LIBRARY OF THE UN IVERS ITY OF ILLINOIS A8\0 R32b & &l jus** warn Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign BIBLIOGRAPHICAL STUDIES OF Seven Authors of Crawfordsville, Indiana Lew and Susan Wallace, Maurice and Will Thompson, Mary Hannah and Caroline Virginia Krout, and Meredith Nicholson m i ■«•»■ ■ m BY DOROTHY RITTER RUSSO AND THELMA LOIS SULLIVAN INDIANA HISTORICAL SOCIETY Indianapolis • 1952 Preft ace Through the selection of the title for this group of bibliographical studies Crawfordsville, Indiana, rather than Lew Wallace and the other authors seems to have been given first importance. This can- not be, since human beings are more important than the place where they originate or develop. To Lew Wallace and his wife, the Thompsons and the Krouts and Meredith Nicholson, we are pay- ing full tribute. It remains an interesting fact that a town with a population of little over five thousand in 1 880, when Ben-Hur was being published, not quite doubled by 1920, and still counted a small city, should have made this book possible. Whoever first called it "The Athens of Indiana"* ("The Athens of the West," more extravagantly), Mary Hannah Krout used the appellation for her column, "The Hoosier Athens," published in an Indianapolis newspaper, The Saturday Herald, from 1 876-1 878. All the Indi- ana cities, including Indianapolis with its relatively large popula- tion, must bow to the astoundingly high rate of authorship in Crawfordsville. Maurice Thompson attempted an explanation, writing in Liter- ature, June 2, 1888, "Beside Ben Hur": "In truth it is a singing city, a romancing city, a city up and down whose streets letters have been pursued with a perseverance and tact which could but end in success. There is no more chance for an original thought to slip through Crawfordsville uncaptured by some of her writers than for a crumb to escape the notice of her legion of sparrows. Here, under a spreading beech tree, Gen. Lew Wallace wrote The Fair God and Ben Hur, books whose leaves have been turned in every civilized country . . . and I, when I came to Crawfordsville a few *As early as 1836 a toast was offered to "Crawfordsville— The Athens of Indi- ana" by William Compton at a local Fourth of July celebration, as reported in the Crawfordsville Record of July 9, 1836. Theodore G. Gronert commented on it in the Crawfordsville Journal Review, October 22, 1931. viii PREFACE years ago, fell into this sort of company and was soon grinding out books as recklessly as any of them." He includes other names, Henry Beebee Carrington and John Merle Coulter, who wrote books during their periods of teaching at Wabash College. This book would be indeed unwieldy if we included professors who were published authors, and numerous residents who contributed articles and poetry to periodicals. There has been a general recognition of Indiana as a state fertile in the production of men and women who have grown to be influ- ential in many fields of culture and activity; we have no intention of being boastful, but merely grateful; our concern is with a se- lected "Pleiades" of literary lights. Meredith Nicholson, in The Hoosiers, attributed the "great stimulus to literary ambition in Indiana" to the success of several Indiana authors, particularly that of Maurice Thompson and James Whitcomb Riley. Nearly forty years later, in a letter ad- dressed to J. K. Lilly, Jr., June 12, 1939, from Nicaragua, he ex- pressed further appreciation of Thompson, of the Thompson brothers : "I note in a recent issue of the Bulletin that you are a member of the Historical Society's committee on the bibliography of Indiana authors. Please do not take it amiss if I suggest what has long been in my mind and heart— that we Hoosiers have never done justice to the genius of Maurice and Will Thompson. I need hardly say that I yield to no one in my admiration for Riley; my tributes to him in divers ways and forms are a matter of record. Through many years I profited greatly by his friendship. "The Thompsons were of a different intellectual species, and the differences in their make-up were not discreditable to either. You will find in my little book The Hoosiers (Macmillan, 1900; 1 9 1 5) some notes on the Thompsons. "My feeling about them is quickened by noting from time to time the lively interest in all parts of the country in archery. Our excellent magazine 'Outdoor Indiana' reports frequent archery tournaments in our state. But rarely, if ever have I seen any refer- ence to the fact that the Thompson brothers, by their charming PREFACE ix writings on the subject in prose and verse, started the American archery going away back in the 70's. Their book The Witchery of Archery' and Maurice Thompson's 'Songs of Fair Weather* have a real charm— the latter a fragrance and magic' rare in modern verse. I have a copy of the latter here— a beautiful little book which I prize above most other books. "These men were contributing to the Atlantic, Century, and Scribner's among the very first Westerners to gain access to our foremost periodicals. Maurice was for years literary editor of The Independent (N.Y.), a weekly of distinction in its day and he printed in it many of his delightful essays and outdoor lyrics. He did his work at his home in Crawfordsville. His output was large; he was truly a scholar and a man of letters. I once had many of his books but they have got away from me. No doubt a skilled hunter in the field of bibliomania like yourself could find them. Maurice had a turn for science and was State Geologist in the natural gas days. "I am making this too long, but I would like to infect you if pos- sible with my warm liking for the work of these men. I am afraid our libraries may not have their books, and that lack should be remedied. Please, some day, ask the city library to copy for you from the Century, sometime in the 90's I think, Will Thompson's 'Together Against the Stream'— one of my favorites in all lyric poetry. His 'High Tide at Gettysburg' is in all the better anthol- ogies." It was at Maurice Thompson's home that William Dean How- ells, "dean of American literature," chose to stay while writing the final chapters of A Modern Instance, and The Literary World, November 4, 1882, assures us that "Crawfordsville is well de- scribed in that powerful story." A glance through the pages of this bibliography, even to those who are not book collectors and have no concern with collations, will reveal the depth and extent of our seven writers' interests, as diverse as their personalities. It is not in our scope to give details of their lives or to evaluate the literary quality of their works. All have been found worthy of some years of concentrated bibliographical x PREFACE study; the result is a reference tool designed for collectors, librar- ians, and scholars with an interest in American literature. The general plan of the book, in its presentation of collations, follows closely that of our previous publications: A Bibliography of James Whitcomb Riley, by Anthony J. and Dorothy R. Russo (1944); A Bibliography of George Ade, by Dorothy R. Russo (1947); A Bibliography of Booth Tarkington, by Dorothy R. Russo and Thelma L. Sullivan (1949). It offers a guide to collec- tors of first editions; describes in three chronological sections books, ephemeral publications, and books by others including first edition matter by our authors. There follows a listing of periodicals which contain first newspaper and first magazine printings. Inevitably more published bits, in the way of elusive ' ephemera" and obscure periodicals, will be found too late for inclusion herein. Boundary lines between the first and second sections often are a problem. When is a "brochure" a book and when an ephemeral item? Lew Wallace's Commodus (1876) is slight enough in for- mat to be the latter, and it was privately printed; because it was later republished, by Harpers, in the book, The Wooing of Malka- toon ( 1 897), it has been arbitrarily placed in the first section. Joint authorship, requiring repetition of collating, is sometimes clear, sometimes debatable. Mary H. Krout and Susan E. Wallace brought to completion Lew Wallace's Autobiography, but from a bibliographical standpoint it remains his book, their "contribu- tions." Will H. Thompson probably helped Maurice in preparing The Witchery of Archery ( 1 878), but no acknowledgment to him appears in it although he is the dedicatee; it is to be considered Maurice Thompson's alone. How to Train in Archery (1 879) was their book together, collated for both authors, but Will revised it considerably after his brother's death and the third edition (1905) is herein merely mentioned in "Notes" in Maurice's bibliography, while it is separately described in Will's. The brief introduction that precedes the study of each author is at best a poor attempt to give flesh and blood to the skeletal outline of himself, in the form of published words, that follows. The chronology of books and pamphlets may be useful for quick refer- PREFACE XI ence; titles not included thereon can be traced through the index. The biographical references are suggestive, but far from complete; to prepare a well-selected, balanced, and detailed list would have postponed publication of our book beyond the allotted time. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to compile the studies, thanks to the cooperation of the many individuals who have been generous in their aid. The Lilly Endowment, Inc., made the book possible, by sponsoring it. The Eagle Crest Library and Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library pro- vided the bulk of material from which it has been compiled. The Library of Congress and its staff, together with many collections throughout America in libraries and private homes, furthered it to completion, by giving access to items not in Indianapolis. It is hard to choose names for special mention from among the many persons who have been helpful. Librarians from New York to Honolulu have been particularly kind. Some members of our authors' fam- ilies and people to whom our queries did not come in the line of duty responded graciously: Lew Wallace, III, John C. Rugenstein, William G. Sullivan, George Schumacher, Lee Burns, and F. Bates Johnson, all of Indianapolis; Wilda Thompson, Tacoma, Washington; Mrs. Eugen Eisenlohr, Terre Haute, Indiana; R. E. Banta and Roberta Krout, Crawfordsville; Maud Sansberry, An- derson, Indiana; William M. Hepburn, Lafayette, Indiana; Edwin C. Gilcher, Cherry Plains, New York; David A. Randall, Scribner Book Store, New York City; Ethel G. Martin, Hanover, New Hampshire; Clement C. Parker, Norristown, Pennsylvania; Paul E. Klopsteg, Evanston, Illinois; C. N. Hickman, Albuquerque, New Mexico; Otis Wheeler, St. Paul, Minnesota; Frank H. Ris- tine, Clinton, New York; Walter Buchen, Chicago; Willard E. Bishop, South Weymouth, Massachusetts; the late Dr. Robert P. Elmer, Wayne, Pennsylvania; Cecil J. Wilkinson, Washington, D. C; H. J. Sievers, S. J., West Baden, Indiana; Mabel Major, Fort Worth, Texas; Robert Mullin, Toledo, Ohio; Maurice G. Ful- ton, Roswell, New Mexico; J. C. Dykes, College Park, Maryland; and other friends. To all who lent their interest and advice in large or small measure, we are indeed grateful. Contents PREFACE vii CAROLINE VIRGINIA KROUT [i] First Editions books 5 contributions ii Periodicals Containing First Appearances . . 12 MARY HANNAH KROUT [13] First Editions books 19 ephemera 35 contributions 36 Periodicals Containing First Appearances . . 39 MEREDITH NICHOLSON [69] First Editions books 75 ephemera 134 contributions 1 39 Periodicals Containing First Appearances . . 154 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON [173] First Editions books . . . . . . . . .179 ephemera 231 contributions 238 Periodicals Containing First Appearances . . 252 xiii xiv CONTENTS PAGE WILL HENRY THOMPSON [285] First Editions books 289 ephemera 293 contributions 297 Periodicals Containing First Appearances . . 300 LEW[IS] WALLACE [305] First Editions books 311 ephemera 351 contributions 364 Periodicals Containing First Appearances . . 399 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE . . . [417] First Editions books 421 contributions 437 Periodicals Containing First Appearances . . 441 GENERAL INDEX [447] Illustrations FACING Caroline Virginia Krout's four books, published as by Caroline Brown 10 Prospectus, Mary Hannah Krout's Picturesque Honolulu, proving her authorship of the brochure . . . . 30 The Marys, a poem by Mary Hannah Krout, issued in connection with a Marys' Day reunion .... 34 Meredith Nicholson's first book, Short Flights: the two bindings and a presentation inscription .... 76 The Port of Missing Men in first and second states of binding 96 [James] Maurice Thompson, Sylvan Secrets, two binding states 200 Letter from Maurice Thompson to the editor of The Independent, about his book reviews therein . . 266 Archery books: one by both Thompsons, the other by Maurice, but dedicated to his brother Will 290 Lew Wallace's Ben-Hur in flower-stamped cloth and in later undecorated bindings; all first edition copies . . . 316 Harpers' letter to Wallace, November 13, 1880, relating to Ben-Hur bindings 318 Susan E. Wallace's six books 424 xv CAROLINE VIRGINIA KROUT born: Crawfordsville, Indiana, October 13, 1852 died: Crawfordsville, Indiana, October 9, 193 1 The name of Caroline Virginia Krout has almost been lost by her determination to remain a pseudonymous author. Her books were all published as "by Caroline Brown." This was her mother's maiden name, and she adopted it at the suggestion of Susan E. (Mrs. Lew) Wallace, who was a close family friend. She may have used other pseudonyms in periodical publications as yet unlocated. "Thad Winship" is signed to the manuscript of a short story, "Number '7648/ " with her own name also present (Krout Papers, Indiana State Library). What happened to the clippings that one would expect to find with the family papers is not known; their ab- sence made it almost impossible to trace her contributions to news- papers and magazines. Four books are the visible results of her work: three of them pieces of historical fiction; the first one printed, Knights in Fustian (1900) is most widely known and interesting for its Indiana back- ground. The other is a juvenile, Robin Hood reappearing in orig- inal story form. To find the outlines of her life is not difficult; to see her as any- thing but a timid, shadowy figure is not easy, so she must be viewed in the light of that forceful and vigorous woman who was her older sister: Mary Hannah Krout. It was Mary who, with Susan Wal- lace, urged and aided her to write during years of invalidism. The burden that fell on her as a young girl may have made too many demands on her strength; she helped her father rear his fam- ily of nine children after her mother died. When a younger sister took over the household chores Caroline tried teaching school. After five years of it (she was still only twenty-four) her health failed and it was during the long period of convalescence that she started writing. Later she made efforts to take outside employment, court reporting in Crawfordsville and library work at Newberry, in Chicago. These were brief periods. Practically all of her long life was one of retirement with her family at home; she was born and she died in Crawfordsville. The most dramatic incident of her life, which she frequently 4 CAROLINE VIRGINIA KROUT told when asked about her work, centered around the fact that she and Maurice Thompson were both writing novels about the cap- ture of Vincennes, at the same time, close to each other in the same town, each without the knowledge that the other was doing so; his, the famous Alice of Old Vincennes, hers the moderately successful On the We-a Trail. Chronology of Books 1900 Knights in Fustian Houghton, Mifflin and Company 1 903 On the We-a Trail The Macmillan Company 1905 Bold Robin and His Forest Rangers E. P. Dutton & Company 191 1 Dionis of the White Veil L. C. Page & Company Biographical References Who's Who in America, Vols. 2-14 (1901-1926); Meredith Nichol- son, The Hoosiers (1900; 191 5); Jacob P. Dunn, Indiana and Indian- ans (19 1 9); W. J. Burke & Will D. Howe, American Authors and Books 1640-1940 (1943); R. E. Banta, Indiana Authors and Their Books (1949). Letter, unpublished, February 4, 191 7, to Charles T. Sansberry, Anderson, Indiana. First Editions — Booh 1900 Knights in Fustian knights in fustian I A War Time Story of | Indiana | by | Caro- line brown I [2-line quotation] | Shakespeare | [publishers em- hlem] I boston and new YORK | HOUGHTON, mifflin and com- pany I The Riverside Press, Cambridge | 1900 Collation: [i] 4 , [2-i8] s , [ 1 9] 4 . White laid paper. Leaf measures y 11 /^^ x 4%", all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [i]; copyright notice dated 1900, p. [ii]; dedication to the memory of Oliver Perry Morton, p. [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; Preface, pp. [v]-vi; table of contents, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; text, pp. [1 1-279; colophon, p. [280]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. (O-279 : Knights in Fustian, Chapters I-XXVIII (titled).] Binding: Blue, and, brown mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped with ornament in each of the four corners: knights | [parallel rule] in [parallel rule] | Fustian | [parallel rule] by [parallel rule] | Caroline brown Spine gilt-stamped: knights | [parallel rule] in [parallel rule] I fustian | [parallel rule] | Caroline | [parallel rule] brown [parallel rule] | houghton | mifflin & co Back cover blank. End papers same as book stock; binder's leaf front and back, con- jugates pasted under lining papers. Publication Data: Published March 24, 1900. Deposited in the Copyright Office March 28th. Earliest review noted : The Indianapolis Journal, April 16, 1900.* Price, $1.50. Notes: No illustrations. Two states, distinguished by signature gatherings : State 1: Sigs. [i] 4 , [2-18] 8 , [19] 4 State 2: Sigs. [1-18] 8 . *A later review in The Independent, June 7, 1900, p. 1389, unsigned, is be- lieved to have been written by Maurice Thompson. 6 CAROLINE VIRGINIA KROUT Errors that the author corrected by hand in a presentation copy,* remained unchanged in the printed book: p. 35, line 9, whom (should be who'); p. 210, line 2, same correction suggested. This was Caroline Krout's first novel, published pseudonymously, a story of the Knights of the Golden Circle and the "Copperhead" in- surrection incited by Clement L. Vallandigham in Indiana in 1863; its background the "Balhinch" district of Montgomery County, t I903 On the We-a Trail ON THE WE-A TRAIL | A STORY OF THE GREAT | WILDERNESS | BY Caroline brown | "Tis Destiny, unshunnable, like death." —SHAKESPEARE | WITH ILLUSTRATIONS | BY MAX KLEPPER | New York I THE MACMILLAN COMPANY | LONDON: MACMILLAN & CO., ltd. I 1903 I All rights reserved Collation: B-P, K 8 , [L] 8 , M-O 8 , [P] 8 , Q-U 8 , [V] 8 , Y-Z 8 , [*] 8 (wherever signed, numeral appears on recto of 6th leaf). White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5 Kg"? t0 P ec ^g e $** other edges un- trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; publishers' emblem, p. [ii]; frontispiece, inserted; tide-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice with statement: Set up, electrotyped, and 'published September, 1903, and imprint of the Nor- wood Press, p. [iv]; dedication to the Sons and Daughters of the Revo- lution, the Colonial Dames, and the Daughters of the American Rev- olution, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; table of contents, pp. vii-viii; list of illus- trations, p. ix; blank, p. [x]; text, pp. 1—351; blank, p. [352]; advertise- ments of Macmillan, New York, pp. [353-355]; blank, pp. [356-358]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 1-35 1: On the We-a Trail, Chapters I-XL (titled).*] Illustrations: Frontispiece inserted as are illustrations facing *In Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library. fSee Indiana Authors and Their Books, compiled by R. E. Banta (1949), p. 184. ^Chapter XXXV, "A Game of Piquet," was reprinted in Hoosier Caravan, se- lected . . . by R. E. Banta (1951). FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 7 pp. 8, 34, 122, 194, 236, 286, and 320; all are from drawings by Max Klepper. Binding: Dark green mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped : on the [tilde-like mark under a small o] | we-a | trail [title bordered on each side by a brick-like design in red and white] | [white flower with gilt stamens, stem and leaves outlined in red, stamped on horizontal red and white brick-like panels, with 4 small designs in self-cloth and mono- gram in white at lower right] | Caroline | brown [author's name bor- dered the same as title] . Spine gilt-stamped below a row of short red and white vertical rules: on the | we-a | trail | brown | [two rows of short red and white vertical rules] | the macmillan | company | [row of red and white vertical rules] . Back cover blank. Issued in a plain, trans- parent dust wrapper. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office and pub- lished on October 7, 1903. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, November 21st/ Price, $1.50. Notes: Published pseudonymously, under the name Caroline Brown. First edition has statement on copyright page : Set up, electro- typed, and published September, 1903. In a letter to Charles T. Sansberry, February 4, 1917, the author wrote : "My second book, 'On the We-a Trail/ which dealt with the capture of Vincennes, had hard luck from the start; for Maurice Thompson, at the same time, the same summer, in this town, was writ- ing his 'Alice/ Neither knew what the other was doing. His book was put on the market the day mine was ready to send to the publisher. Of course mine was overshadowed. It was rejected several times because of this, but finally after a year the American branch of the old London firm, Macmillans, accepted it. It too had very good success."! Caroline Krout offered to withdraw her book in favor of Alice of Old Vincennes but Maurice Thompson encouraged her to find a pub- lisher (see The Indianapolis Star, March 19, 1905); actually the two novels are quite dissimilar. Macmillan issued the book in London the same month as in Amer- ica. They reprinted it in a paper novel series, May, 1905, with Special edition on copyright page; this was available also in cheap cloth bind- ing. A Grosset & Dunlap reprint was later put on the market. *It was reviewed by Mrs. Lew Wallace in The Indianapolis Journal, Decem- ber 28, 1903. tLetter unpublished; property of Mrs. Charles T. Sansberry. CAROLINE VIRGINIA KROUT I905 Bold Robin bold [dot] robin [initials and dot in red] and his | forest [dot] rangers [dot; initials and dots in red] I [colored illustration within a parallel rule box] I by Caroline brown | drawings by f. i. Ben- nett I [ornament and dot] new york [dot and ornament] | e p DUTTON AND COMPANY [in red] J 3 I WEST TWENTY THIRD ST. [Note: All within a single rule box.] Collation: [*] 4 (plus one unsigned sheet), [1] 2 [3]— [11] 12 8 (Signature 6 erroneously numbered 7), 1 3 4 , one unsigned sheet. White laid paper, wire marks 1 % 6 " apart; the white wove sheet inserted be- tween 1 st and 2nd leaf of the preliminary gathering is white coated on front. Leaf measures 7%q" x 5%", top edge gilt, other edges un- trimmed. End paper; blank, pp. [i-ii]; inserted sheet: frontispiece with in- serted tissue guard, its conjugate the title-page which bears on verso the copyright notice dated 1905, with statement: Published, Septem- ber, 1905, and imprint of the Knickerbocker Press; dedication to Robert and Richard [Scearce], Lewis and William [Wallace],* p. [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; table of contents, p. v; blank, p. [vi]; list of illustrations, p. vii; blank, p. [viii]; half-title, p. 1; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. 3-200 (with di- visional half-titles between stories, and statement at foot of pp. 76 and 200: [Originally appeared in St. Nicholas]'); blank, pp. [201-204]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 3-200, see Contents.] Illustrations: Colored frontispiece with legend quoted from p. 181 of text, its conjugate the title-page; the sheet is folded and in- serted with a tissue guard tipped in on the frontispiece. Inserted colored illustrations face pp. 20, 50, 59, 86, 124, and 156. A colored illustration also appears on the title-page. All are by F. I. Bennett. Binding: Blue mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped within a deco- * Robert and Richard Scearce were nephews of Miss Krout, Lewis and William Wallace were grandsons of General and Mrs. Lew Wallace; they are introduced on the dedication page as "Four Merry Men . . . lovers of the greenwood and faithful henchmen of bold Robin Hood. . . ." The copy presented to the Wallace boys, with inscription dated September 6, 1905, is in the Eagle Crest Library. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 9 rative green-stamped design : bold [dot] robin | and [dot] his | forest [dot] rangers | [the decorative green-stamped design, becoming more elaborate, encloses an inlaid colored illustration with the following gilt- stamped below the illustration:] by | Caroline brown | [artist's ini- tials, f ib, in green at foot; all within a green-stamped single rule box]. Spine gilt-stamped: bold I robin | and | his | forest | rangers | [rule] I brown I [green-stamped ornamental arrow design] | E [dot] p [dot] DUTTON I & co Back cover blank. End papers white laid, wire marks i%6" apart (book stock, 1 %e / 0; no binder s leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office August 12, 1905. Not listed in The Publishers Weekly until September 23rd. Price, $1.25. Notes : First edition bears statement on copyright page: Published, September, 1905. Issued in England by J. M. Dent & Co., November, 1905. The author used her pseudonym, Caroline Brown, in this, her first and only "juvenile," a collection of stories told her young nephews which were original, one only (the last in the book) taken from the old ballads relating to Robin Hood. Contents : Six stories are here first collected. Robin Hood's Pennyworth George o' [o capitalized in table of contents] Green and Robin Hood St. Nicholas, October, 1896 (signed Caroline Brown') Round Robin Hood's Barn The Doughty Page Jock o' [o capitalized in table of contents] Nimble Heels The Feast in the Forest St. Nicholas, November, 1899 (signed Caroline Brown) I9II Dionis of the White Veil dionis of the I white veil I [parallel rule] | by | Caroline brown [author of "knights in fustian/' "on I the we-a trail/' etc. I [parallel rule] I illustrated by | henry roth | [publishers' em- blem] I [parallel rule] | l. c. page & company | boston [two orna- ments] MDCCCCXI io CAROLINE VIRGINIA KROUT [Note: All within an ornamental border which is enclosed in a double rule box.] Collation: [1-20] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7% 6 " (full) x 5%6"> top edge trimmed, other edges untrimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice with statement: First Impression, July, 1911, and imprint of the Colonial Press, p. [iv]; table of contents, pp. v-vi; list of illustrations, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; text, pp. 1-29 1 ; blank, p. [292]; advertisements, From L. C. Page & Company's Announcement List of New Fiction, pp. [i]-6; Selections from L. C. Page and Company's List of Fiction, pp. [i]-i2; blank, pp. [13-14]; endpaper. [Note: Text, pp. 1-291: Dionis of the White Veil, Chapters I-XXXII (titled).] Illustrations : Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are il- lustrations facing pp. 102, 138 (not 139 as in list of illustrations), 174, 230 (not 231), and 270 (not 271). All are by Henry Roth. Binding : Blue ribbed cloth. Front cover white-stamped : dionis of the I white veil | by I Caroline brown [all within a white-stamped decorative panel, the whole within a blind-stamped rule box]. Spine white-stamped below blind-stamped rule: dionis | of the | white | veil I by I Caroline | brown [all within a white-stamped decorative panel] | page | [rule] | boston [publishers' imprint within a white- stamped decorative panel] | [blind-stamped rule]. Back cover blank. Is- sued in an ivory-colored dust wrapper, with design of front cover re- produced in blue and gold. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published July 17, 191 1; deposited in the Copyright Office July 20th. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, August 19, 191 1. Price, $1.50. Notes: First Impression, ]uly, 191 1, so stated on copyright page. The plot for this story of the founding of Post Vincennes was taken from The Mission to the Ouabache, by Jacob P. Dunn, Indiana Histor- ical Society Publications, Vol. 3, No. 4, 1902; ". . . with the exception of the love story it follows the text faithfully."* In this, her last book, the author maintained her pseudonym, insist- ing on its use by the publishers in their advertising copy. *Dunn, Jacob P.: Indiana and Indianans (1919), Vol. V, p. 1924. Caroline Virginia Krout's four books, published as by "Caroline Brown' First Editions — Contributions 1901 who's who in America 1901-1902. [Volume 2]. Chicago, A. N. Marquis & Co. [ 1 90 1 ] Contains an autobiographical sketch, p. 652. This appeared, with additions, in succeeding volumes through 1 926-1 927, Volume 14. 1912 THE HOOSIER ALMANACK AND FAMILY MAGAZINE [for I913]. Indi- ana Society of Chicago, 1 9 1 2 Pictorial yellow wrappers. Souvenir of the eighth annual dinner, December 7, 191 2. Contains a short story, "The Baby," signed Caroline Brown Krout, p. 73. 11 Periodicals Containing First Appearances The Cosmopolitan 1896: August Under the Shadow of Tyburn-Tree (signed Caroline Brown')* 1898: November The Tragedies of the Kohinoor (signed Caro- line Brown) t Indiana Magazine of History 1927: March Dr. Ryland Thomas Brown (signed Caroline Brown)^ The Indianapolis News 1898: December 9 The Story of His [Maurice Thompson's] Life and Achievements (signed Caroline Brown)t Men and Women 1903: January Outing 1903: February St. Nicholas 1896: October 1899: November Success 1901: August Writers of Today— II: General Lew Wallace (signed Caroline Brown)i Brannigan (signed Caroline Brown)t George o' Green and Robin Hood (signed Car- oline Brown) The Feast in the Forest (signed Caroline Brown) The Literary Redemption of Indiana . . . Dis- cussed by Lewis Wallace and James Whit- comb Riley [interview, signed Caroline Br own] t Notes : Titles of three pieces written by her, but not located in print have been recorded : "Archibald Kenshaw," a story "ready for the pub- lishers" according to an interview in The Indianapolis Journal, Septem- ber 15, 1903; "In an Early Day," described as a typescript of a story of life in the Old Northwest Territory, with a poem, "The Pioneers"; and "The Pathfinders," typescript of a sketch of the early history of Mont- gomery County. * Uncollected; her first story, according to a biographical sketch in Current Lit- erature, August, 1900, p. 148. t Uncollected. 12 MARY HANNAH KROUT born: Crawfordsville, Indiana, November 3, 1851 died: Crawfordsville, Indiana, May 31, 1927 Mary Hannah Krout could be done justice to only in a full- length biography. She was ahead of her times; one whose interests spread over the whole world, a writer of vigorous comments on both timely and timeless subjects. Of her eight books (and this figure includes a brochure which was anonymous and by its for- mat might be classed as a bit of ephemera), five deal with the Ha- waiian Islands, one with London, another with China, just one with generalities. The titles give only a slight clue to the wealth of writing from which they were selected. The field of her choice was journalism, at a time when women were not common in it, especially one successful enough to secure an appointment as foreign correspondent for a leading newspaper of the nineties, The (Chicago) Inter Ocean. Her reports to the paper of the Benjamin Harrison Presidential campaign, written from Indianapolis during the summer and autumn of 1888, had given her prestige. She had already made a name for herself as a literary woman by her contributions to Indiana newspapers: poems, articles, and "gossip" columns which were far from ama- teurish in style and contents, not feminine, feministic; the cause of woman's rights was always a crusade for her. Her career had started with teaching. She was employed in the local schools for about twelve years, but she had been writing since she was twelve and decided to make it a profession when she was in the early thirties. For a while she used pseudonyms: "Mynheer Heinrich Karl," "Mary Hannah Kennedy," "LeRoy Armstrong" are proven to be hers. She may have authored some "Austin Law- rence" papers on Hawaiian subjects; their presence as manuscripts among the Krout Papers in the Indiana State Library is indication (they have not been found published). A similar situation exists with a story, "An Attraction of Opposites," signed, "Jane Richard- son." "Anna Dickinson" is a name she is reported to have used when she was seventeen, but neither corroboration nor publica- tions so signed have come to light. Before she became associate editor of The Crawfordsville Jour- 15 1 6 MARY HANNAH KROUT nal at the close of the year 1 882, she is said to have served as editor of The Terre Haute Gazette. It has been stated, too, that she was on the staff of The (Peoria, Illinois) Saturday Evening Call in 1885 and The (Chicago) Interior in 1886. During her subsequent ten-year connection with The (Chicago) Inter Ocean she lived not only in Chicago, but also in Hawaii and London, traveled ex- tensively on the continents of Europe and Asia, and wrote contin- ually. She returned to Hawaii on her own responsibility after The Inter Ocean was sold; also took a journey to China, a country that had particular appeal to her. The (New York) Sun interviewed her; their report of "The Woman Globe Trotter" in the issue of April 7, 1 90 1 , makes interesting reading. Early in this century she spent some time in Denver, Colorado, and wrote for their Times, being on their staff and also contributing a column of "Odds and Ends" and signed feature stories. In 1906 she revisited Australia, in 1907, Hawaii. Herewith ended her world travels; the rest of her life was a quiet one in Crawfordsville; like her sister, Caroline, she died in this city of her birth. Little of Mary Krout's poetry appeared in books, but much was printed in newspapers and magazines. A collection to be entitled, Songs of the Wayside, was projected but not published. She tried out her talents in drama; wrote two plays and took part in their production. "A Man in the House," a comedy in two acts, was presented in Crawfordsville, December 24, 1 875, and again on February 7, 1879; it was on the stage in Indianapolis at English's the week of May 25, 1885 (Susan E. Wallace reviewed the latter for The Indianapolis Journal, May 3 1st). The other, "The Widow Selby," had local production on March 31,1 876; the author played the part of the widow. It is not surprising, then, that Mary Krout was at home on the lecture platform, or that she was a speaker at Republican political rallies, or that she presided over the Chicago (Woman's) Press League. The secret of Mary Krout's successful career probably lies in her personality, so definitely reflected in her writing, summed up in an editorial in The Indianapolis News the day following her death: "She was a woman of fine literary taste, great force of character, MARY HANNAH KROUT 17 and deep religious feeling. Also she was one of the friendliest of souls, with a keen sense of humor and a zest for life." Chronology of Books 1 898 Hawaii and a Revolution Dodd, Mead and Company 1899 A Looker On in London Dodd, Mead & Company 1 900 Alice's Visit to the Hawaiian Islands American Book Company 1903 Two Girls in China American Book Company 1907 Picturesque Honolulu The Hawaiian Gazette Co., Ltd. 1908 Reminiscences of Mrs. Mary S. Rice The Hawaiian Gazette Co., Ltd. The Memoirs of Hon. Bernice Pauahi Bishop [Knickerbocker Press] 1 910 Platters and Pipkins A. C. McClurg & Co. Biographical References Who's Who in America, Vols. 2-14 (Who Was Who in America 1897-1942 has added information that appeared in newspaper obitu- aries and includes listing of a book title, The Eleventh Hour, of which no record has yet been found); Meredith Nicholson, The Hoosiers (1900; 191 5); Jacob P. Dunn, Indiana and Indianans (1919); R. E. Banta, Indiana Authors and Their Books (1949). Krout Papers, from the collection of her father, Robert Kennedy Krout, a miscellany of clippings, scrapbooks, and manuscripts, in the Indiana State Library; a Mary H. Krout scrapbook in the University of Chicago Library. First Editions — Booh 1898 Hawaii and a Revolution (American edition) HAWAII I AND A REVOLUTION | THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCES | OF A I CORRESPONDENT IN THE SANDWICH ISLANDS | DURING THE CRISIS OF 1 893 I AND SUBSEQUENTLY | BY | MARY H. KROUT | NEW YORK | DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY | 1 898 Collation: [*] 8 , 1-20 8 , 21 6 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5%"> t0 P e dge red, other edges untrimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontispiece, inserted; title- page, p. [iii]; copyright notice dated 1898, and imprint of the Univer- sity Press, John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U. S. A., p. [iv]; dedica- tion to her father [Robert Kennedy Krout], p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; Pref- ace dated January 9th, 1898, pp. vii-x; table of contents, pp. xi-xiv; list of illustrations, p. [xv]; blank, p. [xvi]; Introduction, dated Decem- ber, 1897, pp. [i]*-3i;blank,p. [32]; text, pp. 33-321; blank, p. [322]; Index, pp. [3231-330; blank, pp. [331-332]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 33-321, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece inserted as are illustrations facing pp. 88 (not 89 as in list of illustrations), 94, 114, 202 (not 203), 286 (not 287), 306, and 316 (not 317). All are from photographs. A rule appears below caption on pp. vii, xi, [xv], [1], and [323], also between Contents and Index, p. xiv. Binding : Dark blue silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover orange- stamped : Hawaii I and a | revolution | [Hawaiian scene stamped in orange, pale yellow, light blue and black; artist's initials, FB(?)S, at lower right; all within single rule black box] J mary [dot] H [dot] krout Spine orange-stamped: Hawaii | and [dot] a [dot] | revo- | lution I [pale yellow and orange scabbard crossed with a light blue, * Numeral at foot considered a signature identification, not pagination. 19 2o MARY HANNAH KROUT orange, and Mack battle-ax, both outlined in black, within a black single rule box] | [dot] krout [dot] | dodd, mead & | company Back cover blank. End papers calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office, August 18, 1898. Earliest review noted: The Friend, September, 1898. Price, $2.00. Notes: Misprint in chapter numbering in running head, pp. 142 and 144, IX (should be X), present in all copies of the American edi- tion. The author's personal experiences in Hawaii during the early days of the Provisional Government, 1 893-1 894, were woven into this po- litical study. Her "long-cherished hope of securing an appointment as special war correspondent from that island was finally realized when the Chicago Inter Ocean yielded its prejudices against employing a woman in that capacity and decided to avail itself of her services."* This was her first book. Simultaneous publication took place in England (see post 22). Contents : Much of the text had earlier appeared as her "Special Correspondence" from Hawaii, in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, 1 893- 1895. Some of the letters from Hawaii published in the newspaper re- mained uncollected, others were so revised in the process of selection for the book that they have proved difficult to identify as part of it. Portions of the introduction and Chapters XXI, XXIII-XXV might have been gleaned from scattered comments in her dispatches; the first two chapters were evidently new writing for the book. CHAPTER I The First Impulse II Disappointments III From Chicago to Hawaii The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 13, 1893 (with caption: Hawaiians at Home) IV A First Impression The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 13, 1893 (with caption: Hawaiians at Home) V In Honolulu The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 18, 1893 (with caption: Hawaiian Politics); March 24, 1893 (with caption: Life in Honolulu) *The Friend, September, 1898, p. 76. The author had been reporting national as well as local events for The (Chicago) Inter Ocean since 1888. Her letters from Hawaii, and about Hawaii, began their appearance therein on March 9, 1893 (see post 46, 48, 50); her interest in the territory continued (for a summary of her books on Hawaii, see post 32). FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 21 VI The Home of Kaiulani The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 21, 1893 (with caption: Home of a Princess) VII An Ostrich Farm The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, April 4, 1893 VIII A Visit to Camp Boston The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 27, 1893 (with caption: In Regal Quarters) IX King Kalakaua's Palace The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 23, 1893 (with caption: Kalakaua's Palace); April 9, 1893 (with caption: A Hawaiian Farm) X The President's Commissioner The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, April 6, 1 893 (with caption : Support the New Government); April 16, 1893 (with caption: Royal Emissaries Return) XI The Lowering of the American Flag The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, April 14, 1893 (with caption: Old Glory Down) XII Violated Coronets The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, April 28, 1893 (with caption: The Crown Jewels) XIII The Princess Kaiulani The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 29, 1893 (with caption: Must Annex Hawaii); November 21, 1895 (with caption: Fresh London Notes) XIV The Chinese Population The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, May 7, 1893 (with caption: A Chinese Paradise) XV The Queen-Dowager The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, May 13, 1893 (with caption: A Queen Dowager) XVI The Leper Settlement The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 30, 1893 (with caption: Lepers and Molakai) XVII An Audience with Queen Liliuokalani The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, May 1 2, 1 893 (with caption : Pacific Roy- alty) XVIII The Close of the Blount Administration The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, February 18, 1894 (with caption: Our Hawaii Letter) XIX In Hilo The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 3, 1894 (with caption: In Halcyon Hilo); April 1, 1894 (with caption: In the Hilo Swim) XX A Little Journey to Kileauea The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 31, 1894 (with caption: Visiting a Vol- cano) XXI Social Life 22 MARY HANNAH KROUT XXII An Interlude The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, May 26, 1894 (with caption: In the South Seas) XXIII Ancient Customs XXIV Products XXV The Passing of the Native* 1898 Hawaii and a Revolution (English edition) HAWAII I AND A REVOLUTION | THE PERSONAL EXPERIENCES I OF A I NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENT IN THE SANDWICH ISLANDS | DURING THE CRISIS OF 1 893 | AND SUBSEQUENTLY | BY | MARY H. KROUT | LONDON I JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET I 1 898 Collation: [*]i-2o 8 , 21 4 , 22 2 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 8% 6 " x 5%", all edges untrimmed. End paper; blank, pp. [1-2]; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontis- piece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [iii]; blank, except for rule and imprint: Printed by Hazell, Watson, & Viney, Ld., London and Aylesbury, p. [iv]; dedication, to her father [Robert Kennedy Krout], p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; Preface dated March 1898, pp. vii-x; table of contents, pp. xi-xiv (with list of illustrations also on p. xiv); Introduction dated December, 1897, pp. [ 1 ] f— 3 1 ; blank, p. [32]; text, pp. 33-321; blank, p. [322]; Index, pp. 323-332 (with imprint at foot of p. 332); end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 33-321 : Hawaii and a Revolution, Introduction, and Chapters I-XXV (titled).] Illustrations : Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are il- lustrations facing pp. 84, 100, 144, 192, 256, 288, 316. A rule appears below caption on pp. [v], vii, xi, [1], 33, and 323, also between Con- tents and List Of Illustrations, p. xiv. Binding: Red silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped *For this chapter she used material from a letter captioned, "Customs of Ha- waiia [sic]," written from Honolulu, March 18, year unnamed, not located in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, 1 893 or 1 894; a clipping is preserved in the Krout Scrap- book in University of Chicago, Harper Library. tNumeral at foot considered a signature identification, not pagination. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 23 within a quadruple rule box: Hawaii | and a revolution | [rule] mary h. krout Spine gilt-stamped: [quadruple rule] | hawaii [rule] I krout I [ornament] | London | john Murray | [quadruple rule]. Back cover blank except for blind-stamped quadruple rule box. Issued in a plain green dust wrapper. End papers white laid, slightly less heavy than book stock; no bind- ers leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published 1898, apparently simultaneously with the American edition. Earliest review noted : The Field, the Coun- try Gentleman's Newspaper (London), December 3rd. Price, 10s 6d. Notes: The book was published simultaneously in America and England according to The Indianapolis Journal, November 13, 1898, which quoted a review from the London Daily News. The English Catalogue, however, gives date of publication as October, 1898, while the American edition is known to have been a September publication. The preface of the New York edition is dated January 9th, 1898; the same preface in the London edition, March, 1898; this may or may not indicate earlier preparation for issuance in America; for collation see ante 19. Two states of the British edition have been noted : State 1 : As collated, with final signature, 22, a single sheet (later, two sheets). Thus in a copy with contempo- rary inscription dated 1898 State 2 : Final signature, 22, two sheets, the last leaf of which is used as back lining paper, extending pagination to P- [336] (earlier, pagination ends with p. 332, the final signature, 22, being a single sheet, followed by an end paper). 1899 A Looker On in London A looker on I ln London [article two lines high; title in red] | By MARY H. KROUT I Author of HAWAII IN TIME OF REVOLUTION* I [ornament, chalice-like] I new york: dodd, mead [in red] I & com- pany, [in red] mdcccxclx [Note: All within a parallel rule box.] * Erroneous title; the book was published as Hawaii and a Revolution. 24 MARY HANNAH KROUT Collation: [1-22] 8 , [13]*. White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5%"> t0 P e( ^ge trimmed, other edges untrimmed. End paper; title-page, p. [i]; copyright notice dated 1899, p. [ii]; dedication to Susan Elston Wallace, p. [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; table of contents, pp. v-vii; blank, p. [viii]; Preface dated December 1898, pp. 1-3; blank, p. [4]; text, pp. 5-352; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 5-352, see Contents.] Binding: Dark gray mesh cloth. Front cover has a London scene stamped in ivory and two shades of blue in a panel at left; title and author's name ivory-stamped at right: A | Looker-on I in London | Mary H Krout [all within ivory-stamped single rule box). Spine ivory- stamped : [rule] | A Looker- 1 on in | London | Mary | H | Krout | dodd, mead I & company | [rule]. The font in title and author's name on front cover and spine is script-like, with some letters intertwined, some ending in a curlicue. Back cover blank. End papers ivory calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office, Septem- ber 16, 1899. Listed in The Publishers' Weekly, October 21, 1899; it had been advertised therein in the 'Autumn Books" list of Septem- ber 30th. Price, $1.50. Notes : First edition as collated. No illustrations. Actually contains 27 chapters although table of contents lists only I-XXVI. The table of contents does not break "The Venezuela Controversy" into two chap ters, hence, beginning with Chapter XVIII, there is a discrepancy in the numbering in table of contents to the end. A British edition is reported as published by B. F. Stevens, Novem- ber, 1 899; unlocated, possibly a distribution in London of the American edition. Contents : Earlier published in a series of "London letters," reports as staff correspondent for The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, 1 895-1 897; with selections from her column, "Woman's Kingdom." CHAPTER I "Going Down to London" The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, August 17, 1895 (with caption: Scottish Sketches); August 18, 1895 (with caption: England in August) II The Opening of Parliament The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, August 25, 1895 (with caption: The House of Peers) III Lord Leighton The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, Septem- ber 10, 1895 (with caption: Prince of Painters) IV After the Season and London Weather The (Chicago) FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 25 Inter Ocean, October 6, 1895 (with caption: Only a Meadow Mist); October 7, 1895 (with caption: John Bull at Home) V Carlyle's House The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, Decem- ber 27, 1895 (with caption: Late London Notes) VI Pentonville Prison The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, Febru- ary 27, 1896 (with caption: In a Great Prison) VII In the Lower Courts The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, De- cember 1, 1895 (with caption: Justice as Administered in Expeditious English Courts)* VIII English Women and Their Affairs The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, December 14, 1895 (with caption: Woman's Kingdom) IX Women's Clubs The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, January 4, 11, 1896 (with caption: Woman's Kingdom) X Women's Schools and Colleges The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, November 30, 1895 (with caption: Woman's Kingdom) XI The Queen's Bounty The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, April 18, 1896 (with caption: Bounty of a Queen) XII The Annual Habitation of the Primrose League The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, May 17, 1896 (with caption: Women in Politics) XIII In Kentish Fields The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, June 1, 1896 XIV Henley The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, July 20, 1896 (with caption : Henley's Gay Scene) XV The Princess Maud's Wedding The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, August 10, 1896 (with caption: Hot Days in London) XVI Death of the Prince of Battenberg The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, February 9, 1896 (with caption: London in Mourning); February 21, 1896 (with caption: Week of Funerals) XVII The Venezuela Controversy The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, December 31, 1895 (with caption: John and Jonathan) XVIII The Venezuela Controversy— continued! The (Chi- cago) Inter Ocean, December 31, 1895 (with caption: *In her letters published September 28 and October 6, 1895, Mary Hannah Krout discussed women and English law, but not in the same words as in the latter portion of Chapter VII. tSee Notes for explanation of difference between text and table of contents in numbering Chapters XVIII-XXVII. 26 MARY HANNAH KROUT John and Jonathan); January 7, 1896 (with caption: She Stood Amazed); January 27, 1896 (with caption: No War with America) XIX The Chartered Company The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, January 27, 1 896 (with caption : No War with Amer- ica) XX The Jameson Trial The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, March 30, April 5, 1896 (with caption: Dr. Jameson's Trial) son's Trial) XXI The Jameson Trial— continued The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, May 10 and 12, 1896 (with caption: Dr. Jame- XXII Cipher Messages The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, June 27, 1896 (with caption: Dr. Jameson's Trial) XXIII Before the Lord Chief Justice The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, August 8, 1896 (with caption: Dr. Jameson's Trial); August 14, 1896 (with caption: Passing of "Dr. Jim") XXIV The Diamond Jubilee The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, July 4, 1897 (with caption: London's Big Show) XXV The Princess of Wales' Dinner The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, July 12, 1897 (with caption: Little Children Fed) XXVI The Illuminations The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, July 1 1 , 1897 (with caption: Evening of Jubilee) XXVII The Jubilee Commemoration at Oxford The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, July 18, 1897 (with caption: Customs of Oxford) I9OO Alice's Visit to the Hawaiian Islands ECLECTIC SCHOOL READINGS | [rule] | ALICE'S VISIT | TO | THE HA- WAIIAN ISLANDS I BY | MARY H. KROUT | AUTHOR OF "HAWAII AND A revolution/' "a looker-on I in London," etc. | [ornamental rule] I new york [ornament] Cincinnati [ornament] Chicago | AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 27 Collation: [i]-I3 8 . White calendered paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5"> a ^ edges trimmed.* End paper; binder's leaf; blank, pp. [1-4]; frontispiece, inserted; tide-page, p. [5]; copyright notice dated 1900, statements: Kr out's Ha- waii., and W. P. 1, p. [6]; Preface, pp. 7-8; table of contents, pp. 9-10; text, pp. 11-206; Pronunciation of Hawaiian Names And Terms, pp. 207-208 (with imprint of J. S. Cushing & Co., Norwood, Mass., at foot of p. 208); binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 11-206: Alice's Visit to the Hawaiian Islands, Chapters I-XXXV (titled), followed by a key to pronunciation of names and terms.] Illustrations: Frontispiece a colored map, a folded sheet on stub. Profuse text illustrations. Chapters all have tailpiece or ornament at end with the exception of II, XVIII, and XXXI. Binding: Light green mesh cloth. Front cover stamped in dark green: [ornamental border] | eclectic school readings | [tree orna- ment] Alice's visit [tree ornament] | to the | Hawaiian islands | [vignette with tree ornaments at sides and below; all with ornamental border at each side] \ [rule] | [broken rule formed of dots and dashes] I [rule] I NEW YORK [dot] CINCINNATI [dot] CHICAGO | AMERICAN [dot] book [dot] company | [imprint boxed within single rules at top and bottom and side designs of single rule, wide rule, single rule] \ [row of ornaments] \ [parallel rule]. Spine dark green-stamped: [parallel rule] I Alice's | visit | to the | Hawaiian | islands | [rule] | krout | [orna- ment] I American I book | company | [parallel rule]. Back cover bears dark green-stamped publisher's emblem. End papers white wove, sewn in with a binder's sheet, half of which is pasted under the lining paper; same front and back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office May 24, 1900. Listed in The Publisher's Weekly, June 2nd. Price, 45^. Notes : First edition bears symbol on copyright page, W. P. 1 . D. McNetton & Company, New York, published it with statement at top of title-page: The Youth's Library; symbol on copyright page, M. B.C. 1. The book was in print as late as 1928, judging by listing in the Cumulative Book Index. Material for it was gathered during her visit to the Islands 1898- 1 899, after the conclusion of her work as staff correspondent for The (Chicago) Inter Ocean. The background may go back to her first year there, 1 893-1 894. *The copy in the Library of the Hawaiian Mission Children's Society, Hono- lulu, is reported as measuring yW x 5". MARY HANNAH KROUT I903 Two Girls in China eclectic school readings | [rule] i two girls in china i by i mary h. krout | author of "hawaii and a revolution," "alice's | visit to the Hawaiian islands," "a | looker-on in London," etc. | new york [ornament] Cincinnati [ornament] CHICAGO I AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY Collation: [i]-i3 8 . White calendered paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 4%", all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; blank, p. [1]; frontispiece, p. [2]; title- page, p. [3]; copyright notice dated 1903, statement of entry at Station- ers' Hall, London, brief title, and symbol: W. P. 1, p. [4]; Preface, pp. 5-6; table of contents, pp. 7-8; text, pp. 9-208; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 9-208: Two Girls in China, I-XXI (titled).] Illustrations : Frontispiece, map of China and Japan, an integral part of the book. Numerous text illustrations from photographs. Binding: Light green mesh cloth. Front cover stamped in dark green* : [ornamental border] | eclectic school readings | two girls I in I china I [vignette, wreathed and surrounded, as is the title, with Chinese ornaments and with ornamental border at each side] | [rule] | [broken rule formed of dots and dashes] | [rule] | new york [dot] Cin- cinnati [dot] CHICAGO I AMERICAN [dot] BOOK [dot] COMPANY [«W- print boxed within single rules at top and bottom and side designs of single rule, wide rule, single rule] | [row of ornaments] | [parallel rule]. Spine dark green-stamped, reading from bottom to top : [Chinese orna- ment] two [dot] girls [dot] in [dot] china [Chinese ornament]. Back cover bears dark green-stamped publisher's emblem. End papers white wove, sewn in with a binder's sheet, half of which is pasted under the lining paper; same front and back. Publication Data: Published March 17, 1903; deposited in the Copyright Office March 18th. Price, 45^. Notes: First edition bears symbol on copyright page, W.P. 1. * Possibly originally black, faded to green. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 29 In the preface the author states that material for it was obtained during some months of travel in China in 1899- 1900, preceding the Boxer rebellion. "Almost three months were spent in the capital . . . ." The book was still in print in 1928. I9O7 Picturesque Honolulu Picturesque [green] | Honolulu [white, green-shadowed; title on an elaborate pictorial green 'panel with artist's name and date at lower right:] E M Grosse [white] 1907 [green, white-shadowed; all the foregoing hand-lettered on the above-mentioned panel within a lighter green border; price and imprint on an outer white border, at top:] price, 15 cents per copy | [at bottom:] pub- lished BY THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., LTD., HONOLULU, T. H. [Note: Foregoing printed on front wrapper, which serves as title page.] Collation: Wire side-stitched. White calendered paper. Leaf measures 15%" x 1 1%", all edges trimmed. Illustrations, p. i; advertisements, pp. ii-iii; The Promotion Com- mittee, p. iv; text, pp. [ 1 ]-ji (with title, date, publisher and place at top of p. [1]); advertisements, pp. 73-80. [Note: For text, pp. (O-72, see Contents.] Illustrations : Profuse textual illustrations from photographs. Binding: Pictorial, green tinted on white wrappers, front serving as title-page. Spine reads, from top to bottom: picturesque Honolulu 1907 Hawaiian gazette co.* Pictorial back wrapper. Inside front and back wrappers bear advertisements. Publication Data: Published February, 1907. An advertisement has been noted in The Pacific Commercial Advertiser, February 23, 1907; earlier, a prospectus in same, January 15, 1907, similarly worded, included a statement: 'To be ready in February or March, 1907"; omis- *Thus on rebound copies, presumably text of original spine. Thus far no copy has been found as issued. Mrs. Violet A. Silverman, of the Library of Hawaii, re- ports evidence of original wire stapling. The Hawaiian Historical Society's copy is also rebound, but contains both front and back wrappers. 3 o MARY HANNAH KROUT sion of this statement in the advertisement of February 23rd indicates that the book was then available. Price, 1 5 cents. Number of copies : ca. 1 5,000; estimate based on the announcement in The Pacific Adver- tiser, January 15, 1907: 'There will be an edition of not less than 15,000." Notes: Published anonymously. An advertisement in an unidenti- fied newspaper, establishing Mary Hannah Krout as author of all the articles except those signed by others (advertisement reproduced facing here), found in her father's scrapbook, has a parenthetical three written in her hand to indicate the number of the articles not hers, but actually there were four (see Contents}. The advertisement was evi- dently from an early prospectus (not the one in The Pacific Commer- cial Advertiser} since it lists "Honolulu in 1893"; the article as it ap- pears in the book is entitled, "Honolulu in 1903," most of it pertaining to her arrival in Hawaii in 1893, but the final paragraph referring to later events, which made the earlier date inappropriate. Contents : All the articles herein are Mary Hannah Krout's with exception of four : "When I Came to Honolulu," by A. S. Cleghorn; "The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum," by L. G. Blackman; "Hono- lulu the Home of Out-Door Sports," by R. O. Matheson; "Honolulu's Mardi Gras," by Mrs. W. M. Graham. Only the poem, "Tantalus," and the article, "Honolulu in 1903," bear a Krout signature; that the other articles are hers is borne out by the prospectus mentioned in foregoing Notes, which stated : "The articles, with the exception of those signed, were written by Miss Mary Hannah Krout, who also carefully arranged and edited the account of historical incidents, the data for which was furnished by old residents . . . ." Her brief account of historical inci- dents, without titles, fill in space at end of articles. Her titled contribu- tions are as follows : Native Chiefs of Honolulu Tantalus Honolulu Literature and Authors Founders of Honolulu Honolulu Society Kapiolani Park Honolulu in 1903 The Clubs of Honolulu The Oriental Quarter Hawaiian Court Ladies Honolulu's Royal Residences What Honolulu Has The Aquarium Prospectus, Mary Hannah Krouis Picturesque Honolulu, •proving her authorship of the brochure FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 31 Education in Honolulu Honolulu Churches Climate of Honolulu; Its Value as a Health Resort Water Supply of Honolulu Art and Artists in Honolulu An Impression of the Government Nursery Honolulu Charities The Holoku— Its Origin and Evolutions Why Honolulu Is Safe from Earthquakes Three Fine Estates Fine Residences On Tantalus Heights Historical Landmarks of Honolulu The Food Supply of Honolulu The Hawaii Experiment Station Among Honolulu's Fishermen Domestic Service in Honolulu Camp Shafter 1908 Reminiscences of Mrs. Mary S. Rice REMINISCENCES I OF I MRS. MARY S. RICE | BY | MARY H. KROUT | [ornament, lighted candle in holder] | Honolulu, t. h. | the Ha- waiian GAZETTE CO., LTD. | 1908 Collation: [1-9] 8 . White wove paper, watermarked: exeter [or- nament] 1886 [ornament] & co. [ornament]. Leaf measures 9%" x 5%", all edges trimmed. End paper; blank, pp. [i-ii]; title-page, p. [in]; blank, p. [iv]; table of contents, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; Preface, July 24, 1908, p. [3]; blank, p. [4]; text, pp. [5I-143; blank, p. [144]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. (5)-i43: Reminiscences of Mrs. Mary S. Rice, Chapters I-XIX (titled).] Illustrations: Reproductions from photographs, facing pp. [5], [96], 130, and [138]. Binding : Brown coarse mesh cloth. Parallel rule box blind-stamped 32 MARY HANNAH KROUT on front cover which is otherwise blank. Spine gilt-stamped : [parallel rule] | REMINIS- | CENCES | OF | MRS. MARY | S. RICE | [rule] | KROUT | [parallel rule]. Back cover same as front. End papers same as book stock; no binder's leaf in front; binder's leaf in back has conjugate excised or pasted under the lining paper. Puelication Data: Privately printed, 1908, ". . . not intended for general circulation but for the family and the more intimate friends of Mrs. Rice."* Not sold. Notes: Written during a visit to Hawaii in 1907. The author's historical studies of Hawaii include another biogra- phy, The Memoirs of Hon. Bernice Pauahi Bishop (1908); also, Ha- waii and a Revolution (1898); also a little book for school children, Alice's Visit to the Hawaiian Islands (1900); and Picturesque Hono- lulu (1907). I908 The Memoirs of Hon. Bernice Pauahi Bishop The Memoirs | of | Hon. Bernice Pauahi Bishop | by | Mary H. Krout Collation: [*] 2 (plus one inserted sheet), [i]-i6 8 . White laid paper, i% 6 " between wire marks. Leaf measures 8 1: J4 6 " x 5%", top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [i]; copyright notice, in name of Charles R. Bishop, dated 1908, and imprint of the Knickerbocker Press, New York, p. [ii]; Preface, dated January 7, 1908, pp. iii-iv; table of contents, pp. v-vi; list of illustrations, p. vii; blank, p. [viii]; text, pp. 1-249; blank, p. [250]; Index, pp. 251-255; blank, p. [256]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 1-249: The Memoirs of Hon. Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Chapters I-XXVII (titled)]. Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are il- lustrations facing pp. 6, 10 (not 11 as in list of illustrations), 28, 64 *So stated in the preface, with further explanation that therefore ". . . letters and incidents have been used which might not have been included were it de- signed for the public." FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 33 (not 65), 100 (not 101), 104, 1 10 (not 1 1 1), 1 16, 166, 196 (not 197), 204, 214 (not 215), 218, 222, 228, 232 (not 233), 242, and 244. Binding: Dark blue linen. Front cover blank. Spine gilt-stamped: The I Memoirs | of | Hon. | Bernice | Pauahi | Bishop | [rule] | Krout Back cover blank. End papers white laid, 1 %e" between wire marks; binder's leaf in front has 15 /iq" between wire marks, and bears an unidentified water mark; the binder's leaf in back is same as end papers. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office, Septem- ber 23, 1908. Not sold. Notes: In all copies located except one (the copyright deposit copy) the legend accompanying the illustration facing p. 166 has Nenua, blocked out and Vienna, red-stamped below it. Bernice Pauahi ( 1 831-1884) was heir to the Hawaiian throne, the last of the ancient ruling race, the Kamehamehas; she married Charles R. Bishop, Collec- tor of Customs in Honolulu. This book was in preparation as early as August, 1907, according to The Indianapolis Star, August 5, 1907. The Pacific Commercial Advertiser, January 8, 1908, carried a story that the book, written by Miss Krout at the request of Charles R. Bishop, was then being made ready for the press. "The edition to be published will be a small one and is intended only for private distribu- tion." Later The Indianapolis Star, July 11, 191 5, quoted the author as saying that the manuscript, proofs, revised proofs, and printed book traveled seven times across the Pacific. I9IO Platters and Pipkins Platters and Pipkins | By I mary h. krout | "There's pippins and cheese to come" I —Merry Wives of Windsor | ['publishers em- blem] I CHICAGO I A. C. MCCLURG & CO. | I9IO [Note: All printed in blue.] Collation: [i] 8 (plus one unsigned sheet), [2-13] 8 . Printed in blue on white wove paper. Leaf measures 6 1 % 6 " x 5", all edges trimmed. End paper; blank, pp. [i-ii]; fly title, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; title-page, p. [3]; copyright notice with statement: Published October 15, 19 10, 34 MARY HANNAH KROUT and imprint of the Publishers' Press, Chicago, p. [4]; dedication to all housekeepers, p. [5]; blank, p. [6]; table of contents, p. [7]; blank, p. [8]; text, pp. [93-209; blank, p. [210]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. (9^209 : Platters and Pipkins: Chapters I-XXII (titled).] Illustrations: Blue-gray headpiece and illuminated blue-gray initial at beginning of each chapter. Binding: Light blue boards. Front cover printed in white: plat- ters I and [illustration of a Willow Ware flatter and an orange* and white f if kin] | pipkins | mary h. krout Spine and back cover blank. Issued boxed, with cover design repeated on box lid. End papers light blue wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published October 15, 1910; deposited in the Copyright Office October 18th. Earliest review noted: The IndianafO- lis Star, November 13, 191 o. Price, 75^. Notes: Published October 15, 19 10, so stated on copyright page. The book was in manuscript as early as October 24, 1905, accord- ing to an article in The Indianafolis Star, that date. * Whether orange or yellow depends on light conditions to which the book has been exposed. II ill in. . -HS-;^^ , n thP world's story-ages long- a "a'' »»> '»»w« ">'• — "■ Today in ho, e, » ^d their tow". Their r !'W°;t„r«W 1 »»t T ' With motherhood d,vme. v f tr drvilU. M- j The Marys, a poem by Mary Hannah Krout, issued in connection with a Marys' Day reunion First Editions — Ephemera 1917 The Marys The Marys | [3 ornaments] | [text of foem] | [signature in facsim- iled Mary H. Krout. | Crawfordsville, Ind. | August 16, 191 7 [Note: All enclosed by an ornamental border.] Single sheet of light brown mottle paper, 7%" x sViq^ printed in brown on one side only. The poem was recited by the author at a Marys' Day reunion, Noblesville, and published in The Crawfordsville Journal, August 1 7, 1 91 7, under the tide, "To the Marys." 35 First Editions — Contributions 1872 child life: a collection of poems. Edited by John Greenleaf Whittier. Boston, James R. Osgood & Co., 1872 Contains "Little Brown Hands," p. 251. The poem was first printed in Our Young Folks, September, 1868, signed M. H. K. In The Terre Haute Saturday Evening Mail, June 12, 1875, it reappeared over the signature, Mary H. Crout, with an erroneous history of the poem; the author wrote on a clipping,* at the foot of its reprinting in The Craw- fordsville Journal, June 19th: "The above is a fabrication." It describes the poem as written by her at the age of thirteen (she was closer to six- teen), and published in The Crawfordsville Journal, as three times in the New York Citizen, and in Blackwood's Magazine (in none of which was the poem found before 1875; later it did appear frequently in The Crawfordsville Journal^). The poem almost became a book. An illuminated manuscript copy has present a cover design, title-page, frontispiece, and ten sheets of text; all hand-lettered, illustrated, and decorated, done on Bristol boards by M. Louise McLaughlin. t It was included in many later school readers and anthologies, more so than any of her other writings. 1894 BEACON LIGHTS OF PATRIOTISM, OR, HISTORIC INCENTIVES TO VIR- TUE and good citizenship. By Henry B. Carrington. New York, Boston, etc., Silver Burdett & Co., 1894 Contains the poem, "Once at Battle Eve," p. 222, with a note that "the poetess described an incident which occurred on the banks of the Tennessee during the year 1863." Rewritten from a poem, "Luther's Choral/' earlier in The (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald, July 1, 1882. *In Indiana State Library, Krout Papers. fin Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library. 36 FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 37 I9OO poets and poetry of Indiana . . . 1800 to 1900. Compiled and edited by Benjamin S. Parker and Enos B. Heiney. New York, Silver, Burdett & Co. [1900] Earliest state measures i%" across sheets (later i%")- Earliest binding has two-color stamping on front cover and spine, and blind- stamped publishers' emblem on back cover; a later binding state has the two-color stamping, but back cover is blank; still later, one-color (green) stamping on front cover and spine, back cover blank. Contains "Stubble," p. 183, earlier in the (Neil? York) Semi- Weekly Tribune, August 21, 1874, reprinted in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, August 23, 1890, in Mary Hannah Krout's column, 'Woman's Kingdom." The other poem herein, "Little Brown Hands," had earlier book appearances. I9OI who's who in America 1901-1902. [Volume 2]. Chicago, A. N. Marquis & Co. [1901] Contains an autobiographical sketch of Mary H. Krout, p. 653. It appeared, with some additions, in succeeding volumes through 1926- 1927, Volume 14. The account in Who Was Who in America, 1897- 1042, Vol. I, is considerably enlarged, containing information that ap- peared in newspaper obituaries. 1903 laurel leaves for LITTLE folks. By Mary E. Phillips. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1 903 Contains "General Lewis Wallace," p. 113, written for this book. Mary Krout had many articles on Wallace published in newspapers and magazines: in "The Hoosier Athens," The (Indianapolis) Satur- day Herald, October 12, 1878; an account in The Cincinnati Commer- cial Gazette, February 12, 1887; in Literature, June 2, 1888; The Indi- 38 MARY HANNAH KROUT anapolis News, August 25, 1888 (repeated in The [Chicago] Inter Ocean, August 26th, and in the St. Joseph, Missouri, Herald, Septem- ber 1 6th); The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, November 22 & 30, 1888; "Per- sonal Reminiscences of Lew Wallace," in Harpers Weekly, March 18, 1905. I906 lew Wallace : an autobiography. 2 volumes. New York & Lon- don, Harper & Bros., mcmvi Completed by his wife after the death of Lew Wallace, the second part of Vol. II, pp. 799~[ioo3], was edited by Mary H. Krout, accord- ing to the statement of Susan E. Wallace, p. 796 : "And here the Auto- biography ends. What follows must be a plain record of facts without attempt at polish or effect. "Whatever merit it may have belongs to my friend, Mary H. Krout, whose careful work has made this continuation possible." 1912 THE HOOSIER ALMANACK AND FAMILY MAGAZINE [for I913L Indi- ana Society of Chicago, 191 2 Pictorial yellow wrappers. Souvenir of the eighth annual dinner, December 7, 1 9 1 2. Contains poem, "Fair Indiana," p. 54. I924 EARLY DAYS IN A COLLEGE TOWN AND WABASH COLLEGE IN EARLY days and now. By Frank Moody Mills. Sioux Falls, S.D., Sessions Printing Co., 1924 Contains two poems: "From the Campus," p. [186], and "In Craw- ford's Woods," p. 207. The latter had an early newspaper appearance.* * Clipping only located; lacks source and date of publication. Periodicals Containing First Appearances America 1888: May 5 26 Long Live the King [poem]* Dead in May [poem]* August 25 Outward Bound [poem] * Boston Evening Transcript 1876: April 3 19 The Course of True Love: The Modern sion [poem]* An Evening Promise [poem]* Ver- May 25 Ferns [poem]* The Chautauquan 1898: May- June October 1899: January June 1900: 1901: 1902: 1904: August August September September November July The United States and Hawaii* New Zealand and Its Resources* English Journalism* The English at Home* New Zealand Cities and Government* By Rail to Peking* An American Consulate in Chinat Mission Schools in China* American Education of Chinese Girls* The Women of Hawaii* (Chicago) Current (see Current) The (Chicago) Inter Ocean (daily) 1888: June 27 A Woman's View [report of the convention which nominated Benjamin Harrison for President of the United States]* July 11-12, 16-18, 20-21, 25^-28, 30, August 1-2, 4, 6-8, io-ii, 13-17, 20, 22-24, 27§-3o, * Uncollected. tUncollected. Among the Mary Hannah Krout Papers is a manuscript entitled, "American Consulates and Embassies," text not same as The Chautauquan ar- ticle. It bears a statement in her hand, "By Austin Lawrence." Other "Austin Lawrence" manuscripts are in the Krout Papers: "Hawaiian Gardens" and "The Washington Effigies," bearing her name and address. ^Uncollected; on negro suffrage and conditions of negroes in Indiana. §Uncollected; the dispatch of August 26th concerns Lew Wallace and his friendship for General Harrison; same as in The Indianapolis News a day earlier. 39 4 o MARY HANNAH KROUT The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1888: September 1, October 10, November 1 , 1889: January 3o 10, 3, 5-6, 12-15 13, 16-18, 22-23, 4-5, 11-12, 15-16 20-28, 25, 19, 27, 30, 21-22,* 26-27 [Har- rison campaign sidelights, special telegrams, series begun July nth]t [Lew Wallace; comments on, under caption:] Gen. Wallace Wants No Appointment [from President Harrison], but Only Time for Writingt New Years at Indianapolist Notes from Indianapolis [about Maurice Thompson]! 15, 18, 19, 21, 25 Indianapolis Gossipt 30 3i, Cabinet lalk;t Indianapolis Gossipt February 2 Indianapolis Gossipt 4 Indianapolis Sensationst 7 Indiana Democracyt 9 Indianapolis Gossipt 16 Trials of the President Electt 20 Indianapolis Gossipt 25 Will Not Go [many prominent Indianans will not attend the inauguration] t March 1 Notes from Indianapolist 12 They Breathe Easier [about Indiana Legisla- ture] t The Indiana Legislaturet 14 17 "The Romance of Dollard" [review of book by Mary Hartwell Catherwood]t April 7 In April [poem]t August 10 Woman's Kingdomt 13 (weekly issue§) The Hornet 17 Woman's Kingdomt * Uncollected; the dispatch on November 22nd concerns Lew Wallace's efforts in Harrison's behalf. tUncollected. ^Uncollected; her first contibution to "The Woman's Kingdom," a column later hers frequently in whole or in part; if part only, and that part consisting of a poem reprinted from some earlier periodical, entries are here omitted. §Both a daily and weekly Inter Ocean were published on Tuesdays at this time, the latter sometimes containing original matter (noted), sometimes re- printed features from the daily issues (omitted). PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 41 The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1889: Octobei August 24 27 September 3 7 10 14 17 21 24 28 1 5 12 15 19 22 26 29 2 5 9 12 16, 3o 3 7 10 14 17 25 28 Novembei December 1890: January February 31 4> 25 1 (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* 23 Woman's Kingdom* The Home*; Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Woman's Kingdom* (weekly issue) The Home* Christmas Bells [poem]* Woman's Kingdom*; The Poem on Spring [poem; read at meeting of editors of re- ligious publications of Chicago]* (weekly issue) The Home* 1 1 Woman's Kingdom* The Hornet The Home*; Woman's Kingdom* * Uncollected. "{■Uncollected; a column irregular in appearance and not always wholly, or even in part, Mary H. Krout's; when the column has been found unsigned or bearing initials of other writers, the issues have been disregarded. Her signature is oc- casionally misprinted, but her writing is easy to distinguish by its style; wherever there is any doubt about authorship, omission has been made. 4 2 MARY HANNAH KROUT The (Chicago) Inter 1890: February March April May June July August September October November December 1 891: January Ocean— con tinned 8, 15, 22 Woman's Kingdom* 8, 15, 29 The Home*; Woman's Kingdom* 5 The Easter Miracle [poem]t; The Home* 12, 19, 26 Woman's Kingdom*; The Home* 3, 10 The Home*; Woman's Kingdom* 24 Woman's Kingdom* The Home*; Woman's Kingdom* 14, 21, 28, 12,19 Woman's Kingdom*; The Home* The Home* 9 Woman's Kingdom*; The Home* Indiana's Future Poet [Meredith Nicholson]* 3°> 13, 20, 27 The Home*; Woman's Kingdom* The Farm and Hornet; Woman's Kingdom* 18, 25 The Home*; Woman's Kingdom* Woman's Kingdom [about Emily Meigs Rip- ley, under caption:] A Woman of Genius, Her Character and Her Unfinished Work* The Home* The Home*; Woman's Kingdom* Woman's Kingdom [including poem:] Thanksgiving*; The Home* The Home*; Woman's Kingdom* 13, 20 Woman's Kingdom*; The Home* The Home* Woman's Kingdom*; The Home* The Outsider [poem; read to Illinois Wom- en's Press Association, Chicago, January 8th]* 17 Woman's Kingdom*; The Home* The Home* I7> 3i 7> 5> 26 2, 13 16, 6, 4 11, 1 8 15 22 29 6, 27 3 9 February March April May 10, 24 3i> 7> 7, 4> 2 6 9 14, 21, 28, 14, 21, 28, 11,18 The Home*; Woman's Kingdom* Woman's Kingdom* The Home* Woman's Kingdom* * Uncollected. t Uncollected; heads column, "Woman's Kingdom," as do her other poems of this period. Evidently there was an earlier publication, since a clipping in a Krout scrapbook has dateline, Easter 1887, its source unknown. ^Uncollected; "The Home" column under different title. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 43 The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1 891: May 13 The Home* 16 Woman's Kingdom* 20 The Home* 23 Woman's Kingdom* 27 The Home* 30 Woman's Kingdom* June 4, 10 The Home* 13, 20 Woman's Kingdom* 24 The Home* 27 Woman's Kingdom* July 1 The Home* 4 Woman's Kingdom* 8 The Home* 9 Indiana Politics . . . President Harrison's Strength in His Own State* 11 Woman's Kingdom* 13 A War-Time Horror: The Story of the Ex- plosion of the Eclipse* 1 5 The Home* 18 Woman's Kingdom* 22 The Home* 25 Woman's Kingdom* 29 The Home* August 1 Woman's Kingdom* 5 The Home* 8 Woman's Kingdom* 1 2 The Home* 15 Woman's Kingdom* 19 The Home* 22 Woman's Kingdom* 26 Around the Hornet 29 Woman's Kingdom* 31 Wisconsin Wilds* September 5 Woman's Kingdom*; Wilds of Wisconsin* 9 Home Departmentt 12 Woman's Kingdom* 16 Home Circlet 19 Lovely Island Lake [in Wisconsin]*; Wom- an's Kingdom* 22 The Home* 26 Woman's Kingdom* 30 The Home* October 3 Woman's Kingdom* * Uncollected. tUncollected; "The Home" column under different title. 44 MARY HANNAH KROUT The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1 891: October 7 The Home* 1892: 10 Woman's Kingdom* M The Home Circlet; [Speech before Woman's Press League, in Chicago, October 13th, captioned:] Women in Council* 17 Woman's Kingdom* 21 The Home Circle* 24 Woman's Kingdom* 28 The Home Circle* 3i Woman's Kingdom* November 7 Woman's Kingdomt 24 The Home Circle* 28 Woman's Kingdom* Decembei • 1 The Home Circle* 5 Woman's Kingdom* 9 The Home Circle* 12, 1 9 Woman's Kingdom* 26 The Home Circle*; Woman's Kingdom* January 2 Woman's Kingdom* 6 The Home Circle* 9> 16, 23 Woman's Kingdom* 26 The Home Circle* 30 Woman's Kingdom* February 3 The Home Circle* 6, 1 3 Woman's Kingdom* 15 The Home Circle* 20 Woman's Kingdom* 24 The Home Circle* 27 Woman's Kingdom* 29 The Home Circle* March 5> 1 2 Woman's Kingdom* 14 Gen. Lew Wallace: His Opinion of Har- rison's Administration§ 15 The Home Circle* i9> 26, April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 1 4 Woman's Kingdom* 21 Discipline [poem]* 28, 'The Home" column's tide is changed to "The Home * Uncollected. fUncollected; here Circle." ^Uncollected; for two weeks following the column was evidendy not hers; but her signature reappeared on the 24th and 28th. §Uncollected; reprinted on the following day. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 45 The (Chicago) Inter Ocean 1892: June July August 4, 20 22 25 9. 6 i3> 27 29 September 3, 27 October 1 , 29, November 1 , 5 10 12 18 19 21 26 December 1893: January 3 7 10, 3i 7 13 14 20 continued [ 1 , 1 8 Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* Hoosier Delegates: Gen. Lew Wallace Talks about the Minneapolis Conventiont Woman's Kingdom* 16, 23, 30 Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle*; Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circlet 20 Woman's Kingdom*; The Home Circle* Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* 10,17 Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* 8, 15, 22 Woman's Kingdom* 3 [Reports of the W.C.T.U. Convention, Denver, Colorado; unsigned] § Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* W T oman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* Woman's Kingdom* Miss [Ada C] Sweet's Paper* Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* 17, 24 Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle*; Woman's Kingdom* Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* 21, February 4,11,15 Woman's Kingdom* 18 The Home Circle*; Woman's Kingdom 5 * Uncollected. •{■Uncollected; reprinted on the following day. ^Uncollected; on August nth the newspaper contained a reprint of "The Home Circle" of August 8 th. §Uncollected. Mary H. Krout represented the Chicago Inter Ocean at this convention, held October 28— November 2nd, according to a notice in The Craxv- fordsville Journal, November 5, 1892, so these "special telegrams" are undoubt- edly hers! One from Denver captioned, "Women in Pulpits," published Octo- ber 31st, may also be hers. 46 MARY HANNAH KROUT The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1893: March 4* Woman's Kingdom! 9 [Hawaii: letter fromjt 1 1 Woman's Kingdomt 13 Hawaiians at Home 1 8 Woman's Kingdomt; Hawaiian Politics 2 1 Home of a Princess 23 Kalakaua's Palace 24 Life in Honolulu 25 The Home Circlet; Woman's Kingdomt 26 [Hawaii: letter fromjt 27 In Regal Quarters 29 Must Annex Hawaii 30 Lepers and Molakai April 1 Woman's Kingdomt 2 The Home Circlet 4 An Ostrich Farm 6 [Hawaii: letter fromjt; Support the New Government 8 Woman's Kingdomt 9 A Hawaiian Farm 10 [Hawaii: letter from] 14 Old Glory Down 15 Woman's Kingdomt; [Hawaii: letter fromjt 16 [Hawaii: letter fromjt; Royal Emissaries Re- turn 18 The Home Circlet 22, 24 [Hawaii: letters fromjt 28 The Home Circlet; The Crown Jewels May 2, 4 [Hawaii: letters fromjt 7 A Chinese Paradise 12 Pacific Royalty 13 A Queen Dowager 20 Woman's Kingdomt 23 The Home Circlet June 3, 17 Woman's Kingdomt 1 9 The Home Circlet 21 [World's Fair feature story jt 25 The Home Circlet; Woman's Kingdomt July 2 The Home Circlet; Woman's Kingdomt 5 [World's Fair feature stories (2)jt 8 Woman's Kingdomt *The issue of February 25th, unlocated, may have contained contributions also. tUncollected. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 47 The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1893: July August September Octobe November 9 12 15 19 22 26 29 2 5 9 12 16 19 23 25 26, 30 2 6 9 13 16 19 20 26 27 30 4 7 10 11 14 15 18 21 25 28 1 story] ; The Home Circle* [World's Fair feature Woman's Kingdom* [World's Fair feature story]* The Home Circle* [World's Fair feature stories (3)]* The Home Circle* [World's Fair feature story]* Woman's Kingdom* [World's Fair feature stories (2)]* Woman's Kingdom* [World's Fair feature story]* Woman's Kingdom*; The Home Circle* [World's Fair feature story]* The Home Circle* 29 Woman's Kingdom* [World's Fair feature stories (2)]* The Home Circle*; Woman's Kingdom* [World's Fair feature stories (2)]* The Home Circle*; Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle*; [World's Fair feature stories (2)]* Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* [World's Fair feature stories (3)]* The Home Circle* [World's Fair feature stories (2)]* Woman's Kingdom* [World's Fair feature story]* Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* [World's Fair feature stories (2)]* Woman's Kingdom* The Home Circle* [World's Fair feature stories (2)]* Woman's Kingdom* [World's Fair feature stories (2)]! Woman's Kingdom* Woman's Work and the Fair* * Uncollected. fUncollected; the World's Fair closed at the end of October; one wonders if tfary Hannah Krout's path had crossed that of another Hoosier, George Ade, vho had been writing daily stories of the same scenes for another Chicago news- >aper. 48 MARY HANNAH KROUT The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— con tinned 1893: November 4 Woman's Kingdom* 5 The Home Circle* 11 Woman's Kingdom*; The Home Circle* 12 Woman's New Field: The Illinois Woman's Exposition Board* 15 [Hawaii: story of, written in Chicago!* 18 Woman's Kingdom*; [Hawaii: story of, writ- ten in Chicago]* 20 Harriet Hosmer: The Distinguished Sculp- tress Chats* 25 Woman's Kingdom* 26 The Home Circle* 3o The Season Suggestive of Thanksgiving* December 2 Woman's Kingdom*; The Home Circle* 8 [Hawaii: story of, written in Chicago]* 9 Woman's Kingdom* 15 The Home Circle*; [Hawaii: story of, writ- ten in Chicago] * 16, 23 Woman's Kingdom* 24 The Shepherds [poem]* 30 The Home Circle*; Woman's Kingdom* 1894: January 13 Woman's Kingdom* 26 The Home Circle* 27 Woman's Kingdom* February 10 Supplication [poem]* 13 The Home Circle* 17 Woman's Kingdom* 18 Our Hawaii Letter I9> 20 [Hawaii: letters from]* 24 Woman's Kingdom* 28 [Hawaii: letter from]* March 3 In Halcyon Hilo 16, 17, 18 [Hawaii: letters from] * 3i Visiting a Volcano April 1 In the Hilo Swim May 20 [Hawaii: letter from]* 26 In the South Seas June 27> 3, 10, 17, 18 [South Pacific and New Zealand: letters from]* 23 Woman's Kingdom* 24 [South Pacific and New Zealand: 2 letters from]* 30 Woman's Kingdom* * Uncollected. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 49 The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1894: July 22 28 30 August 4 11 13 18 25. September 1 , 30 October 2, 7 12 13 14 20 21 27 28 November 3 4 10 8 [Australia: letters about Melbourne and Sydney]* 21 Woman's Kingdomt Pullman Laid Baret The Home Circlet; Woman's Kingdomt The Home Circlet Woman's Kingdomt The Home Circlet; Woman's Kingdomt Woik of Ida B. Wells [unsigned] t The Home Circlet; Woman's Kingdomt i5t, 22 Woman's Kingdomt Jottingst; Woman's Kingdomt 6 Woman's Kingdomt Jottingst [Speech before Republican Women's rally in Chicago, October 1 1 th, at Central Music Hall]! Woman's Kingdomt Jottingst Woman's Kingdomt Jottingst Woman's Kingdomt Jottingst Woman's Kingdomt Jottingst Woman's Kingdomt *An article clipped from the Hawaiian Star, July 5, 1894, is present in the Krout Papers in the University of Chicago Harper Library: "God Save the Re- public." It is unsigned; may, or may not be hers, following her series of Hawaiian articles. tUncollected. ^Uncollected, the issue of the 8th, unlocated, may have contained the column also. § Uncollected. Her scrapbook, in the University of Chicago, Harper Library, includes many clippings, probably from The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, October- November, 1894, which report political meetings and campaign speeches. Two of them quote her own speeches: one at a banquet given by the Illinois Woman's Republican Committee in honor of Mrs. Lucy L. Flower, first woman elected to a state office in Illinois (November, 1894); the other at a banquet for all the can- didates for Trustees of the State University (date, "Nov. 30," written in by her, but piece not found in Inter Ocean this day or the next). Her "Woman's King- dom" column was full of the campaign in which she enthusiastically took part. A letter, processed on Illinois Woman's Republican Committee stationery, Oc- tober 12, 1894, bears her signature as Chairman of the Press Committee. 5° MARY HANNAH KROUT The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1894: November 1 1 Jottings* i7» 24 Woman's Kingdom* 25 Jottings* 1895: January 5 6 Woman's Kingdom* Jottings* 12 Woman's Kingdom* 13 Jottings* 19 Woman's Kingdom* 20 26 A Policy of Infamy [about Hawaii]* Woman's Kingdom* 27 Jottings*; Two Famous Roads [about Ha- waii]* February 2 Woman's Kingdom* 3 Jottings* 9 Woman's Kingdom* 10 Jottings*; A Matter of History [about Ha- waii]* 16 Woman's Kingdom* 17 Jottings* 23 Woman's Kingdom* March 24 2 Jottings* Woman's Kingdom* 3 9 Jottings* Woman's Kingdom* 10 Jottings* 16 Woman's Kingdom* 17 Jottings* 23 Woman's Kingdom* [includes poem:] At Last* 24 30 Jottings* Woman's Kingdom* 31 Jottings* April 6 Woman's Kingdom* 7 13 Jottings* Woman's Kingdom* 14 Jottings* 20 Woman's Kingdom* 21 Jottings* 27 Woman's Kingdom* May 28 4 Jottings* Woman's Kingdom* 5 Jottings* 11 Woman's Kingdom* 12 Jottings* Uncollected. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 5i The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued May 18 Woman's Kingdom* 19 Jottings* 25 Woman's Kingdom* 26 Jottings* June 1 Woman's Kingdom* 2 Jottings* 8 Woman's Kingdom* 9 Jottings* 15 Woman's Kingdom* 16 Jottings* 22 Woman's Kingdom* 23 Jottings* 29 Woman's Kingdom* 30 Jottings* July 6 Woman's Kingdom* 7 Jottings*; George Meredith* August 17 Scottish Sketches [leading to series of London letters] 18 [London letter, captioned:] England in Au- gust 19 [London letter]* 25 [London letter, captioned:] The House of Peers 27' September 8 10 October [London letters] * [London letter concerning Sir Frederick (later, Lord) Leighton, captioned:] Prince of Painters 21, 22, 26, 28 [London letters]* 6 [London letter, captioned:] Only a Meadow Mist 7 [London letter, captioned:] John Bull at Home 13, 20, 26, 27, 28, November 4, 24, 27 [London letters]* 30 Woman's Kingdom [London letter, captioned:] Justice as Ad- ministered in Expeditious English Courts Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Woman's Kingdom [London letter]* [London letter, captioned:] Late London Notes December 7 9 14 16 27 * Uncollected. 5 2 MARY HANNAH KROUT The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1895: December 28 Woman's Kingdom* 29 3i 1896: January February March April May 4 7 11 18 I9> 25 27 30 1 5 8 15 19 21 22 27 29 4' 7> 16, 21, 3o 4 5 11 13 18 I9> 25 *7> 2 3> 30 [London letters]* [London letter, captioned:] John and Jona- than Woman's Kingdom [London letter, captioned: ] She Stood Amazed Woman's Kingdom Woman's Kingdom* 2 3 [London letters] * Woman's Kingdom*; [London letter]* [London letter, captioned:] No War with America [London letter]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, captioned:] London in Mourn- ing Woman's Kingdom*; [London letter]* [London letter]* [London letter, captioned:] Week of Funerals Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, captioned:] In a Great Prison Woman's Kingdom* 6 [London letters]* 14 Woman's Kingdom* 20 [London letters]* 28 Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, captioned:] Dr. Jameson's Trial Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, captioned:] Dr. Jameson's Trial Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, concerning Dr. Jameson's trial]* Woman's Kingdom*; [London letter, cap- tioned:] Bounty of a Queen 20 [London letters]* Woman's Kingdom* 29 [London letters]* Woman's Kingdom* 4 [London letters, the first concerning Dr. Jameson's trial]* * Uncollected. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES Ihe (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 53 1896: May June July August September October Woman's Kingdom* [London letter captioned:] Dr. Jameson's Trial [London letter captioned:] Dr. Jameson's Trial; The Woman's Kingdom* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, captioned:] Women in Poli- tics Woman's Kingdom* 25 [London letters]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, captioned:] In Kentish Fields Woman's Kingdom* [London letter] * Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter] * [London letter, captioned:] Dr. Jameson's Trial; Woman's Kingdom* 4 Woman's Kingdom* 6, 12 [London letters]* 13 Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, captioned:] Henley's Gay Scene Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]*; Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, captioned:] Dr. Jameson's Trial; Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, captioned:] Hot Days in Lon- don [London letter, captioned:] Passing of "Dr. Jim" 15 Woman's Kingdom* 5 [Switzerland letter]* 12 Woman's Kingdom* 14 [Switzerland letter]* 19 Woman's Kingdom* 21 [Switzerland letter]* 26 Woman's Kingdom* 3 [Paris letter] * ; Woman's Kingdom* 5 [Paris letter]* 12 16 17 23 24 3o 1 6 7 13 15 20 21 27 20 25 27 1 3 8 10 14 Uncollected. 54 MARY HANNAH KROUT The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1 896: October 1 1 [London letter, about Paris]* 17 Woman's Kingdom* 18 [London letter]* 24, 31 Woman's Kingdom* November 2 [London letter]* 1897: December January February March April May 7 14 16 21 23 28, 5 6 12, 1 7 Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]*; Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* 14 Woman's Kingdom* A Pioneer Englishwoman [Mrs. E. L. Mass- ingberd]t 8 Woman's Kingdomt 10 One Day in Societyt 15, 22 The Home Circlet; Woman's Kingdomt 28 London Charity t 1 The Home Circlet; Woman's Kingdomt 7 [London Charity, under caption:] London's Charitiest 8 The Home Circlet; Woman's Kingdomt [London charity, captioned:] Of London Charitiest The Home Circlet; Woman's Kingdomt London Restaurantst The Home Circlet; Woman's Kingdomt London Landmarkst Woman's Kingdomt; The Home Circlet The Home Circle* [London letter, about Ireland]* [London letter]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, about John Hay]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Woman's Kingdom* 15 21 22 28 29 5 1 2 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 ""Uncollected. tUncollected. Written in Chicago during a visit before return to London. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 55 The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— con tinned 1897: May 30 [London letter]* 3i Woman's Kingdom* June 6 [London letter]* 7 Woman's Kingdom* 13 [London letter]* 14 Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* 20 21 Woman's Kingdom* 27 [London letter]* 28 Woman's Kingdom* July 4 [London letter, captioned:] London's Big Show 5 Woman's Kingdom* 11 [London letter, captioned:] Evening of Ju- bilee; Woman's Kingdom* 12 [London letter, captioned:] Little Children Fed 18 [London letter, captioned:] Customs of Ox- ford 19 Woman's Kingdom* 26 [London letter]*; Woman's Kingdom* August 1 [London letter]* 2 Woman's Kingdom* 8 [London letter]* 9 Woman's Kingdom* 15 [London letter]* 16 Woman's Kingdom* 22 [London letter]* 23 Woman's Kingdom* 29 [London letter]* 30 Woman's Kingdom* September 5 [London letter]* 6 Woman's Kingdom* 13 [London letter]*; Woman's Kingdom* 26 [London letter, about Mrs. Maybrickjt 27 Woman's Kingdom* October 3 [London letter]* 11 Woman's Kingdom* 17 [London letter, about Stockholm's Fair]* * Uncollected. •{■Uncollected; Florence Holbrook Maybrick had been imprisoned on a charge of murdering her husband. Mary H. Krout interviewed her. Besides the story above-mentioned she wrote a later feature article published in The New York Journal & Advertiser, American Magazine Sufiplement, May 21, 1899. 56 MARY HANNAH KROUT The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1897: October 24 [London letter] 25 November 1 7 8 15 *7> December 4 5 11 12 18 19 22 25 26 28 1 2, 17 23 3o 1898: January February 3i 20 The (Chicago) Interior:}: 1886: April 22 May 13 Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]*; Woman's Kingdom* [London letter, about Lily Langtry]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]*; Woman's Kingdom* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Women Abroad* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Women Abroad* Woman's Kingdom* [London letter]* Women Abroad* Woman's Kingdom* 16 [London letters]* Woman's Kingdom* [London letters (2)]* Career of the Doles: President of the Ha- waiian Republic and His Helpful Wife [Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Ballard Dole]* Woman's Kingdom [unsigned]! Roars of John Bull [about Hawaii and British attitude toward American annexation]* Easter Praise [poem] * Jack's Half-Holiday* The (Chicago) Times-Herald (Sunday) 1899: May 14, 21, 28, June 4, 11, 18 Gold Hunters of Indiana [signed, Le Roy Armstrongs] * Uncollected. fUncollected; reads like a Krout article, although unsigned. JMary Hannah Krout transferred from the editorial department of the Peoria (Illinois) Call to the Interior, a weekly Chicago newspaper, on March 30, 1886, according to an announcement in The Crawfordsville Journal, March 27, 1886. § Uncollected. Apparendy hers since the issue of May 14, 1899, preserved in one of the family scrapbooks, now in Indiana State Library, bears name of Mary Hannah Krout penciled below that of Le Roy Armstrong. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 57 The Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette 1887: February 12 Gen. Lew Wallace: Facts concerning the Au- thor of the "Fair God" and "Ben Hur"* The Dead Painter [Wilbur W. Woodward, died March — , 1882, at Lawrenceburg, Ind.; poem]* 1NAL My Castle in the Air [poem]t October [poem]+ There Is a God [poem]* My Ship [poem]* World Praise [poem]* Beyond [poem]* The Rights of Women* A November Day [poem]* Beautiful Songs Unsung [poem]* The Great [poem]* About Work* Woman's Rights This* "Sphere"* Sunbeams [poem]* The Promised Land [poem]* "Tell Us a Story" [poem]* Out in the Street [poem]* The Little, Old Cradle [poem]* Mud Pies [poem]* What the Crickets Say [poem]* Childhood Land [poem]* The 86th Indiana Batde Flag [poem; un- signed] * Little Ruth [poem]* From My Windows [poem]§ Cincinnati Gazette 1882: April 22 The Crawfordsville Jou 1864: March 1 7 1866: October 4 1867: December 19 1868: February 1 3 May 21 July 2 October 8 November 5 1869: January 28 February 1 1 May 6 June 1 July 8 September 2 9 November 4 December 30 1870: January 1 3 27 February 1 7 April 7 1873: September 18 1875: February 1 3 April 1 November 13- * Uncollected. fUncollected. This, her first poem, was printed with a notice predicting high rank for the young poetess, then only twelve years old. Another poem, which did bring fame to her, "Little Brown Hands," included in many later anthologies, is said to have first appeared in The Crawfordsville Journal when she was thir- teen, i.e., after November 3, 1864; file of November and December unlocated. ^Uncollected; "For the Crawfordsville Journal"; accompanied by prediction of future fame for the author. The same poem, with statement, "Written for the North Western Farmer," was previously published therein, October 1, 1866. § Uncollected; acknowledgment made to the New York Tribune but not found in the 1875 issues of that daily, before April 10th. 58 MARY HANNAH KROUT The Crawfordsville 1876: March March Journal— continued 4 Topics of the Town: Observations and Com- ments by Mynheer Heinrich Karl* A Glimpse of Spring [poem]t; [Letter to Ladies and Gentlemen of Crawfordsville, ca. March 8th, about production of her play, "The Widow Selby"]t; Topics of the Town . . .t The Singer [poem]t; Topics of the Town . . .t "Home Talent" [synopsis, from manuscript, of "The Widow Selby"]*; Topics of the Town . . .t 1 1 18 25 April July February June October 1883: January February March April May July August 1- 1 5 22 27IF 3 10 24 3i 14 26 7 18 Topics of the Town . . ,t Dodie Blair [poem]t [Memorial Day poem]§ [Civil War poem, written for 7th annual re- union of Eleventh Indiana Regiment at Crawfordsville on October 19th] II The Plaint of the Country Editor [poem]t; Ben D. Houset Crawfordsville Girls [unsigned] t To Mrs. Maurice Thompson [poem]t To St. Louis and Backt St. Louis Notest The Princess Perizade [poem; read at a break- fast honoring Gertrude Garrison] t The Nation's Dead [poem]<£ The Monon Routet The Associate on Her Travelst * Uncollected; a weekly "gossip column," to which her name was not attached. fUncollected. ^Uncollected; the only form in which published except that the programme of the play gives a briefer synopsis. It was produced in Crawfordsville, March 31, 1876. For account of an earlier play by her, in which she took part, see Susan E. Wallace's review in The Indianapolis Journal, May 31, 1885, of "A Man in the House." §Uncollected; later in The (Chicago) Interior, May 27, 1886, with title, For Memorial Day," and in The Denver Times, May 30, 1903, as "Memorial Day." || Uncollected; part was reprinted in editorial columns of The (Indianapolis) Saturday Review, October 29, 1881, and compared with another poem on a similar subject, not hers. HOn January 6, 1883, The Crawfordsville Journal announced that Mary Han- nah Krout had been made associate editor. Uncollected; a Memorial Day poem; for a different one, earlier, see The Crawfordsville Journal, June 5, 1880. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 59 The Crawfordsville Journal— continued 1883: August 25 M. H. K.'s St. Paul Letter* September 22 Taylor-Blair [report of wedding of Harold Taylor and Anna Elston Blair; unsigned]* November 10 The Louisville Exposition* December 29 Some Reminiscences of George C. Harding*; Doubtt 1884: January 5 A Year in Journalism* May 1 7 Dust to Dust; Death of W. F. Elston [obitu- ary; unsigned]* 24 [Wabash schools] + June 7 The Prairie City [Terre Haute, Ind.]* 14, 21 [Wabash schools]* September 6, 13 Washington Letter[s]* 20, 27, October 4,11 Boston Letter [s]* 18 New England* November 1 Sights in New York* December 20 The Ghost at Christmas [poem]* 1885: February 21 "The Poets of Indiana" [speech at Woman's Reading Club of Terre Haute, Febru- ary 20th]* July 25 Chicago Letter* 1886: January 9 Beethoven [poem]*; Chicago Working Women, How They Live . . .* 1 891: July 11 Wabash and Co-education [plea for admis- sion of women to Wabash College] * 1899: July 28 Anna E. Hall [obituary; includes a poem be- ginning, "Somewhere thou livest and hast need of Him"]§ 1900: October 19 Manila [speech, before D. A. R., Indianapo- lis]* 191 8: August 23 In Lincoln Street [poem] II Uncollected. t Uncollected; not same as the poem with same tide in Terre Haute Daily News, February 19, 1880; begins: "A veiled shape passed . . ." ^Uncollected and unsigned; this May 24th article, discussing removal of six teachers from the Wabash schools, was attributed to her by the Wabash Plain Dealer; her replies to the latter followed in The Crawfordsville Journal, June 14 and 21, unsigned still. § Uncollected. In an unidentified newspaper there appeared an obituary of Annie Rachel Hall, a Chicago schoolteacher, unsigned, but clipping present in the Krout Scrapbook in Chicago University Library; annotated in her hand: "Sat. May 21 '92." II Uncollected; the poem had appeared in an unidentified newspaper on Au- gust 19, 1 91 8 (excerpt in Krout Papers). 6o MARY HANNAH KROUT The Current (Chicago) 1884: October 18 Professor Emeritus [poem]* December 6 The Lark [poem] * 1885: May 9 When Spring Comes [poem]* 1886: January 2 Beethoven [poem]* The Daily Nebraskan (University of Nebraska, Lincoln) 191 8: December 11 Letter about the Mid-West Quarterly, De- cember 1 st, addressed to J. E. Le Rossig- nol]* The Denver (Colorado) Times 1 902 :t October 2-4 Odds and Ends* 6 Two Poet Brothers [Maurice and Will H. Thompson]*; Odds and Ends* 7- December 27 Odds and Ends* 29 Mary Hartwell Catherwood§; Odds and Ends* 3o- 5 Odds and Ends* 6 Mrs. [James H.] Peabody*; Odds and Ends* 7 Miss [Zona] Vallance*; Odds and Ends* 9- 24-25, 27- 5 Odds and Ends* 6 Odds and Ends [about Meredith Nicholson]* 7- 27 Odds and Ends* 1903: February April May June Good Company 1 881: August Harper's Weekly 1905: March The Home-Maker 1892: June The Independent 1876: March 1 901: February Lydia Darrah: An Episode of the Revolution- ary War [poem, unsigned]* 1 8 Personal Reminiscences of Lew Wallace* Yesterday [poem]* 9 The Singer [poem]* 21 Maurice Thompson at Homell * Uncollected. fThe contributions that Mary H. Krout made in 1 900-1 901 when she was on the staff of this newspaper were evidently unsigned. ^Uncollected; this column frequendy included her poems earlier published, therefore not listed here. § Uncollected. She had earlier paid brief tribute to Mrs. Catherwood in an ar- ticle, "Some Indianapolis Women" (-post 63). II Uncollected; reprinted in Phi Gamma Delta, Vol. 23, February, 1901. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 61 The Independent— continued 191 2: July 11 Thomas Ryan Marshall* The Indiana School Journal 1864: December The Old Homestead [poem] : The Indianapolis Journal For the Veterans [poem]t The Last Prayer [poem]+ My Friend [poem]* The Lark [poem]* When Spring Comes [poem] * [Untitled poem under caption:] The Fourth in Indiana§ Long Live the King [poem]* Dead in May (In Memory of Luella G. Kunse) [poem]* Christmas Bells [poem] * Professor Emeritus* Yesterday [poem]* English Housekeeping* Fair Samoa Recalled* At the Mansion House* Gen. Lew Wallace* Noted Women of Hawaii* Spring Ledge, a Bird Paradise near Crawfords- ville* An American Woman at a Chinese Feast* The (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald 1876: August 19 The Indiana Athens [signed Ben Offield] II 26 Crawfordsville Letter, August 24 [signed Ben Offield}* September 9 Premonition [poem]* * Uncollected. tUncollected; part was reprinted in the editorial columns of The (Indian- apolis) Saturday Review, October 29, 1881. ^Uncollected; dated October 16, 1882; earlier, bearing date July 25, 1882, pub- lished in an unidentified newspaper under title, "Out of the Depths." §Uncollected; read by Mrs. N. S. Joslin, Julv 4th, at Crawfordsville. II Uncollected; the pseudonym, Ben Offield, was used for her sporadic column of Crawfordsville correspondence until January 3, 1880, when she signed her own name. People named Offield were the first white settlers in Montgomery County, hence, probably, her choice of this pen name. 1 881: October 20 1882: October 2 1 1884: August 9 December 7 1885: March 1 5 July 5 1888: May 13 30 December 23 1889: January 27 1892: June 1 9 1899: January 1 February 1 9 April 3 The Indianapolis News 1888: August 25 1901 : July 27 1920: March 8 The Indianapolis Press 1900: June 23 62 MARY HANNAH KROUT The (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald— continued 1876: September 23 The Story of the Bloody Shirt [poem]' 30 Crawfordsville [signed Ben Offield]* October 14, 28, November 1 8 The Hoosier Athens [signed Ben Offield] * 25 The Land of the Swallow [poem]* December 2, 16 The Hoosier Athens [signed Ben Of- field]* After Work [poem]* 20 The Hoosier Athens [signed Ben Offield] * A Sorrow [poem]* 1877: January February March April 23 13 10 i7> 3.t 7> 14 21 1878: September 8 15 December 8, June 22 29 September 7 October 1 2, November 9, December 7 21 1879: March 22 December 20 1880: January 3 The Hoosier Athens [signed Ben Offield]* Apart [poem]* Mr. Jiggers' Toothpick [signed Mrs. J.]$ Faith [poem]* 22 The Hoosier Athens [signed Ben Offield]§ Our Alley-A Rural Sketchll In the East and West [poem]* From Chicago (Special Correspondence)* The Hoosier Athens [signed Ben Offield] * Jessies [sic] Guest: A Christmas Story for Children* Cornelia Chisholm [poem]* A Balhinch Christmas* The Hoosier AthensIF * Uncollected. fThe intervening issue, February 24th, may have contained the column, but is unlocated. ^Uncollected; established as her writing by an "M. H. K." written below the printed "Mrs. J." on the clipping in her father's scrapbook, now in the Indiana State Library. §Uncollected. During 1877 and 1878 the column occasionally bore signatures of Emily Hawthorne, Phoenix, or P, omitted here as not hers. || Uncollected; reprinted twice in The Crawfordsville Journal (July 6, 1878, and April 12, 1879) under the title, "A Crawfordsville Alley." HSigned Mary H. Krout for first time; her contributions to the column, "The Hoosier Athens," were earlier signed, Ben Offield. The fact that this pseudonym was hers is made clear by a note in the same newspaper, September 7, 1878, that "Miss Mary H. Krout, of Crawfordsville, a valued contributor to The Herald, has returned from her lakeside vacation . . .," and, on October 12, 1878, the col- umn, "The Hoosier Athens," signed Ben Offield, begins: "It requires a good deal of resignation to leave pleasure haunts in forest and by lakeshore . . . and turn willingly and cheerfully to work . . . especially if that work be . . . teaching PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 63 The (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald— continued 1882: July 1 Luther's Choral [poem] * 1887: February 19 Equal Suffrage Societies' The (Indianapolis) Saturday Review 1 881: October 29 [Civil War poem]* December 3 1 Lydia Darrah [poem] * The Indianapolis Star 1 9 14: March 1 July 12 Indiana Woman Recalls Incidents of Steven- son's Life in Samoa Islands* (Hoosier Section) Neighbors, Old and New* The Interior (see The [Chicago] Interior) The Inter Ocean (see The [Chicago] Inter Ocean) Kokomo (Indiana) Saturday Tribune 1879: March 8 Country Homes* April 5 Moral Qualifications* May 3 Boys and Girls* 3i "The Silent Majority"* June 28 Concerning Rest* July 26 Professional Women* August 9 In a Day [poem]* 30 Minor Trials* September 20 American Heathen* November 1 A Prologue [poem]* 29 Dress and Its Associations* December 27 The Four Knights [poem] * 1880: January 31 Two Country Towns* February 28 A Chapter on Shirks* March 27 The Wages of Sin* April 24 Sham* May 15 The Word of the King [poem]* 29 My Thought [poem]* June 26 Some Old Fashions and Their Decay* July 31 Some Indianapolis Women* August 1 4 Aunt Polly* September 25 A Common Grievance* October 23 Children* November 20 Uncle Riley's Funeral* December 18 Popular Taste* school." The scrapbooks preserved in her family also contain many of the Ben Offield clippings. * Uncollected. 6 4 MARY HANNAH KROUT The Ladies Repository 1869: December Out in the Street [poem]* Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science 1870: December To-Day [poem]* 1 871: January Life [poem]* Literature : An Illustrated Weekly 1888: June 2 General Lew Wallace* The Little Corporal 1869: June Mud Pies [poem]* September Lullaby [poem]* November "Tell Us a Story" [poem]* 1870: January The Little, Old Cradle [poem] * February What the Crickets Say [poem]* April Childhood Land [poem]* July The Clod [poem]* August Biddy* October Bess [poem]* December Little Purple Heartsease [poem]* 1871: March The Little Acorn [poem]* August What the Birds Told [poem] * October What Will the Baby Be? [poem]* 1872: October The Wood Violet [poem]* November The Lost Lamb [poem]* 1873: February The Wind and the Rain [poem]* 1874: April Winter Is Over [poem]*; An Idler [poem]* July A Little Dinner [poem]* 1875: April The Elves' Work [poem]*; Mother Earth's House-cleaning [poem]* Munsey's Magazine 1 901: October The Sower [poem]* The Neeraskan (see The Daily Nebraskan) The New York Journal & Advertiser, American Magazine Supple- ment 1899: May 21 Mrs. [Florence Holbrook] Maybrick to Be Freet New York Tribune 1874: August 2 1 (semi-weekly issue) Stubble [poem]* 1900: January 7 (daily issue) Missions in Chinat * Uncollected. -{•Uncollected; see The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, September 26, 1897, for an earlier article about Mrs. Maybrick. ^Unsigned; uncollected. Of her "special letters" from China, sent to the New York Tribune between September, 1899, and June, 1900, this is the only one PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 65 The North Western Farmer 1866: October i October [poem]* 1867: February i To the Wild Goose [poem; signed M.H.K.]t Our Young Folks 1868: September Little Brown Handst The Overland Monthly 1 871: March The Consummation [poem]f The (Peoria, Illinois) Saturday Evening Call 1879: October 4 Elizabeth Boynton Harbert [under caption: Women Who Write, Number 111]$ December 20 Spirits Four [poem]§; The Home-Coming [poem]t 1880: April 10 An Educational Fallacy t October 16 From Chicago to Mackinaw II Reader Magazine 1904: July A Song of Birds [poem]f August Opportunity [poem]t December The Doves of Honolulu [poem]t 1905: September Tusitala: Teller of Tales [poem] t 1906: May The King's Road [poem] t Sydney (Australia) Mail 1906: August 15 Brandon's BeatIF that, by its style, is identifiable as from her pen; an article published April 15, 1900, "To Benefit Other Lands," may or may not be hers. Manuscripts of several articles on China, not found published, are among the Krout Papers in the Indi- ana State Library. The Boxer Rebellion was the subject of a lecture she gave later in Australia (mentioned but not quoted in the Sydney Mail, June 20, 1906). * Uncollected; another poem written for this periodical, "The Departure of Summer," has been found in excerpt form, signed Mary Hannah Kennedy (Kennedy was a family name; Mary H. Krout signed the clipping with her same initials, so she evidendy wrote it) . tUncollected. $Uncollected. Elizabeth Boynton Harbert later wrote about Mary Krout in "Indiana Authors," Kokomo Saturday Tribune, January 31, 1880. § Uncollected; reprinted without title in her column, "After Breakfast Chat," November 14, 1886 (see post 66); begins: "Spirits four my door have passed II Uncollected. Her later contributions to the same newspaper have not yet been located; according to The Crawfordsville Journal, March 27, 1886, she was on the editorial staff of the Call from October, 1885, through March, 1886. She is thought to have had material published in this newspaper as early as 1878, but the issues are not available. ^Uncollected; a short story written for this paper. Her talk on American jour- nalism before the Woman's Branch of the British Empire League was mentioned but not quoted in the Sydney Mail on May 16, 1906. The Sydney Morning Her- ald, August 4, 1906, reported but did not quote her talk on "yellow" journalism before the Y. W. C. A. on August 2nd. 66 MARY HANNAH KROUT Sydney (Australia) Morning Herald 1906: August 8 American Women Millionaires* The Terre Haute Express 1886: September 5,12,19 After Breakfast Chat* 26 Woman and Home*; After Breakfast Chat* October 3 After Breakfast Chat* 10, 17, 24, 31, November 7, 14 Woman and Home*; After Breakfast Chat* 21 After Breakfast Chat* 28, December 5 Woman and Home*; After Breakfast Chat* 12, 19, 26, 1887: January 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 After Breakfast Chat* February 6 Swallows at Sunset [poem]t; After Breakfast Chat* [13]* 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3 After Breakfast Chat* 10 After Breakfast Chat* [includes poem: CApril)]| 17, 24, May 1,8,15 After Breakfast Chat* 22 After Breakfast Chat* [includes poem: At Parting] * June 5,12,19,26, July 17,24,31, August 7, 14, 21, 28, September 4, 11, 18, 25, October 2, 9, [i6]ll, 23, 30, November 6,13 After Breakfast Chat* The Terre Haute Saturday Evening Mail 1875: June 12 Little Brown Hands [poem] If October 30 Grown Old [poem]* * Uncollected. •{•Uncollected. Published later under the tide, "The Higher Light." :}:This date's issue missing from file in Emeline Fairbanks Memorial Library, Terre Haute. Since the column was a regular weekly feature at this time, it ws probably present. § Uncollected; poem without tide here, but called "April" in a later printing in The Denver Times, April 25, 1903. || This date's issue missing from file in Emeline Fairbanks Memorial Library, Terre Haute. Since the column was a regular weekly feature at this time, it prob- ably was present therein. IfUncollected; author's name spelled Crout. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 67 Terre Haute Daily News 1880: February 19 Doubt [poem]* United States Naval Institute Proceedings 1 921: February Perry's Expedition to Japant 1924: March Rear Admiral Charles Wilkes and His Ex- ploits! The Wabash Magazine 1867: June Twilight [poemji: 1869: June Dead [poem]§ 1870: June The Perfect [poem] II Notes : The list that follows is a record of titles known to have been published in periodicals which are unidentified; all are uncollected : Already [poem] (For the Indiana State Council of Defense). Probably published in an Indianapolis newspaper in 191 7 The Answer [poem] The Children's Wishes [poem] A Colonial Staple [article about wool and its tariff]. Probably in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean. She wrote at the side of the clipping: "A campaign document used in Illinois in 1 894." Undoubtedly by her, though unsigned. She had written much this year about the wool industry in New Zealand and Hawaii, in her signed columns The Cow [poem]. From The Terre Haute Excess, so stated, but not found therein The Crocus [poem], with date line: March 31, 1868 Died [obituary poem for Walter Nicholson, "aged 1 9 months 1 7 days," who died on Sunday, July 17, year unnamed] Down in New Zealand [poem] The Dying Year (For the Journal). Poem dated Dec. 19, 1864, and probably published in The Crawfordsville Journal December 24 or 31, 1864, but these issues unlocated The Empty Nest [poem] Evelyn Claire [poem] (For the Journal') Helpless Girls In Convalescence [poem], dated March 2, 1878 In Crawford's Woods [poem] * Uncollected; not same as poem with same title in The Crawfordsville Journal, December 29, 1883; begins: "No warmth was in the wintry sky . . . ." tUncollected. ^Uncollected, signed M.H.K. According to a story in The Northwestern Farmer, October 1, 1866, she had a contribution earlier in The Wabash Maga- zine; not located therein, unless the poem to Beach, untided and author un- named, included in the class history by R.B.F. Peirce, June, 1866, was hers. §Uncollected, signed M.H.K.; not same as "Dead in May." II Uncollected. On May 8, 1875, The Crawfordsville Journal listed this poem as one of the items deposited in the copper box sunk into the cornerstone of the Crawfordsville Court House, May 6, 1875. 68 MARY HANNAH KROUT Into Mischief [poem] (For the Crawfordsville Journal') [Kennedy; poem, untitled, written for the birthday of "Madam" Kennedy; begins: "Bright shines the light on the hearthstone"] [Letter to editor of The Evening Post, written from Chicago, Sept. 27, year unnamed; a protest against "Cecil's" comments on women who work outside the home] My Valentine [poem] The Old Stone House, Built in the City of Covington, Kentucky, in the Year 1791 [poem] (For the Review") Patient Workers [poem] [Poem, untitled, beginning: "O Soul, be strong! What bitter griefs are thine"] Pointers for Women. Article undated and unsigned, but undoubtedly hers. Probably in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean; on work open to women The Sick Boy [poem] Some Hints to Young, Middle-aged, and Elderly Gentlemen. (In the Inter-Ocean) The Soul [poem] To Olga Nethersole [poem; date line: Chicago, Feb. 3, year unnamed.] The author dined with Olga Nethersole in Picadilly in 1895, and described the occasion in her London letter published August 1 9th of that year. The poem and letter have no apparent connection, but in both she expressed admiration for the actress. [Note: Four, at least, of her poems appeared in an unlocated periodical called the Home Journal; two of these (clippings in her scrapbook) are stated to be written "for the Home Journal": "The Way of the World" and "Departed Days." The Crawfordsville Journal, September 9, 1869, published "The Promised Land" as "from the Home Journal" and, on February 24, 1870, "Through the Windows/' with the same note. Another unlocated publication, the Sorosis, is given credit for "The Face in the Fire," a poem reprinted therefrom in The Crawfordsville Journal, January 14, 1869. The Crawfordsville Weekly Review on the 23rd printed it also, with acknowledgment: "Copied from a recent number of Sorosis"; possibly a publication of the first woman's professional club in America, "Sorosis," founded in New York City in 1868. The poem, " 'Woman's Sphere/ " which appeared on August 1 2, 1 869, in The Crawfordsville Journal, made acknowledgment to The Covington Journal, and "The Grasshopper's Song," preserved in the form of an un- dated clipping, was written "For the Covington Journal." The Covington, Kentucky, newspaper of this name was searched from April to August 1 2, 1869, without success; the Covington, Indiana, paper was not available for checking. Two tides listed as hers in a newspaper obituary (The Indianapolis Star, June 1, 1927) and carried over into Who Was Who in America: 1897- 1942, have not been found: "The Eleventh Hour" ( 1 92 1 ) and "The Coign of Vantage"; latter supposed to have been a serial in Advance, 1909-19 10.] MEREDITH NICHOLSON born: Crawf or dsville, Indiana, December 9, 1866 died: Indianapolis, Indiana, December 21, 1947 Meredith Nicholson loved Indiana! He expressed in words and actions a life-time devotion to his state. Born in Crawfords- ville, he was brought by his family to Indianapolis when he was six and spent most of his eighty-one years in the capital city. He wove both cities into his stories and essays, which he saturated with his predominate theme : the wholesome culture of the people of Indiana; notably the books he considered his best, The Hoosiers (1900; 191 5) and A Hoosier Chronicle (191 2), the one a collec- tion of essays, the other a novel. His works fall largely within these two classifications; he had published twenty-one novels and five volumes of essays. When his publishers (Scribners) asked him for help in prepar- ing a bibliography for the brochure, Meredith Nicholson: Amer- ican Man of Letters, he suggested (June, 1923; letter unpublished, in Scribners' files) that they print the list in the latest Who's Who in America: "A complete bibliography would be difficult to com- pile as I have scattered a lot of stuff over the world. My patriotic howling during the war [World War I] distributed, and addresses and lectures through many years would make a large, fat volume. And I have written introductions for a few books— difficult to recall them now." The contributions to books, magazines, and newspapers are in- deed voluminous. Remembering that his first book was a collection 3f poems, Short Flights, published 1890, post-dated 1 891, it is in- teresting to note the preponderance of poetry among his early ac- :epted writings. On August 13, 1890, Mary H. Krout was predict- ing in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean great heights for him, "Indi- ana's Future Poet." In 1 906 he had another volume, called, Poems, His fame is due to neither, although they were favorably noticed, [t is as essayist and novelist that he is known. The world has agreed with his own opinion that The Hoosiers and A Hoosier Chronicle ire his best, also showing appreciation of The House of a Thou- sand Candles, which is still in print. The latter is a story that the 71 72 MEREDITH NICHOLSON author claimed "wrote itself"; usually he applied considerable time and effort to his work. Like Mary Krout he did more in the field of journalism than ap- pears as signed poems and articles. He served in an editorial ca- pacity on The Indianapolis Sentinel in 1 884 and The Indianapolis News, 1 884-1 897. After his brief sojourn in the West (he and his wife lived in Denver for about three years) he returned to Indian- apolis and his writing career became really launched with the pub- lication of The Hoosiers. His signature to poems in The Crawfordsville Journal, 1885— 1886, was Will Meredith Nicholson; he dropped the Will early and it has not been found in other publications. He apparently never used a pseudonym. A Crawfordsville friend, Kenyon Nicholson, collaborated with him to make a play out of one of his short stories, "Honor Bright," but this was evidently not his medium. Lacking a high school education, he was yet granted honorary degrees by colleges. Phi Gamma Delta made him an honorary member, and so did Phi Beta Kappa. He was elected to the Ameri- can Academy of Arts and Letters. His interest in politics and faith in the Democratic Party, for which he worked and wrote for years, bore fruit: he was appointed Minister to Portugal in 191 3. This he refused, but later service he accepted, to Paraguay (1933-1934), Venezuela (1 935-1 938), and Nicaragua (193 8- 1 941). The ambition to be an author probably came from his high ad- miration for James Whitcomb Riley and other successful writers, and his own quality of determination carried him to a place with them; loyalty, integrity, and the ability to express himself in writ- ten words kept him there. It is hard to think of him apart from the little group whose association he enjoyed so much: Riley, Ade, Tarkington, Nicholson; each recalls the other. The sparks they provided built a good literary fire. Chronology of Books and Pamphlets 1 891 Short Flights The Bowen-Merrill Co 1900 The Hoosiers The Macmillan Company FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 73 1903 The Main Chance The Bobbs-Merrill Company 1904 Zelda Dameron The Bobbs-Merrill Company 1905 The House of a Thousand Candles The Bobbs-Merrill Com- pany Poems The Bobbs-Merrill Company The Port of Missing Men The Bobbs-Merrill Company Rosalind at Red Gate The Bobbs-Merrill Company The Little Brown Jug at Kildare The Bobbs-Merrill Company The Lords of High Decision Doubleday, Page & Company The Siege of the Seven Suitors Houghton Mifflin Company Address hy Meredith Nicholson at Manual Training High School . . . October 6, 191 1 (Ephemera) Style and the Man The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (Ephemera) 1912 A Hoosier Chronicle Houghton Mifflin Company The Provincial American and Other Papers Houghton Mif- flin Company Otherwise Phyllis Houghton Mifflin Company The Poet Houghton Mifflin Company A Hoosier Classic (Ephemera) The Proof of the Pudding Houghton Mifflin Company The Madness of May Charles Scribner's Sons A Reversible Santa Claus Houghton Mifflin Company The Valley of Democracy Charles Scribner's Sons Lady Larkspur Charles Scribner's Sons Blacksheepl Blacksheepl Charles Scribner's Sons The Man in the Street Charles Scribner's Sons Best Laid Schemes Charles Scribner's Sons Broken Barriers Charles Scribner's Sons Honor Bright: A Comedy in Three Acts (with Kenyon Nichol- son) Samuel French The Hope of Happiness Charles Scribner's Sons On the Antietam Battlefield (Ephemera) And They Lived Happily Ever After! Charles Scribner's Sons The Governor's Day Off (Ephemera) The Cavalier of Tennessee The Bobbs-Merrill Company Old Familiar Faces The Bobbs-Merrill Company Biographical References Who's Who in America, Vols. 5-24; International Who's Who; standard encyclopedias and biographical reference works on American authors (he is named in practically all published in the twentieth cen- tury); Jacob P. Dunn, Indiana and Indianans (19 19); Meredith Nich- olson: American Man of Letters (Scribners, 1923); R. E. Banta, 74 MEREDITH NICHOLSON Indiana Authors and Their Books (1949), Hoosier Caravan (1951); Mrs. Jean Sanders, Meredith Nicholson: Hoosier Cavalier (thesis for Master's degree, in preparation under Raymond Pence, DePauw Uni- versity; copy to be deposited in Indiana State Library); "Without Bene- fit of College," (autobiographical) in Meredith Nicholson, Old Famil- iar Faces (1929). First Editions — Books 1891 (Published 1890) Short Flights SHORT FLIGHTS | BY | MEREDITH NICHOLSON I [rule] I With a Weak, uncertain wing | And a short flight, faltering | Like a heart afraid to sing. I [rule] | Indianapolis | the bowen-merrill co | 1891 Collation: [1-14] 4 . White laid paper. Leaf measures S 12 A%' x 4%", all edges trimmed (edges red in parti-colored cloth-bound copies). End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [i]; copyright notice dated 1890, p. [ii]; dedication to his uncle, William Morton Meredith, p. [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; table of contents, pp. v-vii; blank, p. [viii]; half- title, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; Invocation, p. xi; blank, p. [xii;] text, pp. [i]-86; divisional half-title, p. [87]; blank, p. [88]; text, pp. 89- 100; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. (i)-ioo, see Contents.] Illustrations: None. A rule appears below running tide on pp. vi-vii, xi, 2-86, and 89-100. Binding: Solid colored: green, maroon, and, light purple silk- finished mesh cloth; also, parti-colored blue, and, green : upper portion dark and lower light. Front cover gilt-stamped: short flights | [floral decoration at left of author's name:] meredith | Nicholson Spine gilt-stamped : short | flights | [rule] | Nicholson Back cover blank. End papers same as book stock; binder's leaf front and back. [Note: For other bindings see Notes.] Publication Data: Copyrighted January 8, 1891. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, December 24, 1890. Price, cloth, 75^; half-calf, $1.50 (full calf-binding not mentioned in early advertise- ments, but available December 24th). Notes: This collection of poetry was Nicholson's first book. It ap- peared in two cloth bindings : parti-colored, and, solid colored, without 75 76 MEREDITH NICHOLSON priority; also, in half-calf, and, full calf. A copy with inscription dated December 24, 1890, given to O. R. Johnson, business manager of The Indianapolis News, is in flexible calf binding; one inscribed January, 1 89 1, is in solid color; another, presented to Gen. Lew Wallace, also inscribed January, 1891, is in the parti-colored cloth,* as is the copy- right deposit copy. In all copies examined, the title-page, next to the last line, has final letter broken; in last line of the quotation above it, afraid, the first letter is separated slightly from the rest of the word; M in author's name de- fective. James Whitcomb Riley evidently had a copy in his hands on De- cember 23, 1890, since he wrote on that date to Charles Warren Stod- dard, prophecying "a very desirable altitude for the young man later on"— The Letters of James Whitcomb Riley, edited by William Lyon Phelps (1930), p. 112. "The verses in this little book were written between my seventeenth and twenty-second year," the author wrote later in a copy of his book.f Contents : Invocation— To the Seasons Sat Est Vixisse The Catholic World, October, 1889; The Indi- anapolis News, October 1 5, 1 889 Song [beginning, "Glad and sad make rhyme, my dear"] Tis Never Night in Love's Domain The Indianapolis Journal, September 5, 1886 Estranged When Friends Are Parted Whereaway The Boston Evening Transcript, November 1 o, 1 890 (with title: Where Away) A Secret The Indianapolis Journal, January 13, 1889 Disappointment The Indianapolis Journal, January 17, 1886 (signed Will Meredith Nicholson) Striving An Idolater The Indianapolis News, September 2, 1886 Love's Midas Touch In Ether Spaces^ The Catholic World, June, 1887; The Indi- anapolis Journal, November 10, 1889 My Paddle Gleamed *The first-named is John C. Rugenstein's; the second Lee Burns' copy; the latter is in Eagle Crest Library. fOwned by the Indianapolis Public Library. ^Reprinted in Indiana Poetry, by Aletha Mae Taylor (1925). Meredith Nicholson's first book, Short Flights: the two bindings and a presentation inscription FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 77 Faithless The Current, October 17, 1885 (signed Will Meredith Nicholson) Grape Bloom The Indianapolis News, May 28, 1886* (signed Will Meredith Nicholson') Ill-starred The Indianapolis News, July 25, 1886 (without hy- phen in title; signed Will Meredith Nicholson) The Soldier Heart The Indianapolis News, May 30, 1890 An Unwritten Letter My Lady of the Golden Heart Dreams The Indianapolis Journal, July 12, 1885 (signed Will Meredith Nicholson); The Catholic World, July, 1889! Cardinal Newman The Catholic World, September, 1890 On the Mediterranean : The Greek Girl's Song; The Shepherd's Song [subtitles not in table of contents] The Indianapolis Jour- nal, December 22, 1889 (under caption: Greek Love Songs) Watching the World Go By The Indianapolis News, March 29, 1890 Righteous Wrath The Boston Evening Transcript, December 26, 1889 Sunset Rondeau of Eventide The Catholic World, November, 1 889 A Prince's Treasure (To His Royal Highness, Russell Fortune) [subtitle not in table of contents] The Indianapolis Journal, April 14, 1889 Dieu Vous Garde The Indianapolis Journal, January 20, 1889I Sweetheart Time The Road to Happiness Guarding Shadows Art's Lesson The Indianapolis News, April 5, 1890 In the Shadow The Indianapolis Journal, July 6, 1890 "Lead, Kindly Light" The Indianapolis Journal, July 13, 1890 Songs and Words For a New Year's Morn Three Friends (Paul Hamilton Hayne, Sidney Lanier and Robert Burns Wilson) [subtitle not in table of contents] The Indian- apolis Journal, June 8, 1890 *"For the Indianapolis News, May, 1886," so stated in the newspaper print- ing. Nicholson tells in Old Familiar Faces (1929), p. 107, of his selling this poem to a New York weekly paper (unnamed), but he never saw it printed therein. fThe newspaper printing is from an early draft of the poem; between the ver- sions in the periodicals and book there is evidence of rewriting. ^Reprinted in The Dial, February, 1 891, in a review of the book by William Morton Payne. 78 MEREDITH NICHOLSON A Rhyme of Little Girls The Indianapolis Journal, January 6, 1889 The Battles Grandsire Missed The Indianapolis News, May 30, 1889 Barred The Current, December 26, 1885 (signed Will Meredith Nicholson) A Slumber Son The Indianapolis Journal, July 7, 1889 Before the Fire October The Indianapolis Journal, October 26, 1890 "In Winter I Was Born" [quotation marks not in table of contents] Good Night and Pleasant Dreams The Indianapolis News, Feb- ruary 15, 1890 Where Love Was Not The Indianapolis Journal, September 12, 1886 Down the Aisles Ruin Half Flights The Indianapolis Journal, May 1, 1887 A Kind of Man The Indianapolis Journal, September 19, 1886 Transfigured The Indianapolis Journal, January 2, 1 887 Love's Power The Indianapolis Journal, January 2, 1 887 Fire-hunting The Current, September 5, 1885 (signed Will Meredith Nicholson) "Heartache" (Lines naming a landscape painted by Mr. Theo- dore C. Steele, owned by Mr. Louis C. Gibson) [quotation marks and subtitle not in table of contents] Friendship's Sacrament The Indianapolis News, November 8, 1890 Omar Khayyam Poems (Indianapolis Flower Mission, 1890) A Discovery (According to a Child) [subtitle not in table of con- tents] The Indianapolis Journal, January 24, 1886 (signed Will Meredith Nicholson) A Modern Puritan* The Indianapolis Journal, July 13, 1890 The Law of Life (To Mr. Charles H. Ham, author of "Manual Training") [subtitle not in table of contents] To Eugene Field in England The Indianapolis News, April 26, 1890 (with title: To Eugene Field in London) Dependence By Sheridan's Grave Viking (Written in Du Chaillu's Viking Age) [subtitle not in table *This poem, and those following are sonnets, introduced by a divisional half- title. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 79 of contents] The Indianapolis News, December 1 6, 1 889 (with title : Our Debt to the Norsemen) Violin The Crawfordsville journal, November 20, 1886 (signed Will Meredith Nicholson') What the Babies Say Secrets The Indianapolis News, November 19, 1885 (signed Will Meredith Nicholson) Blind The Indianapolis News, February 8, 1 890 A Fancy Thoreau The Current, July 10, 1886 (signed Will Meredith Nicholson) I9OO The Hoosiers I*HE HOOSIERS | BY | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | New York | THE MAC- MILLAN COMPANY | LONDON: MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD. | 1900 | All rights reserved Collation: B-I 8 , K-T 8 (all signed on recto of 7th leaf), [U] 2 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5", top edge gilt, other edges Lintrimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; list of books in the series of National Studies in American Letters edited by George Edward Woodberry, p. [ii]; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice dated 1900, and imprint of the Norwood Press, p. [iv]; dedication to the memory of Caleb Mills, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; preface dated July, 1900, pp. vii-viii; table of con- tents, pp. ix-x; half-title, p. [xi]; blank, p. [xii]; text, pp. 1-271; blank, p. [272]; Index, pp. 273-277; blank, p. [278]; publisher's advertise- ments, pp. [279-280] ; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-27 1, see Contents.] Binding: Maroon mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped: the hoosiers I [rule] | Nicholson | national studies in American let- iers Spine gilt-stamped: [triple rule] | the | hoosiers | Nicholson I the macmillan | company | [triple rule]. Back cover blank. End papers white laid, heavier than book stock; no binder's leaf Front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office and pub- lished November 17, 1900. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, November 24th. Price, $1.25. 8o MEREDITH NICHOLSON Notes: First edition as collated. No illustrations. Issued in the series of National Studies in American Letters, done at the request of George E. Woodberry. A later binding state of the book shows all edges trimmed, top edge gilt, leaf measuring 6%" X4 i y 16 " (earlier, 7% " x 5"), bound in red ribbed cloth, of poorer quality than the original mesh. A new impression from plates of the first edition appeared with all edges trimmed, top edge ungilded, leaf measuring only 6%" x 4%", bound in bright red coarse mesh cloth stamped in black. The Centennial Edition, dated 191 5, identified on front cover, was also printed from the original plates, but with revisions and an added chapter, IX, "A Centennial Postscript." The revisions consisted of foot- notes, pp. 9, 198, 199, 211, 223, and 226; the account of George Ade reworded and added to, p. 242; a one-sentence note of Edward Eggle- stons death added p. 155. It was published August, 191 5 (copyrighted August 26th), reprinted twice in September, 191 5, also reprinted January, February twice, March, September, and December, 1916. In an inscription, July 5, 191 9,* the author said: 'This book, writ- ten in Denver, during a three year's residence there, expresses my homesickness. I spent much time and care in the writing . . . ." In an in- terview published in The Indianapolis News, December 5, 1900, he is quoted as declaring it written at the invitation of Prof. Woodberry, of Columbia University, editor of the series. He remarked frequently that this was his personal favorite of all his writings, the one by which he expected to be longest remembered. t In telling an interviewer in 1946 that he considered it his best book, he described it as "a long essay on Indiana culture."t Contents : CHAPTER I Indiana and Her People § II The Rural Type and the Dialect [subdivisions in table of contents: The Word "Hoosier" | Pioneer Difficulties | The Dialect] III Bringers of the Light [subdivisions in table of contents: Religious Influences | Early Illiteracy | Caleb Mills | Julia L. Dumont and Catharine Merrill] ^Inscription for Charles Romm; copy in the Indiana State Library. t Indiana Authors and Their Books, 18 16-19 16, compiled by R. E. Banta (1949), p. 238. For Riley's appreciation of the book see Letters of James Whit- comb Riley edited by William Lyon Phelps (1930), p. 248. XThe Indianapolis Times, February 20, 1946, p. 7; interview by Henry Buder. §Reprinted, with comment, in Hoosier Caravan, selected by R. E. Banta Ci95i). FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 81 IV An Experiment in Socialism [subdivisions in table of con- tents: New Harmony | Robert Dale Owen and William Maclure | Thomas Say and the Scientists] V The Hoosier Interpreted Edward Eggleston* James Whitcomb Rileyf VI Crawfordsville [first subdivision in table of contents : 'The Hoosier Athens"] General Lew Wallace [in table of contents: Lew Wal- lace] Maurice Thompson Mary H. Krout— Caroline V. Krout [in table of contents: and in place of em dash] VII "Of Making Many Books There Is No End" [first subdivi- sion in table of contents : Indiana a Point of Departure] Fiction History and Politics Miscellaneous VIII An Indiana Choir Early Writers Forceythe Willson [table of contents adds : and Elizabeth Conwell Willson] Later Poets [table of contents adds a final subdivision: The Hoosier Landscape] I9O3 The Main Chance the main I chance [title in red] I by | meredith Nicholson I ILLUSTRATED BY | HARRISON FISHER | INDIANAPOLIS | THE BOBBS- MERRILL COMPANY I PUBLISHERS [Note : All within a wide rule box which is within a parallel rule box, the inner parallel rule being red.] *Not same as "Edward Eggleston," a later article in The Atlantic Monthly, December, 1902. tNot same as "James Whitcomb Riley," later in The Atlantic Monthly, Octo- ber, 1 91 6. 82 MEREDITH NICHOLSON Collation: [1-28] 8 (plus one unsigned leaf in first signature). White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%" (full) x 5% 6 "> all edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, inserted, verso bearing copyright notice dated 1903, statement: May, and imprint in red of Braunworth & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.; dedication to E. K. N. [Eugenie Kountze Nicholson], p. [Hi]; blank, p. [iv]; table of contents, pp. [v-vi]; half-title, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; text, pp. 1-4 19; blank, pp. [420-422]; divisional half- title, p. [423]; publishers' advertisements, pp. [424-438]; blank, pp. [439-440]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 1-419: The Main Chance, Chapters I-XLII (titled).] Illustrations : Colored frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are colored plates facing pp. 28, 118, 286, 294, 416. All are by Harrison Fisher. Binding: Light green ribbed cloth. Front cover has title and au- thor's name gilt-stamped within a white-stamped design: the | main chance [title boxed by a wide rule, the lower fart of box joined to a panel composed of vertical rules crossed by horizontal rules, single, quadruple, and parallel; the quadruple rules are intercepted in center by a vignette displaying a white-stamped trolley car; at foot, gilt- stamped:} By meredith Nicholson [the wide rule forming the box for the title, continues to foot of cover, boxing all the foregoing} . Spine has lettering gilt-stamped, rules white-stamped : [wide rule] | the | main chance I [wide ride joined to vertical rules which intercept one single rule and join another one] | Nicholson | [single rule joined by vertical rules which intercept one single rule and join another] | bobbs | Mer- rill I [wide rule]. Back cover blank. End papers white wove, heavier than book stock; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office May 9, 1903; published May 10th. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, May 14, 1903. Price, $1.50. Notes: First edition bears statement on copyright page: May. It has been noted in several states : State 1: Sigs. [1-28] 8 Title-page in red and black, inserted Braunworth imprint on copyright page in red (later, black) State 2: Signatures and title-page as in State 1 FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 83 Braunworth imprint on copyright page in black (ear- lier, red) State 3: Sigs. [1-13] 16 , [14] 8 (earlier, [1-28] 8 ) Title-page in black (earlier, red and black), and an integral part of the book (earlier, inserted) No imprint on copyright page (earlier, present, first in red, and then in black) Copies in State 3 have no color in illustrations. Advertisements are in various states following p. [424] which ends the book proper : Advertisements State 1 : 16-page publisher's catalogue in back, followed by a final blank leaf (later, 18 printed pages) 15th page advertises The 13th District [Note : Thus in the copyright deposit copies and the earliest inscribed copy located*] Advertisements State 2: 18-page catalogue in back (earlier, 16 pages plus blank leaf), last leaf ad- vertising The Redemption of David Corson and The Puppet Crown 15th page same as Advertisements State 1 Advertisements State 3: 18-page catalogue in back with 17th page advertising Tomorrow's Tan- gle, 1 8th, The Grey Cloak (earlier, a blank leaf, then, advertising The Redemption of David Corson and The Puppet Crown) 1 5th page advertises The Fortunes of Fifi (earlier, The 13th District). Copies in States 1 and 2 of sheets have combinations that are at first glance puzzling with States 2 and 3 of advertisements. But, the final signature being a publisher's catalogue, it is of no great significance in determining sequence of issue. If the catalogue advertised books pub- lished after 1903, that would be a different matter. A complete lack of advertisements seems to accompany State 3 of the sheets. This was Nicholson's first novel, recorded as a "best-seller" in the Bookman record of November, 1903. It was also Omaha's first historical Inscription dated May 29, 1903; copy in the collection of John C. Rugenstein. 8 4 MEREDITH NICHOLSON novel, according to newspaper accounts, and provoked considerable dis- cussion there. * Grosset & Dunlap reprinted it in 1905 and kept it in print until 19 1 2; noted in two bindings: green coarse mesh, with title gilt-stamped but other lettering and decorations green, and, light blue with title and lettering blue-stamped but decorations brown; advertisements differ also: only 2 pages of advertisements in green-bound copy with title gilt, 14 pages in other. A British edition was published by Ward, Lock & Co., Ltd., June, 1904. The author made the following comments in a copy inscribed in 1923 :f 'This is a story of Omaha. The publishers wouldn't allow me to use the name— hence 'Clarkson/ the name of a P. E. Bishop long identified with the community. The kidnapping episode was well known; the boy was a Cudahy, of a family long identified with the meat packing business in Omaha, Chicago, and elsewhere." Nicholson, it was said,:]: had offers from New York dramatists who in 1903 wanted to put the book on the stage, but he thought it not well adapted to such presentation. I9O4 Zelda Dameron ZELDA I DAMERON I By | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | Author of The Main Chance | With Drawings by | john cecil clay | Indi- anapolis I THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY | PUBLISHERS [Note: All within a parallel rule box.] Collation: [1-13] 16 (plus one inserted leaf in first signature), [14] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%" (scant) x 4 1 %6"> all edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, inserted, verso bearing copyright notice dated 1904, statement: October, and imprint of Braunworth & Co., * Nicholson probably got inspiration for the book from visits to his wife's peo- ple in Omaha. The Indianapolis journal as early as December 17, 1897, noted that the Nicholsons were to spend the holidays there. fFor the Indiana State Library. %The Indianapolis journal, November 5, 1903, p. 3. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 85 Brooklyn, N. Y.; dedication to the memory of the author's father [Ed- ward Willis Nicholson], p. [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; table of contents, pp. [v-vi]; half-title, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; text, pp. 1-411; blank, pp. [412-414]; divisional half-title, p. [415]; publisher's advertise- ments, pp. [416-424]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 1-411: Zelda Dameron, Chapters I-XXXVI (titled).] Illustrations: Colored frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are colored plates facing pp. 22, 98, 148, 222, 258, 326, and 376. All are by John Cecil Clay. Binding: Tan (rose beige) silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover white-stamped: Zelda | Dameron | [floral design in rose, yellow, and green on white oval, with monogram, MA; bordered hy a row of dots and dashes] | Meredith Nicholson [all within a white parallel rule box]. Spine white-stamped : [parallel rule] | zelda | dameron | [floral design stamped in yellow and green] | meredith | Nicholson | bobbs I merrill I [parallel rule]. Back cover blank. End papers slightly calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data : Deposited in the Copyright Office October 12, 1904. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, October 15th.* Price, $1.50. Notes : First edition bears statement, October, on copyright page. It has been noted in two states besides a "de luxe edition" : State 1 : Printed on wove paper that bulks book to 1" across sheets (later, i%") Sigs. [1-13] 16 (plus one inserted leaf in first signa- ture), [14] 8 (later, [1-27] 8 ) Title-page inserted (later, an integral part of the book) Copyright page bears 4-line printers' slug (later, 3-line slug) Publisher's catalogue, pp. [415-424] (later, pp. [415- 422]), contents same in all copies up to p. [419] : ad- vertising At the Big House by Anne Virginia Cul- bertson, p. [419] (later omitted and this page adver- *The review suggests that the locale is identifiable : "Mariona" is Indianapolis; "Jefferson Street," Washington; "High Street," Virginia Avenue; "Hamilton Club," Columbia Club; and "Tippecanoe," University Club. An interview re- ported in The Indianapolis Sentinel, October 23, 1904, quoted the author as saying that his characters were not drawn from local personages, but the book was an attempt to link the old Indianapolis, "the town of the period before the Civil War, with the city of today [1904]." 86 MEREDITH NICHOLSON tising The Yoke'); advertising The Yoke on p. [422]; Her Infinite Variety by Brand Whitlock, p. [423] (later omitted); The Reader Magazine, p. [424] (later on p. [422]) State 2: Printed on wove paper that bulks book to i%" across sheets (earlier, 1") Sigs. [1-27] 8 (earlier, [1-13] 16 [plus one inserted leaf in first signature], [14] 8 ) Title-page an integral part of the book (earlier, an in- sert) Copyright page bears 3-line printer's slug, lacking statement: Bookbinders And Printers (earlier the third line in a 4-line slug) Publisher's catalogue, pp. [415-422] (earlier, pp. [415-424]: advertisements same as State 1 up to p. [419] which advertises The Yoke (earlier, At The Big House); pp. [420] and [421] same as State 1; p. [422] advertising The Reader Magazine (earlier, p. [424]). To compensate for the title-page being made an integral part of the book, two pages of advertisements were omitted in the later issue, those advertising Anne Virginia Culbertson's At the Big House, and Brand Whitlock's Her Infinite Variety. Both states are in the tan floral binding, white-stamped. State 1 copies have end papers slightly calendered; in State 2 copies there is less evidence of any coating. The "de luxe edition" was available in December, 1904.* It is printed on white laid paper, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed; has tide-page an integral part of the book; gatherings are [1-27] 8 ; lacks printers' slug on copyright page; has no advertisements; is bound in light blue cloth, gilt-stamped. It probably appeared before State 2 of the trade edition. Grosset & Dunlap reprinted the novel in 1906. A copy has been re- ported with their imprint on title-page, original publisher's on spine. This book does not contain characterizations of Indianapolis resi- dents, the author told a reporter for The Indianapolis Sentinel, ca. Oc- tober 15, 1904 (clipping examined lacks full date). *A copy presented by the author to General Lew Wallace at this time is now in Eagle Crest Library. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 87 I905 The House of a Thousand Candles THE HOUSE OF A | THOUSAND CANDLES | By | MEREDITH NICHOLSON I Author of THE MAIN CHANCE | 2ELDA DAMERON, ETC. I WITH IL- LUSTRATIONS BY I HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY | "So On the mOlTl there fell new tidings and other adventures" | malory | Indian- apolis I THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY | PUBLISHERS Collation : [ 1-25] 8 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5%" (full), all edges trimmed. End paper; blank, pp. [i-iv] ; fly title, p. [v] ; blank, p. [vi] ; frontis- piece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [vii]; copyright notice dated 1905, statement: November, and imprint of Braun worth Press, Brooklyn, N. Y., p. [viii]; dedication To Margaret My Sister, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; table of contents, p. [xi]; blank, p. [xii]; half-title, p. [xiii]; blank, p. [xiv]; text, pp. 1-382; blank, pp. [383-384]; publisher's advertisements, pp. [385-386]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-382, see Contents.] Illustrations : Colored frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as ire plates facing pp. 30, 100, 124, 164, 230, and 312; all by Howard Chandler Christy. A headpiece appears on first page of text and tail- piece on last. Binding : Blue mesh cloth. Front cover red-stamped : The house >f [dot] a I thousand | candles | [decorative design of gilt-stampec candelabrum, with candles stamped in white, flames red; within the lesign are ornaments in red, white, and gilt, and gilt dots, initial R at nner left, repeated at inner right; author's name red-stamped within mnel-like base:] meredith [dot] Nicholson Spine red-stamped: The I house I of a J thousand | candles | Nicholson | [decorative de- ign of gilt-stamped candelabrum with candles stamped in white, flames ed, a red and white ornament in center, graduated gilt rules at base] bobbs I merrill | [gilt-stamped rule]. Back cover blank. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published November 16, 1905. Two copies of 88 MEREDITH NICHOLSON proof sheets of Chapter XVI had been deposited for copyright Au- gust 21, 1905. Advertised as "The Big November Novel" in The Pub- lishers' Weekly, October 28th. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, November 16th. Price, $1.50. Notes: First edition as collated, with November on copyright page. The Albany (New York) journal, December 6, 1905, described the book as already in its second edition. Within the numerous issues there are distinguishable two states of text and several states of binding: State 1 : Sigs. [1-25] 8 (later, [1-26] 8 ) Book stock laid paper (later, wove) Publisher's advertisements, pp. [385-386] (later, a cat- alogue extending to p. [416]) State 2: Sigs. [1-26] 8 (earlier, [1-25] 8 ) Book stock wove paper (earlier, laid) Publisher's advertisements introduced by a divisional half-title (p. [385], verso blank), and extended to p. [416] (earlier, only 2 pages of advertisements). All the books advertised were published in 1905, but in State 2 a book is listed which was of later deposit in the Copyright Office than The House of a Thousand Candles; i.e., Hearts and Masks, by Mac- Grath. The defective last line and folio of p. 370 are found in copies with both states of text, but in no copies of State 1 is the correction made; some copies of State 2 bear correction. Bindings offer many variations, and a sequence is difficult to estab- lish. This much is apparent: gilt stamping on front cover and spine occurs only on copies with text in State 1. Where it is found on copies with text in State 2 it is accompanied by a change in the font of the red Bobbs Merrill imprint on spine, the M in Merrill 3mm. high (earlier, 4) and the word 18mm. wide (earlier, 22). Gold-colored stamping (in place of gold leaf) came later, but both the gilt and its imitation were used before Christmas, 1905. The gold color varies from pale yellow to orange (deep orange found on copies with text in State 2 and repairs to last line and folio of p. 370); herewith the red imprint on the spine shows further variations in font and spacing of the letters, the Merrill being spread as far as 3cm. in width. A copy of the book with frontispiece captioned, Olivia, has been reported but not located/ Frontispiece in all copies examined bears the legend: There is something jaunty . . . , quoted from p. 79; later a re- print used as frontispiece the plate that earlier faced p. 164 (thus in * Noted by Jacob Blanck. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 89 copy with A. Wessels' imprint on title-page, Grosset & Dunlap on spine). Grosset & Dunlap had at least three editions : one in 19 12 or earlier; another, with scenes from the photoplay, 191 5; and a third, in their Novels of Distinction series, 1936. McClurg issued a "new edition," in 191 5. British editions began appearing with Gay & Bird's "cheaper edi- tion (printed from American plates)," November, 1906; Nelson issued it in March, 191 1; Gay & Hancock, April, 1928; A. & C. Black, "new edition," July, 1928, and "cheap edition," July, 1936. A Budapest edition with title, (Az) Ezer Gyertyak Haza, has been located. The novel was published as a serial in a French newspaper un- der the title, "La Maison des Milles Flambeaux," probably in book form also, translated by Jean Rolland. Other foreign editions are yet to be found.* In a "self-interview," written for the New York Herald, Septem- ber 23, 1906, the author claimed that the story followed "the wind's will," that he "never assumed any responsibility for the characters or incidents." "It was all news to me," he said, "and I shall never know again the same pleasure I experienced in running upstairs every eve- ning to my workroom to see just what was going to happen next. The very name of the book was an inadvertence. It slipped from the pen without premeditation . . . ." His inscriptions in copies of the book told a similar story. "This novel was written at 1500 N. Delaware Street, Indianapolis, (a new home we had built), between October, 1904 and the following May.t At this time there was a deluge of tales in imitation of Anthony Hope's 'Prisoner of Zenda.' It occurred to me to show if possible that a romantic tale could be written, without an 'imaginary kingdom/ with 'he scene in our own Indiana. Lake Maxinkuckee suggested the scene .... The success of the story surprised me. It was translated into five languages, was popular in England, and was dramatized with E. M. Holland, a distinguished actor, in the role of Bates. Two motion pic- '. ;ure versions have been made. The title is still being paraphrased by advertisers. I have had more fun out of this tale than out of any other [ have written." + *A Bobbs-Merrill advertisement on September 26, 1908 (in The Puhlishers' Veekly') mentioned a Japanese translation as contemplated. t"Unusually quick production for me," he declared in a copy inscribed April 8, [921, for Charles Thomas Scott, now in Eagle Crest Library. ^Written in an Indiana State Library copy, May 23, 1932. According to the D eoria, Illinois, Star, December 16, 1906, a railway was advertising "The Road of . Thousand Wonders," two widely separated candy manufacturers described 9 o MEREDITH NICHOLSON His "Confessions of a 'Best-Seller/ " in The Atlantic Monthly, No- vember, 1909, collected in The Provincial American (1912), concerned this book, though unnamed therein. The dramatization, by George Middleton, was mentioned in The Indianapolis Star, May 28, 1906, and again on August 16, 1906; pro- duced in Indianapolis September 5, 1907. The Wright Huntington stock company was playing it in Minneapolis on June 5, 1913. Of the two motion pictures before 1936, one was released in 191 5, by the Selig Company, Chicago (see a story in The Indianapolis Star, June 20, 191 5, captioned, "What's a Mere Author's Pet to the Czar of Film- land?," with statement that it would be released within six weeks); it was directed by T. N. Heffron, starred Harry Mestayer and Grace Darmond. This is evidently the one from which Grosset & Dunlap made a photoplay edition (191 5). The other was released February, 1920/ An adaptation by Dorothy Davenport Reid and others was re- leased by Republic Productions, Inc., April 3, 1936, directed by Arthur Lubin, starring Phillips Holmes, Mae Clarke and Iriving Pichel. Contents : The House of a Thousand Candles, Chapters I-XXIX (titled); earlier a serial in The Reader Magazine, Vol. 6, June-Decem- ber, 1905.1 I.906 Poems poems I [vignette within single rule hox] | meredith Nicholson I INDIANAPOLIS | THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY | PUBLISHERS Collation: [1-8] 8 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 8" x 5%", top edge gilt, other edges deckled. End paper; blank, pp. [i-iv]; fly title, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; title- page, p. [vii]; copyright notice dated 1906, and statement: April, p. [viii]; proem: To James Whitcomb Riley, pp. [ix -xi]; acknowledg- themselves as 'The House of a Thousand Candies," and a summer resort hotel was called "The House of a Thousand Delights." e„ r -w< * According to the author's statement in a letter to M. E. Perkins of Scribner^ February 4, 1920; producer unnamed, and no record obtained from Republic Pr0 tIt U wiTa , n I e I w;paper serial after book publication, in The Indianapolis News, October 13-November 13, 1906. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 91 ment to periodicals, p. [xii]; table of contents, pp. [xiii-xiv]; half-title, p. [xv]; blank, p. [xvi]; text, pp. 1-110; blank, pp. [111-112]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-110, see Contents.] Illustrations: None except vignette on title-page. Title-page made decorative with hand-lettering, O intercepting P in title, and hyphen in Bohbs-Merrill being two short rules. Binding: Green ribbed cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped: poems | Meredith | Nicholson | [vignette, similar to that on title-page, at lower right; all within a single rule box]. Spine gilt-stamped: poems | Mere- dith I Nicholson I bobbs | merrill Back cover blank. End papers same as book stock; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published May 21, 1906 (reviewed in The Indianapolis News, this date, with statement, "published today"); de- posited in the Copyright Office May 25th. A presentation copy to Louis Howland was signed May 19th.* Price, $1.25. Notes: First edition bears statement on copyright page: April C though not available until the month following). Two states of bind- ing have been noted : Binding State 1 : Ribbed cloth (later, smooth mesh); end papers same as book stock (later, calen- dered). Thus in copyright deposit copies and those with earliest inscriptions Binding State 2: Smooth mesh cloth (earlier, ribbed); end papers calendered (earlier, same as book stock). Thus in a copy purchased new in 191 1, and in one inscribed by the author, January, 1911.! This was Nicholson's second (and last) book of poems, the earlier >ne being Short Flights (1891). Contents: The poems herein make their first appearance in a Nicholson book with exception of " In Winter I Was Born/ " "Watch- ng the World Go By," "To the Seasons," and "Grace Chimes," which lad appeared in Short Flights, the last-named under the title, " 'Lead, Cindly Light/" [Proem] To James Whitcomb Riley^: *In John C. Rugenstein's private library. fFormer in Indiana State Library, latter in Eagle Crest Library. jThe tribute evidendy pleased Riley, since he bought seventy-five copies of le book and sent them far and wide, which "constituted the greater part of the 92 MEREDITH NICHOLSON Where Four Winds Meet Modern Art, Winter, 1895; The Indi- anapolis journal, August 8, 1 895 The Wind at Whitsuntide The Valley of Vision Once a Year, the Flower Mission Magazine (1899) Charm Harpers New Monthly Magazine, June, 1 898; The Indi- anapolis journal, May 29, 1 898 Wide Margins The Atlantic Monthly, October, 1902 Chords The Century Magazine, January, 1895 The Wind Patrol Once a Year ( 1 897) A Prayer of the Hill-Country The Century Magazine, June, 1899; Louisville (Kentucky) Post, June 20, 1903 The Spirit of Mountains The Hesperian Tree . . . 1903, edited by John James Piatt (1903) The Psalms in the Mountains Indiana Writers of Poems and Prose, compiled by Edward Joseph Hamilton (1902)* In the Great Pastures The Atlantic Monthly, July, 1901 A Shadow of the Rockies The Century Magazine, September, 1900 Simplicity The Reader Magazine, August, 1904! An April Easter The Ishmaelite, April, 1899 Asphodel To a Debutante Love's Music Once a Year, The Flower Mission Magazine ( 1 899) West Boston Evening Transcript, May 2, 1 894 Escheat The University Review, October, 1893; The Indianap- olis Journal, October 15, 1893 Shadow Lines Poets and Poetry of Indiana, edited by Benj. S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (1900) Youth and Winter The Winter Wind in the Rockies God Save the State! [dated November, 1904] The Century Magazine, November, 1904; The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, No- vember 13, 1904 circulation of the book."— Meredith Nicholson's comment reported in The In- dianapolis Star, December 11, 191 o. The poem has been frequently reprinted. See The Poet (191 4), Notes, for further Riley-Nicholson references. *With acknowledgment to Century Magazine, but the poem has not been lo- cated therein. fReprinted in Indiana Poetry by Aletha Mae Taylor (1925), and in Trouba- dour, Indiana number, October, 1930; also on back of one issue of Scribner's booklet, Meredith Nicholson: American Man of Letters (1923). FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 93 The Earth The (New York) Sun, April 9, 1899* An Old Guidon Boston Evening Transcript, September 28, 1894 (with title: The Old Guidons); War Payers Read before the In- diana Commandery Military Order of the United States (1898) The Heart of the Buglef Shiloh Cuba [dated January, 1898] The Ishmaelite, January, 1897 "Bless Thou the Guns" [dated April, 1898] The Indianapolis journal, April 18, 1898; Spanish-American War Songs, compiled by Sidney A. Witherbee (1898) The Horns The Century Magazine, August, 1898; The Indian- apolis Journal, October 23, 1898; Poets and Poetry of Indiana, edited by Benj. S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (1900) Bellona | (Gerome's Statue) The Reader Magazine, November, 1905 A Tenant New Year's Collect From Bethlehem to Calvary^: Mea Culpa University Magazine, December, 1 892 News The Indianapolis Journal, June 19, i898§ For a Pioneer's Memorial The Century Magazine, July, 1899 (with title: Camps) || Orchards by the Sea The Century Magazine, September, 1898 Ireland Derelict The Wayward Muse Memory Harper's New Monthly Magazine, April, 1897 Unmapped The Critic, June 18, 1898; Poets and Poetry of In- diana, edited by Benj. S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (1900) John Tyndall | Obiit December 4, 1893 The Dead Archer | Maurice Thompson, Obiit February 15, 1901 * Reprinted in The Indianapolis Journal, April 16, 1899, with same tide; in Vhe Indianapolis News, May 24, 1902, with title, "Earth's Moods of Might." t Reprinted in Poetry of Today, by Rose M. R. Mikels & Grace Shoup (1927), .nd in Hoof-Marks in the Sod, compiled by June W. Snyder (1946). ^Reprinted in The Master of Men, compiled by Thomas Curtis Clark (1930). §Signed, "Meredith Nicholson in the Chap-Book"; notwithstanding, it did not tppear in The Chap-Book, which ceased publication with the issue of July 1, 1898; perhaps the poem had been accepted for publication, and acknowledgment vas made in anticipation. II Published with musical setting by Corinne L. Barcus, on a single sheet of vhite calendered paper [n.p.], 19 16, reprinted in Some Torch Bearers in Indi- na by Charity Dye (191 7). 94 MEREDITH NICHOLSON The Indianapolis News, February 16, 1901; The Hesperian Tree . . . 1903, edited by John James Piatt (1903) "She Gathers Roses" [dated January 30, 1901]* Voices of Children At the Monument! Marjorie Horatio at Elsinore The Ishmaelite, December, 1 896 Labor and Art Harper's New Monthly Magazine, October, 1 898; The Indianapolis Journal, October 9, 1898 The Blind Boys In the Street Miriam : At a Concert Aileen The Reader Magazine, May, 1906 (with typographical error in title: Aideen) I9O7 The Port of Missing Men THE PORT I OF MISSING MEN | By | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | Author of I The House of a Thousand Candles | The Main Chance | Zelda Dameron | etc. | With Illustrations by | clarence f. under- wood I [five-line quotation, last line reading:] adventure.— Malory. I INDIANAPOLIS | THE BOBBS-MERRILL COMPANY | PUBLISHERS Collation: [1-26] 8 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5", all edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice dated 1907, state- ment: January, and imprint of Braunworth & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., p. [iv]; dedication to the memory of Herman Kountze, p. [v]; blank, 5. [vi]; proem: The Shining Road, pp. [vii-viii]; table of contents, p. ix]; blank, p. [x]; half-title, p. [xi]; blank, p. [xii]; text, pp. 1-399; :>lank, p. [400]; publisher's advertisements, pp. [401-404]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-399, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are *Later in The Arena, August, 1 906. ■{•Included later in Prose and Poetry of Today; Regional America, edited by Harriet M. Lucas (1941). FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 95 plates facing pp. 18, 68, 190, 212, 320, and 356. All are by Clarence F. Underwood. Headpiece on first page of text. Binding: Bright blue silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover red- stamped: The port I of I missing | men | [pictorial design stamped in white, gold color, and green*] \ [wide rule, white, with initials of the artist (Franklin Booth?) above: F. at left, B. at right] \ [shield-like orna- ment stamped in gold color, white, and red] Meredith [red dot] Nicholson [shield-like ornament stamped in gold color, white, and red] . Spine red-stamped : The | port | of | missing | men | Nicholson [tree, cloud, and grass design stamped in green, gold color, and white] bobbs I Merrill Back cover blank. End papers white calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office January 28, 1907. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, February 8, 1907. Price, $1.50. Notes: First edition bears statement on copyright page: January. Two states noted : State 1 : With slug on copyright page: Press Of \ Braunworth & Co. I Bookbinders And Printers \ Brooklyn, N. Y. (later, no slug) State 2: Without printer's slug on copyright page. Two binding states are found, the earlier established by a reproduc- tion of the front cover in the publishers advertisement in The Pub- lishers Weekly, February 2, 1907, and by a copy with inscription dated February 7, 1907!: Binding State 1 : Silk-finished (later, coarse) mesh cloth Front cover bears white rule, 4mm. wide, stamped above author's name (later, a gold- colored rule, 3mm. wide) Spine has no rule above or below publisher's imprint (later, gold-colored rules present). Type in publisher's imprint 4mm. high (later, 3mm.) Sheets loosely cased, spine flat (later, tightly cased, spine rounded) End papers white calendered (later, laid) Binding State 2 : Coarse (earlier, silk-finished) mesh cloth| Front cover bears gold-stamped rule, 3mm. * Design similar to, not same as the headpiece on p. i. fin collection of Earle J. Bernheimer, Beverly Hills, California. ^Possibly fine-ribbed before pressed to the boards. 96 MEREDITH NICHOLSON wide, above author's name (earlier, a white rule, 4mm. wide) Spine has gold-colored rule stamped above and below publisher's imprint (earlier, no rules). Type in publisher's imprint 3mm. high (earlier 4mm.) Sheets tightly cased, spine rounded (earlier, loosely cased, spine flat) End papers laid (earlier, calendered). Other differences in stamping are difficult to describe, but apparent when the two states are side by side : the tree trunks on front cover are stamped in Binding State 1 at sides below title (in Binding State 2 ex- tend up almost to the second line); the tree design on spine is from two different engravings in the two states, measuring, from top leaf to bottom grass, in Binding State 1, 4%" high (in Binding State 2, less than 4"). Advertisements are in two states, also : Advertisements State 1 : The Main Chance, p. [401]; The House of a Thousand Candles, p. [402]; Poems, p. [403]; Zelda Da- rner on, p. [404]. Thus in the copy inscribed February 7, 1907, in State 1 of both sheets and binding Advertisements State 2 : Same as Advertisements State 1 except that The House of a Thousand Candles is advertised on p. [401], The Main Chance, p. [402], Zelda Dameron, p. [403], and Poems, p. [404]. Thus in copies in State 2 of both sheets and binding. A. Wessels Company reprinted the novel in 1908, Grosset & Dun- lap ca. 1909. In one issue the latter firm's imprint is on spine, and A. Wessels Company on title-page; in another a new title-page with Grosset & Dunlap imprint replaces the earlier. Albert & Charles Boni, Inc., issued it in wrappers in 1931 (Boni- books, 47). In England two editions were published: by Gay & Bird, June, 1907, and Amalgamated Press, June, 191 2. A dramatization by Edward E. Rose was produced in Peoria, Illi- nois, April 24, 191 o, at the Majestic, and at Indianapolis, February 12, 191 1, at the Park Theater. A motion picture, 'The Port of Missing Men," produced, by Fa- The Port of Missing Men in first and second states of binding FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 97 mous Players under direction of Daniel Frohman, with Arnold Daly playing "John Armitage," was released May 1, 1914. Nicholson wrote regarding the novel:* 'This story followed The House of a Thousand Candles' and is of the same general character. I do not like it so well. I will say, however, that I think the poetical quota- tions scattered through the book are good!" The first page of his manuscript was reproduced in facsimile with legend, "Successful Fiction of 1907," in The Bookman, date unestab- lished on clipping examined. Contents: The Port of Missing Men, Chapters I-XXVIII (titled), and proem: The Shining Road [proem] A November Leaf (1896; with tide: Romance)! The Port of Missing Men The Reader Magazine, November, 1906-April, 1907 I907 Rosalind at Red Gate ROSALIND AT RED GATE | By | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | WITH ILLUS- TRATIONS BY J ARTHUR I. KELLER | INDIANAPOLIS | THE BOBBS- MERRILL COMPANY | PUBLISHERS Collation: [1-25] 8 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5", all edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; frontis- piece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice dated 1 907, statement : November, and imprint of Braun worth & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., p. [iv]; dedication: To My Mother, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; quotations from As You Like It, and Morte Darthur, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; table of contents, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; half-title, p. [xi]; blank, p. [xii]; text, pp. 1-387; blank, p. [388]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 1-387: Rosalind at Redgate, Chapters I-XXV (titled).] *In a copy inscribed April 8, 1921, for Charles T. Scott, now in Eagle Crest Library. tA printing of the poem in The Indianapolis News, February 8, 1907, was in connection with a review of the book; it was later printed alone in Current Lit- erature, May, 1907. 98 MEREDITH NICHOLSON Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 26, 138, 318, 364, and 372; all are by Arthur I. Keller. Binding: Dark green ribbed, and, mesh cloth. Front cover bears inlaid colored illustration, reproduced from the frontispiece; below is gilt-stamped: rosalind | at redgate* | meredith Nicholson [all boxed within blind-stamped decorative borders]. Spine gilt-stamped: rosalind I at | redgate* | Nicholson | [blind-stamped rule] I [blind- stamped decoration] | eobbs | merrill Back cover blank. End papers white calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office, Novem- ber 23, 1907. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis Star, Novem- ber 23rd. Price, $1.50. Notes: First edition bears statement on copyright page: November. Noted in several states of sheets, illustrations, and binding; sequence of sheets thus: State 1 : Imprint on copyright page at lower right (later, at left slighdy off-center; still later, omitted). Thus in copies with leaf size 7%" x 5", inscriptions Novem- ber and December, 1907 State 2 : Imprint on copyright page at lower left slightly off- center (earlier, at right; later, omitted). Thus in copies with leaf trimmed to 7%" x 5" (scant) State 3: No imprint on copyright page. Thus in copies with leaf trimmed to 7%" (scant) x 4%". The generally poor type on p. 375 has not been found in earlier states. Illustrations vary in number and in color. Copies of the book are in such mixed states that attempts to establish their sequence have had to be abandoned. Seldom are two copies quite the same. At least ten different conditions exist, seven in copies inscribed November and December, 1907. It is fairly certain that the earliest state consists of either threef or five illustrations (not nine) plus the frontispiece, on a plate paper that tones in with the cream-white of the book stock (not of contrasting ivory); thus in the copyright deposit copies and a pres- entation copy inscribed November 29, 1907. The earliest copies of the book have a conspicuous absence of illustrations among the pages in *No space between Red and Gate. tOnly one copy thus far seen with only three plates within the text, loaned by John C. Rugenstein; inscription undated; the illustrations which obviously were here never included when bound occur in other copies facing pp. 364 and 372. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 99 the two hundreds. When four plates were added, facing pp. 220, 252, 264, and 300, they were all on ivory plate paper, definitely deeper in tone than the book stock. Beyond this point there seems to have been a random mixture, the plates being from different lots of paper, shading all the way from the cream-colored tone to a darker cream, to ivory of deep tint, and to a lighter, yellowish ivory. For example, a copy* bear- ing Christmas greetings from author, publisher, and printer, presum- ably an issue of December, 1907, with sheets in State 2, has nine plates plus frontispiece; the latter, as well as the plates facing pp. 138, 318, 364, and 372, tone in with the book stock as in earliest copies, but the one facing p. 26 is of a cream color, neither the early light tone, nor the ivory of the added plates, and the four that we have been calling "added" are of a very deep ivory. A copy in Binding State 4 and sheets State 3 has the frontispiece and nine plates of an ivory paper relatively light in tone, but differing from other plate stock which we have at- tempted to describe. Bindings noted in three states: Binding State 1 : Ribbed cloth, dark green (later, mesh) Spine has capital r's in Merrill long-tailed (later, not extending below the line) End papers calendered (later, wove) Binding State 2 : Mesh cloth, dark green (earlier, ribbed); with, and without Christmas greetings of publisher, author, and printer white- stamped on back cover Spine and end papers as in Binding State 1 Binding State 3 : Binding and end papers as in Binding State 2 Spine has capital r's in Merrill not extending below the line (earlier, long-tailed) Binding State 4: Mesh cloth, dark blue (earlier dark green ribbed, and dark green mesh) Spine as in Binding State 3 End papers wove (earlier, calendered). Binding State 1 is found on copies with sheets and illustrations in earliest state, and with presentation inscriptions dated November, 1907. Binding State 2 occurs where sheets are in States 1 and 2; thus on a copy in latter state of sheets, bearing Christmas greetings of publisher, au- thor, and printer white-stamped on back cover. This would seem to in- dicate that both states of sheets appeared before December 25, 1907 (it is not likely that publisher, author, and printer would have combined *In Eagle Crest Library. ioo MEREDITH NICHOLSON to send any but a book of the year as their Christmas greeting). Binding State 3 has been found on a copy with sheets in State 2; the fourth state of binding seems to accompany State 3 of sheets. Some confusion in the preparation of this book is indicated by the fact that an advertisement in The Publishers' Weekly, November 30, 1907, depicts the book cover design as altogether different from the actual binding. Grosset & Dunlap reprinted the novel in 1908 with only three illus- trations besides the frontispiece present (including one of those not present in the earliest copies, but facing p. 264 later); the plate paper here differs from the original edition, being a true white. British editions include the following : Amalgamated Press, March, 1908; Everett & Co., September, 1908; Hodder & Stoughton, Popular Edition, June, 191 3. The Universal Film Company contracted to produce it as a motion picture, according to The Indianapolis Star, June 20, 191 5. I908 The Little Brown Jug at Kildare THE LITTLE BROWN JUG | AT KILDARE | By | MEREDITH NICHOLSON I WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY I JAMES MONTGOMERY FLAGG | [4-Une poetical quotation] | — h. c. bunner | Indianapolis | the bobbs- MERRILL COMPANY | PUBLISHERS Collation: [1-27] 8 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" (scant) x 5% 6 ", all edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; frontis- piece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [Hi]; copyright notice dated 1908, and statement: September, p. [iv]; half-title, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; dedication : To You At The Gate, dated June 30, 1908, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; table of contents, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; text, pp. 1-422; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 1-422: The Little Brown Jug at Kildare, Chap- ters I-XXI (titled)/] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are *The story later appeared as a serial in The Indianapolis Sunday Star, No- vember 21, 1 909— February 20, 1910. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 101 plates facing pp. 70, 270, 328, and 418. A headpiece appears at the beginning of Chapter I and tailpiece at end of the last chapter. All are by James Montgomery Flagg. Binding: Blue mesh, and, ribbed cloth. Front cover red-stamped: The I little I brown | jug | at I kildare [part of K and 1 stamped over a white cloud which is part of a pictorial design stamped in white, green, and red, depicting a southern Governor's mansion, its trees ex- tending above at each side of the title; artist's symbol, crown above C, at lower right; author's name at foot:] meredith Nicholson Spine red-stamped: the | little | brown | jug | at | kildare | [rule] | Nich- olson | [pictorial tree and cloud design stamped in green and white; imprint at foot:] bobbs | merrill Back cover blank. End papers white calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office Septem- ber 14, 1908. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, Septem- ber 19th. Price, $1.50. Notes: First edition bears statement, September, on copyright page. Three states of book stock noted, similar in kind (}%_§" between wire marks) but of different weights; leaf size varies between copies; indication of increase in paper weight (book thickness) and reduction in leaf size is given below: State 1 : Thin paper bulking book to i Vie" across sheets, i % 6 " across covers Leaf 7%" (scant) x 5 y l6 " State 2: Thicker paper bulking book to i%6" across sheets, I %6 // across covers Leaf less tall, 7V2" State 3 : Thick paper bulking book to 1%" across sheets, i%e" across covers Leaf still less tall, 7% 6 " Binding occurs in two states: ribbed, and, mesh cloth; both on copies in State 1. The ribbed cloth occurs on a copy having a curious arrangement of the illustrations, possibly a bindery error, possibly an advance state* : the frontispiece is the plate that is last in the book (fac- ing p. 418) in all other copies examined. The regular edition bears as frontispiece the scene of a rifled desk; in this particular copy it faces p. 152. Until more copies in ribbed cloth come to light, it is best con- sidered a trial binding, not a true binding state. Copies in States 1 and 2 were available before Christmas, 1908. One, with inscription so dated, State 1, has mesh cloth binding with *Copy in the collection of John C. Rugenstein. io2 MEREDITH NICHOLSON calendered end papers; another, State i, has same binding, but wove end papers. The ribbed cloth copy has them calendered. Wove end papers, occurring in States 2 and 3, may be considered the later condi- tion. Burt reprinted the novel in 1910. Nelson had published it in Lon- don in August, 1909, under the title: The War of the Carolinas; the same firm reprinted it in a "cheap edition/' June, 1923. The author inscribed a copy for the Indiana State Library in 1932, with a statement that the story "is just foolishness, and was not in- tended to have a moral purpose." A contract was signed by the author with Universal Film Company for its production as a motion picture, according to The Indianapolis Star, June 20, 191 5. I9O9 The Lords of High Decision The I Lords of High Decision | By | meredith Nicholson | Illus- trated by I Arthur 1. keller | [publishers emblem] | New York | Doubleday, Page & Company | 1909 Collation: [1-16] 16 , [17] 2 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5"> a U edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; frontis- piece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [Hi]; copyright notice dated 1909 and statement: Published, October, 1909, p. [iv]; dedica- tion to Bowman Elder and Edward Robinette, dated September 20, 1909, p. [v]; quotation from "The Book of Daniel," p. [vi]; table of con- tents, pp. vii-viii; list of illustrations, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; half-title, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. 3-503; blank, pp. [504-506]; end paper. [Note : Text, pp. 3-503 : The Lords of High Decision, Chapters I- XLI (titled).] Illustrations : Colored frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are colored plates facing pp. 322, 422, and 442. All are by Arthur I. Keller. Binding: Red coarse mesh cloth. Front cover white-stamped: the [two ornaments] | lords [ornament] | of high | decision | [blind- stamped ornament] | meredith | Nicholson [all within a single rule box which encloses ornaments in the corners, and rules knobbed at FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 103 ends; box, ornaments, and rules blind-stamped]. Spine white-stamped: [blind-stamped rule] | the [ornament] | lords | of [two ornaments] I high [ornament] | decision | [blind-stamped ride] I Nicholson | [blind-stamped ornament ] | doubleday | page & co. | [blind-stamped rule]. Back cover blank. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published October 29, 1909; deposited in the Copyright Office October 30th. Earliest review noted: The Indianapo- lis Star, October 23rd. Price, $1.50. Notes: First edition bears statement: Published, October, 1909. It occurs in two binding states, the first found in the copy presented by the author to his son, Lionel, October 26th, * and in the copyright deposit copy: Binding State 1 : The final signature is followed by a conven- tional end sheet (later, last leaf of final sig- nature used as lining paper, and end sheet present, sewed in, but wholly free) End papers white wove Binding State 2 : Last leaf of final signature used as lining paper (earlier, a free leaf), and end sheet present, but sewed in and wholly free (ear- lier, conventionally half free, half the lin- ing paper) Front end sheet wove, and, laidf; back wove. Grosset & Dunlap reprinted the novel in 191 1. Gay & Hancock published it in England, in January, 191 o. In an inscription the author commented : "... I spent three years in the coal business (in Colorado) before I had written any fiction worth mentioning and later I made some first hand studies of labor con- ditions in [Pittsburgh] Pennsylvania in getting material for this novel.":): The aims of The Lords of High Decision were stated by him in more detail in an article, "What I Tried to Do in My Latest Book," The World's Work, January, 1910; see also The Indianapolis Star, De- cember 23, 1909, for quotations from the article. The Universal Film Company is said to have bought photoplay rights to this title (The Indianapolis Star, June 20, 191 5); produced? *In Indiana State Library. fA copy presented by John C. Rugenstein for examination, with front end sheet of laid paper, back wove, bears an inscription dated December 25, 1909. ^Inscribed for the Indiana State Library in 1932. io 4 MEREDITH NICHOLSON I9IO The Siege of the Seven Suitors The Siege of | The Seven Suitors | by | meredith Nicholson I AUTHOR OF "THE HOUSE OF A THOUSAND CANDLES," ETC. | ILLUS- TRATED BY C. COLES PHILLIPS | AND REGINALD BIRCH | [publisher's emblem with motto] | boston and new york | houghton mif- flin company | The Riverside Press Cambridge I 1910 Collation: [1-26] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%e" x 4 1 % 6 ' / , all edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice dated 1910, state- ments: All Rights Reserved, and Published October 19 10, p. [iv]; dedi- cation to the Honorable [Governor] Thomas R. Marshall, with a letter to him August 10, 1910, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; table of contents, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; text, pp. i-[4oi]; imprint of the Riverside Press, p. [402]; publisher's advertisements, pp. [403-408]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. i-(4oi) : The Siege of the Seven Suitors (Chap- ters) I-XX (titled).] Illustrations: Colored frontispiece by C. Coles Phillips, with tissue guard, inserted. Text illustrations by Reginald Birch at frequent intervals throughout the book. A rule appears below the running head. Binding: Bluish-green, and, gray mesh cloth. Front cover white- stamped : [illustration stamped in blue, yellow-green, black, and white] |the I siege [dot] of [dot] the [dot] seven | suitors | By | meredith Nicholson Spine white-stamped: the siege | of | the seven | suit- ors I By I MEREDITH | NICHOLSON | HOUGHTON | MIFFLIN CO. Back cover blank. End papers same as book stock; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published October 22, 1910; deposited in the Copyright Office November 3rd. Earliest reviews noted: The (New York) Sun and Herald, October 22nd. Price, $1.20. Notes : First edition bears statement on copyright page : Published October 19 10. Grosset & Dunlap published an edition in 191 2. Constable's British edition of the novel was listed in the English Catalogue as published November, 19 10. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 105 1912 A Hoosier Chronicle A HOOSIER I CHRONICLE | [rule] | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | [rule] | with illustrations I by F. c. yohn [rule; single vertical rule at each side of the statement about illustrations] | [publishers em- blem with singJLe vertical rule at each side] | [rule] | [single vertical rules] I [rule] | boston and new york | houghton mifflin com- pany I The Riverside Press Cambridge | 191 2 [Note: All within a parallel rule box.] Collation: [1-39] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7% 6 " x 5%", all edges trimmed. End paper; blank, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; fly title, p. [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title- page, p. [v]; copyright notice dated 191 2, and statement: Published March 19 12, p. [vi]; dedication to Evans Woollen, Esq., and quotation from Emerson, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; table of contents, pp. vii (should be ix)-[x]; list of illustrations, p. [xi]; blank, p. [xii]; text, pp. i-[6o6]; blank, p. [607]; imprint of the Riverside Press, p. [608]; publisher's advertisements, pp. [609-612]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. i-(6o6): A Hoosier Chronicle, Chapters I- XXXIV (titled), followed by: A Postscript by the Chronicler.] Illustrations : Colored frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are colored plates facing pp. 284, 458, and 556. All are from drawings by Frederick Coffay Yohn. Binding: Brown smooth-finished mesh cloth. Front cover gilt- stamped : a [ornament] hoosier | chronicle | [silhouette of the Indi- anapolis Soldiers' and Sailors Monument stamped in brown within brown wide-rule box] | meredith | Nicholson [an ornamental border of conventional ear of corn design is brown-stamped on each side of the box containing the monument silhouette, and the authors name]. Spine gilt-stamped : a hoosier | chronicle | [conventional ear of corn design, brown-stamped*] | Nicholson | [conventional ear of corn de- sign, brown-stamped^] | houghton | mifflin co. Back cover blank. * Faded to green in some copies. fAlso faded sometimes to a green cast. io6 MEREDITH NICHOLSON End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published March 16, 191 2; deposited in the Copyright Office March 19th. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis Star, March 8th. Price, $1.40. Notes : First edition bears statement on copyright page : Published March 19 12. It occurs in various bindings following one in brown cloth that was apparently a trial stamping, since the author's name does not appear on the front cover and the decorations are all blind-stamped.* Binding State 1 : Decorations on spine %" wide. Thus on copies in brown smooth mesh cloth binding Binding State 2 : Decorations on spine 1%" wide. Thus on copies in the brown smooth mesh cloth binding, also, brown ribbed, and, red smooth mesh. These variations in binding occurred early, both being available the first month of publication to judge by the author's inscriptions dated March, 19 12. Precedence is given the narrow decoration because it oc- curred only on earliest published copies; the wider decoration was used on Grosset & Dunlap's later edition (1914). The edition issued on the occasion of the American Booksellers Convention in May, 19 12, bound in full publisher's leather, gilt top, other edges untrimmed, and printed on paper bulking sheets to only i% 6 " (earlier i%6")> bears the following printed on front end paper: To The Members And Guests \ Of The | American Booksellers Associa- tion I With The Compliments \ And Good Wishes \ Of \ Author And Publisher | May 16th ioi2.t The advertisements in back of this edition are same as in the regular issue, offering A Safety Match by Ian Hay, p. [609], Queed by Henry Sydnor Harrison, p. [610], The Siege of the Seven Suitors by Nicholson, p. [611], The Long Roll by Mary Johnston, p. [612]. Grosset & Dunlap reprinted the novel in 1914. Copies are found in two states : earlier, sheets as in the original edition, with Grosset & Dun- lap imprint on spine, but not on title-page; later, sheets provided with a new title-page. A British edition by Constable appeared May, 19 12. The author commented at length on his book in various inscrip- tions. "I consider this my best novel," he wrote April 8, 1921,^: and iden- *This particular copy noted by Jacob Blanck, not located. fThe author inscribed a copy in the Indiana State Library, with a poem not found in print, entitled, "To All Gentle Book Men." ^ln a copy in Eagle Crest Library. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 107 tified the scenes of the story as mainly Crawfordsville and Indianapolis. In another copy, inscribed April, 1932,* he said: "This is one of only a few instances where I have drawn characters 'from life/ 'Aunt Sally' was a friend of my mother [Mrs. Patteson]f ; the minister was Myron Reed, of the First Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis. Others are com- posite. The senatorial episode was built up from an actual incident [in which John E. Lamb and Nicholson had a part, during Thomas Mar- shall's administration as Governor]. The lake is Maxinkuckee, used also in The House of a Thousand Candles.' The period is 'just before the automobile/ " 1912 The Provincial American The Provincial American | And Other Papers | Ry | Meredith Nicholson | [illustration, signed: Franklin Rooth] | Roston and New York | Houghton Mifflin Company | 191 2 Collation: [i] 4 (plus one inserted sheet of plate paper, plus one inserted sheet of book stock), [2-1 5]*, [16] 4 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5", top edge trimmed, other edges untrimmed. End paper; blank, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; fly title, p. [in]; blank, p. [ivj; title-page, p. [v]; copyright notice dated 191 2, statements: All Rights Reserved, and Published October 19 12, p. [vi] (pp. [iii-vi] on inserted sheet of plate paper); dedication to George Ed- ward Woodberry, and date line, Indianapolis, September 19 12, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; table of contents, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; half-title, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. 3-1237] (pp. 3-4, the conjugate of the half-tide, on inserted sheet of book stock); publisher's imprint, p. [238]; end paper. [Note: Divisional half-titles with versos blank separate the "pa- pers." For text, pp. 3~(237), see Contents.] Illustrations: Title-page bears a drawing by Franklin Booth, de- picting a small-town scene. *In the Indiana State Library. tldentifying this friend of his mother's, Nicholson explained "Aunt Sally" as a composite of Mrs. Patteson and his grandmother Meredith in a statement writ- ten on a sheet of added information given by him to the Indiana State Library. 108 MEREDITH NICHOLSON Binding: Dark blue silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover gilt- stamped : the provincial I American | By Meredith Nicholson [all on black-stamped panel within a black-stamped single rule box] . Spine gilt-stamped: the | provincial | American | Meredith | Nicholson | houghton | mifflin co. Back cover blank. End papers white laid, not same as book stock, i % 6 " between wire marks (book stock, 1 %e // ); n ° binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published October n, 191 2; deposited in the Copyright Office October 14th. Earliest review noted: The Indianapo- lis News, November 2, 1912. Price, $1.25. Notes : First edition bears statement on copyright page : Published October 19 12. There were two issues, in the following states: State 1 : As collated, with the inserted sheet, glued, not sewn, of book stock bearing half-title and pp. 3-4 of text (later, bearing dedication and table of contents) State 2 : The inserted sheet of book stock bearing dedication and table of contents (earlier, half-title and pp. 3-4 of text). There were at least two different states of binding : Binding State 1 : Black-stamped panel on front cover (later, blind-stamped) End papers, white laid as described (later, wove). Thus in copies with sheets in State 1 Binding State 2 : Blind-stamped panel on front cover (earlier, black-stamped) End papers, white wove (earlier, laid). Thus in a copy with sheets in State 2, purchased new in 1922.* The book was published in London by Constable, January, 191 3. In a copy inscribed July 5, 191 9, the author said of the contents: 'These papers tell their own story. They cover a good many years, and are supplemented by my other volume of essays called The Valley of Democracy/ 'The first essay is, as you will see, somewhat autobiographical." A more extended comment by the author was written in 1932: f "Of these papers, 'Should Smith Go to Church/ first published in the At- lantic Monthly, attracted the most attention. Editorials were written on it, sermons were preached about it, I was deluged with letters, and the magazine had to print an announcement that no more articles in reply *In Indiana State Library. fin the copy purchased 1922 by the Indiana State Library. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 109 would be considered. * 'Confessions of a Best Seller* was another Atlan- tic paper : and, I may say, wholly truthful." For his introduction to a book of sermons inspired by the article, "Should Smith Go to Church?/' see Smith and the Church, by Harry H. Beattys (1913), post 145. Contents: A statement at foot of table of contents reads: 'These papers, with one exception, have appeared in the Atlantic Monthly. A part of 'Experience and the Calendar/ under another title, was pub- lished in the Reader Magazine"; actually all of this fourth paper ap- peared in the latter magazine. The Provincial American The Atlantic Monthly, March, 1 9 1 1 Edward Egglestonf The Atlantic Monthly, December, 1902 A Provincial Capital The Atlantic Monthly, June, 1904 (with title : Indianapolis : A City of Homes) Experience and the Calendar The Reader, May, 1906 (with tide : Why Send for the Doctor?) Should Smith Go to Church? The Atlantic Monthly, June, 1 9 1 1% The Tired Business Man The Atlantic Monthly, October, 191 2 The Spirit of Mischief: A Dialogue The Atlantic Monthly, May, 1908 Confessions of a "Best-Seller" The Atlantic Monthly, Novem- ber, 1909 (unsigned) § 1913 Otherwise Phyllis otherwise phyllis I by | meredith Nicholson | [publishers em- blem] I BOSTON AND NEW YORK | HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY | The Riverside Press Cambridge | 1913 Collation: [1-26] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7% 6 " x 5V1 6"> a U edges trimmed. *"The Last of Smith: Some Letters on the Subject," appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, October, 1912, Vol. no, p. 574. tNot same as "Edward Eggleston" in The Hoosiers (1900), p. 134. jFor response to this article see Notes, foregoing. §In an interview, "Meredith Nicholson Talks about Literary Hoosierdom," The Indianapolis Star, December 11, 1 910, he is said to have "confessed" to the writing of this essay. no MEREDITH NICHOLSON End paper; blank, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; fly title, p. [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title- page, p. [v]; copyright notice dated 191 3, statements: All Rights Re- served, and Published September 19 13, p. [vi]; dedication to Albert B. Anderson, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; table of contents, pp. [ix]-viii (should be x); half-title, p. [xi]; blank, p. [xii]; text, pp. [i]~397; pub- lisher's imprint, p. [398]; advertisements, pp. [399-402]; blank, pp. [403-404]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. (O-397: Otherwise Phyllis, Chapters I-XXVII (titled).] Illustrations: Frontispiece on ivory-colored plate paper with tissue guard, inserted; drawn by Charles Dana Gibson. Binding : Brown mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped : otherwise I phyllis [ornament] | Meredith | Nicholson Spine gilt-stamped: OTHERWISE I PHYLLIS [ornament] I NICHOLSON I HOUGHTON | MIFFLIN co. Back cover blank. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published September 6, 191 3; deposited in the Copyright Office September 8th. Earliest review noted: The Indian- apolis News, September 6th. Price, $1.35. Notes: First edition bears statement on copyright page: Published September 19 13. A British edition was published by Constable, September, 1913. Burt reprinted the novel in 191 5. In an inscription, September 1, 191 9, the author stated:* 'The scene of this story is Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana, where I was born. The same town is the setting for parts of 'A Hoosier Chronicle.' 'Lois' I think the best woman character I have done. If I were rewriting this book I should make more of her." At Chapter III he noted, regarding "the Bartlett sisters": "These women are a com- posite; but I have really known them." In a copy in the Indiana State Library. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS in I9I4 The Poet THE POET I BY | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | WITH PICTURES BY FRANK- LIN BOOTH I AND DECORATIONS BY W. A. DWIGGINS [foregoing within a panel of outdoor design, in sepia, including the pub- lishers emblem and motto] | [imprint, paneled and within a sepia parallel rule box:] boston and new york | houghton mifflin company I The Riverside Press Cambridge | 19 14 [Note : All within a box formed by short sepia rules; artist's initials, W AD, in lower left corner of the design.] Collation: [i] 4 , [2-13] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%6" x 5M.6"> t0 P e dge gih, bottom edge trimmed, fore edge un- trimmed. End paper; blank, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; fly title, p. [iii]; blank, p. [ivj; title-page, p. [v]; copyright notice dated 1914, statements: All Rights Reserved, and Published October 19 14, p. [vi]; list of illustrations, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; divisional half-title, Part One, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. 3-[i9o] (divisional half-title, Part Two, p. [95]); blank, p. [191]; imprint of the Riverside Press, p. [192]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 3-C190): The Poet, Parts One and Two (un- titled).] Illustrations : Colored frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are colored plates facing pp. 74, 1 10, and 1 88; all are by Franklin Booth, and each bears a legend. Decorations in sepia, by W. A. Dwiggins, ap- pear throughout the book : besides the title-page decorations there are wreath designs on each divisional half-title, headpieces on pp. 3 and 97, and decorative designs for the running heads. Binding: Light blue silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover gilt- stamped: the I poet I [floral design] | by | meredith Nicholson [all within a floral border which is enclosed by a single rule box within blind-stamped parallel rule box]. Spine gilt-stamped: [parallel rule, blind-stamped] | [rule] | [floral border] | the | poet | meredith | Nich- olson I houghton I mifflin co. | [floral border] | [rule] | [parallel rule, blind-stamped]. Back cover blank. 112 MEREDITH NICHOLSON End papers light blue, calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published October 3, 1914; deposited in the Copyright Office October 5th. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis Star, October 6, 19 14. Price, $1.30. Notes: First edition bears statement on copyright page: Pub- lished October 19 14. Grosset & Dunlap is credited in the Cumulative Book Index with having published an edition, but no copies have been located. Issued on the birthday of James Whitcomb Riley, October 7, 19 14, The Poet is usually regarded as a tribute to him. The book is fictional and not biographical; he said in April, 1932 :* "The Poet in this story is only remotely James Whitcomb Riley and should not be taken as indi- cating the many interesting and lovable qualities that distinguish J. W. R. "For my impressions of J. W. R. see essay in my volume, The Man in the Street' t also references to him in 'Old Familiar Faces.' " He might have mentioned his other essays, articles, and poems with the same subject: "Riley in The Atlantic/' a poem written in Denver, December 23, 1898, complimenting The Atlantic Monthly on printing Riley's verses, published in The Indianapolis Journal, January 1, 1899; "James Whitcomb Riley," in The Hoosiers (1900); address at the Indi- ana State Teachers' Association meeting December 28, 1905 (see In Honor of James Whitcomb Riley); "To James Whitcomb Riley," in Poems (1906); address on Riley at Manual Training High School, October 6, 191 1 (see Ephemera'); letter "To the Laird of Lockerbie Street," in The Indianapolis Star, October 6, 191 2; tribute to him writ- ten in the first hours after his death, printed in The Indianapolis Star, July 24, 1 9 16 (the reminiscences in The Indianapolis News, same date, are Nicholson's through an interviewer, not in his words); eulogy, in Tributes to the Life and Memory of James Whitcomb Riley Qca. 191 6); a speech for the tenth anniversary program of the James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children, quoted in The Indianapolis Star, Octo- ber 8, 1934; introduction in Jeannette Covert Nolan, James Whitcomb Riley: Hoosier Poet (1941); and a tribute in The Indianapolis News, October 6, 1945. Nicholson's story of his first encounter with Riley was told in 'Without Benefit of College," collected in Old Familiar Faces (1929). "Inscription in a copy of the book in the Indiana State Library. fFor this essay, "James Whitcomb Riley" in The Man in the Street (1921) see 'post 121, with footnote of further comment. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 113 I916 The Proof of the Pudding THE PROOF OF THE | PUDDING | BY | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | With Illustrations | [pen drawing] | boston and new york | houghton mifflin company | The Riverside Press Cambridge | 1916 Collation : [ 1-24] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7% 6 " x 5" (full), all edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notices with final date 1 916, statements: All Rights Reserved, Published May 19 16, and list of books by the author, p. [iv]; dedication to Carleton B. McCulloch, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; contents, pp. vii— [viii]; list of illustrations, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; text, pp. 1-I373]; imprint of the Riverside Press, p. [374]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. i-(373), see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 26, 62, 66, and 372; double-page plates between pp. 44-45 and pp. 188-189; all are from drawings by C. H. Taffs. A pen drawing appears on the title-page. Binding: Red ribbed, and, coarse mesh cloth. Front cover gilt- stamped : THE I PROOF I OF | THE | PUDDING | BY | MEREDITH | NICHOL- SON J [ornament, blind-stamped; all within an ornamental blind- stamped border] . Spine gilt-stamped : [wide rule, blind-stamped] | the proof I of the | pudding | [ornament, blind-stamped] | Nicholson houghton I mifflin co. | [wide rule, blind-stamped]. Back cover )lank. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published May 13, 19 16; deposited in the Copyright Office May 15th. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, May 13th. The author had copies on May 10th, known from an inscription so dated. Price, $1.35. Notes : First edition bears statement on copyright page : Published May 1916. The ribbed cloth may have been a trial binding; most copies, including one inscribed as early as May 10th*, are in the coarse mesh. *In the collection of John C. Rugenstein, Indianapolis. Unfortunately both copyright deposit copies have been rebound. 1 1 4 MEREDITH NICHOLSON A Second Impression, May 1916, so stated on copyright page, ap- peared in a different quality red mesh cloth without blind stamping on cover. The novel was reprinted in America by Burt in 19 18. It had been published in England by Hodder & Stoughton, August, 19 16. Contents: The Proof of the Pudding: Chapters I-XXVII (tided); previously a serial in The Red Book Magazine, October, 191 5— May, 1916. 1917 The Madness of May THE I MADNESS OF MAY | BY | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | WITH ILLUS- TRATIONS BY I FREDERIC DORR STEELE | [2-line quotation] I —The Age of Chivalry. | new york | charles scribners sons | 1917 Collation: [1-12] 8 (plus one unsigned leaf in first signature, and one in last). White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5%", fore edge untrimmed, other edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice dated 19 17, state- ment: Published March, 19 17, and publishers' emblem, p. [iv]; dedi- cation to Mrs. Charles Thomas Kountze, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; list of illustrations, inserted, with verso blank; half-title, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. 3-187 (pp. 171-172 on inserted leaf); blank, p. [188]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 3-187, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 30, 122, and 164. All are by Frederic Dorr Steele. Binding: Blue silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover blind-stamped in star and crescent design; title and author's name green-stamped on a rectangular panel within a blind-stamped box: The Madness | of May I [rule] I Meredith Nicholson Spine bears design similar to front cover and is stamped in green on a panel with a blind-stamped rule at top and bottom: The | Madness | of | May | [rule] | Nicholson | [at foot, green-stamped with blind-stamped rule at top and bottom:] Scrib- ners Back cover blank. Issued in a printed dust wrapper.* *Not seen, but mentioned in Scribner's correspondence with the author. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 1 1 5 End papers white calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published April 14, 191 7; deposited in the Copyright Office April 17th. Price, $1.00. Notes: First edition bears statement: Published March, 19 17 (ac- tually, the book was not on the market until the month following). Contents : The Madness of May, Chapters I-X (untitled), earlier a four-part serial in Collier's, March 25— April 15, 19 16. 1917 A Reversible Santa Claus \ I REVERSIBLE | SANTA CLAUS [title ifl red] I BY I MEREDITH NICH" DLSON I WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY | FLORENCE H. MINARD I [oma~ ment in red] | boston and new york | houghton mifflin com- pany [red] I The Riverside Press, Cambridge | 191 7 [Note: All printed in green, with exceptions noted, within an orna- nental box of green and red holly-like design.] Collation: [1-2] 4 , 3-1 2 8 , 13 6 . White wove paper. Leaf measures r%" x 5 3 /i 6 ", all edges trimmed. End paper; blank, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; fly title, ). [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title- >age, p. [v]; copyright notice dated 191 7, statements: All Rights Re- erved, and Published October 19 17, p. [vi]; list of illustrations, p. [vii]; )lank, p. [viii] ; half-title, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. 3~[i 77] (with livisional leaves bearing Roman numerals between chapters); publish- es imprint, p. [178]; blank, pp. [179-180]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 3~(i 77), see Contents.] Illustrations : Colored frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as re colored plates facing pp. 44, 1 16, and 150. Black and white head- •ieces appear at the beginning of each chapter, tailpieces at end of all hapters except VI and X. All illustrations are from drawings by Flor- nce H. Minard. Binding: Light blue silk-finished mesh cloth. * Front cover dark lue-stamped: A [ornament] reversible | santa [ornament] claus | *A copy in Eagle Crest Library has binding dark red with black stamping in lace of dark blue. n6 MEREDITH NICHOLSON [illustration, man in a snowstorm peering through a window, within a holly-like wreath, red, green, and dark blue-stamped] \ by | meredith [ornament] Nicholson Spine dark blue-stamped: a I reversible | SANTA CLAUS | MEREDITH | NICHOLSON | HOUGHTON ] MIFFLIN CO. Back cover blank. End papers blue plain stock printed on front in darker blue with medallions in wreaths and festoons; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published October 17, 191 7; deposited in the Copyright Office October 20th. Earliest review noted: The Indianap- olis Star, November 4th. Price, $1.00. Notes: First edition bears statement on copyright page, Published October 1917. . Two states of binding: as described, and, dark red silk-hnished mesh cloth with black stamping in place of dark blue; whether the latter was a trial or a remainder binding has not yet been determined. The copyright deposit copy is in the usual blue cloth. The author said of his book in an inscription: "I suppose that I couldn't write about the folk of the underworld if I really knew any- thing about them!"* Contents: A Reversible Santa Claus, Chapters I-X (untitled); amplified from a short story, The Hopper, in Collier's, December 30, 1916. I9l8 The Valley of Democracy THE I VALLEY OF DEMOCRACY | BY | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY I WALTER TITTLE | NEW YORK | CHARLES SCRIB- ner's sons I i 91 8 Collation: [1-18] 8 , [19] 4 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 8V 16 " x 5%", fore edge untrimmed, other edges trimmed. End paper; fly tide, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice with final date 1918 statement: Published September, 19 18, and publishers emblem p [iv]; dedication to the author's children, Elizabeth, Meredith anc Lionel, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; ta ble of contents, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viu] *In a copy owned by the Indiana State Library. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 117 list of illustrations, pp. ix-x; half-title, p. [xi]; quotation from John H. Finley, The French in the Heart of America, p. [xii]; text, pp. 1-284; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-284, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 6, 20, 66, 74, 78, 80, 100, 114, 120, 132, 142, 152, 176, 194, and 198. All are by Walter Tittle. Binding: Dark green ribbed cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped: the valley of I democracy | [wide rule] I Meredith Nicholson Spine gilt-stamped: the valley | of | democracy | [rule] | Nicholson | scrd3ners Back cover blank. End papers white calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published September 13, 191 8; deposited in the Copyright Office September 20th. Earliest review noted: The New York Times, September 1 5th. Price, $2.00. Notes : Four "editions" appeared in less than a year, distinguish- able thus: First Edition: Published September, 1 9 1 8 on copyright page. Font in imprint at foot of spine 5mm. high (later, 4mm.; still later, 3mm.) Second Edition: Same as first edition except for font on bind- ing: imprint at foot of spine 4mm. high (earlier, 5mm.) Third Edition: Same as second edition except that copyright page bears an added statement: Reprinted November, 19 18 Fourth Edition: Date on title-page changed to 19 19. Copy- right page has the added statement reading: Reprinted November, December, 19 18. Contains a 2-page Authors Note to the Fourth Edition, dated June 1, 1919 Additions to text : footnotes pp. 29, 69, 1 1 5, and 213; date, 19 17, added p. 83, nth line from bottom Leaf trimmed to 7% 6" x 4*% 6" (earlier, 8K 6 W X5%"D Binding a smooth mesh cloth, front cover blank. The fourth edition was so-termed by the publishers, implying three earlier editions; the first two show only a minor difference in binding, is above indicated. u8 MEREDITH NICHOLSON An error on p. 220, line 5, Inpractically (should be two words, In practically}, is present in all these editions. The book was published in England by Melrose, March, 1920. The essays in this volume supplement an earlier collection, The Provincial American (1912). The author wrote a prospectus probably published in advertising copy, judging from correspondence with the publishers, September-November, 1917, and explained his idea: a book to "interpret the aims and aspirations of the Middle Westerners through the people themselves The writer, himself a native West- erner, does not believe that all wisdom is centered between the Alle- ghenies and the Rockies Contents: The Valley of Democracy, six chapters, earlier pub- lished as a series of articles: CHAPTER I The Folks and Their Folksiness Scribners Magazine, Jan- uary, 191 8* II Types and Diversions Scribners Magazine, March, 191 8 III The Farmer of the Middle West Scribners Magazine, April, 1918 IV Chicago Scribners Magazine, February, 191 8 V The Middle West in Politics Scribners Magazine, May, 1918 VI The Spirit of the West Scribners Magazine, June, 19 18 The Indianapolis Star, June 2, 191 8 (part only) 1919 Lady Larkspur LADY LARKSPUR | BY | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | [ornament] | NE\* YORK I CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS | 1919 Collation: [i-ii] 8 , [12] 4 . White wove paper. Leaf measure 6 1 % 6 " x 4W, top edge trimmed, other edges untrimmed. End paper; blank, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; fly title p. [Hi]; blank, p. [iv]; title-page, p. [v]; copyright notice dated 1915 statement: Published March, 19 19, acknowledgment t o Collier s, am * Part, about Cleveland, was reprinted in The Cleveland (Ohio) Vress, Jar uary 4, 191 8. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 119 publishers' emblem, p. [vi]; dedication to Bennett and Peggy Gates, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; table of contents, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; text, pp. 1-171; blank, pp. [172-174]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-171, see Contents.] Binding: Light blue boards, darker blue cloth shelfback. Front :over printed in dark blue: lady | larkspur | [larkspur design] | Mere- dith I Nicholson I [stem of the larkspur design interrupted by author's name; initials, c s; all within a single rule box whose corners bear a loop iesign]. Spine gilt-stamped: lady | larkspur | [larkspur design] | Nicholson I scribners Back cover blank. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published March 14, 1919; deposited in the Copyright Office March 20th. Earliest review noted: The New York Times, March 30th.* Price, $1.00. Notes: First edition bears statement on copyright page: Published March, 1919. No illustrations. Contents: Lady Larkspur, Chapters I-V (titled), earlier pub- ished as a serial in Collier's, October 19, 26, November 9, 16, and 23, [918. Chapter V in the magazine entitled, His Choice (in the book ,;ntitled, Alice). I920 Blacksheep! Blacksheep! blacksheep! Blacksheep! | by | meredith Nicholson | illus- trated BY I LESLIE L. BENSON | NEW YORK | CHARLES SCRIBNERS ONS I I920 •7, Collation: [1-22] 8 , U3] 4 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7 /iq" (full) x 5%6"> t0 P e dg e trimmed, other edges untrimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; frontis- •iece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notices vith final date 1920, and statement: Published April, 192,0, p. [iv]; education to Louis C. Huesmann, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; quotation from tichard Burton, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; list of illustrations, p. [ix]; *Excerpts from several reviews appear in Blacksheep! Blacksheep! (1920), in dvertisements at back of book. i2o MEREDITH NICHOLSON blank, p. [x]; half-title, p. [i]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. 3-346; publishers' advertisements, pp. [347-348]; blank, pp. [349-350]; end paper. [Note : For text, pp. 3-346, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 32, 112, and 234; all are by Leslie L. Benson. Binding : Red mesh cloth. Front cover black-stamped : Blacksheep! I Blacksheep! | [row of five sheep heads, alternately cream-white and lack] I by I Meredith Nicholson Spine black-stamped: Blacksheep! I Blacksheep! | [ornament composed of two wide black rules separated by a wide cream-white ride] | Nicholson | [ornament composed of two wide black rules separated by a wide cream-white rule] | scribners Back cover blank. Issued in a printed dust wrapper.* End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published April 23, 1920; deposited in the Copyright Office April 29th. Listed in The Publishers' Weekly, May 1st, and, same date, in The Indianapolis News. Price, $1.75. Notes : First edition bears statement on copyright page : Published April, 1020. The novel was reprinted by Burt in 1922. Its title was borrowed from the poem by Richard Burton (see The Indianapolis Star, October 19, 1919). Contents: Blacksheep! Blacksheep!, Chapters One-Seven (un- titled); previously in Harper's Bazaar, October, December 191 9— May, 1920. f *Not seen, but mentioned in Scribners' correspondence with the author. A pic- ture from it was used on a post card announcing the book. His publishers made use of an "advertising line' supplied by the author, but it has not been seen in print: "The author of 'The House of a Thousand Candles' offers in 'Blacksheep! Blacksheep!' a tale of a thousand surprises." fRights were granted Publishers Autocaster Service to serialize the story in the syndicate's country weeklies, September, 1927. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 121 I92I The Man in the Street [HE I MAN IN THE STREET | PAPERS ON AMERICAN TOPICS | BY | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | NEW YORK | CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS 1921 Collation: [1-18] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%6" x iy%" y top edge trimmed, bottom and fore edges untrimmed. End paper; blank, p. [1]; list of books by the author, p. [2]; fly title, ). [i]; blank, p. [ii]; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice dated 1921, tatement: Published September, 1922, copyright acknowledgments, nd printer's slug, p. [iv]; dedication: To | Cornelia, p. [v]; blank, >. [vi]; Foreword, dated July, 1921, pp. vii-viii; table of contents, >. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; text, pp. 1-27 1; blank, pp. [272-276]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-27 1, see Contents.] Binding: Green mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped: the man in he I street | By Meredith Nicholson [all on a blind-stamped panel ihich is within a blind-stamped double rule box}. Spine gilt-stamped: he man I in the | street | Meredith I Nicholson | scribners Back over blank. End papers white calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published September 9, 1921; deposited in le Copyright Office September 13th. Earliest review noted: Independ- nt and Weekly Review, September 17th. Price, $2.00. Notes: First (and only) edition bears statement on copyright age: Published September, 192.1. No illustrations. Contents : Ten essays here first collected : Let Main Street Alone! The New York Evening Post, after March 7, 1921, but before May 12th James Whitcomb Riley* The Atlantic Monthly, October, 191 6 *"I wrote the paper on J. W. R. just after his death, for the Atlantic Monthly. gives, I think, a very fair idea of the poet, whom I knew intimately for many ars." These comments by the author were written in 1932 in a copy of the book the Indiana State Library. i22 MEREDITH NICHOLSON The Cheerful Breakfast Table* The Yale Review, July, 191 8 The Boulevard of Rogues The Atlantic Monthly, December, «9 x 5t The Open Season for American Novelists [191 5] The Atlantic Monthly, October, 191 5 The Church for Honest Sinners The Atlantic Monthly, Febru- ary, 191 5 The Second-Rate Man in Politics [19 16] The Atlantic Monthly, August, 1 9 16 The Lady of Landor Lane The Atlantic Monthly, February, 1 9 1 4$ How, Then, Should Smith Vote? [1920] The Atlantic Monthly, October, 1920 The Poor Old English Language Scrihner's Magazine, Septem- ber, 1 92 1 1922 Best Laid Schemes BEST LAID SCHEMES | BY | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | [2-line quota- tion] I —ROBERT BURNS | NEW YORK | CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS | I922 Collation: [1-13] 8 , [14] 10 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7% 6 " x 5%", t0 P an d bottom edges trimmed, fore edge untrimmed. End paper; blank, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; fly title, p. [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; title-page, p. [v] ; copyright notices with final date 1922, statements: Printed in the United States of America and Pub- lished Ayril, 1922, and publishers' emblem, p. [vij; dedication to Will H. Hays,§ p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; table of contents, p. [ix]; blank, """The 'breakfast* paper was written at the Blackstone Hotel, Chicago, in the course of a few days that I was obliged to remain there, waiting for an engage- ment. I consider it one of the best of my essays." Inscribed in the copy mentioned in foregoing footnote. It later appeared in Essays by Present Day Writers, edited by Raymond Woodbury Pence (1927). fLater included in Atlantic Narratives (Second Series) edited by Charles Swain Thomas (1931). ^'Irvington Local Color in a Nicholson Story," is the caption for a review in The Indianapolis News, January 26, 1914. §For his earlier tribute to Hays see The Indianapolis Star, July 13, 1919. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 123 p. [x]; half-title, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. 3-217; blank, p. [218]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 3-217, see Contents.] Binding: Green mesh cloth. Front cover bears a lighter green- stamped panel on right-hand side and is stamped as follows : Best [light green] Laid [self-cloth] | Schemes [first three letters and fart of fourth are in light green, rest of word in self-cloth on light green panel] | Meredith [light green] Nicholson [self-cloth on light green panel]. Spine light green-stamped: Best | Laid | Schemes | [parallel rule] | Nicholson | Scribners Back cover blank. Issued in a dust wrapper.* End papers white calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published April 21, 1922; deposited in the Copyright Office April 25th. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, May 3, 1922. Price, $1.50. Notes : First edition bears statement on copyright page : Published April, 1922. No illustrations. This was Nicholson's first, and only vol- jme of short stories. Contents : Six stories, here first collected. The Susiness of Susan The Saturday Evening Post, November 16, 1912/f The Girl with the Red Feather The Saturday Evening Post, Jan- uary 18, 1913 The Campbells Are Coming McClure's Magazine, August, 1921 Arabella's House Party The Saturday Evening Post, Novem- ber 21, 1914 The Third Man Collier's, May 13, 1916^ Wrong Number Scribners Magazine, May, 1919 *Mentioned by Nicholson in correspondence with Scribners, but not seen. tNicholson wrote of this story, in an inscribed copy in the Indiana State Li- rary: "Except for a few early efforts it is the first short story I ever wrote." tLater included in My Story That 1 Like Best, by Edna Ferber, et al. C1925), sprinted with an original foreword explaining his choice of it; see Contributions, ost 149. i2 4 MEREDITH NICHOLSON 1922 Broken Barriers BROKEN BARRIERS | BY | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | NEW YORK | CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS I 1 922 Collation: [i] 8 , [2-13] 16 , [14] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf meas- ures 7%" (full) x 5%", top edge trimmed, other edges untrimmed. End paper; blank, p. [ij; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; fly title, p. [iiij; blank, p. [iv]; title-page, p. [v]; copyright notices with final date 1922, statements: Printed in the United States of America, and Published September, 1922, and publishers' emblem, p. [vi]; dedica- tion to Ray Long, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; half-title, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; text, pp. 1-402; blank, pp. [403-406]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-402, see Contents.] Binding: Dark blue coarse mesh cloth.* Front cover gilt-stamped: [wide rule] | broken | barriers | meredith Nicholson | [wide rule]. Spine gilt-stamped: [wide rule] | broken | barriers | [ornament] \ meredith | Nicholson | scribners | [wide rule]. Back cover blank. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office Septem- ber 16, 1922; published September 22nd. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, September 20th. Price, $2.00. Notes: First edition bears statement on copyright page: Published September, 1922. No illustrations. It was published in England by Hurst & Blackett, June, 1923. Burt reprinted it in 1924. Nicholson wrote a statement about the novel for publication in Brentano's Book Chat; unlocated.f Contents: Broken Barriers, Chapters One-Fifteen (untitled); ear- lier a serial in Cosmopolitan, January— August, 1922. *A border-line cloth, possibly fine-ribbed before pressed to boards. fDiscussed in correspondence with M. E. Perkins of Scribners, July 29 and 31, 1922. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 125 I923 Honor Bright [ONOR BRIGHT | A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS | BY | MEREDITH NICH- •LSON I AND I KENYON NICHOLSON | COPYRIGHT, I920, BY MERE- ITH NICHOLSON AND I KENYON NICHOLSON | COPYRIGHT, 1 923, BY amuel French I caution.— Professionals and amateurs are ereby warned | that "honor bright/' being fully protected under he J copyright laws of the United States and Great Britain, is | abject to a royalty and anyone presenting the play with- | out the onsent of the authors or their authorized agents | will be liable to le penalties by law provided. Applica- 1 tions for the acting rights rust be made to samuel | French, 28-30 West 38th Street, New ork. I [imprints separated by a vertical rule; at left:] new york | AMUEL FRENCH | PUBLISHER | 28-3 O WEST 38TH STREET [at ''-ght:] LONDON I SAMUEL FRENCH, LTD. | 26 SOUTHAMPTON rREET I STRAND Collation : 52 leaves, wire side-stitched. White wove paper. Leaf leasures 7% 6 " x 5%"> bottom edge trimmed, other edges untrimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; copyright details, p. [2]; cast of characters in pro- uction by Stuart Walker Company, Murat Theatre, Indianapolis, iiigust 22, 1921, p. 3; Cast Of Characters, p. [4]; text, pp. 7-105 should be 5-103); advertisements of "Billeted," "Nothing But the ruth," "In Walked Jimmie," and "Martha By-the-Day," p. [104]. [Note: For text, pp. 7-105 (sic), see Contents.] Illustrations : Three plates inserted, opposite pp. 18, 50, and 90: Scene Design," 'The Stage of the Murot [sic] Theatre . . .," and Characters in 'Honor Bright.' " Binding: Light brown wrappers, printed in dark brown. Front >ver reads : honor bright | By meredith Nicholson | and kenyon icholson I [decorative dragon design incorporating the statement:] RENCHS STANDARD LIBRARY EDITION | SAMUEL FRENCH, 28-3 O West 3th St., New York Spine reads : honor bright. By Meredith Nich- ison and Kenyon Nicholson. Price y<$ Cents. Back cover bears adver- sement of French's Standard Library Edition. Inside front wrapper i26 MEREDITH NICHOLSON advertises "The Charm School" and "Daddy Long-Legs." Inside back wrapper advertises "Golden Days," "Come Out of the Kitchen," "His Majesty Bunker Bean," and "A Full House." Publication Data: Published April 18, 1923; deposited in the Copyright Office, May 25th. Price, 75^. Notes: First issue with publisher's New York address 28-30 West 38th Street noted in two states: State 1 : Last page bears advertisements of other plays (later, scene design) Inside front wrapper advertises "The Charm School" and "Daddy Long-Legs" (later "Golden Days," etc.); inside back wrapper advertises "Golden Days," etc. (later, "The Charm School," etc.) State 2 : Last page bears scene design (earlier, advertisements) Advertisements on inside and back wrappers in reverse of earlier state (see State 1 above). There are two corresponding states of illustrations : Illustrations State 1 : Three plates inserted, concerned with scene design, stage plan, and characters (later, two plates, scenes from the pro- duction) Illustrations State 2: Two plates inserted, facing pp. 10 and 50, being from photographs of scenes in the play (earlier, three plates as above de- scribed). The later issues with change of address to 25 West 45th Street have other differences : copyright notice on title-page reset, 9 lines instead of 8; detailed copyright notice on verso reset and given caption: "Honor Bright" I All Rights Reserved (no caption earlier); copy on front and back wrappers reset; advertisements on inner wrappers changed, inner front advertising "Pollyanna," "Martha By-the-Day," and "Seventeen," inner back advertising "Daddy Long-Legs," "To the Ladies," and "Three Live Ghosts." First produced by Stuart Walker in Indianapolis, August 22, 1921, at the Murat Theatre, with McKay Morris, Marjorie Vonnegut, et d. Kenyon Nicholson's play, "Tell Me Your Troubles" (1928), was based on another short story written by Meredith Nicholson.* The two * Kenyon Nicholson remembers it as having been published in The Red Book Magazine "somewhere around 1926 or 1927/ but the story has not been located. "We began this story together as a play, but in 1928 I moved to New York, where I finished the play alone."— Letter, March 10, 195 1. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 127 ien were not related, but both were born in Crawfordsville, and the ounger man gives credit to Meredith Nicholson for encouragement lat led him to follow the theatre as a profession. Contents : Honor Bright, Acts I— III, written jointly with Kenyon ficholson, based on Meredith Nicholson's story with same title earlier ,1 Harper's Monthly Magazine, August, 191 5. I923 The Hope of Happiness ie i hope of happiness | by | meredith nicholson | new york ;harles scribners sons | 1923 Collation: [1-23] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%" x -£", top edge trimmed, other edges untrimmed. ; End paper; blank, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; fly tide, I [Si]; blank, p. [iv]; title-page, p. [v]; copyright notices dated 1923, ntement: Printed in the United States of America, statement: Pub- ihed October, 1923, and publishers' emblem, p. [vi]; dedication to lank Scott Corey Wicks, and quotation [Whitman's "Perfection"], ] [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; half-tide, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; text, pp. 1-358; Id paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-358, see Contents.] Binding: Dark blue coarse mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped: Vide rule] | the hope of | happiness | meredith Nicholson | [wide ile]. Spine gilt-stamped: [wide rule] | the hope | of I happiness | [-nament] | meredith | Nicholson | scribners | [wide rule]. Back ever blank. Issued in a pictorial, colored dust wrapper with author's I :ture on back. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published October 5, 1923; deposited in the ( pyright Office October 9th. Earliest review noted : The Indianapolis £ir, October 21st. It was reviewed in The (New York) World before (tober 10th; exact date unestablished. Price, $2.00. Notes: First edition bears statement on copyright page: Published Ctober, 1923. No illustrations. On October 1st when the edition was ready for distribution, it v s noticed that the card plate on p. [ii], the list of his books, did not in- c de the title, Broken Barriers. This mistake was ordered corrected iz8 MEREDITH NICHOLSON with a cancel leaf, but no such copies have been found; the order was evidently reconsidered. The novel was reprinted by Burt in 1926. Contents: The Hope of Happiness, Chapter One— Twenty- One (untitled); previously in Cosmopolitan, March-October, 1923. 1925 And They Lived Happily Ever After! And They Lived | Happily Ever After! | By | Meredith Nicholson I New York | Charles Scribner's Sons | 1925 [Note: All within a single rule box which is within a parallel rule box; ornaments within the four corners between single and parallel rules.] Collation: [1-24] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7V2" (scant) x 5%", top edge trimmed, other edges untrimmed. End paper; blank, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; fly title, p. [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; title-page, p. [v]; copyright notices dated 1925, statement: Printed in the United States of America, and publishers* emblem, p. [vi]; dedication to E. K. N. [Eugenie Kountze Nicholson], p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; half-title, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; text, pp. 1-369; blank, pp. [370-374]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-369, see Contents.] Binding : Green mesh cloth. Front cover yellow-stamped : and they I lived I happily | ever | after! | [parallel rule] | meredith | Nichol- son Spine yellow-stamped: and they | lived | happily | ever | after! [parallel rule] | Nicholson | scribners Back cover blank. Issued in a dust wrapper.* End papers white calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published September 18, 1925; deposited in the Copyright Office October 14th. Earliest review noted: The Indi- anapolis News, September i8th.t Price, $2.00. *Dust wrapper unlocated. fThis review quotes the author (apparendy interviewed) on the origin of the story; he said it grew out of his frequent visits to the Marion County Clerk's office. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 129 Notes : First edition as collated. No illustrations. It was reprinted by Burt in 1928. A French translation was made by Mathilde Billiads in 1927; if published, it remains unlocated. 'This novel should be read in the light of the social conditions of the period I have attempted to describe," Nicholson wrote in 1932.* Contents: And They Lived Happily Ever After, Chapters I- XXVII (untitled); earlier a serial in Cosmopolitan (which became Hearst's International combined with Cosmopolitan, March, 1925), December, 1924-June, 1925. I928 The Cavalier of Tennessee the cavalier | of Tennessee | [orange parallel rule] | By Mere- dith Nicholson | [silhouette of Andrew Jackson on his horse; ver- tical orange 'parallel rule at either side of authorship statement and silhouette] I [orange parallel rule] I the bobbs-merrill company I Publishers Indianapolis [Note : All within an orange parallel rule box which is within a box composed of printer's ornaments.] Collation: [1-25] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5%6"> t0 P edge trimmed, other edges untrimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [1]; list of books by the author, p. [2]; title- page, p. [3]; copyright notice dated 1928, statement: Printed in the United States of America, and copyright acknowledgment, with final line reading: Under the title, A Chevalier of the Cumberland., p. [4]; dedication to Mary Jameson Judah, and quotation from The Chron- icles of Astolat, p. [5]; blank, p. [6]; table of contents, p. [7]; blank, p. [8]; text, pp. 1 1-402 (should be 9-400); end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 11-402 (sic), see Contents.] Illustrations : None, except decorations on title-page. For end- paper design see Binding. Binding: Red coarse mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped: The | Cavalier of | Tennessee | [ornament] | Meredith | Nicholson [all within a blind-stamped single rule box]. Spine gilt-stamped: The | *In a copy inscribed for the Indiana State Library. 130 MEREDITH NICHOLSON Cavalier of | Tennessee | [ornament] | Nicholson | Bobbs | Merrill Back cover blank. End papers ivory-colored on white, a pictorial scene in orange de- picting Jackson on his horse on front portion of the end sheets; no binder's leaf front or back. Issued in an ivory-colored dust wrapper reproducing end paper de- sign in colors; part of the design carried on back below both text and a portrait of the author. Publication Data : Published July 3, 1928; deposited in the Copy- right Office July 1 2th. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, July 7th and listed this date in The Publishers' Weekly. The author had copies to inscribe as early as June 28th. Price, $2.50. Notes : Two states noted : State 1 : Copyright page as described. Thus in a copy inscribed by the author June 28, 1928, for Charles C. Kryter* State 2: Copyright page bears bow and arrow device above copyright acknowledgment to International Maga- zine Company, Inc. (earlier, not present); same page lacks final line reading: Under the title, A Chevalier of the Cumberland (earlier, present). The limited signed edition is in State 1. It consists of 249 numbered copies, bound in gray boards with white paper shelfback and corners, paper labels on front cover and spine; limitation leaf inserted, as is a frontispiece with tissue guard, not present in the regular edition; issued in a gilt-stamped dust wrapper of red cloth; boxed. Burt reprinted the novel in 1929, and Grosset & Dunlap in 1939. Nicholson had begun work on this love story of Andrew Jackson and Rachel Robards as early as November 12, 1925 (see The Indianap- olis News, this date). In a copy inscribed in April, 1932 (inadvertently written 1923),! the author described his two years of labor to collect material toward its writing. Contents: The Cavalier of Tennessee, Chapters I-XXXII (titled); earlier published as a serial in Hearst's International combined with Cosmopolitan, January-July, 1928 (under the title: A Chevalier of the Cumberland). *In Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library. Mr. Kryter was connected with the firm of Bobbs-Merrill at the time, was personally acquainted with Nicholson, and was a book collector; he had the opportunity, and surely the collector's urge, to secure a first copy. The copyright deposit copy, not received until July 1 2th, is in State 2. tThis copy, in Indiana State Library, has the copyright page in State 2. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 131 I929 Old Familiar Faces OLD I FAMILIAR | FACES | by | MEREDITH | NICHOLSON [all Within lavender decorative oval frame] | Indianapolis | the bobbs- merrill company | Publishers Collation: [1-12] 8 . White laid paper, watermarked: Kingsley. Leaf measures 7%e" x 5%", top edge green, other edges untrimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; title-page, p. [3]; copyright notices with final date 1929, statements: First Edition, and Printed in the United States of America, p. [4]; dedication to Charles L. Nichol- son, and quotation from The Chronicles of Tookis, p. [5]; blank, p. [6]; quotation from a letter from Charles Lamb to William Wordsworth, p. [7]; blank, p. [8]; table of contents, p. [9]; blank, p. [10]; half-title, p. [11]; blank, p. [12]; divisional half-title, p. [13]; blank, p. [14]; text, pp. 15-189 (with divisional half-titles, versos blank, between the eight parts); blank, p. [190]; list of books by the author, p. [191]; blank, p. [192]; endpaper. [Note: For text, pp. 15-189, see Contents.] Illustrations: None. Graduated rule and ornament on fly title, half-title, and divisional half-titles; a graduated rule appears below the title on the first page of each part; an ornament is below caption on p. [191]. Binding: Orange and green Japanese art paper over boards, green cloth shelfback. Spine gilt-stamped: [parallel rule] | old | familiar | faces I [dot] I meredith | Nicholson | [rule] | [ornament] | [orna- ment] I [rule] I bobbs I mebrill Issued in a lavender printed dust wrapper. End papers ivory calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data : Deposited in the Copyright Office October 8, 1929. Advertised and listed in The Publishers Weekly, Septem- ber 2 1 st. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, Septem- ber 28th. Date of publication recorded in Washington is October 3rd. Price, $2.50. Notes : First Edition so stated on copyright page. Two states noted : State 1: Divisional half-title, p. [117], reads: Americans All; 132 MEREDITH NICHOLSON p. [173] reads: An American Citizen (both later corrected by cancel leaves) State 2: Divisional half-title, p. [1 17], a cancel leaf tipped-in on p. [1 16], reads: An American Citizen; a cancel leaf, P- [173L tipped in on p. [172] reads: Americans All (both earlier in reverse and an integral part of the book). Autographed copies of the first (and only) edition were later dis- tributed as souvenirs of a dinner tendered to the author by his "old familiar friends of Indiana," September 6, 1933, on the eve of his de- parture for Paraguay : so stated in substance on a leaf tipped-in on tide- page; these copies are in State 2. A typewritten copy of his poem, "When Friends Are Parted/' from the Washington Post (date?), is laid in one copy, with a printed sheet, "On the Road to Paraguay," by Carleton B. McCulloch, dated September 6, 1933. Contents: Eight essays, mostly autobiographical, here first col- lected: One's Grandfather Harper's Monthly Magazine, December, 1 923 The Oldest Case on the Calendar Harper's Monthly Magazine, December, 1921 Are We a Happy People? Harper's Monthly Magazine, Decem- ber, 1922* Without Benefit of College Good Housekeeping, January, 1926!; The Indianapolis News, December 28, 1925 (part only, with caption : World's Sharp Edges Shape Man for Life's Fight with- out College) An American Citizen $ [divisional half-title in error; see foregoing Notes] Scrihner's Magazine, December, 1 922 Stay in Your Own Home Town Collier's, September 26, i925§ ""Condensed, in Playground, April, 1923. fThe author said of his essay: " 'Without Benefit of College' is my own story. It appeared in Good Housekeeping— written to order, and brought me some re- markable letters."— Statement inscribed in a copy of the book for the Indiana State Library in 1923. $A footnote on p. 119 advises that the subject of this paper [Lucius B. Swift] died July 3, 1929, when these pages were in the press. The first paragraph of Nicholson's tribute was quoted later in Lucius B. Swift: A Biography, by William Dudley Foulke (1930). It was Nicholson who delivered the main speech at a dinner honoring Swift, May 2, 191 6; text of the speech was printed in The Indi- anapolis Star, May 3, 191 6. §Later in Readings in Present Day Writers, edited by Raymond Woodbury Pence (1933)- FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS i 33 Should Nellie Stay at Home? The American Legion Monthly, June, 1928 Americans All [divisional half-title in error; see foregoing Notes] The American Legion Monthly, April, 1929 (with title: Ameri- cans Forever) First Editions — Ephemera 1911 James Whitcomb Riley ADDRESS BY MEREDITH NICHOLSON AT MANUAL TRAINING | HIGH SCHOOL, INDIANAPOLIS, OCTOBER 6, 191 1 [Note: No title-page; foregoing printed at top of first page of text.] Collation: 3 sheets of white wove paper, saddle-stitched with white silk cord within wrappers, text printed in green. Leaf measures 9" x /', all edges trimmed. Pen portrait of James Whitcomb Riley, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, PP. fe-"]; blank, p. [12]. [Note: Text, pp. (3-1 1): Address at Manual Training High School, October 6, 191 1.*] Illustrations : Pen portrait of Riley preceding text, and drawings over-printed on each page of text; all in black. Parallel rule between title and text, and illuminated initial on p. [1], in green. Binding: Gray mottle wrappers, slightly larger than leaf size; front extra-wide to fold over back. Front cover gilt-lettered : James Whitcomb Riley Wrappers and inner sheets saddle-stitched with white silk cord. Publication Data: Published shortly after October 6, 191 1, at the suggestion of E. H. Kemper McComb, Principal of Manual Training High School, for presentation to high schools and grade schools of Indianapolis. Printed by the Cheltenham Press, Indianapolis. Notes: As a result of this Riley birthday talk at Manual the Prin- cipal, Mr. McComb, proposed to the Superintendent of Schools the printing of the piece for use in the grades and high schools; it was done by the Cheltenham Press. t The wrappers were not supplied for all * Includes poem, untided, but earlier published as "To James Whitcomb Riley" in Poems (1906). tLetter from E. H. K. McComb, August 27, 1950. 134 FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 135 copies; most of those distributed to the Indianapolis schools were with- out covers, wire saddle-stitched.* I9II Style and the Man STYLE AND THE MAN | By | MEREDITH NICHOLSON | INDIANAPOLIS I THE BOBBS-MERRILL CO. | PUBLISHERS Collation: [1-4] 8 . White calendered paper. Leaf measures 7" x 4%", all edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; title-page, p. [Hi]; copyright notice dated 191 1, p. [iv]; Foreword, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; half-title, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; text, pp. 1-55; blank, p. [56]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 1-55: Style and the Man.] Binding: Red ribbed cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped: the Indiana society of Chicago | [rule] | [title on blind-stamped panel:] style AND I THE MAN I MEREDITH NICHOLSON | [rule] | THE BOBBS-MERRILL company Spine blank except for a gilt-stamped rule at top and bot- tom. Back cover blank. End papers white wove, Anglo-Saxon watermark; no binders leaf front or back. Publication Data: Issued by the Indiana Society of Chicago in a set of 12 volumes by various Indiana authors, December, 191 1, boxed, distributed to members at the 7th annual dinner. Notes : No illustrations. Only this one in the set of 1 2 uniformly bound volumes is by Meredith Nicholson. Later (1912) it was Vol. X in the limited edition of 1 00 copies of The Hoosier Set, bound in green ooze leather with inlaid medallion. In the foreword the author says : "The following pages contain the notes of an address which I have delivered on various occasions." It *Nicholson gave a different address before an Indianapolis high school (Man- ual?) judging from a manuscript copy; it begins: "Since Dr. Rice came to Indiana and told the world . . . that the schools of Indianapolis and LaPorte were the most admirable in the United States . . . ." Thus far no printing of it has been found. 136 MEREDITH NICHOLSON was "originally a paper read before the Indianapolis Literary Club," he further stated in an inscribed copy.* 1914 A Hoosier Classic A hoosier classic | By Meridith [sic] Nicholson | [gilt-stamped faw-faw design] | The Conclusion of a Response to the Toast "Hoosiers" on the Occasion of The | Fortieth Annual Banquet of the National Wholesale Druggists' Association, | Indianapolis, September Twenty-fourth, Nineteen Fourteen [Note: All enclosed by a gilt parallel rule box.] Collation: Single sheet, heavy white art paper, French folded. Leaf measures 9V2" x 6%", fore edge untrimmed. Tide-page, p. [1]; illustration, mounted, p. [2]; text, p. [3]; blank, except for gilt single rule box, p. [4]. [Note: Text, p. (3): A Hoosier Classic] Illustrations: Illustration on p. [2] consists of a photograph of a paw-paw, green on white plate paper, mounted within a gilt single rule box which is within the single rule box present on each page. Decora- tions appear on other pages : gilt paw-paw design and text of title-page within gilt parallel rule; illuminated initial and the gilt single rule box on third page; box only on last page. Binding: French fold; apparently issued without binding or sew- ing.t Notes : This is the conclusion only of Nicholson's response to the toast, "Hoosiers/' at the fortieth annual banquet of the National Wholesale Druggists' Association in Indianapolis, September 24, 1914. *In the Indiana State Library collection. The paper referred to is probably one presented January 7, 1907, "Style's Elusive Charm." Another Indianapolis Liter- ary Club paper, presented April 1, 1895, "Disjecta Membra," has not been found in print; its manuscript bears fuller tide: "Disjecta Membra: Being the Post- humous Manuscripts of Captain Arthur Randolph Winston, of Mississippi." His paper before the same club, "The Peter Sterling Idea," presented November 1, 1897, exists in manuscript form, in Yale University Library, bearing title, "The Hon. Peter Sterling." fCopy examined has been bound with other pamphlets. FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 137 The entire speech has not been found printed; this concluding portion was published later in The Indianapolis News, May 14, 1931. I924 On the Antietam Battlefield on the antietam battlefield | [ornament in red] Collation: 10 leaves, wire saddle-stitched. Cream-colored laid paper, watermarked: Roxburghe. Leaf measures io% 6 " (scant) x 8%", fore edge untrimmed, other edges trimmed. Blank, pp. [1-6]; note regarding the writing, reading, and printing of the poem, p. [7]; blank, p. [8]; title-page, p. [9]; blank, p. [10]; text, pp. [11-15]; blank, p. [16]; limitation notice with copy number stamped in red, p. [ 1 7] ; blank, pp. [ 1 8-20] . [Note: Text, pp. (11-15): On the Antietam Battlefield; see Notes.] Illustrations: None. Title-page bears an ornamental design in red. Binding: Cream-colored boards. Front cover bears paper label, printed in gilt within wide rule gilt box : On the | Antietam | Batdefield I By Meredith Nicholson Spine and back cover blank. No end papers; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Printed April, 1924, by Julian Wetzel for the author at the Keystone Press in Indianapolis, in an edition of yj copies, for presentation purposes. Notes: The poem was written in Indianapolis in the summer of 1 910 and read September 17, 1910 at the dedication of the monument erected in Antietam, Maryland, in memory of the Indiana volunteers who fell in the battle of Antietam. It was printed in The Indianapolis News, September 17, 1910, and in Indiana at Antietam (191 1); see Contributions, post 145.* *See William Herschell's article, 'Two Poets 'With But a Single Thought/ " in The Indianapolis News, June 4, 1924, for a suggestion of its similiarity in thought to McCrae's "In Flanders Fields." 138 MEREDITH NICHOLSON I926 The Governor's Day Off The Governor's Day Off | By I meredith Nicholson | A Contest Selection | Arranged By | Lilian holmes strack | [publishers emblem] | boston | Walter H. Baker Company | 1926 Collation : 2 sheets, wire saddle-stitched. White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 4%" (full), all edges trimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice with final date 1926 and state- ment: All Rights Reserved, above which appears: Baker's Published Manuscript Reading, No. 15, and below, a note of warning against in- fringement of copyright, p. [2]; text, pp. [3]-8. [Note: For text, pp. (3)-8, see Contents.] Illustrations : Headpiece at beginning, and tailpiece at end of text; a rule below running title, pp. 4-8. Binding : Vivid orange decorative wrappers, slightly larger than leaf size, stapled with inner sheets. Front cover printed in dark blue: The Governor's Day Off | by | meredith Nicholson | [light blue:] Baker's Manuscript Readings [all within a light blue ornamental box] | [light blue decorative panel containing publisher's emblem, dark blue, in oval design of same color, and publishers imprint in light blue on a scroll:] Walter h [dot, imperfect] baker company [two dots] boston [all within a light blue double rule box] . Back and inside covers blank. Publication Data: Published February 16, 1926. Price, 50^. Notes : In reducing the story, Lilian Holmes Strack did some re- phrasing, but for the most part this consists of Nicholson's own words. Contents: A "contest" cutting from "The Governor's Day Off," earlier in The Ladies' Home journal, March, 19 19. First Editions — Contributions 1890 poems. James Whitcomb Riley; Sarah T. Bolton; Maurice Thompson; Evaleen Stein; John Clark Ridpath; Meredith Nicholson. [Indianap- olis Flower Mission, 1890] Green wrappers, embossed in imitation of morocco. Sold at the In- dianapolis Flower Mission fair, November, 1890. The Indianapolis Journal, November 18, 1890, reported it to be an edition of 300 copies. Contains "Omar Khayyam/' a poem collected in Short Flights (1891). W. A. W. [Western Association Writers], a souvenir of the fourth ANNUAL CONVENTION, AT WARSAW, INDIANA: JULY 9, 10, II, AND 12, 1889. By L. May Wheeler and Mary E. Cardwill. Richmond, Ind., M. Cullaton & Co., 1890 Contains a biographical sketch, "Benjamin Davenport House," p. 193. See Poems of Ben. D. House (1892) for another Nicholson tribute to House. 1892 POEMS OF BEN. D. HOUSE [edited] WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH [by Meredith Nicholson]. Indianapolis, Carlon & Hollenbeck, 1892 Flexible leather. Contains a biographical sketch of Ben. D. House, p. [1], not same as obituary in W. A. W. Souvenir (1890). The Committee on Publication included Eli Lilly, Dan L. Paine, and William Fortune, as well as Nicholson. The latter says (on p. 2) : "In coming to this work [of selecting the poems] the editors have been guided by a sense of what their friend, were he living, would approve." Nicholson in autograph signed himself editor on the title-page of the Indiana State Library's copy. WESTERN ASSOCIATION WRITERS. SAYINGS AND DOINGS OF THE SLXTH GENERAL MEETING HELD AT EAGLE LAKE, WARSAW, IND., 139 i 4 o MEREDITH NICHOLSON july 6 to io, 1 89 1. Cincinnati, Jones Brothers Publishing Co. [1892] Binder's title: In-Gathering of Sketches, Essays, Poems by Western Writers. Contains poem, 'Trust/' p. 257, which later appeared without title in The Indianapolis journal, March 13,1 892. 1894 the impromptu. Indianapolis [Indianapolis Flower Mission], 1894 White wrappers. Contains 'The Borderland/' 1896 a November leaf. [Indianapolis, Flower Mission], 1896 White pictorial wrappers. Contains a poem, "Romance," p. [10], later made proem in The Port of Missing Men (1907) under the title, 'The Shining Road." 1897 once a year. [Indianapolis, Flower Mission], 1897 Colored pictorial wrappers. Contains "The Wind Patrol," later col- lected in Poems (1906); it had another appearance, in Poets and Poetry of Indiana, compiled by Benj. S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (1900). This brochure differs completely in contents from the annual of 1899 with the same title. 1898 mother goose for all. The Flower Mission Magazine. Edited by May Louise Shipp. [Indianapolis, Flower Mission], November, 1898 Decorative white wrappers. Contains an essay, "Flesh-Pots," p. 18. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 141 poems of American patriotism 1 776- 1 898. Selected by Frederic Lawrence Knowles. Boston, L. C. Page & Co. [1898] Contains "The Old Artillerist/' p. 403. The eighth impression, 19 1 3, still contained the poem, but it was dropped in the revised edition, 1926. spanish-american war songs. A Complete Collection of News- paper Verse during the Recent War with Spain. Compiled & edited by Sidney A. Witherbee. Detroit, Mich., Sidney A. Wither- bee, 1898 Contains " 'Bless Thou the Guns/ " a poem earlier in The Indian- apolis Journal, April 18, 1898, and later collected in Poems (1906). WAR PAPERS READ REFORE THE INDIANA COMMANDERY MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. Indianapolis [Indiana] Commandery, 1898 Limited edition of 500 copies. Contains "Inherited Honors and Duties," p. [393]. The poem, "An Old Guidon," p. 395W, was later col- lected in Poems (1906). A poem in tribute to Abraham Lincoln, two stanzas beginning, "Yes, this is he; | That brow all wisdom, all benignity/' on p. 404, lacks acknowledgment but is probably not Nicholson's. Nicholson later delivered a speech before the Commandery in In- dianapolis at their banquet held at the time of the Indiana State Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument dedication, May 13, 1902: "What the Monument Means to Us."* 1899 once a year. The Flower Mission Magazine. Edited by May Louise Shipp. [Indianapolis, Flower Mission], November, 1899 Decorative tan, and, blue wrappers. Contains poems on p. [5] : "Creator Spiritus," "Moods,"t "Love's Music," and "The Valley of Vision" (the latter two collected later in Poems [1906]). *Another speech, "Our Heritage," read before the Loyal Legion after 1902, differing in text, has been found in proof sheet form, but not in a publication. tAnother poem by the same title, but quite different in content appeared in i 4 2 MEREDITH NICHOLSON I9OO the flower mission cap & gown. Edited by Laurel Louisa Fletcher. [Indianapolis, Flower Mission], November, 1900 Gray wrappers printed in red and black. Contains poem, "The Winter Wind in the Rockies," p. 22, later collected in Poems (1906). poets and poetry OF Indiana . . . 1800 to 1900. Compiled and edited by Benjamin S. Parker and Enos B. Heiney. New York, Silver, Burdett & Co. [1900] Earliest state measures i%" across sheets (later, 1%"). Earliest binding has two-color stamping on front cover and spine, and blind- stamped publishers' emblem on back cover; a later binding state has the two-color stamping, but back cover is blank; still later, one-color (green) stamping on front cover and spine, back cover blank. Contains the following, first collected in book form (later in Poems [1906]): "Shadow Lines/' p. 345; "The Horns," p. 345 (not p. 348 as indicated in Index Of Authors, p. xx), earlier in The Century Maga- zine, n. s. Vol. XXXIV, August, 1898, and The Indianapolis Journal, October 23, 1898; "Unmapped," p. 346, in The Critic, n. s. Vol. XXIX, June 18, 1898. Another poem herein, "Christmas in the Pines," p. 194, earlier in The Catholic World, Vol. 64, December, 1896, remained un- collected. "The Wind Patrol" had appeared in Once a Year (1897). I902 Indiana writers of poems and prose. [Compiled by Edward Joseph Hamilton]. Chicago, Western Press Association, 1902 Contains "The Psalms in the Mountains," later collected in Poems (1906).* The Indianapolis Journal, November 3, 1895, reprinted from the Springfield Re- publican; it begins: "They are the night wind speaking to the trees." In the Flower Mission brochure the poem begins: "Not always steadfast to the aims." *Poem not found in Century, although acknowledgment was made to that magazine. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 143 I903 the hesperian tree. An Annual of the Ohio Valley— 1903. Edited by John James Piatt. Columbus, O., S. F. Harriman, 1903 Gray boards, white cloth shelfback. Contains "The Inevitable Word/ " a prose sketch, p. 98, that had a poetical counterpart in his poem, "The Inevitable Word," in The Bookman, August, 1903. It also includes "The Dead Archer (Maurice Thompson, Obit., Feb. 15, 1901)," p. 361, earlier in The Indianapolis News, February 16, 1901, and "The Spirit of Mountains," both later collected in Poems (1906). 1905 IN MEMORIAM MAJOR-GENERAL LEW WALLACE: THE SOLDIER [By] Capt. William A. Ketcham; the writer [by] Meridith [sic] Nich- olson; the diplomat [by] Chaplain Daniel R. Lucas; the citi- zen [by] Rev. Dr. Wm. P. Kane. May 5, 1905. Published by Order of the Commandery, State of Indiana [Loyal Legion; Indianapolis, 1905] Wrappers (missing on copy examined). Contains "Lew Wallace as an Author," p. 1 5 (Meredith Nicholson's name correctly spelled at end of article, erroneously on title-page). This is not the same as his chapter on Wallace in The Hoosiers ( 1 900) or "Lew Wallace" in The Reader Magazine, April, 1905, p. [571 ] . Another article about Wallace, in The Indianapolis Star, January 9, 1910, differed, too, as did his col- lected tribute in "The Provincial American," in The Atlantic Monthly, March, 191 1. His speech on the occasion of Wallace's centennial, de- livered in Crawfordsville, April 10, 1927, appeared in The Crawfords- ville Journal, on the following day. I906 abe martin of brown county, Indiana. By Kin [Frank Mc- Kinney] Hubbard. [Indianapolis, Levey Bros.], 1906 Introduction by Nicholson, present in all three editions (second and third identified on title-page), and in the 1907 collection of Abe i 4 4 MEREDITH NICHOLSON Martin sayings which was also compiled from The Indianapolis News, but published by Bobbs-Merrill under the same title as the 1906 volume. in honor of james whitcomb riley. A Meeting of the Indiana State Teachers' Association Held in Tomlinson Hall in Indian- apolis, December the Twenty-eighth, Nineteen Hundred and Five. With a Brief Sketch of the Life of James Whitcomb Riley. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill [1906] Gray wrappers over boards. Published, April, so stated on copyright page. D. C. Heath & Company's Special Edition with a half-tide in place of the title-page, and limitation notice on verso of the acknowledg- ment leaf, text ending on p. 60, lacks the ''Brief Sketch of the Life of James Whitcomb Riley," in the regular edition pp. [61] - [89]. Issued in similar bindings, but the Heath edition has title on front cover in red (in place of black) and spine is blank (regular edition bears title). Both issues contain "Address by Meredith Nicholson," p. 28. I908 INDIANA SOCIETY OF CHICAGO. AN ACCOUNT OF THE PROCEEDINGS ON THE OCCASION OF THE FOURTH ANNUAL BANQUET. Chicago, Indiana Society of Chicago, December 11, 1908 Tan wrappers. Contains speech, "The Rise of Science in the Paw- paw District." It later appeared in After-Dinner Speeches and How to Make Them, speeches selected and introduction by William Allen Wood (1914). who's who in America 1908-1909. [Volume 5]. Chicago, A. N. Marquis & Co. [1908] Contains an autobiographical sketch of Meredith Nicholson, p. 1387. It appeared, with additions, in succeeding volumes through 1 946-1 947, Volume 24. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 145 I9II "COME ON HOME" : BEING AN INVITATION TO THE INDIANA SOCIETY OF CHICAGO BY THE COME ON HOME SOCIETY OF INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana. Indianapolis, Come On Home Publishing Co., 191 1 Brown pictorial wrappers. Contains "Hoosier Gastronomies," also published in The Indianapolis Sun, June 23, 191 1. Nicholson, Chair- man of the "Gastronomical Committee, ,, is caricatured and given a brief biographical sketch on verso of the title-page of this brochure. The Indiana Society of Chicago held this annual "frolic" in Indian- apolis June 23 and 24, 191 1. INDIANA AT ANTIETAM : REPORT OF THE INDIANA ANTIETAM MONU- MENT COMMISSION AND CEREMONIES AT THE DEDICATION OF THE monument .... Indianapolis, Ind. [Aetna Press], 191 1 % morocco. Contains the poem, "On the Antietam Battlefield," p. 16, earlier in The Indianapolis News, September 17, 191 o. It later appeared in separate form; see ante 137. 1912 SUGGESTIVE PLANS FOR A HISTORICAL AND EDUCATIONAL CELEBRA- TION in Indiana in 1916. Prepared under the direction of the Indiana Centennial Celebration Commitee [sic], [Dr. Frank B. Wynn, Chairman], 191 2 Boards, cloth shelfback (later, solid cloth). Contains "Literature," by Nicholson, p. 38. J 9 X 3 smith and the church. By Harry H. Beattys. New York, Fred- erick A. Stokes Co. [1913] Copyright page bears statement, February, 1913. Contains an in- troduction by Nicholson, dated January 14, 191 3, p. v. The discussion 146 MEREDITH NICHOLSON aroused by certain sermons delivered by Rev. Beattys caused this book to be published; the sermons had been inspired by Nicholson's article, "Should Smith Go to Church?," in The Atlantic Monthly, June, 191 2. Rev. Beattys explains in his foreword : "It [Nicholson's article] repre- sented the non-church-goer's side on the mooted question of church attendance. It suggested to me the idea that perhaps the position of the non-church-goer had not received the attention that it deserved; and I decided to take up the subject in the pulpit and try to give 'Smith' a 'square deal/ ** Nicholson's article was collected in The Provincial American ( 1 91 2); see Notes, ante 108, for further comments. 1914 INDIANA SOCIETY OF CHICAGO. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS AND THE RULES OF THE LIBRARY OF THE INDIANA SOCIETY OF CHICAGO FOR THE EVENING OF DECEMBER FIFTH, 1914, CONGRESS HOTEL, CHI- CAGO Wrappers. Issued on the occasion of the 10th annual dinner of the Society. Contains "Foreword" by Nicholson. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND LETTERS AND OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ARTS AND LETTERS. Num- ber VII: 1 914. New York [American Academy of Arts & Letters, 1914] White wrappers, front cover serving as title-page. Contains Nichol- son's speech in Chicago, November 15, 191 3, "The Sunny Slopes of Forty," p. 51. This had earlier been printed in part in the Chicago Ex- aminer, November 16, 191 3. It reappeared in Volume II of collected Proceedings of The American Academy . . . 19 14- 1 921 (1922), as No. 1. 1915 little verses and big names. New York, George H. Doran Co., 1915 Contains poem, 'The Call of the Children," p. 141. "The proceeds from the sale of this book will be devoted to provid- FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 147 ing pure milk for sick babies and the maintenance of a Visiting Nurse," so reads the Nota Bene; notables in all walks of life had been persuaded to contribute verses to it. I916 AN INVITATION TO YOU AND YOUR FOLKS FROM JIM AND SOME more of the home folks. Compiled by George Ade for Indiana Historical Commission. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co. [1916] Wrappers. Contains "You Simply Must Come Back," p. 1 1 . TRIBUTES TO THE LIFE AND MEMORY OF JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. [n.p., n.d., ca. 1916J Self-wrapper. Contains a tribute to Riley as "the most unfailingly interesting person I have ever known." This had appeared in The Hoosier (Indiana University Writers' Club), December, 19 16. 1917 some torch bearers in Indiana. By Charity Dye. Indianapolis [Hollenbeck Press, 191 7] Contains an autobiographical sketch, p. 275, reprinted from Youth's Companion, December 9, 191 5, and copied by The Indianapolis Star, January 30, 1916. The Nicholson poem, "For a Pioneer's Memorial," set to music by Corinne L. Barcus, herein p. [313], had previous publication in Poems (1906). I918 America in the war. By Louis Raemaekers. New York, Century Co., 1918 Contains "The End of the Hindenburg Line," p. 16, written for this self -called "anthology of patriotic opinion." The volume was later issued ( 1 924) with a limitation leaf, in an edition of 250 numbered copies, by Alumni of America, in % morocco. 148 MEREDITH NICHOLSON 334TH minstrels, an evening with our boys. Murat Theatre, Indianapolis, April 13, 191 8 Self-wrapper. This program contains a contribution by Nicholson beginning, "Welcome and thrice welcome to the Hoosier boys . . .," p. 2. I9I9 heart of America readers. Meredith Nicholson, Literary Editor. A third [fourth; fifth] reader. By Meredith Nicholson, Will D. Howe, and Myron T. Pritchard. New York, Chicago, etc., Charles Scribner's Sons [191 9] First issues have code letter A on copyright page. The only apparent contributions by Nicholson are the forewords: in the third reader, "The Flag of the Children/' p. vii; fourth reader, 'The Children of America/' p. vii; fifth reader, "The Heart of America," p. ix. I920 GEMS FROM INDIANA ROTARy's LITERARY BELT, n.p., n.d. [Indl- anapolis, Indiana Rotary, June, 1920] Gray boards. Contains "Tolerance," earlier in Cosmopolitan, April, 1920. 1921 MY MAIDEN EFFORT: BEING THE PERSONAL CONFESSIONS OF WELL- KNOWN AMERICAN AUTHORS AS TO THEIR LITERARY BEGINNINGS. With an introduction by Gelett Burgess. Garden City & Toronto, Authors' League & Doubleday, Page, 1921 First edition so stated on copyright page. Contains an autobio- graphical sketch, p. 181. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 149 1922 the stag cook book; written for men by men. Collected and edited by C[arroll] Mac Sheridan. New York, George H. Doran Co. [1922] Noted in two states: the earlier with cancel title-page which lacks publisher's emblem (later, title-page an integral part of the book and emblem present); both have cancel pp. vii— [viii], similar copyright page, and same binding. Contains "Wabash Valley Steak," p. 31. 1923 the definitive edition of mark twain. New York, Gabriel Wells [1923] Volume XII, "Life on the Mississippi/' contains introduction by Meredith Nicholson, "An Appreciation," p. ix. the drift. Published by the Junior Class, Butler College [Indian- apolis], 1923 Contains "Butler," a tribute to the college written for this annual, p. [24]. I924 my story that i like best. By Edna Ferber, Irvin S. Cobb, Peter B. Kyne, James Oliver Curwood, Meredith Nicholson, H. C. Witwer. With an introduction by Ray Long. New York [Cosmo- politan] 1924* Contains a two-page explanation, written for this book, of his choice of 'The Third Man," a story earlier collected in Best Laid Schemes (1922) and here reprinted. ralston of Indiana. [Indianapolis? 1924?] White wrappers; no title-page; title above text, p. 1. Cover title: *Jacob Blanck notes that the earliest located copy of this book has title-page wholly imprinted; that the third printing has, added to the plates of Nicholson and Cobb, a copyright claim in the name of Pirie MacDonald. 150 MEREDITH NICHOLSON Samuel M. Ralston. Contains "Ralston of Indiana, by Meredith Nich- olson, in the New York World/' p. 3. The article had appeared in The (New York) World, December 16, 1923. A quotation on p. 1 of the brochure, from the same article, is not duplicated on the subsequent pages. This was Presidential campaign matter. 1925 franklin booth. Sixty Reproductions from Original Drawings with an Appreciation by Earnest Elmo Calkins and an Introduc- tion by Meredith Nicholson. New York, Robert Frank, 1925 Introduction by Nicholson. Franklin Booth provided the title-page drawing for The Provincial American (1912), and illustrated The Poet (1914). The cover design of The Port of Missing Men (1907) bears initials, F. B.; possibly Booth's work, also. NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES. AD- DRESSES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTY-THIRD ANNUAL MEETING HELD AT INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, JUNE 28-JULY 3, 1 925. Volume 63. Washington, D.C., National Education Association, 1925 Contains "Culture and Brass Tacks," p. 74. This speech, delivered June 30, 1925, appeared in The Indianapolis Star, July 1, 1925. "what America's most famous authors say" about new hotel Sherman. [Chicago, Hotel Sherman, 1925?] Self-wrapper. Contains Nicholson's tribute, "Improved Upon Its Former Traditions," p. 10. I926 est appreciation of our new home. [Indianapolis, Chamber of Commerce, 1926] Red wrappers. Binder's title : Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce Activities; New Building Dedication Number 1890-192,6. Contains "To all pilgrims by land— air or water— greetings!," p. 6; signed in fac- simile. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 151 MODERN ALADDINS AND THEIR MAGIC. THE SCIENCE OF THINGS about us. By Charles E. Rush & Amy Winslow. Boston, Little, Brown, & Co., 1926 "Introduction" by Nicholson, p. [id]. TENTH ANNIVERSARY BANQUET INDIANAPOLIS CHAPTER AMERICAN red cross. A stenographic report of the banquet tendered . . . William Fortune, on July 1, 1926, commemorating his ten years of service as chairman of the chapter. [Indianapolis, 1926] Self-wrapper; no title-page; title above text, p. 5. Cover title: Ap- preciation of Civic Service. Contains "Address of Mr. Meredith Nichol- son," p. 24. Brief excerpts from the speech appeared in The Indianap- olis Star, July 2, 1926. I929 A BOOK OF INDIANA. THE STORY OF WHAT HAS BEEN DESCRIBED AS THE MOST TYPICALLY AMERICAN STATE IN THE AMERICAN DEMOC- RACY told in terms of biography. Kin [Frank McKinney] Hub- bard, Editor-in-Chief. Indiana Biographical Association, James O. Jones Co. [n.p.], 1929 Contains "Foreword: To the Hesitating Reader," p. 5, with sig- nature in facsimile. energizing personality. By Ancil T. Brown. New York & Lon- don, McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., 1929 First edition so stated on title-page. Introduction by Nicholson, p. xiii. 1930 monsoons— prevailing winds. By Frank Richards Hall & Charles Beckman Murphy. [N. p., Lafayette, Ind.?], 1930 Green pictorial wrappers. Foreword, "A Word to the Hesitating Purchaser," by Nicholson. 1 52 MEREDITH NICHOLSON PIONEER HISTORY OF ELKHART COUNTY, INDIANA, WITH SKETCHES and stories. By Henry S. K. Bartholomew. [Goshen, Ind., Goshen Printery, 1930] "Introduction" by Nicholson, p. IX. 1938 A cookbook, the stag at ease. Compiled by Marian Squire. Cald- well, Idaho, Caxton Printers, 1938 Contains "Sweetbreads Nicholson/' p. 107. 1941 james whitcomb riley: hoosier poet. By Jeannette Covert Nolan. New York, Julian Messner, Inc., 1941 Regular, and special limited Indiana Edition. Contains an intro- duction by Nicholson, p. xiii. 1943 TO THE SCHOOL CHILDREN OF INDIANAPOLIS FROM MEREDITH Nicholson. [Indianapolis, United War Fund, 1943] Leaflet, 4 pages, illustrated, issued in the United War Fund cam- paign, October 25 to November 9, 1943. The Nicholson message is a full spread over the two inside pages. 1944 can it happen again? Second Printing. [Indianapolis, Clarence F. Merrell, 1944] Self-wrapper. Contains a "Foreword to the Second Printing" by Nicholson, dated October 21, 1944, on inside front cover. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS i 53 1945 WHERE DID YOU GET THAT HAT? A SYMPOSIUM. By Young E. Alli- son, Meredith Nicholson, William Fortune, and Harry S. New. Edited with Some Comments by J. Christian Bay. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Torch Press, 1945 Boards, cloth shelfback. Privately printed for J. Christian Bay in an edition of 400 copies, for a Christmas greeting. Contains a letter to Young E. Allison, dated September 6, 1929, p. 39. Periodicals Containing First Appearances American Foreign Service Journal 1934: October The Land of the Tall Poinsettia [Paraguay]* The American Legion Monthly 1926: August The Savor of Nationality* 1927: January The Illusion of Change* May How Long Will America Last?* 1928: March All for One-One for All* June Should Nellie Stay at Home? December The Heart of American Youth* 1929: April Americans Forever June Prosperity and Laughter* December The Silver Trumpet of Romance* 1930: May America and Her Critics* December The Girl from the River* The Atlantic Monthly 1 901: July In the Great Pastures [poem] 1902: October Wide Margins [poem] December Edward Eggleston* 1903: August Penalties of Precision [anonymous]! 1904: June Indianapolis: A City of Homes 1908: May The Spirit of Mischief 1909: November Confessions of a "Best Seller" [anonymous] 1911: March The Provincial American 1912: June Should Smith Go to Church 1 ? October The Tired Business Man 1914: February The Lady of Landor Lane 1915: February The Church for Honest Sinners October The Open Season for American Novelists December The Boulevard of Rogues 1916: August The Second-Rate Man in Politics October James Whitcomb Riley* 1920: October How, then, Should Smith Vote? * Uncollected. -{-Uncollected. A clipping has been found which has M. N. signed in Nichol- son's hand. A later article in "The Contributors' Club" column of the issue of November, 1904, "The Tyranny of the Calendar," is probably Nicholson's, al- though unsigned; an excerpt is preserved among other clippings identified as his. 154 PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES *55 The Bookman 1903: August 1908: January 1928: March The Inevitable Word [poem]* Concerning a Bit of Manuscript* Hoosier Letters and the Ku Klux* Boston Evening Transcript 1889: 1890: 1891: 1893: 1895 December 26 November 10 April 22 October 1 1 May 2 September 28 November 6 The Catholic World 1887: June 1889: 1890: July October November September December Righteous Wrath [poem] Where Away [poem] At the Top of the Pillars [poem]* Aftermath [poem]* West [poem] The Old Guidons [poem] The Organ [poem]* In Ether Spaces [poem] Dreams [poem] Sat Est Vixesse [poem] A Rondeau of Eventide [poem] Cardinal Newman [poem] Christmas in the Pines [poem]* The Century Magazine 1890: January December 1892: January 1895: January 1897: April June 1898: August September 1899: June July 1900: September 1904: November 1927: May The Certified Public Accountant 1933: February A Bit of Old Indiana [speech at banquet of American Society of Certified Public Ac- countants, September 29, 1932]* A Letter [poem]* On a Becalmed Sleeping Car [poem]* A Parting Guest [poem]* Chords [poem] The Cello [poem]* Slang [poem]* The Horns [poem] Orchards by the Sea [poem] A Prayer of the Hill-Country [poem] Camps [poem] A Shadow of the Rockies [poem] God Save the State! [poem] Keep off the Grass* Chicago Examiner 1 91 3: November 16 [Speech before the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the National Institute Uncollected. 156 MEREDITH NICHOLSON Chicago Examiner— continued of Arts and Letters, Chicago, November 1 5, 1 91 3, part only]* The (Chicago) Inter Ocean 1893: September 6 A Song of Welcome [poem]t 1904: November 13 God Save the State! [poem]* The Chicago Tribune 1886: February 20 Tale of a Postage Stamp [signed W. M. N.]§ 1922: June 25 The Hand on the Shoulder* Children's Museum (Indianapolis) Bulletin 1934: Spring Letter [to Children's Museum]* The Churchman 1895: September 28 St. Michael and All Angels' Day [poem]* The Cincinnati Enquirer 1925: July 19 Is Our Great National Motive Power, Curi- osity, Being Educated Out of Us?* Whose Business Is It [to vote]?:}: The Girl at the Ad Counter* Meredith Nicholson's Opinion of "Bealby" [by H. G. Wells]* The Last of the Kings* Landon's Legacy* The Man with the Lantern* 8, 1 5 The Madness of May The Third Man* The Hopper Lady Larkspur; Meredith Nicholson [auto- biographical]* 16, 23 Lady Larkspur [continued and con- cluded] * Uncollected; the entire speech was later published with title, "The Sunny Slopes of Forty." fUncollected; reprinted from The Indianapolis News, but not located therein. At an unestablished date (1885?) his poem, "The Pony Express," was published in this Chicago newspaper, signed Will Meredith Nicholson. *Uncollected. §Uncollected; awarded a $10.00 prize by the Tribune in a short story contest. "An Eastern newspaper" is said (Banta, p. 238) to have paid him $3.00 for a poem a bit earlier and these two pieces brought him the first monetary returns for Lis literary efforts. College Humor 1928: July Collier's 1914: July 4 July 25 1916: September 26 January 8 February 1 9 March 25, April 1 , May 13 December 30 1918: October 1 9 26, November 9, PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES *57 Collier's— continued 1925: September 26 193 1 : July 4 Cosmopolitan (see also Cosmopolitan) 1 91 9: May June July August September October November December 1920: January March April May June July August September October November December 1 921: January February 1922: January- August November 1923: March- October 1924: June December— 1925: February Stay in Your Own Home Town The Best Man Wins* Hearst's International combined with Be a National Asset!* The Dream of the World* Buried Treasure* The Standard of Americanism* The Lesson of the Corn* The Efficiency of the Soul* The American Girl* The Star of Stars* The Single Stroke* Steady, America!* Tolerance* Am I a Good Citizen?* Leadership*; As Mr. Capper Said, 'We Don't Know It All"* Democracy and Laughter* The Work That Counts* The Moods of a Nation* Fooling the People* Enthusiasm* Making and Spending* The Golden Age* The Crown of Defeat* Broken Barriers Set a Thief to Catch a Thief* The Hope of Happiness The Haunted Rocking-Chair* And They Lived Happily Ever After [con- tinued in Heart's International combined with Cosmopolitan, q.v.] The Crawfordsville Journal 1885: January 24 1 861-1865 [poem]t February 7 A Bit of History [poem]f 14 Stricken [poemjt March 7 Great Salt Lake [poemjt "■Uncollected. •{•Uncollected; signed Will Meredith Nicholson. i 5 8 MEREDITH NICHOLSON The Crawfordsville Journal— continued 1885: April 25 Light Throuhg [sic] Darkness [poem]* Fragrance [poem]* Violin [poem] [Speech delivered at Crawfordsville High School, April 10th, under caption:] Great Interest in 100th Birthday of Gen. Lew Wallace! June 1 3 1886: November 20 1927: April 11 Two Greeks [poem; written in Edith Matilda Thomas' A Winter Swallow]t Unmapped [poem] Contentment [poem]t Fire-Hunting [poem] Faithless [poem] Barred [poem] A Meeting [poem]t Thoreau [poem] The Shining Road [poem] Maurice Thompson's Verset "My Roger"t The Critic 1897: September 18 1898: June 18 The Current (Chicago) 1885: May 9 September 5 October 1 7 December 26 1886: March 27 July 1 o Current Literature 1907: May The Dawn 1893: December 7 The Delineator 1 9 1 9 : November The Dial 1 891: February Dieu Vous Garde [poem] East and West: A Monthly Magazine of Letters (New York) 1900: September A Hopeful View of Poetry^ Every Week 1 9 1 5 : May 1 7 The Heart Cure at Banning Farms t 19 1 6: May 8, 15 Mr. Richard's Fianceet Kate Field's Washington 1892: December 14 Frontier [poem]t 1894: March 21 The Sheaf of Days [poem] t Good Housekeeping 1 9 1 6 : November Clarissa's Babyt * Uncollected; signed Will Meredith Nicholson. fUncollected. ^Uncollected; later revised and presented as "The Future of Poetry" before the Indianapolis Literary Club, and as a Master's address at Buder University; see The Indianapolis Journal, June 13, 1903, for brief quotation from the latter speech. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES Good Housekeeping— continued 159 1917: July August December 1926: January Harper's Bazaar 191 9: October,! December— 1920: May A Bad Actor* Poor Butterfly* Who Killed Cock Robin?* Without Benefit of College Blacksheep! Blacksheep! Harper's [Monthly] Magazine 1897: 1898: 1915: 1921: 1922: 1923: April Memory [poem] June Charm [poem] October Labor and Art [poem] August Honor Bright December The Oldest Case on the Calendar December Are We a Happy People? December One's Grandfather Hearst's International combined with Cosmopolitan (see also Cos- mopolitan) 1925 March- June 1926: August 1928: January— July 1930: June December And They Lived Happily Ever After [con- tinued from Cosmopolitan, q.v.] Finding Work for Walter* A Chevalier of the Cumberland Come to Kernville* Moonlight on the Susquehanna* The Hoosier (Bloomington, Indiana) 1916: December Personal Reminiscences [of] J. W. Riley* The Independent 1894: August 16 Populistic Esthetics* 1896: September 10 Populistic Ideals* The Indianapolis Journal 1885: May 10 Contentment [poem]t June 28 Thy Voice [poem]§ July 5 The Humming Bird [poem]§ * Uncollected. tNovember, 191 9, never published. ^Uncollected; signed Will Meredith Nicholson. It may have been this poem which was reprinted in "a Cincinnati newspaper" and led to James Whitcomb Riley's first visit to Nicholson while he was working in the Wallace law office (see Nicholson's "Without Benefit of College" for story of their meeting). §Uncollected; signed Will Meredith Nicholson. i6o MEREDITH NICHOLSON The Indianapolis Journal— continued 1885: July 12 Dreams [poem] August 9 Glad Heart! Sweetheart! [poem]*; In the Moonlight [poem]* 16 "Loved and Lost" [poem]* October 25 Actaeon [poem]* November 29 Estranged [poem] 1886: January 17 Disappointment [poem] 24 Youth [poem]*; A Discovery (according to Tommy) [poem] June 20 Ambition [poem]* July 25 Illstarred [poem] August 15 Recompense [poem]*; Optimistic [poem]* September 5 Tis Never Night in Love's Domain [poem]t 12 Where Love Was Not [poem] 19 A Kind of Man [poem] 1887: January 2 Love's Power [poem]; Transfigured [poem] February 13 Days of Peace and War [poem]t April 17 From the East [poem]t May 1 The Midas Touch [poem]t; Half Flights [poem] 1889: January 6 A Rhyme of Little Girls [poem] 13 A Secret [poem] 20 Dieu Vous Garde [poem] April 14 A Prince's Treasure [poem] July 7 A Slumber Song [poem] Novembei : 10 In Ether Spaces [poem] December 22 Greek Love Songs [poems:] The Greek Girl's Song; The Shepherd's Song 1890: May 4 My Pumps and I [poem]t June 8 Three Friends [poem] 29 A Tragedy in Triolets [poem]t July 6 In the Shadow [poem] 13 Sonnet, Rondeau and Triolet [poems:] A Modern Puritan; In Camp Tonight^; "Lead Kindly Light" August 24 A Question as to America's Culture^ October 26 October [poem] 1891: August 23 "I Know a Place" [poem]t 1892: January 3 A Parting Guest [poem]t * Uncollected; signed Will Meredith Nicholson. fSigned Meredith Nicholson; until this date his poems in The Indianapolis Journal and elsewhere had been signed, "Will Meredith Nicholson." ^Uncollected. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 161 The Indianapolis Journal— continued 1892: March 13 [Poem on trust 1893: 1894: 1895: 1896: 1897: October 2 December 18 January March October December March April August September 29 Mav 31 22 19 15 3 1 1 1 8 January 5 September 26 December 20 1898: January April May June 23 18 19 29 19 26 July October 3 9 23 November 6 1899: January Feburary 19 untitled]* Alter Ego [poemjt Frontier [poem]t Go, Winter [poemjt Harvest [poemjt Escheat [poem] Like Lost Sheep [poemjt Alterum Nomen [poemjl: The Sheaf of Days [poemjt Where Four Winds Meet [poem] St. Michael and All Angels' Day [poemjt Down the Corridor (J. M. B. Obit, May 22, 1896) [poem]t "Lighten Our Darkness" (the Rev. J. H. Ranger: Obiit Oct. 24, 1895) [poem]t Two Greeks [poem; written in Edith Matilda Thomas' A Winter Swallow ]t [Review of Hector Fuller's Roach & Co., Pirates]f A Slumber Song [poem] "Bless Thou the Guns" [poem] "First of All the New War's Slain" [poem; about Worth Bagley, Ensign] t Charm [poem] News [poem] Mr. [Frank L.j Stanton's Volume of Verse [Songs of the Soil]t Old Wharves [poemjt Labor and Art [poem] The Horns [poem] "An Idyl of the Wabash" [review of book by Anna Nicholas] t Riley in the Atlantic [poem]§ How Pierre Found His Father: A Story of Vincennest "Uncollected; published with tide, "Trust," in Western Association Writers: Sayings and Doings of the Sixth General Meeting (1892). tUncollected. ^Uncollected; acknowledgment made to Boston Evening Transcript but not found therein January i-March 10, 1894. §Riley wrote Nicholson on September 15, 1898 (if the date is accurately tran- scribed in Letters of James Whitcomb Riley, edited by William Lyon Phelps t I 93o]» p. 231), expressing gratitude for a "hail out of the far West" (Nicholson was living in Denver). Nicholson's footnote in Phelps explains it as referring to this poem, but it was not written until December 23, 1898, not published until January 1, 1899. 1 62 MEREDITH NICHOLSON The Indianapolis Journal— continued 1899: February 26 Empire [poem]* December 4 1902: May 1903: June 14 13 The Indianapolis News 1885: November 19 1886: May 28 1888: September 2 May 29 June 1 5 1889: May 30 October 1 5 December 16 1890: February 8 12 15 March 29 April 5 May June July August November 26 10 24 3o 13 12 13 [Review of George Edward Woodberry's Wild Eden, under caption:] Recent Publi- cations [unsigned]* [Speech at Indiana Commandery of the Loyal Legion banquet, at Indianapolis, May 13th, under caption:] What the Monument Means to Us* The Future of Poetry [Master's Address at Butler University, June 12th, quoted in part]* Secrets [poem, signed Will Meredith Nichol- son] Grape Bloom [poem, signed Will Meredith Nicholson] An Idolater [poem] A Readjustment [poem]* "Kate Greenaway" [poem]* The Battles Grandsire Missed [poem] Sat Est Vixisse [poem] Our Debt to the Norsemen [poem] Blind [poem] The Little Boy across the Way [poem]* Good Night and Pleasant Dreams [poem] Watching the World Go By [poem] "As You Like It" [poems:] I. Labor the Law of Life [to Charles H. Ham]*; II. Identified at Last*; III. Art's Lesson To Eugene Field in London [poem] A Hoosier Girl's Eyes [poem]* The March of Lenore [poem] * The Soldier Heart [poem] [Editorial on international copyright bill, un- signed]! When the Boss Gets Back (With Apologies to J. W.Riley) [poem]* Newman and His Work* Friendship's Sacrament [poem] * Uncollected. fUncollected. From a letter of June 11, 1890, unpublished, it is known that Nicholson was asked by R. U. Johnson what publicity had been given the subject in Indiana newspapers; this was probably a response by him, one of the few edi- torials he was writing at the time which it is possible to trace to his pen. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 163 The Indianapolis News- 1 901: February 16 July 20 1902: May 14 1906: May 15 23 September 29 1907: December 6 1909: January 20 191 o: September 17 October 1 9 1 9 1 1 : April 1 2 December 29 1 91 3: March 5 -continued The Dead Archer: Maurice Thompson, Obit. Feb. 15, 1 90 1 Felix Reville Brunot— A Biography [by Charles L. Slattery; review of]* "What the Monument Means to Us" [speech at Indiana Commandery of the Loyal Le- gion banquet at Columbia Club, May 13, 1902]* A Hymn of the Monument [poem]t [Letter to the Editor, May 22nd, under cap- tion:] The Crapsey Verdict* [Self-interview, relating to The House of a Thousand Candles, under caption:] How Mr. Nicholson Wrote Novell: Days That Are No More§ [Informal talk before English Composition class of Wabash College, Crawfordsville, under caption:] Read the Bible, Says Mere- dith Nicholson II On the Antietam Battlefield [poem]* [Letter to Samuel M. Ralston, under caption:] Says Only Hope Is in Democratic Party* [Speech, Purdue University, April 12th, un- der caption:] Nicholson at Purdue* [Brief tribute to Charles Dickens in introduc- tion of his son, Alfred Tennyson Dickens, to the Indiana State Teachers' Association, under caption:] Dickens Talks to Indiana Teachers* [Poem, untitled, beginning: "Happy the man * Uncollected. fUncollected; written for dedication of the Indiana Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument. His later poem, "At the Monument," undoubtedly refers to the same memorial. ^Uncollected; extracts quoted from an article written "for a New York paper"; earlier publication unlocated. §Uncollected; a letter of December 5, 1907. Some years earlier, before Decem- ber 1, 1 90 1, Nicholson had written a nostalgic letter to the Editor, complaining that Indianapolis' growth had spoiled it for literary material; The Indianapolis News, December 18, 1901, referred to this, and quoted the Denver Republican's comments on it. II Uncollected. Nicholson spoke frequently at Wabash College. He gave an ad- dress before Phi Beta Kappa there in June, 1901; unlocated in printed form. There is also a manuscript in Yale University of an address probably delivered at Wabash, entitled, "Mental Hospitality"; context indicates that it was prepared for a graduation class. Yet another speech given in Crawfordsville, 'Women Poets," exists in manuscript form. 164 MEREDITH NICHOLSON The Indianapolis News— 1 91 3: May June 191 5: October 1 916: July 1 91 7: April June 24 8 24 20 9 3 July September 20 December 18 1 91 8: February 8 August 16 1920: May 12 1923: November 21 1924: December 23 1925: December 28 1927: August 19 1928: March 8, 1929: March 16 1933: December 1 1934: December 19 1935: February 14 continued that scales the heights afar," under cap- tion:] Poem Sent by Nicholson to the Vice- President [Thomas R. Marshall]* [Statement in reply to Wm F. Moore, about criticism of William Jennings Bryan, un- der caption:] Resents Attack on Record* [Statement regarding declining of appoint- ment as U. S. Minister to Portugal]* [Tribute to Morris Ross]* [Tribute to James Whitcomb Riley, under caption:] Death of Riley Saddens Friends* Letting George Do It [written for the Vigi- lantes]* War Bond Best of Good Things*; The Dollars behind the Guns* Stand Up for Indiana* Whose War Is This?* Whose House Is Burning;'* Tribute to Billy Miller* What the Victory or Defeat of Germany Means to Americans* The Spirit of Indianapolis* Many Memories Stirred by Robert Under- wood Johnson [comments on the autobiog- raphy, Remembered Yesterdays] * [Speech at Cleveland Chamber of Commerce luncheon, December 23rd, under caption:] Ancient Lights* World's Sharp Edges Shape Men for Life's Fight without College Giants of the Diamond* Shootin' 'Em and Stoppin' 'Em [Nicholson the guest writer of column conducted by W. F. F., Jr. (William F. Fox)]* [Letter to Dr. Carleton B. McCulloch, under caption:] Nicholson Likes Paraguay Post* [Christmas greeting, under caption:] Nichol- son Hails Yuletide* [Letter to Manual Training High School for 40th anniversary celebration]! * Uncollected. fUncollected; praises John H. Holliday, Charles H. Ham, Charles E. Em- merich, and E. H. Kemper McComb; another excerpt from the same letter ap- peared in The Indianapolis Times, February 18, 1935, Manual Anniversary Edition. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 165 The Indianapolis News— con tinned 1936: February 5 (Supplement) Hoosier Reminisces in Far- Off Caracas* 1945: October 6 James Whitcomb Riley* The Indianapolis Sentinel 1902: June 1 [Speech for benefit of the Harrison Memorial, at Indiana authors' readings, Indianapolis, May 3 0-3 1 st] t The Indianapolis Star 1907: February i< 1908: December 1910: January 191 1 : May 1 91 2: October 1913: May 29 191 6: January May June July 12 30 3 24 The Shining Road [poem] [Explanation of Indiana's literary greatness, under caption:] Secret of Greatness of Two Indiana Authors* [Nicholsons article is fol- lowed by George Barr McCutcheon's] Lew Wallace as Meredith Nicholson Knew Him* The Grandest Dream of All [sermon delivered at All Souls Unitarian Church, Indian- apolis, May 28th]t [Letter to James Whitcomb Riley, under cap- tion:] Nicholson Calls Him Laird [of Lock- erbie Street]* [Open letter to Democrats of Indianapolis condemning Joseph E. Bell's candidacy for Mayor, under caption:] Nicholson Assails Bell . . .* [Letter to the editor of the Star, further warn- ing against Bell, under caption:] Here's the Dope on Candidates* An Autobiographical Chapter§ [Speech at dinner honoring Lucius B. Swift, May 2nd]* [Speech at meeting of Indianapolis Bar Asso- ciation, June 2nd, under caption:] Some Indiana Characters* [Tribute to Riley, under caption:] Death of Riley Saddens Friends* * Uncollected. tUncollected; Nicholson read his poems: "The Bugle," "To a Debutante," "Shadow Lines," "The Psalms of the Mountains." A souvenir of the occasion, Readings by Indiana Authors in Aid of Benjamin Harrison Monument Associa- tion, issued in pamphlet form, contains portraits of the authors, but no text. ^Uncollected. Nicholson had delivered another address at the same church December 15, 1907, "At the Celebration of the 100th anniversary of Whittier's Birth"; manuscript in Yale University Library; not found in print. § Uncollected; from "A Hoosier Boyhood," in Youth's Companion, q. v. 1 66 MEREDITH NICHOLSON The Indianapolis Star- 1917: April 17 May 6 1918: January 5 8 June 2 October 20 November 10 1919: July 13 1920: March 5 1923: April 22 1924: March 3 November 2 December 24 continued The Most Beautiful Thing [about French re- lief]* Pernod Is Unique; He Is a Classic [tribute to Booth Tarkington]* [Speech, Lafayette Day appeal for French re- lief, delivered May 6th at Second Presby- terian Church, Indianapolis]* [Letter to Vice-President Thomas R. Marshall protesting, with Vigilantes, against Senator Robert M. LaFollette] * [Letter to George Seidensticker, about Indian- apolis Turnverein]* [The Spirit of the West, part only] [Autobiographical sketch, under caption:] Meredith Nicholsont [Christmas plea for U. S. soldiers in Europe, under caption:] If You Were a Soldier Over There and Santa Claus Forgot You . . 4 Will Hays, Head of the Republican National Committee* [Speech at Hoosier book exhibit, L. S. Ayres & Co., Indianapolis, March 4th, quoted in brief under caption:] The Development of Literature* [Greetings to Indiana League of Women Vot- ers, 4th annual convention, under caption:] Noted Author Sees Women as Saviors in City Politics* [Speech at the negro Y. M. C. A., March 2nd, under caption:] Nicholson Pleads for Kind- ness and Love in Life's Code§ [Speech in campaign for State Senatorship under caption:] Nicholson Likens Party to Old Home* [Speech, December 23rd, under caption:] * Uncollected. fUncollected; from Collier's, October 19, 191 8. ^Uncollected. Earlier this year Nicholson mentioned his patriotic efforts in a letter, September 14, 191 8, to Robert Bridges: "I'm pledged to a speaking tour for the Fourth [Liberty] Loan, and have promised the Librarians to help in their drive in November." His speeches in the drive have not been located in this or other newspapers. § Uncollected. Nicholson later made a speech before an audience of negroes on the subject of the Ku Klux Klan, on September 8, 1924, in his campaign for State Senatorship, not found in print. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 167 The Indianapolis Star- 1925: July 1 September 26 1926: January 5 September 17 October 6 1927: June 8 1928: April 8 1930: March 11 1932: October 30 1933: February 15 September 7 1934: October 8 December 3 1937: January 7 1942: December 25 ■continued Nicholson Talks to Chamber of Commerce of Cleveland on "Ancient Lights"* Culture and Brass Tacks* Stay in Your Own Home Town [Speech at Indianapolis Public Library Jan- uary 4th, under caption:] Nicholson Gets Up Early in Morning to Praise Library* [Speech at National Life Underwriters Asso- ciation banquet, September 15th, under caption:] Nicholson Tells Insurance Men Writers Interpret Life* [Speech before Indianapolis Medical Society, October 5th, under caption:] Nicholson Slaps Public Officials and Prohibition* "Better Hoosier Hicks," Nicholson's Motto in "Is New York a Bluff?"* [Politics and the Citizen, under caption:] Meredith Nicholson Suggests Wrongdoing Cure* [Wanted: A Political Emetic, under caption:] Nicholson Sees Tolerance of Bad Govern- ment as Citizenship Evil* Yea, Wabash!* [Speech at Century Club dinner, Indianapolis, February 14th, under caption:] Local Au- thor May Be Envoy* [Speech at farewell dinner in Indianapolis, September 6th, before departure for Para- guay*; tribute to Mayor Reginald Sullivan who administered his oath as U. S. envoy to Paraguay*] [Speech, written for 10th anniversary pro- gram of the James Whitcomb Riley Hos- pital for Children, read by Dr. Carleton B. McCulloch, published under caption:] Riley Travels Far* [The Land of the Tall Poinsettia, under cap- tion:] Nicholson Pictures Paraguay's Charm* [Speech before Indianapolis Bar Association, January 6th, under caption:] Nicholson Makes Peace Plea in Bar Association Ad- dress* My Thoughts on This Christmas* * Uncollected. 68 MEREDITH NICHOLSON The Indianapolis Star— continued 1943: April 19 November 18, December 23- 1 944 : September 7 1945: October 6 The Indianapolis Sun 191 1 : June 23 The Indianapolis Times 1922: 1926: 1934: 1935: September 28 November 1 May February 18 18 1947: September 27 Without Prejudice [bi-weekly contributions to the column]* [Tribute to Riley and the James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association, under cap- tion:] James Whitcomb Riley* Hoosier Gastronomies* Ideals Are Gone* [Speech, at Democratic meeting, Indianapolis, October 29th, under caption:] Toll of Klan in State Set Forth* Letter [to Children's Museum, Indianapolis]* Manual Anniversary Edition [Letter to Manual Training High School, for 40th anniversary celebration]! In Tune with the Timest The Ishmaelite (Indianapolis) 1896: 1897: 1898: 1899: December Horatio at Elsinore [poem] January Cuba [poem] May Specialists* January "Lighten Our Darkness" (The Rev. J. H. Ranger; Obiit Oct. 24, 1895) [poem]* June A Song of Good Roads [poem]* August A Rough Rider: Theodore W. Miller [poem]* February The Message [poem]* April An April Easter [poem] The Ladies' Home Journal 191 8: April 1919: March 1920: May Libraries 1926: March Hot Biscuits and Honey* The Governor's Day Off* The Housewarming* [Speech at Indianapolis Public Library staff meeting, January 4th; part only, under cap- tion : ] Meredith Nicholson on the Library§ * Uncollected. •{•Uncollected; praises Roy W. Howard; another excerpt from the same letter appeared in The Indianapolis News, February 14, 1935. ^Uncollected; reprinted December 22nd, in a Nicholson obituary. §Uncollected; more of it was quoted in The Indianapolis Star and some in The Indianapolis News, on January 5, 1926. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 169 Life 1920: December 2 Accuracy* The Louisville (Kentucky) Post 1903: June 20 A Prayer of the Hill Country [poem] McClure's Magazine 1 921: January What Would You Do?* August The Campbells Are Coming Metropolitan 1917: February Made in Mazooma* 1919: January Miss O'Rourke and True Romance* Modern Art 1893: November Melpomene [poem]* 1 895 : January Where Four Winds Meet [poem]; William T. Walters [poem]* Mooresville (Indiana) Times 1937: June 24 Anniversary Edition [Letter to the Editor, under caption:] Jap Miller, Friend of Riley, Made Brooklyn Nationally Famous* The Nation 1 9 14: April 30 Social Service by the Church Still Experi- mental* National Monthly (Buffalo, N. Y.) 191 1 : May Tom Marshall of Indiana* The New England Magazine 1893: March Harvest* 1898: June Old Wharves [poem]* November A Prayer [poem] 1899: February Heredity [poem]* November The Open Doors [poem]* New York Evening Post 1 921: (shortly after April 5) Let Main Street Alone! New York Herald 1906: September 23 Meredith Nicholson, Author of "The House of a Thousand Candles," Tells the Story of His Story* * Uncollected. 170 MEREDITH NICHOLSON The (New York) Sun 1898: September 25 Dialect [poem]* (before November 13) New Trails [poem]* 1899: April 9 The Earth [poem] 1922: December 21 "U. S. in a Spiritual Twilight" [response to a question regarding his article, "Are We a Happy People?"]* The New York Times 1924: October 15 The (New York) World 1923: December 16 The Phi Gamma Delta 1904: April 1905: November [Statement in support of John W. Davis for President, under caption:] Nicholson for Davis* [Article on Samuel M. Ralston and Indiana politics]! On Being an Example [about Edward Lincoln Atkinson]* A Virginia Impression: Washington and Lee [University]* Progressive Farmer (Raleigh, N. C.) 1926: August 21 Learn from Books and from People* Rationews (Marion County, Indiana, Rationing Administration) 1943: April Will You Hoard for Hitler!* The Reader Magazine 1904: August Simplicity [poem] September One of the Least of These* 1905: April Lew Wallace§ June- October The House of a Thousand Candles November Bellona [poem]; The House of a Thousand Candles [continued] December The House of a Thousand Candles [con- cluded] 1906: May Why Send for the Doctor?; Aideen [poem]t November- * Uncollected. •{•Uncollected; syndicated. § Uncollected; reprinted in part in The American Monthly Review of Reviews, April, 1905, under caption, "Was Lew Wallace 'an Oriental with Medieval Tastes'?" :{:In Poems (1906) and in Current Literature, August, 1906, with correct tide, "Aileen." PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 171 The Reader Magazine— continued 1907: April The Port of Missing Men December The Red Book Magazine 1 91 4: January December 191 5: August October- 1916: May 191 7: September November 1918: April 1 921: April 1922: April 1923: January The Rotarian 1928: April 1930: March 1933: November 1938: August The Crown of Years* That Affair at Green Bay* Broken Glass* Sitting Up with Susan* The Proof of the Pudding The Prince of Charmingville* The Guest of Honor* Nothing Venture, Nothing Have 5 Poor Dear Papa* Nuttins* McGillicuddy* Politics and the Citizen* Wanted: A Political Emetic* Let's All Be Ourselves* Politics: A Field for Young Men* The Saturday Evening Post 191 2: November 16 191 3: January 18 April 1 2 August 1 6 November 8 1914: January 3 November 21 191 7: January Scribner's Magazine 1906: August 1 9 1 7 : December 191 8: January February March April May June 1919: May 1 921: September 1922: December The Susiness of Susan The Girl with the Red Feather April's Lady* Registered* The Honorable Archie* The Imprudence of Prudence* Arabella's House Party Doubtful Dollars* In the Dusk [poem]* The Heart of Life* The Valley of Democracy, I: The Folks and Their Folksiness . II: Chicago . Ill: Types and Diversions . IV: The Farmer of the Middle West . V: The Middle West in Politics . VI: The Spirit of the West Wrong Number The Poor Old English Language An American Citizen [Lucius B. Swift] * Uncollected. i 7 2 MEREDITH NICHOLSON University Magazine 1892: December Mea Culpa [poem] ; Between the Daffodil and Golden Rod [poem]* The University Review 1893: October Escheat [poem] The World's Work 1910: January What I Tried to Do in My Latest Book [The Lords of High Decision]^ The Yale Review 191 8: July The Cheerful Breakfast Table 1924: October The Democratic Party in 1 924! Youth's Companion 191 5: December 9 A Hoosier Boyhood [autobiographical] t Notes : Clippings preserved without source or date prove that cer- tain other pieces appeared in periodicals; list follows: Balthasar [poem], signed Will Meredith Nicholson. A sonnet, based on Wallace's Ben-Hur, and preceded by a quotation from the book Bryan, William Jennings. A letter regarding him, published in the Charleston News and Courier, according to an unidentified news- paper article, which mentions also another letter about Bryan in the South Bend (Indiana) Times; no clue to dates yet found "I would give a good deal if I knew the answer to the question, 'How is a novel produced?'" Article published after The House of a Thousand Candles (1905) Nicholson, Meredith: A Brief Story of His Life by Himself. Not same as the autobiographical article in The Indianapolis Star, January 30, 1916 A Tendency in Verse Woollen, Evans. Biographical sketch from a publication with running head, The Hoosier Democrat; ca. August, 1927; unlocated; possibly a piece of ephemera, rather than a serial or periodical. ♦Uncollected. Another poem, "Go, Winter," appeared in this magazine before January 22, 1893. •{-Uncollected. [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON born: Fairfield, Indiana, September 9, 1844 died: Crawfordsville, Indiana, February 15, 190 1 Maurice Thompson is known generally as the author of Alice of Old Vincennes. To archery enthusiasts he is more distinguished for another reason. Skill with a bow and arrow, acquired in boy- hood, became more than a personal hobby with him; he inspired others with a liking for the sport and through him it became fash- ionable in the United States. On June 14, 1879, The Publishers' Weekly commented on the fact that "Mr. Maurice Thompson was the first [in America] to call attention to the sport. By his articles in various magazines and later by his book, The Witchery of Arch- ery/ he has aroused enthusiasm all over the country for the game." His brother Will deserves some credit with him, since they were inseparable companions at the time; their book, How to Train in Archery (1879) was a practical manual in the latter part of the nineteenth century, today it and The Witchery of Archery are col- lectors' items. A collection of short stories about Indiana, Hoosier Mosaics, was his first published volume (1875). He had come back to the state of his birth after a youth spent in Georgia, and it is interest- ing to see how his subsequent writing reflects both backgrounds. Throughout his life he wintered in the South, spent the rest of the year in the North, at Crawfordsville, and gave both his appre- ciation. Two of his early books appeared in an anonymous series : A Tal- lahassee Girl and His Second Campaign. There exists a statement that he signed himself at an unstated time as "An Old Trapper" and "J- Perkins Tracy," but no evidence has been found that he was connected with any publications so signed, or that he ever used any pseudonym. He dropped his first name, James, from his signature in periodicals in the spring of 1875. According to his grandniece, Wilda Thompson, Tacoma, Washington, he was named James Madison Thompson; the middle name must have been changed in his childhood. The same year that he became literary editor of The Independ- ent (1889), hi s dime novel, "The League of the Guadalupe" was i75 i 7 6 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON published in Street Gr Smith's New York Weekly, evidently a youthful excursion into the field of fiction since he called it his "firstling." But, the "first stroke" he ever made at a story was "Sum- mer Sweethearts," he told William Dean Howells in a letter of September 15, 1881, now in Harvard's Houghton Library. The appointment as Indiana State Geologist and head of the state's Natural History Department, 1885, was the result of his in- tense interest in nature plus attention to politics; he was a lawyer and had served in the State Legislature in 1879. Engineering was another early test of his talents. Literature, he decided, was the field in which it was inevitable that he succeed; it was in his char- acter to crave top place in whatever he undertook. When he had achieved a high reputation for his poems and essays and stories with their background of literature, history, sports, and nature, he still was not satisfied. So little was being paid to an author for literary labor, he complained in letters to editors. He lived long enough to see one of his books a financial success. Alice of Old Vincennes, published in 1900, a short time before his death, was immediately popular. It justified his faith in himself as a writer worthy of being read, and entitled to a reward for devot- ing his whole time to literature; the story endeared him to future generations. The many historical novels about the Middle West which followed it indicate that he popularized this type of fiction. Chronology of Books and Pamphlets 1875 Hoosier Mosaics E. J. Hale & Son 1878 The Witchery of Archery Charles Scribner's Sons 1879 How to Train in Archery (with Will H. Thompson) E. I. Horsman 1882 A Tallahassee Girl (anonymous) James R. Osgood and Company . J 1883 His Second Campaign (anonymous) James R. Osgood and Company Songs of Fair Weather James R. Osgood and Company 1 884 Claudes Big Trout (Ephemera) 1885 At Love's Extremes Cassell & Company Limited 1885 A Red-headed Family (Ephemera) By-Ways and Bird Notes John B. Alden FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 177 1 886 The Boys' Book of Sports and Outdoor Life The Century Co. A Banker of Bankersville Cassell & Company Limited 1887 Sunshine and Song (Ephemera) Sylvan Secrets John B. Alden 1888 A Fortnight of Folly John B. Alden The Story of Louisiana D Lothrop Company 1892 Poems Houghton, Mifflin and Company A Shadow of Love (Ephemera) Lorel Hasardour (Ephemera) 1 893 The Ethics of Literary Art Hartford Seminary Press The King of Honey Island Robert Bonner's Sons 1894 Lincoln's Grave Stone and Kimball 1895 The Ocala Boy: A Story of Florida Lothrop Publishing Com- pany 1898 Stories of Indiana American Book Company Stories of the Cherokee Hills Houghton, Mifflin and Com- pany 1900 My Winter Garden The Century Co. Alice of Old Vincennes The Bowen-Merrill Company 1 90 1 Sweetheart Manette J. B. Lippincott Company Rosalynde's Lovers The Bowen-Merrill Company 1928 The Witchery of Archery (Finehurst Edition) The Archers Company 1934 Genius and Morality (Ephemera) 1935 An Archer in the Cherokee Hills (Ephemera) Biographical References Who's Who in America [Vol. I] (1899); standard biographical refer- ence works on American authors (he is named in practically all pub- lished in the twentieth century); Biographical Sketches of Members of the Indiana State Government . . . 1879; L. J. Monks, Courts and Law- yers of Indiana, Vol. Ill (1916); Jacob P. Dunn, Indiana and Indi- anans (19 19); Henry C. Tracy, American Naturists (1930); Robert P. Elmer, all his books on archery; Paul Gordon, The New Archery 0939); Clement C. Parker, Compendium of Works on Archery 095 ); R- E. Banta, American Authors and Their Books (1949), Hoosier Caravan (1951); William Malone Baskervill, Southern Writ- ers: Biographical and Critical Studies (1897; the Thompson study also separately published in wrappers; the manuscript and letters relating to it preserved in the Joint University Libraries, Nashville, Tennessee). The latter was the only single biography of Maurice Thompson until Otis Wheeler wrote a thesis on him, accepted at the University of Min- nesota, December, 1951, and a copy is on deposit in the library there. First Editions — Book 1875 Hoosier Mosaics hoosier mosaics. | By maurice Thompson. | [■publishers' mono- gram] I NEW YORK: I E. J. HALE & SON, PUBLISHERS, | MURRAY STREET. I 1875. Collation: [i- 3 ]«, [ 4 ] 12 , [ 5 ] 6 , [6] 12 , [ 7 ]«, [8]", [ 9 ] e , [10] 12 , [n-13] 6 (book signed as if gathered in 17 signatures: numerals 2-17 appear on p. 13 and every twelfth leaf following, and the numeral is repeated with asterisk on recto of each second leaf following, with ex- ception of 17, where it is not repeated). White wove paper. Leaf meas- ures 5%"x 4%6"> a H edges red. End paper; blank, pp. [i-ii]; title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice dated 1875, p. [2]; dedication to his father, the Reverend Grigg Thompson, p. [3]; blank, p. [4]; table of contents, p. [5]; blank, p. [6]; text, pp. [71-196 (conjugate of pp. 7-8 pasted under front lining paper; the conjugate of pp. 189-190 is pasted under back lining paper); blank, pp. [ 1 97-1 98] ; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. (7)-i96: Was She a Boy?; Trout's Luck; Big Medicine; The Venus of Balhinch; The Legend of Potato Creek; Steal- ing a Conductor; Hoiden; The Pedagogue; An Idyl of the Rod.*] Illustrations : None. An ornamental rule appears below the title of each essay, and on p. [5]. Binding: Silk-finished mesh cloth, various colors, over flexible boards. Front cover stamped as follows : [triple rule, in black] | [title in center, on gilt-stamped panel outlined in black and gilt rules, decora- tions at top and bottom and either side, the panel within a gilt and black ornamental design topped with a gilt-stamped jester:] hoosier *Two or three of the sketches were said to have first appeared in The New York Tribune, and when he decided to make a book it was a poet friend, Paul H. Hayne, who suggested his publishers, Hale & Son.— The (Indianapolis) Satur- day Herald, August 2, 1879. 179 i8o [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON [letters of mosaic design outlined in black] | [arrow-like ornament] | mosaics [letters of mosaic design outlined in black] | [triple rule in black] . Spine gilt-stamped except for rule at top and bottom and orna- ments: [wide rule, in black] | [rule] | hoosier [last letter ends in a curlicue] | mosaics [first letter end in a curlicue] | [rule] [ornament, in black] | by [Y beginning and ending in short rule] mauricb | Thompson | [ornament, in black] | [rule] | e. j. hale & son. [rule] | [wide rule, in black]. Back cover blind-stamped: [triple rule] [orna- ment in oval design] | [triple rule]. End papers brown coated on white; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Listed in The Publishers' Weekly, Septem- ber 4, 1875, deposited in the Copyright Office September 9th. Earliest review noted: The (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald, September 18th.* Price, $1.25. Notes: First edition as collated. Bindings vary in color only. Poorly inked, the book has defective type present on many pages besides a few here indicated: table of contents, page references; p. 9, line 8, with, defective w; p. 63, line 6, several defects; p. 91, line 16, several of the copies examined including one deposited for copyright have a mark over or through the H in He; none of these defects appear to be evi- dence of later issue. Indiana cities, identified in the book, provided background for the stories. 1878 The Witchery of Archery THE I WITCHERY OF ARCHERY: | A COMPLETE MANUAL OF ARCHERY. I WITH MANY CHAPTERS OF ADVENTURES BY FIELD AND | FLOOD, AND AN APPENDIX CONTAINING PRACTICAL | DIRECTIONS FOR THE MANUFACTURE AND | USE OF ARCHERY IMPLEMENTS. | BY | MAU- RICE THOMPSON. I [rule] I ILLUSTRATED. | [rule] I NEW YORK: | CHARLES SCRIBNEr's SONS, | SUCCESSORS TO | SCRIBNER, ARM- STRONG & CO. I 1878. Collation: [i] 6 , [2-1 7] 8 (Sig. [7] numbered 4*; Sig. [8] num- *This review evoked a reply in the next week's issue by "Naturalist, Green- castle, Ind.," defending Thompson's ornithological descriptions. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 181 bered 5, 5* on recto of 4th leaf), [18] 2 . White wove paper. Leaf meas- ures 6%" (full) x 4%", all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; fly title, p. [i]; blank, pp. [ii]; frontispiece, an integral part of the book; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice dated 1878, and imprint of Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Co., New York, p. [iv]; dedication to Will H. Thompson, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; table of contents, pp. [vii]— viii; list of illustrations, p. [ix]; drawing of Cupid, p. [x]; text, pp. [i]-259 (pp. [93], [141], [149], and [156] blank; note of acknowledgments to periodicals at foot of p. 259); blank, p. [260]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. (O-259, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece an integral part of the book, as are all other illustrations by Will H. Low: drawing of Cupid, p. [x], and other full-page drawings on pp. [94], [142], [150], [155], [226]. Text drawings appear on pp. 233, 234, 241, and 248. Binding: Bluish-green mesh cloth. Front cover bears a design of bow and arrow (the bow stamped in black, the arrow in gilt) over which is black-stamped : The | witchery | of | archery [gilt-stamped] I by I maurice Thompson, [most of the letters made arrow-like]. Spine gilt-stamped: the | witchery [W and R made arrow-like] | of | arch- ery [A, R, and Y made arrow-like] | [rule] | Thompson | scribners. Back cover bears the figure of Cupid blind-stamped in center, repro- duced from p. [x]. End papers brown coated on white; binder's leaf front and back, conjugates pasted under lining papers. Publication Data: Published July 17, 1878; deposited in the Copyright Office July 20th. Listed in The Publishers Weekly, July 20th; reviewed in Forest and Stream, August 15th. Price, $1.50. Notes : First edition as collated. The second edition: New Edition, With A Chapter On English Archery Practice, so stated on title-page, bears date of 1879 (the re- prints later dropped date from title-page), has a preface dated Febru- ary 17, 1879, PP- [vii]— viii; the added chapter, XVII, is entitled, "The English Theory and Practice of Target-shooting" (making text 269 pages, earlier, 259 pages). In back it carries an advertisement of The Witchery of Archery and of Cable's Old Creole Days. The binding is similar to the first edition, but brown, and with decorative green and black on white end papers. It was published in May, 1 879, being ad- vertised for "next week" in The Publishers Weekly, May 1 o, 1 879, and listed therein May 24th; was deposited in the Copyright Office May 22, 1879. 1 82 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON Both first and second editions have broken type in footnote, p. 20 : o in For and h in Shooting; also, p. 190, broken 9 in folio. The Pinehurst Edition, edited by Robert P. Elmer, was published by The Archers Company, Makers of Fine Bows and Arrows, Pine- hurst, N. C. (1928). It contains enough revisions and additions to jus- tify separate collation (see post 228). "So long as the new moon returns in heaven, a bent, beautiful bow, so long will the fascination of Archery keep hold of the hearts of men." This sentence from the beginning of Chapter II was printed in the story of the organization of the National Archery Association with Thompson as president, in The Crawfordsville Journal, January 25, 1879; it has appeared in the American Bowman Review, official publi- cation of the National Archery Association, since its beginning. The magazine in 1951 sponsored a junior archery shoot, planned as an an- nual event, and each of the 450 youngsters who finished was awarded a hand-lettered and illuminated leaflet containing the quotation. The National Archery Association had begun in 1939 the presentation of an annual "J ames Maurice Thompson Award," a gold medal given to the individual "who has labored most earnestly and unselfishly for the advancement of archery, especially during the preceding year."* Contents: chapter I Prefatory Remarks II Outline Sketch of the Practice of Archery in Hunting Scribner's Monthly, May, 1878 (part only, with title: Merry Days with Bow and Quiver); Scribner's Monthly, July, 1877 (part only, with title: Bow-shootingt) III Some Notes on Woodpecker Shooting [introduced by a poem, untitled, later collected as "The Archer'^] Har- per's New Monthly Magazine, July, 1877 (part only, with title : Hunting with the Long-Bow) IV Bow-shooting on the St. John's Appletons Journal, March 1 1 , 1 876 (with title : Bow-Shots on the St. John's) V Hare, or Rabbit Shooting Harper's New Monthly Maga- zine, July, 1 877 (part only, with title : Hunting with the Long-Bow) VI Bow-shooting with a Hermit Appletons Journal, Octo- ber 30, 1875 *Target Archery, by Robert Elmer (1946), p. 95. t Another part of "Bow-shooting," in Scribner's Monthly, was later printed in the Pinehurst Edition of The Witchery of Archery (1928), Chapter XVI. ^Later included in Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XII (1910). FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 183 VII Bold Robin Hood and His Merry Clan VIII The Mysterious Lake IX Shooting the Wood-Duck and His Companions Harper's New Monthly Magazine, July, 1877 (with title: Hunting with the Long-Bow) X The Death of the White Heron* XI The Game of Archery— Lawn Shooting and Roving Scrib- ner's Monthly, May, 1878 (part only, with title: Merry Days with Bow and Quiver) XII The Battles of the Birds Appletons Journal, February, 1878 (with title: The Battle of the Birds) XIII Some Wing-Shots, and Other Fancy Work XIV Three Weeks of Savage Life Aypletons Journal, Septem- ber 4, 1875 XV Lady Toxophilitesf XVI Shooting Woodcock^ and Plover Harper's New Monthly Magazine, July, 1877 (with tide: Hunting with the Long-Bow) Appendix 1879 How to Train in Archery How to Train in Archery. | [ornamental rule] I being a complete study I of the york round. | [row of ornaments] I COMPRISING I An Exhaustive Manual of Long-Range Bow Shooting I for the use of those Archers who wish to | become Contestants at the I Grand National Association Meetings. I by I maurice Thompson, I President of the Grand National Archery Association of the United | States, Author of the "witchery of archery," etc., etc., *Reprinted in anthologies: Poems of Wild Life, edited by Chas. G. D. Roberts (1888); A Library of American Literature, edited by E. C. Stedman & E. M. Hutchinson, Vol. X (1889); and in Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XII (1910). tReprinted in Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XII (1910). ^Another account of woodcock shooting appeared later in Inter Ocean, Au- gust 12, 1888, in a series of nature stories written by Thompson for "Our Youth's Department." 184 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON and | will h. Thompson,* I Master of the "Wabash Merry Bow- men." | [rule] | PUBLISHED BY | E. I. HORSMAN, | MANUFACTURER of fine archery, I New York. [Note: All within a red single rule box with ornamental corners.] Collation: [i] 8 , [2-8] 4 , [$] 2 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 5%" x 4%" all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; fly title, p. [i]; blank, except for red rule box with ornamental corners, pp. [ii-iii]; frontispiece, p. [iv]; title-page, p. [v]; copyright notice dated 1879, and imprint of H. C. StoothofT, Printer, 72 John St., N. Y., p. [vi]; Index., p. [1]; vignette, p. [2]; text, pp. [3]~54; divisional half-title for advertisements, p. [55]; testimonials, pp. [56-58]; advertisements, pp. 67-74 (should be 59-66 [67-70]); binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. C3)— 54: How to Train in Archery, Chapters I-X (titled).] Illustrations: Frontispiece, and vignette, p. [2], both an integral part of the book. Each page has a red single rule box with ornamental corners. Each chapter has an illuminated initial. A single rule appears below running heads, and between divisions on p. 12; rules of various kinds are used on the pages of advertisements. Binding: Bright blue, brown, and, orange silk-finished mesh cloth. t Front cover stamped in black and gilt: [in black:] how to | train in [all, with letters arrow-like, at left of a gilt-stamped target un- der a black-stamped tree] | [in gilt:] archery [letters arrow-like, slant- ing downward, with gilt-stamped figures at lower left] | [in black:] by I maurice and | will. h. I Thompson, [surname slanting downward]. Spine blank. Back cover has an ornamental design blind-stamped in center, otherwise blank. End papers brown coated on white; binder's leaf front and back with conjugates pasted under the lining papers. Publication Data : Published June, 1 879. Earliest review noted : Forest and Stream, June 19th. Price, 50^. Notes: Written jointly with Will H. Thompson.:]: First edition as * Second capital broken in all copies examined. tClement C. Parker, in a letter to the compilers, April 29, 1950, described the first edition binding as dark brown or blue gray, so evidently the book ap- peared in various colors. tThat the book was probably an advertising venture of E. I. Horsman, has been suggested by Paul E. Klopsteg, Glenview, Illinois. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 185 collated. Advertised in cloth and wrappers in The Publishers Weekly, June 28, 1879, but no copy in wrappers yet located.* A letter by Maurice Thompson to E. I. Horsman, dated May 10th, 1879, endorsing Horsman's Bows, appears on p. [57]; another with same date, probably the concluding paragraph of the same letter, ap- pears on p. 71 (so numbered); it grants exclusive right to Horsman to manufacture the "Maurice Thompson Arrow."f The letter was re- printed in The Art and Skill of Lawn Tennis, by Benjamin Hartwick (ca. 1882). The second edition, identified above title on title-page, has copy- right page same as in the first edition. It is undated, but has been re- ported as published in 18824 A "Preface to the Second Edition" ap- pears on pp. [ii-iii], in which the authors announce addition of two chapters; the index, p. [1], adds listing of them: Chapter XI, "The Theory and Practice of Aiming/' and Chapter XII, "A Record of High Scores." These extend the text, pp. [55J-79- The Thompson testi- monials are on pp. [80-81], with other advertisements following, pp. [82-86]. The binding, of mustard-colored, silk-finished cloth, has gilt- stamped at lower right of front cover: revised | edition End papers are white laid paper. For collation of the third edition, with Will H. Thompson's revi- sions after the death of his co-author, see fost 291. 1882 A Tallahassee Girl round-robin series | [rule] | A Tallahassee Girl I [emblem and motto for Round-Robin Series] | boston | james r. Osgood and company I 1882 Collation: [1-23] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 6%" x 4%6"> all edges trimmed. *The earliest review found, in Forest and Stream, June 19, 1879, describes the book as "handsomely printed and bound," gives price as fifty cents, and men- tions no paper edition. Clement C. Parker, dealer in old archery books, Norris- town, Pa., reported in a letter, April 24, 1950, that he has never seen it in wrap- pers, although over a dozen copies have passed through his hands. tThompson invented a method of feathering, a formula to cut the feathers to a certain length and breadth corresponding to the weight of the arrow, making their outline a parabolic curve. 1% Clement C. Parker. 1 86 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [ i ] ; copyright notice dated 1 88 1, statement: All rights reserved., and imprint of the Franklin Press, Boston, p. [2]; table of contents, pp. 3-4; text, pp. 5-355; blank, p. [356]; publishers' advertisements, pp. [i]-[ii-I2]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 5-355: A Tallahassee Girl, Chapters I-XXVII (titled).] Binding: Olive green mesh cloth. Front cover stamped as follows: [ornament, in brown] | round-robin | series [foregoing in black] | [ornamental design, including wheel-like emblem for Round -Robin Series, in brown] | a | Tallahassee | girl [title in black] | [ornament, in brown]. Spine stamped as follows: [three ornaments, in black] | [five rules, in brown] | [gilt-stamped panel, containing ornaments and title in self-cloth:] [ornament] a [ornament] | Tallahassee | girl | [parallel rule, in brown] | [ornamental design, in brown] | [five rules, in brown] | round-robin | series | [publishers' emblem; foregoing in black]. Back cover bears a brown-stamped design at upper right, a brown-stamped ornament at lower left. End papers white wove with publishers' advertisements in red on fronts; binder's leaf front and back. Publication Data: Copyrighted March 20, 1882. Earliest review noted : The Critic, March 25th; listed in The Publishers Weekly, same date. Price, $1.00. Notes: Published anonymously, as Vol. IX of the Round-Robin Series. No illustrations. See the author's letter of August 22, 1 887, pub- lished in The Critic, September 24, 1887, for his comments on the early reception of this novel. The book appeared without a dedication, although he had written September 15, 1 881, to William Dean Howells (letter in Harvard Uni- versity, Houghton Library) : "I shall address 'A Tallahassee Girl' to Hon. Joseph E. Brown, Ex-Governor of Georgia and present Senator from that state, who is my friend." Earliest end papers bear no mention of A Tallahassee Girl (later advertised on front free end leaf), and imprint at foot of front free end leaf reads: James R. Osgood & Co., Boston (later, James R. Osgood &■ Company, no place named).* Several variations occurred before *The copy presented by the author to Lew Wallace (inscription undated) is in this earliest state of end papers. The story evidently failed to impress Wallace since he advised him in a letter of August, 1882, to adhere to poetry rather than novel writing. The letter is summarized in McKee, p. 204, with a comment that Thompson was yet to write his most successful book, Alice of Old Vincennes, a novel! FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 187 1883, when the end papers corresponded with those used for His Sec- ond Campaign (1883; the other Thompson book in the Round-Robin Series^), advertising A Tallahassee Girl and having change in imprint on front free end leaf. The book arrived at an eleventh edition in 1893; Houghton Mifflin (successors to Osgood & Co.) kept it in print as late as 1928.* All copies of the first edition, as well as all reprints examined have broken type, examples as follows : p. 57, 6th line from bottom, broken y in joyfully p. 59, line 3, broken k in smoking p. 66, 3rd line from bottom, within not aligned and first i broken p. 75, line 1 5, broken n in romance; last line, broken s in ladies p. 95, broken 9 in folio; last line, broken e in pressing p. 183, broken 8 in folio. The Floridian, published in Tallahassee, in 1884 carried a state- ment that: "It seems to be settled that Maurice Thompson is the author of 'A Tallahassee Girl/ although The Indianapolis Journal claims that the author is Barton D. Jones . . . The author is Barton D. Jones. But who is Maurice Thompson?" The Crawfordsville Journal on June 3, 1884, quoted the foregoing and explained Maurice Thompson to the Floridian. The latter 's reply appeared on July 1 5th. 1883 His Second Campaign round-robin series | [rule] | His Second Campaign | [emblem and motto for Round-Robin Series] I boston I james r. Osgood AND COMPANY | 1 883 Collation: [*] 2 , [1-21] 8 , [22] 4 . White wove paper. Leaf meas- ures 6%" x 4% 6 "> a U edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [i]; copyright notice dated 1883, statement: All rights reserved., and imprint of Addison C. Get- *J. L. Gilder said of this book (in The Critic, November, 1900, p. 406) that it had sold "to the extent of one hundred thousand copies, and is still popular, though 'Alice of Old Vincennes' is likely to exceed it in popularity; the demand of the reading public today being for novels with a flavor of history." As early as February 11, 1883, the author had written to James Whitcomb Riley, in an un- published letter now in Eagle Crest Library, that "it is having a huge run in East and South." 1 88 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON chell, Boston, p. [ii]; table of contents, pp. [iii]-ii (should be iv); text pp. [i]-342; blank, pp. [343-344]; endpaper. [Note: Text pp. (O-342: His Second Campaign, Chapters I- XXXIV (titled).] Binding : Olive green mesh cloth. Front cover stamped as follows : [ornament, in brown] | round-robin series [series title in black] | [ornamental design, including wheel-like emblem for Round-Robin Series, in brown] | his second | campaign [title in black] | [ornament, in brown]. Spine stamped as follows: [three ornaments, in black] | [five rules, in brown] | [gilt-stamped panel, containing ornaments and title in self-cloth:] [ornament] his [ornament] | second | campaign | [parallel rule, in brown] | [ornamental design, in brown] | [five rules, in brown] | round-robin | series [series title in black] \ [publishers' emblem, in black] . Back cover bears a brown-stamped design at upper right, brown-stamped ornament at lower left. End papers white wove, with publishers' advertisements printed in red on fronts; binder's leaf in front, none in back. Publication Data: Copyrighted June 28, 1883. Listed as an anon- ymous publication in The Publishers' Weekly, June 30th. Earliest re- view noted: The (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald, July 7th. Price, $1.00. Notes: Published anonymously as Vol. XVI of the Round-Robin Series. No illustrations. In 1 89 1 the American Press Association reprinted the novel with author's name present. Thompson wrote of this work to Lew Wallace, July 1 5, 1884: " 'His Second Campaign' has had a charming reception and a fine sale; but, curiously enough, it has made ultra folk, both Northerners and South- erners, pinch the author very sharply. "I have been much amused behind the cover of 'anonymous/ to see Southern critics furiously declare that the book cries down the South and lauds the North, whilst Northern critics assault the author on ac- count of his extreme Southern bias. "The fact is I sketched the book on the spots it covers, drawing the characters in their slight outlines from actual instances and personages. "As a novel of course I do not count much on its strength, but it is true to the life I have chosen to depict."* *Letter in Wallace Papers, Indiana Historical Society. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 189 1883 Songs of Fair Weather Songs of Fair Weather | [vignette of an archer] | by maurice THOMPSON I BOSTON | JAMES R. OSGOOD AND COMPANY | 1 883 Collation: [i] 8 , [2] 4 , 3 8 (numbered on recto of 7th leaf), [4]*, [5]* (numbered 4 on recto of 3rd leaf), [6] 4 , [y] 8 (numbered 6 on recto of 7th leaf), [8-9] 4 (last signature numbered 7 on recto of 3rd leaf). White laid paper watermarked : John Dickinson & Co. | [crown and shield design] | JD [monogram] & Co Leaf measures 8 Vie" x 4%" (full), all edges untrimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [i]; copyright notice dated 1883, statement: All rights reserved., and imprint of the University Press, John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, p. [ii]; table of contents, p. [iii]-iv; Proem, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. [31-99; vignette, p. [100]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. (3)~99, see Contents.] Illustrations: Title-page bears a vignette of an archer, signed with artist's initials, E.H.C. Headpieces appear on pp. [iii], [1], [3]. Each poem has an illuminated initial except "Proem," p. [1], the title of which on p. [iii], being first in table of contents, therein has its illu- minated initial. Each poem has a tailpiece except those ending on pp. 4, [26], 30, 46, 73, 75, [76], [97]; vignette on p. [100]. Binding: White Japan vellum over beveled boards. Front cover brown-stamped : songs of fair weather | [vignette of an archer, re- fcoduced from the title-fage] | maurice Thompson Spine brown- stamped, reading from top to bottom : songs of fair weather Back cover bears a brown-stamped vignette reproduced from p. [100]. Issued in a dust wrapper.