LI B R.ARY OF THE UN IVER5ITY or ILL! NOIS 823 D36C0 1810 v.l The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. University of Illinois Library OeC 0I2M r^ uL iObS i\v u ^Qt L161— O-1096 i LIFE OF COLONEL JACK. IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. EDINBURGH : IPrintctJ Jj? Iame0 ^allantpne anH ^o* FOR JOHN BALLANTYNE AND CO. AND DROWiS" AND CROMBIE, EDINBURGH ; LONGMAN, HURST, REES, AND ORME, AND JOHN MURRAY, LONDON. 1810. CONTENTS. LIFE OF COLONEL JACK. Chap. I. V. Introduction— I am deserted by my parents, almost as soon as born — Nicknamed by my nurse Colonel Jack— Cha- ^ racters of the three Jacks, Colonel Jack, Captain Jack, ^ and Major Jack — Nurse dies, and we are turned loose "^ upon the world — Captain Jack flogged for roguery— V We pick pockets I C Chap. II. r^I get acquainted with one of the most noted pickpockets ^ in town— We steal a letter-case full of bills — Dreadfully N, distressed how to dispose of my share of the booty— My ^ comrade proposes I shall return the bills and get the re- ward promised — Proceedings thereupon .25 4 vi CONTENTS. Chap. Ilf. I am examined by the gentlemen touching the bills and letter- case, and obtain the reward of JOI.— One of them kindly takes charge of the money for me — Wo commit more thefts — My comrade purcha-cs better clothes for me — I rob a Jew of his pocket-book, full of bills and diamonds — Will agrees for a reward to give up the pro- perty 50 Chap. IV. Will returns the pocket-book, and obtains the reward — We rob an old knight In Sinithfield of a bag of money — Other adventures, in all of which we are successful — The notion of my being a gentleman, which 1 always entertain, keeps me from swearing, drinking, and such like vices— Will seduces me to become highwayman — Adventures on the road 77 Chap. V. My new profession very hateful to me — Will is in great danger of being taken for a housebreaking at Hounslow — He leaves his plunder under my bed — I meet with him by accident, and receive his directions how to dispose of the stolen goods— 1 meet Captain Jack, who informs me Will is committed to Newgate — 1 pay a visit to my old friend mentioned in the third chapter — Conversation ■with him — I am apprehended — Consequences there- of lOi Chap. VI. I visit Will, my tutor in wickedness, in Newgate — He is executed — Captain Jack proposes to me to fly into Scot- land — 1 return a poor old woman the money I had for- merly robbed her of — Captain Jack and I set out on our CONTENTS. vii journey north— The Captain's rogueries, and various adventures on the road 130 Chap. VII. Further adventures — There is no preventing my comrade from exercising his trade of a thief — We witness a whip- ping in Edinburgh — The Captain takes I- rench leave — I return my horse to the person from whom it was stolen — Learn to read and write — I am hired and cheated by a Scotch master— Meet with the Captain again— I enlist for a soldier— We desert— Adventures there- upon 153 Chap. VIII. We are kidnapped, and carried on board ship by a Vir- ginia captaiu — Make the coast of Virginia in ^2 days- Captain Jack makes his escape — A peep into futurity — 1 am sold along with the others to a rich planter — My master holds a long conversation with me, and, in conse- quence of my gojd behaviour, puts me in a place of trust 181 Chap. IX. I stumble at the threshold of my new office — I study to render the negro/es obedient without punishment, and succeed-— Our master visits the plantation — Conversation ■with him— I gain his good graces more and more— Fi» delity of a negro 207 Chap. X. My master gives me my liberty, and puts me into a plan- tation for myself — Proceedings as a planter — I get my bill cashed in London, and a sorted parcel of goods sent out for its amount — The greatest part of them are lost at the mouth of the bay — Reflections 239 PREFACE TO THE LIFE OF COLONEL JACK. Prefaces are so customary before books of this nature, to introduce them into the world by a dis- play of their excellencies, that it might be thought too presuming to send this performance abroad, without some such preliminary. And yet I may venture to say, it needs this good office as little as any that has ever gone before it. The pleasant and delightful part speaks for itself; the useful and instructive is so large, and has such a ten- dency to improve the mind, and rectify the man- ners, that it would employ a volume, large as it- self, to particularize the instructions that may be drawn from it. X PREFACE. Here is room for just and copious observations on the blessings and advantages of a sober and well-governed education, and the ruin of so many thousands of all ranks in this nation for want of it ; here, also, we may see how much public schools and charities might be improved, to prevent the destruction of so many unhappy children, as, in this town, are every year bred up for the execu- tioner. The miserable condition of multitudes of youth, many of whose natural tempers are docible, and would lead them to learn the best things rather than the worst, is truly deplorable, and is abun- dantly seen in the history of this man's childhood; where, though circumstances formed him by ne- cessity to be a thief, surprising rectitude of prin- ciples remained with him, and made him early ab- hor the worst part of his trade, and at length to forsake the whole of it. Had he come into the world with the advantage of a virtuous education, ' and been instructed how to improve the gene- rous principles he had in him, what a figure might he not have made, either as a man, or a Christian. The various turns of his fortune, in different PREFACE. XI gceiies of life, make a delightful field for the rea- der to wander in ; a garden where he may gather wholesome and medicinal fruits, none noxious or poisonous ; where he will see virtue, and the ways of wisdom, every where applauded, honoured, en- couraged, and rewarded ; vice and extravagance attended with sorrow, and every kind of infelicity ; and at last, sin and shame going together, the of- fender meeting with reproach and contempt, and the crimes with detestation and punishment. Every vicious reader will here be encouraged to a change, and it will appear that the best and only good end of an impious mispent life is repentance ; that in this there is comfort, peace, and oftentimes hope, that the penitent shall be received like the prodigal, and his latter end be better than his be^ ginning. A book founded on so useful a plan, calculated to answer such valuable purposes as have been specified, can require no apology: Nor is it of any concern to the reader, whether it be an exact historical relation of real facts, or whether the hero of it intended to present us, at least in part, with a moral romance. On either suppogj" Xll ruEFACE. tion, it is cquall}^ serviceable for the discourage- ment of vice and tlie recommendation of virtue.* Daniel De Foe. * This edition is j^rinted from tlic orii^inal one ; and a fac simile of the* na;rave(i frontispiece is i)!erixcd. i'he title, as rendered by the author, runs thus; " The iiistory of the most Remarkable 1-ife, and Lxtraordinary Adventuies, of thctruly Jionoumble ColoneiJacque, vurliiaily culled, Colo- nel Jack ; wi'" was born a Centlenian, put Apprentice to a Pick pocket, flourished six and twenty 3 eais asa Thief, and was then kidnapped to Virginia: Came back a Merchant, •was five times married to four Whores, went into the Wars, behaved bravely, got Preferment, was made Colonel of a Regiment; returned again to England, followed the fortunes of the Chevalier de St George, was taken at the Preston Rebellion; received his Pardon from the late King, is now at the bead of his l^cgiment, in the Service of the L zarina, fighting against the Turks, com; leatinz a lite of Wonders, and resolves to die a General. Written by the Author of Robinson Crusoe." THE LIFE OF COLONEL JACK CHAP. L tntrodudion-"! am deserted hy my parents, almost as soon as born — Nichiamed by my nurse Colonel Jach'-'Characters of the three Jacks, Colonel Jack, Captain Jack, and Major Jack — Nurse dies, and toe are turned loose upon the ivorld — Captain Jack fogged Jbr roguery — IFe pick pockets. Seeing my life has been such a checquer work of nature, and that I am able now to look back upon it from a safer distance, than is ordinarily the fate of the clan to which I once belonged ; I think my VOL, I. A 2 THE LIFE OF liistory may find a place in tlic world, as well as sonic, wlio I see are every day read with pleasure, thougli they have in them nothing so diverting, or instructing, as I believe mine will appear to be. My original may be as high as any body's for aught I know, for my mother kept very good com- pany, but that part belongs to her story, more than to mine ; all I know of it, is by oral tradition. My nurse told me my mother was a gentlewoman, that my father was a man of quality, and she ( my nurse ) had a good piece of money given her to take me off his hands, and deliver him and my mother from the importunities that usually attend the misfortune of having a child to keep, that should not be seen or heard of. My father, it seems, gave my nurse something more than was agreed for, at my mother's request, upon her solemn promise, that she would use me well, and let me be put to school ; and charged her, that if I lived to come to any bigness, capable to understand the meaning of it, she should always take care to bid me remember, that I was a gentle- man ; and tliis, he said, was all the education lie would desire of her for me ; for he did not doubt, he said, but that some time or other, the very hint would inspire me with thoughts suitable to my birth, and that I would certainly act hke a gentleman, if I believed myself to be so. 11 COLONEL JACK. 3 But my disasters were not directed to an end as soon as they began. It is very seldom that the un- fortunate are so but for a day ; as the great rise by degrees of greatness to the pitch of glory, in which they shine, so the miserable sink to the depth of their misery by a continued series of disaster, and are long in the tortures and agonies of their dis- tressed circumstances, before a turn of fortune, if ever such a thing happens to them, gives them a prospect of deliverance. My nurse was as honest to the engagement she had entered into, as could be expected from one of her employment, and particularly as honest as her circumstances would give her leave to be ; for she bred me up very carefully with her own son, and with another son of shame like me, who she had taken upon the same terms. My name was John, as she told me, but neither she or I, knew any thing of a sirname that belonged to me ; so I was left to call myself Mr Any-thing, what I pleased, as fortune and better circumstances should give occasion. It happened that her own son (for she had a lit- tle boy of her own, about one year older than I) was called John too ; and about two years after she took another son of shame, as I called it above, to keep as she did me, and his name was John too. As we were all Johns, we were all Jacks, and 4 THE LIFE OF scion came to be called so ; for at that part of the town, wliere we had our breeding;, viz. near Good- man's-fields, the Johns are generally called Jack ; but my nurse, who may be allowed to distinguish her owT» son a little from the rest, would have him called Captain, because forsooth he wiis the eldest. I was provoked at having tliis boy called captain, and I cried, and told my nurse, I would be called captain ; for she told me I was a gentleman, and I would be a captain, that I would : the good wo- man, to keep the peace, told me, ay, ay, I was a gentleman, and therefore I should be above a cap- tain, for I shoidd be a colonel, and that was a great deal better than a captain ; for, my dear, says she, every tarpawhn, if he gets but to be lieutenant of a press smack, is called captain, but colonels are sol- diers, and none but gentlemen are ever made co- lonels ; besides, says she, I have known colonels come to be lords, and generals, though they were bastards at first, and therefore you shall be called Colonel. Well, I was hushed indeed with this for the pre- sent, but not thoroughly pleased, till a little while after I heard her tell her own boy, that I was a gentleman, and therefore he must call me colonel ; at which her boy fell a crying, and he would be called colonel. That part pleased me to the life, that he should cry to be called colonel, for then T COLONEL JACK. ^ was satisfied that it was above a captain : so uni- versally is ambition seated in the minds of men, that not a beggar-boy but has his share of it. So here was colonel Jack, and captain Jack ; as for the third boy, he was only plain Jack for some years after, till he came to preferment by the merit of his birth, as you shall hear in its place. We were hopeful boys all three of us, and pro- mised very early, by many repeated circumstances of our lives, that we would all be rogues ; and yet I cannot say, if what I have heard of my nurse's character be true, but the honest woman did what she could to prevent it. Before I tell you much more of our story, it would be very proper to give you something of our several characters, as I have gathered them up in my memory, as far back as I can recover things, either of myself, or my brother Jacks, and they shall be brief and impartial. Captain Jack was the eldest of us all, by a whole year. He was a squat, big, strong made boy, and promised to be stout when grown up to be a man, but not to be tall. His temper was sly, sullen, re- served, malicious, revengeful ; and withal, he was brutish, bloody, and cruel in his disposition ; he was as to manners a mere boor, or clown, of a car- man-like breed ; sharp as a street-bred-boy must be, but ignorant and unteachable from a cliild. He 6 THE LIFE OF had much the nature of a bull dog, bold and des- perate, but not generous at all ; all the school-mis- tresses we went to, could never make him learn, no, not so much as to make him know his letters ; and as if he was born a thief, he would steal every thing that came near him, even as soon almost as he could speak ; and that, not from his mother only, but from any body else, and from us too that were his brethren and companions. He was an original rogue, for he would do the foulest and most villain- ous things, even by his own inclination; he had no taste or sense of being honest, no, not, I say, to his brother rogues, which is what other thieves make a point of honour of; I mean that of being honest to one another. The other, that is to say the youngest of us Johns, was called major Jack, by the accident fol- lowing ; the lady that had deposited him with our nurse, had owned to her that it was a major of the guards that was the father of the child ; but that she was obliged to conceal his name, and that was enough. So he was at first called John the Major, and afterwards the Major, and at last, when we came to rove together, major Jack, according to the rest, for his name was John, as I have observed already. Major Jack was a merry, facetious, pleasant boy, had a good share of wit, especially off-hand-wit, as COLONEL JACK. 7 tliey call it ; was full of jests and good humour, and, as I often said, had something of a gentleman in him. He had a true manly courage, feared no- thing, and could ook death in the face, without any hesitation; and yet, if he had the advantage, was the most generous and most compassionate creature alive. He had native principles of gallantry in him, without any thing of the brutal or terrible part that the captain had ; and in a word, he wanted nothing but honesty to have made him an excel- lent man. He had learned to read, as I had done ; and as he talked very well, so he wrote good sense, and very handsome language, as you will see in the process of his story. As for your humble servant, colonel Jack, he was a poor unhappy tractable dog, willing enough, and capable too, to learn any thing, if he had had any but the devil for his schoolmaster : he set out into the world so early, that when he began to do evil, he understood nothing of the wickedness of it, nor what he had to expect for it. I remember very well, that when I was once carried before a justice, for a theft which indeed I was not guilty of, and defended myself by argument, proving the mistakes of my accusers, and how they contradicted them- selves ; the justice told me it was a pity I had not been better employed, for I was certainly better taught ; in which however his worship was mistaken. 