L I B R.AR.Y OF THE U N IVERSITY Of ILLINOIS 628 l£65c no ■1-9 tNG{!\ih£RJNg The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library SEP 6 1968 OCT 3' L161— O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/effectofphosphat05morg 3-5 CIVIL ENGINEERING STUDIES SANITARY ENGINEERING SERIES NO. 5 CONFEREKCE ^f !=WJN6 Lm ARy WIV^JTy OF /ll/NOiq EFFECT OF PHOSPHATES ON WATER TREATMENT Phase I. Phosphates in Illinois Surface Waters By JAMES J. MORGAN and R. S. ENGELBRECHT FINAL REPORT FOR THE PERIOD JUNE 15, 1955 TO SEPTEMBER 15, 1957 for AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SOAP AND GLYCERINE PRODUCERS UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA, ILLINOIS EFFECT OF PHOSPHATES ON WATER TREATMENT Phase I. Phosphates in Illinois Surface Waters by James J„ Morgan and R. So Engelbrecht A Final Report for the Period June 15, 1955 to September 15, 1957 for AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SOAP AND GLYCERINE PRODUCERS Sanitary Engineering Laboratory University of Illinois March 1958 C2% no,5 CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . , „ II. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS. . „ . „ Sampling Procedures „ „ „ . „ „ Analysis for Condensed Phosphates ...!!!! Analysis for Sulfate and Sulfonate Surfactants! Other Determinations. „ . „ „ III. DESCRIPTION OF STREAM SAMPLING PROGRAMS „ . Lake and Reservoir Survey ........ General Survey of Illinois Streams. „ . " ° [ ] Kaskaskia River Survey,, . . . . „ „ IV. v, VI, VII, SAMPLING OF SEWAGE TREATMENT PIANT EFFLUENTS. HYDROLOGIC DATA ......... Rainfall Data . . ....... Stream Discharge Data ........... „ ° AGRICULTURAL AND POPULATION DATA.. ............ c , ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF STREAM SAMPLING PROGRAMS. .......... Lake and Reservoir' Survey ........ General Survey of Illinois Streams. . . ] ] . ° * ° * ] [ [ * " ] DuPage County Survey. . . „ . . Kaskaski.a River Survey. . . III. RESULTS OF SAMPLING SEWAGE TREATMENT EFFLUENTS. Kaskaskia River Basin Sewage Effluents. ......... Elmhurst Plant in DuPage County ....... . . * [ ° [ [ Comparison of Estimated and Observed Per Capita Values. ° '. I I \ Relative Amounts of Orthophosphate in Sewage Effluents. . *. ] [ [ IX. SOURCES OF KASKASKIA STREAM PHOSPHATES. ............ Relation of Rainfall and Stream Discharge to Stream Phosphates. . Relative Values of Orthophosphates in Effluents and Stream. . . Alkalinity and Turbidity in Relation to Stream Phosphates . . Material Balance of Stream Phosphates .......... Kaskaskia Phosphate Balances. ......... ° ° ° Interpretation of Agricultural Phosphate Results" I I ] [ I \ \ \ X. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ..... 000o °ooooooooo REFERENCES. ..... Page 1 3 3 3 6 7 8 8 9 11 12 12 13 Ik 15 15 15 15 16 19 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 2k 25 26 29 31 Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT This report covers an investigation conducted in the Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Illinois, Department of Civil Engineering, and sponsored by the Association of American Soap and Glycerine Producers, from June 15, 1955 through September 15, 1957- The final report is to he presented in three parts, corresponding to three phases of work. This report covers Phase I, Phosphates in Illinois Surfa ce Waters, At various times during the period of investigation, the following were associated with this study- Dr. Jess C. Dietz, formerly Professor of Sanitary Engineering and initially Director of the projectj Mr, Robert H, Harmeson, Research Associate and Instructor in Civil Engineering! Miss Lu Belle Boice, Research Assistant j and Mr, John R„ Towers, Research Assistant, Their partici- pation in the planning and execution of this project is gratefully acknowledged. iv ABSTRACT An investigation of the phosphate levels in Illinois surface waters was conducted during 1 9 55 and 1956. Lakes, reservoirs, streams, and sewage efflu- ents were sampled, and the concentrations of orthophosphate and hydrolyzable phosphate determined. Sewage flows, stream flows, and. rainfall data were col- lected to aid in the interpretation of sampling results . Stream phosphate concentrations were generally observed to be less than 1,0 ppm P 2 Cy with the exception of extremely polluted streams, where phosphate concentrations approached those of sewage. It was also noted that heavy rain- falls caused sharp rises in stream phosphate concentrations, indicating significant contributions of phosphates from land drainage. Sewage phosphates were observed to be in the order of 10 to 30 ppm P^, and per capita values were found, to be in the order of 10 x 10~ 5 pounds of P 2 per day. Polyphosphates in surface waters were generally observed to be less than 0.5 ppm P 2 5 , and approximately 30 to 50 per cent of these are indicated to be of land drainage origin. Levels of surface-active materials (ABS) in surface waters were indicated to be approximately less than 0.1 ppm, on the average. LIST OF TABLES Number Description Page 1. Phosphate Concentrations , Kaskaskia River, June 3, 1957 32 2. Descriptive Data for Kaskaskia Sampling Locations 33 3. Analytical Results of Survey of Lakes and Reservoirs, I.955-56 3J+ h. Analytical Results for General Survey of Illinois Streams, 1955- 56 35 5. Analytical Results for DuPage County Survey, 1956 37 6. Average Analytical Results for Kaskaskia River Survey, 1956 kO 7. Summary of Ortho Plus Hydrolyzable Phosphates ; Kaskaskia Survey Kl 80 Values of Stream Phosphates and ABS at Bondville, Illinois, 1956 k2 9. Values of Stream Phosphates and ABS Above Ficklin, Illinois, 1956 kk 10. Values of Stream Phosphates and ABS Below Ficklin, Illinois, 1956 k-5 11. Values of Stream Phosphates and ABS at Shelbyville, Illinois, 1956 Kf 12. Values of Stream Phosphates and ABS at Vandalia, Illinois, 1956 i+9 13. Values of Stream Phosphates and ABS at Carlyle, Illinois, 1956 ^9 1A-. Values of Stream Phosphates and ABS at New Athens, Illinois, 1956 50 15. Values of Sewage Phosphates and ABS, Southwest Champaign, 51 Illinois, 1956 16. Values of Sewage Phosphates and ABS, Arthur, Illinois, 1956 53 17. Values of Sewage Phosphates and ABS, Sullivan, Illinois, 1956 5I+ I80 Values of Sewage Phosphates and ABS, Elmhurst, Illinois, 1956 55 19. Average Per Cent Orthophosphate in Sewage Effluents 56 20. Computed Agricultural Phosphates in Kaskaskia River at Ficklin Above 57 21. Computed Agricultural Phosphates in Kaskaskia River at Shelbyville 58 22. Computed Agricultural Phosphates in Kaskaskia River at Vandalia 59 23. Computed Agricultural Phosphates in Kaskaskia River at Carlyle 60 2k. Computed Agricultural Phosphates in Kaskaskia River at New Athens 6l vi • LIST OF FIGURES Number Description 1. Map of Lake, Reservoir, and Stream Sampling locations in Illinois 2. Map of Kaskaskia River Basin 3. Monthly Precipitations at Kaskaskia Gaging Stations for 1956 and Period of Record k. Average Monthly Stream Discharges at Shelbyville for 1956 and Period of Record 5. Frequency Plot of Pounds per Day of Phosphate at Bondville 6„ Frequency Plot of Pounds per Day of Phosphate at Ficklin Above 7« Frequency Plot of Pounds per Day of Phosphate at Ficklin Below 80 Frequency Plot of Pounds per Day of Phosphate at Shelbyville 9* Frequency Plot of Pounds per Day of Phosphate in Southwest Champaign Sewage Effluent 10. Frequency Plot of Pounds per Day of Phosphate in Arthur Sewage Effluent 11. Frequency Plot of Pounds per Day of Phosphate in Sullivan Sewage Effluent 12. Relation of Rainfall, Stream Discharge, and Phosphate at Bondville 13. Relation of Rainfall, Stream Discharge, and Phosphate at Ficklin 1^. Relation of Rainfall, Stream Discharge, and Phosphate at Shelbyville 15. Observed Pounds of Stream Phosphate versus Stream Flow at Shelbyville 16. Summary of Ortho plus Hydrolyzable Phosphate Concentrations- Kaskaskia Survey INTRODUCTION During the past ten years there has been a rapid increase in the use of synthetic detergents. It is logical to conclude that this increased use has led to the presence, in sewage effluents and in surface waters, of higher con- centrations of synthetic detergents than was previously the case. While nu- merous isolated reports of the concentrations of synthetic detergents in sew- age and water have appeared, there has been relatively little investigative research devoted to establishing the kinds of substances and the concentrations of these substances to be anticipated in surface water supplies. Synthetic detergents, while of many different varieties, generally are composed of surfactants and supplementary compounds. These supplementary com- pounds, or "builders", are intended to improve detergent action or other pro- perties of the detergent. .Among these compounds are polyphosphates, silicates, and carboxymethyl cellulose. The builder compounds may amount to from 60 to 70 per cent of many synthetic detergents. Of the complex phosphate salts, both sodium tripolyphosphate and tetrasodium pyrophosphate are widely used as deter- gent builders. Since it has been suggested that polyphosphates might produce interferences in conventional water treatment processes, it is important that their levels in surface waters be investigated. The purpose of this report is to present the findings of Phase I of the research investigation conducted at the University of Illinois on the effects of phosphates on water treatment. Phase I had as its particular objective the establishing of the kinds and concentrations of phosphate compounds in Illinois surface waters. 