ERGIKEERIHG IB*** LIBRA R.Y OF THE U N IVLRSITY Of 1LLI NOIS G28 lJL65c ENGINEERING cotf . ROOH ENG!: The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library L161— O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 t- CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDIES SANITARY ENGINEERING SERIES NO. 28 THE STIMULATORY EFFECTS OF CATTLE RUMEN LIQUOR AND DIGESTED SLUDGE SUPERNATANT ON THE METHANE FERMENTATION By V. KOTHANDARAMAN Supported by DIVISION OF WATER SUPPLY AND POLLUTION CONTROL U. S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE RESEARCH PROJECT WP-00394 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS JUNE, 1965 THE STIMULATORY EFFECTS OF CATTLE RUMEN LIQUOR AND DIGESTED SLUDGE SUPERNATANT ON THE METHANE FERMENTATION by V . Kothanda raman Supported by Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control U.S. Public Health Service Research Project WP-000394 ENGINEERING LIBIMT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge with sincere gratitude the valuable advice and encouragement of Dr. R. E„ Speece, who suggested this problem and under whose able guidance the investi- gation was carried out. The author is also thankful to Dr. R. S. Engelbrecht, and to all colleagues and personnel of the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, who helped during the performance of the investigation. This research was supported by research grant WP-0039^ from the Division of Water Supply and Pollution Control of the United States Public Health Service and was carried out in the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory of the University of Illinois. I I I ABSTRACT THE STIMULATORY EFFECTS OF CATTLE RUMEN LIQUOR AND DIGESTED SLUDGE SUPERNATANT ON THE METHANE FERMENTATION In the effective utilization of low molecular weight fatty acids in anaerobic digestion, the most significant environmental factor deter- mined was the need of methane organisms for some trace nutrients. These requirements were found to be met by the addition of municipal digested sludge supernatant to assay digesters. Also, the cattle rumen liquor which abounds in anaerobic microbial population notably Anaerob ic lacto - bacter ia , Methanobacter ium ruminantium , etc., supplements the needs of bacteria with unknown nutritional requirements. The purpose of this study was, to isolate the fraction in the digested sludge supernatant causing stimulation, to verify the adaptability of the rumen liquor anaerobic or- ganisms and to verify the effect of the growth factors in rumen liquor on the anaerobic digestion of volatile fatty acids. Activated carbon adsorption, solvent extraction, cation and anion exchange, acid hydrolysis, ashing, and dialysis were the fractionation procedures used either alone or in combination to more clearly identify the stimulatory factor or factors. From this study it was found that the addition of rumen liquor by an amount more than 20 per cent of the di- gester contents inhibited methane fermentation due to volatile acid toxicity. Addition of lesser quantities than 20 per cent had no beneficial effect on the digestion. Addition of increased quantities of centrifuged and evaporated digested sludge supernatant caused rapid deterioration in the anaerobic digestion. It was also found that most of the fractions added lowered the activity of methane bacteria and the remaining fractions I V had very little or no beneficial effect though the corresponding quantity of centrifuged supernatant caused stimulation. The ionic species of the dialysable inorganics in the supernatant at pH 7-0 were found to inhibit appreciably the volatile acid utilization by anaerobic bacteria. One or several of the biochemical metabolic control mechanisms namely negative feed back, enzyme repression, etc., were believed to be responsible for the reduced activity of the assay digesters upon the addition of fractions which caused a change in physical and chemical environmental conditions within the assay digester. TABLE OF CONTENTS page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i i ABSTRACT i i i LIST OF TABLES vi i LIST OF FIGURES ix I. INTRODUCTION 1 PURPOSE OF STUDY 3 II. LITERATURE REVIEW 5 III. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE 11 EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT 11 INITIATION OF DIGESTERS 11 GAS MEASUREMENT AND EXPULSION OF DIGESTER SAMPLE 12 VOLATILE ACID DETERMINATION 12 FEEDING 13 FRACTIONATION PROCEDURE 15 Centr i f uged Supernatant 15 Supernatant Filtered Through Activated Carbon 15 Recovery of Organics Adsorbed on Activated Carbon 15 Deionized Fraction of Supernatant 16 Dialysis of Supernatant 17 Solvent Extraction 17 Acid Hydrolysis of Supernatant 18 IV, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 19 V. CONCLUSIONS 59 V I page VI. REFERENCES 60 APPENDIX A TABLES OF DATA FOR VOLATILE ACID UTILIZATION AND GAS PRODUCTION FOR DIGESTERS IN FIGURES 1 TO k2 62 APPENDIX B EFFECT OF ALTERING THE PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL EQUILIBRIUM IN ANAEROBIC DIGESTION 77 APPENDIX C FREE AMINO ACIDS IN DIGESTED SLUDGE SUPERNATANT 83 V I I LIST OF TABLES Table page 1 FEED SOLUTION "A" 13 2 FEED SOLUTION "B" 13 3 FEED SOLUTION "C" 14 4 FEED SOLUTION "D" 14 A VOLATILE ACID UTILIZATION RATES AND GAS PRODUCTION 63 DATA FOR FIGURE 1 63 DATA FOR FIGURE 2 63 DATA FOR FIGURE 3 63 DATA FOR FIGURE 4 64 DATA FOR FIGURE 5 64 DATA FOR FIGURE 6 64 DATA FOR FIGURE 7 65 DATA FOR FIGURE 8 65 DATA FOR FIGURE 9 65 DATA FOR FIGURE 10 66 DATA FOR FIGURE 1 1 66 DATA FOR FIGURE 12 66 DATA FOR FIGURE 13 67 DATA FOR FIGURE 14 67 DATA FOR FIGURE 15 67 DATA FOR FIGURE 16 68 DATA FOR FIGURE 17 68 DATA FOR FIGURE 18 68 DATA FOR FIGURE 19 69 V I I I Table page A (Continued) DATA FOR FIGURE 20 69 DATA FOR FIGURE 21 69 DATA FOR FIGURE 22 70 DATA FOR FIGURE 23 70 DATA FOR FIGURE 2k JO DATA FOR FIGURE 25 71 DATA FOR FIGURE 26 71 DATA FOR FIGURE 27 71 DATA FOR FIGURE 28 72 DATA FOR FIGURE 29 72 DATA. FOR FIGURE 30 72 DATA FOR FIGURE 31 73 DATA FOR FIGURE 32 73 DATA FOR FIGURE 33 73 DATA FOR FIGURE 3k Ik DATA FOR FIGURE 35 7k DATA FOR FIGURE 36 Ik DATA FOR FIGURE 37 75 DATA FOR FIGURE 38 75 DATA FOR FIGURE 39 75 DATA FOR FIGURE kO 76 DATA FOR FIGURE k] 76 DATA FOR FIGURE k2 76 C R VALUES OF AMINO ACIDS 88 IX LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 CONTROL DIGESTER FOR COMPARING PERFORMANCES OF DIGESTERS IN FIGURES 2 TO 10 21 2 EFFECT OF ADDING ASH OBTAINED FROM 1.7 LITERS CENTRIFUGED AND CARBON FILTERED SUPERNATANT 21 3 EFFECT OF ADDING ASH OBTAINED FROM 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 22 k EFFECT OF ADDING ASH OBTAINED FROM DIALYSIS TUBE CONTENTS AFTER DIALYSIS OF 1 . 7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 22 5 EFFECT OF ADDING DIALYSIS TUBE CONTENTS AFTER DIALYSIS OF 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 23 6 EFFECT OF ADDING 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED AND DEIONISED SUPERNATANT 23 7 EFFECT OF ADDING DIALYSED AND CARBON FILTERED FRACTION OBTAINED FROM 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRI- FUGED SUPERNATANT 2k 8 EFFECT OF ADDING DIALYSED AND DEIONISED FRACTION OBTAINED FROM 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 2k 9 EFFECT OF ADDING CARBON FILTERED AND DEIONISED FRACTION OBTAINED FROM 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRI- FUGED SUPERNATANT 25 10 EFFECT OF ADDING CARBON FILTERED FRACTION OF 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 25 11 CONTROL DIGESTER FOR COMPARING PERFORMANCE OF DIGESTER IN FIGURE 12 26 12 EFFECT OF ADDING 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 26 13 CONTROL DIGESTER FOR COMPARING PERFORMANCES OF DIGESTERS IN FIGURES }k, 15 AND 32 27 }k EFFECT OF ADDING 4.0 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 27 F i gure Page 15 EFFECT OF ADDING 6.0 LITERS OF CENTFUFUGED SUPERNATANT 28 16 CONTROL DIGESTER FOR COMPARING PERFORMANCES OF DIGESTERS IN FIGURES 1 7 TO 25 AND 34 28 17 EFFECT OF ADDING BUTANOL SOLUBLE FRACTION OB- TAINED FROM 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 38 18 EFFECT OF ADDING BUTANOL INSOLUBLE FRACTION OB- TAINED FROM 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 38 19 EFFECT OF ADDING PETROLEUM ETHER SOLUBLE FRACTION OBTAINED FROM 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 39 20 EFFECT OF ADDING PETROLEUM ETHER INSOLUBLE FRACTION OBTAINED FROM 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 39 21 EFFECT OF ADDING DIALYSABLE FRACTION OBTAINED FROM 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT 40 22 EFFECT OF ADDING THE FRACTION OBTAINED BY PASSING 1 7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT THROUGH ANION EXCHANGER 40 23 EFFECT OF ADDING 89O ml OF SETTLED SUPERNATANT 41 24 EFFECT OF ADDING THE FRACTION OBTAINED BY PASSING 1.7 LITERS OF CENTRIFUGED SUPERNATANT THROUGH CATION EXCHANGER 41 25 EFFECT OF ADDING 1 50 ml OF RUMEN FLUID 46 26 CONTROL DIGESTER FOR COMPARING PERFORMANCES OF DIGESTERS IN FIGURES 27 TO 31 46 27 EFFECT OF ADDING 1.0 LITER RUMEN FLUID 47 28 EFFECT OF ADDING 1.0 LITER CENTRIFUGED RUMEN FLUID 47 29 EFFECT OF ADDING 1.0 LITER CENTRIFUGED AND DE- IONISED RUMEN FLUID 48 30 EFFECT OF ADDING CENTRIFUGED AND CARBON FILTERED FRACTION OBTAINED FROM 1.0 LITER OF RUMEN FLUID 48 31 EFFECT OF ADDING SOLIDS OBTAINED BY CENTRIFUGING 1 .0 LITER RUMEN FLUID 49 XI Figure Page 32 EFFECT OF ADDING 25 ml RUMEN FLUID kS 33 EFFECT OF ADDING DEIONISED ACID HYDROLYSATE OBTAINED FROM 0.5 LITER OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE 51 3k EFFECT OF ADDING 200 ml RUMEN FLUID 51 35 EFFECT OF ADDING ETHER SOLUBLE FRACTION OB- TAINED FROM 1.0 LITER OF SUPERNATANT AT pH 1.0 52 36 EFFECT OF ADDING ETHER INSOLUBLE FRACTION OB- TAINED ^ROM 1.0 LITER OF SUPERNATANT AT pH 1.0 52 37 EFFECT OF ADDING NEUTRALISED HYDROLYSATE OB- TAINED BY ACID HYDROLYSIS OF 0.5 LITER OF ACTIVATED SLUDGE 53 38 EFFECT OF ADDING DEIONISED ACID HYDROLYSATE OBTAINED FROM 0.5 LITER OF SUPERNATANT 53 39 EFFECT OF ADDING NEUTRALISED AND DEIONISED HYDROLYSATE OBTAINED FROM THE ACID HYDROLYSIS OF 0.5 LITER OF SUPERNATANT 5^ UO CONTROL DIGESTER FOR COMPARING PERFORMANCES OF DIGESTERS IN FIGURES 33 s AND 35 TO 39 5^ M EFFECT OF 100 PER CENT DILUTION WITH MAKE UP SOLUTIONS AND WATER 79 U2 EFFECT OF HIGHER NITROGEN CONCENTRATION IN DIGESTER ATMOSPHERE 80 I. INTRODUCTION The processes employed in primary treatment of waste