8 THE LIFE OF for I had never been taught any thing, but to be a thief ; except, as I said, to read and write, and tliat was all, before I was ten years old ; but I had a natural talent of talking, and could say as much to the purpose as most people that had been taught much more than I. I passed among my comrades for a bold resolute boy, and one that durst fight any thing ; but I had a different opinion of myself, and therefore shunned fighting as much as I could, though sometimes I ventured too, and came off well, being very strong made, and nimble withal. However, I many times brought myself off with my tongue, where my hands would not be sufficient ; and this, as well after I was a man, as while I was a boy. I was wary and dexterous at my trade, and was not so often catched as my fellow rogues, I mean while I was a boy, and never, after I came to be a man, no, not once for 26 years, being so old in the trade, and still unhanged, as you shall hear. As for my person, while I was a dirty glass-bot- tle-house boy, sleeping in the ashes, and dealing always in the street dirt, it cannot be expected but that I looked like what I was, and so we did all ; that is to say, like a black your shoes your honour, a beggar boy, a blackguard boy, or what 3^ou please, despicable, and miserable, to the last de- gree ; and yet I remember, the people would say COLONEL JACK. 9 of me, that boy has a good face ; if he was washed and well dressed, he would be a good pretty boy ; do but look what eyes he has, what a pleasant smi- ling countenance : it is pity ! I wonder what the rogue's father and mother was, and the like ; then they would call me, and ask me my name, and I would tell them my name was Jack. But what's your sirname, sirrah ? says they : I don't know, says I. Who is your father and mother ? I have none, said I. What, and never had you any ? said they : No, says I, not that I know of. Then they would shake their heads, and cry, Poor boy ! and 'tis a pity, and the like ; and so let me go. But I laid up all these things in my heart. I was almost ten years old, the captain eleven, and the major about eight, when the good woman my nurse died. Her husband was a seaman, and had been drowned a little before in the Gloucester fri- gate, one of the king's ships which was cast away going to Scotland with the duke of York, in the time of king Charles 11 ; and the honest woman dying very poor, the parish was obliged to bury her ; when the three young Jacks attended her corpse, and I the colonel, (for we all passed for her own children) was chief mourner, the captain, wlio was the eldest son, going back very sick. The good woman being dead, we, the three Jacks, were turned loose to the world. As to the Id THE LIFE OF parish providing for us, we did not trouble our- selves much about that ; we rambled about all three together, and the people in Rosemary-Lane and Ptatcliff, and that way, knowing us pretty well, we got victuals easily enough, and without much begging. For my particular part, I got. some reputation, for a mighty civil honest boy ; for if I was sent of an errand, I always did it punctually and care- fully, and made haste again ; and if I was trusted with any thing, I never touched it to diminish it, but made it a point of honour to be punctual to Avhatever was committed to me, though I was as arrant a thief as any of them in all other cases. In like case, some of the poorer shop-keepers would often leave me at their door, to look after their shops, till they went up to dinner, or till they went over the way to an alehouse, and the like, and I always did it freely and cheerfully, and with the utmost honesty. Captain Jack, on the contrary, a surly, ill-looked rough boy, had not a word in his mouth that savoured either of good manners, or good humour ; he would say Yes, and No, just as he was asked a question, and that was all, but no body got any thing from him that was obliging in the least. If he was sent of an errand he would forget half of it, and it may be go to play, if he met any boys, and i COLONEL JACK. 11 never go at all, or if he went, never come back with an answer ; which was such a regardless, dis- obliging way, that no body had a good word for him, and every body said he had the very look of a rogue, and would come to be hanged. In a word, he got nothing of any body for good will, but was as it were obliged to turn thief, for the mere necessity of bread to eat ; for if he begged, he did it with so ill a tone, rather like bidding folks give him victuals than entreating them ; that one man, of whom he had something given, and knew him, told him one day, Captain Jack, says he, thou art but an awkward, ugly sort of a beggar, now thou art a boy ; I doubt thou wilt be fitter to ask a man for his purse, than for a penny, when thou comest to be a man. The major was a merry thoughtless fellow, al- ways cheerful : Wliether he had any victuals or no, he never complained ; and he recommended him- self so well by his good carriage, that the neigh- bours loved him, and he got victuals enough one where or other. Thus we all made shift, though we were so little, to keep from starving ; and as for lodging, we lay in the summer-time about the watch-houses, and on bulk-heads, and shop-doors, where we were known ; as for a bed, we knew no- thing what belonged to it for many years after my nurse died ; and in winter we got into the ash- 12 THE LIFE OF holes, and nealing arches in the glass house, called Dallow's Glass-house in Rosemary-Lane, or at ano- ther glass-house in Ratcliff-Highway. In this manner we lived for some years; and here we failed not to fall among a gang of naked, ragged rogues like ourselves, wicked as the devil could desire to Iiave them be at so early an age, and ripe for all the other parts of mischief that suit- ed them as they advanced in years. I remember that one cold winter night we were disturbed in our rest with a constable and his watch, crying out for one Wry-neck, who it seems had done some roguery, and required a hue and cry of that kind ; and the watch were informed he was to be found among the beggar boys under the nealing-arches in the glass house. The alarm being given, we were awakened in the dead of the night with, Come out here, ye crew of young devils, come out and shew yourselves ; so we were all produced, some came out rubbing their eyes, and scratching their heads, and others were dragged out; and I think there was about seventeen of us in all, but Wry-Neck, as they called him, was not among them. It seems this was a gcod big boy, that used to be among the inhabi- tants of that place, and had been concerned in a robbery the night before, in which his comrade, who was taken, iii hopeg of escaping punishment, COLONEL JACK. 13 had discovered him, and informed where he usual- ly harboured j but he was aM'are it seems, and had secured himself, at least for that time. So we were allowed to return to our warm apartment among the coal-ashes, where I slept many a cold winter night ; nay, I may say, many a winter, as sound, and as comfortably as ever I did since, though in better lodgings. In this manner of living we went on a good while, I believe two years^ and neither did, or meant any harm. We generally went all three together ; for, in short, the captain, for want of address, and for something disagreeable in him, would have starved if we had not kept hira with us. As we were always together, we were generally known by the name of the three Jacks ; but c >lonel Jack had always the preference, upon many ac- counts. The major, as I have said, wiis merry and pleasant, but the colonel always held talk with the better sort, I mean the better sort of those that would converse with a beggar boy. In this way of talk, I was always upon the inquiry, asking ques- tions of things done in public as well as in private ; particularly, I loved to talk with seamen and sol- diers about the war, and about the great sea-fights, or battles on shore, that any of them had been in ; and, as I never forgot any thing they told me, I could soon, that is to say in a fev/ years, ^ive al- 14 THE LIFE OF most as good an account of the Dutch war, and of the fights at sea, the battles in Flanders, the taking of Maestricht, and the like, as any of those that had been there ; and this made those old soldiers and tars love to talk with me too, and to tell me all the stories they could think of, and that not on- ly of the wars then going on, but also of the wars in Oliver's time, the death of king Charles I. and the like. By this means, as young as I was, I was a kind of an historian ; and though I had read no books, and never had any books to read, yet I could give a tolerable account of what had been done, and of what was then a doing in the world, especially in those things that our own people were concern- ed in. I knew the names of every ship in the navy, and who commanded them too, and all this before I was 14« years old, or but very soon after. Captain Jack in this time fell into bad company, and went away from us, and it was a good while before we ever heard tale or tidings of him, till a- bout half a year I think, or thereabouts, I under- stood he was got among a gang of kidnappers, as they were then called, being a sort of wicked fel- lows that used to spirit people's children away; that is, snatch them up in the dark, and, stopping their mouths, carry them to houses where they had rogues ready to receive them, and so carry them on board of ships bound to Virginia, and sell them. COLONEL JACK. 15 This was a trade that liorrid Jack, for so I called him when we were grown up, was very fit for, es- pecially the violent part ; for if a little child got into his clutches, he would stop the breath of it, instead of stopping its mouth, and never troubled his head with the child's being almost strangled, so he did but keep it from making a noise. There was, it seems, some villainous thing done by this gang about that time, whether a child was murder- ed among them, or a child othenvise abused ; but it seems it was a child of an eminent citizen, and the parent some how or other got a scent of the thing, so that they recovered their child, though in a sad condition, and almost killed. I was too young, and it was too long ago, for me to remem- ber the whole story, but they were all taken up and sent to Newgate, and Captain Jack among the rest, though he was but young, for he was not then much above 13 years old. What punishment was inflicted upon the rogues of that gang I cannot tell now, but the captain, be- ing but a lad, was ordered to be three times sound- ly whipt at Bridewell ; my lord-mayor, or the re- corder, telling him, it was done in pity to him, to keep him from the gallows, not forgetting to tell him, that he had a hanging look, and bid him have a care on that very account ; so remarkable was 16 THE LIFE OF the captain's countenance, even so young, and which he heard of afterwards on many occasions. When he was in Bridewell, I heard of his misfor- tune, and the major and I went to see him, for this was the first news we heard of what became of him. The very day that we went, he was called out to be corrected, as they called it, according to his sentence ; and as it was ordered to be done sound- ly, so indeed tliey vi-ere true to the sentence ; for the alderman, who was the president of Bridewell, and who I think they called sir William Turner, held preaching to him about how young he was, and what pity it was such a youth should come to be hanged, and a great deal more, how he should take warning by it, and how wicked a thing it was, that they should steal away poor innocent children, and the like ; and all this while the man with a blue badge on, lashed him most unmerci- fully, for he was not to leave off till sir William knocked with a little hammer on the table. The poor captain stamped and danced, and roared out like a mad boy ; and I must confess, I was frighted almost to death ; for though I could not come near enough, being but a poor boy, to see how he was handled, yet I saw him afterwards, with his back all whealed with the lashes, and in several places bloody, and thought I should have COLONEL JACK. 17 died with the sight of it ; but I gi'ew better ac- quainted with those things afterwards. I did what I could to comfort the poor captain, when I got leave to come to him. But the worst was not over with him, for he was to have two more such whippings before they had done with him ; and indeed they scourg'd him so severely, that they made him sick of the kidnapping trade for a great while ; but he fell in among them again, and kept among them as long as that trade lasted, for it ceased in a few years afterwards. The major and I, though very young, had sensible impressions made upon us for some time, by the se- vere usage of the captain, and it might be very well said, we were corrected as well as he, tho' not con- cerned in the crime : But it was within the year that the major, a good conditioned easy boy, was \fA' wheedled away by a couple of young rogues that frequented the glass-house apartments, to take a walk with them, as they were pleased to call it ; The gentlemen were very well match'd, the major t was about 12 years old, and the oldest of the two that led him out, was not above 14 ; the business was to go to Bartholomew-Fair — was, in short, to pick pockets. The major knew nothing of the trade, and there- fore was to do nothing ; but they promised him a share for all that, as if he had been as expert as VOL. I. B 18 THE LIFE OF themselves ; so away they went. The two dex- trous young rogues managed it so well, that by about 8 o'clock at night, they came back to our dusty quarters at the glass-house, and sitting them down in a corner, they began to share their spoil, by the light of the glass-house fire : The major lugged out the goods, for as fast as they made any purchase, they unloaded themselves and gave all to him, that if they had been taken, nothing might be found about them. It was a devilish lucky day to them, the devil certainly assisting them to find their prey, that he might draw in a young gamester, and encourage him to the undertaking, who had been made back- ward before by the misfortune of the captain. The list of their purchase the first night, was as follows. 1 . A white handkerchief from a country wench, as she was starting up at a jack-pudding ; there was 3s. 6d. and a row of pins tied up in one end of it. 2. A coloured handkerchief, out of a young country fellow's pocket as he was buying a China orange. 3. A ribband purse with lis. 3d. and a silver thimble in it, out of a young woman's pocket, just as a fellow offered to pick her up. N. B. She missed her purse presently, but not seeing the thief, charged the man with it that 11 COLONEL JACK. 19 would have picked her up, and cried out " A pick-pocket !" and he fell into the hands of the mob, but being known in the street, he got off with great difficulty. 4. A knife and fork, that a couple of boys had just bought, and were going home with ; the young rogue that took it, got it within the minute after the boy had put it in his pocket. 5. A little silver box with 7 s. in it, all in small silver. Id. 2d. 3d. 4d. pieces. N. B. This it seems a maid pulled out of her pocket, to pay at her going into the booth to see a show, and the little rogue got his hand in and fetched it off, just as she put it up again. 6. Another silk handkerchief, out of a gentle- man's pocket. 7. Another. 