantings, established a few years before an action pro¬ gram on large-scale planting is contemplated, would provide the best argument for concerted action. Predictions of costs and returns from hybrid poplar in the United States have not been included in this report for the follow¬ ing reasons: 1. European figures, based on the use of relatively cheap hand- labor and proportionately high prices for timber products, cannot be converted for American conditions with sufficient accuracy to justify their use. 2. Costs and returns in the United States will depend in large measure on the extent to which poplar production can be success¬ fully mechanized. There is a lack of experience and cost informa¬ tion on this problem both in Europe and in this country. HISTORY AND IMPORTANCE OF POPLAR IN EUROPE It is usually convenient to have a more or less definite starting date for any historical sketch, but this is not possible for poplar culture in Europe. There is evidence that the native poplars of the Po Valley, which stretches across northern Italy from the French border to the Adriatic, were heavily exploited in Roman times. Here, as well as in southern Italy, the native poplars have been important for hundreds of years, to some extent planted but more often protected or at least favored where they occurred naturally. 4 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE In the Caudina Valley, a region of small land ownerships north¬ east of Naples, the poplar is used in a custom that has been handed down from generation to generation: at the birth of a daughter, it is customary for the father to plant a small number of poplars, usually about 100; and when the daughter marries, these trees are her dowry. The native black poplar has also been used for centuries in parts of France, in the Low Countries, and in Germany along the lower Rhine. Poplar lumber has been found in German farm buildings old enough to indicate that the European poplar was used long before the American cottonwood brought hybrid vigor into Euro¬ pean poplar culture. Modern European poplar culture stems from the introduction of our American cottonwood about 250 years ago. During these two and a half centuries countless numbers of hybrids have been produced by natural hybridization between the American species and the European black poplar, followed by crossing between the hybrids and backcrossing between hybrids and the European par¬ ent species. Many of these hybrids were superior to the parent species in such characters as rate of growth, disease resistance, stem form, or other desirable characteristics. Since such natural hybrids could be propagated easily from cuttings, superior and especially vigorous wildlings were frequently used in local planta¬ tions. The nurserymen and growers of the Parisian Basin were the first to select and exploit outstanding natural hybrids. Although France leads Europe in poplar acreage, in recent years it has.been surpassed by several other countries in the intensity and efficiency of its poplar culture. A recent estimate indicates that there are, in round figures, 247,000 acres of poplar in France; and that ap¬ proximately 40 percent (98,800 acres) of these plantations are in the Parisian Basin. An annual increment between 150 and 160 cubic feet per acre is a reasonable estimate of the average productivity of all poplar plantations in France. On the basis of 155 cubic feet per acre per year, the total annual growth is approximately 38.3 million cubic feet (roughly 426,000 cords or 192 million board-feet). The American cottonwood is reported to have been introduced into the Po Valley in northern Italy in 1770. Free and easy natu¬ ral hybridization with the native black poplar followed the same pattern here as it did north of the Alps, but the earliest industrial use of hybrid poplars in this region was for pulpwood about 1890. Expansion in Poplar Culture Although poplar has long been an important bottom-land tim¬ ber tree in many localities, recognition of its importance to the forest economy of Europe has increased astoundingly since the end of World War II. On the initiative of French, Belgian, and Netherlands poplar experts, the International Poplar Commission was organized in 1947 under sponsorship of the Food and Agri¬ culture Organization of the United Nations. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 5 The aim of the International Commission is to promote inter¬ national collaboration in the study of scientific, technical, and eco¬ nomic questions relating to poplar. Most of the twenty-one mem¬ ber countries (France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Italy, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, West¬ ern Germany, Spain, Turkey, Argentina, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Greece, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Yugoslavia) have national poplar commissions to promote the study and culture of poplars. There are two major reasons for the great importance of pop¬ lar in Europe today: (1) the drastic shortage of wood in all coun¬ tries, and (2) the rapid growth of poplar under proper culture on suitable sites. Farmers and small and large owners of land suit¬ able for the growth of poplar can harvest these trees profitably in 12 to 25 years. In especially favorable localities in France, Ger¬ many, The Netherlands, and particularly Italy, poplar is the farm¬ er’s or landowner’s most profitable crop. Netherlands figures, based on all costs over a 25-year rotation (including soil rent, taxes, and interest at 3 percent on the in¬ vested capital) indicate a net profit of $9.50 to $12.50 (36 to 48 guilders) per tree. On the basis of 64 trees per acre (based on an average loss of 8 percent of the 70 trees originally planted) this is a net profit of $608 to $800 per acre. The German Poplar Society has reported that the normal yield of widely spaced poplars on the bottom lands of the lower Rhine is 285.8 cubic feet per acre per year—a gross value of $96 per acre per year. In the Po Valley of northern Italy, poplars grown on fertile agricultural land on 12- to 25-year rotations are said to produce a greater net return than any other agricultural crop. Significance for the United States The diverse and extensive timber supplies in the United States and our nationwide effort to conserve our forest heritage should prevent the drastic timber shortages that have made the role of hybrid poplar so important in Europe. Nevertheless, the rapid growth of hybrid poplars and their high productivity on sites suitable for their growth offers a profitable addition to our forest wealth. There is some land on most farms, and extensive areas in some of our major river valleys, on which hybrid poplars would be more productive than any other timber tree. There is a demand for poplar in many parts of the United States at the present time. And hybrid poplar timber can meet the requirements of industries that are now using other and less rapid-growing native species. Since the International Poplar Commission has become the worldwide clearing house for the ex¬ change of information on the production and utilization of poplar timber, poplar culture in the United States can reap rich benefits from the work of the Commission. 6 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE POPLARS GROWN COMMERCIALLY IN EUROPE Northern Europe Denmark, Sweden, Norway .—The match industries in these countries are strongly prejudiced in favor of aspen for match- wood and are reluctant to use the Aigeiros hybrids. In some re¬ spects aspen wood does make a somewhat better match, but the difference seems rather insignificant for purposes of usability and salability. This observation is based on the almost exclusive use of Aigeiros hybrids for matchwood on the Continent. There are sound biological reasons for the importance of aspen in Sweden and Norway. Most important are the naturally regen¬ erated aspen stands ( Populus tremula L.). Furthermore, river bottom-land sites, generally considered essential for the most profitable culture of Aigeiros hybrids, are much more limited than on the Continent. The strongest demand at present for poplar planting stock in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway is for first generation (F, hybrids between European and American aspens ( P. tremula X tremu- loides Michx.). This demand is so large that it cannot be met by the nurseries that are engaged exclusively in mass production of these F, hybrids. Aigeiros poplars and hybrids have been planted to some extent in Denmark for windbreaks but many of these are branchy types that are not used by the match industry. Tacamahaca hybrids of the type of P. yjoerolinensis Dipp. 1 have grown well but have not been generally disease resistant. Specimens of both Aigeiros and Tacamahaca hybrids in gardens, hedgerows, and along roadsides indicate that carefully selected clones of these poplars might fill an important niche in the forest economy of Denmai'k. The Netherlands. —Occasional natural hybrids were undoubt¬ edly selected in the past for clonal propagation by farmers and nurserymen, but the number of clones cultivated in The Nether¬ lands was never so large as in some other countries of Europe. One probable reason is that natural regeneration from seed, which under European cultural conditions almost invariably produces new hybrids, was limited in The Netherlands by the intensive utilization of land along the rivers and canals for agriculture— particularly for forage. Hay and grazing in the poplar plantations and on the overflow lands along the riverbanks is extremely un¬ favorable to survival of poplar seedlings. The excellent studies of the late Prof. G. Houtzagers of the Forest School in Wageningen, published under the title “Het Ges- lacht Populus in Verband met Zijn Beteekanis voor de Houtteelt" 1 The poplar names used in this report conform to the International Code. The application of these rules to the cultivated poplars, and synonymous names in European poplar literature or in local use, are discussed in the appendix. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 7 (The Genus Populus and its Significance in Silviculture) laid the groundwork for clonal certification in The Netherlands. The fol¬ lowing poplars are now in commercial use: P. ‘Heidemij,’ T-214,’ ‘Robusta,’ ‘Robusta Zeeland,’ ‘Robusta Vernirubens,’ ’Robusta Bachelieri,’ ‘Marilandica,’ ‘Gelrica’ (fig. 2), ‘Manitobensis,’ ‘Sero- tina,’ and ‘Serotina Keppelse Groene.’ Most of these clones have been studied and tested for more than 20 years. They have been subjected to pathological tests intensive enough to justify their certification as resistant to the type of bacterial canker that is present in The Netherlands. Photo by G. Houtzagers Figure 2. —Twelve-year-old poplar clonal test in Best, The Netherlands. At left is Populus ‘Gelrica,’ at right ‘Marilandica.’ Note the difference in size and stem form. Clonal identity is controlled under strict government regula¬ tion. Every poplar sold must carry a tag of the Netherlands In¬ spection Service for Nursery Stock certifying the clonal identity and plant quality. Certified cuttings are available only from a cen¬ tral nursery, originally established by the Netherlands Land Rec¬ lamation Society. 2 Commercial nurserymen are permitted to take cuttings from each purchase of certified cutting stock only as long as the State inspector is certain that there is no danger of mixing clones. State inspectors go through every commercial nursery twice during the first year and once in each succeeding year until the stock is sold. Before the trees are dug for sale, an inspector labels each tree with a certification tag (fig. 3). This is the most intensive federal certification system in Europe. " Early in 1956 this nursery was transferred to the Foundation for Im¬ provement of Breeding Basic Materials for Forest Stands (Stichting ter Verbetering van Voortkwekingsmaterial van Houtopstanden). 8 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Figure 3. —Certification of poplars in a Netherlands nursery by an in¬ spector of the Netherlands Inspection Service for Nursery Stock This nursery stock is ready for sale. Each tree is individually tagged. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 9 Central Europe Belgium .—The poplars most generally planted in the past were the same mixtures of clones used in France, but in recent years the certified Netherlands clones have come into increasing use in Belgium. Between 1940 and 1950 the Belgian Match Company 3 used Populus ‘Robusta’ almost exclusively in its plantations. About 1950, 50 to 60 percent of their plantings were ‘Serotina Erecta’ and the remainder ‘Robusta.’ Select clones from many countries in Europe are being tested at the Company’s Poplar Institute in Grammont. Germany .—The poplar types commonly planted in the past in the principal poplar regions of Germany were P. ‘Robusta,’ ‘Sero¬ tina,’ ‘Regenerata,’ and ‘Marilandica.’ Types of P. xberolinensis were widely planted in the northwest. Although their susceptibil¬ ity to disease has brought them into disrepute, they are still used rather extensively for roadside and street trees. In Schleswig- Holstein and the coastal region along the North Sea, P.Xcanes- cens (Ait.) Sm. cultivars are still favored for windbreaks because of their windfirmness and their adaptability to coastal conditions. The extensive poplar plantings in the Rhine bottom lands in Baden exhibit clonal mixtures that have probably been derived through local selection and clonal propagation of natural hybrids. Such natural crossing could have been between hybrids (appar¬ ently the older French hybrids) and backcrosses to the native P. nigra L., which is still surprisingly common on the flood lands of the Rhine. Since 1950 the German Poplar Society has certified poplar nursery stock, on the basis of nursery inspections, as to cultivar name, condition, and health. Certified stock bears a protected trademark label, which is attached to individual trees or to bun¬ dles of not more than 10 trees. Participation by commercial nurs¬ eries is voluntary. Following are some of the cultivars certified for sale during the winter of 1956-57: P. alba L., P. xcanescens, and P. trichocarpa Torr. & Grey, all with indication of clone; P. ‘Heidemij’ and ‘Gelrica,’ both from The Netherlands; and ‘Regen¬ erata,’ ‘Robusta,’ ‘Serotina,’ ‘Eugenei Feminine,’ ‘Robusta Verni- rubens,’ ‘Marilandica,’ ‘Eukalyptus,’ ‘Allenstein,’ ‘Bietigheim,’ ‘Dromling,’ ‘Eckhof,’ ‘Grandis,’ ‘Isar,’ ‘Leipsig,’ ‘Lons,’ ‘Neupotz,’ and ‘Flachslanden.’ Great Britain .—Poplar culture has not been extensive in Great Britain. A few commercial plantations have been established from time to time; but in general, poplars have been produced in only small quantities by commercial nurseries for ornamental and windbreak planting. As on the Continent, the poplar types that have been planted in Great Britain represent a mixture of clones. Even the artificial hybrid P. X 9 en &rosa Henry is a clonal mixture because Henry 3 The Union Allumettiere S.A., which does not lend itself to exact trans¬ lation, is referred to in this report as “The Belgian Match Company.” In the same way, the Service d’Exploitation Industrielle des Tabacs et des Allumettes (SEITA) is referred to as “The French Match Company.” 10 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE distributed cuttings of a number of taxonomically similar F, male and female seedlings under this name. In addition to the natural species (P. alba, P. tremula L., P. nigra, P. deltoides Bartr., P. trichocarpa, and P. balsamifera L.), one or more clones of the following hybrids have been grown in Great Britain: P. ‘Serotina,’ ‘Regenerata,’ ‘Eugenei,’ ‘Robusta,’ ‘Marilandica,’ ‘Lloydii,’ Xgenerosa and xberolinensis. On the basis of climatic adaptability, growth and development, and particularly disease and insect resistance, the Forestry Com¬ mission has for the present limited its recommendation for com¬ mercial planting to the following clones: P. ‘Serotina,’ the so- called ‘Serotina Erecta,’ ‘Robusta’ (fig. 4), ‘Gelrica,’ and ‘Eu¬ genei.’ P. Xberolinensis is recommended for shade and ornamen¬ tal planting. France .—The poplars that have been most commonly planted in France are P. ‘Italica,’ ‘Blanc de Garonne,’ ‘\ ert de Garonne, ‘Carolin,’ ‘Angulata,’ ‘Virginiana,’ ‘Monilifera,’ ‘Serotina,’ ‘Sero¬ tina de Champagne,’ ‘Serotina du Poitou’ ‘Regenerata,’ ‘Robusta, ‘Eugenei,’ Marilandica,’ and ‘Regenerata d’Hautervive.’ These names have not in all cases characterized or assured pure (single) clones as in The Netherlands. In the region of Parthois, in the Marne alley, there are re¬ ported to be approximately 49,000 acres of poplar, 80 percent of which is called P. ‘Virginiana,’ the remaining 20 percent ‘Robusta and ‘Regenerata.’ The ‘Virginiana,’ although rather crooked in stem form, grows about as well as ‘Robusta on the good sites and somewhat better than ‘Robusta’ on the poorer sites. The occur- rence of both sexes in plantations believed by the owners to be ‘Virginiana’ is irrefutable evidence of a clonal mixture. Consider¬ able variation in stem form (crookedness) is collaborative evi¬ dence, because on any particular site uniformly spaced ramets of a single clone would exhibit only slight variation in growth habit. The new terms “ramet” and “ortet,” which are used in this report, are defined in the appendix, p. 112. In the valley of Garonne, a poplar locally called Carolinensis was most common until about 30 years ago. It is said to be the best type for this region but does not root so readily from cuttings as other clones. P. ‘Robusta,’ ‘Regenerata, \ ert de Ganone, and ‘Blanc de Garonne’ are now most commonly planted here. P. ‘Italica’ has been widely planted in southern France, where the wood is preferred for construction lumber. It is obvious from the wide variation in growth habit (from fastigiate to columnar) and the occurrence of both sexes that this name has co\eied a mixture of clones. The cultivars ‘Robusta, Regeneiata, and ‘Serotina’ are now most extensively planted. Excellent naturally regenerating stands of P. alba occur in some of the river valleys of southern France. P. Xco,uescens cultivars (hybrids between P. alba and P. tremula ) are generally considered to grow better than Aigeiros poplars on dry and on excessively wet sites; and like P. alba they are used frequently as ornamental and roadside trees. Cultivars of P. Xcdnescens are oc¬ casionally planted for lumber production but not for matchwood because the wood is said to be too rough. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 11 Great Britain Forestry Commission photo Figure 4 .—Populus ‘Robusta’ about 18 years old, at Kett’s Wood, Ryston Hall, England. 12 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The following poplars are recommended by the French Forest Service for planting in the several poplar regions of France: Western Parisian Basin: P. ‘Serotina de Champagne,’ ‘Sero- tina du Poitou.’ Eastern Parisian Basin: P. ‘Serotina de Champagne,’ ‘Ro- busta,’ ‘Virginiana.’ Western Region (Bretagne, Secteur Ligerien, Charentes) : P. ‘Serotina du Poitou,’ ‘Robusta,’ ‘Regenerata,’ ‘Virginiana.’ Southwestern Region: P. ‘Blanc de Garonne,’ ‘Regenerata,’ ‘Virginiana Carolin.’ Southeastern Region (Secteur Rhodanien) : P. ‘Regenerata, ‘Angulata,’ ‘Robusta,’ ‘Virginiana.’ Switzerland .—Poplar culture in Switzerland has been limited by the scarcity of available bottom-land sites. P. ‘Robusta,’ ‘Regenerata,’ and ‘Serotina,’ are now most commonly planted. The types grown during the past 50 years in the vicinity of Yvonand on Lake Neuchatel and Noville at the head of Lake Geneva are believed to have been imported originally from French nurseries. In Tessin, in the valley below Bellinzona, there are some small poplar plantations for which the planting stock may have come from Italy. There is some evidence that a few clonal de¬ rivatives of local natural hybridization have come into cultivation in Switzerland within the present century. Southern Europe Italy .—The introduction of the American cottonwood into the Po Valley in 1790, and of the older European hybrids somewhat later, set the stage for extensive natural hybridization with the native black poplar (P. nigra). The natural hybrid population now represents many kinds and degrees of intercrosses and backcrosses to the originally more abundant P. nigra. The almost phenomenal economic importance of hybrid poplar in Italy today is attributable in large measure to the excellent work and enthusiasm of Prof. Giacomo Piccarolo and his asso¬ ciates at the Institute for Poplar Research at Casale Monferrato. By 1928, when epidemic spring dieback (Defogliazone primave- rile), and to a lesser degree leaf rust, had become a serious threat to profitable poplar culture, the plantations in northern Italy already contained innumerable natural hybrids. As a result of selection and tests of thousands of natural hybrids during the past 20 years by the Poplar Institute and several other organizations, the following clones are recommended for planting in Italy: P. T-37,’ T-137,’ T-154,’ T-214, 1-262, T-455,’ T-477,’ and ‘I-Caroliniano Bianco de Cercenasco^ With the exception of the last, these clones have not yet (1957) been given clonal names. They are grown and sold under clonal num¬ bers, the capital “I” indicating Italian origin. The greatest de¬ mand is for clone T-214’ because of its vigorous growth and disease i*esi stance. Spain .—European black poplars, especially columnar and fastig- iate types like the Lombardy poplar, have been planted along PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 13 many Spanish highways and river bottom lands. For centuries they have characterized the Castilian roadsides under conditions that are too dry for many trees. Poplars are often the principal source of lumber and of fagots for fuel; in some localities even the fallen leaves have been used for fuel. Poplar culture has been locally important for centuries, particu¬ larly in the Mediterranean region and in the Duero and Tajo Valleys of Spain. In addition to numerous cultivars of the Euro¬ pean black poplar, there are also many Aigeiros hybrids in cultiva¬ tion (fig. 5). The original source of most of these hybrids is obscure, but the most probable guess would be imported cultivars and local selections of natural hybrids. F-482547 Figure 5.—A 6-year-old poplar plantation in the Genii River Valley near Granada, Spain. The first thinning had been made in this plantation during the previous winter. In the region between Barcelona and Gerona, the four cultivars that have been most widely planted are P. ‘Mainou,’ ‘Bordils,’ ‘Poncella,’ and ‘Polla Carolina.’ The last was practically elimi¬ nated by disease some 35 years ago. P. alba occurs naturally and as occasional trees in plantations of other cultivars; it is not commonly planted. Two cultivars, ‘Blanquillo’ and ‘Nigrito,’ are recognized in the region of Granada. In the Province of Logrono the most commonly grown poplars are the locally called canadensis and ‘Italica.’ In Aragon, cultivars of the European black poplar are grown as pollards from which 10 to 15 stems are cut at 10- to 12-year intervals. 471632°—59-2 14 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Significance for the United States One of the objectives of this study was an investigation of the silvicultural characteristics (such as site requirements, growth rate, and disease and insect resistance) of the poplars that are grown commercially or are being tested in Europe. Only empmcal and inconclusive answers are available on these questions, pri¬ marily because of the confusion in naming hybrid poplar clones and the impossibility of exactly identifying taxonomically similar clones. We should avoid similar confusion in the expansion of poplar culture in the United States. (See appendix p. 112, Identifi¬ cation and Naming of Poplars.) The search for, selection, and testing of superior indi\idual trees of native poplars, and of natural and artificial hybrids, has greatly increased in recent years in various parts of the united States. Such selections should always be maintained as single clones, never as mixtures of ramets from trees that appear to be similar. Clones should be carried under number till they have been adequately tested and are ready for commercial distribution. With a continuous and increasing number of new clones, national registration will eventually become necessary for the protection of the grower. SELECTION AND BREEDING Clonal Selection Selection of superior individual trees is a major activity of poplar specialists and growers in almost every European country. They generally recognize that there is an essential and continuing job to obtain better clones for future use and to replace those that may fall prey to unusual environmental conditions or to new diseases and insects. Selection offers excellent possibilities in many sections of Europe because of the many hybrid clones in the plantations and the ease and frequency of natural hybridiza- 1 In the Rhine Valley near Bonn there is an excellent example of the possibilities for frequent and abundant natural hybiidization and backcrossing. A female Populus ‘Regenerata’ and a male ‘Serotina,’ estimated to be at least 90 years old, are growing a short distance apart on an old estate. These two clones, and possibly others including early local hybrids, have been planted extensively in mixed or adjacent plantations. In an open area near such a 50-year-old stand there were, in 1952, literally thou¬ sands of seedlings from the 1949 seed crop. Dr Muller, director of the Research Institute of the German Poplar Society, had selected a large number of the best of these natural hybrids toi clonal tests. Except for the Swedish tests, very few clonal tests have been designed for precise statistical analysis. Many new selections aie being multiplied for immediate use on the basis of phenotypic ex¬ cellence of the ortet and the nursery performance ol the cuttings. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 15 Where new selections have been tested in plantations, the field lay¬ out was seldom designed to permit statistical evaluation of re¬ sults. One or more factors, such as type of planting stock, time of planting, planting methods, culture, site differences, or soil hetero¬ geneity within the plantation, are almost always completely con¬ founded. Although such clonal selection will bring some elite clones into immediate use, these empirical testing methods will not provide the basic comparisons that are required for scien¬ tifically sound clonal evaluation. The Netherlands .—The clones selected by the late Prof. Hout- zagers during the 1930’s as the best of those grown in The Nether¬ lands have been under test on 3 different sites for more than 20 years by the Netherlands Land Reclamation Society (fig. 6). These are among the clones now certified by the State for com¬ mercial planting. New clones must be tested for 5 years before they can be included in the list of poplars that can be certified for sale. Figure 6. —A spring photograph in the clonal test plantation of the Nether¬ lands Land Reclamation Society at Elst, The Netherlands. At left is Populus ‘Heidemij,’ at right ‘Serotina Erecta.’ There is considerable difference in time of leafing. Photo by G. Houtzagers 1() HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL'l L RE Additional certified clones are needed and desired in The Neth¬ erlands, but conditions do not favor the production and survival of natural hybrids in sufficiently large numbers for profitable se¬ lection. A relatively few local selections are being made, but the emphasis is Quite correctly put on controlled breeding and on testing the best clones from other countries. . The most promising clones from many countries aie being propagated in the central poplar nursery formerly located at Kep- pel but now at Wageningen. A full-time pathologist is assigned to investigate disease resistance in these clones, particularly resist¬ ance to artificial inoculation with bacterial canker. Clones that had demonstrated satisfactory growth and reason¬ able disease resistance in the nursery were outplanted in 19o0 in an extensive and well-designed clonal test on the new Northeast Polder. It was planned to inoculate trees at regular intei\als throughout the test plantations with bacterial canker and other native diseases to permit evaluation of clonal resistance to na u- ral infection—the procedure used for more than 25 years in pop¬ lar research in the northeastern United States. Italy .—Clonal selection and testing has been extensively prac¬ ticed in Italy along two different lines: (1) propagation and test¬ ing of seedlings from open-pollinated seed of selected mothei trees; and (2) selection and direct propagation (by cuttings) ot outstand^sgtute j or p op ] ar Research at Casale Monferrato has carried on large-scale selection through naturally pollinated seed from selected mother trees. In past years the Institute has gi own more than 20,000 seedlings per year (in some years 100,000) tor- nursery selection. The most vigorous seedlings that are resistant to spring dieback and leaf rust and have good stem and crown form have been tested for rooting ability. After the second year in the nursery the very best have been planted in a selection ai- boretum and then multiplied for 15- to 20-year clonal plantation tests By 1948 more than 1,800 clones derived from open-polli- nated seed of selected mother trees had been established in test plantations by cooperators in various localities in northern itan. Several ramets of each clone were planted in each test plantation. Selections of the best clones in the oldest of these plots are already being propagated for commercial planting. . . Prof. Aldo Pavari, director of the Forest Experiment Station in Florence, established a test plantation of 24 clones at Monsum- mano in 1941, 1942, and 1943. Ten of the best early selections of the Institute at Casale Monferrato (including 1-214 ) and 14 named clones of Italian origin were included in this test. The clone Poyulus ‘I-Caroliniano Bianco de Cercenasco was considered the best in 1952. , .. Germany .—Since the war there has been tremendous acti\it\ in the selection of excellent local trees in all the poplar-groping regions of Germany. Local selections are being propagated b> farmers, nurserymen, estate foresters, State foresters, and ie- search stations. Propagation is usually from single oiteL, J these can be registered in several of the States as single clones. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 17 Cuttings from several taxonomically similar ortets may also be propagated under a single name or number, but these must be reg¬ istered as a clonal mixture—“Clone Gemisch.” In most cases the phenotypic excellence of the selected ortets, supported only by vigorous nursery growth, is accepted as sufficient evidence to war¬ rant multiplication for immediate use in practice. The Forschungsstelle fur Flurholzanbau der Lignikultur in Reinbek near Hamburg, as the name implies, is sponsoring the production of wood outside the forest; i.e., windbreak, hedgerow, and roadside planting of poplars and willows. Although this re¬ search station is testing poplar selections from all countries, it is particularly stressing local selections from northwestern Ger¬ many. If these local selections appear satisfactory after several years in the test nursery they are recommended for use in the lo¬ cality where the ortet was selected. By this procedure the station expects to find the best clones for specific localities. The Federal Institut fur Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzuch- tung, in Schmalenbeck near Hamburg, has a collection of more than 300 selected clones from Europe and America. The best clones, as determined by nursery performance, will be tested in plantations. In the Niedersachsischen Pappelmuttergarten in Harsefeld, the State Forest Service has a collection of more than 200 clones, de¬ rived from selected local ortets, seedlings from controlled crosses, and some exotic clones. Small numbers of trees of each of these clones are tested in Lower Saxony for comparison with the best registered types. New clones that are as good as or better than the best clones in local use are then propagated in larger numbers. This is a continuing program to obtain better clones and to replace those that may fall prey to unusual environmental conditions, dis¬ eases, or insects. Between 1947 and 1952 the Research Institute of the German Poplar Society sponsored trial plantings of 18 poplar cultivars in approximately 150 cooperative plantations scattered throughout western Germany. During 1951 and 1952 the South German Branch of the Society established another 150 cooperative test plantings in Bavaria. The total number of trees in each planting varied from 100 to 200 and included 10 or 20 trees of each poplar cultivar. Planting stock (1- or 2-year-old trees) was purchased from certified commercial nurseries. Because these were primarily demonstration plantings, their experimental design will provide only empirical clonal compari¬ sons. The published objectives are (1) to demonstrate the eco¬ nomic possibilities and techniques of poplar culture; (2) to dem¬ onstrate choice of correct sites and soils in river bottoms, uplands, forests, and fields; and (3) to compare the most promising poplar cultivars under different environmental conditions. In Baden, Dr. Friedrich Bauer (formerly Oberlandforstmeister, now at the Forestry Institute of the University of Freiburg) cor¬ relates his selections with the site and soil on which the elite or¬ tets (fig. 7) are growing. He has made selections of excellent phenotypes from good poplar sites, dry sites, extremely heavy 18 HANDBOOK 15 0, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE soils, wet peaty soils, and climatically unfavorable upland sites. These selections are propagated in 10 small state nurseries in Baden, each selection being propagated on sites and soils as simi¬ lar as possible to the site on which the ortet was found (fig. 8). Soil specifications include depth of water table, fertility, pH near the surface, and difference in pH between surface and lower soil level. Baden state foresters who order cuttings are required to provide standardized information, by numbers and sjmboB ac¬ cording to a guide sheet, on their proposed poplar planting sites. The guide sheet covers geographic location, elevation—for cli¬ matic information, site information on soil-water relations, soil structure, fertility, depth, and pH. On the basis of this informa¬ tion, clones from ortets selected from similar sites and soils are provided for planting. Statistically controlled clonal tests had not been established to compare the selected clones on similai sites 01 on a series of different sites and soils. Figure 7.—One of Dr. Bauer’s selected ortets in the Rhine bottom lands of Baden, Germany. The branches have been removed to produce sucker growth suitable for cuttings. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 19 In the Fullbroch State Forest, Dr. Bauer had an interesting 15-year-old test of clones derived from crooked parent trees. The ramets had been carefully trimmed and pruned every year to pro¬ duce straight stems, but the trees were still crooked. Several specimens of burly native P. nigra were observed in the Rhine bottom-land forests of Baden. These are called “Maser Pappel” in Germany and the wood is referred to as “Mappa Holz” by local furniture manufacturers in Baden. The wood brings a high price for face veneer, the price depending on the degree and regular distribution of the burl. The average burly log was said to bring about $700 per thousand board-feet. There apparently has been no selection of the best burly trees for clonal propaga¬ tion. Photo by F. Bauer Figure 8. —One-year-old rooted cuttings of selected clones in one of the state poplar nurseries in Baden, Germany. Many private growers and nurseries in Germany—too many for individual mention—are selecting and propagating elite trees. The Harff poplars (fig. 9)—selected and propagated under the supervision of Dr. Bruno Schmitz-Lenders, who has worked with 20 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE poplars for many years—the Ruskamp poplars, and the Moos poplars are well known in western Germany. Siveden. _The search for and selection of natural triploids and “plus” trees of the native aspen was an important part of the Photo by Schmitz-Lendebs Figure 9.—Fifty-year-old Harff poplar on excellent bottom land along the river Erft, District of Cologne, Germany. Its d b. h. is 4o % inches, total height 140 feet, total volume without bark (to 2.7o-inch top) 4J4 cubic feet, including approximately 400 cubic feet of veneer and saw logs. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 21 early work of the Swedish Tree Breeding Institute. The growth rate of these natural triploids, one clone of which was observed at the forest estate Satra, is higher than that of the diploids. The small stand at Satra, about 60 years old, is considered to be of clonal origin (through root suckers) from a single ortet. Clonal propagation of triploids and of diploid “plus” trees has not been started on a commercial scale. The selected trees have been used for intraspecific and interspecific breeding. It is too early to compare the yield of Aigeiros hybrids with that of the aspen hybrids, but observations on roadside trees growing on upland sites in Sweden and Norway warrant the pre¬ diction that on good sites Aigeiros hybrids and hybrids between Aigeiros and Tacamahaca poplars will grow faster than the aspen hybrids. Such roadside trees have already been subjected to some degree of selection for adaptability to specific environment. Selec¬ tion and breeding with these types has lagged in Sweden and Nor¬ way because sites suitable for their culture are limited and be¬ cause the match industry in these countries prefers aspen. Great Britain .—A collection of poplars for clonal tests was be¬ gun by the Forestry Commission in the middle 1930’s under the direction of W. H. Guillebaud, but the war interrupted this work while most of the collection was still in the nursery. Poplars have received increasing attention since the end of the war. Large- scale field trials of the most promising clones in the collection of the Forestry Commission Research Branch, which were started in 1948 by T. R. Peace, are being expanded in various parts of England, Scotland, and Wales. Some of these are British selec¬ tions, but the majority are the best clones from other countries of Europe and from America. All clones are subjected to artificial inoculation tests for resistance to bacterial canker. Belgium .—The Dongelberg experimental plot established by Professor Poskin is apparently the oldest clonal test in this coun¬ try. This test planting was established with commercial stocks used in Belgium. On the basis of sex and time of leafing, Professor Poskin believes there are at least eight clones of P. ‘Robusta’ in this plantation. There are also several clones of ‘Regenerata,’ most of which, but not all, are susceptible to a disease that closely resembles, and may be, bacterial canker. The best clones from all countries are being tested at the In- stitut de Populiculture of the Union Allumettiere in Grammont. The most promising clones in nursery trials are tested in planta¬ tions. This work is too recent for any conclusive results. In 1952 the Direction Generale de Eaux et Forets established an arboretum at Egenhoven-Bos, near Louvain, with five ramets each of clones that appear promising for commercial use in Bel¬ gium. France .—Between 1949 and 1955 the Direction Generale de Eaux et Forets established 15 poplar “forest arboretums” throughout France. These plantings total 156 acres and contain 11,200 trees. The trees are under regular observation and meas¬ urement. 22 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT 01 AGRICULrLRE Previous to 1952 the Department had also established poplar nurseries at Blois and in southern France to provide certified cutting stock. It is not clear whether all the stocks in these nurser¬ ies represent pure clones derived from cuttings from single tiees or whether they were derived from cuttings taken from several ortets that have the same taxonomic characteristics. In a lettei dated June 1, 1956, Dr. J. Pourtet stated that a new poplar nurs¬ ery, representing pure clones, will replace these earlier nurseries. The National Forest Research Station at Nancy is making se¬ lections of native P. tremula in which they recognize two races, a mountain race and a plains race. The races are reported to diftei in the ratio of leaf length to width, in the lenticels, and m the character of the bark. Selections of superior straight-boled trees are being made in both races. , . Q .. Switzerland .—Clonal selection and testing was started inbwit- zerland by the Federal Forest Experiment Station, located in Zurich. In 1950, Dr. Fritz Fischer established a poplar arboretum at Giritz near Koblenz with Swiss selections and some of the bes clones from other countries. Field tests have also been started o are planned in other localities such as Lac de Neuchatel, Noxille, and in the vicinity of Bellinzona. , ^ In 1954 the Forest School in Zurich took ovei the work with Aigeiros poplars and with hybrids within this section for bottom¬ land planting. The Federal Forest Experiment Station is no\\ handling the selection and testing of Tacamahaca poplars and their hybrids, including intersection hybrids, for planting on up- lai SpSrf.—Selection of elite ortets for local use has been a common practice of the growers in the poplar regions of Spam This is beimr continued by the government foresters responsible toi pop- estetion and by the Forest Research Institute. Favorable local environments for natural hybridization and survival_ f T W» lings have provided some excellent phenotypes foi selection. T is also good P. alba in southeastern Spam. An excellent spearne* of this species was observed in a 25- to 30-year-old plantation o Lombardy-type poplars near Hostalrich, This tree the only white poplar in the plantation, was 22 inches in d. b. h. and 100 feet in total height, and it had almost 60 feet of clear trunk. In addition to selections for vigor, disease resistance, and tree form, selections are now being directed toward good phenotypes that are growing on dry sites. The Spanish foresters are also in¬ terested in P. euphratica Olivier, which is reputed to grow on alkaline soils. Unfortunately this poplar does not root from cut- ^Strice 1950 many of the best clones from Germany, France, The Netherlands, Italy, Morocco, Syria, and the United States, and clones derived from selected Spanish ortets, have been propagated at the Institute for Forest Research m Mad J^ p Sel ^tmns mclu^ burly poplars for furniture face veneer. Aftei pielimmaiy oD servation and selection in the 20-acre experimental nursery, the most promising clones are tested in plantations thioughout the country. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 23 Controlled Breeding Denmark.— Poplar breeding in Denmark has been done almost exclusively with the aspens. As a result of Dr. C. Syrach Larsen’s demonstration of hybrid vigor in crosses between P. tremula and P. tremuloides, the experimental poplar nursery of the Danish Match Company at Hellestrup has been converted to a breeding station for the commercial production of Fj hybrid aspens. An es¬ timated 150,000 two-year hybrid aspen seedlings were being pro¬ duced here in 1952. This was insufficient to meet the increasing- demand. Mass pollination is carried out in two greenhouses with light¬ ing facilities for additional artificial illumination to hasten bloom¬ ing and fruiting. One house is heated for early work in February, the other is unheated for work later in the season. These breeding houses have small pollination chambers arranged along one side for special small-scale pollination work, but the open benches are used for the mass pollinations. Approximately one-fourth of the annual seed production has been obtained from early pollinations on some 400 grafted plants (in pots) of 15 selected female clones of P. tremula. Three-fourths of the hybrid seed production has been on large flowering- branches 3 to 41/2 feet long, cut from native P. tremula trees grow¬ ing in various parts of Denmark. The flowering branches are brought into bloom in pails of water on the greenhouse bench and are pollinated by hand dusting. In the past most of the P. tremu¬ loides pollen has been obtained from Canada. The fruiting catkins are collected before they are fully open and are placed in glass-covered boxes in which the catkins are spread out one layer deep on screens until they open. The seed is cleaned in a small, screened, rotating drum with a fan to blow the seeds through the wire screen. The cotton stays inside the drum. The Hellestrup Nursery maintains a record of the parentage of each seed lot and a record of where the hybrid seedlings are out- planted. The growth and development of the individual progenies will be checked to select the best parents for future hybridization. A large number of P. tremuloides clones and seedlings of se¬ lected trees from eastern and western Canada, collected by Dr. Larsen, have been planted in the arboretum at Hellestrup. These will be used as parent stocks as soon as they come into bloom. Stveden. —Aspen breeding has been one of the projects of the Swedish Tree Breeding Institute in Ekebo and the branch stations m Brunsberg and Sundmo since its founding in 1936. The experi¬ mental breeding has included intraspecific crossing of “plus” trees of P. tremula, polyploidy breeding, and species hybridization. The Institute had also mass-produced tremula X tremuloides hybrids for commercial sale when this did not interfere with research. In 1951 they produced and sold about 20,000 one-year hybrid seed¬ lings. The progenies derived from crosses between “plus” trees of P. tremula have not been as rapid growing as the aspen hybrids. For this reason production of commercial planting stock from mass- 24 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE produced seed of “plus” trees of P. tremula has been overshad¬ owed by the demand for Fi hybrids of tremula X tremuloides. There has been little demand for the mass production oi tiiploid P. tremula (obtained by crossing diploid X tetraploid) apparently because of the variability of the seed progenies. The seedlings range in vigor from those that equal the hybrid aspens in giQ'^ rate to very poorly growing, almost dwarf individuals that are graded as nursery discards. Triploid species hybrids, between dip¬ loid P. tremuloides and tetraploid P. tremula, are particularly promising. Selected fast-growing and disease-resistant triploid clones will undoubtedly find a ready market when commercial vegetative propagation is started. „ , The Swedish Match Company maintains Mykinge Forsoksgard, an experimental area near Jonkoping, in which some ot the hkebo aspen progenies are being field tested. A planting of P. tremula X tremuloides hybrids made in 1943 with 1-year seedlings on an area logged in 1941 clearly demonstrates their early vigor. A though this site was covered by a dense stand of root suckers when the hybrids were planted, the native aspens were completely sup¬ pressed by 1950. In the 1947 plantation of 1 -year-old seedlings ot tremuloides X tremula, tremula X tremuloides, and crosses be¬ tween selected diploid tremula parents, the most uniformly lkl & 01 ‘ ous progenies were the tremuloides X tremula hybrids, the dnec- tion of the cross seems to make little diffeience in \igoi. It is too early to predict the adaptability and disease resistance of these new hybrids. Test plantings to date indicate that then early growth rate is extremely promising. Frostcrack and sun- scald observed on some of the hybrids indicate the need tor con¬ tinued testing for climatic hardiness. At present the cruet ris with these hybrids appears to be disease, which will be discussed under that heading. .. In 1950 the Match Company built greenhouse and nursery tacil- ities at Mykinge, similar to those in Denmark, for the commercial production of aspen hybrids; the initial production goal was 200,000 hybrid seedlings per year. The hybridization work is started in February in greenhouses equipped to provide additional light to hasten the development of flowers and seed. The seed ripens and is planted approximately 3 weeks after pollination. The Netherlands .—Poplar breeding is a major project ot the Forest Research Institute in Wageningen, under the direction ot Dr. H. van Vloten. The breeding techniques used at the Institute stem from, and are basically similar to, the methods used oi ex perimental poplar breeding in Denmark and Sw eden. Male branches, in water, are placed in small glass-partitioned chambers in a sun porch of the laboratory building and the pollen is permitted to shed. Female branches are bottle grafted on 1- year-old rooted cuttings in pots. During the growing season these pots are plunged outdoors, but the plants are lifted periodically to prevent the roots from growing out into the soil. Kept ioot- bound, the plants—aspens particularly—will bloom for se\ eral successive years. On Leuce poplars, pollinations are also made on flowering branches that are kept in water until the seed matures. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 25 Before and after pollination the female grafts and flowering branches are given artificial illumination between 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. to hasten flowering and seed maturation (fig. 10). Bosbouwproefstation T. N. O. photo Figure 10. —Control-pollinated bottle grafts maturing seed on greenhouse bench at the Forest Research Station, Wageningen, The Netherlands. These potted plants are given additional artificial illumination during the night to hasten seed maturation. Special pollination chambers, constructed of glass and alumi¬ num and slightly larger than a telephone booth, are arranged along the sides of the greenhouse (fig. 11). They are heated by steampipes along the wall and are connected at the top to an ex¬ haust ventilating system. The temperature of the chambers is maintained at 20° to 22° C. If the temperature rises too high, the ventilator is turned on and cool greenhouse air is drawn into the bottom of the chambers. Several female parents are brought into a chamber just before the first flowers are receptive and are pollinated each day as the successive flowers in the maturing catkins become receptive. Pol¬ len from one tree only, or from a single clone, is used in each chamber. When the pollinations are completed, the female catkins aie washed with a fine water spray and the potted plants are re¬ turned to the greenhouse bench. Each pollination chamber is thor¬ oughly washed down before another set of pollinations is started. The control-pollinated seeds are planted individually on thin blocks of pressed peat that are thoroughly soaked in water before use. After planting, the blocks are kept in a glass-covered green¬ house bench. The germinated seedlings are lifted from the peat blocks after about 7 days and are transplanted to seed pans or flats that contain a thin surface layer of heat-sterilized soil. This method, seen only in The Netherlands, is said to eliminate loss 26 HANDBOOK 15 0, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICL LI L RE Figure 11.—Pollination chambers in the greenhouse of the Forest Research Station, Wageningen, The Netherlands. from damping-off. The seedlings are given artificial illumination between 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. until they are potted and placed in coldframes. . . . . , Many progenies from crosses in the Leuce and Aigeiros poplars were growing in the nursery in 1952. The poplar breeders in The Netherlands, as in all other countries, were faced with the problem of finding land for plantation tests of the large numbers of seed¬ lings that are relatively easy to obtain from controlled breeding. Great Britain .—The earliest controlled breeding work with pop¬ lars was done by Augustine Henry in 1912 and 1914. His best- known poplar hybrids are the clonal mixture that he named P. Xfjenerosa, F, hybrids between angulata X tnchocarpa. Theie has been no recent controlled breeding with poplars m England. Germany .—Poplar breeding on a comprehensive scale was started by^Dr. W. Wettstein in 1930. Although this project was a casualty of World War II, a plantation of Wettstein s hybrids— now more than 17 years old—near Frankfurt includes some excel¬ lent individuals that have been selected for clonal testing. The most extensive controlled-breedmg program m \\ est Ger - many is centered at the Federal Forest Genetics Research Station in Schmalenbeck near Hamburg. Although emphasis has been on the breeding of the Leuce poplars, work has also been staited on Aigeiros poplars. Controlled breeding with the Leuce poplars in¬ cludes breeding with triploid aspen, intraspecific crosses between selected phenotypes, interspecific hybridization, and since 19o4 a breeding proiect with triploid P. xcanescens A major concern is to decide how large a progeny should be outplanted foi future se¬ lection and to find sufficient suitable land for plantation tests. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 27 Limited controlled breeding has been done by other German workers. At Harsefeld, in Lower Saxony, Forstmeister H. Lucke has made some crosses and has been attempting to produce poly¬ ploids by colchicine treatment. Prof. Rohmeder, in Munich, has progeny from a cross between P. ‘Marilandica’ (female) and ‘Ital- ica’ (male). Austria .—Since the end of World War II Dr. W. Wettstein, at the Federal Forest Research Station in Hadersdorf (Vienna), has been breeding Leuce and Aigeiros poplars. Breeding and selec¬ tion for photoperiodic response is considered particularly impor¬ tant because early spring budding and delayed fall dormancy are the most serious hazards at the higher elevations in Austria. Con- trolled breeding is done on flowering branches brought into the gi eenhouse and pollinated during January and February—the method devised by Wettstein in his early work in Germany. Ap¬ proximately 10,000 seedlings were produced in 1956, including crosses with pollen from Spain and Korea. Belgium .—The Poplar Experiment Station of the Belgian Match Company, established and specially designed for poplar breeding, has excellent laboratory and greenhouse facilities, including polli- nation chambers, and a good nursery site. The breeding techniques used by Dr. C. Muhle Larsen, Director of the Station, are essen¬ tially the same as those described for The Netherlands. The breed¬ ing work is still in its early stages. The major objectives are in¬ traspecific and interspecific breeding to obtain improved clones for commercial use, and basic genetic information on various taxo¬ nomic and physiological characteristics. . France .—In the poplar nursery of the Match Company in Sain- tme, Mr. Chardenon is growing 27 seedlots of American poplar species for future breeding work. They have also been experi¬ menting on the grafting of flowering scions of Aigeiros hybrids from old trees on rootstocks in small pots. These have been treated m the same manner as aspen grafts in Denmark, Sweden, and The Netherlands. The oldest grafts were 3 years old in 1952 and all had failed to bloom after the first year. They have also grafted scions of black poplar hybrids on willow as a possible method for getting partially incompatible grafts that might bloom at an early age. Intraspecific and interspecific breeding with aspens and white poplars was started in 1954 by the National Forest Research Sta- tion at Nancy. The aspen hybridizations include crosses with pol- len of P. tremuloides and P. grandidentata from Canada. Italy. A limited amount of controlled breeding is done every year at the Institute for Poplar Research at Casale Monferrato with Italian pollen and pollen from other countries. Tetraploid pollen has also been used. Exceptional conditions that favor natu¬ ral hybridization throughout the Po Valley have made available seed and seedlings in almost unlimited quantity from parents that have been subjected to severe natural selection resulting from the prevalence of epidemic diseases. Consequently, only about 2 per¬ cent of the clones under test by the Institute have^been obtained Irom controlled pollinations. Most of the clones have been derived 28 HANDBOOK ISO, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTI RE from naturally pollinated seed collected from superior phenotypes. Several seedlings, from seeds received from our lower Mississippi region, are considered to be very promising. In 5 years, one ot these (clone 72/51) had grown to a diameter of 13 inches at o.3 feet above the ground. . , ., v . D Spain .— Controlled breeding with Aigeiros hybrids XP- nigra, tremula X ready^for oiitpiantiBg. Kpnninaton Forestry Commission Nursery, England. Leuce Poplars Pnvulus alba the European white poplar, is usually propagated , P ° P ™ h;ZToy sets in the same manner as the Aigeiros poplars. ’The gray poplar P. xcanescens represents a confusing mixture of T „a e tu g rai y h?b?ids between P «Ita edly includes many „f these hybrids vaS'tat few b done P s root well enough for commercial propaga- PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 35 tion from cuttings. Where there is demand for the gray poplars they have usually been propagated from root suckers,'root cut tings, 01 by layering rooted stems in a shallow trench with the tip exposed By this method most of the buds develop shoots that a?°iL ar0 H n( T bud - and Can then be cut into separate plants at the end of the growing season. 1 W. Grohn a nurseryman in Halstenbek, Germany, stated that he had good success in rooting gray poplars by grafting short RotWb Uttl uf S t0 if- baSe ° f the poplar cutting before planting Both the willow cutting and the poplar cutting produce root?' When the trees are dug, the willow cutting is simply broken off leaving a well-rooted poplar. y en on, P. tremula, the European aspen, is usually grown from seed thV^ VeiT f? T P aC6S Where as P ens are Propagated vegetatively' ^ nurserymen use root suckers, root cuttings (fig.’ 16), 01 layeis, as for the gray poplars. p Photo by W. Wettstein gw zssssssssssss thp A ‘‘R ^ cient i y i ow to prevent dust at temperatures from 20 to 34 r . sumcie y have the production of roots or bud bursting betoie planting. 4 It has been estimated that 54 ? li ^g 111S n( j f 900 000 salable* l-l*seedling, proximately 400,000 one-year seedlings and -OU.UUU saia The smallest seedlings are discarded. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 37 also found that callusing does not increase the rooting or growth of clones selected for good rooting ability. g Cuttings 10 to 12 inches long are the most practical for nursery planting in the United States. bery ,nmZ Se F f Spa i ng 0t i 2 t0 18 inches by 2 to 3 feet is generally fn t ^ p ™ ductlon of 1-year-old rooted cuttings, 18 dumped 3+2"stock ' StUmPed 2+1 St ° Ck> and 2 by 6 f “‘ for • PSi n f, CU k ttin P I ust deep enou ^ h to leave two buds exposed pieferable to planting level with the ground because this per- lts easier machine cultivation with a minimum of injury to the nWw eai n y m the , s ^ son - There is n o sound evidence that deep planting will prevent disease or produce straighter trees. Treat- SnUofoTdU^ W il h an effecti ve fungicide will give much better depends°prirnarny tft&S W=e°' &£ strafgh^stem^without^nming^ 0 ® Sing ' e Stem; ° thel ' S pl '° duce a nf } taI - ian pra< r tice of usi ng stumped trees for outplanting and iLommendTtiSn gS the 1 ' year -° ld trees ^serves strong snhntlnff^H 1 i- d la . bor * n m aking cuttings and the cost of cannot he b^nSi mg * nursery to Produce straight trees lii ^- JUStd ! e( ? m thls country. Extremely crooked trees d a 6 dlscarded ; slightly crooked trees of inherently straight¬ stemmed clones will straighten up after outplanting. Fl „® getatlve Propagation of white poplars and aspens by present l^Eurnnp niethods, which are barely feasible economically even countrv P Tt ^hnnM I be reco .u im ended for commercial use in this ftii K f 1 M be po ? slble to Produce P. Xccinescens hybrids that will root from cuttings under nursery conditions by back- ciosses to P. alba parents that have good rooting ability. aspen seedlings could be produced commercially in the ttons wmdrJ L by the , n \ etbod used 111 Denmark, but minor modifica- equipnTent M b nGeded t0 P6rmit USe ° f 0Ur standard nursery SITE AND SOIL REQUIREMENTS Aigeiros Poplars an T b ^^ f . popla J s a J e generally considered bottom-land species and lelatively few foresters or growers in the past have dared tn ° r try ; comm «-cial culture on upland sftls. But been freely nlanted r o e n’ “T 1 !? ^ merica - Ai sreiros hybrids have T q . ^ planted on upland sites as shade or roadside trees aSd sp3w C tine/’h? U T ean blaCk poplars of bott Pyramidal spieaamg types have been grown for centuries alrmo- mari but e the e f™i ngly t0 ° dry e for theia sul 'vival. Gt-ow h is vefy slow conditions SUr " Ve f ° r ma ” y years under «rt"®ely ad vers™ 38 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Where soil depth, fertility, pH, and moisture^“nnland'sites fldpnuate the growth of Aigeiros poplars on such upland sites fc Ttnnd as on bottom lands. And conversely, on bottom-land •nils; of low* fertility low pH, or poor aeration, the poplars glow profitable poplar culture are depth, fertility, pH, moistuie, ana aeration. Soil depth The Aigeiros poplars require soils 2 to 3 feet deep or more exceptions! along® rivers whe'e the j"w “Sr’^hlS%%°thavSe e 7or g °th d e FA -y slopes does not limit soil depth for the growth of poplars. Soil fertility Research on the fertility requirements of poplars has been started**in^many places but .thework to^rov^an SafcuJturT Observations on many European plantations in- SrferUmy^uSto that ntded ’to'grew a pSable com crop ^^T^effwt 1 that^soil^ertility^has on growtlTrate of poplars was ‘I tr 214^ 1 In the P P^Vahey in Ha^^This^Xg wasTstablLhed on^a river bottom site with a soilp—tht^cl^vS Soil pH fsTo^O^Thes^ expedments were based onthe growth of nursery growth was fainbut for maximum growth the sit. reqmred liming to approximately pH 6.0. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 39 ss."pff swas as “ksSt”' s as %£ w= The soiTh^a hf yfi 1S kept . constant at approximately 20 inches on pea cla f (30 to 50 Percent clay) 1S «e 6 M heavy, there appears to he^tlfp th * S01 1S consider ed moderately ssS“&S““ aeration!”^ P ° SS ’ bIe *° Separate the effects ° f low PH and poor Soil moisture and aeration i dSHHs Thp I- ae ^ atl0n dl ? ring the active growing season is essential The Aigeiros poplars will grow well on sitP-TtWVu-i ground water if the topoeranhv nr J ! r u ., at have hl ^ h unsuitaWe? 0 ^ d " P be '° W 18 ™ hes The Chautagne plantations near Aix-les-Bains Franco ™ *. an excellent example of the noor mJ-v? Ze ’, rance ’ Present where there is insufficient ffrnnnJ™? f poplar on wet sites adequate aeration. Approximatelv 1 70*0 ^ 101em ® nt to provide below the outlet of the lake were pu^hasedTv tL™^ 8 ^ ^ S 1 H 7 e 0 la t te S 1 ?’ S ’. dr f ned ’ and Pantedwithpoplar.^heToifs layers of°peat’alternating wi^fth^l ^ al i UV , ium to stratified drainage dSh2^riiSai^M? 1 ,i layer8 °/ day and siIt - The widely spaced mstalled wer e too shallow and too (PhragZtes communis) in 1952. * heaVy ?rowth of Three-year-old rooted trees were originally planted at IS hv Uon W,t te‘ s S ti‘\ Preparati ™ a "« wiJufcSiva! limited mixture of othe^cufwv^rs'of the *vVrc ?■ ‘ K °, b “ sta ’ with a and ‘Serotina’ types. ^ „ TT n nrPARTMEXT OF AGRICULTURE 40 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPAK1 aik-JN * drained silty clay soils hasoeen unsatthereat soils w'thput sit^preparation the JJJ? p00r l y adapted, to Ee wet sites Smafl “bleeding" spots on the stems, resembhng tn in k 1950 b 'th e ree experiment^ ptots^re K out in the 1939 pi—\n deep SSS ye n a g rs 0 aft|TrLLJt indicated no i Plantations was insurant soil aeration due to drainage on these sites by in- It was planned to improve tne e ditches. To make thereat 22i ™ d 2 d to°3 feet deep^nd^perinitted & ’lie fallow for 2 years before planting. r and the Low Countries There are examples in France, gained sites by plant- of attempts to establish popla 1 - diameter and from ing ?5 “i 668 heiffht Un The f auttio 6 rdid 1 no f t see any plantings of this 2 to 3 feet in height, the ai satisfactorily for more kind where the poplars contmu S continuous bank along than 6 to 8 years t0 be the drainage ditches ( Rabatt ,® 1 r1ra ; na o e ditches were not more «to^lel ^art" h e e mo a unds g 1* to 2 feet high and 4 to 6 feet wide. , . around the rice fields in well-aerated growing space for the poplai loots. Site-indicator plants , S Attention irf Germany/’ Many of the ^“'“Xi^iti the cators of good, medium, pool, 1 1 £ occur locally as adven- United States, have become £ a ^rahzed to be considered tive escapes that are not sufficient YjZatS) all species in the ^oTowi"^ prodle bottom- lancf sdtesTarlf htgld^fertile^well drained, and well aerated, and 5 Hesmer, H. (editor). Dos pappelhuch. Deut. Pappelverein. 304 pp., illus. Bonn. 1951. 88 od illus. Dlilmen (West- Riiskamp, Gustav. Lohncnder pappclanbau. SS pp falen). 1952. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 41 the ground water is within easy reach of the nonlar rnnic predominan “ a " d luab ^owth of Civcctect ctl'pzTici L -i C. canadensis Hill ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ enchanters-mghtshade ___ Indigenous Deschampsia caespitosa (L.)Beauv.Z' tufted^hairgrass^ ~ 5°‘ Galium apanne L. 8 -Do. Geum rivale L cleavers, goosegrass-_-Do. G. urbanum L. ' ^ e o r , 0r / urple av ens- Do . Glechoma hederaceah. ^ / S ®±f!u avens "7 -Adventive Impatiens noli-tangere L. ' fouch . Natura lized Stachys silvatica L. hed^netuf’ Jewelweed -<°> Urtica dioicia L._ ,• nett ,-Adventive U. urens L._ i ne ^ e - — Naturalized dog nettle_ slte“ S,e<1 ' ,C °” USe °" r Mt,ve SI>edcs indicators of good p War sSmm^waterTaWe at &&&£* g °° d aerati °" a ” d a Ajuga reptans L._ • , , Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roith ZZZZ ladv325i Ugleweed - Naturalized Circaea alpina L. _ pn L"“rTc ;-Indigenous C. canadensis Hill_~~ enchanters-nightshade - Do. Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim ~ v- - Do. Humulus lupulus L._e-meadow Adventive Lysimachia vulgaris L. garden W P V r i -Indigenous Myosotis scorpoides L. __ forget me fof 6 -Naturalized Scutellaria galericulata L._marsh souRe^ currant — Adventive Solanum dulcamaria L-“T bitter ni*h(SSdV™::-NlSSS On upland sites where the water table is bplnw tho e- reach of tree roots the following species are indicated? soil moisture and fertility for good poplar cJcZadfnsi^mil ZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZ ZZ ^ chanters - ni 8' htshad e — Indigenous G. urbanum L._ water or purple avens-Indigenous Impatiens noli-tangere L. touch mr^M^L^'T A Adventiv e Lamium maculatum L. snotteTd'eaH \ elweed —----- C) Stocks sylvatica L.-~- A dventive Stellana holostea L. _ __ greater stitchwort Z “ Do’ site!f t6d bGCaUSe ° Ur natiVG SPedeS are usuall y indicators of good poplar po^rite^^^ U ^ th .fe P .? rou,, ^ wa ‘? r can be » 00d Some loess-loam soils in northwestern Germany have produced exceptionally high yields of poplar! The following species indicate safe and productive sites: Asperula odorata L._ sweel Galium sylvaticum L. babv h -oaU £ t n • U Advent,ve Stellaria hnlnstpa T naby-bieath, Scotch-mist _ Do. cneuana holostea L-greater stitchwort_Do! J,l di A cators of P° or P°P lar sites .—Where loam to loamy-sands with deep ground water are poorer in structure and deficient in bases they are less suitable for poplar. Sites that will support only i „ T T c dfpartment of agriculture 42 HANDBOOK loO, U. S. DLFAKIMlw «?rfia;s!£*-‘ss bl)eCie ' S ' . sweet vernalgrass_Naturalized Anthoxanthum odoratum L.- velvetgrass _ - Do. Holcus lanatus L. _ ' German velvetgrass-Adventive H. mollis L. woodbine - — D°- Lonicera periclymenum L. - raspberry - Naturalized Rubus ideaus L. - _ Sites not suited for Should to poplar, ing plants indicates sites tnat s for adequate aeration and P °° rly drained, or is deficient in bases . , _Naturalized Carex acutiformis Ehrh. _- !i„Lwn?rass - - Do - Corynephorus canescens (L.) Beauv. _ club^ Indigenous Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Tun. - w -leaf cottongrass - ----- Do. Eriophorum angustifolium Honckeny _ nairo Naturalized Fcstuca ovina L.- - Adventive Iris pseudacorus L. _ millet-erass Indigenous Milium effusum L. ----- - ™oo?e?ass _Adventive Molinia caerulea Moench- r eed canary-grass — Indigenous Phalaris arundinaceah -common reed-£o. Phragmites communis Tnn ------- hracken Do. Pteridium ogttiiwMmJL^Kuhn - - ^ haR . num moss _ Sphagnum acutifohum Ehih. __ ^ Do. S. cuspidatum Ehrh - wkort f eb erry “I-- £o. Vaccinium myrtillus D.- mountain-cranberry-Do. V. vitis-idaea L.- Leuce Poplars The natural range of the European from Italy to northern Sweden andtheie rements . The vari- ^ soSrn'^in their response to differences in day length isP^^t component of the native in these^orthern recent years that aspen.has begun to be ?« Europe is stiU in the countries. pla T ,t J* 10 2 i “' t t hev can be grown commercially on sites experimental stage. Smc nrofitable culture of Aigeiros that are too dry or too infertile P (including p. x canescens poplars, the aspens and tneir y profitable poplar culture. types) can be used to extend the range otpi^ontaDie^i go _ called It must be noted, howevei, 1 , ., aS pens (tremula x “Polish” aspens in Holland that even aspens will make their tremuloides) in Denmark .indicate that even a^ens^ ^ maximum growth on fertile, m - ^ x tremula com- The P. X canescens or gray poplars IMe w «hade trees plex) have been planted E^pe, shade^ ^ and windbreaks but seldom r ef e rre succession of younger trees to P aes thetic and monetary such plantings would have a c ‘ ag f or the growing of value. Farm roads and fence rows offer areas i ™ K cultiv a- poplar. Fertile farm and that is . too wet in the W ^ seasonj ig SX1SW or'grazing. Planted to widely spaced pop- lat-s fch land could produce both timber and grass. OUTPLANTING Site Preparation SSTttS land 5 ifptowed, harrowed, and fertilized for whatever soiTpreimration" A typicaujample -observ^ in France where a match company a wide on 26.5 feet centers, and had'Ranted the P 0 P>rs| 6 ^feet^part Kew aWer^proVts^The alder between^the strips will be cut for fuel after 5 years, and again aftei 15 3 Planting Stock Unrooted cuttings and sets . “fthl « to plowing and harrowing anc y where the poplars are LSshe^n la^don which under such ““re used to only a extent ^^i^^exXive- ly h Tets r a e r a e Says pruned clean of even the smallest side branches. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 45 They are outplanted almost exclusively on sites that have a high water table because it is generally considered essential that the butts be in the ground water. Nevertheless, the author saw a few examples of excellent results with 1- and even 2-year-old sets planted above the water table in soil that was rather wet until early summer. The oldest clonal tests of the Netherlands Land Reclamation Society were established with one row of rooted trees and one row of sets for each clone. After 20 years there was practically no difference in form or growth rate between the trees derived from these different planting stocks. In Germany, in Westphalia and the Lower Rhine, 3- and 4-year- old sets, 10 to 15 feet long from pollarded trees, have been used with good results. In the Rhine bottom lands of Baden, sets are being used with excellent results on favorable sites. Here 1- or 2-year-old sets 6 to 8 feet long are used; they are peeled a few inches at the base, and are planted deep enough so that the peeled butt is in the ground water. On the steep face of a strip-mine bank in Horrem, Dr. Muller planted sets to a depth of about 3 feet in the winter of 1950-51. For this sandy fill, survival at the end of the first year was excellent and the growth was fair (fig. 17). The Forest Inspector for the region of Venice, Italy, told the author that in the spring of 1952 he planted branches (sets) from large trees to a depth of more than 12 feet to reach ground water on a dune site where rooted trees had failed repeatedly. He said that in September of the same year survival of these long sets was better than 90 percent. In the region of Hostalrich, Spain, the use of sets (plantones) is tiaditional and apparently the general practice. They are always planted with the butts in the ground water, and survival and growth is excellent. Populus alba, occasionally planted in this region, is also grown from sets. There are some excellent 30- to 35-year-old poplars with breast- high diameters up to 23 inches on the Pratt Estate in England that were said to have been planted as sets in openings in a bottom-land hardwood stand. Rooted planting stock Rooted trees are most generally used for outplanting in all Emopean countries, but there is considerable diversity in the age and size of planting stock even in the same locality.' Trees less than 5 feet high are seldom used: the demand is predominantly for laigei sizes. Rooted stock is of two types: rooted cuttings and stumped tiees. Both are graded and priced either by height or by circumference. The grades commonly used in Italy are 8 to 11 cm. (o to 4.2 inches), 11 to 15 cm. (4.2 to 5.8 inches), and more than 15 cm. m circumference at 1 meter (3.3 feet) above the ground. Rooted cuttings .—Rooted cuttings are nursery-grown trees that have not been cut back to the ground, so root and top are therefore the same age. They are outplanted as 1-, 2-, and 3- and occasionally 4-yeai -old trees. In northern and middle Europe 2- and 3-year-old 471632°—59-4 46 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE stock up to 12 feet high is most frequently used, although large 1-year-old rooted cuttings are planted with very good results on f^VOTclblG sites. For roadside and windbreak plantings the older 3-year and even 4-vear trees have a better chance for survival because of then- larger size and sturdier stems. In southern Europe, where poplars are grown on nursery soils of high fertility, 1-year-old roote trees 8 to 12 feet in height are used to some extent for outplant- ing • ’but, in Italy particularly, most planters prefer the larger, heavier-rooted, and stronger-stemmed 2- and 3-year stock. Figure 17. —One season strip-mine bank in ’s growth of unrooted sets on the steep face of the lignite district west of Cologne, Germany. a Stumped trees— Stumped trees are rooted cuttings that ha\e been cut back to two or three buds at the end of the first veai, root- pruned, replanted and grown 1 or 2 years longer in the nuisei>. The root is therefore 1 or 2 years older than the top. (See Nursery Practice, p. 33.) Stumped trees have been most extensively used in PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 47 Italy, and their use is recommended in England and is increasing m other countries. In Baden, Germany, the State Forest Service has used stools ii om which cuttings are normally taken as stumped trees to fill failures in plantations. Roots 2 to 5 years old with 1-year shoots are used, depending on the age of the plantation where fill-ins are required. Pruning of planting stock Planting stock is generally top- and root-pruned at the nursery. Depending on the size of the tree, roots are ordinarily cut back to 6- to 12-inch lengths. The degree of top-pruning (described under Nursery Practice) varies from none to complete removal ol all side branches and sometimes even to cutting back of the leader. Observations in many young plantations indicate that severe pinning may retard early growth. The first- and second-year growth of some 20 clones that were planted without pruning in iu e + p0 u ar arboretum near Koblenz was remarkably better than that observed on any heavily pruned stock established by compa- lable methods on similar sites in central and northern Europe. Spacing . The spacing of poplars in rows and particularly in plantations is one of the most controversial aspects of European poplar cul¬ ture The traditional conviction is that the cultivated poplars are biologically unlike forest trees in that they cannot be grown m forest stands. But from a biologist’s standpoint it is poplar culture that differs basically from general forest practice be¬ cause poplar plantations are usually monoclonal stands composed of genetically identical ramets. There is thus a complete lack of the genotypic variation that exists in a natural stand or in a plantation established with seedlings. Row spacing Poplars, except the aspens, are extensively planted in single or double rows along public roads, farm roads, field boundaries, and fence rows. Double-row planting, two relatively close-spaced rows with the trees staggered in the adjacent rows, is less common than single rows. Many experts and growers recommend that poplars planted m single or double rows should be spaced widely enough apart to avoid contact between mature crowns, or should be thinned as soon as the crowns touch. This criterion permits verv close planting of narrow-crowned trees such as the Lombardy poplar and necessitates relatively wide spacing of broad-crowned tvpes! I his. practice tends to ignore completely the probability of de¬ leterious root interactions between adajacent trees. There is evi¬ dence that the growth of poplar may be more seriously influenced by the soil volume available for free development of the individual root system than by top competition for light. 48 HANDBOOK 15 0, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ROW plantings can be found in ceivable f™n P r “ t,c aW op t seriously retarded growtlf vhjor 'vThe.e closely spaced row plantings are on deep t suszsz —- degrades their value for high-quality lumber and \enee Plantation spacing affect 1 closely'spaced morocbnaTptenSionrare'not operative in usually spaced approximately 10 by 10 leet ™iiau , ti filler trees The somewhat higher cost of the hybrid planting ofXgelras 7oP and then- hybrids are established at almost every f nceivable ^paemg,^ eluding square spaemgs of 5.0, 6.6, 9. , • » ’ 2 3 b 26-3 feet, and «’is wide di/ergence of SSS are* ES^aS TbTSSS&fiEE* -6 are growing on sites that are aS Th m ere ‘a^ tTrather adamant schools of thought on planting £*-SSss?KaaSSSStf Mkm ment costs and the low vatae of the first thinning^ t 1 1 tend to discourage such practice, btudies in PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 49 indicate that the pulpwood value of a 6- to 8-year-old tree is less than the per-tree establishment costs. on T T he E?? c °mmonly recommended spacings in Europe are from ^ ^ by 26.5 feet. In Italy, there is increasing use of the 25.5*feet triangular spacing (trees staggered in adja¬ cent rows) recommended by Prof. Piccarolo, and this spacing is gaining m favor in some other countries. Although the demand tor pulpwood was the principal stimulus for the early interest m poplai culture in Italy, the expansion of markets for other uses as affected the trend in spacing. In 10 to 14 years, with wide spacing, the Italian grower can produce trees with 70 to 75 percent of their merchantable volume salable for lumber and veneer, and 25 to 30 percent marketable as pulpwood. , AuBWa Dr. Wettstein recommends spacing the poplars 13 by 20 feet where they are planted in mixture with other light¬ demanding species. For pure plantings of poplars where there is a pulpwood market, he is considering 6.6 by 6.6 feet, with early thinnings to 13 by 13 feet and a final spacing of 26 by 26 feet Ihmnmgs m 6-year-old experimental plantations established at tne b.b- by 6.6-feet spacing have yielded 1,120 cubic feet per acre of pulpwood, approximately 12 cords. In widely separated parts of Europe, spacing 16.4- by 16 4-feet has given excellent yields without thinning. In Baden, Dr. Bauer recommends this spacing with filler trees at the same interval. .i n mf tl0i l 1S J ' ustlfied b y P ast experience; this planting distance with fillers has been widely practiced in the bottom lands of Baden for many years. The 16.4- by 16.4-feet spacing has also been in general use m southeastern Spam, where the plantations are intercropped during the first 4 or 5 years. The recommended 15- by 15-feet planting distance in England is not based on firm ocal expei lence, but it falls within this middle spacing range. Planting There is more agreement on planting methods than on almost any other aspect of European poplar culture. Correct and care- “i ^ antl ?f, 1S strongly emphasized everywhere. Depending on he size of the stock, planting holes are made 16 inches to 3 feet m diameter or 16 to 24 inches square, and 16 to 24 inches in depth. The use of tractor-mounted soil augers to dig planting holes 12 are hiffhfvVffipf^f' 1S fu ing t -? S ^ d in severaI countries. They are highly efficient where the soil is not too rocky. iho ^ °!- organ . lc , or mi oeral fertilizers, mixed with the soil in the planting hole, is strongly recommended but is not yet common piactme. It depends on the fertility of the soil and the affluence t ^^f r n F T tl Z ^ I® • USUally ap P lied as a “small” or vears the fprt f nL. 0n ? at 18 mter cropped for the first few J ears, the fertilizer is applied as a part of the crop culture. Manure oi mineral fertilizers are seldom used where poplar plantations are on meadowland that is cut for hay or used for grazing Such S e S£ i ! ,ta r jr bottoms subject t0 overflow] wneie lei tilization is seldom necessary. 50 HANDBOOK 15 0, U. S. DEPARTMENT 01 AGRICULTURE Some poplar foresters recommend annual or periodic fertiliza¬ tion on sandy soils of low fertility. Research on this problem has been started in Germany, but there is at present veiy little information to guide the grower as to the kind and quantity of fG Liming ^considered essential for soils with a low pH and is widely practiced in some regions. The lime is broadcast, applied around the tree, or mixed with the planting soil. In many places where large planting stock is used, and particu- larly wheie newly planted trees are subject to strong winds soil is heaped in a conical mound around the tree. The height and diameter of such mounds varies from place to place. Com^ mounds 3 to 4 feet in diameter and 1 foot high at the tiee aie recommended in England. Poplars planted on sites exposed to high winds are mounded somewhat highei. First-Year Plantation Care The intensity of protection and culture during the first yeai after planting varies from none to seemingly unnecessary ex¬ tremes 5 On windy sites poplars are sometimes mdiudual > stak d. Where leaders are broken, a lateral may be tied uprig SP Where 8 newssary, the poplars are protectedI against rabbits 5 to 6 feet square, are built around each tree lor Protectmn agams deer and cattle. The costs are said to be justified by the mcom derived from hunting leases or grazing values. Cultivation All poplar experts now agree that grass and weeds inhibit the m-owth of newly planted poplars. The most intensive cu tivation fs applied to plantations oi land that is used for agricultural crops during Ihe first 3 to 5 years after phtntmg. This is the most common practice in Italy and Spam (fig. 18) an “, ls . pr Sf_ Heed to^ome extent in France-particularly in the south in the lnwpr Rhine Valley in Germany, and in Belgium and The Net he ands The stumps are removed after a poplar rotation and the land may be replanted immediately to poplarjor it used several years, sometimes as much as 5 to 10 yeais, toi agneunu Cr °0 P n some estates^n'ldm^FoValleyfagricultural crops are often inte?pLnTed S p?taarily to cover the o? ‘crops under* a popIar^Untation is reduced appi^mately plantations and produces high yields on 12- to 20->eai i orations in southern Europe. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 51 F-482558 SDafn^T^nlfn 15 ! 1 nted P0Pla n S l* the Genil River Valle y near Granada, poplars Agricultuial cr °P s Wl11 be grown for several years under the On noncultivated land, or where the land is also used for hay V-* 16 ,P ost Progressive growers hand-cultivate an area 3 to 6 feet in diameter around each tree during the first year or two after planting. Examination of the stumpf of many felled poplars m the Parisian Basin, where they are generally grown on grasslands, showed 3 to 5 extremely narrow rings im¬ mediately after planting. The most important single factor responsible for the retarded growth of the Parisian Basin poplars is undoubtedly the deleteri¬ ous effect of sod on newly planted trees. In view of the value of poplar timber and the susceptibility of poorly growing poplars to disease the saving in labor costs and the small amount of grass that would be lost by cultivation or mulching around each tree is not adequate compensation for such drastic curtailment of earlv growth. J Mulching A iH u l ch heavy enough to eliminate weeds and grass is fully as effective as cultivation. At Mykinge, Sweden a 10-vear-old experimental plantation of very poorly growing Aigeiros hybrids 1950 f°i dy i S i te w f, hea ' ,i| y mulched with straw in Thp cr ^ ^ ate mulch was already apparent in 1952. improved 7 h ^ had mcreased and the folia f?e color was much . nec ® ssar y to mulch the entire plantation area. In mi Bn ain ’ PeaCe f nd Jobling have found a marked early u 11 H r 0St 6Very kind of site > to mulching an f P a 3 , to 4 f . ee ,f m diameter around each tree. Mulching individual ees to maintain growth after planting is an old practice but it 52 HANDBOOK 15 0, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE has never become general even in restricted localities. It is now recommended in Great Britain and is beginning to be moie wide y recommended and used on the Continent. Significance for the United States Fitted land plowed and harrowed as for agricultural crops, is necessary for’ plantation establishment with unrooted cuttings, and it will also provide maximum growth conditions where sets or rooted trees are used. Normally such site preparation is * , °On^cut-over°forestland^ron land too brushy for plowing mini- mum site preparation will require cutting the brush at least 4 To 6 feet abound each planted poplar. Strips are most devvMe and where these are made by machine they should be at least feet wide. If possible, the planting strips should be rototilled or treated with other machinery, such as a weed-hog 01 a hea\ \ di , t0 There i^n^sound justification in the European plantings, ej^ ppnt those on the most windy sites, for severe pruning to whip. wfht 0 without s m hort lateral stubs. The. stubs entry for such diseases as Valsa and Dothiclnza WeUnwtea unpruned trees have survived excellently and ha\ e mac good growth with careful planting on good sites g One-year-old rooted cuttings should be planted in holes 12 to 18 inches in diameter, depending on the size of \ h h Vhes should tn 18 inches in depth. For 2+1 stumped trees the holes snoma not be less than 18 inches in diameter so that the roots need no be The appHcatiorTof‘approximately % to 1 pound of commercial feidilizer per tree,“mixed with the soil at the time of planting will greatly stimulate early growth. How much benefit may be derived from liming a short distance around each tiee on_ -oil with a low pH is still questionable. Where the soil pH is bet 5 0 and 6.0, broadcast liming to bring the pH up to at leas . nreferablv to 6.5—will have a more lasting effect. Mounding is beneficial where the newly planted trees are sub- iected to stfong winds, but its value under less exposed conditions •needs furtherinvestigation. Roots usually form m these mounds and d if the mounds are eventually washed away these 1 h ° ot f s ^ ec i ome exposed and may be subject to injury and infection bj fungi. ^'Dormant unrooted cuttings have been used successfully to es- tablish plantations of hybrid poplars by the U. S Forest S e r% ice s Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. But it cannot oe to wider testing. For best results, the sets should be vugcn ous shoots not less than 6 feet long, and they should be planted at lea:>t - inches deep, preferably with the butts in the ground w a PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 53 year-old whips are preferred but 2-year-old stems are being used successfully in Europe. Rooted trees provide the greatest assurance of successful es¬ tablishment where the land cannot be plowed and harrowed or given adequate soil preparation. One-year-old rooted cuttings aie suitable for outplanting if they are 5 feet or more in height. A wo + stumped trees that have been dug and root-pruned at the end of their first growing season in the nursery will give better results on difficult sites than 1-year-old rooted cuttings. Pinning to half the height of the tree has proved best for successful establishment and vigorous early growth. Progressive pruning during the last year in the nursery has the important advantage of smaller branch wounds and complete healing before the trees are outplanted. This can be recommended as the best piactice on the basis of European experience. In iow plantings, where no thinnings are contemplated, hybrid poplars should be spaced 15 to 25 feet apart. Where the tree roots ca .^ fP r !f^l laterally, the spacing depends mainly on the crown width of the clone and the size to which the trees are to be grown. 1 wenty-five feet is a safe distance if these factors are not known at the time of planting. . traditional European notion that poplars cannot be grown m closely spaced forest stands is based on experience with single- c one plantations. Monoclonal plantings at close spacing deteri¬ orate rapidly if they are not thinned before the growth rate is seriously retarded by the density of the stand. Single-clone planta- ions can be successfully matured with an original spacing of 4 by 4 feet, provided they are thinned early and frequently. Such close spacing is desirable to provide early ground cover where plantations are established with cuttings. Close spacing is also useful on low sites that are subject to overflow and where it is advisable to speed up the deposition of silt. Plantation spacing of 15 by 15 feet, or thinning to this final spacing, can be recommended as biologically sound for the culture of Aigeiros hybrids on good soils. Mixtures of hybrids can be established at closer spacing without undue risk of stand retro- gression due to delayed thinning. There is no evidence in Europe about the growth and development of random mixtures of many clones m closely spaced plantations. The possibilities of clonal mixtures are discussed under “Management and Silviculture.” t doimant cuttings are used for the establishment of a planta¬ tion, the plantation must be kept free of weeds during the first year by machine or hand cultivation. For satisfactory early growth it is also necessary to keep a weed-free area, 4 to 6 feet in di- ameter, around rooted trees or sets during at least 1 and prefera- i 5 ^ eais - The deleterious effect of grass and weeds on newly P ^! ars .™ ay continue for 4 to 5 years depending on the fertility of the site and the depth of the soil. The grass and weeds may be eliminated by cultivation or by applying a heavy mulch be C fertilized StraW ’ sawdust > or wood chips. Mulched trees should 54 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Site preparation on cut-over forest and brush land will be possible at reasonable cost with machinery (brush cutters, roto- tillers) developed in recent years. Where such machinery is not available or is too expensive, site preparation can be reduced to cutting the brush for a distance of 6 feet around each widely spaced planting hole. , , .. , , . , M Cuttings provide the cheapest type of planting stock but ie- quire the most intensive site preparation and cultivation after planting They can be cultivated with minimum expense it they are check-planted to permit machine cultivation in two directions. The use of cuttings can be recommended for the farmer or j land- owner who has machinery available for fitting the land and cultivating the plantation during the first year. . Sets are cheaper than rooted trees but their use is limited to sites that have abundant moisture during the entire growing season. The cheapest rooted stock will be 1-year-old cuttings. The cost of 2+1 or even 3+1 stumped trees should not be ex¬ cessive in nurseries that are equipped w T ith tree diggers designed to handle large nursery trees. . The most profitable plantation spacing will depend on man\ factors; and among these the markets available to the growei must be considered. At the present time thinnings are a low- value product salable primarily to the cellulose industiy, and therefore close planting usually will be advisable only where a market for such wood is available. , Close spacing will add relatively little to the cost of establish- ing plantations with cuttings; but the cost, or the time required, for thinning young plantations must be considered. A spacing of 8 by 8 feet should eliminate the need for thinning before a plantation of mixed clones reaches merchantable pulpwood size. Since the production of high-quality logs for 5 eneei oi lumbei^ requires proper pruning even in forest stands, plantations tor such products can be established at a final crop-tree spacing of 15 by 15 feet. Where the land is to be used tor poplars and grass, the distance should be increased to 25 by 25 feet. The cost of planting rooted trees must be considered m deciding the plantation spacing distances. If a soil auger mounted on a tractor is available for digging the holes, the cost of planting 100 to 200 trees per acre would not be excessive. T he cost ol l/, to 1 pound of fertilizer per tree, and the cost of liming, is a reasonable establishment cost for hybrid poplar. MANAGEMENT AND SILVICULTURE Leuce Poplars Management The European aspen is normally associated with other broad- leaf and coniferous species; but, like the American aspen, it also grows in pure stands after catastrophe, paiticulailj nie. - o instances of aspen management were observed in western con- tinental Europe. In the Scandinavian countries aspen is generally PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 55 managed extensively, seldom intensively, in mixture with spruce, birch, or both. Investigations and publications on the silviculture and management of native aspen stands have been sponsored by the match industry in Norway and Sweden, and interest in more intensive management has increased greatly in recent years. Aspen is considered a liability by some foresters managing Scotch pine in Scandinavia because it is the alternate host of Melampsora pinitorqua. This rust disease can cause high mortality in Scotch pine seedlings and serious crooks in the leaders of older trees. In spruce-aspen stands in Sweden and Norway the aspen is maintained in the stand during the later years of the longer conifer rotation as scattered codominants or intermediates, or through a succession of root suckers that replace trees lost through suppression. Any merchantable aspens in the spruce-aspen stand are harvested with the conifers. In the second rotation, the aspen becomes the dominant species by natural regeneration mostly from root sprouts. When there is advanced spruce reproduction or seed trees in these stands, relatively little sivicultural work is required to develop a fully stocked spruce understory for the spruce-aspen third rotation. Managed stands of European white poplar were not observed or mentioned in western Europe. This poplar forms such dense natural stands by prolific root suckering in the river valleys of southern France that it is difficult to estimate the extent of re¬ generation by seed. In one such stand the largest trees were 12 to 15 years old, 10 to 13 inches in d. b. h., and 60 to 70 feet in total height. Stem form resulting from early natural pruning was excellent. T binning The natural aspen stands in Scandinavia, both pure and in mixture, are maintained at a relatively high density by light thinnings started soon after the aspen has reached merchantable size. Although there is little uniformity in the length of the cutting (thinning) cycle, the following tabulation, 7 based on rela¬ tively even-aged, naturally regenerated stands in Norway and Sweden, indicates the general effect of intermediate cuttings on the density of the aspen: Trees per acre Age (years): 20 _ 30-39_ 40-49_ 51-56_ Stands Aspen Spruce, birch, or both Total (number) (number) (number) (number) 1 680 93 773 5 333 134 467 6 230 142 372 3 161 301 462 ' Data derived from the following reports: ... Anonymous. Sfitra bmk. Sartryck ur programmet for Svenska Skogsvards- toreningens 26:te exkursion till Skaraborgs lan 9-11 juni 1938. 16 pp., illus. Stockholm. 1938. Barth, Agnar. Aspen. Dens kultur og behandling for kvalitetsproduksjon. 1 ra mgenipr F. H. Frplichs fond for aspeskogbrukets fremme Nr. 1. 87 PP., illus. Oslo. 1942. HANDBOOK 15 0, U. S. DEPARTMENT 01 AGRICELTLRE 56 The high average of “other” trees in the three 51- to 56-year-old stands represents higher original stocking. The 20-year-old stand was a mixture of aspen and birch. Mixed stands of aspen-spruce or aspen-spruce-birch normally carry a higher proportion of the associated species. Aigeiros Poplars Management in forest stands It is the traditional concept in Europe that Aigeiros poplars cannot be managed in typical forest stands. There is abundant evidence that single-clone plantations of the commercially planted poplars cannot be matured profitably without careful and regulai thinning if planted closer than 16 by 16 feet on the best sites, or closer than 26 by 26 feet on average sites. „ > There is no evidence in Europe on management of a landom mixture of many poplar clones of different parentages in closely spaced 6 (forest) plantations. But there are many examples of successful management of poplars in bottom-land hardwood f °In St Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, hybrid poplars were planted into openings g in a young beech-oak stand on-excellent well- drained alluvial soil. The poplars at o6 pais of ag< e a '® ia g 0 90 to 21 inches in d b. h. (maximum 30 inches) and 1 to 11 feet in total height The peeled volume of the largest trees was estimated to exceed 200 cubic feet. The trees were clean holed 40 to 60 feet_evidence of an early and continuously dense stand On the 6 Rhine bStom lands in Baden the highest quahty and most profitable poplar stumpage is grown m mixed forest st£ n& The poplars near Yvonaud, Switzerland, are in mixed stands with alder and other native bottom-land species. At: 50 tc» 6C years the average height of the poplars is more than 100 feet with a revolted volume (poplar) of more than 9,000 cubic feet per acie. IToX-birch mature 'approximately 60 years old in the same lncalitv showed similarly excellent growth of the POP^ 1 ^- ^ local foresters were not certain about the history of the birch, which was younger than the poplar. It may have been inter P — later or it may be sprout regeneration from birch planted 5\ith the poplar. In the community forest of Noville, 2-year-old rooted poplars were successfully established in openings left by removal ° f Poplars 6 have 5 also been used to convert coppice to high forest. In' France for example, Populns ‘Robusta’ and ‘Serotma had been nlanted in strips cut through an old coppice stand of oak, beech, hornbeam, and other species on a silty sand in which the wa :er tnhlp was renorted to vary m depth from 2 to o feet. Attei _o years the original coppice species had disappeared almost com- nletelv under the poplar canopy. , . . Near Emendingen, Germany, hybrid poplars were planted 1 small openings in a bottom-land stand containing ash up to 4o yTars 3d Sk up to 90 years old. and described as copp.ce wrth PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 57 standards. The poplars, at 32 years, had grown up through the ash and oak and stood 15 feet or more above the forest canopy. Growth of the poplars had been fairly vigorous: the best trees had reached 24 inches in d. b. h. Filler trees Filler trees are interplanted to fill the gaps between widely spaced poplars on land that is not utilized for intercropping, hay, or pasture. They are occasionally used in row plantings. The use of filler trees is most common in the Rhine Valley of Germany, less common in France and the Low Countries where poplar plantations are frequently used for hay and forage and more occasionally for crops. Where there is a market for fuel or specialty uses such as turnings, the filler trees often provide an early monetary return from the plantation, and in some localities they are planted pri¬ marily for this reason. But filler trees perform a far more im¬ portant biological function: they provide the early ground cover needed to eliminate grass and weeds and to protect and improve the forest floor. They also function as trainers for the widely spaced poplars. Good poplar silviculture requires early and regu¬ lar pruning; and shading of the pruned poplar stems by the inter¬ planted species prevents or at least greatly reduces epicormic branching, which is often prolific on trunks exposed to full sunlight. Black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) and white or speckled aldei (A. vuccvna ) are most frequently used for inter¬ planting (fig. 19). The black alder is usually preferred; but in plantations on strip-mine banks at Hermiilheim, Germany, the white alder, interplanted at 5 by 5 feet, has been found superior to the black. Black alder is reported to grow more slowly on these mine banks and fails to provide a sufficiently early ground cover at this spacing. Alder, because of its nitrogen-fixing nodules, is generally considered beneficial to the growth of poplar; however there is still some doubt on this point. The Research Institute of the Germany Poplar Society, in i iihl, was investigating the possibilities of a number of species for interplanting with poplar. They planned to interplant a 3-year-old poplar plantation with blocks of red oak, beech, black alder, black locust, hornbeam (Carpinus L .), and linden at a 5 by 5 feet spac¬ ing in the spring of 1953. At Albalate, Spain, a poplar plantation at 13- by 13-feet spac¬ ing was interplanted with Pinus canariensis (fig. 20). After 5 years the poplars averaged between 45 and 50 feet in height, they wdl be removed at commercial maturity, probably at^the end ot 12 years, to leave a coniferous stand. Wheie there is a market for thinnings, filler trees (particularly alder) are generally planted at close spacings of 3.3 by 3.3 feet to 5 by 5 feet because the necessary early and repeated thinnings a J' e Profitable. Present practice on state lands in Baden is to plant alder, ash, and willow at the same spacing as the poplars, 58 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 16 5 bv 16.5 feet, to eliminate the need for early thinnings. If these filler trees grow into the crowns of the poplars, they are headed back at heights of 20 to 35 feet. Plantation cultivation, fertilization, and irrigation Cultivation of the entire plantation area during the first 3 to 5 years after planting was observed only where the land is also used for agricultural crops. Hand cultivation for a distance of 3 to 5 feet around the young trees has been practiced by a few gr Established plantations are seldom fertilized except whereJ crop fertilizers are applied annually during the early years of mtei- cropping. Experiments on annual and periodic application of fertilizers and lime have been started on the strip-mine banks in 110 Ip 1 ttalyT south™ n^ France, and Spain, poplar plantations are regularly irrigated on sites where irrigation is required. Figure 19 .—Twenty-year-old plantation of Populus ‘Marilandica, at Oedenrode, The Netherlands, with coppice understory of alder. St. 59 PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE Photo by Fernando Jaime Fanlo Figure 20. A poplar plantation underplanted with Pinus canariensis, on river-bottom land at Albalate del Arzobispo (Teruel), Spain. The planta¬ tion was established in 1946; the photo was taken in October 1954. Thinning Single-clone plantations can seldom be retrieved successfully where vigor has been seriously reduced because of too close spac¬ ing; the occasional exceptions are on particularly excellent sites with deep soils. Degenerate plantations resulting from failure to thin at the proper time can be seen in every poplar region of Europe. It is primarily for this reason that poplar foresters recommend planting distances wide enough to eliminate the need for thinning. Initial spacing and earliness and frequency of thinning de¬ pend on local land use and local market conditions. Close spacings, when the plantation is thinned frequently and at the proper time, provide a higher total yield per acre than wide spacings because they produce additional wood in small sizes from the thinnings without reducing the growth rate of crop trees. But close spac- mg is practical only where thinnings can produce a profit, and this is impossible in many parts of Europe. For example, in The Netherlands the estimated establishment cost per tree has been (,() HANDBOOK 150, IT. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE more than the pulpwood value of an 8-year-old tree the maximum age at which a first thinning must normally be made m a 6.5- y 6 ' 5 Eu 0 ro t peIn nt re?ommendations for thinning poplar stands are derived* from general observations, growth studies and thinning mmmmm 7 other biological' van; 3 aTtf r2 P 6.4 d fee n t al ^ « e'— S ^s irf fSE/f™ (fl |he 2 re“ d also g so 2 me difference of opinion ''^ther^release or°whether ^'ele^e^an 1 !^ '"sicfewise.” 1 ^his is important where sfde\. th Wth n iS spacings^of 1 O^by 6 1 stand 'to'Tn undesirable degll^ A qU Mixed h stamls 'of popkf wtt£ to eliminate interference with the poplar crowns and still mam tain full ground cover and shade on the poplar trunks o pre\ epicormic branching. Pruning Proper pruning is essential even in closed stands f° r Prodmi- tinn of the highest quality logs, particularly for veneer. Althoug , • pr „i po-veement on what constitutes good pruning, hifis probably theTmost frequently mishandled cultural treat¬ ment Local traditions and uses are often responsible foi ex- •» ^e Mediterranean re£on of France and Italy, where the native black poplars, and PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE Photo by Fernando Jaime Fanlo Figure 21.— Nine-year-old poplar plantation at Bordils (Gerona), Spain. particularly the Lombardy types, have been put to multiple uses for centuries. The poplars are usually pollarded high and pruned annually, or severely pruned as standards, for fagots; and during diy summers when forage is scarce, the leaves and young shoots may be stripped for fodder. Pruning to small feather-duster tops every year or two with abundant production of watersprouts, is common where fuel is scarce. Examples of 60- to 80-foot poplars stripped of all branches to the current year s leader are not uncommon. In the region of Naples, where pollarded poplars used as vine supports (fig 23) also provide fue and lumber, the most fertile soils support a dwarf J cc ? sl0 ^ alI y a 4-story culture: poplars, grapes, sometimes await fruit trees, and an annual crop or forage. Examples of excessive pruning can be found also in other pop- wST??* re % 10 J as , of continental Europe. Where there is a iuvnwl, rtag j1’ t} ? e immediate need for fagots overshadows any enhanced timber value. Even where fagots are not a primary 471632°—59—5 ()2 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FIGURE 22 ^Me ——" 5 ‘” consideration, farmers frequently prune too high if the poplars shade cul 1 t ™* e ^ d i arge ly determine the frequency and care- Local laboi costs laige y lorffpr nrivate ownerships. is a sood toward less gradual pruning o p Such delayed for sale and to reduce the laboi costs■*<£* removal of 6 pruning leaves laige knots d w idelv spaced trees such to 10 whorls may reduce gr owth and ^wi' B P f watersprouts> ThTr^ultTs oftenTde y crease rather than an increase in log "“pruning is done in many ways and with ^ ing the trees and pi uning'' 1 ' K j po i e tools is increasing. Climbing —fnly u P sed in southern France- « MM «s management. Eight to . between 10 and 15 years to pruned to one-third of their heigM, Mtne^^ stem . g incre ased half their height, and afte ^ y ‘ , two-thirds the total height. to its final length of a PP r f^ii?lv each year; for example, a The trees are not pruned regulaily eac fifth and 21 -year-old plantation near Boussu was prunea PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 03 the last time at 19 years. The crowns are also thinned to three 01 four branches per whorl between the 8th and 15th years to i educe the number of knots in the crown section and to “give the 5W& «$£ Such cr “™- »* S Figure 23.- p Photo by T. R. Peace -Poplars used for vine supports with continuous intercropping Vicinity of Naples, Italy. p 8 , __ TT c tit-'PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 64 HANDBOOK 150, u. s. DEPARlMtru The following rules for p . r ( ^ nl ^^ P ^ r accepS by most poplar pelbuch (see footnote 5 P r } ’ biologically sound; but many where the work must be done by hired labor. : so ;JsZ final* r P c r„uLxr height on open-grown trees 4 l spr i ng , but not at freezing • Prune live branches from early springy waterS prouts in temperatures, until mid-August. Remow new •SSSs in diam - Figure 24 .-Twe„t y?f r-o.d ^ trees are spaced 26.5 feet apai f ts tempts the grower to delay Swhtfn t T he e bShS al S large elough to pay the pruning costs. Holtwick, Germany. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 65 Ned.. Heidemij. (Arnhem) photo RE Th7ll! f la 7 in Vvf P T dMS ‘ Robusta ’ along a secondary road in The Netherlands. These trees have been properly pruned. Rotation The rotation for Aigeiros poplars and their hybrids is extremely vanable—from 12 to 60 or 70 years. The shortest rap hi ^lm^h^ d m S , s .? a r c e and the climate and soils favor rapid growth. In the Mediterranean region of Spain and in Italv SffiSrf*™ S harvested 12 t0 15 Tears after* 1 planting,* but otations of 18 to 25 years are recommended as most profitable. ■, rota ^ on ®— 20 1° 40 years > depending primarily on the site and growth vigor of the clone—are the rule in France Bel- Tbp m R The a Neth xf ands ’ and where wood is scarce in Germany, he Raverdeau Nursery in the Parisian Basin favors a 20-vear rotation for P. ‘Robusta,’ which is said to grow rapidly in the first 10 to 15 years; and a longer rotation for ‘Serotina’ which sS passes ‘Robusta’ after 20 years. ’ wmcft sur ‘ nath h e e ?neMl eir nurHc b l id i are ?T 0Wn in mixed forest stands with lone- L 70 vS P q i arly in Germa ny, the rotation may be as ong as 70 years. Such management produces large clear loes of highest value for sliced and rotary veneer. g Natural regeneration is not £ ybrids are always planted. Regeneration by seed j because many cultivars are male and the seed of female hybrids would not breed true. But when the tree Ts cut. (if) HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE most if not all of these hybrids produce root suckers wherever the surface roots are exposed. Although scarification with a di ag or disk harrow before fogging would provide exposed roote for prolific root suckering, regeneration of plantations by this m <*ns has not been given serious consideration in Euiop■ • k , orobable reasons are that a dense stand of root suckers v mi make intercropping or grass culture on the land .mp« '«■ delayed weeding of such a dense single-clone stand could result in serious deterioration. Significance for the United States The management of American aspen can be recommended only in regions where there is a market for the wood and where chma and soils are unsuited for the more ™pid-growm g Aigeuois o Tacamahaca hybrids, or for more valuabie native specms. possibility of managing aspen in mixtuie W1 ^/F^ n ° d r in ° a \f a native species, as the European aspen is managed in Scandma , deserves study on favorable sites in our noithein legions. There is abundant evidence in Europe that a single clone should not be planted in closely spaced plantations unless there is positive assurance that thinnings will be made at the proper time. But there is no evidence to indicate that random mixtures of clones of different parentages cannot be grown at close spacing. Dense natural seedling stands of our native ™ d e ° x the European black poplar, where they still occu,^ atule lnt ° ex ‘ ppllent forest stands by natural thinning. There is, howe\ei, a basic biological difference between such a seedling population in which ever g y tree is a different genotype, and a monoetona, ^nd in which all trees are identical genotypes. With \eiy raieexcev tions every tree in a seedling stand differs more or lessi from ite neighbors in some or all of its physiological characteristics Such genetic variation is completely lacking m a f’ care- Forest plantations should be established nossfble fully selected and tested clones of as many In such a stand there will be little chance that an individual will be surrounded by ramets of the same clone. There L one such example in Maine where approximately 13 000 hybrid seedlings, representing ware nlanted at 6- by 6-foot spacing in 192 i and 1J28. ine seea lin ffS were grouped by parentage and the plantations were ne^ e thinned. M?ny parent combinations pletely eliminated by climate, disease, andmob, ^^here^aif Here KyS SantatnhTfoVowed the --deveMpmentel ^deVgenotypt n vaeven the same 8 Study of mixed aspen-conifer stands, chiefly bal^n fir, ls u'. S. the Lake States. Personal communication from Paul U. Kuao Forest Service, Lake States Forest Expt. Sta. 1956. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 67 parentages to produce a stand of dominant, intermediate, and sup¬ pressed trees Close spacing has not resulted in the uniform loss stancf 01 m 3 mdlv i dua ^ s with resulting decadence of the entire • J, he interplanting of filler trees in poplar plantations is biolog- 4StP« adVa m a S e ° US u The , best filler species for use in the United States would depend on local climate and site conditions. Com¬ mercially important species should be used where the objective stan°d nV VnhI?ip t0 the , filler species or the development of a mixed , Volunte ® r natl ^e species should be retained as fillers, par- Dlan W nf UH t_ ° Ve n f °£ est land and brus hland. At present the pfnnnf k er and 0the 5 c ° mmerc i a % inferior species as filler trees cannot be recommended. P,p? y M- id r P . lar , S Can be - grown in forest stands with native spe- •f x , e , d stands permit wide spacing of the poplars and silvi¬ cultural thinnings to favor them as crop trees. Such stands will V a i 1Ve ly less cultural investment—particularly in prun- th ® risk by the inclusion of species known to be adapted to the environment, but will tend to increase the length ot the poplar rotation. hivher e tn S S C v” m Wi T h Tl 7 and frequent thinnings, will produce highei total yields of cellulose per acre than wide spacing without W lde spacing will usually be advisable where there is no maiket for thinnings. Row plantings are preferred to planta¬ in^ u lth clos , e ‘spacing for the production of cellulose and quality ogs because they are less susceptible to deterioration from de¬ layed thinning. Pruning methods recommended in Europe are biolomVallv sound. Growth rate can be maintained by gradual reduction of crown length over a period of 10 to 20 years after the trees are well established—6 to 8 years after planting. The advantages of piumng while branches are small to get clean pruning cuts and of pruning early m the growing season to get rapid healing are ob- uous. The effectiveness of paints to eliminate the risk of infection of wounds after winter pruning should be investigated Annual pruning can be recommended for the farmer or land owner who can do this work in slack seasons. Since winter prun- drL fit n b - St Tw the workIoad of the American farmer, it may be done during this season m spite of the risk of infection by dis- hp S «t fl rt d R W °R d St iL mS f Pramng for high-quality veneer logs should be started when the trunk reaches 6 or 7 inches in diameter the the c n re 4 t i?- wblc . h peeler logs are turned, rather than at a specific age. On this basis pruning would start at an earlier age on hrfr?°+u Slte tha ^ 0n a poor site ’ and ear her on fast-growing hy- bnds than on slow-growing types. J 68 HANDBOOK loO, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DISEASES Trunk, Branch, and Twig Diseases Bacterial canker This is the most serious disease of popiare tern Europe and Great Bntain ( S- - ) • f f 1Um - SUC t inoculations produce infections and wellmgs that heal over in the first or second year. (These healed infections resemble, superficially, the trunk scab described on p ported CmTiSrf 0 1 + noculat ? witb th f raw slime or, as Sabet re- bacterial f,dt,fvp a ?B’ t° ? a PPj e ™ ent the inoculation of the pure Bacterial ^ ster ihzed slime, to obtain a typical canker. andTnnSltSf nk . er , ls , so serious in Great Britain that selection oculation tests have been under way for some years. Old ulticlonal plantings where bacterial canker has been present for &ornJ indfvVi m ^ lcate that unde r conditions of natural infection lecTed fr d nm d «f a L S are resistant. Disease-free ortets have been se- lected from such plantings for pathological tests. ne role of other bacteria and fungi that are usually associated 70 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF agriculture Figure 27. —Branches and upper fected with bacterial cranker. trunk of Populus ‘Eugenei’ heavily in- Near Farnborough, Hants, England. to artificial inoculation, but it is not yet pi ot ed that thei e ai e J PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 7J completely immune clones. There is some indication tw in. D intensified Cankei > and Possibly even susceptibility, may be Jn Tif d , by po ? r mowing conditions. The Zwolle clonal test of pea/so^^The po'owtlf ^ e c|amation Society is on a poorly drained peat son. me giowth of all clones is very poor and bacterial nan ker is much more prevalent and more severe than oTtwo com.' pai able plantings of the same clones on good sites in the central and southern Netherlands. Even clones that are highly resistan n thl ZwolknlanfaHo When * eSted ° n a * ood site show cantos m me Zwolle plantation m some years when climatic conditions favor the disease. It is reported that this is the onl7site in Tho N Thpr andS Wke T e trUnk cankers have developed on >. ‘Serotina^ There \ s n ° information available as to the possible existence of distinct physiological strains of the primary pathogen (differ¬ ing in pathogenicity) in various parts of Europe Inoculum from nnn.u T Source has a ^ ay « been used^ in Hfhe intensive over^long perioll of years?"* ^ The Netherlands clones Tbe fa ? tbat bact erial canker has not been renorted from trnl n e /?p Fr n" Ce 0r Italy may indicate natural environmental coT CbtteiSttuaern EuTop™ *» transport of no^beeS r st b udfed°ifth 0n sn«f l!SC '; Ptiliili ^ to naturaI infection has elusions Inch sufflclent Pulsion to warrant sound con- uusions. buch tests are necessary for new selections A rlnnp +w is superior in all respects except its susceptibility to artificial in ff C fron?natural iWectf h % inher6nt attributes that woul/protect fprLM^o^i a * nfectl0 . n - For example, it is not known how bac- tenal cankei is transmitted from tree to tree. If it is carried hv insects, then susceptibility to natural infection would be correlated Tac d n gl ' ee ° f ? lonal ^tractiveness to suchZects C ° ne)ated highly tests in Great Britain have now clearlyIndicated fto *n :ulatlon 23% ^ natural Sth b v e pu 3 r o e lty" b “‘ CSSSfe ^rounds i n °S ° - Berohnensis’ poplars on the old castle ;™pZ d r m atdf2?Sesird a Ty aV S e e d 90 feet in heigh ‘ aad ■ai U e r ‘B 0 e”rot e of these trees and no evMencfofTny d? s i •ase. Berohnensis is reported to be healthy in this locality tt c DFP\RTMEXT of agriculture 72 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DCPAKiMt- Spring dieback This disease—called Defog^iMwne pnmaverile^litera^ lated “sprmg dcfohation almo ^ ,. mary inC e n tive for the es- culture in northern Ita y d titute at Casale Monferrato. There tablishment of the p °P l! J* 1 '. tifi name 0 f the fungus respon- is much confusion °v er ^ he , , p 0 u a ccia elegans Serv. (perfect sible for this disease. In y> , . has been reported to be stage, Venturia species Pollaccia Sf Pl (perfect stage. Venture tremu,ae Ad InsUn,^e perfect stage of the back (“la defoliacion de primmer ) s ^ ere P d to be dist inct from sphcieria populma Unamuno. • , y i reinu [ae Kleb. D. populma Vuill, Venturm po^ma Fabr. and U^, ^ (L tf "nd Stve SnlfiTd as the cause of this dis- eaS T V;dTs r efse rn k ms r th P e e ; r u„g i^eariy spring, usually before the lea h haye the same appearance Young twigs girdled by insects m . die back. The dead, but are easily distinguished'fio ■ 1 in on the trees as blackened, immature twigs and leaves can b e serious “flags” into the summer. Repeated deto at^ ^ certai - t0 ^ “ ° f 36 Du S author mortality might be ascribed to t P • » j n Lolland, Den- back. A 12-year-old plantation .ofP. of heavy infec- mark, was m critical con i wbe ther the decline and heavy tion. It was impossible to determi . die back or to a corn- mortality was due entn e > ■ na thogens There was no indication bination of dieback and other pat g^ l but they did have small of typical bacterial canker o ’ trunks much like the brownish to black necrotic ai gince this plantation was on trunk scab of Robusta m Geima .-in ^ ? ble als0 that site condition sT rnay^ve b^en^r^ponsible in pact foe its early deteri- ° r ao°nal variation in — tion. Although the stock had h P Among the rather clone, theres appeared to be at least .v*o and dying there were*a^fevfntorcTcolurnnar'indi'.dduals that were very lightly m- fected and appeared to be in good « a ’ th m s spring dieback In Sweden it is reported that in someye» { p v tremu la. par- drastically reduces the giowth o . E disease is not considered ticularly trees under 5 yearsof ago'The d sea a height „f *• ^r^diSSc ^arently has not been ob¬ served on the tremula X tremulmdes hybnds. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 73 Is° late d GRses of spring dieback, too light to have any effect on poplIrTegiofsTfew' tees 8 f ^"BdlLISa^Swite Ge ™” ny ' had tpfctlTmXms 6 SS: HZ. In thoughteo" to; Associated Spring dieback is an arrant menace to poplar culture that fnr Canker and stem dieback ssSgggpgBg Sa^rn^plSE.E 1 ’ S aC r k 0 ° f P0 E p3il§gifP mniilli uSS viSronlf^ y„tftSat iS 8 faCultati ™ ranso v;. young trees that are growing- noorlv bp tathAs nobe r en 0 p n rove 0 d n bVVAsET^ by general obse3ions ssSa- assa 4 'aft established Dot ^ Uza ^ be serious on older ttaEnt? 6 'Th r Rh°«eValEhad 8 Sated and^ghOy and Paisa were c ~ TT c DEPARTMENT OF AGRICLLTERE 74 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPArl livir-xs most abundant. This plantation^ spaced !*■> ^ thfwater table deep silt yeS “en relatively dry; could drop to 12 teet. ine asu y rainless days 1947 and 1949 on growth vigor of in the summer of 1949. I he cieui responsible for the the prolonged dry weather may have Deen i prevalence of disease. . nrP use d for control of Bordeaux mixture and othei fu g ; ps t a bii s hed plantations. Dothichiza in the nursery and in ; j nta tions against this The most common way.toprotect nettplant- disease is to maintain the;“.^Stion where necessary, ing, fertilization, clean culture, anc ^ i_ ve ar-old stumped The Italian method of taking cuttangs fro\ he danger trees is spreading to other eountrie . « have accumu- of incipient disease in cuttingsT om old stools^ lated such facultative parasi e. frequently been reported to Dothiorella spp. —DotfnoreUa nonlars as Dothichiza. Se- produce much the same syndrome on p P d ^ V0VU Hna vere damage Leon' Spain, Karst, was reported in the Provinces o s co i um nar, and me¬ in 1942 and 1943. A plantation of inspected by dium wide-spreading types at . C ^Interesting for the variation in the author in 1952, was especially interesting ioi disease and insect resistance. + . rr . pc; y. a d succumbed to Doth- Although most of the fastagiate t*pes 1 n in 1952. iorella, there were at least thiee heavily infested with Some of the remaining A few both gall aphid and a small Jcaf spot resemb^ gl^ ^ ^ than fastigiate individuals, with laig , dg Qr j ea f S p 0 ts. The the infested trees, had practica y P g plantation appeared to r^roVdfse^e'and'taserts and were making excellent g ‘ °Vatea spp.—Falsa species have practically a bution and V. sordida, Nitsc ■ ( P prvw here in Europe. This sperma (Pers.) Fries) is P 1 ? pan he distinguished from fungus causes dieback and fungus has fruited. The spore- Dothichiza in the field only if the f S ^ bright orange in horns of the imperfect stage ( m can s till be recognized ^ft^oteXTSte^-k ruptures through which the spores Xdthough'it is normally «*%£**£S "orS“r sordida can assume a parasitic 1 . § axony a large section oPtoe^oof planting on a°poor site As reported killed by this f TX nivea (imperfect ^CytosporM Sacc.), wteh is S? as S a a ?oten«aUy°serious parasite on tremula X tremuloUes 9 Persson, Arne. (1): 5572. 1955. Kronenmykose der hybridaspe. Phytopath. Ztschr. 24 PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 75 hybrids in southwestern Sweden This f.ino-nc •, and severe dieback in the r?-nwn« nf m u of US kaS caused Repeated Ekebo (1 at tlq n - k i ^ hybiid aspens at Sofiero and StS reSP< »' Sibie fOT laak J Mectionto thf Se^oX^ Ptentetfons T^oZu-^^ZIs^- ^ Ekeb ° v ” y 8 “pp susc l h ptibil ^ t0 s ent parentages Nectrt colZ^F^eaZl^ll wl^l °1 ^^ere losses from major Wa inafewhraE m , ' • and N - SaOtgetm Bres. sponsible for the^ widespread^ Wer ? re P orted to be «*- region of GermnnTo^™ oe d th of popIars in the Lower Rhine afly^braf hf r?fectif s^lwere^bserved f C3s6 f asu » and at present this distse if no? ctsidfrTsef of ^ Hypoxylon crustaceum (Sow ) Nke and rr have been reported on Pn™,u 1 NKe - and atropurpureum Fr. foresters did not c „nswfr ttese ftbf" ln Norwa y- but Poplar aspen management Pathogens a serious problem in Trunk scab the T bfk na fhieh U o S cf„rs e [„ e w1 dTl^f T?™ ° f 3 Sp °‘ "^osis of cause of trunk scab bfnoi-Tl 7 Se P a f ated re ^ 10ns of Europe. The ited investigations it ^f f \T observ ations and linf research w?ll be required tn'Zt ° f P atho ^ eilic ori £in. Intensive caused by a single o?gan1srn on t w^ 6 , wbether trunk scab is duce similar syndromes in the samp 6 ' 1 different pathogens pro- . It is possible that trunk scab Sp?esentsf tie ® : invaders that, ha vine- limiurn e ■ the effect of primary lesions that the tree fan overcome^ 8 ?" 161 * 7, produce onl y lo cal primary infection is follows i™ 6 m 1 or 3 years. Where such a drome could be quite different for ® econdary Pathogens the syn- secondary pathogen cofmZyelop 6XampIe ’ CEnkerS typical of tb * the bark of thftruXan^pffducraTexudate^ 001 - 01,6 'lk appear on season These circular to elliptical Seas V w 6 - gr0win ff diameter, heal over after 1 or 2 Sars hi Al h t0 } /2 mches in appear each year, giving the trunka Lm Spots contmu e to ease degrades the wood by produfw S 3by appeara ^e. The dis- Thf ! eS i-°"a’ W , ith or without .“chfded d™i bf k SP ° tS “ nder the zontally'and'are somewhaOon eXt ? nd ? nly 3 shor ‘ distance hori- duce Scabby l0 ^ P. - stained areas or ho“s where dead £f t egularly ?P a <* d ^ies of drome is called “B ra u n fl e?kengrTnd' ’ t^r WaS enclo . sed - This syn- referred to as the “maladie cfes tache" bruneTkfdalTaVal 76 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE “disease of ‘Robusta’ in Chautagne”; and in Italy it is called “Batteriosi.” . . . r . OVTT ,, IT1v ci n ce 1941. It was Trunk scab most suscep- first observed on P. Robusta, wmc pi ‘Beroli- ests of North Baden and the Palatmate. Chau- In France, trunk scab was observedonly number of tagne. The forest pathologis * t ' he evidence points strongly ^“origin he“" rf the opinion that .Phytophtkora should not be overlooked as a possible primary pathog ^ tv “Batteriosi” is a serious disease m I V’ 1 p ortuna tely there most vigorous trees of highly susc p disease and susceptible is clonal tmriatmn. in re:sistance to U™ “£ Bt clo nes. Dr. Vivani S „ U f C the PoUr Re a se e ar b ch fnstSute at Casale Monferrato has isolated several bacteria. rtinntations along the River Trunk scab was also observed >” P“ n ““°" s plantation of P. S^c^&WTh^—£*£ infected^with^twig^light^alsc^showed evidence of this syndrome. Leaf Diseases 1 Pa f diseases with the occasional exception of Melampsora ,are usually of practical importances only^ n ^^^ e P ioutinf procedure trol of these diseases by spraying h muntries The spray in most progressive poplar nurseries n all Vgood schedule in the state poplar "“ s enes m Baden is tjpica J -- * a - percent solution; later sprays are 2 -peicent. Melampsora rust Six species of Melam jsora have be™gnized in Europe^. (1) M. larici-populma Kleb., (2) M. all, ] 1 ™ p i0S . l^ftremnlae Kleb.; <4) Wagner.' The alternate trupn Wagner, ana * T y - ecies ( 1 , 3 ), Allium species -f I (5). CkeMoM» m spore masses on the undersidei of: the^ leaves. Kost ^ ^ a succession^ ol^heavj^ infestations for several years such trees may SU ^hr 1 disease C can^be^epidemf^ 1 in a Older plantathins^ On^ such^eph demic was observed m early Septembei PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 77 Switzerland, in a plantation of about 200 trees approximately 12 dfffpr ^ d 'fL h - 1S Wa ® ° bvi0Usly a mixture of at least two clones that diffei m then resistance to Melampsora rust. Six trees in this stand were practically rust free; one tree with a broader habit of growth showed medium rust infection; and all of the remaining infected that they were practically defoli¬ ated. It is not known whether this plantation had been heavily at- acked in previous years, but such epidemic infection in several successive years would certainly result in severe growth retarda¬ tion of a monoclonal plantation. tn ^°nni U ^ atel H Mel( f m P sora can be dismissed as a serious threat dnnttr o Ure b6 - CaUS i th6re are many inh erently resistant clones. Foi every region there are now clones that are highly rust resistant, but the same clones are not necessarily resistant in other i egions. Leaf blotch Waterman and Cash have given this name to a leaf disease caused by Septotima populiperda™ The fungus produces small biown spots on the young leaves; these spots usually increase rapidly m size, soon become gray at the center, and have an ir¬ regular but sharply defined margin. The imperfect stage of this thenar co , llected in Latvia and described in 1932 under the name of Septogloeum populiperdum Moesz & Smarods .Leal blotch is not considered a serious disease in Europe. Nurs- tRafH-f 11 ’ when Questioned on its occurrence in the past, remarked by routine spraying with bordeaux. Kennpl TLp ^tection was seen in the poplar nursery at Keppel, The Netherlands, m mid-July. There had been leaf-beetle feeding earlier m the season and the leaf blotch appeared to be associated with the beetle injury. Spraying for beetle control had apparently controlled the spread of leaf blotch. A few infected leaves were observed in the state poplar nursery at Harsefeld s'or o?^ 6 ar arboretum in Giritz, Switzerland, and on some ot the oldest leaves on an occasional tree of clone P T-455’ tan*} iwf 7 n 1 Front .®’ , Ita] y- This disease is considered unimpor- n i; £ beCa Ki Sei i h ! S appeared only in nurseries and in late summei. Noticeable infections have not been found in plantations. Septogloese servecHn 1947 ^eptogloese” in Germany was first ob- sei ved in 1947 and described by Johannes in 1950 11 as caused by tne fungus Septogloeum populiperdum sp. n. (This name had al- fun d gLtv n S P p ied /V 932 \° tb | im P erfect sta ge of the leaf blotch y Moesz & Smarods.) Septogloese does not appear to be cm,sed by ° 471632°—59-6 78 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE the same disease as the leaf blotch reported by Waterman and C On ; & 'current 0 year’^'growth of nursery stools and newly strongiy^upward. The fruiting pustules f °“f t f 1 a in s m rarlSer a than normal. In the following spring, weather. Leaf fall is earlier tnan no an( i the stems die they recognize as septogloese. They stated that they had observed this leaf blotch occasionally on nursery stock. Other leaf diseases There are other leaf diseases in Europe that up to the P res ^ time have not been of P ract ^ h^S^rblTsters and some leaf distortion fancTlea^spots^caused'by species of PkyUostiata, Mars- soniana, and Septoria. Root Diseases Root diseases have not been known to cause widespread damage in^he DODter regfons of Europe. Localized cases of severe reduc¬ tion fn growth or of high mortality have been reported'as dueto infection of the roots by Armillana mellea .(Vahl) Fr. Rossaiinu* in , • /TT nr f \ Reri R amphispliaenoides L., K. queicma r p (Fr ) de Not., Pholiota aegerita, Botrytis cinerea Pers.; an been reported from Madrid. Spain. The symptoms ha?e been de senbed as similar to the virus diseases reported by Atanasoff on P. balsamifera m Bulgaria and by Perisic on “Canadian” poplar m Jugoslavia Light green areas, which later become yellow and dry, appear along the veins of the leaves. There h™s been no ex lienmental woik in Spain to determine whether this “mosaic” condition is actually a virus infection. wat fonnl^ at e W f S simdar t0 but not typical of leaf blotch as found in the state poplar nursery near Zaragoza This an. P areatdy kj d occurred late in the season and by the end of Septem¬ ber had affected relatively few leaves on the individual plants. 80 HANDBOOK 150, u. s. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTLRE Wood Decay and Stains Wood decay Pnnl'irs 'ire susceptible to numerous wood-decay fungi. These Seld oil t^e^est sites^n^trees^less than 50 o? 60 yE£?oljthe max- ous on the best sites i F nn p Since Aigeiros poplars ^ ***** cause appreciable economic loss. Hearttvood stains Heartwood stains, in varying sh ^ d ^ orange, ar " c « m K e is no decafaSd^o evidence that the. stain wood is sound, there is no cie y in whe ther the staining is leads to eventual decay. It . . . ^ark-brown stain is the of pathological or physiological origin. Some grow- most frequent cause of log < J e ^ iac .®, :ia • ty or p 00r sites because in trees on SSST£ the P»« in Italy. The EHSsSSlfisss=; core stock, and boxe f ^^Xbleached and unbleached ground- Where P°P>” “ a „ d the Ltained bolts are ground tor "STTlutX? sK a^ of Suitable. timber and the prevalence of stain has prevented industry from insisting on degraf- , f venee r and lumber in For special uses, for face, ve . n ®®JH p d snec ies are available there regions of Burope where othei t bl P Indus try is more in- trUr/lLtStowWt'rnle^rch to eliminate this defect. Significance for the United States Thp history of poplar culture in Europe has demonstrated that disease can tLeaten P the poplar culture of an entire region or even ° £ IUs e appLe 0 nt n thIt climatic control of the pathogens tents their PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE gl J“ ce or.Pathogenicity of the disease-producing fungi and bac¬ teria. It is possible also that extensive planting of a single disease resistant clone may, within a relatively short time leadIn the’ is e nolonger ZLufont*™™ ° f ““ pathogen to wh * h th at clone strains Of n naf that H Wl11 be resistan t to introduced diseases or new strains of native diseases more virulent than those presently in wi tGnC a Bac f t ® r . iaI canker in northern Europe and the spring die- back and lust diseases in Italy would have eliminated profitable poplar culture m those regions if it had not been possibhfto select new inherently resistant clones. Continued vigilance breeding- and selection will be necessary in order that the appearance ofnew diseases, or more virulent strains of older diseases, may be met with new resistant clones. rame O t n o C f l0 a n lS nt f ti0n L are 1 H°J 0gicalIy unsound > because every lamet of a single clone has all the weaknesses as well as the ex¬ cellence of the original ortet. A new disease or a more virulent a - n T ln ? POrtant native disease could wi P e out extensive “ s ° f a sin ^ le 1 c j P one in one epidemic. Random mixtures of 25 or moie clones of different parentage will provide biological assur tr n ee e wfli m n diseaSe loSS6S becaase in such a ttend every rtrnlll ? 0t be l q ! l u ally su . sce P tlble to a new disease, or to a more had not be°e™ested na “ Ve pathogen ' against which the clones Bacterial canker has not yet been reported in the United States American S bufit°if T as on^ur ijeiucan aspens but it is not considered important on A ip-pim • considerable importance in "^«SSfw»rid poplars are stwn eX T?e Si winket'hXtmenl o^FXduafvwi- susceptible to bacterial can ei ca tion There are far too •«» U ^ P MoZ"* P "" »d other balsam poplars in Europe to warraiA^ TacLmahaw hy- tn ligeh '° S P0P ' arS ' jUSti ‘ fies their continued breeding and select . g that kill trees orKhS^?"XtoS leartwood stains and diseases PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE $3 such as trunk scab which apparently do not interfere with the giowth of the affected trees, are nevertheless of serious economic importance Stained heartwood is entirely suitable for bleached pulp but it cannot be used for the production of unbleached «^fr°-l PUlp ; Wh , en used for venee1 ’’ stained heartwood as¬ sociated with wetwood results m manufacturing difficulties due o excessive shrinkage,. splitting, and warping. Aside from the manufacturing difficulties, it is doubtful whether stained heart UnitedStates 6 ° f ltS COl ° r ’ C ° Uld find a profitable market in the INSECTS Of the many insects that infest poplars in Europe, only those of major economic importance and the most common species of minor importance are discussed here. Boring Insects Boieis, particularly Saperda, are no doubt the most generally destructive poplar insects in Europe. There is as yet no good evi- " mhe . rent resistance of individual clones to bore? injury Usually tiees m poor vigor are more heavily infested than those giov mg vigorously, but occasional observations on excellent sites indicate that there are exceptions. Some boring insects can kill the infe sted trees; some may be associated with the spread of poo- ai diseases; and all cause more or less serious log degrade. Saper-da carcharias (L.), the large poplar longhorn beetle is distributed throughout Europe, but heavy infestations are usually poplars SinceX i“if litieS “ is the most serious insect pest of popiais. Since the full-grown larvae are more than V. inch in di¬ ameter, the larval tunnels in the wood are of large size and the deeply boring larvae cause very serious degrade of lumber The burrows are often infected with bacteria and fungi, which cause discoloration and additional product degrade there is some evidence that isolated trees and trees in rows Kds^TW attacked tbaa trees in Plantations or in mixed stands There are reports from Germany that border trees in more Wvllwt TS T'“T that ™‘'eaL stand density wele moie heavily attacked than trees inside the stand There is evi STiffl!; P0PlarS ° n dry SiteS are particul h r?susc e ep: For control, the introduction of a suitable fumivant qo cm-bon disulphide or carbon tetrachloride into the burrow is most frequently recommended. In Italy, a large match with Tumffiant w , 0ne ,f ld (called Antitarlo) is widely used for borer control wet earth S th? a rS?„re re f int ° , the « aliery al,d sealed with tn, tne moistuie of the tree releases the fumivant Manila men'a b f S emoving and bu ™ in « infected wood, isTlways recom- 5 in' ? praym f at the time the adult beetles are flying is prac- DlantaH„nsIf y f few nurseries. It is not a practical control Tn plantations except under conditions of extremely heavy infestation. ^4 HANDBOOK 150, u. s. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Saperda populnea (L.), the small poplar longhorn beetle, Meats the t-.nche.rf!^e popUrs cmhe stems of small tree.Thn «*■« SSK&ESSESSbSssS L?5?v!rl tot it utf r a^*r t he i^iiisssES i re . er an 4 larger oval-shaped burrows in the wood. Foi contro of thfs insect il The Netherlands, the entrance holes are plugged with cotton soaked in melted par adichlorbenzene. t d nu . " Flvis ^ tU s e clwt e en«'fabaniformis Rott., the dusky clearwing moth has Ssisffi rssK-'Siss m Stsss««SrSsSa irregular burrows in the cambium, , T ... tunnels are bacteria, discolored, and formed each year during an infestation, so the ^ that are concentric rings of s ™ a t ;,' < ^' h " f i as filled tunnels cause serious iog^egrade^ecause ^htU^weTpoints •» the wood and PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 85 TiS 6 - 11 uas . ultable fo f , the manufacture of matches or plywood land mS6Ct 1S res P° nsibIe considerable economic loss in Eng- in '. a P athi . (L.), the poplar and willow borer, is found alder an^wfZwf bnf‘»I‘ S "'.'T 1 ”-- H is usuall y associated with d willows but also attacks young poplars, and where in¬ festation is heavy it can cause considerable damage. The hibernat- _ng insects resume feeding in the spring in the soft tissue of the innei bark and outer sapwood. Recently planted trees are narticn larly susceptible and are often killed by girdling. pellucidus Boh. and B. araneiformis Schrank sn0Ut6d w , eevils ’ have been serious pests in nurseries where blacken compost was used. These insects infest the bark of young trees just above the ground level. young Cryphalus asperatus (Gyll.) infests the bark in the tops of non a - that u are \ n P00r Vlg0r ’ often on tre es attacked by other in Sp Q SU a h aS bor f’ s and defoliators. This insect may^ause die- back and prepare the way for diseases in weakened trees birch borer Se feeda“ir” S th^ ratlm f ■ ™ S b , orer > related to the bro " z e mien ooier, teeds in the cambium and weakens or kills the tree by partial or complete girdling. It has damaged large trees in Ger firSt “/S ° f damuge-discoloration of the outer leaves' of the ciown is followed by early leaf fall and death of the tree tree« PS °T ma i T . Seri0Lls but very localized damage on young The r - 1CU a /^ lr !,^ e nurser y, was observed in several iocali- theV^ng sh e oots fe Tn d r th ® bud *. before entering and hollowing me young shoots. In Germany this injury is laid to G acerhw Dup. In Italy, it is reported that there is more than one species of this insect on poplars. Since the insect overwintersSi the sod it can be controlled by rotation of nursery areas with other crops! Insects on the Leaves deS S," b is‘pe1fodic 0 alfy U ^id a em?c f TX £-raw Chrysomela poptdi L the red poplarleaf beetle, and C tremtdar ^’3\ aSP? ■ Zeugophora scutellaris populi Kalt. (the poplar leaf miner), tenwpno^ ^ general Suffr., and other leaf ^\ 952 t the aufhor observed heavy ^y d to\he d Swed n ish bo,S n infested trees were easily recognized by the gray appearance of the , , • (l ) flea beetles, "Sis*™”?, ss.’sxs.?, :ss. 1 , and C. leucomela Koch, are often found blisters on leaves and shoots. Insects of t Relieved to be associated with infeddon^y the’fungus’Tapttr^ia’aMre^Damage by lea, aphids is Sel SSr S spp., gall aphids. T^are are sevjeral species of aptnds that are responsible for galls on the ^ ^ most common of these belong to tgu t £ e leaf blades; P. gall aphid (P. affims Koch.) P r( ? du o c ® s o °f ttacks the leaf peti- spirothecae Passerini (the spira -ga i V ■ ^ petioles and on the oles; and P. bursanus L. fasted columnar P. nigra midrib of the leaf. In Spam, hea , spreading P. nigra types were growing in proximity to wide spreading PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE §7 r Ms - ™ s *- and 5^ftS/ SPP ;T T r < l SpeC L eS ° f these Ieaf rolI ers, B. populi‘(L ) jury^to ^poplar in^Gemany^and fOT s0 ™ - Insects on the Bark SSS?t“ -—a ™™ ti0 " in susceptibility to this insect Clones V"l- 28 ’'UdTOT aie highly susceptible. Clones ‘ 1-214 ’ iJis. ,Y and „J-65 ««" d eruSS r X rt T e b *° b ? “4 ei “Pt infest’aton. 5 " 0 ' of poplar shoots, forming LepTp ral groove? thit ^"r * he ba ‘' k ?e^TiXl hlS inSeCt WaS 0bSer ™ most he o/t e h?'popL a ; Significance for the United States varMo?1n°~1bmtV?? den ? “ E YT of P ossib]e etaud leaf beetles ai Thero is ni ,e° s ?, ale mse ?‘, s > leaf -g a11 aphids, and tion in ^cepSy\? P b?rt?!?se n cts eV,denCe ° f ™‘ ia - siliiiipifpss of iniiirv tS K ■ ’ • * s ™ a11 trees ma ^ break off at the point their lar™ bonng insects are particularly damaging because used only for ceMos^ S ° numerous that th « timber can be 2 ^:sSPt?« insects and diseases Leaf anhid^ ilm USCeptlb 6 to attacks by other —__ Ulbeases - ^ eat a Phids seldom cause appreciable damage ServkTha? Stati ° n ’ U ’ S ' Forest Japanese beetle. (U. S. Dept. Agr. YearboIk T^ | n 57 SUSCe P tibilit y to the i ^ a tt ^ dfpartment of agriculture %% HANDBOOK 150, u. S. DLPAKiMftw K"a^« enough to injure or kl11 P^ntatio .ee^ haye been introduced Several of the Euiopean p P r/pyzera mirina) is known to ——- trees—including poplars—are ^ackea. ^ introduced into this The horned clearwingmoth• • northern part of country. It is widely distributed throutfiom™ ^ ^ severe in _ the United States and has been repo t d of Re vere, Mass, jury to the large roots of poplais 1 tbat attacks poplars SST&S? a ZSSttLSZ** w ~~ ^The ^S^er (*KK S.wS established from Marne west to Ontano ^ been found in and south to Virginia. In iec ^ n | ^ aid be spreading to other Washington and Idaho> and it • wi n ow> alder, poplar, and S' U l—^sSious to P oP' ar and wdlow B “ h -’ " in New England and the Mailtime , Columbia west of the present in the Pacific "riSS. local defolia- Cascade Range. It has been 1 esp . was first discovered in in the United C. tremulae F.) and the imp g ^ comm0 n in New England versicolora Laich.). T Y ork and south to Virginia. Se\eie and extends into western - Y ag in Euro pe, are not common, infestations m the United Stal: , iderab i e damage, but when they do occui th (f^chiocampus viminahs Fall.) is The European poplar sawfly // ^ /w thr0U gh the Northeastern now distributed from ^ j n t 0 British Columbia. Sen- MoUatTofo? Sdt and ornamental poplars has been re- ported. f „ beetle, Zeugophora scutellaris The cottonwood leaf-mining . . , g tates< Suffr., has also been introduced m o related native In addition to the '"trodjed ,^ts'^ve also The native species of several ‘“{"^"‘^^^"pWuces the same damage poplar borer (Saptida i borer. Saperda concoloi Lee., - its atteck on popta PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE gg to the European Saperda populnea L. We also have native n*™ b,um miners in the United States, which cause damage simlla, To that of the European poplar cambium borer (Pliytobia) on manv species, me nding poplars. The bronze birch borer, Agrilus anxius Goiy, attacks poplars and aspens in the United States with the same effect as the European member of this genus , be glai l t Ameri can sawfly (Cimbex americana Leach) has been reported as occasionally infesting poplars. Although the European puss moth has not been reported in this country we ve nahve species on poplar that are related to this insect There pSfett e V Un 8 ?tS ie St°J ga n aphid . S {Pem r> hi 9Us) that'attack popiais in the United States. Our native scale insects can cause senous injury to newly planted trees; in 1950 the author saw a w! g p ! antat , 10 V n Mlchi gan where the poplars were dying back from extremely heavy scale infestation. Control of boring insects whose burrows open through the bark he P Sk wfthmftT, j t i0n 0f fl,miKantS - Insects that feed under withnnT r ill i ^ernngs, can be controlled by spraying inv ther sultal ? le msecticides when the insects are mov¬ ing. Sanitation—-removal and burning of infested branches and insects" 1 ^ Sh? 0 * 1 ? 1 contro1 . measure - Heavy infestations of leaf methods rontrnuSfT f ca " coatrolled modern spraying saryL plantations mmei ' S and aphidS Wil1 Seldom be neces - la/VultoeTrth TJTlfT tha n l ! nder conditions of intensive pop- ai cuituie both defoliator and boring insects can causp sprinna economic loss by degrading the timber, by killing the trees or bv severely retarding their growth. Control by modern methods us ing mist blowers and airplanes for spraying or dusting should contro?' nf? y feasibI ? for P°P lar Plantations. Spraying for the ontiol of bormg insects will require exact knowledge of the life ma nr°p f , ,the insects because the control must be applied when the matui e insects are moving and laying their eggs. DAMAGE BY OTHER AGENTS Mistletoe cepUMe hut other cultivars are alsoSSed M stletoe tn Vun Environmental and Climatic Damage fhp E ^- r ° nmentaI condi Hons that reduce growth vigor are often that fl w ary / aUSe ° f decadence - Abnormally dry weather sites ntvi 00 dry or t0 ° wet ; soils that are infertile or too acid and environmental conditions such as the inhibiting effect of 9() HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ^ I t i n L i e a Valsa and Dothichiza may damage and from mechanical injury Is rapid that ,arge killing the young leaves and sho . ^ growth> there is no preciable retardation of the . v n _-u f ros t damage may information about the extent * F ™t damage facilitate invasion by insects, fungb ?™Xclones. can be avoided by the sdectwn of ^ ^ obs J rve d in several coun- iillillSisH: PiaSeSBesRaSS* coastal areas. Damage by Animals Browsing damage by cattle anddee^and ^dlmg^y ^bbits^ are a menace in many pal ts 1 under such conditions are major sources ofagainst Sttle and deer by each newly planted poplai I • looselv wrapped around high woven-wire ^“tn’^barfemes^ supported on for 4 posts $3 rrs^me^Orthey are not generally considered reliable. Significance for the United States The environmental and to poplars in Europe are equally daI ^ ag ^ con dition as the most try. We have long recognized adverse si ^ ^ both important limiting factor for b 1 pop i ars should be planted «»«° f their normal growth rate. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 9] Cl0 5?t^ 8 ^ ?0™*^^ i Hty U to r ihS” 0 ^ by Selecti0 " 0f shou,d b e e XC “ 6MeBS CUltiVarS J Sf lents offers the best possibilities for economical protec“on P GROWTH AND YIELD Aigeiros Poplars in Plantations Comparable and precise data on growth and vipld nf a;™; SS among countries, cultivars, Excel pts from published data on yield of poplar in Snain Tiai and Germany are presented in tahlp i Tim i opain, Italy, intensive culture on excellentsoils^areVeported toTfnZ and/ ° r age annual increments as high as 490 cubic feet per acre on" l 'l To Productivity of plantations examined by the author sufficien/hffiforrnatilm'^for H a TSonXy^tlf l” 6 ^ bUt saSSE Summary by cultivar and country mal increment A P he “act ?ha d t C the Sh lW ‘T 'fT* average i " a tt q DEPARTMENT OF AGRICt LI ERE C)2 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. Uti'Animra. Table 1 .-Excerpts from published data on yield of poplar in Europe ‘ Italy Age (years) Trees per acre (aver' age) Granada Total yield Average annual incremen per acre 6 . 7 _ S. 9 - 10 _ 11 . -. 12 . - 13— 14. 15— 16— 20 — 25— No. 1,240 840 060 2,401 3,015 3,058 4,287 4,873 5,410 5, 887 6 ,259 6,516 6,588 0,002 Cu.ft. 400 430 45‘ 476 487 492 491 481 465 439 413 Logrono ! 162 trees per acre 1 , Trees per acre (aver- 1 age) Total yield per acre Average . Total annual | yield increment per acre per acre 1 — Average j annual j increment per acre — 1 1 No. 324 Cu.ft. 2.801 Cu.ft. Cu.ft. 476 j 1,358 | 1.686 Cu.ft. 226 241 101 trees per acre Total yield Average annual increment per acre 324 324 324 3.058 406 5.487 5.259 457 405 253 7,802 390 2.472 2.929 3.430 3,965 4.494 5,009 5.502 5.973 7.674 9.288 275 293 312 330 346 358 367 373 384 372 Cu.ft. | 1,100 J 1.436 1.829 I 2.272 2.772 ! 3.358 4.073 4.687 5.402 6.130 6,873 I 9.660 12.518 Cu.ft. 183 205 229 252 277 305 339 361 386 409 430 483 501 Germany Age (years) Site class I Site class II Trees per acre (average) Total yield per acre Average annual increment per acre Trees per acre (average) Total yield per acre Average annual increment per acre 10_ 15_ 20_ 25_ 30_ 40_ 50_ No. 324 162 81 40 40 40 40 Cu.ft. 1,600 4,687 7, 545 9,803 11.375 15,176 19,334 Cu.ft. 160 312 377 392 379 379 387 No. 324 162 81 40 40 40 40 Cu.ft. 1.029 2,286 3,458 4,544 5.373 7,759 j 9.746 Cu.ft. 103 152 173 182 179 194 195 Site class III Ministeriode Agriculture, Patrimonio Forestal de Estado. 400 PP-. ^ ' Ramo editoriale degli agricoltori. Piccarolo, Giacomo. It pioppo. nor me prattche d, cult,vaz,one. „^H. <£K. Pe*. ^pp^. 304 pp.. Ulus. Bonn. 1952. 130 th e stamTon whfch'd£a R'Marilandica,’ a relatively slow^rowing “ong*grewtngs"Lon,“highly fertile soils, and intensive culture. 14 They are, however increase per hectare” in 1937. >her than the 6.5 cubic meters cubic feet per acre) reported by average annual G. Houtzagers PRODUCTION OR POPLAR TIMBER in EUROPE 93 Table 2. Productivity of European poplar plantations (Volume estimates based on peeled wood to 2.75-inch top diameter) NETHERLANDS Case No. and cultivar ' 1. P. ‘Marilandica 2. Do_ 3. Do_ 4. Do_ Residual stand Trees Age Average 1 A vc rage Stand volume per acre d. b. h. height per acre No. Yrs. Ins. Ft. Cu. ft. 68 21 15.4 81 2, 501 79 32 16.1 92 3,558 55 35 18.7 95 3, 344 53 32 17.3 | 96 | 2. 844 Thinnings i Average annual incre¬ ment per acre Age 1 Volume | removed per acre Cu.ft. Yrs. Cu.ft. 119 111 96 89 27 C) Total Average TT annual Volume [ incre¬ ment per Cu. ft. 2. SOI 3,358 3,344 +2. 844 BELGIUM 8. P. Xcanadensis. 9. Do_ 10 . Unnamed_ 11. Do_ 12. Do_ 13. Do_ 14. Do_ 15. Do.. 16. ‘Robusta’._ 17. Do_ 18. Do_ 19. Do_ 20. Do_ GERMANY 83 63 53 115 115 53 260 132 337 146 162 22. Do. 23. Do. 214 24 A. Do 24 B. Do 25. Do 26. ‘Regenerata’. 27. Do 28. ‘ Regenerata Harff’ 29. Do 223 223 135 42 115 30. Do 31. ‘Marilandica’ 45 32. Unnamed J28 33. Do.. 115 20 34. ‘Marilandica’. 26 35. ‘Regenerata’ 40 36. P. Xcanadensis 71 37. Do... 34 I 471632°—59- —7 50 24. 4 121 2 5, 059 90 56 33.8 125 2 9. 932 177 10 8.7 51 672 67 11 11.8 54 1,015 92 32 20.5 107 4.201 131 12 11.8 75 2, 444 204 16 16.5 89 5, 259 329 23 23.2 98 5. 016 218 12 9.4 62 3, 115 260 13 9.4 71 1, 729 133 15 3 9. 4 3 69 4,287 286 25 16.5 95 7, 102 284 17 12.6 72 3, 658 215 13 5.1 48 1.972 152 13 6.3 48 900 69 14 7.7 54 1,572 112 14 11.4 62 3, 773 270 14 7.1 52 1,258 90 17 9.4 69 1, 715 101 24 19. 7 82 1 2. 529 I 105 28 3,450 123 I 54 1 47 * 148 10, 260 381 55 4 47 * 148 10, 260 374 31 28 112 5 6. 040 390 37 22.8 102 4, 216 114 41 26.1 125 3, 973 97 57 33.3 140 3,947 69 60 34. 2 135 5. 277 88 57 30.4 125 5. 073 89 41 22.4 125 4.344 106 22 15.3 100 3, 643 166 50 -1. . 1 10, 003 200 1. C) 10 13 (') 0) 14 0) 5,059 9. 932 672 1,015 4. 201 2, 444 5,259 5,016 +3,115 1, 729 4,287 7,102 43 257 C) (') 527 (') 32 (') (>) (') (0 (') 0) 0 ) 1, 715 1,043 2, 715 0) (’) (>) 1,143 Oil. ft. 119 111 96 +89 5. ‘Regenerata’. 100 16 12.2 72 2,115 * 132 10 972 3,087 193 6. Do 80 13.4 79 2,201 fio 272 105 11 457 7. ‘ Robusta’ 18 134 117 400 3,330 158 -- — 1 2, 415 Cl (0 +2, 415 + 134 90 177 67 92 131 204 329 218 +260 133 286 284 3, 658 215 1,972 152 900 69 1,872 134 +3, 773 +270 + 1, 258 +90 2,242 132 2,529 105 3,450 123 10, 260 190 10. 260 187 6, 040 195 +5,931 ! +160 5,016 122 7, 705 135 +5, 277 +88 + 5,073 +89 + 4,344 +106 4, 786 218 10,003 200 94 HANDBOOK 150, u. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Tablk 2.— Productivity of European poplar plantations— Continued GERMANY—Continued Residual stand Thinnings CaseNo.andcultivar 1 Trees per acre 38. P. Xcanadensis 39. P. Xcanadensis mixture- 40. Do-.- 41. Do..---■ 42. Do.— ■ No. 32 140 121 101 101 Age Average d. b. h. Yrs. 60 17 18 28 38 Average height Stand I Average j volume annual i per incre- Age acre iment per! acre Volume removed per acre 13.0 11.8 16.5 18.1 89 85 95 102 Cu.ft. 11,432 4.301 3,044 4.930 6.202 Cu.ft. 191 253 | 169 176 163 Yrs. (') (') (') 0 ) Cu.ft. Total Volume Average annual incre¬ ment per acre -- Cu.ft. 11.432 543 4,844 (I) +3,044 (1) +4.930 4,001 ! 10.203 Cu.ft. 191 285 + 169 +176 268 FRANCE 43. 44. ‘ 45. ' 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 61. 52. 53. P. ‘Virginiana’ ‘Robusta’.- ‘Serotina de Champagne’ ‘Regenerata’, * Robusta’. 1 Virginiana’... Do_ ‘Robusta’.-- Do_ Italica’ mixture Do_ Regenerata’, ‘Robusta’- 14.6 75 i 82 2,572 4,373 .... 2,572 198 83 13 4,373 219 83 20 18.5 612 44 49 612 83 | 14 8.3 "" .... 1.629 68 66 1,629 2.815 8,088 3.544 j 3.044 4.501 87 24 11.8 2,815 100 42 28 19.3 98 8.088 180 75 45 22.0 126 .... 3.544 177 81 20 14.6 105 3.044 109 253 18 9.0 70 ._ 4,501 180 25 _ 4 <«87 204 269 20 1 11.0 59 4,087 204 ,- 3,144 .. 3,144 157 112 20 13.8 75 | 1 SWITZERLAND 54 p. Xcanadensis mixture- 55 9.289 169 0) (') +9.289 +169 ITALY 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. P. ‘1-214’_ Do... Dc---- Do_ Mixture of clones. ‘1-214’- * M onilifera’ mix¬ ture— M ixture of clones 1 50 770 i 70 154 115 ' 5 8.0 69 198 486 69 115 7 6.0 53 1,386 4,930 6,859 1,128 . 1 1.386 198 115 7 10.0 59 _' 4,930 448 115 1 15.0 98 112 429 188 6.859 429 130 16 16.0 1,128 188 128 6 8.0 65 3.087 343 3,087 7,174 162 9 9.0 98 422 7,174 422 115 17 17.7 108 r i i 63. Unnamed. 253 64 Mixture of clones. 162 or volume removed. • Volume estimates based on 40 trees P« acre b . h. and 79 feet in height. - - - - 6 Volume estimate based on 40 trees per acre. PRODUCTION OP POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 95 Table 3.-Summary of popl ar growth by cultivar and country Item Cultivar: ‘Marilandica’_ ‘Regenerata’_ ‘Virginiana’_ ‘Robusta’_ Unnamed_ P. Xcanadensis _ ‘Regenerata Harff’. T-214’_ Mixed plantings-,. Country: The Netherlands.,. France_ Belgium_ Switzerland_ Germany_ Italy_ Spain_ Cases Annual increment per acre 1 Minimum Average Maximum No. 6 5 3 15 9 5 3 5 13 4 11 3 1 37 8 2 Cu. ft. +89 105 100 69 67 90 187 69 68 +89 44 +134 67 69 203 Cu. ft. + 111 +137 159 +182 +176 175 191 211 +236 + 104 154 + 162 169 +171 281 288 Cu. ft. 160 193 198 286 374 218 195 448 429 119 219 193 329 448 374 1 Based on the annual increments listed in table 2. S+.+.CS KS fcrssffi s Soil: Very best_ Good and deep_ Good but shallow (average). Rotation (years) 25 25 30 Total yield per acre (cu. ft.) 6, 300 4, 650 1, 860 Average annual increment per acre (cu. ft.) 252 186 62 ^Mh fi Kt?ras n iStedTteW B e n 3 •tart the e 252 e c r ubfc feet"? “ zil n z n :z on ^ very best the tnhll it ? d the maximum for the 11 plantations listed in e table. It is not so high as the maximum for Germany. Comparisons of site, culture, spacing, and age or owners. Enough intema«o7faTS :ases as good and 7 cases as poor (table classing 38 feet per 6 established on sites with a forest floor, were compared . _ _ IT t- nrPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 9() HANDBOOK loO, U. S. Dl-PAR Alt-A 1 cultivation (tao ) • ctatisticallv significant. 82 tinri of the plantings is given in the appendix, p. 1 ,J - F?t matton of productivity of row plantings on a per-acre basis is fm“alf therefore volume and av^age annual increment have been estimated on the basis of 100 feet of Table 5 .—Productivity of European poplar in row plantings , j _1 o ton diameter) Case No. and cultivar Spac¬ ing 65. P. ‘Heidemij'.. 66A. ‘Serotina’- 66B. Do_- 66C. Unnamed- 67. ‘Robusta’- 68. Do.... 69. Do- 70. J Do. 1 .. [P. alba - 71. ‘Robusta’... 72. Do.. .--- 73. Do- 74. Do- 75 . ‘Serotina’- 76. Do- 77 . Unnamed— 78. Do- 79. Do- 80. Mixture of clones _ 81. ‘Serotina’- 82. ‘Robusta’- 83. Do- 84. ‘Regenerata’. 85. ‘Serotina’ 2 - Age Ft. 15 7 7 7 16 21 13 33 33 20 26 23 20 20 21 23 33 49 28 13 25 25 25 2 16 * 16 Yts. 35 15 16 17 13 13 15 18 18 18 18 19 20 20 22 23 38 60 23 19 29 28 28 27 27 Average tree 100 feet of row Diameter breast high Height Volume Average annual incre¬ ment | Trees Volume Annual incre¬ ment Ft. Cu.ft. No. Cu.ft. Cu.ft. 31.5 90 171 4.9 6.7 1.146 32. 7 11.8 66 19 1.3 14.3 272 18.1 12.0 69 20 1.3 14.3 286 17.9 16.1 75 38 2.2 14.3 543 31 9 12.6 66 21 1.6 6.3 132 10.2 13.4 11.0 18.5 11.4 15.0 17.3 13.1 15.4 15.7 17.7 18.5 26.0 43.2 22.0 17.7 25.2 21.3 23.2 14.6 15.7 69 ! 69 79 66 82 I 75 j 77 79 75 75 100 100 131 82 79 110 90 90 82 82 24 17 52 , 18 35 44 24 36 36 46 63 122 426 75 47 127 74 89 34 38 1.8 1.1 2.9 1.0 1.9 2.4 1.3 1.8 1.8 2.1 2.7 3.2 7.1 3.3 2.5 4.4 2.6 3.2 1.3 1.4 4.8 7.7 3.0 3.0 5.0! 3.8 4.3 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.3 3.0 2.0 3.6 7.7 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.3 6.3 115 131 156 54 175 167 ' 103 180 180 221 271 366 852 270 362 508 290 356 214 239 8.8 8.7 8.7 3.0 9.7 9.3 5.4 9.0 9.0 10.0 11.8 9.6 14.2 11.7 19.1 17.5 10.6 12.7 7.9 8 9 the text. 2 4-row planting, rows 20 feet apart. 3 Trees in inside rows. t Trees in outside rows. Average, minimum, and maximum yields These data should be used only for empirical comparisons. They are too meager to warrant rigorous statistical analysis The average annual increment for all cases iso per 100-foot row, and the average age is 22.5 jeais. this PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 99 Figurjt 98 tj , Ned. Heidemij. (Arnhem) photo The crooked ‘f/thN^fu in . \ h , e Netherlands. The Netherlands is rfadf'a^d'tS "“ Ch ‘ imbe1 ' “ 100 HANDBOOK I5Q u. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICIL1LRE 1 1 .~ " Jl "* ' »' irirn "' ' Ll ~ r 1 - j 1 — 1,11111 photo by G. Hoctzagers FIGURE 29.—Roadside pianting of Popute coppice % the Paraph - average total wfi & Maximum productivity (case 65) is V c mately 13 cords) per 100-foot row m 3o yea . Comparisons of cultivar, age, and spacing Cases Increment Cultivar: <~> <“•« ‘Robusta’- 1® ^ Mixed clones- 1 ‘Regenerata’- * ' ‘Serotina’-.. 7 * A 4 16 . 9 Unnamed- ‘Heidemij’- 1 PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE ]Q] Table 6 ' —Productivity of aspen stands on good sites in Sweden Type of stand 33- and 34-year-old stands of aspen and— Spruce_ Spruce, birch, alder, ash_ 43- and 44-year-old stands of aspen and— Spruce___ Spruce, birch, alder, ash. 51- and 52-year-old stands of aspen and— Spruce_ Spruce, birch, alder, ash_ Stands No. 2 2 Average annual increment of aspen per acre Trees per acre i Basal area per acre 1 Aspen Asso- | dates J Total Aspen Asso¬ ciates Total Cu. ft. No. No. No. % ft. | Sq.ft. Sq.ft. 75 2,660 1,582 4,242 92 31 123 56 2, 725 542 3,267 76 12 88 91 1, 734 877 2,611 106 9 115 69 1,600 220 1,820 79 7 86 101 1,213 3,315 4.528 106 22 128 71 1,025 1,870 2,895 72 18 90 intermediate cuttings. Trees lost through natural mortality U'nM IndudS 03 P ' US rem ° Ved ” Age .—The average productivity per 100-foot row for each of four age groups is as follows: Average age (yrs.): 16.51 (13-19)j 24.7] (22-29) J 36.51 (35-38)J 60. Cases (no.) 11 9 2 1 Average annual Increment Total volume ( cu.ft.) 13. 4 10. 9 21. 2 14. 2 (cu.ft.) 221 269 774 852 Spacing.—The average annual increments per 100-foot row for three spacing classes are as follows: Average spacing (ft.) 12 j (7-16) / - 231 (20-28)J 38l (33-49)1 Cases Increment (no.) (cu.ft.) 8 12 3 17. 5 10. 5 10 . 8 . ,t h ® d - b - h - height, and volume data for the average tree do not indicate any trend toward reduction in growth rate due to the per TooToot ro ^ theSe row . Plantings. The larger number of trees Sd oflhe 7 ff igfT 7 • reSpo ™ ible for the hi S h er average fog lalui to 16-foot spacings. The effect of close spacing on an elrhefsTtfon ’ elm ’ eCCentnc *«>wth—has been discussed in 102 HANDBOOK 150 , XJ. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Native Aspen in Scandinavia averages for aspen at 50 yeais of age. Site class I: Total production-2,860 cu. ft./acre (57 cu. ft ;/“JJ /yeBr) ; Site class II: Total production—2,144 cu. it./aci S3 KS vStti. Z IK'S?.-... sistently higher yields of f^’a^She p^dfcatd rSete" in st?nd density, spe- Ci D«t 1 TetweeTstands of similar ages in the number of aspens^per acre are hardly- yields and larger basal aieas i V ass0 ciated species are number of trees and the basa al c ^, ; ch-alder-ash association, consistently lower in the aspen-sp ,. ^ attributing the There is, therefore, little or no alder, poorer growth of aspen in associatio gize 0 f the as- and ash to unfavorable stand c ensi > o species com- SSiSSilKtiSSi - ».* -«- ash—is responsible for the lower aspen yields. Significance for the United States Aigeiros poplars-There is no sive management we can obtam and perhaps «e s T jlar cli . present European yields of Aigeirosi popia‘ require such matie and site conditions We hav^one^of 1 the'most ^.y 0 ^uc^joe^t^hral ^ a * aas ^g^United States iX“?o«{f Mexico. wt i have u nder test many hybrids potentially as productive as any in Euiope. 87 pp., illus. Oslo. 1942. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 103 s=£SSEwS SfSH i:£S s sttxs at 2 ‘o“s sS SedSS.rsTocSnaur,:;”! yi f dS Per b^est sippi Delta region :>t Stands ° n good Sltes in the Missis- At 5 years: 6 cords (approximately 540 cubic feet) (108 cubic feet/acre/ At 10 years: ^approximately 2,160 cubic feet) (216 cubic feet/ At 15 years: SOjords^tapproximately 4,500 cubic feet) ,300 cubic feet/ m “ularly ^LZToZL^TLZT^ crease 6 th^^roductivity^f^thfs^pe^^ grow ^’ W0 ^ I( ^ further in- And the fact A 4^2?^ £s==sk^*H ££5 earlier sections. They would require at least lTtoT^ mentl01 l ed in “astern w u n °w under countrywide test by the North- for 5 nfT 111 ? Stati ° n - These were originally ondition^T^e^^row^^f^th^bpT 1 ^ 6 !) ^climatic and I 1928"n wester Mafne^ustt _Prediction of a minimum total yield of 40 cords (3,600 *f- Bui a 24,°62 tX C s 0tt T^ d in tke Mississi PPi Valley. U. S. Dept. Oss. Agr H Expt’. Sta. B™ fflS** 1943™™°°** on bott °™ lands. 104 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE acr^per^year.^wHh^^s^nabl^gwd^P^it^ion^mana^ment^on suitable upland soils. coils the yield could be =7comparable to the best growth duetivity of our quaking aspen (P. tremuloides) isful^as good showifthatat ^“yaara^i^^od sit^ 'aVi^d of 47^^n^naged «SSSSr» S^eU^bow looTblc feet per lore in less than a 50-year ro- the native species. . Thorp is nracticallv no experimen- p^iSsSs poplars have survived for P e ™^ s “V^/^tapartThese pop- %tr 0 rr n ^ E«vSvM Vb 7 h and provide answers to this Pioblem J Sia-piros species and hybrids, mendations for the management of Aigeiios species aim j fSKSiS K %£ &r£ States. Large-diameter, knot-free, big q • ber tree that can use and reliable markets. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 105 . 9 n basis of present utilization, covered in the next section, it is safe to pi edict that in areas where an adequate supply can be maintained, the demand for poplar logs will keep pace with greatly expanded production. The problem of marketing small local production has been discussed in the introduction. The establishment of hybrid poplar plantations and their man¬ agement for maximum quantity and quality production will re¬ quire a somewhat higher investment than plantations of biologi¬ cally less exacting timber species. But the yields on relatively short rotations will be sufficiently high to warrant the expectation ot profitable dividends on the added investment. For industrial and nonfarmer ownerships, poplar production will necessitate a cash investment that will require the maximum use of mechanical equipment to reduce to a minimum the use of hand labor. For the farmer, the investment in poplar production will usually represent the use of machinery available on the farm his own supervision and labor, and the labor of his regular farm¬ hands. This will seldom interfere with agricultural activities be¬ cause most of the work with poplars can be handled as off-season jobs. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WOOD The anatomical characteristics of some species of poplar are sufficiently distinct for reasonably accurate identification, but the wood of individual Aigeiros hybrids cannot be identified by this means. Yet there is evidence of differences among the wood of the various cultivars in their use requirements, the qualities and prop¬ el ties impoitant for their conversion and use for veneer lumber pulp and particularly for specialty products. These differences are due both to inherent variations and to the effect of environ¬ mental conditions under which the trees were grown. Trees of the same cultivar are reliably reported' to have dif¬ ferent wood qualities, depending on the rate of growth, spacing and possibly other environmental conditions. Research is under way m several European laboratories to evaluate the technical qualities and properties of the cultivars in common use These studies are complicated by the fact that the same cultivar name may be applied to several clones, by the complex nature of some wood qualities, and by the effect of environmental factors that cannot be accurately measured and correlated with wood quality ihe following characteristics and qualities apply, in general to the wood of the poplars grown in Europe. The wood is light in weight, light-colored—unless heartwood stain is present, free of resins, usually straight grained, and normally uniform in texture and workability because there is little difference between sapwood and heartwood and between spring and summer wood. In compari¬ son with many other timber species it is a low-strength wood, but its toughness and strength properties are relatively high in nro- portion to its light weight. Poplar holds nails and screws well, and its resistance to split¬ ting by nails makes it a good box wood. It can be glued readily 106 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE except where tension wood ° f “l,h wdl Tt ISMSW a Spanish report states fhat he woodft PopaL alba "supplies good building: ma- Srial” but is not "valued tor packing because it imparts to the g00 ptla teasily dented) ; it does not splinter and H b Thfsrpw d oodTs n pre g ferred to* heartwood for many uses. For this lands. Utilization in Europe Thp uses of poplar wood in Europe are manifold. Although log i for Hiffprent uses vary from country to countij, wood as small as 1.5 inches, minimum Imete/in northern Europe is seldom under 8 inches. 7.5 inches: Matchwood. haskets etc 10.0 inches: Lowest grade veneer, foi chip baskets, etc. 15.7 inches: Rotary veneer. 19.0 inches: Highest grade sliced veneer. s££SS ssSSSSSSSS tories buy poplar in tree lengths. Specialty uses ^HS enware such as ladles, wooden spoons, and bowls. It is also used, ^Large'quantities^re^sed for boxes and y^ta®^ knuls ami crusfotiteUghTness'the rdattvelyWghltrength in comparison PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 107 to its weight, and its nailing quality. In Germany it is preferred for crating large mirror glass. It is in demand for tubs, pails, and barrels to be used as food containers because of its lack of odor and resins. Since the wood does not splinter it has been used as a safety measure for trim in railway cars. Because of its light weight and freedom from splintering it is used for wagon con¬ struction, for the bottom of truck bodies, and for the manufacture ot vaiious types of handcarts and wheelbarrows. Poplar is used in all countries for the manufacture of furniture particularly for interior members. The Forest Research Institute m Spam has produced some excellent samples of molded furniture trom poplar veneer. Because of its softness and even texture, poplar is frequently used for drawing boards; and it is preferred for carving and toys. . • alba is used by at least one manufacturer in France for draft¬ ing instruments. In recent years compressed-board products have been made nom poplar The compression of the wood raises the strength quality but also increases the density. Veneers Poplar is used in all countries for the production of both rotary and sliced veneer It is veneered cold, without steaming or soak¬ ing, up to 6 months after cutting—and sometimes longer. Rotarv veneer is used in the manufacture of matches (fig. 30), match boxes, fabricated plywood doors, plywood sheets for building pur¬ poses, cigar boxes, boxes for various packaging purposes, chip baskets, and woven baskets. It is used in Germany for storage- battery separators because of its freedom from chemical contami- nants. Some manufacturers of veneer baskets and boxes saw out short planks clear of knots to the width and length of the required ve- pbf 1 P tw S ' Thes ® b| ocks are then sliced on a guillotine-type ma¬ chine that can cut through as much as 12 inches of poplar plank. veneer SketS ° r ^° Xes are made immediately, without seasoning the Sliced veneer is used to a considerable extent as a face veneer premium Drit fnr 7 £° plar -’ C £" ed Maser Pappel - commands a premium pi ice 101 such use m Germany. The presence of tension wood in poplar will make it unsuitable oi veneer production. Tension wood causes warping and buck¬ ling of veneer; and it produces rough fuzzy surfaces when the wood is machined. Such surfaces are extremely difficult to work and are reported to require 60 percent more glue. The causes of tension wood are not definitely known but it is & usually correlated feci ^on thP^tP a™? ’ and possibIy with the mechanical ef- fects th^ h ml fL 00d sway . mg by wind. Other important de- W that , make th f wo °d unsuitable for veneer use are insect and eSmic bShinf ?e J n ° tS ’ nurae ,T ous sma " knots produced by epicoimic branching, and, occasionally, spiral grain. 108 HANDBOOK 150, U. S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Lumber The wood of the "-^0^^ bSC’eSSte^ STwMt f X J«* * Tf ranee te bS?dTng conduction because the wood - it is subject to serious warping and twist: ng Tuning, and —d° lumber to tbe " — ^ l», manufacture^but Ki^more ddcult to work than green wood. Pulp logs leaves only a sma p writing paper ^rmatdedcTto ^Srlntoj* '™~ d d cTemicS put. A mill inlhe PoTalley, byttie author, was making PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 109 F-482570 Figure 31. Members of the International Poplar Commission inspecting poplar lumber in the yard of a sawmill near Granada, Spain All the lumber m this yard is poplar. newsprint reported to be 50 percent unbleached poplar ground- wood, 20 percent spruce groundwood, and 30 percent spruce sul¬ fite; they also made a supercalendered sheet described as 70 per¬ cent bleached poplar groundwood and 30 percent spruce sulfite. A mill in southern Italy was using a furnish of 75 percent poplar groundwood and 25 percent coniferous chemical pulp. Utilization in the United States Our native poplars are utilized for the same purposes as the Euiopean poplars, with relatively few exceptions. Cottonwood lumber has been used in the upper Mississippi basin since pioneer days; and where it reaches its best development it has been an im¬ portant veneer species for a long time. Records show that the ex¬ cellent cottonwoods along the Hoosic River in northwestern Mas¬ sachusetts and southwestern Vermont brought premium prices 100 years ago. On the other hand, until very recently our native aspen was generally considered a weed tree, suitable only for limited pulp- wood use. During the war years, this situation changed in the Lake States region. Since 1947 the Lake States Forest Experiment Station has published 22 reports by 9 cooperating agencies on the availability and supply, properties and uses, and management of aspen. In recent years the use of poplar, with the exception of pulp- wood in certain regions, has been increasing as rapidly as the sup- 4716 . 32 0 —59 -8 110 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ply and log quality would permit. The most profitable future in¬ crease may be expected in the demand for high-quality logs for the veneer and lumber industries. Utilization of poplar will surely keep pace with even the most optimistic predictable increase in the production of high-quality logs. Steady and reliable log markets will be available only "heie there is an assured supply of good poplar timber. Intensne man¬ agement of native cottonwood and aspen can assure such su PP“ es in some regions. But intensive culture of thoroughly tested hy¬ brid clones will eventually provide the most profitable, constant, and uniformly high-quality timber supply. Although hybrid-poplar culture in the United States is still in the experimental stage, European utilization provides complete assurance that properly selected and tested hybrids v ill meet, and possibly surpass, the use requirement of our native species. Pulp and paper All species of poplar are easily pulped by the standard chemical or mechanical methods, and they are also suitable for mechanical defiberizing processes. Poplar is used m high-grade papei* (book, tissue, and specialities), and also for fiberboard, wallboard, and impregnated building board or telt. . The chemical pulp yield from poplar wood is lower, on a weight- per-cord basis, than the yield from the heavier hardwoods. During the past 25 years, most pulp mills in regions that have abundant native hardwood species have changed, in part or entirely, to the utilization of these heavier species. Poplar is still m demand in regions like the Lake States where there is a high concentration ol paper and pulp industries. Increased utilization ot the shoit-fi- bered woods for groundwood and chemigroundwood pulp may bring poplar into increasing competition with the heavier hard¬ woods. Veneer Among veneer woods, cottonwood ranked seventh on a national basis in 1944. As a core stock for doors, building panels, and tur- niture, poplar is competing successfully with other native species such as yellow-poplar (Liriodendron tuhpifera L.). Large vol- umes of poplar veneer are used for food containers such as cheese boxes, egg cases, fruit and berry boxes, and soft drink and Jeer cases. The use of poplar for veneer is presently limited by the sup¬ ply of veneer-quality logs. Boxes and crating The use of poplar lumber and veneer for shipping containers of all sorts was greatly expanded during the war, when its adaptabi- ity for such utilization was adequately tested. Since the vai it has gained steadily in preference over other box woods for many uses. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 111 Lumber Poplar lumber is used locally in building construction for raft¬ ers stringers, studding, sheathing, shiplap, flooring, and interior moldings and trim. . Its use as lumber has been limited by spotty supply of logs of suitable size and quality, poor manufacture and seasoning by small mills, lack of standard grading rules, and rela¬ tively little effort to expand the market. Furniture and specialty uses Poplar is used for painted furniture, furniture shelving, backs drawer ends and bottoms, and dust separators. Specialty uses in the United States include excelsior, turnery products, toys and novelties, and wagon-box boards. Farm uses Home-grown poplar has been used in the construction and re¬ pair of dwellings, barns, and other farm buildings. A Massachu¬ setts apple grower obtained several years’ supply of excellent ap¬ ple-box lumber from a few large hybrid poplars originally planted as shade trees. Poplar wood is too susceptible to decay to be used 01 fence posts unless treated with a preservative; pressure- treated aspen posts in test plots were in good condition after more plankin/ 6arS ' Creosoted as P en has also given good wear as bridge APPENDIX Identification and Naming of Poplars The genus Populus is divided into 5 generally accepted sections, only 3 of which are of importance in European poplar culture. Aigeiros poplars (Section Aigeiros Duby; spelled also include the cottonwoods and black poplars. Leuce poplars (Section Populus; known commonly as Section Leuce Du by , 'arethe whi e nonlars and aspens. The use of Tacamahaca poplars, also called balsam poplars (Section Tacamahaca Spach) has been very lim- lte Taxonomic studies of the European poplars were neither con¬ templated nor attempted in connection with these investigations. Th?native poplar species of Europe are reasonably well defined, but it will be very difficult to establish the validity of natural \a- deties^f l popuL y nigra L. and P albah. becausei of — natural hybridization and probable mtrogression within the . “Turop^nlo^ StarT^th^Wion of aspen in the Scandinavian countries, is based on the use of clones «°”omic importance stems primarily from thepossibihtyofmamtamg hybrid vigor and other superior qualities of a single mdmauai through vegetative propagation. This exclusive use of clones is unique in the practice of timber and cellulose Production Although the term clone is now in general use it is still neces sary to stress its significance as Stout did in 19^J. thi? rank tW “no!“S? and ,o bito« on then, scientific nantes that ignore the horticultural status of the clone. Tn the same paper Stout also proposed that the word ramet (from the Latin ramus meaning branch) be used for a member (an 1 - vid»al“oT't“e clone" To indicate ‘he original seeding ptent from which the clone is derived he sugges ed tl at h^ o l , (from the Latin ortus, meaning origin) may be used, tnese teims al ' e in US th d e poplS regions of Europe, particularly in France. Ger- snss »ws*?s the generic name without citation 0 * n ““f" of whit p poplars and aspens as the type species of this genus, the „ the common name Leuce should be called Populus section Populus ._ However, tne co poplars, long in international usage, can be reta Card. Jour. 30: 25-37. « Stout, A. B. The clone in plant life. N. Y. not. uaia. a 1929. 112 PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 113 never be accurately determined because closely related clones may be practically identical in their taxonomic characters. Differences in physiological characteristics often appear only under special conditions such as unusual climate, disease epidemics, or insect infestations. Growth rate of individual trees in the same planting can seldom be used as a distinguishing physiological characteristic because of the effect of local soil variability. The International Poplar Commission apparently recognized the impossibility of distinguishing many closely related clones when it originally proposed to name the cultivated poplars with a binomial followed by a “forma” name. Later, at its 8th session in Madrid (1955) the Commission adopted, for naming the cultivated poplars, the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants. 20 Under this code the “forma” is replaced by the category “cultivar” (abbreviated cv.) or the restrictive category “clone” (abbreviated cl.). Since a cultivar name may include any number of clones that aie taxonomically similar, the use of cultivar names will not solve the very practical problem of separating taxonomically similar poplar clones that are physiologically different. This can be accom¬ plished only by the selection of single trees as ortets for vegeta¬ tive propagation, and the distribution of all ramets from a single ortet under strictly controlled clone numbers or names. It is prac¬ tically impossible to establish the clonal identity of taxonomically indistinguishable poplars without proof of their origin from the same ortet. Thousands of ortets are being selected for clonal tests by Euro¬ pean foresters, nurserymen, farmers, and landowners; and in most cases the selectors maintain the clonal identity of their ramets. Since the ortets are often plantation trees it is to be ex¬ pected that within a locality, and even in different countries, ge- netically identical clones are being propagated and tested under different clonal designations. Such duplication is unavoidable but will not lead to serious difficulties in research or practice. Yet too laige a minority of poplar selectors are still propagating mixtures of ramets from two or more ortets that are taxonomically indis¬ tinguishable. These mixtures may be given new names, or they may be included under an older cultivar name if they fit the gen¬ eral description. In either case this can lead only to further con¬ fusion in practice and research. The International Poplar Commission, in its 1955 session, in¬ structed the Committee on Nomenclature and Registration of Pop¬ lar Names to begin work on an International Register of cultivar names in accordance with the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants. In 1957, at the 9th session in Paris, the Commission accepted the proposal that the following names, ac¬ companied by the corresponding description card and under the numbers indicated below, be entered in the special register that . William T., ed. International code of nomenclature for cultivated plants. 29 pp. Royal Horticultural Society, London. 1953. JF Common Carolin Common 114 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICLLTURE will be opened at the Secretariat of the International Poplar Com¬ mission : 57/I_ Populus X euramericana ‘serotina d’Exaerde . Com¬ mon name: Poplar “Bleu d Exaerde . ^ 57/2—Populus x euramericana ‘serotina de Selys . name: de Selys poplar. . 57/3_ Populus X euramericana ‘serotina. Common name. Swiss poplar. . , 57/4_ Populus xeuramericana ‘serotina de Champagne . 57/5_ Populus X euramericana ‘serotina du Poitou . Common name: White Poitou Poplar. ? 57/6— Populus deltoides ‘angulata de Chautagne . 57/7— Populus deltoides ‘carolin’. Common name: poplar. _ . ., 57/g_ populus deltoides ‘virginiana de Frigmcourt. name: Virginia poplar. ; 57/9— Populus X euramerieana ‘robusta . 57/10— Populus xeuramericana ‘ 1 - 154 ’. 57/11— Populus xeuramericana ‘ 1-214 . 57/12— Populus xeuramericana ‘ 1 - 262 ’. 57/13— Populus xeuramericana ‘ 1 - 455 ’. Selection of poplars in the United States has already resulted in the description and naming of "t/asta d “ zen /‘ t ;'f v ' el . s this number may be greatly increased within the next few jeais. To avoid confusion, such names and descriptions sh^ to the revised International Code of Nomenclatuie Plants published in 1958. 21 Because the 19 o 3 Code was prepaied primarily for horticulture, a revision more applicable to cultnate Diants in general was needed. The revision was made b\ an Inter¬ national Commission composed of horticulturists, agronomi s, and foresters. Poplar Names Used in This Report Botanical names The botanical names of the poplar species used in this report follow Little 22 for the United States and Rehder - foi otheis. 21 International Commission for the Nomenclature of Cultivated Plants International code of nomenclature for cultivated plants. 28 pp., rev. Utiecn ^Little Elbert L., Jr. Check list of native and naturalized trees of the United States (including Alaska). U. S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Handb. 41, 4,2 PP - Rehder, Alfred. Manual of cultivated trees and shrubs hardy in North America^ £ 996 pp. ^al^reel^nk shrubs hardy in pooler perate regions of the northern hemisphere. 825 pp. Jamaica Plain, - 1949. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 115 American and most European taxonomists accept the validity of Populus X canadensis Moench (P. cleltoides X nigra). 24 Euro¬ pean poplar experts have objected to this name as being a source of confusion and the International Poplar Commission has officially accepted Populus X euramericana (Dode) Guinier, 25 published in 19 50, 20 as the collective name for hybrids of P. deltoides X nigra. According to Rehder, 27 Moench’s Populus canadensis is appar¬ ently the oldest name for the hybrid between P. nigra and P. del¬ toides, and his description, though meagre, is adequate. G. Houtzagers, 28 commenting on the use of the name Populus X canadensis Moench, was of the opinion that it is taxonomically and genetically incorrect to name all new forms of P. deltoides x nigra, or of their hybrids, as varieties of P. x canadensis Moench, but agreed if “varietas” were changed to “forma” the name P. xcanadensis Moench forma serotina, forma regenerata etc. would be in accordance with the International Rules of Bo¬ tanical Nomenclature. Nevertheless, he suggested that the name P. Xcanadensis be rejected because it has been used erroneously by various authors. Under the present International Code (Arts. H.l and H.5) a collective Latin binomial includes the hybrids of all generations, including backcrosses. It is not genetically incorrect to use such a collective hybrid name, provided its collective significance is clearly understood. Although a name may be rejected if it is used in different senses and so has become a long-persistent source of error, rejection of the name P. Xcanadensis Moench would re¬ quire acceptance of the next oldest name, perhaps the name P. Xserotina Hartig. The Netherlands taxonomist, B. K. Boom, has presented the soundest evidence for maintaining the name P. Xcanadensis Moench. 29 In 1956, Boom visited the park and the Natural History Museum at Kassel to search for some of Moench’s original mate¬ rial. He reported that the original trees are no longer in existence and that Moench’s herbarium was destroyed during World War II. However, he did find an old xylothec with leaves and fruit, and sufficient documentation to state: “Therefore I am convinced that we may safely accept the contents of box 188 of Schildbach’s Moench, Konrad. Verzeichnis ausldndischer biiume und strduche des lustschlosses weissenstein bei cassel. 144 pp. [p. 81.] Frankfort and Leipsig. 1785. Report of the Standing Executive Committee on the application to the genus Populus of the rules laid down in the International Code of Nomen- clature for Cultivated Plants. UN FAO, Internatl. Poplar Comn., 8th Sess. (Madrid), 13 pp. 1955. (Mimeog.) “UN FAO Internatl. Poplar Comn. Rpt., 4th Sess., p. 16; Geneva, 1950. •‘ Rehder, Alfred. New species, varieties, and combinations from the her¬ barium and the collections of the Arnold Arboretum. Arnold Arboretum Jour. 4 (2):111. 1923. Houtzagers, G. Het geslacht Populus in verband met zijn beteekenis voor de houtteelt. 266 pp. Wageningen, The Netherlands. 1937. Boom, B. K. Populus canadensis Moench versus Populus euramericana huinier. Acta Bot. Neerlandica 6: 54-57. 1957. 11G HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT 01- AGRIHLII lil. xylothec as neotype of P. canadensis ; Moench Which clone it pre¬ sents is not absolutely certain, but the leafshape and the female character suggests that it may be cv. ‘regenerata . Cultivar names The poplar names used in this report conform to the Interna¬ tional Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants and accord¬ ingly have been placed in single quotation marks. For the sake ol brevity, the cultivar names directly follow the generic name, as permitted by the code. . , . Table 7 lists the briefed cultivar names as they appear ln this report, the full name in accordance with the International Code ot Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants, and the names most com¬ monly used in the poplar literature. Table 7.— Summary of poplar cultivar names used in this report arrics used in this report Populus ‘AUenstein P. ‘Angulata’— P. ‘Angulata de Chautagne’. P.Xbeiolinensis Dipp. P. ‘Bietigheim’- P. ‘Blanc de Garonne’. P. ‘Blanquillo’-. P. ‘Bolleana’.. P. ‘Bordils'_ P. ‘Brabantiea’. P.Xcanadensis Moench.. P.Xcanescens (Ait.) Sm._ P. ‘Carolin’. P. 'Dromling’- P. ‘Eckhof’-- P.‘Eugenei’.. P. ‘Eugenei Feminine’ P. ‘Eukalyptus’- P. ‘Flachslanden’ — P. ‘Gelrica’— --- P.Xgenerosa Henry. Full name in accordance with the International Code of Nomen¬ clature for Cultivated Plants P.Xcanaaensis ‘AUenstein’.. P. delloides ‘Angulata’- P delloides ‘Angulata de Chau¬ tagne’. P.Xberolinensis Dipp. (=P ■ laur- ifolia X nigra ‘Italiea’). P.Xcanadensis ‘Bietigheim’— P. nigra ‘Blanc de Garronc’. P. nigra ‘Blanquillo’.. P. alba ‘Bolleana’- P. nigra ‘Bordils’-.. P.Xcanadensis ‘Brabantiea’. Names most commonly used in the literature AUenstein P.Xeuramericana ‘AUenstein’ P. delloides angulata P. delloides ‘Angulata de Chau¬ tagne’ X P. berolinensis Bietigheim P.Xeuramericana ‘Bietigheim’ Blanc de Garonne Blanquillo Blanco P. alba bolleana Bordils XP. brabantiea P.Xeuramericana ‘brabantiea’ XP.canadensis P. Xeuramericana (Dode) Guinier P.Xcanadensis Moench (-P. del- toides X nigra) P.Xcanescens (Ait.) Sm. ( = P XPcanescens alba X Iremula ) | P.Xdeltoides ‘Carolin’_ i XP. carohnensis j P. delloides ‘carolin’ P.Xcanadensis ‘Dromlmg’. - Dromling P.Xeuramericana ‘Dromling P Xcanadensis ‘Echof’- , Eckhof P.Xeuramericana ‘Eckhof’ P.Xcanadensis ‘Eugenei’. P. x ca n ade nsis ‘ F.ugen ei Fern in ine ^’ - P.Xcanadensis 'Eukalyptus — P.Xcanadensis ‘Flachslanden’. P.Xcanadensis ‘Gelrica’. P.XGenerosa Henry (=P. tnebo- carpa X angulata) XP. eugenei P.Xeuramericana ‘eugenei’ XP.eugenei feminine P.Xemameiicana ‘engenei femi¬ nine’ Eukalyptus P.Xeuramericana ‘Eukalyptus’ Flachslanden P .Xeurarnericana 'Flachslanden XP. gelrica P.Xeuramericana 'gelrica' XP. generosa PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE ] Summary of poplar cultivar names used in this report —Continued Table 7.— Names used in this report P. ‘Grandis’_ P. ‘Heidemij’_ P. ‘1-28’... P. '1-37_ P. ‘1-65’_ P. ‘1-137’_ P. ‘1-154’_ P. ‘1-214’___ P. ‘1-262’_ P. ‘1-455’_ P. ‘1-477’___ P. ‘1-488’__ P. ‘I-Caroliniano Bianco de Cer- eenasco’ P. ‘Isar’_ P. ‘Italica’_ P. ‘Leipsig’.. P. ‘Lloydii’_ P. ‘Lons’_ P. ‘Mainou’_ P. ‘Manitobensis’. P. ‘Marilanaica’_ P. ‘Monilifera’_ P. ‘Neupotz’_ P. ‘Nigrito’.. P. ‘Poncella’_ P■ ‘Polla Carolina’_ P. ‘Regenerata’. P■ ‘Regenerata Harff’ Full name in accordance with the International Code of Nomen¬ clature for Cultivated Plants P P Xcanadensis ‘Grandis’.._ P.Xcanadensis ‘Heidemij’. P.Xcanadensis ‘1-28’_ P.Xcanadensis '1-37'_ P.Xcanadensis ‘1-65’_ P.Xcanadensis ‘1-137’_ P.Xcanadensis ‘1-154’_ P.Xcanadensis ‘1-214’_ P. Xcanadensis ‘1-262’_ P. Xcanadensis ‘1-455’_ P. Xcanadensis ‘1-477’_ P. Xcanadensis ‘1-488’_ P. Xcanadensis ‘I-Caroiiniano hi- aneo de Cercenasco’ P. Xcanadensis ‘Isar’_ P. nigra ‘Italica’_ P. Xcanadensis ‘Leipsig’. P. Xcanadensis ‘Lloydii’_ P. Xcanadensis ‘Lons’_ P. Xcanadensis ‘Mainou’_ P- Xcanadensis ‘Manitobensis’.. P- Xcanadensis ‘Mariiandica’_ P. delloides ‘Monilifera’_ P. Xcanadensis ‘Neupotz’_ P. Xcanadensis ‘Nigrito’.. P. nigra ‘Poncella’__ P. delloides ‘Polla Carolina’_ P. Xcanadensis ‘Regenerata’_ P. Xcanadensis' Regenerata Harff’ Names most commonly used in the literature Grandis P.Xeuramericona ‘Grandis’ P. delloides missouriensis P. delloides ‘missouriensis’ P. ‘Heidemij’ 1-28 P.Xeuramericana ‘I- 28’ 1-37 P.Xeuramericai.a ‘1-37’ I-H5 P.Xeuramencana ‘1-65’ 1-137 P.Xeuramericana ‘I—>37’ 1-154 P.Xeuramericana ‘1-154’ 1-214 P.Xeuramericana ‘1-214’ 1-262 P. Xeuramericana ‘1-262’ 1-455 P. Xeuramericana ‘1-455’ 1-477 P. Xeuramericana ‘1-477’ 1-488 P. Xeuramericana ‘I-48K’ I-Caroliniano bianco de cercenasco P. Xeuramericana ‘I-Caroliniano bianco de cerenasco’ Isar P. Xeuramericana ‘Isar’ P. nigra italica P. nigra ‘italica’ Leipsig P. Xeuramericana ‘Leipsig’ XP. lloydii P. Xeuramericana ‘lloydii’ Lons P. Xeuramericana ‘Lons’ Mainou P. Xeuramericana ‘Mainou’ XP. manitobensis P. Xeuramericana ‘manitobensis’ XP. mariiandica j P. Xeuramericana ‘mariiandica’ P. delloides monilifera P. monilifera Neupotz P. Xeuramericana ‘Neupotz’ Nigrito P. Xeuramericana ‘Nigrito’ Poncella Polla Carolina Carolina XP. regenerata P. Xeuramericana ‘regenerata’ Harff poplar P. Xeuramericana ‘regenerata Harff’ 118 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT 01 AGRICULTURE Table 7 .-Summary of poplar cultivar name* used in this repo rt -Con tinued Full name in accordance with the Nanu* most ~only used Names used in this report | in the literature P. ‘Regcncrata d’Hautervive’ — P. Xcanadensis ‘Regcnerata d’Hautervive’ P. ‘Robusta’. P. ‘Robusta Bachclieri’. P. ‘Robusta Vemirubens’. P. ‘Robusta Zeeland’. p. xcanadensis ‘Robusta’.. P. Xcanadensis ‘Robusta Bachc¬ lieri’ P. Xcanadensis ‘Robusta Vemi¬ rubens’ P. Xcanadensis ‘Robusta Zeeland’ P. ‘Serotina’- P. ‘Serotina de Champagne’..- P. ‘Serotina d’Exaerde’. P. ‘Serotina Erecta’. P. ‘Serotina Keppelse Groene’. P. ‘Serotina du Poitou’.-. P. ‘Serotina de Selys’.-- P. ‘Vert de Garonne’-. P. ‘Virginiana’- P. Virginiana Carolin’- P. ‘Virginiana de Firgnicourt’ P. Xcanadensis ‘Serotina’. P. Xcanadensis ‘Serotina de Cham¬ pagne’ P. xcanadensis ‘Serotina d’Exaerde’ . I P. xcanadensis ‘Serotina Erecta’. P. Xcanadensis ‘Serotina Keppelse Groene’ P. X canadensis ‘ Serotina du Poitou’ P. Xcanadensis ‘Serotina de Selys’. P. nigra ‘Vert de Garonne’.. P. delloides ‘Virginiana’. P. delloides ‘Virginiana Carolin'. P. delloides ‘Virginiana de Frigni- court’ XP d'llaulerrire P. Xeurarnericana ‘regenerata d’Hautervive’ X P rnljusla P. Xeurarnericana ‘robusta’ X P. Pachelieri P. Xeurarnericana ‘Bachclieri’ X P. rerniruhens P. Xeurarnericana ‘robusta vemi¬ rubens’ XP. roljusta Zeeland P. Xeurarnericana *robusta Zee- land’ X P. serotina P. Xeurarnericana ‘serotina’ X P serotina de champagne P. Xeurarnericana ‘serotina de Champagne’ P. Xeurarnericana ‘Serotina d’Exaerde’ XP- serotina erecta P. Xeurarnericana ‘serotina erecta P. Xeurarnericana ‘serotina Kep¬ pelse Groene’ X P. serotina de Poitou P. Xeurarnericana ‘serotina du Poitou’ P. Xeurarnericana ‘Serotina de Selys’ Vert de Garonne P. delloides rirginiana X P rirginiana P. delloides ‘Virginiana Carolin’ X P virginiana carolin P. delloides ‘Virginiana de Frigrn- court’ Insect Names Used in This Report American and European entomologists do not agree on the legitimat^scientific names of all insects The names used in this report are those officially accepted by the entomologists of the United States Department of Agriculture whe' r . esp t ^ ns ^sects insect identification. The following tabulation lists^the * msecte mentioned in this report under names that diffei fiom those used in Europe or in the older American literature. Names used in this report Aegeria apiformis (Cl.) Chalcoides anrata (Marsh.) Chalcoides helxines (L.) Chrysomela populi L. Chrysomela tremulae F. Cryphalus asperatus (Gyll.) Names used in Europe or in the older American literature Sesia apiformis Cl. Crepidodera aurata Marsh. Crepidodera helxines L. Melasoma populi L. Mclasoma tremulae F. Cryphalus binodulus Ratz. PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 119 Names used in this report Dicranura vinula (L.) Gypsonoma acerina Dup. Harmandia loewi (Rubs.) Phratora vulgatissima (L.) Phratora vitellinae (L.) Phratora laticollis Suffr. Phytagromyza populi Kalt. Phytobia carbonaria (Zett.) Sciapteron tabaniformis Rott. Sternochetus lapathi (L.) Names used in Europe or in the older American literature Cerura vinula L. Scmasia acerina Dup. Diplosis tremulae Wtg. Phyllodecta vulgatissima L. Phyllodecta vitellinae L. Phyllodecta cavifrons Thomas Napomyza populi Kalt. Agromyza carbonaria Zett. Sesia tabaniforme Rott. Cryptorhynchus lapathi L. Description of Poplar Stands Listed in Table 2 Cases 1 to 3 —Vicinity of St. Oedenrode, The Netherlands. A rather wet site well drained by many deep ditches. Soil is a heavy feitile loam, pH tested 6.5 to 7.0. Ground covered by grass, weeds and nettles. Case 2 is on a slightly higher site with somewhat more slope than case 3. Original spacing: Case 1, 23 by 28 feet; case 2 23 feet square; case 3, 26 by 30 feet. Case j. Near Neunen, The Netherlands. On deep sandy loam ot excellent texture but probably low in fertility; pH 6 6 This land, originally in oak coppice, was cleared and used several’years foi ci ops befoie the poplars were planted. It has been in grass for many years. Thinned at 27 years. Original spacing: 13 by 30 feet. , 5 :' Vicinity of Mons, Belgium. On deep alluvial silt loam with a high organic content. Summer water table about 2.5 feet. Otten flooded in winter. Grass and poplar management. Thinned at 10 years. Original spacing: 15 feet square. Case 6 .—Near Mons, Belgium, on the same excellent silt loam as case 5. This site has been poorly drained for the last 10 years because of a change in drainage control. Grass and poplar man¬ agement. Thinnings at 10, 11, and 17 years. Original spacing: 13 teet square. Case 7.— Grammont, Belgium. A bottom-land site subject to only occasional overflow and well drained by ditches. The soil is a rather heavy silt loam, with grass and weed cover. At least one thinning. Original spacing: 11 feet, triangular. Cases 8 and 9.— Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Cases 8 and 9 represent two locations in the same stand on an excellent bottom¬ land site. Soil is well drained with a rather high water table The poplars were planted in openings in a 20-year-old beech-oak stand. C° information about the original spacing, stand density, or how the poplars were released. Forest ground cover. Cases 10 to 15 .—Along the river Erft in the vicinity of Greven- broich, Gustorf, and Frimmersdorf, Germany. On excellent bot¬ tom land with considerable local variation in soil. These sandy loams to loamy sands are generally fertile but usually too wet in the spring for agriculture. Under grass and poplar management. Oiigmal spacing: Case 10, 23 feet square; case 11, 26 feet square; case 12, 23 by 26 feet; cases 13 and 14, each 16 by 23 feet; case 15, 23 by 26 feet. 120 HANDBOOK 1-50, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICl LH RE Case 10. —Bottom-land site in the Ems lowlands near Glandorf, Germany, on deep, moist, organic sand with ground water at abou 2 feet Original spacing: 10 feet, triangular. ^ Case 17 .—Near Warendorf, Germany. On deep humus-poor sand with ground water at 6.5 to 8.0 feet. Trees fertilized at the time of planting. Original spacing: 20 feet, tnanguar Cases 18 and 19 .—On strongly loamy sand, so-called Senkel- boden ” near Everwinkel, Germany. Ground water at about _ feet Case 18 includes inside trees only. Border trees averaged 14.0 inches d. b. h. and 79 feet in height. Original spacing. Case 18, 10 by 13 feet; case 19, 16 feet square. Case 20 .—Vicinity of Dingden, Germany. An ^yellent site tha was formerly a pond. Light sandy soil, more than 3 feet deep, drained by numerous deep ditches to a larger ditch with eon..tan flowing water. An underplanting of Norway spruce at wide spac¬ ing haf produced a good profit from Christmas tree sales. Original ^Cases 21 and 22 ^-.Lignite district west of Cologne, Germany. Plantations on strip-mine banks, with filler^trees. of white aWer, locust, and maple. The trees were tane of planting. The fill is a mixture of sand and gravel with some claypaitic . but without organic matter. Roots of poplars^ planted on^new mine banks, loose fill, are reported to penetrate ^53 feet deep v,ithin 5 years after planting. Original spacing: Case 21, 8 feet squaie, Ca C«se 25 —Ugnit^dfstrict west of Cologne, Germany, on a strip- mine bank- gravelly sand rich in mineral nutrients, with some clay but no organic material. White alder planted o b\ 5 feet as filler trees! fut at 10 years. Poplars thinned twice. Original SP S : 2 VtL S T 5 r -Ligni te district near Hermulheim and Frechen, Germany, respectively. Plantations on strip-mine banks, loamy sand, somewhat gravelly without organic mattei , pH - ported to be 7.0 to 8.0. Planted the year the banks were completed No fertilizer was used. White alder, spaced 5 by 5 feet as fille I trees- cut at 12 years; one thinning of poplais Case 24A is on a low ten-ace with only 6.5 to 10 feet of fill over the original heav¬ ier soils Case 24B is on a higher terrace that has 16.o to 2o feet of fill. Original spacing: Cases 24A and B, and 25, each 10 feet SqU Case *6 —Vicinity of Wavelinghoven, Germany. On excellent bottom land originally too wet for agriculture because of flooding in the spring. Much of it has been drained through river im¬ provement. Grass under the poplars. Original spacing. -6 b> Case'27 .—This stand near Grevenbroich, Germany, had been cut because of heavy shell damage during the war. An excellen bottom-land site. Original spacing: 16 by 23 feet Q Cases 28 and 29 .—Erft River bottom land Haiff Germany. On excellent sandy silt loam and loess-loam soils high ml^ardwSods interplanted among widely spaced bottom-land hai d * oods Original spacing not known but poplars are said to ha\ e >uffe PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 121 f 1 om the pi essui e of an old stand now cut.” Measurements represent the best trees. Forest ground cover. Case 30. —On upland site near Harff, Germany. Loess-loam soil, water table very deep, annual rainfall 21.7 inches. Heavy losses from rabbits and war damage. Original spacing: 20 by 27 feet. Case 31. Bad Rothenfelde, Germany. On deep organic diluvial sand with weak “banderton” at about 3 feet. Ground water at approximately 2.5 feet. Two thinnings. Original spacing: 16 feet square. Cases 32 to 35. —Rhine valley near Karlsruhe, Germany. Ap¬ proximately 15 inches of clay loam varying to sandy and silty clay over coarse sand and gravel. The moderately heavy to heavy texture of these soils is not favorable for growth of poplars. The pH at 15 to 25 inches is reported to be approximately 7.0. Cases 32 and 33 are sample plots in the same stand, originally inter- planted with 2 rows of ash and 1 row of alder between the poplar rows. First thinning was at 41 years, at least one thinning be¬ tween 41st and 57th year. Case 34 interplanted with ash and alder. Forest ground cover in all cases. Original spacing: Cases 32 and 33, 20 by 39 feet each; cases 34 and 35, unknown. Case 36.— Rhine Valley near Rappenwort, Baden, Germany. On fertile reclaimed bottom-land soil. Mixed hardwood understory; forest ground cover. Original spacing unknown. Case 37. —Rhine Valley near Karlsruhe, Germany. On deep, fertile, silt loam to silty clay loam, subject to overflow; pH 6.0-|~. Filler trees of ash and alder. Forest ground cover. Original spac¬ ing: 26 by 49 feet. Case 38. —Rhine Valley near Neuburgweier, Baden, Germany. On deep, fertile, well-drained silt loam to silty clay loam; pH 6 .5-7.0. Interplanted with Acer pseudoplatanus. Forest ground cover. Original spacing: 26 by 49 feet. Cases 39 to U2. —Bottom land at the juncture of the Danube and Isar Rivers, Bavaria, Germany. Very fertile soils, 6.5 feet or more of silt loam subject to annual overflow; pH reported 5 5 to 6.0. Early culture of the older stands uncertain. In recent years the land has been in grass; the younger stands were es¬ tablished in grass. Original spacing: Cases 39-41, each 11 feet square; case 42, unknown. Cases U3 and 44.—Marne Valley near Perthois, France. On excellent bottom-land soils subject to frequent overflow. Soil is highly fertiie^ deep, silty clay loam; pH 6.0+. Said to be one ot the best soils in this area. P. ‘Virginiana’ (case 42) and ‘Ro- busta (case 43) on adjacent areas. Grass and poplar culture Original spacing: each 23 feet square. Case 45 — On bottom land in the Voire Valley, France. Rather heavy alluvial soil. Hay and pasture under the poplars. Original spacing: 23 feet square. Case 1^6 .—Voire Valley, France. Alluvial bottom land with about 12 to 20 inches of gravel underlain by a compact clay sub¬ soil. Grass and poplar culture. Original spacing: 23 feet square. Case U7 . Voire Valley, France. Bottom land with about 2 122 HANDBOOK 15 0, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTLRE feet of light loamy sand over gravel on a clay subsoil. Organic content high in upper 10 to 12 inches of the soil. Site, 01 lginally in oak coppice, was cropped before it was planted to poplais. Original spacing: 26 by 30 feet. Case 48. —Near Wassy (Blaise \ alley), France. On a_\ei\ deep, alluvial, marly, clay loam subject to overflow. Original spacing unknown. ,. Case 49. —Blaise Valley, France. Bottom land with medium- heavy alluvial soil over clay. Grass under the poplars. Original spacing: 23 feet square. Case 50. —Rhone Valley near Rochemaure, France. On excellent deep silt loam over coarse sand on a terrace well above the river and not subject to overflow; pH above 6.0. Grass ground cover. It is reported that in dry summers the water table could drop to 13 feet. The last 10 years have been dry; 1947 and 1949 reported to have been particularly dry years—70 days of drought in the summer of 1949. Original spacing: 13 feet squaie. Case 51. —Near La Palud, France, m the Rhone Valley. On low wet land adjacent to the river side of the protection dike, boil is a deep, fertile alluvium subject to overflow. Early culture un¬ certain. Original spacing: 10 feet square n _ Case 52. —Rhone Valley near Bourg-St.-Andeol, Fiance. On fertile bottom land subject to overflow. Well-drained silt loam; pH above 6.0. Grass and herbaceous ground cover. Original spac¬ ing : 10 by 16 feet. _ , ,, Case 53. —Garonne Valley near Toulouse, France. On bottom¬ land terrace with light sandy soil, low in fertility, and subject to overflow only at very high flood stage. Summer water table 3 to 6 feet; in dry years considerably deeper. After supporting a previous stand of poplar, the land was used for crops for about 10 vears before it was replanted to poplar. Present stand intei- cropped 4 years after planting, followed by hay and latei giazmg. Original spacing: 20 feet square. , T , . Case 54. —Reclaimed land near Yvonaud, Switzerland. This land was lake bottom and swamp land until reclaimed through con¬ trol of the river Aare. A very fertile sandy loam to silt loam with a high organic content. Early culture not known apparently inter- planted with other bottom-land species including aldei. Foiest ground cover. Original spacing unknown. Cases 55 to 59 .—Po Valley, Casale Monferrato, Italy. On bot¬ tom lands subject to overflow. Early culture with crops 3 oi 4 years, followed by grass and weeds. Soils are variable e\ en in the same plantations. Cases 56 and 57 are in the same planta¬ tion rows where there is a soil gradient from poor loamy sand (case 56) to a fertile silty loam with a good ground cover of nettles (case 57). Original spacing: Cases 55-58 each 11 by 33 feet; case 59, 13 feet, triangular, m double rows 39 feet apait Cases 60 and 61— Po Valley near Isolone, Italy. Excellent fertile alluvial soil subject to overflow. Case 60 is on land pre¬ viously used for poplar, cleared and cropped for 1 year before re¬ planting to poplar, then intercropped and irrigated during the first 3 years after the poplars were planted. Case 61 was intei PRODUCTION OF POPLAR TIMBER IN EUROPE 123 cropped for 4 years after planting, then cultivated for an addi¬ tional 3 years. Original spacing: Case 60, 11 by 30 feet; case 61, 16 feet square. Case 62 .—Po Valley near Piacenza, Italy. On excellent well- drained bottom land subject to overflow. Mixture of about 60 clones selected at Casale Monferrato from open-pollinated seed from selected mother trees. Intercropped during the first 3 or 4 years; now in grass and weeds. Original spacing: 11 by 33 feet. Case 63 .—Albalate del Arzobispo, Spain. One-year-old trees planted on excellent fertile bottom land subject to overflow and previously used for garden crops. Interplanted with Pinus hale- pensis and P. canariensis. Cultivated until plantation was closed. Original spacing: 13 feet square. Case 64 -—Toradera River Valley near Hostalrich, Spain. Plan¬ tation established with unrooted sets. On well-drained loamy sand to sandy loam with a low summer water table. Plantation is still irrigated when necessary with water pumped from the river. Intercropped in the early years followed by light stand of grass cut for fodder. Original spacing: 16 feet square. Description of Row Plantings Listed in Table 5 Case 65 .—Vicinity of Sutphen, The Netherlands, on sandy loam between a paved road and a 3- to 4-foot-deep highway ditch. No information on water table; probably not lower than 4 to 5 feet in summer. Cases 66A-C .—Near Meppen, Germany, on well-drained sandy soil around the border of a pasture that was fertilized at irregular intervals. Water table not lower than 3 feet. The poplars were not fertilized at the time of planting. Cases 67 to 70. —Nos. 67 and 68 are single rows, 69 and 70 are double rows, in the vicinity of Warendorf, Germany. They are all on deep sand deficient in organic matter. The planting stock, 2-year-old trees, was fertilized with 11 pounds of Thomasmehl mixed with the soil in each planting hole. Ground water on sites 67 and 68 was at 6.5 to 8 feet, on sites 69 and 70 at 9.5 to 10 feet. Case 71 .—Trees along an old filled road near Everswinkel, Germany. The soil is a loamy sand with ground water at about 2 feet. Case 72 .—A double row in Holtwick, Germany, on deep sandy loam of good texture and fertility. Considerably better soil than case 73. Case 73. —Holtwick, Germany. Deep loamy sand; ground water at 2 to 2.5 feet. Soil rated as “medium sour”; the poplars have been limed. Cases 74 to 76 .—Vicinity of Glandorf, Germany. On deep moist sand with considerable organic content and ground water at about 2 feet. Rows 75 and 76 established with unrooted sets. Case 75 is a row along a brook bank and is underplanted with alder. Case 77. —Frimmersdorf, Germany, on excellent fertile bottom land subject to overflow. Grass and poplar culture. 124 HANDBOOK 150, U. S. DEPARTMENT OE AGRICULTURE Case 78.— Near Baden-Baden, Germany, on a fertile bottom-land S01 Case Vidnrty*of Karlsruhe, Germany. Fertile overflow land with 2 to 2.5 feet of loam or sandy loam over coarse sand an Ca^ a Jo—VervfertileTottom land subject to frequent overflow at the juncture of the Danube and Isar Rivers, Bavaria, Germany. Same site as cases 39 to 42 Hilaire, France. Fertile Cases 81 and oeine u cn 7 0 - cnhiprt silty clay loam with high organic content; pH 6.0 to 7-0, to occasional overflow. Depth o( water table vanes from 1 to 2.5 fppt never below 3 feet in dry sumnieis. i t Cases 83 and 8b .—Vicinity of Saint-Urbain, France Row plant¬ ings along the Marne canal on excellent bottom-land soil. Gi ass “"“oire Valley, Puellemontier, France Four rows along a low embankment across good bottom land. The lows aie 20 feet apart. RNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1959 Agriculture Handbook No. 151 U. S. Department of Agricultur Contents NUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS _ Protein _ Carbohydrate and Fat _ Vitamins _ FORMULATION AND PREPARATION Formulation _ Specimen Diets _ Mixing _ Processing _ FEED EVALUATION _ Page 3 3 3 5 10 10 11 12 12 12 U. S. Agricultural Research Service. Animal Husbandry Research Division. Broiler feeding. (Washington, U. S. Govt. Print. Off., 1959] 12 p. tables. 27 cm. handbook no. 151) (U. S. Dept, of Agriculture. Agriculture 1. Poultry—Feeding and feeds. (Series) cl. Broilers (Poultry)—Feeding: SF494.U6 U. S. Dept, of Agr. Libr. for Library of Congress 636.5085 Agr 59—5 lAg84Ah no. 151 t Prepared by Animal Husbandry Research Division Agricultural Research Service Washington, D. C. Issued January 1959 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 15 cents Broiler raising is one of agriculture’s most effi- ent enterprises. Rations supplied broilers tould produce a 3-pound bird with good feather- g and pigmentation in 8 to 10 weeks at the least >ssible cost. An efficient conversion job can be »ne only if adequate amounts of the required atenals are supplied in the proper balance. UTRIENT REQUIREMENTS Broiler diets are made up of many nutrients, search has determined the minimum amounts d, in some cases, maximum amounts necessary ’ good It has been found that other *tary materials also are required if the bird is reach a desired weight in the shortest length time and at the lowest feed cost. Still other tenals are included in the ration to improve rket quality. Each of these nutrients and led materials is discussed in the following tions. 6 '.OTEIN ‘rotein is the principal material used by the to build tissue. Starter diets that usually fed the first 6 to 8 weeks should contain at t 22 to 24 percent of protein. The costs of tern ingredients may make it desirable to re- e this range to 17 to 19 percent for finishing die broilers, because the bird’s protein require- ts gradually decline as it grows older. R e - ing the protein level too soon or too much e false economy. Too great a reduction in ein content reduces growth rate and feed iency to a point where the saving in feed cost ore than canceled out. he total quantity of protein in the diet is im- ant but equally important is the quantity of of certain amino acids found in protein, amino acids are the parts that, fitted to- er , form the various kinds of plant and ani- protems. Eleven of these parts are consid- essential ten because they cannot be syn¬ thesized, or manufactured, by the bird, and an eleventh, glycine, because it cannot be synthe¬ sized by the bird in adequate amounts. Two ad¬ ditional amino acids, cystine and tyrosine, can be substituted in part for two that the chick cannot synthesize, methionine and phenylalanine. Re¬ quirements of the eleven essential amino acids are isted in table 1. Most efficient growth occurs when the essential ones are supplied in balanced amounts. Animal protein sources, such as fishmeal, meat scrap, and dried milk, contain adequate quanti¬ ties of the essential amino acids. The most com¬ monly used vegetable proteins, soybean oil meal, and cottonseed meal, are relatively low in cer¬ tain of the essential amino acids. When either of these two meals is used as the sole protein con¬ centrate, the soybean oil meal diet may be defi¬ cient in methionine and the cottonseed meal diet is likely to be inadequate in lysine. Methionine is used as a dietary supplement. Lysine may be available commercially for this purpose. Cotton¬ seed meal is used in broiler diets in combination with soybean oil meal, with animal proteins, or with both. Processing conditions affect the amino acid availability and content of all protein materials. One of the most important of these conditions is heat exposure—both maximum temperatures and duration of heat exposure of the meal during processing. Meals that have not been heated ex¬ cessively during processing usually are the most desirable protein concentrates. CARBOHYDRATE AND FAT Carbohydrate and fat serve primarily as fuel m the body although protein may also be used for this purpose. Excess amounts may be stored as body fat. ( arbohydrate is listed on feed analysis tags un¬ der two headings, nitrogen-free extract and crude fiber. Nitrogen-free extract is made up of starches and sugars that are readily utilized. Crude fiber is a woody material not readily 3 utilized by chickens and should not constitute more than 4 percent of a broiler diet. Principal sources of carbohydrate are the grains and their byproducts. Fat is a concentrated source of energy that supplies approximately 2.25 times as much energy as the same weight of carbohydrate. A certain amount of fat is present in most feedstuffs used in poultry rations. Research has shown that add¬ ing fat as a separate ingredient improves feed efficiency and, in some cases, increases the rate of growth. In addition, it makes feeds less dusty and enhances their appearance, texture, and pay¬ ability. Equipment for mixing liquid fat with dry ingredients has been developed. Chemicals called antioxidants are added to the fat to reduce the likelihood of rancidity. The amount of fat added to commercial broiler diets may range from 1 to 8 percent. In general, the proper amount to add is that which will re suit in the production of a pound of chicken for the least possible cost. This in turn will depend on improvement in growth and feed efficiency re¬ sulting from adding the fat, the price of fat, and the price of other dietary ingredients. Therefore, there is no specific recommended level that will be suitable for all conditions. Table 1. —Essential amino acid requirements for starting chicks 1 Amino acid Require¬ ment 2 Percent of ration 1. 20 . 90 . 15 . 80 . 20 1. 00 1. 60 1. 40 . 60 . 60 . 80 chicks Vitamin Minimum re¬ quirement 1 A 3 _ Per pound of feed 1,200 USP 1 _ 90 ICU « _ D 5 E 7 7-11 IU 8 _ K 7 _ 0.180 mg. -- B-complex: Thiamine_ Riboflavin. Niacin_ Pantothenic acid. Pyridoxine . - - Biotin_ Choline 7 -- -- Folacin_ Vitamin Bi 2 7 -- - 0.800 mg- 1.300 mg. -- 12.000 mg... .. 4.200 mg- 1.300 mg- 0.040 mg- 600.000 mg- 0.250 mg- 0.004 mg- Recommended allowance 2 Per pound of feed 4,400 USP. 400 ICU. 0.9 mg. 2.3 mg. 24.0 mg. 6.4 mg. 1.5 mg. 0.5 mg. 670.0 mg. 0.3 mg. 1 From Nutrient Requirements for Poultry. A Report of the Committee on Animal Nutrition. National Research Council Publication 301. Amounts listed contain no margin of safety and refer to units of pure vitamin. Amount of vitamin supplements included in a ration will depend on the potency of the product used. * It is felt that high-efficiencv diets increase the require¬ ment for several nutrients, particularly vitamins and protein. ... 2 Mav be vitamin A or vitamin A precursor. * USP (United States Pharmacopoeia) is the equivalent of 0.344 microgram of vitamin A acetate. 5 May be vitamin D 3 from fish oil or irradiated amma St< « r iCU (International Chick Unit) is the equivalent o' 0.025 microgram of pure vitamin Dj, a form of the vit* min used by poultry. . 7 Tentative—exact requirement not known. 7 Tentative—exaci 8 IU (International Unit) is the equivalent of 1 milligran of dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate. 1 From Nutrient Requirements for Poultry. A Report of the Committee on Animal Nutrition. National Research Council Publication 301. 2 Based on a diet containing 20 percent of protein. 3 Cystine can be substituted for part of the methionine on the following basis: Cystine 0.35 percent and methio¬ nine 0.45 percent of the ration. . 1 The chick can synthesize glycine but the synthesis does not proceed at a rate sufficient for maximum grow th. 5 Tyrosine can be substituted for part of the phenyla¬ lanine on the following basis: Tyrosine 0.7 percent and phenylalanine 0.9 percent of the ration. The majority of broiler diets probably contaii 2 to 4 percent of added fat, which brings thei total fat content up to 6 to 8 percent. It is em phasized that, from a nutritional standpoint, fa is added only for the purpose of increasing tli energy content of the diet. The amount of ff added is important only for its contribution to tl total energy content of the diet, which is ti sum of the energy derived from fat, carbohydrat and protein. The productive energy probably varies from 9< to 1,100 Calories 1 per pound in most broiler diet For optimum feed efficiency the number of Calori in a diet should be related to the protein eontei In research to discover the proper relationship tj tween Calorie and protein content, no fixed rat has been established. Good results have been c 'As used in this publication, “Calorie” equals 1 la? calorie or 1.000 small calories. 4 ned with starting diets containing 42 to 45 Cal- ies for each percent of protein and with finishing its containing 50 Calories for each percent of item. r TAMINS Vitamins are substances found in most natural ds in extremely small amounts. Those consid- d necessary for growth and maintenance of 1th &re : A, D, E, K, and the B complex, which hides thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic ^ pyridoxine, biotin, choline, folacin, and vita- i B 12 . Requirements per pound of feed for these imins are listed in table 2. The requirements of EC, and B 12 are tentative, but research has shown t under most conditions these minimums are ‘rable. Recommended allowances are consider- V above the minimum requirements listed; the pose is to provide a safety margin to offset var- on m vitamin content of feedstuffs and possible min loss due to deterioration. amin A itamin A is important for proper nerve func- and helps to prevent infections of the eye the respiratory tract. Deficiency retards (vth and impairs the bird’s health, letary requirements may be met by adding oils, vitamin A concentrates, or plant mate- s that the animal can convert into vitamin A. ible 3 .—Mineral requirements for starting chicks 1 Table 4.— Approximate composition of all-mash Mineral Minimum requirement um__ Percent of ration 1. 0 . 6 3 .5 Milligrams per pound of feed 25. 0 . 5 9. 0 . 9 ihorus 2 m__ anese — 3r ~ ~ requirements 1 or . ommiltee on Animal Nutrition. ’>1 Publication 301. National Research mi? shouM rC h nt f °L the nutrition requirement for herns ^r d i b of the lnor ganic tvpe. All of the an? S ant f f, d “gredients ^considered to be "“and approximately 30 percent of the phosphorus nt products may also be considered inorganic t in m/Hn repre f ntS SOdium ch loride added as such ie content ^ fermentatl0n Products of high sodium ‘ntative exact requirement not known. Class of ingredient Percent of ration Carbohydrate ingredients 1 55-60 20-25 5-10 4-8 V egetable-protein ingredients 2 Animal-protein ingredients 3 Vitamin-rich ingredients 4 Stabilized fats 5 Mineral carriers 6 9 A Miscellaneous ingredients 7 O 4 » «..u S iam uyproaucts: (Jorn, wheat, barley 2 Snvh! et ’ Sh °/f tS ’ middlin g s > red dog, hominy feed, etc’. 3 §,?yhean, cottonseed, and peanut meals. milk feaTher ?e S il, S e?c bleS ’ meat SCrap ’ liver mea1 ’ dried rC J?l.Y.ltamln supplements, alfalfa, dried whey, d s Pro eaSt V d i 1 f tl 6rs solubles > fermentation solubles, etc. 5 Grease, tallow, etc. 6 Limestone flour, oyster shell flour, dicalcium phosphate fnat^r b o ne m ea l, defluorinated superphosphate, defluor- mated rock phosphate, iodized salt, manganese sulphate, 7 Trace amounts of these ingredients may be added Many are present in commercial rations, but some may not be necessary under all conditions. The group includes anfiot? 1CS i COCC ? 10Stat u’ a F. senicals > surfactants, hormones, antioxidants, and xanthophyll. ’ Alfalfa meal and yellow com contain vitamin A precursors, or substances that form vitamin A. However, the amounts of the vitamin precursor in alfalfa meal and yellow com usually are not considered in making up a formula. Sufficient amounts of vitamin A concentrates usually are added to meet the bird’s full requirement. Vitamin D Vitamin D is essential for normal utilization of calcium and phosphorus in bone building. When it is not supplied in sufficient quantity, young chickens grow slowly and develop soft bones regardless of the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the diet. The chicken synthesizes vitamin D when ex¬ posed to sunlight, but concentrates containing the vitamin (fish oils and irradiated animal sterols) are added to rations because broilers seldom are raised in sunlight. These concentrates should be premixed with ground corn, bran, middlings, al¬ falfa, or soybean meal, because intimate contact with minerals brings about rapid destruction of vitamin D activity. Vitamin E Adequate amounts of vitamin E prevent exu¬ dative diathesis and a condition known as “crazy 5 chick” disease, or encephalomalacia. Exudative diathesis is characterized by a swelling of fatty tissues just beneath the skin. Birds af¬ fected by crazy chick disease are unable to co¬ ordinate movements of their legs, wings, and neck. Vitamin E is found in cereal grains, alfalfa meal, and liver meal. It usually is added to the diet in wheat germ oil or as alphatocopherol acetate. Like vitamin A, the destruction of vita¬ min E is accelerated by contact with rancid fat. Vitamin K Vitamin K is required to preserve the clotting power of the blood. A deficiency is marked by hemorrhages, which may occur in any part of the body. The vitamin can be obtained from meat scrap, fish products, or alfalfa meal. Vitamin B Complex Riboflavin. —Riboflavin is essential for nor¬ mal growth and prevents curled-toe paralysis. It Ingredient Alfalfa meal, dehydrated ----- . Barley, excluding Pacific Coast. Barley, Pacific Coast.-. Brewers’ dried yeast.. Buttermilk, dried... Com, yellow dent—... Com gluten meal.---.-. Cottonseed meal (expeller). Cottonseed meal (solvent) 5 --------------- . Distillers’ dried grains with solubles (com)- Distillers’ dried solubles. Fat, stabilized.....-. Feathers, hydrolyzed poultry 3 --- . Fishmeal, menhaden.... Fish solubles, condensed. Linseed oilmeal (solvent). Milo maize (sorghum).-. Meat and bone scraps. Meat scraps 5 . ------ .-. Oats, except Pacific Coast.---- Oats, Pacific Coast---- Oats (feeding), rolled. Peanut meal (solvent) 1 - Poultry byproduct meal 3 .. Sktmmllk, dried. ----- . Soybean meal, solvent dehulled 3 . Soybean meal, solvent.. Tankage, digester 5 .-.-. Wheat, hard..--- Wheat bran.. Wheat, standard middlings. Wheat germ oil. Whey, dried-- Bonemeal, steamed..— Calcium carbonate.-.--■ Dicalcium phosphate. Defluorinated rock phosphate.. is widely distributed in feedstuffs and also is available as a synthetic compound. Among the best natural sources are dried milk products and brewers’ yeast. Riboflavin is reasonably stable under ordinary storage conditions. Choline. —Choline is one of the vitamins re¬ quired for normal growth and is a factor in the prevention of perosis, or slipped tendon. The i chick’s requirement is met, in most diets, by the addition of choline supplement. Vitamin B 12 .—Vitamin B i2 is added to diets that contain no animal proteins, because vege¬ table proteins are deficient in this vitamin. A ita- min B 12 is available as a commercial supplement. Other Required Vitamins. —Thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, and folacin are present in adequate quantities in the feed¬ stuffs normally included in diets. It is not con¬ sidered necessary to add them separately, al¬ though extra quantities of niacin and pantothe¬ nic acid commonly are included in broiler diets Table 5.— Protein Crude fat' Percent 17.8 12.7 9.0 44.6 32.0 8.9 42.9 41.4 41.6 27.2 26.9 85.0 61.0 31.4 35.1 11.3 50.6 53.4 12.0 9.0 15.0 47.4 56.0 33.5 50.9 45.8 59.8 15.2 16.0 17.2 "i3.'i 12.1 0 0 0 Fiber Percent 2.8 1.9 2.0 1.1 5.8 3.9 2.3 5.8 1.6 9.3 9.1 100.0 3.0 7.7 6.5 1.7 2.9 9.5 9.9 4.6 4.5 6.3 1.2 14.0 .9 .8 .9 8.1 1.8 4.1 4.6 .’5 3.2 0 0 0 Minerals Calcium Inorgan¬ ic* Percent 24 2 5.4 6.0 2.7 .4 2.0 40 10.7 11.0 9.0 3.8 "To .7 .6 8.9 2.2 2.2 2.4 11.0 12.0 2.0 13.1 2.0 .2 2.8 5.8 1.9 2.6 9.9 7.6 .3 1.7 0 0 0 Percent 1.07 .09 .60 .13 1.34 .02 .16 .18 .15 .17 .35 5.49 .61 .40 .03 10.57 7.94 .09 .10 .07 .20 3.50 1.26 .26 .32 5.94 .05 .14 .15 ■""90 28.98 36.59 27.00 34 00 Phosphorus Percent 0.06 .12 .43 .94 .09 .12 .34 .20 .40 2 . 81 .70 .25 .09 5.07 403 .12 ".12 1 1.03 "''26 3.17 .12 .35 .27 '".‘80 13.59 0 19.07 14.50 Total Percent 0.20 .40 .* 1.4 > .9 .# LI LU .6 LI 28 5.1 41 IS 0 19 14 1 Poultry are better able to assimilate inorganic P^P ho .™ s types. At least 75 percent of the nutritive requirement for phosphorus should be of the Inorganic type. 1957 Feedstuffs Analysts table. 6 ;cause of the possibility that the addition is meficial. Hnerals Minerals have a number of functions in the rd’s body. Some serve as structural materials r bones and tissue, while others are necessary r the production of enzymes and hormones, dcium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, iodine, ignesium, potassium, sulfur, and trace minerals 'h as iron, copper, molybdenum, selenium, and ic all must be included in the bird’s diet. Defi- e requirements of the first five minerals and tative requirements of iron and copper have sn established and are given in table 3. The ers, with the possible exception of molybde- m, are believed to be furnished in sufficient ounts by the grains and feedstuffs used in iler rations and do not have to be added as 't of a mineral supplement. isluffs analysis Calcium and Phosphorus.— Calcium and phos¬ phorus are bone-building materials that should be supplied in the required amounts and in the proper ratio. Both excesses and deficiencies should be avoided, because they interfere with growth and bone development. The principal sources of calcium for broiler feeds are oyster-shell flour and high-calcium lime¬ stone. Available phosphorus is furnished in small quantities by vegetable-protein concentrates. Phosphoric acid is rich in phosphorus and seems to have commercial possibilities as a source of this mineral. Both calcium and phosphorus are sup¬ plied in liberal quantities by meat and fishmeals, bonemeal, and defluorinated calcium phosphates. Naturally occurring calcium-phosphate rock should not be fed, because usually it contains toxic amounts of fluorine. Sodium.— Sodium usually is added to broiler rations in the form of salt (sodium chloride). 7 Manganese. —Manganese is present in nearly all ingredients of poultry feeds but not in suffi¬ cient quantity to insure an adequate supply. Dietary requirements may be met by adding man¬ ganese sulfate tetrahydrate. Lack of this mineral is a cause of perosis, or slipped tendon, in chicks. Iodine— The iodine content of feedstuffs is variable. Dietary requirements may be met by adding commercial iodized salt to poultry rations. An iodine deficiency leads to goiter formation, an enlargement of the thyroid gland of the neck. Iron and Copper.—A deficiency of iron or cop¬ per results in nutritional anemia, but rarely occurs in practical diets. The grains and vege¬ table proteins used in broiler rations contain ade¬ quate amounts of these minerals and adding them separately is not considered necessary. Miscellaneous Materials Unidentified Growth Factors. Certain un¬ identified factors are known to be important in animal nutrition. Three of these are well recog¬ nized and are called the “whey,” “fish, and “alfalfa” factors. The whey factor is thought to be present in distillers’ solubles, distillers’ molasses solubles, brewers’ yeast, butyl fermentation solubles, and dried whey. The fish factor is thought to be present in fish¬ meal, fish solubles, crab meal, meat byproducts, liver preparations, and certain fermentation products. The alfalfa factor is thought to be present in dehydrated alfalfa leaf meal, grass juice concen¬ trate, and dried brewers'yeast. Antibiotics and Coccidiostats. —Antibiotics are added to rations either to stimulate growth or in connection with disease in the flock. The most commonly used ones are penicillin, chloitetracy- cline, oxytetracycline, and bacitracin. The addi¬ tion of 4 to 5 grams of penicillin or 8 to 10 grams of the other antibiotics to a ton of feed usually results in lower flock mortality, more rapid growth, and greater feed efficiency. Addition of certain antibiotics at 100 to 250 grams pei ton appears to be of value in reducing mortality and restoring birds to a healthy condition during out¬ breaks of some diseases. Most commercial broiler rations contain antibiotics at the lower level. Coccidiostats are drugs added to rations to pre¬ vent or control the intestinal disease coccidiosis. Low levels of these drugs, included in a ration, enable birds to build up natural immunity. Higher levels help to control acute attacks of coc¬ cidiosis, but control generally is achieved more , quickly by the addition of water-soluble coccidio¬ stats to the drinking water. A number of coccidiostats are in use, including sulfaquinoxaline, sulfamethazine, mtrophemde. and nitrofurazone. They should be used only at dosages recommended by the drug manufacturer since higher concentrations may be toxic. Arsenicals. —Another group of compounds that are used as growth stimulants is the arsen¬ icals. Although toxic at higher levels, small amounts have effects similar to the antibiotics. There is experimental evidence that an arsenical, plus an antibiotic in some cases, provides a growth response greater than either alone. There also is some evidence that arsenicals may improve pig¬ mentation. Because of these two possibilities, most commercial broiler diets contain an arsenical The two commonly accepted arsenicals art arsonic acid (3-nitro, 4 hydroxyphenylarsonic acid), and arsanilic acid (para-amino-hydroxy- phenylarsonic acid). Arsonic acid usually is used at 45 grams per ton and arsanilic acid at 9( grams per ton. Surfactants. —Surfactants, also known as de tergents, may stimulate growth. Few commercia broiler feeds contain surfactants, because there i little evidence that they provide growth stimula tion beyond that provided by antibiotics. Hormones.— Hormones are gland secretior that regulate body functions. Estrogen, the male sex hormone, causes increased fat depositio under the skin of the bird and results in hight carcass quality. Synthetic chemical eompoun. have been discovered that have the same effect i this natural hormone. The best known of the compounds is diethylstilbestrol, which came in use as a pellet and a paste for implantation in t neck of the bird. Another compound, dienesti. diacetate, has been mixed with feed for the sar purpose. Broiler rations that contain this co¬ pound are available. Feed manufacturers are ■ quired to comply with regulations of the Lmt States Food and Drug Administration and I State feed control officials before marketingbroir rations that contain dienestrol diacetate. Antioxidants.— Antioxidants are chemical F servatives included in feeds to lessen the loss* 8 Table 6.— All-mash broiler diets Ingredient id yellow corn 1 _ id wheat 2 _ al fat 3 _ leal (60 percent)_ scraps_ ry byproduct meal_ Y.Y.Y. ers, hydrolyzed poultry.. gluten meal_"1111 an meal, solvent *__ an meal, solvent dehulled. iseed meal, solvent... whey_ " t meal_"IIIIIII “ distillers’ solubles_ m carbonate_ Y.YJ. irinated rock phosphate_ _ ium phosphate.... leal, steamed_ idized_’ inese sulfate (65 percent grade) 5 in A supplement (4,000 USP units" per gram) 5 in Da supplement (1,500 ICU Der gram) s in Bn supplement (12 milligrams per pound) 3 "‘ ivin supplement (227 milligrams per pound) 5 e supplement (25 percent grade) 3 3 ■thionine (feed grade) »_' 5tic supplement (10 grams per pound) s 3 acid (10 percent) 3 ’otals. ostat i n pantothenate, a E 3 ... 1 K__ irotein, percent_ live energy, calories per pound protein ratio 9 at, percent_ iber, percent_ i, percent_ or us, total, percent_" orus, inorganic, percent_ i A, USP units per pound__ i I> 3 , ICU per pound_ fin, milligrams per pound.... milligrams per pound_ icnic acid, milligrams per pound. , milligrams per pound line, percent... .percent_ iine-1-cystine, percent e, percent.. . percent..’ )han, percent. , percent_ Diet number Starting diets Percent 59.40 6.00 5."66 ’ Too 18.00 2.00 2.50 1.25 "‘.‘60 "".’30 .05 .05 .06 .05 .50 .10 .04 .05 .05 100.00 Grams per ton + 25 5 5 1 Percent 53. 94 ""Too 5.00 2.50 25. .50 2.00 2.00 1.50 .75 1.50 .30 .05 .05 .06 .05 .50 .10 .10 .05 .05 100.00 Grams per ton + 25 5 5 1 Percent 59.34 5.00 2. 50 2.50 22.00 1.50 2.00 1.00 1.35 1.50 .30 .05 .05 .06 .05 .50 .10 .10 .05 .05 100.00 Grams per ton + 25 5 5 1 Percent 55. 49 5.00 4.00 5.00 1.00 3.00 10.00 Percent 59. 54 5.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 1.50 .40 .05 .05 .06 .05 .50 . 15 . 15 .05 .05 100.00 Grams per ton + 25 5 5 1 5.00 1.00 3.00 10.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 Percent 57. 94 4.00 1.50 1. 50 .40 .05 .05 .06 .05 .50 . 10 .15 .05 .05 100.00 Grams per ton + 25 5 5 1 7.50 6.00 1.25 16.66 2.00 1.50 1.00 1. 50 .30 .05 .05 .06 .05 .50 .10 .10 .05 .05 100.00 Grams per ton + 25 5 5 1 Finishing diets Percent 64.62 1.00 5.00 2.50 18.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 .30 .05 .05 .06 .05 .50 .10 . 17 .05 .05 100.00 Grams per ton + 25 5 5 1 Percent 66.61 5.00 "2." 50 16. 50 1.50 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.50 .30 .05 .05 .06 .05 .50 .10 .18 .05 .05 100.00 Grams per ton + 25 5 5 1 Calculated analysis 22. 7 956 42.0 4.0 3.1 1.24 .72 .47 717 409 2.44 25.3 6.3 760 .45 .36 .81 1.29 1.28 .23 1.17 23.9 1,008 42. 1 6.9 3.3 1. 14 .73 .47 4,410 409 2.29 23.8 6.7 685 .47 .34 .81 1.31 1.24 .24 1. 11 nS Ze ar?mmmno S i it f, ed for corn if the fat and vitamin A deficien- InSoph^Thouk? be'a^ed^f^pfg^in^a^on^^ 1 ^^™^ 6 ^™ 0 ^ vnff mo? c °ttonsecd meal (meal containing 0.04 percent or less of ypol) may replace up to 50 percent of soybean meal to broiler diets •luble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and to 1 tlie rancidity of added fats. The two most 'only used antioxidants for poultry feeds are (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT dated hydroxytoluene). Either or both may cd to poultry rations in line with limita- 21.7 939 43.3 3.5 3.2 1.43 .75 .51 ,530 409 2. 36 24.1 6.6 705 .47 .34 .81 1.28 1.23 .23 1.11 21.5 892 41.4 7.10 3.4 1.53 .77 .58 4,506 409 2.22 24.5 6.6 655 .49 .32 .81 1.15 .97 .20 .95 21.8 925 42. 4 3.26 3.5 1.53 .79 .59 , 596 409 2.24 24.9 6.7 607 .49 .32 .81 1. 16 .98 .20 .96 23.9 1,026 42.9 7.9 2.4 1.13 .72 .51 4.345 409 2. 33 22.8 5.0 700 .45 .43 .88 1.32 1.06 .22 1.28 19.3 980 50.0 4.6 2.9 1.29 .74 .50 ,339 409 2.3 23.5 6.4 667 r i 31 .81 1.13 1.12 .21 .99 19.0 968 50.9 3.7 2.9 1.29 .75 .50 4,383 409 2.3 24.0 6.4 666 .51 .29 .80 1.10 1.09 .20 .97 th be suppli ? d in tbe form of a supplement or as a pure product pro- the pure h pr of meat sold into pounds of feed fed, for eai flock. 2. Feed cost of a pound of meat can be det- mined by dividing pounds of meat sold into tol feed cost, for each flock. 3. Income over feed cost can be determin J subtracting feed cost from dollars received. * each flock. j The results of these calculations will enable ■* feeder to make a comparison of different feeds : assist him in deciding which feed or feed fornm is best suited to his purpose. 12 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTI NG OFFICE : !t5t 0—471*1* AGRICULTURE HANDBOOKS 152 and s BOUND SEPARATELY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURE library: Insecticides from Plants A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE , 1941-1953 by Martin Jacobson Entomology Research Division Agriculture Research Service Agriculture Handbook No. 154 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Insecticides from Plants A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE, 1941-1953 by Martin Jacobson Entomology Research Division Agriculture Research Service Agriculture Hondbook No. 154 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CONTENTS Page Page CRYPTOGAMS Agaricaceae-- Characeae.-. Equisetaceae- Fucaceae- Gigartinaceae.". Hypocreaceae- Isoetaceae - Lecanoraceae- Lycopodiaceae - Marsileaceae- Osmundaceae- Parmeliaceae- Peltigeraceae. . Polypodiaceae- Polyporaceae- Selaginellaceae. Stictaceae- Usneaceae - PHANEROGAMS AND SPER- matophytes. Acanthaceae- Aceraceae--- Actinid iaceae- Adoxaceae - Aizoaceae - Alismataceae- Amaranthaceae- Amaryllidaceae- Anacardiaceae - Annonaceae - Apocynaceae- Aquifoliaceae- Araceae- Araliaceae- Aristolochiaceae. Asclepiadaceae-- Balsaminaceae- Batidaceae - -- Begoniaceae - Berberidaceae - Betulaceae- Bignoniaceae- Bixaceae - Bombacaceae- Boraginaceae- Bromeliaceae- Burseraceae- Buxaceae- Cactaceae - Calycanthaceae . .. Campanulaceae-‘ Canellaceae- Cannaceae-- 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 9 11 13 15 23 24 27 29 30 33 33 33 33 34 34 35 36 36 38 38 39 40 40 41 41 41 Capparidaceae- Caprifoliaceae- Caricaceae- Caryocaraceae - - - * Caryophyllaceae- Casuarinaceae - --■ Celastraceae- Ceratophyllaceae— Cercidiphyllaceae - Chenopodiaceae- Chloranthaceae- Cistaceae- Clethraceae. Clusiaceae- Cneoraceae - Cochlos pe r maceae- Combretaceae-- Commelinaceae- Compos itae. Connaraceae. Convolvulaceae- Coriariaceae- Cornaceae - Corynocarpaceae-■ Crassulaceae C rossosomataceae' Cruciferae- Cucurbitaceae- Cycadaceae - Cyperaceae - - - - Cyrillaceae Datiscaceae- Diapensiaceae- Dichapetalaceae - Dilleniaceae- Dioscoreaceae - - Dipsacaceae- Dipterocarpaceae Droseraceae- - - - Ebenaceae - Elaeagneaceae -■ Elaeocarpaceae- ■ Ericaceae - Eriocaulaceae- - • ErythroxyIaceae Eucommiaceae - Euphorbiaceae - Fagaceae- Flacourtiaceae - Flagellariaceae- Fouquieriaceae- Frankeniaceae - Fumariaceae - - Gentianaceae - - Geraniaceae- Ginkgoaceae- 41 42 43 43 43 44 44 48 48 48 50 50 50 50 52 52 52 53 53 83 84 85 85 85 85 86 86 87 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 93 97 • 97 • 97 - 97 - 105 - 106 - 10S - 10 £ - 10$ - 10 $ - IK - IK - 11 Page Page Globulariaceae - Gnetaceae- Gomortegaceae - Gramineae- Haemodoraceae- • Haloragaceae — Hamamelidaceae ■ Hernandiaceae - ■ Hippocastanaceae Hippocrateaceae - Humeriaceae- Hydrocaryaceae - Hyd rocharitaceae Hydrophyllaceae - Hypericaceae- Icacinaceae - - - - Illecebraceae- Iridaceae- Juglandaceae- Juncaceae - Juncaginaceae- Krameriaceae- Labiatae- Lardizabalaceae - Lauraceae - Lecythidaceae- Leitneriaceae- Leguminosae- Lentibulariaceae - Liliaceae- Limnanthaceae - -. Linaceae - - -- Loasaceae-- Lobeliaceae Loganiaceae- Loranthaceae- Lythraceae- Magnoliaceae- Vlalaceae - - -- Vlalpighiaceae-- Malvaceae-- - vlarantaceae- darcgraviaceae - - dartyniaceae - - - - delastomataceae- - deliaceae- delianthaceae- denispermaceae - - /limosaceae- donimiaceae- doraceae- -- doringaceae- dusaceae-- dyoporaceae - lyricaceae- tyristicaceae- - - - dyrsinaceae- -- tyrtaceae. - Ill - Ill - Ill - Ill - 114 - 114 - 114 - 114 - 114 - 115 - 115 - 115 - 115 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 117 ■ 118 • 118 • 119 • 119 119 119 125 125 127 128 128 158 158 166 166 166 166 167 168 168 169 170 170 171 172 173 173 173 173 175 175 177 177 178 180 180 180 180 181 181 184 Nyctaginaceae- lg7 Nymphaeaceae- lgg Ochnaceae- ^ gg Octoknemataceae- lgg Olacaceae- j gg Oleaceae- lgg Onagraceae- lg9 Orchidaceae- j 9 q Orobanchaceae- jg 0 Oxalidaceae- j 9 q Pandanaeeae- jqq Papaveraceae- 190 Passifloraceae- 19 ^ Pedaliaceae- Phoenicaceae (Palmae).. 192 Phrymaceae- j 9g Phytolaccaceae- j 94 Pinaceae-- j 9 g Piperaceae--- j 97 Pittosporaceae- 19g Plantaginaceae --- 199 Plumbaginaceae- 199 Podocarpaceae- j 99 Polemoniaceae- j 99 Polygalaceae- 2 00 Polygonaceae- 200 Pontederiaceae- 292 Portulacaceae- 202 Primulaceae- 292 Proteaceae- 203 Punicaceae- 2Q4 Quiinaceae- 204 Rafflesiaceae- 2Q4 Ranunculaceae- 2o4 Rapateaceae- 209 Rhamnaceae- 209 Rhizophoraceae- 2 j 0 Rosaceae- 210 Rubiaceae- 212 Rutaceae- 2 i6 Sabiaceae- 229 Salicaceae- 220 Salvadoraceae- 22 q Santalaceae- 22o Sapindaceae- 221 Sapotaceae--- - — - 223 Sarraceniaceae- 224 Saururaceae- 224 Saxifragaceae- 224 Scrophulariaceae- 22 g Simaroubaceae- 229 Solanaceae - -- 23^ Sparganiaceae- 235 Staphyleaceae- 235 Stemonaceae-- 235 Sterculiaceae- 235 Styraceae-- 2 3g Symplocaceae- 237 Page Tamaricaceae- - - ■ Taxaceae- Taxodiaceae- Terminaliaceae- - Theaceae- Theophrastaceae - Thymeliaceae- Tiliaceae- T rochodendraceae Tropaeolaceae - - Turneraceae- Typhaceae - Ulmaceae- Umbelliferae- Urticaceae- Valerianaceae- Page 237 Verbenaceae- 237 Violaceae- 238 Vitaceae- 238 Vochysiaceae - 238 Xyridaceae- 238 Zingiberaceae.. 239 Zygophyllaceae- 241 241 UNIDENTIFIED PLANTS - -- 241 241 241 LITERATURE CITED . ■ 241 242 • 245 UND-hiA . .... • 246 246 248 249 249 249 249 250 250 2.54 263 Washington, D. C. Issued September 1958 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Of'ice Washington 25, D. C. Price--- INSECTICIDES FROM PLANTS A Review of the Literature, 1941-1953 By Martin Jacobson, Entomology Research Division, Agricultural Research Service issued’as UrtTof Po«fw “T"' 0 ®? ^ Plant Quara ° ti '>= of the Literature up to ,4,^' by N 'T Sf V jf”- include the literature from 1941 through 19S1 6611 e * tended to references that were omitted 7™ trough 1953, as well as a few cause of the desirabilitT of d 7 tu® previous Publication. Be- Plete as possible for7g*en^erfod t ',i e T iUt “ > : " S C °™- bevond 1953* ^ ^ *** review does not extend .o Zch of the L r etiHte^ C , OUnted 1” by «* fact that references in abstract „g Si TttL? ! ' d " su mma ries appearing zzv-izxiz zs Research Division for «™i • ^ F \ J ' Hermann > of the Crops checking the order famihf ymg & b ° tanical authorities and Sffii =■• ----- S5 i CRYPTOGAMS AGARICACEAE AMANITA MUSCARLA (Fr.) S. F. Gray. Fly agaric. This plant is used as a fly poison in the Philippine Islands.--Quisumbing (119.). The powdered plant was nontoxic to the Hawaiian beet webworm, melonworm, southern armyworm, cross - striped cab- bageworm, and European corn borer. Com¬ bined petroleum ether and ethyl ether ex¬ tractives were slightly toxic to codling moth larvae but not to house flies; com¬ bined chloroform and ethanol extractives of the extracted residue were nontoxic to these insects.--Bottger and Jacobson (36). An aqueous extract of the fungus body was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected when im¬ mersed in the extract. A chloroform ex¬ tract was toxic to black carpet beetles and Aedes mosquito larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, webbing clothes moth larvae . and Anopheles mosquito larvae. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). AMANITA PANTHERINA (Fr.) Qu61et. An acetone extract of the whole plant was toxic to Culex pipiens larvae. The activity could be traced to the basic water-insoluble part of the extract.--Yamaguchi and co¬ workers ( 232 ). LEPIOTA PROCERA (Fr.) S. F. Gray. An acetone extract of the whole plant was toxic to Culex pipien s larvae--Yama- guchi and coworkers (232). CHARACEAE CHARA sp. An aqueous extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches immersed in the ex¬ tract were not affected. --Heal and co¬ workers (93). EQUISETACEAE EQUISETUM ARVENSE L. Horsetail rush. An acetone extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90)- The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.-- Hansberry and Clausen (86). Aqueous extracts of the fresh and dry whole plant were very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood¬ stream.— Heal and coworkers (93). EQUISETUM BOGOTENSE H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroache s when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). EQUISETUM HYEMALE var. CALIFORNI- CUM Wilde. An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). EQUISETUM ROBUSTUM A. Br. An aqueous extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed ugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). FUCACEAE FUCUS VESICULOSUS L. Bladder wrack. An acetone extract of the whole plantwas nontoxic to mosquito larvae. --Hartzell^). GIGARTINACEAE CHONDRUS CR1SPUS (L.) Stackh. Irish mos s. An acetone extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to mosquito larvae. - -Hartzell (90). HYPOCREACEAE CLAVICEPS PURPUREA (Fr.) Tul. An acetone extract of the whole plan was nontoxic to mosquito larvae. --Hart zell (90). ISOETACEAE ISOETES RIPARIA var. CANADENSIS Engelm. Synonym: I. dodgei A. A. Eaton. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). lecanoraceae LECANORA RUBINA Ach. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. A petroleum ether extract and a chloroform extract of the aqueous extractive were both toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not o erman cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mosquito. The chloroform extract was also toxic to Aedes mosquito arvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). LYCOPODIACEAE lycopodium annotinum l. A petroleum ether extract and a chloro- orm extract of the aqueous extractive of the whole plant were both toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cock- roaches and larvae of the webbing clothes . ° Aedes and Anopheles mosqui¬ toes.--Heal and coworkers (93). L dium P ° D 1 U M CL AVATUM L. Lycopo- LYCOPODIUM COMPLANATUM FLABELLIFORME Fern. var. An acetone extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to mosquito larvae.- -Hartzell Wat" aqaeOUS 6Xtract of the w bole plant was nontoxic to American cockroaches vjhen injected into the blood stream, and uerman cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol and petroleum ether ex- T? tOXiC t0 Wack car P et beetle milk ’ J"? n0t t0 German cockroaches, ci oth :: ed b i" gs ’ and larvae of the webbing auim m u h and Aedes and Anopheles mos¬ quitoes-Heal and coworkers (93). The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae.--Quisumbing (179) An aqueous extract of the fronds Vas nontoxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches were unaffected after immer- sion in the extract. A chloroform extract of the aqueous extractive was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of . e ™ ebbln g clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and co- workers;^). LYCOPODIUM OBSCURUM L. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.--Quisumbing LYCOPODIUM QUADRANGULARE Spring. A petroleum ether extract of the plant was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mosquito. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to these species and to A edes mosquito larvae. A chloroform extract was toxic only to milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). MARSILEACEAE MARSILEA VESTITA Hook. & Grev. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but uerman cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petro¬ leum ether, and chloroform extracts were all nontoxic to German cockroaches, milk¬ weed bugs, confused flour beetles, and iarvae of the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aedes mosquito_Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). OSMUNDACEAE OSMUNDA CLAYTONIANA L. An aqueous extract of the rhizomes was s lghtly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex- tra.ct.--Heal and coworkers (93). f PARMELIACEAE CETRARIA ISLANDICAAch. Iceland moss. Acetone and water extracts of the whole plant were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). CETRARIA JUNIPERINA Ach. An aqueous extract of the plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An alcohol extract and a chloroform extract of the aqueous extractive were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and co- workers - (93). PARMELIA PERFORATA Ach. An aqueous extract of the plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ANEIMLA MEXICANA Klotzsch. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquito larvae. The petroleum ether extract was also toxic to webbing clothes moth larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). ATHYRIUM PTERORACHIS Christ. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was toxic to Drosoph ila hydei lar¬ vae. --Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). CHEILANTHES MICROPHYLLA Sw. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CONIOGRAMME JAPONICA (Thunb.) Diels. Synonym: Notogramme japonica . PELTIGERACEAE PELTIGERA CANINA var. MEMBRANACEA Duby. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract- Heal and coworkers (93). POLYPODIACEAE ADIANTUM PEDATUM L. Maidenhair fern. Acetone and water extracts of the whole plant were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). ADIANTUM sp. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). A water suspension of the leaves was highly toxic to Drosophi la hydei larvae.-- Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). DRYOPTERIS BISSETLANA var. TENERI- FRONS H. Ito. A water suspension of the leaves was somewhat toxic and a suspension of t e roots was very toxic to Drosophila hydei DRYOPTERIS ERYTHROSORA var. CAU- DATA Kakai. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was toxic to Drosophila hyd^i lar¬ vae. - -Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). DRYOPTERIS FILIX-MAS (L.) Schott. Syn¬ onym: Aspidium filix-mas . The powdered rhizome was toxic to army- worms but not to celery leaf tiers, pea aphids, and two-spotted spider mites.- Bottger and Jacobson (36). The powdered rhizomes from India wer ineffective against European corn bore 4 larvae. A petroleum ether extractive of the rhizomes showed some toxicity to cat fleas, but had no effect on lone star ticks, chiggers, body lice, and Anopheles mos¬ quito larvae, or as a body louse ovicide. The extractive showed some toxicity to adult house flies, but the combined ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the extracted residue were all nontoxic to house flies. The alcohol extractive was effective as a body louse ovicide at 5 per¬ cent but not at 1 percent; it was ineffective against cat fleas, lone star ticks, chiggers, body lice, and Anopheles mosquito larvae. Both the phenol fraction and crude filicin, isolated from the petroleum ether extrac¬ tive, were highly toxic to adult house flies, showing high paralyzing action and mor¬ tality.--Jacobson ( 108 ). An aqueous extract of the leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). POLYPODIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Sw. POLYPODIUM NERIIFOLIUM Schkuhr. Aqueous extracts of whole specimens of these plants were toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs’ were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and coworkers (93). POLYPODIUM sp. An aqueous extract of the rhizomes was nontoxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). POLYSTICHUM REFROSO-PALEACEUM Tagawa. DRYOPTERIS MARGINALIS (L.) Gray. An aqueous extract of the rootstock was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream. An alcohol extract of the rootstock was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers GYMNOCARPIUM DRYOPTERIS (L.)Newm. A water suspension of the leaves, stems, and roots was highly toxic to Drosophila yffjy larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers LEPISORUS USSURIENSIS Ching. A water suspension of the leaves and roots was not toxic to Drosophila hyde i arvae, but a suspension of the leaves, stems, and roots was toxic to these larvae.-- Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). NOTHOLAENA SINUATA (Lag.) Kaulf. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was s lghtly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream.--Heal and coworkers (93). A water suspension of the leaves and stems was highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). PTERIDIUM AQUILINIUM var. LATIUS- CULUM (Desv.) Underw. Synonym: P. latiusculum . ' The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae. --Hansberrv and Clausen (86). An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after im¬ mersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). PTERIDIUM CAUDATUM (L.) Maxon. An aqueous extract of the leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the stalks was nontoxic to all these insects_Heal and coworkers (93). POLYPORACEAE PELLAEA ORNITHOPUS Hook. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American cockroaches POLYPORUS OFFICINALIS Fr. An aqueous extract of the fungus body was nontoxic to American cockroaches 5 when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). SELAGINELLACEAE SELAGINELLA MYOSURUS (Sw.) Alston. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). STICTACEAE STICTA PUL. MON ARIA Bir. An aqueous extract of the fruiting body was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). USNEACEAE ALECTORLA SARMENTOSA Ach. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. - - Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). EVERNLA VULPINA Ach. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PHANEROGAMS or SPERMATOPHYTES ACANTHACEAE BELOPERONE CALIFORNICA Benth. An aqueous extract of the stems was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ELYTRARIA CAROLINIENSIS (Walt.)Pers. An aqueous extract of the plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). JACOB IN IA SPICIGERA (Schlecht.) Bailey. An aqueous extract of the leaves was somewhat toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. - - Heal and coworkers (93). JUSTICIA GENDARUSSA Burm. f. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). LEPIDAGATHIS ALOPECUROIDES (Vahl.) R. Br. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was somewhat toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the bloodstream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (?_3). RHDMACANTHUS COMMUNIS Nees. An aqueous extract of the roots was highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves did not affect any of these insects. A petroleum ether extract of the roots was toxic to larvae of the black carpet beetle and webbing clothes moth, but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An alcohol extract of the roots was slightly toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but nontoxic to the other species, confused flour beetles, and Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal and co- workers (93). RUELLIA CILIOSA Pursh. RUELLIA TUBEROSA L. ADOXACEAE ADOXA MOSCH AT ELLINA L. Aqueous extracts of each of these species were nontoxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. — Heal and coworkers (93). THUNBERGIA ALATA Boj. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). THUNBERGIA ERECTA T. Anders. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to milkweed bugs when used to immerse the insects, but Ger¬ man cockroaches were unaffected by this procedure, and American cockroaches were unaffected when the extract was injected into the blood stream.--Healand coworkers ACERACEAE ACER CARPINIFOLIUM Sieb. & Zucc. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). ACER PLATANOIDES L. Norway maple. The powdered whole plant was nontoxic to Ixodes and Dermacentor ticks, bedbugs, house flies, Anoph eles and Aedes mos¬ quitoes, and Drosophila .--Qlenev (1631. ACER RUBRUM L. Red maple. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott (225). ACTTNIDIACEAE ACTINIDIA sp. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). aizoaceae AIZOON CANARIENSE L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). MESEMBRYANTHEMUM CHILENSE Mol. MESEMBRYANTHEMUM SAXICOLA. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to American cockroaches when injected into the bloodstream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). MESEMBRYANTHEMUM CRYSTALLINUM L« An aqueous extract of the whole plant was highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Both a petroleum ether extract and a chloroform extract of the aqueous extrac¬ tive showed some toxicity to black carpet beetle larvae, but they were nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, con¬ fused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of the fruits showed no toxicity to any of these insect species.--Heal and coworkers (93). MOLLUGO VERTICILLATA L. German cockroaches were slightly af¬ fected after immersion in an aqueous extract of the whole plant, but milkweed bugs were unaffected. The extract was nontoxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream.- -Heal and coworkers (93). NANANTHUS VITTATUS N. E. Br. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). PSILOCAULON ABSIMILE N. E. Brown. An aqueous extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). SESUVIUM PORTULACASTRUM L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloro.orm extracts were highly toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and co¬ workers (9TK TETRAGONIA EXPANSA Murr. New Zea¬ land spinach. A water suspension of the leaves was nontoxic to Drosophila hydej larvae, but a suspension of the leaves, stems, and roots was highly toxic to these larvae.--Yama- guchi and coworkers (23JS). TRIANTHEMA PORTULACASTRUM L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ALISMATACEAE ALISMA SUBCORD AT UM Raf. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream; German cockroaches, but not milkweed bugs, were affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). & ECHINODOR.US CORDIFOLIUS (L.) Griseb. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). HYDROCLEIS NYMPHOIDES (Humb. Bonpl.) Buch. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed ugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). LOPHOTOCARPUS CALYCINUS (Engelm.) J. G. Sm. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream; milk- weed bugs, but not German cockroaches, were affected after immersion in the ex- tract--Heal and coworkers (91). SAGITTARIA LATIFOLIA Willd. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). AMARANTHACEAE ACNIDA ALTISSIMA Riddell. An aqueous extract of the tops, leaves, and flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream; milkweed bugs were unaffected and German cockroaches were slightly affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ALTERNANTHERA SESS1L1S (L.) R. Br. Synonym: Achyrant hes sessilis^ An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroache when injected into the blood stream, German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in th extract. A petroleum ether extract w nontoxic to German cockroaches milkwe bugs, and larvae of the black carpet beetle, 8 webbing clothes moth, and Aedes and TIDESTROMIA OBLONGIFOLIA (S Wats ) Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and co- Standi. wats.j workers (93). DEERINGIA AMARANTHOIDES (Lam.) Merr. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ;xtract. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and :hloroform extracts were slightly toxic to slack carpet beetle larvae but nontoxic to Herman cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and arvae of the webbing clothes moth and ^ edea and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal md coworkers (93K rROELICHLA CAMPESTRIS Small. An aqueous extract of the whole plant vas toxic to American cockroaches when njected into the blood stream, but German ockroaches and milkweed bugs were un — ffected after immersion in the extract_ leal and coworkers (93). 'ROELICHIA DRUMMONDII Moq. An aqueous extract of the roots and ower parts of the plant was slightly toxic o American cockroaches when injected into be blood stream, but German cockroaches nd milkweed bugs were unaffected after mmersion in the extract.--Heal and co- 'orkers (93). RESINE sp. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.—Heal and coworkers (93). AMARYLLIDACEAE AGAVE AMERICANA L. Century plant. An infusion of the leaves is used as an insecticide in the Philippine Islands.-- Quisumbing ( 179 ). An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract_ Heal and coworkers (93). AGAVE LECHEGUILLA Torr. Lecheguilla. AGAVE PALMERI Engelm. AGAVE PARRYI Engelm. var. COUESII (Engelm.) Kearney &. Peebles. Ethanol extractives of the leaves of lecheguilla and of the leaves and the flower heads of the other two species were all ineffect:^® against southern armyworms, pea aphids, two-spotted spider mites, and large milkweed bugs.--Jacobson ( 108) . AGAVE VIRGINICA L. Synonym: Manfreda virginica. An aqueous extract of the stems and eaves was nontoxic to American cock- oaches when injected into the bloodstream, nd German cockroaches and milkweed bugs ere unaffected after immersion in the xtract.--Heal and coworkers (93). IDESTROMIA LANUGINOSA (Nutt.) Standi. Synonym: Achyranthes lanuginosa . The powdered stems were ineffective gainst southern armyworms, melonworms, nd southern beet webworms-Bottger and acobson (36). The powdered stems were ineffective gainst European corn borers. Combined ctroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, nd alcohol extractives of the stems were fective against codling moth larvae but nt against house flies.--Jacobson (108). Aqueous extracts of the whole plant with fruits and of the combined bulbs and leaves were nontoxic to American cockroaches after injection into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and coworkers (93). AGAVE sp. Century plant. An acetone extract of the leaves was nontoxic to mosquito larvae. - -Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the bulbs was s_ightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs BOOPHONE DISTICHA Herb. 9 were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). COOPERIA PEDUNCULATA Herb. An aqueous extract of the leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream. Ger¬ man cockroaches immersed in the extract were slightly affected. An aqueous extract of the bulbs was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of the bulbs were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mos- quito. - - Heal and coworkers (93). CRINUM ERUBESCENS Ait. An aqueous extract of the fresh bulbs was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream; milk¬ weed bugs and German cockroaches im¬ mersed in the extract were affected slightly and not at all, respectively.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CRINUM MODESTUM Baker. An aqueous extract of the bulbs was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CRINUM sp. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of the bulbs were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and Aedes mosquito larvae. The alcohol and chloroform extracts showed slight toxicity to larvae of the webbing clothes moth. - - Heal and coworkers (93). FURCRAEA GIGANTEA Vent. FURCRAEA TUBEROSA Ait. Both of these plants were nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and the larvae of several leaf-eating species.--Sievers and coworkers (197). HABRANTHUS ANDERSONII Herb. An aqueous extract of the fresh bulbs was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (?2). HAEMANTHUS AMARYLLOIDES Jacq. An aqueous extract of the bulbs was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). HIPPEASTRUM PUNICEUM (Lam.) Urban. HIPPEASTRUM sp. An aqueous extract was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and co- workers (93 ). HYMENOCALLIS CALATHINA Nichols. Basket flower. The powdered bulbs were ineffective against melonworms, southern armyworms , and European corn borers.--Jacobson (L08J. HYMENOCALLIS sp. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86). HYPOXIS DECUMBENS L. An aqueous extract of the bulbs was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). LYCORIS RADIATA Herb. Synonym: Nerine japonica. A water suspension of the leave s was non¬ toxic to Drosophila hydej larvae, but a sus¬ pension of the combined roots and stems was toxic to the larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233 ). An aqueous extract of the bulbs was highly toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of the bulbs were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German 10 cockroaches, milkweed bugs , confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). NARCISSUS PSEUDONARCISSUS L. Daffo¬ dil. The powdered leaves were nontoxic to melonworms, cross-striped cabbage- worms, and southern armyworms.--Bottger and Jacobson (36). Petroleum ether, combined ethyl ether- chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the leaves were all noptoxic to codling moth larvae and German cockroaches_Jacob¬ son ( 108 ). An aqueous extract of the bulbs was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). NERINE LUCIDA Herb. ZEPHYRANTHES sp. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of the bulbs were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). anacardiaceae ANACARDIUM EXCELSUM (H. B. K.) Skeels. Espavel. The wood is resistant to termites.--Wol¬ cott (226). An aqueous extract of the stem bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs but not to German cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ANACARDIUM OCCIDENTALE L. Cashew, acajou. An aqueous extract of the bulbs was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). POLYANTHES sp. An aqueous extract of the tubers was nontoxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). The heartwood of this tree is susceptible to termite attack. Oil extracted from the husk of the nuts prevented termite attack on treated wood for only a short time. How¬ ever a 1-percent solution of anacardic acid, obtained from this oil, prevented termite attack for over three months.--Wolcott (224). An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ANACARDIUM sp. The wood is susceptible to termites._ Wolcott ( 225 ). RUNYONIA sp. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of the whole plant were somewhat toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.-- Heal and coworkers (93). SPREKELIA FORMOSISSIMA (L.) Herb. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of the bulbs were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour eetles, and Aedes mosquito larvae. The a .kol and chloroform extracts were slightly toxic to webbing clothes moth arvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). COTINUS COGGYGRLA Scop. Smoke tree. Fustic crystals obtained from this tree were not repellent to termites at consider¬ able dilution-Wolcott (224). HEERIA MUCRONATA Bernh. Aqueous extracts of the bark and stem wood, and also of the stems, were nontoxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffe cted a ft er immersion in the extracts.--Heal and coworkers (93). LANNEA AMANIENSIS Engl. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches 11 when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). LITHRAEA MOLLEOIDES (Veil.) Engl. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). LOXOPTERYGIUM SAGOTII Hook. f. MANGIFERA INDICA L. Indian mango. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). METOPIUM BROWN El (Jacq.) Urban. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches were unaffected after im¬ mersion in the extract.--Heal and co- w orkers (93). RHUS AROMATICA Ait. Synonym: R. cana ¬ densis . An acetone extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90J. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the bloodstream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). RHUS GLABRA L. Sumac. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves were nontoxic to mosquito larvae. --Hart¬ zell (89). RHUS NATALENSIS Bernh. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). SCHINOPSIS LORENTZI1 (Griseb.) Engelm. Synonym: Quebrachia lorentzii . Quebra- cho. Quebracho extract used on susceptible wood did not prevent termite attack.-- Wolcott (224). SCHINOPSIS sp. Tannin extract was ineffective as a stomach and contact poison. --Anonymous (24)- SCHINUS WEINMANNIAEFOLIUS Mart. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). SCLEROCARYA CAFFRA Sond. Aqueous extracts of the branches and leaves and of the stem bark were slightly toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extracts.-- Heal and coworkers (93). SEMECARPUS ANACARDIUM L. Synonym: Anacardium orientale . The ground seed shells are used in El Salvador as a contact poison against leaf worms, and the powdered seed hulls are used against bird lice. --Wellman and van Severen (221 ). SEMECARPUS CUNEIFORMIS Blanco. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the leaves were nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and coworkers (93). SPONDIAS MOMBIN L. Synonym: S. lutea. Hog plum. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott (225). TAPIRIRA GU1ANENSIS Aubl. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injectedinto the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (9_3). TAPIRIRA MARCHANDII Engl. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott ( 225 ). 12 annonaceae ANNONA CHERIMOLA Mill. Synonym: A. tripetala . Cherimoya. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts ot the seeds were toxic to larvae of the biach carpet beetle and webbing clothes moth, slightly toxic to Aedes mosquito larvae, and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and Anopheles mosquito larvae. An alcohol extract was toxic only to black carpet beetle larvae.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ANNONA DIVERSIFOLIA Safford. An aqueous extract of the seeds was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer- sion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers ANNONA GLABRA L. Alligator apple. An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream; milkweed ougs and German cockroaches were af¬ fected slightly and not at all, respectively after immersion in the extract. A petroleum ether extract of the seeds was toxic to milk- 2!? f nd larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mos¬ quito; it was nontoxic to German cock- roaches and Anopheles mosquito larvae. Alcohol and chloroform extracts of the seeds were toxic to larvae of the webbing m ° th and black carpet beetle, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and Aedes and Anopheles mosquito larvae. - - Heal and coworkers (93). spotted spider mites.--Bottger and Jacob¬ son (36). The petroleum ether-soluble and -in¬ soluble fractions of an ethyl ether extractive of the seeds were ineffective against auult house flies.--Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches a nd milkweed bugs were practically un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the seeds were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and A nopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). ANNONA PALUSTRIS L. An aqueous extract of the seeds was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream. Immersion in the extract was toxic to milkweed bugs but not to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ANNONA RETICULATA L. Custard apple. ANNONA SQUAMOSA L. Sugar apple. ANNONA MONTANA Macfad. An aqueous extract of the branches and roaT.c W t S n ° ntoxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the bloodstream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs extra Unaffected after immersion in the tract. An aqueous extract of the seeds as toxic to American cockroaches and ^ £ UgS ’ but n0t to Ge rman cock- ches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ANNONA MURICATA L. Sour sop. The powdered seed was toxic to southern leaf y H° rmS i ^ P eaa P hids . but not to celery tl6rS ’ lar 8 e milkweed bugs, and two- The seeds and roots were extracted with ethyl ether, and a resinous substance was obtained which is a contact poison of the same order as rotenone against aphids. As a stomach poison it is toxic and repellent to diamondback moth larvae. Its toxicity is less than that of rotenone to the saw¬ toothed grain beetle. The toxicity is prob¬ ably due to a glyceride or glycerides of a hydroxylated unsaturated acid or acids of high molecular weight.--Harper and co- workers (87). T he .Poured seeds are used in the Philippine Islands as an insecticide and against head lice.--Quisumbing (179). An aqueous extract of the seeds of A sq uamosa was toxic to American coclT- roaches when injected into the blood stream- immersion in the extract was toxic to milk¬ weed bugs but not to German cockroaches. A petroleum ether extract of the seeds was VC1 X t0 xZ 1C S° larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mos¬ quito, slightly toxic to milkweed bugs, and nontoxic to German cockroaches and Anopheles mosquito larvae.--Heal and co- workers^). Hot-pressed and heat-extracted oils of seeds were highly toxic contact 13 poisons to pumpkin beetles , cabbage aphids, and house flies; the oil was a stomach poison to sawfly larvae and pumpkin beetles. Neither the mixed fatty acids nor the neutral soap was toxic. Heat and acid treatment of the toxic oil did not reduce its potency, but alkali-refining with 50 percent excess alkali rendered the oil inocuous.--Naidu and co¬ workers ( 157 ). CLEISTOPHOLIS PATENS Engl. & Diels. An aqueous extract of the branches, leaves, bark, and roots was toxic to Ameri¬ can cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). GUATTERIA sp. ANNONA sp. A dust or paste of the ground seeds is used in El Salvador as a contact poison for poultry lice. The ground seeds are also used against bedbugs and head lice.-- Wellman and van Severen (221). An aqueous extract of the seeds was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). ARTABOTRYS UNC1NATUS (Lam.) Merr. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ASIMINA ANGUSTIFOLIA Gray. Synonym: Pityothamnus angustifolius . Pawpaw. The powdered aerial portion of the plant was ineffective against southern army- worms, southern beet webworms, and Euro¬ pean corn borers but had some effect on melonworms. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol ex¬ tractives showed some toxicity to codling moths but not to house flies.--Jacobson (LQ8). ASIMINA TRILOBA (L.) Dunal. Synonym: Annona triloba . An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. An extract of the seeds was nontoxic to American and German cock¬ roaches and did not affect milkweed bugs when they were immersed therein.--Heal and coworkers (93). CANANGA ODORATA Hook. f. & Thoms. Synonym: Annona odorata . Ylang-ylang. Isoeugenol, obtained from ylang-ylang oil, synergized pyrethrins only slightly m tests against adult house flies.--Kerr (1_14). Aqueous extracts of the roots, the fruits, and the stem bark were nontoxic to Ameri¬ can cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). MONODORA MYRISTICA (Gaertn.) Dunal. An aqueous extract of the seeds was only slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An alcohol extract of the seeds was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but this extract, as well as petroleum ether and chloroform extracts, was non¬ toxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). OXANDRA LANCEOLATA. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed ugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (91). POLYALTHIA SUBEROSA (Roxb.) Thw. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ROLLIN1A EXSUCCA A. DC. UNONOPSIS sp. An aqueous extract of the stem bark wa: only slightly toxic to American cockroache. when injected into the blood stream. an« German cockroaches and milkweed bug were unaffected after immersion in extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). 14 XYLOPIA FRUTESCENS Aubl. Aqueous extracts of the fruits and of the roots were nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the bloodstream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and coworkers (93). ALYXIA OLIVAEFORMIS Gaud. XYLOPIA MURICATA L. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. A / l .L XtraCt ° f the fruits was nontoxic to all of these species of insects.--Heal and co- workers (93). APOCYNACEAE AGANOSMA ACUMINATA (Roxb.) G. Don. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and eaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but Lierman cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). AGANOSMA CYMOSA (Roxb.) G. Don. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts were somewhat toxic to black car- pet beetle larvae, but not to German cock- ac es, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the Ann b v, n ? clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal co- workers (93). co ALLAMANDA CATHARTICA L. leav^« aqUe ° US f xtract of ‘he branchlets and cockro ° nl l Slightly tOXic t0 American 2?° iche ' w hen injected into the blood tream, and German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract. - - rteai and coworkers (93). ALSTONIA SCHOLARIS Cl.) R. Br. wat n nnT° US CX A traCt ° f the Stems and b ark was nontoxic to American cockroaches when cockroa ^ th ® bl °° d Stream > and German sion i !l eS WCre unaffe eted after immer- ion m the extract. --Heal and coworkers An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were affected only slightly after immersion in the extract. A petroleum ether extract of the leaves was nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the Mack carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aedes mosquito. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ALYXIA RUSCIFOLIA R. Br. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stem bark were only slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts. --Heal and co¬ workers (93). AMSONIA ARENARIA Standi. An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic A K? er j Can cockroach es when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract. A petroleum ether extract of the leaves showed slight toxicity to black carpet beetle larvae, but was nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mos¬ quito. An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to American and German cock¬ roaches and to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). AMSONIA ELLIPTICA (Thunb.) Roem. & Schult. A water suspension of the leaves was toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but a suspension of the roots was nontoxic.-- Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). AMSONIA GRANDIFLORA Alexander AMSONIA TABERNAEMONTANA Walt. Aqueous extracts of the leaves were non¬ toxic to American and German cock¬ roaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). AMSONIA HIRTELLA Standi. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American and German cock¬ roaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). 15 AMSON1A LUDOVICIANA Vail. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to American and German cockroaches and to milkweed bugs. --Heal and cowor er (93). AMSONIA POGONOSEPALA Woodson. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American and German cock¬ roaches and to milkweed bugs.--Heal a coworkers (93). AMSONIA RIGIDA Shuttlw. An aqueous extract of the stems and roots was nontoxic to American and German cock¬ roaches and to milkweed bugs.--Heal coworkers (93). ANODENDRON AFFINE Nakai. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae. — Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). cockroaches. The powdered twigs and stems had no effect on European corn borers.-- Jacobson (108)- , , , . Aqueous extracts of the leaves and of the roots and stems were very toxic to Ameri¬ can cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after trn mersion in the extracts. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae,_but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. An alcohol extract of the roots was ££ '‘‘ tive against German cockroache s, milkweed bugs?and confused flour beetles—Healand coworkers (93j. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM var. PUBE- SCENS (Mitchell) A. DC. Aqueous extracts of the branches and leaves and of the stems and rootsi were only slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches an milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). APOCYNUM ANDROSAEMIFOLIUM L. aPOCYNUM SIBIRICUM Jacq An aqueous extract of the roots, leaves and stems was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the bio stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. An extract of the roots was only slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and workers (93). APOCYNUM CANNABINUM L. Black Indian hemp, hemp dogbane. An acetone extract of the r,moT"" toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (!Q). The powdered leaves were nontoxic to southern armyworms, melonworms and Hawaiian beet webworms. The powdered Tw^t "nd stems were ineffective against southern armyworms, melonworms cab- bageloopers, cross - striped cabbage worms and Hawaiian beet webworms.--Bottger and Jacobson (16). . off . rHw The powdered leaves were ineffective against European corn borers. Combin petroleum ether and ethyl ether extracts as well as combined chloroform and alcohol extracts of the leaves, were nontoxic to house flies, German cockroaches, ^ cod¬ ling moths. Extracts of the twigs and stem were effective against codling moth laivae but not against house flies and Germa An aqueous extract of the branches, leaves, and roots was very toxic to Ameri¬ can cockroaches when injected mto the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected aft immersion in the extract. Petroleum ether aTcThol, and chloroform extracts showed some toxicity to black carpet beetle larvae, bu^were nontoxic to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth a Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.- -Heal and coworkers (93). ASPIDOSPERMA EXCELSUM Benth. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). ASPIDOSPERMA MEGALOCARPON Muell. Arg. ASPIDOSPERMA POLYNEURON Muell. Arg. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches w £en^ - iected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Heal and coworkers (93). 16 ASPIDOSPERMA NITIDUM Benth. Aqueous extracts of the bark were only ghtly toxic to American cockroachel ^hen injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches were unaffected after ~T n m thC extract - A petroleum ether extract was ineffective against Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkerI793): CAMERARIA BELIZENSIS Standi. toxic a to“T S extract ° f the r00ts was ton- *° X1C , _American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, and German affected C aft S milkweed bu § s ^re un- HealanVco"^” 6 ^ 1 )" " CAMERARIA LATIFOLIA L. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches and only slightly toxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CARISSA CARANDAS L. leave aqueous extract of the branchlets and \ e * V X u n ° ntoxic to American cock¬ ed W n ln J ected into the bloodstream w^d German cockroaches and milkweed bugs extract na He^l / fter immerSi ° n in tbe ract.--Heal and coworkers (93). CERBERA TANGHIN Hook. Ordeal bean. The powdered seeds from Madagascar ra e rv e ae lne H e a CtiV h e Mexic - beanf." arvae.--Hans berry and Clausen (86). DI Benth RHYNCUS MOSSA MBICENSIS toxic a to Ue A° US ' Xtract ° £ the roots non- jpr . , . American cockroaches when in- cockroaches^ H bl00d 1 stream, and German affected after^ milkweed bu g s were un- Heal anH i ” nmc rsion in the extract— neai and coworkers (93). ECHITES PELTATA Veil. an^ n n aqUe ° US extract of the stems, leaves roac^sThl WaS *° XiC *° totri “" cock-' but r injected into the blood stream were "urfc Tand milkweed bugs’ Extract 2 ec ,‘ ed after immersion in the t.--Heal and coworkers (93). ECHITES RUBRO-VENOSA Linden An aqueous extract of the stems and b e ut V "t m 3 r tOXiC *° cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93) ECHITES UMBELLATA Jacq. An aqueous extract of the tubers was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German si' ° aCh . e h S were effected after immer- sion m the extract. An extract of the anches and leaves was toxic to American and r ° a il ^ n0t to Germ an cockroaches ( 93 ) . Weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ELYTROPUS CHILENSIS Muell. Arg. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was highly toxic to American cock- but Ge 6S Wh6n m J ected in tothe blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs extrlct^Per 6 ! 1 aftCr immersion in the rhn rac * Petroleum ether, alcohol, and carpet Were tOXic t0 black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German of C the° aCh hh-’ milkweed b ngs, and larvae AnopLres g ° ® m ° th and Aedes and ^2£b£les mosquitoes. An aqueoi^^ract Germ r ° 0tS , was nontoxic to American and V °f CheS and milkw eed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ® FE S 1 NA “ IA pan °URATA (A. DC.) Wood- son. Synonym: Urechites Karwinskii. leaves TfT . ex,ract oi tha stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs re unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). FORSTERONIA CORYMBOSA G. F. w. Mey. lealls aqUe ° US eXtraC ‘ ° f the stems and rnxX u nontoxic to American cock- oaches when injected intothe blood stream and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs extrlct Un An e al ted h a i fter immersion in the extract. An alcohol extract was ineffective of the hf e ? an cockroaches and the larvae mo h a^d A C d rPCt beetle ’ webbin 8 clothes toes ’ and Anopheles mosqui¬ toes. --Heal and coworkers (93)^ ^ F0 A R r S n T ) E A 0 nr A EEPTOCA *PA (Hook. fc Arn.) A. DC. Synonym: F. brasiliensi*. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches 17 when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed Ibugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. - -Heal and coworkers (Vi). GONIOMA KAMASS1 E. Mey. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the branches and leaves were n®*toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffectedL aft immersion in the extract.--Heal and workers (93). HAPLOPHYTON CIMICIDUM A. DC. Cock¬ roach plant. The plant has been used to destroy head lice and cockroaches.--Higbee (94). The powdered roots, leaves, and stem were ineffective against Mexican bean beet larvae. --Hansberry and Clausen (8b). A 10-percent dust of the crude alkaloids from the roots was toxic to southern army- worms, imported cabbageworms celery leaf tiers, Auto^rapha, squash bugs' striped blister beetles. The powdered stems were toxic to melonworms but not to cross- striped cabbageworms, Hawaiian beet^we - worms, and southern armyworms.--Bottger and Jacobson (36). . The powdered stems were ineffective against European corn borerS ’ ^l/toxlc ous extracts of the stems were highly toxic to house flies. The crude alkal ° 1 ^ S 1 the plant were toxic to codling moth larvae but not to house flies or European corn borers.--Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the stems was toxic to German and American cockroaches, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes and ^nopheg mosquitoes. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to American coc * TO *£*[’ but an extract of the roots was only slightly toxic to this insect.--Heal and coworkers n>he crude plant alkaloid was toxic to European corn borers, Mexican bean beetle larvae, Colorado potato beetle larvae and adults, grasshoppers, eggplant iace bug , and codling moth larvae. The haplophytine and cimicidine were isolated froVthe crude material. They are both toxic to German cockroaches on contact, ingestion, and injection.--Rogers and w orkers (187). HOLARRHENA ANTIDYSENTERICA Wall. An aqueous extract of the leaves was only slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). HOLARRHENA FEBR1FUGA Klotzsch. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockr ° a f heS milkweed bugs. An extract of the roots was ineffective against all these species.-- Heal and coworkers (93). MACROSIPHONIA BRACHYSIPHON Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was only slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stmm, German cockroaches were unaffe° ted a£ * T immersion in the extract. An extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to both speTies of insects. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the stems and leave s were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, butmot to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). MACROSIPHONIA HYPOLEUCAMuell.Arg. An aqueous extract of the branchlets was toxic to milkweed bugs but not to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and co workers (93). MACROSIPHONIA LONGIFLORA Muell. Arg. An aqueous extract of the tops and leaves was toxic to American coc ^ T °^ e ^l^ to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were ineffective against German cockroaches milkweed bugs, and larvae °f the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth a Aedes and Anopheles , mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (9^). MACROSIPHONIA PETRAEA (St. Hil.) K. Schum. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches iected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Heal and coworkers (93). MALOUETIA HEUDELOTH A. DC. Aqueous extracts of the branches an i leaves, of the roots, and of the stems »ere all nontoxic to German cockroaches webbing clothes moths, and black carp beetles.--Heal and coworkers (93). 18 MALOUETIA OBTUSILOBA A. DC. MANDEVILLA FOLIOSA Hemsl. An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream; German cockroaches were slightly affected, and milkweed bugs not affected at all after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petro¬ leum ether, and chloroform extracts of the branchlets and leaves, and of the bark were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to larvae of the black carpet beetle and the webbing clothes moth, and nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93).' The powdered plant was ineffective against Mexican bean beetle larvae. --Hansberry and Clausen (86). 7 An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to German cockroaches webbing clothes moths, and black carpet beetle larvae, slightly toxic to American cockroaches, and nontoxic to milkweed bugs and Aedes mosquito larvae. An alco¬ hol extract was nontoxic to all these species as well as to Anopheles mosquito larvae.’ An aqueous extract of the leaves, fruits' and seeds was very toxic to American cockroaches, slightly toxic to German cock¬ roaches, and nontoxic to milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). MALOUETIA TAMAQUARINA (Aubl.) A. DC. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches and black carpet beetles, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, webbing clothes moths, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. Petroleum ether and chloro¬ form extracts of the stem bark were some¬ what toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but nontoxic to the other species.--Heal and coworkers (93). MANDE VI LLA ANGUSTIFOLLA (Malme.) An aqueous slightly toxic when injected but German weed bugs immersion in workers (93). extract of the stems was to American cockroaches irito the blood s t r e a m cockroaches and milk- were unaffected aftei the extract.--Heal and co- MANDEVILLA HIRSUTA (Rich.) K. Schum. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MANDEVILLA LAXA(Ruiz & Pavon) Wood- son. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches and black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Ano¬ pheles mosquitoes. Alcohol and petrol^i ether extracts were ineffective against all these species. An aqueous extract of the roots was highly toxic to American cock¬ roaches, but nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MANDEVILLA MOLLISSIMA (H. B. K.) K Schum. ’ MANDEVILLA BRACHYLOBA Arg.) K. Schum. (Merell. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American rnt k Z° aCheS , bUt n0t to German cock- aches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 8 and MANDEVILLA BRIDGESII (Muell. Arg.) Woodson. 6 ' An aqueous extract of the stems and 'oclo-o slightly toxic to American ° aches . but nontoxic to German cock- »ork " s bugs.-Heal and co- An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle and Aedes mosquito. A petroleum ether extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only.--Heal and coworkers (93). MANDEVILLA PENTLANDIANA (A. DC.) Woodson. ' MANDEVILLA SUBSAGITTATA (Ruiz & Pavon) Woodson. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to American and Ger¬ man cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). 19 MANDEVILLA sp. Aqueous extracts of the stems and of the branchlets and leaves were slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). MASCARENHASIA ELASTICA K. Schum. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the branchlets and leaves were nontoxic o American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream. German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). MELODINUS MONOGYNUS Roxb. An aqueous extract of the branches, leaves, and bark was nontoxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). NERIUM INDICUM Mill. Synonym: N. odorum . Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of the roots were all toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aed^s and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and co- W °A water”' suspension of the ieaves and stems was highly toxic to Droso£hilalv^i larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). NERIUM OLEANDER L. Common oleander. ODONTADENIA GRANDLFLORA Miq. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ODONTADENIA PUNCTICULOSA Pulle. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was highly toxic to American cock¬ roaches but nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mos¬ quito. A petroleum ether extract was toxic to the milkweed bug and the black carpet beetle. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to all of these species.--Heal and co- workers (93). PLUMERIA MULTIFLORA Standi. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PLUMERIA RUBRAL. Mexican frangipani. An aqueous extract of the stems was toxic to American c ° ckroac !f to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). The powdered leaves were ineffective against southern armyworms, and only slightly toxic to melonworms and European corn borers. Combined petroleum ether and ethyl ether extractives, as well as combined alcohol and chloroform extrac- tives, were ineffective against house flies but somewhat effective against codling moths.--Jacobson (108)- - . , Aqueous extracts of the leaves and of the combined branches and leaves were very toxic to American cockroaches and black carpet beetle larvae, but nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and Ur vae ° the webbing clothes moth and Aede s and Anopheles mosquitoes. Alcohol extracts Tire melf ective against all these species (not tested against American cockroaches). Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the flowers were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only.--Heal and coworkers (93). PLUMERIA sp. An aqueous extract of the bark was nontoxic to American and GMtnati cock¬ roaches. An alcohol -extract of the bark was nontoxic to Aedes mosquito larvae.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PLUMERIOPSIS AHOUAI (L.) Rusby. Syn¬ onym: Cerbera ahouai. An aqueous extract of the leaves was very toxic to American cockroaches som what toxic to black carpet beetle larvae and nontoxic to German cockroache s, mUk weed bugs, webbing clothes moths, an. Aedes and 8 Anopheles mosquitoes. Petroleur, ether” and ^flcohoTextracts were somewha toxic to black carpet beetle larvae and non toxic to the other species of insects.--H and coworkers (93). 20 PRESTONIA AGGLUTINATA (Jacq.) Wood- son. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PRESTONIA MOLLIS H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PTERALYXIA MACROCARPA K. Schum. An aqueous extract of the fruits was some¬ what toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- iffected after immersion in the extract. An iqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to these species.--Heal and coworkers (23). RAUWOLFIA HETEROPHYLLA Willd. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and eaves was somewhat toxic to American :ockroaches when injected into the blood itream, but German cockroaches and milk- veed bugs were unaffected after immersion n the extract. An alcohol extract was lontoxic to German cockroaches and milk- veed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 1AUWOLFIA HIRSUTA Jacq. Synonym: R. canescens. Quita trancazo. RAUWOLFIA SERPENTINA Benth. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was somewhat toxic to American and German cockroaches and nontoxic to milk¬ weed bugs-Heal and coworkers (93). RAUWOLFIA TETRAPHYLLAL. Synonym- R. nitida. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (224). Aqueous extracts of the fruits, and of the stem bark were both toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches ami milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers RAUWOLFIA VOMITORIA Afzel. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers RHABDADENIA BIFLORA (Jacq.) Muell. Arg. An aqueous extract of the stems was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream and German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers RHABDADENIA RAGONESEI Woodson. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was highly toxic to American cockroaches, but nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). Talc dusts containing 10 percent of t ombmed petroleum ether, ethyl eth« hloroform, and alcohol extractives of t eaves and stems were ineffective agair outhern armyworms and melonworms, t nowed some effect on southern beet we 'Orms.--Bottger and Jacobson (36). Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ethe hloroform, and alcohol extractives we 'effective against European corn borer Trlt fli / 1 8 ’ 0 v and codlin g moth larvae, acobson ( 108 ). AUWOLFIA SANDWICENSIS A. DC. An aqueous extract of the leaves w; y toxic to German cockroaches ai ^ntoxic to American cockroaches.--He 'd coworkers (93). RHAZYA STRICTA Deone. An aqueous extract of the stems and roots was somewhat toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). STEMMADENIA GLABRA Benth. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was somewhat toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 21 n taNGHINLA VENENIFERA Thou STROPHANTHUS D1VARICATUS Wall. TANGHI The powdered seed pods and roots showed little toxicity to bean aphids and to the lar¬ vae of silkworms and Mexican bean heetles.--Lee and Hansberry (U2)* The powdered roots were tor e to bean aphids. --Chiu and coworkers (48). STROPHANTHUS KOMBE Oliv. Strophan- thus. An acetone extract of the seeds, was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (?_)• TABERNAEMONTANA AUSTRALIS Muell. Arg. TABERNAEMONTANA HETEROPHYLLA Vahl. TABERNAEMONTANA MAURITIANA Poir. Aqueous extracts of the branchlets and leaves of each of these species were non¬ toxic to American cockroaches when m- iected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extracts.-- Heal and coworkers (93)• TABERNAEMONTANA GRAND IF LORA T Jacq. Synonym: Stenm^der^^grandi^ flora . An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93)* TABERNAEMONTANA OPPOSITIFOLIA (Spreng.) Urban. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockro ^ but not to German cockroaches and "ill - weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). TABERNAEMONTANA sp. An aqueous extract of the stems was non¬ toxic to German and American cock- roaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). TABERNANTHE IBOGA Baill. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches whenin- iected into the blood stream, and Germa cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- affected after immersion in the extract. Heal and coworkers (93). Aqueous, alcohol, and petroleum ether extracts of the seeds were all toxic to black carpet beetle larvae . but nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of t b°e C webbing’ clothes moth and and Anopheles mosquitoes. - -H e a 1 workers (93). THEVETIA GAUMERI Hemsl. An aqueous extract of the branches and leave s was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches and black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Ae^es mosquito. Mcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but to the other species. Aqueous extracts the fruits and of the roots v'^e jughiy toxic to American cockroaches and black carpet beetle larvae, somewhat toxic to milkweea bugs, and nontoxic to German cockroaches webbing clothes moths, and Ae^s mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). THEVETIA PERUVIANA (Pers.) Merr. Synonym: Gerbera thevetia . Jacapa, yel¬ low oleander. The kernels are a potent inse f ^ are especially effective against aphids. Cherian and Ramachandran (4 The active constituents of the plant are the glucoside and an unidentified compound of even greater toxicity. Ex¬ tracts of the seeds are effective as c ° ntaC, insecticides.--Gattefosse (70). Thevetin and an unidentified , isolated by cold water extraction from all parts of the plant except the leaves and the pulp of the fruit, are insecticidal—Anon ’""An'aiiione extract of the kernels showed some toxicity to adult ^Yad n'oerteci aphids and potato aphids, but had 11 on the sawtoothed grain beet 0 STSSS? Tit’ stwttome activity ta.ectt s.-T^UetsHelTat cowort sj252! An acetone extract of th bv effective against codling mo .Jacob not against German cockroaches.- Jac S °Titoeous extract of the frultswa»t«i to American cockroaches and black carp 22 beetle larvae but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only. An aqueous extract of the leaves showed some toxicity to American cockroaches but not to the other species. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the leaves were nontoxic to 0?3) the ab ° Ve s P ecies *--Heal and coworkers THEVETIA OVATA A. DC. An aqueous extract of the fruits was very toxic to American cockroaches and black carpet beetle larvae, but nontoxic to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but nontoxic to the other insect species.--Heal and coworkers (93). THEVETIA THEVETIOIDES (H. B. K.) K Schum. ' The powdered seeds were ineffective against Mexican bean beetle larvae.--Hans - berry and Clausen (86). TONDUZIA LONGIFOLIA (A. DC.) Markgr. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. An alcohol extract was ineffective against German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). TRACHELOSPERMUM DIFFORME (Walt ) Gray. ' An aqueous extract of the tops was toxic ? M er j Can cockroaches when injected into ; ne blood stream, but German cockroaches A'ere unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). JRECHITES LUTEA (L.) Britt. Synonym: u. suberecta . 7 7 An aqueous extract of the whole plant was ntoxic to German and American cock- : ov»or e kers(W) m ' lk "' ed and An acetone extract of the leaves was to mosquito larvae.--Jacobson (108). VALLESIA GLABRA Link. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was somewhat toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). VINCA MINOR L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). VINCA ROSEA L. Synonym: Lochnera rosea . German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in an aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves. An alcohol extract was likewise nontoxic to these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). VOACANGA GLOBOSA (Blanco) Merr. An aqueous extract of the fruits was highly toxic to American cockroaches but nontoxic to German cockroaches, milk¬ weed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs,^ webbing clothes moths, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). AQUIFOLIACEAE ILEX CORIACEA (Pursh.) Chapm. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ILEX GLABRA (L.) Gray. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to American cockroaches, but nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ILEX PARAGUARIENSIS A. St. Hil. Par¬ aguay tea. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves were ineffective against mosquito larvae_ Hartzell (89). 23 ILEX VERTICILLATA (L.) Gray. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs, but an extract of the fruits was highly toxic to both s P ec « « cockroaches. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the fruits were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches,milkweed bugs,webbing clothes moths, and Anopheles mosquito larvae. An aqueous extract of The seeds was nontoxic to all these species as well as Aedes mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARACEAE ACORUS CALAMUS L. Sweet rush, sweet- flag. injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches were unaffected after i™** 1 **- sion in the extract. An alcohol extract of the roots was nontoxic to larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beet e, and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). AMORPHOPHALLUS APHYLLUS (Hook.) Hutchins. An aqueous extract of the corms was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the leaves was non¬ toxic to these insects.-Healand coworkers (93). The powdered roots killed house flies and Anopheles mosquitoes in 40 minutes when used as a dust. Aqueous and alcohol extracts of the roots repelled Ixode s ticks for 3 days.--Mironov (149). . The air-dried rhizomes collected in the fall contained 1.3 percent essential oil and 0.62 percent of an alkaloid, calamine that possibly acts as a contact poison to body lice. The powdered roots killed lice up to 100 percent in 5 to 13 hours at 37 C.,but were somewhat less effective at 26 C. 1 he powdered leaves were less toxic.--Rub in- St ^The^^powdered stems are effectively em¬ ployed in some parts of India to kill *leas. A cold water extract of the stems killed 100 percent of mosquito larvae in2hours — Pendse and coworkers (L^-Z)* An acetone extract of the root was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartze 11 (__)• The finely-powdered rhizome, when mixed with various grains, kept these grains free from insect damage for long permd of time. Grain containing 2 pounds of the powder per 100 pounds showed a great degree of protection over a period of one V ear. The dried rhizomes and leaves, as well as their water infusions containing a little soap, were effective against crop pests such as plant lice and beetle grubs. The powdered roots were effective again t flies, coconut beetle grubs, clothes moth , fowl lice, and bedbugs, bat not agains bedbug eggs. --Subramaniam (20b). The powdered root was effective against bird lice, clothes moths, and bedbugs.-- Subramaniam (204). An aqueous extract of the roots wa nontoxic to American cockroaches when ANTHURIUM HOOKERI Kunth. Synonym: A. tetragonum. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American cockroaches whenin- jected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ANTHURIUM RECUSATUM Schott. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milk- teed bugs. Aqueous extracts of the leave, and twigs and of the upper parts of the plant were nontoxic to these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARISAEMA DRACONTIUM (L.) Schott. An aqueous extract of the corms was nontoxic to American cockroaches when n- jected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Heal and coworkers (93). ARISAEMA ERUBESCENS (Wall.) Schott. The powdered root was fairly toxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae, but was in¬ effective aga,inst silkworm larvae and bean aphids.--Lee and Hansberry (12?)- ARISAEMA PURPUROGALEATUM. The powdered root showed fair toxicity to Mexican bean beetle larvae and 24 CALADIUM BICOLOR Vent. aphids but had no effect on silkworm larvae. Alcohol, chloroform, and acetone extracts had no effect on bean aphids.--Lee and Hans- berry (129). ARISAEMA QUINATUM (Nutt.) Schott. Prester-john. ARISAEMA SERRATUM (Thunb.) Schott. Aqueous extracts of the bulbs of A. guinatum and of whole A. serratum were toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extracts.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ARISAEMA TRIPHYLLUM (L.) Schott. Wild turnip. An aqueous extract of the corms was nontoxic to American and German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). An acetone extract of the roots was in- ^90) CtlVC againSt mosc l uito larvae.--Hartzell ARISAEMA URASHIMA Hara. Water suspensions of the leaves, stems and roots were all nontoxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but a suspension oFthe seeds was toxic to the larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). 6 ARUM ITALICUM Mill. Aqueous extracts of the rhizomes and of the tubers were nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the bloodstream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and coworkers (93). ASTEROSTIGMA VERMITOXICUM Griseb. An aqueous extract of the tubers was toxic to American cockroaches when in- inrv 611 thC bl °° d strea m, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- attected after immersion in the extract.-- tieal and coworkers (93). ASTEROSTIGMA sp. aqu r eous extract of theleaves wasnon- and^ l and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers The powdered leaves are used as an insecticide in the Philippine Islands.-- Quisumbmg (179). An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer- sion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers CALADIUM sp. The powdered leaves, petioles, and crown plus roots each showed little or no toxicity to melonworms, diamonback moth larvae Diabrotica bivittata , cotton stabler adults,’ f. nd Australian cockroach nymphs.--Plank (ili). COLOCASIA ESCULENTA (L.) Schott. Syn¬ onym: Caladium esculentum. An .aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches, but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DIEFFENBACHIA SEQUINE (Jacq.) Schott. The plant was nontoxic to house flies mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating insects. --S i e v e r s and co¬ workers ( 197 ). The powdered leaves and stems showed little or no toxicity to melonworm larvae, bean leaf beetles, cotton Stainer adults, and Australian cockroach nymphs_Plank (174) An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was very toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of the combined stems and leaves, leaves, and roots were somewhat toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and — OI ?i? e ? es mos q ui t°es.--Heal and cowork¬ ers (93). DRACUNCULUS CANARIENSIS Kunth. An aqueous extract of the tubers was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German 25 cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93)- LAGENANDRA TOXICARIA Dalz. Synonym: L. ovata . An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in th ® ex ^^' Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of the roots were somewhat toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93h LASIA HETEROPHYLLA Schott. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). LYSICHITUM AMERICANUM Hulten & St. John. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was quite toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were affect¬ ed after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to both species of cockroaches but not to milk¬ weed bugs, while an extract of the shoots was toxic to American cockroaches an milkweed bugs but not to German cock¬ roaches. An extract of the tubers was toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). MON TRICHARD LA ACULEATUM Crueg. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the bloodstream, and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ORONTIUM AOUATICUM L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American and penman cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PELTANDRA GLAUCA (Ell.) Feay. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PELTANDRA VIRG1NICA (L.) Kunth. An aqueous extract of the underground parts was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches but not to German cockr cache sand milkweed bugs. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts showed some tox¬ icity to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anoph¬ eles mosquitoes. An aqueous extract of the combined fruits, tops, and roots was non¬ toxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PHILODENDRON BIPINNATIFIDUM Schott. An aqueous extract of the fruits was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream. German cock¬ roaches, but not milkweed bugs, were affected after immersion in the extract. An extract of the stems and inflorescence was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (91). PHILODENDRON HASTATUM Koch & Sell. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Petroleum ether, alcohol, W chloroform extracts of the leaves -ere somewhat toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). PINELLIA TERNATA (Thunb.) Breit. The powdered root was nontoxic to south¬ ern armyworms, Hawaiian beet webworms and southern beet webworms. — Bottger and Jacobson (36). PINELLIA TRIPARTITA Schott. An aqueous extract of the whole P^ntwas toxic to American cockroaches -hen in jected into the blood stream, but Germa 26 a " d milk “« d •>“«» were u„. Heal ed immersion in the extract— Heal and coworkers (93). PISTIA STRATIOTES L. An aqueous extract of one sample of whole bit n not W to r ° t0 American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milk- weed bugs An extract of a second sample whole plant was nontoxic to all three species of insects U/» a i _ , (£3) insects. -- Heal and coworkers RI S^ho™ D ° PHORA DECURSIV A (Roxb.) le^ n c aqUe ° US - eXtraCt of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches Ger™ nJeCt< l d ^ the Mood -‘ream. but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs Were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). RHODOSPATHA sp. An aqueous extract of the stems and leases was very toxic to American coc£- milk heS H bU K ^ t0 German cockroaches and ^d c W hln f gS * Petroleum ether, alcohol, and M W extracts were slightly toxic German bCetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs con- clothes ° Ur ^® etle ®» and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). H ai SPATHIPHYLLUM CUSPIDATUM Schott. toxic irT 8 CXtraCt ° f the plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in- J rn l ed the blood str eam, but German a£fe«ed C after a f milkweed bu 8 s un- Heal C a„ d d a c f *"Ar,'(^r CXtraCt - s YM p LO c A Rpus FOETID US (L.) Nutt Skunk cabbage. ' n An acet °ue extract of the whole plant was Aa°ue 1C t0 m ° Squitolarvae —Hartzell(90). rolts extracts of the fruits and of the man u* no ° toxlc to American and Ger¬ man cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An extract of the upper parts and leaves was nontoxic to American and German cockroaches. Petro- leum ether or alcohol extracts of many parts of this plant showed some toxichy "o black carpet beetle larvae, but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of fhi webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophelef mosquitoes.-Heal anX^orker S -^3]7^ SYNGONIUM PODOPHYLLUM Schott. stems a rT eXtraCt ° f the combined stems and leaves was toxic to American and milk *0* to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An alcohol extract larJIe b T t0xicit y to Aedes mosquito IZX but . 1 'T as uontoxic to German cock- hl . icbes > milkweed bugs, and larvae of the la ^ ca rpet beetle, webbing clothes moth and ^}opheies mosquito. -Heal and cowork- SYNGONIUM AURITUM (L.) Schott. to1^ntT° U8 CXtract of the sterns was toxic the S Ca t n ream r b a t Ch r S when ^cted into ream, but German cockroaches SYNGONIUM sp. , An alc ° ho1 ext ract of the stems and n , eS wa s nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Ades and Anopheles mosquitoes. A petro¬ leum ether extract of the whole plant was toxxc only to black carpet beetle farvael- Heal and coworkers (93). XANTHOSOMA BELOPHYLLUM Kunth. leav1«, a T° US / XtraCt ° f the bra uchlets and cockroach^ K ? me toxicit Y to American cockroaches but not to German cock- aches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ZAMIOCULCAS LODDIGESII Schott. extra « »f the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when iniected into the Wood stream, bat German cock- roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected alter immersion in the extract_Heal and coworkers (93). eai and ARALIACEAE acanthopanax septemlobus Koidz. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the xtract.--Heal and coworkers (93). 27 ARALIA CALIFORNIA S. Wats. An aqueous extract o£ the roots was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARALIA ELATA Seem. A water suspension of the leaves was nontoxic to Drosophila hydet larvae but a suspension of the roots was highly toxic to the P larvae. --Yamaguchi and coworker aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was very toxic to American cock roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and c reform extracts showed some toxicity t° black carpet beetle larvae but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs an * co "' fused flour beetles and larvae ofthewebbi g clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARALIA HU MIL IS Cav. Aqueous extracts of the stems and the roots were quite toxic to American cock - roaches but not to German cockroaches A petroleum ether extract of the showed some toxicity to black carpet be larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophel es, mosquitoes. An alcohol extract of the stems was nontoxic to all these insect species.- Heal and coworkers (93). ARALIA NUDICAULIS L. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARALIA RACEMOSA L. An aqueous extract of the stems and roots was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal a coworkers (93). ARALIA SPINOSA L. False prickly ash, Hercules club. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockro ^ S but not to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. An extract of the fruits was non¬ toxic to all these species. An alcohol e tract of the roots showed some toxicity to black carpet beetle larvae but not to^Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, an< * vae of the webbing clothes moth and Aed es and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and co¬ workers (93)* , , Petroleum ether, ethyl ether, and chlo¬ roform extractives of the bark, as well as petroleum ether and ethyl ether extractives of the twigs and stems, were all ineffective against house flies.--Jacobson (108). CUSSONIA SPICATA Thunb. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to American cockroache s when injected into the blood stream, and Get™" cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93)* DIDYMOPANAX MOROTOTONI (Aubl.) Dec- ne. & Planck. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An STcohol extract was somewhat toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and^larva the webbing clothes moth and Aed£S and Anopheles mosquitoes. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts were non '°* lc ,‘°, these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). DIDYMOPANAX T REMULUM Krug & Urban. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was highly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German C °^ k roaches, milkweed bugs, confus . beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. Alcohol, petro leum ether, and chlorotem extents shewed some toxicity to black carpet beetle lar vae.--Heal and coworkers 193). GILIBERTIA ARBOREA (L.) March. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract. --Heal and co workers (9i)* HEDERA HELIX L. An aqueous extract of the leaves was highly toxic to American cockroachess w ’ injected into the bloodstream, but Germa 28 Mart. & cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. Petroleum ether and alcohol extracts showed some toxicity to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to the German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and — - es and Anopheles mosquitoes. An aque¬ ous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARISTOLOCHIA BRASILIENSIS Zucc. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Extracts of the stems and leaves showed some toxicity to German cockroaches but not to American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). PENTAPANAX ANGELICIFOLIUM Griseb. ARISTOLOCHI A BREVIPES Benth. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was highly toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the bloodstream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract. The extract was nontoxic to confused flour beetles and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito but some - what toxic to black carpet beetle larvae. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts gave the same results as did the aqueous ex¬ tract.--Heal and coworkers (93). SCHEFFLERA sp. An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to American cockroaches but not to erman cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the roots was nontoxic to all these insects. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of the combined leaves and roots were all nontoxic to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and ~? des mos quito. - -Heal and coworkers (93). aristolochiaceae ARISTOLOCHIA ARGENTINA Griseb. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and eaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, ut German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract-Heal and coworkers (93). ARISTOLOCHIA BRACTEATA Retz. Kida- mari. A cold-water extract of the leaves and U ^ COm P lete kil1 of mosquito ( 167 ) 17 hours *"' Pendse and coworkers An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ARISTOLOCHIA CYMBIFERA Mart. & Zucc. Barbasco, pate. An acetone extract of the rhizomes was — c to mosquito larvae. - -J a c o b s o n Aqueous extracts of the roots and stems showed some toxicity to American cock¬ roaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ARISTOLOCHIA DENSIVENIA Engl. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves showed some toxicity to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the roots was nontoxic to all these insects. --Heal and coworkers (93). ARISTOLOCHIA MACROURA Gomez. An aqueous extract of the whole plant showed some toxicity to American cock¬ roaches, but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ARISTOLOCHIA MAXIMA Jacq. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARISTOLOCHIA RETICULATA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches but non¬ toxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). Water and acetone extracts’ of the roots were nontoxic to mosquito larvae. --Hart- 29 ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA L. Ser- pentaria. Water and acetone extracts of the roots were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hart- iel Aq«ous extracts of the roots showed some toxicity to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. The ex- were somewhat toxic to black carpet beetle larvae. Petroleum ether extracts were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARISTOLOCHIA TRILOBATA L. ARISTOLOCHIA WATSONI Woot. & Standi. Aqueous extracts of the roots and stems of A. trilobata and of the roots of A. watsoni were nontoxic to German and Amer- ican cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). ARISTOLOCHIA sp. An aqueous extract of the roots was somewhat toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ASARUM ARIFOLIUM Michx. Methyl isoeugenol, obtained from the essential oil, increased the toxicity oi a standard pyrethrum spray to adult house flies.--Kerr (Hi). ASARUM CANADENSE L. Snakeroot, wild ginger. An acetone extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (9_ ). An ethyl ether extract of the roots was nontoxic to house flies and showed no synergism with pyrethrins.--Jacobson(10_8). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ASCLEPIADACEAE ARAUJIA GRANDIFLORA Morong. ARAUJ1A SERICIFERA var. HORTORUM (Fourne.) Malme Aqueous extracts of the branchlets and leaves of A. grandiflora were nontoxic to American “ind German cockroaches. Ex¬ tracts of the branchlets and leaves of A. sericifera were nontoxic to both species of cockroaches as well as milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ASCLEPIAS CURASSAVICA L. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ASCLEPIAS ERIOCARPA Benth. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was highly toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches. Petroleum ether and alcohol extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and lar¬ vae of the webbing clothes moth and Aed es and Anopheles mosquitoes. An a 9 ue ° u9 . e *‘ tract of the whole plant was highly toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ASARUM VIRGINICUM L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ASCLEPIAS KANSANA Vail. An aqueous extract of the fruits and roots was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches, and an alcohol extract was nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothe, moth and Aedes mosquito but toxic to bla carpet beetle larvae.--Heal and coworke (93) ASCLEPIAS LABRIFORMIS Jones. Milk¬ weed. The powdered stems were nontoxic to melonworms, southern ar ™y wor ™ S - blister beetles.--Bottger and Jacobson (3b). The powdered stems were toxic to Eur pean corn borer larvae. Combined petro¬ leum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the stems were in effective against codling moths and house flies.--Jacobson (108). 30 Aq ue °u s extracts of the whole plant and of the stems and leaves were very toxic to American cockroaches but not to German coc kroa c hes and milkweed bugs. Petroleum alcohol > and chloroform extracts of the whole plant were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anoph¬ eles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ASCLEPIAS SPECIOSA Torr. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cock- wehM CS ’ f 1 ^ kweed bu g s > and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anoph¬ eles mosquitoes.--Heal anTE^7o r ke« (93).‘ ASCLEPIAS STENOPHYLLA Gray. Syn- onym: Acerates angustifolia . An aqueous extract of the stems and ieaves was nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the bloodstream and German cockroaches were unaffected ter immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA L. Milkweed. Water and acetone extracts of the stems and of the leaves were nontoxic to mos¬ quito larvae.--Hartzell ( 89 ). A " t qUeOUS extract of the roots was ighly toxic to American cockroaches but ether ^ ?° Ckr 0 aC hes. Petroleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform extracts of h*Li r °? tS W6re t0xic onl y to black carpet eetle larvae.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). BLEPHARODONMUCRONATUM(Schlecht ) uecne. • An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to American and German cock- workers ^ d ) milk »« d bugs.-Heal and co- CALOTROPIS GIGANTEA (L.) R. Br. Some plant parts were toxic, as dusts or extracts, to house flies, mosquito lar¬ vae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers ( 197 ). CALOTROPIS PROCERA Ait. Swallowwort. hi^ aqueous ex tract of the leaves was *f f ly J ox > c to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches. Alcohol, petro¬ leum ether, and chloroform extracts of the leaves and of the roots were toxic to black carpet .beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs , confused flour mntl S ’/a , me ° f thC Webbin g Clothes / 5tband Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. An alcohol extract of the branches was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). CEROPEGIA DICHOTOMA Haw. An aqueous extract of the stems was “ American and German cockroaches Workers ^ ak »« d »ugs.-Heal and co- CRYPTOSTEGIA GRANDIFLORA R. Br. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA L. to A A n ^ qUe ° US extract of the roots was toxic not 111 mv*” German cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ASCLEPIODORA VIRIDIS (Walt.) Gray. toxic t a o q T US eXtraCt ° f the leaves - a * ecL American cockroaches wnen in- cockroari 0 Stream > bu ‘ German affe1tedl1> S ^ milkweed bu gs were un- aqueous e*"ac?*V h * ' Xtract ' A " both q na tra ? t of the roots was toxic to weed hups 65 h C ° ckroaches but not to milk- gs.--Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the stems was toxic v^ eT1 i Ca ' n cockr °aches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petro¬ leum ether, and chloroform extracts were somewhat toxic to black carpet beetle lar¬ vae but not to German cockroaches, milk¬ weed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes a " d «<> Anopheles mosqui- toes.--Heal and coworkers (93). CYNANCHUM NIGRUM (L.) P ers . S yn- ° n y m: Vincetoxicum nigrum . An aqueous extract of portions of the aid A WUh . leaVCS was atoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 31 CYNANCHUM sp. The plant showed little toxicity to silk¬ worm and Mexican bean b J etle larVa , e . to bean and Hansberry -)• German cockroaches and milkweed bugs »ere unaffected after immersion in the extract. - - Heal and coworkers (93). IBAT1A MAR1TIMA (L.) Decne. DAEMIA EXTENSA R. Br. DAEM1A TOMENTOSA Pomel. Synonym: D. cordata. An aqueous extract of the roots «as non- toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and cowork- ers (93)* An aqueous extract of ^.extensa was very toxic to American cockroaches when^n- iected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- affected after immersion in the extract. An extract of D. tomentosa was toxic to both species of cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). LACHNOSTOMA ARIZONICUM Gray. An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). MARSDENLA CLAUSA R. Br. EDISON LA PUBIFLORA (Decne.) Small. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches, somewhat toxic to German cockroaches and nontoxic: to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (9_3). FUNASTRUM BONARIENSE (Hook. & Am.) Schle chter. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to American and Ger¬ man cockroaches. Alcohol. P«ro .umether and chloroform extracts of the leave showed some toxicity to black carpetbeetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of th *^ele l clothes moth and Aedes and mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (?2)s MARSDENLA CUNDURANGONichols. Con- durango. FUNASTRUM GRACILE (Decne.) Schle chter. An aqueous extract of the stems was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweedL bugs. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were somewhat toxic to larvae of the black carpet beetle and nebbing ’• *^ “ moth but nontoxic to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and Xedes mosquito larvae—Heal and cowork- ers (93). An acetone extract toxic to mosquito larvae. - -Hartzell (90). An aqueous extract of the bark was non- toxic to German and American cockroaches ‘and' milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). MARSDENIA MACROPHYLLA Fourn. An aqueous extract of the roots was non- toxic to German and American cockroaches “d milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). melllchampia ligulata. GONOLOBUS GONOCARPOS (Walt.) Perry. Synonym: Vincetoxicu m gonocarpqs. Aqueous extracts of the pods, roots and stems and leaves were all nontoxic to Ge man and American cockroaches and milk weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the stems was toxic to American cockroaches when mjectedint the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in th extract.--Heal and coworkers (V3). GONOLOBUS LAEVIS Michx. MORRENIA BRACHYSTEPHANA Griseb. An aqueous extract of the whole P la ntwas somewhat toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co workers (93)* Wm 32 PERIPLOCA LAEVIGATA Ait. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). P ° DGSTIGMA PEDICELLATUM (Walt.) v an. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- rieai and coworkers (93). SA Arn° STEMMA BREVISTIGm A Wight & An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to American and German cock- workers ^ milkweed and co- VINCETOXICUM PALUSTRE (Pursh) Gray, bynonym: Seutera palustris . An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs extrlrf Una w eC t ed / ftCr immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). balsaminaceae 1 M rt£fr N a S CAPENSIS Synonym: An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic the MooHr COckl ? aches when injected into Ind bUt German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after rooTs^VeT m thC ® Xtract * An extract of the these’ ins^ f 63 ’ Stems was nontoxic to ( 93 ) species.--Heal and coworkers batidaceae batis maritima l. begoniaceae to A m Ue r US extract of the whole plant was jected ir,t A 7u rX uf n cockroac bes when in- cockroaches^ hC blood st ream, but German affected ^ milkweed bugs were un- H M i * immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). BEGONIA REX Putz. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was — C tC ^ German and American cock- workers »ugs.-Heal and co- BERBERIDACEAE BERBERIS ARISTATA DC. Daruhalad. A ?°! d water extract of the stems gave complete mortality of mosquito larva! in 1 ' hours *--Pendse and coworkers (167). BERBERIS VULGARIS L. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES (L ) Michx. v ‘' An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when njected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- affected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle r!. r ,! ae bu * not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. An aqueous extract of the rhi- zomes was highly toxic to American cock- oaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Petroleum ether and chlo- M m u XtraCtS ° f the rhiz °mes were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only.--Heal and coworkers (93). JEFFERSONIA DIPHYLLA (L.) Pers. An aqueous extract of the roots and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches but not u ° er ™ at } c ° c kroaches and milkweed D u gs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MAHONIA AQUIFOLIUM (Pursh)Nutt. Syn¬ onym: Berber is aquifolium. An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to American and German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). 33 MAHONIA TRIFOLIATA (Moric.) Fedde. Synonym: Rerberis trifoliata. An aqueous extract of the fruits was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93)- PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM L. Mandrake. An acetone extract of the roots was non- toxic to mosquito larvae.- _H f a: 1 leaves An aqueous extract of the fresh leaves was nontoxic to American cockroaches. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and c . hl oroform extracts of the leaves were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. An aqueous ex¬ tract of the freshrhizomes was very toxic to roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co workers (93). betulaceae ALNUS FIRMA Sieb. & Zucc. Synonym: A. sieboldiana Water suspensions of the leaves and o the flowers were nontoxic to Drosop ^ a hydei larvae, but a suspension of the ro °^ ^Tloxic to these larvae.--Yamaguchi a coworkers ( 233 ). ALNUS TINCTORLA var. OBTUSILOBA Call. Water suspensions of the leaves and of the fruits and stems were nontoxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but a suS ? e ^J°^ the - leaves anditems was very toxic to the larvae.- -Yamaguchi and coworkers (233)- BETULA ALBA L. White birch. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). BETULA LENTA L. Birch An acetone extract of the baric was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.—Hartzell (9_). BETULA LUTEA Michx. Yellow birch. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott ( 225 ). BETULA MANDSCHURICA var. SZECHU- ANICA (Schneid.) Rehd. Synonym. _• taus chii . Several fractions of the dry-distillation of the bark were toxic to Culex pipi e n akir- vae --Yamaguchi and coworkers Kill)' . The dry-distilled bark oil, alone or mixed with other insecticides and an emulsify l g agent, is used as an insecticide.--Yamaguchi and coworkers ( 230 ). BETULA PENDULA Roth. Synonym: B. verrucosa . The powdered plant was nontoxic to Ixodes and Dermacentor ticks, bedbugs, hk^T flies, Aedes and Anopheles mosqui¬ toes, and Drosophila . --Olenev (163). BETULA SOLLENNIS Koidz. A water suspension of the leaves was very toxic to nrosonhila hyde. larvae.--Yama- guchi and coworkers (233). bignoniaceae bignonla capreolata l. An aqueous extract of the stems and leave s was nontoxic to American and German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CAMPSIS RADICANS (L.) Seem. Synonym: Bignonia radicans . An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American cockroaches. -Heal and coworkers (93). CATALPA BIGNONIOIDES Walt. An aqueous extract of the leave s was non¬ toxic to American and German cock¬ roaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). CATALPA LONGISSIMASims. Haitian oak. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). CRESCENTIA CUJETE L. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches ^en^ iected into the blood stream, but Germa cockroaches and milkweed . bug “ W *' tract affected after immersion in . rhloroforn Alcohol, petroleum ether, and 34 extracts of the roots were nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beet i e? and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. An aqueous extract of the fruits was nontoxic to American and Ger¬ man cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). & h“ k HANDRONE LUTEA (Benth -> Benth - Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stem bark were nontoxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). d OLI chandr ONE SPATHACEA (L.f.) K Schum. ' JACARANDA BRASILIANA Pers. An aqueous extract of the bark was non- toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). JACARANDA FILICIFOLIA (Anders.) D Don. ' Some of the plant parts, as dusts or ex¬ tracts, were toxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers ( 197 ). MELLOA POPULIFOLIA Bur. Aqueous extracts of the leaves and of the roots were nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches. --Healand coworkers (93). NEWBOULDIA LAEVIS Seem. jT/ 0US extrac * ° f the roots was non- ™ C to , American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers PYROSTEG1A VENUSTA Miers. Synonym: rUgnonia venusta . leases aque °" s ,'« rac t of the stems and - . was toxic to American cockroaches n injected into the blood stream, but c ° ckr °aches and milkweed bugs extract Una H eC i ted / ft6r lmmersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). TABEBUIA BARBATA (E. Mey.) Sandw. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). TABEBUIA CAPITATA (Bur. 8, K. Schum.) Sandw. ' The wood is quite resistant to termite attack. - - Wolcott (224). TABEBUIA IPE (Mart.) Standi. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). TABEBUIA PALLIDA Miers. West Indian boxwood. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites. --Wolcott (225). An aqueous extract of the bark was non- toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). TABEBUIA PENTAPHYLLA Hemsl. Roble. Wo T lcottl|g).‘ S S ' ,SCeptiMe tQ ‘ TABEBUIA sp. Bethberra. The powdered wood was ineffective against southern armyworms.--Jacobson (108). TECOMA CONSPICUA DC. iS resistan t to termites.--Wol¬ cott ( 225 ). TECOMA STANS var. ANGUSTATA Rehd. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to American and Ger¬ man cockroaches and milkweed bugs_Heal and coworkers (93). TECOMARIA CAPENSIS (Thunb.) Spack. Synonym: Tecoma capensis . An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches. --Healand coworkers (93). BIXACEAE SPATHODEA CAMPANULATA Beauv. BIXA ORELEANA E. Anatto r) fll 1 P Al l C -i- /* . 1 no«oxic U to'T' XtraCt ° £ the Stem bark roaches , a G ' r , man and American cock- workers ,t) " td bu 8 s — Heal and co- The fresh ground fruit pulp is applied to the skin as a paint in El Salvador to act as ^21^ Pellant ""’ Wellman and Van Severen BOMBACACEAE BOMBACOPSIS QUINATA (jacq.) Dugand. Pochote, cedro espino. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (226). BOMBACOPSIS SEPIUM Pittier. An aqueous extract of the wood was non¬ toxic to American and German cockroaches. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae o the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CEIBA PENTANDRA (L.) Gaertn. Synonym: Eriodendron anfractuosum . Aqueous extracts of the branches and of the roots were very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of each part were nontoxic to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). OCHROMA PYRAMIDALE (Cav.) Urban. Balsa. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott (225). OCHROMA sp. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). boraginaceae AMSINCKIA INTERMEDIA Fisch. & Mey. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion ^ the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beet e, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. An aqueous extract of the seeds was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Petroleum ether extracts of the seeds were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only, while alcohol and chlo¬ roform extracts of the seeds were nontoxic to all these species.--Heal and coworkers (93)- ANCHUSA OFFICINALIS L. Anchusa. An acetone extract of the whole plantwas nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (9_)> ANCHUSA sp. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ANTIOTREMA DUNNIANUM Hand-Mazz. The plant showed little toxicity to silk¬ worm and Mexican bean beetle larvae and bean aphids.--Lee and Hansberry (129). BOURRERIA SUCCULENTA Jacq. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CORDIA ALLIODORA Cham. Synonym: r. P rdana alliodora . Spanish elm. The wood is resistant to termites. --Wol¬ cott ( 225 ). . , _ rncta The heartwood of this tree from Rica was very resistant to termites.-- Scheffer and Duncan (191). CYLINDRISTACHYA Roem. CORDIA Schult. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when the blood stream, but German cockroach*, and milkweed bugs were unaffected afte immersion in the extract.--Heal and workers (93). CORDIA GOELDLANA Huber. Brazilian wal¬ nut. The wood is susceptible to termite s.- Wolcott (225) 36 CORDIA GRAVEOLENS H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches-Heal and coworkers (93). CRYPTANTHA BARBIGERA (Gray) Greene. CRYPTANTHA sp. Aqueous extracts of the stems, leaves, and flowers of C_. barbigera and of the roots of C. sp. were toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and coworkers (93). CYNOGLOSSUM OFFICINALE L. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American but not to German cock¬ roaches. A chloroform extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). ECHIUM PLANTAGINEUM L. ECHIUM VULGARE L. Aqueous extracts of the roots of each species were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HACKELIA FLORIBUNDA (Lehm.) I. M. Johnst. Synonym: Echinospermum flori- bundum. ' - An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). HACKELIA JESSICAE (McGregor) Brand. Synonym: Lappula jessicae . An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). H ?^L°^ ropium conv °lvulaceum (Nutt.) Gray. HELIOTROPIUM GREGGII Torr. An aqueous extract of the upper parts and the flowers was nontoxic to German and American cockr oaches.--Heal and co- workers (93). HELIOTROPIUM EROSUM var. PROSTRA¬ TUM. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). HELIOTROPIUM INDICUM L. Fedegoso. The dried leaves, stalks, roots, and seed racemes are highly attractive to several species of moths, butterflies, wasps, beetles, grasshoppers, bugs, mosquitoes and flies.--Moss (153). An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). LITHOSPERMUM LINEARIFOLIUM Goldie. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). MERTENSIA LANCEOLATA DC. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquito. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). MERTENSIA VIRGINICA (L.) Link. An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE L. An aqueous extract of the aerial parts was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). TOURNEFORTIA GNAPHALODES (L.) r. Br. Synonym: Mallotonia gnaphalo des. An aqueous extract of the stems and roots was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. An extract of the branches an roots was nontoxic to all these insects.-- Heal and coworkers (93). TOURNEFORTIA HIRSUTISSIMA L. An aqueous extract of the leaves w ^ s nontoxic to German and Am f e ^ ca " roaches. A chloroform extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and la J v ' a the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. Alcohol an pet ^ TeTurn ether extracts were nontoxic to al these insects. An aqueous extr ^ t of th roots was toxic to American co< *5°* C ^* but not to German cockroaches.--Heal a coworkers (93). TOURNEFORTIA VOLUBILIS L. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloro- form extracts ol the whole plant were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs con- fused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. An aqueous extract ^TthTltims and flowers was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). TRICHODESMA ZEYLANICUM R. Br. An aqueous extract of the stems leaves and fruits was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the^ blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk weed bugs were unaffected after immer sion Tn the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). BROMELIACEAE ANANAS COMOSUS (L.) Merr. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American and ^l^nd cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). BROMELIA KARATAS L. An aqueous extract of the infrutescence was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes and Anophel es, mosquitoes. An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri- can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). TILLANDS1A FASCICULATA Sw. TILLANDSIA RECURVATA L. Aqueous extracts ot the stems and leaves of each species were toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were un¬ affected after immersion in the extracts.-- Heal and coworkers ( 91 )* TILLANDSIA USNEOIDES L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American and German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). burseraceae BOSWELLIA CARTERH Birdw. Frankin¬ cense, olibanum tears. Acetone and water extracts of the whole plant were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89)- BURSERA GRAVEOLENS Triana & Planch. An aqueous extract of the branc ^ a ^ leaves was nontoxic to German and Amen can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.- -Heal and coworkers (93). BURSERA GUMMIFERA L. West Indian birch, almacigo. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.— Wolcott (225). BURSERA MICROPHYLLA Gray. Synonym: Elaphrium microphyllurn . An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to^American cockroaches Anaqueous extract of the gum was toxic to Ame cockroaches when injected into stream, but German cockroaches andmi j weed bugs were unaffected after1 ^^ in the extract.--Heal andcoworkers (93). 38 BURSERA sp. An aqueous extract of the stems and fruits was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CANARIUM COMMUNE L. An aqueous extract of the fruits was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). COMMIPHORA AFRICANA (Arn.) Engl. Aqueous extracts of the branches and of the stem bark were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). COMMIPHORA MYRRHA (T. Nees) Engl. Myrrh. 6 Acetone and water extracts of myrrh gum were nontoxic to mosquito larvae -- Hartzell (89). DACRYODES EXCELSA Vahl. Candlewood. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott (225). An alcohol extract of the resin was some¬ what toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bu 8 s ’ a " d iarvae of the webbing clothes moth and^Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). DACRYODES HEXANDRA Griseb. An aqueous extract of the stem wood, branches, and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the whole plant were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes m °t an d Aedes and Anopheles mosqui- toes.--Heal and coworkers (93). PACHYLOBUS EDULIS G. Don. Synonym: Canarium edule . An aqueous extract of the stem bark was toxu: to American cockroaches but not German cockroaches and milkweed ugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PROTIUM DECANDRUM March. PROTIUM HEPTAPHYLLUM (Aubl.) March. Synonym: Icica tacamahaca . The wood is resistant to termites -- Wolcott (225). mites. PROTIUM sp. Anyme. The essential oil did not repel Aedes mosquitoes.--McCulloch and Waterh^I v / • An aqueous extract of the resin was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). TETRAGASTRIS BALSAMIFERA (Sw.) Kuntze. Copal, almacey. The wood is susceptible to termite Wolcott (225). s. - - TETRAGASTRIS CATUABA Soares da Cunha. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers \ zJl ) • TETRAGASTRIS sp. An aqueous extract of the bark and branches was nontoxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). BUXACEAE BUXUS JAPONICA Muell. Arg. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was highly toxic to Drosophila hvdei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). BUXUS SEMPERVIRENS L. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to Arrterican cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). PACHYSANDRA PROCUMBENS Michx. PACHYSANDRA TERMINALIS Sieb. & Zucc. m T he W w 0< ? iS Very susc eptible to ter¬ mites Wolcott (225). Aqueous extracts of the whole plant of P. procumbens and of the stems and leaves ^f P. terminalis were nontoxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 39 SIMMONDS1A CH1NENSIS (Link) Schneid. Synonym: S. californica . Aqueous extracts of the branchlets and leaves, of the fruits, and roots were all nontoxic to American and German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CACTACEAE ARIOCARPUS FISSURATUS (Engelm.) K. Schum. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CEREUS DIGUETII Weber. Synonym: Wilcoxia striata . An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bug..-Heal and coworkers (93). LOPHOPHORA WILLIAMSII (Lem.) Coult. An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). ERUCA (Brandeg.) PACHYCEREUS MARGINATUS (DC.) Brit¬ ton & Rose. An aqueous extract of the stems was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PENIOCEREUS GREGGII (Engelm.) Brit¬ ton & Rose. An aqueous extract of the tubers was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). MACHAEROCEREUS Britton & Rose. An aqueous extract of the whole fresh plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, bu German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co- workers (93). MACHAEROCEREUS GUMMOSUS (Engelm.) Britton & Rose. An aqueous extract of the stems showed some toxicity to American and German cockroaches. Alcohol, petroleum ether and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). RHIPSALIS CASSUTHA Gaertn. An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and c workers (93). RHIPSALIS LEUCORHAPHIS K. Schum. An aqueous extract of the stems was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un affected after immersion in the extract. A petroleum ether extract was somewhat toxic to German cockroaches, milkweedbugs, and black carpet beetles, but not to webbing clothes moth larvae. Alcohol and chloro¬ form extracts were nontoxic to all these insects as well as to Aedes mosquito larvae and confused flour beetles.--Hea and coworkers (93). SELENICEREUS GRANDIFLORUS (L.) Britton & Rose. An aqueous extract of the stems was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Heal and coworkers (93). CALYCANTHACEAE CALYCANTHUS FERTILIS Walt. An aqueous extract of the branches an< leaves was nontoxic to American an German cockroaches.--Heal and coworker ( 93 ). 40 CAMPANULACEAE CAMPANULA PETIOLATA A. DC. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). K d CANELLACEAE CANELLA WINTERANA (L.) Gaertn. cinnamon, canela. Wild An acetone extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae. - -Hartzell (90). T he bark was appreciably toxic to adults of Andrector r uficornis when dusted on bean leaves but was inert as a contact insecticide. It was also ineffective against melonworm fall armyworm, and diamond- back moth larvae, cotton stainer adults, and Australian cockroach nymphs. The powdered wood was ineffective against all these insects.--Plank (174). An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CANNACEAE CANNA EDULIS Ker. An aqueous extract of the rhizomes was toxic t° American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- rieal and coworkers (93). CANNA FLACCIDA Rose. An aqueous extract of the whole plant as toxic to German and American cock- roaches but not to milkweed bugs. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and iarn^ K ‘If Webbin g clothes moth, black ,. beetle '.. and Aedes and Anopheles squitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). CAPPARIDACEAE ATAMISQUEA EMARGINATA Miers. l ea t aqueous extract of the branches and eaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri- ° ckroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CAPPARIS CORDIFOLIA Lam. toxic extract ° £ the bark °°n. toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CAPPARIS FLEXUOSA L. Mosto. The fruits of this Venezuelan shrub may (79)! 38 ^ inS6Ct re P ellent --GrUnwald An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CAPPARIS HORRIDA L. f. CAPPARIS MICRACANTHA DC. CAPPARIS PORTORICENSIS Urban. CAPPARIS TWEEDIANA Eichl. CAPPARIS sp. Aqueous extracts of the roots of C. ^rrida and C. tweediana. the stem bark of — micr acantha , the roots and bark of C. portoricensis. and the root bark of C. sp were all nontoxic to German and AmeTktri cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (9_3). CLEOME ANOMALA H. B. K. CLEOME GYNANDRA L. Aqueous extracts of the roots of these species were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed Dugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CLEOME PRURIENS Planch. & Triana. The plant was nontoxic to house flies mosquito larvae, and several species of ( 197 ) 118 larVae --‘ Sievers and coworkers CLEOME PSORALEAEFOLIA DC. Some parts of this species, as dusts or extracts, were toxic to house flies mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-e^mg larvae.--Sievers and coworkers CLEOME SERRULATA Pursh. Aqueous extracts of the roots, the cap¬ sules and seeds, and the fruits were all nontoxic to German and American cock- 41 roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). CLEOME SPINOSA Jacq. Some parts of this species, as dusts or extracts, were toxic to house flies mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (197). An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CLEOMELLA PLOCASPERMA S. Wats. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontpxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). GYNANDROPSIS LEHMANNI Hieron. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alco¬ hol, petroleum ether, and chloroform ex¬ tracts were nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.-- Heal and coworkers (93). GYNANDROPSIS PENTAPHYLLA (L.) DC. An aqueous extract of the seeds was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). ISOMERIS ARBOREA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). MAERUA ANGOLENSIS DC. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). WISLIZENLA REFRACTA Engelm. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.- -Heal and coworkers (93). CAPRIFOLIACEAE DIERVILLA LONICERA Mill. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and bark was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). LONICERA XYLOSTEUM L. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). SAMBUCUS CANADENSIS L. Elder. An aqueous extract of the fruits and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). Water suspensions of the leaves and of the combined leaves and stems were non¬ toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but a suspension of the roots was toxic to these larvae. --Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). SAMBUCUS COERULEA Raf. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SAMBUCUS NIGRA L. European elder. An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal anc coworkers (93). The volatile substances in this plant active against insects and lower forms o life were found to contain hydrogen cya-, nide, which is probably the active compo nent.--Drabkin (56). SAMBUCUS PUBENS Michx. An aqueous extract of the leaves wa very toxic to American cookroaches whe injected into the blood stream, but Germa cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un affected after immersion in the extrac Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chlorofori extracts of the leaves were somewhat tox: to black carpet beetle larvae, but not German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, ar larvae of the webbing clothes moth ar Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. P 42 aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic milS ern !f n K and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 )? SAMBUCUS sp. Water and acetone extracts of the flowers to ° r ^ig£a were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). f ^ n , aCetone extr *ct of the~roots was toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). SYMPHORICARPOS ALBUS (L.) Blake. An aqueous extract of the stems and roots was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). B eai VIBURNUM NUDUM L. toxl? mr 60113 6XtraCt ° f the roots was non- toxic to German and American cockroaches rui milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers arenaria PEPLOIDES L. An aqueous extract of the whole nlant as very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed h- rxracr^ 1 ^! aft6r immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether and chloroform extracts were toxic to'bla^k carpet beetle larvae, but not to German of t he° a w hh- milk , Weed a nd larvae °Vi e nebbing clothes moth and Aedes worfc4?f i^ET mosquitoes -- Heal ARENARIA leptoclados Guss. and ron? r SUSpension of the leaves, stems, farv/. v WaS XiC t0 Dros °Phila hydei • amaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). ^S^dE^ PACHYp HYLLA Woot. CARICACEAE CARIC A PAPAYA L. Synonym: Papaya vulgaris . Papaya. _*paya us^E^ prepared from ^e latex is lice and toe K a againSt chi SS^s, pubic and Van CARYOCARACEAE CARYOCAR GLABRUM Pers. CARYOCAR sp. toxic a , q o Ue °“ s e3 “ rac ‘ of ‘he bark was non- CA b1«° r C n 1 t R VILL °SUM Pers. Brazilian Wolcott 7225). 15 resistant to termites... CARYOPHYLLACEAE agrostemma githago l. toll IxTTc extract 0f lhe n °»ers was roaches - He?r rm f n * nd American cock- Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the whole nlant can tOXiC t0 German a °d Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs Alco l°L, P l 01 ™? e,her ’ and chloroform b.e„: ta°re T.' Iffj^ .the ^geles^ mosquitoes-.Heal ^ C o- LY rnmeJ- S CORONARIA (L-) Desr. Dusty wal" ■ eXtraCt ° f the who ‘ e plant S; mosquito larvae.-Harwell LYCHNIS GRACILIMA (Rohrb.) Makino. tox1c Wa to er n SUSPen u S i 0n ° f thG r °° ts wasnon- ° 2lYjg £hila hydej larvae, but a stems was and / X V C these larvae. - -Yamaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). S POLYCARPON TETRAPHYLLUM L. An aqueous extract of the whole nlant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co workers (93). K and co ~ SILENE ANTIRRHINA L. SILENE VIRGINICA L. 43 iected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extracts.-- Heal and coworkers (93). SPERGULA ARVENSIS E. An aqueous extract of the whole plant with flowers was toxic to milkweed bugs but not to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). SPERGULAR1A MACROTHECA (Hornem.) Heynh. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockr-caches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). SPERGULARLA MARINA (L.) Griseb. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but no to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol, petroleum ether * nd chl °* extracts showed some toxicity to black carpet beetle larvae but not to Germ n cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae the webbing clothes moth and Ae^p and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and workers (93). STELLARIA MEDIA (L.) Cyrill. Chick- weed. An acetone extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzel (9_> STIPULICIDA SETACEA Michx. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and A ^ e ^^ a " cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-^Heal and coworkers (93). CELASTRACEAE CASUARINACEAE CASUARINA EQUISETIFOL1A L. Austral¬ ian pine, beefwood. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.— Wolcott (225). An aqueous extract of the branches was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (93). CELASTRUS ANGULATUS Maxim. Bitter tree, anglestem bittersweet. The powdered leaves and roots were both nontoxic to bean aphids.--Chiu an coworkers (48). _ Qr This plant is used by Chinese farmers for the control of vegetable insects. Pul¬ verized root bark and water suspensions thereof were effective against tent cater¬ pillars as a stomach poison and as a repellent. An acetone extract of the root bark was toxic to the tent caterpillar and slightly toxic to American cockroaches an confused flour beetles. Neither the powdered root bark nor its extract was toxic to cotton aphids. Crystalline and non-crystalline fractions of a petroleum ether extract ° l the root bark were repellent and toxic to tent caterpillars and willow leaf beetles.-- Ch The i iowdered root is effective against the migratory locust and the cruciferous leaf beetle.--Anonymous (12). The powdered root and root bark were nontoxic to southern armyworms. melon- worms, southern beet webworms, bean leal rollers, and cr os s - striped cabbage worms, but they were toxic to Hawaiian beet web¬ worms.--Bottger and Jacobson (3o)- The powdered roots and root bark were toxic and nontoxic, respectively to Euro¬ pean corn borer larvae, and both were nontoxic to grasshoppers and codling moth larvae.-- Jacobson ( 108 ). An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to German cockroaches but not to American cockroaches andl milk weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (931* CELASTRUS ARTICULATUS Thunb. Ori¬ ental bittersweet. The powdered root and root bark were nontoxic to southern armyworms melov,- worms, southern beet webworms, bean leal rollers, cross - striped cabbage worms and codling moth larvae. The roots wer and of the roots were all nontoxm to German and American coc^ workers ^ d , milkweed bugs.-Heal and co- EL mu E sca D t ENDR ° N XYLOCARp UM DC. Nut An aqueous extract of the stem bark was very toxic to American cock^oach^ when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches were unaffected ift mersion in the extract. Alcohol, petro- eum ether, and chloroform extracts showed but m L To C C ty ,C Wack Car '” !t beetle Tar vat buns and “broaches, milkweed and A lar / ae of ^e webbing clothes toes iSlr—T 5 ^ ^£h£les mosqui¬ toes.--Heal and coworkers (93). EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS Jacq. 8 k1 n , aqueous extract of the root bark , ed u° me toxicit y to American cock- Trt i^ heS n0t t0 German cockroaches and and cTl 6 ? UgS ‘ Alcohol « Petroleum ether, a 1 h r i eXtraCtS Were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae Anonhel g Cl ° thes moth a nd Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal ~^Wd~ co workers (93). a co " EUONYMUS BUNGEANUS Maxim. EUONYMUS OBOVATUS Nutt. EUONYMUS YEDOENSIS Koehne. toxIcloT 6XtraCtS ° f the fruits w ^e non- Ind mn1 mer A an and Germa n cockroaches (93). 6 bugs.--Heal and coworkers E ber N ry1r U e S e EUROPAEUS L * S P indle > lo — th . f h f Ql ’ acetone » or benzene extracts of io frUltS / Wed conside rable paralyzing action and mortality when tested at high apMd S r atl ° nagainSt adult chr ysanthemum aphids, saw-toothed grain beetles, and ^^g^---^rsfiel d and co- An aqueous extract of the fruits was nontoxic to German and American cock roaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol, petro- urn ether, and chloroform extracts showed black cT 0 ? 1° Webbi "« Cl ° tbes "m'bs and lack carpet beetles but not to German and A ,'1' milk »« d bugs, and Ae”es cowo4EffFl^, m ° SqUi, ° •"''“-HeiTiSa E '|S1' q Y ^R e S hd F ? RTUNEI var - Radicans 1 q *' Rehd. Synonym: E, radicans . toxic *£“?-“.* extract °‘ the fruits was non- rn , erman and American cock- hes.--Heal and coworkers (93). 45 euonymus japonicus l. f. An aqueous extract of the whole plant showed some toxicity to American coc - roaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). euonymus occidentals Nutt. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves showed some toxicity to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). EUONYMUS Sp. An aqueous extract of the fruits was highly toxic to American cockroaches ' iected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). GYMNOSPORLA SENEGALENSIS Loes. An aqueous extract of the roots and bark was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). KOKOONA ZEYLANICA Thwait. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to milkweed bugs but not to German and American cockroaches. Alcohol, pe ro- leum ether, and chloroform * xtra ^ ^" d nontoxic to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and arvae of th tieai ana cuw i OPHOPETALUM TOXICUM Loher FORSELLESLA NEVADENSIS (Gray)Greene. . _ _fV,o Ka An aqueous extract of the branches was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co- workers (93). GOUPLA GLABRA Aubl. The wood is resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). _ , , Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stemwood were nontoxic to german and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). GYMINDA LATIFOLIA (Sw.) Urban. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). GYMNOSPORLA CASSINOIDES (L* Her.) Masf. Synonym: Catha ca ssinoides. An aqueous extract of the seeds was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs —Heal and coworkers (93). GYMNOSPORIA MONTANA Benth. An aqueous extract of the roots and bark was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German An aqueous extract of the bark was highly toxic to American cockroaches when infected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after imme sion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether and chloroform extracts were toxic to buck carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth an . Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). LOPHOPETALUM WIGHTIANUM Arn. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to^German and American cockr caches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). MAYTENUS PHYLLANTHOIDES Benth. Aqueous extracts of the branchlets and leaves and of the stems were nontoxic^tc German and American coc r milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93) MORTONIA SCABRELLA Gray. Petroleum ether, combined ethyl ethe: and chloroform, and alcohol extract! were all ineffective against codling larvae. Petroleum ether and alcohol ^ tractives were toxic to ma e u female German cockroaches.-- Jacobs (108). 46 PACHYSTIMA CANBYI Gray An aqueous extract of the whole plant non ‘ oxic jo German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). K TRIPTERYGIUM REGELII Sprague & Tak. PERROTTETIA SANDWICENSIS Gray. An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). RHACOMA CROSSOPETALUM L. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). t-h 6 P ° Wdered root bark was nontoxic to southern armyworms and southern beet worms'"^ ^ tOXiC t0 Hawaiian beet web- worms.-- Bottger and Jacobson (36). .e powdered root bark wa^~effective *108) C ° dling m ° th larvae -Jacobson An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves extra n ct n onhe t0 t AmeriCan Cockroa ches. An Tnd A f h Stemswas nontoxic to German and American cockroaches. An extract of pi' l W3S nontoxic to both species of cockroaches and to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SCHAEFFERIA FRUTESCENS Jacq. TRIPTERYGHJM WILFORDII Hook, f Thundergod vine. toxic Sr eXtract of th e roots was non- Ind erTn fl and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers TRIPTERYGIUM FORRESTII Loesener. When placed on food plants treated with the powdered roots of this plant, silkworm and Mexican bean beetle larvae, bean aphids spring cankerworms, cabbage loopers and ugly-nest caterpillars did not feed The roots showed considerable toxicity to co^! lmg mothiarvae.-Lee andHansberry (129). When plants were dusted with the powdered lv° 0 atta a c r k k ', 0n K y l° r 3 Percen t were'eS dusf hid V mel ° n leaf beetle * The a dnn f strong repellent effect. The tr P eat P P ulatlon was also reduced by this thl uu ' The dust Was Active against the cubage flea beetle.--Cheng (43). § a stomI°? bark aCtS 35 a re P elle nt and as „?° maC Prison, but its contact action is quite weak. When applied as a dust it was spellls e o fT lnS ; Chr y somelid s and certain ^workers ^P ld °P tero - larvae. -- Chiuand he T bean° -7^ bark Was re Pellent to it U ra cabbt P ! ’ct rmyW ° rms ' Prode ni a beetle’s Ale Si leaf beetles ’ and cucumber iions of IhL° ho1 f eXtraCts an d water suspen- ,laL c 1 r ° 0t bark were toxic to bean ataspids, sugar-cane wooly aphids and Sna US ^ b6etleS ' bat oontoxic tot^e eetle butterfl y and the black cucurbit tie t e ’n « M f ne extract wa s nontoxic to I?,, ten-spotted gra pe leaf beetle.--Chiu ^ T C e hi;a 0t ; s C °r taining ^ alkaloid > I® used isects s? insecticide to paralyze • -Stepaneck and Prien (201). Results of insecticidal tests using acetone rather^ S* r00t bark fr ° m Ch ^ na ™ere rather uncertain, as the extract was more toxic at 1 percent than at 5 percent against saw-looked grain beetles. There wis no moth , e£f and chloroform extracts were somewhat toxic to larvae of the webbing clothes moth an black carpet beetle, but they were nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkwe " d la ^^’ and Aedes and Anopheles mosquito larvae An aqueous extract of the upper parts was very toxic to American cockroaches u nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). ALLENROLFEA sp. An aqueous extract of the branchlets was highly toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). ANABASIS APHYLLA L. Smearing 5-10 percent solutions of ana- basine sulfate on the body did not repel malaria mosquitoes but did protect against their bites. Aqueous solutions of 1 - 3 p cent strength were completely ineffective.-- Nabokov ( 155 ). . The dried stems are powdered steepe in water, and treated with plant ash, or with soda ash or potash solution. The dried, powdered, and screened for use as an insecticide.--Ignat’ev (101)- t Bentonite dust containing about 5 percent adsorbed anabasine was a very P ot ^ t C °^ tact poison against agricultural pests. Rabinovich and Konovalova (_£_)• ATRIPLEX CANESCENS James An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and^Ame - can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.- -Heal and coworkers (93). ATRIPLEX NUTTALLII S. Wats. An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co workers (93). AXYRIS AMARANTHOIDES L. An aqueous extract of the upper parts wal very toxic to American cockroaches injected into the blood™ but German cockroaches and rmlkwee g were unaffected after in “j extract. Alcohol, petroleum e'b"' ” chloroform extracts were somewhat to* to black carpet beetle larvae but noM German cockroaches, m.lkweed )“«•• “ larvae of the webbing clothes moth Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoe . and coworkers (93). BOUSSINGAULTIA sp. An aqueous extract of the tuber s was ver toxic to American cockroaches * iected into the blood stream, but Germ cockroaches and milkweed bugs were “ affected after immersion in the ext Heal and coworkers (93). 48 CHENOPODIUM ALBUM L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American and German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and workers (93). 8 eal and co " CHENOPODIUM AMBROSIOIDES L Synonyms: C. anthelmintic™ r American Some parts of the plant were toxic as Ia U r S :a S e° r a„d traCtS *“ h ° Use "Wo larvae:-!sLer V s er a a „d ° f ^eating oievers and coworkers (197) -wrrr: toxic a . qUe . OUS extract of the seeds was very jected "ntlX b. a o n od C °sSe r am Che b a t W C h e en ^ XL o d ach after and milk ” ead 7 . ectea after immersion in the P v fr3 nf “a Ttlr 1 T r ■ and chi °-f°- Cermal St sterns and i A aqueous extract of the and A d . leaves wa s nontoxic to German buas A T eriCan cockr °aches and milkweed roots 27°7 .r‘ raCtS ° £ the ^ems ^d roots, and of the whole plant were tnvin c°o£ZSr n COC $ roaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs Alcohol of"h1 e “„ ra h„n he B Va a t nd chIorof °- “tl Itoxf CarpCt b «Ge r tar S v“ at ££ mentioned ° Heal^ 6 d° thCr inSeCt s P ecies The essential oil i s freed , anlnselt 1 repellH^^ to piepale ( 96 ). P Uent --Honno and coworkers when injected into the blood stream k » German cockroaches and milkweed b u“ were unaffected after immen bu S s extract. Heal and coworkers («“ “ the c VCEOEOMA ATRIPL1CIFOLIUM (Spreng., An aqueous extract of the wholo i was nontoxic to German and a P lant cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-^ll'and coworkers ( 93 ). 8 “ eal and GRAYIA SP1NOSA (Hook.) Moq. An aqueous extract of the branches w.. nontoxic to German and American cock cowork S ers a («) miIk " eed bugs - H «‘ and T.A.™ N GLOME RAT US (M. Bleb.) toxic a o q Ge°r U ma e „ X a1 a d C A° f the " h ° Ia P' a "‘was but not to milkweId bugs! Alcoholpetroleum t e oxrc I i'ty a "t d o C birt f ° rm extracts sh °wed some not fo r Ck Carpet beetle ^rvae but confus e d 'flour ° b e^ t an'd” 1 /^ W66d bUgS ' webM lothes moth A :ij-;zv q ° tV.: Heal and coworkers ( 93 ) . 4 HALOGETON sp. dull' POWde 7 d whole P»ant, tested as a pea ’an1.ids ln f e against •""V’-ms, pea aphids, two-spotted spider mites and arge milkweed bugs.--Jacobson (108)/ HA stc°s1ul LON AMM °f>ENDRON Bunge. CHENOPODIUM MULTIFIDUM L. •«.SkLr rac ' of ,he whole p' a "t 'caches and ,^ erm a na MAmericancock- .orkers ( 93 ). TOlkweed bugs.--Heal and co- 'ORIspermum hyssopifolium l. afve^y'^ic'mA' ° f *”* " h ° la P Ia "‘ y toxic to American cockroaches with 1 .®' in . shee P *as controlled by dusting sacsall' k '. ° f 90 parts ash o? 2 narts n ^ - gr ° Und na P ht haIene, and 2 partS nowers °f sulfur. —Lagereva (i 26 >. KOCHIA LITTOREA Makino. A water suspension of the leaves stems bydeilarval 3 b ^ “”‘ iC '» Dr°s°Phila RYSei larvae, but a suspension ofThTliT^ larva S e e -1amlrV rea d r toxici,y to lhes c amaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). KOCHIA VESTITA S. Wats. An aqueous extract of the whole nlant was somewhat toxic to German cockroaches^ 49 hut it was nontoxic to American cockroaches and mUkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). KOCHIA sp. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches w c iniected into the bloodstream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs wereun¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Heal and coworkers (93). (Roem. & MONOLEPIS NUTTALLLANA Schult.) Greene. An aqueous extract of the whole plant coworkers (93). cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). THRELKELDLA PROCERIFLORA. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CHLORANTHACEAE hedyosmum ARBORESCENS Sw. Aqueous extracts of the branchesj and of the branchlets and leaves were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). CISTACEAE NITROPHILA OCCIDENT ALIS s. Wats. hel1A NTHEMUM CORYMBOSUM Michx. An aqueous extract of the etems leaves and flowers was toxic to American cock roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion m the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). SALICORNIA AMBIGUA Michx. SALICORNIA RUBRA A. Nels. Aqueous extracts of these species were nontoxic to German and American c k roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal coworkers (93). SALSOLA KALI L. SALSOLA KALI var. TENUIFOLIA Tausch. Synonym: S. pestifer . Aqueous extracts of these plants were somewhat toxic to American cockroaches but nontoxic to German cockroaches an milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SARCOBATUS BAILEYI Coville. An aqueous extract of the branches was nontoxic to German a " d , ArnerlC *" a i a nd roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal coworkers (93). SARCOBATUS VERMICULATUS Torr. An aqueous extract of the tops andleaves was nontoxic to German and American (Hook.) An aqueous extract of the whole plant An German and American was nontoxic to , Hoal and cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CLETHRACEAE CLETHRA ACUMINATA Michx. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93)> CLUSIACEAE CLUSIA FLAVA Jacq. An aqueous extract of the roots and leaves ^ . x American cockroaches when SecteTinto the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were u^- affected after immersion in the extract Heal and coworkers (93). CLUSIA MINOR L. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to German and A ™ e “ c *" q1 and roaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol petroleum ether extrarts were nontoxxc t_ German cockroaches• of thewebbing fused flour beetles^an beetle, and clothes moth black « * kers (93). Aedes mosquito.--Heai anu k. 50 C U™ ROSEAJaC<| - Strangling fig, Scotch T he w ° od is ver Y susceptible to ter¬ mitesWolcott (225). The powdered leaves, bark, wood and roots each showed little or no toxicity to melonworm larvae, bean leaf beetle ^nd ^oar°h Stain , er adults > and Australian cock¬ roach nymphs.--Plank ( 174 ) the A ~ e ’ c, ';t cts *l>e young fruits, of were aTl nnlT '. he , se i ruits . a »d °f the bark were all nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal ar,H coworkers (93). g Heal and MAMMEA AMERICANA L. Mamey. The powdered mature seeds were verv toxic to fall armyworms, melonworms diamondback moths, Gerotoma_ruficprnis' y us persicae, Macrosiphum sonchi and the s was toxic to American and German cockroaches flif>« j German TVim j , ’n S ’ ants, and mosquitoes The seed bulbs and immature fruits were nontoxic to several species of insects. The pow ered bark was toxic to melonworms and diamondback moths but not to fall armyworms or Cerotoma rufirnmi'e tv! powdered leaves but not ly u>° r c S ’ r" diamondba ck moths, ( 173 ) Ceroto ma ruficornis .--P 1 a nV toidt 6 a dri6d PUlp ° f the seeds wa s highly , as a water suspension, to the larvae of various species of mosquitoes On It te°t S ared‘°. “f ^ air ' -sponsion Flnrl V? toxiclt y *°r 3 to 4 days.-- Flock and de Lajudie (65, 66). he wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott (225). the T m„ a sf I'' 6 ? rinSI P le i" the mature seeds, e b r a r iC pa ? ° £ the P‘ ant ’ fonnd what sta? "• * YPe ° f substMce some- P/rethrtas 1 M 1 " com P oslti °n and effect to cLf f Mame y in comprised 0.19 per - Pla^°m) e Weight ° f the Seed -J°nes P and The ground seeds are used as a paste ‘gainst ® us P ension ^ El Salvador iVellma P U ^ ry 1C6 ’ mites > andheadlice.-- ellman and van Severen (221). ieveral PO C W o? ere ? Seed WaS ineffect ive against eral Coleoptera. --Flock ( 63 ). P s«dr'an g d r T a " d rSpe frUi *' leaV ' S ’ o southern ’ 3 Were a11 nontoxic ^aves rootB y J° rmS - The ri P e fruit > Dxic in 1 ' seeds ’ an d Stems were non- cros3 ”striped cabbage worms, but 51 the powdered seeds were highly toxic to imported cabbage worms. The leaves ^oots nd stems were nontoxic to celery leaf ex. r r S act s "of 0 i, e , Um ** her - aCat °" a . ^ alcohol toxic In parts eXCe P l the ste ms were of P^^^^ether^xfr^ct and sligh:p S to W xic t^ and coworkers ( 197 ). s When used against’fleas and ticks on dogs an infusion of one pound of the half- rfoe buT no? T 6 gall ° n ° f Water Was as effective, but not as permanent, as a 1-percent suspension of DDT.--Pl an k ( 175 ). arTT ? 6 P° wdered seeds were toxic to southern webwor°mT S ’ ™ elonworm s, southern beet not tn 1 variegated cutworms, but Jhcobson r (36, milkWeed bu85 - B »“«" a "- COCHLOSPERMUM V 1 T 1 FOLIUM Willd. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ame c» cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic only to American cockroaches.--Heal and co workers (93). COMBRETACEAE BUCHENAV1A CAPITATA Eichl. Terminalia hil ariana. Yellow s The wood is resistant to termites Wolcott (225). 52 COMBRETUM CAOUCIA ExeU. TERMINALLY TOMENTOSA Man. An aqueous extract of the fruits was lghly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German af7e“f e t S e ^ “ ilk ™ ed bugS ailected after immersion in the extract A petroleum ether extract was toxic to black b K Gtle larvae « b ut not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mosquito. Alcohol and chlorofornT^^Ti 'fcese insec,s as well a s wficswT *" d «- COMBRETUM PACHYCLADUM Baker. toxic f n q ^° US 6Xtract of tb e fruits was non- znd 'I T ^ American cockroaches (21). milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers GU1ERA SENEGALENSIS Lam. An aqueous extract of the branches and rolch S es WaS ^ lghtly toxic ^ American cock¬ roaches Ini D0 " t0xic , to German cock- of the roof, miUcweed b ogs. An extract roots was nontoxic to all these pecies. --Heal and coworkers (93). LAGU nc ULA ria RACEMOSA Gaertn f Mangrove. * The wood is resistant to termites Wolcott ( 225 ). termites. - - fiftly” fo^Amerlcan^o^roache": COMMELINACEAE QUISQUALIS indica l. lea 1 hs aqUe ° US 6xtract of tbe branchlets and cTnt r S n ° nt ° XiC t0 German and Ameri- ss milkweed bugs - Heai 'Sr AM AZONlA (Gmel.) ExeU. WoTo„ 7 T). ‘ S reSiSUnt *° — A ™m R s? CARPUS PERSICA RiAEFOLIUS toxic ITT" eX ‘ raCt ° £ the wb °i e plant was toxic to Amerxcan cockroaches when in- cockroahh 0 t bl ° 0d Stream > but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- He f fl Cted H aft6r immersion in the extract. -- Heal and coworkers (93). COMMELINA ELEGANS H. B. K. iimh e or: d ? ed ieaves and stems ^owed biJ , , ? toxiclty to melonworm larvae bean leaf beetle and cotton stainer adults’ fm) alian Cockroach nymphs. - -Plank RHOEO DISCOLOR (L. Her.) Hance. An aqueous extract of the stem, butliot 'to S G tOX ‘ C ‘° American cockroaches wled butts hT cockroaches and milk- weea Dugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). TRADESCANTIA MULTIFLORA Sw. tmlc TrT US extra ?‘ of the stems was non- Ild m 1 ? and Amer ican cockroaches (93 d ). lkweed b "^-Hea! and coworkers T T?h E H SC T TIA ROSEA Vent - Synonym: Cuthbertia rosea. y An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic th M Cr i Can Cockroac bes when injected into lid m iit but German cockroaches nd milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). ° CATAPPA Wes, Indian Z “ R iNA PENDULA Schnixl. Wandering mites. --Wofco'tt ( 225 K SUSCeptlblC ^ ter ' W n A toxict ne 6XtraCt of almond meal was An t mos< l ul to larvae. --Hartzell (90) 5 4hti;To e xic US to A traCt ° f the leaves - lontoxL to r~ merican cockroaches and veed bues He^ an ^° Ckroaches ^ milk- gs. -Heal and coworkers (93). An acetone extract of the whole plant was ontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). COMPOSITAE A( fG l nS OSPERMUM AUST *ALE (Loefl.) An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when 53 injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed N s * ere affected after immersion in the extract. Heal and coworkers (9_3). ACHILLEA LANULOSA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the upper parts and flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cock roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ACHILLEA MICRANTHA Willd. The flowers are used in Asia Minor as an insecticide. --Berk (3J)- sion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). AGOSERIS GLAUCA var. VILLOSA (Rydb.) Wittr. An aqueous extract of the roots and leaves was very toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkwee bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). AMBLYOLEPIS SETIGERA DC. An aqueous extract of the bark wa * toxic to German and American cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). an msecutiuc. „ AMBROSIA APTERA DC. Bloodweed. ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM L. Yarrow. i i_ V* o A nn i The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86)* . , An acetone extract of the w ° P was nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzeil '-Ak aqueous extract of the tops and Ic^er nar ts of the plant was nontoxic to German "nd America^ cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). ACHILLEA SIBIRICA var. PTARMICOIDES. A water suspension of the leaves, stems and flowers was highly toxic to Drosop hila hydei larvae. --Yamaguchi and coworkers rzTJT. ADENOCAULON BICOLOR Hook. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were^un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Heal and coworkers (93). AGERATUM CONYZOIDES L. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves and flowers was nontoxic to German an American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). AGOSERIS GLAUCA var. (Nutt.) Rydb. An aqueous extract of the whole plant with flowers was very toxic to , cockroaches when injected into thei blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk weed bugs were unaffected after tmmer- PARVIFLORA The powdered whole plant had no effect on southern beet webworms and Euro P ean corn borers. The combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extrac¬ tives were ineffective against codling moth larvae and house flies.--Jacobson (L08)- AMBROSIA CUMANENSIS H. B. K. Some parts of the plant were toxic, as dusts or "extracts, to house flies. larvae, and several species of leaf eating larvae. --Sievers and coworkers (LzJ>- An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches »ben in- iected into the blood stream, but German 'cockroaches and milkweed bugs were an ; affected after immersion in the extract. Heal and coworkers (93). AMBROSIA PSILOSTACHYA DC. Synonym: A. coronopifolia . The powdered whole plant had no effect on southern beet webworms and European corn borers. The combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extr fives were ineffective 7°' larvae and house flies. - -J acobson ^>; An aqueous extract of the P lan was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in extract. Alcohol and petroleum et ^ e * tracts were toxic to black carpet beetle U«. ^ n0t and ^ZToi^ w a . C b h bH rio, k h:r d mo^ S 'and d ^ and ^«s mosquitoes. A chloroform ext ^ act wasn ° toxic to all these insects. --Hea workers (93). 54 ANACYCLUS PYRETHRUM DC. Pellitory. The powdered root was toxic to armv- worms and pea aphids but not to celery leaf tiers and two-spotted spider mites. ~ •oottger and Jacobson (36). The powdered root was nontoxic to Euro¬ pean corn borers. A petroleum ether extrac - an V H W ? S l° X , iC t0 h ° USe flies > b ut ethyl ether and alcohol extractives of the petroleum ether-extracted root were nontoxic to this insect. The alcohol extractive was worth¬ less against cat fleas, lone star ticks iggers body lice, and as a body louse A V nont e i’ Ut “ Sh ° Wed SOme toxi city to ^^ eIes mos quito larvae.--Jacobson Pellitorine,. an amide isolated from the petroleum ether extractive of the roots was toxic to house flies.--Jacobson (106). ’ Crude pellitorine was toxic to adult house flies and to Tenebrio mo liter. The roots also probably contain another compound toxic to T. mohtor.--Crr.mKio (52). ANAPHALIS MARGARITACEA (E.) Gray. an f fl aque ° US extract of tops, leaves, and flowers was toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ANTENNARIA MICROPHYLLA Rydb. wi f h n f ^ ueous extract of the whole plant Amer/, u aS ° nly Sli § htl y toxic to German C ° ckro l aches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes rmfth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ANTHEMIS MIXTA L. An aqueous extract of the flower heads ; as ,° nly sl ^tly toxic to American cock! an ? nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). K eai and A -° k P e APPUS ACRADENI US (Greene) ANTHEMIS ARVENSIS L. MeScan PO h dere K P f ant Was nont oxic to a larvae.-Hansberry ANTHEMIS COTULA L. Mayweed. Me2can P °h dere ? Plant Was nontoxi c to and aaasenlk) 6 of benzene, or acetone extracts * ■ h f whole plant showed little or no saw^o^ th j dult c ^ r Y sa nthemum aphids and anden t g y ain beet les. - - Tattersfield and coworkers ( 209 ). toxic ta U A OUS °‘ the stems non¬ extract o1^h” C ^ n C “ k " aches - An alcohol be stems and leaves was toxic An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was only slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). APLOPAPPUS ARMERIOIDES (Nutt.) Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). APLOPAPPUS CILIATUS (Nutt.). Synonym: Pnonopsis ciliata . An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). APLOPAPPUS EROCOIDES DC. An aqueous extract of the upper parts was only Slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). APLOPAPPUS NANUS DC. Eaton. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to German cockroaches but not to American cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. A petroleum ether extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to black carnet beetle larvae but not to German cock- r0acdes « m ilkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. The alcohol extract was nontoxic to all ese species.--Heal and cowarkers (93). 55 APLOPAPPUS NUTTALLII Torr. & Gray. ARTEMISIA ABROTANUM L. Old man, southernwood. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). APLOPAPPUS PALMERI Gray. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves, and flowers was only slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). APLOPAPPUS SPINULOSUS (Pursh.) DC. Synonym: Sideranthus spinulosu^ . An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. -- Heal and coworkers (93). ARNICA FULGENS Pursh. An aqueous extract of the flower heads was nontoxic to American cockroaches.-- Heal and coworkers (93). Water and acetone extracts of the whole plant were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). ARTEMISIA ABSINTHIUM L. Wormwood. Water and acetone extracts of the leaves, stems, and flower heads were nontoxic to mosquito larvae-Hartzell (89). Alcohol, acetone, or benzene extracts of the whole plant showed little or no toxicity to adult chrysanthemum aphids and saw¬ toothed grain beetles.--Tattersfield and co - workers (209). In Arabia, flowers and leaves of this plant are placed between the pages of books to preserve them from attack by harmful in¬ sects .--Longo (132). The plant is used by Italian farmers protect grain in storehouses from attack by Tinea granella , Sitotroga cerealella, and Calandra granaria. --Ciaravellim (50). An aqueous e ^act of the leaves was only slightly toxic to American cockroaches, and nontoxic to German cockroaches. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and co- ARNICA MONTANA L. Water and acetone extracts of the flowers were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hart- 26 Acetone extracts of the leaves and of the roots were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (90). ARTEMISIA ANNUA L. ARTEMISIA CALIFORNIO A Less. Aqueous extracts of the upper parts and flower heads were nontoxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed ARNICA sp. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the flower heads were nontoxic to house lues. Jacobson ( 108 ). , . Alcohol and chloroform extracts of a plant known as “Arnica do Campo” were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and lar vae ° the webbing clothes moth and Ae^s and Anopheles mosquito. A petroleum ether ex¬ tract nontoxic to all these species. An aqueous extract of the branches leaves and flowers was very toxic to Americ cockroaches when injected into t e oo stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARTEMISIA CINA Berg.- The petroleum ether, ethyl ether, and alcohol extracts of the plant were nontoxic to codling moth larvae.--Jacobson (j_08). ARTEMISIA GNAPHALODES Nutt. An aqueous extract of the tops, leaves, and flower heads was only slightly toxic o American cockroaches and nontoxic to Ger¬ man cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARTEMISIA LUDOVICIANA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when m- 56 jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to these species of cockroaches and to milkweed bugs -- Heal and coworkers (93). ARTEMISIA NOVA A. Nels. Sage. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co- workers (93). Acetone extracts of the aerial portion were somewhat effective against codling moths but not against German cock¬ roaches. --Jacobson ( 108 ). ARTEMISIA SUKSDORFII Piper. An acetone extract of the leaves was nontoxic to mosquito larvae. - -Jacobson AR brus^ ISIA TRIDENTATA Nutt. Sage- An acetone extract of the stems was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae. A crystalline compound isolated from the petroleum ether extract of the whole plant was also non¬ toxic to these larvae.--Jacobson (108). of t? Ue ? US extracts of upper parts and of the tops, leaves, and flowers were non¬ toxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers ARTEMISIA VULGARIS L. Mugwort. >rT ater / nd acetone extracts of the tops seeds were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). 4 An aqueous ext^ct of the whole plant to American cockroaches when 'ockroa l * bl °° d stream « b ut German rion < i 8 " WCre unaffected after immer- »on m the extract.--Heal and coworkers ar T£* P r ant WaS t0xiG to flies > mosquito mp . ? e .’ ll E ) e ’ cockroaches, and bugs (bed- >ug«?).--Petrischeva (172). ^SPILIA HOLSTII O. Hoffm. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves oache° S We h 8 WaS tOXiC t0 American cock- aches when injected into the blood stream ut Ge rma cockroaches and milkweed bugs’ xtract Un An eCt t d aft * r immersion in the xtract. An extract of the stems and roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxm to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ASTER CANESCENS Pursh. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves and flowers was toxic to German cock¬ roaches, slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches, and nontoxic to milkweed bugs -- Heal and coworkers (93). ASTER FILIFOLIUS Vent. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves and flowers was toxic to American cock- roaches but not to German cockroaches and miikweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ASTER GLABRIUSCULUS (Nutt.) Torr. & Gray. Synonym: Xylorhiza glabriuscula . slithH q f e ° US * eX A raCt ° f the whole Plant was lightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ASTER NOVAE-ANGLIAE L. ,nt n n qUeOUS extract of the tops, leaves, and flowers was only slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ASTER PUNICEUS L. An aqueous extract of the roots was only slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ATRACTYLIS GUMMIFERA L. Add-add addad. ’ The natives of Morocco are reported to use the root as an insecticide by burning it on red cinders. An acetone extract of the root had no contact effect on the willow ap \ ls ’ gfglg ghlorus saligna . Aqueous and acetone extracts showed neither toxicity nor repellency to diamondback moth larvae but were strongly repellent to adult mustard lar 6 tlV Vt? SOme - what toxic to tomato moth larvae. The powdered root was nontoxic to lamondback moth larvae. --Tattersfield and coworkers (209). ATRACTYLIS LYRATA Sieb. & Zucc. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock- 57 roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co- workers (93). BACCHARIS CINNAMOMIFOLLA H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. An extract o the roots was toxic to American cock¬ roaches. --Heal and coworkers (9J.). BACCHARIS CONFERTA H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to Amencancock- roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co- workers (93). BACCHARIS CORIDIFOL.LA DC. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic, and an extract of the branchlets, leaves, and flowers was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extracts. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroache s, milk - weed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosqui¬ toes.--Heal and coworkers (93). BACCHARIS EMORY I Gray. An aqueous extract of the branches and stems was toxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). BACCHARIS FEVILLEI DC. An aqueous extract of the tops, leaves, and fruits was toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). BACCHARIS FLORIBUNDA H. B. K. Ni- quivau. An acetone extract of the plant was non- toxic to mosquito larvae.--Jacobson (108). Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stems and leaves were toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A petroleum ether ex¬ tract of the roots was toxic to webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and confused flour beetles. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to these insects as well as to Aedes mos¬ quito larvae. --Heal and coworkers (93J- BACCHARIS GENISTELLOIDES (Lam.) Pers. An aqueous extract of the stems was only slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). BACCHARIS GLUTINOSA Pers. An aqueous extract of the leaves was highly toxic, of the stems fairly toxic and of the tops and flower heads slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected int the blood stream, but German cockro and milkweed bugs were ^affected afte^ immersion in the extracts. Alcohol, pet leum ether, and ^ loroform f e f r f l C e tS la ^^ slightly toxic to black carpet beetle larvae and nontoxic to German cockroaches, milk¬ weed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophel es mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). BACCHARIS HALIMIFOL1A L. An aqueous extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches .--Heal and coworkers (93)■ BACCHARIS ODORATA var. BALSAMI- FERA. An aqueous extract of the upper parts was slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). BACCHARIS POLYANTHA H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the stems was very toxic to American cockroaches whenjn- iected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs affected after immersion in the extra • Heal and coworkers (93). BACCHARIS PTERONIOIDES DC. An aqueous extract of the bark was highl> toxic to American cockroaches but nonto^ to German cockroaches. Alcohol, p ether, and chloroform extracts o ‘hi branches and leaves •« "»» German cockroaches, milkweed bug*. » larvae of the webbing clothes moth, M carpet beetle, and Aedes and An^he__ mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). 58 BACCHUS SARO THRO IDES Gray. BEB BI A IIINCEA (Benti , Greene toxic a ?“ e °r S ex,ract of branches was ioxic to German and American cock¬ roaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). BACCHARIS SERGILOIDES Gray. BACCHARIS THESIOIDES H. B. K. toxIrtTA^"'” 0 ' 3 ° f upper parts tox lc to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs -- Heal and coworkers (93). BAHIA OPPOSITIFOLIA DC. Aqueous extracts of the branchlets and leaves and of the roots were nontoxic to ^ an - d Am erican cockroaches and SaveT^nd b 85 ' ^ 6XtPaCt ° f ** roots > Amer•’ h ™ nch *s was slightly toxic to toZrl Wl * S ° nIy - Heal a " d BAILEYA MULTIRADIATA Haw. & Gray. J n ^l Ue °^ S extrac t of the stems was toxic f the flower heads nontoxic to Ameri- tox n ic C °t C o k G aCheS - B ° th extracts were non- cow^r^rs ST” -^roachas. -Heal and balduina uniflora Nutt. An aqueous extract of the stems =a°n W coc k WaS " 0ntoxic ‘oGermanandAmeri- roaches. - -Heal and coworkers (^3). An aqueous extract of the et- nontoxic to German anrl A stem s was roaches nd Amenca n cock- acnes.--Heal and coworkers (93). BELLIS perennis L. vely to^icTo A XtraCt ° f the wh °‘e Plant was lr f Y /° X1C to American cockroaches when njected into the blood stream, but German ockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- affected after immersion in the extract An alcohol extract was toxic to black caipel beetle larvae but not to German cotfk- roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anoph- eles mosquitoes. A chloroform extr^Fv^I nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal andco- workers (£3). ianaco- BERLANDIERA SUBACAULIS Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was inw/°/ 1C f t0 American cockroaches when njected into the blood stream, but German af°fec^d C af e t S ^ milkweed were Tn- altected after immersion in the extract Heal and coworkers (93). BIDENS FRONDOSA L. an^ n n aqUe ° US extract of the stems, leaves and flowers was toxic to American cock- roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bu^s rx e trlct Una Heai ed immersion in the tract.--Heal and coworkers (93). BALSAMORHIZA MACROPHYLLA Nutt. dia^r 0115 extract of tbe roots was only lontoxfc tor t0 American cockroaches and *eed bugs. - -HealTnd^oworkers iA N“1 M BaSl 0 „f GITTATA « P “ - M £^s ni: d , ered St6mS and leave « bis plant, reported to be insect-resist- owder/roS ^ t0 ^ “ „ roots and mixed stems and leaves aider rnttes^andT^ 0 ^’ tw °- s P ot ted ceton \ ’ d lar S e milkweed bugs ^ °ZTs ^ °V he roots ' th ' Active on th ^ , flowers were all i n - >use fli P = thes e insects and on adult use tlies.--Jacobson (108). ightr v q i 1 o e ° US , eX I raCt ° f the roots was only itoxfc t^Ge American cockroaches and ied bugs G H^ an cockroaches and milk- g • Heal and coworkers (93). BIDENS PILOSA L. toxt a a^ OU f S f Y traCt °‘ the "bole plant was xic, and of the tops, fruits, and flowers not ry to r 1C ’ t0 American cockroaches, but buL cockroac bes and milkweed form 1C ° h °!' P et roleum ether, and chloro - orm extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae and nontoxic to German cock- beeU 6S ’ ™ lkweed bu g s > confused flour _ ® ^ ; a f d webbing clothes moth and Aedes qui o arvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). BLUMEA BALSAMIFERA (L.) DC. An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic Hp a ? er ? an and American cockroaches. -- Heal and coworkers (93). BOLTONIA ASTEROIDES (L.) L- Her. slithtf qi i e ° US . eXt / aCt ° f the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 59 BRACHYGLOTTIS REPANDA Forst. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). BRACHYLAENA HUTCH1NSII Hutchison. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). BRICKELLIA ARGUTA Robinson. BRICKELLIA INC ANA Gray. Aqueous extracts of the stems, leaves, and flowers of these species were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches an milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (9_3). BRICKELLIA OBLONGIFOLIA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93)- BYRSOCARPUS ORIENTALIS. Synonym. Rourea orientalis . An aqueous extract of the stems was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CACALIA MUHLENBERGII (Sch. Bip.) F ern. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves, and flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (9 3). CACALIA TUBEROSA Nutt. Aqueous extracts of the flower heads and of the leaves were nontoxic, and an extract of the roots was toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (93). CALEA GLOMERATA Klatt. Some parts of the plant were toxic as dusts or extracts to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (1_9Z)* CALEA URTICIFOLIA (Mill.) DC- An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CALEA ZACATECHICHI Schlecht. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves, and flowers was toxic to American cock¬ roaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). CARPHEPHORUS BELLIDIFOLIUS (Michx.) Torr. & Gray. An aqueous extract of the tops and flower heads was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the young whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CARTHAMUS TINCTORUS L. An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (93). CHAENACTIS DOUGLASII (Hook.) Hook, fc Arn. An aqueous extract of the whole plant with flowers was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches andmilk- weed bugs were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, con¬ fused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anog- eles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93) • CHAETANTHERA SERRATARuiz. & Pavon. An aqueous extract of the whole plant wae toxic to American cockroaches when in 60 j cted into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- ffected after immersion in the extract.-- neat and coworkers (93). CHAPTALIA TOMENTOSA Vent. An aqueous extract of the leaves was s lghUy tojuc to American cockroaches a d nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). chrysanthemum arcticum L. ,U A Lf q T° US eXtract ° f the flower h eads was ghtly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CHRYSANTHEMUM BALSAMITA L. Cost- mary. L An acetone extract, but not a water extract, of the leaves was toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). 4 CHRYSANTHEMUM LEUCANTHEMUM L Oxeye daisy. An aqueous extract of the stems and canT n ? ntoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches.--Heal andcoworkers (93) cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- H^ar 6 ^^ 61, imme . rsion ^ the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CHRYSOTHAMNUS NAUSEOSUS (Pall) Britton. *' chrysanthemum parthenium (l.) Bernh. Feverfew. ' thp A1< n° h01 ’ a ^ etone » or benzene extracts of eaves T ^ ^ ° f the -terns and leaves showed little or no toxicity to adult aphids and saw-toothed ( 209 ). eetles,--Tattersfleld and coworkers CHRYSANTHEMUM sp. Azaleamum. stem^^and^f 0 ^ 0116 extracts of the leaves, stems and flowers were nontoxic to mos¬ quito larvae.--Hartzell (89). CHRYSOCOMA TENUIFOEIA Berg. slithtlf q i Ue ° US extract of the stems was nontoxfc toC ‘° American cockroaches and coworkers (M) ° Ckr ° aches --- Heala " d CHRYSOPSIS VILLOSA (Pursh.) Nutt, was "toxic °to r traC ‘ ° ftheto P s and flowers An aqueous extract of the tops and flower heads was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches n °ntoxic to German cock- workers (M). ^ bu 8 s —Heal and co- CHUQUIRAGA MICROPHYLLA Humb. 8, iSonpl. Ant aqueous extract of the stems, leaves, and Powers was slightly toxic to American '“ k . r ° ache ® and nontoxic to German cock- workers («) mUkwe ' d ^ugs.-Heal and co- CIRSIUM ARVENSE (L.) Scop. An aqueous extract of the whole plant with flowers was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). S al CLIBADIUM ARBOREUM J. D. Sm. An aqueous extract of the leaves was very toxic to American cockroaches when in- cockroach° bl °° d Stream ' bu * German cockroaches were unaffected after immer- smn m the extract.--Heal and coworkers CLIBADIUM EROSUM (Sw.) DC. Extracts of the seed or fruit were highly toxic to mosquito larvae.--Sievers and^o- workers (1_97). co baJk 16 flowers with fruits, leaves, bark, and wood each showed little or no beeHe 7 Z melonworm larvae, bean leaf and cott °n Stainer adults, and Aus - tralian cockroach nymphs.--Plank (l_ 74 ). CLIBADIUM HETEROTRICHUM Blake. a. • CLIBADIUM SYLVESTRE (Aubl.) Baill. Synonym: C. vargasii . Nivre. “ tone e >“ract of the leaves was non- 1C to mosquito larvae.--Jacobson (I 08). CLIBADIUM SURINAMENSE L. The powdered aerial portions were hiohlv toxic to silkworm larvae but not toMexfcan 61 bean beetle larvae, potato aphids, and bean aphids.--Hansberry and Clausen (8b)- Some of the plant parts were toxic, as dusts or extracts, to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (ill). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). CL1BAD1UM sp. The powdered leaves and stems were nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.-- Hansberry and Clausen (86). Aqueous extracts of the stems and of the tops and leaves were slightly toxic to Ameri¬ can cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). COREOPSIS GRAND1FLORA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves, and flowers was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). COREOPSIS MUTICA DC. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). COSMOS PEUCEDANIFOLIUS Wedd. An aqueous extract of the stems and flowers was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CREPIS BURSIFOLIA L. CONY ZA CHILENS1S Spreng. An aqueous extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic toGermancockroaches.-Heal and coworkers (93) ■ CONY Z A COULTERI Gray. Synonym: Eschenbachia coulteri . The powdered plant was slightly toxic to southern beet webworms but nontoxic to European corn borers. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives were somewhat effective against codling moth larvae but ineffective against house flies. --Jacobson (1_08). CONY ZA LYRATA H. B. K. The fresh plant material is tied above the head of the bed in E1 Salvador as a repellent to mosquitoes at night.--Wellman and van Severen ( 221 ). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aede_s and Anophe les mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). COREOPSIS GIGANTEA (Kellogg) Hall. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was very toxic to American -ockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, an larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito--Heal and coworkers (93). CREPIS VESICARIA L. An aqueous extract of the branches and flower heads was slightly toxic to Ameri¬ can cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs —-Heal and coworkers (93). DICORIA CANESCENS Torr. & Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DYSSODIA PAPPOSA (Vent.) Hitchc. Syno¬ nym: Boebera papposa . An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.- Heal and coworkers (93) • 62 ECHINACEA sp. Synonym: Brauneria sp . t JH? f^’i eous ex tract of the roots was non- InH 1 P Crm j an and ^ericancockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers ECLIPTA ALBA (L.) Hassk. wafh^l'T 8 . extrac t of the whole plant was highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but ^erman cockroaches and milkweed bugs r x e t r ract Una p immers i°n in the Petroleum et her and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle we™ hues' 101 ^ G / rmanc broaches, milk- larvae of th/ 0 ^!^ fl ° Ur beetles ’ and ApH. 6 webbing clothes moth and -mosquito.—Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ELEPHANTOPUS CAROLINENSIS Raeusch. ci A ^f q * e ° US extract of the whole plant was nontoxfc to'c ‘° American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk- eed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). ELEPHANTOPUS NUDATUS Gray. toxic \rr extract ot ,he who1 ' p' ant to American cockroaches when in- cockroache ** ^° 0< J Stream ' but German affected ^? “ d milkwee d bugs were un- Heal and immersion in the extract— meal and coworkers (93). ELEPHANTOPUS TOMENTOSUS L. An aqueous extract of the roots and toach1. WaS H Ilghtly toxic to American cock¬ roaches aid n °"‘o«o to German cock- workers ^ m ' Ikw « d ba S a ~Heal and co- ENCELIA FARINOSA var. Brandeg. Incienso. RADIANS The powdered plant was nontoxic to southern armyworms and variegated cut worms but toxic to melonworms and southern beet webworms —Bottger and Jacobson The powdered plant was nontoxic to European corn borers. Combined petro- leum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives, were ineffective against t h 0 ° x ?c e t ! 0 les a , n . d Rothes moth larvae but were toxic to codling moth larvae.-Jacobson ray. ENCELIA FRUTESCENS G An f q1 i eous extract of the stems was non- Ind t0 Gern " an and American cockroaches and.mUkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ENHYDRA FLUCTUANS Lour. vefv f qUe ° aS extract of the whole plant was °. Xl - C American cockroaches when jected into the blood stream, but German C ° ckroaches and milkweed bugs were un- Heal anV^ i / nme , rsi 5 )n in the extract— rteai and coworkers (93). ERIGERON ACRIS L. Blue fleabane. th^ C n t0ne ’ alcoho1 * or benzene extracts of the flower heads and of the whole plant showed little or no toxicity to adul chrysanthemum aphids and saw-toothed (2W". — Ta ' terS£ieId and ^workers rs, ENCELIA CALIFORNICA Nutt. wa1”„^, U o e x 0 i U cMr ,raCt ° f the Stems and '»»'» roac les 1‘ C rf *° G " man and Americ an c ock - n es and milkweed buvs - Rp a i , coworkers (93). Dugs —Heal and ENCELIA FARINOSA Gray. lea A v n e s a w q aT“ S . eXtraCt ° f the = "ms and can cockroach X 1 V° German and Ameri- and coworkers milkWCed bu gs-"Heal ERIGERON ANNUUS (L.) P e An aqueous extract of the upper parts and lowers was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alco- t h o 0l bT/k P6tr0leUm 6ther tracts were toxic German b6etle larVae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes m— in- sheets.—Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ERIGERON BELLIDIASTRUM Nutt. Syno¬ nym: E. eastwoodiap . y The powdered whole plant was toxic to melonworm and southern beet webworm rvae but not to southern armyworm larvae he petroleum ether extractive and the com - 63 bined ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives were nontoxic to house flies.-- McGovran and coworkers (143). The powdered plant was nontoxic to European corn borers, and extractives had no effect on codling moth larvae.--Jacob¬ son ( 108 ). ERIGERON Leptilon CANADENSIS L. Synonym: canadense. Horseweed, butterweed, Canadian fleabane. The powdered whole plant was toxic to melonworm larvae but not to southern army- worm and southern beet webworm larvae. Petroleum ether and combined ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives were nontoxic to house flies.--McGovran and co- workers ( 143 ). . The powdered plant was nontoxic to European corn borers and extractives were ineffective against codling moth larvae.-- Jacobson ( 108 ). , Alcohol, acetone, or benzene extracts ot the flower heads and of the stems and leaves showed little or no toxicity to adult chrysanthemum aphids and saw-toothed grain beetles.--Tattersfield and coworkers (209). f An aqueous extract of the upper parts and flowers was toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ERIGERON DIVARICATUS Michx. Syno¬ nym: Leptilon divaricatum . Dwarf flea- bane. ERIGERON DIVERGENS Torr & Gray. Spreading fleabane. ERIGERON FLAGELLARIS Gray. Syno¬ nym: E. macdougalii - E. tonsus. Run¬ ning fleabane. ERIGERON NUDIFLORUS Buckl. Syno¬ nym: E. commixtus . These species, when tested as powders, were toxic to melonworm larvae but not to southern armyworm larvae, t,. bellidiastrum was the most toxic to southern biit webworm larvae. Petroleum ether extractives and combined ethyl ether, chlo¬ roform, and alcohol extractives of all species were nontoxic to house flies.-- McGovran and coworkers ( 143 ). The powdered plants were nontoxic to European corn borers and their extrac¬ tives were ineffective against codling moth larvae.--Jacobson ( 108 ). ERIGERON GLABELLUS subsp. PUBESCENS (Hook.) Cronq. Alcohol and chloroform extracts of the plant were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophel es mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). ERIGERON INORNATUS Gray. An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was toxic to American cock- roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ERIGERON LINIFOLIUS Willd. ERIGERON MODESTUS Gray. ERIGERON REPENS Gray. ERIGERON sp. The powdered whole plant of E. repens was the only one of these species which showed no toxicity to melonworm larvae. They were all nontoxic to southern beet webworm and southern armyworm larvae. Petroleum ether extractives and combined ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extrac - tives were all nontoxic to house flies.-- McGovran and coworkers (143). Only powdered E. repens was toxic to European corn borers. Extractives of all species, except E. linifolius and E. s|., showed little or no effect on codling moth larvae.--Jacobson ( 108) . ERIOCEPHALUS GLABER Thunb. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to Americancock- roaches and nontoxic to German coc roaches and milkweed bugs--Heal and coworkers (93). ERIOPHY LLUM LANATUM var. INTEGRIFOLIUM (Hook.) Smiley. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German 64 affected C afte ai ? d milkweed bugs were un- a iected after immersion in the extract Heal and coworkers (93). ESPELETIA CORYMBOSA Humb. 4 Bonpl. hefds w^r l^ raC ‘ ° f the tops andflower roaches and® y . tOX - iC *° American cock- ^ nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal coworkers ( 93 ). 8 rteaI and ESPELETIA HARTWEGIANA Sch. Bip. an ffi aqUe ° US extract of the stems, leaves ?° W T Was toxic to American cock! oaches when injected into the blood stream were^ra^d^Xr - a " d extract.-Heal and coworkiT.'(«°? ' n * he ethulia conyzoides l. vef; ,o q r“i ■njected into the blood stream biftr he " a«e k c^d Ch at, S er and foxTc £ P e,r ° leum ether ^tracts were OX1C to black carpet beetle larvae but not :onfureT7lourtreUe h s eS ’an? i J kWeed bUgS ’ xra&sz eS d ^-- Sa^LT” ods pndJi aqueous extract of the °ps and flowers wa«; «. a . c UPATORIUM AGERATIFOLIUM DC. Sar ream but G,r " l T cted int ° ‘he blood rvae of the Ma k®’ milkweed bugs, and othes moth and A*?** beetle ' Webbi ng osquitow . Hp ”, and Anopheles • Heal and coworkers (93). JPATORIUM ALBUM L. dting^*inf](fresce aCt °^‘ he *°P S > leaves, and g florescence was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to tt r nar V coc ^ roacbe s and milkweed bugs -- Heal and coworkers (93). ® ' EUPATORIUM AROMATICUM L. an^ n n aqUeOUS extract of the upper parts and flowers was nontoxic to German and ^ne'troT C ° ckr ° ache * a nd milkweTd bu gs petroleum ether extract of the lo an h 0n ° extracts were nontoxic larvae Hear 3 !?' 5 ^ to ^edes mosquito ae.--Heal and coworkers (93). E Sm A an° R c UM CAP,LL,FOL I»M (Lam.) omall. Cypress weed. somher P n° W ^ red Wh °’ e Plant was a°n‘oxic to J?- s The powdered plant was nontoxic European corn borer larvae. An acetone mot r hs C “ V The hOW ' d b SOme '° Xicity *° codling itc-rra; 1 "! mothr'andToLe" e me? V bur 8 s a how d COdHng ‘° ^ erman c ockroaches^-- Jacobin was" nontoxbf T'cJ °‘ ^ Wh ° le plant cockroach^ C and m' kwTed ££. r,?' e r e,h "' aad chloroform e«r ac ,s of the tops and flower heads were nfmox c a°nd G !aTva n e ^ ZTZ C 'T* S moth ’ eles moquitoes.--Heal and coworke?T(^T7 EUPATORIUM COMPOSITIFOLIUM Walt Synonym: E^coronopifolium. Dogfennel! aga T in e st P sTu. e he e r d Wh< ” e Plan * Was Active Hawafian bee, ” ZZZZT ' = • cabb a ge worms, and cabbage r °lo S o"p S e'rs P ! d Bottger and Jacobson (36) P Euro h p e ea P n° W ct r „ ed *° Petroleum ether, ethyl ether ^hm , ho nd se alC fte°I rr — "-"To codling moth larvae an jacobso r M C m): “ d 65 eupatorium havanense h. b. k. Shrubby boneset. The powdered stems and roots were in¬ effective against southern armyworms, melonworms, and southern ee worms. — Bottger and Jacobson (3b). The powdered stems and roots nontoxic to European corn hoT .f\ IZIV Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ethe , chloroform, and alcohol extractives were nontoxic to house flies and codling moth larvae. --Jacobson (108). EUPATORIUM HYSSOPIFOL1UM L. An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was nontoxic to German and Ame»can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). EUPATORIUM OCCIDENTALE Hook. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches w injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). eupatorium ODORATUM L. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers andcoworkers ( ^n aqueous extract of the upper parts was nontoxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal an coworkers (93). EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM L. An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to German and American cock- roaches.--Heal and coworkers (23)- EUPATORIUM PERSICIFOLIUM H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM L. Queen of the meadow. An acetone extract of the leaves was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (9P)- eupatorium ROTUNDIFOL1UM L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). EUPATORIUM RUGOSUM Houtt. Synonym: E. nrticaefolium . White snakeroot. The powdered plant was nontoxic to southern armyworms and southern beet webworms.- -Bottger and Jacobson (3b). The powdered plant was nontoxic to European corn borer larvae. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives were nontoxic to codling moth larvae and house flies.— Jacobson ( 108 ). , f An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches.--Heal and workers (93). EUPATORIUM VERBENAEFOLIUM Michx. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal an coworkers (93). EUPATORIUM WRIGHTII Gray. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to Amencancock roaches and nontoxic to German cock- roaches.--Heal and coworkers (23). EUPATORIUM sp. An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic ^ American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches. An extract of the stems and leaves was very toxic to Amen can cockroaches but not to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. Extract the roots and of the whole plant were non- toxic to all these insects.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). FLAVERIA BIDENTIS (L.) Kuntze. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves and flowers was slightly toxic to Amen can cockroaches and nontoxic ° cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal coworkers (93). FLAVERIA TRINERVIA (Spreng.) Mohr. An aqueous extract of ‘he whole pU, was nontoxic to German and Amenc 66 coworkers (93)^ milkweed bu gs.--Heal and FRANSERIA DELTOIDEA Torr. FLOURENSIA CERNUA DC. um A p q r Ue ° US t extracts of the stems and of the upper parts were toxic to German cock¬ roaches but not to American cockroaches and mOkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers FLOURENSIA RESINOSA (Brandeg.) Blake. An aqueous extract of the branches and milkweertgl 0 iS'no? t^ric^ cockroaches.-Heal and coworkers (£) FRANSERIA ARTEMISIOIDES Willd. flot q er e s 0 and e ff r ^ Ct l 0f the t0ps ’ leaves * and «oxic to American aS r ““ leav « “ere k, a “ American and German cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs. Alcohol, petro- eum ether, and chloroform extracts of th*. branches, 1 eaves, and flowera “'a °,oxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and Aedr aid 1 "! ** Cl ° thes S and Anopheles mosquitoes Tor responding extracts of the stems and'leaves’ were nontoxic to all these insects fZT, and coworkers (93). ’ ** ea i FRANSERIA CHENOPODIFOLIA Benth. leaves^war'sUnh?!" °/ br “^lets and 'ockroJht * ghtly toxic to American -ockroaches and nont oxic to German cock- aches and milkweed bugs --Heal a j workers (93) ® s ’ tleal and co- FRANSERIA CONFERTIFLORA (DC.) Rydb. outh^ rn , ° Wdered plant was nontoxic to >o.tger a„dTacXr ( S d mel ° nW ° rms - :-o h ;ea P n OW c d o e r r „ ed bo P r“ t iXVTX *° TIlZ f* her ’ eth "' « b «: e ;hfo 0 r?form d "«ng CO mo.h eX !a raCtiVeS W " e to ^obs^nT^). 1 ""^ a " d h — flies a«s aq a U „ e d° U n eX ‘ raCt ° f ‘ he "ranches, ickroaches bn'X 3 , W f S t ,° X ‘ C to German >aches and n0t t0 American cock- srkers ( 93 ) milkweed bugs.-Heal and co- An aqueous extract of the whole plant wa« nontoxic to German and a • piantwas ___ , , erman and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and workers (93). 8 He al and co- FRANSERIA DUMOSA Gray. FRANSERIA ERIOCENTRA Gray. FRANSERIA ILICIFOLIA Gray. Aqueous extracts of the branches and ^aXo r ' 6 n k 0n,0 * i <= t° German and Ameri- can cockroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). 8 * Hea l GAILLARDIA ARISTATA Pursh. GAILLARDIA LANCEOLATA Michx. An aqueous extract was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). rieal GAILLARDIA PULCHELLA Foug. toxic t a n qU r OUS 6XtraCt ° f the Stems wa * non- Ind i? ^ an and ^ericancockroaches (93). W bugs.-Heal and coworkers GARBERIA FRUTICOSA (Nutt.) Gray. , ^ aqueous extract of the branchlets and leav was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but weX nnaff Ck i r T h r ™*weed bug 5 extract Sn^ / fter Emersion in the xi act.--Heal and coworkers (93). GEIGERIA PASSERINOIDES Harv. An aquqous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.-Heal and coworkers?^) GERBERIA JAMESONII Bolus. Gerbera Transvaal daisy. De ra, Water and acetone extracts of the stems Zell's?)!* 0 * 10 t0 mOSqUU ° e.r-HS! GNAPHALIUM LEUCOCEPHALUM Gray. soIthern P °ar ered Plant W&S nonto *ic to southern armyworms and southern beet ebworms. —Bottger and Jacobson ( 36 ). 67 The powdered plant was nontoxic to European corn borer larvae• petroleum ether, ethyl ether, . ch ;° rof °^: and alcohol extracts were toxic to codli g moth larvae but not to house flies.-- Jacobson ( 1 08 ). GNAPHALIUM OBTUSIFOLIUM L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant with flowers was toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffecte after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). roaches but not to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A petroleum ether extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milled bugs, and .arvae o£ the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophel es mosquitoes. An alcohol extract was non¬ toxic to all these insects .--Heal and workers (93). GRINDELIA TARAPACANA Phil. An aqueous extract of the tops and flower heads was toxic to German and American cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). GNAPHALIUM sp. An aqueous extract of the tops and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweedbugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). GRINDELIA BOLIVIANA Rusby. An aqueous extract of the branchlets, leaves, and flowers was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches .--Heal and co- wo rkers (93). GRINDELIA NANA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the flowers, leaves, and roots was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93)* GRINDELIA PERENNIS A. Nels. A petroleum ether extract of the whole plant was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophe les mosquitoes. Alcohol and chloroform ex¬ tracts were nontoxic to all these species.- Heal and coworkers (93)- GRINDELIA ROBUST A Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the leaves was toxic to German cock¬ roaches but not to American cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers (2i)* GRINDELIA SQUARROSA (Pursh) Dunal. An aqueous extract of the tops, leaves, and flowers was toxic to German cock- GRINDELIA sp. An aqueous extract of the roots and stems was toxic to German^‘nTmilk- but not to American cockroaches and.milk weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers 193). GUTIERREZIA DRACUNCULOIDES. Syn¬ onym: Amphiachyr is dracunculoides. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extrac . Heal and coworkers (93). GUTIERREZIA MICROCEPHALA (DC.) Gray. Synonym: G. filifo lia.. Brae yr— microcephala . Broomweed. The powdered whole plant was nontoxic to southern armyworms, melonworms, an southern beet webworms.--Bottger Jacobson (36). _ t o The powdered plant was nontoxic to European corn borer larvae. Gombl "* d petroleum ether, ethyl ether chloroform, and alcohol extracts had little or no effect on codling moth larvae and house flies. Jacobson T 108) . GUTIERREZIA SAROTHRAE (Pursh) Britt. & Rusby. An aqueous extract of the upper parts anc leaves was nontoxic to American and Ger man cockroaches.-Heal and coworker, (93). GYNOXIS BUXIFOLIA Cass. An aqueous extract of the branches an leaves was toxic to German and America cockroaches.-Heal and coworkers (93). 68 HELENIUM AUTUMNALE L. Sneezeweed. HELENIUM BADIUM (Gray) Greene. HELENIUM ELEGANS DC. HELENIUM MICROCEPHALUM DC. HELENIUM MONTANUM Nutt. HELENIUM QUADRIDENTATUM Labill. HELENIUM TENUIFOLIUM Nutt. Bitter- w eea. Both helenalin, isolated from autumnale microoephalum, and quadridentltum. tenuhn, isolated fron?- The other sTe cles were pratieally worthless when applieda, adM . 75 a /f‘ nSt the ® reen pnach P aphid adult A la^ae of the Mexican bean beetle nte“ ^n C a an , C a Ckr ° aCheS> and h ° u « o u S tion? en ,h aPPh n ed aS 5 percen ' acetone S lutions, they showed some toxicity to Mexican bean beetle larvae u- r~ _ y coworkers ( 144 ). larvae -^-McGovranand HELENIUM AUTUMNALE L. wat n tox^c e tn 8 r eXtraCt ° f the fl ° Wer heada rZLiZ a German and American cock- was toxi c t n n e ? raCt ° f the Stems and leav ^« H a Vj C to Germ an cockroaches only... Heal and coworkers (23). y HELENIUM BIGELOVII Gray. slii n tL q r° US . eXt A raCt ° f the whole plant was nontoxfc tfTr American cockroaches and nontoxic to Germancockroaches --Healar.^ coworkers (93). -Heal and HELENIUM ELEGANS DC. worm, P h,T de ?. d Plant Was ^ *° "'Ion- large milhwe 0 ed t0 h 80Uth 'i n arm V w orms and son *36? bogs — Bottger and Jacob- wat n tov? U !° U f extract ° f ‘be whole plant 1° ^rman OA c r^ch C er kr H a e C ai eS ' workers ( 93 ). 8 Heal a nd co- dELENIUM HOOPESII Gray. md^loTeriaTw* °/ “T roaches but „«♦ r ° America ” cock- nilkweed b U a s . cockroaches and >lant with * extract of the whole nsects He°H er ^ WaS nontoxic to all these sects.--Heal and coworkers (9J). HELENIUM LACINIATUM Gray. Rosilla. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether cMoroform and alcohol extractives of the flower heads were nontoxic to southern my worms and melonworms but showed some toxicity to southern beet webworms .-- Bottger and Jacobson (36). The flower heads are reported in Mexico to be insecticidal. Combined petroleum extracts * of 1 ft"* Chl ° roform ’ a " d alcohS to if* f ° Wer heads were nontoxic P ! a u n COrn borer larva e, codling moths, and house flies.--Jacobson (log). 8 HELENIUM MEXICANUMH.B.K. Chapuz cabezona, rosilla de puebla. The powdered flower heads are reported Mexr C o US The t0 n kil i ^ ^ Screw — s in Mexico. The powdered material was non¬ toxic to southern army worms, mekn- lice mS and Ur ° Pean C ° rn borers » adul t body lice, and screwworms, but showed some toxicity to southern beet webworms. Corn- form a H 6ther ’ 6thyl Cther ' chloro- °rm, and alcohol extractives were toxic to body * 1 ™ I 8 " 36 bUt " 0t to h °™' (lo/). ’ d screworms.--Jacobson HELENIUM MICROCEPHALUM DC. An f aq ^ eous extr act of the bark was non- toxm to German and American cockroaches S). weed bugs.-Heal and coworkers HELENIUM QUADRIDENTATUM Labill. A * * qU *° us extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but not to ethe?^ H C0C ^ 0aC , heS * Alcohol, petroleum tn th "’ * nd chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and AedT ° £ ! he “Ebbing clothe, moft and r~ d and Anopheles mosquitoes. An aque ou extract of the flower heads was foxiV to° X r C American cockroaches and toxic to German cockroaches .--Heal and coworkers (93). na HELENIUM TENUIFOLIUM Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was jontoxic to German and American cock! roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). HELIANTHUS PUMILUS Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole nlar,t was slightly toxic to Americancockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and 69 milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HELIOPSIS CANESCENS H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). HELIOPSIS GRACILIS Nutt. The powdered leaves and powdered stems were both ineffective against armyworms, celery leaf tiers, large milkweed bugs, pea aphids, and two-spotted spider mites. Chloroform and alcohol extractives of the leaves and alcohol extractives of the roots and of the flower heads were all nontoxic to these insects.--Bottger and Jacobson (36) Petroleum ether extractives of the roots and of the stems were quite toxic and mod¬ erately toxic, respectively, to house flies. A petroleum ether extractive of the leaves was nontoxic to house flies, but an extrac¬ tive of the flower heads was toxic to this insect. Ethyl ether and chloroform extrac¬ tives of the petroleum ether-extracted parts were nontoxic to this insect.--Gersdorf and Mitlin (72). HELIOPSIS HELLANTHOIDES (L.) Sweet. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to these insects.-- Heal and coworkers (93). A petroleum ether extractive of the roots was highly toxic to adult house flies. A fraction isolated from the neutral portion of this extractive was as toxic as pyrethrins to house flies. High-vacuum distillation of this fraction destroyed its activity but did not seriously affect its knockdown power.-- Jacobson ( 108 ). HELIOPSIS HELIANTHOIDES var. SCABRA (Pers.) Fern. Synonym: H. scabra. Ox- eye. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). Petroleum ether extractives of the roots and of the stems were quite toxic and moderately toxic, respectively, to house flies. An extract of the leaves was moder¬ ately toxic, but an extract of the flower heads was nontoxic to this ins ect. Ethyl ether and chloroform extractives of the petroleum ether-extracted parts were nontoxic to house flies.--Gersdorff and Mitlin (72). The powdered roots were toxic to army- worms but not to celery leaf tiers, pea aphids, and two-spotted spider mites. A 25-percent Pyrax dust of the alcohol ex¬ tractive of the petroleum ether-extracted roots was nontoxic to all these insects. A 25 percent Pyrax dust of the flower heads showed some toxicity to two-spotted spider mites but not to the other insects. A 20- percent Pyrax dust of the stems showed some toxicity to celery leaf tiers only, and a dust of the leaves was nontoxic to all these insects.--Bottger and Jacobson (16). Scabrin, a pungent, unsaturated isobutyla- mide isolated from the petroleum ether extractive of the roots, was more toxic than pyrethrins to house flies. The extrac¬ tive also contains an unidentified constitu¬ ent with considerable toxicity to house flies.--Jacobson (107). At the 25 percent mortality level with house flies scabrin and pyrethrins were equally toxic, but at the 90 percent level scabrin was about 1.6 times as toxic as pyrethrins. Sulfoxide and Synergist 2b4 increased the toxicity of scabrin several- fold and greatly increased its stability in solutions.--Gersdorff and Mitlin (73). Several commercial antioxidants ettec- tively stabilized scabrin inkerosene sprays for a period of one and one-half years.-- Mitlin and Gersdorff (i5_0). HELIOPSIS LONGIPES (Gray) Blake. Chil- cuan, chilcuague, peritre del pais. The roots are used as an insecticide in Mexico. Petroleum ether extractives and the combined ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the petroleum ether- extracted roots were nontoxic to European corn borers.--Jacobson (1_08). From the petroleum ether extractive o the roots of this plant, originally thought to be Erieeron affinis, an amide designated “affinin’’ was 1 sedated. It proved to be highly toxic to house flies, Aedes mosquitoes (adults and larvae), codling moths, andbodi lice, but was not effective as a body louse ovicide. —Acree and coworkers (4,5). Affinin was isolated from authentic roots of this plant and shown to be toxic to house flies. --Jacobson and coworkers (1U9»- 70 hertia pallens. The petroleum ether extractive of the roots was highly toxic to house flies, adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, melonworm and southern beet webworm larvae, and quash ug nymphs, but it was nontoxic to southern armyworm larvae. Combined ethyl ether chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the petroleum ether-extracted roots were non- toxic to all these insect species. A dis¬ tillate obtained from the petroleum ether extractive was highly toxic to house flies.-- McGovran and coworkers (143). An aqueous extract of the~T^ots was toxic to milkweed bugs but not to German and American cockroaches. A petroleum ether extract was toxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Anopheles mosquito. An alcohol extract was toxic to milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito but nontoxic to the other insect species. A chloroform extract was toxic to milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing c lothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mosquito, and nontoxic to the other insect species — Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches .--Heal and co¬ workers (£3). HETEROTHECA GRANDIFLORA Nutt. HIERACIUM AURANTIACUM L. Aqueous extracts of the whole plant were toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). HETEROTHECA SUBAXILLARIS (Lam.) Britt. & Rusby. An aqueous extract of the flower heads was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HELIOPSIS PARVIFOLIA Gray. The powdered stems were somewhat tox to celery leaf tiers but not to armyworr and two-spotted spider mites. The powder leaves and roots were both nontoxic to the; insects. Alcohol extractives of the petroleu ether-extracted roots and stems were noi toxic to these insects and to green doc beetles.--Bottger and Jacobson (36). Petroleum ether extractives of the root e stems, and the leaves were all toxic 1 ouse flies. An extractive of the flowe heads was nontoxic to this insect. Etlr ether and chloroform extractives of tl tSr ether-extracted parts were nor toxic to house flies.--Gersdorff and Mitli HE & M Gra^ IA FASCICULATA (DC.) Tor HEMIZONIA KELLOGGII Greene. Aqueous extracts of these species wer ~s t0 H German «d Amerfcar^cock “„ s %) m,Ikweed ■» HEMIZONIA PUNGENS (Hook, f, Arn.) Torr & Gray. an^fw e ° US CXtract ° f the stems ’ ^aves American rS W& if nontoxic to German anc bugs Heal C °^ kroaches and milkweec gs. -Heal and coworkers (93). HIERACIUM JAPONICUM Franch. & Sav. A water suspension of the combined leaves, stems, and roots was highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae. — Yamaguc hi and coworkers (233). HOFMEISTERIA PLURISETA Gray. An aqueous extract of the branches, and flowers was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). HYMENOCLEA SALSOLA Torr. & Gray. An aqueous extract of the branches and branchlets was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HYMENOXYS FLORIBUNDA (Gray) Cocke- An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). HYMENOXYS GRANDIFLORA (Torr. & Gray Lr, Parker * Synonym: Rydbergia grandiflora. --— An aqueous extract of the whole plant with flowers was slightly toxic to American 71 cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (93). HYMENOXYS HAENKEANA DC. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HYMENOXYS ODORATA DC. Synonym: Actinea odorata . Bitter rubberweed, bit- terweed. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). HYMENOXYS RICHARDSONII (Hook.) Cockerell. An aqueous extract of the whole plant with flowers was toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). HYPOCHAERIS QUITENSIS. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HYPOCHAERIS sp. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ICHTHYOTHERE RUFA Gardn. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86). ICHTHYOTHERE TERMINALIS (Spreng.) Blake. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stems and leaves were slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to Ger¬ man cockroaches andmilkweedbugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). INULA CONYZA DC. Fleawort. Alcohol, benzene, or acetone extracts of the flower heads and of the stems and leaves showed little or no toxicity to adult chrysan¬ themum aphids and saw-toothed grain beetles.--Tattersfield and coworkers (209). INULA GRAVEOLENS(L.) Desf. Stinkwort. An aqueous extract of the plant was not repellent to the Australian sheep blowfly.-- Waterhouse ( 220 ). INULA HELENIUM L. Elecampane. The plant was toxic to flies, mosquito larvae, lice, and bugs (bedbugs?).--Petri- scheva ( 17 2 ). An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after Immersion in the ex¬ tract. An extract of the upper parts was nontoxic to these species. An extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to Ger¬ man cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the tops, leaves, and flowers was toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). ISOCARPHA OPPOSITIFOLIA ( L.) R. Br. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). IVA AXILLARIS Pursh. An aqueous extract of the tops and leave* was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co- workers (93). IVA FRUTESCENS L. An aqueous extract of the tops and flower: was nontoxic to German and American cock roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co workers (93). IVA XANTHIFOLIA Nutt. Aqueous extracts of the upper parts an leaves and of the tops, leaves, and flower 72 were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal and coworkers (93). g rteal a nd K B H U N ^S A EU ? ATOR 8 IOI i )ES var - CORYM- facobTet . TOrr ' & Gr ^' S V“°nym: K. „ aqueo us extract of the tops, leaves A^eric^n" n ° n * oxic to German and hSs Hea! Td ach , es f nd milkweed ugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). LACTUCA VIROSA L. Wild lettuce. Water and acetone extracts of the leaves -re nontoxic to mosquito larvae.- Lrt zell -nontox a ic U 'tr S r eXiraCt ° f the wh °l'Plant was rowhes H G f rm f n and American cock- ches.--Heal and coworkers (93). LASIOSPERMUM RADIATUM Trevir. a n A ? + f q * eOUS extract °f the whole plant was s ightly toxic to American cockroaches and weedtoJ 0 hT" ^° ckroach ” and mitt- weeu bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). LIATRIS GRAMINIFOLIA (Walt.) Willd. to ±? T'Am ' Xtra °* ° f the "'•'“la Plant was o American cockroaches when in jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bigs were ^ Heara^d aft6r 1 1 f lme f sion in the extract. - - rieai and coworkers (93). UIINA HYPOLEUCA Benth. MgMy a t q o U xTc U to e A tra ‘ :t ° f ‘ he whoIe Plant was inf * l ™ to Ameri can cockroaches when ockroli : 10 * he J bl °° d stream, bu, Germ^ ^tecud after milk »" d »ere un- ai i fter immersion in the extract “ bla d r* r ° leum ether a«rac1f; ac re ZZTo7 T' k l°^ es ’ m , nk r' dh ^- : £ g* and‘ h Ajptts S mo°sX”s 0 , - h .H a eat and coworkerTT^y;- 4 “ues.-Heal LYGODESMIA JUNCEA D. Don. »o«„x aq c U rV' XtraCt ° f * he wl >ol e plant wa. toaches ' u .u ma " ., and A™'tican cock- "orkers a g‘ ) m,lkweed bugs—Heal and co- dACHAERANTHERA VARIANS Greene We a<1 wa° s US hi '« radt ° f 'h' “hole plan, with s highly toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs extract^AW^i aftCr immersi °n in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the tops andflowers noVTo Ger ^ car P et beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs Aed e a andA ** ? ehhin 8 clothes moth and c-^rkersTff^ m ° SqUit °' S -««! and MADIA GLOMERATA Hook. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cdk oaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the Te'J ^ fl ° WerS Was toxic to boft buas °f i Cockroaches but not to milkweed Hni; 6 ^ CXtraCt ° f the st ems and flowers was toxic only to German cock- Ind C n eS * An alcoho1 ex t ra ct of the stems and flowers was toxic to black carpet beetle miT 6 n0t t0 ° erman cockroaches! miU^weed bugs, and larvae of the webbing ^° the ® moth and Aedes and Anonhelel mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). MADIA GRACILIS (J. E. Sm.) Keck. ^ n n aqUe ° US Cxtrac t of the tops, leaves and Gowers was toxic to American cock- but Ger 6n in J ectedin to the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs extract Una Heaf ed / ft6r immersio n in the xxract.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). MALACOTHRIX FEND LERI Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoidc^oG 10 American cockroaches and weed bugs.--HeS a a n nd°coworkers" (S?).® 1 *’ M ch™om^ ACHAM ° MILLAL - H ^ ari - Water and acetone extracts of the whole H a r n , t „" 1 e (|,r. 0nt0XiC ‘° mOS< * ui, ° larvae.-- MATRICARIA GLOBIFERA Fenzl. An aqueous extract of the flower heads '° cockroaches when jected into the blood stream, but German aff C ec^ed C afr milkweed bu g* were un- extract immersion in the extract. An Sic o A T Plant WaS ° nl V s lightly tox ! to ^“•Sf aa i cockroach «. an d non! toxic to the other insects.--Heal workers (93). 1 and co " 73 MATRICARIA INODORA L. Scentless false chamomile, mayweed. The powdered flower heads were as effective as commercial pyrethrum powder against Muse a autumnalis . The powdere dried leaves were ineffective.--Reingard and Zabud’ko -Reingard (184). “Matricaria ester”, isolated from the essential oil of Norwegian flower heads, was nontoxic to adult house flies .--Jacob¬ son ( 108 ). MATRICARIA MATRIC ARIOIDES (Less.) Porter. Synonym: M^suaveolens. Ray¬ less chamomile. The powdered flower heads were fairly toxic to larvae of the diamondback moth Alcohol, acetone, or benzene extracts of the whole plant and of the flower heads showed little or no toxicity to adult chrysanthemum aphids and saw-toothed gram beetles.-- Tattersfield and coworkers \ZOjz.)- An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93>* MICROGLOSS A VOLUBILIS DC. Aqueous extracts of the roots, end of the stems, leaves, and flowers were slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MIKAN1A GLOMERATA Spreng. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood .tream, German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion m the extract.--Heal and coworkers (9^L MIKAN1A MICRANTHA H. B. K. Synonym: M. orinocensis . Guaco. The powdered roots were ineffective against southernarmyworms,melQnworms, and blister beetles. — Bottger and Jacobson ( “The plant is reported to be used as an insecticide in Honduras . The powdered roots were ineffective against body lice. Com bined petroleum ether, ether, chlorofor , and alcohol extractives of the roots were nontoxic to house flies and codling mo larvae. --Jacobson ( 108 ). MONTANOA TOMENTOSA Cerv. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches. --Heal andcoworkers ( 111 - NEMOSERIA NEOMEXICANA (Gray) Greene. An aqueous extract of the flower heads was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). NEUROLAENA LOBATA (L.) R. Br. An aqueous extract of one sample of whole plant was toxic to American 1>ut not to German, cockroaches; an extract of second sample was slightly toxic to Amer - can cockroaches but nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Petroleu ether and chloroform extracts of the second sample were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milk weed bugs , and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles r ^ os 9 ult ° es - An alcohol extract was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). OPHRYOSPORUS ELEUTHERANTHERUS. Synonym: Euoatorium eleutherantherum. An aqueous extract of the tops, leaves, and fruits was toxic to man cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). OXYTENIA ACEROSA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to German and American roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). PARTHENIUM HISPIDUM Raf. An aqueous extract of the wh° le plant was toxic to American cockroaches when i jected into the blood stream. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic black carpet beetle larvae but nottoGe man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and lar vae of the webbing clothes moth and and Anopheles mosquitoes. A chloroform extract was nontoxic to all these mse Heal and coworkers (93). PECTIS CAPILLARIS DC. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American ^ ockr °^ heS Hea] nontoxic to German cockroaches. , _ 1 _ lQ7.\ 74 PECTIS PAPPOSA Harv. & Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock! worked ( 9 n 3 d ) milkWeed bu « S -Heal and co- PEREZIA NANA Gray. he powdered leaves and stems were J°”. C t0 , 80uthern army worms and southern beet webworms, but not to melonworms.-- Bottger and Jacobson (36). ** P ° Wder . ed leave s and stems were in- e fective against European corn borers Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ethe!’ c loroform, and alcohol extractives were nontoxic to house flies and codling moth larvae.--Jacobson ( l 08 ). “ An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic the bTo e o r d Ca t n C ° K aCheS When Ejected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion m the extract.--Heal and co workers (93). co PEREZIA RUNCINATA Lag. ~oC ^, r o e n w~ a * d ° Jacobson (£)? Web —-"Bottger and The powdered roots were nontoxic to Eur 0 p ean corn borer larvae. Combined ^d^al^or 11 ^* Cthyl ethCr ’ Preform, Suse fH. ext f activ « were nontoxic to ^,“(^ 08 ,““ C ° dll ”8 . I wf q r° U ‘ extract ° f ‘he whole plant was ‘r C G. , L^ erlc ? n -ckroachss and we.dT g s t0 -?^T„d 0 c C owoSe h " S) mUk - P SL WRIGHTI1 G ~V. Synonynt: £. worm* poi ^ der * d plant was toxic to melon- to s^uth«n S °a U rm r " b ' e ‘ Webworms butnot tiers R„,” arrn yworms and celery leaf uers.--Bottger and j^^son ( 36 ). larvae.-j'LobsT(«’ “* C ° dli ”* ™‘ b witlTflnIL UeOUS extract of the whole plant cockroaches and toxic to American roaches anH ^ontoxic to German cock- workers (93) mlUcweed bugs.--Heal and co- PETASITES PALMATUS Ait. .. A 5\, a 9 u eous extract of the roots was nontoxL'to o' 0 Am ' rican cockroaches and weed hogs -?HeS a a n „d° Ckr °^ h ' S a " d milk - neal and coworkers ( 93 ). PETASITES sp. An aqueous extract of the roots and . leaves - as nontoxic to German and AmeH- i Ca JJ cockr °aches and milkweed bugs.--Heal ^ and coworkers ( 93 ). 8 neal PICROSIA LONGIFOLIA D. Don. whn£ Ue i OUS . CXtracts of ^e roots and of the hole plant were slightly toxic to American roarhp aChe !i ^ nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal anH coworkers (93). g eaI and PIQUERIA TRINERVIA Cav. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American and German cockroaches, and to milkweed bugs— H ea " and coworkers (93). K PLAZIA ARGENTEA (D. Don) Kuntze. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves and fruits was nontoxic to American and Hpir^H 00 ^ 0 ^ 68 and milkw eed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). 6 pluchea camphorata (L.) DC. ** aq r°, US extract of the bark was ghtly toxic to American cockroaches a nd nontoicic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93) PLUCHEA ODORATA (L.) Cass. wat“ aq ^ eo ^ s extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). B eai and PLUCHEA QUITOC DC. An aqueous extract of the whole nhnt and Slightl , y tox * c to -Americancockroaches nd nontoxic to German cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). Heal PODANTHUS OVATIFOLIUS Lag. 1 aqUeOUS extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri- 75 can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). POROPHYLLUM GRAC1LE Benth. An aqueous extract of one sample of whole plant was toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. A petroleum ether extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mosquito. Alcohol and chloro¬ form extracts were nontoxic to all these insects. An aqueous extract of a second sample of whole plant was nontoxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). POROPHYLLUM MACROCEPHALUM DC. An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co- wo rkers (93). POROPHYLLUM RUDERALE (Jacq.) Cass. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (92)• PRENANTHES ALTISSIMA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed hugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PROUSTIA PYRIFOLIA Lag. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). PSATHYROTES ANNUA (Nutt.) Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to German and American cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PSIADIA TRINERVIA Willd. Aqueous extracts of the stems and of the branchlets and leaves were slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PSILOSTROPHE COOPERI (Gray) Greene. An aqueous extract of the roots and stems was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract. A petroleum ether extract was toxic to milkweed bugs and black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, confused flour beetles, and webbing clothes moth larvae. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to these insects, as well as to Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). PSILOSTROPHE GNAPHALODES DC. Syn¬ onym: Riddellia archnoidea . The powdered plant was nontoxic to southern armyworms, melonworms, and southern beet webworms.--Bottger and Jacobson (36). . The powdered plant was nontoxic to European corn borer larvae. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extracts had little effect on codling moth larvae and none on house flies.--Jacobson ( 108) . PSILOSTROPHE TAGETINA (Nutt.) Greene. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93)- PTEROCAULON POLYSTACHYUM DC. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). pterocaulon pycnostachyum (Michx.) Ell. Synonym: P. undulatum- An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and™*' weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). 76 PULICARIA CRISPA (Pers.) Sch. Bip. An a que ° us extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American and German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. —Heal and co¬ workers (93). PULI C AR ia DYSENTERICA (L.) Gaertn. r leabane. A n ° ho1, acetone » or benzene extracts of the flower heads and of the stems and leaves showed little or no toxicity to adult chrysan- hemum aphids and saw-toothed grain beetles. — Tattersfield and coworkers ( 209 ). PULICARIA UNDULATA Kostel. An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was n ont ° xi toGermanand A^ erican l0 c ^ s _ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 8 d RATIBIDA COLUMNARIS (Sims) D. Don Nigger-head. ' ° n ' so^e r n po :t;t^r ^ js S'son^t -Bottge, and The powdered plant was nontoxic to European corn borer larvae. Combined and*"°alcoh 6thyl ether ’ ch l°roform, and alcohol extracts had little effect on codling moth larvae and none on house flies.--Jacobson (108). waf'to a XTV Xt7Ict ° f the whole P lan * in- * ?? t0 American cockroaches when cockro^i, nt ° th !, bl ° 0d Stream > b “t German milkweed bugs were un- Heal and £ in the extract— meal and coworkers (93). RUDBECKIA AMPLEXICAULIS Vahl Svn onym: Ratibida amplexiranii. ^ nithtfvT 0 " 8 ^/^ 1 ° f the w hole plant was ontoxL trr t0 American cockroaches and -eed bugs He^ an and milk " ugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). RUDBECKIA HIRTA L. vat'sUphtr 5 , 6XtraCt ofthet °Ps and flowers md nonL^c r o 1C r t0 Americancoc kroaches nilkweedbugs Sr"”. cockroach e S and u 8 s - - ~Heal and coworkers (93). RUDBECKIA LACINIATA L. nd n rJot U s e °w eXtraC * ° f the stems - leaves, as toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). RUDBECKIA OCCIDENTALIS Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant as slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). S ALMEA SCANDENS (L.) DC. Barbasco bejucillo. An acetone extract of the stems was quite toxic to mosquito larvae.--Jacobson (108) ex ^acts of the stems and le^ s and of the flower heads were toxic to ™Z iCa ? ^° Ckr ° aches when Ejected into and mn t but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co- workers (93). SAN TO LINA CHAMAEC YPARISSUS L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was vT iC « G f rman and American cock- oaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). SANVITALIA PROCUMBENS Lam. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock- workers (“£) mllkWeed bu « s — Heal and co- SAUSSUREA LAPPA C. B. Clarke. Costus. An acetone extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Jacobson (108). SAUSSUREA sp. An aqueous extract of the roots and stems as toxi f to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- Akfoh*? af H ter immersion in ^e extract. toxir f M petroleum ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and 7- d s and Anopheles mosquitoes. A chloro¬ form extract was nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the moth h r tle ^ webbin 8 clothes moth.--Heal and coworkers (93). 77 SCHKUHRIA ABROTANOIDES Roth. Mata pulga. The powdered plant was nontoxic to southern army worms, melonworms, and European corn borers, but showed some toxicity to southern beet webworms. Com - bined petroleum ether, ethyl ether chloro¬ form. and alcohol extracts were toxic to codling moth larvae but not to hous e flies. Jacobson ( 108 ). . Aqueous ^extracts of the whole plant and of the leaves and flowers were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SCHKUHRIA PINNATA (Lam.) Kuntze. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to German cockroaches and slightly toxic to American cockroaches. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of clothes moth and Aedes and Anqpheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). SCHKUHRIA WISLIZENII Gray. Synonyms: S. fl ava, Tetracarpum flavum. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (8j>). SENECIO AUREUS L. Life root plant. An acetone extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to mosquito larvae.-Hartzell (JO). An aqueous extract of the tops was toxic to American cockroaches when injecte into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). SENECIO EHRENBERGIANUS Klatt. The roots are reported to be used to kill ants in Mexico. The powdered roots were nontoxic to southern armyworms, melon- worms, and European corn borer larvae, but were somewhat toxic to southern beet webworms. They had no repellent or toxic action against adult ants, PheidoWen^. but may be attractive to this xnsect. -9°™' bined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloro¬ form, and alcohol extracts were nontoxic to house flies and codling moth larvae.-- Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches. An extract of the leaves, stems, Ind flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock- roaches. A petroleum ethe r extract ol the whole plant was toxic to black ca *P et ^* larvae but not to German cockroaches, m lk weed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anophele. mosquito. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to these insects and to Aedes mosquito larvae.-- Heal and coworkers (93). SENECIO LONGILOBUS Benth. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). SENECIO RICHII Gray. An aqueous extract of the branchlets, leaves, and flowers was nontoxic toGerma and American cockroaches—Heal and CO- WO rkers (93)* SENECIO SEEMANNII Sch. Bip. SENECIO TRIANGULARIS Hook. SENECIO sp. Aqueous extracts of each sp * cies ^*5* nontoxic to German and American cock^ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal an workers (93). Powdered Senecig sp. was n ° nto * c Mexican bean beetle larvae. -Hansberry and Clausen (86). SERICOCARPUS LINIFOLIUS (L.) B.S.P. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cocjc roaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal anc coworkers (93). SERRATULA INSULARIS Iljin. Water suspensions of the roots, of the combined leaves and stems, and combined leaves, stems, and flow,ir all nontoxic to Drosophila hydgy larva^ but a suspension of the leaves toxic to these larvae.-Yamaguchi and c workers (233). SIEGESBECKIA ORIENTALIS L. An aqueous extract of the tops, leave* and flowers was toxic to Amertcan cock 78 roaches when injected into the blood stream were Ger u na« e C ri r °r heS and: milkweed bu^s' extract a immersion in the exxract.--Heal and coworkers (93). SILPHIUM ASPERRIMUM Hook. Petroleum ether, ethyl ether, and chloro¬ form extractives of the roots were in (m) against hOUSe — Jacobson SILPHIUM LAC INI AT UM L. Rosinweed. toxt, aCet ° ne extract of root was non- OX 1 C to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). SILYBUM MARIANUM (L.) Gaertn. an^ n fi aqUe ° US extract of the stems, leaves xLSn:r ,o ^ bug,..-Heal and coworkers fy). SOLIDAGO MICROGLOSSA DC. nW P6tr0leUm 6ther ex tract of the whole plant was toxic to milkweed bu BS and oxic to these insects and to Aedes quito larvae.--Heal and coworkI7TT93). SONCHUS OLERACEUS L. £ irr .™;; cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-liTel coworkers (93). ® rieai and SPHAERANTHUS AFRICANUS L wa^tn^T e A Xtrac . t of the stems and leaves injected into%heTl^ When Heafand frorkTsTir ^ SPHAERANTHUS INDICUS L. wafs lfght'y lo xiclo' Am erica' cockr'oaclTs SPILANTHES ACMELLA (L.) Murr. SOLIDAGO OCCIDENT A LIS Nutt. flotrerTw'aThi^rr ° f ‘ h ' upp ”P”'s and _„ a t mghly toxic to Americancorlc -slnr^ar Aral 11 hi larvae‘but not '» b.aclcarpl.teele’ weed bugs and 1 erman coc ^ r °aches, milk- moth and' ledel 36 °H we bbing c iothes quitoes.-He^l a " d Anopheles mos- neai and coworkers (93). SOLIDAGO ODORA Ait. »ho?e Ue ^a S n. e 1 r e a r , ; tS ° f and of the ockroaches but nnrt 1 "r' toxic to American ml milkweed h *° Germa n cockroaches ‘her, and chtoroffrm e«ract'’ petroleum 3 black carnet k extracts were toxic German cockroach 66 ^ but not to Jse d flour^beetles *’ ™ lkweed bu g*. con- ig clothes moth and A a ^ oftb e webb¬ ed coworkers (93^^^ mosquito.--Heal m|qX e la^at sufficient larvicidal acHnn ♦ F snowed ther stndv tv. f. action to warrant fur- f . H study. The active material was identi¬ fied as spilanthol, N-isobutyl -4, 6-decadi ■ p ai , a « r ? n 5 x s ^" t s s io : a r^;:i n ethyl ether extract of the flowerint? tops was effective against mosquito larvae in ippea U rs°tnt '[I 00 ’ 000 in "*er. Spilantho” A P nat V bC the main ac tive constituent as P a1arv,' 8a H rding US ' ° f ,h ? as a larvicide was applied for Pond and coworkers (168). * " endse leates W and1, S . USPenSi ° n ° f th ' combined hid.' , a . nd nr S *' m , S Was 'Okie to Drosophila larvae, but a suspension oTthTnwY was nontoxic to these larvae --Yaman u* and coworkers (233). * amaguchi An aqueous extract of the whol P and S tOXlC to America ncockroaches mnk::^ ox b ^;!.^- cockro t ches ^ ugs. Meal and coworkers (93). SP (WauI “h 1 MERIGANA var. r EPENS wait.) A. H. Moore. Synonym: S. repens . heads e lnd l6 it m Cther extract ive of the flower there was no mortality.- -Jacobson (108)! 79 An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SPILANTHES OCYMIFOLIA A. H. Moore. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches .--Heal and coworkers (93). SPILANTHES OLERACEA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). Spilanthol at a dilution of 1:30,000 was very effective against Culex pipiens larvae, bu.)t was ineffective at 1:100,000—Athara and Suzucki (6). SPILANTHES sp. An aqueous extract of the flower heads was highly toxic to German and American cockroaches, but not to milkweed bugs. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aedes and Anophe^ mos¬ quitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). STEVIA CATHARTIC A Poepp. & Endl. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extrac . extract of the roots was only slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to the other insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). STRUCHIUM SPARGANOPHORUM (L.) Kuntze. Synonym: Sparganoph orus vail- lantii. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). TAGETES ERECTA L. African marigold. The plant was nontoxic to aphids.--Huang (97). “"Both a hexane extract of the flower heads and the oil therefrom were nontoxic to house flies and did not synergize pyrethnns.-- Jacobson ( 1 08 ). TAGETES FILIFOLIA Lag. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). TAGETES FLORIDA Sweet. TAGETES MINUTA L. Synonym: T. gland- ulifera . Stinking Roger. Aqueous extracts of the stems, leaves, and flowers of each species were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). The essential oil of T. minu tg, was not repellent to Aedes mosquitoes.--McCulloch and Waterhouse (142). The essential oil of T. minu ta did not repel the Australian sheep blowfly.--Wate house (220). _ * t The essential oil from the leaves of J. minuta did not synergize pyrethrins in tests Tgainst adult house flies.—Kerr (1 14). TAGETES MICROGLOSS A Benth. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after im¬ mersion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were: toxic to German cockroaches, bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and ** Anopheles mosquitoes.-Heal and workers (93)* TAGETES PATULA L. Marigold. Water and acetone extracts of the flowers were nontoxic to mosquito larvae. -Hart- Ze AnTqueou. extract of the whole plant was toxic to German and American cock roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). TAGETES sp. Pericon. A kerosene solution of an unidentified species was reported in Mexico against bedbugs and A prepared solution proved tobeinetleci aga(ns P t bedbugs and Anosheles mosquito larvae. --Jacobson (108). 80 TANACETUM VULGARE L. Tansy. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi- Clausen^).'*' 1 * larvae — ~ H ansberry and th ° hol » acetone, or benzene extracts of the flower heads and of the stems and leaves the°m ed u°I no toxicit y to adult chrys an- beeUr.-Ta ^ 3 —'toothed grain • ttersfield and coworkers (209) wat" mxie'“tn ° C the s * ems and l«^e. cockroaches were unaffected after i m _ mersxon in the extract. An extract of tte upper parts and flowers was slightly toxic Ge™ enCa v cockroaches and nontJxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ° TARAXACUM ALBIDUM Dahlst. floters a, wa. SUSP : nS . iCm ° f the leaves a " d larvae but a " t0 * 1C , to °r°s°Phila hvdel b “* a suspension^! the roots was' workers and 7! T 1fot XACUM OFFICI NALE Web. Dande- an^V°.^ e and Water extracts of the leaves toric a, ?“ e0 “ 8 extract ° f 'he roots was non- roTches H ei i ma a and A ”" i “” cock- s * “Heal and coworkers (93). THELE sp ERMA MEGAPOTAMIC UM ( preng.) Kuntze. Synonym: T. gracile. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was ontoxic to American cockroaches --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ’ TITHONIA ROTUNDIFOLIA (Mill.) Blake. cl A Lf q r° US extract of the whole plant was nontoxL t°o r ^ AmeHcan cockroaches and coworkers g;™" broaches.--Healand tridax procumbens l. extracts of the whole plant and ma' he a„ f d l0 7 r h ' ads w «« »«t.xic P to G weed h T erlcan cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. A petroleum ether extractor th. extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only, while a chloroform extract wa« nontoxic to all these insec™-Heaf T d coworkers ( 93 ). ' H eal and TRIL^A CARNOSA (Small) Robinson. Syn¬ onym. Litrisa carnosa . ^ wtMoTrr MraCl of the tops and flowers American l™” cockroaches but not to bu^s Heal c °ck roa ches and milkweed ougs.--Heal and coworkers (93). TARCHONANTHUS CAMPHORATUS L. tr ILISA ODORATISSIMA (Walt.) Cass. oflhe ro« ' C ‘ S ° f th ' branchlets and ZT "°" tOXic 'o German and Z L cockroaches and milkweed g • -Heal and coworkers (9J). r A ” a( l ueous extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ) -Heal and rESSARIA INTEGRIFOLIA Ruiz t Pavon . TRIX ‘ S RADIAUS < L ‘> K — • A n ___ eaves tT.'di 7'“' of th e stems and •oaches and 'ronta™ to 7’ erican cock - oaches and milled buS oworkers (93). ® * Heal and An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves cockro°a7he S Was . sli * h tly toxic to American H d nontoxi c to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). g al and ETR a nv VANCLEVEA STYLOSA (Eastw.) Greene ETRADYMIA NUTTALLII Torr. & Gray An a tjray. An aqueous extract of , eX a , q wa° U ' 'r* raCt ° f the branches and an cockroaches °* Hea°l G " man a " d Ameri - s.--Heal and coworkers (93). nonto)dc U 7 US ('' eXtraCt ° f the » h ole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock- oaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and workers (93). g aI and c °- 81 VERBESINA ENCELIOIDES var. EXAURI- CULATA Robins. & Greenm. Aqueous extracts of the flower heads and of the stems, leaves, and flowers were very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un affected after immersion in the extrac . Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the whole plant were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). VERBESINA VIRGINICA L. Synonym. Phaethusa virginica . Virginia crown- beard. The powdered stems and leaves were nontoxic to southern armyworms, melon- worms, and southern beet webworms.- Bottger and Jacobson (36). The powdered stems and leaves were in¬ effective against European corn borer lar¬ vae. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives were effective against codling moth larvae but not against house flies. --Jacobson (108). VERNONIA ANTHELMINTICA (L.) Willd. An aqueous extract of the seeds was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). VERNONIA FASCICULATA Michx. An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). VERNONIA NOVEBORACENSIS (L.) Willd. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). VIGUIERA DENTATA (Cav.) Spreng. Powdered roots, leaves, and stems were all nontoxic to armyworms, celery leaf tiers, and two-spotted spider mites.--Bott¬ ler and Jacobson (36). Powdered roots, leaves, and stems were all nontoxic to European corn borer larvae. Petroleum ether, ethyl ether, and chloro¬ form extractives of each of these parts an of the flower heads were all nontoxic to house flies. --Jacobson (108). VIGUIERA CORDIFOLIA Gray. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract.--Heal and coworkers (21). WEDELIA BIFLORA (L.) DC. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.— Heal and coworkers (93). WEDELIA GLAUCA (Ort.) O. Hoffm. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). WEDELIA JACQUINI var. PARVIFLORA (Rich.) O. E. Schulz. An aqueous extract of the flower heads was very toxic to German and American cockroaches but nontoxic to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). WERNERIA LORENTZ1ANA Hieron. An aqueous extract of an unidentified part of the plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (9 3). WYETHIA AMPLEXICAULIS Nutt. An aqueous extract of the flower heads was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood. stream, German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). XANTHIUM CANADENSE Mill. An aqueous extract of the seedlings wa* toxic to German and American cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs. A petroleum ethe extract of the young plant was toxic to blacJ- carpet beetle larvae but not to German 82 r °- hes * milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing ciothes mot h and Anopheles mos- quito. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to these insects and to Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). XANTHIUM ITALICUM Mor. An aqueous extract of the old whole plant Zer cT n ° n l OXic t0 German*and Amencan cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). XANTHIUM ORIENTALE L. toxic 6 tn W M red y °“ g seed »ng= were non- ‘* lC , to Mexican bean beetle larvae.— Hansberry and Clausen (86). XANTHIUM SPINOSUM L. an ^ n , a ^ ueous extract of the stems, leaves cockroach^ 5 , Shghtly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. A petroleum ether extract of the stems and leaves beetle 1 ° mill l Weed b ^ s a * d black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches Antphe r ie ae ^ ^ Wehhin 8 clothes moth and f^^FraT, 0SqUlt0 ' A1C ° h °' and 'Moro- m extracts were toxic only to black the^tops 6 ^^ 1 i arVae ' ^ alcoh °l^xtract of e tops and leaves was toxic to Aedes maX bUt n0t to German ^fk? ches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the »d C L C „ a „b P f bee ' Ie> Webb “8 moth! extr^^TF? ?° Squito - A P e troleum ether extract of the tops and leaves was toxic to f ^otle larvae only, while J insect's 0 rr He e ri traC H ^ nontoxic to all these ects.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). Z!NNI A GRANDIFLORA Nutt. Prairie ain- to r ° 0, ,f were lightly toxic two-snotterf f i ers but not to poa aphids, w .,i P° tted spider mites, and large milk- nontoxi! 8S ,’„ St6mS and Ieaves "ore Petroleum h Se sp . ecies °f insects. md of the stems amU^^ 68 ° f the r °° ts :ive apaincf i! ai ? d leaves wer e ineffec- g mst house flies.--Jacobson ( 108 ). ZINNIA PUMILA Gray. lightly q, !"“%' X i raCt ° f the whole plant was ■ontoxi! m Ger American cockroaches and 'oed hues H^ a " “ ckroach " and milk- gs. -Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). CONNARACEAE AGELAEA NITIDA Sol. Aqueous extracts of the bark, of the branchlets and leaves, and of the roots ere all nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (23). 8 and AGELAEA PENTAGYNA (DC.) Radik. to Term? 0118 f XtraCt ° f the f ruits was toxic to German cockroaches but not to American eSerand chi and f mUkWeed bugS ■ Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs and Ae 1 ^ 6 °d A hC Webbin g clothes moth and ^£5 and Anopheles mosquitoes. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to all these insects.-- rleal and coworkers (93). B BSer A S PUS O^ENTALIS (Baill.) Baker. Synonym: Rourea oriental^ to tT US ex f ract ° f the Stems was toxic ? A ” ercan cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after mmersion in the extract.--Heal and m workers (93). 1 and co " C NEST IS BULLATA Radik, toxtn aq ^ e ° US extract of the stems was non- and ^German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A petroleum ether ex- but C n^^ tOX1C J° black carpet beetle larvae to milkweed bugs and Aedes and A-noj 3 heies mosquito larvae. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to all these insects as well as to German cock¬ roaches .--Heal and coworkers (93). CONNARUS LAMBERTII (DC.) Britton. An aqueous extract of the stems was non- toxic to German and American cockroaches ( 93 ). m i ^ hu Z s -" Heal and coworkers ROUREA ERECTA (Blanco) Merr. toxic a ^ e °r S eXtraCt ° f the stems w *s non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches .--Heal and coworkers (93). ROUREA GLABRA H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic German cockroaches, slightly toxic to 83 American cockroaches, and nontoxic milkweed bugs. An extract of the roots was toxic only to American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (23). ROUREA SURINAMENSIS Miq. An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to German cockroaches and slightly toxic to American cockroaches.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CONVOLVULACEAE CONVOLVULUS OCC1DENTALIS Gray. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches .--Heal and coworkers (93> CUSCUTA AMERICANA L. An aqueous extract of the stems and flowers was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream bat German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An alcohol extract was toxic to black carpet beetle and Aedes mosquito larvae but not to German coc £ roa< ^®®* milkweed bugs, and webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mosquito larvae. Ac _ f form extract was toxic only to black carp beetle larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). EXOGONIUM MICRODACTYLUM (Griseb.) House. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (21). IPOMOEA CRASSICAULIS (Benth.) Robin¬ son. Synonym: L fistulosa. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected in o the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An extract of t stems and leaves was toxic only to Gennan cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). IPOMOEA JALAPA (L.) Pursh. Jalap. An acetone extract of the root was toxic to mosquito larvae but a water * X *Y g C q \ nontoxic to these larvae.--Hartzell (89). CUSCUTA RACEMOSA Mart. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the stems were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes. and Anopheles mosquitoes. A chloroform -tract was non¬ toxic to all these insects.--Heal and co workers (93). CUSCUTA sp. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the stems were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and la *" vae ° f ^ webbing clothes moth and A^des and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and cowor ers (93).~ DICHONDRA CAROLINENSIS Michx. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and im weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). IPOMOEA MURICATA Jacq. The plant is used in India as a repellent for many household insects. A coW w ater extract of the leaves and stems kl ] led mosquito larvae in 24 hours.-Pendse and coworkers ( 167 ). IPOMOEA NIL (L.) Roth. Synonym: Pha^ bitis nil . The pulverized seeds from Kwangsi, China were effective against aphids.--Huang (97). IPOMOEA PURGA Hayne. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to German cockroaches but not to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). JACQUEMONTIA TAMNIFOLIA (L.) Griseb. Aqueous extracts of the young whole plant and of the whole plant with ^uits were to«c to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but Germa ® C °* d roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and coworkers (93). MARIPA SCANDENS Aubl. An aqueous extract of the roots w slightly toxic to American cockr< nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk 84 weed bugs. An extract of the stems and l onll GS H 33 ! tOX J C t0 American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). issn. OPERCULINA TUBEROSA (L.) Me An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves a nd fnuts was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). °PE RCu L ina TURPETHUM (L.) Silva Manso. Turpeth. An acetone extract of the roots was non- coxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell ( 90 ). QUAMOCLIT- PENNATA (Desr.) Voigt Synonym: Ipomoea Quamoclit. Cy P rPc = The pulverized seeds from Kwangsi, and Chen"?,!) agilnSt apMdS ' ‘ - Huan * RIVEA CORYMBOSA (L.) Hall. f. Aqueous extracts of the seeds, stems and leaves, and of the stems and leaves alone, were nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.—Heal and co¬ workers (93). CORIARIACEAE CORIARIA ARBOREA Lindsay. Aqueous extracts of the fruits and of the ranches and leaves were nontoxic to Ger¬ man and American cockroaches and milk- ee bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ) . -ORIARIA AUGUSTISSIMA Hook. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and *hen S iXrf t H XlC >° American cockroaches lerm a J te . d lnto the blood stream but man cockroaches and milkweed bugs xTr e act Una H eC f ed / fter ^ion in tL act.--Heal and coworkers (93). -ORIARIA JAPONICA Gray. 3 ^ tone extract of the fruits was toxic -a^To larvae. The toxicity was f the ! water-insoluble acidic portion > 32 ^ ract.--Yamaguchi and coworkers CORIARIA RUSCIFOLIA L. to^c to q A e ° US - 6XtraCt ° f the seeds was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs -- rieal and coworkers (93). 6 CORIARIA THYMIFOLIA Humb. & Bonpl. An aqueous extract of the seeds and but V not '! aS r tOXlc to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. Extracts of the bark and of the to SrVh leaVe . 8 ' and frUitS were both nontoxic to^all these insects--Heal and co-workers CORNACEAE CORNUS FLORIDA L. Flowering dogwood. Acetone and water extracts of the bark ze e ii e (8 n 9)? tOXiC t0 m ° SqUit ° la ™ae —Hart- GARRYA GOLDMANII Woot. & Standi. . v An f q - ous extract of the roots was non- He a i° G ® rmanandAmerican cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). CORYNOCARPACEAE CORYNOCARPUS LAEVIGATA Forst. toxic f q, l eOUS extract of ^e seeds was non- and r! i? rm / n L and American cockroaches (93). bugs—Heal and coworkers CRASSULACEAE COTYLEDON DECUSSATA Sims. d A " a r° US extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). COTYLEDON PULVERULENTA Baker. An aqueous extract of the young whole whin WaS ;°J 1C t0 American cockroaches injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs rx e trlct Una H eC i ed / ftCr imme rsion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (R 3 ). EC & H pJ E hf IA 5° LLOMAE (Rose) Kearney & Peebles. Synonym: Dudleya collomae . toxic a t o Ue A° US CXtraCt ° f thC wh °le Plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in- 85 iected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). KALANCHOE DAIGREMONTIANA Hamet & Perrier. Kalanchoe. BARBAREA VULGARIS R. Br. Bitter wintercress. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86). BRASSICA CERNUA Thunb. An acetone extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartze (2_J* PENTHORUM SEDOIDES L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and c workers (93). A water suspension of the leaves, stems, flowers, and roots was highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). BRASSICA HIRTA Moench. Synonyms: B. alba, Sinapis alba . Acetone and water extracts of the seeds were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hart- zell (83). SEDUM ACRE L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CROSSOSOMATACEAE CROSSOSOMA BIGELOVII S. Wats. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. A chloroform extract was toxic to German cockroaches and webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle larvae, but not to milkweed bugs and Aedes and Anophe _le_s mosquito larvae. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic only to black car¬ pet beetle larvae. The same results were obtained with extracts of the stems and branches. A chloroform extract of the roots was toxic to German cockroaches and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and black car¬ pet beetle. Chloroform extracts of the stems and of the bark were toxic to German cock¬ roaches and black carpet beetle larvae.-- Heal and coworkers (93_)- CRUCIFERAE ARMORACIA RUSTICANA (Lam.) Gaertn., & Scher. Synonym: Nasturtium Horseradish. Mey. armoracia. Acetone and water extracts of the roots were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.- -Hartzell (89). BRASSICA NIGRA (L.) Koch. An aqueous extract of the seeds was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). BRASSICA RAPA L. Rape. An acetone extract of rapeseed was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (z_)* Rapeseed oil was not very promising against San Jose scale.--Viel (21°)- Rape oil soap was somewhat toxic to sugarcane wooly aphis.--Cheu (45). CAMELINA SATIVA Crantz. Flax. Flaxseed oil was not very promising against San Jose scale.--Viel (216). CAPSELLA BURSA-PASTORIS (L.) Medic. Shepherd’s purse. Acetone and water extracts of the whole plant were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). CAULANTHUS CRASSICAULIS S. Wats. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches -^enin- iected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were u affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CORONOPUS DIDYMUS (L.) Sm. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock- 86 roaches d.nd milkweed bua? . u 0 .i 1 workers (93). 8 d co- SISYMBRIUM OFFICINALE L. lepidium campestre L. w a t n to^c e ^ S A eXtraCt °‘ ' he Wh °‘ e P^t was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream. --Heal and coworkers (93). eai and LEPIDIUM VIRGINICUM L. st^n« Water sus P ension of the leaves and stems^ was somewhat toxic to Drosoohila hldei larvae, while a suspension ^Tthe ^oots Si). n0nt0XiC - YamagUChi and -workers An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock! roaches.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). LESQUERELLA FENDLERI (Gray) Wats. very fnxTcT T™* ° f * h ' “ ho1 ' P la »‘ «« ery toxic to American cockroaches when cockroach"' 0 W ° od stream > bu ‘ German attected an milk “« d bugs were un- ffected after immersion in the extract fox" c m S P etroIeun > ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and Aedes e °L ,he ,“' bbi "g clothes mofh and ^s^and Angeles mosquitoes.-Heal and nomox a ic Ue t°o US r eX ' raCt ° f th ' “hole plan, was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and workers (93). 8 eal and co ‘ CUCURBITACEAE BRANDEGEA BIGELOVII Cogn. An aqueous extract of the stems eaves was very toxic to American cock- roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs’ were unaffected • . ceaDU gs extract A cM c immersion in the extract. A chloroform extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. Alcohol ^d petro- eum ether extracts were nontoxic P to aU se insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). BRYONIA ALBA L. Bryonia. BRYONIA DIOICA Jacq. PLUPARIA DIDYMOCARPA Gray. An aqueous extract of the roots and t0 American cockroaches German l ^ the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs extract Una H eC f ed / fter im mersion in the ct.--Heal and coworkers (93). RAPHANUS ACANTHIFORMIS Morel. Ewers' anToflfT ° f the leaves a " d lontoxic to DrV he i, l ? a 'T S and stems “ere mspension Urvae ' but a heee larvae .-y/ S y 33 hi 8 hl >' '°* ib ‘° 233 ). maguchi and coworkers n ^turtium aquaticum (l ., & rhell. Synonym: Radicula __sturtium-aquaticum. Watercr.^ »tox?c e m" e '’ t * ract ° f the whole plant was mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). mxt t ac !!° ne e , Xtr , aCt ° f the roots « s non- toxic to mosquito larvae. —Hartzell ( 90 ) tox1"t a o \ U r S eX ' raCt ° f * he r0 °' S “as“very ° ‘ A ” erl f an cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock- after h imm milkweed b “g= were unaffected coworker™ («‘r ” ' he Heal and BRYONIA VERRUCOSA Ait. toxic tc ?r? US eXtra f‘ °‘ the roo,s “ as non- and American cockroaches (22). lk “ eed bags.--Heal and coworkers ^Syntfnvm^T FIC1F ° LIA (Lam '> Cogn. Synonym. Trianosperma ficifnlia An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves cockroache WaS H Sllghtly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock- pet a r C oi e e S um and th miIkWeed bUgS * Alcoh °l and p roieum ether extracts were toxic to cockroache 6 ' ***■£ larvae .not to German the wehh milkweed bugs, and larvae of Ann ^ , 8 ^otbes moth and Aedes and mosquitoes.-Heal andT^ork- CERATOSANTHES PALMATA Urban. a ^ U60US extract of the roots was ghtly toxic to American cockroaches and 87 nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (23.). CITRULLUS COLOCYNTHIS (L.) Schrad. Synonym: Cucumis colocynthis . Colo- cynth. Acetone and water extracts of the fruit were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartze (89). A 10-percent emulsion of extracts of the fruit, used as a spray, had no effect on Triatoma infestans .--Wasicky and Unti (218). CITRULLUS VULGARIS Schrad. Water¬ melon. synergistic effect with pyrethrins against this insect or adult house flies,--Jacobson (108). “An aqueous extract of the tubers was very toxic to American and German cockroache s, but an extract of the roots was only slightly toxic to the former and nontoxic to the latter and to milkweed bugs. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic only to American cockroaches. A petroleum ether extract of the roots was toxic to milkweed bugs and black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. Alcohol and chloroform extracts of the roots were toxic only to black carpet beetle larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93.)- .An acetone extract of the seeds was toxic to mosquito larvae, but a water extract was inactive. The acetone extract at 400 p.p.m. was ineffective against Aphis rumicis.— Hartzell (89) . COCCINIA CORDIFOLIA (L.) Cogn. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species o leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and cowork¬ ers (197). CORALLOCARPUS EMETOCATHARTICUS. An aqueous extract of the stems and fruits was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93) . CUCUMIS MELO L. Cantaloupe, muskmelon, honeydew. Acetone and water extracts of cantaloupe seeds were nontoxic to mosquito larvae. An acetone extract of honeydew seeds was toxic, but a water extract was ineffective against the larvae.--Hartzell (82). CUCUMIS SATIVUS L. Cucumber. An acetone extract of the seeds was toxic to mosquito larvae, but a water extract was ineffective against the larvae.--Hartzell (89). CUCURBITA FOETIDISSIMA H. B. K. Buf¬ falo gourd. The powdered root was somewhat toxic to cabbage worm larvae. The seed oil had no toxicity to cucumber beetles and showed no CUCURBITA MAXIMA Duchesne. Acetone and water extracts of the seeds were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.- -Hartzell (89). An aqueous extract of the seeds was only slightly toxic to American cockroaches.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CUCURBITA PALMATA S. Wats. Aqueous extracts of the fruits, of the stems and leaves, and of the roots, were toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaf¬ fected after immersion in the extracts. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the stems and leaves were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. A chloroform extract was nontoxic to all these insects.-- Heal and coworkers (21)- CUCURBITA PEPO L. An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic > German cockroaches and slightly toxic to merican cockroaches.--Heal and cowork- rs (93). CUCURBITA PEPO var. Bailey. Pumpkin, gourd. OVIFERA (L.j An acetone extract of the seeds was toxic to mosquito larvae, but a water extractwas inactive.--Hartzell (82)* 88 CUCURBITA sp. Squash. An acetone extract of the seeds was toxic to mosquito larvae, but a water extract was inactive.--Hartzell (89). ECHINOCYSTIS FABACEANaud. Manroot wild cucumber. ’ The powdered roots showed little or no oxicity to southern armyworms, melon- worms, Hawaiian beet webworms, and cross-striped cabbage worms.--Bottger and Jacobson (^6). e The powdered roots were toxic to Euro- pean corn borer larvae. Petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol ex- tractives were all nontoxic to house flies and codling moth larvae.--Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the tops was t^Tic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). ECHINOCYSTIS GILENSIS (S. Wats.) Greene. ' a j n f aq “ eous extract of the stems, leaves, " d , {rul l S 'y as ver y toxic to American ockroaches but nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). ECHINOCYSTIS MACROCARPA Greene. An aqueous extract of the roots and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches. An aqueous extract of the whpJ 5 WaS ,. t0 f 1C t0 American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs rxYrlcr'H^f 6 '/ fter immersio " - t£ extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). fevillea CORDIFOLIA L. toxic to r a , Ct ° f the Seeds was non- ind rr!,^ Amer ^ a n cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A petroleum ether ex- tract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae bnL ^°i German cockroaches, milkweed anf ofth e webbing clothes moth hof T^\t nd ^ no P heles mosquitoes. Alco- to1n n l Chl0r0f0rm extracts were nontoxic (93K 636 lnsects *-- Heal and coworkers IBERVILLEA LINDHEIMERI (Coon) Greene. 6 *' Aqueous extracts of the fruits and of the roots were toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract.--Heal and coworkers (93). LUFFA ACUTANGULA (L.) Roxb. Aqueous extracts of the seeds and of the whole plant were very toxic to American and ^ n0t to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A chloroform extract of the seeds was toxic to webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle larvae, but not to Gerrmm cockroaches, milkweed bugs, con- use our beetles, and Aedes mosquito larvae. A. petroleum ether extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only, while an alcohol extract was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). LUFFA AEGYPTIACA MiU. Synonym: L. cylindrica . — An aqueous extract of the fruits wasnon- toxic to German and American cockroaches ami milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers EC C H „ I o N „°% YSTIS ° REGANA ITorr. S, Gray) Gogn. Synonym: Micrampelis ore^ n, rot^ 0 ' 18 CXtracts of th e fruits and of the but not W rV° XiC t0 American cockroaches weed K A 6 i rm ! n Cockroache s and milk- chlorofofm elctlfcfs^fth 01611 ? ether ' to ki n L. excract s of the roots were toxic Serm. beetle larvae *>“* not to i:e7(l"n, C ?'." Cl ' Sl milkweed bugs, con- .1 .. Ur ee Ues, and larvae of the webbing -lothes moth and Aedes mosquito.-Heal *nd coworkers (93). LUFFA sp. Acetone and water extracts of the seeds were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell Aqueous extracts of the fruits and of the stems and roots were toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). MOMORDICA CHARANTIA L. An aqueous extract of the leaves was very oxic to German and American cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs. An extract of the 89 grass was toxic to American cockroaches only. Alcohol and chloroform extracts of the whole plant were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milk¬ weed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophet es mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (91). TRICHOSANTHES sp. Acetone and water extracts of the seeds were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell '(89). TUMAMOCA MACDOUGALII Rose. An aqueous extract of the tubers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CYCADACEAE DIOON sp. An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). ZAMLA FURFURACEA Ait. An aqueous extract of the tubers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ZAMLA sp. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (22)« CYPERACEAE CAREX CLIVORUM Ohwi. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was ineffective against Drosophil a hydei larvae, but a suspension of the com¬ bined leaves, stems, and roots was toxic to these larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). CAREX SIDEROSTICTA var. GLABRA Ohwi. Water suspensions of the leaves and roots and of the combined leaves, stems, and roots were ineffective against Drosophila hydei larvae, but a suspension of the leaves and stems was highly toxic to these larvae.-- Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). CAREX TORTA Boott. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle lar vae.- -Hansber ry and Clausen (86). CYPERUS ARTICULATUS L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (93). CYPERUS ODORATUS L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CYPERUS ROTUNDUS L. Known in Costa Rica as “nutgrass” or “coqui”, this plant is used to prepare a contact insecticide effective against grass- hoppers and other insects. --Anonymous (L2). The powdered seedless flower heads, leaves, and tubers each showed little or no toxicity to melonworm larvae, bean lea beetle and cotton stainer adults, and Austral¬ ian cockroach nymphs.--Plank (174). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to German cockroaches, slightly toxic to American cockroaches, and nontoxic to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (22)- CYPERUS sp. An aqueous extract of the rhizomes was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (21)* KYLLINGA ODORATA H. B. K. Capim cheiroso. An aqueous extract of one sample of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock- 90 roaches and milkweed bugs. An extract ofa second sample was only slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to the o er species.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). CYRILLACEAE CLIFTONIA MONOPHYLLA (Lam.) Sarg. Aqueous extracts of the branchlets and leaves and of the roots were both slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nonfoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --rteal and coworkers ( 93 ). CYRILLA RACEMIFLORA L. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs tract U Ai aff t Ct i ed after immer sion in the ex- act. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloro- WH 63 f tracts were toxi c to black carpet roaclf a n ^ n0t t0 Ger ™n cock- , M heS> n ? ll . kweed b ugs, confused flour mol ’ ^ , ° f the We bbing clothes workers ( 9 ^^ rao -^ to —and co- DATISCACEAE DATISCA GLOMERATA (Presl.) Bail], ‘ ~°* s was l G arvTe a of tS weTwc'l *£*"*****• ^and these insect" Ewrsf n ° ntoxic all beetle°'larva 1 er-- e H^ > ^ < ^and^ et * t ^^*^^Y^ a * neal and coworkers ( 93 ). toxic to webbing clothes moth larvae) and bu«s OX and° 2 e r a " c r kr ° ach ' s - mi >k»eed larvae 4S2£beles mosquito a vae *"~Heal and coworkers (93). DICHAPETALUM TOXICARIUM Baill. An aqueous extract of the roots was nor, lnd 1C t0 i? erm f n and Amer ican cockroaches ether m and W ch e i b f UgS ’ Alcoho1 * Petroleum ther and chloroform extracts of the roots ere toxic to black carpet beetle larvae. t^ , P t t K ° leUn ? 6ther extract ^s also toxic oxic to n r thGS m ° th larvae and non " buas I ^ ! r T an cockroa ehes, milkweed ]3 U r g v ’ A1 and A n °pheles mosquito larvae. Aicoho! and chloroform extracts of larvle Th Wer f ^ t0 Mack Car P et beetle a Lv Th alcohol extract was also toxic toxicto Th g C lt th6S m ° th larvae and "on- trlct of ° the \ lnsects * An alcohol ex- n f ° f * he branches and leaves was toxic y black carpet beetle larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93J. TAPURA GUIANENSIS Aubl. tol^n^ qUe ° US 6 ^ traCt ° f the bark was th P w cockroache s when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches ere unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). dilleniaceae CURATELLA AMERICANA L. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). DIAPENSIACEAE GALAX ROT UN DIFOLIA An aqueous extract of the whole plant was oa n che 1C ^ G 1 erman and American cock- hes.--Heal and coworkers (93). DICHAPETALACEAE DICHAPETALUM CYMOSUM Engl. he A s? e T S GX i^ acts of the whole plant and of nan f nd leaves were nontoxic toGer- etrolenm A fu^ eriCan cockroac bes. Alcohol, tie whnl e J her > and chloroform extracts of Plaat were ‘o black carpet arvae (the alcohol extract was afso DA VILLA RUGOSA Poir. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the * nd leaves were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed Dugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DA VILLA sp. An aqueous extract of the roots was very intT^ A ^ 1 eri J Can cockroac bes when injected l , the bl ° od . stream, but German cock- ches and milkweed bugs were unaffected alter immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (£3). DILLENIA INDICA L. toxic ° US extract of ,he roots non- toxic to German and American cockroaches 91 and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). DOLIOCARPUS sp. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract.--Heal and coworkers (93). TETRACERA SESSILIFLORA Trianafe Planch. An aqueous extract of the roots was non- toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). DIOSCOREACEAE DIOSCOREA BULBIFERA L. An aqueous extract of the tubers was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confusedfl beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. A chloroform extract was nontoxic to all these insects.-- Heal and coworkers (91)* MACROSTACHYA Benth. DIOSCOREA Wild yam. An acetone extract of the roots was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.--Jacob¬ son ( 108 ). DIOSCOREA POLYGONOIDES Humb. & Bonpl. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae— Sievers andcoworkers {lJ X„ aqueous extract of the tubers was nontoxic 'to German and American cock- roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). DIOSCOREA TOKORO Makino. An insecticide is prepared from an aqueous extract of the root, bentonite, and sodium ligninsulfonate. The active principle in the root is dioscin saponin or dioscorea sapotoxin.--Yokoyama (23 5). DIOSCOREA TRIPHYLLA var. DUMETO- RUM (Kunth.) R. Knuth. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stems and leaves were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). DIOSCOREA sp. Cabeza de negro. The powdered tubers from Mexico were nontoxic to variegated cutworms and Euro¬ pean corn borers. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives were very effective against codling moth larvae, but ineffective against house flies. --Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the leaves of an unidentified species of Dioscor ea was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs, but an extract of the tubers was highly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German c°ck- roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). TAMUS EDULIS Lowe. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract — Heal and coworkers (93). dipsacaceae DIPSACUS SYLVESTRIS Mill. An aqueous extract of the tops was toxic to American cockroaches but nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs — Heal and coworkers (93). PTEROCEPHALUS DUMETORUM T.Coult. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). DIPTEROCARPACEAE ANCISTROCLADUS BARTERI S. Elliot. Aqueous extracts of the stems and of the stems and leaves were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and mllk ^ bugs. Extracts of the roots were ver y to *£ to American cockroaches and nontoxic to the other insects. A petroleum ether extract of 92 the roots was toxic to black carpet beetle Urvae S l ightiy toxic to milkw( f ed b confused flour beetles, and webbing clothes moth larvae, and nontoxic to German cock- roaches and Aedes mosquito larvae. Alcohol and chloroform extracts of the roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae and non¬ toxic to the other species of insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). SHOREA NEGROSENSIS Foxw. Red lanan. ~w&£’Ss&” ry susceptibI ' ROYENA sp. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches (93). CCd bugS — Heal and coworkers E LAEAGNACEAE ELAEAGNUS UMBELLATA Thunb. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DROSERACEAE DIONAEA MUSCIPULA L. DROSERA FILIFORMIS Pursh. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). EBENACEAE DIOSPYROS MARITIMA Blume. Kanomai. Petroleum ether and acetone extractives of the bark were ineffective against mosquito arvae, but an ethyl ether extractive was toxic to these larvae.--Jacobson ( 108) . DIOSPYROS MULTIFLORA Blanco. An aqueous extract of the fruits was ightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches. —Heal and coworkers (93). DIOSPYROS POEPPIGIANA A. DC. wnn^Tu e f racts of th « fruits and of the “I nd bark w ere toxic to American cock- roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs ? Una f* ec * ed after immersion in the ex- cts.—Heal and coworkers (93). DIOSPYROS VIRGINIANA L. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic ; 0 c k ?::v can cockroa ches but not to German :oworker s ''93" m ' Ikweed b “gs — Heal and HIPPOPHAE sp. Aqueous extracts of the fruits and of the branches and leaves were nontoxic to Ger¬ man and American cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). elaeocarpaceae ARISTOTELIA CHILENSIS (Mol.) Stuntz. oynonym: A. macqui. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the stems were nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MUNTINGIA CALABURA L. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic f-h £ eri f an cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after im¬ mersion in the extract. Aqueous extracts of the branchlets and leaves and of the roots were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). VALLEA STIPULARIS L. f. Aqueous extracts of the branches, of the bra nc hlets and leaves, and of the roots were all nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). ERICACEAE AGAURIA SALICIFOLIA (G. Don) Hook. f. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and eaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). 93 ampelothamnus phillyreifolius (Hook.) Small. An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93)» ANDROMEDA POLIFOLLA L. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract.--Heal and coworkers (92). can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (92)* CHIOGENES H 1 SPIDULA (L.) Torr. &Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock- roaches and milkweed bugs.- -Heal and coworkers (93). ENKIANTHUS CAMPANULATUS var. AL- BIFLORUS Makino. An aqueous extract of the branchlets, leaves and young fruits was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontox,c .0 German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (92_)* ARBUTUS TEXANA Buckl. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Amer1 ' can cockroaches. --Heal andcoworkers (22). ARCTOSTAPHYLOS PUNGENS Gray. An aqueous extract of the fruits was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARCT OST APH Y LOS U V A - U RSI (L.) Spr-eng. Synonym: Uva-ursi procu mbens. Uva- ursi. An acetone extract of the leaves was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.--Hart Ze An^rqueous extract of the fruits was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers ( 21 )- BEFARLA RACEMOSA Vent. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German aad Ainm can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (91). CASSIOPE MERTENS1ANA (Bong.) G. Don. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and Ame ”'“ "‘*1 roaches and milkweed bugs. —Heal and CO workers (93) . EPIGAEA REPENS L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American c:ockx-°a.ches an nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (92»- EUBOTRYOIDES GRAYANA var. GLAUCINA (Koidz.) Hara. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was highly toxic to Drosophila hyd e. larvae.-Yamaguchi and coworkers (J33). EUBOTRYOIDES GRAYANA var. OBLONGI- FOLIA (Miq.) Hara. Water suspensions of the leaves, stems, and seeds anS of the leaves and stems were toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae--Yama auchi and coworkers (232). _ . 8 An acetone extract of the leaves was toxic to Culex pipiens larvae. The toxici y wa traced to the witer-insoluble portion of e extract.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (222)- gaultherla. procumbens l. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. A ether extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, and larvae ofthe webbing clothes moth and Aed^s and A P mosquito. Alcohol and chloroform extract. were nontoxic to all these insects. -Hea and coworkers (93)* HLAMAEDAPHNE CALYCULATA Moench. (L.) GAULTHERIA SHALLON Pursh. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Amen- A „ aqueous extract of the branches an leaves was nontoxic to German and Amer. ck,cache s .-Heal and coworke rs (93 94 gaultheria sp. An aqueous extract of the leaves was non- toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers RALMIA ANGUSTIFOLIA L. Sheep laurel calfkill, lambkill. P Acetone extracts of the stems, the roots and the leaves were all ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Jacobson ( 108 ). KALMIA LATIFOLIA L. f qU l° US extract of the leaves was toxic to Am erican cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream. An extract of the stems was nontoxic to these insects.-- Meal and coworkers (93). KALMIA MICROPHYLLA (Hook.) Heller. An aqueous extract of the stems and rrTT Wa 5 nontoxic to American cock- oaches.—Heal and coworkers (93). LEDUM GLANDULOSUM Nutt. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A P troleum ether extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German the" kr °v,v 6S ’ milkweed bugs, and larvae of Anonhel g GS m ° th and Aedes and ^2£h£les mosquitoes. Alcohol ar^hloro- insects 6 5 Ct ? "T® nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). LEDUM GROENLANDICUM Oeder. lea A ve, a 2, UeOUS extract of tha branchlets and eaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri- can cockroaches and milkweed bugs e r ° ac ° t - P etrole »™ ether, and chloroform roachtc We fi e nontoxic to German cock- Hack « mi f lkweed ba gs, and larvae of the ind aJ? PC A®® 41 ®* Webbin g clothes moth, md ^f“/ s ^£les mosquitoes. - - Heal LEUCOTHOE CATESBAEI Gray. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was highly toxic to American cock roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs tract U ” affected after immersion in the ex- Jo M t P etroleum etb er extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae butnottoGer- ?f a th C o° Ckr KK CheS, i milkweed bu S s * and larvae Anonh.r g thGS m ° th and Aedes and Aa££heles mosquitoes. A chloroform ex- wp . , . Was . fc °* lc to black carpet beetle and webbmg clothes moth larvae, but not to the gher insect species.--Heal and coworkers LEUCOTHOE GRAYANA Maxim. The leaves of this plant are used against (ic^weeviis in Japan. —Miyajima and Takei LEUCOTHOE KEISKEI Miq. A n at6r sus P ension o{ tbe leaves, stems, and Howers was toxic to Drosophila hvde-i arvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers ( 233 )i LOISELEURIA PROCUMBENS (L.) Desv. <=1 A y; aq f ous ex tract of the whole plant was ightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). LYONIA LIGUSTRINA (L.) DC. LYONIA MARIANA (L.) D. Don. Aqueous extracts of the branchlets and of e leaves of these species were both non- toxm to German and American cockroaches and mHkweecl bugs.--Heal and coworkers LYONIA LUCIDA (Lam.) K. Koch. Synonym: Desmothamnus lucidus . Aqueous extracts of the branchlets, leaves, and flowers, of the branches, and of the leaves were all nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Meal and coworkers (93). -'EUCOTHOE AXILLARIS (Lam.) Don. M ONOTROPA UNIFLORA L. lighflv^ US * GXtraCt ° f the "bole plant was ontoxfc tor American cockroaches and , eed h to G c ri «an cockroaches and milk- u gs. —Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German fected 0a a C f^ eS milk "eed bugs were unaf¬ fected after immersion in the extract. A 95 petroleum ether extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and webbing clothes moth larvae. An alcohol extract gave the same results and was, in addition, nontoxic to Aedes mosquito larvae, while a chloroform ex¬ tract was nontoxic to all these insects.-- Heal and coworkers (93,)* PERNETTYA PROSTRATA var. PENT- LANDII. An aqueous extract of the leaves was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PERNETTYA PROSTRATA var. PUR¬ PUREA. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves and fruits was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). PIERIS FLORIBUNDA (Pursh) Benth. & Hook. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs but nontoxic to German cock- loaches. A ^petroleum ether extract.was toxic to black carpet beetle and webbi g clothes moth larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and Anophe mosquito larvae. Alcohol and chlor ° for ™ extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only. A chloroform extract of the leaves was toxic to German cockroaches and black carpet beetle larvae but not to larvae of the webbing clothes moth and A^£J mosquito. A chloroform extract of the stems was toxic to webbing clothes moth larvae only.--Heal and coworkers (93). PIERIS JAPONICA (Thunb.)D. Don. Asebi. An acetone extract of the leaves was toxic to Culex pipiens larvae. The toxiCity was traced to the wafer-soluble portion of the extract.--Yamaguchi and coworkers ^mixture of 150 g. asebi (asebotin content 15.53 percent), 18.4 g. pyrethrum, and 75 g. soap, dissolved in 18 liters of water was as effective as pyrethrum soap solution in killing Aphis and Stephanitis anbigus. 1 his formulaTion - saves 75 to 80 percent of pyrethrum.--Matsubara (136). An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was somewhat toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PIERIS OVALIFOLIA D. Don. This plant is used as an insecticide in India.--Chopra and Badhwar (12). An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaf- fected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). PYROLA PICTA J. E. Sm. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). RHODODENDRON ARBORESCENS (Pursh) Torr. Synonym: Azalea arborescens. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). RHODODENDRON CATAWBIENSE Michx. An aqueous extract of the flowers was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (93 ). RHODODENDRON JAPONICUM (Gray) Sur- ingar. An aqueous extract of the flowers was toxic to American cockroaches when injecte into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). RHODODENDRON MACROPHYLLUM G. Don. Synonym: R. califo rnicum. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). RHODODENDRON MAXIMUM L. The powdered plant was ineffective against Mexican bean beetle larvae.- -Hans berry and Clausen (86). 96 RHOD° D E N DR° N MOLLE (Blume) G. Don. Yellow azalea. The dried flowers, which act as a stomach poison, are used as an insecticide in ^mna.- -Stepanek and Prien ( 201 ) The powdered leaves anT~roots each larval h ? l“5 City t0 Mexican bean beetle A 1 t i b * n ° 6ffeCt on bean aphids Alcohol and chloroform extracts of the leaves had no effect on silkworm larval and bean aphids; acetone extracts had no effect on bean aphids. Alcohol extracts of the roots had no effect on silkworm larvae or bean aphids, and acetone, chloroform petroleum ether, and carbon tetrachloride’ extracts of the roots were all ineffective against bean aphids.--Lee and Hansberry The pulverized dried flowers were found o e a contact and stomach poison. When treated with the ground flowers, insects were caused to vomit and rapidly became paralyzed. When applied as du.U or sprats the powder was effective against certain spemes of lepidopterous larvae and pen- tatomids. The roots and leaves were not insecticidal.--Chiu and coworkers (48) roof Cet r e raCtS ° f the flowe rs and of the lellLl h no material insecticidal action against bean aphids and adult saw-toothed !i r . ai ”l be f les - The powdered roots were only ghtly toxic to diamondback moth larvae y but the powdered flowers were toxic to this insect.--Tattersflcld and coworkers ( 209 ) toxL tn P K ^ r °° tS and leaves were non- toxic to bean plataspids, and water suspen¬ sions were nontoxic to China-grass buttlr- y arvae. Powdered flowers paralyzed but to bel kil , I ' f SilkW / rmUrVa '-“" d ''^*o«c Wh plataspids but not to striped flea eetles. Water suspensions of theflowers Gilev 11116 i° XiC t0 bean P^taspids aid t C 0 xicitv r |o US beetles ’ but showed little Ch^ sugar-cane wooly aphids and sTons T 388 Utt6rfly larvae - The suspen- rSlers „ n0t u t0XiC t0 lar * e cotton "leaf rollers, yellow-back blister beetles and Pj eris raphae .-- Chin (47). and SARCODES SANGUINEA Torr. trulu »rr us , extract ° f the wh ° ,e p iant w«h cockrnTrl toGerman and American aches and milkweed bugs --Heal anrl = oworkers ( 93 ). 8 Heal and ERIOCAULACEAE eriocaulon decangulare l. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was into 0 the^bl Gr r| ai f COCkr ° aCbeS wbe, ^ > i n jected rnarh blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs werennaffart j after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). rieai and ERYTHROXYLACEAE ERYTHROXYLON AREOLATUM L. False cocaine. The wood is very resistant to termites -- Wolcott (225). mites. eucommiaceae EUCOMMIA ULMOIDES Oliv. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 8 euphorbiaceae ACALYPHA indica l. acalypha sonorae. toxIrT? 5 extracts ° £ the » b °l* plant were into th. M erl f an . COCkr<>aChes " he ” »j«c*ed " ° the bl ° od . stream, but German cock- aft.r heS and milkweed b “gs were unaffected alter immersion in the extracts.--Heal and coworkers (93). ACALYPHA RHOMBOIDEA Raf. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxip to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). AEXTOXICON PUNCTATUM Ruiz t Pa von. / Cfevco I c™ UM a OXYC °CCOS. Synonym: — ^ ccus quadripetalus . md To«s »a s rr ion ot the ieaves ’ stems . ar».J . t. Wa * tox * c to Drosophila hvdei maguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). An aqueous extract of the branches,bark Amer IeaVCS nontoxic to German and anTof^ C ° ckroache s- Extracts of the bark the fruits were nontoxic to these nsects and to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 8 and ALCHORNEA CORDIFOLIA Muell. Arg. , Jt" aqUCOUS extrac t of the branches and when WaS , t ? Xlc to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but 97 German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract. Extracts of the roots and of the stems were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). ALCHORNEA LATIFOLIA Sw. The wood is very susceptible to termites. --Wolcott (225). ALCHORNEA SICCA (Blanco) Merr. An aqueous extract of the leaves wa ® slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ALEURITES FORDII Hemsl. Tung tree. Tung oil soap was somewhat toxic to sugarcane wooly aphis.--Cheu (45). Acetone extracts of tung oil and of tung seeds were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). , An acetone extract of the inner shell of the nuts was nontoxic to mosquito larvae. An alcohol extract of the roots was in¬ effective against codling moth larvae.-- Jacobson ( 108 ). ALEURITES MOLUCCANA Willd. An aqueous extract of the fruits was 1 ^ on toxic to German and American cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). ALEURITES TRISPERMA Blanco. The powdered bulbs, kernels, leaves, bark and wood each showed little or no toxicity to melonworm and diamondback moth larvae, Hiabrotica bivittata and cotton stainer adults, and Australian cockroach nymphs.--Plank ( 174 ). ANDRACHNE CORDIFOLIA Muell. Arg. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was' very toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). ANTHOSTEMA SENEGALENSE Juss. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract. An extract of a second sample of branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). BERNARDIA MYRICAEFOLIA (Muell. Arg.) Benth. & Hook. An aqueous extract of the branchlets was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). BRIDELIA MICRANTHA Baill. Aqueous extracts of the leaves and of the roots were nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CLEISTANTHUS COLLINUS (Roxb.) Benth. & Hook. Aqueous extracts of the fruits and of the stem bark were toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract.--Heal and coworkers (93). CNIDOSCOLUS URENS (L.) Arthur. The powdered green fruit, leaves, roots, and stems were each nontoxic to southern armyworms, but the powdered fruit was highly toxic to Hawaiian and southern beet webworms and showed some toxicity to melonworms and wooly bears. Petroleum ether and alcohol extracts of the le *^ roots, and stems were nontoxic to house flies but acetone extracts were toxic to these insects.--Sievers and coworkers (197). COLLIGUAJA INTEGERRIMA Gill. & Hook. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heai and coworkers (93). CROTON CALIFORNICUS Muell. Arg. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CROTON CIL1ATO-GLANDULOSUS Ort. An aqueous extract of the leaves w slightly toxic to American cockroaches.-- t t _ -1 ^ r mi; nr V PI* S ( 9 3 ) • 98 C carma. N ELEUTHE RIA Wright. Cas- Acetone and water extracts of the bark z W en e ^r° X1C t0 m ° Squit ° lar vae.--Hart- toxic t a o q ^ e ° US extr f ct of bark was non- Hea ° G r^ ^ American cockr oaches. --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). CROTON FLAVENS L. insects Pla ^p “ 1 re P° r ‘ ed to be repellent to insects.--Sesseler and Spoon ( 193 ). CROTON GARDNERI Muell. Arg. tox 1 r. a n , r eOUS elttract of ,he was Mo the M er a a f Cockroach “ when injected “ ° , he bloodstream, but German cock- the extracr 6 “ na f fec * ed immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). CROTON NIVEUS Jacq. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the ems, eaves, bark, and roots were slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). 6 CROTON SONORAE Torr. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock- rnzrh 68 an / n ° ntoxic to German cock- workers milkweed k ugs.-Heal and co- CROTON TEXENSIS Muell. Arg. o f fh e . tr °i e r f her and chloroform extracts beetle J^ hole P lant "ere toxic to black carpet milk ' j V ? e bU ‘ n °‘ '“Gorman cockroaches “othir T’ * arvae o! the webbing clothes^ moth and Aedes and Anoohelef t™xfc“J 'Vi "l" aIc “ h “l extract "was non- workerM^.‘ heSe a " d - C gre T e°n N TIGUUM L ' Purging tree, ever- md^sUkwmms” Tb etf ' C ' iVe a S ai " at a P hida ;he seed nil Th vesica ”t principle from 47). d 011 18 ver y toxic to aphids.--Chiu ‘din f 1 Cet °?! extract the seeds and the '°* id *° -o^l'o ole extrac * of the leaves was very American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream v. «. e«rac. Una H eCt ' d T* ( 93 ). t.--Heal and coworkers CROTON URUCURANA Baill. An aqueous extract of the stems and bark was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Hell dd coworkers (93). S al and CROTON sp. Concanapire. An acetone extractive of the roots and stems from Venezuela was ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Jacobson (1_08). DALEMBERTIA POPULIFOLIA Baill. The powdered plant was nontoxic to a M nd X cTauseM? 6 , bee,,e D pax XI ! K U H„ T ff“ ALENSIS «“»*“• A '«-> An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). E 1 stapf. PHORBIA DRUPIF£ RA (Thonn.) , JV 1 aqUeOUS extra ct of the branchlets and lolrh V6ry tOXiC t0 Amer ican cock- roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in toJ ic eX Jo a r ^ alCDho1 ex tract was non- bias I d f rman cockroac bes, milkweed bug ®* and larvae of the webbing clothes An^h Carpet be etle, and Aedes and ^£h|les mosquitoes.--Heal andT^ork- EREMOCARPUS SE TIGER us Benth. Turkey mullein. str 1 ^d POW K d K red Plant Was toxic to cross- ped cabbage worms but not to melon- worms so armywormS( and str e |°; d An C L ? S ‘"" B ° ttger and Jacobson (36). toill to t„° ne n XtraCt ° f thG Plant was nw- f , use flies > and an acetone extract larvae ^ n ° nt ° XiC l ° mo ^ito u, ° leUm ether ' combined ethyl of the^ ° f ° rm ’ and alcoho1 extractives of the leaves were all toxic to Germal cockroaches but not to codling moth larvae.--Jacobson (1_08). K 99 An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches -Heal and coworkers (93). ERYTHROCOCCA ANOMALA Prain. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). EUPHORBIA ADENOCHLORA Morr. & Decne. Synonym: Galarhoeus - adeno ^ chlorus . Water suspensions of the leaves and of the roots were nontoxic to Drosophila hyd g i larvae, but a suspension of the combined leaves and stems was highly toxic to these larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233)- EUPHORBIA CALYCINA N. E. Br. Can¬ delabra euphorbia. The plant is used as an insecticide in Tanganyika. --Vanderplank (2ii). EUPHORBIA CARACASANA Boiss. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches-Heal and coworkers (93). EUPHORBIA COTINOIDES Miq. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93)- EUPHORBIA DENDROIDES L. A drop of milky sap placed on the back of ants and bugs killed the insects in a few minutes. A 1:100 dilution of the sa P al *° killed bugs. An aqueous extract of the leaves was effective against housef^ 1 * 8 and mosquitoes, as was the powdered leaf, but the extract was not effective against buas. A dilute acetone extract of the leaves wa°s very effective against bugs and house flies. An aqueous extract of the stems was effective against bugs.--Mulhens (154). EUPHORBIA GENICULATA Ort. An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). euphorbia heterophylla l. The powdered whole plant with roots showed little or no toxicity to melonworm larvae, bean leaf beetle and cotton stainer adults, and Australian cockroach nymphs.-- Plank ( 174) . EUPHORBIA HIRTA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches jected into the blood stream but German cockroaches were unaffected after ’ mersion in the extract.--Heal and workers (93). EUPHORBIA INTISY. Intisy. The seed oil was somewhat toxic to mosquito larvae.- -Jacobson (L08). EUPHORBIA IPECACUANHAE L. Ipecac spurge. An acetone extract of the roots was toxic -to mosquito larvae.-- Jacobson (108). EUPHORBIA KHASYANA Boiss. Synonym: E. nematocypha . The powdered roots showed fair toxicity to Mexican bean beetle larvae but little toxicity to silkworm larvae and bean aphids. An alcohol extract of the roots had no effect on silkworm larvae and bean aphids. --.Lee and Hansberry (129). . . The powdered roots were ineffective against bean aphids.--Chiu (47). EUPHORBIA LANCIFOLIA Schlecht. The plant was nontoxic to house flies mosquito larvae, and several species o leaf-eating larvae.--Srevers and cowork ers ( 197 ). EUPHORBIA MACULATA L. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to milkweed bugs but no to German and American cockroaches. Heal and coworkers (93). EUPHORBIA PEKINENSIS Rupr. Synonym: Galarhoeus pekinensis . EUPHORBIA SIEBOLDLANA Morr. & Decne. Synonym: Galarhoeu s sieboldianus. Water suspensions of the leaves and and of the roots of these species 100 '° XiC l 0 ^ ros °phila hvdei Um. iamaguchi and coworkers (233). EUPHORBIA SCHLECHTENDALII Boiss. The resin was toxic to codling moth larvae.--Jacobson ( 108 ). g euphorbia thymifolia L. A ° vTt? 0115 extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches non t°xi C to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the stems was toxic to German cockroaches only.-- Heal and coworkers (93). euphorbia tirucalei L. Africans use the fresh branches to pro¬ tect young plants from the ravages of grasshoppers, slugs, snails, and other in¬ sects Young shoots laid around various vegetable plants gave complete protection gainst insects. Aqueous extracts of the fresh material had no effect on mosquito tfc'idal « S f e6med to P^sess some insec¬ ticidal effect on adult Diptera. Extracts shon? re n Stee P ln 8 50 grams of young shoots, dried in an oven at 100°C. in 100 km oflTn for 48 hours * ave 100 p ercen t kill of adult mosquitoes. The same extract prepared from sun-dried shoots was in¬ effective.-- Vanderplank ( 21 1 ). Th e latex was ineffective against house flies. Jacobson (108). euphorbia trichotoma h. b. k. w a An i a T^ OUS extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and n^toxic to German cockroaches and wee bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). EXCOECARIA AFRICANA Muell. Arg. toxic t a o q Amer eXtraCt ° f ^ Stem bark "as L X S k m u encan cockroaches and milk- Heal bUt n0 i fc t0 German cockroaches -Heal and coworkers (93). S ’ EXCOECARIA AGALLOCHA L. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock- _ r ° aC , heS and n ontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). e and FLUGGEA LEUCOPYRUS Willd. toxic tn U r° US eXtra J Ct ° fthe s * ems was non- toxic to German and American cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). FLUGGEA MICROCARPA Blume. An acetone extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Jacobson (108). FLUGGEA VIROSA (Roxb.) Baill. An acetone extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Jacobson ( 108 ). GARCIA NUTANS Rohr. Pinoncillo. for P I ! tr 3 0le ; m 1 e * h f r * eth Y l ether, chloro- orm, and alcohol extractives of the seeds m e o r th f nontoxic to h ouse flies and codling moth larvae.--Jacobson ( 108 ). g EUPHORBIA sp. and and Wat6r extrac ts of the leaves - s ems were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.-Hartzell (89). mosquito S li1^i aq . Ue ° US extract °f the branches was nontoxfc tor t0 American cockroaches and weed T A e , rman cockr oaches and milk- extracts^of A1C ° ho1 and petroleum ether "arpet beefo ^ r °° tS Were toxic to blac k roache, ^ but n ° l to Germ an cock- vehK h ’ ™ llkweed hugs, and larvae of the ^xtracT w C h l0t h heS m ° th (exce P l the alcohol Vnonhll WaS tOXiG) and Aede s and ^les mosquitoes. A chlortf^ ex- nsects f He^° ^ WaS nontoxic to al l these • -Heal and coworkers (93). GYMANTHES LUCIDA Sw. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs -- Heal and coworkers (93). 8 mVEA BRASILIENSIS (A. Jnss.) Muell. HEVEA SPRUCEANA Muell. Arg. Aqueous extracts of the tips and young toxic to°/ CaCh ° f i h6Se s P ecies w ere non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). HEVEA sp. Rubber tree. Rubber seed oil was found to be an ef¬ fective prophylactic against house flies -- Anonymous (25). 1 101 HIERONYMA ALCHORNEOIDES Allem. Zapatero. The heartwood of this tree from Costa Rica was found to be moderately toxic to termites.--Scheffer and Duncan (ill). HIERONYMA CLUSEOIDES Griseb. HURA POLYANDRA Baill. Habe, avilla tree. The sap, diluted 1:10 and used as a con¬ tact spray, was moderately toxic to bean aphids. --Hansberry and Clausen (86). Both the sap and an acetone extract of the seeds were very toxic to mosquito larvae.--Jocobson ( 108 ). HIERONYMA LAXIFLORA Muell. Arg. HYMENOCARDLA ACIDA Tul. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). HIPPOMANE MANCINELLA L. Manzanillo. The wood is very susceptible to termites. --Wolcott (225). An acetone extract of the bark and burrs ‘was somewhat toxic to mosquito larvae.-- Jacobson ( 108 ). An aqueous extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). HOMALANTHUS FASTUOSUS Villar. An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). HURA CREPITANS L. Sandbox. The wood is very susceptible to termites. --Wolcott (225). . . . The powdered green fruit was nontoxic to southern armyworms. The powdered leaves and ripe fruit were nontoxic to southern armyworms but somewhat toxic to cabbage loopers. The powdered roots were nontoxic to both of these insect species. The powdere stems were toxic to southern armyworms but not to cabbage loopers. Petroleum ether and acetone extracts of the green fruit and seeds were toxic to mosquito larvae but not to house flies. A petroleum ether extract of the ripe fruit was toxic to mosquito larvae but not to house flies. Petroleum ether extracts of the leaves and ofthe roots were toxic to mosquito larvae, but alcohol extracts were ineffective against these larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (lz_i'* An aqueous extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches; —Heal an coworkers (93). Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the leaves were nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). JATROPHA ANGUSTIDENS Muell. Arg. An aqueous extract of the bark was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, and larvae of Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. The alcohol extra Wt^IF to larvae of the webbing clothes moth. A chloroform extract was nontoxicto all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). JATROPHA CURCAS L. Some parts of the plant were toxic, as dusts or extracts, to house flies mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (! 'LL)- An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to German and American cockroaches but nontoxic to milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (2^)* JATROPHA GOSSYPIFOLLA L. Some parts of the plant were toxic, as dusts or extracts, to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf ' eating larvae. --Sievers and coworkers (LIZ)- JATROPHA MACRORHIZA Benth. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. A aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches but nonto German cockroaches. Petroleum other and chloroform extracts of the roots were 102 to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Ae^es mosquito. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to all these insects. Alcohol petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the seeds were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but nontoxic to all the other insects as well as to Anopheles mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). JATROPHA OLIGANDRA Muell. Arg. An aqueous extract of the fruits was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to German cockroaches but not to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the fruits were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes An alcohol extract of the fruits was non¬ toxic to all these insects.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). JATROPHA PODAGRIC A Hook. The plant was nontoxic to house flies mosquito larvae, and several species of eaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and cowork¬ ers (197). MANIHOT ANGUSTILOBA Muell. Arg. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic h°Ar r , 1C r Cockroache s when injected into the blood stream.--Heal and coworkers (93). MERCURIALIS ANNUA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). OMPHALEA DIANDRA L. An aqueous extract of the fruits was very toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and 1 A ar T ae the webbin g clothes moth and — edei ? and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). OMPHALEA OLE IF ERA Hemsl. An aqueous extract of the seeds was s lghtly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). OMPHALEA TRIANDRA L. JOANNESIA PRINCEPS Veil. An aqueous extract of the strip bark was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer- llh n m eXtract * Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the seeds "® r ® l ° Xlc to black carpet beetle larvae, but ot to German cockroaches, milkweedbugs nd larvae of the webbing clothes moth and and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal ind coworkers (93). tfALL°TU s PHILIPPINENSIS (Lam.) Muell. Ar g. Kamala. Acetone and water extracts of the hairs rva e ca P su les were nontoxic to mosquito arvae.--Hartzell (89). OJ A " aqueous extract of the branchlets and : n S Was non toxic to German and Ameri- ^eal '°? r0aCheS and ^kweed bugs.-- leal and coworkers ( 93 ). An aqueous extract of the seeds was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. A chloroform ex¬ tract was nontoxic to all these insects.-- Heal and coworkers (93). OMPHALEA TRICHOTOMA Muell. Arg. Aqueous extracts of the fruits and of the roots were nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Ex¬ tracts of the stems and leaves were toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). pedilanthus tithymaloides Poit. An aqueous extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 103 petalostigma quadriloculare f. Muell. An aqueous extract of the nut shells was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (91). PHYLLANTHUS ACUMINATUS Vahl. Some of the plant parts were toxic, as dusts or extracts, to house flies mosquito larvae, and several species of lea£ “ eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (±97>- As a stomach poison, the bark showed some toxicity to melonworm larvae and Andrector ruficornis adults, but it was in¬ effective against dia^nondback moth larvae. As a contact poison, the bark had some effect on Andrector and cotton stainer adults but it was inert to melonworm larvae and Australian cockroach n Y m P ks * The roots were highly toxic, as a stomach poison, to melonworm and ^ arT ^°^ a ^ moth larvae and Andrector adults, while, as a contact poison, the roots wer e toxic only to melonworm larvae, being inert to cott °? stainer adults and Australian cockroach nymphs. The leaves and the wood showe some toxicity to melonworm larvae an * cotton stainer adults, but were inert to Andrector adults and Australian cockroach nymphs.--Plank (11^. branches. An aqueous extract oi me u leaves, roots, and stems was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German f and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol***^ leum ether, and chloroform extracts of the leaves were nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.-- Heal and coworkers (93_)- PHYLLANTHUS DIFFUSUS Klotsch. Aqueous extracts of the leaves and of the stems were toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to Ge man cockr oaches-Heal and coworkers (93). PHYLLANTHUS BRASILIENSIS Muell. Arg. (Aubl.) An aqueous extract of the leaves was very toxic to American cockr'oaches -when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--HeaL and coworkers (9J)* PHYLLANTHUS EMBLICA L. An aqueous extract of the stems was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). PHYLLANTHUS ICHTHYOMETHIUS Rusby. Barbasco de hoja. An acetone extract of the leaves wasj non- toxic to mosquito larvae.- -Jacobson (1_08). PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI L. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several ° £ leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and cowork- ers (197). PHYLLANTHUS POLYGONOIDES Spreng. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock- roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PIRANHEA TRIFOL1ATA Baill. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was toxic to American cockroaches when in- iected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.~ Heal and coworkers (93). REVERCHONIA ARENARLA Gray. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves, and fruits was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to G er ™ an cocK ' roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). RICINUS COMMUNIS L. Castor bean plant. Neither ricin nor ricinine was toxic to house Hies.-Haller and Mdndoo (84). Extracts of the leaves and of the stalks were effective against dog and cat fle , sticktight fleas, chicken lice, and mites.- VanOver ( 214 ). 104 “Spra Kast”, a commercial productcon- ^ff 8 ® Xtractlves of th ® leaves and stalks, is effects agamst most garden insects.-- Anonymous (16). but ricinine was highly toxic to codling moth larvae.-- biegler and coworkers (196) A review lists 52 published papers on the insectimda 1 uses of this plant.--Mclndoo ^Powdered “Spra Kast” was nontoxic to southern armyworms, melonworms, Ha¬ waiian beet webworms, bean leaf rollers cross-striped cabbage worms, and Euro- pean corn borers. Combined petroleum her, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol t e * t f aCtlVe ®. of this material were nontoxic to house flies and codling moth larvae.-- Jacobson (108 ). A 50-percent solution of castor oil in avlfn?! 7“ ineffective * repellent against Aedes mosquitoes k --McCulloch and Waterhouse (142). Castor oil soap was somewhat toxic to the sugarcane wooly aphis.--Cheu (45). SEBASTIANA LONGICUSPIS Standi. An aqueous extract of the roots bark can r h6 \ WaS sli ghtly toxic to Ameri- can cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). B eal and SPONDLANTHUS UGANDENSIS Hutchinson. to!" * qUe ° US eXtract of th « hark was toxic ° A “ er l Ca f n cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). stillingia SYLVATICA L. light, stillingia. Queen’s de- SAPIUM BILOCULARE Yerba de flecha. (S. Wats.) Pax. The powdered stems were nontoxic to southern armyworms, melonworms, and outhern beet webworms.--Bottger and Jacobson (36). 8 and The powdered stems were only slightly toxic to European corn borer larvae. Com¬ bined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloro¬ form, and alcohol extractives of the stems were nontoxic to house flies and codling moth larvae.--Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the branches and ■eaves was slightly toxic to American cock- ^oaches and nontoxic to German cock- : ow C „ r ker s a "^) milkW<,ed *"<1 'APIUM JAMAICENSE Sw. D A " x aqdeOUS ex tract of the wood was non- u . ° German and American cockroaches, neai and coworkers (93). APIUM sp. An a que extract of the branches and hen . Was t ° xic to American cockroaches errTi nject e d mto the blood stream, but erman cockroaches were unaffected after ^ extract. - -Heal and co- An acetone extract of the root was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90) An aqueous extract of an unidentified^ of the plant was toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ST ton LINGIA TEXANA < Torr -> I- M. Johns- Both the powdered aerial portion and the powdered roots were nontoxic to southern armyworms, melonworms, and southern beet webworms.--Bottger and Jacobson (36). The powdered aerial portion and “the c Tn de b ed r0 °i tS W6re nont °xic to European corn borer larvae. Combined petroleum ether e thyi ether> chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the aerial portion were non- ic to house flies but toxic to codling moth larvae, while combined extractives of the roots were nontoxic to both these insect species.--Jacobson ( 108 ). TRAGIA VOLUBILIS L. A u.? q ? e ° US extract of t} ie whole plant was s ightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). FAGACEAE QUERCUS ALBA L. White oak. The heartwood was moderately resistant ermites.--Scheffer and Duncan ( 191 ). The wood is susceptible to termiteT^- Wolcott (225). 105 QUERCUS COPEYENSIS C.H.Mull. Roble, encino. The heartwood was moderately resistant to termites.--Scheffer and Duncan (191). QUERCUS INFECTORLA. Oliv. Aleppo nut- galls . An acetone extract of the whole plant was ineffective against mosquitolarvae.--Hart- zell (90). QUERCUS RUBRAL. Synonym: Q. boreali s. Red oak. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott ( 225 ). QUERCUS VELUTINA Lam. Synonym: 0, tinctoria. Black oak. An acetone extract of the roots was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.--Hart- zell (90). QUERCUS sp. An acetone extract of the bark was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.--Ha zell (90). FLACOURTIACEAE ANCISTROTHYRSUS TESSMANNII Harms. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). APHLOIA THEAEFORMIS Benn. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of t..e stem bark were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and mrlkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). BYRSANTHUS BROWNII Guillem. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stems were nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). CARPOTROCHE AMAZONICA Mart. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American c ° ckroa ^ he ® and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CASEARIA BRASILIENSIS Eichl. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CASEARIA COMMERSONIANA Cambess. An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CASEARIA JAVITENSIS H. B. K. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the flower heads were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs An extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic t German cockroaches.--Heal andcoworkers (93). CASEARIA MACROPHYLLA Vahl. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). ARECHAVALETAIA URUGUAYENSIS Speg. CASEARIA RESINIFERA Spruce. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). AZARA GILLIESII Hook. 8* Arn. An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to German a , nd , AmeriC ^ al CO a n d roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the roots wastox c to German cockroaches but not to Amer can cockroaches. --Heal andcoworkers (93). CASEARIA TOMENTOSA Roxb. An aqueous extract of the bark and seeds was nontoxic to German and Amer. cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal an coworkers (93). 106 CASEARIA sp. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). FLACOURTIA CATAPHRACTA Roxb. An aqueous extract of the roots and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). GOSSYPIOSPERMUM PRAECOX (Griseb ) P. Wils. ’’ An aqueous extract of the roots, leaves, and branches was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and cowork¬ ers (93). GYNOCARDIA ODORATA R. Br. An aqueous extract of the seeds was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the seeds were toxic to webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquito larvae. A chloroform extract was toxic to black carpet beetles only.--Heal and coworkers (93). dOMALIUM RACEMOSUM Jacq. Tostado. The wood is resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). iOMALIUM sp. An aqueous extract of the roots was non- oxic to German and American cockroaches. extract of the root bark was slightly 0Xlc to American cockroaches and non- oxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and oworkers (93). 'AETIA CALOPHYLLA Eichl. An aqueous extract of the roots was ig tly toxic to American cockroaches and ontoxic to German cockroaches. Petr oleum ' er and chloroform extracts of the stems roots were toxic to black carpet beetle dkt 6 n0t t0 German cockroaches, eed bugs, and larvae of the webbing hes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mos- quRoes. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers ( 9 JJ. ONCOBA ECHINATA Oliver. ONCOBA SPINOSA Forsk. Aqueous extracts of the roots of each of these species were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). RAWSONIA USAMBARENSIS Engl. Aqueous extracts of the root wood and of the stem wood were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). RYANIA ANGUSTIFOLIA (Turcz.) Mona- chino. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightiy toxic to American cockroaches. A chloroform extract was toxic to German cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs A chloroform extract of the stems was toxic to webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle larvae, and nontoxic to Aedes mos¬ quito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). RYANIA SPECIOSA Vahl. Synonym: R. py- rifera. - The following are some of the many pub¬ lished reports on the toxicity of this plant to various insect species. The powdered stems and roots were effective in the control of the European corn borer.--Pepper and Carruth ( 170 ). The use of this and of other species of Ri^nia as insecticides has been patented. --Folkers and coworkers (67). The effect of the powdered stems and roots was comparable to that of DDT in reducing twig-infesting larvae of the oriental fruit moth.--Wheeler and EaPlante (225). The powdered stems and roots were ef¬ fective against the soybean caterpillar. A 50-percent dust applied at the rate of 25 pounds per acre increased the yield ofsov- bean crops.--Kulash (122). The powdered stems and roots were in¬ effective in the control of pear psylla.-- Hamilton (85). P Y Ryanodine, an alkaloid isolated from an aqueous extract of the roots or a chloro¬ form extract of the stems, was highly toxic to insects, being approximately 700 times as potent as the stem wood.--Rogers and coworkers ( 186 ). 107 A 0.02 percent solution of ryanodine was toxic immediately, and repellent for months to the West Indian d *W- wo ° d ter mite fCr vptotermes brevis ).--Wolcott (?27)* Mixtures containing 7.5 percent and 15 percent of Ryania plus 0.5 percent o piperonyl cyclonene orn-propyl isome gave control of the European corn borer com¬ parable to the standard 40 percent Ryan ia and to DDT and parathion.--Reed and Filmer ( 183 ). ^Susceptible woods treated with 0.01 per¬ cent of Ryania extractive were toxic to the West Indian dry-wood termite for 204 days. When a 0.05 percent solution was used, the wood was not definitely eaten in 18 months. --Wolcott (228). . Ryanodine was 70 times more toxic to male and female German cockroaches than were aqueous extracts of the roots or stems. It was many times more effective than the extracts against webbing clothes moth larvae.--Rogers (1_85). The powdered roots were toxic to southern armyworms and melonworms, but not to variegated cutworms.--Bottger and Jacob- oti (38) The~ powdered roots were toxic to Euro¬ pean corn borer larvae. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the roots were effective against codling moth larvae but not against adult house flies. A 10 -percent talc dust of an aqueous extractive of the roots was toxic to southern armyworms, melonworms im ported cabbage worms, Autographa 00, a squash bugs, but nontoxic to blister beetles . A kerosene spray of the extractive was non¬ toxic to house flies, but an acetone spray was quite toxic to this insect. Aqueous and acetone solutions of the extractive were repellent to black carpet beetle larvae. T powdered roots were very effective against European corn borers, somewhat less fective against mosquito larvae and^in¬ effective against house flies, adult bo y lice and the louse eggs.--Jacobson (108)* Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stems were highly toxic to Ger ™ a " American cockroaches. A chloroform ex¬ tract of the stems was toxic to German cockroaches, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, blac carpet beetle, and Aedes mosquito but non¬ toxic to milkweed bugs and Anopheles mos- quito larvae. A chloroform extract of the roots was toxic to German cockroaches. A chloroform extract of the bark was toxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the black carpet beetle and wcbl > l "8 clothes moth.--Heal and coworkers (93). RYANIA SPECIOSA var. STIPULARIS (Linden & Planch.) Monachino. A chloroform extract of the roots was toxic to webbing clothes moth larvae.-- Heal and coworkers (91). RYANIA SPECIOSA var. SUBULIFLORA (Sandw.) Monachino. The plant is used as an insecticide in British Guiana. --Fanshawe (60). An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to German and American cockroaches. A chloroform extract was toxic to cockroaches. An alcohol extract of the bark was toxic to German cockroaches.- -Heal and coworkers (93). RYANIA SPECIOSA var. TOMENTOSA (Miq.) Monachino. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches. A chloroform extract was toxic to German cockroaches and webbing clothes moth larvae. A chloroform extract of the leaves was nontoxic to milkwee bugs and webbing clothes moth larvae.-- Heal and coworkers (93). RYANLA sp. A mixture of a carrier and the ground stems, leaves, roots, etc. of Ryania species, which is active against European maize borers, has been patented. A water suspen¬ sion of the plant part may also be used.-- Folkers and coworkers (68). The powdered dried roots, stems, and leaves of Ryania species, in an inert base, is effective as a dust or spray against apple aphids, potato aphids, squash bugs, mi * weed bugs, onion thrips, Japanese beetles, elm-leaf beetles, Mexican bean beetles, asparagus beetles, Colorado potato beetles, golden tortoise beetles , yellow meal worms, imported cabbage worms, cabbage loopers diamondback moths, corn earworms, and silkworms.--Heal ( 92) . SAMYDA PUBESCENS Blanco. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches a nontoxic to German cockroaches andnuik weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SAMYDA SPINULOSA Vent. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was slightly toxic to American cocK- 108 roaches and nontoxic to German cock- e«rac7 ‘“"T'* bu 8 5 - A " aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to *the e re C x a tract° C ^ r ,h aCheS ° nly - A P'^oleum carnet S, , roots was t°*ic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cock roach milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles and webbing clothes moth larvae Alcohol and chloroform extracts of the roots rs^roTed 0 " 0 t0 aU th6Se inSeCts as well cowork^Tf3) m ° Sqillt0 la —-Haal and TARAKTOGENOS KURZII. Synonym: Hyd- nocarpus kurzii . y lea^c aqUe ° US GXtraCt ° f the br anchlets and can cork 8 n °" t0Xic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs -- Heal and coworkers (93). ® frankeniaceae FRANKENIA ERICIFOLIA C. Sm. toxic a t q o Ue AT/ XtraCt ° £ the wh °l e plant was American cockroaches when in jected into the blood stream, but German Sected C after and mUkweed bu g s ^re un- H-landcoror^^lr * ** ^hlec^ GRANDIF °LIA Cham. & cli A Sfi aq * e °. US extract °f the whole plant was ghtly toxic to American cockroaches and weebups° ^° ckroaches a "d milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). TRIMERIA BAKERI Gilg. toxic aq< i eOUS extract °f the roots was non- InH 1 P 6rn \ an and American cockroaches (93). W bu g s -"- Hea l and coworkers XYLOSOMA sp. An aqueous extract of the branches and cr-r nontoxi o to German and Ameri- can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (23). ® ZUELANIA Millsp. fumariaceae CORYDALIS CRYSTALLINA Engelm. no1t"cxT't 0 „ U % eXtraCt ° f the “h°le plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal nl coworkers (93). g 1 and Bernh. GUIDONIA (Sw.) Britton & toxic t a n qU A e ° US extract ° f the bark was slightly 'o Xl G^ e ^ workers ( 93 ). Kroaches --Heal and co- FLAGELLARIACEAE FLAGELLARIA GUINEENSIS Schum. ililhtl aqUe ° US ext ract of the roots was ‘ontoxic ?o Ge l ° American cockroaches and >eedTugs -?He r S a a n nd 0Ckr0 \ CheS and milk ~ u g». neat and coworkers (93). fouquieriaceae 'OUQUIERIA SPLENDENS Engelm. lilwiy toxt°c U to A XtraCt ° f the r ° ots »as Atoxic to r American cockroaches and eed bugs - HelJT ^° ckroaches a " d ™ilk- g • Heal and coworkers (93). DICENTRA CUCULLARIA (L ) Synonym: Bicuculla cucnllaria toilc ? qU r US extract of the leaves was ? Am encan cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German a C f°f C ecL°d C a?, S ^ -«• Heal and / 1 J nme , rsion » the extract — neai and coworkers (93). DICENTRA FORMOSA Bicuculla formosa. Walp. Synonym: no1t n oxT e , 0l, % eXtraCt ° f the »h°le plant was ontoxic to German and American cock- oaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). g al and OFFIC,NA LIS L. Fumatory Acetone and water extracts of the whole larvae*!^^^"^' a8ai " S * An aqueous extract of the stems and ro a a V c e h S es Wa :nd iehtl y A -ertca„ cock¬ roaches and no "‘° !<,c J *° German cock- roacnes and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). g Heal and 109 GENTIANACEAE CENTAURIUM UMBELLATUM Glllb * Synonym: Erythraea centaurium . Aqueous extracts of the stems and flower s and of the whole plant were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). (L.f.) CHELONANTHUS CHELONOIDES Gilg. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic toGerman and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). GERANLACEAE ERODIUM CICUTARIUM (L.) L’Her. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol, petroleum ether and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs • ^clothes beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). GERANIUM ERIOSTEMON var. ONOEI Nakai. A water suspension o£ the 'eaves and stems was highly toxic to Djmsoph^Lh^ larvae.-Yamaguchi and coworkers (233)- 1. cL r v a.c • * **** o CH1RON1A TRANSVAALENSIS Gilg. GERANIUM MACULATUM L. Cranesbill An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal a cow orkers (93). COUTOUBEA RAMOSA Aubl. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and Amencan cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal a cow orkers (93). FRASERA PARRYI Torr. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). IXANTHUS VISCOSUS Griseb. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal coworkers (93). SWERTIA CHIRATA Buch. Ham. Chiretta. An acetone extract of the whole plant was ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Har zell ( 90 ). An acetone extract of the roots ^lb in- effective against mosquito larvae.- -Hartzeli (90). PELARGONIUM CRISPUM L’Her. Lemon geranium. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzeli (89)- PELARGONIUM HORTORUM var. POITE- VINE Hort. Aqueous extracts of the flowers, the leaves and the stems were all nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An aqueous extract of ^ roots was very toxic to American cock roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93> PELARGONIUM ODORATISSIMUM Ait. Rose geranium, nutmeg geranium. An alcohol fraction prepared from oil of rose geranium removed 100 percent erf ascarids, 97 percent of hookw ° r ™*’ .. 40 percent of whipworms from dogs. Jones and Jones ( 113 ). TACHIA GUIANENSIS Aubl. An aqueous extract of the branchlets was „o„toxi q c to Gorman and Amertcan cock- roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal ana coworkers (93). PELARGONIUM ZONALE L’Her. Ger- ranium. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves were ineffective against mosquito larvae. Hartzeli (89)• 110 PELARGONIUM sp. to^c t a nr eOUS eXtra J Ct o£ the roots was non “ ™ i? err T U ^erican cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers GINKGOACEAE GINKGO BILOBA L. Ginkgo tree Petroleum ether, ethyl ether, and alcohol ractives of the seeds were ineffective S COdUn8 m ° th larva e.-Jacobson aqU60US extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches. --Heal andcoworkers (93). globulariaceae GLOBULARIA ARABICA Jaub. & Spach. An aqueous extract of the whole a"" *7“'° cockroaches nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (^ 3 ) GLOBULARIA SALICINA Lam. An aqueous extract of the whole plant _ i non j- oxlc to German and American -ockroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal ar,H :oworkers (93). g eal and gnetaceae ephedra TRIFURCA Torr. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and eaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri- n cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal nd coworkers (92). S :PHEDRA sp. nW aCet ° ne solution the alkaloid, -a™H a w r ^e l 1 r,i; ) c . tive against mosquit ° NETUM SCANDENS Roxb. iehUy q , U „«°“ S f e f ract of the >«ves »a S mtoxic to c. Amer ican cockroaches and German cockroaches --Hp^I workers ( 93 ). es# Meal and gomortegaceae GOMORTEGA NITIDA Ruiz & Pavon. lea A v n esTas°r ° f the b «nchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal and coworkers (93). 8 eal gramineae AGROSTIS PALUSTRIS Huds. Red top. An acetone extract of the whole nlant H^rtseU fgr a8amSt m ° SqUit ° larvae - ANDROPOGON sp. An aqueous extract of the whole nlant was toxic to American cockroaches when njected into the blood stream but German a C f °f C ecL°d C a h f e t S er and miU ™ eed H^andcoworSrTSr ““ AVENA SATIVA L. Oat. An acetone extract of the seeds was toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). BAMBUSA VULGARIS Schrad. Bamboo. -Wo!co.°ME«r ry susce P tib l e to termites. BROMUS CATHARTICUS Vahl. toxic t^ Am US eXtraCt ° f the tQ P S Was sli ghtly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal and coworkers (93). 6 CATABROSA AQUATICA (L.) Beauv. wal'toTc'trA 6 ^^^ ° f thG Wh ° le P lant TnitJ °f * American cockroaches when njected into the blood stream, but German llitTeTJ: and milkWeed b “«* ffectedaft^ immersion in the extract.— Heal and coworkers (93). CHLORIS DISTICHOPHYLLA Lag. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal a nH coworkers (93) . 8 H al and CTENIUM AROMATICUM (Walt.) Wood. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches-Heal and coworkers (93J* CYMBOPOGON CITRATUS (DC.) Stapf. Lemon grass. The plant juices are rubbed on exposed parts in El Salvador to repel mosquitoes and fleas. --Wellman and van Severen (221). The plant is used as a mosquito repellent in the Philippines.--Quisumbing (LZ5K CYMBOPOGON FLEXUOSUS (Nees) Stapf. Lemon grass. The plant repels the tsetse fly.--Alluand (U)* CYMBOPOGON NARDUS (L.) Rendle. Cit- ronella. Citronella grass repels the tsetse fly.-- Alluand (]_1). Ceylon citronella oil was very repellent to the sheep blowfly when tested as a 10- percent liquid paraffin dilution. The effec¬ tiveness diminished fairly rapidly when the material was exposed to the air. Of the constituents of the oil, borneol was fairly repellent, and citronellol, camphene, geranyl acetate, limonene, and dipentene each had a little r epellency. Geraniol showed no repellent action. None of the constituents showed as great a repellent action as did the whole oil itself.--Mackerras and Mackerras (134). „ Used in skin ointments, oil of citronella offers protection against mosquitoes and other insects.--Higbee (94). Citronella oil attracts male fruit flies only.--Trehan and Pingle ( 210 ). Java citronella oil is used to control head lice.--Loosjes (133)- Ceylon citronella oil was repellent to Aedes mosquitoes but not to Anopheles mosquitoes. The Java oil was completely inactive. Both citronellal and citronellol were ineffective as repellents against Aede s mosquitoes. The ceylon oil repelled the sheep blowfly but not the bush fly Musca vetustissima .--McCulloch and Waterhouse (142). Ceylon citronella oil was repellent to the Australian sheep blowfly, but the Java oil was ineffective. Geraniol and citronellal were also ineffective.--Waterhouse (222). A mixture containing 10 parts peanut oil, 18 parts stearic acid, 4 parts citronella oil, 16 parts pyrethrum extract, 0.5 part tra’gacanth, and a stabilizer and preserva¬ tive is used in India as a mosquito repel- lant.--Siddiqui(lii). Methyl eugenol is a powerful attractant for male Oriental fruit flies. Methyl iso- eugenol and Ceylon citronella oil are also good attractants but are much less effective. --Stainer ( 199 )- DACTYLOCTENIUM AEGYPTIUM (L.) Beauv. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches but not to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (91)* DIGITARIA SANGUINALIS var. CILIARIS (Retz.) Pavl. An acetone extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to Culex pipiens larvae.-- Yamaguchi and coworkers ( 232 ). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ELYONURUS ARGENTEUS Nees. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ERAGROSTIS CILIANENSIS (All.) Lut. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mos¬ quito. A petroleum ether extract was non¬ toxic to all these insects.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). GUADUA LATIFOLIA Kunth. Ecuadorean giant bamboo. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.— Wolcott ( 225 ). LOLIUM TEMULENTUM L. Aqueous extracts of the whole plant and of the flowering spikes were nontoxic o Germ an aru! American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). MELINIS MINUTIFLORA Beauv. Mola.7e« grass, snakeproof grass. tic Vl e Plant is re P orted to be repellent to ticks, mosquitoes, ants, tsetse flies c lggers, and snakes.--Anonymous (15)* s J!h P ° wdered 8 rass was nontoxic to southern armyworms, melonworms, south¬ ern beet webworms, European corn borers li c a e Ck C Car h et ^ 6etle larvae . and adult body Lice. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether chloroform, and alcohol extractives as well as an acetone extractive, were inef- ective against screwworms, body lice and noth' ,? leS ' b “' against coili"g noth larvae. Neither a petroleum ethef extractive of the fresh grass nor a water- luble fraction which separated therefrom /ere repellent to Aedes aesvnti oes.--Jacobson (lOSK--- q An aqueous extract of the whole plant as toxic to American cockroaches when ljected into the blood stream, but German ffected'aff and mUk »« d fected after immersion in the extract. cohol and petroleum ether extracts were leffective against German cockroaches “t blefl g KK and UrVae ° f the black car-’ ^ An ^ T mg clothes moth, and Aedes Anopheles mosquitoes. A chlor^^ tract was ineffective against German >ckroaches, milkweed bugs, and Aedes osquito larvae.--Heal and L^orkerT^j: roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal *nd coworkers (93). g eaI and S “ HALEPENSE (L.) Pers. Johnson An acetone extract of the whole nlant HarUeh>«vae... Aqueous extracts of the whole plant and the stems and leaves were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). Heal SORGHUM SUDANENSE (Piper) Stapf. toxic aq, l eOUS SXtract of seeds wasnon- _ _Heal and?"" T dAn ) erican cockroa ches. neai and coworkers (93). :NNISETUM NERVOSUM (Nees) Trin. .t t„X?c ?o A Ct ° £ the Whole P^-t iected ,„to K, riC f n cockroac bes when ckroac "' a °n stream ’ but German ected aft. milkweed bugs were »„. al and . immersion in the extract.-- ai and coworkers ( 93 ). SORGHUM VUL.GARE eff1cr aCet ° ne extract of the seeds was in- (90). a g ainst mosquito larvae.- -Hartzell STIPA ROBUSTA (Vasey) Scribn. An aqueous extract of the whole nlanf was toxic to American cockro^ch^ when co'ckrofche's 0 ““ Wo ° d stream ’ but German cockroaches were unaffected after im¬ mersion in the extract.--Heal and ™ workers (93). nd co ~ V K T hu V s E kh^s ZIZANIOI °ES An aqueous ex- . , tbe f ru its was nontoxic to German bugs Heal Can T 0Ckr0aCheS and “Ukweed gs.--Heal and coworkers (93). humeriaceae HUMIRIA BALSAMIFERA Jaume St. Hil. w T he Wood is resistant to termites Wolcott ( 225 ). termites.-- hydrocharitaceae ELODEA DENSA Casp. An aqueous extract of the stems eaV ? S Wa ® ver y toxic to American cock- roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bu« tTci Afc t C T 1 in the e«! form detracts petroleum ether, and chloro- = 0 X 0 ^ Utweed 0 "^ b e«: Z^V 10 ^ ”“‘^Mac d k c ar r V pe1 hydrophyllaceae ellisia nyctalea l. HUMIRIA FLORIBUNDA Mart. 'ACCAGLOTTIS GABONENSIS Urban. oxIcToTrr eXtraCt !, lh '. r ” ,s »«. non- 9 nd m u kwe rd an bu a ;s.. A ”::; c L" d c o c c 0 k :^ e h r e s s hydrocaryaceae ’RAPA NATANS L. at"verv e Z- e f ra . C * ° f * he whole Plant u__ ■ - y toxlc to American cockroaches erma‘„ nJe e Ct l d “ t0 the bl °° d stream but are una«ect 7 d aC 1 fte r and milkweed bugs Heat' = a d „d a to“orTe”"«) n “ toxic trz eXtraCl °‘ the w b°le plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected mto the blood stream, but German aff«te| C 1 fte r and miIkwe ' d bugs were u„. Hea^andlty^^Sr “ the ~ traa '- E Ar 0 n“ C G T rL°„ N e. CAUFORN 'CUM (Hook. 4 the Aq r U o e o°t US eXtracts °1 Ibe whole plant and of the roots were toxic to American cock roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs’ extract Hetl ted / fter im mersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ERIODICTYON TRICHOCALYX Heller. toxlt :r s extract ° f the leaves was toxic O AmeT a c n an CO c C oc r k° aCh r “ d SU * ht1 ^ coworkersTS broaches-Heal and HYDROPHYLLUM VIRGINIANUM L. toxic ITTr eX ' raCt °‘ ' he “bole plant was jected rn,lThe ri bro n od CO s^e r a°m he b S u, W G h :r in - ^e°ra h fter and "" Ik -' d N 1 ^i^l^ 1 y - Syn ° nym: ^ to^r aque A ous -tract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream but rvr a C ff C ecte 0 d C aft S er and milkWeed were "n- Heal anVdwnryyr ta ' h * 115 nama jamaicense l. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PHACELIA GRANDIFLORA Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant ras nontoxic to German and American ockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). WIGANDLA CARACASANA H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the branches, leaves, and fruits was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). was c An aqueous extract of the bark was n° n_ toxic to German and American cockroaches. An extract of the fruits was nontoxic to these insects and to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CARAIPA DENSIFLORA Mart. An aqueous extract of the resin was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). CARAIPA FASCICULATA Cambess. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). HYPERICACEAE CALOPHYLLUM ANTILLANUM Britton. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott (225). The powdered seed hulls showed little or no toxicity to melonworm, fall armyworm, and diamondback moth larvae and to bean leaf beetle adults. The powdered seed kernels, leaves, bark, and wood each showed little or no toxicity to these insects and to rice weevil adults. The powdered roots were ineffective against melonworm la ^ e ' b ^J leaf beetle and cotton stainer adults and Australian cockroach nymphs.--Plank (174). An aqueous extract of the fruits was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CALOPHYLLUM BRASILIENSE Cambess. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott ( 226 ). CALOPHYLLUM INOPHYLLUM L. The powdered seeds and hulls showed little or no toxicity to several species o insects.--.Plank ( 173 ). The powdered seed hulls and kerne showed little or no toxicity to melonworm, fall armyworm, and diamondback moth larvae, Diabrotica _bivittata and cotton stainer adults, and American cockroach nymphs. The powdered leaves, bark wood, and roots each showed little or no toxici y to melonworm larvae, bean leaf beetle an cotton stainer adults, and Australian cock¬ roach nymphs.--Plank (L74). GARCIN1A SPICATA Hook. f. An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). HARONGA MADAGASCARIENSIS Chois. Aqueous extracts of the branches and leaves and of the roots were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches an milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HYPERICUM CONCINNUM Benth. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L. An aqueous extract of the upper parts was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). OCHROCARPOS AFRICANUS Oliv. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroach and milkweed bugs. A petroleum ether e - tract was toxic to clothes mott and black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, a" confused flour beetles- An extr« was toxic only to black carpet larvae. --Heal and coworkers (93). 116 PENTADESMA BUTYRACEA Sabine. SYMPHON1A GLOBULIFERA L. f . An aqueous extract of the bark was non- lnd 1C m Ik Tk ^ American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were nontoxic to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, confused flour moth M ar l aC ° f the we bbing clothes b Jf Ck . ca ^P et beetle, and Aedes mos¬ quito.--Heal and coworkers (93). PLATONIA INSIGNIS Mart. toxic tn U r° US eXtra J Ct > ° f the fruits was non- nd iii? r Tu an American cockroaches PthcY- ^ tf UgS * Alcoho1 * petroleum "o Mart chlor °form extracts were toxic German co^ P beetle larvae ’ but not to j erman cockroaches, milkweed bugs and arvae of the webbing clothes tj.h and ^£des and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal md coworkers (93). toxic a t q o Ue °r S 6XtraCt ° f the W ° od was non- toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). VISMIA LEONENSIS Hook. f. Aqueous extracts of the roof; stems, and of the stems and leaves’were all nontoxic to German a • eau , , rman and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal anH workers (93). g Heal and c °- ICACINACEAE APODYTES DIMIDIATA E. Mey. Aqueous extracts of the branches and leaves and of the roots were toxic to f h r h 7 Ca ? f COckroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). ’SOROSPERMUM FEBRIFUGUM Spach. CHLAM Y DOCARY A CAP,TATA BaiU An ^^ 4 . _ A ^ An aqueous extract of the stem bark was ontoxic to German and American cock- oaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol petro- ^ Ch, °'° f °™ extracts'were oxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not on? er ? a n Cockroache s, milkweed bugs ebbTn" hT beetles . a "d larvae of fhe So g H ! ^ m ° th and Aedes mos - uito.--Heal and coworkers (93). HEEDIA ARISTATA Griseb. Aqueous extracts of the bark, of the anches and leaves, and of the roots were >aches OX a 1C d° G ?* man and American cock- her ex tr n at t mi ! !L eed bugS * A P etr °leum t act of the fruits was toxic to : etle ng l a ° the l m ° th and Mack car P et ^ tie larvae, but not to German cock¬ in'!"; 1 " lllkWG ® d bu g s . a nd Anopheles the h 1 , rVae * A P e ^oleum ethiT^t lv h whS rk WaS tOXiC to mi lkweed bugs all th 1 ^ 30 alGoho1 extract was nontoxic j a l these msects—Heal and coworkers IEEDIA VERTICILLATA Urban. IEEDIA s p . 1e U s e0 o U f 8 e e a Xt h aCtS ° f the branche s and rman 1 H a SpeCles we re nontoxic to lkweeH h Am erican cockroaches and ugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). Aqueous extracts of the roots, stems, and cln r S r re r nt ° XiC to German and Ameri- can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). e VI S L v^ RES ‘t CHILENS IS (Mol.) Stuntz. Synonym: V, mucronata . VILLARESIA CONGONHA Miers. lea A ves e °of ' XtraCts of th <= branches and aves of these species were toxic to thT'hV^a 1 cockroach « when injected into Ind S’?' bUt German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after the — CO- ILLECEBRACEAE DICHERANTHUS PLOCAMOIDES Webb. toxic a , que ° us extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in- jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- ffected after immersion in the extract -- rieal and coworkers (93). HERNLA.RIA GLABRA var. SUBCILLIATA. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German 117 HOMER1A COLLINA Vent. cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (^3). PARONYCHIA MICROPHYLLA Phil. PARONYCHIA SESSILIFLORA Nutt. Aqueous extracts of the stems of P*. micr ophylla and of the whole plant of P. sessiliflora were only slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PENTACAENA RAMOSISSIMA Hook & Arn. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). IRIDACEAE ALOPHIA PULCHELLA (Sweet) Benth. & Hook. An aqueous extract of the bulbs was non¬ toxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). BELAMCANDA CHINENSIS (L.) DC. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. An extract of the rootstocks was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). GLADIOLUS sp. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the corms and leaves were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, confused Hour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the bulbs was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). IRIS FLORENTINA L. Florentine orris. An acetone extract of the roots was inef¬ fective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). IRIS SETOSA Pall. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (9_3). IRIS VERNA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). IRIS sp. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). SISYRINCHIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Mill. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). SISYRINCHIUM JUNCEUM E. Mey. SISYRINCHIUM sp. Aqueous extracts of these species were both toxic to American cockroaches but no toGerman cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Heal and coworkers (93). JUGLANDACEAE CARYA GLABRA (Mill.) Sweet. Synonym: Hicoria glabra . Pignut hickory. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott (225). 118 An aqueous extract of the leaves was non¬ toxic to American cockroaches-Heal and coworkers (93). JUGLANS CINEREA L. Butternut. The wood is susceptible to termites -- Wolcott (225). mites. An acetone extract of the leaves was inef- fective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell JUGEANS NIGRA L. Black walnut. W^,: ! ‘o termites. - - Acetone and water extracts of the bark Sar. e zen(M C “ Ve agamSt mOSqUit ° IarVae - iJecL “"-Arifs ‘° Acetone extracts of the bark and of the roo s were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). An aqueous extr^Tt of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches whe n injected into the blood stream. A chloroform extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German -lShe^ ?Ki milkWeed bugS ’ and web bing clothes moth larvae. An alcohol extract was lontoxic to these insects as well as to -£des and Anopheles mosquito larvae.-- leal and coworkers ( 93 ). 3 TEROCARYA STENOPTERA DC. The powdered leaves showed fair toxicity Xt^ 1C h n H , bee “ e UrVae - A " *l«hol xtrad had no effect on silkworm larvae xtracr".,^ ’ a " d Chl ° roforma '' da «‘°ne nd H ? ad n ° effect on b «n aphids.--Lee nd Hansberry (1 29 ). y e J b : P 0 J der ed~^,ot bark was nontoxic to phids.--Chiu and coworkers (48). nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). krameriaceae KRAMERIA GRAYI Rose and Painter. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and can corW aS n ? nt ° Xic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93j. K ai KRAMERIA TRIANDRA Ruiz & Pavon. An aqueous extract of fragments of this p ant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs rx e trlct Una H eC i ed / ftGr immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). KRAMERIA sp. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxm to German cockroaches and wee bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). AGASTA CHE Kuntze. LABIA tae FOENICULUM (Pursh) JUNCACEAE UNCUS EFFUSUS E. >nt n oxT? US v- eXtraCl ° f lhe » b ole plant was act. a Gorman and American cock- orkers ^ milkweed b “gs —Heal and eo- JUNCAGINACEAE 3-IGLOCHIN maritima l. iEhtfvmt U V Xt / aCt ° f the "hole plant was 8 y 1C to American cockroaches and toxic 1n Ue A ° US ° f the U PP er P arts w as toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). A Ku„?z T e ACHE URTICI F°LIA (Benth.) An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxm to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). S and AJUGA BRACTEOSA Benth. ,-^ H aqdeOUS ex tract of the whole plant was ghtly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). AJUGA NIPPONICA Makino. flnt n aque ° us sus P e nsion of the leaves and flowers was nontoxic to Drosophila hvd„i rvae, but a suspension oi th e P combined larvae'- vr 5 ' and roots " as toxic to these amaguchi and coworkers (233). 119 BYSTROPOGON CANARIENSIS L’Her. CLINOPODIUM VULGARE L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaf¬ fected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). COLEUS AMBOINICUS Lour. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). COLLINSON1A ANISATA Sims. A petroleum ether extract of the leaves was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mosquito.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). COLLINSONLA CANADENSIS L. An aqueous extract of the leaves was non¬ toxic to American and German cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). CUNILA ORIGAN OIDES (L.) Britton. Dittany herb. Acetone and water extracts of the whole plant were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CUNILA sp. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). GLECOMA HEDERACEA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the herbs was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and non¬ toxic to the other insect species.--Heal and coworkers (93). HEDEOMA HISPIDA Pursh. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HEDEOMA MEDIA Epling. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (92). HEDEOMA PULEGIODES (L.) Pers. Penny¬ royal. An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to German and American cockroaches. An extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the whole plant were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. A chloroform extract was non¬ toxic to all these insects.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). HOSLUNDIA OPPOSITA Vahl. An aqueous extract of the tops and flower s was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stems were nontoxic to all these in¬ sects.--Heal and coworkers (93). HYPTIS EMORYI Torr. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves, and flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). HYPTIS PECTINATA Poit. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). 120 HYPTIS RADIATA Willd. An aqueous extract of the stems and flower heads was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (23). HYPTIS RHYTIDEA Benth. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American ockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). HYPTIS SUAVEOLENS Poit. , Tbe 1 f aves are used to drive away ing C (T 7 * 9 ) llCe 10 the Phili PP ines • - - Quisumb- toxl? a . qUe A OUS extract of «** Whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Meal and coworkers (93). HYSSOPUS OFFICINALIS L. Hyssop. LEONOTIS LEONURUS (L.) R. fir. lea^eT^nd "‘V'.'J* °‘ th ' and a™ d f the roots wer e toxic to thT e blo C o a d n t COCkr ° a K ches wh en injected into stream, but German cockroaches frnm milkWeed bUgS W6re una «ected after immersion in the extracts. A petroleum ether extract of the roots was toxic £ milkweed bugs and black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches confused flour beetles, and webbing clothes moth larvae. Alcohol and chloroform ex- tracts were toxic to black carpet beetle HeaT^ ^ 001 V* the other insect species.-- Heal and coworkers (93). LEONOTIS NEPETAEFOLIA (L.) R. fir. Lion s ear, molinillo. n , a ^ et °"f a ? d water extracts of the whole Fneffe ° f the flowers and stems were zell (89) against m °squitolarvae.--Hart- lamium amplexicaule l. toxin a to U T S e * tract ° £ the whole plant was :°* 1C , American cockroaches when in- cockroach 0 , bl ° 0d stream , but German X ° ach * s and milkweed bugs were un- ed , after emersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). LAVANDULA SPICA L. Spike lavender. weteYnTff Water ' Xtracts of the flowers HartzeU (A) ***'"“ mos< l“ it ° larvae — Oil of spike lavender did not reoel Aede. mosquitoes.-McCulloch and wLirtSi LAVANDULA VERA DC. True lavender. ste A ms et0 a n nd l n d Wa ' er eXtracts of the leaves, ms and flowers were ineffective against mosquito larvae. --Hartzell (89). 8 St licI he a P nT dered S f eedsare effective against Grosourdy (78) ^ rounds — pOV !* e \ ed ripening seed heads showed considerable toxicity, as a stomach poison bL 1 *! T V K° rm larVae and fair tonicity to bean leaf beetle adults, but they were in¬ effective against diamondback moth larvae he S ad a T taC i P ° ison > the powdered seed heads showed much less toxicity to melon- worm larvae and fair toxicity to cotton beet] 61 " a H dU i 1 f tS ’ bUt they Were inert to bean nymphs ™ and Australia ” cockroach with ^ Sa ^ 6 1 results were obtained with the powdered leaves except that they were inert to bean leaf beetle Adults as l omach poison. The woody stems and the la°r°vae W l re ln . eff , ec ‘ ive a gainst melonworm IH Tf ’ b *“ leaf beetle and cotton stainer PUnck (m AliStraUa " coc hroachnymphs to £ '*■•»<* of the roots was non- toxic t 9 German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). LEONURUS SIBIRICUS L. An aqueous extract of the whole nlant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic toGerman cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ai LAVANDULA sp. flowers°werY tra f S ° £ * he *« d * <* the ican rr, l. e nontoxic toGerman and Amer- , cockroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal and coworkers (93). gs ‘ Heal LEUCAS ASPERA Link. LEUCAS ZEYLANICA R. Br. in Th'Vv f ,Iant * are US ' d «■ insecticides m the Philippines.--Quisumbing (179). 121 LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS L. Betony. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after im¬ mersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). NEPETA NUDA L. The plant is toxic to flies, mosquito larvae, lice, and bugs (bed-bugs ? ).--Petri- scheva ( 172) . NEPETA SUBSESSILIS Maxim. MARRUBIUM VULGARE L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). MENTHA HAPLOCALYX Briq. Water suspensions of the leaves, the roots, and the combined leaves and stems were ’ all ineffective against Drosophila hvdei larvae. --Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). MENTHA PIPERITA L. Peppermint. MENTHA SPICATA L. Spearmint. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves, stems, and spikes were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). MENTHA PULEGIUM L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). A water suspension of the leaves, stems, and roots was toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.- -Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). NEPETA TEYDEA Webb & Berth. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, and larvae of the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes .--Heal and coworkers (93). OCIMUM BASILICUM L. Sweet basil. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves and stems were ineffective against mosquito larvae. — Hartzell (89). The powdered whole plant was nontoxic to melonworms, imported cabbage worms, and codling moths, and extracts had no effect on adult house flies.--Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.-- Heal and coworkers (93). MICHELIELLA ANISATA (Sims.) Briq. OCIMUM SANCTUM L. Holy basil An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). MONARDA CITRIODORA Cerv. An aqueous extract of the tops was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). NEPETA CAT ARIA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when The plant is used as a mosquito repellent in the Philippines.--Quisumbing (179). An acetone extract of the stems was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.--Jaco son ( 108 ). OCIMUM VIRIDE Willd. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). ORIGANUM MAJORANA L. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American 122 r C n ° a tr aChe ! ai \ d nontoxic to German cock- workers ^) milkW6ed bu 8 s -Heal and co- ORTHODON GROSSESERRATUM Kudo. A £ ater sus P e nsion of the leaves, stems larvae^^amT 8 i° XiC to P- rosophila hvdei • Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). PERILLA FRUTESCENS (L.) Britton. A n aq^ueous extract of the whole plant was non g toxfc toG t0 American c °ckroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk- ee bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PHYSOSTEGIA PARVIFLORA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches lien injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed him affected • milKWeed bugs were un- Alcohol aft f er / mmer sion in the extract. eirarf 1 ’ Petr ° leum ether . and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle j ,U 1 t n0t to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophelef squitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). PHYSOSTEGIA VIRGINIANA (L.) Benth. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was ?Mr^ XlC to , German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and :oworkers (93). 6 1 and PLATOSTOMA AFRICANUM Beauv, e ^. aq “ e °" s of the branchlets and , ut not mV X1C American cockroaches i> ee d °b U os 4 " '“^roaches and milk- -a. nolfoiic ,o ,U aU U thr raCt ° f th ' roots nd coworkers ( 93 ? in.ect.—Heal to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and AedlV lL' h A We ^ ing Cl ° thes -oth ^dfowmkerfllT^ mo ^‘°es.-Heal rssssr cablin (Bianco) Ben,h - pJi he - leaves and tops are used in the hilippines to repel cockroaches, moths n T S ’ and leeches ---Quisumbing (179) in Puer P to an Ric S ry 'Okie to American "aches lid a " d German cock- orkers fg*, m “ k »« d buga.-Heai and co- OGOGVNE PARVIFLORA Benth. fl*" 1 ’"'™ °f the branchlets and ^ericanrn e ir WaS nontoxic to German and her and chi r ° aches * Alcohol, petroleum ’ and chloroform extracts were toxic PY WiM°L HYMUS RIGIDUS (Bartr.) Small. Wild savory, pennyroyal. The powdered plant, especially the leaves beeHe^ th^F^ againSt ^ Mexican bean oeetle, the European cabbage worm the whe P n r ’ ^ aphids ‘ “ is a iso an activator when used Wlt h other insecticides such as tivec 106 ’ r ° te " one > Pyrethrum, etc. Extrac¬ are al P /o1^ ° r 8 anic so1 ve nts are also effective.--Diem (55). The powdered plant was neither repellent nor toxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae or ean aplnds --Hansberj-y and Clausen (86). The powdered plant was nontoxic to meionworms, southern armyworms, and son" HM bllSter beetles • - - Bottger and Jacob- son |£o/. 123 The powdered plant was slightly toxic to European corn borer larvae. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives showed little or no toxicity to codling moth larvae and house flies.--Jacobson ( 108 ). ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS L. Rosemary. The plant is a common insecticide in Venezuela.--Higbee (94). An acetone extract of the leaves was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.--Hart- zell (90). ...... The plant is used as an insecticide in the Philippines.--Quisumbing (179). Rosemary oil (50 percent in liquid paraf¬ fin) was somewhat repellent to the sheep blowfly.--Mackerras and Mackerras (L±4)* An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. A chloro¬ form extract was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). SALAZAR1A MEXICANA Torr. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SALVIA CARNOSA var. PILOSA (Gray) Jepson. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (93). SALVIA MELLIFERA Greene. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the whole plant were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mos¬ quito.--Heal and coworkers (93). SALVIA OFFICINALIS L. Sage. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves and stems were ineffective against mos¬ quito larvae.--Hartzell (89). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.—Heal and coworkers (93). SALVIA PLEBEIA R. Br. A water suspension of the leave s was non¬ toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but sus¬ pensions of the combined leaves and stems and of the roots were toxic to these larvae.-- Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). SALVIA REFLEXA Hornem. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock- roaches.—Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). SALVIA SCLAREA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). SATUREJA CHANDLERI (Brandeg.) Druce. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A petroleum ether extract •was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroache s, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93j. SATUREJA DOUGLASII (Benth.) Briq. Syn¬ onym: Micromeria chamissonis . An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches butnot to German cockroaches. A petroleum ether extract was toxic to milkweed bugs and black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. Alcohol and “chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only.--Heal and coworkers (93). SATUREJA HORTENSIS L. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, u 124 German cockroaches and milkweed bugs 7;:; t Un H e f al Cte< H after i ? lmersion in the ex- cract.--rleal and coworkers (93). SATUREJA LAEVIGATA Standi. The powdered plant was ineffective against zzsLZTutr*- Ur ™ e - Hi —" SCUTELLARIA LAETEVIOLACEA Koidz. An aqueous suspension of the leaves was highly toxic to Drosophila hvdei larvae.!! Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). SCUTELLARIA INTEGRIFOLIA L. SCUTELLARIA PARVULA Michx. SCUTELLARIA RACEMOSA Pers. Aqueous extracts of these species were a ZT tOX V° German and American cock- oaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal anr? workers (93). g al and co ‘ STACHYS BULLATA Benth. toxic Ta" S eXtraCt ° f the "hole plant was ec ted IntlTn J C ° Ckr0aches » he " in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German ^eal anVctUl^^r ” ‘ he e * raCt - German cockroaches and milkweed hues were unaffected after immersion in ?he extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). THYMUS VULGARIS L. Thyme. Acetone and water extracts of the leavpc Srt\Sf^ C ,“ Ve againSt mOSquit olarvae.- Thymol terpenes did not repel Aedes mosquitoes. - -McCulloch and Waterh^ff TRICHOSTEMA LANCEOLATUM Benth. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was t7a n ct° X !f th ^ merican c °ckroaches An ex¬ tract of the tops and leaves was nontoxic ^. German u and American cockroaches and weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ZIZIPHORA CLINOPODIOIDES Lam. lice^ 6 aril! 11 b WaS n° X jf to mosquito larvae, (172). d bUgS ^ bedbu gs ? )•- -Petrischeva LARDIZABALACEAE AKEBIA QUINATA Decne. 5TACHYS PETIOLOSA Briq. lit7 aq ! e ° US 6Xtract of whole plant was ontoxfc 7 C t0 American cockroaches and 7 ed b ues G ^ rn J an cockroaches and milk- gs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). TACHYS RIEDERI var. HISPIDULA. A Water suspension of the roots was in- fective against Drosophila hvdei larvae 'ems w?rv !!! oi^hecombined leaves and ’ ™ „ t highly toxic to these larvae.-- maguchi and coworkers (233). ETRADENIA FRUTICOSA Benth. An aqueous extract o£ the leaves was non- -UCRIUM CANADEN'i'P t a germander. WADENSE ^ American Ilsw^T eXtraCt of the stems and en ini . t j* 1C t0 Americ an cockroaches injected into the blood stream, but An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was very toxic to American cockroa!he! when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs rxtract^An 6 ^" ^ » t S extract. An alcohol extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and Ae^ 6 °I / he webbin 8 clothes moth and Ae|^s and A^ pheles mosquitoes. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts were non- wooer's 0 termites — »^nf- I ^ S va Alj -! I , DUM < Nu “-) Nees. Syn- nym - S^variifolium. Sassafras. toxic to American cockroaches Huai j coworkers (93). S * “” ea l an d , A " acetonT extract of the root bark was sell (90)™ agamst tnosquitolarvae.-Hart- S wa^^ligMly'^epgjjg mosquitoes.--McCulloch and WaterWS U ArnO Nu« ARIA CALIFOR NICA (Hook. S, An aqueous extract of the branches eaves roots, and bark of a plant tenta- toxic Y t o e A lfied aS thiS s P ecies wa s slightly Sc t t ° American cockroaches and non- buas H.^^d COckroache s and milkweed Dugs.--Heal and coworkers (93) lecythidaceae BARRINGTONIA ASIATICA (E.) Kurz. ,o A : a t q 0 Ue A 0aS e *tract of the fruits was highly toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German sfon“in a th eS Unaffected a «er immer- ?.°, n the extract. An alcohol extract of l7rv frUlt K WaS tOXiG to black ca rpet beetle ■ j, ae ’ , u * not to German cockroaches Mother I*’ and larVae ° f the -ebbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophelef mosquitoes. A petroleum ether e^ act was nontoxic to all these insects, while a chloro- rm extract was nontoxic to German cock- aufto 1 S ’ milkweed bu gs, and Aedes mos- extracts r of e th A l C ° h01 and P etroleum ether extracts of the kernels were toxic to black e^ct^th:^" 2 , 6 a chloroform extract of the kernels was ineffective against tLtTmr ct Spec,es - Heal a " d =o- BARRINGTONIA RACEMOSA (L.) Blume. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic cock x'oac he° ^ notto German chlornfn Alc ° ho1 ’ petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were all toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae Ano7her ebbln8 Cl ° thes moth and Aedes and ^R 2 Ehel_es mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers ic t a o q Ge 0 r U ma e n Xt c raC k ° f the brancbe * ” a * cockroaches and slightly CAREYA ARBOREA Roxb. toxic to Ue Am S er!cTn aC c„°/k the T* WaS Very American cockroaches when in¬ jected mto the blood stream, but German 127 cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An alcohol extract was toxic to larvae of the black carpet beetle and webbing clothes moth, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquito larvae. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the bark were non¬ toxic to all these insects.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CARINIANA PYRIFORMIS Miers. Albarco. The wood has little resistance to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott (226). ESCHWEILERA CORRUGATA (Poit.) Miers. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). ESCHWEILERA GRATA Sandw. An aqueous extract of the kernels was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ESCHWEILERA ODORA (Poeff.) Miers. ESCHWEILERA SAGOTIANA Miers. The wood of E. sagotiana is very resistant to termites.--Wolcott ( 225 ). Aqueous extracts of the kernels and of the shells of both species were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). GUSTAVIA AUGUSTA L. Aqueous extracts of the seeds and of the fruits were highly toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extracts. An alcohol extract of the fruits was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the fruits were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). LECYTHIS TUYRANA Pittier. An aqueous extract of the seeds was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches. An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to both these species and to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). LEITNERIACEAE LEITNERLA. FLORIDANA Chapm. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). LEGUMINOSAE ABRUS PRECATORIUS L. Crabseye, jequirity, rosary pea. Acetone and water extracts of the seeds were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). The powdered seeds were nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86). The powdered seeds, leaves, stems, and roots each showed little or no toxicity to melonworm larvae, bean leaf beetle and cotton stainer adults, and Australian cock¬ roach nymphs.--Plank (FM). An aqueous extract of the seeds was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.-- Heal and coworkers (93). The combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the seeds had no effect on codling moth larvae and house flies. --Jacobson (1_08K ACACIA FARNESLANA (L.) Willd. Casha. The wood is resistant to termites.--Wol¬ cott (226). ,. An'aqueous extract of the bark and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock- roaches. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the branches an leaves were nontoxic to German cock- roaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mos¬ quito.--Heal and coworkers (93). ACACIA LUTEA (Mill.) Britton. An aqueous extract of the seeds was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ACACIA MACRACANTHA Humb. & Bonpl Synonym: A. aroma . npK An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to German and American co^k- worked “ lk "*« d bugs —-Heal and co- ACACIA PENNATA Willd. An aqueous extract of the rn „ fc . Amer * can 1:ock roaches ~S weed bugs—He” a a n „d°c C o^orkers S gf) adenanthera pavonina l. slightly tlxHto Tmerican^cockroaches lid AESCHYNOMENE AMERICANA L. The plant was nontoxic to house fli^c mosquito larvae, and several leaf-eatin* larvae - Q- Several species of (197). ^ ' ^ levers andcoworkers toxic rz: arlct ° f the frUi,S » aa very jected 1 1 .lThe rl bfo n od C °stl:e r a 0 1 1 Che h S "1'" in! aHeaerlfte/f ’ ni ' ltWeed bugs”were™!! Heal a„d c„w r ork”"M) 0 . n “ ' he eXtraCt - kESCHYNOMENE SENSITIVA Sw. Swamp loth *■*»«. “ d - 1 ^Th^M A co,to " a Som Ckr f°fk h n Y m P hs ---Plank* (174) irvae.-severe a * umber leaf-eating oievers and coworkers ( 197 ). S ESCHYNOMENE VIRGINICA (L.) BSP. »1t n oxT e ,° 0 US r eXtraCt ° f the “'hole plant was ■aches a °d S. >7"“ and cock- orkers ,93) milkw ' ed bugs.--Heal and co- ^e^^Tn^trTcrA U r fteC,ed **“ o£ the branches and le“.',1? nd were nontoxic to all mL. the roots petroleum ether extract of thebra Se £ tS ’ A leaves was toxic J k, , branches and larvae, but nofto ri' Carpet beetle milkweed bugs and la rman c °ckroaches, clothes moir'and aJ'7 aid'A W \ bb ;" 8 tlacuw 0 ”' A1Cohol ^ d ~=blorof^-^i! He^LT^w^rr,^ 11 ALBIZZIA CHINENSIS (Osbeck) Merr Svn °nym: A. stipulata . byn " The powdered seeds were highly toxic a a contact poison f-r. ® iy toxic, as „ .. prison, to melonworm larvan melonworm Urvle bTt^ tOXicity to r^S'Heeadulls 3 The"^ ^ a b^ean Sk m^TelT l b e U aV%Hs d “„ ! ms and cotton Stainers, but little nr nn toxterty to diamondback moths, bean LIf The le b S a'rk n wtl ,rali r C ° dk - adb "^ph- little b or k „*„ Lxfcitrto aTt'he Sh °“' d Plank (174). Y theSe ln sects.-- AL a«1fa M LEBBECK Benth. Yellow The powdered seeds were fairly toxic to Tut Xv rm la " ae and C ° tton s tainer adults” cotton stainer adults but not to min worms, bean leaf beetles and A ?\ t C 0 ° x ? c r °r h n , ymphs ’ The ba ^k and rotftiwere were toxiTo larVae ° nly ’ The P° d s only to cotton stainer adults The Wood was inert to all these insects. -P,I^ An aqueous extract of the seed* and k i was nontoxic to German and American c«k roaches and milkweed bugs.- Heal and el" workers (93). S neai and co- f'RORMOSIA LAXIFLORA Harms. *™S‘ c «f aCl i° f the bark »« toxic 5 blood Stream r w^ 6S when in jected into am, but German cockroaches ALEXA sp. toxic t2“ Am* eXtraCt ° f the bark was very . p J • America n cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream hnf n cockroaches were unaffecteTafter tarn'll" -on the extract. A chloroform™ c 't 129 was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes . Alco¬ hol ancfpetroleum ether extracts werenon- toxic to all these insects.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). AMBURANA CEARENSIS (Fr. Allem.)A.C. Sm. An aqueous extract of the wood was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches . An alcohol extract was nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae ° the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aedes and Anopheles mosqui¬ toes.--Heal and coworkers (93). AMORPHA CANESCENS Pursh. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion m the extract.--Heal and coworkers (9£)• AMORPHA FRUTICOSA L. False indigo. Both the roots and the fruit of this plant contain insecticidal material, but it occurs to a much greater extent in the fruit. A 10-percent emulsion of the acetone extra of the fruits gave very promising resul s against cattle grubs.--Featherly and Har¬ mon (61). „ . , r _ ... „ A glycoside, amorpha, obtained from plant was effective as a dust against chinch bugs, cotton aphids, bean leaf beetles, spotted cucumber beetles, potato leaf- hoppers, tarnished plant bugs, squash bugs and blister beetles. It was ineffective agains cabbage loopers, grasshoppers chrysan¬ themum aphids, mealy bugs, r t d s ? ldeTS ’ chicken mites, and dog fleas. Extracts of amorpha in water were more toxic tha 1-percent rotenone to mosquito larvae.— Bl An acetone extract of the flowers showed little repellent effect against mosquitoes, but it was repellent to chinch bugs and striped cucumber beetles.--Brett (39). By chlorinating an extract of the fruits, a viscous, slowly-volatile substance was obtained, the concentrated fumes of which were extremely toxic to adult house flies and mosquitoes. The untreated extract is an insect repellent but its toxicity is relatively low. --Brett and Hodnett (40). The powdered mature pods with seeds were moderately toxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae. — Hansberry and Clausen (86). A solid material obtained from the pe¬ troleum ether extract of the seeds was toxic to house flies and codling moth larvae. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl eflier chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the leaves, twigs, and stems were nontoxic to house flies and only slightly toxic to codling moth larvae.--Jacobson (108). Although extractives prepared from se eral samples of seeds gave positive color tests for rotenone, no rotenone or rotenoids could be isolated. The chloroform extractive yielded a crystalline glycoside, amorphin, melting at 151°, which gave positive color tests for rotenone, as crystalline aglycone, amorphigenin melti g at 192°.--Acree and coworkers (2.3)- An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. An extract of the f ^ ults ^ as toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). AMORPHA GLABRA Desf. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs but not to German cockroaches. A cohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet ee e larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the nebbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophe les mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). AMPH1CARPA BRACTEATA var. COMOSA (L.) Fern. Synonym: A. comosa. The powdered plant was to Mexican bean beetle larvae.- -Hansberry and Clausen (86)* ANDIRA ANTHELMINTICA Benth. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ANDIRA INERMIS (Wright) H. B. K. Syno¬ nym: A. jamaicensis . Mocha, angelin. The wood is resistant to termites.--Wol¬ cott (225). 130 The plant was nontoxic to house flies mosquito larvae, and several species of (I 97 ) eatmg larvae *"' Sievers and coworkers An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and non¬ toxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). A D^e R r a r aba R t™ A ed ENSIS (B ° ndt > to termite attack - ANTHYLLIS VULNERARIA L. The powdered plant was nontoxic to a^CUusen^,^ ANTHOCLEISTA FREZOULSII A. Chev. toxic ^ q p e ° US ext ^t of the bark was non- toxic to German and American cockroaches and nuikweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers APIOS AMERICANA Medic. caJ h L P ° Wd »f re ^ Plant was n °ntoxic to Mexi- Clausen (St)? 6 ' 16 la ™-Han S berry and APIOS FORTUNEI Maxim. A water suspension of the leaves, stems farvae°! tS V ^ tOXiC hv™ ! amaguchi and coworkers (233). APURIMACIA INCARUM Harms. an1 q 1f e th S e f traCtS ° f the r00ts and leaves and of the stems and leaves were nontoxic milk1 r e m H an h and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of a sample only W * WaS tOXiC t0 milkweed bugs of I’ool ^ 6XtraCt ° f a Second sa mple roachp S '^ aS toxic to American cock- ether f milkweed bugs. A petroleum toxic to raC KK° f the Stems and leaves was earner h blng Rothes moth and black cock r et 0 ache lar 1 Vae ' but not German and Anonhel’ milkweed bugs, and Aedes , -JlRgbeles mosquito larvae. An al- carnet tOXiC ° nly l ° black extract Ue larvae > and a chloroform rhe M WaS n ° ntoxic to a11 these insects, me same results were obtained with pe- oleum ether, alcohol, and chloroform 131 extracts of the roots and leaves. Petroleum ther extracts of the roots and of the bark were toxic to milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and black carpet and AnonhT^ 0 t0 German cockroaches a ^ d ^ B°P h ; le g mosquito larvae. Alcohol of th P 1 l m extracts of the roots and of the bark were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only.--Heal and coworkers (93). APURIMACIA MICHELII (Rusby) Harms. An acetone extract of the roots was toxic to mosquito larvae.-- Jacobson (108). ARACH 15 HYPOGAEA L. Peanut, ground- . Crade Peanut oil was equal to or superior to petroleum oil against oystershell scale Mex 1C a n mealybug, and willow scurfy scale.’ Refined peanut oil was less effective.-- Cressman and Dawsey (51). .cS'e“- , Vte , l against San An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ASTRAGALUS BISULCATUS A. Gray. Two- grooved milk vetch. wa^inYffT eXtraC * ° f the aerial was ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Jacobson ( 108 ). ASTRAGALUS BLAKEI Eggleston. caJ h h POWd K reC ! PlaUt was nontoxic to Mexi- Clausen (86) lar ''“-Hansberry and ASTRAGALUS CALYCOSUS Torr. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches mUu n ° n ?T C t0 German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ASTRAGALUS CONVALLARIUS Greene Synonym: A 1 _campestris. Timber milk vetch, poison vetch.- An . ac ® tone ex tract of the aerial portion was ineffective against mosquito larvae.— Jacobson (108). ASTRAGALUS CANADENSIS L. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi- Sa n u S e'„ a (86)r etle ‘^'-Hansbsrry and ASTRAGALUS DIPHYSUS A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the upper parts was slightly toxic to American cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). ASTRAGALUS DRUMMONDII Dougl. An aqueous extract of the fruits was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). ASTRAGALUS GARBANCILLO Cav. Syn¬ onym: A. unifultus . An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. An aqueous extract of the stem and flowers was nontoxic to all these sects.--Heal and coworkers (93). ASTRAGALUS GUMMIFER Labill. Traga- canth. Acetone and water extracts of gumtraga- canth were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89)- ASTRAGALUS NEGLECTUS (T & G) Sheld. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86). ATELEIA GUMMIFERA (Bertol.) D. Dietr. An aqueous extract of the gum was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ worker s (93). BAILLER1A ASPERA. The crushed leaves and stalks were in¬ effective against mosquito larvae. --Flock and deLajudie (64). BAILLERIA BARBASCO. Barbasco sigui. The powdered stems and roots were both nontoxic to southern beet webworms , melon- worms, cross-striped cabbage worms, and southern armyworms. - - Bottger and Jaco S °Combined petroleum ether and ethyl ether extractives and combined chloroform and alcohol extractives of the stems and of the roots were all nontoxic to house flies and codling moth larvae. Petroleum ether , com¬ bined ethyl ether and chloroform, and al¬ cohol extractives of the leaves were all nontoxic to house flies and codling moth larvae.-- Jacobson ( 108) - BAPHIA POLYGALACEA Baker. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). BAPTISIA LEUCANTHA T. & G. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves, and fruits was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and cowork¬ ers (93). BAPTISIA TINCTORIA (L.) R. Br. Wild indigo. Acetone and water extracts of the roots were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86)» BAUHINLA sp. An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). BENTHAMANTHA CARIBAEA (Jacq.) Kuntze. Some of the plant parts were toxic, as dusts or extracts, to house flies mosquU larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers ( Lz_L)* BOWDICHIA BRAZILIENSIS Ducke.Sa- pupira. The wood is resistant to termites.--Wol¬ cott ( 225 ). BOWDICHIA VIRGILIOIDES H. B. K. Syn¬ onym: B. major . Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the seeds were toxic to American cockroache when injected into the blood German cockroaches and milkweed bug- were unaffected after immersion in extracts.--Heal and coworkers (V3). 132 BRACHYSTEGIA SPICIFORMIS Be nth. to A ” tnT OUS ' X ' raCt th ' bark » aa »n. and ™n? r T l and Amer * can cockroaches (93). bugs.--Heal and coworkers BRONGNIARTIS sp. BROWNEA sp. Aqueous extracts of the branches and leaves were nontoxic to German and Ameri- an cockroaches and milkweed bugs.- -Heal and coworkers (93). ® Heal BRYA EBENUS DC. An aqueous extract of the wood was non toxic to German and American cockroaches --Heal and coworkers (93). BURKEA AFRICANA Hook. and the h Xtra l tS ° f thC bark and ste ms toxic L r branches and leaves were non- Ind °iP ern " an and American cockroaches (93). W bu g s *-" Hea l and coworkers BUTEA FRONDOSA Roxb. Palas. the Pe s'eeis Um t and alc ° ho1 “tract, of percent ■ ’ tested at a concentration of 1 pqu^'V^-Pe^se'td't ^"St (168). nQSe an d coworkers in A 10 C 0° mSfmf. eXtr r Ct °‘ 10 8 ra ™ of seeds kill cf milllUters of water gave complete ill of mosquito larvae in 17 hours.-- Pendse and coworkers (^67). Hendse An aqueous extTict of the roots and leaves roaches and t ° 1 C ? erman and American cock- workers (93) ' d b “8 a —Heal and co- 3UTEA SUPERBA Roxb. ot^c t a o qU r° US eXtraC ‘ ° f the roots » aa non- utd milkweS a bug"s A ”"j can 5°b k fOaches 93 ) # ® s * Heal and coworkers ^AESALPINIA BAHAMENSIS Lam. ontoxi a c qU to OU r 6XtraCt ° f the root9 -as oaches Ind iTv n and American cock- oworkers"93) milkWeed bu S S — Hea * and CAESALPINIA CORIARIA (Jacq.) Willd Synonym: Libidibia coriaria * Wllld - An aqueous extract of a sample of th*. ma^nd* WaS r, ° ntoxi<: to Ge^- wee n d a bug^w 1 C e an aa C u. C o kr ° aCh ' S ^ ™ lk - fruits and aqueous extracts of the _ 4 -u nd tbe t> ra oches and leaves of another sample of ni ar t reaves of a • ^ c plant were toviV Ge /” an cockroa ches and non- t 1 C to milkweed bugs. Alcohol and chloro h^ m n eXtraCtS ° l ,he sec °" d sample of ranches and leaves were toxic to carpet beetle larvae, but not to 9. be 0 e C t k . r e°s aC a h ^'r UkWe '? moth b ir tracts ^f^AeT ““ tracts of the fruits were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only.--Heal and workers (93). 7 eal and co ~ C AE S ALPINIA GILLESH (Hook) Wall. Syn- nym: grythrostemon gilliesii. 7 An aqueous extract of the flowers was nontoxic to American cockroaches. A chlo roform extract was toxic to black carn^f rolches^miik ^ h°‘ *° German cock. ts.--Heal and coworkers (93). CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA (L.) Sw S ynonym: Pomciana pulcherrima . ThepowderecipiaHtwas ineffective against Mexican bean beetle larv^p n , ^ Clausen (86). larvae.-Hansberryand .n A n.f qUe ° US extract °f the whole plant was noIftoxYc* 0 ^ A ”»- aa cockroa P ch a e n sInd German cockroaches. An wa U s e °nonm traCt ° f * be branchlets and leaves nontoxic to German and American cockroaches. - -Heal and coworkers (93* CAESALPINIA SPINOSA (Molina) Kuntze Synonym: C. tinctoria . ’ toxic m U A° US 6XtraCt ° f the WOOd was v «y toxic to American cockroaches when in cockroaches^ 6 bl °° d Stream * but German cockroaches were unaffected after im extract oT tie A petroleum ether extr a ct of the bark was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour 133 beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. Alcohol and chloroform ~i^cts of the bark v/ere non¬ toxic to all these insects.--Heal and co- workers (93)* CAJANUS CAJAN (L.) Druce. Synonym: C. indicus . An aqueous extract of the stems and leave s was slightly toxic to America c ° ckroa ^l eS and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CALLIANDRA ANOMALA (Kunth) Macbr. An aqueous extract of the stems was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaf- * fected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CALLIANDRA MARGINATA Griseb. The Plant was nontoxic to house Hies, mosquito larvae, and several s P ecl * s of leaf-eating larvae.-Sievers and coworkers (197). CALOPOGONIUM COERULEUM (Benth.) Sauv. , The powdered pods and the seeds were fairly toxic to melonworm, fall armyworm, and diamondback moth larvae , but they were inert to Andrector ruficorms. and cotto Stainer adults and Australian cockroach nymphs. - -Plank ( 174 ). CALOPOGONIUM MUCUNOIDES Desv. Some plant parts were toxic, as dusts or extracts, to house flies, mosquito larvae , and several species of leaf-eating larvae. Sievers and coworkers (197)* CAMPSLANDRA COMOSA Benth. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CAN AVAL LA ENSIFORMIS (L.) DC. Jack- bean, pallar chuncho. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the seeds were nontoxic to house flies.--Jacob¬ son (108). An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petrol¬ eum ether, and chloroform extracts of the seeds were toxic to black carpet beetl larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetics, and webbing clothes moth larvae. The alcohol extract was also ineffective against Ae^l mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). CANAVALIA MACROPLEURA Piper. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (197). CANAVALIA MARITIMA (Aubl.) Thou. Synonym: C. lineata . An aqueous extract of a sample of the seeds was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches. An extract of a second sample of seeds was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroache s and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). A water suspension of the leayes and stems was highly toxic to Dr osophila hyd _gj larvae, but a suspension of the ^eds was only slightly toxic to these larvae.--Yama- guchi and coworkers (233). CARAGANA ARBORESCENS Lam. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Ixodes and Dermacentor ticks, bedbugs, ouse flies, Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes, and Drosophila. --Olenev (1^3)- —AiT^q^ous extract of the br ^ cheS . a ^ leaves was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal coworkers (93j> CASSIA ACUTIFOLIA Delile. Senna. Acetone and water extracts of the pod. were ineffective against mosquito larvae. Hartzell (89). CASSIA ALATA L. Ringworm cassia, bar- basco macagua. Leaf extracts were highly toxic to mos¬ quito larvae.--Sievers and coworkers ^ The powdered leaflets, petioles, bark,an wood were ineffective against melonworm and diamondback moth larvae, And£e^__ ruficornis and cotton Stainer adults, 134 Australian cockroach nymphs. The pow dered immature and ripe fruits were mod-" rately toxic to melonworm larvae but larvae" 61 ^ rt,r * 0 ” ard moth adults ^ COUon Gainer PUnk ■ ( m d , AUS ' ralla ' 1 cockr °ach nymphs. - . Aqueous extracts of the leaves the branchlets, the fruits, and the stem’bark were all nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). s eai and Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the IZ 'm* to house flies.--Jacob- CASSIA ANGUSTIFOLIA Vahl. Senna. a „^ C n e r t0 " e f nd water extracts of the pods and of the leaves were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). 8 St CASSIA ARMATA S. Wats. CASSIA DIDYMOBOTRYA Fresen. Aqueous extracts of the roots of these cockr'LheTa d ligMly '° Xic t0 American roache^and C ° Ck ~ extra , f the bra - d s _ and Samd resu l ts —Heal CASSIA EMARGINATA L. The powdered pods were nontoxic to melonworms, southern armyworms anH cross-striped cabbageworms 7 d Jacobson (36). a g ew °rms.--Bottger and , xf C T °- bined petroleum ether and ethyl ether ox°c r t r s aad8 “ S. —Jacobson ( 108 J. cn ^SIA FASCICULATA Michx. An aqueous extract of the whole nb.t oVchefand milk"™^™* American cock- a.nd milkweed buP r s.--H#>ai orkers (93). ® Weal and co- assia FISTULA L. , aqu rr - extract ° f ,he merlean cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream but r s&Su-? milk ” eed An was toxic to American but not to ^ cockroaches T-Tooi j ^ • --Heal and coworkers (93). CASSIA HEBECARPA Fern. k P ow< Jered plant was nontoxic to Mexi can bean beetle larv^ u i Me xi- Clausen (86). " Ha ”*berry and CASSIA HIRSUTA L. exfr^ts^l^ 1 '^^ erC t0xic ’ as dusts °r t \ ° USe flleS ’ m osquito larvae and several species of leaf-eating larvae^* Sievers and coworkers ( 197 ). CASSIA LEPTOCARPA Benth. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs_Heal and workers (93). 8 Heal and c °- CASSIA NICTITANS L. can' ll hi >OWd k re< ? plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larva? u Clausen (86). ^rvae.-Hansberry and CASSIA NODOSA Buch-Ham. The powdered seeds, leaves, petioles and bark showed little or no toxicity to several species of insects.--Plank (173). nontoxi a c qU to OU r ° f the r °° ts was nontoxic to German and American cock roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 8 eal and P^dered leaflets and petioles were worm a V< H a H a ‘ nSt melonwor m, tall army- worm, and diamondback moth larvae and 4Bj£g_ctor ruficornis adults. The powdered seeds were inert to melonworm, failarm^ worm, and Brenthia^pavonacella larvae Tnd the powderidT,ark was ineffective against no / la T ae and A- ruficornis adults® The p wdered roots were moderately toxic to melonworm and fall armyworm larvae but they were ineffective against A. ruficornS and cotton Stainer adults and Australian cockroach nymphs.--Plank (174). CASSIA OCCIDENTALIS L. The plant was nontoxic to house flies mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers 135 An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CASSIA QUINQUANGULATA L. C. Rich. Synonym: C. antillana. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93)* CASSIA SLAMEA Liam. Kas sod-tree. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.—Wolcott (225). CASSIA SIEBERIANA DC. An aqueous extract of the ripe fruit was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CASSIA SOPHORA L. An aqueous extract of the seeds was highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). CASSIA SPECTABILIS DC. Leaf extracts were highly toxic to mos¬ quito larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (111). The powdered leaves were moderately toxic to melonworm larvae, but they were inert to fall armyworm larvae, Andrector ruficornis and cotton Stainer adults, and Australian cockroach nymphs. The powdered petioles, bark, and wood were inert to all these insects.--Plank (174). CASSIA TOMENTOSA L. An aqueous extract of the roots, leaves and branches was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). CASSIA TORA L. Coffee weed, sickle senna. The powdered seeds were toxic to Auto - pranha 00 but not to melonworms ; southern and striped blister beetles.-- Bottger and Jacobson (36)* The powdered seeds were nontoxic to European corn borer larvae. Combined pe¬ troleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the seeds were non¬ toxic to house flies and codling moth larvae. --Jacobson ( 108 ). An aqueous extract of the upper parts was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). CENTROSEMA PLUM1ERI (Turp.) Benth. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (1 ^i'aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches. --Healand coworkers (93). CENTROSEMA PUBESCENS Benth. The plant was nontoxic to house ^Hes, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.-Sievers and coworkers (197). CENTROSEMA VIRGINIANA (L.) Benth. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to milkweed bugs but not to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CERATONIA SILIQUA L. An aqueous extract of the fruits was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CERCIDIUM MICROPHYLLUM (Torr.) Rose & Johnst. An aqueous extract of the branchlets, leaves, and fruits was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkwe bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CERCIS CANADENSIS L. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae. -Hansberry and Clausen ( 86) . CERCIS CHINENSIS Bunge. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to milkweed bugs but ^ to German and American cock ^° . t * a n extract of the fruits was non ^ 1C (93) . these insects.--Heal and coworkers (9*/ 136 CLADRASTIS LUTEA (Michx. f.) Koch. leaves TnT? e , xtract ° £ «>« branches, American on n u WaS sli « h ‘ly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to Ger man cockroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal and coworkers (93). ® Heal CLATHOTROPIS MACROCARPA Ducke. toxic to German cockroaches. --Healand :oworkers (93). neaiand JLITORIA ARBOREA Benth. The piant was nontoxic to house flies JTuneT**’ an c d S6Veral s Peciesof i97). g rvae *--Sievers and coworkers LITORLA ARBORESCENS Ait. a A ves eOU an/ X t t h aCtS ° f * he b -nchiets, the ’ and the roots were all toxic tn rtertcan cockroaches when injected iMo d mttkwelT'b' b “* Gertnan cockroaches nnersionlin tic ,o X M aC k ° £ the r ° 0,S and S ” 1C to black carpet beetle larvae, but not German cockroaches, milkweed bugs des a^d 6 A l '? ebbing clothes moth and nrhiorof^i^l ” os,lui,oes - Alcoho1 these insecTs utt, T™ nontoxic to t .--Healand coworkers ( 93 ). tTact Una " e , cted , af tcr immersion in the ex. tract-Heal and coworkers (93). CLITORIA sp. toxic a oTrrira t n ra c: t ck1' h a e cL°s° t a S n7no\ i8h ^ CLllcr extracts were toxir i mosquitoes.-Heal and coworW? COLOGANIA PALLIDA Rose. COLUTEA ARBORESCENS L. tolc t a o q r e .° US extract ° f the £ruits was non. aid milS«d an bu g 11.1'S:a r . iC ^d C0Ckr0 \ Ch ' S ( 93 j # s Heal and coworkers COPAIFERA LANGSDORFII Desf. ITORIA MARIANA L. ^n aqueon 5 extract of the stems and leaves ches and t °. 1 9 errnan and American cock- *ers (93) 6ed bu g s *-~Heal and co- fTORIA RUBIGINOSA Juss. HitoM'rvTe 5 l°T* lC t0 , h ° USe ni «. -eating larv^ c Several species of -). 8 rvae ---Sievers and coworkers toria TERNATA L. 'e U ^ds e wer a e C sligLlvt Wh ° le Plant and roaches and f tly toxic to American hes and and nontoxic to German cock- oots " . bugs. An extract of , i nje ctfa w American cockroaches injected into the blood str^m u . nan ‘—aches and milkweeTbuge Caryophynene, present in the wood, offer- cockroaches and milkweeTblgs . coworkers ( 93 ). ® s ’ H eal and CORONILLA VARIA L. can T ta P n W b d e e e r tl d e ^rtaTt^st * ^ Clausen (86). Hansberry and An aqueous extract of the whole nlan* was nontoxic to German and a ■ cockroaches and milkweed bugs - HeTl^ coworkers (93). 8 ’ tieal and CORYNELLA PAUCIFOLIA DC. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic American cockroaches when injected roa^he^ bl ° od ® tream > but German cock- aft crammer sion^nextract^ C anac t e d of the branches and fruits was n^ntS^o all these insect-* lu ** c to ts-Heal and coworkers (93). 137 COURSETLA AXILLARIS Coult. & Rose. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroache s and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CROTALARIA AGATIFLORA Schweinf. f. An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). CROTALARIA ANGULATA Mill. Synonym: C. rotundifolia. Rabbit-bells. An acetone extract of the roots was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.--Jacob¬ son ( 108 ). CROTALARIA CALYCINA Schrank. Syno¬ nym: C. stricta . Aqueous extracts of the whole plant and of the seeds were slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CROTALARIA INCANA L. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species o leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (197). CROTALARIA SAGITTALIS L. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was somewhat toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the whole plant and of the fruits were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosqui¬ to. Chloroform extracts were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (9_)» CROTALARIA SPECTABILIS Roth. Showy crotalaria. The combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the seeds and of the aerial portions both showed some toxicity to house flies. Monocrotaline, isolated from the alcohol extract of the seeds, was nontoxic to southern armyworms, peach aphids, and European corn borer larvae.--Jacobson (108). CYTISUS SCOPARIUS (L.) Link. Scotch broom. An acetone extract of the tops was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae. --Hartzell ~An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DALBERGIA CUMINGLANA Benth. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93.). DALBERGIA NIGRA Allem. DALBERGIA RETUSA Baill. Aqueous extracts of the wood of these species were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and cowork¬ ers (93). DALEA ARGYRAEA (A.) Gray. The powdered plant was nontoxic to melon- worms, southern armyworms, and southern beet webworms.--Bottger and Jacobson (3b). The powdered plant was nontoxic to Euro¬ pean corn borer larvae. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcoho. extractives were nontoxic to house flies an codling moth larvae. - -Jacobson (1_08). DALEA CARTHAGINENSIS (Jacq.) Macbr- Synonym: D. domingensis . The plant was nontoxic to house Hies, mosquito larvae, and several species o leaf-eating insects.--Sievers and coworkers (197). An aqueous extract of the branches anc leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches. - -Heal and coworkers IH DALEA CITRIODORA Willd. The powdered leaves and stems were non toxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.- Hansberry and Clausen (86)* 138 DALEA KINGII S. Wats. An aqueous extract of the upper parts ™ S ' ig f ht ^ to ™ *° American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs..-Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). DA Mu^t M01jILIS Var ' MOLLI SSIMA (Rydb.) very CxTcCo T™* °‘ * h ' who1 ' P^nt was injected into the^oCHtrCa'mX^r^n" a£fecL°d C afte S r a i nd mUk '*" !d bu * 3 «« “! alcohol extrart mmerS, ° n the *«~ct. An cockroaches, milkweeC^g ' 0 b e'tl' r„d M A n£ d Cl0the d S DALEA SPINOSA A. Gray. rr as ;owo r r 0 ke C rs e (9|) nd b “* a -Heal and )ALEA TINCTORIA Brand. , a ^ n extract of the whole plant as nontoxic to German and American ockroaches and milkweed hues - f J oworkers ( 93 ). ® * ^ e ^l and AUBENTONIA PUNICEA (Cav.) DC. nym EN J° N ir TEXANA PUr “- Syno- Lamm ° Jii i' Rattle-bush, i,t2 er a nd Jacobson (36). -;ea P n 0 : d :rb d ore e r e it v :: re co n °b ,0 C C *> Dleum ether , Combined pe- :ohol extractives oVtte's«ds r ° £ ° rm ’ and “c to house flies d re non “ Jacobson (J_ 08 ) dlmg moth larvae. 1 c tc qU Je7LTh C l ° C the Seeds «• non “ and c“ers™" '’olcott d 225)T ery SU3ce P tlble totermites. toxiCto^Gei^ XtraCt ° f thC s « d » »» to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ) . ® neai and DERRIS ELLIPTICA (Wall.) Benth. roots 3 ,pg lie a /4 a 0 • in the Philippines. —Quisumbing toxic ,rs pTp^ia°r f va' h %r?»- a was tra P larvae. The toxicity of the ex^inS7 SIer 'i nSOlUb1 ' P° rti °n ( 232 ), rnaguchi and coworkers ~ ^ Tc t T ZllZotTs son (36). Deetles --- B °ttgerand Jacob- DERRIS FORDII Oliv. Acetone extracts of the roots were toxic grain >n ^etl^s. be T I he aP povfdered SaW " £ ° ^ d Tatt ly '^Id *° diain °ndback moth larlael- a “ ersfleld and coworkers (209). The powdered root was tnvir- «. u aphids.--Chiu and coworkers (48) " ° £the fOM. was very ( 47 ), gainst the bean plataspid.--Chiu DERRIS TRIFOLIATA Lour. the^'phiHm 4 * 8 arC ^ S6d aS an insec ticide in hilippines.--Q ulSum iji n g (179). DESMODIUM CAUDATUM DC. toxic mem.' ext ^ act ot the laa ves was was trac S 1 .E‘ pieri3 larvae. The toxicity o£ the e«ra« _ tb ' waff-insoluble portion ( 232 ), * amaguchi and coworkers DESMODIUM CANADENSE (L.) DC. DESMODIUM GLUTINOSUM (Muhl.) Wood. DESMODIUM PANICULATUM DC. DE o S nym. DI SS. LEXUMSch “ b "*- Syo- M.x 1 :an PO be d :„ red be P , 1 re n, !arTa r e' Tt *° and Clausen ( 86 ). ae.--Hansberry DESMODIUM LABURNIFOLIUM DC. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cock- 139 roaches when injected into the bloodstream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An extract of the fruits was very toxic to American cockroaches, and non¬ toxic to the other insects tested.--Heal and coworkers (93). DESMODIUM UNCINATUM (Jacq.) DC. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). DICHROSTACHYS GLOMERATA (Forsk.) Chiov. Synonym: D. nutans . An aqueous extract of the fruits was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co- w orkers (93). DIOCLEA MACRANTHA Huber. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (197). DIOCLEA REFLEXA Hook. An aqueous extract of the seeds was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroache s and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DIOCLEA SERICEA H. B. K. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species o leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (197). roaches. An alcohol extract was toxic only to confused flour beetles and larvae of the black carpet beetle and Aedes mosquito.-- Heal and coworkers (93). DOLICHOS KILIMANDSCHARICUS Taub. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DOLICHOS LABLAB L. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the seeds were nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alco¬ hol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the seeds and of the roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). ENTADA GIGAS (L.) Fawc. & Rendle. An aqueous extract of the seeds was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An alcohol extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito- Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). ENTADA PHASEOLOIDES (L.) Merr. An aqueous extract of the seeds was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). DIPLOTROPIS PURPUREA (Rich.) Amsh. ENTADA POLYSTACHYA (L.) DC The wood is resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). DOLICHOS BUCHANANI Harms. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the roots were toxic to milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aede s mosquito, and nontoxic to German cock- The powdered leaflets, petioles, and stems showed little or no toxicity to severa. species of insects. --Plank (173). An infusion of the plant is used in h Salvador as a contact poison on cotter leafworms.--Wellman and van Severer ^^The powdered leaflets, petioles, and stem; each showed little or no toxicity to melon worms, fall armyworms, and diamondba moth larvae. The powdered roots them* little or no toxicity to melonworm larvae bean leaf beetle and cotton Stainer adults and Australian cockroach nymphs.--F1 074 ). 140 Et (Va E n°No r B on g M CONTOR ™I LIQUUM s A ~ extracts of fruits and of the roirha. n'. n0t *° G «i-man coet beetle ilkweed h„" a Carman cockroaches, othes mtth a ? J ar , va ' ol ‘he webbing os.l.Tn^, Aadas and Anophalaf cm’ a«rlcts of ti e a Um e .I ber all tVio the see ds were nontoxic tar^-• - Pt the petroleum ether exf^c* s toxic 1 i cluer extract which >thes larvae of the webbing isauifnoa A an , , — ede ._ and Anopheles quitoes. A Chloroform extriH of the roots was nontoxic to all these insects -- Heal and coworkers (93). lB ‘ EPERUA FALCATA Aubl. Wolcott 1|25). 1S SUSCe P tlble to termites.-- An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic d milkweed bugs were unaffected af> PT . immersion in the extract. -Heal and workers (93). al and co " ERYTHRINA AMERICANA Mill. toxic fn q r eOUS 6XtraCt ° f the seeds wasnon- H , German and American cockroaches -Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ERYTHRINA BERTEROANA Urban, toxic t1 q r° US extract of th e seeds was very in.o;L A Mo;rs n tr\°at r ,°buf Lth^t^^r^o^r^ ERYTHRINA GLAUCA Willd. inxlc to^A^nerican 1 cockroaches. --Heal ^ coworkers (93). neai and E Co™™ 4 POEPPIG£ ANA (Walp.) o. F. H k efF tk ^i b ° X ^ S , 0e: ^” aeCx£ca ^ 1 cockroaches*^ Heal and coworkers (93). ERYTHRINA RUBRINERVLA H. B. K. Mex b Ln 0 bear d beet?e dS larva r e e n ° nt ° X , ic to and Clausen (86). larvae.-Hansberry ER Ma T rr RINA VARIEOAT A ORIENTALS (L.) shJwad P Hrtla r ^ d r °° tS a " d Se ' ds with Pods larvael bain ‘° “ ta «»'m adult* ’ j * f beetle and cotton stainer Plank ’(174). cockroachnymphs..- ERYTHRINA sp. The powdered leaves, petioles bark . ^ wood each showed littieV^^o ’.oxTcUy "o 141 melon-worm and diamondback moth larvae, niabrotica bivitaUa, and cotton Stainer Adults, and Australian cockroachnymphs.-- Plank (174). ERYTHROPHLEUM COUMINGA Baill. An aqueous extract of the bark chips was highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chlo¬ roform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae (the chloroform extract was also toxic to Anopheles mosquito larvae), but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. --Heal and coworkers (93). ERYTHROPHLEUM GUINEENSE G. Don. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only. Alcohol, petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the wood were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bug , larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). ERYTHROPHLEUM 1VORENSE A. Chev. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chlord mUkweed h X ‘ C ‘°, Ger man cockroaches her extracts gS ‘ A1C ° ho1 and Petroleum extracts were toxic to black carpet The powdered leaves and stems seeHs beetle 1 larvae 6 “f"' ‘° bean larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86). GLIRICIDIA SEPIUM (Jacq.) Steud. showed P °lT,tre r6 o leaVeS ' petioles - and bark ___ • e or no toxicity to several species of insects.--Pl an k (173). 1 Mexican bean beetle larvae ‘° and Clausen (86). ‘arvae.-Hansberry An infusion of the bai-k Salvador against coccids and aphids % -We 11 1 man and van Severen (221). The powdered green fruit, ripe fruit leaves, and stems were all toxic to southern armyworms. The powdered green frntt hi',* i cabba 8 e loopers and Noropsis —- rogl yP h ia, but somewhat toxicT to *im ported cabbageworms. The ripe fruit was nontoxic to cabbage loopers. The powdered leaves were nontoxic to melonworms Ha wauan beet webworms. and southern beet webworms, but they were toxic to yellow toxi y : a m S elo The POwdarad non" toxic to melonworms, Hawaiian beet web th/ mS ' ^ southern beet webworms, but wool7be r a e r t s OX Th t0 S abba 8 e loo P ers and yellow to southern fl °"' er clust ” s were toxic oopefs T a t m r° rmS bUt n °* to «bbage Hue fruit Petr ° leu m ether extract of the P ruit was nontoxic to house flies Acetone and alcohol extracts of all plant parts were nontoxic to mosquito larvae clusters°^ eUm Gther extracts of the flower al "' T S - ripe fruit ’ and ro °ts were extr^ro/th ^V 3 ^" 6 - A P e lrol eu mether tract of the stems was slightly toxic m mosquito larvae Sievers a„ 8 d cLorker^ litrte"or r n d o f 66n ° r ripe frui,s showed ittle or no toxicity to melonworms fall bean "elf m beet n it di J£° ndback mothlaLae, Stainer adult. J . weevi1 ’ and nymphs The«’ d Amerlcan cockroach with the ! amC reSults were obtained with the powdered leaves and petioles againsf Bpnthia_£ayonaxella, melonworm 2rvie la The et WC ! :,WOrm ' and f a H armyworm larvae. The powdered bark gave the same ivi^ e m ;; 0 : ' fal1 armyworm, southern beet web- 143 worm, and diamondback moth larvae.-- Plank ( 174 ). An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches. An aqueous extract of the bark and wood was slightly toxic to Ameri¬ can cockroaches but not to German cock¬ roaches. Aqueous extracts of the branchlets and leaves and of the roots were nontoxic to American and German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). GLOTTIDIUM VESICARIUM (Jacq.) Harper. Bladder-pod. The powdered seeds were nontoxic to Auto vrapha 00 , cabbage loopers, cross- striped cabbageworms, melonworms, and southern armyworms.--Bottger and Jaco son (36). . . The powdered seeds showed slight toxicity to European corn borer larvae. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the seeds were nontoxic to house flies and codling moth larvae.--Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the seeds was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). GLYCINE SOJA (L.) Merr. Synonym: Soja max . Soybean. Satisfactory spray mixtures for control of codling moths could be prepared when crude raw soybean oil was added to nicotine bentonite or lead arsenate.--Steiner and coworkers ( ZOO ). Soybean oil soap was toxic to the sugar¬ cane wooly aphis.--Cheu (45). GLYCYRRHIZA GLABRA L. Licorice. Acetone and water extracts of the roots were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). GLYCYRRHIZA LEPIDOTA (Nutt.) Pursh. An aqueous extract of the roots and fruits was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). GOURLIEA SPINOSA (Mol.) Skeels. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). GYMNOCLADUS DIOICA (L.) Koch. Ken¬ tucky coffee tree. The powdered seeds and pods were non¬ toxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.-- Hansberry and Clausen (86). An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to house flies and codling moth larvae.--Jacobson (L08). Aqueous extracts of the leaves, of the branches and leaves, of the fruits, and of the stems were all toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the bloodstream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts. An aqueous extract of the seeds was nontoxic to all these insects. A pe¬ troleum ether extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mosquito. Al¬ cohol and chloroform extracts of the stems and leaves were nontoxic to all these in¬ sects and to Aedes mosquito larvae. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the branches and leaves were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only, and a chloroform extract was nontoxic to all these insects. Alcohol, chloroform, and petroleum ether extracts of the stems were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae and nontoxic to the other insects tested as well as to confused flour beetles.~ Heal and coworkers (93). HAEMATOXYLON BRASILLETO Karst. The powdered leaves and stems were nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.- Hansberry and Clausen (86)* HAEMATOXYLON CAMPECHLANUM L. Logwood. Acetone and water extracts of logwood chips were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). Submerging a termite-susceptible wood for 10 minutes in a 2-percent solution of hematoxylon, a dye obtained from the heart- wood of this tree, will protect it from termite attack for nearly 3 weeks.--Wolcot ( ^An aqueous extract of the branches leaves, and seeds was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blooc 144 | stream, but German cockroaches arM *n “XaT' act.--Heal and coworkers (93). HA S a T“ Synon ym; low concentrations but =; T acK at Dhvllpnp j.-j * Ub ^-percent caryo- treated a prevent termites from eating treated wood for almost 4 weeks —WolcoK “SI* 1 ™™ — AMERICA- An aqueous extract of the whole nlant was nontoxic- to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs - Hea a ! coworkers (93). ® * Weal and HEDYSARUM BOREALE Nutt. Mexica„ P °h dere K pUnt was "Ontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae . HantK. and Clausen (86). arvae.--Hansberry H teyd S b A ) R Ro1ii„ B s OREALE var - ut ahense was” nontox" .T^'man 'and” A ^ Plant tow k orkers'( S 1 3) nd bugs—S"‘and 40FFMANNSEGG1A DENSIFLORA Benth. »afno«ox.°c“ to German a°ndl he Wh °‘ e Plant caches and milkweed bugs ”^ an C a° Ck - ■'orkers (93). g * Weal and co- ! L M cus N , A ,re A e. C ° URBARIL L ‘ W ~' Mian olcot”°^i| 1S Very resis,ant to termites.-- ^DIGOFERA caroliniana Mill. Mtitr'aTaVsfmo's' V*? P ‘ ant WaS id - ,n (108). m ° Squlto larvae.--Jacob¬ ies, 0 and drifts °ind °of Th branchlets . atoxic to ’ and °* the roots were aches !nd "TlT ^ America " cock- corkers (93) milkweed l* u gs.--Heal and INDIGOFERA ENDECAPHYLIA Jacq. shJwed P °iT«re red or Se no S, t ^ Stems specie S of insects.--Plank (I73). t0 SCVeral The powdered seeds 1 **aJIV j worm larvae.--Plank ( 174 ) r my- tea^esTa^nSr^' can cockroaches. - - Healand coworker ?(£). Svnn IGOF f RA SUFF RUTICOSA Mill Synonyms: Lanil, BJindheimeriana Me T x b can P °b, dere K P i an * was to Mexican bean beetle larvae - R ar ,cK and Clausen (86). arvae.--Hansberry Some plant parts, as dusts or extracts "" toxic to house flies, mosquito larvae’ sftsrsi izvz-ittr 1 * 1 ~ B^h 1 ?h rVae "j B ° ttger and Ja oobson (3 6) stems were^noYtotfc'm borer larva** r nm ki , European corn £y{. **>*r cWoTofr.^^aTcoho'l't 1 ’ nomoxT/ ,°o 'Houseflies' 1 °T' larvae.--Jacobson ( 108 ). “ codlin 8 moth extracts of the roots, leaves and fruits, and of the roots * 1 ™. ’ roach** 0 1° German and American cock* was^x/c m A aqUe ° US “»«« ° f M H«i i American cockroaches only -- Heal and cowo'rkers (93). INDIGOFERA TINCTORIA L. li« te"thYpb°u ‘ he SCedS iS USed todestroy in the Philippines.--Quisumbing (lj^). INGA VFRA Willd. -Wo!cT(4r ry SUSC ' P,ibU t°termites. KENNEDYA PROCURRENS Benth. nontoxic qU , e „°r eX ' raCt ° f th ' S " ds “ a » roaches Ind ue" a J " d American cock- and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ® neal and LABURNUM ANAGYROIDES Medic. and n ieav^° US '* tract °‘ ,h ' tranchlet. and leaves was nontoxic to German and 145 American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). LABURNUM sp. An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal an coworkers (93). LATHYRUS LATIFOLIUS L. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86). An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to Germancockroache and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). LATHYRUS JAPONIC US Willd. Synonym: L. maritimus . LATHYRUS OCHROLEUCUS Hook. LATHYRUS PALUSTRIS L. The powdered plants were nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.- -Hansberry and Clausen (86). LATHYRUS SYLVESTRIS L. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to German cockroaches and slightly toxic to American cockroaches.-- Heal and coworkers (93)- latus corniculatus L. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae. --Hansberry and Clausen (86)• LEPTODERRIS FASCICULATA Dunn. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was toxic to milkweed bugs but not to German and American cockroaches .--Heal and coworkers (93). LESPEDEZA BICOLOR Turcz. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93) . LESPEDEZA CAPITATA Michx. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae. --Hansberry and Clausen (86). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). LESPEDEZA HIRTA (L.) Hornem. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae. --Hansberry and Clausen (86)* LESPEDEZA INTERMEDIA (S. Wats.) Britton. The powered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae. --Hansberry and C1 AtTA queous extract of the tops, leaves and fruits was nontoxic to German American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (91). LESPEDEZA VIRGINICA (L.) Britton. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae. --Hansberry and Clausen (86). LEUCAENA TRICHODES Benth. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93)- LOTUS CAMPY LOCLADUS Webb & Berth. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and Americ cockroaches and milkweed bugs--Heal an coworkers (93). LOTUS CORNICULATUS var. JAPONICUS Reg. A water suspension of the leave, and flowers was ineffective against Drosopt^l hydei larvae, but a suspension of the stems, and roots was highly toxic to these larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). LOTUS PURSHIANUS (Benth.) Clements & Clements. Synonym: L. americ an us. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and Amew cockroaches.-Heal and coworkers (ID- 146 LOTUS SESSILIFOLIUS DC. LOTUS WRIGHTII (A. Gray) Greene. Aqneons extracts of the whole plant were nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ne. LUPINUS ANGUSTIFOLIUS L. Blue lupi The powdered seeds were nontoxic to meonworms, southern armyworms, and Jacobson (36^ Webw °™*---Bottger and The powdered seeds were nontoxic to Str«? ean C ° rn b ° rer larvae - Combined T i ’ 6thyl 6ther ’ ch loroform, and alcohol extractives of the seeds were oakw^ to celer Y leaf tiers, California larvae^ — Vac ot>s on (mV ^ L "H™ie^ T p F s 0 m! US Var ' COLUMB “NUS LUPINUS MUTABILIS Sweet. Aqueous extracts of the seeds of these species were nontoxic to German and A?M ? cockroaches and milkweed bugs. was toxl° r £ r l C * ° £ ffiStaMli. see d s but nnt i r black car P et beetle larvae, bu __ Vh ^ erman cockroaches, milkweed biags, and larvae of the webbing clothes A 1 4^^ and Anopheles mosquitoes Adcohol and petroleu^T^fc^xtracts of the iat 6 an Tr e nOT ^ oxic l to ^ these insects — ^eai and coworkers ( 93 ). -•UPINUS NANUS Dougl. An aqueous extract of the whole plant ■cTach 0nt0Xl h tC> German and Am eric an cock- oaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and oworkers (93). g 1 and AJPINUS PERENNIS L. The powdereti plant was nontoxic to Mexi- £arvae Hans berry and , a t n sI ?Xr? e,ItraCt °‘ * he whole Plant as slightly toxic to Americ an cockroaches '° ° e ™ a " cockroaches and bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). UPINUS sp. Hrttlv aq r° US ' XtraCt th ' seeds was g y toxic to American cockroaches i n nWw° n H°u iC t0 German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). MAACKIA AMURENSIS var. (Maxim.) Schneid. buergeri An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leave s was t i to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs rirtrlct Una H eC i ed d aft6r immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). M KilHp ROXYL ° N RACEMOsu M (Ducke) An aqueous extract of the wood was non- An 1 *! German and Ame ricancockroaches. An alcohol extract of the wood was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes mS Jnd and Anopheles mosquitoes.-Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). 1 MEDICAGO LUPULINA L. The plant showed little toxicity to silk- wor m a „d Mexican bean beetle larvae and bean aphids.--Lee and Hansberry (129). The powdered plant was nont^dc to and X C C rausen(l6) beetle larvae -Hansberry MEDICAGO SATIVA L. The powdered plant was nontoxic to and Clausent 86 ) beetle larvae *'- Hansberr y An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). 8 MELILOTUS ALBA Desr. The powdered plant was nontoxic to a M n e d X C C ra n use b n(M) beetle ^-^berry An aqueous extract of the upper parts was slightly toxic to Americancockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MELILOTUS ALTISSIMA Thuill. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi- ClLse e n a r 86 )r etle ^“-H^sberry and 147 melilotus indica (L.) All. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). (L.) Lam. MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS Melilot. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86). An acetone extract of the flowers was •ineffective against mosquito larvae.—Hart- zell ( 90 )- MIMOSA ALBIDA Humb. h Bonpl. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). MIMOSA PUDICA L. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). MIMOSA sp. An aqueous extract of the roots and stems was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). MORA GONGRIJPII (Kleinh.) Sandw. The wood is very resistant to termites .-- Wolcott (ZZ5). The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species o leaf-eating larvae.-Sievers and coworkers (LSI). MUELLERA FRUTESCENS (Aubl.) Standi. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to American cockroaches and mil weed bugs, but not to German cockroaches. An alcohol extract of the fruits was toxic to milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mosquito, but not to German cock¬ roaches and Anopheles mosquito larvae. A petroleum ether extract was toxic to milkweed bugs and larvae of the black carpet beetle and webbing clothes moth, but not to German cockroaches and Anopheles mosquito larvae. A chloroform ^tract^was toxic to larvae of the nebbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mosquito. --Heal and coworkers (93). MUCUNA PRURIENS (L.) DC. Synonym: Stizolobium pruriens . An aqueous extract of the seeds was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal coworkers (9 3). MUELLERA sp. A petroleum ether extract of the roots was toxic to the milkweed bug and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle, but not to German cock¬ roaches and Anopheles mosquito larvae. An alcohol extract of the roots was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the stems and leaves were toxic to *J a< * car f P *f beetle larvae only. An alcohol extract the shells was toxic to milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, blac carpet beetle, and Aedes mosquito, but not to German cockroaches and Anopheles^mos - quito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). MYROCARPUS FRONDOSUS Allem. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stem bark were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and m.lkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MYROXYLON BALSAMUM (L.) Harms. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroa ^ h J and nontoxic toGermancockroaches.-Hea. and coworkers (93). MYROXYLON PEREIRAE (Royle) Kletzsch. Balsam of Peru. An acetone solution of the oil v-as tive against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell(89’- 148 An aqueous extract of the leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches .--Heal and coworkers (93). NISSOLIA FRUTICOSA Jacq. The plant was nontoxic to house flies mosqmto larvae, and several species of ( 197 ) eatlng larvae *' _Sievers andcoworkers NISSOLIA SCHOTTII A. Gray. a ^ ueo ^ s extract of the stems was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ORMOSIOPSIS FLAVA Ducke. An aqueous extract of the seeds was /ery toxic to American cockroaches when .njected into the blood stream, but German .ockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers )STRIODERRlS STUHLMANNII Dunn. litL a<1 * e ° US extract of the bark was ghtly toxic to American cockroaches ^w n ° n ^°u lC t0 German cockroaches and weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). >UGEINIA DALBERGIOIDES Benth. An aqueous extract of the seeds was ontoxic to German and American cock- ches.--Heal and coworkers (93). “ HIZUS , ER0SUS (L.) Urban. Syn- onym. P. angulatus . Yam bean. adr r I 112 " 106 * a substance obtained from red “a' ^ ° f ‘ he Seeds - toxic lats and W’ thrl P s * Plant lice, white .worke“ d ( 3 _, ) Iack « nats - B Pfille„„e and Mg e (234)' eS arC tOXiC to mosquito larvae.-- AS- S ' edS gaVe com Pl e te con- rvae and'h 0 ”" and Mexican bean beetle etone nh, ^ aphids - Petroleum ether, d alcohn^ 10 ^ f0rm ’ Carbon tetrachloride, xicity to ex ^f acts a11 showed very high hids T° S1 ^ orm larvae and bean mas.--Lee and Hansberry (l_ 29 ). anhiHc p °wdered seeds were toxic to bean apmds . --Chiu and coworkers (48) 1( J* e / eed r u esin Voided rotenone, and at least two other components which were wh ° s * lkworm larvae but not to bean beetles.--Norton and Hansberry (161). The powdered pods were ineffective against melonworms, fall armyworms, diamondback moths, and Cerotoma rufi- coimis, but a dust containin^h^lf seeds~aSd half pods was toxic to all these species except Cerotoma .--Plank (173). t T ?nnn thyl ether extra ct of the seeds at 1 to 5,000 gave 100 percent kill of cater- pillars in the fourth stage of the cabbage butterfly, Crocidolomia binotalis. A sus¬ pension of powdered seeds at 1 to 1,000 in water was more toxic than derris.--Meyer The seeds contain 25 percent of an oil which can be removed by extraction to ™J ke , feasible the g rindin g of an insecti¬ cidal dust. The properties of the seed and oil are given.--Jakobs (ill). Aqueous suspensions of the seeds were toxic to adults of the cotton stainer and the green stink bug and to larvae of the Lhina-grass butterfly.--Chiu (47). The powdered seeds were toxic to melon- worms, imported cabbageworms, diamond- ack moths, and pickleworms, but not to southern armyworms, cabbage loopers, cel¬ ery tiers cross-striped cabbageworms, and striped blister beetles.--Bottger and Jacobson (36). 6 The ripe fruits were highly toxic, both as a stomach and as a contact poison, to melonworm larvae. As a contact poison, they were also toxic to cotton stainer adults but relatively nontoxic to Australian cock- fruTts AS Stomach Poisons, the ruits and the powdered leaves had no effect on bean leaf beetle adults. The stems showed some toxicity to melonworm larvae and cotton stainer adults but were inert to bean leaf beetle adults and Australian cockroach nymphs. The powdered roots showed fair toxicity to melonworm larvae nd cotton stainer adults but were ineffec- tive against bean leaf beetle adults and n 1 ^ H COckroach nymphs. The seeds plus 50 percent pods were highly toxic to melonworm, fall armyworm, and diamond- , ac , moth larvae but were inert to bean leaf beetie, cotton stainer, and rice weevil adults, and to American cockroach nymphs. The powdered pods were inert to melon- worm fall armyworm, and diamondback PUnkTmT’ and t0 bCan leaf beetle adults.— 149 An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when iniected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. An aqueous extract ot the seeds was nontoxic to these insects and to milkweed bugs. Alcohol and chloro¬ form extracts of the seeds were toxic to black carpet beetle and Aedes mosquito larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mosquito. A petroleum ether extract of the seeds was toxic to milkweed bugs and black carpe beetle larvae, but not to German cock¬ roaches and webbing clothes moth larvae.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PACHYRRHIZUS PALMATILOBUS (Moc. & Sesse) Benth. & Hook. The powdered seeds plus 50 percent pods were rather toxic, as a stomach poison, to melonworm and fall armyworm larvae, but ineffective against diamond- back moth larvae and bean leaf beetle and rice weevil adults. As a contact poison, this material was highly toxic to melon- worm larvae and fairly toxic to cotton Stainer adults, but inert to American cock¬ roach nymphs. The powdered pods were inert to melonworm and fall armyworm larvae, bean leaf beetle adults, and Ameri¬ can cockroach nymphs.--Plank Q_74). An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to German cockroaches and slightly toxic to American cockroaches.— Heal and coworkers (93). PACHYRRHIZUS TUBEROSUS (Lam.) Spreng. The powdered seeds of the red and black varieties were toxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (8b). The seeds of the red variety were toxic to the aphid, Brevicoryn e brassicae.--Le Page and coworkers ( 130 ). PACHYRRHIZUS spp. A mixture composed of finely-ground seeds of P. ahipa, P- eros us, £*• palmatilobus, or P. tuberosa or their ex¬ tracts plus" pyrethrins has been patented for use in insecticidal sprays and dusts.-- Geary (7 1). PARKIA NITIDA Miq. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers 193). PELTOGYNE LECOINTE1 Ducke. Brazil¬ ian purpleheart. The wood is resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). PELTOGYNE PUBESCENS Benth. The wood is very resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). PELTOPHORUM SURINGARI Urb. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to German cockroaches but not to Ame ric an cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol and chloroform extracts of the roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, con¬ fused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. A petroleum ether extract was toxic to webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle larvae only.--Heal and coworkers (93). PENTACLETHRA MACROLOBA (Willd.) Kuntze. An aqueous extract of the seeds was very toxic to American cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs, but not to German cockroaches. An alcohol extract of the seeds was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, an larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. A petro- leum ether extract was nontoxic to all these insects. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was toxic to American cockroaches, but not to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. Petroleum ether andchloroform extracts of the stem bark were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth an Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. An alco- hol extract was nontoxic to all these in¬ sects. A petroleum ether extract ° bark was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, an webbing clothes moth larvae.-Heal anc coworkers (93). PENTACLETHRA MACROPHYLLA Benth An aqueous extract of the roots was non toxic to German and American cockroache and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworke (93). 150 PERALTEA ERYTHRINAEFOLIA Saldanha da Gama. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CANDIDUM (Willd.) PETALOSTEMUM Michx. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxtc to German and American CO c“ workers g‘ ) miU ™" d bugs.-Heal and co- PETERIA SCOPARIA a. Gray. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ougs.—Heal PHASEOLUS LATHYROIDES L. flie^^^.r^ ineffective against house f l larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and co- workers (197). PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L. s1 . A * aqueous extract of the roots was nonttxfctor t0 American cockroaches and weed bu« G ® rn ? an cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PHYSOSUGMA VENENOSUM Balf. Cala¬ bar bean. An acetone extract of the seeds was MUtesT* againSt mos 9 ui to larvae.--Hart - PIPTADENIA AFRICANA Hook. f qUCOUS ex tract of the wood was ghiy toxic to American cockroaches when broach* 0 th * blood stream, but German effected aft* and milkweed bugs were un- tected after immersion in the extract An ; lc„h°, extraut of the wood '.“St" carpet beetle larvae, but not to arvae^ n o f°t^ r ° aC ^^* milkweed bugs, and ‘■noDhelf the Webbln g clothes moth and mosquito. Petroleum ether and iese in ♦ extracts were nontoxic to all sects.--Heal and coworkers (93). IPTADENIA RIGIDA Benth. Aqueous extracts of the stem bark and of ts were slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). a PIPTADENIA sp. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches, Ut t0 German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PISCIDIA ACUMINATA (Blake) I. M. John- ston. The powdered roots were highly toxic to melonworm and diamondback moth larvae and Wer *! lneffective against bean leaf beetle and cotton stainer adults and Australian cockroach nymphs. The powdered leaves dia rC a 5? re u iably t0xic to melonworm and iamondb^k moth larvae, but were inert to and A f v Cetle ^ COtt ° n Stainer ad ults and Australian cockroach nymphs. The bark }° xicit y to melonworm larvae, but both the bark and the wood were inert and 6 A 1 * and COtt ° n sta iner adults and Australian cockroach nymphs. The p°a°ii7m al9 ° inerttomelonworm ^ arvae --- PI aor? IA K CA K RTHAGENENSIS Jac , ^J 1 Cther ’ and alcohol ex- motl! i U sho ^ ed s °me toxicity to codling moth larvae but not to house flies -- Jacobson ( 108) . S * PI f C M DI foh G , RAND i FOLIA (Donn. Smith) grandifo^a Syn0n ’ rm: !‘h?h J rom«hia 151 The crushed bark or fresh leaves are used in El Salvador against bedbugs.~ Wellman and van Severen (221). PI fr C hth IA PISGIPUL A(L.)Sarg. Synonyms: _cj ^thyomethia giscipula , P. erythrina. Jamaica dogwood. — 1 —*- An acetone extract of the bark was ineffec- tive ag^nst mosquito larvae.- -Hartzell ( 90 ). he powdered roots were highly toxL: oth as stomach and contact poisons, to melonworm larvae. As a stomach poison. the roots showed considerable toxicity to diamondback moth larvae but had no effect on bean leaf beetle adults. As a contact poison, the roots were toxic to cotton stainer adults but inert to Australian cock¬ roach nymphs. The bark and the wood, as stomach poisons, were very toxic to melon- worm and diamondback moth larvae, but ineffective against bean leaf beetle adults. The bark and wood, as contact poisons, were highly toxic to melonworm larvae and ineffective against cotton stainer adults and Australian cockroach nymphs. 1 he leaves were toxic to melonworm and diamondback moth larvae but not to bean leaf beetle and cotton stainer adults and Australiancockroachnymphs.--Plank [U + l- Rotenone was isolated from the root bark and the root wood. --Russ ell and Kaczka (189) • “The powdered stems were toxic to south¬ ern beet webworms, but nontoxic to south¬ ern armyworms, melonworms, Hawaiian beet webworms, and yellow woolybears. The powdered roots were nontoxic to south¬ ern armyworms but toxic to the other insect species mentioned. The powdered leaves were toxic to southern beet web¬ worms and Hawaiian beet webworms only.-- Sievers and coworkers ( 197 )- An acetone extract of the roots was highly toxic to mosquito larvae.-- Jacobson ^^An aqueous extract of the bark was nontoxic to German and American cock- roaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the bark were toxic to milkweed bugs and larvae of the black carpet beetle and webbing clothes moth (the alcohol extract was also toxic to Aedes and Anopheles mosquito larvae ), but—iwt to German cockroaches and Anopheles mosquito larvae. A chloroform extract of the bark was toxic to webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mosquito larvae and nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and Anopheles mosquito larvae.--Heal and co- workers (93). . . ., The powdered leaves were toxic to south¬ ern arirtyworms, melonworms, and south¬ ern beet webworms. The powdered roots were toxic to melonworms and southern beet webworms but not to southern army- worms. The powdered stems were toxic to melonworms only.--Bottger and Jacobson (36). PISCIDIA sp. The powdered stem bark was toxic to southern armyworms, melonworms, and southern beet webworms, but not to sweet- potato weevils.--Bottger and Jacobson(3b). An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches .--Heal and co workers (93). PITCHERIA GALACTIOIDES Nutt. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). PITHECELLOBIUM ALBICANS Benth. An aqueous extract of the fruits was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (93). PITHECELLOBIUM ALEXANDRI Urb. An aqueous extract of the wood was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches . An ale oho extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal and co- workers (93). PITHECELLOBIUM TRAPEZIFOL1UM Benth. The powdered leaves were highly toxic to silkworm larvae but nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae, potato aphids, and bean aphids.--Hansberry and Clausen (8b). An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream. but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). PITHECOLOBIUM RACEMOSUM Ducke. Surinam snakewood. The wood is resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). PLATYMISCIUM ULEI Harmes. Synonym: P. paracense . Letterwood. The wood is very resistant to termites.-* Wolcott (225). PLATYSCYAMUS REGNELLII Benth. An aqueous extract of the stem bark *? S nontoxic to German and American*:°ck- roaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal anc coworkers (93). 152 POIRE TLA. TETRAPHYLIA (Poir.) Burkart. to 5 X ^ CtS ,.° f thC leaves were highly toxic ( 1 ^ P S g ^ minUm -"Nico andCambet PONGAMIA PINNATA (L.) Wight. t a n U I OUS 4 eXtract of ^ leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer- n the extrac t. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American rn 0 l k r aCh u T 1 nontoxic to German cock- roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). affected after immersion in the extract A petroleum ether extract was toxic to Mact car pet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and webbing c othes moth and Anopheles mosquito larvae 6 ^ to ^ht l0r ° f0rm extracts ^re non¬ toxic to these insects and to Aedes mos¬ quito larvae.--Heal and cowork^T( 93 K PSORALEA LANCEOLATA Pursh. An aqueous extract of the branchlets leaves, and flowers was nontoxic to German buvs ^f r ^ an ^ cockroa ches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PRIORLA COPAIFERA Griseb. Cativo PSORALEA ONOBRYCHIS Nutt. bv T ttrm°t 0d ° f iS ^ Ce is sub J ect attack by termites and other insects, and, in salt water, to the attack of teredo or other marine borers. --Wolcott (224). PROSOPIS JULIFLORA (Sw.) DC quite. Mes - Wo T .co'««7«5,. iS SUSCCptible *° PROSOPIS JULIFLORA (Woot.) Sarg. var. VELUTINA tad? a t q o ueo “ s extract ot *he bark was non¬ roach.. 5 er , ma . and A ”«ican cock- aches.--Heal and coworkers (93). PROSOPIS KUNTZEI Harms. cU A ^*, aqUe ° US extra ct of the fruits was nonttxfc ro C G American cockroaches and aad coworiers («T“ cockr °ache.—Heal PROSOPIS STEPHANLANA Kunth. oxt t a o qUe A° U8 CXtract of the leaves was ected cockroac hes when in- ■ockroarh° ^ stream ’ b «t German iffected^ after milkweed bugs were un- cted after immersion in the extract * XtraCU ° f tha "“»*• and” ,h. leal and ' n ° ntox ' c to insects.-- eal and coworkers (93). 5 S ORA LEA GLANDULOSA L. ,a^toxic°. U „' r tri “; t ° tth ' '°P 8 and leave, "jected i„t„ cockr °aches when ockrna v * the blood stream, but German ches and milkweed bugs were un- An aqueous extract of the upper parts was Germa n and American cock¬ roaches. An aqueous extract of the seeds .’2 f 1 !' t0 ? ic tD Americancockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). PSORALEA TENUIFLORA Pursh. An aqueous extract of the above-ground portion was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 8 al PTEROCARPUS INDICUS Willd. An aqueous extract of the wood was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). PTERODON PUBESCENS Benth. an^, aqUe ° US extract of the branchlets and leaves was very toxic to American s7ream aC b tV When Ejected into the blood m ’ but German cockroaches and milk- Znl • T Were unaffe ^ted after immer- smn in the extract.-Heal and coworkers PUERARIA YUNNANENSIS Franch. The powdered roots showed fair toxicity o silkworm and Mexican bean beetle larvae 7 but had no effect on bean aphids. Petro¬ leum ether, ethyl ether, alcohol, chloro¬ form, carbon tetrachloride, and acetone extracts had no effect on silkworm larvae and bean aphids. The powdered stems WH Cd i 80me „ toxicit y to Mexican bean beetle larvae but had no effect on silkworm larvae and bean aphids. An alcohol extract of the stems had no effect on silkworm larvae and bean aphids, and chloroform 153 and acetone extracts had no effect bean aphids.--Lee and Hansberry (il9). The powdered roots were toxic to bean aphids.--Chiu and coworkers (48). RHYNCOSIA TEXANA T. & G. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to GerMn cock¬ roaches .--Heal and coworkers (93). RHYNCOSIA sp. An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract.-Heal and coworkers (93). ROBIN1A HISPID A L. The powdered leaves and stems were nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.-- Hansberry and Clausen (86). An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. -Heal and coworkers (93). ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA L. Black locust. The wood is resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). , , The powdered leaves, seeds, and pods were each nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae. --Hansberry and Clausen (86). An acetone extract of the bark was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae. — Hart- The heartwood of this tree is very resistant to termites.--Scheffer and Dun- C& An*"aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ROBINIA VISCOSA Vent. The powdered leaves and stems were nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.~ Hansberry and Clausen (8p). An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (23.). SAMANEA SAMAN (Jacq.) Merr. Cenisero, rain-tree. SABINEA PUNICEA Urb. Aqueous extracts of the branches and of the roots were nontoxic to German an The wood is resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). SCHRANKIA CHAPMANII (Small) F. J. Hermann. Synonym: Leptoglottis chap _- manii . An aqueous extract of the tops was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). SCHRANKIA MICROPHYLLA (Dryand.) Macbr. Synonym: Leptoglottis ™ lcr g l phylla. XTIqueous extract of the branchlets, leaves, and roots was nontoxic to 9® rma ^ and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). SESBANIA GRANDIFLORA (L.) Pers. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches. An extract of the seeds was slightly toxic to Amer ^ n cockroaches and nontoxic to Gerrnan l cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). SESBANIA SERICEA (Willd.) Link. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species o leaf-eating larvae.-Sievers andcoworkers (197). SOPHORA AFFINIS T. & G. The powdered berries and their extracts were nontoxic to armyworms, pea aphi s, and celery leaf tiers.-Bottger and Jacob- S °Th?powdered berries were ineffective against European corn borer larvae. P>ark was toxic to milkweed bugs and larvae of the black carpet beetle and webbing clothe! Tnd A I ” ontoxic «o German cockroach and^Mgheles mosquito larvae. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were toxic to u!°! extract ^of^* j, la / vae °^y. Petroleum ether extracts of the leaves and of the stem bark be e eUe 0 ra C r^e m onr; ed ^l ““ b ' a ' k (93) ^ my. —Heal and coworkers "lean wU,e F rU TESCENS (U> P °‘- A — some a ox)city Vo'^dVng 'moth'^vae 0 and males—Jacobson ( 108 ). f ' _ W “ T s?eHt SINENSIS(SimS - )S »«‘- Chinese An acetone extract of the c.. 4 , , "cTbs'nt^.* 0 C ° d,i " 8 > a “ WISTERIA sp. An aqueous extract of the stems and leave 5 was nontoxic to German and AmerU n cockroaches and milkweed bugs - Heal and coworkers (93). ■ * Heal 157 ZOLLERNIA PARAENSIS Huber. The wood is very resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). ZORNIA DIPHYLLA (L.) Pers. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to German cockroaches but not to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). LENTIBULARIACEAE UTRICULARIA MACRORHIZA Leconte. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when iniected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). LILIACEAE aletris farinosa l. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ iected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (9i)- ALLIUM CEPA L. Onion. Ixodes ticks exposed to vapors of onion bulbs died in several days. When placed in onion juice, the ticks died in 40 minutes.- Olenev ( 162 ). ALLIUM MONANTHUM Maxim. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but a suspension of the roots was nontoxic to these larvae. — Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). ALLIUM NIPPONICUM Franch. et Swat. Water suspensions of the flowers and of the leaves, stems, and roots were toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but a suspension ^TthTT^ds was nontoxic to these larvae.— Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). ALLIUM ODORUM L. A water suspension of the leaves was fairly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, and a suspension of the roots was highly toxic to the larvae. --Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). ALLIUM SATIVUM L. Garlic. Ixodes ticks exposed to the vapors of powdered garlic bulbs died in 25 minutes.-- Olenev ( 162) . ALLIUM SCHOENOPRASUM L. Chive. An acetone extract of the whole plant was ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hart- zell (90). ALLIUM SCORODOPRASUM var. VIVI- PARUM Regel. An acetone extract of the roots and stems was toxic to Culex pipin g larvae. The toxicity was traced to the water-.nsoluble portion of the extract. —Yamaguchi and co- workers ( 232 ). ALOE FEROX Mill. An aqueous extract of the leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches. --Heal an coworkers (93). ALOE PERRYI Baker. Aloes. Acetone and water extracts of the whole plant were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). AMIANTHEMUM MUSCAETOXICUM (Walt.) A. Gray. Crow poison. The powdered leaves and the powdered roots and bulbs were both slightly toxic to southern beet webworms but not to melon- worms and southern armywormsBottge and Jacobson (36). . The powdered leaves and the powdere bulbs were both toxic to European cor, borer larvae. Combined petroleum ether ethyl ether extractives and an alcohol ex¬ tractive of the leaves were toxic to>codl moth larvae but not to house flies. Combin petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform and alcohol extractives of the roots and bulb were toxic to codling moth larvae but not German cockroaches.-- Jacobson L-- Aqueous extracts of the bulbs and of th leaves were toxic to American cockroach when injected into the blood streaxn. b German cockroaches and milkweed bu ? 158 tTcU Un A„ fe :f ed K af ,' er •» the ex- toxi C c S -,o\uck h 0 ca:p'r C bee°,U he a^ 1 Ad aS z:r:: Xi c ‘° t ' r h T form extract was toxic chloro “ J" d larvae of the black cl^t Zue^ t-:i™ s rZ\° s E «icTJ Vi th e leav ' s toxic to milJweli At*L h „ 7 a W r en ° n - Js T^rz-J t%r? s. ■■Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ANTHERICUM CHANDLER! n Thomps. ^"AHDLERI Greenm. & topl’were e bo' t h aC , ,S ° £ ' he r ° 0,s “ d of the were unaffected after- na milkweed bugs .ta=,.-Heal C a n d dt e w r orke”' r £°K * h * ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS L. Asparagus. ^STELLIA CUNNINGHAMII Hook. dgMy SOTO 8 WricL^ockroa ^ 8 ?“ Ejected into the blood stream w ^ «ec r ,:d ac a h £ ::r and miikw " d queous eMractU'thV t” * he ' xtract - A n iese insects Al l, f ° PS Was nont °**c to 3TELLIA NERVOSA Banks fc Soland. telolrntd' ° f th ' **• «■ ntoxic to Germa 7 ° cockroa ches and led bug. -?hS " d° ckr °aches and milk- s • Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). -OOMERIA CLEVELANDII S. Wats Ge a X'„ OU a 8 „rAm C e'r f ‘ he bulba * aa ‘"xic t to milkweed lcan cockroaches but |). e * d bugs.-Heal andcoworkers BULBINE BULBOSA Haw. toxic” « a o q G e e°rma e n X an a d Ct A° f ' h ' C ° rmS Was and milkweed bugs ^^ lcan c°ckroaches ( 93 ). g * Heal and coworkers CAMASSIA QUAMASH (Pursh) Greene ‘»v- b rs;' the we a bbi e n 3 ; b ^. >^ 0 " beetir^A^^dTn^hetfm::^”' toes.-Heal and coworki^T^^ mosqm- C Ktnt 1 OG S A o 1 p U rlt POMERIDIANUM ^ nontojric to nd hea m „ e it7rl r ir Jacobson (36). g ~ B ottger and The powdered bulbs were i^^fr *• against European corn borer larile Com' hous'e ful'sl-Ja'cobsM (fo 7 °‘ h ' arVae and sIightljl toxic* to ££*? ° f the bulbs »« nontoxic to German cock a r 1 a C c 0 h C e k / 0 aC He'a S l ””1 coworkers ( 93 ). cnes.--Heal and CLINTONIA BOREALIS (Ait.) Raf. S££Sssr£S= S535S , 5i== 'ri: -„‘ b ;“ aad ^^ 4 s. -Heal and coworkers^93T1 COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE t ,, , saffron. ^ L * Meadow - A mo a s' q ';r szz (,T W “ n ° nt0,tic to th ' larvae.--Hartzell CO v 1 n 1 y LLARIA MAJAUS L ‘ Acetone and water extract® nf tk i 159 An aqueous extract of the whole plant was highly toxic to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs, but not to German cock¬ roaches. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mos¬ quito. A petroleum ether extract was non¬ toxic to all these insects.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). FRITILLARIA PUDICA (Pursh.) Spreng. An aqueous extract of the bulbs was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HELONIAS BULLATA L. DASYLIRION LEIOPHYLLUM Engelm. A dust of the alcohol extract of the leaves was nontoxic to armyworms, pea aphids, two-spotted spider mites, and large milk¬ weed bugs • — — Jacobson ( 108 ). DASYLIRION WHEELERI S. Wats. A dust of the alcohol extract of the com¬ bined leaves and flower heads was nontoxic to armyworms, pea aphids, two-spotte spider mites, and large milkweed bugs.-- Jacobson ( 108 ). DIPCADI GLAUCUM Baker. An aqueous extract of the bulbs was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaf¬ fected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). DRACAENA FRAGRANS Ker. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93L ERYTHRONIUM GRANDIFLORUM Pursh. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ERYTHRONIUM JAPONICUM Makino. Water suspensions of the leaves and of the roots were highly toxic to Drosophila Ivydei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers v23_3). FRITILLARIA PARVIFLORA Torr. An aqueous extract of the bulbs was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches An aqueous extract of the bulbs was highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaf¬ fected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the tops was nontoxic to these insects. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the bulbs were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). HEMEROCALLIS FULVA L. An aqueous extract of the upper parts was nontoxic to American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). HERRERIA MONTEVIDENSIS Klotzsch. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co- workers (93). LEUCROCRINUM MONTANUM Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). LILIUM CORDIFOLIUM Thunb. A water suspension of the ieayes stems was highly toxic to Drosophila h^l larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (ZLJ>- LILIUM SUPERBUM L. An aqueous extract of the bulbs was toxic to American cockroaches wheninjecte the blood stream, but German c° c kroache and milkweed bugs were unaffected alter 160 »oXers i (9_3)! n extract —Heal and co- L 1 Z Hook GA MARGINATA (Lam.) Benth. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic , ° h 7 er , lca " cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches 1 " d ™ lkweed bu « s wer « unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co workers (93). nQ co MEDEOLA VIRGINIANA L. nontoxT e ,°„ ,IS r eXtraCt ° f ' he ^ole plant was nontoxm to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 8 al and melanthium virginicum l, totsr ex t ract ° { the bulbs was toxic M i f cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches d milkweed bugs were unaffected after ^AerV(?3)“ ** extract —Heal and co- but nontoxic to milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). 8 al and ORNITHOGALLUM UMBELLATUM L. bu^ U !°d S i eXtraCtS ° f the bulbs and of the bulbs and leaves were both highly toxic to thT e hl 1Ca d n <; 0ckroaches w hen injected into Ind straam * but German cockroaches nd milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts. Alcohol, petro- leum ether, and chloroform extracts^ the bu not W to e r tOXiC t0 blaCk Carpet beetl es, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed b ^ gS * < ?° I ? fused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mos¬ quito. --Heal and coworkers (93). PARIS TETRAPHYLLA A. Gray. A water suspension of the leaves was nontoxic to Drosophi la hydei larvae but a suspension of the combhSdleaves, stems nd roots was highly toxic to the larvae.-- Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). NARTHECIUM CALIFORNICUM Baker. PARIS VERT ICILLEATA Bieb. to£ a to U Am eXtraC * ° f the WhoIe Plant was • . ^ ° American cockroaches when in- lnX d u thC bl °° d stream , but German fected° a after ^ milkweed bu 8 a «er e unaf- in the extract - NTOLINA sp. lontoxic to Germancockroachec j :oworkers ( 93 ). * Heal and 'IOTHOSCORDUM ARIZONICUM. ^OTHOSCORDUM BIVALVE (L.) Britton. Aqu e ° us extracts of the bulbs were toxic he bloodst n ream r but G S " he " In^cted into nd milkweed h^’ German cockroaches emersion in th* 88 ^"® unaffected after orkers (?3) extra ° E ur°- fenr^ *1 b larvae. Combined petro- leum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform and nu° s a„d^ r o a dl‘. 1VeS Were n0n,oxic *° hou, d (££,. and codlin S larvae.--Jacobson SCILLA SCILLOIDES (Lindl.) Druce. STENANTHIUM ROBUSTUM S. Wats. th J?o er K- SUS /! nSi0nS ° f the root s and of the combined leaves and roots were non toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but a suspension of the cabined leaves and stems was toxic to the larvae v a “t and coworkers (213) larvae —Yamaguchi SCILLA THUNBERGII Miyabe & Kudo. erJ h L P ° Wdered r ° 0t Was n °ntoxic to south- worms y Bo« mS “? T SOuthern beet web- worms.—Bottger and Jacobson (36) An aqueous extract of the whole nin *■ was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches Ld milkweed bugs. —Heal and coworkers (93). STYPANDRA GLAUCA R. fir. An aqueous extract of the whole nlant wa s nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Hell a^ coworkers (93). 8 «eai and ■-- [JU>. SMILACINA RACEMOSA (L.) Desf. OFIELDIA CALYCULATA (L.) Wahl. nontoxic qU to° U r eICtraCt 0t * he lea ves was ro2h« H^, erm f n “ d cock- es. —Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). SMILAX HERBACEA L. An aqueous extract of the whole rjeTa h « S er and He^andcowor^rsTUr ‘ D ‘ h * SMILAX ORNATA Lem. nilkweed b u „ H^" f° ckro ^‘s and u gs. -Heal and coworkers (93). iMILAX SIEBOLDI Miq. ox 1 rT at n r sus P ension of the seeds was X1 ; c , to Drosophila hydei larvae _ v=> uchi and coworkers 7 233 ). *”" a " MILAX syphilitica. lightly aq toxi U c S to^Ame ° f ^ r °° tS Was ad nontoxic to C ^ merican cockroaches milkweed bugs . Her n d COCkr ° aches and g . -Heal and coworkers (93). MILAX sp. Jc' 1 o P o°p W e d r e / ed T* WaS ‘o cab- ■myworms B^t ° rn ^ S ' and sout bern s---Bottger and Jacobson (36). An aqueous extract of the whole was slightly toxic to American cockroaches mHkweed a h C t0 COck ^aches and U g s *~-Heal and coworkers (93). TOFIELDIA OCCIDENTALIS S. Wats. An aqueous extract of the whole was toxic to American cockroach™ when njecteii into the blood stream, but German a«ec?ed C after aild miU 'r e ' d bu S s "ere un- Heal and coworkenlMt" ' h ' extract — T HoweH I . UM CHLOROPE TALUM (Torr.) * n aqu * ous extract of the roots was very Xic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bu« hl a P J ° leUm Cther extra ct was toxic 8 to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, con- sed flour beetles, and webbing 8 C lothes t^xic to a hT ae ; A Chl ° r0f0rm extract was to bla ck carpet beetle larvae only.— Heal and coworkers (93). y TRILLIUM ERECTUM L. Beth. ^ An acetone extract of the roots was in effective against mosquito larvae.-Hartzell A” aqueous extract of the roots was injected*into° When Xc^ ch xr d - ,ib f d ^ g but w^ a : ected after immersion in the extract. 163 Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth a Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). UVULARIA GRANDIFLORA Sm. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were_ __ fected after immersion in the extract. Heal and coworkers (93). VERATRUM ALBUM L. European white hellebore. Veratrine was tested against 49 insect species and found to be highly toxic.— Ve A bl hot 6 wLt^ > decoction of the rhizomes, applied to the backs of cattle. ~ ve ^ effective against warble-fly Priselkov and coworkers (ill/* Aqueous infusions and strong alcohol extracts of this plant, emulsified with water, were toxic to lice, flics, mosquitoes and bugs (bedbugs ?).-Petrisch«va (m). Hot water decoctions of the roots or rhizomes were effective against mange mites on domestic animals.--Nanobashvili ( H^he powdered root was toxic to melon- worms but not to southern armyworma and cabbage loopers. --Bottger and Jacob- S °An~aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to German and American cock roaches. An alcohol extract of the whole plant was toxic to black carpe larvae but not to German cockroaches, larvae, o larvae of the webbing milkweed bugs, ana iurv clothes moth and Asde_s and Anophe Jg mosquitoes. A petroleum ether extract of the whole plant was toxictobiackcarpe beetle larvae and milkweed bugs, but no to German cockroaches and la * va ® ° webbing clothes moth and Anogheles mos quito. - -Heal and coworkers VERATRUM CALIFORNICUM Durand. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches * hen ' J “‘u. into the blood stream, but German cock roaches were unaffected after ‘™" ers,on in the extract.-Heal and coworkers (93). VERATRUM DAHURICUM (Turcz.) O. Loes. Aqueous infusions and strong alcohol extracts of this plant, emulsified with water, were toxic to lice, flies , mosquitoes, and bugs (bedbugs ?). -Petrischeva (172). VERATRUM ESCHSCHOLTZII A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to German and American cockroaches.-- Heal and coworkers (93). VERATRUM GRANDIFLORUM (Maxim.) O. Loes. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was highly toxic to DrosophiU t^ei larvae. --Yamaguchi and coworkers (Z3_3). VERATRUM JAPONICUM var. REYMONDI- ANUM. A water suspension of the combined leaves, stems, and seeds was highly toxic to Drosophila h ydei larvae, but a suspen- sioiTSThT^mbined leaves, stems flowers, and roots was nontoxic to these larvae. -- Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). VERATRUM MAXIMOWICZII Baker. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was highly toxic to Drosc^a larvae. --Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). VERATRUM NIGRUM L. Black hellebore. Water infusions and strong alcohol ex¬ tracts of the plant, emulsified with water, were toxic to "lice, flies, mosquito.., and bugs (bedbugs?). --Petrischeva (LZ2). A water suspension* of the stem rhizomes gave 90 percent " house flies, but a suspension of the lea was ineffective.--Hwang (102). The stems and rhizomes ar ? U t e China as baits for house flies. An acetone extract of the rhizomes was effective a ga “nt caterpillar, but not against cotton aphids.--Chiu (47). , • r ; ce The crushed bulbs are soiled in rice soup or ho. water for several £ the extract is made up to a 5 p solution which is toxic to house The fresh and dry bulbs are equally toxi^ The bulbs and roots are more the leaves.--Hwang (1_01). 164 VERATRUM STAMINEUM var. GLABRUM. , . A W f tCr sus P ens ion of the roots was Yarni 7 °h 1C ^ hydei larvae.-- xamaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). ' An acetone extract of 1he‘ roots and stems was toxic to Culex pipiens larvae he toxicity was traced toThTbisk part ( 232 ) 6 extract *'" Yama g uch i and coworkers VERATRUM VIRIDEAit. American belle - bore, green hellebore. nann^llor/ pseudo j ervine . the predomi¬ nant alkaloids, were toxic to American encroaches.- Seiferie and coworke C “ The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry ind Clausen ( 86 ). y The powdered roots were toxic tomelon- vorms and Hawaiian beet webworms^t not o southern armyworms, qabbage loopers >ean leaf rollers, cross-striped cabbage-’ yorms, and imported cabbageworms. The 'owdered leaves and stems were toxic to nelonworms and Hawaiian beet webworms trin^d S .° K Uthern arra yworms, cross- i rs B C ot geWO /f' and bean leaf oners.-Bottger and Jacobson (36). The powdered roots, but not the leaves nd stems, were toxic to European corn rer larvae. Combined petroleum ether tbyl ether chloroform, and alcohol ex- actives of the roots and of the stems and iow/h WCre nontoxic to house flies but lowed some toxicity to codling moth rvae.--Jacobson (I_08). B exl ! ac , t ° 1 the '°ps “nd roots “ „„l ‘ y t0 ” C *° American cockroaches Uk™2?T ° °' rma " cockroaches and bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). t6d t nt0 016 blood stream » but German cockroaches were unaffected after i m Sum 10 eth m thC 6XtraCt - Alcoho1 and petrS-" leum ether extracts of the leaves were loTtn r blaCk Carpet beetl e larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and a/T 6 ° f / h A e Webbin « Rothes mSS d A edes and Anopheles mosquitoes A chloroform extract was toxic to all these nsects. Alcohol, petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the roots 'w«« ontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). and YUCCA CARNEROSANA (Trel.) McKelvey. YUCCA FAXONIANA (Trel.) Sarg. Pyrophyllite dusts of alcohol extracts of S leaves of these species were nontoxic to armyworms, pea aphids, two-spotted spider mites, and large milkweed bugs - Jacobson (1_08). uugs. YUCCA LOUISIANENSIS Trel. An aqueous extract of the seeds was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs --Heal and coworkers (93J. g 1 and YUCCA SCHIDIGERA Roezl. Synonym- Y mojavensis . Spanish dagger. ' SRATRUM sp. r s °n de » ed r hel if° r , e ac,s as a stomach “ ra pidly loses its toxicity on posure to air.--Castagne ( 42 ). Y 'ROPHYLLUM TENAX (Pursh.) Nutt. TsUohtT^ 3 CXtract of whole plant 1 toxfc to r C t0 American cockroaches toxic t° German cockroaches.- -Heal i coworkers (93). 1 CCA ALOIFOLIA L. 4 exlract °‘ the leaves was y xic to American cockroaches when The powdered leaves were toxic to melon “s’ H a a n W d ailai ? ^ Web — sXZnZ'f cross str^d K e K ry af tiers ’ but not to Jacobson (IhK Cabt>a ^»° r ms. - -Bottger and Both the powdered leaves and an ethvl ether extractive thereof were nontoxic to codling moth larvae. - -Jacobson (J_08). YUCCA TORREYI Shafer. of T//^ Phyllite dUStS ° f alc °hol extracts pea aoMd VeS , Were nontoxic to armyworms, f/ a aphldSa two-spotted spider mites, and ige milkweed bugs.--Jacobson ( 108 ). YUCCA sp. The saponin obtained from an unidentified l/Z/aT WaS n ° ntoxic ^ mosquito larvae and adult house flies.-Jacobson An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 8 eal and 165 ZIGADENUS ANGUSTIFOLIUS S. Wats. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. A petro- feunTether extract was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). ZIGADENUS GLAUCUS Nutt. A chloroform extract of the bulbs was toxic to milkweed bugs and larvae of the black carpet beetle and webbing doth, moth, but not to German cockroaches and Aedes and Anopheles mosquito larvae.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ZIGADENUS PANICULATUS (Nutt.) S. Wats. An aqueous extract of the bulbs and leaves was nontoxic to Germanand American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs, but an extract of the tops and flowers was toxic to milk¬ weed bugs, slightly toxic to Amer ^ n cockroaches, and nontoxic to Germancock¬ roaches. A chloroform extract of the bulbs was toxic to milkweed bugs and larvae of the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aedes mosquito, but nontoxic to German cockroaches and Anopheles mos¬ quito larvae. A petroleum ether extract o the tops and flowers was toxic to milk¬ weed bugs only. A chloroform extract of the tops and flowers was nontoxic to A^des and Anopheles mosquito larvae, ^nd an alcohol extract was nontoxic to ail these insects A chloroform extract of the above ground portion, was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only. -Heal and coworker, (93). ZIGADENUS sp. A petroleum ether extract of the bulbs and lower parts was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs and Umeofth 6 webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mos¬ quito. A chloroform extract was toxic: to milkweed bugs and black carpet beetles only. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to all these insects. --Heal and coworkers (93). LIMNANTHACEAE FLOERKEA PROSERPINACOIDES Willd. LIMNANTHES ALBA Hartw. Aqueous extracts of the whole plant were toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extracts.-- Heal and coworkers (93). LINACEAE LINUM CHAMISSONIS Schiede. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). LINUM USITATISSIMUM L. Flax, linseed. An acetone extract of the seeds was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae. - -Hartzell —Linseed oil was not very promising against San Jose' scale.--Viel (2Ao). LOASACEAE MENTZELIA DECAPETALA (Pursh) Urban & Gilg. An aqueous extract of the upper parts was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). lobellaceae ISOTOMA LONGIFLORA (L.) Presl. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). LOBELIA INFLATA L. Lobelia. Acetone and water extracts of the whole plant were ineffective against mosquito larvae. - -Hartzell (89). . * An aqueous extract of the whole plan was toxic to German c ° ckroaC J' e * to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). LOBELIA SIPHILITICA L. An aqueous extract of the whoU plant was nontoxic to German and America cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). 166 LOBELIA TUPA L. injected into the blood stream, but German Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the affe«ed C after and milkweed b “g* were an- tops were nontoxic to German and American HmI l a * immersion in the extract.-- cockroaches and milkweed bugs * coworke ™ (93). coworkers (93). g 1 and — 7 BUDDLEIA SESSILIFLORA H.B.K. An aqueous extract of the tops was non- toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers loganiaceae ANTONIA OVATA Pohl. „ J be , powde ^ ed leaves, bark, and wood worm 5 ^ t tle ° r n ° toxicit Y to melon- wor m larvae, bean leaf beetle and cotton s ainer adults, and Australian cockroach nymphs.--Plank (174). h A * aqueoas extract of the leaves was ghly toxic to American cockroaches when cock C rofch nt0 *** bl ° 0d Stream ’ but German cockroaches were unaffected after i m - 1116 , extract * Alcohol extracts of stems and leaves and of the roots ru/not mV 40 blaCk Carpet beetle larvae ' 1 n cockroaches, milkweed f th. kk ^ beetles « and larvae >f the webbing clothes moth and Aedes nosquito. Petroleum ether and chT^Jf orm extracts were nontoxic to aU these nsects.--Heal and coworkers (93). iNTONIA OVATA var. PILOSA Progel. The powdered wood was nontoxic to exican bean beetle larvae and only slightly lausen (3^™ la ~ ae .-Hans berry"anS UDDLEIA LINDLEYANA Fortune. The powdered leaves showed little toxicitv id to W h Tm and , Mexican bean beetle larvae 2 9) ‘ bean apbids. - -Lee and Hansberry The powdered leaves were toxic to bean mas.--Chiu and coworkers (48). JDDLEIA MADAGASCARIENSIS Lam. e,t * raCt °‘ * he lea '' e » was ntoxic to German and American cock- aches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and workers (93). s and BUDDLEIA sp. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock- workers <«) miUt » eed ^ga.-Heal and co- CYNOCTONUM MITREOLA (L.) Britton. An .aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches i°K 1C t0 German cockroaches and weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). gelsemium sempervirens (L.) Ait. f. An aqueous extract of the roots was non- ALcohnl !T m K a , nandAmerican cockroaches. Alcohol and chloroform extracts of the roots ^ o e t r f n r X1C t0 black ca rpet beetle larvae, but and p German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and iarvae of the webbing clothes moth and -aees and A nopheles mosquitoes. The pe¬ troleum ether extract was nontoxic to all ese insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). LABORDIA TINIFOLIA A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the stems was toxic m er j Can cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches ere unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). NUXIA VERTICILLATA Lam. fDDLEIA PERFOLIATA H.B.K. wes^JT eX ' raCt ° f ,he branches, , ?• and fleers was nontoxic to German rkt™." cockroaches *"-Heal and co- DDLEIA RACEMOSA Torr. ^to a xTc e m S Am traCt ° f the Wh °‘« P ,a "‘ ° c to American cockroaches when 167 An aqueous extract of the branches and bark was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock- workers ^ > miIkw « d ba gs—Heal and co- POLYPREMUM PROCUMBENS L. 3 l An t f q r° US ext A ract of the whole plant was T 4 ° X1 ^ to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). POTALLA AMARA Aubl. An aqueous extract of the stems was non¬ toxic to German and American roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). SPIGELLA ANTHELMLA L. Some of the plant parts were toxic, as dusts or extracts, to house flies, • larvae, and several species of leaf eatX « larvae. --Sievers and coworkers (197). S PIG ELI A HUMBOLDTLANA Cham. & Schlecht. An aqueous extract of the roots was non- toxic to American cockroaches. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Xnopheles mosquitoes. A chloroform extracTwas - toxic to webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle larvae only.- Heal and coworkers (9_3). SPIGELLA MARILANDICA L. An aqueous extract of the lower parts was very toxic to Amertcan cockroaches when injected into the blood German cockroaches were u “ af£ ®^ ed immersion in the extract. An alcohol ex tract was toxic to webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, con fused flour beetles, and Aed es mosquit larvae A chloroform extract was toxic to webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle larvae and to confused «our beetl ^ blac^ carpet beetle larvae only. A chloro- fnr™ extract of the roots was toxic to con¬ fused flour beetles and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and Aedes mosquito larvae.-Heal and co¬ workers (93 ). STRYCHNOS GUIANENSIS Baill. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to^German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93)“ STRYCHNOS NUX-VOMICA L. An acetone solution of the g^oside loganin, was ineffective against mosquito larvae.—Hartzell (83). An aqueous extract of an unidentified portion was nontoxic to American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). STRYCHNOS sp. A 1-percent solution of the alkaloid brucine, obtained from a species of Struchnos , prevented termiteattack on treated - wood for only one month. - -Wolcott (224). LORANTHACEAE PHORADENDRON FLAVESCENS Nutt. Mistletoe. An acetone extract of the leaves was toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stTe *™‘ but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers ( 93) . PHORADENDRON VILLOSUM Nutt. An aqueous extract of the fruits was nontoxic to German and Anwncw c°ck- roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal ana coworkers (93). PSITTACANTHUS CUNEIFOLIUS Blume. An aqueous extract of a sample of the stems and leaves was toxic to America cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milk weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of another sample of stems and leaves was nontoxic to all these insects.--Healandcoworkers (93). VISCUM VENOSUM DC. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Amen can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--He and coworkers (93). lythraceae AMMANNIA COCC1NEA Rottb. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches iniected into the blood stream, but Ger cockroaches and milkweed bugs werj « affected after immersion in the A petroleum ether extract was toxi 168 larvTe" mHkweedXgs^and sects I™* nontoxic to all these in¬ sects.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). CUPHEA GLUTINOSA Cham. & Schlecht. An aqueous extract of the whole nlant was nontoxic to German a P . Iant cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --H^li^nd coworkers (93). ® neat and DECODON VERTICILLATUS (L.) Ell. An aqueous extract of the whole nlant S , non t°xic to German and American cockroaches dnd milkweed bugs. - -i£tl and coworkers ( 93 ). g neal an d GINORIA AMERICANA Jacq. stems'and ?*”"■ of “>e roots and of the stems and leaves were slightly toxic to Amertcan cockroaches and nontax” ° deaTa a „d‘; 0Ckr0 J Che5 a ” d ™^»eed bugs.- ^eai and coworkers (93). s wee*d 0 bugs t °- G H:r: a a n n d 0 c Ck '' 0a k heS and milk ' & neai and coworkers (93) LYTHRUM LANCEOLATUM Ell. nontL?c U To U German ^l Whol . e plant roaches and milkweed bugs "^eaf 11 7 ^' workers ( 93 ). gs * ~“eal and co- DY THRUM SALIC ARIA L. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larva* to and Clausen ( 86 ). rvae.--Hansberry magnoliaceae ILLICIUM FLORIDANUM Ellis. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and » as slightly toxic to American roach° aCkeS n and nontoxic German cock- roaches and milkweed bugs H*ai j coworkers (93). g ’ and ILUCWM VERUM Hook f. star anise. fElMIA MYRTIFOLIA Cham. & Schlecht. I 6 " 15 a ” d oaches Ch and and , n ° ntoxic to Germa^Yo'ck- uacnes and milkweed bugs H»=,i j oworkers (93). gs ' ~ Heal and AGERSTROEMIA SPECIOSA (L.) Pers. £ aquaoUS . extract of the fruits was -d into'^'broo/rt^^m^rutt 6 ” f C e«e°d C after a im milkWeed ba S* -1 and cow^rkTsTSr “ *-*“•- iWSONXA INERMIS L. Henna. Acetone and water extract* of fi, i re ineffective . extracts of the leaves rtzeU M) * againSt mos quito larvae.-- ^s e and S , eXtracts of the roots and of the • AmeHca n V 'cocT re T”* 0 ™ to fs.--Heal and c roacil es and milkweed , neat and coworkers (93). THRUM ALATUM Pursh. IwyS/trAmV ° f 0,6 » h ° la Plan.was sic to Amertcan cockroaches and An aqueous extract of the nontoxic to German and American c^v® roaches and milkweed bugs - Heal ° C a coworkers (93). g * and o,i Ani dfd l a " d aneth0le ’ obtained from anise PvrethiL lnCrea « the toxicity o 7 a (HI) Spray to h °“« flies.—Kerr L po?£r E . NDRpN ™ UP WERA L. Yellow WoT k :«,TS|,. iS SUSC ' Ptib ‘ e “ termites.-- MAGNOLIA OBOVATA Thunb. an,T at ? ,r SUSpensions of flowers, leaves and stems were all i„-fr * ’ v es, Drosophila hydei larvae but a against o^thil^Tv^f-T^j T ’ but a Sus Pension to these lari? v S Was highl V toxic (233) • --Yamaguchi and coworkers M Burr°o LIA ^ 0 R 0 R 1 C E N S IA Bello. Wo^cottTILs ). 15 SUSCeptibl » *« termites.- MAGNOLIA SPLENDENS Urban. Wolcott *225) ,* S SUSC ' P ‘ lble to termit. 169 MICHEL1A CHAMPACA L. An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs* affected after immersion in the ex * ract ; An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). TALAUMA MEXICANA G. Don. An aqueous extract of the stems and bark was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to aU these insects.-Heal and coworkers (93). malaceae German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). BRYSONIMA CRASSIFOLIA (L.) H. B. K. Synonym: B. cumingana Juss. The plant was nontoxic to house fhes, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf -eating larvae. --Sievers and coworkers (i ¥n aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and Arne:rican c°ck- roaches, and an aqueous extract °i* e bark was nontoxic to these and to rr “ Ut weed bugs. An aqueous extract of the bark was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). BRYSONIMA SPICATA (Cav.) DC. The wood is very resistant to termites.— Wolcott (225). ERIOBOTRYA JAPONICA (Thunb.) Hindi. BR ySONIMA sp. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was nontoxic to SrwogsU larvae, but a suspension of the flowers was highly toxic to these larvae.-Yama guchi and coworkers (£33). malpighiaceae BANISTERLA LEONA Cav. An aqueous extract of the branches was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches m1 ^ weed bugs. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and cMoroform extracts of the branches and leaves were nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of * black carpet beetle, webbing clones moth, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. Heal and coworkers (93). BANISTERIOPSIS CAAPI (Spruce) Morton. The plant was nontoxic to house flies as^«si.3»s.ssx2 11,r= and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). BANISTERIOPSIS INEBRLANS Morton. Aqueous extracts of the branches and leaves and of the stems were nontoxic to An aqueous extract of the branches was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). GALPHIMIA BRASILIENSIS (L.) Juss. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when infected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed ug were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). GALPHIMIA GLAUCA Cav. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to German cockroaches and slightly toxic to American cockroaches. An aqueous extract of the Ranches flowers was nontoxic to ° ^ insects.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). HETEROPTERIS LAURIFOLIA (L.) Juss. An aqueous extract of the branches anc fruits was nontoxic to German and Arne near cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--He coworkers (93). HETEROPTERIS PLATYPTERA var MARTINICENSIS (Niedenzu) Macbr. An aqueous extract of the roots wa slightly toxic to American cockroach 170 and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HETEROPTERIS UMBELLATA St. Hil. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HIPTAGE BENGHALENSIS (L.) Kurz. Aqueous extracts of the stem bark the flowers, and the fruits were all very toxic nto A ^ er M an ^ Cockroaches when Sjected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected ifter immersion in the extracts. Aqueous ;xtracts of the stems and leaves and^f the >ranchlets and leaves were nontoxic to all hese insects. An alcohol extract of the lowers was toxic to black carpet beetle nfll 46 ' n0t t0 German cockroaches, mlkweed bugs, confused flour beetles nH i a 7 ae ° f the webbin g clothes moth nd Aedes mosquito. Alcohol and petro- sum ether extracts of the fruits gave the ame results, while a chloroform extract i the fruits was nontoxic to all these lsects. --Heal and coworkers (93). ialpighia GLABRA L. An aqueous extract of the stems and aves was nontoxic to German and Ameri- m cockroaches.--Healand coworkers (93) ALPIGHIA PUNICIFOLIA L. An aqueous extract of the roots was ntoxic to German and American cock- trar? milkweed bugs. An aqueous sic tn °A the stems and leaves was slightly d C to American cockroaches only.--Heal d coworkers (93). 1 ASCAGNIA LEUCANTHELE Griseb. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and iches ghtly toxic to American cock - Tch an f nontoxic ^ German cock- tract ofl mllkw ' ed bugs - An aqueous the roots was nontoxic to all insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). TRAPTERIS ACUTIFOLIA Cav. J 8 m '° f plant parts were toxic, as vae anH raCt8 ' t0 h ° USe flies ’ m °squito vae’ q d Several s Pecies of leaf-eating ae. --bievers and coworkers (197) MALVACEAE ABUTILON INDICUM (L. Sweet), toxic f n qU r e ° US 6Xtract ° f ‘he roots was non- ini and American cockroaches (Hd.miikweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ABUTILON THEOPHRASTI Gaertn. An aqueous extract of the tops was verv toxic t° American cockroaches when i n 7 lllv ln J° the blood -‘ream. but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un affected after immersion in "the extract An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches only, and an tiiaht] °t fruits and seeds was onl Y anH ghUy f tOX1C t0 America h cockroaches AlcnhT T t0 the ° ther insec ts tested. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the tops were toxic to black carpet beetle miil ae ’ n0t t0 German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and 4edys mosquito. A chloroform extract of the tops was nontoxic to all these insects. -- rieal and coworkers (93). ALTHAEA OFFICINALIS L. Althea. Acetone and water extracts of the roots tort 2 en ( W) t . IVe againS ‘ m ° SquitoUr vae-- CALLIRHOE ALCEOIDES (Michx.) A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic ih* ^M 6r i Ca f C ° Ckroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after tTa?;^ 111 ** ex tract. An aqueous ex- Am Xirl * J° 0tS WaS sli g htl Y toxic to ir“»r° a only—-Heal and co- CALLIRHOE DIGITATA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the above-ground portion was nontoxic to GermanandAmeri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). S 1 CATOSTEMMA COMMUNE Sandw. Baro- malli. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites. --Wolcott ( 225 ). 171 gossypium herbaceum l. An aqueous extract of an unidentified portion of the plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and “ontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.- Heal and coworkers (93). GOSSYPIUM HIRSUTUM L. Cotton. Crude cottonseed oil was equal to or superior to, petroleum oil against oyster - shell scale, Mexican mealybugs, andwiUow scurfy scale. Refined cottonseed oil was less effective.--Cressman and Dawsey (51). Cottonseed oil was not very promising against San Jose scale.--Viel (fl°)- 8 Cottonseed oil emulsified with soa P and soda ash was especially effective against aphids found on citrus trees.--Stepanek and Prien ( 201 ). affeqted after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). MONTEZUMA SPECIOSISS1MA DC. The wood is very resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). NOTOTRICHE sp. An aqueous extract of the roots, stems, and flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the Mood stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). SIDA ACUTA Burm. f. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). HIBISCUS ABELMOSCHUS L. Ambrette. gIDA CORDIFOLIA L. An acetone extract of the seed was toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90) An aqueous extract of the upper parts and fruits was toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extracTof the seeds was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and non.oatc to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs A petroleum ether extract of the seed was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae > but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing Rothes moth and Anopheles mosquito. Alcohol^and chloroform extracts of the seed nontoxic to all these insects and mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). KOSTELETZKYA VIRGINICA (L.) Presl. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to American cockroaches whena- iected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extra * An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (^). MALVASTRUM RUSBYI Britton. An aqueous extract of the tips and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when iniected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- An aqueous extract of the tops, flowers, and fruits was toxic to American cock- roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed g were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the seeds was very toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to the other insects tested.- Heal and coworkers (93). SPHAERALCEA COCCINEA (Nutt.) Rydb. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches. -Heal and coworkers (9_3). THESPESIA POPULNEA (L.) So land. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroach., “nd milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract An aqueousex tract of the roots was nontoxic to all insects.--Heal and coworkers (9^). MARANTACEAE MARANTOCHLOA FLEXUOSA (Benth. Hutch. An aqueous extract of the roots was non toxic to German and American cockroac^ and milkweed bugs.--Heal ana (93). 172 THALIA GENICULATA L. An aqueous extract of the tops was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed Dugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MELIACEAE ^ADIRAChTW INDICA (L.) Juss. Syn- onym. Melia azadirachta . Nim neem tree. ~ tree. mahcgraviaceae MARCGRAVIA sp. An aqueous extract of the roots was non- oxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers martyniaceae MARTYNIA LOUISIANICA Mill, unicorn plant, ram’s horn. St6mS were toxic to melon- bu ‘ not to southern armyworms and la cob son (£)!' Webworms ’^-^ger and P The P° wde red stems were nontoxic to -uropean corn borer larvae. Combined etroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, Lnd alcohol extractives of the seeds and ods and of the stems were all nontoxic f use flles > b ut the combined extracts the stems showed some toxicity to codling loth larvae.--Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the whole plant ith fruits was toxic to American cock- oaches when injected into the blood stream Germa ° cockroaches and milkweed bugs ere unaffected after immersion in the xtract.--Heal and coworkers (93). melastomataceae ISSOTIS ROTUNDIFOLIA Triana. a fto a xrr s A extract ° f the wh ° ie p^t S tox lc to American cockroaches when ckroarj, a bl ° 0d stream « but German fecUd af? 3 milkweed bugs were un- ®f * d , after emersion in the extract. -- -ai and coworkers (93). OURIRIA MARSHALLII B. Davy & Sandw. ahti aq , UeOUS extract o{ ^e stem bark was atoxic to'r t0 merican c °ckroaches and ed h G * rman cockroaches and milk- ugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). BECKIA CRINITA Benth. snWmTn k 7°' 5 showed Iittle toxici ‘y 1 bean IThtr M f xlcan bean beetle larvae phids. — Lee and Hansberry ( 129 ). pe” :r,mr tec,s lives,ock An aqueous extract of the branchlets and roa V c e h S es Wa a S nd §ht 1 ^ t0 American cock nontoxic to German cock- wo a rk h e e r S s ^ b “«“-^ a » d - CARAPA GRANDIFLORA Sprague. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the America^ W£ T nontoxic to German and bu^s i1al COC 1 r ° aCheS and mi lkweed Dugs.—Heal and coworkers (93). CARAPA GUIANENSIS Aubl. The powdered leaves, petioles, bark, and wood each showed little or no toxicity to severai species of insects.--Plank (173) The powdered seeds with petioles'^ the powdered roots each showed little or r e ° af t0 - C H ty melonworna larvae, bean b ® Gtle and cotton stainer adults, and Australian cockroach nymphs. The pow- eVcZ J LeaV ; S 1 *. petioles « bark, and wood each showed little or no toxicity to melon- moth 1 ! faU a ^ myWOrm - and diamondback moth larvae, Diabrotica bivittata and cotton s ainer adults, and American cockroach nymphs.--Plank ( 174 ). An aqueous extract of the fruits was very toxic to American cockroaches when in- iocl ed lnt u° thC bl °° d stream . but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract An aqueous extract of the bark was non- oxic to both species of cockroaches. Alco¬ hol and petroleum ether extracts of the fruits were toxic to black carpet beetle mflk ae ’ H bU K n0t t0 German cockroaches milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophelef mosquitoes. A chloroform extr£FT^f~th^ fruits was nontoxic to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, and Aedes mosquito lar¬ vae.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). CARAPA NICARAGUENSIS C. DC. WoTco„T|||). iS SUSCeptible to 173 CARAPA PROCERA DC. Andiroba, crab- wood. The seed oil is reported to be an in¬ secticide and an activator for rotenone. A sample of the oil from South America was neither a repellent nor a synergist with pyrethrins or rotenone. - -Jacobson ( 108 ). CEDRELA ODORATA L. Spanish cedar. The wood is resistant to termites.-- W0 An 0t aq^us extract of the leaves was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were u affected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to German cockroaches, slightly toxic American cockroaches, and nontox milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CEDRELA sp. An aqueous extract of a sample of the bark was toxic to American cockro ^® but not to German cockroaches and milk weed bugs. An aqueous extract of * sample of bark was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). EKEBERGLA RUEPELLLANA A. Rich. Aqueous extracts of the branchlets; and of the roots were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and ™ llk ^**? bugs. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs t U affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). GUAREA RUSBYI (Britton) Rusby. Co- cillana. An acetone extract of the bark was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.--Hart- zell (90). GUAREA TRICHILIOIDES L. Alligator- wood. The wood is resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). , An aqueous extract of the toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bug- "ere affected after immersion in the extrac. An aqueous extract of the roots was slight¬ ly toxic to American cockroaches jnd m- toxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). GUAREA sp. An aqueous extract of the -terns and roots was toxic to German cockroaches and slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). KHAYA IVORENSIS. African mahogany. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott (225). MELLA AZEDARACH L. Chinaberry, Indian lilac. The plant is repellent to grasshoppers and locusts. The extract obtained by soaking 150 grams of fresh leaves or 50 grama.of dried leaves (or fruit, green or dry) m one liter of water for 24 hours was repellent but nontoxic to Acridida e. - - Anonymous (jjj. The powdered bark and powdered stems had no effect on bean aphids.--Chiu and c "h fusions of and leave, repelled adults and nymphs of the grass hopper Schistocera cancellata when sprayed on coffee and cabbage plants tory conditions.--LePage and coworkers ( ^The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites. --Wolcott (225). as .. The leaves and fruit are use secticides in the Philippines.--Quisumbing (L Pvrax dusts of extracts of the bark and of the leaves, and also of crystals isolated from the leaves, were all noT *°™ C ° J ni worms, pea aphids, celery leaf tiers, ^ two-spotted spider mites. --Bottge Jacobson (36). t __i C tc The powdered fruit was slightly-toxicjc ^c a rbtrfT. t s\id th onirs^«v ( -; to codling moth larvae. --Jacobson An aqueous extract of thntox^c U ?° US r eXtraCt ° f the stem bark w as ”‘u* 1C to German and American cock- aches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and •workers (93). ® 1 and RICHILIA HAVANENSIS Jacq. An aqueous extract of the stem bark *° X1C to American cockroaches when ckroach ° th !. bl ° 0d Stream > but German ecSd aft 3 milkweed b ngs were un- ected after immersion in the extract.-- ai and coworkers (93). ICHILIA HIRTA L. tes a wa e s T eXt / a ^ ° f the bran chlets and was toxic to American cockroaches. 1 aqueous extract of the branchlets and roant S WaS !, llghtly to *ic to American cock - roaches and nontoxic to German cock- workers fg } “ ilk "~ d b ugs.-Heal and co- menispermaceae ABUTA OBOVATA Diels. s uthn aqU ^° US extract o{ ‘be stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.-- xieal and coworkers (93). ABUTA RUFESCENS Aubl. An aqueous extract of the roots and stems was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). * and ABUTA sp. An aqueous extract of the fruits was nontoxic to German and American cock- 175 roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ANAMIRTA COCCULUS (L.) Wight & Arn. Synonym: Cocculus indicus. Fishberry. Picrotoxin, isolated from fishberries, showed little or no toxicity to green peach aphids, adults and fourth instar larvae of the Mexican bean beetle, adult American cockroaches, and house flies. It showed some toxicity to second instar larvae of the Mexican bean beetle.--McGovran and coworkers (144). Acetone and water extracts of the berries were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). . .. • The plant is used as an insecticide the Philippines.--Quisumbing (JJ79). The powdered berries and petroleum ether and alcohol extracts thereof were all nontoxic to armyworms, pea aphids, celery leaf tiers, and two-spotted spider mites.--Bottger and Jacobson (3b). The powdered berries were nontoxic to European corn borer larvae. Petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the berries were all non¬ toxic to house flies. The petroleum ether extractive was ineffective against chiggers, lone star ticks, dog and cat fleas, mosquito larvae, corn borers, body lice, and as a mosquito repellent, but it was somewhat effective as a body louse ovicide. - -Jacobson aqueous extract of the seeds and stems was very toxic to German and American cockroaches. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the seed were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosqui¬ toes.--Heal and coworkers (93). ANOMOSPERMUM SCHOMBURGKH Miers. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloro¬ form extracts of the fruits were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and farvTe of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. --Heal and coworkers (93). BURASAIA MADAGASCARIENSIS DC. An aqueous extract of the wood chips was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (9_3). CALYCOCARPUM LYONH (Pursh.) A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the fruits was non- toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CISSAMPLOS PAREIRA L. An aqueous extract of the roots was slight¬ ly toxic to American cockroaches and non¬ toxic to German cockroaches. - -Heal and coworkers (93). COCCULUS CARO LINUS (L.) DC. Synonym: Epibaterium carolinum . Carolina moon- seed, coral beads. The powdered leaves, stems, and roots were all nontoxic to melonworms, southern armyworms, and southern beet web- worms .--Bottger and Jacobson (36). The powdered leaves, stems, and roots were all nontoxic to European corn borer larvae. The powdered fruits were nontoxic to body lice. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol ex¬ tracts of the leaves, the stems, and the roots were all nontoxic to house flies but somewhat toxic to codling moth larvae.-- Jacobson ( 108 ). , An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous ex¬ tract of the fruits was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A petroleum ether extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to milkweed bug* *nd black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mos¬ quito. A chloroform extract of the stem and leaves was toxic to black carpet beeUe larvae only, while an alcohol extrac was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal coworkers (93). COCCULUS TRILOBUS DC. Water suspensions oi the leaves and roots and of the roots alone were highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae * suspensio of the seeds was less toxic to the larvae. Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). JATEORRHIZA PALMATA (Lam.) Miers. Colombo. An acetone extract of the rootS effective against mosquito larvae. - -Hartze (90). 176 An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic the^lo^? COCkl ? aches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract. --Heal and coworkers (93). menispermum CANADENSE L. non^cTr'”' 30 ' ° f root ^ ra g m ents was nontoxic to German and American cock- extracVof th ™ ilkweed bu g s * An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to American cockroaches only—Heal and coworkers PACHYGONE OVATA Miers. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves rofches ^ as . Ver y toxic American cock-’ roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed hues’ :«/ac« Una H\ C , ted / fter t X tract.--Heal and coworkers (93). STEPHANIA HERNANDIFOLIA Walp. Aqueous 6Xtracts of the leaves and of t e stems were toxic to German cock roaches but not to American cockroaches — Heal and coworkers (93). TRICLISIA SACLEUXII Diels. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the fruits were nontoxic to German andAmeri can cockroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal and coworkers (93). ® Heal MIMOSACEAE ^LBIZZIA FALCATA (L.) Baker. ^LBIZZIA JULIBRISSIN Durazy. Jsq'uigTrv« re a"d nt r iC hOUSe flies ' eaf 7 ’ and several species of [£ 7) « larvae—Sievers and coworkers 1LBIZZIA LEBBECK (L.) Benth. usHr r rU n"' ,oidc ’ aa irvae and *s, to house flies, mosquito 8evera l species of leaf-eatino • Sievers and coworkers ( 197 j LBIZZU PROCERA (Roxb.) Benth. 'white lysil°ma LATISILIQUA (L.) labernau. Benth. resistant to termites.-. The wood is Wolcott ( 226 ). A m MONIMIACEAE Sas E s R ^ra P s ERMA MOSCHA ™M LabiU. mo? q nite S e S s en but not To* ZSFSu? ^gifissinia.—McCulloch and Wat'erT^fi in ess . e ? tialoil was moderately effective in synergizing pyrethrins in tests a «xaW house flies. --Kerr (H 4 ). against DORYPHORA SASSAFRAS Endl. Sassafras. and Waterhouse (142). nmes --McCulloch The essential oil was a vo „„. ec x. flies r of toe” 1 ' 1 ' Ryrethrins agains't house il^-pinene'and eugenoilhowedwe^syn ’ LA tT UA SEMPER VIRENS,<.n in iected into the blood stream, roaches when injected in milkweed but German cockroaches and bugs were unaffected after ®me»wn in extract. An aqueous extract of the ?oo« ' wL nontoxic to all these insects.- Heal and coworkers (93). moraceae ARTOCARPUS COMMUNIS Forst. Syn¬ onym: A. incisa . Breadfruit tree. The wood is very susceptible to ter- “r a' q 'u?ous 0 ex ( tlrcl-o£ the branchlets and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injectedinto the blood stream^ but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the branchlets and leaves were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, mikweed bugs confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and m^squito^ An alcohol extract was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARTOCARPUS INTEGRA (Thunb.) Merr. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A oetroleum ether extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bug®, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and mosquito. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to all these insects.ats 'well as to Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). BROSIMOPSIS AMPLIFOLIA Ducke. An aqueous extract of the bark highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. A petroleum ether ex¬ tract was toxic to black carpetbeefle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mosquito. Alcohol a chloroform extraxts were nontoxic to these insects as well as to mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93>* BROSIMOPSIS sp. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). BROSIMUM PARAENSE Huber. Cardinal- wood. The wood is very resistant to termites — Wolcott (225). CARDIOGYNE AFR1CANA Bureau. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches and^ milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CECROPIA ADENOPUS Mart. An aqueous extract of the leaveswas non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CECROPIA MEXICANA Hemsl. The ashes of this plant are used as a stomach poison for cottonleaf armyworms in El Salvador. --Wellman and van Severen ( 221 ). CECROPIA PALMATA Willd. Aqueous extracts o£ the bark showed some toxicity to German and A™"’' 1 cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CECROPIA PELTATA L. Aqueous extracts of the leaves the bark and the roots were all toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk weed bugs were unaffected afterimmersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). CECROPIA sp. Imbauba. A 20-percent talc dust o£ the combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the leave nontoxic to cabbage loopers, and southern armyworms.--Bottge Jacobson (36). , • .>. ie It is claimed that food wrapped v n th leaves of this plant by the natives of Bra* is not attacked by insects. The powdered leaves showed some repellency . icUy to ants and German cockroaches. Combined petroleum ether, ethy ( chloroform, and alcohol extracttves of the 178 leaves were nontoxic to house flies cod P-n^rn 5 ^ 10 ^ 3 la — ’ -d Euro.' pean corn borer larvae.--Jacobson (1J28). CH «. L Hook PH ° RA EXCELSA ><>le larvae—Hartaell (82 1 ) V * against mosquito southern^ a'rmyworms^and T* t0 * ia not to striped blis.rr b«.le™ e -!B!:. 0 , rmS ^ Jacobson (36). ’ °ttger and The powdered leaves were in^ff against European corn borer larvaeTd Mexican bean beetles Oomif- j and ether, ethyl ether oMn f Petroleum extractives of the” 1 r ° orm ’ and alcohol house flies 1'5 leaVes Were nontoxic to Jacobson ,^8 and C ° dIlng moth >•««.„ MACLURA POMIFERA (Raf > Osage orange. * chneid. The roots, wood, and bark n f «,■ i repel insects.--Aries ( 28 ) h plant attack* b)! 6 the* S West C I*^ 7 ™™' fr °"> mite-Wolcott %£} Ind ‘ an dr ^°° d *«- bark p e o" 0 s : s sed m s e o n m t *° U,ed . £rom tha but did ® ed some insecticidal activity Wolfrom and cow”k!r! ( 229 ^ r ° lenon ' ! -- leaves^nto^!' Ser^an^ ^ can cockroaches - He„l „ d ^'n- S. Heal and coworkers (93). MAILLARDIA BORBONICA Ducke. leaves and oMhe* roots'to^ic"?^ a " d bhDodStream C but o'*” ^ ^ £.' milkweed ^ leum ether ‘“f to black earn ♦ K tbe roots were toxic u oiacK carpet beetle larvae but * webbing clothes nwfc j d A larvae of the A chlo g rofo°rt eS £&?**£* zss? j° th ? *r b rr ts - German and a ** Was nontoxic to milkweed bugs ^Heal*" , COckr °aches and Dugs. —Heal and coworkers (93). MYRIANTHUS ARBORUS Beauv. toxt to qU Ge 0 rma e „ ,t a„ a d Ct A 0f ' he was and milkweed bug” -^! a T; n d C ° Ckr0aCheS (93). g "Heal and coworkers 179 TROPHIS RACEMOSA (L.) Urban. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MORINGACEAE MORINGA OLEIFERA Lam. Aqueous extracts of the seeds and of the stem bark were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to the other two species of insects tested.-Heal and coworkers (93). MUSACEAE HEL1CONIA BIHAI L. Plantain, oja de fopocho. It has been claimed that food wrapped in the leaves of this plant is not attacked by insects. In laboratory tests, the leaves did not protect sugar from ants or flies an they were only slightly repellent to cock¬ roaches. A petroleum ether extractive and the combined ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the leaves showed no repellency to ants, cockroaches, Aed^ s and Anopheles mosquitoes, and confused flour beetles 7~The combined extractives were neither repellent nor toxic to black carpet beetle larvae.--Jacobson (1_08). MUSA SAPIENTUM var. PARADISAIC A L. Banana. Banana leaves showed no repellency to ants and only slight repellency to German cockroaches .--Jacobson (108). MYOPORACEAE BONTIA DAPHNOIDES. Some of the plant parts were toxic, as dusts or extracts, to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (197). An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves showed little or no toxicity to Ger¬ man and American cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). EREMOPHILA MACULATA F. Muell. An aqueous extract of the stem bark and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the ex¬ tract.--Heal and coworkers (93). EREMOPHILA MITC HE LLIBenth. Sandal- box. The essential oil did not repel Aed es mosquitoes or Australian sheep blowflies.-- McCulloch and Waterhouse (142). The essential oil did not repel Australian sheep blowflies. --Waterhouse (220). The essential oil obtained from the wood was an effective synergist with pyrethnns against house flies, although nontoxic of itself.--Kerr (U4). MYOPORUM DESERTI A. Cunn. Aqueous extracts of the branches and leaves and of the stem bark were slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MYRICACEAE COMPTONIA PEREGRINA (L.)Coult. Syn¬ onym: Myrica asplenifolia . Sweet fern. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves and stems were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). An acetone extract of the whole plant was ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hart- ZC An ^aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches .--Heal and coworkers (?3). MYRICA CERIFERA L. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches. An alcohol extract n ° n *° xlC *5 German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the black carpet beetle, w ebbing clothes moth, and Aede_s mosquito.-Heal and coworkers (93)* MYRICA GALE L. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was very toxic to German an ican cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93)* 180 Schlecht. & MYRICA SALICIFOLIA Hochst. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic COckroaches when injected into * h „ e H blo .° d but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after XSers(«)." * he eXtraCt — He al and co- M YRIS TICACEAE DIALYANTHERA OTOBA (H. B. K.) Warb. Aqueous extracts of the fruits were toxic to German and American cockroaches but —'f tomilkweedb ugs. Aqueous extracts of the fat were toxic to all these insects to£c t 6 h? t ther extract of the fruits was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but “ \ to cock roaches, milkweed bugs and webbing clothes moth larvae -HealaL’ coworkers (93). e --Healand MYRISTICA FRAGRANS Houtt. Nutmeg. An aqueous extract of nutmegs was toxic th p A h? er i Can cockroa ches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after workers l (?3) 6Xtract —Heal and co- Myristicin, obtained from nutmeg oil ard" d vr^eth nc reased the toxicity of a stand-* (ll4) hrUm Spray t0 h ° USe f Hcs.--Kerr 10 T ne r * SS f ntial 0il ° f the leaves gave about grandiflorLl ^ u* Agathi ^ Sesb ania i£^llor^) aphids, but afforded little or control of other insects. --Khan and Krishnaswamy (115). MYRSINACEAE ^EGICERAS CORNICULATUM (L.) Blanco. o Wr Ue ° US ex J ract of the leaves was toxic he^ cockr °aches when injected into *ere un^ \ e T'< hnt German cockroaches ract Heal lmmersi °n in the ex- • -Heal and coworkers (93). lRD ISIA CRISPA (Thunb ) ~A nr DIELSH. 1 D,) A * Dc * var. ardisia escallonioides Cham. An aqueous extract of the roots was very into^"“^cockroaches wheninjectS roache* a H -,t tream ’ but German cock- roaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected extract ?f er t S h l e° n 1 " thC extract ‘ An aqueous , tbe stems was nontoxic to all of the i nSeCtS * A P etrole um ether extract of the stems was toxic to black carpet beetle la ry a e, but not to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles and Clb * h « ■"<*>> l«vae. Alcohol Jnd chloroform extracts of the stems were nontoxic to all these insects and to Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ARDISIA GUADALUPENSIS Duchas s. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the Can V o S Z CTe * ontoxic to German and Ameri- n cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARDISIA GUIANENSIS (Aubl.) M ez. to A Am2rf° US 6Xt f aCt ° f the roots was toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic t( German cockroaches and milkweed bugs -• Heal and coworkers (93). g ARDISIA HUMILIS Vahl. sliohtl aqaeo y is extract of the roots was lightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontQxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. —Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ARDISIA OBOVATA Blume. extracts of the roots and of the stem bark were toxic to American cock- mUkwe.Hh n0t to „ German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ARDISIA PICARDAE Urban. «io e t ro °* showed considerable had no ef/ecTo^h Ia "M. but Uorofor^ 16 ? bean aphlds< Alcohol and ilk worm larvaTa^dT ^ ineffect ive against ansbeSy (fg) e . *** ^ a P hid s.-Leeand Aqueous extracts of the roots and of th stem bark were very toxic to America cockrojiches and nontoxic to German cock extract milk weed bugs. An alcohc ^ o aC ° f the s tem bark was toxic to web bing clothes moth and black carpet beetk larvae, but not to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, and Anopheles f'^oleum ether~and chloroforn Lrf A f e nontoxic to all these insects nd to Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal ant coworkers (93). eaI anc 181 ARDISIA POPAYANENSIS Mez. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and Americancockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ARDISIA REVOLUTA H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). BADULA BORBONICA A. DC. An aqueous extract of the bark was non- toxic to German and Americancockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CONOMORPHA MAGNOLIIFOLIA Mez. An aqueous extract of the bark was highly toxic to Americancockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cock¬ roaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. A chloroform extract was non¬ toxic to all these insects .--Heal and co- wo rkers (93). CONOMORPHA PERUVIANA A. DC. var. ROSTRATA. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the roots were toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. Alcohol extracts of the bark and of the roots were both toxic to webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and Aede s and Anopheles mosquito larvae. Petroleum ether extract s~were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only. A chloroform extract of the bark was toxic to webbing clothes moth larvae only, while a chloroform extract of the roots was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only.--Heal and coworkers 193). CONOMORPHA sp. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches, but non¬ toxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only. Petroleum ether and chloroform ex¬ tracts of the bark were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. An alcohol extract of the bark was nontoxic to all these insects and to Anopheles mos¬ quito larvae. An alcohol extract of the roots was toxic to larvae of the webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle only. Petro¬ leum ether and chloroform extracts of the roots were toxic to black carpet bee e larvae only.--Heal and coworkers (9_3). CYBIANTHUS BROWNII Gleason. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaf¬ fected after immersion in the extract. Al¬ cohol and petroleum ether extracts of the roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Ano pb e j i| mosquitoes. A chloroform extract of the roots was nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and Aedes mosquito lar¬ vae.--Heal and coworkers (93). CYBIANTHUS sp. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic to American cockroaches but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93)* EMBELIA KILIMANDSCHARICA Gilg. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs w ere ^ affected after immersion in the extrac . alcohol extract of the stem bark was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth a Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. Petro ^ ether and chloroform extracts o£ f were toxic to black carpet beetle larva only, while alcohol and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to all these insects.-Hea and coworkers (9.3) • GEISSANTHUS ANDINUS Mez. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into 182 Sfd St T™’ but Ge ™=>n cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after wTkers '°°J) ' he extract Heal and co- MAESA C HIS IA D. Don. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the roots were both toxic to American cock! b!t aC Ger en ln J ected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs ^ ' maffected after immersion in the erfracts . An aqueous extract of the branch- insects H^r n ° ntoxic to a H these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). MAESA DENTICULATA Mez. Patipat. An acetone extract of the bark was inef ( 108 K e agamSt mosquito larvae.--Jacobs on MAESA INDICA Wall. a n^ q ^v US v eXtracts of the ste ms and leaves very° t^c b rr; leav es, and bark were non[ox\c tn r American cockroaches but weed h,? ? erman cockroaches and milk- brancMets* 1 Petr ° leum extract of the larvae 2 tT**; and bark was toxic to bi„I *1 1 black car P et beetle and web- g clothes moth, but not to German cock ^onh“U milkW ‘ !ed bugS> and Aed « and ^,° pbe . 1 ^ mos quito larvae. AkShSl and chloroform extracts were toxic to black afcoho'l and ? nly ’ Pe,roI '™«her b branches and Cbloroform extracts of the carpet beetlf ! aVx1c tn r eOUS extract of the roots was non- nd milkwaTd^bugt -^e^T 01 " 03 " 11 ' 5 } 3 ). ° s " kleal and coworkers BRONIA TURBINATA Torr. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxir ./blood"st^earn Tt beS when in J ected into id milkweed b,; o cockr ° a ches unersiTTn th^LtTact U ™ ffected ^er act of the a hn tract - A n aqueous ex- "toxic to alf th*' gr ° Und portions »as workers (93) “ ‘"sects.-Heal and I°nd A ^atdL AULIS ERlOS °LENUS (A. Gray) 7nT 8 “S™ cockroach rnilkweed°bug8SeSTd C ° ckroaches a *d S • Heal and coworkers (93). AN S^dL AULIS LEIOS °LENUS (Torr.) -lionia incarnata l. Toxic 0 to A X ‘ raC i t ° f the » h °l" Plan, was ected into the b t ri< % an cockroache s when broaches and S but Germ an ted after xml? bugS Were unaf ~ leum ether => J ut° n ln the extra ct. Pe- ic to webbi i u° f ° rmextractswer e Pet beetle Cloth ® s moth and black broaches , but n0t to ^ erma n ’ milkw eed bugs, and confused highly t2xi e c°^ r CXtraCt ° f thC leaves was roachel Petro?e rmar l l and Ameri <=ancock- 2 £?'Jr °S Aed^ l s ,he . ( Mb “"* clothes mitt'w nontoxic to’al^’these inserts t^Heal W< “d coworkers ( 93 ). * hteal and BOERHAAVIA COCCINEA Mill. boerhaavia erecta l. Aqueous extracts of the whole plant of Xm e G '~„d bu gs —^Heal*and^owo^kers (£f. COMMICARPOS SCANDENS (L.) standi. extract of the stems was aid nontox*c° m° _ Amerlca “ cockroaches Hea, and cWoriers (||5r . . mirabilis jalapa l. An aqueous extract of the whole rtlay,* was nontoxic to German and A cowo^rs^V^ milkWCed bu 8 s *~“Heal Jnd An aqueous extract of the whole TcT/k non * oxic to German and American c C o°w k o r r 0 k a er h s'(V 3 ). d '**"*££ T SU R ndl BIA DOM tNGENSIS (Heimerl.) to £ t a n q r e ° US extract of the roots was non- and milkweTd an bugs d "°ckroache. ( 93 ). u 8 8, ~ He al and coworkers 187 TORRUBIA LONGIFOLIA (Heimerl.) Brit¬ ton. An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). NYMPHAEACEAE BRASEN1A SCHREBER1 Gmel. CABOMBA CAROLINIAN A A. Gray. Aqueous extracts of the whole plant were slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). NELUMBO LUTEA (Willd.) Pers. An aqueous extract of the stems and roots was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co- workers (93). NUPHAR ADVEN (Ait.) Ait. f. An aqueous extract of the roots and underground stems was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93)• NYMPHAEA ODORATA Ait. Synonym: Gastalia odorata . An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). NYMPHAEA TUBEROSA Paine. Synonym: Gastalia tuberosa . An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to German cockroaches, but not to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). OCHNACEAE BRACKENRIDGEA ZANGUEBARICA Oliv. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CESPEDESIA AMAZONICA Huber. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was nontoxic to German and American cock- roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). WALLACE A INS IGNIS Spruce. The powdered bark was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae and only slightly toxic to silkworm larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86). OCTOKNEMATACEAE OCTOKNEMA BOREALIS Hutch. & Dalz. Aqueous extracts of the branches and leaves and of the roots were each nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). OLACACEAE MINQUARTIS GUIANENSIS Aubl. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). SCHOEPFIA SCHREBERI J. F. Gmel. Aqueous extracts of the branches and leaves, and of the roots were both toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts.--Heal and co¬ workers (9J). XIMENIA AMERICANA L. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches. An aqueous extract of the fruits was nontoxic to these insects and to milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). OLEACEAE FORESTIERA NEOMEXICANA A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the fruits was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and [milk weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). FRAXINUS AMERICANA L. Fraxinus. An acetone extract of the whole plant was ineffective against mosquito larvae.- Hartzell (90)• FRAXINUS NIGRA Marsh. Black ash. An acetone extract of the bark was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.- Hartzell (90). 188 FRAXINUS QUADRANGULATA Michx. toxl? a , q o Ue0 r S extract ° f the bark non. roaches ° ^ Am«ican cock- roacnes.—Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). JASMINUM MAURITIANUM Boj. coworkers (93). ct.--Heal and LIGUSTRUM OBTUSIFOLIUM Sieb. & Zucc. A water suspension of the leaves vie m - S -Y WaS tOXiC t0 ^osoPhila j ar ? amaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). LINOCIERA DOMINGENSIS (Lam.) Knobl. Wok h ot«TlM). iS SUCeptibIe to ‘crmites... OLEA CUNNINGHAMII Hook f. Isodlivil, obtained from wood of this n1a«rV J th reSln and rethrins in tests against housemVs^-KeJr SYRINGA VULGARIS L. to £ f aqU ' ous extract of the leaves wa> jected rn.o A X r 'M a o n o d CO s^e r r h r u t W C hen ‘" : ( 93 ) rieax and coworkers ONAGRACEAE CIRCAEA LATIFOLIA Hill. An aqueous extract of the 1 and milkweed bugs.-Hea^nd GAURA COCCINEA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole nla^t coworkers ( 93 ). ° ’ Hea ’ and JShtANTBUS AMERICANA (L.) Benth. ST oxic to qU A OUS . extract of the fruits was ffected aftPT- • milkl f ee d bugs were un- , , j * er lm mersion in the extrart teal and coworkers (93). act.-- TEGANTHUS WELWITSCHII Knobl. li^tly q t U o < Sc S trA raCt ° f * he Stem »*■* Mtoxic ,0 r.° Amer,ca '> cockroaches and eed bugs.-?H e ™ a a n nd° ^ eS ?" d milk - s neai and coworkers ( 93 ). fRINGA OB LATA Lindl. t A 'a C c°t h 8 0 l ;; h r° f rT’ and P etr °lcnm ether be°e f „e ,h !a^ a n e IT n^o 'g e«le°. aC ^- bu 8 s * confused flour nth a'nd Aed a . r . Vae ° f ' he Webbi "S clothes 'rker, mosquito.-Heal and co. 189 GAURA SINUATA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the stems leave* cockro 0 a°che WaS d " ght ' y to * ic to American roachej and -!l 0nt0Xic ‘° G " l ”“ cock- coworkerste) bUgS - H «l end JUSSIAEA CALIFORNIO A Jepson. An aqueous extract of the whole nhnt 5£^.^str~^-« S£f « f-^fmetirln^e nea i and coworkers (93). ludwigia alternifolia L. An aqueous extract of the stems eaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri and co C w„ r r °kers e (M) d m ‘ IkWeed b »**-»'* ludwigia palustris (L.) Ell. non, n ox aqUe t°o U Ger'^n* ^ Was roaches and m 3“£ coworkers ( 93 ). ® * H eal and OENOTHERA BIENNIS L. An aqueous extract of the whole rtio «- Tnd S n lig f ht ^ tOXiG t0 Amer ic a n cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93) ZAUSCHNERIA CALIFORNIO A Presl. An aqueous extract of the tops and leaves was nontoxic to German and Americ an cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co- workers (93)* ORCHIDACEAE BLETIA PATULA Hook. An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). BLETIA PURPUREA (Lam.) DC. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). DENDROBIUM sp. The powdered stems had little toxicity to silkworm and Mexican bean beetle larvae, and bean aphids.--Lee and Hans berry (^2). The powdered stems were nontoxic to bean aphids.--Chiu and coworkers (48). GOODYERA PUBESCENS (L.) R. Br. Syn¬ onym: Peramium pubescens . An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (21). LIPARIS LILIIFOLIA (L.) Richard. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). VANILLA sp. An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). OROBANCHACEAE BOSCHNIAKIA GLABRA C. A. Mey. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CISTANCHE PHELIPAEA (Gueldenst.) Cout. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.—Heal and coworkers (93) CONOPHOLIS AMERICANA (L.) Wallr. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. — Heal and coworkers (93). OXALIDACEAE OXALIS AMARA A. St. Hil. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaf¬ fected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). OXALIS CORNICULATA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (23). OXALIS EUROPAEA f. CYMOSA. (Small) Wieg. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches .--Heal and coworkers (93)* PANDANACEAE PANDANUS sp. An aqueous extract of the aerial roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extrac . Heal and coworkers (93). PAPAVERACEAE ARGEMONE ALBA Lestib. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic toAmericancocK 190 roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ ed-? w milkweed b ”gs. An alcohol extract was nontoxic to German cock- b5 5 a a r C k heS ’ mi A Weed bu 8 s * and larvae of the aid Aed .7 webbin 8 clothes moth, ami Aedes—Heal and coworkers argemone mexicana l. a f que ° us extract of the seeds was very ° Americ an cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German a?f C e k c^d Ch aft S er and b ^ S ™ anected after immersion in the extract An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and sects X1C Heal ° ther tW ° s P ecies of in¬ sects.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ).- ARGEMONE PLATYCERAS Link & Otto. An aqueous extract of the stems was roaches ‘Lal'T *** American 'ock- acbes.--Heal and coworkers (93). B °M C ? NIA CORDATA Willd. Synonym* Macleva cordate y ym - The powdered stems showed little toxicity ,ae and b'JT and . “ exican bean beetle lar- r iV) aphids.-Lee and Hansberry he W ieaves USP T i0 . nS ° f r °° ts and of gainst Dm n-, Ste f S Were infective g . — ros °Phila hvdpi larvae but a uapenston-SrlST^r-ajone wa ' s highly workers 'a^e.-Yamaguchl andlj oik m C r!T e eXtract ,he 'caves was 'aa tricS !2 S L iF 1£!15 larVae - The ‘°*icity f the extract »ater-in S ol„ble portion 232 ). * ama g u chi and coworkers Sk^ «o e Sf t a hese 0f i„ t s h e e ct r s 00t He W a e i re a b d° th n ° n, °* i<: cts ‘ _Hea l and coworkers CALIFORNIO A v a r. OCCONIA S p. ontoxi a c qU ,o° r e ’ ttraCt °‘ ,he b a>-k was caches crtrian and American cock- s. -Heal and coworkers (93). ESC HSC HOLT ZIA CROCEA Jepson. An aqueous extract of the whole nlanf was nontoxic to German and teHca cockroaches.-Heal and coworkers (93) PAPAVER S p. Poppy. An acetone extract of the flowers and terns was toxic to mosquito larvae but a extract of Dutch poppy seeds was toxic to larvae, but a water extract was ineffective. —Hartzell (89). ROMNEYA COULTERI Harv. An aqueous extract of the stems ari d leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ® ea * SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS L. An aqueous extract of the roots was ontoxic to American cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). Heal PASSIFLORACEAE passiflora caerulea l. an^7^ S 6Xtracts of tb e stems and leaves and A the - roots were nontoxic to German bul % HeT n H C0Ckr0aCheS and m ilkweed ugs.—Heal and coworkers (93). PASSIFLORA INCARNATA L. An aqueous extract of the whole Dlant H«laid OXiC ‘l Am f i f a '' cockroaches... meal and coworkers (93). HELIDONIUM MAJUS L. Celandine. PASSIFLORA QUADRANGULARIS L. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves (?r ve against -NDROMECON RIGIDUM Benth. ^esTa e s°sL e h X ‘ 1 ra f Ct ° f ,he bran chlets and sll g htl Y toxic to Americancock- An aqueous extract of the leaves was verv jic^d i°nt^“h eri M " a COCkr ° aChes whan in- jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- a fected after immersion in the extract An aqueous extract of the roots was nSnLi . . th s P ec ics of cockroaches. Alcohol petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the leaves were toxic to black carpet 191 beetle larvae, but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and co¬ workers (93)* SMEATHMANNIA PUBESCENS Soland. An aqueous extract of the bark was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal coworkers (93)- PEDALIACEAE CERATOTHECA SESAMOIDES Endl. Aqueous extracts of the capsules, of the whole plant, and of the seeds were slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the capsules were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anophel eg mosquitoes. A chloroform extract of the capsules was nontoxic to all these insects. A chloroform extract of the whole plant was toxic to webbing clothes moth black carpet beetle larvae only. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the whole plant were nontoxic to all these insects.-- Heal and coworkers (93). SESAMUM 1ND1CUM L. Synonym: S i _orU entale. Sesame Sesamin showed marked synergism with pyrethrins against house flies.--Haller and coworkers (83)* , . * The synergistic action of sesamin against house flies was compared with that of other natural compounds having related struc¬ tures, such as asarinin and isosesamin.— Haller and coworkers (81, 82). Aerosol sprays containing 0.9 percent sesame oil and 0.4 percent pyrethrins in dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon -12) ga complete kill of Culex, Aedes , and Anop jLi eles mosquitoes, bedbugs, and cockroaches, iSd" were highly effective against three species of flies in dairy barns.--Sullivan and coworkers (206). Aerosols containing pyrethrins and ses¬ ame oil were effective against the cheese skipper ( Piophila casei ) .--Billings and co¬ workers (35). „ Acetone and water extracts of the seeds were ineffective against mosquito larvae. Extracts of the flower tops and leaves gave the same results.--Hartzell (89). The activation of pyrethrins by sesame oil appeared to be dependent mainly upon the sesamin content of the oil, and an in¬ crease in the kill of house flies was ac¬ companied by a small increase in the rate of knockdown. However, it was concluded that there is also present a complex o secondary factors which, according to its composition, may increase or decrease the effect of the pyrethrins irresepetive of the presence or absence of sesamin—Parkin and Green (166). An aerosol containing 0.4 gram pyreth¬ rins and 0.9 gram sesame oil showed no toxicity to cyclamen mites .--Goodhue an Smith (77). . Both sesamin and sesamin-free sesame oil were good synergists with pyrethrins against Aedes mosquitoes.--David and Bracey (53). Sesame oil soap was toxic to the sugar¬ cane wooly aphis. --Cheu (45). Two compounds in sesame oil other than sesamin showed synergistic activity with pvrethrins .--Simanton (Li?). A mixture containing 10 percent sesamin and 90 percent pyrethrum was highly toxic to southern army worms, melonworms, striped blister beetles, and Autographa 00. Pyrethrum powder containing 5 percen sesame oil was toxic to bean leaf rollers, melon worms, polka dot wasp moths squash bugs, and striped blister beetles, butltwaB nontoxic to southern armyworms.—Bottger and Jacobson (36)- , An aqueetus extract of the seeds was toxic to German cockroaches, slightly toxic to American cockroaches, and nontoxic t milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). Sesamin was a very effective synergist for pyrethrins against house flies.--Re (114). PHOENICACEAE(PALMAE) ARECA CATECHU L. Acetone and water extracts of the fruit were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (82). j^^tified An aqueous extract of an unid * nti f portion of the plant was toxic to German cockroaches but not to American cockj roaches and milkweed bugs.—Hea coworkers (93). ARENGA WESTERHOUTII Griff. An aqueous extract of the fruits * toxic to American cockroaches "hen iected into the blood stream, but Germ 192 cockroaches were unaffected • sion in the extract I lmme r- (93) # ' “Heal and coworkers borassus flabellifer L . hues ..Hpai o j cnes and milkweed g • Heal and coworkers (93). CORYPHA UTAN Lam. Synonym: C. elata . German cockroaches - Heal nontoxic r s (93). # andcowork- phrymaceae T™‘ OBLONGIFOLIA Koidz. Haedo. S E y“on?m OP c , DRAC ° ,WiIld -' Blume. blood. y ^l 5 £lHS_draco. Dragon’s e A f?ectTve ,0n ' atn,r Ct ° f th ' seeds "as irtzell ( 90 ). 8 mosquito larvae.-- ^PHIA VINIFERA Beauv. An aqueous extract of the Cic to AmeHran , tne fruit s was ”I,°p N ata. BORIN « UE NA O. R. cook. e^.rCcott SI. SUSCe P*‘ b " to «er- ■» A ^SL! Bar,rJ Smal >- Syn. ” SSS To ra Ger f tbc P lant fragments to German and American Wat” nontoxic' tfr" ° f * he " h ° le Plant beetle larvae, but Tot 'm'V 0 b]ackcar Pet =-cXiXhXHBS e^acTs OS w q e U “° eS \ A,C0h0, ^ bbl °^ Alcohol. petrofe^TXr * and^h, in % ectS - extract*? r • 9 ^.na chloroform extracts of the fruits were toxic tn carpet beetle larvae onlv £?*, a workers ( 93 ). y * Heal and co- flowels r a^ U o P f e Ib i0nS ° f the Ieaves and to Drosophila Lji n!?”” hi 8 hl V toxic of “^"^biS^Kave, stems 3 T 5 *“ i0n had no effect on the Urla, . v r °°‘ S and coworkers (233). ’ ama guchi stems .waTmxiXcul 0 ' th 'and The toxicity was tra^T^ larv f e - soluble portion of the extract _® Water-l “" a nd coworkers ( 232 ). ama guchi to T Mus r ca W dlm b °"' d , r !°' l| { Uice "as toxic mosquito larvae—p- - tS and Iarvae » Other parts of th- i larvae, toxic.--Matsuzawa (HO) W6re ^ mildl V sSri-vS™ T>,e. P re sent in the fresh or dried roof ‘'phrymT^r^me^ts 8 ^ 134 ° P< j\° n named Oshima (116). 1 34 — : Kikutani and 193 PHYTOLACCACEAE AGDESTIS CLEMATIDEA Moc. & Sesse. An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). GALLESIA GORAZEMA (Veil.) Moq. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers (9_3). PETIVERIA ALLIACEA L. The plant is used as an insecticide in Nicaragua. --Higbee (94). The powdered leaves, stems, and roots were nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle lar¬ vae and only slightly toxic to silkworm larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (8b)- Some of the plant parts were toxic,, as dusts or extracts, to house flies, niosquit larvae, and several species of le^-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (19l>- The powdered fruits, leaves, stems, and roots each showed little or no toxicity to melonworm larvae, bean leaf beetle and cotton stainer adults, and Australian coc roach nymphs.--Plank (1_74). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to German cockroaches and slightly toxic to American cockroaches. A s B Y y pvtract of the roots was petroleum ether extract oi , toxic to webbing clothes moth and black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs. and Ariophe^ mosquito larvae. Alcohol and chloroform extracts of the roots were nontoxic to all these insects and to Aedeg mosquito lar¬ vae.--Heal and coworkers (93). PHAULOTHAMNUS SPINESCENS A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). PHYTOLACCA ABYSSINICA Hoffm. Syn¬ onym: P. dodecandra . An aqueous extract of the bark was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extrac . An alcohol extract of the bark was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. Petro¬ leum ether and chloroform extracts w ere nontoxic to all these insects.-Heal and coworkers (93). PHYTOLACCA ACINOSA Roxb. The powdered root gave complete kill of Mexican bean beetle larvae but had little effect on silkworm larvae and bean aphids. Alcohol and chloroform extra f ts had ™ effect on silkworm larvae, and these ex tracts as well as an acetone extract had no effect on bean aphids.--Lee and Hans- be Th y e ( ^wdered stems were nontoxie to bean aphids. --Chiu and coworkers (48). PHYTOLACCA AMERICANA L. Synonym: P. decandra . Poke, scoke. An acetone extract of the roots was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae. --Hart- ZC An ^aqueous extract of the roots had no effect on southern armyworms but killed 54 percent of cabbage aphids. --Jacobson aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to German cockroaches but not to Arneric cockroaches. An aqueous extract of th whole plant was slightly toxic to ^nerican cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). rivinia humilis l. An aqueous extract of the whoie plant was toxic to American cockroaches when i - jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after im¬ mersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was very toxicjo American and German cockroaches and nontoxic to milkweed bugs, Alcohol an chloroform extracts of the whole plant wer toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed g ^ confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aede s a ophele s mosquitoes. A petroleum ether extract^ was nontoxic to all these ins Heal and coworkers (93). SEGUIERIA sp. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when injected 194 the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co- workers (93). PINACEAE ABIES SIBIRICA Ledeb. t ^ he P owdered Plant was nontoxic to I xodes ticks, bedbugs, house flies, Anophe¬ les and A edes mosquitoes, Dermacentor ticks, and Drosophila .—Olenev (163). CALLITRIS GLAUCA. Australian cypress pine. The wood oil was somewhat effective as a repellent against Aedes mosquitoes, but the leaf oil was Ineffective.--McCulloch and Waterhouse ( 142 ). The wood oil and leaf oil were non¬ repellent to Australian sheep blowflies.-- Waterhouse (220). The wood is immune to termite attack. -- Wolcott (224). Guaiol, present in the heartwood of this species, is a strong insecticide, and the wood is therefore not attacked by white ants.—Erdtman (59). V The wood oil and leaf oil did not synergize pyrethrins in tests against house flies. Guaiol, obtained from the wood oil, did not synergize pyrethrins.--Kerr (114). CALLITRIS INTRATROPICA. Guaiol, present in the heartwood of this species, is a strong insecticide, and the wood is therefore not attacked by white ints.--Erdtman (59). Y LIBOCEDRUS FORMOSANA. The heartwood of this tree is resistant to vhite ants.--Erdtman (59). ^HAMAEC Yp A RI S LAW SONIANA (A. Murr.) Pari. v aqaeous ex tract of the wood was non- ° t °, G ® rmanand ^American cockroaches, n v lcoh ° 1 extract was nontoxic to German milkweed bugs, and larvae of .oth a C „H A a ?" beetle ' webbi "8 clothes tnosquito—Hea! and co- HAMAEC Yp A R IS NOOTKATENSIS i^on) Spack. and mnkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers c HAMA ECYp ARI s OBTUSA Sieb. 8, Zucc ninoki, Hmokinin, obtained from the wood, showed f h r ® at * r , s y ne rgistic action with pyrethrins than did asarinm when tested against Brevi- coryne brassicae, Aph is gossypii. and Myzus persicae. --Matsubara ( 137, 138 ). — 1 CHAM AECYpARIs THYOIDES (L.) B. S P Yellow cedar. SUSC ' P,ible term ltes An alcohol extract of the wood was non¬ toxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mosquito.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CHAMAECYPARIS sp. ..Jbf oilman unidentified Japanese species killed 100 percent of female horse gnats in (95) mmUteS WhCn tCSted as a spray.--Honjo The oil, but not the tar, repelled Dro¬ sophila flies. —Miyadi and Kawaguchi (151). JUNIPERUS OXYCEDRUS L. CaryophyUene, present in the wood, offers little protection against termite attack at iow concentr^kms, but 5 percent caryo- phyllene did prevent termites from eating treated wood for almost four weeks.-? Wolcott (224). (D. An aqueous extract of the wood was non- German and American cockroaches JUNIPERUS SABINA L. An aqueous extract of the needles was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA L. Red cedar. •?? ermi ^’ SUSCeptible wood impregnated with as little as 1 percent of commercial cedar oil was repellent to termites, but the effect was only temporary. The oil was re pellent than the heartwood from which it was obtained.--Wolcott (224). A product for painting on closet walls to repel moths contains a powder derived from cedar oil, plus a plastic binder.--Anony¬ mous (22). ’ An aqueous extract of the wood was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). 195 Ponderosa Exposure to the vapor of red cedar oil at 0.6 milligram per liter for one week killed q 1 r>er cent of half-grown clothes moth larvae. Concentrations of 1-2 milligrams per liter were effective in shorter period 8 ?8-24 hours). -- Huddle and Mills (m5). Experimental and commercial mixtures of the powdered wood and leaf oil wer< tested for control of Tine ola bissellie j ^ , Attagenus p iceus, , and Anthrenus vora^. The vapor of the oil was not an effective re¬ pellent or fumigant against e ^er larvae or adults of anv of the insects.-Sweetmanand coworkers (207). LAR1X OCCIDENT ALIS Nutt. Larch. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott ( 225 ). PICEA SITCHENSIS (Bong.) Carr. Sitka spruce. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.—Wolcott ( 225 ). PICEA sp. Spruce. Pinoresinol, a constituent of the exudate of spruce, did not synergize pyrethrin against houue flies, nor was xt toxic when tested alone.--Haller and coworkers (81). PINUS ECHINATA Mill. Southern yellow pine. PINUS MONTICOLA Dougl. Western white pine. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). PINUS OCCIDENT ALIS Sw. West Indian pine. The gummy heartwood is resistant to termites.--Wolcott (226). PINUS PALUSTRIS Mill. Longleaf pme, southern pine, colophony. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). . treated Colophony and its resin oils are treated with chlorine to form insecticidal pr ducts. --Anonymous (23)« . Thanite, the thiocyanoacetate of second y terpene alcohols of this species was a fly spray activator. --Anonymous (14). PINUS PONDEROSA Laws, pine. PINUS STROBUS L. Northern white pine. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). PINUS SYLVESTRIS L. Scotch pine. This tree possesses some unidentified quality rendering it entirely free of fungal diseases and insect pests.-Aries (28). Pinosylvin and its monomethyl ester, isolated from the heartwood, are verytoxi to inse cts.--Erdtman (59)* . The powdered plant was nontoxic t Ixodes and Dermacentor ticks, bedbugs, ££? flies,~AedesanTAno£h^les mos- quitoes, and Drosophila . --Olenev )• Susceptible woods treated with 0.01 pe cent pinosylvin were toxic to the Indiandrywood termite for two months, and Jhf wood^ere not definitely eaten in five months.--Wolcott (228). PINUS TAEDA L. Loblolly pine. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites. --Wolcott (225). An acetone extract of the seed toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). PINUS VIRGINIANA Mill. Scrub pine. An acetone extract of the seeds was toxic to mosquito larvae. --Hartzell (90). PINUS sp. Pine. The addition of pine tar oil to »tandard codling moth baits gave promising suits.--Van Leeuwen (2_LA). . . The chlorinated terpenes of *“* * such extreme dilutions as 0.01 percent, were paralyaingly toxic to West Ind^ry- wood termites, and they ream Wolcott toxicity for over two months--Wolcott ,J fhe most effective codling moth bait con. sisted of one quart of standard bait, 0.- mUUUter valeric acid. 1 sulfate, and 1 ounce pme tar oil, pine-root oil i mixed with ammonium hydjoxide o l crease the dispersion of the L °' 1 '’ , 20 »l water in insecticidal tests. --Takeda (208)- 196 P Doug2I S f " OA (Poir.) Britt. Wo5c'ttlS). iS Susce P‘ ibl * “> termites.-- The heartwood is susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Scheffer and Duncan (191). An aqueous extract of the brl^chlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches.--Healand coworkers (93). s EQUO IA SEMPERVIRENS (D. Don) Endl. California redwood. Termite-susceptible wood impregnated as little as 1 percent of co^freS cedar oil was repellent to termites, but the effect was only temporary. The oil was more repellent than the heartwood from which it was obtained.--Wolcott (224). thp A rr dUSt ° f the alcoho1 extractive of celerv ar ieaf Va t S n ° nt ° xic to armyworms, ceiery leaf tiers, pea aphids, and two so° (l6). SP r mi '”-B°ttger and Jacob! th^h Py v a \ dust ° f the alcoho1 extractive of the bark showed some toxicity to European corn borer larvae. The combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, and chloroform extrac r (ir *° «““• flies. -!jacob- An aqueous extract of the wood was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches. An alcohol extract of the wood was nontoxic to German cockroaches milk- bee,! " S \: ni larVa ' ° f * he black carpet beetle webbing clothes moth, and Aed^s mosquito. - -Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the stems aT1 d leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri! can cockroaches —Heal and coworkerMW). TSUGA CANADENSIS (L.) Carr. Hemlock. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites. - -Wolcott (225). PIPERACEAE PIPER ADUNCUM L. Higbe'em")'. “ USed t0 rePel antS inHaiti — An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). S al and P Ma5co ANGUSTIF ° LIUM Rui2 & Pavon * P f^ n , aCet ° ne . extract of the leaves was in- zell C (90) e . agamSt mos 9 u ito larvae.-Hart- PIPER BETLE L. rA cv?r D « I s U s M , DIS J ICHUM(L - )Rich - Southern cypress, taxodium. The gummy heartwood is verv resistant : suscenHbl b , U * the n-*-ined y he”two od susceptible to attack.--Wolcott (225). neffint 610116 extract of th e whole plant was *11*90) agamSt mOSquito larvae. --Hart- !HUJA OCCIDENTALIS L. 6XpOSed to th e vapors of the Were billed in 2-4 hours.- , Ton p ? wdere 1 * and chloroform extracts of the plant were also ineffective against bean aphids.--Lee and Hansberry (129). ACTAEA ARGUTA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the rhizomes was highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- affected after immersion in the extract. Alcohoi, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the rhizomes were toxic to black cockrL h Ctle la ™ ae ’ but not to German beefle s WCe ? bugS ’ con fnsed flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes ^rkerM#^ “° s ^ito.-Heal and co- VCTAEA PACHYPODA Ell. ,1 f^,t q \ eOUS extract of rootstocks was ghtiy to x ic to American cockroaches.-- leal and coworkers (93). lCTAEA RUBRA (Ait.) Willd. a< l u A eous extract of the fruits was very t0 American cockroaches and nontoxic German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. ■n aqueous extract of the rhizomes ntoxic to all these insects.--Heal oworkers (93). DONIS VERNALIS L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant hen iW !°J 1C - t0 American cockroaches •rma ^ , mt ° the bl °° d st «am, but IrTT ^° ckr ° aches and milkweed bugs naffected after immersion in the ex- was and tract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloro- orm extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cock- beetles 8 ' ™ llkweed bu g s » confused flour moth a’nd an A i*™** ° f the webbin g clothes worLTfgjr^ rn °3quito Heal and co- ANEMONE ALTAICA Fisch. Aqueous infusions of the fresh material were toxic to flies, mosquitoes, lice and bugs (bedbugs ?).--Petrischeva (L72). ANEMONE CAROLINIANA Walt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the fruiting heads was nontoxic to all these insects.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ANEMONE coronaria L. A water suspension of the roots was highly toxic to Drosophflahydei larvae.-- Y amaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). ANEMONE CYLINDRICA A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves and frmts was slightly toxic to American ™r k £ 0aCheS i and nontox ic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). g 6ai and ANEMONE DECAPETALA Ard. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was lghly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk- weed bugs. Alcohol extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoe s. - - Heal and coworkers (2H* ANEMONE GLOBOSA Nutt. An aqueous extract of a sample of the whole plant was toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs, but an extract a second sample of whole plant was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). 205 ANEMONE N1KOENSIS Maxim. A water suspension of the roots was non¬ toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but a suspension of the leaves and stems was highly toxic to the larvae.--Yamaguchx and coworkers (233). ANEMONE PATENS var. WOEFGANGLANA (Bess.) Koch. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the stems and leaves were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). ANEMONE PULSATILLA L. Synonym: Pulsatilla vulgaris . Pulsatilla. An acetone extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to mosquito larvae. --Hartzell (90). ANEMONE RADDEANA Regel. Water suspensions of the leaves and of the leaves and stems were highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). AOUILEGIA CHRYSANTHA A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). AQUILEGIA FORMOSA Fisch. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CIMICIFUGA FOETIDA L. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA (L.) Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). CLEMATIS APIIFOLIA DC. An acetone extract of the leaves was toxic to Culex pipiens larvae. The toxicity was traced to the water-insoluble portion of the extract.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (232). CLEMATIS BALDWINII Torr. & Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (£3). CLEMATIS CARACAS AN A H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CLEMATIS DIOICA L. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CLEMATIS LIGUSTICIFOLIA Nutt. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CLEMATIS TERNIFLORA DC. Water suspensions of the leaves, the Jl, and stems, and of the seeds »er« highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.- Yamaguchi and coworkers (Oi). 206 CLEMATIS sp. Infusions of three species of fresh Clema- iT 5 W ^ e ju Xic l< ? flies ’ m °squitoes, lice, and bugs (bedbugs ?).--Petrischeva ( 172 ). .n«S« a ? 1C ® U8 extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk- weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). COPTIS TRIFOLIA (L.) Salisb. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. ~ rleal and coworkers (93). DELPHINIUM AJACIS L. Larkspur. Acetone extracts of the seeds were toxic to mosquito larvae, but water extracts were nontoxic to the larvae.--Hartzell (89). A 5-percent solution of the oil and alka¬ loids from the seeds gave negligible kill of mosquitoes and lacked mosquito ovicidal P°r u r > but the alkaloids ware toxic to lice ind bedbugs.--Busvine (41). DELPHINIUM BROWNII Rydb. / Ced ° n WaS P romisi Qg as an insec- lcide for mosquitoes and potato beetles. It ■s not expected to excel nicotine sulfate as a -ontact insecticide but may prove to be a uperior stomach poison and repellent.-- •tultz and Patterson ( 203 ). 5ELPHINIUM CHEILANTUM Fisch. Aqueous infusions, particularly of the lowers and fruits, were toxic to flies i°a S s q ^K lar ^ e ’ Uce * c °ckroaches, and ugs (bedbugs ?).--Petrischeva ( 172 ). 'EIPHINIUM DELAVAYI Franch. P ° Wdered plant 9h °wed considerable t0 « Mexican bean bee *le larvae but ahid^Ai 6 ^ 0 ! 1 ° n sllkworm larvae and bean 3 eff>* f lcoh f 1 and chloroform extracts had 5 effect on silkworm larvae or bean aphids. “an !!E5 C CX I raCt was ine ^ective against -an aphids.--Lee and Hansberry (129). ELPHINIUM DICTYOCARPUM DC. 3 te U r e ,° U ! , in 5 US 1 ions * particularly of the wers and fruits, were toxic to flies liC6 ’ cockroaches, and g (bedbu g«?). --Petrischeva (172). DELPHINIUM ELATUM L. . J, he Seed e ^ tr acts were toxic to lice and bedbugs.--Busvme (41). f An aqUCOUS infusI ° n of the flowers and £rvae W fli e r r r ^ t0 malaria mosquito arvae, flies, lice, bugs (bedbugs?), cock¬ roaches, and ants.--Petrischeva ( 172 ) ,. A J\ aqueous extract of the whole^ntwas nonm^ t0 American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches. - -Heal and coworkers (93). and DELPHINIUM FORMOSUM Boiss. & Huet. K^Jk 6 See l extract f were toxic to lice and bedbugs.--Bus vine (41). DELPHINIUM GRANDIFLORUM L. Aqueous infusions, particularly of the flowers and fruits, were toxic to flies rn°s q nito larV ae, lice * cockroaches, and bugs (bedbugs ?).--Petrischeva (172). DELPHINIUM LAXIFLORUM DC. Aqueous infusions of the flowers and fruits were very toxic to malaria mosquito larvae, flies, lice, bugs (bedbugs?), cock¬ roaches, and ants.--Petrischeva ( 172 ). The plant is used against lice and bed¬ bugs.--Busvine (41). DELPHINIUM OCCIDENTALE S. Wats. Tall larkspur, . , Tbe crystalline alkaloid deltaline, iso- iated from this plant, was nontoxic to (108) 6 rn armyworm ^rvae.--Jacobson DELPHINIUM RETROPILOSUM. Aqueous infusions, particularly of the flowers and fruits, were toxic to flies r° Sq ^u larV ^ C ’ Hce ’ cockroaches, and bugs (bedbugs?).--Petrischeva (172). DELPHINIUM STAPHISAGRIA L. Acetone and water extracts were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell ( 89 ). The plant is used against lice and bed¬ bugs.--Busvine (41). An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic A ^ e rican cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immersion in the e ^ traC r' Aicohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the seeds were toxic 207 to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93)* DELPHINIUM VIRESCENS Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whoie plant was toxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs, but not to American cockroaches. An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to all these insect species.--Heal and coworkers (93). DELPHINIUM sp. Larkspur. The powdered seeds are used to destroy head lice and garden worms.--Higbee (54). The powdered leaves, stems, and seeds were nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.- -Hansberry and Clausen (86). The powdered roots were toxic to bean leaf rollers, cross-striped cabbageworms, cabbage loopers, and melonworms, but not to southern armyworms. —Bottger and Jacobson (36). t . . The powdered roots were nontoxic to southern armyworms, cross-striped cab¬ bageworms, and Autographa 00, but they were toxic to melonworms and European corn borer larvae. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives of the roots were nontoxic to house flies and German cockroaches, but they were rather effective against codling moth larvae.--Jacobson (108). E RAN THIS HYEMALIS L. Winter aconite. The powdered rhizomes gave complete mortality of diamondback moth larvae, but alcohol, acetone, or benzene extracts of the rhizomes and of the stems and leaves showed little or no toxicity to adult chrysanthemum aphids and saw-toothed grain beetles.-- Tattersfield and coworkers (209). PAEONLA BROWNII Dougl. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous ex¬ tract of the roots was nontoxic to all these insects. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. An alcohol extract of the roots was toxic to webbing clothes moth larvae only.--Heal and coworkers (93). RANUNCULUS FLAGELLIFORMIS Sm. A water suspension of the leaves, stems, and roots was highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers {iffy. RANUNCULUS MIRISSIMUS Hisauchi. A water suspension of the leaves, stems, and roots was toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS L. Water suspensions of the leaves, roots, and combined stems, leaves, and roots were all highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae. --Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). RANUNCULUS VERNYII var. GLABER Na- kai. A water suspension of the leaves was highly toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.-- Yamaguchi and coworkers (23j). RANUNCULUS VERNYII var. QUELPAER- TENSIS Nakai. A water suspension of the leaves, stems, and roots was highly toxic to Drosophili hydei larvae. --Yamaguchi and coworkers (My. HEPATICA NOBILIS var. NIPPONICA. RA NUNCULUS ZUCCARINI Miq. A water suspension of the leaves, stems, flowers, and roots was highly toxic to Dros ophila hydei , larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). ISOPYRUM STOLONIFERUM Maxim. A water suspension of the leaves, stems, and roots was toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). A water suspension of the leaves, flowers, and roots was highly toxic to Dros^p^i hydei larvae. --Yamaguchi and coworker Tim- RANUNCULUS sp. An aqueous extract of the whole P lant nontoxic to German and American cock 208 coworkers a "«) mUkWeed bu « s —Heal and TH Japo C n I cum AQUILEGIFOLIUM l - var. A water suspension of the leaves and wr, S ,f. h °7 d h S r e , ° xicit >' *° DrosopSf was nontox^c. SU5 P e , n . sic "> °TThe roots’ (233). * ama guchi and coworkers THALICTRUM REVOLUTUM DC. sl^~ extract of the whole plant was nontoxL to Ge t0 American cockroaches and weed buos hIT* J ockroa ches and milk- gs.--Heal and coworkers (93). T vti'l TVETTERIA CAROL INIENSIS (Walt.) .oxlc the ieaves WaS aT merman and American cockroaches (93). W bugs.--Heal and coworkers Marsh. XANTHORHIZA SIMPLICISSIMA veld bl, J COCkr ° ach « and milk- g . -Heal and coworkers (93). RAPATEACEAE i-APATEA PALUDOSA Aubl. «1c a to Ue A° US extract ° f the "hole plant was "*d t,o A r 1 Cro n od C °st r a°1t Ch rutt en ‘ n - eal al^Lirs'^T * eX ‘ raCt - rhamnaceae DOLPHIA INFESTA Meissn. A t n ox1 q cTo U V Xtrac * ° f the »>>°le plant was aches German aad American cock- ^rkers ^ mllkweed bugs.-Heal and co- -ANOTHUS AMER IC ANUS L. Jersey tea. Ictive^apai eXtract of the roots was in- Li (90). 8 nSt moS( l uito larvae.