waters are designed to separate a portion of the suspended particulate materials from colloidal and dissolved matter. In secondary treatment processes, the colloidal and dissolved substances are converted microbial ly into sus- pended matter which are subsequently separated by gravity sedimentation. The solids separated, which constitute a major fraction of the BOD in the waste handled, require additional treatment. In many treatment works the solids are decomposed by a heterogeneous anaerobic microbial population in a sludge digestion tank. The anaerobic digestion of complex organic wastes is commonly considered to go through two basic phases: liquefaction and gasification (5, 8, 18). During the liquefaction stage, also known as the acid fermenta- tion stage, the organic materials, contained mostly in the solid fraction of the sludge, are slowly hydrolyzed and brought into solution by saprophytic organisms, designated as acid formers, through extra cellular enzymes, Under normal conditions of digester operation, the insoluble organic matter is broken down into volatile, low molecular weight organic acids and carbon dioxide. During the subsequent gasifaction stage, the volatile acids pro- duced in the liquefaction stage are decomposed into carbon dioxide, and methane by a second group of bacteria which are commonly termed methane formers . As a result of the activity of methane formers, the quantity of organic matter actually in solution, in a well operating digester, normally remains low. There is, however, a build up of certain salts in solution such as ammonium, calcium, and magnesium bicarbonates resulting from the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These constitute the natural buffers, which enable the maintenance of a favorable pH range of 6.5 to 7.4 in the digester all the time. The bacteria responsible for the stabilization of sludge re- quire a source of carbon, energy, nitrogen, inorganic nutrients, and growth factors as well as proper physical and chemical environments. The major constituents of domestic sewage are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and other organic compounds which are decomposed during anaerobic digestion. Such wastes provide a nutritionally well balanced environment, energy and organic growth requirements for the anaerobic microorganisms. In the case of specific industrial wastes, it may be necessary to supplement the es- sential nutrients. When unbalanced digestion conditions exist, the methane pro- ducing organisms cannot remove the volatile acids as quickly as they are formed and consequently an increase in the volatile acids concentration results. This increase can take place in a few days and lower the pH of the digester contents significantly. It has been demonstrated that under adverse conditions, the most prevalent species of volatile acids in solution are acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acid (14, 22). This indicates that the organisms responsible for the degradation of these compounds are perhaps the most sensitive to environmental changes, and so are largely responsible for the digester upsets. The end products resulting from the biochemical reactions in- volved in the degradation of organic wastes are primarily carbon dioxide and methane. Small amounts of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, and nitrogen are also evolved. Therefore, the process continually gasifies the organic wastes, provided a favorable environment is maintained for the micro- organisms responsible for the transformation. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY Although anaerobic digestion has become widely adopted, relatively little is known about the metabolic processes which occur, and the re- lationships between many factors which affect its efficiency. Since most of the biologically degradable organic matter in the digester is eventually converted to methane and carbon dioxide by methane bacteria, the activity of this group of bacteria can govern the overall performance of the digester. A knowledge of the specific factors which stimulate the activity of methane bacteria would prove to be of great help in process design, especially in the treatment of industrial wastes, and in the daily maintenance of digesters treating domestic wastes. Earlier studies in the identification of stimulants for methane bacteria had revealed the potentiality of the domestic digested sludge supernatant, as a stimulant in the anaerobic degradation of low molecular weight fatty acids, e.g. acetic, propionic, and butyric acids. Thus, the primary purpose of this study was to identify that fraction in the digested sludge supernatant which was responsible for the stimulation of volatile acids utilization. Various fractionation procedures, e.g. solvent extraction, activated carbon adsorption, acid hydrolysis, dialysis, ionic separation, etc., were used either alone or in combinations. A study of the presence of free amino acids in the digested sludge supernatant was also carried out by two dimensional paper chromatography. The stimulatory potential of cattle rumen liquor was also investigated, using these same fractionation procedures All variables, other than the different fractionated additives to the digesters were controlled by maintaining similar conditions in the digesters. Comparisons of the digestion rates were made by determining the amount of substrate utilized per day and the amount of gas produced each day . II. LITERATURE REVIEW In the past, raw sewage sludges were employed as substrate in most laboratory studies (k, 5, 14). Such sludges permit satisfactory performance of both groups of microorganisms, as long as the environment is optimum. However, several investigators (18, 23, 2k) have attempted to use nutritionally balanced synthetic substrates. These often resulted in unsuccessful degradation of the organics fed. Apparently there was some critical material that was not present in the feed used. Stander (26) in a study of the digestion of winery and compressed yeast wastes found that, the maintenance of a specially prepared inoculum and the practice of re inocu lat ion with this inoculum as an integral part of the process, greatly enhanced the efficiency of purification of the fermenta- tion effluents. This was hypothesized to be because the waste liquors were usually sterile or contained the specific organisms of the manufacturing process and therefore received no fresh supply of the bacteria necessary for the anaerobic digestion. In these investigations, satisfactory digestion was maintained, not by reducing the rates of feed as soon as the volatile acids concentrations increased, but rather by the addition of an inoculum to remedy the state of bacterial unbalance. It is reported by Pfeffer and White (2k) that Gulp was not able to obtain satisfactory digestion of dilute organic wastes when employing Metrecal or acetic acid as a synthetic substrate. With an initial seed of digested sludge, satisfactory digestion was obtained until the original seed was purged from the system. Then the gas production decreased and the volatile acids concentration began increasing. It was possible to re-establish good digestion by adding more digested sludge or dried super- natant sol ids . Also Neibel (23) found it necessary to use digested sludge super- natant to maintain satisfactory digestion of acetate. This was presumably because the growth medium usually contains extracts from the natural en- vironment of the organisms and assures the presence of the necessary nutri- ents for growth. Further it is reported by Speece and McCarty (25) that. Leary found the addition of small amounts of powdered Milorganite to a carbohydrate containing mash accelerated the fermentation rates. Reductions in fermenta- tion time of 10 to 20 per cent and higher yields were noted. McCarty and Vath (18) reported that the digestion of acetic acid could not proceed at high rates if only the normal inorganic nutrient salts were included in the feed. They observed that the digesters after attaining a maximum rate of acetic acid utilization of about 3 g/1 of digester capacity per day, dropped below 1 g/l/day on continued operations of the digesters under similar conditions as obtained in the earlier period. This led to their conclusion that some material contained in the seed sludge and re- quired for bacterial growth was depleted by continued operation. The addition of dried solids, obtained by evaporating one liter of digester supernatant obtained from a municipal sewage treatment plant, immediately increased the rate of utilization from about 500 mg/l/day to about 1^400 mg/l/day. They also obtained the phenomenal rate of acetate utilization and gas production of 21.9 g/l/day and over 100 liters of gas per day per 6 liters of digester contents respectively by the increased and continued additions of digester supernatant liquor solids at periodic intervals. These rates correspond to the destruction of organic wastes at unit rates of 1.37 lb organic matter/ (day) (cu ft) and over 16 cubic feet of gas per cubic foot of digester capacity per day. The acetic acid utilization rate began to drop when the addition of the solids was discontinued. In their attempt to determine the nature of material in the super- natant solids causing stimulation of the methane production, they found that the stimulant was soluble in boiling water and ethanol, but insoluble in petroleum ether. The stimulant was not found to be affected by autoclaving. They also noted that ashing of the solids at 600°C destroyed the stimulatory effect. Acid hydrolysis of the supernatant solids over a steam bath in 6 N hydrochloric acid for 2-j hours, destroyed all of the stimulatory effect. This led them to believe the stimulatory effect was due to complex proteins or other trace organic nutrients which are usually destroyed by acid hydrolysis The addition of several organics, known to be required in trace amounts by different anaerobic bacteria, namely tryptophan, methionine, thiamine, ribo- flavin, adenine, etc., gave no stimulation. From the beneficial effects of adding digester supernatant to the experimental digesters in the study of McCarty and Vath, (18) there appears to be no practical limit to the possible volatile acid fermentation rate when optimum environmental conditions, viz., physical, chemical, and nutritional, are maintained within the digesters. Probably the rates obtained in their study are beyond a practical limit for full scale operation since any slight decrease in the methane production rate at these high levels would result in a rapid increase in acid concentration in the digesters with a resultant drop in pH within a short time. Yet this has clearly demonstrated the ability of methane formers to degrade volatile acids at rates far higher than normally observed. 