2 A total of 20^ samples from surface waters in the State of Illinois are represented in this study. In conjunction with the analysis of stream data, sewage treatment plant effluents were sampled. A total of k$ samples were col- lected at k sewage treatment effluents in order to establish the amounts of phosphates contributed to surface waters by domestic sewage. Throughout the entire sampling program, data were also obtained, indicating the approximate levels of surface active materials (ABS) in Illinois streams. The results of this phase of the research have established that the con- centrations of total phosphates in Illinois surface waters are in the order of 0.5 ppm PgO^, and. that polyphosphates are in the order of 0.2 ppm P , on the average. It has also been established that the phosphates found in Illinois surface waters originate not from synthetic detergents alone, but also from the drainage of agricultural land. The following sections of this report will present the experimental methods employed during the study, the purpose of the several sampling programs under- taken, the major results of these surveys, the interpretation of results, and the general conclusions of the study. The several tables and figures of the report have been grouped together following the body of the report. II. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS Sampling Pro cedures Water and sewage samples collected for analysis of phosphate and surfac- tant concentrations were placed in polyethylene bottles and normally were iced during transit from the sampling point to the laboratory. Samples were col- lected from those locations most representative of water quality. In some cases this meant collection at raw water intake pumpsj in other cases it meant collection directly from the stream or lake. Measurements of temperature and dissolved oxygen were made in the field. Samples collected for surfactant analysis during the comprehensive Kaskaskia survey were preserved, with one per cent by volume of chloroform, to minimize the effects of biological degradation during transit to the laboratory. Field data pertaining to reported treatment difficulties, daily pumpage, and watershed characteristics were gathered at times of sampling. Analysis for Conden sed Phosphates £bjectivess The major objective of Phase I was to establish the levels of phosphate in Illinois waters. Of particular interest were the inorganic con- densed phosphates. These have variously been referred to as polyphosphates, complex phosphates, or hydrolyzable phosphates. The inorganic condensed phos- phates in water have been taken as a measure of those phosphates which origi- nate from household use of synthetic detergents. The principal condensed phos- phates incorporated in the synthetic detergents employed for household use are pyrophosphates and tripolyphosphates. Metaphosphates, which are frequently used in municipal and industrial water treatment, would also be expected to find their way into surface waters. k Also found in surface waters are orthophosphates and organic phosphates . Orthophosphates have their origin in both domestic sewage and agricultural drainage „ The organic phosphates are believed to be chiefly of agricultural drainage origin. Method ; The method used throughout the four surveys was based on the colori- metric determination of orthophosphate in a surface water sample before and after acid hydrolysis . The particular procedure employed in the first two sur- veys, which involved an extraction and hydrolysis procedure, was transmitted to this laboratory by the Research Department, Inorganic Chemicals Division, Monsanto Chemical Company, Dayton, OhiOo A modification in the procedure, based on the results of a collaborative sample survey conducted by the American Association of Soap and Glycerine Producers (A.A»S. and G.P.), was used through- out the Kaskaskia and DuPage surveys. In both procedures phospho-milybdate is extracted with a benzene- isobutyl alcohol mixture and reduced with stannous chloride to give a blue color which is measured colorimetrically. Orthophosphate P 2 is obtained by running the colorimetric determination directly on the sample, Hydrolyzable P is 2 5 obtained by boiling the solution in aqueous acid solution, running the colori- metric determination, and subtracting the previously determined orthophosphate value from the result. Throughout the surveys the hydrolyzable phosphate was interpreted as apparent condensed inorganic phosphate. All results have been expressed in terms of P o , 2 5 5 Expression of Results of Phosphate Determinations : All results of phosphate analyses presented in this report are in terms of equivalent P . Various 2 5 other studies have employed other means of expressing results; as orthophos- phate, phosphorous, etc. The following factors are given for the conversion to other terms for phosphate results; 1 ppm P 2 = o k% ppm P 1 ppm P 2 = 1„358 ppm PO^ Interpretation of Results ; Whereas it was originally thought that the differ- ence between orthophosphate-plus-hydrolyzable and orthophosphate, as determined by the above procedure, yielded the concentration of condensed inorganic phos- phates in a surface water, it is now known that this is not the case. The third collaborative study, which was conducted in 1957 by the American Association of Soap and Glycerine Producers Technical Advisory Subcommittee on Phosphates, has established that the acid hydrolysis step brings about hydrolysis of a portion of the organic phosphates in surface waters. This means that what heretofore has been assumed to be condensed inorganic PO could consist in part of organic p 2 o 5 . In the third collaborative analyses referred to above the wet ashing tech- nique for phosphate determination was investigated. This procedure involves wet ashing the sample and running the color imetric determination to determine P 2 5 It was concluded that wet ashing effectively accounts for all P . (l) On June 3, 1957, as a follow-up to the Kaskaskia stream survey of the preceding year, samples were collected at several of the Kaskaskia sample loca- tions. Analyses of samples were run for orthophosphate P , orthophosphate plus-hydrolyzable P^, and total P^ by wet-ashing. The results are :e- 6 presented, in Table 1. The data indicate the presence of organic phosphate in all samples. Knowing that simple acid hydrolysis brings about hydrolysis of a portion of the organic phosphates in a sample, it is safe to conclude that the apparent condensed phosphates reported by difference in the acid hydrolysis method are higher than the true values of condensed inorganic phosphates. Since all stream survey results for condensed phosphates have been determined, using the simple acid hydrolysis method, they should be interpreted as being equal-to, or greater* than the true concentrations of condensed inorganic phosphates. Analysis for Sulfa te and Sulfonate Surfactants Objective: The surface-active agents in the large bulk of synthetic detergents are anionic sulfates and sulfonates. Of primary interest, because they repre- sent the largest share of detergent production and have a greater stability in solution, are the alkyl benzenesulfonates (ABS) . Although the determination of concentrations of surface-active materials in surface waters was not one of the principal objectives of the research, these determinations were made as a check on the amount of synthetic detergent compounds to be expected, in surface waters. Methods The procedure used was modified from procedures employed by the United States Public Health Service and by the Monsanto Chemical Company for the de- termination of surface-active agents found, in water. The method is dependent upon the extraction of methylene blue salts of alkyl and aryl sulfates and sul- fonates from aqueous solution by chloroform. Following extraction, the amount of monochromatic red light absorbed by the chloroform solution is measured photometrically, and is proportioned to the concentration of anionic surface- active material in the sample. 7 Because of the possibilities of both positive and negative interferences, which are not entirely eliminated with this procedure, the results must be viewed as approximations of the true ABS levels . Other Determinations Hardness; The Each modification and reagents for the compleximetric water hardness test using ethylenediaminetetraacetate (ETDA) was used for analyses of all samples collected during this investigation Total Alkalinity; The titrimetric method was used in all determinations, methyl purple indicator was used and 0.02N standard H^ was the titrant. Turbidijy_Measurements ° Turbidity measurements for water samples collected throughout the survey were made using either the Jackson Candle Turbidimet a Model lk Coleman Universal Spectrophotometer at a wave length of 560 milli microns o er or ;ion Dissolved Oxygen; The basic Winkler method, as outlined in the Tenth Edit: 21 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Sewage, and Industrial Wastes , was used for the analysis of all samples for dissolved oxygen content. MJ^£terminations; p h determinations were made on all samples by the electrometric method using a Beckman Model G pH meter. 