--Hart- COLffiTIA CRUCIATA Gill. & H ook. slightly q to e xic S toAme Ct ^ Stems nontoxic to American cockroaches and uoncoxic to German cockroaches weed bups -_R ea1 , acnes and milk- g • Heal and coworkers (93). COLUBRINA ASIATICA (L.) Brongn. leaves ^as^ery^o^c t^ St6mS and bu^Ge 65 Wh6n injected into th^blooTstream” extract. Alcohol. petrole^'VthU” and chloroform extracts were toxic to hi =t ssr&sss Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal — workers ( 93 ). al and co- DISCARIA LONG1SPINA Miers. s A r:r extracts ° f the roots and of the cl n *Z n ° ntoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs -?Hea 1 and coworkers (93). ® Heal KARWINSKIA sp. toxic Tr extract o£ the £ruits was very ;° X1C , t f American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream buf- cockroaches were unaffected after to” «h« 10 and” ‘hf eX J ract ‘ Alcohol, petroleum toxic to r.^ m . extracts we re non- toxic to German cockroaches, milkweed the 8S> C ° a f used flour beetles, and larvae of beetir 6 ^ d ng A J lothes m °tb, black carpet workM. %TT^ mosquito.--Heal and co- K RUG IODE ND RON FERREUM (V a h 1) Urban. Black ironwood. Wolloft^sj. 5 Very re3istantto termites- REYNOSIA UNCINATA Urban. toxic to q re OUS CXtra J Ct ° f the r00ts was non- Ind 5 }erman and American cockroaches and. milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers RHAMNUS CAROLINIANUS Walt. slilhtl a ? UCOUS extract of the fruits was g tly toxic to American cockroaches and 209 nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). RHAMNUS CRENATUS Sieb. & Zucc. The powdered stems and roots showed little toxicity to silkworm and Mexican bean beetle larvae and to bean aphids.--Lee and Hansberry (129). The powdered roots were toxic to bean aphids.--Chiu and coworkers (48). RHAMNUS FRANGULA L. Buckthorn. An acetone extract of the bark was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.--Hart- zell (90). RHAMNUS LANCEOLATUS Pursh. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). RHAMNUS PURSH IAN US DC. Cascara sag- rada. Acetone and water extracts of the bark were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). VENTILAGO MADRASPATANA. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co- w orkers (93). ZIZYPHUS JOAZEIRO Mart. An aqueous extract of the leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Healand coworkers (93). RHIZOPHORACEAE ANISOPHYLLEA FRUTICULOSA Engl. Gilg. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heai and coworkers (93). RHIZOPHORA MANGLE L. Red mangrove. The heartwood and sapwood are both susceptible to termites.--Wolcott (225). RHIZOPHORA sp. Barbasco mangle. An acetone extract of the bark v^as non- toxic to mosquito larvae.--Jacobson (HJ8). ROSACEAE AGRIMONLA EUPATORIA L. Agri¬ mony herb. Acetone and water extracts of the whole plant were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93)* CERCOCARPUS LEDIFOLIUS Nutt. An aqueous extract of the branchlets, leaves, and bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to Ger¬ man cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CHAENOMELES LAGENARIA (Loisel.) Koidz. An aqueous extract of the branchlets, leaves, and fruits was nontoxic to Ameri¬ can and German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CHAMAEBATIA FOLIOLOSA Benth. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (9_3). & CHAMAEBATLANA MILLEFOLIUM (Torr.) Maxim. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). COWANIA STANSBURIANA Torr. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed buz*. A aqueous extract of the stem bark ■ slightly toxic to American cockroach only.--Heal and coworkers (93). 210 CYDONIA OBLONGA Mill. Quince. AceiQne and water extracts of the seeds Har.zelKM, t . ,Ve agai ” St GILLEN1A STIPULATA (Muhl.) BaUl. , a,lmi extract of the stems and roaches Wa i,.^ 0 nt 0 r iC '° America ” cock- roacnes.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). HAGENIAABYSSINICA J. F. Gmel. Kousso. Acetone and water extracts of the flowers ren'(89°. ntOXiC ‘° m ° SqUit ° ‘——Ha"! An aqueous extract of the fragments of cock?Mches aS / Ughtly toxic American ro^cheJ and "° nt ° X to German cock- and milkweed bugs.--Heal anH coworkers ( 93 ). ° neai and KERRIA JAPONICA (L.) DC. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and .eaves was nontoxic to German and AmerU -an cockroaches.- -Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). SCANIA DENSIFLORA Kleinh. Co.tTS ). 15 resistant to termi,es - SY w L .VESTRIS L. Winesap apple Stayman Winesap apple. PP ' ttaures a |f i 7 S, d COdUng m ° th larvae using »es'(^. th ' Uad arsenate—Siegler Ind ARINARIUM sp. a A ves a r a ', OU toxTc'm C A ° £ ^ bra " chle * s and « inj e cte d* into* t£*SSS ;re ma u n na C ffe C c, r e°d aC a h f', 3 er a i d tract A “ ected after immersion in the ; ~c a r°i*i ZltVsl*; d coworkers (93). sects. -Heal 1UNUS AMERICANA Marsh. -CU-p" ,tg," «» toxic .0 PR mT„d S AMYGDALU S Stokes. Bitter al- sheep 1 blowfly to the ( 134 ). y * a -kerras and Mackerras PRUNUS BUERGERIANA Miq. A water suspension of the lea V( » c , . larvae hishl > f '° xic Drosophila hvd .1 amaguchi and coworkers (233) PRUNUS GRAYANA Maxim. A water suspension of the le av( , c , j larvae *° ^osophuY hvd^ rvae, but a suspension ol the leaves' there S 'la a r n vae £ 1 °' V Yamr B aS ‘ neffeCtive ^insi (233). iarvae Yamaguchi and coworkers PRUNUS JAPONICA Thunb. A water suspension of the leaves and UrvJe S -!? S hi g hl y to *ic to Drosophila hvdet Yamaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ~ ]T P p U adus S , a LAUR0CERA SUS L. Synonyms: gjgHglaur ocerasus. Lauroce na of _ ficinalis. Cherry laurel. - extremely^oici^to"'Ixodes^ xdcinuV^and'^tcTa OUnevdL?. 163 ’ fleai 7 ~ a ^ d ~bidb^s.-- The powdered leaves were very toxic to I xode s ticks. Dermacentnr pictus Hvalom — , asia ticum~ bouse flies, bedbugs Y Aedes~ a a d\ d lt4?SfvT^T it0eS ' a " d PRUNUS MAACKII Rupr. The powdered flowers killed Cimex W A edes punctor adullTin three mutes and one minute respectively The- powdered bark killed Aedes adults in one minute.--Olenev (l_ 62 ).- ° ne P ^mosa S pt? US L ‘ t Syn0nyms: Pa dus race- mosa. Padus vulg aris, Cer^us p adne" E^^ITbird cherry, black currT^^- . flies fUS ^n 8 ° f . the frCSh Plant were toxic flies, mosquitoes, lice, and bugs (bed bugs ?).--Petrischeva (172). 8 1 leases C ind P hf Ced ^ Cl ° Se contact w ith the leaves and blossoms were killed after 1-15 minutes exposure. Tested were gnats midges, horse flies, and house flies The 211 volatile fractions were probably the active materials.--Kiseleva (U7). Applications of hot water extracts com¬ bined with the wearing of collars woven from the steamed branches lead to the de- lousing of cattle within 3-4 days, the effect lasting for several months. There was no indication that the insects were killed by the treatment.--Gurai (80). The powdered buds, bark, and leaves were very toxic to Ixodes and Dermacentor ticks, Hv alomma asiaticum , house flies, bedbugs, Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes, and Droso phila adults.--01enev (163). Volatile fractions of the buds and of the bark were toxic to Ixodes and Arga s ticks, flies, fleas, and bedbugs.--Olenev (I_6£). ROSA sp. The powdered roots were nontoxic to bean aphids.--Chiu and coworkers (48). RUBUS JAPONICUS Focke. A water suspension of the leaves, stems, and roots was toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (£33). RUBUS sp. Blackberry. An acetone extract of the root bark was ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hart- zell (90). PRUNUS PERSICA (L Amvgdalus persica. Batsch). Peach. Synonym: SANGUISORBIA CANADENSIS L. The leaves and flowers were toxic to in¬ sects.--Pan ( 165 ). , , , Acetone and water extracts of the leaves were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). PRUNUS SEROTINA Ehrh. Wild cherry. Acetone and water extracts of the bark were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hart¬ zell (89). , . Alcohol extracts of the fresh green leaves, shade- and sun-dried leaves, fruits, roots, trunk, branches, and twigs were all ineffec¬ tive as repellents against Aedes aegypU mosquitoes, as larvicides against Anophele s auadrimaculatus mosquitoes, and as body lousicides.--Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). PURSHLA TRIDENTATA (Pursh) DC. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the branchlets, leaves, and flowers was nontoxic to all these insects. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aed es and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and co¬ workers 193). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SANGUISORBIA MINOR Scop. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. The petroleum ether extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to Ger¬ man cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were all these insects.--Healand coworkers (9_). SANGUISORBIA OFFICINALIS L. The powdered roots showed little toxicity to silkworm and Mexican bean beetle larvae and to bean aphids.--Lee and Hansberry (L£9). SPIRAEA NIPPONICA Maxim. A water suspension of the feaves and stems was highly toxic to Drosophilah^ larvae. --Yamaguchi and coworkers (£33). RUBIACEAE ADINA CORDIFOLIA (Willd.) Benth. & Hook. An aqueous extract of the branchiets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ame i can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Hea and coworkers (93). 212 ASPERULA ODORATA L. Sweet woodruff. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves and stems were ineffective against mos¬ quito larvae.--Hartzell (89). BASANACANTHA ANNAE K. Schum. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic to German cockroaches but not to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). B< M l e RERIA VERTICILLATA (L-) G. F. W. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co- workers (93). CEPHAELIS ACUMINATA Karst. Ipecac. Acetone and water extracts of the roots against moaqultolarva '- CEPHALANTHUS OCCIDENTALS L. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CHIOCOCCA ALBA (L.) Hitchc. An aqueous extract of the roots was non- oxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). •INCHONA vian bark. LEDGERIANA Moens. Peru- The powdered bark, wood, and roots were ach moderately toxic, as stomach poisons ut not as contact poisons, to melonworm nd diamondback moth larvae, but thev me f , to cotton stainer and bean leaf a S ltS and Austra lian cockroach ThC P° wdered leaves were nontoxic 3 ail these insects.--Plank (174). ■OFFEA ARABICA L. Coffee. The wood is very susceptible to ter- lites.--Wolcott (225). P tCr An insecticide can be made from coffee uip.- -Anonymous (26). ™.o„ A AUSTRALIS (A- Rich.) B. L. An aqueous extract of the twigs was non- C to German and American cock- Forfar 8 . ^ d ) m “ k '"« d b “«»—Heal and co COPROSMA BAUERI Endl. An aqueous extract of the bark was slighth toxic to American cockroaches and milk- weed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (9_3). COPROSMA LUCIDA Forst. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the twigs were nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). COPROSMA ROBUSTA Raoul. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the twigs and leaves were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A petroleum ether extract of the bark was toxic to black carpet beetle J”? n0t t0 German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anopheles mosquito. Alco- nol and chloroform extracts of the bark were nontoxic to all these insects and to Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CORYNANTHE JOHIMBE K. Schum. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.- Heal and coworkers (93). DANAIS FRAGRANS Gaertn. f. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the bloodstream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs’ were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). EXOSTEMA CARIBAEUM (Jacq.) R. & s. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). FARAMEA CANDELABRUM Standi. An aqueous extract of the stems and roots was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). FERDINANDUSA RUDGEOIDES Wedd. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). GALIUM APARINEL. Cleaver’ s herb, bed- straw. An acetone extract of the whole plant was ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hart- zell (90). GARDENIA JASMINOIDES Ellis. An aqueous extract of the fruits was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). GARDENIA LUTEA Fresen. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). GENIPA AMERICANA L. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott (225). Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the leaves were nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (9^). GENIPA sp. A petroleum ether extract of the fruits was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). GONZALAGUNIA PANAMENSIS Pers. An aqueous extract of the leaves was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). HAMALIA PATENS Jacq. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches. --Healand coworkers (9_3). HEINSLA PULCHELIA (G. Don.) K. Schum. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HOUSTONIA LANCEOLATA (Poir.) Britton. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). LADENBERGLA MAGNIFOLIA (Ruiz b Pavon) Klotzsch. An aqueous extract of the barkand leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.— Heal and coworkers (93). LAUGERIA RESINOSA Vahl. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). MITCHELLA REPENS L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.—Heal and coworkers (93). MITRACARPUS PORTORICENSIS Urban. MITRACARPUS VERTICILLATUS (Schum. b Thonn.) Vatke. Aqueous extracts of these species were nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MORELIA SENEGALENSIS A. Rich. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the branches and leaves were nontoxic to Ger¬ man and American cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MORINDA CITRIFOLLA L. NENAX MICROPHYLLA (Sond.) Salter. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). PAEDERIA FOETIDA L. An aqueous extract of the stems was non¬ toxic to German and American cock- 214 roaches and milkweed hues „j coworkers (93). g * and RANDIA ECHINOCARPA DC. PALICOURIA GUIANENSIS Aubl. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and iot V h S WaS ® llghtly t0xic American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock- exfracV milkweed bugs. An aqueous tract of the roots was nontoxic to all ese insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). PALICOURIA MARCGRAVII St. Hil. An aqueous extract of the herbage and upper parts was nontoxic to Germfn Jnd Arneri can cockroaches. An aqueous extract He^ e /H 0tS Wa f n0nt ° xic to these insects.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PALICOURIA RIPARIA Benth. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches were unaffected after “s^r ^ -Heal and £ An aqueous extract of the fruits was toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs -- Heal and coworkers (93). g RANDIA NILOTICA Stapf. tar? 16 P°^ dered roots gave complete mor¬ tality of diamondback moth larvae. Acetone extracts of the bark and wood skewed no saw re tokthid con,act ‘oxicity to bean aphids. gram Reties, and Ahasverml —~"Tattersfield and coworkers (209). REMIFIA TENUIFLORA Benth. toxi" roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). RUBIA TINCTORUM L. Madder. An acetone extract of the roots was inef- fective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell Alizarin obtained from this plant, was quite repellent to termites.--Wolcott (22 4 ). PSYCHOTRIA SUTERELLA Muell. Arg. SARCOCEPHALUS CORDATUS Miq An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs_Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). 8 rieai and RANDIA DUMETORUM Lam. tox-cr t v PO m d , ered r °° tS showed considerable toxicity to diamondback moth larvae. Ace he e r e oot r s aCtS ° f ,he k ” nel aad aid of tne roots, stems, and leaves shower! ™ appreciable contact toxicity to bean aDhiH advena Tof* Deeties » and Ahasverus — * Tattersfield and coworkers ( 209 ) loxlc to rf° US eXtraCt ° £the frUitS hiihly ° . 1C German and American cockroaches ^ranThletT 6 ^ 88 ' Aqueous extracts oUhe lo r hl6tS d leaves and the roots were eum P \V° allthese insects. Alcohol, petro- •oots hCr ’ and ebloroform extracts of the ^oots were toxic to black carpet beetle lar- ’d h Ut ‘ j German cockroaches, milk- noth akfAldls'akn 0f *i e , Webbin S cloth « Extracts and A nopheles mosquitoes. arnJt ^ rUltS Were toxic to black ty to th P KK rVae and Sh ° Wed SOme toxic- Iworkts fW) 8 Cl ° theS m °‘ b -Heal and toxll e * traCt ° f the Stem bark »» toxic to American cockroaches when in- i e o C ck d oach 0 es the but German sion in thl W f rC Unaffected af ter immer- s^on in the extract. --Heal and coworkers SARCOCEPHALUS DIDERICHII DeWild. '°*X ZZ7ZTZlt roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). SICKINGIA TINCTORIA (H. B. K.) K. Schum. text T' ‘I' "'°° d » aS "°"- roaches. An Zrt wa S nontoxic to German cockroaches, milk- J"®®? bugs and larvae of the black carpet eetle webbing clothes moth, and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). STRUMPFIA MARITIMA Jacq. lea^es^ZT 113 ° f the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). 8 rieai 215 UNCARIA GAMBIR Roxb. Synonym: Ourou- paria gambir . An aqueous extract of the gum was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). RUTACEAE AMYRIS BALSAMIFERA L. Caryophyllene, present in the wood, offers little protection against termite attack at low concentrations, but 5-percent caryophyllene did prevent termites from eating treated wood for almost four weeks.--Wolcott (224). AMYRIS ELEMIFERA L. Synonym: A. syl- vatica Jacq. Torchwood. Termites will not even come to rest on the heartwood of this tree.--Wolcott (224).• An aqueous extract of the wood was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches. An alcohol extract of the wood was nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). BAROSMA SERRATIFOLIA Willd. Buchu. An acetone extract of the leaves was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.--Hart- zell (90). BOENNINGHAUSENIA ALBIFLORA Rei- chenb. var BREVIPES. The powdered plant was nontoxic to bean aphids.--Chiu and coworkers (48). An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). BOENNINGHAUSENIA JAPONICA Nakai. A water suspension of the leaves was non¬ toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but a sus¬ pension of the roots was highly toxic to the larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). CASIMIROA EDUL1S Llav. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CHOISYA DUMOSA (Torr.) A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the stems was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CITRUS BERGAMIA Risso. An aqueous extract of the pulp was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CITRUS LIMETTA Risso. An aqueous extract of the rind was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). CITRUS LIMON (L.) Burm. f. Lemon. Powdered lemon rind killed Ixodes ticks in 17 minutes when the insects were exposed to the vapors. When placed in the juice, the insects died in 7- 10 minutes. --Olenev (162). An aqueous extract of the pulp was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches, while an extract of the rind was toxic to German cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). CITRUS MEDICA L. An aqueous extract of the pulp was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CITRUS SINENSIS (L.) Osbeck. Orange. Oil of orange was ineffective against oystershell scale, Mexican mealybugs, and willow scurfy scale.--CressmanandDawsey ( 11 )- The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott (225). Orange peelings are used in El Salvador as bait to attract leaf-cutting ants away from valued growing crops. --Wellman and van Severen (22J). Drosophila f unebris adults exposed to the vapors of powdered orange rind were killed in 20-25 "minutes.--Olenev (162). CLAUSENA ANISATA Hook. f. The plant is used as a mosquito repel¬ lent.--Meyer (148). CNEORIDIUM DUMOSUM (Nutt.) Hook. f. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches 216 when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs rxtrlct Una H eC f ed / ft6r immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). webbing clothes moth and Aedes and A^eles mosquitoes. A chlox^ff^ ex tract was nontoxic to all these insects -- Heal and coworkers (93). CUSPARIA ANGOSTURA (Rich.) Lyons. EVODIA HUPENSIS Dode. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly xic to American cockroaches and nontoxi! to German cockroaches.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). DICTYOLOMA PERUVIANUM Planch. DICTYOLOMA sp. Aqueous extracts of the leaves were toxic th P A M er i Can cockroac kes when injected into ltd »nv “TT' bU * German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract a c extract nf i extrac t. A chloroform extract of the leaves was toxic to black cockroaches bUt n0t t0 Ger ™n the weKM 7 llkw eed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and A popheles mosquitoes. Alcohol I^T^tro- m . e ker ex tracts were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ) ^EOMA VANDELLIANUM a. Juss. Synonym: D. mcanescens DC . An aqueous extract of the stem bark was s ightly toxic to American cockroaches and nonto xlc to German cockroaches weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (£ 3 ). ERIOSTEMON CROWE 1 F . Muell. Synonym- Crowei sali gna. y ym - oll C ™, in - obtai,led the essential creased th , V ' S ^ d stems ' mai ’kedly in- th C f toxicity of a standard pyre- thrum spray to house flies.--Kerr (114) leates aqUeOUS CXtract of the branches and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A petroleum ether extract X S ,r T" l°, bllCk car Pet beetle iarvae only wh,le alcohol and chloroform extracts were' ontoxic to all insects tested.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). rteal and EVODIA LITTORALIS Endl. Evodionol, a compound isolated from the he aV 'rot a . nd Y° Se i y related in •tr.cSS .'To the rotenoids deguelin, toxicarol, and tephrosin, was a very effective synergist 7m) Py inS agaiQSt house flies!--Kerr FAGARA MANTCHURICA (Bennett) Honda. An acetone extract of the fruits was toxic to Culex pipiens larvae. The toxicity was traced t° the water-insoluble portion of (232) aCt ’"" YamagUChi and c oworkers HELIETTA LONGIFOLIATA Britton. toxic to U A° US extract of the stem bark was toxic to American cockroaches when in jected into the blood stream, but ^ cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). EUXYLOPHORA PARAENSIS Huber. Bra¬ zilian satinwood. :ott h (225°° d ^ resistant to termites—-Wol- =VODIA DANIELLII (Benn.) Hemsl. ole a to UC A US extractof the fruits was highly , . American cockroaches when in oek T * h ' blood but German ffected C aft S e and mllkw " d bu 8 s »«e un- after immersion in the extract eetut 01 ""Y* WaS ‘°* id aches mf,l' bU i ”°* *° cock- aches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the LUNASIA AMARA Blanco. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxi! worSr r sTw). COCkr ° aCh ' 8 - H ' al and «- MELICOPE ERYTHROCOCCA Benth. to m n ilt qUe °a U l CXtraCt ° f the see< f® was toxic cockroach sli 8 htl Y toxic to American roaches A nontoxic to German cock- let* I.*’ a^eous extract of the branch- lets and leaves was nontoxic to all these insects. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the branches and leaves were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not ,German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and 217 Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. An alco¬ hol extract was nontoxic to all these in¬ sects.--Heal and coworkers (93). METRODOREA PUBESCENS A. St. Hil. & Tul. An aqueous extract of the seeds was very toxic to American cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs but not to German cockroaches. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the seeds, roots, and branches and leaves were all toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aede s and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). MONNIERIA TRIFOLIA L. An aqueous extract of the roots was non- toxic to American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ORIXA JAPONICA Thunb. Water suspensions of the leaves and of the flowers were nontoxic to Drosophila hvdei larvae, but a suspension of the com¬ bined leaves and seeds was highly toxic to the larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). PHELLODENDRON AMURENSE Rupr. Amur cork tree, velvet tree. Acetone extracts of the fruits and of the bark were toxic to Culex pipiens larvae. In each case, the toxicity was traced to the water-insoluble portion of the extract.-- Yamaguchi and coworkers (232). PHELLODENDRON LAVALLEI Dode. An aqueous extract of the fruits was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). PHELLODENDRON sp. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Mexi¬ can bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen (86). PILOCARPUS JABORANDI Holmes. Ja- borandi. PILOCARPUS MICROPHYLLUS Stapf. Acetone extracts of the leaves were toxic to mosquito larvae.—Hartzell (90). PILOCARPUS PENNATIFOLIUS Lem. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). PTELEA TRIFOLIATA L. Acetone and water extracts of the root bark were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). RUTA CHALAPENSIS L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to German cockroaches but not to American cockroaches.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). RUTA GRAVEOLENS L. Rue. An acetone extract of the whole plant was toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). Aqueous extracts of the stems and leaves and of the whole plant were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SKIMMIA JAPONICA var. RUGOSA. A water suspension of the leaves and stems was toxic to Drosophila h yd^ lar " vae.- -Yamaguchi and coworkers (£33). SKIMMIA LAUREOLA Thunb. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). THAMNOSMA MONTANA Torr. & Frem. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). 218 THAMNOSMA TEXANA Torr. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches. - -Heal and coworkers (93). ZANTHOXYLUM AMERICANUM Northern prickly ash. Petroleum ether extracts of the bark and of the wood exhibited neither toxicity to house flies nor synergism with the pyre- thrins. The powdered bark was ineffective against southernarmyworms, melonworms and bean leaf rollers.--Jacobson (108). ZANTHOXYLUM CLAVA-HERCULIS L S y n o ny m s: Z. carolinia num . Fagara caroliniana. Southern prickly ash Her- cules club, toothache tree. A semi-solid material, obtained by puri¬ fication of the petroleum ether extractive o the bark, was highly toxic to house llies.--LaForge and coworkers ( 125 ). Asarinin, isolated from the bark, g’reatlv increased the toxicity of pyrethrum to ouse flies.--Haller and coworkers (81). Asannin was as effective a synergist as sesamin when tested withpyrethrins against ouse flies.--Haller and coworkers (82). A semi-solid material, obtained bylpuri- ?f C ^ 10I l 01 , thC P etroleum ether extractive the bark, was highly toxic to house flies either alone or in admixture with a diluent such as clay, talc, or bentonite. The in- material ma Y also be obtained l T °™ th T e I oots > fr uits, or leaves of the plant.--LaForge and Haller (124). Acetone, but not water, extracts of the ark were toxic to mosquito larvae. The ce one extract at a concentration of 4000 J.p.rm was ineffective against Aphis rumi- iis.--Hartzell (89). -- The petroleum ether extract of the bark ^as nontoxic to the cyclamen mite, Tar- [onemus pallidus, when tested as a methyl blonde aerosol.--Goodhue and Smith (77) An amide, N-(2 -p -anisylethyl) -N-methVl- innamamide, isolated from the petroleum the r extractive of the bark, was nontoxic ouse flies.--LaForge and Barthel (123). nerculin, a pungent amide isolated from ie petroleum ether extractive of the bark 48 as .elective against house flies as the yrethrins.--Jacobson (105). A mixture of 10 percent asarinin and 90 ercent pyrethrins was toxic to melon- ^rms, southern armyworms, Autogranha 2, and striped blister beetles. Th^powdered was toxic to armyworms, bean leaf W Cr *“’ m elonworms, but not to celery leaf tiers, pea aphids, and two-spotted pider mites. A 25-percent pyrax dust of the combined ethyl ether, chloroform and eitract e d X Ln tiVeS ° f P etrole “m ether- extracted bark was nontoxic toarmvworms Mill. pea aphids, and celery leaf tiers^Bo.t«; and Jacobson (36). ® The petroleum ether extractive of the bark was toxic to house flies, lone star ticks and larvae> and it was ^ effective body louse ovicide, but it was nontoxic to dog and cat fleas, chiggers and adult body lice, and as a mosquito repellent. The combined ethyl ether, chloro - °rm, an< i alcohol extractives of the petro¬ leum ether-extracted bark were nontoxic (108) Ur ° Pean C ° rn b ° rer larvae *"-Jacobson An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). ZANTHOXYLUM FLAVUMVahl. Synonym: Fagara flavum . Satinwood. The wood is resistant to termites.--Wol¬ cott ( 225 ). An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). Z A N N T C H Y°sf LUM MAVIENSE H * M ann var. An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ZANTHOXYLUM NARANJILLO Griseb. An aqueous extract of the branchlets was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ZANTHOXYLUM PIPERITUM DC. Acetone extracts of the bark and of the root bark were toxic to Culex pipiens lar¬ vae The toxicity was tri^id to the water - soluble and water-insoluble portions of the extracts, respectively.--Yamaguchi and co¬ workers ( 232 ). In tests with sanshool-I (N-isobutyl-2,4 8- dodecatrienamide) and sanshool II (N-iso¬ butyl-2,4, 8,10-dodecatetraenamide), p U n- gent principles isolated from the bark of this plant, the former killed 8 out of 10 Lulex pipiens larvae in 2 hours and 10 out of 10 in 16 hours at 1 to 30,000. The latter 219 killed 3 out of 10 and 10 out of 10 in 2 and 16 hours, respectively. At 1 to 100,000, sanshool-I and sanshool-II killed 10 out of 10 and 3 out of 10, respectively, in 24 hours. Both were ineffective at 1 to 300,000.-- Aihara and Suzucki (6). ZIERIA SMITHII Andr. The essential oil was highly repellent to Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes and to Australian sheep blowflies, but it was in¬ effective against the bush fly, Musca vetus- tissima. The active constituents are ele- micin and methyleugenol.--McCulloch and Waterhouse ( 142 ). The leaf essential oil was very effective in synergizing pyrethrins in tests against house flies. Elemicin, methyleugenol, and safrole probably account for the action of the oil. Neither linalool nor a distillation fraction consisting of 50 percent carene epoxide and 50 percent pinene was syn¬ ergistic.--Kerr (H4). SABIACEAE MELIOSMA sp. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). SALIC ACE AE POPULUS CANDICANS Ait. Poplar. Pyrax dusts of the ethyl ether and alco¬ hol extractives of the buds were toxic to armyworms but not to celery leaf tiers, pea aphids, and two-spotted spider mites.-- Bottger and Jacobson (36). The same pyrax dusts as mentioned above were nontoxic to European corn borer lar¬ vae. The ethyl ether extractive had no effect on cat fleas, lone star ticks, chiggers, body lice, and Anopheles mosquito larvae, and as a body louse ovicide. This extractive as well as the alcohol extractive were both nontoxic to house flies.--Jacobson (108). An aqueous extract of the buds was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). POPULUS NIGRA L. Black poplar. An aqueous extract of the leaves was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). POPULUS TREMULOIDES Michx. An acetone extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). SALIX CHILENSIS Mol. Humboldt’s willow. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites. --Wolcott ( 225 ). SALIX NIGRA Marsh. Black willow. An acetone extract of the buds was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). SALIX sp. Willow. An acetone extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). SALVADORACEAE SALVADORA PERSICA L. Aqueous extracts of the leaves and of the roots were nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SANTALACEAE ACANTHOSYRIS SPINESCENS Griseb. An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (93). BUCKLEYA DISTICHOPHY LLA (Nutt.) Torr. Aqueous extracts of the whole plant and of the fruits were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). EUCARYA SPICATA (R. Br.) Sprague & Somm. Sandalwood. The essential oil and the resin oilarenot repellent to Aedes mosquitoes.--McCulloch and Waterhouse ( 142 ). The essential oil of the wood did not syn- ergize pyrethrins in tests against house flies.--Kerr (Hi). EXOCARPUS CUPRESSIFORMIS Labill. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German 220 cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- a fecfcd a fter immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). IODINA RHOMBIFOLIA Hook. & Arn. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and roarh 5 Was , sll g htl y toxi c to American cock- roaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and. miikweed bugs... and coworkers OSYRIS ARBOREA Wall. Synonym: O. wightiana . - An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). S and PYRULARIA PUBERA Michx. Aqueous extracts of the bark, of the fruits tTxic 0 ^ 3 ^ ° f tHe r ° 0tS were each highly toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German affected aft ^ milkweed bu S s were un- Alcohnl aft f er 1 lmmer sion in the extracts. Extracts of t°h T ? ther ’ and chl °roform carnpf K th ? bark were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German beedertnd’r 11 ^ 66 ? bu S s ’ confuse d flour moth Ld A j 36 ° f the web bing clothes tract of tlT^- m ° S * uito - An alcohol ex¬ tract of the fruits was toxic only to black “ hiIe P«-lLmeto« dl t h b ° ° rm extrac ts were nontoxic to »ther extractetml Wa t qUlte tOXic to these insects, etroieum ether and chloroform extracts the branches and leaves were toxic to lcSol Ca ex P t e ract eeae ‘ a " ae ° rJy ’ and isec,s.--Heal" anld^oworkers" ' heSe wood Pr °cii rietary dressing containing sandal¬ wood oil was repellent to the sheen 034 ) y '“ aCkerraS and Mackerras An aqueous extract of an unidenti fled portion of this nlant umclentl - toxic tn r x. Plant was non- toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). S neat and SAPINDACEAE ALLOPHYEUS OCCIDENTALS (Sw.) Radik. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and ImeH- can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). “ Heal ALJLOPHYLUS RACEMOSUS Radik. An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to German a • as ucrman and American cork wooers . mUk ~ d b «gs.~Heal and co- BLIGHIA SAPIDA Kon. An aqueous extract of the branchlets a 6 d Ve f’ and bark WaS no ntoxic to German bugs An r a 1Can COckroaches and milkweed 8 \ An a 9 u eous extract of the branchlets leaves alone was nontoxic to both and species of cockroaches.--Heal and co workers (93). co " CARDIOSPERMUM GRANDIFLORUM Sw. ANTALUM ALBUM L. Sandalwood, act “I 'to! exCr f ct ’ not a water ex- The plant was nontoxic to house flies Uaf- q e U at',° a " d »* species oi ( 197 ). ng arvae,__Slevers and coworkers CARDIOSPERMUM HAEICACABUM L. nontoxic qU t e o OU r ° f the roots was ° German and American cock- ches and milkweed bugs --Heal and workers (93). g eal and c °- CUPANIA TRIQUETA A. Rich. The wood is very susceptible to ter mites.--Wolcott (225). P ter ‘ 221 DODONAEA VISCOSA Jacq. Hopbush. MAGONIA PUBESCENS A. St. Hil. The powdered leaves were nontoxic to cross-striped cabbageworms, Hawaiian beet webworms, and southern armyworms.-- Bottger and Jacobson (36). The powdered leaves were nontoxic to European corn borer larvae. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractives were nontoxic to German cockroaches and codling moth lar¬ vae.--Jacobson ( 108 ). DODONAEA VISCOSA var. ANGUSTIFOLIA (L.f.) Benth. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). HARPULLIA ARBOREA (Blanco) Radik. An aqueous extract of the bark was highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the bark were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, con¬ fused flour beetles, and larvae of the web¬ bing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. A chloroform extract was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). KOELREUTERIA PANICULATA Laxm. Koelreuteria. An acetone extract, but not a water ex¬ tract, of the seeds and leaves was toxic to mosquito larvae. — Hartzell (89). An aqueous extract of the branchlets was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). KOELREUTERIA PANICULATA var. APIC- ULATA (Rehd. & Wils.) Rehd. Acetone and water extracts of the seeds were nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hart¬ zell (89). Saponins of this plant had no effect on Culex fatigans larvae.--Wasicky and co¬ workers ( 219 ). An aqueous extract of the bark was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PAULLINIA FUSCESCENS H. B. K. Some of the plant parts were toxic, as dusts or extracts, to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf¬ eating larvae. — Sievers and coworkers (197). PAULLINIA PINNATA L. Barbasco. An acetone extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to mosquito larvae.--Jacobson ( 1 0 8). An aqueous extract of the branches was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). PAULLINIA TOMENTOSA Jacq. An aqueous extract of the branches was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). PHIALODISCUS UNIJUGATUS Radik. An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). SAPINDUS DRUMMONDII Hook. & Am. Aqueous extracts of the bark, of the branchlets and leaves, and of the roots were all nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SAPINDUS SAPONARIA L. The crushed dried fruit pulp was ineffec¬ tive against mosquito larvae. --Flock and de Lajudie (64). 222 An infusion of the bark is used in El Salvador as a contact poison.--Wellman and van Severen (221). . . ^tracts of the seeds or fruits were highly toxic to mosquito larvae.--Sievers and coworkers ( 1 97 ). SAPINDUS sp. roJ, he po ” de ' ed leav «. bark, wood, and roots each showed little or no toxicity to me onworm larvae, bean leaf beetle and cotton stamer adults, and Australian cock- roach nymphs.--Plank ( 174 ). serjania glabrata H. B. K. The plant was nontoxic to house flies leaf'eat V™*’ and Several species of (197). 8 larvae —Severs and coworkers SERJANIA MEXICANA Willd. Quamecatl. An acetone extract of the plant was inef- U08)!' aga ' nSt most iuito larvae.--Jacobson PAUCIDENTATA DC. Tinguide Jhe plant was nontoxic to house flies leaf^eaJr t™ 6 ’ and Several s P«i« of leaf-eating larvae—Sievers and coworkers extract of th ' aerial portion Jacobson ( 1 ^ 1 ? agamSt m ° SqUito larvae — .1^ aqa '°- extract of the stems was ml dy f. tOX1C t0 cockroaches nilk n ° n i° k 1C t0 German cockroaches and Ikweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93) JERJANIA RHOMBEA Radik. The plant was nontoxic to houseflies aosguito larvae, and several species oi 197 ). 1 8 larvae,_ " Sievers and coworkers ERJANIA SCATENS Radik. ughVrrc 5 rr* ° f the r °° ts » as nd nontoxic*" to r Amerlcan eockroaches eal anH , German cockroaches.-- eai and coworkers (93). SERJANIA sp. An aqueous extract of the branches was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer sion in the extract. An aqueous extract of o^ the mS , WaS Sli8 f tly tOXic ’ and an extract of the stems and tops was nontoxic to American cockroaches.--Heal and co workers (93). a co ~ TALISIA FURFURACEA Sandw. toxic a tn U T S CXtraCt ° f the bar k was highly toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer- eJher 'Ld chi eXt ? Ct ' Alc ° hol > Petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not Jo German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and Aed V es e aL th l W ' b Y ng Clothes moth ’ a "d WToworkerVI^ 1 ^ mosquitoaa —Heal TALISIA SQUARROSA Radik. An aqueous extract of the bark was very toxic to American cockroaches but not to S e r^T an , CO ° aCheS * Mc ° h ° 1 and chloro- bJIS e . Xtracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour moth and a I™ 6 ° f the webbin g clothes ether elf mos ^o. A petroleum sects Helf If* n ° ntoxic to a11 these in¬ sects.--Heal and coworkers (93). UNGNADIA SPECIOSA Endl. lealls^allT .f Xtract of the branchlets, rVZ u rmtS was nontoxic to American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (^)? XANTHOCERAS SORBIFOLIA Bunge. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs extllcr^aT' / fter imme rsion in the ract.--Heal and coworkers (93). SAPOTACEAE ACHRAS ZAPOTA L. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloro¬ form extracts of the inner stem bark w^e 223 nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and co¬ workers (13). CHRYSOPHYLLUM CAINITO L. An aqueous extract of the bark was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). LUCUMA MULTIFLORA A. DC. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott ( 225 ). MADHUCA LATIFOLIA (Roxb.) Macbr. Synonym: Bassia latifolia . Mahua, mow- rah. A saponin obtained from the alcohol ex¬ tract of this plant was nontoxic to codling moth larvae, melonworms, Colorado potato beetles, southern armyworms, and cross- striped cabbageworms.--Jacobson (1_08). An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). MANILKARA EXCELSA (Ducke) Standi. Mas saranduba. MANILKARA NITIDA (Sesse & Moc.) Du- bard. Bulletwood. The former is much more resistant to termite attack than the latter.--Wolcott (224). MICRO PHOLIS CURVATA. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). PALAQUIUM sp. The powdered seeds showed considerable toxicity to silkworm larvae and fair toxicity to Mexican bean beetle larvae but no toxic¬ ity to bean aphids. An alcohol extract of the seeds had no effect on silkworm larvae and the alcohol, chloroform, acetone, petroleum ether, and carbon tetrachloride extracts had no effect on bean aphids. --Lee and Hans- berry ( 1 29 ). The powdered seeds were nontoxic to bean aphids.--Chiu and coworkers (48). POUTERIA DEMERARAE Sandw. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott ( 225) . SARRACENIACEAE DARLINGTONIA CALIFORNICA Torr. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches. --Heal and coworkers (93). SARRACENIA PURPUREA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SAURURACEAE ANEMOPSIS CALIFORNICA Hook, k Arn. An aqueous extract of the leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches.-- Heal and coworkers (93). SAURURUS CERNUUS L. An aqueous extract of one sample of the whole plant was toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs, but an extract of another sample of whole plant was non¬ toxic to all these insects.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). SAXIFRAGACEAE ASTILBE sp. An acetone extract of the whole plant was toxic to mosquito larvae. --Hartzell (90). 224 CH Schm?d S . P1 ' ENIUM FLAGELLIFE RUM f. hydrangea arborescens g. Aqueous suspensions of the leaves, stems and roots were toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). C Nutt S ° SPLENIUM glechomaefolium An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CHRYSOSPLENIUM YESOENSE Franch. & Savat. Aqueous suspensions of the leaves, stems, and roots were toxic to Drosophila hvd P i ^233) e '~" ama g uchi and coworkers ESCALLONIA PULVERULENTA Pers. leat n ^ aqUe ° US 6Xtract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). S FENDLERA RUPICOJLA A. Gray. JZ TT S SXtraCt ° f the “hole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German Xc? c r h j, s and miikweed bu «= -r Heal and ™ me , rsion in the extract— neai and coworkers (93). FORGESIA BORBONICA (Lam.) Pers. lea A v q es e an S d Z??** ° f 1116 branc hlets and Germp d ? the stems were nontoxic to Germ an and American cockroaches and gilkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers PRANCOA SONCHIFOLIA Cav. axle rr eXtraCt ° C the » h °la plant was el, t? American cockroaches when in- •oct^r e s a e d l 00 t Stream ’ but G ~ Seated afi d milkweed bu gs were un- lea! and ft lmmersion in the extract.-- eai and coworkers (93). toxic a r°Gera r „ aCt a^ th A e m r00,S WaS "°"- roaches.--He e a r ra a nd clwor^m" ITEA VIRGINICA. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). g eal JAMESIA AMERICANA Torr. & Gray. An aqueous extract of the roots was s ig tly toxic to American cockroaches nd nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93)? J EPS ONI A PARRYI (Torr.) Small. ffW An t qU !° US extract of the corms was very toxic to American cockroaches and milk- r o e aches U8S H bU 1 t n °. nt ° Xic to German cock- oaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). LITHOPHRAGMA AFFINIS A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant as toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German arteJedtn a " d milkweed b »gs were u„- ted , after immersion in the extract— Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). PARNASSIA ASARIFOLIA Vent. An aqueous extract of the whole plant Tnd S toxic to American cockroaches ... non toxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93)? PHILADELPHIA LEWISII Pursh. An aqueous extract of the stems and es was toxic to American cockroaches Germ a lnjeCt l d int0 the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs rxt r r e a Ct Una H f :? ] ted / fter immersion ^ the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). RISES CEREUM Dougl. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to German cockroaches, slightly toxic Jo 225 American cockroaches, and nontoxic to milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 9 _)« RIBESGLANDULOSUMGrauer. Skunk cur¬ rant, mountain currant. roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal coworkers ( 92 )* BARTSIA STRICTA Benth. BARTSIA VISCOSA L. and An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). RIBES NIGRUM L. The powdered plant was nontoxic to Ixodes and Dermacentor ticks, bedbugs, houii" flies, Aedes and Anopheles mos¬ quitoes, and Drosophila ,.--Qlenev ( 1 _ 63 ). SAXIFRAGA AUSTROMONTANA Wiegand. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to German and American cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs. Alcohol, petro¬ leum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mos¬ quito.—Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). TIARELLA TRIFOLIATA L. WHIPPLEA MODESTA Torr. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers ( 92 ). SCROPHULARIACEAE BACOPA MONNIERI (L.) Pennell. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). BACOPA ROTUNDIFOLIA (Michx.) Wettst. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock- Aqueous extracts of the whole plant were nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers ( 93 ). BESSEYA RUBRA (Dougl.) Rydb. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. — Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). BEYRICHIA OCYMOIDES Cham. & Schlecht. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers ( 93 ). BUCHNERA AMERICANA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). BUCHNERA FLORID ANA Gand. CAPRARIA BIFLORA L. Aqueous extracts of the whole plant were toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extracts.-- Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). CASTILLEJA FISSIFOLIA L. f. CASTILLEJA LINARIAEFOLIA Benth. CASTILLEJA LINDHEIMERI A. Gray. CASTILLEJA MINIATA Dougl. Aqueous extracts of the whole plant were nontoxic to American and German coc - roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal coworkers ( 93 ). CHELONE GLABRA L. Balmony. An acetone extract of the leaves was inef¬ fective against mosquito larvae.--Hartze ( 90 ). 226 Aqueous extracts of fragments of the plant were toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). COLLINSIA TINCTORIA Hartw. An aqueous extract of the stems, leaves and flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). CORDYLANTHUS RAMOSUS Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches, but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.— Heal and coworkers (93). ESCOBEDIA SCABRIFOLIA Ruiz & Pavon. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic !h^ er i C \ n cockroaches when injected into ltd i°i? bUt German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). co EUPHRASIA CANADENSIS Towns. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was lontoxic to German and American cock- vorkers («“, m “ kweed bu « s — Heal and co- injected into the blood stream, but German cocki-Qaches and milkweed bugs were un- a ected after immersion in the extract -- Heal and coworkers (93). GERARDIA PAUPERCULA (A. Gray) Brit¬ ton. Synonym: Agalinis paupercula . An aqueous extract of the whole plant W s s lghtly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). GERARDIA PEDICULAR! A L. Synonym- Aureolana pedicularia . Aqueous extracts of the branchlets, eaves, and flowers, of the stems and eaves, and of the roots were nontoxic rnii? 6rm f u and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Extracts of the tops, leaves, and fruits were slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.-Heal and coworkers GRATIOLA NEGLECTA Torr. witw aqi f° US extract of the whole plant cork frU1 £ S Was sll 8 htl y toxic to American roaches an ^ nontoxic to German cock- workers W) bu ^-Heal and co- EUPHRASIA DISJUNCTA Fern. & Wieg. ILY SANTHES ANTIPODA (L.) Me rr. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was ery toxic to American cockroaches but not dcoho??^ 0 °f CheS and mil kweedbugs. "c £ P etro1 ^™ ether extracts were 3X1C to black carpet beetle larvae but not 3 German cockroaches, milkweed bugs edes ar a V nd e A ^ ” ehhin Z clothes ™oth and ^eg and Anopheles mosquitoes. An alco- ects h i nontoxic to all these in- ecis.--.Heal and coworkers (93). ERARDIA AURICULATA Michx. An aqueous extract of the whole plant iert°,f lC t0 American cockroaches when >ckroach nt ° th ^. blood ^ream, but German fected afte a " milkweed were un- ■al .rd tmmeraton in the extract.-- -ai and coworkers ( 93 ). °la A ria D flava F LAVA U S ' rnon ' ,m: Aure- An to a x q ic e r S . eXtraCt ° f the wh ° le Plant oxic to American cockroaches when wafslf^r? 6Xtract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches nHIk n ° n ^ OXlc to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). lamourouxia virgata h. b. k. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American roach' ° aCheS , and atoxic to German cock- oaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 5 d LINARIA VULGARIS Hill. Butter-and-eggs. Acetone and water extracts of the flowers and leaves were nontoxic to mosquito lar¬ vae. — Hartzell (89). M An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.-Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). M t U Bo^pL YA ANTI “lFLORA Humb. raTvlV'but'’ 1 ™, ? s , toxic '° Silk - ae but not to larvae of the 227 Mexican bean beetle and Colorado potato beetle.--Hansberry and Clausen (°o)» MELAMPYRUM LINEARE Desr. An aqueous extract of the whole plant with fruits was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal an coworkers (93). MIMULUS LONGIFLORUS (Nutt.) Grant. Aqueous extracts of the whole plant and of the upper parts were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.-Heal and co¬ workers (93). MIMULUS RINGENS L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal a coworkers (93). MIMULUS sp. Mimulus. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves and stems were ineffective against mosquito larvae. --Hartzell (89). MOHAVEA CONFERTIFLORA (Benth.) Heller. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ORTHOCARPUS LUTEUS Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. A chloroform extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, an Aedes mosquito larvae. An alcohol extrac nontoxic to all these insects and to Anopheles mosquito larvae.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). PEDICULARIS GROENLANDICA Retz. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). PE DIC U LARIS LANCEOLATA Michx. An aqueous extract of the upper parts was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PEDICULARIS PAY SONLANA Pennell. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). PENSTEMON GRACILIS Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.- -Heal and coworkers (93). RHINANTHUS CRISTA-GALLI L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A R * tT °- leum ether extract was toxic to black car pet beetle larvae but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Anopheles m quito. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were nontoxic to all these insects and to Aedes mosquito larvae.-Heal and cowork¬ ers (93). SCOPARLA DULCIS L. A brush made from the plant is used in El Salvador to eliminate lice from chl f* en houses. --Wellman and van Severen (^). The plant was nontoxic to house Hies, mosquito larvae, and severa! “ leaf-eating larvae. — Sievers and coworkers (l A 7 n' aqueous extract of the . wh ”m.?icM was nontoxic to German and America cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal coworkers (93). ORTHOCARPUS PURPURASCENS Benth. sCRO PHULARIA LANCEOLATA Pursh. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches an milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (9_3). An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was toxic to American cockroaches^ injected into the blood stream, but Germa C ff" k » 0 j Ch f S and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). SCROPHULARIA MARILANDICA L. An aqueous extract of the upper parts an fruits was highly toxic to German cockroaches. A petroleum ether extract of the stems, leaves, and flowers was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs and l a !, Vae ° f the webbin g clothes moth a ” d and Anophele_ s mosquitoes. Al¬ cohol and chloroform extracts were non- t0 /ol\ th6Se insec ts.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). SCROPHULARIA NODOSA L. An aqueous extract of an unidentified por¬ tion was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SEYMERIA CASSIOIDES (Walt.) Blake Synonym: Afzelia cassioide* . An aqueous extract of the stems and rj® 5 . Was f 1 ° X1 . C to American cockroaches ? hen injected into the blood stream, but jerman cockroaches and milkweed bugs ere unaffected after immersion in the 5xtract.--Heal and coworkers (93). ilLVIA ITAUBA (Meissn.) Ducke. ^cottTm ). 16 reSiStaDt t0 ,erm “ eS - TEMODIA PUSILLA Benth. on A t n n v qU ? US , eXtraCt ° f the w bole plant was ontoxic to German and American cock- owor e kers a ( 93 ) milkWeed b ^ S - Heal a ” d VERBASCUM BLATTARLA L. An aqueous extract of the tops and flower was lghly toxic to American cockroaches Germa lnjeCt l d “ t0 the bl °° d str eam, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs extrlct^Alcoh^ immersion ™ the * Alcohol and petroleum ether ex- to hl S the t0pS and leaves w ere toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and A ai T ae °* [ he webbing clothes moth and and Anopheles mosquitoes. A chloro- orm extract was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). VERBASCUM LYCHNITIS L. An aqueous extract of the tops and fruits n ° n l° XiC 1 ° German a " d American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). S 1 and VERBASCUM THAPSUS L. Mullein. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves HartzeU W C , ' «— VERBASCUM sp. nf A v et °?, e and Water extrac ts of the flowers of V £hiomoides or V. thapsiforme were zell f (89) Ve agamSt mos< l u itolarvae.--Hart- VERONICA AMERICANA Schwein. a \ u ® ou ® extract of the whole plant , S lg f htl T toxic to American cockroaches non ^ oxlc to German cockroaches and weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). VERONICASTRUM VIRGINICUM (L.) Far- ONELLA FLORIBUNDA a. Gray. T,n q f e ° US extract of the whole plant >ckroarVi° X1C j° German and American >ckroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal 'workers (93). gs - Meal and ^NDELLIA DIFFUSA L. lS8liah«v U f S 6XtraCt ° f the Wh ° le P lant d nnV 7 tOXlC t0 American cockroaches dkweedh 1C t0 German cockroaches and U g s * - -Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the stems and cor! 6S T aS Slightly toxic American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93)" SIMAROUBACEAE AILANTHUS ALTISSIMA (Mill.) Swingle. An aqueous extract of the branch wood as toxic to American cockroaches when njected into the blood stream, but German Sec™d C aft S and milkweed bu 8 s were un- affeced after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). 229 BALANITES AEGYPTLACA Delile. Desert date. The pulp of the ripe fruit was toxic to melonworm and diamondback moth larvae but not to cotton stainer and bean leaf beetle adults and Australian cockroach nymphs. The powdered seeds, leaves, bark, and roots each showed some toxicity to melonworm larvae but were nontoxic to the other insect species mentioned, as were the powdered twigs, spines, and wood.--Plank ( 174 ). Aqueous extracts of the fruits, roots, and seeds were highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the bl °° d stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts. An aqueous extract of the bark and stems was nontoxic to all these insects. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the roots, the seeds, and the fruits were all toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the bark were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae only, and an alcohol extract of the bark was nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers (93). BALANITES ROXBURGHII Planch. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic to American cockroaches and milkweed bugs but not to German cockroaches.-- Heal and coworkers (93). BALANITES WILSONIANA Dawe & Sprague.. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the bark, roots, and stems was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). BRUNELLLA COMOCLADIFOLLA Humb. & Bonpl. Aqueous extracts of the branches and leaves, of the bark, and of the roots were all nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CASTELA TORTUOSA Liebm. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches. Al¬ cohol and chloroform extracts of the roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.-- Heal and coworkers (93). HANNOA UNDULATA Planch. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the fruits were slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock- roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PICRAMNLA PENTANDRA Sw. The plant is used as a general insecti¬ cide in Haiti.--Higbee (94). An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PICROLEMMA PSEUDOCOFFEA Ducke. An aqueous extract of the leaves was highly toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the stems and roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae (the chloroform extract was also toxic to webbing clothes moth larvae), an nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. Chloroform extracts of the roots and ° the stems were toxic to webbing clothes moth, black carpet beetle, and Aedes mos¬ quito larvae, but not to the other insects.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PICROLEMMA SPRUCEI Hook. f. Chloroform extracts of the branches and leaves and of the roots were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, confused our beetles, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosqui¬ toes.--Heal and coworkers (93). QUASSIA AMARAL. Surinam quassia, West Indian quassia. Boxes made of the wood are used for the storage of clothing to protect * moths. Fly paper can be made of blot g Z30 paper soaked in a sugared extract of the wood.--Higbee (94). I .J he . f bitter principle, quassin, showed little, if any, toxicity to green peach aphids, house flies, and Mexican bean beetles. Sec¬ ond instars of the bean beetle were sus¬ ceptible, but adults and fourth instars were much more resistant. It was also nontoxic to American cockroaches. — McGovran and coworkers ( 144 ). The powdered roots were highly toxic to melonworm larvae by contact, and mod¬ erately to weakly toxic to diamondback moth larvae, cotton stainer and bean leaf beetle adults, and Australian cockroach nymphs. Leaves, bark, and wood were very weakly toxic to these insects.--Plank \ £ • ** ) • A 10-percent emulsion of extracts of the „ wood * used as a spray, had no effect on Triatoma infestans .--Wasickv and Unti iLLr). SAMADERA INDICA Gaertn. «. T ^t-, bark is used as an insecticide in the Philippines.--Quisumbing ( 179 ). Alcohol, petroleum ether, andchloroform extracts of the root wood were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae (the petroleum ether extract was also toxic to milkweed bugs), but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes.--Heal and coworkers (93). American cockroaches. Alcohol and chloro- h °™ extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cock- r °KK heS ’ ™ llkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Ano- j^Les mosquitoes.--Heal and cowork^i 3IMABA CEDRON Planch. An aqueous extract of the nut shells vas nontoxic to German and American cock- oaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). •IMABA MULTIFLORA A. Juss. The wood is very susceptible to ter- mtes.--Wolcott (225). IMARUBA AMARA Aubl. Brazilian white pine. The wood is very susceptible to ter- mtes.--Wolcott (225). An acetone extract of the bark was ell (90) VC againSt mos< I uito larvae.--Hart- A 10-percent emulsion of extracts of the H*; USed . as a s P ra Y, bad no effect on Jfp- a mfestans.--Wasicky and Unti An aqueous extract of the roots was to German cockroaches but not to SIMARUBA GLAUCA DC. An aqueous extract of the branches was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworker6 (93). SOLANACEAE ACNISTUS ARBORESCENS (L.) Schlecht. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.-Heal and coworkers ATROPA BELLADONNA L. Belladonna. An acetone extract of the leaves was ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hart- zell (90). BRACHISTUS RHOMBOIDEUS fH. B. K.) Miers. Synonym: Witheringia rhom’- boidea. --- An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). BRUNFELSIA DENSIFOLLA Krug & Urban. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). BRUNFELSIA HOPEANA Benth. An aqueous extract of the leaves was s lghtly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). Z31 CAPSICUM FRUTESCENS L. Synonym : C. annuum. Cayenne pepper, red pepper. The ground dried fruits are sprinkled among materials to be preserved in El Salvador. --Wellman and Van Severen (Z2J.). Acetone and water extracts of the fruits were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). An acetone extract of the pods was toxic to mosquito larvae. — Hartzell (90). quito larvae, and several species of leaf¬ eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (197). DATURA FEROX L. An aqueous extract of the seeds was non¬ toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.— Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). DATURA METELOIDES DC. CAPSICUM sp. An acetone extract of the fruits was toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (9_). A composition containing capsicum, sabadilla seeds, and an activator is effective against Dysdercus , Aphis , roaches, lice, and fleas.--Babbini (29). CESTRUM DIURNUM L. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CESTRUM LATIFOLIUM var. TENUIFLO- RUM (H. B. K.) O. E. Schulz. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species o leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (197). CESTRUM PARQUI L’H6rit. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). CHAMAESARACHA NANA A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DATURA ARBOREA L. The plant is used in Cuba to repel giant ants.--Higbee (94). DATURA CANDIDA (Pers.) Safford. Some of the plant parts, as dusts or extracts, were toxic to house flies, mos- The powdered plant was nontoxic to southern beet webworms and European corn borers. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol ex¬ tractives were ineffective against bouse flies and codling moths.--Jacobson (U)8). DATURA STRAMONIUM L. An acetone extract of the leaves was nontoxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). FABIANA IMBRICATA Ruiz & Pavon. An aqueous extract of fragments of the plant was toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). JABOROSA RUNCINATA Lam. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and co¬ workers (93). LATUA PUBIFLORA (Griseb.) Baill. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). LYCIUM HALIMIFOLIUM Mill. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to German cockroaches but notto American cockroaches.--Heal and cowork¬ ers (93). LYCOPERSICON ESCULENTUM Mill- Synonym: Solatium lye ope r sic on . Tomato. The powdered stems and leaves '*' ere nontoxic to diamondback moth larvae. Ace¬ tone extracts of the roots, stems, an leaves were all ineffective against adult potato aphids and saw-toothed grain beet 232 Th f sfc ems and leaves, macerated with water, had no effect on potato aphids and saw-toothed grain beetles. --Tattersfield and coworkers (209). Petroleum eth?7, ethyl ether, and al¬ cohol extracts were all nontoxic to house flies, although the alcohol extract was toxic to German cockroaches.--Jacobson (108). LYCOPERSICON ESCULENTUM var PRUNIFORME LYC°PE RSICON HIRSUTUM Humb. & Bonpl. L CH°u P TA R T S iM ON PERUVIANUM — LYCOPERSICON PERUVIANUM var PUTATUM * injected into the blood stream.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). 1 and PHYSALIS MOLLIS Nutt. Smooth ground- This plant has been used for years as a fly poison in Oklahoma. Both the powdered leaves and a glycoside isolated from the alcohol extractive were toxic to house flies. An alkaloid isolated from the chloro- orm extract of the leaves was nontoxic to H P®? fl , 16S m Sma11 d °sage.--Harris (88). form > 6Un \ 6the /’ 6thyl 6ther ' and chloro¬ form extracts of the fruits from Texas (To8 ) n ° ntoxic to house flies.--Jacobson SALPICHROA ORIGANIFOLIA (Lam.) Thell. LYCOPERSICON PERUVIANUM var. X SCHWENKIA AMERICANA L. L T t C ° P x EES icon pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. Potato leaves which had been infiltrated ith an aqueous solution of tomatin, ob- amed from the leaves of these species of tomatoes completely repelled potato beetle !f^ Vae . ^ he . n * he tomatin concentration in coworkers °' 5 » erCe " t - K “*“ 1 A ” a ’" e ° us extract the stems and leaves of L. Reruvianum was nontoxic to German an d American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). N p™efu HYSALODES ,L -' Caert "' A P- Petroleum ether, ethyl ether, andchloro- ox ™ ° f the "hole plant were non- to house flies.--Jacobson (108). Aqueous extracts of the whole plant and O Germ P i >er ^ fruitS were nont oxic nilkweTd "h and A ™ erican cockroaches and Ikweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). 1IEREMBERGIA HIPPOMANICA Miers. An aqueous extract of the whole plant caches ° X1C H t0 G n! man and American cock- bes and milkweed bugs.--Heal anH oworkers (93). K and ETUNIA HYBRIDA Vilm. as n toxTc e ^o S A e * traC ‘ °* the whole P lMt O American cockroaches when Aqueous extracts of the whole plants were s lghtly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SOLANDRA LONGIFLORA Tussac. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German cockroaches s lghtly toxic to American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). SOLANUM BALLSII Hawkes. Of many wild species of Solanum tested only the tubers of this sp^T^ere re- (58) ant t0 thC 8 ° lden nemat °de.--EUenby SOLANUM CHACOENSE Bitter. Wild po¬ tato. * xr,ri e tl tS WUh th . G leaves « leaf sandwiches, nd the press juice showed that the leaves fi* 6S n S f attractive to the potato beetle than hose of S tu berosum because they contain repellent substance.--Langenbuch ( 127 ). SOLANUM CILIATUM Lam. The powdered immature and ripe fruits showed little or no toxicity to melonworm and diamondback moth larvae, bean leaf beetle and cotton stainer adults, and Aus¬ tralian cockroach nymphs. The ripe fruits We . re . nontoxic fc o Diabrotica bivittata adults and American cockroach nymphs. The pow¬ dered leaves and stems each showed little 233 or not toxicity to melonworm and diamond- back moth larvae, Diabrotica bivitta ta and cotton stainer adults, and Australian cock¬ roach nymphs.--Plank ( 174 ). SOLANUM CRISPUM var. LIGUSTRINUM (Lodd.) Dunal. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.- -Heal and coworkers (93). SOLANUM MAMMOSUM L. Love apple. The leaves were highly toxic to mosquito larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (197). The powdered ripe fruits, leaves, stems, and roots each showed little or no toxicity to melonworm larvae, bean leaf beetle and cotton stainer adults, and Australian cock- roach nymphs, although the plant is reported to be useful in the control of cockroaches.-- Plank ( 174 ). SOLANUM NIGRUM L. SOLANUM DEMISSUM Lindl. Wild potato. The resistance of this plant to potato beetle larvae was attributed to the alkaloid, demissine, isolated from its leaves. A 5- percent aqueous solution of demissine strongly inhibited growth and development of the insect.--Kuhn and Gauhe (H9). Demissine, isolated in 0 .10-0.47-percent yield from the leaves, strongly repelled potato beetle larvae.--Kuhn and Low (J_20). Larvae of all instars of the potato beetle were confined to the leaves of 14 strains of this plant. It was concluded that the resistance is due merely to some factor that renders the leaves unpalatable to the larvae, rather than to a toxic principle.-- de Wilde (223). SOLANUM GLAUCUM Dunal. An aqueous extract of the roots and stems was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). SOLANUM GUANICENSE Urban. An aqueous extract of the stems and fruits was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches .--Heal and coworkers (93). SOLANUM LEUCOCARPON Dunal. The plant was nontoxic to house flies, mosquito larvae, and several species of leaf-eating larvae.--Sievers and coworkers (197). SOLANUM MALACOXYLON Sendt. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Heal and coworkers (93). The powdered ripe fruits, leaves, small branches, and woody stems each showed little or no toxicity to melonworm larvae, bean leaf beetle and cotton stainer adults, and Australian cockroach nymphs.--Plank (174). “An aqueous extract of the leaves was very toxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). SOLANUM PAMPASENSE Hawkes. Of 40 wild species of Solanum tested, the tubers of only this species were resist¬ ant to golden nematodes.--Ellenby (5J7). SOLANUM POLYADENIUM Greenm. Wild plants showed almost complete im¬ munity to attack by the aphids that infest potatoes in New Brunswick, Canada.-- Gardiner (69). , , .. Aphids ( Mvzus persicae ) placed on the plants did not feed and their movements were impeded by a black gummy substance. The leaves bear numerous glandular hairs, and tests demonstrated the presence of a free oily substance on the leaf surface. It is suggested that the immunity of mature leaves from aphid attack is due to a re¬ pellent action of the free oil and the mechanical action of the gummy secretion in preventing the aphids from feeding.- Stringer ( 202 ). SOLANUM SUCRENSE Hawkes. The tubers are resistant to golden nematodes.--Mai and Peterson (135). SOLANUM TORREYI A. Gray. Purple nightshade. The powdered plant was nontoxic to European corn borer larvae. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform and alcohol extractives were nontoxic 234 house flies and codling moth larvae.-- Jacobson ( 108) . SOLANUM TRIFLORUM Nutt. An aqueous extract of the whole plant with fruits was toxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs — rieal and coworkers (93). 6 SOLANUM TUBEROSUM L. Potato. ■ ft™ aCetone extract of the sprouts was zell (90). Ve againSt m °squito larvae.—Hart- 1pa The alkaloid Solanine T. present in the leaves, was inactive against potato beetle larvae —-Kuhn and Gauhe ( 119 ). SOLANUM VERBASCIFOLIUM L. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves Tnd S S 7 tOXiC t0 American cockroaches mUI,™ t0 German cockroaches and ee bugs —-Heal and coworkers (93). SOLANUM sp. - n f PeC ™ ens °‘ the Commersoniana Co?n P f ld P° tatoes . resistant to the Colorado potato beetle, contained predomi! nantiy solanine-type, rather than demissine- (Ype,) p r oducts. --Pr-oicosbev and petroc henko Jfc a to e0 Ge r e ia„ aCt a n 1 ,h A e ^ *“"»"■ roaches. Heal and COCk ' roaches and milkweed bugs --Heal a j coworkers ( 93 ). g ’ Heal a nd TURPINIA PANICULATA Vent. WoUottTzM,. " reSU ‘ ant '° An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches when inlecterf into the blood stream but German cock- after imm milkweed bu g s were unaffected ™ mer sion in the extract. An extract t°o In 6 ^ ranChlets and lea ^es was nontoxic to^ali these insects--Heal and coworkers STEMONACEAE CROOMIA PAUCIFLORA Torr. wat n to a x ic e t°o US r eXtraC ‘ ° f the * hole P la "* Z A German cockroaches but not bugs Hea? 11 , COckroaches a nd milkweed Dugs —-Heal and coworkers (93). STEMONA JAPONICA Franch. & Savat. t0 £ extract the roots was * .t° Qals? prpiens larvae. The toxicity tract --Ya d tD "l e basic P ortion °f the ex- amaguchi and coworkers (232). STEMONA TUBEROSA Lour. Pai pu . WITHANIA SOMNIFERA (L.) Dunal. An aqueous extract of the roots was -cached H C ^ Tm f n and American cock- hes —-Heal and coworkers (93). SPARGANIACEAE 'PARGANIUM EURYCARPUM Engelm. An aqueous extract of the whole plant ockr^oacrhe Was sll g htl Y toxic to American cache. h .i and nontoxic to German cock- oaches and milkweed bugs --Heal oworkers (93). g 1 and STAPHYLEACEAE An acetone extract of the roots was Indian 1?* £ a , ter P illar s and cotton aphids, licl anV 1 C f r eXtraC ‘ was toxic to body lice and plant lice. The toxicity is due to the presence of alkaloids —Chiu (47) An aqueous extract of the stTms and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs — Heal and coworkers (93). STERCULIACEAE AYENIA BERLANDIERI s. Wats. An aqueous extract of the stems and cork GS T 33 sll g htl V toxic to American ^o^° aCheS J and nontoxic to German cock- oaches and milkweed bugs —-Heal and coworkers (93). g d r APHYLEA TRIFOLIA L. at n nonr° US eXtract of seeds and roots ntoxic toGerman and American cock- Cola. COLA NITIDA (Vent.) Schott. &Endl. ^ A n f . acetone extract of the nuts was in- ( 90 ^ CtlVe a g ainst mosquito larvae- -Hartzell 235 DOMBEYA QUINQUESETA (Delile) Exell. An aqueous extract of the stem bark was toxic to German and American cockroaches but not to milkweed bugs. An extract of the roots was nontoxic to all these insects.-- Heal and coworkers (93). DOMBEYA ROT UN DIFOLLA Planch. An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to German and American cock- roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PTEROSPERMUM ACERIFOLIUM Willd. An aqueous extract of the flowers was nontoxic to German and American cock- roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). STERCULLA PRUR1ENS (Aubl.) K. Schum. Yahu. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.— Wolcott (225). FIRMIANA SIMPLEX (L.) W. F. Wright. THEQBROMA CACAO L . Cocoa . An aqueous extract of the branchlets, leaves, and fruits was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to Ger- man cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). GUAZUMA ULMIFOLIA Lam. The wood is very susceptible to ter¬ mites.--Wolcott ( 225 ). ... j Aqueous extracts of the branchlets and leaves and of the stems were toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts. An extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). HELICTERES JAMAICENSIS Jacq. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (9_L KLEINHOVIA HOSPITA L. An aqueous extract of the bark was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aede s and A nopheles mosquitoes. An alcohol ex¬ tract was nontoxic to all these insects.-- Heal and coworkers (93). MANSONLA. ALTISSIMA A. Chev. An aqueous extract of the stem wood was slightly toxic to American cockroaches An acetone extract of the shells was ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hart- zell ( 90 ). WALTHERIA AMERICANA L. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). STYRACEAE HALESLA CAROLINA L. Aqueous extracts of the roots, the branch- lets and leaves, the stem bark, and the twigs were all very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches andmilk- weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract. An aqueous extract of the fruits was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches only. A chloroform extract of the roots was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not td German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts of the roots were nontoxic to all these insects. A petroleum ether extract of the bark was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles, and webbing clothes moth larvae. Alcohol chloroform extracts of the bark were non¬ toxic to these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). HALESLA. sp. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was very toxic to American cocK- Z36 roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed the" 8 extract. U - n .HS"f„d f " r im ” ersio " >" neai and coworkers (93). LISSOCARPA GUIANENSIS Gleason. tox t t a o q r e ° US eXtra f t ° f the roots non- Ind milv Tu ^ Americ an cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers STYRAX AMERICANA Lam. An aqueous extract of the stem Khrir Tnd S no 8 ? 1 ' 7 tOXiC t0 Amer -an cockroaches nd nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 K STYRAX BENZOIN Dryand. Acetone and water extracts of benzoin ?ae. Tm™ agai " St STYRAX JAPONICA Sieb. & Zucc. Ego. to A cJT°r ' Xtr f Ct ° f the fruits was toxic ;° ~ ex P 1 P le ns larvae. The toxicitv was Yaml d V he ^ idiC P° rtion of the extract.-- amaguchi and coworkers (23 2) from°this d nix' f eg ° no1 ' and 'Wal. obtained PYrlthrum P ’ W6re aU ver V e«ective pyrethrum synergists when tested against Afcf. gossyjdi, A. laburni. Brevicorvne P a £e£HoHrii,olS^^ ££ ™| - y 2u s P er sicae.--Matsnhay a (137,’ 13 ^). TAXACEAE CEPHALOTAXUS DRUPACEA Sieb. 8, Zucc. stems'" svas to °‘D®* ‘tT* *” d larvae.-Yamaguchi and cl dacry dium FRANKLINTT c, Huonense . Huon pine 5- SrS&aSSsa content^ The" SVepSs AustraHa S n Sent h al 1S hl 8 hl y repelleirtlo (220) eep blowflies --Waterhouse 011 P revents blowflies from lavina ir eggs on sheep.--Anonymous ( 21 ) The wood essential oil was a verVeffec or knockdown when used alone. The art-inn Kerr (m, Synerg ‘ St as the distillate — T ^on S S BACCATA var * REPANDENS Par- SYMPLOCACEAE '“UrT 10 ^ - lome toxicitv !?”'* ° f ‘ he s,ems sh °»ed ion *10.8* m °squito larvae.--Jacob- ea A ves a w»? U r l?!™ 0 ' ° f lhe b ranches and "aches and 18 I ' 0XiC American cock- oaches . Heal"""toxic to German cock- s * -Heal and coworkers (93). TAMARICACEAE AMARIX APHYLLA (L.) Karst. AMARIX gallica l. »tox!c“to e Ge raC,S ° f a' braa<:h ' a «, t ‘aches and° mf 1 and American cock- ‘worke rs a ’; d 3 ) m,lkwa ' d bugs - H ' a > and .1 A H.. ai J ueous extract of the bark was nontoxfc to X Ger° American cockroaches and coworkers Mir" C ° Ckr ° acbaa -‘Heal and TAXUS CUSPIDATA Sieh k, 7 ambraculifera. & Zucc - var * A Wate a r s “ s P ensi °n of the flowers was nontoxic to D rosophila hydei larvae but a tox?c e to'tL 01 ', he laa -s^tems was very workers f|||^ a -ae.-Yama g uchi and co? TAXUS FLORIDANA. toxic a ?o Ue °r S extract ° f the »°° d was non- toxic to German and American cock- aches.--Heal and coworkers (93). TORREYA TAXIFOLLA. Arn. toxic a,aeOUS e * tract ‘be wood was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches 237 and milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (93). TAXODIACEAE TAIWANIA CRYPT OMERIOIDES Hayata. Caryophyllene, present in the wood, of¬ fers little protection against termite attac at low concentration, but 5-percent caryo- phyllene did prevent termites from eating treated wood for almost four weeks. -- Wolcott (224). TERMINA LIAC E AE BUCIDA-BUCERAS L. Black olive. The wood is resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). CONOCARPUS ERECTUS L. Buttonwood. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). , An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches an nontoxic to German cockroaches. An al¬ cohol extract of the bark was nontoxic: to German cockroaches, milkweed bu S s > larvae of the black carpet beetle, nebbing clothes moth, and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). theaceae CAMELLIA JAPONICA L. Camellia. An acetone extract of the leaves was toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (90). An aqueous extract of the ^aves was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches.-Heal andcoworkers (93). CAMELLIA SINENSIS (L.) Kuntze. Syno¬ nym: Thea sinensis . Tea. Tea seed oil soap was highly toxic to sugarcane wooly aphids.--Cheu (41). In field experiments in Kwangsi, a spray of 0.5 percent tea seed oil soap sugarcane infested with the wooley aphis gave average mortalities of 93.4-?9 i 9 P cent.--Cheu (47). Fat-extracted tea seed meal is cooked in an autoclave to decompose the lipids, calcium hydroxide is added, and the mix ture is ground to a powder. T e prep tion is an effective vermicide for the nee seedling bed.- -Naramoto (1_59)> GORDONLA LASLANTHUS L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An alcohol extract of the branchlets and leaves was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of tbe webb ^ g clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mos- quitoes. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the branchlets and leaves were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). SCHIMA WALLICHII Choisy. An aqueous extract of the bark was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches. An alcohol extract of the wood was nontoxic to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the black carpet beetle, webbing clothes moth, and Aedes mosquito.--Heal and coworkers (93). VISNEA MOCANERA L. f. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). theophrastaceae CLAVIJA LANCIFOLIA Desf. Aqueous extracts of the stems and of the roots were toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed g were unaffected after immersion in extracts.--Heal and coworkers (93). DEHERAINIA CUBENSIS (Radik.) Mez. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches bu German cockroaches and milkweedl bugs. An extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroac es only. --Heal and coworkers (93). JACQUINIA ACULEATA. Aqueous extracts of the roots ai ^ of ^ branches and leaves were toxic to America • cockroaches but not to German cockroach and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworke - (93). 238 JACQUINIA ARISTATA Jacq. The powdered roots were highly toxic to melonworm and diamondback moth larvae but weakly toxic or inert to cotton stainer and bean leaf beetle adults and Australian cockroach nymphs. The leaves, bark, and wood were very weakly toxic to these in¬ sects.--Plank (174). JACQUINIA AURANTIACA Ait. Aqueous extracts of the bark and of the wood were very toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extracts Alcoho 1 and petroleum ether ex¬ acts of the wood were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae (the petroleum ether extract was also toxic to milkweed bugs) L n r f ?n n cockroaches, milkweed of 8 h. C( “ n ° Ur beetles > and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. A chloroform extract was~rmn- r^:nlv y He a °l X1C j l0 Amerlcan cockroaches my.--Heal and coworkers (93). ACQUINIA PUNGENS A. Gray. -at" s a HvhtT S f traCt ° fthe stems and l«ves caches H y ea, 0X1 d l ° America " cock- s.--Heal and coworkers (93). ACQUINIA sp. An acetone extract was nontoxic to mos- thyl e a ther e * C ° mbined P e troleum ether, idan * u chlorofor m extractives, secies of 0 ^° 6Xtractive of the seeds of a ra >' f ~ C( l uln ia known as “barbasco a S ai -t codling moth ^vae and house flies —Jacobson (108). wat n to a xTc e to S A eXtraCt ° f the Whole P lant s toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German a °fecL°d aft and milkWeed b “8 a »ere ”n- affected after immersion in the extract exits’ Petr0l . 6Um ether ’ chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches milkweed bugs, confused flour beetles and arvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito. - - Heal and coworkers DAPHNE MEZEREUM L. Mezereon. effect aCet ° ne . eXtraCt ° f the bar * was in- zell (90)!. againSt mos ^o larvae.-Hart- Ixo^ef and d n red Plant WaS n ° ntoxic to ~~ and Oermacentor ticks, bedbugs „ . Hies, Aedes and Anopheles mos¬ quitoes, and Drosophila . --Qlenev (163) no f n ofM UeOUS extract of ^e fruits, but not of the roots, was toxic to American we C re r0 n a o C nto S x an t ™ ilkweed bu g s « a "d both Heal and coworke^s C ° Ckr ° aches - DAPHNE PSEUDO-MEZEREUM a. Gray. A water suspension of the leaves was nontoxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but larvae PenS YT ^ rootr ™T» toxic to the larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). DAPHNOPSIS BOGOTENSIS Meissn. le^rr^ 5 ° f the bark > the branch- lets the branchlets and leaves, and the roots were all toxic to American cock¬ roaches but not to German cockroaches 239 and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). DAPHNOPSIS CARIBAEA Griseb. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stems were toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). DAPHNOPSIS ESPINOSAE Monachino. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the stem bark were nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DAPHNOPSIS RACEMOSA Griseb. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was very toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DIRCA OCCIDENTALIS A. Gray. An aqueous extract of the branches was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DIRCA PALUSTRIS L. An aqueous extract of the bark was toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers (93). EDGEWORTHLA GARDNERI Meissn. An aqueous extract of the branches, leaves, and bark was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). can cockroaches and milkweed bugs. An extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and coworkers (93). LASIOSIPHON BURCHELLII Meissn. An aqueous extract of the leaves and flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches.— Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). OVIDLA PILLO-PILLO Meissn. An aqueous extract of the leaves was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract. An extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only. Petroleum ether and chloroform extracts of the leaves were toxic to carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. An al- Zohol extract of the leaves was nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). STELLERA CHAEMEJASME L. Lang-tu. An alcohol extract of the rootstocks was repellent and toxic to tent caterpillars but nontoxic to American cockroaches, con¬ fused flour beetles, rice weevils, and cotton aphids. Crystals obtained from a petroleum ether extract of the rootstocks were non¬ toxic to tent caterpillars, but the noncrystal¬ line portion was repellent and toxic to these caterpillars.-- Chiu (47). WIKSTROEMLA INDICA (L.) C. A. Mey. The powdered roots were nontoxic to bean aphids. --Chiu and coworkers (48). — * WIKSTROEMIA NUTANS Champ. FUNIFERA UTILIS Leandr. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HYPTIODAPHNE CRASSIFOLIA (Poir.) Urban. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and Ameri- The plant is used as an insecticide in China. The powdered roots showed little toxicity to silkworm and Mexican bean beetle larvae and bean aphids.--Lee an Hansberry (1 29). WIKSTROEMLA SANDWICENSIS Meissn. Aqueous extracts of the leaves, the roots, and *"he stems were all slightly toxic American cockroaches. Alcohol and pe r - leum ether extracts of an unidentified par Z40 of the plant were toxic to black ramof wr s tI ll larV t ae (the P etroleum e ther extract larvae) but 0 * 10 /? ^ ebbin « cloth es moth larvae) but not to German cockroaches !^i We f d , bugS ' and A_edes and Anopheles mosquito larvae.--Heal and cowo ^ T ers (93)7 tiliaceae grewia asiatica l. toxic TT S extract of the stem bark w«» toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). LUEHEA DIVARICATA Mart. tol™ aqUeOUS 6X , traCt ofthe leaves was toxic o American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ® eai and SLOANEA BERTERIANA Choisy. Wo 1 cottl 225 ). iS SUSCe P' ible *° termites.-- these insects as well a c f« a j Anopheles mosquito larvae - HellTll a “ d workers (93). ’ Heal an d co- turneraceae PIRIQUETA CAROLINIANA (Walt.) Urban. Aqueous extracts of the whole plant ana e e seeds were nontoxic to German and Ws rlC H n eal C °d kr0aCheS and mi| k»«ed ougs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PIRIQUETA sp. ci A ui aq 1 e ° US extract of the roots was and 7 tOXlC t0 American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches anH milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers (£) TURNERA DIFFUSA Willd. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was nontoxic to German and cockroa ches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). TRIUMFETTA sp. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the bu t n S ot W ?: e G° XiC cockroaches weed bine Ge „ rm ? n cockroaches and milk- eed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). trochodendraceae EUPTELEA POLYANDRA Sieb. & Zucc. Vee d bugs.--Heaf and°c owo^ ]*e r s tropaeolaceae 'ROPAEOLUM MAJUS E. Nasturtium. nd'^em and Wat6r eXtracts of the leaves i r vae. - - Ha r tzeU "(89)°"' ° X1C to ^ a quito ^oxirtrk 6 ^^" 1 °j the Stems wa « caches anrf G f nd America n cock¬ ier extract > bugS ’ A petrole ™ 'Xic to black 6 stems ant * leaves was >t to Gerrit Carpet beetle larva e, but id webbina n , C °5 kroaches ' milkw eedbugs .d chlo r o f 8 orm° th ? m ° th larvae * ^ohoi extracts were nontoxic to TYPHACEAE typha latifolia e. waftoxTcT* A eXtract of ^e whole plant nontoxic to r American cockroaches and weed buJ ^ rn ? an j° ckroac hes and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ULMACEAE CELTIS PALLIDA Torr. A " aqueous extract of the roots and c S r*r S n ° ntOXic to German and Ameri- kroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93J. 8 CHAETACHME ARISTATA Planch. A " aqUeOUS e *'ract of the branches and ell lick "° ntoxic to German and Ameri- n cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). K 1 PHYLLOSTYLON BRASILIENSIS Capan. An aqueous extract of the wood was ,f hl . y i° X1C t0 American cockroaches when cockrof C h nt0 th j bl °° d stream ’ but German affec^S ^ milkweed bugs were un- Heal immersion in the extract.-- neai and coworkers (93). 241 TREMA AMBOINENSIS (Willd.) Blume. Synonym: T. aspera . An aqueous extract of the roots was Caches Id*..'" coworkers ( 93) . TREMA FLORIDANA Britton. An aqueous extract of the branches and leaves was nontoxic to German and ' can cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). UMBELLIFERAE AMMI VISNAGA (L.) Lam. An aqueous extract of the tops and fruits was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal an coworkers ( 93) . ANETHUM GRAVEOLENS L. Dill. Acetone and water extracts of the stems and leaves were ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). angelica atropurpurea L. An aqueous extract of the tops and flowers was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches. --He and coworkers (93). ANGELICA POLYMORPHA Maxim. Water suspensions of the roots and of the leaves and stems were nontoxic to Drosophila hydei larvae, but a suspension of the seeds was toxic to these larvae. Yamaguchi and coworkers (£33)* ANTHRISCUS VULGARIS Bernh. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to Am erican cockr °ach es bu t not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). APIUM GRAVEOLENS L. Celery. Alcohol, petroleum ether . and chloroform extracts of the seeds were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed b “8 s ’ C ° n f" cl “hes beetles and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anuph|l£? toes.--Heal and coworkers (93J* ARCTOPUS ECHINATUS L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches but nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). AZORELLA LYCOPODIOIDES Gaud. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches bu not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CARUM CARVI L. Caraway. Acetone and water extracts of the seeds were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- “^^ 0 - extract of the seeds was nontoxic to German a J d ,^^^ai^and roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CENTELLA ASIATICA (L.) Urban. The powdered plant showed fair toxicity to Mexican bean beetle larvae but had no effect on silkworm larvae and bean aphids Chloroform and acetone extracts had no effect on bean aphids.--Lee and Hansberry (l The powdered plant was toxic to bean aphids.--Chiu and coworkers (48). An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.-- Heal and coworkers (93). CICUTA MACULATA L. Water hemlock, spotted cowbane, wild parsnip. The powdered tubers were nontoxic to southern armyworms, Hawaiian beet webworms.--Bottger Jacobson (36). t0 The powdered tube- European corn borer Larvae, petroleum ether, ethyl ether and chloro form extractives and an alcohol extractive were nontoxic to house flies, German cj_ roaches, and codling moth larvae.--Jacob S °An aqueous extract of the st ^s^ and flowers was nontoxic to German and Amen can cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). CONIUM MACULATUM L. Conium. An acetone extract of the leaves ^in¬ effective against mosquito larvae. zell (90). 242 An aqueous extract of the stems was nontoxic to American cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ai CORIANDRUM SATIVUM L. Coriander. wete^n°e n ff^r d Wat6r 6Xtracts of the seeds H«, Z eU (W) a8amSt mos R u * to larvae- An aqueous extract of the seeds was sightiy tojdc to American cockroaches nd nontoxic to German cockroaches and ilkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93) CUMINUM sp. Cumin. trac't a rr e e:t ‘ ract - but not a water ex- tract, of the seeds was toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). mosquito part” „rT“ S , el “. raCt ° f a " “"identified part of the plant was slightly toxic to Germarlr J“° ckr ° aches and nontoxic to SffJ' cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-- Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ® CY C N ouU A ^ THRU Jf NUT TALLII (A. Gray) Coult. & Rose. Nuttall dogparsley. rnnti aqueous solution of the resin from the DAUCUS CAROTA L. Carrot. Wat6r extracts ° f the seeds Hartzell (W) larvae.- toxic t a o qU G e e°rm r °° tS Was n °"- °*, C and Amer ican cockroaches (93). i^eed bugs.-Heal and coworkers irtetlaTot** * rinci P le i-olatedfrom 'ERULA ASAFOETIDA L. Asafoetida. dfective^nain ' he * Um was *»- 90) S mst mosquito larvae.--Hartzell oxlc 2 t°„' P "? nt talc dust '»* gum was lTS'° r T but " ot to "uuthern >eVc?w P e er “ n ai„s a t 1C E dUSt ° f ‘ he » aa irvap tu 8 nst European corn borer ie? a»d * ^ ^ n ° effect bouse 108). codling moth larvae.-- Jacobson FOENICULUM VULGARE Mill. Fennel. tra A " aC , 6t ° ne ex tract, but not a water ex- tract, of the seeds wa<5 f*nv4<* #■ larvae.--Hartzell (89). ° mosc l uit o An aqueous extract of thp u,u,o ■< "oa S ch.°s t0 ^ l° g Germa " a " d American cock- oacnes. An aqueous extract of the !P pH was slightly toxic to American cockroach and nontoxic to German cockroaches a!d extracts^of^tlf^* a " d carpet beetle la/vae 5 , ZrnoTt C c G ^ cockroaches milkweed bugs, and la”ae f the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. A petrSiSs ! l L °‘ ' he S6eds was "ontoxic t” an^ these insects—Heal and coworkers HERACLEUM LANATUM Michx. An aqueous extract of the roots and fruits was nontoxic to German and Ameri¬ can cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). H LAlSk COTYLE JAVANICA Thunb. var. A water suspension of the leaves stems Urva r e 0 ! l .Yam a '* ^ '° Dros °o h iia hydei amaguchi and coworkers (233). LEPTOTAENIA MULTIFIDA Nutt. wa^ toxi U c 0 t U o ° f tHe Whole P lan ‘ not to r American cockroaches but coworker. fwT C ° Ckroache «—Heal and LE E V o I v S ag I e GUM ° FFICINAL E W. D. J. Koch. and ' C tl° ne and Wat6r extracts of the leaves and stems were ineffective against mos¬ quito larvae.--Hartzell ( 89 ). 8 os LIBANOTIS UGOENSIS (Koidz.) Kitagawa. A water suspension of the leaves and i°rZll S hV n ° ntOXic to Drosophila hydei leaves' 1 & SUS P ension ^thf^mbihid I fif S temS ’ and roots was highly toxic (233)! larVae -" Yama guchi and coworkers LO *. M R„ T se UM NUDICAUL E (Pursh) Coult. Aqueous extracts of the whole plant n o the fruits were nontoxic to German 243 and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). OENANTHE CROCATA L. Water hemlock. Alcohol, acetone, or benzene extracts of the roots showed little or no toxicity to adult chrysanthemum aphids and saw¬ toothed grain beetles.--Tatter sfield and coworkers (209). OENANTHE SARMENTOSA Presl. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). OSMORHIZA AR1STATA (Thunb.) Rydb. Water suspensions of the roots and of the leaves and stems were toxic to Drosoph ila hydei larvae, but a suspen¬ sion of the leaves was nontoxic to the larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). OXYPOLIS RIGIDIOR (L.) Coult. k Rose. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PER1DERIDIA GAIRDNERI (Hook. k Arn.) Mathias. An aqueous extract of the tops and fruits was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). PETROSELINUM CRISPUM (Mill.) Nim. Synonym: Apium petroselinum . Parsley. Acetone and water extracts of the leaves and stems were nontoxic to mosquito lar¬ vae.-- Hartzell (89). Neither petroleum ether nor alcohol ex¬ tracts of the seeds showed any toxicity or synergism with pyrethrins in tests against house flies. --Jacobson (1_08). Apiol, obtained from parsley seed oil, markedly increased the toxicity of a pyreth- rum spray to house flies.--Kerr ( 11 4)♦ An aqueous extract of the seeds was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PETROSELINUM SATIVUM Hoffm. An aqueous extract of the seeds was nontoxic to German and American cockroache s.--Heal and coworkers (93). PEUCEDANUM OSTRUTHIUM (L.) Koch. Synonym: Imperatoria ostruthium . Mas- terwort. An acetone extract of the roots was ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (90). Alcohol and benzene extracts of the roots showed some toxicity to mosquito larvae.-- Jacobson ( 108 ). An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). PIMPINELLA ANISUM L. An acetone extract, but not a water ex¬ tract, of the seeds was toxic to mosquito larvae.--Hartzell (89). An aqueous extract of the seeds was very toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A chloroform extract of the seeds was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cock¬ roaches, milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anoph- eles mosquitoes. Alcohol and petroleum ether extracts were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). PIMPINELLA DENDROSELINUM Webb k Berth. An aqueous extract of the seeds was slightly toxic to American cockroaches ana nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PIMPINELLA SAXIFRAGA L. An acetone extract of the roots was ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (90). PIMPINELLA sp. An aqueous extract of the bark was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.— Heal and coworkers (93). PRANGOS PABULARIA Lindl. Hot water extracts of the roots and root bark of this Russian plant were effective 244 ag 5 - St mites on domestic animals.--Krok and Minin (U_8). OK H °t water extracts of the roots, tested at a dilution of 1 to 4 , were completely effective in the treatment of scaMes in humans. A dilution of 1 to 9 was ineffec¬ tive. --Zaglyadina ( 236 ). SIUM SUAVE Walt. tnvl? a f qU6 ° US extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un- a fected after immersion in the extract wLtl IhU ? tHe ab °—8~u„d portions onTv H^i y f" t0 Arner ^ can cockroaches oniy.--Heal and coworkers (93). SPHENOSCIADUM CAPITELLATUM A Gray var. SCABRUM Jepson. toxic t a o q T US eX ' raCt ° f the leaves toxic to German cockroaches but not to £T(93 C )! n Cockroach «—Heal and cowork- URTICACEAE BOEHMERIA CYLINDRICA (L.) Sw. An aqueous extract of the whole olant was s lghtly toxic to American cockroaches ^W n ° xic to German cockroaches and e bugs-Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). c HAE TO PT E LE A M EXICANA L iebm> Syn¬ onym: Ulmug mexicana . Cenizo. was he moderaT°i° d ° f thiS tree from Pana nia c Vi ” loderatel y resistant to termites - Scheffer and Duncan (191). mites.-- FORSKOHLEA ANGUSTIFOLIA Retz. waf to q r c e °," S r xtract °‘ the wh ° la PUnt not fn r ° American cockroaches but bugs _ H e /a'i n 1 n d C0Ckr0aCheS a " d m i>kw«d gs. -Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). GESNOUINIA ARBOREA (L.) Gaud. ^very^oLlo'T Wh ° U P la "' rt 7 1 4 American cockroaches nilkweed°bues t0 £”1™",! cockroach « a "d gs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 1ESPEROCNIDE TENELLA Torr. liShUyTo^c tiA 3 '' ° f ‘ he Pl a « was gntly toxic to American cockroaches but bnls‘° ° e ™ a " c °n k fP a nhes and milkweed ugs. Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). LAPORTIA CANADENSIS (L.) Wedd. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxi-> to American cockroaches but not tn r cockroaches and milkweed bugs.-.Hell^nd coworkers (93). B neal and OBETIA PINNATIFIDA Baker. An aqueous extract of the stems leaves was nontoxic to American cock roaches but not to German cockroaches ami milkweed bugs.-Heal and coworkers PELLIONIA SCABRA Benth. A water suspension of the leaves stems a "V°° tS y » as to DrosoEMa St h X amaguchi and coworkers ( 233 ). PHYLLOSTYLON sp. Melon. WoT^ttug,: 5 SUSCe » tibla IP termites.- PILEA MICROPHYLLA Liebm. PILEA SERPYLLIFOLIA Wedd. no*S US t „'r raC,S °‘ the Whole P Ia "‘ wtr. nontoxic to German and American cock roaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal ant coworkers ( 93 ). ® eal an< PIRATINERA GUIANENSIS Aubl. Syno. nym. B rosimum aubletii . Letterwood. WoTcottT^K Very resistantt » termites.- URERA BACCIFERA (L.) Gaud. lea1l. aqUe °? S eX ' raCt °‘ the s tems and bul not mV ° Am ' H «n cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milk- ee u g s -Heal and coworkers (93). URTICA BREWERI S. Wats. An aqueous extract of the whole nbn t was very toxic to American cockroaches w en injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bu" eTtVac aft " ” C ° ho1 and petroleum ether ex¬ larvae nTl '°G ^ not to German cockroaches. 245 milkweed bugs, and larvae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosquitoes. A chloroform extract was non¬ toxic to all these insects.--Heal and co¬ workers (93). URTICA CHAMAEDRYOIDES Pursh. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). URTICA DIOICA L. Nettle herb. An acetone extract of the whole plant was ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (90). URTICA PROCERA Muhl. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). VALERIANACEAE VALERIANA OFFICINALIS L. Valerian. Acetone and water extracts of the roots were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). VALERIANA SCOULERI Rydb. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). VALERIANOPSIS CHAMAEDRIFOLIA C. A. Muell. An aqueous extract of the roots was non¬ toxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs-Heal and coworkers (93). VERBENACEAE CALLICARPA AMERICANA L. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was toxic to German cockroaches but not to American cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CALLICARPA CANA L. Tubang dalag. An acetone extract of the leaves, stems, and berries was ineffective against mos¬ quito larvae.--Jacobson (1_08). An aqueous extract of the leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches.--Heal and coworkers ($J). CALLICARPA ERIOCLONA Schauer. An aqueous extract of the leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when in¬ jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches were unaffected after immer¬ sion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). CITHAREXYLUM FRUTICOSUM L. Old woman’s bitter. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). CITHAREXYLUM FRUTICOSUM var. BRITTONII Moldenke. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CLERODENDRUM HETEROPHYLLUM Ait. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CLERODENDRUM INDICUM (L.) Kuntze. Aqueous extracts of the branches and leaves and of the roots were toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CLERODENDRUM INERME Gaertn. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cock¬ roaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). DURANTA REPENS L. Synonym: D. plu^ mieri . Duranta. A cold water extract of 10 grams of berries in 100 milliliters of water killed 90 percent of mosquito larvae in 24 hours.-- Pendse and coworkers (167). 246 An aqueous extract of the branchlets, leaves, and fruits was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to ^°^ r0a , CheS - Mcoh ° 1 ’ petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts of the fruits were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae but not to German cockroaches, milkweed a an , d i ar / ae of the webbing clothes moth and Aedes and Anopheles mosqui¬ toes.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). DURANTA sp. ,l^i a r° US extract of ^e fruits was slightly to^c to American cockroaches mi n ° n ?v 1C t0 German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). FARADAYA SPLENDIDA F. Muell. An aqueous extract of the branches and ieaves was highly toxic to American cock¬ roaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs t UI ? affected after immersion in the ex- tnli. t An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches only. Al- extricts P of r ^ e T 6ther ’ and chlorof °rm extracts of the branches and leaves were bnps^V? Germ \ n cockroaches, milkweed bugs and larvae of the black carpet beetle mg C °. thes moth, and Aedes and Anop h- - mosquitoes .--Heal and coworkers (93). GMELINA LEICHARDTII F. Muell. Gmeiin 01 . obtained from the wood, was a«il s , y h„ yn ' r f, iStiC " ith P' ,rethri "= ^ testa against house flies.--Kerr ( 114) . lantana horrida H. B. K. t0 A " W extract o{ the foots was very jec ed tete Th r 'w " J COCkr ° aches when ™- iockroaehes stream, but German “onT X W "' una «'Oted after immer- ether and hi ext , ract ' Alcohol, petroleum . d . chloroform extracts of the roots but not t X o C G t0 WaCk CarpCt be6tle larvae - bu s nnf ^f n cockroac hes, milkweed thp g ’ ?° nfused fl °ur beetles, and larvae of quij hS cl ° thes moth and Aedes mos- 4 • -Heal and coworkers (93)~ lippia graveolens H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the flower heads cork CaV t S WaS sli S htl y toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs _ Heal and coworkers (93). K and LIPPIA sp. An aqueous extract of the branchlets and leaves was very toxic to American coc^ roaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). 8 d PETITIA DOMINGENSIS Jacq. Fiddlewood. The wood is susceptible to termites Wolcott (225). termites.— PREMNA ODORATA Blanco. Fragrant premna. B nc Thl^n^d^^ 3 . 1,6 re P° rted to repel insects. The powdered leaves were nontoxic to house mo M Ge ^ man cockroac hes, and the com¬ mon black ant.--Jacobson (108). PRIVA LAPPULACEA (L.) Pers. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). B eal and STACHYTARPHETA INDICA (L.) Vahl. of tte e ron,r traCtS ° f the whole plant and the roots were nontoxic to German and buTs Hetr ^° ckroaches an d milkweed °ugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). ST Vahl I , YTARPHETA JAMAICENSIS (L.) “on™- C p,"f‘ FOLIA ,T °ff-' S«eud. ° n ym. Phyla cuneifolia. Syn- was n slfl U H° U . S eX * raCt of "hoi' plant and » h C G° American cockroaches milkweed w s g" raan . cockroaches and g .--Heal and coworkers (93). An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic o American cockroaches but not to German of C the° aC h e i and i milkweed b ^gs. An extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches only.--Heal and workers (93). 7 eai and co * TECTONA GRANDIS L. f. East Indian teak. WoWt(H?)? d iS sus «ptible to termites... Tectoquinone (beta-methylanthraquinonel a constttuent of the resin of this tree, is O repellent to termite attack that at a llution of 0.05 percent, the termites would 247 not even rest on the wood, and three weeks elapsed before they commenced to eat it.-- Wolcott (224). Glass plates treated with DDT and stored in a box made of Burma teakwood showed increased toxicity to insects. Beta-methyl- anthraquinone mixed with DDT in a 2-per¬ cent concentration showed a striking syn¬ ergistic action against adult female mosquitoes ( Culex fatigans ).--Ranganathan and coworkers ( 184 ). T1MOTOG1A MANSOI (Schauer) Moldenke. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). VERBENA HASTATA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant with fruits was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). VERBENA LITORALIS H. B. K. An aqueous extract of the tops and leaves was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were un¬ affected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). VERBENA URTICIFOLIA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). VITEX DIVARICATA Sw. Lizardwood, fid- dlewood. The wood is susceptible to termites.-- Wolcott (225). VITEX NEGUNDO L. The leaves are used to drive away fleas in the Philippines.--Quisumbing (1_79). VIOLACEAE ANCHIETEA SALUTAR1S A. St. Hil. An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk’.-'eed bugs. — Heal and coworkers (9J3). HYBANTHUS CONCOLOR (T. F. Forst.) Spreng. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches but nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. A petroleum ether extract was toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, and webbing clothes moth larvae. Alcohol and chloroform extracts were non¬ toxic to all these insects and to Aedes mosquito larvae.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). HYBANTHUS YUCATANENSIS Millsp. An aqueous extract of the roots, stems, and leaves was very toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. Alcohol, petroleum ether, and chloroform extracts were toxic to black carpet beetle larvae, but not to German cockroaches, milkweed bugs, con¬ fused flour beetles, and larvae of the web¬ bing clothes moth and Aedes mosquito.-- Heal and coworkers (93). RINOREA FLAVESCENS (Aubl.) Kuntze. Aqueous extracts of the roots and of the branches and leaves were toxic to Ameri¬ can cockroaches but not to German cock¬ roaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). VIOLA MAXIMOWICZIANA Makino. VIOLA PHALACROCARPOIDES Makino. Aqueous suspensions of the leave s, stems, and roots were all toxic to Drosophila hydei larvae.--Yamaguchi' and coworkers (233). VIOLA RAFINESQUII Greene. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). VIOLA TAKEDANA var. VARIEGATA Na- kai. An aqueous suspension of the leaves, stems, and roots was toxic to Drosophi a hydei larvae.--Yamaguchi and coworkers (233). 248 VITACEAE AMPELOPSIS ARBOREA(L.) Kochne. per vine. Pep- The powdered stems and leaves were nontoiac to cabbage loopers, melonworms, TzcobsZiUl and The powdered stems and leaves were larval Euro P ea n corn borer Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extractive's were ineffective against house flies and codling moth larvae.--Jacobson (108). CISSUS CAUSTICA Tussac. Bejuco bravo. effort aCet ° ne extract of the stems was in- son (lM,. aga,nSt mos< i uito larvae —Jacob. CISSUS EROSA L. C. Rich. slithtl ^ f 6 ° US extract of ^e roots was . nH gh y , toxic to American cockroaches mine n ° n ?J 1C t0 German cockroaches and wee bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). CISSUS INCISA (Nutt.) Des Moulins. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic cockroaches hut not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs --Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). °ugs.--Heal and CISSUS SICYOIDES L. Cissus. ineH n ect?vc 0ne extract ° f the "hole plant was £r£n790). agamSt m ° SquU ° >*”•«- mUkweed°bugs ^- -Headland COckroaches and gs. Heal and coworkers (93). VITIS sp. Grape. Grape kernel oil was not very promicint, against San Jos^ scale.--Viel ( 216 ) ® VOCHYSIACEAE VOCHYSIA MAXIMA Ducke. VOCHYSIA TETRAPHYLLA DC. The wood of these species is susceptible to termites.--Wolcott ( 225 ). XYRIDACEAE XYRIS IRIDIFOLIA Chapm. An aqueous extract of the whole pl ant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). s and ZINGIBERACEAE A Schum OM r M ' ME , LEGUE TA (Rose.) K. ochum. Grains of paradise. tol^ aqUe ° US extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ° eal and An acetone^ extract of the whole plant Hartzefl (To).^ m ° S<5uit ° larvae... cissus trifoliata l. ° f the s,ems and ■•oots to r 1 American cockroaches but not b° 8 s - HeS a C H 0Ckr0aC , heS and ■nUkweed gs. Heal and coworkers (93). P ^PlJn^h NOClSSUS QUIN QUEFOLlA (L.) wat" nontoxnf TT' °‘ wh ° Ia P la "‘ cockrn^I i° . Gerrnan and American ches and milkweed bugs --Heal anrl coworkers (93). ® neal and CURCUMA LONGA L. .li A L a l Ue ° US extract the roots was ghtly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs —Heal and coworkers (93) CURCUMA Z EDO ARIA Rose. Zedoary. effektiv C . e ‘T eX ‘ raCt ° f the roo,s was in- Har e ^U(90) ga,nSt m ° Squi *° la " aa - ELETTARIA CARDAMOMUM (L.) Maton. An ^ueous extract of the seeds was s ightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches. --Heal anrf coworkers (93). «nes. -Healand WOIC 1 SSUS ERYTHRODES (Fres.) Planch. HEDYCHIUM CORONARIUM Koenig. An 3fl 11 P All C ex ..A . jm . 4h,ly q Z?ic e ,o tr A C ' ° f ‘ he S,6mS » a = y toxic to American cockroaches toxlk m U 'n° US extract of * he r hizomes was toxic to American cockroaches when in- 249 ft jected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaf¬ fected after immersion in the extract.-- Heal and coworkers (93). RENEALMA sp. An aqueous extract of the seeds was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). ZINGIBER OFFICINALE Rose. Acetone and water extracts of the roots were ineffective against mosquito larvae.-- Hartzell (89). ZYGOPHYLLACEAE FAGONIA CALIFORNICA Benth. An aqueous extract of the above-ground portions was toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaffected after immersion in the extract.--Heal and coworkers (93). GUAIACUM OFFICINALE L. Guiac, lig¬ num-vitae. The heartwood is very resistant to ter¬ mite attack, while the sapwood is not.-- Wolcott (224). . . An aqueous solution of a saponin obtained from the bark was ineffective against mos¬ quito larvae.--Jacobson ( 108 ). LARREA TRIDENTATA(DC.) Coville. Syn¬ onym: Covillea tridentata . Greasewood, creosote bush. The powdered roots were nontoxic to Hawaiian beet webworms.--Bottger and Jacobson (36). An acetone extract of the stems showed little toxicity to mosquito larvae. Ethyl ether and acetone extracts of the stems and of the roots were nontoxic to aphids. The powdered roots and their petroleum ether and alcohol extractives showed some toxicity to codling moth larvae, but the extracts had no effect on house flies. The resin obtained from the stems had no effect on European corn borer larvae, codling moths, house flies, and German cock¬ roaches .--Jacobson ( 108 ). An aqueous extract of the stems and leaves was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cock¬ roaches.— Heal and coworkers (93). PEGANUM HARMALA L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant with fruits was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches.--Heal and cowork¬ ers (93). TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to American cockroaches.-- Heal and coworkers (93). ZYGOPHYLLUM FABAGO L. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was nontoxic to German and American cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). UNIDENTIFIED PLANTS The following common, local, or native names have not been identifiedbotanically. AGUACATILLO. The wood of this Panamanian tree, possi¬ bly a species of Ocotea , is resistant to termites. — Wolcott ( 226 ). almAcigo. The wood of this West Indian tree is susceptible to termite attack.- -Wolcott (224). almendron. The wood is resistant to termites.-- Wolcott (225). BALBEC. An acetone extract of the roots was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.-- Jacob¬ son ( 108 ). BALSAMO DO CAMPO. An aqueous extract of the roots was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk¬ weed bugs. — Heal and coworkers (9_3). BARBASCO COMUN. An aqueous extract of the stems was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal ana coworkers (93). 250 barbasco Negrito. CASCARA TIMICO. An acetone extract of the stems from Venezuela was ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Jacobson (108). 4 BARBASCO VIANI. The powdered roots from Colombia were nontoxic to southern armyworms, melon- worms and codling moth larvae but showed some toxicity to cross-striped cabbage c °mbined petroleum ether a ?d ethyl ether extractives as well as combined chloroform and alcohol extractives each butTht n ° t0 u iCit 7 t0 C ° dlin g moth ^rvae, but the combined chloroform and alcohol rTrl V u S Sh ° wed s °me toxicity to German cockroaches.--Jacobson (108). BEJUCO CHILIO. El\i aC T Ue extract of the stems from m ito l7 W t S lneffectiv e against mos¬ quito larvae.--Jacobson (108). BEJUCO DE CANDELARIA. BEJUCO DE REATA. Acetone extracts of the stems from agains ' betit-beer. ac 1 et ° ne extract of the roots from larvte T lnef / fective against mosquito larvae.-- Jacobson (108). CALUMBA. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic :o£“". Ca " cockroaches but not to German -ockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and :oworkers ( 93 ). g Weal a "d -ambuca. |ontoxic qU t e „° U r eX ' ract °‘ the bark oac hes He?!"”?" and ^c'ican cock- s.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ). ^ampalca. [ondui Cet ° ne extract of the stems from against An acetone extract of the bark from Peru W^ toxtc to mosquito larvae — Jacobson CATUABA. to l^t qUe ° US extract of the roots was toxic to Ameren cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs 2 coworkers ( 93 ). ougs.--Heal and CHAMAIRO. An aqueous extract of the stemc slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milk- weed bugs.--Heal and coworkers ( 93 ) CHICHILEGUA. An aqueous extract of the roots was nontoxic to German and a • was , crerman and American cock- Trfers ( a “»«* *>u g s.-„eai and co- CHOCHO. An aqueous extract of the seeds was nontoxic to German and a • 7 as , , merman and American cock¬ roaches .--Heal and coworkers (93). CIBO TRIPA DE GALINHA. An aqueous extract of the roots was toxic to American cockroaches but not to SLT» a Y° Ckr °, aCheS and bugs.-- rleai and coworkers (93). 5 CIPO CABELUDO. ,. A " aqueous extract of the roots was and 8 y toxic to American cockroaches nontonc: to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). CORTEZA AMARILLA. sot tn etC T extract of th ^ roots showed SO y t0 moS( i uito l ar vae.--Jacob- flamboyan. The wood of this West Indian tree is (224)? P We t0 termite a «ack.--Wolcott GUAYAVILLO DE MONTANA. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic Z 51 to German cockroaches.--Heal and cowork¬ ers (93). HERVA DE STA. CRUZ. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches but nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs. --Heal and coworkers (93). HIERBA DEL CANCER. An aqueous extract of the stems was toxic to American cockroaches but not to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). HIERBA DEL TORO. An aqueous extract of the whole plant was very toxic to American cockroaches when injected into the blood stream, but German cockroaches and milkweed bugs were unaf¬ fected after immersion in the extract. Aque¬ ous extracts of the tops, leaves, and fruits and of the stems and leaves were nontoxic to all these insects.--Heal and coworkers (93). HUAMANSAMA. An acetone extract of the leaves from Peru was ineffective against mosquito lar¬ vae.--Jacobson ( 1 08 ). HUMACATE RABO DE IGUANA. A saponin from the acetone extract of the stalks was nontoxic to codling moth lar¬ vae.-- Jacobson (108). LENTEJA BOCCONA. The powdered seeds of this leguminous plant from Peru were nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.--Hansberry and Clausen ( 86 ). MACHA. An acetone extract of the plant was inef¬ fective against mosquito larvae.-- Jacobson (108). MULVULA. An aqueous extract of the stems was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). MUSHAMA KUBA. An aqueous extract of the bark was slightly toxic to American cockroaches and nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). PEITONAL DE ANGICO. An aqueous extract of the bark was nontoxic to German and American cock¬ roaches.--Heal and coworkers (93). PESQUA. An acetone extract of the plant was in¬ effective against mosquito larvae.--Jacob¬ son ( 108 ). PRINGAMOZA. The plant is used in Nicaragua as an insecticide.--Higbee (94). PURGA LAGARTO. An aqueous extract of the roots was very toxic to American cockroaches but nontoxic to German cockroaches and milkweed bugs.--Heal and coworkers (93). SINACA, UNA DE GATO. This woody vine, possibly Bignonia un^ guis-cati , is reportedly used to stupefy crabs and to kill mosquitoes. The powdered leaves and stems were nontoxic to southern army worms and melonworms but toxic to southern beet webworms. The powdered wood was toxic to southern beet webworms, but not to celery leaf tiers. An alcohol extractive of the wood was toxic to all these insects but nontoxic to large milkweed bugs. Petroleum ether, ethyl ether, and chloro¬ form extractives of the wood were all non¬ toxic to these insects.--Bottger and Jacob¬ son (36). The powdered leaves and stems and tne powdered wood were nontoxic to European corn borer larvae. An alcohol extractive of the wood was also nontoxic to this insect. Combined petroleum ether, ethyl ether, chloroform, and alcohol extracts of the wood were nontoxic to house flies.--Jacob¬ son ( 108 ). SINIHUITE. An acetone extract of the roots from El Salvador was ineffective against mosquito larvae.--Jacobson (108). 252 tanica. The powdered vine showed no repellency Lmwi t0 flies and ants — tapiramo. The powdered seeds from Venezuela were nontoxic to Mexican bean beetle larvae.-- Hansberry and Clausen (86). TIMBO-MIRIM. t 4" rT S eX * raCt ° f * he roots was vary toxic to American cockroaches but non- toxic to German cockroarhpc biinc u„,i , u<± cnes and milkweed u 6 s,-_ Heal and coworkers ( 93 ) ZARAPARILLA. An aqueous extract of the stems weed bugs.--Heal and Coworkers ( 93 ). ZORILLA. The plant is used in Nicaragua as an insecticide.--Higbee (94). 8 ^53 LITERATURE CITED (1> AC ,^„ E - wllfordf. Ho*, a™,. Chem. Soc. Joor. 72-. 1608-1611. JACOBSON, M., and HALLER. H. L. ( 2 ) (3) (4) (5) _JACUdoUN, ivi., ana halu-u, 1 o ^79-^74 1943. Amorphin. a glycoside in Amorpha fruticosa L- Jour. Organic Chem. 8. 572 5 . JACOBSON, M., and HALLER, H. L. jnouuuoni 1VA «» ’ . nn nn 1944. Amorpha fruticosa contains no rotenone. Science 99: 99-100. JACOBSON, M„ and HALLER. H. L. iSi: pro^rtos from ,h« rco,s of Erigeron_affinis DC. Jo«r. Organic Chem. 10: 236-242. fro- Er l8 «,o, . fM. DC. Joor. 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ZAGLYADINA, K, D, . cpahies with a decoction of the roots of 262 INDEX Abies sibirica . 195 Abronia fragrans . 187 turbinata. 187 Abrus precatorius . 128 Abuta obovata . 175 rufescens . 175 sp., 175 Abutilon indicum . 171 theophrasti . 171 Acacia aroma . 129 arnesiana . 128 lutea , 128 macracantha . 129 pennata , 129 Acacia, yellow, 129 Acajou, 11 Acalypha indica . 97 rhomboidea, 97 sonorae . 97 Acanthaceae, 6 Acanthopanax septemlobus , 27 Acanthospermum austra le. 53 Acanthosyris spinesc ens. 220 Acer carpinifolium . 7 platanoide s, 7 rub rum, 7 Aceraceae, 7 Ace rates angustifolia , 31 Achillea lanulosa , 54 micrantha . 54 millefolium . 54 sibirica var. ptarmicoides. 54 Achras zapota . 223 Achyra nthes lanuginosa . 9 sessilis . 8 Acid, anacardic, 11 unsaturated, 13 Acnida altissima 8 Acnistus arborescens. 231 Aconite, winter, 208 Aconitum anthera . 204 bfticalense . 204 barbatum . 204 chinense . 204 columbianum . 204 excelsum . 204 japonicum var. montanum, 204 lycoctonum . 204 napellus , 204 sp., 205 uncinatum . 204 villosum . 204 volubile . 205 A corus calamus . 24 Actaea arguta . 205 pachypoda . 205 Z_ubra . 205 Actinea odorata . 72 Actinidia sp., 7 Actinidiaceae, 7 Acuan virgatum . 177 Addad, 57 Add-add, 57 Adenanthera pavonina . 129 Adenocaulon bicolor . 54 Adiantum pedatum . 4 sp., 4 Adina cordifolia , 212 Adolphia infesta , 209 Adonis vernalis . 205 Adoxa moschatellina . 7 Adoxaceae, 7 Aegiceras corniculatum , 181 Aeschynomene americana . 129 sensitiva , 129 ' virginica . 129 Aes cuius californica . 114 glabra , 114 hippocastanum . 114 pavia , 114 Aextoxicon p unctatum. 97 Affinin, 70 Aframomum melegueta . 249 Afrormosia laxiflora . 129 Afzelia cassioides . 229 Agalinis paupercula . 227 Aganosma acuminata . 15 cymosa, 15 Agaric, fly, 2 Agaricaceae, 2 Agastache foeniculum . 119 urticifolia , 119 Agauria salicifolia . 93 Agave americana . 9 lecheguilla. 9 palmeri , 9 parryi var. couesii, 9 sp., 9 virginica , 9 Agdestis clematidea , 194 Agelaea nitida , 83 pentagyna , 83 Ageratum conyzoides . 54 Agoseris glauca var. parviflora. 54 glauca var. villosa , 54 Agrimonia eupatoria . 210 Agrimony, 210 Agrostemma gith ago. 43 Agrostis palustris . Ill Aguacatillo, 250 Ailanthus altissima . 229 Aizoaceae, 7 Aizoon canariense . 7 Ajuga bracteosa . 119 nipponica , 119 Akebia quinata . 125 263 Albarco, 128 Albizzia chinensis , 129 falcata , 1 77 julibrissin , 177 lebbeck , 177 procera , 177 stipulata , 129 Alchornea cordifolia , 97 latifolia , 98 sicca , 98 Alectoria sarmentosa , 6 Aletris farinosa , 158 Aleurites fordii , 98 moluccana , 98 trisperma , 98 Alexa sp., 129 Alisma subcordatum , 8 Alismataceae, 8 Alizarin, 215 Allamanda cathartica , 15 Allenrolfea occidentalis , 48 sp. , 48 Alligatorwood, 174 Allionia incarnata , 187 linearis , 187 Allium cepa , 158 monanthum , 158 nipponicum , 158 odorum , 158 sativum , 158 schoenoprasum , 158 scorodoprasum var. viviparum , 158 Allophylus occidentalis , 221 racemosus , 221 Allspice, 186 Almacey, 39 Almacigo, 38, 250 Almendron, 250 Almond, bitter, 211 West Indian, 53 Alnus firma , 34 sieboldiana , 34 tinctoria var. obtusiloba , 34 Aloe ferox , 158 perryi , 158 Aloes, 158 Alophia pulchella , 118 Alstonia scholaris , 15 Alternanthera sessilis , 8 Althaea officinalis , 171 Althea, 171 Alyxia olivaeformis , 15 rus cifolia , 15 Amanita muscaria , 2 pantherina, 2 Amaranthaceae, 8 Amarillo, 53 Amaryllidaceae, 9 Amblyolepis setigera , 54 Ambrette, 172 Ambrosia aptera , 54 coronopifolia, 54 Ambrosia - - continued cumanensis , 54 psilostachya , 54 Amburana cearensis , 1 30 Amianthemum muscaetoxicum , 158 Ammannia coccinea, 168 Ammi visnaga, 242 Amomis grisea , 184 Amoreuxia wrightii , 52 Amorpha, 130 Amorpha canescens , 130 fruticosa, 1 30 glabra , 1 30 Amorphigenin, 130 Amorphin, 130 Amorphophallus aphyllus , 24 Ampelopsis arborea , 249 Ampelothamnus phillyreifolius , 94 Amphiachyris dracunculoides , 68 Amphicarpa bracteata v ar. comosa , comosa , 130 Amsinckia intermedia , 36 Amsonia arenaria , 1 5 elliptica, 15 grandiflora , 1 5 hirtella , 15 ludoviciana , 16 pogonosepala , 16 rigida, 16 tabe rnaemontana , 1 5 Amygdalus persica , 212 Amyris balsamifera , 216 elemifera , 216 sylvatica , 216 Anabasine sulfate, 48 Anabasis aphylla , 48 Anacardiaceae, 11 Anacardium excelsum , 11 occidentale , 11 orientale, 12 sp., 11 Anacyclus pyrethrum , 55 Anagallis arvensis , 202 Anamirta cocculus , 176 Ananas comosus , 38 Anaphalis margaritacea , 55 Anatto, 35 Anchietea salutaris , 248 Anchusa, 36 Anchusa officinalis , 36 sp., 36 Ancistrocladus barteri , 92 Ancistrothyrsus tessmannii , 106 An dir a anthelmintica, 130 inermis, 1 30 jamaicensis , 130 surinamensis , 131 Andiroba, 174 Andrachne cordifolia , 98 Andromeda polifolia , 94 Andropogon sp.. Ill Androsace puberulenta, 202 264 Aneimia mexicana . 4 Anemone altaica , 205 caroliniana . 205 coronaria . 205 cylindrica . 205 decapetala , 205 globosa , 205 nikoensis , 206 P atens var * wolfgang iana. 206 pulsatilla , 206 raddeana . 206 Anemopsis californica . 224 Anethole, 169, 187 Anethum graveolens . 242 Angelica atropurpurea . 242 polymorpha , 242 Angelin, 130 Anib a canelilla, 125 ovalifolia , 126 peryitilis , 126 rosaeodora . 126 Anise, 169 star, 169 Anisole, 169 Anisophyllea fruticulosa , 210 Annona cherimola. 13 diversifolia. 13 glabra, 13 montana . 13 muricata . 13 odorata, 14 palustris , 13 reticulata . 13 sp., 14 squamosa . 13 triloba . 14 tripetala , 13 Annonaceae, 13 Anodendron affine . 16 Ang mospermum schombi.ra Hi, 1?6 Antennaria microphyll a, 55 - Anthemis arvensis , 55 ~ cotula . 55 mixta . 55 Anthericum chandleri . 1 59 Anthoc leista frezoulsii . 131 ^nt hostema se negalenco 98 A nthriscus vulgaris . 242 Anthurium hooker i. 24 recusatum . 24 tetragonum . 24 ^nthyllis vulneraria . 131 Ant igonon leptopus . 200 ^ntiotr ema dunnianum . 36 Antonia ovata , 167 ovata var. pilosa , 167 Anulo caulis eriosolenn. , 187 leiosolenus , 187 Anyme, 39 fohl oia theaefor mis. 106 Apiol7244 Apios americana , 131 fortunei , 131 Apium graveo lens. 242 petroselinum . 244 Aplopappus acradenius . 55 armerioides, 55 ciliatus .55 erocoides . 55 nanus, 55 nuttallii . 56 palmeri , 56 spinulosus . 56 Apocynaceae, 15 Apocynum androsaemifoliu m. 16 cannabinum , 16 cannabinum var. pubescens. 16 sibiricum . 16 Apodytes dimidiata t 117 Apple, alligator, 13 custard, 13 love, 234 rose, 186 Stayman Wine sap, 211 sugar, 13 Winesap, 211 Apple-of-Peru, 233 Apurim acia incarum. 131 michelii . 131 Aquifoliaceae, 23 Aquilaria agallo cha. 239 Aquilegia chrysantha . 206 lormosa. 206 Araceae, 24 Arachis hypogaea . 131 Aralia californica . 28 elata, 28 humilis , 28 nudicaulis . 28 racemosa . 28 spinosa , 28 Araliaceae, 27 Araujia grandiflora . 30 sericifera var. hortorum. 30 Arbutus texana . 94 Arctopus echinatus . 242 Arctostaphylos pungens . 94 uva-ursi , 94 Ardisia crispa v ar. dielsii, 181 escallonioides . 181 guadalupensis . 181 guianensis . lBl humilis . 181 obovata . 181 picardae . 181 popayanensis . 182 revoluta . 182 Areca catechu . 192 Arechavaletaia u ruguayensis . 106 Arenaria leptoclados . 43 peploides , 43 Arenga westerhoutii. 192 265 Argemone alba , 190 mexicana , 1~91 platyceras, 191 Ariocarpus fissuratus , 40 Arisaema dracontium , 24 erubescens, 24 purpurogaleatum , 24 quinatum, 25 serratum , 25 triphyllum , 25 urashima , 25 Aristolochia argentina , 29 bracteata, 29 brasiliensis , 29 brevipes , 29 cymbifera , 29 densivenia , 29 macroura , 29 maxima , 29 reticulata , 29 serpentaria, 30 sp77"50 trilobata, 30 watsoni , 30 Aristolochiaceae, 29 Aristotelia chilensis , 93 macqui, 93 .... , nn Armeria maritima var. californica, 199 Afmnracia rusticana , 86 Arnica do Campo, 56 Arnica fulgens , 56 montana , TS sp., 56 Artabotrys uncinatus , 14 Artemisia abrotanum , 56 absinthium , 56 annua, 56 californica , 56 cina, 56 gnaphalodes , 56 ludoviciana , 56 nova, 57 suksdorfii , 57 tridentata, 57 vulgaris , 57 Artocarpus communis , 178 incisa, 178 integra l 178 Arum italicum , 25 Asafoetida, 243 Asagr aea officinalis , 162 Asarinin, 192, 195, 219 As arum arifolium , 30 canadense , 30 virpinicum , 30 Ascaridole, 49 Asclepiadaceae, 30 A sclepias curassavica , 30 eriocarpa, 30 kansana , 30 labriformis , 30 Asclepias -- continued speciosa , 31 stenophylla , 31 syriaca , 31 tuberosa, 31 Asclepiodora viridis , 31 Asebi^ 9(> Asebotin, 96 Ash, black, 188 prickly, false, 28 prickly, Northern, 219 prickly, Southern, 219 Asimina angustifolia , 14 triloba, 14 Asparagu s officinalis , 159 Asparagus, 159 Asperula odorata , 213 Aspidium filix-mas , 4 Aspidosperma excelsum , 16 megalocarpon, lo nitidum, 17 polyneuron , 16 Aspilia holstii , 57 Astellia cunninghamii , 159 nervosa, 159 Aster canescens , 57 filifolius, 57 gla briuscuius , 57 novae-angilae , 57 puniceus, 57 Asterolinon stellatum , 202 Asterostigma sp., 25 vermitoxicum , 25 Astilbe sp., 224 Astragalus bisulcatus , 131 blakei, 131 calycosus , 131 campestris , 131 canadensis , 131 convallarius , 131 diphysus , 132 drummondii , 132 g arbancillo , 132 gummifer , 132 neglectus , 132 unifultus , 132 Atamisquea emarginata , 41 Ateleia gummifera , 132 Atherosperma moschatum , 177 Athyritun pterorachis, 4 Athyrocarpus pe rsic ariaefolius, Atractylis gummifera, 57 lyrata, 57 Atriplex canescens , 48 nuttallii , 48 Atropa belladonna , 231 Aureolaria flava , 227 pedicularia , 227 Avena sativa , 111 Avenia berlandieri , 235 Avilla, 102 266 53 Avocado, 127 Axyris amaranthoides . 48 Ayenia berlandieri . 235 Azadirachta indica . 173 Azalea arborescens . 96 Azalea, yellow, 97 Azaleamum, 61 Azara gilliesi . 106 Azorella lycopodioides . 242 Bacchar is cinna momifnlia 58 conferta. 58 coridifolia . 58 emoryi , 58 fevillei . 58 floribunda - 58 genistelloides . 58 glutinosa , 58 ~ halimifolia . 58 odorata var. balsamifera, 58 polyantha , 58 pteronioides . 58 sarothroides , 59 sergiloides . 59 thesioides, 59 Backhousia myrtifolia r 184 Bacopa monnieri . 226 rotundifolia . 226 Badula borbonica r 182 Bahia oppositifolia . 59 Bailieria aspera . 132 barbasco . 132 Baileya multiradiata . 59 Balanites aegyptiaca . 230 roxburghii. 230 wilsoniana r 230 Balbec, 250 Balduina uniflora . 59 Balmony, 226 Balsa, 36 Balsam-of-Peru, 148 Balsaminaceae, 33 Balsamo do campo, 250 Balsamo rhiza macrop hylla 59 saglttata . 59 -’ Balsam root, 59 Bambito Colorado, 126 Bamboo, 111 Ecuadorean giant, 112 Bambusa vulgaris . Ill Banana, 180 ^an isteria leona . 170 Baniste riopsis caap i, 170 jnebrians 170 Bap hia polygalacea . 132 Baptisia leucantha . 132 tinctoria . 132 §arb a.rea vulgaris . 86 £g£^a sco be jucillo . 77 comun, 250 de hoja, 104 macagua, 134 Barbasco —continued mangle , 210 negrito . 251 nica, 239 sigui , 132 viani , 251 Barbasco, 29, 151, 222 Baromalli, 171 Baros ma serratifolia . 216 Barringtonia asiatica . 127 racemosa, 127 Bartsia stricta . 226 viscosa. 226 Basanacantha annae . 213 Basil, holy, 122 sweet, 122 Basket-flower, 10 Bassia latifolia . 224 Batidaceae, 33 Batis maritima . 33 Bauhinia sp., 132 Bebbia juncea . 59 Bedstraw, 214 Beefwood, 44 Befaria racemosa . 94 Begonia rex . 33 Begoniaceae, 33 Bejuco bravo, 249 chilio, 251 Bejuco de Candelaria, 251 Bejuco de reata, 251 Belamcanda chinensis ,118 Belladonna, 231 Beilis perennis . 59 B elope rone californica . 6 Benthamantha caribaea 132 Benzoin, 237 " Berberidaceae, 33 Berberis a quifolinm 33 aristata . 33 trifoliata . 34 vulgaris . 33 Berlandiera subacaulis . 59 Bernardia myricaefolia . 98 Bersama paullinioides . 175 Besseya rubra. 226 Beth, 163 Bethberra, 35 Betit-beer, 251 Betony, 122 Betula alba . 34 lenta, 34 lutea, 34 mandschurica var. szechuanica 14 pendula, 34 sollennls , 34 tauschii . 34 verrucosa . 34 Betulaceae, 34 Beyrichia ocymoides . 226 Bicucul la cucullaria > 109 267 Bicuculla --continued fo rmosa , 109 Bidens frondosa , 59 pilosa, 59 Bignonia capreolata , 34 radicans , 34 unguis-cati , 252 venusta, 35 Bignoniaceae, 34 Birch, 34 West Indian, 38 white, 34 yellow, 34 Bitter-tree, 44 Bittersweet, American, 45 anglestem, 44 false, 45 Oriental, 44 Bitterweed, 69, 72 Bixa orellana , 35 Bixaceae, 35 Blackberry, 212 Bladder-pod, 144 Bladder-wrack, 2 Blepharocalyx giganteus , 184 Blepharodon mucronatum , 31 Bletia patula, 190 purpurea , 190 Blighia sapida , 221 Bloodweed, 54 Bloomeria clevelandii , 159 Blumea balsamifera , 59 Bocconia cordata , 191 sp., 191 Boebera papposa , 62 Boehmeria cylindrica , 245 Boenninghausenia albiflora var 216 japonica , 216 Boerhaavia coccinea , 187 erecta, 187 Boldo, 177 Boldoa fragrans , 177 Boltonia asteroides , 59 Bombacaceae, 36 Bombacopsis quinata , 36 sepium , 36 Boneset, shrubby, 66 Bontia daphnoides , 180 Boophone disticha , 9 Boraginaceae, 36 Borassus flabellifer , 193 Borneol, 112 Borreria verticillata , 213 Boschniakia glabra , 190 Boswellia carterii , 38 Bourreria succulenta , 36 Boussingaultia sp., 48 Bowdichia braziliensis , 132 major, 132 virgilioides , 132 Boxwood, West Indian, 35 Brachistus rhomboideus , 231 Brachyglottis repanda , 60 Brachylaena hutchinsii , 60 Brachyris microcephala , 68 Brachystegia spiciformis , 133 Brackenridgea zanguebarica , 188 Brandegea bigelovii, 87 Brasenia schreberi , 188 Brassica alba , 86 cernua, 86 hirta , 86 nigra , 86 rapa, 86 Brauneria sp., 63 Breadfruit, 178 Bredemeyera floribunda , 200 Brickellia arguta , 60 incana, 60 oblongifolia , 60 Bridelia micrantha , 98 Bromelia karatas , 38 Bromeliaceae, 38 Bromus catharticus , 111 Brongniartis sp., 133 Broomweed, 68 Brosimopsis amplifolia , 178 sp., 178 Brosimum aubletii , 245 paraense, 178 Brownea sp., 133 Brucine, 168 Brunellia comocladifolia , 230 Brunfelsia densifolia , 231 hopeana, 231 Brya ebenus , 133 Bryonia, 87 Bryonia alba , 87 dioica, 87 verrucosa , 87 Brysonima crassifolia , 170 cumingana, 170 sp., 170 spicata , 170 Buchenavia capitata , 52 Buchnera americana , 226 floridana , 226 Buchu, 216 Bucida buceras , 238 Buckeye, California, 114 dwarf, 114 red, 114 Buckleya distichophylla , 220 Buckthorn, 210 Buddleia lindleyana , 167 madagas cariensis , 167 perfoliata, 167 racemosa , 167 sessiliflora , 167 sp., 167 Bulbine bulbosa, 159 brevipes , 268 Bulletwood, 224 Burasai a madagascariensi s. 176 Burkea atricana . 1 33~ Burro, 169 Bur sera graveolens . 38 gummifera. 3 8 microphylla . 38 sp., 39 Burseraceae, 38 Butea frondosa . 133 superba , 133 Butter-and-eggs, 227 Butternut, 119 Brazilian, 43 Butterweed, 64 Buttonwood, 23 8 Buxaceae, 39 Buxus japonica . 39 sempervirens . 39 Byrsan thus brownii . 106 Byrsoc arpus orientalis . 83 gystropog on canariensis 120 Cabbage, skunk, 27 Cabeza de negro, 92 Cabezona, 69 Cabomba caroliniana , 188 Cacalia muhlenbergjj . 60 tuberosa. 60 Cactaceae, 40 Caesal pinia bahamensi s. 133 conaria . 133 ~ gilliesii , 133 pulcherrima . 133 spinosa, 133 tinctoria, 133 Cajanus caian . 134 indicus, 134 Calabar, 151 Caladium bicolor . 25 gsculentum . 25* sp., 25 Calamine, 24 Calamus draco . 1 93 Calea glomerata . 60 urticifolia , 60 zacatechichi , 60 Calfkill, 95 ga lliandra anomala i I 34 „ m arginata . 134 iiiiiSarpa americana. 24A £ana724b „ grioclona 246 —Hirhoe alceoides. 171 , d igitata . 171 igllitris glanra 195 intratropica 195 ^l 2 £ hyllum antillanum r 1 16 grasiliense , 1 1 6 , j no phyllum . 116 ^l££ogonium coerulenm M 4 Igucunoides . 134 Calotropis gigantea. 31 procera, 3 I Calumba, 251 Calycanthaceae, 40 Calycanthus fertilis . 40 Calycocarpum lyonii . 176 Calyptridium umbellatum . 202 Camassia quamash , 159 ’ Cambuca, 251 Camellia, 238 Camellia japonica . 238 sinensis. 238 Camelina sativa . 86 Came raria belizensig 17 latifolia. 17 Campalca, 251 Campanula petiolata . 41 Campanulaceae, 41 Camphene, 112 Camphor, 126 Campsiandra comosa . 134 Campsis radicans . 34 Cananga odorata . 14 Canarium commune . 39 edule . 39 ’ Canavalia ensiformis . 134 lineata . 134 macropleura , 134 maritima . 134 Candlewood, 39 Canela, 41 Canella winteran a. 41 Canellaceae, 4l Canna edulis . 41 flaccida . 41 Cannaceae, 41 Cantaloupe, 88 Capim cheiroso, 90 Capparidaceae, 41 Capparis cordifolia . 41 tlexuosa, 41 horrida . 41 micracantha . 41 portoricensis . 41 sp., 41 tweediana . 41 Capraria biflora . 226 Caprifoliaceae, 42 Capsella bursa-pastoric; | 86 Capsicum annuum. 232 frutescens . 232 sp., 232 Caragana arborescens . 134 Caraipa densiflora . 116 fasciculata . 116 Carapa grandiflora . 1 73 guianensis, 1 73~ nicaraguensis . 1 73 procera , 174 Caraway, 242 Cardinalwood, 178 Cardiogyne af ricana, 178 Cardiospermum grandiflorum , 221 halicacabum, 221 Carene epoxide, 220 Carex clivorum , 90 siderosticta var. glabra , 90 torta , 90 Careya arborea , 1 27 Carica papaya , 43 Caricaceae, 43 Cariniana pyriformis , 128 Carissa carandas , 1 7 Carphephorus bellidifolius , 60 Carpotroche amazonica , 106 Carrot, 243 Carthamus tinctorus , 60 Carum carvi, 242 Carya glabra , 1 18 Caryocar glabrum , 43 sp., 43 villosum , 43 Caryocaraceae, 43 Caryophyllaceae, 43 Caryophyllene, 137, 145, 196, 216, 238 Cascara sagrada , 210 timico, 251 Cascarilla, 99 Casearia brasiliensis , 106 commer soniana , 106 javitensis, 106 micr ophylla , 106 resinifera . 106 sp., 107 tomentosa , 106 Casha, 128 Cashew, 11 Casimiroa edulis , 216 Cassia acutifolia , 134 alata , 134 angustifolia , 13 5 antiliana, 1 36 armata , 13 5 didymobotrya , 135 emarginata , 135 fasciculata , 13 5 fistula , 135 hebecarpa , 135 hir suta , 135 leptocarpa , 135 nictitans , 135 nodosa , 135 occidentalis , 13 5 quinquangulata, 136 siamea , 136 sieberiana , 136 sophora , 136 spectabilis , 136 tomentosa , 136 tora , 136 Cassia, ringworm, 134 Cassiope mertensiana, 94 Cassytha filiformis , 126 Castalia odorata, 188 tuberosa, 188 Castela tortuosa , 230 Castilleja fissifolia , 226 linariaefolia, 226 lindheimeri , 226 miniata, 226 Castor, 104 Casuarina equisetifolia , 44 Casuarinaceae, 44 Catabrosa aquatica , 11 1 Gatalpa bignonioides , 34 longissima, 34 Catha cassinoides , 46 Cativo, 153 Catostemma commune , 171 Catuaba, 251 Caulanthus crassicaulis , 86 Caulophyllum thalictroides , 33 Cayoponia ficifolia, 87 Ceanothus americanus , 209 Cecropia adenocarpus , 178 mexicana, 178 palmata , 178 peltata , 178 sp., 178 Cedar, red, 195 red, western, 197 Spanish, 174 yellow, 195 Cedrela odorata , 174 sp., 174 Cedro espino, 36 Ceiba pentandra , 36 Celandine, 191 Celastraceae, 44 Celastrus angulatus , 44 articulatus, 44 paniculatus , 44 rugosus , 45 scandens , 45 sp., 45 Celery, 242 Celtis pallida , 241 Cenisero, 154 Cenizo, 245 Centaurium umbellatum , 110 Centella asiatica, 242 Centrosema plumieri , 136 pubescens, 136 virginiana , 136 Century-plant, 9 Cephaelis acuminata , 213 Cephalanthus occidentalis , 213 Cephalotaxus drupacea , 237 Cerasus padus , 211 Ceratonia siliqua , 136 Ceratophyllaceae, 48 Ceratophyllum demersum , 48 Ceratosanthes palmata , 87 Ceratotheca sesamoides , 192 270 Cerbera ahouai, 20 tanghin. 17 thevetia . 22 Cercidiphyllaceae, 48 Cercidiphyllum japonicum . 48 Cercidium microphvllnm 136 Cercis canadensis. 136 chinensis . 136 Cercocarpus ledifolius 210 Cerdana alliodora. 36 Cereus diguetii. 40 Ceropegia dichotoma . 31 Cespedesia amazonica . 188 Cestrum diurnum . 23 2 Latifolium var. tenuiflorum. 232 parquf , 232 Cetraria islandica . 4 juniperina . 4 Cevadine, 162 Cevine, 162 dibenzoate, 162 Chaenactis douglasii . 60 Chaenomeles lagenaria . 210 Chaetachme aristata . 241 Chaetanthera serrata 60 Chaetoptelea mexicana . 245 Chamaebatia foliolosa . 210 Chamaeb atiana millefolium . 210 Chamaec yparis lawsoniana . 195 nootkatensis. 195 obtusa. 195 sp., 195 thyoides . 195 Chamaedaphne calyculata . 94 Chamaesaracha nana , 232 Chamairo, 251 Chamomile, false, scentless, 74 Hungarian, 73 rayless, 74 Chaptalia tomentosa . 61 Chapuz, 69 Char a sp., 2 -'haraceae, 2 Cheilanthes microphylla . 4 Chelidonium maius . 1 91 ^h elonanthus chelonniH^o i i 0 Chelone glabra. 226 ^henopodiaceae, 48 ^henopodium album . 49 a rnbrosioides . 49 ambrosioides an thelminticum . 49 anthelminticum , 49 ’ rnultifidum. 49 ^herimoya, 13 cherry, European bird, 211 wild, 212 'hichilegua, 251 'hickweed, 44 -hilcuague, 70 ; hilcuan, 70 •hilillo, 201 ; hinaberry, 174 Chiococca alba . 213 Chiogenes his pidula. 94 Chiretta, 110 Chironia t ransvaalengic no Chive, 158 Chi amy doc ary a capitata. 117 Chloranthaceae, 50 Chloris distichophylla , 111 Chloro galum pomeridianum . 1 59 Chlorophora excelsa . 179 * tinctoria . 179 Chocho, 251 Choisya dumosa . 216 Chondrus crispus . 2 Chrysanthem um arcticum. 6] balsamita . 61 ’ leucanthemum . 61 parthenium . 61 sp., 61 Chrysoco ma tenuifolia. 61 Chrysoph yllum cainito. 224 Chrysopsis villosa . 61 Chrysosp lenium fl agellifernr^ 225 glecho maefolium. 225 yesoense , 225 Chrysot hamnus nauseosus . 61 Chuquiraga microph ylla, 61 Ciba tripa de galinha, 251 Cicuta maculata . 242 Cimicidine, 18 Cimicifuga foetida . 206 racemosa, 206 Cinchona ledgeriana . 213 Cineole, 185, 186 Cinnamon, 126 wild, 41 Cinnamomu m camphor a. 126 zeylanicum. 1 26 Cipo cabeludo, 251 Circaea latifolia . 189 Cirsium arvense . 61 Cissa mplos pareira. 176 Ciii^7249 -' Cissus caustica . 249 erosa, 249 incisa . 249 sicyoides . 249 trifoliata . 249 Cistaceae, 50 Cistanche phelipaea . 190 Citharexylum fruticosum , 246 „ fruticosum var. brittonii, 246 Citronella, 112 ' Citronellal, 112, 184 Citronellol, 1 12 Citrullus colocvnthis . 88 vulgaris. 88 Citrus bergamia . 216 limetta. 216 limon . 216 medica . 216 sinensis . 216 271 Cladrastis lutea , 137 Clathotropis macrocarpa , 137 Clausena anisata, 216 Claviceps purpurea , 2 Clavija lancifolia, 238 Claytonia virginica , 202 Cleaver’s-herb, 214 Cleistanthus ^ollinus, 98 Cleistopholis patens , 14 Clematis apiifolia r~2°6 baldwinii , 206 caracasana , 206 dioica, 206 ligusticifolia , 206 sp., 207 terniflora , 206 Cleome anomala , 41 gynandra, 41 pruriens , 41 psoraleaefolia , 41 serrulata, 41 spinosa , 42 Cleomella ploc asperma , 42 Clerodendrum heterophyllum, 246 indicum, 246 inerme , 246 Clethra acuminata , 50 Clethraceae, 50 Clibadium arboreum, 61 erosum, 61 heterotrichum, 61 sp., 62 surinamense , 61 sylvestre, 61 vargasii , 61 Cliftonia monophylla , 91 Cl in on odi um vulgare , 120 Clintonia borealis , 159 Clitoria arborea , 137 arborescens , 137 mariana, 137 rubiginosa , 137 sp., 137 ternata , 137 Clove, 185 Clusia flava, 50 minor , 50 rosea , 51 Clusiaceae, 50 Cneoraceae, 52 Cneoridium dymosum , 216 Cneorum pulverulentum , 52 Cnestis bullata, 83 Cnidoscolus urens , 98 Cocaine, false, 97 Coccinia cordifolia , 88 Coccoloba caracasa na, 200 g r andifl or a , 200 uvifera , £u0 Cocculus carolinus , 176 indicus, 17b trilobus, 176 Cochlospermaceae, 52 Cochlospermum vitifolium , 52 Cocilana, 174 Cockroach-plant, 18 Cocoa, 236 Coffea arabica , 213 Coffee, 213 Coffee-tree, Kentucky, 144 Coffeeweed, 136 Cola, 235 Cola nitida , 235 Colchicum autumnale , 159 Coleus a mboinicus , 120 Colietia cruciata7 ~209 Colliguaja integerrima , 98 Collinsia tinctoria, 227 Collinsonia anisata , 120 canadensis, 120 Colocasia esculenta , 25 Colocynth, 88 Cologania pallida , 13 7 Colombo, 176 Colophony, 196 Colubrina asiatica , 209 Colutea arborescens , 137 Combretaceae, 52 Combretum caoucia , 53 pachycladum, 53 Commelina elegans , 53 Commelinaceae, 53 Commicarpus scandens , 187 Commiphora africana , 39 myrrha , 39 Compositae, 53 Comptonia peregrina , 180 Conacaste, 141 Concanapire, 99 Condurango, 3 2 Coniogramme japonica , 4 Conium, 242 Conium maculatum , 242 Connaraceae, 83 Connarus lambertii , 83 Conocarpus erectus , 238 Cnn omorpha magnoliifolia , 18^ peruviana var. rostrata , 182 sp., i82 Conopholis americana , 1 9 Convallaria majalis , 159 Convolvulaceae, 84 Convolvulus occidentalis , 84 Conyza chilensis, 62 coulteri , 62 \yrata , 62 Cooperia pedunculata , 10 Copaifera langsdorfii , 13 7 mannii . l4b Copal, 39 Coprosma australis , 213 baueri, 213 lucida , 213 robusta, 213 272 Coptis trifolia . 207 Coqui, 90 Coral-beads, 176 Coral-bean, 155 Corallocarpus emetocatharticns ft« Coraia alliodora. 36 cylindristachv a 36 goeldiana . 36 graveolens . 37 Cordylanthus ramosus . 227 Coreopsis gigantea. 62 grandiflora, 62 mutica . 62~ Coriander, 243 Coriand rum sativum , 243 Coriaria arborea . 85 augustissima . 85 japonica. 85 ruscifolia . 85 __ thymifolia. 85 Coriariaceae, 85 Corisper mum hyssooifolinm , 49 Cork-tree, Amur, 218 Corn, 114 Cornaceae, 85 Cornus florida 85 Coronilla varia . 137 Coronopus didymus . 86 Corteza amari'lla, 251 Corydalis crystallina , 109 Corynanthe iohimbe. 213 Corynella paucifolia . 137 Corynocarpaceae, 85 Corynocarpus laevi gata, 85 Corypna elata. 193 utan, 193 Cosmos p encidanifolint; 62 Costmary, 61 Costus, 77 Cotinus c og g y er ia . 11 Cotton, 172 Cotyledon decussata. 85 pulverulenta . 85 Coursetia axillaris . 138 Coatoub ea ramosa , 110 govillea tridentata . 250 gowania stansburiana , 210 Cowbane, spotted, 242 Crabseye, 128 Crabwood, 174 Cranesbill, 110 Crassulaceae, 85 Creosote-bush, 250 C repis bursifolia . 62 yes ic aria k? Cres^ entia cuiete . 34 erubescent , 10 jnodestum , 1 0 „ S P*. 10 --- pauciflora . 235 ^l£i£o soma bigelovii , 86 Corssosomataceae, 86 Crotalaria, showy, 138 Crotalaria agatiflora 138 angulata. 138 calycina . 138 incana . 138 rotundifolia . 138 sagittalis . 138 spectabilis . 138 stricta . 138 Croton californicnc; | 93 ciliato-glandulosus , 98 eleutheria. 99 flavens . 99 gardneri , 99 niveus . 99 sonorae . 99 sp-, 99 texensis . 99 tiglium . 99 urucurana . 99 Croweacin, 217 Crowei saligna . 217 Crownbeard, Virginia, 82 Crow-poison, 158 Cruciferae, 86 Cryptantha bar bipera 37 sp., 37 - Cryptocarya australis 126 Cryptogams, 2 Cryptostegia grandiflora 31 Crysophila argentea , 193 Ctenium aromatic nm, 112 Cubeb, 197 Cucumber, 88 wild, 89 Cucumis colocynthis r 88 melo. 88 sativus . 88 Cucurb ita foetidissima . 88 maxima . 88 palmata . 88 pepo, 88 P e P° v ar. ovifera, 88 sp., 89 ~ Cucurbitaceae, 87 Cumin, 243 Cuminum sp., 243 Cunila origanoides . 120 sp., 120 Cupania triqueta . 221 Cuphea glutinosa . 169 Curatella americana 91 Curcuma longa . 249 zedoaria . 249 Currant, black, 21 1 mountain, 226 skunk, 226 Cuscuta americana , 84 racemosa . 84 sp., 84 273 Cusparia angostura , 217 Cussonia spicata , 28 Cuthbertia rosea , 53 Cyanide, hydrogen, 42 Cybianthus brownii , 182 sp., 182 Cycadaceae, 90 Cyclamen elegans , 202 Cvcloloma at riplicifolium , 49 Cydonia oblonga , 211 Cymbopogon citratus , 112 flexuosus , 112 nardus , 112 Cynanchum nigrum , 3 1 s p., 32 Cynoctonum mitreola , 167 Cynoglossum officinale , 37 Cynomarathrum nuttallii , 243 Cyperaceae, 90 Cyperus articulatus , 90 odor atus, 90 rotundus , 90 sp., 90 Cypress, southern, 197 Cypress-vine, 85 Cypress-weed, 65 Gyrilla racemiflora , 91 Cyrillaceae, 91 Cytinus hypocistis , 204 Cvtisus scoparius, 138 Dacrydium franklinii , 23 7 huonense, 237 Dacryodes excelsa , 39 hexandra , 39 Dactyloctenium aegyptium , 112 Daemia cordata, 32 extensa, 3 2 tomentosa , 32 Daemonorops draco , 193 Daffodil, 11 Daisy, oxeye, 61 Transvaal, 67 Dalbergia cumingiana , 138 nigra , 138 retusa , 138 Dalea argyraea , 138 c arthaginensis , 13 8 citriodora , 13 8 domingensis , 13 8 kingii, 139 mollis var. mollissima, 13V spinosa , 139 tinctoria , 139 Dalembertia populifolia , 99 Danais fragrans, 213 Dandelion, 81 Daphne cneorum , 239 mezereum , 239 pseudo-mezereum , 23 9 Daphnopsis bogote nsis, 23V caribaea , 240 espinosae, 240 Daphnopsis - -continued racemosa, 240 Darlingtonia californica , 224 Daruhalad, 33 Dasylirion leiophyllum , 160 wheeler i, 160 Date, desert, 230 Datisca glomerata , 91 Datiscaceae, 91 Datura arborea , 23 2 Candida, 232 ferox, 232 meteloides , 23 2 s tramonium , 23 2 Daubentonia drummondii , 139 punicea, 139 texana , 139 Daucus carota , 243 Davilla rugosa , 91 sp -’ 91 , .. , ? c Decaisnea fargesn , 120 Decodon verticillatus , 169 D eeringia amaranthoides , 9 Deherainia cubensis , 23 8 Delonix regia, 139 Delphinium ajacis , 207 brownii, 207 cheilantum , 207 delavayi , 207 dictyocarpum , 207 elatum, 207 formosum , 207 grandiflorum , 207 laxiflorum , 207 occidentale , 207 retr opilosum , 207 sp., 208 staphisagria , 207 virescens , 208 Deltaline, 207 Demer ar a-batseed, 131 Demissine, 234, 235 Pendrobium sp., 190 Dendromecon rigidum , 19 1 Perris elliptica, 139 for dii, 139 trifoliata, 139 Desmanthus virgatus , 177 Desmodium canadense , 13 9 c audatum, 139 dillenii , 139 glutinosum , 139 laburnifolium , 139 paniculatum , 139 pe rplexum , 13 9 uncinatum , 140 Desmothamnus lucidus , 95 Dialy anther a otoba , 181 Diapensiaceae, 91 Dicentra cucullana , 109 formosa , 109 i_nl arpap 9 1 274 Dichapetalum cymosum . 91 toxicarium . 91 Dicher anthus Plocamoides . 117 Dichondra c arolinensis . 84 Dichro stachys glomerata. 140 nutans , 140 Dicoria canescens , 62 Dictyoloma in canesrpnc 217 peruvianum , 217 sp., 217 vandellianum . 217 Didymopanax morototoni . 28 tremulum, 28 ' Dieffe nbachia sequine . 25 Diervilla lonicera . 42 Digitaria sanguinalis var, ciliaris . 117 Dill, 242 Dillenia indica . 91 Dilleniaceae, 91 Dioclea macrantha . 140 reflexa. 140 sericea . 140 Dionaea muscipula. 93 J->ioon sp.. 90 Dioscin, 92 Dioscorea bulbifera r 92 mascrostachy a- 92 polygonoides . 92 sp., 92 tokoro . 92 triphylla var. dumetorum. 92 Dioscoreaceae, 9~2 -- Diospyros maritima . 93 multiflora. 93 Poeppjgiana . 93 virginiana , 93 Dipcadi glaucum . 160 Dipentene, 112 gl£|2££Znchus_ m ossambicensi s . 17 fdLp lotropis purpurea , 140 Dipsacaceae, 92 Di psacus svlvestric , 92 Dipterocarpaceae, 92 Pj£ ca occidental! « r 240 palustris . 240 ^jgc aria longespina . 209 ^Igs otis rotundifolia , 173 guate malensis. 99 - )l ttany7l20 - Jgdecatheon hen derson ii. 202 jeffreyj. 203 ^od onaea viscosa . 222 ^ var * angustifolia. 22 ? dogbane, hemp.H,-' ^ogfennel, 65 >ogparsley, nuttall, 243 'ogwood, flowering, 85 Jamaica, 151 IPlj chandrone lnfpa r 35 spathaceae . 35 Do lie ho s buchanani . 140 kilimandscharicus , 140 lablab, 140 Doliocarpus sp., 92 Dombey a quinqueseta . 236 rotundifolia, 236 Dorstenia brasiliensis . 179 contrajerua, 179 Doryphora sassafras . 177 Douglasia montana . 203 Dracaena fragrans . 160 Drac unculus canariensis . 25 Dragon’s-blood, 193 Pros era filiformis . 93 Droseraceae, 93 Drymaria pachyphvlla . 43 ^£teris_bissetiana var. tenerifrons 4 erythrosora var. caudata ,~4 filix-mas . 4 marginalis . 5 Dudleya collomae . 85 Duranta, 246 Duranta plumieri . 246 repens, 246 sp., 247 Dusty-miller, 43 Dyssodia papposa . 62 Ebenaceae, 93 Echeveria collomae . 85 Echinacea sp., 63 Echinocystis fabacea . 89 gilensis, 89 macrocarpa . 89 oregana. 89 Echino dorus cordifolius . 8 gchinosp ermum floribund nm, 37 Echites peltata. 17 rubro-venosa . 17 umbellata . 17 Echium plantagineum . 37 vulgare. 37 Eclipta alba . 63 Edg eworthia gardneri . 240 Edisonia pubiflora . 32 Ego, 237 Egonal, 237 Egonol, 237 gkebergi a ruepelliana . 174 Elaeagnaceae, 93 Elaeagnus umbellata , 93 Elaeocarpaceae, 93 Elaeode ndron attenuatum . 45 ^ xylocarpum. 45 Elaeophorbia drupifera . 99 Elaphri um micr ophvllnm 38 Elder, 42 - European, 42 Elecampane, 72 Elemicin, 184, 220 Elephanto pus carolineng i g , 63 nudatus . 63 “ 275 Elephantopus - -continued tomentosus , 63 Elettaria cardamomum , 249 Ellisia ny ctalea , 115 Elm, Spanish, 36 Elodea densa , 115 Elvonurus argenteus ,112 Elytraria caroliniensis , 6 Elytropus chilensis , 17 Embelia k ilimandscharica , 182 Encelia californica , 63 farinosa, 63 farinosa var. radians , 63 frutescens , 63 Encino, 106 Enhydra fl uctuans , 63 . F.nkianthus campanulatus var. albiflorus, 94 Entada gigas , 140 phaseoloides, .140 polystachya , 140 Enterolobium contortisiliquum , 141 cvclocarpum, 141 Eperua falcata , 141 Ephedra sp.. Ill trifurca, 111 Epibaterium carolinum , 176 Epigaea repens , 94 Equisetaceae, 2 Equisetum arvense , 2 bogotense , 2 hyemale var. californicum , 2 robustum , 2 Eragrostis cilianensis, 112 Eranthis hyemalis , 208 Eremocarpus setigerus , 99 Eremophila maculata , 180 mitchelli, 180 Ericaceae, 93 Erigeron acris , 63 affinis, 70 annuus, 63 hellidiastrum , 63 canadensis , 64 commixtus , 64 divaricatus , 64 divergens , 64 eastwoodiae , 63 flagellaris , 64 glabellus subsp. pubescens , 64 inornatus , 64 linifolius , 64 macdougalii , 64 modestus r~54 nudiflorus, 64 repens, 64 spT. 64 tonsus , 64 Eriobotrva japonica , 170 Eriocaulaceae, 97 Eriocaulon decangulare , 97 Eriocephalus glaber, 64 Eriodendron anfractuosum , 36 Eriodyction californicum , 115 trichocalyx, 115 Eriogonum flavum , 200 pauciflor um, 200 . . .. Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifollum , Eriostemon crowel , 217 Erodium cicutarium , 110 Ervthraea centaurium , 110 Erythrina americana , 141 berteroana , 141 glauca , 141 poeppigiana , 141 rubrinervia , 141 sp., 141 variegata orientalis, 141 Erythrococca anomala , 100 F-rythr oni um grandiflorum , 160 iaponicum , l60 Erythrophleum couminga , 142 guineense , 142 ivorense , 142 Erythrostemon gilliesii , 133 Erythroxylaceae, 97 F.r-irthroxvl on areolatum , 97^ Escallonia pulverulenta , 225 Eschenbachia coulteri , 62 Escholtzia californica var. crocea, iVi Eschweilera corrugata , 128 grata, 128 odora , 128 sagotiana , 128 Escobedia scabrlfolia , 227 Espavel, 11 Espeletia corymbosa , 65 hartwegiana, 65 Ethulia conyzoides , 65 Q . F.nbotrvoid es grayana var. glaucina, V grayana var. oblongifolia, 94 Eucalyptol, 185 Eucalyptus ^ustraliana, 184 botryoides , 184 citriodora , 184 dives , 184 dumosa , globulus , 185 paniculata , 185 phellandra , 185 polybractea , 185 sideroxylon , 185 sp., 185 Eucarya spicata , 220 Eucommia ulmoldes , 97 Eucommiaceae, 97 Eudesamin, 185 Eugenia aromatica, 185 atropunctata , 185 caryophyllata , 185 haitiensis , 185 jambos , 186 malaccensis, 186 64 276 Eugenia - - continued sp., 186 Eugenol, 177, 187 Euonymus atropurpureus . 45 bungeanus. 45 europaeus . 45 fortunei var. radicans . 45 japonicus , 46 obovatus . 45 occidentalis, 46 radicans , 45 sp., 46 yedoensis , 45 Eupatorium ageratifolium . 65 album, 65 aromaticum . 65 capillifolium , 65 compositaefolium . 65 coronopifolium , 65 eleutherantherum . 74 havanense. 66 hyssopifolium, 66 occidentale . 66 odoratum . 66 perfoliatum . 66 persicifolium , 66 purpureum, ~56 rotundifolium . 66 rugosum , 66 sp“ 66 urticaefolium . 66 verbenaefolium . 66 wrightii. 66 Euphorbia adenochlora . 100 calycina , 1 00 caracasana . 100 centaurium . 100 cotinoides . 1 00 dendrioides . 100 geniculata , 100 heterophylla . 100 hirta. 100 intisy , 100 ipecacuanhae . 100 khasyana . 100 lancifolia . 100 maculata . 100 nematocypha . 100 pekinensis . 100 schlechtendalij , 101 sieboldiana . 100 ip., 101 thymifolia . 101 tirucalli . 101 trichotoma . 101 Euphorbia, candelabra, 100 Euphorbiaceae, 97 ^H £Erasia canadensis . 227 disjuncta . 227 ^u ptelea polvandra . 241 _Hi[ jophora paraengic , 217 Evergreen, 99 Evernia vulpina . 6 Evodia danielli . 217 hupensis . 217 littoralis . 217 Evodionol . 217 Excoecaria africana . 101 agallocha. 101 Exocarpus cupres siformis . 220 Exogonium microdactvlum . 84 Exostema caribaeum. 213 Eysenhardtia adenostylis . 142 orthocarpa . 142 polystachia . 142 texana, 142 Fabiana imbricata. 232 Fagaceae, 105 Fagara caroliniana . 219 mantchurica. 217 flavum, 219 Fagonia californica , 250 Faradaya splendida . 247 Faramea candelabrum . 213 Faurea McNaughtonii . 203 Fedegoso, 37 Fendlera rupicola , 225 Fennel, 243 Ferdinandusa rudgeoides , 214 Fern, maidenhair, 4 sweet, 180 Fernaldia pandurata . 17 Ferula asafoetida . 243 Feverfew, 61 Fevillea cordifolia . 89 Ficus elastica . 179 laevigata , 179 nitida, 179 vogelii , 179 Fiddlewood, 247, 248 Fig, strangling, 51 wild, 179 Fir, Douglas, 197 Firmiana simplex . 236 Fishberry, 176 jEla courtia cataphracta . 107 Flacourtiaceae, 106 Flagellaria guineensis . 109 Flagellariaceae, 109 Flamboyan, 251 Flame-tree, 139 Flaveria bidentis . 66 trinervia , 66 Flax, 86, 166 Fleabane, 7 1 blue, 63 Canadian, 64 dwarf, 64 running, 64 spreading, 64 Fleawort, 7 2 Fleece-vine, 200 277 Flemingia strobilifera , 142 Floerkia proserpinacoides , 166 Flourensia cernua, 67 resinosa , 67 Fluggea leucopyrus , 101 microcarpa , 101 virosa, 101 Foeniculum vulgare , 243 Foenugreek, 156 Forestiera neomexicana , 188 Forgesia borbonica , 225 Forsellesia n evadensis , 46 Forskohlea angustifolia , 245 Forsteronia brasiliensis_ , 17 corymbosa, 17 leptocarpa , 17 Fouquieria splendens , 109 Fouquieriaceae, 109 Francoa sonchifolia, 225 Frangipani, Mexican, 20 Frankenia ericifolia , 109 grandifolia , 109 Frankeniaceae, 109 Frankincense, 38 Franseria artemisioides_ , 67 chenopodifolia, 67 confertiflora , 67 deltoidea , 67 dumosa , 67 eriocentra , 67 ilicifolia , 67 Frasera parryi , 110 Fraxinus, 188 Fraxinus americana , 188 nigra , 1 88 quadrangulata , 189 Fritillaria parviflora , 160 pudica, 160 Froelichia campestris , 9 drummondii, 9 Fucaceae, 2 Fucus vesiculosus , 2 Fumaria officinalis , 109 Fumariaceae, 109 Fumatory, 109 Funastrum bonariense , 32 gracile , 32 Funifera utilis , 240 Furcraea gigantea , 10 tuberosa, 10 Fustic, 11 Gaillardia aristata , 67 lanceolata , 67 pulchella , 67 Galactia sp., 142 viridiflora , 142 volubilis , 142 wrightii , 142 Galarhoeus aden ochlorus, 100 pekinensis, 100 sieboldianus, 100 Galax rotundifolia , 9 1 Galega, 143 Galega officinalis , 143 Galium aparine , 214 Gallesia gorazema , 194 Galphimia brasiliensis , 170 glauca, 170 Garberia fruticosa , 67 Garcia nutans , 101 Garcinia spicata , 116 Gardenia jasminoides , 214 lutea, 214 Garlic, 158 G arrya goldmanii , 85 Gaultheria procumbens , 94 shallon, 94 sp., 95 Gaura coccinea , 189 sinuata, 189 Geigeria pas s erinoides , 67 Geissanthus andinus , 182 Gelsemium sempervirens , 167 Genipa americana, 214 sp., 214 Gentianaceae, HO Geoffrea superba , 143 Geraniaceae, 1 1 0 Geraniol, 112, 187 Geranium, 1 10 lemon, 110 nutmeg, 110 rose ,110 „ • Geranium eriostemon var. onoei, maculatum , 110 Geranyl acetate, 112 Gerardia auriculata , 227 flava , 227 paupercula , 227 pedicularia , 227 Gerbera, 67 Gerberia jamesonii , 67 Germander, American, 125 Gesnouinia arborea , 245 Gigartinaceae, 2 Gilia aggregata , 199 capitata , 199 densiflora var. sanctora , 199 Gilibertia arborea , 28 Gillenia stipulata , 211 Ginger, wild, 30 Ginkgo, 111 Ginkgo biloba , 111 Ginkgoaceae, 111 Ginoria americana , 169 Gladiolus sp., 118 Glaux maritima , 203 Glecoma hederacea , 120 Gleditsia amorphoides , 143 aquatic a , 143 fera , 143 horrida, 143 sinensis, 143 278 Gleditsia- - continued triacanthos, 143 Gliricidia sepium . 143 Globularia arabica . Ill salicina . Ill Globulariaceae, 111 Glottidium vesicarium . 144 Glucoside, 22 Glycerides, 13 Glycine soja . 144 Glycyrrhiza glabra . 144 lepidota , 144 Gmelina leichhardtii, 247 Gmelinol, 247 Gnaphaliu m leucocephalum. 67 obtusifolium . 68 " sp., 68 Gnetaceae, 111 Gnetum scandens . 111 Gomortega nitida . Ill Gomortegaceae, 111 Gonioma kamassi . 18 Gonolobus g onocarnns. 32 laevis. 32 Gonzalagunia panamensis . 214 Goodyera pubescens . 190 Gordonia lasianthus . 238 Gossyp iospermum praecox . 107 Gossyp ium herbaceum. 17 ? hirsutum . 172 Goupia glabra . 46 Gourd, 88 buffalo, 88 Gourliea spinosa . 144 Grains-of-paradise, 249 Gramineae, 111 Grape, 249 Gratiola neglecta . 227 Grayia spinosa . 45 Greasewood, 250 Greenheart, Demerara, 126 Grevillea robusta . 203 G rewia asiatica . 241 Grindelia boliviana . 68 nana, 68 perennis . 68 robusta . 68 sp., 68 squarrosa . 68 tarapacana . 68 Ground-cherry, smooth, 233 Groundnut, 131 Guaco, 74 G uadua latifolia , 112 Guaiol, 195 Guanacaste, 141 Guarea rusbyi, 174 sp., 174 trichilioides . 174 Guatteria sp., 14 Guayacan, 156 Guayava, 187 Guayavillo de montana, 251 Guazuma ulmifolia . 236 Guevina avellana , 203 Guiac, 250 Guiacum officinale . 250 Guiera senegalensis . 53 Gustavia augusta , 128 Gutier rezia dracunc uloidpg, 68 filifolia, 68 microcephala . 68 sarothrae . 68 Gymanthes lucida , 101 Gyminda latifolia , 46 Gymnocarpium d rvopterig, 5 Gyrnnocladus dioica , 144~* Gymnos poria cassinoides. 46 montana , 46 senegalensis . 46 Gynad ropsis lehmanni. 42 pentaphylla , 42 Gynocardia odorata . 107 Gynoxis buxifolia . 68 Habe, 102 Habranthus andersonii . 10 Hackelia floribunda , 37 jessicae, 37 Haedokuso, 193 Haemanthus amarylloides . 10 Haematoxylon brasilleto , 144 c amp e c hi anum. 144 Haemodoraceae, 114 Hagenia abyssinica , 211 Halesia Carolina . 236 sp., 236 Halogeton glomerat us, 49 sp., 49 Haloragaceae, 114 Haloxylon ammodendron , 49 Hamalia patens, 2l4 Hamamelidaceae, 114 Hamamelis virginiana . 114 Hannoa undulata. 230 Haplophytine, 18 Haplophyton cimicidum , 18 Hardwickia mannii . 14"5 Haronga madagascariensis . 116 Harpullia arborea . 222 Hedeoma hispida , 120 media. 1 20 pulegiodes . 120 Hedera helix . 28 Hedychium coronarium . 249 Hedyosmum arborescens , 50 Hedysarum alpinum var. americanum. 145 boreale . 145 ---~ boreale var. utahense . 145 Heerii mucronata . 11 Heima myrtifolia . 169 Heinsia pulchelia . 214 Helenalin, 69 279 » Helenium autumnale , 69 badium, 69 bigelovii , 69 elegans , 69 hoopesii , 69 laciniatum , 69 mexicanum , 69 microcephalum , 69 montanum, 69 quadridentatum , 69 tenuifolium , 69 Helianthemum corymbosum , 50 Helianthus pumilus, 69 Heliconia bihai , 180 Helicteres jamaicensis , 236 Helietta longifoliata , 217 Heliopsis canescens , 7 0 gracilis, 70 helianthoides , 70 helianthoides var. scabra , 70 longipes , 70 parvifolia , 7 1 scabra , 70 Heliotropium convolvulaceum , 37 erosum var. prostratum, 37 greggii , 37 indicum , 37 Hellebore, American, 165 black, 164 European white, 164 green, 165 Helonias bullata , 160 officinalis , 162 Hematoxylon, 144 Hemerocallis fulva , 160 Hemiangium excelsum , 115 Hemizonia fasciculata , 7 1 kelloggii , 7 1 pungens , 7 1 Hemlock, 197 water, 242, 244 Hemp, black Indian, 16 Henna, 169 Hepatica nobilis var. nipponica , 208 Heracleum lanatum , 243 Hercules-club, 28, 219 Herculin, 219 Hernandia sonora , 114 Hernandiaceae, 114 Herniaria glabra var. subcilliata , 117 Herreria montevidensis , 160 Hertia pallens, 7 1 Herva de sta. cm, 252 Hesperocnide tenella , 245 Heteropteris laurifolia , 170 platyptera var, martinicensis , 170 umbellata , 171 Heterotheca grandiflora , 7 1 subaxillaris, 7 1 Hevea brasiliensis , 101 sp., 101 spruceana , 101 Hibiscus abelmoschus , 172 Hickory, pignut, 118 Hicoria glabra , 118 Hieracium aurantiacum, 7 1 japonicum, 71 Hierba del cancer, 252 Hierba deltoro, 252 Hieronyma alchorneoides , 102 cluseoides, 102 laxifolia , 102 Hinoki, 195 Hinokinin, 195 Hippeastrum puniceum , 10 sp., 10 Hippocastanaceae, 114 Hippocrateaceae, 115 Hippomane mancinella , 102 Hippophae sp., 93 Hiptage benghalensis , 170 Hoffmanseggia densiflora , 145 Hofmeisteria pluriseta , 7 1 Holarrhena antidysenterica , 1 8 febrifuga, 18 Homalanthus fastuosus , 102 Homalium racemosum , 107 sp., 107 Homeria collina , 118 Honeydew, 88 Hop, 179 Hopbush, 222 Horseradish, 86 Horseweed, 64 Hoslundia opposita , 120 Houstonia lanceolata , 214 Huaca, 61 Huamansama, 252 Humacate rabo de iguana, 252 Humeriaceae, 115 Humiria balsamifera , 115 floribunda, 115 Humulus lupulus , 179 Hura crepitans , 102 polyandra , 102 Hybanthus concolor , 248 yucatanensis, 248 Hydnocarpus kurzii , 109 Hydrangea arborescens , 225 Hydrocaryaceae, 115 Hydrocharitaceae, 115 Hydrocleis nymphoides , 8 Hydrocotyle iavanica var. laxa , 243 Hydrophyllaceae, 115 Hydrophyllum virginianum , 115 Hymenaea courbaril, 145 Hymenocallis calathina , 1 0 sp., 10 Hymenocardia acida , 102 Hymenoclea salsola , 71 Hymenoxvs floribunda , 71 grandiflora, 7 1 haenkeana , 72 odorata, 72 280 Hymenoxys --continue richardsonii. 72 Hypericaceae, 116 Hypericum concinnum , 116 perforatum . 116 Hypoch aeris quitensis. 72 sp., 72 Hypocreaceae, 2 Hypoxis decumbens , 1 0 Hyptiodaphne crassifolia . 240 Hyptis emoryj . 120 pectinata . 120 radiata . 121 rhytidea . 121 suaveolens . 121 Hyssop, 121 Hyssopus officinalis . 121 Ibatia maritima. 32 Ibervi llea lindheimeri , 89 Icacinaceae, 117 Ichthyomethia grandifo lia. 151 piscipula . 151 Ichthyothere rufa . 72 terminalis . 72 Icica tacamahaca . 39 Hex coriacea . 23 glabra , 23 paraguariensis . 23 verticillata . 24 Illecebraceae, 117 Illicium f loridannm 169 verum, 169 Ilysanthes antipoda . 227 Imbauba, 178 Impatiens biflora . 33 capensis . 33 Imperato ria ostruthium. 244 Incienso, 63 Indigo, false, 130 wild, 132 Indigofera anil . 145 caroliniana r 145 endecaphylla . 145 lindheimeriana . 145 suffruticosa . 145 tinctoria . 145 Inga vera . 145 Intisy, 100 Inula conyza . 72 graveolens . 72 helenium . 72 l odina rhombifo lia. 221 Ipecac, 213 ^Il^ea^rassicaulis. 84 fistulosa . 84 jalapa , 84 rnuricata . 84 nil , 84 purga , 84 quamoclit . 85 resine sp., 9 Iriartea exorrhiza . 193 Iridaceae, 118 Iris florentina . 118 setosa . 118 sp., 11 8 verna , 118 Ironwood, black, 209 Isobutyl-4,6-decadienamide, 79 -2,4,8-dodecatrienamide, 219 -2,4,8,1 0-dodecatetraenamide, 219 Isocarpha oppositifolia , 7 2 isoetaceae, 3 " Isoetes dodgei, 3 riparia var. canadensis. 3 Isoeugenol, 14 Isomeris arborea. 42 Isoolivil, 189 Isopyrum stoloniferum . 208 Isosesamin, 192 Isotoma longiflora . 166 Itea virginica . 225 Iva axillaris . 72 frutescens . 72 xanthifolia . 72 Ixanthus viscosus . 110 Jaborandi, 218 Jaborosa runcinata . 232 Jacapa, 22 Jacaranda brasiliana . 35 filicifolia. 35 Jackbean, 134 Jacobi nia spicigera, 6 Jacquemontia tamnifolia , 84 Jacquinia aculeata , 238~ aristata. 239 aurantiaca . 239 barbasco . 239 keyensis . 239 pungens , 239 sp., 239 Jalap, 84 Jamesia americana . 225 Jasminum mauritianum . 189 Jateorrhiza palmata . 176 Jatropha angustidens . 102 curcas . 102 gos sypifolia . 102 macrorhiza . 102 oligandra . 103 podagrica , 103 Jeffersonia diphylla . 33 Jepsonia parryi , 225 Jequirity, 128 Jervine, 165 Joannesia princeps . 103 Johnson-grass, 113 Juglandaceae, 118 Juglans cinerea . 119 nigra, 119 Juncaceae, 119 Juncaginaceae, 119 281 i Juncus effusus , 119 Juniperus oxycedrus , 195 sabina, 195 virginiana , 195 Jussiaea californica , 1 89 Justicia gendarussa , 6 Kalanchoe, 86 Kalanchoe daigremontiana , 86 Kalmia angustifolia, 95 latifolia , 95 microphylla, 95 Kamala, 103 Kanomai, 93 Karwinskia sp., 209 Kassod-tree, 136 Kennedya procurrens , 145 Kentucky-bluegrass, 113 Kerria japonica , 211 Khaya ivorensis , 174 Khus -khus, 113 Kida-mari, 29 Kleinhovia hospita , 236 Kochia littorea , 49 sp., 50 vestita , 49 Koelreuteria, 222 Koelreuteria paniculata , 222 paniculata var. apiculata , 222 Kokoona zeylanica , 46 Kosteletzkya virginica , 172 Kousso, 211 Krameria grayi , 119 sp., 119 triandra , 119 Krameriaceae, 119 Krugiodendron ferreum , 209 Kuhnia eupatorioi.des var. corymbulosa, jacobaea , 73 Kyllinga odorata , 90 Labiatae, 119 Labordia tinifolia , 167 Laburnum anagyroides , 145 sp., 146 Lachnostoma arizonicum , 32 Lacnanthes tinctoria , 114 Lactuca virosa, 73 La denbergia magnifolia , 214 Laetia calophylla, 107 Lagenandra ovata , 26 toxicaria, Lagerstroemia speciosa , 169 Laguncularia racemosa , 53 Lambkill, 95 Lamium amplex icaule , 121 Lamourouxia virgata, 227 Lanan, red, 93 Lang-tu, 240 Lannea amaniensis , 11 La ntana horrida , 247 Laportia canadensis , 245 Lappula jessicae, 37 Larch, 196 Lardizabalaceae, 125 Larix occidentalis , 196 Larkspur, 207, 208 tall, 207 Larrea tridentata , 250 Lasia heterophylla , 26 Lasiosiphon burchellii , 240 Lasiospermum radiatum , 73 Lathyrus japonicus, 146 latifolius, 146 maritimus , 146 ochroleucus , 146 palustris, 146 sylvestris , 146 Latua pubiflora, 232 Latus corniculatus , 146 Laugeria resinosa, 214 Lauraceae, 125 Laurel, 126 cherry, 211 sheep, 95 wild, 237 Laurel geo, 126 Laurelia sempervirens , 177 Laurocerasus officinalis ,211 Laurus nobilis, 126 Lavandula sp., 121 spica , 121 vera , 121 Lavender, spike, 121 true, 121 Lawsonia inermis , 169 Lecanora rubina , 3 Lecanoraceae, 3 Lecheguilla, 9 7 3 Lecythidaceae, 127 Lecythis tuyrana , 128 Ledum glandulosum , 95 groenlandicum , 95 Leguminosae, 128 Leitneria floridana , 128 Leitneriaceae, 128 Lemon, 216 Lemon-grass, 112 Lengua gordh, 151 Lenteja boccona , 252 Lentibulariaceae, 158 Leonotis leonurus , 121 nepetaefolia , 121 Leonurus sibiricus , 121 Lepidagathi s alopecuroides , 6 Lepidium campestre , 87 virginicum , 87 Lepiota procera , 2 Lepisorus ussuriensis , 5 Leptilon canadense , 64 divaricatum, 64 Leptoderris fasciculata , 146 Leptoglottis chapmanii , 1 54 microphylla, 1 54 282 Leptospermone, 186 Leptospermum scoparium . 186 Leptotaenia multifida . 243 Lespedeza bicolor . 146 capitata , 146 hirta, 146 intermedia . 146 virginica, 146 Lesquerella fendleri . 87 Letterwood, 152, 245 Lettuce, wild, 73 Leucaena trichodes . 146 Leucas aspera , 121 zeylanica. 121 Leucothoe axillaris . 95 catesbaei, 95 grayana , 95 keiskei , 95 Leucrocrinum montanum . 160 Levisticum officinale . 243 Lewisia rediviva . 202 Liatris graminifolia . 73 Libanotis ugoensis . 243 Libidibia coriaria . 133 Libocedrus formosana , 195 Licania densiflora . 211 Licaria canella . 126 Licorice, 144 Life-root, 78 Lignum-vitae, 250 Ligustrum obtusifolium . 189 Lilac, Indian, 174 Liliaceae, 158 Lilium cordifolium . 160 superbum , 160 Lily-of-the-valley, 159 Limnanthaceae, 166 Limnanthes alba . 166 Limoncillo, 184 Limonene, 112 Limonium californicum . 199 limbatum, 199 Linaceae, 166 Linalool, 126 , 220 Linaria vulgaris . 227 Lindera benzoin . 126 Linociera domingensis . 189 Linseed, 166 Linum chamissonis . 166 usitatissimum . 166 Lion’s-ear, 121 Liparis liliifolia . 190 ^ippia cuneifolia . 247 graveolens . 247 sp., 247 Ljgui dambar stvraciflna . 1J4 Hllgde ndron tulipjfera , 169 jdgl££ arpa guianensis r 237 Litho phragma affinis . 225 ^hosp ermum linearifolium . 37 ja thraea mollpniHpc > 1 2 Litrisa carnosa . 81 Lizardwood, 248 Loasaceae, 166 Lobelia, 166 Lobelia inflata . 166 siphilitica , 166 tupa, 167 Lobeliaceae, 166 Lochnera rosea . 23 Locust, black, 154 West Indian, 145 Loganiaceae, 167 Loganin, 168 Logwood, 144 Loiseleuria procumbens . 95 Lolium temulentum . 112 Lomatium nudicaule . 243 Lonicera xylosteum . 42 Lophopetalum toxicum , 46 wightianum , 46 Lophophora williamsii . 40 Lophotocarpus calycinus , 8 Loranthaceae, 168 Lotus americanus . 146 campylocladus , 146 corniculatus var. japonicus . 146 purshianus , 146 sessilifolius . 147 wrightii, 147 Louseberry, 45 Lovage, 243 Loxopterygium sagotii . 12 Lucuma multiflora . 224 Ludwigia alternifolia . 189 palustris, 189 Luehea divaricata . 241 ' Luffa acutangula , 89 aegyptiaca . 89 cylindrica . 89 sp., 89 Luina hypoleuca . 73 Lunasia amara . 217 Lupine, blue, 147 Lupinus angustifolius . 147 latifolius var. columbianus, 147 mutabilis . 147 nanus, 147 perennis , 147 sp., 147 Luzuriaga marginata . 161 Lychnis coronaria , 43 gracilima, 43 Lycium halimifolium . 232 Lycopersicon esculentum , 232 esculentum var. pruniforme. 233 hirsutum . 233 perurianum var. chutatum, 233 peruvianum var. putatum, 233 peruvianum var. X, 233 pimpinellifolium . 233 Lycopodiaceae, 3 283 Lycopodium, 3 Lycopodium annotinum , 3 clavatum, 3 complanatum var. flabelliforme , 3 obscurum, 3 quadrangulare , 3 Lycopus virginicus , 122 Lycoris radiata , 10 Lygodesmia juncea , 7 3 Lyonia ligustrina , 95 lucida , 95 mariana , 95 Lysichitum americanum , 26 Lysiloma latisiliqua , 177 Lysimachia ciliata , 203 foenum-graecum , 203 mauritiana, 203 nummularia , 203 Lythraceae, 168 Lythrum alatum , 169 lanceolatum , 169 salicaria , 169 . Maackia amurensis var. buergen, 14 I Macha, 252 Machaeranthera varians , 73 Machaerocereus eruca , 40 gummosus, 40 Machilus thunbergii , 126 Macleya cordata , 191 Maclura pomifera , 179 Macrosiphonia br'achysiphon , 18 hypoleuca, 18 longiflora , 18 petraea , 18 Madder, 215 Madhuca latifolia , 224 Madia glomerata , 73 gracilis , 73 Maerua angolensis , 42 Maesa chisia, 183 denticulata , 183 indiea , 183 rufescens , 183 Magnolia obovata , 169 portoricensia , 169 splendens , 169 Magnoliaceae, 169 Magonia pubescens , 222 Mahogany, African, 174 Honduras, 175 West Indian, 175 Mahonia acquifolium, 33 trifoliata, 34 Mahua, 224 Maillardia borbonica , 179 Maize, 114 Malaceae, 170 Malacothrix fendleri , 7 3 Mallotonia gnaphalodes , 38 Mallotus philippinensis , 103 Malouetia heudelotii, 18 obtusiloba, 19 Malouetia --continued tamaquarina , 19 Malpighia glabra , 171 punicifolia , 171 Malpighiaceae, 170 Malus sylvestris , 211 Malvaceae, 171 Malvastrum rusbyi , 172 Mamey, 51 Mameyin, 51 Mammea amerlcana , 5 1 Mandevilla angustifolia , 19 brachyloba, 19 bridgesii , 19 foliosa , 19 hirsuta , 19 laxa , 19 mollis sima , 19 nentlandiana , 19 sp., 20 subsagittata , 19 Mandrake, 34 Manfreda virginica , 9 Mangifera indica , 12 Mango, Indian, 12 Mangrove, 53 red, 210 Manihot angustiloba , 103 Manilkara excels a , 224 nitida , 224 Manroot, 89 Mansonia altissima , 236 Manzanillo, 102 Maple, Norway, 7 red, 7 Marantaceae, 172 Marantochloa flexuosa , 172 Marcgravia sp., 173 Marcgraviaceae, 173 Marigold, 80 African, 80 Marilaundium demissum , 115 Maripa scandens, 84 Marmaroxylon racemosum , 147 Marrubium vulgare, 122 Marsdenia clausa , 32 cundurango, 32 macrophylla , 32 Marsilea vestita , 3 Marsileaceae, 3 Martynia louisianica , 17 3 Martyniaceae, 173 Mascagnia leucanthele , 171 Mascarenhasia elastica , 20 Massaranduba, 224 Masterwort, 224 Mata pulga, 78 Matai, 199 Matairesinol, 199 Matico, 197 Matricaria chamomilla , 7 3 globifera, 73 284 Matricaria-- c onti nue d inodora. 74 matricarioides . 74 suaveolens . 74 Matricaria-ester, 74 Maurandya antirrhlnifi^ ??7 Maytenus phyllanthoideg , 46 Mayweed, 55, 74 Maurandya antirrhiniflr> y? 27.7 Medeola virginiana , 161 Medicago lupulina . 147 sativa , 147 Melaleuca alternifoHa . 186 bracteata . 186 ericifolia . 186 leucadendron . 186 linariifolia . 186 uncinata , 186 Melam pyrum lineare . 228 Melanthium virginicum . 161 Meiastomataceae, 173 Melia azadirachta . 173 azedarach . 174 Meliaceae, 173 Melianthaceae, 175 Melianthus minor . 175 Melico£eerythrococca. 217 Melilot, 148 Melilotus alba . 147 altissima . 147 indica . 148 officinalis . 148 Melinis minutiflora . 113 Meliosma sp., 220 Mellichampia ligulata . 32 Melloa populifolia . 35 Melodinus monoevnus. 70 Meldn, 245 - Menispermaceae, 175 ^ienisp ermum canadense . 177 Mentha haplocalw. 122 piperita , 122 pulegium . 122 spicata . 122 j^entzeli a decapetala . 166 Mercuri alig annua . 103 Merten sia lanceolata . 37 virginica . 37 Mesembryanthemum chiles* 7 crystallinum, 7 saxicola. 7 Mesquite, 153 M ethylanthraquinone, 247 Methyieugen 01 , 112 , 186, 220 , 237 Methylisoeugenol, 112 Metopium brownei . 12 Mgtr odorea pubescena . 218 Mezereon, 239 " Michelia champaca . 170 Michelle lla aniaata . 122 Micramp elig oregana . 89 Microglo SS a volubilis . 74 jgicro meria chamissonis . 124 Micropholis curvata . 224 Mikania glomerata. 74 micrantha, 74 orinocensis . 74 Milkpea, 142 downy, 142 Milkweed, 30, 31 Mimosa albida . 148 pudica. 148 sp., 148 Mimosaceae, 177 Mimulus, 228 Mimulus longiflorus . 228 ringens , 228 sp., 228 Minquartis guianensis . 188 Mirabilis jalapa, 187 Mistletoe, 168 Mitchella repens , 214 Mitraca rpus portoricen sis. 214 verticlllatus, 214 Mocha, 130 " Mohavea confertiflora . 228 Molasses-grass, 113 Molinillo, 121 Mollugo verticillata. 7 Momordica charantia , 89 Monarda citriodora . 122 Monimiaceae, 177 Monnieria trifolia . 218 M°nnina sp., 200 ~ Monodora myristica. 14 Monolepis nuttalliana . 50 Monotropa uniflora . 95 Montanoa tomentosa . 74 Montezuma speciosisslma 172 Mont richardia aculeatum . 26 Moonseed, Carolina, 176 Mora gongrijpjj, 148 Moraceae, 178 Morelia senegalensis . 214 Morinda citrifolia . 214 Moringa oleifera . 180 Moringaceae, 180 Morreni a brachystephana . 32 Mortoma scabrellaT ^?; Moss, Iceland, 4 Irish, 2 Mosto, 41 Mouriria marshallH . 173 Mowrah, 224 Mucuna pruriens . 148 Mu ehlenbeckia sa gittifolia, 200 Mueller a frutesrens . 148 sp., 148 Mugwort, 57 Mulberry, Dyer’s, 179 Mullein, 229 turkey, 99 Mulvula, 252 Muntingia calabura, 93 Musa sapientum var. paradisaica, 1 80 Musaceae, 180 Muscat, nut, 45 Mushama kuba, 252 Muskmelon, 88 Myoporaceae, 180 Myoporum deserti, 1 80 Myrcia rufidula , 1 86 sp., 186 Myrianthus arborus , 179 Myrica asplenifolia , 180 cerifera, 180 gale , 180 salicifolia , 181 Myricaceae, 180 Myriophyllum spicatum , 114 Myristica fragrans , 181 Myristicaceae, 181 Myristicin, 181 Mvrocarpus frond osus , 148 Myroxylon balsamum, 148 pereirae, 148 Myrrh, 39 Myrsinaceae, 181 Myrsine africana , 183 canariensis , 183 Myrtaceae, 184 Myrtus communis , 1 86 Nama demissum , 115 jamaicense , 116 Nananthus vittatus , 8 Naphthalene, 49 Na rcissus pseudonarcissus , 11 Narthecium californicum , 161 Nasturtium, 241 Nasturtium armoracia , 86 Nectandra whitei, 126 Neem, 173 Nelumbo lutea , 1 88 Menoseria neomexicana , 74 Nenax microphylla , 214 Nepeta cataria , 122 nuda, 122 subsessilis , 122 teydea , 122 Nerine japonica , 10 lucida, 1 1 Nerium indicum , 20 odorum, 20 oleander , 20 Nettle-herb, 246 Neurolaena lobata , 74 Newbouldia laevis , 3 5 Nicandra physalodes , 233 Nierembergia hippomanica , 233 Nigger-head, 77 Nightshade, purple, 234 Nim, 173 Niquivau, 58 Nissolia fruticosa, 149 schottii, 149 Nitrophila occidentalis , 50 Nivre, 61 Nolina sp., 161 Notholaena sinuata , 5 Nothoscordum arizonicum , 161 bivalve, 161 texanum , 161 Notogramme japonica , 4 Nototriche sp., 172 Nuez moscada, 126 Nuphar adven , 188 Nutgalls, Aleppo, 106 Nutgrass, 90 Nutmeg, 181 Nuxia verticillata , 167 Nyctaginaceae, 187 Nymphaea odorata , 188 Nymphaeaceae, 188 Oak, Australian, 203 black, 106 Haitian, 34 red, 106 silver, 203 white, 105 Oat, 111 Obetia pinnatifida , 245 Ochnaceae, 188 Ochrocarpos africanus , 116 Ochroma pyramidale , 36 S P*’ 36 Ocimum basilicum , ill sanctum, 122 viride , 1 22 Ocotea acutangula , 126 bullata, 126 canaliculata , 126 cujumary , 126 leucoxylon , 126 moschata , 126 portoricensis , 126 rodiei , 126, 127 rubra , 1 26 sp., 127 wachenheimii, 126 Octoknemataceae, 188 Octoknemia borealis , 188 Odontadenia grandiflora , 20 puncticulosa, 20 Oenanthe crocata , 244 sarmentosa , 244 Oenothera biennis , 189 Oja de fopocho, 180 Olacaceae, 188 Old-man, 56 Old-woman*s-bitter, 246 Plea cunninghamii , 189 Oleaceae, 188 Oleander, common, 20 yellow, 22 286 Olibanum-tears, 38 Olive, black, 238 Omphalea diandra . 103 oleifera. 103 triandra , 103 trichotoma . 103 Onagraceae, 189 Oncoba echinata . 107 spinosa, 107 Onion, 158 Operculina tuberosa . 85 turpethum, 85 Ophryosporus eleutherantherus. 74 Orange, 216 osage, 179 Orchidaceae, 190 Ordeal-bean, 17 Oreobroma cotyledon . 202 Origanum majorana . 122 Orixa j aponic a . 218 Ormosiopsis flava . 149 Ornitho gallum umbellatum . 161 Orobanchaceae, 190 " Orontium aquaticum . 26 Orris, Florentine, 118 Orthocarpus luteus . 228 purpurascens . 228 Orthodon grosseserratum . 123 Osbeckia crinita . 173 ‘ Osmant hus americana. 189 Osmorhiza aristata . 244 Osmunda claytoniana . 3 Osmundaceae, 3 Ostrioderris stuhlmannii 149 Osyris arborea . 221 wightiana. 221 Ougeinia dalbergioides . 149 Ourouparia gambir . 216 Ovidia pillo-pillo, 240 Oxalidaceae, 190 Oxalis amara . 190 corniculata. 190 europaea f. cymosa, 190 Oxandra lanceolata . 14 Oxeye, 70 Ox-head, cut, 201 Oxybaphus linearis . 187 Qxycocc us quadripetalus , 97 Oxypolis rigidior . 244 Oxytenia acerosa . 74 Pachycereus marginal, 40 F achygone ovata . 177 P achylobus edulis . 39 Pachyrrhizine, 149 Pa chyrrhizus ahip a. 150 angulatus , 149 ££°sus, 149, 150 palmatilobus . 150 spp., 150 tuberosus. 150 Pachysan dra procumbens. 39 terminalis . 39 ’ Pachystima canbvi . 47 Padus la urocerasns 211 racemosa , 211 vulgaris , 211 Paederia foetida . 214 Paeonia brownii . 208 Paipu, 235 Palaquium sp., 224 Palas, 133 Palicouri a guianensis, 215 marcgravii , 215 riparia , 215 Pallar chuncho, 134 Palm, royal, 193 Palmae, 192 Pandanaceae, 190 Pandanus sp., 190 Panopsis yolombo . 203 Papaver sp., 191 Papaveraceae, 190 Papaya, 43 Papaya vulgaris , 43 Parathesis serrulata , 183 Parinarium sp.. 211 Paris tetraphylla. 161 verticilleata , T 61 Parkia nitida , 150 Parmelia perforata , 4 Parmeliaceae, 4 Parnassia asarifolia . 225 Paronychia microphylla , 1 18 sessiliflora . 118 Parrotia persica . 114 Parsley, 244 Parsnip, wild, 242 Parthenium hispidum . 74 garthe nocissus quinquefolia. 249 Passiflora caerulea , 19l incarnata . 191 quad rangularis. 191 Passifloraceae, 191 Patchouly, 123 Pate, 29 Patipat, 183 Paullinia fuseescens . 222 pinnata , 222 tomentosa , 222 Pawpaw, 14 Pea, rosary, 128 Peach, 212 Peacock-flower, 139 Peanut, 131 Pectis capillaris . 74 papposa , 75 Pedaliaceae, 192 Pedicu laris groenlandica , 228 lanceolata, 228 paysoniana, 228 Pedilanthus ti thymaloides , 103 Peganum harmala , 250 Peitonal-de-angico, 252 Pelargonium crispum , 110 hortorum var. poitevine , 110 odoratissimum , 110 sp., Ill zonale , 110 Pellaea ornithopus , 5 Pellinonia scabra , 245 Pellitorine, 55 Pellitory, 55 Peltandra glauca , 26 virginica, 26 Peltigera canina var. membranacea , 4 Peltigeraceae, 4 Peltogyne lecointei , 150 pubescens, 150 Peltophorum suringari , 1 50 Peniocereus greggii , 40 Pennisetum nervosum , 113 Pennyroyal, 120, 123 Penstemon gracilis ,228 Pentacaena ramosissima , 118 Pentaclethra macroloba , 150 macrophylla, 150 Pentadesma butyracea , 117 Pentapanax angelicifolium , 29 Penthorum sedoides, 86 Pepper, black, 198 Cayenne, 232 red, 232 water, 201 West African, 198 Peppermint, 122 Pepper-vine, 249 Peraltea erythrinaefolia , 151 Peramium pubes cens , 190 Perezia arizonica , 75 nana , 75 runcinata , 75 wrightii , 75 Pericon, 80 Perideridia gairdneri , 244 Perilla frutescens , 123 Periploca laevigata , 33 Peritre-del-pais, 70 Pernettya prostrata var. pentlandii, 96 prostrata var. purpurea , 96 Perrottetia sandwicensis , 47 Persea americana, 127 gratissima , 127 lingue , 127 pubescens , 127 rigens , 127 Peruvian-bark, 213 Pesqua, 252 Petalostemum candidum , 151 Petalostigma quadriloculare , 104 Petasites palmatus , 75 sp., 75 Peteria scoparia , 151 Petitia domingensis , 247 Petiveria alliacea , 194 Petroselinum crispum , 244 sativum, 244 Petunia hybrida , 233 Peucedanum ostruthium , 244 Peumus boldus, 177 Phacelia grandiflora , 116 Phaethusa virginica , 82 Phanerogams, 6 Pharbitis nil , 84 Phaseolus lathyroides , 151 vulgaris , 151 Phaulothamnus spines cens , 191 Phellandrene, 186 Phellodendron amurense , 218 lavallei, 218 sp., 218 Phialodiscus unijugatus , 222 Philadelphus lewisii , 225 Philodendron bipinnatifidum , 26 hastatum, 26 Phlox drummondii , 200 Phoebe porosa , 127 Phoenicaceae, 192 Phoradendron flavescens , 168 villosum , 168 Phryma oblongifolia , 193 Phrymaceae, 193 Phrymarol, 193 Phthalate, diethyl, 49 Phyla cuneifolia , 247 Phyllanthus acuminatus , 104 brasiliensis , 104 diffusus , 104 emblica, 104 ichthyomethius , 104 niruri, 104 polygonoides, 104 Phyllostylon brasiliensis , 241 sp., 245 Physalis mollis , 233 Physostegia parviflora , 123 virginiana, 123 Physostigma v enenosum , 151 Phytolacca abyssinica , 194 acinosa, 194 americana , 194 decandra, 194 dodecandra , 194 Phytolaccaceae, 194 Picea sitchensis , 196 sp., 196 Picramnia pentandra , 230 Picrolemma pseudocoffea , 230 sprucei, 230 Picrosia longifolia , 75 Picrotoxin, 176 Pieris floribunda , 96 japonica, 96 ovalifolia, 96 288 Pilea serpylljfolia . 245 Pilocarpus jaborandi . 218 microphvllus . 218 pennatifolius . 218 Pimenta acris . 187 officinalis . 186 pimenta , 186 racemosa . 187 sp., 187 vulgaris , 186 Pimienta, 184 Pimpine lla anisum. 244 dendroselinum . 244 saxifraga . 244 sp., 244 Pinaceae, 195 Pine, 196 Australian, 44 cypress, Australian, 195 huon, 237 loblolly, 196 longleaf, 196 ponderosa, 196 scotch, 196 scrub, 196 southern, 196 West Indian, 196 white, Brazilian, 231 white, northern, 196 white, western, 196 yellow, southern, 196 Pinellia ternata . 26 tripartita , 26 Pinene, 177, 220 Pinoncillo, 101 Pinoresinol, 196 Pinos ylvin, 196 Pinus echinata r 196 monticola . 196 occidentalis . 196 palustris , 196 ponderosa , 196 sp., 196 strobus . 196 sylvestris . 196 taeda , 196 virginiana . 196 Piper aduncum . 197 angustifolium . 197 betle, 197 cubeba . 197 geniculatum , 198 guineense . 198 longum . 198 m ethysticum . 198 nigrum . 198 HQva e -hollandiap f 198 sp., 198 tuberculatum , 198 Piperaceae, 197 Piperine, 198 Piptadenia africana . 151 rigida , 151 sp., 151 Piqueria trinervia r 75 Piranhea trifoliata , 104 Piratinera guianensis . 245 Piriqueta caroliniana 241 sp., 241 Piscidia acuminata , 151 carthagenensis . 151 erythrina . 151 grandifolia . 151 pis cipula , 151 sp., 152 Pistia stratiotes. 27 Pitcheria galactioides . 152 Pithecellobium albicans. 152 alexandri. 152 trapezifolium . 152 Pi the colobium racemosum. 1 5 ? Pi ttosporaceae, 198 ’ Pittosporum senacia . 198 viridiflorum, 199 Pityotham nus angustifolius. 14 Pizarra, 127 - Plantaginaceae, 199 Plantago lanceolata . 199 monticola , 199 sp., 199 Plantain, 180 Platonia insignis . 1 17 Platost oma africanum . 123 Platym iscium para pn«> 152 ulei, 152 Platysc yamus regnellii . 152 Plazia argentea . 75 Plec tranthus fruticosus . 123 Pleurothyrium m a rr ^ thl1TT1 127 Pluchea ca mphnrata 75 odorata 7~75 quitoc, 75 Plum, hog, 12 Plumbaginaceae, 199 Plumbago scandens . 199 Plumeria multiflora . 20 rubra . 20 sp., 20 Plumeriopsis ahouai . 20 Pluparia d idvmorarpa 87 Poa pratensis . 113 Pochote, 36 Podant hus ovatifolius . 75 Podocarpaceae, 199 Podocarpu s nagi, 199 spicata . 199^ Podophyl lum peltatum . 34 Podostigm a pedicellatum 33 Pogogyne parviflora . 123 Pogostemon ca blin, 123 heyneanus . 123 Poinciana pulcherrima . 133 289 t Iii Poinciana, royal, 139 Poiretia tetraphylla , 153 Poke, 194 Polemoniaceae, 199 Polemonium caeruleum , 200 Polyalthia suberosa , 14 Polyanthes sp., 11 Polycarpon tetraphyllum , 43 Polygala paucifolia, 200 Polygalaceae , 200 Polygonaceae , 200 Polygonatum biflorum , 161 canaliculatum, 161 iaponicum , 161 Polygonum acre , 201 auberti, 200 aviculare , 200 . caespitosum var. longisetum , 20U hispidum , 200 hydropiper , 201 inr.arnatum , 201 lapathifolium , 201 nodosum , 201 perfoliatum , 201 punctatum , 201 sp., 201 Polypodiaceae , 4 Polypodium angustifolium, 5 neriifolium, 5 sp., 5 Polyporaceae, 5 Polyporus officinalis , 5 Polypremum procumbens , 167 Polystichum refroso-p aleaceum, 5 Pomegranate, 204 Pongamia pinnata , 153 Pontederia cordata , 202 Pontederiaceae, 202 Poplar, 220 black, 220 yellow, 169 Poppy, 191 Populus candicans , 220 nigra, 220 tremuloides , 220 Porophyllum gracile , 76 macrocephalum , 76 ruderale, 76 Portulaca lanuginosa , 202 Portulacaceae , 202 Potalia amara , 168 Potato, 235 wild, 233, 234 Pothomorphe peltata , 198 Pouteria demerarae , 224 Prangos pabularia , 244 Premna, fragrant, 247 Premna odorata , 247 altissima , 76 Prester-john, 25 Prestonia agglutinata , 21 mollis, 21 P rimula farinosa , 203 obconica, 203 Primulaceae, 202 Pringamoza, 252 Prionopsis ciliata , 55 Prioria c opaifera , 153 Pristimera celastroides , 115 Priva lappulacea, 247 Proserpinaca pectinata , 114 Prosopis juliflora , 153 ^uliflora var. velutina, 153 kuntzei , 1 53 stephaniana , 1 53 Proteaceae, 203 Protium decandrum , 39 heptaphyllum , 39 sp., 39 Proustia pyrifolia, 76 Prunus americana , 211 amygdalus, 211 bue rge riana , 211 grayana, 211 japonica , 211 laurocerasus , 211 maackii, 211 padus , 211 persica , 212 serotina , 212 Psathyrotes annua , 76 Pseudojervine , 165 Pse udotsuga taxifolia , 197 Psiadia trinervia , 76 Psidium guayava , 187 Psilocaulon absimile , 8 Psilostrophe cooperi , 76 gnaphalode s, 76 tagetina , Psittacanthus cuneifolius , 168 Psoralea glandulosa , 153 lanceolata, 153 onobrychis , 153 tenuiflora , 153 Psorospermum febrifugum , 117 Psychotria suterella, 215 Ptaeroxylon utile , 175 Ptelea trifoliata , 218 Pteralyxia macrocarpa , 21 Pte ridium aquilinium var. latiusculum, 5 caudatum , 5 latiusculum , 5 pter ocarpus indicus , 153 Pterocarya stenoptera , 119 Pterocaulon polystachyum , 76 pycnostachyum, 76 undulatum, 76 ptPrnrpphal us dumetorum , 92 Pterodon pubescens, 153 290 Pterospermum acerifolium . 236 Pueraria yunnanensis, 153 Pulicaria crispa . 77 dysenterica . 77 undulata . 77 Pulsatilla, 206 Pulsatilla vulgaris . 206 Pumpkin, 88 Punica granatum . 204 Punicaceae, 204 Purga lagarto, 252 Purging-tree, 99 Purpleheart, Brazilian, 150 Purshia tridentata . 212 Pycnanthemum pilosum . 123 Pycnothymus rigidus . 123 Pyrola picta. 96 Pyrostegia venusta . 35 Pyrularia pubera . 221 Quamecatl, 223 Quamoclit pennata . 85 Quassia amara , 230 Quassia, Surinam, 230 West Indian, 230 Quassin, 231 Quebrachia lorentzii . 12 Quebracho, 12 Queen-of-the-meadow, 66 Queen’s-delight, 105 Quercus alba . 105 borealis . 106 copeyensis . 106 infectoria . 106 rubra . 106 sp., 106 tincto ria . 106 velutina . 106 Quiina indigofera . 204 Juiinaceae, 204 2uince, 211 juisqualis indica . 53 3uita-trancazo, 21 labbit-bells, 138 j^jicula nasturtium-agnaHf'liTTr. 8? tafflesiaceae, 204 - Uin-tree, 154 lam’s-horn, 173 ii*n dia dumetomm , 215 echinocarpa . 215 nilotica . 215 ^anunculaceae, 204 jjiunculu s flagelliform is. 208 minssimus . 208 sceleratus . 208 sp., 208 var. glaber , 208 X££HXL va r. quelpaertensis. 208 zuccarini - 208 - 3£ anea ferru ginea 183 l_aeti virens . 183 lorentziana , 183 Rapanea - - c ontinue d sp., 184 umbellata . 184 Rapatea paludosa . 209 Rapateaceae, 209 Rape, 86 Rapha nus acan thiforrm* g , 87 Raphia vinifera . 193 Ratibida am plexicanli a 77 columnaris , 77 ’ Rattle-box, 139 Rattle-bush, 139 Rauwolfia canescens , 21 heterophylla, 21 hirsuta. 21 nitida . 21 sandwicensis , 21 serpentina , 21 tetraphylla . 21 vomitoria . 21 Rawso nia usambaren sis 107 Red-top, 111 Redwood, California, 197 Remifia tenuiflora , 215 Renealma sp., 250 Reverchonia arenaria 104 Reynosia uncinata . 209 Rhabdadenia biflora . 21 ragonesei, 21 Rhacoma crossopetalum . 47 Rhamnaceae, 209 Rhamnus carolinianns 209 cernatus . 210 frangula , 210 lanceolatus . 210 purshianus . 210 Rhaph idophora decursiva . 27 Rhazya stricta. 21 Rheedia aristata . 117 sp., 117 verticillata . 117 Rheum ribes . 201 Rhinac anthus communis , 6 Rhinanthus crista-galli , 228 Rbipsalis cassutha ^O leucorhaphis. 40 Rhizophor a mangle, 210 sp., 210 Rhizophoraceae, 210 Rhodode ndron arborescens . 96 californicum. 96 catawbiense , 96 japonicum . 96 macrophyllum . 96 maximum. 96 molle . 97 Rhodospatha sp., 27 Rhoeo discolor . 53 Rhoicissus erythrodes . 249 Rhus aromatica. 1 2 canadensis . 12 291 I l Rhus - - c ontinued glabra , 12 natalensis , 12 Rhyncosia sp., 154 texana , 154 Ribes cereum , 225 elandulosum, 226 nigrum , 2zb Ricin, 104, 105 Ricinine, 104, 105 Ricinus communis , 104 Riddellia archnoidea , 76 Rinorea flavescens , 248 Rivea corymbosa , 85 Rivinea humilis , 194 Robinia hispida , 154 pseudoacacia , 154 viscosa , 154 Roble, 106 Rollinia exsucca , 14 Romney a c oulteri , 191 Roripa nasturtium-aquaticum , 87 Rosa sp., 212 Rosaceae, 210 Rosemary, 124 Rosewood, Brazilian, 126 Rosilla, 69 Rosilla-de-puebla, 69 Rosinweed, 79 Rosmarinus officinalis , 124 Rotenoids, 130, 217 Rotenone, 130, 149, 152 Roupala a diantifolia, 203 Rourea erecta , 83 glabra , 83 orientalis , 83 surinamensis , 84 Royena sp., 93 Roystonea borinquena , 193 Rubber, 101, 179 Rubberweed, bitter, 72 Rubia tinctorum , 215 Rubiaceae, 212 Rubus japonicus , 212 sp., 212 Rudbeckia amplexicaulis , 77 hirta, 77 laciniata , 77 occidentalis , 77 Rue, 218 Ruellia ciliosa , 7 tuberosa, 7 Rum, bay, 187 Rumex acetosella , 201 crispus , 201 obtusifolius , 201 Runyonia sp., 11 Ruprechtia coriacea , 201 sp., 201 viraru , 201 Rush, horsetail, 2 sweet, 24 Ruta chalapensis , 218 graveolens , 218 Rutaceae, 2i6 Ryania anpustifolia , 107 py rifera, 107 sp., 106 speciosa , 107 speciosa var. stipularis , 108^ speciosa var. subuliflora , 108 speciosa var. tomentosa , 108 Ryanodine, 107, 108 Rydbergia grandiflora , 71 Sabadilla, 162 Sabadilla officinarum , 162 Sabiaceae, 220 Sabine a punicea , 154 Saccaglottis gabonensis , 115 Sacsaul, 49 Saffron, meadow, 159 Safrole, 126, 177, 220 Sage, 57, 124 Sagebrush, 57 Sagittaria latifolia, 8 Salazaria mexicana , 124 Salicaceae, 220 Salicornia ambigua , 50 rubra , 50 Salix chilensis , 220 nigra , 220 sp., 220 Salmea scandens , 77 Salpichroa origanifolia , 23 3 Salsola kali, 50 kali var. tenuifolia , 50 pestifer , 50 Salvadora persica , 220 Salvadoraceae, 220 Salvia carnosa var. pilosa , 124 mellifera , 124 officinalis , 124 plebeia , 124 reflexa , 124 sclarea , 124 Samadera indica , 231 Samanea saman , 154 Sambucus canadensis , 42, 43 roerulea, 42 nigra , 42 pubens , 42 sp., 43 Samolus floribundus_ , 203 Samyda pubescens , 108 spinulosa , 108 Sandalbox, 180 Sandalwood, 220, 221 Sandbox, 102 Sanguinaria canadensi^ , 191 Sanguisorbia canadensis , 212 minor , 212 officinalis ,212 Sansevieria thyrsiflora , 162 Sanshool-I, 219 292 Sanshool-II, 219 Santalaceae, 220 Santalum album , 221 Santolina chamaecyparissus , 77 Sanvitalia procumbens , 77 Sapindaceae, 221 Sapindus drummondii, 222 saponaria , 222 sp., 223 Sapium biloculare . 105 jamaicense. 105 sp., 105 Saponin, dios cin, 92 Sapotaceae, 223 Sapotoxin, dioscorea, 92 Sapupira, 132 Sarcobatus baileyi . 50 vermiculatus . 50 Sarcocephal us cordatus, 215 diderichii . 215 Sarcodes sanguinea, 97 Sarcostemm a brevistigma. 33 Sarracenia purpurea. 224 Sarraceniaceae, 224 Sassafras, 127, 177 Sassafras albidum . 127 variifolium . 127 Satinwood, 219 brazilian, 217 Satureja chandleri . 124 douglasii , 124 hortensis , 124 laevigata . 125 Saururaceae, 224 Saururus cernuus . 224 Saussurea lappa . 77 sp., 77 Savory, wild, 123 Saxifraga austromontana . 226 Saxifragaceae, 224 Scabrin, 70 Schaeffe ria frutescens . 47 Schefflera sp., 29 Schima wallichii . 238 Schinopsis lorentzii . 12 sp., 12 Schinus w einmanniaefoling 12 Schkuhria ahrr>t-ar,r.i^ f .c ! 73 flava. 78 pinnata , 78 wislizenii . 78 Schoeno caulon drummondii . 162 officinale . 16?. texanum . 163 > choepfia schreberi . 188 ighrank ia chapmanii , 1 54 microphylla , 1 54~ jchwenki a americana . 233 scillniHf>g ' 163 thunbergii . 163 ^jerocarya caffra. 12 Scoke, 194 Scoparia dulcis , 228 Scotch-broom, 138 Scotch-lawyer, 51 Scrophularia lanceolata . 228 marilandica . 229 nodosa , 229 Scrophulariaceae, 226 Scutellaria integrifolia . 125 laeteviolacea . 125 parvula , 125 racemosa , 125 Sebasti ana longicuspis. 105 Securidaca elliptica . 200 Sedum acre. 86 Seguieria sp., 194 Selaginella myosurus . 6 Selaginellaceae, 6 Selenicereus grandiflorus . 40 gemecarpus a nacardinm 12 cuneiformis. 12 Senecio aureus . 78 ehrenbergianus . 78 longilobus. 78 richii. 78 seemannii . 78 sp., 78 triangularis . 78 Senna, 134, 135 sickle, 136 Sequoia sempervirens , 197 Serenoa repens, 193 serrulata . 193 Sericocarpus linifolius , 78 Serjania glabrata . 223 mexicana . 223 paucidentata . 223 rhombea . 223 scatens . 223 sp., 223 Serpentaria, 30 Serratula insularis . 78 Sesame, 192 Sesamin, 192 Sesamum indicum . 192 orientale . 192 Sesbania grandiflora . 154 sericea . 154 Sesuviu m portulacastrum. 8 Seutera palustrisT Tl Seymeria cassioides, 229 Shepherd’s-purse, 86 Shibataea kumasasa . 113 Shorea negrosensis . 93 Sickingia tinctoria . 215 Sida acuta. 172 cordifolia . 172 Sideranthus spinulosus , 56 Siegesbeckia orientalis . 78 Silene antirrhina. 43 virginica , 43 Silphium asperrimum , 79 laciniatum, 79 Silverballs, 126 Silvia itauba , 229 Silybum mari anum , 79 Simaba cedron , 231 multiflora , 231 Simaroubaceae, 229 Simaruba amara , 231 glauca, 231 Simmondsia californica , 40 chinensis, 40 Sinaca, 252 Sinapis alba , 86 Sinihuite, 252 Siparuna guianensis , 177 nicaraguensis , 177 riparia, 178 Siris, white, 177 Sisymbrium officinale , 87 Sisyrinchium angustifolium , 118 junceum, 118 sp., 118 Sitanion hystrix , 113 Sium suave , 245 Skimmia japonica var. rugosa , 218 laureola, 218 Sloanea berteriana , 241 Smartweed, water, 201 Smeathmannia pubescens , 192 Smilacina racemosa , 163 Smilax herbacea , 163 ornata, 163 sieboldi, 163 sp., 163 syphilitica , 163 Smoke-tree, 11 Snakeproof-grass, 113 Snakeroot, 30 white, 66 Snakewood, Surinam, 152 Sneezeweed, 69 Soaproot, 159 Socratea exorrhiza , 193 So ja max, 144 Solanaceae, 231 Solandra longiflora , 233 Solanine, 235 Solanine T, 235 Solanum ballsii , 233 chacoense, 233 ciliatum , 233 crispum var. ligustrinum , 234 demissum , 234 glaucum , 234 guanicense, 234 2--— . leucocarpon , c.5^ lycopersicon , 232 malacoxylon , 234 mamosum , 234 nigrum , 234 pampasense , 234 Solanum - - c onti nue d polyadenium , 234 sp., 235 sucrense , 234 torreyi, 234 triflorum , 235 tuberosum , 233, 235 verbascifolium , 235 Solidago microglossa , 79 occidentalis, 79 odora , 79 Sonchus oleraceus , 79 Sop, sour, 13 Sophora affinis , 154 angustifolia , 155 flavescens , 155 japonica, 155 macrocarpa , 155 secundiflora , 155 sericea , 155 tetraptera , 155 tomentosa , 155 Sorghum halepense , 113 sudanense, 113 vulgare , 113 Southernwood, 56 Soybean, 144 Spanish-dagger, 165 Sparganiaceae, 235 Sparganium eurycarpum , 235 Sparganophorus vaillantii , 80 Spathiphyllum cuspidatum, 27 Spathodea ca mpanulata , 35 Spatholobus roxburgkii , 155 Spearmint, 122 Spergula arvensis , 44 Spergularia macrotheca , 44 marina, 44 Spermatophytes, 6 Sphaeralcea coccinea , 172 Sphaeranthus africanus , 79 indicus, 79 Sphenosciadum capitellatum var. scab rum, 245 Spigelia anthelmia , 168 humboldtiana , 168 marilandica , 168 Spilanthes acmella , 79 americana var. repens , 79 ocymifolia , 80 oleracea , 80 repens , 79 sp., 80 Spilanthol, 79, 80 Spinach, New Zealand, 8 Spindle, 45 Spiraea nipponica , 212 Spondianthus ugandensis , 105 Spondias lutea, 12 mombin, 12 Spra-Kast, 105 294 Sprekel ia formosissima. 11 Spruce, 196 Sitka, 196 Spurge,ipecac, 100 Squash, 89 Stachys bullata . 125 petiolosa . 125 y ied eri var. hispidula . 125 Stachytarpheta indica . 247 jamaicensis. 247 Stahlia monosperma , 155 Staphylea trifolic . 235 Staphyleaceae, 235 Steganthus welwitschii . 189 Stellaria media . 44 Stellera chamaeiasme . 240 Stemmadenia glabra . 21 grandiflora. 22 Stemodia pusilla . 229 Stemona japonica . 235 tuberosa. 235 Stemonaceae, 235 Stenanthium robustum . 163 Stephania hernandifolia , 177 Sterculia pruriens . 236 Sterculiaceae, 235 Stevia cathartica . 80 Sticta pulmonaria , 6 Stictaceae, 6 Stillingia, 105 Stillingia sylvatica . 105 texana, 105 Stinking-Roger, 80 Stinkwort, 72 Stipa robusta . 113 Stipulicida setacea . 44 Stizolobium pruriens. 148 Strophanthus, 22 Strophan thus divaricatus . 22 kombe . 22 Strophostyles helvola . 155 Struchiu m sparganophorum. 80 Strumpfia maritima. 215 Strychnos guianensis , 168 nux-vomica . 168 sp., 168 gtryphn odendron barbatimam. 155 gtylogyne schomburgkiana. 184 Stylosan thes biflora . 155 Stypandra glauca . 163 Styraceae, 236 Styrax americana . 237 benzoin. 237 japonica . 237 Sulfoxide, 70 Sulfur, flowers of, 49 Sumac, 12 S wainsona luteola . 1 55 Swallowwort, 31 Swampgrass, 129 Swartzia leiocalycina, 156 madagascariensis , 156 tomentosa . 1 56 Sweetia panamensis . 1 56 Sweetflag, 24 Sweetleaf, 237 Swertia chi rata . 110 Swietenia macrophylla. 175 mahagoni . 175 Symphonia globulifera . 11 7 Symphoricarpos albus , 43 Symphytum officinale . 38 Symplocaceae, 237 Symplocarpus foetidus . 27 Symplocos tinctoria , 237 Syncarpia laurifolia . 187 Synergist, 70, 264 Syngonium auritum . 27 podophyllum . 27 sp*, 27 Syringa oblata . 189 vulgaris , 189 Tabebuia barbata . 35 capitata , 35 lE£, 35 pallida , 35 pentaphylla . 35 sp., 35 Tabernaem ontana 77 grandiflora . 22 heterophylla . 22 mauritiana . 22 oppositifolia . 22 sp., 22 Tabernan the iboga, 22 Tabernau, 177 Tachia guianensis . 110 Tagetes erecta . 80 filifolia . 80 florida . 80 glandulifera . 80 microglossa , 80 minuta, 80 patula , 80 sp., 80 Taiwania cryptomerioides . 238 Talauma mexicana . 170 Talinum aurantiacnm . 202 triangulare . 202 Talisia f urfurarpa 223 squarrosa . 223 Tamaricaceae, 237 Tamaririd, 156 Tamarindus indicns , 1 56 Tam arix aphylla. 237 gallica , 237 Tambou rissa Quadrifida . 178 Tamus edulis , 9 z Tanacetum vulgare , 81 Tanghinia venenifera. 22 295 Tanica, 253 T annin, 12 Tansy, 81 Tapiramo, 253 Tapirira guianensis , 12 marchandii, 12 Tapura guianensis , 91 Taraktogenos kurzii , 109 Taraxacum albidum , 81 officinale, 81 Tarchonanthus camphoratus , 81 Taxaceae, 237 Taxodiaceae, 238 Taxodium, 197 Taxodium distichum , 197 Taxus baccata var. repandens , 237 cuspidata var. ambraculifera , 237 floridana, 237 Tea, 238 Jersey, 209 Paraguay, 23 Teak, East Indian, 247 Tecoma capensis , 35 conspicua, 35 stans var. angustata , 35 Tecomaria capensis , 35 Tectona grandis , 247 Tectoquinone, 247 Tenulin, 69 Terminalia amazonia , 53 catappa , 53 hilariana, 52 tomentosa , 53 Terminaliaceae, 238 Tessaria integrifolia , .81 Tetracarpum flavum , 78 Tetracera sessiliflora , 92 Tetradenia fruticosa , 125 Tetradymia nuttallii , 81 Tetragastris balsamifera , 39 catuaba, 39 sp., 39 Tetragonia expansa , 8 Tetramnus labialis , 1 56 Tetrapteris acutifolia , 171 Teucrium canadense , 125 Thalia geniculata , 173 Thalictrum aa uilegifolium var. japonicum , 209 revolutum , 209 Thamnosma montana , 218 texana , 219 Thanite, 196 Thea sinensis , 238 Theaceae, 238 Thelesperma gracile , 81 megapotamicum , 8l Theobroma cacao , 236 Theophrasta jussiaei , 239 Theophrastaceae, 238 Thermopsis macrophylla , 156 mollis, 156 montana , 1 56 Thespesi a p opulnea , 172 Thevetia gaumeri , 22 ovata , 23 peruviana, 22 thevetibides , 23 Thevetin, 22 Threlkeldia proceriflora , 50 Thuja occidentalis , 197 plicata, 197 Thunbergia alata , 7 erecta , 7 Thundergod-vine, 47 Thyme, 125 Thymeliaceae, 239 Thymol, 125 Thymus vulgaris , 125 Tiarella trifoliata , 226 Tidestromia lanuginosa , 9 oblongifolia , 9 Tiliaceae, 241 Tillandsia fasciculata , 38 recurvata, 38 usneoides , 38 Timbo-mirim, 253 Timotogia mansoi , 248 Tinghui-de-folha, 223 Tithonia rotundifolia , 81 Tofieldia calyculata , 163 occidentalis, 163 Tomatin, 233 Tomato, 232 Tonduzia longifolia , 23 Tonella floribunda , 229 Toothache-tree, 219 Torchwood, 216 Torreya taxifolia , 237 Torrubia domingensis , 187 longifolia , 188 Tostado, 107 Tournefortia gnaphalodes , 38 hirsutissima , 38 volubilis, 38 Trachelospermum difforme , 23 Tradescantia multiflora , 53 rosea , 53 Tragacanth, 132 Tragia volubilis , 105 Trapa natans , 115 Trautvetteria caroliniensis , 209 Trema amboinensis, 242 aspera, 242 floridana , 242 Trianosperma ficifolia , 87 Trianthema portulacastruyn , 8 Tribulus terrestris, 250 Trichilia guianensis , 175 havanensis, 175 296 T richilia - - continued hirta , 175 Trichodesma zeylanicum . 38 Trichosanthes sp., 90 Trichostema lanceolatum . 125 Triclisia sacleuxii . 177 Tridax procumbens . 81 Trifolium agrarium . 156 arvense . 156 campestre , 156 dubium . 1 56 hybridum . 1 56 peruvianum , 156 pratense , 156 procumbens , 156 repens , 156 Triglochin maritima . 1 19 Trigonella foenum-graecum . 156 Trilisa carnosa . 81 odoratissima . 81 Trillium chloropetalum. 163 erectum . 163 Trimeria bakeri . 109 Triplaris surinamensis , 201 Tripterygium forrestii . 47 regelii, 47 wilfordii . 47 Triumfetta sp., 241 Trixis radialis . 81 Trochodendraceae, 241 Tropaeolaceae, 241 Tropaeolum majus . 241 Trophis racemosa . 180 Tsuga canadensis . 197 Tubang dalag, 246 Tumamoca macdoupalii. 90 Tung, 98 - - Turnera diffusa . 241 Turneraceae, 241 Turnip, wild, 25 Turpentine, Australian, 187 Turpeth, 85 Turpinia paniculata . 235 Typha latifolia . 241 Typhaceae, 241 Ulmaceae, 241 Ulmus mexicana . 245 Umbelliferae , 242 Umbellularia californica . 127 Una-de-gato, 252 Uncaria gambir , 216 Ungnadia speciosa . 223 Unicorn, 173 Unonopsis sp., 14 Urechites karwinskii . 1 7 lutea, 23 suberecta . 23 U rera baccifera . 245 Ur tic a breweri. 245 chamaedryoides . 246 dioica. 246 procera, 246 Urticaceae, 245 Usneaceae, 6 Utricularia macrorhiza . 158 Uva-ursi, 94 Uva-ursi procumbens , 94 Uvularia grandiflora . 164 Vaccinium oxycoccos . 97 Valerian, 246 Valeriana officinalis . 246 scouleri. 246 Valerianaceae, 246 Valerianop sis chamaedrifolia. 246 Vallea stipularis , 93 Vallesia glabra , 23 Vanclevea stylosa . 81 Vandellia diffusa . 229 Vanilla sp., 190 Vatairea guianensis , 156 Vataireopsis speciosa . 156 Velvet-tree, 218 Ventilado madraspatana. 210 Veratridine, 162 Veratrine, 162, 164 Veratrum album . 164 californicum . 1 64 dahuricum . 164 eschscholtzii . 164 grandiflorum , 164 japonicum var. reymondianum . 164 maximowiczii . 164 nigrum, 164 officinale, 162 sp., 165 stamineum var. glabrum, 165 viride , 165 Verbascum blattaria . 229 lichnitis . 229 phlomoides , 229 sp., 229 thapsiforme , 229 thapsus , 229 Verbena hastata. 248 litoralis, 248 urticifolia . 248 Verbenaceae, 246 V e rbesina — encelioides var. exauriculata . o2 virginica , 82 Vernonia anthelmintica . 82 fasciculata. 82 noveboracensis . 82 Veronica americana . 229 Veronicastrum virginicum . 229 Vetch, poison, 131 timber milk, 131 two-grooved milk, 131 Vetiver, 113 Vetiveria zizanioides . 113 Viburnum nudum . 43 Vicia americana . 156 cracca, 157 dasycarpa , 157 297 i i > Vicia - -continued japonica , 157 sativa , 157 tetraspe rma , 157 villosa, 1 57 Vigna sinensis , 157 Viguiera cordifolia , 82 dentata , 82 Villaresia chilensis , 11 7 congonha, 117 mucronata , 117 Vinca minor , 23 rosea 23 Vincetoxicum gonocarpos , 32 nigrum, 31 palustre , 33 Viola maximowicziana , 248 phalacrocarpoides , 248 rafinesquii , 248 takedana var. variegata , 248 Violaceae, 248 Viscum venosum , 168 Vismia leonensis , 117 Visnea mocanera , 238 Vitaceae, 249 Vitex divaricata , 248 negundo , 248 Vitis sp., 249 Voacanga globosa, 23 Vochysia maxima , 249 tetraphylla , 249 Vochysiaceae, 249 Wallacea insignis , 188 Wallenia laurifolia , 184 Walnut, black, 119 Brazilian, 36 Walsura piscidia , 175 Wal the ria americana , 236 Wandering-Jew, 53 Watercress, 87 Watermelon, 88 Wedelia biflora , 82 glauca, 82 jacquini var. parviflora , 82 Weigeltia surinamensis , 184 Werneria lorentziana , 82 Whipplea modesta , 226 Wigandia caracasana , 116 Wikstroemia indica , 240 nutans, 240 sandwicensis , 24 0 Wilcoxia striata , 40 Wilfordine, 47, 48 Wilforgine, 48 Wilforine, 48 Wilfortrine, 48 Wilforzine, 48 Willardia mexicana , 157 Willow, 220 black, 220 Humboldt’s, 220 Wintercress, bitter, 86 Wislizenia refracta , 42 Wisteria, American, 157 Chinese, 157 Wisteria frutescens , 157 sinensis , 1 57 sp., 157 Witch-hazel, 114 Withania somnifera , 235 Witheringia rhomboidea , 231 Woodruff, sweet, 213 Wormseed, American, 49 Wormwood, 56 Wyethia amp lexicaulis , 82 Xanthium canadense , 82 italicum, 83 orientale , 83 spinosum, 83 Xanthoceras sorbifolia , 223 Xanthorhi za simplicissima , 209 Xanthosoma belop hyllum , 27 Xerophyllum tenax , 165 Ximenia americana , 188 Xiphidium coeruleum , 114 Xylopia frutescens , 1 5 muricata, 1 5 Xvlorhiza glabriuscula , 57 Xylosoma sp., 109 Xyridaceae, 249 Xyris iridifolia , 249 Yahu, 236 Yam, wild, 92 Yam-bean, 149 Yarrow, 54 Yellow-saunders, 52 Yerba-de-flecha, 105 Ylang-ylang, 14 Yucca aloifolia , 165 carnerosana , 165 faxoniana , 165 louisianensis , 165 mojavensis , 165 schidigera , 165 sp., 165 torreyi , 165 Zamia furfuracea , 90 sp., 90 Zamioculca s loddigesii , 27 Zanthoxylum americanum , 219 carolinianum , 219 clava-he r culis , 219 flavum , 219 maviense var. ancyss , 219 naranjillo , 219 pipe ritum , 219 Zapatero, 102 Zaraparilla, 253 Zauschneria californica , 190 Zea mays, 114 Zebrina pendula , 53 Zedoary, 249 298 Zephyranthes sp., 11 Zieria smithii . 220 Zigadenus angustifolius . 166 glaucus , 1 66 paniculatus . 1 66 sp., 166 Zingiber officinale . 250 Zingiberaceae, 249 Zinnia grandiflora . 83 pumila, 83 Zinnia, prairie, 83 Ziziphora clinopodioides . Zizyphus joazeiro,210 Zollernia paraensis , 158 Zorilla, 253 Zornia diphylla , 158 Zuelania guidonia . 109 Zygophyllaceae, 250 Zygophyllum fabago, 250 299 125 *U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1958 O -479546 I -?« 1 I , 3 Met Diseases of EETS, CHICORY, ENDIVE, ESCAROLE GLOBE ARTICHOKES, LETTUCE RHUBARB, SPINACH, AND SWEETPOTA TOES GI ! n ^ B \ Ram8ey ’ B * A * F nedman, and M. A. Smith Agriculture Handbook No. 155 ED STATES department of agriculture ultural Marketing Service eting Research Division THIS REPORT is the ninth in a series of publications on mark, diseases of fruits and vegetables. The publications are designed t aid in the recognition and identification of pathological conditions < economic importance affecting fruits and vegetables m the channe of marketing in order to facilitate inspection of these food produc and to prevent losses from such conditions. Other reports on market diseases of fruits and vegetables issued 1 the U. s. Department of Agriculture include: Miscellaneous Publications 98. Potatoes. Revised Jan. 1949. 168. Apples, Pears, Quinces. Revised Nov. 1951. 228. Peaches, Plums, Cherries, and Other Stone Fruits. Revisl Feb. 1950. 292. Crucifers and Cucurbits. June 1938. 340 Grapes and Other Small Fruits. July 1939. 440. Asparagus, Onions, Beans, Peas, Carrots, Celery, and Rela i Vegetables. Sept. 1941. _ 498. Citrus and Other Subtropical Fruits. June 1943. Agriculture Handbook . T , a 28. Market Diseases of Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplants. Jie 1952. ,., .. „t.c' ooq 240 and 440 are out of print but ma ^ Miscellaneous Publications 228, 2U2, W ium consulted in libraries. msuiceu iu uui«i»e». , aifc-W This publication supersedes Miscellaneous Publ.cut.on 541,, M».« Disease!. of Fruits and Vegetables: Beets E«nk, Artichokes, Lettuce, Rhubarb, Spinach, Suiss Chard, and S potatoes.” Market Diseases of BEETS, CHICORY, ENDIVE, ESCAROLE GLOBE ARTICHOKES, LETTUCE RHUBARB, SPINACH, AND S WEETPO TA TOES Agriculture Handbook No. 155 nited states department of agriculture ?ricultural Marketing Service arketing Research Division April 1959 For sale liy the Superintendent of Documents IT S C „ 25 . ac _ rL « G :;r Pr ‘°“° s oa “ CONTENTS Page Beets_ Bacterial soft rot- Black rot- 2 Cercospora leaf spot- 2 Internal black spot- Scab_ 2 Chicory, endive, and escarolc- 3 Globe artichokes- 4 Freezing injury- Gray mold rot--— 4 Lettuce- 6 Bacterial soft rot- 6 Downy mildew- 7 Gray mold rot- Marginal browning- 8 Pink rib- Rib discoloration- *0 Russet spotting- 11 Tipburn_ 12 Virus diseases- 12 Watery soft rot- - 14 Rhubarb- 15 Anthracnose- 15 Gray mold rot- 16 Phytophthora rots (foot and crown rots)- 16 Stem spot (leaf spot)- 17 Spinach_ 17 Bacterial soft rot- 18 Page Spinach—Continued Downy mildew- 1® I Hcterosporium leaf spot- ‘20 Orange rust-- 21 White rust--21 Sweetpotatoes- 22 I Black rot_ 22 I Blue mold rot- 23 Charcoal rot- 24 Chilling injury (low temperature breakdown)- 251 Dry rot_ 251 End rots_ Foot rot_ 2o| Freezing injury- 2t> Gray mold rot- 27 Growth cracks- 271 Internal breakdown- 27 Internal cork- 271 Java black rot- ^ Mottle necrosis (ring rot)- Mucor rot- Rhizopus soft rot- Root knot_ 321 Scurf_ Soil rot (pox)- Stem rot (wilt)- 24 Surface rot- 25 Literature cited- 25 ii Market Diseases BEETS, CHICORY, ENDIVE, ESCAROLE, GLOBE ARTICHOKES LETTECE, RHUBARB, SPINACH, AND SWEETPOTATOES By Glen B. Ramsey, principal pathologist, B. A. Friedman and M A Smith Service l>atl0l0(Jlsts ’ Biological Sciences Branch, Agricultural Marketing BEETS The beet {Beta vulgaris L.) is grown primarily for its fleshy roots, although the young, succulent tops are often used as greens. The choicest of the garden varieties have a rich red color and are moderate sized, smooth and sweet, and of fine texture. Early garden beets are usually marketed in fresh, crisp condition f he tops are especially susceptible to decay by bacterial soft rot organ¬ isms. Cercospora leaf spot sometimes disfigures the tops of garden Jeets. Any leaf disease which reduces the normal leaf area of the plant, such as curly top (virus) or rust (Uromycesbetae (Pers.) Lev.) s likely to cause dwarfing and poor development of the root. Tim rrowmg root is subject to black rot (Phoma betae (Oud.) Fr.), crown pill (Agrobactenum tumefaciens (E. F. Sm. and Town.) Conn) SPP,) ’ and r ° 0t r0t ( Pellicula ™ filanrientosa The late beet crop is topped and either marketed immediately or tored for winter use like potatoes. Beets without mechanical vounds and free from disease will remain firm and crisp for several uonths if stored m a cool place. The mature roots are not subject ° many diseases Occasionally they are affected by black rot, blue cab 10t {Penicllllum S P-), fusarium rot, internal black spot, and BACTERIAL SOFT ROT (Erwinia carotovora (Jones) Holland and other organisms) Bacterial soft rot is not as common on the roots of beets as it is on ■nZ n°f°i tTOp !’ Such as carrots and turnips. However, it is the chief ause of loss of leaves and stems of beets when they are shipped and larketed as young bunch beets. 11 Breaks in the protective skin, moderate temperatures, and moisture ie predisposing factors to this rot. Young beets are easily bruised in o lh r !v aU r S ° f , th , e diseases are inserted at the back. The photograph P ate 9, C was furnished by the Virginia Truck Crop Experiment Station. 8 1 1 harvesting, and the leafstalks are often wounded when the beets are ’ ^The^rstsymptoms of this rot on leafy tissues are darkened, " ater- soaked amis^wh i c h increase rapidly in size The a fleeted tissues soon become soft and slimy and have a disagreeable odor. (See also Spinach, Bacterial Soft Rot, p. lo.) BLACK ROT IPhoma betae (Oud.) Frank) Black rot sometimes affects garden beets, but usually causes onl\ slight loss except in topped roots that } \ ave t ^ n t ; e el ^ a 1 " k f t 0rage - is rarely if ever found on young bunch beets on the market. Beets y in storage usually show black rot at the tip of the root, al¬ though it occasionally occurs at the crown and in wounds on the side of tire root. Because of the color of the beets, the small lesmnsare usually overlooked. The decay is seldom observed'' a ^ s “, whftl tissues become black and slightly sunken or until » surface mvcelium becomes evident (pi. 1,4). Internal) areasTredark brown to black with a sharp line of demarcation between Te heahhy and diseased tissue (p. 1 B). At first J — are brown and water-soaked, but in the older lesions the affected tissues are black and somewhat granular, eventually becoming r > » spongy With age, cavities lined with mycelium may be found ?he spongy tissue of the larger lesions. Although considerable gra) ish white°mycelium develops on the surface of the oder humid conditions no pycnidia have ever been Cultures of the causal fungus (Phoim betae) will grow tlirougnora a temperature range of 35° to 95° F. but the optimum temperature is 75° F Beets artificially infected through slight wounds develop ele¬ cted areas about i/ 4 inch in diameter at within 6 weeks. The decay develops more rapidly m old beets tnan 1U When affected seedlings survive and produce marketable rootstte fungus is usually present in the crown where it may remain dorman for some time, ‘in storage it often becomes active and penetrates the roots fusing a black, rather dry rot. In some instances infection may also take place through injuries or follow other diseases. Close topping of roots and storage in slatted crates at temperatures near 32° F. will retard the development of black rot. (See Jfi.) 1 CERCOSPORA LEAF SPOT (Cercospora beticola Sacc.) Cercospora leaf spot is one of the most common andl best kno«n diseases of the beet. It is of direct importance from the market pom ofWiew because it disfigures the leaves, and bacteria sometimes ente. through the leaf spots and cause soft lot. 1 Italic number in parentheses refer to Literature Cited, p. 3o. 2 marghi betweerftlie diS ZuiJ? °" the The '"The’ca ’ “ n , d f the "T of the *!><>» «^helfgrayto 'light tan'' br0W " beet tops/Th™fmOT7of°beet f ™Sh'Sldd* T"™ 1 ' in o]d :Sr tol measures - No of fable beets^re resistent (See 74, 86.) INTERNAL BLACK SPOT of beets, but rarely on young bunch 'beets ir °? ° P JT d and stored plants grown in soils deficient in boron % 1 118 trouble develops in of soil, but it is most often serious in alnr ma ? 1 occu 1 r ™ various types boron unavailable to the plants. k soils, which tend to make colored tissue, usually in thcuient^ patches of dark are moist and of about the same levin.- * r ° 0t ' . Pbe discolored areas iry, form ca vities, or^causeTusual^XiE 01 ™!. 41 ? 16 - The y do ™>t iffected without showino- external sviulf T? eets may be se verely :ome tissues near the surface are iflLli However, Occasionally ....secondary rot-produci^CgtSenter " d CraCkS °° Cllr; these F* mountSed ™feTdfffe^tTy P S *7?, to the soi '' A ° «» 'f local authorities should be followed^ f ’ the recomme ndations (S &> 91,119,121.) SCAB (Streptomyces scabies (Thaxt.) Waks. & Henrici) feciable damage In Svily infested^il^ ^ Casio f/ lII y it causes ap- le that causes common scab on notatoe^ n ' 6 P atbo S en is the same iperficial and much likethose on nofttne,?" the f ab lesions are ore protruding and rounded. Affected thej US1 J ally are (See W) theJ ai ' e Seldom offered on the^ market S ° COns P lcuousI y CHICORY, ENDIVE, AND ESCAROLE l' eadS ° f mnercial endive are narrow em-l 1 ' salad plant. The leaves of ■dive is often called “chicory’” 1 d ’ and m ° re ° r less finel J divided. ”‘1SSJS)Tharfadoscl Ienf f . h “ ds of a perennial ™ matured roots which are “mn,d d 7 7 *? endiva Asid e oory is used mainly as a salad n- d ^ 5" d m,xed w ‘th coffee, giU ” ^ ** “ m.der 3 In this country they are marketed as “witloof” (Dutch for “white- 161 Stole consists of the wavelet heads have rather thick, 1,1 ^ The ] eaves of escarole are larger ^rdmo^flesh^tlmn'those^f the common narrow-leaved endive. It is soft rot, bottom rot, downy ml t , Thc scions market diseases two virus diseases (mosaic an > . m marginal browning, of these Plants are transit arnfmaike. di f ases and watery soft rot. I . . .1 watery soft rot (pi. •>, F>)- of witloof chicory are bactei m .. i . | aIlts closely related to , t-ha, they are describedTater in the section devoted to lettuce diseases. (See.j.9.) giobe ART ,CHOKES Globe artichokes for the °^The globe 8 Smke d|uld notbe confused £,1, the "“i artichoke (.Helianthus tuberosus L.), which is gro^vii ground tubers. , , , , j_ thpir sta^e of maturity, " Marketability of the buds f'P“t r0 Tdi^ and insect injuries, their freshness, and theni t' 5 . are too mature: otherwise The buds must be harvested , ^ i i, ic ^ flavor. Toughness sis 1 s%ii sessc seen on the market. (SMl) freezing injury Globe artichokes freeze at .both 29° F Sn» £ buds and causes them to turn black |h«ld t.eez « « , M „ S „f &=?»? S^rSsisdiriSt toctfconsiderably from the market appearance of the buds. (See Him.) gray MQLD R0T (Botrytis sp.) Occurrence and Importance Gray mold rot is at tim-jn importnit larly the most prevalent maiket disease oi B 4 most ^tensivety'g^r^nTw^de^y^^e^ca^seTserious 5^ dlokes are we^odorless^^nfT'redd^sh biwviT^or Ijrmvi! 3 ^] 11 ^^ 0 ^,^^ 10 * 8 -^^ 0 borders are definite and slightly water-soakpd U iwi i 6 '\. • braised areas by’the deeper penetration 'ofThe duSE!"" 1 fr ° m nateitX^SsS: tS^'i th f become ^covered’ wkh ’"4' C °"T“™ ZT velvety, grayish-brown spore masses of tlifpatS^whT the acteristic signs of the disease (pi. 2, B) P atho gen, wlnch are char - Causal Factors fte - to live on plants of manv ldnda S ‘ & ai ^ & 10Mn 5 since it is able s d ^ temperatures are approximately'Y5 0< to S ?7° e ^i’he'f,'^ 10 "' °, ptimum slight growth at 28 ° to 32 ° hut it ; c oil t- ' * le f un g us makes only low temperatures to become’ es ib i bed h, H g T ™?cienily at these -ause of this that ve-etab es £[ ?„ ln the p anf i ^sues. It is be- fefrigerator cars or from cold storao-e mTv dp™/ 1 Wien removed from "apidly when exposed to higher temperahmes P ^ m ° ld rot vei T growth of the fm^^s^germhiatioii^f the s fUCt ° r th ^ n - t ® m P er ature for issues. The disease TsnS? i Sp °f es ’ and infection of plant noderate temperature and high humIdity P ° l tant UIUter COnditions of Control Measures •ansit and markedperiod^FWd f »Z P ractlcabIc during the ■..■SI? SSKtSu as P ° SSible ’ With0Ut Cil " Sing dtl -Tn^ PeratUre “ d “ l0W LETTUCE Lettuce for the market consists of the leaves or le-ifv l.pnrl. ^ + i ttuce plant (Lactuca sativa L.). Other common Wild S t n'° lated botanically to lettuce are ihicory, 5 There are five types of lettuce, namely, the cnsphead or varieties: the butterhead varieties; the romaine, or cos, varieties, the looseleaf or bunching varieties; and the stem types. 1 radically all leafv parts of each type of lettuce are marketed, consequently any leaf "blemish or decay affects directly the marketability of the crop Even in the crisphead types, lesions on the loose outer wrapper leaves may be important on the market for they may lead to secondary decays which spread to the head leaves. Diseases of the loots, stems, or leaves may be indirectly important on the market through stunting of plants, production of loose heads, and production of leases that are poorly colored, bitter, tough, or wilted. . , „ , , The most important defects and diseases affecting lettuce in the 1 and greenhouse are anthracnose (.Marssomrui P^ftonuimJBerl ) Magn.), bacterial soft rot. bottom rot (Pelhcvarm filamentom (1 at ; Rowers) damping-off (Pythium spp, and other fungi), downy md- dew, drop or watery soft rot, gray mold rot, tipburn, rib discoloa- tion and the virus diseases aster yellows, big vein, mosaic, and spotted wilt’ There are several leaf diseases of lettuce, such as anthracnosc Cercospora spot ( C . lOnghdma Sacc ), powdery mildew cichoracearum DC.), Septoria spot (8. lactucae Pass.), and Stem- vhvlivm spot (S. botryosiim Wallr.), which occasionally cause Iossm in held or greenhouse plantings. These diseases, however, are ■'tddom seen on the markets, apparently because the affected leaves are trimmed before shipment, , . . q n f At the present time the most serious defects and diseases of lettuce on the market are bacterial soft rot, bruising injury, downy mildew, freezing injury, gray mold rot, marginal browning, rib discoloration, russet spotting, tipburn, and eatery soft rot. (See 9, 30, 33, 69,117 , 118,120,125.) BACTERIAL SOFT ROT ( Pseudomonas spp. and other bacteria) Occurrence, Importance, and Symptoms Bacterial soft rot, often called “slime”, is the most serious market disease of lettuce. The decay usually starts on bruised leaves o S£35 mav show various shades of russet or brown (pi. o,t ). As the aeca' Slops the heads become soft, slimy, mushy and wet (pi 3 n Such heads usually have no putrid odor. Leaf veins, especially tlu smaller secondary veins, which radiate out from rotted aiea* become russet colored before they rot Under dry cond areas of outer leaves may dry up and become papery m texture. Causal Factors The pathogens most commonly isolated from bacterial soft rot are .iMiliviJ P. cichorii (Swingle) Stapp. Less commonh, 6 (13r°wn) Prolltxnd , Xanthomonas vitians ('Brown \ a - . AlrtZT car0, T° ra (Jones > Holland are obtained*^ f older wrapper leaves, rapid precoolmg, especially by vacuum methods of coding after harvest, careful handling to prevent injuries, low refrigeration temperatures during transit and marketing, an quick retail turnover reduce losses during marketing. (See also Globe Artichokes, Gray Mold Rot, p. 4.) (See 8,106,120.) MARGINAL BROWNING Marginal browning is a term used to describe a yellowing followed bv a bfowning or necrosis of the margins of the wrapper or outer leaves of head lettuce and romaine (pi. 5, F). In some ways margina biownincr resembles tipburn but the former does not occur on the mner or head leaves; the browned leaf margins m marginal brownm e are n^mllv wider <\nd the discoloration dciikei. . . . i v Marginal browning is apparently physiological in origin and prob¬ ably caused by adverse growing conditions (as hot, dry winds oi otliei factors) or by improper conditions in transit or storage ( as refrigeration.) Most of the marginal browning seen on market lettuM s probably of transit origin and appears to be associated with se 8 nescence. Marginal browning is almost always followed by bacterial soft rot under conditions of high humidity and warm temperatures. A somewhat similar type of marginal browning occurs on escarole. Oidmarily the outennost four to six whorls of leaves on the marketed “ dS a / e a S ec 5 d ; J h e completely blanched center leaves have J been found affected The injury usually extends 14 to 1 inch from the ieaf tip The edges of the leaf blade are also frequently affected for an inch or two. As tissues dry they turn dark, curl up become brittle, and are usually rather sharply set off from the healthy tissues.. This condition is found frequently in Florida-grown escarole and occasionally affects a high percentage of the heads On endive a marginal browning affects the frayed edges and tips £f L b l an< l h i heart leaves . (pi. 5, E). Associated with this is the development of numerous minute reddish-brown spots or streaks one thirty-second to one sixteenth of an inch in length on the fleshy mid- nbs Generally neither the green tips of the partially blanched^eaves nor the outer leaves are affected. This injury has been observed on California-grown endive, and in many instances a very high per¬ centage of the heads are affected. Some evidence indicates that this condition develops in transit to distant markets. Control Measures T 8 ^' browning of head lettuce and escarole may be 1 educed by avoiding the shipment of overmature heads, removal of ur nJZ P dlbm ^ ,apld eroding, low refrigeration tempeXes luring handling, and a rapid marketing period. While these meas ■ontrol , ‘ m P ro ™” ark ?‘ quality, it is not known whether they will .ontrol marginal browning of endive. ^ PINK RIB Occurrence, Importance, and Symptoms Occasionally beads of lettuce are seen on the market with a faint opronounced pinkish discoloration of the midrib (pi. 3 , C ). Slmhtlv ffected midribs show the discoloration on the inner side of the rib othsurf 16 m0r ntT y a f ected midribs show the discoloration on oth surfaces. Otherwise the midribs show no other symptoms that here are no spotted, pitted, or sunken areas. Apparent^Ysso- ated with pmk rib, the head leaves often have a somewhat dned-out K^ot C n T d ar f Tn kled i ? ebbly ’ or corrugated in texture. Pink b is not ordinarily followed by bacterial soft rot. Causal Factors ^ r j b ;' S a PP aren % a physiological disorder but its cause is not apparently distinct from rib discoloration. (See p. 10 ) k nb may occur in the field, but is most commonly seen on heads •St a o P r P s e tor ° h r been ! harve ? ed ove ™ ture or to have been m ansit ZtZT r n P roI ? n « ed P enod * Pink rib may develop in o r age than at 3 ?°’ ^ haS be6n reported to be more severe at 47° F. 9 Control Measures little is known about the control of pink rib, but there is some e\ i- dence that the measures recommended for the control of marginal browning (p. 8) may reduce pink lib. (See 75.) RIB DISCOLORATION Occurrence and Importance On eastern markets rib discoloration has been found in head lettuce originating in Arizona, California, Texas, Florida, Georgia, \ irgima and New York. In lettuce from the Far est the condition is most serious in the crop harvested during the spring of the year. The con¬ dition has not been reported on escarole or endive. Symptoms In slightly affected heads rib discoloration, which has also been called rib blight and rib rot, appears as a creamy-yellow or light brown area on the inner surface of the midrib or secondary ribs (and veins) of the leaf. The discolored area is usually less than one inch in length and about one-quarter inch wide. The affected tissues are firm, and at this stage the lesions are not sunken, pitted, or slimy. Frequently at this time only a slight discoloration can be seen on the outer surface of the affected ribs. Rib discoloration is usually found on one or a few of the outer head leaves but may occur also on the inner head leaves and occasionally on the wrapper leaves (pi. A, iSh It usually is found at the area of greatest curvature of the folded leaves but may also occur close to the butt of the head 01 faithei out on the leaf on'the secondary ribs. In more advanced stages, rib dis¬ coloration becomes reddish-brown, greenish-brown, or dark brown. The discolored area may extend from 1 to 3 inches in length and p to three-quarters inch in width, is clearly visible on both surf ^es of the leaf, and the affected rib tissues are sunken and occasionally cracked. Bacterial soft rot often follows the advanced stages of nb discoloration causing a slimy rot. Causal Factors Rib discoloration is apparently a physiological disturbance which originates in the field but the factor or factors that cause the condition are~not known. Different lettuce varieties and strains show consider¬ able variation in susceptibility. The condition may develop in Im¬ perial, Great Lakes, and other commercial varieties now in PJ-oductioir Rib discoloration progresses some in transit and storage. At hile it i. believed by some growers that rib discoloration and tipburn are re¬ lated, evidence indicates that the occurrence and seventy of these tw physiological conditions are not necessarily correlated. Control Measures At the present time measures for the control of rib discoloratio. are not known. (See 8,27,33.) 10 RUSSET SPOTTING Occurrence and Importance market^ h * SCT '° US ! ,isop««1 lettuce on the i Ker,. if is thought to be more serious on the Great Lakes vn^h, but it. occurs on other varieties also It h-ic i m * i, > 1 ' •' *fflSSsss^~£ 3 r£ 3 £ Symptoms 4 h SoTa in'r-n ting ow; later they become pink, brown, oiile-bii™, or daikVrowUut SSSSSSISSS Ot or other decay often'foltws BaCterial Soft Causal Factors ^sit re a n!?st, ,n " U,,er0 . le af discolorations of head lettuce of field hylene emanations ST storage t ££££?& ^ ich as spotted wilt fnl «\ „/ S ,, e cau / s . ect b y virus diseases .«»), o/lXe^osaL P („^.otTc'^hS^^n^iS^'et^f"''' p™rarSdVtae r sioft‘^‘ " t ? 't 0 " 0 "' ,eaf decay ’ p ^'- velop during tramif an/storage in starveCt? 1!^“” to ?*3°£?W deveIo P ed /‘ 32- F!, consideraMfat^, a„‘d ,^"ai (blit there was more decay at the latter temperature) Control Measures ^“yT/raduSTbv^l 11 # that appears 011 the ■>*«»- can ^ sir ,tet "’ g n TIPBURN Occurrence and Importance Tinbum occurs wherever head lettuce is grown and may cause serious losses in the field and during marketing. It is less commo and important on leaf lettuce, endive, or escarole. Symptoms margins wilV^turn bm necrotic, tlius f^irdi^anjrreg- nb,r brown border on the leaf margins (pi. 3, D). Affected * m rr /r ,/8 'utZ da^C Ch Tipbu°™ 'iV« Sdsmiy rruSn^a sinX^l .0 manj, mimemiK leaves It mav extend well into the head, but usual y youngest center leaves are not diseased. Tipburn I s parent from the outside of the head, and cutting is often necesMxy n reveal its presence. The affected tissues may become dry and In transit and during marketing most tipbum is followed by slimy soft rot (pi. 3, E). Causal Factors Tyburn is a physiological disease, but the exact cause of the■break- down is not known. The disease occurs commonly when lettuce & maW rapid sSent growth at the time the heads are maturing S anofars usually when there is a soil water deficiency, low sod tem¬ perature, and when the difference ture and maximum soil temperature is greatest. -fnllowpd bv nornrs Senerallv when a cool, cloudy or rainy period is followed b dry Period In addition, it is believed that t,pbum may at- be caused ly an accumulation of excessive amounts of resp.raton products in the sensitive tissues during wai m nigh . Control Measures that- follows tipburn. (See 3,8,9,27.) VIRUS DISEASES There are several virus diseases which affect lettuce endive, escarol and chicory. These diseases include aster yellows, big vein, m . and spotted wilt. If plants are affected m the field m the ein 1 . . ; of mowth they usually do not form marketable heads. 1 12 feeted by tlicse vir us diseases in the later stages of growth mav form heads that find their way to the market ^ *' ASTER Y ELLOWS. This disease, caused by eastern and western trams of viruses, is widespread in this country.' It may causTSte e losses in the summer crop of lettuce in the East where ft In si in, ted ^t u prams s „ o tT,\ a T%, As ; er t e,,o " s is ««* s * ?as v\ est. I Jants attacked after heading have twisted dwarfed -tml curled heart leaves and the heads do not become firm. ’Affected heads hi^tW° P n n lnterna ! brown leaf spotting composed of dried latex that resembles somewhat russet spotting. The symptoms of aster ye lows are somewhat similar on es^roleW onshts oVZ^fiilT 68 i leS f- P r °r? nced - Control ofastei yeHoS l.nnnS V field application of insecticides to control the leaf BIG VEIN ai |r the elimination of weeds and ornamental hosts' 4Se st 1 r af - Sr 1 , P T f temperatures are ^viin stored J^ell as "V' (-amin^t MOSAIC. Mosaic occurs throughout the United Stnicc re 1 ^hape and leaves may show a vein clearing as well as a necrodc fleck ng which resembles somewhat spotted wilt and russet snottino- t„ forage mosaic-infected lettuce shows a progressivemaSal brown r/ c and de c a y and has a shorter storage life tlian virusGree lettuce SPOTTED WILT. Spotted wilt occurs in several lettuce produc " , reas of the Umfed States as well as many foreign countries. It ia' Y r pTP' < eSf !' lu ' <1VR ? ome seas °ns in the coastal regions of Califor- eVds Otbn ;5f cked n \ ater sta £es of growth usually produces c ds, although these may be unmarketable. In late infections brown vXt\Cl SP0tS , 0, K Stre “ kS r, t0rmed ■ Thei are u"r„st’ alon - the midribs near the base of the head (pi. 6, A and B) lptoms may occur on the inner as well as the outer head le-ivpi ua y one side of the plant is more affected than the other. This 13 may cause unequal growth, resulting in a decided curvature of the petioles of diseased leaves (pi. 6, C). Plants affected late m growth, after heading, often show no external evidence of spotted wilt, and it is only after the outer leaves are removed that the brown, necrotic spots are seen. On eastern terminal markets it is not ordinarily possi¬ ble to separate heads affected by spotted wilt from those with other types of russet spotting. Bacterial soft rot frequently follows spotted " Spotted wilt is caused by a virus that is transmitted by several spe¬ cies of thrips. The disease attacks all commercial varieties of head lettuce, although the Mignonette variety is reported to escape infec¬ tions in the field. Spotted wilt also infects endive. To reduce the amount of spotted wilt at the terminal markets, rigid grading and inspections to keep infected heads off the market, and rapid maiketing is advisable to reduce the amount of secondary bacterial soft lot that may develop. (See 8,33,52,53, 69 , 111, 115,116,134.) WATERY SOFT ROT (SCLEROTINIOSE) (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) DBy. and S. minor Jagger) Occurrence and Importance Watery soft rot may cause serious losses on lettuce, endive, escarole. and witloof chicory during transit, storage and subsequent market ing The disease also is destructive in lettuce fields where it is known as di op or wilt. Symptoms Watery soft rot may start any place on the head, although it usually occurs at the basal part. Affected tissues are watersoaked, ligh or pinkish brown, and without a characteristic odor. As infection spreads, a white cottony mold develops and the affected heads are turned into a wet, leaking mass (PL 5, A). In very advanced stage irregular, black resting bodies of the fungus called sclerotia develop on affected tissues. Causal Factors The fungus, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum , is the chief pathogen of wa¬ tery soft rot, but at times another fungus, £. minor, may be the cause. These fungi are perpetuated from crop to crop by sclerotia either m the soil or in affected plant trash. When favorable temperature and moisture conditions prevail, the mycelium grows from the sclerotia into the soil and attacks plants of the current seasons crop. I he pathogen is also spread by means of innumerable spores that are dis¬ charged from little cup-shaped fruiting bodies (apotliecia) that push up to the soil surface from buried sclerotia. Growth of the mycelium, germination of the sclerotia, productio of the apotliecia, and infection of the plants occur only muler moist conditions. Production and discharge of spores are favored by moder¬ ately low temperatures and prevented by those abo\ e i ■ species of Sclerotinia grows and causes decay over a wide temperatur 14 range. Infection may occur at temperatures as low as 32° to 34° and as high as 82°. A range of approximately 70° to 78° is most favorable. the presence of fresh wounds, although not essential for entrance of tlie pathogen, favors infection. When temperatures become high dur¬ ing tiansit oi packages are held unusually long on the market or in storage the fungus may spread from head to head. Control Measures Measures which reduce watery soft rot on the market include careful trimming of diseased outer leaves, rigid grading and inspection at ship¬ ping point, rapid precooling, shipment at temperatures close to 32° F md rapid marketing. ’ (See 5 4, 92 , 110.) RHUBARB Rhubarb {Rheum rhaponticum L.), sometimes called pieplant, is ?iown for its thick, fleshy leafstalks. The marketability of these de¬ fends hirgely upon tenderness and crispness, which are a matter of ige, and upon freedom from blemishes and decay. There are a few hseases which affect the leaves of the plant in the field and some that ittack the leafstalk directly. Anthracnose, crown and foot rots, and tern spot which affect the leafstalks are sometimes damaging on the narket Gray mold rot is the most important market disease of hubarb. ANTHRACNOSE ICollelotrichum erumpens Sacc.) Anthracnose has been found on rhubarb in the field in several locali- .es and on the market, where it is especially damaging because the JSions detract from the appearance of the product and sometimes P®* 1 the "ay for secondary decay-producing organisms. Anthracnose is characterized by soft, watery, translucent spots on ie leafstalks, which are the only part of the plant affected. The isions are usually oval m outline, with the long axis lengthwise of the alk N hen a lesion attains a diameter of about one-half inch very nail, black specks (spore-producing acervuli) appear in great num- ers m the center of the spot. In advanced stages the whole stalk is )tt and rotten and covered with acervuli. This complete decay is lost often found in old, wilted stalks in the fields. Only the small lots which escape the notice of the packer are found on the market. Hie pathogen produces innumerable spores in the acervuli These )ores are spattered by raindrops or are carried by insects from one alk to another. In moist, rather warm weather infection and de- uopment of decay may take place in a short time. Wounds are not icessary tor infection; consequently there is a possibility of the dis- ise spreading by contact if infected stalks are packed with healthy No control methods have been developed. (Seem) 479776°—59_2 15 GRAY MOLD ROT IBotrytis sp.) Gray mold rot is the most serious transit and market disease of rhubarb. Although the causal fungus is practically ever present wher¬ ever this crop is grown, it seldom affects vigorously growing plants in the field. However, injured plants and old leaves become infected readily under humid conditions. The causal fungus produces great numbers of spores, which contaminate the leafstalks during harvesting and packing. On the market gray mold rot in the early stage appears as small red spots on the sides of the leafstalk and as water-soaked brown aiea;- at the base of the stalk or in injured tissues elsewhere (pi. 7,fi). At this stage no mycelium or spores are visible. Decay lesions enlarge rapidly, soon involving large portions of the stalk. Grayish, smoke- colored mycelium and grayish-brown, granular masses of spores on the larger lesions are characteristic signs of this disease. Most infections take place at the bases of the leafstalks where wounds are made in harvesting, but they may also occur in apparently normal tissue. Refrigeration temperatures near 32° F. will retard but not stop the development of gray mold rot during transit. (See also Globe Artichokes, Gray Mold Rot, p. 4.) PHYTOPHTHORA ROTS (FOOT AND CROWN ROTS) (Phytophthora spp.) Occurrence and Importance In all regions where rhubarb is grown commercially apparently one or more species of Phytophthora may cause serious diseases. Al¬ though different organisms are involved as causal agents the disease symptoms are very similar and for practical purposes may be con¬ sidered as characterizing one disease. The phytophthora diseases, often referred to as foot and crown rots, are primarily field ti'oubles, but occasionally infected stalks reach the markets. Bacterial soft rot follows these rots so closely that by the time diseased stalks reach the market the former appears to be the more important decay. For this reason these two diseases often have been confused on the market. Symptoms Phytophthora rots are characterized by watery, greenish-brown, sunken lesions that start at the base of the leafstalk and progress rapidly throughout the stalk causing a brown decay. Secondarv bacterial infections usually cause rapid decomposition of affected stalks. Causal Factors The pathogens responsible for most of the foot and crown rots of rhubarb are Phytophthora parasitica Dast. and P. cactonnn (I^b- and Cohn) Schroet. However, a closely related fungus, Pythimu ultimum ,, and other species of Pytliium have also been found to cause 16 stalk rots in some localities. All these funo-i nmr j, 1no 0 • spores (zoospores), and for this reason the seventyofiX? 1 ” 1 "# directly correlated with the amount of rainfall °* n / ectl0r } 1S is especially favorable for the devl^Srt^ot JSdf CpZtolf iora parasitica , since it grows best at about 86° F The minimum temperature for growth of this fungus is 55° and the maximum 97^ P. cactorum , is more likely on rhubarb grown farther®noShTr^W ' cooi, wet seasons. Its minimum temperature for growth 43° ontf mum 77°, and maximum 92°. 8 a is ±6 , opti- wel"a f sin°"red y sta”ta 0f “““ 0r S“ nisras P'»ce in uninjured as Control Measures “eX~SSc d ar age MoM. wilfretard (See 6,32,78.) STEM SPOT (LEAF SPOT) (Phyllosticta straminella Bres.) "nteAiifoSAB, 15 Tw et d“ es of market im P° rt “™ bioln U (pif'A^Whl', S a™ S 0 iU ' e 7 t f ’ oval \ oblong" nd'reddisli 6 extend one half inch or moreTn^ TX become elon g“ted and fui"frc2rin 0C co ll nHc;' 0US Il l>ea ' thy ’ lmin i ured tissue wherever the ss? so s,o " iy that r^rse,t SPINACH ‘r “S* '“ «d crown ‘leracea L.). A high percent ile o/f PP f d ° f 1 ! e P Iant •repackaged for mathet n “nn‘Ko5,i* “ ’ Spmac1 !. 1S now "ashed, •referred. For the freslf’market „ P, UI 'P"® e clip-cut spinach is •refer smooth-leaved^akedes^keNobe^Khigof^ifennfa^k^Viroflay^ 17 Hollandia, and Dark Green Prickly Seeded. Quality spinach should be of a good green color, fresh, crisp, and free from blemishes and ' rhe more important Held diseases of spinach are anthracnose {Col- Jetotrirhum spinaciae EU. and Halst.), bacterial soft rot, damping- off (Pythivm spp., Phytophthora spp. and PeUwdana fUamentosa (Pat 1 Rogers), downy mildew, heterospormm leal spot, other leaf- spots (Alternarin sp., CerCaspara spp., (’ladosponum spp. and Phyl- lonticta chenopodii Sau.), orange rust, white riist, wilt (Fumnum spp ), and several virus diseases (aster yellows, beet mosaic, cucum¬ ber mosaic also called blight or yellows, curly top, spotted wilt, and yellow dwarf). In areas where air pollution is great, spinach ma> be severely injured in the field by air borne chemicals. Nutritional diseases often characterized by leaf chlorosis are caused by the unavail- ability or deficiencies of magnesium, boron, and manganese. On the market bacterial soft rot, downy mildew, and white rust aie most frequently observed. Orange rust and heterospormm leaf spot ll Damage to the young leaves in the center of the plant caused by feed in" of the larvae of the seed-corn maggot (Hylemya edtcrura (Rond*?)), the so-called budworm injury, and the holes made on the older leaves by feeding of the spotted cucumber beetle (Duibratua d uodecimpvnct at a (F.)) constitute important insect »?l”i“ the market. Aphids on fresh spinach (either alive or killed by fungus) are occasionally a problem in the canning and frozen industries and in the prepackaging of fresh spinach on the terminal markets. (S 6*7,89,79,89,120.) BACTERIAL SOFT ROT (Erwinia carotovora (Jones) Holland and other organisms) Occurrence and Importance Bacterial soft rot is by far the most important disease of fresh spinach on the market. With the advent of prepackaged spinach the seriousness of this decay has increased. Symptoms Affected tissues are water-soaked, muddy green, or greasy in appear¬ ance (pi 8, C). Rapid softening and disintegration follow so that the decayed tissues soon become wet and mushy and eventually^® a putrid odor. In dry air the decay may be checked and the affected tissues become dry and brittle. Causal Factors Bacterial soft rot of vegetables is caused by Erwima carotovora and other bacteria. These microorganisms are common in so Is and plant debris. The market product becomes contaminated with the soft rot bacteria while in the field or during harvesting and packm Infection almost always takes place through mechanical injuries, insect punctures, disease lesions, or other skin breaks. 18 th^dev'elopmen'raifdspi^ad of^acterial^s^t rot^Th^" 168 f or temperature range is approximately 77° to 86” F ‘ 6 p OSt fa T? ra ¥ e decay ts more important^ somewhaf loZ temperftatl because there is less drying-out than at th P SFJt f ( Y 9 to7T )> decay is checked consideratelw>gher temperatures. The about 40° to 45°. ‘ y, but not entirely, by temperatures of Control Measures The control of transit and marketing losses caused hvtw •, * rot consists very largely in ranid > r ses causecl by bacterial soft maintenance of lowfempFraXfsdnFfn to ™ m ° ve field heat, the the movement of sp nachrapiSvin ti ™ rketin g, and moval of excess chann ^- **- rapid precooling (especially by vacuum cooliim) and P /' epacka f 3ags are recommended for prepackaged spinacli A ft, ? 16 i use , of lce mtly permitted, experimental orehnrS 1 i Altho ugh not pres- nents with antibiotics have retarded dJent a ? d post ; harvest treat- «S*“ wi " J " — *> «i'"K."ii, b ,"c;a (See 10, 23,25,28,96,102,107.) DOWNY MILDEW IPeronospora effusa (Grev. ex Desm.) Ces. Occurrence and Importance se because the leaf spotting deto"f“f deW t L S an lm P ort ™t dis- tality of spinach and th P l Pa f? detracts from the appearance and ft rot bacteria ’ 6 lea± leS1 ° nS may ope ” the way for secondary Symptoms ually cra^itu^°hrfire"^symptom a of?he 1 d’ n0rnia J ° f the Ieaf 3as .°r spots are irregulaMifshane -ff (pk8 ’ A >- These logins, and vary considerably in size’ Thev'arF Clearly de ? ned per and lower leaf surfaces. Tinder are apparent on both ■'clops over the surface of the infe r I 1 mlf renditions the fungus f as a whitish-gSy mold that the lower side the 8, B). Under viy tot rela ,VehS hZ 8 !'?'*' °'' P ur Ple-*™y bout any signs of the mold appearing white yeI / J ow ] m .S 1T J ay occur downy mildew may develop before ifSr, • und ®** high humidity ■ and may even be f ouZ (?uit iZ on Z * ^ T d ® nce of yellow- petioles. Severely infected leaves nm- di Uppei lea f surfaces and ^eTe^Z^e”' 1 *7™^ re prominentduring transitland 221*" “ d oW 0nes bec0 “e to * 19 Causal Factors The pathogen, Peronoapora effum . is one of the downy milder fungi and can grow and reproduce only while assoc,ated with living tissue It attacks only spinach. The mold reproduces primarily by means of conidia or simmer spores, which form in great abundance under humid conditions (relative humidity of 85 percent or above) and are spread by wind and rain. It is the presence of conidia and the conidio- phores on which they are borne that gives the mildew the purplish- Moisture on the leaf is necessary for germination of the conidia and infection. Mildew is likely to be important followmg periods of fogor heavy dews and a temperature range of about 40 to , o Y . At about 60 o to G5° infection of spinach leaves may occur within 3 hours afte, they are inoculated. Fruiting of the fungus on these new lesions ma) take place 6 days after inoculation. . ,. ■, , , Oospores, or resting spores, which are produced in diseased leaf tissue mav be the means by which the fungus over-winters or over¬ summers in the soil or possibly on contaminated seed The fungus also may exist in mild climates on volunteer spinach plants. Control Measures \t the present time the recently developed variety Califlay is the only resistant variety of spinach available commercially. Losses™ transit and marketing may be reduced by not packing mildew affec spinach and keeping the temperature near 32 t. (See 2,12,89,103,105,131.) HETEROSPORIUM LEAF SPOT (Heterosporium variabile Cke .) Heterosporium leaf spot, also called pin head rust, although widely diSbutecHs ordinarily a minor disease. At times, however it ma> becOTm destructive. The causal fungus is usually considered to he only weakly pathogenic and to attack plants weakened as a lesult of unfavorable environmental conditions or other disease. On the mark it'isoccasionadly found as a leaf blemish of Virginia or Texas spinach. ^Seleif s^te^^Sliy numerous, roughly circular light^brown and slightly depressed (pi. 9, C). The lesions may have^sharpl) defined brown to purple borders and are evident on both the ppe l lmvpr leaf surfaces The fungus forms an abundant olive-greei to bl’ack velvety layer of sporulating mold on the older spots on both leaf surfaces Where spots are numerous they coalesce and the ad] cent miaffected areas J the leaf may become yellowed and .he.Uurn brown. Spots are most abundant on the older leases. V Jh t of climatic conditions more favorable tor spmac i glow developed leaves mav be free of leaf spots. . , e _ n , Market losses may be reduced by not shipping spa obviously affected crops. (See 31,60,120.) 20 ORANGE RUST (Puccinia aristidae Tracy) Orange rust is ordinarily a minor disease. It was of economic mportance in 1922 in the Northwest and in 1944 and 1952 in Colorado fe'spSuSabir P,0Wed UP beral,Se leaf The first visible lesions are very small and appear chiefly as lmht !° spo , ts on he underside of leaves. Such spots are difficult to'see nd may be unknowingly packed. As the lesions enlarge and the ruiting bodies (son) begin to develop the color changes rapidly from g it yellow to orange and the lesions become conspicuous (pi 8 I)) t has been reported that once infections occur the rust spots become onspicuous rapidly and fields of spinach often become worthless iarketing W ^ RuSt Sp ° ts ma ? eida ^ in transit and during The rust fungus spreads from wild salt grass (Distichlis strict a\ to omach. Orange rust attacks both flat aid curly types of spinach utbieaks of the disease have been associated with cool, wet, P sprino- eather, and have ceased when the weather turned warm and dry & Destiuction of wild salt grass might reduce field infections of range rust on spinach. Rapid precooling to temperatures below Lket'iiig eniargement of lesions during transit and (See 93, 94.) WHITE RUST (Albugo occidentalis G. W. Wils.) VUiite rust causes serious field losses in some seasons in Texas Uihoma, andl Louisiana. The disease also has been reported In rkansas and Virginia. On the market white rust is at tin es ■ ipoi taut disease of Texas-grown spinach Ihe fungus develops within the leaf tissues and later produces on e fiTd e -l[' SU !;" e i 1U,,ner0US ’ tin T’ blister like pustules (sori) which b led m ith whitish masses of spores (pi. 9, A and B) . Sometimes pustules may have a concentrically zonate pattern. Accomnanv- ? ie white pustules is a slight yellowing of the adjacent tissues } , apparent on both leaf surfaces. The yellowed areas are in lat simflar U to n th ^ ^ hZ fr ° m the Upper surface are some- pears firs T l r h tf TJ y ?' mildew - White rust usually i 1 H borders of the outermost leaves of the plant. 1 r . 16 lower surfaces of all leaves may bear a few to many sori d pSes y ’ AtZ y eV r° P ° n the />Pper leaf surface, branches; ir .K 1 At tlmes ’ jesting spores (oospores) develop and give a >• 1 appearance to affected tissues. Sometimes there is a yellow¬ ed mosaic-like discoloration of affected leaves without the forma- 15 n ; that are severely infected may show brown ih„,n«totncbnn omnivorum (Shear) Dugg.), soil rot, and stem rot or wdL Scan f and vhk/optonia rot (Pellicularia flainentosa (Pat.) Rogers) anect ine skin of the roots, making them unsightly and impairing their keeping f ^The following diseases lead to losses of sweetpotatoes in storage and on the market bv causing blemishes and decay: Alternaria rot (Alter n^ sp ) black rot, bine mold rot, charcoal rot dry rot, ep.coccum rot (Fvicoccum sp.), end rots, foot rot, gray mold rot, Java black rot, mucor roL rliizopus soft rot, sclerotinia rot (ScleroHnm scleroUonnn (Lib ) DBy ),scurf, soil rot, surface rot, and trichoderma ro ( Jemia koninqi Oud ). Many of the storage diseases are less serious ff XeetpSfoes are cured for 4 to 5 days at 84° F. and a re ative humidity of 85 to 90 per cent and subsequently stored at 5o and 10 The niosthnportant nonparasitic troubles are bruising injury,chdb injii jury "eLng injury, growth crack, am^l^mternal breakdown, ^ee j,15, 17,18, 21, 41, W, 58, 64, 72, 73,122,123, 126.) BLACK ROT (Endoconidiophoro fimbriate (Ell. and Hoist.) Davidson) Occurrence and Importance Black rot is one of the most serious and most widely distribute- diseases of swee^tatoes. Although i. ini.ujs.the ph.nts m the *ed bed and in the field, most damage is caused m stooge a marketing! Next to’ rhizopus soft rot it is the most ser.ous mark, disease of sweetpotatoes. 22 Symptoms The early stages of black rot appear as circular, brown sliffhtlv sunken, superficial spots about one-fourth inch in diameter As tl esc spots enlarge (y 2 inch to 2 inches) they become bS to gteenlsh black and frequently show small, black fruiting bodies (pentheciai wi h long necks which appear to the naked eye as black bristles (pi 1C). Even in advanced stages the rot is firm and generally shallow C T e , nte d r ° f The t-fuS are eifcerKjcS h^abS"^ “'' e a " d the Causal Factors The causal fungus ( Endoconidiophora fimbriata) is carried over from season to season m roots, plant debris, and soil Disease devpl tpment m the field is favored iy wet soil and mSerately h gh tlm-' rom 50^'to 95" f'S o I g ‘'°"n tllr0 “S 1 >°“‘ » tempo,-at,,,? range riom ou to fi., but most rapid growth takes place at about 5weetpotatoes may become infected through wounds, dead rootlets’ r apparently uninjured tissues. The number of infections is influ- ,nced by the soil moisture and temperature conditions previous to ind during harvesting. Although the obviously infected potatoes are hscaided at storage time, some potatoes will have spots too small' to ie detected. Under storage conditions these small spots may e™laUe xplarntion' 1 ^or 1 r f l lame J ^ 1 ’ W1 ^ lln 4 to 6 weeks. This is usually the xplanation for lather high percentages of black rot appearing ; n weetpotatoes that were thought to be free from decay when they f Especially severe infection occurs when healthy sweeD .obdoes “re washed m the same water with those affected with Control Measures i«& tr * 0l i n + S ? rage involves careful handling and discarding of all ■sibly infected sweetpotatoes previous to storing. Those that are arvested from soils known to be infested should be kept separate om those grown in disease-free fields. For recommended Jurino (bee lo , 44 , 4 S, 56 , 68, 104 , 1 12 .) BLUE MOLD ROT IPenicillium sp.) is i?° st ofte V found in weetpotatoes that have been wn by other agendas^ t n ° Ug l " ounds or through tissues broken 23 Blue mold rot is a soft decay generally involving large areas about mechanical injuries or lesions of other diseases. In c hilled or frozen sweet potatoes the whole root is soon decayed and the characteristic white and blue-green tufts of mold break through the epidermis These colored tufts are the most reliable diagnostic character. A\ he many potatoes are infected, the whole lot has a musty odor- This disease may be avoided if care is used to prevent chilling, mechanical injuries, and if proper temperature and humidit} are maintained (p. 25). It is especially important that a combination of low temperatures and high humidity be avoided. (See.}/, 63.) CHARCOAL ROT (Macrophomina phoseo/i (Maub.) Ashby) Charcoal rot is most important as a storage disease of sweetpotatoes oxown in the South, but occurs wherever sweetpotatoes are grown. It sometimes causes injury to growing plants in the held when the stem becomes infected at the soil line. Decay most often starts at the upper end of the sweetpotatoes and progresses throughout it> leno'th from that point. In the early stages charcoal rot is char¬ acterized by a light brown discoloration of the stndace as well as of the internal tissues. The discolored areas may be of any size o shape, but there is a sharp line of demarcation between the diseased and healthy tissues (pi. 11, C). As the decay progresses, the uC fected regions remain firm and become dark brown. The skin latw beo-ins to shrivel as water is lost by evaporation. In the final stages ofthis disease the root is converted into a hard, dry, black mummjl When a decaying potato is cut there are usually three rather dis¬ tinct color zones in the affected tissues The margin or advancing edge of the decay is light or cinnamon brown and slightly spongy m texture, the intermediate zone is reddish brown and him, and th olSt part Of the lesion (end of sweetnotato or centerof decayed spot) is grayish black to black, dry, and firm (pi 11, />)• On^c a* examination of the grayish-black region very small, black, speckhk sclerotia may be seen within the tissues (pi. 11, A and B). -No scle rotiaor fungus filaments are visible on the surface of diseased ^^Experimental evidence indicates that the minimum temperature foi growtli of the causal organism is near 46° F., the optimum 88°, and This disease progresses slowly at recommended storage tempera¬ tures Charcoal rot develops rapidly in freshly harvested stock having slight infections at the ends of the roots that are sent directl} to market. By the time some shipments of new stock reach the marke as many as 50 per cent of the sweetpotatoes show charcoal lot. Losses from charcoal rot may be reduced by not Btomg or• sluppi g sweetpotatoes that show even the slightest decay at the ends at ^ 'prompt 1 curing under optimum temperature and humidity condi tions favors Spid wound-cork formation and thus prevents new infections. (See 41,112.) 