8. A jointed baby, and a little looking-glass, stolen off a toy seller's stall in the fair. All this cargo to be brought home clear in one afternoon, or evening rather, and by only two little rogues so young, was, it must be confessed, extraordinary ; and the major was elevated the next day to a strange degree. He came very early to me, who lay not far from him, and said to me. Colonel Jack, I want to speak . with you. Well, said I, what do you say ? Nay, 20 THE TIFE OF said he, it is business of consequence, I cannot talk here ; so we walked out : As soon as we were come out into a narrow lane, by the glass-house, Look liere, says he, and pulls out his little hand almost full of money. I was surprised at the sight, when he puts it up again, and bringing his hand out, Here, says he, you shall have some of it ; and gives me a sixpence, and a shillings worth of the small silver pieces. This was very welcome to me, who, as much as I was of a gentleman, and as much as I thought of my- self upon that account, never had a shilling of money together before in all m}^ life, not that I could call my own. I was very earnest then to know how he came by this wealth, for he had for his share 7s. 6d. in money, the silver thimble, and a silk handkerchief, which was in short an estate to him, that never had, as I said of myself, a shilling together in his life. And what will you do with it now. Jack, said I ? I do ? says he, the first thing I do, I'll go into Rag- Fair and buy me a pair of shoes and stockings. That's right, says I, and so will I too ; so away we went together, and we bought each of us a pair of Rag-Fair stockings in the first place for 5d, not 5d. a pair, but 5d. together, and good stockings they were too, much above our wear, I assure you. COLONEL JACK. 21 We found it more difficult to fit ourselves with shoes ; but at last, having looked a great while be- fore we could find any good enough for us, we found a shop very well stored, and of these we bought two pair for sixteen-pence. We put them on immediately to our great com- fort, for we had neither of us had any stockings to our legs that had any feet to them, for a long time: I found myself so refreshed with having a pair of warm stockings on, and a pair of dry shoes ; things, I say, which I had not been acquainted with a great while, that I began to call to my mind my / being a gentleman, and now I thought it began to come to pass ; when we had thus fitted ourselves, I said. Hark ye, major Jack, you and I never had any money in our lives before, and we never had a good dinner in all our lives ; what if we should go somewhere and get some victuals, I am very hun- gry ? So we will then, says the major, I am hungry too ; so we went to a boiling cook's in Rosemary- Lane, where we treated ourselves nobly, and, as I thought with myself, we began to live like gentle- men, for we had three-penny worth of boiled beef, two-penny worth of pudding, a penny brick, (as they call it, or loaf) and a whole pint of strong beer, which was 7d. in all. N. B. We bad each of us a good mess of charm- 02 THE LIFE OF ing beef-broth into the bargain ; and, which cheered my heart wonderfully, all the while we were at dinner, the maid and the boy in the house every time they passed by the open box where we sat at our dinner, would look in, and cry. Gentlemen, do you call ? and. Do ye call, gentlemen ? I say this was as good to me as all my dinner. Not the best house-keeper in Stepney parish, not my lord-mayor of London, no, not the greatest man on earth could be more happy in their own imagination, and with less mixture of grief or re- flection, than I was at this new piece of felicity; though mine was but a small part of it, for major Jack had an estate compared to me, as I had an estate compared to what I had before : in a word, nothing but an utter ignorance of greater felicity, )/ which was my case, could make any body think himself so exalted as I did, though I had no share of this booty but 18d. That night the major and I triumph'd in our new enjoyment, and slept with an undisturbed repose in the usual place, surrounded with the warmth of the glass-house fires above, which was a full amends for all the ashes and cinders which we rolled in below. Those who know the position of the glass-houses', C0I.ONEL JACK. 23 and the arches where they neal the bottles after they are made, know that those places where the ashes are cast, and where the poor boys lie, are cavities in the brick-work, perfectly close, except at the entrance, and consequently warm as the dressing-room of a bagnio, that it is impossible they can feel any cold there, were it in Greenland, or Nova Zembla, and that therefore the boys lie not only safe, but very comfortably, the ashes excepted, which are no grievance at all to them. The next day the major and his comrades went abroad again, and were still successful ; nor did any disaster attend them, for I know not how many months: and, by frequent imitation and direc- 1 tion, major Jack became as dextrous a pick-pocket ] as any of them, and went on through a long variety of fortunes, too long to enter upon now, because I am hastening to my own story, which at present is the main thing I have to set down. The major failed not to let me see every day the effects of his new prosperity, and was so boun- tiful, as frequently to throw me a tester, some- times a shilling ; and I might perceive that he began to have cloaths on his back, to leave the ash-hole, having gotten a society lodging (of which I may give an explanation by itself on another occasion) and which was more, he took upon him to wear a shirt, which was what neither he or I 2i THE LIFE OF had ventured to do for three years before, and up- ward. "" But I observed all this while, that though major Jack was so prosperous, and had thriven so well, and notwithstanding he was very kind, and even generous to me, in giving me money upon many occasions, yet he never invited me to enter my- self into the society, or to embark with him, whereby I might have been made as happy as he, no, nor did he recommend the employment to me at all. I was not very well pleased with his being thus reserved to me I had learned from him in general, that the business was picking of pockets, and I fancied, that though the ingenuity of the trade consisted very much in slight of hand, a good ad- dress, and being very nimble, yet that it was not at all difficult to learn ; and especially I thought the opportunities were so many, the country people that come to London so foolish, so gaping, and so engaged in looking about them, that it was a trade with no great hazard annexed to it, and might be easily learned, if I did but know in ge- neral the manner of it, and how they went about it. COLONEL JACK. 25 CHAP. II. I get acquainted tvith one of the most noted pich* pockets in towi — JVe steal a letter-case fidl of bills — Dreadfully distressed hotv to dispose of my share of the booty — My comrade proposes I shall return the bills and get the reward promised-"Pro^ ceedings thereupon, J. HE subtle devil, never absent from his busi- ness, but ready at all occasions to encourage his servants, removed all these difficulties, and brought me into an intimacy with one of the most exqui- site divers, or pick-pockets, in the town ; and this our intimacy was of no less a kind than that, as I bad an inclination to be as wicked as any of them, he was for taking care that I should not be disap- pointed. He was above the little fellows who went about stealing trifles and baubles in Bartholomew-Fair, and run the risque of being mobbed for 3s. or 4s. 26 THE LIFE OF His aim was at higher things, even at no less than considerable sums of money, and bills for more. He solicited me earnestly to go and take a walk with him as above, adding, that after he had shown me my trade a little, he would let me be as wicked as I would ; that is, as he expressed it, that after he had made me capable, I should set up for my- self, if I pleased, and he would only wish me good luck. Accordingly, as major Jack went with his gen- tleman, only to see the manner, and receive the purchase, and yet come in for a share ; so he told me, if he had success, I should have my share as much as if I had been principal; and this he assured me was a custom of the trade, in order to encourage young beginn ers, and bring them into the trade with courage, for that nothing was to be done if a man had not the heart of the lion. I hesitated at the matter a great while, object- ing the hazard, and telling the story of captain Jack my elder brother, as I might call him : Well, colonel, says he, I find you are faint-hearted, and to be faint-hearted is indeed to be unfit for our trade, for nothing .but a bold heart can go through stitch with this work ; but however, as there is nothing for you to do, so there is no risque for you to run in these things the first time. If I am taken, says he, you having nothing to do in it, COLONEL JACK. 27 they will let you go free ; for it shall easily be made appear, that whatever I have done, you had no hand in it. Upon those persuasions I ventured out with him; but I soon found that my new friend was a thief of quality, and a pick-pocket above the ordinary rank, and that aimed higher abundantly than my brother Jack. He was a bigger boy than I a great deal ; for though I was now near fifteen years old, I was not big of my age, and as to the nature of the thing, I was perfectly a stranger to it ; I knew indeed what at first I did not, for it was a good while before I understood the thing as an offence : I looked on picking pockets as a trade, and thought I was to go apprentice to it ; it is true, this was when I was young in the society, as well as younger in years, but even now I understood it to be only a thing, for which, if we were catched, we run the risque of being ducked or pumped, which we call soaking, and then all was over ; and we made nothing of having our rags wetted a little : but I never understood, till a great while after, that the crime was capital, and that we might be sent to Newgate for it, till a great fellow, almost a man, one of our society, was hang- ed for it ; and then I was terribly frighted, as you shall hear by and by. Well, upon the persuasions of this lad, I walked 28 THE LIFE OF out with him ; a poor innocent boy, and (as I re- member my very thoughts perfectly well) I had no evil in my intentions ; I had never stolen any '^ thing in my life ; and if a goldsmith had left me in his shop, with heaps of money strewed all round me, and bade me look after it, I should not have touch- ed it, I was so honest ; but the subtle tempter baited his hook for me, as I was a child, in a man- ner suitable to my childishness, for I never took this picking of pockets to be dishonesty, but, as I have said above, I looked on it as a kind of trade that I was to be bred up to, and so I entered upon it, till I became hardened in it beyond the power of retreating ; and thus I was made a thief involun- tarily, and went on a length that few boys do, with- out coming to the common period of that kind of life, I mean to the transport-ship, or to the gal- lows. The first day I went abroad with my new in- structor, he carried me directly into the city, and as we went first to the water-side, he led me into the long-room at the custom-house; we were but a couple of ragged boys at best, but I was much the worse : my leader had a hat on, a shirt, anda neckcloth ; as for me, I had neither of the three, nor had I spoiled my manners so much as to have a hat on my head since my nurse died, w^iicli was now some years. His orders to me were to keep COLONEL JACK. 29 always Insight, and near him, but not close to him, nor to take any notice of him at any time till he came to me ; and if any hurly burly happened, I should by no means know him, or pretend to have any thing to do with him. I observed my orders to a tittle. While he peer- ed into every corner, and had liis eye upon every body, I kept my eye directly upon him, but went always at a distance, and on the other side of the long-room, looking as it were for pins, and picking them up out of the dust as I could find them, and then sticking them on my sleeve, where I had at last got 40 or 50 good pins ; but still my eye was upon my comrade, whoj I observed, was very busy among the crowds of people that stood at the board, doing business with the officers, who pass the entries, and make the cocquets, &c. At length he comes over to me, and stooping as if he would take up a pin close to me, he put some- thing into my hand, and said, put that up, and fol- low me down stairs quickly ; he did not run, but shuffled along a pace through the crowd, and went down, not the great stairs which we came in at, but a little narrow stair-case at the other end of the long-room ; I followed, and he found I did, and so went on, not stopping below as I expected, nor speaking one word to me, till through innumerable narrow passages, alleys, and dark ways, ^ve were 30 THE LIFE OF got up into Fcnchurch-street, and through BilHter- Lane into Leadenhall-street, and from thence into Leadenhall-market , It was not a meat-market day, so we had room to sit down upon one of the butcher's stalls, and he bid me lug out. Wliat he had given me was a lit- tle leather letter-case, with a French almanack stuck in the inside of it, and a great many papers in it of several kinds. We looked them over, and found there was se- veral valuable bills in it, such as bills of exchange, and other notes, things I did not understand ; but among the rest was a goldsmith's note, as he called it, of one sir Stephen Evans, for L.300, payable to the bearer, and at demand ; besides this, there was another note for L.12, 10s. being a goldsmith's bill too, but I forget the name ; there was a bill or two also written in French, which neither of us under- stood, but which it seems were things of value, being called foreign bills accepted. The rogue, my master, knew what belonged to the goldsmith's bills well enough, and I observed, when he read the bill of sir Stephen, he said, this is too big for me to meddle with ; but wheri he came to the bill L.12 10s. he said to me, this will do, come hither. Jack ; so away he runs to Lom- bard-street, and I after him, huddling the other papers into the letter-case. As he went along, he COLONEL JACK. 31 enquired the name out immediately, and went directly to the shop, put on a good grave counte- nance, and had the money paid him without any stop or question asked ; I stood on the other side the way looking about the street, as not at all con- cerned with any body that way, but observed, that when he presented the bill, he pulled out the letter- case, as if he had been a merchant's boy, acquaint- ed with business, and had other bills about him. They paid him the money in gold, and he made haste enough in teUing it over, and came away, passing by me, and going into Three-King-court, on the other side of the way ; then we crossed back into Clement's-lane, made the best of our way to Cole-harbour, at the water-side, and got a sculler for a penny to carry us over the water to St Mary- Over's stairs, where we landed, and were safe enough. Here he turns to me ; Colonel Jack, says he, I believe you are a lucky boy, this is a good job ; we'll go away to St George's-Fields and share our booty. Away we went to the Fields, and sitting down in the grass, far enough out of the path, he pulled out the money ; Look here. Jack, says he, did you ever see the like before in your life ? No, ne- ver, says I, and added very innocently, must we have it all ? We have it ! says he, who should have it? Why, says I, must the man have none of it agai» 32 THE LIFE OF that lost it ? He have it again ! says he, what d*ye mean by that? Nay, I don't know, says I, why you said just now you would let him have the t'other bill again, that you said was too big for you. He laughed at me ; You are but a little boy, says j he, that's true, but I thought you had not beea 1 such a child neither ; so he mighty gravely explained 'the thing to me thus : that the bill of sir Stephen Evans was a great bill for L.300, and if I, says he, that am but a poor lad, should venture to go for the money, they will presently say, how should I come by such a bill, and that I certainly found it or