BRAHAMJclNCOLiN A .S P 1 R 1 T U A h 1ST? LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY ■- sinofular gift ; but that it is of God. I have no doubt. I thank vou for coming here to-night. It is more important than perhaps anv one present can understand." " — Page 74. FIRST MEETING WITH LINCOLN. 75 one look ; but I never have forgotten it, and through the dim- ness of all these years that great and patient man looks down upon me to teach me how to bear, and how to do, how to hope, and how ta give myself for my fellow-men. Lincoln was a noble representative of free institutions. He stood as the representative of that liberty which had been won by the swords of the Revolution, which had been organized by the earlier settlers of the Republic, and which has been adorned by many years of growth until the present day. The Revolu- tion had passed before Lincoln's day; but he was a typical representative of the freedom of heart, and soul, and life which ought to be the most priceless inheritance of every American citizen. I think this was evinced in his whole course and con- duct. He was surrounded bv able men. The sword and the pen both had their heroes ; but before this man every one chose to pause, and his choice was always the wisest of all. I do not know what Lincoln would have done without support ; but, through all troubles, the individuality of that one man, his unflinching courage, his broad sympathy and charity, his homely common sense, his indomitable rectitude and unshaken faith ran like a pulse of fire, a thread of gold. You may speak of the arch of honor that spans those years of struggle. You may write the names of great generals, ad- mirals, statesmen, senators, and governors upon separate stones. But on that one stone which bound them together, with- out which the arch would have fallen into ruin and confusion, you must write Lincoln's name. I mention a third thing for which Lincoln was great. "We have had great men who were as cold as the marble in which their statues have been cast. We have had men who had no more warm blood in their hearts than the bronze tablets upon their tombs. We have had great statesmen, great war- riors, great philosophers, great men of letters, all of them cold 76 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? as icebergs, with no popular sympathies, no real tenderness, no heart beneath their garments. We have had men placed as Lincoln was who had calmly written out his same gigantic campaign and could accept death, peril, or disgrace, as well as honor, with the same calm impassi- bility with which you might move the knight or the bishop from one square on the chessboard to another. We have had men who left behind them mighty names ; and no one child sobbed when they were gone. But not a dry eye appeared amid thousands of children when the splendid, heroic Lincoln, with his wis- dom, sagacity, and patriotism, was taken away. He carried a tender heart, the heart of a little child, the heart of a woman when she has given her promise to the man she loves. Back of that rough, angular form and seemingly uncouth demeanor there lay a heart as white as snow, and so dropping with the love of humanity that, if I were to take out of one of those Christian centuries the heart of the one whom I believed to be the most loving, the most tender, I would take it from the breast of Abraham Lincoln. What soldier in his standinor army, bleeding and with dusty ^qqX^ could enter the chamber of any other ruler in this world and plead his cause as to a friend ? What woman, tearful because her son was in peril, when a stroke of the President's hand would set him free, could any- where else force her way to him through lines of senators, and then receive consolation ? What man, within the memory of men, has ruled without jealousy and fanaticism, and to whom every man in the land could turn in thought, in hope, in prayer, as to a patient or never-failing friend ? Was there ever a leader of the American people who got so near the heart of his generation as did Abraham Lincoln ? And perhaps, with all his greatness, this is one of his greatest claims to immortal memory. The warrior dies ; the honored philosopher fades away with the changes of time ; the scientific man is blotted FIRST MEETING WITH LINCOLN, 77 out by the record of successive thought ; the poet's sweetest lays may be folded away like a garment, to put some newer and better one in its place ; but the love of the human heart is the one endurinj; thing in this world of ours ; and where all these tilings will pass away, the man who is a lover of his country, who is a lover of his native land, is the man whose immortality is best secured, and that man was Abraham Lincoln. I can say nothing, in this brief review of his great work, of the emancipation of the slave, except to say that that patience, wis- dom, and infallible instinct as to the right time of doing anything is illustrated in this, perhaps, as in no other single incident of his career. And when I come to one effort it seems to me I wanted to lay my fingers on my lips and never speak another word. When he climbed that height at Gettysburg, and stood on the scene of the terrible conflict, on that ground made sacred with the bodies of our patriot soldiers, the eloquence of his lips, the impressiveness of his mien, and the words uttered by his heart through his tongue, made that oration which, in the history of American eloquence, puts culture into the shade, for it was the eloquence of the noblest American upon the noblest occasion in the history of mankind. In the old days every cathedral had its chime of bells. A new bell had to be cast, and it was to be strung up far into the tower to exercise the demons and call the people to morn- ing worship. The bell was in process of casting in the mould, and there were joy and gladness. Priests brought the crucibles and bronze articles to the mould, and the molten metal began to make its way toward the great hole in which the cast was being prepared. Suddenly the great gathering was swayed with some sudden emotion. There v/as a danger of the failure of the cast through insufficient metal. The cry was. What shall be done? It was soon decided. Every one gave something, some article of value to cast into the seething pot. Women 78 ^VAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALISTf tore off their bracelets. Others ran and brought silver vessels ; priests brought the appurtenances of the sanctuary and flunor them into the seething, boiling furnace ; and at last there was sufficient. It cooled, and was swung into the tower, and there never was a sweeter-toned bell in all the world, and the sacri- fices that had been made in flinging the treasure into the bell made its notes those of silver and gold as they rang out on the sweet morning air. The old bell that proclaimed liberty at Philadelphia is a useless bell to-day. We have done the cast- ing all these years of that bell of liberty which is to be rung in the ages to come, high up above the people and the sound of the nations and the war and the peace of the world. We hope and pause when the golden bell is rung, and we seem to hear its silver chiming as it calls to prayer. We hear its deeper notes when it warns us with its significant alarm and joyous clang that it is positively above us. How sweet is that bell of liberty ! Let us not forget what makes it sweet is be- cause men have cast sacrifices for the golden hope of manhood and life. Let us not forcret that if it rings so sweetly and is to ring forever in the name of liberty, some of that sweetness comes from Abraham Lincoln ; for, when that bell was in the molten furnace of war and the crucible of trial, there was cast into it the pure gold of his manly life. Rev. E. C. Bolles, at Lafayette Camp. WE MAKE HISTORY. 79 CHAPTER VIII. WE MAKE HISTORY. We enter the Interior ])epartment — Form the acquaintance of Mrs. Anna M. Cosby — Meet Geo. D. Prentiss and many prominent people — Frequently visit the White House — We hold a stance at Laurie's, the President attending — " Bonnie Doon" — Mrs. Miller causes the piano to dance — The scene at the front depicted — The President advised by "Dr. Bamford" to go to the Army of the Potomac and talk with the soldiery — "The simplest remedies the best" — The President grants a furlough to A. L. Gurney - — The President speaks his views upon spiritualistic com- munications — Advised not to make the stances public in- formation — Mrs. Miller moves the piano while the Presi- dent sits upon it — Notes. ON the Monday following I found employment (through the kindness of Mrs. Lincoln) in the seed-room, a division of the " Department of the In- terior," which was under the control of Mr. Newton. This room was part of a building on F Street near Seventh, where fifty to sixty occupants, the majority old ladies, and the balance children between the ages of ten and twelve, found employment. My duties consisted of sewing together the ends of curious little sacks — each sack containing a gill of seed corn, beans, 80 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? etc., as the case might be ; which work was little more than mere pastime. We entered the room at nine in the morning, leaving it at twelve ; returning at one, and leaving again at three in the afternoon. For this work I received one dollar per day. A few days later my friend Parnie joined me, also entering this room, doing the same work, and receiving the same compensation. In the meantime my evenings were well filled with circles, which were attended by many of the most prominent people in Washington. Among those I met and learned to love, and who in turn became warmly attached to myself and friend, was Mrs. Anna M. Cosby,* whose father, Mr. Robt. Mills,! was the architect of the public buildings of Washington ; and whose husband was at this time consul at Geneva (?). * Mrs. Anna Mills Cosby, -wife of Fortunatus Cosby, and daughter of the late Robert Mills, was a Southerner by birth, and a most worthy advocate of Spiritualism. She was a true Christian and a lovable friend. She died May 31, 1864, her funeral services being conducted by the Rev. Byron Sunder- land, who is still in charge of a pastorate in Washington. See Appended Notes. f Robert Mills was the first educated American architect. He was the designer of the Bunker Hill jNIonument, and the archi- tect of the Washinfrton Monument in Baltimore He also de- signed and built the Capitol at Washington. He was a high Mason, and one of the most prominent men of his time. See Appended Notes. »^ i MRS. ANNA M. COSBY. From photograph from life, presented by her to Mns. N. C. Mayiiard, 1863. WE MAKE HISTORY. 81 Her home was a solid brick mansion on Capitol Hill — historical in its associations ; having been known in Washington's day as the " Old Bell Tavern ;" after- wards used as a bank until Mr. Mills changed it to a family residence. The old vaults still remained beneath the building ; and its quaint arrangement and winding stairway were a novelty to my Northern eyes. The first floor of her house was occupied by John W. Forney ; and a beautiful chamber on the second floor was usually occupied by General Simon Cameron when in Washington. This lady was the patroness, as her father had been patron before her, of the Columbia Fire Company ; which was located very near her residence. It was to her and her family that this company was indebted for the many privileges it enjoyed — her father being ac- tive in establishing it, and furnishing it with the motto, *' The performance of duty insures the protection of God." This lady, after a time, insisted upon our " making her house our home ;'* and in its refining and elevating atmosphere, surrounded by all that wealth could give, we passed many happy weeks and formed many pleas- ant associations. At her house I met with Mr. Joshua Speed, Mr. Lincoln's former law partner. At one of her circles, held in her beautiful parlors, I also met Geo. D. Prentiss, the well-known editor of the " Louis- ville Journal." Here I gave many private sittings to 6 82 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALISTf distinguished people, whose names I never knew ; but who were apparently earnest investigators, and seemed satisfied with the truths they obtained. In short, every moment was filled to the uttermost, and the time so occupied passed quickly and pleasantly. Prior to leaving Mr. Laurie's to become the guest of Mrs. Cosby I had another important interview with President Lincoln. One morning, early in February, we received a note from Mrs. Lincoln, saying she de- sired us to come over to Georgetown and bring some friends for a seance that evening, and wished the " young ladies" to be present. In the early part of the evening, before her arrival, my little messenger, or " familiar" spirit, controlled me, and declared that (the " long brave," as she denominated him) Mr. Lin- coln would also be there. As Mrs. Lincoln had made no mention of his coming in her letter, we were sur- prised at the statement. Mr. Laurie rather ques- tioned its accuracy ; as he said it would be hardly advisable for President Lincoln to leave the Wliite House to attend a spiritual seance anywhere ; and that he did not consider it " good policy" to do so. However, when the bell rang, Mr. Laurie, in honor of his expected guests, went to the door to receive them in person. His astonishment was great to find Mr. Lincoln standing on the threshold, wrapped in his long cloak ; and to hear his cordial " Good even- ing," as he put out his hand and entered. Mr. Laurie WE MAKE HISTORY. 83 promptly exclaimed, " Welcome, Mr. Lincoln, to my humble roof; you were expected" (Mr. Laurie was one of the " old-school gentlemen"). Mr. Lincoln stopped in the act of removing his cloak, and said, " Ex- pected ! Tr//?/, it is only five minutes si^ice I knew that I was coming^ He came down from a cabinet meeting as Mrs. Lincoln and her friends were about to enter the carriage, and asked them where they were going. She replied, '' To Georgetown ; to a circle." He answered immediately, " Hold on a mo- ment; I will go with you." "Yes," said Mrs. Lin- coln, " and I was never so surprised in my life." He seemed pleased when Mr. Laurie explained the source of our information ; and I think it had a tendency to prepare his mind to receive what followed, and to obey the instructions given. On this occasion, as he entered the parlor, I made bold to say to him, " I would like to speak a word with you, Mr. Lincoln, before you go, after the circle." " Certainly," he said ; " remind me, should I forget it." Mr. and Mrs. Laurie, with their daughter, Mrs. Mil- ler, at his request, sang several fine old Scotch airs — among them, one that he declared a favorite, called " Bonnie Doon." I can see him now, as he sat in the old high-backed rocking-chair ; one leg thrown over the arm ; leaning back in utter weariness, with his eyes closed, listening to the low, strong, and clear yet plaintive notes, rendered as only the Scotch can sing 84 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? their native melodies. I looked at his face, and it appeared tired and haggard. He seemed older by years than when I had seen him a few weeks pre- viously.* The whole party seemed anxious and trou- * My friend, Francis B. Carpenter, has given a correct picture of Lincoln: "In repose, it was the saddest face I ever knew. There were davs when I could scarcelv look into it without crying. During the first week of the battles of the Wilderness he scarcely slept at all. Passing through the main hall of the domestic apartment on one of these days, I met him, clad in a long morning- wrapper, pacing back and forth a narrow passage leading to one of the windows, his hands behind him, great black rings under his eyes, his head bent forward upon his breast = — altogether such a picture of the effects of sorrow, care, and anxiety as would have melted the hearts of the worst of his adversaries, who so mistakenly applied to him the epithets of tyrant and usurper. With a sorrow almost divine, he, too, could have said of the rebellious States, ' How often would I have -gathered you together, even as a hen gath- ereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not /' Like another Jeremiah, he wept over the desolations of the nation ; 'he mourned the slain of the daughter of his people.' " Surely, ruler never manifested so much sympathy, and ten- derness, and charity. How, hke the last words of the Divine one himself, ' Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do,' will the closing sentences of his last inaugural address resound in solemn cadence through the coming centuries. Truly and well, says the London ' Spectator' of that address : ' We cannot read it without a renewed conviction that it is the noblest political document known to history, and should have for the nation and the statesmen he left behind him something of a sacred and almost prophetic character. Surely, none was WE MAKE HISTORY. 85 bled ; but all interest centered in the chief, and all eyes and thoughts were turned on him. At the end of the song he turned to me and said, " Well, Miss Nettie ; do you think you have anything to say to me to-nio^ht?" At first I thouo;ht he referred to the re- quest I had made when he entered the room. Recol- lecting myself, however, I said, " If / have not, there may be others who have." He nodded his head in a pleasant manner, saying, " Suppose we see what they will have to tell us." Among the spirit friends that have ever controlled me since my first development was one I have before mentioned — known as " old Dr. Bamford." He was quite a favorite with Mr. Lincoln. His quaint dialect, old-fashioned methods of expression, straightforward- ness in arriving at his subject, together with fearless- ness of utterance, recommended him as no finished style could have done. This spirit took possession of me at once. As I learned from those in the circle, the substance of Ms remarks was as follows : " That a very precarious state of things existed at the front, where General Hooker had just taken command. The army was totally demoralized ; regiments stacking ever written under a stronger sense of the reality of (jod's government. And certainly none written in a period of pas- sionate conHict ever so completely excluded the partiality of victorious faction, and breathed so pure a strain of mingled justice and mercy.' " 86 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? arms, refusing to obey orders or to do duty ; threaten- ing a general retreat ; declaring their purpose to re- turn to Washington. A vivid picture was drawn of the terrible state of affairs, greatly to the surprise of all present, save the chief to whom the words were addressed. When the picture had been painted in vivid colors, Mr. Lincoln quietly remarked : " You seem to understand the situation. Can you point out the remedy ?'' Dr. Bamford immediately replied : ^' Yes ; if you have the courage to use ity "He smiled," they said, and answered, " Try mey The old doctor then said to him, " It is one of the sim- plest, and being so simple it may not appeal to you as being sufficient to cope with what threatens to prove a serious difficulty. The remedy lies with yourself. Go in person to the front ; taking ivith you your wife and children; leaving behind your official dignity^ and all maimer of display. Resist the importunities of officials to accompany you, ayid take only such at- tendants as may he absolutely necessary ; avoid the high grade officers, and seek the tents of the private soldiers. Inquire into their grievances ; shoto your- self to be what you are, ' The Father of your People.^ Make them feel that you are interested in their sufferings, and that you are not unmindful of the many trials ivhich beset them in their march through the dismal sivamps, whereby both their courage and numbers have been depleted.^'' He quietly remarked, WE MAKE HISTORY. 87 " If that will do any good, it is easily done." The doctor instantly replied, " It will do all that is re- quired. It ivill unite the soldiers as one man. It will unite them to you in hands of steel. And iioiv, if you would prevent a serious j if not fatal ^ disaster to your cause, let the news he promulgated at once, and disseminated throughout the camp of the Army of the Potomac. Have it scattered hroadcast that you are on the eye of visiting the front ; that you are not talking of it, hut that it is settled that you are going, and are now getting into readiness. This will stop insubordination and hold the soldiers in check : bein*! something to divert their minds, and they will wait to see what your coming portends." He at once said, "if shall he done.^^ A long conversation then followed between the doctor and Mr. Lincoln regarding the state of affairs, and the war generally. The old doctor told him '' that he would be renominated and re-elected to the presidency." They said that he sadly smiled when this was told him, saying, " It is hardly an honor to be coveted, save one could find it his duty to accept it." After the circle was over, Mr. Laurie said, '' Mr. Lincoln, is it possible that affairs are as bad as has been depicted ?" He said, " They can hardly be ex- aggerated ; but I ask it as a favor of all present that they do not speak of these things. The Major there," pointing to an officer of that rank who was in their 88 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST'? party, " has just brought despatches froui the ' front' depicting the state of affairs pretty much as our old friend has shown it ; and we were just having a Cabi- net meeting regarding the matter, when something, I know not what, induced me to leave the room and come down stairs, when I found Mrs. Lincoln in the act of coming here. I felt it might be of service for me to come ; I did not know wherefore." He dropped his head as he said this — leaning forward in his chair as if he were thinking aloud. Then, looking up sud- denly, he remarked, ""Matters are pretty serious down there, and perhaps the simplest remedy is the best. 1 have often noticed in life that little things have some- times greater weight than larger ones.'''' As they rose to depart, he turned to me and said, " Now I will hear what you wish to say to me." Going to one side of the parlor, w^e sat down, and I laid before him the case of a friend who had been nearly two years in the service in the Army of the Potomac, and who was a lieutenant in the Thirtieth N. Y. Regiment. He had seen hard service in camp and field, and had never asked for a furlough during that period. At this time, as his colonel was ordered to Washington on duty for a few weeks, he sent in a petition to the AVar Department for a furlough, signed by all the superior officers of his regiment and brigade. Not doubting the granting of the furlough, nor waiting for its arrival, feeling sure of its coming and being forwarded, he " 1 felt it niig'ht be of service lor nie to come ; I did not know wherefore." He dropped his head as he said this — Icaninsi: forward in his chair as if he were thinking alond. Then, looking; np suddenly, he remarked, " Matters are pretty serious down there, and perhaps the remedy is the best. I have often noticed in life that little things have sometimes greater weight than larger ones." — PageSS. WE MAKE HISTORY. 89 went with his colonel to Washington. Unfortunately, the day before, he had received the announcement that the application had been rejected, and that an order was then at the department for his arrest for " absence without leave." 1 stated these facts in full to Mr. Lincoln, and said to him, " This young man is a true soldier, and was one of the first to respond to the call for troops. He has no desire or disposition to avoid or shirk his duty, and is intending to return and give himself up as soon as his colonel's business is completed. It occurred to me that you would be kind enough to interpose your hand between him and the consequences of his rashness in leaving the camp before the arrival of his furlough." He pleasantly smiled, and said, " I have so much to think of now, I shall forget all about this. You write it all out to me, giving me his name and regiment, and bring it to me to-morrow." Feeling sure of my cause, I was de- lighted, and thought of the pleasant surprise I had in store for my friend. Mr. Lincoln bade us all a pleasant "good-night" and departed, leaving us to talk over the curious cir- cumstances of his coming and of its results. It was at this seance that Mrs. Belle Miller gave an example of her power as a " moving medium," and highly amused and interested us by causing the piano to " waltz around the room," as was facetiously remarked in several recent newspaper articles. The true state- 90 ^VAS LIXCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? ment is as follows : Mrs. Miller played upon the piano (a three-corner grand), and under her influence it "rose and fell," keeping time to her touch in a perfectly regular manner. Mr. Laurie suggested that, as an added '' test" of the invisible po^Yer that moved the piano, Mrs. Miller (his daughter) should place her hand on the instrument, standing at ami's length from it, to show that she was in no wise connected with its movement other than as agent, Mr. Lincoln then placed his hand underneath the piano, at the end nearest Mrs. Miller, who placed her left hand upon his to demonstrate that neither strength nor pressure was used. In this position the piano rose and fell a number of times at her bidding. At Mr. Laurie's desire the President changed his position to another side, meeting: with the same result. The' President, with a quaint smile, said, " I think we can hold down that instrument." Whereupon he climbed upon it, sitting with his legs dangling over the side, as also did Mr. Somes, S. P. Kase, and a soldier in the uniform of a major (who, if living, will recall the strange scene) from the Army of the Potomac. The piano, notwithstanding this enormous added weight, continued to wabble about until the sitters were glad " to vacate the premises." We were convinced that there were no mechanical contrivances to produce the strange result, and Mr. Lincoln expressed himself perfectly satisfied that the motion was caused by some WE MAKE HISTORY. 91 " invisible power ;*' and when Mr. Somes remarked, " When I have related to my acquaintances, Mr. President, that which I have experienced to-night, they will say, with a knowing look and wise demeanor, ' You were psychologized, and as a matter of fact (versus fancy) you did not see what you in reality did seeJ* " Mr. Lincoln quietly replied, " You should bring such person here, and when the piano seems to rise, have him slip his foot under the leg and be convinced (doubtless) by the weight of evidence resting upon his under standing y When the laughter caused by this rally had sub- sided, the President wearily sank into an arm-chair, " the old tired, anxious look returning to his face." This never-to-be-forgotten incident occurred on the fifth day of February, 1863. I believe that Mr. Lincoln was satisfied and con- vinced that the communications he received throuo-h me were wholly independent of my volition, and in every way superior to any manifestation that could have been given by me as a jpJiysical being. This he affirmed in my presence and in my hearing in answer to a question by Mr. Somes as to what he thought of the source of what he had experienced and heard from time to time iii the form of spiritualistic manifes- tations. He replied, " I am not prepared to describe the intelligence that controls this young girl's organ- ism. She certainly could have no knowledge of the 92 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? facts communicated to me, nor of what was transpiring in my Cabinet meeting prior to my joining this circle, nor of affairs at the front [the army], nor regarding transpiring events which are known to me only^ and which I have not imparted to any one, and which have not been made public." As he spoke, his face was earnest and in repose, and he laid one hand in the other impressively (as was his custom). He likewise comprehended that I was ignorant of the very facts surrounding the information of which I was the agent. It has frequently been stated that Mr. Lincoln was a spiritualist. That question is left open for general judgment. I do know that he held communication with numerous mediums, both at the White House and at other places, and among his mediumistic friends were Charles Foster, Charles Colchester, Mrs. Lucy A. Hamilton, and Charles Kedmond, who warned Mr. Lincoln of the danger that faced him before he made that famous trip between Philadelphia and Washing- ton, on which occasion he donned the Scotch cap and cape ; and which warning saved him from assassina- tion. If he had not had faith in Spiritualism, he would not have connected himself with it, and would not have had any connections with it, especially in peculiarly dangerous times, while the fate of the Nation was in peril. Again, had he declared an open belief in the WE MAKE HISTORY. 93 subject, he would have been pronounced insane and probably incarcerated. A man does not usually follow or obey dictation in which he has no faith, and which does not contain infor- mation of active present value to him. This argument, together with his following of the Spirit dictation which passed through me, goes a great way toward a critical and correct judgment in this matter, especially when verification is at hand. It is also true that Mrs. Lincoln was more enthusiastic regarding the subject than her husband, and openly and avowedly professed herself connected with the new religion. Mr. Somes frequently warned me that it would be un- wise to talk with newspaper men, or to answer any of the many inquiries that were constantly made regard- ing the subject of our Presidential stances — saying im- pressively, " Do not make these matters public prop- erty in any such manner at the present time. Reserve your statements of experiences until sufficient time has elapsed to remove any condemnatory criticism, which would naturally be caused by the present excitement of war, and for the time when the people are ready to look upon past and present events with coolness and correctness, at which time a true and dispas- sionate judgment will be reached, for you will then receive an impartial hearing, and at the same time make evident the truths of Spiritualism." He added, " You are at liberty to quote me and to use my name 94 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? in connection -with any events herein stated in which I was a participant." The value of his opinion is apparent, and I may add that I followed this advice implicitly. The time has arrived when we can criti- cise freely, judge dispassionately, and reach a true conclusion regarding those events which had to do with the greatest man of his time — the chief actor in the tragedy of modern years, which centered upon us the gaze of the civilized world. PERILOUS TIMES. 