UN B. STETSON UNIVERSITY LINCOLN HULLEY, Ph. D., Litt. D., LL.D., President, DeLAND, -:- -:- FLORIDA. ^k M i Mm m Mm \ ' '/? ' J mm / yEM *-Wr ¥ ■"' ' '■ -'■'■^■JmmW THE LATE HENRY A. DeLAND, Who founded the City of DeLand, "The Athens of Florida." 49 Professors and Instructors. 17 University Buildings. 58! Students Enrolled Last Year. 28 Acre Campus. $300,000 Productive Endowment. For Catalogues, Folders, Bulletins, and Other Information, Address STETSON UNIVERSITY, DELAND, FLORIDA. Published by the John B. Stetson University as frequently as four times a year, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of Congress of July Iti, 1894 Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at DeLand, Fla. Issued Quarterly, Vol. IX, No. 2 JUNE 1909. i ELIZABETH HALL, STETSON UNIVERSITY. This splendid structure, 250 feet in length, is one of the most beautiful and complete build- ings devoted to educational purposes in the entire South. FACULTY AND STUDENT BODY. There are forty-nine (49) Professors, Instructors and Assistants on the teaching staff of Stetson University. They hold degrees from Harvard, University of Chicago, Yale, Cornell. Columbia, University of Michigan, Bucknell, Bowdoin Dennison, Wake Forest, Utrecht-Holland, Louisville, Woman's College of Balti- more, Woman's College of Richmond and other institutions. They are men and women of sterling Christian character and take an active interest in all phases of the stadent life. There were five hundred eighty-one (581) students enrolled last year in all departments of the University. They represent thirty-seven (37) Florida coun- ties twenty-three (23) states and three (3) foreign countries. STETSON'S EQUIPMENT. The University has a line property. Her seventeen buildings are situated in ;i grove "f oak and pine trees, in the midst of a campus of twenty-eight acres, on gently rolling land, on the northern v<\