CATALOGUE OF THE—-—^ WACO PUBLIC LIBRARY. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, OF WACO TEXAS. 1901. Are replete in detail* Every one of our 55 Departments is ready to serve your wants better and at Lower Pricey than ever before* Novelties in Silks. Novelties in Dress Goods. Novelties in Wash Goods. Novelties in Gloves. Novelties in Hosiery. Novelties in Laces. Novelties in Trimmings. Novelties in Tailored Suits Novelties in Fall Waists. Novelties in Petticoats and Ladies' Under Muslins. And so on through the entire store you will find the Latest and most desirable things of Home and Foreign Product. & & Pay our store a visit—no need to buy unless you want to—and remember our Prices are always theLowest, when you considerquality (^ataloQue... of tbe Maco public Xtbrar^. 1001. public library Bssociation of Waco, fTeias. Battle Printing House, Waco, Texas. Sable of Contents. PAGE. Art, Architecture and Archaeology... 5 Biography and Memoirs.. 5 Cook Books, Domestic Economy and. Etiquette. 13 Economies and Sociology.. 15 Education and Pedagogy. 17 Eassays, Belles Lettres and Literary History 19 Fiction .. 25 History and Historical Description. 55 Juveniles. 57 Magazines. 70 Poetry, Music, the Drama . 72 Reference. 74 Religion and Philosophy. 77 Science and Nature. 80 Travel, Adventure and Description.. 81 New Books. 84 ©fficcra adirectors. Qt fleers: I. A. GOLDSTEIN, Presidet. MRS. W. D. HOUSE, Vice-President. MRS. J. R. FERRELL, Secretary. MRS. R. M. BAIN, Treasurer. Xtbrartan: MRS. H. WALKER. ^Directors: I. A. Goldstein. Mrs. D. C. Bolinger. Mrs. E. E. Thompson. Mrs. J. R. Ferrell. Cullen F. Thomas. Rev. P. J. Clancy. Miss Ky Mrs. J. W. Hale. Mrs. W. d. House. Mrs. R. M. Bain. Rev. Frank Page. Edward Rotan. J. C. Lattimore. e Pace. Established 1897. Incorporated 1901. —o — Hit, architecture ant> Hrcbae* olog\>. Adeline, Jules* Art Dictionary. Barry, Opie and Fuseli. Lectures on Painting - . Da Vinci, Leonardo. Treatise on Painting - . Downes, William. Twelve Great Artists. Hoyt, Deristhe L. The World’s Painters. Monkhouse, Cosmo. Heaton’s History of Paintings. Reynold's, Sir Joshua. Discourses on Art. Ruskin, John. Modern Painters, 5 vol. St. Mark’s Rest. Mornings in Florence. Ethics of the Dust. Van Dyke. How to Judge of a Picture. Biograpb? anb flDemoirs. Alcott, Louisa M. Life, Letters and Journal, Edited by Ednah B. Cheny. Barbelin, Father Felix. Life, by Eleanor C. Donnelly. Benson, Luther. Autobiography. LkkkkkkiiiiiikikLiiiiiikiiikiikiLkiiikikLkiiiiikikikikikkikiikkkikikiikkkiiiikiiikkkikkkLkiikkiikkiiiiiktkikkikLikkkkiikLkiikUlLkkLkkkkiLkiikikiLkkk^ — 6 — E. E. THOMPSON, LARGEST EXCLUSIVE WallPaper AND Paint Store ...IN CENTRAL TEXAS. ALWAYS FIRST WITH THE LATEST NOVELTIES in Wall Paper. A Complete and well Assorted Stock of Everything Connected with the Business. Warehouse and Factory, 215=217 S. 6th St. Office and Salesrooms, 404 Austin St. Telephones WACO, TEXAS. 4AAAAAiiAA4AiAMiiAAiAAAiAiiAAAiiAAiAAAiAiAAAiiAAA44AAAAAAAA4iAAAiii MLkLiiikiiLLikiikLikkikikLkkkiiLkiiLkikkiLkLiLkkiLk&kkLLLLikakkiiiLkiLLkiLikkLkikikkiikiiLiLkLttkikiiLkkikikikkkiikkikkLiiiiikiLkiiLikkLUUikiikii% Brooks, Elizabeth. Prominent Women of Texas. Brooks, Phillips. By M. A. DeWolfe Howe. Carlyle, Jane Welsh. Letters and Memorials. Columbus, Christopher. Life and Voyages by Washington Irving. Columbus, Christopher. Life, by George A. Knight. Curran, Life, by Curran, Jr. Da vis, J ef f erson. Memorial Volume, by William J. Jones. Davis, Jefferson. Life, by Prank H. Alfriend. Davis, Jefferson. A Memoir by Mrs. Jefferson Davis. 2 volumes. Dewey, Admiral George. Life, by Murat Halstead. Edwards, B. B., Biography of Self Taught Men. Ellet, Elizabeth F. Pioneer Woman of the West. Franklin, Benjamin. Autobiography. Griswold. Hattie Tyng. Personal Sketches of Recent Authors. Home Life of Great Authors. Guerin, Eugenie de. Letters and Journal, by G. S. Trebutien. — 8 — A GARDEN SPOT For Lovers and Readers of i BOOKS. Our handsomely equipped Book Depart¬ ment, occupying- a single store by itself, is teeming with publications of every binding and description. HERE ... You can find the master efforts of every well known Author, Ancient or Modern; and with comfortable seats, polite atten¬ tion and cordial welcome. WE INVITE THE READING PUBLIC TO OUR BOOK DEPARTMENT. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF The Very Latest in Fiction. Handsomely Illustrated Gift Books. Juvenile Books for all Ages. Standard Works in all Bindings. Books of Art, History and Travel. Complete Library Setsof Standard Authors. Miscellaneous Books, Etc. We especially solicit and pay careful attention to MAIL ORDERS. HERZ BROS. LEADING BOOK SELLERS. Waco, - Texas. — 9 — Hastings, Warren. By T. B. Macaulay. Houston, Sam. Life, by Lester. Hume, David. Life, by Hume. Joan of Arc. Biography and Memoirs, by Thom¬ as DeQuincy. Johnson, Albert Sidney. Life, by William Preston Johnson. Krasinska, Countess Francoise. The Journal of Great Grandmother of Victor Emanuel, Translated from the Polish by Kasimer Dziekonska. Ladies of the White House. Sketches, Anonymous. Laras, Bishop. Memoirs, by Louis de Gaily. Lee, Robert E. By William Trent. Lee, Robert E. Gen. Life, by Mrs. Mary Williamson. Leo, XIII. Life of, by Itev. B. O’Reilly. Lincoln, Abraham. Reminiscences, Allen T. Rice, Ed. Lowell, James Russell. By Edward Everett Hale. Mann, Horace. Life, by Mrs. Horace Mann. Mary, Queen of Scots. History, by Jacob Abbott. Marvin, Bishop. Life and Labors, by D. R. Mc- Anally. — 10 — ♦>*>❖* ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 ? V V V ♦> ? v Y v Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v f Y Y ❖ f Y Y Y v t ❖ t Y ❖ f Y v * Y *> * y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ♦♦♦ t Y Y Miller-Cross Co., CORNER FOURTH AND AUSTIN STS. THE LEADING... A GENCY... CLAPP STACY-ADAMS & CO. AND “IMPERIAL 1 " FOR MEN. LAIRD, schoeber “QUEEN & DUNN, & CO. QUALITY " 1 UTZ FOR WOMEN. f Y If they come from Miller-Cross Co.’s THEY ARE RIGHT! Y Y Y f Y Y v t Y Y Y :< Y Y v f Y Y Y ♦i* f Y OF THE CITY. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v * Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ❖ —11— Napoleon, Bonaparte* Table Talk of, Anonymous. Napoleon, Bonaparte* Memoirs, by M. F. Bourrienne. Napoleon and His Marshals* By J. T. Headley. Napoleon, The First. By John C. Ropes. Ozanam, Frederic* Life and Works by Kathleen t j O’Meara. Parton, James. The World’s Famous Women. Pius, IX* Life, by John G. B. Hassard. Plutarch's Lives* Dryden’s Translation. Roland, Madame. History, by Jacob Abbott. Saint Amand, Imbert de. Women of the Valois Court. Marie Louise. The Court of Louis XIV. Saint, Monica* Life of, by Lady Herbert. Sand, George* By E. Caro. Shakespeare and His Time By M. Guizot. Shakespeare. Life, Art and Character, Hudson, Shakespeare* A Life of, by Sidney Lee, 2 vol. Shakespeare, The Boy. By William J. Rolfe. : T t * ? * V y t f V. V f y y V y V f V y y y t f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ❖ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ♦> t y y y t y y «« ALWAYS DEMAND Late Books and Novels -f Card Engraving | t X Fine Stationery | _—————--———■———— ♦> Bibles and Testaments i - x Kodaks & Sporting Goods | Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention ^ HILL BROS. WE’RE HEADQUARTERS —13 Smith, Henry. Life of, bv John IJenrv Brown. / u hj Spurgeon. Life of, by Richard B. Cook. Storey, Joseph Life and Letters, by William Story. Taylor, Zachary. Life, by J. Reese Fry. Washington, George. Life, by Aaron Bancroft. Webster, Daniel. By Henry Cabot Lodge. Whittier, John Greenleaf. Prophet, Seer and Man, by O. B. Flower, Willard, Francis. The Beautiful Life of, by Anna C. Gordon. Cook Books, Domestic Economy anb Etiquette. Anonymous. ' Etiquette. Campbell, Helen. Household Economics. Harrison, Mrs. Burton. The Well Bred Girl in Society. Parloa, Mrs. Maria. Home Economics. Stetson, Charlotte Perkins. Women and Economics. Williams, W. Mattieu. The Chemistry of Cooking. Woman's Book, 2 vol. LIVE OAK GROCERY. J. C. RILEY & SONS Dallas, Texas. Temple Texas. J. C. RILEY & SONS. FANCY Groceries. Agents Ferndale Goods “Peerless in Quality/' < pwrwTTQ l HI and 108. y j Independent 111 and 108. 601 and 603 AUSTIN AVE. WACO, TEXAS. Jfasbion JSasav——— fine /HMllmerv Waco. —15— Economics anfc Sociology. Alton, Edmond. Among the Law Makers. Bartlett, William H. Facts I Ought to Know About the Government of My Country. Draper, Civil Policy of America. George, Henry. Protection or Free Trade. Henry, W. H. F. The Voice of the People. Humboldt Library. Essays of Sociology. Law of Private Rights. Industrial Revolution of the Eighteenth Century. Kidd, Benjamin. Social Evolution. Law, Robert, The Parties. Le Bon, Gustave. The Crowd, A Study of the Popular Mind. Norton, S. L. Ten Men of Money Island. Political Issues of 1896. Says, Jean Baptiste. Political Economy. Steele, George M. Political Economy. Thirty Years in the United States Senate, 1820 to 1850. Williams, Edwin. Economics and Sociology. — 16 — Telephone 462* INCORPORATED. MANTELS, TILING AND FULL LINE OF GRATES. Also Tile Floors and Bath Room Work CALL AND SEE OUR MANTEL PARLORS CORNER EIGHTH & MARY. We Solicit Your Patronage, 17— Wyckoff, Walter A* Workers in the East. Workers in the West. Education ant> fl>et>aoooi’. Appleton, John H. Handbook of Chemistry. Atwater, Lyman. Manual of Elementary Logic. Baldwin, J ames. The Book Lover. Beebe, Katharine. Occupation for Little Children. Bergen, J. Y. Elements of Botany. Carpenter, Frank G. Geographical Reader, Asia. Cadena, M. V. de la. Spanish Reader. Cox, Edward H. The Arts of Reading, Writing and Spelling. Coopman, Harry Lyman. The Mastery of Books. Hall, D. D. Harvey. Hume. Preparing to Teach. Musical Students at Home. Elements of Criticism. Iliff, John W. Select Readings. Karnes and Homes. Elements of Criticism. —18— t V V V V V V ♦> t ❖ * V V V V V V V V V t V V y y V v t T y v V y y y y y y y ❖ y y y y f y y y y y y y y 4 4 4 y y y y y y y y y y y y ♦> B. L. HUTCHESON, The. Grocer. CATERER TO FANCY TRADE. Foreign and Domestic Products of the Best Quality. INDEPENDENT PHONE 322 AND 704. BELL PHONE, 322 AND 325. 511 AUSTIN AVE. Waco, Texas. t y y y y y y y y y V t y y ❖ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ❖ y y y y y y y y y ❖ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ❖ —19 Meiklejohn, J. M. D. The English Language. Perez♦ First Three Years of Childhood. Ploetz, Charles. Manual de Literature Francaise. Ritter, Carl. Comparative Geography. Geographical Studies. Watkins, Mildred. American* Literature. Wilkinson, W. C. Preparatory Greek Course in English. College Course in English. Preparatory Latin Course in English. College Latin Course in English. j£ssa\>s, Belles Xettres ant>Xttei> an> History. Aurelius, Marcus. Meditations. Thoughts. Anonymous. Self Taught Men. Botta, Anne C. Universal Literature. Brougham, Lord Henry. Speeches, 2 vol. Burton, Richard. Literal’v Likings. v o — 20 — BULK GARDEN, FIELD and •FLOWER CHARCOAL, LIME, ROCK SALT, Pratt's Animal and Poultry Regulator, Poultry Supplies, Vermin Exterminators, Etc, BOTH PHONES 758. W ' SAM J. JAMES G. ^ SMITH BROS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN id ...727 Austin Street, • ^^^ ^ < • (^> • c^> * ° ’vST“ ^ ^5v* 'c5f‘ 21— Carlyle, Thomas. Heroes and Hero Worship. Past and Present. Sartor Resartus. Chesterfield, Lord. Best Letters of Lord Chesterfield. Cox, Samuel S. Diversions of a Diplomat in Turkey. Crawford, Francis Marion. The Novel; What It Is. Dobson, Austin. Eighteenth Century Vignettes. Doumic,Rene. Contemporary French Novelists. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Representative Men. Gosse, Edmund. Gossip in a Library. Guerber, H. A. Myths of Greece and Rome. Myths of Northern Lands. Hamilton, Gail. Twelve Miles From a Lemon. Harrison, Frederic. Early Victorian Literature. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Book and Heart. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. James, Henry. French Poets and Novelists. Koopman, H. L. The Mastery of Books. Lanier, Sidney. The Engdish Novel. — 22 — 0 m 1 Seram Sene. A POSITIVE CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. Highly Recommended by the Medical Profession. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. | The Waco Drug and Stationery Co. § ga m HEADQUARTERS FOR Copyright Books. Late Fiction. Standard Sets. We sell you Books of all kinds and believe we can save you Money. WHEN YOU WANT BOOKS, SEE US. | The Waco Drug and Stationery Co. I H. H. GODBER, Pres. & Hgr. | — 23 — Lowell, James Russell* Literary Essays and Addresses. Mabie, Hamilton W. Essays on Literary Interpretation. Matson* Knowledge and Culture. Matthews, Brander. American Literature. Aspects of Fiction. McCrary, Florine Thayer* Wheels and Whims. Merimee, Prosper* Letters to an Unknown. Mitchell, Donald G* Dream Life. My Farm at Edgewood. Wet Days at Edgewood. Reveries of a Bachelor. Montaigne, Micheal de* Essays, 3 vol. Moody, Helen Watterson* The Unquiet Sex. Morton, Frederick W* Men in Epigram. Women in Epigram. Love in Epigram. Repplier, Agnes* Books and Men. Points of View. Ruskin,John. Sesame and Lilies. Queen of the Air. Sevigne, Madame de* The Best Letters of. Smiles, Samuel. Duty. ^ first IFlational Bank i OF WACO, TEXAS. THE OLDEST BANK IN CENTRAL TEXAS OFFERS EXCELLENT FACIL IT1ES TO ITS PATRONS FOR THE COLLECTION OF ITEMS IN THIS LOCALITY AND FOR THE PROMPT AND CAREFUL HANDLING OF ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO IT. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $400,000 E. ROT AN, PRESIDENT. R. J. TOLSON, ASST. CASHIER. R. F. GRIBBLE, CASHIER. Stoddard, Francis Hovey. Evolution of the English Novel. Taylor, Pres. Inaugural Address. Van Dyke, Henry. Little Rivers. Walpole, Horace. Best Letters of, Edited by Anna Benneson McMahan. Warner, Charles Dudley. The People for Whom Shakespeare Wrote. Winchester, C. T. Some Principles of Literary Criti¬ cism. jfiction. Aguilar, Grace. Home Influence. Aggelston, George Carey. A Carolina Cavalier. Aide, Hamilton. A Voyage of Discovery. Allen, Grant. An Incidental Bishop. Linnet. The Evolutionist at Large. The Tents of Shem. Alexander, Mrs. The Snare of the Flower. Allen, James Lane. Aftermath. A Kentucky Cardinal. Flute and Violin. The Choir Invisible. The Reign of Law. —26 >* 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * 4 ** 44 *« 4 * 44 * 4 »* 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * 44 * 44*4 V V v ♦!* t ❖ f ❖ t V ❖ f X y v V ❖ ❖ f V y y y y y ♦> ❖ y ? ? V y y y v & JOHNSON, Sell Only the Best... AND Materials Corner Eighth and Clay Streets. Waco, Texas. y y y y V t y y V *:* v t v y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y V y y ❖ y ❖ y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y ❖ y y y ❖ y y V y ❖ y y y — 27 — Amicis, Edmond de. Won by a Woman. Anonymous. Quzma. Anstey, F. Vice Versa; or, A Lesson to Fathers Arthur, T. S. Ten Nights in a Bar Room. Atherton, Gertrude. Senator North. Bacheller, Irving;. Eben Holden. Balestier, Wolcott. Benefits Forgot. Balzac, Honore de. Caesar Birotteau. Catherine de Medici. Cousin Pons. Pere Goriot. Short Stories. Bang;s, John Kendrick. A Rebellious Heroine. A House-Boat on the Styx. The Pursuit of the House-Boat. Peeps at People. Barr, Amelia E. The Maid of Maiden Lane. The Bow of Orange Ribbon. Maids, Wives and Bachelors. Remember the Alamo. The Preachers Daughter. Barr, Robert L. A Woman Intervenes. Tekla. Barrie, James Matthew. A Window in Thrums. Auld Licht Idylls. * Iron Beds, % Mattings, Window Shades, etc. g 411 AUSTIN AYE. m (®- Waco, Texas. & m — 29 — Barrie, James Matthew* Margaret Ogilvie. Sentimental Tommy. Tommy and Grizel. The Little Minister. When a Man’s Single. Barry, William* The Two Standards. Bates, Arlo* The Puritans. The Philistines. Love in a Cloud. Bayly, Ada Ellen. Hope The Hermit. Bell, Lillian* The Instinct of Stepfatherhood. Bellamy, Edward. Equality. Looking Backward. The Duke of Stockbridge. Benson, B. K. Who Goes There. Besant, Sir Walter. The Master Craftsman. Bishop, William Henry* The House of a Merchant Prince. Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. The Bridal March. The Fisher Lass. Synnove Solbakken. Black, William* Donald Ross of Heimra. Blackmore, R* D. Lorna Doone. Slain by the Doones. Perlycross. Blossom, Henry M. Jr. Checkers; A Hard-Luck Story. — 30 ^2v>^^ • (z3 ° c=3 • ^ • (=3 V MF cTbe Battle printing Mouse W. M. WOODALL, Manager. m m % id ail tbe Xatest Stales In Zype ®»aper Stock W FIGURE WITH US BEFORE HAVING YOUR PRINTING DONE. % lift Catalogue printing a Specialty. 113-115 NORTH FIFTH STREET, Both Phones. ♦♦♦ WACO, TEXAS. ® — 31 — Boccacio, Giovanni. The Decameron. Bouvet, Marguerite. My Lady. Boyesen, Hjalmer H. Gunnar. Brame, C. M. Tales Prom the Diary of a Sister. Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. Shirley. Tenant of Wildfell Hall. The Professor. Villette. Wuthering Heights. Brooks, Hildegard. Without a Warrant. Brown, Alice. Meadow Grass. Bronghton, Rhoda. She Cometh Up as a Flower. Nancy. Good-Bye Sweetheart. Red as a Rose is She. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, (Lord Lytton). Alice, or the Mysteries. Devereux—The Disowned. Ernest Maltravers. Godolphin. Rienzi. The Last of the Barons. The Coming- Race. Zanoni. Burdette, Robert J. Chimes From A Jester’s Bell. Burnett, Frances Hodgson. A Lady of Quality. His Grace of Osmond. That Lass O’Lowries. The Pretty Sister of Jose. In Connection With the De- Willoughby Claim. Gerlach & Schulze, DEALERS IN Imported and Domestic ...CHINA, American Rich Cut Glass, Bric=a=Brac, “Garland” Stoves and Ranges, “Guney” Refrigerators, Famous “White” Rotary Sewing flachines, Cooking Utensils of all Kinds and the Largest Line of Cooking and Heating Stoves IN TEXAS. We invite the public to inspect our beautiful mammoth Crockery Stock and we assure you its no trouble to show goods. Jt Gerlach & Schulze, Both Phones 706. 521 Austin Ave. WACO, TEXAS. Burnham, Clara Louise* A Grfeat Love. No Gentleman. Miss Pritchard’s Wedding- Tript Burwell, Letitia M. A Girl’s Life in Virginia Before the War. Bynner, Edwin Lasseter. Agnes Surriage. Caballero, Fernan. Elia: Spain Fifty Years Ago. Cable, George W. Old Creole Days. Strong Hearts. Caddell, Cecilia M. Wild Times Tales of the Days of Queen Elizabeth. Nettie Netterville. Caine, Hall. The Deemster. The Christian. Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Esther. Lover or Friend. Rue With a Difference. Carter, J. M. Little Pierre. Carter, Mrs. Anne Severin. A Sister’s Story. Fleur an ge. Carlyle, Thomas. Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship. Caskoden, Edwin (Charles Major). When Knighthood Was in Flower. Castle, Agnes and Egerton. Consequences. The Bath Comedy. The Pride of Jennico. Young April. 34 Catherwood, Mary Hartwell. The Romance of Dollard. Catholic Publishing Company. Adhemar Belcastle. Alba’s Dream. A Winged Word. Follette. Flaminia. Grapes and Thorns. House of York. Lucas Garcia. Robert; or the Influence of a Good Mother. Six Sunny Months. The Lamp of the Sanctuary. The Story of Marcel. Chambers, Robert W. Ashes of Empire. Outsiders. The Cambric Mask. The Conspirators. Charles, Mrs. Rundle. On Both Sides of the Sea. Chase, Jessie Anderson. Three Freshmen. Chatfield-Taylor, H. C. The Vice of Fools. Chesnutt, Charles W♦ The House Behind the Cedars. Cholmondeley, Mary. Diana Tempest. Red Pottage. Church, Alfred J. Lords of the World. Churchill, Winston. Richard Carvel. The Crisis. Clark. God’s Puppets. 