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LI 62 REPORT NO. 283 yov^a FUNCTIONAL APPROXIMATION OF GRAPHICAL DISPLAYS by MICHAEL NOEL PAYNE September, 1968 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/functionalapprox283payn Report No. 283 FUNCTIONAL APPROXIMATION OF GRAPHICAL DISPLAYS* by MICHAEL NOEL PAYNE Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois, 6l801 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois, September, 1968. Ill ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author is very grateful to his advisor, Professor W. J. Poppelbaum for suggesting this problem and for much guidance and encouragement . He is also indebted to Professor Louis van Biljon and the members of the Circuits and Systems Research Group for their suggestions. He would also like to thank Miss Carla Donaldson and Mark Goebel for typing the manuscript and producing the drawings. XV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS '. 3 2.1 Approximation Problem . 3 2.2 Choice of Criterion k 2.3 Minimax Principle 5 2.k Orthogonality and Recurrence Relations 10 3. TCHEBYSHEV POLYNOMIALS 12 3.1 Definition and Properties 12 3.2 Main Theorem Ik k. COMPUTER IMPLEMENTATION 17 k.l Curve-Fitting Program 17 k.2 Pictures 20 5. CONCLUSIONS 26 5.1 Limitations on Degree and Coefficients 26 5.2 Scanning Techniques 27 5.3 Hardware Feasibility 28 LIST OF REFERENCES 30 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Function with Minimum Deviation 6 2 Alternating Sign Function 9 3 Geometrical Representation of Tchebyshev Polynomials 13 k Linear Transformation 16 5 Original Car 21 6 Car Using Approximating Functions 22 7 Original Fish 2k 8 Fish Using Approximating Functions 25 9 Electronic Scanning 29 -1- 1. INTRODUCTION In the field of computers, graphical displays are becoming increasingly important: Displays are being used to input and output information, the fields of programming debugging, business, data retrieval, computer-aided design, and data reductions make extensive use of graphical displays. Unfortunately, wide bandwidth has been necessary in the trans- mission of graphical displays. The goal of this thesis is to present possible techniques to achieve bandwidth reduction. One field of great importance is that of functional approxi- mation and functional encoding of graphical displays by an on-line computer system. The purpose of such a system is to take a given graphical display and decompose the display, by means of some scanning technique, into sets of continuous mathematical functions. These functions are approximated by some other mathematical function, such as polynomials. In choosing the approximating functions, limitations of the hardware of the system, degree of accuracy, and other restrictions must be taken into account. Once each function has been approximated by a polynomial, it will be represented by the coefficients of that polynomial. After the encoding of the display has been achieved, reconstruction of the display may begin. In order to reconstruct the display elsewhere, the coefficients are sent to the receiving place and are used to regenerate the approximating polynomial. Finally, the entire graphical display is constructed from these approxi- mating polynomials. This thesis will concentrate on the area of the approximating functions, in particular, on the mathematical analysis of the choice of the approximating function. Also, there will be remarks concerning the •2- choice of scanning techniques and the limitations imposed by an on-line computer system on the choice of the approximating functions. Many of the decisions were made on the basis of actually approximating simple curves and reproducing simple pictures with the aid of the 799*+ and Illiac II computers. The application of such graphical processing seem unlimited. The Circuit and System Research Group of the University of Illinois has and is doing extensive work in this area and the present outlook is very promising. ■3- 2. MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS 2.1 Approximation Problem One of the most important problems in applied mathematics is the approximation of a real continuous function f (x) by an approximating function F(A,x) which has a fixed finite number of parameters, A. A = (a, , a , . . . a ) the parameters of the approximation function F. There are two principle- aspects to this problem. First, the type of approximating function used, and second, the "exactness" of an approximation. There