8 III. DESCRIPTION OF STREAM SAMPLING PROGRAMS To establish the levels of phosphates in Illinois surface waters a number of sampling programs were necessary . The analyses of lakes, reservoirs, and streams was initiated in the summer of 1955 and was completed in December 1956, Sampling points throughout the State were selected with a view of investigating those surface waters which served as sources of municipal water supply. Both those waters thought to be relatively free of domestic sewage contributions and those known to receive sewage effluents were sampled, A special survey was also undertaken to investigate the levels of phosphates and surfactants in wa- ters suffering pollutional problems which reportedly stemmed from discharge of synthetic detergents. Lake and Reservoir S urvey In order to obtain general background information on the levels of phos- phates in Illinois surface waters an initial Investigation was undertaken in which lake and reservoir sources were sampled. These sources, for the most part, were believed to receive little or no domestic wastes, A total of nine samples were collected from lake and reservoir sources, during the last half of 1955 and the first months of 1956. Figure 1 indicates the location of lake, reservoir, and stream sample locations for the overall, sampling program. General Survey of Illinois Streams A second sampling program was conducted to obtain data on the levels of phosphates in streams being used as sources of water supply throughout the State, These surface waters were generally expected to receive significant amounts of domestic sewage, and were therefore expected to experience higher phosphate levels, with relatively higher apparent condensed phosphate. The stream sampling points, indicated in Figure 1, were chosen to provide representative samples from most of the major river basins in Illinois. The points were chosen after consideration of data prepared "by the Illinois Department of Public Health, relating to the location, type, and size of water and sewage treatment facilities in the State, River basins included in this sur- vey were those of the Embarrass, Illinois, Kankak.ee, Kaskaskia, Little Vermilion, Little Wabash, Mississippi, North Fork of the Vermilion, Salt Fork, Sangamon, Vermilion, and Wabash, Both branches of the DuPage River and also Salt Creek, in DuPage County, were later added to this survey because of fish kills and pollution problems reportedly stemming from synthetic detergents. Twenty- seven samples, not including the DuPage Survey, were collected during this general stream survey . While the information obtained in a general survey of this type was quite valuable in indicating general levels, a more intensive survey seemed necessary in order to establish phosphate levels more definitely, Kaskas kia River Survey Purpose of_the_Surve 2 ; Because of the desirability of continued sampling of the same surface waters in order to establish the prevailing phosphate levels, it was decided that a comprehensive survey of one river basin would be in order. Such a survey would define the phosphate levels existing for the particular stream under known conditions of rainfall, stream discharge, agricultural drainage, and sewage discharge. The Kaskaskia River was chosen for this comprehensive survey because of its convenient location in relation to the laboratory.; the existence of United States Geological Survey stream gaging stations at the sampling locations; the existence of rain gaging stations throughout the Kaskaskia watershed area; and the availability of hydrological and agricultural data for the area within the watershed. 10 Sampling Locations :: The watershed of the Kaskaskia is the second largest in the State of Illinois and covers 5,670 square miles. It extends from the cen- ter of Champaign County in a south westerly direction to the Mississippi River near the city of Chester. Figures 1 and 2 show the location and size of the Kaskaskia River basin. Seven stream stations were selected for a program of periodic sampling. These stations were located at Bondville, Ficklin, Shelbyville, Vandalia, Carlyle, and New Athens, Two stations were selected at Ficklin: one above and one below the waste effluent of a large industrial location, A total of one hundred and twenty-five stream samples were collected during the Kaskaskia sur- vey. The survey covered the period from April to December 1956, 11 IV. SAMPLING OF SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT EFFLUENTS The sampling of sewage treatment plant effluents to determine phosphate content was undertaken in connection with two stream surveys : the Kaskaskia and DuPage surveys. The chief purpose of determining the phosphate content in sewage effluents was to establish the portion of phosphate found in a stream that could be attributed to synthetic detergents. The form: of the phosphate in sewage effluents, i.e., whether condensed or orthophosphate, was also of inter- est because of the concurrent investigation being conducted into the phenomenon of phosphate degradation. Three sewage treatment effluents were sampled regularly during the Kaskas- kia survey; Southwest Champaign, Arthur, and Sullivan. Analyses for phosphate and surfactant concentrations were run. on the samples collected, and pumpage records were obtained in order to estimate the sewage flow. A total of forty- two sewage effluent samples were collected during the Kaskaskia survey. In connection with the survey of DuPage County streams, which was prompted by reports of detergent pollution, samples were collected from the effluent of the Elmhurst sewage treatment plant. A total of seven samples were collected on a weekly basis from June 2? to August l6, 1956. 12 V. HYDROLOGIC DATA Because the concentrations of phosphates of synthetic detergent origin found in surface waters depend upon the volume of diluting stream flow avail- able at a particular time, it is important to know the hydrologic conditions prevailing during periods of sampling. Since it was expected that considerable phosphate materials might be contributed from agricultural drainage, it was also important to study the occurrence of peak rainfalls and peak, stream dis- charges in relation to stream phosphate concentrations. Rainfall Data Daily rainfall data at several gaging stations throughout the State of Illinois were obtained from the Weather Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce . No attempt was made to study the daily precipitation records during the brief surveys at the beginning of the investigation. In order to study the effect of daily and monthly precipitation on stream phosphates, the Kaskaskia survey was initiated. In general, the years 1955 and 1956 were dry years in relation to the long term average for the State of Illinois. Rainfall during 1955 was 6 per cent below normal. During 1956, rainfall throughout the State was approximately 23 per cent below normal. For the interpretation of the Kaskaskia survey results, three rain gages were selected. Although a larger number of gages are in existence throughout the river basin, it was realized that interpretations of the rainfall effects upon phosphate concentrations would of necessity be qualitative. Therefore, three gages, in proximity to sampling stations, were selected at Urbana, Tuscola, and Windsor. These gage locations were chosen to correlate with 13 phosphate concentrations at Bondville, Ficklin, and Shelbyville, respectively. Figure 3 shows the monthly precipitation in inches for the sampling period months of 1956 and. also the normal precipitation for these same months. Stream Discharge Data Daily average discharge records at each of the Kaskaskia River sampling points were provided, by the United. States Geological Survey,, Data were availa- ble for the entire sampling period, and. also for the period of record. It was thus possible to compare stream discharges during 1956 with the long-term aver- age discharges for a particular gaging station. The Shelbyville station data was chosen as an index of the relationship between 1956 stream flow and the average flow for previous years. Figure k shows the average monthly discharge at Shelbyville during the 1956 calendar year, and the mean average monthly discharge for the preceding thirteen years of record. It will be noted that 1956 was a relatively dry year, in relation to the long-term average. A study of the complete period of record at Shelbyville indicates that the average discharge is 880 cfs. The average discharge for the 1955- 56 water year was k6f cfs. Viewing phosphate concentrations simply as the result of availa- ble dilution it seems reasonable to conclude that those concentrations observed during 1955 and 1956 would, be higher than the average concentration observed over a longer period of time. However, the situation is not this simple, as it Will be seen that stream runoff exercises an effect upon the amount of material added from drainage of agricultural lands. Ik VI. AGRICULTURAL AND POPULATION DATA Because it was anticipated that agricultural phosphates might exercise a significant role relative to the phosphates found, in surface waters, it was necessary to obtain information on the extent of land cultivation in the Kaskaskia basin, A study of the Illinois Assessor's Census and the Preliminary Census of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Commerce, yielded data for the per cent cultivation of each county within the river basin. It was then possible to compute the per cent cultivation for the drainage area above each stream sampling station. The mile points with reference to Bondville, drainage area in square miles, and the accumulative per cent cultivation above each Kaskaskia sampling station are given in Table 2, It is noted that the Kaskaskia basin is a highly cultivated area,, In order to be able to calculate the amounts of phosphate material added from domestic sources, the populations tributary to each Kaskaskia station were determined. The data on tributary population listed in Table 2 are based on records of sewered communities. Undoubtedly, isolated sources of domestic wastes do exist along the Kaskaskia Riverj but it is believed, that these are small in relation to the several sewered sources. 