95 CHAPTER IX. PERILOUS TIMES. I make a strange error — The President visits the Army of the Potomac at the instigation of the spirits — Mrs. Lincoln is distracted, and we comfort her — A sitting -while the battle of Chancellorsville goes on and the result foretold — AVe depart with an armful of flowers — Visit to the Mount Pleasant Hospital, where father greets us. THE next day was Sunday, and Mr. Lincoln had evidently forgotten that fact when he bade me bring him ray request in writing. I therefore used a part of the day to write out a plain statement of the case. I considered it almost a State document, ad- dressed it " To the President of the United States ;" and thoughtlessly, or rather with great deliberation, believing it necessary, signed my full baptismal name to the paper. Since I had responded to a name, I had been called " Nettie" by old and young, and had almost forgotten that my proper name was " Hen- rietta." Sunday morning's issue of John W. Forney's " Gazette" bore in startling headlines : " The Presi- dent is about to visit the Army of the Potomac.''^ Then followed a statement of .what gunboat was in 96 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? preparation to take him and his family to Fortress Monroe ; and other matter showing literal obedience to the directions given the night previous. These papers, I learned, were scattered by the thousand throughout the army, as quickly as they could be conveyed there. On Monday morning, with my paper in hand, I visited the White House. Going up to the waiting- room, I sent it in by " Edward," and anxiously awaited the result. Twenty minutes or more must have passed when '' Edward" came out, and said, " The President desires that you will call to-morrow." I w^as thunderstruck ; not knowing what this might indicate. I knew that without the consent and knowl- edge of my friend I had furnished the full facts of his whereabouts and his acts to headquarters ; and knew not how my action might be considered by him and his colonel. Startled and full of doubt, I walked to the broad stairway, and when halfway down met the major (whose name I have forgotten, but who was with the President on the occasion of the sitting the Saturday previous), who instantly recognized me, and raised his cap and bowed pleasantly. I left the White House, going to the Post- Office Department for my mail, then returned to Georgetown to find the major awaiting me. He came to me as I entered and said, " Mr. Lincoln sent me to you with this note. He says he thinks it will answer every purpose. He PERILOUS TIMES. 97 told me to tell you he had left it without date, as you could not give him the precise date of your friend leaving the camp, and being without date, it therefore covers all the back time. He would have given it to you in person, but he did not recognize the name at- tached to the foot of the paper containing the state- ment. When I went into the room," he said, " after meeting you on the stairs, the President took up the paper and said, in a perplexed way, ' This lady states that I requested her to write this out. I do not remember the name or the circumstance, and yet there is something familiar about it.' I stepped up to Mr. Lincoln, and glancing at the name, replied, ' It is that little medium we saw in Georgetown.' ' Oh yes,' he exclaimed, ' I fully remember now. Go out and bring her in.' I hurried out," added the major ; " but you having left, I failed to find you. He then said, ' This matter must be attended to at once,' and writing on this card, as you see, he in- closed it in an envelope and bade me bring it to you." I opened it and read the following : " Leave of ab- sence is granted to A. L. Gurney, Comp. G, 30th N. Y. Reg., and he will report to his company Feb. 17th, 1863" — thus giving him ten days' additional leave (the time was afterwards extended to the 27th, merely changing the date). I have no doubt this gentleman treasures to this day that souvenir of our martyred President. I thanked the major for his kindness, and 7 98 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? bade him extend to Mr, Lincoln my grateful acknowl- edgment, impulsively remarking, " How good of him to do this thing!" To which the major replied, "It is a common thing for him to do these acts. He is all the time doino; somethinor of the kind." The President's visit to the " front " and the ova- tion tendered him showed the spontaneous uprising of a people to receive a loved ruler. How he was literally borne on the shoulders of soldiers through the camp, and how everywhere the " boys in blue " rallied around him, all grievances being forgotten and restored, and his leaving a united and devoted army behind him when he returned to Washington, — are matters of history too well known to bear repeating. He did not achieve the victory of carrying out to the letter, without a struggle, the directions of our unseen friends. Mrs. Laurie and myself visited the White House in the interval of the preparation and the time of departure ; and Mrs. Lincoln informed us that they were being besieged by applications from members of both houses, and Cabinet officers and their wives, for permission to go with them. And she remarked, in her quick impulsive way : " But I tell Mr. Lincoln, if we are going to take the spirits' advice, let us do it fully, and then there can be no responsibility resting with us if it fail." I was controlled at this time, and "They" impressed upon her the importance of carry- ing this out as strictly as was consistent ; as it was all PERILOUS TIMES. 99 >> Important that the " man,'''' not the '' Presideyit, should visit the army. Disunionists had labored to fill the minds of the soldiers with the idea that the government at Washington was rioting in the good things of life and surrounded by pomp and display, while the soldiers were left to die in the swamps, neglected and forgotten ; it was therefore necessary '' that they should see the man in all his simplicity," and that he should carry with him a personal influence which would be felt throughout the camp. The wis- dom of his action is told in the result. I think it was in May of that year that the battle of Chancellorsville was fought. My father was then with my eldest brother in hospital in Washington. Intending to visit him, I went by permission of ^Irs. Lincoln to the White House hothouse to obtain a bouquet of flowers for him. Miss Parnie and my- self applied to the private entrance, expecting only to receive the flowers and depart; Mrs. Cuthbert, Mrs. Lincoln's waiting-woman, eagerly met us at the door. " Oh, my dear young ladies," she exclaimed in 'her broken French fashion, " the madam is deestracted. Come to her, I beg of you. She wants you very much." Surprised at her earnestness, we went up- stairs and were ushered into her bedroom. Mrs. Lincoln, in a loose wrapper, her long beautiful hair down her back and over her shoulders, was distractedly walking up and down the room. xVs she saw me she 100 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? came forward and exclaimed, " Oh, Miss Nettie, such dreadful news ; they are fighting at the front ; such terrible slaughter ; and all our generals are killed and our army is in full retreat ; such is the latest news. Oh, I am glad you have come. Will you sit down a few moments and see if we can get anything from ' beyond V " No hint of the battle had as yet reached the public. I was surprised. I threw my things aside and we at once sat down. " Pinkie" controlled me instantly, and, in her own original way, assured Mrs. Lincoln that her alarm was groundless ; that while a great battle had been fought and was still in progress, our forces were fully holding their own ; and that none of the generals, as she had been informed, were slain or injured. She bade her have no fear whatever ; that they would get better news by nightfall, and the next day would bring still more cheering results. This calmed her somewhat, a,nd after I awoke she talked very earnestly with me to know if I fully trusted and believed in what was said through me. I assured her of my confidence in whatever was communicated, and it seemed to give her courage. It was now approaching one o'clock, and Mr. Lincoln entered the room ; he was bowed as if bent with trouble, his face looking anxious and careworn. He shook my hand in a listless way and kindly inquired how I was, shaking hands with my friend also. He sat PERILOUS TIMES. 101 down at a little stand on which Mrs. Cuthbert had placed a cup of tea and a plate of crackers. It seemed that it was his custom at this hour to partake of this frugal lunch. Mrs. Lincoln instantly began to tell him what had been said. He looked up with quick interest. My friend Parnie said, " Perhaps Mr. Lincoln would prefer to hear it direct ; would you not like to, Mr. Lincoln ?'^ He said, " If it would not tire your friend too much, yes." I hastened to assure him that I felt no weariness whatever, and again I was soon under control. This time it was the strong clear utterance of one we had learned to call " Wisdom ;" and Parnie told me that Mr. Lincoln listened intently to every word. For twenty minutes " he" talked to him, stating clearly the condition of affairs at the front ; assuring him of what news he would receive by nightfall, and what the morrow would bring forth ; and that in no wise was the battle disastrous ; and though not decisive particularly in character, was sufficiently so to be a gain, not a loss, to the Union cause. He brightened visibly under the assurances given ; and my friend said she had never seen me more impressive or convincing when under control. Evi- dently "they" felt his need in that hour, and met it. When I awoke his tea stood untasted and cold, and as none seemed to think of it that should have done so, my friend quietly arose, and, taking it from the stand, handed it to Mrs. Cuthbert, and said, " Change this 102 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? for a hot cup of tea, and bring it soon." No one seemed to think she was stepping out of her place in thus thinking of the weary man before us. It was quickly brought, and he drank it with a relish, but left the crackers untasted. He shook us warmly by the hand, and with a pleasant smile passed back to his private apartments. I need not say that our hands were well filled with flowers when we left the White House. However, it was then too late to go to the camp. The next morn- ing, on our way to the hospital, we called at the White House and received from Mrs. Cuthbert the assurance that the news had been received as predicted, and that " Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln were both feeling much better and full of hope." Taking the cars at Fourteenth Street, we made our visit to Mount Pleasant Hospital. Its thousands of clean, white empty tents, full of little cot-beds, sug- gested the possibilities of war, but presented none of its horrors. My brother was somewhat better, al- though still in bed ; and my father was glad to see his visitors. We stayed a few hours, and he showed us over the departments ; taking us to the surgeons' headquarters, where all seemed quiet and peaceful. We returned to the city, little dreaming of the scene that would greet us when we again visited the camp. THE WOUNDED AND DYING. 103 CHAPTER X. THE WOUNDED AND DYING. After the battles of Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg — We go to the hospital and aid the wounded — Scenes of horror among the '^ brave boys in blue" — While riding home we see the President lift his hat to a crippled soldier boy — Lincoln always ready to serve the humble. DURING the seven or eight days that followed we did not visit my father, being busied with circles and attending to our duties in the seed depart- ment. The battles of Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg had been fought and our armies had gained a negative victory — that is, we had lost no ground, and the enemy had been defeated. One morning, bright and early, accompanied by our friend. Miss Anna Betts, of Al- bany, we started for the hospital to see my father. How changed in the brief time since we had looked upon the quiet, peaceful canvas-covered grounds! soldiers everywhere, rushing in all directions. Upon our statement of " having friends in camp" we were freely allowed to pass. Threading our way through what seemed hardly familiar lines of tents, we were shocked to find that nearly every tent was filled with 104 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? mutilated occupants ; every bed having its tenant, and fresh arrivals constantly being added to the number. Reaching the tent where my brother had been an invalid, which was one of many feet in length, con- taining many beds, I met him at the doorway pale and feeble, but active on belialf of those who were far more needy than he. We stood dumb before the scene presented to our eyes, when my father hastily approached and exclaimed, '' Girls, have you nerve enough to help us ?" We all responded, " Yes ; any- thing we can do.'' He quickly furnished us with tin basins, and showing us where to fill them with fresh water from large tanks outside, handed each a sponge and told us to pass from cot to cot, and squeeze the spongeful of cold water upon the foot or hand of the occupant, so repeated until a little relief was afforded, then pass on to the next. We eagerly begun our task. Anna, full of earnest zeal, started on her round, but the first sight that greeted her eyes was one of horror — a poor soldier boy bleeding to death from a wound in the neck. Turning deadly faint, she retreated to the open air. A few moments and she rallied and bravely returned to her work. For the three hours we could remain, we passed from bed to bed and applied the cold water as best we could to the poor boys who lay, each waiting his turn, uncom- plaining, and, strange to say, even cheerful under such terrible conditions. Pleasant words were passed from THE WOUNDED AND DYING. 105 bed to bed between them ; and when we would ap- proach with a fresh basin of water, they would call out in a cheery tone, " Me first ; me first," and always with a pleasant laugh, if we took the first that came, without heeding the call, and I know that many tears mingled with the water we squeezed upon their poor mangled limbs. The scene comes back to me vividly as I recall it ; for it was our first real experience of the meaning of that horrible word " war." In a tent outside surgeons were busy lopping off legs and arms ; and going outside on one occasion to renew my basin of water that was crimson with the loyal blood of our brave boys in blue, I saw my brother being borne fainting from a tent. I went to him at once, and they told me that he was assisting the surgeon at an amputation when his feelings over- came him. A dose of brandy quickly brought him around, and he returned to his post with a determined spirit. Every hand was needed. The weakest grew strong in the face of that army of sufferers. At one time the water by our tent that was under our charge became exhausted, and my father hastily told me to go to the next tent on the right and there find another tank. In my hurry I turned to the left instead, and throwing aside the flap of the tent was horrified to see a mass of legs and arms that had of necessity been hastily placed there — the fruit of the surgeons' bloody. 106 ^VAS LIXCOLX A SPIRITUALIST? but necessary •work. Weak and faint I turned back, retraced my steps, and found the needed water. But how shall I speak of the brave boys who every- where met our eyes ? Never one word of complaint or regret at the fate that stretched them helpless and wounded on those narrow beds. Never an unseemly word. Only grateful acknowledgments for the min- istry we could give. Their condition was fearful and past belief, for they had lain on the battle-field until help could come ; and their wounds were full of ver- min, bandaged with such material as could be hastily furnished in such an emergency. While this revolt- ing state of things was apparent on every side, only cheery words from the sufferers, or a low moan here and there told the story of bravery and suffering. When the records of God are made up these brave boys will not be forgotten. One beardless youth, mortally wounded, lay quietly watching the work as we passed from bed to bed ; although past all pain, he was still fully conscious of his condition. We stopped every time we came in with a fresh basin of water to sponge off his face and hands ; it seemed to refresh and revive him ; then he would instantly signify that we were not to wait, but to go on with our mission of mercy. For three hours we never paused, and at the end of that time desisted, being warned by the approach of nightfall of the distance from our home. It was with regret and tears, we did not care to hide, that we left THE WOUNDED AND DYING, 107 our work to return to the citv. The next day Parnie and myself started early for the hospital. Anna could not accompany us, and we went without her. Our presence was hailed with delight, and we found that the wounds- of all those who had been under our charge the day previous had been attended to, and the application of cold water was now the only thing to be done. The young soldier we had noted the day before was still living, but fast failing. Parnie and myself stood beside him, each holding a cold hand, and in a short time all was over, and he was truly " mustered out," as he had said pleasantly, the day before, when asked by a comrade how he was. My father marked his grave, and we sent the news to his mother in Ohio, and shortly afterwards his remains were forwarded to her. We saw several other emptv beds that day that told their own silent storv : and the mounds orrew in nura- ber around the surgeons' headquarters, as one by one the brave boys succumbed to a conqueror they were powerless to resist. We found a full list of nurses in attendance that day and our services were hardly needed, although we went to work in the same manner as the day previous ; and some of the nurses, wearied and tired, were glad of the brief respite we could give them. It was a satisfaction to us, on leaving the camp, to 108 ^VAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? know that all were as comfortable as care and strict attendance could make them, and the horrors of the pre- vious day had passed from sight. Finding we could be of no further use, we did not visit the hospital again ; but it was many a day before the memory of those pain- marked faces and shattered limbs failed to haunt our dreams by night and challenge our thought by day. Soon after this, while riding up Pennsylvania Avenue to Georgetown* in a street car filled with a miscel- laneous crowd composed chiefly of officers and soldiers from the headquarters in Georgetown, an incident came under my notice that I deem worthy of record. It was a dull, rainy morning such as drives all pedes- trians indoors or under shelter, and the avenue above the Treasury building was practically deserted. Seated on the right-hand side of the car, I faced the Treasury building. As wx turned the corner, and some distance ahead, I beheld the tall figure of President Lincoln going with hurried strides toward the White House. He wore an old-fashioned dress coat, the sleeves tight to the arm and the right elbow torn so that his white shirt sleeve plainly showed through, and he, seemingly unconscious of this discrepancy in his dress, was pur- suing his way with his head down as if in a profound study. He wore a beaver hat that looked as well worn as his coat, and in his right hand was a bundle of papers as though he had just come from some office. THE WOUNDED AND DYING. 109 As he neared the gate of the White House, a soldier boy leaning upon crutches, one leg drawn up, ap- proached, and they nearly collided, so absorbed was Mr. Lincoln in his thoughts. Hastily looking up, see- ing who was before him, he instantly removed his hat, the soldier boy doing the same. He then commenced talking with him, and from his manner seemed to be inquiring as to the cause of his lameness, while one hand went into his pocket. As he drew it out, and was in the act of handing the soldier what was in his hand, his back was to the street and he did not see the loaded car which was then opposite. The soldier boys in the car, however, saw him ; one impulsively jerked the check-strap and the car stopped, and shouting at the top of his lungs " Three cheers for Father Abra- ham" rent the air. They were given with a will. He looked around, startled at the outburst so near him ; acting like a schoolboy caught in some derelic- tion of duty, thrust what he had in the hand of the soldier, doffed his hat again, and with a smile hurried out of sight into the grounds of the White House, fol- lowed by the cheers of soldiers, who witnessed in this kindness shown, unseen as he supposed, the man they loved in the President that ruled them. I have seen President Lincoln under many aspects, and he never failed to evidence the man of kindly heart, tender feelings, and one replete with thought- 110 WAS LINCOLN A SPIPdTUALIST? fulness for others, and one willing to serve the hum- blest where it did not conflict with his sense of duty.* * It Is to be regretted that an additional private secretary could not have been appointed, whose only duty it v?ould have been to look after and keep a complete record of all cases ap- pealing to executive clemency. There would have been full employment for such secretary, and the volume would now be beyond all price and value. CONTINUED SERVICES. HI CHAPTER XL CONTINUED SERVICES. The "Thirtieth New York" passes through Washington — The poem of reception — I am called home — Colonel Chrysler requests us to return to Washington to do him a service — AVe meet Joshua Speed at Cosby' s — The story of Mr. Cosby' s dismissal — A visit to the President and unpleasant remembrances — " We are Coming, Father Abraham, Three Hundred Strong" — Mr. Lincoln explains the dilemmas of war — Our point is gained, and we call on Secretary Stan- ton — A politic reply, and its result — Colonel Chrysler's Brigade made happy. A BOUT the last of May or the first of June the -^-*- two years' term of service of the Thirtieth Regiment of New York State Volunteers expiring they were ordered home. In this regiment, it will be re- membered, was my acquaintance for whom I had obtained Mr. Lincoln's grant of furlough. Since that gracious act of kindness the regiment had been through the fire and smoke of battle, and I think it was at the second battle of Bull Run that nearly every line ofiicer was cut down, and whole companies so depleted that at the next roll call there were scarcely enough for a corporal's guard. Their noble* leader. Colonel Frisby, was the first to fall in leading his men " to 112 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? the charge ;" and no braver soldier or truer gentleman gave his life for his country during that terrible four years' struggle. The fragment of a regiment that was returning was to arrive in Washington by one o'clock of the afternoon, and we received a despatch to that effect at eleven o'clock from our friends at Fortress Monroe. We were a long distance from the boat landing, and were making our preparations to join those in waiting, when Parnie remarked that, as I had given the regiment an inspirational poem two years previous when it went to the scene of action, I should now have one prepared on its return. I replied, " Perhaps the power that gave me the first will also give a second ;" and in the short space of half an hour I wrote and copied the following lines of welcome : — Fling out our starry banner ! Forever may it wave I Rincr, bells, your loudest welcome to the loyal, true and brave ! Strike every joyous cymbal ; let every sign be sliown To tell these war-worn patriots that they are welcome home. When first alonor the flashinnr wires came news of Sumter's fall, Ere hope of gain made patriots, they answered duty's call. And now, with laurels laden, they come both true and tried. Let banners wave ! ring loudly, bells ! to tell our joy and pride ! 1 well recall to mind the day, two weary years ago, [foe. They turned away from friends and home to meet our Southern Then, while the kiss is given to-night and words of welcome said, We'll not forget the tribute due the brave and honored dead, Whose bodies sleep in far-off graves beneath the trodden sod, Whose spirits glorified were led by angels up to God. And yet, O bells ! one moment stay, and toll for him who died While leading this devoted band against vile treason's tide. CONTINUED SERVICES. 113 He laid his crown of victory down, the hour in which 'twas won, While angels bore it twined with stars, beyond the setting sun. And while his blood with thousands at the bar of justice pleads, Shall fame and history gather up his name and noble deeds. And, should we need a beacon light to lead us on to fame, We'll look aloft where glory crowns our Frisby's honored name. Now, ring again, O joyful bells ! Our nation's banner wave ' Unite in giving welcome to the loyal, true, and brave. Then pay this tribute to the dead — the noblest ever given : They slept in soldiers' honored graves — their rich reward ia And say to those returning : A Nation bids them come [Heaven. And share its hallowed blessing and earnest welcome home. [This poem was published in the "Troy Whig."] We reached the dock as the boat neared her moor- ings. The pleasant anticipation of meeting our friends was saddened by the silent procession that first passed — for the regiment was accompanied by a long array of sleepers who would never again awaken at the sound of the reveille. We had only time for a handshake, and I passed the hastily written poem into the hands of my friends. Another moment, and they were gone. Shortly after their arrival at Albany, I received a paper published in New York, containing this poem, which the editor had considered worthy of publication ; though I do not know what course he would have pursued had he known its spiritual origin. Our friends were no sooner mustered out from their two years' service than they re-enlisted. Major Morgan H. Chrysler quickly recruited the discharged 8 114 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? soldiers, seeking to raise a mounted brigade of veterans to return at once to the field. About this time, on account of illness in our family, I was called home to Hartford, and at this period the time of my father and elder brother expired. We were, therefore, once more a united household, with one exception. The missing member was my father's brother Lyman, who had always been a member of our household, who was in the same regiment with my younger brother, and of whom we had not heard for a long time. He was enlisted for three years, and his regiment, at the time of his last letter, was located somewhere near Norfolk, Va. July passed, and with it the memorable battle of Gettysburg. The overflow of the hospitals near Washington was sent North. Everywhere there was work for willing hands and loyal hearts ; and though our victories cheered the heart of the nation, and gave courage to those at home as well as to those in the field, the fearful price had sanctified our country's altar and made us one. We felt that the work in which we were engaged, whether it were preparing the lint and bandages for the ex- pected victim or drawing the sword on the field of carnage, was entirely holy. In the early fall of 1863 my friend and myself re- ceived a request from Colonel Chrysler, at Saratoga, that we should go to Washington and see the Presi- dent on behalf of him and his veterans, of whom he GENERAL MORGAN H. CHRVSI,ER. From photograph from life, presented bj- him to Mrs. N. C. Majnard. CONTINUED SERVICES. 115 had raised three hundred. About this time there was strong call for reinforcements, and as fast as troops were enlisted they were forwarded to AVashington and sent " to the Camp of Distribution," so called, and scattered through the different army corps to fill up depleted companies. Colonel Chrysler's fear was that this fate would await his command ; and his ambition was to raise his brigade and so obtain the command thereof. He had confidence in my power to reach the President, and he had also confidence in the unseen powers that controlled me, and he earnestly requested that I should make the effort in his behalf, offering to defray all expenses, which he did. We went at once, going directly to our friend Mrs. Cosby, on Capitol Hill, who received us with joy and surprise, as she had not expected us until later. I told her the pur- pose of our coming and requested her to accompany me to see Mr. Lincoln. As we could not go at once, - we decided upon making the venture the following day. Morning came and brought with it an important visitor, who called on our friend. This person was Mr. Joshua Speed.* We were introduced to him ; and Anna, * Mr. Speed at this time was in Washington regarding his appointment as Attorney-General. The following information is apropos : The position in the Cabinet vacated by the resig- nation of Attorney-General Bates has been very judiciously filled by the appointment of Hon. J. J. Speed, of Kentucky. . . . . Mr. Speed is a gentleman of high order of legal 116 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? in her gentle, but forcible way, informed him of my peculiar gift, and of that of my friend. While we were talking Parnie was controlled by what proved to be the spirit of an old colored man — a former slave who was in the family of Mr. Speed, and who identi- fied himself with his old master by expressing his thanks that he was granted his request " to be buried under the tree where in his old age he used to sit, and where [if memory serves correctly] he had died." Mr. Speed acknowledged that this was very strange and singular, and afterward questioned us both clearly and closely in regard to our peculiar gifts. The fore- noon passed quickly ; and as Mr. Speed was about to leave us, Mrs. Cosby told him of our desire to visit the President. She asked him for a letter of introduc- tion. Smiling, he said, " Surely, you need no letter of introduction to him." She answered, " It has been some time since I have seen him, and I would be talent, and throughout the war has shown himself a sterling patriot We hope that Mr. Speed's influence in Kentucky will be sufficiently potent to counteract the machina- tions of the Copperheads in that section He is a man of thoroughly disciplined mind, and will make an efficient Attorney-General, we feel well assured Although once a Whig, he-is now a Republican. This appointment indi- cates a determination on the part of Mr. Lincoln to persevere in his war policy .... and not be satisfied short of com- plete success — Morton McMichaelj in the North American^ December 3, 1864. CONTINUED SERVICES. 