is no mathematical method of determining which of many approximating functions normally available will lead to the most efficient approximation of f(x). A great deal of the time, such approx- imations are made on the basis of intuition and experience. Let d represent our distance function. Thus d[f(x), F(A,x)] will represent the distance of F(A,x), our approximating function, from f(x). These distance functions for approximations are called norms. They are denoted by ' and satisfy the following properties: (1) | |f(x) | | > and | |f (x) | | - if and only if f(x) = (2) ||cf(x)|| = |c| ||f(x)| for any real number c (3) ||h(x) + f(x)|| < ||h(x)|| + ||f(x)|| Approximation Problem Let f(x) be a given real- valued continuous function defined on a set X, and let F(A,x) be a real- valued approximating function depending continuously on xeX and n parameters A. Given the distance function d, -4- determine the parameters A*eP, set of polynomials, such that for gl 1 AeP d[F(A*,x), f(x)] < d[F(A,x), f(x)] A solution to this problem is said to be a best approximation. The general approach to the approximation problem is as follows : (1) The choice of approximating function and the distance function. (2) The existence of a solution. (3) Uniqueness of a solution. (h) Characteristic and other special properties of the solution. (5) The computation of the solution. 2.2 Choice of Criterion As mentioned in the previous section, the first step to approx- imating a function f(x) is the choice of the approximating function F(A,x) and the distance function d. Polynomials will be used as the approximating functions and the distance function shall be determined by the Minimax Principle (sometimes known as the Tchebyshev Criterion). If one wished to find the "best" approximation to a function over an interval [a,b] from the set of all polynomials, it can be shown that no such polynomial exist. "Best" must be defined and restrictions placed on the set of polynomials. One possible definition of "best" could be that the deviations 2. [f(x.) - F(A,x.)] i=l be a minimum. This can be shown not to be a very satisfactory criterion of "best" fit by looking at Figure 1. The dotted line could satisfy the criterion but is not a satisfactory fit. This difficulty could possibly be avoided by specifying absolute values, minimize E |f(x ) - F(A,x )| i=l ± Even here one runs into trouble trying to find a minimum because the absolute -value function has no derivative at its minimum. This problem leads to two different choices. First, we could ask for a minimum of the square of the deviation «£ [f(x ) - F(A,x.)] 2 i=l x This can be differentiated, and moreover, the square of a variable does not have a maximum, only a minimum. This approach leads to the Least- Squares polynomials. Secondly, we ask for the maximum error to be a minimum. min max |f(x) - F(A,x) | , . . < x < b a < n This is known as the Minimax Principle, a < x, < . . . < x then: (A) There exist a polynomial P (x) of degree n -which is a best minimax approximation to f(x). (B) The polynomial P (x) is unique. (C) P (x) is the best minimax approximation to f(x) on [a,b] if and only if there are n + 2 points a < x, < x < . . . < x _ < b such that If (x. ) - P(x. ) I = max n + 2- ! v i' v i y| a < x < b |f(x) - P (x) I and f (x. ) - P (x. ) alternate in sign 1 n ' l n i for i = 1, 2, . . .n + 2. Proof: (A) The proof of the existence of an external element in a space, in particular the space of all polynomials of degree n, is very difficult. There the proof of (A) will not be given. [For a rigorous proof of part (A) the reader is referred to Ralston, A First Course in Numerical Analysis ; p. 316 (No. 37, 38)] (B) P (x) is unique. Assume Q (x) and P (x) are both 'best" approximations to f(x) on [a,b]. Let R (x) = 1/2 [P (x) + Q (x)] which is also a 'best" polynomial. . n n -8- An extrema of f (x) - R (x) can occur only at a point where f(x) - P (x) and f(x) - Q-(x) have extrema of equal sign. Hence, P (x) and Q^(x) pass through n + 2 points, which are too many points for polynomials of degree n. Therefore, P (x) ■ Q^(x). (C) P (x) is the best minimax approximation to f(x) on [a,b] if and only if there are n + 2 points a < x < x < . . . < x < b such that If (x. ) - P (x. ) I = max If (x) - P (x) I n— ' i' n i ' i x ' n ' ' and f (x. ) - P (x. ) alternate in signs for i = 1, 2, . . . l n l ' ' n + 2. (i) Assume there are n + 2 points x, , . . . x _ at which 1 n+2 f (x) - P (x) attains its maximum absolute