15 VII. ANALYTICAL RESULTS OF STREAM SAMPLING PROGRAMS Lake and Reservoir Survey The analytical results for the nine samples collected, during the initial survey of lakes and reservoirs are presented, in Table 3, That the waters are free from significant pollution by domestic sources is confirmed by the indica- ted low values of surfactant (ABS). The average value of ortho + bydrolyzable phosphate found was 0.081 ppm P^. The average orthophosphate was 0,036 ppm P 2 5 . It is interesting to note that the apparent condensed phosphate (differ- ence between ortho + hydrolyzable and ortho) is 0.045 ppm F fl , or more than half of the ortho + hydrolyzable phosphate . The source of this condensed phos- phate could be either small amounts of synthetic detergent from household use, or agricultural land drainage „ General Survey of Illinois Streams The analytical results for twenty- seven samples collected during the gen- eral stream survey are presented in Table k The average phosphate content of these samples is considerably higher than for the lake and reservoir samples. This was to be expected, as the streams sampled, were generally believed to receive significant amounts of domestic sewage. The average orthophosphate content of all samples was 0^11 ppm P^. The average ortho + hydrolyzable content was 0„657 ppm P^Gy The average per cent orthophosphate was, then, 63 per cent. That these waters, on the average, received more domestic waste than did the water samples during the lake and reservoir survey is confirmed, by the indicated higher average value of ABS, 0.119 ppm„ DuPage County Survey Stream samples were collected at six stream locations in DuPage County, located in northern Illinois (see Figure 1.) during the period from June 2? to 16 August l6, 1956. None of the streams sampled, are being used as water supply sources. The sampling results indicate that a serious pollution problem exists in these streams. Results were typical of those obtained for sewage effluents, indicating small stream flow dilution. The data for the DuPage survey are presented in Table 5. All stream locations receive sewage effluents from points upstream. It is noted that the average values of phosphates and ABS are quite high in all cases, with the excep- tion of Kress Creek. The relative values of ABS for the several stations is a good index of the relative degree of sewalge pollution. The East Branch, for which the ABS values were frk ppm, was grossly polluted during the survey. Zero values of dissolved oxygen were reported, for all samples from this stream. Kress Creek, which shows relatively low levels of ABS and extremely high levels of phosphates, receives the industrial waste from a plant which employs phosphates in its operations. This fact accounts for the unusually high levels 0f P 2°5 re P° rted for this stream. Kaskaskia River Survey Amljrti^a^Resu^: A total of one hundred and twenty- five stream samples were collected from the Kaskaskia River at seven different sampling stations from April to December, 1956. The average results for the seven stations are pre- sented in Table 6. It should be noted that the average apparent condensed Phosphate is 0.200 ppm P^, and that 5 per cent of the phosphate found is in the form of orthophosphates. The over-all indicated average of ABS was found to be 0.078 ppm. A summary of the frequency of occurrence of ortho + hydrolyzable phosphate concentrations is given in Table 7. Concentrations ranged from 0.03^ ppm P 2 5 17 to *K27 ppm P^. The same data is presented graphically in Figure l6. The per cent of the total number of samples in each concentration range is shown, A curve for the cumulative per cent of total number of samples is also shown. From this curve it is seen that 90 per cent of all samples contained less than 1.0 ppm P 2 5 of ortho + hydrolyzable phosphate. Since apparent condensed phos- phate values amounted to 50 per cent of ortho + hydrolyzable phosphate values, on the average, it can be concluded that the levels of condensed phosphates in the Kaskaskia River were less than 0.5 ppm P^ for 90 per cent of the time. Quantities of Phosphate s and ABS in the Stream s Each Kaskaskia sampling sta- tion was located at, or near, a U.S.G.S. stream gaging station. It was thus possible to compute the quantity of material flowing in the stream, correspond- ing to the observed concentration and the recorded daily stream discharge. The daily stream discharges, concentrations, and computed pounds per day of mater- ial for each sampling station are presented in Tables 8 to lk. These data will be referred to in the subsequent discussions concerning estimates of phosphates from land drainage. Frequency Plots for K askaskia Stream Phosphates The pounds per day of both orthophosphate and ortho + hydrolyzable phos- phate, as P 2 5 , for Bondville, Ficklin Above, Ficklin Below, and Shelbyville have been presented in the form of cumulative frequency plots in Figures 5, 6, 7 and 8. Each figure summarizes the variation in observed values of pounds of phosphate per day by employing a logarithmic probability grid. The abcissa in- dicates the per cent of the total number of observations that were equal to or less than the magnitude of a given observed phosphate value. The plots serve as valuable visual summarizations of the relative amounts of orthophosphate and ortho + hydrolyzable phosphates at a particular station, 18 and also indicate the extent of the variation in the amounts of phosphates ob- served at that station. It should be noted that, in Figure 8, which presents the data for Shelbyville, it was necessary to omit an observed value of 1*8, 8^0 pounds per day (ortho + hydrolyzable phosphate) from the plot, because of its large magnitude in relation to the other observed values. This was purely a matter of expediency, and the significance of this high value will be discussed subsequently in this report. 19 VIII. RESULTS OF SAMPLING SEWAGE TREATMENT EFFLUENTS Kaskaskia River Basin Sewage Effl uent s Southvest^Champaign 3freatment_Plant; The Southwest Champaign treatment plant is located in the headwaters of the Kaskaskia basin, and serves 820 people. It discharges its effluent below the Bondville sampling point and above the Ficklin sampling pointy Because of the absence of a means of flow measurement at this plant, it was necessary to estimate the per capita flow in computing the pounds of phosphate and ABS in the plant effluent. Concentrations and pounds per day of material in the effluent are presented in Table 15. The average phosphate (ortho + hydrolyzable) observed was 10. ^ x 10~ 3 pound per capita per day. ArthurJr£atme nt _Pl^^ ; The Arthur treatment plant serves l6O0 people, and discharges its effluent downstream from the Ficklin stations and upstream from the Shelbyville station on the Kaskaskia. Sewage flows were estimated from the Pipage records of the Arthur water treatment plant. Concentrations and pounds per day of material in the effluent are presented in Table 16. The average phosphate content (ortho + hydrolyzable) observed was 10. 