stole it ; so they will stop me, says he, and take it away from me, and it may bring me into trouble for it too ; so, says he, I did say it was too big for me to meddle with, and that I would let the man have it again, if I could tell how ; but for the money. Jack, the money that we have got, I war- rant you he should have none of that; besides, says he, who ever he be that has lost this letter-case, to be sure, as soon as he missed it, he would run to a goldsmith and give notice, that if any body came for the money, they would be stopped, but I am too old for him there, says he. Why, says I, and what will you do with the bill; will 3'^ou throw it away ? if you do, somebody else will find it, says I, and they will go and take the money : No, no, says he, then they will be stopped COLONEL JACK. 33 and examined, as I tell you I should be. I did not know well what all this meant, so I talked no more about that ; but we fell to handling the money. As for me, I had never seen so much together in all my life, nor did I know what in the world to do with it, and once or twice I was going to bid him keep it for me, which would have been done like a child indeed, for to he sure, I had never heard a word more of it, though nothing had befallen him. However, as I happened to hold my tongue as to that part, he shared the money very honestly with me ; only at the end, he told me, that though it was true, he promised me half, yet as it was the first time, and I had done nothing but look on, so he thought it was very well if I took a little less than he did ; so he divided the money, which was L.12, 10s. into two exact parts, viz. L.6, 5s. in each part ; then he took L.l, 5s. from my part, and told me I should give him that for hansel. Well, says I, take it then, for I think you deserve it all : so, how- ever, I took up the rest ; and what shall I do with this now, says I, for I have no where to put it ? Why, have you no pockets ? says he ; Yes, says I, but they are full of holes. I have often thought since that, and with some mirth too, how I had really more wealth than I knew what to do with, far lodg* ing I had none, nor any box or drawer to hide my money in, nor had I any pocket, but such as I VOL. I. c 34« THE LIFE OF say was full of holes ; I knew nobody in the world that I could go and desire them to lay it up for me ; for being a poor naked, ragged boy, they would presently say, I had robbed some body, and perhaps lay hold of me, and my money would be my crime, as they say it often is in foreign coun- tries : and now, as I was full of wealth, behold I was full of care, for what to do to secure my money I could not tell ; and this held me so long, and was so vexatious to me the next day, that I truly sat down and cried. Nothing could be more perplexing than this mo- ney was to me all that night. I carried it in my hand a good while, for it was in gold, all but 14s, and that is to say, it was in four guineas, and that 14-8. was more difficult to carry than the four guineas ; at last I sat down, and pulled off" one of my shoes, and put the four guineas into that ; but after I had gone a while, my shoe hurt me so I could not go, so I was fain to sit down again, and take it out of my shoe, and carry it in my hand ; then I found a dirty linen rag in the street, and I took that up, and wrapt it all together, and carried it in that a good way. I have often since heard people say, when they have been talking of money that they could not get in, I wish I had it in a foul clout : in truth, I had mine in a foul clout ; for it was foul, according to the letter of that saying, but COLONEL JACK. 35 it served me till I came to a convenient place, and then I sat down and washed the cloth in the ken- nel, and so then put my money in again. Well, I carried it home with me to my lodging in the glass-house, and when I went to go to sleep, I knew not what to do with it ; if I had let any of the black crew I was with know of it, I should have been smothered in the ashes for it, or robbed of it, or some trick or other put upon me for it ; so I knew not what to do, but lay with it in my hand, and my hand in my bosom, but then sleep went from my eyes : O, the weight of human care ! I, a poor beggar boy, could not sleep as soon as I had but a little money to keep, who, before that, could have slept upon a heap of brick-bats, stones, or cinders, or anywhere, as sound as a rich man does on his down bed, and sounder too. Every now and then dropping asleep, I should dream that my money was lost, and start like one frighted ; then, finding it fast in my hand, try to go to sleep again, but could not for a long while, then drop and start again. At last a fancy came into my head, that if I fell asleep, I should dream of the money, and talk of it in my sleep, and tell that I had money ; which if I should do, and one of the rogues should hear me, they would* pick it out of my bosom, and of my hand too, without waking me ; and after that thought I could not sleep a wink 3G THE LIFE OF more ; so that I passed that niglit over in care and anxiety enough, and this, I may safely say, was the first night's rest that I lost by the cares of tlii& life, and the deceitfulness of riches. As soon as it was day, I got out of the hole we lay in, and rambled abroad in the fields towards Stepney, and there I mused and considered what I should do with this money, and many a time I wish- ed that I had not had it; for, after all my rumina- ting upon it, and what course I should take with it, or where I should put it, I could not hit upon any one thing, or any possible method to secure it, and /- it perplexed me so, that at last, as I said just now, fl sat down and cried heartily. When my crying was over, the case was the same ; I had the money still, and what to do with it I could not tell : at last it came into my head, that I would look out for some hole in a tree, and see to hide it there till I should have occasion for it : big with this discovery, as I then thought it, I began to look about me for a tree ; but there were no trees in the fields about Stepney or Mile-End, that looked fit for my purpose ; and if there were any, that I began to look narrowly at, the fields were so full of people, that they would see if I went to hide any thing there, and I thought the people eyed me as it were, and that two men in particular followed me to see what I intended to do. COLONEL JACK. 37 This drove me farther ofF, and I crossed the road at Mile-End, and in the middle of the town went down a lane that goes away to the Blind Beggar's at Bednal-Green ; when I came a little way in the lane, I fomid a foot-path over the fields, and in those fields several trees for my turn, as I thought ; at last, one tree had a little hole in it, pretty high out of my reach, and I climbed up the tree to get it, and when I came there, I put my hand in, and found (as I thought) a place very fit, so I placed my treasure there, and was mighty well satisfied with it ; but, behold, putting my hand in again to lay it more commodiously, as I thought, of a sud- den it slipped away from me, and I found the tree was hollow, and my little parcel was fallen in quite out of my reach, and how far it might go in I knew not ; so that, in a word, my money was quite gone, irrecoverably lost; there could be no room so much as to hope ever to see it again, for 'twas a vast great tree. As young as I was, I was now sensible what a fool I was before, that I could not think of ways to keep my money, but I must come thus far to throw it into a hole where I could not reach it : well, I thrust my hand quite up to my elbow, but no bot- tom was to be found, or any end of the hole or cavity ; I got a stick of the tree, and thrust it in a great way, but all was one ; then I cried, nay^ 38 THE LIFE OF roared out, I was in such a passion ; then I got down the tree again, then up again, and thrust in my hand again till I scratched my arm and made it bleed, and cried all the while most violently : then I began to think I had not so much as a half- penny of it left for a halfpenny roll, and I was hungry, and then I cried again : then I came away in despair, crying and roaring like a little boy that had been whipped ; then I went back again to the tree, and up the tree again, and thus I did several times. The last time I had gotten up the tree, I hap- pened to come down not on the same side that I went up and capie down before, but on the other side of the tree, and on the other side of the bank also ; and, behold, the tree had a great open place, in the side of it close to the ground, as old hollow trees often have ; and looking into the open place, to my inexpressible joy, there lay my money and my linen rag, all wrapped up just as I had put it into the hole : for the tree being hollow all the way up, there had been some moss or light stuff, (which I had not judgment enough to know,) was not firm, and had given way when it came to drop out of my hand, and so it had slipped quite down at once, I was but a child, and I rejoiced like a child, for X hollo'd quite out aloud when I saw it ; then I run to it and snatched it up, hugged and kissed the COLONEL JACK. 39 dirty rag a hundred times ; then danced and jump- ed about, run from one end of the field to the other, and, in short, I knew not what, much less do I know now what I did, though I shall never for- get the thing, either what a sinking grief it was to my heart, when I thought I had lost it, or what a flood of joy overwhelmed me when I had got it again. While I was in the first transport of my joy, as I have said, I run about and knew not what I did; but when that was over, I sat down, opened the foul clout the money was in, looked at it, told it, found it was all there, and then I fell a crying as savourly as I did before when I thought I had lost it. It would tire the reader should I dwell on all the little boyish tricks that I played in the extacy of my joy and satisfaction, when I had found my money ; Tso I break off here : joy is as extravagant as grief, and since I have been a man, I have often thought, that had such a thing befallen a man, so to have lost all he had, and not have a bit of bread to eat, and then so strangely to find it again, after having given it so effectually over ; — I say, had it been so with a man, it might have hazarded his using some I violence upon himself. Well, I came away with my money, and having taken sixpence out of it, before I made it up again, I went to a chandler's shop in Mile-End, and bought a halfpenny roll, and a halfpenny worth of cheese, 40 THE LIFE OF and sat down at the door after I bought it, and eat it very heartily, and begged some beer to drink with it, which the good woman gave me very freely. Away I went then for the town, to see if I could find any of my companions, and resolved I would try no more hollow trees for my treasure. As I came along White-Chapel, I came by a broker's shop, over against the church, where they sold old cloaths, for I had nothing on but the worst of rags ; so I stopped at the shop, and stood looking at the cloaths which hung at the door. Well, young gentleman, says a man that stood at the door, you look wishfully, do you see any thing you like, and will your pocket compass a good coat now, for you look as if you belonged to the ragged regiment? I was afironted at the fellow. What's that to you, says I, how ragged I am ? if I had seen any think I liked, I have money to pay for it ; but I can go where I shan't be huffed at for looking. While I said thus, pretty boldly to the fellow, comes a woman out, What ails you, says she to the man, to bully away our customers so? a poor boy's money is as good as my lord mayor's ; if poor people did not buy old cloaths, what would become of our business ? and then turning to me, Come hither, child, says she, if thou hast a mind to any thing I have, you shan't be hectored by him ; the boy is a pretty boy, I assure you, says she, to COLON FL JACK. 41 ianother woman that was by this time come to her. Ay, says the t'other, so he is, a very well looking child, if he was clean and well dressed, and may be as good a gentleman's son for any thing we know, as any of those that are well dressed : come, my dear, says she, tell me what is it you would V have ? she pleased me mightily to hear her talk of my being a gentleman's son, and it brought former things to mind; but when she talk'd of my being not clean, and in rags, tlien I cried. She pressed me to tell her if I saw any thing that I wanted ; I told her no, all the cloaths I saw there were too big for me. Come, child, says she, I have two things here that will fit you, and I am sure you want them both ; that is, first, a little hat, and there, says she, (tossing it to me) I'll give you that for nothing ; and here is a good warm pair of breeches, I dare say, says she, they will fit you, and they are very tight and good ; and, says she, if you should ever come to have so much money that you don't know what to do with it, here are excellent good pockets, says she, and a little fob to put your gold in, or your watch in, when you get it. It struck me with a strange kind of joy, that I should have a place to put my money in, and need not go to hide it again in a hollow tree ; that I was . / ready to snatch the breeches out of her hands, and wondered that I should be such a fool never to 42 THE LIFE OF > think of buying me a pair of breeches before, that I might have a pocket to put my money in, and not carry it about two days together in my hand, and in my shoe, and I knew not how ; so, in a word, I gave her 2s. for the breeches, and went over in- to the church-yard and put them on, put my mo- ney into my new pockets, and was as pleased as a prince is with his coach and six horses. I thanked the good woman too for the hat, and told her I \ would come again when I got more money, and ' buy some other things I wanted, and so I came ■ ' away. I was but a boy 'tis true, but I thought myself a man, now I had got a pocket to put my money in, and I went directly to find out my companion, by whose means I got it ; but I was frighted out of my wits when I heard that he was carried to Bridewell ; I made no question but it was for the letter-case, and that I should be carried there too ; and then my poor brother captain Jack's case came into my head, and that I should be whipped there as cruelly as he was, and I was in such a fright, that I knew not what to do. But in the afternoon I met him ; he had been carried to Bridewell, it seems, upon that very affair, but was got out again ; the ease was thus : having had such good luck at the custom-house the day before, he takes his walk thither again, and aS he COLONEL JACK. 45 was In the long-room, gaping and staring about him, a fellow lays hold of him, and calls to one of the clerks that sat behind, Here, says he, is the same young rogue that 1 told you I saw loitering about t'other day, when the gentleman lost his let- ter-case, and his goldsmith's bills ; I dare say it was he that stole them. Immediately the whole crowd of people gathered about the boy, and char- ged him poi nt blank ; but he was too well used to such things to be frighted into a confession ol what he knew they could not prove, for he had nothing about him belonging to it, nor had any money, but sixpence and a few dirty farthings. They threatened him, and pulled, and hauled him, till they almost pulled the clothes off his back, and the commissioners examined him ; but all was one, he would own nothing, but said, he walked up through the room, only to see the place; both then, and the time before, for he had owned he was there before ; so as there was no proof against him of any fact, no, nor of any circumstances re- lating to the letter-case, they were forced at last to let him go ; however, they made a show of car- rying him to Bridewell, and they did carry him to the gate to see if they could make him confess any thing ; but he would confess nothing, and they had no mittimus ; so they durst not carry him into the house, HOT would the people have received him, I 44f THE LIFE OF suppose, If tliey