35 — Collins, Wilkie* The Woman in White. Conscience, Hendrick* Stories of Flemish Life. Connor, Ralph* Black Rock. The Sky Pilot of the Foothills. Conway, Hugh* Called Back. Cooper, James Fennimore* The Deer Slayer. The Last of the Mohicans. The Pathfinder. The Pilot. The Prairie. The Red Rover. The Spy. The Two Admirals. The Water Witch. The Wing* and Wing. The Pioneer. Corelli, Marie* Ardath. A Romance of Two Worlds. Boy. Cameos. Thelma. The Master Christian. Vendetta. Wormwood. Cotes, Mrs. Everard, (SarahJ eanette Duncan). A Social Departure. Hilda. Craddock, Charles Egbert* The Bush Whackers. The Mystery of Witch-Face Mountain. Where the Battle Was Fought. Crane, Stephen. Whilomville Stories. 36 — Craven, Mrs* The Veil Withdrawn. Crawford, F. Marion, A Rose of Yesterday. In the Palace of the King 1 . Katherine Lauderdale. Marion Darche. Saraeinesca. The Ralstons. Via Crucis. Croly, George. Tarry Thou Till I Come. Crockett, S. R. The Black Douglas. The Lilac Sunbonnet. The Red Axe. lone March. The Stickit Minister. The Silver Skull. The Isle of the Winds. Joan of the Sword Hand. Crowninshield, Mrs. Schuyler. The Archbishop and the Lady. Currie, Chas. W. Dimitri os and Irene. The Rose of Alhambra. Daudet, Alphonse. Jack. Port Tarascon. Tartarin of Tarascon. Tartarin on the Alps. The Head of the Family. Davis, Mrs. M, E. M. The Queen’s Garden. The Wire Cutters. Davis, Richard Harding. Gallegher and Other Stories. Soldiers of Fortune. The Exiles. Van Bibber and Others. 37 Davis, William Steams* A Friend of Caesar. DeKoven, Mrs. Reginald. A Sawdust Doll. De la Brete. My Uncle and My Cure. De la Grange, Madame K. The Ferryman of the Tiber. Deland, Margaret. Old Chester Tales. Dickens, Charles. Bleak House. David Copperfield. Great Expectations. Little Dorrit. Martin Chuzzlevvit. Oliver Twist. Our Mutual Friend. Old Curiosity Shop. Pickwick Papers. Dickson, Harris. The Black Wolfe’s Breed. Didier, Chas. Peake. Would Any Man. Dix, Edwin Asa. Deacon Bradbury. Douglas, Amanda M. In Trust. Dorsey, Anna H. Mary Brady’s Vow. Doyle, A. Conan. Micah Clark. The White Company. A Treat With Occasional Chums. A Duet. Dromgoole, Will Allen. The Valley Path. Dryasdust. Tales of the Wonder Club. 38 — Dubois, Charles* Madame Agnes. Dudeney, Mrs* Henry* Folly Corner. Dumas, Alexandre* The Count of Monte Cristo. The Countess de Charney. The Three Guardsmen. Memoirs of a Physician. Six Years Later. Dunne, Finley Peter* Mr. Dooley in Peace and War. Ebers, Dr* George* The Burgomaster’s Wife. The Bride of the Nile. Homo Sum. Edwards, Mrs* Annie* Jet. Edwards, Harry Stillwell* Sons and Fathers. Two Runaways and Other Stories. Eggleston, Edward* The Hoosier Schoolmaster. Eliot, George. Daniel Deronda. Felix Holt. Mill on the Floss. Middlemarch. Romola. Silas Marner. Elizabeth and Her German Garden. Elliott, Sarah Barnwell* An Incident and Other Happenings. Emory, Frederick* A Maryland Manor. t/ English Woman's Love Letters, An. Evans, Augusta J* St. Elmo. Vashti. — 39 — Ewing, Juliana* A Great Emergency. Farjeon, B. L. Samuel Boyd of Catch Pole Square. Fonque, Baron de la Motte. Undine. Ford, Paul Leicester* The Hon. Peter Stirling. Janice Meredith. The Story of an Untold Love. Tattle Tales of Cupid. Wanted, A Match Maker. Fowler, Ellen Thorneycroft* Cupids Garden. A Double Thread. Concerning Isabel Carnaby. The Farringdons. Fox, John Jr* Crittenden. Hell fer Sartain. The Kentuckians. Frederic, Harold* The Damnation of Theron Ware. The Market Place. Gloria Mundi. Forsslund, M* Louise* Story of Sarah. Fuller, Annie* One of the Pilgrims. Fuller, Caroline. Across the Campus. Fullerton, Georgiana* Constance Sherwood. Gardner, Celia. A Twisted Skein. Garland, Hamlin. Jason Edwards. Main Traveled Roads. A Member of the Third House. 40 Gaskell, Mrs. Cranford. Gibbs, George* In Search of Mademoiselle. Glasgow, Ellen* The Voice of the People. The Descendant. Goodwin, Maud Wilder. White Aprons. Good win, J ulien. A Successful Man. Goss, Charles F. The Redemption of David Corson. Graham, Kenneth. Dream Days. The Golden Age. • Grand, Sarah. The Beth Book. Grant, Robert. An Average Man. Unleavened Bread. Mrs. Harold Stagg. Love Affairs of Some Famous Men. Gras, Felix. The Reds of the Midi. Gray, Maxwell. The Silence of Dean Maitland. Green, Mrs. S. P. McLean. The Moral Imbeciles. Vesty of the Basins. Guerber, H. A. Legends of the Middle Ages. Guiney, Louise Imogen. Patrins. Gwarthmey, E. H. Unto Two Flags True. — 41 — Hale, Edward Everett* Christmas at Narragansett. Philip Nolans Friends. Halevy, Ludovric. The Abbe Constantin. Hall, Gertrude* April’s Sowing. Hall, Ruth. The Black Gown. Hardy, Thomas. Under The Greenwood Tree. Harland, Henry. The Cardinal’s Snuff Box. Harris, Joel Chandler. Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. On the Wing of Occasions. Free Joe and Other Georgian Sketches. Tales of Home Folks in Peace and W ar. Harris, Miriam Coles. Rutledge. Hart, Bret. From Sandhill to Pine.. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Mosses From an Old Manse. House of Seven Gables. The Scarlet Letter. Twice Told Tales. Grandfather’s Chair. The Blithedale Romance. Hayes, Frederick W. A Kent Squire. Hazelton, George A. Mistress Nell. Heimburg. Misjudged. — 42 — Herrick, Robert* Literary Love Letters. The Web of Life. Hewlett, Maurice* Richard Yea and Nay. The Forest Lovers. Heyse, Paul* Children of the World. Hicbens, Robert. Tongues of Conscience. Hinkson, H* A. An Isle in the Water. Hobbes, John Oliver. Robert Orange. The Gods, Some Mortals and Lord Wickenham. Tales. Holland, Dr* J* G* Bitter Sweet. Holly, Marietta. Samantha at Saratoga. Hope, Anthony. A Change of Air. Heart of Princess Osra. Prisoner of Zend a. Phroso. Quisante. Rupert of Hentzau. Simon Dale. The Dolly Dialogues. The King’s Mirror. Hornungf, E. W* The Amateur Cracksman. Horton, George Horton* Like Another Helen. Hotchkiss, Chauncy C. Betsy Ross. Howard, Blanche Willis. Guenn. —43 Howells, William Dean* An Open-Eyed Conspiracy. A Hazard of New Fortunes. Ragged Lady. The Rise of Silas Lapham. Their Wedding Journey. The Shadow of a Dream. Hugo, Victor. Les Miserables. Ninety Three. The Toilers of the Sea. Ingraham, Rev. j* H* The Prince of the House of David. Irving, Washington* Sketch Book. Knickerbocker’s History of New York. Jacobs, W* W* The Skipper’s Wooing. James, Henry. The Awkward Age. In the Cage. The Bostonians. Jerome, K* Jerome. Sketches in Lavender, Blue and Green. Three Men in a Boat. Jerrold, Douglas. Mrs. Caudle’s Curtain