8 Barker (2) reported that the methane organisms appeared to require only inorganic nutrient salts and substrate for growth. However, several other workers (12, 18, 23,25) found in their studies with synthetic sewages, that inorganic nutrients alone were not sufficient to maintain high digestion rates and the need for some additional material was consistently noted. The beneficial addition of materials other than the digester supernatant solids has been indicated by others. Heukelekian and Heinemann (12) investigated methods for the enumeration of methane organisms and reported that more rapid growth occurred when yeast extract was added than when using inorganic nu- trients alone. Speece and McCarty (25) reported in their studies of acetate utilization by methane bacteria that inclusion of ferric chloride in the nutrient salts enabled digestion rates of 1 g/l/day continuously, without inclusion of any organic stimulants. Thus, the methane bacteria could maintain normal low digestion rates with only inorganic nutrients in the feed. They further observed that stimulation of the rates of acetate utili- zation by methane bacteria was found to be produced by many different pure compounds. Acetate utilization rates of 63OO mg/l/day were observed after the addition of iron, cobalt, thiamine, vitamin B._, glycine and proline. Pfeffer and White (2k) also demonstrated the stimulatory effect of iron in the fermentation of volatile acids and observed that the most effective digestion was obtained with the addition of iron in sufficient concentration to keep the soluble phosphates in the digesters below 50 mg/1 . Addition of aluminum and calcium to the digesters produced the same effect as iron Various claims have been made regarding the beneficial effects in anaerobic digestion by the addition of bacterial cultures and b iocata lysts . (A biocatalyst is a substance that activates or stimulates a biochemical reaction). Foremost among biocatalysts are the enzymes that are produced by bacteria to break down complex substances into forms that are available for energy and synthesis of protoplasm. Heukelekian and Berger (ll) and McKinney (20) have discussed the theoretical and practical considerations which are expected to result from the addition of pure bacterial cultures and specific enzymes, as well as those resulting from commercial preparations. Heukelekian and Berger (]]) found that the addition of enzymes and bacterial preparations did not increase the liquefaction of non-sterile fresh sewage solids as measured by the BOD of the supernatant liquor. McKinney discussed some of the theoretical aspects of the biochemistry of anaerobic digestion with the specific purpose of evaluating the addition of hydrolytic enzymes and concluded that if the plant design is such that the biological system can function properly, maximum efficiency could be attained without the addition of organic catalysts. Sufficient enzymes are produced during the digestion of domestic wastes, so that the addition of different enzymes does not increase the ef- ficiency of the process. This was also the conclusion of a special committee on enzymes and biocatalysts of the California Sewage and Industrial Waste Association ( 1 9) . But the beneficial effects of these additives in industrial waste treatments were not altogether ruled out. The work of McCarty and Vath and several others (18, 23, 27) have clearly established the stimulatory effect of the addition of digester supernatant solids. The identification of that fraction in the digester supernatant which enables the fermentation of acetic and other low molecular weight fatty acids will greatly aid our knowledge of the biochemistry of methane bacteria. Also, the addition of such fractions may help increase the possible rates of digestion, and thus enhance the process efficiency, particularly in the case of industrial waste treatment units. In summarizing the effects of various additives designed to promote the activity of methane fermenting organisms, it is worthwhile quoting the remarks of Helmers et a]_. (lO) on nutritional requirements in the biological stabilization of industrial wastes. "A property of several important industrial wastes which limits the amount that can be treated successfully in combination with domestic sewage is a deficiency of certain nutritional elements essential for bacterial growth notably nitrogen and phosphorous. "Because of the highly variable conditions that must be met by waste treatment plants and the differences in the degree of control these plants have over treatment process variables, the critical BOD loading or critical nutritional requirement will vary from plant to plant., even though they may be treating the same waste. Thus, the critical requirements may be equal to maximum requirements in some instances and they may be somewhat less than the maximum requirements in others. In any event, no advantage is to be gained by supplying nitrogen or phosphorous in excess of sludge growth requirements." 11 III. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES EXPERIMENTAL EQUIPMENT One liter narrow mouth pyrex bottles fitted with three holed rubber stoppers and glass tubings served as the digester units in this study. These were connected to gas collection tubes which were in turn connected through a manifold of tygon tubing to two 20 liter reservoirs containing a saturated sodium chloride solution acidified with 15 per cent sulfuric acid. These reservoirs were connected through a pressure reducing valve to the compressed air delivery line. With the manipulation of a three way control valve inter- posed between the reservoirs and the pressure reducing valve, pressure of about 3 feet of water could be maintained in the reservoir and consequently within the digesters. By applying pressure to the reservoir, gas or liquid could be expelled from the digesters. Releasing the pressure caused a vacuum of about two to three feet of water within the digesters, which facilitated the da i ly feed i ng . These digesters were kept in an incubation room in which a tempera- ture of 35.0°C — 1.0°C was maintained, except during periods pertaining to the experimental run for which the data are presented in Figures 26 to 31 when marked daily temperature variations were noted. The contents were kept continuously mixed by placing the digesters in a shaking rack. INITIATION OF DIGESTERS The effects of the fractions added were studied with digesters started with initial seed obtained from the primary sludge digester of the Urbana -Champa ign sewage treatment plant. The experimental digesters were purged of air with nitrogen by water displacement method, after which 750 ml seed was transferred anaerob i ca 1 ly to each digester and the contents were flushed again with nitrogen for five minutes to expel any trace of oxygen in the digesters. All the experimental digesters were operated on a 15-day hydraulic detention time. GAS MEASUREMENT AND EXPULSION OF DIGESTER SAMPLE Before withdrawing samples for analysis, gas production volumes at atmospheric pressure were recorded. After placing the system under pressure, the contents were thoroughly mixed manually, and samples of 50 ml were withdrawn in a graduated cylinder. Excess gas was then expelled and the system placed under vacuum. About two milliliters of the digester contents trapped in the sample delivery tubes were put back in the digester by gently opening the stop cock. This insured that the entire digester contents were kept continuously mixed and representative samples were withdrawn every time. VOLATILE ACIDS DETERMINATION The tentative distillation method as given in the 11th edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (26) was used throughout this study. The exceptions to the procedure were: the distillation was made with only 50 ml sample instead of 100 ml; the sample was not centri- fuged prior to the analysis for volatile acids; the titration of the dis- tillate was performed with 0.117 N sodium hydroxide instead of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide . Analysis for pH and alkalinity was carried out at intervals of three to four days on the samples, prior to the volatile acids determination, in order to monitor the chemical environment in the digester and to take corrective steps whenever found necessary. FEEDING The daily feed volume of 50 ml comprised the organic and in- organic feed solutions at concentrations indicated in Tables 1, 2, 3 and k, acetic acid and make up water consisting of 75 per cent distilled water and 25 per cent tap water. Since it is assumed that tap water contains most of the trace elements required for bacterial growth, it was blended with dis- tilled water. This practice helped to minimize the formation of sulfides i n the d i gesters . TABLE 1 FEED SOLUTION "A" NH^HCO 1 .32 g/1 KHCO 1 .00 g/1 NaHCO 1 .67 g/1 (NH /+ ) 2 HP0 z+ 50.00 mg/1 NH^MO £2+ 30.00 mg/1 TABLE 2 FEED SOLUTION "B" CaCl 2 1 Ml g/1 MgCl 2 6H 2 1 .02 g/1 MnCl 2 4H 2 9.00 mg/1 CoCl 2 0.25 mg/1 as cobalt AlCl 10.00 mg/1 \k TABLE 3 FEED SOLUTION "C" Thiamine 10.00 mg/1 Prol ine 10.00 mg/1 Glycine 20.00 mg/1 Benz imidazole 10.00 mg/1 TABLE k FEED SOLUTION "D" FeCl« 4H 2 71 .20 mg/1 The amount of acetic acid included in the feed to each digester was determined by the volatile acid concentration in that digester. The quantity was calculated from the volatile acid analysis. An example of this calculation is given below. a = Volatile acids remaining on the previous day. b = Quantity of acetic acid fed on the previous day. c = Quantity of acetic acid remaining at the end of the day. a + b - c = Quantity of acetic acid used during the day. Throughout the experiments, the concentration of volatile acids remaining at the end of each day was maintained between 500 mg/1 and 1700 mg/1. When the amount of acetic acid to be fed was high, it was added in two or three stages