117 pleased to have a letter from you." He sat down at her desk, and quickly indited a genial note of intro- duction, including my name also in the letter. I will here state that a few months previously Mr. Cosby had been superseded in his consulship, owing to the fact that he had been reported to our government " as giving entertainments to the representatives of the Southern Confederacy, at the port where he was stationed." I think it was this fact that led Mrs. Cosby to desire a letter of introduction to Mr. Lin- coln, fearing that he might believe that she also held disloyal sentiments. The day was too far spent when Mr. Speed took his departure for us to think of visit- ing the White House. At ten o'clock next morning we stood at the portals of the White House, where the genial " Edward" received our cards and letter, and were led soon after into the presence of Mr. Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln was alone. He greeted Mrs. Cosby with a most serious but kindly deference in his manner, and he gave me his usual kindly greeting of " How do you do, Miss Nettie ? — glad to see you back among us." There was an awkward silence for a moment. He asked us to be seated. Then, turning to Mrs. Cosby, he remarked, " We have not met Mrs. Cosby since it was my unpleasant duty to banish your husband from the country." She replied, "No Mr. Lincoln ; and I trust, when the full truth is known, Mr, Cosby will prove less culpable than the report 118 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST1 caused him to appear." A slight pause, and then he remarked : " In public life we are compelled to forego all claims save those of duty, and in a critical time like the present, when the nation's life is in our hands, we must often seem to our friends unduly stern and relentless." " Say no more," remarked Mrs. Cosby in her gentle way ; "• I fully recognize your position, Mr. Lincoln, and am too loyal a woman to the interests of the Union to question anything which you may deem proper to do. I regret that Mr. Cosby was not so wise as Simon Cameron, who, when in the streets of London, saw approaching him an old schoolmate, and who, when about to extend the hand of welcome, suddenly dropped it and coldly bowed to him. Cameron passed on, remembering that the person before him, although a friend, represented those who had been traitors to his country. If Mr. Cosby had acted with the spirit of Simon Cameron, he would not bear the disgrace which must attach itself to his name while he lives." I shall not forget the grace and dignity of manner that governed my friend as she uttered these words, which indelibly impressed themselves upon my mem- ory, and seemed equally to impress Mr. Lincoln, for he remarked, " I thank you for your loyalty," and '' I fear that the same does not exist with all our lady residents in Washington." During this time, he had held Mr. Speed's letter in his hand, and now turning to it said, " I see you are CONTINUED SERVICES. 119 acquainted with my friend Speed." "Yes," she re- plied; " he gave me a pleasant call yesterday." "He is a good fellow," remarked Mr. Lincoln; and, after some few words concerning their early associations, looked up with his genial smile, and said, " I was with him the night he settled it about his marriage with the widow. I was walking along the road when he over- took me with his wagon and asked me to get in. We rode together until we reached her house, and there stopped for the night. I could see that ' Josh ' had something on his mind, but I did not know what that something was until I was left to go to bed alone. Toward morning Joshua came to bed, and, awakening me, informed me of the important fact that it was set- tled between him and the widow." I now see the President as he then looked, seated in a big arm-chair, one leg thrown over the arm, his hands clasped behind his head, talking to us in this pleasant, familiar strain ; and, as Mrs. Cosby after- wards said, " We felt that he was, under the circum- stances, endeavoring to cover the embarrassment of our meeting, bearing in mind the removal of Mr. Cosby from office." As he concluded, Mrs. Cosby turned to me, and said, "Miss Nettie is a petitioner to-day." He looked at me in all kindness and asked how he could serve me. In as few words as possible I re- lated the dilemma of my acquaintance, and his request that I should lay the matter before the President, feel- 120 ^'--^S LIXCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? ing that if he fully understood the determination and purpose he would not permit the troops to be scattered. " By the way," he remarked, " I think I have re- ceived a telegram from your friend," and stepping to his table in the centre of the room he picked up a dis- patch and read aloud : " We are coming, Father Abra- ham, three hundred veterans strong — M. H. Chrysler, commanding." The President quietl}" chuckled as he read it, and, turning to me, said, " I really have no power in the matter ; but think I can somewhat influ- ence the decision of the commanding officers. To tell the truth, it is unwise for me to interfere in any of the regulations connected with the army. You have no idea what a time I had when this war first broke out. When I issued mv call for the first 75,000 men I was as ignorant as a child regarding the best course to pursue. Regiments were poured into Washington, and were lying about without shelter and without sufficient provisions. The troops were clamoring at the doors here for orders, and I was harassed and perplexed, not knowing what to do. At last Gov. Morgan, of New York, wrote me that it was impossible for him to fill the quota of his State until I called my recruiting officers from the field. I thought his letter imperti- nent, and took no notice of it. He, with others, then visited me, and explained the situation. Two recruit- ing parties were in the field — one in ray name, con- testing for the enlisting soldier ; and one under the CONTINUED SERVICES. 121 officers of the State, trying to obtain regiments to fill the demand — I, meanwhile, having made peremptory demand on the Governors of the States to forward their proportion. My mistake was apparent, for I had granted the right to raise troops to every man tcho had applied^ and, therefore, had unwittingly checked or balked my own purpose. Of course I then cancelled all orders, and left the affairs where thev should be — in the hands of the Governors of the respective States. As a result, order was soon restored. So, you see, my young friend, the difficulty in this case. But I will tell you what I will do. I will give you a line to the Secretary of War, and request him to send these men to the Camp of Instruction until the brigade is com- pleted — if he finds it possible to do so." He wrote a line to this effect, signing and handing it to me, and, after a few more words of kindness and explanation, shook us cordially by the hand and bade us good-day. Here, again, was the kindly and genial spirit of President Lincoln clearly shown, in tiiat he should take the pains to explain to me his inability to comply with my request, confessing at the same time his defi- ciency in knowledge when war first made its demands upon him ; going into an account of matters he need not have named, when without a word he might have dismissed us, as most likely any other official in Wash- ington would have done. But it was ever the charac- teristic of this man, so great in goodness, that he 122 WAS LLSCOLX A SPLRITUAUSTf aToided wounding the feelings of the humblest, and ever sought to work in perfecc harmonj with all of his people. Being too late to see the Secretary of War that afternoon, we returned home. The next morning mj friend was ill with a sick-headache, and Pamie and mvself went to the War Department and asked to see Secretary Stanton. at We held the paper Mr. Lincoln had given us, on which was written '• The Secretary will receive Miss Colbum and hear her statement. — A. Lincoln." This paper procured us instant admission to the presence of the Secretary, who received us with a Terj stem unbending countenance, that boded ill for the request. In trembling tones I stated the case, and remarked that the riorid orders surrountiin^ mv Sfddier friends prevented their getting leave of absence to prefer this request in person. Glancing at the paper which he held in his hand containing Mr. Lincoln's name, he said, " Why did you come to me ? Mr. Lificola has full power in this matter. Why didn^t he attend to it ?" As was often the case in an emer- gency, I felt the hand of an unseen guide on my shoulder, warning me to be careful of my reply ; and I heard the words issue from my lips without any volition of my own : "I supposed, as Secretary of War, you were the proper person to apply to in this case. I knew how hard it was to get to your pres- COSTiyCED SERVICES. 123 ence, and I asked Mr. Lincoln for this paper." His coQDtenance changed instandv, and in the kindest tones imaginable bade us be seated, took down the name of Col. Chrvsler, the number of men under his command, and all the circumstances attending the subject, sav- ing kindly, '• I will see that this is attended to at once," and politely bowed us out. Some time afterwards, in relating this circumstance to a friend in Washington, I was informed that the good Secretary was a little jealous of his prerogatives, and looked with unfriendly eyes upon any interference from the White House. Be this as it may, I know that my politic answer to his irate question. /or wkieh J was not responmNe, seemed to change the face of maners and favorably shape results for our friends of ^e camp, who, when visiting us a few days later, in- formed us in high glee that they were ordereirit- ualists of Washington were greatly mortified at having their religious belief thus caricatured ; and a gentle- man called on Mr. Somes, at whose house I was then stopping, and making known his errand asked to see and talk with me. Mr. Somes introduced me, saying, that he represented a number of Spiritualists who had Photographed from steel engraving, loaned by George A. Bacon, Esq- MAKIXG PROGRESS. 125 been exceedingly mortified at the notoriety given to their religious belief by this crazy woman, and that they desired to get up a public lecture and have me speak for them. I asked Mr. Somes's advice, and he said, " If you will leave it in my hands, I will have the affair conducted as it should be, or not at all." I readily consented, and turning to the gentleman, he said, " You are to get a good hall that shall be warm and well lighted, and get the Rev. John Pierpont to preside. I will then see that Miss Colburn is there in time." The conditions were all complied with. On the platform with us was also our able writer and speaker, A. E. Xewton, known far and wide as one of the ablest of the exponents of Spiritual Philosophy. The interest the subject had awakened in the public mind was apparent from the crowded audience that had assembled to meet us. The exercises began with a few well-chosen words from Mr. A. E. Newton, in- troducing the Rev. John Pierpont as chairman of the meeting. Mr. Pierpont then made a brief speech, be- ginning his remarks by saying, " I will tell you briefly why I am a Spiritualist." His remarks were earnest, full of the recital of pointed facts, and could not fail to impress the hearer with the truthfulness of the speaker. He was at this time over eighty years of age, as straight as an arrow, his hair snowy white, his eyes keen and piercing. lie stood before them with tall, unbowed form, his clear voice ringing out the truths 126 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? he uttered. He seemed like one of the prophets of old again enunciating the law. At the conclusion of his remarks, I was entranced, and,' after the invocation, delivered the address of the evening, at the conclusion of which Mr. Pierpont pronounced the benediction. We were heard with every mark of respect and at- tention, and more than one person remarked, " If this is Spiritualism, it is the most comforting and rational religious belief I ever heard. I would like to know more of it^^ This was really the first public lecture ever given in Washington. In less than two years a society was formed and lectures were held almost * The first twenty-five years of Spiritualism in this country completed a special cycle or period in the movement. During that time the work of Spiritualism was to conduct a stern and unyielding warfare against the world without, yet withal to rather bear with its oppressors than to attempt their overpower- ing ; to uproot old and stereotyped errors, change ancient ideas, and do battle with school-craft, ignorance and bigotry. At the close of this period, and during the twenty years ensuing, there were manv changes of a discouraging character which over- shadowed believers ; many proceeding from within as well as without the ranks of the New Belief. Many of the bitterest foes of Spiritualism were those of its own household, and its cruellest stabs were dealt by the hands of many of its professed followers. The succeeding years made permanent the principles of this great science, and the new religion with its beautiful teachings was wrested from the hand of the spoiler^ and its future life fully grounded upon the rock of unchangeable Truth. MAKING PROGRESS. 127 every Sunday during the winters that followed up to the present day, at which time there is a large and flourishing society^ including in its organization some of the finest families of the city. 128 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? CHAPTER XIII. SPIRITUAL ADVICE. We pay a visit to the White House — General Siekels attends the stance — The terrible condition of the freedmen around AVashinfTton — Establishinfr the " Freedmen' s Bureau" sug- CO CD gested by the spirits— Recalling the pleasant scene. A FEW days later found us the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Somes. Mrs. Somes seldom went into society, owing to the loss of her eldest son and her preference for home life. She was a lady of remark- able ability, refined and gentle manners, a devoted wife and mother, and a sincere Christian. My friend, Miss Hannum, and I soon called at the White House, to pay our respects to the President and his wife, and were received with the greatest cordiality. We re- mained but a short time, but were both particularly struck by Mr. Lincoln's careworn appearance. His old genial smile was the same, as he expressed the hope that he had come to spend the winter. A few days later Mrs. Somes received a note cordially invit- ing herself and husband to spend an evening at the White House, and requesting her to bring the young ladies, meaning Miss Hannum and myself. At first Mrs. S. was inclined to refuse, but yielding to her SPIRITUAL ADVICE. 129 husband's solicitations, and our wishes, she consented. In her note Mrs. Lincoln said she desired her to meet a friend, and wished to see if she (Miss Pinkie) would be able to tell who it was. We reached the Executive Mansion at half-past eight, and were ushered into the red parlor, where the madam received us with great kindness, and presented us in turn to a distinguished, soldierly-looking gentle- man, who was wrapped in a long military cloak, com- pletely concealing his person and every evidence of rank. She did not call him by name, apologizing for not doing so, and saying she desired first to see if our friends could tell who he was, adding that she would duly present him afterwards. I saw that Mr. Somes recognized him instantly, but he gave no hint of his identity. My friend and myself removed our wraps, but Mrs. Somes declined, simply loosening hers. A pleasant half hour followed, when Mr. Lincoln joined us. After a cordial greeting all around, he wearily seated himself in an arm-chair and remarked, " I am very busy and must forego the pleasure of conversa- tion and ask our little friend here to see what can be given us to-night as briefly as may be, for my Cabinet is awaiting my return." Silence fell upon the group, and I was shortly entranced. What here follows was related to me on our return home by Mr. and Mrs. Somes and my friend. A strong, powerful presence seemed to have possession of me, directing first its 9 130 ^VAS LINCOLN A SPIIUTUALISTf entire attention to Mr. Lincoln. The substance of the remarks related to the condition of the Freedmen in and around Washington, declaring their condition de- plorable in the extreme, that they were herding to- gether like cattle in the open air, with little or no shelter, half fed and half clothed, while the manner of their existence was a reproach to the country, throwing down, as it did, all safeguards to morality and decency. A terrible picture was presented con- cerning the thousands thus rendered homeless and de- pendent upon the government, through the exigencies of war and the Proclamation of Freedom. While the spirits realized fully the many heavy cares resting upon the President, there was a duty to perform that could not be neglected — a duty that demanded im- mediate attention. They counselled him in the strong- est terms to prove the truth of their statements, ex- travagant as they seemed, by appointing a special committee, whose dutv it should be to investigate the condition of these people, and to receive their report in person, and on no account to receive it at second hand. They further advised that for this committee he should select men who were not burdened with other cares, that their minds might be given entirely to their work, for, if they did their duty well, he would see the necessity at once of organizing a separate bureau to control and regulate all the affairs connected with the freedmen. SPIRITUAL ADVICE. 131 While I cannot, at this late day, give a more minute account of the instructions thus given, I have pre- sented the main points. The powers controlling me then directed their attention to the gentleman in the military cloak. They at once addressed him as '• Gen- eral," saying that his cloak did not disguise from their eyes the evidence of the noble sacrifice he had laid on his country's altar, nor the glittering stars he so mer- ited, for he had royally won them by his patriotic de- votion to his country. They extended my hand to him, which he accepted, rising and bowing with the same courtesy and dignity that characterized him to- ward all ; and whatever may have been his private opinions concerning mediumship and spiritualism, his manner was that of a courteous and true gentleman. A few words of greeting were then spoken to all — a final word of encouragement and strength spoken to the President — when the influence changed, and " Pinkie," the little Indian maiden, took possession of my organism, and after greeting the President and Mrs. Lincoln in her usual manner, turned at once to the stranger, addressing him as " Crooked Knife," her Indian name for him, thus giving to Mrs. Lincoln the test she required, as it was thus ascertained that "Pinkie" recognized him as the General of whom she had often spoken in former circles when relating events that were taking place on distant battle-fields. While she was talking in her childish way, Mr. Lin- 132 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST! coin excused himself, returning to his cabinet meeting. When I awoke a half hour later, I found myself standing in front of the gentleman whom I had met that evening for the first time, and saw that his clear, piercing eyes were fixed fully upon me. Mrs. Lincoln now hastened to cover my embarrassment by duly pre- senting us to all. This officer was Major-General Sickels (now Sherifi" of New York City), who laid aside his cloak, revealing his whole uniform and a crutch, which until that moment had been concealed. This was the first and only time my friend and myself ever met this famous general, although, as I have stated, he and other generals were often mentioned in communications that were made by me to i\\Q President and his wife, while giving them tidings of the true state of affairs at the front, which communi- cations were afterwards fully confirmed when reliable particulars were received. Of this I was assured on more than one occasion bv Mrs. Lincoln. It was after eleven o'clock when our carriage was an- nounced, and as we departed the General stood by the side of Mrs. Lincoln, shaking hands with us in turn as we passed from their presence. I vividly recall the scene ; the bright fire in the open grate, sending a genial warmth through the room ; a large pyramid of flowers and palms in the centre of the apartment, giving a look of richness to the scene ; while a marble bust of Mr. GENERAL DANIEL E- SICKLES. From photograph from life, 1865. SPIRITUAL ADVICE. I33 Lincoln, just received, and to which Mrs. Lincoln had called our attention earlier in the evening, stood in front of the large pier-glass, seeming almost lifelike in the shifting shadows made by the gas-light and wav- ing palms. The scene was one never to be forgotten. 134 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? CHAPTER XIV. A STRANGE INCIDENT. I return home — A commission appointed to investigate the freedmen's condition — 1 return to Washinorton — Our friend General William Xorris — "Why, Daniel, what is the matter ?"— The telegram, and " Who killed Cock Robin ? " — Mr. Somes has a strange meeting — A matter of life or death — The President reprieves the sentinel — Janvier's poem of the " Sleeping Sentinel." AS the errand that had taken me to Washington was accomplished, and having met all our old friends, we expected to return home, not having pre- pared ourselves for a winter sojourn. Our friends would not hear to this, offering to send for our cloth- ing if we would remain for the winter. The matter was finally arranged by my friend Parnie remaining in Washington, while I was given two weeks to return to Hartford, inform my parents, and get my clothing ; also to go to South Adams, Mass., and inform my friend's parents of our intentions. I spent a few days at home to inform father of the particular of my recent visit to the White House ; going later to Adams, where 1 remained a few days, returned again to my home in Hartford, and from there went to Washing- A STRANGE IXCIDENT. 135 ton. The day before leaving home, father entered ray presence, holding in his hand (if I remember rightly) a copy of the " Daily Courant," saying to me, "Here is something, Nettie, that will interest you." He pointed to a telegram in a column headed " Washing- ton Items:" ''President Lincoln has appointed a special committee to investigate the condition of the freedmen." This item confirmed what I had told my father more than a week before of my recent sitting at the White House. It also proved that Mr. Lincoln considered the counsel he had received through me of sufficient importance to engage his attention, as he had literally followed the directions given him by the spirit world. It is a matter of history that the out- come of this investigation was the formation of the Freedmen's Bureau.* I returned to Washington, and was, with my friend, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Somes during the greater part of the winter of 1863-1864. During the winter previously, I had been introduced to General William Norris, of Philadelphia, of the firm of " Norris & Sons," a most genial and kindly old gentleman, whom I judged to be between sixty and seventy years of age. * . . . . The freed men's movement, conducted as it is by tlie puV)lic-spirited and liberal, is doing a world of good, not only to the colored man, but to the whole country. It is the corner-stone of inevitable reconstruction. — New York Herald. 136 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? He was engaged in getting an important point before the Navy Department, of a steam vessel or gun-boat, so constructed as to be impervious to shot and shell. I had many sittings for this gentleman, and he became warmly attached to myself and friend, called us his granddaughters, and was most kind to us, treating us as if we were indeed his children, as his letters will testify. He visited our parents, and informed them of his desire to adopt us as such, and also a young lady whom I have before mentioned, a Miss Anna Betts, of Albany, New York. It was during the period of which I speak, the winter of 1863-1864, that we had occasion to send Mr. Norris a telegram to the Astor House, New York. Not being accustomed to writing messages of this sort, w^e sought Mr. Somes, asking his aid in the matter. We were gathered around the table in their pleasant sitting-room. Mrs. Somes was engaged in some needle work, and Mr. Somes reading the evening paper. " It was seven o'clock, and we must get the message in the office by eight." He ex- plained our difficulty to Mr. Somes, who readily laid aside his paper and taking a telegraph blank and pencil, again seated himself and prepared to wTite what we desired. We told him the idea we wished to convey, and he at once comprehended our wishes. But the minutes flew by and he did not write. A quarter past seven came and went. We looked wonderingly at him, when Mrs. Somes remarked, as i-:fti:iiiia*::i^i>».Iaynard. NEW ACQUAINTANCES. 147 We were received by a colored man, who directed us where to lay our wraps, and were then shown into the drawing-room, a long, low-ceiling apartment, hand- somely furnished, which was already well filled with ladies and gentlemen in brilliant evening dress. Among the gentlemen the uniforms of the army and navy pre- dominated. We took seats in a corner, where we could view the gay scene around us, when my attention was directed to a beautiful girl seated at the piano, playing some low, sweet melody that rippled pleasantly through the flow of conversation without interfering with it. She was not above the medium height, but I think her face the most beautiful I ever saw. Her complexion was dazzling fair, her eyes a deep, dark brown, while her hair was of that rare shade, " brown in the shadow, gold in the sun," and hung in long curls over her neck and shoulders. Expressing to ray friend my admiration for this beautiful girl, she informed me it was Mrs. Southworth's daughter, and it was not difficult to trace in her beautiful lineaments a resem- blance to more than one heorine described in the writ- ings of the mother's prolific pen. She held a little court of her own ; but her modest demeanor and gentle reserve commanded the utmost deference and respect from the young officers by whom she was surrounded. It was nearly nine o'clock when Mrs. Southworth en- tered the room. The warmth of her reception attested to her popu- 148 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALLSTf laritj with her guests, and, as she slowly made her way through the throng to where we were sitting, I had a good opportunity to study her face. She was above medium height, with a fine figure, and a face to ittract attention anywhere. I had expected to find Mrs. Southworth an old lady, while she was in the very prime of her womanhood. Her fine, dark hair was combed down smoothly each side of her face, and "coiled under" low at the back of her neck. She was a handsome woman, but had the appearance of one who had seen sorrow, and while her manners were cordial and kindly, her smile was rare but tinged with sadness. She was dressed in a rich, black velvet, with choice old lace at neck and sleeves, the former held by a diamond pin, her only ornament. She greeted Mrs. Cosby with earnest warmth, and I was presented to her as one of her warmest admirers. She gave me her hand with a most pleasing smile, when my friend softly whispered to her, " This is one of the queer people." Mrs. Southworth's hand closed over mine with a firmer pressure, as she said, " Indeed ! But you did not tell me that in your note, or I would have had you visit me more privately. But come with me now to my library." She escorted us, by a side door, through a narrow hall, to the room in question. It was an ideal apartment, three sides of which were lined with books, showing through the glass doors that reached nearly to the floor. The floor was covered NEW ACQUAINTANCES. 149 with a dark green carpet, while a table stood in the centre of the room, and easy-chairs occupied the dif- ferent corners. The room was in perfect order. Standing by the table, she asked me to place my hand upon it, and tell her of any impressions I might re- ceive. I obeyed her, and was instantly conscious of the presence of a tall, majestic-looking man, who im- pressed me as being one born to command, and with power to execute any purpose he might desire to achieve. I was particularly impressed with the restful feeling pervading the apartment, and it seemed to be the place of all others in which to rest if one were weary. I expressed all this to her. She smiled, nodding her head as if she fully understood me. She then took me by the hand and led me across a narrow corridor into her bed-chamber. A high-post bedstead stood at my right, over which were carelessly thrown the garments she had discarded a short time before. In front of me, at the back of the room, was a large mirror, beneath which was a pretty dressing- table, over which was scattered, in careless profusion, a glittering mass of jewelry, as if it had been care- lessly tossed over when selecting the brilliant pin she wore. Beyond, in the further corner, was a toilet basin, above which were a number of shelves, inclosed by glass doors from floor to ceiling. The doors, how- ever, were standing open ; and I distinctly remember seeing upon the upper shelf the half of a frosted cake. 150 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALISTf partly covered with a white napkin, and a silver knife lying beside it. On the bottom shelf lay combs and brushes, and other appurtenances of the toilet. Still, holding me by the hand, she led me to the centre of the room, and asked me what impressions I re- ceived. A shadow seemed to fall over me in a mo- ment, and I received the impression as of something the Scotch would call uncanny, and could not repress a shudder of fear. I seemed to sense, in a manner I can- not describe, that where we then stood had been en- acted a scene of violence. As she insisted upon knowing the cause of the emotion I could not conceal I told her my impressions. She said, " I am satis- fied," and returned with us to the library. She then informed us that her apartment was a part of the original structure that was on the place when the property came into her hands, and was very old. Tradition said it was once a public house, the re- sort of seamen While my impressions would seem to confirm this tradition, we, of course, had no way of knowing the truth. The library had been chosen by herself. She then related the follow- ing incident : During the time when the Confederates approached so near Georgetown and Washington that the cannonading of the contending armies was plainly discernible in both cities, she was in her cottage wit. NEW ACQUAINTANCES. 