Lectures. Johnston, Mary. To Have and to Hold. Prisoners of Hope. Johnston, R. M. Mr. Absolom Billingslea. Pearce Amerson’s Will. Jokai. Dr. Maurus. A Hungarian Nabob. Eyes Like the Sea. —44 Jones, Alice L The Chevalier de St. Dennis, Kehoe, L. Are You My Wife. Kennedy, John* Horse Shoe Robinson. King;, Gen* Charles* Ray’s Daughter. King;sley, Charles* Hypatia. Westward Ho! King;sley, Henry* The Hillyars and the Burtons. Kipling;, Rudyard* Captains Courageous. In Black and White. Many Inventions. Soldiers Three. The Day’s Work. Plain Tales From the Hills. The Light That Failed. The Phantom Rickshaw. Kirh, Ellen Olney* The Story of Margaret Kent. Lang;, Andrew and Mason, A* E* W* Parson Kelly. Le Gallienne, Richard* The Quest of the Golden Girl. Leitch, Ritchie. Romance of History. Lever, Charles* Charles O’Mally. Lloyd, John Uri. Stringtown on the Pike. Long;, John Luther. Madame Butterfly. The Fox Woman. — 45 — Longfellow, Henry W. Outre Mer. Loti, Pierre* An Iceland Fisherman. Lyall, Edna. Hope the Hermit. In the Golden Days. We Two. Maartens, Maarten. My Lady Nobody. Her Memory. The Greater Glory. Mace. History of a Mouthful of Bread. McCall, Sidney. Truth Dexter. McElroy, Lucy Cleaver. Juletty. McFarlane, Co. Romance of History. Machray, Robert. Grace O’Malley. MacLaren, Ion. Afterward. Kate Carnegie. A Doctor of the Old School. McLennan, William. The Span o’ Life. Spanish Johen. Macleod, Fiona. Green Fire. Marchmont, A. W. In the Name of a Woman. Marlitt, E. Old Mam’selle’s Secret. Matthews, Brander. A Confident Tomorrow. His Father’s Son. Outlines in Local Color. 46— Meredith* George* The Amazing 1 Marriage. Diana of the Cross-Ways. Rhoda Fleming. The Ordeal of Richard Feverel. Merriman, Henry Seton* In Kedars Tents. The Isle of Unrest. Dross. Mitchell, S. Weir, M. D* Adventures of Francois. Characteristics. Dr. North and His Friends. Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker. Monroe, Mrs* M* C* Sir Thomas Moore, An Historical Romance. Montresor, F. F* The One Who Looked On. Moore, F* Frankfort* The Jessamy Bride. Morrison, Arthur* The Dorrington Deed Box. Mulock, Dinah (Mrs* Craik). John Halifax, Gentleman. Munford, Ethel Watts* Dupes. Munn, Charles Clark* Uncle Terry. Munro, Neil* John Splendid. Naylor James Ball* Ralph Marlowe. Newman, Cardinal* Mary, Star of the Sea. Nule, Henry* Romance of History. Ohnet, George. In Deep Abyss. — 47 — Ollivant, William* Bob, Son of Battle. O'Meary, Kathleen* Pearl. Ouida. Moths. Princess Napraxine. Overton, Gwendolen. The Heritage of Unrest. Page, Thomas Nelson* Red Rock. Santa Claus’ Partner. The Old South. The Old Gentleman in the Black Stock. Parker, Gilbert* Mrs. Falchion. The Battle of the Strong. The Lane That Had No Turning. The Seats of the Mighty. Payne, Will, The Story of Eva. Peake, Elmore Elliot* The Darlingtons. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart* Old Maids and Burglars in Paradise. Hedged In. The Master of the Magicians. Philpotts, Eden* Children of the Mist. Lying Prophets. Sons of the Morning. Pool, Maria Louise* In Buncombe County. The Red Bridge Neighborhood. Porter, Jane* Thaddeus of Warsaw. — 48 — Prentiss, Elizabeth* Stepping' Heavenward. The Flower of the Family. Rayner, Emma* In Castle and Colony. Free to Serve. Read, Opie. Judge Eldridge. In the Alamo. Ralph, Julian. Alone In China. Reade, Charles* Peg Woffington. Put Yourself in His Place. Single Heart and Double Face. Reid, Christian* Armine. Rhoscomyl, Owen. The Jewel of Ynys Galon. Ridge, W. Pett. The Second Opportunity of Mr. Staplehurst. Rives, Amelie* Barbara Dering. Robertson, Harrison. Red Blood and Blue. Robins, Elizabeth (C* E* Raimond.) The Open Question. Roe, E. P. A Day of Fate. From Jest to Earnest. Runkle Bertha* The Helmet of Navarre. Russell, W* Clark. A Noble Haul. Master Rockafeller’s Vovage. An Ocean Tragedy. Saint Pierre, Bernardin de. Paul and Virginia. — 49 — Sand, George* Jealousy, or Teverino. Sawyer* Josephine Caroline* Every Inch a King. Schreiner, Olive* The Story of an African Farm. Scott, Sir Walter* A Legend of Montrose. Antiquary. Anne of Geierstein. Bride of Lammermoor. Count Robert of Paris. Fair Maid of Perth. Fortunes of Nigel. Guy Mannering. Heart of Midlothian. Ivanhoe. Kenilworth. Old Mortality. Peveril of the Peak. Quentin Durward. Red Gauntlet. Rob Roy. St. Itonan’s Well. The Betrothed and the Highland Widow. The Abbott. The Surgeon’s Daughter. The Monastery. The Pirate. The Talisman. W averly. Woodstock. Seawell, Molly Elliot* The Loves of Lady Arabella. A Virginia Cavalier. Sheldon, Charles* In His Steps. Shelley, Mrs* Mary W. Frankenstien. Sherlock, Charles Reginald* Your Uncle Lew. — 50 — Shorthouse, J. H. Blanche, Ladv Falaise. / */ ¥ Sienkiewicz, Henryk, After Bread. Pan Michael. Quo Vadis. With Fire and Sword. Sommers, Jane R. The Two Bequests. Souvestre, Emil* An Attic Philosopher in Paris. Smith, F* Hopkinson* Caleb West, Master Diver. Stael, Madame de. Corinne or Italy. Steele, Flora Annie* In the Permanent Way. On the Face of the Waters. Miss Stuarts Legacy. The Hosts of the Lord. The Potter’s Thumb. Voices in the Night. Stephenson, Robert Neilson* Philip Win wood. Stevenson, Robert Louis. David Balfour. Familiar Studies of Men and Books. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Kidnapped. New Arabian Nights. Prince Otto. Prince Win wood. St. Ives. Treasure Island. The Master of Ballantrae. The Merry Men. The Vailima Letters. Stevenson, Burton Egbert* A Soldier of Virginia. — 51 — Stockton, Frank R* A Bicycle of Cathay. The Associate Hermits. The Girl at Cobhurst. The Hundredth Man. The Late Mrs. Null. Stories by English Authors* Africa. England. France. Germany. Italy. Ireland. London. Scotland. The Orient. The Sea. Stories, by Foreign Authors* French I. French II. French III. Spanish. German I. German II. Scandinavian. Italian. Polish, Greek, Belgian, Hungarian. Stowe, Harriet Beecher* Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Stuart, Ruth McEnery* In Simkinsville. Mariah’s Mourning. Sonny. The Story of Babbette. Sue, Eugene* The Mysteries of Paris. The Wandering Jew. Sutcliffe, Hallowell* Shameless Wayne. — 52 — Tarkington, Booth. Monsieur Beaucaire. The Gentleman From India. Taylor, Imlay. An Imperial Lover. Thanet, Octave. The Heart of Toil. Thompson, Maurice. Alice of Old Vincennes. Milley. Tolstoi, Count. Anna Karenina. Resurrection. Ivon Ilyi.tch. Tourgee, Albion W. A Fool’s Errand. Bricks Without Straw. Townsend, Edward W. *A Daughter of the Tenements. Train, Elizabeth Phipps. Madame of the