24 CHILLING INJURY (LOW-TEMPERATURE BREAK-DOWN) • sweetp°t a t 0 is subject to chilling injury when stored for some time (10 days or longer) at temperatures below 55° F. This low- temperature break-down is brought about by physiologic changes that occur at these temperatures. The chief symptom is a brown to slightly black internal discoloration consisting of scattered areas and specks associated with the vascular ring and with the vascular elements in the central part of the sweetpotato. Flavor is also adversely affected. fetoiage under conditions conducive to chilling injury makes sweet¬ potatoes particularly subject to spoilage by a number of different rots including mucor rot, blue mold rot, and gray mold rot. These often ause sei ions loss within 3 to 6 weeks when sweetpotatoes are stored at temperatures below 45° F. The danger from chilling and from the associated decays make it hazardous to expose sweetpotatoes to temperatures below about 55° F (S & 41,55,63,71.) DRY ROT (Diaporthe batatatis (Ell. and Halst.) Harter and Field) Most losses from dry rot occur during storage and marketing. The lisease is widely distributed but seldom causes serious trouble on weetpotatoes in the field. From infections on slips in the seedbed ind diseased vines m the field the causal fungus invades the potatoes t the attached ends. 1 Dry rot even in early stages is characteristically a dark-brown, firm lecay. In practically all cases it starts at the end of the potato 4s he fungus progresses, the broken-down tissues lose water quickly and v ithenng of the affected end results. Soon the diseased area becomes lack and hard. The surface of such areas is soon covered with black uSs Ini 6 fl ' Uiting fe di f (py™^) ° f the causal ngus (pi. 12, A) . 1 hese numerous black pimples in and underneath a dry ’ hard ’ biack decay genera,iy Dry rot does not develop as rapidly or cause as much loss as black ot but inoculation experiments show that infected sweetpotatoes iay be completely rotted within about 6 weeks at the usual storage miperatures. No definite control methods have been worked out. Prompt curiim nder optimum temperature and humidity conditions favor rapid arvest C ° rk formatlon and would Probably prevent infections after (See 37.) END ROTS (Fusarium spp.) Aithough end rots may be caused by a number of different organisms untered on P fh lal C0ndl f tl0ns attacl 5 sweetpotatoes, most of those en- inteied on the market are caused by various species of Fusarium. SsXrl y » in T de sw , eet P°f ato trough wounds and through s f lat aie broken down by other agencies. Consequently these 25 fusarium end rots frequently show a wide variety of symptoms. The most serious type found on the market is a firm, dry rot characterized by a withering of the ends of the sweetpotatoes (pi. T2, B ). In Mary¬ land the Dry Rot fungus ( Diaporthe) alone or in conjunction with Fusarium causes a serious end rot. Since infection occurs at injuries, losses in storage may be reduced by prompt curing under optimum temperature and humidity condi¬ tions to promote rapid healing of wounds made during harvesting. (See 130.) FOOT ROT IPIenodomus destruens Harter) Foot rot of sweetpotatoes is an important storage and market trouble. Sometimes it is also important as a field disease. It has been found to be widely distributed, but it usually causes less damage than black rot. Infected sweetpotatoes from diseased vines carry the fungus into the storage houses where decay progresses, often causing serious loss. In storage and on the market foot rot appears as a firm to spongy, dark-brown decay with evident shriveling of the affected tissues (pi. 13 A). Most lesions soon show numerous dark-brown fruiting bodies (pycnidia) in the skin of the sweetpotato near the end. Practically all infections take place at the attached end of the sweetpotatoes during the growing season, but infections have been observed to occur in wounds made at harvesttime. . . .... 1 At digging time the decay is often so slight as to make it impossible to sort out all diseased sweetpotatoes before they are stored. It i> such mildly infected sweetpotatoes that cause trouble m storage and transit. , , , . , Foot rot is a slowly developing decay favored by temperatures be¬ tween 68° to 86° F. Little growth of the fungus occurs below 54 or above 98°. ,, . , , Sweetpotatoes showing evident decay should not be stored or< shipped to distant markets. (See 35,113.) FREEZING INJURY Although the sweetpotato is generally believed to be one of the veg dial form within. Scattered slightly raised pimples indicate the d velopment of pycnidia which are pushing up under and tliim g fk n Pi 16, A) In 3 or 4 weeks these fruiting bodies form in pw numbers and are often so crowded as to form domelike elei.u . of the surface. Eventually the sweetpotato becomes a liai d, di J, mummy (pi. 16, C). 28 Causal Factors The pathogen {Diplodia tubericola ), like others of its close rela- nes, occurs in the soil, on sweetpotatoes and other plants, and in jlant debris. No infection appears to take place in the field except nd markX^ S Th d ‘ ggmg time and duri 4 handling for storage lid maiketing. The organism may be carried into storage on roots nd lt , ma 3' be , P"*ent there in old roots or in debris. Infections f 1 M®to W 9s“ n F "Tl bee " ob tamed[throughout a temperature range g 0 to J8 4With most rapid decay occurring between 84° and Control Measures Careful handling of the sweetpotatoes to avoid all unnecessary ounds at harvest and storage time and prompt curing are valuable lethods for controlling Java black rot. b Sweetpotatoes cured for 4 or 5 days at a relative humidity of 85 to ) per cent and a temperature of 85° F. will develop protective layers pounds sufficient to prevent infection by the Java black rot fungus id many other fungi that cause serious storage rots ?ee U, p, 112.) & MOTTLE NECROSIS (RING ROT) IPythium ultimum Trow and P. scleroteichum Drechs.) Mottle necrosis is sometimes important in storage after wet sea- „ S ’ii * 16 fellow Jersey, Big Stem Jersey, and Triumph varieties ually are the most severely affected. Sweetpotatoes showing mottle flv aft 18 f ccasi01 ? all T found on the markets in stock shipped di- fly after harvesting, but this disease is seldom found in sweet- hoes th h at P wo d in f t r0n J St0ra J e ‘ A P.P. a r entl y the infected sweet- •dpd L£f ?? mt ° stora ^ e de ? a y within a few weeks and are dis- ed throimh 1? T (pL 17 f A )■ Sweetpotatoes inocu- d through wounds and held at moderate temperatures in hiwh imdity have been found to develop pronounced decay within 36 to com S nf nd i r0t °°™P letel y iri 3 t0 7 da JS. The causal organisms k —I 80 ' 1 mhabl , tants that thrive particularly well in wet ■ fI cd con tam an ample supply of organic matter. atoes 6 in a thP ^7 f ? IIowi 1 1 }g natural infection of sweet- 1 areas about fhl COn ? 1S f ts ? f aP ’ sunken, grayish-brown spots nethuitop the P,? int 01 attachment of the secondary roots, mimes the causal fungus penetrates deeply within the sweet- ato without much surface discoloration or decay. If the tempera- ed'bunndTr^W-^T \ S ° 1 ft ’ gray ’ chees y ^Pe of decay ispro- rbled trivia 'fbitively high temperature conditions mottled and ued th1-n7 l V’.T 11 t0 clloc °Pate-colored areas and pockets are mv kuoln 0 . the SWe f et P° tato (P 1 - lb, B and G). A third type a=3 ri ^ r0t ’ 18 some J tlmes produced. In this case the nee ofthp C w f f . d . eC 7 in a band around the circum- Zt Pon^H l P ° ta i t0 ( , PL 17 ’- D) - Under the usu al curing and and sun ken 118 S e . se bands nn gs of diseased tissues soon become ! of ZI L I’ TllS i ^.nken ring rot stage is somewhat like a - ot ling iot caused by Rhizopus (p. 30). 29 Pvthium vltimum, the most common of the causal organisms, grows well at moderately low temperatures. In experimental work it has been found that the minimum temperature at winch infection will take place is near 36° F., the optimum between 54 and 60 , and the maximum about 95°. This temperature relation indicates that under the usual warm temperatures prevailing in the South, mottle necrosis should not ordinarily prove serious. .. , Infections at harvesttime may be avoided to some degree if the sweetpotatoes are harvested during dry w eather. (See 22,46,88.) MUCOR ROT (Mucor racemosus Fres.) Mucor rot is a storage and transit rot that occurs in sweetpotatoes only when they are exposed to high humidity at low temperatures. Consequently it is of minor importance in good storage houses because the temperature is maintained too high for its development. I ur mg transit and marketing, sweetpotatoes sometimes become moist and are exposed to temperatures between 35° and 45° F. Lnder such con- dl Most of the^nfection hyM ucor occurs through wounds at thet ends or sides of the sweetpotatoes and through dead rootlets. The af¬ fected tissues are moist and clayish white and have a distinct stai h) odor at first. Later they become firm to spongy and, when bioken, the diseased tissues pull out in a fibrous, string)’ niannei. Mucor rot is often confused with rhizopus soft rot because the causal fungi not only look alike but both also produce soft, watery, stringy types of decay. Although positive, differentiation of these two Tots is often difficult without making a microscopical study it may be assumed that a decay of this type occurring above ol) b. is rhizopus rot, and one found developing below 50° is probably mucor 10 The causal organism is present practically everywhere in the air. soil and water. It produces great numbers of spores m sporangia very similar to those produced by Rhizopus. Consequently sweet¬ potatoes may become contaminated with these spores during harvest- intr storage, and marketing. The subsequent development of decay depends upon the availability of fresh wounds, moisture, and low temperatures, which favor infection. ,. , The most important factors in the control of this disease are keep ing the sweetpotatoes from becoming moist in storage and m transit and maintaining storage temperatures above 50 F. (See 41,63.) RHIZOPUS SOFT ROT (Rhizopus nigricans Ehr. and R. tritici Saito) Occurrence and Importance Rhizopus soft rot is the most important storage, transit, and mar ket disease of sweetpotatoes. It occurs m stock from all sveetpotat. regions and is the principal cause of loss of sweetpotatoes during 30 marketing and while they are in the hands nf fi ^ narily this disease causes more loss on tip ™ i ft? con s«mer. Ordi- sweetpotato diseases combined. market than all of the other although'some mf/Zw fe^XaTthrn^ 111116 t ? r , ' hi ?°P us *>ft rot ing methods probably have a SLaJJ” Handling and stor- velopment of decay than any natural rnsisf °J the subse ffuent de- acteristics. Since lnfections^bv' Rhti t ce due to va netal char- upon wounds or injures produid Z^h^r de P end 'nt not an important field d.sease but it hay O^StS^SZ Symptoms ban any othe^dMay^^At favo^hl ^ Wt deveIo P. s more rapidly ake place in fresh wounds and decani ein P enifu, ' es infections may tours. Infection occT^ in less ^an 24 >otatoes but may take place through ?? 7 tIle ? nds of the sweet- 'letely destroy a sweetpotato within 4 to Gda^ f 5 Ca " com - f s sues are soft and watery, but there is l l • firs f the aff ected lecayed tissues when broken will s ll j tIe cba ng e m color. Freshly ellowish-brown liquid and a rather nlen? ft/ ht P ressui 'e, yield a dor. With age the decayW tt« l P Ieasant fermentation or yeasty late brown in color but are never bS* C °As ft light cho( ^ on the decayed areas become withered and fiftft^ ^ lost b ? evapora- tnditions the sweetpotato may become a hard ’bft 0 Under VeiJ dry Although infected sweefnnfhf^c. 16 fi , rd ’ 10Wn mummy, me circumstances only a part willftot and com P leteJ >4 under ctions through wounds somethne^ Jn bec °T dry. Side in- usmg the so-called ring rot sta^e of arouild the sweetpotato, « r ”P ° ( Frequently oovehke ring around the swpetnntnfi i? “ ■’ f P rrmn g a dry, ds of sweetpotatoes may again^tart act^eV° m ft ngS or at tbe nsture and temperature conditions deCay under fav orable l vKteand ^ith glisten- izopus soft rot. This Growth ’ UaJIy serves to identify :1s and through breaks m t he ft- ft 6 fungus 1S conspicuous at the nosphere (pi! ’ 18 ,% Howefer’ u l leId j " « Humid J cause extensive decay without ,?! ' oondltIon s the fungus ng visible (pi. 18, B) . ' y surface mold (mycelium) Causal Factors :"iti r* f cay of nmm and R. tritici. These 7 SDeoi^ft?? damage are A. ®, r » and air. Consequently it^s ftf! ever P rese / lt m the soil, atoes are contaminated with one or more ftfT® ft at aH sweet ' esting, storage, and marketing. Whether or no? dunng ay follow depends upon the molstm? u not inf ection and the presence of fresh wounds on the^ tem P erature conditions dure or fresh moist wounds offer the ft‘^potatoes. Surface infection. ‘ 61 tbe mos t favorable conditions 479776°—59-a 31 The various species of Rhizopus that cause rot of sweetpotatoes have different reactions to temperature, but they can be divided rough y into two groups. On this basis R. nigricans represents the ieldtl ] e Jy low-temperature group and probably causes most decay. » det e op. common species Of the high temperature group. Its minimum tern- , perature for growth is 40" to 48“ optimum 90“ to 95, and maxmmn, * io7° \t tpiimeratures between 60 and oo eunei ui oom ui ihese species of fiAieopu. may be . f S^istap^ iblTto £ t , 4 o P o The rots produced are so similar that it is mpossiuie iu uus- I'inguish them unless cultural and microscopic are made. Control Measures Since nil species of Rhizopus commonly invade sweetpotatoes humidity naturS healing of wound- an in P preparing mveet^tatoes for the market, all unnecessary wound- • should be^avoided and care should be taken to keep them dry- Sweetpotatoes showing any evidence of decay should not be shipped. (See 19 , Go , 66 , 67, root knot Meloidogyne spp. » S ^^t rSpo 8 ^ row“n on sandy than o. ^eTeSodes'lTve^m one crop season to the nest in the soil at sss: M1W it »d in some way stimulates the cells to enlarge and div, a* m dicliloropropane aie satisfactoiy. tolerant van. tal susceptibility it is recommended that the most roieia adapted to the locality and market concerned be selected. (>ee - 32 SCURF (Monilochaetes infuscans Ell. and Halst.) s ?1h otatoes - “ ««» regions. Although the causal fnmniQ 1 Stoc t from . al] shipping tion of any or all of the un derm-on l la y cause a brownish discolora- chief damage resultsf ro LaJSSSl P?lt8 ° f , the §’ r °wing P^nt, the potatoes on account of their blemi^ho mai cet va lue of the sweet- spots mf^Sffl^rt^re^yd£^^ re ( ^f^ a g.« r S is h-l>K>wn the discolored spots often run together' m*£? ierous infections occur, irea, and in extreme cases the skin Lay S^W^^l 0118 moisture LLpfdly :I JfLst of tf an( f ''r gener fHy overlooked by thftrlde’^ 110 * PPr6 ~ . Most °f fne infections take place in the field Km ions may occur under humid storage condition^’ i " e T lnfec ‘ nt may enlarge slightly during storage and tran sif usuLf 'T P -T Ernest: ft™ crack a,d wiMj f ^ The causal fungus o T0W s from mm/i , n 4 to 6 weeks, lips, and on these it is simeacl to tlL S f 5 ^ s weetpotatoes to the bundance of “ Losses from scurf are avoided best bv filfd i f SCUrf> ! careful selection of disease-free f e l con trol measures such ittings instead of pulled sprouts and nl° C t’ US6 - ° f V - me ° r s P rout fested by the scurf organics P m nt i ng m SGl1 that is not game matter should betvoided'ifpossible blaCk ’ S ° llS Wlth much (bee 13,36,82,83.) SOIL ROT (POX) Streptomyces -pomoea (Person and W. j. Martin) Wales S Henrici Occurrence and Importance ^ns‘ofd”e United States" Im’" sweet P°teto-growing ? - assrf iKied .^ 16 p * antsan< l Oemishe/th^rootsso tka^theirvalue^greaUy Symptoms STby Try, brot^fJorpox 33 / i 10 n\ TVio nreas infected may vary from less than *4 inch to on^natur^roots on the 'Vi 11 ^ L |; soft rot or othei secondan < 1 ( ‘ ‘ (rr0 wth of the tissues fSd Se dip “Sts "n the Vmation of misshaped potatoes. Causal Factors Within the past few years the fungus that causes soil rot lias been identified as Streptomyces ipomoea. This organism makes very l7nw h at 68° F. grows best at 89°, and only slightly at 107 H e high temperatures in the southern States apparently favor the de ^fcausd organism inhabits the soil and invades the potatoes transmitted by tile use of diseased roots for seed purposes if they have n °Soil roHis°mostSerious during dry seasons. When sufficient mois¬ ture is available the plants are able to continue growth and produce some marketable potatoes even though they are diseased. * Control Measures Tf disease-free soil is not available for growing sweetpotatoes, it is possible to control soil rot in infested soil by adding sufficient sulfur to make it acid in reaction (pH 5.0). (S eel,^7,84,87.) STEM ROT (WILT) (Fusarium bulbigenun. bafalas Wr. and F. oxysporam Schlecht. f. J Wr.! Stem rot or wilt, is an important field disease of sweetpotatoes bu' is rarelyfound on the market. Like other types of fusanamwdt ^ greatest damage is caused by the fungus invading the vascular syste “'Iweetpmatoefproduced on slightly diseased vines often develo, brownish-black discolorations in the vascular rings, but no ext® . symptoms -e evident. Consequently, affected potatoes that** the markets are detected only upon cutting this disease on market potatoes is not . 7 ’ chilled latt tatoes harvested from frosted vines or those that bec“« cl C01 may also show dark discolorations in the vascular tissue £ fused with wilt. This disease does not develop oi spread in sc r (See 88,41-) 34 SURFACE ROT (Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. f. 1 Wr.) Surface rot has been reported from all sweetpotato-growing reo-ions n,e amount of loss caused by this disease varies with the variS rrown and with the seasonal conditions at digging time. Someth es .radical y every potato is noticeably affected aft?r 6 weeks’ storage took 8368 reS “ ° f the difficul ‘J - “ marketing diseased The early stages of surface rot are characterized by small circular ight-brown, superficial spots. As the disease progresses the mots nlarge and become slightly sunken but change little in color £ bserred on the market, most spots range from y 4 to%i i“hi„ ch ineter, their margms sharply marked because of the drying nd shrinking of the affected tissues (pi. 12, C). Even in tlie' ub meed stages the decay seldom penetrates deeper than V, inch The ,ct that the spots remain light brown, are defin tely circular in outline oil of the diseas^fairly easy! 1101 ^ » ^ The causal fungus lives in the soil and invades the sweetnotato trough small rootlets at harvesttime and during the early part of the oiage penod Infection takes place most readily when potatoes e hanested during wet weather; consequently, surface rot is most nous in storage after wet seasons. The disease develops so sClv p t r C Sn SP1CUOl Q lesi , ons are not usually evident until about 6 week's ■“cfmeSSr 4068 " th ,eSi °” S tIiere ™ a cl 1 iance that new infections may occur in stor- w les ons^oulcldevelfn, , not . rare P rom Ptly, it appears doubtful that lesions would develop during storage or transit. Most surface mt wnr 16 S -° dry and that Iittle 5 if any, secondary infection by occurs . during transit and marketing. 7 Surface Z e ?i Van ? le f ° f S , weetp0tat °es are much more susceptible suitace lot than darker skinned ones Thp 'Rio- t * - e ^weetpotatoes should not be harvested during wet weather if it can LITERATURE CITED 1) Adams, J. F. 1929- a V CTIN0M ™ the cause of soil rot or pox in swfft 2) Alstatt, G. E. ES ' Phytopathology 19: 179-190, illus. „ ** Tp^rr* “ “*• >) Anderson, E. M. 1946. tipburn OF lettuce. N. T. (Cornell) Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 829, d Artschwager, E. i924. ON THE anatomy of the sweet potato root with notes on internal breakdown. Jour. Agr. 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Dept. Agr. Handbook 06. 7? pp. (133) Younc, V.H. ^ Eum oa spINicH „ ABKAS6M . Plant Dl». Bptr. 30: 61. (Processed.) 11341 OF BIO VEIN *30 »*«K« »Ct«™ YIELD OF HEAD lettuce. Plant Dis. Rptr. 38.844-046. (Processed.) 42 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 195» ’t rot^B ll Shimrv 01 w’,fi U,iVe i“ d romalne cliseas es and injuries: A, Watery •fer al s?f t rit / ^V° lettuce evay mold rot; I , “ 0t ’ L ’ eiuhYe luai 'Smal browning; F, romaine marginal brown «4 Plate S.- -Spinach diseases: A and B, Downy mildew: C. bacterial soft rot orange rust. Plate 10. —Sweetpotato disease diseases and injuries: A, Freezing injury C, internal breakdown. Plate 14 .—Sweetpotato Plate 15—Sweetpotato disease: Internal cork. Plate is.—Sweetpotato disease and injury: A and B, Rhizopus soft rot : C. srowth cracks. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURE LIBRARY the Sflf stilling basin A STRUCTURE TO DISSIPATE THE DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY IN HIGH-VELOCITY FLOW FROM SPILLWAYS \ Agriculture Handbook No. 156 Jral Research Service (ration with the fa Agricultural Experiment Station >aint Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory nited states department of agriculture PREFACE This publication is a condensed report of the research that led to the development of the St. Anthony Falls (SAF) stilling basin It m prepared especially for the use of those who have occasion to design this effu lent and economical outlet structure for dissipating the destructive energy in the high-velocity flow at the exit end of chutes, dams, closed conduit spill* a>s, ai The experimental work begun in January 1941 was completed m De¬ cember 1943. The results of the tests were first reported in a processed ouhlication in December 1943 that was revised in Ma> 1949 (bLb-U JJ) . il. __hnn Knon T\ 1 1111 1 qV 1 ('(1 1 11 tllfi I F&IlSftCtlOnS ient and Hydraulic JJesign, oainL Ainuuny -l ui um e . , This cooperative study in the solution of problems concerning hydraulics of soil and water conservation structures was made by the stall of the Soil and Water Conservation Research Division, Agricultural Re¬ search Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture, m cooperation with the Saint Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory and the University of Min¬ nesota Agricultural Experiment Station. CONTENTS Preface_ The Problem- Previous Work- The Test Program- Laboratory Facilities and Test Methods-. Hydraulic Jump- Test Results_ Length of Basin- Chute Blocks- Floor Blocks_ Force on Floor Blocks _.- End Sill- Tailwater Depth- Washington, D. C. Issued April 1959 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Ollice Washington 25 , D. C. - Price 10 cents P? Test Results—Continued Sidewall Height- Wingwalls- Shape of Basin-1 Cutoff Wall _ Effect of Entrained Air- Conclusions- Application of Results- Design Chart- Solution of a Typical Problem.. Field Experience- Summary- Literature Cited- tie Sflf stilling basin « structure to dissipate the destructive energy in high-velocity ^low from spillways Fk,. W. hyiraulic Soa and ^ CmMion Remh D _ m AgriM THE PROBLEM rhe research summarized in this publication is hiect result of the need for a stilling basin to sipate the energy m the liigh-velocity discharge ihun U n VertS ’ C r! lteS ’ and otller types of spillway, rngmeeiing literature abounds with descrip- lm # b f ms located at da ms throughout • ?' li ^a . 1 structure, however, had been mdually designed for a specific location Ad- z 1 &r re required to a<,apt a q 4 ? ^ e t ? AF stdlin g basin study was initiated 94 1’ at the request of the United States Soil .servahon Service, little had been accomplished aid the development of a universal design >r a y he structures built by the Soil Con¬ ation Service are of such size that few of tel studi 2 °tW CaUy J , UStlfy the ^dividual donmenf f that 1 | P rov ed so profitable in the -lopment of stilling basins for large dams omicafstiir’ th r ef ° re d that an effi cient and ?! h baS1I l be developed and that ,n lules be formulated so future stilling without recourse ,0 PREVIOUS WORK study of the literature on stilling basins ed out in 1941 revealed only two investiga- leading to the development of generalized ? g ba^n deigns. To tile writer’s Lowledge, Ihlt i 10 / ia generalized studies that have P Pab S ed ^ July 1958 are those by Bradley ed bv Sif m}? t f le sim P le sidling basin itv flmv f n e u the ener gy in the high¬ ly flow is absorbed m a pool formed by a r i 7 f ■, The ^choklitsch energy cfis- t in 1 S1 n lllar t0 the simple stilling basin it an end sill is used to form a pool but the p° ^umbers in parentheses refer to Literature jet enters the pool above its bottom. This tvne is, therefore, somewhat more efficient than 'the anTth^ 1 L m fin aS i ln - -li 41 * 0 ^ both the Stanley a t d .fl f Sch ° k btsch stLIhng basins are undoubtedlv satisfactory m dissipating energy, a smaller and more economical stilling basin was needed. THE TEST PROGRAM iumn Pl S t( i ry i t ,°r t f T 6re I, ) ade on tbe hydraulic ju ip, the Schoklitsch, and other published de¬ signs of stilling basins. Analytical studies were also made of several other stilling basin designs. A -, 1; a r f ult of these preliminary studies, some stilling basins were eliminated from further con¬ sideration because of their inferior performance in dissipating energy while others were eliminated because their size and cost for equivalent per- lormance were greater than for the more efficient stilling basm. On the basis of the exploratory tests, the rectangular stilling basin, developed by the United btates yureau of Beclamation and described by Warnock ( 19 ), was selected for further study ihis stilling basm had chute and floor blocks to dissipate the energy and an end sill to deflect the stream away from the bed. The length of he stilling basin was 75 percent and the depth denth ? Dt h , e hydraulic jump length and cpth respectively, but the indications were that the size could be reduced still further bsing this basic form of stilling basin, studies dimentn eCte f t0 ^ rd determining the minimum hmensmns for efficient energy dissipation and the laws governing the design of the various elements making up the basin. nt'n test program was divided into three parts: nrnn culvert 'Outlet senes ill which the basin pioporBons were determined for a narrow range of the Fronde number; (2) the flume-outlet series of check tests, which covered a large range of fi de num ber; and (3) the turbine-room senes of large-scale check tests. The results of these tests are discussed in this publication. 3 LABORATORY FACILITIES AND TEST METHODS All experiments on the SAT 1 stilling basin were made at the St. Anthony halls Hydraulic Labora¬ tory of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. The laboratory is located on Hennepin Island at St Anthony Falls in the Mississippi River. I p to 300 c. f. s. can be diverted from the river above the falls and returned to the river below the falls after dropping about 50 feet through the labora¬ tory. Water for the various experiments is ob¬ tained through pipes connected to a supply canal running the lull length ol the laboratoiy. The culvert and flume series of tests were con¬ ducted in a channel 24 inches deep, 18 inches wide, and 8 feet long; the turbine-room series in a channel 6 feet wide and 24 feet long. Since it was impossible to observe from above the opera¬ tion of the stilling basin under the jet and “white water,” all tests were conducted on half-models; that is, the models were split along their centerline and one-half of the model was pressed against a glass plate through which the action ol the stilling basin could be observed. Check tests showed t hat identical results can be obtained from either lull or half models. A glass observation panel 8 feet Ion 0- was located on one side of the 18-inch channel and a panel 2 feet high and 12 feet long on the side of the 6-foot channel; the model centerlines were located along the face of the panels. . Water for the culvert and flume series was obtained through a 4-inch pipe and the discharge controlled by a 3-inch gate valve, llie late ot flow was measured by a calibrated 1-loot type HS flume. Water for the turbine-room series was obtained through an 18-inch pipeline that was reduced to 12 inches before reaching the model. The rate of flow was controlled by a 12-inch gate valve and measured bv the calibrated pressure difference across the 18-inch by 12-inch reduction, by a calibrated 1.5-foot, type H flume, or by a Pitot tube located at the stilling basin entrance. For the culvert series of tests, the approach to the models was a 3-inch square pipe. The depth of flow at the entrance to the stilling basin was determined by the discharge and the width ol the open channel transition used between the pipe and the stilling basin. The depth at the stilling basin entrance for the flume and turbine-room series was set by means of adjustable gates located just upstream from the models. For these series it was possible to regulate both the depth and velocity at the stilling basin entrance. 1 he approach channel width was 3 inches loi the flume series and 1 foot for the turbine-room senes. All models were made of wood—waterproof plywood for the smaller models and pine for the larger models. • . The tail water depth was controlled by stop logs located in both channels at the downstream end of the test section. Depths and sand-contour elevations were measured with point gages located on traveling carriages. Centerline profiles of the water surface and eroded sand bed were sketched on data sheets with the aid of a grid of uniformly] spaced strings placed against the glass observation panels. The stream bed downstream from the stilling basin was formed in concrete sand. The effec tiveness of each arrangement of stilling basin iij removing the destructive energy in the water war measured bv the erosion of this sand bed. Th| loose sand was scoured to its approximate ultil mate depth in 30 minutes, and this length of iui W as used for the culvert and flume series a tests. Two-hour runs were found to be mod satisfactorv for the large-scale turbine-room series Before beginning each experiment, the streai bed was filled in with sand and a small stream changes on elements studied previously, ijj After ascertaining the most satisfactory stubs basin proportions tor a single rate of flow, 1 dimensions were varied for other rates of flow > determine the laws governing the proportions f the stilling basin and its elements. All those ti s were part" of the culvert-outlet series. Both J flume-outlet and turbine-room series were ch * tests. The only important revisions in the do- resulting from the tests with other rates of 1 J were in the end sill height and the wmgvU shape and position. All changes indicated a » result of the check tests were made and vent l- HYDRAULIC JUMP All the dimensions of the SAF stilling bun are related, either directly or indirectly, to a 1 hydraulic jump. The theoretical equation for »« hydraulic jump is dz 4 + V : 2V 1 2 d 1 , rfj* 9 4 lere / 2 is the depth after the jump, d x the depth seeding the j ump, y t the velocity preceding the np, and g the acceleration due to gravity (32 9 4 per second per second). The derivation of :lrauni 10I f Ca ° h ° f 1 ° Und in most books on "S',, f °* example, the “Handbook of drauhes (15, pp. 8-23 to 28). Numerous -enments by others have proved the validity this equation, which can be simplified to 3 (-1+V8F+1) ( 2) 2 ; re the Froude nu mber F is given by the equa- V F= gdi (i) his dimensionless number (F), a constant similar flow conditions in the model and the ot>pe is also used in the determination of size of the stilling basin. he length of the hydraulic jump is assumed to -> after Baklimeteff and Matzke (l) 3 TEST RESULTS ie SAF stilling basin design was developed verified as a result of 271 tests. The number sts in each series and the range of the vari- : are given m table !, where Qi!the discharge, ■ Alv is the Reynolds number, and ,is kinematic viscosity. The tests made on element comprising the SAF stilling basin >e discussed separately. S in Parentheses opposite the equations refer juations listed on the design chart, pp. 8 and 9 Sth‘™ri? wik It S sh T lhat * he hydraulic TnSlfh; ab °“l 6 ' S dfffcrekce e i h ,b°. effe ct on the SAF stilling basin te SAF y Hp a - JUm , P u llgth does not enter direct ? : design, and the tests on the SAF sS covered the practical range of Froude numbers* § Length of Basin dissipatmg the energy in the water. (The length jump "length or T 1 ,° f the minimum length equal to 0.70rf 2 was reached inc?eas S e7t ? the *** not increasea by this shortening until a lcrmth of stilling basin less than 1.25<& was tested'' The channel erosion was markedly but not dangerously Wthwas^n/r 1 ' 00 ^- When thflast 0 tur u aS - °- 70d 2 , the scour at the end of the a ® m as wed as in the downstream channel was considered excessive and the energv dissim tion in the stilling basin was poor & A stXg ,. in . len gth of 1.25rf 2 was used in subsequent ts m which the positions and sizes of the other /ements making up the basin were investigated Sui®. number was ab0,,t 30 Further study of the stilling basin length initiated after tentatively determining the best sizes and locations of the chute and floor blocks and the end sill These tests covered a range of the Froude number from 3 to 150 and were*part °Lu\ VAV' Ul T' 1 a,Kl series. As a result of these tests, it was discovered that the less Than ^(TanTl t0 ° sd t ? rt for Froude numbers less than 30 and longer than necessary for larger Froude numbers. The stilling basin length untfl °th; T 7T ed /,° r each ° f 12 values of F til the best length was determined The performance of each length of basin was “rated” and plotted, with L B /d 2 and F as coordinates and the U e!n th 1 r ° Ugh , the P Iotted Points. Both the experience obtained during the experiments ?urve he Tbe tted ^ ta TZ USed in lo ^ing this curve, i he equation of this curve, d 2 F 0 - 38 ( 4 ) is suggested as giving a minimum safe length of stilling basin, it is conservative, but not to the point where the material in the outlet is wasted. Table 1 -Tests of SAF stilling basin and range of test variables Series : outlet_ outlet_ 2 room_ rotal tests and total range in variables. Tests Q Vi dr d 2 F R x 10-3 Number 100 108 66 C. f. s. 0. 09 to 0. 4 . 04 to .8 - 40 to 21. F. p. s. 4. 3 to 12 2. 8 to 22 9. 7 to 44 Ft. 0. 04 to 0. 17 • 05 to . 15 • 03 to 1. 27 Ft. 0. 17 to 0. 8 • 13 to 1. 8 . 49 to 5. 5 3 to 57 5 to 200 7 to 288 12. 7 to 45 14. 2 to 237 40. 6 to 2, 100 274 ■ 04 to 21. 2. 8 to 44 . 03 to 1. 27 . 13 to 5. 5 3 to 288 12. 7 to 2, 100 5 Equation 4 was developed for a range of the Froiule number from 3 to 150, but it was later used to design experimental stilling basins baying values of F as high as 300. The results ol all subsequent tests show that stilling basin lengths determined from equation 4 arc satisfactory. Chute Blocks The chute blocks, located at the entrance to the stilling basin, serve to increase the effective depth ol the entering stream, break the stream up into a num¬ ber of small jets, and help create the turbulence required for effective energy dissipation. The original height of the chute blocks was a u and the width and spacing, 0.75c/,. A test on a solid chute block, such as is used in the bchoklitsch energy dissipator, showed that less energy was dissipated in the stilling basin and that flow condi¬ tions in the channel downstream from tiie stilling basin were not so good. A second test was made in which the tops of the chute blocks were sloped to direct the jets at the floor blocks. Ihe result of this change was to increase the depth ol erosion near the end of the stilling basin. The chute blocks used for all subsequent tests had a height of others are available to modify these compute values. The impact force on the floor blocks require to turn the flow 90° is given by the equatio F=AV 1 2 w/g, where F is the total force, ,1 is tl area of the face of the blocks, and w is the un weight of water (62.5 pounds per cubic foot). It convenient to write the impact force in terms (/, and F, since both of these values are requin in the design of the stilling basin, flbe for per unit width of the floor block, j, is f=wdi 2 F This equation gives the maximum impact for- on the floor blocks per unit width of block. 1 • equation assumes that all the water approacln- the block is turned at right angles to its ongn direction. Much of the water changes directn only slightly, so the actual force must be cc- siderably less than the computed maxima. Other factors that influence the force on the m blocks are the shape, width, and spacing of u blocks, the effect of the chute blocks and the n that the mean velocity at the floor blocks is 6 ced by the chute blocks and the roller. Such ormation as ls available regarding the effect these factors will be presented rhe forces on stepped blocks and streamlined ck® measured experimentally at the Massa- isetts Institute of Technology have been re ■ted by Harleman ( 14 ). The stepped blocks d iSThe SAF S T °? the ^rticalZed blocks cl m the bAF stilling basin. Harleman states • le maximum force exerted by the baffle piers f the order of 20 percent of the pressure force to the downstream depth.” Since the down- am force is applied across the full width of stilling basin and the stepped blocks occupied percent of the basin width, the maximum ,sured force per unit width of blocks is 40 -ent of the pressure force per unit width due to downstream depth. Using this latter figure found that the maximum force per unit width lock vai-ies from 27 percent of the theoretical }forV=300 38 PerCent of the theoretical ^published results of tests made at the St lony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory in connec with a model study of the Chippewa RiV er rvou Dam of the Northern States Power substantiate the MIT values. Piezometric nres were measured on the face of a baffle located below a Tainter gate, and the pres- ir e baffle teg Fo ted t0 u d f ermine the total force t rate? Of £ dctem nned for three dif- t rates of flow amounted to 43 percent 24 n , and 27 percent of the imfact forcet uted as outlined above. view of these data and until better informa- s available, it is suggested that the force n be /Lt ° CkS !n 6rted by the approaching ft force! o? 1 “ PerCent ° f the com l mt ^ oldb number R, a well-defined curve was obtained although there is no reason to believe that sucl n relationship should exist. A study of the equation for this curve showed that the height of n sill was unbelievably low for values of 72 wifi 1 the practical range. This naturillv * 1111 on the form of life to the turbine-room tests, wVc^were biglier Reynolds numbers. * ^eT O 45 (4) L b = 4.5 d i -B‘ p0 3t (6) c = 0.07 d t FIGURE 1 - DESIGN CHART lor SAF STILIING BA I CTANGULAR STILLING BASIN 6. definitions 1,h S, '"' ng bos "> upstream end, in feet th ° f S,i " ing bos "> foor blocks, in feet D‘ - ,h ° f s,,ll,n 9 bo sin at downstream end, in feet F ~ Jl>t of end sill, in feet ' h 01 "° W °' enfr °nce to stilling basin, in feet . ^stream depth computed by momentum equation “ - f°r the hydraulic jump, i„ feet , . surface elevation in downstreom channel OF SYMBOLS obove stilling basin floor, in feet side wot, divergence, O' longitudinal to , transverse the Froude number acceleration due to gravity, in feet per second per second length of stilling basin, in feet o, , 0 umn) ln ^ Of S M,„g wM/s toi/woter level, in feet 9 F and an enveloping curve drawn above the rela¬ tive depths at which the roller is washed out of the stilling basin. The equation of this curve is d\ dy = \AF 0.45 (3) Sidewall Height The flow in the stilling basin is very turbulent, and as a result, the water surface is so rough that some freeboard above tailwater level is necessai \ if overtopping of the sidewalls is to be prevented. In addition to the surface roughness, a standing wave, or boil, is caused by the floor blocks and end sill, which in itself requires freeboard above the tailwater level. For Froude numbers less than about 20, the crest of the boil is in the stilling basin, whereas, for higher Froude numbers, the boil crest occurs downstream from the end of the basin and its full height need not be considered in designing the sidewall height. Average profiles of the water surface in the stilling basin were obtained for all series, but the maximum height of splash was obtained foi only the turbine-room series. It is from these latter tests that the height of the sidewall is determined. The maximum height of the splash Zmax ^ tilt stilling basin was divided by d 2 . There is con¬ siderable scatter to the data, but z m ajd 2 is appar¬ ently independent of F. The range of z ma ild-i 1S from —0.02 to 0.31. A study of the data shows that if the height of the stilling basin sidewall z, above the maximum tailwater level is given by the equation z=d 2 l 3, (5) the freeboard will be sufficient to keep the splash in the stilling basin. Because of the scatter m the data, the freeboard provided by this equation will, in some cases, be greater than is necessai} to protect fully the structure, but the safety factor is not excessive for the average case. Wingwalls Wingwalls at the end of the stilling basin are used as retaining walls to hold back the earth fill. The ordinarily used wingwall is rectangular in downstream elevation. Since the scoui aiound the end of this wall is severe, other wingwall shapes were investigated. The principal cause of the scour around the end of the wingwall is an eddy along each side of the downstream channel that is driven by the stieam leaving the stilling basin. It is imperative that the concentration of the flow from this eddy be kept off the stream bed. Two methods can be used to prevent the eddy from attacking the stream bed: (1) A submerged extension of the wingwall, having a height equal to half the tail- water depth and a length equal to 0.6 of the side- wall height (the minimum length of rectangular wingwall used in the experiments was 0.4 of the sidewall height); or (2) a wingwall of triangular shape in downstream elevation, the top having a slope of 1:1. The triangular shape of wall is recommended, because it is equally as salisfat tory i in preventing scour as is the extended wingwall and, in addition, requires less material. Wingwalls have been customarily located per¬ pendicular to the centerline of the outlet structure. Tests have shown, however, that the wingwalls may be extended parallel to the basin centerline if field conditions make it necessary to do so, although the boil height is considerably higher. Nevertheless, the best overall conditions are obtained if the triangular wingwalls are located at an angle of about 4o c to the outlet centerline- Subsequent tests of other types of stilling basing have confirmed the superior performance of the wingwall having a 1:1 top slope located at an angle of 45° to the outlet centerline (4, 12, I3).S Shape of Basin The size of the stilling basin varies with tin initial flow depth if V x does not change; any rcduc tion in d x will reduce d 2 , the length of the basin tfie height of the sidewalls, and the depth o.- excavation. In addition, a larger percentage o the energy in the water entering the stilling basil will be dissipated. A saving in overall cost of th outlet will ordinarilv be possible if a flaiuig sidewall transition is' placed between the culver or chute and the stilling basin to accomplish tin reduction in d x (S). In those cases where transition is used, the diverging transition -id walls should be extended to form the stilling basi walls. The resulting stilling basin is trapezoid .• in plan, as is shown on the design chart page > A few tests were made on a trapezoidal-shape stilling basin in the culvert-outlet series. Ti stilling basin was designed for flow conditions i its entrance. The width and spacing of the Hoc blocks were multiplied by the ratio Zh/ih to coir I pensate for the increase in the width of the stilln basin at their location. All blocks had their ax parallel to the centerline of the basin. *lo conditions in the downstream channel were soni what improved through the use of the trapezoid stilling basin. This is because the velocity of t flow was lower at the exit from the basin, and t widening of the stream to fill the downstrea channel reduced the size of the eddies along t channel sides near the stilling basin. Cutoff Wall A cutoff wall is used at the end of the stillir basin to prevent scour from undermining t? basin. Obviously, the depth of the cutoff « * must be greater than the maximum depth om- sion at the end of the stilling basin. Serious erosion near the end of the stil mg • is prevented bv the end sill, which deflects up"- the stream leaving the basin. A ground re under the deflected stream brings material i stream and further aids in preventing er 10 he laboratory, the scour sometimes reached an atmn shgh'Jy below the floor of the stalling l - COur neve r reached a depth at the of the basin greater than the thickness of a ' slab that might be used. Therefore, a cut- onh 0 eSngbZ ldePth ne6d be US «' at :t of Entrained Air r is ordinarily entrained by the water flowing mtes laid on a steep slope. This results in a -ly increased depth of flow of the mixture ever, no air was naturally entrained by the t during the model tests because of the low dies or the short length of channel. Because mod air may affect the performance of the lg basm, a few tests were made in which from l i percent of air was mixed with the water stilling basins were designed as if the water an 'l and duplicate tests were run both s V tkn lT 1 r air f entrainment. Identical s, within the limits of experimental preci- were obtomed from the duplicate tests. T; 1 ls greater when air entrainment From remains unchanged, since the air sepa- i? m the water owing to the lower velocities downstream channel. No increase in side¬ light is required as a result of air entrain- results of these tests show that the effect of SAfThiF T be n ^ lected in the design AT stilling basin. The resulting structure ifely handle any flows in which air is en- CONCLUSIONS C ° n ? lusioi , ls are reached as a illing basin delV” a " d ^ the ^feVwetnVSfo b oTs in Fr ° Ude L B =4:.5d 2 /F '0.38 (4) he height of the chute blocks and the floor locks is dr- their width and spacing are pproximately 3^/4; either a chute block r a space may be located next to the side- a ; • 1 , the blocks and spaces are sym- letncal about the outlet centerline ^ he floor block criteria are as follows • a - the distance from the upstream end of the stilling basin to the floor blocks is -L 5 / 3 . b. No floor block should be placed closer to the sidewall than 3 d ,/8 c. the floor blocks should be placed downstream from the openings be- tiveen the chute blocks. ie flooi blocks should occupy be- tm? C vn 40 P erc . ent , and 55 percent of the stilling basin width. blockT d f th 3 ?d SI 3 acin g s of the floor blocks for diverging stilling basins should be increased in proportion to the increase m stilling basin width at the floor block location, t. Hie floor blocks may be piers square in plan with vertical faces, or their downstream faces may slope as shown on the design chart. g. The force per foot width exerted on the floor blocks by the approaching sti earn may be taken as f=25d 1 2 F 4. The height of end sill is c=0.07r/. ( 6 ) 5 ' bti nfloor t the * a “ Water above the d' 2 =lAF°^d l (3) 6. The height of the sidewall above the maxi- mum tailwater depth to be expected during the life of the structure is g z=d 2 /3 (5) 7. Wingwalls should be equal in height and length to the stilling basin sidewalls. The top of the wmgwall sliould have a 1:1 slope Wingwalls flaring at 45° with the outlet centerlme are preferred to wingwalls that ai e perpendicular or parallel to the center- 8 . The stilling basin sidewalls may be parallel (i ectanguhar stilling basin) or diverge as an extension °f the transition sidewalls (trape¬ zoidal stilling basin). p 9. A cutoff wall of nominal depth should be in tT * the e , nd of the stiIli ng basin. 10 . 1 he effect of entrained air should be neg- lected in the design of the stilling basin During the tests it was noticed that the ner- ormance of the SAF stilling basin was excellent at discharges less than the design discharge At the design flow the SAF stilling basin provides an conomical method of dissipating energy and preventing dangerous stream bed erosion. APPLICATION OF RESULTS Design Chart The results of all the tests on the SAF stilling deSign Cbart fOT th “ C Z b „i sr Tr fiKs d ^:s ii a typical problem is solved, and the principal dimensions determined. , The stilling basin dimensions obtained iromtho design charts will result in a good design. Slight variations in the dimensions, however will have little or no effect on the performance of the basin. To simplify the construction, all odd dimensions should be changed to even dimensions. Solution of a Typical Problem A rectangular SAF stilling basin is to be con¬ structed at the end of a 3-foot wide chute, the depth and velocity at the end of the chute aie 0.6 foot and 40 f. p. s., respectively, the design tailwater elevation is 377.0, and the maximum tailwater elevation in the downstream channel anticipated during the life of the structure is 378.5 for the design discharge of 72 c. i. s. Reading the principal dimensions from the design charts it is found that: F=82.8, d 2 —l .43 feet, d'i= 6.13 feet, L B = 6.28 feet, 2—2.48 feet, aiK l c = 0.520 foot. In order to simplify the con¬ struction, L*=6 feet 3 inches, and c=6 or 7 inches can be used without affecting the operation of the structure. The elevation of the top of the sidewalls, which is determined from the maximum tailwater elevation, is 378 . 5 +2 48 = 380.98; use 381.00. The force on the floor blocks is 25x0.0 x 82.8 = 745 pounds per foot of width. The elevation of the basin floor is 377.0 — 0.15 — 370.87. The tailwater level and required tail- water depth also should be checked at discharges less than the design value to insure proper stilling action at all flows. Finally, consideration of the possibility that the channel bed elevation—-and, as a result, the tailwater level—may become lower in time, suggests that the stilling basin flooi >e set below the calculated elevation. The amount will depend upon local conditions and the judg¬ ment of the designer. The wingwall will have a length of about 9 feet, depending on the sidewall height, and its top a slope of 1:1. A cutoff wall under the stilling basin having a depth of 2 feet or more should be used. Several arrangements of the 6- or i -inch high chute and floor blocks are possible, the floor i 6 feet 3 inches_ 0 , , . ■ h blocks being placed-~- 2 leet 1 inch, difficulty can be overcome by making the bloc width and spacing 8 inches. The proportion the becomes 2x8/36=0.44. The total force on eai block is 745x8/12 = 500 pounds. Another arrangement of the blocks is to mal them 6 inches wide as before, but to place halfi chute block at each side of the chute and tl two other equally spaced blocks between thei Three equally spaced floor blocks can then I used in the basin, one straddling the centerk and the others placed 6 inches on either side the center block. The block nearest to the sidew; is therefore 3 inches from the sidewall. This greater than the allowable minimum of 0.6x 3 ; 0.225 foot=2% inches. The proportion of t basin width occupied by the floor blocks is 8x%$ 0 50, a satisfactorv figure. The total force 1 each floor block is 745x^ = 372 pounds. Arrangement of the blocks is up to the design Either arrangement given above would be > isfactory. say 2 feet, downstream from the upper end of the basin. , , , ,, The chute and floor blocks and the spaces between them can be made 0 . 6 x% = 0.45 foot — 5K inches, say 6 inches. gives 36/6 6 Field Experience The first SAF stilling basin was built in west*» Iowa in 1944. Since that time a considers e number of SAF stilling basins have been bu. The exact number is unknown to the writ . publications describing the design of the Si- stilling basin are readily available for use v anyone without restriction, and there is no "' to determine how many stilling basins have bn built according to the SAF design. The writer has seen a number ot SAf stu £ basins and has had reports on the perform** of other stilling basins. All reports received? the writer and all SAF stilling basins observed? him have shown satisfactory performance, s following field structures are known to handled flows that approach the capacity for vl.'ti they were designed, so their performance wil * described. - , , v The most thorough and complete test of the sjJ stilling basin was that performed by ^ i W Ilee ( 16 ) at the Stillwater (Okla.) Out# Hydraulic Laboratory of the Agricultural M search Service. Mr. Ree concluded (p . 1 Tests of the St. Anthony Falls Stilling H;i 'l n 'TS! a 2-vear period at the Stillwater Outdoor Laboratory showed that the stilling basin wa-'g effective and completely satisfactory. teiyjB scour of the channel bed occurred. noted, however, that the bed material at thc^ of discharge was a rather firm day. A .-a ul> mi might have shown a little different result. 0/2 muncs, oav v D , , i , spaces across the stilling basin how locate chute blocks 3 inches from either side of the chute and one straddling the centerline. Two floor blocks can now be located in the basin downstream from spaces between the chute blocks, ho floor blocks should be located next to the basin walls I he proportion of the basin width occupied by u floor blocks is 2x6/36 = 0.33. This proportion for floor blocks is lower than is recommended, i his Splash was not an important problem. Figure 2 shows this stilling basin t If someone is unduly concerned ragw j erosion in sandy material, figures 3. s ^ w * a w stilling basin at the exit of closed conduit spillway located wrfie j northwestern Florida. Fhe sod at ^ this structure is a clayey sand, ho scour of readily erodible bed material is evident. 12 ie1n°"9S3! S l t0 folK e K “ 0b L “ ke ’ “ ^ Va - ssiasf|»|s mm&m ctei ol 1/2 inches—one-seventeenth the size e Spruce Knob Lake pipe £ ilii'r 1 st f uc . ture that will be mentioned is stilling basin at the end of a chute This me ?2 m^tb" , Cniwford County, Iowa. ie 22, 194/, the storm runoff rate exceeded 3sign capacity of the spillway by 50 percent figure being based on information made ble to the writer by Floyd Nimmo con- ion engineer, through M. M. Culp, Chief n ns 0 ? 8 !? 011011 Branch - Engineering- on, U. S. Soil Conservation Service. Figure vs views of this structure taken before and 'he excessive storm of June 22, 1947. Jt L appareiit from these photographs that the .tilling basin gave excellent protection to iwnstream channel despite the excessive hat passed through it. e Figure 3.- -SAF stilling basin at exit of 48-inch closed conduit spillway in northwestern F 13 SUMMARY The stilling basin developed as a result of the model studies at the St. Anthony Falls Hydraulic Laboratory of the University of Minnesota has become known as the “SAI* stilling basin. It has five distinct advantages: Figure 4.— Box inlet chute spillway and SAF stilling basin in Crawford County, Iowa: A, Before storm of June 22, 1947; B, after storm of June 22, when storm runoff rate exceeded design capacity by 50 percent. E I Rowland. Arizona State Supervisor for the Bureau of Land Management, U. S. Department of the Interior, has furnished a number of interest- in°' photographs of a SAF stilling basin (:hgs. o and 6). In a letter to the writer, dated October 31, 1955, Mr. Rowland writes: Enclosed are a few photographs of a drop structure placed across the San Simon Wash in southeastern Arizona. This is a replacement for an earlier design structure which was not adequate and washed out in 1954 This structure, known as the San Simon drop structure, has worked very successfully this year. The peak flow water stood at 6)4' depth in the im¬ pounded area above the drop structure. The spilh\ ay lip is at elevation 88 feet (assumed) and the peak water within the reservoir was at 94 y 2 foot stage, it was calculated that the maximum flow through the structure at this elevation was approximately _ _uu cts. At this peak flow, the hydraulic jump in the box outlet, as indicated by the flow line of water through the lower structure was 13 feet above the floor of the structure at this point. The heavy splash line as indicated bv the mud deposits on the side walls |fi 0 - 1 reached 16'feet in height above the floor. The walls are 18 feet high at this point. ,, , It is extremely gratifying to note that the drop structure operated very effectively for volume flow reduction and reduced channel cutting. 5 ou will note in the picture |fig. 5 ,B], taken after all flow'through the spill wav had stopped on September 26, that there was no channel cutting, and practically no cutting around the lower wing walls except that which vv as caused by foreign drainage on the east wing, which will be corrected. ,. , Of most interest to us was the small sand fan which developed immediately below the lip of the structure and can be noted in the picture taken September -6 [fig. 5,5]. 1 The characteristics and proportions of thr stilling basin have been determined ova wide range of conditions to be expected in thi field: the performance can be predicts without making additional model studies. 2 . The design procedure has been generalized. 3 . The size of the stilling basin has been reduce to the minimum that will assure protectM* to the structure and prevent excessive erosio in the downstream channel. 4 . The SAF stilling basin is very economical t construct. . 5 Use of the SAF stilling basin under actui field conditions has demonstrated its effe*’ tiveness and has verified the piedietior based on the laboratory tests. A design chart, giving the proportions of tl SAF stilling basin and the design equations ai graphical solution of these equations, is present! on the center fold, pages S and 9. LITERATURE CITED (1) Bakhmeteff, B. A., and Matzke, A. E. V 1936. the hydraulic jump in tersisof similarity. Amcr. Soc. Civ. Engm. If 101: 630-680, illus. (Paper No. 1935.) (2) Blaisdell, F. W. _ a 1948. development and hydraulic desi^ SAINT ANTHONY FALLS SIT LUNG BAS- Amer. Soc. Civ. Engiu. Trans, llo: ^ 561, illus. (Paper No. 2342.) 1949. FLOW THROUGH DIVERGING OPEN CHAN - TRANSITIONS AT SUPERCRITICAL VELOCIT*- Soil Conserv. Serv. SCS-TP-i 6, '-1 PP-» “- -and Donnelly, C. A. 1951. HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF THE BOX INLET spillway. Minn. St. Anthony FalB 1 draul. Lab. Tech. Paper 8, Ser. Bac¬ illus. (Rep. by Soil Conserv. Serv. a- - TP-106. 195i.) (5) Bradley, J. X., and Peterka, A. J. ^ 1955. research study on still, *° f. ENERGY DISSIPATORS, AND ASsOCIAT purtenances. U. s. Bur. Reclam. Ik Rpt. Hyd-399, 125 pp., Ulus. (6) -and Peterka, A. J. ^ 1957. THE HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF STILLING ■ ^ hydraulic jumps ON a HORUONT. (basin i). Amer. Soc. Civ. w Hvd. Div. Jour., 83 (H\ 5). 140 1401- 24, illus. and Peterka, A. J. „, 1Kn .HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF STILUS** . high dams, earth dams, and lab^l ^ STRUCTURES (BASIN lib Vl "' l T X*. Engin. Proc., Hyd. Div. Jour., 83 (Hi 1402- 1 to 1402-14, Ulus. 1957 14 jfcr /• 5. S^in Simon drop struct nrp_^ *s dley, 1957. J. N., and Peterka, A. J. HYDRAULIC DESIGN OP stit t „ ?r»s rs"° tsse spillways (BAsiN TL m)."°Amer A Soc Si toTiofg'mjs' Jo,,r " 83 (riY 5 ) ; and Peterka, A. J.’ hydraulic design of STILLING rktmq. “^N AND WAVE SUPPRESSORS FOR CANAL STRUCTURES, OUTLET WORKS H VERSION DAMS (BASIN IV). 7S (HY 5).%4 m' 1 1 ^ our -' - aid ]P^ifA 1 J t0 1404 - 20 ’ illus - stilli A nc« DESIGN ° f stilli -N’c, basins- V) Amer T "7” SL ° PING apron (basin' Ainer. Soc. Civ. Engin. Proc Hvrl SS ° Ur -’ 83 (HY 5 ) ; 1405-1 to 1405-32, AND Soc. 83 (H) - and Peterka, A. J. 195/ ' sJat^^ 10 DESIGN OF btimjno basins- outlets' Tn.T PIPE ° R ° PEN ch ^nel outlets no tail water REQUIRED (basin VI). Amer Soc. Civ. Engin. Proc Hvd Div. Jour., 83 (HY 5): 1406-1 to lioG-U, (12) Donnei .LY, C. A. 1947 ' SPILLWAY 1, A S M P TLET F °c B0X INLET DR( > P 3™ mas. 011 Conserv - Serv - SCS-TP-63, (*3) ' and Blaisdell, F. W 1954. straight drop spillway stilling basin Minn. St, Anthony Falls Hydraul Lab' fU) tt Te t- Paper 15 > Spp - B, 35 pp. Ulus b ' (14) Harleman, D. R. F. 1955. effect of baffle piers on stilling basin- performance. Boston Soc. Civ Enciii Jour. 42 (2): 84-99, illus. g ' 15 Figure 6.—Mud deposit on sidewalls of San Simon drop structure^ basin floor, and the maximum splash line is about lb feet abo\e (15) King, H. W. 1954. HANDBOOK OF HYDRAULICS. Ed. 4. OOO pp., ill us. New York. (16) Ree, W. O. 1951. RESULTS OF TESTS ON A CHUTE WITH A ST. ANTHONY FALLS STILLING BASIN. Soil Con- serv. Serv. SCS-TP-107, 13 pp., illus. (17) Schoklitsch, A. (Translated by Samuel Schulitz.) 1937. hydraulic structures. 2 v., illus. Amer¬ ican Society of Mechanical Fngineers, Aew York. (18) (19) The maximum flow line is 13 feet above the su!. the basin floor. Photographed August 10, 19oo. Stanley, C. M. I 1934. STUDY OF STILLING-BASIN DESIGN. An • Soc. Civ. Engin. Trans. 99 : 490-O-3, il. (Paper No. 1S67.) Warxock, J. E. I * , 1940. SPILLWAYS AND ENERGY DISSIPATORS. 1' Univ. Studies in Engin. Bui. - (‘ • Hydraulics Conf.), pp. 142-159, ill 16 s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE'. I» 5 * n Gd. 14 1 i -y UNIVERSITY CF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURE LI TARY X, • /- \ £. USED /N U.S. STANDARDS FOR FARM PRODUCTS Agriculture Handbook No. 157 Revised February I960 J - S. Department of Agriculture ^cultural Marketing Service arketmg Information Division Washington, D. C. INTRODUCTION „ is grgs£:rjg: s i%g "j j." official published standards and Recked for by the Cotton , sions issuing the standards. S an Poultry and Tobacco Divisions Dairy, Fruit and Vegetable, Grai:h. Livestock.• ^ry^and A of the Agricultural Marketing ervic , • * nrhecklist of U. S. Standards complete list of ® 0 p® e s°of which may be obtained from the Market- f ° r T^ormSton Mvi“n Agricultural Marketing Service, U. S. Department of mg Information Division, *g ro _ ies of the standards listed in this publication la^be^btained dividual comity divisions issuing them. CONTENTS Page Cotton. . 2 Dairy. . 3 Fruits and Vegetables, Fresh. 10 Nuts and Special Products. . 11 Fruits and Vegetables, Processed. pg Honey and Sugar Products...‘ *“ * * * * ’. 19 Miscellaneous Processed Products. V 20 Grain (Including Soybeans]. 21 Beans, Peas, and Rice. 22 Hay and Straw. Livestock, Meat, and Wool (Including Hides and Skins:. 23 21 Poultry and Poultry Products (Including Rabbits). Tobacco. 3 . Naval Stores. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. grade names used in u. s. standards for farm products 1 DAIRY PRODUCTS Product Grade Names Butter U.S. Grade AA (U.S. 93 Score) U.S. Grade A (U.S. 92 Score) U.S. Grade B (U.S. 90 Score) U.S. Grade C (U.S. 89 Score) U.S. Grade C Cheddar Cheese pry Buttermilk U.S. Grade AA U.S. Extra U.S. Grade A U.S. Standard U.S. Premium U.S. Extra U.S. Standard - Drv Whey U.S. Extra - - - Nonfat Dry Milk U.S. Extra U.S. Standard - - Swiss Cheese U.S. Grade A U.S. Grade B U.S. Grade C U.S. Grade D FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FRESH 3 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FRESH Product Brussels Sprouts (wholesale) Brussels Sprouts (consumer grades) Grade Names U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. Grade A U.S. Grade B Cabbage (wholesale) Cabbage for Processing Cantaloups (wholesale) Carrots, Bunched (w holesale) _ Carrots, for Processing _ Carrots (consumer grades) _ Carrots, topped (wholesale) Carrots, with short trimmed tops (wholesale) Cauliflower (wholesale) _ U.S. No. 1 |U.S. Commercial U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 1 |U.S. Commercial U.S. No. 1 |U.S. Commercial U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. Grade A U.S. Grade B U.S. Extra |u.S. No. 1 No. 1 U.S. No. 1 |U.S. Commercial U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 Cauliflower for Processing Celery (wholesale) U.S. No. 1 U.S. Extra IU-S. No. 1 No. 1 Celery Stalks (consumer grades( Cherries, Red Sour for Manufacture Cherries, Sweet Cherries, Sweet for Canning or Freezing Cherries, Sweet for Export for Sulphur Brining Collard or Broccoli Greens (wholesale) Corn, Green (wholesale) U.S. Grade AA U.S. Grade A U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 1 |U.S. Commercial U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. Grade B U.S. No. 1 U.S. Fancy Corn, Husked on the Cob (consumer grades) Corn, Sweet for Canning U.S. Grade A U.S. Nc. 1 Cranberries (consumer grades) U.S. Grade A U.S. No. 1 U.S. Grade B U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 2 4 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FRESH Cranberries for Processing Cucumbers Cucumbers, Greenhouse (wholesal e) lucumbers. Pickling hrrants for Proces sing andelion Greens fu.S. No. 1 (wholesale) Jwberries and blackberries wholesale) :gplant wholesale ) dive, Escarole I U.S. No. 1 r Chicory wholesale) rlic (wholesale) u. s. No.~T ipes, American |u7s. Fancy X Table Grapes mch (wholesale) u.S. FaJlcy P Table Mixed pes, American astern Type) nch for Proces- ng and Freezi ng Pes, juice iropean type) lolesale ' es , Sawdust k (European e) (wholesale) table ropean or ifera type) slesale) -fruit Lifornia and sona) Resale) FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FRESH Product Grade Names Grapefruit (Florida) (wholesale) U.S. Fancy- Grapefruit (Texas) (wholesale) U.S. Fancy Honey Dew and Honey Ball Melons (wholesale) U.S. No. 1 Horseradish Roots j U.S. Fancy (wholesale) Kale (consumer grades)_ Kale (wholesale) U.S. Grade A U.S. No. 1 Lemons (wholesale) U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 1 Bright U.S. No. 1 Golden U.S. No. 1 Bronze U.S. No. 1 Russet U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 1 Bright U.S. No. 1 Bronze U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 2 Bright U.S. No- 2 Russet U.S. No. 3 U.S. U.S. No. 2 Combination U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 3 U.S. Commercial Grade U.S. No. 1 U.S. Grade B U.S. Commercial Lettuce (wholesale) I U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 1 Lettuce Greenhouse | U.S. Fancy Leaf (wholesale) Limes (Persian) T ahiti (wholesale) Mushrooms (wholesale) U.S. Combination Grade _ U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 1 U.S. Combination Mustard Greens and Turnip Greens (wholesale) U.S. No. 1 Nectarines (wholesale! Okra (wholesale) Onions, Bermuda- Granex Onions, Common Green Onions, Creo le (wholesale) Onions for Processing Onions, Northern Grown (wholesale) U.S. Fancy U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 1 U.S. Extra No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U. S. Combination U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 Combination U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 1 Boilers U.S. No. 1 Picklers U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 2 Russet U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 3 U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. Commercial U.S. No. 2 6 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FRESH Product Grade Names Union Sets (wholesale) U.S. No. 1 u.S. No. 2 Granges, Califor- nia & Arizona (wholesale) Iranges, (Texas) (wholesale) ranges and Tangelos, Florida (wholesale) rsley (wholesale) rsnips (consumer rades) rsnips wholesale) iches fholesale) ches (Freestone r Canning) ches (Freestone r Freezing or lping) rs for Canning rs Summer and |U. S. No. 1 -1 (wholesale ) ’s, Winter lolesale) , Fresh olesale) , Fresh lied for fling or szing rs, Sweet Processing pples lesale) and Prunes, i (wholesale) FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FRESH Grade Names Potatoes (consumer U.S. Grade A grades) Small U.S. Grade A Medium U.S. Grade A Medium to Large U.S. Grade A Large J.S. Grade B Small J.S. Grade B Medium J.S. Grade B Medium to , Large U.S. Grade B Large Potatoes U.S. Fancy U.S. No. 1 1 U.S. Commercial U.S. No. 2 ~ Radishes U.S. No. 1 (wholesale) U.S. Commercial - Raspberries U.S. No. 1 (wholesale) U.S. No. 2 1 - “ Raspberries for 1 U.S. No. 1 Processing U.S. No. 2 “ Rhubarb (Field U.S. Fancy Grown) U.S. No. 1 1 U.S. No. 2 Romaine U.S. No. 1 (wholesale) - - ~ Shallots, Bunched U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 Spinach (for 1 U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 - “ " Spinach Leaves 1 U.S. Grade A ( nnn.qnmer trades) 1 U.S. Grade B - — Spinach Leaves U.S. Extra U.S. No. 1 U.S. Commercial ' Spinach Plants U.S. No. 1 U.S. Commercial - — Squash, Fall and Winter Type | (wholesale) U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 Squash, Summer U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 - - _ Strawberries (wholesale) U.S. No. 1 U.S. Combination 1 U.S. No. 2 Strawberries, Growers' Stock U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 1 U.S. No. 3 U.S. No. 4 Strawberries, Washed and Sorted frvr Freezing U.S. No. 1 - _ Sweetpotatoes U.S. Extra No. 1 U.S. No. 1 U.S. Commercial U.S. No. 2 Sweetpotatoes for Canning or Freezing U.S. No. 1 ' Sweetpotatoes for Dicing or Pulping U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 8 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, FRESH Product Grade Names Tangerines (wholesale) Tangerines (Florida) (wholesale) g“S (oo “““ r |u-S- Grade A | U. S. Graded tomatoes (wholesale) ^a toes, Canning | U.S . No. 1 |u. S . No . { 'omatoes, for Manufacture of Strained Tomato Products U - s - No. 1 U.S. No. 2 omatoes. Green For Pr ocessing maatoes Ireenhouse wholesale) anatoes Italian U.S. No. 1 u.S. No. 2 ype for Canning nups (consumer rades) U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 mips or utabagas wholesale) tennelons U.S. Grade A U.S. Grade B U.S. No. 1 u.S. No. 2 U-S. No. 1 | u.S. | U.S. No. 2 Commercial 9 fruits and vegetables, fresh Nuts and Special Products Product Grade Names Almonds, in the Shell U.S. No. 1 I U.S. No. 1 Mixed U.S. No. 2 Almonds, Shelled U.S. Fancy U.S. Extra No. 1 Asparagus Plumosis U.S. Fancy U.S. No. 1 Christmas Trees U.S. Fremium 1 U.S. No. 1 Filberts, in the Shell U.S. No. 1 Peanuts, Cleaned Virginia type in the Shell U.S. Jumbo U.S. Fancy Hand Picked Hand Picked Peanuts, Farmers' Stock Runner U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 Peanuts, Farmers' Stock Virginia type U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 Peanuts, Farmers' Stock j U.S. No. 1 j U.S. No. 2 White Spanish__ Peanuts, Shelled Runner type U.S. No. 1 U.S. Runner Runner | Splits Peanuts, Shelled Spanish type U.S. No. 1I U.S. Spanish Spanish | Splits Peanuts, Shelled Virginia type U.S. Extra U.S. Medium Large Vir- | Virginia ginia U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 Mixed U.S. Commercial U.S. No. 2 U.S. Select Shelter Run U.S. Standard Shelter Run U.S. No. 1 U.S. Whole and No. 1* Broken Pieces U.S. No. 3 U.S. No. 3 U.S. No. 3 U.S. No. 2 Runner U.S. No. 2 Spanish Pecans, in the Shell U.S. No. 1 | U.S. Commercial Pecans, Shelled U.S. No. 1 U.S. Halves Commercial Halves Peonies in the Bud Tomato Plants U.S. No. 1 | U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 1 Walnuts, Shelled English U.S. No. 1 Walnuts, in the Shell U.S. No. 1 U.S. Commercial U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 1 U.S. Vir- U.S. No.2 Virginia ginia Virginia Splits U.S. No. 1 U.S. Corn- Pieces j mercial Pieces U.S. No. 3 .Additional 6 nades: U.S. No. 1 Mixed, U.S. Select Snellen Eun Mixed, U.S. Stendend Snellen - Mixed, U.S. No. 1 Whole and Broken Mixed. 10 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, PROCESSED Apples, Canned Apples Dried Apples Dehydrated (low moistu re) Apples Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice ipple Butter Canned Lpple Juice Canned pplesauce Canned pricots banned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. >ricots lehydrated ■ow-moisture ricots tied U.S. Grade A or U.S, Fancy Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. U.S. 'icots *ozen Grade A or Fancy Grade B or Choice icots r Manufac- ring Frozen U.S. U.S. Grade A or Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice aragus ined U.S. for U.S. for tragus >zen ■ s > Dried ned en and Wax ned 3 > Green Wax Frozen U.S. U.S. Grade A Manufacturing or Fancy Grade Manufac turing Grade A or Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B for manufacturing or U.S. Choice Grade for Manufacturing U.S. U.S. Grade A or Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Sub s t and and U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Substandard Substandard Substandard U.S. Grade D or Substandard U.S. Grade D or Substandard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D Substandard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D for manufacturing or Substandard for Manufacturing Substandard U.S. Grade D or Substandard U.S. Grade D or Substandard Substandard U.S. U.S. U.S. Grade A or Fancy U.S. U.S. Grade A or Fancy Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard Substandard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. U.S. Grade A or Fancy U.S. Grade B or Extra Standard Grade D or Substandard U.S. Grade B or U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Extra Standard! U.S. Standard Substandard 11 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, PROCESSED Product Grade t James Beans, Lima Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B U or U.S. Extra Standard L •S. Grade C or .S. Standard Substandard -- Beans, Lima Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B L or U.S. Extra Standard l .S. Grade C or J.S. Standard Substandard _ Beets, Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Berries Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice [J.S. Grade D or Substandard --- —Si- Berries, Frozen for Manufacturing U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade D or Substandard Blackberries and other Similar Berries U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard — Blueberries Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard -- Blueberries Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard -- Broccoli Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard -- Brussels Sprouts Frozen U.S. Grade A or 1 U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Grade C or |U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard -- Carrots Canned 1 U.S. Grade A or | U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard ' — Carrots, Diced Frozen I U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standarc Substandard J_ ” Cauliflower Frozen 1 U.S. Grade A or | U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standarc Substandard l| “ Cherries, Red Sour Pitted Canned 1 U.S. Grade A or | U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard lu.S. Grade D or Substandard Cherries, Red Sour Pitted Frozen U.S. Grade A or | U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard lu.S. Grade D or (Substandard - T~ Cherries, Sweet Canned I U.S. Grade A or | U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice lu.S. Grade C or |u.S. Standard Substandard — Cherries, Sweet Frozen 1 U.S. Grade A or I U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice Substandard Product iili Sauce banned >rn, Cream Style lanned rn-on-the-cob rozen m, Whole Kernel anned 'n, Whole Kernel xjzen inberry Sauce nned rants led , Kadota ned sd t Cocktail led ; Jelly Preserves (or s for Salad ad Juice Concentrate ened n FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, PROCESSED Grade Names U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U»S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. F ancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard U.S. Grade B I U.S. Grade C or or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Standard U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard Substandard U.S. Grade B |u. s . Grade c or or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Standard U.S. Grade B I U.S. Grade c T or or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Stands U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B (Dry) or U.S. Choice (Dry) U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B . or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice |U.S. Grade D or |Substandard Substandard |U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade C (Dry) or U.S. I Stan dard (Dry) |U.S. Grade C or |U.S. Standard |U.S. Grade C or [U.S. Standard Substandard U.S. Grade D or Substandard Substandard Off-grade U.S. Grade D or Substandard Substandard U.S. Broken Subs tandard Subs t and ard Substandard Substandard Substandard Substandard Substandard 13 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, PROCESSED Product Grade Names Grapefruit Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy J.S. Grade B or J.S. Choice J.S. Broken J.S. Grade D or Substandard Grapefruit and Orange for salad Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy J.S. Grade B or J.S. Choice J.S. Broken J.S. Grade D or Substandard Grapefruit Juice Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Grapefruit Juice Concentrated Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice Substandard Grapefruit Juice Dehydrated U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice Substandard Grapefruit Juice and Orange Juice Blended U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Grapefruit Juice and Orange Juice, Concentrated, Blended Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice Substandard Grapefruit Juice for Manufacturing Canned U.S. Grade A for Manufacturing or U.S. Fancy for Manufacturing U.S. Grade C for Manufacturing or U.S. Standard for Manufacturing Substandard for Manufacturing — Hominy, Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Leafy Greens (other than Spinach) Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard Substandard Lemon Juice Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or | U.S. Standard Off-grade _ Lemon Juice, Concen¬ trated for Manufac¬ turing U.S. Grade A for Manufacturing or U.S. Fancy for Manufacturing U.S. Grade C for Manufacturing or U.S. Standard for Manufacturing Substandard for Manufacturing Lemonade, Concentrate Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice Substandard Limeade, Concentrate Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice Substandard Mushrooms Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Okra Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Okra Frozen U.S. Grade A or 1 U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standar U.S. Grade D or d Substandard 14 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, PROCESSED Product )kra and Tomatoes Canned Grade Names Hives, Green Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy lives. Ripe lanned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade A lion Rings, ireaded. Frozen nge Juice ncentrated armed age Juice icentrated izen ige Juice icentrated for mfacturing nned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy ge Marmalade hes fdrated -moisture U.S. Grade A For Manufacturing or U.S. Fancy for Manufactur ing U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. 'Choice U.S. Grade C for Manufacturing or U.S. Standard for Manufacturing Substandard for Manu¬ facturing U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice es en es. Frozen Wanufac- ig U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade D or Substandard U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy s, stone d U.S. Grade A for Manufacturing or U.S. Fancy Grade for Manu- facturing U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice Substandard U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade B for Manufacturing or U.S. Choice Grade for Manu¬ facturing U.S. Grade C or U.S. Stand ard U.S. Grade D for Manufacturing or Substandard for Manufacturing U.S. Grade D or Subst and ard U.S. Grade D or Substandard U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Subs t and ard 15 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, PROCESSED Product Grade Names Peaches, Freestone Canned j.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy J.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D £ Substandard Pears, Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Pears, Dried U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard Pe as Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Peas Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard Peas and Carrots Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Peas, Field and Blackeye U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard Peas, Field and Blackeye Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard Substandard Peppers, Sweet Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard Substandard Pickles, Cucumber Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy F U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra | Standard Substandard Pimientos Canned Pineapple Canned U.S. Grade A or 1 U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy 1 U.S. Grade B or | U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Pineapple Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. F ancy I U.S. Grade B or | U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade C or Substandard Pineapple Juice U.S. Grade A or 1T.S. Fancy 1 U.S. Grade C or | U.S. Standard Substandard Plums Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy 1 U.S. Grade B or | U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade I Substar.c;- Plums Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy 1 U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice Substandard FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, PROCESSED ispberries Frozen for taiuf ac turing U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade A for Manufacturing or U.S. Fancy for mbard 'rozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade D or Substandard - - uerkraut anned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard - inach anned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard - - inach rozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard Substandard - rash (Cooked) rozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. F ancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard Substandard - lash (Summer ipe) Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard - - iash (Summer Vpe) Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard Substandard - - 17 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, PROCESSED Product Grade Names -r Strawberries Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard - Succotash Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Off-grade Succotash Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Sweetpotatoes Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard Tangerine Juice Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard Tangerine Juice Concentrated for Manufacturing Canned U.S. Grade A for Manufacturing or U.S. Fancy for Manufacturing U.S. Grade C for Manufacturing or U.S. Standard for Manufacturing Substandard for Manufacturing Tomatoes Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard Tomato Catsup U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Tomato Juice Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Tomato Paste Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard Tomato Puree (Tomato Pulp) Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard Tomato Sauce Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Tomatoes and Okra Canned U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard Turnip Greens with Turnips Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard Substandard Vegetables, Mixed Frozen U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, PROCESSED Honey and Sugar Products Product Grade Names Honey, Comb- section United States Fancy United States No. 1 United States No. 1 Mixed Color United States No. 2 Unclassified Honey, Shallow- frame Comb United States Fancy United States No. 1 Unclassified - - "luntry , wrapped Cut-Comb United States Fancy United States No. 1 - - - loney, onunK or Bulk Comb United States Fancy United States No. 1 Unclassified - --- loney, Extracted U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or Substandard - aple Sirup for Re-Processing U.S. Grade AA (Fancy) Maple Sirup for Re-Processing U.S. Grade A Maple Sirup for Re-Processing U.S. Grade B Maple Sirup for Re-Processing U.S. Grade C Maple Sirup for Re-Process-! r^g Unclassified Maple Sirup for aple, Sirup, Table U.S. Grade AA (Fancy) Table Maple Sirup U.S. Grade A Table Maple Sirup U.S. Grade B Table Maple Sirup Unclassified Table Maple Sirup Sugarcane U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard Substandard - ;finers' Sirup U.S. Fancy or U.S. Grade A Refiners' Sirup U.S. Choice or U.S. Grade B Refiners' Sirup —-- U.S. Extra Stand¬ ard or U.S. Grade C Refiners' Sirup U.S. Standard or U.S. Grade D Refiners' Sirup U.S. Sub¬ standard or U.S. Grade E Refiners' oUrcane oilup U.S. Grade A or J.S. Fancy ----- U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or J.S. Standard Substandard Miscellaneous Processed Products lphured lerries U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade D or Seconds U.S. Combination Grade LV6 Oil U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Choice U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard U.S. Grade D or * " “o y od.1 U ired Oil Coated U.S. No. 1 Unclassified - vet), processed eilian Style rut Butter U.S. No. 1 U.S. Grade A Unclassified - - atoes, Peeled U.S. Grade A or U.S. Fancy U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard Off-grade Substandard - tt-raut, Bulk U.S. Grade A (First Quality) U.S. Grade C (Second Quality) Off-grade (Substandard) - --- 19 GRAIN (Including Soybeans) Product Grade Names Barley (Barley, Malting Barley, Blue Malting Barley, Western Barley, and Mixed Barley) 1 Note: Only Malt (Special g Two-rowed, Western, E Weevily, I 2 Grades N ing Barle rades, wh Choice M right Wes Ergoty, B1 3 o. 1, 2, an y- en applicat alting Two- tern, Stain eached) 4 d 3 apply le, are Te rowed We si ed Westerr 5 to Malting st Weight ,ern, Malti l, Blighted Sample Grade Barley an Western, 1 ng Two-row , Smutty, d Blue ough, ed Garlicky, Corn (Yellow corn. White corn, Mixed corn) 1 (Special corn, Wee^ 2 grades, wh /ily corn) 3 en applieaE 4 )le, are F: 5 Lint com. Sample Grade Flint and Dent Flaxseed 1 2 Sample grade - - - - Grain, Mixed Mixed Grain (Special Weevily, Sample grade Mixed Grain grades, wE Blighted, ien applica' Treated) lie, are T Dugh, Smut ty, Ergoty Garlicky, Grain Sorghums (White, Yellow, Red, Brown, Mixed) 1 (Special colored G 2 grades, wl rain SorgE 3 ien applical lums, Weevi 4 ble, are B ly Grain S Sample grade right Grai orghums, S n Sorghums mutty Grai Dis- n SorgEiums) Oats (White oats. Red oats. Gray oats, Black oats, Mixed oats) 1 (Special Heavy Oat Oats, Erg 2 grades, wE s, Tough oty Oats, 3 ien applica Bats, Thin Garlicky 0 4 ble, are B Oats, Blea ats) Sample grade right Oats ched Oats, , Heavy 0a Weevily 0 ts. Extra ats. Smutty Rye 1 (Special Weevily, 2 grades, w Ergoty) 3 ien applica 4 ble, are F Sample grade lump, Toug h. Smutty, Garlicky, Soybeans (Yellow, Green, Brown, Black, and Mixed) 1 (Special 2 grades, w 3 ben applica 4 ble, are C Sample grade iarlicky, A feevily) Wheat (Hard Red Spring Wheat, Durum Wheat, Red Durum Wheat, Hard Red Winter Wheat, Soft Red Winter Wheat, White Wheat, Mixed Wheat) 1 Heavy (applies only to Hard Red Spring Wheat) 1 | 2 I 3 | 4 | 5 1 - (Special grades, when applicable, are Tough, Smutty, Garlicky, Weevily, Ergoty, Treated) 20 GRAIN Beans, Peas, and Rice Product eans (including Pea beans. Medium white beans, Marrow beans. Great North¬ ern beans, Small white beans. Flat small white beans, Large white beans. White kidney beans. Light red kidney beans, Dark red kidney beans. Western red kidney beans, Yelloweye beans. Old Fashioned yelloweye beans. Small red beans, Pink beans, Bayo beans, Mung beans, Blackeye beans, Cranberry beans, Pinto beans, Large lima beans. Baby lima beans, Miscellaneous lima beans Miscellaneous beans, Mixed beans) ntils as, Dry is. Split e. Rough (Rexoro, Patna, lue Bonnet, Nira, Fortuna, lue Rose, Magnolia, Zenith, alrose, Early Prolific, Pearl, ixed) ough rice) Grade Names U.S. No. 1 U.S. U.S. U.S. Sub- U.S. No. 2 No. 3 standard Sample Grade Special grades: U.S. Extra No. l--applies only to Baby, Large, and Miscellaneous lima beans. Choice handpicked and handpicked: applies to all beans except Blackeye Cranberry, Baby lima. Large lima. Miscellaneous lima, and Mixed beans. High moisture and Off-color: applies to all beans when applicable. U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. Sample grade U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Sample grade ^Special grades, wnen applicable, are Large peas and Small'peas) U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 3 U.S. Sample grade chips) 31 gradeS ' Wh0n applicable ' are Winter split peas and Split pea U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 3 U.S. No. 4 U.S. No. 5 U.S. No. 6 iSSvUK 6 ;; apPli0able ’ "e Dmp rough rice end U.S. Sample grade rewers) as for U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 3 U.S. No. 4 as , plus and U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 3 U.S. No. 4 U.S. Sample grade U.S. No. 5 U.S. No. 6* (Special grades, when applicable, are Unpolished milled rice. Parboiled milled rice. Coated milled rice) Sample grade |es not apply to Second Head, Screenings, and Brewers milled rice.) 21 GRAIN Hay and Straw Product Hay (Alfalfa and Alfalfa Mixed; Cowpea and Cowpea Mixed; Grass; Grain, Wild Oat, Vetch, and Grain Mixed; Johnson and Johnson Mixed; Lespedeza and Lespe- deza Mixed; Mixed; Peanut and Peanut Mixed; Prairie; Soy¬ bean and Soybean Mixed; Timothy and Clover.) Straw Grade Names U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 3 U.S. Sample Grade (Special grades, when applicable, are Extra leafy ;ay, Leafy Hay, Extra Green Hay, Green Hay, Coarse Hay, Fine Hay, and Stemmy Hay) U.S. No. 1 U. S. No. 2 U. S. Sample Grade (Special grades are Straight Rye Straw, Straw, Chaffy Straw. ) Long Rye LIVESTOCK, MEAT, AND WOOL (Including Hides and Skins) Product IDES Cattle Hides Butcher & Country Green Salted (tentative grades) Calfskins and Green Salted Kips (tentative grades) VE ANIMALS Cattle Bulls Stags No. 1 No. 1 Choice Steers, Heifers, and Cows* Vealers and Calves r eeder & Stocker Jattle (tentative ;rades) Cows Choice Prime Prime Heifers Steers ambs and Sheep Lambs Fancy Fancy Fancy Sheep Yearlings vine Barrows and Gilts Sows ief. Calf, & ial Bull Prime Choice Prime U. S. No. 1 U.S. No. 1 Stag Steer, Heifer, and Cow** Choice Choice No. 2 No. 2 Good Good Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice Good Choice U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 2 Prime Good Good Choice Grade Names No. 3 Reject No. 3 No. 4 Commercial Commercial Good Utility Utility Standard Cutter Canner Cutter Good Good Good Good Good Standard Commercial Utility Medium Medium Medium Common Common Common Utility Good Utility Cull Utility U.S. No. 3 U.S. No. 3 Medium Cull Cull Commercial Commercial Veal and Calf nb and Mutton Lamb button fearling Mutton 'k Prime Prime Choice iarrows and Gilts 'OWS Prime Choice Choice Good Good Medium Cull Cull Utility Utility Standard Good Good U.S. No. 1 U.S. No. 1 Choice U.S. No. 2 U.S. No. 2 Utility Good U.S. No. 3 U.S. No. 3 °S:. grade - Cutter Cutter Commercial Standard Utility Cull Utility Utility Cull Medium Medium Cull Cull Cull Canner Utility Cutter Cull Inferior Inferior Inferior Canner Canner Canner Utility Cutter Cull Canner 23 LIVESTOCK, MEAT, AND WOOL (Including Hides and Skins) Product Grade Names MOHAIR (proposed grades) Grade 40's Grade 36's Grade 32 's Grade 28 's Grade 24's Grade 20' s Grade 16's - - - - - - - WOOL Grease Wool Grade 80' s or Fine Grade 70's or Fine Grade 64' s or Fine Grade 60 's or 4 Blood Grade 58's or 4 Blood Grade 56's or | Blood Grade 50's or k Blood Grade 48's or 4 Blood Grade 46' s or Low Blood Grade 44' s or Common Grade 40's or Braid Grade 36's or Braid - - Wool Top Grade 80 's Grade 70's Grade 64 's Grade 62's Grade 60's Grade 58's Grade 56 's Grade 54's Grade 50's Grade 48's Grade 46's Grade 44's Grade 4Q's Grade 36'6 24 POULTRY AND POULTRY PRODUCTS (Including Rabbits) Product lell Eggs, consumer grades .ell Eggs, wholesale grades Grade Names Fresh Fancy Quality or U.S. Grade AA* ell Eggs, procurement grades '11 Eggs, export grades ltry, Live (chickens, rkeys, ducks, geese, ineas, pigeons) ltry. Dressed and Ready-to- ek (chickens, turkeys, ducks, ~ se > guineas, pigeons) Resale and consumer grades >its. Domestic, Ready-to- >k U.S. Spe¬ cial _ Sec. it. Appropriation authorized_ " _ " ~ Department of Agriculture Organic Act of 1944 Sec 302 fhi ~e Sec liP 7 Pl A^r by T Conservation Service to other GovernmeSactivtes 3 Sec. 7. Agricultural conservation policy and State plans activities. 3 Sec. 8. Payments and grants of aid_ " ” Agricultural Act of 1954. Sec. 503. No limitation upon number of terms of county committees members_ . 01 lerms Department of Agriculture Organic Act ofT956.”Sec'"6’(b)'~’’Pa'vments Pubhc Law 85 U 278 and ^ and ^-conserving practices 8 Naval stores conservation program_”111 _' “ ~ Public Law 85-25. Deferred grazing program. _ ” Sec. 9. Surveys, investigations, and reports H Sec. 10. Agricultural commodity” defined }. Sec. 11. Availability of funds_ _ __ ~ 14 tin' E x P an + s . ion °f markets and'crop insurance a’d’vance' \\ AdminSSr . P ° , ' er ’ ° f SeCretMy by production an: Marketing Sec. 14. Finality of payments. _I. ^ til' /A pp T r ? p ™*\ on au thorization and allocating of funds « Sec. 16 a . Limitation on obligations incurred... ..... - Sec. 16 (b). Great Plains Conservation Program ------- 1/ Sec. 17. Scope of Act and definition of “State”_111111 I ig PART II. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED Sec. 1. Short title_ Sec. 2. Declaration of policy_ _ ~~~ 21 Titlk II. Adjustments in Freight Rates, New Uses and Markets, and Disposition of Surpluses til' 909‘ xT djUStmentS freight rates for f arm products . 21 reseSch Ub„,ato,ie“ d marle * S for fa ™ "ommodiitalS£,Sa — — — — __ — _ 22 Title III. Loans, Parity Payments, Consumer Safe¬ guards, Marketing Quotas, and Marketing Cer¬ tificates SUBTITLE A. DEFINITIONS, PARITY PAYMENTS, AND CONSUMER SAFEGUARDS Sec. 301. Definitions.. ieTlTrltt piymtL '“ty and .a^ ' g Sec. 304. Consumer safeguards 32 --- 32 III IV CONTENTS PART II. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED—Continued Title III. Loans, Parity Payments, Consumer Safe¬ guards, Marketing Quotas, and Marketing Cer¬ tificates— Continued SUBTITLE B. MARKETING QUOTAS Part I. Marketing Quotas—Tobacco page 32 Sec. 311. Legislative finding-- — —-- « Sec. 312. National marketing quota and referendum--- Act of March 31, 1955. Sec. 1. Burley tobacco acreage allotment - 34 Sec 313. Apportionment of marketing quota and acreage allotments----- Act of March 31, 1944. Minimum farm acreage aUotm^t, Burley tobacco Act of July 12, 1952. Minimum farm acreage allotment, for lJob and subsequent crops of Burley tobacco-- Act of March 2, 1956. Burley tobacco, increase in .950 farm acreage ^ Act^of'March 2,1956. Fire-cuied and dark air-cured tobacco, increase in ^ Act'o'f March 1956. Maryland tobacco, increase in 1956 farm acreage ^ allotments—-- 40 lec! 315. Farm acreage allotments for Virginia fire- and sun-cured tobacco. Part II. Acreage Allotments—Corn 43 Sec. 321. Legislative finding-.---- 44 Sec. 326. Adjustment of farm marketing quotas -- Sec. 327. Proclamations of commercial corn-producing area- ^ Sec. 328. Acreage allotment- ..... - , Sec. 329. Apportionment of acreage allotment- _- Sec. 330. Nonestablishment of acreage allotments- Part III. Marketing Quotas—Wheat 46 Sec. 331. Legislative findings....-•-----■-;;- 47 Sec. 332. Proclamations of supplies and allotments- 47 Sec. 333. National acreage allotment---- - -„fw"and Act of July 14,1953. Sec. 4. Minimum 1954 wheat acreage allotment and ^ 1954 referendum -.----- 1 "ZZ.ZZ.I 47 Sec 334. Apportionment of national acreage allotment-- -- Act of February 28, 1945. Effect of production of war crops, or milita . ^ »:s. s...-, ;i M. ::: . » Act of^May^fk 1941. ' Marketing quotas and farm marketing excess- 54 Sec. 336. Referendum-.------ 57 Sec. 337. Adjustment and suspension of quotas- 5g Sec. 338. Transfer of quotas- Part IV. Marketing Quotas—Cotton 58 Sec. 341. Legislative findings- 59 Sec. 342. National marketing quota-"" 6 q lec 344 ^National''state,"county, and farm acreage allotments.- - Agricultural Act of 1956.' Sec. 303 (e) for 1956 crop, apportionment of ^ Act of March 29, 1949. Cotton acreages and yields in 1949 excluded tro g6 future allotment and yield computations-—-— 57 Sec. 345. Farm marketing quotas and farm marketing excess- 6g Sec. 346. Penalties- 68 Sec. 347. Extra long-staple cotton- CONTENTS PART II. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED—Continued Title III. Loans, Parity Payments, Consumer Safe¬ guards, Marketing Quotas, and Marketing Cer¬ tificates— Continued subtitle B. marketing quotas— continued Part V. Marketing Quotas—Rice Sec. 351. Legislative finding_ Sec. 352. National acreage allotment_ Sec. 353. Apportionment of national acreage allotment_ Sec. 354. Proclamation of quotas and conducting referendum Sec. 355. Farm marketing quota and farm marketing excess. Sec. 356. Penalties and storage_ Part VI. Marketing Quotas—Peanuts Sec. 357. Legislative findings_ Sec. 358; Proclamation of national quota, conducting'referendum" establishing acreage allotments_ Sec. 359. Marketing penalties_ and SUBTITLE C. ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Part I. Publication and Review of Quotas Application of provisions for publication and review of quotas Sec. 36*. Publication and notice of quota_ H _ ~ Sec. 363. Review by review committee_ Sec. 364. Review committee compensation_ Sec. 365. Institution of proceedings._ Sec. 366. Court review_I_~ o 6C ‘ ool' Pf ocee dings and exclusive jurisdiction_ oec. 3b8. Effect of increase on other quotas_ Part II. Adjustment of Quotas and Enforcement Sec. 371. General adjustment of quotas_ S ec - ^72. Payment, collection and refund of penalties Sec. 373. Reports and records_ ___ __ __ ~~ o ec - oli' Measurement of farms and repoit’of plantings Sec. 375. Regulations_ _ 6 "" Sec. 376. Court jurisdiction_ -------- -- S ec - 377. Preservation of unused acreage allotments’-’.' Sec. 378. Allotment pool for commodities for any land from which farmer is displaced by eminent domain___ u SUBTITLE E. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS AND APPROPRIATIONS Part I. Miscellaneous Sec. 383. Insurance of cotton and reconcentration of cotton Act of June 16, 1938. Reconcentration of cotton.. _ _ ' q' om finality of farmers’ payments and loans _ in contra ctK mptl ° n fr ° m laWS P rohibitin g interest of members of Congress i eC ' oo l' Photographic reproductions arid maps oec. 388. Utilization of local agencies. _ Sec. 389. Personnel_" Sec. 390. Separability_IIIIIII IIII I VI CONTENTS PART II. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED—Continued Title III. Loans, Parity Payments, Consumer Safe¬ guards, Marketing Quotas, and Marketing Cer¬ tificates— Continued subtitle e. miscellaneous provisions and appropriations— continued Past II. Appropriations and Administrative Expenses Sec. 391. Authorization for appropriations and advances for crop in¬ surance_ Sec. 392. Administrative expenses--- Sec. 393. Allotment of appropriations- PART III. SOIL BANK ACT Sec. 101. Short title- Sec. 102. Declaration of policy subtitle a. acreage reserve program Sec. 103. Terms and conditions- Sec. 104. Extent of participation in program- Sec. 105. Compensation of producers- Sec. 106. Effect on acreage allotments and quotas- SUBTITLE B. CONSERVATION RESERVE PROGRAM Sec. 107. Terms and conditions- Sec. 108. Conservation reserve goal----- Sec. 109. Authorized period of contracts and expenditures- Sec! 110. Termination and modification of contracts- Sec. 111. Conservation materials and services- Sec. 112. Effect on other programs- Sec. 113. Geographical applicability- 99 101 102 102 102 103 103 SUBTITLE C. GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 114. Compliance with acreage allotments- Sec. 115. Reapportionment prohibited - JYT Sec. 116. Certificate of claimant- in - Sec. 117. Utilization of local and State committees- Sec. 118. Utilization of other agencies--- Sec. 119. Utilization of land use capability data- Sec. 120. Financing- 106 Sec. 121. Finality of determinations- ftfi Sec. 122. Protection of tenants and sharecroppers- Sec. 123. Penalty for grazing or harvesting- Sec. 124. Regulations----r.-^.T-T-- 107 Sec 125. Production on government lands prohibited- Sec. 126. Pooling of conservation reserve land- — — —----------------- Sec. 127. Compensation for incorrect information furnished under 19ob Program- CONTENTS vn PART IV. PRICE SUPPORT, EXPORT AND SURPLUS REMOVAL SUBPART A. LEGAL HISTORY AND CHARTER OF COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION Sec. 2. Creation and purposes . I, 1 ® Sec. 3. Offices----- j 1 ® Sec. 4. General powers_ Sec. 5. Specific powers._ _ jjo S':?: ,11 Sec. 8. Use of funds by Corporation_1-11111.111111 ill Sec. 9. Board of directors and advisory board _ _ ~ ~ m Sec. 10. Personnel of Corporation_ n®' 1 }J' Cooperation with other Governmental agencies.~~ 115 Is Utilization °f associations and trade facilities """ llfi Sec. 13. Records, annual report _ _ _ ~ iir Sec. 14. Interest of Members of Congress"”!!!”"” n« Sec. 15. Crimes and offenses. __ _ _ . b iTn ?7 ^- ans , f U- of a ! s ® ts of Delaware”Corporation".!' , {7 « }1‘ J?L sso ! ut ion of Delaware Corporation.. }}« bee. 19. Release of Innocent Purchasers of Converted Goods..!.!!!! 118 SUBPART B. PRICE SUPPORT AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1949, AS AMENDED ion bee. 1. Short title_ _ __ .--- TITLE I. BASIC AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES Act of°j;,Iv28 e f a PP° r V 0r basi ? agricultural commodities_ 120 Sec. 102. Program for 1959 and lOfio"(cotSn)^- }g l“: !ol: Sirfffi* 1 ”' **<&££>-::: § Sec. 105. Price support (corn and feed’ grains)_!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 125 TITLE II. DESIGNATED NONBASIC AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES Se moffities PriCe SUPP ° rt f ° r designated n °nbasic agricultural com- Sec bl 2n9 a t! i pec i al Milk Program for Children!"!!! 126 Sec 202. Increasing the utilization of dairy products " - io« ° f I95 . 4 : Sec ' 204 ' »nd d£y product;. 27 Sec. 203. Price support for cottonseed and soybeans_ 127 TITLE III. OTHER NONBASIC AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES Spc‘ \°(y> p ri - Ce s,, PP or ! for other nonbasic agricultural commodities 128 ties. 8UPP ° rt f ° r St0rable nonbasic agricultural commSt 128 ~ -- — -- 128 TITLE IV. MISCELLANEOUS ® u PP?rt through CCC, factors to be considered in supporting nf r,rt o a P la ! Ce by-producers, date to be used in determining leve^ « “^o^VPPort* and Processor programs... ningievei bee. 402. Price support at increased level_”!!””!!!!- 130 VIII CONTENTS PART IV PRICE SUPPORT, EXPORT, AND SURPLUS REMOVAL—Continued subpart b. PRICE support— continued AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1949, AS AMENDED—Continued title iv. miscellaneous continued p a ge Sec 403. Adjustments for grade and other factors-------- - J30 Sec. 404. Utilization of CCC in section 32 and school lunch programs.. 130 Sec. 405. Nonrecourse loans- 131 Sec. 406. Advance announcement of price support level.- ---- - .„, Sec. 407. Restrictions on sales by Commodity Credit Corporation- J32 Sec. 408. Definitions--- ,34 Sec 412. Determinations by the Secretary -.- Sec. 413. When price support provisions effective -- {2- Sec. 414. Repeal of section 302 of Agricultural Adjustment Act. 13o Sec 416 Disposition of commodities to prevent waste- Public Law 85-683. Flour and cornmeal donations- {22 Sec. 417. Loans to construct storage structures- Sec. 420. Price support for cottonseed- AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1954--.---- 138 TITLE I. SET ASIDE OF AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES 138 Sec. 101. Commodity set-aside---- m Sec. 102. Maximum value of set-aside- 138 Sec. 103. Disposition of set-aside- 139 Sec. 104. Rotation of stocks- ion Sec. 105. Exclusion of set-aside from carry-over - 140 Sec. 106. Records and accounts- - -- Sec. 107. Payment for commodities transferred to stockpile- TITLE VI. AGRICULTURAL ATTACHES Sec. 601. Acquiring information regarding competition and demand ^ for agricultural products- TITLE VII. NATIONAL WOOL ACT OF 1954 141 Sec. 701. Short title.- 141 Sec. 702. Policy of Congress--- 141 Sec. 703. Price support for wool and monair- —- _ Sec. 704. Payments as a means of price support- Spp 705 Appropriation to cover payments -- — r - Sec. 70fi! Adjustments for grade and other factors and determinations ^ by Secretary- 143 Sec 707. Marketing year- 143 Sec. 708. Advertising and sales promotion P ro grams—- 144 Sec. 709. Amendments to the Agricultural Act of 1949- 1 4 .^ AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1956--- TITLE II. SURPLUS DISPOSAL . 145 Sec. 201. Program of orderly liquidation--- 146 Sec. 202. Extra-long staple cotton..- ——-- 146 Sec. 206. Transfer of bartered materials to supplemental stockpile. — ^ Sec! 207. Surplus disposal administrator-- 14 g Sec. 209. Commission to recommend legislation providing for increased industrial use of agricultural products.— - - Sec 210. Donation to penal and correctional institutions— — — Sec 211 Federal irrigation, drainage, and flood-control projects- CONTENTS IX PART IV. PRICE SUPPORT, EXPORT, AND SURPLUS REMOVAL—Continued subpart b. price support— continued GENERAL FISCAL STATUTES Act of March 8, 1938, as amended_ Sec. 1. Appraisal of assets and liabilities_ Sec. 2. Excess net worth_ Sec. 4. Borrowing power_ Sec. 5. Taxation_ Act of July 16, 1943. Sec. 3. Federal Reserve Banks as fiscal agents_ LOANS AND ADVANCES TO DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended. Sec. 391 (c). Crop insurance premium and conservation materials advances_ Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act, 1950. Classing or grading without charge for producers obtaining price Support- Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act, 1952. Classingor grading without charge—reimbursement_ Agricultural Act of 1954. Sec. 204. Brucellosis eradication Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act, 1959. Diseases of~An"im~a~ls and Poultry_ Page 151 151 151 152 153 153 154 154 154 154 155 MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION STATUTES Act of July 16, 1943. Sec. 4. Reimbursement by other agencies_ Public Law 85-96. Transfer of stockpile cotton.. Agricultural Act of 1958. Sec. 505. Cotton for colleges IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Act of April 6, 1949. Sec. 2. Furnishing feed and seed in major disasters Act of September 30, 1950. Providing assistance in major disasters_ 1 ublic Law 85-312. Claims arising under emergency feed programs_ Act of August 11, 1939. Sale to foreign governments_ Act of July 3, 1956. Grain for migratory waterfowl_ 19o9 Appropriation Act. Administrative expense limitation_ Act of June 30, 1949, as amended. Sec. 602. Exemption "from Federal Property and Administrative Services Act_ Department of Agriculture Organic Act of 1944. Sec." 402". " Reimburse¬ ment of procurement costs_ Internal Revenue Code of 1954. Secs. 77~and"ldl6." ’ Treatment "of"com¬ modity credit loans for income tax purposes. Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. Sec. 383"""insurance of"cotton'a'nd reconcentration of cotton_ Taft Anti-Inflation Law. Sec. 7. Stimulation of foreign production. Other Principal Statutes Applicable to Commodity Credit Corporation'll 156 156 156 157 157 158 158 160 161 161 161 161 162 162 162 SUBPART C—EXPORT AND SURPLUS REMOVAL AGRICULTURAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT AND ASSISTANCE Sec. 1. Short title_ Sec. 2. Policy of Congress 164 164 164 TITLE I. SALES FOR FOREIGN CURRENCY Sec. 101 . Sec. 102 . Sec. 103. Sec. 104. Sec. 105. Sec. 106. Sec. 107. Sec. 108. Sec. 109. Sale of surplus commodities for foreign currencies_ Use of Commodity Credit Corporation stocks and funds Appropriation to reimburse CCC_ Use of foreign currencies_ Deposit of foreign currencies_ Definition of surplus agricultural commodities_ Definition of friendly nation_ Report to Congress_ Expiration date_ 165 166 166 167 170 170 170 171 171 X CONTENTS PART IV PRICE SUPPORT, EXPORT, AND SURPLUS REMOV AL—Con turned SUBPART c—EXPORT AND SURPLUS REMOVAL—Continued AGRICULTURAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT AND ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1954—Continued TITLE II. FAMINE RELIEF AND OTHER ASSISTANCE pgge Sec. 201. Transfer of Commodity Credit Corporation surplus com- ^ modities to friendly nations--- 171 Sec. 202. Transfers on a grant basis--j.. 171 Sec. 203. Limitation on value of commodities transferred. 172 Sec. 204. Expiration date- TITLE III. GENERAL PROVISIONS 172 is a m the U. S. S. R- ----7 ---- 173 Sec. 305. Indentification of packages.-.-. SEC. 32 AND RELATED STATUTES: ___ 174 Act of 2 J < une l 28, 1C 1937^ Purchase of commodities for utilization under ^ Agricultural Act 1M9." 404 ' Utilization orCommodiiy Credit ^ Pnrnoration in section 32 and school lunch prograrns__-■ ■ Act of^August 11, 1939. Purchase and distribution of fishery products. 1 - 6 Act of September 6, 1958. Sec. 9. Donations of surplus commodities ^ Department oT ^'interior Appropriation" Act’ 'i»' ' Distribution ^ of food in trust territories of Pacific---. INTERNATIONAL WHEAT AGREEMENT ACT OF 1949--------- lee! 2. Makinpwheat and flour available under the International ^ Sec^ 3 ea Other e artfon and issuance of rules and regulations... ------ 180 Act of August 1, 1953. Sec. 2. References to International Wheat ^ Agreement deemed to include revised agreement —m'/". Act of August 3, 1956. Sec. 2. References ^ International Wheat ^ Agreement deemed to include 1956 agreement- PART V FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE ACT, AS AMENDED 184 Sec. 501. Short title-- 184 Sec 502. Declaration of purpose-----184 Sec. 503. Creation of “Federal Crop Insurance Corporation- }| 4 Sec. 504. Capital stock.....-—- 184 Sec. 505. Management of Corporation-- 185 Sec. 506. General powers- 186 Sec. 507. Personnel- 187 Sec. 508. Crop insurance-_--- !89 Sec. 509. Indemnities exempt from levy- 190 Sec. 510. Deposit of funds---- 19 0 Seo. 511. Tax exemption —-- -- 190 Sec. 512. Fiscal agent of Government-- 190 Sec. 513. Accounting by Corporation-...- 190 Sec. 514. Crimes and offenses.... 191 Sec. 515. Advisory committee-...-- 1 91 Sec. 516. Appropriations and regulations- 191 Sec. 517. Separability.-VVJ.... 1 9 1 Sec. 518. “Agricultural commodity defined- 191 Cilininai priwtaioM iqppiicabie"to" Federal Crop iMurance Corporation;I- 191 CONTENTS XI PART VI. SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED Sec. 1 . Short title_ Sec. 101 . Definitions_" ono o DDU x - 1 esti I nate of consumption in continental" United "States’" sec. Froration of quotas_ Consumption estimates and quotas for Hawaii and "Pue’r’to"Rico" Sec. 204. Proration of quota deficits_ Sec. 205. Allotments of quotas or prorations_ Sec. 206. Quotas for the calendar year 1948_ o 6C ' Hoc' f mo “ nt Quota to be filled by direct-consumption sugar. Sec. 208. Liquid sugar quotas_ 6 Sec. 209. Prohibited acts_””” " ”" Sec. 210 . Determinations in terms of raw’vafue""’.’ Sec. 211 . Exportation of sugar_" q 6C ' on?’ ^applicability of quota provisions_ c C ' o!o Conditions for payments to producers_’ bec - ooq Establishment of proportionate shares for farms " « C 'oo^' Acreage abandonment and crop deficiency payments "I" of®’ ont' Computation of payments and persons eligible for payments""" o' y;. se ?/ local committees and other agencies_ Sec. 306. Finality of determinations_ Sec. 307. Areas in which payments may be made_ Sec. 401. Personnel and expenditures_ Sec. 402. Authorized annual appropriation_ q C ‘ frw' ® ec r e tarv to issue regulations and determinations Sec. 404. Jurisdiction of courts to enforce Act Sec. 405. Penalties_ ”” « 6C ‘ Obtaining of"information by Secretary"."”11""I " " 2?®' Inc Prohibition against speculation by members of" Department ^ 6C ‘ Inn g us P ensl °n of quotas or payments c 6C ' iVn burve - vs > and investigations, and hearings Sec. 410. Surveys and investigations, generally_ o C ‘ Secretary authorized to issue regulations Sec. 412. Termination of Act_ ___ Sec. 413. Effective date of Act__ ” ” Sec. 4501. Sec. 4502. Sec. 4503. Sec. 4504. Sec. 6412. Sec. 6418. Sec. 6511. Sec. 7240. INTERNAL REVENUE CODE-CHAPTER II-SUGAR Imposition of tax Definitions_ Exemptions for sugar manufactured for home consumption.. Import tax imposed as tariff duty... _ ......_ Floor stocks refunds_ Livestock feed, distillation of alcohol, and exportation "refundsI limitations on credit or refund_ Penalty for officials investing or speculating in sugar_ PART VII. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 1937: Section 1. Reenactment of provisions of Agricultural Adjustment Act. W Sec. 1. Declaration of emergency_ (b) Sec. 2. Declaration of policy_ (c) Sec. 8a (5), (6), (7), (8), and (9). Violations and enforce¬ ment_ (d) Sec. 8b. Marketing agreements_ (e) Sec. 8c. Orders_ (1) Orders_” ”1111" I (2) Commodities to which applicable_ (3) Notice and hearing_ (4) Finding and issuance of order_ ”111111" (5) Terms—milk and its products_ (6) Terms—other commodities_ (7) Terms common to all orders_ Page 195 195 197 197 200 200 201 203 203 204 205 205 205 206 206 207 208 208 209 210 210 210 210 210 211 211 211 212 212 212 212 212 213 213 213 214 215 215 215 215 216 216 217 217 218 218 219 219 219 220 220 220 221 222 224 XII CONTENTS PART VII. MISCELLANEOUS LAWS—Continued AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 1937 Con. Section 1. Reenactment of provisions of Agricultural Adjustment—Con. ^ (e) Sec. 8c. Orders—Continued (8) Orders with marketing agreement--- tjP, (9) Orders with or without marketing agreement.... (10) Manner of regulation and applicability- "" (11) Regional application----- 997 (12) Cooperative association representation-- (13) Retailer and producer exemption- ",' (14) Violation of order- - - 998 (15) Petition by handler and review ..--- 99 X (16) Termination of orders and marketing agreements- (17) Provisions applicable to amendments-- (18) Milk prices- ~, n (19) Producer referendum------ (f) Sec. 8d. Books and records-------- (s) Sec. 8e. Restrictions on imported commodities —------- ™ 9 (h) Sec. 10 (a), (b), (2), (c), (f), (g), (h), and (l). Miscellaneous 232 (i) Sec. 12 (a) and (c). Appropriation and administrative ex- ^ penses--- 99 r (j) Sec. 14. Separability of provisions.-.. (k) Sec. 22. Imports-. 238 Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1951.---" ^ Sec. 2. Amendments to Agricultural Adjustment Act- Sec. 3. Arbitration of disputes concerning milk... Sec. 4. Agreements, etc., unaffected.-.- ----- -r Sec. 5. Taxes under Agricultural Adjustment Act; provisions un- ^ affected- : - 241 Defense^Productki'n Act'oYlOSO-Sec." 7i'7'(d)'.“ Reco'verVactions by ^ producers_ NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH ACT: 243 Sec. 1. Short title- 243 Sec. 2. Declaration of policy..---- 243 Sec. 3. Appropriations authorized- ^ Sec. 4. Apportionments to States- 244 Sec. 5. Nonfood assistance- 9 , 4 Sec. 6 . Direct federalexpenditures- 245 Sec. 7. Payments to States- 245 Sec. 8 . State disbursement to schools----- Sec. 9. Nutritional and other program requirements- Sec. 10. Nonprofit private schools. -- 947 Sec. 11. Miscellaneous provisions and definitions- ACT OF DECEMBER 20, 1944—compromising, adjusting, or canceling DEBTS...... PART VIII DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION APPROPRIATION ACT, 1959 TITLE I—REGULAR ACTIVITIES 950 Great Plains Conservation Program....---.-. “50 Agricultural Conservation Program- 952 School Lunch Program---. Soil Bank Programs: 252 Conservation Reserve Program- 9 j . 9 Acreage Reserve Program.... Commodity Stabilization Service: . o-o Acreage Allotments and Marketing Quotas- 253 Sugar Act Program--- Federal Crop Insurance Corporation: 2 =o Operating and Administrative Expenses- CONTENTS XIII TITLE II-CORPORATIONS Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Fund Commodity Credit Corporation: Page 253 Restoration of Capital Impairment_ Limitation on Administrative Expenses 253 253 TITLE IV—GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 401. Purchase of motor vehicles_ _ ocj. Sec. 402. Employment of aliens_ IIIIIIIIIII I " 254 Sec. 403. Funds available for uniforms or allowances_ _ 254 Sec. 404. Predicting prices of cotton_" 954 Sec. 405. Purchase of twine_ __ ' 9 r,, Sec. 406. Contracting_ _ ~ ~~~ 254 Sec. 407. Expenditure of funds for publicity with respect to legislation_ 254 SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED EXPLANATORY NOTE Sections 1 to 6, which were enacted April 27, 1935 (49 Stat. 163), vested certain powers in the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to the control and prevention of soil erosion and provided for the boil Conservation Service to be established as the agency to exercise such ^Sections 7 to 17 were enacted February 29, 1936 (49 Stat. 1148), to replace, in part, certain provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (of 1933) which were invalidated by the Supreme Court on January 6,1936. Section 17 provides that the entire Act may be cited as the “Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. L nder the agricultural conservation program formulated pursuant to sections 7 to 17 of the Act, farmers are assisted through payments and grants of aid in carrying out approved soil and water conservation measures. Section 16 (b) was enacted August 7,1956 (70 Stat. 1115), to provide specifically for a conservation program in the States of the Crreat Plains. The authority of the Secretary to carry out the program on a national basis was originally limited by section < (a) to a period of 2 years, during which time it was expected that a majority of the States would enact legislation relating to State plans as provided for in section 7 of the Act. About half of the States have enacted the necessary legislation, and the Congress has extended from time to time the Secretary’s authority to administer the program on a national basis. Under the amendment included in this compilation, the Secre¬ tary’s authority expires December 31,1962. XIV PART I SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, 1 AS AMENDED AN ACT To provide for the protection of land resources against soil erosion, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled , That it is hereby recognized that the wastage of soil and moisture resources on farm, grazing, and forest lands of the Nation, resulting from soil erosion, is a menace to the national welfare and that it is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress to provide permanently for the control and prevention of soil erosion and thereby to preserve natural resources, control floods, prevent impairment of reservoirs, and maintain the navigability of rivers and harbors, protect public health, public lands and relieve unemployment, and the Secretary of Agriculture, from now on, shall coordinate and direct all activities with relation to soil erosion and m order to effectuate this policy is hereby authorized, from time to time— ’ (1) To conduct surveys, investigations, and research relating to the character of soil erosion and the preventive measures needed, to pub¬ lish the results of any such surveys, investigations, or research, to dis¬ seminate information concerning such methods, and to conduct demon- strational projects m areas subj'ect to erosion by wind or water: (2) I o carry out preventive measures, including, but not limited to, engineering operations, methods of cultivation, the growing of vege¬ tation, and changes m use of land; B B ■ i 3 ^ T ? co °perate or enter into agreements with, or to furnish finan¬ cial or other aid to, any agency, governmental or otherwise, or any person, subject to such conditions as he may deem necessary, for the purposes of this Act; and y ’ •i 4 ) T ° ac q ui . re lands or rights or interests therein, by purchase, ffthis” acHw u.’ac sSoIT wheneTer necessary for the purposes LANDS ON WHICH PREVENTIVE MEASURES MAT BE TAKEN foSed- TIW ^ authorized in section 1 (1) and (2) may be per- it S < ai.2. I )i an if t l, 0 T? ed ° r con ‘F olled by the United States or any o( them™ and he coo P eratlon of ‘he agency having jurisdiction 1 Approved April 27, 1935, 49 Stat. 163. 1 2 SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED (b) On any other lands, upon obtaining proper consent or the necessary rights or interests in such lands. (16 U. b. C. 5 JUD .) BENEFITS FOR NON-GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED LANDS Sec. 3. As a condition to the extending any benefite under this Act to any lands not owned or controlled by the Lmted States or any of to agendes, the Secretary of Agriculture may, insofar as he may deem necessary for the purposes of this Act, requue (1) The enactment and reasonable safeguards for the enforcemen of State and local laws imposing suitable permanent restActions on the use of such lands and otherwise providing for the prevention of S °^(2) Agreements or covenants as to the permanent use of such lands, an ?3) Contributions in money, services, materials, or otherwise, to any operations conferring such benefits. (16 U. b. oJUC.; personnel Sec. 4. For the purposes of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture ma m Secure the cooperation of any governmental agency 5 (2) Subiect to the provisions of the civil-service laws and the [L las sification Act of 1949], appoint and fix the compensation of such offb cers and employees as he may deem necessary, except for a period not to exceed eight months from the date of this enactment, the Secre¬ tary of Agriculture may make appointments and may continue em¬ ployees of the organization heretofore established for the purpose of administering those provisions of the National Industrial Recov ery Act which relate to the prevention of soil erosion, without regar the civil-service laws or regulations and the Classification Act, as amended; and any person with technical or practical knowledge m, be employed and compensated under this Act on a basis to be dete - mined by the Civil Service Commission; and f (3) Make expenditures for personal services and rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, for the purchase of lawbooks and books of reference, for printing and binding, for the purchase, option, and maintenance of passenger-carrying vehicles, and peifoim ud acts, and prescribe such regulations, as he may deem proper to carry out the provisions of this Act. (16 U. S. C. 590d.) ESTABLISHMENT OF SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE Sec. 5. The Secretary of Agriculture shall establish an agency to be known as the “Soil Conservation Service,” 2 to exercise the powers conferred on him by this Act and may utilize the organization hereto¬ fore established for the purpose of administering those provisions of sections 202 and 203 of the National Industrial Recovery Act which June 30, 1940, 5 F. R. 2421, 54 Stat. 1235, 5 U. S. C. 133t note. SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED 3 relate to the prevention of soil erosion, together with such personnel thereof as the Secretary of Agriculture may determine, and all unex¬ pended balances of funds heretofore allotted to said organization shall be available until June 30, 1937, and the Secretary of Agriculture shall assume all obligations incurred by said organization prior to transfer to the Department of Agriculture. In order that there may be proper coordination of erosion-control activities the Secretary of Agriculture may transfer to the agency created under this Act such functions, fimds, personnel, and property of other agencies in the Department of Agriculture as he may from time to time determine. (16 U. S. C. 590e.) APPROPRIATION AUTHORIZED Sec. 6. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated for the purposes of this Act such sums as Congress may from time to time determine to be necessary. Appropriations for carrying out this Act allocated for the production or procurement of nursery stock by any Federal agency, or funds appropriated to any Federal agency for allocation to cooperating States for the production or procurement of nursery stock, shall remain available for expenditure for not more than 3 fiscal years. (16 U. S. C. 590f.) [Department of Agriculture Organic Act of 1944. Sec. 302. (b) t he Soil Conservation Service may sell and distribute supplies, mate¬ rials, and equipment to other Government activities, the cost of such supplies and materials or the value of such equipment (including the cost of transportation and handling) to be reimbursed to appropria¬ tions current at the time additional supplies, materials, or equipment are procured from the appropriations chargeable with the cost or value ot such supplies, materials, or equipment, (16 U. S. C. 590q-l.) J AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION POLICY AND ENUMERATION OF PURPOSES Sec. 7. (a) It is hereby declared to be the policy of this Act also to secure, and the purposes of this Act shall also include, (1) preserva¬ tion and improvement of soil fertility; (2) promotion of the economic use and conservation of land; (3) diminution of exploitation and wasteful and unscientific use of national soil resources; (4) the protec¬ tion of rivers and harbors against the results of soil erosion in aid of maintaining the navigability of waters and water courses and in aid of flood control ; and (5) reestablishment, at as rapid a rate as the Secre- 1 • . grif i nlt, i n ; det ermmes to be practicable and in the general public interest, of the ratio between the purchasing power of the net income per person on farms and that of the income per person not on 1 P revail , ed , during the five-year period August 1909-July ^ L m n ClUS1 :; e ’ aS dimmed from statistics available in the United States Department of Agriculture, and the maintenance of such ratio The powers conferred under sections 7 to 14, inclusive, of this Act shall be used to assist voluntary action calculated to effectuate the purposes specified m this section. Such powers shall not be used to discourage the production of supplies of foods and fibers sufficient to — n n ? rma ^ domestic human consumption as determined by the * ° f d ° meStiC 1Uman consum P ti ^ m the 4 SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED vears 1920 to 1929, inclusive, taking into consideration increased popu- 5 quantities of any commodity that wereW mto consumption by decline in exports during such period, current trencis in domestic consumption and exports of particular commodities, anc the quantities of substitutes available for domestic consumption with¬ in any general class of food commodities. In carrying out th ® P^ r poses of this section due regard shall be given to the maintenance of a continuous and stable supply of agricultural c0 ^^XlSmere meet consumer demand at prices fair to both producers and consume . (16 U. S. C. 590g (a).) GRANTS TO STATES Cbl The Secretary of Agriculture shall cooperate with States, in the execution of State plan? to effectuate the purposes of thisi sscfaoih by making grants under this section to enable them to carry out such plans. (16 U. S. C. 590g (b).) SUBMISSION OF STATE PLANS (cl Any State which submits to the Secretary, prior to such time and intuch manner and form as the Secretary prescribes, a State plan to effectuate the purposes of this section shall be entided ^ payment, as provided in this section, for the year to which such plan is appli cable, if such plan is approved by the Secretary as provided in this section. (16 U. S. C. 590g (c).) REQUIREMENTS OF STATE PLANS (d) No such plan shall be approved unless by its terms: (1) It provides that the agency to administer the plan shall be qneh State agency as may be designated by the Secretary if such agency??^authorized byk State, or such other State agency as is authorized by the State and approved by the Secretary, (2) It provides for such methods of administration, a™* sue participation in the administration of the plan by countv and community committees or associations of agricultural producers ZL/for such purpose, as the Secretary finds necessary for the effective administration of the plan; and , / o\ T+- provides for the submission to the Secretary ot suen reports as P he feds necessaiy to ascertain whether the p an is bemg carried out according to its terms, and f °r compliance with such requirements as the Secretary may prescribe toa^ure the correctness of and make possible the verification of such reports. (16U. S. C. 590g (d).) APPROVAL OF STATE PLANS (e) Such plan shall be approved if the Secretary feds that there is a reasonableep> P acc0 mplishment in effectuating the P^rPO^ of this section will be brought about through the operation of such plan and the plans submitted by other States, and SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED 5 C 2 ) fl The operation of such plan will result in as substantial ?i Urth ?r? nCe ? f 1 Such accomplishment as may reasonably be achieved through the action of such State. (16 U. S. C. 590g (e).) ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR STATE PLANS shin afc/£ P f > \ al «^. any pl /“ for an y y car the Secretary shall allocate to such State such sum (not m excess of the maximum vSrras fi he e finds P n rSUanCe f subsection (s) for such State for such ffiuDon sh fi ,p d L^-|!l a ^L to c an7 ° Ut Sl l Gh P lan for such year, and lereupon shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury for r-avment State as the Secretary of Agriculture certifies IS designated m the plan, and the Secretary of the Treasury shall mv of |]!1‘ at "' nc -’' ™?: fourth of the amount so allocated. The remainder of the amount so allocated shall be similarly certified and oaid^n curb installments (payable prior to the end of the calendar yeC) as may paym“tie Seer? y-tallment shall be^ertified fo? 5 i. er-p i - 6 ? e 1 c 1 retar y °f Agriculture finds that, prior to the due State />c UCh ms tallment, there has been a substantial failure by the oMmfen ofthetl n 6 Plan , aCC °^ ding t0 its terms ’ that the 6 further Deration ot the plan according to its terms will not tend to effectuate mdL U !T SeS °, f - thl f s ,f tion - No amo unt shall be certified for pa™n^ nec^ary y fo U r C tbe n eff P 6nt ' n eX - CeSS ° f the amo,,nt the Secretary finds to 2 out of the plan during the period o winch the installment relates. (16 U. S. C. 590g (f) ) * APPORTIONMENT OF FUNDS FOR SUCCEEDING YEAR STATE PLANS (g) On or before November 1 of each year, the Secretary shall fnZT&trr"^ State Sy-efr XTb^yS ¥ of sections 7to It, authority op secretary to make payments or grants op aid DIRECTLY TO FARMERS ;.^.a : s£S£~sia: 6 SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED effectuation of such purposes by State the more effective accomplishment of*““1 conferred in this thereafter, the Secretary sha ' cserciaj tl P with ^ section during the period P nor ^, J i* n "“7stite after the effective date to farming operations commenced to section 7. No of a State plan for such Sta PP P^ al _ ]002, except with such powers shall be exercise * ,• f arm ing operations respect to payments or grants in T luring the period prior to -rried out prior'to fafthtulSteLtion as rapidly as adequate ShUelaws are enacted and satisfactory State plans are^submtt ^ standing the foregoing provisions of this sectm an^ , provisions of this section with resp<*to the State, county^ ^ committees of farmers shall continue in f • g c ‘ 90h poses other than the administration of State plan.. [ (a).) 3 BASIS FOR PAYMENTS AND GRANTS OF AID; LOCAL, COrNT b^ D STATE BASIS rORPAYME^ ; C0NSEKVATJ0N MATERIAL AND SERVICES th\ Snbiect to the limitations provided in subsection fa) °f tins sefLf$Secreta.y-hah have payments'cm grants of 'other aid' to agricultural producers mcludmg Sn°; e rva"d ( tie beJfiial use of w^onMividual farms, ponds g and a p?ovidto|?adliti^fV applying water to the land In Srl .ffpnTpfl b7the farming practices adopted during the year with SSSSfiSSSSMSSktt: SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED 7 sucb l° ca l area shall include more than one county or parts of different counties. Farmers within any such local administrative aiea, and participating or cooperating in programs administered within such area, shall elect annually from among their number a local committee of not, more than three members for such area and shall also elect annually from among their number a delegate to a county con¬ vention for the election of a county committee. The delegates 7 from ?i!( WriOUS i! OC f, areas 111 the count y shall, in a county convention, elect, annually, the county committee for the county which shall con¬ sist of three members who are farmers in the county. The local com¬ mittee shall select a secretary and may utilize the county agricultural extension agent for such purpose. The county committee fhall select such co t uJv Wh °- mf 5f be the county agricultural extension agent. If such county agricultural extension agent shall not have been elected secretary of such committee, he shall be ex officio a member of the county committee. The county agricultural extension agent shall not “ to vote. In any county in which there is Sly one local *t 6 f!‘ e ° C f ^mmittee shall also be the county committee In not S la be a State committee for the State composed of of t “ n r T m0re than - five farmers who are legal residents or the State and who are appointed by the Secretary TLo Qfnt toector of the Agricultural Extension efofflto a STS? r t° f SUch ? tate committee. The ex officio members of the munfv and State committees shall be in addition to the number of members of such committees hereinbefore specified. The Secretary shall mahe ofteXlt?” 8 “I T bating to the NM mal^ZSlbuti S o„ W sLn n n t*°h Pr0m ° ,e 6fficient methods'of or any rifh?orinterest P ° Wer t0 ac ^ uire an ? Iand protect the interests of small producer’s “and X£ ractlcable mani ?er, prYcSSer g^ shall be classified on two ££ U) M P racti f ble ’ the y (b) soil-building crops and practices , eP ' etmg CT ° PS and P racti “s, con^rratitM^maten^s c(msistin^^«f d ° f “ makin * liable liming and otherKS2°„ f ^s, seed moculante, fertilizers, mating available soil-conserving or otH™' pIants ' or in total producers under this sISfon be S6r ™ eS ’ *° a « ricu] - meuts, in advance of determine*™ of performancTbvTb 7 ^ W mshed to producers, £ who^^SSrela^TSi'"" 8 SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED Se C~Priations a., SSS £& SliSSlSSESi53H| El^^S||i5Sf=r=s 8 (h) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act as =ia c tajswsSM! ttS “"w r| -> terms lor wtrich nrenrlmm of om: ,,, o;r-. o r lished under such section may be reelected. (16 U b.L.oJUhi hi to be made in conformity with farming practices which will encourage J rZide for soil-building and soil- and water-conserving practices in the most practical and effective manner and adapted to com in the several States, as determined and approved by the State a mittees appointed pursuant to section 8 (b) of such Act, for the S ^ITOTiic Law 85-278 — That, notwithstanding the provisions of suh- sMrnYb) of section 8 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- section [ojoj committees shall he elected annually under such Zseftion ,for ZcounZTof Otter Tail , Polk, and Saint Louis in the State of Minnesota , and for the county of Pottawattamie , in the^ of Iowa , and that the actions heretofore or hereafter taken such committees shall he given the same effect in the area se,rved hy it as is given to the actions of the county committee in a county served hy a. single county committee .] 4 APPORTIONMENT OF ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS (cl (1) In apportioning acreage allotments under this f 6 ®* 1 ® 11 ™ the case of wheat and corn, the national and State allotments and th allotments to counties shall be apportioned annually on the^ baas o the acreage seeded for the production of the commodity during the ten calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year in whic * MateriaMn Italics added by Pub. L. 85-278. 71 Stat. 601. September 2. 1957. 16 U. S. C. 59 ?SeeTa'ge 49 for the Act of February 28, 1945. which provides for the effect of produc¬ tion of war crops, or military service, on allotments. SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED 9 the national acreage allotment is determined (plus, in applicable years, the acreage diverted under previous agricultural adjustment c^n d dh°- nSerVa ^? n p ™g rams )> with adjustments for abnormal weather crop-rotation practices, type of soil, a^d CgXC Not mLTS L p wl ? ? T °/, SUch C0 ! lnt y allotment shall Be apportioned to farms isrfs? ^s k E for any farm acquired in 1940 or thereafter bv the TTn^otfS+ f’ wheat has not been planted during any’of tKh^market 911 Wl ‘ 1Ch preceding the marketing year in which the al folTenTT^ 1 / y ? a n compare with the allotments established for f al1 5 s f C ) 3 ar except for the p“s ,n o, th ;s tioned WnuanTby X’WeterTttronSf f" be W>- among the farms within such county on thf bats „n?l ahr™ 1 ^’ type of sod, tonography, and crop-rotation practices ^ (!] ( Re Pealed by 53 Stat. 573, April 10,1939 ) ' thitLtLtt™ettfoT;rat y the shall be increased by $12, plus 10 per centum of the excess over $40; be increased by” 14 $ ; or n<>t m ° re th “ $186 ’ the sh “» increased°to $20o! $186 ^ tha " $2 °°’ the ^ , T . n , th ® case ° f Payments of more than $1, the amount of the pavment which shall be used to calculate the 40-, 20-, and 10-per-centiim in- creases under clauses (1), (2), and (3) shall not include that part if any, of the payment which is a fraction of a dollar ^ 1 ’ vpnl e ?l nnmg With the calendar year 1^39, no total payment for anv year to any person under such subsection (b) shall exceed $10,00(4 12 SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED In the case of payments made to any ^n^SUtS^eStori^ on account of performance on farms in different btates, lermo , or possessions, the $10,000 limitation shall apply to the total of th payCS for each State, Territory, or possess,on, for a year and not to the total of all such payments. . nr chare- Persons who carry out farming operations as tenants or share croppers on cropland owned by the United States Government and who comply with the terms and conditions of the conservation pro , ,, M formulated pursuant to sections 7 to 17, inclusive, of this Act, ^ amendeTshall be entitled to apply for and r^m payments or to retain payments heretofore made, for their participation in said pro gram toXTame extent as other producers. Persons Aonj* conservation practices on federally owned noncrop am ^ conserve or benefit nearby or adjoining private nersons and who maintain and use such Federal land under agreeme ^ with the Federal agency having jurisdiction thereof and ^ho comp with the terms and conditions of the apcultural conK^ation ^ro- p-ram formulated pursuant to sections 7 to 17 of this Act, as amended, K to entitled to apply for and receive payments Pft (.ram to the same extent as other producers. (16 U. S. ' auun ,e,., CHANGE BETWEEN LANDLORD AND TENANTS OR SHARECROPPERS AFFECTING LANDLORD’S payments m Any change in the relationship between the landlord and the tenants or sharecroppers, with respect to any farm, that ■wmdd crease over the previous year the amount of payments or grants oi other aid under subsection (b) that would otherwise be made to any landlord shall not operate to increase such payment or grant to such landlord Any reduction in the number of tenants below the ai^era number of tenants on any farm during the preceding tht would increase the payments or grants °*er «ud not he re- section that would otherwise be made to the landlord shall not he after operate to increase any such payment or grant to such landlord. Such limitations shall not‘apply if on investigation the local com¬ mittee finds that the change is justified andapprov^ such^hange in relationship or reduction. Such action of local committees shall be subject to approval or disapproval by State committees. (16 1.. . • 590h (f).) ASSIGNMENT OF PAYMENT (o-) A payment which may be made to a farmer under this section, may be assigned, without discount, by him m writing as security for 2 or advances to finance making a crop. Such assignment shall be signed bv the farmer and witnessed by a member of the county or other local committee, or by the treasurer or the secretary of such com¬ mittee and filed with the county agent or the county committee. Such assignment shall include the statement that the assignment is not made SvTsecure any preexisting indebtedness. This provision shall not Sdhome^y siSt against or impose any liability upon the Secre ary if payment to the. fanner is made without re- card to the existence of any such assignment, (16 U. b. C. ( g ).) SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED 13 [Naval Stores Conservation Program. —In administering flip naval stores conservation programs authorized in section 8 and in S -v mav milizp fl thereunder !, 0 £ um naval stores producers the Secre¬ tary may utilize the services of regional associations of such producers or any agency of the Government in lieu of the State, countv and progri^ifhTfiudJm Utlh ffl d in f th ? °- th . er a S r i cu ltural conservation programs it he hnds more efficient admimstration will result nnd tLp fo r ?sTn 1*°“°" 888 (b) of the Agricultural Adjustmen^Ac/of f ^ S a °therwise be applicable to the administration of said naval stores conservation programs. (16 U. S. C. 590h-l.)] 1 [Deferred Grading Program.—Public Law 85-25 — That notwith ^ding amj other provision of law , in connection with any major d anTe Z the FedZdr determined H President to warrant assist- f l edera } Government under Public Law 875 , Eighty-first C o f thTaZi ? mended ' f t e P 1 resident is authorized and directed as part of the assistance provided pursuant to such Act to formulate and carry out, through the facilities of the Department of Agriculture a t f Zfj r T7 g w T n shaW indude olliSdme or any needed combination thereof , in any countv a-Rprtefl hi, on i naHve r rZZdZ!d f driculture determines gracingof and finds^hatfimited^df 101 ( actor . m agricultural production, vriatefnr ih! lifii • 7 de f erred gazing is necessary and appro- S r ' 7 f le reestablishment or conservation of grass for qrazinn enactment of HisAct. ° “ five years after the date °f tfilluL The PJ°9 ra ™ shal1 provide for payment for deferred arasina from the deferred mZfio ldJf ' ter / , mmd J h i t a shift of livestock unit shall not exceed $5,000 for any TTfeZ J ° Vemted " x a smr i le tical administration: T&fiTZZaSTZTdh P™’ shall be suvvlementnl in ih„ f • authorized herein for any county not in sSISSZfffittl TZfaZt ZZZ^T and any other law excent that * i U p count y authorized by th!same laZ’for Zemed arSZZfifl U T* ^rrently ok to otlet fifids atfihoi!edlt7Ta d *° be ^fnated, i/aZZt 7 authorized to be appropriated for the purposes of 14 SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED Public Lav, S7S, Eighty-first Congres* carry out the program authorized herein, u - SURVEYS, INVESTIGATIONS, AND REPORTS o q Tlip Secretarv is authorized to conduct surveys, investiga- tinned research re.ajng to the and f act™ afiecUog, ^ methods of --nip.^ the necessary to carry out the provisions of this A . ju ne 30, Sri'SSment 3 ^ ^ '**'**““* curred, by classes and amounts. (16 U. b. G. o jui. ) definition of agricultural commodity Sec. 10. The term AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS Sec. 11. All funds available for carrying ^t^Depaitoe^of able for allotment to the bureau a£re ncies of the Federal or Agriculture and for transfer to n wnP L as the Secretary may State Governments, or to loca P u & [his Vet, and for pay- request to cooperate or assist in_ carrying: J^“ erg in region 0 r ments to committees or ■ jgtrative expenses to'be incurred regions to cover the estimate _ in' rooneratin" in carrying out by any such —XrtKrlry m^Scri&tt-at all or'part this Act: Provided , Th n a “ n ^^^ or association may of such estimated expenses of a J . rants ma de to the mem- be deducted pro rata from the P y , g p e tary may make such ass sera. c-^r may be pkced in a single account for each State. (16 U. b. G. o J •) expansion or markets eor agricultural commodities and .idvancing EXPANSION T0 raDEKAL CE0P JNSOTANCE CORPORATION q ./ \ whenever the Secretary finds that the eseicise of the po®™ conferred in this see, ion . «jH^ft Sffl." SSsld stable adequate to meet consumer demand at puces fair to coin piou -- . . . -D„h t 21 71 Stat. 26, approved April 25, 1951. « Material in italics enacted by Pub. L. S5-25, tl bta SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED 15 and co nsu m ers , or both, he shall use such part as he deems necessary 5 ™ * Hl , to Cnrry out this Act for the expansion of kek?or no l,!n' C1 ^ marke !f. ° r for seeking new or additional mar- I* 0 agricultural commodities or the products thereof or for the Shere°of Teuls. ° f 8 “ h comraodities » P™i- (b) The Secretary is authorized to make advances to producers for rmfT?° Se ° f a n 1Stmg t - hem to insure their crops with the Federal C op Insurance Corporation. The Secretary shall remit the amount mvmlnt^thp n anC6? t0 a P /,'° ducer directly to such Corporation in payment of the premium on the insurance for which the producer has made application. Advances shall only be made to producers who are participating or who agree to participate in a program formulated pursuant to section 8. Except as otherwise provided in thTsubsec tion, the terms and conditions of such advances shall be fixed by the Secretary. In carrying out the provisions of this subsection, the Sec¬ retary may transfer to the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, prior to the execution of applications for insurance or requests for advances by producers, the funds estimated as necessary to cover the advances which will be requested for the payment of premiums under a crop- insurance program, and any portion of such funds not used for advances to producers under such program shall be returned to the Imifbff by 116 Federal Cro P Insurance Corporation. (16 U. S. C. EXECUTION OF POWERS OF SECRETARY BY PRODUCTION AND MARKETING ADMINISTRATION Sec. 13. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Act thp Secretary is authorized and directed to provide f or theexSutioAbv the Production and Marketing Administration of such powers com fei red upon him under sections 7 to 14, inclusive, of this Act as he deems may be appropriately exercised by such Administration and for such purposes the provisions of law applicable to the appointment and compensation of persons employed by the Production and Market¬ ing Administration shall apply. (16 U. S. C. 590m) FINALITY OF DETERMINATIONS 14 • The facts constituting the bases for any payment or grant hereof authorized to be made under section 7 or 8 hereof, when officially determined m conformity with rules or reuula on°lv S b P v r the r q ed b 7 the f e A Cre - ar r ° f A S r iculture, shall be renewable sections 7 to ° f A A?? ldture - Payments to claimants under nf n i * / ln . c ! u 1 slve ? of this Act may be made upon the certificate of the claimant, which certificate shall be in such form as the Secretaiw f Agriculture may prescribe, that he has carried out the conservation practice or practices and has complied with all other req^ements"s ooo[ lt,0 T f °Ii SUC1 P aym ? nts and th at the statements and information A atai p n ^ d ! n tlie application for payment are correct and true to the States GMOn )*** ** penaltieS ° f title 18 ' ’ United 16 SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED APPROPRIATIONS AUTHORIZATIONS AND ALLOCATION OP FUNDS sisiisissfiiii nlding S diverted from Production adjustment and soil conservation programs; (2) the value at panry Sees of the production from the allotted acreages of the various commodities for the year with respect to which the payment is made, ?3Uh£average acreage planted to the various commodities during the ten vears 1928 to 1937, including the acreage diverted from productio under the agricultural adjustment and soil conservation “ excess of the allotted acreage for the year with respect to vlndi the navment is made; and (4) the value based on average prices for the preceding 1 ten yean of the production of the excess acreage determined P /on Ti ie ra f e 0 f payment used in making payments to ?he%ducei of each commodify 'shall be such that the -tiniated pav- rnents with respect to such commoditv shall equal the amount of funds XatlSh commodity os herein PridedFor -i he allocating funds and computing payments or giants the Romany n authorized to consider as a commodity a group of commodities or a regional or market classification of a commodity. For the purpose of computing payments or grants, the Secretary is authorized to i funds allocated to two or more commodities produced on farms designated regional or other classification to compute payments with respeetto one of such commodities on such farms and to use funds, m an amount equal to the estimated payments which would be made in any county, for making payments pursuant to a special program under section 8 aproved by the Secretary for such county :.Proved farm acreage allotments shall be made for wheat m 1938, but n dete mining compliance wheat shall be considered in the group with_other crops for which special acreage allotments are not made. Notwith¬ standing the foregoing provisions of this section and the piovi. ■ of section 7 (g), programs of soil building practices and soil- and water-conserving practices shall be based on a distribution o ^ ^ available for payments and grants among the several States inacco ance with their conservation needs, as determined by the Secret ai^. except that the proportion allocated to any State shall not be re ^ u f by more than 15 per centum from the distribution of such funds; for the next preceding program year. In carrying out such Rrogra , the Secretary shall give particular consideration to conservationprob- lems on farm lands diverted from crops under acreage allotment pro¬ grams and to the maitenance of a proper balan^ between gal con¬ serving and soil depleting crops on the farm. (16 U. S. L, 5JUO ).) SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED 17 LIMITATION ON OBLIGATIONS INCURRED Sec. 16. (a) The obligations incurred for the purpose of carrying a A n ^ calendar year, the provisions of sections 7 to 14, inclusive of this Act shall not exceed $500,000,000. (16 U. S. C. 590p (a))’ GREAT PLAINS CONSERVATION PROGRAM (b) Notwithstandig any other provision of law— (1) the Secretary is authorized, within the amounts of sneh aS be P rovic Ied therefor, to enter into con¬ tracts of not to exceed ten years with producers in the. r r-a + ui • area determined by him lo have to ™d“istTa™ rr d t !' 6reby - Such sh P a7l to ebi te nea to assist farm and ranch operators to make in orderly p egression over a period of years, changes in their cropping svs^ resources o? ttofr f WhKh are , needed conserve the soil and later s? n7i,str& n 3 b r isrft ts sfcl s furnish to the Secretarv «W? • The Producer shall croppmg systems and land use and nf fLo ™ P chan g es in which are to be carried mil ™ +i -c °* tie conservation measures ’ssEEsBBs dSSSSEslil“£S5s= Sr S,e.i«SiS'3=^!.tS=:,Si- orSchXlhrthe»n f S hf ft W in the further payment 18 SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED in the contract as a practice which would tend to defeat the PU (Trto such adSSai provisions as the Secretary deter- J:i are desirable and in&udes in the contract to effectual the purposes of the program or to facilitate the practical administration of the program. _^q„/.o r thp Secretary Tn return for such agreement by the pioducer the secretary mI: ^ be Siat *. w hi c h the Secretary determines is necessary and appropna ae p“ydcSinstallation of the conservation measures under ^ 'secretary may terminate any contract with a producer bv mutual agreement with the producer if the Secretary deter- mines that such termination would be m the public mtmest, and may agree to such modification of contracts previously entered into as S he may determine to be desirable to carry out the pui poses of the program or facilitate the practical administration thmeoji CSl insofar as the acreage of cropland on any farm enter in the determination of acreage allotments and marketing quotas under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, the cropland acreage on the farm shall not be decreased during the penod of any contract entered into under this subsection by reason of any action taken for the purpose of carrying out such contract, (4) the acreage on any farm which is determined under regu lations of the Secretary to have been diverted from the produc¬ tion of any commodity subject to acreage allotments or marketing quotas in order to carry out the contract entered into under the program shall be considered acreage devoted to the commodity for the purposes of establishing future State, county, and farm acreage allotments under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended; . . -i. m\ PnV.lte (51 in applying the provisions of paragraph (6) of Public Law 74, Seventy-seventh Congress (7 U. S. C. 1340 (6)), relating to the reduction of storage amount of wheat, any acreage diverted from the production of wheat under the program carried out under this subsection shall be regarded as wheat acreage; . (6) the Secretary shall utilize the technical services of agencies of the Department of Agriculture in determining the scope and provisions of any plan and the acceptability of the plan for effec¬ tuating the purposes of the program. In addition the *- e ^ ret ''D shall take into consideration programs of State and local agen¬ cies, including soil conservation districts, having for their pur¬ poses the objectives of maximum soil and water conservation; (7) there is hereby authorized to be appropriated without fiscal year limitations, such sums as may be necessary to carry SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED 19 out this subsection: Provided , That the total cost of the program (excluding administrative costs) shall not exceed $150,000,000, and for any program year payments shall not exceed $25,000,000. The funds made available for the program under this subsection may be expended without regard to the maximum payment limi¬ tation and small payment increases required under section 8 (e) of this Act, and may be distributed among States without regard to distribution of funds formulas of section 15 of this Act. The program authorized under this subsection shall be in addition to, and not in substitution of, other programs in such area author¬ ized by this or any other Act. (16 U. S. C. 590p (b)) SCOPE OF ACT; DEFINITION OF STATE Sec. 17. (a) This Act shall apply to the United States, the Terri¬ tories of Alaska and Hawaii, and the possessions of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and, as used in this Act, the term “State” includes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. (16 U S C 590q (a).) (b) This Act may be cited as the “Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act.” (16 U. S. C. 590q (b).) 492443—59-3 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED EXPLANATORY NOTE As enacted on February 16,1938, this statute contained amendments which strengthened and broadened the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, provided for assistance in the marketing o a grmu tural commodities for domestic consumption and export, ptoxided fo^ price support loans on wheat, corn, cotton and other agncultural commodities, 1 authorized parity payments for ^m, wheat, tobacco, pniton and rice when funds were appropriated therefor, pio\ ided foi farm marketing quotas for tobacco, corn, wheat, cotton andno, and established the Federal Crop insurance Coloration Th^t ^ been amended many times since its enactment. In 1941, marketing quota and price support provisions for peanuts were added to the act i n d the marketing quota provisions for corn and wheat vere changed hi iveraTimpoS respects. In 1949, substantial changes were made in the marketing quota provisions for cotton and rice, and the p support provisions were repealed with the enactment of the Agncu - tural Act of 1949. The Agricultural Act of 1954 repealed the author¬ ity for marketing quota? for corn, but authority for com acreage allotments was retained. The Agricultural Act of 1956 made a number of changes in the marketing quota provisions for severalc In accordance with section 201 of the Agricultural Act of 1958, acre age allotments and a commercial corn-producing area vill not be established for the 1959 and subsequent crops of com, since a majority of the corn producers voting in the referendum held on November 2^ 1958, favored a price support program without acreage a^mer ’ provided in section 104 (b) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (p. 1-4), as added by the Agricultural Act of 1958. _ , „ The constitutional validity of the marketing quota provisions lias been upheld as to tobacco in the case Mulford v. Smith (o0< L. b. 38), as to cotton in the case Trappy v. LaSara Farmers Gin Co. (US F 2d 350), and as to wheat in the case WtcJeard v. Filbum (31< L . b. Ill). 20 PART II AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, 1 AS AMENDED AN ACT To provide for the conservation of national soil resources and to provide an ade¬ quate and balanced flow of agricultural commodities in interstate and foreign commerce and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled , That this Act may be cited as the “Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938.” (7 U. S C 1281.) DECLARATION OF POLICY Sec. 2 . It is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress to continue the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended, for the purpose of conserving national resources, preventing the wasteful use of soil fertility, and of preserving, maintaining, and rebuilding the farm and ranch land resources in the national public interest; to ac¬ complish these purposes through the encouragement of soil-building and soil-conserving crops and practices; to assist in the marketing of agricultural commodities for domestic consumption and for export; and to regulate interstate and foreign commerce in cotton, wheat, corn, tobacco, and rice to the extent necessary to provide an orderly, adequate, and balanced flow of such commodities in interstate and foreign commerce through storage of reserve supplies, loans, market- mg quotas, assisting farmers to obtain, insofar as practicable, parity prices for such commodities and parity of income, and assisting con- sumers to obtain an adequate and steady supply of such commodities at fair prices. (7 U. S. C. 1282.) TITLE I—AMENDMENTS TO SOIL CONSERVATION AND DOMESTIC ALLOTMENT ACT This title contains amendments to the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act, as amended. Insofar as now applicable, these amendments are incor¬ porated in Part I of this compilation. TITLE II—ADJUSTMENT IN FREIGHT RATES, NEW USES AND MARKETS, AND DISPOSITION OF SURPLUSES ADJUSTMENTS IN FREIGHT RATES FOR FARM PRODUCTS Sec. 201 (a) The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to make complaint to the Interstate Commerce Commission with respect to 1 Approved February 16, 1938, 52 Stat. 31. 21 22 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED rates, charges, tariffs, and practices relating to the tranmortation of farm products, and to prosecute the same before the Commission Before hearing or disposing of any complaint (filed by any person other than the Secretary) with respect to rates, charges, tariffs, an practices relating to the transportation of farm products, the Com¬ mission shall cause the Secretary to be notified, and, upon application by the Secretary, shall permit the Secretary to appear and be heard. (7 U. S. C. 1291 (a).) . _ . , , . (b) If such rate, charge, tariff, or practice complained of is one affecting the public interest, upon application by the Secretary, the Commission shall make the Secretary a party to the proceeding. In such case the Secretary shall have the rights of a party before the Commission and the rights of a party to invoke and pursue original and appellate judicial proceedings involving the Commission s deter¬ mination. The liability of the Secretary in any such case shall extend only to liability for court costs. (7 U. S. C. 1291 (b).) ( c) For the purposes of this section, the Interstate Commerce Com¬ mission is authorized to avail itself of the cooperation, records, 5 er Y i ' ices, and facilities of the Department of Agriculture. (< l . b. C. 1291 (c).) . . , . , (d) The Secretary is authorized to cooperate with and assist co¬ operative associations of farmers making complaint to the Interstate Commerce Commission with respect to rates, charges, tariffs, and practices relating to the transportation of farm products. (7 C. b. C. 1291 (d).) NEW USES AND NEW MARKETS FOR FARM COMMODITIES Sec. 202. (a) The Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to establish, equip, and maintain four regional research laboratories, one in each major farm producing area, and, at such laboratories, to con¬ duct researches into and to develop new scientific, chemical, and tech¬ nical uses and new and extended markets and outlets for farm com¬ modities and products and byproducts thereof. Such research and development shall be devoted primarily to those farm commodities in which there are regular or seasonal surpluses, and their products and byproducts. (7 U. S. C. 1292 (a).) . , (b) For the purposes of subsection (a), the Secretary is authorized to acquire land and interests therein, and to accept in the name of the United States donations of any property, real or personal, to any laboratory established pursuant to this section, and to utilize volun¬ tary or uncompensated services at such laboratories. Donations to anv one of such laboratories shall not be available for use by any other of such laboratories. (7 U. S. C. 1292 (b).) . (c) In carrying out the purposes of subsection (a), the Secretary is authorized and directed to cooperate with other departments or agencies of the Federal Government, States, State agricultural experi¬ ment stations, and other State agencies and institutions, counties, municipalities, business or other organizations, corporations, associa¬ tions, universities, scientific societies, and individuals, upon such terms and conditions as he may prescribe. (7 IT. S. C. 1292 (c).) (d) To carry out the purposes of subsection (a), the Secretary is authorized to utilize in each fiscal year, beginning with the fiscal year AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 23 beginning July 1, 1938, a sum not to exceed $4,000,000 of the funds appropriated pursuant to section 391 of this Act, or section 15 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended, for such fiscal year. The Secretary shall allocate one-fourth of such sum an¬ nually to each of the four laboratories established pursuant to this section. (7 U. S. C. 1292 (d).) (e) [Repealed by the Act of August 30,1954, 68 Stat. 966.] (f) There is hereby allocated to the Secretary of Commerce for each fiscal year, beginning with the fiscal year beginning July 1 , 1938, out of funds appropriated for such fiscal year pursuant to section 391 of this Act, or section 15 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot¬ ment Act, as amended, the sum of $1,000,000 to be expended for the promotion of the sale of farm commodities and products thereof in such manner as he shall direct. Of the sum allocated under this sub¬ section to the Secretary of Commerce for the fiscal year beginning July 1 , 1938, $100,000 shall be devoted to making a survey and investi¬ gation of the cause or causes of the reduction in exports of agricul¬ tural commodities from the United States, in order to ascertain methods by which the sales in foreign countries of basic agricultural commodities produced in the United States may be increased. (7 U. S. C. 1292 (f).) .(g) It shall be the duty of the Secretary to use available funds to stimulate and widen the use of all farm commodities in the United States and to increase in every practical way the flow of such com¬ modities and the products thereof into the markets of the world. (7 U. S. C. 1292 (g).) TITLE III—LOANS, PARITY PAYMENTS, CONSUMER SAFEGUARDS, MARKETING QUOTAS, AND MARKETING CERTIFICATES SUBTITLE A—DEFINITIONS, PARITY PAYMENTS, AND CONSUMER SAFEGUARDS DEFINITIONS Sec. 301. (a) GENERAL DEFINITIONS.—For the purposes of this title and the declaration of policy— (!) (A) The “parity price” for any agricultural commodity, as of any date, shall be determined by multiplying the adjusted "base price of such commodity as of such date by the parity index as of such date. (B) The “adjusted base price” of any agricultural commodity, as of any date, shall be (i) the average of the prices received by farmers for such commodity, at such times as the Secretary may select during each year of the ten-year period ending on the 31st of'December last before such date, or during each marketing season beginning in such period if the Secretary determines use of a calendar year basis to be impracticable, divided by (ii) the ratio of the general level of prices received by farmers for agricultural commodities during such period to the general level of prices received by farmers for agricultural com¬ modities during the period January 1910 to December 1914, inclusive As used in this subparagraph, the term “prices” shall include wartime 24 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED subsidy payments made to producers under programs designed to maintain maximum prices established under the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942. .. , , • , (C) The “parity index,” as of any date, shall be the ratio ot ( 1 ) the general level of prices for articles and services that farmers buy, wages paid hired farm labor, interest on farm indebtedness secured by farm real estate, and taxes on farm real estate, for the calendar month ending last before such date to (ii) the general level of such prices, wages, rates, and taxes during the period January 1910 to December 1914, inclusive. , . , . , , (D) The prices and indices provided for herein, and the data used in computing them, shall be determined by the Secretary, whose determination shall be final. (E) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (A), the transitional parity price for any agricultural commodity, computed as provided in this subparagraph, shall be used as the parity price for such commodity until such date after January 1, 1950, as such transi¬ tional parity price may be lower than the parity price, computed as provided in subparagraph (A), for such commodity. The transitional parity price for any agricultural commodity as of any date shall be-- (i) its parity price determined in the manner used prior to the effective date of the Agricultural Act of 1948, less (ii) 5 per centum of the parity price so determined, multiplied by the number of full calendar years (not counting 1956 in the case of basic agricultural commodities) which, as of such date, have elapsed after January 1, 1949, in the case of nonbasic agri¬ cultural commodities, and after January 1, 1955, in the case of the basic agricultural commodities. (F) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraphs (A) and (E), if the parity price for any agricultural commodity, computed as provided in subparagraphs (A) and (E) appears to be seriously out of line with the parity prices of other agricultural commodities, the Secretary may, and upon the request of a substantial number of interested producers shall, hold public hearings to determine the proper relationship between the parity price of such commodity and the parity prices of other agricultural commodities. TV ithin sixty days after commencing such hearing the Secretary shall complete such hearing, proclaim his findings as to whether the facts require a re¬ vision of the method of computing the parity price of such commodity, and put into effect any revision so found to be required. (G) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the parity price for any basic agricultural commodity, as of any date during the six-year period beginning January 1, 1950, shall not be less than its parity price computed in the manner used prior to the enactment of the Agricultural Act of 1949. [Prior to enactment of the Agricultural Acts of 1948 and 1949, tlie term “parity” was defined in sec. 301 (a) of the Agricultural Adjust¬ ment Act of 1938, as amended, as follows: “‘Parity,’ as applied to prices for any agricultural commodity, shall be that price for the commodity which will give to the commodity a purchasing power with respect to articles that farmers buy equivalent to the purchasing power of such commodity in the base period; and, in the case of all commodities for which the base period is the period August 1909 to AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 25 July 1914, which will also reflect current interest payments per acre on farm indebtedness secured by real estate, tax payments per acre on farm real estate, and freight rates, as contrasted with such interest payments, tax payments, and freight rates during the base period. The base period in case of all agricultural commodities except tobacco shall be the period August 1909 to July 1914. In the case of all kinds of tobacco except Burley and flue-cured such base period shall be the period August 1919 to July 1929, and, in the case of Burley and flue- cured tobacco, shall be the period August 1934 to July 1939; except that the August 1919-July 1929 base period shall be used in allocating any funds appropriated prior to September 1, 1940’.” 2 (52 Stat. 38, 54 Stat. 1210.)] (2) “Parity,” as applied to income, shall be that gross income from agriculture which will provide the farm operator and his family with a standard of living equivalent to those afforded persons dependent upon other gainful occupation. “Parity” as applied to income from any agricultural commodity for any year, shall be that gross income which bears the same relationship to parity income from agriculture for such year as the average gross income from such commodity for the preceding ten calendar years bears to the average gross income from agriculture for such ten calendar years. (3) The term “interstate and foreign commerce” means sale, mar¬ keting, trade, and traffic between any State or Territory or the District of Columbia or Puerto Bico, and any place outside thereof; or between points within the same State or Territory or within the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico, through any place outside thereof; or with¬ in any Territory or within the District of Columbia or Puerto Rico. (4) The term “affect interstate and foreign commerce” means, among other things, in such commerce, or to burden or obstruct such commerce or the free and orderly flow thereof; or to create or tend to create a surplus of any agricultural commodity which burdens or obstructs such commerce or the free and orderly flow thereof. (5) The term “United States” means the several States and Terri¬ tories and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. (6) The term “State” includes a Territory and the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. (7) The term “Secretary” means the Secretary of Agriculture, and the term “Department” means the Department of Agriculture. . ,( 8 ) The term “person” means an individual, partnership, firm, ]omt-stock company, corporation, association, trust, estate, or any agency of a State. (9) The term “corn” means field corn. (7 U. S. C. 1301 (a), Public Law 585, 82d Cong., approved July 17,1952.) [Agricultural Act of 1948. Sec. 302 (f). All references in other laws to— (1) parity, (2) parity prices, (3) prices comparable to parity prices, or (4) prices to be determined in the same manner as provided by the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 prior to its amendment by this Act for the determination of parity prices, a For Maryland tobacco the base period Is August 1936 to July 1941 (62 Stat. 1248). 26 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED with respect to prices for agricultural commodities and products thereof, shall hereafter be deemed to refer to parity prices as deter¬ mined in accordance with the provisions of sction oOl (a) (1) ol the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended by this Act, (< (b) ^DEFInItIONS APPLICABLE TO ONE OR MORE COM¬ MODITIES—For the purposes of this title— (1) (A) “Actual production” as applied to any acreage ot com means the number of bushels of corn which the local committee deter¬ mines would be harvested as grain from such acreage if all the corn on such acreage were so harvested. In case of a disagreement between the farmer and the local committee as to the actual production of the acreage of com on the farm, or in case the local committee detei mines that such actual production is substantially below normal, the loca committee, in accordance with regulations of the Secretary, shall weigh representative samples of ear corn taken from the acreage in¬ volved, make proper deductions for moisture content, and determine the actual production of such acreage on the basis of such samples. (B) “Actual production” of any number of acres of cotton, nee or peanuts on a farm means the actual average yield for the farm times such number of acres. (2) “Bushel” means in the case of ear corn that amount of ear corn, including not to exceed 151,4 per centum of moisture content, which weighs seventy pounds, and in the case of shelled corn, means that amount of shelled corn including not to exceed L>1,4 per centum of moisture content, which weighs fifty-six pounds. (3) (A) “Carry-over,” in the case of corn, rice, and peanuts for any marketing year shall be the quantity of the commodity on hand in the United States at the beginning of such marketing year, not including any quantity which was produced in the L nited States dur¬ ing the calendar year then current. [N 0TE —As originally enacted this term included domestically produced cotton on hand within or without the United States. A new definition excluding Ameri¬ can cotton on hand outside the United States, was enacted in Sec. 201 (c) ot tne Agricultural Act of 1948 (G2 Stat. 1250). The definition was changed again by Sec 2 (a) of Pub. L. 272, 81st Cong., approved August 29, 1949 (63 Stat. 675), to include all cotton on hand in the United States whether produced within or with¬ out the United States. Sec. 415 (e) of the Agricultural Act of 1949 ( 63 Stat. 1056) repealed Sec. 201 (c) of the Agricultural Act of 1948. Therefore, the pro¬ vision now in effect is the definition appearing herein which is the definition enacted by Pub. L. 272, 81st Cong. Sec. 1301 (b) (3) (B) of Title i, l. S. Code. 1946 ed., Supplement V carries the definition of the term as it was originally enacted. ] (B) “Carry-over” of cotton for any marketing year shall be the quantity of cotton on hand in the United States at the beginning of such marketing year, not including any part of the crop which was produced in the United States during the calendar year then current. (C) “Carry-over” of tobacco for any marketing year shall be the quantity of such tobacco on hand in the I nited States at the beginning of such marketing year (or on January 1 of such marketing year in the case of Maryland tobacco), which was produced m the United States prior to the beginning of the calendar year in w Inch such marketing year begins, except that in the case of cigar-filler and cigar- binder tobacco the quantity of type 46 on hand and theretofoie pro- AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 27 duced in the United States during such calendar year shall also be included. (D) “Carry-over” of wheat, for any marketing year shall be the quantity of wheat on hand in the United States at the beginning of such marketing year, not including any wheat which was produced in the United States during the calendar year then current, and not including any wheat held by the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation under Title V [of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938]. . (4) (A) “Commercial corn-producing area” shall include all coun¬ ties in which the average production of corn (excluding corn used as silage) during the ten calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year for which such area is determined, after adjustment for abnormal weather conditions, is four hundred and fifty bushels or more per farm and four bushels or more for each acre of farm land in the county. (B) Whenever prior to February 1 of any calendar year the Secre¬ tary has reason to believe that any county which is not included in the commercial corn-producing area determined pursuant to the provi¬ sions of subparagraph (A), but which borders upon one of the counties m such area, or that any minor civil division in a county bordering on such area, is producing (excluding corn used for silage) an average of at least four hundred and fifty bushels of corn per farm and an aver¬ age of at least four bushels for each acre of farm land in the county or m the minor civil division, as the case may be, he shall cause immediate investigation to be made to determine such fact. If, upon the basis of such investigation, the Secretary finds that such county or minor civil division is likely to produce corn in such average amounts during such calendar year, he shall proclaim such determination, and, commencing with such calendar year, such county shall be included in the com- mercial corn-producing area. In the case of a county included in the commercial corn-producing area pursuant to this subparagraph, when¬ ever prior to February 1 of any calendar year the Secretary lias reason to believe that facts justifying the inclusion of such county are not likely to exist in such calendar year, he shall cause an immediate investigation to be made with respect thereto. If, upon the basis of such investigation, the Secretary finds that such facts are not likely to exist m such calendar year, he shall proclaim such determination, and r'7 Cmg With such calendar year, such county shall be excluded fiom the commercial corn-producing area. ,(5) “Farm consumption” of corn means consumption by the farm¬ er s family, employees, or household, or by his work stock • or con- sumptmn by poultry or livestock on his farm if such poultry " live¬ stock, or the products thereof, are consumed or to be consumed by the farmer’s family, employees, or household. y tlie ( 6 ) (A) “Market,” in the case of corn, cotton, rice, tobacco and Feat, means to dispose of, m raw or processed form, by voluntary or involuntary sale, barter, or exchange, or by gift inter^ivos an/ in he case of corn and wheat, by feeding (in any form) to pouTtiy or livestock which, or the products of which, are sold, bartered or ex¬ changed, or to lie so disposed of, but does not include disposing 0 f any of such commodities as premium to the Federal Crop Insurance 8 Sg”*“ mder Tltle V [» f ‘ho Agricultural AdjSemTct ol 28 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED /T 3 \ “Marketed ” “marketing,” and “for market” shall hate coire sponiing Stags to the term’“market’' in the connect™ » they areUMd. „ peanuts, means to dispose of peanuts, iniSing farmers’ st“k peanuts, shelled peanuts cleaned peanut^8 or peanuts ?n processed form, by voluntary or involuntary sale, barter, 0r af“Eketi > i g yea‘r T! ’ e mI^'in the case of the following com- modities, Ure periodlreginniiig on the Hrst and ending with the second date specified below: Corn, October 1-September 30; Cotton, August 1-July 31; Rice, August 1-July 31; Tobacco (flue-cured), July 1-June 30; Tobacco (other than flue-cured), October 1-September 30, IjSinufs^August 1-July 31 (see Sec. 359 (a), p. 80).] 8) “National” average yield” as applied to cotton or wheat shall bp the national average yield per acre of the commodity during the ten calendar years in the case of wheat, and during the hvc calendar years in the rase of cotton, preceding the year in which such national average yield is used in any computation authorized m this title, adiusfed for abnormal weather conditions and, in the case of wheat, but not in the case of cotton, for trends m yields. (9) “Normal production” as applied to any number of acre ? corn, cotton, rice, or wheat means the normal yield for the farm times such numbei ; n the case of corn, rice, wheat, and peanuts for any marked™ year shall be (i) the estimated domestic consumption of the commodity for the marketing year ending lm mediately prior to the marketing year for which normal supply is being determined, plus (ii) the estimated exports of the commodity for the marketing year for which normal supply is being determined, plus (iii) an allowance for carry-over. The allowance for carry-over shall be the following percentage of the sum of the consumption and exports used in computing normal supply: 15 per centum m the case of corn; 10 per centum in the case of rice; 20 per centum in the case of wheat; and 15 per centum in the case of peanuts. In determining normal supply the Secretary shall make such adjustments for curren trends in consumption and for unusual conditions as he may deem necessary. rNoTE_Sec 2 (a) (2) of the Act of Aug. 29, 1049 ( 63 Stat. 676) deleted “potion” from the foregoing definition and added a new subparagraph (C) eon- t. C S tSeTeM«i»r«? "normal supply; Tire mo * "cotton" k.s no been omitted in the first sentence of sec. 1301 (b) (10) (A) oi tine U. S. Code.] . (B1 “Normal supply” in the case of tobacco shall lie a normal year s domestic consumption and exports, plus 175 per centum of a normal year’s domestic consumption and 65 per centum of a normal yeai s exports as an allowance for a normal carry-over. (Cl The “normal supply” of cotton for any marketing year shall be the estimated domestic consumption of cotton for the marketing AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 29 year for which such normal supply is being determined, plus the esti¬ mated exports of cotton for such marketing year, plus 30 per centum of the sum of such consumption and exports as an allowance for carry-over. (11) (A) “Normal year’s domestic consumption,” in the case of corn and wheat, shall be the yearly average quantity of the com¬ modity, wherever produced, that was consumed in the United States during the ten marketing years immediately preceding the marketing year in which such consumption is determined, adjusted for current trends in such consumption. (B) “Normal year’s domestic consumption,” in the case of cotton and tobacco, shall be the yearly average quantity of the commodity produced in the United States that was consumed in the United States during the ten marketing years immediately preceding the marketing year in which such consumption is determined, adjusted for current trends in such consumption. (C) “Normal year’s domestic consumption,” in the case of rice, shall be the yearly average quantity of rice produced in the United States that was consumed in the United States during the five mar¬ keting years immediately preceding the marketing year in which such consumption is determined, adjusted for current trends in such consumption. (12) “Normal year’s exports” in the case of corn, cotton, rice, to¬ bacco, and wheat shall be the yearly average quantity of the com¬ modity produced in the United States that was exported from the United States during the ten marketing years (or, in the case of rice, the five marketing years) immediately preceding the marketing year m Inch such exports are determined, adjusted for current trends in such exports. ( 13 ) (4) ‘‘Normal yield” for any county, in the case of corn or wfieat, shall be the average yield per acre of corn or wheat for the county during the ten calendar years in the case of wheat, or the five calendar years in the case of corn, immediately preceding the year in which such normal yield is determined, adjusted for abnormal weather conditions and, in the case of wheat, for trends in yields. Such normal yield per acre for any county need be redetermined only when the actual average yield for the ten calendar years in the case of wheat, or the five calendar years in the case of corn, immediately preceding the calendar year m which such yield is being reconsidered differs by at least 5 per centum from me actual average yield for the ten years in the case of wheat,, or the 5 years in the case of corn, upon which the existing normal yield per acre for the county was based. oi u i fi orma y ie] d” for any county, in the case of cotton or peanuts, shaH be the average yield per acre of cotton or peanuts for the county adjusted for abnormal weather conditions, during the five calendar determined ^dmtely preceding the year in which such normal yield is tJdL r "I P Pk ing ®V b f, aragra P h or < B )> if for any s«oh yew the data are not available, or there is no actual yield, an appraised bvthp f °S SUC J 1 y ear ’ determin ed in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary shall be used as the actual yield for such year In applying such subparagraphs, if, on account of drought, flood, insect 30 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED nlant disease, or other uncontrollable natural cause, the yield in year of sucften year period or five-year period as the case may be^isless than 75 per centum of the average (computed w lthout regard to’such year) sucf! year shall be eliminated in calculating the normal yieM per^cre^ county, in the case of rice, shall be the average yieldpe/acre of rice for the county during the five calendar vearslmmediately preceding the year for which such noimal yield is determined, adjusted for abnormal weather conditions and for trends in yields If for any such year data are not available, or there is no actual yield, an appraised yield for such year, determined in accord¬ ance whh regulations issued by the Secretary, taking mto considera¬ tion the yields obtained in surrounding counties during such j ear and the yieM in years for which data are available, shall be used as the aCt (E)^‘Normalyield^for any farm, in the case of rice, shall be the average yield per acre of rice for the farm during the five calendar years immediately preceding the year for which such normal} leld is determined, adjusted for abnormal weather conditions and fortrends in yields If for any such year the data are not available oi there is no actuai yield, then the normal yield for the farm shall be appraised in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary, taking in consideration abnormal weather conditions, trends in yields the normal yield for the county, the yields obtained on adjacent farms during such year and the yield in years for which data are available. (Ff In applying subparagraphs (D) and (E) if on account of drought, flood/insect pests, plant disease, or other uncontrollable natural cause, the yield for any year of such five-year period is le^s than 75 per centum of the average, 75 per centum of such average sha be substituted therefor in calculating the normal yield per acre. I , on account of abnormally favorable weather conditions, the yield or anv vear of such five-year period is in excess of 12o per centum of the average, 125 per centum of such average shall be substituted therefor in calculating the normal yield per acre. (G) “Normal yield” for any farm, in the case of corn, wheat, cotton, or peanuts, shall be the average yield per acre of corn, wheat, cotton, or peanuts, as the case may be, for the farm, adjusted for abnon a weather conditions and, in the case of wheat, but not in the case of corn, cotton, or peanuts, for trends m yields, during the ten calenda years in the case of wheat, and five calendar years m the case of corn cotton, or peanuts, immediately preceding the year m which such normal yield is determined. If for any such year the data are available or there is no actual yield, then the normal yield for the farm shall be appraised in accordance with regulations of the becie- tary, taking into consideration abnormal weather conditions, the normal yield for the county, and the yield in years for which data are available. KRegerve supp j y level,” in the case of corn, shall be a normal year’s domestic consumption and exports of corn plus 10 per centum of a normal year’s domestic consumption and exports, to insure a supply adequate to meet domestic consumption and export needs in years of drought, flood, or other adverse conditions, as well as in years of plenty. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 31 (B) “Reserve supply level” of tobacco shall be the normal supply plus 5 per centum thereof, to insure a supply adequate to meet domes¬ tic consumption and export needs in years of drought, flood, or other adverse conditions, as well as in years of plenty. (15) “Tobacco” means each one of the kinds of tobacco listed below comprising the types specified as classified in Service and Regulatory Announcement Numbered 118 of the Bureau of Agricultural Eco*- nomics of the Department: Flue-cured tobacco, comprising types 11,12,13, and 14; Fire-cured tobacco, comprising types 21, 22, 23, and 24; Dark air-cured tobacco, comprising types 35 and 36; Virginia sun-cured tobacco, comprising type 37; Burley tobacco, comprising type 31; Maryland tobacco, comprising type 32; Cigar-filler and cigar-binder tobacco, comprising types 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 53, 54, and 55; Cigar-filler tobacco, comprising type 41. The provisions of this title shall apply to each of such kinds of tobacco severally: Provided , That any one or more of the types com¬ prising any such kind of tobacco shall be treated as a “kind of tobacco” for the purposes of this Act if the Secretary finds there is a difference in supply and demand conditions as among such types of tobacco which results in a difference in the adjustments needed in the market¬ ings thereof in order to maintain supplies in line with demand: Pro¬ vided further, That with respect to the 1958 and subsequent crops , type 21 (Virginia) fire-cured tobacco shall be treated as a “hind of tobacco' 1 '' for the purposes of all of the provisions of this title , except that for the purposes of section 312 (c) of this title, types 21 , 22, and 23, fire-cured tobacco shall be treated as one u kind of tobacco”. 3 (16) (A) “Total supply” of wheat, corn, rice, and peanuts for any marketing year shall be the carry-over of the commodity for such marketing year, plus the estimated production of the commodity in the United States during the calendar year in which such marketing year begins and the estimated imports of the commodity into the United States during such marketing year. (B) “Total supply” of tobacco for any marketing year shall be the carry-over at the beginning of such marketing year (or on January 1 of such marketing year in the case of Maryland tobacco) plus the estimated production thereof in the United States during the calendar year in which such marketing year begins, except that the estimated production of type-46 tobacco during the marketing year with respect to which the determination is being made shall be used in lieu of the estimated production of such type during the calendar year in which such marketing year begins in determining the total supply of cigar- filler and cigar-binder tobacco. (C) “Total supply” of cotton for any marketing year shall be the carry-over at the beginning of such marketing year, plus the estimated production of cotton in the United States during the calendar year m which such marketing year begins and the estimated imports of cotton into the United States during such marketing year. (7 U. S. C. 8 Material in italics enacted by Pub. L. 85-92, 71 Stat. 284, July 10, 1957. 32 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED (c) The latest available statistics of the Federal Government shah be used by the Secretary in making the^©terminations /^ ired ^ made bv the Secretary under this Act. (7 U. o. G. 1-iOi tc ).) (d) /n making any determination under this Act or under the Agri¬ cultural Act of 1949 with respect to the carryover of any a^H^tunil commodity, the Secretary shall exclude from such determuiation the stocks of any commodity acquired pursuant to, or under the authority of, the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (60 Stat. 59 Sec. 302 / (Repealed by 63 Stat. 1051, October 31,1949.) PARITY PAYMENTS Sec 303 If and when appropriations are made therefor, the Secre¬ tary is authorized and directed to make payments to producers of corn, wheat, cotton, rice, or tobacco, on their normal production of such commodities in amounts which, together with the proceeds thereof will provide a return to such producers which is as nearly equal to parity price as the funds so made available will permit All funds available for such payments with respect to these commodities Jiall, unless otherwise provided by law, be apportioned to these commodities in proportion to the amount by which each fails to reach the parity income. Such payments shall be in addition to and not; int substitute for any other payments authorized by law. (< U. o. 1 ^. I 0 U 0 . j CONSUMER SAFEGUARDS Sec. 304. The powers conferred under this Act shall not be used to discourage the production of supplies of foods and fibers sufficient to maintain normal domestic human consumption as determined by the Secretary from the records of domestic human consumption m the years 1920 to 1929, inclusive, taking into consideration increased popu¬ lation, quantities of any commodity that were forced into domestic consumption by decline in exports during such period, current trends in domestic consumption and exports of particular commodities, and the quantities of substitutes available for domestic consumption within any general class of food commodities. In carrying out the purposes of this Act it shall be the duty of the Secretary to give due regard to the maintenance of a continuous and stable supply of agricultural commodities from domestic production adequate to meet consmner demand at prices fair to both producers and consumers. (7 U.b.6. 1304 ) ' SUBTITLE B—MARKETING QUOTAS PART I—MARKETING QUOTAS—TOBACCO LEGISLATIVE FINDING Sec. 311. (a) The marketing of tobacco constitutes one of the great basic industries of the United States with ramifying actinties which directly affect interstate and foreign commerce at every point, and stable conditions therein are necessary to the general welfare, to¬ bacco produced for market is sold on a Nation-wide market and, with AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 33 its products, moves almost wholly in interstate and foreign commerce from the producer to the ultimate consumer. The farmers producing such commodity are subject in their operations to uncontrollable natural causes, are widely scattered throughout the Nation, in many cases such farmers carry on their farming operations on borrowed money or leased lands, and are not so situated as to be able to organize effectively, as can labor and industry through unions and corpora¬ tions enjoying Government protection and sanction. For these rea¬ sons, among others, the farmers are unable without Federal assistance to control effectively the orderly marketing of such commodity with the result that abnormally excessive supplies thereof are produced and dumped indiscriminately on the Nation-wide market. (7 U. S. C. 1311 (a).) (b) The disorderly marketing of such abnormally excessive sup¬ plies affects, burdens, and obstructs interstate and foreign commerce by (1) materially affecting the volume of such commodity marketed therein, (2) disrupting the orderly marketing of such commodity therein, (3) reducing the price for such commodity with consequent injury and destruction of interstate and foreign commerce in such commodity, and (4) causing a disparity between the prices for such commodity in interstate and foreign commerce and industrial prod¬ ucts therein, with a consequent diminution of the volume of interstate and foreign commerce in industrial products. (7 U. S. C. 1311 (b).) (c) Whenever an abnormally excessive supply of tobacco exists, the marketing of such commodity by the producers thereof directly and substantially affects interstate and foreign commerce in such com¬ modity and its products, and the operation of the provisions of this Part becomes necessary and appropriate in order to promote, foster, and maintain an orderly flow of such supply in interstate and foreign commerce. (7U. S. C. 1311 (c).) NATIONAL MARKETING QUOTA Sec. 312. (a) The Secretary shall, not later than December 1 of any marketing year with respect to flue-cured tobacco, and February 1 of any marketing year with respect to other kinds of tobacco, pro¬ claim a national marketing quota for any kind of tobacco for each of the next three succeeding marketing years whenever he determines with respect to such kind of tobacco— (1) that a national marketing quota has not previously been proclaimed and the total supply as of the beginning of such mar¬ keting year exceeds the reserve supply level therefor; . (^) tliat such marketing year is the last year of three consecu¬ tive years for which marketing quotas previously proclaimed will be in effect; (3) that amendments have been made in provisions for estab¬ lishing farm acreage allotments which will cause material revision of such allotments before the end of the period for which quotas are in effect; or (4) that a marketing quota previously proclaimed for such marketing year is not in effect because of disapproval by pro¬ ducers m a referendum held pursuant to subsection (c) : Provided , ihat if such producers have disapproved national marketing 34 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED quotas in referenda held in three successive years subsequent to 1952, thereafter a national marketing quota shall not be pro¬ claimed hereunder which would be in effect for any marketing year within the three-year period for which national marketing quotas previously proclaimed were disapproved by producers in a referendum, unless prior to November 10 of the marketing year one-fourth or more of the farmers engaged m the production of the crop of tobacco harvested in the calendar year in which such marketing year begins petition the Secretary, in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, to proclaim a national marketing quota for each of the next three succeeding marke mg years. (7 U. S. C. 1312 (a).) . (b) The Secretary shall also determine and announce not later than the first day of December with respect to Hue-cured tobacco and no later than the first day of February with respect to other kinds ot tobacco, the amount of the national marketing quota proclaimed pur¬ suant to subsection (a) which is in effect for the next marketing year in terms of the total quantity of tobacco which may lie marketed which will make available during such marketing year a supply ot tobacco equal to the reserve supply level. The amount of the na¬ tional marketing quota so announced may, not later than the follow¬ ing March 1, be increased by not more than 20 per centum if the Secre¬ tary determines that such increase is necessary in order to meet marke demands or to avoid undue restrictions of marketings in adjusting the total supply to the reserve supply level. (< U. S. L. loll ( 0 ).) (cl Within thirty days after the proclamation of national market¬ ing quotas under subsection (a), the Secretary shall conduct a refer¬ endum of farmers engaged in the productionof the CI ' 0 P^ tol ' a ^ C0 harvested immediately prior to the holding of the referendum to de termine whether such farmers are in favor of or opposed to such quotas for the next three succeeding marketing years. If more than one-third of the farmers voting oppose the national marketing quotas, such results shall be proclaimed by the Secretary and the national marketing quotas so proclaimed shall not be in effect but such le. nil. shall in no wise affect or limit the subsequent proclamation and sub¬ mission to a referendum, as otherwise provided m this section, of a national marketing quota. (7 U. S. C. 1312 (c).) [Act of March 31, 1955. Sec. 1. * * * That notwithstanding any other provision of law— . (1) The Secretary of Agriculture shall, within ten days after enactment of this Act, redetermine the national marketing quota for burley tobacco for the 1955-1956 marketing year on the basis of the latest available statistics of the Federal Government, ap¬ portion such quota among States, convert the State quotas to State acreage allotments, and allot the same among farms pursuant to and in accordance with applicable provisions of law: Provided, That burley tobacco marketing quotas and acreage allotments heretofore established for the 1955-1956 marketing year shall not be effective, but the preliminary burley tobacco acreage allotment for any farm determined under section 725.616 of the burley and flue-cured tobacco marketing quota regulations, 19o5-19o6 mar- AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 35 keting year, issued by the Secretary of Agriculture (19 Federal Register 3549), shall not be reduced by more than 25 per centum (except for reductions under section 725.619 of said regulations); (2) Burley tobacco farm acreage allotments of seven-tenths of an acre or less heretofore determined for the 1955-1956 marketing year when redetermined pursuant to paragraph (1) of this Act may be reduced but not more than one-tenth acre: Provided , how¬ ever, That no allotment of five-tenths of an acre or less shall be reduced under this section; (3) Within twenty days after the issuance of the proclamation of the national marketing quota for burley tobacco for the 1955- 1956 marketing year as redetermined pursuant to paragraph (1) of this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall conduct a refer¬ endum of farmers who were engaged in the production of the 1954 crop of burley tobacco to determine whether such farmers are in favor of or opposed to such redetermined quota. If more than one-third of the farmers voting in the referendum oppose such redetermined quota, the Secretary of Agriculture shall, within thirty days after the date of the referendum, proclaim the result of the referendum and (1) no quota for burley tobacco for the 1955-1956 marketing year shall be effective thereafter, and (2) no price support shall be made available on the 1955 crop of burley tobacco. (7 U. S. C. 1312 note.)] APPORTIONMENT OF NATIONAL MARKETING QUOTA Sec. 313. (a) The national marketing quota for tobacco established pursuant to the provisions of section 312, less the amount to be allotted under subsection (c) of this section, shall be apportioned by the Secre¬ tary among the several States on the basis of the total production of tobacco in each State during the five calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year in which the quota is proclaimed (plus, in applicable years, the normal production on the acreage diverted under previous agricultural adjustment and conservation programs), with such adjustments as are determined to be necessary to make cor¬ rection for abnormal conditions of production, for small farms, and for trends in production, giving due consideration to seed bed and other plant diseases during such five-year period. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section and section 312 * * * the burley tobacco acreage allotment which would otherwise be established for any farm having a burley acreage allotment in 1942 shall not be less than one-half acre, and the acreage required for apportionment under this proviso shall be in addition to the National and State acreage allotments. (7 U. S. C. 1313 (a).) [Act of March 31, 1944. ** * notwithstanding the provisions of section 313 (a) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, the burley tobacco acreage allotment which would otherwise be established for any farm having a burley acreage allotment in 1943 shall not be less than one acre, or 25 per centum of the cropland, whichever is the smaller, and the acreage required for apportionment under this joint resolution shall be in addition to the National and State acreage allotments. (58 Stat. 136,7 U. S. C. 1313 note.)] 492443—59-4 3(3 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 19 38, AS AMENDED TAct of Julv 12, 1952. * * * notwithstanding any other provision of i aw effective for the 1956 and subsequent crops of hurley tobacco, the farm acreage allotment for burley tobacco for any year shall not bel - k-ata:aa aC T?L°Jw' rS£ uJ-Zrld tab Jco established for the arms S&Sfe-SigSSKwS a^2S?2^s«»fW®^ V mc } h farm in determining a single combined tobacco acreage alio m 7c) Notwithstanding the national marketing quotas for the market¬ ing V eccr ^beginning October 1, 1958 , anrumW the ^creta^for each of the two kinds of tobacco described as type 21 (]^ rua ) lire cured tobacco and type 31 Virginia sun-cured tobacco each of the \tate acreaoe allotments for such kinds of tobacco appoi tioned by the fZeZ^to the State of Virginia for the marketing year ^pnmng October ^1 1958 shall be increased or decreased respectively by the alZZof^rLeegmvdent to the corresponding net total olmngem Tlrmacreaaeattotments for each of such kinds of tobacco for such "suit from the establishment of single com- mMZZ farm acreage allotments In determining and announcing the amou J , ^ Inn miotas for tvve 21 (Virginia) fire-cured tobacco , ana type at \ l gmiasuri-cured tobacco in irms of Zar kinds of tobacco which may be marketed during the hmlnnino October 1 , 1959 , and during each of the four suc ^ eeat y marketing years thereafter , the Secretary shall increase or decrease such, national marketing quotas determined as Voided rn (b) and the Virginia State acreage allotments f°rtype21( V ™ gi n' t ( l } e cured tobacco and type 37 Virginia sun-cured tobacco to reflect correspondingly the changes which previously have occurred in the total acZageallotted for each of such kinds of tobacco Pursuant to this section. Notwithstanding any marketing quota determined a _ mis secVirginia) fire-cured tobacco and type 3 / Virginia sun-cured tobacco for. the marketing year 1, 1959 , and for each marketing year thereafter , each of the State AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 43 acreage allotments for such hinds of tobacco apportioned to the State of Virginia for any such marketing year shall be increased or de¬ creased respectively by the amount of acreage equivalent to the corresponding net total change in farm acreage allotments for each of such hinds of tobacco for such marketing year which results from the combination of farms and the establishment of single combined tobacco farm acreage allotments as provided in this section The sum of the State acreage allotments for type 21 (Virginia) fire-cured tobacco' and type 37 Virginia sun-cured tobacco determined for any marketing year as provided in section 313 shall not be increased or decreased by reason of any increase or decrease in the State acreage allotment for each of such kinds of tobacco previously provided for m n J ar , a Syj P i jo reflect net changes occurring in acreage allotted. (7 U. S. C. 1315.) PART II—ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS—CORN 11 LEGISLATIVE FINDING Sec. 321. Corn is a basic source of food for the Nation, and corn produced in the commercial corn-producing area moves almost wholly in interstate and foreign commerce in the form of corn, livestock, and livestock products. Abnormally excessive and abnormally deficient supplies of corn acutely and directly affect, burden, and obstruct interstate and for¬ eign commerce in corn, livestock, and livestock products. When abnormally excessive supplies exist, transportation facilities in inter¬ state and foreign commerce are overtaxed, and the handling and proc¬ essing facilities through which the flow of interstate and foreign com¬ merce in corn, livestock, and livestock products is directed become acutely congested. Abnormally deficient supplies result in substan¬ tial decreases m livestock production and in an inadequate flow of livestock and livestock products in interstate and foreign commerce, with the consequence of unreasonably high prices to consumers. _ Vlo ; ent Actuations from year to year in the available supply of om disrupt the balance between the supply of livestock and livestock pioducts moving m interstate and foreign commerce and the supply of corn available for feeding. When available supplies of corn are rr iVe ’ COn i pr ! Ce ! ai i e lm y and farmers overexpand livestock pro- ! , 111 ? r ? er t0 find outle i ts i for corn. Such expansion, together rn', Li relative scarcity _ and high price of corn, forces farmers to maiket abnormally excessive supplies of livestock in interstate com- at sacnfice prices, endangering the financial stability of pro- which’tbp fln°J er ? ?1 i ng h ndlin S and processing facilities through ch the flow of interstate and foreign commerce in livestock and livestock products is directed. Such excessive marketings deplete livestock on farms, and livestock marketed in interstate and foreign nrkf^ e fn e ^ C ° nSeqUent j C ° mes abnormally low, with resultant high p ® s f o consumers and danger to the financial stability of persons ^aged m transporting, handling, and processing livestock in inter¬ im Sections*321 **t(f not ^n Pu Jr‘ V ? 5 “l 05 ' 72 stat - 7 °3- August 21, 1958. 25, 1958, in which faraeni^ W? held on November See section 104, Agricultural Act of 1958%. alIotmcnts ' 44 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED state and foreign commerce. These high prices in turn result in S=S3H2^SgfeSSSS Cki"ed foKrkeHn and foreign commerce q i , .-11 „ii n ie C om moving in interstate commerce, substai mmmm inSle °Almost all the - Si&s'irsS 1 ^ ST $2% com is Pr The“onditions affecting the production and inarketing of^o m tmd the livastock products of com are such that, without federal ass aice fannersT individually or in cooperation cannot effectively pre in interstate and foreign commerce. burdens on inter- The national public interest requires that the burdens state and foreign commerce above described be removed rS?of Federal power. By reason of the administrative and ph 3 sical imnracticability of regulating the movement of livestock and live¬ stock products in interstate and foreign commerce and the inadequacy of any such regulation to remove such burdens such power can be feasibly exercised only by providing for the ket of excessive and burdensome supplies of nroduction and providing a reserve supply of corn available to S et In times of deficient production, in order that a stable and continuous flow of livestock and livestock products in interstate and foreign commerce may at all times be assured and maintained. (7 U. S. C. 1321.) FARM MARKETING QUOTAS Sec. 322 to 325, which related to marketing quotas for coin, were repealed by 68 Stat. 902. ADJUSTMENT OF FARM MARKETING Ql OTAS rG ra aofi VipIow venealed bv 68 Stat. 902 insofar as applicable to com (b) and (crbekw are s&l applicable to wheat. See paragraph (6), Public Law 74, 77th Congress, on p. 55.] AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 45 c Sec. 326 ( a ) Whenever in any county or other area the Secretary finds that the actual production of corn plus the amount of com stored under seal in such county or other area is less than the normal production of the marketing percentage of the farm acreage allot¬ ments m such county or other area, the Secretary shall terminate tarm marketing quotas for com in such county or other area. (7 U S. C. 1326 (a).) ’ v (b) Whenever, upon any farm, the actual production of the acre¬ age of corn is less than the normal production of the marketing per¬ centage of the farm acreage allotment, there may be marketed, with¬ out penalty, from such farm an amount of corn from the com stored under seal pursuant to section 324 which, together with the actual production of the then current crop, will equal the normal production c n i P ercenta ge of the farm acreage allotment. (7 U. o. U. lo2o (b).) • (C 2 Whoever, in any marketing year, marketing quotas are not m edect W1
rAI >X III—MARKETING QUOTAS WHEAT LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS Sec. 331. Wheat is a basic gurce of food for the Kjj *££££ duced throughout the United Stateb' t or flour , flows S^7Aro^—Slides’ of interstate and foreign on the country-wide exc4sive obstruct interstate and foie g . [ foreign transporta- supplies overtax the factlite of interstate ^ k, * ^ ^ tion, congest terminal markedi and mdlm^cent ■ ^ in wheat from producers to con \ otherwise disrupt the orderly interstate and foreign commerce, and ott erause .a P defi . marketing of such commodity m such commer^ prod S cts in 17^-" “ d ,oreisn commerce. general welfare that interstate and for- It is m the interest, of the> general wena^ ^ tected from such eign commerce m w ^ f ;^f stl -e S s!iur shortages. and that a supply burdensome surpluses a adequate to meet domestic consump- of wheat be maintained which is ailequaie io n tion and export requirements » years of d-ughUflood,^ ^ ^ adverse conditions as well as ._ , in the production of such resources of the Nation be.not wasted intoe P™^^ low burdensome surpluses^ S | q wheftt producer s, destroy the prices of wheat and otiiei ^ f or industrial products, and purchasing power of. gia P• supporting the national reduce the value of the agncultmal assets sun abl ^V"flo,,S loss of market out- iESgratia ssss? or 12 This section is effective since ^^^J^ente^nd rprlce^upporfprograun as out- Kt^ec^n 19 !^ amended (see p. 121). AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 47 provide for the orderly marketing thereof in interstate and foreign commerce. The provisions of this Part affording a cooperative plan to wheat producers are necessary in order to minimize recurring surpluses and shortages of wheat in interstate and foreign commerce, to provide for the maintenance of adequate reserve supplies thereof, and provide for an adequate flow of wheat and its products in interstate and for- eign commerce. The provisions hereof for regulation of marketings by producers of wheat whenever an abnormally excessive supply of such commodity exists are necessary in order to maintain an orderly flow of wheat in interstate and foreign commerce under such condi¬ tions. (7 U. S. C. 1331.) PROCLAMATIONS OF SUPPLIES AND ALLOTMENTS Sec. 332. Not later than May 15 of each calendar year the Secre- taiy shall ascertain and proclaim the national acreage allotment for the crop of wheat produced in the next succeeding calendar vear (7 U. S. C. 1332.) J NATIONAL ACREAGE ALLOTMENT Sec. 333. The national acreage allotment for any crop of wheat shall be that acreage which the Secretary determines will, on the basis of the national average yield for wheat, produce an amount theieof adequate, together with the estimated carry-over at the beginning of the market year for such crop and imports, to make available a supply for such marketing year equal to a normal year’s domestic consumption and exports plus 30 per centum thereof. The national acreage allotment for wheat for any year shall be not less than fifty-five million acres. (7 U. S. C. 1333.) [Act of July 14, 1953. * * * Sec. 4. Notwithstanding any other provision of law (a) the national acreage allotment for the 1954 ciop of wheat shall not be less than sixty-two million acres; and (b) the referendum with respect to the 1954 crop of wheat may be held as late as August 15, 1953. (7 U. S. C. 1334, 1336 notes).] APPORTIONMENT OF NATIONAL ACREAGE ALLOTMENT Sec. 334. (a) The national acreage allotment for wheat, less a re- serve of not to exceed one per centum thereof for apportionment as provided m this subsection, shall be apportioned by the Secretary among the several States on the basis of the acreage seeded for the production of wheat during the ten calendar years immediately pre¬ ceding the calendar year in which the national acreage allotment is determined (plus, in applicable years, the acreage diverted under previous agricultural adjustment and conservation programs), with adjustments for abnormal weather conditions and for trends in acre¬ age during such period: Provided , That in establishing State acreage allotments the acreage seeded for the production of wheat ulus the acreage diverted for 1959 and any subsequent year for any farm on which the entire amount of the farm marketing excess is delivered to the Secretary or stored m accordance with applicable regulations to avoid or postpone payment of the penalty shall be the base acreage of 48 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED tJ^ZfeZTv for the farm for the year in which the excess was produced shall be reduced to the farm wheat acreage allotment for reserve acreage set aside herein for apportionment S be use! to make allotments to m •«£*«£ rtsifotS^: S.SS ffadk^a, allotment because of reclamation and other new »™ 9 «S«rith cStadar tion of wheat during the ten calendar yeais endi g year^n which the national acreage allotment is proclaimed. (7 U. S. C ‘ n/f The State acreage allotment for wheat, less a reserve of not to exceed 3 per centum thereof for apportionment fVJo^d^jab- section (c) of this section, shall be apportioned by the Secretary among the counties in the State, on the bas.s of the acreage^drf for the production of wheat during the ten calendai jeais imm atelv preceding the calendar year in which the national acreage all - merit ^ determined (plus, in applicable years, the acreage diverted under previous agricultural adjustment and conservation piograms), with adiustments for abnormal weather conditions and trends m acre¬ age dunng such period and for the promotion of soil-consenration nractice • Provided , That in establishing county acreage allotments \e acreage seeded for the production of wheat plus the acreage di ZZdfor1969 aJ any mLyuent year for any farm on Mthe entire amount of the farm marketing excess is delivered to the * nostvone payment of the penalty shall be the base acreage of wheat ^determined %r the farm under the regulations issued by the Secre¬ tary for determining farm wheat acreage allotments for such year, Zt if any part of the amount of wheat so stored is later depleted and penalty becomes due by reason of such depletion, for the purpose of establishing county acreage allotments ^TiTZthe farm ft the tion the seeded plus diverted acreage of wheat f or J he ] a f m .J°, rxm year in which the excess was produced shall be " ^ wheat acreage allotment for such yearP (7 U. b. C. tel The allotment to the county shall be apportioned by the becre tary through the local committees, among the farms within |be coun¬ ts the basis of past acreage of wheat, tillable acres, ciop-rotation nractices type of Jail, and tomography. Not more than 3 per centum of the Statedlotment shall be apportioned to farms on which wheat has not been planted during any of the three marketing years imme¬ diately preceding the marketing year in which the 1 ^ For the vurpose of establishing farm acreage allotments ( ) past acreage If wheat on any farm for 1958 sh nI \ZjZlZ\ZTec?e- determined for the farm under the regulations issued by the becre u Material in Italics enacted by Pub. L. 85-366, "2 Stat. 78, April 4, 1958. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 49 tary for determining 1958 farm wheat acreage allotments; (ii) if subsequent to the determination of such base acreage the 1958 wheat acreage allotment for the farm is increased through administrative review, or court proceedings, the 1958 farm base acreage shall be in¬ creased m the same proportion; and (Hi) the past acreage of wheat for 1959 and any subsequent year shall be the wheat acreage on the farm which is not in excess of the farm wheat acreage allotment plus, m the case of any farm which is in compliance with its farm wheat acreage allotment, the acreage diverted under such wheat allot¬ ment programs: Provided, That for 1959 and subsequent years in the case of any farm on which the entire amount of the farm market¬ ing excess is delivered to the Secretary or stored in accordance with applicable regulations to avoid or postpone payment of the penalty the past acreage of wheat for the year in which such farm marketing excess is so delivered or stored shall be the farm base acreage of wheat determined for the farm under the regulations issued by the Secre¬ tary for determining farm wheat acreage allotments for such year but if any part of the amount of wheat so stored is later depleted and penalty becomes due by reason of such depletion, for the purpose of establishing farm wheat acreage allotments subsequent to such deple¬ tion the past acreage of wheat for the farm for the year in which the excess was produced shall be reduced to the farm wheat acreage allot¬ ment for such yearP (7 U. S. C. 1334 (c).) [Act of Ferbu^y 28,1945.-* * * in establishing acreage allot- Tf subtltle , B 1 of “elU of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, or under the Soil Conservation and Domes- tic Allotment Act, as amended, the Secretary of Agriculture, under regulations prescribed by him, may provide that for any crop vear ( egmning with the crop year 1945) during the present emergency [terminated July 25, 1947, 61 Stat. 451] any farm, with respect to which a cotton, wheat or peanut allotment was established for the 1942 crop, shall be regarded as a farm on which cotton, wheat, or peanuts, as the case may be, were planted and grown, if the Secretary t 5 at ’ Wlth res J’ ect to cotton or wheat, because of the production of war crops designated by him on such farm, or, with respect to cotton, wheat, or peanuts, because the owner or operator was serving m the armed forces of the United States, the cotton wheat, or peanut production history of the farm for such year is not representative of the normal history of the farm. flw h +i SeCre ^ ary may a l so provide with respect to any such farm ^ i h f e , pas A acrea S e of peanuts shall be adjusted upward to the extent that the acreage used for growing peanuts on such farm in C lSM^ote/] 0 ' 7 ^ normal histor 'y °f the farm (59 Stat. 9, 7 U. S. 1958.- Repealed by Public Law 85 ~ 835 > 72 Stat. 988, August 28, JnV ^ otwithst S Ln j in 9 an V other provision of this Act, the Secretary theVq^tZl th f 7 ! Mrl f etin 9 quotas and acreage allotments for North]) nkntnM^ 1 /* l ° Ca i ed in counties ™ the States'of > o . D . Minnesota, Montana, South Dakota, and California. designated by the Secretary as counties which (1) are capable of “ 3 < 78 < enacted > to i re^a^e^tlJl8 ^ 4 * 1968 ' 50 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED ducing durum wheat (clast U) and, (V have rroiucedjuch'vh^ for commercial food products during one or more of the five years 1052 through 1956. The increase in the wheat acreage allotment for any farm shall he conditioned upon the production of durum wheat 711s II) on such increased acreage. The increased alio ment shell he determined hy adding to the allotment established without regard to this subsection (hereinafter referred to a* the an acreage equal to the acreage hy which the ongirud ceeds the 1957 acreage on the farm of classes of wheat other than durum wheat (class II) (hereinafter referred to as other wheat), hut such increased allotment shall not exceed the smaller of the crop¬ land on the farm well suited to wheat or the wheat acreage on the farm: Provided, That for the purposes of this subsection (1) the original allotment for each farm shall he not less th ^ ^wZnBaW and (2) varieties of class II (durum wheat) known as Golden hall and -Peliss 1 shall he regarded as ‘other wheat. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, (1) no acreage allotment shall he increased under this subsection hy more than sixty acres, and (2) no acreage allotment shall he increased under this subsection for any farm on which the producer knowingly devotes to the production of other wheat an acreage in excess of the lished without regard to this subsection (and particularly without regard to clause (1) of the foregoing proviso). . The increases in wheat acreage allotments authorized by this sub section shall he in addition to the National, Mate, and county w/iea* acreage allotments, and the acreage of durum wheat (class II) on such increased allotments shall not he considered m establishing fu¬ ture State, county and farm acreage allotments. The provisions of paragraph (6) of Public Law /-/, Seventy- seventffcongress (7 V. S.V 1$W (6)), avd section m (b) of thu Act, relating to the reduction of the storage arrwunt of wheat shall apply to the allotment for the farm established without regard to this subsection and not to the increased allotment under this sub- Se °For the purpose of applying section 103 (a) (1) of the Soil Bank Act (relating to participation in the acreage reserve) to any farm receiving an increased allotment under this subsection— (1) the ‘farm acreage allotment ’ shall be the allotment estab¬ lished without regard to this subsection and not the increased allotment under this subsection, and (2) each acre planted to durum wheat (class II) shall count as one-half acre of wheat. For the purposes of this subsection wheat acreage on the farm shall include acreage in the wheat acreage reserve.™ (i U. b. L • 1j .) (f) Anv part of any 1955, 1956, or 1957 farm wheat acreage allot¬ ment on which wheat will not be planted and which is voluntarily surrendered to the county committee shall be deducted fiom the allot¬ ment to such farm and may be reapportioned by the county commit¬ tee to other farms in the same county receiving allotments in amounts determined by the county committee to be fair and reasonable on the basis of past acreage of wheat tillable acres, crop rotation practices, 16 Material in italics added by Pub. L. S5-13, 71 Stat. 10, April 2, 195 1 . AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 51 type of soil, and topography. If all of the allotted acreage volun¬ tarily surrendered is not needed in the county, the county committee may surrender the excess acreage to the State committee to be used for the same purposes as the State acreage reserve under subsection (c) of this section. Any allotment transferred under this provision shall be regarded for the purposes of subsection (c) of this section as having been planted on the farm from which transferred rather than on the farm to which transferred, except that this shall not operate to make the farm from which the allotment was transferred eligible for an allotment as having wheat planted thereon during the three-year base period: Provided , That notwithstanding any other provisions of law, any part of any 1955, 1956, or 1957 farm acreage allotment may be permanently released in writing to the county committee by the owner and operator of the farm, and reappor¬ tioned as provided herein. Acreage surrendered, reapportioned under this subsection, and planted shall be credited to the State and county in determining future acreage allotments. (7 U. S. C. 1334 (f).) (g) If the county committee determines that any producer is pre¬ vented from seeding wheat for harvest as grain in his usual planting season because of unfavorable weather conditions, and the operator of the farm notifies the comity committee not later than December 1 in any area where only winter wheat is grown, or June 1 in the spring wheat area (including an area where both spring and winter wheat are grown), that he does not intend to seed his full wheat allotment for the crop year because of the unfavorable weather conditions, the entire farm wheat allotment for such year shall be regarded as wheat acreage for the purposes of establishing future State, county, and farm acreage allotments: Provided , That if any producer on a farm obtains a reduction in the storage amount of any previous crop of wheat by reason of underplanting the farm wheat acreage allotment pursuant to paragraph (6) of Public Law 74, Seventy-seventh Con¬ gress (7 U. S. C. 1340 (6), or by reason of producing less than the normal production of the farm wheat acreage allotment pursuant to section 326 (b) of this Act, this provision may not be made applicable to such farm with respect to the crop of wheat for which the farm acreage allotment was established. (7 U. S. C. 1334 (g).) (h) Notwithstanding any other provision of law , no acreage in the commercial wheat-producing area seeded to wheat for harvest as grain in 1958 or thereafter in excess of acreage allotments shall he considered in establishing future State and county acreage allotments except as prescribed in the provisos to the first sentence of subsections (a) and (b), respectively , of this section. The planting on a farm in the commercial wheat-producing area of wheat of the 1958 or any subsequent crop for which no farm wheat acreage allotment was established shall not make the farm eligible for an allotment as an old farm pursuant to the first sentence of subsection (c) of this sec¬ tion nor shall such farm by reason of such planting be considered ineligible for an allotment as a new farm under the second sentence of such subsectionP (7 U. S. C. 1334 (h).) 17 Material in Italics enacted by Pub. L. 85-203, 71 Stat. 477, August 28, 1957. 492443—59-5 52 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED (i) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act tl^eantery gSzLi |3aH5?iassaS“ r.^*“~ig=SS"42«'-£= 7uZnf^e aSS uUer SB. sanction between ModZ and Siskiyou Counties on the basis of the relative needs for additional allotments for the portion of the area m each county. The iZretaZ shall also allot such additional acreage to individwd farrnlin the area for which an application for an increased acreage is made on the basis of tillable acres, crop rotation practices, type nf soil and topography, and taking into account the original allot ' l . fi ip f arm if any. No producer shall be eligible to partici- T *t illni/heat acreage reserve program with respect to any farm Zr any year for which such farm receives an additional allotment increase STST-SSS Image allotment for any farm under tins ‘^^wNtunlwlNiri- Honed upon the production of durum wheat (class II) on such C? ’ r AgIigui^ural Act Yf 19 54,-Sec. 314 * * * Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in areas where a summer fallow crop rotation of wheat is a common practice the 1955 wheat acreage allotment for any farm on which such rotation was practiced with respect to the 1952 and 1953 crops of wheat shall not be less than oO pei centi (1) the average acreage planted for the production of wheat for the calendar years 1952 and 1953 plus (2) the average of the acreage sum¬ mer fallowed during the calendar year 1951 for the seeding of wheat for 1952 and the acreage summer fallowed during the calendar year of 1952 for the seeding of wheat for 1953, adjusted m the same ratio as the national average seedings for the production of wheat du g the calendar years 1952 and 1953 bears to the national acreage allot¬ ment for wheat for the 1955 crop, taking into consideration the ad- iustments made for crop rotation practices pursuant to the regula¬ tions pertaining to farm acreage allotments for the 1955 crop of whea issuedby the Secretary: Provided, That, except for farms on which at least ^90 per centum of the acreage seeded for the pioduction o wheat for the calendar years 1952 and 1953 was «eded »Sec. 313 of Agriculture Act of 1954 provides that this law shall no longer be appll cable to corn. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 55 the difference between the amount of the penalty or storage as computed upon the basis of normal production and as computed upon the basis of actual production shall be returned .to or allowed the producer. The Secretary shall issue regulations under which the farm marketing excess of the commodity for the farm may be stored or delivered to him. Upon failure to store or deliver to the Secretary the farm marketing excess within such time as may be determined under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, the penalty computed as aforesaid shall be paid by the producer. Any corn or wheat delivered to the Secretary heieunder shall become the property of the United States and shall be disposed of by the Secretary for relief purposes in the United States or in foreign countries or in such other manner as he shall determine will divert it from the normal channels of trade and commerce. (4) Until the producers on any farm store, deliver to the Secretary, or pay the penalty on, the farm marketing excess of any ciop of corn or wheat, the entire crop of corn or wheat, as the case may be, produced on the farm shall be subject to a lien m favor of the United States for the amount of the penalty. (5) The penalty upon corn or wheat stored shall be paid by the producer at the time, and to the extent, of any depletion in the amount of the commodity so stored, except depletion resulting from some cause beyond the control of the producer. (6) Whenever the planted acreage of the then current crop of corn or wheat on any farm is less than the farm acreage allot¬ ment for such commodity, the total amount of the commodity from any previous crops required to be stored in prder to post¬ pone or avoid payment of penalty shall be reduced by that amount which is equal to the normal production of the number of acres by which the farm acreage allotment exceeds the planted acreage. The provisions of section 326 (b) and (c) of the Act shall be applicable also to wheat. (7) A farm marketing quota on corn or wheat shall not be applicable to any farm on which the acreage planted to the com¬ modity is not in excess of fifteen acres. The marketing penalty on corn or wheat shall not be applicable to any farm which, under the terms of the then current agricultural conservation program formulated under sections 7 to 17, inclusive, of the Soil Conser- vation and Domestic Allotment Act, is classified as a nonallotment farm if the acreage of the commodity harvested on such non- allotment faim is not in excess of fifteen acres or the acreage allotment for the farm, whichever is larger. If the acreage of the commodity harvested on any such nonallotment farm is in excess of fifteen acres and in excess of such acreage allotment, the noimal pioduction or the actual production, whichever is the smaller, of the acreage harvested in excess of fifteen acres or such acreage allotment, whichever is larger, shfill be taken as the farm marketing excess and shall be subject to penalty: Provided, 1 hat there shall be no penal tv on wheat harvested on any such nonallotment farm from which no wheat is sold if the acreage ot wheat harvested on such farm does not exceed such acreage per family living thereon as may be used for home consumption 56 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED without reducing the payment with respect to the farm under the then current agricultural conservation program: ssj&skes - the Secretary, that there will not be marketed an amount of wheat in excess of the li)41 farm marketing quota. (81 Until the farm marketing excess of corn or wheat, as tlI e case mav be is stored or deliver^ to the Secretary or the penalty thereon^is paid, each bushel of the commodity produced on he fatlTwhich is sold by the producer to any person within the United States shall be'subject to the penalty “ “^he o-ranli 121 of this resolution. Such penalty shall be P ai . . buyer, who may deduct an amount equivalent to the penalty from the price paid to the producer. (9) (Not applicable to wheat.) (10) (Applicable only through the 1946 crop.) . j 11 The provisions of this resolution are amendato^ of and supplementary to the Act, and all provisionsi of law app .cabe in l-psnect of marketing quotas and loans under such Act a. amended and supplemented shall be applicable, but nothing in this resolution sln.ll be construed to amend or repeal section 301 (M (61, 323 (b), or 335 (d) of the Act. . . ( iVkotwiihitanding »y of the fore going provision.i, the farm marketing excess for any crop of wheat for any farm shall not be larger than the amount by which the actual production o such crop g of wheat on the farm exceeds the normal production of the farm wheat-acreage allotment, if the esta^ such actual production to the satisfaction of the Secretary. Where a downward adjustment m the amount of tl < marketing excess is made pursuant to the provisions of th naraffranh the difference between the amount of the penal \ or storage as computed upon the farm marketing excey e 01 such adjustment and as computed upon tho adjusted fa marketing excess shall be returned to or allowed the producer. (A5 St at 203 7 U. S. C. 1330, 1340.)] (d)' No farm marketing quota with respect to wheat shall be ap nlicable in any marketing year to any farm on which the normal fredttim outlie acreag! planted to wheat of the current crop » less than two hundred bushels. (7 U. S. C. 133o (d).) , (el If for any marketing year, the acreage allotment for wheat for any State is twenty-five thousand acres or less, the Secretaiy, i order to promote efficient administration of this Act and the Agric - tural Act*of 1949, may designate such State as outside th^comme^ wheat-producing area for such marketing yeai. No f arni niark e t ng QUO ta or acreage allotment with respect to wheat under tin,, title shall be applicable in such marketing year to any f“™ “ ^ sn desio-nated- and no acreage allotment in any other btate snail De ncreS by reason of such designation. Notice of any -ch denp.a- tion shall be published in the Federal Register. (7 U. S. C. (e).) AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 57 (f) The Secretary , upon application made pursuant to regulations prescribed by him , shall exempt producers from any obligation under this Act to pay the penalty on , deliver to the Secretary , or store the farm marketing excess with respect to any farm for any crop of wheat harvested in 1958 or any subsequent year on the following conditions: (1) That, the total reheat acreage on the farm does not exceed 30 acres: Provided , however , That this condition shall not apply to farms, operated by and as part of State or county institutions or religious or eleemosynary institutions; (2) That none of such crop of wheat is removed from such farm except to be processed for use as human food or livestock feed oh such fctvm and none of such evop is sold ov exchanged for goods or services; (3) That such entire crop of wheat is used on such farm for seed, human food , or feed for livestock , including poultry , owned by any such producer , or a subsequent owner or operator of the farm; and (J+) That, such producers and their successors comply with all regulations prescribed by the Secretary for the purpose of . determining compliance with the foregoing conditions. Failure to comply with any of the foregoing conditions shall cause the exemption to become immediately null and void unless such failure is due to circumstances beyond the control of such producers as deter¬ mined by the Secretary. In the event an exemption becomes null and void the provisions of this Act shall become applicable to the same extent as if such, exemption had not been granted. No acreage planted_ to wheat in excess of the farm acreage allotment for a crop covered by an exemption hereunder shall be considered in determining any subsequent wheat acreage allotment or marketing quota for such farm ana the estimated production from such excess acreage shall not be included m total supply and normal supply in the determination of future marketing quotas and level of price support. No producer exempted under this section shall be eligible to vote in the referendum under section 336 with respect to the next subsequent crop of wheat! 0 REFERENDUM Sec. 336. Between the date of the issuance of any proclamation of any national marketing quota for wheat and July 25, 21 the Secretary shall conduct a referendum, by secret ballot, of farmers who will be subject to the quota specified therein to determine whether such farmers favor or oppose such quota. If more than one-third of the farmers voting m the referendum oppose such quota, the Secretary shall proir to the effective date of such quota, by proclamation sus- pend the operation of the national marketing quotas with respect to wneat. (( U. o. O. 1336.) ADJUSTMENT AND SUSPENSION OF QUOTA Sec. 337. (a) If the total supply as proclaimed by the Secretary within forty -five days after the beginning of the marketing year is less “ New subsection added by Pub. L. 85-203, 71 Stat 477 Autrust 28 1057 1953^by sec! ^ot the^ Act^f* Jul^lXf l£> e 53 ! Um ° n th42, the Secre¬ tary shall conduct a referendum, by secret ballot, of farmers engaged in the production of cotton in the calendar year m which the referen¬ dum is held, to determine whether such farmers are in favor of or opposed to the quota so proclaimed: Provided , That if marketing quotas are proclaimed for the 1950 crop, farmers eligible to vote in the referendum held with respect to such crop shall be those farmers who were engaged in the production of cotton in the calendar year of 1948. If more than one-third of the farmers voting in the referendum oppose the national marketing quota, such quota shall become ineffective upon proclamation of the results of the referendum. The Secretary shall proclaim the results of any referendum held hereunder within thirty days after the date of such referendum. (7 U. S. C. 1343.) ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS Sec 344. (a) Whenever a national marketing quota is proclaimed under’section 342, the Secretary shall determine and proclaim a na¬ tional acreage allotment for the crop of cotton to be produced in the next calendar year. The national acreage allotment for cotton shall be that acreage, based upon the national average yield per acre of cot¬ ton for the four 24 years immediately preceding the calendar year in which the national marketing quota is proclaimed, required to make available from such crop an amount of cotton equal to the national marketing quota. (7 IT. S. C. 1344 (a).) (b) The national acreage allotment for cotton for 1953 and sub- sequent years shall be apportioned to the States on the basis of the acreage planted to cotton (including the acreage regarded as having been planted to cotton under the provisions of Public Law 12, Seventy- ninth Congress) during the five calendar years immediately preceding u The word “four” substituted for “five” by Pub. L. S5-S35, 72 Stat. 990, August 28, 1958. 61 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED the calendar year in which the national marketing quota is proclaimed, with adjustments for abnormal weather conditions during such period : Provided , That there is hereby established a national acreage reserve consisting of one hundred thousand acres which shall be in addition to the national acreage allotment; and such reserve shall be apportioned t o the States on the basis of their needs for additional acreage for estab- lishing minimum farm allotments under subsection (f) (1), as de¬ termined by the Secretary without regard to State and county acreage reserves (except that the amount apportioned to Nevada shall be one thousand acres), and the additional acreage so apportioned to the State shall be apportioned to the counties on the same basis and added to the county acreage allotment for apportionment to farms pursuant to sub¬ section (f) of this section (except that no part of such additional acreage shall be used to increase the county reserve above 15 per centum of the county allotment determined without regard to such additional acreage). Additional acreage apportioned to a State for any year under the foregoing proviso shall not be taken into account in establishing future State acreage allotments. Needs for additional acreage under the foregoing proviso and under the last proviso in sub¬ section (e) shall be determined as though allotments were first com¬ puted without regard to subsection (f) (1) : 25 Provided , That there is hereby established a national acreage reserve consisting of three hundred and ten thousand acres which shall be in addition to the national acreage allotment; and such reserve shall be apportioned to the States on the basis of their needs for additional acreage for estab¬ lishing minimum farm allotments under subsection (f) (1), as de¬ termined by the Secretary xcithout regard to State and county acreage reserves (except that the am,ount apportioned to Nevada shall be one thousand acres). For the 1960 and succeeding crops of cotton , the needs of States (other than Nevada) for such additional acreage for such purpose may be estimated by the Secretary , after taking into consideration such needs as determined or estimated for the preceding crop of cotton and the size of the national acreage allot¬ ment for such crop. The additional acreage so apportioned to the State shall be apportioned to the counties on the basis of the needs of the counties for such additional acreage for such purpose , and added to the county acreage allotment for apportionment to farms pursuant to subsection (f) of this section (except that no part of such additional acreage shall be used to increase the county reserve above 15 per centum of the county allotment determined without regard to such additional acreage). Additional acreage apportioned to a State for any year under _ the foregoing proviso shall not be taken into account in establishing future State acreage allotments. Needs for additional acreage _ under the foregoing provisions and under the last proviso in subsection (e) shall be determined or estimated as though allotments were first computed without regard to subsection (f) (1). 2e [The portion in italics is effective beginning with the 1959 crop.] (7 U. S. C. 1344 (b).) (c) Applicable only to the 1950 and 1951 crops of cotton.) (d) (Applicable only to the 1952 crop of cotton.) witl1 word “Provided” and ending with “subsection (f) (1) effective only with respect to the 1957 and 1958 crop of cotton. ; ' 28 New proviso added by Pub. L. 85-835, 72 Stat. 990, August 28, 1958. is 62 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED (e) The State acreage allotment for cotton shall be apportioned to counties on the same basis as to years and conditions as is appli¬ cable to the State under subsections (b), (c), and (d) of this section: Provided , That the State committee may reserve not to exceed 10 per centum of its State acreage allotment (I 5 I? er . centum if the States 1948 planted acreage was in excess of one million acres and less than half its 1943 allotment) which shall be used to make adjustments in county allotments for trends in acreage, for counties adversely affected by abnormal conditions affecting plantings, or for small or new farms, or to correct inequities in farm allotments and to prevent hardship. Provided further , That if the additional acreage allocated to a State under the proviso in subsection (b) is less than the requirements as determined by the Secretary for establishing minimum farm allot¬ ments for the State under subsection (f) (1), the acreage reserved by the State committee under this subsection shall not be less than the smaller of (1) the remaining acreage so determined to be required for establishing minimum farm allotments or (2) 3 per centum of the State acreage allotment; and the acreage which the State committee is required to reserve under this proviso shall be allocated to counties on the basis of their needs for additional acreage for establishing minimum farm allotments under subsection (f) (1), and added to the county acreage allotment for apportionment to farms pursuant to subsection (f) of this section (except that no part of such addi¬ tional acreage shall be used to increase the county reserve above 15 per centum of the county allotment determined without regard to such additional acreages). 28 Provided further , That if the additional acreage allocated to a State under the proviso in subsection (b) is less than the requirements as determined or estimated by the Secre¬ tary for establishing minimum farm allotments for the State under subsection (f) (1), the acreage reserved under this subsection shall not be less than the smaller of (1) the remaining acreage so deter¬ mined or estimated to be required for establishing minimum farm allotments or (2) 3 per centum of the State acreage allotment; and the acreage which is required to be reserved under this proviso shall be allocated to counties on the basis of their needs for additional acreage for establishing minimum farm allotments under subsection (f) (1), and added to the county acreage allotment for apportionment to farms pursuant to subsection (f) of this section (except that no pait of such additional acreage shall be used to increase the county reserve above 15 per centum of the county allotment determined without regard to such additional acreages)P _ - FThe proviso in italics is effective beginning with the 1959 crop of cotton.! (7 U. S. C. 1344 (e).) (f) The county acreage allotment, less not to exceed the percentage provided for in paragraph (3) of this subsection, shall be apportioned to farms on which cotton has been planted (or regarded as having been planted under the provisions of Public Law 12, e^ entv-ninth 27 in subsection (e). the words in the first proviso beginning with “or to correct’’ and ending with “to prevent hardship” have been omitted from Pie test of section lo44 (el as it appears in 7 T T . S. C. 1344 (e) (1952 Edition. Supplement 1 ). as Second proviso is effective only with respect to the 1957 and 19oS crops of cotton. 20 The proviso and subparagraph (1) of subsection (f) in italics were added by Tub. L. 85-835, 72 Stat. 991, August 2S. 195S. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938 , AS AMENDED 63 Congress) in any one of the three years immediately preceding the year for which such allotment is determined on the following basis: (1) Insofar as such acreage is available , there shall be allotted the smaller of the following: (A) ten acres / or (B) the acreage allotment established for the farm for the 1958 crop. 29 [This portion in italics is effective beginning with the 1959 cron of cotton.J (2) The remainder shall be allotted to farms other than farms to which an allotment has been made under paragraph (1) (B) so that the allotment to each farm under this paragraph together with the amount of the allotment to such farm under paragraph (1) (A) shall be a prescribed percentage (which percentage shall be the same for all such farms in the county or administrative area) of the acreage, during the preceding year, on the farm which is tilled annually or in regular rotation, excluding from such acreages the acres devoted to the production of sugarcane for sugar; sugar beets for sugar; wheat, tobacco, or rice for market; peanuts picked and threshed; wheat or rice for feeding to livestock for market; or lands determined to be devoted pri¬ marily to orchards or vineyards, and nonirrigated lands in irrigated areas: Provided , however , That if a farm would be allotted under this paragraph an acreage together with the amount of the allotment to such farm under paragraph (1) (A) in excess of the largest acreage planted (and regarded as planted under Public Law 12, Seventy-ninth Congress) to cotton during any of the preceding three years, the acreage allotment for such farm shall not exceed such largest acreage so planted (and re¬ garded as planted under Public Law 12, Seventy-ninth Congress) in any such year. (3) The county committee may reserve not in excess of 15 per centum of the county allotment * * * which, in addition to the acreage made available under the proviso in subsection (e), shall be used for (A) establishing allotments for farms on which cotton was not planted (or regarded as planted under Public Law 12, Seventy-ninth Congress) during any of the three cal¬ endar years immediately preceding the year for which the allot¬ ment is made, on the basis of land, labor, and equipment available for the production of cotton, crop-rotation practices, and the soil and other physical facilities affecting the production of cotton; and (B) making adjustments of the farm acreage allot¬ ments established under paragraphs (1) and (2) of this sub¬ section so as to establish allotments which are fair and reasonable in relation to the factors set forth in this paragraph and ab¬ normal conditions of production on such farms, or in makino- adjustments in farm acreage allotments to correct inequities and to prevent hardships: Provided , That not less than 20 per centum of the acreage reserved under this subsection shall, to the extent required, be allotted, upon such basis as the Secretary deems fair and reasonable to farms (other than farms to which an allotment has been made under subsection (f) (1) (B)), if any, to which an allotment of not exceeding fifteen acres may be made under other provisions of this subsection. (4) (Applicable only to the 1950 crop of cotton) 04 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED (5) (Applicable only to the 1950 crop of cotton) (6) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (2) of th subsection , if the county committee recommends octamjmd the Secretary determines that such action will result in a more equitable distribution of the county allotment among f a ™* ™ the county , the remainder of the county acreage allotment (after making allotments as provided in paragraph (1) of this sub¬ section) shall be allotted to farms other than farms to whmhan allotment has been made under paragraph (1) (B) of Urn tub- section so that the allotment to each farm under th J' s V ara 4™?“ r together with the amount of the allotment of such farm unde paragraph (1) (A) of this subsection shall be a prescribed per¬ centage (which percentage shall be the same for all such farms in the county) of the average acreage planted to cotton on the farm durinq the three years immediately preceding theyeai for which such allotment is determined , adjusted as may be neces¬ sary for abnormal conditions affecting plantings during such three-year period: Provided, That the county committee may in its discretion limit any farm acreage allotment established under the provisions of this paragraph for any year to an acreage not in excess of 50 per centum of the cropland on the farm, as deter¬ mined pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this sub¬ section: Provided further , That any part of the county acreage allotment not apportioned under this paragraph by reason of the initial application of such 50 per centum limitation shall be added to the county acreage reserve under paragraph (3) of this subsection and shall be available for the purposes specified, therein.™ [The portion in italics effective beginning with the 1959 crop.l If the county acreage allotment is apportioned among the farms of the county in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, the acreage reserved under paragraph (• ) of this subsection may be used to make adjustments so as to establish allotments which are fair and reasonable to farms receiving allotments under this paragraph m relation to the factors set forth in paragraph (3). . , (7) (A) in the event that any farm acreage allotment is less than that prescribed by paragraph (1), such acreage allotment shall be increased to the acreage prescribed by paragraph (1). The additional acreage required to be allotted to farms under this paragraph shall be in addition to the county , State , and national^ acreage allotments and the production from such acreage shall be in addition to the national marketing quota. (B) Notwithstanding any other provision of law— (i) the acreage by which any farm, acreage allotment for 1959 or any subsequent crop established under paragraph (1) exceeds the acreage which would have been allotted to such farm if its allotment had been computed on the basis of the same percentage factor applied to other fanns in the county under paragraph (2), (6), or (8) shall not be taken into account in establishing the acreage allotment 30 New material was substituted for paragraph (6), by Tub. L. S5-S35. 72 Stat. 991, August 28, 1958. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 65 for such farm for any crop for which acreage is allotted to such farm under paragraph (2), (6), or (8); and acre¬ age shall be allotted under paragraph (2), (6), or (8) to farms which did not receive 1958 crop allotments in excess of ten acres if and only if the Secretary determines (after considering the allotments to other farms in the county for such crop compared with their 1958 allotments and other relevant factors) that equity and justice require the allot¬ ment of additional acreage to such farm under paraaraph (2), (6), or (8), _ l 9 l (ii) the acreage by which any county acreage allotment for 1959 or any subsequent crop is increased from the national or State reserve on the basis of its needs for additional acreage for establishing minimum farm allot¬ ments shall not be taken into account in establishing future county acreage allotments , and (Hi) the additional acreage allotted pursuant to sub- paragraph (A) of this paragraph (7) shall not be taken into account in establishing future State , county , or farm acreage allotments . 31 [This new paragraph is effective beginning with the 1959 crop.] (8) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of paragraphs (2) and (6) of this subsection , the Secretary may , if he determines that such action will facilitate the effective administration of the provisions of the Act , provide for the county acreage allotment for the 1959 and succeeding crops of cotton , less the acreage reserved under paragraph (3) of this sub section, to be appor- tioned to farms on which cotton has been 'planted in any one of the three years immediately preceding the year for which such allotment is determined , on the basis of the farm acreage allot¬ ment for the year immediately preceding the year for which such apportionment is made , adjusted as may be necessary (i) for any change in the acreage of cropland available for the pro¬ duction of cotton, or (ii) to meet the requirements of any pro¬ vision (other than those contained in paragraphs (2) and (6)) with respect to the counting of acreage for history purposes? 1 (7 U. S. C. 1344 (f).) 1 [Agricultural Act of 1956. Sec. 303 (e).—For the 1956 crop, an acreage in each State equal to the acreage allotted in such State which the Secretary determines will not be planted, placed in the acieage reserve or conservation reserve, or considered as planted under section 377 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, may be apportioned by the Secretary among farms in such State having allotments of less than the smaller of the following: (1) four acres, or (2) the highest number of acres planted to cotton in any of the years 1953, 1954, and 1955.] (7 U. S. C. 1344 note). (g) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section— (1) State, county, and farm acreage allotments and yields for cotton shall be established in conformity with Public Law 28 Lighty-first Congress. ’ 31 New paragraphs 7 and 8 added by Pub. L. 85-835. 72 Stat. 991, 992, August 28, 1958. 66 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED (2) In apportioning the county alloment among the farms within the county, the Secretary, through the local committees, shall take into consideration different conditions within separate administrative areas within a county if any exist, including types, kinds, and productivity of the soil so as to pret ent dis¬ crimination among the administrative areas of the county. (3) For any farm on which the acreage planted to cotton in any year is less than the farm acreage allotment for such year by not more than the larger of 10 per centum of the allotment or one acre, an acreage equal to the farm acreage allotment shall be deemed to be the acreage planted to cotton on such farm, and the additional acreage added to the cotton acreage history for the farm shall be added to the cotton acreage history for the county and State. (7 U. S. C. 1344 (g).) . . [Act of March 29, 1949 * * * notwithstanding the provisions of title III of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. as amended, or of any other law, State, county, and farm acreage allotments and yields for cotton for any year after 1949 shall be computed without regard to yields or to the acreage planted to cotton in 1949. (< U. S. C. 1344a)] (h) Repealed by P. L. 85-835 (72 Stat. 996.), August 28, 1958.” (i) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, any acreage planted to cotton in excess of the farm acreage allotment shall not be taken into account in establishing State, county, and farm acreage allotments. (7 U. S. C. 1344 (i).) . (j) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, State and county committees shall make available for inspection by owners or operators of farms receiving cotton acreage allotments all record? pertaining to cotton acreage allotments and marketing quotas. (7 U. S.C. 1344 (j).) (k) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section except subsection (g) (1), there shall be allotted to each State for which an allotment is made under this section not less than the smaller of (A) four thousand acres or (B) the highest acreage planted to cotton in any one of the three calendar years immediately preceding the year for which the allotment is made. (7 U. S. C. 1344 (k).) (l) (This subsection relating to war crops under Public Law 12, Seventy-ninth Congress, does not apply to the 1955 and succeeding crops of cotton.) (7 U. S. C. 1344 (1).) (m) Notwithstanding any other provision of law— (1) Applicable only to 1954 crop of cotton) (2) Any part of any farm cotton acreage allotment on which cotton will not be planted and which is voluntarily surrendered to the county committee shall b° deducted from the allotment to such farm and may be reapportioned by the county committee to other farms in the same county receiving allotments in amounts determined by the county committee to be fair and lea- sonable on the basis of past acreage of cotton, land, labor, equip¬ ment available for the production of cotton, crop rotation prac¬ tices, and soil and other physical facilities affecting the produc¬ tion of cotton. If all of the allotted acreage voluntarily Sur¬ as See p. 87 for section 378 which replaces this section. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 67 rendered is not needed in the county, the county committee may surrender the excess acreage to the State committee to be used for the same purposes as the State acreage reserve under sub¬ section (e) of this section; but no such acreage shall be sur¬ rendered to the State committee so long as any farmer receiving a cotton acreage allotment in such county desires additional cot¬ ton acreage . 33 Any allotment transferred under this provision shall be regarded for the purposes of subsection (f) of this section as having been planted on the farm from which trans- feiied rather than on the farm to which transferred, except that this shall not operate to make the farm from which the allotment was transferred eligible for an allotment as having cotton plant¬ ed thereon during the three-year base period: Provided , That notwithstanding any other provisions of law, any part of any farm acreage allotment may be permanently released in writing to the county committee by the owner and operator of the farm, and reapportioned as provided herein. Acreage surrendered, reapportioned under this paragraph, and planted shall be credited to the State and county in determining future acreage allotments. The provisions of this paragraph shall apply also to extra long staple cotton covered by section 347 of this Act. (3) (Applicable only to 1954 crop of cotton.) ( n ) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act , if the Secre¬ tary determines that because of a natural disaster a substantial por¬ tion of the 1958 farm cotton acreage allotments in a county cannot be timely planted or replanted , he may authorize the transfer of all or a part of the cotton acreage allotment for any farm in the county so affected to another farm in the county or in an adjoining county on which one or more of the producers on the farm from which the transfer is to be made will be engaged in the production of cotton and will share in the proceeds thereof , in accordance with such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe. Acreage history credits fot transferred acreage shall be governed by the provisions of sub¬ section (m) (2) of this section pertaining to the release and reappor¬ tionment of acreage allotments. No transfer hereunder shall be n } ac 'f. t°o farm covered by a 1958 acreage reserve contract for cot¬ ton . 34 (7 U. S. C. 1334 (n).) [Applicable only to 1958 crop of cotton.] FARM MARKETING QUOTAS Sec. 345. The farm marketing quota for any crop of cotton shall be the actual production of the acreage planted to cotton on the farm less the farm marketing excess. The farm marketing excess shall be me normal production of that acreage planted to cotton on the farm winch is m excess of the farm acreage allotment: Provided , That such rai m marketing excess shall not be larger than the amount by which the actual production of cotton on the farm exceeds the normal pro- ™ on , of . tIie farm acreage allotment, if the producer establishes such actual production to the satisfaction of the Secretary. (7 “Material In Italics enacted by Pub. L. 85-835. 72 Stat 992 Auiriist 29 iq*q “N ew subsection added by Pub. L. 85-456, 72Stat.186'.June11?1958 ' *' 492443—59-6 68 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 19 38, AS AMENDED PENALTIES Sec. 346. (a) Whenever farm marketing quotas are in effect with respect to any crop of cotton, the producer shall be subject to a penalty on the farm marketing excess at a rate per pound equal to 50 per centum of the parity price per pound for cotton as of June 15 of the calendar year in which such crop is produced. (7 U. S>. (b/ The farm marketing excess of cotton shall be regarded as available for marketing and the amount of penalty shall be computed upon the normal production of the acreage on the farm planted to cotton in excess of the farm acreage allotment. If a downward adjustment in the amount of the farm marketing excess is made pursuant to the proviso in section 345, the difference between the amount of the penalty computed upon the farm marketing excess before such adjustment and as computed upon the adjusted farm marketing excess shall be returned to or allowed the producer (7 U. S (c) 1 The person liable for payment or collection of the penalty shall be liable also for interest thereon at the rate of 6 per centum per annum from the date the penalty becomes due until the date of pay¬ ment of such penalty. (7 U. S. C. 1346 (c) .) (d) Until the penalty on the farm marketing excess is paid, all cotton produced on the farm and marketed by the producer shall be subject to the penalty provided by this section and a lien on the entire crop of cotton produced on the farm shall be in effect in favor of the United States. (7 U. S. C. 1346 (d).) LONG STAPLE COTTON Sec 347. (a) Except as otherwise provided by this section, the pro¬ visions of the Part shall not apply to extra long staple cotton which is produced from pure strain varieties of the Barbadense species, or anv hybrid thereof, or other similar types of extra long staple cotton designated by the Secretary having characteristics needed for various end uses for which American upland cotton is not suitable, and £iown in irrigated cotton-growing regions of the United States designated by the Secretary or other areas designated by the Secretary as suit¬ able for the production of such varieties or types. (< U. s. E. ^ a )b) Whenever during any calendar year, not later than October 15 the Secretary determines that the total supply of cotton described in’subsection (a) for the marketing year beginning m such calendar year will exceed the normal supply thereof for such marketing year by more than 8 per centum, the Secretary shall proclaim such fact and a national marketing quota shall be in effect for the crop of such cotton produced in the next calendar year. The Secretary shall also determine and specify in such proclamation the amount of the na¬ tional marketing quota in terms of the quantity of cotton described in subsection (a) adequate to make available a normal supply ot cot¬ ton, taking into account (1) the estimated carry-over at the begin¬ ning of the marketing year which begins in the next, calendar year, and (2) the estimated imports during such marketing year: fro- AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 69 vided , That beginning with the 1961 crop of extra long staple cotton, such national marketing quota shall be an amount equal to (1) the estimated domestic consumption plus exports for the marketing year which begins in the next calendar year, less (2) the estimated im¬ ports, plus (3) such additional number of bales, if any, as the Secre¬ tary determines is _ necessary to assure adequate working stocks in trade channels until cotton from the next crop becomes rea/lily avail¬ able without resort to Commodity Credit Corporation stocks.™ The national marketing quota for cotton described in subsection (a) for any year shall not be less than the larger of thirty thousand bales or a number of bales equal to 30 per centum of the estimated domestic consumption plus exports of such cotton for the marketing year beginning in the calendar year in which such quota is proclaimed (7 U. S. C. 1347 (b).) (c) All provisions of this Act, except section 342, subsection (h), (k), and (1) of section 344, the parenthetical provisions relating to acreages regarded as having been planted to cotton, and the provi¬ sions relating to minimum small farm allotments, shall, insofar as applicable, apply to marketing quotas and acreage allotments author¬ ized by this section: Provided, That the applicable penalty rate for such cotton under section 346 shall be the higher of 50 per centum of the parity price or 50 per centum of the support price for extra long staple cotton as of the date specified therein. (7 U. S. C. 1347 (c).) (d) Unless marketing quotas are in effect under subsection (b) of this section, the penalty provisions of section 346 shall not apply to any cotton the staple of which is one and one-half inches or more in length. (7 U. S. C. 1347 (d).) (e) The exemptions authorized by subsections (a) and (d) of this section shall not apply unless (1) the cotton is ginned on a roller-type gm oi (2) the Secretary authorizes the cotton to be ginned on another type gin for experimental purposes or to prevent loss of the cotton due to frost or other adverse condition. (7 U. S. C. 1347 (e).) INELIGIBILITY FOR PAYMENTS Sec. 348. Repealed by Public Law 42, 84th Congress, (69 Stat. 65) PART V—MARKETING QUOTAS—RICE LEGISLATIVE FINDING Sec. 351. (a) The marketing of rice constitutes one of the great basic industries of the United States with ramifying activities which directly affect interstate and foreign commerce at every point, and stable conditions therein are necessary to the general welfare. Rice produced for market is sold on a Nation-wide market, and, with its products, moves almost w T holly in interstate and foreign commerce from the producer to the ultimate consumer. The farmers producin<>' such commodity are subject in their operations to uncontrollable natural causes, in many cases such farmers carry on their farming operations on borrowed money or leased lands, and are not so situated as to be a ble to organize effectively, as can labor and industry, 05 Material In italics enacted by Pub. L. 85-835. 72 Stat. 990, August 28, 1958. 70 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED through unions and corporations enjoying Government sanction and protection for joint economic action. I" or these reasons, among others, the farmers are unable without Federal assistance to control effectively the orderly marketing of such commodity with the result that abnormally excessive supplies thereof are produced aiid dumped indiscriminately on the Nation-wide market. (7 U. b. G. 1-ial (a).) (b) The disorderly marketing of such abnormally excessive sup¬ plies affects, burdens, and obstructs interstate and foreign commerce b v (1) materially affecting the volume of such commodity marketed therein, (2) disrupting the orderly marketing of such commodity therein, (3) reducing the prices for such commodity with consequent injury and destruction of such commerce in such commodity, and (4) causing a disparity between the prices for such commodity in interstate and foreign commerce and industrial products therein, with a consequent diminution of the volume of interstate and foieign commerce in industrial products. (< U. b. G. 1351 (b).) (c) Whenever an abnormally excessive supply of rice exists, the marketing of such commodity by the producers thereof directly and substantially affects interstate and foreign commerce m such com¬ modity and' its products, and the operation of the provisions of this Part becomes necessary and appropriate in order to promote, foster, and maintain an orderly flow of such supply in interstate and foieign commerce. (7 U. S. C. 1351 (c).) NATIONAL ACREAGE ALLOTMENT Sec 352. The national acreage allotment of rice for any calendar year shall be that acreage which the Secretary determines will, on the basis of the national average yield of rice for the five calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year for which such national average yield is determined, produce an amount of rice adequate, together with the estimated carry-over from the marketing year end¬ ing in such calendar year, to make available a supply for the market¬ ino- year commencing in such calendar year not less than the normal supply: Provided , however , That for 1956 no national acreage allot¬ ment shall be established which is less than 85 per centum of the final allotment established for the immediately preceding year bucli national acreage allotment shall be proclaimed not later than Decem¬ ber 31 of each year. (7 U. S. C. 1352.) APPORTIONMENT OF NATIONAL ACREAGE ALLOTMENT Sec 353 (a) The national acreage allotment of rice for each calen¬ dar year, less a reserve of not to exceed 1 per centum thereof for apportionment by the Secretary as provided in this sublet,on sha be apportioned by the Secretary among the several States in which rice is produced in proportion to the average number of acres of nee in each State during the five-year period immediately preceding the calendar year for which such national acreage allotment of rice is determined (plus, in applicable years, the acreage diverted undei previous agricultural adjustment and conservation piograms) with adjustments for trends in acreage during the applicable penod. bhe Secretary shall provide for the apportionment of the lesene acreage AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 71 set aside pursuant to this subsection to farms receiving allotments which are inadequate because of an insufficient State or county acre age allotment or because rice was not planted on the farm during all of the preceding five years. Notwithstanding the foregoing provi¬ sions of this subsection, the reserve acreage set aside for the 1950 crop pursuant to this subsection shall not exceed one-half of 1 per centum and shall be m addition to the 1950 national acreage allotment as heietofore proclaimed by the Secretary and apportioned by him among the several rice-producing States and shall be available for apportionment to new farms without regard to the limitation con tai t n M d TL SU ^ tl0n (b) ° f n his Section - ( 7 11 ■ S - C. 1353 (a).) (b) I he State acreage allotment shall be apportioned to farms or op !?™ te( } h y persons who have produced rice in the State in any one of the five calendar years immediately preceding the vear for winch such apportionment is made on the basis of part produc- .f n ° e 111 the State by the producer on the farm taking into conside ration the acreage allotments previously established m the State for such owners or operators; abnormal conditions affectinxr acieage; land, labor, and equipment available for the production of rice; crop rotation practices; and the soil and other phyfficalfactors affecting the production of rice: Provided , That if the State commit tee recommends such action and the Secretary determines that such nrn°vi^'p facilltate effective administration of the Act he mav provide for the apportionment of part or all of the State’ acreage MS&S tr ss ^“5" such more”£^3 ? pTrZtam of the slf acreage allotment shall be apportioned among fa^ operated bv tionment 0 factors P se S t forth herein : Provided W r " ssxas EsSsPP - ” tage ° f the State acre! « e allotment shall be apportioned"“among e ve 'fT the ““g ^nd'^h that the 8en tence pre- acreage allotment! aUotments ^aH beln addition 72 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED t is sr planted during any “j^P^/'fort’p'herehi! '^determining the ducer or farm under the ZZge'Ihll tnder subsection (, ) (2) is «**«• not to be Z7Zt in establishing zt &■**, wsr- f —- 2^5*3 (0> m^fh^^^aU^Sare'^tobSrfby using past fhrZtZlTfZTJZZZZZeZZ shdl L determined^ urn Ss^n^eage and Abnormal conditions affecting plant- Sta6tttf»«sa farm (OTtl™ purpose of establishing farm acreage allotments for behmded among the producers thereon in the proportion in proclaimed by the Secretary shall be increased by - per centum m. j»« ♦. <•»• 36 “ *"” applicable to this new proviso. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 73 or by such greater acreage as may be necessary to provide such fetate with an allotment equal to its 1950 allotment. In any fetate haying county acreage allotments for 1955 (i) the increase ii 1 Ci ktate allotment shall be apportioned among counties in the State on the same basis as the State allotment was hereto- tore apportioned among the comities, but without regard to adjustments for trends m acreage, and (ii) the 1955 allotment for any county m which the 1950-1954 average planted plus diverted acreage of rice adjusted for trends in acreage, exceeds the 1945-1949 average planted acreage of rice, similarly adjusted, by more than 2 per centum shall then be further increased by such additional acreage as may be necessary to provide such county with an allotment equal to its 1950 allotment The in¬ creases m the county acreage allotments and the increases in the State allotments, where county allotments are not determined, snail be used to establish farm acreage allotments which are fair and reasonable m relation to the applicable allotment factors specified in subsection (b) of this section and to correct inequities and prevent hardships. 1 - (4) The reserve acreage made available for 1955 in any State for apportionment to farms operated by persons who have not produced rice during the preceding five years or on which rice be f n Pj an i ed in the preceding five years shall not be less , ta ^ hundred acres; and the additional acreage necessary tn ffvoH SUCh reserve acreages shall be in addition to the National and State acreage allotments. ( 5 / . Ea ° h ° f t he State acreage allotments for 1956 heretofore proclaimed by the Secretary, after adding thereto any acreage apportioned to farms m the State from the reserve acreage set aside pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, shall be increased li alloim^tTf rfnf ? ay f L e ne o, eSSary to P rovide such State with eSabliSd fnr ^, eSS A ian S? er c T tum of its final allotment abhshed for 1955. Any additional acreage required to pro- yide such minimum allotment shall be additional to the national acreage allotment. . In any State having county acreage allof- ments for 1956, the increase in the State allotment shall be appor¬ tioned among counties m the State on the same basis as the State allotment was heretofore apportioned among the counties but without regard to adjustments for trends in acreage. ’ (o) I he national acreage allotments of rice for 1957 and 1958 lall be not less than the national acreage allotment for 1956 including any acreage allotted under paragraph (5) of this sub¬ section, and such national allotments for 1957 and subsequent tio7tW it 6 apportioned among the States in the same propor- (T U S c iljl*) U1 the t0tal aCreage alIotted in 1956. 40 85-835, 6 7^°S^at. l 9947Augus S t 1 28t < 195 l 8. y6arS ” substituted “1957 and 1958“ by Pub. L. 74 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED (e) Any part "£ ^tT^“ce by ( the P—^ " £\g£ production of nee onthe farm, as the caa^nay ^ on ments Ibnotmal conditions affecting acreage, land^latany u ater, and ^equipm^t available^ ^h^pljc^drarfaciots rice; crop-rotation practice, and t ,. t surrendered under Udfp^ovinL^LYTregardS of this section as having been Planted on to fa™ ^ ^ ^ .sun,.! sSM HTJSiS" ricei dnring the fiTe ' y Tf)X->^'by PubUc l£VM, 72 Sta, 988, August 28, 1958 41 MARKETING QUOTAS Q ord /„ \ Whenever in any calendar year the Secretary’ deter S 'ifnth’tot,1 supplyof rice for the marketing year beginning mines that the total s pp y normal sunnlv for such mar- spisfiss S^s#HSSS£= shall become ineffective. (TU.o.h 16i)± (O).) AMOUNT OF FARM MARKETING QUOTA Sec. 355. The farm marketmg ^heTiormal produedra the actual production of nc x j n exceS s of the farm acre- marketing excess shall n0 * ofto f P ar°“ g : allotment ^ production to the satisfaction of the Secretary. { AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 75 PENALTIES AND STORAGE Sec. 356 (a) Whenever farm marketing quotas are in effect with respect to any crop of rice, the producer shall be subject to a penalty on the farm marketing excess at a rate per pound equal to 50 per centum of the parity price per pound for rice as of June 15 of the calendar year in which such crop is produced. Effective beginning with the 1958 crop , the rate of penalty on vice shall be 65 pev centum of the parity price per pound for rice as of June 15 of the calendar year m which the crop is produced.* 2 (7 U. S. C. 1356 (a).) (b) The farm marketing excess of rice shall be regarded as avail¬ able for marketing and the amount of penalty shall be computed upon the normal production of the acreage on the farm planted to rice in excess of the farm acreage allotment. If a downward adjust¬ ment m the amount of the farm marketing excess is made pursuant to the proviso in section 355, the difference between the amount of the penalty computed upon the farm marketing excess before such adjustment and as computed upon the adjusted marketing excess shall be returned to or allowed the producer.' (7 U. S. C. 1356 (b).) (c) The person liable for payment or collection of the penalty shall be liable also for interest thereon at the rate of 6 per centum per annum from the date the penalty becomes due until the date of pay¬ ment of such penalty. (7 U. S. C. 1356 (c).) (d) Until the penalty on the farm marketing excess is paid, post¬ poned, or avoided, as provided herein, all rice produced on the farm and marketed by the producer shall be subject to the penalty pro¬ vided by this section and a lien on the entire crop of rice produced on the farm shall be in effect in favor of the United States. (7 U S C 1356 (d).) v (e) The penalty on the farm marketing excess on any crop of rice may be avoided or postponed by storage or by disposing of the com¬ modity in such other manner, not inconsistent with the purposes of this Act, as the Secretary shall prescribe, including, in the discretion of the Secretary, delivery to Commodity Credit Corporation or any other agency within the Department. The Secretary shall issue regu¬ lations governing such storage or other disposition. Unless otherwise specified by the Secretary in such regulations, any quantity of rice so stored or otherwise disposed of shall be of those types and grades which are representative of the entire quantity of rice produced on the farm. Upon failure so to store or otherwise dispose of the farm marketing excess of rice within such time as may be determined under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, the penalty on such excess shall become due and payable. Any rice delivered to any agency of the Department pursuant to this subsection shall become the property of the agency to which delivered and shall be disposed of at the direction of the Secretary in a manner not inconsistent with the uur- poses of this Act. (7 U. S. C. 1356 (e).) (f) Subject to the provisions of subsection (g) of this section, the penalty upon the farm marketing excess stored pursuant to this section shall be paid by the producer at the time and to the extent of any de- pletion in the amount so stored except depletion resulting from some “Material in italics added by Pub. L. 85-443, 72 Stat. 178, June 4, 1958. 76 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED cause beyond the control of the producer or from substitution of the commodity authorized by the Secretary. (< L. b. (i).) (,A (1) If the planted acreage of the then current crop of i i any farm is less than the farm acreage allotment, the amount of the commodity from any previous crop of rice stored to postpone 01 a\ old payment of the penalty shall be reduced by an amount equal to the normal production of the number of acres by which the farm acreage allotment exceeds the acreage planted to rice. , (21 If the actual production of the acreage of rice on any hum which the acreage of rice is within the farm acreage allotment is less than the normafproduction of the farm acreage allotment, the amount of rice from any previous crop stored to postpone or aioid pa\me of the penalty shall be reduced by an amount which, together with the actual production of the then current crop will equa ? ion duction of the farm acreage allotment : Provided, That ther^uctio under this paragraph shall not exceed the amount by which the no production of the’farm acreage allotment less anymrfe under paragraph (1) of this subsection is in excess ^ the p c duction of the acreage planted to rice on the farm. (7 L. b. U n5 (h^Whenever, in any marketing year, marketing in effect with respect to the crop of nee produced in the calendai f.J^ in which such marketing year begins, oil marketing quotas apphcable to nrevious crons of rice shall be terminated , effective as of the first dav of Zh ZrkJting year. Such termination shell not abate any penalty previously incurred hj a producer 1 the duty to remit penalties previously collected by him. ( < L . b. 1356 (h).) 43 PART VI—MARKETING QUOTAS—PEANUTS LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS Sec. 357. The production, marketing, and processing of peanuts and peanut products employs a large number of persons and is national interest. The movement of peanuts from producer to con¬ sumer is preponderantly in interstate and foreign commerce, and, owing to causes beyond their control, the farmers producing such com¬ modity and the persons engaged m the marketing and piocesan^ thereof are unable to regulate effectively the orderly maiketing of the commodity. As the quantity of peanuts marketedJuanXof of interstate and foreign commerce mcreases ab ^.?^ e f iuantit 3 f peanuts needed for cleaning and shelling, the prices at which all peanuts are marketed are depressed to low levels. These low prices tend to cause the quantity of peanuts available for maiketm e Di late years to be less than normal, which in turn tends to cause re^vely high prices. This fluctuation of prices and marketings of peanu s creates an unstable and chaotic condition m the m^keting of peanuts for cleaning and shelling and for crushing for oil m the channels of interstate and foreign commerce. Since these imsta™ 1 ^ fc conditions have existed for a period of years and aie likely, without u New subsection (h) added by Pub. L. S5-143, 72 Stat. 178. June 4, 1958. AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 77 proper regulation, to continue to exist, it is imperative that the market¬ ing of peanuts for cleaning and shelling and for crushing for oil in interstate and foreign commerce be regulated in order to protect pro¬ ducers, handlers, processors, and consumers. (7 U. S. C. 1357.) MARKETING QUOTAS Sec. 358. (a) Between July 1 and December 1 of each calendar year the Secretary shall proclaim the amount of the national marketing quota for peanuts for the crop produced in the next succeeding calen¬ dar year in terms of the total quantity of peanuts which will make available for marketing a supply of peanuts from the crop with re¬ spect to which the quota is proclaimed equal to the average quantity of peanuts harvested for nuts during the five years immediately pre¬ ceding the year in which such quota is proclaimed, adjusted for cur¬ rent trends and prospective demand conditions, and the quota so pro¬ claimed shall be in effect with respect to such crop. The national marketing quota for peanuts for any year shall be converted to a na¬ tional acreage allotment by dividing such quota by the normal yield per acre of peanuts for the United States determined by the Secretary on the basis of the average yield per acre of peanuts in the five years preceding the year in which the quota is proclaimed, with such adjust¬ ments as may be found necessary to correct for trends in yields and for abnormal conditions of production affecting yields in such five years: Provided , That the national marketing quota established for the crop produced in the calendar year 1941 shall be a quantity of pea¬ nuts sufficient to provide a national acreage allotment of not less than one million six hundred and ten thousand acres, and that the national marketing quota established for any subsequent year shall be a quan¬ tity of peanuts sufficient to provide a national acreage allotment of not less than that established for the crop produced in the calendar year 1941. (7U.S.C. 1358 (a).) (b) Not later than December 15 of each calendar year the Secretary shall conduct a referendum of farmers engaged in the production of peanuts in the calendar year in which the referendum is held to deter¬ mine whether such farmers are in favor of or opposed to marketing quotas with respect to the crops of peanuts produced in the three cal¬ endar years immediately following the year in which the referendum is held, except that, if as many as two-thirds of the farmers voting m any referendum vote in favor of marketing quotas, no referendum shall be held with respect to quotas for the second and third years of the period. The Secretary shall proclaim the results of the referendum within thirty days after the date on which it is held, and, if more than one-third of the farmers voting in the referendum vote against market- mg quotas, the Secretary also shall proclaim that marketing quotas will not be m effect with respect to the crop of peanuts produced in the calendar year immediately following the calendar year in which the referendum is held. (7 U. S. C. 1358 (b).) , [ c ) (J) The national acreage allotment for 1951, less the acreage to be allotted to new farms under subsection (f) of this section, shall be apportioned among the States on the basis of the larger of the fol¬ lowing for each State: (a) The acreage allotted to the State as its 78 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED share of the 1950 national acreage allotment of two million one hun¬ dred thousand acres, or (b) the State’s share of two million one hundred thousand acres apportioned to States on the basis of average acreage harvested tor nuts in each State in the five jears 1945-49 * Provided , That any allotment so determined for any State which is less than the 1951 State allotment announced by the Secretar} prior to the enactment of this Act shall be increased to such announced allotment and the acreage required for such increases shaU bjm addu tion to the 1951 national acreage allotment and shall be oonsideied determining State acreage allotments m future ) ears. Foi a ) 5 subsequent to 1951, the national acreage allotment for that year, less the acreage to be allotted to new farms under subsection (f) of this section, shall be apportioned among the States on the basis of their share of the national acreage allotment for the most recent year in which such apportionment was made. (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the Sec ret ay of Agriculture determines, on the basis of the average yield pe acre of peanuts by types during the preceding five years, adjust^ for trends in yields and abnonnal conditions of pioduction allect b yields in such five years, that the supply of any type or types.ofpea¬ nuts for any marketing year, beginning with the 1951-52 marketing year, will be insufficient to meet the estimated de °?. a £ d fo J and shelling purposes at prices at which the Commodity Ci edit Corpo¬ ration may sell for such purposes peanuts owned or controlled by it the State allotments for those States producing such type or types of peanuts shall be increased to the extent determined by the Secretary to be required to meet such demand but the allotment for any State may not be increased under this provision above the 194 ( harvested acreage of peanuts for such State. The total increase so determined shall be apportioned among such States for distribution among fa producing peanuts of such type or types on the basis of the average acreage of peanuts of such type or types in the three years immediately preceding the year for which the allotments are oemg e ermi . The additional acreage so required shall be in addition to the national acreage allotment, the production from such acreage shall be in addi¬ tion to the national marketing quota, and the increase in acreage allotted under this provision shall not be considered in establishing future State, county, or farm acreage allotments. (< u. b. O. ido» ' C (d) The Secretary shall provide for apportionment of the State acreage allotment for any State through local committees among farms on which peanuts were grown in any of the three years mmedi ately preceding the year for which such allotment is determined. State acreage allotment for 1952 and any subsequent year shall be apportioned among farms on which peanuts were produced m any one of the 3 calendar years immediately preceding the year for which such apportionment is made, on the basis of the following. Past acre age of peanuts, taking into consideration the acreage allotments previ¬ ously established for the farm; abnormal conditions affecting acreage, land, labor, and equipment available for the production of peanu» crop-rotation practices; and soil and other physical factors a fleet in^ the production of peanuts. Any acreage of peanuts harvested in AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 79 excess of the allocated acreage for any farm for any year shall not be considered in the establishment of the allotment for the farm in suc- ceeding years. The amount of the marketing quota for each farm shall be the actual production of the farm acreage allotment, and no peanuts shall be marketed under the quota for any farm other than peanuts actually produced on the farm. (7 U. S. C. 1358 (d) ). 44 (e) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, the Secretary may, if the State committee recommends such action and the Secretary determines that such action will facilitate the effective administration of the provisions of the Act, provide for the appor¬ tionment of the State acreage allotment for 1952 and any subsequent your among the counties in the State on the basis of the past acreage of peanuts harvested for nuts (excluding acreage in excess of farm allotments) m the county during the five years immediately preceding the year in which such apportionment is made, with such adjustments as are deemed necessary for abnormal conditions affecting acreage, for trends m acreage, and for additional allotments for types of peanuts m short supply under the provisions of subsection (c). The countv acreage allotment shall be apportioned among farms on the basis of iaKQ f / C \ < \ rS S6t forth m subsection (d) of this section. (7 U. S. C. loOO y 6 j j (f) Not more than one per centum of the national acreage allot¬ ment shall be apportioned among farms on which peanuts are to be produced during the calendar year for which the allotment is made but on which peanuts were not produced during any one of the past three years on the basis of the following: Past peanut produSS experience by the producers; land, labor, and equipment available for the production of peanuts; crop-rotation practices; and soil and other 135^ S ( C f) ) faCt0rS affectmg the P r °duction of peanuts. (7 U. S. C. fl A . n 7 Part of the acreage allotted to individual farms under Proy^ions of this section on which peanuts will not be produced and which is voluntarily surrendered to the county committee shall be deducted from the allotments to such farms and may be reappor¬ tioned by the county committee to other farms in the same countv receiving allotments, m amounts determined by the county committee Lu m r / nd ^reasonable on the basis of land, labor, and equipment available for the production of peanuts, crop-rotation practices and th ? of pfanute reduce the alWmpif i 11 Un ? er thlS Provision shall not operate to reduce the allotment for any subsequent year for the farm from which b ra ? S - f 1 erre< J’ exce P fc as the farm becomes ineligible for an lotment by failure to produce peanuts during a three-year period and any such transfer shall not operate to increase the allotment for p n r^S q TTaV?o r tw-tl th ^ f d- m t0 Whic \ 1 the ac reage is transferred: 'irvpmrfnf hat , notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act « y part of any farm acreage allotment may be permanently released m writing to the county committee by the owner and operator of the f (h)« nd reapportloned as Provided herein. (7 U. S. C. 1358 (<*)) the second sentence * A * r *.” 2 > Spc 5 1358° (d) of 2 TiH t 5, ls ^ subseetlon by “changing 80 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED -3 KSBSSaSi-S53S TrXtil °!kX™ need no, for any producer on the farm. (TU.b.U i^os U W MARKETING PENALTIES centum ot the support price w i , ^ person who SS^SSSS SalSt pSfto such the*»-»£**£ qsrs ^ £«« 3£ r» 5=Ui«S " ' Pub. L. 85-717, 72 St,it. 700. August 21, 195S. «« New subsection (i) added by AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 81 such peanuts were produced on another farm, the acreage allotments next established for both such farms shall be reduced by that percent¬ age which such amount was of the respective farm marketing quotas, except that such reduction for any such farm shall not be made if the Secretary through the local committee finds that no person con¬ nected with such farm caused, aided, or acquiesced in such marketing; and if proof of the disposition of any amount of peanuts is not fur¬ nished as required by the Secretary, the acreage allotment next estab¬ lished for the farm on which such peanuts are produced shall be reduced by a percentage similarly computed. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this title, no refund of any penalty shall be made because of peanuts kept on the farm for seed or for home consumotion (7 U. S. C. 1359 (a)) 1 (b) The 'provisions of this part shall not apply, beginning with the 1959 crop, to peanuts produced on any farm on which the acre¬ age harvested for nuts is one acre or less provided the producers who share in the peanuts produced on such farm do not share in the peanuts produced on any other farm. If the producers who share in the peanuts produced on a farm on which the acreage harvested for nuts is one acre or less also share in the peanuts produced on other farm(s) the peanuts produced on such farm on acreage in excess of the allotment, if any, determined for the farm shall be considered as excess acreage and the marketing penalties provided by section 359 (a) shall apply « (7 U. S. C. 1359 (b).) (c) The word “ peanuts ” for the purposes of this Act shall mean all peanuts produced, excluding any peanuts which it is established by the producer or otherwise, in accordance with regulations of the secretary, were not picked or threshed either before or after market¬ ing from the farm, or were marketed by the producer before dryinq or removal of moisture from such peanuts either by natural or arti¬ ficial means for consumption exclusively as boiled peanuts 48 (This portion m italics is effective for the 1957, 1958, and 1959 crops of peanuts.) (7 U. S. C. 1359 (c)) 1 ■ ( d ) T he person liable for payment or collection of the penalty pro¬ vided by this section shall be liable also for interest thereon at the rate of 6 per centum per annum from the date the penalty becomes due until the date of payment of such penalty. (7 U. S. C. 1359 (d)) (e) Until the amount of the penalty provided by this section is paid, a hen on the crop of peanuts with respect to which such penalty is incurred, and on any subsequent crop of peanuts subject to mar¬ keting quotas m which the person liable for payment of the penaltv has an mterest shall be in effect in favor of the United States. (7 vJ • O* loO J \^/ ) [Subsections (f), (g), (h), and (i) of this section were repealed low/cc 1C If 7 S? , 49 El ^ lty ' SeC0 , nd Con £ ress , approved March 28, 1Jo - J (60 Stat. 2i), effective beginning with the 1952 crop of peanuts.] 1 "New subsection (b) enacted by Pub. L. 85-717, 72 Stat 709 Aucust 21 iqvs “N ew subsection (c) enacted by Pub. L. 85-127 71 Stat 344 Auf st 13 19 W 82 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED SUBTITLE C—ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS PART I—PUBLICATION AND REVIEW OF QUOTAS APPLICATION OF PART o qoi TI • P rt shall apply to the publication and review of for tobacco, corn -"eat, cotton, peanuts, and reestablished under subt.tle B. (7 U. S. C. 1361) PUBLICATION AND NOTICE OF QUOTA c.. ~ All acreage allotments, and the farm marketing c l u0 ^ mssmm (7 U S. C. 1362) V REVIEW BT REVIEW COMMITTEE oeq i nv farmer who is dissatisfied with his farm marketing not include any farm Unless application for review is made within such period, the original letermuuition of the farm marketing quota shall be final. (7 U. S. C. 1363) REVIEW COMMITTEE o„. op. The members of the review committee shall receive as compensationforSr services the same per diem as that receivedIby the members of the committee utilized for the purposes °fthe So Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended. The mem¬ bers of the review committee shall not be entitled to tion for more than thirty days in any one year. (7 U. S. C. 1364) INSTITUTION OF PROCEEDINGS Sec 365 If the farmer is dissatisfied with the determination of the review committee, he may, within fifteen days ate ang^^such determination is mailed to him by registered mail, ! ^ " eq di . against, the review committee as defendant in the United states ms S court or institute proceedings for review in any court of record of the State having general jurisdiction, sitting in the coun y or AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED 83 district in which his farm is located, for the purpose of obtaining a review of such determination. Bond shall be given in an amount and with surety satisfactory to the court to secure the United States for the costs of the proceeding. The bill of complaint in such pro¬ ceeding may be served by delivering a copy thereof to any one of the members of the review committee. Thereupon the review commit¬ tee shal certify and file in the court a transcript of the record upon which the determination complained of was made, together with its findings of fact. (7 U. S. C. 1365) COURT REVIEW i SeC ‘ The review by the court shall be limited to questions of law, and the findings of fact by the review committee, if supported by evidence, shall be conclusive. If application is made to the 1 court for leave to adduce additional evidence, and it is shown to the satis¬ faction of the court that such additional evidence is material and that there were reasonable grounds for failure to adduce such evidence in the hearing before the review committee, the court may direct such additional evidence to be taken before the review committee in such maimer and upon such terms and conditions as to the court may seem proper. The review committee may modify its findings of fact or its Sn r Gi inat -fL n fi by reason ° f the additional evidence so taken, and it fi mlimrc r/, h t f e i CO n r 5 SUch ir ! odlfied findings or determination, which dings of fact shall be conclusive. At the earliest convenient time, ^ time ° r ^cation, shall hear and determine the case and unon <5, fv, nal re T’ d ° f th ^ heann S before the review committee, 3X1 fl aS su PP lemented > ^ supplemented, by furthei’ cnm to TLo f con ! mittee pursuant to direction of the ® ha p- affi F™ the review committee’s determination, modified determination, if the court determines that the same is in ormodi n fi?d W d t ptp laW ‘ u the C0Ult determines that such determination modified determination is not m accordance with law, the court shall remand the proceeding to the review committee with direTon either to make such determination as the court shall determine to be m accordance with law or to take such further proceedings as in the court s opmion, the law requires. (7 U. S. C. 1366.) “ ’ STAY ON PROCEEDINGS AND EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION P 5 C :, 3 f? m T , he commencement of judicial proceedings under this j not ’. unless specifically ordered by the court, operate as a stay of the review committee’s determination. Notwithstanding anv other provision of law, the jurisdiction conferred by thS pfrt to le S al /aMity of a determination made by 7 a review S>m- c- . P ms uant to this Part shall be exclusive. No court of the United vahdhvnf f ^ S i al f f ha11 . ha Y e jurisdiction to pass upon the legal Park ^7 U S y C U 136 d 7 e ) ermmatl0n 6XCept “ a P roceedi 4 under this NO EFFECT ON OTHER QUOTAS J™ 368 - Notwithstanding any increase of any farm marketing q r any arm as a result of review of the determination thereof 492443—59-7 84 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT 01 1938, AS AMEND under this Part, the marketing quotas for other farms shall not be affected. (7 U. S. C. 1368.) „,„T ,.—ADJUSTMENT OP QUOTAS AND ENFOKCF.Mf.N-T GENERAL ADJUSTMENTS OF QUOTAS « *71 If at any time the Secretary has reason to believe Sec. 371. (a) 11 at any 1 “^ • Deanu t s , or tobacco the that in the case of corn, whea , . ’ -p ca use the amount of operation of farm marketing quotas ini effectv 11 cause U»» ^ ^ such commodity tpe^'uket'iim year for the commodity then the normal supply foi the ma J . . to ^ ma de with current, he shall cause an rmmed.ate mv^t|aOon t, and respect thereto. In the course,of s“ If upon opportunity for hearing shall fi„d s the existence of such the basis of such investigation the o 7 s p a p a ] s0 i n such fact he shall tr tmSnation of. existing proclamation specif} sue , investigation, is necessary to quotas as he finds, on the basis of such ^ marketing make the amount of ™ch commodity which is^rne restrictions equal the normal supply. ( • because of a na- (b) If the Secretary has reason ‘“^^Sln^ort demand, tional emergency or because of a ™tem ^ Mtion !,l marketing any national acreage allotme H r ; ce peanuts, or tobacco quota or acreage allotment for wheat, “^^n^nediate inves- should be increased or terminated, lie shal 1 cause an tel . mi nation is necessary m oidei to eflect t demand. If, on the basis meet such emergency or nicie. V ] increase or termi- of such investigation the Secrete^irtefy such finding (and nation is necessary, he shall 11 7 ,mount of the increase found if he finds an increase is Quota or allotment shall be by him to be necessary) and thereupon suenqu increased, or shall terminate, as the case' t*. (TVS. C. ^M^’r “(DelildV^sS- 1 ^ August 28,1954.) PAYMENT AND COLLECTION OF PENALTIES o 079 ( q \ The nenalty with respect to the marketing, b} sale, of cotton, or rtcefjf tie sale is !o -v per^n wdhm the Lotted States, shall be collected by-the buyer. ^b eBs hal be collected and NSo^ sJcrSS^ bythe^on Habl! for the penalty except SifflfSil of tte Treasury of the United States. (7 U. S. C. 1372 (b).) AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 85 (c) Whenever, pursuant to a claim filed with the Secretary within two years after payment to him of any penalty collected from any person pursuant to this Act, the Secretary finds that such penalty was erroneously, illegally, or wrongfully collected and that the claimant bore the burden of the payment of such penalty, the Secretary shall certify to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment to the claimant, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury, such amount as the Secretary finds the claimant is entitled to receive, as a refund of such penalty. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary is author¬ ized to prescribe by regulations for the identification of farms and it shall be sufficient to schedule receipts into special deposit accounts or to schedule such receipts for transfer therefrom, or directly, into the separate fund provided for in subsection (b) hereof by means of such identification without reference to the names of the producers on such farms. The Secretary is authorized to prescribe regulations governing the filing of such claims and the determination of such refunds (7 U. S. C. 1372 (c).) (d) No penalty shall be collected under this Act with respect to the marketing of any agricultural commodity grown for experimental purposes only by any publicly owned agricultural experiment station. (7 U. S. C. 1372 (d).) REPORTS AND RECORDS Sec. 373. (a) This subsection shall apply to warehousemen, proces¬ sors, and common carriers of corn, wheat, cotton, rice, peanuts, or tobacco, and all ginners of cotton, all persons engaged in the business of purchasing corn, wheat, cotton, rice, peanuts, or tobacco from pro¬ ducers, all persons engaged in the business of redrying, prizing, or stemming tobacco for producers, all brokers and dealers in peanuts, all agents marketing peanuts for producers, or acquiring peanuts for buyers and dealers, and all peanut growers’ cooperative associations, all pei sons engaged in the business of cleaning, shelling, crushing, and salting of peanuts and the manufacture of peanut products, and all persons owning or operating peanut-picking or peanut-threshing ma¬ chines. Any such person shall, from time to time on request of the .Secretary, report to the Secretary such information and keep such records as the Secretary finds to be necessary to enable him to carry out the provisions of this title. Such information shall be reported and such records shall be kept in accordance with forms which the Secretary shall prescribe. For the purpose of ascertaining the cor¬ rectness of any report made or record kept, or of obtaining informa¬ tion required to be furnished in any report, but not so furnished, the oecretary is hereby authorized to examine such books, papers, records accounts, correspondence, contracts, documents, and memoranda as he has reason to believe are relevant and are within the control of such person. Any such person failing to make any report or keep anv record as required by this subsection or making any false report or record shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not more than $500; and any to- 86 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED bacco warehouseman »r dealer who faib to remedy suchRation making a complete and accu :a ^ t - on with j n fifteen days after XtSoSri.Mjl tnds^ftwo or age, yield, storage, an I s %torage under seal, or otherwise as rKwP^cribe L necessary for the administration of this AlFdaH C reported’to ) or acquired by the Secretary pursuant to a suit or administrative hearing under this title. (7 U. S. C. 1373 (c).) measurement of farms and report of plantings « „ <174. The Secretary shall provide, through the county and lo“a7l1 °" "h farmlhe commiltej shall file with the State committee s'writte^i* report statinjr the total acreage on the farm in eulhvahon and the acreage planted to such commodity. (7 U. S. 1. (aid ?bl With respect to cotton, the Secretary, upon such terms and con¬ ditions as he miy by regulation prescribe, shall provide, through the ?o Z and local committees for the measurement prior to planting of “ acreaee on the farm equal to the farm acreage allotment if sore- ouested by the farm operator, and any farm on which the acreage pbinted to cotton does not exceed such measured acreage shall be deemed to lie in compliance with the farm acreage allotment. The Secretary shall similarly provide for the remeasurement upon request S thSm operator of the acreage planted to cotton on the farm but the operator shall be required to reimburse the local committee for S: expense of such remf urement if the PlanW acreage is found to be in excess of the allotted acreage. (7 U. S. C. 13 < 4 (b).) # . ( c ) If the acreage determined to be planted to any basic agricul¬ tural commodity on the farm is in excess of the farm acreage allot¬ ment, the Secretary shall by appropriate regulations V™^**™* reasonable time prior to harvest within which sueh planted acreage may be adjusted to the farm acreage allotment. (7 L. S. • \ AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 87 REGULATIONS Sec. 375. (a) The Secretary shall provide by regulations for the identification, wherever necessary, of corn, wheat, cotton, rice, pea¬ nuts, or tobacco so as to afford aid in discovering and identifying such amounts of the commodities as are subject to and such amounts thereof as are not subject to marketing restrictions in effect under this title (7 U. S. C. 1375 (a).) (b) The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as are necessary for the enforcement of this title. (7 U. S. C. 1375 (b).) COURT JURISDICTION Sec. 376. The several district courts of the United States are hereby vested with jurisdiction specifically to enforce the provisions of this title. If and when the Secretary shall so request, it shall be the duty of the several district attorneys in their respective districts, under the direction of the Attorney General, to institute proceedings to collect the penalties provided in this title. The remedies and penalties pro¬ vided for herein shall be in addition to, and not exclusive of, any of the remedies or penalties under existing law. (7 U. S. C. 1376.) PRESERVATION OF UNUSED ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS ^ n - an y C - ase which, during any year within the period 1956 to 1959 , inclusive , for which acreage planted to a commodity on any farm is less than the acreage allotment for such farm , the entire acreage allotment for such farm (excluding any allotment released from the farm or reapportioned to the farm) shall he considered for purposes of future State , county, and farm acreage allotments to have been planted to such commodity in such year on such farm , hut the 1*56 acreage allotment of any commodity shall he regarded as planted under this section only if the owner or operator of such farm notified the county committee prior to the sixtieth day preceding the beginning of the marketing year for such commodity of his desire to preserve such allotment. Acreage history credits for released or reapportioned acreage' shall he governed hy the applicable provisions of this title pertaining to the release and reapportionment of acreage allotments, ihw section shall not he applicable in any case in which the amount of the commodity required to he stored to postpone or avoid payment hemme m r 7 ocrea(re m? of allotments under tins sec ton for „„ t f :pi:zZdh ?rM #5 «**»«** ZlMsXt nZre pfr^aph (c) requires ment is made under this sec • * ±1 name farm, for the the transfeyf allotment to anotju^™* f a Z7r,mJiel, the purpose of this section (1) that part of an^ 7^ ^ "»•' applicable if O) there is any marketing quota penalty due with respect to the ing of S fhe commodity from the farm niher aaencu or by the owner of the farm; (2) any oj the wmmoauy lUiwfssiHfS mmmm of these sections shill remain in effect, and any displaced AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 89 farm owner for whom an allotment has been established under such repealed sections shall not be eligible for additional allotment under subsection (a) of this section because of such displacements (7 U . S. O. 1378.) SUBTITLE D—RICE CERTIFICATES LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS Sec. 380a. to Sec. 380p. Applicable only to 1956, 1957 and 1958 crops of rice. SUBTITLE E—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS AND APPROPRIATIONS PART I—MISCELLANEOUS COTTON PRICE ADJUSTMENT PAYMENTS Sec. 381. (a) (Applicable only to 1937 crop of cotton.) (b) (Applicable only to 1937 crop of cotton.) (c) (Repealed by 62 Stat. 1255.) Sec. 382. (Applicable only to 1937 crop of cotton.) INSURANCE OF COTTON AND RECONCENTRATION OF COTTON Sec. 383. (a) The Commodity Credit Corporation shall place all insurance of every nature taken out by it on cotton, and all renewals, extensions, or continuations of existing insurance, with insurance agents who are bona fide residents of and doing business in the State vhere the cotton is warehoused: Provided , That such insurance may be secured at a cost not greater than similar insurance offered on said cotton elsewhere. (7 U. S. C. 1383 (a).) (b) Cotton held as security for any loan heretofore or hereafter made or arranged for by the Commodity Credit Corporation shall not hereafter be reconcentrated without the written consent of the pro¬ ducer or borrower. (7 U. S. C. 1383 (b).) [Act of June 16, 1938.—In the administration of section 383 (b) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 the written consent of the producer or borrower to the reconcentration of any cotton held as purity for any loan heretofore or hereafter made or arranged for by t ie Commodity Credit Corporation shall not be deemed to have been gn en unless such consent shall have been given in an instrument made solely for that purpose. Notwithstanding any provision of any loan agreement heretofore made, no cotton held under any such agreement as security for any such loan shall be moved from one warehouse to another unless the written consent of the producer or borrower shall have been obtained in a separate instrument given solely for that purpose, as required by this Act. The giving of written consent for the reconcentration of cotton shall not be made a condition upon the making of any loan hereafter made or arranged for by the Commodity Credit Corporation: Provided , however , That in cases where there is congestion and lack of storage facilities, and the local warehouse certifies suc h fact and requests the Commodity Credit Corporation to 51 New section 378 added by Pub. L. 85-835, 72 Stat. 995, August 28, 1958. 90 AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1938, AS AMENDED move the cotton for reconcentration to some other point, or when the Commodity Credit Corporation determines such loan cotton is im nrooerlv warehoused and subject to damage, or if uninsured, or if any of ^tlvZ oHhl loan agreement are violated, or if carrying charges are substantially in exeess'of the average of ounradjgg. elsewhere and the local warehouse, after notice, declines to reduce such charges, such written consent as provided m this am™dment need not be obtained: and consent to movement under any of the conmuons of this pro”“may be required in future loan agreements. (58 Stat. 762, 7 U. S. C. 1383a.)3 REPORT OF BENEFITS Sec. 384. (Repealed by 60 Stat, 866, Aug. 7,1946.) FINALITY OF FARMERS’ PAYMENTS AND LOANS Sec. 385. The facts constituting the basis for any Soil Coi^rvation Act Davment parity payment, loan, or price support operation, or the amount thereof, Ivhen officially determined Curniff C each 0 fiswil°year^beginniiiff " ith the fiscal year ending ^30, 194 .lie — iK^taXwill be squired H year shall be fiscal year ends. 1 he su available for carrying out transferred to the current ap^ 1 a with i]lterest at a rate sections 7 to 1 < ot isuch Acta , \ t p an the cost of money yearorfrom “any unobligated balance of the appropriation for any other year. (7 U. S. C. 1391 (c).) administrative expenses Sr-r 392 fa') The Secretary is authorized and directed to make suchexpendhuL as he deems U«7 to wmmmm exhibits, including such displays at oommurntja count;y^Sta^e ufie state and international fairs within the I nited states. I he , • of the Treasury is authorized and directed upon the requ s> Secretary to establish one or more separate appropriation accomits into which there shall be transferred from the respective funds avail- nble for he nurposes of the several Acts, in connection with which pereoimel or oK facilities of the. Agricultural Adjustment Admm.s- AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 193 8, AS AMENDED 93 tration are utilized, proportionate amounts estimated by the Secretary to be required by the Agricultural Adjustment Administration for administrative expenses in carrying out or cooperating in carrying out any of the provisions of the respective Acts. (7 U. S. C. 1392 fa).) (b) In the administration of this title and sections 7 to 17, inclusive 7 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended’ the aggiegate amount expended in any fiscal year, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1942, for administrative expenses in the District of Columbia, including regional offices, and in the several States (not including the expenses of county and local committees) shall not exceed 3 per centum of the total amount available for such fiscal year for carrying out the purposes of this title and such Act unless otherwise provided by appropriation or other law In the administration of section 32 of the Act entitled “An Act to amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and for other purposes,” anoroved August 24,1935 (49 Stat. 774), as amended, and \he AgShuml Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, as amended, and those sections of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (of 1933), as amended, which were reenacted and amended by the Agricultural Marketing Agree¬ ment Act of 1937, as amended, the aggregate amount expended in’any fiscal year, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30. 1942 for ad¬ ministrative expenses in the District of Columbia, including regional offices, and m the several States (not including the expenses of county a d local committees) shall not exceed 4 per centum of the total amount available for such fiscal year for carrying out the purposes of said Acts, unless otherwise provided by appropriation or other law In the event any administrative expenses of any county or local com¬ mittee are deducted m any fiscal year, beginning with the fiscal vear ending June 30, 1939, from Soil Conservation Act payments parity payments or loans, each farmer receiving benefits under such pS l&ions shall be apprised of the amount or percentage deducted from such benefit payment or loan on account of such administrative ex¬ penses. The names and addresses of the members and employees of any county or local committee, and the amount of such compensation received by each of them, shall be posted annually in a conspfcuous 13ffi> e (b) ) the area Wlt lm whlch the y are employed. (7 S. C. ALLOTMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS Sec 393. All funds for carrying out the provisions of this Act me,!I f °!e allotment to bureaus and offices of the DeparU lent, and for transfer to such other agencies of the Federal Gov¬ ernment, and to such State agencies, as the Secretary may request to UXC: 13°93.r St m CaiTyi " S ° l,t «* Pulsions thisTt (? TITLE IV—COTTON POOL PARTICIPATION TRUST CERTIFICATES appHcabirlm s'S'il f 4 b6en repealed but are no ’onger SOIL BANK ACT EXPLANATORY NOTE TLo Qnil Rank Act which was enacted as title I of the Agricultural A c t of 1956 (70 Stah 188), authorized assistance to farmers to diver a portion of their cropland from the production of excessive supp les o/agricultural commodities, and to carry out a program of soil, irate , forest, and wildlife conservation. 94 PART III SOIL BANK ACT 1 SHORT TITLE Sec. 101. This title may be cited as the “Soil Bank Act”. (7 U S C 1801 note.) DECLARATION OF POLICY Sec. 102 The Congress hereby finds that the production of excessive supplies of agricultural commodities depresses the prices and income o± farm families; constitutes improper land use and brings about soil erosion, depletion of soil fertility, and too rapid release of water from lands where it falls, thereby adversely affecting the national welfare, impairing the productive facilities necessary for a continuous and stable supply of agricultural commodities, and endangering an adequate supply of water for agricultural and nonagricultural use: overtaxes the facilities of interstate and foreign transportation; con¬ gests terminal markets and handling and processing centers in the flow ot commodities from producers to consumers; depresses prices in interstate and foreign commerce; disrupts the orderly marketing of commodities in such commerce; and otherwise affects, burdens, and obstructs interstate and foreign commerce. It is in the interest of ie general welfare that the soil and water resources of the Nation be not wasted and depleted in the production of such burdensome sui pluses and that interstate and foreign commerce in agricultural commodities be protected from excessive supplies. It is hereby de¬ clared to be the policy of the Congress and the purposes of this title to protect and increase farm income, to protect the national soil, water, and forest and wildlife resources from waste and depletion, to protect interstate and foreign commerce from the burdens and obstruc¬ tions which result from the utilization of farmland for the production of excessive supplies of agricultural commodities, and to provide for the conservation of such resources and an adequate, balanced, and orderly flow Ox such agricultural commodities in interstate and for- eign commerce. To effectuate the policy of Congress and the purposes of tins title programs are herein authorized to assist farmers to divert a portion of their cropland from the production of excessive supplies of agricultural commodities, and to carry out a program of soil, water, forest and wildlife conservation. The activities authorized under this title are supplementary to the acreage allotments and marketing quotas authorized under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of loss’ as amended, and together with such acreage allotments and marketing quotas, constitute an over-all program to prevent excessive supplies of nn?W 1 ™ 1 commodlties f ' i ;°m burdening and obstructing interstate and foreign commerce. (7 U. S. C. 1801.) 1 Approved May 18, 1956, 70 Stat. 188. 95 96 SOIL BANK ACT Subtitle A—Acreage Reserve Program TERMS AND CONDITIONS Sfc 103 (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of la ^» the fs± moditv”) under which producers shall be compensated for reducing acreages of The commodity below their farm acreage allotments nv their f irm base acreages, whichever may lie applicable. To be eli- ^Me 6 or sS com^nsion the producer (1) sha acrea^ toaTthe“reserve acreage”), and (3) shall not harvest any crop from nr“raze oTtiene acreage unless the Secretary, after certification by the Governor of the State in which such ««»**«> j“ need for grazing on such acreage, determines that it is necess to permit grazing thereon in order to alleviate damage hardship, or sufferingcausedby severe drought, flood, or other natural disaster and consents to such grazing. Reserve acreage of a commodity m< include acreage whether or not planted to the production of the 1. •> Son of the foiZodity prior to the announcement of the acreage reserve program for the 1956 crop if the crop thereon, if any, shall be plowed under or otherwise physically incorporated into the soil, or clipped mowed or cut to prevent maturing so that the reduction in acreage of the commodity below the later than 21 days after the enactment of this title, or by su te date as may be fixed by the Secretary. The reserve acreage shall be S acreao-e devoted to the conservation reserve pro- m addition to any acreage acvuicu i rprerve gram authorized under subtitle B of t us • j . those program may include such terms and conditions, in addition to those specifically provided for herein, including P^JfJ^ofJ^J^ deTer- trol of noxious weeds on the reserve acreage, as Secietary deter mines are desirable to effectuate the purposes of this title and to State ttopractical administration of the acreage reserve program Before any producer is entitled to receive any compensatron for participating in the acreage reserve program, he must first enter into ^contract fill, the Secretary, which contract in add-on to ^.di other terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Secreta y, shall contain provisions by which such producer shall a^ree. 2 See the provision of the 1 0 59 ^^“^reler^-e^prograVn^wn^respec^to 1059 crops, any expenditure thereunder o 4 oqn /p 50 ) amended section 334 of the Agri- 5 Pub. L 85-13 (P A 5°) a h provisions' relatingto participation in the acreage r^servfpfograTby 1 ‘pr^ducers^eceiving increased allotments for durum wheat. SOIL BANK ACT 97 . (i) In the event that the Secretary determines that there has been a violation of the contract at any stage during the time such producer has control of the farm and that such violation is of such a substantial nature as to warrant termination of the contract, to forfeit all rights to payments or grants under the contract, and to refund to the United States all payments and grants received by him thereunder: Provided , however That the provisions of Section 107 (d) shall apply to the termination of any contract hereunder. . (ii). In the event that the Secretary determines that there has been a violation of the contract but that such violation is of such a nature as not to warrant termination of the contract, to accept such payment ad¬ justments, forfeit such benefits, and make such refunds to the United States of payments and benefits received by him, under the contract, as the Secretary may determine to be appropriate. (7 U. S. C. 1821 (a).) (b) (1) There is hereby established for 1956 and for each year for which an acreage reserve program is in effect for corn a total base acreage of corn for the commercial corn-producing area proclaimed under section 327 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, of fifty-one million acres. The total base acreage of com for the commercial corn-producing area shall be apportioned by the Secre- taiy among the counties in such area on the basis of the acreage of corn m such counties during the five calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year in which the apportionment is made (plus, in applr- cable years, the acreage diverted under previous agricultural adjust¬ ment, conservation, and soil bank programs), with adjustments for abnormal weather conditions, for trends in acreage during such period and for the promotion of soil-conservation practices: Provided , That any downward adjustment for the promotion of soil-conservation practices shall not exceed 2 per centum of the total base acreage that would othei vise be apportioned to the county. The base acreage for the county shall be apportioned by the Secretary, through the local committees, among the farms within the county on the basis of past acieage of corn (planted and diverted), tillable acreage crop-rotation practices, types of soil, and topography. (2) This subsection (b) shall become inoperative after 1956 if in the referendum conducted pursuant to section 308 (b), 4 producers do not vote in favor of the program provided in subsection (c) of such section. (7U. S. C. 1821 (b).) EXTENT OF PARTICIPATION IN PROGRAM Sec. 104. For purposes of the acreage reserve program the Secretary shall establish a national reserve acreage goal for the 1956, 1957, 1958 and 1959 crops of each commodity specified in section 103 (a).’ The limits within which individual farms may participate in the acreage reserve program shall be established in such manner as the Secretary deteimines is reasonably calculated to achieve the national reserve acreage goal and give producers a fair and equitable opportunity to participate m the acreage reserve program, taking into consideration their acreage allotments or farm base acreages, whichever may be applicable, the supply and demand conditions for different classes, 98 SOIL BANK ACT grades, and qualities of the ~mm^ity, and such other factors as he deems appropriate. (7 U. o. b,. lozz.) COMPENSATION OF PRODUCERS Sec 105 (a) Producers shall be compensated for participating in accordance with regulations prescribed b Y the fewire ) upon presentation by the producer or by ,vith |s=a**S£=E£p£ S hereunder in any one year shall two-thirds of such quant,ties of such «mmod.tiee as the S«retary rlpfprmines would be a reasonable estimate of what wouia na\e ixx produced^ marketing during such marketing year on the acreage withheld from production under the provisions of thi. • furtkel That such stocks shall not be $£**%££* end of the normal harvesting season for the particular u >mmoany Linff released. Compensation under this section shall be at such rate or rft<£ asthe Secretary determines will provide producers with a fair the commodity on the reserve acreage, and the incentive ne e be such as to encourage producers to underplant their allotments mor than one year Commodities delivered to producers m redemption of such certificates shall not be eligible for tender to Commodity Credit Corporation under the price support program • S. C. 1823) (b) Compensation shall be paid to any producer foi participating in the acreage reserve program for any year mclud ^ • • Secretary has ascertained that such producer has complied with the acreage reduction requirements of such program for such year. (7 TT -(cl ^The^otsd compensation paid producers for participating in the acreage reserve program with respect to any year’s crops shall not exceed $750,000,000, and with respect to ^^^^^(foOO^ofton, shall not exceed the amount shown below: meat, $3, o.OOO.lH ki. couo , $300 000,000; corn in the commercial corn-producing . < « _* ’ nnn-TfPjmnts $7 000 000- rice, $23,000,000; and tobacco, $45,000,000. The 5 totaf amount available for the acreage reserve program for any vear’s crops shall be apportioned among the various commodities on She basis if the. amounts required to achieve the reserve acreage goal for each commodity established under section 104. (< U. 1823 (c)\) SOIL BANK ACT 99 EFFECT ON ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS AND QUOTAS Sec. 106 . (a) In the future establishment of State, county, and farm acreage allotments under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, or base acreages under this title, reserve acreages applicable to any commodity shall be credited to the State, county, and farm as though such acreage had actually been devoted to the production of the commodity. (7 U. S. C. 1824 (a).) (b) In applying the provisions of paragraph (6) of Public Law 74, Seventy-seventh Congress (7 U. S. C. 1340 (6)), and sections 326 (b) and 356 (g) of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended (7 U. S. C. 1326 (b), 1356 (g)), relating to reduction of the storage amounts of wheat and rice, the reserve acreage of the commodity on any farm shall be regarded as wheat acreage or rice acreage, as the case may be, on the farm. (7 U. S. C. 1824 (b).) Subtitle B —Conservation Reserve Program TERMS AND CONDITIONS Sec. 107. (a) To effectuate the purposes of this title the Secretary is hereby authorized to enter into contracts for periods of not less than three years with producers determined by him to have control for the contract period of the farms covered by the contract wherein the producer shall agree: (1) To establish and maintain for the contract period protective vegetative cover (including but not limited to grass and trees), water storage facilities, or other soil-, water-, wildlife-, or forest-conserving uses on a specifically designated acreage of land on the farm regularly i n tlie production of crops (including crops, such as tame hay, alfalfa, and clovers, which do not require annual tillage). (2) To devote to conserving crops or uses, or allow to remain idle, throughout the contract period an acreage of the remaining land on the farm which is not less than the acreage normally devoted only to conserving crops or uses or normally allowed to remain idle on such remaining acreage. (3) Not to harvest any crop from the acreage established in pro¬ tective vegetative cover, excepting timber (in accordance with sound forestry management) and wildlife or other natural products of such acreage which do not increase supplies of feed for domestic animals. (4) Not to graze any acreage established in protective vegetative cover prior to January 1, 1959, or such later date as may be provided m the contract, except pursuant to the provisions of section 103 (a) (o) hereof; and if such acreage is grazed at the end of such period, to graze such acreage during the remainder of the period covered by the contract m accordance with sound pasture management. (5) Not to adopt any practice, or divert lands on the farm from conservation, woods, grazing, or other use, to any use specified by the ret ary m the contract as a practice or use which would tend to defeat the purposes of the contract. (6) (A) In the event that the Secretary determines that there has heen a violation of the contract (including the prohibition of grazing 492443—59-8 100 SOIL BAXK ACT on conservation acreages) at any stage.durmg the ttoe such |r^r has control of the farm and that such violation is of such a suosta nature as to warrant termination of the contract, to for * jTnftftd to payments or grants under the contract, and to refund to the United States all payments and grants received by him thereunder (B) In the event that the Secretary determines that there has been contract, as the f™ s the Wjr, desirable and includes in the contract to effectuate the P 1 ] 1 !™^ this title and to facilitate the practical administration of the ^con¬ servation reserve program, including provisions rela mg o con n °^b) U In T^iirn ^for such agreement by the producer the Secretary shall a^ee: of the cost (including labor) of establishing and maintaining vegetative cover or water storage facilities, or other soil- water-, wildlife-, or forest-conserving uses, on , th ® d ® sig ^ a ^ acreage as the Secretary determines to be necessary to effectuate the purposes of this title, but not to exceed a maximum amount per ac or facility^prescribed by the Secretary for the county or area in which the (2) r To 1S make an annual payment to the producer for the te^of the contract upon determination that he has fulfilled th p ^ of the contract entitling him to such paymen . * ‘ , , the annual payment to be provided for m the contracts shall be e. ta a lished on such basis as the Secretary determines will provide' with a fair and reasonable annual return on the land esta1j , 1 ’ p hed . 1 protective vegetative cover or water storage facilities, or other soil-, water- wildlife-, or forest-conserving uses, taking into consideration the value of the land for the production of commodities customarily grown on such kind of land in the county or area, the P re Y ail Pg for cash rentals for similar land m the county or ;^tta incratro necessary to obtain contracts covering sufficient acieage for the -Ait stantial accomplishment of the purposes of the program, and such other factors as he deems appropriate. Such ra or rates may be determined on an individual farm b asi s , a count\o r area basis, or such other basis as the Secretary determines will facili¬ tate the practical administration of the program. (71. S. t . 18dl < ° ’ (c) In determining the lands in any area to be covered by contracts entered into under this section, the Secretary may use advertising and bid procedure if he determines that such action will contribute to the effective and equitable administration of the conservation reserve P 7d r ) a A contract Salfno^ terminate under paragraph (6) of subsection (a) unless the nature of the vrokt’on is sneh^s to defeat or substantially impair the purposes of the contract, Whenever tl e . See the 1959 agriculture appropriation act = “Sk 1 ? 8 llmltatl0nS on payment9 to producers under the conservation reserve program (p. 252). SOIL BANK ACT 101 State committee believes that there has been a violation which would warrant termination of a contract, the producer shall be given written notice thereof by registered mail or personal service, and the producer shall, if he requests such an opportunity within thirty days after the delivery or service of such notice, be given an opportunity to show cause, in an informal proceeding before the county committee under regulations promulgated by the Secretary, why the contract should not be terminated. If the producer does not request an opportunity to show cause why the contract should not be terminated within such thirty-day period, the determination of the State committee made in accordance with regulations of the Secretary shall be final and con¬ clusive. If the producer within such thirty-day period requests an opportunity to show cause why the contract should not be terminated, the county committee, at the conclusion of the proceeding, shall submit a report, including its recommendations, to the State committee for a determination, on the basis of such report and such other information as is available to the State committee, as to whether there has been a violation which would warrant termination of the contract. The pro¬ ducer shall be accorded the right, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Secretary, to appear before the State committee m connection with the State committee’s determination of the issue. The producer shall be given written notice by registered mail or per¬ sonal service of the State committee’s determination. If the producer feels aggrieved by such determination, he may obtain judicial review of such determination by filing a complaint with the United States district court for the district in which the land covered by the contract is located, within ninety days after the delivery or service of notice of such determination, requesting the court to set aside such determina- tion. Service of process in such action shall be made in accordance with the rule for service of process upon the United States prescribed by the Rules of Civil Procedure for the United States District Courts, ihe copy of the summons and complaint required to be delivered to the officer or agency whose order is being attacked shall be sent to the chairman of the State committee. The action in the United States district court shall be a trial de novo to determine whether there has been a violation which would warrant termination of the contract. If the producer does not seek judicial review of the State committee’s determination within the ninety-day period allowed therefor, the ytafe committee s determination shall be final and conclusive. The terms county committee” and “State committee” as used herein refer to the county and State committees established under section 8 of the f T °“ and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended. (7 U. o. 1831 (cl).) CONSERVATION RESERVE GOAL Sec 108. (a) The Secretary shall not later than February 1 of each year determine and announce the national conservation reserve goal for such year. Such goal shall be that percentage which the Secretary determines it is practicable to cover by contracts during such year of the number of acres, if any, by which (1) the acreage used for the production of agricultural commodities during the year preceding the 102 SOIL BANK ACT year for which such determination is made, P^ r ^ e Hrom prSu“ the acreage or conservation reserve program or Pj„ /o\ consumption and export and an adeq ^ Secretary As soon as practicable after the enactment of this title the secret y iall determine the national conservation acreage goal for 1956. (7 U -,|\ C i n 1! attributing the national acreage goal among the various States and maior crop production regions, the Secretary shall give due regarYto the respective needs of the various States and regions for ±r^odSt^cLT& Pt (?rThe n S Se r c P reTar y (7 s£lf 5 transit'to' ihe Congress on or before Mirch 15 of each yea^ a report of the scope of the conservation reserve nrooram for the preceding year and the basis for participation in - Sam in tta various States and major crop production regions of the country. (7 U. S. C. 1832 (c).) AUTHORIZED PERIOD OF CONTRACTS AND EXPENDITURES Sec 109 Cal The Secretary is authorized to formulate and an- nounce programs under this Subtitle B and to enter into_ contracts thereunder with producers during the ^ ve ‘‘p^, rl December 31 be carried out during the period ending not later than December «u, 1969, except that contracts for the establishment oftree cover m y continue until December 31,1974. (7 U. S. C. 183 ^ ( a ) •) , (b) The period covered by any contract shall not exceed ten ye< , except tC contracts for the establishment of tree cover may extend i0 \l) Warryin^out the'conservation reserve program, the Secretary shall not enter fnto contracts with producers which would require payments to producers, including the cost of mntenaU and rervu*s, in excess of $450,000,000 in any calendar year. (7 L. b. D. 1X66 {c).) TERMINATION AND MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS Sec. 110. (a) The Secretary may terminate any contract with a producer by mutual agreement with the producer if the Secretary determines that such termination would be in the public interest. ( ^ The Secret a rv may agree to such modification of conti acts previous!^enteredTmto^he^nay determine to be desirable to carry out the purposes of this title and to facilitate the practical admrnis tration of the conservation reserve program. (< U. S. O. CONSERVATION MATERIALS AND SERVICES Sec. 111. (a) The Secretary may purchase or produce conservation materials and services and make such materials and services available SOIL BANK ACT 103 to producers under the conservation reserve program to aid them in establishing vegetative cover or water storage facilities, or other soil-, water-, wildlife-, or forest-conserving uses, under contracts authorized by this subtitle B, may reimburse any Federal, State, or local govern¬ ment agency for conservation materials and services furnished by such agency, and may pay expenses necessary in making such materials, and services available, including all or part of the costs incident to the delivery, application, or installation of materials and services. (7 U. S. C. 1835 (a).) (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in making conser¬ vation materials and services available to producers hereunder, the Secretary may make payments, in advance of determination of per¬ formance by the producers, to persons who fill purchase orders cover¬ ing approved conservation materials or who render services to the Secretary in furnishing to producers approved conservation materials or services for the establishment by the producers of vegetative cover or water storage facilities, or other soil-, water-, wildlife-, or forest- conserving uses, under contracts authorized by this subtitle B. The price at which purchase orders for any conservation material or serv¬ ice are filled may be limited, if the ‘Secretary determines that it is necessary in the interest of producers and the Government, to a fair price fixed in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary (7U. S. C. 1835 (b).) * EFFECT ON OTHER PROGRAMS Sec. 112. Notwithstanding any other provision of law— (1) insofar as the acreage of cropland on any farm enters into the determination of acreage allotments and marketing quotas under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, the cropland acreage on the farm shall not be deemed to be decreased during the period of any contract entered into under the conser¬ vation reserve program by reason of the establishment and main¬ tenance of vegetative cover or water storage facilities, or other soil-, water-, wildlife-, or forest-conserving uses, under such con¬ tract ; and (2) the acreage on any farm which is determined under regula¬ tions of the Secretary to have been diverted from the production of any commodity in order to carry out the contract entered into under the conservation reserve program shall be considered acre¬ age devoted to the commodity for the purposes of establishing future State, county, and farm acreage allotments under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, and base acre¬ ages under this Act, (7 U. S. C. 1836.) GEOGRAPHICAL APPLICABILITY Sec. 113. This subtitle B shall apply to the continental United States, and, if the Secretary determine it to be in the national interest, to one or more of the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii, the Common- wealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, and as used in this subtitle B, the term State” includes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, arid the Virgin Islands. (7 U. S. C. 1837.) 104 SOIL BANK ACT Subtitle C —General Provisions COMPLIANCE WITH ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS Sec. 114. No person shall be eligible for payments or compensation under this title with respect to any farm for any year in which (1) the acreage of any basic agricultural commodity other than wheat or corn on the farm exceeds the farm acreage allotment for the wmmwlig under title III of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, or (2) in the case of a farm which is not exempted fiom marketing quota penalties under section 335 (f) of the Agncultura Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, the wheat acreage on the farm exceeds the larger of the farm wheat acreage allotment under such title or fifteen acres, or 6 (3) the com acreage on the farm, ini the case of a farm in the commercial corn-producing area, exceeds the farm base acreage for corn or the farm acreage afiotment, whichever is m effect. For the purpose of this section, a producer shall not be deemed to have exceeded his farm acreage allotment or farm base acreage, unless such producer knowingly exceeded such allotment or base acre¬ age and, in the case of wheat, unless such producer knowingly ex¬ ceeded the farm acreage allotment of fifteen acres, whichever is larger. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section—(1) no person shall be ineligible to receive payments or compensation under an acre¬ age reserve contract for 1958 by reason of the fact that the corn acre¬ age on the farm exceeds the farm acreage allotment for corn if the county in which such farm is located is included m the commercial corn producing area for the first time in 1958; (2) no person shall lie ineligible to receive payments or compensation under an acreage re¬ serve contract for anv year subsequent to 1958 or a conservation reserve contract by reason of the fact that the corn acreage on the farm exceeds the farm acreage allotment for corn if such contract was entered into prior to January 1 of the first year for which *be county is included in the commercial com producing area: Provided, 1 hat tne foregoing provisions of this sentence shall apply only to a farm for which an “old farm” corn allotment is established for such first year. For purposes of this provision, a contract which has been terminated by the producer under the program regulations by reason of the fact that the county in which the farm is located was included in the com¬ mercial corn-producing area for the first time in 1958, and which is re¬ instated, shall be deemed to have been entered into as of the original date of execution of such contract. 7 (7 IT. S. C. 1802.) REAPPORTIONMENT PROHIBITED Sec. 115. No acreage diverted from the production of any com¬ modity subject to acreage allotments as a result of participation m the acreage reserve or conservation reserve programs shall be reappor¬ tioned or allotted to any other farm. (7 U. S. C. 1803.) CERTIFICATE OF CLAIMANT Sec. 116. Subject to the provisions of section 105 (b), payment or compensation authorized by this title may be made upon the certifi- 1 0 Subdivision (2) of spc. 114 amended by Pub. L. 85-203, 71 Stot. 47S. August 28, 1»57. ' The preceding two sentences were added by Pub. L- 85—369. 7, Stat. 81. April • ■ 195 .. SOIL BANK ACT 105 cate of the claimant, in such form, as the Secretary may prescribe, that he has complied with all requirements for such payment and that the statements and information contained in the application for payment are correct and true, to the best of his knowledge and belief. (7 U. S. C. 1804.) UTILIZATION OF LOCAL AND STATE COMMITTEES Sec. 117. In administering this title in the continental United States, the Secretary shall utilize the services of local, county, and State committees established under section 8 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as amended. (7 U. S. C. 1805.) UTILIZATION OF OTHER AGENCIES Sec. 118. With respect to conservation aspects of any program under this title, the Secretary shall consult with the soil-conservation dis¬ tricts, State foresters, State game and fish agencies, land-grant col¬ leges, and other appropriate agencies of State governments, and with the Fish and Wildlife Service, in the formulation of program provi¬ sions at the State and county levels. The technical resources of the Soil Conservation Service, the Forest Service, the land-grant colleges, the State foresters, State game and fish agencies, the Fish and Wild¬ life Service, and other appropriate teclmical services shall be utilized, so far as practicable, to assure coordination of conservation activities and a solid technical foundation for the program. (7 U. S. C. 1806.) UTILIZATION OF LAND USE CAPABILITY DATA Sec. 119. In administering this title the Secretary shall utilize to the fullest practicable extent land use capability data, including capa¬ bility surveys as developed by the Soil Conservation Service, and shall carry forward to completion as rapidly as possible the basic land inventory of the Nation. (7 U. S. C. 1807.) FINANCING Sec. 120. (a) The Secretary is authorized to utilize the facilities, services, authorities, and funds of the Commodity Credit Corporation in discharging his functions and responsibilities under this title, in¬ cluding payment of costs of administration for the programs author¬ ized under this title: Provided , That the Secretary shall, prior to February 1,1957, or such earlier date as may be practicable, submit to the Congress a full program of all operations under this title which will require the making of expenditures during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1958; and, after June 30, 1957, the Commodity Credit Cor¬ poration shall not make any expenditures for carrying out the pur¬ poses of this title unless the Corporation has received funds to cover such expenditures from appropriations made to carry out the pur¬ poses of this title. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this title, including such amounts as may be required to make payments to the Corporation for its actual costs incurred or to be incurred under this section. (7U.S.C. 1808 (a).) SOIL BANK ACT 106 £^"thls' U*?Sd& S i 5"IFSe al S^I^ £jtt£&52EE“ advanced dtermination of performance. (7 U. S. C. 1808 (b).) FINALITY OF DETERMINATIONS Sec. 121. The facts constituting the basis for any payment or com¬ pensation, or the amount thereof, authorized to be made> under this title when officially determined in conformity with applicable legu t ons nrescribed by the Secretary, shall be final and conclusive and shall not be reviewable by any other officer or agency of the Govern¬ ment In case any producer who is entitled to any payment or com¬ pensation dies, becomes incompetent, or disappears before receiving such payment or compensation, or is succeeded by another who render or completes the required performance, the payment or compensation shall, without regard to any other provisions of law, be^ade as the Secretary may determine to be fair and reasonable m all the circum stances and so provide by regulations. (7 U. b. G. lot )..) PROTECTION OF TENANTS AND SHARECROPPERS Sec 122. In the formulation and administration of programs undei this title, the Secretary shall provide adequate safeguards to protect the interests of tenants and sharecroppers, including provision for sharing, on a fair and equitable basis, in payments or compensation under this title, and including such provision as may be nece arv t prevent them from being forced off the farm Applications to partici¬ pate in any such program shall specify the basis on which the la lord, tenants, and sharecroppers are to share in such payments or com pensation, and no contract under any such program shall be entered into unless such basis is approved by the county committee and incor¬ porated into the contract. The standards prescribed by the Secretary for the guidance of county committees m determining whether c such basis shall be approved shall include the requirement that con¬ sideration be given to the respective contributions which would have been made by the landlord, tenants, and sharecroppers in the produc¬ tion of the crops which would have been produced on the acreage diverted from production under the contract and the basis on which they would have shared in such crops or the proceeds thereof. (7 U. S. C. 1810.) PENALTY for grazing or harvesting Sec. 123. Any producer who knowingly and willfully grazes or harvests any crop from any acreage in violation of a contract entered into under section 103 or 107 shall be subject to a civil penalty equal to 50 per centum of the compensation payable for compliance vith such contract for the year in which the violation occurs Such pen¬ alty shall be in addition to any amounts required to be forfeited or SOIL BANK ACT 107 refunded under the provisions of such contract, and shall be recover¬ able in a civil suit brought in the name of the United States. (7 U. S. C. 1811.) V REGULATIONS Sec. 124. The Secretary shall prescribe such regulations as he deter¬ mines necessary to carry out the provisions of this title. (7 U. S. C. 1812.) PRODUCTION ON GOVERNMENT LANDS PROHIBITED Sec. 125. The President shall, with respect to farmlands now or hereafter owned by the Federal Government, restrict insofar as prac¬ ticable the leasing of such lands for the production of price supported crops in surplus supply. Nothing contained in this section shall pre¬ vent the production of such crops on national wildlife refuges under cooperative permits where such production is necessary to maintain satisfactory wildlife populations, especially of waterfowl for bene¬ ficial use. (7 U. S. C. 1813.) POOLING OF CONSERVATION RESERVE LAND Sec. 126. TVlienever management of family farms or optimum land use will be aided, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to permit farmers to pool their rights to participate jointly in the conservation reserve program on property other than their home farms. (7 U. S C 1814.) COMPENSATION FOR INCORRECT INFORMATION FURNISHED UNDER 1956 PROGRAM Sec. 127. In any case under the 1956 program in which a pro¬ ducer, m reliance, in good faith, on incorrect or incomplete informa- tion furnished to him by an authorized representative of the Secretary entered into an acreage reserve or conservation reserve contract, or took action with the intention of entering into such a contract, and the producer is not entitled to receive under the provisions of the program the payment which was stipulated in the contract, or which would have been stipulated if a contract had been entered into, the Secretary is hereby authorized, whenever he deems it desirable in order to pro¬ vide fair and equitable treatment to such a producer, to compensate such producer for any loss suffered by him as a result of action taken tor tne purpose of participating in the program. (7 U. S. C. 1801 note.) Sec. 127 added by Pub. L. 85-413, 72 Stat. 118, May 16, 1958. PART IV PRICE SUPPORT, EXPORT AND SURPLUS REMOVAL SUBPART A-LEGAL HISTORY AND CHARTER OF COMMODITY CREDIT ^ CORPORATION LEGAL HISTORY OF COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION dustr lal Recovery Act of June ^ - ^ that the Corporation January 31, (lo c. • , earlier date as may be fixed'by The" Prraiden t by Executive Order, to be an United States.” TheOjgpjtgfi® « continued untd . q ^ as an agency of t section 401 of the President’s reorganl- K I (5U s. Mure", aMpMs 1“^ «» -^ision and oSSSS was originally capitalized for $3^000,000 subscribed by the Secretary of Ajjncultare and theG^- Pi-tim- of the Farm Credit Administration. The funds tor sucn suu scription were derived from the appropnation 220 of the National Industrial Recovery Act (48 Stat 210) anrt maa by the Fourth Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1933 (48 Stat 274) in accordance with the Act of April 10, 19 f 0 00 the addi Pr>vT'ioi ,r ition’s capitalization was increased to $l()0,0UU,i>uu, ine iu tional $97,000,000 of the Corporation’s j^’tte Vet of Reconstruction Finance Corporation Bv section!3 oft « vided that all riflits of the United States arising out of the ownerehip of such stock should be exercised by the P^s.telt of the United State or by such officers or agencies as he might designate. Executive Uiaer No y 8219, issued August 7. 1939 (4 F. K. 3565), transferred t. the ^rf¥ti«^^ht S re a^’ollt oHto ownership of the stock of C. r odity Credit Corpora- thorized the Corporation, among other things, to engage m g, 108 PRICE SUPPORT, EXPORT AND SURPLUS REMOVAL 109 selling, lending, and other activities with respect to agricultural com¬ modities, products thereof, and related facilities. These charter powers enabled the Corporation to engage in extensive operations for the purpose of increasing production, stabilizing prices, assuring adequate supplies, and facilitating the efficient distribution of agricultural commodities, foods, feeds and fibers. IVTany of the Corporation^ operations were carried out in response to specific congressional mandates. In carrying out its operations, the Corporation was also subject to certain specific limitations placed upon it by the Congress. Section 304 (b) of the Government Corporation Control Act (31 U. S. C. 869) required that wholly-owned Government corporations incorporated under State law be reincorporated by Act of the Con- gress m order to continue as agencies or instrumentalities of the rJ ni i- rT^ ateS a .^ er J une 30, 1948. Accordingly, the Commodity Credit Corporation was incorporated as a Federal corporation by the Commodity Credit Corporation Act, effective as of midnight, June 30 1948. Pursuant to the Charter Act and by appropriate action of the boards of directors of the Delaware and the Federal corporations, all the assets, funds, property and records of the Delaware corporation were transferred to the Federal corporation, and the rights and duties and liabilities of the Delaware corporation were assumed by the Federal corporation. The Charter Act also directed the dissolution of the Delaware corporation, and the Commodity Credit Corporation, a Delaware corporation, was dissolved under the laws of the State of Delaware, effective as of 9 a. m., September 15,1948. . Charter Act incorporated the Federal corporation for substan¬ tially the same purposes which the Delaware corporation had served and made applicable to the Federal corporation the statutes which had been applicable to the Delaware corporation. COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION CHARTER ACT 1 an act To Provide a Federal Charter for the Commodity Credit Corporation Be it enacted by the Senateand Home ^ a., o y 5 U 'sIc C; 2 7 Ce™™n and Pubposes.—F or the purpose of stabilizing, of the Secretary of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as the Sec to Srr' Jt^OmcES-The'corporation may establish offices in such pla» or placS afit may deem'necessary or desirable m the conduct of , 16 n s c (a) Shall have succession in its corporate name. (15 L. b. C. 71 1b) ( May adopt, alter, and use a corporate seal, which shall be ^"(cl'i/aytue^nd'be sued, butittadiment, injunction, garnish¬ ment or othefsimilar process, mesne or final, shall be ujued against ^Kudtag ?^i"la?d=Z\mr““^^^ by or against the Corporation: Provided , That the intervene in any court in any suit, action, or proceeding m which it has mi intent Ahy suit against the Corporation shall be brought m the District of Columbia, or in the district wherein the plaintiff resides or is engaged in business. No suit by or against the Corporation shallbe allowed unless (1) it shall have been brought within six years after the right accrued on which suit is brought, or (2) in the event that balance 01 th * Se ?Thls e p r h?a d se was^ddVby the*Act o°f June 7, 1949. 110 COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION CHARTER ACT 111 the person bringing such suit shall have been under legal disability or beyond the seas at the time the right accrued, the suit shall have been brought within three years after the disability shall have ceased or within six years after the right accrued on which suit is brought, whichever period is longer. The defendant in any suit by or against the Corporation may plead, by way of set-off or counterclaim, any cause of action, whether arising out of the same transaction or not, which would otherwise be barred by such limitation if the claim upon which the defendant’s cause of action is based had not been barred prior to the date that the plaintiff’s cause of action arose: Provided , That the defendant shall not be awarded a judgment on any such set-off or counterclaim for any amount in excess of the amount of the plaintiff’s claim established in the suit. 4 All suits against the Cor¬ poration shall be tried by the court without a jury. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Federal Tort Claims Act (Public Law 601, Seventy-ninth Congress) shall be applicable to the Corpora¬ tion. Any suit by or against the United States as the real party in interest based upon any claim by or against the Corporation shall be subject to the provisions of this subsection (c) to the same extent as though such suit were by or against the Corporation, 5 except that (1) any such suit against the United States based upon any claim of the type enumerated in title 28, section 1491, of the United States Code, may be brought in the United States Court of Claims, and (2) no such suit against the United States may be brought in a district court un¬ less such suit might, without regard to the provisions of this Act, be brought in such court. (15 U. S. C. 714b (c).) (d) May adopt, amend, and repeal bylaws, rules, and regulations governing the manner in which its business may be conducted and the powers vested in it may be exercised. (15 U. S. C. 714b (d).) (e) Shall have all the rights, privileges, and immunities of the United States with respect to the right to priority of payment with respect to debts due from insolvent, deceased, or bankrupt debtors. The Corporation may assert such rights, privileges, and immunities m any suit, action, or proceeding. (15 U. S. C. 714b (e).) (f) Shall be entitled to the use of the United States mails in the same manner and upon the same conditions as the executive depart¬ ments of the Federal Government. (15 U. S. C. 714b (f).) (g) May enter into and carry out such contracts or agreements as are necessary in the conduct of its business. State and local regulatory laws or rules shall not be applicable with respect to contracts or agree¬ ments of the Corporation or the parties thereto to the extent that such contracts or agreements provide that such laws or rules shall not be applicable, or to the extent that such laws or rules are inconsistent with such contracts or agreements. (15 U. S. C. 714b (g).) (h) May contract for the use, in accordance with the usual customs of trade and commerce, of plants and facilities for the physical han¬ dling, storage, processing, servicing, and transportation of the agri- cultural commodities subject to its control. 8 The Corporation shall the preceding sentence were substituted by the Act of June 7 1949 63 Stat 112 COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION CHARTER ACE have newer to acquire personal property necessary to the conduct oHteCsinessbiff shall not have power to acquire real Property 01 ind JbT si^uTr^rea^proper- g^SSST a s a gr^s'Ss^ssS'ss? purcha^^ex^ir^dt^^fun^^pecially^^ovi^d by Congress for that purpose • And provided further , That nothing contained in this SE(h>Shall limit the duty of the Corporation to the n»n- mum extent practicable consistent with the fulfillment of the Co poration’s purposes and the effective and efficient conduct of its bus^ ness to utilize the usual and customary channels, facilities, and arrangements of trade and commerce in the warehousing of co modifies ■ And provided further , That to encourage the storage of grain on farmsfwhere it can be stored at the lowest cost, the Cor¬ poration shall make loans to grain growers needing storage facilities when such growers shall apply to the Corporation toi financing 11 construction or purchase of suitable storage, and these loans shall be deducted from the proceeds of price support loans orpurct^ Jg ' ments made between the Corporation and the growers, standing any other provision of law, the Commodity Credi L 1 « tion is Authorized, upon terms and conditions prescribed or approved bv the Secretary of Agriculture, to accept strategic and critical mate- ffSla in exchange foe agricultural as amended (55 Stat. 498, 56 Stat. <68; 15 U. S. C. 7l3a-8) (the so-called “Steagall amendment”, which provided that if the Secretary of Agriculture issued an an¬ nouncement requesting the expansion of production of a non-basic agricultural commodity, he should provide price support on such commodity for two years after World War II). Act of 1942 > as amended (56 Stat. , 67, 58 Stat, 643, 58 Stat. 784; 50 U. S. C. App. 968) (providing for lomis on basic commodities for two years after World War II) fn 5 e Act °l 0 J o ul J 28 .’ 1945 (59 Stat. 506; 7 U. S. C. 1312 note) (set mi a P' l 2 ? ° f t ns com pilation, providing for loans on tobacco). as . amended (61 Stat. 769, 62 Stat. 1248; 1£> nV‘ i S' i p ? te ) (P rovi ding for price support on wool). Much of this legislation expired with the termination of the war- a mi W f Sl 3 cceeded by the Agricultural Act of 1948 i toi \ tat * 124 v% The Agricultural Act of 1949 (p. 120) (7 U S C l 42 1) superseded or repealed prior legislation, effective for the 1950 and subsequent crop years. The Agricultural Act of 1954 (p 138) nfe n 5p i ra £ 19 i?i P ' 145 >’ and the Agricultural Act i ? n the 8 1949 Act L ‘ 85 “ 835 ’ 72 Stat 988 ) made significant changes Throughout the periods discussed, the Commodity Credit Corpora- tmn has been the chief instrumentality in making price support available to producers. Export and surplus removal programs oper¬ ated under Section 32 of Public Law 320, 74th Congress (p 174) are also utilized as a means of price support. ' ’ 119 AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1949, 1 AN ACT To stabilize prices of agricultural commodities. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home <>/^^fthis tc United States of America in g c 1121 note) be cited as the “Agricultural Act of 1949. (< u - ^ 7 TITLE I—BASIC AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES q im Thp Secretary of Agriculture (hereinafter called the “Secretary”) is authorized and dfrected to make available throiyh the level provided in subsections (a), (b), and ( tt : f0rn a nd year is : The level of support shall J be not less than the following percentage of the parity price: _ _ 90 Not more than 102--—-- _ gg More than 102 but not more than -- gg More than 104 but not more than 106- 87 More than 106 but not more than 108- 86 More than 108 but not more than 110- g. More than 110 but not more than -- ^ More than 112 but not more than 114- gg More than 114 but not more than 116- g2 More than 116 but not more than 118- 81 More than 118 but not more than 120- go More than 120 but not more than - 79 More than 122 but not more than 124- 7g More than 124 but not more than - 77 More than 126 but not more than 128- 76 More than 128 but not more than --"" 75 For rice of the 1959 and 1960 crops, the level of support shal J r i“s than 75 per centum of the parity price. For rice of fho iQfil rroD the level of support shall be not less than <0 per the 1961 1 . . e tlie 19 62 and subsequent crops of rice'the leve^oFsupport shall be not less than 65 per centum of the parity price. 3 (7 U. S. C. 1441 (a)) was’ anf«i’d^the*195^^rop)^y^tr^kSig^>n of the 1959 and subsequent crop years, see Se ^°h?s paragraph was added by sec. 302 of the Agricultural Act of 195S. effective begin¬ ning with the 1959 crop. 120 AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1949 121 (b) For cotton and peanuts, if the supply percentage as of the beginning of the marketing year is: * The level of support shall be not less than the following percentage of T. r . „ ,, the parity price: Not more than 108__ More than 108 but not more than 110_ o Q More than 110 but not more than 112_I ~~ ~ oo More than 112 but not more than 114_ _ _ R7 More than 114 but not more than 116_ More than 116 but not more than 118__ S r More than 118 but not more than 120_I_I_I k. More than 120 but not more than 122 ~ More than 122 but not more than 124_II S More than 124 but not more than 125_~ ~ ~ sT More than 125 but not more than 126 " ™ More than 126 but not more than 127_ 70 More than 127 but not more than 128_” More than 128 but not more than 129_~_Z_ ~ 77 More than 129 but not more than 130 hL More than 130_ (7U.S.C.1441 (b).) (?) 1 F n r i t 0 on CC °’ lf m arketing quotas are in effect, the level of sup- P /ifvh,° percentum of the parity price. (7 U. S. C 1441 fcV) (d) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section— ( 1 ) if producers have not disapproved marketing quotas for such crop the level of support to cooperators shall be 90 per centum of the parity price for the 1950 crop of any basic agri- ments Whi ° h marketin S < !™ tas ° r aCTea K a allot- suih^rnn P tLl U i CerS i ha / e not disa PP roved marketing quotas for than Lir of support to cooperators shall be not less hnS 80 P u tu , m of the P arit y Price for the 1951 crop of any basm agricultural commodity for which marketing quotas or acreage allotments are in effect; K 1 a vl 3 L the 1 - eVe il ° f P rice su PP°rt to cooperators for any crop of a basic agricultural commodity, except tobacco, for which mar¬ keting quotas have been disapproved by producers shall be 50 per centum of the parity price of such commodity; and no price sup- poit shall be made available for any crop of tobacco for which marketing quotas have been disapproved*^ (5) price support may be made available to noncooperators at tor ' 7 ° f ““ level of P rice supportTcoopera- £ of the f/oZm mS WlU fadlitate Ule effectiTC °P er - lpipl^? XCept a f P rovided in subsection (c) and section 402, the level of support to cooperators shall be not more than 90 per r^ and not j ess than , 821 /2 Per centum of the parity price for the 1955 crop of any basic agricultural commodity with respect t0 whl ch Producers have not disapproved marketing quotas; Ac‘t S of b 1958. (4) "' aS repealed - effective with the 1959 crop, by sec. 201 of the Agricultural 122 AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1949 within such limits, the minimum level'"rfff^ctbn 1 '^ ^ Sir sSm increased acreage aTtment and the level of price support prescribed in choice (B) to be ffeetive for the farm. If the operator fails to so notify the county committee within the time prescribed, he shall be deemed to have chosen the acreage allotment and the price support level prescnbed m choice (A) The choice elected by tKperatol shall apply to all the producers on the farm. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subsection, the Secretary nnv permit the operator of a farm for which choice (Bl fsl/effect to change to choice (A) where conditions beyond the control of the far m operator, such as excessive rain, flood, or drought, pre- sMoVo? the Ag?ic„ 7 ltur 9 al 2 Aot 6 gSte 8 ** 75 ?' Th( ' »«t -.ntenee 71 Stat. 27. and the Act of July 2, 1958, Pub. L. sL^97. ^Stat.^oV^ ° f ApfU 25, 1957, 124 AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1949 vented the planting of acreage to cotton or having cotton acre¬ age available for harvest on the farm in accordance with the plans of such operator in selecting choice (B). ihe additiona acreage required to be allotted to farms under this section snail be in addition to the county, State, and national acreage allot¬ ments and the production from such acreage shall be in addition to the national marketing quota. The additional acreage autlioi- ized by this section shall not be taken into account m establishing future State, county, and farm acreage allotments. Notwith¬ standing any other provision of law, no farm participating in any cotton acreage reserve program established tor lJoJ under the Soil Bank Act shall receive an increased acreage allotment under the provisions of this section for 1955). Notwithstanding the provisions of section 344 (m) (,2) any farm cotton acreage allotment increased as the result of the selection of choice (B) may not be released and reapportioned to any other farm. 1 rice support shall be made available under this paragraph only to cooperators and only if producers have not disapproved market¬ ing quotas for the crop. (7 U. S. C. 1443 (a).) (b) for each of the 1959 and 1960 crops of upland cotton, price support shall be made available to producers who elect choice (A) through a purchase program. Price support shall be made available to producers who elect choice (B) through loans, purchases, or other operations. (7 U. S. C. 1443 (b).) (c) the Commodity Credit Corporation is directed, during the period beginning August 1, 1959, and ending July 31, 1961, to otter any upland cotton owned by it for sale for unrestricted use at not less than 10 per centum above the current level of price support prescribed in choice (B). (7 U. S. C. 1443 (c).) ,J PRICE SUPPORT FOR 19 61 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS (COTTON) Sec. 103. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 101 of this Act, price support to cooperators for each crop of upland cotton, begin¬ ning with the 1961 crop, for which producers have not disapproved marketing quotas shall be at such level not more than 90 per centum of the parity price therefor nor less than the minimum level pre¬ scribed below as the Secretary determines appropriate after consid¬ eration of the factors specified in section 401 (b) of this Act. bor the 1961 crop the minimum level shall be 70 per centum of the parity price therefor, and for each subsequent crop the minimum level shall be 65 per centum of the parity price therefor. Price support in the case of noncooperators and in case marketing quotas are disapproved shall be as provided in section 101 (d) (3) and (5). (i U. S. C. 1444) 9 10 REFERENDUM (CORN) Sec. 104. 11 9 Sec. 102 added by sec. 101 of the Agricultural Act of 195S, Pub. L. 85-S35, 72 Stat. 988 msec 103 added by sec. 102 of the Agricultural Act of 1958. , . . . n This section (7 U. S. C. 1441 note), which was added by sec. 201 of the Agricultural Act of 1958, provided for a referendum of corn producers to determine if they favored a price support program as provided in sec. 105 In lieu of price support as provided In sec. 101 and acreage allotments. A majority of producers voted for the sec. 105 program, and. beginning with the 1959 crop, price support will be made available thereunder and acreage allotments and a commercial corn producing area will not be established. This section also repealed subsec. 101 (b) (4), effective with the 1959 crop. AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 194 9 125 PRICE SUPPORT (CORN AND FEED GRAINS) Sec. 105. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 101 of this Act, beginning with the 1059 crop, price support shall be made available to producers for each crop of corn at 00 per centum of the average price received by farmers during the three calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year in which the marketing year for such crop begins, adjusted to offset the effect on such price of any abnormal quantities of low-grade corn marketed during any of such year: Provided , That the level of price support for any crop of corn shall not be less than 65 per centum of the parity price therefor. (b) Beginning with the 1959 crop, price support shall be made available to producers for each crop of oats, rye, barley, and grain sorghums at such level of the parity price therefor as the Secretary of Agriculture determines is fair and reasonable in relation to the level at which price support is made available for corn, taking into con¬ sideration the feeding value of such commodity in relation to corn, and the other factors set forth in section 401 (b) hereof. (7 U. S. C. 1441 note) 12 TITLE II—DESIGNATED NONBASIC AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES Sec. 201 . The Secretary is authorized and directed to make avail¬ able (without regard to the provisions of title III) price support to producers for 13 tung nuts, honey, 14 milk, butterfat, and the products of milk and butterfat as follows: (a) 13 (b) The price of tung nuts and honey, 14 respectively, shall be sup¬ ported through loans, purchases, or other operations at a level not in excess of 90 per centum nor less than 60 per centum of the parity price therefor: Provided , That in any crop year in which the Secre¬ tary determines that the domestic production of tung oil will be less than the anticipated domestic demand for such oil, the price of tung nuts shall be supported at not less than 65 per centum of the parity price therefor; 15 (c) The price of whole milk, butterfat, and the products of such commodities, respectively, shall be supported at such level not in excess of 90 per centum nor less than 75 per centum of the parity price therefor as the Secretary determines necessary in order to assure an adequate supply. Such price support shail be provided through loans on, or purchases of, milk and the products of milk and butterfat, and for the period ending March 31, 1956, surplus stocks of dairy products owned by the Commodity Credit Corporation may be disposed of by any methods determined necessary by the Secre¬ cy- For the period beginning September 1, 1954, and ending June 30, 1955, not to exceed $50,000,000, and for the fiscal year ending “Added by sec. 201 of the AKrlcnlturnl Act of 1958 Bar (S-SB!* 126 AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1949 Tune 30 1956, not to exceed $60,900,000, and for each of the two fiscal years in the period beginning July 1. 1956 and ending June .0 1958, not to exceed $75,000,000, of the funds of the Corning Credit Corporation shall be used to increase the consumption of fluid milk bv children in (1) nonprofit schools of high-school grade and un le , and in (2) nonprofit nursery schools, child-care centers, settlement houses, summer camps, and similar nonprofit institutions devote the care and training of children. (7 U. b. iLio; £ Public Law 85—4i8 July 1, 1958 AN ACT To continue the special milk program for children in the mterest of improved nutrition by fostering the consumption of fluid milk in the schools. Be it enacted ly the Senate and Home of United Statea of Ameriea in Conqree* amewhled That for_each of the three fiscal years in the period beginning July 1, 19.i8, an 1 en h June 30, 1961,'not to exceed $75,000,000 of the funds of the Com¬ modity Credit Corporation shall be used to increase the consumption of fluid milk by children (1) in nonprofit schools of high-school grade and under; and (2) in nonprofit nursery schools, child-care centers, settlement houses, summer camps, and similar nonprofit i stitutions devoted to the care and training of children. Amounts expended hereunder and under the authority contained in the last sentence of section 201 (cl of the Agricultural Act of 1949, as amended, shall not be considered as amounts expended for the pur¬ pose of carrying out the price-support program. (72 btat. - ’ the Coramodit y CretUt Corporation all establish on its books an account receivable in an amount equal to any amount expended by Commodity Credit Corporation in con- w i t} l Payments pursuant to this title which has not been lennbursed from appropriations made hereunder. (7 U. S C 17841 feEC. 106. Except as otherwise provided in this title, the amounts, teims, and conditions of the price support operations and the extent to which such operations are carried out shall be determined or ap¬ proved by the Secretary of Agriculture. The Secretary may, in de- SnSF SUPP0I J pr i ces a nd rates of payment, make adjustments in such prices or rates for differences in grade, quality, type, location and other factors to the extent he deems practicable and desirable.’ Determinations by the Secretary under this title shall be final and conclusive. The facts constituting the basis for any operation, pay¬ ment, or amount thereof when officially determined in conformity with applicable regulations prescribed by the Secretary shall be final and conclusive and shall not be reviewable by any other officer or agency of the Government. (7 U. S. C. 1785) tLoT' i 707 ' Th Z term ^uiarketing year” as used in this title means the twelve-month period beginning April 1 of each calendar year or, tor either wool or mohair, such other period, or periods for pre- senbed ureas, as the Secretary may determine to be desirable to effectuate the purpose of this title. (7 U. S. C. 1786) Sec. 708. The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to enter into agreements with, or to approve agreements entered into between, marketing cooperatives, trade associations, or others engaged or whose members are engaged in the handling of wool, mohairr s heep, oi goats or the products thereof for the purpose of developing and conducting op a National, State, or regional basis advertising and sales promotion programs for wool, mohair, sheep, or goats or the pioducts thereof. Provision may be made in such agreement to obtain the funds necessary to defray the expenses incurred there- ^•f; e nn t 7 nT Ug i 1 fF r0 /vi ta /Eductions from the payments made under section 704 of this title to producers within the production area he determines will be benefited by the agreement and for the assign¬ ment and transfer of the amounts so deducted to the person or agency designated in the agreement to receive such amounts for expenditure m accordance with the terms and conditions of the agreement No agreement containing such a provision for defraying expenses through deductions shall become effective until the Secre^ tary determ ines that at least two-thirds of the producers who, dur- 2&X difues U are r parts*of > con^ ” < f a ilow?ngI r the word AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1954 144 ing a representative period determined by the Secretary, have been engaged, within the production area he determines will be benefited by"the agreement, in the production for market of the commod y specified therein approve or favor such agreement or that producers who, during such representative period have produced at least two- thirds of the volume of such commodity produced within the aie which will be benefited by such agreement, approve or favor such agreement. Approval or disapproval by cooperative associations shall be considered as approval or disapproval by the producers are members of, stockholders m, or under contract with such co operative association of producers. The Secretary maj; conduct a referendum among producers to ascertain their approval or favor. Th^requirements of approval or favor shall be held to be complied withTf two thirds of the total number of producers or two-thirds of the total volume of production, as the case may be, represented such referendum, indicate their approval or favor 0 U. b C. Srr 709 Section 201 of the Agricultural Act of 1949 (< y. L,., sec 1446) is amended effective April 1, 1955, (0 by deleting from the first sentence thereof the phrase “wool (including mohair), and ^ii) by deleting subsection (a) thereof relating to the support of W< SEa 710 m This section contains an amendment to the Commodity Exchange Act.] AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1956 1 AN ACT To enact the Agricultural Act of 1956. Be enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled , That this Act mav be cited as the “Agricultural Act of 1956”. TITLE I—SOIL BANK ACT [The provisions of this title are to be found beginning on p. 95.j TITLE II—SURPLUS DISPOSAL PROGRAM OF ORDERLY LIQUIDATION Sec. 201. (a) The Commodity Credit Corporation shall, as rap¬ idly as possible consistent with its existing authority, the operation of the price support program, and orderly liquidation, dispose of all stocks of agricultural commodities held by it. (b) The Secretary shall submit to Congress within ninety days alter the enactment of this Act detailed programs, with recommen¬ dations for any additional legislation needed to carry out such pro¬ grams, (1) for the disposition of surplus commodities as required by subsection (a) above; (2) for a food stamp plan or similar program for distribution through States (including the District of Columbia, ! Territories, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands) and local units of Government of future surplus production to needy persons in the United States, its Territories, and possessions, so as to prevent the accumulation of commodities in the hands of the Commodity Credit Corporation; and (3) for strategic stockpiling of foodstuffs and other agricultural products (A) inside the United States and (B) outside the United States as authorized in section 415 of the Mutual Security Act of 1954. The Secretary shall report annually on his operations under subsection (a) and such reports shall show— (1) the quantities of surplus commodities on hand; (2) the methods of disposition utilized and the quantities dis¬ posed of during the preceding twelve months; (3) the methods of disposition to be utilized and the esti¬ mated quantities that can be disposed of during the succeeding twelve months; (4) a detailed program for the expansion of markets for sur¬ plus agricultural commodities through marketing and utilization research and improvement of marketing facilities; and (5) recommendations for additional legislation necessary to accomplish the purposes of this section. (7 U. S. C. 1851) i Approved May 28, 1956, 70 Stat. 188. 145 146 AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1956 EXTRA-LONG STAPLE COTTON Sec. 202. (a) Hereafter the quota for cotton having a staple length of one and one-eighth inches or more, established September 20 1939, pursuant to section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933, as amended, shall apply to the same grades and staple lengths included in the quota when such quota was initially estab¬ lished. Such quota shall provide for cotton having a staple length of one and eleven-sixteenths inches and longer, and shall establish dates for the quota year which will recognize and permit entry to conform to normal marketing practices and requirements for such (b) Beginning not later than August 1, 1956, the Commodity Credit Corporation is directed to sell for export at competitive world prices its stocks of domestically produced extra long staple cotton on hand on the date of enactment of this Act. The amount .offered and the price accepted by the Commodity Credit Corporation shall be such as to dispose of such quantity in an orderly manner and withm a reasonable period of time, (i u. b. C. Ioo2) EXPORT SALES PROGRAM FOR COTTON Sec 203. In furtherance of the current policy of the Commodity Credit Corporation of offering surplus agricultural commodities for sale for export at competitive world prices, the Commodity Credit Corporation is directed to use its existing powers and authorities immediately upon the enactment of this Act to encouiage the export of cotton by offering to make cotton available at prices not in excess of the level of prices at which cottons of comparable qualities a being offered in substantial quantity by other exporting countries and in any event, for the cotton marketing year beginning August 1, 1956 at prices not in excess of the minimum prices (plus carrying charges beginning October 1, 1956, as established pursuant to Sec¬ tion 407 oAhe Agricultural Act of 1949) at which cottons com¬ parable qualities were sold under the export program announced by the United States Department of Agriculture on August 12, 19oo The Commodity Credit Corporation may accept bids in excels of the maximum prices specified herein but shall not reject bids at such maximum prices unless a higher bid is received foi 0 f Qualities not comparable to those of cottons sold under fhe program'annoSced on August 12, 1955, shall be offered at prices not, m excess of the maximum prices prescribed hereunder for cot¬ tons of dualities comparable to those of cottons sold under such pro- OTarn° with appropriate adjustment for differences m qual.ty. Such quantitTes of^ottin shall L sold as will reestab thp fair historical share of the world market foi United States cor Ion Tdd volume to be determined by the Secretary of Agnculture. (7 U. S. C. 1853) COTTON EXPORT PROGRAM [Agricultural Act of 1958-Sec 110. Nothing intliis Act shaU be construed to affect or modify the provisions of section 203 of the Agricultural Act of 1956, and any cotton owned or acquired by th AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1956' 147 Commodity Credit Corporation under any price support prooTam may be used for the purpose of carrying out the cotton export^ 203 01 the Act of AGREEMENTS LIMITING IMPORTS Sec. 204. The President may, whenever he determines such action appropriate, negotiate with representatives of foreign governments m an effort to obtain agreements limiting the export from such countries and the importation into the United States of any agricul¬ tural commodity or product manufactured therefrom or textiles or textile products, and the President is authorized to issue regulations governing the entry or withdrawal from warehouse of any such commodity, product, textiles, or textile products to carry out any such agreement Nothing herein shall affect the authority provided anilndeT 1 ^^ 2 VV nCUltUral Adjustment Act ( of 1933) as APPROPRIATION TO SUPPLEMENT SECTION 32 FUNDS Sec. 205. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each sum oFSbooKlo S t Wlth n ie rt SC G Jear endhlg June 30 ’ 1957 ’ the sum ox $500,000,000 to enable the Secretary of Agriculture to fnr ther carry out the provisions of section 32, Public £aw 320 SeveSy- fourth Congress, as amended (7 U. S. C. 612c), subject to all provi- ri S c °V aW re atlng , to tlie ex P en diture of funds appropriated by c11 sect i° n , except _ that up to 50 per centum of such $500,000,000 ay be devoted during any fiscal year to any one agricultural com¬ modity or the products thereof. (7 U. S. C. 1855) transfer of bartered materials to supplemental stockpile m 2 n 6 'A a l Strategic and other materials acquired by the Com¬ modity Credit Corporation as a result of barter or exchaiige of agri- cultura commodities or products, unless acquired for the national stockpile established pursuant to the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act 50 U. S C. 98-98h), or for other purposes shall ^. tl /^ sfe ,f 1 ^ d to ^e supplemental stockpile established by section 0 / 195 I ?7 lf e cVr!n ra i Trade Development and Assistance Act Lo ’ but no str ategic or critical material shall be acquired by the Commodity Credit Corporation as a result of such barter or exchange, except for such national stockpile, for such supplemental stockpile, for foreign economic or military aid or assistance programs, or for offshore construction programs. 2 (b) strategic materials acquired by the Commodity Credit Cor¬ poration as a result of barter or exchange of agricultural commodi- ofduty Pr0( * UCtS may entere d> or withdrawn from warehouse, free (c) In order to reimburse the Commodity Credit Corporation for matenals tr ansferred to the supplemental stockpile there are hereby Pub T L C 8^83 r L I 72 f °St°at n f7W. e Bemlcol(m waB added by the Act of September 6. 1958. 49244^—59—11 AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1956 148 authorized to be appropriated amounts equal to the value of any materials so transfeed. The value of any such maternl for the purpose of this subsection, shall be the lower of the domestic marke price or the Commodity Credit Corporation s investment therein as of the date of such transfer, as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture. (7 U. S. C. 1856) SURPLUS DISPOSAL ADMINISTRATOR Sec. 207. The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to appoint an agricultural surplus disposal administrator, at a salary rate of not exceeding $15,000 per annum, whose duties shall include such responsibility for activities of the Department, including those of the^Commodity Credit Corporation, relating to the disposal of su plus agricultural commodities as the Secretary may direct. (7 U. S. C. 1857) PAYMENT OF OCEAN FREIGHT Sec 208. [This section contains amendments to the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, which are incorpo¬ rated in that Act as contained in this compilation.] COMMISSION TO RECOMMEND LEGISLATION PROVIDING FOR INCREASED INDUSTRIAL USE OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Sfc 209 fa) (1) There is hereby established a bipartisan Com- mission~on Increased Industrial Use of Agricultural Products (here¬ after referred to as “the Commission’). The Commission shall composed of five members, of whom not more than three shall members of the same political party, to be a PP°i ntedby faking dent bv and with the advice and consent of the benate. , ® such appointments the President shall give due consideration to the intere^t^of 1 various segments of apiculture. One, rf to . members so •mnointed shall be designated as Chairman by the Piesiaent. 11 (2) Members of the Commission shall be paid compensation at t rate of $50 per day and shall be reimbursed for necessary travelin and other expenses incurred by them in the performance of their dU (3T m oi^Si^^SiriS to appoint and £ pisL,, without ««»***. ."dthe Cla^^ data which may be classified for security purposes. AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1956' 149 (5) Service of an individual as a member of the Commission or employment of an individual by the Commission in a technical or professional field, on a part-time or full-time basis, shall not be con¬ sidered as service or employment bringing such individual within the provisions of section 281, 283, 284, 434 or 1914 of title 18 of the USC 99) teS C ° de ’ ^ S6Ctl0n 190 ° f ^ Eevised Statutes ( 5 (b) It shall be the duty of the Commission to prepare and present to the Congress, not later than June 15, 1957, the necessary recom¬ mendations which in its opinion will bring about the greatest prac¬ tical use for industrial purposes of agricultural products not needed lor human or animal consumption, including, but not limited to, use in the manufacture of rubber, industrial alcohol, motor fuels plastics, and other products. (c) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated such sum, not to exceed $150 000, as may be necessary to enable the Commission to carry out its functions. (d) Upon submission of the recommendations referred to in sub¬ section (b), the Commission shall cease to exist. (7 U. S. C. 1858) DONATION TO PENAL AND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS Sec. 210. Notwithstanding any other limitations as to the disposal of surplus commodities acquired through price support operations, the Commodity Credit Corporation is authorized on such terms and under such regulations as the Secretary of Agriculture may deem in the public interest, and upon application, to donate food commodi¬ ties acquired through price support operations to Federal penal and correctional institutions, and to State correctional institutions for minors, other than those in which food service is provided for in¬ mates on a fee, contract, or concession basis. 3 (7 U. S. C. 1859) FEDERAL IRRIGATION. DRAINAGE, AND FLOOD-CONTROL PROJECTS Sec. 211 . (a) For a period of three years from the date of enact¬ ment ot this Act, no agricultural commodity determined by the Sec¬ retary of Agriculture in accordance with subsection (c) to be in surplus supply shall receive any crop loans or Federal farm pay¬ ments or benefits if grown on any newly irrigated or drained lands within any lederal irrigation or drainage project hereafter author¬ ized unless such lands were used for the production of such com¬ modity prior to the enactment of this Act. (b) The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agricul¬ ture shall cause to be included, in all irrigation, drainage, or"fiood- control contracts entered into with respect to Federal irrigation drainage, or flood-control projects hereafter authorized, such ^provi¬ sions as they may deem necessary to provide for the enforcement of the provisions of this section. For a period of three years from the date of enactment of this Act surplus crops grown on lands re¬ claimed by flood-control projects hereafter authorized and the lands so reclaimed shall be ineligible for any benefits under the soil-bank provisions of this Act and under price support legislation. * See also Pub. L. 85-683 (p. 136) as to flour and cornmeal donations. 150 AGRICULTURAL ACT OF 1956 (c) On or before October 1 of each year, the Secretary of Agri¬ culture shall determine and proclaim the agricultural commodities the supplies of which are in excess of estimated requirements for domestic consumption and export plus adequate reserves f | or ' , " i 1 , mnrirs The commodities so proclaimed shall be considered to be in fu?plus sipply^the purposes of this section during the succeeding “bdi"For the purposes of this section the term “Federal imgation or drainage project’’ means any irrigation or drainage project srf)- i*ect to the Federal reclamation laws (Act of June 17, 1902, 32 Stat Se ^.7l2 0f [^Sn amended^section 416 of the Agricultural Act of 1949.] TITLE III—MARKETING QUOTAS AND ACREAGE A T .1 .OTMENTS TThis title contains amendments to the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, which are incorporated in that act as contai compilation.] TITLE IV— forestry provisions [This title contains provisions relating to assistance to states for tree planting and reforestation.] title v— certificate program for rice [This title added subtitle D—Rice Certificates to title III of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938.] to title vi— miscellaneous [This title contains amendments to the A ^ ,clllt , . r incor _ and the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, which < porated in those acts as contained in the compilation. GENERAL FISCAL STATUTES ACT OF MARCH 8, 1938, 1 AS AMENDED AN ACT T„ maintain unimpa.rgj the capital of the Commodity Credit Corporation at ^100,000,000, and for other purposes. TJ Be , e ™Kt e d by the Senate and House of Representatives of the tended States of America in Congress assembled , That as of the doth of June m each year and as soon as possible thereafter, begin- mng with June 30, 1945, an appraisal of all of the assets and liabili¬ ties of the Commodity Credit Corporation for the purpose of deter¬ mining the net worth of the Commodity Credit Corporation shall be made by the Secretary of the Treasury. The value of assets shall be determined on the basis of the cost of such assets to the Com- modity Credit Corporation, 2 and a report of any such appraisal shall be submitted to the President as soon as possible after it has been made. In the event that any such appraisal shall establish that ^inn^no nnn^ti of c t ie Commodity Credit Corporation is less than $100,000,000 the Secretary of the Treasury, on behalf of the United States, shall restore the amount of such capital impairment by a contribution to the Commodity Credit Corporation in the amount of such impairment. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to make such payment to the Commodity Credit Corporation, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated annually, commencing with the fiscal year 1938, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro¬ priated, an amount equal to any capital impairment found to exist by virtue of any appraisal as provided herein. Such capital impair¬ ment shall be restored with appropriated funds as provided herein rather than through the cancellation of notes. 4 (15 U. S. C. 713a—l) 5 EXCESS NET WORTH !U^ E a' ?’ T 1 n th ? * hat any appraisal pursuant to section 1 of this Act shall establish that the net worth of the Commodity Credit Corporation is in excess of $100,000,000, such excess shall as soon as practicable after such appraisal, be deposited in the Treasury by the Commodity Credit Corporation and shall be credited to miscella¬ neous receipts. The Secretary of the Treasury is directed, as soon as practicable , to use any amount so deposited to retire an equivalent 1 52 Stat. 107. by the e Act e of d8UbStitUted for the Provisions 4 T his sentence was added by the Act of March 20 1954 euant tottto and * 1 the°foU%wTg ^ 00 ^ payments t0 the T r^ury have been made pur- 151 152 GENERAL FISCAL STATUTES amount of the public debt, which amount shall be in addition to any other amount required to be used for such purpose. (15 U. S. C. 71 5ec^3. [This section provided for the transfer of stock of the Delaware corporation to the United States.] borrowing power Sec 4. With the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Commodity Credit Corporation is authorized to issue and have out¬ standing at any one time, bonds, notes, debentures, e obligations in an aggregate amount not exceeding $14,500,000,000 Such obligations shall be in such forms and denominations shall have such^maturities, shall bear such rates of interest, shall be s ect to such terms and conditions, and shall be issued m e s ^ h and sold at such prices as may be prescribed by g the ^ om ^ odl ^ Prprlit Cornoration, with the approval of the feecretar> oi uie Treasury. 0 Such obligations shall be fully and unconditionally guar- anteed both as to interest and principal by the United States, and ™ch “uarantv shall be expressed on the face thereof, and such obit- o-itions shall be lawful investments and may be accepted as secun f: r tl0 an fduciar e y ; a trust, and public funds the ^ tvLipb qlmll be under the authority or contiol ot tne uniieu S^t ofTe amount so paid th^SeLtary of the T^ury shall «tc- reed to all the rights of the holders of such obligations. The becre tarv of the Treasury, in his discretion, is authorized to purchase a y obligations of the Commodity Credit Corporation issued hereund^ Secre- Treasury of the obligations of the C y TTnitprl States shall be treated as public-debt transactions of li Un d btates. ‘nreTor^tfon ’J“ue oll"s for the purpose of carrying nSM'rt. s? Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act (p. noj a Control Act (31 U. S. C. 841). GENERAL FISCAL STATUTES 153 out its annual budget programs submitted to and approved by the Congress pursuant to the Government Corporation Control Act (31 S’J 1946 edltlon ’ s f- 841 )-J T1ie Commodity Credit Corpora¬ tion shall have power to purchase such obligations in the open market at any time and at any price. (15 U. S. C. 7l3a-4) TAXATION iJSi'k 5 ' ^° n n’ n0t f’ ^^.ures, and other similar obligations issued by the Commodity Credit Corporation under the provisions of this Act shall be deemed and held to be instrumentalities of the r?pr!vpH m H °/ he ?ifl d States ’ a ? d as such the y and th e income derived therefrom shall be exempt from Federal, State, municipal, and local taxation (except surtaxes, estate, inheritance, and gift taxes). The Commodity Credit Corporation, including its franchise its capital, reserves, and surplus, and its income shall be exempt trom all taxation now or hereafter imposed by the United States by any I erntory, dependency, or possession thereof, or by any State, county, municipality, or local taxing authority; except that any real property of the Commodity Credit Corporation shall be subject to State, Territorial, county, municipal, or local taxation to £ed a as U.t Sn£f).*° its value as other real is FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS AS FISCAL AGENTS Act of July 16, 1943-Sec. 3. The Federal Reserve Banks are hereby authorized to act as depositaries, custodians, and fiscal agents for the Commodity Credit Corporation. (57 Stat. 566; 12 U. S. C. OtJt) J 28. 1942. 88 LOANS AND ADVANCES TO DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES CROP INSURANCE AND CONSERVATION MATERIALS The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938—Sec. 391 (c) [This section (p. 92) contains authority for loans by Commodity Credit Corporation to the Secretary of Agriculture during each fiscal year of such sums, not to exceed $50,000,000, as lie estimates will be re- quired to make crop insurance premium advances and to make advances for the purchase of conservation materials from January 1 to June 30 of each year, with repayment (plus interest) to be made from appropriated funds.] COST OF CLASSING OR GRADING Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act 1950—* * * On and after June 29, 1949, appropriations available for classing or grading any agricultural commodity without charge to the producers thereof may be reimbursed from nonadmmistratne funds °f the Commodity 5 Credit Corporation for the cost of classing; or ggdmg any such commodity for producers ^ 7 Corporation price support. (June 29, 1949, 63 Stat. 324, , U. S .C. 440.) . . . * * * TTpre- Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act,.195-— Here after there may be transferred to appropriations available fo classin- or grading any agricultural commodity without charge to the producers thereof such sums from nonadmimstrative funds o the Commodity Credit Corporation as may be necessary in addition to oVher funds available for these purposes, such transfers to be reimbursed from subsequent appropriations therefor. (Aug. 6 1, Dm, 65 Stat. 225, 239; 7 U. S. C. 414a.) BRUCELLOSIS ERADICATION Agricultural Act of 1954—Sec. 204, as amended * * * (ej As a means of stabilizing the dairy industry and further 111 nrpssino- and eradicating brucellosis in cattle, the Secretary is author Ld ^transfer not to exceed $17,000,000 for thet fiscal ^ |ndmg Tune 30 1956, and $20,000,000 for each of the fiscal >ears ana 1958 from funds available to the Commodity Credit Corporation to the appropriation item “Plant and Animal Disease and Pest Con¬ trol” Mi the Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act for such fiscal vear for the purpose of accelerating the brucellosis eradication program, for the purpose of increasing to not to exceed $50 per head of cattk the amount of the indemnities paid by the Federal Gov¬ ernment for cattle destroyed because of brucellosis m connection cooperative control and eradication programs for such disease in 154 LOANS AND ADVANCES TO DEPARTMENTAL AGENCIES 155 by tlie S fT ta / y l \ nder the auth °rity Of the Act May 29, 1884, as amended, for tlie purpose of increasing the number of such indemnities, and for the purpose of defraying any additional administrative expenses in connection therewith. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be nec¬ essary to reimburse the Commodity Credit Corporation for expendi¬ tures pursuant to this section. 1 1 DISEASES OF ANIMALS AND POULTRY pr^adoTltf and Fa ™ Credi * Administration Ap. Eradication activities: For expenses necessary in the arrest and eradication of foot-and-mouth disease, rinderpest, contagious pleu- ro-pneumoma, or other contagious or infectious diseases of animals, oi Euiopean fowl pest and similar diseases in poultry, and for foot- and-mouth disease and rinderpest programs undertaken pursuant to on 6 }~ US ° f !*! f 7 Ct r T 0f o F n rUary 28 ’ 1947 > and the Act of May 29, 1884, as amended 7 U. S. C. 391; 21 U. S. C. 111-122), includ¬ es S accordance with section 2 of said Act of February 28 , 1J47, the Secretary may transfer from other appropriations or unds available to the bureaus, corporations, or agencies of the ^ non nnn n 4 SUC 1 s , U - ms .. as he . may . deem necessary, but not to exceed $1,000,000 lor eiadication of vesicular exanthema of swine, to be available only m an emergency which threatens the livestock or C lsTr.In2ff ry 4 ° f i he ®®. un i ry » a . nd any unexpended balances of funds tiansfei red under this head in the next preceding fiscal year shall be merged with such transferred amounts: Provided , That this fff 1 ; < f Prla «S n i Sh - aI be subject to applicable provisions contained in tlie item Salaries and expenses, Agricultural Research Service”. (June 13, 19o8, P. L. 85-459, 72 Stat. 188) (See 21 U. S. C. 129) act of April'2*' lS^^O^Stat^Se 011 Were substltuted for tlle Previous provisions by the MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION STATUTES reimbursement by other agencies Act of July 16, 1943—Sec. 4. Full reimbursement shall be made to the Commodity Credit Corporation for services performed, losses sustained, operating costs incurred, or commodities purchased or delivered to or on behalf of the Lend-Lease Administration, the Army or Navy, the Board of Economic Warfare, the Reconstruc- tion Finance Corporation, or any other Govenunent agency, from the appropriate funds of these agencies. (57 Stat. 566, la U. S. C. 713a-9.) TRANSFER OF STOCKPILE COTTON Public Law 85-96 July 10, 1957 JOINT RESOLUTION Relating to the stockpile of extra long staple cotton under the Strategic and Critical Materials Stockpiling Act Resolved by the Senate and nouse of United States of America in Congress assembled, T hat not wit h standing any other provision of law, fifty thousand bales of domes¬ tically grown extra long staple cotton in the stockpile (including any cotton which does not meet current stockpile specifications) established pursuant to the Strategic and Critical Materials btock- Sw Act, as amended (50 U. S. & C. 98), withdrawn and transferred to the Commodity Credit Corporation for sale at not less than the prices at which the Commodity Credit Corporation may sell its stocks under the minimum pricing provision of section 4.07 nf the Agricultural Act of 1949, as amended. Proceeds from sulh sale, lest col incurred by Commodity Credit Corporation including administrative expense, as determined by ' he . tee Agriculture, shall be covered into the Treasury of the linited States as & miscellaneous receipts. (71 Stat. 290) COTTON FOR COLLEGES Agricultural Act of 1958-Sec. 505 . Commodity Credit Corpora- tion is authorized, on such terms as the of ff™“‘ t miv arm rove to donate cotton acquired through its puce support opei'atmiis°to educational institutions for use in the trammg^u- dents in the processing and manufacture of cotton into textiles. (72 Stat. 996, 7 U. S. C. 1431a) 156 MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION STATUTES 157 DISASTER RELIEF Act of April 6, 1949—Sec. 2. * * * T1 } e , Secretary is authorized in connection with any major disaster determined by the President to warrant assistance by the (42 U S r e ST er L / w 875 ’ Eighty-first Congress (42 U. b. C. 1855), as amended, to furnish to established farmers ranchers, or stockmen feed for livestock or seeds for planting for such period or periods of time and under such terms and conditions as the Secretary may determine to be required by the nature and effect of the disaster. The Secretary may utilize the personnel facilities, property, and funds of any agency of the United States’ Department of Agriculture, including Commodity Credit Corpora¬ tion, for carrying out these functions and shall reimburse theTgen- are notmiTlrh ‘rt VO f ' Ue ° f any commodities furnished wfich are not paid for by the farmers or ranchmen, and for costs and a s t ,n ;f! tlVe eX ^ 6 j S 1 S ne . cess . ar y performing such functions. (63 U. S. c’ 1148a^2)^ ed ^ ^ Act ° f July 14 ’ 1953 ’ 67 Stat 149 512 lnw ,Ct °/ September 30, 1950—Sec. 2. As used in this Act, the fol¬ lowing terms shall be construed as follows unless a contrary intent appears from the context: y intent “Major disaster” means any flood, drought, fire, hurricane earthquake, storm, or other catastrophe in any part of the United States which, m the determination of the President, is or threatens ance'bv tbfp p nty ^ ma £ nitude to arrant disaster assist- ance by the Federal Government to supplement the efforts and avail- damni S °b rC W S l 0f States ff and local governments in alleviating ?he tip ™ ’ ds i J P ’ or | uffen ?g caused thereby, and respecting which DiatffrUTVf m Z ^ ta - te (0 , r - t , he Board of Commissioners of the sti ict of Columbia) in which such catastrophe may occur or threaten certifies the need for disaster assistance under this Act, and shall give assurance of expenditure of a reasonable amount of the funds of the government of such State, local governments therein such catastrophe 3 ;’ ^ ^ Same ° r Similar purposes with res P e ct to’ (b) “United States” includes the District of Columbia Alaska Hawan Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands; ’ ’ (c) State means any State in the United States Alaska H ™;]P uert0 Rico, and the Virgin Islands; ’ ’ (d) Governor” means the chief executive of any State- (e) Local government” means any county, city, village, town Co/umbia^ P ° ltlCal subdivisi °n of any State, or the District of lishmpnT e p eral agen ^” mea ns any department, independent estab- p rp ° ratl0n ’ 0r othe r of the executive oranch of the Federal Government, excepting, however the Ameri¬ can National Red Cross. (42 U. S. C. 1855a) ’ • 1 u 3 ' I " an y ® a j°r disaster, Federal agencies are herebv author¬ ized when directed by the President to provide assistance (a) bv utihzmg or lending with or without compensation therefor, to States and local governments their equipment, supplies, facilities, person- 158 MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION STATUTES nel and other resources, other than the extension of credit under the authority of any Act; * * * (c) by donating or lending equipment and supplies, determined under then existing law to be surplus to the needs and responsibilities of the Federal Government, to states for use or distribution by them for the purposes of the Act includ¬ ing the restoration of public facilities damaged or destroyed in such major disaster and essential rehabilitation of individuals in need as the result of such major disaster; * * * The authority conferred by this Act, and any funds provided hereunder shall be supplementary to, and not in substitution for, nor in limitation of, any other authority conferred or funds provided under any other law. Any funds received by Federal agencies as reimbursement for services or supplies furnished under the authority of this section shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriation or appropriations cur¬ rently available for such services or supplies. The hederal Govern¬ ment shall not be liable for any claim based upon the exercise or performance or the failure to exercise or perform a discretionary function or duty on the part of a Federal agency or an employee of the Government in carrying out the provisions of tins; section ( . Stat 1109; as amended by the Act of July 17, 19ou, G7 btat. ISO, 42 U. S. C. 1855b) Public Law 85-312 September 7, 1957 AN ACT To authorize Commodity Credit Corporation to grant relief with respect to claims arising out of deliveries of eligible surplus feed grains on ineligible dates in connection with purchase orders under its emergency feed progiam. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Tuat Commodity Credit Corporation, under such regulations as may be approved by the Secretary of Agriculture, is hereby authorized to grant relief to farmers and dealers in connection with claims arising out of early and late deliveries under purchase orders for drought relief feed issued under the 1954, 1955, and 1956 emergency feed pro-rams by recognizing as valid those purchases and deliveries of designated surplus feed grains and approved mixed feeds, which (a) vvere actually purchased by the farmer from the dealer on or aftei the date the Secretary declared the county, where the purchase order was issued, to be eligible for assistance under the emergency_ feed program, and (b) are found to have been physically delivered to the farmer not later than six months from the expiration date of the purchase order issued to the farmer. (<1 btat. 632, 12 U. s. 1148a-2) SALE TO FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS Act of August 11, 1939 —Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Commodity Credit Corporation, with the approval of the President, is authorized to sell surplus agricultural commodities, acquired by such Corporation through its loan operations, to foreign governments on the condition that, except for rotation to prevent MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION STATUTES 159 deterioration, such commodities shall be held in reserve by such "ov- er 1 nnents * or a penod of not less than five years from the date of acquisition, and shall not be disposed of unless a war or war emergency results in a serious interruption of normal supplies of such commodities: Provided , That under this joint resolution no concession below the prevailing world market price for the unre¬ stricted use of such commodities, as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, shall be granted, in consideration of the obligation assumed by such governments to hold such commodities in reserve as required hereinbefore, in excess of a maximum amount equal to the average carrying charges, as estimated by the Secretary of Agri¬ culture, that would be incurred if such commodities should be held for an additional eighteen months’ period by the Commodity Credit Corporation In determining specific cotton to be sold under this Act, the determination shall be made by sampling and selection at the place where the cotton is stored on the date of signing any sales agreement or contract under this Act, and no cotton shall be sold under any such sales agreement or contract which, after such date is transported to any other place and there sampled and selected: Provided further , That in case of a sale settlement must be made within sixty days after delivery and not more than five hundred thousand bales of cotton shall be sold upon the terms and conditions PiTJ! i K d TT n re f° lution - ( Pub ‘ Res - 52 > 76th Cong., 53 Stat. -‘-‘i-CO j 10 U. Kj, 4 1.0 cl—G.J 160 MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION STATUTES GRAIN FOR MIGRATORY WATERFOWL ACT OF JULY 3, 1956 1 AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to cooperate with Federal and non- Federal ageucies iu the prevention of waterfowl depredations, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and nouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, for the pur¬ pose of preventing crop damage by migratory waterfowl, the Com¬ modity Credit Corporation shall make available to the Secretary o the Interior such wheat, corn, or other grains, acquired through price support operations and certified by the Commodity Credit Corporation to be available for the purposes of this Act or in such condition through spoilage or deterioration as not to be desirable for human consumption, as the Secretary of the Interior shall requisi¬ tion pursuant to section 2 hereof. With respect to any gram thus made available, the Commodity Credit Corporation may pay pack¬ aging, transporting, handling, and other charges up to the time of delivery to one or more designated locations in each State. (,< U. b. C 442) Sec. 2. Upon a finding by the Secretary of the Interior that any ? area in the United States is threatened with damage to farmers crops by migratory waterfowl, whether or not during the open sea¬ son for such migratory waterfowl, the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to requisition from the Commodity Credit Corporation and to make available to Federal, State, or local governmental bodies or officials, or to private organizations or per¬ sons, such grain acquired by the Commodity Credit Corporation through price-support operations m such quantities and subject to such regulations as the Secretary determines will most effectively lure migratory waterfowl away from crop depredations and at the same time not expose such migratory waterfowl to shooting over areas to which the waterfowl have been lured by such feeding pro- gl Sec.' 3. With respect to all grain made available pursuant to sec¬ tion 2, the Commodity Credit Corporation shall be reimbursed bv the Secretary of the Interior for its expenses m packaging ^nd transporting such grain for purposes of this Act. (7 U. b. Ls. Sec! 4. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to reimburse the Commodity Credit' Cwpoia- tion for its investment in the gram transferred pursuant to this Act. (7 Sec S 5 C ijf grain shall be made available by the Commodity Credit Corporation under this Act after the exp.ratton of three years following its enactment. (t U. S. C. 4roj i 70 Stat. 492. MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION STATUTES 161 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE LIMITATION [See the Commodity Credit Corporation item in the Department ^."Spculture and Farm Credit Administration Appropriation Act, ■ . in Part VIII hereof, and the similar items in previous appro- pi lation acts. Section 104 of the Government Corporation Control Act (approved Dec. 6, 1945, 59 Stat. 597; 31 U. S. C. 841) provides tor enactment of necessary appropriations making available cor- porate funds of each wholly owned Government corporation for administrative expenses or limiting the use thereof.] EXEMPTION FROM FEDERAL PROPERTY AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ACT Act of June 30, 1949, as amended—Sec. 602. * * * Nothino- in this Act shall impair or affect any authority of—* * * (2) any executive agency with respect to any phase (including, but not limited to, pro¬ curement, storage, transportation, processing, and disposal) of any piogiam conducted for purposes of resale, price support, grants to farmers, stabilization, transfer to foreign governments, or foreign aid, relief, or rehabilitation: Provided , That the agency carrying out such program shall, to the maximum extent practicable, consist tent with the fulfillment of the purposes of the program and the effective and efficient conduct of its business, coordinate its opera¬ tions with the requirements of said chapters and the policies and regulations prescribed pursuant thereto; * * *. (June 30, 1949, 63 Stat. 377, 401; Sept. 5, 1950, 64 Stat. 578, 583; 40 U. S. C. 474) REIMBURSEMENT OF PROCUREMENT COSTS Department of Agriculture Organic Act of 1944—Sec. 402. . Applicable appropriations available to the War Food Administra¬ tion 1 current at the time services are rendered or payment therefor is received may be reimbursed by nongovernmental agencies or foreign governments (by advance credits or reimbursements) for the actual or estimated costs, as determined by the War Food Ad¬ ministration, incident to procuring agricultural commodities for non ff°vernmental agencies or foreign governments. (Sept. 21, 1944, 58 Stat. 734, 738; 5 U. S. C. 569) VI, TREATMENT OF COMMODITY CREDIT LOANS FOR INCOME TAX PURPOSES INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1954 2 SEC. 77. COMMODITY CREDIT LOANS. (a) Election To Include Loans in Income.— Amounts received as loans from the Commodity Credit Corporation shall, at the elec¬ tion of the taxpayer, be considered as income and shall be included in gioss income for the taxable year in which received. W ? r F 1 od Administration was terminated by Executive Order No 9677 nnri it-* F R tlO 8087) ranSferred t0 the Secretary of Agriculture (E 0 9577 June ®»T ilS? 10 from 6 the'Act C ofnine°29 G - ‘ms °U' le n ^ CV ? n k e Code are deri ^ d 7 oq eio 1. ,■ od etat. 862, 879, and the Act of October 21 1947 66 these provisions. See 26 O S C. 123^0^ pr0viBions as to retroactive application of 162 MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION STATUTES (b) Effect of Election on Adjustments for Subsequent Years. —If a taxpayer exercises the election provided for in subsec¬ tion (a) for any taxable year, then the method of computing income so adopted shall be adhered to with respect to all subsequent taxable years unless with the approval of the Secretary or Ins delegate a change to a different method is authorized. SEC. 1016. ADJUSTMENTS TO BASIS. (a) General Rule.— Proper adjustment in respect of the prop¬ erty shall in all cases be made— m J * * * * * * (8) in the case of property pledged to the Commodity Credit Corporation, to the extent of the amount received as a loan from the Commodity Credit Corporation and treated by the taxpayer as income for the year in which received pursuant to section <7, and to the extent of any deficiency on such loan with respect to which the taxpayer has been relieved from liability; INSURANCE OF COTTON AND RECONCENTRATION OF CO ETON [See section 383 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 and Pub. L. 660, Seventy-fifth Congress, p. 89.] STIMULATION OF FOREIGN PRODUCTION Taft Anti-Inflation Law—Sec. 7. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in order to alleviate and prevent shortages m foods, agricultural commodities, and products thereof, Commodity Credit Corporation is authorized to carry out projects to stimulate and increase the production of foods, agricultural commodities, and products thereof, in non-European foreign countries Such projects may include procurement, the making of advances and price guaran¬ ties the furnishing of technical information and assistance, the furnishing of seed, fertilizer, machinery, equipment, and other ma¬ terials, and such other actions as are necessary or incident to the carrying out of such projects: Provided , That any such program s first submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Agriculture^ and is not disapproved by concurrent resolution of Congress vithm sixty days thereafter. (Dec. 30, 1947, 61 Stat. 945, 947; 50 U. S. C. App. 1917) OTHER PRINCIPAL STATUTES APPLICABLE TO COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION Government Corporation Control Act (Dec. 6, 1945, 59 Stat. 597; sYctions''222^ and 1026 of the Criminal Code (June 25. } 9 . 48 ’ ^ Stat 683, 696, 755; 18 U. S. C. 222, 1026) providing penalties for acceptance of fees in connection with cancellation of farm mdebted- ^Section 206 of the Technical Changes Act of 1953 (August 15, 1953 67 Stat. 615, 620; 26 U. S. C. 124B) providing for amortiza¬ tion deductions for grain storage facilities. [Regulations veie issued under this section by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue on >o . MISCELLANEOUS COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION STATUTES 163 1054. 9 ?0’F. n R.7«3f UbIiSlled “ the Federal Ee S istcr 011 Nov. «> ,■ A' ,°, f n > m7 > as amended (01 Stat. 308 ; 71 Stat. 404; 31 U ; . , V - U2) ’ 1 ; e( l ulnn ^ withdrawal of the amount of all checks which have not been paid prior to the close of the fiscal year next 7 ! lg th f fisCiU y j ar i 111 ^ hlch lssued > from the account of desig- the UifitS ,S ^° 1 f GS J nd de K Slt of the amount with the Treasurer of the united States for credit to a consolidated account. Section 9 (c) of the Act of August 2, 1946 (60 Stat. 806 8091 providing that the bid procedure set out in section 3709, Revised Statutes, as amended (41 U. S. C. 5), shall apply only to the admin is l ative transactions of wholly-owned government corporations. Stat 63i n «K! sTuS rar Ui rt Act ’ 1950 (Aug - 24 ’ 194 °- 63 fill r ' bb2 ' . 8 lnto < Vor"?fi»^iiQ^' V' 57 ’ U roviaps within sixty whichVdvMesT 4 ° 7 ° f th6 Act ° f September 1 > 1954 . as amended (5 U. S. C. 171z-l), cons"n,c| l ed ti o , r n authorized to be ESS 2 168 AGRICULTURAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT AND ASSISTANCE ACT (c) To procure military equipment, materials, facilities, and services for the common defense; , (d) For financing the purchase of goods or services for other ^^ef^FoTpromot’ing balanced economic development and trade among nations, for which purposes not more than 2a per centum of the currencies received pursuant to each such agreement shal be available through and under the procedures established by the Export-Import Bank for loans mutually agreeable to said bank and the country with which the agreement is made to United States business firms and branches, subsidiaries, or affil- ates of such firms for business development and trade expansion in such countries and for loans to domestic or foreign firms for the establishment of facilities for aiding in the utlll / at * 0 P’ dl *' tribution, or otherwise increasing the consumption of. and ma kets for, United States agricultural products: Provided , how¬ ever That no such loans shall be made for the manufacture of any ’products to be exported to the United States in competition with products produced m the United States or for the manu facture or production of any commodity to be marketed in co ¬ petition with United States agricultural commodities or the products thereof. Foreign currencies may be accepted in repay¬ ment of such loans; 10 m To pay United States obligations abroad, . (g) For loans to promote multilateral trade and economic de¬ velopment, made through established banking facilities of the friendlynaUon from which the foreign currency was obtained or “any other manner which the President may deem to be appropriate. Strategic materials, services, or foreign currencies m! (li) b 'ror C tFi t e e financhig ,n of l international educational App 1641 (b)) and for the financing in such amounts as may be P specified from time to time in appropriation acts; of P ro g™J^ for the interchange of persons under title II of the I nhed States Information and Educational Exchange Act of as amended (22 U. S. C. 1446). In the allocation of funds as amon e tl various purposes set forth in this section, a special effort shall be made^to provide for the purposes of this subsection, including a particular effort with regard to: (1) countries where ade¬ quate funds are not available from other sources for such pur poses, and (2) countries where agreements can be negotmted to establish a fund with the interest and principal available over a period of years for such purposes, such special and particu < Effort to include tlie setting aside of such amounts fromjal proceeds and loan repayments under this title, not in excess ^ $1,000,000 a year in any one country for a j riod o g than five years in advance, as may be determined by the ?- ec ™ t tary of State to be required for the purposes of this subsectio , 10 As amended by Tub. L. 85-128. 7 1 ?Y 956 P To > 'stnt A 555. ^64.’ Pnb. L. 85-141. n As amended by tlie Mutual Security Ac ■ • ■ g5-931, 72 Stat. 1790, approved 71 Stat. 365, approved August 14, 1957. ana run. u. September 6, 1958. AGRICULTURAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT AND ASSISTANCE ACT 169 1 ^ F? r fi nanci ng the translation, publication, and distribu- i nnc of , boo ¥ a £ d PPjao&cais, including Government publica- abl : oad i Provided, That not more than $5,000,000 may be allocated for this purpose during any fiscal year; 12 (j; hor providing assistance to activities and projects au¬ thorized by section 203 of the United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, as amended (22 U. S. C. 1448), but no foreign currencies which are available under the terms ot any agreement for appropriation for the general use of the United States shall be used for the purposes of this sub¬ section (j) without appropriation therefor; 13 (k) To collect, collate, translate, abstract, and disseminate scientific and technological information and to conduct and sup¬ port scientific activities overseas including programs and proj¬ ects of scientific cooperation between the United States and other countnes such as coordinated research against diseases common to all of mankind or unique to individual regions of the globe but no foreign currencies shall be used for the purposes o? this subsection (k) unless specific appropriations be made therefor; 14 ( ) I or the acquisition by purchase, lease, rental or otherwise ot sites and buildings and grounds abroad, for United States “^including °* ces > residence quarters, community and other facilities, and for construction, repair, alteration and furnishing of such buildings and facilities: Provided That for¬ eign currencies shall be available for the purposes of this sub¬ section (in addition to funds otherwise made available for such purposes) m such amounts as may be specified from time to time m appropriation acts; (m) For financing in such amounts as may be specified from time to time in appropriation acts (A) trade fair participation author l zed b y section 3 of the Interna- 1956 "s r a ? d Tfde Fair Participation Act of 1992), and (B) agricultural and horticultural fan paiticipation and related activities; (n) For financing under the direction of the Librarian of Congress, in consultation with the National Science Foundation and other interested agencies, in such amounts as may be speci- fied from time to time in appropriation acts, ( 1 ) programs out¬ side the United States for the analysis and evaluation of foreign books, periodicals, and other materials to determine whether they would provide information of technical or scientific sig¬ nificance in the United States and whether such books, periodi¬ cals, and other materials are of cultural or educational sig¬ nificance; (2) the registry, indexing, binding, reproduction, cataloging, abstracting translating, and dissemination of books, periodicals, and related materials determined to have such si"- nihca nce; and (3) the acquisition of such books, periodicals, » (j) «d;lp % M 9%T 555 ’ 565 - unMlt^f-^ybo^To^rema 11 ^ l°vnMnbfe 170 AGRICULTURAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT AND ASSISTANCE ACT and other materials and the deposit thereof in libraries and re¬ search centers in the United States specializing in the areas to which they relate; . , (o) For providing assistance, in such amounts as may be specified from time to time in appropriation acts, by grant or otherwise, in the expansion or operation in foreign countries of established schools, colleges, or universities founded or sponsored by citizens of the United States, for the purpose of enabling such educational institutions to carry on programs of voca¬ tional, professional, scientific, technological, or general educa¬ tion; and in the supporting of workshops in American studies or American educational techniques, and supporting chairs in American studies: 10 . _ , . . Provided , however , That section 1415 of the Supplemental Ap¬ propriation Act, 1953, 16 shall apply to all foreign currencies used for grants under subsections (d) and (e) and for payment of United States obligations involving grants under subsection (f) and to not less than 10 per centum of the foreign currencies which accrue under this title: Provided, however, That the President is authorized to waive such applicability of section 1415 in any case where he determines that it would be inappro¬ priate or inconsistent with the purposes of this title. (< U. S>. Sec^ 105. Foreign currencies received pursuant to this title shall be deposited in a special account to the credit of the United States and shall be used only pursuant to section 104 of this title, and anj department or agency of the government using any of such cur i en- S for a purpose for which funds have been appropriated shall reimburse the Commodity Credit Corporation m an amount equiva lent to the dollar value of the currencies used. (7 C. b. t,. S EC . 106. As used in this Act, “surplus agricultural commod ty shall mean any agricultural commodity or product thereof, class, kind type, or other specification thereof, produced in the United States either privately or publicly owned, which is or may be rea- sonabl’y expected to be in excess of domestic requirements, adequate carryover, and anticipated exports for dollars as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture. The Secretary of Agriculture is also au¬ thorized to determine the nations with whom agreements shall be ne¬ gotiated and to determine the commodities and quantities thereof which may be included in the negotiations with each country after advising with other agencies of Government affected and itl broad policies laid down by the President for implementing this A< Sec 107. As used in this Act, “friendly nation” means any country other than (1) the U. S. S. R., or (2) any nation or area dominated or controlled by the foreign government or foreign organization con- trolling the world Communist movement. (t U. s. O. iivij i. Subsection. ,1). (ml. (»l. (.) W *»>>• L - 22 72 * P ' proved September G. 1958. ..T 7 nr pio. n credits owed to or owned by the United States Trenmiry' 0 win^not r> be available^ for ^cTjend^ture by ajrencles ofothe^tUni 1 ^ 1 ^*pr 0 'vp sr. 'rsssfjr ssffiv?ms '-”"*’”'" 4 bI *" % ,l 2lt'Sj!t.l!?"^V*S2A« P STw.t 12 . W5S. 09 sat. 721. AGRICULTURAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT AND ASSISTANCE ACT 171 Sec. 108 The President shall make a report to Congress with respect to the activities carried on under this Act at least once each six months and at such other times as may be appropriate and such reports shiill include the dollar value, at the exchange rates in effect at the time of the sale, of the foreign currency for which commodi- 170 S 8 e ) XP ° d pursuant t0 section 102 ( a ) hereof are sold. (7 U. S. C. fi transactions shall be undertaken under authority of D f ec , ember 31 ’ } 959 ’ 18 except as required pursuant to Cf 1709^ UtS ieretofore entereci mto pursuant to this title. (7 U. S. TITLE II—FAMINE RELIEF AND OTHER ASSISTANCE 19 Sec. 201. In order to enable the President to furnish emergency assistance on behalf of the people of the United States to friendly peoples m meeting famine or other urgent or extraordinary 20 relief requirements, the Commodity Credit Corporation shall make avail- able to the President out of its stocks such surplus agricultural com¬ modities (as defined m section 106 of title I) 21 as he may request, for transfer (1) to any nation friendly to the United States in order to meet famine or other urgent or extraordinary 20 relief require- ments of such nation, and (2) to friendly but needy populations 1721° Ut 16gard t0 the friendlme ss of their government. (7 U. S. C. Sec. 202. The President may authorize the transfer on a grant basis of surplus agricultural commodities from Commodity Credit Loiporation stocks to assist programs undertaken with friendly "ov- ernments or through voluntary relief agencies: Provided , That the President shall take reasonable precaution that such transfers will not^chspiaceo^r mterfere with sales which might otherwise be made. Sec.. 203. Not more than $800,000,000 22 (including the Corpora¬ tion s investment m the commodities) shall be expended for all such transfers and for other costs authorized by this title. The President may make such transfers through such agencies including intergovern¬ mental organizations, in such manner, and upon such terms and condi¬ tions as he deems appropriate; he shall make use of the facilities of voluntary relief agencies to the extent practicable. Such transfers may include delivery f. o b. vessels in United States ports and, upon a determination by the President that it is necessary to accomplish the purposes of this title or of section 416 of the Agricultural Act of 1949, as amended ocean freight charges from United States ports to designated ports of entry abroad may be paid from funds avail- able to car ry out this title on commodities transferred pursuant iT ms && srssr* 3 , 1856 . 7 „ by see fl 2°8 (b^of^gricunura^Act 1 of e i956 b ' vessels ln United States ports” removed 2 “ISOO.OOO 000” substituted for “$500,000,000” by Pub E S 5 - 19 Q 71 Cfo * ^of’S’ 000 ' 000 ” SUbStUuted ' f0r ‘‘$300f0 J 00;000” V^ec. 208 172 AGRICULTURAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT AND ASSISTANCE ACT hereto or donated under said section 416. Funds required for ocean freTgt costs authorized under this title may be trrateired by Ithe Commodity Credit Corporation to such other Federal agency mnv Vip dp< 5 ionated bv the President. (7 U. o. uto) Sec. 204. "No programs of assistance shall be undertaken under the authority of this title after December 31, 19o9. (< b. u. 1724) 24 TITLE III— GENERAL PROVISIONS Sft °,01 TThis section contains an amendment to section 407 or the Agricultlral Ic7o( 1949 ( P: 131), authorizing ^mmodity Credit Corporation to make commodtttes available to relievedistress. Sec. 302. [This ^".f^^iXSoriz^arioos methods of^dispos^tion^y CkimirK)dity^Credit.^Corporation of commodities in surplus supplyOe g ecret s hall, whenever he determines that such mum^extent'practicaWe^bart^r or commodi- 5&4ivsstt s* domestically produce its requirements and which entail less rlsk WtliroS deterioration oJ substantially less storage charges as the Pres dent may designate, or (b) materials, goods, or equipment re- ouired in Section wiih foreign economic and military aid and assistance programs, or (c) materials or equipment requited in su stantial quMtfties for offshore construction programs He (S hereby directed to* use every practicable means, in eo°perat>on w, h other Charter ^ct^s’ameUd, to make suTbarters or exchanges. In “Sg out barters or exchanges authorized by this section, no restrictions shall be placed on the countries of the free woikl uno which surplus agricultural commodities may be sold, except to t IS that the Secretary shall find necessary in order to take rea¬ sonable precautions to safeguard usual marketings of the l tilted States aK assure that barters or exchanges under this Act will not undulv disrupt world prices of agricultural commodities or re place cash sales for dollars' The Secretary may permitthe domestic nrncessino- of raw materials of foreign origin. I He Secretary sxiau Endeavor°to cooperate with other exporting countries in preserving normal 1 patted of commercial trade with respect to commodities covered by formal multilateral international marketing agreements which the United States is a party. Agencies of the United States Government procuring such materials, goods, or equipment are hereby directed to cooperate with the Secretary in the disposal Sfes ME fe 71 Stat! 345, approved August 13, 195 1 . f AGRICULTURAL TRADE DEVELOPMENT AND ASSISTANCE ACT 173 of surplus agricultural commodities by means of barter or exchange. 1 he secretary is also directed to assist, through such means as are available to him, farmers’ cooperatives in effecting exchange of agri- cultural commodities in their possession for strategic materials. (7 U. S. C. 1692) 25 Sec. 304. (a) The President shall exercise the authority contained in title I of this Act (1) to assist friendly nations to be independent of trade with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and with nations dominated or controlled by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and (2) to assure that agricultural commodities sold or transferred thereunder do not result in increased availability of those or like commodities to unfriendly nations. . (*0 Nothing in this Act shall be construed as authorizing transac¬ tions under title I or title III with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or any of the areas dominated or controlled by the Com¬ munist regime in China. (7 U. S. C. 1693) 26 Sec. 305. All Commodity Credit Corporation stocks disposed of r 6 ^ th ls ^ anc ^ Sect ^ n of the Agricultural Act of 1949, as amended, shall be clearly identified by, as far as practical appropriate marking on each package or container as bein F 91 ' approved September 6. 1958 Section 32 and Related Statutes SECTION 32 OF PUBLIC LAW NO. 320, SEVENTY-FOURTH CONGRESS 1 Sec. 32. There is hereby appropriated for each fiscal year begin¬ ning w ith the fiscal year ending June 30, 1936, an amount e( } ua f 30 per centum of the gross receipts from duties collected under th cXts laws during tfe period January 1 * elusive, preceding the beginning of each such fiscal year, bnchsums shall be maintained in a separate fund and shall be used by tfte sec retair^of Agriculture only to (1) encourage the exportation of agricultural commodities and products thereof by the payment of benefits InconnecTkm with the exportation thereof or of indemnities for tosses* incurred in connection with such exportation or by pay¬ ments to producers in connection with the production of that part of anv agricultural commodity required for domestic consumption, ( 0 ) encourage the domestic consumption of such commodities or products'bv diverting them, by the payment of benefits or indemni¬ ties or bv other means, from the normal channels of trade and com¬ merce o/byincreasing their utilization through benefits, indemnities donations or by othef means, among persons >n lo-tncome groupa as determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, and (3) lee.tam sn farmers’ purchasing power by making payments m connection witl th^ normS production of any agricuTtural commodity for domestic consumptiom Determinations by the Secretary as to what constn tutes diversion and what constitutes normal channels of tiade and commerce and what constitutes normal production for domestic con- SU The i0 sL S s appropriated under this section shall be expends! for such one or more of the above-specified purposes, and at such times, ?n such manner, and in such amounts as the Secretary of Agriculture finds will effectuate substantial accomplishment of any one or mor ^^“this section. Notwithstanding any other provi- lb’ cppHon the amount that may be devoted, during any sion o , t ’ oq ^Q 39 an y one agricultural commodity tol W. sSu no. exceed 25 per -- x or .nos An ctnf 7^0 774 Although this section has been 1 The Act of August 24. 1M5, 49 Stat. 750. ‘ 3 ' 2 _ throu „ h b payments or indemnities amended a number of times, the consumption of agricultural commodities and to encourage the exportation > purchasing power in connection with the normal products and to as originally enacted Author- production of agriO' 1 '.i o of a-ricu 1turn 1 commodities and products by their utUza- ity to encourage consumption ot a^ ^ added by amendment of clause (-) >» tion among persons in low-income grou below . Sec. 32 funds may be used (11 1939 (53 Stat. 975 . Later ameadmeints are uom* ^ fo donate them for relief pur- to purchase agricultural commodities 175 , and ( 2 ) to donate commodities to schools poses under the Act of i.ronran s un ler the National School Lunch Act (p. 243) for utilization in school lunch programs unuer u authorized the appropriation for 2 Sec. 205 of the Agricultural Act of 195b (p. ) au^ 3Q lf)5? of 550 o.noo.000 to each fiscal year, beginning T vlt . h tl . t .^ to further carry oiit the provisions of sec. 32. subject enable the Secretary of^ be l ^penditn'ro of funds appropriated by such sec- to all provisions of 'A sO nercen/ of the $ 500 , 000,000 may be devoted during any fi,cal “SS Sm or .... products tUcrct. 174 SECTION 32 AND RELATED STATUTES 175 centum of the funds available under this section for such fiscal year. I he sums appropriated under this section shall be devoted princi- palJy to perishable nonbasic agricultural commodities (other than r°iLmT V111 f ? n . ce sll PP 01>t under title II of the Agricultural Act oi 1919) and their products. * * 4 The sums appropriated under this section shall, notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, con¬ tinue to remain available for the purposes of this section until expended; but any excess of the amount remaining unexpended at the end of any fiscal year over $300,000,000 shall, in the same man¬ ner as though it had been appropriated for the service of such fiscal year, be subject to the provisions of section 3690 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. G., title 31, sec. 712), and section 5 of the Act en- titied An Act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, fu- J udlclal ex Penses of the Government for the year ending June thirtieth eighteen hundred and seventy-five and for other purposes” (U. b. C., title 31, sec. 713). 5 (7 U. S. C. 612c) ACT OF JUNE 28, 1937, AS AMENDED 6 AN ACT To extend the time for purchase and distribution of surplus agricultural com- Coi-poralion' purposes and to continue the Federal Surplus Commodities n B . e . li l n ™ ted] ?y the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled , That in carrying out the provisions of clause (2) of section 32 of the Act approved August 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 77), as amended, the Secretary of Agricul- ture may transfer to the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation, 7 T+-Ili Ft°^Tqw 18 C0 J ntmped ’ until June 30 > 19d 5 ? as an agency of the United States under the direction of the Secretary of Agri¬ culture, such funds, appropriated by said section, as may be neces¬ sary for the purpose of effectuating clause (2) of said section: Provided , That such transferred funds, together with other funds of the Corporation, may be used for purchasing, exchanging;, proc- essnig, distributing, disposing, transporting, storing, and handling of agncultural commodities and products thereof and inspection s s, commissions, and other incidental costs and expenses, without of g nnblG t f! 1 < n 1 l >r0VI p°f S ° f ® xl ? tlp S la . w governing the expenditure of public funds and for administrative expenses, including rent ^ndmg, and the employment of persons and means,’ in the District of Columbia, and elsewhere, such employment of persons to be m accordance with the provisions of law applicable mini 1 stratioJi° yment ° f persons by the -Agricultural Adjustment Ad- in'^tle 6 Ii al of 6 the 'Agricultural 6 Ac t^of l74'’tfsec 1 of" the'Act "Tt th0se 68 Stat. 4. Dy sec - 5 ot the Ac t of January .30, 1954, 4 This sentence was added by sec. 411 of the Agricultural Act of 1 Q 4 Q 62 Stat 1247i n ii57 aS & by SeC ‘ 301 ° f the Agricultural Act of 1948, July 3, 1948 176 SECTION 32 AND RELATED STATUTES In carrying out clause (2) of section 32, the funds appropriated by said section may be used for the purchase, without regard to the provisions of existing law governing the expenditure of public funds, of agricultural commodities and products thereof, and such commoditief, as well as agricultural commodities and producte thereof purchased under the preceding paragraph of this sectmn, may be donated for relief purposes and for use m nonprofit summer camps for children. 8 (15 U. o. C. <13c) UTILIZATION OF COMMODITY CREDIT CORPORATION Agricultural Act of 1949 -Sec. 404 The Secretary, in carrying out programs under section 32 of Public Law Is umbered 320, Sev¬ enty-fourth Congress, approved August 24, 19o5, as amended, and section 6 of the National ‘school Lunch Act, may utilize the services and facilities of the Commodity Credit Corporation (including but not limited to procurement by contract), and make advance pay ments to it. (7 U. S. C. 1424) ACT OF AUGUST 11, 1939 9 AN ACT To authorize the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation to purchase and distribute surplus products of the fishing industry. Be it enacted by the Senate and ITouee of "Pof United States of America in Congress assembled , That any part or the funds not to exceed $1,500,000 per year, transferred by_theSem- tary of Agriculture to the Federal Surplus Commodities Corpo tion 10 created under and to carry out the provisions of section 32 of the Act of August 24. 1935 (49 Stat. 774), as amended, may a so be used by such Corporation for the purpose of diverting surplus fishery products (including fish, shellfish, mollusks, and Crustacea) from Ihe normal channels of trade and commerce by acquiring them and providing for their distribution through Federal, State, and private relief channels: Provided , That none of the funds made available to the Federal Surplus Commodities Corporation under n“ beL O produc C e 0 d m r d any foreign country The provisions of law relating to the acquisition of mate rials oi supplies for the United States shall not apply U the acqui- sition of commodities under this Act. _ (lo U. S. • ) Sfc 2 (a) The Secretary of Agriculture shall transfer to the Secretary of the Interior each fiscal year, beginning with the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1954, and ending on June 30, 195., from 8 The last~9 words were added by Pub. L. 85-483, 72 Stat. 286, approved July 2. 1958. 9 53 Stat. 1411. <5„rnlnq Commodities Corporation bare been transferred to 1 1he^Secretary*^?^Agriculture' (7*^D. S. C. 612a note) and the Corporate has been di u°Sef‘l2 (a) of the Act of August 8, 1956 (70 Stat. 1124, 15 U. S. C. 713c-3 note) ^“The S fiuthorization for the their e maintenance^^n” 1 a^separate^?und°^^co'ntained to the Secretary of the Interior and their “ a J n ' e 8 n |“^ nded Jul ( x , 195 4 (68 Stat. 3.6), ihalfbe 0 colt^ued for® tteyeareSW June 30, 1957. and each year thereafter. SECTION 32 AND RELATED STATUTES 177 moneys made available to carry out the provisions of section 32 of such Act oi August 24, 1935, an amount equal to 30 per centum of the gross receipts from duties collected under the customs laws on fasheiy products (including fish, shellfish, mollusks, Crustacea, aquatic plants and animals, and any products thereof, including processed and manufactured products), which shall be maintained in a sepa¬ rate fund and used by the Secretary of the Interior (1) to promote the free flow of domestically produced fishery products in commerce by conducting a fishery educational service and fishery technological, biological and related research programs, the moneys so transferred to be also available for the purchase or other acquisition, construc- equipment, operation, and maintenance of vessels or other facilities necessary for conducting research as provided for in this section, and (2) to develop and increase markets for fishery products of domestic origin and (3) to conduct any biological, technological, or other research pertaining to American fisheries. (b) For the purposes of this section, any agency of the United States, or any corporation wholly owned by the United States, is authorized to transfer, without reimbursement or transfer of funds any vessels or equipment excess to its needs required by the Secre- tary of the Interior for the activities, studies, and research author¬ ized herein. (c) In carrying out the purposes and objectives of this section, the Secretary of the Interior is directed as far as practicable to co- operate wdh other appropriate agencies of the Federal Government, with State or local governmental agencies, private agencies, organi¬ zations, or individuals, having jurisdiction over or an interest in fish oi fishery commodities and he is authorized to appoint an advisory committee of the American fisheries industry to advise him in the oimulation of policy, rules and regulations pertaining to requests tor assistance, and other matters. (d) The Secretary of the Interior is further authorized to retrans- fer any of the funds not do exceed $1,500,000 to be made available under this section to the Secretary of Agriculture to be used for the purposes specified m section 1 of this Act, and only such funds as f. ie t 1 lus tiansf erred shall be used for the purposes specified in sec- products thlS ACt Wlth respect t0 domestically produced fishery (e) The separate fund created for the use of the Secretary of the Interior under section 2 (a) of this Act and the annual accruals Secretary ial1 ** available for each ^ar until expended by the (f) The Secretary of the Interior shall make a report to the ap¬ propriate committees of Congress annually on the use of the separate fund created under section 2 of this Act. (15 U. S. C. 7l3c-3) 12 ACT OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1958 Sec. 9. Notwithstanding any other provision of law (1) those areas under the jurisdiction or administration of the United States are authori zed to receive from the Department of Agriculture for ^The provisions of this section were suhvt itutod f AT , fi. « • , . , isii: » 8 s '”'- 37 « 178 SECTION 32 AND RELATED STATUTES distribution on the same basis as domestic distribution in any State, Territory, or possession of the United States, without exchange o funds, such surplus commodities as may be available pursuant to clause (2) of section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935, as amended (7 U. S. C. 612c), and section 416 of the Agricultural Act of 1949, as amended (7 U. S. C. 1431); and (2) the Commodity Credit Cor¬ poration is authorized to purchase products of oil seeds, and edible oils and fats and the products thereof in such form as may be needed for donation abroad as provided in the following sentence. Any such commodities or products if purchased shall be donated to nonprofit voluntary agencies registered with the Department of State, other appropriate agencies of the Federal Government or international organizations for use in the assistance of needy persons outside the United States. Commodity Credit Corporation may in¬ cur such additional costs with respect to such oil as it is authorized to incur with respect to food commodities disposed of under section 416 of the Agricultural Act of 1949. (72 Stat. 1<92) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND RELATED AGENCIES APPROPRIATION ACT, 1959 Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands- * * * Provided further ■, That notwithstanding the provisions of any law, the Trust lein tory of the Pacific Islands is authorized to receive, during the cur- rent fiscal year, from the Department of Agriculture for distribution on the same basis as domestic distribution in any State, Territory, or possession of the United States without exchange of funds, such surplus food commodities as may be aval able pursuant to sect on ,, of the Act of August 24, 1935, as amended (7 U. S. C 612c). and section 416 of the Agricultural Act of 1949, as amended (» U. S. G. 1431). (72 Stat. 164) international wheat agreement act OF 1949 , AS AMENDED ’ AN ACT T ed * the United in the international wheat market! stabilization of supplies and prices United States t^A^r^alnConar^^ 86 °t Present atives of the be known as the ‘UnternSifnT Wh < TT led ’ That this Ac ‘ shall (7 U. S. C. 1641 note) TOeat A g ree ”ent Act of 1949." Commodity Credit S Corporat!on el to ’"![“ j1I!hI j acting through the made available, notwithstanding ti laPe a y ada hl e or cause to be such quantities’of wlea?‘‘and^ wSeat-fio^r 3 ?t ° f othw ^ necessary to exercise the rights obtain the [ at B ® uc,) Pnces as are obligations of the United Statf!!! and fulfi11 the Agreement of 1949 signed by Australia'rnn'd ln J ? ernatlonal Wheat States, and Uruguay, and certSn wheat SS? ^ France ’ the United agreement revising'andienfwS/the T^ ries and the ment for a period ending July 31 ^ 19 ™ International Wheat Agree- France, the' United Stales Jnd ’c &^^- Ausbc ^* Canada, and the Agreement (International Wheat A P ? rt 1 1 ^ , count ries revising and renewing the International 1 wi ee ™ e nt> 1956) further period ending July 31 , 1959 sin-nod V,,, a 7 Wheat Agreement for a France, Sweden, the United States^ anrf^orf^’ Au f raIia , Canada, countries 2 (hereinafter called “Interm tinn T iin Wleat importing Nothing herein shall be construed to^ nrocSi f?^ eat A g re ement”) culture, in carrying out prof-mm t P rec i ude the Secretary of Agri- agricultural commodities and S products thereof ge th ® ex P ort ation & of of Public Law 320, SeventyAourtl rVin ^ pursuant to section 32 utilizing funds available tor such praST’in^ a ? lendeti > from either separately or jointly with the (LSty^CredR C ?rZSi„ aS ’ I ADDrOVPd Oetohm* 07 1 a ^ ^ range of prices The agl-eemen? ™ 4 y *?2 rs beginn^g Aug U8 ?T fSS 8 of 58 °. 916,690 sent of the Senate (Ex M®“lst Co n/ ift by the Presidfnt with ?h^ nf 7y hin a flxed Act of 1949 was implementing leg^at'irn "S"- • The mternat 0 Vl Whel^i and con - and has been ratified by 6 exnortini^r^on 11 , 11 ^ 1 tra de of 302 91 =) liJl 19 , 49 , agreement rams; a a s 'iaa l sra. , aS» was w s: ,o „ tlorII , & sJFA ™ ~M«1 * the ZZZ ” nsr "' 70 Stat. 966. t0 tbe 6,60011(1 revision was added bv theVc^ nf' 8 ! 184 1 - 195 3. 67 492443-69_13 gU8t 3 ’ 1956 ’ 179 180 INTERNATIONAL WHEAT AGREEMENT ACT OF 194 9 to exercise the rights, obtain the benefits, and fulfill all or an y.Fj Saw'ssa-'fe'sa's of the Commodity Credit Corporation to the maximum extent prac ticabfe consistent with the fulfillment of the Corporation’s purposes and the effective and efficient conduct of its business to utilize the usual and customary channels, facilities, and arrangements of ra and commerce in making available or causing to be made available wtam wheat-flour hfreunder. The P^'JSP-'^sect onl o 112 (el of the Economic Cooperation Act of 1948 and sectioi 1 •* the Act of July 16, 1943 (57 Stat. 566) , shall not be appl cable domestic wheat and wheat-flour supplied to countries which parties to the International Wheat Agreement >“d f 9 %'‘ Guaranteed purchases thereunder on and after August 1, iyn>, an “ndSditg June 30, I960* .Where prices in.excess of the ministration on or after August 1,^1949 an JP^™^ c dit wars pnatimis wheat-flour. There are hereby authorized to be ES3SJSSS&Z3S35ge rrpHit° Corporation is hereby authorized in carrying out its func¬ tions hereunder to utilize in advance of such appropriations or pay ”12’ “ y (TTh a e T p“tt h'ereby teiher aUonzed to take or regulations which shall have the force and effect of^law, as may Z necessary in his judgment in the maptaienta ion of the Inter P ^ i civnii he kept in accordance with such regulations as th v C0T - Lt nrescribe. For the purposes of ascertaining the correctness of any report made or record kept, or of obtaining m or- Junft mVw ^tat^l9^ C 20oT'22^U°^S^c| 0 ?5m^\m^V^provi^^"j^ovisions^of section of° this^tme *and ^VuM be applicable to domestic wheat a foreign countries, supplied to countries which are" JEttatS the InTrnauSnal Wheat Agreement of 1949 and credited to their gnaran- te fs^i a app«p r rfat n ions”have been made pursuant to this provision. international wheat agreement act of 1949 181 thfpresfdenTfs hereby reP ° rt ’ bUt n0t 80 furnish ed, records, accoun^lS^dSS^ SUch books ’ Papers,’ randa as ‘are relevant toTansTction?^ memo- Agreement and are within the control of 16 I ! lternatlon al Wheat C. 1642 (b) ) control of any such person. (7 U. S. required by 3 rep0rt °u- keep an / record a « or record or knowingly violating anv mil r mak mg a ny false report dent issued pursuant to this Section 3 shah r k gu ! atl0n °f the Presi- misdemeanor and upon convicti™ fW * i b n , deemed guilty of a of n ot more than $1000 for each violation to a fine / d | i^ n y Person who knowingly and willfullV p' C ' , 1642 / c )) wheat-flour from the United Stat Li , 4 exports wheat or imports wheat or wheat-flour into I tt 5° H? Wmg i y and willfully therein, in excess of the quantity of // nit f ed States for consumption to be exported or imported a^thf Z ^ ° r r heat - fl our permitted issued by the President shall forfeit* to ThJ re " ulation s equal to two times the market value ot th* +• ^ nit | d States a sum of any such act, of the quantity' of wL5 tlme t of tbe commission a2 ?y such exportation or importation or wheat-flour by which of % ErfwaSSto tti feggKfy \ District Court force any liability or duty created' hv £ a S f at law br °ught to en- lations thereunder. An/ criminal v, tbls 4- ct or tbe rules and regu- the district wherein any Lt oi transEn be brou g bt in occurred. Any suit or actionto S con ftutang the violation ated by this Act or rules and regulationsX 11 ^ 7 ° r duty cre ' any violation of such Act or rules^an d Z ^ to en i oin m any such district wherein the defendant 1 f' ons \ ma ^ be brought or transacts business. The remedies fine? o^T K ] ° r 1S a resid ent for in this Act shall be in addition to aVi 4 foi t eit - Ures P rov ided Seh re (e)f es ’ fines ’ and *”***” a by this Act P mayhe U exercised°ihron re h IOn I' errefl on tlw President officer of the Government as the President 1 C epa 7 I ' tment ’ a S enc y> or exercised in conformity with such lt n 7 dlre . ct > and shall be prescribe. (7 U. S. C. 1642 (f)) ° r re Shhtions as he may may be/fecessary it/ out ^h/ 1 t0 be . a PP ro pnated such sums as mg the necessary expenses and con EST 0na °J this *<*ion, includ- connection with" thfSwikt"o n b of Un i W States in Agreement. (7 U. S. C. 1642 (/ ) the Inter mational Wheat for the purchase^or P hir/of* passenger°motor^ f Ct ? ay be used and binding, for rent and personal sSvire^n^ for P^ting bia and elsewhere without rernird T^ l th -! Dlstrict °f Colum" secfon 607 (,) of the Federal l^plo^'^Tct' TZf, £ 182 INTERNATIONAL WHEAT AGREEMENT ACT OF 194 9 amended, 5 and for the employment of experts or n organization thereof, on a temporary basis, hy contract or other wise, without regard to the Classification Act, at rates not in excess of $50 per diem. (7 U. S. C. 1642 (h)) chall be til The functions exercised under authority of this Act shall excluded from the operation of the Administrative Procedure A (60 Stat. 237) except as to the requirements of sections 3 and 1 th^i)° The term “person” as^ used in this section shall include the singular and the plural and any individual, Partnership, corpora¬ tion, association, or any other organized group of persons. (7 U. S. C ’rAcfof^August 1,1953—Sec. 2. Reference in any law to the Inter¬ national Wheat Agreement of 1949 shall be deemed tomdude> the agreement revising and renewing the International meat Ag ment (67 Stat. 358; 7 U. S. C. 1641 note)] rAct of August 3,1956—Sec. 2. Reference in any law to the Inter¬ national Wheat Agreement of 1949 shall be deemed to include the Agreement (International Wheat Agreement, 19o6) revising and re¬ newing the International Wheat Agreement for a period ending 3uTy 31,1959. (70 Stat. 966; 7 U. S. C. 1641 note)] 5 Sec. 607 (g) was repealed September 12. 1950, 64 Stat. 843 federal crop insurance act, as amended explanatory NOTE ^s5i^s ,lo d- hS “ hazards. In 1941 the A^wV. ™ aT 6 ** “Ration ancf othe to insure cotton as well as wheat ("s'stat a “'J'■ irlz « t, 'o C : ° r P or atio not provide funds for insurance i, fetat -^55). T be Congress di< December 1944 the ^ ps llarv . e sted in 1944 but ii and cotton and’extended to permit'the^n™ rem | t l ted as to whea basis and otlier commodities onTi e^ ^ °J dax on a nationa In 1947, the Congress m de P ^f ntaI basis ( 58 Stat. 918) and scope of in the natun which (1) placed crop insumncT entirelv^rf^ j mportant oi by restricting the number of commodified fr/ 1 ^Perimental basis could write insurance and the number n/ W ^- ch the Corporation ance could be offered; and (2) fv counties m which insur¬ ed be provided to the gLiral mst « 6 ^ ° f i insura ™e that (61 Stat. 718). The Act was .L?n ” P ? ducm g the insured crop Corporation to expand through 1953 andf^ m \ 949 to P ermit the the experimental program initiated hv ti ni? 6 ^ 6 more efficiently 663). . A 1953 amenCt pewits continued 4 ! le S lsl ? ti ™ u (63 Stat pnng insurance in 100 additional cn„mS d i Pansion b y author- The Act of August 3, 1956, 70 Stat 1034 year Stat. 575). tmn to consider certain costs as non-• ? th ^ riZed tbe Corpora- mium income for administmtiVa Q c dmmistrative and to use pre- by applicable legislation. Pub L%Tl?l"'^"S Iimits Prescribed 1957 added a new subsection (b) to Si’ 508 f tot 30 - 9 J Jul y ance m Puerto Rico under certain conditbnf Pr ° Tlde remsw " 183 PART V FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE ACT, AS AMENDED SHORT TITLE AND APPLICATION OF OTHER PRO\ ISIOXS Sec. 501. This title may be cited as the “Federal Crop Insurance Act.”’ Except as otherwise expressly provided the provisions m titles I to IV, inclusive, shall not apply with ^Vnot be and the term “Act” wherever it appears m such titles shall not be construed to include this title. 1 (7 U. S. C. 1501) DECLARATIOX OF PURPOSE Sec. 502. It is the purpose of this title to promote the national welfare by improving the economic stability oi agriculture tlnou T sound system of crop insurance and providing the means for the research and experience helpful in devising and establishing sue l m Sec n 503. ^To^carry out the purposes of this title, there is hereby created as an agency of and within the Department of Agriculture a body corporate with the name “Federal Crop Insurance Corpora¬ tion” therein called the Corporation). The principal oflice of the Corporation shall be located in the District of Columbia but there may be established agencies or branch s e kewliere m the Ln t States under rules and regulations prescribed by the Board of Direc tors. (7 TJ. S. C. 1503) CAPITAL STOCK Sfc 504 (al The Corporation shall have a capital stock of $100.- 000 000 subscribed by the United States of America payment for which shall, with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture, be subject to call in whole or in part by the Board of Directors of the Corporatmm authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary for the purpose of subscribing to the capital stock of tVio Corporation. (7 U. S. C. 1504 (b)) . . . * (c) Receipts for payments by the United States of America for or on account of such stock shall be issued .^ e Corporation to the Secretary of the Treasury and shall be evidence of the stock ownership by the United States of America. (7 L . S. C. 1504 (c)) MANAGEMENT OF CORPORATION Svc 505 fa') The management of the Corporation shall be vested in a Board of Directors (hereinafter called the “Board”) subject to i The Federal Crop Insurance Act was enacted as title V of the Agricultural Adjust¬ ment Act of 1938. 184 federal crop insurance act, as amended 185 of A t ?ricukure - The employed in the Department J AgriStare^and two° ° tllCr PerSOns enced m the insurance businPQo tJL CUltUre l ai T twc ! Persons experi- the Government. The Board shall ° tbe rwise employed by at the pleasure of the Secretarv of < ,PP 01n W by, and hold office self be a member of the Board 5 (7ft llos’u) f* 11 n0t ’ him ‘ be^LlKrnofL^ptf “ mem- functions of the Corpora,S, andCfe oflh^ ^ 6X60,116 ^ constitute a quorum for the transact^ J ! lienibers m office shall (7 U. S. C. 1505 (b)) anSa ction of the business of the Board. Department^f A^ricu^ture^ha^^eceive 11 ! ^ vr en ? plo y ed in the for their services as such Directors v f ° addl tional compensation traveling and subsistence expenses may b ? . aIlowed necessary Corporation, outside of the District r e ? ga ?® d m business of the the Board who are not employed^tv th^ rT^ The , mem bers of such compensation for theii^services^« Government shall be paid Agriculture shall determine but Sch dll ’ectors as the Secretary of $50 per day each when actuahv e^ 0 ^ 8 ^ 1011 sha11 not exceed penses plushot to exceed llo trTem^n lien ITW** 6X ' °r regular places of’ officer, wSilSTo^ ^3 SS” b6 ^ executive by the Board. He shall be innobftp l p ay tie conferred upon him pleasure of, the Secretary of A^cStul 7 (7U SC. UW(d) )"“ general powers Corporation— 1506 (a)) “ T6 success l° n in its corporate name; (7 U. S. C. judicially noticed • (Vc’s'c ISOe^b)*, porate seal > w hich shall be an^ieSaTtro^a? ° r ^ “ d hold «»* real transaction of its business and miv rF ? or convenient in the ■t upon such terms U asTdeTms^ P ,W? * (d) subject to the provisions of section 508 (r \" 1506 ( c ^ sued in its corporate name in anv c S £ 08 ma y sue and be general jurisdiction, or in anv TJmted / re ? ord of a State having diction is hereby court ’ and jurist such controversies without re-anl c ° urt to determine Provided, That no attachment amount m controversy: similar process, mesne or final shall he !° n ’ £ arm ?hment, or other tion or its property; (7 U. S.’c. 1506 (dT)^ agamst the Cor Pora- rules d a » d regulations the powers granted to it bv lnw m Hls ^ ness ma J be conducted and u. S. c. 1506 (e)) 7 law may be zeroised and enjoyed; 7 186 FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE ACT, AS AMENDED (f) shall be entitled to the free use of the United States mails in the same manner as the other executive agencies of the Government; (7 U. S. C. 1506 (f) , ....... . , (f available to commercial producers of insure SUC j- l nsura nce is anticipated risk of loss to ? the Corporation ire ^ p ^ mmodltl es, and the insurance companies shall be limited to not toOTTf 6 f ° r pnvate ties which may be selected without regard to the tWenty coun ‘ tations specified herein Anv s aic t to the other county limi- shall „„t P cover m T™' ’°f “ ? ield praised average yield of the commodity ™ tu tbe rec ? rded or ap- representative period subject to siiXarL ? the + insured f ann for a prescribe to th? end ^7^0 ^veruge yiellT^ *5 Board same area, which are subject to the same conditions,7ay b”fai> 188 FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE ACT, AS AMENDED just: Provided , That if 75 per centum of the average yield repre¬ sents generally more protection than the investment in the crop in any area, taking into consideration recognized farming practices, the Board shall reduce such maximum percentage so as more nearly to reflect the investment in the crop in such area. Insurance provided under this subsection shall not cover losses due to the neglect or malfeasance of the producer, or to the failure of the producer to reseed to the same crop in areas and under circumstances where it is customary to so reseed, or to the failure of the producer to follow established good farming practices. Counties selected by the Board shall be representative of the several areas where the agricultural commodity insured is normally produced. The Board may limit or refuse insurance in any county or area, or on any farm, on the basis of the insurance risk involved. Insurance shall not be provided in any county unless written applications therefor are filed covering at least two hundred farms or one-third of the farms normally pro¬ ducing the agricultural commodity, excluding farms refused insur¬ ance on the basis of the risk involved; nor shall insurance on any agricultural commodity be provided in any county in which the Board determines that the income from such commodity constitutes an unimportant part of the total agricultural income of the county, except that insurance may be provided for producers on farms situ¬ ated in a local producing area bordering on a county with a crop- insurance program. The Corporation shall report annually to the Congress the results of its operations as to each commodity insured. (7 U. S. C. 1508 (a)) . . , . , (b) To fix adequate premiums for insurance in the agricultural commodity or in cash, at such rates as the Board deems sufficient to cover claims for crop losses on such insurance and to establish as expeditiously as possible a reasonable reserve against unforeseen losses: Provided , That such premiums may be established on*the basis of the parity or comparable price for the commodity as deter¬ mined and published by the Secretary of Agriculture, or on the basis of an average market price designated by the Board. Such premiums shall be collected at such time or times, or shall be secured in such manner, as the Board may determine. (7 IT. S. C. 1508 (b)) (c) To adjust and pay claims for losses in the agricultural com¬ modity or in cash, under rules prescribed by the Board: Provided , That indemnities may be determined on the same price basis as pre¬ miums are determined for the crop with respect to which such indem¬ nities are paid. The Corporation shall provide for the posting annually in each county at the county courthouse of a list of indem¬ nities paid for losses on farms in such county. In the event that any claim for indemnity under the provisions of this title is denied by the Corporation, an action on such claim may be brought against the Corporation in the United States district court, or in any court of record of the State having general jurisdiction, sitting in the district or county in which the insured farm is located, and juris¬ diction is hereby conferred upon such district courts to determine such controversies without regard to the amount in controversy: Provided , That no suit on such claim shall be allowed under this section unless the same shall have been brought within one year federal crop insurance act, as amended 189 re ^ed\y a the*?ataant! Ce (? f IJ s la c “lSOS^cA™ ‘ S mai,ed *° and vide storage facilities for and Jll L ’ ^ an . dle ’ store > insure, pro¬ pay any expenses incidental thereto it E“" nd vision, however that incnfor. „ ’ ,• i 1 ]* 3 ^ mtent of this pro¬ purchase the agricultural commodftv^onl^?’+t he Cor P orati on shall amount equal to the pavment Z ■ ly at the rate and to a total replace promptly the aJricnhnr vP 1,0111111 ™? m ca sh by farmers or to ration; Lid shah sell the^ aStnS” 10 ^ 3? Id to P re ™t deterio- necessary to cover payments of indemn?r lm0C 1 to tbe extent ration: Provided, to prevent deterio- prompt offset purchases and 1 p« !S g 111 tbls , sectl0n shall prevent convenience in handling Nofhino- • t ie agricultural commodity for Corporation froTacceltin^ for g fh? hl§ Sect ; or l sha11 P^vent the payable in the commodity insured or the^h ° f P f emiums ’ not es security as may be determinprl fa, ’ ° r * f casb ec l u i va lent, upon such tion, and from^urchS the SK* ‘° f f 1 ^^ction (b) of this sec- by any of such notes not paid at maturity** li'!!."’ 0 ' !''’ f?P resente d purchase and sale of the aariViiltnmT aturit y- The restriction on the tion shall be made a Dart of nZ COmmodlt y P r ^ de d in this sec- under this title. Notwithstanding a ^ P n J.!! S “ rance , a g r eement made shall be no limitation upon the lefal or wniSnlT ° f th J ? tltle ’ - there to the insured to enforce amain?! th* e ^ uitable .remedies available restriction with respect to purchases and' fore f oin " commodity. (7 U. S. C. 1508 (d)/ sales ° f the a S nc ultural provision ‘for^diSond p™Z“,T y i eIds -? f co “ on ’ «» cotton to cover loss of cottoncp Pr l ' ? 'Siv 111 ! m terms °f tint demnity to be determined on thJ i? 10 - 1 add ] tl onal premium and in- between returns from cottonseed and^eti,^ 1 -T av0 r a S e relationship same period of years asthatusedw ^ turn « . from .lf t cotton for the rates. (7 U. S. C. 1508 (e)) 1 f com P u tmg yields and premium poreLn^h^*XSll 0 2‘ndp Pr0 1f i ? n ° f ‘ h J S tM ?' the ™r- deems consistent with sound reinsurance^?”- 8 f nd , condltl P ns as it surance on any crop or plantation incur P r ncjples, to provide rein- by a duly authorized a^encv of thl P Provided in Puerto Rico Provided, That no aScLion^ Con ?monwealth of Puerto Rico: shall be approved authorized herein the reinsurance deemed necessarv i*s not sba l 1bave determined that private sources at reasonable cost * ( 7 U. sTc^IBOS^) reCOgnized INDEMNITIES EXEMPT FROM LEVY abhT to ^attachment 5 , *“* “ft sh , a " n0t be H ' before payment to the insured or to ilednet? 7 ° ther egal P rocess indebtedness of the insured or his e£te to the TTnded^T 1 ° f the claims of the United States or n l ° m Unit . ed States except title. (7 U. S. C. 1509) Corporation arising under this ,K " mb “ Mm ( '> ““ b ' Fub. ^ «M«. 71 Sl „. 309. Jnl , 23 . 190 FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE ACT, AS AMENDED DEPOSIT OF FUNDS Sec. 510. All money of the Corporation not otherwise employed may be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States or in any bank approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, subject to with¬ drawal by the Corporation at any time, or with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury may be invested in obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed as to principal and in¬ terest by the United States. Subject to the approval of the Secre¬ tary of the Treasury, the Federal Reserve banks are hereby author¬ ized and directed to act as depositories, custodians, and fiscal agents for the Corporation in the performance of its powers conferred by this title. (7 U. S. C. 1510) TAX EXEMPTIONS Sec. 511. The Corporation, including its franchise, its capital, re¬ serves, and surplus, and its income and property, shall be exempt from all taxation now or hereafter imposed by the United States or by any Territory, dependency, or possession thereof, or by any State, county, municipality or local taxing authority. (7 U. S. C. 1511) FISCAL AGENT OF GOVERNMENT Sec. 512. When designated for that purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury, the Corporation shall be a depository of public money, except receipts from customs, under such regulations as may be pre¬ scribed by said Secretary; and it may also be employed as a financial agent of the Government; and it shall perform all such reasonable duties, as a depository of public money and financial agent of the Government, as may be required of it. (7 U. S. C. 1512) ACCOUNTING BY CORPORATION Sec. 513. The Corporation shall at all times maintain complete and accurate books of account and shall file annually with the Secre¬ tary of Agriculture a complete report as to the business of the Cor¬ poration. The financial transactions of the Corporation shall be audited at least once each year by the General Accounting Office for the sole purpose of making a report to Congress, together with such recommendations as the Comptroller General of the United States may deem advisable: Provided , That such report shall not be made until the Corporation shall have had reasonable opportunity to ex¬ amine the exceptions and criticisms of the Comptroller General or the General Accounting Office, to point out errors therein, explain or answer the same, and to file a statement which shall be submitted by the Comptroller General with his report. (7 U. S. C. 1513) CRIMES AND OFFENCES Sec. 514. (Subsections (a) through (e) repealed by 62 Stat. 859.) (See criminal provisions beginning on p. 191) (f) The provisions of section 22 of Title 41 shall not apply to any crop insurance agreements made under this title. (7 U. S. C. 1514 (f)) federal crop insurance act, as amended 191 advisory committee from time to comm^ 6 * S autbo . rized to appoint than five members experienced in a 1 COnsist . 1 < n S °* n °t more with due consideration to their ffeo^ranhiSl p , ur , suds /i nd appointed the Corporation with resneei i.C,. ® * pKa distribution, to advise title. The compensation ff th. carrying out the purposes of this determined by the Board but sha'lTm^Jv ° f 7«in committee shall be actually employed and actual tippI exceed $10 per day each while expenses, or a per diem allowance inTeif thSIof.^ appropriations and regulations sums, not in e^ceS^^ t( J be a PP ro priated such June 30, 1938, as ma/be necessary to be f? nnin S a ^r mimstrative costs of the Cornoratinn wi ■l the °P e ™tmg and ad- Corporation in such amounts^nd at Jnjl' 1 sbal] , be allotted to the tary of Agriculture m^ydetmL ProvM ThatT ^ ^ ^ nection with the nnrcWp ' ^ r ? viaea i 1 hat expenses m con- agricultural commodityand thedh£t cost ofTo ^ sal ? of the ™zT ^ n g dbe tions. 1 (7 U. S. CI 1516 fa)) P ‘ escl,bed 111 applicable appropria- ize^h^sucfrTguraUons M^h 0 ”’ rcS P ecti ' el y> are author- provisions of this titfe. (7 U. S. C. 1516 j^))^ 17 t0 Carry ° ut the SEPARABILITY hereby SLr^tofcarS tnd“Vt,"'*»*“<»■ ° f ^‘ions are section or partsof TheTame of th s file tTfi .“I ° ne or more tional, the same shall not affect th p rf b n b ®| d to unconstitu- of sections of this title. (7 U S C 1517 ) 7 ° f ° ther sectlons or Parts wheat’, “ ‘his title, means peanuts, soybeans suffar beets enJ ‘ S ’ bar , e ^’ x 7 e ’ tobacco, rice, toes and 0tLTvekZbl^dt^ s 7J C ^, e ’ and f ”^ts, pota-’ other agricultural 8 «^dkyTet“mined e WtteVH h “ y > ° r subsection (a) of section 503 n f “a ?,* y tile - Boaid pursuant to such commid/ties, ^ of RIGHT TO AMEND reserved. (7 U? s!"c! amend ’ or re P ea l this title is hereby “ AL PE0VISI0NS ^1-“ tN SURANCE 192 FEDERAL CROP INSURANCE ACT, AS AMENDED Deposit Insurance Corporation, Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, Farm Credit Administration, Federal Housing Administration, Fed¬ eral Farm Mortgage Corporation, Federal Crop Insurance Corpora¬ tion, Farmers’ Home Corporation or any land bank, intermediate credit bank, bank for cooperatives or any lending, mortgage, insur¬ ance, credit or savings and loan corporation or association authorized or acting under the laws of the United States, and whoever, being a receiver of any such institution, or agent or employee of the re¬ ceiver, embezzles, abstracts, purloins or willfully misapplies any moneys, funds, credits, securities or other things of value belonging to such institution, or pledged or otherwise intrusted to its care, shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both; but if the amount or value embezzled, abstracted, purloined or misapplied does not exceed $100, he shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. (18 U. S. C. 657) . Whoever, with intent to defraud, knowingly conceals, removes, disposes of, or converts to his own use or to that of another any property mortgaged or pledged to, or held by, the Farm Credit Ad¬ ministration, any Federal intermediate credit bank, or the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Farmers’ Home Corporation, or any production credit corporation or corporation in which a production credit corporation holds stock, any regional agricultural credit corporation, or any bank for co¬ operatives, shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both; but if the value of such property does not exceed $100, he shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. (18 U. S. C. 658) Whoever, being an officer, agent or employee of or connected in any capacity with the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Federal De¬ posit Insurance Corporation, Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, Farm Credit Administration, Federal Housing Administration, Fed¬ eral Farm Mortgage Corporation, Federal Crop Insurance Corpora¬ tion, Farmers’ Home Corporation, or any land bank, intermediate credit bank, bank for cooperatives or any lending, mortgage, insur¬ ance, credit or savings and loan corporation or association authorized or acting under the laws of the United States, with intent to defraud any such institution or any other company, body politic or corporate, or any individual, or to deceive any officer, auditor, examiner or agent of any such institution or of department or agency of the United States, makes any false entry in any book, report or state¬ ment of or to any such institution, or without being duly authorized, draws any order or bill of exchange, makes any acceptance, or issues, puts forth or assigns any note, debenture, bond or other obligation, or draft, bill of exchange, mortgage, judgment, or decree, or, with intent to defraud the United States or any agency thereof, or any corporation, institution, or association referred to in this sec¬ tion, participates or shares in or receives directly or indirectly any money, profit, property, or benefits through any transaction, loan, commission, contract, or any other act of any such corporation, in¬ stitution, or association, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. (18 U. S. C. 1006) federal crop insurance act, as AMENDED 193 fu^^overva^ues^any^a^^m-opert^or sec^TV 1 ’ ^ P ° rt ’ ° r will ‘ mfluencing in any way the’action o/iLp p f °F the purpose of poration’ Federal cTop°?nsumnS Cor-' credit bank, or the Federal FarraMortl Federa ! mtermediate vision, officer, or ° r any di " under sections 1131-1134m of Title 19 n ? cor P?™ tlon ^organized Credit Corporation holds stock nr J? 12 ’ - ln a Production zsfr&ttia s n °Wh 0re tha 1 • t | W0 y? ars > or b °th. (18 U. S. C. 1014) Im P nsoned of^“Act’ol h c£n^ B Sa‘Sir 0 to Ci .- aI Ca P acity in the administration ^*2333^ disposing of any such commodity or product shalffe finer? esS1 f ng ’ or u. a s. $ c o a)° r impris ° ned ^ m ( °i r i SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED EXPLANATORY NOTE The first statute authorizing the imposition of sugar quotas on all areas supplying the United States market, including the mainland cane sugar area, the domestic beet sugar areas, and Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, was the Jones-Costigan Sugar Act, approved in May 1034, which was an amendment to the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933. This act also authorized the Secretary to impose a processing tax on sugar and to enter into contracts with domestic growers providing for payments on a production limited to area quotas. In 1936 the production control and processing tax pro¬ visions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act were invalidated in the case of United States v. Butler (297 U. S. 1); however, sugar quotas were continued in effect and were subsequently revised and reenacted in the Sugar Act of 1937. The act of 1937 also provided for pay¬ ments to producers of sugarcane and sugar beets who complied with specified conditions relating to child labor, farm wages, acreage allotments, soil conservation, and for payments to producers, who were also processors and who have paid to other producers fair prices for sugar beets or sugarcane. The Sugar Act of 1948, enacted in August 1947, reenacted the Sugar Act of 1937 with certain changes, the most important of which related to the determination of the annual estimate of sugar con¬ sumption and the establishment of annual area sugar quotas. The constitutional validity of the quota provisions of tne Sugar Act of 1948 has been upheld in the case of Secretary of Agriculture v. Central Roig Refining Company et al., 338 U. S. 604. The act was amended in 1951 (65 Stat. 318), in 1956 (70 Stat. 217) and in 1958 (72 Stat. 950). 194 PART VI SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED 1 AN ACT sessions ^Ah^^nited States 6 amf^th^for’ - With the Territorie s and pos- welfare of consumers of SU |Ss aSd oTXJ.f'f c ” u " tri f : to Protect the producing industry • to promote Vhp or n f * en £ a » e d in the domestic sugar- for other purposes P te the export trade of the United States; and TITLE I—DEFINITIONS Co’ThJv F ° r i hG pur ,? ose of this Act, except title V— tion, or association!^(Tu^C 1 f Ua1, partnershi P, corpora- ^ •* saccharine erase dextrose, or levuloJL (7 uIsT^lMwlb)) 11011 C ° ntamS SU ‘ su^r. T « V™. cTlOl” $T IaW " direct-consumption sugar fromforei^roSes SIT T" (eXclus ™ of “fM which are not to be further t saving liquid sugar quotas), U. S. C. iioi (e) ) ned 0r Im P rove d in quality. (7 ofKU e p”odS d ,S^^r S a ” y SUgar3 ( exc 'usive of sirup sw* 492443—59- 14 195 196 SUGAR ACT OF 19 48, AS AMENDED (g) Sugars in dry amorphous form shall be considered to be prin¬ cipally of crystalline structure. (7 U. S. C. 1101 (g)) (h) The “raw value” of any quantity of sugars means its equiv¬ alent in terms of ordinary commercial raw sugar testing ninety-six sugar degrees by the polariscope, determined in accordance with regulations to be issued by the Secretary. The principal grades and types of sugar and liquid sugar shall be translated into terms of raw value in the following manner: (1) For direct-consumption sugar, derived from sugar beets and testing ninety-two or more sugar degrees by the polariscope, by multiplying the number of pounds thereof by 1.07; (2) For sugar, derived from sugarcane and testing ninety-two sugar degrees by the polariscope, oy multiplying the number of pounds thereof by 0.93; (3) For sugar, derived from sugarcane and testing more than ninety-two sugar degrees by the polariscope, by multiplying the number of pounds thereof by the figure obtained by adding to 0.93 the result of multiplying 0.0175 by the number of degrees and fractions of a degree of polarization above ninety-two degrees i pi) For sugar and liquid sugar, testing less than ninety-two sugar degrees by the polariscope, by dividing the number of pounds of the “total sugar content” thereof by 0.972. (5) The Secretary may establish rates for translating sugar and liquid sugar into terms of raw value for (a) any grade or type of sugar or liquid sugar not provided for in the foregoing and (b) any special grade or type of sugar or liquid sugar for which he determines that the raw value cannot be measured adequately under the provisions of paragraphs (1) to (4), in¬ clusive, of this subsection (h). (7 U. S. C. 1101 (li)) (i) The term “total sugar content” means the sum of the sucrose and reducing or invert sugars contained in any grade or type of sugar or liquid sugar. (7 U. S. C. 1101 (i)) (j) The term “quota,” depending upon the context, means (1) that quantity of sugar or liquid sugar which may be brought or imported into the continental United States, for consumption therein, during any calendar year, from the Territory of Hawaii. Puerto Pico, the Virgin Islands, or a foreign country or group of foreign countries; (2) that quantity of sugar or liquid sugar produced from sugar beets or sugarcane grown in the continental United States which, during any calendar year, may be shipped, transported, or marketed m interstate commerce, or in competition with sugar or liquid sugar shipped, transported, or marketed in interstate or foreign commeice; or (3) that quantity of sugar or liquid sugar which may be marketed in the Territory of Hawaii or in Kl c°> *° r <:? n ' sumption therein, during any calendar year. (7 U. S. C . 1101 (])) (k) The term “producer” means a person who is the legal owner, at the time of harvest or abandonment, of a portion or all of a crop of sugar beets or sugarcane grown on a farm for the extraction of sugar or liquid sugar. (7 U. S. C. 1101 (k)) (l) The terms “including” and “include' 5 shall not be deemed to exclude anything not mentioned but otherwise within the meaning of the term defined. (7 U. S. C. 1101 (1)) SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED I 97 |/#&a n”l means the Sectary of Agriculture, to ^e e cte™suto„riai r ty e i “£f*’ hearing and upon such norite , 18 autl ?»';«ed, after such determine whether specific processes^fo whir?^ atlons prescribe, to are sufficient to meet U,e ZSSrts if hi^ S ? b ected »" sugar^a <&££ tl^eanhfg if TITLE II—QUOTA PROVISIONS ANNUAL ESTIMATE OE CONSUMPTION IN CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES beliniS^iS'fe'iSrtir ami f »*«. fernS rfIK Of the calendar year lS^uSa^«S a J eild S r y T (i » the case such other times d irW J ? first ten da J s thereof and at deem necess^^^,^^"^ minations the Secretarv slmll 11C . e F s ‘. ^, n ma ^ m g such deter- consumption suSr Sributed fof “ S ‘ S ' “ ql,antit y of direct ' official statistics 8 if t£ K rt me„tgumption as indicated by twelve-month period endimr October qi ^ Agriculture, during the year for which' the^ determfnarioi ih next ? recedl "S «*> calendar oft Fidtter“S te 'iidTn ^dlff 535r^ sr s re" any such determination, in addition to £ - n makin S the relationship between the'nnces aV ii / f f ° consideration lhdigTae^uiitintir 11 PROBATION OF QUOTAS 198 SUGAR ACT OF 194 8, AS AMENDED sumers, the Secretary shall establish quotas, or revise existing quotas— . . (a) (1) For domestic sugar-producing areas by apportioning among such areas four million four hundred and forty-four thou¬ sand short tons, raw value, as follows: Area Short tone rate value Domestic beet sugar_ 1, ^m’nnn Mainland cane sugar__ Hawaii l,0o2,000 Puerto Rico”::::::::::::_ Virgin Islands_ lz.uuo (2) To the above total of four million four hundred forty-four thousand short tons, raw value, there shall be added an amount equal to 55 per centum of the amount by which the Secretary’s determina¬ tion of requirements of consumers in the continental United States for the calendar year exceeds eight million three hundred and fifty thousand short tons, raw value. Such additional amount shall be ap¬ portioned among and added to the quotas established under para¬ graph (1) of this subsection for such domestic sugar-producing areas, respectively, as follows: (A) The first one hundred sixty-five thousand short tons, raw value, or any part thereof, by which quotas for the domestic areas are so increased shall be apportioned 51.5 per centum to the domestic beet sugar area and 48.5 per centum to the mainland cane sugar area; (B) the next twenty thousand short tons, raw value, or any part thereof, by which such quotas are so increased shall be apportioned to Puerto Rico; (C) the next three thousand short tons, raw value, or any part thereof, by which such quotas are so increased shall be apportioned to the Virgin Islands; (D) any additional amount shall be apportioned on the basis of the quotas established in paragraph (1) of this subsection as adjusted by ^sub- paragraphs (A), (B), and (C) of this paragraph (2). (7 L. fe. C. 1112 (a)) ... . . , , . (b) For the Republic of the Philippines, in the amount of nine hundred and fifty-two thousand short tons of sugar as specified in section 211 of the Philippine Trade Act of 1946. (7 U. S. C. 1112 (l) For the calendar year 1956, for foreign countries other than the Republic of the Philippines, by prorating among such countries an amount of sugar, raw value, equal to the amount deter¬ mined pursuant to section 201 less the sum of the quotas established pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this section, on the following basis: Country Cuba Foreign countries other than Cuba and the Republic of the Philippines Per centum 96 4 Ninety-five per centum of the quota for foreign countries other than Cuba and the Republic of the Philippines shall be prorated among such countries on the basis of the average amount imported from each such country within the quotas established for the years 1948, 1949, and 1950, except that a separate prorat ion need not be established for any country which entered less than two per centum of the average importations within the quotas for such years, ine amount of the quota not so prorated may be filled by countries not SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED 299 amoiSt i piSa r nt te to P thS t sShS» n ° SU ° h country shall enter an countries 4 per centum'of the imn P er centum and to other foreign eight million three hundred and fiftv tl° f SUgt Y’ , raw value , by which or such lesser amouTas detern i.!/ thousan ? short tons, raw value, the sum of four million four hnndrcd^vW 1 ^ to section 2 °1 exceeds tons, raw value, and the ounfa i f i° r y ~ four thousand short (b) of this section and k established pursuant to subsection amount of sugar? Jawvalue L l£T?? ng 45 per centum of the suant to section 201 exceeds \hJ Mch the amount determined pur- “d hUnLd Country Cuba___ Per centum Peru-::_:: 29.59 Dominican Republic_ 4.33 Mexico_ 4 95 Other countries_1111111111 5-10 than Cuba ( P the Republic* of the p '' fo p lgn countries other Republic, and MeS shall bl !„ P r PI>m , eS ’ Pen, > the Dominican whose average entries whl i„ ,l“ PPOrt f ne ; 1 *? such other countries ceeded one thousand short tons l Unn « 1953 ^ ex¬ average entries within the Quotas twL.™'”!!’ 0I1 i tbe fjasjs of the years 1951, 1952, 1953 and 1954 cach Suc 1 c0untl 7 for the “min” eaCh t ^T t o-'endar subsection for foreign countries orteTtl P ara # ra P 1 ! (?) (A) of this the Philippines shaffbe Zp™tioned first" ,? Uba ?" d - the Republic of foreign country whose average pnivipo^u^ assigning to each such years 1953 and 1954 were less than ^ th ® ? u< i tas durin g the value, a proration emnl tn itc „ an on ® thousand short tons, raw ing 1953 and 1954- second ' v ®rage entries within the quotas dur- whose average entries within" to each such foreign country not less than one thousand^ j“ quot 5f du ? mg ? 953 and 1954 raw value, a proration of % than thousand short tons, third, by assigning to each forelxm ° USand short tons ? raw value; within the quotas (Siring 1953 and'm ?^ 17 wh °f£ avera g e entries and less than three ^houland short tons ?/ 6 “ 7 ® than two thousand to the average entries from S c i’ V ? lue ’ a P rora tion equal during 1953 and 1954 nS 2?*^ T *? 7 Wlthin the V lot ™ fourth, by assigning to each foreiom connf tons ’ raw value i within the quotas durum 1953 n,f f i 1 ^ 1 [ )try wll0se average entries thousand nor more than'tcn tlL o u 9 ? 4 ?’ ere not less than three ration equal tHhe averse Sh ° rt \° nS ’ raw va hm, a pro- -thin the quotas during 1953 an^ IsTe^rfZ. 200 SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED tons, raw value, on the basis of the average entries within the quotas from each such country for the years 1951, 1952, 1953, and 1 Jo4. (7 IT S C 1112 (c)) (d) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this title II, the mini¬ mum quota established for Cuba, including increases resulting from deficits determined pursuant to section 204 (a), shall not be less than the following: , . , . , , (1) 28.6 per centum of the amount of sugar determined under section 201 when such amount is seven million four hundred thousand short tons or less; and (2) two million one hundred and sixteen thousand short tons, when the amount of sugar determined under section 201 is more than seven million four hundred thousand short tons. The quotas for domestic sugar-producing areas, established pursuant to the other provisions of this title II, shall be reduced pro rata b\ such amounts as may be required to establish such minimum quota for Cuba. (7 U. S. C. 1112 (d)) . A ... _ (e) Whenever in any year any foreign country with a quota or proration thereof of more than ten thousand short tons fails to nil such quota or proration by more than 10 per centum and at any time during such year the world price of sugar exceeds the domestic price, the quota or proration thereof for such country for subsequent years shall be reduced by an amount equal to the amount bv which such country failed to fill its quota or proration thereof, unless the Secretary finds that such failure was due to crop disaster or force maieure or finds that such reduction would be con rary to the ob¬ jectives of this Act. Any reduction hereunder shall be prorated m the same manner as deficits are prorated under section 204. (7 U. S. C. 1112 (e)) CONSUMPTION ESTIMATES AND QUOTAS FOR HAWAII AND PUERTO RICO Sec 203. In accordance ivitli such provisions of section 201 as he deems applicable, the Secretary shall also determine the amount of sugar needed to meet the requirements of consumers in the Terntoiy of Hawaii, and in Puerto Pico, and shall establish quotas for th amounts of sugar which may be marketed for local consumption in such areas equal to the amounts determined to be needed to meet requirements of consumers therein. (7 U. 111 as amended (U. S. C., title 28, sec. 1254), by appellant, by the Secretary, or by any interested party Int / e i7Ti ng m the a PP eal ; (7 U. S. C. 1115 (e)) P ' (f) The court may, in its discretion, enter judgment for costs in avor of or against an appellant, and other interested parties inter¬ vening m said appeal, but.not against the Secretary, depending upon thereof (7°U S. "" SUCh aPPea ’ and the ° UtCOme Sec. 206 Subject to the provisions of sections 207 and 408 re¬ lating to the suspension of quotas, sugar quotas shall be established pursuant to this Act for the calendar year 1948 within ten days after effective date of this Act. (7 U. S. C. 1116) 3 AMOUNT OF QUOTA TO BE FILLED BY DIRECT-CONSUMPTION SUGAR Sec. 207. (a) Not more than twenty-nine thousand six hundred and sixteen short tons, raw value, of the quota for Hawaii for any calendar year, plus an amount equal to the same percentage of twenty-nme thousand six hundred and sixteen short tons, raw value, that the increase m the quota for Hawaii under section 202 is of one million fifty-two thousand short tons, raw value, may be filled by direct-consumption sugar. (7 U. S. C. 1117 (a)) (b) Not, more than one hundred and twenty-six thousand and thirty-three short tons, raw value, of the quota for Puerto Rico Jid ? ny i ca ^ ndar .yep may be filled by direct-consumption sugar which shall be principally of crystalline structure, plus an amount equal to the same percentage of one hundred twenty-six thousand and thirty-three short tons, raw value, that the increase in the quota tor Puerto Rico under section 202 is of one million eighty thousand short tons, raw value, which latter amount may be filled bv direct- ture^^U 1 S Ug C r m h 7 et (b)) 0r ^ principally of crystalline struc- 204 SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED (c) None of the quota for the Virgin Islands for any calendar year may be filled by direct-consumption sugar. (7 U. S. C. 1117 (c)) (d) Not more than fifty-six thousand short tons of sugar of the quota for the Republic of the Philippines for any calendar year may be filled by direct-consumption sugar as specified in section 211 of the Philippine Trade Act of 1946. (7 U. S. C. 1117 (d)) (e) Not more than three hundred and seventy-five thousand short tons, raw value, of the quota for Cuba for any calendar year may lie filled by direct-consumption sugar. (7 U. S. C. 1117 (e)) (f) This section shall not apply with respect to the quotas estab¬ lished under section 203 for marketing for local consumption in Hawaii and Puerto Rico. (7 T T . S. C. 1117 (f)) (g) The direct-consumption portions of the quotas established pursuant to this section, and the enforcement provisions of title II applicable thereto, shall continue in effect and shall not be subject to suspension pursuant to the provisions of section 408 of this Act unless the President acting thereunder specifically finds and pro¬ claims that a national economic or other emergency exists with re¬ spect to sugar or liquid sugar which requires the suspension of direct-consumption portions of the quotas. (7 U. S. C. 1117 (g) (h) (1) For the calendar year 1956, the quota for foreign coun¬ tries other than Cuba and the Republic of the Philippines may be filled by direct-consumption sugar only to the extent of 1.36 per centum of the amount of sugar determined pursuant to section 201 less the sum of the quotas established in subsections (a) and (b) of section 202: Provided . That each such country shall be permitted to enter an amount of direct-consumption sugar not less than the average amount entered by it during the years 1948, 1949, and 1950. (2) For the calendar year 1957 and each subsequent calendar year, the quota for foreign countries other than Cuba and the Republic of the Philippines may be filled by direct-consumption sugar to the ex¬ tent of 1.36 per centum of the amount of sugar determined pursuant to section 201 less the sum of the quotas established in subsections (a) and (b) of section 202: Provided. That such limitation shall not apply to countries receiving prorations under section 202 (c) of seven thousand short tons or less. The direct-consumption portion of such quota which is subject to the 1.36 per centum limitation referred to above shall be prorated to countries which receive pro- rations under section 202 (c) of more than seven thousand short tons on the basis of average imports of direct-consumption sugar within the quota for the years 1951, 1952, 1953, and 1954. (( u. S. C. 1117 (h)) LIQUID SUGAR QUOTAS Sec. 208. Quotas for liquid sugar for foreign countries for each calendar year are hereby established as follows: Country Cuba _ Dominican Republic_ British West Indies_ Other foreign countries In terms of trine gallons of 72 per centum total sugar content 7,970,558 830,894 300,000 0 (7 U. S. C. 1118) SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED 205 PROHIBITED ACTS Sec. 209. All persons are hereby prohibited— (a) From bringing or importing into the continental United States trom the Territory of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or foreign countries, (1) any sugar or liquid sugar after the applicable quota, or the proration of any such quota, has been filled, or (2) any direct-consumption sugar after the direct-consumption portion of any such quota has been filled; (7 U. S. C. 1119 (a)) J (b) From shipping, transporting, or marketing in interstate com- merce or m competition with sugar or liquid sugar shipped, trans¬ ported, or marketed m interstate or foreign commerce, any su«-ar or liquid sugar produced from sugar beets or sugarcane grown in Either the domestic-beet-sugar area or the mainland cane-sugar area after the quota for such area has been filled; (7 U. S C 1119 (b)) (c) From marketing in either the Territory of Hawaii or Puerto c o nsum Ption therein, any sugar or liquid sugar after the quota therefor has been filled; (7 U. S. C. 1119 (c)) (d) From exceeding allotments of any quota, direct-consumption portion of any quota, or proration of any quota, made to them pur¬ suant to the provisions of this Act. (7 U. S. C. 1119 (d)) 1 nn^om 210 ' ( a ) The determinations provided for in sections 201 pel 5 nd a11 T? 0 , tas ’ P rora tions, and allotments, except quotas established pursuant to the provisions of section 208, shall be made or established m terms of raw value. (7 U. S. C 1120 (a)) (?) For the purposes of this title, liquid sugar, except that im¬ ported from foreign countries, shall be included with sugar in making the determinations provided for in sections 201 and 203 and meats': 'u u^C^llM^b) 8 ) 0 ’ 1 ° f qU ° taS ’ P rorations > “ d »llot- EXPORTATION OF SUGAR 21L T ^e l'aw-value equivalent of any sugar or liquid ^ r ludl I$ SUgar ° r liquid su S ar in manufactured pioducts, exported from the continental United States under the provisions of section 313 of the Tariff Act of 1930 shall be credited against any charges which shall have been made in respect to the applicable quota or proration for the country of origin The coun- .hall be established shall be that country m respect to importation rom which draw-back of the exported sugar or liquid suo-ar has Unffed sTatp' S T r ° r liqU r m ga i enteied into * he continental United States under an applicable bond established pursuant to nnfp 1 S f° r F egulatl p ns lssued . by the Secretary, for the express pur- pose of subsequently exporting the equivalent quantity of sugar or quid sugar as such, or m manufactured articles, shall not be charged ‘(f u S C 1121 “a/) qU ° ta ° r pr ° ration for the country of ori|in. the Ta n n i oln 11 ! 11 u h i e meani J ng ° f sec tions 309 and 313 of e tariff Act of 1930 shall be considered to be exportation within the meaning of this section. (7 U. S. C. 1121 (b)) fi uota established for any domestic sugar-producing area may be filled only with sugar or liquid sugar produced from'sugar 206 SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED beets or sugarcane grown in such area: Provided , however , That any sugar or liquid sugar admitted free of duty from the irgin Islands under the Act of Congress, approved March 3, 1917 (39 Stat. 1133), may be admitted within the quota for the Virgin Islands. (7 U. S. C. 1121 (c)) INAPPLICABILITY OF QUOTA PROVISIONS Sec. 212. The provisions of this title shall not apply to (1) the first ten short tons, raw value, of sugar or liquid sugar imported from any foreign country, other than Cuba and the Republic of the Philippines, in any calendar year; (2) the first ten short tons, raw value, of sugar or liquid sugar imported from any foreign country, other than Cuba and the Republic of the Philippines, in any calen¬ dar year for religious, sacramental, educational, or experimental purposes; (3) liquid sugar imported from any foreign country, other than Cuba and the Republic of the Philippines, in individual sealed containers of such capacity as the Secretary may determine, not in excess of one and one-tenth gallons each; or (4) any sugar or liquid sugar imported, brought into, or produced or manufac¬ tured in the United States for the distillation of alcohol, or for livestock feed, or for the production of livestock feed. (7 U. S. C. 1122) TITLE III— CONDITIONAL PAYMENT PROVISIONS CONDITIONS OF PAYMENT Sec. 301. The Secretary is authorized to make payments on the following conditions with respect to sugar or liquid sugar com¬ mercially recoverable from the sugar beets or sugarcane grown on a farm for the extraction of sugar or liquid sugar: (a) That no child under the age of fourteen years shall have been employed or permitted to work on the farm, whether for gain to such child or any other person, in the production, cultivation, or harvesting of a crop of sugar beets or sugarcane with respect to which applications for payment is made, except a member of the immediate family of a person who was the legal owner of not less than 40 per centum of the crop at the time such work was performed; and that no child between the ages of fourteen and sixteen years shall have been employed or permitted to do such work, whether for gain to such child or any other person, for a longer period than eight hours in any one day, except a member of the immediate family of a person who was the legal owner of not less than 40 per centum of the crop at the time such work was performed. The Secretary is authorized to make payments, notwithstanding a failure to com¬ ply with the conditions provided in this subsection, but the payments made with respect to any crop shall be subject to a deduction of $10 for each child for each day, or a portion of a day, during which such child was employed or permitted to work contrary to the fore- ouing provisions of this subsection. (< U. S. C. 1131 (a)) (b) That there shall not have been marketed (or processed), ex¬ cept for livestock feed, or for the production of livestock teed, as determined by the Secretary, an amount (in terms of planted acre- SUGAR ACT OF 194 8, AS AMENDED 207 age, weight, or recoverable sugar content) of sugar beets or sugar- cane grown on the farm and used for the production of sugafor hguid sugar to be marketed in, or so as to compete with or other- m'nrmrfinn? a ? GCt 1] 2 teri f ate , or foreign commerce, in excess of the l 1 Skre f °- 16 ! arm ’- as determined by the Secretary pursuant to the provisions of section 302, of the total quantity of KbM °i sugarca * e re< * uired to be processed to enable the area rmntwT j Ucb SU jp r beets su ff arc ane are produced to meet the Pr $ Vlde R i norma i carry-over inventory) as estimated by the Secretary for such area for the calendar year during which the larger part of the sugar or liquid sugar from such crop normally would be marketed. (7 U. S. 1131 (b)) P noimail y That a11 Persons employed on the farm in the production, cultivation, or harvesting of sugar beets or sugarcane with respect to Sl C l an n Pp i r tl0n , f ° r pa y, ment is mad e shall have been paid in T-ot for aP su ^ }l W0I 'k, and shall have been paid wages therefor at rates not less than those that may be determined by the Secretary to be fair and reasonable after investigation and due notice and opportunity for public hearing; and in making such determinations the Secretary shall take into consideration the standards therefor formerly established by him under the Agricultural Adiustment Act as amended, and the differences in conditions among 3 various pro¬ ducing areas: Provided , however , That a payment which would be rnav a b p e mSp Pt i( ll t i e fo !' eg0mg P rovisions of this subparagraph th^lok macle ’. as the Secretary may determine, in such manner that orer Wl11 f ece ive an amount, insofar as such payment will suffice, equal to the amount of the accrued unpaid wages for such ^ch k paymeM at ^ pr ° duCer Wl11 receive the remainder, if any, of (?) Tbat tbe P roduc er on the farm who is also, directly or indi- b t a £r° r n f i S i U i gar beet . s or sugarcane, as may be determined by the Secretary shall have paid, or contracted to pay under either w r nJ>f Se ° r A 011 agreei ? ents 5 for any sugar beets or sugarcane grown by other producers and processed by him at rates not less than those that may be determined by the Secretary to be fair and reasonable f n ^ er ( 7 V XJ tl i at n 3 i a ( ld ) f 116 n ° tiCe and ° pportimit y for Public hear- ESTABLISHMENT OF PROPORTIONATE SHARES FOR FARMS Sec. 302. (a) The amount of sugar or liquid sugar with respect to winch payment may be made shall be the amount of sugar or liquid sugar commercially recoverable, as determined by the Secre- tapq from the sugar beets or sugarcane grown on the farm and marketed (or processed by the producer) not in excess of the pro- portmnate share for the farm, as determined by the Secretary, of h r ,2 ly of sugar b eftsor sugarcane for the extraction of sugar or liquid sugar required to be processed to enable the producing area m which the crop of sugar beets or sugarcane is groin to melt the quota (and provide a normal carry-over inventory) estimated by the Secretary for such area for the calendar year during which the lar g er part of the sugar or liquid sugar from such crop normally would be marketed. (7 U. S. C. 1132 (a)) P normall y SUGAR ACT OF 19 48, AS AMENDED 208 (b) In determining the proportionate shares with respect to a ^ al ?b the Secretary may take into consideration the past production on the farm of sugar beets and sugarcane marketed (or processed) within the proportionate share for the extraction of sugar or liquid sugar and the ability to produce such sugar beets or sugarcane, and the Secretary shall, insofar as practicable, protect the interests of new producers and small producers and the interests of producers who are cash tenants, share tenants, adherent planters, or share croppers and of the producers in any local producing area whose past pro¬ duction has been adversely, seriously, and generally affected by drought, storm, flood, freeze, disease, insects, or other similar abnor¬ mal and uncontrollable conditions. For the purposes of establishing proportionate shares hereunder and in order to encourage wise use of land resources, foster greater diversification of agricultural pro¬ duction, and promote the conservation of soil and water resources in Puerto Rico, the Secretary, on application of any owner of a farm in Puerto Rico, is hereby authorized, whenever he determines it to be in the public interest and to facilitate the sale or rental of land for other productive purposes, to transfer the sugarcane pro¬ duction record for any parcel or parcels of land in Puerto Rico owned by the applicant to any other parcel or parols of land owned by such applicant in Puerto Rico. (7 U. S. C. 1132 (b)) (c) Payments shall be effective with respect to sugar or liquid sugar commercially recoverable from sugar brote wid sugarcane grown on a farm commencing with the crop year 1948. (7 U. &. U. 1132 (c)) ACREAGE ABANDONMENT AND CROP DEFICIENCY PAYMENTS Sec. 303. In addition to the amount of sugar or liquid sugar with respect to which payments are authorized under subsection (a) of section 302, the Secretary is also authorized to make payments, on the conditions provided in section 301, with respect to bona fade abandonment of planted acreage and crop deficiencies of harvested acreage, resulting from drought, flood, storm, freeze, disease, or insects, which cause such damage to all or a substantial part of the crop of sugar beets or sugarcane in the same factory district (as established by the Secretary), county, parish, municipality, or local producing area, as determined in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary, on the following quantities of sugar or liquid sugar: (1) With respect to such bona fide abandonment of each planted acre of sugar beets or sugarcane, one-third of the normal yield of commercially recoverable sugar or liquid sugar per acre for the farm, as determined by the Secretary; and (2) with respect to such crop deficiencies of harvested acreage of sugar beets or sugar¬ cane, the excess of 80 per centum of the normal yield of commer¬ cially recoverable sugar or liquid sugar for such acreage for the farm, as determined by the Secretary, over the actual yield. (( U. S>. C. 1133) COMPUTATION OF PAYMENTS AND PERSONS ELIGIBLE FOR PAYMENTS Sec. 304. (a) The amount of the base rate of payment shall be 80 cents per hundred pounds of sugar or liquid sugar, raw value. (7 U. S. C. 1134 (a)) SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED 209 -p payments shall be calculated with respect to farm whirR for the purposes of this Act, shall be a farmin?unit as^^determined ISSL&ft »’ co “ n s ? de “ (c) ihe total payment with respect to a farm shall be the nrodnet of the base rate specified in subsection (a) of SissectionmXt by the amount of sugar and liquid sugar, raw vaLe with respec to from^uehTn/^l 1S t0 be , made ’ exce P fc that reduction shall b e P made reductions Pajment ln accordance with the following scale of .ni h dWr„ *1^ - Reduction in the basic rate of payment per hundred- 350 to 700 _ weight of such portion 700 to 1,000 I $0.05 1,000 to 1,500 _ .10 1,500 to 3,000 _ .20 3,000 to 6,000 _ .25 6,000 to 12,000 _ _ .275 12,000 to 30,000 I- -- .30 More than 30,000 _ -325 (T U. S. C. 1134 (c)) ' 5 ° «hn ( u ) K Appl ! J Cat . ion . 