62 x 10" 3 pound per capita per day^ Sullivan Treatment Plant; The Sullivan plant also discharges its effluent downstream from the Ficklin station and upstream from Shelbyville. It serves a population of 3^00 people. Sewage flows were estimated from the pumpage rec- ords of the Sullivan water treatment plant. Concentrations and pounds per day of material in the sewage effluent are presented in Table 17. It will be noted that the per capita phosphate content of 26 A3 x 10" 5 pounds for the Sullivan plant is considerably higher than for the previously reported sewage treatment 20 plants „ The fact that the average pounds per capita per day value for ABS did not show a corresponding increase is evidence for a source of phosphates other than synthetic detergents. The presence of two processing plants which might contribute quantities of phosphate material suggests an explanation for the higher average phosphate value, Freauency_Plots for Sewage Effluent Phosphate^ Observed pounds per day of orthophosphate and ortho + hydrolyzable phosphate for Kaskaskia sewage effluents have been plotted on normal probability grids in Figures 9, 10 and 11. These plots are similar to the ones presenting the results of pounds of stream phosphate per day. It will be noted that the variation in amounts of sewage effluent phosphates is considerably less than that for stream phosphates, Elmhurst Plant in DuPage County The Elmhurst treatment plant is located near Salt Creek in DuPage County, Illinois, It serves an estimated population of 30,000 people. Sewage flows were observed at the plant at the times of sampling. The concentrations and pounds per capita per day of ortho + hydrolyzable phosphate and ABS in the Elmhurst sewage effluent are presented in Table 18, Compa rison of Estimated and Observed Per Capita Values On the basis of the A„A,S. and G,P, »s estimate of l6 pounds per capita per year of synthetic detergent consumption for 1955, the calculated daily contri- bution of P 2 5 by sewage effluents amounts to approximately 8 x 10" 3 pounds per capita per day. The average observed values for the sewage effluents, excluding the unusually high value reported for Sullivan's treatment effluent, range from 10.40 x 10 to 11,02 x 10 - pounds per capita per day during 1956, 21 Relative Amounts of Orthophosp hate in Sewage Effluents Of interest is the average per cent of orthophosphate contained in sewage effluents. The per cent orthophosphate for the Southwest Champaign, Arthur, Sullivan, and Elmhurst plants are presented in Table 19. It will be noted that on the average, close to 9 per cent of the observed phosphates in these sewage effluents are in the orthophosphate form. It might, then, be expected that a similar portion of stream phosphates would also be in the orthophosphate form. The significance of the fact that this expectation was not borne out in the stream analysis results will be discussed subsequently in this report. 22 IX „ SOURCES OF KASKASKIA STREAM PHOSPHATES Relation of Rainfall and Stream Discharge to Stream Phosphates A study of the records of rainfall, and stream discharge in relation to the times at which stream phosphate samples were collected indicates that the pounds of ortho + hydrolyzable phosphate generally increased with peak rain- falls and peak stream discharges . The observed relationship of rainfall, dis- charge, and pounds of phosphate material for three Kaskaskia sampling stations is shown in Figures 12, 13 and lk a The fact that phosphate samples were collected only once each week, on the average, makes a complete description of the relationships shown impossible . However, the definite increase in the amount of phosphate with increased rain- fall and runoff observed for the data available indicates that significant amounts of phosphates can be washed to streams from agricultural lands . The extensive cultivation in the Kaskaskia basin makes this result quite reasona- ble . Figure 15 is a plot of the observed values of the pounds of phosphate ma- terial in the stream versus daily stream discharge at Shelbyville. All results for samples collected at Shelbyville are included in this plot. A logarithmic scale was used for the ordinate, simply as an expedient for including all the data. It is seen from the considerable scatter of the data in. the stream dis- charge range below 5 00 CFS that the amount of phosphate in the stream is not simply dependent upon stream discharge when stream discharges are at or below average values. However, it is apparent that peak flows do produce definite increases in stream phosphates. 23 Re lative Values of Orthophosphate in Effluents and. St ream In the presentation, of sewage effluent phosphates it was stated that about 90 per cent of the phosphate observed in sewage effluents was in the form of orthophosphate. It is known that condensed, phosphates are hydrolyzed to ortho- phosphates, and that, over a period, of time, most of the phosphate in water or sewage can be expected to revert to the orthophosphate form. It would, there- fore, be reasonable to find more than. 90 per cent orthophosphate content in stream samples, if only sewage effluents contributed to the quantity of phos- phate in the stream,, However, the average orthophosphate content of all Kaskaskia stream phos- phate samples was found to be 5 per cent (Table 6) . This decrease in the rel- ative portion of orthophosphate present indicates the addition of phosphates from land, drainage sources, or other sources than sewage effluents. A study of the amounts of material, rather than concentrations, is necessary in order to evaluate the extent to which agricultural phosphates contribute to the phos- phate content of streams . M^a^l^ -^^l^r^^-tj in Rela tion to Stream Phosphates It was observed, that there was a general tendency toward increase in tur- bidity corresponding to increases in phosphate concentrations in the stream samples . This general relation could be interpreted as an indication that in- creases in phosphates were associated with washing of soil from drained areas by high rainfalls and runoff. A decrease in alkalinity was generally associated with increased phosphate concentration. A possible explanation might be that acid phosphates comprising fertilizers tended to neutralize normal stream alkalinity. 2k Material Balance of Stream Phosphate s Phosphate compounds found in streams have as their origin domestic, indus- trial, and agricultural sources. The total weight of material observed at a particular tim.e in a stream is the sum of the weights of materials contributed from these sources during a given period of time. The equation representing the balance of phosphate material is; 5. If qc = Aa + Ps + R Q = stream discharge, CFS = phosphate concentration, ppm A = area of cultivated land drainage, square miles = pounds of phosphate per day per square mile of cultivated drainage P = total contributory sewered population s = pounds of phosphate per capita per day S = pounds from miscellaneous sources 5-^ = conversion factor for units of flow This equation has been used to indirectly determine the amounts of phosphate material contributed to the Kaskaskia River by agricultural land drainage . With "Q" and "C" known, and having reasonable estimates of "P" and "s", it was possible to compute the total pounds of material from other than sewage efflu- ent sources . No industrial sources which materially added to the total phos- phate content of the Kaskaskia River are known. In one instance, an industrial Plant altered the relative proportions of orthophosphate and hydrolyzable phos- phate in the stream, but did not appreciably change the total content. This situation will be discussed in detail subsequently. In the absence of major industrial, phosphate sources, it was then assumed that the balance of phosphate was attributable to agricultural drainage sources. 25 If the above equation is solved for "C», then it is seen that expected phosphate levels for certain conditions can be computed. c _ Aa + Ps + R 5TFq~~ When "a" and "R" are zero or negligible, phosphate concentration is seen to depend upon the total tributary severed population, per capita phosphate values, and stream flow. It can be noted in the stream data analyses that extremely high phosphate concentrations are associated with two general conditions: extremely high stream discharges and low stream discharges . This observation is reasonable in light of the above equation. When the value of »Q" is small and "a" is zero, high concentrations are obtained. Then "a" becomes extremely large, even with large values of Q, high concentrations are also obtained. For example, the highest observed stream phosphate concentration was that of June 20 for Shelbyville, A concentration of *K2 ppm P^ was recorded. This date also had the greatest total pounds, 1,8,8*0. However, moderate concentrations can result, even with large "a", and this is a matter of the magnitude of "Q", the available dilution, Kaskaskia Phosphate Balances Pounds per day of phosphate are presented for the Kaskaskia stream sampling stations in Tables 8 to l4. Observed pounds per day of phosphate in the sewage effluents of Southwest Champaign, Arthur, and Sullivan are shown in Figures 9 to 11. With these data it is possible to compute the amounts of agricultural Phosphates present in the stream at the several sampling stations for each sampling date. As there was some variation in the amounts of phosphates observed in the sewage effluents, it was necessary to select a particular value of sewage 26 phosphates for use in the material balance . The median or 5 per cent value was used. It should be recognized that this value represents a particular av- erage condition and that other values might be used. Results of computed agricultural phosphates using median tributary sewage P 2 5 , at five Kaskaskia stations are presented in Tables 20 to 2k. Each table includes the amounts of phosphates estimated to have been added from agricul- tural sources, the per cent of phosphate from agricultural sources, and the computed pounds per day per square mile of cultivated drainage. Amounts of phosphate per square mile of