* End papers white laid, not same as book stock, 1 y 8 " (full) between wire marks (book stock 1" [full]). Binder's leaf front and back. Publication Data: Copyrighted September 17, 1883. Announced as "just published" in The Publishers' Weekly, September 22nd, and reviewed in Literary World this date. Price, $1.50. *Reported; dust wrapper not seen. i 9 o [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON Notes : First, and only edition as collated. Contents : All but two of the poems herein are first appearances in a Thompson book. "The Death of the White Heron" and "The Archer" had been included in The Witchery of Archery (1878). Later, numer- ous poems from Songs of Fair Weather were reprinted in Poems i8 79 t Proem A Prelude The Atlantic Monthly, July, 1 883; The Crawfordsville Journal, July 7, 1883* A Flight Shot The (Peoria, 111.) Saturday Evening Call, May 3, i8 79 t The Fawn Harper's New Monthly Magazine, May, 1877; The Crawfordsville Journal and The Indianapolis Saturday Herald, April 21, 1877^ The Blue Heron Scribners Monthly, May, 1875; The Indianap- olis Saturday Herald, September 25, 1875 (with title in both: The Heron) § The Bluebird Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, May, 1874; The Crawfordsville Journal, April 7, 1877II The Wabash Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, February, 1877; Poems of Places, edited by Henry W. *"A Prelude" appeared in Representative Poems of Living Poets, edited by Jeanette L. Gilder (1886); in The Golden Treasury of American Songs and Lyrics, edited by F. L. Knowles (1898), with title, "Fertility"; in The Home Book of Verse, selected and arranged by Burton E. Stevenson (191 2); in The Little Book of American Poets, 1787-1900, edited by Jessie B. Rittenhouse. t"A Flioht Shot" was reprinted in Archer's Register, 1 883-1 884 (London); was included in Songs of Three Centuries, edited by John Greenleaf Whittier, revised edition of 1890; also in Herringshaw's Local and National Poets of America (1890); in An American Anthology, edited by Edmund C. Stedman C1900); in The Oxford Book of American Verse, edited by Bliss Carman (1927); in Lyric America, An Anthology of American Poetry, edited by Alfred Kreym- borg (1930), which book appeared also under the title, An Anthology of Ameri- can Poetry, Lyric America; also in The Junior Poetry Cure, compounded by Robert Haven Schauffler (193O. jFrank Mayfield's parody of "The Fawn" was published in The Crawfordsville Journal, May 5, 1877. Thompson's poem was reprinted in Poems of Wild Life edited by Charles G. D. Roberts (1888). §This poem reappeared in Poetic and Artistic Masterpieces (1894); and in The Bird-Lovers Anthology, edited by Clinton Scollard & Jessie B. Rittenhouse || "The Bluebird" was included in A Library of American Literature, edited by E. C. Stedman & E. M. Hutchinson, Vol. X (1889); in Songs of Three Cen- turies, edited by John Greenleaf Whittier (1890 revision); also in Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XII (191°); and in The Bird-Lovers' Anthology, by Clinton Scollard & Jessie B. Rittenhouse (1930)- FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 191 Longfellow (1879); The (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald, May 31, 1879* Okechobee Dropping Corn The Atlantic Monthly, August, 1877! The Morning Hills The Atlantic Monthly, July, 1 879; The Cam- bridge Book of Poetry and Song, selected by Charlotte Fiske Bates ( 1 882) At the Window The Atlantic Monthly, April, 1873^; The Indi- anapolis Journal, April 1 1 , 1 873 November The Atlantic Monthly, December, i874§ Between the Poppy and the Rose The Independent, October 8, 1874; The Indianapolis Journal, November 12, 1874II Solace Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, November, 1873 Atalanta The Atlantic Monthly, May, 1874; The Indianapolis Journal, May 19, 1874H Ceres Appletons Journal, June 6, 1874 *"The Wabash" was later included in Poets and Poetry of Indiana, edited by Benj. S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (1900); and in The Poetic New-World, com- piled by Lucy H. Humphrey ( 1910). A parody of the poem, by A. Quisenberry, appeared in The Crawfordsville Journal, January 27, 1877. •{•"Dropping Corn" later appeared in Patrician Rhymes, edited by Clinton Scol- lard & Jessie B. Rittenhouse (1932). :j:The author said in an autobiographical letter to William M. Baskervill, March 19, 1887: "My literary life began with contributing to the Atlantic in 1873." A story about this same contribution appeared in Charles F. Smith's Remi- niscences and Sketches (1908), p. 126: "Mr. Howells, the editor of the Atlantic, opening his mail one day in his office in 1873, read this to him first poem from a new poet. He was surprised and delighted, and showed it to Mr. Longfellow, who happened to be in at the time. He, too, was charmed with its simple fresh beauty and they agreed that if the author would change the word 'sapsucker' Mr. Howells would print the poem in the Atlantic. The change was made, the poem appeared in the Atlantic, and with it began Maurice Thompson's literary career. It is said, by the way, that both editor and elder poet afterwards agreed that 'sapsucker' should have stayed as Maurice Thompson wrote it." Thompson's prose article on "The Sap-Sucker," in Appletons Journal, December 7, 1872, was uncollected. §Later included in November, edited by Oscar F. Adams (1886). II "Between the Poppy and the Rose" was reprinted in Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XII (1910). VAtalanta" was later included in Representative Poems of Living Poets, edited by Jeanette L. Gilder (1886); in A Library of American Literature, edited by E. C. Stedman & E. M. Hutchinson, Vol. X (1889); in Poets and Poetry of Indiana, edited by Benj. S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (1900); in Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XII (1 910); in The Oxford Book of American Verse, edited by Bliss Carman (1927); and three stanzas were quoted in Meredith Nicholson's Rosalind at Red Gate (1907), at the beginning of Chapter II. 1 92 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON Aoede The Atlantic Monthly, January, 1876 Diana The Atlantic Monthly, April, 1 875; The Indianapolis Jour- nal, March 26, 1875* Garden Statues: I. Eros; II. Aphrodite; III. Psyche; IV. Persephone The Atlantic Monthly, December, 1876! In the Haunts of Bass and Bream The Century Magazine, June, 1882 (with title: In the Haunts of Bream and Bass)t A Morning Sail The (Indianapolis) Saturday Review, Decem- ber 3, 1 88 1 Wild Honey The Atlantic Monthly, January, 1883; The Craw- fordsville Journal, January 27, i883§ The Tulip Written on a Fly-Leaf [lower case I in leaf in table of contents] of Theocritus Scribner's Monthly, March, 1881 (with title: Sim- plicity [Written on a Fly-Leaf of Theocritus]) || Eos Twilight Living Writers of the South, by J. W. Davidson ( 1 869) The Sentinel The Galaxy, August, 1872 * "Diana" was reprinted in Poets and Poetry of Indiana, edited by Benj. S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (1900); and in Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XIK1910). „ . , a fThe group of four sonnets was included in American Sonnets, selected & edited by Wm. Sharp (London, 1889); the fourth alone, was printed under the title, "On a Garden Statue of Persephone," in American Sonnets, selected & edited by Wm. Sharp (London, 1889); the fourth, alone, was printed under the ^Published later the same year (1883) in Sport with Gun and Rod in Ameri- can Woods and Waters, edited by Alfred M. Mayer; title same as in Century. "In the Haunts of Bass and Bream" was included in several later anthologies: Songs of Nature, edited by John Burroughs (190O; Three Years with the Poets, compiled by Bertha Hazard (1904); American Lyrics, chosen by Edith Rickert & Jessie Paton ( 1 9 1 2) . §"Wild Honey" appeared later in Representative Poems of Living Poets, edited by Jeanette L. Gilder (1886); in The Oxford Book of American Verse, edited by Bliss Carman (1927); and in American Poetry, 1671-1928, edited by Conrad Aiken (1929). The last part of it made several appearances: without tide in The Wheelman, November, 1883, with introduction, "In a bit of verse I once tried to express my idea of the true poet . . .," this reprinted in The (Indi- anapolis) Saturday Herald, October 27, 1883; with title, "Poetry," in Local and National Poets of America, edited by Thomas W. Herringshaw (1890); and in The Library of Literary Criticiam of English and American Authors, edited by Charles W. Moulton, Vol. 4 (1902). || Reprinted in An American Anthology, edited by Edmund C. Stedman (1900); in The Le Gallienne Book of American Verse, edited by Richard Le Gal- lienne (1925, reissued in combination with his book of English verse in 1935); in The Oxford Book of American Verse, edited by Bliss Carmen (1927); and in The Book of American Poetry, selected by Edwin Markham (1934)- FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 193 At Night Lippincott's Magazine, April, 1881; The Crawfords- ville journal, April 9, 1881 In Exile The Century Magazine, February, 1882 Before Dawn The Atlantic Monthly, March, 1881; The Craw- fordsville Journal, February 26, 1881; The Cambridge Book of Poetry and Song, selected by Charlotte F. Bates (1882) Unaware The Atlantic Monthly, September, 1880* 1885 At Love's Extremes AT LOVE'S EXTREMES | BY | MAURICE THOMPSON | Author of "A Tallahassee Girl," "His Second Campaign," | "Songs of Fair Weather," etc., etc. | [rule] | [quotation, 4 lines] I —Tennyson. I [rule] I new york: | cassell & company limited I 1885 Collation: [1-17] 8 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 4 1 % 6 ", all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; fly tide, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice, in name of O. M. Dunham, dated 1885, and statement, All Rights Reserved., p. [iv]; table of contents, pp. [v]-vi; text, pp. [ 1 ]-266; advertisements, leaf inserted; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. (O-266: At Love's Extremes, Chapters I-XX (titled).] Binding : Dark green silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover has de- sign in self-cloth on black-stamped panel on upper portion, title in black within an ornamental gilt-stamped panel : at love's extremes | [below it the author's name is gilt-stamped with black-stamped orna- ment at each side:] maurice Thompson | [black-stamped ornaments at foot] . Spine bears similar black-stamped design, title in black within an ornamental gilt-stamped panel: at loves [sic] | extremes I [below it the author's name is gilt-stamped:] maurice | Thompson | [black- stamped ornament] | [publisher's imprint gilt-stamped:] cassell & company, I limited Back cover blind-stamped: [ornamental border] I [publisher s emblem] | [ornamental border]. End papers floral olive green, and, light brown, on white; binder's leaf front and back, conjugates pasted under the lining papers. ""Unaware" was reprinted in Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XII (1910). i 94 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office June 8, 1885. Listed in The Publishers' Weekly, June 13th. Earliest review noted: The Critic, July nth. Price, $1.00. Notes: First edition as collated. No illustrations. Binding noted in two states: ( Binding State 1: As described, with authors name on front cover and spine and imprint on spine gilt- stamped (later, black stamping replaced gilt in author's name and publishers' im- print) Binding State 2: Brown cloth similar to Binding State 1, with black-stamped author's name on front cover and spine, and black-stamped publishers' imprint on spine (earlier, gilt-stamped). A second "edition" of the book was ready shortly after the first, ac- cording to a comment in the Literary World, July 25, 1 885, p. 259. The author's own statement in a letter of November 6, 1886,* indicated that a third "edition" was issued before the latter date. Some minor type imperfections are present in all copies examined: p. 40, next to last line; p. 94, line 8; p. 248, line 1 5- . The book was issued in Cassell's Sunshine Series, No. b$, April 18, 1 89 1, in wrappers. , In February, 1 901 it was published under the title, Milly: At Loves Extremes, by the New Amsterdam Book Co., New York, in cloth and, paper.f In 1902 it was reissued by the same house in a Red Letter Series (paper); again, 1903, in their Favorite Fiction Library, No. 2 This is perhaps the book about which The Indianapolis journal, March 29, 1877, carried a statement: "Mr. J. Maurice Thompson, the Indiana poet and author, is engaged on a novel in which he designs to picture Indiana life and character"; if so, it was a long time in prepa- Thompson wrote a letter denying that the character of "Miss Crabb" was a local study, to the editor of The Crawfordsville Review, published in this and in The Crawfordsville Journal^ nor, he said, was she "a particular study of any living person here or elsewhere She is my own creation such as she is . . . ." See A Banker of Bankersville, V ost 199, for futher comments. - "Letter, unpublished, addressed to R. W. Gilder, now in the New York Public Uh rThe English Catalogue noted this edition with the new title, published in New York, available in London, June, 1901; its listing in America was several months earlier, in The Publishers' Weekly, March 23, i9°i- %The Crawfordsville journal, July 4, 1885. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 195 I 1885 By- Ways and Bird Notes BY-WAYS I AND | BIRD NOTES | BY | MAURICE THOMPSON I AUTHOR of I "at love's extremes," "his SECOND campaign/' "songs OF FAIR WEATHER," "a TALLAHASSEE | GIRL," ETC. | NEW YORK JOHN B. ALDEN, PUBLISHER | 1 885 Collation: [i]-ii 8 , [12] 4 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7% 6 " x 4%", top edge gilt, other edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice dated 1 885, and imprint of Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Company, New York, p. [2]; table of contents, p. [3]; blank, p. [4]; text, pp. [s]-^79 (conjugate of pp. 177-178 pasted down, or excised, under back lining paper); blank, pp. [180-182]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. (5)- 179, see Contents.] Binding : Dark blue, and, green silk-finished mesh cloth over bev- eled boards. Front cover gilt-stamped : by* ways and bird notes Spine gilt-stamped: BYf ways | and | bird notes | [rule] | Thompson Back cover blank. End papers olive green floral design on gray, and, tan on white; binder's leaf in front, none in back. Publication Data: Deposited for copyright August 12, 1885. Ear- liest review noted: The Critic, September 26th. Price, 75^. Notes : First edition as collated. No illustrations. Copies with per- fect folio, running head, and first line of text probably preceded those with defects therein— which persisted through the reprint edition. The book had a second issue (probably Alden's Ideal Edition, listed in The Publishers Weekly, June 23, i888),:£ with same sheets, in bind- ing uniform with Sylvan Secrets (1887): green cloth over boards plain, * There is no hyphen here, and scarcely any space exists between by and WAYS. tSee footnote above. ^Contemplated as early as November 6, 1886, according to the author in a letter of that date to Gilder, of Century, his comment being that this book, "pub- lished by the so-called 'pirate' Alden is doing exceedingly well and an enlarged edition is forthcoming."— Letter in the New York Public Library. When the new edition did appear it was neither revised nor enlarged. 196 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON not beveled; top edge ungilded; front cover, hand-lettered with title and author's name, bears brown-stamped design of a palm tree and other flora along a Southern river; lettering on spine same as on first binding but for spacing, with rule a thicker one, floral design added, and imprint at foot: alden The end papers are plain. Reprinted by the United States Book Company (successors to John W. Lovell Company).* Contents : Nature stories, all first collected here with exception of "A Red-headed Family," which had earlier separate printing (see post 232): In the Haunts of the Mocking-Bird The Atlantic Monthly, No- vember, 1884 Tangle-Leaf Papers, I-IV Outing and The Wheelman, Decem- ber, 1884-March, 1885 The Threshold of the Gods Good Company, Vol. 4, No. 6 [March], 1880 Browsing and Nibbling Outing and The Wheelman, October, i88 4 t Out-Door Influences in Literature The Wheelman, November, 1883 A Fortnight in a Palace of Reeds Good Company, March— April, 1881 Cuckoo Notes The Library Magazine, July, 1885$ Some Minor Song-Birds The Library Magazine, August, 1885! Birds of the Rocks The Library Magazine, September, 1885 *Before 1892? Book News, April, 1892, p. 350, commenting on the book, stated that, because of the "failure of a publishing concern," it was then out of print. t"Browsing and Nibbling" later appeared in the Elzevir Library, No. 300, Oc- tober 1, 1887, Extra; "Cuckoo Notes" and "Minor Song-Birds" appeared in the same series as No. 302, October 8, 1887, Extra, with cover title reading, Cuckoo Notes and Some Minor Song-Birds. tlbid. %lbid. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 197 ; 1886 The Boys' Book of Sports THE I BOYS' BOOK OF SPORTS | AND OUTDOOR LIFE | EDITED BY | maurice Thompson | [publisher's emblem] I new-york: the CENTURY CO. | 1 886 Collation: [*] 8 , [i]-22 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 9%" x 6%"> all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; fly title, p. [i]; blank, pp. [ii-iii]; frontis- piece, p. [iv]; title-page, p. [v]; copyright notice dated 1886, and im- print of the De Vinne Press, p. [vi]; Preface dated July, 1886, pp. [vii]- viii; table of contents, pp. [ix]-xi; The Benefits And The Abuse Of Outdoor Sports, pp. [xii]-xiv; divisional half-title, p. [xv]; illustration, p. [xvi]; text, pp. [1 1-348; divisional half-title, p. [349]; illustration, P- [350]; Index, pp. [3513-352; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. (O-348, see Contents.] Illustrations : Frontispiece and full-page illustrations an integral part of the book. Profuse textual illustrations are present also. Various artists contributed the drawings, some of which are signed, others un- signed. Binding: Tan mesh cloth. Front cover decorated with sporting scenes brown-stamped, title gilt-stamped : the [wave rule and five dots under he] [dot] boys [without apostrophe] | book [dot] of [dot] sports Spine brown-stamped except for title and imprint; title gilt- stamped within a brown-stamped box closed at bottom by three paral- lel rules : the | boys' | book | of | sports | [boys bust surrounded by sports design which extends into upper box; below, it intercepts three parallel rules with row of dots between first and second rules, and ex- tends into a lower single rule box, decorated with cattails and birds, which contains the publisher's emblem; boxed below is the gilt-stamped imprint:] the century co [period within o]* | [parallel rule]. Back cover decorated with brown-stamped sporting scenes. End papers decorative bronze and pale aquamarine, on white; bind- er's leaf in front and back. Publication Data: Copyrighted September 6, 1886. Listed in * Period lacking in one copy, present in another in Indiana State Library. 198 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Publishers Weekly, October 16th. Earliest reviews noted: The Critic and The Literary World, both November 27, 1886. Price, $2.50. Notes: First edition as collated. The presence or absence of a dot within the in Co in imprint at foot of spine probably represents a random occurrence in the process of bindery stamping; the copyright deposit copy lacks it. Daniel C. Beard and other writers contributed to the book. It had several reissues: 1901, 1906, and 19 14. Contents : Part only by Thompson : the preface and text, pp. [ 1 ]- 148, [1771-196, [2413-245, all signed; the introductory, pp. [xii]-xiv, unsigned, is probably his, also. Preface The Benefits and the Abuse of Outdoor Sports [Introductory, so specified in table of contents; probably Thompson's, though un- signed] Marvin and His Boy Hunters, Chapters I-XXVII St. Nicholas, May-October, 1884 Hints on Trap-Shooting Fly Fishing for Black Bass St. Nicholas, August, 1883 The Bow and Its Use St. Nicholas, September, 1882 (with title: The Story of the Arbalist); The Crawfordsville Journal, Septem- ber 2, 1882 (with title: Drawing the Cross-Bow)* An Archer among the Herons The School in the Woods St. Nicholas, October, 1879 1886 I A Banker of Bankersville A I BANKER OF BANKERSVILLE | A NOVEL | BY | MAURICE THOMPSON I AUTHOR OF "AT LOVE's EXTREMES," "HIS SECOND CAMPAIGN," "A TALLAHASSEE GIRL," "BY-WAYS AND BIRD-NOTES," ETC., ETC. [ [rule] I CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED | 739 & 74 1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Collation: [1-20] 8 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 4 1 % 6 ", all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [ 1 ] ; copyright notice, in name *The story was rewritten for the book. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 199 of O. M. Dunham, dated 1886, and imprint of W. L. Mershon & Co., Rahway, N. J., p. [2]; dedication to Honorable D. W. Voorhees, p. [3]; blank, p. [4]; text, pp. [91-323 (should be [51-319); blank, p. [320]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note : Text, pp. (93-323 (sic') : A Banker of Bankersville, (Chap- ters) I-XXII (untitled).*] Binding: Mustard-colored, and, green, mesh cloth. Front cover black-stamped: [ornaments] | [wide rule] | [ornamental 'panel with ornamented title on gilt-stamped design in center:] a banker of | bank- ersville I [wide rule] | [rule] | [ornament] | by | maurice | Thomp- son I [ornaments; dots sprinkled through and around the lettering]. Spine black-stamped : [ornaments] | [wide rule] | [title, elaborated with rules and dots on gilt-stamped panel within an ornamental box:] a | banker I of | bankersville | [wide ride] | [rule] I [ornaments] | [elab- orated with dots:] Thompson | [ornaments] \ [imprint gilt-stamped:] cassell & company | limited. Back cover blind-stamped : [ornamen- tal rule] I [publishers monogram] | [ornamental rule]. End papers olive green floral design on white; binder's leaf front and back. Publication Data : To be published "early next week," according to The Publishers Weekly, November 6, 1886; deposited for copyright November 30th. Listed in The Publishers Weekly, December nth. Earliest inscription noted: December 25th. Reviewed in The Critic, February 12, 1887. Price, $1.00. Notes: First edition as collated. No illustrations. Reprints: Cassell's Sunshine Series of Choice Fiction, Vol. 1, No. 28, June 8, 1889, wrappered; Street & Smith, 1900, no series iden- tification; Street & Smith's Romance Series, No. 5, April 14, 1900; Fed- eral Book Company, before 1905; Street & Smith's Eagle Series, No. 523, June, 1907. It was published in England by J. & R. Maxwell, June, 1887. The novel depicts life in an average Indiana village or city. The character, "Miss Crabb," had figured earlier in At Love's Extremes (1885). See The Critic, September 24, 1887, p. 152, for the author's own comments on these two novels and their reception. *The author had sent it to Gilder for publication in The Century Magazine; his letter expressing disappointment over its rejection, October 25, 1886, is in the New York Public Library. 200 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON l88 7 Sylvan Secrets SYLVAN SECRETS, | IN | BIRD-SONGS AND BOOKS. | BY | MAURICE THOMPSON. I AUTHOR OF | ' BY-WAYS AND BIRD-NOTES," "SONGS OF FAIR I WEATHER," "THE WITCHERY OF | ARCHERY," ETC. | [rule] I NEW YORK: I JOHN B. ALDEN, PUBLISHER. I 1 887. Collation: [i]-[8] 8 , [91 s . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%o" x 4%", all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice dated 1887, in name of Provident Book Co., p. [2.]; Table Of Contents, p. [3]; blank, p. [4]; Preface, pp. 5-10 (signed, The Author*); text, pp. 11- 139 (author's name at foot of p. 139); blank, p. [140]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: A divisional blank page, (124), precedes last essay in the book. For text, pp. 1 1-139, see Contents.] Binding: Dark green silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover bears brown-stamped design of a palm tree and other flora along a Southern river, and gilt-stamped lettering: sylvan | secrets | in bird songs and books [in panel formed by river design] | By* | maurice Thompson Spine gilt-stamped: sylvan | secrets [with design of a bird in flight above the V, and two birds between the two words] | [brown-stamped floral design] | alden Back cover blank. End papers olive green floral design on white and, plain whitef; binder's leaf front and back. Publication Data: Copyrighted November 29, 1887. The Eng- lish Catalogue listed it as published in New York, December, 1887. Price, 75^ (however, when The Literary World reviewed it March 3, 1888, the price was stated as 60^). Notes: First edition as collated. No illustrations. Issued in two states of binding by Alden (not to be confused with the John A. Berry *The y in By might be interpreted as a capital letter. fA copy with floral end papers was presented by the author to Gen. & Mrs. Lew Wallace (in Eagle Crest Library); thus, too, is the copyright deposit copy. Another, without inscription, owned by Paul E. Klopsteg, has plain end papers. [James] Maurice Thompson, Sylvan Secrets, two binding states FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 201 & Company edition of 1888, in a similar cloth, but without brown stamping) : Binding State 1 : As described. Scene on front cover shows a palm tree and flora along a river; title gilt- stamped. Copies in this binding noted with two types of end papers: green floral on white, and, all white Binding State 2 : Scene on front cover is of quite different de- sign, showing boats on a river; all but first two words of title brown-stamped (earlier, title wholly gilt-stamped). Plain white end papers. The design on Binding State 1 is similar to that on the second issue of an earlier Thompson book, By-Ways and Bird Notes (1885). Bind- ing State 2 may cover the issue named as Ideal Edition in a notice in The Publishers' Weekly, June 23, 1888. Reissued, John A. Berry & Company, 1888. The International Book Company published it in the Columbus Series (1892?), bound with Lamb's The Essays of Elia. Contents: Previously "at intervals and in separate wisps in the Atlantic, the Library, and other magazines," so stated in the preface. Sylvan Secrets Beside the Gulf with Ruskin The (Chicago) Times, February 13, 1887; The Library Magazine, April, 1887 Ceryle Alcyon The Southern Bivouac, October, 1886 Swamp Sketches The (Chicago) Times, September 25, 1887 In the Matter of Shakespeare The Library Magazine, March i 7 1887 The Motif of Bird-Song Scribners Magazine, September, 1887* The Genesis of Bird-Song The Atlantic Monthly, May, 1886 The Anatomy of Bird-Song Some Hyoid Hintsf The Elzevir Library, No. 305, October 15, 1887, Extra "Included later in A Library of American Literature, edited by E. C. Stedman & E. M. Hutchinson, Vol. X (1889). tRead to the Indiana Academy of Science in 1 887 under title, "The Secondary Functions of the Hyoid Cornua in Picus and Colaptes." Another paper, "Mineral- ogical Investigation in Indiana," is listed in the first volume of Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science (1891) as having been presented in 1885, but neither the report of the December 29th meeting at which the Academy was or- ganized, nor of the earlier "field meeting," May 20th, mention a Thompson paper. 202 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON 1888 A Fortnight of Folly A FORTNIGHT OF | FOLLY. | BY MAURICE THOMPSON. | Author of "Songs of Fair Weather," "Sylvan Secrets," "A Talla- j hasse [sic] Girl," "By-Ways and Bird Notes," "A Banker of | Bankersville," "At Love's Extremes," etc. | [rule] | new york: | john b. alden, PUBLISHER. I l888. Collation: [1-3] 8 , 4~5 8 , [6] 8 , j-$ s (4-5 and 7-9 numbered on recto of last leaf of the preceding signature). White wove paper. Leaf measures 7 5 /iq" x 4 1, %6 , '> a ll edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice dated 1888, p. [2]; text, pp. 5-140 (conjugate of pp. 1 31-132 [sic] pasted under back lining paper*; pagination should be 3-138); blank, pp. [139-142]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 5-140 (sic"): A Fortnight of Folly, (Chapters) I-XXI (untitled).] Binding : Issued simultaneously in both cloth and wrappers. Dark blue silk-finished mesh cloth: Front cover gilt-stamped : A fortnight of folly I maurice Thompson Spine gilt-stamped: A | fortnight | of | folly I [rule] I Thompson | alden Back cover blank. End papers white wove, lighter weight than book stock; binders leaf in front, its conjugate pasted under the lining paper, no binder's leaf in back. Gray wrappers: Front cover reads : the elzevir library | vol. vii, no. 345. [foregoing braced; in center:] 25 Cts. [at right, braced, on two lines:] Weekly: $10.00 a Year | July 21, 1888. | [hand-lettered on a scroll:] elzevir I A Fortnight of Folly | by | maurice Thompson. | [rule] I john b. alden, publisher, | The Alden Publishing Company, Proprietors. | new york and Chicago, [period possibly intended as comma but has imperfect tail] | 393 Pearl Street, [vertical rule] 218 Clark Street. | [rule] | Entered at the PO., N. Y., as Second-class mat- ter, [all within a wave rule box with parallel rule and ornamental bor- der at top and bottom, within a double rule box, within an outer deco- rative box]. Spine reads, from top to bottom: 345. a fortnight of *The leaf is a free blank in wrappered copies. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 203 folly, by Maurice Thompson. 25c. Back wrapper carries listing of The Elzevir Library continued from inside front and back wrappers. Publication Data: Deposited for copyright July 13, 1888. Earlier reviewed in Literature July 7th. Price, cloth, 50^; wrappers, 25^. Notes: First edition as collated. No illustrations. Imperfections present in all copies examined: in folios on pp. 9, 58 (8 imperfect), 73, 79 (7 lacking), 103, 116 (6 lacking); inking poor on many pages of text besides. Issued simultaneously in cloth, and, wrappers; title-page, copyright page, and text same in both. Reprints: John A. Berry & Company, 1888; Alden's reissue with 1889 date on title-page; Street & Smith, 1902. In the latter edition it bore Thompson's title, but had additions : "The Tale of a Sculptor' by Hugh Conway, and "Carriston's Gift" (not by Thompson). 1888 (Published 1889?) The Story of Louisiana THE STORY OF THE STATES | [rule] | THE STORY OF LOUISIANA | BY maurice Thompson | [emblem, a seal of the state of Louisiana] Illustrations by L J Bridgman | boston | d lothrop company | FRANKLIN AND HAWLEY STREETS Collation: One unsigned leaf, [1-21] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 8% 6 " (full) x 5%", all edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, with verso blank, inserted, but figured in the pagination as pp. [1-2]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title- page, p. [3]; copyright notice dated 1888, and imprint of Berwick & Smith, Boston, p. [4]; Preface, signature at end in facsimile, pp. [5-6]; table of contents, pp. [7-8]; list of illustrations, p. [9]; blank, p. [10]; text, pp. 1 1-30 1 ; blank, p. [302]; chronological story, pp. 303-324; The Peoples' Covenant, pp. 325-329; list of books relating to Louisiana, pp. 330-332; index, pp. 333-337; advertisements of The Story of the States, pp. [338-341]; blank, pp. [342-344]; end paper. [Note: The pagination includes not only the fly title inserted in front, and numerous full-page illustrations which are an integral part of the book, but also three inserted plates; see Illustrations. Text, 2o 4 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON pp. 1 1-30 1 : The Story of Louisiana, Chapters I-XII (titled); followed by data not Thompson's.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are three plates figured in the pagination: pp. [105-106], [151-152], and [277-278]; other full-page plates, with versos blank, are an integral part of the book. All are by L. J. Bridgman. A folding map of Louisiana is tipped in on p. 303. Each chapter is introduced with an illuminated initial accompanied by an illustration. Binding: Light brown mesh cloth. Front cover bears brown- stamped design of three radiant stars, the center one gilt-stamped above an eagle perched on an olive branch over shield of the United States, elaborated with ribbons and rules, incorporating title gilt-stamped in semi-circular arrangement: [ornament, gilt] the [dot] story [dot] OF [tilde-like line over each O] [dot] the [dot] states [ornament, gilt] | [the following brown-stamped helow the design:] the story of [tilde- like line over each O] | Louisiana | [ornament] | maurice Thompson [the whole within a trifle rule hox, the center rule wider than the outer ones] . Spine brown-stamped except for series title and book title: [trifle rule, center rule wider than others] | [series title embossed:] the story [tilde-like line over O] | of the | states | [trifle rule, center rule wider than others] | [radiant star ornament] | [title blind-stamfed:] the story [tilde-like line over O] | of | Louisiana | [ornament] | maurice Thompson I [ornament] | lothrop | [trifle rule, center rule wider]. Back cover blank. End papers white calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited for copyright January 10, 1889. It had been noted in The Publishers Weekly, December 1, 1888, as "just ready," but did not receive regular listing until January 19, 1889. Ear- liest review noted: The Critic, March 2nd. Price, $1.50. Notes : First edition as collated. This was third in the series, The Story of the States, edited by Elbridge S. Brooks. The review in The Critic, March 2, 1889, approved the choice of the poet for the writing of this history, while mentioning numerous typographical errors. Thompson, replying in the same magazine, March 23rd, that he did not read the proofs, added that he "wrote no part of the book except that which appears in large type— namely the preface and story proper." His writing, therefore, stops at p. 301 . FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 205 1892 Poems poems I by I maurice Thompson I [publishers' emblem] I boston and new york | houghton, mifflin and company | The River- side Press, Cambridge I 1 892 Collation: [1-14] 8 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5", top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [i]; copyright notice dated 1892, statement: All rights reserved., and imprint of the Riverside Press and H. O. Houghton & Co., p. [ii]; dedication: To My Wife, p. [iii]; proem beginning, "Songs of a mocking-bird," p. [iv]; table of contents, pp. [v]-vii; blank, p. [viii]; text, pp. 1-216; binder's leaf ; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-2 16, see Contents.] Binding: Green silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped with title and author's name in ornamental design within gilt frame : [ornament] | poems | by maurice | Thompson | [ornament; all within a single rule box] . Spine gilt-stamped : poems | maurice | Thompson I houghton I mifflin [dot] & [dot] co Back cover blank. End papers dark red on white; binder's leaf, slightly heavier than book stock, front and back. Publication Data: Deposited for copyright February 12, 1892. Noted as "ready today" in The Publishers' Weekly, February 13th, and listed in issue of February 20th. Earliest review noted : The Independ- ent, April 7th. Price, $1.50. Notes : First, and only edition as collated. No illustrations. Charles Forster Smith, in his Reminiscences and Sketches (1908), p. 135, said: "When the new volume of 'Poems' was coming out, he [Thompson] wrote me: The first copy is for my wife, the next for you and Baskervill.' " Contents: Numerous poems herein had earlier publication in Songs of Fair Weather (1883), but the following are first appearances in a Thompson book : * "Thompson, when asked which one of his own poems he liked best, answered : 2o6 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON [Proem] In Captivity The Independent, April 4, 1 889 (with title : A Song of the Mocking-Bird [In Captivity]) To an English Nightingale The Century Magazine, August, 1884 (with title: A Song of the Mocking-Bird [Dedicated to an English Nightingale])* To an English Skylark The Century Magazine, September, 1886 (with title: A Song of the Mocking-Bird [Dedicated to an Eng- lish Sky-Lark] ) Before Sunrise The Century Magazine, February, 1888 (with title: A Song of the Mocking-Bird [Before Sunrise]) To Provence To Sappho The Independent, August 25, 1887 (with tide: The Song of the Mocking-Bird [To Sappho]) An Early Bluebird [hyphenated in table of contents: Blue-Bird] The Independent, April 1, i886f Ho, for the Kankakee! [Ho! for the Kankakee in table of contents] The Manhattan, May, 1884; The (Indianapolis) Saturday Her- ald, April 19, 1884^: Spring's Torch-Bearer The Independent, April 30, 1891 The Assault The Indianapolis News, March 12, 1891 (untitled); The Critic, March 7, i89i§ Ode— Spring Lazing The Indianapolis Journal, May 2, 1874 To a Wild Flower Lippincott's Magazine of Literature and Sci- ence, June, 1874 A Breath of Morn The Independent, August 27, 1891 Seven Gold Reeds Harper's New Monthly Magazine, March, 1885; The Indianapolis Journal, February 21, 1885 The Orphic Legacy The Independent, November 29, 1883 Pan in the Orchard The Indianapolis Journal, October 23, 1891 "My 'Songs of a Mocking-Bird' which are the first four pieces in my latest volume of poems published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston."— The Dawn, Decem- ber 7, 1893, p. 7. *Part, entitled, "Song of the Mocking Bird" was reprinted in The Indianapolis Journal, October 13, 1895. flncluded in An American Anthology, edited by Edmund C. Stedman (1900), and Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XII (1910). Title in manu- script, "An Early Blue Bird." ^Criticism of the poem, "Ho, for the Kankakee!," appeared in The (Indian- apolis) Saturday Herald, April 26 and May 3; Thompson's reply was published May 10, 1884, under caption, "About 'Tarns.'" §Reprinted in America, April 2, 1891. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 207 Out of the South The Independent, August 7, 1890* A Creole Slave-Song The Independent, May 14, 1885! A Morning Prayer The Independent, September 13, 1888 Full-fledged The Independent, December 11, 1884 The Final Thought The Independent, December 16, 1886 Nectar and Ambrosia The Independent, January 10, 1884; The Crawfordsville Journal, January 26, 1884^ A Dream of Romance The Independent, May 28, 1891 To a Realist The Independent, November 22, 1888 America § An Address The American Magazine, October, 1887; The Indi- anapolis Journal, September 27, 1 887 (with title in both : Rebel or Loyalist?) || An Incident of War The Independent, May 26, 1 887^ To the South The Independent, September 11, 1884; The Indi- anapolis Journal, September 21, 1884 Our Legend The American Magazine, August, 1 887; The Terre Haute Express, July 17, 1887 A Taunt The Atlantic Monthly, September, 1885 Morning Dew The Independent, May 8, 1884 Old Rochon A Study for the Critics Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Liter- ature and Science, September, 1 874 The Gold-Bird The Independent, May 14, 1874 The Kingfisher Harper's New Monthly Magazine, May 1874; The Indianapolis Journal, April 21, 1874 Farewell Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Sci- ence, December, 1874^ * Later included in Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XII (1910). t"A Creole Slave-Song" appeared in An American Anthology, edited by Ed- mund C. Stedman (1900). t"Nectar and Ambrosia" was later included in Library of Southern Literature, V0I.XIIC1910). §Last two stanzas were reprinted in The Indianapolis Star, December 26, 1915. II Part of this "Address" by an ex-Confederate soldier to the Grand Army of the Republic was quoted in Reminiscences and Sketches, by Charles Forster Smith (1908), p. 115, and the second part in The Indianapolis Star, December 26, 1915. IFLater included in Ballads of American Bravery, edited by Clinton Scollard (1900). £"Farewell" appeared later in A Treasury of American Verse, by Walter Larned (1897). 208 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON l8 93 The King of Honey Island THE I KING OF HONEY ISLAND. | A Novel. | BY | MAURICE THOMP- SON, I Author of "Mordbank," "The Fighting at Point Rose," "A I Tallahassee Girl," "His Second Campaign," | "Hoosier Mosaics," etc. I WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY H. M. EATON. | NEW YORK: | ROBERT bonner's sons, I 1893. Collation: [1-22] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5V2" all edges trimmed. End paper; blank, pp. [1-2]; fly title, p. [3]; blank, p. [4]; frontis- piece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [5]; copyright notice with final date 1893, an d statement: (All rights reserved.*), p. [6]; text, pp. 7-343; publishers' advertisements, pp. [344-350]; blank, pp. [351— 352]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 7-343, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 38, 66, and 92; all are by H. M. Eaton. The chapters bear decorative headpieces with the exception of Chapters XII, XIII, XIX, XX, XXI, XXIII, XXIV, XXVI, XXVII, XXVIII, XXX, which follow preceding chapter with only a decorative rule between. Chap- ter I has an illuminated initial. Binding: Light blue silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover gilt- stamped: king I of I honey | island [title within a dark blue and gilt- stamped decorative panel] . Spine gilt-stamped : the | king of | honey I island [title within a gilt-stamped panel] | maurice | Thompson | robert bonner's | sons Back cover blank. End papers tan flowered and screened on white. No binder's leaf, front or back. [Note : Issued simultaneously in cloth, and, wrappers; see post 209.] Publication Data: Copyrighted March 3, 1893. Listed in The Publishers' Weekly, March 1 ith. Price, cloth, $1.00*; paper, 50^. Notes : First edition as collated. The cloth copies bear no mention * Listed in The Publishers' Weekly, March 21, 1893, at $1.00; advertised in same, March 25th, at $1.50. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 209 of a "series" or "library" as do the wrappered ones : The Choice Series and Ledger Library. All were deposited for copyright the same day. For description of the paper editions see below. A "new issue" by George D. Hurst was published in The Ambrosial Library for Every-Day Reading [No. 2], in 1895. The book was reprinted by G. W. Dillingham Co., New York, 1896, bound in gray cloth, white-stamped; two issues noted: copyright page with, and without imprint of the Press of the New York Ledger. Illustrations in the former are tinted orange, and the plate that ap- peared facing p. 66 in the first edition here faces p. 32. Illustrations in those lacking the imprint are untinted. Dillingham also issued the book in red cloth, leaf trimmed to 7%" x 4%"; type shows wear; probably the "New Edition" listed in The Publishers Weekly, March 2, 1 90 1 . Street & Smith published it in a paper edition, August 8, 1904; again, as No. 508 in The Eagle Series, February 19, 1907, in colored, pictorial white wrappers. In England it was published by J. Henderson in the Anglo- American Library, August, 1893. Contents: The King of Honey Island, Chapters I-XXX (titled), earlier a serial in The New York Ledger, September 3-December 3, 1892. 1893 The King of Honey Island (Bonner's Choice Series No. 79) THE I KING OF HONEY ISLAND. I A Novel. I BY I MAURICE THOMP- SON, I Author of "Mordbank," "The Fighting at Point Rose," "A I Tallahassee Girl," "His Second Campaign," I "Hoosier Mosaics," etc. I WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY H. M. EATON. | NEW YORK: I ROBERT BONNER'S SONS, I PUBLISHERS. I [rule] J THE CHOICE SERIES: IS- SUED SEMI-MONTHLY. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, TWELVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. NO. 79, I FEBRUARY 15,1 893. ENTERED AT THE NEW YORK, N. Y., POST OFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER. Pagination: Advertisements, pp. [1-2]; fly title, p. [3]; blank, p. [4] ; title-page, p. [5]; copyright notice with final date 1893, an d state- 2IO [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON ment, QAll rights reserved.}, p. [6]; text, pp. 7-343; advertisements, pp. [344-352]. [Note: For text, pp. 7-343, see ante 209.] Binding: White wrappers. Front cover printed in sepia and red: Honey Island [title in red] | By Maurice Thompson, The King of Author of 'The Fighting at Point Rose/' etc. | illustrated by h. m. eaton. [in red] bonner's sons, [illustration, signed, boxed] \ new york: | Robert in red] | publishers. Spine missing in only copy located, which is rebound with wrappers present. Back cover bears list, in sepia, of The Choice Series, including this title as No. 79. Inside front cover bears advertisement in sepia of Zinas Awaking; inside back, of Beatrix Rohan. Notes: No illustrations. Issued simultaneously with the cloth- bound copies (see ante 208). It appeared at the same time, too, as Bonner's Ledger Library, No. 79, the title-page differing only in the series name; wrappers same except for advertisements : the back cover advertises Pears' soap; inside front lists the Ledger Library, including this title as No. 79; inside back lists The Popular Series. In all three the text is the same, as are advertisements on pp. [344-351]. In both wrap- pered issues the same advertisements appear on leaf preceding fly title. 1893 The Ethics of Literary Art \ THE I ETHICS OF LITERARY ART | THE CAREW LECTURES | FOR 1 893 I HARTFORD THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY | BY | MAURICE THOMPSON | Author of "A Tallahassee Girl," "Sylvan Secrets," | "Songs of Fair Weather," "Poems," etc. | [ornament] | hartford, conn. | Hart- ford Seminary Press | 1 893 Collation: [i]-ii 4 , one unsigned leaf. White wove paper. Leaf measures 7 5 / 16 " x 5%", top edge gilt, other edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; fly title, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; title-page, p. [3]; copyright notice dated 1893, and imprint of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., p. [4]; Author's Note (so identified in running head) signed M.T. and dated August, 1893, pp. [5]-6; text, pp. [71-89 (p. 89 on inserted leaf, with publisher's list on verso); binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. (7)^9, see Contents.] FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 211 Illustrations: None. An ornament appears above text on p. [5], and an illuminated initial on p. [7]. Binding: Dark blue silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover blind- stamped : The Ethics of Literary Art | Maurice Thompson [all within a blind-stamped single rule box] . Spine bears a paper label printed as follows: the ethics | of | literary art | [ornament] I THOMPSON Back cover blank. End papers white pebbled; binder's leaves of book stock, conjugates pasted under lining papers, front and back. Publication Data: Listed in The Publishers Weekly, Novem- ber 1 1, 1893. Deposited in the Copyright Office November 23rd. Price, $1.00. [Note: Silver Burdett Company acted as consignees of the book not publishers of it.] Notes : First edition as collated. Thompson explained in the "Au- thor's Note" : "The matter of the following pages was delivered in three lectures, and it will not be hard for the reader to find the lines of divi- sion. A different plan might have been followed had my purpose origi- nally been a book. Still I have not felt it necessary to recast any part of the work, and in arbitrarily dividing my discussion into three parts, it came easy to make Conception, Composition, and Expression stand, in the order named, as themes for successive treatment/' The subject of these talks delivered May 15, 16, and 17, 1893, in the Carew course at the Hartford Theological Seminary, was described in an advance notice in The Hartford Times, May 13, 1893, as "The Moral Principles Characteristic of True Literary Art." Only one lec- ture, the first, appeared in print before book publication. The second lecture, "The Ethics of Composition," was reviewed in both the Hart- ford Courant and Times, May 17th; the third and last, "The Ethics of Expression," was briefly reviewed in the Hartford Courant, May 1 8th; his own words not quoted. Contents : The Ethics of Literary Art, in three untitled and un- numbered parts; first part, (pp. [71-37), earlier in The Hartford Semi- nary Record, June, 1893 (with title: The Ethics of Conception). The second part (second lecture) ends and last part begins on p. 65.* *Part of the second lecture (pp. 48-56) appeared later with title, "The Ro- mance of Composition," in Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XII (1910). Extracts from the whole, being Thompson's comments on Shelley, Lord Byron, Scott, and Wordsworth, were included in The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors, edited by Charles W. Moulton, Vols. 4 and 5 (1902). 2i2 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON 1894 Lincoln's Grave Lincoln's | grave [foregoing in red] | by | maurice | Thompson | ['publishers' emblem, fan-shaped* intercepting date:] 18 [point of the emblem] 94 | Cambridge | and Chicago | [the following in red:] stone | and | kimball [Note: All boxed within a floral panel which is within a decorative box. The panel bears artist's initials at lower right: G. H. (George H. Hallowell).] Collation: [i] 8 (plus one unsigned leaf), [2-5]*. White laid paper. Leaf measures 6 1 % 6 " x 4%", top edge gilt, other edges un- trimmed. End paper; binder's sheet; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; title-page, in- serted, its verso bearing copyright notice dated 1894; limitation notice, p. [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; dedication to Phi Beta Kappa of Harvard Col- lege, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; proem, dated 1893, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; three words in Greek, p. [be]; blank, p. [x]; text, pp. [1-36]; colophon of John Wilson & Son, University Press, p. [37]; blank, p. [38]; binder's sheet; end paper. [Note: Not paginated. For text, pp. (1-36), see Contents.] Binding: Vellum, brown silk ties. Front and back covers blank. Spine gilt-stamped, reading from bottom to top : stone & kimball a POEM BY MAURICE THOMPSON End papers same as book stock; binder's sheet front and back. Also, "secondary bindings"! of orange buckram, and, gray boards with paper label on spine. See Notes for description of large paper copies. Publication Data: Copyrighted February 19, 1894 (colophon gives date of printing as January, 1894). Listed in The Publishers' Weekly, April 21, 1894. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, June 27, 1894. Price of limited edition of 450 copies, $1.25; large paper edition of 50 copies, $3.50. """Publishers Devices, No. 2"; see A History of Stone & Kimball and Herbert S. Stone &• Co., by Sidney Kramer (1940), p. 194. t Kramer No. 10, pp. 201-202. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 213 Notes: Issued in a limited edition of 450 copies as collated. Also, simultaneously, a large paper edition (leaf 8%" x 5%")> limited to 50 numbered copies, bound in vellum, spine gilt-stamped, was issued in a marbled paper slipcase. No illustrations. Besides the orange buckram binding on the lim- ited edition there was another "secondary binding" of gray boards with white paper shelfback located in two states: spine gilt-stamped,* and, with a leather label. Title-page is an insert in all copies, bearing publishers' address as Cambridge and Chicago (none found with "Cambridge imprint only," as erroneously described in Merle John- son's American First Editions [1942]). Contents: Lincoln's Grave, Stanzas I-XXXVI. Read before Phi Beta Kappa of Harvard College, June, 1893. Part of the poem, Stanzas XVII-XX, earlier appeared in The Indianapolis News, July 5, 1893, and in The Dawn (Indianapolis High School, now Shortridge), De- cember 7, 1893^ *A copy, No. 2 of the gray boards with white paper shelfback, gilt-stamped, inscribed to General Lewis Wallace, May 23, 1894, is in the Eagle Crest Library. tSelections from the poem have been frequently reprinted. A review of the book in The Independent, July 19, 1894, quoted the opening lines and four stanzas; one stanza was printed in The Dial, February i, 1895. It appeared in the following anthologies: part, with title, "At Lincoln's Grave," in Poets and Poetry of Indiana, edited by Benj. S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (1900); part, 'A Proph- ecy," in An American Anthology, edited by Edmund C. Stedman (1900); part in The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors, edited by Charles W. Moulton, Vol. 6 (1904); Lincoln's Birthday (Our American Holi- day Series) edited by Robert H. Schauffler (1909); part in The Poetic New- World by L. H. Humphrey (19 10); part, with title, "At Lincoln's Grave," in The Praise of Lincoln, by A. Dallas Williams (191 1); part, with tide, "Lincoln," in Pieces for Every Day the Schools Celebrate, by Norma H. Deming & Katha- rine I. Bemis (1921; 1922; 1 931; 1939); part, with tide, "He Is Not Dead," in Poems for Special Days and Occasions, compiled by Thomas C. Clark (1930); part, with title, "At Lincoln's Grave," in Great Americans as Seen by the Poets, by Burton E. Stevenson (1933). 2i 4 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON l8 9 5 The Ocala Boy THE OCALA BOY | A STORY OF FLORIDA TOWN AND FOREST BY MAURICE THOMPSON | AUTHOR OF "a TALLAHASSEE GIRL," "THE coln's grave/' etc. I [rule] | with illustrations by e. w. STORY OF LOUI- | SIANA," "BY WAYS AND BIRD NOTES," ' AT I LIN- KEMBLE I [rule] I BOSTON | LOTHROP PUBLISHING COMPANY | 1 895 Collation: [1-14] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures jYiq" x 4%"> a ^ edges trimmed. End paper; blank, pp. [1-4]; frontispiece with tissue guard, in- serted; title-page, p. [5]; copyright notice dated 1895, statement: All rights reserved., and imprint of C. J. Peters & Son, Boston, p. [6]; table of contents, p. [7]; blank, p. [8]; half-title, p. [9]; blank, p. [10]; text, pp. 9-225 (should be 1 1-227; f° ur °f tne plates are figured in the pagi- nation); blank, pp. [228-232]; end paper.* [Note: Text, pp. 9-225 (sic'): The Ocala Boy, Chapters I-XI (titled).] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 16, 78, no, 138, and 182; all are by Edward Windsor Kemble; the latter four are figured in the pagination. Binding: Gray, red, and, light green mesh cloth; also, dark green with red cloth imposed upon the upper portion. The front cover bears black-stamped on the upper portion a design of two boys holding be- tween them a shield which bears the title : the | ocala | boy | [below the shield the author's name:] maurice Thompson [all within a double rule box] . Spine black-stamped on the upper portion : the | ocala | boy I Thompson I [decorative design] \ [at foot, black-stamped:] lothrop Back cover blank. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data : Deposited in the Copyright Office, October 7, 1895. Noted in The Publishers Weekly, September 7, 1895: "Will publish next week"; advertised in same, September 14th: "Will issue at once", and on October 5th described as "just published." Earliest re- view noted: The Independent, November 7, 1895. Price, $1.00. *Also noted with last leaf of last signature used as lining paper. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 215 Notes : First edition as collated. Priority in bindings unestablished. One copy, in solid color binding,* has been noted with no end paper in back but last leaf of last signature used as lining paper; the copyright deposit copy has the true end paper; is bound in solid color. Type imperfections in folios 87 and 141; same in all copies. 1898 Stories of Indiana stories of Indiana | by | maurice Thompson | [publisher's em- blem] I new york [ornament formed of four dots] Cincinnati [ornament formed of four dots] Chicago | American book com- pany I 1898 Collation: [i]-i9 8 . White calendered paper. Leaf measures 7% 6" x 5Viq"> a U edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice dated 1898, title, and symbol, E. P. 1, p. [2]; Preface, pp. 3-4; table of con- tents, pp. 5-6; text, pp. 7-296; publisher's advertisements, pp. [297- 304]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note : Text, pp. 7-296 : The Very First Inhabitants; The First Hu- man Inhabitants; Traits and Habits of Wild Indians; Early Explorers; Early French Life in Indiana Pontiac (dash before Pontiac in table of contents); Clarke's Capture of Fort (Ft. in table of contents) Vin- cennes, and Other Incidents; Tecumseh— The Prophet— Tippecanoe; A Daring Man— Narrow Escapes; An Itinerant Pioneer Preacher; Flat- boat Days; A Great Man's Boyhood and Youth; Black and White; A Genial Hermit; The Romance of New Harmony; A Distinguished Odd- ity; Frontier Pests and Afflictions; Characteristic Incidents and Anec- dotes; The Period of Canals and Plank Roads; The Birth and Growth of Free Public Schools; A Raid into Indiana; Richard Jordan Gatling; The Writers of Indiana; The Latest Developments in Indiana.] Illustrations : Text illustrations throughout the book. Ornamen- tal rule below book title on p. 7. Binding: Gray mesh cloth. Front cover dark blue-stamped: [orna- ment] stories [ornament] of [ornament] | [ornament] Indiana [orna- ment] I [foregoing has an ornamental design on each side, joined by a *In Indiana State Library. 216 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON chain of bell-like ornaments from which hangs a wreath of similar de- sign enclosing the author's name:] Thompson [all within a single rule box]. Spine dark blue-stamped: [wide decorative border] | stories I of | Indiana I [narrow ornamental border] | Thompson | [rule] American | book | company Back cover bears dark blue-stamped sil- houette of the state of Indiana within a wreath formed of bell-like orna- ments; all within a single rule box. End papers white wove; binders leaf front and back. Publication Data: Deposited for copyright June 21, 1898. Listed in The Publishers' Weekly, July 2, 1898. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, November 2, 1898. Price, 60^. Notes : First edition bears symbol on copyright page, E. P. 1 The broken 8 in folio, p. 81, was not remedied until within the sixth edition; some of the copies with E. P. 6 on copyright page contain its replacement. The gathering of material for this book led to the writing of Alice of Old Vincennes, according to Lee Burns (see post 225). The appearance of William H. English, Conquest of the Country Northwest of the River Ohio, in 1896, may have given Thompson historical background for both these books. 1898 Stories of the Cherokee Hills STORIES OF THE CHEROKEE HILLS | BY MAURICE THOMPSON [publishers' emblem] | boston and new york | houghton, miff- lin and company I The Riverside Press, Cambridge | 1898 Collation: [i] 4 , [2-1 7] 8 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%e" x 4%", all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; blank, p. [i]; list of books by the author, p. [ii]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [iii]; copy- right notice dated 1898, p. [iv]; table of contents, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; list of illustrations, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; text, pp. [i]-255; pub- lishers' imprint, p. [256]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. (O-255, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 48, 102, 116, 134, 160, 166, 178. All are in black and white, drawn by Edward Windsor Kemble. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 217 Binding: Light green mesh cloth. Front cover bears an elaborate floral design stamped in dark green, white, and gilt, including a center panel within which is gilt-stamped : stories | of the [dark green and gilt-stamped leaf ornament on each side of foregoing two lines; rule under O's] | Cherokee hills [rule under O] | maurice Thompson Spine gilt-stamped: stories [rule under O] | of the | Cherokee [rule under O] | hills | [floral design stamped in dark green, white, and gilt] I M [dot] THOMPSON | HOUGHTON | MIFFLIN [dot] & [dot] CO. Back cover blank. End papers similar to, slighdy heavier than book stock; binder's leaf front and back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office October 4, 1898. Advertised in The Publishers' Weekly, October 1st for October 8th publication; listed October 15th. Price, $1.50. Notes: First edition as collated. Reissued by Houghton, Mifflin with date, 1900 on the title-page. The short stories in this collection were drawn from Thompson's own boyhood experiences in the South, his life in the Confederate Army, and his observations of the South immediately after the Civil War. He discussed them in 1 890 in unpublished letters to R. W. Gilder of Century, preserved in the New York Public Library. Contents : The first story, written for the book, is in the nature of a lengthy foreword. Color-Line Jocundities Ben and Judas The Century Magazine, October, 1889 Hodson's Hide-Out The Century Magazine, March, 1885* Rudgis and Grim The Century Magazine, July, i892f A Race Romance The Century Magazine, April, 1891 A Dusky Genius The Century Magazine, April, 1890^ *Described in the magazine as "A transcript from Sand Mountain." The Indianapolis News, April 10, 1885, carried a Thompson story, uncollected, en- titled, "A Sand Mountain Wedding." Possibly more with the same background appeared under other titles, in other newspapers. The author had trouble himself with the spelling of "Hodson": in a letter to R. W. Gilder, October 25, 1886, he referred to "Hodkin's Hide-out" and, on November 6th, to "Hodgson's Hide-out" (letters in the New York Public Li- brary). flncluded in Best Things from American Literature, edited bv Irving Bacheller (1899). s t"A Dusky Genius" impressed many readers as factual, which it was not; it brought Thompson more letters than any story he ever wrote, he said, April 22, 1890, in a letter to R. W. Gilder, in the New York Public Library. 218 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Balance of Power Harper's [Monthly] Magazine, April, i895* I9OO My Winter Garden My Winter Garden | a nature-lover under | southern skies | [ornament] | by | maurice Thompson I [publishers emblem] New York | The Century Co. | 1 900 Collation: [*] 8 , 1-19 8 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5%"> t0 P e< ^g e gilt, other edges untrimmed. End paper; blank, pp. [i-ii] (leaf pasted under the lining paper, its conjugate the half-title); fly title, p. [iii]; blank, p. [iv]; title-page, p. [v]; copyright notice dated 1900, and imprint of the De Vinne Press, p. [vi]; dedication to his wife, Alice Lee, p. vii; blank, p. [viii]; Preface, pp. ix-xii; table of contents, p. xiii; blank, p. [xiv]; half-title, p. [xv]; blank, p. [xvi]; text, pp. 1-302 (conjugate of pp. 289-290 pasted under back lining paper); end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-302, see Contents.] Illustrations: Colored frontispiece by Frank Hill, with tissue guard, inserted. Binding : Gray silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover bears a design of intertwined trees stamped in dark green, gilt, and pale pink, below which is gilt-stamped: My | Winter Garden | Maurice Thompson [all within a gilt-stamped single rule box]. Spine is gilt-stamped: My | Winter | Garden [tail of the initial extends under the word] | Maurice I Thompson | The | Century | Co [wave rule under o]. Back cover lank. End papers same as book stock; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office Septem- ber 17, 1900. Listed in The Publishers' Weekly, November 10th. Price, $1.50. "Later collected in Southern Lights and Shadows, edited by William Dean Howells & Henry Mills Alden (1907). The story includes "De Sassafras Bloom" and other negro songs, untitled, which may, or may not be original Thompson poems; one of them appeared as "Plantation Song" in The Indianapolis Journal, March 31, 1895, ascribed to him. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 219 Notes: First edition as collated. Reissued with date 1902 on the title-page. Contents : A group of essays here first collected. Two of them have not been found in any earlier printings; they may have been part of the manuscript of "Toxophilus in Arcadia," a long article which The Cen- tury Magazine published, greatly cut down, as "In the Woods with the Bow," herein collected; see post 248 n* My Winter Garden | An Idyl of the Gulf Coast The Century Magazine, November 1900 (with title: My Midwinter Gar- den)! Paradise Circle Where the Mocking-Bird Sings [in running title bird (not Bird)] Cosmopolitan, December 1 892 A Poet of the Poor The Independent, December 15, 1892 Shrike-Notes | With a Buffon Interlude The Independent, May 26, 1898 (part, with title: Recent Shrike-Notes) The Touch of Inspiration The Independent, February 5, 1891 A Marsh-Land Incident [in running title land (not Land)] The Independent, January 27, 1 898 Art and Money The Independent, December 14, 1899 Return to Nature The Independent, June 10, 1897 (with title: To Return to Nature) By a Woodland Spring The Independent, June 13, 1895 A Swamp Beauty The Independent, March 1, 1900 In the Woods with the Bow The Century Magazine, August 1900 Under a Dogwood with Montaigne^: The Independent, April 2 1 , 1898 (part, with title: Montaigne the Provincial Belletrist); March 31, 1898 (part, with title: Montaigne in His Study); De- cember 9, 1897 (part, with title: Montaigne's Literary Recipe); March 10, 1898 (part, with title: Montaigne's Philosophy); Feb- ruary 10, 1898 (part, with title: Montaigne's Materials) *"Archery Excerpts" from My Winter Garden, selected by H. H. McChesney, were later published in The Archery Review, August-September, 1932. tWritten for Century, designed as a "fit initial chapter for the little book we have discussed . . ." Letter to R. W. Gilder, January 4, 1900. This, with other letters to Gilder on the subject, is in the New York Public Library. ^Thompson had written an essay on Montaigne, published in The Chap-Book, May 1, 1895, under the title, "Nuts from Perigord"; it is not contained in My Winter Garden. 220 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON I9OO Alice of Old Vincennes Alice of Old Vincennes [red] | by | Maurice Thompson | illus- trations BY J F. C. YOHN | INDIANAPOLIS | THE BOWEN-MERRILL COMPANY I PUBLISHERS Collation: [i] 4 (plus two unsigned leaves), [2-28] 8 . White laid paper, %" (scant) between wire marks. Leaf measures 7%6" x 4 1 %6"> all edges trimmed. Blank, pp. [i-ii] (leaf used as lining paper, its conjugate the half- title); fly title, p. [in]; blank, p. [iv]; frontispiece with tissue guard, in- serted; title-page, p. [v]; copyright notice dated 1900, statement: All Rights Reserved, and imprint of Braunworth, Munn & Barber, p. [vi]; dedication to M. Placide Valcour, M.D., Ph. D., LL. D., dated July, 1900, inserted; table of contents, inserted; half-title, p. [vii]; blank, p. [viii]; text, pp. 1-4 19; blank, p. [420]; divisional half-title: A List Of Publications Of | The Bowen-Merrill Co., p. [421]; notice, boxed, of one quarter million copies of When Knighthood Was in Flower, p. [422]; advertisements, pp. [423-432]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 1-419: Alice of Old Vincennes, Chapters I- XXIII (titled).*] Illustrations: Colored frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are black and white plates facing pp. 10, 44, 130, 236, and 374; all are by F. C. Yohn. Binding: Light blue, and, green mesh cloth. Front cover bears a panel stamped in gilt, light tan, blue, and light green, depicting a fort [Sackville], below which is gilt-stamped: alice of old | vincennes | [the following brown-stamped:] by maurice Thompson [all within a bright blue parallel rule box]. Spine gilt-stamped: alice | of | old | vincennes I [rule] I maurice | Thompson | [design in gilt and brown *Part of Chapter I was reprinted in Library of Southern Literature, Vol. XII (1910), with title, "Under the Cherry Tree.' A selection from Chapter XX ap- peared in New Pieces That Will Take Prizes, by Harriet Blackstone (1926), as "Alice's Flag." FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 221 of a crossed sword and tomahawk] | bowen- | merrill Back cover blank.* No end paper in front; in back, of laid paper i%" between wire marks (book stock, %"); no binder's leaf front or back (for variants, see Notes below). Publication Data: Deposited for copyright September 24, 1900. Advance copies were available as early as September 5th. Earliest re- views noted: The Independent, October 18th; The Indianapolis Press, October 23rd; and The Critic, October, 1900. The Crawfordsville Jour- nal, September 14th, carried a notice of it, from an advance copy. Price, $1.50. Notes : The first issue consisted of copies called "advance" by the author, "special" by the publishers, but so many were distributed that have the running head in bold-faced capitals that collation as a first edition, first issue, has seemed indicated (some hastily bound and badly cracked copies have defied signature detection and appear to be truly "advance," not a trade issue). A change in the running head was made before the Acknowledgment was added to verso of last page of text: State 1 : Running head in bold-faced capitals (later, light-faced upper and lower case) Verso of last page of text blank (later, bears Acknowl- edgment) Sigs. [i] 4 (plus two unsigned leaves, carrying dedica- tion and table of contents), [2-28] 8 (later, [1- 28] 8 ); advertisements in back followed by end paper (later, final signature has two blank leaves following advertisements) Book stock laid paper with %" (scant) between wire marks (later, %") Leaf measures 7% 6 " x 41% 6 " (later, 7%" x 4%") Folio present on first page of text (later, dropped) Divisional half-title, p. [421 ], reads : A List Of Publica- tions . . . (later, A List Of Recent Fiction . . .) P. [428], listing of Riley's The Golden Year complete (later, Year imperfect) State 2: Running heads in upper and lower case (earlier, all capitals) *The dust wrapper on the first-state copy in the Indiana State Library orig- inally must have accompanied a later issue, since it reprints newspaper comments based on review copies. 222 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON Verso of last page of text blank as in State i First signature gathered in 8 (plus one unsigned leaf; the title-page being an insert); end paper and binder's leaf present in front followed by one blank leaf (earlier, no free blank before fly title, first leaf being used as lining paper); advertisements in back followed by two blank leaves before end paper (ear- lier, end paper follows advertisements) Book stock same as, or similar to State i Leaf measures 7%" x 4%" (earlier, 7 ft 6 " x 4 i% 6 ") Folio present on first page of text as in State 1 Divisional half-title, p. [421], same as in State 1 P. [428], listing of Riley's The Golden Year has Year imperfect (earlier, perfect) State 3 : Same as State 2, but Acknowledgment present on verso of last page of text (earlier, page blank), and adver- tisements changed as well as the divisional half-title which now reads: A List Of Recent Fiction . . . (ear- lier, A List Of Publications . . .); pp. U 2 3-4 2 9] ad- vertise a separate book on each page (earlier, many titles in an alphabetical catalogue); leaf advertising The Redemption of David Corson and Sweepers of the Sea still present, but on pp. [423-424] (earlier, [431-432]) State 4: Same as State 3, but book stock is laid paper with %" between wire marks (earlier, %" [scant]) State 5: Same as State 4, but folio dropped from first page of text, and leaf trimmed to 7%" x 4%". A copy, probably later, advertises a book first published in 1901, George Horton's Like Another Helen, and has other changes within the last signature. Because the final gathering was a separate publishers' catalogue, many variations in advertisements were possible within any issue. The absence of folio on first page of text is a point identifying a copy as definitely State 5 or later; a change within advertisements be- yond above mention indicates probably later than State 5. An advance copy with points of earliest issue, lacking illustrations, bears the following letter from the author tipped in* : "Dear Mr. Greene : "My new novel Alice of Old Vincennes' is just coming from the press, and I send you the advance copy as a little token of my vast and *In the Crawfordsville Public Library. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 223 never ending determination to bore my friends with my writings. I hope that you'll like the story for its loyalty to Indiana and the great West, if not for the interest that I tried to put into the dramatic action. "Yours most sincerely ,, n , „ "Maurice Thompson 5 September 1900. r Another copy* is stamped on lining paper, first free leaf, and title- page : Salesman's Sample Copy, and bears a printed slip pasted on the lining paper which reads : This S fecial Copy Of | Alice Of Old Vin- cennes | Sent In Advance Of Publication | Is Printed With The | Compliments Of | The Author And Publishers. It is similar to the copy collated. The folio on first page of text, dropped during one or more print- ings, was replaced before 1904, since plates used by Grosset & Dunlap contain it. Type defects are present even in the earliest state. To name just one of many examples: in table of contents, second I in II broken. Late is- sues show wear in type from the many reprintings. Various states of illustrations have the following probable sequence : Illustrations State 1 : Frontispiece colored, other plates black and white. Thus in copies in States 1 and 2 of text Illustrations State 2: Frontispiece in black and white as are other plates. f Thus in copies in States 2 and 3 of text Illustrations State 3 : Frontispiece in color, other plates in ivory and sepia tint. Thus in copies in States 3 and 4 of text. Since the tinted plates continued to be used in later issues, these copies appear to follow Illustra- tions State 2, even though the frontis- piece is as in Illustrations State 1. In- scriptions show that Illustrations States 1, 2, and 3 were all available before Christmas, 1900 Illustrations State 4 : Frontispiece in ivory and sepia tint as are other plates. Thus in States 4 and 5 of text. *In Eagle Crest Library. tAll such copies thus far examined that are also in State 2 of text have calen- dered end papers, not the white laid with i 3 Aq" between wire marks as in copy collated. 224 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The color of binding (blue, and, green) is not a point of prece- dence; both colors occur on copies of the first issue. A variation in stamping, however, makes two binding states: Binding State i : On front cover between foot of title and top of author's name, space measures 3" (later, 2%")« Thus on earliest copies, text in States 1 and 2 Binding State 2 : On front cover between foot of title and top of author's name, space measures 2%" (ear- lier, 3"). Thus on copies with text States 3 and later, Illustrations States 3 and 4. End-paper variations are numerous in the earliest state of the book, due probably to the fact that many copies were hastily assembled for salesmen's use (some even bound without illustrations). Whether lack- ing altogether in front, or present and of book stock, or laid paper, or calendered paper, in all issues they are the binder's addition, not the printer's and a poor guide to sequence of issue, hence omitted from fur- ther discussion here. That the book was immediately popular is known from the review in The Independent, October 18, 1900: "Already, the publishers in- form us, the demand far exceeds the supply." On October 28th the au- thor wrote his brother, Will H., about the success of the book: "I stand amazed."* Bobbs-Merrill published a limp leather edition in 1902 and kept the book in print as late as 1928. Grosset & Dunlap issued it in 1904 and made reprints available until 1941, sales having dropped between 1938 and 1 94 1 to not more than 2,000 copies per year, but in all, the book sold for them "well over the 1 50,000 mark."t In England, Cassell issued it in July, 1901. The American edition was being distributed in Great Britain as early as November, 1900, judging by a listing in the English Catalogue. Thompson wrote no plays, but that he had conceived his "Alice" in such form "The Lounger" tells in a contemporary review in The Critic, October, 1900: "Mr. Thompson had an idea of making a play of this subject [Vincennes at the time of Clark's conquest of the Wa- bash Valley] and was working on it when he received a letter from the publishers . . . asking him if he would not write a novel laying his scene in the very place where the scene of his play was laid. He at once * Holograph letter in collection of Will's son, General Maurice Thompson, Tacoma, Washington. fThe Vincennes Sun-Commercial, February 18, 1947, quotes these figures as supplied by Grosset & Dunlap, Inc. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 225 set aside the play and went to work on the novel." Current Literature, April, 1 90 1, p. 490, further discusses the origin of the novel. The Book- man, March, 1 90 1, contains a facsimile of the first page of the original manuscript, together with comment. A dramatization by E. E. Rose was produced a year after the book's appearance (see The Indianapolis News, February 15, 1901, for ad- vance statements about it, and, later, October 22, 1901, for an account of the first performance, October 21, 190 1, at the Euclid Avenue Thea- ter, Cleveland, Ohio, under direction of Charles Frohman; criticism of it appears in Lewis C. Strang, Players and Plays of the Last Quarter Century [1902], Vol. II, p. 244).* A printed script of the Rose drama- tization, bound in covers like the book and with frontispiece an illustra- tion from a scene in the production, has been reported, but not examined. Lee Burns, of Indianapolis, writing March 1, 1950,! says: Tt may be worth recording that Maurice Thompson did not write his story of 'Alice of Old Vincennes' and then try to find a publisher for it. Instead, the suggestion that he write a historical novel was made to him by me as a representative of The Bowen-Merrill Company. "At that time this company had published When Knighthood Was in Flower/ which had been a best-seller month after month and we were in search of another book to take its place. Knowing that Mr. Thompson had made some studies of early Indiana history in preparing his little book for school children entitled, 'Stories of Indiana/ I wrote to him asking if he would not like to write for us a historical novel. He accepted this idea with enthusiasm. The result was 'Alice of Old Vin- cennes.' "Mr. Thompson spent some time going through the old books and manuscripts in the Cathedral Library in Vincennes to further his re- search and enrich the novel's background." The book inspired a composition by E. C. Keithly, "Alice of Old Vincennes (I Love You)," sheet music published by Frank K. Root & Co., 1914. Thompson's tide, if no more, possibly suggested another song, "The Hoosier Girl I Loved in Old Vincennes," dedicated to the memory of Paul Dresser by M. M. Redding and Charles H. Roth, 1910. The history woven into Thompson's romance has led to many at- tempts to identify persons and places. "Alice," it has been claimed, was actually Mary Shannon, but since the latter was only four years old when Fort Sackville was captured by George Rogers Clark, it is un- *A typewritten prompt book is preserved in the New York Public Library, tin a letter addressed to the compilers. 226 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON likely that she was the belle of Vincennes portrayed by our author. He probably gave his heroine the name in tribute to his wife. The dedica- tion, purporting to explain the origin of the story, may, or may not be a bit of fiction, the "Roussillon letter" referred to not having been found. Mary Hannah Krout suggested in an article, in The Independ- ent, February 21, 1 901, Vol. 53, p. 416, that his home, Sherwood Place, which had belonged to a member of the Du Bois family who moved to Crawfordsville from Vincennes, "may have had some influence in shap- ing the author's latest and most successful work." The centennial issue of The Western Sun, Vincennes, July 4, 1904, mentioned the "ancient cottage of Gaspard Roussillon of 1 779" as "legendary" and the home of "Alice" as "alleged." The historical effects of the book were brought out in the Clark Memorial issue of the Vincennes Siin-Commerical, June 14, 1936, which carried an article captioned, "Alice of Thompson's Im- mortal Story Awoke Nation to History Here," claiming that the book's publication aroused the people of Vincennes to the importance of the community's background, the result being much published material on its history. The same newspaper, on July 2, 1950, in its historical section memorializing the Indiana Territory Sesquicentennial, rele- gated it to the place of fiction by omitting mention of it except in a reference to Will C. Conrad's article, "Alice of Old Vincennes Lives Again," in the Milwaukee Journal, June 27, 1950. I9OI Sweetheart Manette SWEETHEART I MANETTE | BY MAURICE THOMPSON | AUTHOR OF I "ALICE OF OLD VINCENNES," ETC. | WITH A FRONTISPIECE BY | emlen mc connell | [publisher's emblem] | Philadelphia and LONDON I J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY | I90I Collation : [ 1 ]-i 6 8 , 1 y 2 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7% 6 " x 4%" (full), all edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [ 1 ]; blank, p. [2]; frontispiece, inserted; title- page, p. [3]; copyright notices with final date 1901, and publisher's im- print, p. [4]; text, pp. 5-259; blank, p. [260]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 5-259, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece by Emlen McConnell, with legend quoted from p. 199. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 227 Binding : Blue, and, tan (rose beige) mesh cloth. Front cover red- stamped : sweetheart I manette | [design of Cupid, hearts, and dart, gilt and red-stamped] | maurice | Thompson Spine red-stamped: sweet- I heart | manette | [two hearts pierced hy a dart] | lippin- cott Back cover blank. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office Febru- ary 26, 1 90 1. Advertised in The Publishers' Weekly, March 2, 1 901, as "just published." Earliest review noted : The Independent, April 4th. Price, $1.25. Notes: First edition as collated. Sheets of the original magazine publication were bound with printed title-page for this story, and de- posited in the Copyright Office, July 19, 1894. The second edition is so stated on the fly title. It was listed in the English Catalogue as a MacQueen publication, October, 1901. Lippincott's Series of Select Novels, issued in wrappers, included it in 1904. Contents: Sweetheart Manette, earlier in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, August, 1894. I9OI Rosalynde's Lovers Rosalynde's [red, outlined in black] | Lovers [red, outlined in black] I [red heart, outlined in black on each side of a pictorial de- sign joined to an outer panel by bead-like ornaments] I by I Mau- rice Thompson | With Drawings by | G. Alden Peirson | Indian- apolis: I The Bowen-Merrill Company | Publishers [Note: All within a decorative panel.] Collation: [1-18] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7% 6 " x 4%", top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. End paper; blank, pp. [i-iv]; fly title, p. [v]; blank, pp. [vi-vii]; frontispiece, p. [viii]; title-page, p. [ix]; copyright notices dated 1901, and imprint of Braunworth & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., p. [x]; decoration, p. [xi]; blank, p. [xii]; list of illustrations, pp. [xiii-xiv]; decoration, p. [xv]; blank, p. [xvi]; text, pp. 1-246; illustration, p. [247]; blank, 228 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON p. [248]; text concluded, p. [249]; blank, pp. [250-254]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. i-(249), see Contents.] Illustrations : Frontispiece and 10 full-page plates, facing pp. 10, 30, 40, 50, 140, 162, 168, 194, 222 (not 221 as listed on p. [x]), and 246; all an integral part of the book but not figured in the pagination. All drawings are by G. Alden Peirson. Fly title is decorated and has title in red, outlined in black; decorations appear also on title-page and p. [xi]. The list of illustrations has a headpiece and tailpiece as does each chapter. A double rule appears below the running head. Binding: Gray coarse mesh cloth. Front cover green-stamped: Rosalynde's | Lovers | [green-stamped panel within which is mounted a colored scene signed: Peirson. 1901] | Maurice Thompson Spine gilt- stamped: Rosalynde's | Lovers | by | Maurice | Thompson | [ornamen- tal design] | Bowen- | -Merrill Back cover blind-stamped: Rosa- lynde's I Lovers End papers decorative light green and brown design on white; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data : Listed in The Publishers' Weekly, October 5, 1 90 1. Deposited in the Copyright Office October 12th. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, November 4th. Price, $1.50. Notes : First edition as collated. Reprinted by New York Book Company after 19 12, but before 1917. Contents: Rosalynde's Lovers: Chapters One to Twenty-One (untitled; hyphen omitted in last chapter); previously in Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, March, 1901. 1928 The Witchery of Archery (Pinehurst Edition) The I Witchery | of | Archery | By | j. maurice Thompson | With an added chapter by I will h. Thompson | Edited by I Robert p. elmer, m. d. | Pinehurst Edition | Published by | The Archers Company | Makers of Fine Bows and Arrows | Pinehurst, North Carolina [Note: All within a double rule box.] FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 229 Collation: [1-8] 8 , [9] 10 , [10-18] 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7 % " x 4 1 % 6 ", all edges trimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontispiece, inserted; title- page, p. [iii]; publisher's trademark and registry statement, and copy- right notice dated 1928, p. [iv]; dedication to Will H. Thompson, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; table of contents, p. vii; blank, p. [viii]; publisher's notice: To Maurice And Will Thompson, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; editor's introduction dated January 1, 1928, pp. xi-xxvii; blank, p. [xxviii]; Mental Images Of Maurice And Will Thompson, by Samuel G. Mc- Meen, pp. xxix-xxx; text, pp. 1-259; blank, pp. [260-262]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 1-259, see Contents.] Illustrations : Frontispiece, photograph of Maurice Thompson, inserted as is photograph of Will Thompson facing p. 234. Binding: Tan ribbed cloth. Front cover black-stamped: The | Witchery | of | Archery | j. maurice Thompson | [illustration of a hunter shooting a deer stamped within a rectangular panel] \ The Archers Company Spine black-stamped : The | Witchery | of | Arch- ery I [rule] I Thompson | The | Archers | Company Back cover blank. End papers white calendered; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published May 24, 1928. Deposited in the Copyright Office January 31, 1929. Price, cloth, $2.00; limited edition, leather, $5.00. Notes : First trade edition as collated. Issued also in a limited edi- tion; leather-bound. Most of the text had appeared earlier, in 1 878 and 1879 (see ante 180-183). The 1879 edition added only one chapter, but this 1928 edition was so revised that it can be considered a new book. The check-list of Thompson's published works in the introduc- tion notes The Witchery of Archery as published in 1877; should be 1878. Contents : Preliminary matter not by Maurice Thompson : pub- lisher's notice, editor's introduction, and tribute by Samuel G. Mc- Meen; the last chapter is by Will H. Thompson, "Deep in the Okefino- kee."* Chapters I-VI are as in earlier editions of The Witchery of Archery; Chapters VII-IX were earlier Chapters VIII-X, and X-XII were earlier XII-XIV; XIII earlier XVI; omitted here are chapters VII and XI of the earlier editions, as also XVII of the 1879 edition, and the *It was this account of a trip through the swamplands of southeastern Georgia made by the Thompson brothers in 1866 that led two archers in 1949 to take the same journey; their story is told in The Bowhunter, March, 1951. 2 3 o [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON appendix of the earlier editions.* Chapter XIV herein, "The Fawn," was earlier in Songs of Fair Weather (1883). Chapter XV, "An Archer among the Herons," was earlier in The Boys' Book of Sports and Out- door Life (1886). The chapter consisting of Maurice Thompson ma- terial not previously collected is : CHAPTER XVI The Bow as a Hunting Weapon Scribner's Monthly, July, 1877 (with tide: Bow-Shooting); Sport with Gun and Rod in American Waters, edited by Alfred M. Mayer (1883),* v. *Doctor Elmer, in his introduction, says, "True to my professional training as a surgeon I have cut out the appendix." First Editions — Ephemera 1884 Claude's Big Trout claude's big trout | by | maurice Thompson | [fishhook and fly design] | boston | d. lothrop and company | franklin and HAWLEY STREETS Collation: 32 leaves, side-stitched. White wove paper. Leaf meas- ures 6 1 % 6 " x 4%", all edges trimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice dated 1884, p. [2]; text, pp. [3- 56]; publisher's advertisements, pp. [57-^64]. [Note: The pagination supplied includes the plates; see Illustra- tions. For text, pp. (3-56), see Contents.] Illustrations: Full-page drawings, pp. [5], [13], [31],* [39], and [45]; the plates, with their versos blank, are here considered an integral part of the book, since they are on its stock and are side-stitched with all the other leaves. A tailpiece appears at end of first story, and text illus- trations on p. [17] and within the story, "Green Pants and a Will." Binding: Gray mesh cloth. Front cover has a red-stamped water-lily design, its stamens gilt-stamped, and a river scene, above which, at right, is gilt-stamped: Claude's [ornament] | Trout Spine and back cover blank. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published 1884, according to copyright notice in the book (copyright deposit copies unlocated). Notes : Binder's title : Claudes Trout. Copy collated has following advertisements: "Pansy" Boohs, p. [57]; Recent and Choice Books for S. S. Libraries, p. [58]; Margaret Sidney's Books, p. [59]; The Yensie Walton Books, p. [60]; Works of Julia A. Eastman, p. [61]; Boolzs hy *Within the portion that has pages jumbled in copy collated (see Contents'); a correctly-assembled copy may have had illustrations in another arrangement. 231 232 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON Popular Authors, p. [62]; Marie Oliver's Stories, p. [63]; Books of the Celebrated Prize Series, p. [64]. This was evidently one of Lothrop's many "series" of illustrated books listed in The Publishers' Weekly without individual titles named. Contents: Claude's Big Trout; A True Bit of History*; Green Pants and a Will [a capitalized in running head]; Behind the Barn [t in the capitalized in running head]; Jonathans Fourth of July [Jona- than's in running head]. These stories had been published earlier in Our Young Folks at Home ( 1 88 1 ).f 1885 A Red-headed Family the elzevir library. | No. 1 49. Vol. IV. [in center, two lines high:] 2 Cents, [period squared; at right, on two lines:] Weekly, $5.00 a Year. | April 2, 1885. | [ride] | [Entered at the Post-Office, New York, as Second-Class Mail Matter.] | A Red-Headed Fam- ily, [hyphen doubled, period diamond-shaped] | by I maurice Thompson. I [rule] I publisher's notice, [period squared] | The present issue of the elzevir library shows the form in I which it will hereafter appear. We are confident our readers will be pleased I with the change. | The delightful paper from maurice Thomp- son, which forms the | contents of this number, appeared as a contribution to The Library Magazine I for April, 1885. It repre- sents fairly the high standard of the literature em- | bodied in that periodical, and also the unexampled smallness of its cost. I Reckon- ing by the space occupied, it requires more than 240 such contribu- I tions to fill the 1,152 pages of that magazine which, during the year, are given I for the subscription price of only $1.50. See the "trial trip" I offer on another page. | [rule] | new york: | john b. [period squared] alden, publisher, | 393 Pearl St., P. O. Box 1227. *In the book collated, Indiana State Library copy, the leaves of this story and the one following are in wrong order. tLater reprinted in Story Time (1888), and in Good Cheer for 1892 (1891). FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 233 [Note: Foregoing printed on front cover; no title-page.] Collation: 6 sheets, saddle-stitched. White laid paper. Leaf meas- ures 7%" x 4%" (scant), all edges trimmed. Text, pp. [5]-2i (with figure 2 at foot of p. 17, and commendations of The Library Magazine at foot of p. 21; no preliminary matter, so should be paginated [i]-i7); advertisements, pp. [18-24]. [Note: For text, pp. (5)-2i (sic'), see Contents.] Binding: Terra cotta, and, pale green, wrappers, trimmed to leaf size. Front cover serves as title-page; described above. Back wrapper ad- vertises The Intellectual Life by Philip Gilbert Hamerton. Inside front wrapper offers "Fair Terms to Buyers," "New Club Terms," and advertises "Chinese Gordon." Inside back wrapper advertises Guizot's History of France. Publication Data: Published April 2, 1885, according to state- ment on front wrapper. Price, 2^. Notes: Reprinted from The Library Magazine, April, 1885; no preliminary pages present in any of the four copies examined,* but in all, the verso of the first page is numbered 6. No illustrations. No. 149 of The Elzevir Library series. "A Red-headed Family" appeared later, August of the same year, in Thompson's By-Ways and Bird Notes (1885). Contents: A Red-headed Family; earlier in The Library Maga- zine, April, 1885.1 1887 Sunshine and Song sunshine and song, I or I southern literature. I [rule] I de- livered BEFORE I vanderbilt university, I December 16, 1886. I [rule] I by maurice Thompson, | Author of "Hoosier Mosaics," "Witchery of Archery/' "A Tallahassee Girl," | "His Second Cam- paign," "Songs of Fair Weather," "By-Ways | and Bird-Notes," "Banker of Bankersville," etc., etc. | [rule] | nashville, tenn. : I CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE. | 1 887. *Two in Indiana State Library, two in Eagle Crest Library, tit was republished in The Southern Bivouac, June, 1885. 234 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON Collation: 4 sheets, wire side-stitched. White laid paper. Leaf measures 9%" x 6% 6 " (full), all edges trimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. [3]-! 6. [Note: Text, pp. (3)-i6: Sunshine and Song, or Southern Litera- ture.] Binding: Green wrappers, trimmed to leaf size. Front cover repro- duces the title-page. Back wrapper bears descriptive notes and notices of Vanderbilt University. Inside wrappers blank. Publication Data: Published January, 1887. Notes : No illustrations. This address, third in a series of four, was delivered before Vanderbilt University, December 16, 1886, and pub- lished in The (Nashville, Tenn.) Daily American, December 17, 1886. The Critic, January 8, 1887, p. 22, printed a brief extract from the ad- dress. The pamphlet received a brief notice in the same magazine, July 23, 1887. His opening lecture, "At the Threshold," delivered December 14, 1886, appeared in The (Nashville) Daily American, December 15, 1886. His second, "Disembodied Genius," was published the day after delivery in the same newspaper, on December 16th. The third lecture was apparently the only one printed in pamphlet form. His fourth and last, "The Suggestions of Nature," delivered December 17th, was pub- lished in The (Nashville) Daily American, December 18, 1886. See Reminiscences and Sketches, by Charles Forster Smith (1908), pp. 123-124, for account of the reason why Thompson was chosen as Vanderbilt's first lecturer in this series, and the story of his reception there. 1892 A Shadow of Love Volume I March 26 1 892 Number 3 | two tales [in red] | A Shadow of Love | Maurice Thompson | Jule's Light | Frances A Doughty I Published Every Saturday | By the Two Tales Publish- ing Company I 8 Beacon Street Boston Mass | Price Ten Cents | Four Dollars a Year [Note: Foregoing printed on front wrapper; no title-page.] Collation : 5 sheets, wire saddle-stitched through wrappers. White laid paper. Leaf measures 9 7 {q" x 6% 6 ", all edges trimmed. FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 235 Text, pp. [471-64; advertisements, pp. [65-66]. [Note: Text, pp. [475-56: A Shadow of Love (remainder not Thompson's).] Binding : White wrappers printed on book stock and wire saddle- stitched with the book sheets. Back and inside wrappers bear advertise- ments. Publication Data: Published March 26, 1892. Price, io#. Notes : No illustrations. A border line publication, here considered an ephemeral brochure rather than a periodical. The first volume of Two Tales was collected under the title, The Story Teller, Number 1: The Red-Letter Library, published by W. B. Clarke & Co. [1892]; it contains this Thompson story on p. 47. If another number of The Story Teller appeared, it may have included the subsequent "Lorel Hasar- dour " but it is not recorded. 1892 Lorel Hasardour Volume IV Number 40 | two tales [in red] | Lorel Hasardour | Maurice Thompson | The Court at Big G Ranch | Thomas P Montfort I December 1 o 1 892 | Price Ten Cents— Four Dollars a Year | Published Every Saturday | By the Two Tales Publishing Company | 8 Beacon Street Boston Mass [Note : Foregoing printed on front wrapper; no title-page.] Collation: 7 sheets, wire saddle-stitched through wrappers. White laid paper. Leaf measures 9^6 " x 6%"> all edges trimmed. Text, pp. [i]-28. [Note: Text, pp. (O-13: Lorel Hasardour (remainder not Thompson's).] Binding : White wrappers, printed on book stock and wire saddle- stitched with the book sheets. Back and inside wrappers bear advertise- ments. Publication Data: Published December 10, 1892. Price, 10^. Notes: No illustrations. 236 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON 1934 Genius and Morality genius and morality | A curious but sincere appreciation of Poe: The Man, I in A letter written by Maurice Thompson forty- I seven years ago, and now printed for a few friends | by the Ameri- can Autograph Shop. Christmas 1934. Collation: Single sheet of cream-white wove paper, folded. Leaf measures 10" x 7" (full), fore edge untrimmed, other edges trimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; text, pp. [2-3]; blank, p. [4]. [Note: For text, pp. (2-3), see Contents.] Publication Data : Printed for Guido and Eleanore Bruno, Rid- ley Park, Pa., for use as a Christmas greeting, 1934. Notes : The leaflet had neither illustrations nor binding. Distrib- uted in a mailing envelope. Contents: A letter to a Mr. Hoyt, dated March 21, 1887, Craw- fordsville, Indiana, in reply to his letter of March 18th, relating to Thompson's article on Poe, "Genius and Enthusiasm," in The Inde- pendent, March 17, 1887. !935 An Archer in the Cherokee Hills an archer I in I the Cherokee | hills | [ornament] I by | Mau- rice Thompson I [ornament] | Reprinted from I The Atlantic Monthly, April, 1 897 | by permission Collation: [1-5] 4 . White wove, Stoneridge cover paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5%", all edges trimmed. End paper; blank, pp. [1-2]; fly title, p. [3]; blank, p. [4]; title-page, p. [5]; blank, p. [6]; text, pp. Seven-[$8]; limitation notice, p. [39]; blank, p. [40]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. Seven-(38), see Contents.] FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 237 Illustrations: None. An ornamental rule appears under title on first page of text. Binding: Black silk cloth with gilt floral design, shelfback of terra cotta, silk-finished mesh cloth. Front, and, back cover blank. Spine gilt- stamped, reading from top to bottom : [ornament] an archer in the Cherokee hills \ ornament]. End papers similar to, less heavy than book stock; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Privately printed, ca. 1935, by Walther Buchen, of Chicago, in an edition of 25 numbered copies. Notes: The book was printed for Buchen by J. M. Bundscho, Inc., Chicago, with an enlargement in the photoengraving process of about 30 per cent from the original magazine printing. Mr. Buchen recalls it as done in 1935, and explains: "I published this article in book form be- cause my bow-and-arrow hunting companion, Captain Cassius Styles, had told me about the article in the Atlantic and how delightfully it was written. At the time, we were hunting mountain lion with the bow and arrow in the coast ranges of Oregon."* When Buchen returned and read the article he thought that it would interest his archery friends and also others of his associates appreciative of good writing about hunting. Contents: An Archer in the Cherokee Hills, earlier in The Atlan- tic Monthly, April, 1897^ * Letter, Walther Buchen, May 8, 1950. fReprinted in Ye Sylvan Archer, December, 1932, Vol. 6, No. 8. First Editions — Contributions 1869 the living writers of the south. By James Wood Davidson. New York, Carleton; London, S. Low, Son & Co., MDCCCLXIX Contains a prose sketch, ''Geometry of Thought," p. 562, and three poems: "An Allegory," p. 558, "In Love," p. 561, and "Twilight," p. 560, the latter only collected, in Songs of Fair Weather (1883). Also contains a critical and biographical sketch of Thompson. 1879 THE ARCHERS REGISTER: A YEAR BOOK OF FACTS FOR 1 878-79. Edited by J[ames] Sharpe. Shrewsbury, Adnitt & Naunton, 1879 Contains "Archery in the United States," p. [9], with editorial com- ments. Thompson contributed also to the volume of the following year; see post 240. BREVIER LEGISLATIVE REPORTS EMBRACING SHORT-HAND SKETCHES OF THE JOURNALS AND DEBATES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, REGULAR AND SPECIAL SESSIONS OF 1 879. By C. E. & W. H. Drapier, Reporters. Volumes 17 & 18. Indian- apolis, W. H. Drapier, 1879 Contains digests of Thompson's remarks in the House of Repre- sentatives of the Indiana State Legislature during his term of office (January 9th to March 31,1 879); his own words are quoted only once, in Vol. 17, p. 97, in explanation of a vote. The four bills which he introduced ( 1 09, 1 1 o, 578, 581) did not ap- pear in print, nor did they become law. H. R. 109, "to create the Forty- second Judicial Circuit and providing for the appointment of judge and prosecutor, etc." was mentioned in The Indianapolis journal, Jan- uary 15, 1879. H. R. 1 10, an act to amend an act prohibiting supreme, circuit, or other judges, clerks of criminal courts, justices of the peace, 238 FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 239 auditors, treasurers, sheriffs, and their deputies from practicing law, ex- cept as permitted in this Act (Brevier Legislative Reports, Vol. 17, p. 24), was reported in The Indianapolis Journal, January 15th and March 3, 1879, latter a statement that the bill had been ordered en- grossed. H. R. 581, a bill to amend section one of an act providing for voluntary assignments (Brevier Legislative Reports, Vol. 17, p. 154), was passed by the House and ordered engrossed (The Indianapolis Journal, March 27, 1879), Dut died in the Senate. Thompson's remarks about a bill relating to fees and salaries, intro- duced by Osborn of Elkhart, were reviewed, but not directly quoted, in The Indianapolis Journal, February 15, 1879; the Brevier Legislative Reports, p. 148, merely state: "Mr. Thompson spoke at length in favor of a bill fixing the salaries of county officers." The Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Indi- ana, during the Fifty-first Session of the General Assembly (1879), briefly notes the four bills introduced by Thompson, but does not quote any of his speeches. Christmas snowflakes. Illustrated Poems by Favorite American Authors. [Edited by Mrs. Ella (Farman) Pratt.] Boston, D. Lo- throp&Co. [1879] Contains a poem, "Waking Up a Bear," later in a compilation by Ernest Ingersoll, Bear Stories (1884).* poems of places. America: western states. Edited by Henry W. Longfellow. Boston, Houghton, Osgood, & Co.; Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1879 Binders title : Poems of America. Volume 29 of the Poems of Places series. Contains "The Wabash," p. 250. The poem was earlier pub- lished in Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, February, 1877. A parody signed A. Quisenberry, appeared in The Crawfordsville Journal, January 27, 1877. The poem itself, without title, was included in a review of Longfellow's anthology, in The (Indi- anapolis) Saturday Herald, May 31, 1879. It was first collected in Songs of Fair Weather (1883) and reprinted in Poems (1892). For appearance in anthologies later, see ante 19m. scrap-book recitation series, no. 1 . Edited by Henry M. Soper. Chicago, T. S. Denison & Co. [1879] *Latter reported by Jacob Blanck; not seen. 2 4 o [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON Green pictorial wrappers. Contains "The Doom of Claudius and Cynthia/' p. 105, earlier in Scribner's Monthly, February, 1879. It was included later, abridged, in One Hundred Choice Selections, No. 22, compiled by Phineas Garrett (1883; reprinted 191 1). It reappeared in Standard Recitations by Best Authors, No. 17, compiled by Frances P. Sullivan (September, 1887); in The New Century Speaker for School and College, by Henry A. Frink (1898); and in The Speaker's Gar- land, Vol. 6 (1909). 1880 J THE ARCHER'S REGISTER: A YEAR BOOK OF FACTS FOR 1879-80. Edited by J[ames] Sharpe. Shrewsbury, Adnitt & Naunton, 1880 Contains "A Review of Archery in America during the Season of 1 879/' p- 178. 1881 J OUR YOUNG FOLKS AT HOME. ILLUSTRATED PROSE STORIES. By American Authors and Artists. Boston, D. Lothrop & Co. [1881] Contains "Claude's Big Trout," later a separate book (see ante 23 1 ). The story also made later appearances in Story Time, a Lothrop publi- cation of 1888, and in their Good Cheer for 1892. 1882 1 the Cambridge book of poetry and song. Selected from English and American Authors by Charlotte Fiske Bates. New York & Bos- ton, Thomas Y. Crowell & Co. [1882] Contains "The Morning Hills," p. 853, and "Before Dawn," p. 854. Both poems were collected in Songs of Fair Weather ( 1 883). 1883 SPORT WITH GUN AND ROD IN AMERICAN WOODS AND WATERS. Edited by Alfred M. Mayer. New York, Century Co. [1883] FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 241 Issued in one volume in cloth, and, leather; also in two volumes in cloth, and, leather. Contains "Bow-shooting," p. 854, earlier in Scribner's Monthly, July, 1877; later, a part of it not previously collected appeared in the Pinehurst Edition of The Witchery of Archery (1928), Chapter XVI (a different portion had been included in the first and second editions of The Witchery of Archery, Chapter II). 'In the Haunts of Bream and Bass," p. 396, was earlier collected in Songs of Fair Weather (1883), q.v. 1886 august. Edited by Oscar Fay Adams. Boston, D. Lothrop & Co. [1886] Separate volume in a series, Through the Year with the Poets, ed- ited by Oscar Fay Adams. Contains "The Humming Bird," p. 95, ear- lier in hiffincott's Magazine of Popular Literature & Science, July, 1873. This is an uncollected poem, not the one that appeared with same tide in The Bird-Lover's Anthology (1930), collected as "The Assault," q.v. INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY. FIF- TEENTH annual report [for 1 885 and 1886]. By Maurice Thompson, State Geologist. Indianapolis [Wm. B. Burford], 1886 Contains the following by Maurice Thompson: "Preface," p. [5]; "Compendium of Geology and Mineralogy of Indiana," p. [10]; "Indi- ana Building Stone," p. [26]; "The Clays of Indiana," p. [34]; "Indiana Chalk Beds," p. [41]; "Glacial Deposits of Indiana," p. [44]; "A Ter- minal Moraine in Central Indiana," p. [57]; "Geographical Botany," p. [242]; "Fossil Mammals of the Post-Pliocene in Indiana," p. [283]; "Natural Gas," p. [314]. His brief letter of transmittal, addressed to Isaac P. Gray, Governor, November 5, 1886, appears in front matter. Comments on this first report of Thompson as State Geologist, with quotations from the contents, appeared later in "A Century of Geology in Indiana," by W. S. Blatchley, in Proceedings of the Indiana Acad- emy of Science 19 16, p. 155. THmTY-FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INDIANA STATE BOARD OF agriculture, Vol. XXVII, 1 885, including the Proceedings of 242 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON the Annual Meeting, 1886. Indianapolis [Wm. B. Burford], 1886 Contains "Some Song-Birds of Indiana," p. 247. 1887 the tribune book of open-air sports. Prepared by the New York Tribune with the aid of acknowledged experts; edited by Henry Hall. New York, Tribune Association, 1887 Contains "Archery," p. 7. The whole of the second chapter is Thompson's.* 1888 arbor day. Edited & compiled by Robert W. Furnas. Lincoln, Neb., State Journal Co., 1888 Contains a letter dated April 8, 1888, to H. L. Wood, editor of the Nebraska City Daily Press, p. 108. Thompson had been requested, among others, to write a letter for the Arbor Day edition of the Press, April 22, 1888,* honoring the founder of the day, Hon. J. Sterling Morton; his response, on account of illness, was brief. INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY. SIX- teenth annual report [for 1 887 and 1 888]. By Maurice Thompson, State Geologist; edited by S. S. Gorby. Indianapolis [Wm. B. Burford, Printer], 1889 Contains the following by Maurice Thompson: "Introductory," p. [1 1 ]; "Drift Beds of Indiana," p. [20]; "The Wabash Arch," p. [41]; "Gold, Silver and Precious Stones," p. [87]; "The Formation of Soils and Other Superficial Deposits," p. [93]; "Preliminary Sketch of the Characteristic Plants of the Kankakee Region," p. [155]; "Preliminary Sketch of the Aquatic and Shore Birds of the Kankakee Region," P . [162]. Comments on, and quotations from this second report of Thomp- *Not seen. Reported by C. N. Hickman, letter of March 12, 1951. *This issue not located; file in Nebraska City destroyed by fire. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 243 son's appeared later in an article, "A Century of Geology in Indiana/' by W. S. Blatchley, in Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 19 1 6, p. 157. WHAT AMERICAN AUTHORS THINK ABOUT INTERNATIONAL COPY- RIGHT. New York, American Copyright League, 1888 Contains Thompson's statement, a single paragraph, on p. 9. At a meeting of western literary men and women in Indianapolis on July 1, 1886, Thompson had discussed the subject and a resultant resolution, unsigned but possibly written by him, appeared in The Indianapolis Journal on July 2nd. The group organized with Thomp- son as president; it was later known as the Western Association of Writers (see post, 244). An article by him, "International Copyright," appeared in America, December 25, 1890. 189O American sonnets. Selected & edited by T. W. Higginson & E. H. Bigelow. Boston & New York, Houghton, Mifflin & Co.; Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1890 Contains "A Green Heron," p. 224, earlier in Scrihner's Monthly, July, 1878, under caption, 'Wabash Bubbles, III," and reprinted in The Crawfordsville Journal, June 29, 1878. Also contains "On a Gar- den Statue of Persephone," collected earlier in Songs of Fair Weather (1883), under caption, "Garden Statues." A second edition of the an- thology was published in 1891. my first voyage. By Maurice Thompson, and Other Stories by Noted Authors. With pictures. Boston, D. Lothrop [1890] Contains story (true?) of his youthful adventure in Bay St. Louis, "My First Voyage," p. 1 7. The other stories in the book, unsigned, are not Thompson's. Probably issued in boards; only copy located is rebound/ poems. James Whitcomb Riley; Sarah T. Bolton; Maurice *In the New York Public Library. 244 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON Thompson; Evaleen Stein; John Clark Ridpath; Meredith Nichol- son. [Indianapolis Flower Mission, 1890] Green wrappers, embossed in imitation of morocco. Sold at the In- dianapolis Flower Mission Fair, November, 1890. The Indianapolis Journal, November 18, 1890, reported it to be an edition of 300 copies. Contains "E Pluribus Unum," later collected in Thompson's Poems (1892) with title, "Our Legend." For a later Flower Mission brochure with Thompson contribution see post 249. w. a. w. [Western Association of Writers], a souvenir of the FOURTH ANNUAL CONVENTION, AT WARSAW, INDIANA: JULY 9, 10, 1 1 , and 1 2, 1 889. By L. May Wheeler & Mary E. Cardwill. Rich- mond, Ind., M. Cullaton & Co., 1890 Contains extracts from a speech by Thompson at the third (second annual) convention, June 29, 1887, quoted in Mary E. Cardwill's "Historical Sketch," p. 14. These are not the same portions as were quoted in The Indianapolis Journal, June 30, 1887, or in The Literary World, July 23, 1887. The latter concerned Tolstoi; it led to editorial discussion and a reply on August 20th. His subject, development of good American literature, was dis- cussed by him more fully in subsequent articles in The Independent. Certain comments on William Dean Howells in his speech pro- voked an editorial attack in The Literary World, September 3, 1887. He defended his stand in an interview published in The Indianapolis Journal, September 18, 1887, "A Literary Controversy." The group when first assembled, June 30, 1886, in Indianapolis, in response to an invitation (not Thompson's) to writers, "especially to the writers of the Wabash valley and the adjacent States,"* was called the "Convention of Western Writers." At the second convention, Octo- ber 5th of the same year, the name adopted was "American Association of Writers." Thompson's speech on this occasion was printed in The Indianapolis Journal, October 6, 1886, and in The Critic, October 16, 1886; a brief comment by him on the second day, October 6th, was reported in The Indianapolis Sentinel, October 7, 1886. He was the Association's first president and served until June, i888.f In addressing *The invitation was published in the Current (Chicago), April 3, 1886. fThe (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald, February 26, 1887, quoted a single sentence from his letter of instructions to the secretary for a committee meeting on February 19th which he was not able to attend. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 245 both the second convention, October, 1886, and this third (second an- nual), June 29, 1887, he referred to the "Association of American Writ- ers," but before the latter meeting adjourned the name was changed to the "Western Association of Writers"; his speech was printed in The Indianapolis Journal and Sentinel, June 30, 1887. The other two "souvenirs" in book form do not contain Thompson contributions : W. A. W. Souvenir No. 2, Proceedings of the Fifth An- nual Convention ... 1 890 ( 1 89 1 ) , and Sayings and Doings of the Sixth General Meeting . . . 1891 (1892). 1891 eleven possible cases. [By] Frank R. Stockton, Joaquin Miller, . . . Maurice Thompson .... New York, Cassell [1891] Among the eleven stories by as many authors is Thompson's "The Mystic Krewe," p. 92, copyright on which was taken out by Franklin Files, April 29, 1891. INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES. SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT [for 1889-1891]. By S. S. Gorby, State Geologist. Indianapolis [Wm. B. Burford], 1892 [i.e., 1891] Contains "A Report upon the Various Stones Used for Building Purposes, and Found in Indiana," p. [18]; the lengthy report that fol- lows, pp. [i9]-ii3, was prepared by Thompson and A. C. Benedict. Thompson's name is signed to the section, "Indiana Building Stone," PP- [ I 9]~55- "The Quarrying Industry in Indiana," pp. [561-65, is unsigned but probably written by Thompson from data supplied by Benedict; the latter compiled the statistics, "Quarries in Indiana," pp. [66]-i 13. The book also contains "Geological and Natural History Report of Carroll County," by Thompson, p. [171]. Thompson had resigned as state geologist in December, 1888, but continued to act as chief assistant to Gorby. Comments on the above reports appeared later in "A Century of Geology in Indiana," by W. S. Blatchley, in Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 1916, p. 162. TALES OF THE NEW YORK STORY CLUB. FORTY COMPLETE STORIES BY KIPLING, STEVENSON, DAUDET, HAWTHORNE, MAURICE THOMP- SON, EDITH SESSIONS TUPPER, MARY H. CATHERWOOD, M. QUAD, 246 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON and others, being "romance" library no. i. New York, Ro- mance Publishing Co., 1891 Contains "For Isobel," p. 185, earlier in The New York Ledger, October 4, 1890. It reappeared in Romance, Volume I: Sixty Complete Stories by Eminent Writers (1891). 1895 HOW TO STUDY HISTORY, LITERATURE, THE FINE ARTS. By Albert Bushnell Hart, Maurice Thompson, Charles M. Fairbanks. Mead- ville, Pa., Flood & Vincent, 1895 Wayside Course Series, No. 2. Contains "How to Study Liter- ature/' p. 21, earlier in The Chautauquan, November, 1893. Evidently issued in wrappers, since priced at only 20^ (copy located has been rebound). 'THE TIME HAS COME', THE WALRUS SAID, 'TO TALK OF MANY things;' [punctuation sic]. [East Aurora, N. Y., Roycroft Printing Shop, 1895] Self-wrapper, pictorial design on front. This brochure of eight pages contains responses of those invited who could not come to a din- ner held by the Society of the Philistines in honor of Stephen Crane, December 19, 1895 (see Stephen Crane: A Bibliography, by Ames W. Williams & Vincent Starrett [1948], pp. 153-154). Maurice Thomp- son's reply appears as the second item on the first page of text and reads : "It would give me great pleasure to sit over against Stephen Crane for an eating bout. Lately he made the gooseflesh wiggle on me— he is a fiendish warrior.