1 for P a y ment shall be made by, and payments J npi be made . to > tlie producer or, in the event of his death dis- appearance, or lnvompetency, his legal representative or heirs •’ Pro IpplicatioTS payment STg^/Z ?oM goduce P rs on the fa^ITesi^ respect to wS^^ap^Hc^onTor payment nated by the sole producer (or all proXe?s) on ?he S deS1 f fSr'V'g.lS Ss USE OF LOCAL COMMITTEES AND OTHER AGENCIES Ac? E tfip°lo In , can T in g out the provisions of titles II and III of this Act the Secretary is authorized to utilize local committees of su^ar beet or sugarcane producers, State and county agricultural con £ vation committees, or the Agricultural FxiPnX™ cuj . tural conser- agencies, and the Secretary rnTpr^rielZZl^ZZ 11 ??, er expenses of such committees ma/ be deduced from t j „ ° f ^ herein authorized. (7 U. S. C. 1135) 61 0m tbe P a y m ents 210 SUGAR ACT OF 194 8, AS AMENDED FINALITY OF DETERMINATIONS Sec. 306. The facts constituting the basis for any payment, or the amount thereof authorized to be made under this title, officially determined in conformity with rules or regulations prescribed by the Secretary, shall be renewable only by the Secretary, and his deter¬ minations with respect thereto shall be final and conclusive. (7 u. o. C. 1136) APPLICABILITY OF TITLE III Sec 307. This title shall apply to the continental United States, the Territory of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. (7 U. S. C. 1137) TITLE IV—GENERAL PROVISIONS EXPENDITURES BY SECRETARY Sec. 401. For the purposes of this Act, the Secretary may make such expenditures as he deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act, including personal services and rents in the District ot Columbia and elsewhere. (7 U. S. C. 1151) APPROPRIATIONS AND AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS Sec. 402. (a) There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year for the purposes and administration of this Act the funds necessary to make the payments provided for in title III of this Act and such other amounts as the Congress determines to be necessary for such fiscal year to carry out the other provisions of the Act. (7U.S.C.1152 (a)) . _ A . .. , ., (b) All funds available for carrying out this Act shall be avail¬ able for allotment to the bureaus and offices of the Department of Agriculture and for transfer to such other agencies of the Federal Government as the Secretary may request to cooperate or assist in carrying out the provisions of this act. (7 U. S. C. 1152 (b)) (c) The funds made available for the purpose of enabling the Secretary to carry into effect the provisions of the Sugar Act of 1937, as amended, during the fiscal year 1948 are also hereby made available to the Secretary for purposes of administration of the provisions of this Act during the fiscal year 1948. (< U. b. C. 1152 (c)) REGULATIONS AND DETERMINATIONS Sec. 403. (a) The Secretary is authorized to make such orders or regulations, which shall have the force and effect of law, as may be necessary to carry out the powers vested in him by this Act. Any person knowingly violating any order or regulation of the Secretary issued pursuant to this Act shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine or not more than $100 for each such violation. (7 U. S. C. H53 (a)) , „ (b) Each determination issued by the Secretary in connection with quotas and deficits under title II or payments under title III of this Act shall be promptly published in the Federal Register and SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED 211 shall be accompanied by a statement of the bases and considerations upon winch such determination was made. (7 U. S. C. 1153 (b)) JURISDICTION OF COURTS wI C ; 4 ° 4 / The several district courts of the United States are hereby vested with jurisdiction specifically to enforce, and to prevent and restrain any person from violating, the provisions of this Act or of any order or regulation made or issued pursuant to this Act. It and when the Secretary shall so request, it shall be the duty of the several district attorneys of the United States, in their respective S£?!{. p to r institute proceedings to enforce the remedies and to collect the penalties and forfeitures provided for in this Act The remedies provided for in this Act shall be in addition to, and not equity! Ve (7 f ’u an S C or P enalti es existing at law or in CIVIL PENALTIES tn^nicfo 5 ' (a v pers n on wh( ? knowingly violates, or attempts to violate, or who knowingly participates or aids in the violation of any of the provisions of section 209, or any person who brings or iports into the continental United States direct-consumption sugar fi uai ^ities specified in section 207 have been filled, shall f United /^ ates the sum equal to three times the market value, at the time of the commission of any such act, (1) of that quantity of sugar or liquid sugar by which any quota, proration or allotment is exceeded, or (2) of that quantity brought or imported into the continental United States after the quantities specified in ?f‘ 10n f 7 h ve be ,T- fil T ” llich forfeiture’Tali be recoTibk ^ a K C . 1V1 A SUlt brougllt in the name of the United States. (7 U S C 1155 (a)) v A - ny per f° U } vhose su S ar processing operations otherwise meet the requirements of section 101 (n) and who subjects to such proc¬ esses sugar imported or brought into the continental United States under a declaration that it is raw sugar but which sugar subse¬ quently is determined to be of direct-consumption quality, shall for- eit to the United States a sum equal to 1 cent per pound for each pound, raw value, of such sugar in excess of that part of the direct- consumption portion of the applicable quota or proration or allot- whinb rema L n i!^ unfilled a L the time of such determination, c forfeiture shall be recoverable m a civil suit brought in the name of the United States. (7 U. S. C. 1155 (b)) FURNISHING INFORMATION TO SECRETARY Sec. 406. All persons engaged in the manufacturing, marketing oi transportation or industrial use of sugar or liquid sugar, and having information which the Secretary deems necessary to enable if §l m T i he p [ m ; 1S10ns °, f this A . ct ’ shall, upon the request of 1 jl ie 1 /’ e ^}. ar U furnish him with such information. Any person wdlfully failing or refusing to furnish such information or furnish¬ ing willfully any false information, shall upon conviction be subject 492443—59-15 J 212 SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED to a penalty of not more than $1,000 for each such violation. (7 U. S. C. 1156) SUGAR INVESTMENTS BY OFFICIALS PROHIBITED Sec. 407. No person shall, while acting in any official capacity in the administration of this Act, invest or speculate in sugar or liquid simar, contracts relating thereto, or the stock or membership .inter¬ ests of any association or corporation engaged in the production or manufacturing of sugar or liquid sugar. Any person violating this section shall upon conviction thereof be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than two years, or both. The provisions of this section shall not apply to persons whose sendees are obtained pursuant to section 305. (7 L. S. C. 1157) suspension of quotas Sec. 408. Whenever pursuant to the provisions of this Act the President finds and proclaims that a national economic or other emergency exists with respect to sugar or liquid sugar, lie shall by proclamation suspend the operation, except as provided in section 207 of this Act, of all the provisions of title II above, and, there¬ after, the operation of such title shall continue in suspense until the President finds and proclaims that the facts which occasioned such suspension no longer exist. The Secretary shall make such investi¬ gations and reports thereon to the President as may be jiecessary to aid him in carrying out the provisions of this section. (7 L. S. C. 1158) SURVEYS AND INVESTIGATIONS Sec. 409. Whenever the Secretary determines that such action is necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Act, he. is authoiized. if first requested by persons constituting or representing a substantial proportion of the persons affected in any one of the five domestic sugar-producing areas, to make for such area sm\eys and investi gations to the extent he deems necessary, including the holding of public hearings, and to make recommendations with respect to (a) the terms and conditions of contracts between the producers and processors of sugar beets and sugarcane in such area and (b) the terms and conditions of contracts between laborers and producers of sugar beets and sugarcane in such area. In carrying out the provi¬ sions of this section, information shall not be made public with respect to the individual operations of any processor, producer, or laborer. (7 U. S. C. 1159) Sec. 410. The Secretary is authorized to conduct surveys, mvesti- o-ations and research relating to the conditions and factors affecting the methods of accomplishing most effectively the purposes of this Act and for the benefit of agriculture generally in any area. Not¬ withstanding any provision of existing law, the Secretary is author¬ ized to make public such information as he deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. (7 U. S. C. 1160) Sec. 411. The Secretary is authorized to issue such regulations as may be necessary to carry out article 7 of the International Sugar Agreement for the Regulation of the Production and Marketing of SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED 213 Sug ar (ratified by and with the advice and consent of the United ^ te , s , Se T I l at .® 29, 1954), restricting importations of sugar into the United States from foreign countries not participating in such agreement, or to carry out the corresponding provisions of any agreements ratified by and with thetdvice and consent of the United States Senate. (7 U. S. C. 1161) termination of act Sec. 412. The powers vested in the Secretary under this Act shall terminate on December 31, 1960, except that the Secretary shall have power to make payments under title III under programs applicable Note) 6 Cr ° P yeai " 1960 an( P revlolls cro P years. (? U. S. C. 1101, EFFECTIVE DATE Sec. 413. The provisions of this Act, except where an earlier afv C l IV i e 9-t8 te A 1S Pr ° V -j e 5 for he - rein ’ sha]1 become effective Janu¬ ary 1, 1948. As provided m section 513 of the Sugar Act of 1937 the powers vested m the Secretary under that Act shall terminate tn JP u ember 31 i 194 ^’ ex ? ept that the Secretary shall have power to make payments under title III of that Act under programs there- (7u! S.Pc. 1 HOI, Note) 6 ^ ^ 1947 ^ p — jSS. EXCISE TAXES WITH RESPECT TO SUGAR 3 INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1954 CHAPTER 37 Subchapter A —Sugar SEC. 4501. IMPOSITION OF TAX. minnT? I s } , e o eby im P° sed u P°n manufactured sugar a tax ’ to be pa,d by the maL (1) on all manufactured sugar testing by the polariscone 92 sugar degrees, 0.465 cent per'"pound, aSd/for eadi addiUonal sugar degree shown by the polariscopic test, 0.00875 cent Tier pound additional, and fractions of a degree in proportion; P oo 11 a11 m 1 anufact ured sugar testing by the polariscope less therein 2 SUgar Clegrees ’ 0,5144 cent P er P° und of the total sugars The manufacturer shall pay the tax with respect to manufactured 3 ^ T^ch bas been sold, or used in the production of other <- tides, by the manufacturer during the preceding month (if the tax has not already been paid) and (2) which has not been so sold S used within 12 months ending during the preceding calendar month afteiwUwas manufactured (If the tax has not already been pa?d).’ Janjarj l^llaS^an^'subsequen/'iimemlm^nt^which^deal effeCti ^ eluded. See title 26 of the United States Code for general definUi^rfs Tim sug , ar , are in ' filing returns and paying taxes, interest, abatement! Credits refunds et“ place for 214 SUGAR ACT OF 194 8, AS AMENDED For the purpose of determining whether sugar has been sold or used within 12 months after it was manufactured, sugar shall be con¬ sidered to have been sold or used in the order in which it was manu¬ factured. (26 U. S. C. 4501 (a)) . , (b) Import Tax.— In addition to any other tax or duty imposed by law, there is hereby imposed, under such regulations as the .Secre¬ tary or his delegate shall prescribe, a tax upon articles imported or brought into the United States as follows: (1) on all manufactured sugar testing by the polanscope 92 sugar degrees, 0.465 cent per pound, and, for each additional sugar degree shown by the polariscopic test, 0.008 to cent per pound additional, and fractions of a degree in proportion; (2) on all manufactured sugar testing by the polanscope less than 92 sugar degrees, 0.5144 cent per pound of the total sugars tliGrGin * (3) on all articles composed in chief value of manufactured sugar, 0.5144 cent per pound of the total sugars therein. (26 U. S. C. 4501 (b)) , „ , . , , • (c) Termination of Tax.—No tax shall be imposed under this subchapter on the manufacture, use, or importation of sugar or articles composed in chief value of sugar after June o0, 1961. .Not¬ withstanding the provisions of subsection (a) or (b), no tax shall be imposed under this subchapter with respect to unsold sugar he by manufacturer on June 30, 1961, or with respect to sugar or arti¬ cles composed in chief value of sugar held in customs custody or control on such date. With respect to any sugar or articles composed in chief value of sugar upon which tax imposed under subsection (b) has been paid and which, on June 30, 1961, are held by the importer and intended for sale or other disposition, there shall be refunded (without interest) to such importer, subject to such regu¬ lations as may be prescribed by the Secretary or his delegate, an amount equal to the tax paid with respect to such sugar or articles composed in chief value of sugar. (26 U. S. C. 4501 (c)) SEC. 4502. DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this subchapter— (1) manufacturer. —Any person who acquires any sugar which is to be manufactured into manufactured sugar but who. without further refining or otherwise improving it in quality, sells such sugar as manufactured sugar or uses such sugar as manufactured sugar in the production of other artides for sale shall be considered, for the purposes of section 4501 (a), the manufacturer of manufactured sugar and, as such, liable for the tax under section 4501 (a) with respect thereto. (2) person. —The term “person” means an individual part¬ nership, corporation, or association. ,, (3) manufactured sugar. —The term “manufactured sugar means any sugar derived from sugar beets or sugarcane, which is not to be, and which shall not be, further refined or otherwise improved in quality; except sugar in liquid form which con¬ tains nonsugar solids (excluding any foreign substance that ma} have been added or developed in the product) equal to more than 6 per centum of the total soluble solids and except also sirup o cane juice produced from sugarcane grown in continental l nited SUGAR ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED 215 States The grades or types of sugar within the meaning of this definition shall include, but shall not be limited to, granulated sugar, lump sugar, cube sugar, powdered sugar, sugar in the form of blocks, cones, or molded shapes, confectioners’ sugar, washed sugar centrifugal sugar, clarified sugar, turbinado sugar plantation white sugar, muscovado sugar, refiners’ soft sugar, tumf SUgar mUSh ’ raW SUgar ’ sirups ’ molasses > and sugar mix- _ fE sugars.— The term “total sugars” means the total amount of the sucrose and of the reducing or invert sugars. (5) UNrTEE. states.—T he term “United States” shall be deemed to include the States, the Territories of Hawaii and Alaska, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. (26 U. S. C. SEC. 4503. EXEMPTIONS FOR SUGAR MANUFACTURED FOR HOME CON SUMPTION. No tax shall be required to be paid under sec. 4501 (a) upon the —^ ° f manufact \ ired sugar by or for the producer of the sugar beets or sugarcane from which such manufactured sugar was derned, for consumption by the producer’s own family, employees or household. (26 U. S. C. 4503) P ' y ’ SEC. 4504. IMPORT TAX IMPOSED AS TARIFF DUTY ,JK? section 4501 ( b ) shall be levied, assessed, col- ected, and paid in the same manner as a duty imposed bv the Tariff treated ofth^n^ 59 °i U ' S ’- C ” 4 “d siJll be treated for the purposes of all provisions of law relating to the customs levenue as a duty imposed by such act, except that for the piirposes of sections 336 and 350 of such act (the stalled flexible tariff andArade agreements provisions; 46 Stat. 701; 48 Stat. 943; . •?? 6 ’ 1351 ) such tax sha11 not be considered a duty or T!' restriction, and except that no preference with respect to “qSS 1 be accorded a ny articles imported or brought into the Lnited States, and except that such tax may be subject to refunds a& a tax under the provisions of section 6418 (a). (26 U. S. C. 4504) CHAPTER 65—ABATEMENTS, CREDITS, AND REFUNDS SEC. 6412. FLOOR STOCKS REFUNDS. ******* ((l) Suca-ffith respect to any sugar or articles composed in Ins Lpn su ^ ar upon which tax imposed under section 4501 (b) has been paid and which, on June 30, 1961, are held by the importer f °r sale or other disposition, there shall be refunded (without interest) to such importer, subject to such regulations as may eprescribed.y the Secretary or his delegate, an amount equal to the tax paid with respect to such sugar or articles composed in chief value of sugar. (26 U. S. C. 6412 (d)) P 111 SEC. 6418. SUGAR. tt ^ .V SE AS Livestock Feed on for Distillation of Alcohol_ Upon the use of any manufactured sugar, or article manufactured therefrom, as livestock feed, or in the production of livestock feed, SUGAR ACT OF 19 48, AS AMENDED 216 or for the distillation of alcohol, there shall be paid by the Secretary or his delegate to the person so using such manufactured sugar, or article manufactured therefrom, the amount of ^y tax paid under section 4501 with respect thereto. (26 U. S. C. 6418 (a) ) (b) Exportation. —Upon the exportation from the United states to a foreign country, or the shipment from the L nited States to anv possession of the United States except Puerto Rico, of any manufactured sugar, or any article manufactured wholly or partly from manufactured sugar, with respect to which tax under the pro¬ visions of section 4501 (a) has been paid, the amount of such tax shall be paid by the Secretary or his delegate to the consignor named in the bill of lading under which the article was exported or shipped to a possession, or to the shipper, or to the manufacturer of the manufactured sugar or of the articles exported, if the consignor waives any claim thereto in favor of such shipper or manufacturer, except that no such payment shall be allowed with respect to any manufactured sugar, or article, upon which, through substitution or otherwise, a drawback of any tax paid under section 4o01 (b) lias been or is to be claimed under any provisions of law made applicable by section 4504. (26 U. b. C. 6418 (b)) CHAPTER 66—LIMITATIONS SEC. 6511. LIMITATIONS ON CREDIT OR REFUND. ******* (e) Special Rules in Case of Manufactured Sugak.— (1) Use as livestock feed or for distillation of alcohol. No payment shall be allowed under section 6418 (a) unless within 2 years after the right to such payment has accrued a claim therefor is filed by the person entitled thereto. (2) Exportation. —No payment shall be allowed under sec¬ tion 6418 (b) unless within 2 years after the right to such pay¬ ment has accrued a claim therefor is filed by the person entitled thereto. (26 U. S. C. 6511 (e)) CHAPTER 75—CRIMES, OTHER OFFENSES, AND FORFEITURES SEC. 7240. OFFICIALS INVESTING OR SPECULATING IN SUGAR. Any person, while acting in an official capacity in the administra¬ tion of subchapter A of chapter 37, relating to manufactured sugar, who invests or speculates in sugar or liquid sugar, contracts relating thereto, or the stock or membership interests of any association or corporation engaged in the production or manufacture of sugar or liquid suo-ar, shall be dismissed from office or discharged from em¬ ployment and shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction there¬ of, be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both. (26 U. S. C. 7240) PART VII MISCELLANEOUS LAWS EXPLANATORY NOTE Included m this part of the compilation are certain miscellaneous laws which govern or affect certain programs and functions of sev- eial agencies of the Department of Agriculture. The Agncuitiu-a 1 Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 reenacted and amended certain provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (of 33), as amended, which related to marketing agreements and or¬ ders, and which contained section 22 authorizing the imposition of States aiKl feeS ° n agnCu tural comi nodities imported into the United The National School Lunch Act provides for distribution of com- modities to schools for utilization in the school-lunch program. I he Act of December 20, 1944, authorizes the Secretary of Agri- the United C ?StTtes miSe ’ ^ CanCel certain debts of farmer! to AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 1937 1 REENACTING, AMENDING, AND SUPPLEMENTING THE AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT, AS AMENDED AN ACT To reenact and amend provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, relating to marketing agreements and orders. rr^f, enacted ly the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America m Congress assembled , That the following !~ ns °! f t f 1 A f ricu . ltural Adjustment Act, as amended, not hav" ng been intended for the control of the production of agricultural commodities, and having been intended to be effective irrespective of the validity of any other provision of that Act are expressly affirmed ?n section?^’ ^ reenacted without change except as provided (a) Section 1 (relating to the declaration of emergency) ; DECLARATION [It is hereby declared that the disruption of the orderly exchange of commod ities m interstate commerce impairs the purchasing power visions P of Utle J i n of 3 t’heAgricultural Adjustment Act Tof*193S) ^ amen f p< 1 1 ce ’ aain P ro ' sions which were rpenactprl fwifh n ii nent Act (oi 1933), as amended. The provi- 217 218 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 1937 ot farmers and destroys the value of agricultural assets which sup' port the national credit structure and that these conditions affect transactions in agricultural commodities with a national public in¬ terest, and burden and obstruct the normal channels of interstate commerce. (7 U. S. C. 601)] (b) Section 2 (relating to declaration of policy); DECLARATION OF POLICY [Sec. 2. It is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress-— (1) Through the exercise of the powers conferred upon the becre- tary of Agriculture under this title, to establish and maintain such orderly marketing conditions for agricultural commodities in inter¬ state commerce as will establish, as the prices to farmers, pari \ prices as defined by section 301 (a) (1) of the Agricultural Adjust¬ ment Act of 1938. 2 3 . , • (2) To protect the interest of the consumer by (a) approaching the level of prices which it is declared to be the policy of Congress to establish in subsection (1) of this section by gradual correction of the current level at as rapid a rate as the Secretary of Agriculture deems to be in the public interest and feasible in view of the curren consumptive demand in domestic and foreign markets, and (b) au¬ thorizing no action under this title which has for its purpose the maintenance of prices to farmers above the level which it is declared to be the policy of Congress to establish in subsection (1) of this section.^hrou , the exercise of the power conferred upon the Secre- tarv of Agriculture under this title, to establish and maintain such minimum standards of quality and maturity and such grading and inspection requirements for agricultural commodities enumerated in section 8c (2), other than milk and its products, in interstate com¬ merce as will effectuate such orderly marketing of such agricultural commodities as will be in the public interest. , c (4) Through the exercise of the power conferred upon the becre- tarv of Agriculture under this title, to establish and maintain such orderly marketing conditions for any agricultural commodity enu¬ merated in section 8c (2) as will provide in the interests of pro¬ ducers and consumers, an orderly flow of the supply tlieieo o market throughout its normal marketing season to avoid unreason¬ able fluctuations in supplies and prices. (7 U. b. O. b(L5)J (c) Section 8a (5), (6), (7), (8), and (9) (relating to violations and enforcement) ; VIOLATIONS AND ENFORCEMENT TSec. 8a (5) Any person willfully exceeding any quota or allot¬ ment fixed for him under this title by the Secretary of Agriculture, and any other person knowingly participating, or aiding, m the exceeding of said quota or allotment, shall forfeit to the h rated States a sum equal to three times the current market value of such 2 Amended by see 302 of the Agricultural Act of 1948 (July 3. 1948, Stat. 124.) to refer to parity Prices as defined in the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. 3 Subsec. (4) added by sec. 401 of the Agricultural Act of 19o4. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 1937 219 excess, which forfeiture shall be recoverable in a civil suit brought m the name of the United States. oiougnt Th f e . several . district courts of the United States are hereby vested with jurisdiction specifically to enforce, and to prevent and restiam any person from violating any order, regulation or aorep- ment, heretofore or hereafter made or issued pursuant to this title m y TInon e tbp ng now pe ^ding or hereafter brought in said courts. the dnfv P of tbp 1UeS f °y th . e Secretary of Agriculture, it shall be the duty of the several district attorneys of the United States, in res P ec ^ V( r districts, under the directions of the Attorney Gen- lhp fm°Fpuf tltUte pr °? ee ]d] ngs to enforce the remedies and to collect the foifeitures provided for m, or pursuant to, this title. Whenever the Secretary, or such officer or employee of the Department of ^p gllC fW le aS i 16 designate for the purpose, has reason to be¬ lieve that any handler has violated, or is violating, the provisions of any order or amendment thereto issued pursuant to this title, the i_ecretary shall have power to institute an investigation and, after due notice to such handler, to conduct a hearing in order to deter- mme the facts for the purpose of referring the matter to the Attor¬ ney General for appropriate action. ( 8 ) The remedies provided for in this section shall be in addition to, and not exclusive of, any of the remedies or penalties provided eqiiity S6Where m thlS tltle ° r now 0r hereafter existing at law or in (9) The term “person” as used in this title includes an individual partnership, corporation, association, and any other business unit.’ (d) Section 8b (relating to marketing agreements) ; MARKETING AGREEMENTS [Seg. 8b. In order to effectuate the declared policy of this title the Secretary of Agriculture shall have the power, after due notice and opportunity for hearing, to enter into'marketingagr^menta with processors, producers, associations of producers, and others ihfr ag f d m i t ie -?? nd ing of an y agricultural commodity or product thereof only with respect to such handling as is in the current of interstate or foreign commerce or which directly burdens, obstructs mte / sta ™ or fo .r ei gn commerce in such commodity or bffid L iere0f ‘ i T he makin ^ °f an y such agreement shall not be held to be in violation of any of the antitrust laws of the United States, and any such agreement shall be deemed to be lawful • Pro¬ vided, That no such agreement shall remain in force after the termi¬ nation of this Act. (7 U. S. C. 608b)] (e) Section 8c (relating to orders); ORDERS nrovbSnnc'./iL- Th( V Secret ary of Agriculture shall, subject to the aonISbffi tl thlS Sectlon ’ lssue ’ apd from time to time amend, orders gaSed h, ft r^r S ° rS ’ , associ ations of producers, and others en- fbSw th .e handling of any agricultural commodity or product thereof specified in subsection (2) of this section. Such persons are 220 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 193 7 referred to in this title as “handlers.” Such orders shall regulate, in the manner hereinafter in this section provided, only such han¬ dling of such agricultural commodity, or product thereof, as is in the current of interstate or foreign commerce, or which directly burdens, obstructs, or affects, interstate or foreign commerce in such commodity or product thereof. COMMODITIES TO WHICH APPLICABLE (2) Orders issued pursuant to this section shall be applicable only to the following agricultural commodities and the products thereof (except canned or frozen grapefruit, the products of naval stores, and the products of honeybees), or to any regional, or market classi¬ fication of any such commodity or product: Milk, fruits (including filberts, almonds, 4 pecans and walnuts but not including apples, other than apples produced in the States of W ashington, Oregon, and Idaho, and not including fruits, other than olives and grapefruit, for canning or freezing), tobacco, vegetables (not including vege¬ tables, other than asparagus, for canning or freezing), soybeans, hops honeybees ancl naval stores as included in the Naval otores Act and standards established thereunder (including refined or par¬ tially refined oleoresin) : Provided , That no order issued pursuant to this section shall be effective as to any grapefruit for canning or freezing unless the Secretary of Agriculture determines, m addition to other findings and determinations required by this Act, that the issuance of such order is approved or favored by the processors who, during a representative period determined by the Secretary, ha^e been engaged in canning or freezing such commodity for market and have canned or frozen for market more than 50 per centum of the total volume of such commodity canned or frozen for market during such representative period. 5 NOTICE AND HEARING (3) Whenever the Secretary of Agriculture has reason to believe that the issuance of an order will tend to effectuate the declared pol¬ icy of this title with respect to any commodity or product thereof specified in subsection (2) of this section, he shall give due notice of and an opportunity for a hearing upon a proposed order. FINDING AND ISSUANCE OF ORDER (4) After such notice and opportunity for hearing, the Secretary of Agriculture shall issue an order if he finds, and sets forth in such order, upon the evidence introduced at such hearing (m addition to such other findings as may be specifically required by this section) that the issuance of such order and all of the terms and conditions thereof will tend to effectuate the declared policy of this title with respect to such commodity. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 1937 221 TERMS—MILK AND ITS PRODUCTS ^ ® In C l se „ of milk and its Products, orders issued pursuant to this section shall contain one or more of the following terms and conditions, ana (except as provided in subsection (7)) no others: (A) Classifying milk m accordance with the form in which or the purpose for which it is used, and fixing, or providing a method for JlrSTfr priCe f i ,r eacl * such use classification which all mil^nimch^iVf y ’ and time when P a y ments shall be made for ulk purchased from producers or associations of producers. Such prices shall be uniform as to all handlers, subject only to adjust¬ ments for (1) volume, market, and production differentials cus¬ tomarily applied by the handlers subject to such order, (2) the grade deliverv of° f pi? P urchased > and (3) the locations at Ihich sudi handlers ’ ° r ^ US6 classificati on thereof, is made to (B) Providing: (i) for the payment to all producers and associations of pro- del ;, Vei ;T milk to the same handler of uniform prices for all milk delivered by them: Provided , That, except in the case of orders covering milk products only, such provision is approved or favored by at least three-fourths of the producers who, during a representative period determined by the Secretary Agriculture, have been engaged in the production for market “ l k covered in such order or by producers who, during such representative period, have produced at least three-fourths of t* e , to fume of such milk produced for market during such pe¬ riod; the approval required hereunder shall be separate and apart from any other approval or disapproval provided for bv this section; or r J (ii) for the payment to all producers and associations of pro¬ ducers delivering milk to all handlers of uniform prices for all nnlk so delivered, irrespective of the uses made of such milk by the individual handler to whom it is delivered* i n eithei ; case, only to adjustments for (a) volume, market, J J ° d ; ictlon differentials customarily applied by the handlers sub- f Lp j h f 0rder ’u b) i -H 16 F? de or d uallt y of the milk delivered, (c) the locations at which delivery of such milk is made, and (d) a further adjustment, equitably to apportion the total value of the milk purchased by any handler, or by all handlers, among producers and associations of producers, on the basis of their marketings of milk during a representative period of time. , A C) In order to accomplish the purposes set forth in paragraphs (A) and (B) of this subsection (5), providing a method for making adjustments m payments, as among handlers (including producers who are also handlers), to the end that the total sums paid by each handler shall equal the value of the milk purchased by him ‘at the prices fixed m accordance with paragraph (A) hereof. (D) Providing that, in the case of all milk purchased by handlers a , ny P rod u c er who did not regularly sell milk during a period of 30 days next preceding the effective date of such order for con¬ sumption m the area covered thereby, payments to such producer, for the period beginning with the first regular delivery by such pro- 222 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 1937 ducer and continuing until the end of two full calendar months fol¬ lowing the first day of the next succeeding calendar month, shall be made at the price for the lowest use classification specified in such order, subject to the adjustments specified in paragraph (B) of this subsection (5). (E) Providing (i) except as to producers for whom such services are being rendered by a cooperative marketing association, qualified as provided in paragraph (F) of this subsection (5), for market in¬ formation to producers and for the verification of weights, sampling, and testing of milk purchased from producers, and for making ap¬ propriate deductions therefor from payments to producers, and (ii) for assurance of, and security for, the payment by handlers for milk purchased. . . (F) Nothing contained in this subsection (5) is intended or shall be construed to prevent a cooperative marketing association qualified under the provisions of the Act of Congress of F ebruary 18, 1922, as amended, known as the “Capper-Volstead Act, engaged in making collective sales or marketing of milk or its products for the producers thereof, from blending the net proceeds of all its sales in all markets in all use classifications, and making distribution thereof to its pro¬ ducers in accordance with the contract between the association and its producers: Provided , That it shall not sell milk or its products to any handler for use or consumption in any market at prices less than the prices fixed pursuant to paragraph (A) of this subsection (5) for such milk. (G) No marketing agreement or order applicable to milk and its products in any marketing area shall prohibit or in any manner limit, in the case of the products of milk, the marketing in that area of any milk or product thereof produced in any production area in the United States. TERMS-OTHER COMMODITIES (6) In the case of the agricultural commodities and the prod¬ ucts thereof, other than milk and its products, specified in subsection (2) orders issued pursuant to this section shall contain one or more of the following terms and conditions, and (except as provided in subsection (7)), no others: 6 , ,, (A) Limiting, or providing methods for the limitation or, the total quantity of any such commodity or product, or of any grade, size, or quality thereof, produced during any specified period or periods, which may be marketed in or transported to any or all mar¬ kets in the current of interstate or foreign commerce or so as directly to burden, obstruct, or affect interstate or foreign commerce in such commodity or product thereof, during any specified period or pe¬ riods by all handlers thereof. ^ (B) Allotting, or providing methods for allotting, the amount of such commodity or product, or any grade, size, or quality thereof, which each handler may purchase from or handle on behalf of any and all producers thereof, during any specified period or periods, under a uniform rule based upon the amounts sold by such producers in such prior period as the Secretary determines to be representative, o The provisions of this paragraph were substituted for the previous provisions by sec. 401 of the Agricultural Act of 1954. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 193 7 223 Z £ P ° n J he current quantities available for sale by such producers o both, to the end that the total quantity thereof to be purchased’ or handled during any specified period or periods shall be armor’ tioned equitably among producers. 1 1 be ap P 01 ' nni C) 4 Ilottin S - ’ or providing methods for allotting, the amount of any such commodity or product, or any grade, size oraualitv thereof, which each handler may market in or transport to anv or all markets m the current of interstate or foreigii commerce or so n4r!l rec y burden > obstruct, or affect interstate or foreign com- PfA , SUC 4 commodlt y or product thereof, under a uniform rule ‘ sed upon the amounts which each such handler has available for current shipment, or upon the amounts shipped by each such handler m such prior period as the Secretary determines to be representa¬ tive, or both, to the end that the total quantity of such commodity oi product, or any grade, size, or quality thereof, to be marketed in or transported to any or all markets in the current of interstate £ state S o n r C rr-? erCe ° r 80 as directly burden ’ 0bstruct ’ or affect inter¬ state or foreign commerce m such commodity or product thereof during any specified period or periods shall be equitably apportioned among all of the handlers thereof. 1 J apportioned (D) Determining or providing methods for determining, the ex¬ istence and extent of the surplus of any such commodity or product i of any grade, size, or quality thereof, and providing for the con- nf° ,nr!l d dlSP ? Sltl T ° f SU - ch sur lffus, and for equalizing the burden handlers thereof. ehminatl ° n or contro1 producers and nnil^? Stablisbi i ng ° r pr n ovidin g for the establishment of reserve p ools of any such commodity or product, or of any grade size or hei J° f ’ a ? d .Providing for the equitable disTrfbution of the fici«llyrteSSdU^ n ,^ S ' there ° f am ° ng the P“ sons (F) Requiring or providing for the requirement of inspection of and marked by hidTerr dUCt Pr ° dUCed dl, ™ g specificd P e ™ ds lie^nf Case - ° f ?° ps and their products, in addition to, or in or more of fCIKSg? " conditions - OTde “ “ay contain one „ (0 Limiting or providing methods for the limitation of, the total quantity thereof or of any grade, type, or variety thereof, produced dk te g tb s P ecided period or periods, which all handlers may han- d e m the current of or so as directly to burden, obstruct, or affect interstate or foreign commerce in hops or any product thereof. V Ap P.ortiomng, or providing methods for apportioning, the total quantity of hops of the production of the then current calen¬ dar year permitted to be handled equitably among all producers in the production area to which the order applies upon the basis of one or more or a combination of the following: The total quantity of hops available or estimated will become available for market by each ducHorf4f r fhp hlS pr0( U ? 1 1 0n dunn S such period; the normal pro¬ duction of the acreage of hops operated by each producer durino- such period upon the basis of the number of acres of hops in pr<£ duction, and the average yield of that acreage during such period as the Secretary determines to be representative, with adjustments de- 224 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 1937 termined by the Secretary to be proper for age of plantings or ab¬ normal conditions affecting yield; such normal production or his¬ torical record of any acreage for which data as to yield of hops are not available or which had no yield during such period shall be determined by the Secretary on the basis of the yields of other acre¬ age of hops of similar characteristics as to productivity, subject to adjustment as just provided for. (iii) Allotting, or providing methods for allotting, the quantity of hops which any handler may handle so that the allotment fixed for that handler shall be limited to the quantity of hops apportioned under preceding section (ii) to each respective producer of hops; such allotment shall constitute an allotment fixed for that handler within the meaning of subsection (5) of section 8a of this title (U. S. C., 1940 edition, title 7, sec. 608a). (H) providing a method for fixing the size, capacity, weight, dimensions, or pack of the container, or containers, which may be used in the packaging, transportation, sale, shipment, or handling of any fresh or dried fruits, vegetable, or tree nuts: Provided , how¬ ever That no action taken hereunder shall conflict with the Standard Containers Act of 1916 (15 U. S. C. 251-256) and the Standard Con¬ tainers Act of 1928 (15 U. S. C. 25i—257i) ; 7 (I) establishing or providing for the establishment of marketing research and development projects designed to assist, improte, or promote the marketing, distribution, and consumption of any such commodity or product, the expense of such projects to be paid from funds collected pursuant to the marketing order. 7 TERMS COMMON TO ALL ORDERS (7) In the case of the agricultural commodities and the products thereof specified in subsection (2) orders shall contain one or more of the following terms and conditions: (A) Prohibiting unfair methods of competition and unfair trade practices in the handling thereof. (B) Providing that (except for milk and cream to be sold for consumption in fluid form) such commodity or product thereof, or any grade, size, or quality thereof shall be sold by the handlers thereof only at prices filed by such handlers in the manner provided in such order. . , 0 , , . . ,, (C) Providing for the selection by the Secretary of Agriculture, or a method for the selection, of an agency or agencies and defining their powers and duties, which shall include only the.powers. (i) To administer such order in accordance with its terms and proj-sions’make ruleg and regulations to effectuate the terms and provisions of such order; , . (iii) To receive, investigate, and report to the Secretary of Agri¬ culture complaints of violations of such oidei; and (iv) To recommend to the Secretary of Agriculture amendments to such order. A , , . No person acting as a member of an agency established pursuant to this paragraph (C) shall be deemed to be acting in an official capac- 7 Pars. (H) and (I) were added by sec. 401 of the Agricultural Act of 1954 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 193 7 225 ity, within the meaning of section 10 (g) of this title, unless such person receives compensation for his personal services from funds of the United States. 1 here shall be included in the membership of any agency selected to administer a marketing order applicable to grape¬ fruit for canning or freezing one or more representatives of proces¬ sors of the commodity specified in such order. 8 (D) Incidental to, and not inconsistent with, the terms and condi¬ tions specified m subsections (5), (6) and (7) and necessary to ettectuate the other provisions of such order. ORDERS WITH MARKETING AGREEMENT . Exce Pt as provided in subsection (9) of this section, no order issued pursuant to this section shall become effective until the han¬ dlers (excluding cooperative associations of producers who are not engaged m processing, distributing, or shipping the commodity or product thereof covered by such order) of not less than 50 per centum ot the volume of the commodity or product thereof covered by such order which is produced or marketed within the production or mar¬ keting area defined in such order have signed a marketing agreement, entered into pursuant to section 8b of this title, which regulates the landlmg of such commodity or product in the same manner as such older, except that as to citrus fruits produced in any area producing what is known as California citrus fruits no order issued pursuant to tins subsection (8) shall become effective until the handlers of not less than 80 per centum of the volume of such commodity or product thereof covered by such order have signed such a marketing agree- ment Provided , That no order issued pursuant to this subsection shall be effective unless the Secretary of Agriculture determines that Ul / ! S f U r, nce of such order . 1S approved or favored: (A) at least two-thirds of the producers who (except that as to citrus fruits produced m any area producing what is known as California citrus fruits said order must be approved or favored by tl™- T1 th£ L° f 8 1950 (64 S ta t. 261). The President is now authorized to impose quan- maUve^r^tion' 5 (quotas) and fees on any agricultural when; ever he finds, pursuant to appropriate proceedings by the Tariff Commission that m sibilities under sec. 22, see 17 F. R. 8287 (September 16. 1952). AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 193 7 237 impose such fees not in excess of 50 per centum ad valorem or such quantitative limitations on any article or articles which may be enteied, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption as he finds ff C ar ? sh T n , Jy su ? b investigation to be necessary in order ei / r try -° f SUch artl 9 1 ® or . articles will not render or tend to enclei ineffective, or materially interfere with, any program or op- stantial/vtbp^ t0 7 s ] lbsectlon ( a ) of this section, or reduce sub¬ stantially the amount of any product processed in the United States Ss™ an tn Sl ! cb , agricultural commodity or product thereof with respect to which any such program or operation is being under¬ taken . Provided , That no proclamation under this section shall im¬ pose any limitation on the total quantity of any article or articles which may be entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consump- lon which reduces such permissible total quantity to proportionately ess than 50 per centum of the total quantity of such article S articles which was entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for con¬ sumption during a representative period as determined by the President: And provided further , That in designating any article 01 articles, the President may describe them by physical qualities, Aalue, use, or upon such other bases as he shall determine 1 renortTfn^Tp ier t ^ Secretary of Agriculture determines and reports to the President with regard to any article or articles that f o uT^! tl0n i e ? StS J equ ' ril ^ r emergency treatment, the President may take immediate action under this section without awaiting the reconi- —°T ° f fl he Tan ? Commission, such action to continue in ettect pending the report and recommendations of the Tariff Com¬ mission and action thereon by the President. 18 (7 U S C 624 thn The fees and limitations imposed by the President by procla- mation under this section and any revocation, suspension, or modifi¬ cation thereof, shall become effective on such date as shall be therein specified, and such fees shall be treated for administrative purposes SpWv W t riP 0SeS ° f SeCt ‘° n fA Public Law "umbered 320, Seventy-fourth Congress, approved August 24, 1935, as amended as duties imposed by the Tar ff Act of 1930, but such fees shall not be considered as duties for the purpose of granting any preferential concessmri^umleTyaiiy international obligation of the United States. ■(d) After investigation, report, finding, and declaration in the Sbsect r ion r ?M d nf Z the f c - ase of a Proclamation issued pursuant to subsection (b) of this section, any proclamation or provision of such proclamation may be suspended or terminated by the President whenever he finds and proclaims that the circumstances requiring iK r a rB° r Provision thereof no longer exist or may be modified by the President whenever he finds and proclaims that changed circumstances require such modification to carry out the purposes of this section. (7 U. S. C. 624 (d)) J shMLtTu.s.a627(11 > nt “ to fa ° ts lmder this section (f) No trade agreement or other international agreement hereto- fore or her eafter entered into by the United States shall be applied Stat P l7 r 2 SraPh added by 8ec - 104 ° f the Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1953. 67 238 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 1937 in a manner inconsistent with the requirements of this section. (7 U. S. C. 624 (f))3 [TRADE AGREEMENTS EXTENSION ACT OF 1951, 20 AS AMENDED Sec. 7. (a) Upon the request of the President, upon resolution of either House of Congress, upon resolution of either the Committee on Finance of the Senate or the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, upon its own motion, or upon appli¬ cation of any interested party (including any organization or group of employees) , 21 the United States Tariff Commission shall promptly make an investigation and make a report thereon not later than six months 22 after the application is made to determine whether any product upon which a concession has been granted under a trade agreement is, as a result, in whole or in part, of the duty 8 r customs treatment reflecting such concession, being imported into the United States in such increased quantities, either actual or relative, as to cause or threaten serious injury to the domestic industry pro¬ ducing like or directly competitive products. In the course of any such investigation, whenever it finds evidence of serious injury or threat of serious injury or whenever so directed by resolution of either the Committee on Finance of the Senate or the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the Tariff Commission shall hold hearings giving reasonable public notice thereof and shall afford reasonable opportunity for interested parties to be present, to produce evidence, and to be heard at such ^Should the Tariff Commission find, as the result of its investigation and hearings, that a product on which a concession has been gi anted is, as a result, in whole or in part, of the duty or other customs treatment reflecting such concession, being imported in such increased quantities, either actual or relative, as to cause or threaten serious injury to the domestic industry producing like or directly competitive products, it shall recommend to the President the withdrawal or modification of the concession, its suspension in whole or in part, or the establishment of import quotas, to the extent and for the time necessary to prevent or remedy such injury. M ithin sixty da vs, or sooner if the President has taken action under subsection (c) of this section, the Tariff Commission shall transmit to the Committee on Finance of the Senate and the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives an exact copy of its report and recom¬ mendations to the President. , , ,, (b) In arriving at a determination in the foregoing procedure the Tariff Commission, without excluding other factors, shall take into consideration a downward trend of production, employment, prices, profits, or wages in the domestic industry concerned, or a decline m sales, an increase in imports, either actual or relative to domestic 19 The provisions of this subsec. (f) were substituted for the origmal provisions by sec. 8 (b) of the Trade Agreements Extension Act of 19ol, approved June 16, 19ol, 6 o Stat 72 75 21 “Anv interested 6 party%tacluding 5 any organization or group 0 fP 1 P l° 5 S5 S 6SG S “tStb tuted for “any interested party” by the Act of August 20, 19o8. Pub. L. So-686. Both < '°22 S ‘‘Six months'’ Substituted for “nine months” by the Act of August 20. 19 08 , Pub. L- 85-686 85th Cong., 72 Stat. 676. "Nine months” substituted for one year by the Act of August 7, 1953, 67 Stat. 472. AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 193 7 239 production, a higher or growing inventory, or a decline in the pro- portion or the domestic market supplied by domestic producers. . . 0) Upon receipt of the Tariff Commission’s report of its investigation and hearings, the President may make such adjust- ments m the rates of duty, impose such quotas, or make such other modifications as are found and reported by the Commission to be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury to the respective domestic industry. If the President does not take such action within sixty days he shall immediately submit a report to the Committee on Ways and Means of the House and to the Committee on Finance ot the Senate stating why he has not made such adjustments or modifications, or imposed such quotas. (2) The action so found and reported by the Commission to be necessary shall take effect (as provided in the first sentence of para¬ graph (1) or in paragraph (3), as the case may be) — (A) if approved by the President, or (B) if disapproved by the President in whole or in part, ^ ie adoption by both Houses of the Congress (within the bO-clay period following the date on which the report referred to in the second sentence of paragraph (1) is submitted to such committees), by the yeas and nays by a two-thirds vote of each House, of a concurrent resolution stating in effect that the Senate and House of Representatives approve the action so found and leportecl by the Commission to be necessary. For the purposes of subparagraph (B), in the computation of the 60-day period there shall be excluded the days on which either House is not m session because of an adjournment of more than 3 days to a day certain or an adjournment of the Congress sine die. , o \' / r> \ any Ca !? ir L wh jch the contingency set forth in paragraph ( ) (B) occurs, the President shall (within 15 days after the adop- tion of such resolution) take such action as may be necessary to make the adjustments, impose the quotas, or make such other modifications aS /^ r€ Ut? unc . and ^ported by the Commission to be necessary. 23 (d) When in the judgment of the Tariff Commission no sufficient reason exists for a recommendation to the President that a conces¬ sion should be withdrawn or modified or a quota established, it shall 09 U ^VlSei) a reP ° rt Stating itS findingS and conclusions. ******* (f) In carrying out the provisions of this section the President may, notwithstanding section 350 (a) (2) of the Tariff Act of 1930 as amended, impose a duty not m excess of 50 per centum ad valorem on an y article not otherwise subject to duty. 24 Sec. 8. (a) In any case where the Secretary of Agriculture de¬ termines and reports to the President and to the Tariff Commission with regard to any agricultural commodity that due to the perish¬ ability of the commodity a condition exists requiring emergency treatment, the Tariff Commission shall make an immediate investi¬ gation under the provisions of section 22 of the Agricultural Adjust¬ ment Act, as amended, or under the provisions of section 7 of this 85-686, b 72 C Star 676. ^ approved, or done under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, or any amendment thereof, but such marketing bfrpb mentS ’ ll ° enses > orders, regulations, provisions, and acts are hereby expressly ratified, legalized, and confirmed. (b) Any program in effect under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as reenacted and amended by this Act, on the effective date of sect.° n 302 of the Agricultural Act of 1948 shall couth,,,e in effecl without the necessity for any amendatory action relative to such program but any such program shall be continued in operation by the Secretary of Agriculture only to establish and maintain such orderly marketing conditions as will tend to effectuate the declared purpose set out m section 2 or 8c (18) of the Agricultural Adjust ment Act, as reenacted and amended by this Act. (7 U. S. C. 672) 25 TAXES UNDER AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT; PROVISIONS UNAFFECTED Sec. 5. No processing taxes or compensating taxes shall be levied or collected under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended Except as provided in the preceding sentence, nothing in this act shall be construed as affecting provisions of the Agricultural Adjust¬ ment Act, as amended, other than those enumerated in section 1 The provisions so enumerated shall apply in accordance with their teims (as amended by this act) to the provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, this act, and other provisions of law to which thev have been heretofore made applicable. (7 U. S. C. 673) y SHORT TITLE Sec. 6. This act may be cited as the “Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937.” (7 U. S. C. 674) marketing RECOVERY ACTIONS BY PRODUCERS FOR COOPERATIVE PAYMENT [Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended—Sec. 717 (d) 26 1 JNo action for the recovery of any cooperative payment made to a cooperative association by a Market Administrator under an in¬ valid provision of a milk marketing order issued by the Secretary of ^ g iQQV tU i re ii ) u rSUan ^ to the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act dLp? 37 Sh m b n mamta j ned unless such action is brought by pro- duceis specifically named as party plaintiffs to recover their respec¬ tive share of such payments within ninety days after the dat e P of enactment of the Defense Production Act Amendments of 1952 with respect to any cause of action heretofore accrued and not otherwise arred, or within ninety days after accrual with respect to future payments, and unless each claimant shall allege and prove (1) that sncb J nn Ct6d 1 the heann ? t0 tbe Provisions of the order undi which such paym ents were made and (2) that he either refused to accept designation*^ n°/and added^ubsec. fb) ° f 1948 (<52 Stat 1247) inserte d the subsection 38 This section was added by sec. 120 of the Act of June 30, 1952, 66 Stat. 306. 242 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING AGREEMENT ACT OF 193 7 paA'ments computed with such deduction or accepted them under protest to either the Secretary or the Administrator. The district courts of the United States shall have exclusive original jurisdiction of all such actions regardless of the amount involved. This subsec¬ tion shall not apply to funds held in escrow pursuant to court order. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, no termination date shall be applicable to this subsection. (50 App. L. S. C. 2166 (d)] NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH ACT 1 AN ACT T ° P ^n ,d o e f sistanc ? t0 t he States in the establishment, maintenance opera¬ tion, and expansion of school-lunch programs, and for other purposes. Tj^Li theSen . at( L and n °use of Representatives of the nutted Mates of America m Congress assembled , That this Act may be cited as the National School Lunch Act.” (42 U. S. C. 1751 note) DECLARATION OF POLICY Sec. 2. It is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress as a national security, to safeguard the health and well-being o the Nation s children and to encourage the domestic consumption ?lj n “ tr l tlous a S ricultural commodities and other food, by assisting the States, through grants-in-aid and other means, in providing an adequate supply of foods and other facilities for the establishnfent c’. 1 a 7 n 5 d 1) eX P ansion of non P r °fit school-lunch APPROPRIATIONS AUTHORIZED W%i 3 'i<£? r f? Ch y l ar ’ be ? ini ? in g ™th the fiscal year ending IhtV 18 h T h l authorized t0 be appropriated, out of f p ° ' the f Freasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may ferrpd tn enabIe the Secretary of Agriculture (hereinafter re- (42 U. S. C 1752 S ) eC } Carry ° Ut the P rovisions of this Act. APPORTIONMENTS TO STATES Sec. 4. The sums appropriated for any fiscal year pursuant to the authorization contained m section 3 of this Act, excluding the sum specified in section 5, shall be available to the Secretary for supply¬ ing, during such fiscal year, agricultural commodities and other foods hL A, SC m? ' c nC1 P r °S rai V n accordance with the provisions of this Act I he Secretary shall apportion among the States during ^ach fiscal year not less than 75 per centum of the aforesaid fundi made available for such year for supplying agricultural commodities md other foods under the provisions of this Act. The total of such pportionments of funds for use in Puerto Rico, Guam, and the VHgin Islands shall not exceed 3 per centum of the funds appro¬ priated for agricultural commodities and other foods for the school- u /£ h P ro £Tam; except that in the case of the first apportionments )l funds from any annual or supplemental appropriation (and only n such case ), the apportionment for Puerto Rico, the apportionment cons'umption :) in ( sclfoofs^ *p.'l 8 25)°^an(f 1 sec O 404 nt to see. 103 of that Act. P ' may donatetl to school-lunch programs pursu- 492443—59 -17 243 NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH ACT 244 for Guam, and the apportionment for the Virgin Islands, shall be not less than that amount which will result in an allotment per child of school age equal to the allotment per child of school age in the State (other than Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands) hay¬ ing the lowest per capita income among the States participating in such first apportionments. 2 Apportionment among the States shall be made on the basis of two factors: (1) The number of school children in the State and (2) the need for assistance m the State as indicated by the relation of the per capita income in the Lnited States to the per capita income in the State. The amount of the initial apportionment to any State shall be determined by the fol¬ lowing method: First, determine an index for the State by multi¬ plying factors (1) and (2); second, divide this index by the sum of the indices for all the States; and, finally, apply the figure thus obtained to the total funds to be apportioned. For the purpose of this section, the number of school children in the State shall be the number of children therein between the ages of five and seventeen, inclusive; such figures and per capita income figures shall be the latest figures certified by the Department of Commerce. For the purposes of this Act, “school” means any public or nonprofit private school of high-school grade or under and, with respect to 1 uerto Rico, shall also include nonprofit child-care centers certified as such bv the Governor of Puerto Rico. If any State cannot utilize all funds so apportioned to it, or if additional funds are available under this Act for apportionment among the States, the secretary shall make further apportionments to the remaimng States in the same manner. (42 U. S. C. 1753) NONFOOD ASSISTANCE Sec. 5. Of the sums appropriated for any fiscal year pursuant to the authorization contained in section 3 of this Act, $10,000,000 shall be available to the Secretary for the purpose of providing, during such fiscal year, nonfood assistance for the school-lunch program pursuant to the provisions of this Act. The Secretary shall appor tion among the States during each fiscal year the aforesaid sum of $10,000,000, and such apportionment among the States shall be on the basis of the factors, and in accordance with the standards, set forth in section 4 with respect to the apportionment for agricultural commodities and other foods. Apportionments of funds for- use m Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands for nonfood assistance shall be determined subject to the provisions of the third sentence of section 4. 3 (42 U. S. C. 1754) DIRECT FEDERAL EXPENDITURES Sec. 6. The funds appropriated for any fiscal year for carrying out the provisions of this Act, less not to exceed 3V 2 P e J centum thereof hereby made available to the Secretary for his administrative ex¬ penses and less the amount apportioned by him pursuant *° sections 4, 5, and 10, shall be available to the Secretary during such year for direct expenditure by him for agricultural commodities and other a The two preceding sentences were substituted for the original proeisions by the '.Sit'eS w. 6 . SKitiS'ed for ,h, original provision by the Act nf July 12. l«tt NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH ACT 245 iV?°nf 0 10 i be 1 d 1 istri 1 buted am ong the States and schools participating m the school-lunch program under this Act in accordance with tht needs as determined by the local school authorities. The provisions ol\ w f C0 M-f 1 ? ed ln the P rov iso of the Act of June 28, 1937 P (50 Stat 323), facilitating operations with respect to the purchase and dis¬ position of surplus agricultural commodities under section 32 of the Act approved August 24, 1935 (49 Stat. 774), as amended shall to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act also’ be It u s.TmsT 68 of fimds by the Sea ' eta * y " n ’ d ” ** PAYMENTS TO STATES durino- If™ ds a PP orti °ne<\ to any State pursuant to section 4 or 5 for disbursement IrvtF l be / vadable 1 for payment to such State ioi disbursement by the State educational agency, in accordance with such agreements not inconsistent with the provisionsof^[h?s Acf as may be entered into by the Secretary and such State educational fifpnT y ’ for - the P u rp os e of assisting schools of that State durino- such fiscal year, m supplying (1) agricultural commodities and otherfoods fnceTf S r Pti r ft du dren and nonfood assistance in forther ance of the school-lunch program authorized under this Act. Such 195 (T?uHi any , S ^ a ^ e ln an y fiscal year during the period 1947 to 1950 inclusive shaH be made upon condition that each dollar thereof determined bv d thp r q g T ' 7 f r , by $1 / rom sources within the State determmed by the Secretary to have been expended in connection with the school-lunch program under this Act Such payments in any fiscal year during the period 1951 to 1955, inclusive^ shall be made upon condition that each dollar thereof will be so matched bv one and one-half dollars; and for any fiscal year thereafter such be T made u Pon condition that each dollar will’be so by f- In the case of an y State wbose per capita income is less than the per capita income of the United States, the matchino- required for any fiscal year shall be decreased by the percentage the^Unfiprf ^late per capita income is below the per capita income of die United States. For the purpose of determining whether the matching requirements of this section and section 10, respectively }' Y ;, been m . et ’ tbe reasonable value of donated services, Supplies’ facilities, and equipment as certified, respectively, by the State edu- a * d } n cas ® of scb ools receiving funds pursuant to section 10, by such schools (but not the cost or value of land, of the acquisition, construction, or alteration of buildings of commodities donated by the Secretary, or of Federal contributions), may be regarded as funds from sources within the State expended incon- to C thp n commissioner of education, or similar nicer), or (b) a board of education controlling the State denartmpnt bSTJ/fT r at hl 'f 6 District 0( &lumbS a sh P a“ Jme 30 StfT’ ^ f C6pt tbat for the P eriod ending June oU, 1948, State educational agency” may mean anv awriPTi agencies within the State designated b/ the L~Z cSrfoS the ftinctums herein required of a State educational agency. y (3) Nonprofit private school” means any private school exemnt as°SnendS e SeCti ° n 101 (6) ° f the Internal Avenue Code, (4) “Nonfood assistance” means equipment used on school nrem- U S in C St °1760j preparmg ’ or servin g food for school children.^ (42 < This sentence was substituted for the original provision by the Act of July 12, 1952. COMPROMISING, ADJUSTING, OR CANCELING DEBTS ACT OF DECEMBER 20, 1944 The Secretary of Agriculture, hereinafter referred to as the Sec¬ retary, is hereby authorized and directed to compromise, adjust, or cancel indebtedness arising from loans and payments made or credit extended to farmers under the provisions of the several Acts of Con- gress or programs enumerated in section 2: Provided . That the Secretary finds, after such investigation as he deems sufficent to es¬ tablish the facts, that (1) said indebtedness has been due and P a y ab ] e for five years or more; (2) the debtor is unable to pay said indebted¬ ness in full and has no reasonable prospect of being able to do so; (3) the debtor has acted in good faith in an effort to meet his ob¬ ligation; and (4) the principal amount of said indebtedness is not in’excess of $1,000. The Secretary is hereby further authorized at his discretion to cancel and discharge indebtedness arising under said Acts of Congress or programs when the amount of said in¬ debtedness is less than $10, or the debtor is deceased and there is no reasonable prospect of recovering from his estate, or his whereabouts has remained unknown for two years and there is no reasonable prospect of obtaining collection, or he has been discharged of the indebtedness in any proceeding under the Act entitled An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States ” The compromises, adjustments, or cancelations authorized by this section shall be effected through such agencies, upon such terms and conditions, and subject to such regulations, as the Secre¬ tary may prescribe, and the Secretary may delegate the exercise of any such powers and functions to such officers or employees of the Department of Agriculture as he may designate. (12 U. S. U. 1150) Sec. 2. The provisions of this Act shall apply to any indebtedness of farmers arising from loans or payments made or credit extended to them under any of the following Acts or programs: ( a ) July 1, 1918 (40 Stat. 635); March 3, 1921 (41 Stat 1347); March 20, U-2 (42 Stat. 467); April 26, 1924 (43 Stat 110) ; February 25, 1927 (44 Stat. 1245); February 28, 1927 (44 Stat, part H, 1251) , Feb¬ ruary 25, 1929 (45 Stat. 1306), as amended May 17, 1929 (4Ji Stat 3); March 3, 1930 (46 Stat. 78-79), as amended April 24, 1930 (46 254 ) • December 20, 1930 (46 Stat. 1032), as amended February 14 1931' 46 Stat 1160);February 23 1931 (46 Stat 1276); January 22, 1932 (47 Stat. 5); March 3, 1932 (47 Stat 60); February 4, 1933 (47 Stat, 795); February 23, 1934 ( 4 ® S ta.f. 354);. Ju " e 19 , JJ34 ^ Stat. 1056); February 20, 1935 (49 Stat 28); March 21, 1935 (49 Stat. 50); April 8, 1935 (49 Stat. 115) (Executive Order Iso.7305, January 29, 1937 (50 Stat. 5); and February 4, 1938 (52.Stat. 2<), (b) Agricultural Adjustment Act (of 1933); Bankhead Cotton Act of April 21, 1934, on account of the several cotton tax-exemption certificate pools; Jones-Connally Cattle Act of April 7, 1934; Emer- 248 COMPROMISING, ADJUSTING, OR CANCELING DEBTS 249 geney Approprktion Act, fiscal year 1935, approved June 19, 1934; Kerr Tobacco Act of June 28, 1934, and Public Resolution numbered 76, approved March 14,1936; section 32 of the Act of August 24,1935, eg I s atl0 i 1 ’ Supplemental Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1936; sections 7 to 1 7 of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot¬ ment Act; Sugar Act of 1937; sections 303 and 381 (a) of the Agri- cultural Adjustment Act of 1938 and related or subsequent legislation authommg parity or price adjustment payments; title IV and title V of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 and related legislation; any amendment to any of the foregoing Acts heretofore and any other Act of Congress heretofore enacted authorizing payments to farmers under programs administered through the Agricultural Adjustment Agency; (c) Loans made by or through the Resettlement Administra¬ tion or the Farm Security Administration out of funds appropriated 6 avai ^ a ble by or pursuant to the following Acts: April 8 1935 (49 Stat. 115) ; June 22, 1936 (49 Stat. 1608) ; February 9, 1937 (50 Stat. 8); June 29, 1937 (50 Stat. 352); The Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, July 22, 1937 (50 Stat. 522 et seq.); the Water Facilities Act of August 28,1937 (50 Stat. 869 et seq.); March 2,1938 (52 Stat. 83, Public Resolution numbered 80); June 21, 1938 (52 Stat 809) • “, 1939 (53 Stat. 927); June 26, 1940 (Public Resolution num¬ bered^ 88); flood-restoration loans, Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1943 (57 Stat. 537, 542) ; and subsequent legislation appropriat¬ ing or making available funds for such loans; commodity loan, pur¬ chase, sale, and other programs of the Commodity Credit Corporation • and crop-insurance programs formulated pursuant to title V of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (the Federal Crop Insurance Act), and any amendment or supplement thereto heretofore or here¬ after enacted. This Act shall also apply to any indebtedness of farmers evidenced by notes or accounts receivable, title to which has been acquired in the liquidation of loans to cooperative associations made under the provisions of the Act of June 15, 1929 (46 Stat. 11) . (1^ U. S. C. 1150a) Sec. 3. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such amount as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to carry out the provisions of this Act, and the current and subsequent appropriations to enable the Secretary to administer the respective Acts of Congress or pro¬ grams to which the aforesaid payments or loans or extensions of credit relate shall also be available for the administrative expenses of carrying out this Act. (12 U. S. C. 1150b) Sec. 4. [Repealed, effective September 1, 1948, by 62 Stat. 862. of TbT^lS Q C j tion are now covered b y sections 222 and 1026 PART VIII DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FARM CREDIT ADMINISTRATION APPROPRIATION ACT, 1959 1 AN ACT Making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture and Farm Credit Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1959, and for other pur¬ poses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled . That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other¬ wise appropriated, for the Department of Agriculture and I" arm Credit Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1959, namely: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TITLE I—REGULAR ACTIVITIES ****** GREAT PLAINS CONSERVATION PROGRAM For necessary expenses to carry into effect a program of conserva¬ tion in the Great Plains area, pursuant to section 16 (b) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, as added by the Act of August 7, 1956 (16 U. S. C. 590p), $10,000,000 to remain available until expended. AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION PROGRAM For necessary expenses to carry into effect the program authorized in sections 7 to 15, 16 (a), and 17 of the Soil Conservation and Do¬ mestic Allotment Act, approved February 29, 1936, as amended (16 U. S. C. 590g-590 (o), 590p (a), and 590q), including not to exceed $6,000 for the preparation and display of exhibits, including such displays at State, interstate, and international fairs within the United States; $235,000,000, to remain available until December 31 of the next succeeding fiscal year for compliance with the program of soil- building and soil- and water-conserving practices authorized under this head in the Department of Agriculture and Farm Credit Ad¬ ministration Appropriation Act, 1958, carried out during the period July 1, 1957, to December 31, 1958, inclusive: Provided , That not to exceed $24,698,000 of the total sum provided under this head shall be available during the current fiscal year for administrative expenses for carrying out such program, the cost of aerial photographs.^ how¬ ever, not to be charged to such limitation ; but not more than $5,025,- 800 shall be transferred to the appropriation account “Administrative l Approved June 13, 1958, Pub. L. 85-459, 72 Stat. 188. 250 AGRICULTURE AND FARM CREDIT ACT, 195 9 251 6xp e n s e s , seetion 392, Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938”: Pro- Aer Ji That i 110116 ° f the funds herein appropriated shall be used to pay the salaries or expenses of any regional information employees or any State information employees, but this shall not preclude the answering of inquiries or supplying of information at the county level to individual farmers: Provided further , That such amounts shall be available for administrative expenses in connection u i the • formu J atlo 1 n and administration of the 1959 program of ofFebruarv 29 n( 19 S 3 0 fi ' fl and wate J c . onservi ng practices, under"ithe Act . February 29, 1936, as amended (amounting to $250,000,000, includ¬ ing administration, and no participant shall receive more than $2,500 where th ® Participants from two or more farms or ranches ]oin to carry out approved practices designed to conserve or improve nn e Zn CU t i ra i! 1 i esourc J es ? f the community) : Provided further }That change shall be made in such 1959 program which will have the 51 an y c ^ mt y.’ °f restricting eligibility requirements or cost¬ sharing on practices included in either the 1957 or the 1958 programs, unless such change shall have been recommended by the county com¬ mittee and approved by the State committee: Provided further , That not to exceed 5 per centum of the allocation for the 1959 agricultural for f 11 ^ coun ty may, on the recommendation of such county committee and approval of the State committee, be with¬ held and allotted to the Soil Conservation Service for services of its techmeuuiss m formulating and carrying out the agricultural conserva- hv rtfSr m the Participating counties, and shall not be utilized fi Conservation Service for any purpose other than teclinical and other assistance in such counties, and in addition, on the recom¬ mendation of such county committee and approval of the State com- mittee, not to exceed 1 per centum may be made available to any other Federal, State, or local public agency for the same purpose and under 82 e 50 S 000 e n C S?ol 1 l t r S: furt ^ That for the 1959 Program $-,500,000 shall be available for technical assistance in formulating ? l ! t ^ncultural conservation practices and $1,000,000 shall be available for conservation practices related directly to flood prevention work m approved watersheds: Provided further , That such amounts shall be available for the purchase of seeds, fertilizers lime, trees, or any other farming material, or any soil-terracing services, and making grants thereof to agricultural producers to aid them m carrying out farming practices approved by the Secretary under programs provided for herein: Provided further, That no part of any funds available to the Department, or any bureau office sl°Xh atl °V r °Ji her ag6nCy £ ons 1 titutin f a P a rt of such Department,’ shall be used m the current fiscal year for the payment of salary or travel expenses of any person who has been convicted of violating the Act entitled An Act to prevent pernicious political activities” approved August 2, 1939, as amended, or who lias been found in accordance with the provisions of title 18, United States Code, section have V1 °¥?? j° r ^tempted to violate such section which prohibits the use of Federal appropriations for the payment of per- sonal services or other expenses designed to influence in any manner Member of Congress to favor or oppose any legislation or appro¬ priation by Congress except upon request of any Member or through the proper official channels. g 252 AGRICULTURE AND FARM CREDIT ACT, 1959 SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM For necessary expenses to carry out the provisions of the National School Lunch Act (42 U. S. C. 1751-1760), $110,000,000: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for nonfood assist¬ ance under section 5 of said Act: Provided further , That $-.>5,000,000 shall be transferred to this appropriation from funds available under section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935, for purchase and distribu¬ tion of agricultural commodities and other foods pursuant to section 6 of the National School Lunch Act, such additional funds to be used for the general purposes of section 32. ******* Soil Bank Programs CONSERVATION RESERVE PROGRAM For necessary expenses to carry out a conservation reserve program as authorized by subtitles B and C of the Soil Bank Act (7 U. S. C. 1831-1837 and 1802-1814), $200,000,000: Provided , That not to exceed $16,000,000 shall be available for administrative expenses of which not less than $12,750,000 may be transferred to the appropriation account “Local administration, section 388, Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938”: Provided further , That no part of this appropriation shall be used to enter into contracts with producers which together with contracts already entered into would require payments to pro¬ ducers (including the cost of materials and services) in excess of $375,000,000 in any calendar year, and for purposes of applying this limitation, practice payments shall be chargeable to the first year of the contract period: Provided further , That no part of these funds shall be paid on any contract which is illegal under the law due to the division of lands for the purpose of evading limits on annual payments to participants: Provided further , That hereafter no con¬ servation reserve contract shall be entered into which provides for (1) payments for conservation practices in excess of the average rate for comparable practices under the Agricultural Conservation Pro¬ gram, or (2) annual rental payments in excess of 20 per cent of the value of the land placed under contract, such value to be determined without regard to physical improvements thereon or geographic loca¬ tion thereof. In determining the value of the land for this purpose, the county committee shall take into consideration the estimate of the landowner or operator as to the value of such land as we ^ as his certificate as to the production history and productivity of such land. ACREAGE RESERVE PROGRAM For necessary expenses to carry out an acreage reserve program in accordance with the provisions of subtitles A and C of the boil Bank Act (7 U S C. 1821-1824 and 1802-1814), $330,000,000: Provided , That not to exceed $13,000,000 of the total sum provided under this head shall be available for administrative expenses: Provided fur¬ ther, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to formulate and administer an acreage reserve program with respect to the 1959 crops. AGRICULTURE AND FARM CREDIT ACT, 1959 Commodity Stabilization Service 253 ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS AND MARKETING QUOTAS For necessary expenses to formulate and carry out acreage allot¬ ment and marketing quota programs pursuant to provisions of title c°Vi , o! tu f l1 Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended (7 U. S. C. 1301-1393), $39,715,000, of which not more than $6,380,100 shall be transferred to the appropriation account “Administrative expenses, section 392, Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938”. SUGAR ACT PROGRAM Foi necessary expenses to carry into effect the provisions of the Sugar Act of 1948 (7 U. S. C. 1101-1161), $76,000,000, to remain available until June 30 of the next succeeding fiscal year: Provided that expenditures (including transfers) from this appropriation for other than payments to sugar producers shall not exceed $2,124,500. Federal Crop Insurance Corporation OPERATING AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES For operating and administrative expenses, $6,376,700. * ***** * TITLE II—CORPORATIONS The following corporations and agencies are hereby authorized to make such expenditures, within the limits of funds and borrowing authority available to each such corporation or agency and in accord with law, and to make such contracts and commitments without re¬ gard to fiscal year limitations as provided by section 104 of the Gov- erment Corporation Control Act, as amended, as may be necessary in 1 n£n y i ng 0ut 1 the P r °g rams set forth in the budget for the fiscal year 1J5J for such corporation or agency, except as hereinafter provided: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Fund Not to exceed $2,000,000 of administrative and operating expenses may be paid from premium income. Commodity Credit Corporation RESTORATION OF CAPITAL IMPAIRMENT To restore the capital impairment of the Commodity Credit Cor¬ poration determined by the appraisal of June 30, 1957, pursuant to mS)f$°l!760^t,886 MarCh 8 ’ 1938 ’ “ amended (15 U ' S - C - LIMITATION ON ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to prevent the Com¬ modity Credit Corporation from carrying out any activity or any 254 AGRICULTURE AND FARM CREDIT ACT, 1959 program authorized by law: Provided , That not to exceed $35,398,000 shall be available for administrative expenses of the Corporation: Provided further , That $1,000,000 of this authorization shall be avail¬ able only to expand and strengthen the sales program of the Corpo¬ ration pursuant to authority contained in the Corporations charter: Provided further , That not less than 7 per centum of this authoriza¬ tion shall be placed in reserve to be apportioned pursuant to section 3679 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, for use only in such amounts and at such time as may become necessary to carry out pro¬ gram operations: Provided further , That all necessary expenses (in¬ cluding legal and special services performed on a contract or fee basis, but not including other personal services) in connection with the acquisition, operation, maintenance, improvement, or disposition of any real or personal property belonging to the Corporation or in which it has an interest, including expenses of collections of pledged collateral, shall be considered an nonadministrative expenses for the purposes hereof. ******* TITLE IV—GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 401. Within the unit limit of cost fixed by law, appropria¬ tions and authorizations made for the Department under this Act shall be available for the purchase, in addition to those specifically provided for, of not to exceed 466 passenger motor vehicles of which 462 shall be for replacement only, and for the hire of such vehicles. Sec. 402. Provisions of law prohibiting or restricting the employ¬ ment of aliens shall not apply to employment under the appropria¬ tion for the Foreign Agricultural Service. Sec. 403. Funds available to the Department of Agriculture shall be available for uniforms or allowances therefor as authorized by the Act of September 1, 1954, as amended (5 U. S. C. 2131). Sec. 404. No part of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be used for the payment of any officer or employee of the Department who, as such officer or employee, or on behalf of the Department or any division, commission, or bureau thereof, issues, or causes to be issued, any prediction, oral or written, or forecast, except as to dam¬ age threatened or caused by insects and pests, with respect to future prices of cotton or the trend of same. . . Sec. 405. Except to provide materials required m or incident to research or experimental work where no suitable domestic product is available, no part of the funds appropriated by this Act shall be expended in the purchase of twine manufactured from commodities or materials produced outside of the U nited States. _ Sec. 406. Not less than $1,500,000 of the appropriations of the Department for research and service work authorized by the* Acts of August 14, 1946, and July 28, 1954 (< L . S. C. 427, 16*_1—16l9), shall be available for contracting in accordance with said Acts. Sec. 407. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act or of the funds available for expenditure by any corporation or agency included in this Act shall be used for publicity or propaganda pur¬ poses to support or defeat legislation pending before the Congress. This Act may be cited as the “Department of Agriculture and Farm Credit Administration Appropriation Act, 1959". index Acreage allotments. See Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Rice, Tobacco Wheat Acreage Reserve Program. See Soil Bank Act ’ ' Actual production. See Production ’ p Adjustment of marketing quotas Administrative areas_ _ _ ' - Administrative expenditures: 6,66,82 Agricultural Adjustment Act of 193S„ QO Q ~ Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act i li Compromising, adjusting or canceling debts. ’ ola Federal Crop Insurance Act_ _ jo 4 International Wheat Agreement Act of1949 fo? Soil Bank Act_ _ _ _ Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment’Act 3 nm Sugar Act of 1948_ __ ' ’ 1 9in Administrative expenses, deduction of,'from payments' fl q, qo Advances ratlVe Pr0cedure Act > fune tions excluded from..!”"!””" ’ ^ 182 Administrative expenses of committees_ _ Q1 Agricultural conservation program__ _ R Commodity Credit Corporation_IIIIII” I’ I ”00 Crop insurance premiums_ Advances to departmental agencies: Brucellosis eradication Classing and grading_II_ " Foot and mouth disease_ . Advertising and sales promotion programs', wool,'moh'air,’s’he’ep,'and goats' 143 Advisory committee, crop insurance p ’ goats. 143 Aerial photographs, availability of " Agricultural Act of 1949, see also Price support f Agricultural Act of 1954_ \oo\aa Agricultural Act of 1956: 138-144 Title II—Surplus Disposal_I_ Title V—Certificate Program for Rice " 145 XSSSStAS’SW. Act <0f 1933) - «“"A^uTtu^-M^eVii g Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 ™ Agricultural attaches_ __ __ ti-ua Agricultural commodities, products' and’ byproducts-’ 141 Base period for prices_ Expenditure to encourage exportation. '.I "I ,7? Promotion of sale by Secretary of Commerce' ’ ’ 00 Research into uses and markets Stimulation of use_’ll” — - .Transportation charges, parties to’compl’aints 9, 00 Agricultural commodity, defined A.A. Basic___"mu- H 191 Nonbasic_ 133 Agricultural conservation program *33 Administration by Secretary ^~ 19 Agricultural experiment stations, production 'exempt from penalty- 99 Agricultural Extension Service. See Extension Service P 7 - 2 SS “di e ‘“ g A6reem “ t Ac ‘ »' 19 37. See Marketing Agree- Agricultural Surplus Disposal Administrator_ , . Q Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 195411 III 164-173 255 INDEX 256 Allocation of funds to: Bureaus and offices of the Department for— Agricultural adjustment-.-.-. Federal crop insurance- Price support operations- j" Soil bank_ "4 Sugar..-----. 19 Commodities_ Research laboratories- Secretary of Commerce---- a States— - - — — — — — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — _ — — — - — — - — — — — — — — — - — — — Allotment pool- Appointment of officers and employees: Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938- Commodity Credit Corporation..... J Federal Crop Insurance Corporation--- Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act..-- A Appropriation Act, fiscal year 1959: Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938— Acreage allotments and marketing quotas- ~~ Limitation of funds transferred to Section 392--- Commoditv Credit Corporation-- Conservation and use of agricultural land resources;— Administrative expense funds for 1958—59 agricultural conserva- tion program- stV Conservation materials and services- Exhibits, preparation and display- Formation of 195&-59 program— Limitation on amount of payment to participants. fgi Funds available for 1958-59 program.. Information employees, prohibition against-- Political activity prohibited- £?} Prohibition against influencing legislation- j^} Soil Conservation Service, utilization of- State committees to determine and approve practices.... -01 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation..-- General provisions— 9 c 4 Aliens, employment of- fj" Automobiles___ 9 ,, Cotton, prohibition against price predictions- * Funds for contracts relating to research--- Legislation, prohibition against acts influencing- Twine, prohibition against purchase of- Soil bank_ Sugar Act_ Appropriation authorizations: . Commodity Credit Corporation capital impairment- Cost of classing or grading---- For Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act--— •>'' Grain for waterfowl- . International Wheat Agreement- J — Public Law 480 dispositions- Sales for foreign currency- Section 32, supplemental- i- - Transfers to supplemental stockpile- * Assignment, agricultural conservation program payment- i* Assistance to friendly nations- ' Bank for Cooperatives, loans for storage structures- i 1*3 Loans to Department agencies- j*j4 Loans, income tax on_ 1®1 Loans, nonrecourse_ 130 Location of offices_---- *1“ Making available surplus agricultural commodities- 166, 171 Markets, expansion of_ 114 Munitions Board, Department of Defense- 112 National School Lunch Act_ 243 Offices of_ 110 Personal property, acquisition of- 111 Personnel- If Price support authority_ 113 Procuring agricultural commodities- 113 Purchasers of converted goods_ H° INDEX 259 Commodity Credit Corporation—Continued Page Purposes_ _ jjq Real estate, acquisition of_ _ ” U2 Reconcentration of cotton_ IIIII-I"""""" so Records and reports_ _ __~ 116 Regulations and rules, authority"to aTfoptll111 Reimbursement by other agencies. See Reimbursement to CCC. Removal or disposition of surplus commodities_ _ 114 Reports to Congress. See Reports by CCC to Congress. Research, restrictions on_ __ Restrictions on acquisition of real and personal property_ _ 112 Right to intervene in proceedings__ ~ UQ Rights, privileges and immunities of, same"as" United States 111 Sales. See Sales by CCC. Set aside of commodities_ iqo Set-offs_IIIIII 111 Settlements, authority to make_ liq Specific powers_ 213 State and local laws, applicability_ 111111111111 " m Statutes applicable to Corporation_ _ __ 114 117 102 Stimulating foreign production__ _’ 162 Storage facility loans to grain producers_~~~ 112 Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act_ 113 , 139, 147 Suits- _ j 10 Summary of legal history of Corporation_ _ iqg Supporting prices of agricultural commodities__ 113 Surplus disposal_ _ __ ‘ Taxation_ 11-1111111 _" 153 Transfer of assets of Delaware corporation_ _ __ 117 Use of funds and other assets_ ' Usual custom of the trade_ 11 - 111 - 1.11 _111 Utilization of association and trade facilities_ 114 ng Utilization of usual trade channels_ 111 112 114 I2fi ifi 1 ?’i«n Commodity set-aside. See Set-aside. ’ ’ ’ ’ 5 ’ 180 Conditions for receiving payment or grant of aid__ 2 6-7 9 68 206 Confidential records and reports__ ___ — III I „ ’ ’ 85 Congress, interest of members in contracts with the Government_ 90 116 Conservation materials and services, see also Grants of aid ’ 7 Consumer safeguards_ on Consumption, normal domestic human_ __ _ o Consumption, normal year’s domestic: Defined— Corn, cotton, tobacco, wheat_ Rice_ Converted goods_ Cooperation, for soil conservation: Government agencies_ States_ Cooperative associations, recognition and encouragement of Cooperator, defined_ Corn: ~ " 28 28 118 2 4 7 , 21 133 Acreage allotments and marketing quotas_ Acreage allotment for commercial area— Amount of_ Apportionment to counties_ IIIIIII-IIIIIIII'I"""” Apportionment of county allotment to farms_ When proclaimed_ Appeal relating to allotment, see also Review of acreage allotment Conditions of eligibility for price support Definitions— Actual production_ Bushel_ Carryover_ Commercial corn-producing area_ ---------- Farm consumption_I_~ 18 45 45 45 46 45 82 124 26 26 26 27 27 492443—59- INDEX 260 Corn—Continued _ Acreage allotments and marketing quotas—Continued Definitions—Continued Farm marketing quota- Market, marketed, for market- Marketing year- Normal production- Normal supply-- Normal year’s domestic consumption- Normal year’s exports- Normal yield_ Reserve supply level- Total supply_ Farm acreage allotments- Notice of farm acreage allotment- Farm Marketing Excess Nonallotment farms- Producer subject to penalty on- ------ Reduction of stored amount by underplanting or producing subnormal crop--- Regarded as available for marketing- Regulations governing delivery or storage- Farm marketing quotas— Amount of farm quota--- Conditions requiring proclamation of- Effect of termination--- Exemption of farms producing 300 bushels- Exemption of farms planting 15 acres or less- Increase or termination- Notice of farm marketing quota- Termination of, on basis of September crop estimate- When proclaimed. - Identification of marketings- Increase or termination of quotas and allotments- Legislative finding- Measurement of farms- Penalties— Application for adjustment of- Buyer to collect and pay- Depletion of stored excess corn- Exemption of corn marketed by experiment stations.. Exemption of nonallotment farms- Lien for, on entire crop---- — -- Marketings subject to, until excess stored or delivered- Nonallotment farms- Payment of, upon failure to deliver or store excess corn- Producer subject to penalty- Rate of penalty- Refund of penalty- When due_ Price support level- Proclamations— Acreage allotment for United States- Commercial corn-producing area..- Increase or termination of marketing quotas- Marketing quotas---- Normal supply, reserve supply level, total supply- Referendum results- Referendum— Effect of results- Eligible voters----—.——— - Notice of farm quota and allotment mailed prior to referen¬ dum_ Proclamation of results- When conducted- Regulations issuance by Secretary- Page 43 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 31 43 82 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 85 84 43 86 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 124 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 87 INDEX 261 Corn—Continued Acreage allotments and marketing quotas—Continued Page Reports and records required of buyers, warehousemen and others. Data confidential_ _ _ 35 Review of farm quota and allotment, see also Review of farm marketing quota and acreage allotment_ 82 Acreage allotments under Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act_ g Crop insurance. See Crop insurance. Loans. See Price support. Acreage requirement for price support_ 120 125 Price support on_ “ 120 ’125 Parity payments__ ’ *"’qo Cotton: -- Acreage allotments and marketing quotas (American upland cotton). Acreage planted, effect of, on agricultural conservation program payment_ . ... 8 Adjustment of acreage planted to cotton_80 Appeal relating to farm quota and allotment, see also Review of farm marketing quota and acreage allotment_ 82 County acreage allotments— Adjustments in_ _ _ g 2 Apportionment to old cotton farms_ 62 County cropland factor_II..III I" 62 Reserves for adjustments and new farms_ ~ 63 Definitions— Actual production_ Carryover_ Farm marketing excess_ _ Market, marketed, for market_IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Marketing year_ National average yield_II Normal production_H" Normal supply_II_.II Normal year’s domestic consumption_' Normal year’s exports_ Normal yield, county and farm_IIIIIIIIIIII Parity_ Total supply_IIIIIIIIII I Excess acreage excluded from allotment calculations" Farm acreage allotments— Adjustments in old farm allotments_ Adjustments in allotments for small farms_ Apportionment of county allotment to old farms'.'."!!!!!!!! Farms acquired for governmental use_ Minimum farm allotments for 1956-57_II Minimum, for old farms_ New Farms_IIIIIII Release and reapportionment" of 1956^57 farm"allotments ’ 11 rarm marketing excess— Adjustment in amount of_ Amount of farm marketing excess_IIIIIII " Producer subject to penalty on_III.II Regarded as available for marketing_I_II Farm marketing quotas— Amount of farm quota__ Increase or termination_ Identification of marketings_111.11 Legislative findings_ Long staple cotton: Applicability of provisions of Act relating to acreage allot¬ ments and marketing quotas for cotton_ Exemption of, from acreage allotments and marketing quotas for American Upland cotton_ 26 26 67 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 23 31 66 64 64 62 87 65 65 65 66 67 67 68 68 67 84 85 58 69 69 INDEX 262 Cotton—Continued Acreage allotments and marketing quotas—Continued Long staple cotton—Continued National marketing quota— Amount_ Minimum national quota_ When proclaimed_ Rate of penalty_ Varieties of long staple cotton_ Measurement of farms_ National acreage allotment— Amount of_ Apportionment to States: For 1953 and subsequent years_ When proclaimed_ National marketing quota— Amount of_ Conditions requiring proclamation of_ Minimum national marketing quota-... When proclaimed_ Penalties— Buyer to collect and pay- Exemption of marketings by experiment stations- Interest on unpaid penalty- Lien for, on entire cotton crop- Long staple cotton exemption- Producer subject to_ Rate of penalty_ Refund of penalty_ Proclamations— Increase or termination of marketing quotas- National acreage allotment_ National marketing quota- Referendum results_ Referendum— Effect of results_ Eligible voters__ Notice of farm quota and allotment mailed prior to referen¬ dum_ Proclamation of results_ When conducted_ Regulations, issuance by Secretary- Reports and records_ Availability of data on allotments and quotas- Data confidential_ Information required of ginners, buyers and others- Review of farm quota and allotment, see also Review of farm marketing quota and acreage allotment- Standard grade of cotton for parity and price support- State acreage allotments— Apportionments to counties_ Minimum State allotment_ Reserve for adjustments and new farms- War crops and service, credit for- Classification of_ Crop insurance. See Crop insurance. Export sales_ Extra long staple. See Extra-long staple cotton. Insurance on_ Loans. See Price support. Parity payments_ Predicting prices_ Price support on_ Reconcentration of_ Sales for export_ Sales to foreign governments_ Set-aside_ Standard grade_ Page 69 69 68 69 69 86 60 60 60 59 59 59, 60 59 80 85 68 68 69 68 68 85 80 60 59 60 60 60 82 60 60 87 85 85 85 85 82 62 62 62 154 146 187 32 254 121 89, 162 161 158 138 130 INDEX 263 Cottonseed, price support_ Cottonseed oil, set-aside_ County agricultural extension agent_ County committee, election of_ County committee, secretary to_1 County convention, election of delegates to Court: Jurisdiction_ Review— Page - 137 - 138 - 6-7 - 7 - 7 - 7 87, 110, 181, 185, 188, 211 Marketing quotas_ Sugar allotments_’ Crop insurance. See also Federal Crop Insurance Corporation." Advances to producers_ Agricultural commodities defined_.IIIIIIIIII I" Amount of insurance coverage_ Applications for, number required_ Claims for losses_ Corn_ ~ "" Cotton_~ ~~ ~~~ ~ Cottonseed_ Counties, number in which" insurance to be offered! I Criminal provisions applicable_ Crops insured_ Declaration of purpose_ _”"I ” Fla^ 1 * 16 resee< ^ same crop or to follow good farming practices Indemnities free from levy_ Interest of Members of CongressIiriIIZ_ZZZI_IZZ_IZZ Investment insurance_ Jurisdiction of courts on claims_IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Limitations on basis of risk involved_ Minimum amount of participation__IHIIIIIIIHI_”” Multiple crop insurance_ Premiums_!"!'! Neglect or malfeasance of producer_ Reinsurance for private companies_ Risks insured against_ Tobacco_ Wheat_~~~ Cropland: Government owned, payments to_ Leasing by government_ _ Dairy products: 83 202 14 191 187 188 188 187 187 189 187 191 187 184 188 187 189 190 188 188 188 188 187 188 188 187 187 187 187 12 107 Availability to armed forces, Veterans Administration Congressional policy_ Domestic disposal_ Donations_ Price support_ Set-aside of butter_ Data, latest available to be used_ Death, incompetency, or disappearance, person"entitled" to’payment’ Debts, compromising, adjusting or canceling— Applicable statutes and programs_ Appropriation authorization_ Conditions under which action authorized_ Regulations, issuance by Secretary_ Declaration of policy, Agricultural Adjustment Act of 19381 Deficiency, loan collateral, liability for_ Definitions: - 126 127 126,128 126, 127 - 125 - 128 32 90, 209 248 - 249 248 - 248 21 - 130 Actual production_ Adjusted base price_ Affect interstate and foreign commerce Agricultural commodity_ Basic agricultural commodity_ Bushel_~ Carry-over_ 26 23 25 14, 191 133 26 133 264 INDEX Definitions—Continued Pa £* Commercial corn-producing area- 27 Cooperator_ 133 Corn.. Department_ 25 Direct-consumption sugar- 105 Farm consumption- 27 Farm marketing excess_ 43-44, 53, 67 Farm marketing quota_ 53, 67, 74, 77 Federal agency- 157 Friendly nations_ 170 Governor_ 157 Interstate or foreign commerce- 25, 235 Liquid sugar___ 105 Local Government_ 157 Long staple cotton- 6 ® Major disaster_ 157 Manufactured sugar- 214 Manufacturer, sugar-214 Market, marketed, marketing---- National average yield-- 28 Nonbasic agricultural commodity- 133 Normal production- 28 Normal supply--- 28 Normal year’s domestic consumption- Normal year’s exports- 29 Normal yield- 29 Parity, prior to Agricultural Act of 1949 - 24 Parity, income- 25 Parity index- 24 Parity price_ PP 3 ,DUtS — — — — — — — — — —-— 01 Person.:""":"""""”-_25,182, 195, 214, 219 Producer, sugar- 106 Quota, sugar- 2° Raw sugar_ Raw value, sugar- Reserve supply level- 3U Storable commodities--— {"r Sugars- 0;? Supply percentage---- Surplus agricultural commodities- “y Tobacco_ Total sugar content- Total sugars- 7," Total supply_ dl » Transitional parity price- 24 United States___2o, 136 Demonstrational projects- Deposit of funds: Crop insurance- Excise tax, sugar-- Marketing penalties- w > ou ’ An Photographic reproductions- X Determinations, sugar-.----.- iy ' iy8 ’ 2 j^~ 2 iu Disappearance, death, or incompetency, person entitled to payment-yu, -uu Disaster relief: Feed. 157 1 CUU___------ -- “ - 1 Equipment, supplies--- . Diseases of animals, expense of eradication...... . . 104-ioa Disposition of surplus agricultural commodities- 114, 131, 133, 140 lou District attorneys, enforcement of Sugar Act by-* oi'iel’ 011 District courts, jurisdiction of- L®7, 116, 181, loo, INDEX 265 Diverted acreage: Page Corn----- 9, 45 Rice- 70,71 Tobacco-35,39 Wheat- 9,47-53 Domestic markets, expansion of, for agricultural commodities_15, 22, 114, 174 Donation: For disaster relief_ 132 For research or education_ 139 Generally-11111*135,176 Of dairy products_ 126 Of flour and cornmeal_ 136 To penal institutions_ 149 To school lunch program_ 246 To trust territories of the United States_ 178 Donation of set-aside commodities: Disaster relief in U. S_ 139 Foreign disaster relief_ 138 Research or educational purposes_ 139 School lunch_ 246 Drainage projects_3 149 Educational exchange, financing of international_ 168 Election of local and county committees_ 7 Eligibility to vote in committee elections_ 7 Eminent domain_' 87 Enforcement of Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938_ 87 Expansion of international trade_ 164 Export and surplus removal_ 164 Export, sales for— Cotton_ 146 Extra-long staple cotton_ 146 Extension Service_ 91 onq County agent_’ 7 State director_ 7 Extra-long staple cotton: Export sales_ 146 Import quota_~ 146 Price support_ 122 Sales for export_ 146 Facts constituting basis for agricultural conservation program payment, sugar or parity payment, loan, or price support, conclusiveness of.. 15,’90, 210 Fair prices for conservation materials and services_ 8 Famine relief: CCC surplus commodities for_ 171 Marking, as from U. S_~~ 173 Farm, definition of, for purposes of sugar payments_ 8 Farm marketing excess: Cotton- 60-67 Rice- 70-74 Wheat_ 53-57 Farm marketing quotas. See Corn, Cotton, Peanuts, Rice, Tobacco" Wheat. Farms, small, Provisions relating to- 6 , 35-38, 44 , 53, 60, 80, 208 Federal Crop Insurance Act_ 184-193 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation: Accounting by_ 190 Actions on claims_ 188 Advances by CCC for payment of premiums_ 92 Advisory committee_;_ 191 Allotment of funds to bureaus, offices, and agencies_ 187 Annual reports_~~~ 199 Appropriation, authorization for administrative costs_ 191 Appropriations for fiscal years 1958-1959. See Appropriations. Audit of accounts by General Accounting Office_ 190 Board of Directors_" 184 By laws, adoption of_185 Capital stock_”” ig 4 266 INDEX Federal Crop Insurance Corporation—Continued Claims for losses- Compensation, injured employees- Corporate powers- Corporate seal--- Court action, by and against- Creation_ Crimes and offenses- Deposit of funds—- Employees to furnish bonds- Exemption from legal process- Exemption from taxation--- Expenditures, authority to determine- Fiscal agent of Government- Free use of mails- Funds, deposit and investment- General powers of Corporation- Incidental powers- Indemnities, payment of- Location, principal office- Management- Manager--- Non-administrative and nonoperating expenses- Offset purchases and sales- Personnel_ Premium rates_ Premium reserves- Premiums, collection or payment of- Publication of list of indemnities paid--- Purchase, handling, and sale of agricultural commodities Purpose of Act- Regulations_ Report to Congress-- --- T - Research, surveys, and investigations- Right to amend Act- Separability_ Tax exemption- Page 188 186 185-186 185 . 185 184 190 190 186 185 190 186 190 186 190 185-186 186 187 184 184 .. 185 191 187 186 187-189 187-189 187-189 187-189 187-189 184 185,191 190 185 191 191 190 Utilization: Cooperative associations-.---- Local committees or associations- Federal Property and Administrative Services Act Feed for livestock_ Fees, import- Finality of determinations--- Financing exports of surplus commodities- Fines and forfeitures: Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938- Commodity Credit Corporation . _- Federal Crop Insurance Corporation- International Wheat Agreement- Soil Bank Act- Sugar Act- Fish and fish products, surpluses of- Flood control projects-- — -- Food stamp plan, legislative directive.------- Foreign currency, sales for under Public Law 480: Deposit of currency in special account- Report to Congress- Use of currency- Foreign governments, sales to- Foreign markets, expansion of- Foreign production, stimulation of- Freight, ocean, payment of- Freight rates, adjustment of- Friendly nations: Assistance to- Sales to, for foreign currency- _ 186 _ 186 _ 161 _ 157 _ 174,237 15, 24, 90, 134, 174,186, 210 _ 85 _ 116 _ 192 _ 181 _ 106 _ 210 _ 176 _ 149 _ 145 _ 170 _ 171 _ 167 _ 158 14, 141,165 _ 162 .. 167,171 _ 21 _ 173 _ 165 INDEX 267 Goats: Pago Advertising and sales promotion programs_ 143 Price support on mohair_ 141 Government-owned cropland, payments on_ 12 Grants of aid: Assignment of payments earned_ 12 Increase of small payments_ 10-11 Review of basis for or amount of payment_ 6 , 9-11 Ten-thousand-dollar limitation_ ’ 12 Grants to agricultural producers, conditions of payment_ 10 Great Plains conservation program_ 17 Hearings: Adjustment of marketing quotas_ 84 Imports_~~~~ 236 Parity prices_~ 24 Price support level_ 130 Review committee_g 2 Sugar-IllHII’ioi, 212 Honey- 125 Hops- 224 House of Representatives, Committee on Ways and Means_ 238-239 Imports quotas and fees under Section 22 of Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933_ 236—237 Agreements with foreign governments_ 147 Extra-long staple cotton_^46 Imports and exports: Farm commodities, investigation of cause of reduction of exports_ 23 President’s authority under Section 22 of Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933_ 236 See also Sugar. Incompetency, death, or disappearance, person entitled to payment... 90 209 Income tax, on CCC loans_ ’ jgl Industrial Use Commission_”” 543 Innocent purchasers of converted goods_ 118 Insurance on cotton_ jgg Intergovernmental organizations, use of_ 171 International Wheat Agreement, 1956_~ lg 2 International Wheat Agreement Act of 1949_ 179 Appropriation authorization_jg^ Fines and forfeitures_ Igl Jurisdiction of courts_igi Person, defined_IIIIIIIIIIIIII 182 Regulations and rules, issuance by President_ 180 Utilization of Commodity Credit Corporation_ 179 Interstate Commerce Commission: Department of Agriculture, cooperation_ 21-22 Farm products, prosecution of complaints by Secretary of Agriculture 21-22 Hearings before_ _ __ 22 Investigations.-II"I 1 6 ," 12,"23,’27,~84," 186,"212, 236 Irrigation, drainage, and flood control projects_ 149 Landlords, tenants, or sharecroppers_ 7 if)-ii 90S Laws, miscellaneous_ ’ ’ 217 Letters of commitment, sales for foreign currency_ 166 Limitation on actions_IIIIIII I”"_ " 241 Limitations, payments under agricultural conservation program_ 11-12 Livestock and poultry producers, protection of income of_ 10 Livestock feed, sugar_ 215 Loans for storage facilities_ "" "112 137 Loans, income tax on CCC_IIIIIII_IIIIIIIIIIIIII . ’ 161 Loans, irrigation, drainage projects_ 149 Loans, on agricultural commodities. See Price support. Local administrative areas_ 6 66 90-91 Local and county committees. See Committees. Long staple cotton. See Cotton. Manufacturers, sugar tax_ 213-215 Maps, furnished to governmental agencies_IIIII.. "90 268 INDEX Market, marketing, or marketed, definition of--— Marketing agreements and orders: Anti-trust laws, exemption from- Blended milk prices_ Books, keeping of_ Commerce, interstate or foreign, defined- Commodities for which orders may be issued- Confidential information, penalties- Cooperation with State authorities- Forfeitures_ Fruit and vegetable orders- Generally_ Hearing on order_ Marketing agreements_ Marketing control: Commodities other than milk and its products, methods Milk and its products, methods- Marketing order, issuance- Marketing policy- Milk marketing orders- Milk order prices- Milk programs_ Notice of proposed order_ Orders: Agreement, conformation to- Arbitration of disputes- Authority to issue--- Commodities other than milk or its products, terms of_. Cooperative, approval of, as approval of producer- Exemption from_ Finding of Secretary-- Imported commodities, restrictions of- Marketing agreement, with-.- Marketing agreement, with or without- Milk or its products_ Producer and processor, approval of- Recovery of payments under_ Referendum for approving- Regional basis, applicability on- Representation of cooperatives- Terms and conditions of- Penalties for violation of order-_- Petition by handler, court review of Secretary’s ruling..- Petition by handler for modification of order or exemption— Policy_ Products covered by- Purposes of program- Records, keeping of_ Speculation forbidden- Termination of_ Violation of orders_ Marketing penalties. See Penalties. Marketing quotas: Adjustment of quotas and enforcement- Commodities subject to— Cotton_ Peanuts_ Rice_ Tobacco_ Wheat_ _ ___ Review of farm marketing quotas by review committees- Marketing year: Corn_ Cotton_ Page . 27,28 . 219 222 . 230 . 235 . 220 . 230 234 218 . 222 . 217 . 220 219, 225 . 222 221 _ 220 218 . 220 229 220, 229 . 220 .. 218 240 219 222 .. 227 .. 227 220 .. 231 .. 225 225 .. 221 225 241 230 .. 227 227 221, 222 227, 233 __ 228 .. 228 218 219, 220 218 .. 230 234 228 227, 233 80 59 77 74 33 53 82 28 28 INDEX 269 Marketing year—Continued Peanuts_ Rice_ Tobacco_ Wheat_ Wool and mohair_ Measurement of farms_ Migratory waterfowl, grain for_ Military equipment, etc., procurement of Milk: Arbitration of dispute concerning.... Marketing orders_ Policy of Congress_ Prices_ Program to increase consumption of. Miscellaneous laws_ Mohair: Page 28 28 28 28 . 143 86 160 168 240 220, 222 127 125, 229 127 217 Advertising and sales promotion programs_ _ 143 Marketing year_~ ~ _ ~‘ 243 Price support_ IIIIIIII.IIIIIIIIIII 141 Mosaics, furnished to governmental agencies_ qq Multilateral trade loans__ ' j 68 National acreage allotment: Cotton_ .... 60 Peanuts_~_ 77 Rice_ " " 7(2 Wheat_ ~~ 47 National School Lunch Act. See School lunch program. National average yield. See Yield. National Industrial Recovery Act_ 2 National marketing quota: Cotton_ __ _ go Peanuts_ ----------- 77 Tobacco_ _ _ _ qo wheat_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::- 53 National stockpile. See Stockpile. National Wool Act of 1954. See Wool. Naval stores conservation program_ _ 23 New farms: Cotton_ 02 Peanuts_ ” " 7 q Rice_ IIII.I. I _ 71 Tobacco_ oe wheat_ 48 New or expanded markets_' 14138 164 Nonallotment farms, corn, wheat_ IIIIIIII 43 52 Noncooperator, price support_ -IIIIIIIIII" 121 Nonfat dry milk solids, set-aside_ ... _ 138 Normal production. See Production. Normal supply. See Supply. Normal year’s domestic consumption. See Consumption. Normal year’s exports. See Exports. Normal yields. See Yield. Notice, farm marketing quota and acreage allotment, mailed to farmer prior to referendum_ 82 Nursery stock, appropriation authorized_ I_IIIIIHI 3 Obligations, limitation of, for agricultural conservation_ 16 Officers and employees, appointment and compensation. See Appointment of officers and employees. Parity, definition of (prior to Agricultural Act of 1949). . 24 Parity (Agricultural Act of 1949): Cotton, standard grade for purposes of_ 23 270 INDEX Parity (Agriculture Act of 1949)—Continued Definitions— Adjusted base price_ 23 Parity index------ 24 Finality of determinations of prices and indices- 24 Parity price— Determination of_ 23 Wartime subsidy payments included-23-24 Hearings on revision_ 24 Minimum, for 6 years beginning Jan. 1, 1950- 24 References to, meaning of- 24 Parity payments_ 32 Payments: Agricultural conservation program- 5-14 Assignment of_ 12 Cropland owned by United States- 12 Division of, between landlords, tenants and sharecroppers- 11 Finality of determinations- Naval stores conservation program- 13 Parity_ 24 Producers displaced by war effort- Small, increase in_ 11 Soil Bank Act_98-100 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act- 1-19 Sugar_ 195-216 Ten-thousand-dollar limitation- 12 Peanuts: Acreage allotments and marketing quotas—• Appeal of farm quota and allotment, see also Review of farm marketing quota and acreage allotment- 82-83 County acreage allotments_78-79 Definitions— Actual production_ 26 Carry-over_ 26 Market, marketed, for market_ 27 Marketing year_ 28 Normal supply_ 28 Normal yield, county and farm_ 29 Peanuts_ 81 Total supply___ Excess acreage excluded from future allotment calculations- 78 Exemption of farms harvesting one acre or less- 81 Farm acreage allotments— Additional acreage for types in short supply- 78 Apportionment of county allotment to old farms- 78 Apportionment of State allotment to old farms--- 78 Farms acquired by Government under eminent domain powers_ New farms_ Reduction in, for violation- Release and reapportionment of farm allotments- 87 Farm marketing quotas— Amount of farm quota_ Identification of marketings_ Legislative findings_ National acreage allotment— Amount of_ Apportionment to the States_ Conversion of national quota to_ Minimum national acreage allotment- Reserve for new farms_ 79 National marketing quota— Amount_ 77 Conversion to national acreage allotment- Minimum national marketing quota- Proclamation of_ INDEX 271 Peanuts—Continued Acreage allotments and marketing quotas—Continued Penalties, penalty— Page Buyer to pay- 80 Buyer and producer jointly and severally liable for_ 80 Deposit of penalties_ 80 Failure to account for disposition of peanuts_ 80 False identification_ 80 Marketing in excess of farm quota, subject to_ 80 Misuse of marketing card_ 80 Payment of penalty by producer_ 80 Percent excess method of collecting_ 80 Rate of penalty_ 80 Refund of_ 81 No refunds based on peanuts used for seed or home con¬ sumption_ 81 Proclamations— Increase or termination of marketing quotas_ 84 National marketing quota_ 77 Results of referendum_ 77 Referendum— Effect of results_ 77 Eligible voters_ 77 Proclamation of results_ 77 When conducted_ 77 Regulations, issuance by Secretary_ 87 Release and reapportionment of farm acreage allotments_ 87 Reports and records_ 85 Data confidential_ 85 Review of farm quota and allotment, see also Review of farm marketing quota and acreage allotment_ 82 State acreage allotment— Apportionment to old farms_ 78 Apportionment to counties_ 79 Increase in, for types of peanuts in short supply_ 78 War crops and service, credit for_ 81 Penal and correctional institutions, donation to_ 149 Penalty, marketing: Exemption of crops marketed by experiment stations_ 85 Payment, collection, and refund of penalties, see also Corn, cotton, peanuts, rice, tobacco, wheat_ 84 Rate of penalty— Cotton_ 68 Peanuts_" 80 Rice_ 75 Tobacco_ 40 Wheat_' 54 Perishable agricultural commodity_ 129, 175, 239 Personnel: Agricultural Adjustment Administration_ 91 Commodity Credit Corporation_ 115 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation_ 186 International Wheat Agreement Act_ 181 Production and Marketing Administration_ 91 Soil Bank Act_~ ~_~ 105 Soil Conservation Service_ _ 2 Sugar Act_ 210 Photographic reproductions, mosaics, and maps, furnishing of, to govern¬ mental agencies and others_ 90 Policies and purposes: Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938_ 21 Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act_ 110 Federal Crop Insurance Act_~~~ 184 Soil Bank Act_ 95 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act_”””I 1 272 INDEX Practices, agricultural conservation program, see also Appropriation Act, Pa « e 1958-59 fiscal year_ 5—12 Price support: Amount, terms, and conditions_ 129 Commodity Credit Corporation— Authority to sell commodities_ 131 Authority to support prices, charter provision_ 113 Disposition of commodities deteriorating or spoiling- 132, 135 Restrictions on sales_ 131 Sales policies_ 131 Secretary to provide price support through__ 128 Utilization of, in Section 32 programs__.._ 130 Conditional on— Marketing quota, marketing agreement or order program- 128 Cottonseed....._ 127,137 Definitions— Basic agricultural commodity__- 133 Carryover, nonbasic agricultural commodity. 133 Cooperator_ 133 Marketing year_ 134 Nonbasic agricultural commodity_ Normal supply, nonbasic agricultural commodity- 134 Storable commodities_ 132 Supply percentage_ 133 Terms defined in Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938- 134 Total supply, nonbasic agricultural commodity_ 133 Eligibility for price support— Compliance with allotments, goals, practices, quotas- 129 Exclusion of set-aside from computation of carryover- 139 Factors governing availability of price support- T29 Finality of determinations_ 90, 134 Irrigation projects_ 149 Level of price support— Adjustment for grade, location, etc_ Cotton, Middling seven-eighths inch, standard grade- 130 Advance announcement of_ 131 Basic agricultural commodities— Corn, rice, and wheat_ 120, 125 Corn outside commercial area_ 121 Cotton and peanuts_ 120, 121, 123, 124 Long staple cotton_ 120, 121, 122 Non cooperators_ 121 Tobacco_ 120, 121, 122 Fire-cured, dark air-cured, and Virginia sun-cured tobacco_ 122 Designated nonbasic agricultural commodities— Barley_ 125 Grain sorghums_ 125 Honey_ 125 Milk (whole), butterfat, and products- 125 Oats_ 125 Potatoes (Irish)_ 125 Rye_ 125 Tung nuts_ 125 Wool (including mohair)_ 125, 141 Factors considered in determining- 129 Increasing, after public hearing- 130 Loans... __ 120-128 Loans taxable as income_ 161 Nonrecourse loans_ 130 Other nonbasic agricultural commodities_ 125, 128 Parity prices used in determining- 129 Potatoes (Irish), no price support unless quotas in effect- 125 Producer’s liability for deficiencies, etc_ 130 Reconcentrating and insuring cotton- 89, 162 Processor programs_ 129 INDEX 273 Proclamations: Imports_ Marketing quotas— Cotton_ Peanuts_ Rice_ Tobacco_ Wheat_ Procurement costs, reimbursement for_ Producers, small, protection of__I_ ~~~” Production and Marketing Administration: Delegation of powers to_ Organization of_ Production: Actual— Corn_ Cotton_ III””” Peanuts_ Rice_ Wheat_~_ Normal— Corn_ Cotton_ Rice_ Wheat_~_ imim Proportionate shares, sugar_ Public Law 480, 83d Cong _”111111_ III””””” Publication and review of farm marketing quota_ Purchase agreements. See Price support. Purchase orders for conservation materials and services_ Purchases. See Price support. Purchases, advance, of conservation materials and services_ Purchasing power, ratio of farm and nonfarm_ I Quotas. See Import quotas, Marketing quotas, and Sugar Act of 1948. Rate of conservation payments_ Reconcentration of cotton_ Records, availability of Department_ ’ Records and reports— Administrator of Veteran Affairs, report to Congress Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938_ I” Agricultural conservation operations, report to Congress_ Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act 1954_ Commodity Credit Corporation, annual report_ Federal Crop Insurance Corporation_ International Wheat Agreement_ Marketing agreements and orders_ _ ~” Referendum: Page 236 59 77 74 33 47 161 7 14 91 26 26 26 26 54 28 28 28 28 208 164 82 8 8 3 11 89, 162 85 126 85 14 164 116 190 179 230 Commodities to which applicable— Cotton_ Peanuts_ Rice_ Tobacco_ Wheat_ Wool_ II 1.1 IIIIIIII Notice of farm quota and allotment mailed prior to referendum Refunds: 60 77 74 34 57 143 82 Marketing quota penalties_ 85 Regional research laboratories: Establishment and maintenance_ _ 22 Regulations: Acreage allotments and marketing quotas_ 87 Agricultural conservation_ 10 INDEX 274 Regulations—Continued Committees, selection and functions- Commodity Credit Corporation- Corn_ Cotton_ Crop insurance___ Debts, compromising, adjusting, or canceling- International Wheat Agreement..-.-.. Peanuts_ Rice_ Soil Bank Act_ Soil conservation- Sugar_ Tobacco_ Wheat_ Reimbursement to CCC: By other agencies for foreign currency- By other agencies for services- Dairy products--- Disaster and distress relief- Grain for waterfowl- Payments to wool producers —-- Public Law 480 exports- Procurement costs- Transfers to stock pile-.- Use of personnel and facilities by other agencies- Reports. See Records and reports. Reports by CCC to Congress: , , . x A . Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act- Annual report- Disposal of CCC stocks- Public Law 480 sales- Reserve supply level. See Supply. Restrictions on land use See Practices. Review committee, appointment and compensation of members Review of farm marketing quota and acreage allotment: Application for review----- Publication and notice of farm quota and allotment- Review by court of review committee determination- Review of payments or grants only by Secretary- Page _ 7 _ 111 _ 87 _ 87 _ 185 _ 248 . 180 . 87 . 87 _ 107 _ 107 _ 210 _ 87 . 87 _ 170 _ 156 _ 127 . 157 _ 160 _ 142 _ 166 . 161 113, 139, 140 .... 115 171 116 145 171 82 82 82 83 85 Rice Acreage allotments and marketing quotas— _ . . . Appeal of farm quota and allotment, see also Review of farm marketing quota and acreage allotment- County acreage allotments— Apportionment to old farms- 82 72 Definitions— Actual pioduction- Carry-over_ Market, marketed, for market- Marketing year- Normal production- Normal supply-.- Normal year’s domestic consumption- Normal year’s exports- Normal yield- Total supply- Exemptions— . . , . Farms planting 3 acres or less to nonirngated rice.. Rice produced outside continental United btates- Excess acreage excluded in future allotment calculations 26 26 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 31 73 73 72 INDEX 275 Rice—Continued Acreage Allotments and marketing quotas—Continued Farm acreage allotments— Allotments for new farms_:_ Allotments for new producers_ Established on basis of producer’s rice history_~ Established on basis of rice history on farm_ II National reserve for adjustments in, for old and new farms Farm marketing excess— Adjustment in amount of_ Definition of_ Disposition of rice delivered to Department_ I Producer subject to penalty on_ II__I' Reduction of stored amount by underplanting or producing sub-normal crop_ Regarded as available for marketing_III.Ill Regulations governing delivery or storage_IIIIIIIIIIIII Representative grades to be stored unless otherwise provided. Substitution of rice in storage_ Farm marketing quotas— Amount of farm quota__ Increase or termination_ Identification of marketings_ Legislative findings_ Marketings quotas— Conditions requiring proclamation of_ When proclaimed_____ Measurement of farms_ National acreage allotment—- Amount of_ Apportionment among States._11.11111111111""” Reserve acreage for old and new farms_I .III." When proclaimed_:_ Penalties, penalty— Depletion of stored excess rice_ Exemption of rice marketed by experiment stations Interest on unpaid penalty_ Lien for, on entire crop_ Marketings subject to, until excess stored"or "delivered Producer subject to penalty_ Rate of penalty_I Refund of__ When due_ Price support level_IIIIII--IIIIIIII"~_III Proclamations_I Rederendum— Effects of results_ Eligible voters_ Proclamation of results__ When conducted_I_ Regulations, issuance by Secretary_I_HH~I Reports a,nd records_ Data confidential_IIIIII"! Review of farm quota and allotment, see also Review of farm marketing quota and acreage allotment_ State acreage allotments— Apportionment to farms of old producers_ Apportionment to old farms_IIIIIIIIIII. Establishment and adjustment of county allotments_I Reserves for new farms and new producers Rice certificates__ " Apportionment of primary market quota_ Certificates_ Civil Penalties_I_I_IIIH Definitions_ __ ~ Effective date and termination_ Page 73 73 71 71 71 76 74 75 75 76 75 75 75 76 74 84 85, 87 69 74 74 86 73 70 70 70 75 85 75 75 75 75 75 85 75 120 74 74 74 74 74 87 85 86 82 71 71 73 71 89 89 89 89 89 89 492443—59- 19 INDEX 276 Page School lunch program: 247 Accounts and records- 244 Administrative expenses--- Agreements between States and schools-.- 245 Agreements with States- 243, Apportionments-£43 252 Certification to Treasury of payments to States. Declaration of policy- 244 Direct distribution.-- 245 Disbursements to schools- 346 Food costs defined- 9d7 Imposition of teaching requirements prohibited—.-. 245 Matching funds- 2 47 Minority races- 244 Nonfood assistance. _ —-- 247 Nonfood assistance defined--- -47 Nonprofit private school defined- 246 Nutritional requirements- 245 Private schools- 247 Program requirements- 247 Restriction's"on'pubiicYund expenditures not applicable- 245 School defined.-- ---- -- 246 Section 32 commodities to schools- 247 State defined- 247 State educational agency defined- - Utilization of CCC services..-. * 25 ^7 Section 32 of Pub. Law 320, 74th Cong see also Appropriations-- 174 Advance payments to Commodity Credit Corporation- > Availability of funds— ; —-- 17fi Distribution of fish products--- Domestic consumption, encouragement of- j 74 Exportation, encouragement of- ._ 4 Finality of Secretary’s determinations-- Limitation on funds for a commodity.-- Purchasing power, reestablishment of farmers- ] 47 Supplemental appropriation--- 17fi Utilization of Commodity Credit Corporation - Section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (of 1933)-- Senate of the United States, Committee on Finance--- Separability of provisions: 91 Agricultural Adjustment Act of -- Federal Crop Insurance Act.—--- ,„g Set-aside of agricultural commodities- jgg Butter_-— -—■■ - 139 Carryover, exclusion from- Igg Cheese--- Cottonseed oil- jgg Creation of- ^gg Disposal of-..---- -- 7 ;- l 3 g Maximum and minimum quantities- ^gg Maximum value— —- 13 g Nonfat dry milk solids- Reduction in by: jgg Donation, sale, barter, etc- jgq Natural or other causes- ,gg Public Law 480 exports- ^gg Quantity exported- INDEX 277 Set-aside of agricultural commodities—Continued Pag# Records and accounts_ 240 : , Rotation_~ ~~ __ 239 Transfer to the national stockpile_~~~~ 239 Transfer of strategic commodities to stockpile_””_" 139 1 Upland cotton._ ” 138 . i Wheat_ _ 100 setoffs___"I:::::::::::::;:::::::;::::;::::;:;; m Settlement of indebtedness._ _ 248 Sharecroppers. See Landlords, tenants, or sharecroppers Sheep: Advertising and sales promotion_ 143 Price support on wool_ 141 Small farms and small producers-HI. I ~7,’35, _ 36,*53-57,‘59-67, 80-81 Soil Bank Act_;_ _ __ g 5 Declaration of policy___IIIIIIII II II’ 95 Acreage reserve program_~_IIIIIII’I 96 Compensation of producers_ _ gg Effect on acreage allotments and quotas_ 99 Extent of participation in program_ 97 Conservation reserve program__”" 99 Authorized period of contracts and’ expenditures_ 102 Conservation reserve goal_ ”” iqi Effect on other programs_ _ 103 Geographical applicability_II.III 103 Termination and modifications of contracts_ _ 102 Terms and conditions_~~ I _ I _ I 99 • General provisions_II..I. 104 Certificate of claimant_ 294 Compliance with acreage allotments_ 204 Finality of determination_ _ _ 2 06 Financing_II-IIIIIII ” 105 Penalty for grazing or harvesting_ 206 Pooling of conservation reserve land_ 207 Protection of tenants and sharecroppers_ _ 106 Reapportionment prohibited_I_II 2 04 Regulations_207 Utilization of land use capability data_ 205 Utilization of local and State committees_ 105 _ Utilization of other agencies_ ~~ 205 Soil-building practices. See Practices. Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act_ 1 Acreage allotments and normal yields_IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 7-9 Appropriations for fiscal years 1958—59. See also Appropriation Act- ^ K 250 Availability of funds_ __ 24 Conservation materials and services_ __ 7 Naval Stores Conservation program_II” 13 Payments or grants of aid_IIIIIII”” ” 5 Policies and purposes_ " .. ^ Scope of Act_II II III I_ I 29 State plans_IIIIIIII 4 5 Soil Conservation Service: ’ Establishment, powers and duties_ 2 Authority to sell supplies, materials, and equipment to other Govern! ment activities_ __ 3 Soil-depleting practices. See Practices. Soybeans, price support on_ _ _ 227 Special deposit account__ ’ ” g 5 Peanuts_” Tobacco_IIIIIII 40 State, defined_I_.II ’”’ 2 9 25 State committee_ ” * k 7 State plans._IIIIIIIIIIII _ 4’5 State laws, applicability to CCC_II-_III_IIIIIIIII”I i’ll Statistics, latest available to be used_ _ 32 231 278 INDEX Page 197 Statistics, use of official- , jg Steagall amendment- Stockpile: .09 Exclusion from carryover... Payment for transfer to-- „ Transfer of bartered commodities to. ’ Transfer of set-aside to- ,. r . Stockpiling of agricultural products. Storage amount: Rice.-.....-... S4 Wheat___--.-. Storage facilities, loans for—----------- — -iio'Ha'id? ifi 7 Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act- 112 > 13 “ l47 » lb * Strategic materials: 112> l35i i7 2 Barter for- , *7 Entry free of duty- , 72 Purchase by other agencies..-.-.. Purchase under Public Law 480-ito'ioo irv Transfer to stockpile- }° 7 Transfer to supplemental stockpile. . ... l *‘> Strategic stockpiling of agricultural commodities-- Sugar Act of 1948: oin Appropriation authorization- ---- - ~~r. - Appropriations for fiscal years 1956-57. See Appropriations. Civil penalties for violation of Act- Definitions— ,gc Direct-consumption sugar- Including, include- 1Q - Liquid sugar- 214 Manufactured sugar- 214 Manufacturer- jog Person- Producer-- 196 Quota- Raw sugar- jgg Raw value- jg 7 Secretary- 1Q = Sugar-- 195 Sugars--- 196 Total sugar content- 215 Total sugars- 21 g United States--- oh District attornevsof United States to enforce- £13 Effective date of Act- 2 io Expenditures by Secretary- 2 io Finality of determinations- 211 Fines and forfeitures.-- 2 n Information to be furnished Secretary..--r.v-I'j- 919 Investments and business interests by officials prohibited-- ^ Jurisdiction of courts---•-- — ’ National economic or other emergency, existence of, as basis for sus- ^ pending quotas- Payments— , , . , 208 Abandonment of planted acreage, as basis for... Adherent planters- 2 09 Application for-_— - 2 10 Appropriation authorization for--- Areas in which payment provisions applicable- 2 os Base rate of payment- 209 Calculation of----.--- Compliance with provisions relating to— 2Q g Child labor- 20 a Proportionate share for farm- Wages and wage rates- INDEX 279 Sugar Act of 1948—Continued Payments—Continued Page Conditions in respect to_ 206, 207 Crop deficiencies of harvested acreage, as basis for_ ’ 208 Death, disappearance or incompetency_ 209 Designation of payee by producers_ 209 Establishment of proportionate shares for farms_I 208 Farm, to be defined by Secretary_ 209 Finality of determination with respect to_I 210 New and small producers_ 208 Tenants and sharecroppers_ __ 208 Utilization of local committees and other agencies_ 209 Proportionate shares_ ' * "' 208 Quotas: Allotments of quotas or prorations— Appeal of allotment_ 202 Basis for allotments_II 201 202 Hearings_I_IIIII__ ’ 201 Area quotas— Cuba_ ] gg Domestic beet sugar_~II 198 Mainland cane sugar_ 198 Hawaii_IIII.II II" 198 Other foreign countries_I 199 Puerto Rico_HI HHH 198 Republic of Philippines_ 198 Virgin Islands_IIIIIIIII 198 Consumption estimates, determination of, for— Continental United States_ 197 Hawaii and Puerto Rico_ 200 Deficits, proration of quota_ _ 200 Entry of Virgin Islands duty-free sugar_ 206 Exemptions from quota provisions_ 206 Exportation of sugar from United States— Credit to country of origin_ 205 Entry of sugar under bond_11 205 Expressed in terms of raw value_ 205 Filling quotas with direct-consumption sugar— Cuba._ 204 Hawaii_ _ 203 Other foreign countries_ 204 Puerto Rico_IIIIIH" 203 Republic of the Philippines_ 204 Virgin Islands_IH.I.IIIIII 204 < Suspension of direct-consumption portions of quotas_I 204 Liquid sugar, inclusion in determinations_ 205 Liquid sugar quotas— Cuba- 204 Dominican Republic_IIIIIIIIIIIIH 204 British West Indies_HI 204 Local consumption quotas for Hawaii and Puerto Rico" "” 200 Prohibited acts_ 205 Secretary to establish or revise existing quotas_ 198 Regulations, determinations and orders, issuance by Secretary_ 210 Publication in Federal Register_ 210 Surveys and investigations_ 212 Information on individual operations confidential _ 212 Suspension of quotas_ 212 Taxes, excise (provisions of Internal Revenue Code)— Applicability of other laws_ 211 Collection_HI 215 Definitions_IIIIIIIIII"”""”" ”” 214 Distillation_IIIIIIIIII I 216 Effective date of law_III_.II I 213 Exemption_IIIIIIIII"”” 215 INDEX 280 Sugar Act of 1948—Continued , PaB ® Taxes excise (provisions of Internal Revenue Code)—Continued Exportation- "16 Filing of return and payment of tax- Import compensating tax- "j 4 Interest added for nonpayment--- Investments and business interests by officials prohibited- Z b Livestock feed- Manufactured sugar- "* 4 Filing return and payment---- "j« Personal consumption_ 215 Manufacturers. 214 Payment district where payable---.. 213 Rate, manufactured sugar--- "13 Refunds. 215 Rules and regulations as to collection- 213 Termination of Sugar Act- 213 Supplemental stockpile: _ Transfer of bartered commodities to..—.. 14/ > *6/ Purchase for, under Public Law 480- 167 Reimbursement to CCC- 147 Supply: Normal— , _ . 0Q Corn, cotton, peanuts, rice, tobacco, wheat- "® Nonbasic commodity- i” 4 Reserve level, corn and tobacco- Total— „. Corn, peanuts, rice, wheat- Cotton_ 19 i Nonbasic commodity- Tobacco. 31 Surplus commodities, disposition of- Surplus disposal, CCC_ 114 > 145 > 166 > 171 »\‘ 2 Appointment of administrator- Legislative directive- Report to Congress-T"T5'55'ia« Surveys and investigations--—-- A > 180> Suspension of quotas. See Termination of quotas. Tariff Act of 1930- o±n Tariff Commission, United States-----.-------To-** Taxation. See Federal Crop Insurance Act and Sugar Act of 1948. Tenants. See Landlords, tenants, or sharecroppers. Ten-thousand-dollar limitation on payments- AA Termination or suspension of quotas- Territorial application of acts: „ Soil Bank Act_- —-- Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act- Sugar Act of 1948- Tobacco: Acreage allotments and marketing quotas— . Appeal relating to farm quota and allotment, see also lve\ lew of farm marketing quota and acreage allotment- Definitions— 2 c Carryover- 9S Market, marketed, for market- "® Marketing year- 2 | Normal supply-„•- Normal year’s domestic consumption- "jj Normal year’s exports- Parity_ Reserve supply level- 9 . Tobacco_ oi Total supply- 9J . Diverted acreage..- INDEX 281 Tobacco—Continued Acreage allotments and marketing quotas—Continued Farm acreage allotments— Apportionment of State allotment to old farms_ Farms acquired for national-defense purposes_ Increases in, for small farms_ Increases in, for types in short supply_ Minimum, for Burley farms_ New farms_ Notice of farm acreage allotment_ Reduction in, for violation_ Farm marketing quotas— Amount of farm quota when farm allotments established.. Apportionment of State quota to old tobacco farms_ Increase in, for small farms_Till Increase in, for types in short supply___”” Increase or termination_ New farms_ Notice of farm marketing quota_ Transfer of_IIIIIII"! Identification of marketings_ National marketing quota— Amount of_ Apportionment to States_~~_IZZZZI! Increase in, under specified conditions_HIHIII Reserve for new and small farms_ When proclaimed_ Penalties, penalty— Carryover tobacco_ Deposit of penalties_ Disposing of excess tobacco to avoid_ Exemption of tobacco marketed by experiment stations_ Failure to account for disposition of tobacco_ . False identification_ Marketings outside United States_III III. I. II HI Marketings prior to beginning of marketing year Marketings subject to penalty_IIII’ Misuse of marketing card_ Payment of, by buyer, warehouseman, agent_ Rate of penalty_ Refund of penalty_IIIIIIII.IIIIIIIH" Proclamations_ Referendum— Effect of results_ Eligible voters_IIIIIIIIH Notice of farm quota and allotment "mailed" prior ~ to referendum_ Proclamation of results_IIIIIIIIIH When conducted_ Regulations, issuance by Secretary_111. HI. Reports and records_ Data confidential_ Review of farm quota and allotment, see also Review of farm marketing quota and acreage allotment_ State acreage allotment— Apportionment to old farms_ Conversion of State quota to_IIIIIIIIIIIIH State marketing quota— Apportionment to old farms_ Conversion of, to State acreage allotment_ Minimum, for flue-cured tobacco_ Reserve for new and small farms_IIIIH _ State poundage allotment_ Legislative finding_ Loans. See Price support. Page 35 39 36 39 39 36 82 40 38 - 36,38 36 39 . 34, 84 36 82 37 87 34 35 39 36 33 40 40 40 85 40 40 40 40 40 38 40 40 41 33 34 34 34 34 34 87 85 86 82 36 38 36, 38 36 36 36 35 32 INDEX 282 Tobacco—Continued Parity pay men ts - - ~ ———-" ion 101 Price support level... 1 - 2 U, 1 Total supply. See Supply. 147 212 Trade agreement- ’ Transfer of quotas: 07 Tobacco_ , a Wheat..-.-. ^5 Tung nuts--- 17 o Unfriendly Nations.- 25 United States, definition of-- A~a'iA~an'iii'ian ono Utilization of State and local agencies..4, 6 , 14, 90, 115, 18b, ^09 Vendors of conservation materials and services... —...- ' Voluntary action by producers for land conservation--- Voluntary relief agencies, use of- „q 7 Wage rates, sugar- ---— -- “ 4Q War crops and service, effect on acreage allotments.-. Water conservation- Wheat: , . Acreage allotments and marketing quotas— Acreage allotments under Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act------- Appeal relating to farm quota and allotment, see also Review ot farm marketing quota and acreage allotment- County acreage allotments— Apportionment to old farms- 48 Definitions— Actual production- Carryover- Farm marketing excess- Market, marketed, for market- Marketing year- National average yield- Normal production- Normal supply---.- Normal year’s domestic consumption- Normal year’s exports- Normal yield, county and farm- Total supply- Farm acreage allotments— Apportionment of county allotment to old farms Farms acquired for national defense purposes- New farms_ Notice of farm acreage allotment- 54 27 54 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29,30 31 48 87 48 82 Farm marketing excess— Adjustment in amount of- Application for adjustment of stored amount- Christmas amendment- Definition of- Disposition of wheat delivered to Secretary- Failure to deliver or store- Nonallotment farms- Producer subject to penalty on- Reduction of stored amount by underplanting or producing subnormal crop- 7 - Regarded as available for marketing- Regulations governing delivery or storage-- Farm marketing quotas— Amount of farm quota- Effect of termination---- Exemption of farms producing less than 200 bushels- Exemption of farms planting 15 acres or less- Increase or termination- Notice of farm marketing quota- Transfer of quotas..- Identification of marketings- Legislative findings- Measurement of farms- 54, 56 54, 56 56 54 55 55 55 55 45, 55 54 55 54 45 56 55 84 82 58 85, 87 46 86 INDEX 283 Wheat—Continued Acreage allotments and marketing quotas—Continued National acreage allotment—- Amount of_ Apportionment to States_ Minimum, for any year_ National maiketing quota— Amount of_ Conditions requiring proclamation of_ Increase or termination_ When proclaimed_ Penalties, penalty— Application for adjustment of_ Buyer to collect and pay_ Depletion of stored excess wheat_ Exemption of nonallotment farms_ Exemption of wheat marketed by experiment stations_ Lien for, on entire crop_ Marketings subject to, until excess stored or delivered_ Nonallotment farms_ Payment of, upon failure to deliver or store excess wheat_ Producer subject to penalty_ Rate of penalty_ Refund of penalty_I III"! When due_ Proclamations— National acreage allotment_ National marketing quota_"IIIIIIII Normal supply and total supply_ Referendum results_ Referendum— Effect of results_ Eligible voters_III" Notice of farm quota and allotment mailed prior to_ Proclamation of results_"III When conducted_~H Regulations, issuance by Secretary_IIII" Reports and records_ Data confidential_~ Review of farm quota and allotment, see also Review of farm marketing quota and acreage allotment_ State acreage allotments_IIIIII Apportionment to counties_IIIIIIII War crops and service, credit for_ International Wheat Agreement_ Loans. See Price support. Parity payments_ Set-aside_~ Wool: " Advertising and sales promotion programs_ Congressional policy_IIIIIIII Disposition in case of death, incompetency_ Marketing year_ Payments_IIIIIIII Price support__ Yield; National average, cotton and wheat_ Normal— Corn_ Cotton_IIIIIIII" Peanuts_ Rice_~ Wheat_ Page 47 47 47 53 53 84 53 54, 56 56 55 55 85 55 55 55 55 54 54 85 55 47 53 53 57 67 57 82 57 57 87 85 86 82 48 48 49 179 32 138 143 141 142 143 142 141 28 29 29 29 30 29 U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICCi U»» UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE I ILLINOIS library JLTURE HANDBOOK NO. 159 ) STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE JLTURAL MARKETING SERVICE BY A. LLOYD RYALL and JOHN M. HARVEY AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE AGRICULTURE HANDBOOK NO. 159 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON, D.C. ISSUED JUNE 1959 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, i'.S. Government Printing Olliee Washington 25, D.C. • Price 45 cents CONTENTS Introduction- Factors affecting quality of stored table grapes_ Maturity - Handling before and during storage Precooling - Storage environment Types of refrigeration systems- Dry-coil bunkers. Central brine-sprav chambers.. Unit-coolers_ - Ice-refrigerat ed st orages Factors affecting refrigeration ca¬ pacity requirements_ Field heat_ - - Vital heat- Heat leakage_ Air infiltration- (>i her heat sources. _ Disorders of grapes in storage Decay_ Gray mold rot. Cladosporium rot Alternaria rot _ _ Other types of decay.. Physiologic aging. Chemical injury. _ Freezing injury — . Desiccation __ Mechanical injury- Shatter.. - Bruising- Berry cracking__ Fumigation with sulfur dioxide. Methods of applying sulfur dioxide _ .- Fumigation with the liquefied gas_ 32 Fumigation with bisulfite 33 Symptoms of sulfur dioxide injury. 341 Factors affecting sulfur dioxide injury. 35 Variety ._ 35 Maturity.. 35 Fruit temperature- 35 Wounding_ 35 Concentration and length of exposure to fumigant_ 30 Frequency of fumigation dur¬ ing storage_ 30 Precautions to follow when using sulfur dioxide_ Human toxicity- Injury to other commodities. Corrosive effect on equip- ment__ Other precautions_ 37 Selective marketing of storage lots Inspection in storage Forecasting decay in storage grapes_ Method_ Effect of harvest date _. Effect of source of storage lot Application of forecast- Literature cited- Appendix. _ Calculation of the refrigeration requirements of a theoret¬ ical plant Plant design and operation Refrigeration requirements _ Page 1 2 2 2 2 8 14 14 18 It) 19 22 22 23 24 24 25 25 25 25 27 27 27 27 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 32 II THE COLD STORAGE OF VINIFERA TABLE GRAPES A. Lloyd Ryall and John M. Harvey 1 Introduction I his handbook brings together the accumulation of 30 years of re¬ search and experience in grape storage. It is written for operators of storage plants, growers, packers, and buyers of fresh grapes. The information presented on tempera- hire, humidity, air movement, stor¬ age design, fumigation, and storage disorders, together with the sources jf such information, can he used to maintain quality, reduce spoilage, ind improve marketing of grapes. Although European-type table grapes (Vitis vinifera ’L.) have jeen produced commercially in Cal- fornia since 1860, ( 3(1, 6If) 2 pro- onged storage dates back only to he late 1920’s when methods for leriodic fumigation with sulfur di- ixide were developed. Before this ome table grapes were packed in 'round cork or sawdust and were tored for only 4 to 6 weks, mostly ; t terminal markets (70). With urtlier development and refine¬ ment of fumigation methods, the xtensive storage of grapes in dis- >lay lugs became possible and in- reasing quantities were stored in A. L. Ryall is a horticulturist, Quality iainteiiance and Improvement Section, iological Sciences Branch, Marketing esearch Division, Agricultural Market- ig Service, Beltsville, Mcl. .T. M. Harvey a plant pathologist, Quality Mainte- smce and Improvement Laboratory, resno, Calif. 2 Italicized numbers in parenthesis ?fer to items in Literature Cited, p. 41 . 1 lie producing areas for distribul ion during the winter and spring- months. ^ The holdings of table grapes in ( alifornia during 4 representative storage seasons from 1935 to 1955 are shown in figure 1. During this period table grape production was fairly constant and yet, as the fig¬ ure shows, both the quantity of fruit stored in California and the Xeg. BX-7103 Figure 1.—Cold storage holdings of table grapes in California during four seasons. Data from annual summaries of Federal- State Market News Service. 1 period during; which it was stored increased materially. During; 1950 grapes were stored in about 95 cold storages in California, many of which, particularly in the San Factors Affecting Quality Each of the characters that con¬ tribute to dessert quality, such as flavor, color, and texture, is at a peak when grapes are harvested at optimum maturity. Changes that occur thereafter, even under ideal holding conditions, involve a grad¬ ual deterioration of these qualities. It is thus apparent that good qual¬ ity after storage depends primarily on placing fruit of good quality into storage. Maturity The determination of optimum maturity of table grapes to be stored should be based on such qual¬ ities as berry and stem color, sugar content, acidity, and development of flavor characteristic of the va¬ riety. Minimum legal maturity for shipment under California law is based almost entirely on soluble solids as determined by juice read¬ ings with t lie Balling hydrometer or hand re tractometer. However. Winkler ( 76 ) found that the ratio of soluble solids to percent acidity of the expressed juice was a better index of dessert quality than soluble solids alone and suggested Balling- acid ratios for table varieties that were above the legal minimum but below 20 percent soluble solids. Grapes with 20 percent or more soluble solids were considered to have good dessert quality at any acidity level. As grapes mature the stems change from a leaf-green to a light green or straw color, and in some varieties a woody portion resem¬ bling the cane forms at the base of the stem. These changes are in- .loaquin and Sacramento Valleys, are designed principally for table grapes. On November 15, 1955, about 6,500 carlots of table grapes were in Central Valley storages. of Stored Table Grapes dicat ive of good storage quality, for matured steins are less subject to desiccation, breakage, discoloration, and mold attack than immature ones. In addition, well matured stems are usually indicative of well matured and colored berries. The sturdy cap stems (pedicels) char¬ acteristic of matured steins reduce the shatter of berries from the cluster. Handling Before and During Storage Precooling The value of prompt and thor¬ ough removal of field heat from grapes intended for immediate shipment or storage has been dem¬ onstrated repeatedly in both con¬ trolled tests and industry experi¬ ence. Fruit should not only l*e promptly cooled after Packing, but unnecessary delays in the vineyard and packing house before trimming and packing should be avoided. Delays at high temperature l>e- tween harvest and the start of pre¬ cooling are certain to result in un¬ desirable stem drying, berry shrivel, shatter, and infection by de¬ cay organisms ( 42 ). Relation to Moisture Loss From Fruit Loss of water from any product is governed largely by the protec¬ tive surface of the commodity, the amount of air moving over it. and the difference in vapor pressure be¬ tween the commodity and the air. Grape berries have a relatively im¬ pervious skin so they do not give up water readily, and consequently 2 moisture is lost largely through ihe stems. Air movement may vary from moderate in the vineyard to high velocity during precooling. The principal factor involved in mois¬ ture loss, however, is vapor pressure differential. For example, if we assume that air in the intercellular spaces is nearly saturated with water vapor, the tissues at 80° F. would have a vapor pressure equiv¬ alent to .99 inch of mercury, ft would he somewhat less than this because of the sugar content of the fruit, but these figures are valid for comparative purposes. Air at 80° with 20 percent relative humidity (EH) would have a vapor pressure of oidy 0.21 inch. At 90° the tis¬ sues would have a vapor pressure of about. 1.3 while air at 90° with 22 percent Eli would have a vapor pressure of 0.30. These large dif¬ ferences in vapor pressure would re¬ mit in relatively rapid movement of moisture from the tissues to the air uul are representative of actual conditions that might occur in the ibneyard or packing house after picking. Differences in vapor pressure dso occur during precooling because ow temperature air has a much ower vapor pressure than high emperature f r u i t (table 1). For sample, air at 31° F. and 94.3 per- ■ent EH has a vapor pressure of >.194 inch whereas grapes at 80° lave a vapor pressure of about 0.99. or pressure Air Depres- Rel;t- Vapor tempera- sion of five hit- pres- ture (dry hulh) wet bulb midity sure (Hg) °F. °F. Percent Inches 31_ 0. 5 94. 3 0. 164 31 2. 0 79. 5 . 136 32 . 5 94. 4 172 32 2. 0 80. 0 . 143 33 __ . 5 94. 5 . 180 33_ 2. 0 80. 5 . 150 34_ ___ . 5 94. 0 . 187 34_ 2. 0 81. 0 . 157 35 1. 0 90. 0 . 187 4(1 1. 0 92. 0 . 228 50 . . 5 96. 0 . 347 60 _ . 5 97. 0 . 499 7() . 5 98. 0 . 707 80 _ . 5 98. 0 . 989 80_ 23. 0 20. 0 32? 90 . . 1. 0 96. 0 1. 364 90 _ _ 22. 0 31. 0 . 432 90 . 29. 0 15. 0 . 211 Factors Affecting Rate of Precooling The rate of cooling of any com¬ modity is primarily dependent upon four factors: (1) The accessibility of the product to the refrigerating medium, (2) the difference in tem¬ perature between the product and the refrigerating medium, (3) the velocity of the refrigerating me- 3 dium, and (4) tlie kind of cooling medium. Since air is the refrigerat¬ ing medium used in grape cooling to obtain optimum cooling, (1) the product must be packaged and stowed in such a way that air will reach all packages of fruit uni¬ formly, (2) the temperature of the air must be maintained continu¬ ously at a point slightly above that at which the product freezes, and (3) the air must be moved rapidly over, or preferably through, the containers. Effect of packaging. —Accessibil¬ ity of the product to the cooling medium is one of the factors gov¬ erning the rate of cooling. Since the type of package and the ma¬ terials used in the package a fleet accessibility, they become factors in the cooling rate. Pentzer (oO) re¬ ported that grapes packed in saw¬ dust cooled at about half the rate of grapes in the display lug. He also showed that cellophane cur¬ tains over the face of the pack con¬ siderably reduced the cooling rate over that in lugs without curtains. However, this difference in cooling rate occurred only when both types of pack were exposed to circulating air. In parts of the load where cooling was principally bv conduc¬ tion the curtains had little effect, liyall {(i.i) reported that, under standardized conditions of air movement, the cooling rate in standard display lugs was affected by placement of the side slats, and that either side liners or curtains reduced the cooling rate as com¬ pared with lugs packed with bot¬ tom pads only. When the grapes can be stored under ideal conditions alter precooking (about 90 percent UII and minimum air movement for the maintenance of uniform temperatures), packaging mate¬ rials, ot her than bottom pads, are of questionable value. Their elimina¬ tion would reduce packing costs and speed precooling. However, when grapes are stored under lower than recommended humidities or exces¬ sive air movement, such materials as side liners or curtains may lx* justified for the reduction of stem drying and berry shrivel. Types of Precooling I too m precooling .-— Many of the table grapes going into cold storage are precooled in special rooms that have more refrigerating capacity and greater air volume than the regular rooms in which the grapes are stored. These rooms are gen¬ erally rather small with capacities of from 1.000 to 5.000 lugs, so that they can be filled rather rapidly and operated without interruption dur¬ ing t hi* cooling period. Since it re¬ quires approximately 4 tons of re¬ frigeration to cool 1.000 lugs of grapes 40°, a room that holds 2,ooo lugs with capacity to reduce this load 40° in 12 hours must lie equipped to provide 16 tons of re¬ frigeration in 24 hours. Addi¬ tionally, it should have fans or blowers capable of producing 6,000 to 8,000 cubic feet per minute (efm) of air per 1.000 lugs of fruit and air direct ing or dist ributing devices that will provide an even flow of air in all parts of the room. Figure 2 shows a dry-coil bunker precooling room with 2 of the bailies removed to show the coils. The 2 fans pull air over the re¬ frigerating coils (7,900 feet of l 1 j- inch ammonia coil) and move it through a duct on the ceiling to the back of the room where it is re¬ leased. The air ret urns through the palletized stacks to the bottom opening of the coil bunker. 1 lie room has a capacity of 5.200 stand¬ ard display lugs (28 pounds net) and the 2 blowers move air at 44,(itHI c.f.m. This is an excellent type of precooling room with ample re¬ frigeration and good air volume and distribution. 4 BN 7104 Figure 2.—Face of dry coil bunker (2 panels removed) and ducts from two fans. Five- car precooling room. A precooling room refrigerated by a central brine spray unit is shown in figure 3. Air is ducted from tlie spray unit to the back end of the room and passes into a return duct through tlie openings shown ;it the front. The room has a capac¬ ity of 2,200 hand-stacked lugs. Ad¬ ditional air as needed can be diverted from the main supply duct. I he vertical flue in one corner is used to circulate sulfur dioxide during fumigation which, at the completion of gassing, can be cleared from the room by manipula¬ tion of the louver. An ice-refrigerated precooling room with a capacity of 6,600 lugs in one layer of pallets is shown in figure 4. Six fans, each with a rated capacity of 8,000 c.f.m., are located at the top of the bulkhead in the far end of the room. These BN-TlOo igure 3.—A 2,000-lug precooling room with air ducted from central brine spray chamber_open¬ ing to return duct and S0 2 circulating flue shown. 5 Figure 4.—Ice-refrigerated precooling room showing false ceiling for ducting air from six fans and canvas baffles for directing air through palletized stacks of fruit. pull air from an ice hunker located below the loading platform outside the building, move the air through t he false ceiling duct, and discharge it near the rear of the room. When the room is operating, the canvas baffles suspended from the duct are lowered to the top of the load to assure movement of the return air through the stacked fruit rather than over the top of the load. The hunker has a capacity of about 30 tons of chunk ice to which salt can be added if a lower temperature air blast is desired. In actual opera¬ tion the generous air volume and large ice capacity of this system have provided a satisfactory rate of cooling without the use of salt. Car precooling .—G r apes in¬ tended for storage are not ordi¬ narily precooled in refrigerator cars. However, when grapes move some distance to a cold storage plant from points where other pre¬ cooling facilities are not available, very satisfactory removal of field heat can be accomplished in a refrigerator car. In this case the refrigeration is supplied by ice in the car bunkers and the air move¬ ment is provided by either the built- in car fans or portable bulkhead fans. The refrigerator car thus be¬ comes essentially a precooling room and the same principles of air volume, air direction, and tempera¬ ture differential apply. The fruit must be loaded to provide free air access to all parts of the load, the bunkers must be kept adequately supplied with ice. and salt must Ik> added to the ice in sufficient amount to maintain a consistently low air blast temperature. Forced air precooling .—A meth¬ od of rapid cooling, based on forc- 6 ing air through vented containers by creating a pressure differential, has been developed by the Depart¬ ment of Agricultural Engineering it the University of California (25). It has been reported that commodi¬ ties packed in containers that allow free air flow through the package, and in stacks spaced and baffled so that air supplied by the fans must pass through the packages, can be moled in one-eighth the time re¬ turned by the conventional method >f passing air over the outer sur¬ faces of the packages (fig. 5). Forced-Air fruit Cooler Diagrammatic Section BN-7107 igure 5.—Principle of forced-air cooling. (Photograph courtesy of Rene Guillou, De¬ partment of Agricultural Engineering, Univer¬ sity of California, Davis, Calif.) Other adaptations of this prin- iple can and have been successfully aide in existing precooling rooms nd in refrigerator cars. However, ; should be remembered that the ystem is ineffective with any pack lat does not permit air passage, ich as a wrap pack or sawdust ack, and it becomes less effective s resistance within the package is lcreased by packaging materials such as side liners, curtains, trays, or cups. Tunnel cooling .—Tunnel cooling has been used for several years in the early grape districts (1) for the rapid removal of field heat from packed grapes. The method allows the loading and shipment of pre¬ cooled grapes on the day of harvest whereas conventional cooling meth¬ ods require holding the fruit over a day to accomplish comparable cooling. However, tunnel cooling also has been used for rapid pre- cooling prior to refrigerated stor¬ age. The cooling is accomplished by moving the packed, unlidded lugs on a continuous conveyor under a plenum chamber from which high-velocity, refrigerated air is directed at the face of the lugs from slots on the lower face of the plenum. The refrigeration source through which the air cir¬ culates is either ice or a mechani¬ cally refrigerated evaporator coil. Some of the units are designed to move a single layer of lugs directly under the plenum whereas others use multiple layer conveyors with baffles beneath each row of lugs to redirect the air at the face of the lugs below. The single layer cool¬ ers have produced somewhat more rapid and uniform cooling than the multiple layer coolers. Figure 0 illustrates the loading end of a multiple layer cooler operated in the Coachella Valley. 1 acuum cooling .—The cooling of certain kinds of fresh produce by evaporation of moisture at reduced pressures obtainable in a vacuum chamber has developed into exten¬ sive commercial use within the last 8 years. However, the process is adapted principally to those com¬ modities, such as leafy vegetables, that have a relatively large surface area in proportion to volume. The amount of heat that can be re¬ moved by this process is limited by the amount of water than can be vaporized from the tissues without 497396°—59-2 7 t i 1 M » 1 1 | ,'’***1 •r* \ 1 » ' » « i > i Figure 6._Multiple-layer tunnel cooler. (Photograph courtesy of California Fruit Exchange, Sac¬ ramento, Calif.) damage to the texture or appear¬ ance of the product. Tests conducted at Fresno and New York (&£) have shown indi¬ vidual grape berry temperature re¬ ductions of only 6° to 10° by the standard treatment used for leafy vegetables. W. K. Barger of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (unpublished data) determined that moisture loss from grape clusters was only 0.4 to 0.5 percent when pressure in the chamber was reduced to 4.5 mm. of mercury and maintained for 10 minutes. Tool¬ ing from 70° to 35° F. would re¬ quire evaporation of water equiva¬ lent to approximately 2.5 percent of the original fresh weight of the fruit. If it were possible to with¬ draw this amount of moisture the appearance of the clusters would probably be adversely affected. It seems apparent, therefore, that grapes are not adapted to vacuum cooling. Storage Environment After sound, mature grapes have been properly packaged and pre¬ cooled. the factor which then deter¬ mines success or failure in their preservation is the storage environ¬ ment. Factors in the environment that affect grape quality are tem¬ perature, atmospheric humidity, air movement, and fumigation with sulfur dioxide. Temperature Although one study (12) indi¬ cated that Emperor grapes could be stored at temperatures as low as 28.4° F., present recommendations are generally for air temperatures 3 of 30° to 31°. The freezing point of seven varieties of California- grown vinifera grapes has been re¬ ported to vary from an average of 23.6° and a range of from 22.9° to 24.7° for mature Thompson Seed¬ less, to an average of 25.6° and a range of from 25.2° to 26.1° for ma¬ ture Almeria ( 76 1 ). Since the freezing point is largely determined by sugar content, certain lots that are harvested at minimum maturity may have freezing points as high as 27°. While there appears to be no evidence on the freezing point of grape stems, it seems probable that they may freeze at a slightly higher temperature than the berries. To provide a margin of safety in rela¬ tion to freezing, allowance must be nade for temperature variation be¬ cause of the lag in response to re- Tigeration controls and the tem¬ perature spread between incoming md return air. lelative Humidity A numerical figure for relative lumidity represents the percent of aturation of air with water vapor it a given temperature. The water lolding capacity of air increases as lie temperature rises so air of 90 lercent relative humidity at 70° F. ontains much more water by reight than air of the same rela- ive humidity at 32°. As the rela- ive humidity of air increases the apor pressure also increases and he capacity of the air for remov- ig water from other sources ecreases. It is thus apparent that to reduce loisture loss from stored fruit to a linimum, the relative humidity of le storage air must approach that f the air within the intercellular paces of the individual fruits. As- iming that air in the intercellular paces is saturated and that the 'uit and storage air temperatures re identical, moisture loss from the •uit could be entirely stopped only by maintaining tin* storage air at a relative humidity of lot) percent. However, this is not possible under commercial conditions and would not be desirable if it could lie ac¬ complished because saturated air would favor the rapid development of decay organisms. Actually, the relatively small vapor pressure dif¬ ferential between fruit at 32° F. and air at 31° with 90 percent IHI results in only slight moisture loss from the product. Such slight losses are within the limits of com¬ mercial accept ibility during a nor¬ mal storage period, particularly if air movement is not excessive. It has been determined that grapes can lose as much as 1.2 percent water by weight without affecting their appearance and that moisture losses as high as 5 to 6 percent were required to cause severe shrivel¬ ing (46). I he best and currently recom¬ mended relative humidity for the cold storage of vinifera grapes is 87 to 92 percent (3). Earlier recommendations were usually in the range of 85 to 90 percent, but as methods of decay control have been improved the use of higher humidities, as a means of maintain¬ ing better appearance, has been recommended and rather generally accepted. Accurate control of refrigerant temperature provides the only satis¬ factory method for maintaining high humidities in mechanically refrigerated storages. As the dif¬ ference between the temperature of the refrigerating surface (coil or spray) and the temperature of the air in contact with the refrigerating surface increases, the humidity de¬ creases. If the temperature of the refrigerating surface is below the dew point at a given air temperature and relative humidity, then mois¬ ture will condense on this surface and the air will lose moisture equiv¬ alent to the amount condensed. 9 The data in table 2 indicate t he relative humidity that could be expected with certain air and re¬ frigerating surface temperatures. For example, if the air moving over the refrigerating surface is cooled to 30° F. and the surface tempera¬ ture is 25°, the relative humidity of this air will be about 79 percent because any water vapor above this amount will condense on the coil or spray. However, if air at the same temperature moves over a refrig¬ erating surface maintained at 27° the relative humidity will be almost 89 percent and if the difference be¬ tween air and refrigerant tempera¬ ture were only 1° (air 30°, refrig¬ erant 29°) then a relative humidity of over 9+ percent could be expected. Actual humidities obtained under the above conditions of refrigerant and air temperatures will usually be somewhat higher than indicated because all of the air will not come in contact with the refrigerating surface. Thus air leaving the chamber will be a blend of that which has dropped moisture and that which has retained its original moisture content. It is, of course, apparent that as the split between refrigerant temp¬ erature and air temperature be¬ comes narrower, a greater refrig¬ erating surface is necessary. If air is cooled from 32° to 30° F. during passage through a dry coil bunker, considerably more surface will be required to accomplish this temp¬ erature reduction when the coil is operated at 29° than when it is operated at 25°. This principle has been recognized in most of the newer grape storage plants. With an adequate refrigerating surface and with the temperature of that surface controlled by automatic devices, there is no humidity prob¬ lem. Where refrigerant surface is not adequate to maintain the desired atmospheric humidity, pressure- atomized or heat-vaporizecl water can be added to the air. However, this is a makeshift which will ma¬ terially add to coil frosting or brine dilution problems. Table 2. — Relation of dem point to air temperature and relative humidity Dew Air tern- Depression Relative point perature of wet humidity (dry bulb) bulb ° F 28 .. 20 _ 23 20 _ 27 _ 25 _ 30 _ 28 _ 26 _ 31 _ 30 _ 27_ 31 _ 32 _ In ice-retrigerated storage rooms the temperature of the refrigerant is 32° F. unless salt is added to the ice. Air temperatures in well de¬ signed ice-refrigerated storages usually can be maintained at about 3,4° after the fruit is thoroughly cooled. With a refrigerant temper¬ ature of 32° this would indicate a relative humidity of about 90 per- i cent which is well within the desir¬ able range. As with mechanically refrigerated rooms the amount of refrigerating surface is important and if 34° air is to be maintained, with melting ice at 32° as the re¬ frigerant, an ice bunker large enough to permit a large ice surface must be provided. Air Movement As indicated in an earlier section, to provide uniform high velocity air through the stacks, a minimum air volume of 6,000 c.f.m. per 1,000 lugs is essential for the rapid re- F. ° F. Fervent 20 | 0. 5 04. 1 20 1 . 0 88. 3 20 2 . 0 78. 5 30 0. 5 04. 2 30 i I. 0 88. 6 30 2 . 0 70. 0 31 0. 5 04. 3 31 1 . 0 80. 0 31 2 . 0 79. 5 32 0. 5 04. 4 32 1 . 0 80. 2 32 2 . 0 80. 0 33 1 . 0 80. 5 34 1.0 80. 7 35 1 . 0 00 0 10 moval of field heat. This is best ac¬ complished in a separate precooling room that has more refrigerating and air moving capacity than that required in a regular holding room. After the field heat has been re¬ moved from the fruit, a high air velocity is unnecessary and undesir¬ able. Only enough air movement should he provided to remove res¬ piratory heat and heat entering the room through exterior surfaces and doorways. Usually 50 to 75 linear feet per minute (lfm) through the stacks is sufficient to accomplish this, but it is very important that the air is directed in such a way that it moves uniformly through all parts of the room. Allen and Pent- zer (g) found that doubling the air movement in fruit storage rooms in¬ creased moisture loss by about one- I bird and was equivalent to about a 5 percent drop in relative humidity. Method* of controlling air move¬ ment .—All modern grape storage rooms have fans or blowers to pro¬ vide forced air circulation. The rooms, with individual dry-coil, spray-coil, or ice bunkers, provide lir movement by means of blade bins mounted along the upper part >f the bunker. These may move air lirectly across the upper part of the ■oom from open fans (fig. 7) or hrough ducts which extend par! vay or entirely across the ceiling to lischarge air against or down the tpposite wall (fig. 8). Somewhat nore positive and uniform air novement is obtained when the air s ducted across the room to return hrough the stacked fruit than vhen open fans are used. With the after there is a tendency for part of he air to short-circuit back to the milker. Many methods of air circulation re used within rooms which are ooled by a ducted system from a entral brine-spray chamber. A ommon system for distributing air a the narrower rooms is shown in figure 9. Each long wall of the room contains an air duct. The air from the brine spray chamber is discharged through the louvered openings at the lower part of the right wall, moves through the stacked fruit and enters the return duct through openings located along the wall and near the ceiling at the left. If the openings are properly adjusted to effect uniform airflow from the discharge side, this system provides very uniform and satisfactory air movement. 1 n wider rooms multiple ducts are often used. The air is discharged from several ducts and moves in a predetermined pattern to one or more return ducts. Figure 10 shows a grape storage room in which the air from the central brine spray chamber is discharged down¬ ward from a duct on each side wall, moves through the. stacks to the center of the room, and enters the return duct through openings at the bottom and upper sides. This pro¬ vides excellent air distribution as determined by the uniformity of air velocity and temperature through the room. li. i r i i 11 i i Figure 7.—Open fan at the top of a dry-coil bunker. 11 Figure 8.—Rear wall discharge of air from ceiling ducts in room dry-coil bunker system. Air moves straight down from bottom duct openings and straight out from front duct openings. Figure 9.—Cross-room air movement from wall ducts supplied by central brine-spray chamber Air moves across room from louvered openings at right to upper and lower openings at left. 12 i:\-7H2 •igure 10.—Storage room with air discharge ducts at side walls and return duct in center. Air moves down from bottom of side wall ducts and up into bottom and sides of ducts down center of room. Effect of stacking method on air novement .—Air distribution and fruit temperature are both mate¬ rially affected by placement and dignment of the stacked packages )f fruit. Most of the newer plants tack on pallets with the pallet oads placed 3 high in the storage •ooms. Whether the containers are Killetized or hand stacked in the ooms, 2 principles should be ob- erved: (1) The side of the display ugs should be in the direction of -ir movement; and (2) uniform pacing should be maintained be- ween rows and between pallets, feat transfer is accomplished much nore easily from the lightweight, initially open side of the lug than rom the thick, solid end pieces; nd uniform spacing of rows and >allets is essential for good air dis¬ tribution. .V cardinal principle of air move¬ ment is that air will follow the path of least resistance and, if spac¬ ing is irregular, the wider spaces will get a greater volume of air than the narrower ones. If some spaces are partially blocked, dead air zones will occur with resultant temperature rises or localized fail¬ ure of sulfur dioxide to reach these spots during fumigation. Wide aisles in the direction of air move¬ ment are undesirable since most of the air will move through the aisle and will by-pass the stacked fruit. If two-way pallets are used the pallets can be stacked in either di¬ rection, but when one-way pallets are used the open ends should al¬ ways be in the direction of air move¬ ment. Figures 11 and 12 illustrate excellent stacking arrangements for 13 palletized fruit. Figure 11 shows fruit on two-way pallets with good spacing between rows on the pallets and between pallets. Air is dis¬ charged from the duct at the back of the room and moves forward to the coil-bunker through the stacks. This room was being emptied when the photograph was made, but is completely tilled during most of the storage season with an aisle only along the coil-bunker side of the end crosswise of the air movement. Figure 12 shows the face of pal¬ letized stacks in a coil-bunker room with open fans. Air from the fans moves over the top of the stacks and returns through the stacks to t he bottom bunker opening. These are one-way pallets with the open ends in the direction of air move¬ ment. Note the uniform spacing of lugs and pallets and the excellent alignment. Types of Refrigeration Systems Many cold storage plants in Central California were designed and built specifically for the storage of table grapes, in these plants, four general types of refrigerating systems exist: (1) Individual room dry-coil bunkers; (2) individual room unit coolers; (3) central brine-spray chambers with ducted- air systems; and (4) individual room ice bunkers. There are how¬ ever, many minor variations with¬ in these basic types. Dry-Coil Bunkers Most cold storages built in recent years and intended primarily for table grapes are of the individual room, dry-coil bunker type. 1 )irect- expansion coils of smooth pipe 14 (usually li /2 to 2 inch) are mounted on one wall of the room and a wooden baffle is constructed between the bank of coils and the room. Openings at the top and bottom of the baffle allow air to circulate over the coils. Fans in the upper openings draw the air in at the bottom opening; the air moves over the refrigerating surface on the coil bank and through the fans to ceil¬ ing ducts or directly into the space above the stacked produce. It is customary to place the coil bunker on the long-dimension wall. If the room is not over 40 feet wide, open fans at the top of the baffle generally provide satisfactory air distribution. If the air must be moved more than 40 feet, better air distribution is obtained by moving the air through ducts part or all the way across the room. This system is particularly well adapted to grape storages because grapes must be treated periodically with sulfur dioxide and the indi¬ vidual room bunker permits each room to be treated as a separate unit. Since sulfur dioxide is rather corrosive to metals, smooth pipe rather than tinned coils are used. The coil surfaces are often coated with corrosion-resistant paints, and some method of bypassing the coil during sulfur dioxide fumigation is commonly provided. Figure 13 shows a section of dry-coil bunker during normal refrigeration opera¬ tion with the louvers at the bottom of the baffle open for air circula¬ tion through the coil bank. The same section is shown in figure 14, but with the bottom louvers closed and the hinged door near the fan housing open. This permits cir- BN-7114 Figure 12.—Palletized stacks on one-way pallets. Air movement along sides of lugs and open pallets. r 497396°—59 3 15 Figure 13._Section of dry-coil bunker with fan above and bottom louvers open for air circulation through the coil bank. dilation of sulfur dioxide within the room, while avoiding direct con¬ tact of the circulating gas with the coils. However, some of the gas reaches the coils by diffusion and even after the room atmosphere is cleared and normal air circulation is resumed, some sulfur dioxide will be present in the air as a result of a gradual release of the fumigant from the fruit and containers. Unless the coils and supports are thoroughly protected by an acid-re¬ sistant coating, it is desirable to provide some means of washing the coils after each fumigation. This can be done by means of a water line placed above the coils with spray nozzles at suitable intervals. At the completion of gassing, the ammonia supply to the coil is shut off and the water valve is opened. Since sulfur dioxide is rather soluble in water the room atmosphere can be cleared rather effectively, with the fans in operation, while the water is flood¬ ing down over the coils. At the same time the coils are defrosted and any residual sulfurous acid on the coils is washed away. Figure 15 shows a section of coil bunker with three panels removed to reveal water from overhead nozzles flood¬ ing over the coils during the de¬ gassing and defrosting period. Usually, somewhat less than 1 hour is required for satisfactory removal of sulfur dioxide from the atmos¬ phere and thorough washing of the coils. Because grapes are usually stored at temperatures slightly be¬ low the freezing point of water it is essential that means be provided for draining all water lines in the bunkers at the completion of the washing process. 16 BN—7118 Figure 14.—Section of dry-coil bunker with bottom louvers closed and door above coils open for bypass during sulfur dioxide fumigation. BN-7119 igure 15. Section of dry-coil bunker with three panels removed to show water from overhead nozzles during degassing and defrosting. 17 The removal of sulfur dioxide from the storage room atmosphere at the completion of fumigation is accomplished by aeration in those plants that do not have coil washing equipment. In dry-coil bunker rooms the usual arrangement in¬ volves a small door at the end of the bunker which opens to the out¬ side. When fumigation is com¬ pleted this door is opened and out¬ side air is pulled through the bunker and forced into the room by the fans. This builds up some air pres¬ sure in the room so that when a room door is partly opened air rushes out of the room. With the usual fan capacity this method will effectively clear a room in 30 to 40 minutes. Of course, some refrig¬ eration is lost by moving outside air into and through the room, but the air doas move over the coil before it goes into the room. Another method sometimes used involves exhausting the air from the room through a flue in the roof. The flue has a built-in fan which, when the flue louver is open, draws air from the room. After the ex¬ haust fan is started an outside door is opened slightly so that a flow of air through the room can be estab¬ lished. With an adequate fan ca¬ pacity the clearing can be accom¬ plished rapidly, but moving outside air over the fruit during warm weather often causes some conden¬ sation of moisture on the fruit and containers. When either method of aeration clearing is used the fumi¬ gation and degassing should be done during the night to take advantage of the lower outside temperatures. Central Brine-Spray Chambers Many of the older, and a few of the newer cold storages in central California are built with a cen¬ trally located brine-spray chamber and blower. The chamber consists of an enclosed bank of direct-ex¬ pansion ammonia coils which are continually being sprayed with a solution of salt in water. Very ef¬ fective heat transfer is obtained by moving the air through the fine spray of chilled brine. The cooled air is distributed to the storage rooms by duct systems such as those illustrated in figures 9 and 10. The central brine-spray chamber requires substantially less ammonia coil, less liquid and suction line, and fewer control valves than the individual room dry-coil bunker system, resulting in a relatively low original cost. However, effective eliminators must be used on the air discharge side of the brine chamber to prevent particles of brine from being carried in the air to the stor¬ age rooms. In grape storage rooms it is necessary to neutralize the brine with sodium hydroxide after each sulfur dioxide fumigation. Equipment for determining the hy¬ drogen-ion concentration of the brine should be used and the pH should be maintained in a range of 7.5 to 8 continuously. Usually the brine is also treated with corro¬ sion-preventive chemicals as recom¬ mended by the manufacturer. The principal disadvantages of the ducted brine-spray system as ap¬ plied to grape storages are (1) that it is usually impossible to fumigate a single room because all of the rooms are served by one mam air supply duct and one return air duct; (2) that total air volume is usually less from the central blower than from the multiple fans used in the individual room systems: and (3) that uniform air distribution is difficult to attain because of vari¬ ations in air pressure and velocity in different parts of the supply duct. It is a commonly held, but er¬ roneous, belief that a brine spray, 18 when used for cooling, adds humid¬ ity to the air. On the contrary, the brine spray picks up moisture from the air to an even greater ex¬ tent than a frosted coil due to the somewhat lower vapor pressure of brine at comparable temperatures. Wile and Halls ( 74 ) state that if a brine-spray and dry-coil system op¬ erate at the same surface tempera¬ ture the humidity must be lower with the brine system. Thus, it is essential for maintenance of proper humidity that sufficient coil and brine surface be supplied to main¬ tain a minimum split between re¬ frigerant and air temperature. As mentioned previously, it is usually impractical to fumigate a single room in a multiple-room plant with a central brine-spray system. Therefore, the whole plant must be fumigated as a unit, using he central blower to circulate the sulfur dioxide. The brine spray is urned off during the fumigation md clearing period, but even with lie spray off the brine and coils be¬ come acidified if circulation is hrough the spray chamber. Ac- ■ordingly, it is desirable to bypass he air around the brine-spray ihamber during the gassing and oration periods. This can be ac- omplished with a special tunnel round the spray chamber which las suitable louvers for diversion f the air through it when needed, hearing sulfur dioxide from the torage air is often difficult in the entral brine-spray system. If an ntside door into the return air uct is provided and an outside torage room door opened at the ther extreme of the system, clear- ig can be accomplished reasonably ■ell. Unit-Coolers The unit-cooler is a modification f the brine-spray or dry-coil bunker systems in which the unit contains expansion coils and blow¬ ers for moving the air through the coils and discharging it into the room. These may be in the form of relatively small units suspended from the ceiling or large units placed along one wall. These gen¬ erally have finned coils for extended refrigerating surface and move the air from open fans without ducts. They are usually dry-coil units although some of the larger wall units have built-in brine spray sys¬ tems. Unit-coolers are not com¬ monly used in grape storage rooms, principally because finned-coils have a limited life when exposed periodically to sulfu r dioxide. When such units are used there is a tendency to use too few of them for the maintenance of adequate humidity and air movement. How¬ ever, there seems to be no reason why unit-coolers should not pro¬ vide satisfactory conditions for grape storage if the installation is designed to provide adequate re¬ frigerating surface and air volume. Ice-Refrigerated Storages Where the storage need is limited to one or two seasonal commodities, with a storage period of only a few months, there has been an increas¬ ing tendency to use ice as a source of refrigeration rather than me¬ chanical systems. This is particu¬ larly true of storage plants owned by growers who are interested in having precooling facilities avail¬ able during the harvest season and in storing a limited quantity of fruit for sale during the fall or early winter. A number of ice-refrigerated storages are in operation in central California. Capacities vary from 4,000 to more than 100,000 lugs of grapes and construction varies from 19 those in which the lugs are hand- trucked and stacked to those with mechanized, handling operations and ceiling heights which permit stacking three pallets high. 1 he usual design is similar to that of the individual room dry-coil bunker system, with an ice bunker extend¬ ing the full length of one wall and fans at the top of the bunker or bunker duct for discharging air into the room. In some cases the bunker is above ground and against the outside of the room. More com¬ monly the bunker is under ground with the loading platform outside the building at its upper surface. This simplifies icing of the bunker, for hatches in the platform are readily accessible and the ice can be handled at truck-bed level. Fig¬ ure 16 shows the hatches (some open with plugs removed) along the load¬ ing platform of an ice-refrigerated storage plant which has under¬ ground bunkers. Figure 16.—Icing hatches for bunkers of ice-re¬ frigerated storage. Bunkers below platform have capacity for about 1 84 tons of chunk ice. The first essential of an ice re¬ frigerated plant is adequate bunker capacity. There must be enough ice surface to provide air near 32° F at the discharge points and the vol¬ ume of the bunkers must be such that the air will not be restricted during passage through the ice. A good rule of thumb seems to be 1 cubic foot of bunker volume for each 10 cubic feet of room space, although several ice-refrigerated rooms are performing satisfactorily with a somewhat lower proportion of bunker capacity to room volume. In cases where the rooms are used primarily for precooling, and for storage only at the end of the har¬ vest season, at least enough ice bunker capacity should be provided so that 1 reicing each day would maintain the refrigeration capacity during the peak load period. Since a much greater air volume is needed during precooling than during stor¬ age, some method of reducing air flow should be provided. 1 his can be accomplished most easily by the use of two-speed fan motors. As stated previously, sulfur di¬ oxide is fairly soluble in water and the surface of melting ice provides a considerable quantity of water. Therefore it is desirable, so that a reasonably constant concentration of gas can be maintained during the fumigation period, for the air to bypass the ice while the sulfur dioxide is being circulated. A sat¬ isfactory method of accomplishing this is illustrated in figure 17. The floor grid through which air nor¬ mally enters the bunker is closed and a hinged panel in the bunker duct is opened. With this arrange¬ ment air is pulled directly from the room and discharged again at the top of the bunker duct. Figure 18 shows the same bunker duct section with the grid cover removed and the duct baffle closed for normal air circulation through the ice bunker. 20 Figure 17.—Section of ice bunker duct with air return grid covered and bypass panel for circulation of SOl in the room. BX-7121 open as used Comparative cost figures between ice-refrigerated and mechanically- refrigerated storages are not avail¬ able, but it is apparent that the original cost of a mechanically-re¬ frigerated plant would be material¬ ly higher than that of an ice-refrig¬ erated plant of the same capacity. On the other hand the cost of opera- ion, on a per-ton of refrigeration oasis, would certainly be higher for he ice-refrigerated plant. Even mder volume usage, ice probably ;annot be purchased on a delivered basis for less than $5.50 per ton, whereas an efficient mechanical plant should provide refrigeration at $2 or less per ton. The decision on whether to use ice or mechanical refrigeration must be based on such factors as annual period of opera¬ tion, available capital, delivered cost of ice, and need for the lower temperatures obtainable with the mechanical plant. The decision must be made on an individual ba¬ sis, according to prevailing circum¬ stances and need. 21 Figure 18.—Section of ice bunker duct with air return grid open and bypass panel closed for normal air circulation through the ice bunker. Factors Affecting Refrigeration Capacity Requirements The refrigeration requirement of any storage plant must be based on peak refrigeration load. This peak usually occurs when outside tem¬ peratures are relatively high and warm fruit is being moved into the plant for precooling and storage. The refrigeration load during the peak of the harvest season will, of course, depend upon the amount of fruit received each day, the tem¬ perature of the fruit at the time it is placed under refrigeration, the specific heat of the product and the final temperature attained. Other factors affecting the total heat load include vital heat or heat of respi¬ ration, heat leakage through room surfaces and open doors, and heat produced by electric motors, light-, mechanical handling equipment, and workmen. Field Heat Field heat, or sensible heat as it is sometimes called, is the heat that must be removed from the product to cool it to a given storage tem¬ perature. Any measures that can 22 Plate 1.— A, Stages in the development of gray mold rot. B, Stages in the development of Cladosporium rot, C, Alternaria rot in Emperor grape. Plate 2.-/4, Sound (left) and freezing injury (right) to Emperor grapes. B, Sulfur dioxide injury to Emperor grapes. C, Sulfur dioxide injury to Tokay grapes. D, Ammonia injury to Emperor grapes. E, Box bruising of Emperor grapes. F, Nest rot stage of gray mold rot. be taken to avoid high fruit tem¬ peratures at delivery, such as har¬ vesting early in the morning or shading the fruit from the sun, will naturally reduce the refrigeration load. The amount of refrigeration required to lower the temperature )f a known amount of fruit a given lumber of degrees can he calcu- ated according to the following Formula: R=TRxPxS in which Fruit 40 (°TK) X 28,000 Foxes 40 (°TR)X 4,000 Since 144 B.t.u. are required to nelt 1 pound of ice, the removal of '71,200 B.t.u. would require an ,mount of refrigeration equivalent o that provided by the meltage of •,744 pounds of ice or by 3.37 tons 'f refri geration. If a reduction in emperature of more or less than 0° is required to bring the fruit to forage temperature, the heat load, f course, will be correspondingly reater or less than the figure hown. Vital Heat ^ ital heat is that produced by ruits and vegetables as a result of lie respiratory process. As men- oned previously, grapes have a slatively low rate of respiration as ompared with other fresh fruits nd vegetables. However, a cer- lin amount of heat is produced and ■ must be considered in the calcu- 4ion of total refrigeration require- lents. Vital heat production by iveral varieties of vinifera grapes as calculated from the average ite of carbon dioxide evolution at ifferent holding temperatures) has aen published (79). At tempera- ires from near 30° to about 100° ., the rate at which this heat is enerated increases as the tempera- ire of the fruit increases. In fact, ie vital heat produced by grapes 11 is the B.t.u. * * 3 to be removed, TK is the temperature reduction re¬ quired in degrees F., P equals the pounds of fruit or containers, and S is the specific heat 4 of the commodity. According to this formula, the re¬ frigeration requirement for reduc¬ ing the temperature of 1,000 stand¬ ard display lugs of grapes by 40° F. would be as follows: (P fruit) X0.82 (S) =918,400 B.t.u. (P wood) X0.33 (S) = 52,800 B.t.u. Total—971,200 B.t.u. almost doubles for each 10° rise in temperature between 32° and 80°. During precooling, the rate of heat evolution decreases as the tem¬ perature is lowered and, conse¬ quently, a median fruit tempera¬ ture should be used to calculate the refrigeration load from evolved heat. For example, in calculating the heat evolved by grapes during cooling from 75° to 35° F., the rate of heat evolution at 53° could be used. For the Thompson Seedless variety this figure is given as 1,690 B.t.u. per ton of fruit per 24 hours. On this basis, 1,000 lugs (14 tons of fruit) of this variety would pro¬ duce 23,600 B.t.u. and would re¬ quire about 165 pounds of ice, or its equivalent in mechanical refrigera¬ tion, to remove the vital heat alone during a 24-hour precooling period. After the grapes are down to storage temperature the vital heat production is substantially lower than during the cooling period. Thompson Seedless grapes produce only about 430 B.t.u. per ton per British thermal unit, the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1° F. 4 Calculated on the basis of moisture content according to the formula S= 0.008 a-)-0.2 in which S is specific heat, and a is the percentage of water iu the product. 23 24 hours at 32° F., so the vital heat evolved from 1,000 1 un Cladosporium rot are: (7. 13 1 7). \ i Alternaria Rot During the storage of Emperor md some other varieties of grapes, decay caused by species of Alter¬ naria and Stemphylium may de¬ velop. Infections by these organ¬ isms seem to occur quite early in the harvest season, even in the ab¬ sence of rainfall ( 26 , 27). The causal fungi often gain entrance into the berry through the capstem, causing a localized tan to dark brown decayed area in the berry (plate 1 , C) . Since the fibrous con¬ ductive tissue (“brush”) that leads into the berry from the capstem is attacked, affected berries are easily shaken from the cluster. Species of Alternaria and Stemphylium may occasionally be isolated from other parts of the berry where they cause symptoms quite similar to those caused by Cladosporium , but which are not as dark in color. Other Types of Decay Although table grapes are sub¬ ject to many types of decay in the field, only the above-mentioned or¬ ganisms commonly cause decay at low storage temperatures under California conditions. Decay caused in the field by organisms that are active only at high temper¬ atures is usually culled out at harvest or during packing and, consequently, is not a serious dis¬ order in storage. For information regarding these disorders refer to U.s. Department of Agriculture Miscellaneous Publication Xo. 340, Market Diseases of Fruits and Vegetables: Grapes and Other Small Fruits {60). Physiologic Aging Unlike certain other fruits, grapes do not ripen after harvest or improve in flavor or texture dur¬ ing storage. Since there is no starch reserve in the grape, there is no increase in sugar content af¬ ter harvest. Grapes, therefore, are at prime quality at harvest, and subsequently suffer a gradual de¬ cline in quality. 27 As grapes approach the end of their storage life the 1 terries become somewhat dull in color, losing the brightness they had at harvest. Red varieties assume a gray-purple col¬ or and green varieties turn a gray- green to brown color. The texture becomes soft and flaccid and the flavor resembles that found in raisins. Though picked from the vine, the grape is still a living organism in which a considerable amount of sugar (carbohydrate) is stored. The vital processes (respiration) that go on in the fruit after har¬ vest gradually use up the stored carbohydrates, taking up oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide, wa¬ ter, and a certain amount of heat in the process (see section on vital heat). The evolution of heat, which is a measure of respiratory activity, is lower in vinifera grapes at 32° F. than in any other fruit except the Winesap apple (79). Factors that affect the rate of respiration and consequently the aging of grapes in storage are temperature, fruit maturity at harvest, variety, and sulfur dioxide fumigation. Temperature .—Temperature is the most important factor affect¬ ing the rate of respiration. Within certain limits, the respiration rate decreases with a lowering of the temperature. De Villiers (/£) demonstrated that the respiration rate in Red Muscat grapes was about 21/2 times as great at 50° as at ff2° F., 7 times as great at 68° as at 32° F., and 18 times as great at 86° as at 32° F. The importance of rapid cooling in relation to the storage life of the fruit is apparent from these results. M atari ty .—Immature grapes have a higher rate of respiration than mature ones. De Villiers found that in Mataro grapes the respira¬ tion rate was about V /2 times as great, in green as in firm ripe fruit. Differences in respiration rates due to maturity were greatest immedi¬ ately after harvest and became less pronounced toward the end of the holding period. Grapes to be stored for long periods, therefore, should be of prime maturity, but not over¬ ripe. Since over-ripe fruit is more susceptible to infection by the gray mold fungus than less mature fruit, this factor should also be consid¬ ered when selecting fruit for long¬ term storage. Fruit having green, immature stems appears to age more rapidly in storage than fruit with strong, amber-colored, mature stems. Variety .—The rate of respiration differs considerably among differ¬ ent varieties of grapes. In general, poor keeping varieties have a higher rate of respiration than va¬ rieties that keep well in storage (lit). Thompson Seedless grapes, for example, which have a maxi¬ mum storage life of about 100 days, respire more rapidly and evolve more heat at 32° F. than Emperor or Almeria, both of which can be successfully stored for periods as long as 0 or 7 months. The nor¬ mal storage life of several grape va¬ rieties is shown below. Certain lots of each of these varieties may keep for longer or shorter periods, de¬ pending upon the quality at harvest. Variety • Month » in Ktoraqe Muscat (Alexandria)-1 to 1(4 Flame Tokay-1% to2C Thompson Seedless (Sul- tanina)_2 to 3 Red Malaga (Castiza)-2 to 3 Malaga (White Malaga)— 2 to 3 Almeria (Ohanez)-3 to 5 Rihier (Alphonse Lavallee)-3 to 5 Emperor_4 to 6 /Sulfur dioxide fumigation— Sev¬ eral workers have found evidence that fumigation with sulfur di¬ oxide slows the rate of respiration and thereby contributes to a length¬ ening of the storage life of the fruit by physiologic means as well as through decay control (see sec¬ tion on fumigation with sulfur dioxide). 28 Chemical Injury The principal chemicals to which grapes may be exposed in storage are sulfur dioxide and ammonia gas. For information concerning in¬ jury with sulfur dioxide, see sec¬ tion on fumigation with this chemi¬ cal and plate 2, B, C. In plants using a direct expan¬ sion refrigeration system, grapes are sometimes exposed to ammonia gas that has escaped into the at¬ mosphere of the storage room. Red-colored grapes turn blue and green-colored fruit assumes a slightly bluish cast in the presence of ammonia (plate 2, D). The change in color is caused by the re¬ action of ammonia with the sap in the cells near the surface of the fruit. When exposed to the gas the 3ap becomes less acid and the acid- sensitive pigments (anthocyanins) in these cells change color. Most of the gas enters the berries wound the capstem attachment, md the adjacent tissues develop the greatest discoloration. Similar dis¬ colored areas may form around vounds in the skin. When ex- )osecl to ammonia the capstems urn dark blue or black and por- ions of the stems become blue (16 ). When an ammonia leak is de- ected, the gas should be cleared rom the room as soon as possible lecause slight discolorations from he gas disappear when the fruit is emoved from the ammonia at¬ mosphere. The fruit will not re- over from severe injury resulting rom long exposures to the gas. he best way to remove ammonia rom the room is with water. In oorns equipped with a spray sys- nn for clearing the room of sulfur ioxide this can easily be done. Another way of minimizing image from ammonia is to neutral- ce it with sulfur dioxide. Sulfur ioxide reacts with ammonia to mrm ammonium bisulfite, a whitish crystalline substance. Approxi¬ mately 4 pounds of sulfur dioxide are required to neutralize 1 pound of ammonia. No more than a 1 percent concentration of sulfur dioxide should be used, as higher concentrations might cause injury to the fruit. If commodities other than grapes are stored in the room, sulfur dioxide cannot be applied. Freezing Injury Vinifera grape varieties when injured by freezing have a dull appearance and are soft and flabby. After severe freezings they turn brown and become wet and sticky (plate 2, A). The berries of most varieties will not freeze at tempera¬ tures as low as 28° F. because of the high sugar content. However, the stems and capstems are often injured by temperatures that appar¬ ently have no effect on the berries. The frozen stems are at first limp and pliable, with a water-soaked or dark-green appearance; but they soon dry, become dark colored, and are more susceptible to mold in¬ vasion than sound stems. However, if grapes are frozen after having been fumigated with sulfur dioxide in storage, the stems may not turn dark, but retain their former green or straw-yellow color. When ber¬ ries, injured by freezing, are pulled off the capstem, the brush (the small bundle of fibres that extends from the capstem into the berry) is usually found to be shorter than normal and somewhat browned (60,79). Desiccation Desiccation in storage is evi¬ denced by dry stems, shriveling of the berries near the capstems, and by loss of weight. There are several factors that affect desiccation in storage grapes: Tem perature .—H i g h tempera¬ tures in the field at harvest and ex- 29 posure to high temperatures after harvest result in a rapid drying of the stems and shriveling of the ber¬ ries. Stems dry and turn brown almost four times as fast at 100° as at 70° F. and the berries lose weight six times as fast at 100' as at 70° F. (42). The importance of careful handling to prevent expo¬ sure to high temperature is obvious. There is evidence that picking grapes in the cool part of the day lessens drying of the stems (23, 8, 9). Fruit should not stand in the field or in the sun for long periods and should be precooled to storage temperatures as rapidly as possible. The longer it takes to bring the temperature of the fruit down to the air temperature of the precool¬ ing or storage room, the greater the loss of moisture from the fruit (see section on precooling). Humidity studies in South Africa have shown that picking fruit dur¬ ing periods of high humidity les¬ sens drying of the stems (23). It should be pointed out, however, that such conditions also favor the de¬ velopment of gray mold rot. The maintenance of relative humidity at approximately 90 percent in storage will aid' in preventing ex¬ cessive drying of the stems (see sec¬ tion on relative humidity). The relative humidity of the air sur¬ rounding the fruit within the pack¬ age is affected by air movement around the package in the storage room. ()nce the fruit is cooled, it is desirable to provide only enough air movement to maintain the 31° F. temperature of the fruit. In rooms where favorable levels of relative humidity or air velocity cannot be maintained, curtains and package liners of various types may be help¬ ful in preventing desiccation. However, these are a disadvantage during precooling. Maturity .—In California storage varieties, such as Emperor, there is less desiccation in mature than in immature fruit. As the fruit ma¬ tures the skin becomes more ligni- fied and more resistant to water loss (74). Many growers do not har¬ vest the Emperor until the stems have developed a woody texture and have begun to turn yellow or am¬ ber. When the vines are over¬ cropped the stems remain green and weak, the fruit fails to mature prop¬ erly or there is a delay in reaching maturity. Cultural practices that favor early maturity of the grapes, therefore, provide fruit that is less susceptible to desiccation and less likely to be exposed to conditions favoring gray mold rot. Mechanical Injury Shatter One of the most common forms of mechanical injury in California table grapes is shatter (the separa¬ tion of the berries from the clus¬ ter). Varieties differ greatly in their susceptibility to this disorder. The Flame Tokay and Thompson Seedless (Sultanma) varieties are especially subject to shatter while the Emperor and Ribier are rela¬ tively resistant. In most vinifera varieties shatter results from a pull¬ ing of the ‘‘brush'* from the flesh of the berry while in certain labrusca types an abscission layer develops at the junction of the capstem (pedi¬ cel) and the berry (47). Ibis lat¬ ter type of shatter is also character¬ istic of certain vinifera varieties grown in South Africa (8, 9). Rough handling during picking, packing, and transit is responsible for a large part of the shatter that occurs in storage grapes. W. T. Pentzer of the F.S. Department of Agriculture (unpublished data) found that shatter caused by transit impacts could be materially reduced b}’ eliminating all slack from the load in the refrigerator car. This was done by compressing the load with a mechanical “car-squeeze and bracing the center space so that 30 load tightness is retained during transit. Cultural practices such as thinning help to strengthen the stems and reduce shatter. There is also evidence that hot, dry weather and a deficiency of soil moisture during the period of ripening con¬ tribute to shatter ( 8 , 9). Girdling Thompson Seedless vines to in¬ crease the size of the berries also strengthens the attachment of the berries to the stems, thereby reduc¬ ing shatter (33). Pentzer (47) found that naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) did not affect the adherence of the berries in vinifera grapes, al¬ though this material was found to reduce drop in other fruits. lie at¬ tributed the ineffectiveness of NAA applications to vinifera grapes to the lack of a definite abscission layer. Grapes that firmly adhere to the stems at harvest sometimes de¬ velop shatter after prolonged storage. If grapes are allowed to become over-mature before harvest¬ ing, more shatter occurs than when the fruit is harvested at prime ma¬ turity ( 14 ). Postharvest conditions that favor desiccation also favor shatter. Shatter is reduced by rapidly cool¬ ing the fruit as soon after harvest as possible. Bruising Bruising commonly occurs in berries that are in contact with the sides or bottom of the packed con¬ tainer (plate 2, E). Affected ber¬ ries are somewhat flattened, show a brown discoloration, and are situ¬ ated on one side of the bunch. When grapes are fumigated in storage or transit, the bruised areas may become bleached as sulfur dioxide penetrates the berry readily at points where the skin is weak¬ ened. The small, dried undevel¬ oped “shot berries” that drop off the cluster and collect in the bottom of the box sometimes puncture or bruise the skin. Severe bruising may predispose the fruit to infec¬ tion by decay organisms. Protective liners to prevent the fruit from touching the wooden sides of the box and adequate padding in the bottom of the box help to reduce bruising. Berry Cracking As the temperature of fruits is lowered, the turgidity generally in¬ creases. Varieties in which the ber¬ ries have thin skins, such as Thompson Seedless, will some¬ times crack during precooling or in the early stages of cold storage. Cracks in the skin can frequently be found in the Flame Tokay at harvest and may be infected with the Cladosporium fungus. These cracks are crescent-shaped, usually occur at the blossom end of the ber¬ ry, and are rarely over one-fourth inch long and one-eighth inch deep. The disorder apparently occurs more extensively in grapes that are very turgid at harvest as a result of exposure to wet weather or other high moisture conditions. No ef¬ fective control measures have been developed for cracking. Fortu¬ nately it affects a relatively small proportion of the crop. Fumigation With Sulfur Dioxide The effectiveness of sulfur diox¬ ide in retarding the activity of spoilage organisms in fresh grapes was demonstrated in 1925 by Wink¬ ler and Jacob (77). Shortly there¬ after, methods of applying the gas to commercial shipments of grapes were developed (32) and the various factors related to decay control and fumigation injury were determined (0, 30, 32, 48', 4$, 77). Sulfur dioxide is used primarily to control grey mold rot in storage. Grey mold (Botrytis cinerea) is 31 one of the few organisms causing grape decay that is capable of growth at the low temperatures at which grapes are stored. If the berries are infected with this organ¬ ism before storage, fumigation with sulfur dioxide is ineffective in kill¬ ing such infections and the decay continues to develop. Ilowever, the gas kills fungus spores present on the surface of the fruit and conse¬ quently prevents post-harvest in¬ fections. When properly applied it also prevents the spread of decay by contact from previously infected berries to sound ones, tints elimi- nat ing “nest-rot.” Decay caused by the other low temperature organisms, dadox/to- rhnn herbamm and species of Altevnaria , is also reduced by sul¬ fur dioxide fumigation. As in grey mold, fumigation kills spores on the surface, but does not control infec¬ tions that have occurred before storage (27). In addition to reducing decay, sulfur dioxide is effective in setting the light green or straw yellow color of the stems. Without fumi¬ gation grape stems turn a dark brown or black color in storage. Fumigation also tends to prevent the berries from becoming sep¬ arated from the cluster (“shatter¬ ing”) (3^, 35, 58). Wounds that would otherwise act as entrance ports for decay organisms are cauterized by the fumigation. Grapes treated with sulfur diox¬ ide have a slower rate of respiration than untreated ones (52, 77) and this lowered rate of respiration tends to lengthen the storage life of the fruit. Pentzer et al (52) found that when Emperor grape tissue contained 87 p.p.m. sulfur dioxide, respiration was reduced to 8 percent of normal at -52° F. However, at this concentration the gas caused serious injury to the fruit. At a concentration of 22 p.p.m. no injury occurred and the respiration rate was reduced to 82 percent of that in an untreated check lot. Although the effect of sulfur dioxide on the respiration rate is slight at the con¬ cent rations employed commercially, there is a small reduction in the loss of stored carbohydrates from the fruit. The sensitivity of the rela¬ tionship between the respiration rate and the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the tissues is demon¬ strated by the fact that the res¬ piration rate increases during the intervals between fumigations in storage (37). Methods of Applying Sulfur Dioxide Sulfur dioxide may he applied either by releasing the compressed gas from steel cylinders, or by add¬ ing potassium or sodium bisulfite to the package. At one time the gas was generated by burning sulfur in the fumigation chamber, but this method is no longer in common usage. Fumigation With the Liquified Gas Fumigation may be accomplished in special fumigation rooms, in precooling rooms, in refrigerated storage rooms, or in railway refrig¬ erator cars. Initially a 1 percent concentration of gas is applied to the fruit for 20 minutes. This is often done in a special gassing room at prevailing outside air tem¬ peratures. During cold storage the fruit is fumigated at weekly or 10- day intervals with 14 percent con¬ centrations of sulfur dioxide for 20 minutes (29, Cl). The concentration of gas can l>e calculated on the basis of free air space in the chamber used for the fumigation (2). First, determine the volume of the chamber in cubic feet; next subtract 0.5 cubic foot for each lug of grapes to be fumigated. The fruit in each lug occupies ap- 32 proximately 0.5 cubic foot of space, when air voids between the berries are taken into account. Since 1 pound of sulfur dioxide is equiv¬ alent to 5.5 cubic feet of gas at 32° F., the free space (cubic feet) in the chamber multiplied by the percent concentration desired, divided by 5.5 will give the pounds of gas needed. For example, the amount of sulfur dioxide required to make a 0.25 percent concentration of the gas in a 3,200 cubic foot storage room containing 500 lugs of grapes is calculated as follows: [3,200 - (500 X 0.5) ] X 0.0025 5h = 1.34 lbs. Cylinders containing the correct weight of gas for speci tic storage rooms or other fumigation cham¬ bers are provided by various service companies to the storage operator. The cylinder is connected to a pipe leading into the fumigation cham¬ ber, the valve is opened and the cyl¬ inder is heated in a water bath to drive all the gas into the chamber. The sulfur dioxide is rapidly mixed with the atmosphere inside the chamber by fans or blowers to in¬ sure uniform distribution of the fumigant. After a 20-minute exposure of the fruit to the fumigant, the sulfur di¬ oxide is removed either by opening room doors, by ceiling exhaust fans or by a water spray system (see sec- tion on refrigeration systems). Sulfur dioxide is usually cleared from fumigated refrigerator cars by circulating the air through the ice hunkers. The gas is dissolved in the film of water on the melting ice surfaces. For fumigating grapes in a re¬ frigerator car a fan with canvas baffles should be used in the brace to distribute the sulfur dioxide uni¬ formly in the load. Without a brace fan, in jurious concentrations of gas accumulate in the space above (he load and in the open brace, and rel¬ atively little fumigant reaches the fruit within the load, providing poor control of decay (72). A method sometimes used to esti¬ mate the amount of gas needed for a 0.25 percent concentration is to use % to 1 pound of gas for each 1,000 lugs of grapes. Until the room is half tilled with grapes an additional % pound of sulfur diox¬ ide is used for each carload unit of empty space. Thereafter, no gas is added for the unoccupied space ( 2 ). Under experimental conditions it lias been found that continuous ex¬ posures to very low concentrations of sulfur dioxide (30 p.p.m.) were effective in controlling decay and resulted in less injury to certain grape varieties than did short ex¬ posures of higher concentrations of gas (35, 37 , 58). To utilize this method of fumigation a device to automatically control the concen¬ tration of sulfur dioxide in the stor¬ age room was developed in South Africa. Although this method of fumigating grapes may be adapt¬ able to certain types of small stor¬ ages, the maintenance of a constant concentration of sulfur dioxide in large storage rooms would be diffi¬ cult as it would preclude normal handling operations to remove fruit at intervals for marketing. In rooms using ice as a refrigerant, low concentrations of sulfur dioxide could not be maintained as the gas would be absorbed by the ice. The same difficulty would be encoun¬ tered in rooms refrigerated by a brine-spray system. Fumigation With Bisulfite Sodium or potassium bisulfite is utilized as a source of sulfur diox¬ ide under conditions that preclude fumigation of grapes in the storage 33 room or refrigerator car. Such con¬ ditions exist in fruit that is ex¬ ported in the sawdust pack and which cannot he “room fumigated" during transit aboard ship. Prior to shipment, grapes destined for ex¬ port are usually fumigated in the usual way at intervals during stor¬ age and the sawdust and bisulfite are not added until the grapes are ready to be shipped. The sawdust acts as a dispersing agent for the bisulfite as well as a cushion for the fruit against mechanical injury. Sodium bisulfite can also be used in the standard display lug by dis¬ tributing the powder evenly in the excelsior pad placed in the bottom of the box. The pad is slit to add the bisulfite and the paper cover is then replaced so that (lie fruit is not in direct contact with the pow¬ der. Not over 5 grams of bisulfite should be used in either the stand¬ ard 28-pound display lug or in the sawdust pack as larger amounts may cause injury to the fruit (6. 45, &,&)• Sulfur dioxide is produced as a result of the reaction of bisulfite with moisture in the atmosphere. If there is not too much moisture in the package, the release of gas is quite slow and the fruit, therefore, is exposed to low concentrations of sulfur dioxide over a long period of time. Care must be taken, how¬ ever, never to use bisulfite under abnormally high moisture condi¬ tions as this would result in such a rapid release of gas that chemi¬ cal injury to the fruit would occur. Such high moisture conditions would exist, for example, if wet sawdust were used or if wet fruit were packed. The rate at which bisulfite re¬ leases sulfur dioxide gas can be regulated to a degree by mixing it with various hygroscopic materials, such as dehydrated alum or silica gel (3S, 57, 59, 71, 73 ). Such ma¬ terials reduce the amount of mois¬ ture available for reaction with the bisulfite and consequently slow the release of gas. However, these methods have only been used under experimental conditions and have not gained wide commercial appli¬ cation in the 1 nited States. Symptoms of Sulfur Dioxide Injury One of the most common types of injury that may occur in grapes fumigated with sulfur dioxide gas is a bleaching or discoloration of the fruit. This is most pronounced at breaks in the skin or at the attach¬ ment of the capstem to tlie berry. Although the gas can enter the berry through the vascular tissue of the capstem, it penetrates more readily through tears that occur in the skin near the capstem attach¬ ment during handling. Asa result, the tissue underlying such wounds tends to dry out and collapse, form¬ ing a pit or depression that is a well-known symptom of sulfur dioxide injury. This type of injury is particularly prevalent in the Emperor variety when stored for long periods (plate 2, B). In certain varieties, such as Flame Tokay, injury may occur as small, bleached, and slightly sunken pits scattered over the entire surface of the berry (plate 2, C). These de¬ tract from the normal bright color of the fruit and can make the fruit unmarketable. When sulfur dioxide injury occurs in red varieties, the color of affected areas of the berries may change to pink or white; with blue or black varieties, the color becomes a lighter blue or pink; and with white varieties, affected areas some¬ times assume a greyish cast. In¬ jury is more apparent after the grapes have been exposed to warm temperatures for several hours than 34 it is immediately after the fruit is removed from cold storage. In¬ jured berries may turn brown at warm temperatures due to oxida¬ tion reactions in the affected tissues. Immediately after fumigation, grapes may have a slightly sulfn- rous taste and badly injured fruit may have a distinctly disagreeable, astringent flavor. However, it has been found that 50 percent of the sulfur dioxide residue in the fruit disappears within 2 days after treatment and the fruit is almost entirely free of sulfur dioxide with¬ in 5 days after treatment (48). Consequently, fruit treated when shipped from California is almost entirely free from sulfur dioxide by the time it reaches eastern markets. Factors Affecting Sulfur Dioxide Injury The amount of sulfur dioxide in¬ jury that develops in fumigated grapes is directly related to the amount of the fumigant absorbed by the. fruit. Absorption of sulfur dioxide is dependent upon the par¬ ticular variety, the maturity of the fruit, the fruit temperature, the presence of wounds and the con¬ centration, frequency, and length af exposure to the gas. Variety Certain varieties of table grapes uich as Malaga, Thompson Seed¬ less (Sultanina), and Castiza (Red Malaga) absorb sulfur dioxide uore rapidly than Ribier (Al- >honse Lavallee) and Alicante Ihischet. The rate of SCR absorp- ion by the Emperor variety is •lightly greater than that of Ribier, nit considerably lower than that of Thompson Seedless (48, 51 ). aflame Tokay is quite susceptible to 11 jury as evidenced by the pitting hat frequently is found over the urface of this variety after fumiga¬ tion ( 54 ). Many of the varieties of grapes grown in South Africa are particularly subject to injury from sulfur dioxide. Consequently, when the fumigant is employed, it is administered in much lower con¬ centrations than are used commonly under commercial conditions in the Cnited States (18,58). Maturity Immature fruit absorbs gas more rapidly than mature fruit (48). inkier and Jacob (32, 77) found that ripe Muscat grapes (27° Rail¬ ing) absorbed about one-half as much sulfur dioxide as green ones (18° Railing) and about one-sixth as much as very green ones (13° R aliing). Since very mature grapes are more subject to infection by decay organisms and absorb sulfur dioxide less readily than im¬ mature grapes, it may sometimes be desirable to fumigate them with slightly higher concentrations of gas than are ordinarily used. Fruit Temperature \Cirm grapes absorb more sulfur dioxide than cold grapes (32, 48 , 77). Pentzer and Asbury (48) found that Thompson Seedless grapes absorbed more than twice as much gas at 72° than at 39° F. Malaga grapes absorbed almost I hree times as much gas at 75° than at 48° F. Temperature is a par¬ ticularly important factor in sulfur dioxide injury when varieties that absorb sulfur dioxide rapidly are being fumigated (58). Wounding The intact skin of most varieties of vinifera table grapes grown commercially in California pos¬ sesses a high degree of resistance to penetration by sulfur dioxide gas. However, the gas is able to pene¬ trate the berry through the vascu¬ lar tissue of the capstem and readily 35 penetrates I I trough any type of per¬ foration of the skin caused by physical wounding, t he activity of decay-causing organisms, or other weakening factors. These charac¬ teristics are desirable to a certain degree since the fumigant tends to concentrate in the tissue at points that are most susceptible to in¬ vasion by spoilage organisms. 1 he fact that grapes are to be fumi¬ gated. however, is no excuse for rough or careless handling, as the bleached, pitted areas that form at points of wounding lower the qual¬ ity of the fruit ( 32 , 77 ). Concentration and Length of Expo¬ sure to Fumigant The higher the concentration and the longer the exposure, the more sulfur dioxide grapes absorb. Of all the factors considered, these are the most important in relation to fumigation injury. The use of circulating fans or blowers is es¬ sential to distribute the gas uni¬ formly in the fumigation chamber and to prevent injurious concen¬ trations from building up near the gas inlet. It is also important that an efficient method of exhausting the room of fumigant is used to pre¬ vent over-exposure to the gas. When refrigerator cars are fumi¬ gated, allowance must be made for the ice in the bunkers since sulfur dioxide is rapidly absorbed by the melting ice. To determine the concentration and length of exposure that will control spoilage organisms without injury to the fruit, all the above factors as well as those related to infection by decay organisms must be considered. The concentrations and exposures cited under “Meth¬ ods of Applying Sulfur Dioxide" meet the needs for fumigation under average conditions. Com¬ mercial operators sometimes vary the concentration and exposure to meet the needs of specific situations. Obviously, since a given storage room may contain grapes of several varieties, maturities, and with dif¬ ferent decay potentials, one treat¬ ment cannot fit the optimum re¬ quirements for each factor. To cite an extreme example, the fumigation requirements of an immature, warm, in jury-susceptible variety, not exposed to conditions favoring infection would be quite different from those of a mature, cooled, in¬ jury-resistant variety that had l»een exposed to rainfall. Workers in South Africa have found that certain of their varieties can absorb about 20 p.p.m. SO, without injury. This concentra¬ tion of sulfur dioxide in the tissue was obtained if the grapes were fumigated with 0.25 to 0.3 percent of the gas for 20 minutes ( 08 ). Consequently, the 1 percent con¬ centration of S0 2 commonly used for the initial fumigation of grapes in the United States would not at all be suitable for fumigation of these South African varieties. Frequency of Fumigation During Storage Another factor affecting the amount of sulfur dioxide absorbed by grapes is the frequency at which fumigations are made during the storage period. The common com¬ mercial practice is to fumigate at 7- or 10-day intervals with a 0.25 percent concentration of gas for 2" minutes. Under laboratory condi¬ tions grapes were fumigated at in¬ tervals of 7, 14, or 21 days to de¬ termine the effect of frequency of SO, fumigation on injury and de¬ cay development. No consistent relation between frequency of fumi¬ gation and injury could be demon¬ strated in these studies. 1 here was some evidence that mechanical in¬ juries, which allowed the gas to penetrate the berries more readily. and the high initial concentration of gas (1 percent) were more im¬ portant as causes of injury than was frequency of fumigation dur¬ ing storage. When grapes were stored for long periods (5 months), more decay developed in those that received the less frequent fumiga¬ tions than in those that were fumi¬ gated more often. The frequencies of fumigation used in this study had no significant effect on decay in grapes stored for short periods (3 months) { 29 ). Precautions To Follow When Using Sulfur Dioxide Human Toxicity The pungent odor of sulfur diox¬ ide is easily recognized and can he detected in concentrations as low as 30 to 40 parts per million (p.p.m.). A-t 400 p.p.m. the gas becomes ex¬ tremely irritating and can cause in¬ jury to the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth. At 2,500 |>.p.m. (0.25 percent, the concentra- ion commonly used to fumigate Z'rapes in storage), the gas can "•use respiratory spasms and death f the victim cannot escape from the fumes (i?). If exposed to irritating concen- rations of the gas, affected areas iliould be flushed with large quanti¬ ses of water. A few drops of di- ute ephedrinal sulfate will give re- ief when applied to the nose, doggies and a gas mask effective igainst acid type gases should be rorn in the presence of even weak oncentrations of the gas. Injury to Other Commodities Grapes are almost unique in their hility to withstand sulfur dioxide umigation. Concentrations of the ;as commonly applied to grapes ause severe injury to almost all ther fresh fruits and vegetables. i 'or this reason grapes must not be stored in the same room with other produce and during fumigation the gas must not be allowed to move through leaks in walls, or through hallways or ductwork into adjoin¬ ing rooms where other commodities are stored. If grapes are shipped in mixed loads with other fruit in a refrigerator car, the car must not be fumigated. Severe injury to peaches, nectarines, plums, and other commodities has been ob¬ served when these fruits have been shipped with grapes in fumigated cars. Corrosive Effect on Equipment Sulfur dioxide forms sulfurous acid when dissolved in water. Metal surfaces upon which moisture collects in cold storage rooms there¬ fore become covered with sulfurous acid during and after fumigation. The acid is extremely corrosive to both iron and zinc, causing the de¬ terioration of coils, brine-spray chambers, and other equipment made of these metals. Some protec¬ tion is afforded by treating exposed metals with acid resistant paints. A minimum of electrical wiring should be used inside grape storage rooms and switches and other con¬ trol equipment should be located outside the room if possible. Other Precautions Certain precautions already noted under “Factors affecting sul¬ fur dioxide injury” should be stressed. A lien bisulfite is being used as a fumigant no more than 5 grams per lug or chest should be applied. It should be evenly dis¬ persed in the package and not in contact with the fruit and it should not be used with wet grapes or wet sawdust. Grapes treated with bi¬ sulfite should not be refumigated with sulfur dioxide in storage be¬ cause bleaching may result from the combined treatment ( 49 ). 37 Figure 19.—Interrelation of decay forecast and decay actually developing in stored Emperor grapes. A, Fresno vineyard, 1952. B, Fresno vineyard, 1953. Selective Marketing of Stor¬ age Lots Since decay and oilier disorders vary considerably from one lot of stored grapes to another, it is de¬ sirable to arrange and identify the lots in storage in a way that will enable the shipper to market poor keeping lots early and retain only sound, high-quality fruit for late marketing. To determine the keep¬ ing quality of different lots of grapes, the shipper may rely on his knowledge of the storage history of fruit harvested in past years from various vineyards, on the gen¬ eral appearance of the fruit at harvest, on the weather to which the fruit had been exposed before harvest, on periodic inspections i made during the storage period, or on a laboratory forecast of the po¬ tential storage decay present in spe¬ cific lots of fruit at harvest. A rating of lots based on all but the last two of these factors requires a considerable amount of experi¬ ence and reliable storage records over a period of years. Such may not be available in a new storage plant, in one in which the person¬ nel are new, or in one storing fruit that may come from a different source each year. Neither can fac- 38 ors related lo (lie effect of expo- nre to weather before harvest al¬ ways be accurately evaluated, nspection and forecasting, there- ore, offer a more precise way of leasuring and estimating storage isorders. Inspection in Storage Stowage of grapes in storage lould allow ready access to each )t and inspections of randomly se¬ ated boxes from each lot should e made at regular intervals. Lots i which decay begins to appear re marketed immediately but if >o much decay is present, the fruit lay have to be trimmed and re- u-ked. If a lot is not inspected ■equently enough, decay may de- dop to the point where the whole it becomes unsalvageable. The •equency at which grapes are in¬ jected in storage varies with the me of year and the opinion of the orage operator about the keeping lality of the particular lot. If a t was suspected of being particu- i'ly subject to decay, it would •obably be inspected at weekly in- rvals or before each fumigation, ruit thought to be sound would be spected less frequently. At the 'ginning of the storage period in¬ actions are usually less frequent an they are toward the end of orage. •recasting Decay in Storage Grapes Most of the decay that develops •ring storage in the Emperor and her late-harvested storage vari- ies is caused by the gray mold ngus, Botrytis cinerea. A -thod of measuring the potential lount of decay in storage caused this organism has been devel- ied and found to be exceptionally curate under laboratory condi- >ns. The method has also been adapted to several commercial stor¬ age operations and has been used as a guide to marketing individual lots of storage grapes (28). The forecast is based on the premise that (1) decay in stored grapes is caused primarily by in¬ fections that occur in the vineyard before harvest, but which have not developed far enough to be de¬ tected and removed during pack¬ ing, and (2) that fumigation kills only fungus spores on the surface of the berries and not the fungi that have entered the berries before harvest. These fungi continue to grow within individual berries during storage despite fumigation. 1 he fumigation does, however, re¬ duce the occurrence of new infec¬ tions due to spread of decay from diseased to sound berries. Method Applying these principles to measuring infections present in grapes at harvest, the amount of decay that will develop in storage can be predicted. It is important, however, that only field infections be measured and not infections that might occur after harvest, which are largely controlled by sulfur dioxide fumigation. The forecast is made by taking a sample of individual berries from each lot of grapes to be tested. The sample is placed in glass jars and is fumigated with sulfur dioxide to kill all surface contamination. Af¬ ter fumigation, the jars are covered and the fruit is held under sterile conditions at high humidity and at room temperature. Under these conditions, decay develops within 10 days that would require several months to develop in cold storage. By calculating the percentage de¬ cay occur!ng in the test sample, the amount of decay that will develop during storage in corresponding- lots can be predicted. 39 Unless the sample is repre¬ sentative, the forecast would pro¬ vide an erroneous idea about decay in the particular lot being tested. Under experimental con¬ ditions samples are taken from marked vines randomly situated in each of the vineyards being tested. Fruit from these vines is picked at weekly intervals through the normal harvest season and taken to the laboratory. A portion of the fruit from each lot is used for the forecasting test and the remainder is placed in cold storage for ap¬ proximately 3 months. With this method of sampling there is a correlation between the percentage decay that develops in the fore¬ casting test and that which subse¬ quently develops in corresponding lots in storage (Figure 1!), .1, />). Under commercial conditions samples can be taken by clipping in¬ dividual berries from the packed lugs of grapes as they pass along the conveyor toward the lidding machine. This method of sampling provides a good measure of the po¬ tential decay present in specific lots of grapes going into storage and requires less time and labor than collecting the samples in the vine¬ yard. However, when grapes are packed in the field, it may be more practical to collect samples in the vineyard as is done experimentally. Effect of Harvest Date Since field infections normally increase as the season progresses, the forecast indicates the harvest date after which grapes should not be held for long-term storage. In years when heavy rains occur dur¬ ing the harvest, this date is fairly obvious. However, in other years when light rains, periods of high humidity, or heavy morning dew or fogs occur, their effect on infection may not be recognized. The fore¬ cast measures infections due to all these factors. Effect of Source of Storage Lot The amount of decay in storage varies with lots harvested from dif¬ ferent vineyards or districts. In years when no rain occurs during the harvest season, this factor may be the principal source of variat ion in decay between lots. However, variation in decay between vine¬ yards is also important in seasons when the fruit is exposed to heavy rains. Grapes in certain vineyards are capable of withstanding adverse weather conditions without severe decay losses, while others suffer de¬ cay after exposure to only mildly unfavorable weather conditions. To detect these variations the fore¬ casting test is particularly useful (see section on decay for discussion of the factors related to infection). Application of Forecast The forecasting test provides a relatively precise method for the se¬ lective marketing of storage lots ac¬ cording to their decay potential. If a high percentage of decay in a given lot is indicated by the fore¬ cast, the shipper can market this lot early, before decay has a chance to develop. If the forecast indicates that a particular lot is sound, that lot can be held safely in storage to take advantage of favorable mar¬ kets late in the storage season (27, 28). 40 LITERATURE CITED 1) Anonymous. 104!). tunnel method of pkecooling (iiiAPES. Blue Anchor 26(3) • 6-7 21, 20, illux. 2) Allen, F. W. and Pentzer, W. 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PRECOOI.ING CALIFORNIA GRAPES AND THEIR REFRIGERATION IN TRANSIT. U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bui.. 899. 63 pp., illus. 11) -, Asbury, C. E., and Hamxer, K. C. 1933. EFFECTS OF FUMIGATION OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES OF VINIFERA GRAPES WITH SULPHUR dioxide gas. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. (1932) 29:339-344. 12) -, Asbury. C. E.. and Hamxer. K. C. 1934. THE EFFECT OF SULFUR DIOXIDE FUMIGATION ON THE RESPIRATION OF emperor grapes. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. (1933) 30: 258-260. >3) -, and Barger, W. R. 1941. A COMPARISON OF FUNGICIDAL TREATMENTS FOR THE CONTROL OF BOTRYTIS rot of grapes in storage. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. Proc. 39: 281-284. 14) -. Bratley, ('. O.. and Tufts. W. 8) Reyxeke, J. and nu Pi.essis, S. J. 1943. THE TREATMENT OF TABLE GRAPES FOR THE LOCAL MARKETS. Farming ill South Africa, is : 443-445. >9) - and Piaget, J. E. H. 1952. THE USE OF BISULPHITES IN THE CONTROL OF WASTAGE IN FRESH GRAPES. Farming in South Africa, 27 : 477—479. 10) Rose. D. H.. Bratley, C. O., and Pentzer, W. T. 1939. MARKET DISEASES OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : GRAPES AND OTHER SMALL fruits. U.S. Dept. Agr. Misc. Publ. 340, 27 pp., illus. H) - and Pentzer, W. T. 1947. COMMERCIAL METHOD OF FUMIGATING GRAPES WITH SULPHUR DIOXIDE. Blue Anchor 24(4) : 6-7, 34. 2) Ryall, A. L. 1952. a study of packaging materials. Ice and Refrig. 123(2) : 11-15, illus. 43 (03) (04) ( 05 ) ( 00 ) ((i7) (08) (09) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (70) (77) (78') (70) Sc II ELLENBERG. A. 1055. KULTUKMASSNAHMEN ZUIt VERMI.NDEKUNG TRAUIIEN K AUI.NIS. Schweiz. Z. Olist- ti. Weinbau. 04: 107 112. S.NVDKI!, E. 1037. gkape development and IMPROVEMENT. 1937. U.S. Dept. Agr. Yearbook of Agriculture, pp. 031-044, illus. Washington. Staeiielin, M. 1040. STATION FEDEKALE Il'ESSAIS VITI( TILES ET AKBOKICOLES ET IIE CI1IMIE agricole, A lausanne et A PUi.LY. Rapport (l'activite 1045. Ann. Agr. Suisse. 47(8): 741-842. - and Wi holer, W. 1047. STATIONS FEDEItALES D - E8SAIS VITICOLES. ARBORICOLES ET IIE (HIM IE agkicoi.e, a lausanne et A pt i.LY. Rapport (l'activite 1940. Ann. Agr. Suisse. 48(8-9) : 701-792. Stai.dek, L. 1053. DAS FKOHI.EM DER 1IOTKYTISI1EK A MFFUNG 1 M WEINDAU. Scliweiz. Z. Obst- a. Weinbau. 02: 105-107, 128-132. 1953. witteri ng UNI) trauiien fa ULNIS. Scliweiz. Z. Abst- U. Weinbau. 02: 477-4S4. 1053. untersuciiungen uiier die graufaI'L l (hutryti* cincrca PERS.) AN trauiien. 1. Mitteilung. Phytopathol. Z. 20: 315-344. Stubenrauch, A. V. and Mann, C. W. 1913. FACTORS GOVERNING Mil SUCCESSFUL STORAG1 OF CALIFORNIA TAIH grapes. r.S. Dept. Agr. Bill. 35. 31 pp., illus. UOTA, M. 1957. EVALUATION OF POLYETHYLENE FILM LINERS FOR PACKAGING LMPEROK grapes for storage. Am. Soc. Ilort. Sci. 1’roc. 70:107-203. - and Cook. F. L. 1958. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TEST REPORT: IMPROVED METHODS NEEDED FOR SO; GRAPE FUMIGATION. Blue Anchor 35 ( 3 ( : 20-21, 36. Van df.r Plank. J. E. and Van Wyk, <;. F. 1940. THE PREPARATION OF TABLETS FOR THE RELEASE OF SUI.PIIUIS DIOXIDI IN packages of stored TABLE grapes. Fnion South Africa. Dept. Agr. and Forestry. Low Temp. Research I.ab. Ann. Rpt. 1938-30: 43-47. Capetown. Wile, D. I>. and Halls, H. A. 1056. hot carcass coolers—brine spray ok “dry” coil? ltefrig. Eng. 64(11) : 48-53, 104. 106, illus. Wilhelm, A. F. 1044. UNTERSUCII UNGEN /UR FRAGE EINER (’HEM isc hen bekampfung iiek traubf.nfaui.e (botrytix rinerca). Wein u. Rebe 26(4-0): 20-40; ( 7-9) : 67-73. Winkler, A. J. 1932. MATURITY TESTS FOR TABLE GRAPES. Calif. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bill. 520. 35 pp. - and Jacob, II. E. 1925. THE UTILIZATION OF SULFUR DIOXIDE IN THE MARKETING OF GRAPES. Hilgardia 1: 107-131. Wright, R. C. 1042. THE FREEZING TEMPERATURES OF SOME FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND FLORIST' stocks. U.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 447, 12 pp. (Revised.) -, Rose, D. H., and Whiteman. T. M. 1054. THE COMMERCIAL STORAGE OF FRUITS, VEGETABLES. AND FI.ORIS'I AND nursery STOCKS. U. S. Dept. Agr. Handbook 60, 77 pp. (Revised. I 44 Appendix Calculation of the Refrigeration Requirements of a Theoretical Plant When planning a new plant or [etermining the capacity of an xistingone all sources of heat have o be considered. As an example onsider the refrigeration require- lents of the following theoretical ilant: Plant Design and Operation A single-story storage plant ad- oins a packing room and contains liree 40- by 50-foot storage rooms rith 18-foot ceilings for multiple- allet stacking. Each storage room rill hold approximately 22,000 lugs f grapes. The plant also contains wo 22- by 26-foot precooling ooms with 12-foot ceilings, each of diich hold 4,000 lugs of fruit, iince the maximum capacity of the lacking room is 4,000 lugs of grapes er day, one precooling room is lied each day during the peak sea- 3n. The precooling period is 24 ours and, during the warmest part f the season, fruit temperature is iduced from an average of 80° F. to 6° F. during precooling. At the lid of the harvest season the plant ontains a peak storage load of 4,000 lugs. The plant is mechani- idly refrigerated with individual □om dry-coil bunkers. Each stor- ge room has live i^-horsepower fan lotors which deliver air at a total ate of 22,500 c.f.m. Each precool- ig room has three 1 i/^-horsepower mi motors which, when operated or precooling, move a total of 7,000 c.f.m of air. Exterior walls re insulated with 6 inches and the eiling with 8 inches of shredded edwood bark. The floor has 4 inches of corkboard beneath the concrete wearing surface. Refrigeration Requirements The refrigeration requirements of this plant when operated at ca¬ pacity would be as follows: Removal of field heat: 24 hours in precooling room. Fruit, 4,000 lugs reduced B.t.u. 44° F. 44 (°TR) X 112,000 (lbs.) X 0.82 ( S)_ 4, 040, 000 Boxes, 4,000 lugs reduced 44°. 44 (°TR)X 16,000 (lbs.) X0.33 (S)_ 232,320 24 hours in storage after precooling. Fruit, 4,000 lugs reduced r>°. 5 (°TR) X 112,000 (lbs.) X0.82 (S)_ 459,200 Boxes, 4,000 lugs reduced 5°. 5 (°TR) X 16,000 (lbs.) X0.33 (S)__ 26,400 Total Held beat per day_ lleat of respiration: 4,000 lugs of Thompson Seedless during precool¬ ing at an average tem¬ perature of 53° F. 36 (tons) X 1,690 (B.t.u. per ton per day)_ 30,000 lugs of Thompson Seedless in storage dur¬ ing peak of receiving sea¬ son, average 32°. 420 (tons)X430 (B.t.u. per ton per day)_ Total vital beat per day during pack¬ ing season_ 275, 240 74,000 lugs of Emperor in storage at end of packing season, average 32°. 1,036 (tons) X350 (B.t.u. per ton per day)_ 362,600 4, 758, 880 94, 640 180, 600 45 Heat leakage: B.t.u. Exterior wall surfaces, 7.920 square feet. 7,920 (sq. ft.) X4K (°TD) Xl-03 (B.t.u. per clay)_ 301, 565 Ceiling surface, 7.144 square feet. 7,144 (sq. ft.) X54 (°TD) X0.77 (B.t.u. per day)_ 297,048 Floor surface, 7,144 square feet. 7,144 (sq. ft.) X35 (°TD) X 1.6 (B.t.u. per day)_ 400, 064 16.5 (total HI’) X3,000 (B.t.u. per hr.)X24 (lirs.)_ Electric lights, 52 200-w lamps. 6.4 ( K\V I X3,500 • B.t.u. per hr.)X0 (hrs.)_ Workmen, 2 for 8 hours per day. 2 (men) X 1,000 (B.t.u. per hr.) X8 ( hrs.)__ 2 (1-ton electric fork truck X 35,000 (B.t.u. per 8 hrs.)_ B.t.u. 1, 188,000 134. 400 10, 000 70. 000 Total heat leakage per day_ 1, 088, 077 Air infiltration: One 8x8 foot outside door in each room. Storage room doors are open average of 2 hours daily. Precooling room doors are open average of 4 hours daily. 14 (open-door hrs.) X 230,000 (B.t.u. per hr.)_ 3, 500, 000 Other heat sources: Electric fan motors, 15 V>- H1‘ and 6 1%-HP. Total f r o m inci¬ dental sources per day_ 1. 408, 400 Recapitulation: Field heat (peak load)_ 4,758,880 Ileat of respiration (re¬ ceiving period)_ 275.240 Heat leakage through ex¬ ternal surfaces_ 1,088,677 Air infiltration ( peak load)_ 3.500,00® Other heat sources- 1. 408. 400 Total_H. 031,197 11.031.197 (B.t.u. )H-2S8,000 (B.t.u. per ton) =38.3 tons of refrigeration. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURE LIBRARY, September 1959 Agriculture Handbook No. 160 NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES y L. O. Anderson OREST SERVICE •S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CONTENTS Page Introduction--- Types and sizes of nails... - Types of nails_ 3 Common and box nails- 3 Cement-coated nails- Etched nails_ Deformed-shank nails- Nail points and heads- Nail sizes___ How to nail a wood box----- Nailing of cleats and battens- Assembly nailing of boxes- - Nailed wood boxes- Cleated panel boxes_ Rules for nailing boxes— -- ; - How to nail a wood crate-- Fabrication nailing of open crates-- 15 Fabrication nailing of crate base— Fabrication nailing for sheathed crates. Assembly nailing of open crates- Fastening sides and ends to base- 20 Fastening sides to ends and top- Fastening ends to sides- 22 Fastening top to ends^and sides- Assembly nailing of sheathed crates- 23 Fastening sjdes and ends to base- - - 23 Fastening sides to ends- - - 1 Fastening top to sides and ends- 2^ Rules for nailing orates- Resistance of nails to direct and lateral forces.. Factors affecting nail resistance to removal forces._ Surface condition of nails- Nail points_ Nailheads_ Direction of driving- ^ - Clinched nails_ Overdriving_ Prebored lead holes- Nails in plywood- Placement of nails- Diameter of nail- Depth of nail penetration- Species and density of wood- Moisture content of wood--- How to determine nail resistance- Direct-withdrawal resistance- Lateral resistance- oq Wood groups_ For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, T".S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C. - Price 20 cents. Nailing Better Wood Boxes and Crates By L. O. Anderson, Engineer Forest Products Laboratory , 1 Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture INTRODUCTION Ihe strength and stability of wood containers depend primarily on adequate methods of fastening. This has been shown by exten¬ sive packaging research conducted at the Forest Products Laboratory as a part of its program to improve the serviceability and utility of wood products. Containers made of wood can be assembled with a variety of fastenings, including nails, staples, screws, lag screws, bolts, and adhesives. Because nails are the most commonly used fasteners in box and crate construction, their proper use is stressed in this hand¬ book. Nails are used to fabricate and assemble many styles of boxes and ’rates. 1 wo typical box styles and two styles of crates are cited in -his handbook to illustrate the principles of fabrication with nails, ldiese are the nailed wood box commonly called style 2 in specifica- :ions, and the cleated plywood box (fig. 1), the sheathed crate (fig. 2), and the open crate (fig. 3). The nailing methods used to make hese containers are adaptable to many other styles, since good nail- ng principles vary little. The two basic procedures in box and crate construction are fabri¬ cation nailing and assembly nailing. Fabrication nailing means the lading of box or crate parts. Examples are the nailing of cleats o the end boards of boxes, or sheathing to the frame members of a sheathed crate panel. Normally in fabrication, the nails are driven hrough both members and clinched, unless the total thickness of he members is too great. Assembly nailing means the assembly of lie sides, top, bottom, and ends of a nailed wood box, or the various lanels of a crate, to form the finished container. Containers properly nailed with the right kinds and sizes of nails vdl be dependably strong and rigid. Containers improperly nailed nay fail even though wood members of adequate size and high qual- 1 Maintained at Madison, Wis., in cooperation with the University of Wis- onsin. 1 SIDE PANEL THROUGH EDGE CLEAT FILLER EDGE CLEAT INTERMEDIATE CLEAT THROUGH CLEAT B M-114177 Figure 1 .—Typical wood boxes: A, Style 2 nailed wood box; B, cleated panel box. \ty are used. Adequate nailing means not the use of a large number of nails but rather the use of the correct sizes, numbers, and types of nails at the right places. The purpose of this publication is to describe the most important aspects of good nailing for wood boxes and crates. NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 3 TYPES AND SIZES OF NAILS Types of Nails Nails are available in such great variety that they can be used for nost any purpose requiring fasteners. These nails are made in my sizes and shapes, from steel, aluminum, copper, and other stals. Not all types, however, are satisfactory for boxes and crates. me of the more common types used in containers are shown in ure 4. Common and Box Nails Common nails and smooth box nails are most often used in fabri- 1011 nailing where clinching is required. A nail that is to be iched need not be coated nor given any other treatment to increase withdrawal resistance. Common and box nails have the gth, but the box nail is smaller in diameter (table 1). same HANDBOOK 100, U.ft. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Figure 3.— Typical open crate. Clout nuils are commonly used to fasten plywood or other sheel materials to cleats of boxes or to thinner frame members of crates. These nails, available in lengths from % to V/ 2 inches, have long, tapered, duckbill points that clinch easily (fig. 4), and larger heath than other container nails of comparable length. Cement-Coated Nails Cement-coated nails are steel nails with a resin or similar coating that increases their withdrawal resistance. These nails are the 1110*5 common type used in the assembly of boxes and ciates. ( tint nt coated nails can be obtained in a variety of sizes and diameters; the most common types are sinkers, coolers, and box nails (tig. 4). Corker nails are also available with cement coating, although not often used for box and crate construction. Etched Nails Etched nails are bright steel nails (fig. 4) that have been treated in a chemical solution developed at the Forest Products Laboratory to roughen the surface and thereby increase withdrawal resistance. The surface does not deteriorate as much as the coating on cement-, coated nails. Any steel nail may be treated with this solution. Clean, bright nails can be effectively etched. Remove any lubnl cant on the nails before treatment. NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 5 B D F H M-l 13736 Fig i re 4. Nail types: A, Common; B, clout; C, sinker (cement-coated) • D 1 E ’ b ° X (cement - Coated); F ’ etched ; G > spirally grooved; Etching is done as follows: (1) Prepare a 10 percent solution (by weight) of commercial nonoammomum phosphate in water. Do not use a metal container o prepare or store the solution. Keep the solution at room tem¬ perature, approximately 70° F. Five gallons of solution are suffi- aent to etch 100 pounds of nails. (2) Immerse the nails in the solution for about 7 hours and stir iccasionally to change the position of the nails for more uniform reatment. (3) At the end of the etching period, remove the nails from the olution, rinse them thoroughly in water, and dry them to prevent ustmg. Other roughened-shank nails with somewhat increased withdrawal esi stance include sandblasted, parkerized, and galvanized nails, galvanized, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, and brass nails are sed m special containers intended for service under severe shipping nd storage conditions where rust must be avoided. Deformed-Shank Nails Deformed-shank nails retain a great percentage of their with- raval resistance even after the wood has undergone many changes i moisture content. The two most common varieties of deformed- lank nails are the spirally grooved nail, which has a series of >ira Is around its shank, and the annular-grooved nail, which has () HANDBOOK 160, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Table \ -— Dimensions and number per pound of standard Mizes and kinds of nails commonly used for bores and crates LENGTH IN INCHES Size of nail 1 Bright | Cement-coated Common j Box Corkers Sinkers Coolers Box 2 d 1 1/4 1/2 1/4 2 2 / 2 / 2/4 3 3/ 3/ 4 1 1 / I /2 1 1 H l/s 1 / 1 / 2 / _-„ 2 * 2 / :id 1 / 1 % 1 % 1 % 2/ 2 % 2 / 2 % 3/ 3/ 3/ 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 4d 5d I/ 2 2 / 2 / 2 / 3 3/ 3/ 4 6 d_ _ - . 