151 only her daughter and hired man for company. The city was wild with alarm, as it was hourly expected that the enemy would shell the place ; and, as a matter of fact, had the Confederates known how poorly both Washington and Georgetown at that time were defended they could easily have taken possession. But this ignorance on that point was all that saved them. Mrs. Southworth, in her almost defenceless condition, did not know whether it was best to desert her home and go to Washington, or to remain where she was. It was already dark, and she was standing in front of a sofa in her drawing-room alone, full of anxiety and dread, fully realizing the isolation of her cottage, and undecided how to act, and as these thoughts passed through her mind she unconsciously murmured half aloud, " There are but three of us here ;" when she said, " I distinctly heard a voice say, as if in re'Sponse, ' There are four,' and I imme- diately became aware," she went on, "that standing at the end of the sofa was what I can only describe as a grand majestic presence. I did not see him, but felt he was there. Who it was, I do not know. I can only tell you that my feelings instantly changed, and I became calm and collected, and from that moment all fear left me. I felt a sense of protection scarcely to be described, and from that moment to this, have felt the utmost confidence in a Protective Power, whatever it may be." She added, "I have 152 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? no doubt that the presence you felt so clearly, while standing with your hand upon this table, was the same." After some further talk upon the subject she asked me if I had any objection to being entranced before her guests if they should desire it. I replied in the negative, when she left us and re- turned to the drawing-room ; and after an absence of some moments returned, saying the company were eagerly waiting for me. Before going out, she asked me what she should give me as a souvenir of our meeting. I replied, " If I could only have your picture, I should prize it above all else." " You shall have it," she replied, and going to her dressing- case, where were a number of photographs, she selected one of herself, and brought it to me to my great delight, and I still have it among my treasured mementos of that time. We returned to her guests, and while one of the company played some pleasant music, I became entranced, and for more than an hour was kept busy reading the characters of the different persons present, and relating incidents in their lives of which they knew I could have hadno knowledge what- ever. The seance closed with a brief address by my spirit guides explaining the law of the spirit return and control, and I awoke amid the applause they readily accorded me. When I was fully restored to myself, the company crowded about me, asking me all manner of questions regarding my peculiar gift, ex- NEW ACQUAINTANCES. 153 pressing their warm pleasure at what they had wit- nessed, many soliciting the privilege of calling upon me for a private sitting, as they were fully satisfied, they assured me, that I could give them further infor- mation upon matters I had already spoken about dur- ing the evening. It was nearly midnight when we reached Capitol Hill, and I shall ever remember the pleasure and satisfaction I experienced in meeting with her, whom I had learned to love through her writings, and who to my youthful mind seemed something be- yond the common order of humanity. During the latter part of February, and the month of March, I had a number of seances with President Lincoln and his wife ; but, as there were no other wit- nesses, and as they did not inform me of the nature of the communications, I cannot speak as to their nature, but simply allude to the fact. These seances took place by appointment. At the close of one, Mrs. Lincoln would make an appointment, engaging me to come at a certain hour of the day, which usually would be in the vicinity of one o'clock, the time when Mr. Lincoln usually partook of his luncheon, which generally occupied about half to three-quarters of an hour. 154 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? CHAPTER XVI. WE LOSE A FRIEXD. Mr. Lincoln and " Abraham, Laudamus" — Eev. Byron Sun- derland's desire to witness a stance — He sends ]Mrs. Cosby a letter — I lecture in the Columbia Company's Hall — " Thy coming, 'tis as steals the morn" — Mrs. Cosby's death, and notices of same — I write a presentation address. MANY subjects of interest were discussed at the various meetings I had with Mr. Lincoln. I remember calling his attention to a parody upon the Church Litany, which was published in a prominent newspaper of decided anti-abolition tendency. In my childish admiration for him, I felt that the composition and publication were downright crime, and that the writer, especially, should be severely pun- ished. Had it not been for this feeling of indignation and wrong it doubtless would never have reached his notice. When I handed it to him he smiled and said, "We can afford to let our enemies have a fling at us ;" then he added, more seriously, " It is a sorry wit that can find no better employment nor different weapons with which to fight us than to trifle with sacred things." The following is a copy of the parody : — " When I handed it to him he smiled and said, " We can afford to let onr enemies have a flinif at us," then he added more seriously, " It is a sorry wit that can find no better employment nor different weapons with which to fight us than to trifle with sacred things."— rage is4. WE LOSE A FRIEND, 155 TE, ABRAHAM, LAUDAMUS. We praise thee, O Abe ! We acknowledge thee to be sound on the goose. All Yankee-land doth worship thee, everlasting old joker ! To thee all othce-seekers cry aloud. " Flunkeydom," and all the powers therein. To thee, Stanton and Wells continually do cry, "Bully, bully, bully boy, with a glass eye." Washington and Illinois are full o? the majesty of thy praise. The glorious company of the political generals praise thee. The goodly fellowship of postmasters praise thee. The noble army of contractors praise thee. The mighty republican institutions throughout all Columbia doth acknowledge thee. The father of infinite proclamations, thine admirable true, and 07d(/ policy. Thy penitent and freed subjects of the Bastiles do bow down in adoration unto thee. Also Brevet Lieutenant-General Winfield Scott the comforter. Thou art the king of " Rail Splitters," O Abe ! Thou art the everlastinjj son of the late Mr. Lincoln. When thou tookest upon thee to run for the Presidency, thou didst humble thyself to stand upon the " Chicago Platform." When thou did'st overcome tlie sharpness of election, thou didst open the White House kitchen to all believers. Thou sittest at the right hand of " Uncle Sam," in tlie glory of the Capitol. We believe that thou shalt not come to be re-elected. Kevertheless, we pray thee, help thy servants whom thou hast kept from " Jeff Davis," and "Foreign Intervention." Make us to be remembered with thy favorites in office ever- lasting ! O Abe ! Save thy people and bless thy parasites ! Govern them and increase their salaries forever. Be profuse with thy people and servants, and abundantly pour into their laps thy greenbacks and Chase them not away. Day by day we puff thee. And we exalt thy name ever in the daily papers. Vouchsafe, O Abe ! To keep us this day without a change of generals. 156 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? O Abe ! Have mercy on the Army of the Potomac. O Abe ! let thy mercy be upon us, as our trust is not in Stanton. O Abe ! For thee have I voted, let me never be drafted ; but if so, do thou provide us a substitute on account of our infirmi- ties. At this time our friend, Mrs. Cosbj, wishing to aid us financially, enlisted the services of the Columbia Fire Company, whose patroness she was, as heretofore mentioned. During our stay with her she presented the com- pany with a beautiful American flag, and had been instrumental in getting Congress to grant them a steam fire engine, I think the first introduced into Washing- ton. Not a man in the company but who would have performed any required task at her request, and when she expressed her desire to have me give a public lec- ture in their hall, the members of the fire company freely voted me the use of it without charge, and themselves prepared and sold the tickets ; the result of which was that I realized nearly one hundred dollars. Just before we left Washington for Hartford, Mrs. Cosby made an appointment for a meeting between her pastor, the Rev. Byron Sunderland, and myself, as she had talked with him freely on the sub- ject of Spiritualism, relating what she had witnessed through my mediumship and that of others, and as he had expressed a desire, as she informed me, to WE LOSE A FRIEND. 157 witness something of what she had described. When the evening arrived she received a note"^ from him, which is now in my possession, expressing his regret at not being able to keep his appointment, as he was unexpectedly called out of town. Our iirrangements having been made to return home the first of April, time did not permit us to make a second appointment ; but our friend remarked that, as we must certainly return in the fall, a meeting she hoped would then * To Mrs. Cosby : My Dear Friend : I am called unexpectedly to Baltimore this P.M., and shall not return in time to witness the scene you had kindly prepared for me and others through your oblig- ing friend this evening. Please make the explanation in my behalf, and much oblige, Truly yours, B. Sunderland. f June 26, 1863. f I am not certain how long this gentleman was Mr. Lin- coln's pastor. It is, however, my recollection that it was for some years. I know that Mrs. Cosby attended his church, was his friend, and that the memorial services at her death were under his per- sonal direction. The reverend doctor had, so Mrs. Cosby informed me, talked with Mr. Lincoln upon the subject of Spiritualism, and regarding myself, and knew full well m}- position in the estimation of both the President and his wife. Dr. Sunderland can tell of many kindly acts on the part of Mrs. Cosby, for he knew her inti- mately for many years, as did almost every Christian minister in Washington. Dr. Sunderland is still living in "Washington, and if I mistake not, his church was frequented by Mr. Cleveland while in the presidential position. 158 WAS LINCOLN A SPIPdTUALIST? take place. Alas, "we little knew this was our final parting. Two precious letters reached us from her during April, which were the last she ever penned. On the first day of May she was taken ill, and on the 31st she had joined the angels, whose loving minister she was, and into whose company she was well worthy to enter. Like the Master she so faithfully served, she went about doing good, and rarely, I was told, was such a funeral witnessed in Washington as that of this noble, unselfish woman, whose life was devoted to acts of charity, and who was never so happy as when engaged in some unostentatious act of benevolence. On one occasion my hand was mechanically guided and wrote of her the following lines that seem fittingly to apply to her beautiful nature : — Thy coming — 'tis as steals the morn Across the starry skies ; Night's jeweled crown of darkness born, In morning's glory dies. 'Tis like a pure, sweet, tender strain Of music drawing nigh, As if we caught the low refrain Of Bethlehem's lullaby. Thy presence — soft it falls around As falls the dew of ev'n ; When twilight shuts the eyes of day, And whispers dreams of Heaven. Love tunes her harp when thou art near, And softly sweeps the strings, And ev'n despair looks up to catch The hope that presence brings. WE LOSE A FRIEND. 159 Thy going — ah, fond memory tells Thou never canst depart, But like the spell that silence weaves At twilight round the heart, Thou lingerest ever, seeming like The echo of a prayer. A note of music, never lost, But lingering everywhere. The following obituary notice from a Washington paper will convey somewhat of an idea of the warm esteem in which she was held. But only those who knew her intimately, as I did, can appreciate the sweetness, purity, and depth of her character : — OBITUARY. Died, at her residence on Capitol Hill, on Tuesday, 31st May, in the forty-sixth year of her age, after a lingering ill- ness, Mrs. Anna Mills Cosby, wife of Fortunatus Cosby, and daughter of the late Robert Mills. Her death was tranquil and resigned, and full of faith and hope of a blessed immortality, as her heart had been ever full of all womanly and Christian sympathies and charities. Humbly striving to follow the example of her adorable Redeemer, she " went about doing good," and her gentle life was as the breath of the flower garden for all on whom its sweet influences were shed. Hers is a record which the eyes of earth are too dim to read, but, in the light of that better world to which she has been translated, it will glow with an eternal lustre. The funeral will take place from her late residence, 553 New Jersey avenue, this (Thursday) afternoon, June 2d, at four o'clock. At the same time, in a spiritualistic journal, ap- peared the following notice : — We have been called upon to part with one of our most worthy advocates, Mrs. Anna M.. Cosby, a lady whose praise 160 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? was on the lips of all who knew her. It was ray fortune to make her acquaintance on my first visiting this city, and to no one have I been more indebted than to her for many pleasant hours. She was eminently a Christian Spiritualist, and although con- tinuing to hold her connection with the Presbyterian Church — Dr. Sunderland's — she openly and freely advocated Spiritual- ism. During her last illness she had her spiritual vision opened, saw and described many scenes of spirit life, as also conversed with her spirit friends. At the funeral, which was conducted by Dr. Sunderland and two other clergymen, full tribute was paid to her worth, and especially did Dr. Sunderland expatiate upon the visions she had during her last sickness. Mrs. Cosby was the wife of the recent Consul to Geneva ; she was a Southerner by birth, but as loyal a woman as the North ever produced. Her personal attractions were only equalled by her excellences of character ; no one could be in her presence without feeling themselves associated with a superior person. She was very benevolent, and the poor whites, as well as the colored, have lost in her a true friend. She was the Lady Blessincjton of Washington. Her death is a great loss to us, for she was well adapted to advocate our views, and did so in such a manner as to create an interest, while her social position was such as to command respect. But while we shall miss her personal appearance, we know she was well prepared, and is now one of the bright spirit-advocates of our beautiful faith, bringing us aid from the spirit-world. During that month I was lecturing in Albany, Troy, and other places, and consequent upon frequent changes failed to receive the letter written us by her aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Peyton Smith, telling of her dan- gerous illness and earnest desire to see us, until it was too late even to attend the funeral. The shock of the sudden announcement of her death made me ill for some time, and afterward it seemed as if the chief attraction for me in Washington was gone. In June (1864) I received another letter from Mrs. Smith, GKORGE A. BACON, Esq. From photograph from life, 1865. WE LOSE A FRIEXD. l^jl communicating the fact that Anna had intended pre- senting the Columbia Fire Company with a signal flag on the approaching Fourth of July, and that, as she realized the end was approaching, she commissioned her CMrs. Smith) to present it in her name. She wished me, therefore, to get my spirit friends to pre- pare the address for her to accompany the flag, saying that Anna's loss and the shock to her had been so sud- den and severe that she did not feel competent to express herself as she desired and as she knew Anna would wish. I at once complied with her request, sending her what she desired. This address was dictated by my spirit guides through me, and written down by my friend. Miss Hannum, and forwarded to Mrs. Smith. She afterwards wrote us of her pleasure on receiving it, telling us she copied it faithfully, as it expressed exactly her feelinors and views, and on the Fourth of July following she presented the flag to the company. She gave them the address ; and I have no doubt it is still preserved in the archives of the company. The following is a copy : — piVritten for Mrs. Lizzie P. Smith, Washington, D. C] A LETTER OF PRESENTATION. To THE Columbia Fire Compaxt. Washixgtox. D. C. Gextlemex: The occasion which call? for these few lines from me is ?o fraught with sadness that they must necessarily be brief — sadness that I am called to take the place of one who is now numbered with the angels of God, and who, I feel as- 11 162 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? sured, smiles on us to-day from heaven, in thus witnessing one of lier last wishes fulfilled. The departure from this life of my beloved niece, Mrs, Cosby, has cast a gloom over my heart that only the glorious light of God's promise of immortality to the " pure in heart" can pierce and illuminate. And on whom shall the white robes of the Resurrection fall, if not on the pure spirit of her who was humanity's friend and advocate, and who was to you a most faithful benefactress ? Then in the light of that holy immortality, that seemed to fall around her while yet she walked with us, and which crowned with a halo of glory her dying pillow, let us look up and say with trusting hearts, " Thy will be done." In closing the beautiful record of her earthly life she did not forget those who, for so long a time, have had her kindly care, in proof of which I present you theafcompanying " Signal Flag," which she desired you to receive from my hand on this anni- versary of our national independence. Hallowed as it will ever be by the most sacred associations, let it ever admonish you of the glorious principles it repre- sents — Equal Rights and Liberties ! And when 'tis thrown out to kiss the breeze of heaven let it be a cheering signal to all, that beneath it is to be ever found a brave and fearless band of the "People's Defenders," who hurl defiance at the in- cendiary's torch, and who stand in faithful guardianship over the slumbers and busy life of our loAcd city. Let its bright folds outshine the lurid glare of the fire fiend, and let your strong arms and brave hearts fulfil its promise to the people — that while a thread remains in the signal flag the Columbia Fire Company will he found at its post of duty! In expressing the above sentiments I feel I convey those of the departed, and who, I feel assured, could she now address you, would point you in conclusion to the motto of your com- pany : — " The performance of duty ensures the protection of God!'* A TEST SEANCE. 163 CHAPTER XYII. A TEST SEANCE. "We are requested to attend a private stance at the White House — The President asks me to demonstrate my "rare gift," as he called it— The two soldiers present in citizen's dress-—" Perfectly satisfactory," said Mr. Lincoln; "Miss Nettie does not require eyes to do anything" — Tracing lines upon the map 5 I do not hear the import of the stance — Those were not days for trifling— An account of a witty application of a part of Knox's poem, " Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud ?"— The complete poem. THERE was another meeting with Mr. Lincoln which is interesting and of considerable value. Shortly after my return to Washington, and while visit- ing Major Chorpenning one evening, Mr. Somes called. After an exchange of compliments, he stated that he had been requested to have me attend a seance, and as the same was of a private character he was not at liberty to say more. We all suspected the truth, how- ever, and I instantly made ready to accompany him. After entering the carriage provided for the occasion, he informed us that our destination was the White House, explaining that while at the War Department that afternoon he had met Mr. Lincoln coming from 164 WAS LINCOLN A SPIIUTUALLST? Secretary Stanton's office. Mr. Somes bowed to the President and was passing onward when Mr. Lincoln stopped him, asking whether Miss Colburn was still in the city, and if so, whether it were possible to have her visit the White House that evening. Upon a re- ply in the affirmative to both questions, Mr. Lincoln re- marked, " Please bring her to the White House at eight or nine o'clock, but consider the matter con- fidential." By the time Mr. Somes had completed his recital we were at the door of that historic man- sion, and a servant, who was evidently on the watch for us, quickly opened the door and we were hurried up stairs to the executive chamber, where Mr. Lincoln and two gentlemen were awaiting our coming. Mr. Lincoln gave an order to the servant, who retired, and a moment later Mrs. Lincoln entered. I am satisfied from what followed that she was summoned on my ac- count to place me more at ease than otherwise, under the circumstances, would have been the case. Mr. Lincoln then quietly stated that he wished me to give them an opportunity to witness something of my " rare gift," as he called it, adding, " You need not be afraid, as these friends have seen something of this before." The two gentlemen referred to were evi- dently military officers, as was indicated by the stripe upon their pantaloons, although their frock coats, but- toned to the chin, effectually concealed any insignia or mark of rank. One of these gentlemen was quite A TEST SEANCE. 165 tall and heavily built, with auburn hair and dark eyes, and side whiskers, and of decided military bearing. The other gentleman was of average height, and I somehow received the impression that he was lower in rank than his companion. He had light brown hair and blue eyes, was quick in manner, but deferential towards his friend, whose confirmation he involun- tarily sought or indicated by his look of half appeal while the conversation w^ent on. We sat quiet for a few moments before I became entranced. One hour later I became conscious of my surroundings, and was standing by a long table, upon which was a large map of the Southern States! In my hand was a lead pencil, and the tall man, with Mr. Lincoln, was standing beside me, bending over the map, while the younger man was standing on the other side of the table, looking curiously and intently at me. Somewhat embarrassed, I glanced around to note Mrs. Lincoln quietly conversing in another part of the room. The only remarks I heard were these : " It is astonishing," said Mr. Lincoln, '' how every line she has drawn conforms to the plan agreed upon." " Yes,'* answered the older soldier, " it is very aston- ishing." Looking up, they both saw that I was awake, and they instantly stepped back, while Mr. Lincoln took the pencil from my hand and placed a chair for me. Then madam and Mr. Somes at once joined us, Mr. 166 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALISTS Somes asking, " Well, was everything satisfactory ?" " Perfectly," responded Mr. Lincoln ; " Miss Nettie does not seem to require eyes to do anything," smil- ing pleasantly. The conversation then turned, de- signedly I felt, to commonplace matters. Shortly afterwards, when about leaving, Mr. Lin- coln said to us in a low voice, " It is best not to men- tion this meeting at present." Assuring him of silence upon the question, we were soon again on our way to the major's. Mr. Somes informed me that he heard enough in the opening remarks of the spirit to convince him that the power controlling knew why I had been sum- moned. He said I walked to the table unaided and requested that a pencil be handed me, after which the President requested Mr. Somes and Mrs. Lincoln to remain where they were at the end of the room. " In accordance with this request," said Mr. Somes, " we paid no attention to what was being said or done, fur- ther than to notice you tracing lines upon the map, and once one of the gentlemen re-sharpened the pen- cil for you." T never knew the purport of this meet- ing, nor can I say that Mr. Somes ever heard more regarding the strange affair. That it was important may be supposed, for those were not days for the in- dulgence of idle curiosity in any direction, nor was Mr. Lincoln a man to waste his time in giving exhibi- tions in occult science for the amusement of his A TEST SEANCE. 167 friends. The impressions left upon my mind could not be otherwise than gratifying, in finding myself the recipient of such unusual attentions, and, for the occasion, the central figure in what appeared to be a mysterious and momentous consultation. Had it been simply an experiment to test my mediuraship, Mr. Somes and Mrs. Lincoln would have been in- cluded in the group that gathered around the table. Should the two stranger participants in that seance be now living, and by any chance these lines should be read by them, they will readily recall the scene, and fully recognize the incident from the re- marks that were uttered at the time. I am confi- dent that my services were appreciated, and that the spiritual guidance which found utterance through my lips was confirmatory of the plans which they had al- ready prepared. As in this instance, so in many others, has this powerful aid been called upon and used to advantage, to further important national and personal interests, and accomplish results that sim- ple human knowledge could not achieve. Mr. Lincoln's fancy for poetry and song inclined towards those melodies which appealed to his emo- tional nature, as is illustrated by his keen appreciation of Mrs. Laurie's " Bonnie Doon^" and his favorite poem, " Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud ?" I remember hearing him refer to the touching poem upon an occasion of peculiar interest, at which time he 168 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? recited a part of it, applying the verses to the occa- sion in a very pleasant and happy manner. This incident is worthy of appearing in print : — One morning in January, 1863, Mrs. Laurie desired me to go to the White House and inquire after Mrs. Lincoln's health. Mrs. Laurie had visited Mrs. Lincoln the previous day, and found her prostrated hy one of her severe headaches. It was about eleven o'clock when I called. Upon sending up my name and in- quiry to Mrs. Lincoln, I was requested to walk upstairs to her rooms, where I found Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, a gentleman, and two ladies. I was cordially received by Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, and presented to the guests, whose names were not mentioned, and when I noticed their glances, I knew that they had been told I was a " medmm.'*^ After explaining my errand and being about to withdraw, Mrs. Lincoln asked whether I felt equal to the task of a seance. Noticing that all were expectant, I signified my willingness and reseated myself. After Mrs. Lincoln had assisted me to remove my wraps, she requested that the friends present do the same. They declined. Whereupon the gentleman, who was their escort, laughingly remarked, as he indi- cated the lady nearest him : " It is useless to urge Anna, Mrs. Lincoln, for she thinks she looks better in her new bonnet." To which Anna replied, "That she believed she did, and felt very proud of it." A TEST SEANCE. 169 Mr. Lincoln, who was seated, raised his hands with a comical gesture, and quoted a part of his favorite poem, " Why Should the Spirit of Mortal be Proud ?" The gentleman said, " You are familiar with that poem.'* To which the President replied, " Perfectly ; it is a favorite of mine ; and, let me ask, what could be finer in expression than the lines : — " ' The maid on whose cheek, on whose brow, in whose eye, Shone beauty and pleasure, — her triumphs are by ; And the memory of those who loved and praised, Are alike from the minds of the living erased.' "* Continuing to the line : — " Have quietly mingled their bones in the dust." At this point I became unconscious, and awoke a half hour later to find the company betraying much emotion, and while recovering myself, they talked together in low tones, and in an animated manner. This was interrupted by Mr. Lincoln rousing himself with an effort, saying : *' I must go, and am afraid I have already stayed too long." Shaking hands with his visitors, he turned in his kind way to me, and, while warmly shaking my hand, said : " I thank you, Miss Nettie, for obliging us ; we have deeply enjoyed our little circle." As he left the room, the others expressed the same sentiment ; and as I was prepar- * The reader will note the especial appropriateness of the poetical sally on the part of IMr. Lincoln. 