had, they luiving no warrant for putting hini in prison. Well, when they could get nothing out of him, they carried him into an alehouse, and there they told him, that the letter-case had bills in it of a very great value, that they would be of no use to the rogue that had them, but they would be of in- finite damage to the gentleman that had lost them ; and that he had left word with the clerk, who tlie man that stopped this boy had called to, and who was there with him, that he would give L. 30 to any one tliat would bring them again, and give all the security that could be desired, that he would give them no trouble, whoever it was. He was just come from out of their hands, when I met with him, and so he told me all the story ; But, says he, I would confess nothing, and so I got off, and am come away clear. Well, says I, and what will you do with the letter-case, and the bills, will not you let the poor man have his bills again ? No, not I, says he, I won*t trust them, M'hat care I for their bills ? It came into my head, as young as I was, that it was a sad thing indeed to take a man's bills away for so much money, and not have any ad- vantage by it either ; for I concluded, that the gen- tleman, who owned the bills, must lose all the money, and it was strange he should keep the bills, and make a gentleman lose so much money for nothing. I remember that I ruminated very much COLONEL JACK. 4«5 about it, and, though I did not understand it very well, yet it lay upon my mind, and I said every now and then to him. Do, let the gentleman have his bills again, do, pray do ; and so I teazed him, with do, and pray do, till at last I cried about them ; he said. What, would you have me be found out and sent to Bridewell, and be whipped, as your brother captain Jack was ? I said. No, I would not have you whipped, but I would have the man have liis bills, for they will do you no good, but the gen- tleman will be undone it may be ; and then, I add- ed again. Do, let him have them ; he snapped me short, Why, says he, how shall I get them to him ? Who dare carry them ? I dare not, to be sure, for they will stop me, and bring the goldsmith to see if he does not know me, and that I received the money, and so they will prove the robbery, and I shall be hanged; would you have me be hanged. Jack? I was silenced a good while with that, for when he said, would you have me be hanged. Jack? I had no more to say ; but one day after this, he called to me, colonel Jack, says he, I have thought of a way how the gentleman shall have his bills again ; and you and I shall get a good deal of money by it, if you will be honest to me, as I was to you ; Indeed, says I, Rojiiji, that was his name, I will be very honest; let me know how it is, for 1 would faia have him have his bilk. 46 THE LIFE OF Why, says he, they told me, that he had left word at the clerk's place in the long-room, that he would give L. 30 to any one that had the bills, and would restore them, and would ask no questions. Now, if you will go, like a poor innocent boy, as you are, into the long-room, and speak to the clerk, it may do : tell him, if the gentleman will do as he promised, you believe you can tell him who has it ; and if they are civil to you, and willing to be as good as their words, you shall have the letter-case, and give it them. I told him, Aye, I would go with all my heart ; But, colonel Jack, says he, what if they should take hold of you, and threaten to have you whipped, won't you discover me to them ? No, says I, if they would whip me to death I won't ; Well, then, says, he, there's the letter-case, do you go. So he gave me directions how to act, and what to say ; but I would not take the letter-case with me, least they should prove false, and take hold of me, thinking .^ to find it upon me, and so charge me with the fact ; so I left it with him, and the next morning I went to the custom-house, as was agreed ; what my di- rections were, will, to avoid repetition, appear in what happened ; it was an errand of too much con- sequence indeed to be entrusted to a boy, not only so young as I was, but so little of a rogue as I was yet arrived to the degree of. COLONEL JACK. 47 Two things I was particularly armed with, which I resolved upon!; 1. That the man should have his bills again ; for it seemed a horrible thing to me that he should be made to lose his money, which I supposed he must, purely because we would not carry the letter-case home. 2. That whatever happened to me, I was never to tell the name of my comrade Robin, who had been the principal : with these two pieces of honesty, for such they were both in themselves, and with a manly heart, though a boy's head, I went up into the long-room in the custom-house the next day. As soon as I came to the place where the thing was done, I saw the man sit just where he had sat before, and it run in my head that he had sat there ever since ; but I knew no better ; so I went up, and stood just at that side of the writing board, that goes upon that side of the room, and which I was but just tall enough to lay my arms upon. While I stood there, one thrust me this wa)^, and another thrust me that way, and the man that sat behind began to look at me ; at last he called out to me ; \Vliat does that boy do there ? get you gone, sirrah ; are you one of the rogues that stole the gentleman's letter-case on Monday last ? Then he turns his tale to a gentleman that was doing busi- ness with him, and goes on thus : here was Mr -^— had a very unlucky cha«ce on Monday last, did 48 THE LIFE OF not you hear of it ? No, not I, says the gentleman. Why, standing just there, where you do, says he, making his entries, he pulled out his letter^case, and laid it down, as he says, but just at his hand, while he reached over to the standish there for a penful of ink, and some body stole away his letter- case. His letter case ! says t'other, what, and was there any bills in it ? Ay, says he, there was sir Stephen Evans's note in it for 3001. and another goldsmith's bill for about 121. and which is worse still for the gentle- man, he had two foreign accepted bills in it for a great sum, I know not how much, I think one wm a French bill for 1200 crowns. And who could it be ? says the gentleman. Nobody knows, says he, but one of our room- keepers says, he saw a couple of young rogues like that, pointing at me, hanging about here, and that on a sudden they were both gone. Villains ! says he again ; why, what can they do with them, they will be of no use to them ? I suppose he went immediately, and gave notice to prevent the payment. Yes, says the clerk, he did; but the rogues were too nimble for him with the little bill of 121. odd money ; they went and got the money for that, but all the rest are stopped ; however, 'tis an unspeak- able damage to him for wjint of his money. COLONFL JACK. 49 Wliy, he should pubHsh a reward for the en- couragement of those that have them to bring them again ; they would be glad to bring them, I warrant you. He has posted it up at the door, that he will give sol. for them. Aye, but he should add, that he will promise notto stop, or give any trouble to the person that brings them. He has done that too, says he, but I fear they won't trust themselves to be honest, for fear he should break his word. Why ? it is true, he may break his word in that case, but no man should do so ; for then no rogue will venture to bring home any thing that is stolen, and so he would do an injury to others after him. I durst pawn my life for him, he would scorn it. VOL. I. 50 THE LIFE OF CHAP. III. I am examined by the gentleman touching the hilh and letter-case^ and obtain the revoard of SO/. — One of them kindly takes charge of the money Jbr me — We commit more thefts — My comrade purchases better clothes for me — I rob a Jetv of his pocket-book, full of bills and diamonds — Will agrees for a reward to give up the property, y. HUS far they discoursed of it, and then went off to something else ; I heard it all, but did not know what to do a great while ; but at last, watch- ing the gentleman that went away, when he was gone, I run after him to have spoken to him, in- tending to have broke it to him, but he went hasti- ly into a room or two, full of people, at the hither end of the long -room ; and when I went to follow, the door-keepers turned me back, and told me, I must not go in there ; so I went back, and loitered about, near the man that sat behind the COLONEL JACK. 51 board, and hung about there till I found the clock struck twelve, and the room began to be thin of people ; and at last he sat there writing, but no- body stood at the board before him, as there had all the rest of the morning ; then I came a little nearer, and stood close to the board, as I did be- fore ; when, looking up from his paper, and seeing me, says he to me. You have been up and down there all this morning, sirrah, what do you want ? you have some business that is not very good, I doubt. No, I han't, said I. No ? it is well if you han't, says he ; pray what business can you have in the long-room, sir ; you are no merchant ? I would speak with you, said I, With me, says he, what have you to say to me ? I have something to say, said I, if you will do me no harm for it. I do thee harm, child, what harm should I do thee ? and spoke very kindly. Won't you indeed, sir? said I. No, not I, child ; I'll do thee no harm ; what is it ? do you know any thing of the gentleman's letter-case ? I answered, but spoke softly, that he could not hear me, so he gets over presently into the seat next him, and opens a place that was made to 0* OF ILL UBo 52 THE LIFE OF come out, and bade me come in to him ; and I did. Then he asked me again, if I knew any thing of the letter-case. I spoke softly again, and said, Folks would hear him. Then he whispered softly, and asked me again. I told him, I believed I did ; but that, indeed, I had it not, nor had no hand in stealing it, but it was gotten into the hands of a boy that would have burnt it, if it had not been for me ; and that I heard him say, that the gentleman would be glad to have them again, and give a good deal of money for them. I did say so, child, said he, and if you can get them for him, he shall give you a good reward, no less than 301. as he has promised. But you said too, sir, to the gentleman just now, said I, that you was sure he would not bring them into any harm, that should bring them. No, you shall come to no harm ; I will pass my word for it. Boy. Nor shan't they make me bring other people into trouble? Gent. No, you shall not be asked the name of any body, nor to tell who they are. Boy. I am but a poor boy, and I would fain have the gentleman have his bills, and indeed I did not take them away, nor I han't got them. COLONEL JACK. 53 Gent, But can you tell how the gentleman shall have them ? Boy. If I can get them, I will bring them to yoU to-morrow morning. Gent. Can you not do it to-night ? Boy. I believe I may, if I knew where to come. Gent. Come to my house, child. Boy. I don't know where you live. Gent. Go along with me now, and you shall see. So he carried me up into Tower-street, and shew- ed me his house, and ordered me to come there at five o'clock at night; which accordingly I did, and carried the letter-case with me. When I came, the gentleman asked me, if I had brought the book, as he called it. It is not a book, said I. No, the letter-case, that's all one, says he. You promised me, said I, you would not hurt me, and cried. Don't be afraid, child, says he, I will not hurt thee, poor boy ; nobody shall hurt thee. Here it is, said I, and pulled it out. He then brought in another gentleman, who it seems owned the letter-case, and asked him. If that was it ? and he said. Yes. Then he asked me, if all the bills were in it? I told him, I heard him say there was one gone, but I believed there was all the rest. 51 THE LIFE OF Why do you believe so ? says he. Because I lieard the boy, that I believe stole them, say, they were too big for him to meddle with. The gentleman, then, that owned them, said, Where is the boy ? Then the other gentleman put in, and said. No, you must not ask him that ; I passed my word that you should not, and that he should not be obliged to tell it to any body. Well, child, says he, you will let us see the let- ter-case opened, and whether the bills are in it ? Yes, says I. Then the first gentleman said. How many bills were there in it ? Only three, says he, besides the bill of 121. 10s. ; there was sir Stephen Evans's note for 3001. and two foreign bills. Well, then, if they are in the letter-case, the boy shall have 301. shall he not? Yes, says the gen- tleman, he shall have it freely. Come then, child, says he, let me open it. So I gave it him, and he opened it, and there were all the three bills, and several other papers, fair and safe, nothing defaced or diminished, and the gentleman said. All was right. Then said the first man. Then I am security to the poor boy for the money : Well, but, says the Colonel jack. 55 gentleman, the rogues have got the 121. 10s.; they ought to reckon that as part of the 301. Had he asked me, I should have consented to it at first word ; but the first man stood my friend. Nay, says he, it was since you knew that the 121. 10s. was received that you offered 301. for the other bills, and published it by the crier, and posted it up at the custom-house door, and I promised him the 301. this morning. They argued long, and I thought would have quarrelled about it. However, at last they both yielded a little, and the gentleman gave me 251. in good guineas. When he gave it me, he bade me hold out my hand, and he told the money into my hand ; and when he had done, he asked me if it was right ? I said, I did not know, but I believed it was : Why, says he, can't you tell it ? I told him. No ; I never saw so much money in my life, nor I did not know how to tell money. Why, says he, don't you know that they are guineas ? No, I told him, I did not know how much a guinea was. Why, how then, says he, did you tell me you be- lieved it v/as right ? I told him. Because I beheved he would not give it me wrong. Poor child, says he, thou knowest little of the world, indeed ; what art thou ? I am a poor boy, says I, and cried. What is your name, says he— but hold, I forgot. 56 THE LIFE OF said he ; I promised I would not ask your name, so you need not tell me. My name is Jack, said I. Why, have you no sirname ? said he. What is that ? said I. You have some other name besides Jack, says he, han't you ? Yes, says I, they call me Colonel Jack. But have you no other name ? No, said I. Plow come you to be called Colonel Jack, pray ? They say, said I, my father's name was Colonel. Is your father or mother alive ? said he. No, said I, my father is dead. Where is your mother then ? said he. I never had e'er a mother, said I. This made him laugh. What, said he, had you never a mother, what then ? I had a nurse, said I, but she was not my mo- ther. Well, says he to the gentleman, I dare say, this boy was not the thief that stole your bills. Indeed, sir, I did not steal them, said I, and cried again. No, no, child, said he, we don't believe you did. This is a clever boy, says he, to the other gentle- man, and yet very ignorant and honest ; 'tis pity some care should not be taken of him, and some- thing done for him ; let us talk a little more with COLONEL JACK. 57 him. So they sat down and drank wine, and gave me some, and then the first gentleman talked to me again. Well, says he, what wilt thou do with this money now thou hast it ? I don't know, said I. Where will you put it ? said he. In my pocket, said I. In your pocket, said he ; is your pocket whole ? «han't 3^ou lose it ? Yes, said I, my pocket is whole. And where will you put it, when you come home ? I have no home, said I ; and cried again. Poor child ! said he, then what dost thou do for thy living ? I go of errands, said I, for the folks in Rose- mary-lane. And what dost thou do for a lodging at night ? I lie at the glass-house, said I, at night. How, lie at the glass-house ! have they any beds there ? says he. I never lay in a bed in my life, said I, as I re- member. Wliy, says he, what do you lie on at the glass- house ? The ground, says I, and sometimes a little straw. Or upon the warm ashes. 