* Eat, drink and be merry! for tomorrow the critics will be abroad." The Thompson letter was reprinted in The Roycroft Quarterly, May, 1896, p. 7. 1896 ESSAYS FROM THE CHAP-BOOK: BEING A MISCELLANY OF CURIOUS AND INTERESTING TALES, HISTORIES, ETC.; NEWLY COMPOSED BY * Evidently Thompson had been reading Crane's The Red Badge of Courage. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 247 MANY CELEBRATED WRITERS AND VERY DELIGHTFUL TO READ. Chi- cago, Herbert S. Stone & Co., 1896 Kramer No. 1 19. Contains three essays by Thompson: "Is the New Woman New?/' p. 223; "The Return of the Girl," p. 239; "The Art of Saying Nothing Well," p. 253. The first named had appeared in The Chap-Book on October 1, 1895; the second, March 15, 1896; the third, July 1, 1896. See New Stories from the Chap-Book (1898) for another Thomp- son contribution. Nothing by him had appeared in the first of the three compilations from The Chap-Book, i.e., Stories from the Chap-Book (1896). 1897 STANDARD RECITATIONS BY BEST AUTHORS. No. 46. Compiled by Frances P. Sullivan. New York, M. J. Ivers & Co., December, 1897 Pictorial white wrappers. Contains "The Ballad of Chickamauga [September 19, 20, 1863]," p. 14. The poem was earlier in The Century Magazine, September, 1895, and in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, Sep- tember 9, 1895. It was reprinted in Poems of American History, col- lected and edited by Burton E. Stevenson (1908; 1922), and in his col- lection entitled, My Country (1932). 1898 NEW STORIES FROM THE CHAP-BOOK: BEING A MISCELLANY OF CURIOUS AND INTERESTING TALES, HISTORIES, ETC.; NEWLY COM- POSED BY MANY CELEBRATED WRITERS AND VERY DELIGHTFUL TO read. Chicago, Herbert S. Stone & Co., 1898 Kramer No. 168. Contains "Gil Home's Bergonzi," p. 191, earlier in The Chap-Book, March 1, 1898. Duffield reprinted the book in 1906. For another compilation from The Chap-Book with contributions by Thompson see Essays from the Chap-Book (1896). spanish-american war songs. A Complete Collection of News- paper Verse during the Recent War with Spain. Compiled & 248 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON edited by Sidney A. Witherbee. Detroit, Mich., Sidney A. Wither- bee, 1898 Contains a poem, "A Song of the New," p. 869, earlier in The Inde- pendent, July 21, 1898, and in The Indianapolis Journal, July 24th. 1899 who's who in America [1899-1900]. [Vol. I] Chicago, A. N. Marquis & Co. [1899] Contains an autobiographical sketch of Maurice Thompson, p. 725.* I9OO AN AMERICAN ANTHOLOGY, I787-I900: SELECTIONS ILLUSTRAT- ING THE EDITORS CRITICAL REVIEW OF AMERICAN POETRY IN THE nineteenth century. Edited by Edmund Clarence Stedman. 2 volumes. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1900 Boards. Issued in an edition of 300 numbered and signed copies: "Author's Autograph Copy" on limitation leaf. Volume II contains a poem, "The Lion's Cub," p. 483, addressed earlier in The Independent, December 29, 1898, "To the United States Senate," and in The Indi- anapolis News, same date; The Indianapolis Journal published it the day following. The anthology appeared also in a one-volume, trade edition, with Houghton Mifflin's imprint added. ballads of American bravery. The Silver Series of English and *It is here that he lists, among things authored, Toxophilus in Arcadia, of which no record of publication has been found. His letters to Century, now in the New York Public Library, shed some light. On October 1 2, 1 899, he men- tioned that he had, in his drawer, a book of "sylvan archery papers of a wide range." He probably drew on this manuscript, as well as the refreshment of an early spring "saunter" through the Carolina hills, when he wrote the long article which The Century Magazine published August 1900, as "In the Woods with the Bow." When he sent the manuscript, April 2, 1900, he wrote: "... I offer two titles. I rather prefer "Toxophilus in Arcadia'; but choose ye." FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 249 American Classics. Edited by Clinton Scollard. New York, Boston, & Chicago, Silver, Burdett, & Co. [1900] Contains 'The Ballad of a Little Fun," p. 131, earlier in The Cen- tury Magazine, June, 1895. A note on p. 223 of the book describes it as relating an adventure that befell a Confederate scouting party near Hogan's Ford during the Civil War. the flower mission cap & gown. Edited by Laurel Louisa Fletcher. [Indianapolis, Flower Mission], November, 1900 Gray wrappers, printed in red and black. Contains a poem, "Opu- lence." For an earlier Flower Mission brochure with contribution, see Poems (1890). the Hesperian tree. An annual of the Ohio Valley— 1 900. Edited by John James Piatt. Cincinnati, O., George C. Shaw, 1900 Gray boards, white cloth shelfback. Contains a poem, "Migration," p. 156, also a prose sketch, "A Touch of Nature," p. 408; both were written especially for this volume. Issued later with imprint of John Scott & Co., North Bend, O., with undated preface, bound in white cloth. The two contributions were printed separately by W. E. Taylor, Harrison, Ohio, with copyright in name of John James Piatt, dated 1906, under the title, A Touch of Nature; title-page bears two im- prints: John Scott & Co., North Bend, O., and The Western Literary Press, Cincinnati; the decorative front cover bears series title: The Swallow-flight Series. I9OO? when knighthood was in flower. By Edwin Caskoden [Charles Major]. Indianapolis, Bowen-Merrill Co. [1898] The first edition, published 1898, contains no contribution by Thompson, but some of the issues probably published 1900 and later include, after the text, his article, "The Author and the Book," from The Saturday Evening Post, December 30, 1899. In the magazine it was entitled, "Charles Major, Lawyer and Romancer." 2 5 o [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON I9OI the Christmas garland: A Miscellany of Verses, Stories and Essays by Weil-Known Authors. Chicago, Herbert S. Stone & Co., 1901 Issued in a limited edition bound in white padded silk and in a popular edition bound in white vellum cloth (according to Sidney Kramer, A History of Stone & Kimball and Herbert S. Stone & Co. [1940], p. 342). No copy located. Thompson was named as a contrib- utor in The Publishers Weekly advertisement of the book, Septem- ber 28, 1901. I902 Indiana writers of poems and prose. [Compiled by Edward Joseph Hamilton]. Chicago, Western Press Association, 1902 Contains "Beyond the Limit," a poem previously in The Century Magazine, November, 1 892. I9O4, I9O5 THE LIBRARY OF LITERARY CRITICISM OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN authors. Edited by Charles Wells Moulton. Volumes VII, VIII. Buffalo, N. Y., Moulton Publishing Co., 1904, 1905 Volume VII contains, p. 206, a phrase about George Eliot, from 'The Domain of Romance," in The Forum, November, 1889. It con- tains also two extracts about Paul Hamilton Hayne, one on pp. 591- 592, from 'The Last Literary Cavalier," in The Critic, April, 1901; the other, on p. 593, quoted from an article in Literature, September 22, 1888. Also, on p. 71 1, there is an extract from "Browning as a Poet," in America, January 2, 1890. Volume VIII contains, p. 38, a selection from Thompson's letter regarding James Russell Lowell, published in The Critic, February 23, 1889. Other criticisms by Thompson, in Volumes IV, V, and VI of the set, were earlier collected. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 251 I907 western frontier stories. Retold from St. Nicholas. New York, Century, 1907 Contains "A Prairie Home," p. 73, earlier in St. Nicholas, Septem- ber, 1 89 1. 1923 ST. Nicholas book of verse. Edited by Mary Budd Skinner & Joseph Osmun Skinner. New York, Century, 1923 Contains poems, "In the Clover" p. 186, earlier in St. Nicholas, July, 1 891; and "The Ballad of Berry Brown," p. 329, earlier in St. Nicholas, February, 1899, an d in The Indianapolis journal, Jan- uary 30, 1899. I926? hunting-stories retold from st. Nicholas. New York & Lon- don, Century [n.d., (1926?)] Contains "Watching for an Otter," p. 106, earlier in St. Nicholas, December, 1879 ( see V ost 2 79 w f° r tne author's comment on the story). Periodicals Containing First Appearances America (Chicago) 1888: April 21 Alienism and Patriotism in American Liter- ature* September July 6 Rush's Still House* 1889: 1 1 N ;r.te heme, and the Realists* 18 I he Editorial Decision 11 25 I tteratuie and the Coll August 1 What K a Drama:* 8 The Art of Sut^cstion* *5 Alien Taint in Criticism* 22 I he rthian Influence* ^9 Adventures with Editors* temba 5 Women in Novell* 12 ku True Poetl [Edg II Fawcctt]* 19 II Iding the Mirror* I he Editorial Influent October rtl 1 t I [esit um v* 10 : Whin Value' 17 Musi the Review Be Abolished?* M IT Wine* Jl V N ember 7 rialism and Criticism* 14 Wow* 21 28 •It* ] 1 ember 5 ;t of the v • -v* 12 ribendii 16 ( '.enius* 1890: January 2 ■t* 9 • Story* 16 \ I rterar 1 »n* 2} Um 1 ne* 30 The 1 ms* •Uncollected. tllncollected; it was announced that Thompson began with this issue to fur- nish the leading art mm captioiv 'Li! rature," to "make the department reflect more nearh upon current literary topi ^Uncollected; reprinted in The I | pU •mher 24, 1896. 252 PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 253 America (Chicago)— continued February 6 The Closing of an Epoch* 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 29 12 26 3 17 3i 14 28 September 1 1 18 25 2 16 30 November 6 27 1 1 25 8 15 29 12 26 12 26 9 23 7 14 21 March April May June July August October December 1 891: January February March April May The Best Novels* Improvement in Blue-Stockings* The Book-Making Disease* Spring Notes* Christian Criticism* The Provincial Poet* The Benefit of Change* Feeding the Brain* The Price of Excellence* Barriers against Universality* The Basis of Art* Off-Hand Criticism* Authorship and Common Sense* The Vote on Copyright* Another Provincial View* Portraits of Authors* The First Novel* Literary Gambling* The Novels that Shakespeare Read' Some Notes on Romance-History* A Winter Ritual for Writers* The American "Forty"* A Little Question of Soil* Machine-made Appreciation* Are Authors Men r* Cadmean Bucket-Shops* Editors and Short-Story Writers* A Hint to Chicago* The Urban Influence* Literature and the Exposition* International Copyright* Miss [Emily] Dickinson's Poems* Heroes and Heroines in Fiction* Literary Hysteria* The Low Tide in Poetry* The Badge of Genius* Notes of the Creole Coast* ''Style Is the Man Himself"* Theodore De Banville* The Golden Inspiration* The Poet and the Specialist* Personal and Literary* A Plethora of Ink* 'Uncollected. ^54 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON America ( Chicago)— continued 1 891: June 4 A Touch of June* 18 The Nude in Fiction* July 2 The Birth of 9 Independence Dayt 16 Sylvan Study 9 September 17 A Realistic Critic* Ami rican ,'INE 1887: list Our Legend [E Pluribus Unum; poem] l>er : Loyalist? [poem] ArPLETON' s Joum U 1872: nary 1 The Pocket! of N 41a* ruber 7 cr* April 1 ht w* June 21 mber Talmlah Mb* . June 6 : the 1 ).iv [poem] June 26 I be Itland 1 1 s 1 mber 4 Hum Weeks 0! v ife 3o d with 1 1 [ennifl 1876: M : 1 1 b'i :nlx*r Some of Our Game -Birds* April 1 \ Naked Babe [poem]* 187 Bixdi I'm \i ■ ': Aiinv 187 April .v [poem] an] mber - [poem] April 1 1 :nl>er 1 ' fl. Aphrodite; Psyche; IV. ne Corn [poem] n,iv Ding I lills [n 1880: mlx*r em] 1 881: March m] 1883: 1 r [XH'IIl] July 1884: mber In the 1 1. units of the Mocking-Bird mber \ '! em] 1886: Tlv ' n^ * Uncollected. tPublished in The h. ite, under the title. "The Day We PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 255 continued The Sapphic Secret* An Archer's Sojourn in the Okefinokeet An Archer in the Cherokee Hills+ An Archer on the Kankakee§ The Atlantic Monthly 1894: March 1896: April 1897: April 1900: June Badminton Magazine (London) 1896: February An Archer's Outingll Book News 1887: September- November January- March Studies of Prominent Novelists, No. 1 : Count Tolstoi; No. 2: Alphonse Daudet; No. 3: William Dean Howellsl Studies of Prominent Novelists, No. 4: Thomas Hardy; No. 5: Nathaniel Haw- thorne; No. 6: General Lew Wallace^ The Boston Post 1900: June The Century Magazine 1882: February June August 7 Literature and Life** In Exile [poem] In the Haunts of Bream and Bass 1884: August A Song of the Mocking-Bird (Dedicated to an English Nightingale) [poem] 1885: March Hodson's Hide-Out 1886: September A Song of the Mocking-Bird (Dedicated to an English Sky-Lark) [poem] 1888: February A Song of the Mocking-Bird (Before Sunrise) [poem] 1889: October Ben and Judas 1890: April A Dusky Genius December A Pair of Old Boys^ 1 891: April A Race Romance *Uncollected; see also, "Again 'The Sapphic Secret' " in The Critic, March 31, 1894, a reply to criticism. tUncollected; reprinted in Ye Sylvan Archer, September, 1932. ^Uncollected; reprinted in Ye Sylvan Archer, December, 1932. §Uncollected; reprinted in Ye Sylvan Archer, October-November, 1932. II Uncollected; reprinted in Ye Sylvan Archer, November, 1928— March, 1929 (Vol. 2 Nos. 4-6). ^Uncollected. £Uncollected. Thompson's defense of Wallace against the charge of amateur- ism (No. 6 of this series) was printed in The Indianapolis joiiryial, March 11, 1888. ** Uncollected; quoting part of his Commencement Day address at Boston Uni- versity, June 6, 1900; delivered also at Wabash College, June 9, 1900, and printed in part in The Crawfordsville Journal, June 16, 1900. 2 5 6 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Century Macazine- -coyitlnucd 1892: M.iv Love's Horizon [poem]* July Rudgis and Grim November od the Limit [poem]* 1893: June An Impossibilitv [poem]* 1895: June Ballad of a Little Fun [poem]* rember The Ballad of Chicamaugl [poem]* 1897: July 1 he Defense by R< lurrection* 1900: August In the Woods with the Boif N member Mv Midwinter Garden I hi Chap I.ook 1895: M iv 1 Nuts from Perigord* ■■mber 1 5 [Letter writing, to editor of depart- ment d N h >"]* her 1 Is the New Woman New:* 1896: Ji 15 ■un\ ol the Girl* Julv 1 I he Ar: \ thing Well* 1897- J. mu. in,- 1 rnary is From 1 Point ol View* 1 I m-r.irv ( ,,Ust 1 Wall whitman md the Cones* 15 'I he Personal Note* October 1 md I)u!i 1898 \h 1 Gil I QZ1* 1 B| C it Ml IAUVHAN I 8^ I he Western I I hitlook* 1888: Wintex v M : I ing" ril WalkS .; and Tricycling* June . I :uct* 189O Ma* ;i.uv Giwl War* 189I Making* 1892 Janu R Picturesque Portraits* June The • ■ -mil the Novel* 1893 N member I lovi 10 Stiu!\ I •- ■ :ure* 1894 M v \thletics for Brain Workers* 1896 June ry American Authors* 1897 julv [nexpensn e Summer Outing* Wh it We Gain in the P.icvcle* September rnon Scnsr on the Wheel* Ulncollc ctcd. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES (Chicago) Current (see Current) 2*57 The (Chicago) Inter 1880: December 1888: August 1 2 1889: January 1 December 22 1890: May 18 July 13 August 1 1891: 24 November 1 December 6 1892: 1893: February 14 June 1 1 November 19 1895: March 1 7 24 April 1 4 21 28 May 19 26 June 2 9 16 23 July 14 28 August 4 1 1 September 9 Ocean 25 Christmas Tide [poem]* Woodcock Shooting* An Inglorious Geniust The Best Christmas Gift* Curious Habits of the Green Heron* The Flight of the Hawk* Habits of Mocking Birds* Curious Habits of the Woodcock* How a Boy Outwitted John A. Murrell* The Strange Adventures of John Shadden : The Wild Boy of Wallahee* The Humming Birdt A Pearl River Silhouette* A Lucky Shot* High-Water Friendship* Shooting by Eye-Light* Swamp Duck Shooting§ Turkey Shooting* Kildee Shooting* Among the Woodcocksll Bagging a Wild Goosed After Gray Rabbits* A Close Call* Twin Boys and Bears* A Wildcat at Home* A Panther and a Boy* Robbers' Strategy* Grouse on the Ausable* The Ballad of Chickaumauga [poem]* * Uncollected. •{•Uncollected; in the Weekly Inter Ocean, appearing at this time on Tuesday in addition to the daily issue. Most of the Thompson stories were features of the Sunday issues; this is his only first-published item in the Tuesday Weekly. His article of December 22, 1889, was reprinted in the Weekly of the Tuesday following. ^Uncollected; a factual nature story (not his earlier poem). Copyrighted June 12, 1893, under the title, "How a Humming Bird Builds Its Nest." §Uncollected. Copyrighted April 15, 1895, under the tide, "From the Note- book of an Archer. Duck Shooting in the Swamp." II Uncollected. Copyrighted May 20, 1895, under the title, "Archers among the Woodcocks. Hunting Shy Birds with Bow and Arrows." ^Uncollected. Copyrighted May 27, 1895, under the tide, "How an Archer Bags a Wildgoose . . ." 2 5 8 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The (Chicago) Inter Oce as— continued 1895: September 22 Humpback Sam* 29 At New Orleans* October 20 Besieged by a Hog* 27 Winter Wolves* N embei ■ 10 An Awful Night* 17 A Boy's Strategy; an Incident of Count DTstainq's Siege of Savannah* M A: the Stake; A Bov's Experience with the Creek Indians* 1896: January *9 Mark Spears with the Warring Creeks in 26 In the Storm* March 1 A Wo dknd Battle* 10 A BcVs Grim Patience* 3i The Gid Detective 1 June 7 Prisoner* ;ust 2 A 1 1 n u Mystery* tembex 6 The 1 IS Twin* 13 is I nek* 27 A Bov with a Will* !>cr »3 The Tup* • mbcr 8 I ) • 1897: 23 A Strange Rescue: I he Turkey Killer's Story Tin Chk mo) TrMM 1 881: April 1886: Nofeiul esnbei 1 2 1887: January 1887: February March April July 30 '3 20 27 29 IO 31 of an Adventure \ Confirmed Smoker: I be Mysterious Smoke m die Depths of m\ Unpens] Hated Suamp* Southern Song rod Story* [us hi Science and I iterature: A Lav Ser- nmn* A I [ununock Eden* Inherited 1 labii in Birds* Beside the Gulf with RnskJn A Chat sboul C 'Iii. A Sni] tins Idyl* The Man <>f the Marsh* 'I erre sua Boeufa* sire* The English Point of View* Sappho, die Queen of Sons* Three Miles below Mobile* Uncollected. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 259 The (Chicago) Times— continued 1887: August 14 Realism and Criticism* 28 Chickamaugat September 25 Swamp Sketches The Cosmopolitan 1892: June December 1896: January September 1898: November 1900: March April The Crawfordsville Journal A Woodland Moodt Where the Mocking Bird Sings A Jocund Feudt The Neighborhood Roostert; William Wet- more Storyt The Tragedies of the Kohinoort The Man on the High Horset Will Imagination Run Dry?t 1875: January 16 May 1 August 21 1876: November 25 1877: April 7 1878: June 29 December 28 1879: May 17 1 881: February 26 May 21 June 25 1882: September 2 December 30 1883: January 27 July 7 1884: January 26 A Winter Song [poem]t The Song-Wind [poem]t A Dream of Fair Weather [poem]t Justice [poem]t; The Lawyer [poemt; both read at the dedication of the courthouse at Crawfordsville, November 20, 1876] The Blue-Bird [poem] A Green Heron [poem]t; A Paw-Paw [poem]* Temptation [poem]t In Santford's Pocket§ Before Dawn [poem] A Sweetheart [poem]t [Speech, representing citizens of Crawfords- ville, in tribute to Henry S. Lane]t Drawing the Cross-Bowll Coeur de Leon [poem]t Wild Honey [poem] A Prelude [poem] Nectar and Ambrosia [poem] * Uncollected; for response to this article, see The Literary World, September 3, 1887. tUncollected. ^Uncollected; with a criticism of his "ode to the paw-paw," reprinted from The (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald. §Uncollected; stated to be from the "last number" of the Quincy Modern Argo, and a manuscript of it in the Eagle Crest Library bears note that it was written for Modern Argo, but periodical as yet unlocated. IIReprinted from St. Nicholas, September, 1882, where it appeared under title, "The Story of the Arbalist"; collected under title, "The Bow and Its Use," q. v. 260 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Crawfordsville Journal— continued 1885: April July 11 4 28 1887: May 1889: December 28 1895 At the Window [poem] A Health to Indiana [poem; read in lieu of speech on "Our State"]*; [letter to editor of The Crawfordsville Review, about "Miss Crabb" in At Love's Extremes]* A Memory [poem]* [Statement that his most acceptable Christmas gift came at the age of 14: a long flint-lock rifle]* A Morning Stroll in Indiana! May 17 The Crawfokdsville Review 1885: June 10 A Plea for the Present* The Critic 1884: January 12 26 February 1 6 August 30 September 6 1885: June 27 1886: April 17 July 10 August 28 October 1 6 1887: August 13 September 24 October 8 1888: March 24 December 1 Plantation Music* Sketching for Literary Purposes* "Cash Down," or a Percentage?* [Tribute to Oliver Wendell Holmes]* The Limit of Expression* A Plea for the Present* [Letter to a friend, December 28, 1884, un- der caption : ] Swamp-Notes* [Speech at Woman's Club of Indianapolis meeting, June, 1886, under caption:] The Analysts Analyzed* [Letter about "The Analysts Analyzed," dated August 9, 1886]* [Speech before the American Association of Writers, Indianapolis, October 5, 1886; part only, under caption : ] The Association of American Writers^ Literary Perfume* Thorns in the Novelist's Chair*; [letter re- garding A Banker of Bankersville and A Tallahassee Girl]* "Prof. Gustavi" [comment on Gosse's letter to The Critic, September 15 th]* [Novel writing, article about]* America's Poet* * Uncollected. -{•Uncollected; part of article, "A Stroll in Indiana with a British Critic," post 268. ^Uncollected; Thompson's name for the Association differed slightly from the one adopted by them. The same speech was reported in part in The Indianapolis Journal, October 6, 1886. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 261 The Critic— continued 1889: February 23 March 23 August 1 o 3i 1 891: March 7 April 1 1 December 19 1892: July 23 [Letter concerning James Russell Lowell, dated February 15, 1889]* [Letter concerning The Story of Louisiana]* [Letter favoring tulip tree as national flower, under caption:] The National Flower Con- troversy* "Genius in Women" [lecture delivered at Chautauqua, Monteagle, Tennessee]* The Assault [poem] Poetry versus Botany* [Letter to The Critic re Andrew Lang] * A Sylvan Call [includes untitled poem be- ginning, "In a wildwood there came to me"]* Theocritus, Weatherly and Kipling* Impressions of the [Chicago] World's Fair* Again "The Sapphic Secret"t Authors Who Ride* Food for the Gods* The Bird in Literaturet The Poetry of James Whitcomb Riley§ [Letter about error in "The Poetry of James Whitcomb Riley"]* The Last Literary Cavalier [Paul Hamilton Hayne]* The Question of International Copyright* Novels and Novels* 1893: January 28 November 25 1894: March 31 1895: October 12 1896: April 11 1898: January 1 December 1899: March 1 901: April The Current (Chicago) 1884: February 16 October 1 8 The Dawn (Indianapolis High School, No. 1 ) 1893: December 7 [Poem, addressed to High School Boys and Girls, beginning: "So, when I fall like some old tree"]li; Lincoln's Grave [poem, * Uncollected. •{•Uncollected; a reply to John Burrough's criticism of "The Sapphic Secret" in The Atlantic Monthly, March, 1894; Burrough's article had appeared in The Critic, March 17, 1894. ^Uncollected; this article was criticised by "W. P. M." in the issue of Janu- ary 29, 1898, p. 76. §Uncollected. For Riley's comments on the review, written January 20, 1899, see The Letters of James Whitcomb Riley, edited by William Lyon Phelps (1930), P- 234. II Uncollected; the issue contains also much reprinted material by and about Thompson. "An Anecdote," p. 19, is probably from one of his earlier published articles on Southern literature. "If I Were a Boy Again," two paragraphs, auto- biographical, is reprinted from The Indianapolis News, November 27, 1886. 262 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Dawn (Indianapolis High School, No. 1 )— continued 1893: December The Earlh amite 1877: April The Epoch 1888: July 27 Forest and Stream 1880: February 19 The Forum 1889: November The Galaxy 1872: August 1876: August Good Company 1880: [March] May (?) September 1 881: March-April August September Harper's [Monthly] Magazine part only]; "If I Were a Boy Again"* March [poem]* [Letter to the Editor, July 23, 1888, about "E. C. S.," author of an article in Literature, July 7, 1888]* [Letter] To the Officers and Members of the National Archery Association of the United States, January 26, 1880* The Domain of Romance* The Sentinel [poem] An After-Thought [poem]* The Threshold of the Gods Archery as It 1st An Idyl of the Longbow* A Fortnight in the Palace of Reeds North Georgia Notes* A Floridian Fancy* 1874: May 1875: September 1877: May July August 1884: January 1885: March The Kingfisher [poem] A Dream of Fair Weather [poem]* The Fawn [poem] Hunting with the Long-Bow Pan-Fish Angling* Ensnared [poem]* Seven Gold Reeds [poem] The Balance of Power 1895: April Harper's Young People 1886: July 20, 27 Archery for Girls and Boys* The Hartford Seminary Record 1893: June The Ethics of Conception The (Illustrated) Indiana Weekly 1900: June 23 [Speech before Phi Beta Kappa, Wabash Col- lege; part only]t ^Uncollected. fUncollected; in Vol. 5, No. 8, month unstated (May?). ^Uncollected; this speech, delivered June 9th, was earlier his Commencement Day address at Boston University, June 6th; see "Literature and Life," ante 255. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 263 The Independent 1874: May 14 October 8 1875: January 14 1876: January 27 1883: November 29 1884: January 10 February 21 May 8 *5> June 12, July 24, August 21 September 11 October 9 November 27 December 11 18 1885: February 12 March 19 May 14 July 9 23 September 24 December 17 1886: January 21 April 1 May 6 20 August 19 September 16 November 18 1886: December 2 16 1887: February 3 March 17 The Gold-Bird [poem] Between the Poppy and the Rose The Snow Bird [poem] * Poe and Baudelaire: The Question of Their Sanity* The Orphic Legacy [poem] Nectar and Ambrosia [poem] Some Notes on Southern Literature* The Morning Dew [poem] Some Notes on Southern Literature* To the South [poem] The Tendency of Art in Fiction* Some Notes on Southern Literature* Full-fledged [poem] The Word and the Phraset The Picturesque in Poetry* Matter and Style* A Creole Slave-Song [poem] Day-Break [poem, printed with a letter to Henry C. Bowen, June 24, 1885]^ Critics and Criticism* Concerning Enthusiasm* Science and Poetry* Between Showers at Bay St. Louis* An Early Blue-Bird [poem] Zoro* Alphonse Daudet's "Tartarin sur les Alpes"* Precious Titles* The Critics and Russian Novels* Water or Wine§ Colors from Keats* The Final Thought [poem] Handicapped Critics* Genius and Enthusiasm II * Uncollected. •{•Uncollected; reprinted in The Library Magazine, January, 1885. $Both uncollected. The poem, without accompanying letter, was printed in The Indianapolis Journal, July 5, 1885, as "The Daybreak." §Uncollected; printed also in The Library Magazine, November, 1886, whether later or earlier than in The Independent is not yet established. II Uncollected. When Thompson sent autobiographical data to William M. 264 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Independent— continued 1887: April 21 "Truth" in Fiction* May 12 In a Creole Book-Stall* 26 An Incident of War [poem] June 30 Passion in Poetry and Fiction* August 25 The Song of the Mocking-Bird (To Sappho) [poem] September 1 The Spirit of Specialism* October 1 3 Realistic Christianity* November 10 R. W. Gilder's Poems* December 8 The Literary Lesson of Archery* 1888: January 1 2 Greek as a Fertilizer* March 8 Literary Sincerity* April 1 2 Founded on a Rock* May 24 Cant and Criticism* July 5 Mr. Howells's Poetry* August 30 Daudet's Latest Novel* September 13 A Morning Prayer [poem] November 1 To-morrow's Poetry* 22 To a Realist [poem] 29 A Provincial View* 1889: January 1 7 Concerning a Good Style* February 28 Halcyon Notes* April 4 A Song of the Mocking-Bird (In Captivity) [poem] Washington: His Place in History* 25 May 23 Poets and Portraits* June 27 How Bony Grew Rich* July 18 Who Is to Blame?* September 12 Art for Mankind's Sake* October 3 Women and Men in Literature* November 7 Christianity and Poverty* December 26 Science and Inspiration* 1890: January 30 The Banjo and the Britannicat March 6 The Limit of Criticism* 27 A Study in Black* April 1 7 A Plea for the Rich* Baskervill, in a letter March 19, 1887, now in Joint University Libraries, Nash- ville, Tennessee, he commented on the episode in "Genius and Enthusiasm" of a young soldier cutting down a telegraph pole under fire, saying: "... I was that boy!" * Uncollected. •{-Uncollected. E. H. Kemper McComb, of Indianapolis, recalls a magazine article by Will H. Thompson on banjo-playing, not located, but this article by his brother Maurice contained the germ of it, he believes. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 265 The Independent— continued 1890: May 8 The Gulf-Coast Country* July 3 Are We a Nation of Thieves?* 10 A Hint to Critics* August 7 Out of the South [poem] 28 The Point of Aim* September 4 Sedgwick's Life and Letters [review, un- signed] t 18 The Elizabethan Novelists [review of The English in the Time of Shakespeare by J. J. Jusserand, unsigned]* October 2 A Certain Condescension in Natives* 30 American Humor* November 27 Art and Responsibility* 1 891: February 5 The Touch of Inspiration 26 The New Influence of Religious Journals* March 26 Sentimentality vs. the Law* April 16 The Intellectual Future of the Negrot * Uncollected. •{■Uncollected; this review and the one of September 1 8, 1 890, are known to be Thompson's by reason of an unpublished letter to Kingsley Twining, July 19, 1890 On Eagle Crest Library), mentioning that he was at work on them. Sim- ilarly, those of June 18, 1891, May 7th and June 4, 1896, are identified as his by letters to Herbert Ward, June 10, 1891, and March 16, 1896. The review of Kipling's Stalky & Co., published November 9, 1 899, was surely his, judging by a letter to Ward, October 24, 1899. Other reviews of Kipling's books earlier in the year may, or may not have been his. It had been announced in The Inde- pendent of October 3, 1889, that, with the first of October, Maurice Thompson became "associated with the editorial corps" and "his best work and his contin- uous work will appear from week to week, beginning with the next issue, in the columns of our book department." Unfortunately the book reviews are unsigned. Otis Wheeler, St. Paul, Minnesota, writing a thesis on Thompson in the spring of 1 95 1, suggests that the following are his, identified by inference: "Montague Chamberlain's Popular Handbook of Ornithology of the United States and Can- ada," January 7, 1892; "Thomas Nelson Page: The Old South," September 1, 1892; "Walt Whitman's Eulogists," March 15, 1894; "Brander Matthews: An Introduction to the Study of American Literature," May 7, 1896; "Joel Chandler Harris: Sister Jane," February 4, 1897; "Andrew J. George: Frotw Chaucer to Arnold," December 15, 1898; "Booth Tarkington: The Gentleman from Indi- ana," January 4, 1900; "Theocritus Again" (review of translation of "Sycillian Idyls" by Marion Miller), February 8, 1900; "Caroline Brown: Knights in Fus- tian," June 7, 1900; "Olive Thome Miller: First Book of Birds," September 13, 1900; editorial, "A Nature Note in French Poetry," October 4, 1900, p. 2404. Proof of his authorship of these is as yet unobtained. ^Uncollected; the article evoked considerable criticism and the author felt he was misunderstood, so he followed it with "Pure or Mixed," June 1 1 th, and "A Noble Negro," July 16th. 266 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Independent— continued 1891 1892: April May June July 30 7 28 1 1 18 25 9 August 16 30 13 27 September 17 October 8 November 19 December 3 17 3i 21 4 18 March 1 o January February April May 7 21 19 Spring's Torch-Bearer [poem] Virility in Fiction* A Dream of Romance [poem] Pure or Mixed* Ryle's Open Gate, by Susan Teackle [review unsigned]! Appreciation and Discrimination* The Day We Celebrate [poem, for 4th of July celebration, Roseland Park, with a let- ter addressed to Mr. (Henry C.) Bowen]t A Noble Negro* What Is Criticism?* Where the Fault Lies* A Breath of Morn [poem] Time's Winnowing* Poetry and Money§ Literary Mendicity* Some Plain Words* Scattered Stitches* Literary Cant [about Jane Austen] * A Voodoo Prophecy [poem]* Cleanliness and Sanity* Literary Fashions* Sixty-Seven Letters on a Dry Subject [about Jane Austen : responses to "Literary Cant"]* Estimates at Second Hand* Mr. Fawcett's Latest, Verses [review of Songs of Doubt and Dream by Edgar Fawcett; un- signed] II Current American PoetrylF *Uncollected. •fUncollected; known to be Thompson's through an unpublished letter to Ward, June 10, 1 891, in Yale University Library. ^Both poem and letter uncollected; Thompson's subject was announced as "An American Boy"; the poem appeared on the same date, July 9th, in America, un- der the title, "Independence Day." §Uncollected; concerns Andrew Lang; Maurice Thompson's article was stim- ulated by an editorial of Slason Thompson's, and, in turn, evoked a reply in The Critic, December 5, 1891, p. 323, from "The Lounger." || This book review, unsigned is known to be Thompson's from a letter to Her- bert Ward, February 29, 1892, offering to extend his notice of the book; he made it a lengthy review. The letter is in Eagle Crest Library. H"Current American Poetry" was an article which, seeming to belittle British poets, aroused some attacks in British periodicals, referred to by "The Lounger" in The Critic, November 5, 1892, p. 252. Letter from Maurice Thompson to the editor of The Independent, about his hook reviews therein PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 267 The Independent— continued 1892: June 23 For One Evening Only* 30 Aloof [poem]* July 28 Literary Reciprocity* A Pipe Solo [poem]* September 8 15 The Plea for the Pot-Boilers* November 3 Literary Half-Acres* December 15 A Poet of the Poor 1893: January 19 The Pierian Freshness* February 2 The Charm of Song [poem]* March 1 6 Sex and Genius* April 27 Running from Grippe* May 11 Love's Voyage [poem]t 2 5 Anacreontea* July 13 The Bloom of the World [poem, captioned:] The Fourth of July^ August 24 Buffon and the Birds* September 7 [The Prince of India, review unsigned, under caption : ] General Wallace's New Book§ 14 Thalysia; The Song of Lycidas; The Song of Simichidas [poems, dedicated to Prof. C. F. Smith, Vanderbilt University, under cap- tion : ] The Golden Pastoral* October 12 The Test of Originality* 26 Phonographic American French* November 16 A Bit of Realism* December 7 The Lyric Muse* 14 Honey, Pure and Adulterated* 28 Beyond the Mist [poem]* 1894: January 4 The Melic Charm* 18 A Beautiful Assassin* February 1 5 Hand in Hand [poem]* March 29 Literature and Ignorance* April 1 9 Beside Running Water* 26 The First Spring Outing* * Uncollected. t"Love's Voyage" was printed in London in Sylvia's Journal, August, 1893 (Sylvia's Annual, 1893). ^Uncollected. An error in printing remained uncorrected in spite of the au- thor's plea of July 15, 1893 (letter in Eagle Crest Library): "How upon the green, fourth of July earth did you folk come to change my phrase, 'a fight and a frolic' into 'a fight and a colic'? It's the absurdest and most comical exchange of words that I ever knew of! Won't you be good enough to make the poor amend of correction in the next issue of the Independent"? Don't hurt the printer." §Identified as Thompson's on the clipping in the collection from Wallace's Study, now in Eagle Crest Library. 268 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Independent— continued 1894: May 10 3i June 21 July 26 August 16 23 3o September 20 October 11 November 1 15 29 Decembei • 27 1895: January 10 24 February 21 28 March 28 April 18 May 9 23 30 June 13 27 July 11 25 August 1 15 29 October 17 Novembei •14 21 28 December 5 12 26 1896: January 16 February 6 13 Avian Athletics- Booming the Britons* A Christian Silhouet of 181 2* Andre Chenier* Miller-Boy's Song [poem]* Southern Bird-Superstitions* Fiction and Moral Lessons* Verbal Adumbrations* An Original Grotesque* The Ethical Discrimination* Two Lyrics in Onet Evening Song [poem]* On Being Independent* A Halcyon Note* Budding Poets* Summer Song*; Winter Song* [poems, under caption : ] Two Songs A Siren's Whisper* Gryllus Grilled* A Leaf from a Fly-Book* A Stroll in Indiana with a British Critic [Ed- mund Gosse] * A Man and a Bird* Bragget and Bird-Bolts* By a Woodland Spring Beside a Brook with Izaak [Walton]* Toxophilus on the Kankakee* The Fletcher's Art* Heyday! [poem]* A Bit of Advice* The Art of Being Provincial* Speaking of the Weather* A Bird in the Bush* Balzac's Romances* A New Edition of [Gilbert] White's Sel- borne* For Cuba* Alexander Dumas, the Younger* A Winter Walk* The Bird of Optimism* An Instance of Good Roads* A New Edition of Poe's Works* * Uncollected. f Uncollected; Maurice's story of his brother Will's poem, "The High Tide at Gettysburg." PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 269 The Independent— continued 1896: February 20 The Turning of the Tide* March 19 Mullet, Mocking Birds and Montaigne* April 16 Some Faded Notes* 23 Budding Time* May 14 Observe the Lily* 28 Down in the Wilderness [poem]* June 4 Summer-Time Recreation*; The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard by A. Conan Doyle [re- view, unsigned]! July 16 Burns [poem]* 23 An Instance of Bird Study* August 13 Geology as a Summer Pastime* 27 All on a Summer's Eve* Septembei 3 From Sherwood to Chattahoochee* October 8 A Trio [poem]* 29 When Papaws Are Ripe* December 10 Handmade Literature* 1897: January 28 A Winter Atom* February 1 1 A Leaf from an Old Book* March 18 Heron Sketches* April 8 The Heresy of the Gad* May 20 Meadow Music* June 3 Summer Reading [unsigned] $ 10 To Return to Nature 24 Fame and Popularity* July 15 Foot-Notes for an Old-Time Southern Book* 22 A Midsummer Scorch* August 12 Exquisite* 19 What Is Prose Style?* 26 Some Interrogatories* September 9 A Trencher-Memory of Old Days* 23 The First Sign of Autumn* October 21 A Contribution to Pure Ignorance* 28 Surrender [poem]* Novembei •18 Novels and Morals* December 9 Montaigne's Literary Recipe 1898: January 20 Southward Away [poem]* 27 A Marsh-Land Incident February 10 Montaigne's Materials 17 A Word to Southern Tourists* * Uncollected. tUncollected; known to be Thompson's from a letter to Herbert Ward, March 16, 1896, in Eagle Crest Library. $ Uncollected; written at request of H. Ward, according to a letter of May 1 5, 1897, in Eagle Crest Library. 270 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Independent- 1808: March 1899: April May June July August September 10 24 3i 21 26 2 16 21 18 25 1 8 15 29 October 20 November 3 17 December 8 15 29 26 9 2 16 23 20 25 1 20 January February March April May June July August 1 o 3i September 14 October 5 19 November 9 23 December 7 contiratei Montaigne's Philosophy Stranded [poem]* Montaigne in His Study* Montaigne, the Provincial Belletrist Recent Shrike-Notes An Afternoon Outing* A Summer Jaunt Southward* A Song of the New* A Midsummer Shade* Epitaph [poem]* Vigorous Men, a Vigorous Nation* Our Vanishing Birds* The Lesson of Fiction* Athanatos [poem]* An Old Southern Humorist* The Touch of Magic* A Southern Pioneer Poet* Criticism by the Rule of Darwin* The Return of Romance* The Lion's Cub [poem] * The Source of Originality* It Shall Never Come Down [poem]t The New Poetry* Our Earliest Spring Bird* A Song in Season [poem] * The Flagship [poem]* A Pied Piper of Walnut Creek* Loafing-Day [poem]1: A Hoosier Triangle* A Strike of the Bass* A Winter Forecast* The Literary Market* A Ballad of Harvest Time [poem]* On the Prairie's Edge* Bewildered Critics*; Stalky &■ Co., by Rud- yard Kipling [review, unsigned] § The Revolt of the Illiterates* Our Winter Cardinal* * Uncollected. fUncollected; also in the February, 1899, issue of The Indianian, without acknowledgment to The Independent, but probably reprinted from it. ^Uncollected; reprinted in The (Illustrated) Indiana Weekly, July 15, 1899. § Uncollected; known to be Thompson's from a letter to Ward, October 24, 1899 (in Eagle Crest Library); reviews of Kipling books in issues of July 6th and 13th, and October 19, 1899, possibly his also. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 271 The Independent— continued 1899: December 14 Art and Money 1900: January February March 25 8 1 90 1 15 19 3 17 3i 7 9 23 September 13 October 1 8 November 22 February March May April May June August 21 28J 3o 6 June The Indianapolis Journal Bird Books* The Magnetic Story* Some Floridian Pigmies* A Swamp Beauty The Faculty of Flight* Writing the Record* An Idle Day* The Prospect in Fiction* A Stranger in Tuscaloosa* Breezy Books for Summert The Critics and the Romancers* Shall This Thing Be>* About the Purple Grackle* The Badge of Originality* A Literary Journey* Sappho's Apple [poern]^ Jere Jones's Ride* The Golden-Wings' Home* The Meeting of the Veterans* Rocked in the Wind's Cradle* 1873: April 11 1874: April May July October 21 25 10 21 2 19 4 18 24 November 1 2 14 At the Window [poem] The Meadow-Lark [poem]* The Secret [poem]* Closed Up [poem]* The Kingfisher [poem] Lazing [poem] Atalanta [poem] The Chatelaine (From the French of J. De Ressiginer) [poem, signed /. M. T.]* A Mediaeval Romance [poem]* [Review of William Dean Howells, Poems, under caption:] A Western Poet* Between the Poppy and the Rose [poem] [Review of Paul Hamilton Hayne, Legends and Lyrics, under caption:] A Southern Poet* * Uncollected. fUncollected. The article that follows, a review of Caroline V. Krout's Knights in Fustian, unsigned, is possibly Thompson's also. ^Uncollected; Thompson's last poem, which was reprinted in the March 7, 1 90 1, issue; also in the memorial issue of The Phi Gamma Delta, February, 1901. §In the issue of March 14th there appeared a collection of "Literary Judg- ments by the late Maurice Thompson," taken from his past contributions to The Independent. '< 272 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Indianapolis Journal— continued 1874: December 5 1875: 1877: 1881: 1884: 1885: 1886: 1887: March May 12 24 26 29 June 1 2 December 28 August 13, November 27 December 12 April 9 September 2 1 February 2 1 July 5 November 29 August October April May June 29 6 26 3 6 30 September 27 28 [Review of Wallace, A Fair God, under cap- tion:] A Western Novelist* [Review of Charles Warren Stoddard, South Sea Idyls]* [Review of Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Cloth of Gold and Other Poems]* Diana [poem] [Review of Paul H. Hayne, The Mountain of the Lovers]* [Review of The Odd Trump]* The New Evangel [poem, unsigned]* 8, 22, 25, 28-30 Summer Saunterings [let- ters from Michigan] * Looking Southward [poem]* Alternative: A Song of Love* At Night [poem] To the South [poem] Seven Gold Reeds [poem] The Daybreak [poem]* The New Troubadours (Avignon, 1879) [poem]* Loup-Garon: A Story of the Gulf Swamp* [Speech before the American Association of Writers, Indianapolis, October 5, 1886; part only, under caption:] The Writers of the Westt Geology of the Gas Field* Drilling for Natural Gas* What Scientists Thinks [Speech, before American Association of Writers, Indianapolis, June 29, 1887, part only with caption:] What Some Writers Think* Rebel or Loyaltist? [poem] [Letter regarding A Banker of Bankersville and A Tallahassee Girl]§ * Uncollected. •{•Uncollected; Thompson addressed the group as "Association of American Writers"; its name adopted at this second convention was The American Association of Writers; later, The Western Association of Writers. This same speech was reported in part in The Critic, October 16, 1886. ^Uncollected, and, by inference, an interview, but his statements are quoted at length, and surely either from a stenographic report, or from manuscript, or interviewer's copy proofread by Thompson (highly technical). §Uncollected; earlier in The Critic, September 24, 1887. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 273 The Indianapolis Journal— continued 1888: March n 1889: March 3, September 19 1890: 1891: 1895: 1896: 1897: 1898: November 17 January 12, March 15 June 14 July 5 October 23 March 3i August 4 December 7 February 13 October 25 May 30 Novembei ' 7 January 23 April 3 May 1 June 21 27 A Study of [Lew] Wallace's Literary Char- acter* 1 o, 1 7, 24, 3 1 The Lily of Rochon : A Legend of Bay St. Louis* Thompson's Dime Novel [about "The League of the Guadalupe," q.v.]* A True Story of Shipwreckt 19, 26 The Rose of Chatham: A True Story of the Siege of Savannah in 1779* A Certain Good Man* The Thompson-Riley Coincidence [on simi- larity of lines in his and James Whitcomb Riley's poems] * The Day We Celebrate [poem]* Pan in the Orchard [poem] Plantation Song [poem]§ Heydey! [poem]* For Cuba [poem]* [Letter of regrets, to Loyal Legion, Indiana Commandery celebration, Indianapolis, February 12th; letter read by Lew Wal- lace]* A Trio [poem]* Down in the Wilderness [poem]* Surrender [poem] II Southward Away [poem]* Stranded [poem]* The Stroke of Ruin* [Letter, June 20, 1898, favoring acquisition of Cuba and other Spanish possessions, un- der caption:] Colonial Dependencies* [Letter, June 25, 1898, favoring acquisitions; further arguments under caption:] The Governing of Cuba*; [editorial regarding acquisition of Cuba and other Spanish pos- * Uncollected. tUncollected. Also in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, same date, with title, "A Story of Shipwreck." ^Uncollected; also in The Independent, July 9, 1891; the introductory letter, published with the poem in The Independent, is not included here; for further comments see ante 2661*. §Part of "The Balance of Power," later collected in Stories of the Cherokee Hills (1898), q.v. II Uncollected; printed later, December 5th, in the same newspaper, under the tide, "Into Light." 274 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Indianapolis Journal— continued 1898: June 27 July 6 24 September 5 1899: January February March April 30 12 17 22 24 27 June sessions, under caption:] Mr. Thompson's Second Letter* Next Political Issue* A Song of the New [poem]* [Letter, September 3, 1898, urging accept- ance of Republican policy, under caption:] No Longer a Democrat* The True Imperialism* The Ballad of Berry Brown [poem]* It Shall Never Come Down* Weaklings to the Rear* [Speech before Indiana Commandery, Loyal Legion, February 21, 1899, under cap- tion:] A Night for Expansion* A Song in Season [poem]* [Speech before Contemporary Club, Indianap- olis, April 26, 1 899, under caption: ] Litera- ture of Old South*; Mr. Thompson on Georgia Lynching* Loafing Day [poem]* The Indianapolis News 1885: April 10 A Sand Mountain Weddingt 25 Old Rook; a Tale of the Georgia Moun- July 24, tainst 1886: November 27 If I Were a Boy Again* 1890: January 12, 19, 26 The Rose of Chatham: A True Story of the Siege of Savannah in 1779* March 15 The Story of Thomas Cushaw* 22 On Guns and Their Uset April 5 How to Use a Rifle* 12 Use of the Scatter Gun§ 1891: March 12 [The Assault (poem)] 1893: July 5 [Lincoln's Grave (poem), part only, under caption:] Maurice Thompson on Lincoln 1898: October 8 A Boy against a Fleetll December 29 The Lion's Cub [poem]* 1899: June 30 The Flagship [poem]* * Uncollected. fUncollected; syndicated by S. S. McClure. ^Uncollected; appeared a day later in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean with title, "Guns and Their Use." § Uncollected; appeared a day later in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean with title, "How to Handle a Shotgun." || Uncollected; later in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, October 16, 1898, with title, "A Boy and a Fleet." PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 275 October 1877: April 1879: May 1880: February 16 21 3i 21 28 8 The Indianapolis News— continued 1900: June 20 A Breath of Morn [poem] The (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald 1875: September 25 The Heron [poem]; Picus [poem]* Home [poem]* The Fawn [poem] [The Wabash, (poem) without title, under caption:] Talk About Books, "Poems of Places" Phases* [Letter] To the . . . National Archery Asso- ciation, January 26, 1880* Afternoon [poem]* December 25, 1 88 1 : January 1 8, 1 5, 22, 29 Familiar Talks on Literature and Art, Numbers I-VIt A Cavalry Reminiscence: To Major J. W. Gordon [poem]* The Dreamer [poem]* A "Modern Instance" of Criticism [review of W. D. Howells' A Modern Instance and comments on Henry James] $ A Woman's Reason [review of W. D. How- ells' book]* Genius and Virility* Ho for the Kankakee (A Sportsman's Song) [poem] About "Tarns"§ May December 1882: August 1883: August 19 18 October 1 3 1884: January April 12 19 May 10 The (Indianapolis) Saturday Review 1 88 1 : December 3 A Morning Sail [poem] The Indianapolis Star 191 5: December 26 [Poem, addressed to High School boys and girls, beginning: "So, when I fall like some old tree," under caption:] The Centennial Story: For the Children of Montgomery Countyll * Uncollected. tUncollected; No. Ill is on "Western Literature and Art." ^Uncollected; Howells is said to have written this book while staying at rhompson's house in Crawfordsville (see The Literary World, November 4, [882). § Uncollected; a response to criticism of the use of "tarns" in "Ho for the Kan- cakee." II Uncollected; facsimile of the manuscript of an original verse, published in The Dawn, q.v. 276 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Inter Ocean (see: The [Chicago] Inter Ocean) The Ishmaelite (Indianapolis) 1897: July Poe and His Art* 1898: September Easy Questions Hard to Answer* The Kokomo (Indiana) Tribune 1879: December 27 A Winter Reverie [poem]* Lafayette (Indiana) Courier 1886: June 9 [Speech, Purdue University, June 8th] 5 The Library Magazine 1885: April July August September 1886: March 2 November 1887: April Lippincott's [Monthly] Science 1873: July November 1874: May June September December 1875: May 1876: April June July October 1877: February 1 881: April June September October 1883: December 1885: August 1889: October A Red-headed Family Cuckoo Notes Some Minor Song-Birds Birds of the Rocks In the Matter of Shakespeare Mind, Memory and Migration of Birds* Beside the Gulf with Ruskin Macazine of Popular Literature and The Humming-Bird [poem]t Solace [poem] The Bluebird [poem] To a Wild Flower [poem] A Study for the Critics [poem] Farewell [poem] The Song-Wind [poem]* Sonnet [poem beginning: "I saw a garden-bed on which there grew"]* Blooming [poem]* At the Last [poem]* A Butterfly [poem]* The Wabash [poem] At Night [poem] A Sweetheart [poem]* The Haunts of the Grayling* Grand Traverse Bay* To a Mocking-Bird [poem]* A Forest Beauty* Banzou Jean* * Uncollected. •{•Uncollected. Thompson wrote a factual nature story, published under same title in The (Chicago) Sunday Inter Ocean, Illustrated Supplement, June n, 1893, describing the building of a humming bird's nest. The Bird Lover's An- thology (1930) gave title, "The Humming Bird," to his poem collected as "The Assault." PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 277 Lippfncott's [Monthly] Magazine of Popular Literature and Science— continued 1892: June Smithers* 1894: August Sweetheart Manette 1895: August A Friend to the Devil* 1896: May Resaca* 1899: August The Court of Judge Lynch* September A Sunday Eclogue* 1 901: March Rosalynde's Lovers Literary Life (Cleveland) 1886: May Tests of Originality in Art* August The Risks of Authorship* The Literary World 1887: July 23 [Speech before American Association of Writers, June 29, 1887; part only under caption:] Two Opinions of Tolstoi* August 20 Tolstoi [reply to editorial criticism in issue of July 23rd]* Literature, An Illustrated Weekly Magazine 1888: February 25 Some Notes on Creole Literature* April May 28, 5 June 2 September 22 The Sixth Sense in Literature [Papers I and II]* Beside Ben-Hur [about Lew and Susan Wal- lace]* Paul Hamilton Hayne* Living Age 1892: July The Manhattan 1884: May The (Nashville, Tennessee) Daily American 1886: December 15 At the Threshold* Pan in the Orchard [poem] Ho! For the Kankakee! (A Sportsman's Song) 16 Disembodied Genius* 17 Sunshine and Song* 18 The Suggestions of Nature* The New York Ledger 1890: April 26 The Fate of Louis Capdau* October 4 For Isobel* December 6 Love and Rapiers* 1 891: March 14 A Certain Good Man* 1892: January 16 A Legend of Bayou Galere* *Uncollected. 278 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The New York Ledger— continued 1892: April 9 Mordbank: A True Story of Early Days in Georgia* June 1 1 The Fighting at Point Rose* August 6 The Lost Count de Lisle* September 3- November 1 2 The King of Honey Island 1 9 A Woman's Way: A Sketch from Early Fron- tier Life in Georgia*; The King of Honey Island (continued) 26, December 3 The King of Honey Island (concluded) New York Weekly (see Street & Smith's New York Weekly) North American Review 1889: July Outing 1884: January- July October December- 1885: March November 1897: April 1900: November Foreign Influence on American Fiction* Summer Sweethearts (Chapters I-XXV)' Browsing and Nibbling Tangle-Leaf Papers, I-IV Katie Winterbud* Woodland Archery* Confessions of an Ancient Poacher* The (Peoria, Illinois) Saturday Evening Call (Before March 16, 1878) The Blue Birdt 1879: May 3 A Flight Shot [poem] 1 881: December 24 Seed* The Phi Gamma Delta 1922: November St. Nicholas 1879: October December 1882: September October An Acadian Conspiracy (Theocritus Epigram V) [poem]£ The School in the Woods Watching for an Otter* The Story of the Arbalist A Picus and His Pots* * Uncollected. fUncollected; prose, not his poem, "The Bluebird." Reprinted in The Craw- fordsville Journal, March 16, 1878, with acknowledgment to the Peoria Call Issues of this latter, of date sought, not located. ^Uncollected; a nonsense jingle. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 279 St. Nicholas— continued 1883: 1884: May- July August May- October 1891: 1892: July Septembei Septembei 1893: May October 1899: February The Saturday Evening 1898: December 17 1899: January February March 7 4 4 11 April 1 29 June 10 July 17 1 8 15 22 August 29 5 12 September 19 2 9 23 October 30 7 21 28 November 25 The Story of Robin Hood* Fly-Fishing for Black Bass Marvin and His Boy Hunters In the Clover [poem]* A Prairie Hornet Alexander Wilson [poem, with brief bio- graphical sketch]* Springtime Holiday [poem]* The Orchard on the Hill [poem]* The Ballad of Berry Brown [poem]* Post Young Men the Strength of the Nation* The Literary Fascination* The Lightheartedness of Americans* Our Nation Must Lead or Lose* The Passing of Old-Time Oratory* The True Success in Literature* At the Threshold of a New Age* The Inspiration of a Walk* The Uppermost Success* The Golden Rule of Exercise* The New Dietary Theory* Education and Discontent* The New Outlook for Young Men* The Man with the Hoe* Horsehoe Statesmanship* Having a Good Time* The New Diplomacy* Pessimism in Politics* The Revival of the Historical Romance* The Capacity for Work* The Stroke of Genius* The Right Sort of Vagabond* The Measure of Success* The Hysterical Citizen* The War against the Classics* The Falsehood of Extremes* *Uncollected. tAlong with his manuscript, the author submitted some drawings as a sugges- tion for illustrations, and wrote to the editor of St. Nicholas: "The story has the merit of being true as to the main incidents, and it has been favorably criticized by my own little boy and girl!" 28c [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Saturday Evening 1899: December 2 16 23 30 6 20 3 17 24 3 10 17 24 3i 7 28 2 9 3o 7 14 28 11 18 25 September 1 5 October 20 November 3 17 1900: January February March April June July August Post— continued The Bosses of the World* Chocking the Chariot of Destiny* The Book and the Fireside* Charles Major, Lawyer and Romancer* The Man and the Bird* Educational Buttresses* Geography from a Car Window* The Hat and the Home* Those Who Take Early and Hold Long* The Curse of Wings* American Crudity* Variegated Monotony* The Business and Art of Living* Getting Acquainted with Life* The Quadrennial Furore* Going with the Current* The Acrobat in Politics* The Spice of Workaday Life* Mixing Business and Sentiment* The Absurd Statesman with a Literal Mind* The Jolly Joker of the Nations* The Fiend of Industry* New Chances for the Historian* The Revealing Anecdote* Dyspepsia on Record* New Words for New-Century-Thoughts* The Bacillus of Printer's Ink* Making Dry Facts Attractive* What We Like to Read* Scott's Monthly MAGAZiNEt 1866: October 1867: February April July December— 1868: January (joint February March April September Tennyson's Poems* Leibnitz* Italy and the Arts* Longfellow— Flower de Luce* issue) Imaginative Romance* F. O. Ticknor-Other Poets and "The Poet"*; A Song [poeml* Invenustus* The Rose of Sharon [poeml* Ad Cynthiam Retrospiciens [poem]* * Uncollected. t"James Maurice Thompson" was the signature with his contributions to this magazine. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 281 Scott's Monthly Magazine— continued 1869: February- October The Mill of God. A Prose Idyll* November My Fleet [poem]* Scribner's Magazine 1887: September The Motif of Bird-Song Scribner's Monthly 1874: November The Great South* 1875: February Picus* May The Heron [poem] 1877: July Bow-Shooting 1878: May Merry Days with Bow and Quiver July Wabash Bubbles, Parts I-V: A Paw-Paw; A Sandpiper; A Green Heron; A Frog; An Owl [poems all]t September Glimpses of Western Farm Life* 1 879 : February The Doom of Claudius and Cynthia* 1 881: March Simplicity (Written on a Fly-Leaf of Theoc- ritus) [poem] The Southern Bivouac (Louisville) 1885: July Our Brookside Birds* 1886: May A Memory: May, 1864 [poem]* October Ceryle Alcyon Street & Smith's New York Weekly: A Journal of Useful Knowl- edge, Romance, Amusement, etc. (running tide: The New York Weekly) 1889: September 28- December 21 The League of the Guadalupe (Chapters I- XKXVW)t The Terre Haute Express 1887: July 17 Our Legend— E Pluribus Unum The (Terre Haute) Saturday Evening Mail 1875: July 3 Beauty (Imitated from the French of Chas. Baudelaire) [poem]§ Things and Thoughts 1 901: November- December (joint issue) Prayer [poem]* * Uncollected. fAll uncollected; "A Paw-Paw" and "A Green Heron" had separate newspaper appearances. ^Uncollected. Thompson called it a novel, and his "firstling"; see The Indian- apolis Journal, September 19, 1889, p. 4, for his account of it. §Uncollected; reprinted in The (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald, July 10, 1875, an d in The Crawfordsville Journal, July 17, 1875. 282 [JAMES] MAURICE THOMPSON The Wheelman (see also Outing; called for a time Outing and The Wheelman) 1883: November Out-Door Influences in Literature [includin a poem* beginning, "He is a poet strong an true"] Notes : No verse or prose by Thompson in The New York Trib- une, 1 87 1, has been located, although the Dictionary of American Biography mentions that he contributed to it. The list that follows is a record of titles known to have been published in periodicals which are unidentified; all are uncollected: Archery Today. Copyrighted by the author August 12, 1893, accord- ing to Copyright Office records Content [poem]. Unidentified periodical clipping in Blair Taylor Scrapbook, Montgomery County Historical Society [Frost, Robert] Comments by Thompson on Frost's poem, "My Butter- fly," were probably published soon after its appearance on Novem- ber 8, 1894. Frost said: "I had two copies of Twilight printed and bound by a job printer in Lawrence Mass. in 1894 probably out of pride in what Bliss Carman and Maurice Thompson had said about the poem in it called My Butterfly . . ." The foregoing was in- scribed February 1 , 1 940, in Earle J. Bernheimer's copy of Twilight, the inscription being reproduced in facsimile in the Parke-Bernet Galleries Catalogue No. 1027 (1950). It is, of course, possible that Carman's and Thompson's expressions regarding it were contained in unpublished letters, but the latter's literary opinions were being widely published at this time in periodicals Grouse Shooting. Copyrighted by the author October 14, 1887 Hare Hunting. Copyrighted by the author December 24, 1887 Hunting with a Bow and Arrow: Wildwood Archery. Copyrighted (syndicated?) by S. S. McClure October 5, 1891 In a Well. Copyrighted by the author June 29, 1896 In Love's Hands. Copyrighted July 17, 1889, by Franklin File; pub- lished before September 21, 1889 (noted as a previous publication in announcement on that date of his "League of the Guadalupe"); probably in some weekly of the dime novel variety A Legend of the Satilla. Copyrighted (syndicated?) by S. S. McClure December 31, 1886 [Letter] To Lew Wallace, October 1 7, 1 877, inviting the Montgomery Guards' rifle team to a match with his long-bow team. Probably *The poem is the last part of "Wild Honey" earlier collected in Songs of Fair Weather (1883), and later printed separately under title, "Poetry" (see ante 1 92n) . PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 283 printed in a Crawfordsville newspaper; clipping in Wallace Papers unidentified Mark and the Panther. A Sketch of Old Days in the Pearl River County. Copyrighted (syndicated?) by S. S. McClure February 26, 1892 Squirrel Shooting. Copyrighted by the author December 16, 1887 The T£che Terror. Copyrighted by The Authors' Alliance Decem- ber 26, 1 891; deposited January 12, 1892 Tornado. Copyrighted by The Authors' Alliance January 28, 1892 When My Dream Comes On [poem]. Two notes were penciled on the manuscript in Yale University Library: "Published February 8, 1890," and: "Story & Verse for issue of Sept. 17" Wood Duck Shooting: Down-Stream after Wary Ducks, in Early Morning. Copyrighted by the author October 4, 1887 WILL HENRY THOMPSON born: Calhoun, Georgia, March 10, 1846 died: Seattle, Washington, August 10 , 19 18 Will Henry Thompson was less a literary man, more a practi- cal lawyer with a reputation in the state of Washington as an orator. The fact that he left little as an author to fill a bookshelf is not important in the light of the quality of a few poems he wrote that have proved enduring. Also, his published work in the field of archery with his brother Maurice will keep his name from be- ing overlooked in American literature. Will was five times cham- pion archer of America. In Forest and Stream his articles and let- ters were being published before he became editor of the Archery Department in July, 1879. He collaborated with Maurice in writ- ing How to Train in Archery ( 1 879) and revised the book in 1 905, after his brother's death. The trip to Seattle in 1889 that led to his moving his family there and settling for the rest of his life put space between the two brothers who had been inseparable companions since their boy- hood in Georgia. Both had the same education under private tutors and guides in outdoor activities; both fought in the Civil War on the Confederate side; came afterwards to Crawfordsville, married sisters there, worked close together. It was in Crawfordsville that Will wrote his most famous piece, 'The High Tide at Gettysburg/' The history of the poem is an in- teresting one, as told by the author in The (New York) Sun, Sep- tember 19, 1 9 1 5, and by Maurice Thompson in The Independent, November 15, 1894. After he submitted it to The Century Maga- zine the editor, Richard Watson Gilder, wrote him and suggested that it be made to show that the South ' was not lost but saved by the result of the great battle." The poem was published July, 1 888; he had changed a line in the sixth stanza and added the last four as "a solemn comment on the meaning and result of the colossal con- flict." Another poem, "The Bond of Blood/' had both magazine and anthology printings. A third one, usually spoken of with the others and with as high regard, bears the title, "Together against the Stream." Curiously, it seems to have been overlooked in poetical 2 8 7 288 WILL HENRY THOMPSON anthologies, but it appeared in The Century Magazine, Septem- ber, 1895. Since no collection of his poems was published, these are not mentioned in the list of his works that follows. Chronology of Books and Pamphlets 1879 How to Train in Archery (with Maurice Thompson) E. I. Horsman 1 90 1 McKinley Memorial Address (Ephemera) 1905 How to Train in Archery (Revised Edition) E. I. Horsman 1907 Memorial Address, B. P. O. E. (Ephemera) 191 2 Abraham Lincoln: An Address (Ephemera) 1 91 3 "Abraham Lincoln": Memorial Address (Ephemera) Biographical References Who's Who in America (1906-19 16); National Cyclopaedia of Amer- ican Biography, Vol. 11; Meredith Nicholson, The Hoosiers (1900; 191 5); Jacob P. Dunn, Indiana and Indianans (1919); Frank Moody Mills, Early Days in a College Town (1924); W. J. Burke & Will D. Howe, American Authors and Books 1640-1940 (1943); R. E. Banta, Indiana Authors and Their Books (1949), Hoosier Caravan (1951); archery books listed under Maurice Thompson biographical references; newspapers obituaries, Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Seattle Times, August 11, 19 1 8; biographical sketch by his granddaughter, Wilda Thompson, Tacoma, Washington (unpublished), and her letters 1 951-1952 (unpublished). First Editions — Books 1879 How to Train in Archery -low to Train in Archery. I [ornamental rule] I being a complete tudy I of the york round. | [row of ornaments] I COMPRISING I in Exhaustive Manual of Long-Range Bow Shooting | for the use f those Archers who wish to | become Contestants at the | Grand National Association Meetings. | by | maurice Thompson, | Presi- dent of the Grand National Archery Association of the United itates, Author of the "witchery of archery," etc., etc., and vtll h. Thompson,* | Master of the 'Wabash Merry Bowmen." rule] I PUBLISHED BY | E. I. HORSMAN, | MANUFACTURER OF FINE rchery, I New York. [Note: All within a red single rule box with ornamental corners.] Collation: [i] 8 , [2-8] 4 , [g] 2 . White wove paper. Leaf measures %" x 4%", all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; fly title, p. [i]; blank, except for red rule ox with ornamental corners, pp. [ii-iii]; frontispiece, p. [iv]; title-page, I [v]; copyright notice dated 1879, and imprint of H. C. Stoothoff, 'rinter, 72 John St., N. Y., p. [vi]; Index., p. [1]; vignette, p. [2]; text, p. [31-54; divisional half-title for advertisements, p. [55]; testimonials, p. [56-58]; advertisements, pp. 67-74 (should be 59-66 [67-70]); inder's leaf; end paper. [Note : Text, pp. (3)^54 : How to Train in Archery, Chapters I-X tided).] Illustrations: Frontispiece, and vignette, p. [2], both an integral art of the book. Each page has a red single rule box with ornamental orners. Each chapter has an illuminated initial. A single rule appears elow running heads, and between divisions on p. 12; rules of various inds are used on the pages of advertisements. * Second capital broken in all copies examined. 289 2 9 o WILL HENRY THOMPSON Binding: Bright blue, brown, and, orange silk-finished mesh cloth/ Front cover stamped in black and gilt: [in black:] how to | train in [all, with letters arrow-like, at left of a gilt-stamped target un- der a black-stamped tree] | [in gilt:] archery [letters arrow-like, slant- ing downward, with gilt-stamped figures at lower left] \ [in black:] by | maurice and | will. h. | Thompson, [surname slanting downward]. Spine blank. Back cover has an ornamental design blind-stamped in center, otherwise blank. End papers brown coated on white; binder's leaf front and back with conjugates pasted under the lining papers. Publication Data: Earliest review noted: Forest and Stream, June 19, 1879. Price, 50^. Notes: Written jointly with Maurice Thompson.! First edition as collated. Advertised as in cloth and wrappers in The Publishers' Weekly, June 28, 1879, but no copy in wrappers yet located.:): A testimonial by Will H. Thompson to the merits of E. I. Hors- man's bows and arrows, dated March 17, 1879, appears on the verso of the divisional half-title for advertisements in back; it was included in Horsman's advertisement in Forest and Stream, April 10, 1879, p. 196. The second edition is so identified on title-page; see ante 185. For the third edition, revised by Will Thompson in 1905, see post 291. Will H. Thompson apparently did not contribute to his brother's earlier manual, The Witchery of Archery (1878), but a story by him appeared as an added chapter in its revision, Pinehurst Edition (1928); see Contributions, post 299. Maurice Thompson, in his writings on archery, told innumerable stories of adventures with his brother while hunting with the bow and arrow. * Clement C. Parker, in a letter to the compilers, April 29, 1950, described the first edition binding as dark brown or blue gray, so evidently the book appeared in various colors. fThat the book was probably an advertising venture of E. I. Horsman, has been suggested by Paul E. Klopsteg, Glenview, Illinois. ^Clement C. Parker, dealer in old archery books, Norristown, Pa., reported in a letter to the compilers, April 24, 1950, that he has never seen it in wrappers, although over a dozen copies have passed through his hands. The earliest review found, in Forest and Stream, June 19, 1879, describes the book as "handsomely printed and bound," gives price as fifty cents, and mentions no paper edition. Archery books: one by both Thompsons, the other by Maurice, but dedicated to his brother Will FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 291 I905 How to Train in Archery (Revised Edition) revised edition. | [rule] I How to Train in Archery [ornament] I [double rule] | being a complete study | of the york round. [double rule] | comprising | An Exhaustive Manual of Long- Range Bow Shooting for the use of those I Archers who wish to become Contestants at the I grand national association meet- ings. I by I maurice Thompson, | President of the Grand Na- tional Archery Association of the United States, I Author of the "witchery of archery," etc., etc., and | will h. Thompson, I Master of the "Wabash Merry Bowmen." | [rule] | Revised, 1905, by I will h. Thompson. | [rule] I Copyright by e. i. horsman CO., 1905. I [ornament] | published by | e. i. horsman co., I new YORK. Collation: 48 leaves. White calendered paper. Leaf measures 5%" x 4%6"> a H edges trimmed. Blank, p. [ 1 ]; portrait of Maurice Thompson, p. [2]; fly title, p. [3]; portrait of Will H. Thompson, p. [4]; tide-page, p. [5]; Preface by Will H. Thompson, dated Seattle, July 25th, 1905, pp. [6-j]; illustration, p. [8]; Index, p. [9]; blank, p. [10]; text, pp. 11-79; illustrations, pp. [80-81]; testimonials, pp. 82-84; advertisements, pp. 85-95; blank, p. [96]. [Note: Text, pp. 1 1-79; How to Train in Archery, Chapters I-XII (titled).] Illustrations : Two portraits, from photographs of the authors, precede title-page. The brochure is profusely illustrated with full-page plates from photographs of many archers, singly or in groups. All are an integral part of the book and figured in the pagination. Binding: Gray paper, coated, over boards. Front cover printed as follows: Revised edition, 1905 | How to train in | [illustration showing two men with bows and arrows near an archery target] | Archery I By Maurice and Will H. Thompson | Price 50 cents | [all within single rule box] . Spine and back cover blank. 292 WILL HENRY THOMPSON Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office August 23, 1905. Price, 50^. Notes : Revised Edition so stated on title-page and front cover. The earlier editions were written by Maurice and Will H. Thompson jointly; for collation of the first edition (1879) and description of the second, see ante, 289 and 185. This revision of their book was done by Will alone, after Maurice's death in 1901, hence here considered a new work by him. The changes are as follows : Illustrations and decorations of the first edition omitted; numerous new illustrations from photographs added New title-page, bearing copyright notice (on verso in first edition) Preface, 2 pages, by Will H. Thompson added (but Prefatory Re- marks, Chapter I, retained) Chapter II, p. 16, third paragraph from bottom has an added last sentence; p. 17, single-sentence paragraph added, beginning, So rapid . . .; p. 19, description of the Columbia Round lacks three paragraphs (second, third, and fifth in first edition), and has one added paragraph beginning, This round has been adopted . . . Chapter III, p. 23, last paragraph reworded; p. 24 and first three paragraphs of p. 25 all added Chapter VII ends, . . . very rapid rotary motion; lacks remainder of first edition text Chapter VIII lacks first paragraph of first edition text Chapter IX, p. 5 1 , third paragraph reworded; lacks two paragraphs about snakewood and self-snakewood bows (on p. 49 of first edi- tion) New advertisements, pp. 85-95, w * tn an illustration replacing the earlier divisional half-title; no advertisement of The Witchery of Archery; testimonials to Horsman's bows and arrows by Will H. and Maurice Thompson present as earlier, but in reverse order. First Editions — Ephemera 1901 McKinley Memorial Address A Study in Patriotism [printer's ornaments] | w. g. hartranft | SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, KING COUNTY Collation: Pamphlet, 8 leaves, wire saddle-stitched. White cal- endered paper. Leaf measures 6" x 3 15 Aq", all edges trimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; imprint, with parallel rule above and below: Seattle: | Trade Register Press | 1901., p. [2]; text, pp. [3]-i6. [Note: For text, pp. (3)-i6, see Contents.] Binding: White wrappers. Front cover bears a 2-line quotation : "A country of the people, by the people and for the people."— Lincoln. within box-like rule arrangement; below it an oval portrait of the author and the following within rules forming box-like arrangement: MCKINLEY MEMORIAL ADDRESS | HON. WILL H. THOMPSON | Sept. 1 9, 1 90 1, at Seattle, Wash. On inside front cover is printed a message signed by W. G. Hartranft: "Dear Teachers: | [three rules with orna- ment] I The following oration by | Will H. Thompson, | is to be used as a I reading lesson for sixth, seventh and | eighth grades . . . ." Back wrapper blank. Contents : McKinley Memorial Address. Delivered at public fu- neral ceremonies in Seattle, Washington, September 19, 1 901. It was published in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer on September 20th. 1907 Memorial Address, B.P.O.E. Memorial Address I delivered ey | Hon. Will H. Thompson I of Seattle | [elk head vignette] under auspices of | Bellingham 293 294 WILL HENRY THOiMPSON Lodge No. 194 | B. P. O. E. | Bellingham, Washington | [rule] [ornament] Beck's Opera House. December 1 , 1 907 [ornament] [rule] Collation : Pamphlet, 6 leaves, wire saddle-stitched. White wove paper. Leaf measures 7 1: H.6" x 4%", all edges trimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. [3—1 1]; blank, p. [12]. [Note: Text, pp. (3-1 1), Memorial address, Bellingham, Wash- ington, December 1, 1907.] Binding : White wrappers, slightly heavier than book stock. Front cover printed identically with title-page. Back cover bears imprint: Union | Printing Co. | Bellingham Inside covers blank. Notes : Thompson was not a member of the Elks, but was invited to be present as speaker at the memorial services for members who had died during the year. I9O9 Turning Love's Calendar Turning Love's Calendar | [poem, dated at foot:] January 1, 1909 Printed in brown on a single sheet of heavy tan paper, with initial in red, within ornamental red border. Sheet measures 9" x 5%" (scant), all edges trimmed. The author's name does not appear except at foot in autograph. His granddaughter, Wilda Thompson, explains the item as follows : "From date and context of the poem it seems certain this item was privately printed by the author and sent as 'thank-you' greeting to the many persons who contributed to the 'Archer's Register* which Mr. Thompson received as a Christmas present on Christmas, 1908. This 'Archer's Register' is a loose-leaf album of manuscript material on post- card size paper, which was compiled by his friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Challiss of Atchison, Kansas. They solicited pictures, reminiscences, anecdotes, etc., from dozens of Mr. Thompson's friends and archery associates all over the country, and assembled them on a wooden base which resembles the ordinary loose-sheet desk calendar. Each sheet is dated to form a complete calendar for the year 1909."* * Letter, November 20, 1951. FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 295 1912 Abraham Lincoln ABRAHAM LINCOLN | AN ADDRESS BY | WILL H. THOMPSON | [rule] | [text follows, within quotation marks] Printed with caption title above text, on 6 leaves of white wove paper, 8%" x 6%". The only copies located are in the Henry E. Hunt- ington Library and Art Gallery, and the private collection of the grand- daughter, Wilda Thompson. The former carries, on a binding supplied by a former owner, the date, 191 1, which is in error, as context shows it to be a 191 2 address.* Without imprint or title-page, or explanatory introduction this re- mains a mystery as to place of delivery, though obviously a Lincoln's Birthday speech, f It is similar in text to his address delivered in 191 3 before the Washington State Legislature (described below). On p. 5, line 10 begins: "It is 103 years ago tonight . . . ," whereas p. 14, line 15 of the 1 913 address begins : "It is 104 years ago today " Another dif- ference in time bears witness to this as presented in 191 2. As early as February 12, 1908, Thompson was delivering a Lin- coln's Birthday address before the Tacoma Bar Association; printed in full in the Tacoma Ledger, February 16, 1908. He repeated it the fol- lowing year, polished and revised, in the Tacoma Armory, under spon- sorship of the Boosters Club, the text given in The Tacoma Ledger the next day. The latter is essentially the same as the 1912-1913 addresses. 1913 Lincoln Memorial Address "Abraham Lincoln" | [double rule] | Memorial Address delivered by Mr. Will | H. Thompson before a Joint Session of I the Senate *So reported by Leslie E. Bliss, in letters of January 27, and November 20, 1951. tNeither the Seattle Public Library nor State of Washington Law Library found report of a Will H. Thompson address in 191 2, either in the Seatde news- papers of February 12 or 13, or in the bar association annual report for 191 2. 296 WILL HENRY THOMPSON and House of Representatives I of the Thirteenth Legislature of the State | of Washington, held in the House Chamber | at Olym- pia, Wednesday, February the | Twelfth, Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen | [double rule] | Published by Authority of the Thir- teenth Legislature Collation: Pamphlet, 12 leaves, wire saddle-stitched. Leaf measures 8%" x 6%6"> fore edge untrimmed, other edges trimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; Press Of \ Frank M. Lamborn, Public Printer \ Olympia, Wash., p. [2]; notice from Senator George Piper, p. [3]; Senate Concurrent Resolution No. Ten, p. [4]; history of the resolu- tion, p. [5]; blank, p. [6]; text, pp. 7-24. Binding: White linen-finished wrappers. Front cover reads: Abra- ham Lincoln | [double rule] | Memorial Address by | Will H. Thomp- son I [double rule]. Back and inside covers blank. A transparent sheet, alligator-finished, is used as dust jacket, saddle-stitched through the pamphlet with light blue silk thread. [Note: Dr. Robert P. Elmer, in his introduction to the Pinehurst Edition of The Witchery of Archery (1928) speaks of a copy sent him by the author, "bound in white and gold." Shortly before his death he tried to locate it, but was unsuccessful.] Publication Data : One thousand copies were ordered printed by the Washington State Legislature, 191 3. Notes: In the Washington State Bar Association Report of Pro- ceedings of the 35th Annual Convention (1923), p. 119, the address was reprinted "at the request of many of our members." For an earlier, almost identical speech, see ante 295. First Editions — Contributions 1886 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY. FIF- TEENTH annual report [for 1 886]. By Maurice Thompson, State Geologist. Indianapolis [Wm. B. Burford], 1886 Contains the following by Will H. Thompson: "A Geological Survey of Clinton County," p. [154]; "Marshall County," p. [177]; "Maxinkuckee," p. [182]; "A Geological Survey of Starke County," p. [221]. 1888 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND NATURAL HISTORY. SIX- TEENTH annual report [for 1 887 and 1888]. Maurice Thomp- son, State Geologist. Edited by S. S. Gorby. Indianapolis [Wm. B. Burford], 1889 Contains the following by Will H. Thompson : "Fossils and Their Value," p. [54]; "Outline Sketch of the Most Valuable Minerals of Indiana," p. [yy]\ "Partial Report of Survey of the Western Division, Including Sketches of Pulaski and White Counties," p. [131]. Comments on the reports and brief quotations from them appeared later in "A Century of Geology in Indiana," by W. S. Blatchley, in Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 19 16, pp. 158-159. 189O open sesame! poetry and prose for school-days. Edited by Blanche Wilder Bellamy & Maud Wilder Goodwin. Volume III. Boston, New York, etc., Ginn & Co. [1890] 297 298 WILL HENRY THOMPSON Contains the poem, "The High Tide at Gettysburg," p. 158, first published in The Century Magazine, July, 1888, Thompson's most famous piece of writing. The first draft contained nine stanzas. In The (New York) Sun, September 19, 191 5, the author gave its literary his- tory, describing it as an attempt to portray the most notable and pictur- esque achievement of the Confederate arms, the charge of Pickett's division at Gettysburg. He sent the manuscript to The Century Maga- zine. In reply the editor, Richard Watson Gilder, suggested that he add another stanza to the effect that "the South was not lost but saved by the result of the great battle. Thereafter I rewrote the poem, changing the first line of the sixth stanza to its present form and added the last four stanzas The Confederacy was lost . . . and it seemed necessary that something be said of the lesson taught by the great conflict . . . and I attempted to make the concluding stanzas a solemn comment upon the meaning and result of the colossal conflict shadowed forth in the preceding stanzas." An early manuscript with the title, "The High Tide," in the pos- session of Miss Wilda Thompson, Tacoma, Washington, is an eleven- stanza version, with a revision of the final one, showing how much effort it cost before the poem evolved into its published state. Maurice Thompson gave his own recollection and views on it in 'Two Lyrics in One," in The Independent, November 15, 1894; tne author himself in The (New York) Sun, above quoted. "The High Tide at Gettysburg" had innumerable appearances in later anthologies and periodicals. In 191 5 there was a separate print- ing in circular form, a single sheet folded in three, with note by Byron Phelps, Seatde. I9OO AN AMERICAN ANTHOLOGY, 1787-1900: SELECTIONS ILLUSTRAT- ING THE EDITOR'S CRITICAL REVIEW OF AMERICAN POETRY IN THE nineteenth century. Edited by Edmund Clarence Stedman. 2 volumes. Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1900 Boards. Issued in an edition of 300 numbered and signed copies: "Author's Autograph Copy" on limitation leaf. Vol. II contains a poem, "Come Love or Death," p. 509, earlier in The Century Magazine, April, 1892. The anthology appeared also in a one-volume, trade edition, with Houghton Mifflin's imprint added. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 299 ballads of American bravery. The Silver Series of English and American Classics. Edited by Clinton Scollard. New York, Boston, & Chicago, Silver, Burdett & Co. [1900] Contains 'The Bond of Blood," p. 138, a poem earlier in The Cen- tury, March, 1899. It appeared in 1900 in Poets and Poetry of Indiana, edited by Benj. S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (Scollard's Ballads of American Bravery had been copyrighted June 30th, the Parker & Heiney volume not copyrighted until October 27th). PROCEEDINGS OF THE WASHINGTON STATE BAR ASSOCIATION, twelfth annual session. Held at the City of Seattle, July 10, 11, 12, and 13, 1900. Olympia, Wash., Record Publishing Co., 1900 Gray wrappers. Contains his address, "The Status of Our Newly Acquired Territory [Philippine Islands]," p. 90. His response to dis- cussion of it appears on p. 21. Comments by him on other lawyers' papers read during the session are on pp. 42 and 57. I906 who's who in America 1906-1907. Chicago, A. N. Marquis & Co. [1906] Contains an autobiographical sketch of Will H. Thompson, p. 1777. It appeared, with some additions, in succeeding volumes through 1 91 6, Volume IX. I928 the witchery of archery. By J. Maurice Thompson. With an added chapter by Will H. Thompson. Edited by Robert P. Elmer, M.D. Pinehurst Edition. Archers Co., Pinehurst, N.C. [1928] Earlier editions, 1878 and 1879, were dedicated to Will H. Thomp- son by his brother. This Pinehurst Edition includes, as Chapter XVII, "Deep in the Okefinokee Swamp," written by Will, and earlier pub- lished in longer form in Forest and Stream, May and June, 191 5. See ante 229W for a modern retracing by others of the Thompson journey herein described. Periodicals Containing First Appearances The Archery Review 1932: October 1933 February June July [Letter to J. M. Challiss, May 27, 191 1,* in- cluded in article by Challiss, "Will H. Thompson, the Great"; another letter to same, August 28, 191 1]* Down Stranger Creek: February 15, 1908 [poem]t [Letters to L. L. Peddinghaus, December 16, 1878, February 20, 1879, and May 4, 1880; all are about archery; included in article by Eugene Conner, "Fragments from the*8oV']* [Letter to L. L. Peddinghaus, May 27, 1 880; also one of June 14, 1880, captioned "As to That Point of Aim"; both are about arch- ery; included in article by Eugene Conner, continued from the June issue] * The Century Magazine July April September February March The High Tide at Gettysburg [poem]* Come Love or Death [poem]* Together against the Stream [poem]t The Death-Dream of Armenia [poem] * The Bond of Blood [poem] * Xi 1892: 1895: 1897: 1899: Chicago Herald 191 5: April 26 To an Old Archer Friend (E. B. W[eston])* The Crawfordsville Journal 1 881: October December 31 Forest and Stream 1878: September 19 October 1 7 Will H. Thompson's Tribute [to President Garfield, September 25 th]* Spes [poem]* Archery Ranges and Bows [signed Archer]§ Archery [letter to the Editor, signed Archer]§ * Uncollected. -(•Uncollected; "poem contributed from private correspondence, by J. M. Chal- liss." ^Uncollected. Issued also in separate, pamphlet form; reported but not seen. §Uncollected. No signed articles by him appeared until March, 1879, but an editorial on January 30, 1 879 speaks of him as having "already supplied our col- 300 PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 301 Forest and Stream—. December 1879: March April May July August continued 12 How to Draw the Bow [letter to the Editor, December 2, 1878, signed Archer] 31 ' The Archer's Chief Enemy— The Windt American Bowst; [letter in Horsman's adver- tisement, endorsing bows] Rifled Arrows^ National Meeting of American Archerst Things to Be Remembered in Archery Prac- tice§ [Letter, July 28, 1879, captioned:] Highland Park Archery Club* The Fables of Archeryi: National Archery Association Tournament [signed Archer]% September 1 1 American vs. English Bowst October 9 What Sort of an Arrow Should Be Used? II What Is the Utmost Flight of an Arrow?1T November 20 Hunting with the Bowt December 1 1 The Days and Places of Archeryt; Archery in the Wintert Where and When Shall the Second Grand National Meeting Be Held?* A Retrospect of the Archery Season of 1879$ Private Practice Clubl: Shall We Change Our System of Scoring^ Private Practice Club, March Scores^ Private Practice Club, April Scores^ The Grand National Archery Meetingt Private Practice Club, June Scores^ 9 Private Practice Club, Annual Report for the Season Ending June 3oth1: October 28 Private Practice Club, August Scores^ 1880: January February April May June August September 20 10 8 24 3i 14 21 11 umns largely"; these writings from Crawfordsville by "Archer" are surely the earlier large supply referred to. * Uncollected; reprinted in The Archery Review, June, 1933. •{•Uncollected; first article in Forest and Stream to be signed Will H. Thomp- son; earlier contributions signed "Archer." ^Uncollected. §Uncollected. This issue, July 31st, announces that the Archery Department is now under the supervision of Mr. Will H. Thompson. II Uncollected; reprinted in The Archery Review, August, 1933. UUncollected; reprinted in The Archery Review, July, 1933. A comment on the article appeared in Forest and Stream, October 30, 1879. £Uncollected; reprinted in The Archery Review, July, 1933. 3 o2 WILL HENRY THOMPSON Forest and Stream— continued 1 9 1 5 : March What a Good Bow Has Done and Will Do* April Some Old-Time Rifles and Rifle Shooting* May To an Old Archer Friend (E. B. W[eston])t; Deep in the Okefinokee Swamp June Deep in the Okefinokee Swamp [concluded] The Independent i 9 i 5 : June 7 Yew Bow and Clothyard Shafts The Indianapolis Journal 1873: August 11 Erotic [poem]* 1897: February 2 The Death Dream of Armenia [poem]* The (New York) Sun 191 5: September 19 [Editorial on "The High Tide at Gettys- burg"]* Port Angeles (Washington) Evening News 1 9 16: June 15 [Speech, Flag Day Address at Port Angeles, June 14th]* Richmond (Virginia) Times-Dispatch 1935: October 6 The Mother of Edgar [Elizabeth Arnold Poe] [poem] * Scott's Monthly Magazine 1867: December The Silent Army [poem] : 1869: January To James Maurice T [poem ad- dressed to his brother]* March "There Is No God but God" [poem]* May A Dream [poem] * June The Bowman [poem]§ November My Fleet [poem]* Seattle (Washington) Post-Intelligencer 1899: September 3 The Voyage [poem] II 1 90 1 : September 20 [Address at memorial services for President McKinley, at Seattle, September 19th]* Seattle (Washington) Telegraph 1894: October 16 [Speech introducing Lew Wallace, who was * Uncollected. tUncollected; also in The Literary Digest, May 15, 191 5. ^Uncollected; reprinted in The Archery Review, October, 1933. §Uncollected. Later, without title, in "Deep in the Okefinokee Swamp," Forest and Stream, June, 191 5; not included in Pinehurst Edition of The Witchery of Archery (1928). || Uncollected. The voyage was an excursion to get Seatde's totem pole. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 303 Seattle (Washington) Telegraph— continued 1894: October 16 lecturing on Turkey and the Turks in Seattle, October 15 th]* Tacoma (Washington) Ledger 1908: February 16 [An address on Abraham Lincoln delivered February 12th before the Tacoma Bar As- sociation]* * Uncollected. LEW[IS] WALLACE born: Brookville, Indiana, April 10, 182,7 died: Crawfordsville, Indiana, February 1$, 1905 Lew Wallace and Ben-Hur: these were names of fame to succes- sive generations of Americans in whose minds the two, the author and his work, have been inextricably associated. His hero of the chariot race placed in the most dramatic era of all history, appear- ing in novel form (1880), extravaganza play (1899), and motion picture (1925), thrilled for repeated decades a national and inter- national reading and play-loving public, the young and their elders alike. Ben-Hur finally proved its adjustability to changing times and tastes by becoming a television drama in the year 1952. Wallace's two other novels, The Fair God (1873) and The Prince of India (1893), were popular in their day; the sequel to the latter which he planned but never wrote was to bring "The Prince" (The Wandering Jew) to America with Christopher Co- lumbus. He ventured, too, in other fields of art. His ambitions as playwright remained unfruitful: "Commodus" was published, not produced; "Our English Cousin" and "No. 1 20" were neither pub- lished nor brought to production. Credit for the success of the dramatized form of Ben-Hur probably belongs largely to another writer, although the story was his and he helped in making it a play. A ballad written during the Civil War, "The Stolen Stars," was published as a piece of sheet music, seldom remembered today. A long narrative poem, "The Wooing of Malkatoon," became a book, but did not add distinction to his name; nor did his story, "The Boyhood of Christ." His drawings, some of which were used as illustrations in his wife's books, show that he had ability in that direction and might have become an artist of note. Numerous originals are preserved in the Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library. The man, Lewis (usually known as Lew) Wallace, expressed himself in all his pursuits with some of the verve and color with which he endowed his tale of the Jewish prince. His enthusiasm for action, love of the heroic, appreciation of temporal and spirit- ual conquests: these are clearly visible both in his writings and the events of his life. It is not surprising that he engaged in warfare, 307 3 o8 LEW[IS] WALLACE was governor of a turbulent Territory, and became United States Minister to Turkey. His father, David Wallace, had served a while as lieutenant-governor, then governor of the state of Indiana, so Lew Wallace's youth was largely spent in Indianapolis. An erratic education, mostly derived from his own reading and as a lackadai- sical apprentice in the law, ended abruptly at the age of nineteen when he raised a company of volunteers, was elected its second lieutenant, and marched off to the Mexican War (i 846-1 847). His own words tell of this period, contemporary letters having been published in the Indiana State Journal and Indiana State Sentinel; further comments appear in his Autobiography (1906). This early experience of war and of Mexico foreshadowed much of Wallace's later life. He had then his first taste of the exoticism of a foreign world. He became the soldier that he remained the rest of his life, although his military career brought many disappoint- ments. Ready at the outbreak of the Civil War with a unit from Crawfordsville known as the Montgomery Guards, drilled and dressed in Zouave fashion, he was appointed Adjutant General of Indiana and, after a quick and effective job of organizing Governor Morton's first troops, became the colonel of the Eleventh Indiana Volunteer Regiment. A major general at the age of thirty-four, he commanded a division at the bloody Battle of Shiloh, but became a victim of the following characteristic disputes and recrimina- tions, and was relieved. Except for being placed in charge of the defense of Cincinnati in September, 1862, and once again at Mo- nocacy where General Early was effectively detained in his strike toward Washington, General Wallace was never given command of any other unit in the field. He suffered until his death in 1905 from the blame for the inability of his division to reach the field of battle on the first day of Shiloh. The Autobiography, his only lit- erary treatment of contemporary American life, was primarily a vehicle for discussion of the episode; he died before he finished it, but his wife, with the help of Mary Hannah Krout, brought it to publication. The bibliographical story of Wallace's career as governor of the Territory of New Mexico is told herein under "Ephemera," in con- FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 309 nection with his first Proclamation (1878), Report (1879), and Message (1880). It was as a military man that he received the ap- pointment, to quell the Lincoln County war; it was as an author that he spent his spare time there, completing the writing of Ben- Hur. His Life of Gen. Ben Harrison (1888), published in two forms and later revised only slightly for the second Harrison Presidential campaign in 1 892, was too hastily written to be considered a liter- ary work, but it represents his interest in politics. He was a familiar figure as speaker at Republican Party political rallies. On the public platform he had had practice during the Civil War, talking at citizens' mass meetings to secure recruits for the Union Army; afterwards, appearing before groups of war veterans. He also delivered lectures throughout the country on "Mexico and the Mexicans" and "Turkey and the Turks." Perhaps the many-sided features of Lew Wallace show best through our section called, "Contributions." This includes a guide to his printed papers that relate to Turkey, letters to the American Secretary of State during his service as Minister to that country, 1881-1885. It was during this period that he visited the Holy Land; delved, too, into Oriental literature and gathered material for the writing of The Prince of India. His appointment had come through his authorship: President Garfield read and admired Ben- Hur, and asked for another book to follow it. Lonesome for home at Crawfordsville, Wallace refused the Sultan's offer of a post as Inspector-General of the Ottoman Army and spent the rest of his life close to the Indiana city of his choice. If there were any doubt as to Susan Wallace's place in his liter- ary as well as personal life, his tributes to her in his Autobiography make clear his acceptance of her as critic. The book quotes a letter to her from Santa Fe, December 4, 1879: "A poet . . . asked me, confidentially, if my wife had not helped me in writing the Fair God and my new book [Ben-Hur]. I told him yes— that I never put away a chapter as finished without first reading it to you to get your criticism. In many instances I had great help in that way. He came in evidently thinking you were joint author." With the help of his 3 io LEW[IS] WALLACE Susan, a tendency toward grandiloquence was kept in check, and the vitality and integrity that were Lew Wallace's great assets be- came reflected in his works. Chronology of Books and Pamphlets 1873 The Fair God James R. Osgood and Company 1 875 General Wallaces Military Record (Ephemera) 1 876 Commodus 1879 Report of the Governor of New Mexico (Ephemera) 1880 Message of Governor Lewis Wallace (Ephemera) Ben-Hur Harper & Brothers 1888 Life of Gen. Ben Harrison Hubbard Brothers The Democratic Party and the Solid South (Ephemera) 1889 (i.e., 1888) The Boyhood of Christ Harper & Brothers 1892 Life and Public Services of Hon. Ben]. Harrison (reissue of Life of Gen, Ben Harrison [1888], ^.v.) 1 893 The Prince of India Harper & Brothers 1898 (i.e., 1897) The Wooing of Malkatoon [and] Commodus (latter earlier issued separately [1876], a ll edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [i]; copyright notice dated 1873, an d imprint of the University Press: Welch, Bigelow, & Co., Cambridge, p. [ii]; Note By The Author dated August 8, 1873, pp. [iii]-iv; table of contents, pp. [v]-vii; blank, p. [viii]; half-title, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; Introductory, pp. [xi]-xiv; text, pp. 1-586 (with printers' imprint at foot of p. 586); binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 1-586: The Fair God, Books One— Seven.] Binding: Various colors: brown, maroon, and, green mesh cloth over beveled boards. Front cover bears gilt-stamped ornamental design in the center. Spine gilt-stamped: the | fair god | [rule] | lew Wal- lace I [ornament] | [publishers' emblem]. Back cover same as front except that design is blind-stamped. End papers brown coated on white; binder's leaf front and back. Publication Data: Entered for copyright July 9, 1873. Published September 6, 1873, but not deposited in the Copyright Office until 3" 3 i2 LEW[IS] WALLACE November 8th. * Reviewed in The Literary World, September (i.e., August), 1873.1 Price, $2.00. Notes: First edition as collated. No illustrations. It appeared in two states thus distinguishable: State 1 : Paper stock thin, bulking book to 1" across sheets (later, 1 y 4 " [full]) Bound in cloth over beveled boards (later, plain boards); stamping as described (later, rules added) State 2: Paper stock heavier, bulking book to i%" (full), (earlier, 1") Bound in cloth over plain boards (earlier beveled); front and back covers have design boxed within a blind-stamped parallel rule which is within a blind- stamped wide single rule; spine has triple gilt rule top and bottom (earlier, these rules all lacking). That the change in binding accompanied the change in book stock is indicated by a letter from the publisher, B. H. Ticknor, Septem- ber 24, 1873, addressed to the author: "We have got out a new edition of Guatamo [The Fair God] which is thicker and I think handsomer than the first." t The "new edition" was put on the market in Septem- ber, soon after distribution of the earlier copies; it was advertised (with a review from the New York Tribune') in the Boston Evening Tran- script, September 24, 1873. Before the end of 1874 tn ^ s historical novel is reported to have un- dergone four printings; "more than seven thousand copies were dis- posed of the first year."§ In 1888 it had reached its 38th "edition"; an 1892 reissue is identified as "One Hundred and First Thousand." In 1898 the Riverside Press issued it with illustrations by Eric Pape|| in *B. H. Ticknor wrote the author on August 28, 1873: ". . . We propose to gratify an impatient public by getting out the book next Saturday, Sept. 6th. The copy I mail herewith is a proof copy and the lettering is too large; it will be cor- rected in the edition. The five bound copies on your list will be sent on Tuesday." —Letter in Wallace Papers. fThis review, by Samuel Crocker, was used to advertise the book, 500 copies being reported by the publishers, August 25, 1873, as being made ready to dis- tribute to the trade and press.— Letter in Wallace Papers. See McKee, pp. 125- 126, for summaries of contemporary reviews. Maurice Thompson's review en- titled, "A Western Novelist," was in The Indianapolis journal, December 5, 1874. ^This letter and the book sent Wallace by Ticknor on September 24th (a copy in State 2) are now in Eagle Crest library. §McKee, p. 1 26. || For the designs the artist went to Mexico, "gathering inspiration upon the very scene of the story."— The Publishers' Weekly, November 19, 1898. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 313 two volumes: cloth, and, de luxe edition in ooze leather limited to 250 copies. A "new edition" in one volume with the Pape illustrations ap- peared in 1905. In May of 1908 Harpers made arrangements to include this in a collected edition of Lew Wallace's works to be sold by sub- scription. In 1928 a "holiday edition" was issued in two volumes. Grosset & Dunlap distributed their reprint edition in 1908. In 1 94 1 The Fair God was still selling "with an all-time total of 217,000 copies to its credit."* In Great Britain the novel appeared in Warne's Crown Library, No. 16, 1887. A piracy was reportedf as being sold in India in 1889. A British edition was issued by Ward & Locke in 1890; by the Walter Scott Publishing Company in June, 1895; another, by Ward Locke & Co., Ltd., ca. November, 1909, as The Pansy Series, No. 42. A Spanish translation is said to have been published in Buenos Aires, ca. 18884 A Swedish translation was projected by Mrs. N. S. Moore in 1887, to follow her translation of Ben Hur; it is not known whether or not this was completed and published. The author was disappointed in his hope that Richard Mansfield would want it adapted for him on the stage; the latter wrote April 30, 1902, explaining its unsuitability (letter in Wallace Papers). A drama- tization was written by Ira B. Goodrich, Jr., in 1904; typewritten copies were deposited in the Copyright Office March 14, 1905; it did not reach production; nor did Owen Davis' plan, to dramatize it in 1921 for Lee Shubert to produce, come to maturity. § A motion picture project by the Selig Company in 191 3 was drop- ped on account of Mexican troubles. The early manuscript title was "The Last of the Tzins"; its story is told in Lew Wallace: An Autobiography (1906), Vol. I, pp. 88-91; Vol. II, pp. 887~[894]; see also McKee, pp. 10, 122. A charge of plagi- arism (that his book had received help from W. W. Fosdick's Mal- mistic, the Toltec, and the Cavaliers of the Cross) was published in the Franklin (Ind.) Herald and answered in various newspapers (see The Indianapolis Sentinel, November 2, 1873, P- 6); this provoked a reply from Wallace in the form of a letter to the Cincinnati Commercial, November 10, 1873, published therein on November nth. He did not consider it even a "literary coincidence." * McKee, p. 126. fin an article in the New York Mail and Express, July 10, 1889. ^McKee, p. 127%. Correspondence regarding the translation (in 1887) in Wal- lace Papers, Indiana Historical Society. §Negotiations with the author's son appear in correspondence preserved in the Eagle Crest Library. 3 i4 LEW[IS] WALLACE 1876 Commodus COMMODUS J AN HISTORICAL PLAY | BY | LEW. WALLACE. Collation : 34 leaves, sewn within wrappers. White wove paper. Leaf measures S 15 / 1Q ^ x 6", all edges trimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice dated 1876, p. [2]; Persons Rep- resented, p. [3]; blank, p. [4]; text. pp. [51-65; blank, pp. [66-68]. [Note: Text, pp. (55-65: Commodus.l Binding : Sewn within bluish gray wrappers, trimmed to leaf size. Front wrapper bears title within a double rule box : commodus Back and inside wrappers blank. Publication Data : Privately published by the author. Deposited in the Copyright Office June 20, 1876. Notes : Place of publication not stated; probably Crawfordsville. No illustrations. A copy in the Library of Congress has a slip pasted over the original copyright notice, which is also dated 1876 but claims entry in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, not in the Clerk's Office of the District of Indiana as originally printed; it also has an errata slip inserted between pp. [4-5]. The work was revised and reissued in wrappers later the same year, with dedication to S[amuel] R. Crocker on an inserted leaf between pp. [2-3]. Act III, Scene 2, of this reworked version was printed in The Sword and the Pen (Boston), December 13, 1881,* under the caption, "Scene from an Unpublished Play." The play had another reprinting, January, 1889, in Harper's New Monthly Magazine. The Indianapolis Journal, January 6, 1889, published some "quotable lines" therefrom, including the poem, "Sleep." Commodus was republished in 1898 [i.e., 1897] with The Wooing of Malkatoon, q.v. It remained "closet drama" (see McKee, pp. 1 30-131) and failed to satisfy the author's hopes for it. "... I am determined to write a suc- *Referred to by Wallace in a letter to Benjamin H. Ticknor, as a "litde sheet to be sold for the benefit of the 'Soldiers' Home Bazaar' "; letter quoted in Glimpses of Authors by Caroline Ticknor (1922), p. 101; see p. 103 in the same book for another letter regarding the play. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 315 cessful play if it takes the remainder of my life," he wrote his son Henry, January 16, 1883.* His ambition was in a sense realized through his supervision of William Youngs dramatic arrangement of "Ben-Hur." l880 Ben-Hur BEN-HUR I A TALE OF THE CHRIST | BY | LEW. WALLACE | AUTHOR OF "the fair god" I "Learn of the philosophers always to look for nat- ural causes in all extraor- I dinary events; and when such natural causes are wanting, recur to God" | count de gabalis | new york I HARPER & BROTHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE | 1 880 Collation: M-35 8 , [36P. White wove paper. Leaf measures 6%"x 4%" (scant), all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice dated 1880, and statement: All rights reserved., p. [2]; dedication, To | The Wife Of My Youth, p. [3]; quotations from Richter and Milton, p. [4]; text, pp. [5J-552; publishers' advertisements, pp. [i]-i2; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. (5)-552: Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ. t] Binding: Cadet blue (light blue-gray) silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover bears a floral design stamped in red, blue, green, and black; this intercepts a black horizontal single rule above and below the title *Letter in the Wallace Papers. Wallace's other unproduced plays, "Our Eng- lish Cousin" (McKee, p. 129) and "No. 120" (alternate manuscript tides: "An American Duchess" and "the New American Industry"; see McKee, p. 263) were also unpublished. fThree songs included in the novel were later issued with musical settings (see Ben-Hur Music, post 333-4); two of them appeared without music: "Kapila" in Poets and Poetry of Indiana, edited by Benj. S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (1900); "Song [Wake Not] " in the same, also in An American Anthology, 2 vols., edited by E. C. Stedman (1900). About these songs Wallace had written his wife on July 29, 1880: "The poor little verses in the 'Ben-Hur' will be credited to you; of that I feel very certain; yet if you can stand the imputation I can."— Letter in Wallace Papers. There is a "Table Blessing" in Elizabeth Hough Sechrist's Merry Meet Again (1941), quoted from the end of Chapter II. For reprints of certain prose sections see post 325-6. 316 LEW[IS] WALLACE and author's name, the rules being joined to a vertical one at right and extending, except for break at hinges, across spine and back cover; in the panel thus formed on the front there is black-stamped : ben-hur | a tale of the Christ | [rule] | lew. Wallace Spine has colored floral decorations stamped at top and bottom, similar to those on front cover, intercepting the above-mentioned black rules; in the panel thus formed is black-stamped : ben-hur | a tale of | the Christ | [rule] | Wallace Back cover bears colored stamping of a floral bouquet in a black- stamped urn; an upper horizontal rule, continued from front cover and spine except for break at hinges and interception by the floral bouquet, is joined to a vertical rule at left which connects with a short horizontal one below an imprint: harpers, [rule below all but initial letter]; an- other horizontal rule, continued from front cover and spine except for break at hinges, is intercepted by the urn. End papers gray calendered; binder's leaf front and back. Publication Data: Copyrighted October 12, 1880; published No- vember 1 2th.* It was reviewed in The New York Times, November 14, 1880, as "printed and in hands of book dealers'; this review was re- printed in The Crawfordsville journal, November 20, 1880. Price, $1.50 For size of edition see post 318. Notes: First edition as collated, with date, 1880, on the title-page (later, in i88i,t date dropped). No illustrations. The dedication reads: To I The Wife Of My Youth (the words, Who Still Abides With Me were added in 1884,^ after the issuance of many printings). Mrs Wal- lace herself was responsible for the original phrase as well as for its re- vision. The author wrote to Alexander Hill, January 27, 1899: "When Ben Hur was finished I told my wife it was to be dedicated to her, and that she must furnish the inscription. She wrote: 'To the Wife of My Youth/ The book became popular. Then I began to receive letters of sympathy and inquiries as to when and of what poor Mrs. Wallace died. I laughed at first, but the condolences multiplied until finally I told the good woman that, having got me into the trouble, she must now get me out, which she did by adding the words, who still abides with me.' The device was perfect."§ * Publishers' statement, letter to the author, November 13, 1880. The earliest autographed copy noted bears author's inscription dated November 17, 1880; in the Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library. fA copy with the date dropped was presented by Mrs. Wallace to her sister, Helen E. Blair, Christmas, 1881; in collection of F. Bates Johnson, Indianapolis. tDate of the addition established by the publishers' statement in a letter to Mrs. Wallace, December 5, 1884; letter in the Eagle Crest Library. §Wallace's letter, here quoted, appeared both in facsimile and transcription in Lew Wallace's Ben-Hur in flower-stamped cloth and in later undecorated bindings; all first edition copies FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 317 To quote his wife's own words in the letter of instructions for the addition, November 24, 1884, it was ordered because of the "inquiries of correspondents as to the number of wives Gen. Wallace has had/'* At the time of change in dedication a table of contents was added, extending the book to 560 pages (earlier, 552 pages). The first edition appeared in at least three states of binding : Binding State 1 : Cadet blue cloth, stamped with colored floral decorations, over unbeveled boards Binding State 2 : Drab, grayish mesh cloth (probably a poorly- dyed brown) over beveled boards Binding State 3: Similar to Binding State 2, but pebbled cloth. The third state of binding occurs also on an issue with date dropped from title-page, known to have appeared in 1881 (the copy presented to Helen E. Blair is thus bound; see ante 3i6n). The change to second-state binding, plain cloth over beveled boards, of nondescript color that has been described as gray, but might better be called drab, was made immediately after publication as established by a letter from Harpers to Wallace, November 13, 1880: "We pub- lished 'Ben-Hur* yesterday as you will see from the enclosed advt. When your previous letter reached us it was too late to make any change in the style of binding— hut we have ordered bound a dozen copies in plain cloth . . . [italics supplied]. "f There is a legend that Mrs. Wallace thought the elaborate flower design on pale cloth inappropriate to the book. The story has been told in reverse: she is said to have protested against the plain binding, whereupon the publishers used a floral one; this is contrary to fact4 Her own statement shows that she considered the floral decoration a sign of earliest binding, for she wrote Harpers on January 3, 1885, in answer to a question about the first edition: "... I incline to the belief that the volume seen was one of the first issue of Ben-Hur, which The Cincinnati Times-Star, but the clipping preserved in the Wallace Papers, now in Eagle Crest Library, lacks date. The letter was reprinted in The Phi Gamma Delta, April, 1936, Vol. 58, No. 6. *This letter of hers to Harpers was reproduced in Ida M. Tarbell, All in the Day's Work: An Autobiography (1939). fThe letter mentions that they had "also ordered to be bound in full morocco, as requested, ten copies" of the book. tDavid A. Randall and John T. Winterich were evidently misled by a belief that the book was published in December. They saw in Eagle Crest Library a copy in plain cloth sent to Benson J. Lossing December 20, 1880, by Susan E. Wallace, and they described it as an "A binding" (preceding the flowered cloth) in an article in The Publishers' Weekly, February 15, 1941, p. 860. The Wallace- Harper correspondence and an earlier inscribed copy have come to light since that time. 318 LEW[IS] WALLACE would explain the gay binding"' 1 ' The italics are ours, for by no stretch of the imagination could the grayed greenish-brown (drab) plain cloth covers be called "gay." A meticulous interest in the matter of binding is exhibited by her later correspondence with the publishers. On January 10, 1887, she wrote: "I enclose a small sample of muslin t from the Warne & Co. edition of Ben-Hur (London). Gen. Wallace would like the new edi- tion like it. The quality and color [green?] of the muslin are unusually fine, as you will notice, if you have the volume. The twill makes it look more finished than the familiar brown muslin." The "brown muslin" she calls "familiar" was not the drab cloth of the Lossing copy, Decem- ber, 1880, nor the pebbled cloth of similar nondescript color over bev- eled boards, found on a copyt inscribed for Mary Hannah Krout, June 17, 1 88 1, but was undoubtedly the brown over unbeveled boards used in 1886 (possibly a little earlier) to bind the sheets with date dropped from title-page, a cloth which appeared also on copies with the change in dedication, and continued to be used for some years with constancy in color, but not in shade. In March of 1887 she approved a dark blue cover for the new edition, with the comment that "the dark green of Warne & Co's copy is very pretty but with the star is not a suitable background.'