during the day. This intermittent feeding and the main- tenance of an excess acetic acid eliminated the danger of overtaxing the alkalinity in the digester and minimized the variation in utilization rate due to substrate concentration. FRACTIONATION PROCEDURES Centr i fuqed Supernatant The digester supernatant used in this study was obtained from the Urbana -Champa i gn sewage treatment plant secondary digesters, in batches of 20 liters and stored at room temperature. The supernatant was centrifuged in Servall superspeed centrifuge at 12,100 x G for ten minutes and the clarified supernatant was used for further fractionations, discarding the solids. Two liters of the supernatant was found to yield 1.7 liters of clarified super- natant on centr i fuging. In order to study the effect of the centrifuged supernatant before being subjected to further fractionations, 1.7 liters of the clarified supernatant representing two liters of plant supernatant was evaporated over a steam bath to a volume of about 25 to 50 ml and added to the experimental digester. Supernatant Filtered Through Activated Carbon A volume of 1.7 liters of centrifuged supernatant was allowed to flow by gravity through a column containing 700 ml of activated carbon, 30 mesh size, at a rate of 75 ml per hour so as to allow ample time for the adsorption of organics in the supernatant on the activated carbon. At the outlet of the column, a syphon connection was provided to avoid short cir- cuiting of the supernatant within the column. The filtrate was evaporated to about 25 to 50 ml over a steam bath and was added to the experimental d igester . Recovery of Organics Adsorbed on Activated Carbon The organics adsorbed on the carbon column were recovered using chloroform in a Soxhlet apparatus. A minimum of three passes of chloroform through the activated carbon held in the cylinder of the Soxhlet apparatus 16 were insured in order to completely desorb the organics from the activated ca rbon , The chloroform was then separated in a distillation apparatus. When the contents of the distillation flask were about 20 to 25 ml, the distillation was stopped and the contents were transferred to a beaker. The distillation flask was rinsed with 25 ml of distilled water which was then transferred to the beaker. This was to ensure the maximum recovery of the organics from chloroform. The beaker with the organics recovered and traces of chloroform was heated in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes and at the same time sub- jected to a vacuum of about 20 inches of mercury. This ensured the complete removal of the chloroform. The organics which remained suspended in water were refrigerated for subsequent addition to the experimental digester. Deionized Fraction of Supernatant Ion exchange resins IR-4B RNH + 0H _ form, IRC-50 RC00~ H + form were used for partial deionization and Amberlite MB-3 mixed bed H and OH forms were used for total deionization. Columns of size k cm diameter and 27 cm long were used with glass wool plug. Fifty ml resin was mixed with an equal volume of deionized water and the resultant slurry was poured into the column in such a manner as to exclude air pockets from the settled resin. Then the resin column was again washed with 50 ml of deionized water. The excess water was drained off until the fluid surface just covered the top of the resin bed. The column was normally filled to two thirds the height with resin and the surface was covered with a layer of glass wool. After preparing the ion exchange column in the above manner, 1.7 liters of centrifuged supernatant was passed through the column at the rate 17 of 0.60 ml/hr/ml of resin. The effluent was either dried over steam bath and refrigerated for subsequent use, or subjected to additional fractionation procedures, evaporated and added to the experimental digesters. Dialysis of Supernatant A volume of 1.7 liters of centrifuged supernatant was evaporated to 50 ml over a steam bath. The evaporated supernatant was then placed in a bag made of cellophane whose pores measured less than a few millimicrons, according to Karlson (15), and served as a selective membrane permitting the passage of inorganic ions and organic coloring matters, but not proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and other macromolecu les „ The ends of the bag were tied with double knots and placed in two liters of distilled water which was continuously stirred with a magnetic stirrer. The contents of the bag were allowed to dialyse and to reach equilibrium with the distilled water over a period of 48 hours. The dialysed matter was then either evaporated over a steam bath or subjected to other fractionation procedures and evaporated as the case may be before being used. Solvent Extraction The stimulatory effects of butanol and petroleum ether soluble fractions in centrifuged supernatant were studied. A volume of 1.7 liters of centrifuged supernatant was added to an equal volume of solvent in a four liter bottle, and tightly stoppered, and shaken for 48 hours during which time the two liquid phases reached equilibrium. The solvent was then separated from the supernatant using a separator/ funnel and the organic fraction was recovered from the solvent by distillation. The solvent in the fractionated organics were removed by vacuum distillation. 18 Acid Hydrolysis of Supernatant The pH of two liters of plant supernatant was brought to 1.0, using 6 N hydrochloric acid and was allowed to hydrolyze over steam bath for 2k hours. The hydrolyzed matter was resuspended in distilled water, stirred thoroughly and centrifuged to remove the inert fraction. The super- natant was then deionized, evaporated and added to the digesters. 19 IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the study of McCarty and Vath (18) led them to con- clude that the ability of methane organisms to ferment volatile acids at high rates is limited only when proper environmental conditions for growth are not maintained Also, a very favorable environment is created in the digester by the addition of digested sludge supernatant. It was found in this present study that the digested sludge supernatant obtained from the Urbana -Champa i gn Sanitary District, and the fractions derived from it, failed to produce ap- preciable stimulation of the methane fermentation of low molecular weight fatty acids. Figure 1 shows the utilization rates of propionic acid in mg/l/day and the gas produced in ml/l/day for a control digester started with 100 per cent active seed obtained from the primary digester of the Urbana -Champa i gn Sanitary District, Before mixing was started, the utilization rate remained at an average value of 1100 mg/l/day and increased to a maximum value of 2460 mg/l/day when the shaker was in operation. There was a corresponding increase in gas production also. The digester, after being operated for a period of fifteen days, with only the organic and inorganic nutrients shown in Tables 1, 2, 3 and k and make up water used, to dilute it to the initial volume after wasting 50 ml daily for the purposes of analysis and to maintain a hydraulic and solids detention time of 15 days, started showing a decreasing trend in the rate of utilization. This trend clearly demonstrates that some factor initially present in the seed sludge became limiting in the metabolic transformation of propionic acid into carbon dioxide and methane, as the initial digester con- tents were wasted daily. Apparently this factor was not being supplemented 20 LEGEND Volatile Acid Utilized mg/l/day Volatile Acid in the Digester mg/ Gas ml /l /day SUBSTRATE USED Figures 1 to 12 and 26 to 31 -- Propionic Acid Figures 13 to 25 and 32 to hi — Acetic Acid 21 o CM T3 0) L. (0 cn c is o i_ c o u i_ o cn a: LA Ifl J. • LU — or s: i- o ~i Q Z LU O Z CO •■H OS < < CO O Q z X < < Q CD CJJ — t-H U. o *-, o o: < H- H Ll_ LU < O O I— < I- 00 Z LU LU LU U_ I- Q- U.H3 LU — I 00 — LA CM LU a: O Z ctr < o h- ac — z a: o o o _|LA U U. H LU a: C5 22 o - or _J LU OS id O CO Q Ll 1 0" Q LT z LU LU 1 1 — 1 h" CJ >- • LU _i ■ — U_ < u. t~t L'_ LU O -3- LlJ Aep/[/iiu paonpoJd se^ o o o o o LA CM O O O CM O o LA O O O O O LA Aep/i/6w pszi[un PPV ©lUeioA T 23 P •o 0) l_ flj 4-> cn c -o "O fD C o u D cn 0) a) a: — la Q ± 1 O < 1/5 < a: z LU CC H LU •— < Q- —i r> to • o — UJ M CD I— i ,-, 2 z O t-i O — Q t-H O LiJ < Q U_ Q O Z H < O O LU LU Ll_ O A Ll D LU U. vO LU O Aep/i/iiu psonpoJcj seo o o o o o LPi CM o o o CM o o la o o o o o LA Aep/[/6m pszimn PPV »1!} LU o: Q UJ O i— < z _J - X. ^r -J o ►— i Ll o Ll 1- »— 1 t— i c_> y- or UJ CJ h- Ll < z in Li. cr LU UJ u_ C_J CO UJ CC o (M Of- 00 • cc — H- < Z. os: < o (- o or < z u_ z < CL. LT\ Q LU i — Q LU 0- LU Z n t/5 •— i LO >-& _iK o l/t 2g LU >» 'J m o _D o z. u_ o o 1— 1 z •- , o: t-< I— f- o o o z i — C>< LU u 3 on w. _L Aep/|/iui paonpojj sea ± lu ai a: \- lu -z. (- LU _i o •z. O co or uj «a < I- * « ""t 3 z. r^-< i— i • h- o — < ~ Q 2 < u_ CC O LU U_ D. o z r) O t— Q LU O LU Ll_ < CD Lu CCT ZD LU Ll. Ll. LU O Q O O m o o LA CM o o o o o Lf\ o o o o o LA Aep/i/6iu pazjijin PPV 8 l!^ e l°A T Aep/(/iw psonpoJd seQ o o o O O O o o O o LA O O o o o Aep/i/6tu pazj|j5n P! 3 V sin e l°A T o a. u. o z t_> 1— 1 a: a: o LU (/■> U_ 1- >■ co (Q Qi LU O LU O f- t—t o UJ Q CJ3 Ll t— i O Q LU .J <_> O Z a: ^ zr. oc o o o u. LA LU O 27 1 1 1 1 1 *D V 4-> u ^— m *-> o i^ 4J c CT o " C o X l_ ■o o aE T3 »*- CO C o re 13 1 Fracti If en 1Z • I I ' o t—t CM cc y- z LU U- O co LA cc LU 1- (—1 _J (/) >• o ro • o -d- h- C3 z z - O h- CO L_ CO Q LU a: o UJ f— 1 o f- Q ■ — CO UJ U- CD O F— t Q CO CM UJ C~< _J C_J o z ci or < z z a: o O LA LA Uk.'