53 THE LIFE OF Here the gentleman that lost the bills, said, This J poor cliild is enough to make a man weep for the ^ miseries of human nature, and be thankful for him- self, he puts tears into my eyes— and into mine too, says the other. Well, but liark ye. Jack, says the first gentle- man, do they give you no money when they send you of errands ? They give me victuals, said I, and that's better. But what, says he, do you do for cloaths \ They give me sometimes old things, said I, such as they have to spare. Why, you have never a shirt on, I believe, said he, have you ? No, I never had a shirt, said I, since my nurse flied. How long ago is that ? said he. Six v/inters, when this is out, said I. Why, how old are you ? said he. I can't tell, said I. Well, says the gentleman, now you have this money, won't you buy some cloaths, and a shirt with some of it ? Yes, said I, I would buy some cloaths. And what will you do with the rest l I can't tell, said I, and cried. What do'st cry for. Jack ? said he. I am afraid, said I ; and cried still. COLONEL JACK. 59 What art afraid of? They will know I have money. Well, and what then ? Then I must sleep no more in the warm glass- house, and I shall be starved with cold. They will take away my money. But why must you sleep there no more ? Here the gentlemen observed to one another, how naturally anxiety and perplexity attend those .. wanted a trusty friend to commit it to, but where was such a one to be found by a poor boy, bred up among thieves ? If I should have let any honest body know that I had so much money, they would have asked me how I came by it, and would have been afraid to take it into their hands, lest I be- ing some time or other catched in my rogueries, they should be counted the receivers of stolen goods, and the encouragers of a thief. We had, however, in the mean time, a great many other successful enterprizes, some of one kind, some of another, and were never so much as in danger of being apprehended ; but my compa- nion Will, who was now grown a man, and encou- raged by these advantages, fell into quite another vein of wickedness, getting acquainted with a wretched gang of fellows that turned their hands to every thing that was vile. Will was a lusty strong fellow, and withal very bold and daring, would fight any body, and ven- ture upon any thing, and I found he began to be above the mean rank of a poor pick-pocket, so I saw him but seldom : however, once coming to me in a very friendly manner, and asking me how I went on, I told him that I used the old trade still, that I had had two or three good jobs; one with a young woman, whose pocket I had picked of eleven guineas ; and another, a country- 94. THE LIFE OF woman, just come out of a stage-coach, seeing her pull out her bag to pay the coachman ; and that I followed her till I got an opportunity, and slipped it out so neatly, that though there was 81. 17s. in it, yet she never felt it go. And several other jobs I told him of, by which I made pretty good pur- chase. I always said you were a lucky boy, Colo- nel Jack, says he ; but,come, you are grown almost a man now, and you shall not be push-pin; I am got into better business, I assure you, and you shall come into it too. I'll bring you into a brave gang, Jack, says he, where you shall see we shall be all gentlemen. Then he told me the trade itself, in short, which was with a set of fellows, that had two of the most desperate works upon their hands that belonged to the whole art of thieving ; that is to say, in the evening they were foot-pads, and in the night they were house-breakers. Will told me so many plau- sible stories, and talked of such great things, that, in short, I, who had been always used to do any thing he bid me do, went with him without any hesitation. Nothing is more certain, than that hitherto, be- ing partly from the gross ignorance of my untaught childhood, as I observed before, partly from the hardness and wickedness of the company I kept, and add to these, that it was the business I might COLONEL JACK. 95 be said to be brought up to ; I had, I say, all the way hitherto, no manner of thoughts about the good or evil of what I was embarked in ; consequently, I had no sense of conscience, no reproaches upon my mind for having done amiss. Y^ Yet I had something in me, by what secret influ- ^^ I ence I knew not, kept me from the other degrees i^^^-' ^ of raking and vice, and, in short, from the general wickedness of the rest of my companions : for ex- ample, I never used any ill words, nobody ever heard me swear, nor was I given to drink, or to love strong drink; and I cannot omit a circum- stance that very much served to prevent it. I had a strange original notion, as I have mentioned in its place, of my being a jgentleman ; and several , things had casually happened in my way to increase this fancy of mine. It happened one day, that being in the glass-house yard, between Rosemary-lane and Ratcliff-highway, there came a man dressed very well, and with a coach attending him, and he came (as I suppose) to buy glass-bottles, or some other goods, as they sold ; and in bargaining for his goods, he swore most horrible oaths at every two or three words. At length the master of the glass- house, an ancient grave gentleman, took the liberty to reprove him, which at first made him swear the worse ; after a while, the gentleman was a httle 96 THE LIFE OF calmer, but still he swore very mucli, though not sa bad as at first. After some time, the master of the glass-house turned from him, — Really, sir, says the good old gentleman, you swear so, and take God's name in vain so, that I cannot bear to stay with you ; I would rather yoa would let my goods alone, and go somewhere else ; I hope you won't take it ill, but I don't desire to deal with any body that does so ; I am afraid my glass-house should fall on your head while you stay in it. The gentleman grew good-humoured at the re- proof, and said. Well, come, don't go away, I won't swear any more, says he, if I can help it ; for I own, says he, I should not do iu With that the old gentleman looked up at him, and, returning. Really, sir, says he, 'tis a pity you, that seem to be a fine gentleman, well bred, and good-humoured, should accustom yourself to such an hateful practice ; why, 'tis not like a gentleman to swear, 'tis enough for my black wretches that work there at the furnace, or for these ragged, na- ked, blackguard boys, pointing at me, and some others of the dirty crew that lay in the ashes ; 'tis bad enough for them, says he, and they ought to be corrected for it too ; but for a man of breeding, sir, says he, a gentleman, it ought to be looked upon as below them ; gentlemen know better, and are taught better, and it is plain you know better; COLONEL JACK. 97 I beseech you, sir, when y^i are tempted to swear, always ask yourself, is this like a gentleman ? does this become me as a gentleman ? Do but ask your- self that question, and your reason will prevail, you will soon leave it off. I heard all this, and it made the blood run chill . in my veins, when he said swearing was only fit for I such as we were. In short, it made as great an im- \ pression upon me as it did upon the gentleman ; land yet he took it very kindly too, and thanked Vhe old gentleman for his advice. But from that /time forward I never had the least inclination to / swearing or ill words, and abhorred it when I heard the other boys do it. As to drinking, I had no opportunity, for I had nothing to drink but wa- ter, or small beer that any body gave me in charity, for they seldom gave away strong beer ; and after I had money, I neither desired strong beer, or cared to part with my money to buy it. Then as to principle, 'tis true I had no foun- dation laid in me by education ; and being early led by my fate into evil, I had the less sense of its being evil left upon my mind : but when I began to grow to an age of understanding, and to know that I was a thief, growing up in all manner of vil- lainy, and ripening apace for the gallows, it came loften into my thoughts that I was going wrong ; Vhat I was in the high road to the devil, and seve- VOL. I. G 98 THE LIFE OF ral times I would stop short, and ask myself, if this ,< was the life of a gentleman ? But these little things wore off again as often as they came on, and I followed the old trade again ; especially when Will came to prompt me, as I have observed ; for he was a kind of a guide to me in all these things ; and I had, by custom and application, together with seeing his way, learned to be as acute a workman as my master. _ But, to go back where I left off. Will came to / me, as I have said, and telling me, how much better business he was fallen into, would have me go along with him, and I should be a gentleman. Will, it seems, understood that word in "a quite different manner from me ; for his gentleman was nothing more or less than a gentleman thief, a vil- lain of a higher degree than a pick-pocket, and one that might do something more wicked, and better entitling him to the gallows, than could be done in our way: but my gentleman that I had my eye upon, was another thing quite, though I could not really tell how to describe it neither. However the word took with me, and I went with him. We w^ere neither of us old. Will was about i'^^ twenty-four, and as for me I was now about eight - teen and pretty tall of my age. The first time I went with him, he brought me into the company only of two more young fellows, 4 COLONEL JACK. 99 We met at the lower part of Grays-inn-lane, about an hour before sun-set, and went out into the fields toward a place called Pindar of Wakefield, where are abundance of brick-kilns ; here it was agreed to spread from the field-path to the road way, all the way towards Pancras-church, to observe any chance game, as they called it, which they m ght shoot flying. Upon the path, within- the bank, on the side of the road, going towards Kentish- town, two of our gang, Will, and one of the other, met a single gentleman, walking apace towards the town ; being almost dark. Will cried, Mark, ho ! which, it seems was the word at which we were all to stand still at a distance, come in, if he wanted help, and give a signal if any thing appear- ed that was dangerous. Will steps up to the gentleman, stops him, and put the question, that is, Sir, your money ? The gentleman seing he was alone, struck at him with his cane, but Will, a nimble strong fellow, flew in upon him, and, with struggling, got him down ; then he begged for his life. Will having told him with an oath that he would cut his throat. In that moment, while this was doing, comes a hackney- coach along the road, and the fourth man, who was that way, cries, Mark, ho ! which was to intimate that it was a prize, not a surprize ; and according- ly the next man went up to assist him, where they 100 THE LIFE OF stopped the coach, which had a doctor of physic and a surgeon in it, who had been to visit some considerable patient, and, I suppose, had consider- able fees ; for here they got two good purses, one with eleven or twelve guineas, the other six, with some pocket money, two watches, one diamond ring, and the surgeon's plaister-box, which was most of it full of silver instruments. ■ While they were at this work, Will kept the man down who was under him ; and though he promised not to kill him, unless he offered to make a noise, yet he would not let him stir till he heard the noise of the coach going on again, by which he knew the job was over on that side. Then he carried him a little out of the way, tied his hands behind him, and bid him lie still and make no noise, and he would come back in half-m-hour and un- tie him upon his word ; but if he cried out, he would come back and kill him. The poor man promised to lie still and make no noise, and did so ; and had not above lis. 6d. in his pocket, which Will took, and came back to the rest ; but while they were together, I, who was on the side of the Pindar of Wakefield, cried, Mark, ho ! too. What I saw was a couple of poor women, one a kind of a nurse, and the other a maid-servant going for Kentish-town. As Will knew that I was COLONEL JACK. ]01 but young at the work, he came flying to me, and seeing how easy a bargain it was, he said Go, Co- lonel, fall to work. I went up to them, and speak- ing to the elderly woman, Nurse, said I, don't be in such haste, I want to speak with you ; at which they both stopped, and looked a little frighted. Don't be frighted, sweetheart, said I to the maid, a little of that money in the bottom of your pocket will make all easy, and I will do you no harm. By this time Will came up to us, for they did not see him before ; then they began to scream out. Hold, says I, make no noise, unless you have a mind to force us to murder you whether we will or no ; give me your money presently, and make no words, and we shan't hurt you. Upon this, the poor maid pulled out 5s. 6d. and the old woman a guinea, aii.'A a shining, crying heartily for her money, and said^ it was all she had left in the world. Well, we took it for all that, though it made my very heart bleed to see what agony the poor woman was in at parting with it, and I asked her where she lived ; she said her name was Smith, and she lived at Kentish- town : I said nothing to her, but bid them go on about their business, and I gave Will the money ; so in a few minutes we were all together again : says one of the other rogues, Come, this is well enough for one road, it's time to be gone. So we jogged away, crossing the fields, out of the path to- 102 THE LIFE OF wards Tottenham-court; But hold, says Will, I must go and untie the man. D-mn him, says one of them, let him lye ; No, says Will, I won't be worse than my word, I will untie him. So he went to the place, but the man was gone ; either he had untied himself, or somebody had passed by, and he had called for help, and so was un- tied, for he could not find him, nor make him hear, though he ventured to call twice for him aloud. This made us hasten away the faster, and get- ting into Tottenham-court road, they thought it was a little too near, so they made into the town at St Giles's, and crossing to Piccadilly, went to Hyde-park-gate ; here they ventured to rob another coach, that is to say, one of the two other rogu- es and Will did it between the Park-Gate and Knightsbridge ; there was in it only a gentleman and a punk that he had picked up, it seems, at the Spring-garden a little farther. They took the gentleman's money, his watch, and his silver-hilt- ed sword ; but when they came to the slut, she damned and cursed them for robbing the gentle- man of his money, and leaving none for her ; as for herself, she had not one sixpenny piece about her, though she was indeed well enough dressed too. Having made this adventure, we left that road COLONEL JACK. 103 too, and went over the fields to Chelsea. In the way from Westminster to Chelsea, we met three gen* tlemen, but they were too strong for us to meddle with ; they had been afraid to come over the fields so late, (for by this time it was eight o'clock, and though the moon gave some light, yet it was too late and too dark to be safe,) so they hired three men at Chelsea, two with pitchforks, and the third, a waterman, with a boat-hook-staff to guard them, we would have steered clear of them, and cared not to have them see us, if we could help it, but they did see us, and cried. Who comes there ? we an- swered, friends ; and so they went on to our great satisfaction. 