170 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? ing to don mj bonnet and shawl, Mrs. Lincoln re- quested me to wait. She rang the bell for the servant, who soon after returned with two beautiful bouquets, one of which she said was for Mrs. Laurie, the other for myself. The party then shook hands with me, rising as they did so. I was treated by them with the same courtesy as would have been offered any friend or old acquaintance. The following poem is the entire text of the part quoted by Mr. Lincoln on this occasion : — OH I WHY SHOULD THE SPIRIT OF MORTAL BE PROUD ? Oh ! why should the spirit of mortal be proud ? Like a swift-fleeting meteor, a fast-flying cloud, A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave, He passeth from life to his rest in the grave. The leaves of the oak and the willow shall fade, Be scattered around, and together be laid : And the young and the old, and the low and the high, Shall moulder to dust, and together shall lie. The infant a mother attended and loved ; The mother that infant's affection who proved ; The husband, that mother and infant who blest, — Each, all, are away to their dwellings of rest. [The maid on whose cheek, on whose brow, in whose eye, Shone beauty and pleasure, — her triumphs are by ; Ard the memory of those who loved her and praised, Are alike from the minds of the living erased.] A TEST SEANCE. lYl The hand of the king that the sceptre hath borne, The brow of the priest that the raitre hath worn, The eye of the sage, and the heart of the brave. Are hidden and lost in the depths of the grave. The peasant, whose lot was to sow and to reap, The herdsman, who climbed with his goats up the steep, The beggar, who wandered in search of his bread, Have faded away like the grass that we tread. [The saint, who enjoyed the communion of Heaven, The sinner, who dared to remain unforgiven, The wise and the foolish, the guilty and just. Have quietly mingled their bones in the dust.] So the multitude goes — like the flower or the weed That withers away to let others succeed ; So the multitude comes — even those we behold, To repeat every tale that has often been told. For we are the same our fathers have been ; We see the same sights our fathers have seen ; We drink the same stream, we view the same sun, And run the same course our fathers have run. The thoughts we are thinking, our fathers would think ; From the death we are shrinking, our fathers would shrink ; To the life we are clinging, they also would cling ; — But it speeds from us all like a bird on the wing. They loved — but the story we cannot unfold ; They scorned — but the heart of the haughty is cold ; They grieved — but no wail from their slumber will come; They joyed — but the tongue of their gladness is dumb. They died — ay, they died ; — we things that are now, That walk on the turf that lies over their brow. And make in their dwellinirs a transient abode. Meet the things that they met on their pilgrimage road. 172 . WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? Yea ! hope and despondency, pleasure and pain, Are mingled together in sunshine and rain ; And the smile and the tear, the song and the dirge, Still follow each other, like surge upon surge. 'Tis the wink of an eye — 'tis the draught of a breath — From the blossom of health to the paleness of death. From the gilded saloon to the bier and the shroud : — Oh ! why should the spirit of mortal be proud ? William Knox. UNTIL MY WORK IS DONE. 173 CHAPTER XYIII. UNTIL MY WORK IS DONE. I go home for a time — The meetings at Great Barrington and some old camDaign recollections — I address the audience — We return again to AVashington — Major Chorpenning and their home — I meet many well-known people there — I re- ceive dispatch from home — We go to .J;he White House — I didn't catch her, did I ? — I don't think the knife is made or the bullet run that will reach me — Never again did we meet his welcome smile. I LECTURED occasionallj during the summer, and in the fall, near the close of the presidential cam- paign of that year (1864), found myself in New Boston, Mass., visiting old friends, and speaking for them every Sunday. Even in that quiet village, political excitement ran high, and both parties had arranged for a meeting in the town hall, where I was accustomed to speak ; the Democrats occupying the first evening, the Republicans the evening following. The town hall was packed with an excited and in- terested crowd on both occasions. The first evening a Democratic lawyer from Great Barrington occupied the platform. His speech consisted of story-telling, ridicule, and abuse of the government ; but I was in- 174 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALLSr? formed that he was far more temperate in his language than it was his custom to be, owing to the fact that the rumor had gone abroad, I know not how, that I was a member of the '' Loyal League," and that he was in danger of being reported if he carried his vitupera- tion too far. I did take a few notes during the even- ing of his derisive stories, but only to refresh my memory regarding them, and this fact, which I did not conceal, doubtless strengthened his supposition. I noticed that he watched me closely, but I had no idea of the cause. My Republican friends informed me afterwards that my innocent occupation was a healthy check upon his tongue, which they informed me had never before scrupled to use to give vent to the strongest and worst epithets he was capable of coining against President Lincoln. As it was, he kept the audience in a good humor, and for a man of his sort and the exciting period in which he spoke, he was in a measure temperate in language. I do not now recall his name. The following evening Henry L. Dawes, member of Congress from Massachusetts, and a stanch Republican, spoke to the same immense audience. He told but one stoi-y during the entire two hours occupied by his address, and this was at the outset of his remarks, and was as follows : He said there was once a man who had a very vicious and destructive dog, that became so annoying both to himself and his neighbors, that he had to kill him ; UNTIL MY WORK IS DONE. 175 and after killing the dog then commenced kicking his carcass about the neighborhood, beating it continually, until his neighbors protested, saying, '' You have killed the dog and he has paid tlie penalty of his wrong-doing by his death." " Why not bury him and let that end it ?" He replied he was kicking and beating him for the benefit of other doi^s who mi^ht be inclined to follow his example, and to let them know there was punishment after death. " I am here to-night," said Mr. Dawes, " for a similar purpose." " The results of this campaign are a foregone conclusion." " The Demo- cratic party is dead, and will receive a proper burial at the coming election, but lest there should be some Democrats ignorant of that fact, and inclined to follow the vicious ways of the party, I am here to say to them, that in their case, also, there is punishment after death." When the laughter and applause had subsided, he entered upon the real business of the hour, and never had I heard the causes of the frightful war through which we were passing, but which was then fortunately drawing to a close, and the issues that had given rise to it, so clearly and ably presented. He held the audience in breathless attention by his dispassionate presentation of the facts, sustained by overwhelming proofs, never once descending to personalities, while his periods were rounded with such eloquent outbursts of patriotic fervor as awakened the wildest enthusiasm. 176 WAS LIXCOLN A SPIPdTUALISll When Mr. Dawes had finished his able and eloquent address, the chairman of the meeting, who was also the president of our Spiritualist Society, asked hira if he had any objections to my occupying the rostrum with him and addressing the company. With the courtesy that ever characterized him, he answered in the negative, and when I was introduced to him he recognized me, having met me in Washington. I felt it an honor, indeed, to be permitted to speak from the same platform with that able orator, for it was, indeed, one of the proudest moments of my life. The au- dience sang a ringing campaign song, when I became entranced and addressed the audience for about fif- teen minutes. The spirit controlling me stated in substance, as I was afterwards informed, that he had nothing to add to what had already been spoken, beyond predicting, with unerring certainty, that Abraham Lincoln would be re-elected at the coming national election. I awoke amid the applause of the audience, and Mr. Dawes congratulated me in his kind way upon the manner in which I had been in- strumental in closinor the evenino-'s exercises. This pleasant incident may have passed from his recollec- tion, but it stands out distinctly in my own, and while the president of the meeting passed away two years ago, his wife and son, with many others who are now livino:, will bear testimony to its truth. A few weeks later found us again in Washington UNTIL MY WORK IS DONE. 177 City, in response to urgent solicitations on the part of friends, and we were the guests of Major Chorpenning and his wife. Major George Chorpenning was the first man to carry the United States mail across the Rocky Mountains, from Salt Lake City to San Fran- cisco, under a contract with our government, which he had entered into many years previous to the time of which I am speaking, and which was annulled through the false representations of enemies, who coveted, and finally obtained, his position. When I first met him, he was engaged in vigorously prosecuting his claim against the government for damages sustained by the annulment of his contract. He was generous and hospitable to a fault, while his wife, a brilliant society lady, entertained in a manner that insured the accept- ance of their invitations. A brilliant company assem- bled in their parlors once a week, and the evenings were always very enjoyable. Nearly every recep- tion, by unanimous request, was turned into a spiritual circle, and I here met many gentlemen from both branches of Congress, among whom were Mr. Eben Ino^ersoU and Mr. John F. Farnsworth, of Illinois (Rep. 35th Congress), Mr, Henry L. Dawes, of Massa- chusetts, and many others, whose names I cannot now recall. To their honor be it said, the gentlemen I have named were never associated with any of the scandals with which Washington society was rife, and I have always heard them named with respect, and 12 178 W^^S LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? mentioned as above reproach, both as to their public and private life. This was the truth also of many others. Time and sickness have impaired my memory to such an extent that although I can recall the faces and manner of many whom I met, I cannot accurately place them. They seemed to keenly enjoy the circles they attended, while the major's violin and his wife's beau- tiful singing added greatly to the charm of the even- ings. Refreshments were usually served at a late hour. These pleasant social gatherings are among the 'most plesant memories of my Washington experiences. Tuesday afternoons we usually attended Mrs. Lin- coln's receptions, often meeting there the ladies and gentlemen who graced our own. It was during this memorable winter of '64 and ^'ob^ when the Rebel- lion was in its death-throes, that I knew of the visits of Charles Colchester and Charles Foster (two well- known mediums of that time) to the White House, and of their sittincrs with President Lincoln. Throuorh them and throuo-h myself, he received warnincrs of his approaching fate ; but his fearless, confident nature disregarded the warnings he received. It was during the last days of February, when the city was being filled to its utmost capacity by people from all parts of the country, to witness the second inauguration of President Lincoln, that I received a dispatch from my UNTIL MY WORK IS DONE. I79 home telling me my father was dangerously ill, and to come to him at once. Having an appointment at the White House for the following week, I hastened with my friend. Miss Hannum, to the Executive Mansion to inform Mrs. Lincoln of the necessity that called me away. She was out, and we proceeded upstairs to the anteroom, adjacent to Mr. Lincoln's office, hoping for a last word with him. It was two o'clock in the after- noon, and during the last days of the expiring Con- gress, and the waiting-room was filled with members from both Houses, all anxious to get a word with the President. Mr. Ingersoll and a number of others I knew were there, and it seemed doubtful of our obtain- ing an interview. Mr. Ingersoll smilingly asked, " If I expected to have an interview with Mr. Lincoln." I replied, " I hope so, as 1 am about to leave the city." He remarked, he feared it was doubtful, as he and many others had been waiting many hours for a chance to speak with him and had failed. Edward, the faithful and devoted usher of the White House, was passing to and fro taking in cards to Mr. Lincoln's office. Calling him to me, I explained that I wished to see the President for one brief moment, to explain why I could not keep my engagement the following week ; and giving him my card, bade him w^atch for an opportunity when Mr. Lincoln would be parting from those that were with him, and then place my 180 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? card in his hand, telling him I would detain him but an instant. Half an hour went by, when Edward approached and bade us follow him. Mr. Ingersoll, with whom we had been talking, bade us laughingly to speak a good word for him, and we were soon ushered into Mr. Lincoln's presence. He stood at his table, busily- looking over some papers, but laid them down and greeted us with his usual genial smile. In as few words as possible, knowing how precious was his time, we informed him of the cause of our unseasonable call, stating I had been summoned home by a telegram tell- ing me my father was dangerously ill. Looking at me with a quizzical smile, he said, "But cannot our friends from the upper country tell you whether his illness is likely to prove fatal or not ?" I replied that I had already consulted with our friends, and they had assured me that his treatment was wrong, and that my presence was needed to effect a cure. Turn- ing to my friend, he said laughingly, " I didn't catch her, did I ?" Then turning to me he said, " I am sorry you cannot remain to witness the inauguration, as no doubt you wish." " Indeed we would enjoy it," I replied, " but the crowd will be so great we will not be able to see you, Mr. Lincoln, even if we remain." *' You could not help it," he answered, drawing his tall figure to its full height, and glancing at my friend in an amused way, " I shall be the tallest man there." ^ " Then turning to me he said, ' I am sorry you cannot remain to witness the inauguration, as no doubt you wish.' 'Indeed we would enjoy it,' I replied, ' but the crowd will be so great we will not be able to see you, Mr. lyincoln, even if we remain.' 'You could not help it,' he answered, drawing his tall figure to its full height, and glancing at mv friend in an amused wav, • I shall be the tallest man there.' "—Page i8o. UNTIL MY WORK IS DONE. 181 " That is true," my friend responded, " in every sense of the word." He nodded pleasantly at the compliment, and then turning to me remarked, " But what do our friends say of us now ?" " What they predicted for you, Mr. Lincoln, has come to pass," I answered, " and you are to be inaugurated the second time." He nodded his head and I continued, " But they also re-affirm that the shadow they have spoken of still hangs over you." He turned half im- patiently away and said, " Yes, I know. I have letters from all over the country from your kind of people — mediums, I mean — warning me against some dreadful plot against my life. But I don't think the knife is made, or the bullet run, that will reach it. Besides nobody wants to harm me." A feeling of sadness that I could not conceal nor account for came over me and I said, " Therein lies your danger, Mr. Lincoln — your over-confidence in your fellow-men." The old melancholy look that had of late seemed lifted from his face now fell over it, and he said in his subdued quiet way, '' Well, Miss Nettie, I shall live till my work is done, and no earthly power can pre- vent it. And then it doesn't matter so that I am ready — and that I ever mean to be." Brightening again he extended a hand to each of us saying, " Well, I suppose I must bid you good-by, but we shall hope to see you back again next fall." " We shall certainly come," we replied, "^/ you are Jiere^'' without think- 182 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? ing of the doubts our words implied. " It looks like it now," he answered, and walking with us to a side door, with another cordial shake of the hand, we passed out of his presence for the last time. Never again would we meet his welcome smile. " He perished ere the hand of peace Had rolled war's curtain from the sky; But he shall live when wrong shall cease ; The great and good can never die." THE MAN LINCOLN. 183 CHAPTER XIX. THE MAN LINCOLN. A Personal Description of President Abraham Lincoln and his Peculiarities. LOOKING back upon those years of terrible struggle, Lincoln stands out in golden colors as the central figure of all persons whom I have ever met, and in my more mature judgment was repre- sentative of all that was good and great among our common humanity. If he was not great in those qualities which made a Cicero or a Webster, he was great in that supreme goodness that allied him alike to the most brilliant minds of his time and the common people, to whose sorrows and necessities he was ever ready to listen. His countenance in repose always struck the be- holder as sad and expressive, which sadness his rare kindly smile could not wholly obliterate. I have watched him when listening to views and opinions presented by members of his Cabinet, both in the Executive chamber and in the parlor of the White House, also while in conversation with foreign minis- ters and men prominent in social and business circles, •with men older and younger than himself, and in each 184 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? and every instance his manner was marked by a gen- tleness and courtesy of demeanor, that could not fail to flatter the recipient, while the alert and clear ex- pression of his eyes indicated that he lost no part in the conversation, nor failed to thoroughly understand it. He listened more than he talked upon these occa- sions, and he was wont to express much in a few words, and if compelled to refuse a portion of the many petitions which were daily presented to him, the manner of refusal was apparently so tinged with regret of the fact that duty and inclination would not harmonize, that he seemed to have granted the favor he was compelled to deny. He was especially thoughtful of the feelings of the common people, from whom he sprang. Never was this thoughtfulness more forcibly illustrated than upon an occasion of a public reception given at the White House during the winter of 1865, at which myself and friend attended. After greeting the President on our passing him," on our way to the Blue room, at the entrance of which he was standing, we took up our place to the right of Mrs. Lincoln, who was surrounded by a bevy of ladies who usually assisted at those receptions, for the pur- pose of watching the throng of visitors who were entering and passing on their way to the East room. Mr. Lincoln's manner was attentive, as his duty of host required, but I noticed that as men of fashion in faultless costume and bedecked with jewels greeted THE MAN LINCOLN. 185 him, his handshake was mechanical and his glance indifferent, and he scarcely noticed them. But if a boy in blue entered, or a laboring man, whose un- gloved hand was timidly offered in greeting, he earn- estly met the offer, and giving the hard hand a hearty shake, added a cheery word and kindly smile, which was quickly reflected on the face of his humble visitor, who walked away with prouder mien and bolder step, as he wended his way through the mixed assemblage that jostled toward the exit. On the occasion of these public receptions Mr. Lincoln always appeared well dressed in the regula- tion evening costume of black, his clothing seemed well fitting and his general appearance that of dignity and self-command. At other times when I have met him, both in his office and in other rooms of the White House, he impressed me as being indifferent to his apparel, his clothing at times being decidedly seedy- looking, and it may be added that at these meetings he seemed encompassed and imbued with a pre-occu- pied state of mind that forcibly impressed itself upon the memory of the on-looker as indicating great mental oppression, thought and care, plainly saying, " I am wholly the agent of a special purpose, and the servant of a condition that is not mine, but for the good of all whom I serve." He never seemed to have an idle moment, nor did he ever appear to relax his manner of reserve, nor give way to excessive mirthfulness, 186 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? even at a time when witty sayings were a part of the conversation. Rather would he smile in sympathy with those around him, showing that he was in accord with them, indicating that his mind was so fully occu- pied with the cares of the Nation, that he could not enter into the spirit of the hour. In such instances those present could not but feel that he was with them, but not of them. When I recall his manner, conver- sation and conduct at these various meetings, the feel- ing impresses itself upon me that he remained in the presence of his friends a sufficient time to absorb the information which they could impart, and so long as they could occupy and hold his interest, he felt a special desire for their company, but that a precedence of friendship was in favor of those only who could maintain this interest. This quality of absorbing in- formation was, I am inclined to believe, more a mental equipment of him as a man, than a quality in him as a ruler. Lincoln lived and acted at a time, and under circumstances, without a parallel in the history of nations, and by the common standard with which ordinary men are judged he cannot be justly measured. He was " of the time" because its chief actor, and . " for the time" because he created its results. It should be borne in mind that all my meetings with Mr. Lincoln were at periods of special import, and upon occasions when he was in need of aid and direction. After the " circles," which he attended, THE MAN LINCOLN. 187 he invariably left with a brighter and happier look, evidencing the benefit in part which he experienced from that which had been imparted to him. My friend, Francis B. Carpenter, who resided for some time at the White House, and who painted that beautiful historical work, " The Emancipation Procla- mation," and also the last portrait of Abraham Lin- coln from life (a copy of which forms the frontispiece of this volume), has written a series of charming reminiscences of his experiences and personal contact with Mr. Lincoln in which will be found many very beautiful thoughts. The truth and accuracy of his observations and statements certainly make them as valuable to us to- day as any reminiscences that are left as a legacy of the past. By his permission a few of these thoughts are subjoined : — " Much has been said and written, since Mr. Lincoln's death, in regard to his religious experience and char- acter. Two or three stories have been published, bearing upon this point, which I have never been able to trace to a reliable source ; and I feel impelled to state my belief that the facts in the case — if there were such — have received in some way an unwar- ranted embellishment. Of all men in the world, the late President was the most unaffected and truthful, lie rarely or never used language loosely or carelessly, or for the sake of compliment. lie was the most in- 188 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? different to the effect he was producing, either upon official representatives or the common people, of any man ever in public position. " In the ordinary acceptation of the term, I would scarcely have called Mr. Lincoln a religious man — and yet I believe him to have been a sincere Christian. A constitutional tendency to dwell upon sacred things, an emotional nature which finds ready expression in religious conversation and revival meetings, the cul- ture and development of the devotional element till the expression of such thought and experience becomes habitual, were not among his characteristics. Doubt- less he felt as deeply upon the great questions of the soul and eternity as any other thoughtful man ; but the very tenderness and humility of his nature would not permit the exposure of his inmost convictions, ex- cept upon the rarest occasions, and to his most intimate friends. And yet, aside from emotional expression, I believe no man had a more abiding sense of his de- pendence upon God, or faith in the Divine govern- ment, and in the power and ultimate triumph of Truth and Right in the world. The Rev. J. P. Thompson, of New York, in an admirable discourse upon the life and character of the departed President, very justly observed : ' It is not necessary to appeal to apocry- phal stories — which illustrate as much the assurance of his visitors as the simplicity of his faith — for proof of Mr. Lincoln's Christian character.' If his daily THE MAN LINCOLN. 189 life and various public addresses and writings do not show this, surely nothing can demonstrate it." " After further reference to a belief in Divine Providence, and the fact of God in history, the con- versation turned upon prayer. He freely stated his belief in the duty, privilege and efficacy of prayer, and intimated, in no unmistakable terms, that he had sought in that way the Divine guidance and favor. The effect of this conversation upon the mind of Mr. Bateman, a Christian gentleman whom Mr. Lincoln profoundly respected, was to convince him that Mr. Lincoln had, in his quiet way, found a path to the Christian standpoint — that he had found God, and rested on the eternal truth of God. As the two men were about to separate, Mr. Bateman remarked: ' I have not supposed that you were accustomed to think so much upon this class of subjects ; certainly your friends generally are ignorant of the sentiments you have expressed to me.' He replied quickly : ' I know they are, but I think more on these subjects than upon all others, and I have done so for years ; and I am willing you should know it.' ) J) " The President was a man of deep convictions, of abiding faith in justice, truth and Providence. His voice was pleasant, his manner earnest and emphatic. As he warmed with his theme, his mind grew to the 190 ^^S LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? magnitude of his body. I felt I was in the presence of the o^reat o^uidino; intellect of the acre, and that those ' huo^e Atlantean shoulders were fit to bear the weic^ht of mightiest monarchies.' His transparent honesty, republican simplicity, his gushing sympathy for those who offered their lives for their country, his utter for- getfulness of self in his concern for its welfare, could not but inspire me with confidence that he was Heaven's instrument to conduct his people through this sea of blood to a Canaan of peace and freedom." " On an occasion I shall never forget," said the Hon. H. C. Deming, of Connecticut, " the conversa- tion turned upon religious subjects, and Mr. Lincoln made this impressive remark : ' I have never united myself to any church, because I have found difficulty in giving my assent, without mental reservation, to the long, complicated statements of Christian doctrine which characterize their Articles of Belief and Con- fessions of Faith. When any church will inscribe over its altar, as its sole qualification for membership,' he continued, ' the Saviour's condensed statement of the substance of both Law and Gospel, " Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself," that church will I join with all my heart and soul.' " THE MAX LIXCOLX. 