- UJ cc CJJ t— I U. 28 Aep/i/[iu paonpojd sea o o o m o o LA CM O o o CM o o LA O O O O O LA O Aep/l/6w pazj inn P PV 31 UeioA 1 1 1 1 1 -o 4J Mixing r -o c e 13 for con 1 o o flj L. Ll- efer Figur 1 i 1 1 1 cc o to QC LA LU — 1- *- 1- -i Z < i/l O I— >• • < f0 v£> Z O LU Z O- O < on Q LU Li_ CD O Z2 Ll_ H- 1-1 <_) Q£ LU I- U_ Z U_ LU LU (-> LA LU Z> -o c o 2 Refer Figur 1 Li_ 1 1 1 1 • o Ll. CM LU o -J CO co cn 3 LU _j 1- o >—. to _J z ►—I r^ LC\ _J __ i — o h- z 3: z < o < 1- o: h- (/I 3 U- < > m z O Q < CO »— O l- < 00 Q O LU U_ CD o Z => o u. 1- 1-t l-» c_> h- cc LU o K U- < z LU Li. O 00 0£ Aep/i/[W psonpojd seg o o o o o lt\ CM o o o CM O O LA o o o o o LA Aep/[/6w pazi i nn PPV 3 l Rei°A 1 .1 1 1 * - -o Refer 1 • • • » i CO LU CC —I LU CO J— -=> t-l _J _1 o LA U1 N < O < P CC P 3 u. < co z q or (J LU LU z z o. I— I I— I 33 Q < CO Q I— < CO Q O LU Ll. O O Z =5 o u. u I- a: WUh u. <■ z Ll. Cd LU LT\ LU U_ <_> LU CC 39 1 1 1 1 "-- 1 mtrol u _ s u 1_ o -a a> "D "O c o F i gu re 1 - Fracti V Refer 1 1 1 1 • 1 o CM CC 3: z LU o < I cc y- l- u. < LU z o a: i r\ z: LU LU 3 Z O- UJ >-* r> _l O U. o »— I t— I z \- cc >-t o 1- o Q < OC LU U. O U. LU U_ o — 1 O co 1- 3 CO CJ _J a: LU O LU U. co H- — LA O CM LU a: 13 Aep/[/iuj paonpoJd seo o o o fA o o LA CM O o o csl O O LA O o o o o LA Aep/[/6uj pazi I 13D PPV 3U3e[OA 1 l 1 i 1 4 •e 16 for control 1 - Fraction added V Refer Figur 1 • • " 1 o CM CC — Z LU < :r s: t- h- o < LU CC Z LA X u. cc LU ZD Q Q- LU LU 3 _! z: to O »— « cc < Q Q h- 1- LU LU QQ CJ C3 O 3 U. z »-i Z o a: o h— 1 •-< h- O l- z o O LU < 2" L_ u_ u. o o LU 1- _J CO o oq or LU r> lu U. -J V- LA LL. o *-* LU CO _l en lu O ifO 1 1 -a 1 1 1 O L. ■M C o o 1_ o \D -a •a fD c O 4-> O x LU 2 CD J- h- CD Q «-* => CD -J o 2 ct o I— i l-» X 1 — O • 1- Q •— < CD 2 U_ 2 < o co < 1— CO 2 CJ < a: LU D. LU LU- a. LL >- =3 LA LU CM CN LU CC r) CD CQ CO Aep/i/iai paonpoJd seg o o o pa o o LA CM O o o CM O O LA O O O O O LA Aep/[/6w paziu^n PPV sil^lOA 1 T T -a f— u_ o LL. o r- < co CO oc > LU _i |_ «/i » KH _j CD Q k^ r»» l— CD • -Z, 2 — < O »-i I— — O 2T < Q O 2 < cc cc u_ LU u_ a. o x> LU CO y- 2 O 1-4 Q LU z 00 U. < o »-l X a: o z f- X o Z LU »— 1 LU K O Z LA o O *— • h- H- C3 (D 1-1 3 a C3 -J o Z on l— i r~- x o O • H r— Q ~— < o z U. z < o co < H- CO 3 O < £* LU a. lu Li. a. L_ >- =3 LA LU ■J- CM LU CC CJ 0Q CO Aep/[/iui paonpojd seo o o o CA o o LA CM O o o CM O o LA o o o o o LA A ep/l/6iu pazi i !3f| PPV 31 !3eio/\ 1 1 1 1 1 16 for control 1 - Fraction added V Refer Figure 1 l 1 1 1 . I — LA Q LU LU CO o o >» 00 (0 Q CD — O o < H Z u. < O I- ni LU LU U_ Q_ Ll_ ZD —JLA LU CO OA CM LU o h2 digester contents rendering some essential factor unavailable for the methane bacteria or due to changes in physical and chemical equilibrium wi th i n the di gester . Figures 17 and 18 show the effects of adding butanol soluble and the butanol insoluble fractions. The control digester in Figure 16, after reaching a maximum rate of 1460 mg/l/day declined to a value of 970 mg/l/day on the fifteenth day after initiating the digester. The digester in Figure 17 touched a minimum value of 920 mg/l/day upon making the addition, but soon recovered to yield the highest value of 1 460 mg/l/day on the sixth day from the day of addition. The digester thereafter maintained a uniform -■ate of 1200 mg/l/day till the termination of the experimental run. Though the maximum rate did not exceed that of the control, the rate of utilization was comparable to that of the control except for a short period of accli- mation needed soon after making the addition. On the other hand, the addition of the butanol insoluble fraction appeared to be slightly beneficial There was no lag exhibited by the digester upon the addition of the insoluble fraction and the maximum rate obtained in this digester was 1510 mg/l/day. The addition of insoluble fraction showed greater utilization rates than the rates obtainable either with the control digester or with the addition of butanol soluble fraction. Hence it is to be concluded that a greater fraction of the stimulatory factors in the supernatant are insoluble in butanol. It is significant to note that the stimulatory character of the supernatant was not very much altered by its treatment with butanol which was not the case in other fractionation procedures used in this study, Figures 19 and 20 depict the effect of adding petroleum ether soluble and the petroleum ether insoluble fractions, It is recognized that simple lipids, steroids, gl ycerophosphat i des among fats except sph i ngo 1 i p i ds 43 are soluble in petroleum ether. Other polar substances like proteins, nucleic acids, etc., are insoluble in petroleum ether. By these additions, the effect of simple lipids and sterols present in the supernatant could be assessed. From Figure 19 it could be seen that the rate of utilization increased from a value of 7^0 mg/l/day to ]kk0 mg/l/day gradually in a period of ten days after the addition. However, the rate did not exceed that of the control. The addition of the ether insoluble fraction caused a rapid decrease in the rate from 1400 mg/l/day to 350 mg/l/day, before it begdn to recover again. This fraction exerted a marked inhibition on the methane fermentation, The digester could recover only after proper dilution or acclimation or due to other causes . Figure 21 shows the effect of adding the dialysable organic and inorganic fraction obtained from the centrifuged supernatant. The digester reached a maximum rate of 1 580 mg/l/day before making the addition. The rate continually decreased to a low value of 700 mg/l/day on the seventh day from the day of addition, after which the digester recovered. Referring to Figure 5, where dialysis tube contents were added to the di- gester, the rate of utilization was not far from that of the control. Hence it is to be concluded that the dialysable matter in the supernatant, probably inorganic in nature as could be deduced by comparing with the performances of the digesters in Figures 7 and 8, is responsible for the reduced activity in the methane bacteria. Figure 22 shows the effect of adding centrifuged supernatant passed through anion exchangers of OH form, in order to study the effect of anions present in the supernatant. The pH of the digester was 7-10 after the addition which was within the normal limits for digester oper- ations. There was no lag due to the addition indicating that the bacterial population readily adapted to the new environment. The rate of utilization reached a maximum value of 1590 mg/l/day on the fourteenth day from the day of addition and then started to decline. The control digester could reach a maximum of only 1460 mg/l/day and dropped to 970 mg/l/day on the fifteenth day from the initiation of the digesters. The assay digester not only showed a higher rate of utilization, but also sustained this trend for a longer period than the control, before starting to decline in utilization rate. As the stimulatory potential exhibited by this fraction is not far different from that shown by the whole centrifuged supernatant, the results are suggestive of the fact that the prevalent anions at pH 7-0 are not responsible for the stimulation and that there are factors other than the concentration of the stimulant, involved in controlling the kinetics of utilization of these stimulatory factors. If the concentration of the stimulants was only the controlling factor, the rate of utilization should shoot up to the maximum value soon after the lag period instead of showing a gradual increase. Figure 23 shows the effect of adding settled supernatant. This was added to study the effect of particulates which were otherwise eliminated in centri fugi ng. Though there was an immediate drop in the rate soon after the addition, the digester recovered after a lag of three days and showed continuously increasing rate of utilization attaining a maximum of 1670 mg/l/day before the termination of the run. The effect of the addition was to cause a higher rate of utilization in the assay digester and was to sustain this trend for a longer period than was possible in the control. Figure 2k depicts the effect of adding centrifuged supernatant passed through cation exchanger of H form. The pH of the digester was 7-0 after the addition. The rate of utilization increased from 1280 mg/l/day to 1 450 mg/l/day after the addition, but started decreasing from the third day after the addition, to the lowest value of 5^0 mg/l/day on the seventh day after the addition. Thereafter it recovered to reach a value of 1260 mg/l/day before the termination of the experimental run. The anions re- maining in the fraction were not found to be beneficial in the anaerobic digestion process. The ruminant fluid in cattle is known to contain an abundant anaerobic microbial population, among which most prevalent species are Anaerob ic lactobac i 1 1 i , Methanobacter ium rumi nant ium , Lachnospi ra mu 1 1 i parus , Bacteroides , etc. Small numbers of yeasts of the genera, Candida and Trichosporon have been isolated from rumens of normal cattle (13). Many research workers in the field of animal nutrition recognize the importance of the addition of rumen fluid to culture media for the primary isolation of bacteria of unknown nutritional requirements, because it meets with most of the nutritional needs of the bacteria. In order to study the adaptability of these and other ruminant anaerobes in the digestion of synthetic sewage and to study the effect of growth factors in rumen fluid on anaerobic di- gestion, quantities of rumen liquor varying from 25 ml to 1.0 liter were added to assay digesters. Figures 32, 25, 3^, and 27 show respectively the effects of adding 25 ml, 150 ml, 200 ml and 1.0 liter of rumen fluid to the digesters. Figure 32 when compared with the corresponding control digester performance shown in Figure 13, reveals that the rates of utilization remained more or less the same as for the control digester throughout the assay period. Both 46 a. a. o 4J 1/1 Ol c x 2: P cm r- I CM ec LU t/) Qu UJ (J => 22 < LA Q. Z ST I-H o o 10 a: CC LU O 1- LU CC CD LU l-H a to LU U_ CD O I Aep/|/[iu paonpoJd seg ± o »- LA O UJ —I O O Z OC < — •Z. aL 000 u_ I— CM UJ CD O o o pa O o LA CM O O o CM O O LA O O O O O LA Aep/i/6ai P92I 1 inn PPV 91 " + BIOA 1 1 1 1 1 - 16 for control 1 ■" -0 i gure 1 - 1 ^ Fraction 1 1 Refer F 1 U_ tA O , E (/) O >~ LA ro • — Q CD 2 O l-H 1 — O O < U_ O h- O O LU >— 1 L. Z> L 1 LA LU U. . LA CM LU CC => CD 47 1 1 1 1 1 o !_ 4-> C 8 u O VI- VO CM 3 ' Ol a _., - ~ u. 1_ -« -u d) l — ** ^ . ** O — 73 +j a) O T3 I- «D U. ^ • • • • • o CM I I— I a: a: u\ LU — H- l/l r— l-H —1 O Q U. — O < Z LU u. 3: o => a; t_) Q LU LU Ll_ C3 LL. ZD LU Ll. CO CM LU o I— I Ll. ^P/l/l 1 " P3onpoJ o • • 1_ 4J 3 • en TJ *' — \ "" en Qi LTv a: ■— LU I- HH _J l/l o >» • ID *— Q o ■z. O h- 1 — Q Q < Li_ O h- O Q ii i t— i Ll. 3 U 1 LA LU Ll. r^ CM LU CC ID O 48 1 1 1 1 1 ~o 0) Q. Q. O / / / / u 4-1 C O O J_ O M- v£> CM ■■ 4J -0 * * C7> CD • 3 C T3 /» 01 •_ -O ^ .