cultivated drainage per day ranged from to 5 8 pounds. Stream discharge values are included in the tables, and it is to be noted that high agricultural phosphate values are generally, but not in all cases, associated with high stream discharges . The average per cent of phosphate from agriculture for each Kaskaskia sta- tion was as follows? Station Averag e Per Cent Ficklin Above ^ Shelbyville h3 Carlyle ^ New Athens 33 Vandal i a 23 Interpretation of Agricultural Phosphate Results On the basis of the samples collected during the Kaskaskia survey, and em- Ploying the above method of computation, about h 5 per cent of the stream phos- phates in the Kaskaskia River are determined to be of agricultural origin. It 27 was noted previously in this report that while 9 per cent of sewage effluent phosphates were of the orthophosphate variety, approximately only 5 per cent of the stream, phosphates were of this same variety, This fact indicated an ad- ditional source of complex, or condensed, phosphate for the stream. A material balance on the orthophosphate materials in the stream has indicated that, on the average, JO to 5 per cent of the total agricultural phosphates found in the stream was in the form of apparent condensed phosphate . It is reasonable to conclude that a portion of this apparent condensed phosphates might be com- plex organic phosphates leached from the fertilizer materials in the soil. The analytical procedure which was used to determine phosphates, as was discussed in the section dealing with experimental methods, is known to pick up hydrolyz- able organic forms. Thus, the apparent condensed phosphate values reported, which would ordinarily be taken to indicate phosphates having their origin in detergents, are actually made up in part of organic phosphates. The contribution of phosphates to streams from domestic, industrial, and agricultural sources is apparently dependent upon many factors . Contributions from domestic sources can be expected to vary with time, nature of the sewage treatment processes, standards of living in the communities, population, use of phosphates in water treatment, and possibly other factors. Industrial contri- butions will vary with each industrial plant's characteristic operations. As an example of the possible effects of industrial uses upon phosphates in a stream, the results for Ficklin Above and Ficklin Below (Figures 6 and 7) are cited. While the total amounts of phosphate observed upstream and downstream from the industrial location, at Ficklin were approximately the same, on the av- erage, the relative proportions of orthophosphate and condensed forms were 28 reversed at the two locations . It is known that polyphosphates are added in treating the upstream flow which is withdrawn for cooling water use. It is also reported that other treatments applied to the water might reduce its ortho- phosphate content appreciably. Thus, when the used water is returned to the stream downstream from the industrial location, its total phosphate content is unchanged, but its relative amounts of orthophosphate and condensed phosphate are changed. Although the estimates of total phosphates from agriculture are not altered by this information, it becomes more difficult to accurately deter- mine the relative amounts of apparent condensed phosphate and orthophosphates to be assigned to agriculture,, The amounts of agricultural phosphate contributed to streams can be ex- pected to depend upon the nature of the soil phosphates, the intensity and time distribution of rainfall, the rates of runoff and soil percolation, and proba- bly other factors. Sawyer (2) has reported average values for studies of phos- phate contributions by land drainage in the area near Madison, Wisconsin, He reported a value of 255 pounds of phosphorous per square mile per year. This would be approximately 1.6 pounds of P^ per square mile per day, which is generally of the same order of magnitude as the average results computed for the Kaskaskia survey. 29 Xo SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The concentration of phosphates found in surface waters depends upon the amounts of phosphate material contributed by sewage treatment effluents, other domestic sources, industrial, sources, agricultural land drainage, and upon the stream flow available for dilution. This investigation has studied the concen- trations of phosphates in Illinois surface waters during 1955-1956, along with some of the determining factors, and has arrived at the following conclusions: 1. For lakes and reservoirs free of significant sources of pollu- tion, the average concentration of ortho + hydrolyzable phosphate was 0,081 ppm P 2 . Approximately 56 per cent or 0,0^5 ppm P 2 5 was as apparent condensed phosphate, 2, For the general survey of Illinois streams, which included twenty- seven samples, the average ortho + hydrolyzable concentration was O0657 ppm p^^. Thirty-seven per cent, on the average, was in the apparent condensed form. The waters sampled generally re- ceived significant amounts of sewage phosphates, 3* The average content of ortho + hydrolyzable phosphate in sewage treatment plant effluents is in the range from 10 x 10" 5 to 20 x 10 pounds per capita per day, ^ For 125 stream samples collected during the Kaskaskia River sur- vey, the arithmetic mean concentration of ortho + hydrolyzable phosphate was O.i+0 ppm P^, However, a better indication of the prevailing levels is given by stating that concentrations exceeded 30 1.0 ppm P 2 5 in only 10 per cent of the samples. Of all Kaskaskia samples, 5 per cent shoved results equal to or less than 0.30 ppm p 2 o 5 5. Ninety per cent of the time, the condensed phosphate content at the Kaskaskia River sampling locations was observed to be less than 0,50 ppm P , 6. Based on the Kaskaskia River survey, the average indicated con- centration of ABS in surface waters was less than 0,10 ppm, 7. Approximately 5 per cent of the phosphate content in Kaskaskia stream samples, on the average, was in the apparent condensed form. True inorganic condensed phosphate content is less than that indicated in all samples, because the method of analysis used throughout the investigation is now known to determine organic condensed phosphates, 8. Approximately k$ per cent, on the average, of the phosphate found in Kaskaskia River stream samples was of agricultural land drain- age origin. The per cent of agricultural phosphate apparently depends upon many factors, and must be taken as merely indicative when stated as an average, 9° Agricultural phosphates caused the values obtained for apparent condensed phosphates to higher than their true values, because the agricultural phosphates are partly organic and are hydrolyzed in the simple acid hydrolysis procedure. 31 REFERENCES 1. Sub-Committee on Phosphates, Technical Advisory Committee, A„A,S, and G, P., Inc. - "The Determination of Orthophosphate, Hydrolyzable Phosphate and Total Phosphate in Surface Waters . " 2. Sawyer, C. No - "Fertilization of Lakes by Agricultural and Urban Drainage" -- Jo New England Water Works Association, LXI, No c 2 (l9Vf). 32 TABLE 1 PHOSPHATE CONCENTRATIONS, KASKASKIA RIVER, JUNE 3, 1957 SoUrCe Ortho P 2 °5 0rth ° + Hydrolyzable P 0, Total P *- P 2 5 ppm ppm Bondville 0,05 Above Ficklin o l^ Below Ficklin 0ol4- Shelbyville o l8 0, ,06 0, ,16 0, .23 0« .2k ppm 0o09 0,19 0o3l 0„28 33 TABLE 2 DESCRIPTIVE DATA FOR KASKASKIA STREAM SAMPLING LOCATIONS Station Mile Point Drainage Area Per Cent Tributary Square Miles Cultivation Po"DUl ati nn Bondville 12,3 86,0 Ficklin 28 127 86,2 820 Sherbyville 103 1030 81,7 6670 Van&alia 153 1980 760 12850 Carlyle 208 2680 68o9 18320 New Athens 273 5220 76,8 902*K) TABLE 3 ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SAMPLES FROM LAKE AJTO RESERVOIR SOURCES 34 Source Phosphate ABS Hardness As P 2 5 ppm As CaCC >3 ppm ppm Ortho + Hydrolyzable Ortho Total Cal niiim Bloomington 0.226 0.018 OoOOO 209 86 Danville Ool95 0.108 O0OO6 330 180 Danville 0.113 0.091 O0OI6 223 125 Decatur 0.036 0.016 O0OO8 277 124 Kincaid OoOOO OoOOO O0OI6 172 101 Mattoon OoOOO 0.000 320 Paris 0.044 0,026 OoOlO 284 156 Salem 0.115 O0O66 0.011 80 53 Springfield 0.000 0.000 0.000 170 100 Means 0.081 Oo036 0o008 35 TABLE k ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR GENERAL SURVEY OF ILLINOIS STREAMS Source Embarrass River : Oakland Charleston Newton P 2 5 ppm Ortho Ortho + Hydrolyzable ABS Hardness ppm CaCO^ 3 Total Calcium 0.013 0.025 0o027 287 172 Oo033 0,076 0,192 226 127 0,076 O0IO9 0,0 W> 23^- ll+l Illinois Rivers Grafton 0,5^1 1.551 0.119 190 121 Kankakee River; Kankakee 0,073 O0O58 0,021 320 207 Kaskaskia River; Vandalia 0,33^ 0,706 0,0^2 23^ 133 Carlyle 0,371 0,708 0,056 lk$ 85 Mascoutah (SC) 0.58^ 1.560 0.000 10J+ 63 Freeburg (SC) 2,899 3.^02 0,352 175 99 New Athens 0,380 0,788 0.072 133 75 Evansville OA67 0,786 0,053 125 71 Little Verm ilion River- Georgetown 0,101 0.082 0.021 320 183 Continued TABLE k, CON'T 36 Source ppm Ortho Ortho + Hydrolyzable ABS Hardness ppm CaCO, 3 Total Calcium Little Wabash Rivers 0.06l 0*113 OoOOO 124 Flora 83 Clay City O0O58 0.U3 O.160 146 82 Fairfield 0.077 0.148 0.002 158 86 Mississippi Rivers Dallas Nauvoo Hamilton Warsaw Quincy Alton E. St. Louis E. St. Louis Chester 0.101 O.65 0.157 0.227 0„310 0.621. 