104 THE LIFE OF CHAP, v; My neii) profession veri/ hateful to me'^Will is in great danger of being taken Jbr a housebreaking at HoimslotV""He leaves his plunder under my bed -*■-/ meet with him by accident, and receive his directions hoiv to dispose of the stolen goods^-I meet captain Jack who informs me Will is com' mitted to Newgate—^I pay a visit to my old friend mentioned in the third chapter'— Conversation with him"'! am apprehended'—Consequences thereof W HEN we came to Chelsea, it seems we had other work to do, which I had not been made privy to ; and this was a house to be robbed. They had some inteUigence, it seems, with a servant in the house, who was of their gang ; this rogue was a waiting-man, or footman, and he had a watch- word to let them in by ; but this fellow, not' for want of being a villain, but by getting drunk, and not minding his part of the work, disappointed us ; COLO'N^EL JACK. 105 for he had promised to rise at two o'clock in the morning and let us all in, but, being very drunk, and not come in at eleven o'clock, his master order ed him to be shut out, and the doors locked up, and charged the other servants not to let him in up- on any terms whatsoever. We came about the house at one o'clock to make our observations, intending to go and lye under Beaufort-house-wall till the clock struck two, and then to come again ; but, behold I when we came to the house, there lay the fellow at the door fast asleep, and very drunk. Will, who I found was the leader in all these things, waked the fellow, who, as he had had about two hours sleep, was a little come to himfelf, and told them the misfortune, as he called it, and that he could not get in ; they had some instruments about them, by which they could have broken in by force ; but Will considered, that as it was but waiting till an other time, and they should be let in quietly, they resolved to give it over for that time. But this was a happy drunken -bout for the family ; for the fellow having let fall some words in his drink, for he was a saucy one, as well as a drunken one, and talked oddly, as that it had been better they had let him in, and he would make them pay dear for it, or some such thing ; the master hearing of it, turned him away in the 106 THE LIFE OF morning, and never let him come into his house again ; so I say, it was a happy drunkenness to the family, for it saved them from being robbed, and perhaps murdered ; for they were a cursed bloody crew, and, as I found, were about thirteen of them in all, whereof three of them made it their business to get into gentlemens' services, and so to open doors in the night, and let the other rogues in upon them to rob and destroy them. I rambled this whole night with them. They went from Chelsea, being disappointed there as above, to Kensington; there they broke into a brew house and wash house, and by that means into an out-kitchen of a gentleman's house, where they unhangM a small copper, and brought it oif, and stole about a hundred wt. of pewter, and went clear off with that too ; and every one going their own by-ways, they found means to get safe to their several receptacles where they used to dis- pose of such things. We lay still the next day, and shared the effects stolen that night, of which my share came to 81. 19s.— The copper and pewter being weighed, and cast up, a person was at hand to take it as money, at about half value, and in the afternoon. Will and I came away together. Will was mighty full of the success we had had, and how we might be sure of the like this way everyday. But he observed, that I COLONEL JACK. IO7 did not seem so elevated at the success of that night's ramble as I used to be, and also that I did not take any great notice of the expectations he was in, of what was to come, yet I had said little to him at that time. But my heart was full of the poor woman's case at Kentish-town, and I resolved, ifpossible, tofind her out, and give her her money : with the abhor* rence that filled my mind at the cruelty of that act, there necessarily followed a little distaste of the thing itself; and now it came into my head with a double force, that this was the high road to the de- vil, and that certainly this was not the life of a gentleman. Will and I parted for that time, but next morn- ing we met again, and Will was mighty brisk and merry ; And now, Colonel Jack, says he, we shall be rich very quickly ; Well, says I, and what shall we do when we are rich ? Do, says he, we will buy a couple of good horses, and go farther a field. Wliat do you mean by farther a field, says I ? Why says he, we will take the highway like gentlemen, and then we shall get a great deal of money in- deed. Well, says I, what then ? Why then, says he, we shall live like gentlemen. But Will, says I, if we get a great deal of mo- ^OS THE LIFE OF ney shan't we leave this trade off, and sit down, and be safe and quiet ? "" Ay, says Will, when we have got a great estate I we shall be willing to lay it down ; But where, says 1 1, shall we be before that time comes, if we should drive on this cursed kind of trade ? Prithee never think of that, says Will, if you think of those things, you will never be Mt to be a gentleman. He touched me there indeed, for it run much in my mind still that I was to be a gen- tleman, and it made me dumb for a while ; but I came to my self after a little while, and I said to him, pretty tartly, WTiy, Will, do you call this way of living the life of a gentleman ? Why, says Will, why not ? Why, says I, was it like a gentleman for me to take that 22s. from a poor ancient woman, when she begged of me upon her knees not to take it, and told me it was all she had in the world to buy her bread for herself and a sick child which she had at home; do you think I could be so cruel, if you had not stood by and made me do it ; why, I cried at doing it as much as the poor woman did, though I did not let you see me. You fool you, says Will, you will never be fit for our business indeed if you mind such things as those ; I shall bring you off those things quickly. \JV\Tiy, if you will be fit for business, you must learn COLOl^EL JACK. 109 to fight when they resist, and cut their throats when they submit; you must learn to stop their breath, that they may beg and pray no more. What signifies pity, prithee who will pity us when we come to the Old Bailey ? I warrant you that whining old woman, that begged so heartily for her 22s. would let you and I beg upon our knees and would not save our lives, by not coming in for an evidence against us ; did you ever see any of them cry when they see gentlemen go to the gal- lows? Well, Will says I, you had better let us keep to the business we were in before ; there was no such cruel doings in that, and yet we got more money by it then I believe we shall get at this. No, no, says Will, you are a fool; you don't know what fine things we shall do in a little while. Upon this discourse we parted for that time ; but I resolved with myself, that I would never be con- cerned with him that way any more. The truth is, they were such a dreadful gang, such horrid barbarous villains, that even that little while that I was among them, my very blood run cold in my veins at what I heard, particularly the continued raving and damning one another, and themselves at every word they spoke ; and then the horrid resolutions of murder, and cutting throats, which I perceived was in their minds upon any occasion that should present. This appeared first in their f- 110 THE LIFE OF discourse upon the disappointment they met with at Chelsea, where the two rogues that were with us, ay, and Will too, damned and raged that they could not get into the house, and swore they would have cut the gentleman's throat if they had got in ; and shook hands, damning and cursing themselves, if they did not murther the whole family as soon as Tom (that was the man servant) could get an opportunity to let them in. Two days after this. Will came to my lodging ; for I had now got a room by myself, had bought me tolerable good clothes and some shirts, and began to look like other folks ; but as it happened, I was abroad upon the scout another way ; for though I was not hardened enough for so black a villain as Will would have had me be, yet I had not arrived to any principle sufficient to keep me from a life, in its degree wicked enough, which tended .to the same destruction, though not in so violent IJ^nd precipitant degrees. I had his message deliver- ed to me, which was to meet him the next even- ing at such a place, and I came in time enough to meet ; so I went to the place, but resolved before- hand, that I would not go any more with him among the gang. However, to my great satisfaction, I missed him, for he did not come at all to the place, but met with the gang at another place, they having sent COLONEL JACK. Ill for him in haste upon the notice of some booty ; and so they went all away together. This was a summons, it seems, from one of the creatures, which they had abroad in a family, where an op- portunity offered them to commit a notorious rob- bery, down almost as far as Hounslow, and where they wounded a gentlemans gardener so, that I think he died, and robbed the house of a very con- siderable sum of money and plate. This, however, was not so clean carried, nor did they get in so easy, but by the resistance they met with, the neighbours were all alarmed, and the gen- tlemen rogues were pursued, and being at London with the booty, one of them was taken ; Will, a dex- terous fellow, and head of the gang, made his escape, and though in hiscloaths, with agreat weight about him, of both money and plate, plunged into the Thames, and swam over where there was no path, or road, leading to the river ; so that nobody suspected anj'^ one's going that way. Being got over, he made his way, wet as he was, into some woods adjacent, and, as he told me afterwards, not far from Chertsey, and stayed lurking about in the woods, or fields thereabout, till his cloaths were dry ; then, in the night, got down to Kingston, and so to Mortlack, where he got a boat to Lon- don. He knew nothing that one of his comrades was 112 THE LIFE OF taken ; only he knew that they were all so closely pursued that they were obliged to disperse, and every one to shift for himself. He happened to come home in the evening, as good luck then di- rected him, just after search had been made for him by the constables ; his companion, who was taken, having, upon promise of favour, and of sav- ing him from the gallows, discovered his compa- nions, and Will, among the rest, as the principal party in the whole undertaking. Will got notice of this just time enough to run for it, and not to be taken ; and away he came to look for me ; but, as my good fate still directed, I was not at home neither. However, he left all his booty at my lodging, and hid it in an old coat that lay under my bedding, and left word that my bro- ther Will had been there, and had left his coat, that he borrowed of me, and that it was under my bed. I knew not what to make of it, but went up to go to bed ; and, finding the parcel, was perfectly frighted to see, wrapped up in it, above one hundred pound in plate and money, and yet knew nothing of brother Will, as he called himself, nor did I hear of him in three or four days. At the end of four days, I heard, by great acci- dent, that Will, who used to be seen with me, and who called me brother, was taken, a'nd would be COLONEL JACK. 113 hanged. Next day, a poor man, a shoemaker, that used formerly to have a kindness for me, and to send me of errands, and gave me sometimes some victuals, seeing me accidentally in Rosemary-lane, going by hifti, clasped me fast hold by the arm ; Hark ye, young man, says he, have I catched you ? and hauled me along as if I had been a thief appre- hended, and he the constable. Hark ye. Colonel Jack, says he again, come along with me, I must speak with you. What, are you got into this gang too ? What, are you turned house-breaker ? Come, I'll have you hanged, to be sure. These were dreadful words to me, who, thougli not guilty of the particular thing in question, yet was frighted heartily before, and did not know what I might be charged with by Will, if he was taken, as I had heard that very morning he was. With tftese words, the shoemaker began to haul and drag me along as he used to do when I was a boy. However, recovering my spirits, and provoked to the highest degree, I said to him again, What do you mean, Mr ? Let me alone, or you will oblige me to make you do it ; and, with that, I stop- ped short, and soon let him see I was a little too big to be hauled about, as I used to be when I run of his errands, and made a motion with my other hand as if I would strike him in the face. How, Jack ! says he, will you strike me ? Wilt VOL. I, H 114? THE LIFE OF you strike your old friend ? and then he let go my arm, and laughed. Well, but hark ye. Colonel, says he, I am in earnest, I hear bad news of you ; they say you are gotten into bad company, and that this Will calls you brother ; he is a great vil- lain, and I hear he is charged with a bloody rob- bery, and will be hanged, if he is taken. I hope you are not concerned with him ; if you are, I would advise you to shift for yourself, for the con- stable and the headborough are after him to-day, and if he can lay any thing to you, he will do it, you may be sure ; he will certainly hang you to save himself. This was kind, and I thanked him ; but told him, this was a thing too serious, and that had too much weight in it to be jested with, as he had done be- fore ; and that some ignorant stranger might have seized upon me as a person guilty, who had no farther concern in it than just knowing the man, and so I might have been brought into trouble for nothing ; at least people might have thought I was among them, whether I was or no, and it would have rendered me suspected, though 1 was inno- cent. He acknowledged that ; told me he was but in jest, and that he talked to me just as he used to do. However, Colonel, says he, I won't jest any moi-e with you in a tihing of such a dangerous COLO^TEL JACK. 115 consequence ; I only advise you to keep the fel- low company no more. I thanked him, and went away, but in the great- est perplexity imaginable ; and now, not knowing what to do with myself, or with the little ill-gotten wealth which I had, I went musing and alone in- to the fields towards Stepney, my usual walk, and there began to consider what to do ; and as this creature had left his prize in my garret, I began to think, that if he should be taken, and should confess, and send the officers to search there for the goods, and they should find them, I should be undone, and should be taken up for a confederate ; whereas I knew nothing of the matter, and had no hand in it. While I was thus musing, and in great perplexi- ty, I heard somebody hollo to me ; and, looking about, I saw Will running after me. I knew not what to think at first ; but seeing him alone, was the more encouraged, and I stood still for him. When he came up to me, I said to him, Wliat is the matter, Will ? Matter ! says Will, matter enough ; I am undone— When was you at home ? 1 saw what you left there, says I ; what is the meaning of it, and where got you all that ? is that your being undone ? Ay, says Will, I am undone for all that ; for the officers are after me, and I am a dead dog if I am 116 THE LIFE OF taken, for George is in custody, and he has peach- ed me and all the others, to save his life. Life ! says I, why should you lose your life if they should take you ? pray what would they do to you ? Do to me ! says he, they would hang me, if the king had ne'er another soldier in his guards ; I shall certainly be hanged as I am now alive. This frighted me terribly, and I said, and what will you do then ? Nay, says he, I know not, I would get out of the nation, if I knew how ; but I am a stranger to all those things, and I know not what to do, not I ; advise me. Jack, says he, prithee tell me whither shall I go ; I have a good mind to go to sea. You talk of going away, says I ; what will you do with all you have hid in my garret ; it must not lie there, said I ; for, if I should be taken up for it, and it be found to be the money you stole, I shall be ruined. 