191 " ' Mr. Bateman, I am not a Christian — God knows I ■would be one — but I have carefullv read the Bible, and I do not so understand this book ;' and he drew forth a pocket Xew Testament. ' These men well know,' he continued, ' that I am for freedom in the Territories, freedom everywhere as free as the Con- stitution and the laws will permit, and that my oppo- nents are for slavery. They liiiow this, and yet, with this book in their hands, in the light of which human bondage cannot live a moment, they are going to vote against me : I do not understand it at all.' "Here Mr. Lincoln paused — paused for long minutes — his features surcharged with emotion. Then he rose and walked up and down the reception-room in the effort to retain or regain his self-possession. Stopping at last, he said, with a trembling voice and his cheeks wet with tears : ' I know there is a God, and that He hates injustice and slavery. I see the storm coming, and I know that his hand is in it. If He has a place and work for me — and I think He has — I believe I am ready. I am nothing, but Truth is evervthin^. I know I am ricrht, because I know that liberty is right, for Christ teaches it, and Christ is God. I have told them that a house divided against itself cannot stand : and Christ and reason say the same ; and they will find it so.' " ' Douglas don't care whether slavery is voted up or down, but God cares, and humanity cares, and I 192 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALISTS care ; and with God's help I shall not fail. I may not see the end ; but it will come, and I shall be vin- dicated ; and these men will find that they have not read their Bibles aright.' " In the spring of 1862, the President spent several days at Fortress Monroe, awaiting military operations upon the Peninsula. As a portion of the Cabinet were with him, that was temporarily the seat of govern- ment, and he bore with him constantly the burden of public affairs. His favorite diversion was reading Shakespeare. One day (it chanced to be the day before the capture of Norfolk), as he sat reading alone, he called to his aide (Colonel Le Grand B. Cannon, of General Wool's staff) in the adjoining room, ^' You have been writing long enough. Colonel ; come in here. I want to read you a passage in ' Hamlet.' " He read the discussion on ambition between Hamlet and his courtiers, and the soliloquy, in which conscience de- bates of a future state. This was followed by pas- sages from " Macbeth." Then opening to " King John," he read from the third act the passage in which Constance bewails her imprisoned, lost boy. Closing the book, and recalling the words : — '* And, Father Cardinal, I have heard you say That we shall see and know our friends in heaven : If that be true, I shall see my boy again." THE MAN LINCOLN. I93 Mr. Lincoln said : " Colonel, did you ever dream of a lost friend, and feel that you were holding sweet communion with that friend, and yet have a sad con- sciousness that it was not a reality ? Just so I dream of my boy Willie.'' Overcome with emotion, he dropped his head on the table, and sobbed aloud. In Barrett's biography of Mr. Lincoln, it is stated that the first draft of the Emancipation Proclamation was written on board of the steamboat returning from his 8th of July visit to the army at Harrison's Land- ing. This circumstance was not included in the state- ment given me, and to others in my presence, at dif- ferent times ; but from the known relations of the author with the President, it is undoubtedly true. The original draft was written upon one side of four half sheets of official foolscap. He flung down upon the table one day for me several sheets of the same, saying, " There, I believe, is some of the very paper which was used — if not, it was, at any rate, just like it." The original draft is dated September 22, 1862, and was presented to the Army Relief Bazaar, at Albany, N. Y., in 1864. It is in the proper hand- writing of Mr. Lincoln, excepting two interlineations in pencil by Secretary Seward, and the formal head- ing and ending, which were written by the chief clerk of the State Department. The final Proclamation was signed on New Year's 13 194 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? Day, 1863. The President remarked to Mr. Colfax, the same evening, that the signature appeared some- what tremulous and uneven. " Not," said he, " be- cause of any uncertainty or hesitation on my part ; but it was just after the public reception, and three hours' hand-shaking is not calculated to improve a man's chirography." Then, changing his tone, he added : " The South had fair warning that if they did not return to their duty, I should strike at this pillar of their strength. The promise must now be kept, and I shall never recall one word." Mr. Chase told me that at the Cabinet meeting, immediately after the battle of Antietam, and just prior to the issue of the September Proclamation, the President entered upon the business before them by saying that '' the time for the annunciation of the emancipation policy could be no longer delayed. Public sentiment," he thought, " would sustain it — many of his warmest friends and supporters demanded it — and he had jjromised his Crod that he would do itP'' The last part of this was uttered in a low tone, and appeared to be heard by no one but Secretary Chase, who was sitting near him. He asked the President if he correctly understood him. Mr. Lin- coln replied : *' I made a solemn vow before Grod, that if General Lee was driven hack from Pennsylvania^ THE MAN LINCOLN, I95 T would crown the result hy the declaration of freedom the slaves,^ ^ It was often a matter of surprise to me how the President sustained life ; for it seemed, some weeks, IS though he neither ate nor slept. His habits con- inued as simple as when he was a practising lawyer n Springfield, but thej came to be very irregular. During the months of my intercourse with him he rarely entertained company at dinner. Almost daily, at this hour, I met a servant carrying a simple meal upon a tray upstairs, where it was received, perhaps two hours later, in the most unceremonious manner. I knew this irregularity of life was his own fault; but the wonder as to how his system endured the strain brought to bear upon it was not lessened by this knowledge. All familiar with him will remember the weary air which became habitual during his last years. This was more of the mand than the body, and no rest and recreation which he allowed himself could relieve it. As he sometimes expressed it, the remedy " seemed never to reach the th-ed spot." Mr. Lincoln's heiglit was six feet three and three- quarter inches " in his stocking-feet." He stood up, one day, at the right of my large canvas, while I marked his exact height upon it. His frame was gaunt, but sinewy, and inclined to 196 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? stoop when he walked. His head was of full medium size, with a broad brow, surmounted by rough, un- manageable hair, which, he once said, had " a way of getting up as far as possible in the world." Lines of care ploughed his face — the hollows in his cheeks and under his eyes being very marked. The mouth was his plainest feature, varying widely from classical models — nevertheless, expressive of much firmness and gentleness of character. His complexion was inclined to sallowness, though I judged this to be the result, in part, of his anxious life in Washington. His eyes were bluish-gray in color — always in deep shadow, however, from the upper lids, which were unusually heavy (reminding me, in this respect, of Stuart's portrait of Washington), and the expression was remarkably pensive and tender, often inexpressibly sad, as if the reservoir of tears lay very near the surface- — a fact proved not only by the re- sponse which accounts of suifering and sorrow invari- ably drew forth, but by circumstances which would ordinarily affect few men in his position. A few days before the re-inauguration of Mr. Lin- coln, the Emancipation picture was placed temporarily on exhibition in the Rotunda of the Capitol. As the workmen were raising it to its place, over the northern door leading to the Senate Chamber, a group gathered in front of it, among whom was policeman R , of THE MAN LINCOLN. IQJ Capitol Squad. As the painting reached its position, a wandering sunbeam crept in from the top of the great dome and settled full upon the head of Mr. Lincoln, leaving all the rest of the picture in shadow. The effect was singular and wonderful. " Look !" ex- claimed the enthusiastic R , pointing to the canvas, " that is as it should be. God bless him ! may the sun shine upon his head forever !" Mr. Lincoln once said : — *' So far as I have been able, so far as came w^ithin my sphere, I have always acted as I believed was right and just, and done all I could for the good of mankind. I have, in letters and documents sent forth from this office, expressed myself better than I can now." I am not one of those inclined to believe that Mr. Lincoln, in the closing months of his career, reached the full measure of his greatness. Man may not read the future ; but it is my firm conviction, that, had he lived through his second term, he would have continued to grow, as he had grown, in the estimation and confidence of his countrymen ; rising to a grander moral height with every emergency, careful always to weigh every argument opposed to his convictions, but, once mounted upon those convictions, grounded in righteousness, as immovable as pne of the giant ranges of our own Rocky Mountains ! 198 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALISTS CHAPTER XX. A COMICAL SEANCE. A visit from two sable contemporaries — The lost money and its return — Who can say that Spiritualism is not of Divine origin ? AVERY pleasant episode which had almost escaped my recollection occurred one evening after re- turning from the White House, where a seance had been given for Mr. Lincoln. Miss Colburn informed me that during my absence Mrs. Chorpenning's col- ored cook had told her that an old colored friend had lost three hundred dollars, which he had kept hidden in the toe of an old shoe (darkey fashion), secreted in his bedroom, which sum represented the savings of a lifetime, and that some one had taken it, and "Auntie" wished her (Parnie) to use her influence with me to obtain my assistance, and for that purpose to have a sitting with the old man. At the same time the cook stated that she was " afeard he would dun go crazy." My friend promised a sitting on my return, and told her to bring the old man to our room just previous to our retiring for the night. Parnie had scarcely ceased her revelation when a loud knock upon the back stair-way door announced the arrival of our sable vis- A COMICAL S^JANCE, I99 itors. On opening the door a tall, gaunt, stooping figure met our sight, whose gray head contrasted strongly with the black features, and who shambled into the room with many apologies, followed by the cook. Cutting short his profuse expressions of gratitude, we reminded him of the lateness of the hour and seated ourselves for the stance, and for the second time that evening I went under influence, and my little spirit messenger " Pinkie" at once informed him that his " wampum" was safe where he had put it, but that the old shoe had been thrown out, with other rubbish, into the back yard of the tenement house he occupied, and that among the rubbish he would find it safe in the morning. My friend had much difficulty in making the old man comprehend what had been said to him, and when she informed him that it was a " spirit" in the room, whom he could not see, who had given the communication, his eyes rolled in terror as he edged toward the door. It required our combined power of explanation to assure him that he was in no danger of seeing " ghostses." The explanation given him was in answer to his question : '' How dat chile know about dis ?" They finally left with many apologies for calling. The next morning as we were about to descend to breakfast the old man's timid rap was heard. He came in, smiling and bowing, saying he had come to tell us that he had found the shoe and the money 200 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALISTf " right wliar the young missis sed he was." He was overjoyed at the recovery of his lost treasure, and ex- hibited his pleasure by offering to pay me anything I would require for the service rendered him. We as- sured him that he was welcome, and that there was no charge. He asserted, in further explanation and thanks, that old Sally had been *'clarin' up the rooms," and in cleaning out the dirt had thrown out the worn- out shoe as being of no account, little dreaming that its dilapidated toe contained the precious hoard of a lifetime, accumulated in small sums, until its total represented comparative ease and future protection to the old fellow. Early in the evening my time had been passed, and my gift exercised, in the presence and for the benefit of the ruler of a great nation, while the latter part was given, in the same manner, to alleviate the misery of a poor old negro who represented one of his most humble adherents. To the thoughtful mind the pic- ture presented declares the breadth and scope of that power that leads and guides all mediums in their god- given work of ministering to the needs of humanity. Equal to every occasion, it touches the loftiest heights with a light of truth and wisdom guiding the uncertain steps of man in hours of supreme trial, and descends to the lowest valleys to aid and comfort the poor and humble, and carry joy to the weak and miserable. Therefore, who shall say that it is not of God ? PECULIAR HISTORY, 201 CHAPTER XXI. PECULIAR HISTORY. We go to Washington to attend the great Inauguration ball — Meet at Chorpenning's — General Banks calls — General Longstreet has his fortune told — "Twice did I tender my sword, and twice was it refused" — A remarkable state- ment — You have my blessing. AVERY pleasant reminiscence which had almost escaped my memory transpired during a visit to Washington with my husband. We went to Wash- ington to attend the first Inauguration ceremony which made General Grant president of the United States. During our stay we were the guests of Major and Mrs. Chorpenning. While there I assisted in dedicating a hall for the First Spiritualist Society, of which Major Chorpenning was president. The Sunday evening fol- lowing the dedication I lectured for the Society, and at its close was introduced to many persons, one of whom was the ex-Confederate General James Longstreet. This gentleman was a most striking figure, even among the brilliant assembly that filled the hall. He was more than six feet in height, of fine features, iron- gray hair and beard, and with his correct military bearing, could not fail to attract attention and cause 202 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALISTf more than a passing glance from every beholder. His manners were pleasing and indicated him a refined gentleman. He accompanied our party to the Major's home, asking me many questions meanwhile concern- ing my mediumship, and expressing himself as having been greatly entertained by the discourse which he had heard, and desirous of knowing something addi- tional regarding the subject. The Major cordially invited him to join us the following evening at eight o'clock, at the Major's residence. At the appointed hour the bell was rung, but to our surprise not by General Longstreet, for the servant immediately afterward announced General Nathaniel P. Banks, of Massachusetts. The general was in full evening costume, and blooming serenely and sweetly upon his lapel was the inevitable houtonni'^re. His hands were encased (J am certain) in lemon-colored kids and his whole appearance was decidedly satisfac- tory, and, withal, he bore about him a military and commanding air. He was on his way to a reception, and after a pleasant chat took his departure. It now being about 8.30, we concluded that our expected guest would not arrive. It was suggested that we resort to the amusement of " telling fortunes," and that the Major and his wife should be the subjects. A pack of cards was handed me, and while I was in the act of spreading them upon my lap General Long- street was announced. I hastily threw a portion of PECULIAR HISTORY. • 203 my dress over the cards, holding it in a manner I felt secure, while the Major and his wife went forward to greet the general. As I arose to shake hands with him, to mj embarrassment and consternation, the cards slipped from my dress and scattered themselves at his feet. Stepping back he exclaimed, with an amusing smile : " Why, what is this ?" Mrs. Chorpenning, in a gracious manner, explained the matter, whereupon he said : " Well, you must tell my fortune." All entered into the spirit of the jest, Mrs. Chorpen- ning explaining to him that he must " mix" the cards, and at the time " make a wish," assuring him that I would tell him whether or not he would obtain the same. He followed her directions and literally mixed them, facing and handling them in a most awkward manner, frequently dropping a part of them in a vain attempt to force them into shape. While doing so he assured us it was the first time in his life that he had handled cards, adding : " Neither have I ever tasted liquor nor tobacco in any form." At last he cut the cards in regular form, and passing them to me remarked : " I have wished that I may succeed in that which has called me to Washington." I had scarcely received the cards in my hands when I was controlled by a " spirit," who, he afterwards declared, " had stated the truth in every particular concerning his past life," of which they freely spoke. The spirit told him that wpon two separate occasions 20^ WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? he had tendered his sword in resignation to Jefferson Davis during the war, requesting at the same time to he released from his oath to the Confederacy , and that in both instances his request was refused. The rea- sons for so doing, he said, were that he did not realize the full meaning and magnitude of the Confederate oath of allegiance which he had taken, and that when he did fully understand it he knew that his act was pointing toward the dissolution of the Union, and he therefore assured Jefferson Davis that he could not continue his work and " put his heart into it.^^ In connection with this he added : " I don't believe there is another person living in Washington to-night cog- nizant of these facts, and how could this young woman tell me of these matters unless it be through the aid of a higher power ? It is most astonishing." The spirit also assured him that he would procure the ful- filment of his wish and obtain the position he sought. In verification of this statement he was appointed col- lector of the port of New Orleans by General Grant. I am told that Generals Grant and Longstreet became firm and lasting friends, and continued so up to the time of the death of the former. The student of his- tory will ponder over this statement, and the politi- cian partly comprehend its touching and earnest verification of the lasting value and virtue of our re- publican form of government, and also the fact that this friendship conferred honor upon both these distin- guished representatives of the North and South. PECULIAR HISTORY. 205 The pleasant conversation which followed the im- promptu circle will long be remembered by those who met this brave man for the first and the last time. As he uttered his parting words to me he laid his hand upon my head, saying : " I will bid you good- night, and should we never meet again, you have my most earnest blessing." 206 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? CONCLUSION. In concluding, I call attention to the fact that I have said little or nothing of the religion of Spirit- ualism, for the reason that neither time nor strength would permit so doing. I may here mention that since the fact has been made public that this book was about to issue, I have received many letters inquir- ing, " Whether I found the same comfort and consola- tion in the teaching of Spiritualism, in these hours of extremity, that could be found in the Christian re- ligion ?" To one and all I answer, Yes, and infinitely more ! While I have all the strength and comfort to be derived from the teachings of Christianity, I have the added blessing that knowledge alone can convey — man's immorTx\lity. Apart from every use or good to spring from the exercise of spiritual mediumship, this central vital truth stands out clear and crystalline against the dark background of doubt, and the grow- ing infidelity of the age. The sweet and ever precious story of Jesus and his love, work, and sacrifices for humanity, finds in modern Spiritualism, confirmation, and in the ranks of our army of medium-workers, to-day, we see the fulfil- CONCLUSION. 207 ment of his words, " Greater things than these shall ye do, for I go to the Father." His assurance that these signs, viz : " Healing the sick by the laying on of hands, casting out devils, speaking in tongues, the utterance of prophecies, and their subsequent fulfil- ment," should follow those who believe, /n(^s little or no a'pplication to the church founded in his name. But in modern Spiritualism we realize a new Pentecost, and it seems strange, indeed, to find the doors of the so-called Christian world closed against the only testi- mony that can demonstrate and prove, beyond perad- venture, the truths taught by Jesus and his followers, and to discredit its teachings, on the ground that some of its mediums and followers are ignorant or without moral character, which is no argument against its truths for of the chosen twelve of the Master, one betrayed him, one denied him, and a third doubted him, and in all ages there have been those ignorant and unwise enough " to steal the livery of heaven in which to serve the devil," or to subserve some selfish end or aim. But time, the great interpreter of all things, clears away all error, and eventually banishes the dust and tarnish of sacred things ; and we learn to know that — " Truth crushed to earth shall rise again, The eternal years of God are hers ; But Error, wounded, writhes in pain And dies among his worshippers.** 208 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRlTUALLSTf In the years I have been confined to my bed, Spirit- ualism has been to me a perpetual solace and joy. The mediumistic gift has remained with me, and while my external vision has grown dim from years of suf- fering, my clairvoyant sight has grown clearer, and the forms of my loved ones who have gone before me to the bright Beyond, are plainly visible in my dark- ened room, and although my external hearing is dull and unreal, my clairaudient power abides with me, and I hear the loved voices that death has silenced to the outer sense, and I am not left to say, I long for " the touch of a vanished hand, and the sound of a voice that is still." From these risen loved ones I have received en- couragement and comfort in hours of darkest trial. Three times in as many years the death angel has come under our roof, each time leading one of our loved ones home. Three separate times the casket containing the form of a cherished member of our household has been brought to my bedside, that I might look for the last time upon all that was mortal of a loved mother, sister, and aunt. In my present physical aspect, with one voice after another becoming silent, one dear, familiar face after another going out from my home, and, as the world views it, never to return, conditions arose which I never could have borne, had not God endowed me with the priceless gift that enabled me to realize, beyond question^ that my CONCLUSION. 209 dead were living stilly and that they could and did return and comfort me. My experience as regards mediumship has been, and is, the experience of thou- sands. Sacred forever be the memory of our army of risen mediums, workers, and pioneers of our beauti- ful philosophy, and ail honor to the noble, increasing army, each one a standard-bearer, in advancing the work of revealing the mightiest truth ever given to man ; for by it we solve the question of all questions, uttered by the prophet of old, '^ If a man die, shall he live again f^ To all those workers I send loving greetings, and if I may no longer take active part with them in spread- ing the glad tidings, and disseminating this living gospel for the benefit of mankind, I can pray for them, and bid them God-speed on their holy mission. In the immortal words of him who occupies so promi- nent a place in this book, " With charity to all, and malice toward none," I close these pages, always bearing in mind the beautiful lines by our venerated Whittier: — ** I know not where His Islands lift Their fronded palms in air \ I only know I cannot drift Beyond His love and care. And so, beside the Silent sea, I wait the nnu filed oar ; No harm from Him can come to rae From ocean or from shore. 14 210 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? Oh, brothers, if my faith is vain, If hopes like these betray. Pray for me that my feet may gain The sure and safer way. And thou, O God, by whom are seen Thy creatures as they be, Foro;ive me if too close I lean My human heart on Thee !'* MRS. NETTIE COEBURX MAYNARD. Photographed from miniature, 1863. SPIRIT POEMS, DICTATED THROUGH THE MEDIUMSHIP OF Mrs. NETTIE C. MAYNARD. (211) SPIRIT POEMS. TO MY MOTHER. Passed to the Higher Life, March 17, 1888. Three times, dear, the roses have blossomed And faded our faces between — Three times o'er your still heart, dear mother, The grass on your grave has grown green — And my lips wear the smiles I have taught them, And your name, without weeping, I speak. Ah, mother ! we learn through Time's weary years What the poor heart may bear, and not break. To-day, as I gazed on your picture. In likeness so faithful and true. Did you know how my poor heart was weeping, And how it was calling for you ? Ah ! That moment I know the dear anjjels Missed you from your own holy place, For I felt you were bending above me And leaving a kiss on my face. And I heard, in the hush of that moment, A sound like the sweep of a Aving ; And a note trembled down througrh the silence Like the music, dear, you used to sing ! (213) 214 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? While the peace that is given the angels Seemed wrapping me up in its fold, Till the clouds of my sorrow were lifted And their edges were bordered with gold. When the finders of twilirjht are closing o o o The dim, weary eyes of the day. And the meek, lowly heads of the flowers Are bowed in the silence to pray ; Oh, come then, dear mother, and banish The dust and the darkness of care, And tell me a story of heaven. And tell me you 're loving me there. And now that I've reached the " Still River," Will you come to me — close to my side ? Shall I hear the sweet words of your welcome Above the low lull of the tide ? And lying so helpless, with garments All dusty and worn with the strife, I am longinor to bathe in the River, CD C ' In the waves of the " River of Life." And then, can I kiss you In heaven. And tell you how lonely I've been ? And find you the same, with your true loving heart Wide open, to gather me in ? Alas ! I am sometimes impatient And feel but the hlow of "the rod." Oh, help me and strengthen me, mother, Till we meet in the "mansions of God I" SPIRIT POEMS. 215 THE SPIRIT OF ROBBIE BURNS. I gie you greeting fra' the land That's filled with mony a blessing ; Where love and truth walk hand in hand, Mid balmy airs caressing ; Na angry God 1 na de'il wild, As in tradition's story. But the Guid Shepherd owns each child, And love takes a' the glory. The grave fra' whence ye culled the flowers Holds not the souls ye cherished ; They dwell in fair immortal bowers ; Their bodies only perished. The guid wife loved the clover bloom And every ither blossom ; She saw ye bending o'er her tomb And leaning on your bosom. Knew all thy thoughts in sadness fra't. As o'er the twa graves bending ; It seemed that they from heaven had caught The peace that e'er is lending ; Look up, na doon ; a joy awaits Your heart, as mony anither, And ye shall own at heaven's gate, Tha' Robbie Burns your brither. Once more I gie ye greeting, mon, Amid the world o' trial ; But it wad seem it nigh had gane Completely to the de'il. When a guid mon will gang astray, Regardless o' their teaching. They canna mean it when they pray, Nor even when they're preaching. 216 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? Ah weel ! ah weel ! be thankful, mon, Ye'r wife has gane to glory, And that ye may her record scan, Nor fear a shamefu' story. The poet in ye olden time Was ca' d the prince o' evil ; And that the spirit o' his rhyme Was taken fra' the de'il. But, sir, tho' often grave and quaint, And common ways eschewen, We did na claim to be a saint When we were mischief brewin' ; But had we run a tilt on earth W^i' mony an evil doer ; We wad na rob a man o' worth. That we might play the wooer. Note. — Given to the artist, S. R. Fanshaw, of Morrisania, N. T., on the occasion of his having visited the graves of his wife and children at Woodlawn. A few preserved flowers in a pass-book in Mr. Fanshaw 's pocket gave rise to this spirit poem. LABOR. The subject of this poem was suggested by a gentleman who called upon me with Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Newton, of New York City, for the purpose of learning something of Spiritualism. On being told that I was able at times to give forth spirit poems, he suggested the title "Labor." The result was satisfactory to him. To-night I will sing you a song of the sea, And tell you the story it's telling to me. For I never bend over the wild solemn waves But I long for the secret hid down in their caves. SPIRIT POEMS. 217 The unceasincr murmurs that rise from its breast Are telling of labor and constant unrest : And its cold hands all sparkling with jewels of spray, On the white sands are beating the long hours away. Down under the waters bright corals I see, That stretch their fair fingers and beckon to me, And point to the temples the ages have wrought, All sparkling with jewels the swift tides have bro't. And leading me down through the white coral doors They point to the jewels that gleam thro' their floor. And the tide's busy fingers forever at play Are fash'ning in beauty by night and by day. There are shells of rare structure and beauty, I ween. Whose rainbow-like tintings reflect heaven's sheen. And pearls fair as roses, of beauty untold. Awaiting their settinj; of silver and gold. O D O Oh ! the wondrous treasures I saw in the sea ! And the lesson they taught in their murmurs to me Was this, that I give you — that labor alone Is the means to develop the treasures we own. In the ocean of life there's a far brighter gem Than ever encircled a king's diadem ; And far richer blessings all hidden may be In some lonely spirit, than in the deep sea. But labor unceasing, and close watchful care Is needed for progress, all hallowed by prayer ; And the deep tides of nature are working for aye To fashion the temples that never decay. Those temples of beauty, where God in the soul Dwells ever in spirit, in loving control ; 218 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? So the song that I heard as I bent o'er the sea AVas the lesson, dear Myrtle, I'm telling to thee. That unceasing labor alone can impart The liofht to the iewels hid down in the heart : And the song of life's ocean unceasing doth rise Till its music is blent with the song of the skies. For " Prom'ess" is written all over the sod Where blossoms lift up their fair faces to God. To all that are faithful and truthful 'tis given To win while on earth a bright mansion in heaven. AN ANNIVERSARY CAROL. Dedicated to B. B. Hill, Esq. How golden the years that are crowning our planet With truth and with wisdom her lessons to prove, The broad book of Nature in covers of granite, Unsealed to our eyes by Omnipotent love ! No longer the gloom of the olden-time twilight, When Reason was wrapped in a chrysalis dream, The bold mountain headlands are touched with the highlight That kisses the mists from the lowland and stream. Though slow was the dawning till Mind broke its fetters, And dared to go forward where Truth led the way, Though slow was our childhood in learning its letters Our Manhood redeemed what was lost by delay ! When man claimed his birthright of freedom and power, And shook oif the shackles of slavish duress, He caught from the cloud his electrical power And lit with its lightning the Path of the Press. SPIRIT POEMS. 219 Then quickly the long suppressed truths of the ages In radiant garments illumined the earth, And man read aright Nature's beautiful pages, And learned the true standard of Manhood is Worth ! The thrones, Sceptres of Empires are falling, — The Idols of Ignorance roll in the dust. While deep unto deep, for revision is calling. And Love led by Knowledge looks upward in trust. While Science with iconoclastic hand lifted Dethroning old Errors, so hoary and gray. The chaff from the wheat hath slowly been sifted. And stones from the tombs of our dead rolled away. How golden the harvest ! how rich the fruition ! And almost the fruit of a three-score of years, What may we not hope from the Future's tuition When joy weaves a rainbow from sorrow's sad tears ? It is well to have lived when no power of restriction Retarded thy soul-growth to manhood's full prime, When the meaning of life^ like a sweet benediction. Leads onward and Godward through eternal time. o But grand to have lived and received as a treasure The bright golden harvest these years have unrolled ; Truth gives to her children her gifts without measure, Her jewels and wealth are more precious than gold. And thou didst perceive her divine revelation. That love in thy heart that casteth out fears, And well may thy soul claim for its coronation, A diadem worthy thy threescore of years. 220 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? Our congratulations on thy sixtieth birthday, Rejoicing with thee o'er thy labor " well done," But far more than all, the sweet flowers in thy pathway, Proclaim thy good works from the truth thou hast won. TO MY MOTHER. On her eightieth birthday, December 11, 1880. Dear mother, tis no easy task That's given to me. Thy children and their children ask 1 speak to thee Their loving greetings, as they bring For thine acceptance, love's pure offering. And friends afar and those near by Give each a token In proof that friendship's tender tie Remains unbroken, And ask that I for each convey Congratulations for thy natal day ! But thou dost know where love would speak The lips are dumb. 'Tis shallow brooks in bubbles break And find a tongue ; Therefore we pray our acts may bear Our hearts' real message in our watchful care. 