• X Lj_ u. ^ •— * O 2 o: KH uj f~ 1- 5T z O r^ t/> LU g or >-<-> fO u_ Ll O O O z I-* LU or — £t LU LU K < H \— 1 _j _J u. H— 1 Lc O 1- Z — <_> O LU CD 2: U. or O LL CD Aep/i/[ai psonpojd sea o o o O o LA O O LA vD J" o o o CA O o LA l/6m uoi ^ej^ugouoQ pjoy aij;eio/\ r ■a a> a. a. O t/> a> c T T o !_ 4-» c o o CM 1 a: 1— « LA LU Z - I- LU -J => a: o «n • Q >>— LU Z Z O Q LU — < Q Ll. Q O Z K** C_> Q LU LU U_ CD u. r> LU Li- en CM r> CD J*9 1 1 1 1 1 4 "O 0) Q- ■CL o 4-1 ^— 1/1 o cn c X 4J C o o ■s. a) o XI XI (0 c ca o 4~> o !_ li. a) cn L, a) 0) ■ " 1 1 1 o Z3 LU LA 3 ' — a: __ E (/) >- la (0 CM Q CD z O 1— t •— Q O < u. o H o LU Ul Ll LA LU # CM CO LU a: 3 e> Aep/[/[uj paonpoJd seg o o o o o LA CM O o o CM O O LA o o o o o LA Aep/i/6uj pazi [ nn pioy 31 i}eio/\ 1 1 T~ 1 1 l_ 4-* XI Q. a. e 26 for con 1 x> !_ _ 3 an cn a) • — c X u_ • — XI X nj u •_ - CD Q 1— 1 O Z3 LU -J z u. 1— I < Z 1- LU co z: LA O 3 i— a: tn cs oc 1— 1 LU _J h- O M >> to — 1 z • 1—4 •— *— O O O < z 1—1 U. O O 3 LL. »- •-» or LU l— Ll. Z U. LU LA LU CJ LU CD 50 the digesters reached maximum rates of 1990 mg/l/day and 19&0 mg/l/day at the same time. There was no beneficial effect revealed by the addition of 25 ml rumen liquor, nor did it inhibit methane fermentation, On the other hand, the addition of 150 ml and 200 ml rumen fluid depressed the rate of utilization appreciably upon making the addition. Only after about six days of acclimation did the digesters recover. Still, they failed to reach even the maximum rate exhibited by the corresponding control digester (Figure 16). The addition of 1.0 liter of rumen fluid caused the volatile ac'd concentration in the digester to increase to a maximum of 9^00 mg/1 and apparently the activity of the methane bacteria was inhibited by high volatile acid concentrations. Figure 28 shows the effect of centrifuged rumen liquor obtained from 1.0 liter of rumen fluid. Figure 29 shows the effect of adding centri- fuged and deionised rumen liquor, and Figure 30 the effect of adding centri- fuged and carbon filtered rumen liquor. In the case of centrifuged and carbon filtered rumen liquor the maximum volatile acid reached in the digester was 4400 mg/1 as against the high values of about 8000 mg/1 in the other two digesters under discussion. This is due to the adsorption of the organic fraction on the activated carbon. Figure 31 shows the effect of adding the centrifuged solids ob- tained from 1.0 liter of rumen fluid. The rate of utilization was depressed by the addition, but reached a maximum rate of 1 1 90 mg/l/day as against 1040 mg/l/day for the control digester. None of the fractions added, except the centrifuged rumen liquor solids, were beneficial in anaerobic digestion of fatty acids, Figure 33 shows the effect of adding deionised acid hydrolysate 51 -a -a to c o u u I Aep/i/[ui psonpojj spq ± Q ID LA ZD O O CM C3 O l-H Q < o o LU LA -4- LU a: to CJ o o o CO o o LA CM O O o CM O O LA O O o o o LA Aep/i/6iu P3Z! 1 Hfl P! D V si !} \ yr — L. \ -/^ 1_ £ Ll. cn V^ jf a) c x <^5. <+- CC (N • • ' » 1 o CM CC LU 1- 1— 1 Q -J H-l O LA < ' o LA Q ■ — lu z: M O m or Z Ll. LO o >> 1— « <— > m LU LU LU Q O Z CJ l-H Q CD < ZD Z H-_J o H ££)(/) p— O o Q Q < LU LU ht- Ll. << O 00 > >-i-i h- — IH- c_> o c_> lu or < U. Q Ll. >-Ll. LA LU ICO CA CA LU CC CJ 52 1 ■ r 1 1 ! o i_ *j c o o - X X u CD CD o - L. -O (TJ (TJ 4J in c O Cn — C 4J TJ (I) Q. a. o o CD 1_ 3 en - — O *j X CO .- u. en ll 3: u. C7> C i_ -^ X CD <+- CD s or • I 1 1 1 o CM o LU a: _l LU CO h- zz> i— i _i _i o co o LA z • ' — !-H — o: X LU o o (/I ni a: >* H- u_ 1 — h- or LU t_3 LU Lu Ll. 2 Q- LU u. CO LA vD OA LU O Aep/i/iai paonpoJd seo o o LT\ CM O O O CM O O LA O O o o o LA Aep/(/6ui paziijin Pi^V st!}e|o/\ 1 1 1 XI X! CD CD 4-> x> U X CO fD 4-> (/> c O cn •— c ■M .— X a a. o *j en c X i o -3" z 14- a: 1 1 » • 1 a. CJ LT\ < O la Q — LU -Z- M o 1— ( or Z Ll O i— i Q l/l LU LU >- Q 7T ■ LU (- _J D_ o O n LU cc >S' Ll. Q u_ >- U_ LA LU CO <«\ LU o X O Aep/[/[UJ pgonpoJd ses o o LA o o o o o LA o o o o o LA Aep/[/6w psznun ppy 3[ijeioA T 1 i i I o rted added kO for contr Mixing sta L Fraction ■o 4) Q. CL o *J V) en c X efer Figure £ cc — — 1 1 i 1 1 o >- CNJ _1 u_ O o a: Q CO > 1—1 X CO >- LU Q — 1 CD LU O O LA CO CC ID *— 1— I Q _i _J >- CO < X t£ Q 1- O LU » LU CJ < (0 Z < > O t— I CD > K Z 00 CJ (—1 < O Q Q • — Q LU LL < Z O 1— 1 b_ < cn O h- LU CO 1— 1— O M o ^J LU LU Ll_ h- LA U. < ' LA LU CA LU CC O co O 5h \ 1 1 1 1 , Mixing started ■o 0) Q. Q. O 4J o> c X - s 1 1 • 1 ' o ro CM 1 CC ca LU on Q_ UJ CC O ZD 2 t— i K-H cC U. la < r— Q_ z 2T (— 1 O O CO tn CC UJ >• O h- (t) u. 00 Q UJ or ui I— < O 1- i — co UJ U_ CT\ CD O t*\ t-t Q co UJ 1- _J O z la CC < 00 Z q: O z LA O O LU CC ZD CD u. < Aep/[/[Lu psonpoJd seg o o LA CM o o o CM O O LA O O o o o LA Aep/(/6uj P9Z! I nn T PPV 3| ne(OA r A J^ •O *D ^^K l_ a) co ^7^^ +J ■W TJ / ^***^^-»^. c I- T3 / ^^ O CD CO X yT u *J t3 ^/ J^ ^m ui C 0) ^r >^ l_ O Q. /^ >^ O CT> — Q. v' 4- C +J \^r — 4-1 ^L^ O X CO W1 ^^'* N ^^ 11S ^^ -4" .— u ^W ^ S " ,, **"»s > 2: u. CD ^w y? u D CT> U. I_ CO <4- - H CO UJ - co _J >- 2 _i O »— 1 a: O < — CC > < X >- H- X Z U- Q < LU O h- M •-■ < t- i— < CJ z Z < Ql UJ O LU u_ >— 1 ii 1 Q_ u_ LU 3Z ZD LA LL) CA LU CC ZD (J Ll. O h-co 55 obtained from 0.5 liter of activated sludge. This when compared with the corresponding control digester in Figure kO , reveals that there was no effect on methane fermentation due to the addition, The rates of utilization of the assay digester closely followed that of the control digester. Figure 35 shows the effect of adding ether soluble fraction ob- tained from 1.0 liter supernatant at pH 1.0. This was done to render all the organic and inorganic compounds with carboxyl functional groups and primary, secondary phosphates of phospho proteins, phospholipids and other functional groups protonated. Thus, they become nonpolar and are dissolved in the nonpolar petroleum ether solvent. As the digester was not showing rates 'comparable to the control digester (Figure kO) , even before making the addition, the relative effect due to the addition could not be fully assessed. Though the digester was showing a rate of 670 mg/1/day at the time of addition, the rate reduced to zero thereafter, indicating the complete inhibition of the methane fermentation. The pH and alkalinity in the digester were 7.05 and 36OO mg/ 1 as CaCO at the time of the termination of the run. Figure 36 indicates the effect of adding the ether insoluble fraction obtained from 1.0 liter of supernatant at pH 1.0. The fraction under consideration largely represents the supernatant devoid of nonpolar organic or inorganic matter at pH 1.0. This did not prove to be stimulatory. The rate of utilization started decreasing gradually after the addition and did not recover within the test period. Figure 37 shows the effect of adding neutralized hydrolysate obtained by acid hydrolysis of 0.5 liter of activated sludge, The maximum rate of utilization was 1250 mg/l/day as compared to the rate of 1220 mg/l/day for the control (Figure kO) . This, when compared with Figure 33, 56 showing the effect of adding the hydrolysate obtained by acid hydrolysis of 0.5 liter of activated sludge, reveals that the results are not materially affected by neutralizing the hydrolysate, before making the addition, as the maximum rate of utilization obtained in the latter case was also 1270 mg/l/day In order to study the effect of different ionic species in the acid hydrolysates obtained from supernatant at phi 1.0 and 7-0, portions of the acid hydrolysate were passed through deionizing columns at pH 1.0 and at pH 7.0 separately and the resulting fractions were added to assay digesters. The digester to which deionized hydrolysate at pH 1.0 was added (Figure 38), showed a slightly higher rate of utilization compared to the control, i.e., 1290 mg/l/day as against 1220 mg/l/day for the control. The rate of utiliza- tion for this digester at the termination of the experimental run was 900 mg/l/day as against 640 mg/l/day for the control digester. Though the in- creases in rates were not very significant, the addition did have some beneficial effect on anaerobic digestion. On the other hand, the digester to which deionized hydrolysate at pH 7-0 (Figure 39) showed only a maxi- mum rate of 1160 mg/l/day which was less than that of the control. Thus it could be concluded that some component in the supernatant with acid or phosphate functional group on it. is causing a slightly increased rate of utilization in anaerobic digestion. The mixed bacterial population and the complexity of the mechanisms of anaerobic digestions obscured the evaluation of the effects of adding the fractions obtained from the digested supernatant and activated sludge. Though earlier workers notably McCarty and Vath (18) did show that the digested supernatant stimulated anaerobic digestion, the supernatant obtained from U rbana -Champa i gn Sanitary District did not prove to be 57 stimulatory, A marked difference in the characters of the two supernatants is that in the case of McCarty and Vath's study, addition of increased quantities of supernatant solids resulted in increased acetic acid utilization rates, whereas in the case of this study addition of increased quantities of supernatant solids drastically reduced the fatty acid utilization rates. Among the 3k fractions of digested sludge supernatant and rumen liquor studied in all, only seven of them showed positive stimulation in anaerobic digestion, but the beneficial effects were not very significant. The seven fractions are as given below: 1. 1.7 liters centrifuged digested sludge supernatant (Figure 12) . 2. Butanol soluble fraction of the centrifuged digested sludge supernatant (Figure 17). 3. Butanol insoluble fraction of the centrifuged digested sludge supernatant (Figure 18). k. Centrifuged supernatant passed through anion exchanger on ly (Fi gure 22) . 5- Settled digested sludge supernatant (Figure 23). 6. Deionized acid hydrolysate of digested sludge supernatant at pH 1.0 (Figure 38). 