0.321 0.587 O.56J+ 0.338 0.531 0.1*00 0.603 O.654 0.726 OA35 0.715 1.352 0.122 110 66 0.075 124 81 0.026 104- 63 0.101 106 63 0o098 98 63 0.328 217 112 0.938 193 114 0.064 180 102 0.016 202 119 Vermilion River ; Pontiac Streator 0.062 0.073 0.05^ 360 181 1.329 0.299 0.189 423 21.3 Wabash River; Mt. Carmel 0.095 0.149 0.04-Q 249 15* Mfcan * 0.4ii O.657 0.119 TABLE 5 ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SURVEY OF STREAMS IN DU PAGE CO., ILLINOIS 1956 37 Location Salt Creek at Butterfield Rd c Date 6/27 7/5 7/11 7/18 7/25 8/6 8/16 ABS ppm Orthophosphate Ortho + Hydrolyzable 1.1+2 1.6l 1»39 lM .68 °59 lol2 ppm P 2 5 6.96 8.12 5»70 6A5 9. 81+ 6.8l 6.87 ppm P 2 7° 36 8.28 5.70 6.88 10.6 9. 61+ 7° 37 Mean; 1.18 Salt Creek at Fuller sburg Dam 6/27 7/5 7/11 7/18 7/25 8/6 8/16 1M iM 1*53 1.1+7 .82 1.06 1.27 7«25 5°51 6.77 6.21 7^9 3.82 6.30 5»87 7»! 5.68 6.59 8.18 3.96 9*3^ 6.18 Means 1.28 6.00 6,66 Continued 38 Mean; 3.06 E. Du Page River 6/27 3»5l Route 53 7/5 ko21 T/ll ^o30 7/18 3.31 8/6 1.95 8/16 k.96 TABLE 5 CON'T ABS Qrthophosphate Location Date ppm ppm PO E» Du Page River 6/27 3c 20 16„7 Route 55 7/5 2»91 15»3 7/11 3.39 l6„8 7/18 2o9^ 12o7 7/25 3.32 l6.i 8/6 lo97 10o4 8/16 3*66 18„7 Ortho + Hydrolyzable ppm P 2 15o2 11 .3 15. ,8 16, .7 9. ,1+0 7. 35 20 = 6 17»5 l6„6 17c 6 I3c6 17»^ 12 7 I9c7 16A 11.9 15.8 16,7 10,2 10.3 20.6 Mean: 3.71 13.5 1^.3 Continued 39 TABLE 5 CON • T ABS Orthophosphate Ortho + Hydrolyzable Location Date ppm ppm P 2 ppm PC W. Du Page River 6.27 1,30 13.6 13.6 Route 55 7/5 1.1+5 17. 4 I80 2 7/n 2„19 15.1 15.1 7/18 »95 16.2 16.2 7/25 loll 13.7 15.1 8/6 1.00 12.7 18.4 8/16 082 13.1 13.7 Means 1.26 14.5 15.8 Kress Creek 6/27 oil 65.4 65.4 7/5 o05 92.6 94.4 7/n ,Qk 95.4 97-6 7/18 .11 64.5 67.8 7/25 .12 122. 122. 8/6 .02 42.2 60.5 8/ifi .07 56.2 56 2 Means .07 76.9 80.6 TABLE 6 AVERAGES OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS, KASKASKIA RIVER SURVEY APRIL TO DECEMBER, 1956 ho No. of Mean Mean Hydrolyzahle Mean Drainage Station Mile Samples Ortho ppm P 2 Ortho + Hy&rolyzable ppm P 2 ppm pn ABS ppm Area, Sq. Mi. Bondville 27 .113 .163 .050 .0^3 12.3 Ficklin A. 28 2k .288 »399 .111 .100 Ficklin B. 29 25 .Ikk .5^3 .399 .121 127 Shelbyville 103 25 .392 .677 .285 .072 1030 Vandal i a 153 10 .136 .3^ o207 .0^9 1980 Carlyle 208 7 .126 .2^3 .117 .0^5 2680 New Athens 273 7 .200 .^30 .230 o070 5220 Mean for all Samples : 0.200 0.400 0.200 0.078 TABLE 7 SUMMARY OF ORTHO + HYDROLYZABLE PHOSPHATE RESULTS FOR KASKASKIA RIVER SURVEY, I956 (Total of 125 Samples) 4l P 2 Range, ppm - Ool 0.1 - 0.2 0.2 - 0.3 0.3 - 0.4 0.4 - 0.5 0.5 - 0.6 0.6 - 0.7 0.7 - 0.8 0.8 - 0.9 0.9 * 1.0 1.0 - 1.1 1.1 - 1.2 1.2 - 1.3 1.3 - 1.4 1.4 - i„5 1.5 - 1.6 1.6 - 1.7 1.7 - 1.8 1.8 - 1.9 1.9 - 2,0 2.0 - 3.0 3.0 - 4.0 4.0 - 4.27 Numbered Samples in Range Per Cent of Total Samples 17 13.6 26 20.8 23 18.4 19 15.2 9 7.2 12 9.6 3 2.4 2 1.6 2 1.6 4 3.2 3 2.4 1 0.8 1 0.8 1 0.8 1 O08 1 0.8 42 TABLE 8 VALUES OF STREAM PHOSPHATES AND ABS IN KASKASKIA RIVER BONDVILLE, ILLINOIS, I956 Date Discharge k/9 4/i6 4/23 4/30 5/21 5/23 5/24 5/28 6/4 6/13 6/20 6/25 7/2 7/9 7/16 7/23 7/30 8/6 8/14 8/28 9/4 9/24 2.6 2,5 1 = 9 12 2.4 2.3 2o0 2.4 1.6 IcO 1.2 1.4 •9 • 7 5-6 .8 .4 .8 1.6 ol ol .2 ABS Orthoptic- sphate efa ppm IBS/^ay ppn~~~LBs7Day ,026 0.35 .048 m o023 o025 „o6 .03 .05 0O2 oOl .02 .02 .01 .08 .07 .18 0.60 0.30 0.22 0.32 0.37 0.15 0.097 0.038 O.60 0.086 0.086 0.0^3 0.038 0.19 0.0298 00193 .025 .054 .174 .023 0O35 .021 °035 .08 .08 .04 .14 .09 .14 .04 .06 .09 .16 .09 .22 .82 0.42 0.26 0.26 3.50 2.25 0.23 0.38 0.27 0.30 0.43 0.52 0.30 0.68 0.34 4.23 O.17 0.13 0.39 1.38 0.049 0.12 0.88 Ortho + Hydrolyzable ppm ~TB3/Day ~ 0.0742 .0349 .034 .055 »358 .062 .099 o074 .064 .12 .17 -17 .18 .13 .25 .09 .08 .16 .22 .12 .22 .36 i.o4 0.47 0.35 3o56 4.64 0.77 1.07 O.96 0.55 O.65 1.10 1.28 O.87 0.49 7.55 0.39 0.17 O.69 1.90 O.065 0.12 1.04 Continued ^3 TABLE 8" CON'T Discharge - cfs ABS Qrth0ph.0spl3.ate ppm LBS/Day Ortho + Hydrolyzable Date ppm LBS/Day ppm LBS/Day 10/8 .1 .03 0.0l6 .12 O0O65 .12 O.O65 10/15 .2 ,01 0.011 »23 0.25 .28 0.30 10/29 .2 .01 0.011 .Qlf 0.0^ .09 0.097 11/12 J .04 0.022 .06 0.032 .06 0.032 12/3 o2 oOk 0.0^3 .13 D„l4 .15 0.16 TABLE 9 VALUES OF STREAM PHOSPHATES AND ABS IN KASKASKIA RIVER ABOVE FICKLIN, ILLINOIS, 1956 44 Discharge - cfs ABS Orthc ^phosphate Ortho + ppm Hydrolyzahle Date ppm LBS/Dl^ ppm LBS75ay LBS/Day 4/l6 18 „0i^ 4.66 .145 14,08 0.184 17.87 4/23 9.4 .064 3.24 • 155 7.86 .1.86 9o43 li/30 184 .67 66„5 .131 130 .216 214 5/21 16 .074 6.39 .157 13.55 .225 19° 42 5/28 4 9 0I87 49.4 .149 39°4o .335 101.8 6/4 24 .087 11.3 .195 25.25 .242 31.34 6/13 9 = 8 .09 4,76 .18 9.5 .24 12.7 6/20 13 .11 7.71 .22 15.4 .38 26.7 6/25 7.5 .08 3.24 .00 .31 12.5 7/2 7»i .18 6.89 .09 3M .24 9.29 7/9 17 .06 5.51 .41 37.6 .60 55.0 7/16 24 .18 23.3 .39 50.5 °72 93.3 7/23 26 .08 1.14 .34 47.7 °35 49„i 7/30 13 .09 6 3l • 71 49„8 .81 56,8 8/6 8,6 - - .38 17.6 .58 26.9 8/i4 45 .14 34.0 «39 94.7 .49 119.0 8/28 13 .19 13.3 .40 28.06 .50 35.07 9/4 11 .12 7.12 1.26 74.78 1.36 80.72 9/24 12 .10 6.47 .19 12.3 .26 l6„8 10/8 6.3 .01 0.34 .14 4.76 .19 6.46 IO/15 6.8 .10 3.67 .19 6.79 .29 10.64 10/29 2.6 6 12 1.68 ol7 2.39 .21 2.95 11/12 6.5 .02 O.70 .16 5.77 .20 7.21 12/3 MA .11 no °35 _ .40 45 TABLE 10 VALUES OF STREAM PHOSPHATES AND ABS IN KASKASKIA RIVER BELOW FICKLIN, ILLINOIS, 1956 Date Discharge - cfs ^"^UK- ^^2E^£hate O rthq + Hydrolyzable arge CfS ppm LBS/Day ppm mS/D^P ^^^LBSjD^f~ 4/9 19 4/i6 18 4/23 12 V30 183 5/21 15 5/28 46 6/4 21 6/1.3 7.4 6/20 6,3 6/25 8,0 7/2 8=5 7/9 12 7/16 19 7/23 21 7/30 6.7 8/6 6.4 8/i4 4o 8/28 5-5 9/4 6„i 9/24 7.2 10/8 11 .023 2,36 .067 6.87 0.117 12.10 - - .124 12.04 .235 22.82 - _ o030 1.94 .286 18.51 .112 110 . 6 o054 53.31 .256 253 0O9O 7*28 .038 3.07 .310 25.08 ol73 42c 9 ol37 34.0 .278 69.O oOlO lol3 0O96 10.88 .21.6 24,47 .08 3.19 .07 2.79 .44 17° 56 ,1k 4,76 .07 2.38 .52 17067 .09 3.89 .08 3.45 .31 13.38 .15 6,89 o03 1.38 .43 19° 72 .12 7»76 .06 3.88 .49 31.70 .18 18. 5 .16 16.4 .51 52, 3 0O8 9.06 .36 4o„8 .83 94.0 .14 5o06 .04 1.45 .55 1.9.88 .08 2o76 .26 8.97 ,5Q 20.01 olO 21.58 .34 73.4 .70 151 .173 5.13 .28 8.31 .50 14.84 ,131 4.31 .46 15.13 1.02 33.56 .l4 5.43 .01 0.39 .75 29,1 ,ia 10,7 .06 3.56 1.16 68.8 Continued TABLE 10 CON'T k6 ABS Orthophosphate Ortho + Hydrolyzable Date Discharge - cfs ppm LBS/Day p^ LBs7Da^ ppm LBS/Day~~ 10/15 9°5 o23 ll„8 .07 3.59 1 = 05 53.8 10/29 11 .18 10.7 .13 7.71 098 58.1 11/12 13 c06 '^.21 .38 26.65 .69 1+3.40 12/3 7o0 .Ik 5.29 .19 7.18 o3^ 12.84 TABLE 11 VALUES OF STREAM PHOSPHATES AMD ABS IN KASKASKIA RIVER SHELBYVILLE, ILLINOIS, I956 n . -. . • ABS r— Orthophosphate Ortho + Hydrolyzable Date Discharge - cfs pp m ~1^]^ ^—jjssj^ —^^~^~l^^r */9 336 V16 282 4/23 204 4/30 1700 5/21 200 5/28 364 6/4 896 6/13 260 6/20 2120 6/25 520 7/2 196 7/9 220 7/16 314 7/23 118 7/30 85 8/6 220 8/14 9.8 8/28 42 9/4 42 9/24 7.8 10/8 8.4 .045 81.6 O.056 101.5 0.06 108.8 .098 149.1 .059 89.7 .10 152.1 .033 36.3 .07 77.1 .036 330.2 .452 4146 .96 8805 .046 49,6 .103 111.1 .19 205.O .022 J +3.'2 .182 357 .40 786 .006 29.0 .230 1112 .33 1595 .22 309 .26 365 - ft, 1.12 12810 4.27 48840 .09 252.5 .08 224 • 39 1094 .10 105.7 .35 370 M ^97 .10 118..7 .40 475 .54 64l .13 220.2 .41 695 ,54 915 .04 25-5 .86 5^ 1.04 662 .08 36. 7 .38 174 .48 220 .10 118.7 .51 605 .66 783 .14 74.0 .40 212 .51 270 .102 23.1 .420 95.3 .51 116 .135 30.6 .432 98.1 .536 121.7 .18 7.58 .22 9.24 .34 14,28 .19 8.61 1 1.76 78.6 2.88 129.3 Continued TABLE U CON'T k8 Date Discharge - cfs 10/15 10/29 11/12 12/3 6,7 12 8.3 15 ABS Orthophosphate Ortho + Hy&ro lyzable ppm LBS/Day ppm ~LBs7Dai p pm LBS/Da7~ ,04 1,1*4 0O2 0„72 .02 1.29 .11 7.12 .0^ 1-79 .08 3.58 .19 15.4 „92 7^. ^3 .13 .17 ,16 .92 if. 69 11.00 7ol7 7^3 1+9 TABLE 12 VALUES OF STREAM PHOSPHATES AND ABS IN KASKASKIA RIVER VANDALIA, ILLINOIS, 1956 n , m . — : ^L____ Orthophosphate Ortho + Hydrolyzable Date Discharge - cfs jj^— LBS^ ^^J Z^ k/9 k9 ° ° 01 5 39.5 O.069 182 0.121 320 V 16 ^0 .&} 10 9 ,025 63 A o07 176 V23 33 ° ° l6 5 2 9 4 o0 27 1+8.1 o0 82 1^6.0 V3 ° 250 ° "° 62 835 o333 5167 1.66 22390 5/21 1270 =°37 251+ .067 1+59.1 .187 1281 S/ 20 lW °°5l SM .09 71.8 .25 199.5 10 A5 21+ .02 2.6 22 28.1+ .1+2 5l+ o2 10/29 32 ° 01 !-7 ol7 29. k .25 1+3.3 n / 12 28 -06 9,1 , l4 21ol ol9 28o7 12/3 ^ ° 12 51.1 .16 1+1,3 ,20 51.6 TABLE 13 VALUES OF STREAM PHOSPHATES AND ABS IN KASKASKIA RIVER CARLYLE, ILLINOIS, 1956 n , n . . AES Orthop hospha te Ortho + Hvdrolvzabl e Date Dxscharge - cfs ^~ ISs^a? ^^7^ ~^~ I^^ .030 16I+ 0.116 632 „i82 992 .01+8 201 o0 38 159 .142 593 -01+9 151 .123 378 °° 62 558 .201+ 1838 ,392 3532 cOi+6 132 .in 3i 7 o254 ?26 °056 75 .20 268 ,31+ 455 °03 6.3 .16 33,6 ,28 58.8 1+/9 1010 1+/16 77^ V23 570 V50 1670 5/2.1 530 8/28 2l+8 10/29 39 50 TABLE Ik VALUES OF STREAM PHOSPHATES AND ABS IN KASKASKIA RIVER NEW ATHENS, ILLINOIS, I956 n Q + Q tv v, ~ — — - ) Orthophosphate Ortho + Hydrolyzable l — Discharge - cfs j^— "LES^aj ^~^ J ~jp^— IBsTdJT- 0.251 2112 = 956 80^6 0122 650 O ioo 515 .214-1 12142 »088 295 0OI42 llfi ol 8 9 633 d05 680 ,ik6 9I45 .339 2195 .078 3hh o l400 1758 .582 2558 14/9 1560 k/16 955 V23 621 V30 1200 5/21 815 8/28 ^1 IO/29 83 • 059 1^3 o26 633 o i40 973 .0^ 17.9 o20 896 „32 114.3.3 51 TABLE 15 VALUES OF SEWAGE EFFLUENT PHOSPHATES AND ABS SOUTHWEST CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS : POPULATION 820 1956 Date gal/cap/day ppm 5/24 5/28 6/4 6/13 6/20 6/25 7/2 7/9 7/16 7/23 7/30 8/6 8/i4 8/28 9/4 9/24 10/8 100* Ortho + Hydrolyzable ppm 2o78 1.36 1.48 2.13 1.52 1.81 1.71 2.02 O.65 1.45 lo27 2.45 2„92 2.10 3o02 2.68 2. 