'Tis something to have lived to see These eighty years. And they have brought far more to thee Of smiles than tears ; And looking forward where the "valley" lies, Peace seems reflected from the evening skies. SPIRIT POEMS. 221 True, in these years thou seem'st to tread Life's path alone, But sweet revealings now declare thy dead Are still thine own. And he whose love made glad thy early days Still walks beside thee in the twilight haze. And, looking down the vale of time, Our eyes behold Such wondrous thoughts outwrought in deeds sublime ; The age of gold Seems rising in the glory that appears ; The rightful harvest of these eighty years. Thou hast beheld a nation small and young Reach manhood's day. And seen fair freedom wrench with hand and tongue Her chains away, And sink them deep beneath a million graves That crowned with manhood a whole race of slaves. 'Tis thine to tell of sciences and art Thine eyes have seen ; The throbbing pulses from great Nature's heart Outwrought in steam, And the whole world arise from ignorance dire And don her girdle of electric fire. But a far higher theme would here engage Our grateful thought ; The joy, the crown, the glory of our age, Our souls have caught ! Another Pentecost ! Oh, priceless truth That gives the promise of eternal youth ! 222 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALLST? AVho now regrets the passing of the years Of fleeting time ? When angel voices fill our listeninrr ears With love divine ? And from our graves their loving hands to-day- Have rolled the last dark tear-stained stone away ! Then, mother, what of time is left To journey on, Though for a little while bereft Of loved ones gone. This do we know, each broken household chain Shall through God's law eternal find its own again. Then let this day be one of joy complete That we are given Amid much earthly good, this precious, sweet, Pure glimpse of Heaven ! Joyful to know our seeming lost can hear us And bring us blossoms from their border Hear us. The warm congratulations of this day We tender now. Fail to express all that our love would say, Yet this we know — That all unite 'mid happy smiles and tears To thank God humbly for thy eighty years ! TO MRS. L. L. DUNHAM. AVe come on the breath of the morning, Your dear cherished darling and I, With roses your sad brow adorning. Gathered where flowers never die. SPIRIT POEMS. 223 We came when the blushes were stealing Across the fair face of the dawn ; When the first morning anthem was peeling ; When the new day in glory was born. Though he murmured softly, " My Sister," She knew not her darling was there ; Yet he whispered, "Dear Mary," and kissed her And coupled her name with a prayer. And bending o'er thee, as no other, (Oh, could you have looked on your child,) He breathed, oh so fondly, "My Mother," Your heart must have heard it and smiled. " God bless you !" we whispered together, We'll guard you from sorrow and strife, 'Til we meet in the home of " Our Father" On the banks of the " River of Life." Marie. TO MRS. M. A. NEWTON. Dear mother-heart, we see thy hands Outstretched in longings deep and wild ; Beckoning to one in angel hands, Praying to clasp again thy child. His tiny feet have gone the way. The shining way the angels trod. That leads from night to glorious day ; Lit by the sunny smile of God, Yet, gentle mother, love hath power To woo thy darling back again ; We but removed thy budding flower Beyond garth's chilling frost and rain. 221 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIS2 ? Now blooming in his garden sweet, Guarded by tenderest love Divine, We bring thy jewel back to greet With fondest love that heart of thine. We know your arms all empty seem ; We know thine eyes are often wet ; Still, death is but a silvery stream, And loving souls can ne'er forget. Whene'er your love begs return, Remember He knows best for thee ; Forbid thy murmuring heart to mourn ; Rather rejoice that he is free. Better a little grave on earth Than manhood gained in world of care ; Better to know of a sinless birth And angel brow in Eden fair. Marie. MY PRAYER. Eternal love ! all infinite And everywhere thou art ; I know thou guidest me aright, Abiding in my heart. Thou hearest oft my spirit-cry — Shall this wild searching cease ? Or will Thy law this need supply And bring Thy perfect peace ? I know Thv worlds are beautiful, Thy glorious works I see ; And all my soul is worshipful ; Dear Lord, I kneel to Thee. SPIRIT POEMS. 225 Yet Thou dost know if here I dwelt, Queen of these kingdoms rare, And all the world before me knelt, Unless one soul was there. That answered fully unto mine, In everything my own, I'd rather be that child of Thine I am to-day — alone — I cannot think I disobey When eager souls I meet — As evermore I turn away And seek the more complete. For life and all it is to me, Is sacred and divine ; All that I am or hope to be I'd consecrate as thine. But that sweet tie which thou hast given, That binds two souls as one, Seems to my heart the all of heaven Wherein ** Thy will is done !" Around me in His '* mansion fair" True hearts in love are bound ! Fragrance in every breath of air — Music in every sound ; While purity and love increase, Surround on every side The lily bordered paths of peace Wherein their feet abide. Earthward I wend my weary way, To Nature's leafy bowers ; Where mated song birds all the day Arc singing to the flowers ; 15 226 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALISTf And mingling with the chorus grand Of labor's organ tone, I hear the tender clasp of hands As true hearts claim their own ! I see the rosy dawn of love Blush over faces fair, As Nature kisses into bloom The roses budding there ; The solemn light of holy trust Is shining in their eyes, As if they saw 'mid fading dust The glow of Paradise ! And e'en amid the haunts of sin Where truth is crucified, The only pure and holy thing — This love, that hath not died, Shines like a lone star through the night Of passion, fierce and wild. The one unbroken link to bind The Father to His child ! The lowliest lives have a priceless crown, If this the wreath they wear ; The shepherd's crook, the rustic gown Gleam with a glory rare ! And I can wait thro' twilights dim Of ages yet to be. So that at last this diadem, All perfect, waiteth me ! Sometimes amid the silence sweet Where dwells my life apart, I hear a voice so low and deep Responding to my heart ! SPIRIT POEMS. 227 It seems to rise from worlds afar With sorrow in its tone, As if, amid a cold world's jar, It, too, was all alone. I sometimes feel a presence near. So pure, so true, so sweet, I hush my very heart to hear Kneeling low at its feet ! These are not dreams, somewhere thou art — Oh, soul of God- like grace ! Somewhere I'll find thy waiting heart And claim my dwelling-place. Effie. MY NEIGHBOR. [Gratefully Inscribed to Mr. anb Mrs. Quinby.] Luke^ 10th Chap., 27th Ver. Who comes my weary life to bless, With thoughts and acts of kindliness. For one who lies in sad duress ? My neighbor. Who never wished to know my creed, But only sought to know my need, And proved they were a friend indeed ? My neighbor. W^ho comes with sweet and gentle grace, With heaven's pure sunshine in her face, Without a Pharisaic trace ? My neighbor. 228 ^VAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALISTf Who brings me blossoms bright and fair, Of sweetest perfume, rich and rare, As if the breath of heaven was there ? My neighbor. When crushed and weak with weary pain, Or bowed by sorrow's bitter rain, AVho comes to cheer me up again ? My neighbor. Thus, like the Master, doing good, Their lives but dimly understood. Who yet shall reach their home and God ? My neighbor. Through three long years of helplessness. Who can their kindness e'er express ? I can but ask that God may bless My neighbor. MEMORIES. Look forth on waking Nature, Whose quickened pulses beat In springing grass and bursting bud Beneath the sunshine's feet; And while the scoffer only sees A changing season there, We hear a story in the breeze, In e'en the viewless air. Then turn away from sadder theme And catch the sunny glow Of resurrected, joyful strains Whose magic rhythms flow SPIRIT POEMS. 229 From out the very heart of God, Through all his universe ; 'Til one grand chorus seems to rise, His goodness to rehearse. O brother ! friend ! my heart responds To Nature's thrilling voice, And with a love that's true and fond I bid it to rejoice That this old earth I still may claim As birth-place of my soul ; The mighty music of the main Still o'er my senses roll. The kneeling of the white waves down, Still moves my soul to prayer ; The night's dusk splendor, with its crown, Still claims from love a share ; The dim dark silence of the wood ; The grand old mountains tall ; The broad, rich, swelling grassy flood ; The blue arch over all. The blushes on the cheek of June ; The Autumn's golden prime; Ah ! well, I love old mother Earth, Her treasures still are mine. Oft do I leave th' immortal hills To seek her spreading palms ; Unseen to bask beside her rills And breathe her olden balms. The holy blooms of spirit land My words can ne'er portray ; But flowers I culled with childhood's hand Are sweeter far than they. 230 ^VAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? The music of celestial isles, One rounded, perfect strain, Is sweet, but ah ! not quite as sweet As memory's low refrain. Ah, friend of many years, I come To bind your heart again To Nature's more allurinor smile, That her sweet music strain May steal the sadness from your brow Bidding all care depart, 'Til all her richest roses spring Within and round your heart. Thine eyes may be too dim to trace The wisdom of His plan ; Know, each hath e'er his perfect place Beside his brother man ; And time shall prove His way the best ; Then, never doubt, my friend. When, seeming banned, thy way is blest ; Oh ! trust him to the end. ACHSA. APPENDED NOTES. (231) APPENDED NOTES. This portion of a book is generally supposed to con- tain explanatory notes so valuable as neither to find place in the body of the work, nor to possess a sufficient amount of immediate interest to be placed therein. While this is true of ordinary books, in this especial work and for a direct purpose are they added to this volume. While they possess a material value in their contents, they represent a friendly in- terest to me to whom they have been sent ; and to the public, both within and without the lines of Spiritualism, they stand as indisputable evidence, corroborative evidence as to many portions of the main body of the work. In brief, they indicate the character and standing of some of my many ac- quaintances. It is now a source of regret that I did not get autograph letters from all with whom I came in contact during the war years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln would have been glad to place in my hand their favor in any form that I chose to indicate ; and upon several occasions I was asked by others for (233) 234 TF.4>S' LINCOLN A SPIRITUALLS7 ? Mrs. Lincoln, whether I expected and would accept remuneration for my services at the White House, to which I replied that it was my joy to gratify them and at the same time prove the value of Spiritualism, and that to accept money for what service I could render would naturally destroy the pleasure the seances gave me, as well as place me in a light contrary to my desires. The following testimonial was presented my husband and myself upon the occasion of our departure for the West, some few years ago. It bears evidence of the kindly intent of its signers : — HONORABLE TESTIMONIAL. To all wJiom it may concern: — The ladies and gentlemen whose names are inscribed below have the honor to offer Friendly GREETrNGS. It is the object of this circular letter to witness that the bearer, Mrs. Nettie C. Maynard, is a lady with whom we have enjoyed a long and intimate acquaint- ance, some of us having been familiar with her private history for twenty years or more. Her friends are conscious that wherever she is truly known and justly appreciated she needs no one to bear testimony to her rare orifts and eminent worth. Being reminded, how- APPENDED NOTES, 235 ever, that she has recently found a new home in the West, among comparative strangers, it may not be improper for her friends in the East to unite in a brief expression of regret at parting company with one so deservedly beloved, while they take pleasure in pre- senting this memorial of a sacred confidence and sin- cere affection which much observation and long expe- rience have only confirmed and sanctified. Be it known, then, that in all her relations Mrs. Maynard has ever led a singularly pure and blameless life. Always above suspicion and free from reproach, no shadow has ever fallen on the crystal whiteness of her fame. Indeed, the most eloquent words at our command fail to express our high appreciation of such a character. No subtile chemistry can impart a more delicate aroma to the violet ; the lapidary may not burnish the stars ; nor can the art of the rhetorician add dignity and beauty to virtue. In this fair and unobtrusive presence let "Envy frrow pale and bite the dust, And slander gnaw her forked tongue.** In the loving kindness that disarms resentment and the patience which is proof against physical suffering ; in the gentleness that neutralizes acidity of temper and obliterates personal animosities ; in the spotless purity of an irreproachable life ; and in the sweetness of a disposition tempered by all heavenly graces, Mrs. 236 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? Majnard furnishes mild but constant reproofs of all bitterness and want of charity among men. These, too, are the silent, persuasive and powerful incentives to higher aspiration and a better life. There is a re- deeming Gospel in such an example, and the unworthy bow in silent contrition before the simple majesty of the virtues which adorn the noblest types of woman- hood. In subscribing to the contents of this letter, the undersigned cannot omit to record the honored name of "William Porter Maynard — husband of the lady to whom this testimonial chiefly refers — whose amiable disposition, courteous manners, and sterling integrity give him a just claim to universal respect and esteem. L. B. BRITTAN, New York. A. A. Wheelock, Ballston Spa, N. Y. Samuel R. Fanshaw, Fulton Avenue, Morrisania, N. Y. Nellie G. T. Bkigham, Elm Grove, Mass. J. A. V. Mansfield, 61 West Forty-second Street, N. Y. Alonzo G. Hutt, M.D., 175 West Forty-fifth Street, N. Y. Edwin R. Kirk, 195 West Street, New York. Henry J. Newton, 128 AVest Forty-third Street, N. Y. Mary A. Newton, 128 W-est Forty-third Street, N. Y. Henry Van Gelder, 97 Spring Street, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Chase, 129 East Seventy-first Street, N. Y. Melville C. Smith, New York City. APPENDED NOTES. 237 Letter by Hudson Tuttle, published in the "Banner" March 7, 1891. MRS. NETTIE COLBURN-MAYNARD— REMINIS- CENCES OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN. To THE Editor of the Banner of Light : Mrs. Maynard is not as well known to Spiritualists as she was years ago under the name of Nettie Colburn. She set out as a trance speaker with Mrs. Nellie Brigham, and was a popu- lar speaker, and continually engaged by societies. She was eloquent, and had that sterling integrity of character which endeared her to all. She gave her whole being, cheerfully sacrificing herself to the cause. For the last three years of the war she was con- stantly consulted by President Lincoln, and the communications he received through her were of most astonishing character. The results of battles were foretold before the telegraphic dis- patches, and on several occasions advice was given and accepted which, acted on, proved of momentous consequence. The reader has undoubtedly already seen the reports of the deplor- able condition of this excellent lady, yet it is impossible for any one to conceive of the sufferings she endures, the care she requires, and the patience and magnanimous spirit which sus- tains her, and changes pity into admiration. It afforded us the greatest pleasure to accept an invitation from Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Newton to visit the home of Mrs. Maynard at White Plains, which really is only a suburb of New York. The visit will be long remembered. She was stricken with rheumatism some years ago, and for three years has been confined to her bed. Her hands and feet are dis- torted by the strained muscles. She is afflicted with a cough, 238 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRIl UALIST? and has to be constantly fanned or she cannot breathe. She is in constant pain, and the slightest touch is torture. She has lain for over a year in exactly the same position, and cannot be moved without intense pain. Yet for all this her countenance is bright and almost placid in expression, and she greeted us with smiles of joy. Her spiritual being is entirely above and bevond the limitations of the bodv. Her sensitiveness is so acute that she knows evervthing going on in the house, and gives directions. Her njediumship is wonderful. Gathered around her bedside she became entranced, and it seemed our spirit friends had a perfect means of communicating with us. Every sentence bore evidence of truthfulness. Truly it was one of the most wonderful and convincizig stances I ever had the fortune to attend. For the past year she has been dictating her reminiscences of the stances given to Lincoln, which extended over the last years of the war. They are of deep interest, not only for the facts revealed, but as a psychological study. It has been re- ported that President Lincoln issued the Proclamation of Emancipation by advice of the spirit-statesmen through her mediumship. This she emphatically denies, saying that it was not until after that event that she became acquainted with the President. (She met the President after the promulgation, but before the Proclamation of Emancipation was signed. See page 7 2. — Ed.) Mr. and ]\Irs. Maynard have a pretty home, but her long- continued illness has reduced their circumstances ; for her con- dition has required his almost constant attendance, and his devotion to her makes a pleasing memory in the minds of visi- tors. HUDSON TUTTLE. APPENDED NOTES. 239 Letter from Asa H. Rogers, of the firm of " Rogers & Brothers," cutlers and electroplaters. West Meriden, March 6, 1874. Dear Mrs. Maynard : I am here in old Connecticut settled, as far as a poor widowed one could be settled — that is, 1 have boug-ht me a house, furnished it anew, and commenced, first, by having a young man keep house for me (being afraid of that other part of creation) ; but that soon played out then, and now have an old lady and the boy both. Oh that I could get rid of both ; but fate, fate holds them tight till the wheel turns again, then off they go. Then who cometh.up? This I cannot tell, and no prophet is permitted to tell, and so I resign myself unto the fates again. 1 have an arrangement to stay in the factory for ten years more — the same factory and the same company who use our trade-marks in manufacturing plated goods. They do not want me to leave them while I live, so I concluded to stay a part of that time (ten years), and the other eight to travel, not on "Jordan's hard road," but to Jerusalem and Egypt and Arabia, etc. And now, what I want of you is to come here and lecture, and give sittings, sing and pray, etc., to get up a religious ex- citement, an old-fashion time ; as we have just organized, under our statute law, a Spiritual Church to hold property, sue and be sued, to license ministers, to preach the new Spiritual Gospel, to solemnize marriage — in fact, we are the same as any church in the State of Connecticut. We do this to protect our lec- turers from any molestation or inconvenience such as they have often had ; and more is to come if they are not protected by law. Now, can you come in month of May or June ? Stay at my house ; it's your home when you come ; and then again, it's so near your old home, Hartford ; you must not forget that; 2i0 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALISTf remembering your old friends ; some who have passed the river, who helped you out by their counsel and encourage- ment, and your first grand effort in Winstead. Come and stay one month ; we will do the best we can. We are not rich, but we want a medium here and a lecturer combined, and it is in you. Write me what you are doing for the cause, if you can come, and when and for what amount per Sunday. By the way, where is Cornelia ? I saw her last in New York with a Mr. Brother Brown. Is she done Brown, very Brown ? If not, let her come and lecture ; and if she lectures according to our new and glorious Gospel, we will give her a license to preach, to solemnize marriage, to heal the sick, to raise the dead, to cast out devils, etc. Now, this is a large field, and let us have a fair fight. Now, Sister Nettie, do let me hear from you soon, and tett me how your health is, and Mother Maynard, Cornelia, and all. My regards to your beloved, and may the angels bless you, ASA H. ROGERS. The following tender and paternal letters were received by me from our dear friend, General William Norris, who was widely known as a famous builder of engines. He was at the time of our acquaintanceship engaged in some work for the U. S. government : — Willard's, Washington, August 4, 1863. My Sweet Nettie: — Do you not feel the out-gush of affection for you as I write ? Do you not feel the tingling of your tender heart in response to my electric pulsations ? It seems to me that my heart is pressed to yours in filial love. APPENDED NOTES. 241 Dear ^Nettie, [ am indeed happy in reading your affectionate letter. I appreciate your feelings, and instead of outspoken thanks you must only love me as a sweet daughter, her devoted father; you owe me no thanks, dear Nettie. 'Tis I that am indebted to vou immenselv for your fond love. My heart is happy because you have been made happy by the assurance that Parnie and you shall never part, and I am still further happy that you approve of dear Anna being received into our full communion. Please reply to this on or before the 7th, 8th or 9th, and direct to Astor House, Kew York, and say therein where you expect to be about the 10th of this month, and I will telegraph you there when you may expect me. Is there a telegraph at South Adams ? I am glad to say that I am improving in health, and I intend callinor on vour crood friend, Mrs. Cosbv, this eveninff. In con- sequence of my illness, I have been unable to go out and un- able to call upon the President in behalf of your brother, but I have drawn up a petition in his behalf, which I will present to the President to-morrow, and shall show him your letter of the 29th ult., which I duly received. T am sure of success. And now, my beloved Nettie, I desire your assistance in soliciting the aid of the spirits. I desire that the minds of Secretary "Welles" and Assistant- Secretary "Fox" be favorably im- pressed in my behalf on account of my "Cruiser," which I have proposed to build for the government. With best love to your dear mother and with fervent prayers to the Giver of all good things for his constant mercies to vou and my sweet Triune, I remain ever your loving Grandpap, WILLIAM XORRIS. 16 242 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? Willard's, Washington, August 6, 1863, Beloved Daughters Nettie, Parnie, Anna: — Delayed in New York by slight illness until Saturday ; after the refreshing visit to my dear daughters, I pursued my way to this place ; but unfortunately left before my system had recov- ered its tone ; and the result was, I had to lay by on the route, near Philadelphia, finding it necessary to use active remedies. Oh, how I regretted my departure from my dearly beloved daughters, for the time passed on the road, with all its discom- forts, could have been so lovingly spent with them, and as dear Parnie so affectionately offers in her kind letter (written on the 2 2d of July, but only received late last evening), she would have had an opportunity to exercise her filial affection in nursing so tenderly her affectionate father. Indeed, I often felt her absence, and it seemed to me when reading her letter last night that she must have had some intimation that I did require her affectionate kindness. God bless her ! I am exceedingly gratified, dear Nettie, in meeting your dear mother, and I love her with a brother's affectionate regard. I am equally gratified, dear Parnie, in knowing your dear mother, and I love her as well as your noble-visaged father, whose Nestor head is a study, and whose goodness of heart beams brightly through his eyes. I am equally gratified, dear Anna, in knowing your dear mother, and I love her for the trembling of her heart, evinced in the few words of kind thanks she could scarcely utter. And now, dear daughters, I know will pardon me for closing abruptly. The weather is intensely hot and I am still an in- valid, although fast approaching convalescence. That God, in his merciful kindness, will bless and protect you, dear daughters, is the constant prayer of your devoted Grandpap, W. NORRIS. APPENDED NOTES. 243 P. S. You may write me and direct to Astor House, New York, up to Friday 7th, as I hope to be there on Saturday or Monday next. For sake of distinction please give me my title of General William Norris, in your direction — as I find there is another William Norris, who sometimes receives my letters. Willard's, Washington, Oct. 8, 1863. My Beloved Children : — I wrote you yesterday in great haste, and I am sorry to say that business engagements may prevent the dispatch of this letter by the regular mail of this day, for I have been all day at the Navy Department, immersed in business. But, dear children, I hope you received my letter of Sept. 30th from here ; for if not I shall be distressed that you should have been so long without a letter from me, and indeed I do entreat your pardon. Forgive me, Parnie, for those days of tears tliat sweet Nettie writes so affectingly of. I will hereafter regularly write you. On the 1 7th September, while In the cars to New York from this place, I was taken suddenly ill, and in an unconscious state was taken out of the cars and left at Havre de Grace, where I soon recovered and went on to Philadelphia in the next suc- ceeding train, where I found it necessary to take four or five days* rest. From that time until day before yesterday I have been suffering from the effects of my attack of gastric epilepsy. I am indeed happy to say that I have now entirely recovered my healthy tone. As a proof, I ate a hearty breakfast this morning and have been all the morning busily occupied at the Department. By this misfortune your letters that were di- rected to New York were by my previous orders transferred to this place and of course 1 could not receive them in New York, 244 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? and I addressed you after my arrival liere, replying to three, too late, unfortunately (if I had been able and well enough), for me to go with you to see your soldier friends. Your good friends, Mrs. Cosby and Mrs. Smith, have been very kind and attentive. They visited me quite frequently, for I have not been able to go out until yesterday. Now please excuse this short letter, and written hurriedly and in reply special to your heartrending winding up, and it cuts me to the soul. I quote from yours : ' ' Noto do not, grandpa, write us a long letter if you are full of business — only just a word to tell us you still love and remember Nettie and Parnie." My heart indeed is sad, sad, that you could ever have for a second supposed that such a horrible idea could ever enter my head as to forget and not to love my darlings Nettie and Parnie. Write me, in reply, of your health — especially Nettie. I have much to say to you, and shall in a day or two write again. Oh, Heavenly Father, keep my beloved Nettie and Parnie in thy care. Y'r Grandpa, WILLIAM NORRIS. Phila., Dec. 15, 1863. My Dear Nettie : — Your affectionate favor of the 10th came to my hands yester- day at the Astor House. The severe storm of yesterday pre- vented my leaving New York until this morning at ten. I leave in the train for Washington to-morrow and hope to reach Willard's about six or seven P. M. Please write me your ad- dress and send to AVillard's during to-morrow, and I will en- deavor to see you in the evening. Sincere thanks for your kind wishes, and with love to dear Parnie, I remain ever yours, WILLIAM NORRIS. APPENDED NOTES. 245 AsTOR House, New York, Jan'y 3, 1864. My Dear Daughters Nettie and Parnie : — To-day is my first day out since Christmas. My liver has been in fault, so the physicians say, and it has been laboring under the effects of prussic acid from the peach skins eaten in I October, which caused my first attack of apoplexy. I have] been under treatment until yesterday, and the desired effects were only produced yesterday, and I am happy in believing, with the assurance of my physician and my own feelings, that I have overcome the disease, and in consequence feel in good spirits for active work to-morrow. I expect to leave, at the latest, on Wednesday morning for Washington, and I hope to see you same evening. I have also written by this mail to friend Somes. With kind regards and the compliments of the season to Mrs. Somes and family, 1 am yours, most affectionately, W. N0RRI3. P. S. I wrote Anna Betts and directed to her address, as requested, at Buffalo. W. N. AsTOR House, New York, Jan'y 29, 1864. My Dear Nettie : — Your affectionate favor of 25th came duly to hand. I regret indeed to say that I am still in doubt as to my affairs, although appearances are in favor. My health is improving slowly, but surely. I expect to leave here to-morrow for Philadelphia, and my present intention is to go to Washington on Monday, where I am promised certain influences that will very materially affect my affairs. I shall therefore see you at Washington, as I will be there for nearly two weeks. 246 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST ? I thank you, dear Nettie, for your news of dear Mrs. Cosby (God bless her) ! Give my ■warmest regards to her and dear Parnie with all my love. Your affectionate WILLIAM NORRIS. Remember me to your dear parents and friends. W. N. New York, March 26, 1864, Saturday. My Dears, Nettie and Parnie : — Grandpa's heartfelt greetings, with sincere hope that you are both well. I left Washington on Wednesday, reached Philadelphia the same evening, where I found all well but anxious, and I had great difficulty in tearing myself away, which I succeeded in effecting at last, but under a guard, who delivered me into the hands of my niece, in good condition. Since my arrival I re- ceived your affectionate letter. I purpose leaving here on Monday evening next at three o'clock P. M., if clear, under the care of my niece, who will accompany me, and hope to arrive between seven and eight at Hartford, where I shall be happy to see you at the City Hotel. God bless you ! Your affectionate GRANDPAP. "Willard's, Monday Evening, 9 o'clock. God bless you, my dear children ! You have much relieved me by your true obedience in telegraphing of your safe arrival. 