7. Solids obtained by centrifuging 1.0 liter rumen fluid (Fi gure 31). The addition of settled supernatant caused stimulation to the extent of 15 per cent over the control and the addition of centrifuged supernatant also resulted in a stimulation of 15 per cent over the control. Thus it is logical to conclude that the stimulatory factors exist in either 58 soluble or colloidal forms which are not eliminated by centr i fugi ng at 12,100 x G and not as settleable suspended solid particulates. The treatment of centrifuged supernatant with butanol resulted in the distribution of the growth factors in both the butanol soluble and insoluble phases. The stim- ulatory character of the supernatant is not altered by its treatment with butanol. The addition of centrifuged supernatant passed through anion ex- changer showed stimulatory effect on methane fermentation, and hence it could be hypothesized that the anions do not play a prominent role in stim- ulation as there is no significant difference in the stimulations caused by this fraction and the whole supernatant. The acid hydrolysate of the di- gested sludge supernatant had stimulatory potential. These stimulatory factors were observed to exist in ionic form at pH 7-0. When the hydrolysate was neutralized and deionized, the fraction lost all its stimulatory effect. T hus a component of the hydrolysate with carboxyl or phosphate functional groups should be responsible for the stimulation. These functional groups are ionized and retained on ion exchange column at pH 7-0. Due to the heterogeneous nature of the rumen liquor solids, it is not possible to ascertain the nature of stimulant present in such solids without additional fractionation studies on the solids. 59 V. CONCLUSIONS 1. Mixing of the digester contents and substrate concentration in the digester has a profound effect on the rate of anaerobic digestion of volat i le fatty acids. 2. There is a limiting concentration for the addition of digested sludge supernatant, beyond which the addition proves inhibitory. In this study the limiting concentration was found to be 4.0 liters of evaporated supernatant per 750 ml digester contents. 3. The stimulatory factors in supernatant are in soluble or colloidal forms which are not eliminated by centrifuging at 12,100 x G, k. Treatment of the digested sludge supernatant with butanol does not alter its stimulatory characteristics. A greater fraction of the stimulant is insoluble in butanol. 5. Salts responsible for reducing the activity of anaerobic bacteria are dialysable with a molecular size less than a few millimicrons and exist as organic chelates. 6. The ionic species of the dialysable inorganics in the super- natant inhibit methane fermentation. 7. The anions present in the centrifuged supernatant at pH 7 are not responsible for the stimulation of methane fermentation, 8. Some component in the supernatant with carboxyl or phosphate functional group causes a slightly increased rate of utilization in methane fermentation . 9. Rumen liquor and the different fractions derived therefrom, except the centrifuged rumen liquor solids, have inhibitory effects on methane fermentation. 60 VI. REFERENCES 1. "Amberlite Ion Exchange Resins Laboratory Guide." Rohm &■ Haas Company, Phi ladelphia, Pa. 19105, 39 p. 2. Barker, H.A., "Biological Formation of Methane." 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Q CO •"• < O CD < a LU Z -I < DC CD o o fD fD CD — E O to TJ CD — O CTi CP\ O O O LA cr> o o o o o o OA LA LA LA r-» ca o o — — — — o o o o O O o p^ < < LU fD ^CMOA-d"LA\£)P^OOO^O^CMOAj"LA\^) CO < 0£ CD U < >> 03 - fD (/> T3 fD "s. CD — O O -d- -d- -d- oo o 00 o -d- o o -d- o CM p-v o o o -d- -d- -d- 00 v0 v0 o CO MD o CM LA o o LA 00 P-. 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CM CM oo -d- r^ o -d- -d- o LA . — LA r^ r^ -d- (-3 1 — a> CM ' — r^ LA oo ■ — vO vO oo vO a>i CM CT\ •J- oo -4" 1/1 >- 03 Q — CM OO LAvOI^COO^O^CMoAJ■LAvO U < 03 a) TD O O O O o o o o o O o o o O O o o • — ^^ oo • — vO oo r-«. 1 — o r^- CM J" 1 — o oo LA \D . — o CO •— i — ■ — OO CM i — o i — CM . — O CTv CD M Ll. ^ QC 03 O l/l T3 O o O o o O o o O O o o O O O o o u_ 03 ^^ OA O^ i — o oo OA LA -d- OA -d" o . — LA LA oo LA o CJ ■ — m CM O 00 LA CO O CO o^ vO vO O^i O O -d- oo CM < S i — . — . — p — < E Q i/i >- — CM oo -d- LA ^O r^ oo r»«. 03 Q 68 CO C3 < >- Hi ■D o O O O o o O O o o o o O o o o o o o v^ LA LA J" . — CM en vO O . — < — o ' — O < — cn vO r^ vO . — — — CO CA Cn o i — CM OA -* la -d- J- oa -d- o en o~\ o 1 — ^^ ■ — 1 — ■ — Tl Cn i — E o O o o o o O O O o O O o O O O o o o o to \ LA oa vO CA OA Cn r^ O LA CT\ CTv CTi CO OA o r^ LA CO ' — C3 — r^ CO \D Cn co o co — 03 Q — CM OA-3" LA vO r^cO Cn — cMOA-d"LAvor-^cocn u < 03 CD T3 O o o o o O O o o o o o o o o ■ — \ ■ — M3 CM LA LA vO LA J- en LA o CO LA CO r^ vO — i — O cn o CM OA J- J" OA ■ — • — CM CM OA CM cn ^~ 4-> 03 CJ3 '"" ■ ■""" ' r ~~ r ~ 1 ■ ■ ' 1 1 1 Ld « — E 0C o 3 > (J '-I Li- >- ar 03 o l/l T3 o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o u. 03 "V. o r^ o LA r~- cn ■ — r^ . — r^ CO CM OA OA en LD ■ — o co CO cn o o . — co en CO vO en cn CO CM < \ < — . — . — . — . — \- ■ — < E Q CO >- 1 — CM OA -d- LA vO r^ CO en o 1 — CM OA -d- LA 03 Q < < 69 CNI LU or CD u < >- CO O o O o o O o o o o O O O O o o o O o \ |\ oo o on CM r-. r^ r^ J- < — oo OO oo o o oo oo vT) LA ._ . — i — oo la la -3- OO — — CM CO oo CM CM o r^ r^ Co O i — 4-> \ • — " — 01 CT) b O o >- CO l/l "O O O o o o o O — co ca oo — o o o oo CM o LA oo o o o o LA — o o o oo r — la r-. j- ca in CO LT\ vO CO ca CM LA v£) CO CA O CM OCT O u < (1) ■a o o O o O o o O O O O o o O O O O O o 1 — ^^ oo LA vO LA OO r^ LA LA O J" r>» 1 — CM vO CM CM LA OO o • — . — OO . — o O o . — OO CM -3- CM o r^ vD LO LO J- OO LO 0O ■W "v. m en E O o Ll, < < ^ ro i/i x> O O o o o o o o o O o o o CO \ 00 O r^ . — OO LA o-\ CM v£> . — LA . — r^ CD — CM O o o ca OO 00 ' — CA 1 — O r^ — o O O O o CA CA -3- r^ CA CM -J- vO oo MD in >- CO — CMoO-^LAvOr->.COOAO^CMoo-d"LAvOI — CO ^ 0A LU CC CD o u < CO 0) X> O o o o O o o o o o O O o o O o o o o 1 — \ LA -J- 1 — CA CM OO ■J- CM CA . — oo CA -3- LA M3 . — LA o o • — ' — OO r-^ 00 r-~ CA CA o O ■ — CM oo CM J- O O CA O . — CM 4-> \ 03 en — E > CD L0 T3 o o o o O O o o o O O O o o o O O o O r>. vD OO oo cn o CM 4-1 \ ■ — ' — >- <0 i/i ■o O O o o i i o o o O O o O o o o o O o ■ — \ CM — < — CM 4-1 ^^ 13 cn uJ 1 — ^ cc O CO to -a CD \ C3 — o o o o ■— la vx> cn — — CM — o o r-. cn CM — o LA CM o o CM o -d- o OA o -d- OA o o o cn oo CM — o vO CM o on OA O LA o cn LA o LA O cn o o LA OA O CA O CM cn o CM O O O O OA 00 o o — CO O CO o o O — CM CO o LA CM O OO o OA O OA o cn o OA OA o o — o O J" 1/1 CO — cMoA-a"LAvor^oocno^cMoA-d"LAvjor^cocn 71 CM < 03 ai TJ O O o o o o o O 1 o 1 O • — ^^ CA cn CT\ CM o o -3- 00 1 CM < oo ._ . — 00 1^. r^ OO ■4; oo LA CM 1 . — • -3- ■M *«>. r^ o> OO 1^ vO LA -4- CO CD . — E O ro (/) TJ oj \ CD — O O O — cri r~- M3 r^ j- i o o ' — -d" i ca oo o vo o CA LA o o o o — ^r r^ j- cm -d - lt\ -ct- >• 03 Q ^CMoOj-LAvOr^OOO^iO'— CM u < >- TJ > C3 — I U. >- CC 03 o i/l TJ o o o o o o o o o o o u_ CO "*•*. CA J- o J- la r^ o oo r-- < — -4- o i — CD Ot> J- o vJD la vO J- CM r^. co < *•%. — h- •— 1 < E Q l/l >^ i — CM CA ■J- LA vO r^ oo CA o ■ — 03 1 — ■ — Q LA CM O < >- 0) TJ 03 CT> — E O 03 l/l TJ 03 -V O — o o o — -J- — CM — — O o o vo o o o LA \X> vO vO O -J" o ca oo o CM o o o o ca r--. — o — — o o o o o MD 00 O LA CM CM ■— O — OA o o o o o o LA LA LA •— LA r*» — r^ cm r^ — oo o O O O o o o o o o o o o LA O . — O LA CA 1— o LA ■— CA -3- vO LA VO vO OO 00 OO OO oo o o r^ -3- ■ — 03 CM LA VO r^ CO CA O — LA v£> CO ca 72 o oo 03 "O rtj en — E O o o o o O OO 00 oo O -Cf -J" LTV — oo o o o O 1 O 1 o o o o OO 1 OO • M3 J- LA LA OO ' -d- ■ eg J- CO on CM ■ — ■ — >> 03 t/t T3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0) \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 C3 p— 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1/1 03 Q CM LA \£> 00 — . — cr\ vO vO 00 i — o CM v£> 1 r^ 1 -3- CM 03 vO CO MD vO -d- -d- oo LU i — E 0£ o => > • tje nj © to ■a o O o o o O o o o o o O U_ 03 ■^ vO 00 r^ r-- OA CT> CM OO O^i m CM OO OO CM CM LT\ -d- < \ h- ■ — < E Q 10 ^ ■ — CM OO J- LA MD r^ oo CJ>i o i — CM 03 I — i — i — Q o < 03 Q) "O O o o o o o o o 1 o 1 o — s. CT\ CM C3 i— i U_ >- DC 03 o l/l T3 O O o o o o o o o o o O u. 03 V. r^ o> r-» OO CM cr\ CM CM OO OO o 0"\ CJ — J- r^ -3- r*«. r^ vD LA OO — CM ■— < "V. h- ■ — r^ oo o i — CM CM CM CM c o oo oo oo 03 UJ i — E cc o ZD > CD i — i Ll >- cr 03 o 1/1 "O O l o o o o O o o o o o o o LL. 03 s VD l oo o cn o cn CM r^ cn cn r^ r^ o CJ • — l CM CM cd u < 03 0) -o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o \ oo -d- cn OO CM OO vO r». LA . — oo o^ . — o o cn CM o — . — O — o cn o — c o cn o o o CM -d- cn cn oo 4-> ^^ m cn — E o 03 Ifl "O O o o o o O o o o o o o o o o o o (0 v^ ro cn ■ — CM o LO vO cn o • — oo . — — ^o cn cn -cl- CD ' — cn CM o r^ vO oo o-> o oo cn vo o o cn -J- vO J- >- 03 O ^CMoO-d"LOv£>r^OOCnO — CMoO-3"LAvOr^ o < 03 CD T3 o o o o o o i — *>•*. oo cn J- r>> oo OO •— i — cn r^ v.O vO r^ cn u N (D cn i — b o o o — 00 o cn o OO o o LA -d - — o >- 03 l/l "D O O o o o o o o o O o o 03 \ OO oo cn OO 1 — CM r>> 0~\ ro oo CM ~— CJ — vD oo OO LA cn ■ — ■ — o -d" o cn oo (ft >. 03 O ^cMoo-d"LAvor^-oocnO'— Ik < >- 05 — E cc o 3 > C3 H i Ll- ^ CC nj O l/> X> O i 1 O o o o O o o o O O O Ll_ * ■ — CM ca -* LT\ \D r^- oo CT\ o i — CM CA J" 03 Q LA O < >> 0) oj cn — E O o o o r^ ca \£> — j- i>* o o o CA LA o o CA LA >~ 03 1/1 T3 O rp ^^ CM CD ' — cr> o o o O O o o CA cn CA O r^ o vO -4" CM CT> 00 oo -J- • — o oo o CA o CM O CM t/1 >- 03 — CMCA-d'LAvOI^OOO^O^CMCA-d- -3- CA < >~ CO QJ T3 O O O o O O O O o o o O O o o o o o o i — ■V, • — O . — • — CM CTi vO o r^ . — CA CA CM i — CA -d- •J- LA J- • — i — LA vO oo LA LA CM -3" ■— E o OJ in TJ 03 \ I O O O i O^ r^- o I LA ' — OO oo - 03 Q — CMCA-d"LAv0r~-000~\O — CMcA-d'LAvOr^-OOO'* 75 oA CD U. o u < ro <1> ■o o O o o o o o o o o o o o o s, . — LA o LA -ct- r^ r-» v.O -d- en o r^ la r-^ 1 — o CTi oo ' — o oo oo o 00 oo < Q s >- ro — cMcA-d-LAvor^oocno^cMr'A-d- oo oa oc o < >^ CO 0) XI 1 — ^^ •— . — ■M "V. to CD i — F o o o o o — LA — en — cm oo oo cr> o O O O O O o O O O . — r^ CA -J- CM O CM LA -J o CM CM CM CM CM 1 O G\ en en o Li_ < < CO 1/1 T3 CO *"»•» CD — O I Cn I , — I o O O o o o o o O O o 1 — CA o r^ r^ r^ LA CM CM OO r^ CM ' — -d- o o o CA Cn Cn 00 r^ ro a — cMooj-LAvor^-ooo^ — CM ro -j" CO CD •— I U. o u < ro (U TJ o o o o o o o O O o o o O o ■ — V. 1 — o -d- r*» r- CA LA CM Cn vO LA en oo r>, r^ -cf r>«. LA ■ — r--. 