Ivies. Travers, Graham. Windy haugh. Trollope, Anthony. Mrs. Talboys. Trueba, de Don T. Romance of History. Turgenev, Ivan. Torrents of Spring. Fathers and Children. Twain, Mark. Innocents Abroad. Tramps Abroad. Tynan, Katherine. She Walks in Beauty. Urchard, Mario. My Uncle Barbasson. — 53 — Voynich, E. L♦ The Gadflv. Wallace, Lew* Ben Hur. The Prince of India. Ward, Herbert D* The Burglar Who Moved Paradise. Ward, Mrs* Humphrey* Eleanor. History of David Grieve. Helbec of Bannisdale. Warner, Annie* Dollars and Cents. Warner, Charles Dudley* A Little Journey in the World. The Golden House. That Fortune. Warren, Charles* The Girl and the Goyenor. Watts-Dunton, Theodore* Aylwin. Wells, H* G* When the Sleeper Wakes. Love and Mr. Lewisham. Wescott, Edward Noyes* David Harum. Weyman, Stanley J* The Castle Inn. Shrewsbury. The Red Cockade. Under the Red Robe. The House of the Wolf. A Gentleman of France. Wharton, Edith* The Greater Inclination. The Touchstone. Crucial Instances. White, William Allen* The Court of Boyville. — 54 — Whiteing, Richard* No. 5 John Street. Whitney, Ernest* Legends of the Pikes Peak Region. Wiggin, Kate Douglas. Penelope’s Irish Experience. Wilkins, Mary E. Jerome, a Poor Man. Madelon. Pembroke. The Hearts Highway. Wister, Owen* Lin McLean. Woolson, Constance Fennimore* Anne. East Angels. Castle Nowhere. For the Major, Yonge, Charlotte M. Heartsease. The Heir of Redclyffe. The Trial. Unknown to History. Young, Arthur. Author’s Readings. Zack. The White Cottage. Zaugwill, I. Children of the Ghetto. The Master. The Premier and the Painter. The Mantle of Elijah. Without Prejudice. History atifc Historical description. Stodes afrom Swtss Ibistor^. Anonymous* A Popular History of the Civil War. Anonymous* Under Both Flags; Story of the Great Civil War. Blanc, Louis* Ten Years in France Under Louis Philippe. Brooker, Wm* H. Texas. Carlyle, Thomas. French Revolution. Creasy, E* S* Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. Davis, Jefferson* A Short History of the Confederate States. Doran, Dr* Knights and Their Days. Eggleston, Edward* History of the United States and • Its People. Greene, Frederick Davis* Armenian Massacres. Greene, John Richard* History of the English People. 4 volumes. Guizot, M* History of France. 8 volumes. Hale, Edward Everett. History of the United States. — 56 — Hume, David* History of England. 4 volumes. Herbert* Popular History of the Civil War. Hallam, Henry* Constitutional History of England. 3 volumes. Jones, Alonzo* The Two Republics, Rome and the United States. Lattimore, Elizabeth Wormeley. My Scrap Book of the French Revolution. Lee, Henry* History of the Civil War, in 'jhe Southern Department. Macaulay, Lord. History of England. 5 volumes. Motley, John Lothrop* Rise of the Dutch Republic. Noll, Arthur Howard. Short History of Mexico. Poore, Perly, Ben* Perly’s Reminiscences. Peattie, Elia W. The Story of America. Prescott, William H. The Conquest of Mexico. 2 vol. The Conquest of Peru. 2 vol. Ferdinand and Isabella. Quackenbos* History of the United States. Ridpath, John Clark* History of the United States. History of the World. 5 volumes. Robertson, William* The Reign of Emperor Charles the Fifth. Shepherd, Henry E. Historical Readings. Swinton, William* Outline of the World’s History. Thrall* H* S* History of Texas. Vincent, John. Outline History of Greece. Watterson, Henry. History of the Spanish American W ar. White, Trumbull. Our War With Spain. Winkler, A. B. Mrs. The Confederate Capital and Hood’s Texas Brigade. Wilbarger, J. W. Indian Depredations in Texas. Young, L. H. Remarkable Events in the World’s History. Yonge, C. M. Pictorial History of the World’s Great Nations. 3uvemles. Abbott, Jacob. Agnes. Beechnut. Caroline. Ellen Lynn. Malleville. Mary Bell. Ilodolphus. Stuy vesant. W allace. — 58 — Abbott, Jacob* Rollo in London. Rollo in Naples. Rollo in Paris. Rollo in Geneva. Rollo in Rome. Rollo in Holland. Rollo in Switzerland. Rollo in Scotland. Rollo on the Rhine. Rollo on the Atlantic. Marco Paul in Vermont. Marco Paul in Boston. Marco Paul in Maine. Marco Paul in New York. Marco Paul on the Erie Canal. Marco Paul at the Spring-field Armory. Alcott, Louisa. Jack and Jill. Little Men. Little Women. Eight Cousins. Rose in Bloom Under the Lilacs. My Little Friend. An Old Fashion Girl. Moods. Alden, W- L. The Cruise of the Canoe Club. Aldrich, Thos. B. The Story of a Bad Boy. Alger, Horatio. A Boy’s Fortune. Digging for Gold. In a New World. Tony the Hero. The Train Bov. The Young Bank Messenger. Walter Sherwood’s Probation. Ames. Babes in the Woods. Pleasant Pastimes. 59 — Anonymous* Children’s Pleasure Book. Don’t Be Afraid Puffy. Little Hunchback. School Days. Baby Days. Little Workers. Fairy Tales for Little People. Scripture Stories. Maggie and the Sparrow. Child’s Story of the Bible. «/ Anderson, Hans Christian* Fairy Tales. German Fairy Tales. Austin, Jane. Emma. 2 volumes. Mansfield, Park. 2 volumes. Northanger, Abbey. Persuasion. Pride and Prejudice. 2 volumes. Sense and Sensibility. 2 volumes. Austin, Caroline* Cousin Geoffrey and I. Ballantyne, R. M. The Gorilla Hunters. Barbour, Ralph Henry. For the Honor of the School. Bennett, John. Master Skylark. Bicknell, Frank, The Apprentice Boy. Bouvet, Marguerite. Little Marjories Love Story. Tales of an Old Chateau. Sweet William. Brine, Mary S. Four Little Friends. Brooks, Noah. The Boy Emigrants. — 60 — Brooks, Elbridge Streeter* Century Bookfor Young Americans. Brown, Annie Robertson* Giving What We Have. Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s Progress. Burnett, Francis Hodgson* Little Saint Elizabeth. Butter worth, Hezekiah. In the Days of Jefferson. The Boy Emigrants. Young Folk’s History of America. Zigzag Books: In Classic Lands. In Europe. Brooks North. Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Esther. Our Bessie. Not Like Other Girls. Carroll, Lewis* Alice in Wonderland. Through the Looking Glass. Carter, —— ♦ Two Girls Abroad. Chambers, William and Robt* Sea and Land Stories. ' Champney, Elizabeth. Witch Winnie. Witch Winnie’s Mystery. Cheney, Emma C* History of the War. Coffin, Charles Carleton* Following the Flag. My Days and Nights on the Battlefields. Coolidge, Susan. What Katie Did Next. - 61 - Cox, Rev. Sir G. W., Bart. Tales of Ancient Greece. Craddock, Charles Egbert. The Story of Old Fort Loudon. Crafts, Rev. Talks to Boys and Girls About Jesus. Cupples, Mrs. George. Alice Leighton. D'Anvers, N. Heroes of American Discovery. Day, Thomas. The History of Sanford and Merton. Davis, Richard Harding. Stories for Bovs. De Foe, Daniel. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. Dickens, Charles. Child’s History of England. Dodge, Mary Mapes. Donald and Dorothy. Hans Brinker. Douglas, Amanda M. TheOld Woman Who Lived in Shoe. DuChaillu, Paul. Lost in the Jungle. My Apingi Country. Stories of the Gorilla Country. The Country of the Dwarfs. The World of the Great Forest. Wild Life under the Equator. Edwards. • Nursery Stories. Eggleston, Edward. The Hoosier School Boy. Eggleston, George Cary. The Last of the Flatboats. — 62 — Ellis, Edward* Camp in the Mountains. Camp Fire and Wigwam. Footprints in the Forest. The Lost Trail. Ewing, Juliana* A Flat Iron for a Farthing. Melchoir’s Dream. Jackanapes and Other Tales. We and the World. Finley, Martha* Elsie Dinsmore. Elsie’s Girlhood. Elsie’s Holidays at Roselands. Elsie’s Womanhood. Elsie’s Motherhood. Elsie’s Children. Elsie’s Widowhood. Grandmother Elsie. Elsie’s New Relations. Elsie at Nantucket. The Two Elsies. Elsie’s Kith and Kin. Elsie’s Friends at Woodburn. Christmas with Grandma Elsie. Elsie and the Raymonds. Elsie Yachting with the Raymonds. Elsie’s Vacation. Elsie at Viamede. Elsie at Ion. Elsie at the World’s Fair. Elsie’s Journey on Inland Waters. Elsie at Home. Elsie on the Hudson. Elsie in the South. Mildred Keith. Mildred at Roselands. Mildred’s Married Life. Mildred and Elsie. Mildred at Home. Mildred’s Boys and Girls. Mildred’s New Daughter. — 63 — Finn, F. J. The Brownies. Percy Winn. Foote, Mary Halleck. The Little Pig-Tree Stories. Gatty, Margaret* Alice and Adolphus. Gray Asa* Botany for Young People. Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm. Stray Leaves From Fairy Land. ^ Grinnell, George Bird. Jack Among the Indians. Hanford, Thomas* Poetry and Pictures. Harraden, Beatrice. Little Rosebud. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Wonder Book. Tanglewood Tales. Grandfather’s Chair. Hepburn, Alice. Pollie and Jack. Henty, G. A. At Aboukier and Acre. A Final Reckoning. Both Sides the Border. Bonnie Prince Charlie. By Right of Conquest. By Pike and Dyke. Dorothy’s Donble. Friends Though Divided. In Freedom’s Cause. In the Reign of Terror. In the Hands of the Cave Dwellers. One of the 28th. Orange and Green. The Dragon and Raven. The Lion of the North. — 64 — Henty, G* A. The Lion of St. Mark. The Tiger of Mysore. The Young Bugler. True to the Old Flag. Under Drake’s Flag. Under Wellington’s Command. With Clive in India. With Lee in Virginia. With Wolfe in Canada. Wulf the Saxon. By Englands Aid. • Bonnie Prince Charley. Howells, W* D* A Boy’s Town. Hughes, Thomas* Tom Brown at Oxford. Tom Brown’s School Days. Hutton, Laurence* A Boy I Knew and Four Dogs. Jackson, Gabrielle E* Pretty Polly Perkins. Jewett, Sarah Orne* Betty Leicester’s EnglishChristma. Johnson, Clifton* The Farmer’s Boy. Kellogg, Warren F* Hunting in the Jungle. Kingsley, Charles* The Water Babies. Greek Heroes, Kingston, William G. Peter, the Whaler. ’Round the World. The Midshipmen. Young Foresters. Salt Water. Mark Seaworth. The Log House. Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle Book. Second Jungle Book. Kirk, Ellen Olney. Dorothy Deane. Dorothy and Her Friends. Lamb, Charles. Tales from Shakespeare. Half Hours with Great Humorists. Lang, Andrew. The Animal Story Book. Lanier, Sidney. The Boy’s Froissart. The Boy’s Percy. The Boy’s King Arthur. The Knightly Legends of Wales. Bob; the Story of a Mocking Bird. Le Sage. Gil Bias. Lover, Samuel. Handy Andy. McLeod, Norman. The Gold Thread. Marden, Orison Swett. Winning Out. Masberg, Jessie. Sisters Three. Masson, Tom. The Yankee Navy. May, Sophie. Dottie Dimple at Home. Dottie Dimple at Play. Dottie Dimple at School. Dottie Dimple out West. Dottie Dimple’s Flyaway. Little Prudie’s Captain Horace. Little Prudie’s Cousin Grace. Prudy Keeping House. Little Folks Astray. — 66 — May, Sophie* Miss Thistledown. The Doctor’s Daughter. Our Helen. Story Book. The Horn of Plenty. Meade, Laura T. A World of Girls. Polly: A New-fashioned Girl. Merriman, Effie W. Sir Jefferson Nobody. Miller, Lida Brooks. Child’s History of Birds. Child’s History of Animals. Mother Goose. Miller, Olive Thorne. Little Folks in Feathers and Furs. Milman, Helen. Little Ivan’s Hero. Molesworth, Mrs. Robin Redbreast. Montolien and Wyss. Swiss Family Robinson. Mulock, Miss. Little Lame Prince. Adventures of a Brownie. Munroe, Kirk. Brethren of the Coast. Forward March. Munchausen, Baron. Travels. Nordhoff, Charles. Politics for Young Americans. Northrup, Henry Davenport. Young People’s Speaker. — 67 — Otis, James. An Island Refuge. Ezra Jordon’s Escape. Neal the Miller. Sarah Dillard’s Ride. The Boys of 1745. The Castaways. Toby Tyler, or Ten Weeks With a Circus. Under the Liberty Tree. Ouida. A Dog of Flanders. Page, Thomas* Nelson* Two Little Confederates. Pansy* Esther Reid. Household Puzzles. King’s Daughters.! Ruth Erskin’s Crosses. The Randolphs. Parton, James. World’s Famous Women. Peck* George W. Peck’s Sunshine. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Gypsy Breynton. Gypsy’s Sowing and Reaping. Gypsy’s Year at the Golden Crescent Gypsy’s Cousin Joy. Prentiss, Elizabeth. Little Susy’s Servants. Proudfoot, A. H. Child’s Christ Tales.- Quiller-Couch, A* T* Historical Tales from Shakespeare. Reid, Capt. Mayne. The Tiger Hunter. —6b— Richards, Laura E* Captain January. Jim of Hellas. Margaret Montforth. M arie. Melody. Quicksilver Sue. Rosin the Beau. Some Say. Narcissa. Riley, James Whitcomb* Rhymes of Childhood. Robson, Isabel S* The Girl Without Ambition. Sangster, Margaret E* Holiday Stories for Young People. Seeley, Chas* Sumner* The Spanish Galleon. Sewell, Anna* Black Beauty. Sidney, Margaret* Five Little Peppers and How They Grew. Five Little Peppers Midway. Five Little Peppers Grown Up. Smyth, Gillespie. Children’s Bible Stories. Stockton, Frank R. Buccaneers and Pirates of Our Coast. Stoddard, W* O* The Red Patriot. The White Cave. The Talking'Leaves. Two Arrows. Stretton, Hesba. Jessica. Stratemeyer, Edward. The Last Cruise of the Spitfire. 