value n E = max |f(x) - P (x) | with alternating signs, a < x < b n If Q,(x) is any function with max |f(x) - Q(x) | < E, a < x < b then P (x) - Q(x) i = 1, . . .n+2 has alternating signs, hence P (x) - Q(x) has n + 1 zeroes. If Q(x) were a polynomial of degree n, then P (x) - Q(x), which is also a polynomial of degree n, should be =0, or P (x) = Q(x) which contradicts the assumption max |f(x) - Q(x) | < E. a < x < b (ii) Assume there are fewer than n+2 consecutive extrema with alternating signs of the function f(x) - P (x) on [a,b]. Divide [a,b] into, at most n + 1, subintervals each of which contains either only positive extrema or only negative extrema of f (x) - P (x) . This can be shown by the example in Figure 2. -9- -E -f Figure 2. Alternating Sign Function -10- Let the boundaries of these subintervals be a, y , y , . . . y , b k < n, and notice that the polynomial K. (x - y^ • (x - y ) . . . (x - y ) has constant sign within each subinterval, and opposite in neighboring sub- intervals. For an appropriate choice of n (small) we can have |f(x) - P (x) - n(x-y ) . . . (x-y )| if and n only if "51 w(x)p (x )p (x ) = for j ^ k. i=l J The reader is probably more acquainted with the following definition. Alternate Definition : A set of polynomials p (x), p (x) . . . is orthogonal over an interval [a,b] with respect to a weight function w(x) > if and only if ,.b (Pj>P k ) = / w(x)p^.(x)p k (x)dx = for j ^ k where (p.,P w ) is "the scalar product of p. and p, . ■11- Theorem Every set of orthogonal polynomials p (x) , p (x) . . . satisfies a 3-term recurrence relation of the type P , (x) = (Kac + K») + K» 'P ( x ) n+1 n-1 where K, K', K'' are constants that depend on, but not on x, Proof: Highest coef . of P , (x) n+1 For K = we can construct a polynomial Highest coef. of P (x) & n of degree n, say q^x), by ^(x) = P n+1 (x) - Kxp n (x). Expanding q^(x) in terms of our orthogonal polynomials, we have n 4 (x) = V c -P .(x) n jtb J J which yields n (A) P n+1 (x) - Kxp n (x) = is that the semicircle of radius 1 is divided into n ejjual parts and the points projected down on the x axis. The equidistant distribution in the angle variable 6 causes a strongly none^uidistant distribution of the points in the projections. -13- -1 Figure 3« Geometrical Representation of Tchebyshev Polynomials .14- Every orthogonal sets of polynomials satisfy a 3-term relations and this is sometimes given as the definition of Tchebyshev polynomials. T (x) = 1 o T x (x) = x T n+l (x) = ^M " T n-l (x ^ 3.2 Main Theorem The most important property of Tchebyshev polynomials can be written in the form of a theorem. Theorem Among all polynomials P (x) of degree n > 1 with highest co- n efficient 2 , Tchebyshev polynomial T (x) has the smallest upper bound for its absolute value in the interval -1 < x < 1. Since the upper bound of |T (x) | is 1, then this upper bound is (l/2) Proof: Define R , (x) = T (x) - P (x) n-1 ' n s ' n x ' R (x) is a polynomial of degree n-1 and also we know that T (x) attains extrema at n + 1 points which are alternately positive and negative. If the extrema of P (x) is less than that of T (x) , then at these n + 1 extrema R . (x) is n " n-1 alternately positive and negative; hence must have n real zeroes between these extrema. But R , is of degree n-1 n-1 and has at most n-1 zeroes, therefore R , (x) = and n-1 T (x) = P (x). -15- Corollary Let f(x) = 5" c.T.(x). Then the nth partial sum S (x) = .*tl 11 n i=0 n ^T c.T.(x) is the best nth degree minimax approximation to i=0 X X Proof: f(x) on [-1, 1]. f (x) - S (x) = c _T , (x) has n + 2 extrema + c . with v ; n n+1 n+1 - n+1 alternating in signs on [-1, 1], hence S (x) is the best nth degree minimax approximation. Q.E.D. It was necessary to devise a linear transformation such that these theorems could be extended to intervals of arbitrary length. See Figure h. -16- X = 2X'-o-b b-a X'=a=s>X=-l X'=b=>X= 1 Figure k. Linear Transformation -17- k. COMPUTER IMPLEMENTATION k.l Curve-Fitting Program Reconstruction of several sample pictures was achieved with the aid of a program developed by Steve Chase of the University of Illinois Department of Computer Science and modified by the author. After de- composing these pictures into sets of arbitrary curves, each curve was approximated, in the Tchebyshev sense, by choosing selected points and using these points as the function values and arguments in the following program. University of Illinois Graduate College Department of Computer Science Illiac II Library Routine E2-UOI-CF1T1-65-FR May 27, 1966 IDENTIFICATION Chebyshev Curve - Fit for FORTRAN PURPOSE Given an array of function values Y(l), Y(2), . . . Y (M) , and their arguments X(l), X(2), . . . X (M) this subroutine will determine the array A(l), A(2), . . . A(n+l) where the A's are the polynomial approxi- mation P (x) = a., + a^x + . . . + a n x (a. = A(i)) n 12 n+1 1 to this tabulated function. The criterion for this determination is the Tchebyshev criterion; namely • 18- max |P n (x j _) - y i |; (x. s x (l), y. = Y(l)) i = 1, . . '. M is a minimum for all possible choices of the a. 