00 1 — 1 — -3- o o o o o cr\ 00 r*. to ro CM la vO r-- 00 (T\ O — CA -3" 76 o < > CO u 13 1 — ^^ • _ 1 — 4-1 x^ 10 m 1 — E o (0 1/1 T3 CO \ CJ — o o o o o o o o o O o o o o CN r-- r-. oo r^. vO o -cf CPt o oo LA CN r«~ o^ o 1 — o O^i oo r^. la oo -d- vO OO a\ r^ o o O o o o o O o o o o o o r-« ■ — 0> o^i — • — o CN -3- r^. o vO vO \0 vO vD ' — r^ la la CN \D -4- r^ -J- vO vO r-» CO VO N CO ff\ O - LA vo r-» OO (T\ u < >- CO CD T> o o o o o O O O O o o O o O o O O o o o o o o o 0O 1 — \ OO r^ r~« OO vO oo CN CO O^i CN OO J" J- LA OO CTl r^ r^ -j- (J\ r^ *-> \ o -d - i^ 00 CXv CN LA ND J" -3" J- r^ a\ LA vO LA vo r^ oo cr\ o o oo CO CT) •~~ — — E O > CO 10 T3 o o o O O O O O o O O o o O O O o o o o o o o OO o OO CO ^ 1 r~~. r^ CO 00 00 • CO ^cNoo-j-LAvor^oocr\o^cN la vo r»» oo ct\ o — CN CN CN CN 00 CN -3" CN < >- CO CO "D O O O o O o o o O o o o O o — \ LA LA 1 — m r^ o (T\ . — CN vO CN LA -d- 4-* \ CN 00 oo m ' CN • — CN CN CN O 00 vO CO C7I — E o > >- CO l/l TJ O 1 i o o 1 O O O o o O o O CO \ O 1 i o OO 1 -3- LA r^ vO o oo CT\ CO CD — CN 1 1 CN 00 1 oo VO o o\ o CN r^ vO in ro Q LA vO CO - I— ( LU D Z Q£ O Q FECT OF HIGHER GESTER ATMOSPHE la LU O LU a: Z> o Aep/|/[tu p9onpoJd seg Aep/i/Biu paziij^n PPV 3H}eio/\ 81 change in environmental conditions anticipated here was the increased concentration of nitrogen in the digester atmosphere. Neglecting the effect of the difference in the rates of synthesis in the digesters due to the difference in utilization rates, the total viable organisms were the same in both the digesters, though the concentration of the organisms in Digester #2 was nearly double that in Digester #1. On the third day after making the transfer, Digester #1 showed a rate of utilization cf 630 mg/l/day, i.e., 1 .89 grams of acetic acid per day and Digester #2 showed a rate of 1070 mg/l/day which is 1.60 grams of acetic acid per day. Digester #1 showed gradual recovery in utilization rates reaching a maximum rate of 1070 mg/l/day before starting to decline. Digester #2 steadily decreased to reach a minimum value of 390 mg/l/day on the ninth day and then recovered to give a maximum rate of utilization of 920 mg/l/day before starting to decline again. The contents of Digester #1 showed a pH of 7-0 and alkalinity of 3350 mg/1 before the transfer. On being transferred to Digester #2, the corresponding values were found to be ~J .h and 3050 mg/1 respectively. The changes in pH and alkalinity were probably due to the release of carbon dioxide from the sludge mass to the nitrogen atmosphere of the digester. Though the pH and alkalinity were in the desirable ranges for digester operation, the upset in bicarbonate, carbonic acid and carbon dioxide equilibrium had greatly reduced the utilization rate of acetic acid. As the digester gas produced daily was expelled, the concentration of nitrogen in the digester atmosphere was reduced and the carbon dioxide and methane concentrations in the digester atmosphere might have attained a stable value. This is probably the reason why the digester recovered after the 82 ninth day after the transfer of contents and began to show higher rates of ut i 1 izat ion . In either case, the utilization rates were far less than the rates obtainable without the physical, chemical and biological equilibrium being changed. The methane bacteria are therefore found to be very sen- sitive to these changes and their activity is very much reduced by a change in any one of these factors. Digester #2 recorded a lesser utilization rate compared to Digester #1 probably due to the following and other unknown reasons: 1. The increased nitrogen concentration in the digester atmosphere appeared to exert a deleterious effect on anaerobic digestion by altering the carbon dioxide, carbonic acid and bicarbonate equilibrium. 2. The concentration of metabolic end products, some of which may have been toxic, was higher in Digester #2 than in Digester #1 in which the contents were diluted by 100 per cent with nutrient solutions and make up water. APPENDIX C FREE AMINO ACIDS IN DIGESTED SLUDGE SUPERNATANT Int roduct ion Experimental Procedure Resul ts 83 8k Introduction The major constituents of domestic sewage include proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and other organic compounds of which protein content is usually between 30 and 50 per cent (20). Proteins are polymers of amino acids and the hydrolysis of proteins results in a mixture of amino acids and ammonia. The amino acids are essential for microbial metabolism. Most bacteria are not capable of synthesizing all of the amino acids that are required for their metabolism. Such amino acids must be derived from the environment. As proteins are macromolecu les , which are too large to pass through cell membrane, they are hydrolysed by extra cellular enzymes secreted by microorganisms, into free amino acids, peptides, and polypeptides These may then permeate through the cell membrane and become available for utilization by the microorganisms. Also, the enzymatic breakdown of these proteins is the main source of ammonium ions which constitute the bulk of the bicarbonate alkalinity found in the digester. It was felt that a knowledge of the free amino acids in the digested sludge supernatant will be useful in evaluating the stim- ulatory potential of the digested sludge supernatant being investigated. Experimental Procedure Two dimensional ascending paper chromatography using Whatman paper No. 1 was adopted for better resolution of the individual amino acids. The digested sludge supernatant was centrifuged at 12,100 x G, and then passed successively through ion exchange columns of Amberlite IR-4B of OH" form and Amberlite IRC -50 of H form. This procedure yields an eluate containing all the amino acids eliminating the ionic salts 85 which interfere with the chromatographic resolution of amino acids (16). The supernatant was then evaporated over a steam bath to achieve a volume reduction of about 20 in order to increase the concentration of amino acids present in the digested sludge supernatant. A single spot of the concentrated sample was applied 2.5 cm from the lower corner of the Whatman paper using a capillary tube. In order to keep the spot size to less than 3/8" in diameter and at the same time deliver sufficient quantity of the sample on to the paper, the sample was dried as it flowed on the paper by blowing air. After the spot dried completely, the sheet was formed into a cylinder by stapling the edges together so that they did not touch. The paper cylinder was then placed in an upright position into a closed pyrex cylinder containing the first solvent phase. The first solvent phase consisting of butanol, acetic acid, and water was prepared by taking 500 ml of freshly shaken mixture of equal volumes of water and normal butanol and then adding and mixing 60 ml of glacial acetic acid. After the layers separate, the upper layer was used as the moving phase. An aliquot (50-100 ml) of the lower layer contained in a beaker was placed in the chromatogram chamber (3). The solvent passes the spot where the sample is applied and each constituent in the sample moves along the solvent at a unique rate, so that after some time all the components of the mixture will occupy a distinct position somewhere along the path of the flow of the solvent. After the solvent front had reached within an inch from the top edge of the paper, the paper was removed and the solvent front was marked with a pencil. The paper was dried and rerun in a second solvent whose front was at right angles to that of the 86 first solvent. The second solvent in this case was a mixture of 55 m 1 of 2, 6 lutidine, 25 ml of ethanol, 20 ml of water and 2 ml of diethylamine (3) The paper after being run on both the solvents, was dried and sprayed with ninhydrin under a hood, to develop purple colored amino acid spots. In certain cases it was necessary to expose the paper to 103°C for three minutes before the amino acid spots could be fully developed by the ninhydrin reaction. The purple spots were marked with pencil and the ■'R " values, which are the ratios of the movement of amino acid spots to the movement of the solvent front were calculated for both the solvent phases used The procedure was repeated with standard amino acids on separate Whatman papers and the corresponding "R " values were computed. Results The results obtained from the paper chromatographic runs are presented in Table C. From the results tabulated, it is apparent that only four amino acids could be resolved from the digested sludge supernatant. The "R " values of the supernatant spots 1, 2, and 3 closely tallied with those of lysine, histidine and threonine respectively. The "R " values of the spot No. h did not tally with any of the other standards used Though one could expect to detect all the naturally occurring amino acids in the digested sludge supernatant, it was not so in this case, due probably to the following or other unknown reasons: 1. The varying degrees of susceptibility of the different amino acids to microbial degradation may have caused some of the amino acids to undergo complete decomposition. 87 2. Due to the counter ion pair formation of ammonium, guanidium, imidazolium and other ions present in different amino acids, which are responsible for the specific ninhydrin reaction in the development of purple color, the amino acids might have gone undetected by the ninhydrin test. 3. The complex nature of the digested sludge supernatant may result in incomplete resolution of the amino acids and the consequent overlapping of one another. k. There may have been preferential uptake of one or the other of the amino acids resulting from the enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins, by the microorganisms. 88 . — LA . — CA vO CM oo 1 O -d- CM r-. • •4- D vO CO 00 _j- LA CT\ — 00 v£> O CM 00 — O LA M3 \£> — CM CM -d- c fD > O co c > o CO — — LA LA -3" — — CA CA CA CA CM CA O CA CA CA CM CA CM LA CM I — CA LA CA -d- CA LA CA CO t— I O < QJ O CA o CT\ (J\ (J\ LA CM vO CM CA MD LA , — CM <4- D oo OO LA VO r^ (J\ 00 r^ . — O^ CM • — LA co r- fD o o CM CM 1 o o CM 1 M> 1 CM O CM -d- CO < co LU 0) c/i fD -C 0_ o Q. CO -d"LA\X)CMCMCT>^OvOLACTiLAr^vOLALA CMCMr^-OOLACMCMr^oOOOCALA'— r^-~CA c > o co E 4-1 u c O CM -d- LA O J- LA CT>i CM CA -d- •d- c O O o O o-\ 4-1 4-J o O o ■o c c c c < < L. 8 — fD fD fD fD 4-» 4-J fD o O c c < fD fD fD fD c •— fD • — •— fD >- •— C C C C - — +j C E ■o c fD X fD c o . — !_ -— . 3 1/1 D Ul x> L. !_ • — E D Z3 13 3 !_ i/l — ■— •— d) >- >- fD -C fD < co co co CO < < CD CD x: _l _i 3: CO \- > \