1 have this moment received it, after anxious expectation since 2 P. M., for I have counted the hours and minutes. Thanks sincere to our Heavenly Father for all his mercies. I shall now APPENDED NOTES. 247 to bed to dream of you both, delighted with the pleasing thought that you are safe at home. There are no letters for Nettie. When I see you I shall have to punish you both for making me pass so many mise- rable hours this afternoon. So look out for squalls — real squalls — I will send your telegram to Mrs. Cosby early in the morn- ing. I am improving rapidly, and with love to all your friends and to my well-beloved sister Hamilton, and praying ye pardon for my hasty scrawl, if you can make out to read it, as you know I am your nearly blind but loving GRANDPA. AsTOR House, April 7, 1864. My Dear Nettie and Parnie : — Your kind favors of March 25th to Washington and March 31st to the Astor are at hand. The letter you refer to, for Parnie, was the one which Mrs. Cosby sent to me and which I , enclosed by mail to you at Hartford the day after you left Washington. I am most happy to say that my trip has been of signal ser- vice. My strength has very nearly recovered. My vision though is still dim, which cautions me for the present to avoid much exercise. I sincerely hope you and Parnie are perfectly well. I trust to be able to go to Philadelphia in a few days, and will write you before I leave here. With best love to all, Your affectionate GRANDPA. 248 ^-4.9 LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? The following letters are from ray dear departed friend Mrs. Anna M. Cosby, daughter of Robert Mills, Esq., architect of the Washington Monument at Baltimore and the Capitol building in Washington. At the last meeting with this lady she presented me with a volume of Burns's poems, saying, " Money you would spend, and clothing wear out. This book is a far better gift, it will always be a friend, and let me add, that as you journey through life you will make many friends, some of whom will wish to make you presents. Let me counsel that when the gracious tender of a present is made you always choose a book, and have them inscribe their name upon the fly-leaf of the volume. In after years the book will be a last- ing record of your passing friendship, and be a pleasure and service to you. At the same time those received from spiritualistic friends will prove a record of per- manency and value ; and testify for you when you can no longer speak for yourself.** My well-stored book- case is an evidence of her wise suggestion, and also the tribute of many friendships : — Washixgtox, March 35th. Dear Nettie : — Like the dew on the drooping flower which has been wilted by the ardent rays of a scorching sun came your dear letter ; but 'twere vanity in me to apply to myself all that your loving nature imparted in its welcome folds. I have missed dear Parnie and yourself, whose coming from time to time has cheered the otherwise solitude of the old homestead. We are APPENDED NOTES. 249 told to beware of parting. The true sadness is not in the pang of parting ; it is in the when, and the how, you are to meet again with the face about to vanish from your view. Have you not, after a year, even a month's absence, returned to the same place, found the same groups re-assembled, and yet sighed to yourself? But where is the charm that once breathed from the spot, and once smiled from the faces. A poet has said, " Eternity itself cannot restore the loss struck from the minute." Are you happy in the spot on which you taiTy with the persons whose voices are now melodious to your ear? Beware of part- ing, or if part you must, say not, in defiance of time and destiny, " What matter ! we shall soon meet again." I echo that hope of yours, dear Nettie, and that the May birds sing out a joyous note at your coming. Both aunt and myself were rejoiced to learn of the cheering prospect of realizing the joys of home under your dear parents' roof, and that a cup sent up its streamy column to remind you of your absent friend. Aunt will heed the request and send what you desire in the making of another drink. Xot a day passes but that your names are mentioned and the wish that you were both here again. As to the care I was to bestow on our good friend, !Mr. Xorris, no opportunity was given, by his sudden departure from the city ; no inducement remained after his sights were withdrawn. I suppose you have heard from him. Mrs. McClelland we have not seen since you left; an invitation was kindly extended to us to spend an evening with her, but the elements were against us and we did not attend. As soon as I see her, I will deliver her your love. An arrival by the evening train brings us Mrs. Forney and Mary ; they made kind inquiries about you ; many ladies are clustering in Washington for the purpose of attending the ball to-morrow evening ; ' ' half of beauty' s court is going. ' ' You will soon see Mr. Howells, who goes to visit Hartford for the improvement of 250 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? his health ; he got a severe injury in the cars that has caused him much suffering. He will return again to "Washington, and by him you can send a pack of cards like our friend ]\Irs. Ham. bleton had, so that when you come again you can find out if a "light man or a bundle comes to the house." Polly still calls out "Come in," and is now adding to the number of words those of " Black your boots." Aunt has a song for you which she will send; it is popular verse, commencing with " Sing a song of greenbacks." Write as often as you can find time to devote, and tell *' Pinkey" that she must come and rap for us, as also to remind Romano of his promise to manifest his presence by some sign or sound that will assure me of his guardianship and watchful care. Ever shall I cherish the memory of your presence in my lonely room, where you awakened the echo of the "Old Bell Tavern," as well as brought about the inmates of its old walls, loved memories of the past. I wrote Mrs. Hambleton last evening in reply to her letter preceding the medicines. You must not neglect to send the piece of poetry you spoke of stowed away among your papers — rightfully belonging to me. You must know, dear Nettie, how much I prize all. that emanates from your pen, especially as in this case it told of a warm place in your heart for your friend, ANNA. "Washington, April 17. Dear Nettie : Aunt is now writing to Parnie, and I cannot allow her letter to go without a little messenger-bird like this sheet to accom- pany it, if 'twere merely to thank you for your refreshing and kind communication of the 11th inst. Above all thingrs it con- tained, was the gushing out of a heart that told its love pure as the "lap-wing font." I feel you would not utter words of APPENDED NOTES. 251 affection, or write them beautifully as you are able to express them, did they not come willingly up from the deep recesses of a noble and genuine soul, therefore I earnestly thank you ; and though I cannot ascribe any merit for all you said, yet it shall be my warmest endeavor to deserve it. There is a deep trustful- ness in a loving heart. You may remember when we promised each other we were to write just as we felt ? This privilege you assumed when you expressed the idea that the Angel of Death stood in one of the paths of your lecturing field; this I will not allow you to say, for I want you always to recollect that no exertion on your part in the capacity of lecturing must be enacted, for there is always a haven of rest and quiet where no annoyance or trouble shall reach your heart; and wherever you may be and want to come to me, say the word and the means shall be provided for your coming; then say no more, dear Nettie, about anxieties for the future, while I have a roof and the means of supply — the simple fare you seemed ever willing to appreciate. I saw Mr. Horton at Mrs. McClellan's a few evenings since; he did not receive your letter, and asked me to mention this to you, with the desire that you should address him again. There is another Mr. A. Horton in W , who sometimes gets his letters, and I feel assured if one of yours fell in his possession, he would be loath to give it up. Mr. H.'s address is at the Quartermaster's Department, if I rightly recollect. But, at any rate, he told me he had sent his direction to the ' ^ Banner of Light," so that any one desiring to address him on business might have a correct direction. I was gratified to learn you and dear Parnie had arranged everything at your home con- ducive to health and comfort, and that your good parents were quiet and happy once more. I know full well the happiness you can bring along with you wherever you may go; did not sunshine come at your advent in the " Old House on the Hill ?" 252 WAS LINCOLN A SPIPdTUALIST? You know me too well to believe otherwise than that I pay a sincere and honest tribute to one I know is incapable of flat- tery, of one incapable of saying what she does not think and feel. I must tell you in brief terms a dream I had, and get Pinkey to interpret it for me I stood by an opening in the floor, and saw a murky stream rushing with great force ; I seemed greatly disturbed in mind, and had in my hand three kind of rings, black, gold, and diamond, and was about dashing them into the stream, when my eye caught the sparkle of my darling sister s gift, and I thought could I cast into the troubled waters her ring ? There were also some large and small black buttons among the rings, but I disregarded these and thought of a sister's gift alone. While reflecting on this I awoke. Have you consulted the fates to see the condition of the light man, whether there is sickness near, or an enemy at work. As my impression, I know he would like to turn his face to the house. Give my love to Parnie, and tell her everything that can be done in her behalf is in process. In her success we may induce " our Nettie" to return. Tell her, also, I have changed her ring and got one as near as possible like the one given to Pinkey. No communications of any kind have met my eye that would interest her, but that I will still look out. Be pleased to remember me kindly to Mr. and Mrs. Hannum, and thank them for their kind message to me ; and for Parnie and yourself receive the affectionate regard of your friend, ANNA. April 21. Dear Nettie : I inclose a letter that came through the mail to-day, hoping it may bring you kind greetings from some absent friend. I had a visit from Mr. Horton a few evenings since, and you were not forgotten in the conversation we had together. APPENDED NOTES. 253 To-day is another added to many that I have given to the firemen in getting their bill passed — it lies on the table, awaiting more strong action to raise it ; a lively and animated discussion ended by placing it where it now is. But I have since been at work, and taking its opposers one by one have received a gratifying response from them that notwithstanding they are not fully convinced, yet they will not oppose it when it comes up again. When I see you I will have some amusing things to tell you of some of my interviews. Yesterday the firemen paraded with a new reel of 1000 feet of hose, and when they returned to the house, a committee came to our door accompanied by the Marine Band and played a piece of music ; I hope to tell you my labors will be rewarded by suc- cess for this brave and noble band of men. Tell Pinkey she must go with me to the Capitol when the subj(;ct comes up, and press the heads of those antagonistical to its passage. Tell her, also, I heard a driver to-day caressing his horse, and by the most endearing terms call it his dear Pinkey. I was very sorry Mr. Howells left before I saw him, for I would have sent Parnie's ring to her as other things Mr. McL. has. Love to Parnie, and kind regards to your dear parents. Affectionately your friend, ANNA. Washington, 553 Capitol-line, July 9. Dear Nettie : That you may not be put to any trouble in seeking Mrs. Ham- bleton, in order to obtain the medicine ordered by Dr. Beecher, I write a few hurried lines to tell you, I found upon further inquiry among our druggists I could have it made, and have done so. How did you and Miss P come to run off so soon from New York, when a kind, good friend of yours told you he 254 ^VAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? would be with you the Saturday following your departure from this city ? I saw Mr. Norris after his return, and he told me he had been informed that you and your friend had left but a few hours previous to his incjuiries for you, "Gone," as his in- formant said, ' ' to Albany. ' ' I told him I felt assured you would have some good reason for your sudden movement, as I knew your intention was, when you parted with us, to go immediately to your parents. We all feel anxious to hear from you both, to know how you progress in your affairs ; you must always re- member the "old house on the hill" contains the same hearts and well-wishers for your happiness and prosperity. Miss Betts left us this afternoon for her friends in the country ; she was anxiously looking for letters from home, as also from Miss Hannum and yourself. The day after your departure I was very unwell, and so con- tinued for several days. Tell Miss Parnie to seek the doctor's advice for me, for I feel he has been with me often to sustain me in the many little cares and annoyances that disturb my mind, especially in the complicated Webb affair. Col. Forney got back this morning, enlivening the old home- stead by his many visitors. Mr. Laurie, I hear, is still suffer- ing from illness, and Mrs. L , though roaming about the city, has not sought the air of Capitol Hill, where, I think, she might be greatly benefited by the influences that Dr. Beecher told us were so good about this house. Mr. Miller, 1 think, with this knowledge in his possession, would recommend a trial of it. What think you ? The piano still moves, and anxious inquirers seek to solve the mystery of Spiritualism. But I am writing much more than I intended, which was merely to save you trouble on my account. Be pleased to present us kindly to your parents, and for Miss Parnie and yourself the affectionate regard of your friend, ANNA M. COSBY. APPENDED NOTES. 255 653 Capitol-line, Washington, July 26th. Dear Nettie : — For so I must now, and ever call you, in memory of the bright hours passed with you. You came at a moment when we felt your presence an actual need. I was sad and lonely ; earth has its solitudes, so has life, and there is no solitude so cheerless and forlorn as that of the human heart without companionship or sympathy. You came and brought with you our kind, good friend "the Dr.," who soon soothed into forgetfulness all my sorrows ; he, with yourself, possessing a graceful union of delicate satire, exquisite humor, genuine pathos and fervid fancy, of which I never wearied, but fear my sweet young friend I may have wearied you, did not your kind letter tell me otherwise. I saw throughout its pages the continued welling up of the unfathomed springs of your goodness of heart, and thank both Parnie and yourself for what you are pleased to term an act of kindness extended by me, assuring you that I looked upon your part it was "more blessed to give than to receive." Now let me thank you for your welcome and truly beautiful letter ; it spoke out the pure doctrine of your heart, and I united in prayerful joy that you had a mother and father to bid you welcome home. I often feel that hunger of the heart, for so brief a period has passed since mine were taken to a better land. But I am thankful to God that he permitted me to have them on earth so long, and to have the blessed assurance that they are now re-united in the kingdom of God. Present me kindly to your parents, and say I am gratified if I have in any way been the means of restoring their loved daughter to their arms. I am glad your devoted and noble friend Miss Parnie went to your rescue in the arrangement of the household ; I expect she found it an easier task than the accomplishment of the one in Georgetown. Give her my love and say I will expect to hear from the doctor through her, as I 256 Tr.45 LIXCOLX A SPIRITUALIST? quite mis3 his counsel. Why will he not come and influence my hand, at some appointed time, at my vrriting-table in the little nock where your last beautiful little tribute was written, which I shall cherish as one of the gems of thouglit. I wrote Parnie a few days since in answer to her kind and welcome letter, and mentioned therein a strange dream I had had on the night of the 12th inst., dreaming the same thing three times. I did not know but that the doctor might interpret its meaning. I want you to ask him if he is ever present before I go to sleep, for I have imagined sometimes he is there, and ask him to im- press me in my dreams of certain events that passed over the surface of my mind ; in several instances I have dreamed on the subject of thought. The medicine has acted like a charm, re- moving all unpleasantness after eating, and so well have I liked it that I have added more liquid to it, and occasionally take a small quantity as a token of remembrance to my spirit friend. Regarding the rattlesnake oil, I have at last met with a gentle- man who knows aU about its virtues and promises to obtain me some from the mountains, where he soon expects to visit. I hope you will have a speedy opportunity of seeing "Father N orris," for no one holds his children dearer than he does. He is constantly suggesting plans for their happiness, and devising means in carrvingr them out. The benevolence and goodness stamped upon his face is a fit index of the purity within. I rejoice with you both that God has seen fit to give you so kind a friend. Mr. Norris in his visits to our city on business can always bear me pleasant tidings of the absent ones, whose names have become as household words. Some time in the fall I mav visit for a brief period the city of New York ; if so, we shall meet again. I know, dear Nettie, if you often speak of the "old house on the hill," and pen so feelingly a tribute to the recol- lection of your visit there, may not the memory of one who APPEXDED XOTES. 257 loves to dwell upon that time, cluster around your heart to give birth to words and messages to her who is left ? I will deliver your message to the ^lessrs. Forney and friend as soon as an opportunity occurs ; and Mr. Marceron shall be the recipient of your kind recollection through a special note f»-om me. When a committee of the Columbia Fire Company waited on me, the evening of the 3d, to receive the signal flag, and receivincr also that which no companv had ever been honored with before, a messase from the spirit world, I added a throb of pleasure in the heart of all its members, and a memory of orateful iov never to be forjrotten. Thev recrretted vou were Ciilled away so soon, and desire me to say a word from me will always obtain you their hall to speak in. The noble old flag was thrown out on the 4th to catch the breeze of heaven and bid defiance to its upstart rival. And among the many who passed under its folds as it waved from the window of the engine-house was one who especially attracted my attention, walking with a pretty-looking girl. He pointed upward to the stars and stripes and passed under with his head uncovered. How comes on *• Pinkey ?" "We miss her too, and the gifted "Lady" whose visits, truly like angels, are " few and far be- tween." She brought with her the beacon of bright and hope- ful days to come, and from the storehouse of her mind im- parted a knowledge of events to come to the inmates of the old house. Aunt E. has not received as much benefit as myself. Tell the doctor that she has not been able to get the oil of sage, but in using the others there is a numbness about the organs of the ear, and a most unpleasant sensation at times when she lays her head on her pillow. I know he will tell her what will relieve her. For vou know rav faith is srreat in him. I wish I was near to ask L)r. Beecher's advice on a subject 17 258 ^^^ LIXCOIN A SPIEITUALISTf tkM I liaTC taken deep inteare^ in, lliat is the paidon of a Cd. TVanren, a State prisoner in Fort Delaware; I am in ]e..r.f witili liiis frieniis to get Idmsdf and ftmily restored to : r lM»ne in Maxjiand, as ve all b^ere a pexsecntioii has set in ^ainsl bim, and meet nnjost. But I viH not weary joo, i ;.: Xettie, bat now 1»d joo good-b|-€^, tbankii^ you once agair. yoor letter and bofnn^ yoo will write as often as your tin: t tbat of dear Miss Parme will permit ; in bearing from (me I : v:: bear of botb. God bless yon ! Yoor friend. The fonowing beaatifal poem waa written and pre- a^ited to mj husband and mjself at the annivers^rT of our crystal wedding. The writer. Prof. S. E. Brittan, was a writer of distinguished merit, and his hooks will be foond in the leading libraries of this eoimtrj and Europe. He was formerij a Univer- salist pastor, bat later conrerted to Spiritnalism, to which reli^cm he dcTOted his life and efforts. His last woik, ^ The Battle-ground of Spritoalism," had a flattering recepdon and large sale. ^ In argument for Spiritualism be w^? ^ host against all opponents," said Mr. Partridge :: _•; fonera! ?err^ces- He was St practical man of ^:-. 7 > '.ence : 1 '^'th all tiie bitterness heaped ._ r we were associated, I nerer heard an dl ■ : : jm his lips. Mj dearfiriend H;::jr 7 2\ ::«ii. President of the first Xew York &: * . said, in ^ ^^. easing Mr. Riddle, Pre^dent of the Sj^x^x : ^al Alliance : " He was snstained APPEXDED yOTES. 259 by an nnbounded, rmfalteriiig faith and confideLce in the goodness of his heavenlv Father. This faith never forsook him: it was the rock to which he seemed securely anchored, and from which no storm nor tempest, however fierce or rude, could for a single instant move him." THE CETSTAL WEDDING. BT s. B. BRITTA^iT. Inscribed to Xettie C. and Wniiam P. Mavnard on tte Rft^enrh. AnniTersary of their 3JiJTia^. Come. ^: : . : j^s Muse ! now wake mr sleeping Ivre ; Tonch oar fond hearts with Lore's celestial fire ; Come, spirit pare — come in thy g entl e mieii : The life of wedded lorers is oar theme. Come, holr spirit (rf" a b Umclc a s lore, Whose living symbol is the spotless dcfve ; Let ansel hosts, all beautifal and fair, Xow oSer incense to the mOTning air ; And mortals fall of hope and chaste desire Come here, to learn tiie lesscxi and admire : Come, aU the pare I yoor loring presesee lead ; We worship faith unfarok^i to the end. Hail, mated sools I whcee faith was never moved — The living faith so folly tried ai^i prov^ ^. These loving friends come in their kind-v z-jL, With cordial gjeetinor and to wish voa weal ; The coming of the truth, like crystal clear. Is lucid as the- vision of the seer : The vital truth, it seems to me, is seen — The Crvstal Wedding here is made to mean — 260 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALLSTf No fragile substance like to brittle glass. That broken once can nevermore, alas ! Be sound ; but where is the secret meaning — The hidden truth, deeper than all seeming ? — Not merely crystal in the common name, But crystal whiteness of a spotless fame. Hail, blessed Love ! the heart's sincere desire, The blissful state to which pure souls aspire ; Thy gentle presence, in our noblest moods. Like morning light above the spirit broods : A peaceful spirit on life's battle-field Is better far than burnished sword and shield ; Man struggles vainly with a cruel fate Till Woman smiles upon his lonely state ; Her gentle presence stills the mortal strife And sweetens all the bitterness of life. Let discord cease ! Now banish all our woes ; The household Angels bring us sweet repose. Dear, gifted Guide : through shadows of the night, Thy shining footprints on the mountain height, Of purest truth and most aspiring thought. Reveal the work that willing hands have wrought. Our blessing rest upon the noble soul. And gentle hands that lead thee to the goal ; We can but worship with supreme delight Before the shrine of Purity and Right. In living you impart a modest charm To life — our wayward passions to disarm ; From many ills you bring us sweet release, And blessing in the victories of peace. The purest souls interpret thee aright. And gladly hail thee, Messenger of Light ! 4S:- APPENDED NOTES. 261 The following letter was sent to Mrs. Cosby, and by her presented to me. It refers to my lecture in the Fire Company's hall : — Washington, June 26, 1863. Mrs. Anna M. Cosby:— Di<:ar Madam : Your request in relation to the hall for JSIonday night was unanimously and with pleasure granted. And I trust that your friend, Miss Colburn, will meet with that success that crowned her efforts on Wednesday night. I know, madam, that anything that the company can do, that is a pleasure to you and a benefit to your friend, will afford us as much satisfaction as it will you pleasure. Trusting, madam, that you will ever, in your prayers, remember us, I remain truly your friend, * M. MARCERON, Corresponding Secretary Columbia Fire Company. The following letter is of special interest at this present time, as it comes unsolicited from an acquaint- ance of long ago : — Hot Springs, Ark., June 18, 1890. Dear Mrs. Maynard : — You will be surprised by receiving a letter from me, as we have not met for twenty-one years, but you have not forgotten me I hope. I lived in Washington City during the war, and we frequently met there in those turbulent days. The first time we met was at Thomas Gale Foster's house. A few days after that I went with you to the War Department to see some- thing about your brother, who was in the army, and we were referred to an officer in some other part of the city, where we 262 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRIl UALISl f went. The officer then received us very uncivilly, being a young lieutenant, was arrogant and insulting. We left, both feeling quite humiliated. After that I heard you were received very differently at the White House. I understood that the President consulted the spirits through you, Charlie Foster, and Colchester, but I never knew until recently that he gave the credit to you for the inspiration that produced the Emancipa- tion Proclamation. I read in the "Better Way" Mr. New- ton's report of the wonderful manifestations in your room on 5th of March last. If your husband would write me and state who was the spirit speaking through you that inspired that great national work I will be very much obliged. I had a communication purporting to come from Mr. Lincoln not long since, and I would like very much to be assured that it was genuine. If he ever comes to you ask him if he has ever given me a communication, and if so, when and through what medium, also what it was about. I would give anything in reason to have it verified. I have resided here for over twelve years, and Mr. Newton told me when I was in New York last winter that you were here some ten years a^o. I would have been so glad to have met you and renewed our old acquaintance had I known you were in town. Mr. Newton told me of your terrible affliction, and I was very sorry to hear of it. I leased my hotel to my son (L. F. Hay), and retired my- self, being now over seventy years old. Mrs. Hay and myself will leave to-morrow for Denver, Col., where we will spend the hot months. My address there will be No. 722 Lincoln Ave^ The last time we met was in February, 1869, in Washington. I escorted you to and from the lecture-room. On our way to the lecture I remarked to you I wished the old Yankee doctor (I have forgotten his name) would control you that evening. Sure enough he did, and gave a very interesting discourse. I APPENDED NOTES. 263 ■was very much entertained. I wonder he did not appear to you at the siance named above, I was acquainted witli Dr. J, R. Newton, who appeared on that occasion. With my best wishes and high esteem, I am very truly your Friend and brother, DR. C. D. HAT. The following note was clipped from a paper some time ago. It is by State Legislator Warren Chase, of Illinois : — THE MEDIUM COLCHESTER. To THE Editor : — W. C. H., of Sodus, N. Y., says he did not know what be- came of Colchester. He passed to spirit life many years ago. In January, 1865, while I was lecturing in Washington, D. C, I often saw Colchester, who was astonishing many public men by his tests. I know that he visited President Lincoln and was often sent for by him and gave him evidence of spirit inter- course, as did also Mrs. Nettie Maynard, of White Plains, N. y., before she was married to Mr. Maynard. She was a re- markable medium, whom I knew in Hartford, Conn., in the early days of her mediumship. She is an invalid and great sufi'erer now. Colchester told me he often received from public men ten and twenty dollars for the tests given when he asked nothing. He was very generous and a remarkable test medium, but he also told me he often cheated the fools, as he could easily do it, but never deceived the honest and intelligent inquirers. Mrs. Maynard' s conscience would never let her cheat anybody. She stopped where I did in Washington, and I know when she was sent for by President Lincoln, and as I knew him well, I 264 WAS LINCOLN A SPIRITUALIST? knew he was a Spiritualist. Much of this early history is re- corded in my "Forty Years on the Spiritual Rostrum." CoBDEN, III. WARREN CHASE. This brings the present volume to a close. My experience teaches me that my work is almost done, but not entirely, until I have recounted the experi- ences which befell me after the close of the war ; and, therefore, I propose to incorporate the many subse- quent happenings of the latter part of my life in another volume ; and should I be spared so to do, very many of my dear friends will find place and recogni- tion therein. To have included them in this volume would have extended it beyond a reasonable limit, and also not enabled the perfection of a single purpose — Was Abraham Lincoln a Spiritualist ? ^M^r '^- wk vv. :^^ .,>?> fe^ t>v'^-«T' -J>>^' <-^~i 'M^ ■<:>*^:>^'J -^. >^' ='^'SSSa f^A^^ ^ m- --:r '''^^^^%, ^^. '^^ ■.Tt' >«;': ^ r>>^j V-' '>>., :v .-^ ^ ^?«^- f't' ^ u -^., ^^ i-.'^r ;#'^^ ^: ^ii^; w ':^^ JV>. '■^. ^7 3i: ■^ % :^ ~?^ '^^'t5i ^:i>: i^/^--« ^^r^ ■S^. r-e:. 5- yk^^ V ^^£^^' ■^ f3 //".■; .-^ X^: "^^ '^ -2^c^_-i ,¥-. Ai^;*v<. ^•^ J^ f^ & ^ ..'^•: T*-^ >1 .^^ k w^'^ :H^ .^ > ''' ''i ^^1 '"^^ -^a^ -+^- :^f^ "O r ;fc^^ ^ .?^' n ~^^^ ■■^r^'T'--^ -^ 'V-- ^ :# ^-«:^ ew:; to-^ ^^^ > ' "^: ,-^ .'V' ^• ^ -y^^ "■^, % ^^ . l#S^c: 'W^SSmM^'^-^: -^ -"^ ■M. V. >S-