^ An excerpt from an undated proof sheet, evidently copy for the cir- cular, Harpers Literary Gossip, gives the publishers' description, cap- tioned, "How the First 'Ben-Hur' Was Bound": "Inquiries have reached the Harpers concerning the binding of the first edition of Ben-Hur, which appeared in 1880. The first edition was issued in a series which the Harpers were then publishing. || It was in i6mo form, bound in cadet-blue cloth, and decorated with clusters of flowers in red, blue, and green on the front cover and a vase of flowers in the same colors on the back cover. The lettering on the cover is black."H Whether or not its statement as to the size of the first edition and the impression that followed is correct, a notice in The Daily New Mexican, December 22, 1880, is interesting: "The first edition of 'Ben Hur' has been exhausted, the entire 5,000 copies composing the edi- *The word "gay" is distinct in the letter preserved in the Eagle Crest Library; it does not have an "r" that would make it "gray." tMrs. Wallace's letter is in Eagle Crest Library, but the sample mentioned has been lost. tin Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library. § Correspondence in the Eagle Crest Library. || Series included Mary Anerley by R. D. Blacicmore, and George Bailey by Oliver Oldboy, according to John T. Winterich and David A. Randall. IfExcerpt in Eagle Crest Library. Harpers' letter to Wallace, November 13, 1880, relating to Ben-Hur bindings FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 319 tion having been sold. The publishers, Harper Bros., will begin to is- sue the 2nd edition of 5,000 copies immediately. . . . And the author smiles." The newspaper was published in Santa Fe and Wallace was still there at the time this appeared, so he may have supplied the figures to the newspaper (he left for Washington on the 26th). When the date was dropped from the title-page in 1881 there was at first no change in either dedication or advertisements in back. Before addition to the dedication, late in 1884, at least one issue appeared with new advertisements. In earliest state of advertisements the 12-page catalogue, Some Popular Novels . . ., has opening paragraph begin- ning : The Novels in this list which are not otherwise designated are in Octavo . . . (later, The Octavo Paper Novels in this list may he obtained in half-binding . . .). The list itself starts with Black's A Daughter of Heth (later, Baker's . . . Carter Quartermati); it ends, p. 12, with Waverley Novels (later, with Woolson's Anne and For the Major'); other changes within the list. A further alteration in advertisements was made in 1886 or earlier, but none in 1887 in the copies bound in dark blue, front cover decorated with a radiant star, crescent, and ro- sary. Subsequent issues had changes in both advertising matter and binding; the text remained unrevised. The lack of date on title-page is enough to establish them all as late copies. The following list of editions and reprints is probably incomplete, but is indicative of their extent through 1950; the copyright expired in 1936. Adaptations for the stage are here omitted (discussed post 326): Harpers : 1880, first edition, as described 1 881-1887, original edition reissued, undated for several years, in a variety of bindings as above reviewed 1888, New Edition, cloth, half-seal, half-calf, three-quarter russia, and, three-quarter crushed levant 1 89 1, Garfield Edition (MDCCCXCII on title-page, but avail- able November, 1 89 1 ), illustrated with profuse drawings by William Martin Johnson, and photogravures; issued in a Gladstone box, orange silk cloth; also, De Luxe Garfield Edi- tion, limited to 350 numbered copies; later (1902) the Gar- field Edition was advertised as available in three-quarter calf, three-quarter levant, and, "white and purple [cloth?]. " Harpers in 1893 issued a pamphlet prepared by Paul Van Dyke, entitled, A Referendum for the Illustrations in the Garfield Edition of General Lew Wallace's Novel "Ben- Hur" 3 2o LEW[IS] WALLACE 1 899, recopyrighted, cheaper edition, bearing this date on title- page 1 90 1, an edition bearing this date on title-page, in one, and, two volumes, latter with drawings reproduced from Garfield Edition, but lacking its photogravures; also, Players Edition, illustrated with scenes and characters from the play; reissued 1904 1 902-1 906, one, and, two-volume (illustrated) editions ad- vertised in a variety of bindings, among them the Players' Edition with change of date to 1904* 1908, Wallace Memorial Edition, copyrighted this date 1922, New Large Type Edition, with recopyright datef 1925, Large Type Photoplay Edition (the motion picture was first shown December 30, 1925; see post 329); this is prob- ably Grosset & Dunlap's, not Harpers' edition, part of Sears, Roebuck & Co's "million copies," for which Grosset & Dun- lap put on a large selling campaign, in 1925, distributing free leaflets to school children, of "The Chariot Race" 1928, Boys Ben-Hur, abridged edition with illustrations by Ralph D. Dunkelberger; code letters on copyright page, M-C (December, 1928) probably the earliest of several issues 1929, reprint without illustrations, still bearing 1922 copy- right date, but with symbol, C-D 1930, Modern Classics, text for schools, edited by Mabel A. Bessey 1932, Boys' Ben-Hur reprinted (earlier edition 1928) Reprints in America, other than Harpers: Sears, Roebuck & Co.: 191 3, special edition of a million copies, the first cheap edi- tion in the United States; later the same year they ar- ranged for marketing the edition also through Grosset & Dunlap, but the latter firm's imprint did not appear until 1926 Grosset & Dunlap: 1926, "part of an edition of one million copies . . ." (by July of this year Sears, Roebuck & Co. and Grosset & Dunlap had together disposed of 611,511 copies); probably pre- *The Phi Gamma Delta this year in the February issue quoted a statement from The (New York) Sun that there had been no "editions" of Ben-Hur. tA reprint of this edition, in a small quantity, was planned by Harpers in De- cember, 1942; no copies have been located. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 321 ceded their reprint of Harpers' Photoplay Edition the same year 1935, New Edition 1 94 1 , Books of Distinction Modern Library: 1933, The Modern Library, No. 139 Consolidated Book Publishers 1936, edition unnamed Fountain Press 1 949, World's Greatest Literature Webster Publishing Company 1949, Everyreader Series, adapted by William Kottmeyer. Ben-Hur was made a book for the blind. In 1887, in Louisville, 25 copies were done in embossed letters for the American Association of Instructors for the Blind. * It was later one of the first novels to be put into Braille (1925), and in 1946 was made a Talking Book for the blind. In 1934 Bell Syndicate included Ben-Hur in its series of condensa- tions of "best sellers from 1875-1933," published in Sunday news- papers. British editions, following the original Harpers issued with sheets of the American edition, appeared in great numbers, among them the fol- lowing: Sampson, Low: 1 88 1, edition unnamed in the English Catalogue, issued by Low (later, Sampson Low); 1888, New Edition; 1900, New Edition; 1924, Cheap Edition; 1936, Cheap Edition Warne : 1884, Star Series'f; 1887; 1888, "Crown' Library Edition; 1924, edition unnamed in the English Catalogue; 1927 (October), Complete Edition, and (December), edition un- named, but probably another printing of the same Rose Publishing Company, Toronto: 1887, the first Canadian edition Nisbet&Co.: 1887, edition unnamed Walter Scott Publishing Co. : 1887; 1923, Carnarvon Series *The copy presented to the author is now in Eagle Crest Library: 4 volumes, bound in three-quarter morocco. fMrs. Wallace admired the binding (see ante 318), but Lew Wallace objected 322 LEW[IS] WALLACE Ward, Lock & Co.: 1887, Lily Series [No. 18]; 1889OO, The World Library of Standard Books* Previous to 191 1 the English Catalogue listed only one edition of Ben-Hur from this publishing house, but it is knownf that the firm issued at least three more prior to November, 1909: The Windsor Library, No. 120, The Pansy Series, No. 41, and The Royal Series, No. 22. Later editions: 191 1, World Library; 1921, New Edition; 1927, Popular Edition; 1931, Cheap Edition; 1936, Prize Library Routledge: 1895, New Edition; 1905, New Edition Partridge : 1895, edition unnamed in the English Catalogue; 191 o, New Edition King: 1895, New Edition Nimmo: 1895, edition unnamed in the English Catalogue Sunday School Union: 1895, Endeavor Library Simpkin : 1895, Evening Hour Library The Masterpiece Library : 1896, Penny Popular Novels, No. 7, undated, but published ca. January, 1 896 Pearson : 1 90 1, New Edition Chatto & Windus: 1906, edition unnamed in the English Catalogue; 19 12, Pop- ular Edition Collins: 1 91 4, Illustrated Pocket Classics; 1930, Canterbury Classics; 1935, Albany Classics; ca. 1939, Illustrated School Classics Blackie : 19 14, New Edition; 191 5, Standard Library; 1923, New Edi~ to the edition with its new preface and with other changes not authorized by him (see report in The Indianapolis journal, August 18, 1885). *This edition is known to have been available in Canada in October, 1889. The same year a piracy of Ben-Hur (publisher?) was being sold in India, accord- ing to an article in the New York Mail &■ Express, July 10, 1889. In 1895 there was a Canadian piracy; publisher unknown to us. tFiom advertisements in The Pansy Series of The Fair God (1909). FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 323 tion; 1934, Library of Famous Books; 1939, Library of Fa- mous Books, Cheaper Edition Chapman & Dodd: 1922, Cheap Edition Hayes : 1923, Cheap Edition Readers' Library: 1927, Readers' Library Bell & Sons: 1927, a school edition adapted by E. D'Oyley Hamilton : 1930, Sundial Papular Library Strang : 1 93 1, Herbert Strang's Library Marshall, Morgan & Scott: 1933, Cheap Edition. The translations of Ben-Hur were numerous.* A few are here noted : Arabic: Translated by Rev. Cornelius V. A. Van Dyke, published at Cairo, 1 896, and at Beirut, 1 897, by the Press of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church Bohemian : Translations unlocated, but three persons had asked for per- mission to translate in 1887, and the language is listed by McKeef as one in which the story appeared Bulgarian: Translation rights for part of book were granted Ivan Vapt- zaroff, January, 1923 Burmese: Translation rights for an abridged edition were granted B. M. Jones, November, 1930 Czechoslovakian : In 3 volumes, undated (before 1930); in 2 volumes, 1948, translated by A. Filo *The total surely is much more than the small number located by the com- pilers, but probably not as great as indicated by Frank Moody Mills in his rem- iniscences, Early Days in a College Town (1924), p. 42, when he speaks of seeing in Wallace's Study "sixty-four copies of 'Ben-Hur' translated in as many languages." The sixty-four possibly included some of the many American and British editions. fMcKee, p. 174. 3 2 4 LEW[IS] WALLACE Danish: A "second Danish edition" was announced in the Davenport (Iowa) Democrat, February 4, 1894, as published in Copen- hagen at the time of first publication of a Danish edition of The Prince of India, further details lacking. Folkets- Bogsamburg (?), Popular Library, August, 1899; not lo- cated, but referred to in private correspondence* Dutch: Translation published in Rotterdam by D. Bolle, undated Finnish : Before 1930 Flemish : Before 1930 French : A translation mentioned in The Indianapolis Journal, Septem- ber 23, 1888. Another, by Fred Zohn and G. Secretan, was approved by Wallace December 14, 1895 (published?). A translation by Maurice Strauss is known to have appeared ca. May, 1902,! and another by R. D'Humieres and J. L. de Janasz in Lihraire Delagrave, Paris, 19 18; another, by Ph. Magoyer, Paris, 1929 German : A translation by Rev. Bonaventure Hammer, O. F. M., of St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church, Lafayette, Indiana, au- thorized by Lew Wallace, underwent numerous printings from the serialization in Roman-Bihliothek and the book ap- pearance in Leipzig in 2 volumes (1888), to a popular edi- tion in one volume, and to a finely illustrated one issued first in parts in 1894; the 25th edition was reached in 1900. Har- pers published in New York a German translation by "H. W. S. [Henry W. Seibert]," 1895. An unauthorized translation appeared in Germany before 1900. J. Cassirer's translation was published in Berlin in 1909. The Tauchnitz Edition, Collection of British and American Authors, 2 vol- umes (Vol. II is No. 2502 in the series) in English, but pub- lished in Germany, had appeared in 1888 Greek: Before 1930 *In Eagle Crest Library. t According to a letter from the translator, in Eagle Crest Library; book un- located. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 325 Hungarian : Translation received in this country by Harpers in 1930, not seen; one listed as a 1933 publication, Budapest, in Index Translationum Italian : Translation in 1887 by Rev. Monti/ Father Hammers Ger- man version was translated into Italian by Alfonso M. Galea and published at Modena in 1895. Later, there appeared an Italian translation by Prof. Henry Salvadori.f A translation by H. Mildmay and Gastone Cavalieri was published at Milano, 1922. One by Giovanni Zacchin, Milano, 1938. Norwegian : Part published serially in a Minneapolis newspaper, Foedre- landet og. Emigranten, in 1 890; stopped by action of Har- pers. A book publication appeared before 1930 (not seen); one done by Rune Berkeland in 1948 Polish: By Jonas Montvila, Chicago, 191 2. A translation was pub- lished later, 1938, in Warsaw Russian : A translation published in Beketova, 1908 Spanish : By A. A. Barberan, Barcelona, undated; possibly the Spanish translation referred to in The Indianapolis Journal, Sep- tember 23, 1888, as "now in progress/' A Spanish translation by Hugo Reichenbuch was listed in Index Translationum as published in Leipzig, 1932 Swedish : A translation by Mrs. N. S. Moore was projected in 1887; pub- lished? A Swedish edition appeared in Stockholm in 1927. Translations into Portuguese, Turkish, and Oriental languages have also been claimed for the work; as yet unlocated. Separate printings were made by Harpers of two incidents from Ben-Hur: The First Christmas: From "Ben-Hur." New York, Harper & Brothers, 1899. Only the preface is original writing; the con- * Published? A letter to Harpers from William H. Elder, April 4, 1887, now in Eagle Crest Library, mentions the translation. tThis, with modifications in the interests of piety, brought the translator the blessings of Pope Leo XIII.— Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 942. 326 LEW[IS] WALLACE tents proper consist of Book One of Ben-Hur (see post 347). Reissued with 1902 on title-page The Chariot-Race: From Ben-Hur. Illustrated by Sigismond Ivanowski. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1908. Published October, 1908 on copyright page; earliest binding stamped in color and gilt; later stamped in black only. Contains extracts from Ben-Hur, but no original writing. Reprinted 1922 by Owen Publishing Company in their Instructor Literature Series, No. 307 and 307C, in wrappers and limp cloth covers. Extracts of the above, the story of the chariot race, have made ap- pearance in school readers, periodicals, and collections of literature too numerous to itemize here. Of his account of the birth of Jesus Christ besides the separate, The First Christmas, extracts were published in anthologies of elocutionary nature, under various titles, 'The Angel and the Shepherds," "The Crucifixion," etc. "Ben-Hur and Iras," adapted from Book VIII, was another extract, offered as dialogue for public speaking. A Christmas brochure published by George R. Lockwood & Son (1886), Seekers After "The Light" from "Ben-Hur" consists of brief extracts from the book with illustrative etchings by "F. M."; several states, earliest probably without etcher's initials. Wallace's story of the three Magi was included in a book by W. D. Mahan in 1884: Archaeological Writings of the Sanhedrin and Tal- muds of the Jews, Taken from the Ancient Parchments and Scrolls at Constantinople and the Vatican at Rome,* without acknowledgment to Wallace, but instead claimed to be from a manuscript discovered by Mahan in Constantinople. Wallace discussed its plagiaristic nature in a letter published in Harper's Weekly, June 23, 1888, p. 447. Further details appear in Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 942. In the field of drama "Ben-Hur" appeared in many forms. Henry M. Soper's Scrap Book Recitation Series, No. 5 included an adaptation, "The Chariot Race," before May, 1887. A dramatic reading by Zara McCosh, Salem, Ohio, with twenty tableaux, was reported at this time in a number of newspapers. Ellen K. Bradford prepared and published her Selections from Ben-Hur Adapted for Reading with Tableaux (1887), and Directions for Preparatory Work and Materials Needed for Producing the "Ben Hur" Tableaux (1888), reissued as Directions *"This work is considered a forgery . . .," the Library of Congress records show; in cataloguing its later publication in The Archko Volume and The Archko Library they note it to be "generally regarded as spurious." FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 327 for Producing Ben Hur Tableaux (1889). None of these was sanc- tioned by the author. The first authorized public performance occurred in Crawfordsville on December 17 and 18, 1888, at the old Music Hall, a benefit for the First Methodist Church. "The programme is taken from Ben Hur and will comprise readings and recitations in character, besides tableaux from the most thrilling portions of the work. The cast is taken from the best amateur talent/' so read an advance notice in The Crawfordsville Journal, November 24, 1 888. Presented under the direction of David W. Cox and O'Neal Watson, its success encouraged Cox to organize a com- pany which gave other performances in Crawfordsville, on March 7, 1889, and November 3, 1890. In August of 1890 it was a feature at Chautauqua. Printed, it took the form of a 38-page brochure issued in wrappers, copyrighted October 24, 1890: Ben-Hur, In Tableaux And Pantomime, Arranged By Thr [sic] Author For Messrs. [Walter C] Clark & [David W.] Cox; with letter of authorization, April 2, 1889, on title-page, reissued by Harpers with 1891 date on title-page, and title reading : Ben-Hur In Dramatic Tableaux And Pantomime. Wallace himself gave a reading from his novel, for a Press Club benefit in Indianapolis, June 21, 1893. A souvenir booklet of the occa- sion appeared under the title, Readings by Indiana Authors; a descrip- tion of it was given in The Indianapolis journal, June 22, 1893. In 1896, there was advertised in London and Washington, D. O, an unauthorized spectacle: "Riley Brothers' 'Ben-Hur' in the Magic Lantern; 72 Pictures . . . with Special Reading."* A prospectus in pamphlet form is said to have been published by the Rileys (not our Indiana family!) purporting to be copyrighted in Great Britain and the United States, entitled, The Stereoptican Illustrator of Ben-Hur. The "Special Reading," without imprint, was apparently published also.t An undated scenario, of a "Pyro-Spectacular Dramatization of Gen- eral Lew Wallace's Great Work [Ben-Hur]" by Frank Oakes Rose, General Stage Director, The Pain Pyro-Spectacle Company, New York, has been preserved in typescript.:]: The most famous stage presentation of "Ben-Hur" was William Young's arrangement made under Wallace's supervision. It opened in New York at the Broadway Theatre, November 29, 1899, produced by Marc Klaw and Abraham Erlanger. A scenario of it, without imprint, dated 1899 (copyrighted November 2nd), entitled, Lew Wallace's *This annoyed Wallace; the correspondence with Harpers on the subject is in Eagle Crest Library. flnformation from Harpers- Wallace correspondence. :}:In Eagle Crest Library. 328 LEW[IS] WALLACE Ben-Hur: A Play Arranged For The Stage By William Young, consist- ing of 116 pages, was issued in wrappers. The Souvenir Album (so named on cover) of the William Young drama bears title: Klaw & Erlanger's Production of Gen. Lew Wal- laces "Ben-Hur," dramatized by William Young, and gives other in- formation: staged by Ben Teal, vocal and instrumental music com- posed by Edgar Stillman Kelley, business direction [by] Joseph Brooks, illustrations from flash-light photographs by Joseph Byron; published New York & Chicago [1900]; its sheets, unpaged, together with pic- torial colored front wrapper and decorated sepia back wrapper, are tied with ribbon. It contains the score of the musical theme on the first page, but consists mostly of plates, sepia scenes from the play, with descrip- tive letter-press on tissue guards. In 1902 the score was published in New York by Towers & Curran, thus entitled : Words and Music of Klaw & Erlanger's Production of Gen. Lew Wallaces Ben-Hur, by Edgar Stillman Kelley; it was edited by Charles Feleky (see post 331). An interview with Lew Wallace about the play, published in The Illustrated Indiana Weekly, July 22, 1899, was forerunner of con- siderable publicity that appeared in newspapers before the November opening. The author's own comments after attending the first perform- ance were published in the form of a letter addressed to the Editor, in The (New York) World, November 30, 1899, p. 12. The "Secret of That Thrilling Ben-Hur Race Explained," with diagram of the stage apparatus for horses, chariots, and moving cyclo- rama background, was told in the New York Journal, December 1, 1899, and the "Stage Effects in Ben-Hur" were further discussed in the Scientific American, August 25, 1900. When the play was to be pro- duced in England there was only one theatre possessed of the stage facilities required, the Drury Lane; it opened there on April 3, 1902. "The Most Successful Play Ever Produced," "Ben-Hur" was thus described in an article by Glenmore Davis in The Green Book, Janu- ary, 1914. Before final production in April, 1920, and dissolution in 1 92 1 of Klaw and Erlanger's contract (see Variety, April 15, 1921, for a summary of the matter), the play had toured the British Empire (see McKee, pp. 175-186). When the twenty-fifth hundredth performance occurred in New York at the Academy of Music, in the season 1906- 1907, Klaw and Erlanger presented a copy of the novel to every woman attending.* William S. Hart told in his memoirs, My Life East and West (1929), how he played "Messala." 'McKee, p. 183. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 329 A one-reel motion picture by Kalem, with Herman Rottjer as Ben- Hur, in 1907 had opened the battle for cinema production. McKee, pp. 186-188, tells the photoplay history in some detail. The Metro- Goldwyn production, two years in the making, with Ramon Navarro as Ben-Hur and Francis X. Bushman as Messala, opened Christmas week, 1925, in New York. Abraham L. Erlanger's story of Ben-Hur on stage and film was quoted in The Crawfordsville Journal, Febru- ary 6, 1 926, at the time of showing there. A radio adaption was presented by Hallmark Playhouse on CBS network, April 10, 1952. For a brief account of "Ben-Hur" in its musical settings see post 331-334- At time of publication Ben-Hur received slight attention. The pub- lishers gave it a one-line listing among "New Novels" in their adver- tisements in The Publishers' Weekly on November 13, 1880, and in the Christmas number that followed. On December 4, 1880, in the "Weekly Record of New Publications" it was briefly reviewed. By June 24, 1 88 1, the book had sold to the extent of 4,187 copies only, but by the middle of November, 1884, sales had totaled almost forty thou- sand; on December 14, 1889, the total was 390,938; by February, 1902, 719,343 copies of the various editions had been sold or given away for review purposes/ Harpers reported in March, i94it that the total sale was near two and a half million. Maurice Thompson had described it in 1898 as a "wonderfully popular novel which, next to 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' has had the greatest sales of any romance ever written by an American."^ Irving McKee, in his "Ben-Hur" Wallace (1947), devoting a chapter to the book, has provided a summary of contemporary criticism, as well as the story of the book's subsequent popularity. All accounts of Wallace after 1880 identify him primarily as the "author of Ben-Hur." The book led President Garfield to select its au- thor for Ministry to Turkey, which in turn caused Wallace to write The Prince of India. Joseph Henry Harper in his books, The House of Harper (191 2) and I Remember (1934), told how it impressed the publishers. "How 'Ben-Hur' Came to the Harpers" was another ac- count of it from this angle, published in Harper's Literary Gossip, Feb- ruary 23, 1905. Elizabeth Rider Montgomery, in The Story behind ^Reports from Harpers to Mrs. Lew Wallace; correspondence in Eagle Crest Library. fTo Louis C. Schaedler, whose Master's thesis, Lew Wallace: Middle-Class Novelist (1941), is deposited in Duke University Library. ^Stories of Indiana by Thompson (1898), pp. 277-278. 330 LEW[IS] WALLACE Great Books (1946), gave it consideration as "The Book That Con- verted Its Author." In this same year, 1946, Ben-Hur was included by the Grolier Club in an exhibit of one hundred "books that influenced America." The "Governor's Palace" in Santa Fe, now housing the New Mexico Historical Society, with its museum, bears note of the fact that Wallace wrote much of Ben-Hur therein, while he was governor of that Territory (see The Ben Hur Room, post 382). The beech tree in Crawfordsville, under which part of the manuscript took shape, was preserved after its destruction in 1907 in the form of some leaves dis- tributed in a circular issued by the Supreme Tribe Ben-Hur Qpost 393)- The latter, a Legal Reserve Fraternal Life Insurance society in Crawfordsville, founded 1894, known since 1929 as the Ben-Hur Life Association, issued a bulletin, The Chariot, 1 895-1910. A Ben-Hur scholarship established by them, discontinued after being in effect a few years, is recorded in a pamphlet entitled, Ben-Hur Scholarships: A Memorial in Honor of David W. Gerard, Founder of the Supreme Trihe of Ben-Hur (1920). "The only connection this society has had with Lew Wallace is that the name Ben Hur was adapted from his famous book with his written permission."* Poems by a "Ben Hur: Of Whitley" (not Wallace), written from Columbia City, Indiana, appeared for a while in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean; noted especially January 5, 12, 26, and 29, 1889. Wallace appears to have been silent regarding a book, Esther :j A Sequel to Ben-Hur; or, The Lost Epistles of the First and Second Cen- turies, translated (!) by J. O. A. Clark (1892); in his introduction the writer claims that "the gifted author of 'Ben-Hur' did not have access to these newly discovered records. . . ." A list of novels inspired by Ben-Hur is given in McKee, p. 175. The innumerable uses of the name "Ben-Hur" need not be de- scribed here, beyond mentioning the "Ben-Hur" bicycles manufactured by the Central Cycle Manufacturing Company of Indianapolis, ca. 1895, which can be considered of some bibliographical interest because of the firm's printing of J. H. Cody's Ben-Hur March Qpost 332), with the "Ben-Hur Tandem" depicted on the inside wrapper. There often appeared in print words of the author regarding his "Ben-Hur" ("Judah" was its early manuscript title). When Meredith Nicholson interviewed him soon after a contract for publication had "Letter, R. B. McCain, Secretary, January 15, 1951. fThe wife of "Ben-Hur" in the Wallace novel, was named Esther in memory of the author's mother, according to Harpers Bazaar, March 26, 1887. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 331 been signed with Harpers on May 7, 1 880, Wallace gave him a lengthy written statement about the novel. This was printed in The Crawfords- ville Journal, May 22, 1880, also in Nicholsons article, "Lew Wallace as an Author/' published by the Indiana Commandery of the Loyal Legion in a brochure entitled, In Memoriam, Major-General Lew Wallace . . . May 5, 1905. "How I Came to Write Ben-Hur," Wallace's article in the Youth's Companion, February 2, 1893, has been frequently quoted. He gave a lecture on the same subject in San Francisco, October 29, 1 894. In the preface to The First Christmas (1902) he again told of the origin of the story. His autobiography, p. 949, contains a letter regarding the work, addressed to Paul Hamilton Hayne, January 19, 1881, and Mc- Kee quotes from it, p. 167. He usually gave credit to Robert G. Ingersoll for the development and even for the inception of "Ben-Hur," through a talk on agnosticism that crystallized his own Christian belief, but there is reason to believe, from a letter to Agnes Wallace, November 27, 1874, published in Mc- Kee, p. 165, that he had the story under way at least two years before he met Ingersoll. That Wallace recognized the book as his greatest literary achievement is indicated in a letter to his wife, of January 28, 1887 (unpublished, in the Wallace Papers) : "... I am looking to you and Ben-Hur to keep me unforgotten after the end of life." Ben-Hur Music The musical score of "Ben-Hur," Klaw and Erlanger's production (see ante 327 for further details), contains songs from Wallace's book, set to music by Edgar Stillman Kelley. The same songs inspired other compositions: "The Lament (Egyptian)," which had appeared in the original edition of Ben-Hur (1880) on p. 281, beginning, T sigh as I sing for the story land"; "Kapila," p. 298; and "The Song," p. 1 11, be- ginning, "Wake not, but hear me, love!"* The following is a list of the musical selections : ben-hur [words and music of Klaw & Erlanger's production of Gen. Lew Wallace's "Ben-Hur"]. Composer: Edgar Stillman Kelley. Edited by Charles Feleky. New York, Towers & Curran, 1902. Prel- *See Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 934, for his story of the writing of this "Song." 332 LEW[IS] WALLACE ude and Acts I-VI, music with words, pp. i-93-t Pictorial colored wrappers, back blank. See song of iras (described under the la- ment) for appearance of pp. 61-65 m earlier sheet music form. See also sacred choruses from ben-hur, for another separate printing of Kelley's compositions. ben-hur march. Composer: J. H. Cody. Arranged by Chas. W. A. Ball. Indianapolis, n.d. Distributed with compliments of the Central Cycle Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, makers of Ben-Hur Bicycles. Dedi- cated to L. M. Wainwright, president of the firm. Music without words, pp. [3]-5- Pictorial colored wrappers, advertisements on back and inside front. BEN HUR CHARIOT RACE MARCH : see CHARIOT RACE OR BEN HUR MARCH the chariot race. Composer: Richard J. Carpenter. Denver, Colo., Denver Music Co., 1895. Music without words, Entrance March of the Charioteers, pp. 2-3: arrangements for 1st mandolin, 2nd man- dolin, and 1 st guitar. Dedicated to General Lew Wallace. Contains a quotation from Ben-Hur : "The race was on; the souls of the racers were in it; over them bent the myriads."— Ben-Hur (1880), p. 362. chariot race or ben hur march [cover title; inside title : ] ben hub chariot race march. Composer: E. T. Paull. New York, E. T. Paull Music Co., 1894. Music without words, pp. 3-7. Pictorial colored cover with statement: Played By Sousa's Band; advertise- ments of the "Edition Paull" on back cover, and Paull's compositions on inside front cover. Also, an edition published by the Richmond (Va.) Music Co., 1894; front cover lacks statement about Sousas band; back cover and inside front blank. No plate number in either, but a statement in both at foot of pp. 4-7 : Ben-Hur etc. - 5. Also, same march with a descriptive song, a poem by H. A. Free- man, published 1899 by E. T. Paull Music Co. Words with music, pp. 2-9. Issued with front cover same as the New York, 1894, piece, including statement about Sousa's band, back bearing selections dated 1898. EGYPTIAN SONG (THE LAMENT); see THE LAMENT from the orient [general title for three songs composed by E. R. Kroe- ger: kapila, wake not, and the lament; q.v.] 1 sigh as 1 sing; see the lament fFor comments, see "The Music of Ben-Hur," by Elizabeth Reynolds, in Music, October, 1901. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 333 Composer: E. R. Kroeger. St. Louis, Kunkel Bros., 1886. From Ben-Hur (1880), p. 298. Words with music, pp. 3-5; Plate No. 893-3. Front wrapper bears general title: From the Orient, also dedication to Gen. Lew Wallace, and a decorative box in gilt and blue; back wrapper advertises Kunkel's Royal Edition; inside wrap- pers blank. Laid in pink wrappers which bear publishers' catalogue on inside front and back. the lament^ Composer : E. R. Kroeger. St. Louis, Kunkel Bros., 1886. From Ben-Hur (1880), p. 281. Words with music, pp. 3-5; Plate No. 856-3; statement at foot of p. 4: This piece is one of five that appeared in Kunkel's Musical Review for Oct. 1886. See kapila for description of wrappers. Also, Egyptian song (the lament); inside title: 1 sigh as i sing. Composer: Leandro Campanari. Cincinnati, John Church Co., 1893. Words, p. [1]; music with words, pp. 2-7; Plate No. 9680- 7-L. Pictorial colored wrappers, advertisement of new songs by Campanari on back, inside front and back blank. Also, the lament. Composer : Victor Kemp. New York, Edward Schuberth & Co., 1900. Words with music, pp. 3-6; E. S. & Co. 3473 at foot of each page. Decorative wrappers printed in brown, Select Parlor Songs on back, inside front and back blank. Also, song of iras. Composer: Edgar Stillman Kelley. Cincin- nati, John Church Co., 1900. Words with music, pp. 2-7; Plate No. 13349-6. Pictorial wrappers, front printed in brown, back blank.:]: The composition later appeared in the score of ben-hur, Klaw and Erlanger's production, Towers & Curran publication (1902), pp. 61- 65. sacred choruses from ben-hur. Composer : Edgar Stillman Kelley. N.p., n.d. Pp. [i]-29, words beginning on p. 2: "The vision of Isaiah . . . ." Tan printed wrappers. See ben-hur for the printing of the complete Kelley score. serenade § *A musical composition of "Kapila" by Henry Pettit is referred to in corre- spondence, July 31, 1899, now in Eagle Crest Library (published?). fThe same poem, set to music by Herbert Sparling, in form of an incomplete manuscript, undated, is in the Eagle Crest Library. $Copy in Eagle Crest Library was inscribed by the composer to Gen. Lew Wal- lace, April, 1900. §A composition by F. E. Sawyer, 1898, is recorded in the Music Collection of the Library of Congress, but not seen; its title, "Serenade (from Ben-Hur)." Probably "Tirzah's Serenade" ("Wake Not, But Hear Me, Love"). 334 LEW[IS] WALLACE SLUMBER SONG; See WAKE NOT, BUT HEAR ME, LOVE SONG OF IRAS; See THE LAMENT THE SONG OF TIRZAH; See WAKE NOT, BUT HEAR ME, LOVE tirzah's serenade; see wake not, but hear me, love wake not, but hear me, love: Composer : George L. Osgood. Boston, Oliver Ditson & Co., 1886. From Ben-Hur (1880), p. in. Words with music, pp. 3-5; Plate No. 51 819-3. Decorative wrappers, back and inside front blank. Also, wake not. Composer: E. R. Kroeger. St. Louis, Kunkel Bros., 1887. Words with music, pp. 3-5; Plate No. 427-3. One of three companion pieces, "From the Orient"; see kapila for descrip- tion of wrappers. Also, tirzah's serenade.* Composer: Annie M. Lyon. Chicago, Geo. E. Marshall & Co., 1888. Words with muisc, pp. [31-5. Deco- rative wrappers, back and inside front blank. Also, wake not, but hear me, love! Composer : Harry G. Mar- tin. Baltimore, Otto Sutro & Co., 1888. Words with music, pp. 3-5. Decorative wrappers, back and inside front blank. Also, wake not, but hear me, love! Composer: Lillian L. Bis- sell. Boston, Oliver Ditson Co., 1895. Words with music, pp. 2-5; Plate No. 105-58603-4. Decorative wrappers, Delightful Songs ad- vertised on back. Also, the song of TiRZAH.f Composer: C. E. Merrifield; ar- ranged by H. D. Beissenherz. Indianapolis, C. E. Merrifield, 1897. Words with music, pp. [2-3]. Pictorial wrappers printed in green, back blank. Also, WAKE NOT, BUT HEAR ME, LOVE! (SLUMBER SONG). Com- poser: Pierre Mellarde (pseudonym of R. Price, Halesworth, Suf- folk, England). London, Weekes & Co., n.d. Words, "Slumber Song," p. [1]; music with words, pp. 2-5; Plate No. W. 5622. Deco- rative wrappers, compositions by "Mellarde" advertised on back, in- side front blank. * Another musical setting of "Tirzah's Serenade," by Rhys ap Rhys, a manu- script undated, is in Eagle Crest Library. fThis title was set to music by Henry Pettit, mentioned July 31, 1899 in cor- respondence now in Eagle Crest Library (published?). FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 335 1888 Life of Gen. Ben Harrison (Combined with TownsencTs Life of Levi P. Morton) LIFE OF I GEN. BEN HARRISON. | BY | GEN. LEW WALLACE, | Author of "BEN HUR." I ALSO, I LIFE OF HON. LEVI P. MORTON. | BY | GEORGE ALFRED TOWNSEND. | (GATH.) | [rule] | FULLY ILLUSTRATED. I [rule] I HUBBARD BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, | PHILADELPHIA, CHI- CAGO, KANSAS CITY; | GUERNSEY PUBLISHING CO., Boston; JAS. morris & co., Cincinnati; | perry publishing CO., Denver; A. L. Bancroft & co., | San Francisco. Collation: [i]-2i 8 , 22 6 , one unsigned sheet, 23-368, 37 2 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7% 6" x 7%", all edges trimmed. End paper; blank, pp. [1-2]*; frontispiece with tissue guard, in- serted; title-page, p. [3]; copyright notice dated 1888, p. [4]; Preface dated August 6, 1888, pp. 5-6; table of contents, pp. 7-12; list of illus- trations, pp. 13-14; divisional half-title, p. 15; blank, p. [16]; text, pp. 17-348; divisional half-title, p. 349; blank, p. [350]; Hon. Levi P. Morton, by George Alfred Townsend, pp. 351-438; Our Former Presi- dents, pp. 439-542; divisional half-title, p. 543; quotation from James A. Garfield, p. 544; citizens' handbook (so-named in table of contents), pp. 545-578; blank, pp. [579-580]*; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 17-348: Life of Gen. Ben Harrison, Chapters I- V (titled). The remainder of the book is not by Wallace, but consists of a biography of Levi P. Morton by George Alfred Townsend, fol- lowed by biographies of former Presidents, and by a Citizens Hand- hook Of Valuable Facts For Campaign Work (so named on divisional half-tide, p. 543)-t] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are 25 plates, pp. [25], [27], [31], [39], [45], [79], [183], [189], [197], [203], [213], [225], [231], [239], [247], [271], [273], [349], [351], * Pasted under lining paper in copies bound in partial morocco, and, partial russia leather. fA rebound copy of the book, in the New York Public Library, is catalogued under the tide, Presidential Campaign Lives. 336 LEW[IS] WALLACE [401], [439], [457], [533],* [545], [561]. The list of illustrations de- scribes them as facing these pages, and thus gives erroneous references. Binding: Gray mesh cloth.")" Front cover gilt-stamped: lives | of | [black-stamped on gilt-stamped panel:] harrison | and | morton [all the foregoing within a black-stamped design suggesting flowers grow- ing over a fence]. Spine gilt-stamped within similar black-stamped de- sign: lives I of I [black-stamped on gilt-stamped panel:] harrison | and I morton Back cover blank. End papers blue with floral design, on white; no binder's leaf, front or back. Publication Data: Published September 1, 1888 (The Indianap- olis Journal, this date, carries an advertisement of this volume of com- bined biographies as "just issued"^:). Deposited in the Copyright Of- fice, September 4, 1888. Price, $2.00 (subscription price of cloth-bound copies; half morocco, $2.50, and half russia, $3.00). Notes: Two different editions (this combination and the sepa- rate "life" of Harrison) were published simultaneously; see post 338- 340. The separate has been found only with Hubbard Brothers' im- print; the combination bears that of various publishing agencies in ad- dition to Hubbard; also, original title-page excised and a new one in- serted, i.e., Union Book Co., Indianapolis, and Winter & Co., Spring- field, Mass. A life of Hon. Whitelaw Reid replaced that of Levi P. Morton in a later edition, 1892, with copyright in name of J. Beale; Murat Hal- stead was co-author in place of George Alfred Townsend. The text of Harrison's biography was here extended to include accounts of his career as successful candidate for President, and nominee for second term; the revisions and extensions were slight. This 1892 edition appeared with various imprints and at least two variant titles. The issue with imprint of the Edgewood Publishing Co. (w.d.) is entitled: Life And Public Services \ Of \ Hon. Benjamin Har- rison I President Of The U. S. | With a Concise Biographical Sketch I Of I Hon. Whitelaw Reid \ Ex-Minister To Prance [tide-page con- tinues with each author's name and identification, and summary of the *A copy bound in 3 /4 (called "half") leather has the plate facing p. 533. fAlso, "half -morocco and half-russia" bindings with front cover stamping sim- ilar to the separate volume; spine with gilt ornamentation, lettered: harrison I AND I MORTON | WALLACE :{:Otner newspapers published reviews at this tme, the earliest noted being a clipping, identified by hand as from a Poughkeepsie, New York, newspajper, August 29, 1888, which indicates distribution of the book as a few days before September, but this paper describes the separate edition (see yost 338). FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 337 added articles]. Issues with imprint of the Franklin Publishing Co., Savannah, Ga., and J. K. Hastings, Boston, bear same title. A slightly different one was used by the Victory Publishing Co., Cincinnati: Life And Public Services | [rule] Of [rule] | Benjamin Harrison | President Of The U. S. I With a Choice Biographical Sketch \ [rule] Of [rule] I Hon. Whitelaw Reid, | Ex-Minister To France [title-page continues with differences, very minor, from the Edgewood issue]. The Edgewood copies are in two states of binding: one similar in gilt-stamped design and lettering to the earlier separate life of Harri- son (see post 338); the other has title on cover and spine within wreath of wheat-like design as on Victory Publishing Company's edition. Wallace is said to have contributed 15,000 words to his hastily as- sembled biography; the other 50,000 were either Harrison's own words or those of others, "from the record."* He prepared the book in Indi- anapolis, at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. A. H. Blair, who lived near General Harrison. f In a biographical sketch of his father, a manu- script in his hand among the Wallace Papers, there is mention of David Wallace's having known William Henry Harrison, and of the fact that his sons, William and Lewis "were warm advocates of the election of Benjamin Harrison .... In 1892 they were equally faithful. The good relation between the families seems to have become a thing of hered- ity." Lew Wallace's campaign speech, October 23, 1888, was published under the title, The Democratic Party and the Solid South, q.v. Mary Hannah Krout, in her reports to The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, July- November, 1888 (see ante 39), particularly on August 26th and No- vember 30th, made reference to Wallace's friendship with Harrison. The same newspaper, August 12, 1889, carried a story of Wallace's campaign efforts, and on June 3, 1892, published an interview under the caption, "General Lew Wallace on the Political Situation: Out- spoken for Harrison." On June 22, 1832, Harrison wrote Wallace thanking him for "years of devoted service" (letter in the Wallace Papers). * Figures from McKee, p. 231. fAccording to a contemporary newspaper account; clipping in Montgomery County Historical Society, in a scrapbook presented by Blair Taylor. 338 LEW[IS] WALLACE 1888 Life of Gen* Ben Harrison LIFE I OF I GEN. BEN HARRISON. | BY | LEW WALLACE, | AUTHOR OF "ben hur," "fair god," etc. I [rule] | illustrated. | [rule] | HUBBARD BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, | PHILADELPHIA, CHICAGO, KAN- SAS CITY, A. L. BANCROFT & CO., | SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Collation: [i] 6 (plus a cancel leaf), 2-22 8 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 4%", all edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice dated 1888, p. [2]; Publishers Preface, pp. [iii]-iv (cancel leaf); Preface by the author dated Au- gust 6, 1888, pp. 5-6; table of contents, pp. 7-9; blank, p. [10] (leaf following, conjugate of pp. [iii]-iv, excised, hence no pp. 11-12); list of illustrations, p. 13; blank, p. [14]; half-title, p. 15; blank, p. [16]; text, pp. 17-348; blank, pp. [349-350] (conjugate of pp. 337-338 pasted under the lining paper); end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 17-348: Life of Gen. Ben Harrison, Chapters I- V (titled).] Illustrations : Frontispiece portrait with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 26 (not 27 as stated in list of illustrations), 30 (not 31), 38 (not 39), 44 (not 45), 78 (not 79), 272 (not 273), and 344 (not 349). Rule below caption pp. [iii], 5, 7, and 13; rule above and below copyright notice p. [2], above and below half-title, p. 15. Binding: Dark blue mesh cloth over beveled boards. Front cover gilt-stamped: life | of | ben harrison | by the Author of [branch-like design below Life intercepted by the first two letters in Harrison and b in by] | ben hur* Spine gilt-stamped : [rule] | life | of | harrison [title intercepts a branch-like design] | [rule] | Wallace | [rule]. Back cover blank. End papers orange, floral design, on white; binder's leaf in front, none in back. *In 1888 hundreds knew Lew Wallace as the author of Ben-Hur to one who knew him as a political or military figure, it has been suggested by James Ford Rhodes in The History of the United States from Hayes to McKinley (1919), p. 320, hence the publishers' indirect identification of the author of this biogra- phy on the front cover; Wallace appears on spine. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 339 Publication Data : See Notes. Notes: This Life of Gen. Ben Harrison presents some biblio- graphical problems. It appeared both separately, in the volume above- described, and in combination with George Alfred Townsend's "Life of Hon. Levi P. Morton/' Which volume was first on the market? The plan, certainly, was for the combined biographies of Harrison and Mor- ton, the nominees for Presidency of the United States and Vice- Presidency. A title-page mailed to the Copyright Office, July 5, 1888, is that of the combination volume, as were the books deposited there September 4th, and the earliest advertisement located, a bookseller's, in The Indianapolis Journal, September 1, 1888, announces the book with combination title as "just issued." Again, it is the only issue men- tioned in the first Publishers Weekly listing, September 22nd. On the other hand contemporary reviews as early as August 29th gave the single title with statement of the book's length as 348 pages. Both, then, were ready by September 1st. The fact that Wallace had contracted with Hubbard Brothers, Philadelphia, to write a campaign life of General Harrison, was sub- ject of an editorial in The Crawfordsville Journal, July 7, 1888, where it was announced for publication about August 1st.* The Indianapolis Journal, August 6, 1888, quoted extracts from the unpublished book and mentioned that it would probably be ready by the 1 5th of August. That it was the end of August or first day of September before it reached the public is indicated by the September 1st advertisement. Wallace's autobiography (completed after his death) merely states that "The Life of Harrison' was published as a campaign document in i888.f The volume containing the separate Harrison biography shows signs of hasty adaptation from the combined biographies, with a new title-page and reset table of contents and list of illustrations, but from half-title to p. 348 the sheets are the same. This is as one would expect; *On July 9, 1888, Robert A. Reid of J. A. and R. A. Reid, Publishers, Provi- dence, R. I., wrote Harrison that they had a biography of him "largely in type now"; they wanted him to recommend a friend to check it. "We shall publish several editions both by subscriptions and for sale through the country." Evidendy Harrison stopped it, for no record has been located except the letter above-quoted, in Benjamin Harrison Papers, Vol. 33, No. 6990-6992. fGeorge Alfred Townsend, author of the Morton biography, reported a con- versation with Wallace regarding the latter' s terms of consent when asked by the publisher to write the campaign life of Harrison, not mentioning his own con- nection with the enterprise. The report was published over Townsend's pseu- donym, "Gath," as a "Boston letter" in the Cincinnati Enquirer, reprinted in The Indianapolis Journal, August 6, 1888. 34o LEW[IS] WALLACE the curious circumstance is that the separate contains a "Publisher's Preface," a cancel leaf whose wording proves it intended for the Harrison-Morton combine, but only to be found in the separate edition. For the combination volume and further notes, see ante 335-337. 1889 (Published 1888) The Boyhood of Christ the [yellow outlined in black within yellow floral design] I boy- hood I of I christ [yellow, outlined in black] | by I lew Wallace I Author of "Ben Hur" and "The Fair God" | illustrated [yel- low] I NEW YORK I HARPER & BROTHERS FRANKLIN SQUARE, [yellow] I 1889 Collation: [*] 2 , [i]~9 4 . White heavy wove paper, calendered. Leaf measures 10%" (full) x 8", all edges gilt. End paper; binder's leaf; fly title, p. [1] (its conjugate the title- page); blank, p. [2]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [3]; copyright notice dated 1888, and statement: All rights reserved, p. [4]; dedication, to The Soul Of My Mother . . . ,p. [5]; blank, p. [6]; Preface dated June, 1888, p. [7]; blank, p. [8]; list of illustrations, p. [9]; blank, p. [10]; quotation, p. [11]; blank, p. [ 1 2] ; text, pp. [15]- 101 (should be [131-99); blank, pp. [100-102]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: Inserted plates are figured in the pagination; see Illustra- tions. For text see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with printed tissue guard, inserted; thirteen plates with printed tissue guards are inserted, but figured in the pagination; they are engravings from various artists. Dedication within single rule box; rule below running head on each page of text; illuminated initial, p. [15]. Binding : Smooth dark blue leather. Front cover gilt-stamped; let- tered within ornamental design of scrolls and thorns : the boyhood of christ I by I lew Wallace [all elaborately boxed]. Spine gilt-stamped: [ornamental border, similar to box design on front cover] | [ornamen- tal parallel rule box containing the author's name:] lew | Wallace | [ornamental parallel rule box containing:] [floral ornament] | [rule] \ FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 341 the I boyhood | of | Christ | [ornament] | [parallel rule box contain- ing:] harper I brothers | [ornamental border]. Back cover gilt- stamped with star in upper right, design of a cross, shepherd's crook, flowers, and scroll at left; all boxed as on front cover. End papers same as book stock; binder's leaf front and back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office, Novem- ber 17, 1888. Listed in The Publishers Weekly, December 1, 1888. Price, $3.50. "More than 10,000 copies were sold."* Notes: First edition as collated.! The same publishers reissued it with date changed to 1893, to 1900, to 1901; then with date dropped from title-page. Their "new edition" appeared in 1909. A cheaper edition, for the British market, was issued by James R. Osgood, Mcllvaine & Co., London, November, 1892. It has been suggested that Wallace's mouthpiece in the book, "Uncle Midas," was a self-portrait.:]: Contents: The Boyhood of Christ, previously in Harper's [Monthly] Magazine, December, 1886. 1893 The Prince of India THE PRINCE OF INDIA | OR | WHY CONSTANTINOPLE FELL | BY | LEW WALLACE | AUTHOR OF "bEN-HUr" "THE BOYHOOD OF CHRIST" I "the fair god" etc., etc. | [quotation, 8 lines] | longfellow | VOL. I. [il.] I NEW YORK | HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS | 1 893 Collation: Vol. I: [i]-[3]~32 8 (signed on fifth leaf); Vol. II: [ I ]-35 8 » 36 4 , 37 8 (signed on first leaf). White wove paper. Leaf meas- ures 6%" x 4%", all edges trimmed. Vol. I: End paper; blank, pp. [1-2]; title-page, p. [i]; copyright no- tice dated 1893, and statement: All rights reserved., p. [ii]; table of contents, pp. [iii]-v; blank, p. [vi]; divisional half-title, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. [31-502; blank, pp. [503-504]; end paper. Vol. II: End paper; title-page, p. [i]; copyright notice dated 1893, *McKee, p. 224. tNo copy located with 1888 date on tide-page, erroneously noted in Merle Johnson's American First Editions (1942). ^McKee, p. 223. 342 LEW[IS] WALLACE and statement: All rights reserved., p. [ii]; table of contents, pp. [iii]- v; blank, p. [vi]; divisional half-title, p. [i]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. [3]- 578; end paper. [Note: Text, Vol. I, pp. [31-502; Vol. II, [31-578: The Prince of India, Books I-VI (titled).] Binding: Blue coarse mesh cloth. Front cover bears a red-stamped rosary* hooked over a silver-stamped crescent, a silver-stamped star be- ing within the crescent, and looped around a red-stamped cross formed, the crucifix blind-stamped; bears book title gilt-stamped: the | prince of I India Spine gilt-stamped: the | prince | of | india | [rule] Wallace I 1. [h.] I harpers Back cover blank. End papers white laid; no binder's leaf front or back. [Note: For comment on other bindings see Publication Data.] Publication Data : Deposited in the Copyright Office August 26, 1893 (there are two earlier records in the Copyright Office of title regis- tration : February 7 and May 18, 1893). A review in The Independent, September 7, 1893, was written by Maurice Thompson,")* but is un- signed. Price, cloth, $2.50 (advertised at $1.90 by an Indianapolis book- store); half-leather $4.00; % leather, $5.00; % calf, $6.00. A binding of % crushed Levant, $8.00, boxed, was mentioned in October advertise- ments. Notes : First edition as collated. No illustrations. No dedication.t The second issue had a dedication added, to David Wallace, the au- thor's father, and had numerous corrections: State 1: No dedication Volume I : Page 62, line 4, tints (later, tents) Page 89, 1 st line, your (later, thy) Page [123], 4th line from bottom, no comma after wonderful or rare (later, commas added) Page 126, 132, 204, Gul Bahar (later, hyphenated) *No copy of the first edition has been located with rosary other than red- stamped, though Merle Johnson's American First Editions, revised by Jacob Blanck (1942), by its mention of the color as a mark of "probable first cloth bind* ing," intimates that another color was used. fAccording to a note on a clipping in the Wallace Papers, Eagle Crest Library. ^Wallace wanted to dedicate this novel to Abdul-Hamid II, Sultan of Turkey, and requested permission through the Turkish Minister, January, 1893 (see McKee, p. 239); no acknowledgment of the request arrived, so the book was let come from the press without dedication. The second edition had one present, to David Wallace. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 343 Page 165, Hilarion's letter dated 3d June, 1452 (later, 20th April, 1451) Page 170, line 23, Kameses (later, Kamares) Page 349, lines 23-24, Bible in Hebrew, copied from (later, Bible, copied in 'part from) Page 356, line 17, this (later, his) Page 369, end of second paragraph, Porphyrogentes (later, Porphyrogeniti) Page 405, passage relating to Father Theophilus (re- garded as abrupt, so considerably altered, but us- ing same amount of space) Page 458, last line, from the Son (later, from the Father) Page 459, line 2, first word Son (later, Father) Page 486, 7th line from bottom, passengers (later, passenger) Page 490, line 21, noumia (later, noumiae; italics, all issues) Volume II:* Page 4, line 4, Princess's (later, Princess') Page 12, 8th line from bottom, Irene (later, Irene) Page 85, 86, 94, 105, 106 (twice), 107, 109, 164, 171, 173, Gul Bahar (later hyphenated) Page 183, 1st paragraph, line 3, early in the morning (later, early in the second morning) Page 190, line 12, o in to not aligned (later cor- rected) Page 197, line 14, sat (later, set) Page 204, line 13, epxlored (later, explored) Page 275, 3rd line from bottom, A (later, At, and 2 lines reset) Page 328, 2nd paragraph, leavened (later, un- leavened) Page 350, line 10, noumias (later, noumiae) Page 363, line 12, Magesty (later, Majesty) Page 403, line 16, Asometon (later, Asomaton) Page 424, line 22, Cerco Portae (later, Cercoporta) Page 454, line 14, ire (later, pre) *Some bad type in this volume, notably on pp. 156, 294, 336, and 505, is found in many of the first issue copies, even the earliest ones, inscribed by the author. 344 LEW[IS] WALLACE Page 499, 4th line from bottom, house led (later, houseled*) State 2 : Dedication present, dated May 20, 1 893 Date on title-page, as in State 1 Corrections within text, as above indicated. The second issue was in press September 29, 1893, very soon after first publication. Some copies of the book were offered by the Bowen- Merrill bookstore, December, 1893, as an Author's Autograph Edition, with added portrait and autograph. For use in a "second edition" Wallace suggested, December, 1 893, a reproduction of his ink drawing of the city of Constantinople, the one he had used as his first step in writing the story,* but the idea was evi- dently rejected; it did not appear. A resume of about 350 words was written by Wallace for Harpers to send to European publishers; he mailed a manuscript copy to them on March 4, 1893, ana * ^ probably was printed as a circular or letter, but no copy has been located. The author had made an early suggestion, March, 1893, tnat a one " volume edition be published by Harpers.f None appeared until 191 1, and Grosset & Dunlap reprinted it. Sears, Roebuck & Company issued their cheap edition in 191 3. Harpers republished the book in 1921. A German translation by E. Albert Witte was published by F. E. Fehsenfeld, Freiburg, Germany, in 1894, unauthorized. A Danish translation was reported in the Davenport, Iowa, Democrat, Febru- ary 4, 1894. Wallace's own account of the book's origin as written at President Garfield's urging when he appointed him Minister to Turkey (he did gather his material there and begin writing September, 1886, soon after the end of his service) was printed in Harper's Weekly, August 19, 1893, an d frequently requoted in magazines and newspapers. Earlier, The Louisville Courier Journal, May 26, 1887, carried the story told by T. M. Nichol : " 'Ben Hur' Did It. How General Lew Wallace Was Given the Turkish Mission." An unpublished letter from the author to Whitelaw Reid, March 27, 1 891, in the Wallace Papers, shows that he had hoped to be invited back to Constantinople by the Sultan of Tur- key to finish the writing of his book without taking office or entering service, civil or military. Accounts of the book's reception are to be found in McKee, pp. *Correspondence in Eagle Crest Library. tfbid. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 345 242-245. During the six months following publication 100,000 copies were sold/ Lew Wallace's conception of the Wandering Jew was explained by him in an introduction written for a new edition of Salathiel; it differed from George Croly's (see Tarry Thou Till 1 Come, fost 392). A mention of the emerald which was woven into Wallace's story ap- pears in Edwin A. Grosvenor's Constantinople (1895), Vol. 2, p. 730: of its deposit in the Seraglio's Hazneh (Treasure House). Wallace wrote the introduction for Grosvenor's historical work. A "Prince of India March," by C. R. Hodge, dedicated to Lew Wal- lace, was published in Indianapolis by N. W. Bryant & Company, 1895; it consisted of music for the piano without words. "The Prince of India," dramatized by J. I. C. Clarke in 1904 and produced by Klaw & Erlanger, was first played at the Colonial Theatre in Chicago, February 5, 1906.! It opened in New York on Septem- ber 24th of the same year; came to Indianapolis January 14, 1907. The novel that Wallace had outlined in his mind as a sequel was never written; the plan was that the Wandering Jew ("The Prince of India") "should go from Constantinople to the Court of Spain, and sail with Columbus in search of a new world ..." J 1898 (Published 1897) The Wooing of Malkatoon The Wooing | of Malkatoon [foregoing in red] I [rule] I Commo- dus [red] | By Lew. Wallace I illustrations by I Du Mond & Weguelin | [publishers' emblem] | [rule] | new york and London I HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS [red] | 1 898 [Note: The foregoing is within double rule box.] Collation: [*] 4 , [i]-[6]-io 8 , u 6 . White laid paper, water- marked with publishers' emblem. Leaf measures 8%" x 5%" (full), top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. *Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 1000. See also The Pub- lishers' Weekly, January 27, 1894, p. 165, for story of the book's popularity. tThe play's manuscript bears date May, 1904, not 1894 as stated by McKee, p. 272. %Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 1002. 346 LEW[IS] WALLACE End paper; blank, pp. [i-ii]; frontispiece with tissue guard, in- serted; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notices with final date 1897, and statement: All rights reserved., p. [iv]; table of contents, p. [v]; blank, p. [vij; list of illustrations, p. [vii]; blank, p. [yiii]; divisional half-title, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. 3~[8o]; divisional half-title, p. [81]; blank, p. [82]; text, pp. 83— [168]; list of books by Wallace, p. [169]; blank, pp. [170-172]; end paper. [Note: Text, pp. 3~(8o): The Wooing of Malkatoon; pp. 83- (168): Commodus.] Illustrations : Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted. Also in- serted are full-page plates facing pp. 4, 12, 20, 58, 74, 98, 114, 120, 132, 156, 166; done by Frank Vincent Du Mond and John Remhard Weguelin. Binding: Light green silk-finished mesh cloth. Title gilt-stamped within a mosaic design stamped in dark green, orange, and silver* : the wooing I of I malkatoon | [rule] | commodus [the douhle O's inter- linked, all O's underlined; the mosaic forms a 'panel within which is gilt-stamped:] lew. Wallace Spine bears decorations similar to front cover, the title, author's name, and publishers' imprint gilt-stamped within panels formed by silver mosaics: [mosaic design, stamped in dark green, orange, and silver] | the wooing | of | malkatoon | [rule] I commodus [all douhle O's interlinked, all O's underlined] | [mosaic design, stamped in dark green, orange, and silver] | lew. | Wallace | [mosaic rule in silver] \ [mosaic ornament stamped in dark green ana orange] harpers [mosaic ornament stamped in dark green and orange] I [mosaic rule in silver]. Back cover blank except for mosaic box stamped in dark green, orange, and silver. End papers same as book stock; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office Novem- ber 24, 1897. Published December, 1897.! Earliest review noted: Har- per's New Monthly Magazine, December 1897, Supplement 2, and The Indianapolis Journal, January 3, 1898. Price, $2.50. Notes : First printing of The Wooing of Malkatoon in book form; Commodus had appeared earlier in separate pamphlet form {ante 314). A later issue (December, 1898?) has leaf trimmed to 8%" x 5%", *The copyright deposit copies have the design in silver, but lack other colored stamping; evidently sent in advance of publication. t Wallace asked the publishers, on December 16th, for "a couple of the vol- umes (Malkatoon) in choisest [sic] binding, one of them to be sent to the Sultan of Turkey."— Correspondence, in Eagle Crest Library. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 347 all edges trimmed, top ungilded. It is bound in similar cloth but stamped in orange instead of gilt, and white instead of silver; back cover blank. A page of the manuscript (p. 47, lines 1 537-1 571), was printed in facsimile in Our Day, February, 1898, p. 59. On May 2, 1898, The Missouri School for the Blind, St. Louis, wrote Wallace, asking permission to reprint the poem in Braille. 1899 The First Christmas [Parallel rule] | the first | Christmas | from "ben-hur" | [paral- lel rule] I By Lew. Wallace | ['parallel rule] | [publishers' emblem] I [parallel rule] | new york and London | harper & brothers | [parallel rule] | mdcccxclx | [parallel rule] [Note : Text of title-page and publishers' emblem in blue; the black rules are supplemented by a vertical one at each side which makes the whole appear boxed.] Collation: A-I 8 (plus one inserted sheet of plate paper in first signature; all lettered on recto of fifth leaf), [J] 4 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 6%" (full) x 3%", top edge blue, other edges un- trimmed. End paper; acknowledgment of story as part of Ben-Hur with new introduction, verso blank; frontispiece, inserted; title-page, with verso bearing copyright notice with final date 1 899, and statement : All rights reserved., (on plate paper, its conjugate the acknowledgment leaf that follows end paper); dedication: To All The \ Sunday-School Scholars I In The World, p. [i]; blank, p. fii]; Preface, pp. v-ix (should be iii-vii); blank, p. [viii]; text, pp. i-[i4o]; list of Little Books by Famous Writers, p. [141]; blank, pp. [142-144]; end paper. [Note: For text, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece from a photograph of Jerusalem, in- serted. Binding: Teal blue silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover silver- stamped: The I First | Christmas [ m ends in a curlicue which forms an ornament below] | Lew Wallace [double 1 intertwined at top, first 1 ending in a curlicue which forms an ornament below; all appears 348 LEW[IS] WALLACE within an ornamental border which is within a single rule box]. Spine silver-stamped : The | First I Christ- | mas [s ends in a curlicue which forms an ornament helow] j Wallace | Harpers Back cover same as front. End papers same as book stock; no binders leaf front or back. Publication Data: Published October 10, 1899; deposited in the Copyright Office, November 18th. Price, 50^. Notes : Part of a series of ten Little Books hy Famous Authors, uni- formly bound; this is the only Lew Wallace title. Harpers reissued it in 1902 with illustrations from drawings by William Martin Johnson and from photographs. The other excerpt from Ben-Hur published by Harpers as a sepa- rate book, in 1908, The Chariot-Race, contained no original writing (see ante 326). Contents: Only the preface, five pages, is original writing*; the text, pp. i-[i4o], is from Ben-Hur (1880), Book One. I906 Autobiography LEW WALLACE | AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY | ILLUSTRATED | VOL. I [il] | [publishers' emblem] | new york and London | harper & broth- ers PUBLISHERS I MCMVI Collation: Vol. I: One unsigned sheet, 1-32 8 . Vol. II: [i]~34 8 (Sig. 2 in this second volume numbered 33 on recto of fourth leaf, 3 numbered 34, 14 numbered 45, 33 numbered 64, 34 numbered 65). White wove paper. Leaf in Vol. 1 measures 8% 6 " x 5%"; in Vol. II, 8y 8 " x 5%"; in both, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. Vol. I: End paper; title-page, p. [i]; copyright notice dated 1906, statements: All rights reserved., and Published October, 1906., p. [ii]; table of contents, pp. iii— [x]; list of illustrations, p. [xi]; blank, p. [xii]; half-title, p. [xiii]; blank, p. [xiv]; text, pp. i-[502]; end paper. Vol. II: End paper; title-page, p. [i]; copyright notice dated 1906, ^Wallace's own account of the origin of Ben-Hur, herein told, is commented on by McKee, p. 16711, as not corresponding with evidence in an unpublished letter to Agnes Wallace (quoted on p. 165), that the plot of the story had pro- gressed beyond the "First Christmas" as early as November, 1874. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 349 statements: All rights reserved., and Published October, 1906., p. [ii]; table of contents, pp. iii-vii; blank, p. [viii]; list of illustrations, p. [ix]; blank, p. [x]; half-title, p. [xi]; blank, p. [xii]; text, pp. 503~[ioo3]; blank, p. [1004]; index, pp. ioo5~[io28]; blank, pp. [1 029-1 034]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. i-(ioo3), see Contents.] Illustrations: Vol. I: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are illustrations facing pp. 8, 208, and 436. Sketches by Wallace appear on pp. 1 5 and 20. Within the text are some maps, diagrams, etc. Vol. II : Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are illustrations facing pp. 884, 968, and 992. Text includes maps, diagrams, etc. Binding: Dark blue ribbed cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped: lew WALLACE I AN | AUTOBIOGRAPHY Spine gilt-Stamped : LEW I WALLACE I AN I AUTOBIOGRAPHY | VOL. I. [ii.] | HARPERS Back COVd blank. End papers white wove; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data : Deposited in the Copyright Office October 25, 1906. Earliest review noted: The Indianapolis News, October 24, 1906. Price, $5.00. Notes : First edition as collated; bears statement on copyright page of each volume: Published October, 1906. A limited edition of 250 numbered copies was issued in boards with cloth shelfback, paper labels on spine, with a photogravure portrait of Wallace in first volume and his autograph, thus explained : "This being a posthumous publica- tion, the autographs have been cut from various letters and checks sup- plied by Mrs. Wallace." The book appeared in 19 16 in light blue mesh cloth, black-stamped, with leaf trimmed to 8" x 5 % 6 "; all edges are trimmed and top un- gilded. Susan E. Wallace's statement regarding the completion of the auto- biography appears in Vol. II, p. 796: "And here the Autobiography ends. What follows must be a plain record of facts without attempt at polish or effect. "Whatever merit it may have belongs to my friend, Mary H. Krout, whose careful work has made this continuation possible." Excerpts from the autobiography have been frequently quoted in histories of the Mexican and Civil Wars. Contents: An Autobiography: Vol. I [Chapters] I-LV; Vol. II, LVI-LXXIV, concluding with the statement by Susan E. Wallace on p. 796. Wallace wrote his memoirs to July, 1 864, only; the book con- tinues with Part II which consists mostly of reports and letters by Lew 35o LEW[IS] WALLACE Wallace, but selected by Mrs. Wallace and Mary H. Krout. The letter to members of the Board of (Florida) State Canvassers, January 19, 1877, printed on p. 908, had earlier publication in the Tallahassee Sentinel, and was reprinted in The Crawfordsville Journal, Febru- ary 3, 1877, as we U as m other newspapers (see post 399 for uncollected contributions to The Indianapolis Journal and New York Tribune, 1 876, and The Cincinnati Commerical, 1 877, which are contemporary accounts by Wallace of the Hayes' electoral vote count; see also post 373 for his testimony before the Potter Committee in 1878). On p. 926, there appears a selection without title, earlier in Youth's Companion, February 2, 1893, as "How I Came to Write Ben-Hur"; and, on p. 991, his address to Cadets at the United States Military Academy, earlier in Harper's Weekly, June 23, 1894, and in newspapers of the period.* The letter from Wallace to his son, Henry, February 14, 1885, about his gift of a dog to the Sultan of Turkey, in Vol. II, Part II, p. 979, is acknowledged as printed in The Ladies' Home Journal, but unlocated therein. His letter to President Porfirio Diaz of Mexico, August 15, 1889, published in Vol. II, Part II, pp. 843, 862, had appeared in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, August 27, 1889; his letter to the editor of the Cincinnati Commercial, March 23, 1870, denying ownership of Mex- ican bonds, appeared contemporaneously in that newspaper. Part of his speech of July 4, 1866, Vol. II, p. 860, had earlier appear- ances in print (see post 370). A selection from the Autobiography, Vol. I, p. 254, appeared in Werners Readings and Recitations, No. 45, Lincoln Celebrations, Fart 1 (1910), "Lew Wallace at the Lincoln-Douglas Debate." *Clippings examined lack identification. First Editions — Ephemera 1861 Civil War broadside war! war!! I [double rule] | one hundred volunteers | wanted. I [double rule] | The President of the United States having called | out the Militia to the number of 7[5?],ooo, and Six Regiments be- ing re- 1 quired from Indiana for | immediate service, | An oppor- tunity is now offered to Volunteer in defense of the | union and the government. Those who are willing to de- | fend the Stars and Stripes will call at the | guards' armory | In Crawfordsville, where the books are now open. Rally to the Flag | of our Country! | ("locomotive" job print— crawfordsville.) Lew Wallace. Printed in bold face, with squared commas and periods, on one side only of a sheet of white wove paper, 14%" x 10%" (scant). The numeral after the seven in the number of thousands called for to enlist is torn out in the only copy located, preserved in a frame in the Wallace Study, Crawfordsville, but 75,000 was the total required. This is only one of the handbills sent out by Wallace immediately after President Lincoln's proclamation of a need for troops to put down the rebellion. One that is phrased similarly is reproduced in McKee, p. 34. They are part of the "productive work" which Lew Wallace be- gan in his office as adjutant general of Indiana on Monday morning, April 15, 1 86 1. For published orders and letters issued by Wallace in April, 1861, see (Indiana) State Sentinel and The Indianapolis Journal, in the section beginning fost 399. 35i 352 LEW[IS] WALLACE 1863 The Stolen Stars the I [row of 11 stars] | stolen stars. | [6 stars] or [6 stars] | Good old Father Washington, [row of 11 stars] | [rule dividing a shield, on which foregoing is printed; the following, helow, over stripes:] WRITTEN BY | GEN. LEW. WALLACE. | MUSIC ADAPTED & ARRANGED by I r. Hastings. I [below the shield and within a star:] 3 | Pub- lished. I Cincinnati, a. c. peters & bro: — j. l. peters & bro: St. Louis. I 3639 [Note : Printed on the cover, on an inlaid panel measuring 10%" x 7 15 /ie"-] Collation: A single sheet folded to make 4 pages, with a leaf loosely inserted. White wove paper. Leaf measures i^Yie" x IO %"> a ll edges trimmed. Front cover, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text: words, and music, pp. 3-4 (acknowledgement to Harper & Bros., plate number 3639.4, and copy- right notice dated 1863, at foot of p. 3; brief title and plate number at foot of p. 4); words, with statement at foot regarding origin of the bal- lad, brief title, and plate number, p. 5; blank, p. [6]. [Note: For text, pp. 3-5, see Contents.] Illustrations: Front cover decorated with a patriotic shield de- sign. Notes : The note at foot of p. 5 describes the origin of this piece of sheet music : "At a dinner, at which were present Major-General Lewis Wallace, Thomas Buchanan Reed [Read], and James E. Murdoch, a conversation sprung up respecting ballads for soldiers. The General maintained that hardly one had been written suited for the camp. It was agreed that each of them should write one. The above is that by General Wallace." The verses without music appeared as a broadside, with red and green decorations, issued for the Great Western Sanitary Fair in Cin- cinnati, which opened December 21, 1863, and continued through the holidays. Another separate reprint has been reported as issued in Nashville, 1863.* *McKee,p. 281. FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 353 Contents : The Stolen Stars, earlier a poem in Harper's Weekly, August 22, 1863. 1875 Military Record general Wallace's | military record. | [decorative rule] I The Badeau Libel— Full and Complete Vindica- | tion over the Signa- ture of General Grant. I [text, double-columned] [Note: Caption title; no title-page.] Collation : Pamphlet, 8 pages, unbound. White wove paper. Leaf measures 9%" x 5%", edges untrimmed. Title and text, p. [ 1 ] ; text, continued, pp. 2-8. [For text, pp. (i)-8, see Contents.] Notes : Issued without binding, folded. Two copies were filed as 6198, A. G. O., 1875, Enclosure 2, in the War Office, with a letter of December 7, 1875, transmitting them (for more details see post 376, [17. S. War Department] Correspondence, Etc., on the Subject of the Records of the Rebellion, and Exhibiting the Rules Governing the Same [1883]). With the copies of the Wallace Military Record was filed, too, Col. Charles Whittlesey's pamphlet entitled, General Wal- lace's Division— Battle of Shiloh—Was It Tardy? (1875). Wallace prepared this piece as a response to criticism in Col. Adam Badeau's "Life of Grant" in The Chicago Tribune, December 25, 1867,* and to General Grant's suggestion that he publish the letters exonerating his conduct of April 6, 1862, at the battle of Pittsburg Landing. That Badeau's Life of Grant seemed to him to be unjust is further apparent from a newspaper account (published ca. 1884, but the clip- ping in the Wallace Papers lacks identification except for a note: "J. H. Woodard's Enquirer Letter") quoting marginal comments writ- ten by him in a copy of the book located at the time in Washington; the copy has not yet come to light, however. For Wallace's story of the battle and its aftermath see also his Auto- biography, pp. 459-580; his report in The War of the Rebellion, *The Badeau biography was evidently syndicated and published in many newspapers at this time. 354 LEW[IS] WALLACE Series I, Vol. X, Part i (1884), P« ^9; tne Address of Gen. Lew Wal- lace at the Dedication of Indiana's Monuments on the Battlefield of Shiloh (1903); and his article, "My Own Account of the First Day at Shiloh" in Afpletoris Booklovers Magazine, January, 1906. Benson J. Lossing's Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States of America, 3 volumes (1 866-1 868), contains many references to Wallace, and Vol. 2 (1868), p. 262W, prints part of a letter written by him to Lossing, describing the movement of the army up the river. Contents: Letter to General U. S. Grant, February 29, 1868. The other letters that constitute the text are written to and about him, from Col. James R. Ross, Col. J. A. Strickland, Brig.-Gen. G. F. McGinnis, Col. Fred. Knefler, Capt. Ad. Ware, Jr., and Brig.-Gen. John M. Thayer, concluding with General Grant's letter of March 10, 1868. These letters were all published in a newspaper (The Chicago Trib- une?^), but the clipping examined lacks identification and date; neces- sarily after June 24, 1 868, the date of the latest letter in the group. 1878 New Mexico Proclamation by the Governor. | [double rule] | [text] Single sheet of white wove paper, 10" x 8", all edges trimmed. Printed on one side only, double-columned. Text at left in English, dated at end: Done at the city of Santa | Fe, this 13th day of Nov- ember, A [no period] D. 1878. | Lewis Wallace, [name in upper case] By the Governor, | W. G. Ritch, | Secretary. Repeated in Spanish at right. This is a proclamation declaring that "the disorders lately prevalent in Lincoln County . . . have been happily brought to an end," and ex- tending amnesty to residents and to Army officers in the county. It ap- peared in the Rocky Mountain Sentinel (Santa Fe), November 14, 1 878, and in other newspapers of the region (in the Mesilla Independ- ent as late as November 23, 1878). The Weekly New Mexican (Santa Fe), November 23, 1878, pub- lished his proclamation designating November 28th as a day for Thanksgiving to God. It was President Rutherford B. Hayes, not Governor Wallace, who had issued the proclamation warning all citizens against participating FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 355 in the "Lincoln County War," published in The Weekly New Mex- ican, October 12, 1878. Some years later Wallace's letters to President Hayes from New Mexico were published in The New England Quar- terly, March, 1942 (see post 413). Wallace's request of October 26, 1878, to General Hatch to dis- patch troops to Fort Stanton was possibly published in the Rocky Mountain Sentinel or other regional newspapers, not yet located. It exists in manuscript form in the Wallace Papers. His letter to the same, December 7, 1878, requesting removal of Lieut. Col. N. A. M. Dudley, appeared in The Mesilla News, March 22, 1879, and in The Western- ers Brand Book (1949); see post 397. A letter from Wallace to "Billy the Kid [William H. Bonney]," March 1 5, 1 879, was first published in Pat F. Garrett's Authentic Life of Billy the Kid, edited by Maurice G. Fulton (1927), in facsimile, fac- ing p. 116, and transcribed, p. 123. On March 19, 1879, Wallace offered a reward of $1,000 for cap- ture of two men, Evans and Campbell, who escaped from Fort Stanton, according to a handwritten order (manuscript, a letter, in Wallace Papers) to Capt. Juan Patron; probably not published. The Denver Tribune in the spring of 1879 (April 9th?) evidently printed a charge that Wallace had reported New Mexico to be over- run by thieves and murderers, and he in reply asserted that he referred only to conditions in Lincoln County, but this not yet located. Wallace referred to the matter as having received widespread publicity, in a letter to Schurz, May 5, 1879/ The Mesilla (New Mexico) News, May 1 7, 1 879, published 'Wal- lace's Orders While in Command at Fort Stanton," about Lincoln County troubles, addressed to U. S. Army officials. The captain of the Post, on May 21, 1879, sent a letter of apology to the Governor for these letters having come into the hands of the newspaper and been made publicf Wallace's testimony during five days on the witness stand in the trial of Colonel Dudley, May, 1879, was referred to but not published in The Mesilla News, May 24, 1 879. Dispatches from Wallace, at Santa Fe, September 17, 1879 (two so-dated) and September 20th, about Indian troubles, addressed to S. M. Ashenfelter, Silver City, New Mexico, appeared in the Santa Fe Weekly New Mexican, September 20, 1879. * Letter in Wallace Papers. ilbid. 356 LEW[IS] WALLACE For Wallace's "Report of the Governor of New Mexico," Septem- ber 23, 1879, see post 359. A speech delivered at Silver City near the end of October, 1879, calling for troops to exterminate roving Apaches is mentioned in Mc- Kee*; possibly quoted in a contemporary newspaper, more likely un- published or only briefly reviewed. The "Governor's Message to the Legislative Assembly of New Mexico," January 8, 1880, appeared in The Weekly New Mexican, January 10, 1880, also in pamphlet form with English, and, Spanish text (see post 360). Two telegrams from Wallace to Carl Schurz, January 16 and 19, 1880, about Indian troubles, were published in a regional newspaper (New Mexico? Colorado?) on February 5, i88o.f Wallace's reward notice of December 13, 1880, for the capture of William H. Bonney (Billy the Kid) was mentioned in The Daily New Mexican (Santa Fe), December 14, 1880, printed in the Las Vegas Gazette, December 24, 1880; offer renewed and printed May 4, 1881, in The Daily New Mexican.^ His letter to Frederick W. Pitkin, Governor of Colorado, May 28, 1 88 1, about oudaws operating on the border line between Colorado and the Territory of New Mexico, appeared in The Daily New Mex- ican, May 29, 1 88 1. The New Mexican period is described (in slight detail only) in Lew Wallace: An Autobiography (1906), Vol. II, pp. 912-925, mainly in letters quoted. The only mention here of Billy the Kid is in Susan's words, in her letter to their son, Henry L. Wallace, May 11, 1879 (p. 921). A sensational story in The (New York) World, June 8, 1902, had claimed contents to be copied and compiled for the Sunday World Magazine "from the advance sheets of Gen. Wallace's book [autobiog- raphy]," and was captioned: "General Lew Wallace Writes a Romance of 'Billy the Kid' Most Famous Bandit of the Plains." If true, the fact remains that no such manuscript was preserved in the Wallace Papers, nor was any part of it included in the Autobiography published four years later. The World story has been frequently quoted in accounts of Wallace and Bonney, to large extent in McKee's "Ben-Hur" Wallace (1947). In the article Wallace is quoted as saying that a letter from *McKee, p. 157. •{•Unidentified clipping in Wallace Papers. ^Was the renewal published in April, 1881, after Bonney's break from jail? The Santa Fe Publishing Company, which printed both the daily and weekly New Mexican, billed Wallace for an "advt ( 1 in) Reward for 'Kid' " on April 26 (the bill, receipted May 20, 1881, is in the Wallace Papers). FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 357 him to Bonney, with a narrative of the circumstances connected with it, was given "to the paper published in the town [where Bonney was jailed]. It was duly printed and upon its appearance a copy was sent to 'Billy' in his cell. ,, This would have been March of 1881, but no such publication has been found. The letter from him to Bonney, referred to, is probably the one of March 15, 1879, which, with Bonney 's reply, appeared in facsimile in Maurice Garland Fulton's edition of Pat F. Garrett's Authentic Life of Billy the Kid (1927); again in Henry F. Hoyt's A Frontier Doctor (1929).* A facsimile of the death warrant of William H. Bonney (Billy the Kid), May 30, 1881, written in Wallace's hand, addressed to the Sher- iff of Lincoln County, New Mexico, was published in Frontier Fighter: The Autobiography of George W. Coe . . . (1934); see post 396. A letter about his writing "Ben-Hur" in the Governor's Palace at Santa Fe, addressed to A. J. Wissler, May 6, 1890, appeared in a broad- side, The Ben Hur Room Qpost 382). About Lew Wallace's term as Governor of New Mexico litde ap- pears in histories of the state. The contemporary newspapers, scattered now through many states and libraries, f contained spirited attacks on, and some justifications of Wallace in his attempts to bring law and order into the Territory. It is interesting to note that as early as Novem- ber 21, 1878 (Wallace had arrived in Santa Fe on September 30th), the Rocky Mountain Sentinel (Santa Fe) gave a review of his admin- istration, and this was copied in other newspapers, among them The Crawfordsville Journal, November 30, 1878. The Rocky Mountain Sentinel, very soon thereafter, evidently published more about him, for Wallace wrote to Col. N. A. M. Dudley, November 30, 1878, saying that he was enclosing a half-sheet (probably that day's issue of the Sen- tinel or one quite recent to it^:) : "Your reports furnished me a perfect answer to the gentlemen in the Territory who are fighting my confirma- tion on the ground that my proclamation is false and Lincoln County not pacified." While not his own communications, he is believed to have assembled the reports and sent them to the newspaper. Certain letters published by Colonel Dudley in The New Mexican, December 14, 1878, complaining of a clause in the November 13th proclamation, *Erna Fergusson, in Murder & Mystery in New Mexico (1948), p. 70, quotes from a letter written by Wallace about "The Kid," a letter unlocated. tA search of them was made in our behalf by Maurice G. Fulton, Roswell, New Mexico. His comments and findings beyond the scope of this bibliography are filed with the Wallace Papers. ^Letter in Wallace Papers. An undated clipping of the Rocky Mountain Sen- tinel with the Dudley reports has been preserved in the Hayes Memorial Library, Fremont, Ohio. 358 LEW[IS] WALLACE provoked a letter of reply from Wallace on December 16, 1878, in which he said that they made it "important for me to answer publicly." Whether or not an answer was published is as yet unknown. The newspapers of the region and period mostly attacked Wallace's policies as he attempted to bring the Santa Fe Ring under the law. The Rocky Mountain Sentinel and Albuquerque Review appear to have been the only ones independent or favorable to Wallace.* A body of literature devoted to the legends of Billy the Kid has grown to considerable bulk. J. C. Dykes' brief " 'Billy the Kid' Biblio- graphic Check List" which appeared as appendix in his reprint (1946) of the first known publication (1881) devoted wholly to this outlaw, a list published also in the Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. 49, April, 1946, pp. 644-648, has grown to book size: Billy the Kid: The Bibliography of the Legend, by J. C. Dykes, a forthcoming (1952) pub- lication of the University of New Mexico Press. Its manuscript reveals a definitive list of 428 items reviewed and correlated. Beginning with five forerunners (concerned with another "Billy the Kid") and the dime novel by "Don Jernando" published about six weeks after the killing of Bonney, the bibliography leads one through a chronological description of anthologies, magazine articles, verse, bibliographies, biographies and narratives, histories, novels and short stories, juveniles, comics, motion pictures, plays, phonograph records, and sheet music. In many of the items Wallace figures somewhat. One pamphlet of reminiscences, by Colonel Jack M. Potter, Cattle Trails of the Old West (1935), is noted as crediting him with saving the cattle industry of New Mexico by stopping the Lincoln County War; Potter, to honor him, named one of his lead steers "Lew Wallace." Another side- light might be mentioned here : the production of a play, Philip Steven- son's "Sure Fire, Episodes in the Life of Billy the Kid," unpublished but presented in 1931 at the Santa Fe Fiesta and again in Santa Fe in 1934 at a teachers' convention; General and Mrs. Lew Wallace both figured as characters in the play. Was Wallace given the appointment as governor partly because of the publicity aroused by an article in the Cincinnati Commercial in August, 1877, further elaborated by a reporter in The Indianapolis Journal, August 28, 1877? It outlined his plan for fighting Indians with their own methods to replace the "present style," which he is said to *An interesting document in the Wallace Papers is a pocket notebook with in- formation about the various newspapers' attitudes, prepared for him by Judge Frank Warner Angel, before he took office, since it was to him that Wallace went in the beginning for information that would help him avoid mistakes; the book also contains notes on persons with whom Wallace would be involved. FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 359 have regarded as "both inhuman and absurd/' and may have influenced Hayes, already wanting to reward Wallace for his work in the elec- toral vote count in Louisiana and Florida (see ante 350). Susan Wallace's summary of their life in New Mexico is revealed in her edited portion of Lew Wallace: An Autobiography (1906), Vol. II, pp. 912-925. Her book about New Mexico, The Land of the Pueblos (1888), contains a descriptive account of the region and its people, but is not an account of his administration. It does, however, include a drawing by him of the ancient Governors' Palace in Santa Fe. New Mexico has not forgotten Lew Wallace. A Guide to the Mu- seum of New Mexico in the Palace of the Governors, Santa Fe (191 5) told the story of his writing the final chapters of "Ben-Hur" while oc- cupying a room there; recent guide books are still calling public atten- tion to their Territorial Governor's literary activities. 1879 New Mexico: Report of the Governor report I of the I Governor of New Mexico | Made to the | secre- tary of the interior I For | The Year 1879 | Washington | Gov- ernment Printing Office I 1879 Collation: Pamphlet, 5 leaves, saddle-stitched. White wove paper. Leaf measures 9" x 5%". Title-page, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. [3]-io. [Note: Text, pp. (3)-io: Report ... to the Secretary of the In- terior.] Binding : Light green wrappers; front reads same as title-page, but has a decorative rule added above imprint. Back and inside covers blank.* Notes: This report, dated September 23, 1879, appeared also in the 17. S. House Executive Documents, 46th Congress, 2nd Session, Ex. Doc. 1, Part 5: Report of the Secretary of the Interior . . . (1879), p. [447]. It was published also in a collection of regional reports, wrap- * Description of this pamphlet is from correspondence with the New Mexico Law Library, Santa Fe, where a copy is located. 360 LEW[IS] WALLACE pered: Reports of the Governors of Arizona, Dakota, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah and Washington Territories, Made to the Secretary of the Interior for the Year 1879 (1879), p. [39]. I880 New Mexico: Message of the Governor message I [rule ]of [rule] | Governor Lewis Wallace | [rule] to the [rule] I legislative assembly | [rule] of [rule] I New Mex- ico I Twenty-fourth session. | [Territorial emblem] | santa fe, n. m. I [rule] I 1880. [Note: All within a parallel rule box on front cover, which serves as title-page.] Collation: 4 leaves, stitched within light salmon-colored wrap- pers. No title-page. The "Governor's Message" occupies p. [i]-8. Not seen, but information from the copy in the Ritch Collection, Hunting- ton Library and Art Museum. Notes : Also published in Spanish : Mensaje del Gob. Lewis Wal- lace a la Asemblea de Nuevo Mejico; Sesion Vigesima Cuarta (1880), 8 pages, in wrappers. It appeared also in a volume entitled: 1880. Territory of New Mex- ico. Governor's Message and Journals of the Council and House of the Twenty-fourth Session of the Legislative Assembly, issued in gray wrappers, containing three separately paginated reports: the Council Journal, House Journal, and Governor's Message; latter only is by Wallace. The text made its original appearance in the Weekly New Mex- ican, Santa Fe, January 10, 1880. The message was delivered Jan- uary 8th. It is briefly summarized in Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 916; also in McKee, pp. 157-158, with a quotation of two sentences from it. Widespread publication was evidently given it contemporaneously; The Crawfordsville Journal, February 28, 1 880, reprinted it in part from the Denver Tribune. FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 361 1888 The Democratic Party and the Solid South speech I [rule] of [rule] | gen. lew. Wallace | [rule] on [rule] | The Democratic Party and the Solid South | [rule] | Delivered on occasion of a Rally called by the Ben Hur Re- | publican Club at Whitlock, Montgomery County, Indiana, Octo- | ber 23, 1888. | [rule] I crawfordsville journal print, I 1888. Collation : 8 leaves, side-stitched. White wove paper. Leaf mea- sures 9%" x 6% 6 ", all edges trimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. [3]-! 5; blank, p. [16]. [Note: For text, pp. (3)-i5, see Contents.] Illustrations : None. A rule appears below title on first page of text. Binding: Brown wrappers. Front cover reads: [double rule] | gen. lew. Wallace | [rule] on [rule] I The Democratic Party and the Solid South. I [double rule]. Back and inside wrappers blank. Leaves side- stitched and tipped in covers. Notes : For a story of this speech, in behalf of Benjamin Harrison, see Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 990.* The (Chicago) Inter Ocean reported it as delivered at Wingate, but the city's name had been changed to Whitlock in July, 1884. His Life of Gen. Ben Harrison (1888), ante 335, was written for the Presidential campaign. A later biographical sketch of Harrison in brief was written by him for Living Leaders of the World ( 1 889), q.v. Mary Hannah Krout, in her accounts of the Harrison campaign written for The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, frequently mentioned Wal- lace's efforts in Harrison's behalf. That he wanted no position in Presi- dent Harrison's Cabinet was indicated in her article of November 30, 1888; his own statement to that effect appeared in The Crawfordsville Journal of January 12, 1889. *McKee, pp. 230-232, discusses Harrison- Wallace connections, before, dur- ing, and after this period. 362 LEW[IS] WALLACE Contents : The Democratic Party and the Solid South; a speech published in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, October 24, 1888, under caption : "Hitting the Bourbons Hard/' and reprinted in the Sunday issue, October 28th. I9OI James R. Ross: An Ideal Indiana Soldier an ideal Indiana soldier. | [rule] \ james r. ross, | Brevet Lieu- tenant Colonel and A.D.C., U.S.V. Colonel Second Regiment | Indiana National Guard. | died in Indianapolis, October 27, I90O. I [rule] I A TRIBUTE TO HIS MEMORY | BY | MAJOR GENERAL lew Wallace. | [rule] J Published by the Indiana Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal | Legion and Colonel Harry B. Smith, Second Regiment | Indiana National Guard. | Indianap- olis, October 27, 1 90 1. Collation : 4 leaves, wire saddle-stitched. White calendered paper. Leaf measures 8% 6 " x ^Vie^y all edges trimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; The Official Register, p. [2]; text, pp. [3-7]; blank, p. [8]. [Note: Text, pp. (3-7), Wallaces tribute to his friend, James R. Ross.] Binding: None; self-wrapper. Notes: This tribute appeared in The Indianapolis News, Octo- ber 26, 1 90 1, under the caption, "An Indiana Soldier— Ma j. James R. Ross." Part of it was reprinted in a biographical sketch of Ross in Com- memorative Biographical Record of Prominent and Representative Men of Indianapolis and Vicinity, J. H. Beers & Co. (1908), p. 1053. Wallace's letter of endorsement of Ross as candidate for Sheriff of Marion County, in 1 886, was probably published in Indianapolis news- papers of that year, as yet unlocated. FIRST EDITIONS-EPHEMERA 363 I903 Shiloh Address ADDRESS I OF I GEN. LEW WALLACE I AT THE | DEDICATION OF INDI- ANA'S MONUMENTS | ON THE BATTLEFIELD OF SHILOH, | TENNES- SEE, April 6, 1903. I [ornament] | News-Review Print, | Craw- fordsville, | Indiana. Collation: 10 leaves, wire saddle-stitched. White laid paper. Leaf measures 6%" x 4%" (scant), all edges trimmed. Title-page, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; text, pp. 3-19; blank, p. [20]. [Note: Text, pp. 3-19, Wallace's speech on the occasion above- named.] Illustrations: None. A rule appears below the running title on each page, and each paragraph bears a symbol at beginning. Binding: Gray, and, green wrappers, trimmed to leaf size. Front cover reads : shiloh | address | by | gen. lew Wallace. Back and in- side wrappers blank. Publication Data: Printed for private distribution; a copy has been noted with inscription dated July 29, 1903.* Notes : Part of this address appeared in The Indianapolis Sentinel, April 7, 1903, quoted in an article by H. G. Brown, captioned, "Gen. Wallace Attacks Grant." The whole speech was published in the same newspaper on April 10th. It aroused a great deal of discussion in print. The facsimile of one page of Wallace's manuscript (second paragraph in the brochure above-described) appeared under the caption, "Gen. Wallace Did Not Criticise Gen. Grant in His Shiloh Speech," in The Indianapolis News, May 8, 1903. The address was included in Indiana at Shiloh, compiled by John W. Coons (1904). Earlier, Wallace wrote from Constantinople to the Eleventh Indi- ana Regiment a letter which was read at a soldiers' reunion in Tipton, Indiana, September 19, 1883, regarding Grant's exoneration of him; letter printed in part in a contemporary newspaper (clipping unidenti- fied). For more of Wallace's statements about Shiloh, the batde of Pittsburg Landing, and his procedure on April 6, 1862, see General Wallace's Military Record, ante 353. *In Eagle Crest Library. First Editions — Contributions 1857 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE OF INDIANA, DURING THE THHVTY-NINTH SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, COMMENCING THURSDAY, January 8, 1857. Indianapolis, Joseph J. Bingham, 1857 Contains reports by Wallace, pp. 124, 141, 539, 603, 616, 746; pro- tests by him, pp. 237 and 480; resolutions, pp. 34 (two resolutions), 101, 108 (two), 131, 153, 176, 423, 671, 675, 702; Joint Resolution No. 8, p. 606. Motions made by him are referred to on pp. 5, 6, 7, 9, 25, 82, 90, 98, 121, 166, 180, 181, 204, 205, 229, 237, 239, 274, 294, 302, 318 (two), 356 (two), 357, 367, 370, 378 (two), 379, 404, 414, 484, 491, 492, 493, 519, 553, 558, 621, 637, 638 (two), 640 (two), 684, 686 (request to be excused from voting), 743, 748, 749, 806, 818, 820. He introduced Senate bills Nos. 32, 41, 60, 72, 94, 99, 100, 104, 117 (named on pp. 134, 161, 280, 316, 337, 370, 384, 422). There was no volume of Brevier Legislative Reports of 1857. Wallace served also as State Senator from Montgomery county dur- ing the called session of the General Assembly in 1858 and the fortieth regular session, 1859; see journal of the Indiana State Senate, these dates, also The Legislative Sentinel (1858) and Brevier Legislative Re- ports (1859). 1858 THE LEGISLATIVE SENTINEL: CONTAINING THE PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, CONVENED . . . NOVEMBER, 1 858. Reported by W. H. Drapier and A. E. Drapier. Indianapolis, Bingham & Doughty, 1858 Bound in book form but headings make it appear to be a periodical, beginning, Vol. 1, No. 1, November 26, 1858; catalogued in Indiana State Library as Brevier Legislative Reports, Vol. 1. Gives daily steno- 364 FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 365 graphic reports, quoting Wallace's own words on pp. 8, 1 1, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 43, 44, 70, 86, 87, 122,* 126, 142, 156. Digests of his motions, reports, and resolutions, or reference to him, appear on the above pages and on pp. 2i,t 35> 3 6 > 45> 6 5> 7 r > 7 2 > 73> 95> I2I > I2 3> I2 7> 128, 134, 135, 141, 149, 154, 155. *57> J 59> l62 > l6 3> l6 4> l66 > l6 7> 170, 177, 178, 179, 185, 186, and 189. See also, Journal of the Indiana State Senate (1858). For his earlier contributions as Legislator see journal of the Senate of Indiana ( 1 857); for later ones see Journal of the Indiana State Senate and Brevier Leg- islative Reports, both for 1859. JOURNAL OF THE INDIANA STATE SENATE, DURING THE CALLED SES- SION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, COMMENCING SATURDAY, NO- VEMBER 20, 1858. Indianapolis, Joseph J. Bingham, 1858 Contains reports by Wallace, pp. 10, 199, 250, and 329; on p. 14 his own words requesting excuse from voting; resolutions, pp. 11, 14, 70, 103, 185, 241, 272, 300; Joint Resolutions Nos. 1 and 3, pp. 43 and 107. Motions made by him are referred to on pp. 10, 14, 33, 36, 38, 39, 45, 72, 124, 128, 192, 200, 211, 224, 243 (not 246 as indexed), 309, 3 1 1 , 327 (not 329, which contains a report above-mentioned), 33 1 (not 332), 355. He introduced four bills: Nos. 4,$ 10, 23, 91 § (pp. 30, 33, 65, 187). The first volume of Brevier Legislative Reports, entitled, The Leg- islative Sentinel (1858), quotes Wallace at greater length. Wallace had served as Legislator in 1857 (see Journal of the Senate of Indiana, that year); for his later contributions see Journal of the Sen- ate of Indiana (1859) and Brevier Legislative Reports (1859). * Wallace's speech presenting his Bill No. 91 to the Indiana State Senate is here quoted. It preceded his Bill No. 2 presented in the following session, on January 11, 1859 (post 366»), which also related to the choosing of United States Senators. tMentions his introduction of Senate Bill No. 4, on November 23, 1858, re- lating to divorce; see An Autobiography (1906) Vol. I., p. 251, for the author's account of it. $See foregoing footnote for account of this bill. §Senate Bill No. 91 relates to choosing of U. S. Senators, introduced Decem- ber 13, 1858; similar to his Senate Bill No. 2 introduced in the 1859 session, on January nth. 366 LEW[IS] WALLACE l8 59 BREVIER LEGISLATIVE REPORTS: EMBRACING SHORT-HAND SKETCHES OF THE JOURNALS AND DEBATES OF THE GENERAL ASSEM- BLY OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, CONVENED IN REGULAR SESSION ON the 6th day of January, 1 859. Reported by Ariel & W. H. Dra- pier. Indianapolis, Daily Indiana State Sentinel, 1859 Volume II of the Brevier Legislative Reports (for contributions to the preceding volume see The Legislative Sentinel [1858]). Contains digests of numerous motions by Wallace; quotes provisions of a Senate bill (No. 2) introduced by him, January 11, 1859*, p. 20; quotes a committee report, p. 21, and remarks on recommitment of a bill (not his), p. 21 1; resolutions offered by him, pp. 38 and 186. His resolution (joint) on the admission of Kansas to statehood January 31, 1859 is quoted on p. 81; his hour-long speech of February 1st, urging adoption, is briefly described, not quoted, on p. 112. He is mentioned on p. 4; other mentions, and motions described (including a few quoted), on pp. 20, 21, 27, 33, 38, 41, 42, 63, 70, 75, 80, 81, 86, 102, 103, 105, in, 112, 124, 138, 140, 141, 149, 186, 192, 211. See also Journal of the Indiana State Senate (1859). JOURNAL OF THE INDIANA STATE SENATE, DURING THE FORTIETH SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, COMMENCING THURSDAY, January 6, 1859. Indianapolis, John C. Walker, 1859 Contains reports by Wallace, pp. 26, 46, 213, 223, 336, 440, and 515; resolutions, pp. 52, 129, 155, 292, 305, 415, and 527. Motions made by him are referred to on pp. 12, 38, 52, 53, 54, 56, 60, 93, in, 112, 128, 155, 159, 160, 172, 175, 177, 211, 254, 291, 299, 300, 303, 304, 305, 306, 312 (not 310 as indexed), 314, 336, 345 (not 344), 347, 348, 365, 385, 411, 418, 421, 446, 456, 464, 501, 528, 529, 530, 546, The title of this bill, "An Act to regulate the choosing of United States Sena- tors by the General Assembly . . ." was noted by Wallace in his Autobiography (1906), Vol. I, p. 252, followed by the story of its origin. It resulted from his hearing a debate between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas. A similar bill had been introduced by him in the Special Session of 1858, on Decem- ber 13th (Bill No. 91; see ante 365W). This is evidently the one referred to by Charles Zimmerman in his article, "The Republican Party in Indiana," Indi- ana Magazine of History, December, 191 7, Vol. XIII, No. 4, p. 366. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 367 578, and 591. A letter to Caleb Mills, January 10, 1859, jointly signed by nine senators, including Wallace, appears on p. 254. Joint Resolu- tions Nos. 9 and 10, introduced by him, are mentioned on pp. 305 and 344. He introduced Senate bills Nos. 2,* 20, 46, 100, 1 19, 140, and 149 (pp. 42, 145, 150, 219, 242, 302, and 410), none of which became law. See also, Brevier Legislative Reports (1859). 1862 [United States] executive documents of the senate of the UNITED STATES, FOR THE SECOND SESSION OF THE THIRTY-SEVENTH congress, 1861-62 [Volume XXXIX; Washington, D. C, Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1 862] Vol. 6, No. 66, in the collected volumes of Executive Documents for this session; captioned : "Letter of the Secretary of War, transmit- ting . . . the reports of officers in command in relation to the recent battles at Pittsburg Landing." Report No. 6 herein, p. 17, is Wallace's, dated April 12, 1862, and addressed to Captain John A. Rawlins, p. 17. It appeared also in The Indianapolis Journal, April 26, 1 862, and later in The War of the Rebellion, Series I, Volume X, Part I (1884). 1863 REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE STATE OF INDIANA. TO the governor. Indianapolis, Joseph J. Bingham, State Printer, 1863 Contains Lewis [sic] Wallace's instructions as Adjutant General of the state, "General Orders, No 1," April 15, 1 861, p. 7, accompanying Governor Oliver P. Morton's proclamation of April 16th, announcing the besiegment of Fort Sumter, and calling for the organization of six regiments; the same appeared in The Indianapolis Daily Journal and Daily State Sentinel (Indianapolis), April 16, 1861. These newspaper issues, the same day, published his letter of April 15th, calling for the organization of a "Zouave Regiment." Proclamations appeared all over the state, over the names of Wal- lace and Morton; a typical one by Wallace, calling for one hundred *See ante 366ft (Brevier Legislative Reports [1859]) for account of this bill. 368 LEW[IS] WALLACE volunteers in Crawfordsville, was reprinted in "Ben-Hur" Wallace by Irving McKee (1947), p. 34; see also ante 351. A letter of April 17th, addressed by bim to ladies of Indianapolis, probably from the Adjutant General's Office since it consisted of a plea for help in the war effort, appeared in the Daily State Sentinel, April 1 8th. His "General Orders, No. 2," April 20th, not included in the Report of the Adjutant General, were published in the Daily State Sentinel, April 22nd. His letter to Oliver P. Morton, April 23rd, in resignation from his office as Adjutant General, appeared in both The Indianapolis Daily journal and Daily State Sentinel, April 25th. He served only from the 15th to 26th of April, 1 86 1, resigning to become colonel of the nth Regiment, Indiana Volunteers. For his later Civil War reports and letters see post 399. 1865 THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN AND THE TRIAL OF THE conspirators . . . Compiled and arranged by Benn Pitman. New York & Cincinnati, Moore, Wilstach & Baldwin, 1865 Wallace was a member of the Military Commission that conducted the trial. Brief comments by him in court, May 27th and May 25th, ap- pear on pp. 134 and 135, respectively. 1868 PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR IN THE UNITED STATES OF America. By Benson J. Lossing. 3 volumes. Hartford, T. Belknap, 1868 Vol. II contains excerpt from a letter to the author, regarding the movements of the army up the river, near Pittsburg Landing, p. 262W. See Shiloh Address, ante 363, for account of Wallaces other writings about the Battle of Shiloh. The work contains numerous accounts of Wallace's career in the Civil War, and quotations from his official reports in the War of the Rebellion series. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 369 [United States] the executive documents of the house of REPRESENTATIVES, FOR THE FIRST SESSION OF THE FORTIETH CON- GRESS, 1867. Washington, D. C, Government Printing Office, 1868 Document No. 33, United States, European, and West Virginia Land and Mining Company and Mexico, p. 48, contains a letter from General Wallace to Matias Romero, August 31, 1865,* about Mexican bonds, which is listed as Document No. 25 of those sent by the Mex- ican Legation to the Department of State of the United States; and another letter, p. 156, also to Romero, dated April 12, 1867, (Docu- ment No. 157 from the Mexican Legation). The latter is a lengthy statement by Wallace of his knowledge of the negotiation between General J. M. J. Carvajal and Daniel Woodhouse. It is followed by General Carvajal's account of the enterprise and Wallace's connection with it. The first document in this Executive Document No. 33, p. 18, a letter by Romero, April 26, 1865, mentions General Wallace's sympa- thy for "our cause" and describes the occasion of his first meeting with General Carvajal. The letter from Romero to William H. Seward, Secretary of State, which accompanied the documents, contains a para- graph, on p. 3, expressing gratitude toward Wallace. A pamphlet printing Woodhouse's petition to the Congress of the United States, referred to by Wallace in his letter of April 12, 1867, has not yet been located. Wallace says: 'The contract which Mr. Wood- house appends to his very absurd petition to the United States Con- gress is of my draughting [done at the request of General Carvajal, in New York]." For other Wallace-Mexican matters see post 371. [United States] executive documents printed by order of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DURING THE SECOND SESSION OF THE fortieth congress, 1 867-68. 20 volumes. Washington, D. C., Government Printing Office, 1868 *It was in the spring of 1865, while Wallace waited in Washington for a re- port on a manuscript he had submitted to a commission there, that he saw Romero "once in a while" and acquired "great interest in Mexican affairs" QAutdbiog- raphy, p. 859). His manuscript was a skirmish book, on military tactics, which he revised later in the summer and fall, during progress of the Henry Wirz trial (see post 370; and Autobiography, p. 857). It was finally rejected, and re- mained unpublished. 370 LEW[IS] WALLACE Only Volume 8, Ex. Doc. No. 23, Trial of Henry Wirz, has Wallace contributions. He was President of the special military commission which heard the trial of the man responsible for conditions in the An- dersonville Prison, beginning August 23, 1865, dissolved, Novem- ber 6th. This documentary report contains many comments and ques- tions "by the President": pp. 32, 73, 75, 80, 81, 150, 211, 231, 267, 268, 26 9> 2 94> 3°7> 4 I2 > 4 J 3> 4M> 4 2 4> 4 2 5> 43 1 * 43 2 > 44 1 * 44 2 > 443> 4 8 i> 495> 496, 501, 5* 2 > 5 2 °> 5 2 6> 5 2 9> 53°> 53 1 * 53 2 > 533> 534> 535> 53^, 541, 568, 580, 589, 596, 608, 614, 618, 646, 652, 680, 683, 690, 691, ^93 y 694, 695, 698, 701, and 702. The final "Findings and Sentence," pp. 805-808, is signed, Lew Wallace. 1869 INDIANA IN THE WAR OF THE REBELLION. Official Report of W. H. H. Terrell, Adjutant General. Indianapolis, Douglass & Conner, 1869 Identical, except for title-page, with Vol. I (1869) of Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana [W. H. H. Terrell], 8 vol- umes ( 1 865-1 869), published by Alexander H. Conner. The first vol- ume did not appear until last, after all troops had been mustered out. The second part of the volume, "Statistics and Documents," separately paginated, contains, p. 175, Wallace's speech of July 4, 1866, at Indian- apolis, when he presented to Governor Morton the scarred battle flags borne by the Indiana regiments and batteries during the Civil War. The speech had appeared in The Indianapolis (Daily) Herald, July 6, 1866. It was later published in part in William Henry Smith, The His- tory of the State of Indiana . . . Vol. 1 (1897), and in full in Modern Eloquence, Vol. 9 (1900); in the latter under the title, "Return of the Flags." The concluding part was printed in Lew Wallace: An Auto- biography, Vol. 2 (1906), and part was included in Proceedings in Statuary Hall upon the Unveiling of the Statue of General Wallace (1910). THE SOLDIER OF INDIANA IN THE WAR FOR THE UNION. [By Cath- erine Merrill]. Indianapolis, Merrill & Co., 1869 Second volume of this anonymous Civil War history. Contains, p. 7, Major-General Wallace's "Proclamation" upon taking command FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 371 of Cincinnati, Newport, and Covington, September, 1 862. The proc- lamation was publicized in the regional newspapers on Septem- ber 2nd : Cincinnati Gazette, Commercial, et ah; later it appeared in The War of the Rebellion, Series 1, Vol. LII, Part 1 (1898), p. 277, and in Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 607. Con- tains, also, his farewell instructions 'To the People of Cincinnati, Newport and Covington/' publicized in the Sunday, September 14, 1862 newspapers and in those of the following day: Cincinnati En- quirer, September 14th, Cincinnati Gazette, September 15th, et al. Both first and last proclamations were included in an article, 'The Siege of Cincinnati," by T. B. Read, in the Atlantic Monthly, Febru- ary, 1863. The City of Cincinnati, on October 1 8, 1 862, gave formal thanks to Wallace for his services, in a letter and resolutions, published in Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 624. The local news- papers were full of accounts of his activities during the period of his command of the Kentucky forces, September 2-18, and published many of his orders, general and special (see post 402). If any of the proclamations and orders were printed and distributed in broadside form, none have yet been brought to light. Both Lew and Susan Wallace contributed data for Miss Merrill's work,* and references to him appear throughout it. The first volume contains nothing identified as by Wallace. The description of him as Colonel of the colorful Zouave regiment, Eleventh Indiana, on p. 61, is reprinted in McKee, p. 36. 