Armour Institute Library Chicago. Ill ROCXFCRD HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY Gorier* a 1 Direst ions* Notice also that the top shelf of cases 3 and 4 is filled uith old boohs of Literature and travel* Boohs of the sa'$c<£, clans number are arranged alphabet is all y by the authors. * The Century and Standard dictionaries are, in case 0® Atlases and Gazetteers are also in har-e 6 V , narhed B v and tha boohs are arranged alphabetically by thesurnii't^- of theperscns rhose lives ere there recorded. « Collected biography is xcaarbed C t . that you ucGa a good deal- Use the. alphabetical index in thebach or front of a booh* In & set of boohs the index is in the last vclunfag. SoitiS. bo ^ahs are without an alphabet ical index but. V^ye & very helpful table. of contents in the front of the-beoK® IrftR consult the Century or Standard dictionaries; the Century Boohs ci biography ore in case 5,>Individual bicgrupky is k 0<2bV . . Eor uunusa«rl ? out of the uay feats not found in the encyel oped \ a. S I hr as es ( 803 -Ed 9 ) < i V ~R oclx-f o T'd {^3-1 1 ) - J~i 'Sch 00 } ) ikrqYj i J t \ „ * K that are lively to contain something on your subject by tracing bach to a number with the sore repetition of figures but with th omii$sien of the last decimal figure- then to the same, whole number and then to the number with the un:Ci figure changed. te a zero. For example: “The topic is butterflies, Th® index g-pvQs the* ei class number 595 0 78., Trace bach in the Complete tables to 505,7 Insects \ ■y to 595 A'asioulates ; to 590 Zoology; Books on Insects , Articulates and Zoology are likely to treat ?f Butter© flies. Notice carefully the other headings which you. trace over, for some nuis^ bers treat of your sub j ept , In thin case 592 Invertebrates and 591 Physiological Zoology will help you. Trace no further than to the whole nutter ending in zero and skoe if there are no bodfes of these numbers |y G l ii... 0 £3 0 to the* oatalfcue* be certain) consult eney $1 oped I as oy other general works to find a£tC$- tM\ig on yout io^tQ.* w " w> ' • ' ... A. ■ ■ r ■ V. K -*s- - f O -J tXj /W ' C- w --- r;.. •> ' o ROCKFORD HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY l Directions for finding bio graphic of noted persons. No tot. If uncertain as to lull nameyb ine, national it y*6nd occupation consult the Pronouncing hi o graphical dictionary in Webster's Internat- ional ?r Unabridged diet ionary; the Pronouncing dictionary biography in Worcester T s; the proper ^anes in V«l. 2 of the Standard; cr tho Biographical index (003 - H32 ) Haydn's dictionary of dates .(-All lists are in the bach p^rt o:f the boohs).* For a full biography see the boohs narked B. in the upper part of ease 5. The boohs are arranged alphabetically by the suraanes of the persons nhose lives are there recorded , Also consult the B*c in the e ard K aRalo&gc? arr angea in the sane yt ay. For a short biography consult the boohs .marked C in the loner part of cases and the different encyclopedias* The best one volumnfcbookv for persons of all ages and nationalities ie the Century Encyolorcdia & of nanos(1394) and Lipp incot t 1 s Biographical Diet ionary-(2 copies ). For Americans see l c Applet un ! s Encyclopedia of American biography. 6 vol 2. Forney 5 s AneeGotes of Public men 2 vol(C -F73 ). 3 . Lessing ; s Eminent Amer icans.( C - LS9), For Greeks or Romans see l t The Classical dictionaries. (4 copies )« 2 «Flut arch’s lives of Illustrious nen 0 (3 copies). -For 'English and American authors se© l.Barro'sre 1 Act. o arid Anecdotes of authors *(C - B27 ). Allibono’s dictionary of Authors, (full account of their erritings) 3 vol. (C - qAio ) . 3 .Little Classics. Authors, (C - J63)„ 4. Field’s Yesterdays -with Authors 0 (C - F4S). 5 « General urorhs in English literature 830’ c. Note, Biographies axe often found in the -works cf authors that a, re in the library. -% i f -V ... - ;• . \ -V- v'%- . Narv»s of fiction, ««« ao .r nai® «* »**• « «•*•**«•• o' i* ua> frt »' »•»*'•" ■»««'»=“*o 1 “ W — “ ”*• * "* ****** c« oyoio*!-. -<■ ' f "o*-" 1 ""*® of fiction (803-1756) (3 copies) Placer. . p „ r,«, M —» »•* «*» . . . +Vi0 nffi? Johnson* s Cyclop the. «tltt*o wi bw*mmw: 291110 a e Poorest, ^ r^rrr^>- „. tne ,t o«wv»it l.1» W?!' 91 indexen ° n To find poewe on. a given —*3®^ ^ , r ovn-tloal qu»tations(808»3-h85) paseo 650-653 of itoyfc Cyclopaedia Of tra~.l< 4.-735 AllihonQa's Py%fci&&l 2 . *(i' index of cut.oe.otn on S-o*c 7 - quoted. (ooe.n-.U5) often the «” nay b e found in ta. l*«r y. ^ ^ of the library of Tricon literate (3i0.8-St5) t +V,^ cf Titles on p&8&5> 9 ^ 1 JC,U 4.The ind 'x of the fi«» «»«• “* «” *• 3 ’ n Por-ily Library of poetry and cons. ( 331 . 08 - *. . * vol " s -o Bryant * n collection of p,etry(S31.08-qB34n) e.fho in.ex ‘ 1001 .1054 ~f vol.2 of myoKinch-a Cyclopaedia of American pacer. 1001-1054 Tha laat * on r a E e« **** ^ literature. (010. 3-qD95. )(3 oc.i —) ■ 4 r literature. (B20e8-Coo) 2 of Chrtwrs cyclopedia, of Eng, - , of . ^ Gri3nold*n Poets on- . 0 . The cant ante in the front part of Gricuo America (01*.OG— 0 a8 *‘ ( 2 ' - ^ individual The index or table „f entente of the — - - “ . ^et* or Of th S various c^tlona bill ^ Yqt American authors sea 1 .Duychinolv ’ s Cyclopaedia of Aicer. Literature 2 vol. (810.8 — q D95) 2 copies. 2. Short biographies in the bash part of v&lf| of tho library of American Literature (810.8— St3) 3 .Foot o* harass. 2 vol. ( C— G 42) 4.GriSTrcld 1 5 Poets and poetry of America (311.08- G88 ) 2 copies. For historical charaeters nee 1. Larnod’s history for ready rofsrenoe, 5 vol. 2. Lossing’s Cyclopaedia of U.S. history 2 vol. 3. Tho histories of*?- their countries. ROCKFORD HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY* QL Q Tho sub j ftct card Qate>lau£io* Thgcsrfla* ar* arranged by number in the the aJiQlvQs^ saria ordQr as the boskn on Kie. figures in red ladled* the ctf 1 nu.--.ber of the book . A moan letter q before the lowpn* or the oalfaunber meano quarto end the boch will be found rtth large boohs m ease 6or on the bettor Shelves of oases in nhiah the other boohs of the sane class ar& found. ^^^12 061921760 ^ 5