69 — Swift, Dean* Gulliver’s Travels. T ay lor, W* L. His Broken Sword. Thompson, Ernest Seton. Wild Animals I Have Known. Biography of a Grizzley. Timlow, Elizabeth Westyn. Cricket at the Seashore. Tomlinson, Everett T. A Jersey Boy in the Revolution. Trowbridge, J* T. The Prize Cup. Trowbridge, John* The Electrical Boy. Twain, Mark* Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Tom Sawyer. Tytler* Mary and Florence. Underhill, Zoe Dana. The Dwarf’s Tailor and Other Fairy Tales. Vernes, Jules. Around the World in 80 Days. Michael Strogoff. Claudius Bombarence. Texar’s Revenge. Warner, Charles Dudley* Being a Boy. Wells, Carolyn* The Story of Betty. Wetherell, Elizabeth. Queechy. Wide, Wide, World. Whitney, Mrs* A. D. T. Home Spun Yarns. — 70 — Wiggin, Kate Douglas. The Bird’s Christmas Carol. Wood, Rev. J. G. Illustrated National History. Wright, Henrietta Christian. Children’s Stories of Great Scientists. Princess Liliwinkins. Wright, Mable Osgood. Tommy-Anne and the Three Hearts. The Dream Fox Story Book. Wabeno, the Magician. Younge, Charlotte M. Book of Golden Deeds. Bount> flhaga3tnes. Review of Reviews, V. 5. February to July 1892. August to January 1893. February to June 1893. July to December 1893. January to June 1894. July to December 1894. January to June 1895. January to December 1895. January to June 1896. July to December 1896. January to June 1897. Arena. June to November|1896. Century. May to October 1882. November 1882 to April 1883. November 1883 to April 1884. May 1885 to October 1885. — —71— Century. November 1885 to October 1886. May 1886 to October 1886. November 1886 to April 1887. May 1887 to October 1987. November 1887 to April 1888. May 1888 to October 1888. November 1888 to April 1889. November 1889 to April 1890. May 1890 to October 1890. November 1795 to April 1897. May 1897 to October 1897. Cosmopolitan. May 1896 to October 1896. Harper's. November 1897 to April 1897. May 1899 to October 1899. December 1889 to May 1890. June 1890 to November 1890. December 1890 to May 1891. June 1891 to November 1891. December 1895 to May 1896. June 1897 to November 1896. December 1896 to May 1897. June 1897 to November 1897. 1864-1865, Decmber to May. The Argosy. 4 volumes. Munsey. April to September 1892. October 1895 to March 1896. April 1896 to September 1896. N. Am. Review. January 1897 to June 1897. July 1897 to December 1897. Scribners, January 1897 to June 1897. July 1897 to December 1897. — 72 — Current Magazines in Reading Room* Literary Digest. Review of Reviews. Forum. Current Literature. The Atlantic. Bookman. Century. Cosmopolitan. McClures. Harper’s. Scribners. Public Library. Success. Ipoetty, flftusic, tbe snama. Arnold, Edwin* The Light of Asia. Arnold, Matthew. Poems. Brewer* Character Sketches. 4 volumes. Bryant, William Cullen* Poetical Works. Butler, Samuel* Hudibras. Burns, Robert. Selected Poems. Byron, Lord. Complete Works. Coleridge, S* T* Poetical Works. Craige, A. Guests of the Heart. — 73 — Ferris, G. F. Great Violinists and Pianists. Great German Composers. Great Singers. First Series. Great Singers. Second Series. Great Italian and French Composers Field, Eugene* Book of Verse. Goethe, J. W. von* Faust; A Tragedy. Hearne, Lafcadio. Stray heaves, from Strange Countries. Heber, Reginald* Poetical Works. Hood. Thomas* Hood’s Choice Works. J. K* H* Comfort. Jones, Chloe Blakeman. The Lover’s Shakespeare. Kipling, Rudyard. The Seven Seas. Longfellow. Poems. Evangeline. The Song of Hiawatha. Macaulay* Lays of Ancient Rome. Maguire, Shandy. Poems. Milton, John. Poetical Works. Moore. Mollie E. Poems. Motherwell, William. Poetical Works. 74 - Mulock, Dinah. Poems, New and Old. Pollock. Course of Time. Rostand, Edmond* Cyrano de Bergerac. Shakespeare, William* Complete Works. Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Complete Works. Scott, Sir Walter. Poems. Shepperson, William. Harp of Milan. Tennyson, Alfred. Complete Poems. Idylls of the King. Locksley Hall. Warner. Beverly E. English History in Shakespeare’s Plays. Wilcox, Ella Wheeler. Maurine. Wordsworth, William. Complete Poetical Works. IReference. Adeline, Jules. Art Dictionary. Allibone, Thomas. Dictionary of Authors. Arnold, Thomas. The Catholic Dictionar} 7 . — 75 — Austin, O. P. Colonial Systems of the World. Brande, W. T. Encyclopedia of Science, Literature and Art. Balch. Handbook. Brittanica Encyclopedia. 25 volumes, Chambers, Robert. Cyclopaedia of English Literature. Chambers, Robert. Dictionary of Poetical Quotations. Crane, and Co. Universal Atlas. Delafield, Col., U. S. A.—Gov. Report. The Art of War in Europe in 1854- 55-56. Dorsey, James Owen.—Gov. Report. Ethnology ; The Cegiha Language. Ford, Worthington C.—Gov. Report. The Foreign Commerce and Navi¬ gation of the United States. Foster, L. L.—Gov. Report. Texas Agricultural Report 1889-1890. Hill. Manual of Business and Social Forms. Kennedy, Joseph C.—Gov. Report. Of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. 1892. Lippincott's. Pronouncing G azetteer of the World Kerr, W. C.— Gov. Report. The Cotton Production of North Carolina in 1849-50. Meredith, William.—Gov. Report. Commerce and Navigation. — 76 — Moore, E. K., Lieut. Com.— Gov. Report. Alaska. Newcomb, Simon. Astronomical Papers. Reference. Catalogue of Fundamental Stars. Powell, J. W.—Gov. Report. Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. Rand & McNally. Encyclopaedia and Gazetteer. Riggs, Stephen Return.—Gov. Report. Dakota Grammar Texts, and Ethnography. Report of Secretary of Agriculture. 1896. Report of Commissioner of Agriculture. 1886. Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, Fifty-fourth Congress. Report of Commissioner of Agriculture. 1881-1882. Report of Secretary of Commerce and Navigation. 1864. Report of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries 1892. Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture 1871. Report of the United States Civil Service Commissioner 1893-1894. Smith, William. Dictionary of the Bible. United States Documents 1898-1899. Message and Documents. Walker, Francis A.—Gov. Report. Statistics of the Wealth and In¬ dustry of the U. S. 1870. Webster, Noah. Webster’s International Dictionary 77 — IReligton anb philosophy. Bagshawe, Rev. John F. The Threshold of the Catholic Church. Boardman. • Higher Life. Bossuet, Rev. J. B. Exposition of the Doctrines of the Catholic Church. Brann, Henry A. Curious Questions. Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress. Burke, Edmund. Philosophical Inquiry. Bushnell, Horace. Character of Jesus. Butler, Joseph. The Analogy of Religion. Catholic Pub. Co. My Clerical Friends. Chatard, Rev. F. S. Occasional Essays. C. O. G. Into the Light. Combe. Constitution of Man. Christian Press Ass. Iugersoll, Beecher and Dogma. Dodge, Rev. E. Lamp of the Sanctuary. Evidences of Christianity. Drummond, Henry. The Ascent of Man. 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