's. 1 RESTRICTIONS 1) M > N + 2 2) X's must be distinct (Overflow results if X(i) = X(j) for i ^ j and i, j < M) 3) M < 500 k) N < 20 ENTRY _____ DIMENSION X(500), Y(500), A(2l) read in (or compute) X, Y CALL CFIT1 (M, N, X, Y, A, EPS) where M number of tabulated points of the function. Note M < 500. N degree of the desired polynomial fit to the function N < 20. X name of the array of the independent variables . The first M entries in the array X must be distinct; i.e. X(l) =)= X(2) ^ . . . % X(M) . Y name of the array of the independent variables; i.e. Y(i) = f(X(i)), i = 1, . . '. M. A name of the array in which the subroutine is to place the N + 1 coefficients. See EXIT. -9 ESP See METHOD. Usually ESP =0.0 will work, if not try 10 . -19- EXIT METHOD . . + a .x n+1 Given a set of M points (x. , y. ) ; i =1, 2, a. is stored in A(i) where P (x) = a. + a„x + i n , 1 2 is the Tchebyshev polynomial approximation. The basic idea of the method may be described as follows. . . M, a subset of N + 2 points is selected. This subset is called the reference set; the rule for selecting it can be arbitrary since any subset of N + 2 points is satisfactory. Now a reference function f*(x) is calculated. This function is a polynomial of degree N, and its coefficients are fixed by the condition that |f*(x.) - y.)| = h for all x. in the reference set and i f*(x.) - y. alternates in sign on the reference set Then max f*(x. ) - y. i = 1, . . . M is determined. If this maximum is located at a point, say x., not in the reference set, a point in the reference set is discarded and x. is added to the reference set and a new reference function f*(x) is calculated. Then the search for the maximum is repeated, etc. Finally, when the maximum falls on a member of the reference set, this process is terminated. -20- In comparison of value of Z. = |f*(x.) - y. | for the location of a maximum it is necessary, due to rounding error, to tolerate a certain margin of error. Thus, in comparing Z. , Z. we accept Z. is greater than Z. only if Z . > Z . + EPS where EPS is twice the maximum rounding error in Z. Although this routine will often work successfully when EPS = 0, it sometimes will go into an infinite loop in this case. To avoid -9 this a value of ESP = 10 is usually sufficient. ACCURACY The solution obtained by this program may deviate from the exact condition of equal (magnitude) error at each of the N + 2 reference points, due to round-off errors. k.2 Pictures Figure 5 represents the original sample and Figure 6 represents the reproduction of the original drawing using Tchebyshev approximations on the two arbitrarily chosen curves A and B. A number of selected points were used as arguments in the approximation. The basis for the selected points were : (1) The initial point. This is the point where the curve begins. (2) Intermediate points. These are the intermediate points along the curve. They ought to be connected smoothly with the points preceding and following them. -21- CURVE A CURVE B Figure 5. Original Car •22- Figure 6. Car using Approximating Functions -23- (3) Break point. This is an intermediate point on a curve at which the curve bends in a different direction. (k) Terminal point. This is the point where a curve ends. Similar representations were done on Figure 7? yielding Figure 8. -24- CURVE C CURVE D Figure 7. Original Fish -25- Figure 8. Fish Using Approximating Functions -26- 5. CONCLUSIONS $.1 Limitations on Degree and Coefficients The relatively narrow bandwidths of on-line communication channels place a limitation on the degree and the number of coefficients of the polynomials. The bandwidth representing the number of cycles per second required to convey the information being transmitted. Not only will bandwidth limit the degree of the approximating polynomial, but also the realizability of the circuits necessary to generate the