1872 AMERICAN AND MEXICAN COMMISSION. HERMAN STURM VERSUS the republic of mexico. Indianapolis, J. G. Doughty, 1872 Contains "Deposition of Major General Lewis Wallace," May 9, 1870, p. 278: No. 408 of the papers and documents relating to the claim of Herman Sturm versus Republic of Mexico (Claim No. 676). On p. 271 Wallace is mentioned in the "Deposition of William Francis Elston," but not quoted. Sturm's earlier publication, The Republic of Mexico and Its Amer- * Wallace's long letter of June 9, 1866, to Miss Merrill, consisting of his ac- count of the Cincinnati proceedings, is in the Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library; it is the basis for pp. 7-13 in the Merrill book. 372 LEW[IS] WALLACE ican Creditors (1869), had no contributions by Wallace among the many allusions to him. Wallace's plea on Sturm's behalf to President Diaz, in the form of a letter of August 15, 1889, was published in The (Chicago) Daily Inter Ocean, August 27, 1889, and in Lew Wallace: An Autobiogra- phy, Vol. II (1906), pp. 843, 862. His claim against Mexico (Docket No. 425), presented in 1869, is listed, but not published in the U. S., 44th Congress, 2d Session, Sen- ate Ex. Doc. No. 31: Claims on the Part of the Citizens of the United States, and Mexico under the Convention of July 4, 1868, between the United States and Mexico (1877)/* Certain letters of his relating to Mexican affairs appeared in the 40th Congress, 1st Session, Executive Documents of the House of Representatives Qante 369). See also Chapter VIII in McKee's "Ben- Hur" Wallace (1947) for extracts from some letters written during his "Mexican Mission" which have not been found elsewhere in print. His reply to attacks in the Democratic press during the political cam- paign of 1870, denying that he owned Mexican bonds or was con- nected with a Mexican ring, was published in The Cincinnati Com- mercial, March [24?], 1870, and in his Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 887; earlier he discussed the subject in an uncollected letter to A. C. Sands, September 23, 1869, preserved in the form of an unidentified newspaper excerpt, t For his early experiences in Mexico, 1 846-1 847, see Indiana in the Mexican War, compiled by Oran Perry (1908), post 393; also his letters printed in Indiana State Journal, 1 846-1 847, and in the Indiana State Sentinel, 1847 (see post 406). See Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), pp. 812- [846], 859, 862-887, for his own report of his post-Civil- War efforts to keep Confederates from gaining hold in Mexico; it includes contempo- rary letters. A lengthy letter of June 15, 1865, about the danger of con- spiracy, addressed to Colonel , was published in an unidentified newspaper.:): Dealing, too, with Mexico were his articles, "The Mines of Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua" and "A Buffalo Hunt in Northern Mexico," q.v. *A manuscript copy of his claim, Edw. Thornton, Washington, Umpire, dated September 2, 1875, is in the Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library; the claim was paid in part in 1882 (McKee, p. 113). fin the Wallace Papers. ^Clipping preserved in the Wallace Papers. After his death there appeared a pamphlet, The Benevolent Raid of General Lew Wallace; How Mexico Was Saved in 1864 . . . , compiled by A. W. Barber (1914), its dramatic story of a man identified as Wallace on a secret mission interesting, but not substantiated. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 373 Wallace composed a lecture on "Mexico and the Mexicans" and delivered it first on June 16, 1868, at Waveland, Indiana. It has not been found in print, although he gave the talk frequently in Indiana (see post 39on). In 1875 he added readings from The Fair God, called his lecture "An Hour with the Mexicans," and delivered it on tour under auspices of James Redpath's Lyceum. Major J. B. Pond told of Wallace's plat- form career in Eccentricities of Genius (1900), p. 465, and McKee, pp. 131 and 224, discussed both this and his other, later lecture, "Tur- key and the Turks." A SOUVENIR OF THE ANCHOR LINE AGENTS EXCURSION ON THE steamer California, august 1 4, 1 872. New York, D. Appleton & Co. [1872] Pictorial wrappers. Contains his speech in response to a toast to the Army and Navy at the banquet on board the Anchor Line Steamer California, off New York, p. 11. 1879 [United States] presidential election investigation, testi- mony TAKEN BY THE SELECT COMMITTEE ON ALLEGED FRAUDS IN the presidential election of 1 876. House of Representatives, 45th Congress, 3rd Session, Misc. Doc. No. 31, Vol. 1. Washing- ton, D. C, Government Printing Office, 1879 Contains Wallace's testimony, p. 509, regarding his part in the electoral vote count in Florida, given before the Potter Committee, June 28, 1878. It appeared also in The Indianapolis journal, June 29, 1878. See ante 350 for note of other accounts by him of the count in New Orleans and Tallahassee. 1880 A BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF EMINENT AND SELF-MADE MEN OF the state of Indiana. 2 volumes. Cincinnati, O., Western Bio- graphical Publishing Co., 1880 374 LEW[IS] WALLACE Binder's title: Representative Men of Indiana. Vol. II, 8th District, contains a biographical sketch of Peter S. Kennedy, p. 27, unsigned but by Wallace, who practiced law at the same bar with Kennedy for many years. The sketch was identified as his in Biographical Sketches and Review of the Bench and Bar of Indiana (binder's title: Bench and Bar of Indiana), by Charles W. Taylor (1895), p. 783, where it was reprinted with some additions. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMD3S. Series I, Vol- ume II. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1880 Contains report of the descent of Union troops on Romney, W. Va., June 14, 1 86 1, p. 123; report on battle at Frankfort, W. Va., in letter to Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, June 27, 1861, p. 134; report of batde on Patterson's Creek, W. Va., June 27, 1861, p. 134. Also contains letter to Major-Gen. Robert Patterson, June 11, 1861, p. 676; letters to Major F. J. Porter, June 15, 1861, p. 689, and June 18, 1861, p. 704. 1882 [Turkey], papers relating to the foreign relations of the united states, transmitted to congress . . . December 5, 1 88 1 . House of Representatives, 47th Congress, 1st Session, Ex. Doc. 1, Part 1 . Washington, D. C, Government Printing Office, 1882 Contains letters from Wallace soon after assuming office as Min- ister Resident to Turkey, dated from Constantinople, addressed to James G. Blaine, Secretary of State: No. 9 (Doc. No. 724), Septem- ber 19, 1881, p. 1 188; No. 22 (Doc. No. 725), October 26th, p. 1189, plus Inclosure, to Assim Pacha [sic], October 22nd, p. 1190. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL records of the union and confederate armies. Series I, Vol- ume VII. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1882 Contains report of the expedition (December 28-31, 1861) to Camp Beauregard and Viola, Ky., dated January 1, 1862, p. 66; also, FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 375 report of the siege and capture of Fort Donelson, Tenn. (February 12- 16, 1862), dated February 20, 1862, p. 236. 1883 SPORT WITH GUN AND ROD IN AMERICAN WOODS AND WATERS. Edited by Alfred M. Mayer. New York, Century [1883] Issued in one volume in both cloth, and, leather; also in two vol- umes in cloth, and, leather. Contains "A Buffalo Hunt in Northern Mexico," p. [101], with an illustration by Wallace, also illustrations by others from sketches by him; earlier in Scribner's Monthly, March, 1879. [Turkey], papers relating to the foreign relations of the UNITED STATES, TRANSMITTED TO CONGRESS . . . December 4, 1 882. House of Representatives, 47th Congress, 2nd Session, Ex. Doc. 1 . Washington, D. C, Government Printing Office, 1883 Contains letters, 1 881-1882, from Constantinople during Wallace's service as Minister to Turkey, addressed to James G. Blaine until Jan- uary 13, 1882, when they were addressed to Frederick T. Frelinghuy- sen: No. 30 (Doc. No. 300), November 22, 1 881, p. 491, plus Inclo- sure 2, to Assim Pacha [sic], November 17th, p. 493; No. 33 (Doc. No. 301), November 23rd, p. 494; No. 45 (Doc. No. 302), Decem- ber 20th, p. 495, plus Inclosure, to Lord Dufferin, December 17th, p. 496. The letters that follow are addressed to Frederick T. Frelinghuy- sen: No. 56 (Doc. No. 305), January 13, 1882, p. 499, plus Inclo- sure 2, to Assim Pasha, January nth, p. 500; No. 62 (Doc. No. 306), February 1st, p. 501; No. 71 (Doc. No. 308), March 13th, p. 502; No. 72 (Doc. No. 309), March 20th, plus Inclosure 1, to Earl Dufferin, March 18th, p. 503; No. 74 (Doc. No. 310), March 21st, Extract, plus Inclosure, to Assim Pasha, March 8th, p. 504; No. 90 (Doc. No. 312), April 21st, Extract, p. 505; No. 96 (Doc. No. 315), June 6th, p. 508, plus Inclosure 2, to Sayd [sic] Pasha, June 5th, p. 509; No. 98 (Doc. No. 316), June 9th, Extract, p. 509, plus Inclosure 4, to Said Pasha, June 7th, p. 514; No. 107 (Doc. No. 319), July nth, Extract, p. 516, plus Inclosure 2, to Said Pasha, June 13th, p. 518; No. 129 (Doc. No. 321), September 30th, p. 522. 376 LEW[IS] WALLACE [U. S. War Department], correspondence, etc., on the sub- ject OF THE records of the rebellion, and exhibiting the RULES GOVERNING THE SAME Unbound; 5 leaves, wire side-stitched. Contains, p. 4, Wallace's letter to Hon. Robert T. Lincoln, from Florence, October 28, 1883, asking that search be made for the pamphlet, General Wallace's Mili- tary Record, q.v., and that publication of the volume of Official Records of the War of the Rebellion with reports of Shiloh be deferred until Grant's exoneration of him and other papers could be included. The reply from Robert Todd Lincoln that concludes the pamphlet indicates that the volume was already in the press and that, anyway, the material was not by rule acceptable for governmental publication. 1884 [Turkey], papers relating to the foreign relations of the UNITED STATES, TRANSMITTED TO CONGRESS . . . December 4, 1 883. House of Representatives, 48th Congress, 1st Session, Ex. Doc. 1, Part 1. Washington, D. C, Government Printing Office, 1884 Contains letters from Constantinople during Wallace's service as Minister to Turkey, 1 882-1 883 addressed to Frederick T. Frelinghuy- sen, Secretary of State: No. 126 (Doc. No. 518), September 28, 1882, p. 809, plus Inclosure 3, to Said Pasha, September 25th, p. 811; No. 134 (Doc. No. 519), October 15th, Extract, p. 812; No. 158 (Doc. No. 524), December 25th, Extract, p. 817; No. 159 (Doc. No. 525), Jan- uary 1, 1883, Extract, p. 819, plus Inclosure 2, December 27, 1882, to Aarifi Pasha, p. 820; No. 160 (Doc. No. 526), January 3, 1883, p. 821; plus Inclosure, to Aarifi Pasha, January 2nd, p. 822; No. 166 (Doc. No. 528), January 18th, p. 824, plus Inclosure 3, to Aarifi Pasha, January 14th, p. 827; No. 168 (Doc. No. 529), January 25th, plus Inclosure 1, to Aarifi Pasha, p. 828; No. 169 (Doc. No. 530), Jan- uary 25th, p. 829, plus Inclosure 3, to Aarifi Pasha, p. 830; No. 175 (Doc. No. 534), February 13th, plus Inclosure 2, to Aarifi Pasha, Feb- ruary 10th, p. 833; No. 178 (Doc. No. 535), February 20th, Extract, p. 834; No. 189 (Doc. No. 538), March 14th, Extract, p. 836; No. 205 (Doc. No. 539), April 12th, Extract, p. 837, plus Inclosure 2, to Aarifi Pasha, p. 838; No. 211 (Doc. No. 540), May 1st, plus Inclosure, to Aarifi Pasha, April 23rd, p. 839; No. 218 (Doc. No. 542), May 15th, plus Inclosure 2, to Rev. Mr. Pettibone, May nth, p. 840; No. 219 FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 377 (Doc. No. 543), May 19th, Extract, plus Inclosure 2, to Aarifi Pasha, p. 841; No. 220 (Doc. No. 544), May 22nd, p. 842; No. 222 (Doc. No. 545), May 23rd, Extract, p. 843; No. 225 (Doc. No. 546), May 29th, p. 844; No. 227 (Doc. No. 547), June 4th, Extract, plus Inclosure 1, to Munir Bey, May 31st, and Inclosure 2, Memorandum, p. 845; No. 229 (Doc. No. 548), June 8th, Extract, plus Inclosure, to Aarifi Pasha, June 6th, p. 848; No. 233 (Doc. No. 549), June 13th, p. 849; No. 234 (Doc. No. 553), June 18th, p. 850, plus Inclosure 3, to Aarifi Pasha, June 13th, p. 853; No. 235 (Doc. No. 554), June 19th, Extract, p. 853, plus Inclosure 5, to Aarifi Pasha, May 26th, p. 863; No. 241 (Doc. No. 556), June 30th, Extract, p. 865; No. 243 (Doc. No. 557), July 10th, Extract, p. 865; No. 245 (Doc. No. 559), July 1 2th, plus Inclosure 1, to Aarifi Pasha, July 9th, p. 867; No. 251 (Doc. No. 560), July 20th, Extract, p. 870; No. 255 (Doc. No. 561), July 26th, plus Inclosure 1, to Aarifi Pasha, p. 871; No. 258 (Doc. No. 563), July 31st, p. 874, plus Inclosure 2, to Aarifi Pasha, July 30th, p. 875; No. 262 (Doc. No. 565), August 10th, Extract, p. 877; No. 264 (Doc. No. 566), August 14th, p. 878; No. 266 (Doc. No. 567), Au- gust 14th, p. 878; No. 267 (Doc. No. 568), August 22nd, Extract, plus Inclosure 2, to Aarifi Pasha, August 21st, p. 879; No. 272 (Doc. No. 570), September 7th, Extract, p. 881, plus Inclosure 2, to Aarifi Pasha, September 6th, p. 882; No. 274 (Doc. No. 571), Septem- ber 1 2th, Extract, p. 882, plus Inclosure 5, to Aarifi Pasha, Septem- ber 10th, p. 885; No. 275 (Doc. No. 572), September 14th, plus In- closure 1, to Hugh W. Wyndham, September 12th, p. 886; No. 283 (Doc. No. 573), October 3rd, p. 887; No. 287 (Doc. No. 574), Octo- ber 15th, p. 887. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. Series I, Vol- ume X, Part I. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1884 Contains report of operations about Crump's Landing (March 9- 13), dated March 13, 1862, p. 9; report of the expedition toward Purdy, Tenn., March 13, 1862, p. 9; report of the skirmish on the Purdy Road, near Adamsville, Tenn., April 1, 1862, p. 78. Also contains letter to Major-Gen. H. W. Halleck, March 14, 1863, p. 174; letters to Hon. E. M. Stanton, July 18, 1863, p. 188, and September 16, 1863, p. 190. His report of the battle of Shiloh, Tenn. (Pittsburg Landing, April 6-7, 1862), dated April 12, 1862 on p. 169, had earlier publica- tion in a U. S. Senate Executive Document Qante 367). 378 LEW[IS] WALLACE , Part II Contains letter to Capt. [C. T.] Hotchkiss, May 3, 1862, p. 158; letter to John A. Rawlins, April 4, 1862, p. 90. 1885 [Turkey], papers relating to the foreign relations of the unites states, transmitted to congress . . . December 1, 1884. House of Representatives, 48th Congress, 2nd Session, Ex. Doc. 1, Part 1 . Washington, D. C, Government Printing Office, 1885 Contains letters from Constantinople during Wallace's service as Minister to Turkey, 1884, addressed to Frederick T. Frelinghuysen : No. 315 (Doc. No. 414), January 24, 1884, p. 535, plus Inclosure 2, to Aarifi Pasha, p. 536; No. 317 (Doc. No. 415), January 25th, p. 537, plus Inclosure, to Aarifi Pasha, January 24th, p. 538; No. 318 (Doc. No. 416), January 26th, Extract, p. 539, plus Inclosure 4, to Aarifi Pasha, January 25th, p. 541; No. 322 (Doc. No. 417), February 6th, Extract, p. 542; No. 327 (Doc. No. 418), February 14th, p. 543, plus Inclosure 1, to G. H. Heap, January 4th, Extract, p. 543; No. 337 (Doc. No. 420), February 28th, Extract, p. 544, plus Inclosure 2, to Aarifi Pasha, February 27th, p. 546; No. 340 (Doc. No. 422), March 1st, p. 548; No. 350 (Doc. No. 423), March 12th, p. 549, plus Inclosure 2, to Aarifi Pasha, p. 550; No. 353 (Doc. No. 424), March 22nd, p. 550; No. 357 (Doc. No. 428), March 28th, p. 556, plus Inclosure, to Aarifi Pasha, March 27th, p. 557; No. 358 (Doc. No. 429), March 28th, Extract, p. 557, plus Inclosure, to Aarifi Pasha, March 24th, p. 558; No. 362 (Doc. No. 430), April 4th, Extract, p. 558; No. 374 (Doc. No. 432), April 16th, Extract, p. 561; No. 378 (Doc. No. 433), April 21st, Extract, p. 562; No. 381 (Doc. No. 434), April 25th, Extract, p. 563. 1886 ; [Loyal Legion], proceedings of the third annual dinner of THE OHIO COMMANDERY OF THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES, GIVEN AT THE BURNET HOUSE, CIN- CINNATI, o., February io, 1 886. Written and arranged by A. H. Mattox, Recorder. Cincinnati, H. C. Sherick, 1886 FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 379 Gray printed wrappers. Contains speech, "The Teachings and Results of the War/" p. 114. It appeared "in substance" in The Cin- cinnati Commercial Gazette, February 11, 1886. the sling of david, and other poems. By Rev. Alfred Kummer. New York, Hurst & Co. [1886] Contains "Introduction" by Wallace, dated September 10, 1886, on p. [5], written for the author who was pastor of the Methodist Church in Crawfordsville, Indiana. [Turkey], papers relating to the foreign relations of the united states, transmitted to congress . . . December 8, 1885. House of Representatives, 48th Congress, 1st Session, Ex. Doc. 1, Part 1 . Washington, D. C, Government Printing Office, 1886 Contains letters from Constantinople during Wallace's service as Minister to Turkey, 1885,* addressed to Frederick T. Frelinghuysen, Secretary of State (until April 3, 1885, when they were addressed to T. F. Bayard): No. 460 (Doc. No. 631), January 8th, 1885, p. 825; No. 461 (Doc. No. 633), January 13th, p. 827; No. 466 (Doc. No. 635), January 24th, p. 829, plus Inclosure, to Assim Pasha, Jan- uary 9th, p. 830; No. 467 (Doc. No. 636), January 24th, p. 831; No. 468 (Doc. No. 638), January 30th, p. 832, plus Inclosure, to Moustapha Pasha, January 27th, p. 833; No. 471 (Doc. No. 640), February 6th, p. 834, plus Inclosure 3, to G. H. Heap, January 27th, p. 836, and Inclosure 4, to Moustapha Pasha, February 1st, p. 837; No. 475 (Doc. No. 641), February 12th, p. 838, plus Inclosure 2, to Rev. Dr. Eddy, February 10th, p. 839; No. 476 (Doc. Nov. 642), Feb- ruary 23rd, p. 839; No. 477 (Doc. No. 643), February 24th, p. 840; No. 479 (Doc. No. 646), February 28th, p. 841, plus Inclosure, to Assim Pasha, February 27th, p. 842; No. 480 (Doc. No. 647), Febru- ary 28th, plus Inclosure, to Assim Pasha, p. 842. The letters that follow are addressed to T. F. Bayard: No. 487 (Doc. No. 650), April 3rd, p. 844, plus Inclosure, to Mr. Barnum, March 28th, p. 845; No. 490 (Doc. No. 651), April 6th, p. 845; No. 491 (Doc. No. 652), April 9th, Extract, p. 846. *Wallace's friendly relations with the Sultan of Turkey continued after he ceased to be Minister there; his letter of January 14, 1890, declining an offer of service from the Sultan, appeared in his Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 996. 380 LEW[IS] WALLACE THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. Series I, Vol- ume XVI, Part I. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1886 Contains Wallace's report as president of the commission which investigated and reported Qca. April 15, 1863) on operations of the army under command of Gen. D. C. Buell: "Opinion of the Commis- sion/' p. 8; this appears also in Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 646. Contains also his report on the action at Big Hill, Ky. (August 23, 1862), August 24, 1862, p. 884. , Part II Contains letters to Gen. Horatio G. Wright, September 12, 1862, p. 511, and September 17, 1862, p. 525. 1887 battles and leaders of the civil war. Edited by Robert Under- wood Johnson & Clarence Clough Buel. 4 volumes. New York, Century Co. [ 1 887-1 889] Volume I only contains contributions by Wallace : "The Capture of Fort Donelson [battles of February 12-16, 1862]," p. 398, earlier in The Century Magazine, December, 1884 (not same as his report of the event in The War of the Rebellion . . ., Ser. 1, Vol. VII, p. 236); later in Amateurs at War: The American Soldier in Action, edited by Ben Ames Williams (1943), under the title, "Unconditional Surrender." It also contains a letter to General Grant, September 16, 1884, p. 610. His report of the Romney engagement [June 12, 1861], p. 128W, had earlier appeared in The War of the Rebellion « . ., Ser. 1, Vol. II (1880), p. 123. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL records of the union and confederate armies. Series I, Vol- ume XVII, Part II. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1887 Contains letter to Capt. C. T. Hotchkiss, June 18, 1862, p. 14. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 381 1889 living leaders of the world. Prepared by an Able Corps of Distinguished Authors, Such as Lew Wallace .... Chicago & St. Louis, Hubbard Bros. [1889] Contains "Benjamin Harrison," p. 19, a biographical sketch for which acknowledgment is made to Lew Wallace in the preface. It em- bodies some of the material in his Life of Gen. Ben Harrison (1888), but so revised as to constitute original writing. [Loyal Legion] history of the organization of the Indiana COMMANDERY OF THE MILITARY ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES, AND THE INAUGURATION BANQUET GIVEN AT THE BATES HOUSE, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, DECEMBER 1 9, 1 888. Indianapolis, Baker & Randolph, 1 889 Wrappers?* Contains address of welcome by Lew Wallace, Com- mander, p. 13, published earlier in The Indianapolis Journal, Decem- ber 20, 1 1 [United States Military Academy] report of the board of vis- itors TO THE UNITED STATES MILITARY ACADEMY, MADE TO THE secretary of war, for the year 1 889. Washington, Govern- ment Printing Office, 1889 Contains Wallace's paper, p. 12, addressed to the Board of Visitors, recommending extension of the West Point system to the whole army, with certain suggested changes in education. The last page of text, 116, captioned "Miscellaneous" is signed by Lew Wallace and others; it reads as if wholly written by him. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL records of the union and confederate armies. Series I, Vol- ume XXIII, Part I. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1889 Contains letter to Gen. Jeremiah T. Boyle, July 12, 1863, p. 732. *Missing from copy examined. 382 LEW[IS] WALLACE 189O THE ART OF AUTHORSHIP: LITERARY REMINISCENCES, METHODS OF WORK, AND ADVICE TO YOUNG BEGINNERS PERSONALLY CONTRIB- UTED by leading authors of the day. Compiled and edited by George Bainton. London, James Clarke & Co., 1 890 Published also in New York, by Appleton, 1890, from plates of the London edition. Contains portion of a letter, p. 65, commenting on Plutarch's Lives, written in 1887 to the editor, Rev. George Bainton, at Coventry. Part of the final sentence was reprinted in "Ben-Hur" Wal- lace, by Irving McKee (1947), p. 228. ben-hur, in tableaux and pantomime. Arranged by the* Au- thor for Messrs. Clark & Cox. [n.p.,1890] Printed wrappers, light tan, and, gray. Bears statement at foot of title-page, addressed to Messrs. [Walter C.] Clark & [David Wilson] Cox, April 2, 1889, beginning: "This is to certify that you are the only persons authorized by the Messrs. Harper & Brothers and myself, to give exhibitions from my book, "Ben-Hur." Before 1 889, various churches were using for benefit shows Ellen K. Bradford's "Selections from Ben-Hur Adapted for Reading with Tableaux," but Wallace "did not sanction its publication."! On Jan- uary 12, 1889, The Crawfordsville Journal carried an announcement that "D. W. Cox and two associates, whose names are for the present withheld, have completed arrangements and closed a contract with Gen. Wallace for the exclusive privilege of using Ben Hur in spectac- ular. Gen. Wallace is to write the libretto " The first presentation of this authorized production occurred March 7, 1889 in Crawfords- ville, in Music Hall. See Ben-Hur, Notes, ante 327, for its subsequent development. The pamphlet was reissued in New York by Harpers, 1891. the ben hur room [ in the old Governors' Palace at Santa Fe]. [n.p., n.d., 1890?] Single sheet, printed on one side only, containing a letter to A. J. "Typographical error appears on title-page: thr. fMcKee, p. 175. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 383 Wissler from Wallace, May 6, 1890, about his having written the sixth, seventh, and eighth books of "Ben-Hur" while occupying a room in the Governors Palace, now a historical museum. Two printings preserved among Wallace Papers,* both undated. When Wallace was appointed Governor of New Mexico, Maurice Thompson, in an unpublished letter! of September 4, 1878, congratu- lated him, but urged him to continue his literary work and produce a second book. It happened so; Wallace used his hours outside of duty to complete "Ben-Hur." MINUTES OF THE THIRTY-NINTH ANNUAL SESSION OF THE NORTH- WEST INDIANA CONFERENCE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH HELD AT CRAWFORDSVILLE, IND., OCT. 1-6, 1890. Attica, Ind., Attica Book & Job Print, 1890 Contains Wallace's "Address of Welcome," delivered October 1st, on p. 26. The speech was first printed in The Crawfordsville Journal, October 4, 1 890. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. Series I, Vol- ume XXX, Part III. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1890 Contains letter to Hon. E. M. Stanton, September 21, 1863, p. 760. , Part IV Contains letter to Hon. E. M. Stanton, October 3, 1863, p. 57. 189I THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. Series I, Vol- ume XXXIII. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1891 Contains Wallace's orders assuming command of Middle Depart- ment (8th Army Corps), at Baltimore, Maryland, on March 22, 1864, *In Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library. flbid. 384 LEW[IS] WALLACE p. 717; earlier in The (Baltimore) Sun, March 22, 1864. Also contains letter to Hon. E. M. Stanton, April 16, 1864, p. 884; letter to Col. E. D. Townsend, April 28, 1864, p. 1008. For Wallace's orders and letters while in Baltimore see post 000-000. , Volume XXXVI, Part II Contains letters to Major-Gen. H. W. Halleck, May 13, 1864, p. 738, and May 16, 1864, p. 830; letter to Hon. E. M. Stanton, May 15, 1864, p. 802; letter to Col. E. D. Townsend, May 15, 1864, p. 801. , Part III Contains letter to Major-Gen. H. W. Halleck, June 5, 1864, p. 634. , Volume XXXVII, Part I Contains report of operations in the Shenandoah Valley, Maryland, and Pennsylvania, being an informal report of the Battle of the Monoc- acy, dated July 10, 1864, p. 191, and full report dated August, 1864, p. 193. Also contains letter to Commissioner of Police, City of Balti- more, May 5, 1864, p. 391; letters to Major-Gen. H. W. Halleck, May 16, 1864, p. 472, June 5, p. 596, and June 9, 1864, p. 617; letters to Hon. E. M. Stanton, May 14, 1864, p. 458, and May 17, 1864, p. 483; letters to Col. E. D. Townsend, May 3, 1864, and April 2, 1865, p. 200; letter to Gen. E. B. Tyler, May 5, 1864, p. 392. 1892 songs of A life-time. By Sarah T. Bolton. Edited by John Clark Ridpath. Indianapolis, Bowen-Merrill Co., 1892 Contains an introduction by Lew Wallace, p. xi. The same intro- duction reappeared in Paddle Your Own Canoe and Other Poems by Sarah T. Bolton (1897). 1893 [Loyal Legion] ioth annual dinner ohio commandery, mili- tary ORDER OF THE LOYAL LEGION OF THE UNITED STATES. Grand Hotel, Cincinnati, May 3rd, 1893. [Cincinnati, 1893] Pictorial cream-colored wrappers, front cover serving as title-page. Contains speech in response to the first toast, "The Siege of Cin- FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 385 cinnati," (in program called 'The Defense of Cincinnati"), p. 9. For an earlier speech, February 10, 1886, see Proceedings of the Third Annual Dinner of the Ohio Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion (1886). For his address of welcome at the Indiana Commandery's banquet, December 19, 1888, see History of the Organization of the , ante 381. The Indiana Commandery later gave him a loving cup; his speech of acceptance was printed in The Loving-Cwp Presentation ...(1898); see yost 388. scenes from every land. With an introduction by General Lew Wallace. Edited by Thomas Lowell Knox. Springfield, O., Mast, Crowell, & Kirkpatrick; New York, Bryan, Taylor, & Co., 1893 "Introduction," p. v, signed in facsimile. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. Series I, Vol- ume XLIII, Part I. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1893 Contains letter to Hon. C. A. Dana, August 30, 1864, p. 969; letter to Lieut.-Col. James W. Forsyth, August 19, 1864, p. 854; letter to Hon. E. M. Stanton, August 11, 1864, p. 773; letter to Col. E. D. Townsend, August 9, 1864, p. 750; letters to Major [Thomas M.] Vincent, August 11, 1864, p. 773. , Part II Contains letter to Col. [T. S.] Bowers, December 10, 1864, p. 775; letters to Major-Gen. H. W. Halleck, September 29, 1864, p. 216, October 1, p. 256, October 7, p. 317, and November 12, 1864, p. 616; letter to Lieut.-Col. S. B. Lawrence, October 4, 1864, p. 279; letter to Hon. E. M. Stanton, December 11, 1864, p. yyy; letter to Brig.-Gen. [John D.] Stevenson, September 26, 1864, p. 184; letters to Col. E. D. Townsend, October 18, 1864, p. 409, October 21, p. 657, October 27, p. 479, October 28, p. 484, and October 29, 1864, p. 492; letter to Brig.-Gen. [E. B.] Tyler, September 14, 1864, p. 88; letter to Lieut.- Col. T. M. Vincent, November 18, 1864, p. 644. 386 LEW[IS] WALLACE 1894 FAMOUS PAINTINGS OF THE WORLD. A COLLECTION OF PHOTO- GRAPHIC REPRODUCTIONS OF GREAT MODERN MASTERPIECES .... Under the Editorial Supervision of John Clark Ridpath & George J. Bryan. New York, Fine Art Publishing Co., 1894 Binder's title : Art Portfolio. Cloth covers, tied with cord. Wallace's four-page introduction has the last two paragraphs in facsimile. The book reappeared in 1 900 under the title, Gems of Modern Art: A Collection of Photographic Reproductions of Great Modern Paint- ings . . ., without editors' names, published in New York by Knight & Brown, with the same introduction by Wallace. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. Series I, Vol- ume XLVI, Part III. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1894 Contains General Orders, No. 85, April 19, 1865, p. 843. Also con- tains letter to Lieut.-Col. T. S. Bowers, June 6, 1865, p. 1261; letter to Hon. A. W. Bradford, April 19, 1865, p. 843; letter to Brig.-Gen. W. A. Nichols, May 3, 1865, p. 1080; letters to Hon. E. M. Stanton, April 23, 1865, p. 915, and April 24, 1865, p. 936; letter to Brig.-Gen. E. D. Townsend, April 19, 1865, p. 842. 1895 Constantinople. By Edwin A. Grosvenor. 2 volumes. Boston, Roberts Brothers, 1895 Also, London, 1895. Volume I contains "Introduction" by Lew Wallace, p. [xi]. This introduction was reprinted in The Book Buyer, December, 1895. Both volumes contain references to Wallace. Another edition was published, 1900, by Little, Brown, & Com- pany. In October, 1900, Wallace wrote a eulogy of Grosvenor for the Amherst Juniors' Olio; see post 391. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 387 THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. Series I, Vol- ume XLVI, Part II. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1895 Evidently published later than Part III of the same series and vol- ume which was dated 1894. Contains General Orders, No. 3, Jan- uary 5, 1865, p. 51. Also contains letter to Major-Gen. [C. C] Augur, January 5, 1865, p. 48; letters to Gen. U. S. Grant, January 8, p. 73, January 1 1, p. 103, and January 27, 1865, p. 279; letters to Major-Gen. P. H. Sheridan, January 4, 1865, p. 38, January 5, p. 51, January 17, p. 168, January 18, p. 176, January 20, p 190, and January 30, 1865, p. 310. 1896 THE STORY OF AMERICAN HEROISM; THRILLING NARRATIVES OF PER- SONAL ADVENTURES DURING THE GREAT CIVIL WAR. As Told by the Medal Winners and Roll of Honor Men. Chicago & New York, Werner, 1896 % morocco. Contains "The Story of a Flag" (battle flag of the 1 7th Virginia Cavalry, C. S. A.), p. 523. In Lew Wallace: An Autobiog- raphy, Vol. 2 (1906), pp. 806-807, the author describes appearance of the flag, but his account of it herein otherwise is in different words. The book was reissued by J. W. Jones, Springfield, O., 1897, with cancel title-page. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL records of the union and confederate armies. Series I, Vol- ume XLVIII, Part I. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1896 Contains letter to Col. [Christian T.] Christensen, February 25, 1865, p. 973; letters to Lieut.-Gen. U. S. Grant, January 14, 1865, p. 512, February 22, p. 937, March 14, 1865, p. 1 166, and p. 1276; let- ter to Brig.-Gen. J. E. Slaughter, March 10, 1865, p. 1280; letter to Brig.-Gen. J. E. Slaughter and Col. J. S. Ford, March 12, 1865, p. 1280. 388 LEW[IS] WALLACE , Part II Contains letter to Col. J. S. Ford, March 24, 1865, p. 459; letters to Lieut.-Gen. U. S. Grant, April 18, 1865, p. 457, April 19, p. 122, and May 16, 1865, p. 457; letter to Brig.-Gen. J. M. Hawes, March 30, 1865, p. 460; letter to Major-Gen. S. A. Hurlbut, April 6, 1865, p. 37, letter to Brig.-Gen. J. E. Slaughter, March 17, 1865, p. 458; letter to Brig.-Gen. J. E. Slaughter and Col. J. S. Ford, April 6, 1865, p. 462; letters to Major-Gen. [J. G.] Walker, March 30, 1865, p. 460, and April 2, 1865, p. 462. 1897 THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL records of the union and confederate armies. Series I, Vol- ume LI, Part I. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1 897 Contains letter to Lieut.-Col. [Lynde] Catlin, July 8, 1864, p. 1 174; letter to Comdg. Officer Detach. Sixth Army Corps, Plane No. 1, July 9, 1864, p. 1 177; letters to Gen. [James B.] Ricketts, July 9, 1864, p. 1 176, and July 10, 1864, p. 1177. 1898 along the bosphorus and other sketches. By Susan E. Wal- lace (Mrs. Lew Wallace). Chicago & New York, Rand, McNally & Co., 1898 Contains an unacknowledged contribution by Lew Wallace, Chap- ter XI, "Letter from Dresden," giving impressions of the Sistine Ma- donna, printed in quotation marks. It is dated December, 1884, and Mrs. Wallace was not in Europe at the time, but her husband was there; moreover, there is a statement in Irving McKee, "Ben-Hur" Wallace (1947), p. 214, that: "At Dresden he [Lew Wallace] pains- takingly compared Raphael's 'Madonna* with Murillo's." [Loyal Legion] the loving-cup presentation to major- general LEW WALLACE RY THE INDIANA COMMANDERY OF THE military order of the loyal legion, December 1 6, 1898. Indi- anapolis, Sentinel Printing Co. [1898] FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 389 Green wrappers, with cover title, The Wallace Souvenir, M.O.L. L.L7.S. Contains Wallace's speech in response to the presentation of the loving-cup. Printed at his expense, to be sent to "every Companion," ac- cording to a printed slip laid in the brochure. The speech was quoted in The Indianapolis Journal, December 17, 1898. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. Series I, Vol- ume LII, Part I. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1898 Contains General Orders, No. 1, Hdqrs. U. S. Volunteer Forces, Sunman, July 15, 1863, p. 412; report of Morgan's Raid in Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio, July 27, 1863, p. 68; report of troops at North Ver- non, July 13, 1863, p. 407. Also contains letter to Col. [J. H.] Burkham, July 12, 1863, p. 406; letter to Commanding Officer of Twelfth Ken- tucky Cavalry, July 13, 1863, p. 410; letter to Capt. John A. Duble, September 2, 1862, p. 279; letter to Col. [Lawrence S.] Shuler, July 12, 1863, p. 406; eleven letters to Gen. [O. B.] Willcox, July 12, 1863, p. 400-406; three letters to same, July 13, 1863, p. 407-408; two let- ters: July 14, 1863, p. 410, and July 15, 1863, p. 412. The proclamation on taking command of Cincinnati, Covington and Newport, September 2, 1862, herein p. 277, had previously ap- peared in The Soldier of Indiana in the War for the Union [by Cath- erine Merrill, Vol. II] (1869); later in Lew Wallace: An Autobiog- raphy, Vol. II (1906). 1899 phi gamma delta [menu] 51st Convention Banquet, Hotel Beckel, Dayton, Ohio, October 20th, 1 899 A souvenir booklet without title-page, designed by Harry Weidner of the DePauw chapter,* printed by Dreka, Philadelphia, issued in decorative lavender wrappers tied with purple silk cord. Contains a facsimile of Wallace's letter to the fraternity, captioned, "Greeting." The message appeared the following day in The Dayton (Ohio) Jour- *"The Fifty-first Ekklesia," The Phi Gamma Delta, December, 1899, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p. 16, gives designing details. 39 o LEW[IS] WALLACE nal, October 21, 1899,* and, in facsimile, in The Phi Gamma Delta, December 1899, Vol. XXII, No. 1, p. [14]. A mounted photograph of Wallace precedes his letter, which was read on the occasion by John Clark Ridpath, toastmaster. Wallace was president of the national Phi Gamma Delta from 1898 to 1900. According to accounts in The Phi Gamma Delta, February and May, 1933, he had been initiated into the fraternity during an evening's visit to Lambda Chapter, DePauw University, January 10, i868.f In 1898 the Psi Chapter at Wabash College claimed him. On March 16, 1900, the fraternity had a "Phi Gamma Delta Night at Ben Hur," Broadway Theatre, New York, and Wallace was expected to be present. His telegram of regrets to the committee was published in The Phi Gamma Delta, March, 1900. It was reported that the Wal- lace telegram "was copied and handed to every member of the party"; it is unlocated in such form. THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL records of the union and confederate armies. Series II, Vol- ume IV. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1899 Contains letters to Hon. E. M. Stanton, September 26, 1862, p. 563, September 29, p. 572, and October 28, 1862, p. 661; letters to Gen. L. Thomas, September 22, 1862, p. 546, and September 28, 1862, p. 569. , Volume VII Contains letter to Col. E. D. Townsend, April 15, 1864, p. 56. , Volume VIII Contains letter to Brig.-Gen. [W. A.] Nichols, April 26, 1865, p. 515; letter to Brig.-Gen. E. D. Townsend, April 23, 1865, p. 505. , Series III, Volume I Contains letter to Hon. H. S. Lane, April 6, 1861, p. 65; letter to Abraham Lincoln by Wallace, et al., May 21, 1861, p. 220. *The Dayton Public Library has a microfilm copy of this newspaper, their file having been destroyed in the 191 3 flood; they also have the afternoon paper, Day- ton Daily News, of the same date, October 21, 1899, containing the letter and a description of the souvenir menu. fHe had lectured that same evening at the University on "Mexico and the Mexicans"; see ante 373. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 391 who's who, 1899. Edited by Douglas Sladen. London, Adam & Charles Black, 1899 Contains a brief autobiographical sketch, p. 952, written with the help of Mrs. Wallace,* summarizing his life and works, and conclud- ing with a note of his recreations; it continued through Volume III (1905) with no changes except additions in details of his Civil War service. who's who in America [1899-1900]. [Vol. I]. Chicago, A. N. Marquis & Co. [1899] Contains an autobiographical sketch of Lew Wallace, p. 761. It continued to appear through Volume III. IC)00(?) the amherst olio, 1900. Published by the juniors, Class of 1902. Philadelphia, Elliott Press [1900? 1901?] Contains eulogy, "Professor Edwin Augustus Grosvenor," dated October 19, 1900, p. 5. Probably issued late in the winter of 1900, but possibly early in 1 901; exact date unestablished. I9OO the home of ben hur. A Series of Photographs ... by T [nomas] B. Nicholson, with Marginal Illustrations ... by Fred N. Vance. Crawfordsville, Ind., Lacey & Nicholson, 1900 Cream-colored pictorial wrappers. Contains a letter of Wallace's, in facsimile, dated July 4th, 1 899, authorizing the brochure. A brief bio- graphical sketch by J. A. Green precedes the photographic content. *McKee, p. 222. 392 LEW[IS] WALLACE THE WAR OF THE REBELLION: A COMPILATION OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE UNION AND CONFEDERATE ARMIES. Series III, Volume IV. Washington, Government Printing Office, 1 900 Contains letter to Hon. Edward Bates, May 30, 1864, p. 413; letters to Hon. E. M. Stanton, May 18, 1864, p. 392, and June 14, 1864, p. 432. A later communication, a telegram to Stanton, July 11, 1864, not published in these official records, appeared in The Indianapolis Jour- nal, January 22, 1886, p. 5. I9OI INDIANA AT CHICKAMAUGA: 1863-I9OO. REPORT OF INDIANA COM- MISSIONERS CHICKAMAUGA NATIONAL MILITARY PARK. IndianapO- lis, Wm. B. Burford, 1901 Contains Wallace's speech prepared for the dedication of Chicka- mauga Park, September 19, 1895, p. 104. It appeared in The Indian- apolis Journal on the day of the ceremonies with a statement that the length of the program did not permit its delivery. TARRY THOU TILL I COME OR SALATHIEL, THE WANDERING JEW. By George Croly. New York & London, Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1901 A new edition of Croly's Salathiel, the Wandering Jew (first pub- lished in 1827), containing "Introductory Letter [to the publishers] from General Lewis Wallace," dated September 1, 1900, p. v; signature at end in facsimile. With Croly the wandering Jew was a young man; ". . . with me he was the Prince of India," said Wallace. This book with its Wallace contribution went through many edi- tions; Grosset & Dunlap reprinted it "from 16th edn., January, 1902." I902 THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS SOUVENIR. DEDICATION CEREMONIES AND HISTORY, INDIANA SOLDIERS* AND SAILORS' MONUMENT. [Indianap- olis, The Indianapolis News, 1902] FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 393 Blue-gray wrappers printed in blue. Contains "Address by Presid- ing Officer, Maj.-Gen'l Lew Wallace" on May 15, 1902 [not pagi- nated]. The first page of the speech appeared in facsimile in The Indi- anapolis News, the same day, and the entire speech appeared in The Indianapolis ]ournal, May 16, 1902. 1907P) THE SUPREME TRIBE BEN-HURI A FRATERNAL BENEFICIAL SOCIETY, home office, CRAWFORDSViLLE, Indiana [circular, n.d., printed in Crawf ordsville after March, 1 907] Single sheet of stiff white calendered paper, 7" x 6%" (full), folded to make four pages. Contains a letter in facsimile, certifying that O'Neal Watson had the "privilege of taking all the leaves he wanted from the beech tree under which Ben-Hur was for the most part written." At side of the letter, between slits made evidently for insertion of one of the leaves, is printed : "The beech tree was destroyed March, 1907." On another page is a picture of Lew Wallace in his study; the fourth page shows the office building of the fraternal society (for further notes about the "Supreme Tribe" see ante 330). I908 Indiana in the Mexican war. Compiled by Oran Perry, Adjutant General, Indianapolis, Wm. B. Burford, 1908 Contains, on p. 127, a letter to his father, David Wallace, Decem- ber 19, 1846, earlier in the Indiana State Journal, January 22, 1847. Also contains a letter, on p. 149, addressed to "Friend Chapman," March 12, 1847, published in the Indiana State Sentinel, April 10, i8 47 . Another contemporary letter written from Mexico, not included in Perry, appeared in the Indiana State Journal, August 26, 1846, and was later quoted in brief in R. C. Buley's "Indiana in the Mexican War," The Indiana Magazine of History, September, 191 9, p. 278 n. Wallace's letter read at the organization meeting of the Indiana Asso- ciation of Mexican War Veterans was published in The Indianapolis Journal, May 28, 1874, and in Lew Wallace: An Autohiography, Vol. II (1906), p. 895. For his detailed account of Mexican War experi- 394 LEW[IS] WALLACE ences, see Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. I (1906), Chapters X-XX, pp. 1 01-196 (referred to in Perry, with an extract on p. 57). McKee devoted a chapter to Wallace's "Marching to Mexico." See Contributions, ante 371, for other notes on Wallace and Mexi- can affairs. 1909 THE TIPPECANOE BATTLE-FIELD MONUMENT. A HISTORY OF THE ASSOCIATION FORMED TO PROMOTE THE ENTERPRISE . . . AND THE CEREMONIES AT THE DEDICATION OF THE MONUMENT. Compiled by Alva O. Reser. Indianapolis, Wm. B. Burford, 1909 Contains, on p. 75, "Address by Gen. Lew Wallace (Delivered at Tippecanoe Battle-ground, Sunday, June 20, 1899)." Wallace is said* to have delivered a speech at the Tippecanoe battleground, September 28, 1870, in connection with his Congres- sional campaign, which has not been found in print. 1919 A GOLDEN AGE OF AUTHORS: A PUBLISHER'S RECOLLECTION. By William Webster Ellsworth. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., Cam- bridge, Riverside Press, 191 9 Contains a letter to William Webster Ellsworth, dated July 6, 1895, p. 185. Questioned for purpose of listing in The Century Cyclopedia of Names, Wallace herein explained that "Lew., being an abbreviation or nickname derived from school associates" was "continued for con- venience." Within the letter there is a period after "Lew," but in his signature it is left out! The Century Cyclopedia of Names omitted any mention of the abbreviation; carried his name as Lewis. In his own books the period in the abbreviation is present on the title-pages except in the case of The Life of Gen. Ben Harrison (1888), The Boyhood of Christ (1889), and the posthumous Autobiography (1906). In none of his books did his surname appear in full. *McKee, p. 121. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 395 I922 glimpses of authors. By Caroline Ticknor. Boston & New York, Houghton Mifflin Company; Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1922 Contains letters to Benjamin Holt Ticknor, pp. 101, 103, and 106: the one of October, 1881, concerning "Commodus"; another, Decem- ber, 1 88 1, on the same subject; the third, January, 1885, relates to a manuscript unnamed, but possibly the same play. 1927 pat f. garrett's authentic life of billy the kid. Edited by Maurice Garland Fulton. New York, Macmillan Co., 1927 Binder's title: The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid, the Noted Des- perado, hy Pat. F. Garrett, Sheriff of Lincoln County, N. Mex., Edited by Maurice G. Fulton. Contains facsimile of Wallace's letter to Billy the Kid, March 15, 1879, facing p. 116, and transcript on p. 123, to- gether with Bonney's reply of March 20th and comments by the editor, pp. 123-126. The correspondence was again reproduced, in A Frontier Doctor, by Henry F. Hoyt (1929). An interview with Wallace about Billy the Kid is quoted in part on p. 197. The interview was first published as a feature in The (New York) World, June 8, 1902. In the newspaper the article is introduced thus : "From advance sheets of Gen. Wallace's book the following ac- count of this strange rendezvous has been copied and compiled for the Sunday World Magazine." If true, no copy in Wallace's hand has been preserved among his papers. The published autobiography contains only one mention of Billy the Kid, and that a comment by Susan Wal- lace in a letter to her son, Henry (Vol. II, p. 921). For further details about Wallace as Governor of New Mexico, see ante 354. 396 LEW[IS] WALLACE I929 HISTORY OF MARYLAND: PROVINCE AND STATE. By Matthew Page Andrews. Garden City, N. Y., Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1929 Contains, p. 555, portions of two orders by "General Lewis Wal- lace" as commander of the Eighth Army Corps, Middle Department, Maryland. One, No. 1 12, part of his military system to protect emanci- pated negroes through establishment (November 9, 1 864) of a Freed- men's Bureau, directed that the building of the Maryland Club be seized and renamed "Freedmen's Rest," and further arranged for its maintenance; it appeared earlier in The (Baltimore) Sun, Novem- ber 10, 1864. The other, issued before November 9th, related to con- fiscation of all property held by rebel sympathizers/ The orders were suspended by direction of President Lincoln (see The Diary of Edward Bates, edited by Howard K. Beale [1933], pp. 376, 379, for comments not by Wallace). For other orders not in this volume, particularly those concerning subsequent affairs of the Freedmens Bureau, see Periodicals, Contri- butions, fost 399-401. 1934 FRONTIER FIGHTER. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE W. COE WHO fought and rode with billy the kid. As related to Nan Hillary Harrison. Boston & New York, Houghton Mifflin; Cambridge, Riverside Press, 1934 Contains, between pp. 154 and 155, a facsimile of the death war- rant of William H. Bonney (Billy the Kid) in Wallace's hand, signed and dated May 30, 1881, addressed "To the Sheriff of Lincoln County, New Mexico, Greeting." References to Wallace appear on pp. 144 and 152. Second edition issued in 1951. The New Mexico Historical Review, Vol. 23, April 1948, p. 154, carried a reference to the fact that the death warrant had been found *The latter order, which is said to have appeared earlier, was not found in Baltimore newspapers. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 397 in the office of the Secretary of State of New Mexico in Santa Fe in December, 1 947, but Maurice G. Fulton reports that he had found it there circa 1930, and its use in this book proves its availability in the ^o's. 1947 "bEN-HUr" WALLACE : THE LIFE OF GENERAL LEW WALLACE. By Irving McKee. Berkeley & Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1947 Contains quotations from Lew Wallace's letters and remarks, not clearly identified as to source, some otherwise unpublished, some trace- able to earlier publications. This is the only book-length biography of Wallace, frequendy referred to herein as "McKee." 1949 the westerners brand book. Los Angeles Corrall, 1 949 Contains a letter, p. 211, from Wallace to General Hatch, Com mander of the Department of New Mexico, December 7, 1878, re- questing that Lieut. Col. N. A. M. Dudley be removed; included in a paper by P. J. Rasch, "A Note on N. A. M. Dudley." On the same page there is quoted an opinion of Dudley from Wallace's private note- book. Although the latter is attributed to Wallace it is more likely Frank Angel's (see ante 35812). The Wallace letter to Hatch was printed in The Mesilla (N. M.) News, March 22, 1 879. Notes: Drawings hy Wallace were used to illustrate two of his wife's hooks. ginevra or the old oak chest: a Christmas story. By Susan E. Wallace. With illustrations by General Lew Wallace. New York, Worthington Co., 1887 [i.e., 1886]. Frontispiece and plates facing ff. 8, [18], [24], 38, [42], and [44] are hy Wallace^ the land of the pueblos. By Susan E. Wallace. With illustra- tions. New York, John B. Alden, 1888. Two illustrations from *One of the illustrations, a drawing of a castle, was later reproduced in The Literary News, February, 1887, p. 36. 398 LEW[IS] WALLACE drawings by Wallace: frontispiece and plate facing p. 14. Part of his article, "The Mines of Santa Eulalia," q.v. } was woven into Chapter XVII, pp. 166-167. Note: The Literary World, November 4, 1882, p. 374, carried a statement that Wallace is "said to be furnishing sketches from Con- stantinople for an Eastern illustrated newspaper/' True? If so, where published? Possibly a plan of Wallace's that did not materialize. Fur- thermore, on June 7, 1885, in an unpublished letter to Mrs. Wallace, from Rome, he mentioned that his time was occupied with "the Christ- mas article for Harpers which I am bent on taking home complete and ready for submission. My spare time is given to the galleries, looking for illustrations [italics supplied]."* This, too, was an unfulfilled project (McKee, p. 216). A collection of Wallace drawings is in the Indiana Historical So- ciety, William Henry Smith Memorial Library; the author's great- grandson, Lew Wallace III, also owns some fine examples of his work. * Letter in Indiana Historical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library, Wallace Scrapbooks. Periodicals Containing First Appearances Appleton's Booklovers Magazine 1906: January My Own Account of the First Day at Shiloh* Atlantic Monthly 1863: February Proclamation [of Martial Law in Cincinnati, Newport, and Covington]!; To the People of Cincinnati, Newport and Covington [congratulations on defense of cities and farewell instructions; both proclamations included in article, "The Siege of Cincin- nati" by T. B. Read]t (Baltimore, Maryland) American and Commercial Advertiser 1864: April 18 Headquarters, Middle Department, Baltimore, Special Orders No. 97, April i6th]t 19 [Speech at opening of Maryland State Fair, April 1 8 th: opening remarks and Lincoln's reply] t May 1 9 [Order for discontinuance of the (Baltimore) Evening Transcript, May 18th, addressed to C. W. Tayleure]t 1865: January 31 Headquarters, Middle Department, Balti- more, General Orders No. 1 8, January 30th [abolishing Freedmen's Bureau] § February 1 [Letter to J. M. Frazier, January 28th, about freedmen's affairs]!; [letter to Col. W. E. W. Ross, December 23, 1864, about Freed- men's Bureau]! April 20 Headquarters Middle Department, Baltimore, * Uncollected; first printing of a letter to General James Grant Wilson in the 90's, when the latter was doing a "Life of Grant." •{•Uncollected. ^Uncollected. See The (Baltimore) Sun, for earlier orders and communica- tions. His speech at the Maryland Institute, at a meeting called by the Uncondi- tional Union State Central Committee, has been found only in the form of an unidentified clipping in the Wallace Papers; it was delivered April 1st, probably in a Sunday paper, April 3rd. §Uncollected. See The (Baltimore) Sun for publication of General Orders No. 112 on November 10, 1864, which laid plans for a Freedmen's bureau, but hereby was cancelled. 399 4 oo LEW[IS] WALLACE (Baltimore, Maryland) American and Commercial Advertiser —continued General Orders No. 85, April 19th [an- nouncing resumption of command of Mid- dle Department]* 21 Order of Procession [to escort Lincoln's body to the rotunda of the Exchange]!; [circular, addressed to clergymen of Baltimore, relat- ing to their loyalty] t 26 [Letter to Rev. J. J. Bullock, April 22nd, re- lating to loyalty] $ May 2 [Extract from Special Orders No. 103, April 29th, about removal of restrictions on steamer trade and travel to the west coast of Maryland]! The (Baltimore, Maryland) Sun 1864: March 22 Headquarters, Middle Department, Baltimore, General Orders No. 16, March 22nd [on assuming command of Middle Depart- ment^ April 2 [Letter to Gov. A. W. Bradford, March 30th, about pending Constitutional Election]! July 1 9 Circular, July 1 8th [expressing appreciation of services of loyal citizens of Baltimore in re- cent invasion]! November 1 o Headquarters, Middle Department, Baltimore, * Uncollected. General Orders No. 86, April 19th, about gray uniforms, found as an unidentified clipping in the Wallace Papers, was not located in this news- paper or in The Sun. !Uncollected. ^Uncollected. See The (Baltimore) Sun, May 2, 1865, for more letters on the subject. § Uncollected. After this date there appeared many orders "by command of Major General Wallace," signed by other officers; probably in his words, but here omitted: General Orders No. 17 (published March 28th); Special Orders No. 79 (published March 30th); General Orders No. 19 (published April 4th), General Orders No. 51 and 53 (published July 15th); Special Order No. 17 (published July 21st); General Order No. 57 (published July 23rd); Special Order No. 182 (published July 26th); General Orders No. 115 (published November 26th). His letter to the editor of the (Baltimore) Evening Post, September 30th, sup- pressing its publication, was likewise signed "By command of . . . ." Throughout the months of October, November, and December his name is mentioned in con- nection with trials conducted by the Military Commission, but he did not sign the reports. On April 26, 1865, the Sun published General Orders No. 87, "by com- mand of" Wallace, and on the 27th more about the same; his General Orders 91, 92 and 93 are mentioned but not quoted in the issue of May 1st. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 401 The (Baltimore, Maryland) Sun— continued General Orders No. 112, November 9th [regarding Freedmen's Bureau]* 1865: May 2 [Letter to Mayor John Lee Chapman, May 1 st, about vindication of certain clergymen from charges of disloyalty] t; [letter to Rev. John A. Williams, April 27th, inviting him to submit to oath of allegiance] t Booklovers Magazine See: Appleton's Booklovers Magazine The Boston Advertiser 1886: October 20 [Speech in Boston, October 19th, opening series of historical war lectures, under cap- tion:] The Third Division, Army of the Tennessee at Pittsburg Landing] $ The Century Magazine 1884: December The Capture of Fort Donelson, February 12- 16, i862t 1 90 1 : September How I Saved Ben: A Skit§ The Chicago Evening Post 1905: February 27 [Letters to Lyon & Healy October 4 and De- cember 4, 1904, and February 1 5, 1905, re violins, under caption:] Author Violin Lovert The (Chicago) Inter Ocean 1888: October 24 [Speech, at Wingate (Whitlock), Ind., Octo- ber 23rd, at rally of the "Ben Hur" Har- rison Club, under caption:] Hitting the Bourbons Hardt 1889: August 27 [Letter to President Diaz, of Mexico, Au- gust 15th, under caption:] A Page of Se- cret Businesst 1897: May 16 [Lecture, Chicago, February, 1895, quoted in part, under caption:] What Lew Wallace Thought of the Sultan II * Uncollected. His communication of December 23rd, about postponement of action on the Freedmen's Bureau, has not been located except in form of an un- identified clipping in the Wallace Papers. fUncollected. ^Uncollected; reprinted and commented on in many papers; The Indianapolis Journal, November 6, 1886, quoted parts of both speech and criticism under cap- tion, "Grant and Lew Wallace." § Uncollected; two letters to R. U. Johnson of Century regarding this story are in the manuscript collection of the New York Public Library. II Uncollected; lecture not found earlier reported; possibly a portion of his fre- quently delivered speech, "Turkey and the Turks." 402 LEW[IS] WALLACE The (Chicago) Inter Ocean— continued 1898: May [Letter to Col. P. A. Hoffman, Detroit, May 4th, under caption:] Lew Wallace Disappointed; Veteran of Two Wars Can- not Go to War with Spain* Cincinnati Commercial 1863: February 24 March 20 1869: September 27 1870: March 26 1873: 1877: November January 11 3 [Speech at Union Mass Meeting, Cincinnati, February 23 rd]* [Letter to Editors, March 1 9th, in defense of Gen. Edward O. C. Ord]* [Letter to A. C. Sands, September 23rd, cap- tioned:] The Mexican Bonds* [Letter to the Editor, March 23rd, denying ownership of Mexican bonds, under cap- tion:] Card from General Wallace* [Letter to the Editor, about The Fair God]* [Letter ( telegram) to Gov. Edward F. Noyes, about the electoral vote count for Hayes] f The Cincinnati Commercial Gazette 1886: January 26 [Letter to the Editor, January 23rd, about Shiloh]* February 11 [Speech before Loyal Legion, Ohio Com- mandery, Cincinnati, February 10th]* 1889: (before January 1 2) [Statement about not wanting any po- sition in Pres. Harrison's Cabinet] t Cincinnati Enquirer 1862: September 14 Cincinnati Gazette 1862: August September To the People of Cincinnati, Newport and Covington [congratulations on defense of cities and farewell instructions] § [Speech, Citizens' Union mass meeting, Cin- cinnati, July 31st]* Proclamation [declaring Martial Law in Cin- cinnati, Covington, and Newport] Headquarters, U. S. Forces, Cincinnati, Gen- eral Orders Nos. 2* and 4*; Special Order [to teachers in public schools*; all dated September 2nd] * Uncollected. •{•Uncollected. Wallace's testimony in the questioning of Noyes about the electoral vote count was published in a newspaper, also; the clipping examined lacks identification and date. ^Uncollected; reprinted in The Crawfordsville Journal, January 12, 1889. § Uncollected; published the following day in the Cincinnati Gazette. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 403 Cincinnati Gazette— continued 1862: September 4 Headquarters, U. S. Forces, Cincinnati, Gen- eral Orders No. 5*; Special Order of Sep- tember 3rd*; Circular [appointing surgeon for Second Ward]*; Order [to railway em- ployees to remain at work]*; Order [re ex- emptions in Commissary Department] * 5 Headquarters, U. S. Forces, Cincinnati [no- tice of staff appointments]*; Special Or- ders Nos. 7*, 12*, 13*, and 14* [plus one extending exemptions]*; Office Provost Marshal, Special Orders Nos. 1* and 4* 6 Headquarters, U. S. Forces, Cincinnati, Cir- cular [notice regarding T. Buchanan Read]*; Proclamation [re market supplies, military protection to farmers and market men]* 8 Headquarters, U. S. Forces, Cincinnati, Spe- cial Order of September 6th [about market provisions]*; [Letters (2) to George Hatch, Mayor, September 5th]*; Special Order No. 37* 10 Medical Director's Office, General Order No. 9*; Headquarters, U. S. Forces, Cov- ington, General Order of September 10th* 17 [Speech to riflemen in camp near Fort Mitch- ell, September 16th]* 1863: March 25 [Speech at reception for Major-General A. E. Burnside, Cincinnati, March 24th] * 1874: June 20 [Letter to the Editor, June 18th, captioned:] Decidedly Not a Candidate [for Congress] * The Crawfordsville Journal 1867: 1868: August December 1869: June 10 10 24 [Letter to editor of The Chicago Trihune]t A Card [announcing resumption of law prac- tice in Crawfordsville, dated Decem- ber 7 th]* Resolution of Thanks [to those aiding in Memorial Day services, signed by Wallace, et a!.]* [Letter to Calvin M. Cheney re construction ofl.C.&D. railroad]* * Uncollected. tUncollected; not found in The Chicago Tribune; only clue to date of first publication is an editorial statement: "Letter written prior to the publication of Mr. Seward's dispatch concerning the arrest of Santa Anna." 4°4 The Crawfordsville 1875: May LEW[IS] WALLACE 1876: October 21 1877: December 1878: August 1880: May October 1882: May 29 24 22 23 Journal— continued 8 [Speech at laying of the corner stone of the Crawfordsville Court House, May 6th]* [Letter to Gen. W. T. Sherman, Octo- ber 19th: brief greetings from Society of the Eleventh Indiana Regiment]t [Report of committee to establish a reading room, under caption:] Murphy Notest [Address to the Republicans of the 9th Cong. Dist., Ind., Montgomery County, under caption:] Address of the Anti-Orth Clubt [Statement about Ben Hur, written for his in- terviewer, Meredith Nicholson] t [Speech, to Montgomery Guards, Octo- ber i8th]t Letter to Lord Dufferin, March 3rd [express- ing relief that the Queen's life was spared in an attempt upon it]t [Letter to Col. L. W. Winchester, August 1st, under caption:] Gen. Lew Wallace and the New York Seventh [to march together in Grant's funeral]t [Letter to Hadji Ali, Second Chamberlain to the Sultan of Turkey, May 19, 1885, ac- knowledging gifts from the Sultan] t [Statement about Imogene Brown's picture, "Beautiful Theano at the School of Pythag- oras"]t [Speech welcoming North-West Indiana Con- ference, Methodist Episcopal Church, Oc- tober 1, 1890]! [Letter to Charles B. Landis, February 12th, re autographing of a copy of Ben-Hur for J. J. Insley]t The Crawfordsville Review 1856: [}] 22 [Speech, at Crawfordsville, on presenting a pitcher to Mr. Voorhees from the Old Lin- ers of Montgomery County] $ 1885: September 5 1886: January 9 1889: September 1890: October 1905: February 21 20 * Uncollected. The issue of the 22nd might have contained his speech in greet- ing to Knights of Pythias, May 20, 1875, at Crawfordsville, found only in the form of an unidentified clipping in the Wallace Papers. •{•Uncollected. ^Uncollected. Clipping preserved in the Wallace Papers lacks month date. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 405 The Crawfordsville Review— continued 1877: July 28 [Dispatches (2) to Lieut. I. C. Elston, July 27th, ordering Montgomery Guards to Indianapolis to prevent a riot in connection with a railroad strike]* The Critic 1895: February 2 [Reply to newspaper men who represented him as desiring establishment of a "College of Immortals" in America] t The Daily New Mexican (Santa Fe) 1 881: March 6 [Commutation, as Governor of the Territory of New Mexico, of the sentence of John J. "Webb, March 5th, addressed:] To Whom It May Concern:}: May 1 [Death warrant for Frank C. Clark, dated April 30th, addressed:] To the Sheriff of Dona Ana County, New Mexico [simul- taneous death warrant for Santos Barela mentioned but not quoted because sim- ilarly worded] $ 4 [Reward offer for capture of William Bonney, captioned:] Billy the Kid, $500 Rewards 29 [Letter to Frederick W. Pitkin, Governor of Colorado, May 28th] $ Dayton (Ohio) Journal 1899: October 21 [Letter to Phi Gamma Delta Society, written for an annual convention, under caption:] Phi Gams§ The Evansville (Indiana) Journal 1 86 1 : August 1 5 [Address to his men, August 1 4th, on learning of Gen. Lyon's death, under caption:] The Indiana Zouaves:}: 1862: August 14 [Speech at Evansville, August 1 2th, recruiting for Civil War] II *Uncollected. Later this year Wallace's letter of October 18th to Maurice Thompson, replying to an invitation to a match between his long-bow team and the Montgomery Guards' rifle team, was published in one of the Crawfordsville newspapers; not located; clipping in Wallace Papers. -{-Uncollected; "taken from Washington Post." In an earlier issue of The Critic, May 12, 1894, there appeared a story that Wallace had his friend, General Black, introduce a bill in Congress, to provide for a National Academy of twenty-five immortals; it led to considerable publicity. ^Uncollected. § Uncollected; information from a microfilm copy in the Dayton Public Library. || Uncollected; similar to other speeches on Union loyalty delivered summer of 1862. 4 o6 LEW[IS] WALLACE Harper's [Monthly] Magazine 1867: November The Mines of Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua* 1886: December The Boyhood of Christ 1888: January Lines Addressed to the Lady Who Bandaged My Cut Finger— An Afterthought [poem]t 1889: January Commodus: A Play 1897: December The Wooing of Malkatoon Harper's Weekly 1863: August 22 The Stolen Starst 1888: June 23 [Letter, re W. D. Mahans archaeological "translation," under caption:] "Ben-Hur" and "Ben-Eli"§ 1894: June 23 Address to the Cadets at the United States Naval Academy II Indiana Magazine of History 191 9: September [Letter to Indiana State journal, July 26, 1846, about Mexican War; part only, in article, "Indiana in the Mexican War" by R. C. Buley]* Indiana State Journal (Indianapolis) 1844: December 4- 1845: January 14 Indiana Legislature, House of Representa- tives [daily reports, unsigned]^ 1846: August 26 [Letter to the Editor, July 26th, about the Mexican War]$ ""Uncollected. Mrs. Wallace later quoted from p. 698 of this article, without making acknowledgment, in her story, "The Miners," included as "Old Miners," Chapter XVII in The Land of the Pueblos (1888). Letters from Wallace to his wife from Chihuahua, October 5th and November nth, 1866, appeared in his autobiography, Vol. II, pp. 881, 885. •{•Uncollected. A manuscript was listed in a book auction catalogue as bearing title, "An Afterthought." ^Uncollected. § Uncollected; see Ben-Hur, Notes, ante 326. llCollected in his Autobiography (1906). It had appeared in print some time in 1899, i n The (New York) World, known from a clipping in the Wallace Papers which, however, lacks the exact date. IfUncollected; see Lew Wallace: An Autobiography (1906), Vol. I, p. 96, for Wallace's statement that he daily reported for the Journal the proceedings of the House during this 29th session (he did not make the reports in later years al- though so indicated in Courts and Lawyers of Indiana, by L. J. Monks, Logan Esarey, & Ernest V. Shockley [19 16], Vol. Ill, p. 1292); the issue of December 4, 1844, is known to carry a report, and it has to be assumed, on the strength of his own statement, that subsequent issues through the closing on January 13, 1845 (reported the next morning) published his reports, but they have not been located. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 407 Indiana State Journal (Indianapolis)— con tinned 1847: January 22 [Letter to David Wallace, December 19, 1846, about the Mexican War]* Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis) 1847: April 10 [Letter to "Friend Chapman/' March 12th, about the Mexican War]* 1858: January 18 [Letter to Mr. Brigham, January 14th, con- taining resolution concerning the Kansas- Nebraska bill] * i860: July 10 [Letter to J. J. Bingham, July 7th, under cap- tion:] A Challenge to the Military Com- panies of Indiana [invitation to contest for a purse to be given the best drilled, on September 20th]* 1 861: April 18 [Letter to ladies of Indianapolis, April 17th, appealing for help in Civil War effort] * 22 Adjutant General's Office, General Orders No. 2, April 2otht 26 Regimental Orders, nth Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Indianapolis, April 24th: Gen- eral Orders No. 1 * Indianapolis Herald 1866: July 6 [Speech, July 4, 1866]* The Indianapolis Journal 1 861: April 16 Adjutant General's Office, General Orders No. 1, April i5th§; [Letter to the Editor, April 1 5th, under caption: ] A Zouave Regi- ment II 25 [Letter to Oliver P. Morton, April 23rd, re- signing from office of Adjutant General] J June 17 Special Dispatch from Col. Lew Wallace, Cumberland, Md., June 16th, addressed to the Editor£ 24 [Letter to Maj. Gen. Patterson, June 14th, * Uncollected. f Uncollected; his April 1 5th General Orders No. 1 appeared in both Indiana- polis Daily Journal and the State Sentinel, on April 16, 1861. ^Part only collected; see ante 370. §Uncollected; printed in the Daily State Sentinel (Indianapolis), same date. General Orders, No. 2, appeared in the latter newspaper on April 22nd. || Uncollected; printed in the Daily State Sentinel (Indianapolis), same date, without caption, addressed to J. J. Bingham, Publisher. ^Uncollected; printed in Daily State Sentinel (Indianapolis), same date. £Uncollected; comments on the contents appeared in the issue of June 1 8th under caption, "A Rebel Major in Limbo." 4 o8 LEW[IS] WALLACE 1874: May 1875: October 28 1876: November 17 The Indianapolis Journal— continued under caption:] Official Report of the Af- fair at Romney] * 1 862: April 26 The Battle of Shiloh: Official Report of Major General Lew Wallace, April 12th [letter addressed to Capt. John A. Rawlins]* [Letter to Indiana Association of Mexican War Veterans, May 26th] [Invitation, October 1st, to nth Indiana In- fantry (Zouaves) to a reunion at Terre Haute, October 19th]* [Statement from New Orleans, about electoral vote count in Hayes campaign, Novem- ber 1 6th, signed by Wallace among many others, captioned:] Reply to the Republi- cans . . .*; [special telegram, Novem- ber 1 6th, about the New Orleans electoral vote, signed by Wallace and two others, captioned:] Meeting of the Returning Board . . . Democratic Majority Vanishing* [Telegram from New Orleans, about electoral vote count in Hayes campaign, Novem- ber 1 7 th, signed by Wallace and two others, captioned:] Proof of Intimidation in Loui- siana Accumulating* [Telegram from Tallahassee, about electoral vote count in Hayes campaign, Novem- ber 20th, captioned:] Florida* 18 22 29, December 2, 1877: May June July 3i 28 October 20 November 2 ., 7 [Telegrams and letters from Tallahassee, about electoral vote count] t [Speech at New Albany, Memorial Day, May 30th, under caption:] In God's Acres* [Speech at Butler University, Commence- ment exercises, June 8th, under caption:] Beginning Life* [Order to Montgomery Guards, July 27th, to assemble and come to Indianapolis]* [Speech, 1 1 th Indiana Regiment, annual re- union, Indianapolis, October 19th, part only]* [Telegram to Morton family expressing sym- * Uncollected. •{•Uncollected; see The New York Tribune and the Tallahassee Sentinel for subsequent contributions on the subject. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 409 1877: November 3 1883: 16 May 9 September 20 22 20 The Indianapolis Journal— continued pathy from Montgomery Guards for loss by death of Oliver P. Morton]* General Orders of Chief Marshal [for Mor- ton's funeral procession]* Orders from the Chief Marshal [for Morton's funeral procession]t Address to the People of Indiana [prospectus, Morton Memorial Association]! [Letter to a Crawfordsville friend, from Con- stantinople] * [Letter to Eleventh Indiana Regiment, Au- gust 17th, about battle of Pittsburg Land- ing]* [Telegram to Hon. E. M. Stanton, July 11, 1864]* [Speech, nth Indiana Regiment annual re- union, October 19, 1887; part only quoted]* Lines Addressed to the Lady Who Bandaged My Cut Finger— An Afterthought [poem]* [Speech of welcome at the Loyal Legion ban- quet, December 19th, under caption:] Companions of the Legion§ [Speech at American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science reception, Au- gust 2 1 st, in Indianapolis, under caption:] Numerous Scientific Topics* [Speech before Indiana Commandery of the Loyal Legion, July 4th, in Indianapolis, under caption:] The Virtue of Patriotism* [Telegram to Maj. M. G. McLain, under cap- tion:] Gov. [Alvin P.] Hovey Honored in Death II 1886: January 1887: October 1888; December 27 December 20 1890: August 1 891: July 22 November 25 * Uncollected. -{•Uncollected; not same as "General Orders . . ." also in this issue, reprinted from November 3rd. ^Uncollected. It was these plans of Wallace's in combination with a group of interested citizens which nearly a quarter of a century later, and after many revi- sions, materialized in the Indiana Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, Indianapolis. At its dedication Wallace made a speech; see The Indianapolis Journal, May 1 6, 1902. § Uncollected. Wallace was made Commander of the Indiana Commandery and Councilman of the national Loyal Legion in 1889; his speech at the 1889 assembly (second annual) of the Indiana Commandery is given in digest in McKee, p. 234. II Uncollected; reprinted in The Crawfordsville Journal, November 28, 1891. 410 LEW[IS] WALLACE 1895: 1896: September 19 February 13 The Indianapolis Journal— continued 1892: March 5 [Letter to Republican State Central Commit- tee of Indiana, John K. Gowdy, chairman, March 4th, declining offer of delegation to the national convention]* 1894: July 8 [Notice to Old Montgomery Guards to or- ganize Companies A and B, one a Home Guard, other subject to military call]* [Speech, prepared for dedication of Chicka- mauga Park, September 19th]* [Speech introducing James Whitcomb Riley at Loyal Legion, Indiana Commandery cel- ebration in Indianapolis, February 12th]* 1896: May 31 [Speech, Memorial Day, 1896, at Crown Hill Cemetery, Indianapolis, under caption:] Gen. Wallace's Orationt [Letter to the Editor, December 2nd, about not seeking Senatorship or any office, elec- tive or appointive]* 29 [Speeches (2) at biennial Republican Conference, December 27th and 28th]* [Speech at Indiana Republican League recep- tion, Lafayette, February nth, under cap- tion:] Indiana Republicans^ 14 [Speech at Lincoln Day banquet, Lebanon, February 12th, under caption:] Why Lin- coln Was Sad§ April 17 [Statement to the Editor: "In view of the cer- tainty of war with Spain I to-day tendered the national government my services in the field . . .," under caption:] Tenders His Services for War and Withdraws from Senatorial Race li December 1897: December 28- 1898: February 13 * Uncollected. fUncollected; speech repeated in Louisville the year following and printed again, in Louisville Courier-Journal, June 1, 1897. McKee (p. 235) is surely in error in stating that Wallace had delivered the address in 1892 at Crown Hill Cemetery, since Wallace was not mentioned in newspapers in connection with the program of the occasion; a downpour of rain prevented ceremonies planned that year. ^Uncollected. Very few of the many speeches made by Wallace for the Re- publican Party in various campaigns have been found printed. §Uncollected; quoted later in The (Chicago) Inter Ocean, February 20, 1898, under caption: "Challenged to Duel: General Lew Wallace Invited to the Field of Honor; George E. Oaks Angry, Denies Truth of a Story about General McClellan." || Uncollected; printed again in The Indianapolis Star, February 17, 1905, in PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 4 1 1 The Indianapolis Journal— continued 1898: December 17 [Speech at Loyal Legion Meeting, Indianapo- lis, December 16th, under caption:] Gave Him a Loving Cup* 1902: May 16 [Speech at dedication of the Indiana Sol- diers' and Sailors' Monument, Indianapolis, May 15th, under caption:] General Wal- lace Presidest The Indianpolis News 1894: October 21 [Speech at reunion of the nth Indiana Regi- ment, October 20th]* 1897: December 16 [Speech, extemporaneous, to officers of Indi- ana National Guard, predicting a war with Japan in which America would "thrash them"; brief quotations]^ 1898: April 23 [Letter to the Editor, April 22nd, answering an article of April 21st, under caption:] General Lew Wallace; He Simply Wants to Serve His Country! [Letter re candidacy for U. S. Senate]* Gen. Lew Wallace's Tribute to Maurice Thompson* An Indiana Soldier— Maj. James R. Ross* 1901 November 2 1 February 1 5 October 26 The Indianapolis Press 1900: March 20 [Letter to Editor, March 19th, under cap- tion : ] Gen. Lew Wallace Offers a Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution II The Indianapolis Sentinel 1899: February 23 [Speech before Indiana Historical Society, February 22nd, under caption:] Gen. Wal- lace Defends* 1902: June 1 [Speech for Harrison Memorial, Indiana Au- thors' Readings, Indianapolis, May 30 and 3iP facsimile, under caption: "Tenders Services at Age of Seventy." * Uncollected. fUncollected; first complete printing of the speech; a facsimile of the first page of the address had appeared in The Indianapolis News, May 15, 1902. ^Uncollected; possibly an interview rather than contribution. §Uncollected. The News published Wallace's offer of services in the Spanish- American War on April 18th, The Indianapolis Journal a day earlier. || Uncollected; text printed twice in this issue. 1 Uncollected; the speech, which included a tribute to Maurice Thompson, was introductory to his reading of part of "Ben-Hur"; an interview before the program gave comments by him on the Harrison Memorial, possibly not his own words. 4 i2 LEW[IS] WALLACE The Indianapolis Sentinel— continued 1903: April 10 [Shiloh address, under caption:] Gen. Lew Wallace's Address Delivered at Shiloh, April 6* The Indianapolis Star 1 905 : February 20 [Letters to Cong. Chas. B. Landis re fish pond, under caption:] Among Last Notes of Lew Wallacet 1 9 1 o : January 9 [Letter written when he was Minister to Tur- key, unaddressed and undated, part only]t; [letter to Susan E. Wallace from Constan- tinople, March 3, 1885, part only]t 1919: October 12 [Fragment from an unidentified manuscript in facsimile, included in an unsigned article captioned:] The Author of Ben-Hur as a Friend Knew Himt The Inter Ocean (see The [Chicago] Inter Ocean) Las Vegas (New Mexico) Gazette 1880: December 24 [Reward notice for capture of William H. Bonney (Billy the Kid)]t Levant Herald (Constantinople) 1 88 1 : September 28 [Speech at meeting of sympathy over Presi- dent Garfield's death, September 27th, in Constantinople]^ The Marietta (Ohio) Register 1877: September 4 [Speech at Soldiers' Reunion, Marietta, Sep- tember 4th] § The Mesilla (New Mexico) IndependentII 1 879: Vol. 2, No. 47 (ca. February) [Reply to charges of The Me- silla News that he was involved in catde- stealing and a partisan in the McQueen- Murphy War; being a statement given a reporter for the Rocky Mountain Sentinel]^ A souvenir of the occasion, Readings by Indiana Authors in Aid of Benjamin Harrison Monument Association, issued in pamphlet form, contains portraits of the authors, but no text. ^Uncollected; see Ephemera, ante, 363, for the address in a pamphlet. See The Indianapolis News, May 8, 1903, for facsimile of one page of the manuscript. fUncollected. ^Uncollected. Not seen, but reported and quoted in part in The Crawfords- ville Journal, October 29, 1881. §Uncollected; repeated in weekly issue on September 7th. || Also called The Mesilla Valley Independent. If Uncollected; probably reprinted from the Rocky Mountain Sentinel, as yet unlocated. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 413 The Mbsilla (New Mexico) News 1879: March 22 [Letter to Col. Edward Hatch, December 7, 1878, about Col. N. A. M. Dudley]* May 17 [Letters to U. S. Army officials at Fort Stan- ton, Lincoln County, N. M., March and April, 1879, captioned:] Wallace's Orders While in Command at Fort Stanton* The New England Quarterly 1 942 : March [Letter to President Rutherford B. Hayes, No- vember 28, 1878, about New Mexican af- fairs]*; [letter to same, September 22, 1880, about leaving New Mexico to visit Indiana for campaign purposes]*; [letter to same, November 20, 1880, accompanying gift of a copy of Ben-Hur]* New Mexican (see Daily New Mexican and Weekly New Mexican) The New York Press 1882: November 25 [Letter of orders to Lieut. Dan Macaulay, In- dependent Zouaves, April 16, 1861]* The New York Tribune! 1876: December 28 The New Count in Florida* The (New York) World 1899: November 30 [Letter to the Editor, about Klaw & Erlanger's production of "Ben-Hur"]* The North American Review 1 90 1 : December Prevention of Presidential Assassinations* Ohio State Journal 1862: September 22 Headquarters Paroled Forces, Columbus, Ohio, September 22nd, General Orders Nos. 2 & 3* Omaha Tribune & Republican 1872: (after August 30) [Letter to the Editor, August 30th, de- fending General Grant's conduct at the battles of Donelson and Shilohjt * Uncollected. fin a periodical clipping which lacks full identification, a letter of Wallace's appeared addressed to the editor of The Tribune (probably the New York news- paper), dated September 16 (probably 1879), replying to "R's" letter of Septem- ber 5th which was a published criticism of his Civil War actions. ^Uncollected; reprinted in The Indianapolis Journal, September 12, 1872; no file of the Omaha paper located. 4 i4 LEW[IS] WALLACE The Phi Gamma Delta [Quarterly] 1898: October [Letter to E. L. Mattem, September 13th, re- gretting inability to attend Ekklesia]* 1900: March [Telegram to Phi Gamma Delta's Committee for "Phi Gamma Delta Night at Ben Hur"]t 1 90 1 : February The Tribute of General Wallace [to Maurice Thompson] $ 1 905 : April [Letter to Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Mu Chap- ter, Syracuse University, August 29, 1901 ]§ 1936: April [Letter to Alexander Hill, regarding dedica- tion of Ben Hwr]§ The (Rochester, N. Y.) Advertiser 1887: February 22 [Speech, "Turkey and the Turks," quoted "in substance"] II The Rocky Mountain Sentinel (Santa Fe)1T 1878: November 14 [Proclamation of the Governor, Novem- ber 13th, extending amnesty to army of- ficers and residents of Lincoln County, Ter- ritory of New Mexico] £ The Santa Fe New Mexican (see The Daily New Mexican and The Weekly New Mexican) Scribner's Monthly 1879: March A Buffalo Hunt in Northern Mexico§ South Bend Tribune 1898: March 16 [Speech at South Bend, March 15th, in trib- ute to Schuyler Colfax] § Tallahassee (Florida) Sentinel 1877: (between January 19 and February 3) [Letter to members of (Florida) Board of State Canvassers, January 19th]** "Uncollected. See Contributions, ante 389, for his letter to the 1899 Ekklesia. f Uncollected; evidently printed, too, as a broadside for distribution to mem- bers present on the occasion, from context on p. 133. ^Uncollected; same as in The Indianapolis News, February 15, 1901. §Uncollected. II Uncollected. The lecture has not been found printed anywhere in its en- tirety. It was first delivered in Crawfordsville, April, 1886, then given on tour in many cities in 1 886-1 887, again October, 1894, in Seattle, Washington, when Will H. Thompson introduced his fellow townsman. Iflt was probably this newspaper, or one of the Denver papers that, on Feb- ruary 5, 1880, printed Wallace's telegrams of January 16th and 19th, about Indian troubles addressed to Carl Schurz; clipping lacks identification. ^Uncollected; issued in broadside form (see ante 354). **No file of Tallahassee Sentinel of January— February, 1877 yet located. Col- lected in Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, q.v. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 415 The Wabash (Wabash College, Crawfordsville) 1903: February The Spirit of '62 [Speech, June 17, 1902, at Wabash, for dedication of Civil War tab- let]* Washington (D. C.) Chronicle 1866: [before May 17] [Letter to Judge Jno. A. Bingham, March 31st, about reorganization of the Army]t Washington (D. C.) Post 1895: (January?) [On "College of Immortals"]* The Weekly New Mexican (Santa Fe) 1878: November 23 Thanksgiving Proclamation* 1879: September 20 [Dispatches to S. M. Ashenfelter, under cap- tion:] More Indian Outrages§ 1880: January 10 The Governor's Message to the Legislative As- sembly of New Mexico, January 8th* Youth's Companion 1893: February 2 How I Came to Write Ben-Hur Unidentified Periodical Contributions: Civil War orders, reports, letters, and speeches; all uncollected: Order, February 28, 1862, congratulating soldiers of the First Di- vision Letter to Alderman Holden, Shimp, and Hoyt, April 3 [1862?], "read at the great Union meeting held in Chicago on Friday evening [April 4th]" Official Report of the Battle of Pittsburgh Landing (Shiloh), April 12, 1862 Letter to Crawfordsville Committee, S. C. Wilson, J. P. Campbell, and John Lee, May 8, 1862, in thanks for "an elegant sword" given him by friends in Montgomery County [probably in a Crawfordsville newspaper, not available] Speech in Washington, D. C, June, 1862, when serenaded at the National Hotel by a number of Indianians; he urged that negroes be freed and armed Speeches, summer and autumn, 1862, at various Union mass meet- ings in Indiana, on military missions; see Cincinnati Gazette, August 1, 1862, for substance of his message * Uncollected. •{•Uncollected; reprinted from the Washington Chronicle in The Crawfords- ville Journal, May 1 7, 1 866. ^Uncollected; reprinted in The Critic, February 2, 1895. § Uncollected; in another newspaper, unidentified, captioned: "Our Indian Troubles." 1 6 LEW[IS] WALLACE Speech, in a "hospitable and beautiful" city, on subject of Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation of January i, 1863 Letter to General Grant, February 29, 1868, justifying his conduct on April 6, 1862, at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, written after reading Badeau's "Life of General Grant" which was syndicated and published in newspapers all over the country; from context published after June 24, 1868 Hayes campaign; uncollected: Speech at a Republican Convention, August 22, 1876, about Hayes; Wallace's own words quoted at length in some newspaper of August 28th. SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE (MRS. LEW WALLACE) born: Crawfordsville, Indiana, December 25, 1830 died: Crawfordsville, Indiana, October 1, 1907 Susan Arnold Elston Wallace, daughter of Isaac C. and Maria E. Aiken Elston, was born at Crawfordsville, Indiana, De- cember 25, 1830; received an education in Crawfordsville and Poughkeepsie, New York; married Lew Wallace in 1852; died in her native city on October 1, 1907. She would be satisfied with this brief summary of her life, for she was content to remain in the shadow of her husband's colorful career. It was a true marriage: she helped him at every turn; he appreciated and counseled her. She kept all his letters to her as important to posterity, and de- stroyed her own; contributed comparatively little as a published writer although Lew Wallace and her friends thought she had great talent. It was her pleasure to encourage other writers. To Mary Hannah Krout, a protegee for many years, she entrusted the editing of her husband's autobiography. Perhaps her place in the literary field was that of consultant, and it may be that Lew Wal- lace's success as an author was due in large measure to her criticism and his respect for it. The theme of her writing was home and friends, travel, and Christianity. Her attitudes were thoroughly feminine at all times. Some poems were written and published before she was thirty, but most of her literary efforts came after she was fifty. The first book was a plan to ward off homesickness while living in Constanti- nople, in 1 88 1. The six volumes of writing wholly hers that ap- peared between 1883 and 1903 include a very slight Christmas story based on an Italian legend; the rest are essays, fact mixed with fiction, with a background of her travels with her husband in Europe, the Orient, the Holy Land, and the Territory of New Mexico, which she visited during his governorship. A biographical study of Susan Wallace as a woman who came into the Southwest at an early date and wrote about it is being undertaken by Miss Mabel Major, of Fort Worth, Texas. Her poems were never collected. Her last piece of writing, as far as is known, was a story submitted March, 1904, to The Century Magazine but unpublished: "The End of the Rainbow. An Old, 419 4 2o SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE Old Story," which she described in a letter to the editor (letter now in the New York Public Library's manuscript collection) as "an Eastern tale adapted from the 'Arabian Nights/ " designed to be as "Oriental as musk and fantastic as possible." It was probably an attempt to entertain Lew Wallace in his long, last illness. A biographical summary of her as writer, done by Lew Wallace, not published, but preserved in the Indiana State Library in photo- stat from the original manuscript, adds to the tribute he paid her in his Autobiography , Volume II (1906), pp. 206-212. With her equipment of mind and heart and facility in expressing her ideas Susan Wallace could have been a more famous author; she pre- ferred to be known as Mrs. Lew Wallace. Many have described her as an excellent wife and mother, hostess and friend, a charming and good woman. Chronology of Books 1883 The Storied Sea James R. Osgood and Company 1887 (i.e., 1886) Ginevra; or, The Old Oak Chest, A Christmas Story Worthington Co. 1888 The Land of the Pueblos John B. Alden The Repose in Egypt John B. Alden 1898 Along the Bosphorus and Other Sketches Rand, McNally & Co. 1903 The City of the King; What the Child Jesus Saw and Heard The Bobbs-Merrill Company Biographical References Who's Who in America, Vols. 1-4; Frances E. Willard & Mary A. Livermore, A Woman of the Century (1893), American Women (1897); Irving McKee, "Ben-Hur" Wallace (1947); R. E. Banta, In- diana Authors and Their Books (1949); Wallace Papers, Indiana His- torical Society, William Henry Smith Memorial Library. First Editions — Books 1883 The Storied Sea the storied sea [red] | by | susan e. Wallace | [publishers' em- blem] I boston [red] | jamesr. Osgood and company | 1883 [red] [Note : The foregoing, with red ornament in each corner, is within a single rule box, within a red rule box.] Collation: One unsigned leaf, [i] 6 , 2 4 (signed on recto of 3rd leaf), 3-[6]-[n]-i5 8 (numbered signatures from 3-15 are signed on recto of 7th leaf), [16] 4 . White wove paper. Leaf measures 5 1 %e" x 4%", all edges orange. End paper; binder's leaf; title-page, inserted, with verso bearing copyright notice dated 1883, statement: All rights reserved., and im- print of the University Press, John Wilson and Son, Cambridge; half- title, p. [i]; quotation from Charles Kingsley's Prose Idylls: a descrip- tion of the Mediterranean Sea, p. [ii]; Preface, dated May 1, 1883, pp. [iii]-v; blank, p. [vi]; table of contents, pp. [vii]— viii; text, pp. [93-233 (imprint of University Press at foot of p. 233); blank, pp. [234-236]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. (9)-233, see Contents.] Illustrations: None. Headpieces appear on pp. [iii], [vii], and at beginning of each chapter; an ornamental rule is below caption on pp. [iii], [vii], and [9]. Binding : Light green, and, brown mesh cloth. Front cover brown- stamped: [rule] I [gilt-stamped cable intercepting a border of dots within dotible rule, also intercepting O in line below] | [dot] the [dot] storied [dot] | [dot] sea [dot] | [gilt-stamped seal, outlined in dark brown, containing ship design in center and row of dots bordering the following circular design, all gilt:] by [dot] susan [dot] E [dot] Wallace [dot] [the seal intercepts an ornamental arrangement of rules and dots, center wave-like; the gilt-stamped cable continues to a bot- tom rule after intercepting a border of dots within a double rule] | 421 422 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE [rule]. Spine brown-stamped: [border of dots within double rule] | [the following four lines on gilt-stamped panel:] [ornament] the [or- nament] | [ornament] sto- [ornamental hyphen] | ried [ornament] | [ornament] sea [ornament] | [ornamental arrangement of rules and dots, center wave-like] | susan [dot] e | Wallace | [row of dots inter- ceptedby -first L in Wallace above] | [publishers' emblem within orna- mental design]. Back cover blank. End papers olive-green floral design on white, two different pat- terns noted; binder's leaf front and back, same as book stock, their con- jugates pasted under lining papers. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office Septem- ber 17, 1883. Earliest review noted: Boston Evening Transcript, Sep- tember 14, 1883. Price, $1.00. Notes : First edition as collated. Bindings vary in color, and end papers in design, without precedence. All copies examined have p. 15, line 21, Niarara for Niagara. The book reappeared with Harpers' imprint on title-page, dated 1890, and is probably the Travel Sketches listed in the Cumulative Book Index (1902), since no book of hers by this title has been found elsewhere recorded. This was Mrs. Wallace's first book. She had already chosen its name when she wrote her son from Constantinople on November 7, 1 88 1, about her undertaking: "... I have collected material for a long series of letters from the Mediterranean countries and shall gather in the rough much more as I journey along ... It is such a long and pains- taking work I hesitate to plunge in, still I do not want to be idle and unless I busy myself I am homesick and miserable."* Two other books grew out of her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa in company with her husband, then Minister to Turkey: The Repose in Egypt (1888) and Along the Bosphorus (1898). Contents : All but the "Postscript" earlier published as a series in The Independent: CHAPTER I On the Sea The Independent, May 11, 1882 (with title: The Storied Sea) II The Man of Destiny [Napoleon] The Independent, May 25, 1882 III Among the Brigands The Independent, July 27, 1882 (with title: The Storied Sea) * Letter in the Wallace Papers. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 423 IV In and about Tunis The Independent, August 10, 1882 (with title: The Storied Sea) V A Day in Carthage The Independent, August 24, 1882 VI About the Arabs The Independent, September 7, 1882 VII Doing a Little Shopping The Independent, Septem- ber 14, 1882 VIII, IX, X The Light of the Harem (in three parts; Part II contains "Gazzel; or, Love Song," translated from the Arabic) The Independent, September 21 , 28, and Oc- tober 5, 1882 XI Byron The Independent, November 2, 1882 XII Classic Funerals The Independent, November 16, 1882 XIII, XIV The American Girl: An Interlude (in two parts) The Independent, November 30, and December 14, 1882 XV Something About Homer The Independent, March 1, 1883 XVI, XVII About Smyrna (in two parts) The Independ- ent, December 21, 1882, and January 4, 1883 XVIII Postscript 1887 (Published 1886) Ginevra GINEVRA I OR | THE OLD OAK CHEST | A CHRISTMAS STORY | BY | SUSAN E. WALLACE | WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY | GENERAL LEW WAL- LACE I [ornamental rule] | new york | worthington co., 747 BROADWAY | 1 887 Collation: [1-2] 8 , one cancel leaf, [3] 6 , [4]*. White plate paper. Leaf measures 8%" x 6%", all edges trimmed. End paper; frontispiece, inserted; title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice dated 1886, p. [2]; dedication to My Beloved Nieces . . . , dated Christ- mas, 1886, p. [3]; blank, p. [4]; introduction, p. [5]; blank, p. [6]; text, pp. [71-46 (pp. 33-34 on cancel leaf); divisional half-title, p. [47]; blank, p. [48]; poem: The Mistletoe Bough, pp. [491-51; blank, p. [52]; divisional half-title, p. [53]; portrait of Samuel Rogers, p. [54]; 4 2 4 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE poem by Samuel Rogers, pp. [55]-6o; vignette, p. [61]; blank, p. [62]; end paper. [Note: For text, see Notes.] Illustrations: Frontispiece inserted, as are plates facing pp. 8, [18],* [24], 38, [42], and [44]; all by Lew Wallace. The introduction, four chapters, and conclusion all bear illuminated initial and tailpiece by Lew Wallace. The portrait of Samuel Rogers, p. [54], and vignette, p. [61], are an integral part of the book; these are not by Wallace. Binding: Pictorial colored boards. Front cover elaborately colored and decorated on gilt background, title and other lettering printed over, at the side of and below a picture of a young girl : ginevra | a Christ- mas story I by I susan e. Wallace | illustrated [printed vertically] I BY I GEN. LEW. WALLACE | WORTHINGTON CO. 747 BROADWAY N. Y.f Spine has decorations continued from front cover. Back cover bears a continuation of the decorations and an illustration. Publication Data: Copyrighted September 29, 1886. It had been advertised in The Publishers' Weekly, July 10, 1886. Earliest review noted: The Critic, December 4, 1886. Price, $1.25. Notes : The main portion of the book, Susan Wallace's prose ver- sion of an old Italian legend given an English setting, is followed by Thomas Bayly's poem, "The Mistletoe Bough" (although no author's name is signed to it), and Samuel Rogers' "Ginevra." She drew on both poems for her Christmas story and added romantic episodes; included, too, a poem, "Prince Edward's Song," p. 22, beginning, "In blinding snow, as wild winds blow," perhaps not hers. The Wallace content, "Ginevra; or, The Old Oak Chest," was published before the book in The Independent, December 1 8, 1 884. 1888 The Land of the Pueblos THE LAND OF THE | PUEBLOS. | BY | SUSAN E. WALLACE. | Author of "The Storied Sea," "Ginevra," etc. | [rule] | with illustrations. I [rule] I new york: | JOHN b. alden, publisher. I 1888. *Facing p. 20 in the Indiana State Library copy. flmprint faint; no comma visible before or after street address. Susan E. Wallace's six books FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 425 Collation: [i]-i2 [i3-i4]-[i6]-i8 8 (all signed signatures have numeral on recto of second leaf). White laid paper. Leaf measures 7% 6 " x 4%"> a H edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; tide-page, p. [i]; copyright notice in name of the Provident Book Co. dated 1888, p. [ii]; blank, p. [1]; table of contents, p. [2]; list of illus- trations, p. [3]; blank, p. [^Introduction, dated March, 1888, pp. 5-6; text, pp. 7-285; blank, p. [286]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 7-285, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 14, 44, 46, 130, 132, 154, 200, 234, 238, 244, and 246. The frontispiece and plate facing p. 14 are from sketches by General Lew Wallace. Binding: Olive-green, blue-green, brown, and, mustard-colored mesh cloth. Front cover bears an illustration of a Mexican scene with title and author's name gilt-stamped : the J land [l ornamented] of the [article slightly lowered, not aligned] | pueblos | susan e. Wal- lace Spine black-stamped : [triple wave rule] | [ornamental design I [double wave rule] | [the following gilt-stamped:] [jour dots] | The land of I The I pueblos | [ornamental rule] | Wallace | [ornament alden [ornament] | [black-stamped double wave rule]. Back cover blank. End papers same as book stock. Binder's leaf front and back, con- jugates pasted under lining papers. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office, June 20, 1888. Earliest review noted: Avalanche (Memphis, Tenn.), June 29, 1888. An extract from the book appeared in Literature, June 2, 1888, so copies may have been ready early in the month. Price, 75 cents. Notes : First edition as collated. No priority in color of binding. Reprinted by John A. Berry & Co., 1888, with copyright in name of Susan E. Wallace. Nims & Knight issued an 1889 edition. Alden re- issued it with date 1 890 on title-page. George D. Hurst published a re- print in 1895 as No. 3 in The Ambrosial Library. Mrs. Wallace joined her husband in New Mexico at the end of January, 1 879, and stayed until October of that year, sharing for a short time his life as Governor of that territory; part of a letter to one of her sisters describing their adventures is printed in Irving McKee, "Ben- Hur" Wallace: The Life of General Lew Wallace (1947), p. 153, in a chapter which contains many references to Susan Wallace. A letter from her to her son, Henry L. Wallace, May 11, 1879, from Fort Stanton, describes her impressions of life in New Mexico and 426 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE quotes the threats of "Billy the Kid" (letter published in Lew Wallace: An Autobiography, Vol. II [1906], p. 920). Her book, The Land of the Pueblos, is full of history and descrip- tion of the region, but does not deal with contemporary politics. Contents : A series of letters written from Sante Fe, earlier pub- lished in The Independent, The Atlantic Monthly, The New York Tribune,* and several "in a certain magazine which died young," so stated in the introduction. f CHAPTER I The Journey The Independent, January 22, 1 880 (with title : To the Land of the Pueblos) II Historic The Atlantic Monthly, August, 1880 (with title: Among the Pueblos); The Denver News, July, 1880 (part only)^ III Laws and Customs Good Company, May, 1881 (with title : Among the Pueblos) IV The City of the Pueblos The Independent, Febru- ary 26, i88o§ V Mexican Cottages The Independent, March 4, 1880 (with title : The City of the Pueblos) VI, VII, VIII, IX To the Turquois [sic] Mines [(Contin- ued) present, within parentheses, on pp. 93 and 101; word, continued, not present on p. 80 although indi- cated in table of contents] The Independent, July 1, 8, 22, and 29, 1880 X Among the Archives— Things New and Old The Inde- pendent, January 6, 1881 || XI Among the Archives— A Love Letter The Independent, February 10, 1881 *Whitelaw Reid wrote to Lew Wallace September 25, 1878: "Why don't you try your hand at occasional letters for us yourself? There will be no trouble about concealing the authorship— if you thought that important— and I fancy before you have been there very long you will want some method of amusement. ' —Letter in Wallace Papers. There is no record that he accepted the invitation, but the acknowledgment indicates that his wife did. fThe "certain magazine which died young," probably Good Company. ^Lew Wallace, in a letter to his wife, July 29, 1 880, commented on the fact that the "opening paragraphs" were copied in The Denver News; letter in Wal- lace Papers, Indiana Historical Society. §Another article with the same title, in The Independent, February 12, 1880, was not included in this book. || An article with the same title, in The Independent, January 20, 1881, was not included in this book. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 427 XII, XIII,* XIV Among the Archives (Continued) [lower case c and no parentheses in table of contents] The Independent, February 24, March 17, and April 7, 1881 XV The Jornada Del Muerto The Independent, January 27, 1 88 1 XVI Something about the Apache The Independent, June 11 and 18, 1885 (with title in latter: Victorio, the Apache Chief) XVII Old Miners The Independent, May 26, 1881 (with title: The Miners)! XVIII The New Miners The Independent, June 30, 1881 (with title : The Land of the Pueblos) XIX The Honest Miner The Independent, July 21, 1881 (with title: Among the Archives— Things New and Old) XX The Assayers The Independent, August 4, 1 88 1 XXI The Ruby Silver Mine— A True Story The Independ- ent, September 8, 1881 XXII The Ruby Silver Mine— Continued [lower case c in table of contents] The Independent, September 15, 1881 XXIII Mine Experience Good Company, January, 188 1 XXIV The Ruins of Montezuma's Palace XXV To the Casas Grandes XXVI A Frontier Idyl* XXVII ThePimos Good Company, June, 188 1 *Most of Chapter XIII appeared later in Literature, June 2, 1888, with tide, "Religion of the Pueblos." fin her description of the Mexican miner, pp. 166-167, the author quotes from Lew Wallace's article, "The Mines of Santa Eulalia," in Harper's New Monthly Magazine, November, 1867, p. 698. ^The three chapters XX1V-XXVI may have been the portion published in The New York Tribune, between 1879 and 1888, but not yet located therein. 428 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE 1888 The Repose in Egypt THE I REPOSE IN EGYPT | A MEDLEY | BY | SUSAN E. WALLACE | AU- THOR OF "the LAND OF THE pueblos," "the STORIED sea," I "gin- EVRA," ETC. I [rule] I WITH ILLUSTRATIONS | [rule] | NEW YORK | JOHN B. ALDEN, PUBLISHER | 1 888 Collation: [1-12] 16 (plus one unsigned leaf in first signature; sig- natures numbered 2-24 on recto of 1st and 9th leaf as for gathering in 8's), [13] 4 (numbered 25). White wove paper. Leaf measures 7% 6 " x 4%" (full), top edge gilt, other edges trimmed. End paper; binder's leaf; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [1]; copyright notice dated 1888, p. [2]; dedication: To \ The two dear friends with whom 1 learned that | travel is the saddest of pleasures. | S. E. W. | Crawfordsville, Ind | October , 1888., p. [3]; blank, p. [4]; table of contents, pp. [5-6]; list of illustrations, verso blank, inserted*; Preface, p. [7]; blank, p. [8]; text, pp. 9-259; blank, p. [260]; divisional half-title, p. [261]; blank, p. [262]; text, pp. 263- 391; blank, p. [392]; binder's leaf; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 9-391, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 32, 38, 52, 60, 64, 68, 76, 80, 96, no, 168, 176, 178, 180, 196, and 206. Binding: Dark green, and, pumpkin-colored mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped: the repose in egypt | [rule]. Spine gilt-stamped: THE I REPOSE | IN | EGYPT | [rule] | WALLACE | ALDEN Back COVer blank. End papers white wove; binder's leaf front and back, conjugates pasted under lining papers. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office Novem- ber 23, 1888. Earliest review noted: The (New York) Sun, Novem- ber 18, 1888. Price, $1.00. Notes : First edition as collated. Title-page, With Illustrations, has *List present in earliest inscribed copies, one, "Thanksgiving, 1888," in pos- session of Lew Wallace, III; another, "Christmas, 1888," in Eagle Crest Library. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 429 broken capital h in With in all copies; copyright page has poor type also. Some copies lack list of illustrations. Nims & Knight published an edition in 1889. Alden reissued it in 1 89 1. Two Hurst reprints have been noted, besides their issue which was No. 4 of The Ambrosial Library, 1895 : one with imprint of George D. Hurst on spine; the other with imprint of Hurst & Co. on spine; both undated. Contents: In the preface the author makes acknowledgment to "the father of the nameless magazine which died young . . .,* the re- spective editors of The Independent, Advance, Congregationalist, Youth's Companion, Christian Advocate, Bacheller Syndicate, Frank Leslies Magazine, and Sunday-School Times." CHAPTER I The Burden of Egypt II The Landing III Suez and Sinai Advance, January 14, 1886 (with tide: Egypt and Sinai) IV Crossing the Red Sea Advance, March 4, 1886 V Alexandria VI Obelisks [in two separated parts, both captioned, VI; first relates to Alexandria, second to Constantinople] The Independent, January 28, 1886 (part with title: Alexandria Obelisks, under caption: About Egypt), and February 4, 1886 (part, with title: The Obelisks of Alexandria) VII Cleopatra VIII To Cairo Advance, August 5, 1886 (with title: About Egypt) IX The Rise of the Nile X At Heliopolis The Christian Advocate, August 9 and 16, XI The Flight into Egypt The Independent, December 17 and 24, 1885 XII The Return of the Holy Carpet The Christian Advo- cate, March 17 and 24, 1887 (with title: Cairo; the Re- turn of the Holy Carpet) XIII The Pilgrimage to Mecca XIV Mecca, the Sacred City The Indianapolis Journal, July 31, 1887 (with title: The Sacred City of Mecca) *The "nameless magazine" remains in obscurity, with its "father" not yet identified. 43 o SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE XV Pilgrimage The Congregationalist, April 21, 1887 (with title : A Pilgrimage to Mecca) XVI The Repose XVII Poetry and Music of the Arabs Literature, April 7 and 14, 1888 XVIII The First Cinderella : A Tale of the Red Pyramid Frank Leslies Popular Monthly, August, 1887 XIX In the Isle of the Lily : The Story of the Three Kings [run- ning title: The Story of the Three Kings] XX In the Isle of the Lily: Thalia's Story [running title: Thalia's Story] XXI Still in the Isle of the Lily: The Antiquary's Story [run- ning title: The Antiquary's Story] XXII Conclusion Along the Bosphorus [with divisional half-title]* Two Voyages up the Bosphorus I The First Voyage : [comma in place of colon in table of contents] 1390 B. C. The Independent, April 17 and May 8, 1884 (with title: Sailing up the Bosphorus: Voyage First— Before Christ, 1390) II The Second Voyage, A. D. [comma after D. in table of contents] 1 884 The Independent, June 1 2 and July 3, 1884 (with title: Voyage Second— After Christ, 1884) One Woman: A True Romance [Chapter III in table of con- tents] The Independent, August 20, 27, September 3, 10, and 17, 1885! In the Harem [Chapter IV in table of contents] Wedding Customs in the East [Chapter V in table of contents] Sunday School Times, March 17, 1888 At Yildiz Palace [Chapter VI in table of contents] *See Along the Bosphorus (1898), Chapter I, for travel sketches with same tide, differing in content. fThe identity of "one woman" is hidden by the author under the name, "Lady Ellen," but Mrs. Burton in The Independent, September 24, 1885, p. 17, iden- tifies her as Lady Ellenborough. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 431 1898 Along the Bosphorus ALONG THE BOSPHORUS I AND OTHER SKETCHES | BY | SUSAN E. WAL- LACE I (mrs. lew Wallace), | author of "ginerva [sic], or the OLD OAK CHEST," "THE STORIED | SEA" "THE LAND OF THE PUEB- LOS," "the I repose in egypt." I ['publishers emblem] | Chicago AND NEW YORK | RAND, MC NALLY & CO., PUBLISHERS, | 1 898. Collation: [i]-24 8 (plus one unsigned leaf in first signature), 25 4 . White laid paper. Leaf measures 7%" x 5%6"> top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [i]; blank, p. [ii]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page, p. [iii]; copyright notice dated 1898, p. [iv]; table of contents, p. [v]; blank, p. [vi]; Introductory dated July 24, 1 88 1, pp. [i]~4; acknowledgements, on inserted leaf, with verso blank; text, pp. 5-383 (with conjugate of pp. 7-8 pasted under lining paper); blank, p. [384]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 5-383, see Contents.] Illustrations : Frontispiece in sepia with tissue guard printed in red, inserted as are illustrations with tissue guards printed in red facing pp. 6, 9, 16, 28, 36, 48, 54, 60, 66, 82, 01, 119, 122, [128], [238], 256, 280, 296, 311, 322, 334, 350, and 383. Binding: Light blue, silk-finished mesh cloth. Front cover gilt- stamped: along the bosphorus [dot in each O] I [scene along the Bosphorus, with gilt crescent, stamped in gilt, green, and red; within which is gilt-stamped:] susan | [crescent-like ornament] E [crescent- like ornament] | Wallace [crescent-like ornament]. Spine gilt- stamped: along the | bosphorus | [oriental scene stamped in gilt, green, and red, intercepted by authors name:] Wallace | [at foot:] rand, I mc nally & co. Back cover bears a green-stamped oriental scene, and, at lower left, a floral design stamped in red, green, and gilt. End papers similar to, slightly heavier than book stock; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data: Deposited in the Copyright Office October 31, 1898. Listed in The Publishers Weekly, November 19, 1898. Price, $1.50. 432 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE Notes: First edition as collated. The sheets appeared in a later binding of blue coarse mesh cloth with white stamping in place of gilt, imprint on spine occupying 3 lines (earlier, 2 lines), and back cover blank; leaf trimmed to 7%" x 4%" (earlier, 7 % 6 " [full] x 5%"), top edge ungilded. A British edition published by Unwin is listed as appearing August, 1898. Two chapters in this book are not Susan Wallace's (see Contents). An earlier work, The Repose in Egypt (1888), included a section, "Along the Bosphorus," but the stories are not the same in the two books. Contents : The author makes acknowledgments as follows : "My thanks are with the Messrs. Harper, through whose courtesy I am al- lowed to reprint The Tower of Many Stories. Also, I acknowledge my debt to The Independent and to the respective editors of the Sunday School Times, Frank Leslie's Magazine, Youth's Companion, Bachel- ler Syndicate, McClure Syndicate, Bok Syndicate, and The Arena, for permission to gather together these scattered Autumn leaves." Chapter III, "A Trip to Hebron," is not by Mrs. Wallace, but by Mrs. Henry S. Lane. Chapter XI, about the Sistine Madonna, entitled, "Letter from Dresden" and dated December, 1884, is Lew Wallace's though unsigned.* CHAPTER I Along the Bosphorus The Mohammedan Sunday The Indianapolis Journal, April 27, 1890 (part, with title: A Peep at Turkish Royalty); The Indianapolis Journal, June 15, 1890 (part, with title: Summer on the Bosphorus) Feast of Bairam Buying a Dog Under the Cypresses The (?) Sunday Herald (end of March, 1888?; with title: Oriental Cemeteries) t Seraglio Point Throne Room Imperial Treasury *See McKee, p. 214: "At Dresden he [Lew Wallace] painstakingly compared Raphael's 'Madonna' with Murillo's." Mrs. Wallace was not in Dresden at this time. fA clipping in the Wallace Papers states, "Written for The Sunday Herald"; possibly the article copyrighted March 29, 1 888, under the title, "Large Turkish Cemeteries," by the New York Syndicate Bureau. Mrs. Wallace wrote an earlier article on a similar subject, "In a Turkish Cemetery," q.v. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 433 II Lepers and Leprosy [Leprousy in table of contents] in the East Sunday School Times, January 5, 1889 IV* Gypsies I Have Seen V Housekeeping in Turkey VI At Bethlehemf VII In the Tower of Many Stories The Little Princes Sir Walter Raleigh The Independent, August 2, 1883 (part, with title: Two Days in Westminster Abbey); Harper's Round Table, December 24, 1895 Lady Arabella Stuart The Earl of Essex and His Ring Harpers Round Table, July 7, 1896 Henry the Eighth Harper's Round Table, May 5 and 12, 1896 Last Letter of Anne Boleyn to Henry Eighth [this subtitle not in table of contents] Harper's Round Table, May 12, 1896 The Virgin Queen Imprisoned Harper's Round Table, May 12, 1896 (with title: Henry the Eighth) VIII A Fair Client's Storyl Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, February, 1886 IX William Wetmore Story [with subtitles not in table of con- tents : ] A Memory The Cosmopolitan, September, 1 896 Letter of Mrs. Story [Emelyn (Mrs. W. W. Story), to Mrs. Wallace] The Cosmopolitan, September, 1896 Letter of W. W. Story X Among the Palace-Galleries of Florence— Madonnas— Raph- ael [co-titles omitted in table of contents where hyphen after Palace is also omitted] XII § A Reminiscence [of General William T. Sherman at West Point in 1890] XIII About Booksll ^Chapter III is by Mrs. Henry S. Lane, hence omitted here. fLater included in The City of the King (1903). ^"Founded on a client's story told me about the year 1870 by John M. Butler," so written in copy presented by the author to Joanna M. Lane [Mrs. Henry S. Lane], November, 1898, in the Indiana State Library. §Chapter XI is a quotation of Lew Wallace's letter, December, 1884, though his name does not appear; hence omitted here. II Chapter XIII is by Susan Wallace, but acknowledged as "From Edward Bok"; probably from the series of "Literary Leaves" syndicated by him ca. 1 886-1 891, 434 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE XIV Florence Nightingale* XV Two Days in Westminster Abbeyt Introductory Historic The Independent, May 24, 1883 (with title: Two Days in Westminster Abbey, I) Andre and Mary, Queen of Scots [this subtitle brief in table of contents: Andre] The Independent, June 21, 1883 (part, with title: Two Days in Westminster Ab- bey, II) Mary, Queen of Scots [no comma in table of contents] The Independent, June 21, 1883 (part, with title: Two Days in Westminster Abbey, II) Queen Elizabeth The Independent, July 5, 1 883 (part, with title : Two Days in Westminster Abbey, III) Catharine De Valois The Independent, July 5, 1883 (part, with title : Two Days in Westminster Abbey, III) Anne Boleyn The Independent, August 2, 1883 (with title: Two Days in Westminster Abbey) The Chair of State The Independent, September 20 and 27, 1883 (with title in both: Two Days in West- minster Abbey) Poets' Corner The Independent, October 4 and 1 8, 1 883 (with title in both : Two Days in Westminster Abbey) XVI The Chain of the Last Slave of Maryland The Arena, Au- gust, 1892 (with title: The Chain of the Last Slave. An Incident of the War of the Rebellion) % and subscribed to by The Philadelphia Times, among other newspapers. The chapter was reprinted in The Crawfordsville Journal, October 1, 191 2: "Mrs. Lew Wallace Discusses Her Favorite Book, 'Pilgrim's Progress.' " *This sketch of Florence Nightingale by Susan Wallace was reprinted in The Indianapolis Star, August 17, 191 o. fThe author wrote a cousin on October 9, 1881 (letter in Wallace Papers) that she had just forwarded ''a very careful description of Westminster Abbey" to Good Company. That magazine ceased publication with the issue of September, 1881. ^Lossing's Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States of America, Vol. 3 (1868), p. 346n, carries a summary of the part that General Wallace played in the final abolishment of slavery in Maryland, by removing the chains of Margaret Toogood. FIRST EDITIONS-BOOKS 435 I903 The City of the King The City of the King [blue] | What the Child Jesus | Saw and Heard | By Mrs. Lew Wallace | Author of | The Storied Sea, The Land of the Pueblos | The Repose in Egypt, Along the Bosphorus | With Illustrations | Indianapolis | The Bobbs-Merrill Company I Publishers Collation: [1-6] 8 (plus one unsigned leaf in first signature). White laid paper. Leaf measures 9% 6 " x 6", top edge gilt,* other edges untrimmed. End paper; fly title, p. [1]; blank, p. [2]; frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted; title-page inserted, but figured in the pagination as P- [3]; copyright notice dated 1903, October, acknowledgements to Rand, McNally & Company, the New York journal, and the Ladies' Home Journal, and imprint of Braunworth & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., p. [4]; dedication, To All Them That Love \ His Appearing, p. [5]; blank, p. [6]; half-title with quotation, p. [7]; blank, p. [8]; text, pp. 9-34; divisional half-title with quotations, p. [35]; blank, p. [36]; text, pp. 37-85; blank, p. [86]; divisional half-title with quotation from Phillips Brooks, p. [87]; blank, p. [88]; text, pp. 89-97; blank, p. [98]; end paper. [Note: For text, pp. 9-97, see Contents.] Illustrations: Frontispiece with tissue guard, inserted as are plates facing pp. 10, 20, 28, 38, 46, 56, 60, 70, 76, 84, and 92; all are from photographs of the Holy Land, in dark sepia. Binding: Gray coarse mesh cloth. Front cover gilt-stamped: a star's descending rays intercepted by the title and author's name : the city of the king [red-stamped, gilt-outlined] | mrs. lew Wallace Spine gilt-stamped : the | city | of | the | king | [radiant star] | Wallace | bobbs I merrill Back cover blank. End papers same as book stock; no binder's leaf front or back. Publication Data : Deposited in the Copyright Office October 1 9, 1903. Earliest review noted: Bookseller, Newsdealer & Stationer (New York), November 15, 1903. Price, $1.00. "The copyright deposit copy lacks gilding. 436 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE Notes : First edition bears statement, October, on copyright page. Contents : The last of the three stories in the book, "At Bethle- hem" had appeared in Along the Bosphorus (1898), hence acknowl- edgment to Rand, McNally & Co.; the others are first collected here: What the Child Jesus Saw and Heard* The New York Journal, April 7, 1 90 1 Jerusalem as It Now Is The Ladies Home Journal, December, 1900 (with title: Jerusalem as We See It Today) *A sheet of advertising copy sent to the literary editors of newspapers on March 28, 1904, contains an extract from the essay, pp. 33-34, captioned: "Why We Color Eggs at Easter." First Editions — Contributions i860 THE POETS AND POETRY OF THE WEST: WITH BIOGRAPHICAL AND critical notices. By William T. Coggeshall. Columbus, [O.], Follett, Foster & Co., i860 Contains two poems: 'The Patter of Little Feet," p. 614, and "The Singing Tree," p. 615; both were early published anonymously in the Cincinnati Daily Gazette, April 17th and September 20, 1858. 'The Patter of Little Feet" appeared also in Harper's New Monthly Maga- zine, February, 1859, in column, "Editor's Drawer." It had later pub- lication in anthologies: Poets and Poetry of Indiana, compiled and edited by Benj. S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney (1900), and in Laurel Leaves for Little Folks, edited by Mary E. Phillips (1903). In this book Susan E. Wallace's name is given as Sarah E. Wallace. The biographical notice is very brief. 1864 soldiers' and sailors' patriotic songs. New York, Loyal Pub- lication Society, 1 864 Gray wrappers. Publication No. 49. Contains "Banner-Song of the Indiana Eleventh," p. 1 1 (without music; to be sung to the air of "Flag of Our Union"). 1896 A November leaf. [Indianapolis, Indianapolis Flower Mission], 1896 White pictorial wrappers. Contains a brief essay, 'Women in the Orient," p. [9]. 437 438 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE 1899 who's who in America (1899-1900). Chicago, A. N. Marquis & Co. [1899] Contains an autobiographical sketch of Susan Wallace, p. 762. It appeared in succeeding volumes, with slight additions, through Vol- ume IV, 1 906-1 907. I9OO POETS AND POETRY OF INDIANA . . . 1800 TO I90O. Compiled & edited by Benjamin S. Parker & Enos B. Heiney. New York, Bos- ton & Chicago, Silver, Burdett & Co. [ 1 900] Earliest state measures i%" across sheets (later, i%")« Earliest binding has two-color stamping on front cover and spine, and blind- stamped publishers' emblem on back cover; a later binding state has the two-color stamping, but back cover is blank; still later, one color (green) stamping on front cover and spine, back cover blank. Contains "My Song," p. 233, earlier in The Independent, (date?) and in The Crawfordsville Journal, January 13, 1870. "The Patter of Little Feet," p. 9, had previous publication in an anthology (see ante 437)- The paragraph about her on p. 462 is very brief and contains no part of the biographical sketch which Lew Wallace had written ca. 1874, and which, apparently, the Wallaces submitted to Parker, to- gether with copies of her poems and a newspaper account of her, when this anthology was in preparation.* *From Jethro W. Parker, son of Benjamin S. Parker, the Indiana State Library secured a photostat copy of the 4-page Lew Wallace holograph biography of Susan, also of Parker's notes indicating that it needed to be abbreviated and brought up to date. McKee quotes a single sentence from the Wallace manuscript, p. 128. FIRST EDITIONS-CONTRIBUTIONS 439 I906 lew Wallace: an autobiography. 2 volumes. New York & Lon- don, Harper & Bros., mcmvi Brought to publication by Susan E. Wallace after the death of Lew Wallace. She gives credit for the editorial work in Vol. II, Part II, pp. 799~[ioo3], to Mary H. Krout. Her acknowledgment to Miss Krout appears on p. 796 of Vol. II, her initials, S.E.W., at the end of the final page of text. A letter from Mrs. Wallace to her son, Henry, and others to un- named persons appear in Vol. II, pp. 912, 913, 920; they relate to the New Mexican period. One verse, 8 lines, from "A Song of Songs," written for Lew Wal- lace, is printed in Vol. I, p. 212. The song, 'Three Dreams," p. 210, is probably not hers; a manuscript copy is in the Wallace Papers, but unsigned. I9IO? CHILD-LIFE ABROAD. THE LIBRARY SERIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND THEIR LEADERS. W.C. T. U. [19IO?] Wrappers. Said to consist of sketches by Susan Wallace, Mary C. Ninde, Sho Nemoto. Unlocated. 1939 ALL IN THE DAYS WORK: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY. By Ida M. Tarbell. New York, Macmillan, 1939 Contains a letter, p. 71, from Susan E. Wallace to Harpers, Novem- ber 24, 1884, in which she requests a change in the dedication of Ben^ Hur (see ante 317). The transcript is from the letter laid in a copy of Ben-Hur, in the possession of Marjorie Wiggin Prescott in 1939. 44 o SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE 1947 "bEN-HUr" WALLACE : THE LIFE OF GENERAL LEW WALLACE. By Irving McKee. Berkeley & Los Angeles, University of California Press, 1947 Contains letters from Mrs. Lew Wallace to her family, pp. 1 52, 1 53, relating to "Billy the Kid" and other New Mexican experiences. Other letters appear on pp. 191, 193, 229: to Joanna Lane, July 3, 1 881; to Henry Wallace, July 31, 1881; to Mrs. Edwin A. Grosvenor, May, 1885, and June, 1888. Excerpts from other letters are too brief to re- quire mention here. The book is full of biographical data on Susan Wallace. Periodicals Containing First Appearances Advance 1886: January 14 Egypt and Sinai March 4 Crossing the Red Sea The Arena 1892: August The Chain of the Last Slave, the War of the Rebellion An Incident of The Atlantic Monthly 1879: June Archery [poem]* 1880: August Among the Pueblos The Christian Advocate 1887: March I7> 24 Cairo, the Return of the Holy Carpet 1888: August 9> 16 At Heliopolis Cincinnati Daily Gazette 1858: April 17 The Patter of Little Feet [poem, unsigned]* September 20 The Singing Tree [poem, unsigned]* 1859: June 14 Sitting in Sunshine [poem Paige]* , signed Ellen A Pilgrimage to Mecca William Wetmore Story The Congregationalist 1887: April 21 The Cosmopolitan 1896: September The Crawfordsville Journal 1868: December 24 Christmas Song for Children [poem]t 1870: January 13 My Song [poem]* 1 871: December 14 What Parepa Sang [poem]* 1878:* May 18 The Angel of the House* 1879: May 31 Archery [poem]* 1 881: February 26 Prescience [poem]* * Uncollected. fUncollected; reprinted in The Independent, December 8, 1881, and in later newspapers with title, "A Leaf from the Christmas Tree." ^Between 1871 and 1875 this Journal may have contained contributions by Mrs. Wallace; unfortunately there is a gap in the file in the Crawfordsville Recorder's Office. 44 : 442 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE The Crawfordsville Journal— continued 1883: April 21 [Woman's place] * 1886: November 27 Souvenir [cross] to Be Sold [for benefit of the Methodist church] t 1887: February 23 Letter to the Editor [about Lew Wallace's mother]t The Dawn (Indianapolis High School No. 1) 1893: December 7 Under the Ice and Snow. A Love Song [poem]* Good Company 1 881: May Among the Pueblos June The Pimos: The Land of the Pueblos Harper's [Monthly] Magazine 1859: February 1867: November Harper's Round Table 1895: December 24 1896: May July The Independent 1880: January February March July 1 881: January February March April The Patter of Little Feet [poem unsigned] § Another Weak-minded Woman: A Confes- sion II Sir Walter Raleigh [captioned:] In the Tower of Many Stories 12 Henry The Eighth [captioned:] In the Tower of Many Stories The Earl of Essex and His Ring [captioned:] In the Tower of Many Stories 22 To the Land of the Pueblos 5 The Palace of the Pueblost I2,t 26, 4 The City of the Pueblos 1 , 8, 22, 29 To the Turquoise Mines 6, 2o,t 27, 1 o The Land of the Pueblos 17 Prescience [poem]t 24, 7> "Uncollected; from Harper's Magazine, November, 1867, part of article, "An- other Weak-minded Woman." fUncollected. ^Uncollected; earlier in The New York Tribune, date unknown, and re- printed in The Crawfordsville Journal, November 20, 1875, with title, "A Love Song." § Uncollected. This is a poem frequently reprinted and usually chosen for mention in accounts of Susan Wallace. || Uncollected; reply to "A Weak-minded Woman," in issue of July, 1867, p. 259. PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 443 The Independent— continued 1 881: May 26, June 30, July 21, August 4, September 8,15 The Land of the Pueblos December 8 A Leaf from the Christmas Tree [poem]* 1882: May 11, 25, July 27, August 10, 24, September 7, 14, 21, 28, October 5, November 2, 16, 30, December 14, 21, 1883: January 4 The Storied Sea March 1 Something about Homer May 24, June 21, July 5> August 2, September 20, 27, October 4,18 Two Days in Westminster Abbey 1884: April 17, May 8 Sailing up the Bosphorus: Voyage First— Be- fore Christ, 1390 June 1 2, July 3 Sailing up the Bosphorus: Voyage Second- After Christ, 1884 December 1 8 Ginevra; or, The Old Oak Chest 1885: June 11 Something about the Apache 18 Victorio, the Apache Chief August 20, 27, September 3, 10, 17 One Woman [Lady Ellenborought] December 17, 24 The Flight into Egypt 1886: January 28 Alexandria Obelisks [under caption:] About Egypt February 4 The Obelisks of Alexandria 1890: July 1, 8, 22, 29 To the Turquoise Mines [under caption:] The Land of the Pueblos The Indianapolis Journal 1 861: June 18 The Indian Giver [poem]* * Uncollected. fUnnamed in Mrs. Wallace's story, but identified and an account of her life given by Mrs. Burton in The Independent, September 24, 1885, p. 17. 444 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE The Indianapolis Journal— continued 1870: August 2 Letter from Niagara : A Day among the Turtle Doves* 1 87 1 : May 12, 30 On Writing for the Papers [letters, second headed No. Two]f 1 873 : May 3 1 Supplement The Wife of General [E. R. S.] Canbyt 1876: June 22 A Centennial Letter [from] Philadelphia, June 2otht July 11 Centennial Correspondence [from Philadel- phia, July 8th]t 1877: September 19 A Letter to Every Good Woman, Septem- ber I7th§ 1885: May 31 Miss [Mary H.] Krout's New Comedy [re- view of "A Man in the House"] t 1887: July 3 1 The Sacred City of Mecca 1890: April 27 A Peep at Turkish Royalty June 1 5 Summer on the Bosphorus 1 90 1 : October 20 A Last Farewell and Tender Tribute [to Mau- rice Thompson] from an Old Friendt 1903: December 28 On the We-a Trail [review of the book by Caroline Brown (Caroline V. Krout)]t The Indianapolis Star 1926: March 28 Letter to Rose Blair Marsh, May, 1895 [under caption : ] Sincerity and Simplicity Marked Life of Susan Arnold Wallacet The Janesville (Wisconsin) Gazette 1886: March 25 [Letter to Elizabeth P. H. Little, March 16, 1886, relating to Ben-Hur] II The Ladies' Home Journal 1899: February The Murder of the Modern Innocents [on modern education] IT * Uncollected. Another letter of this period was published in The Indianapolis Journal, known from clippings in the Wallace Scrapbooks: "At West Point" (July, 1870 written in, but not found in July issues). •(-Uncollected. $ Uncollected; this is a tribute to General Canby, as well as to his wife; he had died on April 1 1 th. § Uncollected; reprinted under caption, "Communion Wine," in The Craw- fordsville Journal, September 29, 1877. || Uncollected. She tells herein that "Geikie's Life of Christ was the reference book, after the Bible, in the writing of Ben-Hur." II Uncollected; later in The New Haven Union, April 20, 1899, with title, PERIODICALS-FIRST APPEARANCES 445 The Ladies' Home Journal— continued 1900: December Jerusalem as We See It Today Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly 1886: February A Fair Client's Story 1887: August The First Cinderalla : A Tale of the Red Pyra- mid Literature, an Illustrated Weekly Magazine (New York) 1888: April 7,14 Poetry and Music of the Arabs The Locket 1 874 : (month?) [Letter to the Editor, signed W, with subscrip- tion to the periodical] * The New Haven Union 1 899: April 20 Is Slaying Thousands [on modern education]! The (New York) Evening Post 1870: September 14 Letter from New Yorkt The New York Journal 1 90 1 : April 7 What the Child Jesus Saw and Heard The Oskaloosa (Iowa) Times 1886: April 26 In a Turkish Cemetery}: The Pioneer (1871: August) With a Wine Cup: To Mrs. Commodore Worden [poem]§ Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) Dispatch 1 881: December 11 In Turkish Harems II "Is Slaying Thousands." Susan Wallace received a letter from Henry K. Sien- kiewicz approving her article and she sent it to the editor of The Indianapolis Journal where it was printed with no mention of her name, but introduced by the statement (hers?): "Now that schools are opening there comes a message across the seas from the author of 'Quo Vadis.' " The clippings in the Wallace Papers bear no date; show that the Sienkiewicz letter was widely copied. For an- other response to her article see the Rochester (New York) Post Express, post 446. * Uncollected. A clipping, lacking date other than year, is in the Wallace Scrap- books. -{-Uncollected. ^Uncollected. Was this revised for an article copyrighted by the New York Syndicate Bureau, March 29, 1888: "Large Turkish Cemeteries"? § Uncollected; clipping bears printed identification, "For the Pioneer," and "August, 1 871" is written in; preserved in the Wallace Papers. Later, the same poem was revised to accompany a tin wedding gift to Mr. and Mrs. William Breeden, from Santa Fe, June 11, 1879, and published without tide in an un- identified newspaper; of this, too, a clipping is present in a Wallace Scrapbook. || Uncollected; also in The Galveston (Texas) News, December 25 [1881?], 44 6 SUSAN ARNOLD ELSTON WALLACE Rochester (New York) Post-Express 1899: February (18?) [Letter to the Editor, February 17th, thank- ing Mrs. Caroline Mason for writing in ap- proval of her "Murder of the Innocents" article]* Saxby's Traveler's Magazine 1905: May [Announcement of death of Lew Wallace] t Street & Smith's New York Weekly 1869: April 1 The Silver Book [poem]* Sunday School Times 1888: March 17 Wedding Customs in the East 1889: January 5 Lepers and Leprosy in the East The Washington (d. c.) Chronicle 1867: January 20 To Zayde Bancroft— With a Shell [poem]* The Youth's Companion 1882: November 23 Indian Archery* Unidentified Periodical Contributions [Note: Clippings found in Krout and Wallace Papers; all uncol- lected] : Among Turkish Royalty In The Argus (place? date?) In the Tent [poem]. Written during the Civil Wart [Letter to the Editor of the Journal, with her poem, signed Santa Claus, Baltimore, 1864, under caption:] Santa Claus to Henry Lane Wallace, with a Flag My Song [poem]. Published in a magazine (The Independent?*) as well as in The Crawfordsville Journal, January 13, 1870 The Tomb of Mohammed. [Note: The Home Journal an unlocated newspaper, contained her poem, "A New Year's Gift," published January, 1868.] "In the Turkish Harems"; not same as an article, "An Imperial Harem" "written for the [Indianapolis?] Sunday Star," date unestablished. * Uncollected. fUncollected. This statement was sent February 15, 1905, in the form of a printed letter, to publishing houses, and probably to many newspapers and indi- viduals. The copy in the Manuscript Collection of the New York Public Library, originally sent to R. U. Johnson, of Century, bears no signature, but this maga- zine attributes the announcement to Mrs. Wallace. tSee The (Indianapolis) Saturday Herald, August 2, 1879, for Maurice Thompson's opinion of this poem, quoted from an interview in the Cincinnati Gazette. GENERAL INDEX General Index Abe Martin of Brown County, 143 About Egypt, 429 About "Tarns," io6n About Smyrna, 423 About the Arabs, 423 About the Purple Grackle, 271 About Work, 57 Absurd Statesman with a Literal Mind, The, 280 Acadian Conspiracy, An, 278 Accuracy, 169 Acrobat in Politics, The, 280 Actaeon, 160 Ad Cynthiam Retrospiciens, 280 Adams, Oscar Fay, 191 n, 241 Address [by an ex-Confederate sol- dier], An, 207 Address by Meredith Nicholson at Manual Training High School, 134-135 Address of Gen. Lew Wallace at the Dedication of Indiana's Monu- ments, on the Battlefield of Shiloh, 363 Address to the Cadets, 406 Ade, George, 47W, 147 Advance, 68, 441 Adventures with Editors, 252 Aeode, 192 After Breakfast Chat, 66 After-Dinner Speeches, 144 After Gray Rabbits, 257 After-Thought, An, 262 After Work, 62 Aftermath, 155 Afternoon, 275 Afterthought, An, 4o6n Again "The Sapphic Secret," 255*1, 261 Aideen, 94 Aiken, Conrad, 192^ Aileen, 94 Albuquerque Review, 358 Alden, Henry Mills, 21 8w Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 272 Alexandria Obelisks, 429 Alice of Old Vincennes, 176, 220-226 Alice of Old Vincennes (I Love You), 225 Alice's Visit to the Hawaiian Islands, 26-27 Alien Taint in Criticism, The, 252 Alienism and Patriotism, 252 All for One-One for All, 1 54 All in the Day's Work, 317ft, 439 All on a Summer's Eve, 269 All Souls Unitarian Church, 165 Allegory, An, 238 Allison, Young E., 1 53 Along the Bosphorus, 430, 432; (book), 388, 422, 431-434 Aloof, 267 Already, 67 Alter Ego, 161 Alternative: A Song of Love, 272 Alterum Nomen, 161 Am I a Good Citizen?, 157 Amateurs at War, 380 Ambition, 160 America (by M. Thompson), 207 America (magazine), 39, 2o6w, 252 America and Her Critics, 154 America in the War, 147 American Academy of Arts & Letters, 146 American and Mexican Commission, 371-373 American Anthology, An, 1 90W, 1 92W, 2o6n, 207W, 21 in, 248, 298, 315*1 American Association of Writers, 244, 260 American Booksellers Association, 106 American Bouquet, The, 252 American Bowman Review, 182 American Bows, 301 American Boy, An, 266n American Citizen, An, 132 American Consulate in China, An, 39 American Consulates and Embassies, 39W 449 450 GENERAL INDEX American Crudity, 280 American Duchess, An, 315*1 American Education of Chinese Girls, 39 American Foreign Service Journal, 1 54 American "Forty," The, 253 American Girl, The, 157, 423 American Heathen, 63 American Humor, 265 American Legion Monthly, The, 154 American Lyrics, 192** American Magazine, 254 American Monthly Review of Re- views, 170*1 American Poetry, 192*1 American Red Cross, 151 American Sonnets (by Higginson & Bigelow), 192*1, 243; (by W. Sharp), 192*1 American vs. English Bows, 301 American Woman at a Chinese Feast, An, 61 American Women Millionaires, 66 Americans All, 133 Americans Forever, 133 America's Poet, 260 Amherst Olio, 391 Among the Archives, 426, 427 Among the Pueblos, 426 Among the Woodcocks, 257 Among Turkish Royalty, 446 Anacreontea, 267 Analysts Analyzed, The, 260 Anatomy of Bird-Song, The, 201 Anchor Line, 373 Ancient Lights, 164, 167 And They Lived Happily Ever After!, 129; (book), 128-129 Andersonville Prison, 370 Andrews, Matthew Page, 396 Anecdote, An, 26m Angel, Frank Warner, 358*1, 397 Angel of the House, The, 441 Another Provincial View, 253 Another Weak-minded Woman, 442 Answer, The, 67 Anthology of American Poetry, igon Antietam, 137, 145 Antiquary's Story, The, 430 Apart, 62 Aphrodite, 192 Appletoris Booklovers Magazine, 399 Appleton's Journal, 254 Appreciation and Discrimination, 266 April, 66 April Easter, An, 92 April's Lady, 171 Arabella's House Party, 123 Arbor Day, 242 Archaeological Writings of the Sanhe- drin, 326 Archer (pseud.), 300, 301 Archer, The, 182, 190 Archer among the Herons, An, 198, 230 Archer in the Cherokee Hills, The, 237; (brochure), 236-237 Archer on die Kankakee, An, 255 Archers among the Woodcocks, 257*1 Archer's Chief Enemy, The, 301 Archer's Outing, An, 255 Archer's Register, The, 190*1, 238, 240; (album), 294 Archer's Sojourn in the Okefinokee, An, 255 Archery, 175, 180-185, 189, 190, 198, 219, 228-230, 236-237, 238, 240, 242, 254, 255, 256, 257*1, 262, 264, 275, 278, 281, 282, 287, 289, 290, 291, 292, 299, 300, 301, 302, 441, 446 Archery (by S. E. Wallace), 441 Archery as It Is, 262 Archery Excerpts, 219*1 Archery for Girls and Boys, 262 Archery in the United States, 238 Archery in the Winter, 301 Archery Ranges and Bows, 300 Archery Review, The, 219*1, 300, 30m Archery, Tennis, and Croquet, 256 Archery Today, 282 Archibald Kenshaw, 12 Are Authors Men?, 253 Are We a Happy People 1 ?, 132, 170 Are We a Nation of Thieves?, 265 Arena, The, 94*1, 441 Argus, The, 446 Armstrong, Le Roy (pseud.), 56 Around the Home, 43 Art and Money, 219 Art and Responsibility, 265 Art and Skill of Lawn Tennis, The, 185 GENERAL INDEX 45i Art for Mankind's Sake, 264 Art of Authorship, The, 382 Art of Being Provincial, The, 268 Art of Saying Nothing Well, 247 Art of Suggestion, The, 252 Art's Lesson, 77 As Mr. Capper Said, "We Don't Know It All," 157 Ashenfelter, S.M., 355 Asphodel, 92 Assassination of President Lincoln, 368 Assault, The, 206, 241 Assayers, The, 427 Associate on Her Travels, The, 58 Association of American Writers, 245, 260 At Bethlehem, 433, 436 At Heliopolis, 429 At Last, 50 At Lincoln's Grave, 213W At Love's Extremes, 193-194 At New Orleans, 258 At Night, 193 At Parting, 66 At the Celebration of the 100th Anni- versary of Whittier's Birth, 165W At the Last, 276 At the Mansion House, 61 At the Monument, 94 At the Stake, 258 At the Threshold, 234 At the Threshold of a New Age, 279 At the Top of the Pillars, 155 At the Window, 191 At West Point, 44411 At Yildiz Palace, 430 Atalanta, 191 Athanatos, 270 Athens of Indiana, vii, 62 Atkinson, Edward Lincoln, 1 70 Atlantic Monthly, The, 154, 19m, 254-255, 399, 44i Atlantic Narratives (Second. Series), I22tt August, 241 Aunt Polly, 63 Austen, Jane, 266 Australia, 49, 65, 66 Authentic Life of Billy the Kid, 355, 395 Author and the Book, The, 249 Authors Who Ride, 261 Authorship and Common Sense, 253 Autobiographical Chapter, An, 165 Avian Athletics, 286 Awful Night, An, 258 Ayres, L. S., & Co., 166 Bacheller, Irving, 2 1 7n Bacillus of Printer's Ink, The, 280 Backwoods Luck, 258 Badeau's Life of Grant, 353 Badge of Genius, The, 253 Badge of Originality, The, 271 Badminton Magazine, 255 Bagging a Wild Goose, 257 Bagley, Worth, 161 Bainton, George, 382 Balance of Power, The, 218 Balhinch Christmas, A, 62 Ballad of a Little Fun, The, 249, 256 Ballad of Berry Brown, The, 251 Ballad of Chickamauga, The 247 Ballad of Harvest Time, A, 270 Ballads of American Bravery, 207ft, 248, 299 Balthasar, 172 Baltimore American & Commercial Advertiser, 399-400 Baltimore, (Civil War, Middle De- partment), 383, 384, 396, 399, 400, 401 Baltimore Evening Post, 40cm Baltimore Evening Transcript, 399 (Baltimore) Sun, The, 384, 399W, 400—401 Balzac, Sainte-Beuve, and the Realists, 252 Balzac's Romances, 268 Bancroft, Zayde, 446 Banjo and the Britannica, The, 264 Banker of Bankersville, A, 198-199 Banner-Song of the Indiana Eleventh, 437 Banta, R. E., 6n, Bon, 156*1 Banzou, Jean, 276 Barber, A. W., 372** Barcus, Corinne, L., 931*, 147 Barela, Santos, 405 Barred, 78 Barriers against Universality, 253 Basis of Art, The, 253 Baskervill, William M., 264n 452 GENERAL INDEX Bates, Charlotte Fiske, 240 Battle of the Birds, The, 183 Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, 380 Battles Grandsire Missed, The, 78 Baudelaire, 263, 281 Bay, J. Christian, 153 Bay St. Louis, 263, 273 Bayard, T. F., 379 Bayly, Thomas, 424 Be a National Asset!, 157 Beach, 6yn Beacon Lights of Patriotism, 36 Bealby, 156 Bear Stories, 239 Beattys, Harry H., 145 Beautiful Assassin, A, 267 Beautiful Songs Unsung, 57 Beauty, 281 Beethoven, 59, 60 Before Dawn, 193 Before Sunrise, 206 Before the Fire, 78 Behind the Bam, 232 Bell, Joseph E., 165 Bellona, 93 Bemis, Katharine I., 213ft Ben and Judas, 217 Ben-Hur, 172, 307, 309, 3i5"334> 348, 357, 382, 383, 391, 393, 397, 404, 411, 412, 413, 414, 439, 444 Ben-Hur drama, 326-329, 413, 414 Ben-Hur, extracts from, 325-326 Ben-Hur, in Tableaux and Panto- mime, 382 Ben-Hur music, 331-334 Ben-Hur reprints, 319-323 Ben-Hur Room, 357, 359, 382-383 Ben-Hur, stories about, 329-331 Ben-Hur translations, 323-325 "Ben-Hur" Wallace, 329, 356, 368, 372, 397, 425, 440 Bench and Bar of Indiana, 374 Benefit of Change, The, 253 Benefits and the Abuse of Outdoor Sports, The, 198 Benevolent Raid, The, yjin Bennett, F. L, 8 Benson, Leslie L., 119 Beside a Brook with Izaak, 268 Beside Ben-Hur, 277 Beside Running Water, 267 Beside the Gulf with Ruskin, 201 Besieged by a Hog, 258 Bess, 64 Best Christmas Gift, The, 257 Best Laid Schemes, 122—123 Best Man Wins, The, 157 Best Novels, The, 253 Best Things from American Litera- ture, 11 jn "Better Hoosier Hicks," 167 Bettie's Prisoner, 258 Between Showers at Bay St. Louis, 263 Between the Daffodil and Golden Rod, 171 Between the Poppy and the Rose, 191 Bewildered Critics, 270 Beyond, 57 Beyond the Limit, 250 Beyond the Mist, 267 Bicycling and Tricycling, 256 Biddy, 64 Big Bow-Wow, The, 252 Big Medicine, 179 Bigelow, E. H., i92rc, 243 Billy the Kid, 355, 356, 357, 358, 395, 396 Bingham, J. J., 407 Bingham, Jno. A., 415 Biographical History of Eminent and Self -Made Men, 373 Biographical Sketches and Review, 374 Birch, Reginald, 104 Bird Books, 271 Bird in Literature, The, 261 Bird in the Bush, A, 268 Bird-Lovers Anthology, The, 190W, 241 Bird of Optimism, The, 268 Birds of the Rocks, 196 Birth of Art, The, 254 Bishop, Bernice Pauahi, 32, 33 Bishop, Charles R., 32, 33 Bit of Advice, A, 268 Bit of History, A, 1 57 Bit of Old Indiana, 155 Bit of Realism, A, 267 Blacksheep! Blacksheep!, 120; (book), 1 19-120 Blackstone, Harriet, 2207* Blaine, James G., 374, 375 GENERAL INDEX 453 Blair, Anna Elston, 59 Blair, Dodie, 58 Blanck, Jacob, 14971 Blatchley, W. S., 241, 243, 245, 297 "Bless Thou the Guns," 93, 141 Blind, 79 Blind Boys, The, 94 Bliss, Leslie E., 295W Bloom of the World, The, 267 Blooming, 276 Blue Bird, The, 278 Blue Heron, The, 190 Bluebird, The, 190, 278*1 Bok, Edward, 433*1 Bold Robin, 8 Boleyn, Anne, 433 Bolton, Sarah T., 384 Bond of Blood, The, 287, 299 Bonney, William H., 355, 356, 357, 358,395,396 Book and the Fireside, The, 280 Book Chat, 124 Book-making Disease, The, 253 Book News, 255 Book of American Poetry, The, 192*1 Book of Indiana, A, 1 5 1 Booklovers Magazine, 399 Bookman, The, 97, 155 Booming the Britons, 268 Booth, Franklin, 107, in, 150 Borderland, The, 140 Bosphorus, 430, 432 Bosses of the World, The, 280 Boston Advertiser, The, 401 Boston Evening Transcript, 39, 155, 161*1 Boston Letter, 59 Boston Post, The, 255 Boston University, 255*1, 262*1 Boulevard of Rogues, The, 122 Bounty of a Queen, 25 Bow and Its Use, The, 198 Bow as a Hunting Weapon, The, 230 Bow-shooting, 182, 230, 241 Bow-shooting with a Hermit, 1 82 Bow-Shots on the St. John's, 182 Bowen, Henry C, 263 Bowhunter, The, 229 Bowman, The, 302 Boxer Rebellion, 65*1 Boy against a Fleet, A, 274 Boy and a Fleet, A, 27471 Boy with a Will, A, 258 Boyhood of Christ, The, 307; (book), 340-341 Boys and Girls, 63 Boys' Book of Sports, 197-198 Boy's Grim Patience, A, 258 Boy's Strategy, A, 258 B.P.O.E., 293, 294 Bragget and Bird-Bolts, 268 Brandon's Beat, 65 Brannigan, 12 Breath of Morn, A, 206 Breeden, Mr. & Mrs. William, 445*1 Breezy Books for Summer, 271 Brevier Legislative Reports, 238-239, 364, 366 Bridges, Robert, i66w Bridgman, L. J., 203, 204 Brigham, 407 Broken Barriers, 124; (book), 124 Broken Glass, 171 Brown, Ancil T., 151 Brown, Caroline (pseud.), [i]-i2 Brown, H. G., 363 Brown, Imogene, 404 Brown, Joseph E., 186 Brown, Ryland Thomas, 12 Browning as a Poet, 250 Browsing and Nibbling, 196 Bruno, Guido & Eleanore, 236 Brunot, Felix Reville, 163 Bryan, George J., 386 Bryan, William Jennings, 164, 172 Buchen, Walther, 237 Budding Time, 269 Budding Poets, 268 Buell, Clarence Clough, 380 Buell, D.C., 380 Buffalo Hunt in Northern Mexico, A, 414 Buffon and the Birds, 267 Bugle, The, 165*1 Buley, R. C, 393, 406 Buried Treasure, 157 Burns, Lee, 216, 225 Burns, Robert, 269 Burnside, A. E., 403 Burroughs, John, 192 Burton, Richard, 119, 120 Business and Art of Living, The, 280 Butler College [University], 149, 162 Butterfly, A, 276 454 GENERAL INDEX By a Woodland Spring, 219 By Rail to Peking, 39 By Sheridan's Grave, 78 By-Ways and Bird Notes, 195-196, 201 Byron, 423 Cabinet Talk, 40 Cacoethes Scribendi, 252 Cadmean Bucket-Shops, 253 Cairo, 429 Call of the Children, The, 146 Cambridge Book of Poetry & Song, The, 240 Campbell, 355 Campbells Are Coming, The, 1 23 Camps, 93 Can It Happen Again?, 152 Canby, General & Mrs. E. R. S., 444 Cant and Criticism, 264 Capacity for Work, The, 279 Card, A, 403 Cardwill, Mary E., 139, 244 Carman, Bliss, 190ft, 19 m, 192ft Carrington, Henry Beebee, vii, 36 Casas Grandes, 427 "Cash Down," or a Percentager 1 , 260 Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, 40, 60 Catholic World, The, 155 Cavalier of Tennessee, The, 130; (book), 129-130 Cavalry Reminiscence, A, 275 Cello, The, 155 Centennial Letter, A, 444 Centennial Story, The, 275 Century Club, 167 Century Cyclopedia of Names, 394 Century Magazine, The, gin, 142ft, 155, 255-256, 300, 401, 419 Century of Geology in Indiana, A, 241, 243, 245, 297 Ceres, 191 Certain Condescension in Natives, A, 265 Certain Good Man, A, 273, 277 Certified Public Accountant, The, 155 Ceryle Alcyon, 201 Chain of the Last Slave, The, 434 Challiss, J. M., 300 Challiss, Mr. & Mrs. J. M., 294 Chamberlain, Montague, 265ft Chap-Book, The, 93ft, 247, 256 Chapman, 393 Chapter on Shirks, A, 63 Chariot-Race, The, 326 Charleston News and Courier, 172 Charm, 92 Charm of Song, The, 267 Chat about Chaucer, A, 258 Chatelaine, The, 271 Chautauqua, 261 Chautauquan, The, 39, 256 Checking the Chariot of Destiny, 280 Cheerful Breakfast Table, The, 122 Cheney, Calvin M., 403 Chenier, Andre, 268 Chevalier of the Cumberland, A, 130 Chicago, 118 Chicago Evening Post, The, 401 Chicago Examiner, 155 Chicago Herald, 300 (Chicago) Inter Ocean, 16, 39-56, 156, 257-258, 337, 401-402 (Chicago) Interior, 56 Chicago Letter, 59 Chicago, Special Correspondence, 62 (Chicago) Times, The, 258-259 (Chicago) Times-Herald, The, 56 Chicago Tribune, The, 156, 354, 403 Chicago Working Women, 59 Chickamauga, 247, 259, 392 Child Life: A Collection of Poems, 36 Child-Life Abroad, 439 Childhood Land, ^7, 64 Children, 63 Children of America, The, 148 Children's Museum Bulletin, 1 56 Children's Museum, Indianapolis, 156, 168 Children's Wishes, The, 67 China, 28, 29, 39, 64 Chinese Paradise, A, 21 Chisholm, Cornelia, 62 Chords, 92 Christian Advocate, The, 441 Christian Criticism, 253 Christian Silhouet of 181 2, A, 268 Christianity and Poverty, 264 Christmas, 41, 61, 142, 155, 164, 167, 239> 2 5°> 2 57» 260, 325, 331, 347, 348, 397, 423, 424, 441, 443, 446 Christmas Bells, 41, 61 Christmas Garland, The, 250 Christmas in the Pines, 142, 155 GENERAL INDEX 455 Christmas Snow flakes, 239 Christmas Song for Children, 441 Christmas Tide, 257 Christy, Howard Chandler, 87 Church for Honest Sinners, The, 122 Churchman, The, 156 Cincinnati, 57, 156, 308, 358, 371, 384, 389, 399, 402, 403 Cincinnati Commercial, 358, 372, 402 Cincinnati Commercial-Gazette, The, 402 Cincinnati Enquirer, The, 156, 371, 402 Cincinnati Gazette, 57, 371, 402-403, 441 City of the King, The, 433*1, 435-436 City of the Pueblos, The, 426 Civil War, 58, 63, 351, 352, 353, 354, 367, 368, 370, 371, 374, 376, 377, 380,381,383,384,385,386,387, 388, 389, 390, 392, 399, 400, 401, 402, 405, 407, 408, 413, 415, 416, 434, 446 Civil War (poem by M.H. Krout), 58,63 Clarissa's Baby, 158 Clark, Frank C, 405 Clark, J.O.A., 330 Clark, Thomas Curtis, 93n, 2i3n Clark, Walter C, 327, 382 Classic Funerals, 423 Claude's Big Trout, 232; (book), 231- 232 Clay, John Cecil, 84 Clays of Indiana, 241 Cleanliness and Sanity, 266 Clemens, S.L., 149 Cleopatra, 429 Cleveland Press, The, 1 1 8n Clod, The, 64 Close Call, A, 257 Closed Up, 271 Closing of an Epoch, The, 253 Coe, George W., 357, 396 Coeur de Leon, 259 Coggeshall, William T., 437 Coign of Vantage, The, 68 Colfax, Schuyler, 414 College Humor, 156 College of Immortals, 405, 415 Collier's, 156 Colonial Staple, A, 67 Color from Keats, 263 Color-Line Jocundities, 217 Columbus, Ohio, 413 Come Love or Death, 298 "Come On Home," 145 Come to Kernville, 159 Commemorative Biographical Record, 362 Commodus, 307, 314-315, 345~347, 395 Common Grievance, A, 63 Common Sense on the Wheel, 256 Communion Wine, 444?* Compendium of Geology and Min- eralogy of Indiana, 241 Concerning a Bit of Manuscript, 155 Concerning a Good Style, 264 Concerning Enthusiasm, 263 Concerning Rest, 63 Confessions of a "Best-Seller," 90, 109 Confessions of an Ancient Poacher, 278 Confirmed Smoker, A, 258 Congregationalist, The, 441 Conner, Eugene, 300 Constantinople, 345, 386 Consummation, The, 65 Contemporary American Authors, 256 Content, 282 Contentment, 158, 159 Contribution to Pure Ignorance, A, 269 Convention of Western Writers, 244 Cookbook, A: The Stag at Ease, 152 Coons, John W., 363 Cornelia Chisholm, 62 Correspondence, etc., on the Subject of the Records of the Rebellion, 376 Cosmopolitan, The, 12, 157, 259, 441 Coulter, John Merle, viii Country Homes, 63 Course of True Love, The, 39 Court of Judge Lynch, The, 277 Courts and Lawyers of Indiana, 406W Covington Journal, The, 68 Cow, The, 67 Cox, David W., 327, 382 Crane, Stephen, 246 Crapsey Verdict, The, 163 Crawfordsville, 61, 62, 81, no, 259, 351, 404, 409, 415 456 GENERAL INDEX Crawfordsville Alley, A, din Crawfordsville Girls, 58 Crawfordsville Journal, The, 15, 57, 67, 68, 157-158, 243, 259-260, 28m, 300, 357, 360,, 403- 404, 409W, 4i2tt, 434M, 441-442, 444W Crawfordsville Letter, 61 Crawfordsville Review, The, 68, 194, 260, 404-405 Creator Spiritus, 141 Creole Slave-Song, A, 207 Critic, The, 158, 204, 260-261, 266n, 2727*, 405 Criticism by the Rule of Darwin, 270 Critics and Criticism, 263 Critics and Russian Novels, The, 263 Critics and the Romancers, The, 271 Crocker, Samuel R., 314 Crocus, The, 67 Croly, George, 345, 392 Crown Jewels, The, 21 Crown of Defeat, The, 157 Crown of Years, The, 171 Cuba, 93, 268, 273 Cuckoo Notes, 196 Cuckoo Notes and Some Minor Song- Birds, 196W Culture and Brass Tacks, 150 Curious Habits of the Green Heron, 257 Curious Habits of the Woodcock, 257 Current, The, 60, 158, 261 Current American Poetry, 266 Curse of Wings, The, 280 Customs of Hawaii, 22n Customs of Oxford, 26 Daily Nebraskan, The, 60 Daily New Mexican, The, 356, 405 Dancing Ghosts, 258 Daudet, 252, 255, 263, 264 Davidson, James Wood, 238 Davis, John W., 170 Dawn, The, 158, 2o6w, 261-262, 442 Day-Break, 263 Day in Carthage, A, 423 Day We Celebrate, The, 254W, 266, 273 Daybreak, The, 263 Days and Places of Archery, The, 301 Days of Peace and War, 160 Days That Are No More, 163 Dayton Daily News, 39011 Dayton Journal, The, 389, 405 De Sassafras Bloom, 2i8n Dead, 67 Dead Archer, The, 93, 143 Dead in May, 39, 61 Dead Painter, The, 57 Death-Dream of Armenia, The, 300, 302 Death of the White Heron, The, 183, 190 De Banville, Theodore, 253 Deep in the Okefinokee, 229, 299 Defense by Resurrection, The, 256 Defense of Cincinnati, The, 385 Definitive Edition of Mark Twain, 149 Delineator, The, 158 Deming, Norma H., 213W Democracy and Laughter, 157 Democratic Party, 163 Democratic Party and the Solid South, The, 337, 361-362 Democratic Party in 1924, The, 172 Denver, 45, 60 Denver News, The, 42611 Denver Times, The, 60, 66n Denver Tribune, The, 355, 360 Departed Days, 68 Departure of Summer, The, 6511 De Pauw University, 390 Dependence, 78 Derelict, 93 Dial, The, jjn, 158, 21311 Dialect, 170 Diana, 192 Diaz, Porfirio, 350, 401 Dickens, Alfred Tennyson, 163 Dickens, Charles, 163 Dickinson, Anna (pseud.), 15 Dickinson, Emily, 253 Died, 67 Dieu Vous Garde, 77 Dionis of the White Veil, 9 Disappointment, 76 Discipline, 44 Discovery, A, 78 Disembodied Genius, 234 Disjecta Membra, 136W Dodie Blair, 58 Doing a Litde Shopping, 423 GENERAL INDEX 457 Dole, Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Ballard, 56 Dollars behind the Guns, The, 1 64 Domain of Romance, The, 250, 262 Doom of Claudius and Cynthia, 240 Doubt, 59, 67 Doubtful Dollars, 171 Doughty Page, The, 9 Doves of Honolulu, The, 65 Down in New Zealand, 67 Down in the Wilderness, 269, 273 Down Stranger Creek, 300 Down-Stream after Wary Ducks, 283 Down the Aisles, 78 Down the Corridor, 161 Doyle, A. Conan, 269 Drapier, W.H. & A.E., 364 Drawing the Cross-Bow, 198 Dream, A, 302 Dream of Fair Weather, A, 259, 262 Dream of Romance, A, 207 Dream of the World, The, 157 Dreamer, The, 275 Dreams, 77 Dress and Its Associations, 63 Drift, The, 149 Drift Beds of Indiana, 242 Dropping Corn, 191 Duck Shooting, 257*2 Dudley, N.A.M., 355, 357, 397 Dufferin, Lord, 375, 404 Dumas, Alexander, the Younger, 268 Dunn, Jacob P., 10 Dumont, Julia L., 80 Dusky Genius, A, 217 Dwiggins, W.A., in Dye, Charity, g$n, 147 Dying Year, The, 67 Dykes, J.C., 358 Dyspepsia on Record, 280 E Pluribus Unum, 244 Earl of Essex and His Ring, The, 433 Earlhamite, The, 262 Early Bluebird, An, 206 Early Days in a College Town, 38 Earth, The, 93 Earth's Moods of Might, g$n East and West, 158 Easter Miracle, The, 41 Easter Praise, 56 Easy Questions Hard to Answer, 276 Eaton, H.M., 208 Editorial Decision, The, 252 Editorial Influence, The, 252 Editors and Short-Story Writers, 253 Education and Discontent, 279 Educational Buttresses, 280 Educational Fallacy, An, 65 Efficiency of the Soul, The, 157 Eggleston, Edward, 81, 109, 154 EgyP 1 ' 429 Egypt and Sinai, 429 1861-1865, 157 86th Indiana Battle Flag, The, 57 Elder, Bowman, 102 Eleven Possible Cases, 245 Eleventh Hour, The, 17, 68 Eleventh Indiana Regiment, 58, 363, 368, 371, 404, 408, 409, 411, 437 Eliot, George, 250 Elizabethan Novelists, The, 265 Ellenborough, Lady, 43 on Ellsworth, William Webster, 394 Elmer, Robert P., 228, zzgn Elston, I.C., 405 Elston, W.F., 59 Elves' Work, The, 64 Elzevir Library, ig6n, 201, 202, 203, 232, 233 Emmerich, Charles E., 164W Empire, 162 Empty Nest, The, 67 End of Desire, The, 258 End of the Hindenburg Line, 147 End of the Rainbow, The, 419 Energizing Personality, 151 England in August, 24 English at Home, The, 39 English Housekeeping, 61 English Point of View, The, 258 Ensnared, 262 Enthusiasm, 157 Eos, 192 Epitaph, 270 Efoch, The, 262 Equal Suffrage Societies, 63 Eros, 192 Erotic, 302 Escheat, 92 Essays by Present Day Writers, 122W, 132W Essays from the Chaf-Bodk, 246 Essays of Elia, The, 20 1 Esther, 330 458 GENERAL INDEX Estimates at Second Hand, 266 Estranged, 76 Ethical Discrimination, The, 268 Ethics of Composition, The, 211 Ethics of Conception, The, 2iiw Ethics of Expression, The, 211 Ethics of Literary Art, The, 2 10-2 11 Evans, 355 Evansville Journal, The, 405 Evelyn Claire, 67 Evening of Jubilee, 26 Evening Promise, An, 39 Evening Song, 268 Every Week, 158 Experience and the Calendar, 109 Exquisite, 269 Fables of Archery, The, 301 Face in the Fire, The, 68 Faculty of Flight, The, 271 Faded Flowers, 252 Fair Client's Story, A, 433 Fair God, The, 307, 309, 3"~3i3> 373 Fair Indiana, 38 Fair Samoa Recalled, 61 Faith, 62 Faithless, 77 Falsehood of Extremes, The, 279 Fame and Popularity, 269 Familiar Talks on Literature and Art, 275 Famous Paintings of the World, 386 Fancy, A, 79 Farewell, 207 Farm and Home, The, 42 Farmer of the Middle West, The, 118 Fatal Leisure, 252 Fate of Louis Capdau, 277 Fawcett, Edgar, 252, 266 Fawn, The, 190, 229 Feast in the Forest, The, 9, 1 2 Feeding the Brain, 253 Fergusson, Erna, 357W Ferns, 39 Fertility, i9orc Fiction and Moral Lessons, 268 Field, Eugene, 78 Field, Kate, 158 Fiend of Industry, The, 280 Fifth Reader, A, 148 Fighting at Point Rose, The, 278 Final Thought, The, 207 Finding Work for Walter, 159 Fire-hunting, 78 First Christmas, The, 325, 331, 347- 348 First Cinderella, The, 430 First Novel, The, 253 "First of All the New War's Slain," 161 First Sign of Autumn, The, 269 First Spring Outing, The, 267 Fisher, Harrison, 81 Flag of the Children, The, 148 Flagg, James Montgomery, 100, 101 Flagship, The, 270, 274 Flesh-Pots, 140 Fletcher, Laurel Louisa, 142, 249 Fletcher's Art, The, 268 Flight into Egypt, The, 429 Flight of the Hawk, The, 257 Flight Shot, A, 190 Florida, 350, 373, 408, 413 Floridian, The, 187 Floridian Fancy, A, 262 Flower, Lucy L., 497* Flower Mission Cap &■ Gown, The, 142, 249 Flute D'Ebene, Une, 252 Fly Fishing for Black Bass, 198 Folks and Their Folksiness, The, 118 Food for the Gods, 261 Fooling the People, 157 Foot-Notes for an Old-Time Southern Book, 269 For a New Year's Morn, 77 For a Pioneer's Memorial, 93, 147 For Cuba, 268, 273 For Isobel, 246 For One Evening Only, 267 For the Veterans, 61 Foreign Influence on American Fic- tion, 278 Forest and Stream, 262, 300—302 Forest Beauty, A, 276 Forest Mystery, A, 258 Formation of Soils, The, 242 Fort Donelson, 375, 380, 401, 413 Fort Mitchell, 403 Fort Stanton, 355 Fortnight in a Palace of Reeds, A, 196 Fortnight of Folly, A, 202-203 Fortune, Russell, 77 GENERAL INDEX 459 Fortune, William, 151 Forum, The, 262 Fosdick, W.W., 313 Fossil Mammals of the Post-Pliocene, 241 Fossils and Their Value, 297 Foulke, William Dudley, 13211 Founded on a Rock, 264 Four Knights, The, 63 Fourth in Indiana, The, 61 Fourth of July, The, 61, 254*1, 266, 267 Fourth Reader, A, 148 Fox, William F., Jr., 164 Fragrance, 158 Freedmen's Bureau, 396, 399, 401 Frelinghuysen, Frederick T., 375, 376, 378, 379 Fresh London Notes, 21 Friend to the Devil, A, 277 Friendship's Sacrament, 78 Frink, Henry A., 240 Frog, A, 281 From Bethlehem to Calvary, 93 From Chicago, 62 From Chicago to Mackinaw, 65 From My Windows, 57 From Sherwood to Chattahoochee, 269 From the Campus, 38 From the Critic's Point of View, 256 From the East, 160 From the Notebook of an Archer, 257% Frontier, 161 Frontier Doctor, A, 357, 395 Frontier Fighter, 357, 396-397 Frontier Idyl, A, 427 Frost, Robert, 282 Full-fledged, 207 Fuller, Hector, 161 Fulton, Maurice G., 355, 357, 395 Furnas, Robert W., 242 Future of Poetry, The, 158*2, 162 Galaxy, The, 262 Galveston News, The, 445W A Game of Piquet, 6n Garden Statues, 192, 243 Garfield, President James A., 300, 412 Garrett, Pat F., Authentic Life of Billy the Kid, 355, 395 Garrett, Phineas, 240 Garrison, Gertrude, 58 Gazzel; or, Love Song, 423 Gems from Indiana Rotary's Literary Belt, 148 Gems of Modern Art, 386 Genesis of Bird-Song, The, 201 Genius and Enthusiasm, 236, 263, 264*2 Genius and Morality, 236 Genius and Virility, 275 Genius in Science and Literature, 258 "Genius in Women," 261 Geographical Botany, 241 Geography from a Car Window, 280 Geological and Natural History Re- port of Carroll County, 245 Geological Survey of Clinton County, A, 297 Geological Survey o,f Starke County, A, 297 Geology as a Summer Pastime, 269 Geometry of Thought, 238 George, Andrew J., 265?* George o'Green and Robin Hood, 9, 12 Georgia, 254, 262, 274, 278 Gerome's Statue, 93 Getting Acquainted with Life, 280 Ghost at Christmas, The, 59 Giants of the Diamond, 164 Gibson, Louis C, 78 Gil Home's Bergonzi, 247 Gilder, Jeanette L., 190**, 191*1, 192W Gilder, R.W. 195*2, 199*2, 217, 219*2, 264, 298 Ginevra; or, The Old Oak Chest, 424; (book), 397, 423-424 Girl at the Ad Counter, The, 1 56 Girl Detective, The, 258 Girl from the River, The, 1 54 Girl with the Red Feather, The, 123 Glacial Deposits of Indiana, 241 Glad Heart! Sweetheart!, 160 Glimpse of Spring, A, 58 Glimpses of Authors, 314*1 Glimpses of Western Farm Life, 281 Go, Winter, 161, 17212 God Save the Republic, 49ft God Save the State!, 92 Going with the Current, 280 Gold-Bird, The, 207 Gold Hunters of Indiana, 56 460 GENERAL INDEX Gold, Silver and Precious Stones, 242 Golden Age, The, 157 Golden Age of Authors, A, 394 Golden Inspiration, The, 253 Golden Pastoral, The, 267 Golden Rule of Exercise, The, 279 Golden Treasury of American Songs, 190W Golden- Wings' Home, The, 271 Good Cheer for 1892, 232W Good Company, 60, 262, 426*1, 434W, 442 Good Housekeeping, 158-159 Good Night and Pleasant Dreams, 78 Goodrich, Ira B., Jr., 313 Gordon, J.W., 275 Gosse, Edmund, 268 Governor's Day Off, The, 138, 168; (pamphlet), 138 Gowdy, John K., 410 Grace Chimes, 91 Grand National Archery Meeting, The, 301 Grand Traverse Bay, 276 Grandest Dream of AH, The, 165 Grant, U.S., 353, 363, 387, 399^ 40m, 404, 413 Grape Bloom, 77 Grasshopper's Song, The, 68 Gray, Isaac P., 241 Great, The, 57 Great Americans as Seen by the Poets; 213W Great Salt Lake, 157 Great South, The, 281 Great Western Sanitary Fair, 352 Greek as a Fertilizer, 264 Greek Girl's Song, The, 77 Greek Love Songs, 77 Green Heron, A, 243 Green Pants and a Will, 232 Greene, 222 Grosse, E.M., 29 Grosvenor, Edwin A., 345, 386, 391 Grosvenor, Mrs. Edwin A., 440 Grouse on the Ausable, 257 Grouse Shooting, 282 Grown Old, 66 Gryllus Grilled, 268 Guarding Shadows, 77 Guest of Honor, The, 171 Guide to the Museum of New Mexico, 359 Gulf Coast Country, The, 265 Guns and Their Use, 274n Habits of Mocking Birds, 257 Halcyon Note, A, 268 Halcyon Notes, 264 Half Flights, 78 Hall, Anna E., 59 Hall, Annie Rachel, 59?* Hall, Frank Richards, 151 Hall, Henry, 242 Halstead, Murat, 336 Ham, Charles H., 78, 162, 164** Hamilton, Edward Joseph, 142, 250 Hand in Hand, 267 Hand on the Shoulder, The, 156 Handicapped Critics, 263 Happy the man that scales the heights afar, 163 Harbert, Elizabeth Boynton, 65 Harding, George C, 59 Hardy, Thomas, 255 Hare Hunting, 282 Harper's Bazaar, 159 Harper's [Monthly] Magazine, 159, 262, 314, 406, 442 Harper's Round Table, 442 Harper's Weekly, 60, 406 Harper's Young People, 262 Harris, Joel Chandler, 26511 Harrison, Benjamin, 39, 40, 43, 44, 309, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 34°, 361, 381, 402, 411 Harrison, William Henry, 337 Hartford Seminary Record, The, 262 Hartford Theological Seminary, 210, 211 Hartwick, Benjamin, 185 Harvard College, 213 Harvest, 169 Hastings, R., 352 Hat and the Home, The, 280 Hatch, General, 355, 397 Haunted Rocking-Chair, The, 157 Haunts of the Grayling, The, 276 Having a Good Time, 279 Hawaii, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 39, 46, 48, 49W, 50, 56, 61 Hawaii and a Revolution, 19-23 Hawaiian Farm, A, 21 GENERAL INDEX 461 Hawaiian Gardens, 39W Hawaiian Politics, 20 Hawaiians at Home, 20 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 255 Hay, John, 54 Hayes, Rutherford B., 350, 354, 359, 402, 408, 413, 416 Hayne, Paul Hamilton, 77, i79 n > 2 5°> 271, 272, 277 Hays, Will H., 122, 166 Hazard, Bertha, 192M He Is Not Dead, 213?* Health to Indiana, A, 260 Hearst's International, 159 Heart Cure at Banning Farms, The, 158 Heart of America, The, 148 Heart of America Readers, 148 Heart of American Youth, The, 1 54 Heart of Life, The, 171 Heart of the Bugle, The, 93 "Heartache," 78 Heiney, Enos B., 37, 140, 142, 19m, 192W, 2i3«, 299, 3157*, 437, 438 Helpless Girls, 67 Henley's Gay Scene, 25 Henry the Eighth, 433 Heredity, 169 Heresy of the Gad, The, 269 Heroes and Heroines in Fiction, 253 Heron, The, 190 Heron Sketches, 269 Herringshaw, Thomas W., 190W, 192W Hesperian Tree, The, 143, 249 Heyday!, 268, 273 Higginson, T.W., 192W, 243 High Tide at Gettysburg, The, 268*1, 287, 298 High- Water Friendship, 257 Higher Light, The, 66w Highland Park Archery Club, 301 Hill, Alexander, 316 Hill, Frank, 218 Hint to Chicago, A, 253 Hint to Critics, A, 265 Hints on Trap-shooting, 198 His Second Campaign, 187-188 History of Maryland, 396 History of the Organization of the Indiana Commandery . . . Loyal Legion, 381 Hitting the Bourbons Hard, 362 Ho, for the Kankakee, 206 Hodson's [Hodgson's or Hodkin's] Hide-Out, 217 Hoffman, P.A., 402 Hoiden, 179 Holden, Alderman, 415 Holding the Mirror, 252 Holland, E.M., 89 Holliday, John H., 1647* Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 260 Home, 275 Home, The, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 Home Book of Verse, The, igon Home Circle, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 54 Home-coming, The, 65 Home Department, 43 Home Journal, 68, 446 Home-Maker, The, 60 Home of a Princess, 21 Home of Ben Hur, The, 391 Homer, 423 Honey, Pure and Adulterated, 267 Honolulu, 20, 30, 31, 65 Honor Bright, 127; (book), 125-127 Honorable Archie, The, 171 Hoof-Marks in the Sod, g^n Hoosier, The, 159 Hoosier Almanack and Family Mag- azine, The, 11, 38 Hoosier Athens, The, 62 Hoosier Boyhood, A, 165W, 172 Hoosier Caravan, 6n, Son Hoosier Chronicle, A, 105—107, no Hoosier Classic, A, 136 Hoosier Delegates, 45 Hoosier Democrat, The, 172 Hoosier Gastronomies, 145, 168 Hoosier Girl I Loved in Old Vin- cennes, The, 225 Hoosier Girl's Eyes, A, 162 Hoosier Letters and the Ku Klux, 155 Hoosier Mosaics, 179-180 Hoosier Reminisces in Far-Off Car- acas, 165 Hoosier Triangle, A, 270 Hoosiers, 136 Hoosiers, The, 79-81 Hope of Happiness, The, 128; (book), 127-128 Hopeful View of Poetry, A, 158 462 GENERAL INDEX Hopper, The, 1 1 6 Horatio at Elsinore, 94 Horns, The, 93, 142 Horseshoe Statesmanship, 279 Horsman, E.L, 185, 290 Hosmer, Harriet, 48 Hot Biscuits and Honey, 168 Hot Days in London, 25 Hotel Sherman, 150 Hour with the Mexicans, An, 373 House, Benjamin Davenport, 58, 139 House of a Thousand Candles, The, 87-90, 163, 169 House of Peers, The, 24 Housewarming, The, 168 Hovey, Alvin P., 409 How a Boy Outwitted John A. Mur- rell, 257 How a Humming Bird Builds Its Nest, 257^ How an Archer Bags a Wildgoose, 257W How Bony Grew Rich, 264 How I Came to Write Ben Hur, 331, 35o How I Saved Ben, 401 How Long Will America Last?, 1 54 How Pierre Found His Father, 161 How, Then, Should Smith Vote?, 1 22 How to Draw the Bow, 301 How to Handle a Shotgun, 274ft How to Study History, Literature, the Fine Arts, 246 How to Study Literature, 246 How to Train in Archery, 183-185, 289-292 How to Use a Rifle, 274 Howard, Roy W., i68w Howells, William Dean, 186, 19 m, 2i8n, 244, 255, 264, 271, 275 Hoyt, 236 Hoyt, Henry F., 357, 395 Hubbard, Kin [Frank McKinney], 143, 151 Huesmann, Louis C, 119, 120 Humming Bird, The, (by M. Nichol- son), 159; (by M. Thompson, poem), 241, (prose), 257 Hummock Eden, A, 258 Humpback Sam, 258 Humphrey, Lucy H., 191M, 213** Hunting Shy Birds, 257*1 Hunting Stories Retold from St. Nich- olas, 251 Hunting with a Bow and Arrow, 282 Hunting with the Bow, 301 Hunting with the Long-Bow, 182, 183 Hutchinson, E.M., 183W, 190W, igm, 20 m Hymn of the Monument, A, 163 Hysterical Citizen, The, 279 "I Know a Place," 160 "I would give a good deal if I knew the answer," 172 Ideal Indiana Soldier, An, 362 Ideals Are Gone, 168 Identified at Last, 162 Idle Day, An, 271 Idler, An, 64 Idolater, An, 76 Idyl of the Longbow, An, 262 Idyl of the Rod, An, 179 Idyl of the Wabash, An, 161 If I Were a Boy Again, 26 in, 262 If You Were a Soldier Over There and Santa Claus Forgot You, 166 Ill-starred, 77 Illinois Woman's Exposition Board, 48 Illinois Women's Press Association, 42 Illusion of Change, The, 1 54 {Illustrated) Indiana Weekly, The, 262, 27on Imaginative Romance, 280 Imperial Harem, An, 446W Impossibility, An, 256 Impression of the World's Fair, 261 Impromptu, The, 140 Improvement in Blue-Stockings, 253 Imprudence of Prudence, The, 171 In a Creole Book-Stall, 264 In a Day, 63 In a Great Prison, 25 In a Turkish Cemetery, 43 2W, 445 In a Well, 282 In a wildwood there came to me, 261 In an Early Day, 12 In Appreciation of Our New Home, 150 In April, 40 In Camp Tonight, 160 In Captivity, 206 In Convalescence, 67 In Crawford's Woods, 38, 67 GENERAL INDEX 463 In Ether Spaces, 76 In Exile, 193 In-Gathering of Sketches, Essays, Poems hy Western Writers, 140 In Halcyon Hilo, 21 In Honor of James Whitcomh Riley, 144 In Lincoln Street, 59 In Love, 238 In Love's Hands, 282 In Memoriam Major-General hew Wallace, 143 In Regal Quarters, 21 In Santford's Pocket, 259 In the Clover, 251 In the Dusk, 171 In the East and West, 62 In the Great Pastures, 92 In the Harem, 430 In the Haunts of Bass and Bream, 1 92 In the Haunts of Bream and Bass, 192, 241 In the Haunts of the Mocking-Bird, 196 In the Hilo Swim, 21 In the Isle of the Lily, 430 In the Matter of Shakespeare, 201 In the Moonlight, 160 In the Shadow, 77 In the South Seas, 22 In the Storm, 258 In the Street, 94 In the Tent, 446 In the Tower of Many Stories, 433 In the Woods with the Bow, 219 In Tune with the Times, 168 In Turkish Harems, 445 "In Winter I Was Born," 78, 91 Incident of War, An, 207 Independence Day, 254, z66n Independent, The, 60-61, 159, 175, 252, 263-271, 302, 43on, 442-443 Indian Archery, 446 Indian Giver, The, 443 Indiana Academy of Science, 20 in, 241, 243, 245, 297 Indiana: Adjutant General's Report, 367 Indiana and Indianans, ion Indiana Association Mexican War Veterans, 393 Indiana at Antietam, 145 Indiana at Chickamauga, 392 Indiana at Shiloh, 363 Indiana Athens, The, 61 Indiana authors, 6m, 8o«, 156M, 165, p7, 411 Indiana Authors and Their Books, 6n, Son, i^6n Indiana Authors' Readings, 165, 327, 411 Indiana: Brevier Legislative Reports, 364 Indiana Building Stone, 241, 245 Indiana Centennial Celebration, 145 Indiana Chalk Beds, 241 Indiana Democracy, 40 Indiana Department of Geology . . . Report, 241, 242, 245, 297 Indiana Historical Society, 411 Indiana in the Mexican War, 372, 393-394 Indiana in the War of the Rebellion, 370 Indiana: Journal of the Senate, 364, 365, 366 Indiana League of Women Voters, 166 Indiana: Legislative Sentinel, 364 Indiana Legislature, 40, 238, 406 Indiana Magazine of History, 12, 393, 406 Indiana Poetry, yGn, gzn Indiana Politics, 43 Indiana Republican League, 410 Indiana Rotary, 148 Indiana School Journal, The, 61 Indiana Society of Chicago, 11, 135, 144, 145, 146 Indiana Soldier, An, 362 Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Monu- ment, 163W, 392, 409M Indiana State Board of Agriculture, 241—242 Indiana State Council of Defense, 67 Indiana State Journal, 406-407 Indiana State Legislature, 40, 238, 406 Indiana State Sentinel, 407 Indiana State Teachers' Association, 144, 163 Indiana Weekly, 262, 270M Indiana Writers of Poems and Prose, 142, 250 Indianapolis, 40, 63, 85W, 109, 164 4 6 4 GENERAL INDEX Indianapolis: A City of Homes, 109 Indianapolis Bar Association, 165 Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce, 150 Indianapolis Flower Mission, 139, 140, 141, 142, 244 Indianapolis Herald, 407 Indianapolis Journal, The, 61, 159- 162, 243, 244, 271-274, 302, 314, 358, 407-411, 413W, 443-444 Indianapolis Literary Club, 136, i^Sn Indianapolis News, The, 12, 61, 90M, 162-165, 274-275, 411, 4i4n Indianapolis News Souvenir, The, 392 Indianapolis Press, The, 61, 411 Indianapolis Saturday Herald, The, 61-63, *79 n > i92rc, 2o6w, 244, 275, 28m Indianapolis Saturday Review, 6 in, 63, 239, 275 Indianapolis Sentinel, The, 165, 244, 4 1 1-4 1 2 Indianapolis Star, The, 63, 103, 165- 168, 20772, 275, 410W, 412, 434W, 444 Indianapolis Sun, The, 168 Indianapolis Times, The, 168 Indianapolis Turnverein, 166 Indiana's Future Poet, 42 Indianian, The, 27 on Inevitable Word, The, 143, 155 Inexpensive Summer Outing, An, 256 Ingersoll, Ernest, 239 Inglorious Genius, An, 257 Inherited Habit in Birds, 258 Inherited Honors and Duties, 141 Insley, J.J., 404 Inspiration of a Walk, The, 279 Instance of Bird Study, An, 269 Instance of Good Roads, An, 268 Intellectual Future of the Negro, The, 265 Inter Ocean, The, (see Chicago Inter Ocean) Interior, The, 56 International copyright, 162, 243, 261 Into Light, 273M Into Mischief, 68 Invenustus, 280 Invitation to You and Your Folks, An, 147 Invocation— To the Seasons, 76 Ireland, 54, 93 Is New York a Bluff?, 167 Is Our Great National Motive Power, Curiosity, Being Educated Out of Us?, 156 Is Slaying Thousands, 44 5« Is the New Woman New?, 247 Ishmaelite, The, 168, 276 Island of Song, The, 254 It Shall Never Come Down, 270, 274 Italy and the Arts, 280 Jack's Half-Holiday, 56, 63 Jackson, Andrew, 129, 130 James, Henry, 275 Jameson, Dr. Leander Starr, 26 Janesville Gazette, The, 444 Jere Jones's Ride, 271 Jerusalem as It Now Is [as We See It Today], 436 Jessie's Guest, 62 Jock o'Nimble Heels, 9 Jocund Feud, A, 259 John and Jonathan, 25, 26 John Bull at Home, 25 Johnson, Robert Underwood, 162M, 164, 380, 40m Johnson, William Martin, 319, 348 Jolly Joker of the Nations, 280 Jonathan's Fourth of July, 232 Jornada Del Muerto, The, 427 Joslin, Mrs, N.S., 6 in Jottings, 49, 50, 51 Journal of the Senate of Indiana, C1857), 364; (1858), 365; (1859), 366 Judah, 330 Judah, Mary Jameson, 129 Junior Poetry Cure, The, igon Jusserand, J.J., 265 Justice, 259 Justice as Administered in . . . English Courts, 25 Kalakaua's Palace, 21 Kapila, 31 $n, 333 Karl, Mynheer Heinrich, (pseud.), 58 Kate Field's Washington, 158 "Kate Greenaway," 162 Katie Winterbud, 278 Keats, 263 Keep Off the Grass, 155 GENERAL INDEX 465 Keithly, E.C., 225 Keller, Arthur I., 97, 98, 102 Kemble, Edward Windsor, 214, 216 Kennedy, Madam, 68 Kennedy, Mary Hannah, (pseud.), 6$n Kennedy, Peter S., 374 Khayyam, (see Omar Khayyam) Kildee Shooting, 257 Kind of Man, A, 78 King of Honey Island, The, 209; (book), 208-210 Kingfisher, The, 207 King's Road, The, 65 Kipling, Rudyard, 261, 265M Klepper, Max, 6 Knights in Fustian, 5 Knights of Pythias, 404n Knowles, Frederic L., 141, 190W Knox, Thomas Lowell, 385 Kokomo Saturday Tribune, 63, 65M, 276 Kountze, Herman, 94 Kountze, Mrs. Charles Thomas, 114 Kreymborg, Alfred, 190W Krout, Caroline Virginia, [i]-i2, 81, 444 Krout, Mary Hannah, [i3]-68, 81, 226, 308, 337, 349, 350, 444 Krout, Mary Hannah, letters to: Edi- tor, Evening Post, 68; Ladies and Gentlemen of Crawfordsville, 58; J. E. Le Rossignol, 60 Krout, Mary Hannah, speeches: Ban- quet for candidates for Trustees of Illinois State University, 49W; D.A.R., 59; Illinois Woman's Re- {mblican Committee, 49M; Repub- ican Women's Rally, 49; Wom- an's Reading Club of Terre Haute, 59 Krout, Robert Kennedy, 17, 19 Ku Klux Klan, i66n, 168 Kummer, Alfred, 379 Kunse, Luella G., 61 La Maison des Milles Flambeaux, 89 Labor and Art, 94 Labor the Law of Life, 162 Ladies' Home Journal, The, 350, 444- 445 Ladies Repository, The, 64 Lady Larkspur, 1 19; (book), 1 18-1 19 Lady of Landor Lane, The, 122 Lafayette Courier, 276 La Follette, Robert M., 166 Lamb, Charles, 201 Land of the Pueblos, The, 427; (book), 359, 397, 424-427 Land of the Swallow, The, 62 Land of the Tall Poinsettia, The, 1 54, 167 Landis, Charles B., 404, 412 Landon's Legacy, 156 Lane, Henry S., 259 Lane, Mrs. Henry S., 432, 43 3M, 440 Lang, Andrew, 261, 266« Langtry, Lily, 56 Lanier, Sidney, 77 Large Turkish Cemeteries, 43 zn, 44 <$n Lark, The, 60, 61 Larned, Walter, 207n Last Farewell and Tender Tribute, A, 444 Last Letter of Anne Boleyn, 433 Last Literary Cavalier, The, 250 Last of the Kings, The, 156 Last of the 'Tzins, The, 313 Last Prayer, The, 61 Las Vegas Gazette, 356, 412 Late London Notes, 25 Laurel Leaves for Little Folks, 37, 437 Law of Life, The, 78 Lawrence, Austin, 39W Lawyer, The, 259 Lazing, 206 "Lead, Kindly Light," 77, 91 Leadership, 157 Leaf from a Fly-Book, A, 268 Leaf from the Christmas Tree, A, 44 1 , 443 League of the Guadalupe, The, 273, 281 Learn from Books and from People, 170 Lee, Alice, (Mrs. Maurice Thomp- son), 58, 205, 218 Lees of Old Wine, The, 252 Legend of Bayou Galere, A, 277 Legend of Potato Creek, The, 179 Legend of the Satilla, A, 282 Legislative Sentinel, The, 364 Leibnitz, 280 Leighton, Lord, 24 4 66 GENERAL INDEX Lepers and Leprosy in the East, 433 Lepers and Molakai, 21 Le Rossignol, J.E., 60 Leslie's Popular Monthly, 445 Lesson of Fiction, The, 270 Lesson of the Corn, The, 157 Let Main Street Alone!, 121 Let's All Be Ourselves, 171 Letter, A, 155 Letter from Dresden, 388, 432 Letter from Niagara, 444 Letter of Mrs. Story, 433 Letter to Every Good Woman, A, 444 Letters of James Whitcomb Riley, i6im Letting George Do It, 164 Levant Herald, 412 Library Magazine, The, 263*1, 276 Library of American Literature, A, 183W, 190W, 19m, 20m Library of Literary Criticism, 192W, 21 in, 213*1, 250 Library of Southern Literature, 182*1, 183M, 190*1, 19m, 192*1, 193W, 2o6rc, 207n, 21m, 22on Life, 64; (magazine), 169 Life and Public Services of [Hon.] Benjamin Harrison, 336, 337 Life in Honolulu, 20 Life of Gen. Ben Harrison, 309, 335- 340 Light of the Harem, The, 423 Light through Darkness, 158 "Lighten Our Darkness," 161, 168 Lightheartedness of Americans, 279 Like Lost Sheep, 161 Lilly, J. K., viii Lily of Rochon, The, 273 Limit of Athletics, 256 Limit of Criticism, The, 264 Limit of Expression, The, 260 Limit of the Short Story, The, 252 Lincoln, Abraham, 141, 212, 213, 295, 296, 368, 399, 400, 410, 416 Lincoln Memorial Address, 295-296 Lincoln, Robert Todd, 376 Lincoln County, N.M., 354, 355, 357. 396 Lincoln-Douglas Debate, 350, 366*1 Lincoln's Birthday, ii^n Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, 416 Lincoln's Grave, 213; (book), 212- 213 Lines Addressed to the Lady Who Bandaged My Cut Finger, 406, 409 Lion's Cub, The, 248 Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Lit- erature and Science, 64, 276-277 Literary Cant, 266 Literary Controversy, A, 244 Literary Execution, A, 252 Literary Fascination, The, 279 Literary Fashions, 266 Literary Gambling, 253 Literary Greens, 256 Literary Half-Acres, 267 Literary Hysteria, 253 Literary Journey, A, 271 Literary Judgments, 271 Literary Lesson of Archery, The, 264 Literary Life, 277 Literary Loyalty, 252 Literary Market, The, 270 Literary Mendicity, 266 Literary News, The, 397 Literary Perfume, 260 Literary Reciprocity, 267 Literary Redemption of Indiana, The, 12 Literary Sincerity, 264 Literary World, The, 277, 398 Literature, 145; (magazine), 64, 262, 277, 427W, 445 Literature and Ignorance, 267 Literature and Life, 255, 262 Literature and the College, 252 Literature and the Exposition, 253 Litde, Elizabeth P.H., 444 Litde Acorn, The, 64 Little Book of American Poets, The, 190H Little Boy across the Way, The, 162 Litde Brown Hands, 36, 57*1, 65, 66 Little Brown Jug at Kildare, The, 100- 102 Little Children Fed, 26 Little Dinner, A, 64 Little, Old Cradle, The, 57, 64 Little Purple Heartsease, 64 Little Question of Soil, A, 253 Little Ruth, 57 Little Verses and Big Names, 146 GENERAL INDEX 467 Living Age, 277 Living Leaders of the World, 381 Living Writers of the South, The, 238 Loafing-Day, 270, 274 Local & National Poets of America, 190W, igin Locket, The, 445 London, 21, 23-26, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 68 London in Mourning, 25 London's Big Show, 26 Long, Ray, 124 Long-Bow, The, 254 Long Live the King, 39, 61 Longfellow, H.W., 19m, 239, 280 Looker On in London, A, 23-26 Looking Southward, 272 Lords of High Decision, 102-103 Lorel Hasardour, 235 Lossing, Benson J., 354, 368, 434W Lost Count de Lisle, The, 278 Lost Lamb, The, 64 Louisiana, 203, 204, 408 Louisville Courier-Journal, 41 on Louisville Exposition, The, 59 Louisville Post, The, 169 Loup-Garon: A Story of the Gulf Swamp, 272 Love and Rapiers, 277 Love Song, A, 44 in "Loved and Lost," 160 Lovely Island Lake, 43 Love's Horizon, 256 Love's Midas Touch, 76 Love's Music, 92, 141 Love's Power, 78 Love's Voyage, 267 Loving Cuf Presentation, The, 388- 389 Low Tide in Poetry, The, 253 Lowell, James Russell, 250 Loyal Legion, Indiana Commandery, 141, 143, 362, 381, 388, 409, 410 Loyal Legion, Ohio Commandery, 381, 384 Lucas, Harriet M., 94 Lucky Shot, A, 257 Lullaby, 64 Luther's Choral, 36, 63 Lydie Darrah, 60, 63 Lyon & Healy, 401 Lyon, General, 405 Lyric America, igon Lyric Muse, The, 267 Macauley, Dan, 413 McChesney, H.H., 219^ McClellan, General, 41 on McClure's Magazine, 169 McComb, E.H.K., 134, 164W, 264 McConnell, Emlen, 226 McCulloch, Carleton B., 132, 164, 167 McGillicuddy, 171 Machine-made Appreciation, 253 McKee, Irving, 329, 356, 360, 361, 37i, 372, 397, 398, 409, 4ion, 425, 440 McKinley Memorial Address, 293 McLain, M.G., 409 McLaughlin, M. Louise, 36 Maclure, William, 81 McMeen, Samuel G., 229 Made in Mazooma, 169 Madness of May, The, 115; (book), 114-115 Magnetic Story, The, 271 Mahan, W.D., 326 Major, Charles, 249 Major, Mabel, 419 Making and Spending, 157 Making Dry Facts Attractive, 280 Main Chance, The, 81-84 Man and a Bird, A, 268 Man and the Bird, The, 280 Man in the House, A, 16, 444 Man in the Street, The, 1 21-122 Man of Destiny, The, 422 Man of the Marsh, The, 258 Man on the High Horse, The, 259 Man with the Hoe, The, 279 Man with the Lantern, The, 156 Manhattan, The, 277 Manila, 59 Manual Training High School, 134, 164, 168 Manuscript fragment, 412 March, 262 March of Lenore, The, 162 Marietta Register, The, 412 Marjorie, 94 Mark and the Panther, 283 Mark Spears with the Warring Creeks, 258 Markham, Edwin, 192*2 4 68 GENERAL INDEX Marsh, Rose Blair, 444 Marsh-Land Incident, A, 219 Marshall, Thomas Ryan, 61, 104, 164, 166, 169 Marshall County, 297 Marvin and His Boy Hunters, 198 Maryland, 396, 399, 400, 401, 434 Marys, The, 35 Mason, Caroline, 446 Massingberd, Mrs. E. L., 54 Masters of Men, 93W Materialism and Criticism, 252 Matter and Style, 263 Matter of History, A, 50 Mattern, EX., 414 Matthews, Brander, 26511 Maxinkuckee, 297 Maybrick, Florence Holbrook, 55, 64 Mayer, Alfred M., 192™, 240, 375 Mayfield, Frank, i9on Mea Culpa, 93 Meadow-Lark, The, 271 Meadow Music, 269 Measure of Success, The, 279 Mecca, 429 Mediaeval Romance, A, 271 Meeting, A, 158 Meeting of the Veterans, The, 271 Melbourne, 49 Melic Charm, The, 267 Melpomene, 169 Memoirs of Hon. Bernice Pauahi Bishop, The, 32-33 Memorial Address: B.P.O.E., 293-294 Memorial Address: Lincoln, 295, 296 Memorial Address: McKinley, 293 Memorial Day poem, 58 Memory, 93 Memory, A, 260 Memory, A: May, 1864, 281 Men and Women, 12 Mensaje del Goh. Lewis Wallace, 360 Mental Hospitality, id^n Meredith, George, 51 Meredith, William Morton, 75 Merrell, Clarence F., 152 Merrill, Catherine, 80, 370, 371 Merry Days with Bow and Quiver, 182, 183 Merry Meet Again, 315W Message, The, 168 Mesilla Independent, 354, 412 Mesilla News, The, 355, 397, 412, 413 Mesilla Valley Independent, The, 41 in Metropolitan, 169 Mexican bonds, 350, 369, 372, 402 Mexican War, 308, 393 Mexico, 308, 309, 369, 371, 372, 373, 39om, 393, 427 Mexico and the Mexicans, 309, 373, 39on Michigan, 272 Mid-West Quarterly, 60 Midsummer Scorch, A, 269 Midsummer Shade, A, 270 Midas Touch, The, 160 Middle West in Politics, The, 118 Middleton, George, 90 Migration, 249 Mikels, Rose M.R., 9311 Military Order of the Loyal Legion, 141, 143, 362, 378, 381, 384, 388 Military Record: General Wallace's, 353-354 Military tactics, 369*1 Mill of the God, The, 281 Miller, Billy, 164 Miller, Jap, 169 Miller, Marion, 26 <$n Miller, Olive Thome, 26 5n Miller, Theodore W., 168 Miller-Boy's Song, 268 Mills, Caleb, 79, 80, 367 Mills, Frank Moody, 38 Milly: At Love's Extremes, 194 Minard, Florence H., 115 Mind, Memory and Migration of Birds, 276 Mine Experience, 427 Mineralogical Investigation in Indi- ana, 20 1 n Miners, The, 427 Mines of Santa Eulalia, 372, 406, 427W Minor Trials, 63 Minutes of the . . . M.E. Church, 383 Miriam: At a Concert, 94 Miss Dickinson's Poems, 253 Miss O'Rourke and True Romance, 169 Mission Schools in China, 39 Missions in China, 64 GENERAL INDEX 469 Mr. Jiggers' Toothpick, 62 Mr. Richard's Fiancee, 158 Mistletoe Bough, The, 424 Mrs. J. (pseud.), 62 Mixing Business and Sentiment, 280 Modern Aladdins & Their Magic, 151 Modern Argo, 2$gn Modern Art, 169 Modern Eloquence, 370 Modern Puritan, A, 78 Mohammed, 446 Monocacy, 308 Monon Route, The, 58 Monsoons— Prevailing Winds, 151 Montaigne, 219, 269, 270 Montezuma's Palace, 427 Montgomery Guards, 282, 308, 404, 405, 408, 409, 410 Moods, 141 Moods of a Nation, The, 157 Moonlight on the Susquehanna, 1 59 Moore, William F., 164 Mooresville Times, 169 Moral Qualifications, 63 Mordbank, 278 More about the Short Story, 252 Morning Dew, 207 Morning Hills, The, 191 Morning Prayer, A, 207 Morning Sail, A, 192 Morning Stroll in Indiana, A, 260 Morton, Levi P., 335, 339 Morton, J. Sterling, 242 Morton, Oliver P., 367, 368, 370, 407, 409 Morton Memorial Association, 409 Most Beautiful Thing, The, 166 Mother Earth's House-cleaning, 64 Mother Goose for All, 140 Mother of Edgar, The, 302 Motif of Bird-Song, The, 201 Moulton, Charles W., 192W, 21 in, 2i$n, 250 Mud Pies, 57, 64 Mullet, Mocking Birds and Mon- taigne, 269 Munsey's Magazine, 64 Murder & Mystery in New Mexico, 357 Murder of the Modern Innocents, The, 444, 446 Murphy, Charles Beckman, 151 Murphy Notes, 404 Must Annex Hawaii, 21 Must the Review Be Abolished?, 252 My Butterfly, 282 My Castle in the Air, 57 My Country, 247 My First Voyage, 243 My Fleet, 302 My Friend, 61 My Lady of the Golden Heart, 77 My Maiden Effort, 148 My Own Account of the First Day at Shiloh, 354, 399 My Paddle Gleamed, 76 My Pumps and I, 160 "My Roger," 158 My Ship, 57 My Song, 438, 446 My Story That 1 Like Best, 123W, 149 My Thought, 63 My Thoughts on This Christmas, 167 My Valentine, 68 My Winter Garden, 219; (book), 218-219 Mysterious Twin, The, 258 Mystic Krewe, The, 245 Naked Babe, A, 254 Napoleon, 422 Nashville Daily American, The, 177 Nation, The, 169 National Archery Association, 182, 262, 275, 301 National Education Association, 150 National Institute of Arts & Letters, 146 National Meeting of American Arch- ers, 301 National Monthly, 169 National Wholesale Druggists' Asso- ciation, 136 Nation's Dead, The, 58 Natural Gas, 241 Nature Note in French Poetry, A, 265W Nebraska City Daily Press, 242 Nebraskan, The, (see Daily Nebras- kan) Nectar and Ambrosia, 207 Neighborhood Rooster, The, 259 Neighbors, Old and New, 63 Nethersole, Olga, 68 47° GENERAL INDEX New American Industry, 315W New Century Speaker, The, 240 New Chances for the Historian, 280 New Dietary Theory, The, 279 New Diplomacy, The, 279 New England, 59 New England Magazine, The, 169 New England Quarterly, The, 355, 413 New Evangel, The, 272 New Haven Union, The, 444**, 445 New Influence of Religious Journals, The, 265 New Mexican, The, 354, 355, 356, 357, 405, 415 New Mexico: Territory of, 308, 309, 354-360, 396, 397, 405, 425 New Orleans, 252, 258 New Outlook for Young Men, The, 279 New Pieces That Will Take Prizes, lion New Poetry, The, 270 New Stories from the Chap-Book, 247 New Trails, 1 70 New Troubadours, The, 272 New Words for New-Century- Thoughts, 280 New Year's Collect, 93 New Year's Gift, A, 446 New York, 59 New York Evening Post, The, 169, 445 New York Herald, 169 New York Journal &■ Advertiser, 64, 445 New York Ledger, The, 277-278 New York Press, The, 413 (New York) Sun, The, 16, 170, 298, 302 New York Times, The, 1 70 New York Tribune, ^yn, 64, 179M, 282, 413, 427W New York Weekly, 281, 446 (New York) World, The, 170, 356, 413 New Zealand, 48, 67 New Zealand and Its Resources, 39 New Zealand Cities and Government, 39 Newman, Cardinal, 77, 162 Newman and His Work, 162 News, 93 Next Political Issue, 274 Nicholas, Anna, 161 Nicholson, Charles L., 131 Nicholson, Edward Willis, 85 Nicholson, Elizabeth, 116 Nicholson, Eugenie Kountze, 82, 128 Nicholson, Kenyon, 125 Nicholson, Lionel, 116 Nicholson, Margaret, 87 Nicholson, Meredith, 42, 60, [69]- 172,404 Nicholson, Meredith: A Brief Story of His Life, 1 72 Nicholson, Meredith: American Man of Letters, 92?* Nicholson, Meredith, autobiographical, 147, 148, 156, 165, 166, 172 Nicholson, Meredith, letters to: Young E. Allison, 153; Robert Bridges, i66n; Children's Mu- seum, 156, 168; Democrats, 165; Editor, Indianapolis News, i6$n; Editor, Indianapolis Star, 165; J. K. Lilly, viii; Manual Training High School, 164, 168; Samuel M. Ralston, 163; James Whitcomb Riley, 165; George Seidensticker, 166 Nicholson, Meredith, speeches: American Academy of Arts & Let- ters, 146; American Red Cross, 151; American Society of Certified Public Accountants, 155; Century Club dinner, 167; Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 164, 167; Crawfordsville High School, 158; Democratic meeting, 168; Harri- son Memorial, 165; Indiana So- ciety of Chicago, 144; Indiana State Teachers' Association, 144; Indianapolis Bar Association, 165, 167; Indianapolis Medical Society, 167; Indianapolis Public Library, 167, 168; James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children, 167; L. S. Ayres & Co., 166; Lafayette Day, 166; Loyal Legion, Indiana Com- mandery, 162; Lucius B. Swift din- ner, 165; National Life Under- writers Association, 167; Negro Y.M.C.A., 166; Manual Training GENERAL INDEX 47i High School, 134; Phi Beta Kappa, i6$n; Purdue University, 163; State Senatorial campaign, 166 Nicholson, Meredith, Jr., 116 Nicholson, Thomas B., 391 Nicholson, Walter, 67 Nicholson, Will Meredith, 76, 77, 78, 79, 15671, 157W, 158*1, 159W, i6on, 172 Nightingale, Florence, 434 No War with America, 26 Noble Negro, A, 26 5 n, 266 Nolan, Jeannette Covert, 152 North American Review, The, 278, 413 North Georgia Notes, 262 North Western Farmer, The, 65 Northwest Indiana Conference, M.E. Church, 383 Noted Women of Hawaii, 61 Notes of the Creole Coast, 253 Nothing Venture, Nothing Have, 171 Novel writing, 260 Novels and Morals, 269 Novels and Novels, 261 Novels That Shakespeare Read, The, 253 November (by Maurice Thompson), 191; (book by O. F. Adams), 191W November Day, A, 57 November Leaf, A, 140, 437 Noyes, Edward F., 402 Nude in Fiction, The, 254 No. 120, 31 <5n Nuts from Perigord, 2i9«, 256 Nuttins, 171 O Soul, be strong!, 68 Oaks, George E., 410W Obelisks of Alexandria, 429 Observe the Lily, 269 Ocala Boy, The, 214-215 October (by M. H. Krout), 57, 65; (by M. Nicholson), 78 Odd Trump, The, 272 Odds and Ends, 60 Ode— Spring, 206 Off-Hand Criticism, 253 Offield, Ben, (pseud.), 61, 62, 63M Ohio State Journal, 413 Okechobee, 191 Old Artillerist, The, 141 Old Familiar Faces, yyn, 1 31-133 Old Glory Down, 21 Old Guidon, An, 93, 141 Old Guidons, The, 93 Old Homestead, The, 61 Old Liners, Montgomery County, 404 Old Rochon, 207 Old Rook, 274 Old Southern Humorist, An, 270 Old Stone House, The, 68 Old Trapper, An, 175 Old Wharves, 161, 169 Oldest Case on the Calendar, The, 132 Omaha, 84, 85 Omaha Tribune & Republican, 413 Omar Khayyam, 78, 139 On a Becalmed Sleeping Car, 155 On a Garden Statue of Persephone, 243 On Being an Example, 170 On Being Independent, 268 On Guns and Their Use, 274 On the Antietam Battlefield, 137, 145, 163 On the Mediterranean, yj On the Prairie's Edge, 270 On the Road to Paraguay, 132 On the We-a Trail, 6, 444 On Writing for the Papers, 444 Once a Year (1897), 140; (1899), 141 Once at Battle Eve, 36 One Hundred Choice Selections, 240 One of Our True Poets, 252 One of the Least of These, 1 70 One Woman, 430 One's Grandfather, 132 Only a Meadow Mist, 25 Open Doors, The, 169 Open Season for American Novelists, The, 122 Open Sesame!, 297 Opportunity, 65 Optimistic, 160 Opulence, 249 Orchard on the Hill, The, 279 Orchards by the Sea, 93 Ord, O. C, 402 Organ, The, 155 Oriental Cemeteries, 432 Original Grotesque, An, 268 Orphic Legacy, The, 206 472. GENERAL INDEX Orth, 404 Oskaloosa Times, 445 Ostrich Farms, An, 21 Otherwise Phyllis, 1 09-1 10 Our Alley, 62 Our Brookside Birds, 281 Our Day, 347 Our Debt to the Norsemen, 79 Our Earliest Spring Bird, 270 Our English Cousin, 307, 315ft Our Hawaii Letter, 21 Our Heritage, 14m Our Indian Troubles, 41 $n Our Legend, 207, 244 Our Nation Must Lead or Lose, 279 Our Vanishing Birds, 270 Our Winter Cardinal, 270 Our Young Folks, 65 Our Young Folks at Home, 240 Out-Door Influences in Literature, 196, 282 Out in the Street, 57, 64 Out of the Depths, 6 in Out of the South, 207 Outing, 12, 278, 282 Outline Sketch of the Most Valuable Minerals of Indiana, 297 Outsider, The, 42 Outward Bound, 39 Overland Monthly, The, 65 Owen, Robert Dale, 81 Owl, An, 281 Oxford Book of American Verse, 19011, 19m, 192ft Pacific Royalty, 21 Paddle Your Own Canoe, 384 Page, Thomas Nelson, 265ft Paige, Ellen (pseud.), 44 1 Pair of Old Boys, A, 255 Palace of the Pueblos, The, 442 Pan-Fish Angling, 262 Pan in the Orchard, 206 Panther and a Boy, A, 257 Pape, Eric, 312, 313 Paradise Circle, 219 Paraguay, 132, 154, 167 Paris, 53, 54 Parker, Benj. S., 37, 140, 142, 19 m, 192ft, 213ft, 299, 315ft, 437, 438 Partial Report of Survey of the West- ern Division, 297 Parting Guest, A, 155, 160 Passing of Old-Time Oratory, The, 279 Passion in Poetry and Fiction, 264 Pathfinders, The, 1 2 Patient Workers, 68 Pa ton, Jessie, 192ft Patrician Rhymes, 191M Patron, Juan, 355 Patter of Little Feet, The, 437 Pauahi, Bernice, 32, 33 Paw-Paw, A, 259, 281 Peabody, Mrs. James H., 60 Pearl River Silhouette, A, 257 Pedagogue, The, 1 79 Peddinghaus, L. L., 300 Peep at Turkish Royalty, A, 432 Peirson, G. Alden, 227, 228 Penalties of Precision, 1 54 Pence, Raymond Woodbury, 122ft, 132ft Penrod Is Unique, 166 Peoria Saturday Evening Call, 16, 65, 278 Perfect, The, 67 Perry, Oran, 372, 393 Perry's Expedition to Japan, 67 Persephone, 192, 243 Personal and Literary, 253 Personal Note, The, 256 Personal Reminiscences of Lew Wal- lace, 60, 159 Pessimism in Politics, 279 Peter Sterling Idea, The, 136ft Phases, 275 Phelps, Byron, 298 Phelps, William Lyon, 16 in Phi Beta Kappa, 212, 262 Phi Gamma Delta banquet menu, 389 Phi Gamma Delta fraternity, 389, 390, 414 Phi Gamma Delta magazine, 6ow, 1 70, 27m, 278, 3i7n, 389, 390, 414 Philippine Islands, 299 Philistines, 246 Phillips, C. Coles, 104 Phillips, Mary E., 37, 437 Phonographic American French, 267 Piatt, John James, 143, 249 Pictorical History of the Civil War, 368, 434ft Picturesque Honolulu, 29 GENERAL INDEX 473 Picturesque in Poetry, The, 263 Picus, 275, 281 Picus and His Pots, A, 278 Pieces for Every Day, 21 3W Pied Piper of Walnut Creek, A, 270 Pierian Freshness, The, 267 Pilgrimage to Mecca, 429, 430 Pilgrim's Progress, 434 Pimos, The, 427 Pioneer, The, 445 Pioneers, The, 12 Pipe Solo, A, 267 Pitkin, Frederick W., 356 Pittsburg Landing, 353, 354, 363, 367, 368, 377, 401, 4°9, 415 Pittsburgh Dispatch, 445 Plaint of the Country Editor, The, 58 Plantation Music, 260 Plantation Song, 218ft Platters and Pipkins, 33-34 Playground, 132ft Plea for the Pot-Boilers, The, 267 Plea for the Present, A, 260 Plea for the Rich, A, 264 Plethora of Ink, A, 253 Pockets of North Georgia, The, 254 Poe, Edgar Allan, 236, 263, 268, 276, 302 Poe, Elizabeth Arnold, 302 Poe and Baudelaire, 263 Poe and His Art, 276 Poem on Spring, The, 41 Poems (by Nicholson), 90-94; (by M. Thompson), 205-207 Poems for Special Days, 213ft Poems (Indianapolis Flower Mission), 139, 243 Poems of America, 239 Poems of American History, 247 Poems of American Patriotism, 141 Poems of Ben. D. House, 139 Poems of Places, 239 Poems of Wild Life, 183ft, 19°** Poet, The, 111-112 Poet and the Specialist, The, 253 Poet of the Poor, A, 219 Poetic & Artistic Masterpieces, 190ft Poetic New-World, The, 191ft, 213ft Poetry, 192ft Poetry and Money, 266 Poetry and Music of the Arabs, 430 Poetry of James Whitcomb Riley, The, 261 Poetry of the Civil War, The, 256 Poetry of Today, 93ft Poetry since Pope, 256 Poetry versus Botany, 261 Poets and Poetry of Indiana, 37 ', 140, 142, 191ft, 213ft, 299, 3I5W, 437, 438 Poets and Poetry of the West, The, 437 Poets and Portraits, 264 "Poets of Indiana, The," 59 Point of Aim, The, 265 Point of Hesitancy, The, 252 Pointers for Women, 68 Policy of Infamy, A, 50 Politics: A Field for Young Men, 171 Politics and the Citizen, 167, 171 Pond, J. B., 373 Pony Express, The, 156ft Poor Dear Papa, 171 Poor Old English Language, The, 122 Popular Taste, 63 Populistic Esthetics, 1 59 Populistic Ideals, 159 Port Angeles Evening News, 302 Port of Missing Men, The, 97; (book), 94-97 Portraits of Authors, 253 Portugal, 164 Potter Committee, 350, 373 Prairie City, The, 59 Prairie Home, A, 251, 279 Praise of Lincoln, The, 213ft Pratt, Ella Farman, 239 Prayer, 281 Prayer of the Hill-Country, A, 92 Precious Titles, 263 Preliminary Sketch of the Aquatic and Shore Birds, 242 Preliminary Sketch of the Character- istic Plants of the Kankakee Re- gion, 242 Prelude, A, 190 Premonition, 61 Prescience, 441, 442 Presidential Campaign Lives, 335ft Presidential Election Investigation, 373 Prevention of Presidential Assassina- tions, 413 474 GENERAL INDEX Price of Excellence, The, 253 Prince Edward's Song, 424 Prince of Charmingville, The, 171 Prince of India, The, 307, 309, 341- 345, 392 Prince of Painters, 24 Prince's Treasure, A, 77 Princess Perizade, The, 58 Private Practice Club, 301 Proceedings in Statuary Hall, 370 Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts & Letters, 146 Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 20m, 241, 243, 245, 297 Proceedings of the Third Annual Din- ner, Ohio Commandery Military Order, Loyal Legion, 378 Proceedings of the Washington State Bar Association, 299 "Prof. Gustave," 260 Professional Women, 63 Professor Emeritus, 60, 61 Progressive Farmer, 170 Prologue, A, 63 Promised Land, The, 57, 68 Proof of the Pudding, The, 114; (book), 1 1 3-1 14 Prophecy, A, 213*1 Prose and Poetry of Today, 94*1 Prospect in Fiction, The, 271 Prosperity and Laughter, 1 54 Provincial American, The, 109; (book), 107-109 Provincial Capital, A, 109 Provincial Poet, The, 253 Provincial View, A, 264 Psalms in [of] the Mountains, The, 92, 142, 165™ Psyche, 192 Pueblos, 424, 425, 426, 427 Pullman Laid Bare, 49 Purdue University, 276 Pure or Mixed, 26511, 266 Quadrennial Furore, The, 280 Quarrying Industry in Indiana, The, 245 Queen Dowager, A, 21 Question as to America's Culture, A, 160 Question of International Copyright, The, 261 Quincy Modern Argo, 259ft Quisenberry, A., 19m, 239 Race Romance, A, 2 1 7 Raemaekers, Louis, 147 Raleigh, Sir Walter, 433 Ralston, Samuel M., 1 49-1 50, 1 63, 1 70 Ralston of Indiana, 149 Ram's-Horns and Duffers, 256 Ranger, J. H., 161, 168 Rasch, P. J., 397 Rationews, 170 Rawlins, John A., 367 Read, T. B., 371, 403 Reader Magazine, The, 65, 1 70-1 71 Readings hy Indiana Authors, 165- 327 Readings hy Indiana Authors in Aid of Benjamin Harrison Monument, 411, 4I2tt Readjustment, A, 162 Realism and Criticism, 259 Realistic Christianity, 264 Realistic Critic, A, 254 Rear Admiral Charles Wilkes, 67 Rebel Major in Limbo, A, 407M Rebel or Loyalist?, 207 Recent Shrike-Notes, 219 Recompense, 160 Red Book Magazine, The, 171 Red-headed Family, A, 196; (pam- phlet), 232-233 Red-Letter Library, The, 235 Referendum for the Illustrations in . . . "Ben Hur," A, 319 Registered, 171 Reid, Dorothy Davenport, 90 Reid, Robert A., 339 Reid, Whitelaw, 336, 426W Religion of the Pueblos, 427ft Remembered Yesterdays, 164 Reminiscence, A, 433 Reminiscences and Sketches, igm, 205, 207n, 234 Reminiscences of Mrs. Mary S. Rice, 31-32 Report of the Adjutant General of Indiana, 367, 370 Report of the Board of Visitors to the U.S. Military Academy, 381 GENERAL INDEX 475 Report of the Governor of New Mex- ico, 359-360 Report upon the Various Stones Used for Building, 245 Repose in Egypt, The, 422, 428, 432 Representative Men of Indiana, 374 Representative Poems of Living Poets, igon, 19m, i92n Republican Conference, 410 Republican Convention, 416 Republican State Central Committee, 410 Resaca, 277 Reserve and Understatement, 252 Resolution of Thanks, 403 Retrospect of the Archery Season or 1879, A, 301 Return of Romance, The, 270 Return of the Flags, 370 Return of the Girl, The, 247 Return of the Holy Carpet, The, 429 Return to Nature, 219 Revealing Anecdote, The, 280 Reversible Santa Claus, A, 116; (book), 1 1 5-1 16 Review of Archery in America, A, 240 Revival of the Historical Romance, The, 279 Revolt of the Illiterates, The, 270 Rhyme of Little Girls, A, 78 Richmond Times-Dispatch, 302 Richter, a Painter of Picturesque Por- traits, 256 Rickert, Edith, 192*1 Riding and Driving, 256 Rifled Arrows, 301 Right Sort of Vagabond, The, 279 Righteous Wrath, 77 Rice, Mrs. Mary S., 31, 32 Richardson, Jane, 15 Ridpath, John Clark, 386, 390 Rights of Women, The, 57 Riley, James Whitcomb, 12, 76, 81, 91, 112, 121, 134, 144, 147, 152, 154, 159, 161, 162, 164, 165, 167, 168, 187M, 261, 273, 410 Riley, James Whitcomb: Hoosier Poet, 152 Riley in the Atlantic, 161 Ripley, Emily Meigs, 42 Rise of Science in the Paw-Paw Dis- trict, 144 Risks of Authorship, The, 277 Rittenhouse, Jessie B., 190W, 19m Roach & Co., Pirates, 161 Road to Happiness, The, 77 Roars of John Bull, 56 Robbers' Strategy, 257 Roberts, Chas. G.D., 183W, 190*1 Robin Hood, 8, 9, 278 Robin Hood's Pennyworth, 9 Robinette, Edward, 102 Rochester Advertiser, The, 414 Rochester Post-Express, 446 Rocked in the Wind's Cradle, 271 Rocky Mountain Sentinel, The, 354, 355, 357, 358, 412, 414 Rogers, Samuel, 423, 424 Romance, 140; (book), 246 Romance and the Novel, The, 256 Romance of Composition, The, 21m Romance of Dollard, The, 40 Romance of New Orleans, The, 252 Rondeau of Eventide, 77 Rosalind at Red Gate, 97-100, 19m Rosalynde's Lovers, 228; (book), 227- 228 Rose, Edward E., 96, 225 Rose of Chatham, The, 273, 274 Rose of Sharon, The, 280 Ross, James R., 362 Ross, Morris, 164 Rotarian, The, 171 Rough Rider, A, 168 Round Robin Hood's Barn, 9 Round Robin Series, 185, 186, 187, 188 Royal Emissaries Return, 21 Roycroft Quarterly, The, 246 Ruby Silver Mine, The, 427 Rudgis and Grim, 217 Ruin, 78 Running from Grippe, 267 Rush, Charles E., 151 Rush's Still House, 252 Rustic Muse, The, 256 Sacred City of Mecca, The, 429 Sailing up the Bosphorus, 430 St. Louis Notes, 58 St. Michael and All Angels' Day, 156, 161 St. Nicholas, 12, 251, 278-279 St. Nicholas Book of Verse, 251 476 GENERAL INDEX St. Paul Letter, 59 Sainte Beuve, 252 Salathiel, 392 Samoa, 61, 63 Sand Mountain Wedding, A, 217** Sanders, Mrs. Jean, 74 Sandpiper, A, 281 Sands, A.C., 372, 402 Sansberry, Charles T., 7 Santa Claus to Henry Lane Wallace, 446 Santa Fe, 354, 355, 35^, 357, 358, 359, 382 Sap-Sucker, The, 254 Sapphic Secret, The, 255, 261 Sappho, the Queen of Song, 258 Sappho's Apple, 271 Sapsucker, 191*1 Sat Est Vixesse, 76 Saturday Evening Post, The, 171, 279-280 Savor of Nationality, The, 1 54 Saxby's Traveler's Magazine, 446 Say, Thomas, 8 1 Scattered Stitches, 266 Scearce, Robert and Richard, 8 Scene from an Unpublished Play, 314 Scenes from Every Land, 385 Schauffler, Robert Haven, 190*1, 213*1 School in the Woods, The, 198 Schurz, Carl, 355, 356 Science and Inspiration, 264 Science and Poetry, 263 Scollard, Clinton, 190**, 191*1, 207*1, 249, 299 Scottish Sketches, 24 Scott's Monthly Magazine, 280-281, 302 Scra-p-Book Recitations, 239 Scribner's Magazine, 171, 281 Scrihner's Monthly, 281, 414 Season Suggestive of Thanksgiving, The, 48 Seattle, 287, 293, 295n, 302, 303 Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 302 Seattle Telegraph, 302 Sechrist, Elizabeth Hough, 3 1 5*1 Second-Rate Man in Politics, The, 122 Secondary Functions of the Hyoid Cornua, The, 20 1*1 Secret, A, 76 Secret, The, 271 Secret of [Indiana's literary] Great- ness, 165 Secrets, 79 Sedgwick's Life and Letters, 265 Seed, 278 Seekers After "The Light," 326 Seidensticker, George, 166 Senatorial race, 410 Sentimentality vs., the Law, 265 Sentinel, The, 192 Set a Thief to Catch a Thief, 157 Seven Gold Reeds, 206 Sex and Genius, 267 Shadow Lines, 92, 142, 165*1 Shadow of Love, A, 234-235 Shadow of the Rockies, A, 92 Shakespeare, 253 Shall This Thing Be?, 271 Shall We Change Our System of Scor- ing?, 301 Sham, 63 Sharp, William, 192*1 Sharpe, James, 238, 240 "She Gathers Roses," 94 She Stood Amazed, 26 Sheaf of Days, The, 161 Shepherds, The, 48 Shepherd's Song, The, 77 Sheridan, 78 Sheridan, C. Mac, 149 Sherman, Wm. T., 404, 433 Shiloh, 93, 308, 353, 354, 363, 367, 368, 376, 377, 399*1, 413, 415 Shining Road, The, 97, 140 Shootin' 'Em and Stoppin' 'Em, 164 Shooting by Eye-Light, 257 Short Flights, 75-79 Should Nellie Stay at Home?, 133 Should Smith Go to Church?, 108, 109, 146 Shoup, Grace, 93*1 Shrike-Notes, 219 Sick Boy, The, 68 Siege of Cincinnati, The, 371, 384 Siege of the Seven Suitors, The, 104 Sienkiewicz, Henry K, 445*1 Sights in New York, 59 Silent Army, The, 302 "Silent Majority, The," 63 Silver Book, The, 446 Silver Trumpet of Romance, The, 1 54 GENERAL INDEX 477 Simplicity (by M. Nicholson), 92; (by M. Thompson), 192 Singer, The, 58, 60 Singing Tree, The, 437 Single Stroke, The, 157 Siren's Whisper, A, 268 Sitting in Sunshine, 441 Sitting Up with Susan, 171 Sixth Sense in Literature, The, 277 Sixty Complete Stories, 246 Sixty-Seven Letters on a Dry Subject, 266 Sketching for Literary Purposes, 260 Skirmish book, 369*1 Slang, 155 Slattery, Charles L., 163 Sleep, 314 Sling of David, The, 379 Slumber Song, A, 78 Smith, Charles Forster, 19m, 205, 207*2, 234, 267 Smith, William Henry, 370 Smith and the Church, 145 Smithers, 277 Smyrna, 423 Snipe Shooting Idyl, A, 258 Snow Bird, The, 263 So, when I fall like some old tree, 261, Social Service by the Church Still Ex- perimental, 169 Society of the Philistines, 246 Solace, 191 Soldier Heart, The, 77 Soldier of Indiana, The, 370 Soldiers' and Sailors' Patriotic Songs, 437 Some Faded Notes, 269 Some Floridian Pigmies, 271 Some Hints to Young . . . Gendemen, 68 Some Hyoid Hints, 201 Some Indianapolis Women, 63 Some Interrogatories, 269 Some Minor Song-Birds, 196 Some Notes on Creole Literature, 277 Some Notes on Romance-History, 253 Some Notes on Southern Literature, 263 Some of Our Game-Birds, 254 Some Old Fashions, 63 Some Old-Time Rifles, 302 Some Plain Words, 266 Some Song-Birds of Indiana, 242 Some Torch Bearers in Indiana, 93*1, 147 Something about Homer, 423 Song, 76 Song, A, 280 Song in Season, A, 270, 274 Song of Birds, A, 65 Song of Good Roads, A, 168 Song of Lycidas, The, 267 Song of Simichidas, The, 267 Song of Songs, A, 439 Song of the Mocking-Bird, A, 206 Song of the New, A, 248 Song [Wake Not], 315*2 Song-Wind, The, 259, 276 Songs and Words, 77 Songs of a Life-Time, 384 Songs of a mocking bird, 205 Songs of Fair Weather, 189-193, 205 Songs of Nature, 192*1 Songs of the Soil, 161 Songs of the Wayside, 16 Songs of Three Centuries, 190*2 Sonnet ("I saw a garden-bed . . .")> 276 Soper, Henry M., 239, 326 Sorosis, 68 Sorrow, A, 62 Soul, The, 68 Source of Originality, The, 270 South Bend Times, 1 72 South Bend Tribune, 414 South Pacific, 48 Southern Bird-Superstitions, 268 Southern Bivouac, The, 233*2, 281 Southern literature, 182*2, 183*2, 190*1, 191*1, 192*2, 193*2, 206*2, 207*2, 21 in, 220*2, 263, 274 Southern Pioneer Poet, A, 270 Southward Away, 269, 273 Souvenir of the Anchor Line Agents, 373 Souvenir to Be Sold, 442 Sower, The, 64 Spain, 402, 410 Spanish-American War Songs, 141, 247 Speaker's Garland, The, 240 Speaking of the Weather, 268 Specialists, 168 478 GENERAL INDEX "Sphere," 57 Spes, 300 Spice of Workaday Life, The, 280 Spirit of Indianapolis, The, 164 Spirit of Mischief, The, 109 Spirit of Mountains, The, 92, 143 Spirit of '62, The, 415 Spirit of Specialism, The, 264 Spirit of the West, The, 118 Spirits Four, 65 Sport with Gun and Rod, 192W, 240- 241, 375 Spring Ledge, a Bird Paradise, 6 1 Spring Notes, 253 Springfield Republican, 142*1 Spring's Torch-Bearer, 206 Springtime Holiday, 279 Squire, Marian, 152 Squirrel Shooting, 283 Stag at Ease, The, 152 Stag Cook Book, The, 149 Stand Up for Indiana, 164 Standard of Americanism, The, 1 57 Standard Recitations hy Best Authors, 240, 247 Stanton, E.M., 409 Stanton, Frank L., 161 Star of Stars, The, 157 Status of Our Newly Acquired Terri- tory, The, 299 Stay in Your Own Home Town, 132 Steady, America!, 157 Stealing a Conductor, 179 Stedman, E.C., 183W, 190*1, 19 m, 192W, 20 in, 2o6w, 207*1, 213W, 248, 298, 315*1 Steele, Frederic Dorr, 114 Steele, Theodore C, 78 Sterling, Peter, 13611 Stevenson, Burton E., 190W, 213*1, 247 Stevenson, Philip, 358 Stevenson, Robert Louis, 63 Still in the Isle of the Lily, 430 Stockholm, 55 Stoddard, Charles Warren, 272 Stolen Stars, The, 307, 352-353 Storied Sea, The, 422, 423; (book), 421-423 Stories of Indiana, 215, 225 Stories of the Cherokee Hills, 216-218 Story, Emelyn (Mrs. W.W.), 433 Story, William Wetmore, 259, 433 Story of a Flag, The, 387 Story of American Heroism, The, 387 Story of Louisiana, The, 203-204 Story of Robin Hood, The, 279 Story of the Arbalist, The, 198 Story of the Bloody Shirt, The, 62 Story of the Three Kings, The, 430 Story of Thomas Cushaw, The, 274 Story Teller, The, 235 Story Time, 2327* Strack, Lilian Holmes, 138 Stranded, 270, 273 Strange Advenures of John Shadden, The, 257 Strange Rescue, A, 258 Stranger in Tuscaloosa, A, 271 Street &■ Smith's New York Weekly, 281, 446 Stricken, 157 Strike of the Bass, A, 270 Striving, 76 Stroke of Genius, The, 279 Stroke of Ruin, The, 273 Stroll in Indiana with a British Critic, A, 26on, 268 Stubble, 37, 64 Studies of Prominent Novelists, 255 Study for the Critics, A, 207 Study in Black, A, 264 Study of Wallace's Literary Character, 273 Sturm, Herman, 371 Style and the Man, 135-136 "Style Is the Man Himself," 253 Styles, Cassius, 237 Style's Elusive Charm, 136*1 Success, 12 Suggestions of Nature, The, 234 Suggestive Plans for a Historical and Educational Celebration, 145 Sullivan, Frances P., 240, 247 Sullivan, Reginald, 167 Summer Jaunt Southward, A, 270 Summer on the Bosphorus, 432 Summer Reading, 269 Summer Saunterings, 272 Summer Song, 268 Summer-Time Recreation, 269 Summer Sweethearts, 176 Sunbeams, 57 Sunday Eclogue, A, 277 GENERAL INDEX 479 Sunday School Times, 446 Sunfish, The, 254 Sunny Slopes of Forty, The, 146 Sunset, 77 Sunshine and Song, 234; (pamphlet), 233-234 Supplication, 48 Support the New Government, 21 Supreme Tribe Ben-Hur, 330, 393 Surrender, 269, 273 Susiness of Susan, The, 123 Swallows at Sunset, 66 Swamp Beauty, A, 219 Swamp Duck Shooting, 257 Swamp-Notes, 260 Swamp Sketches, 201 Sweet, Ada C, 45 Sweetbreads Nicholson, 152 Sweetheart, A, 259, 276 Sweetheart Manette, 227; (book), 226-227 Sweetheart Time, 77 Swift, Lucius B., 132*1, 165 Switzerland, 53 Sword and the Pen, The, 314 Sydney, 49 Sydney Mail, 65 Sydney Morning Herald, 66 Sylvan Call, A, 261 Sylvan Secrets, 201; (book), 200-201 Sylvan Study, 254 Sylvia's Annual [Journal], 267W Table Blessing, 31 <$n Tacoma Bar Association, 303 Tacoma Ledger, 295, 303 Taffs, C.H., 113 Tale of a Postage Stamp, 156 Tales of the New York Story Club, 245 Tallahassee, 350, 373, 408 Tallahassee Girl, A, 185-187 Tallahassee Sentinel, 414 Tallula Falls, 254 Tangle-Leaf Papers, 196 Tantalus, 30 Tarbell, Ida M., 3i7n, 439 Tarkington, Booth, 166, 26 $n Tarry Thou Till 1 Come, 345, 392 Taunt, A, 207 Taylor, Aletha Mae, 76W, 92** Taylor, Charles W., 374 Taylor, Harold, 59 Teachings and Results of the War, The, 379 Teackle, Susan, 266 Teche Terror, The, 283 Tell Me Your Troubles, 1 26 "Tell Us a Story," 57, 64 Temptation, 259 Tenant, A, 93 Tendency in Verse, A, 172 Tendency of Art in Fiction, The, 263 Tennyson's Poems, 280 Tenth Anniversary Banquet Indianap- olis Chapter American Red Cross, 151 Terminal Moraine in Central Indiana, A, 241 Terre aux Boeufs, 258 Terre Haute, 59 Terre Haute Daily News, 67 Terre Haute Express, The, 66, 67, 281 Terre Haute Gazette, The, 16 Terre Haute Saturday Evening Mail, 66, 281 Terrell, W.H.H., 370 Test of Originality, The, 267 Tests of Originality in Art, 277 Thalia's Story, 430 Thalysia, 267 Thanksgiving, 42 Thanksgiving proclamation, 354 That Affair at Green Bay, 171 Theocritus, Weatherly and Kipling, 261 Theory of Fiction-making, The, 256 There Is a God, 57 "There Is No God but God," 302 They Breathe Easier, 40 Things and Thoughts, 281 Things to be Remembered in Archery Practice, 301 Third Man, The, 123, 149 Third Reader, A, 148 Thomas, Charles Swain, i22n Thomas, Edith Matilda, 158, 161 Thompson, James Madison, 175 Thompson, [James] Maurice, 5n, 7, 12, 40, 60, 81, 93, 143, 158, 173- 283, 289, 290, 291, 292, 297, 302, 329, 383, 4ii, 414, 444, 446w 4 8o GENERAL INDEX Thompson, [James] Maurice, at Home, 60 Thompson, [James] Maurice, book re- views, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 275 Thompson, [James] Maurice, letter to a friend, 260 Thompson, [James] Maurice, letters to: William M. Baslcervill, 19m, 263W, 264W; Henry C. Bowen, 263, 266; Editor, The Chap-Book, 256; Editor, Crawfordsville Re- view, 194, 260; The Critic, 186, 260, 261; Editor, The Epoch, 262; R. W. Gilder, 195W, 199**, 217, 219?*; Isaac P. Gray, 241; Mr. Greene, 222-223; E- !• Horsman, 185; Wm. Dean Howells, 186; Mr. Hoyt, 236; Indianapolis Journal, 273, 274; Loyal Legion, 273; Na- tional Archery Association, 262, 275; James Whitcomb Riley, i87n; Will H. Thompson, 224; Kingsley Twining, 26 jn; Lew Wallace, 188, 282, 383; Herbert Ward, 26 5 w, 266W, 269M; H. L. Wood, 242 Thompson, [James] Maurice, speeches : American Association Writers, 244; Boston University, 26211; Contemporary Club, 274; Henry S. Lane tribute, 259; Loyal Legion, 274; Phi Beta Kappa, 262; Purdue University, 276; Wabash College, 262; Woman's Club, Indianapolis, 260 Thompson, Mrs. Maurice (Alice Lee), 58, 205, 218 Thompson, Slason, iGGn Thompson, Wilda, 288, 294 Thompson, Will H., 60, 181, 184, 224, 229, 264M, 268m, [2851-303, 414*4 Thompson, Will H., letters to: J. M. Challiss, 300; Editor, Forest and Stream, 300, 301; E. I. Hors- man, 290; L. L. Peddinghaus, 300 Thompson, Will H., speeches: Flag Day, 302; introducing Lew Wallace, 302-303; Lincoln Memo- rial, 295, 296, 303; McKinley Memorial, 293 Thompson-Riley Coincidence, The, 273 Thoreau, 79 Thorns in a Novelist's Chair, 260 Those Who Take Early and Hold Long, 280 Three Dreams, 439 Three Friends, 77 334th Minstrels, 148 Three Miles below Mobile, 258 Three Weeks of Savage Life, 183 Three Years with the Poets, 192*1 Threshold of the Gods, The, 196 Through the Windows, 68 Thy Voice, 159 Ticknor, Benjamin H., 3141*, 395 Ticknor, Caroline, 314W, 395 Ticknor, F.O., 280 "Time Has Come, The," 246 Time's Winnowing, 266 Tippecanoe Battle-Field Monument, 394 Tired Business Man, The, 109 'Tis Never Night in Love's Domain, 76 Tittle, Walter, 116, 117 To a Debutante, 92, 16571 To a Mocking Bird, 276 To a Realist, 207 To a Wild Flower, 206 To All Gentle Book Men, io6n To an English Nightingale, 206 To an Old Archer Friend, 300, 302 To Benefit Other Lands, 65M To-day, 64 To Eugene Field in [London] Eng- land, 78 To James Maurice T., 302 To James Whitcomb Riley, 91, I34« To Mrs. Maurice Thompson, 58 To Olga Nethersole, 68 To Provence, 206 To Return to Nature, 219 To St. Louis and Back, 58 To Sappho, 206 To the Land of the Pueblos, 426 To the Marys, 35 To the School Children of Indianap- olis, 152 To the Seasons (Invocation), 76, 91 GENERAL INDEX 481 To the South, 207 To the Turquoise Mines, 426 To the United States Senate, 248 To the Wild Goose, 65 To Zayde Bancroft, 446 Together against the Stream, 287, 300 Tolerance, 148, 157 Tolstoi, 244, 255 Tomb of Mohammed, 446 To-morrow's Poetry, 264 Topics of the Town, 58 Tornado, 283 Touch of Genius, The, 252 Touch of Inspiration, The, 219 Touch of June, A, 258 Touch of Magic, The, 270 Touch of Nature, A, 249; (book), 249 Tower of Many Stories, 432, 433 Townsend, George Alfred, 335, 339 Toxophilus in Arcadia, 219 Toxophilus on the Kankakee, 268 Tracy, J. Perkins, 175 Tragedies of the Kohinoor, The, (by C.V. Krout), 12; (by M. Thomp- son), 259 Tragedy in Triolets, A, 160 Transfigured, 78 Trap, The, 258 Travel Sketches, 422 Treasury of American Verse, A, 2oyn Trencher-Memory of Old Days, A, 269 Trials of the President Elect, 40 Tribune, The, 4 1 $n Tribune Book of Open Air Sports, The 242 Tributes to the Life & Memory of James Whitcomb Riley, 147 Trio, A, 269, 273 Troubadour, 92 Trout's Luck, 179 True Bit of History, A, 232 True Imperialism, The, 274 True Story of Shipwreck, A, 273 True Success in Literature, The, 279 Trust, 140 "Truth" in Fiction, 264 Turkey, 303, 308, 309, 342W, 344, 346n, 350, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 401W, 404, 412, 414, 422, 432, 433, 445, 446 Turkey and the Turks, 303, 309, 373, 401M, 414 Turkey Shooting, 257 Turkish cemeteries, 432 Turning Love's Calendar, 294 Turning of the Tide, The, 269 Tusitala: Teller of Tales, 65 Twain, Mark, 149 Twilight (by M.H. Krout), 67; (by M. Thompson), 192, 238; (by Robert Frost), 282 Twin Boys and Bears, 257 Twining, Kingsley, 26 5 n Two Country Towns, 63 Two Days in Westminster Abbey, 433, 434 Two Famous Roads, 50 Two Girls in China, 28-29 Two Greeks, 158, 161 Two Lyrics in One, 268, 298 Two Poet Brothers, 60 Two Tales, 235 Two Voyages up the Bosphorus, 430 Tyndall, John, 93 Types and Diversions, 118 Tyranny of the Calendar, The, 154*1 Unaware, 193 Uncle Riley's Funeral, 63 Unconditional Surrender, 380 Under a Dogwood with Montaigne, 219 Under the Cherry Tree, 22on Under the Ice and Snow, 442 Under the Shadow of Tyburn-Tree, 12 Underwood, Clarence F., 94, 95 Une Flute D'Ebene, 252 Union mass meetings, 402, 415 United States and Hawaii, The, 39 United States: Executive Documents of the House of Representatives, 40th Cong., 369-370 United States House Executive Docu- ments, 46th Cong., 359 United States Military Academy, 350, 381 United States Naval Academy, 406 United States Naval Institute Pro- ceedings, 67 United States: Presidential Election Investigation, 373 4 8z GENERAL INDEX United States Senate: Executive Doc- uments, 367 United States War Department, 353, 376 United War Fund, 152 University Magazine, 172 University Review, The, 1 72 Unmapped, 93, 142 Unwritten Letter, An, 77 Uppermost Success, The, 279 Urban Influence, The, 253 "U.S. in a Spiritual Twilight," 170 Use of the Scatter Gun, 274 Valcour, M. Placide, 220 Vallance, Zona, 60 Valley of Democracy, The, 108, 116- 118 Valley of Vision, The, 92, 141 Vanderbilt University, 234 Van Dyke, Paul, 319 Variegated Monotony, 280 Venus of Balhinch, The, 179 Verbal Adumbrations, 268 Victorio, the Apache Chief, 427 Vigilantes, 164, 166 Vigorous Men, a Vigorous Nation, 270 Viking, 78 Vincennes, 161 Violin, 79 Violin: letters about, 401 Virginia Impression, A, 1 70 Viruity in Fiction, 266 Visiting a Volcano, 21 Voices of Children, 94 Voodoo Prophecy, A, 266 Voorhees, 404 Voorhees, D.W., 199 Vote on Copyright, The, 253 Voyage, The, 302 Voyage First, 430; Second— After Christ, 430 Wabash, The, (poem) 190, 239; (magazine), 415 Wabash and Co-education, 59 Wabash Arch, The, 242 Wabash Bubbles, 243 Wabash College, 38, 59, 67, 163, 167, 255M, 262, 390, 415 Wabash (Ind.) schools, 59 Wabash Magazine, The, 67 Wabash Valley Steak, 149 Wages of Sin, The, 63 Waking Up a Bear, 239 Walking, 256 Wallace, David, 342, 393 Wallace, Henry Lane, 350, 356, 446 Wallace, Lew [is], 8, 12, 37, 38, 39^, 40, 44, 45, 57, 60, 61, 64, 81, 143, 158, 159W, 165, 170, 172, i86n, 255, 267, 272, 273, 277, 282, 302, [305]-4i6, 419, 420, 423, 424, 425, 432, 434, 438, 446 Wallace, Lew, abbreviation, 394 Wallace, Lew, Autobiography, 38, 308, 326, 348-350, 353, 356, 359, 360, 361, 365M, 366*1, 369*1, 371, 372, 37911, 387, 389, 393, 4o6», 420, 426, 439 Wallace, Lew, illustrations by, 307, 397-398, 423, 424, 425 Wallace, Lew, letters: "Ben-Hur" Wallace, 397; Civil War, Cincinnati command, 402, 403; Civil War, Indiana Adjutant General's, 407; Civil War, Middle Department, 399, 400, 401; Civil War, Official Records, 374, 377, 378,380,381,383,384,385,386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 392, 408; congratulating soldiers of First Di- vision, 415; Hayes electoral vote, 408; Mexican War, 393, 406, 407; from Turkey, 412 Wallace, Lew, letters to: S. M. Ashenfelter, 355; Baltimore Police Commissioner, 384; T.F. Bayard, 379; Billy the Kid, 355, 357, 3955 J- J- Bingham, 407; Jno. A. Bingham, 415; Jas G. Blaine, 374, 3755 William H. Bonney, 355, 357, 395; Mr. Brigham, 407; Chapman, 393; Calvin M. Cheney, 403; Editor, Chicago Tribune, 403; Editor, Cincinnati Commercial, 313M, 350, 402; Edi- tor, Cincinnati Gazette, 403; Colo- nel (unidentified), 372; Porfirio Diaz, 350, 372, 401; N.A.M. Dud- ley, 357-358; Lord Dufferin, 404; William W. Ellsworth, 394; Florida State Canvassers, 350; F. T. Frelinghuysen, 375, 376, GENERAL INDEX 483 378; friend in Crawfordsville, 409; U.S. Grant, 354, 387, 416; Harper's Weekly, 326; General Hatch, 355, 397; Rutherford B. Hayes, 355, 413; Paul H. Hayne, 331; Alexander Hill, 316, 317**; P. A. Hoffman, 402; Holden, Shimp & Hoyt, 415; Independent Zouaves, 413; Indiana Association Mexican War Veterans, 393; Edi- tor, Indiana State Journal, 406; Editor, Indianapolis Journal, 407, 410; Indianapolis ladies, 407; Edi- tor, Indianapolis News, 411; Edi- tor, Indianapolis Press, 411; R. U. Johnson, 40m; Charles B. Landis, 404, 412; Robert Todd Lincoln, 376; Benson J. Lossing, 354; Lyon & Healy, 401; M. G. McLain, 409; E. L. Mattern, 414; Catherine Merrill, 37m; Caleb Mills, 367; Oliver P. Morton, 368, 407; Edi- tor, New York World, 328; Thomas B. Nicholson, 391; Ed- ward F. Noyes, 402; Editor, Omaha Tribune, 413; Paroled Forces, Columbus, 413; Juan Pa- tron, 355; Phi Gamma Delta, 6on, 170, 271W, 278, 317W, 389, 390, 414; Frederick W. Pitkin, 356; Publishers of Tarry Thou Till I Come, 392; John A. Rawlins, 367; Whitelaw Reid, 344; Republican State Central Committee, 410; Rocky Mountain Sentinel, 355; Matias Romero, 369; A. C. Sands, 372, 402; Carl Schurz, 355, 356; W. T. Sherman, 404; Supreme Tribe Ben-Hur, 393; Maurice Thompson, i86n, 405M; Benjamin H. Ticknor, 314™, 395; Sultan of Turkey's Chamberlain, 404; Agnes Wallace, 331, 348; David Wallace, 393; Henry Lane Wallace, 350; Susan E. Wallace, 309, 31 jn, 331, 398, 4o6n, 412, 426M; Wilson, Campbell & Lee, 415; L. W. Win- chester, 404; A. J. Wissler, 357, 382 Wallace Lew, Orders, Civil War (see War of the Rebellion; see also 370, 396) Wallace, Lew, speeches: American Association Advance- ment of Science, 409; Anchor Line banquet, 373; "Ben Hur" Harri- son Club, 361, 362, 401; A.E. Burnside reception, 403; Butler University, 408; Chickamauga Park, 392; Civil War recruiting, 405; Schuyler Colfax tribute, 414; Constantinople, 412; Crawfords- ville Court House, 404; nth In- diana Regiment, 408, 409, 411; Fort Mitchell, 403; Harrison Me- morial, 411; historical war lecture, 401; Indiana Historical Society, 41 1 ; Indiana National Guard, 411; Indiana Republicans, 410; Indiana Soldiers and Sailors Monument dedication, 393, 411; Indiana Zouaves, 405; Indianians at Wash- ington National Hotel, 415; July 4, 1866, 350, 370; Knights of Pythias, 404%; Lincoln Day ban- quet, 410; Loyal Legion, 379, 381, 384, 389, 409, 410, 41 1; Maryland State Fair, 399; Memorial Day, 408, 410; Methodist Episcopal Church conference, 383; Mexico and the Mexicans, 309, 373, 390*1; Montgomery County Old Liners, 404; Montgomery Guards, 404; Republican Convention, for Hayes, 416; Republicans of Mont- gomery County, 404; Shiloh, 363; Silver City, 356; Soldiers' Reunion, Marietta, 412; Tippecanoe Battle- ground, 394; Turkey and the Turks, 303, 309, 373, 40m, 414; Union mass meetings, 402, 415; U.S. Military Academy, 350; U.S. Naval Academy, 406; Wabash College, 415 Wallace, Lew, III, [v], 398 Wallace, Susan E. (Mrs. Lew), 7«, 24, 277, 309, 310, 315, 316, 317, 318, 349, 35o, 359, 37i, 388, 397, 398, 412, [4171-446 Wallace, Susan E., biography of, 438 Wallace, Susan E., letters from New Mexico, 439; from New York, 445 Wallace, Susan E., letters to: Cousin, 434W; Editor, Crawfords- 4 8 4 GENERAL INDEX ville Journal, 442; family, 440; Mrs. E.A. Grosvenor, 440; Har- pers, 317, 318, 439; Editor, Jour- nal, 446; Joanna (Mrs. Henry S.) Lane, 440; Elizabeth P.H. Little, 444; Editor, The Locket, 445; Rose Blair Marsh, 444; Editor, Rochester Post-Express, 446; sister, 425; Henry Lane Wallace, 356, 425- 426, 440 Wallace, William, 8 Wallace Souvenir, M.O.L.L.U.S., 389 Walt Whitman and the Critics, 256 Walt Whitman's True Value, 252 Walters, William T., 169 Walton, Izaak, 268 Wanted: A Political Emetic, 167, 171 War against the Classics, The, 279 War Bond Best of Good Things, 164 War of the Carolinas, The, 102 War of the Rebellion, 353, 368, 374, 376, 377, 380, 381, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 392 War Papers Read before the Indiana Commandery, Loyal Legion, 141 War-Time Horror, A, 43 Ward, Herbert, 26 $n, i66n, idgn Was She a Boy?, 179 Washington, [George]: His Place in History, 264 Washington and Lee University, 170 Washington Chronicle, 415, 446 Washington Effigies, The, 39W Washington Letter, 59 Washington Post, 415 Washington State Bar Association Re- port, 296, 299 Washington State Legislature, 295, 296 Watching for an Otter, 251 Watching the World Go By, 77 , 91 Water or Wine, 263 Watson, O'Neal, 393 W.A.W. (see Western Association Writers) W.A.W. Souvenir, 245 Way of the World, The, 68 Wayward Muse, The, 93 W.C.T.U. Convention, 45 Weaklings to the Rear, 274 Weatherly, 261 Webb, John J., 405 Wedding Customs in the East, 430 Week of Funerals, 25 Weekly New Mexican, The, 354, 355, 356, 360,415 Wells, H.G., 156 Wells, Ida B., 49 Werner's Reading & Recitations, 350 West, 92 West Point, 381, 433, 444rc Western Association Writers, 139, 244-245 Western Frontier Stories, 251 Western Literary Outlook, The, 256 Western Literature and Art, 27 <$n Westerners Brand Book, The, 355, 397 Westminster Abbey, 433, 434 Weston, E.B., 300, 302 What a Good Bow Has Done, 302 What American Authors Think about International Copyright, 243 "What America's Most Famous Au- thors Say," 150 "What I Tried to Do," 103 What Is a Drama?, 252 What Is Criticism?, 266 What Is Prose Style?, 269 What Is the Utmost Flight of an Ar- row?, 301 What Parepa Sang, 441 What Sort of an Arrow Should Be Used?, 301 What the Babies Say, 79 What the Birds Told, 64 What the Child Jesus Saw and Heard, 436 What the Crickets Say, 57, 64 What the Monument Means to Us, 162, 163 What the Victory or Defeat of Ger- many Means, 164 What We Gain in the Bicycle, 256 What We Like to Read, 280 What Will the Baby Be?, 64 What Would You Do?, 169 Wheeler, L. May, 139, 244 Wheeler, Otis, 265*1 Wheelman, The, i$zn, 282 When Friends Are Parted, 76, 132 When Knighthood Was in Flower, 249 When My Dream Comes On, 283 GENERAL INDEX 485 When Papaws Are Ripe, 269 When Spring Comes, 60, 61 When the Boss Gets Back, 162 Where and When Shall the Second Grand National Meeting Be Held?, 301 WTiere Away, 76 Where Did You Get That Hat?, 153 Where Four Winds Meet, 92 Where Love Was Not, 78 Where the Fault Lies, 266 Where the Mocking-Bird Sings, 219 Whereaway, 76 White, Gilbert, 268 Whitman, Walt, 252, 256, 265W Whittier, John Greenleaf, 36, i6$n, 19cm Whitdesey, Charles, 353 Who Is to Blame?, 264 Who's Who, 391 Who's Who in America, 11, 37, 144, 248, 299, 391, 438 Whose Business Is It?, 1 56 Whose House Is Burning?, 164 Why Send for the Doctor?, 109 Why We Color Eggs at Easter, 43611 Wicks, Frank S.C., 127 Wide Margins, 92 Widow Selby, The, 16, 58 Wife of General Canbv, The, 444 Wild Boy of Wallahee, The, 257 Wild Eden, 162 Wild Honey, 192 Wildcat at Home, A, 257 Wilds of Wisconsin, 43 Wildwood Archery, 282 Wilkes, Charles, 67 Will Imagination Run Dry?, 259 Will Not Go, 40 Will You Hoard for Hitler!, 170 Williams, A. Dallas, 21 $n Williams, Ben Ames, 380 Willson, Elizabeth Conwell, 81 Willson, Forceythe, 81 Wilson, Alexander, 279 Wilson, James Grant, 399W Wilson, Robert Burns, 77 Wilson, S.C., 415 Winchester, L.W., 404 Wind and the Rain, The, 64 Wind at Whitsuntide, The, 92 Wind Patrol, The, 92, 140, 142 Winslow, Amy, 151 Winston, Arthur Randolph, i$6n Winter Forecast, A, 270 Winter Is Over, 64 Winter Reverie, A, 276 Winter Ritual for Writers, A, 253 Winter Song, A, 259, 268 Winter Sports and Pastimes, 256 Winter Swallow, A, 158, 161 Winter Walk, A, 268 Winter Wind in the Rockies, The, 92, 142 Winter Wolves, 258 Wirz, Henry, 369^ 370 Wisconsin Wilds, 43 Wissler, A.J., 357, 382 Witchery of Archery, The, 180-183; Pinehurst Edition, 182, 228-230, 299 With a Wine Cup, 445 Witherbee, Sidney A., 141, 248 Without Benefit of College, 112, 132 Without Prejudice, 168 Woman and Home, 66 Woman's Kingdom, 25, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 5°, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 Woman's New Field, 48 Woman's place, 442 Woman's Press League, 44 Woman's Rights This, 57 "Woman's Sphere," 68 Woman's View, A, 39 Woman's Way, A, 278 Woman's Work and the Fair, 47 Women Abroad, 56 Women and Men in Literature, 264 Women in Novels, 252 Women in Politics, 25 Women in the Orient, 437 Women of Hawaii, The, 39 Women Poets, 163*1 Wood, H.L., 242 Wood, William Allen, 144 Wood Duck Shooting, 283 Wood Violet, The, 64 Woodberry, George E., 79, 80, 107, 162 Woodcock Shooting, 257 Woodland Archery, 278 Woodland Battle, A, 258 Woodland Mood, A, 259 4 86 GENERAL INDEX Woodward, Wilbur W., 57 Wooing of Malkatoon, The, 307, 314, 345-347 Woollen, Evans, 105, 172 Word and the Phrase, The, 263 Word of the King, The, 63 Word to Southern Tourists, 269 Worden, Mrs. Commodore, 445 Words worthian Influence, The, 252 Work That Counts, The, 157 World Praise, 57 World's Fair, 46, 47 World's Sharp Edges Shape Man, 132 World's Work, The, 172 Writing the Record, 271 Written on a Fly-Leaf of Theocritus, 192 Wrong Number, 123 Y.M.C.A., 166 Yale Review, The, 172 Ye Sylvan Archer, 237*1, 255W Yea, Wabash!, 167 Year in Journalism, A, 59 Yesterday, 60, 61 Yew Bow and Clothyard Shaft, 302 Yohn, F.C., 105, 220 You Simply Must Come Back, 147 Young Men the Strength of the Na- tion, 279 Youth, 160 Youth and Winter, 92 Youth's Companion, The, 172, 415, 446 Zelda Dameron, 84-86 Zenobia, 256 Zimmerman, Charles, 36611 Zoro, 263 Zouaves, 308, 367, 371, 405, 407, 408, 413 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA A.810R92B C001 BIBLIOGRAPHICAL STUDIES OF SEVEN AUTHORS 3 0112 025257848