7d 1 / 8 d _ 9d _ lOd_ 1 9d 2 % 2 / 2 % 16d 20 d 3/ — GAGE 2 .. 2 d 15 15/ 16 3d 14 14/ 15/ 15/ 16' * 4d 12 / 14 14 14 15/ a 5d 12 / 14 13/ 13/ 15 6 d 11 / 12 / 12 / 13 13 13/ 7d 11 / 12 / 12 / 12 /. 13/ 8 d _ 10 / 11 / 11 11 / 11 / 12 / 1 9d 10 / 11 / 11 11 / 12 / lOd_ 9 10 / 10 11 11 11 /; 1 9d 9 10 / 10 1 fid 8 10 9 90d 6 9 7 7 APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF NAILS PER POUND 2 d 830 1 , 010 1. 094 — 3d 528 635 850 848 988 316 473 495 488 710 5d 271 406 364 364 522 6 d _ 168 236 232 275 275 310 7d _ 150 210 212 212 283 8 d _ 106 145 129 142 142 191 9d 96 132 114 130 172 10 d_ 69 94 84 104 104 118 12 d 63 88 77 1 fid 49 71 61 90d 31 52 36 37 1 Nails are available in sizes up to sixtypennv. Bolts are isually preferred in boxes and crates, however, where nails larger than twentvpenny would be reauired. 2 Conformed to the American Steel and \\ ire Company steel wire gage. NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 7 small grooves around its perimeter (fig. 4). In general, annular- grooved nails sustain larger static-withdrawal loads and spirally grooved nails sustain greater impact-withdrawal loads than do other nails. Nail Points and Heads Diamond-pointed nails are perhaps most commonly used in con¬ tainer construction. The clout nail has a duckbill point that is easily clinched because of its taper. Some special nails have a needle point or a chisel point. A sharply pointed nail will cause splits in denser woods. To minimize these splits, slightly blunt the point of the nail before it is used. When only a few nails are needed, blunt them with a hammer. Blunting on an emery wheel is more prac¬ tical when a large number are needed. Nailheacls vary somewhat in diameter and thickness (fig. 5). The flat head is used for the common nail, the cement-coated cooler, and other similar nails. The countersunk head, used for the sinker nail, provides additional strength and does not break off easily. The cement-coatecl box nail has a broad, flat head. Do not use this type of nail in dense hardwood, or where an uneven blow may shear off the head. F G H M-113737 Figure 5. —Nail points and heads: A, Diamond; B, needle; C, duckbill; D, chisel; E, blunted; F, flat; G, countersunk; H, broad flat. 501500°—59-2 8 HANDBOOK 160, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Nail Sizes The size of most nails, particularly those used for containers, is based on their length; the diameter or gage varies with length and nail type. The usual designation for these nail sizes is expressed by the “penny” system, abbreviated as “d.” Thus, a sixpenny nail is expressed as (kl, and an eightpenny as 8d. 1 he penny system originated in England, where it is said to have been based on the weight of a thousand nails; that is. 1,000 ten penny nails weighed 10 pounds and 1,000 eightpenny nails 8 pounds. Bright common nails and box nails are of the same length, but box nails are smaller in diameter for a given penny size (table 1). Among cement-coated nails, sinker nails are available in the greatest range of sizes. In sizes less than tenpenny. the four types of cement-coated nails are of the same length for each penny size. These nails are t/ 8 inch shorter than bright common nails and box nails of equivalent penny size (table 1). Bright box nails are larger in diameter than cement-coated box nails of equivalent penny size. HOW TO NAIL A WOOD BOX Generally speaking, box manufacturers use automatic nailing machines as much as possible. These machines drive and clinch a number of nails at one time and can be readily adjusted for the fabrication of box parts of various sizes. They are also used to fasten the sides and bottom of the box to the ends; the top is often nailed on by hand after the contents are packed. The fabricated box parts that form complete units are called “box shook" and are shipped to the user in knocked-down form. The nailing principles discussed here for the fabrication and assembly of two common styles of boxes may be adapted to almost any similar container. Nailing of Cleats and Battens Ends of nailed wood boxes and panels of cleated panel boxes are usually fabricated with nails that are driven through both the cleat, or batten, and the sheathing and then clinched (fig. 6). Nails should be long enough to allow for proper clinching. This extra length should be at least t/ 8 inch for fourpennv and smaller nails. 14 inch for fivepenny, sixpenny, and sevenpenhy nails, and % inch for eightpenny nails. Longer nails require a longer clinch because of their greater diameter. Clout nails, however, should be clinched at least 14 inch because of their thin, tapered, duckbill point. These recommendations are based on the strength advantage of an adequate clinch. Too long a clinch is undesirable because of the difficulty of burying the nail point and the end of the shank into NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 9 1 e wood. Clinching across rather than parallel to the grain of the aod is recommended because it gives 20 percent greater with- ■awal resistance. 10 HANDBOOK 160, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Nails are usually clinched against the sheathing. However, in cleated panel boxes made with plywood or some other sheathing material that is too thin, it is best to clinch against the cleats for greater strength. Clinching makes it especially important to select nails with heads that will not shear off when they are driven. Such nails include sinkers, coolers, corkers, and common nails. Common nails and sinker-type nails are often used and are a good choice because they are available in many lengths. Sinker nails have strong countersunk heads that prevent their breaking off when used in hardwoods. In nailing plywood, fiberboard, or other sheathing material to the cleats, use nails with heads large enough in diameter to prevent their being pulled through the sheathing. These nailheads should also be thick enough so that they will not shear off. In box con¬ struction, use a nail with a head not less than % 2 inch in diameter, especially in fiberboard, paper-overlaid veneers, and the thinner ply¬ woods. Various types of nails, in the sizes and shank gages com¬ monly used to make cleated panel boxes, are shown in table 2. Table 2.— Types of nails often vsed to fasten sheathing to cleats of cleated panel boxes Nail type Size Length Gage Head diameter Box (smooth)-. _ Penny 3 Inches l'A 14H Inches 7/ A 2 4 1% 14 %2 5 i 3 /i 14 Clout % 15 At % 14 X- l 14 A- l'A 14 X- l'i 13 *4 + 1% 13 X + 1)2 13 x+ Sinkers -- - - — - 5 1 % ISA %2 Coolers _ 4 1% • 14 X, 5 1% 13 A ,S /S4 Common_ _ 4 l'A 12 |/ . A 5 Hi 12% A The nails used to fasten the sheathing of nailed wood boxes and cleated panel boxes are driven in a two-row staggered pattern (fig. 6). For nailed wood boxes, the recommended spacing of nails in each row is as follows: Average spacing Nail size (penny): (inches) 6 or smaller_2 7 _2 Vi 8 _ 2 y, 9 _23/ 4 Average spacing Nail size (pennv): (inches) 10_3 12 _ 3 Vi 10 _ 4 NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 11 Space rows of nails not less than % inch apart; % inch or more 3 better if the cleat is wide enough, particularly with the larger iails, in order to avoid cleat splitting. In wide cleats, each row hould be about % inch from the nearest edge. Space nails evenly long the length of the cleat. The first nail at either end of the leats should not be closer than % inch nor farther than U/> inches rom the cleat end (fig. 6). Nail each board in an end panel to ach vertical cleat with at least two nails. Nail interior battens for the sides, reinforcing cleats, diagonals, nd similar members of wood boxes as described for end cleats. The cleats in cleated panel boxes should be nailed as described n the ends of the nailed wood box, but space the nails in each row ot more than 6 inches apart. Assembly Nailing of Boxes Assembly nailing of a box requires the use of coated nails or nails ith roughened or deformed shanks to increase withdrawal resist- lce. The nails should have strong heads of sufficient size to pre- mt them from pulling through the wood or breaking off. The pes used for box part fabrication—such as sinkers, coolers, and rkers—are satisfactory. Nailed Wood Boxes Although no definite assembly procedure need be followed, the oical first step is to nail the sides of a box to the ends. Nail the le sheathing of nailed wood boxes to the ends (fig. 7). The nails e placed in a staggered pattern by alternately nailing into the end iat and the end sheatliini*'. A good rule to follow in selecting nails of proper size is that the il be long enough to penetrate at least 2 to 2 y 2 times the thick- ss of the sheathing or the fastening members.” Table 3, which ts nail sizes for box assembly purposes, gives data of value in ecting the proper nails for low- and high-density woods accord- l to the grouping by species shown on page 39. Place the first nails in the top and bottom boards of the side iathing at about one-half the spacing distance (designated on = e 10) fi'om the edges (fig. 7). This distance may vary a little ■ause of knots, checks, or the location of fabrication nails. Drive least two nails at each end of each board of the sides. For nailed wood boxes, space the nails as shown on page 10. If 1 sheathing frequently splits, nails one penny smaller can be used 1 spaced one-fourth inch closer than is specified on page 10 foi¬ ls of the size actually used. STYLE B 5UEE 7 .—Assembly nailing patterns for .4, nailed wood box, and B, cleat*! panel boxes. The bottom and top sheathing boards are nailed to the end sheafl ' n > hard coniferous woods; III, medium density hard¬ woods; IV, heavy hardwoods. Cleated Panel Boxes Assembly nails used to attach the ends of cleated panel boxes cannot be placed in a staggered pattern; all must be driven into the edge cleats (fig. 7). This type of nailing may cause the cleat to split if the nails are too large or the nail spacing is too close. The choice of nail length should be based on the combined thickness of the panel material and the cleat. The penetration of the nail into the edge of the cleat should be about twice this combined thickness. Table 4 gives nail sizes and spacings recommended for nailing side, top, and bottom panels to the ends, and the top and bottom panels to the sides. However, nails should not be so long that they pene¬ trate the opposite edge of the cleat. Space assembly nails evenly, and use at least one nail in the end ~*f eac h cleat that is less than 2% inches wide; in wider cleats, use 2 nails (fig. 7). Table 4.— Nail size and spacing Combined thickness of panel and cleat (inches) Size of nails Spacing of nails (all wood groups) Group I and II woods Group III and IV woods / Penny c Penny 7 Inches Q 0 Q ft 0 Ys - 10 Q 4 72 y* _ 1 0 Q 4/2 % _ 1 9 i n 4 f 4 14 HANDBOOK 160, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Most boxes are reinforced with wire or flat metal tension straps. These straps are placed around the perimeter of a nailed wood box and stapled in place. On cleated panel boxes the straps are placed on the cleat around the top, bottom, and ends. Under most condi¬ tions, strapping has some value for nailed wood and cleated panel boxes when properly placed and stapled. However, it presents a snagging hazard when it becomes loose. Rules for Nailing Boxes 1 . Bright nails may be used to fasten sheathing to cleats if the nails are clinched. Use coated, etched, or other types of roughened- or deformed-shank nails, however, if clinching is not done. For lumber sheathing, use common, sinker, cooler, corker, or similar types of nails. For plywood sheathing, use clout nails. 2 . Clinch nails across the grain of the wood. Allow a length of clinch of not less than i/ 8 inch for fourpenny and smaller nails. i/4 inch for fivepenny, sixpenny, and sevenpenny nails and clout nails, and % inch for eightpenny nails. Longer nails may require a l/o-inch clinch. 3 ~ Fasten cleats or battens of box parts to sheathing with two rows of nails whenever possible. Likewise, place assembly nails in a two-row or staggered pattern when practical. 4 . In the fabrication of nailed wood box parts, nail the ends of each end-sheathing board to each vertical cleat with at least two nails. 5 . Drive nails so that neither the head nor the point projects above the surface. 6 . When nailing sides, top, and bottom to the ends of nailed wood boxes, put at least two nails in each end of each sheathing board. 7 . For assembly of sides, top, and bottom to the ends, use nail- long enough to penetrate into the ends 2 to 2i/ 2 times the thickne-s of the sheathing. 8 . If the desired nail is not available or wood splitting cannot be avoided by slightly blunting the nail point, use the next smaller nail and decrease nail spacing slightly. 9 . When two rows of nails are required in the assembly of boxes, drive the nails alternately into the cleat and the sheathing. 10 . If the sides are at least % inch thick, fasten the top and bottom sheathing to the sides with nails spaced 6 to 8 inches apart. 11 . When nailing thin plywood, fiberboard. and paper-overlaid veneer to the cleats, use nails with heads at least '30 h' (, h in diam-j eter; this will prevent them from pulling through the sheathing. NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 15 HOW TO NAIL A WOOD CRATE Proper fabrication nailing of panels of both open and sheathed •ates develops the full strength of the crate and its members. In aen crates especially, fabrication nailing of panels is critically nportant. In sheathed crates, the fabrication nailing joins adja- ;nt members by means of sheathing that is securely nailed to all •ame members. The construction and appearance of a crate are quite different •om that of a wood box, but the principles of nailing are similar, abrication of the parts consists of nailing various framing pieces >gether, with or without sheathing, to form panels. Assembly con- sts of fastening these panels together to form the container. The zes of nails recommended in this handbook for assembly of crates :'e those generally used for group I and II woods (see page 19). /lien woods of groups III and IV are used, use nails one penny nailer for assembly nailing. Fabrication Nailing of Open Crates One of the simplest crates to build is the open crate. The key to aod fabrication nailing of its panels is effective nail clinching, ecause the sides, ends, and tops of open crates are much alike, the nne nailing methods are employed for all. The parts of each panel :*e laid on one another and nailed together at the proper places; le nails are clinched on the inner face (fig. 8). The nailing patterns and the number and placement of the nails lould be such that the full strength of the members is approached, [owever, don't use too many nails, for they may split the wood, he nailing patterns recommended for woods of groups I and II :'e shown in figure 9 for crate members crossing at right angles, se at least two nails for each joint. For woods of groups III and F, the number of nails per joint may be decreased by one if the ood splits when the designated number of nails is used. For mem- jrs crossing at angles other than 90 degrees, patterns similar to lose in figure 9 should be used. A detailed nailing pattern for the ise is shown in figure 10. Clinch all nails used in the fabrication of open crates, unless the lember containing the nail point is more than 2 inches thick or the >tal thickness of all members exceeds 3 inches. A 14 -inch minimum inch is recommended for sevenpenny and smaller nails; a %-inch inch for eightpenny through twelvepenny nails; and a i^-incli inch for larger nails. 501506°—50- 3 16 HANDBOOK 100, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CLINCH NAILS ON / BACK FACE LOWER FRAME MEMBER AREA FOR ASSEMBLY NAIL ING B Figure 8. —Typical construction for open crates: A, Fabrication of sides or top; B, fabrication of ends. Fabrication Nailing of Crate Base The framing of bases for sheathed and open crates is similar. The cross members, including the end headers and the larger load- bearing floorboards, are usually bolted to the skids (fig. 10). The diagonals, cross members, and lumber and plywood flooring are nailed to the skids. The nailing patterns shown in figure 9 are used to fasten members, except plywood flooring, to the skids. Ply- NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 17 f EDGE MEMBER • M • •/ - ---- • • • • « • • 4 " 5" / A '—STRUTS AND DIAGONALS OR GREATER M-111519 :gure 9.—Typical nailing patterns for open crates: A, Nailing for assembly of panels to each other; B, nailing for fabrication of panels, as used to nail floor¬ boards to skids and lumber sheathing to frame members. ood flooring is nailed in a two-row staggered pattern, with the tils in each row spaced about 6 inches apart. The nails should be long enough to penetrate the skid for a dis- nce 2 to 2 y 2 times the thickness of the member holding the head ithout projecting through, but not less than iy 2 inches. Thus, to BOLT HEAVY MEMBERS TO SKIDS NAIL /“ MEMBERS TO SKIDS WITH 8d OR 9d NAILS RUBBING STRIP SKID 2" FLOORING nail a 34-inch-thick board to a large skid requires a nail about 2*4 to 2% inches long; for example, an eightpenny or ninepenny cement- coated sinker nail, or an etched eightpenny common nail. Under most conditions, these nails have higher withdrawal resistance than plain nails. If, however, clinching is required because the total thickness of all parts is no greater than 3 inches, plain nails are suitable. 18 HANDBOOK 16 0, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PLYWOOD TO SKIDS 2 ROWS OF NAILS "FLOORING M-111530 Figure 10.—Typical constructions for crate bases: .4, Base for open crates; B, for sheathed crate. BOLT TO SKIDS FILLER PIECE (SPACE NAILS 6"-B" APART) NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 19 Fabrication Nailing for Sheathed Crates The sides, ends, and tops of sheathed crates are fabricated by placing tlie precut frame members in their proper positions and Fastening them together with corrugated fasteners or staples. When t considerable number of crates of the same size and construction ire to be made, jigs are often used to hold the members in position vhile the sheathing is applied. In lumber-sheathed crates, water¬ proof paper can be installed between the frame members and the iheathing of side and end panels to seal the joints between sheathing >oards. Tops are waterproofed by various means; one effective way s to place waterproof paper between two layers of the lumber heathing. Plywood-sheathed crates do not require this type of waterproofing, as all plywood joints are made over a frame member nd are securely nailed (fig. 11). Nails are driven through both the sheathing and the frame mem- ters. If the total thickness of the wood is less than 3 inches, the ails are clinched. The length of the clinch depends on the size f the nails required for the joint, and the general rule outlined for pen crates should be followed. Coated, etched, or deformed-shank ails recommended for fastening plywood % inch or less in thick- ess to 2-inch frame members need not be clinched, but should pene- rate to a depth of at least iy 2 inches into the frame member. Figure 11 shows recommended spacing and placement of nails sed to fabricate side, end, and top panels of sheathed crates. Drive lie nails through the thinner into the thicker member; if these lembers are of equal thickness, convenience is the controlling factor. Crate tops often have joists or similar supporting members that re usually installed on edge either before or during crate assembly, falls are driven through the top sheathing and frame members ito the joists. Use two nails where each joist crosses diagonal or mgitudinal frame members. Twelvepenny nails are suitable when oth sheathing and frame members are nominally 1 inch thick, and inpenny nails are used with %- or y 2 - inch plywood sheathing. Hien nailing through a strut of the top into a joist, space the nails lout 8 to 10 inches apart. Assembly Nailing of Open Crates It is relatively simple to assemble open crates, because there is no reat amount of “blind” nailing involved. Most of the nailing is lirect”: that is, the pieces holding the nailheads and those holding le points are in plain view (fig. 12). Most nailing, therefore, does it require accurate marking for alinement of the assembly nails, owever, it is good practice to indicate by some method the number id placement of the nails. 20 HANDBOOK 160. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MINIMUM OF 3 NAILS Figure 11.—Typical construction for sides, ends, and tops of sheathed crates: <4, Lumber-sheathed crates; B, plywood-sheathed crates. Fastening Sides and Ends to Base Fasten the struts of the side panels to the base by nailing them to the skids or other large base members. Nail diagonals that are in the same plane as the struts and extend below the lower frame member to the skid also. The number of nails used depends on the gross weight of the crate and its contents. In properly designed crates, the greater the weight of the article, the larger the struts, diagonals, and skids; hence greater nailing area is automatically provided. NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 21 Nail each strut and diagonal of the sides to 2-incli skids with at least three nails for 1 by 4’s and four nails for 1 by 6's. When skids are 3 inches deeji or more, use at least four nails for 1 by 4's and five nails for 1 by 6 diagonals and struts. Heavy loads or small crates, however, may require a greater number of nails to fasten the sides to the base. The total number of nails required is shown in table 6 by nail sizes and types for various gross loads. Stagger the nails in patterns similar to those shown in figure 9, and the struts and diagonals nailed to the skids or sills as shown in figure 12. In table 5, eightpenny, ninepenny, and tenpenny nails are listed, any of which may be used to fasten nominal 1-inch members to the base. For heavily loaded crates, the number of nails required may be so great that their use would not be practical without additional struts and diagonals. Under these conditions, the use of lag screws is recommended. For example, the allowable lateral resistance of a lag screw % inch in diameter and penetrating iy 2 to 2 inches into the skid is at least 4 times that of an eightpenny or ninepenny sinker nail. Thus, two lag screws will do the work of eight nails and require a small total fastening area. The ends are fastened to the base by nailing the lower frame member of the end to the end header. Eightpenny or ninepenny nails spaced about 8 inches apart are used in a staggered pattern (fig. 12). 22 HANDBOOK 160, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Table 5. — Total minimum number of nails required to fatten tides to base of open crates 1 dross load— weight of crate and Sinker or cooler nails Corker nails Common nails contents (pounds) 8d and !)d lOd 8d and 9d 10d 8d and 9d lOd 1,000 20 18 18 16 16 14 2^000. 38 36 34 30 30 26 3'000 58 54 52 46 46 40 4,000. 76 72 68 60 60 52 5,000 96 90 86 76 76 66 6,000. 114 108 102 90 90 78 7,000. 134 126 120 106 106 92 8,000 152 144 136 120 120 104 1 Use one-half on each side of crate and divide evenly between struts and diagonals according to their respective widths. Fastening Sides to Ends and Top In most open crate designs, the frame members are arranged so that the sides can be fastened to both the end and the top panels. The edge struts of the sides overlap the edge struts of the ends (fig. 12), and the nails should be placed about 8 to 10 inches apart. For nominal 1-inch members, eightpennv or ninepenny nails are driven through the edge struts of the sides. The upper ends of the struts and the diagonals are fastened to the edge longitudinal members of the top with eight penny or nine- penny nails (fig. 12). The nailing patterns for open crates shown in figure 9 may be used. Nails placed too near the end often cause boards to split, especially those of the denser woods. Reduce split¬ ting by slightly blunting the ends of the nails. If splitting persist-, either predrill nail holes or select nails that are onepenny smaller. If smaller nails are used, more nails will probably be required. Fastening Ends to Sides In the design and construction of most open crates, the cross members and the diagonals of the ends extend beyond the edge struts. Nail these to the edge struts of the side panels (fig. 12). Two eightpenny or ninepenny nails are used for 1- by 4-inch mem¬ bers, three nails for 1- by 6-inch members, and four nails for 1- by 8-inch members. Fastening Top to Ends and Sides The construction of top panels for open crates differs according to the position of the longitudinal members and the cross members. These variations may change the method of nailing the tops to the NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 23 ends. In most cases, the longitudinal edge members of the top are nailed to the upper frame members of the sides (fig. 12). For group I and most group II woods, use eightpenny or ninepenny nails spaced 8 to 10 inches apart. In panels where the cross members are over the longitudinals, nail the edge struts of the top to the upper frame members of the ends. Use eightpenny or ninepenny nails spaced 8 to 10 inches apait (fig. 12). In top panels where the top longitudinal members pass over the cross struts and diagonals, the upper frame member of the end is fastened to the edge strut of the top with nails spaced 8 to 10 inches apart. These nailing principles can be applied to many styles of crates other than the basic ones described here. Assembly Nailing of Sheathed Crates The assembly nailing procedures recommended for sheathed crates, while similar to those for open crates in some respects, also differ considerably. The reason is that much assembly nailing consists of driving the nails through the sheathing directly into a structural member. There is also more nailing surface. This allows more uniform nail spacing and eliminates the concentrations of nails. The latter, common in open crates, is often the primary cause of splits when the loaded crates are stressed by rough handling during- transit. Sheathed crates can be designed to carry greater loads than open crates. The greater fastening area available allows the use of more nails, which contributes greater resistance to lateral load stresses. In small open crates, for example, only two or three struts may be available to receive nails, but a sheathed crate can be nailed along its entire length. As in all assembly procedures, coated, etched, or deformed-shank nails provide superior withdrawal resistance. Fastening Sides and Ends to Base In sheathed crates, the side panels are nailed to the skids and the end panels are nailed to the end headers of the base. When 2- by I-mch skids or headers are used flat, stagger the nails slightly (fig. 9). If skids or sills 3 or 4 inches deep are used, place the nails m two rows in a staggered pattern; for skids or sills deeper than 4 inches, three rows of nails are used (fig. 13). Generally, eightpenny and ninepenny nails are used for nominal l-mch lumber sheathing and i/ 2 -inch and thicker plywood, and sevenpenny nails for plywood sheathing less than i/ 2 inch thick. The minimum number of nails for the side-to-base nailing is gov¬ erned by the gross weight of the crate and its contents. Table 6 501506° — 59 24 HANDBOOK 160, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE lists, by types of nails and wood groups, the number of nails re¬ quired for each 1,000 pounds of gross load. Good practice calls for at least two nails in each lumber sheathing board. In addition, space nails used to fasten sides and ends to the base no farther apart than 3 inches when in single rows, 6 inches in double rows, and 9 inches when three rows are used. Nails spaced too closely will split the sheathing. If nail requirements result in spacing of less than iy 2 inches, nails should be replaced with lag screws installed as described for the side-to-base assembly of open crates. Fastening Sides to Ends The side panels are fastened to the end panels with nails driven through the sheathing of the sides into the edge struts of the ends. The nails are spaced about 6 to 8 inches apart (fig. 13). Nail sizes are the same as those recommended for side-to-base assembly. The end panel is fastened to the side panel with nails through the sheathing and edge strut of the end into the edge strut of the side. The edods. Tech. Note 236. 1958. NAIL-HORDING POWER OF AMERICAN 34 HANDBOOK 1G0, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE M-113901 Figure 15.—Improper and proper nailing: A and B, Nail bent by divergent grain: C, slanted nail; D, nail too close to edge; E, too great end spacing; F, nail b.-nt by contact with knot; G, nail bent by contact with another nail; H, nail; properly placed and driven. NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 35 Moisture Content of Wood The moisture content of wood has a definite effect on the with- Irawal resistance of nails, on ease of driving, and on the wood’s endency to split. Changes in moisture content have an even greater ■tfect on withdrawal resistance. As green lumber dries, the with- Irawal resistance of nails falls off. A nail driven into and immedi- itely pulled from green wood has almost 4 times the withdrawal Resistance it would have if it were left there 1 year while the wood Iried and was then pulled. It is good practice to use wood that has a moisture content of ess than 19 percent for building containers. However, wood with tn extremely low moisture content is not desirable for containers, iince subsequent moisture pickup and loss will also reduce with- Irawal resistance of nails and may cause the lumber to warp and iplit. How To Determine Nail Resistance The two main calculable functions of nails used for assembly in >ox and crate construction are their resistance to direct withdrawal md their resistance to lateral stresses. In rough-handling tests of L’abee 7.— Average allowable loads 1 for nails in direct withdrawals 2 (nails equal in diameter and length to sinker nails) Allowable load Wood species Six¬ penny Eight- penny Ten- penny Twelve- penny Sixteen- penny Twenty- penny lasswood, cottonwood, true firs, pines (except southern yellow), spru¬ ces, yellow-poplar, and Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds Pounds similar species _ 18 27 35 42 49 58 Vestern hemlock, red pine, redwood, other species of similar density 25 37 48 58 66 79 oft elm, sweetgum, black ash, soft maple, other species of similar density _ 34 51 66 81 93 111 )ouglas-fir, western larch, southern yellow pine, other species of similar density _ 38 56 73 89 102 121 Vhite ash, beech, birch, hard maple, oaks, rock elm, other species of sim¬ ilar density _ 59 88 114 140 159 190 1 Based on normal conditions for containers. 2 When driven into side grain of seasoned lumber to a depth equal to two-thirds 'f its length. HANDBOOK 100, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 36 wood boxes, both types of failures have been noted. In drop tests made with crates, the nail failures noted in the joints between sides and base were caused primarily by lateral forces. Formulas have been developed ! to determine the allowable loads lor direct withdrawal resistance and lateral resistance of nails. I'bese formulas have been based on nails used for construction, as for nailing of wood trusses, and for fabrication and assembly of other structural units. I hey are applicable under conditions of long-continued or permanent loading; however, they can be mod¬ ified for loads of short duration or where the loading conditions are not so severe. Thus, the formulas in the text and the allowable load values for containers given in tables 7 and 8 have been increased about 20 percent above those for permanent loading. They are considered satisfactory for loading and storage conditions to which boxes and crates are normally subjected. I nder extreme shipping, storage, or handling conditions, however, allowable loads may Ite reduced from those included in tables 7 and 8. Only side-grain nailing is considered in the calculations that follow. Table 8. —Average allowable loach' 1 for nails in lateral resistance * (nails having diameters equal to sinker nails) Wood species Allowable load Six¬ penny Eight- penny Ten- pennv Twelve- penny Sixteen- pen ny Twentv- pennv Basswood, cottonwood, true firs, pines (except southern yellow), spruce, yellow-poplar, other spe- Pounds Pounds ■ Pounds Pounds Pou nds cies of similar density_ 30 41 45 54 62 81 Western hemlock, red pine, redwood, other species of similar density _ 37 51 57 67 77 101 Soft elm, sweetgum, black ash, soft maple, other species of similar density- 42 57 63 75 86 112 Douglas-fir, western larch, southern yellow pine, other species of similar density . 46 63 69 82 94 123 White ash, beech, birch, hard maple, oaks, rock elm, other species of similar density 56 78 85 101 117 152 1 Based on normal storage and handling conditions. 2 When driven in side grain of seasoned lumber, minimum distance of pene¬ tration equal to two-thirds of its length in the softer woods and one-half in the denser woods. U.S. Forest Products Laboratory. wood handbook. U.S. Dept. Agr.. Agr. Handb. 72, 528 pp., illus. 1955. NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 37 Direct-Withdrawal Resistance The resistance of nails with circular, uncoated, plain shanks to direct withdrawal depends on the specific gravity of the wood, the nail diameter, and the depth of penetration. The following formula may be used to determine the allowable direct-withdrawal load for nails of any size under normal conditions of use typical of con¬ tainers : P = 1,380 <7 f D where P is the allowable load in pounds per inch of penetration into the member receiving the point (side grain of seasoned wood), G is the specific gravity of species of wood, based on weight and volume when ovendry, 4 and D is the diameter of the nail in inches. Table 9 lists the specific gravity, <7, and G * for a number of woods commonly used for the construction of boxes and crates. Table 10 lists nail diameters and other data used in the formulas for determining withdrawal values as well as for calculating the lateral resistance of nails. If nails other than bright, common Table 9 .—Values for specific gravity ( G ) of ovendry wood used in calculating direct-withdrawal loads for nails G 0. 32 . 35 . 38 . 41 . 44 5 G 2 5 G G G 2 06 0. 47 0. 15 0. 62 0. 31 07 . 50 . 18 . 65 . 34 09 . 53 . 20 . 68 . 38 11 . 56 . 23 . 71 . 42 13 . 59 . 27 . 74 . 47 Table 10.— Sizes of bright common wire nails Size (penny) Gage Length Diameter D 3 D 2 4 ___ _ 12/ Inch 1/ Inch 0. 098 Inch 0. 0307 6 _ 11 / 2 . 113 . 0380 7 _ 11/2 2/ . 113 . 0380 8 _ 10/ 2/ . 131 . 0474 9 _ 10/ 2/ . 131 . 0474 10 - - -- 9 3 . 148 . 0570 12 .. . - _ 9 3/ . 148 . 0570 16_ 8 3/ . 162 . 0652 4 Markwaedt, L. J„ and Wilson, T. It. C. strength and related properties of woods grown in the united states. U.S. Dept. Agr. Tecli. Bui. 479, 99 pp., illus. 1935. 38 HANDBOOK 100, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE wire nails are used (such as sinker nails), the gage, length, and other values will change from those in the table. I he sinker nail is the type most often used in the assembly of boxes and crates. Table 7 lists the average allowable loads for direct withdrawal of sinker nails, or nails of equal diameter and penetlation, in box and crate construction. I hese are average values, however, and values for individual species or pieces may be somewhat higher or lower than those listed in the table. The values in table 7 do not allow for any shank treatment, shank roughening, or deformation. Lateral Resistance Lateral resistance is the resistance of the nail to lateral loads applied at right angles to the length of the nail. For example, this is the type of force to which nails used to fasten ends and sides of a crate are subjected. As in the method used for determining the allowable direct-withdrawal values, the specific gravity of wood and the diameter of the nail must be considered in calculating allow¬ able loads. I he formulas are based on the penetration of an un¬ coated, circular-shank nail into wood. The nail should penetrate into the lower density species a distance of about two-thirds its length. In the higher density species, nails should penetrate to a distance about one-half their length. I he following formulas can be used for determining the allowable lateral resistance of nails driven into the side grain of various species of wood. The values are based on stresses normally placed on containers. Species Formula Basswood, cottonwood, true firs, pines (except southern yellow), spruces, yellow-poplar, other species of similar density_ P= 1,080 D- Western hemlock, red pine, redwood, other species of similar density- 1,350 h- Soft elm, sweetgum, black ash, soft maple, other species of similar density- P= 1,500 £>l Douglas-fir, western larch, southern yellow pine, other species of similar density_ P=\ u !>■ White ash, beech, birch, hard maple, oaks, rock elm, other species of similar density_ P=2 040 D $ In these formulas, P is the allowable load per nail in pounds and D is the diameter of the nail in inches. 3 The values for D - are given in table 10 for various sizes of nails. Table 8 is included for the convenience of builders of boxes and crates, and formulas need not be used except for special conditions. I he values are based on the sinker nail or other nails of equal diameter. NAILING BETTER WOOD BOXES AND CRATES 39 Wood Groups Many species of wood are adaptable for use in the construction of boxes and crates. The various species commonly used are divided into four groups, largely on the basis of their density. Other factors m which the groupings are based include their nail-holding power, 3ase of working, and their splitting tendency. It is always good practice, in the construction of containers, to use species in the same ?roup for similar parts. For example, the sheathing of a crate hould consist of species in one group. The cleats of a nailed wood iox should also be selected from one group, although not necessarily he same one. By doing so, the builder can use a single set of umber sizes and nailing practices. Most container specifications lesignate the size of members and the size and spacing of nails ccording to wood groups. The denser woods are used in smaller izes and fastened with fewer nails. In the following groups are listed the various species of woods ommonly used for the construction of containers: GROUP I includes the softer woods of both the coniferous (soft¬ wood) and broad-leaved (hardwood) species. These woods do not Plit readily when nailed, have moderate nail-holding power, mod- rate strength as a beam, and moderate shock-resisting capacity, hey are soft, lightweight, and easy to work, hold their shape well fter manufacture, and usually are easy to dry. Aspen (popple) Basswood Buckeye Cedars Chestnut Cottonwood Cypress Firs (true) Magnolia Pine (except southern yellow) Redwood Spruces Willow Yellow-poplar GROUP II consists of the heavier coniferous woods. No hard- ood species are included. These woods usually exhibit a pro- mnced contrast in the hardness of the springwood and the unmerwood. They have greater nail-holding power than the roup I woods, but they tend to split more readily. The hard unmerwood bands often deflect the nails and cause them to pro- ude from the side of the piece. Douglas-fir Hemlock Southern yellow pine Tamarack Western larch GROUP III consists of hardwoods of medium density. No niferous species are included. These woods have about the same til-holding power and strength as a beam as the group II woods, 1 40 HANDBOOK 160, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE but are less inclined to split and shatter under impacts. Group III species are the most useful woods for box ends and cleats. This group includes those woods from which most of the rotarv-eut lumber for wirebound and plywood boxes is obtained. Ash (except white) Sweetgum Soft elm Sycamore Soft maple Tupelo GROT 1* IV woods are the heavy hardwood species. They have both the greatest shock-resisting capacity and the greatest nail- holding power. Because of their extreme hardness it is difficult to drive nails into them and the}’ have the greatest tendency to split. They are the heaviest and hardest domestic woods and are difficult to work. They are especially useful where high nail-holding power is required. Many of them make excellent rotary-cut lumber for wirebound and plywood boxes. Beech Birch Hackberry Hickory Hard maple Oaks Pecan Rock elm White ash Managing Grass-Shrub Cattle Ranges in the Southwest By Hudson G. Reynolds agriculture Handbook No. 162 OREST SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CONTENTS Introduction_ The experimental range- Climate_ Rainfall distribution_ Rainfall variations_ Vegetation_ The forage crop- Growth periods_ Forage production_ Forage preferences_ Range condition_ Effect of weather- Effect of shrubs_ Effect of grazing- Effect of rodents and rabbits- Judging range condition- Basis for stocking_ Forage utilization_ Proper degree of use- Seasonal grazing__— -- Using forage classes in combination- Summer deferment versus yearlong grazing Proper distribution of animals,- Watering_ Salting___ Supplementing_ Range subdivisions- Judging proper use- When to judge_ Where to judge_ How to judge_ Making stocking adjustments- Proper handling of livestock- Range improvement practices- Shrub suppression_ Revegetation_ Recommendations for managing grass-shrub ranges . Common and scientific names- Literature cited,.,-.- Page 1 3 3 3 3 6 8 8 10 11 11 11 13 14 16 18 20 20 21 21 21 22 24 24 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 31 31 31 33 36 38 39 Issued December 1959 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D.C. - Price 20 cents Managing Grass-Shrub Cattle Ranges in the Southwest By Hudson G. Reynolds, range conservationist Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station , 1 Forest Service INTRODUCTION Grass-shrub rangelands occupy extensive acreages in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico between elevations of 3,000 nd 5,000 feet. At lower elevations, the grass-shrub type merges pith deserts dominated by creosotebush. 2 At higher elevations, the VP 6 forms a transition with chaparral, piny on-juniper, or oak- poodland types (fig. 1). Perennial grasses are the mainstay of the orage supply but browse species and annual grasses are sometimes mportant. Sustained high production of perennial grass forage depends upon tocking the proper number of animals, grazing at appropriate times, nd providing for optimum distribution of livestock. The usual ractice is to graze the ranges yearlong. Annual or periodic ad¬ justments in number of grazing animals are necessary because of 'ide variations in forage production. Seasonal adjustments are also elpful. Grazing can often be planned to make summer use of bundant annuals at lower elevations, spring use of ranges where rowse is abundant, and winter use of ranges where black grama i an important component. Better utilization of grass-shrub ranges can be had by fencing ibdivisions to accomodate 50 to 100 animal units, providing ermanent and dependable watering places, and using salt or salt- leal mix judiciously. On many ranges forage production is low ecause undesirable shrubs have replaced good forage species. Here, irub control, revegetation, or other measures are needed to restore >rage production. This publication describes the grass-shrub type at Santa Rita xpenmental Range, about 30 miles south of Tucson, Ariz. Recom- tendations for management of the type and improvement in prac- ces are based upon intensive work on the experimental range and iservations elsewhere. Many of the recommendations are applicable, >ssibly with local modifications, over the entire grass-shrub range. 1 Central headquarters of station maintained at Fort Collins, Colo., in cooper- mn with Colorado State University; studies reported in this publication were nducted in cooperation with the University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 2 Common and scientific names of plants mentioned are listed on page 38. 1 ' 2 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE F—416201, 489023, 489022 Figure 1.—Grass-shrub rangelands (B) lie between the oak-woodland and chap- arral areas (.4) above 5,000-foot elevation, and the ereosotebush desert (C) , below 3,000 feet. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 3 THE EXPERIMENTAL RANGE Santa Rita Experimental Range is an area of about 52,000 acres, t is on a gently' sloping plain that drains northwest into Santa A'uz River. The general topography is interrupted by a few stony ’Utfes and low foothills, and by numerous drainage channels. ^ Twenty experimental pastures constitute the experimental range. Grazing studies are conducted with privately owned cattle, but graz- tig management plans are under control of the Federal Government. \ r ells, surface tanks, and pipelines from mountain springs have been onstructed as opportunity and finances permitted. Climate At the experimental range headquarters at an elevation of 5,000 iet, daily maximum temperatures sometimes exceed 100° F. during le summer. Mean minimum July temperature is 68° and the mean laximum in June is 91° (fig. 2). Frost-free periods extend from larch to November. More than 275 days are relatively cloudless ich year, with sunshine more than 80 percent of the time. Relative timidities are low, and wind movements are usually light and varia- le. Evaporation rate is about 75 inches a year from free-water irfaces. Rainfall Distribution Precipitation is almost entirely rain. About half of the annual unfall comes during July, August, and September (fig. 2), and >°ut 40 percent of it comes during the 6-month period October irough March. April, May, and June are the driest months of the ;ar. Typically, the rainfall pattern consists of a summer peak, winter plateau, and a late spring drought. About once in 10 years in fall is unusually high in the winter or spring. Summer and winter precipitation differ in origin of moisture and pe of storm. The torrential showers in the summer come from oisture-bearing air that originates over the Gulf of Mexico to the utheast. Winter storms—usually in the form of rain—are largely the frontal type, originating in the north and west. Rainfall Variations Annual and seasonal rainfall vary greatly (fig. 3). Over a period 50 years at Santa Rita Experimental Range headquarters, annual in fall has varied from a maximum of 36.8 inches in 1930-31 to minimum of 11.2 inches in 1903-04, and has averaged 19.5 inches. Successive years of above-average or below-average rainfall are mmon. For example, in the 50-year record there are six periods which two successive years of below-average moisture occurred fore relief by a year of above-average rainfall; and in two other riods, three successive years of below-average rainfall occurred. Annual rainfall varies greatly with elevation. For example, on e southern edge of the experimental range, with a 500-foot, increase elevation there is an average increase of 4 inches. - PRECIPITATION (INCHES) 4 HANDBOOK 16 2, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE k 1 I Figure 2. —Average monthly precipitation and average maximum and minimum monthly temperatures at Santa Rita Experimental Range, based on 50 years of record. Summer rainfall is spotty. In a given year, differences of 1 inch have been noted within the distance of a mile, though the average rainfall at both locations is the same. One area may be drought stricken while an adjacent area may receive above-average rainfall. Also, individual storms may be extremely local; rains of 1 inch or more may fall on an area of less than a square mile. WINTER (OCT-JAN.) SPRING (FEB.-MAY ) SUMMER (JUNE-SEPT.) 6 HANDBOOK 16 2, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Vegetation Because vegetation of the grass-shrub type varies with elevation, the vegetation on the experimental range will be discussed separately for lowest and driest elevations, upper and more moist elevations, and intermediate elevations. The range was considered to be in fair condition when surveyed in 1941. A list of the principal perennial grass and shrub species representative of each elevation and in order of abundance is given in table 1. Table 1. —Relative abundance oj perennial grasses and shrubs for three elevations on Santa Rita Experimental Range for areas judged to be in fair condition 1 PERENNIAL GRASSES High elevation (5,000- 4,000 ft.; rainfall 19-16 in.) Intermediate elevation (4,000-3,300 ft.; rain¬ fall 15-13 in.) Low elevation (3,300 ft. or less; rainfall 12 in. or less) Percent Sprucetop grama-38 Black grama- 13 Arizona cottontop.. 7 Slender grama.. 7 Sideoats grama- 3 Threeawns, misc- 3 Hairy grama . - 2 Other perennial grasses. 4 Percent Rothrock grama- 7 Black grama . 5 Sideoats grama_ 3 Curlymesquite . — 3 Bush muhlv_ 2 Santa Rita threeawn. 1 Hairy grama. .. 1 Arizona cottontop— 1 Sprucetop grama- 1 Plains bristlegrass- 1 Sand dropseed. . 1 Threeawns, misc- 1 Other perennial grasses.. ... . 1 Percent Fluffgrass- 2 Bush muhly-- - 1 Santa Rita three- awn _ Rothrock grama.. . Arizona cottontop— 1 Sand dropseed— - (’) Threeawns, misc-(*) Alkali sacaton- ( s ) Tanglehead- ( 2 ) Black grama __ .. - (*) Other perennial grasses_ (*) SHRUBS Velvet mesquite- 9 Wright eriogonum. _ 7 Falsemesquite — 7 Burroweed.. - 35 Velvet mesquite.. .. 20 Cholla, cane & jumping 13 Shortleaf baccharis.. 2 Hackberry, spiny- 2 Burroweed ------ -16 Velvet mesquite — 18 Cholla_ 15 Creosotebush- 8 Shortleaf baccharis... 2 Ephedra, longleaf- 2 Desert zinnia ... 2 Saltbush, fourwing-- 1 1 Approximate composition based upon areal cover by ocular estimate. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. At the highest elevations, perennial grasses make up three-fourths of the plant composition (fig. 4). Shrubs are sparse hut some, such as falsemesquite and Wright eriogonum, are good browse. Important perennial grasses are the gramas—sprucetop, black, slender, sideoats, and hairy—Arizona cottontop, and threeawns. Miscellaneous grasses of lesser importance are Bothroek grama, plains lovegrass, green sprangletop, and curlymesquite. tO tO to QO MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 7 F-489030, 489029, 489039 1 igure 4. A, The highest elevations are characterized by perennial grass. Shrubs are confined largely to arroyos. B, At the intermediate elevations, shrubs are more abundant, and perennial grass density is lower. C, At the lowest elevations, shrubs and cacti predominate. 507874 O—59-2 8 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Shrubby species comprise about 70 percent of the vegetation at the intermediate elevations. Low-value shrubs, such as burroweed, cholla, and velvet mesquite, are common. The natural habitat of these species is at the lower elevations. Woody plants have spread from there to many higher adjacent areas, making dense, vigorous stands of brush. Perennial grasses are abundant at tire intermediate elevations. Rothrock grama is most prevalent. It is fairly short-lived and fluctuates excessively with variations in rainfall. Among the more abundant grasses are black grama, sideoats grama, curlvmesquite, and bush mulily. Other species found sparingly include Santa Rita threeawn, hairy grama, sprucetop grama, Arizona cottontop, and plains bristlegrass. Bush muhly and sand dropseed are prominent along the broad sandy washes. Annual species, at times, constitute a large part of the vegetation at the intermediate elevations. Most common are annual herbs such as heronbill, Indianwheat, and deervetch: and such annual grasses as sixweeks threeawn, needle grama, and feather fingergrass. Shrubs are dominant on the range at the lower elevations, and annuals and scattered clumps of perennial grass grow between them. The main woody species are burroweed, velvet mesquite, and cholla. Also present are such shrubs are creosotebush, desert zinnia, longleaf ephedra, fourwing saltbush, and shortleaf baccharis. Perennial grasses, mainly bush muhly, Rothrock grama, Arizona cottontop, and sand dropseed, are sparse. Fluffgrass is the most abundant species. Annual grasses outproduce perennial grasses during years of favorable rainfall. The Forage Crop Growth Periods Rainfall during both summer and winter makes possible two growth periods—one during early spring when temperatures become favorable, and one during summer when rains begin after the late spring drought. Perennial grasses, browse, and annuals react in their own characteristic fashion to this climate. Most perennial grasses begin growth with the start of summer rains and continue growing throughout July, August, and Sep¬ tember. Some may also produce a little growth at intermittent intervals from February through June. However, more than 90 per¬ cent of perennial-grass growth is produced after summer rains begin (0) 3 . Height measurements of flower stalks of Rothrock grama, slender grama, and Arizona cottontop illustrate the growth response of perennial grasses to summer rainfall (fig. 5). During the year of measurement, the first rains came on June 28 after a 2-month dr}' period. Subsequent distribution of rainfall was excellent, and as a result growth was uninterrupted. Growth commenced about 2 weeks after the first rains, was most rapid during August, and was completed by September 22. Italic numbers in parentheses refer to Literature Cited, p. 39. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 9 During the years 1929-33, length of growing season of perennial grasses measured at several sites varied from 56 to 84 days. The earliest date of growth was July 1, and the latest date was Septem¬ ber 29. For the 5 years, average starting and ending dates were July 7 and September 14, for an average growing season of 69 days. On the average, growth commenced 11 days after the first effective rain and continued for 4 days after the last effective rain. An effective rain was defined as a total of at least 0.4 inch of rainfall on successive days. Shrubby plants commence growth on winter-spring moisture. Growth usually begins in March and many species flower and fruit igure 5.—Growth curves of flower stalks of slender grama, Rothroek grama, and Arizona cottontop in relation to rainfall distribution during one summer on Santa Rita Experimental Range. 10 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE in May. Some species flower and fruit a second time during the summer rainy season and complete the cycle in August or September. Leaves usually remain throughout the spring and summer growing season. However, some species, notably falsemesquite, may produce a second set of leaves during the summer rainy season if the May- June dry season is severe enough to cause defoliation. Annual plants grow during two seasons. One group germinates at low temperatures and completes growth during the spring. An¬ other group requires higher temperatures accompanied by summer rains. Examples of the low-temperature group are sixweeks fescue, heronbill, deervetch, and Indianwheat. Sixweeks threeawn, feather fingergrass, and needle grama are good examples of summer annuals. Forage Production Production of perennial grasses increases with elevation. The average production of perennial grasses on Santa Rita Experimental Range during the period 1939-49 was as follows: Elevation (feet): 5,000-4,000. 4,000-3,300. 3,300 or less Perennial Average annual grate rainfall per acre ( inchet ) (air-drg Ibt.) 16-19 440 13-15 260 12 or less 110 On the average, the highest elevations produce about four times as much perennial grass herbage as the lowest. This difference occurs within a distance of less than 10 miles and within an eleva¬ tion change of less than 2,000 feet. Because of the cumulative effect of successive years of abnormal rainfall, production of perennial grasses varies more than rainfall. A year of low rainfall after several successive years of above-average rainfall does not affect production as greatly as if it followed several low rainfall years. Also, after a prolonged drought, increased rainfall does not produce an immediate response {17). Production of annuals varies from year to year, depending on amount and distribution of rainfall. Production is abundant in years of favorable rainfall, but during dry periods seeds may not germinate. Large amounts of spring annuals are produced only during the infrequent wet winters. Production of summer annuals is more consistent but may differ greatly in some years. The variation in annual grass production per acre is illustrated by the following tabulation : Elevation (feet): 5,000-4,000. 4,000-3, 300 3,300 or less 1951 1955 1955 ( pounds) fpounds) (pounds) 130 360 80 180 170 20 450 220 10 This tabulation also shows the greatest variation at the low eleva¬ tion, which receives the lowest average rainfall. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 11 Forage Preferences Cattle prefer green forage. As a result, grazing tends to be con¬ centrated on areas where plants green-up early or remain green longer than usual. Cattle often graze heavily on annuals that are in the growth stage. During favorable springs, heronbill, sixweeks fescue, and Indianwheat sometimes furnish considerable forage. However, pro¬ duction of annuals is most dependable during a summer period of 1 month to 6 weeks. Perennial grasses are preferred by cattle and may be used yearlong as a source of forage (4). In the spring when rainfall is favorable, Santa Rita threeawn grows rapidly and is especially favored as forage. In the summer and early fall, many species of perennial grasses are grazed. As the plants mature, however, cattle become more selective. For example, black grama, curlymesquite, and bush muhly are preferred in the late fall and winter. Ranges with a high proportion of black grama are especially adapted to use during late winter and spring, because black grama retains its nutritive value better than most perennial grasses. Many species of shrubs are palatable, including falsemesquite, Wright eriogonum, velvet mesquite, shortleaf baccharis, and range ratany. Shrubs are especially preferred from fall to late spring when other vegetation is usually dry. At lower elevations shrubs are grazed throughout the year; hence they may furnish the bulk of the forage. RANGE CONDITION Range condition is a term used to describe range health. Every range has a given potential for production as determined by climate and soil under longtime proper grazing use. The position of a range relative to its potential can be stated in terms of different condition classes. Thus, a range in excellent condition is producing at its potential consistent with longtime grazing use. Important factors affecting productivity of grass-shrub ranges are weather, mesquite or other woody plant invaders, grazing, rodents, and rabbits. Effect of Weath er Drought periods, particularly if they continue for three or more -onsecutive years, can bring about a deterioration in plant com¬ position, vegetational cover, and herbage production (fig. 6). Species aiost susceptible to drought include tanglehead, Rothrock grama, and slender grama. During protracted droughts, even such highly re¬ sistant species as black grama may be severely affected. A year of above-average moisture may produce an abundance of innuals and short-lived perennials and increase the vigor of the long- lved perennials. If the favorable moisture continues for two or nore successive years, new plants of the better, longer lived species vill become established. Speed of range recovery depends upon the seriousness of a Irought. If it is a prolonged one, the plants should be given an F—489025—26—27 Figure 6. —Great yearly variations occur in forage production on grass-shrub ranges of southern Arizona. A, In 1W8, less than 10 pounds of perennial grass per acre were produced ; B, in 1950, more than 300 pounds per acre: C, in 19->2. only 100 pounds per acre. I II MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 13 opportunity to recover. Range condition will improve much more quickly if grazing use is kept light for a year or two. Effect of Shrubs The spread and thickening of undesirable shrubs have an impor¬ tant influence on range productivity. Mesquite, cacti, and burroweed are the most serious invaders, but the effect of mesquite is known best. Mesquite has increased greatly in the past 50 years and has spread from its original habitat along drainage channels and arroyos to the uplands (fig. t). Dissemination of seed by grazing cattle is largely responsible for the recent spread (12). Mesquite furnishes some forage, especially during the season of seed production, but 'igure 7.—Mesquite spreads rapidly when seeds are abundant, mesquite has increased greatly in a period of 18 years. F—249849, 489038 At this site, 14 HANDBOOK 16 2, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE not enough to compensate for the loss of perennial grass (fig. 8). Because mesquite lowers forage production, fewer animals must be grazed to avoid injury to perennial grasses. A comparison of cattle stocking of two range units on Santa Kita Experimental Range over an 11-year period illustrates the effect of mesquite invasion upon cattle production. Mesquite made up 21 percent of the vegetation as measured by crown spread in 1937 on one unit, whereas mesquite made up only 8 percent of the composi¬ tion in the other unit. In the more heavily infested unit, mesquite increased rapidly, and in 11 years the site was densely occupied by mesquite. In the lightly infested unit, the increase of mesquite was much slower. The more heavily infested range could support only 40 percent of the livestock it supported 11 years earlier. The slow spread of mesquite in the lightly infested range did not materially affect production, and stocking was maintained at a more nearly con¬ stant rate for the same period. Figure 8.—Relation of mesquite abundance to forage production (20). Effect of Grozins Grazing influences vegetation chiefly as a result of herbage re¬ moval. In order to maintain healthy and vigorous forage plants, sufficient leafage must be left after grazing to provide for food manufacture and storage and to protect the plants during dormancy. The need for maintaining sufficient leafage to sustain plant pro¬ duction is illustrated by a clipping study made on Santa Rita Experimental Range over a 9-year period. One treatment consisted MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 15 of clipping perennial grasses (hairy, sprucetop, and slender grama, and curlymesquite) to a height of 1 inch at weekly intervals during the growing season. Xhis removed most of the leafage at a time when the plants were manufacturing food for growth and storage. Herbage production of these plants was compared with another group of plants clipped to the same height at the end of the growing season. Over the period of 9 years, plots clipped at weekly intervals produced an average of only 53 percent as much total herbage as plots clipped only at the end of the growing season. The decrease in herbage production was similar in all four species treated. Plant species on grass-shrub ranges vary greatly in their palata- bility, and cattle tend to select and graze the preferred species closely. As these plants lose vigor and die where grazing is excessive, they are replaced by species that are less palatable or more resistant to grazing. Thus, selective grazing changes plant composition. An example of how cattle grazing can change plant composition is shown by comparing vegetation inside 15 ungrazed enclosures with that in adjacent plots grazed continuously yearlong for approxi¬ mately 25 years. Plant composition inside and outside the enclosures was similar when the enclosures were established. Grazing removed about half the total production of all perennial grasses each year; however, certain species were grazed much heavier than this. Species most abundant under continuous yearlong grazing were curly¬ mesquite, Rothrock grama, and slender grama (table 2). Those fa¬ vored by protection from grazing were Arizona cottontop, bush Table 2. —Composition of perennial grasses on areas protected from grazing for approximately 25 years and on adjacent areas grazed continuously Grasses at high elevations Grasses at inter¬ mediate elevations Species Pro¬ tected areas Grazed areas Pro¬ tected areas Grazed areas Arizona cottontop . _. _ Percent Percent Percent Percent 31 6 26 2 Bush muhly.. . _ __ 0 0 11 (') Curlymesquite., __ Grama: 1 13 0 0 Black_ 7 5 26 15 Hairy_ .. _ 3 2 0 0 Rothrock_ _ 2 12 7 64 Sideoats _ _ 10 6 2 (i) Slender. . . 15 49 1 5 Threeawns. . ... 9 5 14 10 Tanglehead _ . ... 5 1 3 3 Other grasses. _ _. ....... 17 1 10 1 Total.. 100 100 100 100 Basis: basal area. 1 Less than 0.5 percent. 507874 0—59-3 16 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE muhly, black grama, sideoats grama, threeawns, and a variety of less abundant grasses, such as plains lovegrass and green sprangletop. Another study ( 6 ) has demonstrated that the number of new plants produced by perennial grasses is influenced by grazing. Wolf- tail, Rot brock grama, sprucetop grama, slender grama, and curly- mesquite produced more new seedlings where grazed than where protected. In contrast black grama, sideoats grama, hairy grama, and tanglehead produced more new plants where protected from grazing. The same study indicated that grazing reduced the average life span of wolftail, black grama, hairy grama, sideoats grama, tanglehead, mesa threeawn, and Arizona cottontop, and extended the life of Roth rock and slender gramas and curlymesquite. The objective of grazing management is to maintain a continuous and abundant supply of good quality forage. Therefore, a range in good condition must have a fairly stable population of highly productive perennial grasses. Such preferred species as Arizona cottontop, bush muhly, black grama, hairy grama, and sideoats grama produce a more stable source of forage and are better able to with¬ stand periodic droughts. Effect of Rodents and Rabbits Rodents and rabbits use vegetation that would otherwise be available for livestock and thereby lower overall grazing capacity of a range. For example, on Santa Rita Experimental Range in 1937, rodents and rabbits were estimated to consume about two- fifths of the total forage produced ( 8 ). Animal numbers for the entire experimental range, and estimated forage consumption, were as follows: Forage con- Forage con¬ sumed per sumed per animal per gear Animals gear Species: Allen jackrabbit_ California jackrabbit_ Arizona cottontail_ Roundtail groundsquirrel Bannertail kangaroo rat- Merriam kangaroo rat_ (no .) (lbs.) ( Ibs.lacre) 10, 300 175. 20 35 620 120. 45 1 3, 530 54. 75 4 29, 780 8. 21 5 87, 125 5. 53 9 42, 025 2. 41 2 Total 56 Rodents and rabbits can be more detrimental to range vegetation than cattle because they graze much closer and may even dig up root systems during dry periods (fig. 9). Also, certain species, particularly kangaroo rats, help establish unwanted shrubs by dis¬ seminating the seeds ( 18 ). Jackrabbits and some kangaroo rats are most abundant on ranges in poor condition and therefore have their greatest effect on these ranges. Not all rodents are detrimental to rangelands. Many species are rare, or they graze plants that are not used by cattle. When rodents and rabbits are present in such numbers that they seriously damage the range, control becomes desirable. Any control program should be planned and supervised by a competent biologist. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 17 , _ 8-4890Z8, 489033, 489021 J Rabbits are particularly destructive on grass-shrub ranges because c^fv r l , 7 ;l rU0re •• V 13 ” livest0( ' k ' B ’ Bannertail kangaroo rats may com- whfS th 6 {>ere , nnial grass within 20 t0 50 feet of home burrows. C, The the itintZ f woodrat is numerous on deteriorated ranges, mainly because of the abundance of cactus and mesquite that provide food and homesites. 18 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Judging Range Condition An experienced observer can classify condition of grass-shrub range by visual inspection. For example, he can note such character¬ istics as plant species, accelerated soil erosion, ground cover (living and dead), and plant vigor, lie compares these with the same characteristics on a range in top condition. Photographs and fence-line contrasts are helpful in making com¬ parisons, and extremes in range condition ai’e often reflected in condition of the grazing animals (fig. 10). However, rainfall must always be considered because in years of good precipitation lush growth on a range in poor condition may give the appearance of a range in much better condition. On the other hand, in a period of low precipitation vegetation on ranges in good to excellent condition may be sparse. Ordinarily, five range condition classes are recognized: 1. A range in excellent condition has a good mixture of palatable perennial grasses; plants are vigorous and reproducing well to pro¬ vide a good cover of living and dead material. 2. In the good condition class, palatable grasses still predominate but there may be some invasion of undesirable woody plants; the cover is more open; and conditions for reproduction are less favorable. 3. When a range is in fair condition, the more palatable perennial grasses are exceeded by less palatable species; woody plants may be abundant and reducing forage production; litter is rare and the better perennial grasses are not reproducing. 4. In poor condition, palatable grasses are rare and even the poorer species are not reproducing; woody plants may form the dominant aspect; and the soil is poorly covered by living or dead material. 5. When a very poor condition is reached, the range is almost depleted. Perennial grasses are rare; woody plants may completely occupy the site; and the cover may be reduced to bare ground or a poor cover of annuals. Soil erosion should also be considered in evaluating range condi tion. Soils are well stabilized on ranges in good or excellent condition. As vegetation is thinned, erosion may increase and will usually be apparent on ranges in poor or very poor condition. Several techniques have been worked out for the quantitative determination of range condition. An elaboration of these techniques will be found in articles already published. These techniques in¬ clude the climax approach (11) ; the forage production method (13) ; and the score-card method based on plant density, composi¬ tion, and vigor (lit). Recognition of trend in range condition is important. A rancher should know whether his range is improving, because this has a bearing upon the stability and future of his enterprise. Trend in range condition can be determined best by measurements or ob¬ servations on the same area at 3- to 5-year intervals. Allowance should be made for rainfall received in the meantime. An upward trend during a series of wet years or a downward trend in a series of dry years is not as meaningful as an upward trend during a series of dry or about average years. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES i TnT T DP 1A A . *'-4890d4, 489019, 489020 ^ condition; P lants in excellent (lucecl, undesirable hal^shriibs^bundant^sheet^eTOsioiTevid'ent^^cr^^rt^poor conci ion, peienmal grasses and topsoil almost gone, gully erosion beginning. 20 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BASIS FOR STOCKING Ranges vary greatly in their capacity to support cattle, because of differences in soil productivity, amounts and patterns of rainfall, topography, and other conditions. Accordingly, each range should be stocked on its own merits. Average yearlong animal units per section for the grass-shrub type on Santa Rita Experimental Range from 1915 to 1949, inclu¬ sive, were as follows: high elevations, 15 to 18; intermediate eleva¬ tions, 12 to 15; low elevations, 6 to 9. Table 3 presents estimates of stocking rates for these three elevations in relation to range con¬ dition, based on actual stocking records and differences in forage production. The figures in table 3 may be useful as initial stocking guides for grass-shrub ranges similar to the Santa Rita range, provided that variations are recognized and nonusable or waste range is ex¬ cluded from initial computations. On the Santa Rita, distribution of livestock by watering, salting, and range subdivisions was better than average for grass-shrub ranges so that virtually full stocking of the units was attained. On more moist areas, higher stocking may be possible, and on drier ranges stocking will be less. Table 3. —Estimated average yearlong stocking rate, by condition class, Santa Rita Experimental Range Elevation and stocking Range condition Very poor 1 Poor and fair Good and excellent High elevations: <15 >40 <10 >60 <6 >100 10-20 30-40 10-15 40-60 6-8 80-100 20-25 25-30 15-20 30-40 8-10 60-80 Intermediate elevations: Low elevations: 1 < signifies “less than”; > signifies “more than.” FORAGE UTILIZATION Efficient use of a range depends on proper utilization of the forage crop. The initial stocking should be based on range condition and productivity of the site, and adjusted annually and periodicallt thereafter. Making proper use of the forage crop necessitates (1) grazing at an intensity that will allow for growth of the main forage species; (2) grazing when herbage is most nutritious; and (3) distributing the grazing animals for full use. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 21 Proper Degree of Use In a period of approximately 2 months, perennial grasses must manufacture enough food to complete growth, produce seed, and store nourishment for the remainder of the year and the following spring. Grazing leaves and stems too closely can severely interfere with food production, storage, and protection of dormant buds. Proper use factors have been determined by observing the amount of herbage that can be removed without damaging individual plants. In defining proper use factor for a species, only average plants are considered. Even with proper utilization of a range, many plants remain ungrazed; some are lightly grazed; and others are closely grazed. The percentage of weight that may be removed refers to normally healthy plants. Unthrifty plants resulting from un¬ favorable site, drought, or previous severe use should be given lighter use; and conversely, on especially favorable sites plants might stand somewhat heavier use. Average proper use factors for im¬ portant species of the grass-shrub range in satisfactory condition under yearlong grazing are as follows (15) : Weight herbage . removal Species: ( percent ) Arizona cottontop_ 40 Bush muhly_ 35 Curlymesquite_ 40 Dropseeds_ 35 Grama: Black_ 45 Hairy- 45 Rothrock_ 55 Sideoats_ 45 Slender_ 50 Sprucetop_ 40 Tanglehead_ 40 Threeawns_ 50 Wolf tail_ 40 These values have proved satisfactory from the standpoint of range maintenance on the Santa Rita. They indicate that about 40-percent utilization of desirable species is generally satisfactory for grass- shrub ranges in the southwest. Seasonal Grazing Seasonal grazing is an important factor in proper use of the forage crop. There are several possibilities for making seasonal use of grass-shrub ranges, based upon the forage preference of cattle. Also some plants, particularly perennial grasses, benefit from sea¬ sonal as opposed to yearlong use. Thus, both the preferences of cattle and the responses of plants can be considered in developing plans for seasonal grazing use. Using Forage Classes in Combination Perennial grasses, annual grasses, and browse have somewhat Efferent growth periods. As a result there is some variation in time of highest nutritional level among these classes of forage. 22 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Preferences of cattle rather closely follow the times of highest nutritional level. Where the different classes of forage exist in combination, seasonal shifts in grazing offer possibilities for best use of the forage. One example is a range where elevational site differences produce annual grasses, perennial grasses, and browse on different areas that can be used in combination. The amount of use in combination will be limited by the relative amounts of the various classes of forage and the possibilities of controlling herd movements. Late in the spring, browse ranges are the only ones that furnish any large amount of green forage. They can be used profitably at this time in combination with dry annual or perennial grasses that serve as bulk forage. When summer rains commence, green annuals are ideal forage, and cattle graze them with relish. Their nutritive content is high, and the plants can stand considerable grazing before it interferes with setting of seed. Lower ranges provide an excellent opportunity for concentrated grazing in the summer because of the annuals produced. If cattle are grazed yearlong on such ranges, they must graze for long periods on dry forage. As annuals begin to dry, cattle can be shifted to ranges where perennial grasses are abundant. Most perennial grasses are palatable during the fall and maintain their food value fairly well. Black grama, particularly, maintains its nutritive value well into the winter. Also, as will be discussed later, summer deferment is especially beneficial to this species. Thus, the general objective of management should be to get maximum summer use of annuals, fall and winter use of perennial grasses, and spring use of browse. Where velvet mesquite is present, particularly on intermediate and higher elevations, special management should be adopted. Cattle graze its leafage whenever it is available, but they especially seek out the nutritious bean pods produced in late spring and sum¬ mer. Becausfe viable beans are spread in cattle droppings, areas where mesquite predominates should be fenced off from good grass¬ land and utilized separately wherever possible. Summer Deferment Versus Yearlong Grazing Summer deferment benefits the desirable perennial grasses. The following tabulation shows how the proportions of species changed under two treatments between 1937 and 1948 on a unit of Santa Rita Experimental Range: Treatment and perennial grass species „ Composition Summer deferred: 19S7 UTiiT Desirable species : (percent) ( percent) Arizona cottontop_ 0 6.1 Black grama- 6. 1 11. 1 Bush muhly_ 0 1.0 Tanglehead_ 1.5 22.2 Santa Rita tlireeawn_ 20. 3 27. 3 Other_ 0 1.0 Total_ 36.9 68.7 MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 23 Treatment and perennial grass species Less desirable species: Rothrock grama__ Threeawns, misc_ Total_ Total perennial grasses_ Grazed yearlong: Desirable species: Arizona cottontop_ Grama: Black_ Sideoats_ Sprueetop_ Bush muhly_ Tanglehead_ Santa Rita threeawn_ Other_ Total_ Less desirable species: Grama: Rothrock_ Slender_ Threeawns, misc_ Total_ Total perennial grasses_ Composition 1937 1948 ( percent ) ( percent ) 46 . 2 19 . 2 16 . 9 12.1 63.1 31.3 100 . 0 100 . 0 3.1 15 . 5 . 16 . 1 15 . 0 1.0 3.1 3.5 1.0 2 . 4 4 . 3 .7 6.9 34.1 24 . 9 3.8 1.0 64 . 7 71 . 7 12 . 3 10 . 8 13 . 4 6 . 9 9 . 6 10 . 6 35 . 3 28 . 3 100 . 0 100 . 0 Under summer deferment, grazing was from November through March each year, when the perennial grasses were mostly dormant. Over the 11 years, this range showed greater improvement than the adjacent check range grazed yearlong. Desirable grasses increased from about one-third of the perennial grasses to two-thirds whereas :he less desirable grasses decreased from about two-thirds to one- :hird of the composition. Arizona cottontop, black grama, tangle- lead, and bush muhly, all increased. Rothrock grama, a less iesirable grass, decreased from about one-lialf of the total stand to ibout one-fifth. The check range grazed yearlong was in better condition in 1937. It was also grazed conservatively during the study period. Under ins pe of use, the relative abundance of the desirable grasses in- ■leased slightly. They made up 65 percent of the perennial grasses *1 • com P are d with 72 percent in 1948. The relative abundance ii j 1 ? on . a 1 c °ttont 0 p, bush muhly, sideoats grama, and tanglehead, ill desirable grasses, increased materially. However, black orama prucetop grama, and Santa Rita threeawn decreased. Rothrock pama and slender grama, less desirable species, also decreased in elative abundance but not to the same extent as on the range receiving ummer deferment. Black grama is very palatable and it is perhaps the most important ingle species of grass-shrub ranges. Because it spreads by above- . _ s dunn te the growing season, the species 3 severely restricted if these runners are grazed. Accordingly, 24 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE where black grama makes up a high proportion of the perennial grass composition, summer deferment is particularly beneficial. On a well-managed range near Sonoita, Ariz., grazing is deferred during the summer growing season on one-fifth of the range each year, and the area deferred is rotated so that each area is rested once in 5 years. The excellent condition of this range testifies to the advantages of this recommended method of deferred grazing in combination with conservative stocking. Proper Distribution of Animals Full use of grass-shrub rangelands depends on proper distribution of grazing. Natural concentration sites such as salting areas, resting ground, ridges, bottoms and areas near trails, and watering places receive the heaviest grazing. Utilization tends to decrease with in¬ creasing distance from these sites. Studies made on Jornada Ex¬ perimental Range in southern New Mexico show the relation of utilization to distance from water (3). On the range as a whole, black grama was greatly overutilized at water, aoout properly utilized at 11/ 2 miles from water, and used only 40 percent of the proper degree at 3 miles from water. On lightly used ranges, heavy grazing of black grama was confined to y 2 mile from water, on conservatively grazed ranges, to within 1 mile; but on heavily grazed ranges it extended to 3 miles. Obtaining uniform distribution is not always a simple matter even where water is well distributed. This is illustrated in figure 11. Several range management practices can be used to improve dis¬ tribution of grazing animals. These include watering, salting, supplemental feeding, and subdividing the range by fencing. Watering In the naturally dry climate of grass-shrub ranges, special at¬ tention should be given to the watering plan. As a minimum requirement, fairly permanent and dependable watering places should be 4 to 5 miles apart on flat and undulating land, 3 miles on rolling ranges, and 1 to 2 miles where the terrain is rough (23). When this requirement is met, costs largely determine the desirability of further water development. The more watering places available within practical limits (fig. 12), the more uniform the utilization of forage. Once a primary network is established, many small watering places are better than a few* large ones. Small, inexpensive watering places can often be constructed merely by throwing up a dirt embankment across a small gully or surface drainage, with provision for overflow. For large water impoundments, competent engineering advice is indis¬ pensable. More uniform use of the range can also be achieved by hauling water, particularly during dry years. Where unused forage is available and the haul is not too great, it has proved to be a prac¬ tical and profitable practice. On the experimental range, water was hauled 18 miles at a cost of 3 cents an animal day. Cattle used an MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 25 [cure 11.—Pattern of grazing at the end of the 1941 grazing season for a range unit of about 10,000 acres at an intermediate elevation on Santa Rita Experi¬ mental Range. T erage of 8 gallons of water a day. This made use of the range issible during drought when many of the tanks failed to catch ater. Because of such advantages, water hauling is becoming a >mmon practice on many western ranges (7). Since water is often the primary factor limiting use of forage, ncing permanent waterholes can facilitate proper utilization. In me circumstances summer deferment of grazing can be achieved T cl °sing access to waters. It is most practical to close off per- anent watering sites while temporary waters are available. Other- ise, full use of temporary water and utilization of the surrounding nge may not be possible. 26 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE T— 489031-32, 489024 Figure 12.— Three kinds of watering places: A, Permanent and dependable water to assure availability of water in each pasture; B. temporary surface tanks to improve distribution; C, storage tank and trough for hauled water to improve distribution and augment other water sources, especially during drought. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 27 F—422129 Figure 13.— Proper placement of salt, especially during summer and early fall, helps to equalize distribution of cattle and to spread grazing to areas that may be underutilized. Salting Placement of salt away from water can extend the areas of proper utilization (fig. 13). This increases the number of animal units that a range can properly accomodate. On the Jornada, salting away from water reduced utilization near water, and increased it about 10 to 15 percent at distances of more than 3 miles from water (3). During the summer when forage is green, about 2y 2 pounds of salt for an animal-unit month is usually needed (22). After forage matures, iy 2 pounds of salt a month is sufficient. Annual salt requirement on yearlong ranges amounts to about 25 pounds a cow. Supplementing The judicious placement of supplements such as salt-meal mix ind cottonseed cake will draw animals into lightly used areas (2). rhis practice is especially desirable during winter and spring when latural vegetation is low in nutritive value. “Supplementing” should >e only what the name implies—adding something to the forage. Range supplementing should not be used to carry more animals than he forage supply will justify. Range Subdivisions Utilization can be improved by providing ranges of a size to ac- ommodate 50 to 100 animals. This arrangement makes it easier to landle livestock and permits closer supervision. By subdivision, t is also possible to make better use of forage or to use the range easonally. Better calf crops often result from range subdivision. This is [lustrated by records for tw T o pastures on Santa Rita Experimental 28 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Range (10).* One pasture contained 10,000 acres; the other, 7,800 acres. In 1937, the smaller one was divided into pastures of 3,200 and 4,600 acres. All calf crops improved somewhat in the 1937—15 period, but the increase was considerably greater in the subdivided pasture: Pasture and treatment gj u Calf crop Period: (acres) (percent) 1926-36_ I. No treatment___ 10,000 80.1 II. _do____ 7,800 75.8 1937-45_ I. No treatment_ 10,000 85.9 II. Subdivided: Part A_ 3,200 92.4 Part B_ 4, 600 88. 1 Average_ _ 90. 2 Judging Proper Use An annual survey of the range is desirable to determine whether the range is properly utilized. This requires decisions as to when, where, and how utilization is to be judged. When to Judge If only one check of utilization is made annually on ranges grazed yearlong, it should be during June. New growth commences in July. After this, recognition of utilized plants and general patterns of utilization becomes difficult. Utilization checks can also be used to determine whether it is necessary to shift animals from one range unit to another. These can be made any time after the growing season. When stocking adjustments are anticipated, a utilization survey in January or February is desirable. The amount of grazing remaining on the range for the same number of cattle can be de¬ termined by the following formula: . proper utilization —observed utilization 12 months X -— --rr=—-r- proper utilization = number of months of grazing remaining In this relationship, utilization is expressed in percent. Where to Judge Utilization should be measured at either random or mechanically spaced intervals over the entire range. At least 16 samples should be located in each range unit. When a unit is larger than eight General Land Office sections, at least two sampling units per section should be taken (5). An average of all samples will give the average use of the unit. Zones of approximately equal utilization can lie mapped to indicate needs for improving distribution. * Cattle used in this study were privately owned, and were grazed under cooperative agreement from i926 to 1945. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 29 How to Judge A simple, practical, and inexpensive method for measuring utiliza¬ tion is to determine percentage of grazed and ungrazed plants (21). Percentage of herbage removed from a range is closely related to the number of plants grazed. The relation between percentage of grazed plants and total percentage of use by weight should be checked annually for each key species. The grazed-plant method requires no special equipment or train¬ ing. For each species, plants are selected merely by pacing in a predetermined course, and the one nearest the right, foot at the end of each pace is recorded as grazed or ungrazed. Percentages of grazed and ungrazed plants are determined directly when 100 plants are recorded. By reference to an established relation (fig. 14), per¬ centage of utilization by weight for the sample can be determined. For example, if the survey showed 50 percent of the plants to be ungrazed, the chart shows that 36 percent of the herbage by weight was removed from the range. Also, by relating percentage of grazed plants to changes in range condition, proper levels of utilization can be determined for other ranges. Preferred species should be properly utilized if range condition is to be maintained or improved. Making Stocking Adjustments Proper utilization requires that 45 to 65 percent of the herbage aroduced by the better perennial grasses be left on the range each fear. Large differences m herbage production from one year to the lext, especially at low elevations, create the problem of how to stock in order to attain this goal. The first requisite is stocking at a conservative level to allow :or the effects of slight droughts, For example, if stocking is set it about 20 percent below average forage production, it can remain it this rate about 65 percent of the time. During the remainder of he time, adjustments will be necessary because of scarcity of forage >r to take advantage of an abundance of forage (17). There are several possible management systems for stocking grass- hrub ranges where the forage supply varies greatly. The most onservative approach is an exclusive cow-calf operation in which >reeding animals do not exceed the number that would consume >n the average 40 percent of the forage produced by the better >erennial grasses. This system insures adequate forage except dur- ng the most severe drought, but it would make inefficient use of orage more than half of the time. The most liberal system would itifize all of the forage produced each year. This could conceivably ie accomplished by annually purchasing weaners or older animals or full consumption of the available forage supply. The most practical solution to stocking is some compromise be- ween the ultraconservative and liberal systems. One system that ias worked well on grass-shrub ranges is to reduce the number of •reeding animals in the herd to 40-60 percent of the total. The xcess forage during above average years is utilized by holding over weaners or by purchasing growing animals from some other source. 30 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PERCENT OF PLANTS PERCENT OF USE UNGRAZED 0- BY WEIGHT - 80 _ 10— — 70 20 — _ - _ 60 — 30 — — 50 40 — —40 50 — - - — 30 &0 — - — — 7o— _ 20 — - 60 — — 10 90 _ — 0 Figure 14. —Chart for approximating percent utilization by weight when aver¬ age percentage of grazed or ungrazed key species has been determined by survey (21). During dry years, all except breeding animals are sold. Such a system minimizes the adjustments necessary in the breeding herd, which may upset the results of years of effort in selection and grade improvement. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 31 PROPER HANDLING OF LIVESTOCK Methods of handling livestock have much to do with keeping rrass-shrub ranges in good condition and maintaining high sustained iroduction. Top production depends on proper husbandry of good nimals. This section deals with some of the tested procedures that iave benefited the range, the livestock, or both. Adherence to a definite breeding season has many advantages. In he early days it was common practice to run the bulls with cows earlong. Until 1936, this was the practice on Santa Rita Experi¬ mental Range. A regular breeding season of April through October .’as adopted in 1936. This resulted in a greater percentage of early alves and heavier calves at marketing time. Also, it reduced the umber of late calves that had to be carried over for another year efore marketing. Greater uniformity in calf weights resulted in etter unit prices and higher overall income. The production of irly calves also permitted cows to go into the winter in much better esh. Different ratios of cows to bulls have been tried on the experi¬ mental range, varying from 12 to 1 up to 25 to 1. No significant ifference in calf crops was found within these limits for this range f gentle topography. Under range conditions, breeding cows should be culled from the 3rd when between 8 and 10 years old; and bulls, when they are lout t years old. It has proved to be a waste of forage and a loss l productivity to carry animals when they are no longer in top mdition for reproduction. Gentle methods and modern conveniences for handling livestock :eatly reduce losses and injuries. Cattle are mostly injured by nigh handling and roping on open range. Modem conveniences >r doctoring, dehorning, and handling have lowered cattle losses ibstantially (fig. 15). Also, holding traps, corrals, squeeze and parating chutes, and branding tables greatly reduce labor costs, rucking has now almost completely replaced trailing to shipping lints. Better returns from trucking come from lower labor costs, 3S shrinkage in market animals, reduced injuries, and less weight ss among breeding cows. RANGE IMPROVEMENT PRACTICES Many ranges fail to produce maximum amounts of forage because past use and shrub invasion. As greater production per unit area grass-shrub ranges is demanded, measures for restoring ranges full production will be adopted. This may require revegetation, rub suppression, or both, in addition to the other range management act ices previously discussed. Methods are now available for re- inng some ranges, although all methods are costly. Better methods e also being developed. Shrub Suppression Of the invading woody plants that are seriously lowering range nditions, mesquite is the most detrimental (16). Choice of the method for suppression depends upon many factors such as 32 HANDBOOK 16 2, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE F—422132, 489036 Figure 15.—Modern conveniences for handling animals practically eliminate in¬ juries and greatly reduce labor costs: .1, A modern handling corral includes separating pens, a squeeze chute, and livestock scales: It, calf branding tables are a considerable improvement over the old method of roping out of a herd. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 33 itage of infestation, availability of equipment, and site productivity [20). Hand grubbing by mattock is cheapest and most effective or trees less than 1 inch in diameter. Initial invasions can be landled easily by this method at a cost of only a few cents an acre, jow-grade diesel oil applied to individual trees is best for stands hat do not exceed 100 stems an acre. Properly applied, diesel oil rill give 90-percent kills at a cost of about 5 cents a tree. Cabling or chaining reduces stand density effectively when trees re larger than 2 inches in basal stem diameter and when density xceeds 100 plants an acre. A 300- to 500-foot length of heavy nchor chain or 1-%-inch multistrand wire cable is usually dragged etween two (D-8 or equivalent) crawler-ty i opposite directions are more effective t lesquite exceeding 225 trees an acre, especial praying chemicals on foliage offers some promise. For southern nizona conditions, % pound of 2,4,5-T (low-volatile ester) to the ere m a mixture of 2 gallons of diesel oil and 6 gallons of water, as proved best. Timing of spraying is important: mesquite plants re most susceptible when leaves and blossoms are in full growth ad developing pods are about t^-inch long. In some tests, up to 3-percent kills have been attained. ae tractors. Two passes nan one. In stands of ly in rough topography, Burroweed has also increased greatly on many grass-shrub ranges fig. 16). Invasion of this shrub is associated with declining peren- ial grass yields, especially of those species that grow in the spring, nder some conditions, burroweed is toxic to cattle. C ontrol methods have not been so thoroughly tested for burroweed ; for mesquite. Where the fire hazard is not great and there is iore than 500 pounds of fuel per acre, burning has proved to be an Fective method for eliminating burroweed. Up to 90-percent kills ive been attained from a range burn in June (19). Cholla and pricklypear, both undesirable, are increasing on some nges. Of the two, cholla more seriously reduces the number of limals that should be allowed to graze a range. The presence of lolla makes livestock handling particularly difficult. As with bur- •weed, fire, under appropriate conditions, can reduce the abundance ; cacti. For example, a single June burn killed about 40 percent the cholla and about 30 percent of the pricklypear (19). Individ- il plants can be killed by drench solutions of several chemicals, for ample, a mixture of 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T and trichloroacetate, al- ough treatment is expensive. Before undertaking burroweed or etus control, the rancher should consult the local Agricultural stension Service for the most recent information. Revegetation Some ranges are so seriously deteriorated that native grass will f recover in a reasonable time. Also, there are local livestock ncentration areas on nearly all ranges where the native grass has en depleted and should be restored. More and better quality rage for seasons when forage is short, particularly in the spring, desirable on some rangelands. Revegetation can correct some of ese deficiencies (fig. 17). 34 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE I I s k in F—40736A, 246588, 489037 . Figure 1(5.—Woody plant invasion is one of the most serious problems confront¬ ing users of grass-shrub ranges. .1, In the spring of 1919, only scattered bur- roweed and mesquite were evident at a 3,500-foot elevation on Santa Rita Ex- ^ perimental Range. B, By the spring of 1930, burroweed formed a dense stand and cactus was beginning to appear. C. By the spring of 1948. mesquite and cactus showed a remarkable increase. Unless this invasion of woody plants i- J suppressed, a former grassland site may be completely occupied by shrubs. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 35 F—489035, 489040 [gube 17.—Some rangelands can be benefited by seeding. A, Lehmann lovegrass (right) is most widely used for seeding because of its ease of establishment, available seed source, and resistance to grazing. R, Site preparation that pits the soil to provide for additional moisture retention is desirable for heavy or eroded soils. Planting with a cultipacker seeder covers seed properly. At present, reliable seeding methods are known for the better tes on grass-shrub ranges (1). Fairly level sites with deep, fertile, id medium-textured soils are best for seeding. Annual rainfall tould exceed 11 inches. If more than scattered stands of mesquite, •ctus, or burroweed are present, they should be controlled before eding. Areas where seeding is contemplated should be subject 1 grazing control, and should be a part of the overall grazing anagement plan. The best species for seeding vary with site. Above a 4,000-foot evation and 14 inches of annual rainfall, Lehmann and Boer love- 36 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE grasses have given the most consistent success. Blue grama, Arizona cottontop, and black grama are also good species but more difficult to establish. There are no commercial seed sources for the last two species. On upland sites where annual rainfall averages 11 to 14 inches, only Lehmann lovegrass has been established consistently. On bottom-land sites or swales where moisture accumulates, blue panicum, Johnsongrass, I^ehmann lovegrass, and Boer lovegrass grow well. Soil treatment before seeding is essential for success. The main purposes of soil treatment are to remove competing vegetation, to provide for seed coverage, and to promote moisture penetration. Pitting with an eccentric disk has been the most consistently success¬ ful method. Contour furrowing and ripping have also given good results. Covering seed y 8 inch for fine-seeded species, such as Leh¬ mann lovegrass, to 1 inch for coarse-seeded species is recommended. A cultipacker seeder has proved best for seed coverage. May and June, just prior to summer rains, are the best months for planting. Seeded grasses have their own special management requirements. New stands should not be grazed until after the second growing season or until seed heads have been produced on the more slowly developing species. Once seeded grasses are established, proper degree and season of use should be observed. Measures should be taken to prevent destruction of newly seeded stands by insects and rodents. Natural concentration areas for cattle cannot be success¬ fully reseeded unless major changes in management are made. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB RANGES 1. Perennial grasses provide the most important forage on grass- shrub rangelands. Management should be aimed at maintaining a vigorous and productive supply of these grasses. 2. Among the climatic factors, precipitation has the greatest influence upon range productivity. Every effort should be made to conserve as much moisture on the site as possible to increase the growth of perennial grasses. 3. Production and composition of range vegetation varies greatly with annual rainfall and soil conditions. A rancher should recog¬ nize the desirable species and know their seasons of growth and periods of preference by livestock. 4. Ranchers should recognize and strive for the best possible range condition. The main factors affecting forage production are weather, mesquite or other woody plant invasion, grazing, rodents, and rabbits. 5. Range maintenance is dependent upon proper utilization of the annual forage crop. Annual and periodic adjustments in stock¬ ing are essential for proper use of the forage crop. Annual weight removal of perennial grasses should be between 35 and 55 percent. 6. The practice of making seasonal shifts of livestock on the range benefits both plants and animals. Where the opportunity exists summer annuals can be utilized during the summer period, perennial grasses during the winter, and browse during the spring. Black grama is particularly benefited by summer deferment. MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 37 7. Proper distribution of grazing is essential for optimum use of grass-shrub rangelands. This can be achieved by fencing range units of a size to accommodate 50 to 100 animal units, developing svater to the extent practical, and using salt and supplements to draw mimals into lightly used areas. 8. Periodic stocking adjustments are essential for proper use of lie variable forage supply. By stocking at a conservative level, idjustments can be avoided most of the time. By maintaining a lexible herd with breeding animals making up 40 to 60 percent if the herd, downward adjustments can be made during dry years vithout reducing the breeding herd. In above-average years, excess forage can be utilized by holding over weaners or by purchasing growing animals from some other source. 9. A well-organized program of range improvement is desirable in grass-shrub rangelands. This should include plans for shrub uppression where there are invasions of mesquite or other unde- irable woody plants such as cactus and burroweed. Also, on highly iroduct i ye but severely depleted areas, forage restoration through evegetation should be considered. 38 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE COMMON AND SCIENTIFIC NAMES Grasses Bristlegrass, plains_ Setaria mcicroslachya H.B.K. Cottontop, Arizona- Trichachne californica (Benth.) Chase Curlyrnesquite_ Hilaria belangeri (Steud.) Nash Dropseeds_ Sporobolus spp. Dropseed, sand- S. cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray Fescue, sixweeks_ Festuca odoflora Walt. Fingergrass, feather_ Chloris viryata Swartz, Fluffgrass- Tridens pulchellus (H.B.K.) Hitchc. Grama: Black_ Bouleloua eriopoda Torr. Blue_ B. gracilis (H.B.K.) Lag. Hairy- B. hirsula Lag. Needle- B. aristidoides (H.B.K.) Griseb. Rothrock_ B. rothrockii Vasey Sideoats_ B. curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. Slender_ B. filiformis (Fourn.) Griffiths Sprucetop- B. chondrosioidcs (H.B.K.) Benth Johnsongrass_ Sorghum halepense (L.) Pens. Lovegrass, Boer_ Eragroslis chloromclas Steud. Lovegrass, Lehmann_ E. lehmanniana Nees Lovegrass, plains- E. intermedia Hitchc. Muhly, bush_ Muhlenbergia porteri Scribn. Panicum, blue_ Panicum antidotale Petz. Sacaton, alkali_ Sporobolus airoides Torr. Sprangletop, green_ Leptochloa dubia (H.B.K.) Nees Tanglehead_ Heteropogon conlortus (L.) Beauv. Threeawns__ Aristida spp. Threeawn, mesa_ A. hamulosa Henr. Threeawn, Santa Rita_ A. glabrata (Vasey) Hitchc. Threeawn, sixweeks_ A. adscensionis L. Wolftail (Texas timothy)_ Lycurus phleoides H.B.K. Herbs Deervetch_ Lotus spp. Heronbill_ Erodium spp. Indianwheat_ Plantago spp. Trees and Shrubs Baccharis, shortleaf_ Baccharis brachyphylla Gray Burroweed_ Aplopappus tenuisedus (Greene) Blake Cacti_ Opuntia spp. Cholla, cane_ 0. spinosior (Engelm. and Bigel.) Tourney Cholla, jumping_ v _0. fulgida Engelm. Creosotebush_ Larrea tridentata (DC.) Covillc Eriogonum, Wright_ Eriogonum wrightii Torr. Ephedra, longleaf_ Ephedra trifurca Torr. Falsemesquite_ Calliandra eriophylla Benth. Hackberry, spiny_ Celtis pallida Torr. Mesquite_ Prosopis spp. Mesauite, velvet_ P. julifora var. velulina (Woot.) Sarg. Pricklvpear, Engelman_ Opuntia engelmannii Salm-Dyck Ratanv, range_ Krameria parvifolia Benth. Saltbush, fourwing_ Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. Zinnia, desert_ Zinnia pumila Gray MANAGING GRASS-SHRUB CATTLE RANGES 39 LITERATURE CITED (1) Anderson, Darwin, Hamilton, Louis P., Reynolds, Hudson G., and Humphrey, Robert R. 1953. RESEEDING DESERT GRASSLAND RANGES IN SOUTHERN ARIZONA. Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Bui. 249, 32 pp., illus. [Rev. 1957.1 (2) Ares, Fred'N. 1953. BETTER CATTLE DISTRIBUTION THROUGH THE USE OF MEAL-SALT MIX. Jour. Range Mangt. 6: 341-346, illus. (3) Campbell, R. S. 1943. PROGRESS IN UTILIZATION STANDARDS FOR WESTERN RANGES. Wash Acad. Sci. Jour. 33: 161-169. (4) Canfield, R. H. 1942. THE RELATIVE GRAZING PREFERENCE OF CATTLE FOR THE COMMON SEMIDESERT GRASSES IN SOUTHERN ARIZONA. U.S. Forest Serv. Southwest. Forest and Range Expt. Sta. Res. Note 102, 3 pp. [Processed.] (5) - 1950. SAMPLING RANGES BY THE LINE INTERCEPTION METHOD. PLANT COVER—COMPOSITION-DENSITY—DEGREE OF FORAGE USE. U.S. Forest Serv. Southwest. Forest and Range Expt. Sta. Res. Rpt. 4, 28 pp., illus. [Processed.] ( 6 ) - 1957. REPRODUCTION AND LIFE SPAN OF SOME PERENNIAL GRASSES OF southern Arizona. Jour. Range Mangt. 10: 199-203, illus. [ 7 ) Costello, David F., and Driscoll, Richard S. 1957. hauling water for range cattle. U.S. Dept. Agr. Leaflet 419, 6 pp. illus. [8) Culley, Matt. 1939. rodents OR cattle. West. Livestock Jour. 17 (19): 12, 30-31, illus. !9) - 1943. grass grows in summer or not at all. Amer. Hereford Jour. 34 (9): 8, 10, illus. 1946. factors affecting range calf crops. Ariz. Stockman 12 (10): 30-37, illus. 1) Dyksterhuis, E. J. 1949. CONDITION AND MANAGEMENT OF RANGE LAND BASED ON QUANTI¬ TATIVE ecology. Jour. Range Mangt. 2: 104-115, illus. 2) Glendening, George E. 1952. SOME QUANTITATIVE DATA ON THE INCREASE OF MESQUITE AND CACTUS ON A DESERT GRASSLAND RANGE IN SOUTHERN ARIZONA. Ecology 33: 319-328, illus. 3) Humphrey, R. R. 1949. FIELD COMMENTS ON THE RANGE CONDITION METHOD OF FORAGE survey. Jour. Range Mangt. 2: 1-10, illus. 4) Parker, Kenneth W. 1950. REPORT ON 3-STEP METHOD FOR MEASURING CONDITION AND TREND OF forest ranges. U.S. Forest Serv. 68 pp., illus. [Processed.] 5) -and Glendening, George E. 1942. GENERAL GUIDE TO SATISFACTORY UTILIZATION OF THE PRINCIPAL southwestern range grasses. U.S. Forest Serv. Southwest. Forest and Range Expt. Sta. Res. Note 104, 4 pp. [Processed.] 6) -and Martin, S. Clark. 1952. THE MESQUITE PROBLEM ON SOUTHERN ARIZONA RANGES. U.S. Dept. Agr. Cir. 908, 70 pp., illus. 7) Reynolds, Hudson G. 1954. MEETING DROUGHT ON SOUTHERN ARIZONA RANGELANDS. Jour. Range Mangt. 7: 33-40, illus. 1954. SOME INTERRELATIONS OF THE MERRIAM KANGAROO RAT TO VELVET .. MESQUITE. Jour. Range Mangt. 7: 176-180, illus. 9) - AND Bohning, J. W. 1956. EFFECTS OF BURNING ON A DESERT GRASS-SHRUB RANGE IN SOUTH¬ ERN ARIZONA. Ecology 37: 769-777, illus. 40 HANDBOOK 162, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (20) Reynolds, Hudson G. and Tschirley, F. H. 1957. MESQUITE CONTROL ON SOUTHWESTERN RANGELANDS. U.S. Dept. Agr. Leaflet 421, 8 pp., illus. (21) Roach, Mack E. 1950. ESTIMATING PERENNIAL GRASS UTILIZATION ON SEMI-DESERT CAT¬ TLE RANGES BY PERCENTAGE OF UNGRAZED PLANTS. Jour. Range Mangt. 3: 182-185, illus. (22) Stanley, E. B. 1938. NUTRITIONAL STUDIES WITH CATTLE ON A GRASSLAND-TYPE RANGE in Arizona. Ariz. Agr. Expt. Sta. Tech. Bui. 79: 129-164, illus. (23) Talbot, M. W. 1926. RANGE WATERING PLACES IN THE SOUTHWEST. U.S. Dept. Agr. Bui. 1358, 44 pp., illus. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1959 0—507874 Agriculture Handbook No.163 August 1959 Uniform Accounting for Locker and Freezer Provisioners by Thornton W. Snead, Sr. and Paul C. Wilkins Farmer Cooperative Service U. S. Department of Agriculture FARMER COOPERATIVE SERVICE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. Joseph G. Knapp, Administrator The Farmer Cooperative Service conducts research studies and service activities of assistance to farmers in connection with cooperatives engaged in marketing farm products, purchasing farm supplies, and supplying business services. The work of the Service relates to problems of management, organization, policies, merchandising, prod¬ uct quality, costs, efficiency, financing and membership. The Service publishes the results of such studies, confers and advises with officials of farmer cooperatives; and works with educational agencies, cooperatives, and others in the dissemination of information relating to cooperative principles and practices. Acknowledgment: The National Institute of Locker and Freezer Pro¬ visioned was instrumental in bringing together a committee to con¬ sider a uniform accounting system for the industry. Thornton W. Snead, Sr., Consultant on Uniform Accounting Systems and Pro¬ cedures, did the basic work under contract with Farmer Cooperative Service. Paul C. Wilkins of Farmer Cooperative Service was coordinator of the project and co-author of this Guide. Robert L. Madeira, Executive Director, National Institute of Locker and Freezer Provisioned, and J. L. Pidcock, Assistant Secretary of Marketing, Illinois Agricultural Association, made valuable contributions in planning the system. This study was conducted under authority of the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 (RMA, Title II). For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D C Contents Page The LFP System- 1 Advantages- 1 Flexibility- 2 Operating statement and balance sheet- 2 Explanation--- 2 Sale of services- 3 Sale of merchandise- 3 End results- 3 General description of system- 8 Flow of accounting information- 8 Identification of accounts- 9 Basic classification of accounts- 9 Numerical chart of accounts--— 10 Expansion chart- 13 Four basic accounting forms- 15 Form “A” - Cash Received and Sales Record- 15 Form “B” - Cash Disbursed and Purchase Record- 16 Form “C” - General Journal- 16 Form “D” - General Ledger- 17 Importance of sales tickets- 31 Using the LFP System- 31 Operating statement accounts- 31 Sales- 32 Storage revenue- 32 Cost of sales- 32 Storage department- 33 Processing department- 33 Cost of merchandise sold- 33 Interdepartmental transfers- 34 Labor allocation- 35 Gross margins- 37 Operating expense- 37 Plant expense- 39 Selling and delivery expense- 39 General and administrative expense- 40 Contents - Cont. Page Other income--other outgo- 42 Other income- 42 Other outgo- 42 Balance sheet accounts- 43 Current assets- 43 Cash- 43 Receivables- 43 Inventories- 45 Investments- 45 Prepaid accounts- 46 Fixed property and equipment- 46 Liabilities- 47 Payables- 47 Accrued expenses- 48 Reserves- 48 Deferred locker rental revenue- 48 Net worth- 49 Posting to the General Ledger- 50 Trial Balance- 50 Guide tO Uniform Accounting for Locker and Freezer Provisioners rnton W. Snead, Sr. I C. Wilkins >cker and freezer provisioners are aced with increasing competition, ands for new services, and narrowing keting margins. Greater efficiency in urement, processing, and merchan- lg is necessary not only to the success- aperation of these businesses, but, lately, to their very survival. tecordkeeping in the industry has, in ral, failed to keep pace with changing s. The result is that most pro¬ pers do not have current, accurate unting information readily at hand to help them make sound business decisions affecting the efficiency of their operations. Better financial records would help locker and freezer provisioners operate more efficiently and thus permit lower marketing margins. This would benefit both producers and consumers. Realizing this, Farmer Cooperative Service, in cooperation with others, undertook to develop a uniform accounting system for the industry. This Guide explains the uniform accounting system and gives instructions for operating it. Sample forms and entries illustrate basic procedures -- the em¬ phasis is on visual presentation. The Guide is not intended to teach accounting, nor is it a textbook of accounting prin¬ ciples. It is, in fact, a Guide. The LFP System uccessful operation in this highly com- ive field requires maximum efficiency. , in turn, requires current, accurate mation upon which management can decisions. This Uniform Accounting im for Locker and Freezer Pro- ners (LFP System) is designed to sh such financial information to man- ent. Advantages Adopting a uniform accounting system will enable the locker and freezer pro¬ visioning industry to develop financial, production, and other operating standards heretofore unavailable. These standards will provide guides for operators to measure their efficiency and improve their operations. The LFP system provides more con¬ trol of labor costs and materials than is found in most of the systems that firms in this industry now use. Sales and costs of sales are departmentalized so as to arrive at gross margins by departments. Oper¬ ating expenses are classified as plant, selling and delivery, and general and administrative. This information provides facts and figures which will help in plan¬ ning and can lead to better management. An important advantage will be that all provisioners using the LFP system will be speaking the same language. Cost of sales, gross margins, and operating profit will not mean one thing to one oper¬ ator and something entirely different to another. Thus, provisioners will be in a better position to compare their plants and operations and, through this exchange of information, improve their efficiency. Flexibility The LFP system is flexible enough to meet the needs of most firms in the in¬ dustry. It provides procedures for plants engaged in custom storage and processing, and in processing plant-owned products for sale. It is suitable for the various types of business organizations -- single proprietorships, partnerships, cooperative Operating Statement The operating statement and the bal¬ ance sheet (statement of assets, liabilities, and net worth) are the immediate end results of recordkeeping or accounting. However, this Guide presents them first rather than last. Why? Because seeing the finished product should make it easier to understand the accounting procedures and the forms used. corporations, and corporations that are r cooperatives. Since the majority of the businesses this industry are single proprietorshi or partnerships, the Guide uses the customary accounting terminology. Coo eratives and other corporations use sor different accounts and terminology. In t case of a corporation that is not a coope ative, the difference lies in the net woi accounts. (See discussion of net woi; accounts.) Incorporated cooperatives use st different terminology. These organiz tions use the term “revenue” instead “income”; “net savings” instead of “i profit”; and “undistributed savings” ' place of “surplus.” The major net wo: accounts for incorporated cooperati\ also are shown in the net worth section this Guide. Most firms in the industry do not hs accountants trained to operate comp.i cost accounting systems. The LFP systl has been designed, therefore, to be us by anyone with a knowledge of double enij bookkeeping. The importance of cost s\ speed in providing information for m2' agement also has been kept in mind. Firms adopting the LFP uniform sysfc! probably will need to make some changl in their recordkeeping. Generally the changes will be minor and will be in accor ance with accepted accounting procedun and Balance Sheet Explanation The next few paragraphs explain brie how the sample operating statement is up. Sales in the locker and freezer pi visioning industry fall into two disttj 2 ssifications -- sale of services and ; of merchandise. The LFP uniform Bunting system is tailored to provide iningful information on these two isifications. i of Services Services also are divided into two ips -- storage and processing. Storage >ists of annual and short-term locker als, and commercial or bulk storage, messing services include custom proc- ng for patrons, and processing plant- Bd products for sale. [n the latter situation, the cost of :essing plant-owned food products is sferred at the end of the accounting od from the processing department to department handling the sale of the uct. This procedure, called an inter- rtmental transfer, is described in detail e section “Using the LFP System.” of Merchandise Merchandise sales are classified as 3 of meats, frozen foods, and other :handise. fhe heading “Meats” includes beef, pork, lamb, poultry, and specialty : products. Whenever these products been prepared in any way by the essing department, the cost or esti- d cost of direct processing labor and Lies is charged to the meat sales de- nent as part of the cost of goods sold. ‘Frozen foods” includes frozen pack- foods; bulk fruits (such as 30 -pound tins of cherries or strawberries); and frozen foods purchased from outside sources, refrigerated, and sold to cus¬ tomers. “Other Merchandise” consists of freezers, freezing supplies, and other merchandise that cannot be classed as meats or frozen foods. Firms selling freezers should handle them in a special account, as shown in the expansion chart. End Results A monthly operating statement similar to the accompanying one can be prepared by a locker and freezer provisioner who adopts the LFP system. It uses the two basic classifications of sales described in the preceding section -- service and mer¬ chandise. Following the sales figure is the cost of sales; beneath that, gross mar¬ gins. Up to this point the statement has been departmentalized so that gross mar¬ gins can be calculated for each major activity. Operating expenses are not depart¬ mentalized in the same manner. They are classified into plant, selling and delivery, and general and administrative expense. The balance sheet, which follows the operating statement, is typical of most such statements found in accounting systems. It is given to assist locker and freezer provisioners in preparing state¬ ments of their own. It needs no special explanation here. 3 Typical Monthly OPERATING STATEMENT Using the LFP Uniform System of Accounting NOTE - Figures used here are fictitious - For illustration only SERVICES MERCHANDISE Acct. No. or class. 1 TOTALS Storage 401 Pro’ss’g 402 Meats 404 Frozen Foods 405 Othe 40C (400) Sales $12,900.00 - 100.0% $1,050.00 $2,100.00 $6,125.00 $2,700.00 $925.' (502-a) (502-b) (502-c) Cost of Sales Direct labor¬ processing Processing supplies used Inter-dept. transfer 1,078.00 410.00 1,488.00 (428.00) 428.00 Cost of mdse, sold Total cost of sales 4,595.00 2,180.00 525. (500) 8,788.00 - 68.1% - 1,060.00 5,023.00 2,180.00 525. Gross Margins %-Margins to net sales 4,112.00 31.9% 1,050.00 100.0% 1,040.00 49.5% 1,102.00 18.0% 520.00 19.3% 400.1 41! (10) Operating Expense Plant 1,023.00 - 7.9% Selling and delivery 1,222.00 - 9.5% General and administrative Total operating exp. Operating Profit 1,262.00 - 3,507.00 - 605.00 - 9.8% 27.2% 4.7% Sales Cost of sales Operating expense Operating profit 100.0% 68.1% 27.2% 4.7% 100.0% (700) (800) Add: Other income Deduct: Other outgo 207.00 228.00 (21.00) Net Profit - before taxes $584.00 lumbers ending in zero identify classifications of accounts. Other numbers identify specific accounts. 4 OPERATING EXPENSE Plant Indirect labor $130.00 Plant supplies 50.00 Power, light, heat and water 300.00 Repairs - maintenance 110.00 Rent 130.00 Laundry 32.00 Depreciation - building and equipment 210.00 Taxes - real estate, etc. 61.00 $1,023.00 Selling and Delivery Wages, salaries, commissions 600.00 Advertising - promotion 237.00 Truck (delivery) expense 215.00 Depreciation - truck(s), auto 170.00 1 ,222.00 General - Administrative Salaries - off./part./prop. 500.00 Salaries - office 275.00 Office supplies, postage 78.00 Insurance - other than life 108.00 Dues and subscriptions 15.00 Telegraph and telephone 42.00 Bad debt expense 64.00 Donations 10.00 Travel and entertainment 70.00 Payroll taxes 46.00 Other taxes and licenses 17.00 Legal and prof, fees 25.00 Depreciation - office equipment Miscellaneous 12.00 1,262.00 Total operating expense 3,507.00 OTHER INCOME Discounts earned - Interest and earnings - financing 118.00 Bad debts recovered 109.00 Cash - over and short (20.00) 207.00 OTHER OUTGO Discounts (cash) allowed - Interest expense 116.00 Life insurance expense 112.00 228.00 5 TYPICAL BALANCE SHEET Using the LFP Uniform System of Accounting Note - Figures used here are fictitious- for illustration only ASSETS Account Number Current Assets 101 Cash - in office 102 103 In bank(s) 104 $300.00 6,702.00 111 Notes receivable - due from customers 112 113 Accounts receivable - due from customers 114 Accounts receivable - due from officers/employees 115 Bank - financing reserve 116 786.00 8,435.00 346.00 387.00 9,954.00 251 Less: Allowance for doubtful accounts 962.00 Inventories 131 Meats and poultry - for resale 132 Frozen foods - for resale 133 Freezers - for resale 134 Freezing supplies - for resale 135 Processing supplies 136 137 398.00 2,964.00 2,796.00 798.00 485.00 Total current assets 141 142 143 Investments U. S. bonds Cash surrender value - life insurance 750.00 1,079.00 Prepaid 161 Interest 162 Taxes 163 Insurance 164 78.00 167.00 375.00 Fixed - Property and Equip ment 171 Land 172 Building 253 Less: Allowance for depreciation 173 Plant equipment 253 Less: Allowance for depreciation 174 Truck(s) - automobile(s) 253 Less: Allowance for depreciation 175 Office equipment 253 Less: Allowance for depreciation $18,650.00 6,520.00 10,555.00 4,250.00 4,875.00 2,860.00 650.00 250.00 4,800.00 12,130.00 6,305.00 2,015.00 400.00 Total assets $7,002. 8,992. 7.441. 23,435. 1,829. 620. 25,650. $51,534. 6 TYPICAL BALANCE SHEET - Cont. )Un t LIABILITIES ber Current Liabilities Accounts payable - trade $1,876.00 Notes payable - trade 1,793.40 Notes payable - bank(s) 5,000.00 Accrued interest payable 86.00 Accrued salaries and commissions 74.00 Accrued payroll withholdings 127.00 Accrued sales taxes payable 204.00 Total current liabilities Long Term Mortgage payable $9,160.40 3,500.00 NET WORTH Proprietors capital account Proprietors drawing account Profit and loss account Profit and loss - current period Total liabilities and net worth 35,000.00 (1,700.00) 4,989.60 584.00 38,873.60 $51,534.00 7 General Description of System The heart of the LFP system lies in four basic accounting forms, which are designated in this Guide as “A,” “B, “C,” and “D.” They are described briefly here and are discussed in detail and illustrated in the section “Four Basic Accounting Forms.” ments, such as check books, and from n ' * * _ s « voices for purchases. Form “C,” t] General Journal, is provided for end-o the-period entries, such as depreciate and allowance for doubtful accounts. Form “A” is used to record all cash received and all sales. This information comes from sales tickets, order forms, and similar records. Form “B” is a rec¬ ord of cash disbursed and purchases. These figures come from records of pay¬ At the end of the accounting period usually the end of each month -- informal from Forms “A” and “B” is summarizt and posted to Form “D,” the Gener Ledger. The accounting information fro Form “C,” the General Journal, also posted to the General Ledger at the end the month. Flow of Accounting Information n a ’ > Form A CASH RECEIVED and SALES RECORD Record on this form all cash receipts and charges. The form provides for: separating sales by de¬ partments; recording sales tax and carrying charges; debits and credits to accounts receiv¬ able, notes receivable, and other General Ledger accounts. C > > Form“B CASH DISBURSED and PURCHASE RECORD Record on this form all withdrawals from banks. This form provides for: recording direct labor costs of processing, operating expenses by func¬ tion, purchases by sales classification, and debits and credits to other General Ledger accounts. nr* Form ‘C GENERAL JOURNAL Record end-of-the-period entries, such as allow¬ ance for doubtful accounts, depreciation, purchases to be paid for at a later date, and interdepartmental transfers. Form ‘D GENERAL LEDGEI Set up and indexed t conform to the num erical chart of ac counts. This chart illustrates how accounting information flows through the system. It al. shows the relationship between Form “D,” the General Ledger, and the other thr forms. 8 Identification of Accounts In the LFP system, accounts are classified by numbers instead of names. Numbers are used because it is easier to memorize them and much easier to insert them in worksheets and forms. Basic Classification of Accounts Here is the basic classification of accounts. Similar accounts are grouped together to assist operators in remembering them. For example, the 400 group designates sales and service income, while the group numbered below 100 designates operating expenses. RATING EXPENSES in the General Ledger are numbered from. 10 to 99 CT accounts in the General Ledger are numbered from. 100 to 199 1ILITY accounts in the General Ledger are numbered from. 200 to 299 WORTH accounts in the General Ledger are numbered from. 300 to 399 CS accounts in the General Ledger are numbered from. 400 to 499 r OF SALES accounts in the General Ledger are numbered from. 500 to 599 SR INCOME accounts in the General Ledger are numbered from . 700 to 799 SR OUTGO accounts in the General Ledger are numbered from . 800 to 899 9 Numerical Chart of Accounts numbers in the chart to take care of an accounts that might be required for oper This detailed numerical chart covers ations peculiar to a particular business accounts most locker and freezer pro- It is best, however, to keep such extr visioners will need. There are unassigned accounts to a minimum. NUMERICAL CHART OF ACCOUNTS SALES COST OF SALES Account Number Account Number 401 Storage 501 402 Processing 502-a 502-b 502-c Direct Labor - Processing Processing Supplies Used Direct Cost Charged to Plant Owned Products 403 503 404 Sales - Meats 504 Cost of Meat Sold 405 Sales - Frozen Foods 505 Cost of Frozen Foods Sold 406 Sales - Other Merchandise 506 Cost of Other Merchandise Sold OTHER INCOME OTHER OUTGO 701 Discounts Earned 801 Discounts (Cash) Allowed 702 802 Interest Expense 703 Interest and Earnings - Financing 803 704 Bad Debts Recovered 804 Life Insurance Expense 705 Gain or Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets 805 706 Cash Over and Short 806 707 807 708 808 10 OPERATING EXPENSE Account Plant Number General and Administrative Indirect Labor 51 Salaries - Officers/Proprietors/ Partners 52 Salaries - Office Plant supplies 53 Utilities - Power, Light, Heat, and Water 54 Office Supplies and Postage Repairs and Maintenance 55 Insurance Rent 56 Dues and Subscriptions 57 Laundry 58 Telephone and Telegraph Depreciation - Building and 59 Bad Debt Expense Equipment 61 Donations Taxes - Real Estate, etc. 62 Travel and Entertainment 63 Payroll Taxes Selling and Delivery 64 Other Taxes and Licenses Wages, Salaries, Commissions 65 Legal and Professional Fees Advertising and Promotion 66 Depreciation - Office Equipment 67 Miscellaneous Expense 68 Delivery Truck Expense 69 Depreciation - Truck and Automobile 11 Account Account ASSETS (Continued) Number ASSETS Number 101 Cash - In Office 161 Prepaid Interest 102 162 Prepaid Taxes 103 Cash - In Bank(s) 163 Prepaid Insurance 104 164 111 Notes - Due from Customers 171 Land 112 172 Building 113 Accounts - Due from Customers 173 Plant Equipment 114 Accounts - Due from Officers and Employees 174 Truck(s) and Automobile(s) Office Equipment 175 115 Bank - Financing Reserve 176 116 177 131 Inventory - Meats and Poultry - For Resale LIABILITIES 132 Inventory - Frozen Foods - For 201 Accounts Payable - Trade Resale 202 133 Inventory - Freezers - For Notes Payable - Trade Resale 203 134 Inventory - Freezing Supplies - For Resale 204 Notes Payable - Bank(s) 205 135 Inventory - Processing Supplies 206 136 137 221 Accrued Interest Payable 222 Accrued Salaries and 141 U.S. Bonds Commissions 142 Cash Surrender Value-Life 223 Accrued Payroll and Withholdin Insurance Taxes 143 224 12 ount iber LIABILITIES (Continued) 25 26 Accrued Sales Taxes 27 U Mortgage Payable il Allowance for Doubtful Accounts >2 >3 Allowance for Depreciation >4 insion Chart The sales accounts common to most 'ations are Storage (401), Processing ), Sales-Meats (404), Sales-Frozen ds (405), and Sales-Other Merchandise ). These five accounts form the basic sification of income or sales for the > uniform system. However, many operators will need e detailed sales information than would >rovided by just these five accounts, following Expansion Chart illustrates basic accounts can be expanded. For nple, account 402 is Processing. Account Number NET WORTH 311 Proprietors/Partners - Capital Account 312 313 Proprietors/Partners - Drawing Account 314 351 Profit and Loss Operators desiring more detail should not set up a single account for Processing (402). Instead they should use accounts such as those listed on the right-hand side of the chart: Slaughtering, (402-1); Meat Processing, (402-2); and Curing and Smoking (402-3). It is not necessary to expand all the basic income accounts just because one is expanded. An operator may choose to break down processing into the seven accounts shown for this type of income but still have only one account, Storage (401), for locker rentals, bulk storage, and other storage income. 13 EXPANSIQN CHART BASIC OPERATIONS (400) ALL SALE EXPANSION CHART for further breakdown of basic operations I Slaughtering Meat Processing (Chill, Age, Cut, Slice, Grind, Wrap, Freeze) Curing and Smoking Rendering Poultry Dressing Sales of Inedibles, Hides, etc. 1 Fruit and Vegetable Processing Beef Pork Lamb Freezers ■our Basic Accounting Forms This section of the Guide describes four basic accounting forms used in the 3 uniform accounting system. Form “A,” Cash Received and Sales ord, and Form “B,” Cash Disbursed Purchase Record, were designed ;cially for this system. Form “C,” eral Journal, and Form “D,” General ?er, are similar to forms used in Ty every accounting system. The General Ledger, Form “D,” differs hat it provides columns for depart- talizing or allocating income and ex- ;es. For example, a ledger sheet can et up for Processing (402). The detail mns on this sheet can be used to show breakdown of processing revenue into ghtering (402-1), Meat Processing -2), and Curing and Smoking (402-3). n “A” - Cash Received Sales Record rhis form, with sample entries, shows to record cash received and sales. All receipts and all charge sales are red on this form. The accounting data 5 s from sales tickets, processing its, receipts for payments on accounts, register tapes, and other records of received and charges. Information i this form is summarized and posted e General Ledger, Form “D.” ?he left side of the form is self-bal- lg, as shown on the sample. It pro- 5 all the accounting data necessary to rd cash received and sales. Alone, ver, it does not provide the detailed ; information necessary for the man- lent of most firms. This is the func- of the right side of the form. )ne column is provided on the left for recording “All Sales Income.” right side provides 14 columns for breaking down this sales income into as many classifications as desired. Thus the total from all columns on the right side must equal the total of the “All Sales In¬ come” column on the left side. In posting information from Form “A” to the General Ledger, the total of the “All Sales Income” column on the left side is not used. Instead, the information on the right side of the form showing the detailed breakdown is posted. More detailed dis¬ cussion of this is found in the section titled “Posting to the General Ledger.” The following are brief descriptions of typical entries on Form “A.” For easy reference, each item is numbered. Line one - Total brought forward from previous sheet. Items 1, 2, and 5 - Cash received as payment on account. Item 3 - Charge sales of meats, frozen food, and a freezer. Items 4 and 12 - Sales of merchandise. In both, a note was given as security for payment. The amount of each note includes the cost of the mer¬ chandise purchased and the sales tax. One also includes finance charges. Item 6 - Cash sale of meats, frozen foods, and locker rental. Items 7 and 13 - Summary of cash register receipts showing sale of custom processing services, meats, frozen foods, and other merchandise. Item 8 - Owner of firm puts $500 into the business. Item 9 - Cash received on a bill pre¬ viously written off the books as un¬ collectible. Item 10 - Bank loan of $1,000. Interest amounting to $30 was withheld by the 11802 0 - 59 -2 15 bank and $970 was deposited to the firm’s account. Form “B” - Cash Disbursed and Purchase Record The sample Form “B” illustrates the method of handling cash disbursements and purchases. All cash disbursed and all purchases not paid for at the end of the month should be entered on this form. The accounting data comes from check stubs, disbursement vouchers, or other records of cash disbursed, and from invoices of merchandise received but not yet paid for. The total of all debits will equal the total of all credits on the left side of the form, as shown in the illustration. This provides all the accounting information necessary for recording cash disburse¬ ments and purchases. It does not provide, however, as much detail as most operators need. The right side of Form “B” is designed for this purpose. One column is provided on the left side for all operating expenses, and another column for recording all merchandise purchases. The right side of the form provides 13 columns for breaking down these 2 types of expenditures into as many classifications as desired. Thus the total of all figures shown in columns on the right side must equal the total of the Oper¬ ating Expenses and Merchandise Purchases on the left side. In posting information from this form, these totals are not used. Instead, the detailed breakdown of Operating Expenses and Merchandise Purchases shown on the right side is posted. The following are brief description of typical entries on Form “B.” Items 1 through 6 - Payroll, including withdrawal by proprietor. Items 7, 8, and 13 - Paid for merchan¬ dise purchased. Items 9, 10, and 11 - Paid for various monthly operating expenses. Item 12 - Paid payroll withholding tax to Collector of Internal Revenue. Item 14 - Purchased equipment. Item 15 - Paid $500 on bank loan. Items 16 through 20 - Reimbursed petty cash. Item 21 - Entered unpaid invoice for merchandise purchased. (End-of- month entry.) Form “C” - General Journal Form “C” is used for entries thai cannot readily be made on Forms A or “B.” Entries that would normally bt made on Form “C” include the monthly charge for depreciation, bad debts, inter¬ departmental transfers for processing plant-owned products, and cost of good; sold during the month. If the entry to sei up accounts payable for merchandise pur¬ chased but not paid for during the month is not made on Form “B,” it should bt recorded here (see illustrative entry 4). This form provides two columns ir addition to the debit and credit columns One is headed “Source” and the othei “Detail.” The “Source” column may bt used to show authority for an entry oi source of information supporting an entry For example, if an entry affecting « partner’s capital or drawing account need; to be initialled by that partner, th« “Source” column can be used for thi; purpose. Other entries are based on in¬ formation contained in memoranda, tabu¬ lations, or worksheets. The “Source column should be used to identify these. The “Detail” column is useful whei writing off bad debts or making simila entries. For example, in writing off : number of uncollectible accounts, the tota is debited to (251) Allowance for Doubtfu 16 units and credited to (113) Accounts - [rom Customers. The “Detail’’ column sed to show the amounts of the indi- il accounts being written off which is posted to the accounts receivable 3r. q “D” - General Ledger ^orm “D” is a sample General Ledger . In addition to the columns usually 1 on a general ledger sheet, a number tiers are provided for recording more detailed information. For example, one account can be used for recording all processing labor, with the detail columns used for a breakdown into such classifica¬ tions as slaughter, meat processing, and curing labor. The column headed “Balance” is used to record the cumulative balance in the account. The column headed “Month” is used to show the total for each month and is particularly useful when a number of entries are made for the same account each month. 17 511802 0 - 59 (Face blank p. 18) No. THE L F P UNIFORM SYSTEM OF ACCOUNTING CASH RECEIVED & SALES RECORD MONTH OF /9S9 1 T E M D A T E SOURCE SALES TICKET NO. ALL CASH RECEIVED DR- 103 SALES TAX CR-226 ALL SALES INCOME ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE J NOTES RECEIVABLE GENERAL LEDGER ACCT. NO. 1 T E M debits CREDITS DEBI TS CREDITS DEBI TS CREDITS /0 JjCL f o 11 \1 A b in A ± Id 31 11 0 a A d 11 3 a s ?o l A 1 aa A A A L 4 A A do 1 S 1 Id i Osrtfs*, // 0&7bz<2/ 37/ 7/ l SO A 7 £0 *• 1 2 m3 c Jill. T 3 2 30 t 1 f 31 2 3 4** 1 13 i 1 / 21 2 A sl ly 3 4 4*/ 3 \4l / / / $ a>4 k" / A 1 n s fa 7*3 4 5 JlL 4o 1. 1 1 Zo 3 3 to A S’ T 5 6 f 4a 7 / & 76 Z 7 4 47 6 7 dad o 44 1 10 0 1 /a 7 8 J/ f / das' ' £ a aa J Z> o OO 31/ 8 9 r Hh 1) / SL 71 s 1 7 7S 7*4 9 10 4*7 f ; 0 aa 3 a ao 10/ 10 11 * / a a a oo So 4 1 1 12 M 9 77 / 7 7/ ✓ z a 9 7? 2 oo 7*3 12 13 ^ 4*9 i £ lr l 4? 7 7 72 13 14 14 15 // 1 t b// o 3 41 (i ? a a 00 /z 3 f 3 (<7 // 4 / a So / 9 7 . 3 of 7 f 7 ora () l i/d 7 3 / 7 6,f > 15 16 i 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Account Number (103) (113) ( 111 ) (various) Bank-Cash Received Accounts Receivable Notes Receivable General Ledger Post to General Ledger Debits Credits $12,422.04 $303.49 Accrued Sales Tax 12,393.62 12,410.50 Accounts Receivable 1,973.08 289.50 Notes Receivable 1,502.40 2,387.65 General Ledger 12,900.00 All Sales Income Account Number (226) (113) ( 111 ) (various) Post breakdown of sales to appropriate account -- see opposite page CASH RECEIVED & SALES RECORD the l f p uniform system of accounting FORM "B" CASH DISBURSED AND PURCHASE RE CASH DISBURSED & PURCHASE RECORD CASH DISBURSED & PURCHASE RECORD the l f p uniform system OF ACCOUNTING GENERAL JOURNAL L'tti DESCRIPTION OF ENTRIES MONTH OF 19 -JlZ. GENERAL LEDGER SOURCE DETAIL DEBIT CREDIT ACCOUNT NUMBER DEBIT CREDIT -of -- — Zr*J i . a./ V. a_ r • . y. /L 177 yf“ J S' 3 ZZL ■A?/ 6? 7 ^^7 6>p-ad -— y -— r . - ^a (lZ*sL4^C/£> / L^> sCZeA J , s/^ ’Q£^?C^r^J& ZhA -Jo* ^1/. .- s'oZ J'tZ-.C, plioa jZs /C^ s ’d ad i i 44 - 4- aa H r V nportance of Sales Tickets ost firms use sales tickets to record of processing services, locker :s, and sales of merchandise. Sales s are original records and provide a part of the information needed for ting the LFP system. They should ^served. lere are many kinds of sales tickets, ire prepared in duplicate or triplicate, ding on the needs of the firm. Gen- the first copy is the accounting or copy and the second is for the cus- . If there is a third, it is the work or processing copy. les tickets vary greatly in size, de- and complexity. Some firms use e forms containing a minimum of Lnting but providing space for writing e basic information on customer ty, type of transaction, and descrip- )f service or product sold. Large ex forms, used by many freezer >ioners, not only combine the func¬ tions of order form, sales ticket, and processing ticket, but also have pre¬ printed headings and stubs covering all the products and services the firm offers. All sales tickets should be numbered consecutively and all numbers accounted for. On charge sales, the number of the ticket may be noted on the customer’s account sheet for future reference. When a sales ticket is entered on the Cash Received and Sales Record (Form “A”), care should be taken to separate such an item as sales tax from the actual sales value. See entry on line 6 of the illustrated Form “A.” Some operators require a ticket for every sale -- cash or charge. Others use tickets only for charge sales, and analyze cash sales by means of a cash register. Whichever procedure is used, care should be taken to insure that sales can be properly departmentalized and that other charges, such as sales tax and carrying charges, are properly recorded. Using the LFP System iis section of the Guide explains how the LFP Uniform Accounting System, ctions for preparing an operating lent are given first; then instructions alance sheet accounts; and finally, ctions concerning posting, and pre- ; a trial balance. discussing individual accounts, both mber and title as shown in the Num- Chart of Accounts are given. This ; it easier to refer to the sample and statements included in the Guide. erating Statement Accounts >cker and freezer provisioners will lat they can manage their businesses more efficiently when operating statements are available to them monthly. The LFP system is designed so that a bookkeeper can prepare an operating statement readily and have it in the hands of management shortly after the end of each month. Generally, balance sheets are not pre¬ pared monthly. Most locker and freezer provisioners find that an annual or semi¬ annual balance sheet meets their needs. Accounts affecting the operating state¬ ment and the accounting procedures involved are discussed in the Guide in this order: (1) Sales; (2) cost of sales; (3) gross mar¬ gins; (4) operating expenses — plant, selling and delivery, and general and administra¬ tive; and (5) other income -- other outgo. 31 Sales The sales figure shown in the typical operating statement both in total and by departments is important to accounting records. It is one yardstick for measuring results of operations. Every other figure in the statement -- such as cost of sales, gross margins, operating expense, and operating profit -- can be uniformly re¬ lated to and expressed as a percentage of sales. Bookkeepers should be careful not to confuse “billings” with sales and thus in¬ clude such items as sales taxes and carry¬ ing charges. The number of sales or revenue accounts selected will depend upon the number of different functions the business performs and the needs of the operator. The Ex¬ pansion Chart, page 14, should be used as a guide in setting up these accounts. Only accounts necessary for managing the busi¬ ness should be set up, because each one added tends to increase the job of taking inventory, allocating labor, and perform¬ ing similar administrative and bookkeeping tasks. Storage Revenue Storage revenue comes from annual and short-term locker rentals and from bulk zero and other refrigerated storage. Most firms consider revenue from these activities as belonging to the period the storage service was sold, even though deferred income frequently is involved, as in the case of annual locker rentals. The LFP Uniform System conforms to this generally accepted industry practice. In constructing a monthly operating statement, however, the unearned portion of annual locker rental revenue is excluded from that month’s storage revenue. To accomplish this, multiply the number of lockers rented on an annual basis by one- twelfth of the average locker-rental rate To this figure add all revenue receive! during the month for short-term locke: rentals, bulk storage, and other refrig¬ erated storage. This will produce a sub¬ stantially accurate total of storage revenu( for the month and will avoid including un¬ earned locker rental revenue. Some operators may wish to keep ; detailed record of deferred locker rentals A method for doing this is described late: in the Guide in the section, “Deferrei Locker Rental Revenue.” Cost of Sales The LFP system provides a metho< for determining cost of sales so that gros: margins can be calculated for each de partment. This information is used L preparing an operating statement (se> sample). Three types of expenses are includes in cost of sales. They are: 1. Direct processing labor. 2. Processing supplies used. 3. Purchase cost of merchandise sold. In this system, all direct labor an' all supplies used in processing are re corded as a cost to the processing depart ment. In firms that do custom processin; and also process plant-owned products part of these costs are then charge' against the products being processed fo sale. This is done through an interde partmental transfer of costs from th processing department to the departmen credited with the sale of the product. Thi transfer of costs is illustrated on th typical operating statement. The account ing procedure involved is discussed unde “Interdepartmental Transfers.” Freezer provisioning firms that do n custom processing have no reason to us 32 interdepartmental transfer procedures; r direct cost of processing applies ’ to plant-owned products. The oper- g statement for this type of firm would v no processing income. The direct ; of processing would be shown in Cost of Sales section for the de¬ ments credited with the sale of the lucts. Cost of sales is discussed by depart- ts in the following sections. age Department \s shown in the typical operating state- t, there is no cost of sales in the age department. Ordinarily, this de¬ ment uses little or no direct labor or (lies. Labor used to transfer frozen from freezer to locker or to handle en food for eventual home freezer age can rightfully be called part of jrocessing function and charged to that rtment. Labor used to assemble en food orders should be charged to ng and delivery. Vbout the only labor used in the storage rtment is for defrosting coils, clean- storage rooms, and repairing and itaining lockers and other equipment. is not shown as direct labor in the age department but as Indirect Labor a plant operating expense account. messing Department rhe processing department is the manu¬ ring or production branch of the busi- . It serves customers and also serves r departments. The typical operating ;ment shows the two types of direct 3 in the processing department. These Direct Labor - Processing (502-a) and :essing Supplies Used (502-b). 502-a) Direct Labor - Processing - In LFP system labor is classified as: zt labor - processing; indirect labor - t; selling and delivery labor; and gen- and administrative labor. \ V Only direct labor - processing is in¬ cluded as an item in cost of sales. Proc¬ essing labor can be subdivided according to function, such as slaughter, meat proc¬ essing, and curing labor. Procedures for determining direct labor costs for proc¬ essing are discussed in the section “Labor Allocation.” (502-b) Processing Supplies Used - Processing supplies include items needed for wrapping and packaging, curing and seasoning materials, shrouds, small proc¬ essing tools, and similar supplies. These should not be confused with Plant Supplies (13) or Office Supplies and Postage (54). Computing the cost of processing supplies involves proper recording of purchases and correct inventorying. These procedures are discussed next. Cost of Merchandise Sold In determining cost of merchandise sold, two accounting procedures must be considered. They concern method of handling purchases, and proper inventory¬ ing methods. The typical balance sheet shows these five classifications under Inventories: (131) Meats and Poultry - For Resale (132) Frozen Foods - For Resale (133) Freezers - For Resale (134) Freezing Supplies - For Resale (135) Processing Supplies Note that inventory accounts 131 through 134 cover merchandise purchased for re¬ sale. Inventory account 135 covers sup¬ plies to be used in the processing department and not for resale. Meat and poultry pur¬ chased and debited to account (131) Meat and Poultry - For Resale frequently take on added value because they are processed before being sold by the meat department. Merchandise in accounts 132, 133, and 134 33 is usually sold “as is” and thus takes on no added value. Form “B,” Cash Disbursed and Pur¬ chase Record, illustrates the handling of purchases to the inventory accounts. The column on the left side headed “Enter All Mdse. Purchases” shows the total of all such purchases and serves as a control column. The purchases are then analyzed on the right-hand side of the form. All the purchases shown on Form “B” are recorded in the inventory accounts. These debits to inventory increase the dollar value of the assets. As inventories are sold or used, the amount on hand de¬ creases. These decreases in value are recorded by taking out of inventory the cost value of the merchandise sold or used during the same period. This is done by journal entry in the General Journal, Form “C,” at the end of the period, decreasing (crediting) the inventory accounts and charg¬ ing (debiting) this amount to the proper cost of sales account (See accounts in the 500 group in the Numerical Chart of Accounts). Frequency of Inventories - It is es¬ sential that inventories be taken at the end of each accounting period to determine accurately the cost of merchandise sold or supplies used. If monthly operating state¬ ments are prepared then inventories must be taken monthly. The most accurate method of inventory¬ ing is an actual physical count of all mer¬ chandise and supplies on hand. Some operators maintain running inventories by setting up a card or sheet for each item. Purchases are added and merchandise sold or used is deducted, so that a running rec¬ ord is kept of merchandise on hand. The running inventory record is verified from time to time by actual physical count of the merchandise. Operators who cannot take a complete physical inventory each month may group their products into three or four categories and inventory one category the first month, another the following month, and so on In the months when no physical inventor of a category of products is taken, gros. margin percentages, based upon previou, experience, are used in determining in ventory. This method reduces the task o taking inventories yet provides for ; physical count of all products three o four times a year. Calculating Cost of Merchandise Sold Proper procedure for calculating the cos of merchandise sold, using the froze food department as an illustration, is a follows: Inventory of frozen foods at delivered cost at beginning of period $2,900 Add: Purchases of frozen food - Form “B” 672 3,572 Deduct: Inventory at end of the period 1,392 Cost of frozen food sold (see operating statement) $2,180 Interdepartmental Transfers Firms which do only custom processin deduct the cost of processing labor am; supplies from custom processing revenue The resulting figure is the gross margii on custom processing. Most firms, however, do other proc¬ essing. They also process plant-ownet products for sale. This makes it necessar to charge part of the direct processing costs to the product being processed foi sale by means of an interdepartmenta transfer. In making this charge, the direct cos of labor and supplies for processing plant- owned products is transferred from th( processing department and added to th< cost of merchandise sold in the particulai department that will sell the product. This is done with a journal entry debiting the cost of sales account benefiting from the processing and crediting the processing department. For example, if meat is processed for sale, the entry will show z debit to (504) Cost of Meat Sold and z credit to (502-c) Direct Cost Charged tc Plant Owned Products. 34 The General Journal, Form “C,” illus- es an interdepartmental transfer entry, typical operating statement also illus- es how interdepartmental transfers ct the cost of sales in various depart- its. Determining Transfer Costs - Inter- irtmental transfers should be at cost, ^ral procedures that will accomplish are described here. The operator can ;ct the one that best suits his needs. Firms in which plant-owned products resent a rather minor portion of total messing volume may calculate the unt to be transferred on a per pound s. A number of tests can be made to rmine the average cost per pound for ct labor and processing supplies for 3 r processing activities. Each month refill record is kept of the pounds of t-owned products processed. At the of the month the total cost can be ulated and the interdepartmental sfer of cost made. Dther procedures are more desirable ilume is large or if substantially dif- nt techniques are involved in custom essing and in processing plant-owned lucts. f processing costs and techniques for t-owned products and custom process- are similar, the direct cost of labor supplies can be divided on the basis of ds handled in each category. Inter- rtmental transfer of costs can then iade. n plants where processing plant-owned ucts differs substantially in labor and ly requirements from custom proc- ng, (i.e., manufacturing bologna) a still rent procedure is required. In this ition, direct labor costs for process- )lant-ownedproducts maybe calculated :r by multiplying hourly processing- cost by hours spent in this work, or jeping individual time sheets for era¬ ses. Supply cost may be determined by maintaining a record of supplies used on plant-owned products or, if this is not possible, by estimating supplies used. Labor Allocation Labor expense frequently represents half the operating cost of a locker or freezer provisioning plant. Adequate rec¬ ords help control this cost. The amount of detailed information needed on labor costs varies widely among plants, and the degree of accuracy nec¬ essary in allocating such labor by depart¬ ments varies just as widely. Three pro¬ cedures for allocating labor costs are described here. The operator can select the procedure that will give him the type of information he requires. 1. Allocating labor cost by primary function - Wages and salaries can be allocated to departments according to each employee’s primary function. For ex¬ ample, if an employee is hired as a meat cutter, his total wages would be charged to processing even though he spent part of his time selling. In this setup, no part of the cost is charged to work done outside the major function on the assumption the employee would be necessary even if he didnotperform the minor function. There¬ fore, since the employee must be paid any¬ way, any work he does outside his major function is “free.” 2. Allocating labor cost by estimating labor usage - In this procedure, allocation of wages and salaries to departments is based upon an estimate of the time em¬ ployees work in each. Time is allocated on the basis of expected work and is limited to each employee’s two, or at most three, basic activities. Distribution of employees’ salaries and wages among de¬ partments is not changed unless a major shift in operations occurs. The owner-manager’s salary is charged to “management,” unless he regularly spends a substantial portion of his time in 35 Table 1. - Estimated distribution of employees’ time Employee Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Owner-operator Direct labor¬ processing (502-a) Selling and delivery (31) Indirect labor-plant (11) Office (52) Managemen (51) j Percent 75 15 10 - - 80 10 10 — • — 20 - 80 _ 75 25 - - - - 100 processing or selling. In that case, a portion of his salary should be prorated to the other department. Table 1 shows how a firm with five employees, including the owner-operator, can allocate employees’ time by functions. The account to which each type of work would be charged also is shown. nated and new columns established to sho^ direct labor for these functions. Th columns should be headed Direct labor slaughtering, and Direct labor - mea processing. These percentages are then used to allocate the payroll to appropriate func¬ tions (table 2). A plant operator should take the fol¬ lowing steps in applying this method to his own business: List all employees, including the owner operator, and estimate the percentage oi time each will spend in each function o:| department. Past experience, plus ail estimate of future business, should suffice in making the distribution. If an employe spends only a nominal amount of time in second or third function, make no alloca tion beyond the primary function. Set up a form similar to table 1 to show estimated distribution of employees’ time by functions. If the processing de¬ partment (402) is divided into two or more departments, for example, slaughtering (402-1) and meat processing (402-2), then the column headed Direct labor-processing (502-a) in the time sheet should be elimi¬ Set up a form similar to table 2 to shew the allocation of payroll. List each em ployee and his weekly salary. Use th< percentages showing distribution of tht employees’ time in allocating theii salaries to the various departments. This form will then contain the informatioi necessary to record the payroll on Forn - Cash Disbursed and Purchase “B” - Record. Table 2. - Allocation of payroll, by functions Employee Employee A Employee B Employee C Employee D Owner-operator /eekly alary Direct labor¬ processing (502-a) Selling and delivery (31) Indirect labor-plant (ID Office (52) $90.00 $67.50 $13.50 $9.00 - 80.00 64.00 8.00 8.00 - 75.00 - 15.00 - $60.00 70.00 - 52.50 17.50 - 125.00 - - ~ 440.00 131.50 89.00 34.50 60.00 Managemen (51) $125.00 i25.oo : 36 [theowner-operator regularly devotes jnificant portion of his time to other management functions part of his •y should be charged to the department rich he is working but at the going rate for that type of work. Take, for pie, an owner-operator who draws a week from the business and who s half-time in the processing depart- , If the weekly wage for an employee this type of work is $80, the owner- itor’s salary would be allocated as vs: rect labor - processing (502-a) $40 laries - Off. Prop./Part. (51) 85 Total owner-operator’s salary $125 Allocating labor cost by time rec- - The third and most accurate method icating labor costs among departments maintain a daily record of the time employee works in the various de- lents. This record is then used to bute or allocate salaries and wages, isfactory variation of this method is tintain such a daily record for one out of each month and use the infor- n as a basis for distributing wages alaries during the entire month. A such as illustrated in table 2 can be :or allocating each employee’s salary, in turn provides the information for ding the payroll on Form “B.” weekly payroll record, similar to ccompanying one, can be used for ding time worked by employees by ons. This form can be mimeographed ept in a loose leaf notebook. A des- on of the activities falling into each on can be mimeographed on the back form. Gross Margins •oss margins are calculated by sub- ng direct cost of sales from net These gross margin figures are important to management and should be provided quickly, both in total amount and as a percentage of sales, at the end of each month. Every month this information is delayed lessens its value. The LFP system provides for deter¬ mining gross margins by departments. These data are important because they show management how each department is contributing to the cost of operating the plant and the amount remaining after pay¬ ing for direct labor and materials used. They also serve as a measure of operating efficiency. Changes in the gross margin percentages by department are a signal to management to investigate. Gross margin data can be most useful when accounting is done uniformly over a period of time. This permits comparisons. Once basic departments have been estab¬ lished, expense accounts selected, and the method of allocating payroll determined, no changes should be made unless there is a basic change in operations, or an adjust¬ ment is necessary to improve the useful¬ ness of the information. Operating Expense Operating expenses are numbered from 11 through 99 and grouped according to 3 distinct functions. They are classified as: 1. Plant expense 2. Selling and delivery expense 3. General and administrative expense Many expenses such as those for labor, utilities, advertising, laundry, and rent are regularly paid at the end of each week or month. These present no problem in pre¬ paring monthly operating statements as the necessary information is readily avail¬ able. (The one exception is labor when paid on a weekly basis. In this case, some operators may find it desirable to accrue 37 WEEKLY PAYROLL RECORD Note: Must be completed each day . Estimate time 1 11 each department to nearest l/i! hour (or 1 hour) . • expense for a part of the week in order ow exact labor cost for the month.) . great many other expenses are paid quarterly, semiannual, or annual These include insurance, real e taxes, payroll taxes, and accounting In constructing monthly operating ments, it is desirable to show a charge lese expenses each month rather than them in full in the month of payment, this type of expense, monthly charge twelfth of the estimated annual ex- i for each item) should be calculated ised in preparing the monthly report, e monthly estimates need not be ed on the books, they are used only eparing monthly statements. tyo other expenses, not included among just mentioned, are entered on the ; each month so that a monthly charge appear on the operating statement, e two expenses are depreciation and ebt expense. The method of computing is explained elsewhere in this Guide. he three types of operating expense mts will now be discussed by number Ltle. If the title of the account clearly ites its nature, no further comments >e made. Expense lant expenses are those incurred in iting the physical plant of the business. include repairs and maintenance of Ings and equipment, depreciation, utilities, real estate taxes, and ar expenses. The numerical chart of mts specifically shows which accounts lassed as plant expense. LI) Indirect Labor - Charge to this mt all labor used for maintenance of Lngs and equipment, janitorial labor, ies of watchmen, and other plant labor irectly related to processing. Many ; have very little indirect labor and nerally is performed by processing Dyees. Under such circumstances, some part of the processing employees’ wages might be charged here. The pro¬ cedure described earlier for allocating payroll can be used to determine this cost. (13) Plant Supplies - Charge to this account insecticides, cleaning materials, paper towels, paper bags, and similar supplies used in the business. Do not charge any processing supplies, or those used in the repair and maintenance of buildings and equipment. (14) Utilities - Power, Light, Heat, and Water - This title is self-explanatory. (15) Repairs and Maintenance - All expense incurred in the repair and main¬ tenance of buildings and equipment, in¬ cluding cost of supplies and materials pur¬ chased for this purpose, is recorded here. (16) Rent - This title is self-explan¬ atory. (18) Laundry - This title is self- explanatory. (19) Depreciation - Building and Equip¬ ment - Records of fixed assets (such as buildings, processing and office equipment, and trucks) should be maintained for proper accounting and for tax purposes. Most stationery stores carry printed forms for this purpose which show date of purchase, purchase price, rate of depreciation, and amount of depreciation charged. From such records the total annual depreciation can be determined. One-twelfth of this amount is charged (debited) each month to this account (19) and credited to (253) Allowance for Depreciation, using the Gen¬ eral Journal for the entry. (21) Taxes - Real Estate, etc. - All taxes resulting from ownership of land, buildings, and equipment. Selling and Delivery Expense Most plants consider costs incurred in delivering products as part of selling 39 expense. Therefore, in this Guide, delivery and selling expenses are combined. How¬ ever, firms with substantial delivery expenses may prefer to record them separately. There are sufficient unassigned numbers in the numerical chart of accounts to take care of this contingency. (31) Wages, Salaries, Commissions - All wages, salaries, and commissions connected with selling and delivery are recorded here. The procedure described earlier for allocating payroll can be used to determine the amounts chargeable to this account. When a commission or bonus has been earned by an employee but not actually paid to him during an accounting period, it should be debited to this account and credited to Accrued Salaries and Com¬ missions (222). When paid in the next accounting period, the amount is debited to account 222. (32) Advertising and Promotion - In¬ clude all costs of newspaper, magazine, and radio advertising. Also include sta¬ tionery and postage used in direct mail promotion. These costs should be kept sepa¬ rate from Office Supplies and Postage (54). (35) Delivery Truck Expense - Ex¬ penses incurred in operating trucks are charged to this account. Costs of gas and oil, tires, repairs, and licenses are in¬ cluded. (36) Depreciation - Truck and Auto¬ mobile - The cost of trucks and automobiles is usually recorded with other fixed assets. From these records, depreciation expense can be calculated and debited to this ac¬ count. The credit entry would be to (253) Allowance for Depreciation and the entry would be handled through the General Journal. General and Administrative Expense General and administrative expense covers accounts used for recording costs of managing the business. It includ salaries of officers or proprietors, offi salaries and supplies, and insurance. (51) Salaries - Officers/ Proprietoi Partners - If officers are also employe of the firm, it is no problem to char their salaries to the proper account some proprietorships and partnership however, the owner-operators make monthly charge against the business equi alent to this salary expense. In such case operating expenses are not fully stab and operating reports may not be tru comparable with those of other firms, fair and equitable charge should be ma> for salaries, debiting this account (51) a. crediting Proprietors/Partners - Drawl- Account (313). The owner may actually draw more i, less than the amount recorded as hi salary. However, these monthly credi to his drawing account, together with hj actual withdrawals which are debited his drawing account, all clear at the ei of the period into the Capital Account Tli result is that the operating stateme shows a realistic charge for officer salaries regardless of the amount actual drawn by the owners. It is sometimes difficult to decide wh amount to charge each month for tli owner’s or partner’s salary. One solutic to this problem is to use the amount th, would be paid an outsider to perform tli same administrative tasks that the owni or partner performs. (52) Salaries - Office - Charge hei the salaries of all secretaries, bookkeeper accountants, and others engaged in offic work. (54) Office Supplies and Postage - Th: account includes the cost of stationer invoices, sales tickets, and accountii supplies. It also includes postage, excej that used in direct mail promotion whic is charged to Advertising and Promotic (32). 40 (55) Insurance - Record here all pre- ms for fire and theft insurance cover- auildings, equipment, and merchandise, iness interruption insurance, personal ility insurance, and surety bonds are included in this account. Do not include the expense of life in- ince premiums. These should be •ged to Life Insurance Expense (804). his connection, keep in mind that the t surrender value of life insurance ild not be shown as an asset unless the ificiary is the business itself. Businesses carrying hospitalization in- mce on employees or providing similar ranee benefits should set up a separate Hint for this expense. One of the un- gned numbers between 50 and 99 in the •t of accounts should be used. (56) Dues and Subscriptions - Thisac- it is for dues to business and trade nizations and subscriptions to trade azines. (58) Telephone and Telegraph - Charge lis account all telephone and telegraph ;. If considerable extra expense is rred in telephone selling, the added might better be charged to Advertising Promotion (32). (59) Bad Debt Expense - Some oper- s do not consider an account bad until s been declared uncollectible. Under e circumstances, the usual procedure i charge it off directly to this account. \ better procedure is to anticipate i losses by setting up an Allowance for itful Accounts (251). This is accom- led by first estimating bad debt expense then determining the percentage this :nse is of sales. Each month a charge doubtful accounts is made, using thly sales figures and the estimated debt percentage. Bad Debt Expense is debited for this amount in the 2 ral Journal and the Allowance for Dtful Accounts (251) is credited. When an account is judged uncollectible, it is charged off to Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (251). This procedure has the effect of charging a bad debt to the month in which the sale was made, rather than a future time when the debt would bear no relationship to sales. If the balance in the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts increases steadily, the percentage figure being used to calculate bad debts should be decreased. On the other hand, if the balance decreases too rapidly, the percentage figure should be increased. (61) Donations - This title is self- explanatory. (62) Travel and Entertainment - This account should be used to record travel and entertainment costs incurred in at¬ tending meetings in connection with the business, in entertaining suppliers or customers, and in like activities. Company entertainment for employees and similar expenses also should be charged to this account. (63) Payroll Taxes - This title is self- explanatory. (64) Other Taxes and Licenses - In¬ clude all local or State taxes and licenses required to conduct the business. Do not charge to this account income, real estate, or payroll taxes. (65) Legal and Professional Fees - Accountant and legal fees paid for collect¬ ing accounts are recorded here. (66) Depreciation - Office Equipment - See discussion under Depreciation - Build¬ ing and Equipment (19) for proper pro¬ cedure in accounting for depreciation of office equipment. (67) Miscellaneous Expense - Only incidental or miscellaneous expenses that cannot be identified with any other account should be charged here. 41 Other Income—Other Outgo Certain income and outgo do not re¬ sult directly from operations of the busi¬ ness. It is accepted accounting practice to show these items at the bottom of the operating statement after the operating profit is calculated. This gives a clearer picture of results. Other Income The 700 group of accounts is used to record non-operating income. This in¬ cludes such items as earned interest and discounts. Should all or part of a debt previously listed as uncollectible be paid, the net amount recovered is recorded as Other Income. (701) Discounts Earned - Discounts taken for paying a bill within a given period are credited to this account. This is done by crediting account 701 in the General Ledger column of Form “B” when the entry is made showing payment of the bill. (703) Interest and Earnings - Financ¬ ing - Credit to this account any interest earned on notes receivable from customers, as well as interest and carrying charges earned from installment accounts. The method of recording carrying charges is illustrated on Form “A.” (704) Bad Debts Recovered - Whenever part or all of an account that has been written off the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is subsequently recovered, the net amount recovered (after deducting collection expense) should be credited to this account. There is an example on Form “A,” item 9. (706) Cash - Over and Short - As mentioned previously, cash received (cur¬ rency and checks) should be deposited in the bank each day. If the cash either exceeds or is short of the amount shown on Form “A,” the difference should be If cash exceeds the amount shown o Form “A,” the difference is credited t this account using the General Ledge columns on Form “A.” If cash is shor the difference should be made up from th petty cash and added to the deposit. Whe petty cash is reimbursed, this shortag would be charged to the Cash - Over an Short account. Other Outgo Other Outgo accounts in the Genen Ledger are numbered from 800 to 891 Among the accounts so classified arc Discounts allowed, interest, and life in surance expense. (801) Discounts (Cash) Allowed - Her would go any deductions allowed customer for paying their accounts within a certai period. This type deduction should noth confused with reductions in selling pric for volume purchases. (802) Interest Expense - All interes expenses incurred by the firm in borrow ing money, as well as interest paid installment purchases of equipment, recorded here. (804) Life Insurance Expense - Whe a life insurance premium is paid fror funds of the business and the business i the beneficiary, that portion of the pre mium that is expense should be charge to this account. A portion of the premiur is capitalized by increasing the cas surrender value of this asset. (See (147 Cash Surrender Value - Life Insurance). If premiums are paid with funds of th business but the business is not the bene ficiary, the proper procedure is to charg (debit) the premiums to the proprietor’ or partner’s drawing or capital account. recorded here. Generally, incorporated businesse; can be designated as beneficiaries of m surance policies. Frequently partnership; are shown as beneficiaries and, under som 1 circumstances, individual partners are th« 42 jficiaries. In a single proprietorship, individual's estate rather than the ness is generally the beneficiary. Balance Sheet Accounts rhis section of the LFP Guide contains :ific instructions for preparing a bal- i sheet. Assets are discussed first; liabilities; and, last, net worth. \ typical balance sheet is shown on s 6 and 7. Current Assets Current assets are made up of cash, ivables, and inventories. Accounting edures will be explained for each of 3 classifications, with the various unts identified by number and title. i ’ash is the first asset recorded on a ice sheet. It includes cash in the bank ell as cash on hand. 101) Cash - In Office - Cash is kept e office to pay certain minor expenses ected with operating the business, money, known as the petty cash fund, ;pt separate from the regular cash ipts recorded on Form “A” and de¬ ed in the bank. t s cash is taken from the petty cash to pay small bills, it is replaced with :eipted bill or petty cash slip showing imount paid, to whom, and for what. of these slips and receipted bills d also show the account number to i the expense will be charged. Peri- lly, the petty cash fund is replenished in entry made to record the expendi- his example illustrates the usual idure for handling petty cash. At the beginning of the month, the petty cash fund is $100. At the end of the month, the petty cash fund contains paid bills and other evidence of expenditures amounting to $88.40 and $11.60 in cash. These bills and other expense records can be filed in an envelope, with a summary on the out¬ side of the envelope showing the amounts and account numbers to be charged. A check for $88.40 is then drawn to the order of Petty Cash, restoring the fund to its original $100. The method of recording petty cash expenditures is illustrated on Form “B,” items 16 - 20. (103) Cash - In Bank(s) - Total re¬ ceipts, as shown on Form “A,” should be deposited in the bank daily. The monthly statement from the bank should be recon¬ ciled with the firm’s books. Any charges for bank services or any credits require a General Journal entry. Receivables The typical balance sheet shows re¬ ceivables in four groups: (111) Notes - Due from Customers (113) Accounts - Due from Customers (114) Accounts - Due from Officers and Employees (115) Bank - Financing Reserve Other groups can be set up if neces¬ sary, using unassigned numbers from the chart of accounts. (Ill) Notes - Due from Customers - This includes promissory notes accepted in settlement of open accounts and install¬ ment notes received from food plan or freezer provisioning activities. If there are sizable numbers of these notes, it would be well to open a separate ledger with an account for each one. On Form “A,” control columns have been set up for Notes 102 O - 59 - 3 43 Receivable as well as Accounts Receiv¬ able. (113) Accounts - Due from Customers - These are charges made on open account. All charges to accounts receivable and all payments on account are entered in special columns provided on Form “A.” Totals of these columns provide the control figures for the General Ledger account. An individual card or ledger sheet is used for each customer, showing all charges and all credits. It is important that the sum of the balances in these individual accounts agree with the total control figure in the General Ledger. (114) Accounts - Due from Officers and Employees - Any charge, loan, or advance to officers (if a corporation), or to employees should be entered here. It is important to keep these accounts separate from Accounts - Due from Customers. (115) Bank - Financing Reserve - Many banks advance funds with either notes or accounts receivable assigned as security. It is a common practice for a bank to advance 90 to 95 percent of the face value of the notes or accounts so assigned, withholding 5 or 10 percent until the loan is liquidated. The firm borrow¬ ing the money records the amount withheld under (115) Bank - Financing Reserve. To illustrate, assume that a total of $4,000 in notes receivable has been as¬ signed to the bank as security for a loan. The bank issues a credit memo for $3,600 which indicates this amount has been credited to the firms account. Using this memo, the borrower’s entry on Form “A” Cash Received and Sales Record, would be: Debit - (103) Cash - in Bank $3,600 Debit - (115) Bank - Financing Reserve 400 (Using General Ledger column) Credit - (205) Notes Payable - Bank $4,000 (Using General Ledger column) Procedures from here on vary in de¬ tail depending upon terms of the loan, sue as whether the bank or the borrower col lects the notes receivable, whether col lections by the bank are with or withou recourse, and so on. Assume, however, that the firm bor rowing the money makes collection of tw of the assigned notes for a total of $1,000 Receipt of this amount would be recorde< on Form “A” as follows: Debit - (103) Cash - in Bank $1,000 Credit - (111) Notes - Due from Customers 1,000 Again depending on arrangements wit the bank, the procedure might be to drav a check payable to the bank for the fuT amount of the collection ($1,000). Thij would be entered on Form ‘‘B,” Cash Dis bursed and Purchase Record, as follows: Debit - (205) Notes Payable - Bank $1,000 Credit - (103) Cash in Bank 1,000 This reduces the bank loan from $4,00 to $3,000. If the procedure of remitting to th bank in full is followed, the bank woul issue a credit memo for $100, the 1 percent of the $1,000 withheld at the tim of the loan. Using this memo, the entr on Form “A” would be: Debit - (103) Cash - in Bank $100 Credit - (115) Bank - Financing Reserve The General Ledger column would b used for the credit entry. If a check is issued to the bank for onl $900, the entry on Form “B” would be: Credit - (103) Cash - in Bank $900 Credit - (115) Bank - Financing Reserve 100 I Debit - (205) Notes Payable - Bank $1,000 The result of these procedures is tha notes receivable and notes payable hav* 44 h been reduced by $1,000 and the $100 lheld by the bank has been returned, ier by crediting to the borrowing firm’s k account, as in the first illustration, applying it to the loan as shown in the Dnd illustration. A careful record should be maintained >ach note or account assigned to the k. The record can be on a card or a it-credit ledger sheet. The record old show amount, date assigned, date , payment on account, renewals, and .ted information. Whenever a financial statement is jared, a footnote should indicate the >unt of notes or accounts receivable have been assigned as security for s shown on the statement. (251) Allowance for Doubtful Accounts - Bad Debt Expense (59) for a discussion lis account. ntories inventory accounts number 131-135 are ussed together, since the same com- ts apply to all of them. (131) Inventory - Meats and Poultry - For Resale 132) Inventory - Frozen Food - For Resale 133) Inventory - Freezers - For Re¬ sale 134) Inventory - Freezing Supplies - For Resale 135) Inventory - Processing Supplies ?ost of merchandise going into inventory Id be recorded at the delivered cost, is, it should include both the purchase 3 and the cost involved in getting the :handise delivered to the plant. In ilating cost of sales, this same de¬ ed cost should be used. Inventorying methods vary and no one method can be recommended for all firms. Probably most lockers and freezer pro- visioners use the First In - First Out method (FIFO). This means that merchan¬ dise and supplies are inventoried at the price most recently paid for the product. If processing plant-owned products constitutes an important part of the busi¬ ness, a rather large volume of partially processed products is often carried over from one period to another. It is some¬ times necessary to inventory these prod¬ ucts at partially processed value rather than at raw material cost or at finished value. When such a procedure is deter¬ mined to be necessary, the work-in-process valuation should be raw material costs plus direct processing labor cost and processing supplies used. Other information on inventories and inventorying methods was presented earlier in the Guide in the section, “Costof Sales.” Investments Frequently a firm owns certain assets which are not necessary to or used in the operation of the business. These may in¬ clude Government bonds, real estate not used in the business, and similar assets. Cash surrender value of life insurance also comes under this category, if the busi¬ ness is the beneficiary named in the policy. (141) U. S. Bonds - Treasury bonds are used to illustrate the accounting pro¬ cedure for handling this type of investment. When bonds are purchased for the busi¬ ness, the investment appears as an asset in this account and the income derived from it goes to Other Income. An account number should be selected to record this income. This could be (702) Income from Investments. When such an investment is made and it is intended that the sum invested be 45 taken out of the business, the procedure is different. The investment is not shown as an asset but rather is charged to the proprietor’s or partner’s drawing or capital account, thus recording the removal of funds from the business. (142) Cash Surrender Value - Life Insurance - This asset is shown on the books of the business only if the business is the beneficiary. Premium expense should be charged to (804) Life Insurance Expense, as discussed under that account. The insurance agency can be helpful in determining cash surrender value. Prepaid Accounts Frequently certain expenses are paid in one accounting period but the benefits derived from the expenditure are realized over a considerable number of accounting periods. To report the entire expense in a single monthly operating statement would distort that statement and reduce its value. For this reason, an accounting procedure should be used whereby the expense can be prorated on a monthly basis. Most locker and freezer provisioners will probably need to set up three prepaid accounts: (161) Prepaid Interest (162) Prepaid Taxes (163) Prepaid Insurance The following example, using account (163) Prepaid Insurance, illustrates the accounting procedure used for all prepaid accounts. A yearly insurance premium is $600. If this were charged directly to (55) In¬ surance in the month in which the premium was paid, that monthly statement would be distorted and would not be comparable with others. To prevent this, and at the same time to indicate that this expense has been paid in advance, charge the full amount of this bill to Prepaid Insurance (163). Then, before the close of the period, make a General Journal entry debiting (55) In¬ surance with one-twelfth of the $600 ex¬ pense and crediting (163) Prepaid Insurance with the same amount. This is continued each month until the entire amount has been wiped out. This procedure is re¬ peated when premiums are paid again. Most stationery stores carry standard forms that are useful in recording im¬ portant insurance information, such as amount of insurance, dates premiums are due, coverage, and similar data. Fixed Property and Equipment Fixed property and equipment are part of the total assets of a firm. The typical balance sheet illustrates how these assets should be presented, along with allowances for depreciation. Five accounts will be sufficient to rec¬ ord the fixed property and equipment of. most firms. They are: (171) Land (172) Building (173) Plant Equipment I (174) Truck(s) and Automobile(s) (175) Office Equipment When fixed property or equipment i disposed of, the gain or loss -- after de-l ducting the allowance for depreciation from the purchase price -- is handlecj through the Other Income or Other Outgc, accounts. It would be appropriate to establish an account to record this trans¬ action, such as (705) Gain or Loss on Sale^ of Fixed Assets. 46 Most firms have small investment in re equipment and will record it with ount (173) Plant Equipment. However, considerable store equipment is owned used in the business, a special account f be set up to record this asset. Any sed number in the 170 account group • example, 176) should be selected. Land and buildings not used in the iness but held for investment purposes uld be recorded in the 140 account up and classified as investments. Liabilities Liabilities are debit items and are the Lgations of the business. Various liability ounts are discussed in this section of Guide in the order in which they appear :he typical balance sheet. ables Payables are described in this Guide in er of time of settlement. For example, L) Accounts Payable - Trade is for ounts that are generally due and payable request or at the end of the month. On other hand, items under (203) Notes r able - Trade are generally longer term lilities. (201) Accounts Payable - Trade - In- ces and bills not paid during the period ered by the operating statement should entered on the books before they are sed or before the operating statement and ince sheet are prepared. If this is not e,the books will not present a true pic- ? of the firm's inventories or liabilities. The General Journal, Form “C,” illus- tes how these payables are entered on books. When there are a number of h accounts each month, they can be died in the same manner as accounts eivable;that is, a separate ledger sheet each. An alternative method of handling these accounts payable is to enter them on the Cash Disbursed and Purchase Record, Form “B.” Entry number 21 on the typical form illustrates this procedure. Instead of making an entry in the General Journal, the net amount of the accounts payable is debited in the proper Merchan¬ dise Purchases column and credited to “Accounts Payable - Trade" in the General Ledger column. Note that the notation “Jnl Ety" (Journal Entry) is used in the Check Number column to indicate that no check was issued. This procedure can also be used for recording other unpaid bills. Such bills are debited to the proper expense account and credited in the General Ledger column to Accounts Payable - Trade. When the unpaid bills are of a recurring nature, such as the power bill, this procedure need not be followed if one such bill is paid and posted to the books each month. (203) Notes Payable - Trade - Notes payable are occasionally given to suppliers in settlement of an open account. When these liabilities have been recorded in account (201) Accounts Payable - Trade, and later a note is given, the procedure then is to debit (201) Accounts Payable - Trade and credit (203) Notes Payable - Trade. The General Journal, Form “C,” is used for making the entry. (205) Notes Payable - Bank(s) - The procedure here is the same as for (203) Notes Payable - Trade. These obligations may be in the form of a single or a series of notes, or notes secured by assigning notes or accounts receivable. The method of liquidating such notes varies consider¬ ably, depending upon arrangements with the lending bank. All payments on notes are recorded on Form “B" as illustrated. The total of the individual notes payable should be checked and reconciled with the control figures in the General Ledger. An up-to-date schedule of all notes payable should be maintained. This 47 schedule should show the amount, date of payment, to whom and where payable and related information. Additional information on this account is given in the discussion of (115) Bank - Financing Reserve. Accrued Expenses Accrued expenses are obligations that have been incurred in the course of con¬ ducting the business but which will not be paid until a later date. (221) Accrued Interest Payable - In¬ terest paid in advance is shown in account (161) Prepaid Interest. If, however, in¬ terest is not to be paid until some future date, that portion of the interest expense incurred during the accounting period should be recorded so that the obligation will show in the books. The procedure is to enter in the General Journal a debit to (802) Interest Expense and a credit to (221) Accrued Interest Payable. (222) Accrued Salaries and Commis¬ sions - The need to accrue salaries and commissions arises when expenses have been incurred but not paid by the end of an accounting period. It is important to show these expenses in the operating state¬ ment and these liabilities in the balance sheet. The procedure for showing this is by Journal entry, debiting the proper wage or commission account and crediting (222) Accrued Salaries and Commissions. When the obligation is paid at a later date account (222) is debited and the liability liquidated. (223) Accrued Payroll and Withholding Taxes (226) Accrued Sales Taxes These two accounts are provided to record monies that have either been with¬ held from payrolls or collected from cus¬ tomers and are to be paid to some agenc such as the Internal Revenue Service Form “B” illustrates how to recor amounts withheld. Form “A” shows ho sales taxes collected from customers ar recorded. J| (241) Mortgage Payable - This title i self-explanatory. Reserves A reserve is an account with a erect balance, set up because the expenses c operation have decreased an asset o created a liability. Most firms will nee these two accounts: (251) Allowance for Doubtful Acco unt (253) Allowance for Depreciation The procedure for setting up thes accounts is covered elsewhere in th Guide. See the discussion of account (59 Bad Debt Expense for information o (251) Allowance for Doubtful Accounts Discussions of accounts (19) Depreciation. Building and Equipment, (36) Depreciation Truck and Automobile, and (66) Deprecia, tion - Office Equipment also refer t (253) Allowance for Depreciation. These accounts are shown on the lei side of the balance sheet as deduction from an asset account Allowance fo Doubtful Accounts (251) is shown as deduct from total receivables. Allowanc for Depreciation (253) is shown as a deduc from the various fixed asset accounts. Deferred Locker Rental Revenue The trend in the industry is to conside: storage revenue as earned in the period ii 1 which the storage service was sold. Thus' the balance sheet in this Guide shows nc deferred locker-rental revenue. 48 Many operators who receive a sub- tial portion of their revenue from lal locker rentals may wish, however, iow this deferred income on the bal- i sheet. When this deferred income is m only on the end-of-the year balance it the following procedure is suggested. Set up a General Ledger account (261) rred Locker Rental Revenue. At the of the year, determine the amount of rned locker rental revenue. Transfer amount by General Journal entry out e storage revenue account by debiting ) Storage, and crediting (261) Deferred :er Rental Revenue. At the beginning e next accounting period, reverse this y so that the deferred revenue will be m as current revenue. ^ number of methods have been de- ped for calculating the amount of de¬ ed locker rental revenue. Table 3 illus- ;s one method. The percent deferred ways 4.17 the first month of the fiscal ; 12.50, the second month; and so on. Some operators constructing end-of- month balance sheets may wish to r this deferred locker rental revenue month. In that event, a different unting procedure is necessary. One tical method is to credit all revenue from short-term locker rentals, bulk storage and other refrigerated storage to (401) Storage. Revenue from annual locker rentals, however, is credited to (261) Deferred Locker Rental Revenue. At the end of each month the earned portion of this revenue is transferred from this account to (401) Storage, using the techni¬ ques of determining earned locker rentals described in the section, ‘ ‘Storage Revenue.” Net Worth Many firms in the locker and freezer provisioning industry are organized as single proprietorships or as partnerships. The net worth accounts necessary for this type of ownership are: (311) Proprietors/Partners - Capital Account(s) (313) Proprietors/Partners - Drawing Account(s) (351) Profit and Loss If the firm is organized as a corpora¬ tion, net worth accounts would be designated: (311) Capital Stock - Authorized and Issued e 3. - Method of calculating deferred locker rental revenue Mon th Annual rentals billed Deduct rentals cancelled Net annual rentals Percent deferred Amount deferred iry $800 _ $800 4.17 $33.36 aary 600 - 600 12.50 75.00 i 400 - 400 20.83 83.32 t 400 - 400 29.17 116.68 500 $50 450 37.50 168.75 400 - 400 45.83 183.32 300 50 250 54.17 135.42 5 t. 200 - 200 62.50 125.00 5mber 400 - 400 70.83 283.32 )er 500 - 500 79.16 395.80 □ber 800 - 800 87.48 699.84 nber 800 - 800 95.83 766.64 Total 6,100 100 6,000 3,066.45 49 (313) Surplus (351) Profit and Loss If the firm is organized as an incor¬ porated cooperative, the accounts would be designated as follows: (311) Preferred Stock - Authorized and Issued (312) Common Stock (Voting or Mem¬ bership Stock) (313) Undistributed Savings (351) Savings and Loss Posting to the General Ledger All posting to the General Ledger is from Form “A” - Cash Received and Sales Record; Form “B”-Cash Disbursed and Purchase Record; and Form “C” - General Journal. Form “A” shows end-of-the-month totals. The total of some columns, such as accounts 103, 111, 113, 226, are posted directly to the General Ledger. However, when the term “various” is used as shown in the instructions at the bottom of the form, this means that posting must be by individual items. For example, each item in the General Ledger columns on the left- hand side must be posted separately, or else like items in these columns must be combined in a summary for posting. The information in the All Sales Income column ($12,900) on the left-hand side of Form “A” is not posted. This information is broken down on the right-hand side and is posted to the appropriate accounts as shown on the illustrated form. The same general procedure applies in posting from Form “B” as in posting from Form “A.” Items in the General Ledger columns on the left hand side are posted individually. The information in the Operating Expense column and th Merchandise Purchases column is nc posted, as it is further broken down on th right-hand side. The remaining column on the left-hand side are posted directl to the General Ledger. As an aid in posting, the right-hand sid provides columns for further classifyin operating expenses and merchandise pur chased. Operating expenses are classifie into three types - plant operating expense selling and delivery expense, and genera and administrative expense. The variou items listed in these columns are posted b the account number identifying the expense The totals of these columns are not postet Also on the right-hand side are column" for classifying merchandise purchases The totals of these columns may be poste directly to the General Ledger, with th possible exception of the column heade Other. Depending on the use made of th{ columns, it may be necessary to post indii vidual items from this column. Most entries on Form “C” are poste as individual items to the various Genera Ledger accounts. Trial Balance The four-page trial balance form whic follows will assist in preparing the month! operating statement and balance shee Each account in the General Ledger i listed by name and number, with blan spaces for additional accounts that may b required. The accounts are listed to con form to the chart of accounts. When the debit or credit balance c each account from the General Ledger i entered on this form and the form “bal ances,” the operating statement and th balance sheet can be prepared. Operators desiring to use a trial bal' anceform may buy suitable blank columna paper or have a supply printed. 50 TRIAL BALANCE FORM - General Ledger Used to prepare Balance Sheet and Operating Statement Balances - Assets Acct. No. Amount Credit Balances - Liabilities Acct. No. Amount PAYABLES h - in office 101 Accounts - trade 201 102 202 ank(s) 103 Notes - trade 203 IVABLES 204 ;s - due from customers 111 Notes - bank(s) 205 112 206 Dunts - due from ACCRUED customers 113 Interest 221 Dunts - officers/ Salaries and commissions 222 employees 114 Payroll-withholdings 223 < - financing reserve 115 224 ^TORIES 225 ts and poultry - Sales taxes payable 226 resale 131 sen foods - for resale 132 Mortgage payable 241 szers - for resale 133 Allowance for doubtful szing supplies - accounts 251 resale 134 252 :essing supplies 135 Allowance for depreciation 253 136 3TMENTS NET WORTH . Bonds 141 Proprietors capital account 311 i surrender value - 312 3 insurance 142 Proprietors draw’g account 313 143 314 AID 315 rest 161 3S 162 ranee 163 Profit and loss account 351 164 D PROPERTY AND IPMENT 1 171 ding 172 t equipment 173 ik(s) and automobile(s) 174 le equipment 175 176 51 Acct. MONTH YEAR TO DATE NO. Debits Credits Debits Credii ts SALES ; Storage 401 ] Processing 402 1 403 — Sales - meats 404 — Sales - frozen foods 405 W — Sales - other merchandise 406 — TOTAL SALES 1 Deduct - COST OF SALES 1 Direct labor - processing 502-a jf Processing supplies used 502-b li Direct cost charged to plant 'i owned products 502-c Cost of meat sold 504 — Cost of frozen foods sold 505 Cost of other merchandise sold 506 TOTAL COST OF SALES GROSS MARGINS — PLANT : Indirect labor 11 — 12 Plant supplies 13 Utilities and power, light, heat, and water 14 Repair and maintenance 15 Rent 16 17 Laundry 18 Depreciation - building and equipment 19 Taxes - real estate, etc. 21 22 23 SELLING and DELIVERY Wages, salaries, and commissions 31 Advertising and promotion 32 33 34 Truck expense 35 Depreciation - truck and auto 36 37 38 39 52 Derating Expenses - Continued Acct. No. MONTH YEAR TO DATE Debits Credits Debits Credits JERAL ADMINISTRATIVE laries - off./prop./part. 51 laries - office 52 53 fice supplies and postage 54 surance 55 les and subscriptions 56 57 lephone and telegraph 58 d debt expense 59 nations 61 avel and entertainment 62 yroll taxes 63 ler taxes and licenses 64 gal and professional fees 65 predation - office equipment 66 scellaneous 67 68 69 il operating expenses rating profit or loss OTHER INCOME scounts earned 701 702 erest and earnings - financing 703 d debts recovered 704 in or loss on sale of fixed ssets 705 sh - over and short 706 707 net: OTHER OUTGO scounts (cash) allowed 801 erest expense 802 803 :e insurance expense 804 805 806 807 808 809 t profit or loss U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1959 O - 511802 53 ’’ «- 1 1 I I I Other Publications Available Business Management of Frozen Food Locker and Related Plants, Marketing Research Report 258, James J. Mullen and Lloyd M. DeBoer Merchandising Frozen Food by Locker and Freezer Provisioning Plants, Marketing Research Report 313, Bert D. Miner 1955 Survey - Frozen Food Locker Plants, Utilization Research Report 1, P. C. Wilkins, L. B. Mann, and B. D. Miner Producing and Merchandising Sausage in Small Plants, FCS Circular 5, C. G. Randell Inedible Offal as a Hog Feed - Processing and Feeding by Small Slaughterers, FCS General Report 37, Bert D. Miner Operating Costs of Selected Frozen Food Locker Cooperatives, Bulletin 71, Paul C. Wilkins and L. B. Mann A copy of each of these publications may be obtained upon request while a supply is available from -- Information Division FARMER COOPERATIVE SERVICE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. unWERsnv of wmos agriculture u»™ A Bibliography of ORGANIC ACIDS IN HIGHER PLANTS Agricultural Handbook No. 164 Agricultural Research Service UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE A Bibliography of ORGANIC ACIDS IN HIGHER PLANTS Agricultural Handbook No. 164 Agricultural Research Service UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Occurrence of organic Literature cited. Washington, D.C. CONTENTS acids in higher plants Pose 2 51 Issued March 1960 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, 1 : .S. Government Frinting Office Washington 25, D.C. - Price 35 cents A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ORGANIC ACIDS IN HIGHER PLANTS 1 By M. L. Buch, chemist, Eastern Utilization Research and Development Division, Agricultural Research Service Scientific interest in the organic acids of higher plants has prompted a search of the literature and tabulation of these acids and their occurrence. Nonvolatile, non-nitrogen-containing, carboxylic acids whose struc¬ ture is generally accepted (44, 267, 48S) 2 are included. Fatty acids, long-chain polymers—such as pectins—and compounds which con¬ tain a sugar group as part of the molecule are excluded. Thus, carboxylic sapogenins are included but saponins are not. The acids reported are those that are found in the free state or as salts, not as esters. Plants are fisted by family and by genus and species. The family names are those given by Willis (789), and, when possible, the names of the genus and species follow this system. Where the name dis¬ agrees with that in established usage by the Department of Agri¬ culture the latter name is given in parentheses following the original name. Where the name is apparently misspelled, doubtful, or not known by the Department a query (?) has been inserted following the original name. Only spermatophyta are included. Titles of articles and books published in other languages have been translated into English. In those cases in which the report could not be verified by consulting the original paper or an abstract, a secondary reference is substituted. 1 This review covers all publications through 1954 and a limited number published in 1955 and 1956. 2 Italic numbers in parentheses refer to Literature Cited, p. 51. 1 OCCURRENCE OF ORGANIC ACIDS IN HIGHER PLANTS Family Genus and species Source Reference Abietic Acid Pinaceae '_ Colophony ' Pinus abies (Picea abies) _ Resin- P. larix (Larix decidua )— --- JR. palustris - Resin- (37, 113, 162, 169) (48, 419) (419) (35, 258, 339) Aconitic Acid COOH C=CH COOH CH 2 COOH Chenopodiaceae _ _ Compositae_ Gramineae Beta vulgaris _ Achillea millefolium - fJuice_ \Unripe beet - (392, 395) (705) (285) (58) (474) [Etiolated (168) Hordeum vulgare - Saccharum officinaruin — l shoot. [.Seedling- - Juice_ f ... ... (314, 474) (36; 50; 411; 603; 604;60S; 694; 699; 70S; 704, ref. 162; 784; 811; 817) (474) Secale cereale - \ Seedling - (668) 2 Family Genus and species Source Reference Aconitic Acid — Continued f _ (414, 744) (507) (745, 786, 787) (478) (667) (668) (668) (58) Gramineae __ < .1 Triticum sp ___ T. sativum (T- aestivum )_ ,Zea mays Phaseolus coccineus __ Scale from evaporation pans. Juice- - Leguminosae_ _ [Sprout_ Seedling . Sprouting seed. Aconitum spp _ (54:58; 108 ;160, p.567, ref. 3:497) A. columbianum _ (49) A. heterophyllum _ .Root_ (8H2) (769) A. napellus __ (50) Etanunculaceae_• A. septentrionale A. vernalis (Adonis ver- nalis). Tuber and root. (315) (497) (388) .Leaf Delphinium barbeyi (49) D. bicolor _ . (49) D. consolida _ _ . Leaf sap_ (781) D. cucullatum (49) D. geyeri . . (49) D. glaucescens _ _ _ (49) D. nelsonii ___ (49) Solanaceae Solanum lycopersicum Fruit_ (109) (Lycopersicon escu- i Root, leaf, and (116) lentum). ripe fruit. [Jmbelliferae Angelica archangelica _ Root _ (690) Adipic Acid HOOC—CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 COOH Chenopodiaceae. _ Beta vulgaris _ (896, 742) Ascorbic Acid CH o 0H I CH(OH)-CH 0 C=0 HO OH Since its structure was elucidated by Svirbely and Szent-Gyorgyi in 1932 ( 691 , 692 ), ascorbic acid has been reported in almost every plant in which its presence has been investigated. 3 Family Genus and species Source Reference Bassic Acid Sapotaceae. Bassia butyracea (Madhuca butyracea). B. latifolia ( M. latifolia). B. longifolia ( M. longi- folia) ■ B. parkii --- Dumoria heckelii -- Mimusops djave (Bail- lonella toxisperrna). M. elengi - Seed.. - - (276) _do_ (276, 277) _do_ (276, 277) _do_ (276) (276, 277) __ do. _ (276) _do_ (276) (276) do, — (276) (276) Benzoic Acid COOH / Compositae.. Droseraceae. Empetraceae Ericaceae Gramineae Dahlia sp-_—_- Drosera rotundifolia - Empetrum nigrum - Leaf- ’ Vaccinium macrocarpum . Berry- V. oxycoccos - -uo- V. vitis-idaea _ _do- Bambusa arundinacea — ^ oung shoot— (.511) (796) (306) (239, 431 467) (239, 415, 477, 599) (51, 239, 328, 382, 403, 477) (218) 4 Source Family Genus and species Reference Benzoic Acid —Continued Leguminosae_ Lentibulariaceae.. Lilaceae_ Magnoliaeeae_ Myrtaceae_ Papaveraceae_ Pinaceae_ Rosaceae_ Etubiaceae_ Rutaceae_ Scrophulariaceae.. styracaceae_ (Daviesia latifolia _ Leaf and stem. _ 1 Myroxylon pereirae _ Balsam_ [M. toluiferum _ _do_ Pinguicula vulgaris _ Leaf_ Dracera draco _ Resin_ Gloriosa superba _ Tuber_ Illicium anisatum _ Fruit and seed. Psidium spp_ Papaver somniferum _ Agathis australis Prunus serotina . Coffea sp_ Casimiroa edulis _ Seed . Digitalis purpurea _ _ Sty rax sp_ _ S. benzoin _ Resin /Bark (.Leaf. (555) (361) ( 110 , 146 ) (405) (715a) (133) (498) (515) (635) (457) (550) (551) (410, 516) (549) (331) (372; 718, p. 507, ftn. 4-) (715a) Betulinic Acid tpocynaceae_ )ornaceae_ ientianaceae_ joranthaceae_ dyrtaceae_ datanaceae_ dinicaeeae_ thamnaceae_ Alyxia buxifolia _ Cornus florida _ Menyanthes trifoliata _ Nuytsia floribunda _ Melaleuca (6 spp.)_ Syncarpia laurifolia _ Platanus acerifolia _ Punica granatum _ Ziziphus vulgaris _ Bark- (21) - (606) Rhizome_ (671) Leaves, stems, (21) and bark. Bark- (21) -do- (579) -do- (100) Leaves and bark. (98) Seeds and bark. (333) 5 Family Genus and species Source Reference Caffeic Acid CH= CHCOOH OH /Ilex aquifolium - Leaf-- Aquifoliaceae- paraguarensis _ _do- / Anthemis nobilis - Flower- Compositae- \Taraxacum officinale - Root- Labiatae- Melissa sp-- £eaf- Pinaceae_ Lanx europaea ( L. de- Resin- cidua. /Aconitum septentrionale-. ---- Ranunculaceae- \Clemaiis vitalba _ Flowering branch. Rosaceae_ Crataegus oxyacantha - Leaf, fruit, and flower. ( Cinchona cuprea - Bark- Rubiaceae- j Q 0 g ea S pp-\Leaf_ , . /Digitalis purpurea - - Scropliulariaceae.. \s cr0 phularia nodosa - Root Solanaceae_ Solanum tuberosum - - / Angelica archangelica - - Umbelliferae- \Conium maculatum - - (.678) (678) (547) (546) (272) (37) (315) (730) (187) (349) (187) (678) (88, 331) (317) (323) (690) (288) Chelidonic Acid Amarylidaceae- Agave sp- A. falcata - Amaryllis crispa (Hessea crispa). Leaf_- Anther and peri¬ anth. Leaf, perianth, and anther. (684) (581) (582) (582) 6 Family Genus and species Source Reference Amarylidaceae. _ Berberidaceae_ Chelidonic Acia —Continued Androstemma iunceum (Conostylis andro¬ stemma). Anigozanthos humilis _ A. preissii _ Anoiganthus breviflorus __ Blancoa canescens _ Brunsvigia angustifolia. _ B. josephinea (B. gigan- tea). B. uitenhagensis _ Buphane ciliaris _ Car poly za spiralis _ Conostylis (12 spp.)_ Crinum capense (C. longi- folium). C. kirkii _ C. purpurascens _ Cummingia tenella ( Con - anthera campanulata ). Galanthus nivalis _ G. plicatus Hessea maximiliani _ Hippeastrum mandoni _ Hy poxis juncea _ H. minuta _ H. probata _ H. serrata _ H. villosa _ Ixiolirion montanum _ Lanaria plumosa _ Leucojum (5 spp.)_ Lophiola americana _ Lycoris aurea _ Narcissus (14 spp.)_ Panoratium canariense _ Sternbergia colchiciflora __ S. luiea _ Tribonanthes uniflora _ Zephyravlhes rosea _ Berberis vulgaris _ Leaf, perianth, (582) and anther. Leaf_ (582) Anther_ (582) Pericarp_ (582) Leaf and peri- (582) anth. Leaf and flower. (582) Pericarp, leaf, (582) perianth, and anther. Flower_ (582) Leaf, perianth, (582) and anther. Leaf, perianth, (575) and bulb. _ (582) Leaf, perianth, (582) and pedicel. _do_ (582) Leaf, perianth, (582) and anther. Perianth_ (582) Leaf, pedicel, (582) anther, and perianth. Leaf, perianth, (582) pedicel, and bulb. Flower_ (582) Leaf, perianth, (582) anther, and pedicel. Flower_ (582) Flower and leaf. (582) Perianth_ (582) Perianth, leaf, (582) and anther. Leaf, and peri- (582) anth. Perianth, leaf, (582) and flower. Leaf and peri- (582) anth. _ (582) Leaf and flower. (582) Perianth, anther, (582) pedicel, and pericarp. _ (582) Leaf and anther. (582) Leaf, perianth, (682) anther, and seed. Leaf, perianth, (682) and anther. Perianth_ (582) Perianth, leaf, (682) and anther. _ (370) 7 Family Genus and species Source Reference Campanu laceae - - Cannaceae - Dioscoreaceae- Haemodoraceae- - H ippocastanaceae. Liliaceae. _ . . . Chelidonic Acid —Continued Cenlropogon (6 spp.)- - Downingia pulchella - - Isoloma (5 spp.)- - Laurenlia (4 spp.)- - Lobelia (25 spp.)- - L. cardinalis - - L. inflate - (Fruit Siphocampylus (9 spp.)— - Canna spp_ Root- 'Discorea balcanica - Leaf, flower, and pericarp. D. deltoidea _ Leaf and ' flower. D. humifusa - Seed and pericarp. 'Dilatris corymbosa _ Flower and leaf. Lcchenolia (incloria - --—do- Wachendorfia paniculota . Flower, leaf, and pericarp. JV. thyrsi flora - Anther- Aesculus flava _ Perianth and leaf. A. hippocastanum - --- Acanthocarpus preissii — Pericarp and Allium cirrhosum - Leaf- A. flavescens - do- A. obliquum _ do- A. tenuissimum _ Leaf and flower. Aloe minima - Leaf- Androcymbium ( 3spp.)-_ - Anguillaria dioica - do- A. tenella _ _do--- Anticlea sibiricus ( Ziga - Leaf, bulb, and denus sibiricus). filament. A ' officinalis A' damascena - - B e llevalia dubia ( Hya- Flower- cinthus dubuis). Boemetra columellaris(1) - Filament, leaf. and perianth. Borya septenlrionalis - Leaf- Brodiaea (3 spp.)- - Bulbine alooides - Flower- Bulbocodium ruthenicum . Leaf- B. versicolor _ do- Chlorophytum bowkeri - Flower- C. parviflorum _ Pedicel- Colchicum (12 spp.)- - C. autumnale - - Convallaria majalis - j Leaf, anther, l and perianth. Cordyline banksii - Flower- C. pumilio _ Leaf- Dasylirion gramini- Flower- folium. (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (370) (370) (681) (370) (582) (581) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (581) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (580) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (370) (370) (582) (582) (582) (582) 8 Family Genus and species Source Reference Liliaceae Chelidonic Acid —Continued Dasypogon bromeliifoius _ Dichopogon humilis _ Dracaena angustifolia _ D. elliptica _ Eremurus himalaicus _ Gloriosa superba _ Hookera hyacintha _ H. minor _ Hyacinthus leucophaeus _ Iphigenia diuterik (?)_ I. indico _ Johnsonia lupulina _ Kniphofta (4 spp.)_ Lachenalia montigena _ L. picta _ Liriope graminifolia _ Melonthium tenue _ M. virginicum (M. comosum). Merendera (5 spp.)_ Muscari botryoides _ M. calandrinianum _ Narthecium scardicum _ Ophiopogon bockianus _ 0. japonicus _ Ornithogalum arabicum.- 0. fimbriatum _ 0. narbonense _ 0. oligophyllum _ Ornithoglossum glaucum . Paradisea liliastrum _ Paris bockiana _ Polygonatum (4 spp.)_ Reineckea carnea _ Rhipogonum album _ R. scandens _ Ruscus hypoglossum _ Sabadilla officinarum (Schoenocaulon offi¬ cinale) . Sandersonia aurantiaca . _ Schoenocaulon officinale-- Scilla obtusifolia _ S. pratensis _ S. verna _ Smilax (6 spp.)_ Sugerokia orientalis ( Helo - niopsis orientalis ). Tofieldia (4 spp.)_ Trichopetalum stellatum (Bottionea thysantoides). Trillium (9 spp.)_ Tupistra viridiflora _ Urginea maritima _ Uvularia sessilifolia _ Flower_ -do___ Leaf_ Flower_ Leaf_ Flower_ -do_ -do_ Leaf_ -do_ -do_ Leaf_ Leaf and flower. Leaf_ Leaf, perianth, and seed. Leaf and flower. Flower_ Flower and leaf. Flower_1_ Leaf_ -do_ Anther_ Leaf and peri¬ anth. Flower_ Pedicel_ Leaf and flower. Leaf_ Leaf and peri¬ anth. -do_ Leaf and pedi¬ cel. Pedicel_ Leaf and pedi¬ cel. Flower_ Leaf and peri¬ anth. Leaf and flower. Flower_ Leaf_ Leaf, flower, and anther. Flower Leaf Leaf and flower. {582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (370, 399) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (684) (582) (370) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (370) (582) 9 Family Genus and species Source Reference Chelidonic Acid— Continued Liliaceae ’Veratrum (7 spp.)- - V. album - - V. viride _ _ Wurmbea (4 spp.)- - Xerotes elongata - Flower- \ X. pauciflora - -do- X. sauveolens - -do —- — Yucca brevifolia _ Perianth and pedicel. ,, Zygadenu8 (5 spp.)- - Papaveraceae- Rhamnaceae Rubiaceae Thymelaeaceae. _ Chelidonium majus Stylophorum diphyllutn _ _ 'Paliurus aculeatus _ _- Rhamnella franguloides . . Rhamnus (21 spp.)- ' R. cathartica --- Sageretia minutifolia - yZizyphus lotus - Uragoga ipecacuanha (Cephaelis ipecacuanha ). Daphne (9 spp.)- D. gnidium _ Gnidia (9 spp.)- Passerina (5 spp.)- ' Pimelea flava... - Stellera chamaejasme - Thymelaea (4 spp.)- , Wikstroemia (3 spp.)- Leaf_ Leaf, perianth, k and pedicel. Leaf, perianth, and anther. Pedicel- Leaf_ Fruit- Leaf.-. _do Fruit Leaf_ Leaf and flower. {582) (370, 637, 684) (370) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (254, 300, 370, 383,387,636, 684, 820) (560) (582) (582, 632) (582) (582) (582) (581) (582) (582) (370) (582) (581) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) (582) Chlorogenic Acid Acanthaceae- 'Barleria cristata - Eranthemum macrophyllum. Graptobilanthes horlense (Graptophyllum hortense). Slrobilanthes lupinus - ,Thunbergia laurifolia — (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) 10 Family Genus and species Source Reference Chlorogenic Acid —Continued Apocynaceae_ Aquifoliaceae_ Araliaceae_ Asclepiadaceae_ Bignoniaceae_ Boraginaceae_ Cannaceae_ Caprifoliaceae_ Chenopodiaceae_ _ Compositae { Allamanda hendersonii . _ _ Alstonia scholaris _ _ Kopsia flavida _ _ Ilex aquifolium _ Leaf, stem, and root. I. salidfolia _ _ { Aralia maculata _ _ Hedera helix _ _ Heptapleurum sp_ _ Paralropia sp_ _ Trevesia sundaica _ _ Hoya bandanensis _ _ ( Crescentia cuneifloia _ (C. cujete). Kigelia pinnata _ _ Spathodea campanulata __ _ (Cordia suaveolens _ _ \Ehretia buxifolia _ _ Canna indica _ _ { Lonicera sp_ _ Sambucus javanica _ _ S. nigra _ Flower_ Suaeda dodoneifolia(I )_ _ 95 genera_ _ Achillea millefolium _ Flower_ Anacyclus pyrethrum _ do_ Arnica montana _ do_ Centaurea jacea _ Leaf_ Cichorium intybus _ do_ Clibadium asperum _ _ C. surinamense _ _ Dahlia variabilis (D. pin- _ nata). Eupatorium javanicum __ _ E. pallescens _ _ Gymnanthemum grande _ _ _ Helianthus sp_ Seed_ H. annuus _ do_ Convolvulaceae.. H. doronicoides _ Leaf H. tuberosus _ _ Lactuca saliva _ _ Lappa major (Arctium Leaf majus ). Pluchea indica _ _ P. odorata _ _ Silybum marianum _ _ Slifftia chrysantha _ _ Tagetes erecta _ _ Taraxacum gymnanthum. _ Tithonia diversifolia_ Vemonia sp_ 'Argyreia kurzei _ Erycibe tomentosa _ , Ipomoea batatas _ Lepistemon flavescens Merremia dissecta _ ,Porana paniculata _ {Root (288) (228) (228, 281) (118) (228) (228) (249) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (118) (228) (540) (118) (118) (118) (118) (118) (228) (228) (539) (228) (228) (228) (230) (224, 229, 364, 494) (118) (536, 538, 539) (538) (118) (228) (228) (536) (228) (228) (539) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228, 538) (610) (228) (228) (228) 11 Family Genus and species Source Reference Chlorogenic Acid— Continued Cornaceae- Cucurbitaceae- Dipsacaceae. Ericaceae_ Erythroxylaceae.. Eucommiaceae — Gesneriaceae- Gnetaceae- Goodeniaceae.. Gramineae. Labiatae. Liliaceae_ Loganiaceae. Magnoliaceae. Malvaceae_ Marty niaceae. Moraceae_- Oleaceae_ Orbanchaceae- Pandanaceae. Pedaliaceae.. Ranunculaceae— Rosaceae. Mastixia cuspidata - - ( Coccinia cordifolia - - (Trichosanthes sp- - Dipsacus sylvestris - - Vactinium lucidum - - / Erythroxylon coca - - \E. novogranatense - - Eucommia sp___ Leaf- 'Aeschynanthus longiflora. - Agalmyla staminea - - Cyrtandra bicolor - - Episcia pulchella - - Gloxinia caulescens - - Sinningia sp...- - Gnetum ovalifolium - - Scaevola sericea - - ( Mixed herbage- - Bambusa sp- - Oryza sativa - - Paspalum vaginatum - - Phragmites sp- - ,Saccharum officinarum — -- 'Ballota foelida _ Leaf- Calamintha officinalis - - Mentha javanica - - M. rotundifolia - - Salvia coccinea - - S. pratensis - - „Stachys lanata - - Convallaria majalis - Leaf- I Crateriphytum molucanum - Strychnos sp_ Seed- S. nux-vomica -\Seed_ Michelia fuscata - - Gossypium sp- - Martynia diandra - - (Castilla elastica - Latex- {Ficus elastica... - - — do- Jasminum nudijlorum - Leaf and flower { Orobanche epithymum — Stem- 0. rapum _ Stem, flower, and under¬ ground parts. Phelipaea lutea - - Freycinetia strobilacea - - Sesamum orientate - - Aconitum septentrionale.. - Clematis paniculata - --- C. vitalba - Leaf- Ranunculus bulbosus - - T do—.- - Crataegus oxyacantha - Fruit, leaf, and flower. Prunus domestica - Fruit- _do.. Pyrus communis _ P. malus(Malus sylvestris) Leaf. Fruit. Juice. Leaf. { 228 ) { 228 ) { 228 ) ( 118 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) (247) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 299 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 118 ) ( 118 ) ( 228 ) ( 118 ) ( 228 ) ( 118 ) ( 118 ) ( 118 ) ( 228 ) ( 230 ) ( 228 ) ( 725 ) ( 228 ) ( 495 ) ( 228 ) ( 232 ) ( 232 ) ( 118 ) ( 118 ) ( 118 ) ( 118 ) ( 228 ) ( 228 ) ( 315 ) ( 228 ) ( 118 ) ( 118 ) ( 187 ) ( 147 ) ( 94 , 779 ) ( 779 ) ( 94 , 296 , 460 , 779 ) ( 530 . 531 ) ( 788 ) 12 Family Genus and species Source Reference Chlorogenic Acid— Continued Adina cordifolia _ Coelospermum corymbosum Coffea sp_ Rubiaceae Saxifragaceae_ Scrophulariaceae _ C. arabica _ C. bengalensis _ C. liberica _ \Exostemma longiflorum _ Hymenodictyon sp_ Mussaenda officinalis _ Nauclea fagifolia _ Oxyanthus hirsutus _ Palicourea gardenioides - _ Timonius compressicaulis Hydrangea mutabilis _ 'Capraria biflora _ Torenia sp_ Veronica alpina _ ■ V. chamaedrys _ V. officinalis _ V. traversii _ Solanaceae rheaceae filiaceae. LJmbelliferae [Jrticaceae.. iferbenaceae Atropa belladona _ Rrunsfelsia americana _ Capsicum annuum (C- frutescens). C. grossum ( C. frutescens). C. viola ceum _ Oestrum aurantiacum _ C. elegans _ Datura arborea _ D. stramonium _ Hyoscyamus albus _ H. aureus _ H. pusillus _ 1 H. reticulatus _ Mandragora officinarum _ Nicotiana sp_ Petunia nyctaginiflora _ Physalis alkekengi _ P. angulata _ P. peruviana _ Physochlaina orientalis Scopolia carniolica _ Solanum (16 spp )_ S■ lycopersicum ( Lycoper- sicon esculentum). S. tuberosum _ Withania frutescens _ , W. somnifera _ Thea sinensis _ Cor chorus olitorius _ 'Angelica archangelica _ Apium graveolens _ Eryngium pandani- folium. Hydrocotyle sp_ ffihapsia garganica _ Roehmeria nivea _ Verbena officinalis _ Bean Whole plant_ _do_ _do_ Root, stem, and leaf. Leaf_ _do_ -do_ _do_ _do_ _do_ -do_ -do_ _do_ -do_ -do_ -do_ -do_ -do_ Leaf_ -do_ -do_ -do_ -do_ _do_ _do_ _do_ Leaf. Root Leaf (228) (228) (187, 230, 240, 286) (228, 598) (228) (227, 228, 231) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (228) (118) (118) (118) (118) (537) (537) (537) (537) (537) (537) (537) (537) (537) (587) (537) (537) (537) (537) (348) (537) (118) (537) (537) (587) (537) (537) (118) (321, 323, 539) (537) (537) (602) (228) (690) (539) (228) (228) (539) (228) (118) 13 Source Reference Family Genus and species Cinnamic Acid CH= CHCOOH Compositae- Parthenium argentatum.. Aqueous extract of root, rub- (78, 764) ber, resin, and leaf. (166) (264) Ericaceae_ Enkianthus japonicus - Leaf_ Globulariaceae— s G. alypum - Stalk and leaf_. (265) (265, 743) ILiquidambar sp- Resin_ _do_ (293, 305) (718) (304, 717) Hamamelidaceae . \ L. orientalis _ Lauraceae_ Cinnamonum sp- f Myroxylon pereirae - Leaf . -- — Balsam_ (365) (212, 268, 356, 361) Leguminosae. 1 M. toluiferum [ (M. balsamum). _do_ (110, 117, 146, 212) (546) (317) (658) Myrtaceae.- Scrophulariaceae . Styracaceae- Eugenia jambolana - Scrophularia nodosa - Siyrax liquidus (?)- Seed- Root- Resin_ Citramalic Acid COOH H 3 C—C—OH CH 2 COOH Rosaceae_ Pyrus malus Peel (297, 298) Citric Acid CHoCOOH HO—C—COOH CHoCOOH 14 Family Genus and species Source Reference Coumaric Acid HOC 6 H 4 CH=CHCOOH 3ignoniaceae__ (Catalpa biqnonioides . _ Leaf . (402) C- ovata _ _ _ Leaf and bark _ (282) lieguminosae (Daviesia latifolia _ Leaf and stem.. (555) C Vegetative (99) Melilotus alba . \ part. ... [Root _ (616) M. officinalis _ . Vegetative (99) ^apaveraceae . 3 inaceae_ _ ■tosaceae part. ffirifolium pratense _ Flower . (553) _ Papaver somniferum _ .... (635) Pinus sp . _ Resin (37) Prunus serotina _ Bark _ ... (550) Digallic Acid HO OH OH HO— cnspum). Parietaria spp_ { Ampelopsis hederacea (Parthenocissus quin- quefolia.) Vitis vinifera _ Stigmata_ Flowering twig. Leaf_ Flowering twig. Seedling_ Sap_ Seedling_ Root and rhizome. -do_ Berry_ Peduncle_ Juice_ -do_ Leaf. Berry Leaf. Root and rhizome. -do_ -do_ -do_ Leaf_ -do_ ( 84 ) , ( 84 ) (396, 601, 672, 678) ( 84 ) ( 84 ) ( 34 ) ( 486 ) ( 34 ) ( 84 ) ( 66 , 146 ) ( 34 ) (291) (66, 57) (U4, 687) (168) (291) (559, 603, 604, 605, 654, 686) ( 34 ) ( 84 ) ( 84 ) ( 84 ) (291) (185) (291) (34) ( 34 ) ( 84 ) ( 34 ) (592) (700) ( 686 ) (687) ( 84 ) (686, 687) ( 34 ) ( 34 ) ( 34 ) ( 34 ) ( 34 ) (235) (101, 183, 184) (280) 21 Family Genus and species Source Reference Glyoxalic Acid CHO ioon Chenopodiaceae. . Cornaceae- Ericaceae_ Gramineae- Labiatae- Leguminosae- Liliaceae- Polygonaceae- Ilosaceae Saxifragaceae- Solanaceae- Umbelliferae- Vitaceae- Beta vulgaris - Cornus mas - Vaccinium oxycoccos - Saccharum officinarum..- Mentha -piperita - Arachis hypogaea - Tulipa gesneriana - Rheum officinale - [ Prunus domestica - Pyrus malus (Malus [ sylvestris ). (Ribes sp--- [R. grossularia - Solanum tuberosum - Daucus carota - Fruit Juice_ Leaf- Seedling Unripe fruit- _do_ Fruit_ Unripe fruit- _do_ Tuber_ Leaf and root.. ,Root_ Vitis vinifera Juice (396) (631) (682) (7 84) (709, 711) (195, 196) (709, 710) ( 102 ) ( 102 ) ( 102 ) (298) ( 102 ) ( 102 ) (711) (709) (711) (102, 103, 2J)8, 280) (647) Hemipinic Acid Papaveraceae_ Papaver somniferum (635) Hydrocaffeic Acid Chenopodiaceae-- Beta vulgaris - Solanaceae_ Solanum tuberosum... Vitaceae_ Ampelopsis hederacea (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). Leaf-. Tuber (397) (587) (587) 22 Source Family Genus and species Reference Hydrocoumaric Acid Leguininosae_ Melilotus officinalis {822) p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid COOH 3ignoniaceae_ ‘apaveraceae_ (Bignonia catalpa _ Unripe fruit- \Catalpa ovata _ Leaf_ Papaver somniferum _ _ ( 534 ) ( 462 ) (635) Hydroxycitric Acid CH 2 —COOH HO—C—COOH HO—C—COOH k henopodiaceae. _ Beta vulgaris _ (395) alpha-Hydroxyglutaric Acid HOOC—CH 2 CH 2 CHOH—COOH henopodiaceae. . Beta vulgaris _ -_ Sap . ( 394 ) 23 Family Genus and species Source Reference 2-Hydroxy-6-Methoxybenzoic Acid COOH Ho CO N—OH Liliaceae_ Gloriosa superba - Tuber. (.123) p-Hydroxyphenylacetic Acid OH CHgCOOH Compositae_ Taraxacum officinale - Root. (546) Isochlorogenic Acid . /Leaf and shoot. Rosaceae_ Pyrus communis -/Leaf_ Rubiaceae- Coffea sp- - (94) (788) (4D 24 Source Family Genus and species Isocitric Acid CH(OH)—COOH CH—COOH I CH 2 —COOH Reference Anonaeeae Anona muricata _ _ Bryophyllum sp_ Leaf_ '_do_ B. calycinum _< Crassulaceae Gramineae_ Lecythidaceae_ Leguminosae_ Rosaceae_ Scrophulariaceae. Solanaceae Umbelliferae Escheveria sp_ E. secunda _ Sedurn acre _ S. maximum _ S. praealtum _ Sempervivum tectorum _ Hordeum vulgare _ Couroupita guianensis _ Pisum sativum _ f Pyrus malus (Malus •I sylvestris). I Rubus fruticosus _ Digitalis purpurea _ \Nicotiana tabacum _ I Solarium lycopersicum (Lycopersicon esculentum). ,S. tuberosum _ Daucus carota _ .Leaf and stem.. Leaf_ {Leaf_ Fruit_ Ungerminated seeds. Fruit_ {Leaf {Leaf Leaf. Juice of tuber.. (479) (80, 605, 672) (109, 362, 563, 664, 666, 568, 686, 687, 738, 747). (567) (362) (484, 485) (485) (485) (803) ( 486 ) (56) (57, 589) (476) (4U) (105, 106) (127, 465, 470) (331) (362) ( 686 ) (687) (686, 687) (126) (105, 106) Isophthalic Acid COOH 1 ^y-COOH Iridaceae . - Iris versicolor ... Rhizome (554) alpha-Eetoadipic Acid HOOC—CH 2 —CH 2 —CH 2 —CO—COOH Leguminosae.. — Pisum sativum - Germinating seed. (753) 25 Family Genus and species Source Reference alpha-Ketoglutaric Acid HOOC—CH 2 — CH 2 — -CO—COOH Euphorbiaceae — Ricinis communis - Germinating seed. (145) Gramineae- Labiatae- Leguminosae— -- Hordeum vulgare - Mentha piperita - [Arachis hygogaea - l Pisum sativum - Etiolated shoot. Leaf - Seedling - Young plant- (168) (709, 711) (195, 196) (757, 759) (756, 757) Liliaceae- Rosaceae- Solanaceae- Umbelliferae— - (709, 710) Pyrus malus (Malus sylvestris). Solanum tuberosum - Daucus carola - Fruit-- . Tuber .. — /Root and leaf-. (Root_ (298) (38, 711) (709) (711) Lactic Acid CH 3 —CHOH- -COOH Amaryllidaceae- Bromeliaceae— Agave sisaiana - Ananas salivas (A. comosus). Leaf. (414, 640, 64D {515) Chenopodiaceae_ - Beta vulgaris. Juice- Root_ Root and leaf— Compositae- Crassulaceae — Cruciferae- Cucurbitaceae.. Ericaceae- Euphorbiaceae. Helicnthus annuus - - Lactuca sp-{Leaf L. saliva _ Leaf Bryophyllum calycinum { Fresh and fer¬ mented kale. Cabbage leaf— Cucumis sativus - - Vaccinium myrtillus - Ricinis communis . Fagaceae- Gentianaceae. Gramineae. Germinating seed. Seedling- Seedling and , leaf. / Castanea vesca (C. sativa) _ Fruit- \Fagus sylvalica - Nut- Erythraea cenlaurium - - Bambusa sp- Shoot — -- Hordeum distichum - Germinating seed. H. sativum - -- 7 --VV H. vulgare _ Etiolated shoot. Oryzo spp- Leaf-- Secale cereale - do- Triticum sativum ( T. do- aeslivum). . T. vulgare _ Germinating seed. 1 7ea mays - do- (438) {672, 673) {680, 681) (742) (58) (515) (640) (6 4D (801) (42) (64D (680) (325) (137) (145, 294) (640) (64D (148) (327) (253) (621) (681) (793) (168) (809) ( 668 ) ( 668 ) (681) (640, 641, 793) 26 Family Genus and species Source Reference Lactic Acid—Continued Leguminosae Malvaceae_ Myricaceae_ Myrsinaceae_ Papaveraceae_ Polygonaceae_ Glycine sp _ _ __ Lupinus sp_ L. luteus .. _ Phaseolus coccineus _ Seed Germinating seed. P. vulgaris . Seedling . Pisum sativum _. Germinating seed. Tamarindus indico ("Leaf and sprout. Vida f aba . _ _ __ _ t Germinating I seed. Gossypium sp Seed Myrica rubra - Fruit. . Maesa picta _. Seed . Glaucium luteum _ _ Pressed juice. Papaver somniferum “Poppy straw”. Rheum sp__ Leaf R. hybridum Tuber _ . Eriobotrya japonica _ Milky juice Rosaceae Rutaceae_ Salicaceae_ Scrophulariaceae.. Solanaceae Fragaria sp_ Prunus avium _ P. cerasus _ Pyrus communis _ P. malus (Malus sylvestris). Rubus sp_ R. fruticosus _ R. idaeus _ Citrus decumana (C. grandis ). Salix sp_ { Digatalis purpurea _ Euphrasia officinalis _ Veronica officinalis _ 'Solanum dulcamara _ S', lycopersicum (Lyco - persicon esculentum). S. tuberosum _ Juice of fruit_ Juice of fruit_ ’_do_ Juice and fruit. 'Fruit_ .Juice of fruit_ Leaf_ _do_ _do_ Juice of fruit_ Bark_ Peduncle_ Fruit_ Juice of fruit_ Tuber_ Sterculiaceae- Theobroma cacao Umbelliferae- Daucus carota _ Vitaceae- Vilis vinifera _ Seed { { Root_ Juice_ Sap (327) (456) (681) (58) (641) (640, 641, 681) (3, 325) (640, 641) (681) (327) (354) ( 22 ) (634) (635) ( 640 ) (641) (128, p. 93, ftn. 12 ) (281) (197) (437) (437) (592) (200, 281) (436, 437, 702) (640) (203, 204, 641) ( 210 , 211 , 642 ) (281) (161) (331) (172) (171) (800) (109, 116, 737 ) (595) (39, 40, 640, 641, 680, 681, 778, 793) (453) ( 640 ) (641, 681) (487) (799) Malic Acid COOH C^HOH CH 2 COOH M^lc acid was discovered by Scheele ( 6t8), who reported its presence in a number of plants. Franzen ibhjuitouMn hlg&er'pUmts 8 ' 16 8 CTltloal revlew of the literature on its occurrence, but it appears to be 27 Family Genus and species Source Reference Malonic Acid COOH CH 2 COOH Chenopodiaceae.. Beta vulgaris Compositae Cruciferae. Gramineae Leguminosae Rosaceae- Umbelliferae (Helianthus annuus _ \II. tuberosus -_- Bunias orientalis - Mixed herbage- Avena sativa - < Dadylis glomerata.. Hordeum vulgare - fTriticum sp- Anthyllis sp- Astragalus sp- A. sinicus _ Colutea sp- Lotus sp- Lupinus sp- Medicago sp- M. sativa - ' Melilotus sp- Ononis sp- Phaseolus coccineus Sophora sp- Thermopsis sp- Trifolium sp- Trigonella sp- Vida sp- Fragaria sp- f Anthriscus sp- \Apium sp- Incrustation on evaporator. Juice_ Beet and leaf.. Stem, leaf, and flowering top. Fruit (393) (395) ( 742 ) (58) (226) (316) (299) (291, 474) ( 134 ) (291, 474) (473) (58) (58) (812) (58) (58) (58, 291) (58) (727) (58) (58) (58) (58) (58) (58) (58) (58) (683) (58) (58) Meconic Acid (66) Papaveraceae-■ P. somniferum -' Dried capsules. Milky sap- (141) (1, p. 1337, ftn. 1) 28 FamiI y _Genus and species Source Keference Melilotic Acid CH/^CHgCOOH Leguminosae Solanaceae... (Melilotus alba _ \M. officinalis _ Nicotiana tabacum Vegetative part. -do_ Leaf_ (99) (99, 822 ) (772, p. 1112, note 2) Mesaconic Acid ch 3 —c—cooh HOOC—CH lignoniaceae- Crescentia sp_ Curare ^ruciferae- Brassica oleracea _ Leaf__ jramineae- Saccharum officinarum _ Juice.. Mesoxalic Acid (380) ( 111 , 112 ) (603, 604, 605) (HO) 2 C /COOH \C00H eguminosae- Medicago sativa (185) gamma-Methylene-alpha-Ketoglutaric Acid HOOC—C—CH 2 C—COOH CH 2 O sguminosae_ iliaceae_ Arachis hypogaea - Seedling Tulipa gesneriana _ (195, 196) (709, 710) 29 Family Genus and species Source Reference Morolic Acid H,C CHo z '" 3 1 1 / x h 3. ^CH | COOH H 3 C / \ch 3 Ericaceae Mucic Acid H OH OH H lilt HOOC—C-C-C C COOH | | I 1 OH H H OH Chenopodiaceae. Elaeocarpaceae.. Rosaceae_ Feta vulgaris -- Diffusion Elaeocarpus serratus - Fruit pulp- (Prunus persica. - Ripe fruit- Neoabietic Acid X ch 3 Pinaceae- £S'*- (“»> "■ I a wood resin. 30 Source Family Genus and species Reference Oleanolic Acid COOH Apocynaceae_ Ericaceae_ Euphorbiaceae_ Labiatae_ Loranthaceae_ Myrtaceae_ Oleaceae_ Rosaceae_ Solanaceae V r itaceae._. Alyxia buxifolia _ Bark Vactinium myrtillus _ _ Petalostigma sericeum _ _ (Thymus vulgaris _ _ Viscum album _ Leaf_ Psidium guajava _ do_ Olea europea _ do_ JCrataegus oxyacavtha _ do_ (Eriobotrya japonica _ do_ (Anthocercis intricata _ Bark_ A. littorea _ do_ [A. odgersii _ do_ Vilis labrusca _ Pomace_ ( 21 ) (583) ( 21 ) (97) (609) (795) (27) (252) (60) (26) ( 21 ) ( 21 ) ( 21 ) (432) Oxalacetic Acid HOOC—CH 2 —CO—COOH llramineae Liabiatae . _ jeguminosac Aliaceae_ rtosaceae_ 5olanaceae__ Jmbelliferae (Hordeum vulgare _ [Phleum pralense _ Mentha piperita _ { Canvalia ensiformis _ Pisum sativum _ Trifolius pratense _ Tulipa gesneriana _ Pyrus malus (Malus sylvestris). Solanum tuberosum - Daucus carota _ Young leaf_ Fruit_ Tuber_ Root and leaf__ Root_ (756) (756) (709, 711) (756) (755, 756, 757, 758, 759) (754, 755, 756, 757) (709, 710) (298) (711) (709) (711) 5120S9—GO 3 31 Family Genus and species Source Reference Oxalic Acid COOH COOH schovsky (508), Schimper (650), and Treviranus U*8, p. 66, note 6)1 Aceraceae. /Acer platanoides - Root...- \A. saccharum _ Sap and sugar sand. Aizoaceae. Mesembryanthemum sp. M. acinaciforme - M. crystallinum - 1 Leaf and flower. Amaranta ceae- Amaryllidaceae. Anacardiaceae.. Araceae- Aristolochiaceae. Balsaminaceae. - Begoniaceae- Berberidaceae.-. Betulaceae- Bombacaceae.. Bromelianceae. Cactaceae_ AUernanthera, sessilis- Amaranthus sp- A. aquatica (?)- A. caudatus - \Leaf and flower- A. gangeticus - - polygonoides - - Agave americana - Leaf- Mangifera indica - - (Acorus calamus - - (Arum italicum - Berry- Asarum sp--- - Impatiens parviflora - - (I. sultani - - Begonia sp- - B. evansiana - - B. rex _ _ B. semperflorens - —-- Berberis vulgaris - Fruit- fAZnwssp_ Le a f- ] Betula sp- - [Ostrya vulgaris - —-- Adansonia digitata - Fruit- Bromolia pinguin - -do- Caprifoliaceae. Caryophyllaceae. Celastraceae. Cereus peruvianus - - Opuntia sp- -- 0. vulgaris _ Stem--- .Sambucus nigra _ "ioungleaf- ' Symphoricarpos sp- Leaf- Dianthus babatus - --- D. carthusianorum - Leaf and stem. Lychnis coronaria - - L. dioica _ _ L. flos-jovis - - L. githago (Agrostemma - githago). Saponaria sp- - S. officinalis - - Spergula arvensis - - Stellaria media - - .Tunica saxifraga - -- (Celaslrus obscurus - Leaf- \Euonymus japonicus - - (359) (768) (509) (2) (16, 63) (62) (509) (292) (236) (622) (62) (63) (292) (292) (815) ( 86 ) (810) (343) (509) (455) (455) (£ 20 ) (650, 651, 652) (760) (125, 611, 732) (343) (771) (359) (359) (5) (28) (509) (728) (478) (343) (47) (771) (492) ( 12 ) (74) (12, 74, 91) (74) ( 12 ) (455, (478) ( 12 ) (74) 492) ( 12 ) (154) ( 2 ) 32 Family Genus and species Source Reference vhenopodiaceae _ lommelinaceae_ lompositae_ ! onvolvulaceae_ _ ornaceae_ rassulaceae_ ruciferae_ ucurbitaceae_ ipsacaceae_ ricaceae_ jphorbiaceae_ igaceae_ Oxalic Acid —Continued Atriplex sp_ Beta vulgaris . Juice- Root and leaf- _ Leaf_ Swiss chard, mangold, and beet leaf. Seed_ Root_ Chenopodium sp. C. quinoa - Leaf and flower. Halogeton glomeratus. I ( _ Leaf ._ < { Callisia repens _ Tradescantia sp_ _ T. Jluminesis _ T. selloi - Leaf_ T. virginica _ _do_ Cichorium endivia _ _ Helianthus tuberosus _ Kleinia articulata _ Lactuca spp_ L. sativa _ Ipomoea aquatica _ Cornus sericea _ Fruit pulp_ Leaf_ Bryophyllum c.alycinum__ ■ (Leaf and stem. B. crenatum _ Leaf_ Echeveria glauca _ _do_ Sedum azureum _ S. fabaria - Leaf_ Sempervivum glaucum _ _do_ S. tectorum _ _do_- Brassica oleracea _ B. pekinensis _ Bunias orientalis - Stem, leaf, and flowering top. fC ucumis melo _ \Cucurbita pepo _ Succisa pratensis _ Vaccinium myrtillus _ { Aleurites cordata _ Leaf_ Euphorbia sp_ Mercurialis annuelle _ M. perennis _ Phyllanthus emblica _ Ricinus communis _ (Fagus sylvatica _ \Quercus pedunculata _ _ um {509) {492, 509, 533, 622) {396, 444 , 501, 672, 673) (41S, 742) {33, 454 , 615, 624) {625) {149, 685) {23, 226, 236, 773) {509) {62, 63) {191, 290) {23, 90, 381, 475, 509, 533) {46, 69, 150, 236, 492, 615, 782, 910) {455) {509) {53, 777) {630) {343) {23) {226) {312) {515) {475, 633, 782) {292) {679) {109, 563, 568, 573, 686, 687, 738) {567) {80, 343) {343) {16) {343) (52) (343) (509) (23, 475) (810) (316) (23, 533) (782) (492) (23, 325) ( 221 ) (509) (130) (492) (326) (65) (95, 492, 646) ( 442 ) 33 Family Genus and species Source Reference Oxalic Acid— Continued Gesneraceae— Globulariaceae Aeschynanthus sp. Globularia spp- Gramineae. H ippocastanaceae.. Hydrocharitaceae. Juglandaceae- Labiatae- Leguminosae. Liliaceae. Avena saliva - Bambusa sp - Ilordeum vulgare -. Seedling - Shoot. . — - (Leaf - - -- (Seedling.. .. - Oplismenus imbecillis (0. undulatifolius). Oryza spp - -- - Phyllostachys mitis - Saccharum officinarum... Leaf_ — - Sprout . - Juice -- Sorghum sp - Juice_ y (Leaf _ Aesculus hippocastanum. Young leaf - Juglans rexia - Bark_ Acacia spp -- Acacia cambagei - Arachis hypogaea - Cassia sp - Cicer arietinum - Bark. Bark and wood. Kernel Leaf - [Secretion from l hairs. [Fruit _ -- Lupinus albus - L. luteus _ Seedling - Seed - IVlirnusu, Of/- Phaseolus limensis (P. lunatus) . Pisum sativum - Tamarindus indica - Seedling . - { Mature leaf - V tClU - -- Agapanthus umbellatus. Allium, cepa . Leaf. Loranthaceae- Malvaceae_ Gossypium sp. Asparagus officinalis. - - Erythronium denscanis . . bulb.- Hyacinthus orientalis - -do- Smilacina bifolia (?)- Fruit - S. racemosa - -do- Viscum sp. (509) (264) (509) (291,474, 524) (621) (47, 687) (291, 314, 474, 686 ) (420) (58) (809) (695) (533) (85; 512; 603; 604; 605; 699; 704, ref. 162; 811) (474) | (416) (786,787) ' (802) ! (473) (533) (53, 761) (47) (459) (459) (353) (509) (675) (674, 675) (585) (763) (449) (818) (533) (291) (600) (533) (455) (533) (291, 533, 782) (202. 325, 326) (237) (318, 336) (23) (509) (843) (8; 77, p. 165, ref. 4', 360, 782) (23) (153) (75) (163) (163) (509) (180, 181, 182, 412 ) 34 Family Genus and species Source Reference Oxalic Acid —Continued Melastomaceae.. Menispermaceae. Moraceae_ Musaceae_ Myricaceae_ Mvristicaceae_ Myrtaceae_ \ T yctaginaceae. - Niymphaeaceae.. Jrchidaceae_ Jxalidaceae. Memecylon tinctorium _ _ Jateorhiza columba _ _ { 'Cannabis sp_ _ Ficus carica _ _ Musa sapientum (M. par- Overripe fruit.. adisiaca sapientum ). Myrica rubra _ Fruit_ Myristica surinamensis _ _ Seed_ Eucalyptus (12 spp.)_ Bark_ Psidium guajava _ Leaf_ Mirabilis sp- Flower and fruit. (Nymphaea alba _ Rhizome_ \N. lutea _ _do_ { Vanilla planifolia _ _ Averrhoa carambola _ Fruit. 1 Juice. Oxalis sp_ _ O. acetosella _ Leaf.. 0 . corniculata _ _ 0 . stricta _ _ ,0. violacea _ _ apaveraceae.. 5 edaliaceae_ ’hytolaccaceae. {Fumaria officinalis _ Seed coat. Sesamum. indicum _ Seed_ iperaceae. olygonaceae.. (165) (724) (ISO) (236) ( 482 ) (354) (715) ( 666 ) ( 10 ) (535) ( 244 ) ( 244 ) (509) (767) ( 120 ) (385) (472) (220, 236, 509) (343, 429) (237) (63) (616) (509) (238) (262) (509) ( 2 ) (608) (324, 646) ( 644 ) (492, 813) (509) (509) (53, 533) (577) (509) (509) (23, 104, 236, 381, \ 509, 750, 782) [Leaf- (676) Stem- (499) fLeaf and rhizome. ( 9 ) Leaf- (565, 576, 687, 7ftn\ Stem and rhi- , zome. R. leucorrhizum _ Stem_... R. mepalense _ do_ R. nutans _ do_ R. officinale _ Leaf_ R. palmalum _ Stem_ R. “Paragon” _ do_ R. rhaponticum _ do_ R. undulatum _ Petiole_ Rumex sp- -1 (M 236]509) [Leaf- ( 45 ) R.acetosa Seed and root.. (63) - I- (23, p. 99, ftn. D ,, I 2; 61; 515) R. obtusifolius -- Root_ (359) Phytolacca sp P. dioica Shoot, bark, and pith. Pinus abies (Picea abies) . P. cembra _ P. excelsa (Picea abies )__ Sap... Seedling. . Needle. Peperomia sp_ 'Emex sp_ Fagopyrum esculentum . Oxyria sp_ Polygonum sp_ Rheum sp_ R. crispum(l) _ R. hybridum _ {Leaf and stem. 760) (612, 613) (499) (499) (499) (102, 760) (499) (499) (375) (343) 35 Family Genus and species Source Oxalic Acid — Continued Polypodiaceae- - -- Portulacaceae-j r Primulaceae-{ Punicaceae- Pyrolaceae.. — Punica granatum -^ Bark- -- Ranunculaceae— S l Ilhamnaceae .. j Rhamnus lydoides - Leaf- sCizypnus jujuua - - Crataegus sp- Leal .- y J Frag aria sp-S Mespilus germanica - Prunus armeniaca - P. avium - Fruit- Overripe fruit-- Dried fruit- Fruit- Rosaceae- P. domestica - _do_ Pyrus communis _ i P. malus (Malus sylves- tris). _do_— Overripe fruit. _ Fruit - Rubus sp- R. fruticosus -" Fruit- Leaf- t Fruit- Rubiaceae- Cinchona spp- Coffea sp- C. arabica _ Bark_ Seed- Fruit capsule. Rutaceae- Santalaceae - _ - jGalium lucidum - Citrus aurantium - C- decumana (C. grandis) C. limon _ C. medica _ C. nobilis (C. reticulata) __ Leaf_ [Fruit- Leaf_ [Peel_ /Fruit_ \Peel_ f Fruit- [Peel_ ^Petiole- [Fruit_ Fruit- Saxifragaceae- U cnnna.ano'Urn _ - Simarubaceae- Quassia amara - Root bark (77 Reference (509) (236, 509) (292) (509) (492) (326) (478) (509) (509) (732) , p. 165, ref.4) (326) (771) (47) ( 6 ) (23, 782) ( 482 ) (464) (197) (23, 337) (23, 104) (23) (23) ( 482 ) (23, 200, 298, 726) (478) (23, 782) (205) (465) (732) ( 284 , 686 ) (46) (270) (292) (343) (23, 482, 782) (660) (659) (326, 439) (659) (23, 326, 482, 782) (659) (77, p- 165, ref. 4) (326) (482) (309) (23, 104, 782) (198) (358) (772, p. 641 note 1) 36 Family Genus and species Source Reference Oxalic Acid —Continued Capsicum annuum _ (C. frutescens). Datura sp_ _ D. stramonium _ _ /"Leaf Nicotiana sp. Solanaceae N. tabacum Leaf. Solanum sp S■ lycopersicum ( Lyco- < Fruit_ persicon esculentum). tUnripe fruit_ S. tuberosum _ Tuber_ Sterculiaceae ?heaceae_ Jmbelliferae alerianaceae_ itaceae ingiberaceae_ Sterculia plantanifolia (Firmiana simplex). Theobroma cacao _ Angelica archangelica _ Root_ Anethum graveolens _ Leaf_ . Apium graveolens _ _ Pastinaca sativa _ Petroselinum sativum _ ^ (P. crispum). j Valeriana officinalis _ _ yValerianella sp_ Ampelopsis sp_ A. quinquefolia (Parthe- Fruit_ nocissus quinquefolia). '_do_ Vitis vinifera Hedychium sp < Leaf and fruit.. Leaf and shoot. Sap_ .Vines_ Leaf_ ygophyllaceae— Guaiacum sp Phloem (130) (23, 63, 236) (509) ( 466 ) (30, 493, 506, 569, 574, 575, 662, 748, 749, 805) (32, 686 , 707, 708, 751) (455; 687; 772, p■ 1112 , note 2 ) (509) (4, 63, 122, 533, 686 , 810) (7, 23, 104, 351, 381, 782) (83, 84) (23, p. 99, ftn. 2 ; 126; 303; 426;455; 562; 656; 782) ( 8 ) (23, 236, 452, 453, 782) (236, 292, 785) (509) (690) (782) (23) (782) (782) (91) (509) (609) (557) v - j -'"Tl 276) (278, 280) (348) (479) (480, 80 4 ) ( 481 ) (77, p. 165, ref. 4) (77, p. 165, ref. 4 ) 37 Family Genus and species Source Reference Phthalic Acid COOH COOH Papaveraceae_ Pa-paver somniferum (635) Pimaric Acid CH- -CH CH- Pinaceae Picea vulgaris (P. abies) - P. excelsa (P. abies) - Pinus (5 spp.)- P. maritima - P. palustris - P. pinaster _ P. sylvestris - Resin_ _do_ Oleoresin- Resin- Oleoresin- Resin_ Turpentine . gum. (67) (260, 345, 346) (360) (157, 378) (35, 257) (357) (503) (159) (259, 274 ) Piperonilic Acid 38 Family Genus and species Source Reference Podocarpic Acid [Dacrydium cupressinum . Pinaceae- Podocarpus cupressina _ [P. dacrydioides _ {161, 649) {500, 649) {161, 649 ) Protocatechuic Acid COOH 0H I OH Bignoniaceae- Crescenlia sp_ Crude curare Globulariaceae_ Globularia alypum _ _ Liliaceae- Allium cepa _ Skin_ f Illicium anisatum _ Fruit and seed Magnoliaceae_•[ I. religiosum _ Fruit_ IP verum - Capsule_ Saxifragaceae- Hydrangea thunbergii (H. Leaf_ serrata). Vitaceae_ Vitis vinifera _ _do_ {330, 783) {743) {20, 389, 390, 762) (498) ( 121 , 164 , 165 ) (76) (698) (73) 39 Family Genus and species Source Reference Pyruvic Acid ch 3 c=o COOH Chenopodiaceae. _ Euphorbiaceae_ Spinacia oleracea - Ricinus communis - Leaf. - Germinating seed. (31) (145) (57) Gramineae.- Labiatae - Leguminosae- Ilordeum vvlgare _ Mentha piperita - f Arachis hypogaea - Pisum sativum . .. - { ” Seedling_ Leaf . - Seedling.. . Leaf_ Seedling. . — (314) (709, 711) (195, 196) (31) (759) (757) (757) .. _ (55) Liliaceae.. - Allium cepa _ - [Juice_ (451) (709, 710) Rosaceae__ — Solanaceae . Umbelliferae - - Pyrus malus (Malus syl- vestris). Solanum tuberosum. Daucus carota - Fruit. Tuber_ /Leaf and root.. \Root_— - (298) (38, 711) (709) (711) Quinic Acid OH 5 HO L_— OH nU \ /HH >< l booH OH H Compositae. Ericaceae. Taraxacum officinale - Vaccinium ardostaphylos. Leaf. V. myrtillus. V. oxycoccos-- ,V. vitis-idaea _ Gramineae-[Mixed herbage_ Leguminosae_ Tamarindus indica - Magnoliaceae_ Illicium verum - 'Cedrus libani - Larix europaea (L. Pinaceae_< decidua). Picea excelsa ( P. abies) _ Ranunculaceae_ Aconitum septentrionale Young leaf_ [Foliage_ Fruit_ Leaf_ Hay_ Fruit_ Capsule_ Needle_ _do_ /Young shoot — im) (670) (325) (34D (821) (352, 379) (328) (403, 404) (299) (325) (76) (701) (701) (340) (34D (315) 40 Family Genus and species Source Reference Quinic Acid—Continued Rosaceae Rubiaceae Solanaceae Prunus domeslica _ P. persica _ Pyrus communis _ P. malus (Malus syl- i vestris). (Cinchona sp_ C. cordifolia _ Coffea sp_ ^Gallium mollugo _ Nicotiana tabacum _ /Ripe fruit. { { Fruit Fruit Juice. Fruit Fruit. Juice. Fruit Leaf. Umbelliferae- Angelica archangelica _ Root. Vitaceae- Vitis vinifera _ Fruit (147) ( 852 ) ( 18 , 138 ) ( 592 ) ( 733 ) ( 295 , 298 ) ( 580 , 681 , 700 ) ( 284 , 287 , 521 , 522 , 586 , 741 ) ( 522 ) ( 828 ) ( 490 ) ( 772 , p. 1112 , note 2) ( 690 ) ( 352 ) Quinovic Acid tosaceae- Potentilla _ Root tubiaceae- Cinchona spp_ 'ygophyllaceae— Zygophyllum coccineum __ _ ( 589 ) ( 284 , 586 , 614 ) ( 669 ) Saccharic Acid OH H HOOC—C-C— H (^H OH I C— I H OH I C—COOH I H loraceae- Ficus elastica _ Latex. ( 282 ) 41 Family Genus and species Source Reference Saccharinic Acid CH 2 OH—CHOH—CHOH—C(CH 3 )(OH)—COOH Bromeliaceae_ Ananas salivas (A. comosus ). Fruit (79) Salicylic Acid qooH Compositae_ Euphorbiaceae.. Iridaceae_ Leguminosae. Liliaceae. Moraceae_ Pittosporaceae. Polygalaceae_ Ranun culaceae. Resedaceae_ f Calendula officinalis - \ Matricaria chamomilla _ _ Cluytia similis _ Iris versicolor _ Daviesia latifolia - Glycyrrhiza glabra - Trifolium pratense - 'Aloe sp_ Gloriosa superba - Hyacinthus sp_ Tulipa sp_ Jfucca sp_ Morus sp_ Piitosporum undulatum __ Poly gala sp_ Cimicifuga racemosa - Reseda odorata - Flower head — Stem and leaf- - Rhizome- Leaf and stem . Root_ Flower- Tuber . Fruit- _do... Root_ Rhizome. Rosaceae. ’Calyx and pedicel. Fruit_ Fragaria sp- „ , , Fruit pulp and juice. Juice. Prunus armenica _ Fruit- P. avium _ _-4°- ..do_ P. cerasus. Juice_ ( 143 ) (5A8) (729) (55U) (555) (142) (535) (731) (123) (24D (24D (241) (142) 1556) (639) (188) (421) (435) (543, 544, 712, 735) (689) (791) (712) (143) (142, 143, 243, 712) (311) P. domestica - r run_ (712) Rubiaceae.- Rubus fruticosus _ R.idaeus - R. occidentalis _ Spiraea ulmaria (Fili- pendula ulmaria). Uragoga ipecacuanha (Cephaelis ipeca¬ cuanha) . _do_ f_do_ \Juice_ Fruit_ Flower Root_ (712) (24S, 712, 735) (266, 791) (712) (421,422) (421) (770) Rutaceae- Saxfragaceae- \Casimiroa edulis - Ribes sp- Seed- Fruit_ (549) (712) 42 Source Family Genus and species Reference Solaneaceae Violaceae Vitaceae Salicylic Acid— Continued Solanum ly coper sicum (Lycopersicon esculen- tum. 'Viola (6 spp.)_ V. syrtica _ V. tricolor f 1 ’itis labrusca \T r . vinifera _ Leaf, stem, and rhizome. 'Flower, leaf, stem, and < root. Leaf, stem, and , rhizome. Fruit_ _do_ U 94, 519) (143) (423) (242) (423) (243) (435) Shikimic Acid OH H COOH Ginkgoaceae Gramineae.. Magnoliaceae_ Pinaceae. faxaceae Ginkgo biloba _ Lolium perenne __ f lllicium anisatum /. religiosuni _ I. verurn _ 25 spp_ 4 spp_ Leaf [Fruit.. I Carpel. { Carpel. (261, 808) (596) (498) (121, 164) (165) (655) (76, 218) (655) (261) (261) Succinic Acid COOH I ch 2 ch 2 COOH Franzen and Ostertag (SOS) have made a critical review of the literature on the occurrence of succinic acid.] tceraceae.. . tmaryllidaceae_ iegoniaceae Jetulaceae ligononiaceae_ Acer saccharum . Narcissus poeticus _ Begonia semperflorens . Corylus sp. . Crescentia sp .. 1 Sirup. . .. (.Sugar sand_ Leaf and root _ . Nut_ {crude curare_ (468, 542) (469) (752) (611, 732) (144) (72) (330) 43 Family Genus and species Source Reference Succinic Acid— Continued Bombacaceae_ Celastraceae_ Chenopodiaceae _. Compositae Crassulaceae Cruciferae- Ericaceae_ Euphorbiaceae- Fagaceae- Adan8onia digitala Goupia tomentosa . Beta vulgaris --- .Spinacia oleracea _ Artemisia absinthium - Helianlhus annuus _ • Lactuca spp_ L■ sativa _ L- virosa _ k Taraxacum officinale - 'Rryophyllum sp- B. calycinum _ Echeveria secunda _ Sedum acre _ .Sempervivum glaucum - f Brassica oleracea - ( Bunias orientalis - - Vaccinium myrlillus - Ricinus communis - { Fagus sylvatica - Ouercus sp- Fruit_ Wood_ Juice_ Top and root-- Leaf and root.. Leaf_ {Leaf_ Leaf_ f_do_ \ Detached leaf.. {l-ieaf_ Leaf_ _do_ Leaf and bud-- Stem, leaf, and flowering top. /Fruit_ /Whole plant — Sap. Nut Avena sativa - Bambusa sp_ Dactylis glomerala Hordeum vulgare.. Leaf_ Etiolated shoot- Seedling- Gramineae Lolium perenne - - Oryza spp- - O. sativa _ _ Phleum pratense - ----- Saccharum officinarum — Juice Juglandaceae Lauraceae— Leguminosae Loganiaceae. Malvaceae-. Moraceae— Musaceae— Triticum sp- Zea mays _ Juglans regia - Persea gratissima (P. americana). Lupinus albus - Phaseolus coccineus Pisum sativum - Tamarindus indica. Strychnos toxifera.- Gossypium sp- f Morus sp_ M. alba _ [M. indica - f Musa basjoo - [M. sapientum - Leaf_ Nut_ Kernel-. Seedling Seedling Bark exudate - - Leaf_ Juice- Fruit_ (5) (.166) (396, 601, 672, 673) (671) (742) (377) (706) (819) ( 68 ) (515) (347, 732) (347) (404) (670, 571) (109, 563, 687) (738) ( 686 ) (207) (484) (484) (52) (475) (316) (325) (583) (65, 145) (646) (144) (299) (291) (70) (134) (114, 687) (168) (291, 686) (314, 739) (134) (809) (256) (134) (68, ref. 57; 603; 604; 605; 704, ref. 162; 794; 811) (739) (43, 571) (144) (514) (291) (58) (291) (202, 325) (70,71) (181) (806) (225) (326) (623) (193) 44 Family Genus and species Source Reference Succinic Acid —Continued I Chelidonium majus _. Eschscholtzia sp- Glaucium luteum _ Papaver somniferum Pinaceae Abies pectinate (A. alba). Agathis australis _ A. dammara _ Larix decidua _ Picea vulgaris (P. abies) Pinus sp_ .P. sylvestris _ 'Fagopyrum esculentum _ Polygonaceae_ Proteaceae_ Ranunculaceae_ Rheum hybriduni - . R. officinale _ R. rhaponticum _ ./?. undulatum _ Orites excelsa _ Anemone nemorosa Rosaceae Fragaria sp_ Prunus avium _ P. cerasus _ P. communis _ P. persica _ Pyrus aucuparia (Sorbus aucuparia). P. communis _ P. malus (Malus sylvestris ). Rubus fruticosus _ _ R. idaeus _ Rutaceae- Citrus limon _ Santalaceae- Santalum album _. 3apotaceae- Mimusops sp_ Saxifragaceae- Ribes rubrum _ 3crophulariaceae. Digitalis purpurea Atropa belladonna. Juice Turpentine_ f-do_ 1 Resin_ Resin_ _do_ -do_ -do_ Sap_ Resin_ {Leaf and stem. [Rhizome and j stem. (Leaf_ Petiole_ Leaf and petiole. Petiole_ Wood_ / Leaf_ Fruit_ -do_ Juice__ Fruit_ Fruit pulp_ Fruit__ -do_ /Juice. 1 Fruit fFruit Juice. Leaf. Fruit Leaf. Fruit lolanaceae Jmbelliferae dtaceae Nicotiana sp N. tabacuni- Solanum lycopersicwn (Lycopersicon esculentum). S. tuberosum _ Angelica archangelica _ Daucus carota _ Vitis vinifera (Leaf_ Leaf_ fFruit_ I Overripe fruit. _ 1 Leaf and stalk.. (Leaf_ Tuber_ Root_ -do_ 'Leaf_ Unripe fruit_ Fruit_ Sap and fruit. _ .Sap- ( 636 ) ( 766 ) (634) ( 766 ) ( 380 ) ( 113 ) ( 722 ) ( 457 ) ( 719 ) ( 723 ) ( 720 ) ( 646 ) ( 721 ) (144) ( 571 ) ( 612 ) ( 687 ) ( 102 ) ( 571 ) ( 343 ) ( 664 ) ( 400 ) ( 732 ) ( 6 ) ( 197 ) ( 319 ) ( 337 ) ( 320 ) ( 18 ) ( 206 ) ( 401 ) ( 592 ) ( 733 ) ( 43 , 105 , 106 ) ( 200 ) ( 530 , 702 ) ( 205 ) ( 465 ) ( 211 , 319 , 732 ) ( 326 ) ( 309 ) ( 515 ) ( 198 ) ( 87 , 331 ) ( 366 ) ( 43 , 571 , 653 , 686 ) ( 570 , 748 , 749 ) ( 687 , 751 ) ( 7 , 736 , 737 ) ( 82 , 83 , 84 ) ( 571 ) ( 686 , 687 ) ( 814 ) ( 690 ) ( 105 , 106 , 409 ) ( 73 ) ( 101 ) ( 102 , 343 ) ( 280 ) ( 481 , 804 ) 45 Family Genus and species Source Reference Syringic Acid COOH _ . /Juice_ (605) Gramineae_ Saccharum officmarum \Crude molasses. (696) Tartaric Acid COOH CHOH CHOH COOH [Franzen and Helwert (Ml) have made a critical review of literature on the occu.rence of tartaric acid] Aceraceae_ Amaryllidaceae— Anacardiaceae- Araliaceae- Ascelpiadaceae — Berberidaceae- Betulaceae- Bombacaceae_ Bromeliaceae- Caprifoliaceae- Caricaceae-. Celastraceae Acer saccharum - Agave americana - Mangifera indica - Rhus coriaria - R. semialata - Spondias purpi.rea - Aralia hispida - Asclepias syriaca - [ Rerberis integerrima - ■ Caulophyllum thalic- [ troides. Retula alba _ [ Adansonia sp- digitata - Ananas sativas (A. comosus). Diervilla florida - Lonicera xylosieum - Sambucus callicarpa - S. ebulus _ S. nigra. - Symphoricarpos racemosus (S. albus). Viburnum lantava - F. nudum _ Canca papaya - Celastrus obscurus - C. scandens _ Euonymus alropurpureus E. europaeus - /Sugar sand- \ Sirup- Leaf sap_ Fruit_ Milky sap- Fruit_ Fruit pulp- Sap_ Fruit_ k Fruit pulp- Fruit_ _do_ Fruit- _do_ _do_ f _do_ tRoot_ Fruit_ _do_ Fruit_ Leaf_ Fruit_ Root bark_ Seed kernel- (398, 666) U69) (107) ( 86 ) (152) (734) (558) ( 222 ) (643) (343) (679) (217) (445) (523, p. 779) (5) (79, 515) (135) (170) (124) (174) (175) (173) (663) (178) ( 406 ) (513) (154) (776) (463) (245) 46 Family Genus and species Source Reference Tartaric Acid —-Continued Chenopodiaceae _ _ Commelinaceae . _ Compositae Cornaceae_ Cruciferae_ Elaegnaceae_ Elaeocarpaceae_ Ericaceae_ . Eucommiaceae_ Euphorbiaceae_ Fagaceae.._ Geraniaceae_ Gramineae_ Guttiferae_ Hydnoraceae_ Labiatae_ Lauraceae_ f Beta vulgaris _ I. Chenopodium ambrosioides f Tradescantia purpurea _ T. zebrina ( Zebrina l pendula). | Beilis perennis _ Helianthus tuberos us _ [Matricaria chamomilla _ { Cornus paniculatum ( C. racemosus). G. sericea _ Capella bursapasloris _ Hippophae rhamnoides _ Elaeocarpus serratus _ Vaccinium sp_ V. corymbosum _ T r . vitisidaea _ Eucommia ulmoides _ Euphorbia cyparissias _ E. platyphylla _ Bhyllanthus erriblica _ Ricinvs communis _ Quercus pedunculata ( Q. robur). Geranium zonale _ [ Bambusa sp_ j Saccharum officinarum _ [Sorghum vulgare _ Garcinia gambogia _ Prosopanche burmeisteri __ f Glechoma hederacea _ 1 Orthosiphon stamineus _ Persea gratissima ( P. americana). Astragalus sp_ Bauhinia reticulata _ Cassia sp_ C. acutifolia _ (Root_ (.Root and leaf_ _ Stem sap_ -do_ Tuber- Flower. Fruit.. -do Fruit_ _do_ Leaf_ Fruit_ Leaf_ Fruit_ Leaf_ Milky sap_ _do_ Wood_ Shoot Juice. Fruit rind Fruit pulp_ Twig_ Fruit and leaf.. Leaf_ -do_ Fruit pulp_ Leguminosae_< Liliaceae _ Magnoliaceae_ Moraceae_ Myrtaceae_ Musaceae_ Orchidaceae_ Oxalidaceae_ Tamarindus indica Mesocarp_ Green and ripe fruit. Fruit_ Clintonia borealis _ Fruit_ Erythronium denscanis _ _ Bulb_ Smilacinabifolia(7) _ Fruit_ S. racemosa _ _do_ Schizandra chinensis _ _do_ Morus indica _ Leaf_ lEugenia australis _ _ Musa sapientum _ Fruit_ Vanilla planifolia _ _do_ Oxalis corniculata _ Leaf_ {226, 896) { 742 ) {201, p. 297) {219) {219) {179) {92, 226) (269) { 648 ) (679) (131) (797) (807) (328) (257) (491) (792) (246) (774) (775) (326) (65) (442) (93) (621) (811) (416, 786, 787) (367) (816) (176) (838) (514, 515) ( 408 ) (578) (716, 763) (376) (81, 590, 688, 746) (3; 192; 201, ref. 28; 202; 233; 740) (237) (271) (310, 558) (326, 693) (661) (153) (163) (163) (525) (826) (407) (620) (193) (384) (237) 4 47 012689—60 Family Genus and species Source Reference Papaveraceae. Pinaceae- Piperaceae- Polygonaceae.. Ranunculaceae. Tartaric Acid— Continued Adlumia cirrhosa Root--- (A. fungosa). Chelidonium majus - Leaf- Fumaria officinalis - Sap...- k Papaver somniferum - Capsule- Pinus sylvestris - Pollen- Piper nigrum --- - Polygonum reynoutria - Stem- Aconitum napellus - - - -;- Crataegus sp- Fruit - Cydonia vulgaris - -no- Eriobotrya japonica - -do- Frag aria sp- Rosaceae - (683) (560) (201, p 295) (HI) (363) (520) (697) (588) (433) (119, 693, 714) (368) (119,458, 714) Prunus armeniaca . fFruit_ (119, 437, 489, \ 693) 1 P. avium.. P. cerasus. P. dornestica. P. persica. _ (714) _ (119) Fruit_ (119,458,487, 488, 489, 714) _ (487,488,489, 714) (488,629) .do. Rubiaceae. Rutaceae.. Santalaceae. Sapindaceae. Sapotaceae.. Pyrus arbutifolia - P. aucuparia (Sorbus aucuparia). P. malus (Malus sylves¬ tris) . Fruit_ (584) (386a, 401) fFruit \juice._ . -- (487,489) (693) (132) R.idaeus _ [Fruit_ \ Juice lSap- (458) (119, 335) (332) (516) Citrus decumana (C. reticulata). Fruit. (439) (201, ref. 1) C US L/IU I/Li/ l/i ty i/ituiu . Leptomeria acida - Sapindus saponaria - Fruit - -- (591) (233) (517) (344) Sideroxylon crassipedi- cellatum. Fruit (517) (458) Saxifragaceae... Scrophulariaceae . < Solanaceae. R. grossularia - R. nigrum - R. rubrum --- 'Antirrhinum majus - Digitalis grandiflora - Euphrasia officinalis - Linaria cymbalaria - Scrophularia nodosa - . Veronica officinalis - tCyphomandra calycina.. Physalis peruviana - F ruit Solanum dulcamara - S. lycopersicum (Lyco- persicon esculentum). do_ Fruit. (7, Sterculiaceae. Tiliaceae- Urticaceae_ (792) (119) (209, 792) (765) (765) (172) (765) (765) (171) (518) (373) (15, 776) (4) 177, 343, 693) (167) (89) \S. tuberosum - Tuber- Theobroma cacao - Berry- Tilia vulgaris..... - - 1201 > Parietaria officinalis - - 48 Family Genus and species Source Reference Tartaric Acid— Continued Vitaceae Ampelopsis hederacea (Parthenocissus quinquefolia). Parthenocissus quinque- folia. Vitis sp_ V. hederaceae (Partheno- cissis quinquef olia). V. labrusca _ V. sylvestris _ - Leaf Leaf {Leaf /Juice [Fruit Fruit Fruit V. vinifera Leaf _ Juice Sap_ Vine_ Unripe fruit_ Young shoot and leaf. (186) (m) (335) (532) ( 11 ) (505) (798) (413, 629) ( 466 ) (598) (13, 64, 216, 280, 302, 480) (14, 190, 297, 326, 487, 541, 693) (73, 343, 527, 645) (139, 214, 223, 255, 355, 528, 647) (374, 799, 804) (215, 278) (417, 496, 526) (479) Tartronic Acid COOH I CHOH COOH Gramineae (597) Tricarballylic Acid ch 2 cooh CH COOH CH 2 COOH Aceraceae- Acer saccharum _ Chenopodiaceae-. Beta vulgaris _ Gramineae- Hordeum vulgare Sugar sand_ /Evaporated juice. Root_ Juice_ .Root and leaf__ Whole plant_ (398, 469) (391, 402) (392, 705) (395) (742) (474) 49 Family Genus and species Source Reference Ursolic Acid Apocynaceae- Aquifoliaceae- Cornaceae- Ericaceae Labiatae- - Myrtaceae- Punicaceae Pyrolaceae. ltosaceae Solanaceae.. Verbenaceae Allamanda cathartica - [ Ilex aquifolium - j I. latifolia -- [/. paraguariensis - Cornus florida _ Arctostaphylos uva-ursi- . Enkianthus quinqueflorus- Erica arborea - E. carnea _ E. mediterranea - Kalmia angustifolia - Leucothoe keiskei - Rhododendron (6 spp.) — R. pulchrum - R. simsii _ Vaccinium macrocarpon __ V. myrtillus _ V. oxycoccos - V. vitis-idaea _ Salvia officinalis - ' Thymus vulgaris - Psidium guajava - Punica granatum - (Pyrola minor _ \P. umbellata - Crataegus oxyacantha . Eriobotrya japonica _ _ Prunus avium _ P. serotina _ - Pyrus communis P. malus (Malus sylves- K tris). f Anthocercis intricata - i A. littorea - [A. odgersii _ Verbena stricta - Leaf Cuticle- Leaf- Flower and bract. Leaf- Leaf Leaf_ _do- Pomace Fruit pulp Leaf- Peel and leaf — Cuticle_ {Leaf- Fruit skin- [Fruit- < Fruit skin- [Fruit cuticle— {26) {189) {329) {UO) {619) {617) (25) (189) (189) (189) (313) (657) (25) (26) (26) (430) (189, 583) (371) (189) (97) (609) (27) (98) (189) (189) (59) (26) (431) (251) (617) ( 428 ) (250) (275, 617) (429) ( 21 ) ( 21 ) ( 21 ) (506) 50 Family Genus and species Source Reference Veratric Acid Liliaceae- Sabadilla officinalis _ Seed (441) LITERATURE CITED (1) Abderhalden, E. 1911. biochemical handbook. Bd. 1. Berlin. (2) Acqua, C. 1888. calcium oxalate crystals. Ann. del R. Inst. Bot. di Roma 3: 1890 1 21. Abstract * n [London] Chem. Soe. Jour. 58(2): 1182. (3) Adam, F. 1905. REPORT ON THE INVESTIGATION OF TAMARINDUS. Allg Osterr- Apoth.-Ver. Ztschr. 43: 797-800, 821-825. [Abstract in Chem Centbl. (F. 5, Jahrg. 9) 76(2): 1042. 1905.] (4) Airan, J. W., and Barnabas, J. 1953. ORGANIC ACIDS AND SUGARS IN LYCOPERSICUM ESCULENTUM Univ Bombay Jour. (Sci. No. 34, Sect. 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