approximating polynomials and their coefficients . A polynomial of the fourth degree and its five coefficients could be realized by a hardware system. Although the class of fifth- degree polynomials and higher-degree polynomials may be desirable from the point of view of approximation, they present problems with regards to the hardware. This is not to discount the possibility of fifth- degree and higher-degree polynomials. It would be possible, for instance, to have approximating polynomials of higher degrees and eliminate the transmission of certain coefficients. Such procedures must be entirely dependent upon the approximating polynomial. In transmitting the coefficients, consideration of the degree of accuracy must be taken into account. The amount of error for the entire approximating Tchebyshev polynomial is of prime importance. The choice of Tchebyshev polynomials as the approximating functions eliminates the necessity of distributing the error, equally or weighted, among the coefficients . -27- 5.2 Scanning Techniques The actual decomposition of the graphical display can he achieved by different types of scanning techniques. It should be stated here that among the problems associated with functional approximation of graphical displays, scanning seems to be the most difficult. In particular, electronic scanning techniques require a great deal of study. The purpose of any scanning technique will be to decompose the graphical display into a set of "relatively" continuous functions. "Relatively" implying very few points of discontinuity. One possible method of scanning the graphical display is with a special curve reader. The display is read into the digital computer by means of a series of points, and is then memorized by the computer. Each point includes information concerning the position (the coordinates) and type of point. The reader could consist of a pen for position detection and a set of function switches. As the pen is moved along the curve, the coordinates of the points are detected electromagnetically and are transformed into digital quantities. The point coordinates are read into the computer by the operating switch. The type of point is dis- tinguished by selecting the appropriate function switch. A second possible scanning technique is by electronic means. Such a scanning technique would work very similarly to that in a tele- vision. The given graphical display would be scanned hortizontally from left to right and then drop down to the next line and scan hortizontally once again, continuing this process until the entire display has been scanned. Decomposition of the display into functions can be achieved by having the first function consisting of the upper most set of points on -28- the display. The second function being the next set of upper most points. Figure 9 shows an example of a display before and after using the electronic scanning technique. There are inherent problems associated with such a scanning technique. Relatively simple displays could result in sets of highly discontinuous curves of using this technique. Much of this problem could be avoided by rotating the scanning. As an example, scanning the top of the display, then the bottom and continuing this alternating method. Other variations are possible. 3.3 Hardware Feasibility The design and construction of a hardware system to achieve functional approximation and functional encoding will entail a great deal of research and ingenuity. However, considering the recent advancements in on-line computers, particularly those in the Circuits and Systems Research Group of the University of Illinois Digital Computer Laboratory, functional approximation and functional encoding of graphical displays seem to be definitely feasible. -29- CURVE #1 z CURVE #2 CURVE #3 Figure 9- Electronic Scanning -30- LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Boas, Ralph Jr. and Buck, R. Creighton, Polynomial Expansions of Analytic Functions . New York, N.Y. : Academic Press Inc., 1^6h. 2. Hamming, R. W. , Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers . York, Pa. : The Maple Press, McGraw-Hill, 1962. 3. Lanczos, Cornelius, Applied Analysis . Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice Hall Inc., 1961. h. Nievergelt, Jury, "Classnotes : Math 387," Summer, 1967. University of Illinois. 5. Ralston, A., A First Course in Numerical Analysis . New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, 1965. 