32x10 ' 7.01 5085x10° l„l3xlo" 3 4.97 4.i4xio~ 3 1.24xl0~ 3 6 o 06 5.06xlO~ 3 1. 78x10" 3 9.13 7 62xio~ 3 1. 27x10" 5 lOoOO 8. 54x10" 5 lo 51x10" 3 8,94 7. 46xio" 3 1. 43xio" 3 10.00 8 . 34xio" 3 1. 69x10" 3 10.00 8. 67x10" 3 9°00 7o52xlo" 3 0. 54x10" 3 5.90 4. 93x10" 3 9=90 8. 26x10" 5 1. 21x10 1. 06x10" 3 9. 10 7o 59x10° 2.o4xio" 3 5.78 4.83xl0~ 3 2. 44xlo" 3 13. 4o 11. 20x10" 5 1.75x10 12.30 10. 27x10" 3 2. 52x10" 3 15.10 12.6lx.10" 3 2. 24x10" 3 17.60 Ik. 70x10° 7-.09 5.51 6.94 9*53 IO.50 8.94 10.60 IO.60 9»00 6.28 10.30 9*56 l0.4o 5 . 92x10 4.6oxio~ 3 5.80x10' ■3 7. 95x10" 3 8 „ 75x10 " 3 7o 46xio" 3 8. 84x10" 3 8. 84x10" 3 7o 52x10" 3 5.24xlo" 3 8 . 60x10" 3 7- 97x10" 3 8. 68x10" 3 Flow was not obtainable for all dates. on each date. This value is an 13.60 11. 35x10" 3 12.45 10.40xl0" 3 ' 15*90 13. 28x10" 3 17° 90 14. 93x10" 3 Continued estimate used TABUS 15 CON'T 52 Date ml/ /, — — Spt . — _0£tlMpkosphate Ortho + Hydrolyzable gal/cap/day Ppm I^J^J^ Ppm ~T^^J^ ~1££— 1^J^~ 10/15 11/12 12/3 2.38 i o 99xl0" 3 16.30 I3o6ixio" 3 18.60 l5„5Qxio~ 3 3.10 2.59xl0" 3 17.10 l4.28x.10" 3 19.30 l6.10xl0~ 3 2.84 2.37xl0" 3 34.50 28.8Qxio~ 3 36.40 30.4oxlo~ 3 Mean; 2.09 1.7^x10^ 11.63 9o70xl0" 3 12.47 10.40xl0" 3 53 TABLE 16 VALUES OF SEWAGE EFFLUENT PHOSPHATES AND ABS ARTHUR, ILLINOIS: POPULATION l600 1956 Date ABS 6/13 6/20 6/25 7/2 7/9 7/16 7/23 7/30 8/6 8/i4 8/28 9/4 71 73 67 63 ^ 83 74 91 87 77 79 72 2,68 1,59x10° 11.90 7.05x10 ,26 0.l6xlO~ 3 •3 4.69 2.86x10° ^.57 2.55x10° 11.00 6 i5xio" 3 4.32 2.28xl0" 3 17.1K) 9°l5xlO° 3 .22 0.12xl0" 3 8.80 4.73xlO" 3 2.23 1. 55x0.0' 5 9.66 6.65xio" 3 4.98 3.08xlo" 3 24.50 15. 00x10" 5 3.98 3.02xlo" 3 Ik. -JO 11.17X10* 3 2. 46 1. 78x10" 3 20.60 l4.95xlo" 3 i.i4 o.74xio" 3 3 -3 6.20 4.09x10 6.26 5. 76x10" 3 7»78 5 o OOxio 24.90 l6.4lxlO" 3 21.60 12. 98x10" 3 13=60 5ol2 l6.4o 23.00 9.45 11.00 25.70 15.50 24.20 9.09 25 060 24.00 8.05x10" 3.12xl0" 3 9.l6xio~ 3 12. 08x10" 3 5. 13x10" 3 7. 56x10" 3 15. 88x10" 3 11. 77xio" 3 17. 57x10" 3 5.84x10" 3 16.87x10' i4.44xio -3 Mean ; 73 ° 2 3o11 2.o6xio" 3 14.77 9.35xl0" 3 16.89 io.62xio" 3 ^ TABLE 17 VALUES OF SEWAGE EFFLUENT PHOSPHATES AM) ABS SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS s POPULATION 3^400 1956 Date gal/cap/day ppm ABS 6/13 6/25 7/2 7/9 7/16 7/30 8/6 8/1* 8/28 9/h 1*6 122 133 96 105 95 109 128 131 11* 3*22 3.25 3.6^ 1.57 2„l8 2,k6 2.74 2.66 3.33 3.28 3 . 92x10 3 23o30 28 . 35x10 ' 2^.20 2ii o 60xl0~ 5 360 00 39 . 95x10" 5 3o 30xio *.0*xl0 lo25xio~ 5 16,70 I3o38xio" 3 1.91x10' 1. 95x10" ' 3 17. *0 15. 26x10" 3 16060 13. 16x10" 5 3 27.90 25o^OxlO~ 3 18 .80 20 o 10x10 ~ 5 2.51xl0" 9 2.8*xl0" 5 3.6*xio ' 26,50 28 . 93x10" 3*13xlO~ 3 3^-0 30 32.70x10° •3 25.50 25.80 39 = 20 19.30 19.00 l6„6o 30.80 21,00 28,10 37.80 31.05x10 26 . 25x10" 5 *3-50xl0"* 15-*7xlO" 5 l6 o 65xl0 13.16x10' .3 ■3 ■3 28.00x10 22.*5xl0" 5 31. 70x10" 3 36.05x10' •3 Mean : 117.9 2.83 2.85xl0" 3 2*.17 2^l8xl0" 3 26.31 26o43xl0" 3 55 TABLE 18 VALUES OF SEWAGE EFFLUENT PHOSPHATES AM) ABS ELMHURST, ILLINOIS : POPULATION 30,000 1956 Date 6/27 7/5 7/11 7/18 7/25 Q/6 8/16 ABS 6Q 83 80 80 77 73 73 3.24 3.90 _Qr thopho sphat e Ortho + Hydrolyzable PPm ltycap/day " ppm lb/cap/day""" 3.34 1. 90x10" 5 18.40 10. 44x10* 3 ■3 2.25x10" 15.90 11.03x10" 2.60xl0" 3 19.30 12. 89x10' 5 19.50 11.07x10' 17.20 11. 9 3x10" 5 20.90 13. 97x10* 5 3.38 2.26xl0~ 3 15.60 I0.42xl0~ 3 15.90 10.63xl0" 3 1.60 1. 03x10" 3 16.60 l0.66xio~ 3 17.80 11. 43x10" 3 1.54 0.93xlO" 3 10.10 6.15X.10" 3 14.20 8.65xlO" 3 1.82 1. 11x10" 5 15.57 9.^8xl0" 3 15.57 9.^xl0" 3 Mean: 76.3 2.69 1. 73x10" 3 15, 92 10.15x10' 17.29 11.02x10" 56 TABLE 19 AVERAGE PER CENT ORTHOPHOSPHATE IH SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT EFFLUENTS Treatment Plant Per Cent Orthophosphate Southwest Champaign 93„2 Arthur 88>1 Sullivan m 5 Elmhurst g2 2 57 TABLE 20 AGRICULTURAL PHOSPHATES COMPUTED IN KASKASKIA RIVER AT FICKLIN ABOVE Orthophosphate + Hydrolyzable P 2 5 Cultivated Drainage; 109 square miles Average Tributary Sewage P 2 : 8 pounds per day iMuiuuei- ui Dampie ;s indicating Agric ultural P o ° 20 <=■ 5 of 23 Lb/day in Stream Lb/day, Agricultural Per Cent from Agricultural Lb/day/sq . mi <, , Agricultural Stream Discharge cfs 18 10 56 0„09 18 9 1 11 OoOl %k m.k 206 96 1089 18^ 10 2 20 0o02 16 102 9k 92 0„86 k9 31 23 7^ 0o21 2k 13 5 38 0„05 9.8 27 19 70 0.17 13 13 5 39 0o05 7»5 9 1 11 0.01 7-1 55 ^7 85 0.k3 17 93 85 91 0o78 2k k9 kl Qk 0.38 26 57 k 9 86 0o^5 13 27 19 70 0ol7 8.6 119 111 93 1,02 ^5 35 27 77 0o25 13 81 73 90 O067 11 17 9 53 0„08 12 11 3 27 0„03 6.8 58 TABLE 21 AGRICULTURAL PHOSPHATES COMPUTED IN KASKASKIA RIVER AT SHELBYVILLE Orthophosphate + Hydrolyzable P 2 5 Cultivated Drainage- 842 square miles Average Tributary Sewage p^j 126 pounds per day Number of Samples Indicating Agricultural P 2 ; l6 of 25 Lb/day Lb/day, Per Cent from 2^-Jjtrea m Agricultural Agricultural 152 2 6 8805 8679 17 99 205 79 39 786 660 84 1595 li+69 92 365 239 65 48840 1^714 99o6 109^ 968 88 ^97 371 75 6kl 515 80 915 789 86 662 536 8l 220 94 i^ 3 783 657 84 53 270 i44 129 3 2 Lb/day/sq mi„ ,, . Agricultural Stream Discharge cfs 0o03 282 10 = 32 1700 0,09 200 0»79 364 l»75 896 0o28 260 57»8o 2120 1.15 520 o 43 196 o„6i 220 0,94 314 o„64 118 0,11 85 = 78 220 0ol7 9o8 0o00 8.4 59 TABLE 22 AGRICULTURAL PHOSPHATES COMPUTED IN KASKASKIA RIVER AT VAJTOALIA Ortnopnospnate + Hydro lyzable P 2 5 Cultivated Drainage : 1505 square miles Average Tributary Sewages 188 pounds per day Number of Samples Indicating Agricultural P : k of 10 2 5 ifstrL A Lb/d ^ 1 ^Centfrom Lb/day/sq.mi./ Stream Discharge in Stream Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural cfs 320 132 kl = 09 1^90 22390 22202 99 U.T7 2500 1281 1093 85 200 12 6 • 73 1270 OoOl 1^8 6o TABLE 23 AGRICULTURAL PHOSPHATES COMPUTED IN KASKASKIA RIVER AT CARLYLE Orthophospnate + Hydrolyzable P Cultivated Drainages 1850 square miles Average Tributary Sewages 2^3 pounds per day Number of Samples Indicating Agricultural P 1 6 of 7 Lb/day in Stream Lb/day, Per Cent from Lb/day/sq.mi., Stream Discharge Agricultural Agricultural Agricultural C fs 992 593 378 3532 726 ^55 7^9 350 135 3289 483 212 76 59 36 93 67 ^7 O.ltf. 0.19 0.07 1,78 0o26 0.11 1010 774 570 1670 530 248 6i TABLE 2k- AGRICULTURAL PHOSPHATES COMPUTED IN KASKASKIA RIVER AT NEW ATHENS Orthophosphate + Hydrolyzable P_0 2 5 Cultivated Drainages 4020 square miles Average Tributary Sewages 962 pounds per day Number of Samples Indicating Agricultural PO: 5 of 7 Qok6 12^2 2195 2558 973 7084 280 1233 1596 11 88 23 56 62 1 l°76 0,07 0,37 0,40 0o00 1560 955 1200 815 ^51 LAKE, RESERVOIR AND STREAM SAMPLING LOCATIONS IN ILLINOIS LEGEND O LAKE OR RESERVOIR SOURCE x STREAM SOURCE FIGURE KASKASKIA RIVER BASIN LEGEND o SEWERS- NO TREATMENT • SEWAGE TREATMENT + RIVER SAMPLING POINT FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 UJ X o < a. o UJ cc X WINDSOR 8 1956 L_ NORMAL -wt -i U J ' J L M J JASOND 8 URBANA 1956 NORMAL ■J 1 L_ L -«— 1 1 L_ AMJJASOND T r: TUSCOLA NORMAL 1956 1 -J — - — i 1 1 i i i AMJJASOND MONTHS OF YEAR FIGURE 4 18 y AVERAGE MONTHLY FOR o 16 / THIRTEEN YEARS OF RECORD U. ° O u. - o en Q 14 LU oc Q z X 2 12 1 r " 1 1 1 1 1 1 WELBYVILLE II 5 \j) V * AVERA6EI956 MONTHLY < 8 ■ •I 1 1 "1 1 ' 1 i DISCHARGE >. 1 * il | 1 L.J | _j i X Z" 4 o UJ i i CD a: * UJ 1 1 1 1 1 i OL .., 1 , 1 ' i i i J" _ « _ __ , ! J F M AMJJASOND MONTHS OF 1 rEAR 10 FIGURE 5 BONDVILLE s < Ul \n z o U. o >- < Q C u Q- 0.5 Q Z o a. 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.01 J Ortho Hydrcly2otl8 plus co l • o «©- ••« \ Ortho 05 I 2 5 10 20 50 80 90 95 98 99 99.5 PERCENT OF TIME EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN FIGURE 6 FICKLIN /^BOlVE 1,000- 500- o Q_- < o -Lrfl ,0° fc Or the JL 05 I 2 5 10 20 50 80 90 95 98 99 99.5 PERCENT OF TIME EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN io.ooo ; 5,000 ■ 2 poo ■ FIGURE 8 SHELBYVllLL 1,000 ■ 500- 5 < UJ £200f en o IL. 100- o >- < o e UJ Q- 50- en en en CO 0> en z < X -■0(0 en (o UJ o oo Q lO o < o UJ UJ o o 1- ^z UJ o a: o UJ a. lO OJ d c» 00 o> "¥~cr •o o • o .•_QT UJ or o z> < 0>/ O o x -m-o- O O in o 0> o 00 o if) O rO ircr O CM m CM d m CM J.N3nidd3 39VM3S Nl Vd JO AVQ H3d SQNflOd < x i- co CO UJ _J oc o o I- < o UJ UJ u. o z UJ o UJ a. Q. • o .2? o o t: >> o x • o' ^•o UJ a: O u. < > _J -J o o Q. o x: • o • o 00 z < o to en c/> UJ ©o o I- < oS m UJ o CVJ U. o UJ o - _J O oc a >■ 4 X + o X 1- cr o o n n n fl - SHELBYVILLE ILLIN0IS-I956 20 25 30 APRIL 10 15 20 25 JUNE loopoc 50,00< ) " )- FIGURE 15 20,OOC l _ SHELBYVILLE 1956 iopoc l 5,000 - o 2,000 UJ CDIOOO o 9 ROLYZA 8 : o o O o XJ Q >- X _j 200 o „ S % 100 o o o 8 J 50- o c 10 2 1 5 5> 2- l_ 50( 3 IOC DAILY Dl< )0 I50< 5CHARGE IN CF 3 20( S )0 2500 S31dlNVS JO H39WnN 1VJL01 dO 1N30 U3d SAIlViniMDO - _l O tr Q >- X CD + 6 o X •1- tr o u_ «- o O LJ Q => H Z O C\J O < 2 s o <0 ^ CD «" S31dk\IVS dO H38IAinN 1V101 JO 1N30 U3d UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 018293503