6. Snyder, Martin Avery, Chebyshev Methods in Numerical Approximation . Englewood Cliffs, N.J.I Prentice Hall Inc., I966. 7. Stewart, J. L. , Fundamentals of Signal Theory . New York, N.Y. : McGraw-Hill, i960. 8. Van Valkenburg, M. E., Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis . New York, N.Y. : John Wiley and Sons, Inc., i960. UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA • R&D (Security classification ot title, body of abstract and indexing annotation mumt be entered when the overall report ia c lassitied) 1 ORIGINATING ACTIVITY (Corporate author) Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 2a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION Unclassified 26 GROUP 3 REPORT TITLE Functional Approximation of Graphical Displays 4 DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type of report and inclusive dates) Technical Report; Master's Thesis 5 AUTHORS (Last name, tint name, Initial) Payne, Michael N. 6 REPO RT DATE September, 1 7a- TOTAL NO. OF PASES 3^ 76. NO. OF REFS 8a. CONTRACT OR SRANT NO. 6. PROJECT NO. 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBERfSj 96. OTHER REPORT NOfSJ (A ny other numbers that may be assigned this report) 10 AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES 11 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES None 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Office of Naval Research Washington, D.C. 20360 13. abstract j n the field of computers, graphical displays are becoming increasingly important: Displays are being used to input and output information, the fields of programming debugging, business, data retrieval, computer-aided design, and data 'eductions make extensive use of graphical displays. Unfortunately, wide bandwidth las been necessary in the transmission of graphical displays. The goal of this thesis is to present possible techniques to achieve bandwidth reduction. One field )f great importance is that of functional approximation and functional encoding of raphical displays by an on-line computer system. The purpose of such a system is to ;ake a given graphical display and decompose the display, by means of some scanning echnique, into sets of continuous mathematical functions. These functions are ap- rroximatedby some other mathematical function, such as polynomials. In choosing the ipproximating functions, limitations of the hardware of the system, degree of accur- icy and other restrictions must be taken into account. Once each function has been ipproximated by a polynomial, it will be represented by the coefficients of that polynomial. After the encoding of the display has been achieved, reconstruction of i ;he display may begin. In order to reconstruct the display elsewhere, the coeffici- ents are sent to the receiving place and are used to regenerate the approximating polynomial. Finally, the entire graphical display is constructed from these approxi aating polynomials. This thesis will concentrate on the area of the approximating functions, in particular, on the mathematical analysis of the choice of the approxi- aating function. Also, there will be remarks concerning the choise of scanning tech liques and the limitations imposed by an on-line computer system on the choice of the ipproximating functions. Many of the decisions were made on the basis of actually &B*^TR7f TT iLiHjsli!. pi-ofrui ' eo with tho ai d ®£ »J ae 709^ and Illiac II computers UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification 14 KEY WORDS bandwidth compression graphical encoding Tchebyshev polynomials LINK A ROLE LINK ■ »OlE LINK C *OLI «T INSTRUCTIONS 1. 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Each paragraph of the abstract shall end with an indication of the military security classification of the in- formation in the paragraph, represented as (TS), (S), (C), or (V). There is no limitation on the length of the abstract. How- ever, the suggested length is from 150 to 225 words. 14. KEY WORDS: Key words are technically meaningful terms or short phrases that characterize a report and may be used as index entries for cataloging the report. Key words must be selected so that no security classification is required. Identi- fiers, such as equipment model designation, trade name, military project code name, geographic location, may be used as key words but will be followed by an indication of technical con- text. The assignment of links, rales, and weights is optional. Dl"\ FORM 1473 (BACK) L irwm.A.q.qTFT^ Securitv dassifiration r' '% *