1 care not what becomes of it, not I, says Will ; I'll be gone ; do you take it, if you will, and do what you will with it ; I must fly, and I cannot take it with me : I won't have it, not I, says I to him, I'll go and fetch it to you if you will take it, says I, but I won't meddle with it ; besides, there is plate, what shall I do with plate ? said I ; if I should offer to sell it anywhere, said I, they will stop me. As for that, says Will, I could sell it well COLONEL JACK. 117 enough, if I had it, but I must not be seen any where among my old acquaintance ; for I am blown, and they will all betray me : but I will tell you where you shall go and sell it if you will, and they will ask you no questions, if you give them the word that I will give you. So he gave me the word, and directions to a pawnbroker, near Cloth- fair ; the word was Good totver standard. Having these instructions, he said to me. Colonel Jack, lam sure you won't betray me ; and I promise you, if I am taken, and should be hanged, I won't name you; I will go to such a house, (naming a house at Bromley by Bow where he and I had often been,) and there, says he, Pll stay till it is dark ; at night I will come near the streets, and I will lie under such a haystack all night, (a place we both knew also very well;) and if you cannot finish to come to me there, I will go back to Bow. I went back and took the cargo, went to the place by Cloth-fair, and gave the word. Good tower standard ; and, without any words, they took the plate, weighed it, and paid me after the rate of 2s. per ounce for it ; so I came away, and went to meet him ; but it was too late to meet him at the first place ; but I went to the haystack, and there I found him fast asleep. I delivered him his cargo ; what it really amount- ed to I knew not, for I never told it; ; but I went 118 THE LIFE OF home to my quarters very late and tired. I went to sleep at first, but, notwithstanding I was so weary, I slept little or none for several hours ; at last, be- ing overcome with sleep, I dropped, but was imme- diately roused with noise of people knocking at the door, as if they would beat it down, and cry- ing and calling out to the people of the house, Rise, and let in the constable here, we come for your lodger in the garret. I was frighted to the last degree, and started up in my bed ; but when I was awake, I heard no noise at all, but of two watchmen thumping at the doors with their staves, and giving the hour past three o'clock, and a rainy wet morning, for such it was. I was very glad when I found it was but a dream, and went to bed again, but was soon rou- sed a second time with the same, very same noise and words : then, being sooner awaked than I was before, I jumped out of bed, and run to the win- dow, and found it was just an hour more, and the watchmen were come about past four o'clock, and they went away again very quietly ; so I lay me down again, and slept the rest of the night quietly enough. I laid no stress upon the thing called a dream, neither till now did I understand that dreams were of any importance ; but getting up the next day, and going out with a resolution to meet brother COLONEL JACK. 119 Will, who should I meet but my former brother. Captain Jack : when he saw me, he came close to me in his blunt way, and says. Do you hear the news? No, not I, said I, what news ? Your old com- rade and teacher is taken this morning and carried to Newgate. How, says I, this morning? Yes, says he, this morning, at four o'clock. He is charged with a robbery and murder, somewhere beyond Brentford ; and that which is worse, is, that he is impeached by one of the gang, who, to save his own life, has turned evidence ; and therefore you had best consider, says the Captain, what you have to do. What I have to do ? says I ; and what do you mean by that? Nay, Colonel, says he, don'tbe angry, you know best if you are not in danger ; I am glad of it, but I doubt not but you were with them. No, not I, said I, again; I assure you I was not. Well, gays he, but if you were not with them this bout, you have been with them at other times ; and 'twill be all one. Not I, says I, you are quite mistaken, I am none of their gang ; they are above my quality. With such, and a little more talk of that kind, we parted, and Captain Jack went away ; but as he went, I observed he shook his head, seemed to have more concern upon him, than he could be supposed to have merely on my account, of which we shall hear more very quickly. I was extremely alarmed when I heard Will was 120 THE LIFE OF in Newgate, and, had I known where to have gone, would eertainly have fled as far as legs would have carried me ; my very joints trembled, and I was ready to sink into the ground ; and all that evening and that night following, I was in the uttermost consternation ; my head run upon nothing but New- gate and the gallows, and being hanged ; which, I said, I deserved, if it were for ijothing but taking that two-and-twenty shillings from the poor old mjrse. The first thing my perplexed thoughts allowed me to take care of was my money. This indeed lay in a little compass, and I carried it generally all about me. I had got together, as you will perceive by the past account, above sixty pounds, for I spent nothing, and what to do with it I knew not ; at last it came into my head that I would go to my benefactor, the clerk at the custom-house, if he was to be found, and see if I could get him to take the rest of my money : the only business was to make a plausible story to him, that he might not wonder how I came by so much money. But my invention quickly supplied that want; there was a suit of cloaths at one of our houses of rendezvous, which was left there for any of the gang to put on, upon particular occasions, as a dis- guise : this was a green livery, laced with pink-co- loured galloon, and lined with the same ; an edged COLONEL JACK. 121 hat, a pair of boots, and a whip. I went and dress- ed myself up in this hvery, and went to my gen- tleman, to his house in Tower-street, and there I found him in health, and well, just the same honest gentleman as ever. He stared at me when first I came to him, for I met him just at his door ; I say he stared at me, and seeing me bow, and bow to him several times, with my laced hat under my arm ; at last, not knowing me in the least, says he to me, dost thou want to speak with me, young man ? and I said, yes, sir; I believe your ^worship (I had learnt some manners now) does not know me ; I am the poor boy Jack ; he looked hard at me, and then recollecting me presently, says he, who, Colonel Jack ! why, where hast thou been all this while > why 'tis five or six years since I saw you. 'Tis above six years, and please your worship, says I. Well, and where hast thou been all this while ? says he. I have been in the country, sir, says I, at ser- vice. Well, Colonel Jack, says he, you give long credit ; what's the reason you han't fetched your money all this while, nor the interest ? why, you will grow so rich in time by the interest of your mo- ney, you won't know what to do with it. - To that I said nothing, but bowed and scraped 122: THE LIFE OF 3 great many times ; well, come, Colonel Jack, said he, come in, and I will give you your money, and the interest of it too. I cringed, and bowed, and told him, I did not come to him for my money ; for I had had a good place or two, and I did not want my money. Well, Colonel Jack, said he, and who do you live with ? Sir Jonathan Loxham, said I, sir, in Somerset- shire, and please your worship : This was a name I had heard of, but knew nothing of any such gen- tleman, or of the county. Well, says, he, but won't you have your money. Jack? No, sir, said I, if your worship would please, for I have had a good place. If I would please to do what, prithee ? Your money is ready, I tell thee. No, sir, said I, but I have had a good place. Well, and what dost thou mean, Jack ? I do not understand thee. ^Vhy, and please your worship, my old master, sir Jonathan's father, left me 301. when he died, and a suit of mourning, and — And what, prithee. Jack, what, hast thou brought me more money ? For then he began to under- stand what I meant. Yes, sir, said I, and your worship would be so COLONFL JACK. 1^^ good to take it, and put it all together ; I have saved some too out of my wages. I told you, Jack, says he, you would be rich ; and how much hast thou saved ? come let me see it. To shorten the story, I pulled it out, and he was content to take it, giving me his note, with inte- rest, for the whole sum, which amounted to ninety- four pounds, that is to say, 251. The first money. 91. For six years interest. 601. Now paid him. 941. I came away exceeding joyful, made him abun- dance of bows and scrapes, and went immediately to shift my clothes again, with a resolution to run away from London, and see it no more for a great while ; but I was surprised the very next morning, when, going cross Rosemary-lane, by the end of the place, which is called Rag-fair, I heard one call Jack ; he had said something before, which I did not hear, but upon hearing the name Jack, I- looked about me, immediately saw three men, and after them a constable coming towards me with great fury. I was in a great surprise, and started to run, but one of them clapped in upon me, and got hold of me, and in a moment the rest surround- 124f THE LIFE 01* ed me, and I was takcii. I asked them what they wanted, and what I had done ? They told me it was no place to talk of that there ; but shewed me their warrant, and bade me read it, and I should know the rest when I came before the justice ; so they hurried me away. I took the warrant, but to my great affliction, 1 1 - (, ^ could know nothing by that, for I could not read ; ' ' 80 I desired them to read it, and they read it, that they were to apprehend a known thief, that went by the name of one of the three Jacks of Rag-fair ; for that he was charged upon oath with having been a party in a notorious robbery, burglary, and murder, committed so and so, in such a place, and on such a day. It was to no purpose for me to deny it, or to say I knew nothing of it, that was none of their business they said ; that must be disputed, they told me, before the justice, where I would find that it was sworn positively against me, and then, perhaps, I might be better satisfied. I bad no remedy but patience ; and, as my heart was full of terror and guilt, so I was ready to die with the weight of it as they carried me along ; for as I very well knew that I was guilty of the first day's work, though I was not of the last ; so I did not doubt but I should be sent to Newgate, and then I took it for granted I must be hanged ; for COLONEL JACK. 1^^ to go to Newgate, and to be hanged, were to me as things which necessarily followed one another. But I had a sharp conflict to go through before it came to that p^^rt ; and that was before the jus- tice ; where, when I was come, and the constable brought me in, the justice asked me my name; but hold, says he, young man, before I ask you your name, let me do you justice ; you are not bound to answer till your accusers come : so, turn- ing to the constable, he asked for his warrant. Well-, says the justice, you have brought thi« young man here by virtue of this warrant ; is this young man jthe person for whom this warrant is granted ? Con. I believe so, and please your worship. Just. Believe so ! Why, are you not sure of it ? Con. An't please your worship, the people said so where I took him. J^ust. It is a very particular kind of warrant ; it is to apprehend a young man who goes by the name of Jack, but no surname, only that it is said, he is called Captain Jack, or some other such name- Now, young man, pray is your name Captain Jack ? or are you usually called so ? I presently found that the men that took me knew nothing of me, and the constable had taken me up by hear-say ; so I took heart, and told the justice, that I thought, with submission, that it was 126 THE LIFE OF not the present question, what my name was, but what these men, or any one else, had to lay to my charge ; whether I was the person who the warrant empowered them to apprehend, or no ? He smiled ; 'tis very true, young man, says he, it is very true ; and on my word, if they have taken you up, and do not know you, and there is nobody to charge you, they will be mistaken, to their own damage. Then I told his worship, I hoped I should not be obliged to tell my name till my accuser was brought to charge me, and then I should not con- ceal my name. It is but reason, said his worship. Mr consta- ble, turning to the officers, are you sure this is the person that is intended in your warrant ? If you are not, you must fetch the person that accuses him, and on whose oath the warrant was granted. They used many words to insinuate that I was the person, and that I knew it well enough, and that I should be obliged to tell my name. - I insisted on the unreasonableness of it, and that I should not be obliged to accuse myself; and the justice told them in so many words, that he could not force me to it, that I might do it if I would, indeed ; but you see, says the justice, he understood too well, to be imposed upon in that ease : so that, in short, after an hour's debating COLONEL JACK. 127 before his worship, in which time I pleaded again^ four of them, the justice told them they must pro- duce the accuser, or he must discharge me. I was greatly encouraged at this, and argued with the more vigour for myself; at length the ac- cuser was brought, fettered as he was, from the gaol, and glad I was when I saw him, and found that I knew him not ; that is to say, that it was not one of the two rogues that I went out with that night that we robbed the poor old woman. When the prisoner was brought into the room, he was set right against me. Do you know this young man, says the justice ? No, sir, says the prisoner, I never saw him in my life. Hum ! says the justice, did not you charge one that goes by the name of Jack, or Captain Jack, as concerned in the robbery and murder which you are in custody for ? Pris. Yes, an't please your worship, says the prisoner. Just. And is this the man, or is he not ? Pris, This is not the man, sir ; I never saw this man before. Very good, Mr Constable, says the justice, What must we do now ? I am surprised, says the constable ; I was at such a house, naming the house, and this young mjm I2S THE LIFE OF went by ; the people cried out, tliere^s Jack, that's your man, and these people ran after him, and ap-' ' prehended him. Well, says the justice, and have these people any thing to say to him ? can they prove that he is the person ? One said no, and the other said no ; and, in short, they all said no ; why then, said the justice, what can be done ? the young man must be discharged ; and I must tell you, Mr Constabl£, and you gen- tlemen that have brought him hither, he may give you trouble if he thinks fit, for your being so rash ; but look you, young man, says the justice, you have no great damage done you, and the constable, though he has been mistaken, had no ill design, but to be faithful to his office ; I think you may pass it by. I told his worship, I would readily pass it by at his direction ; but I thought the constable and the rest could do no less than to go back to the place where they had insulted me, and declare publicly there that I was honourably acquitted, and that I was not the man. This his worship said was very reasonable, and the constable and his assistants promised to do it, and so we came all away good friends, and I was cleared with triumph. Note. — This was the time that, as I mentioned COLONEL JACK. 129 above, the justice talked to me, and told me I was born to better things, and that by my well ma- naging of my own defence, he did not question but I had been well educated ; and that he was sorry I should fall into such a misfortune as this, which he hoped however would be no dishonour to me, since I was so handsomely acquitted. \^OL. I. 130 THE LIFE OF CHAP VI. / visit Will, my tutor in mckedness^ in Newgate^" He is executed-"Captain Jack proposes to rtie to jly into Scotland"-'! return the poor old 'woman the money I had formerly robbed her of^Captain Jach and I set out on our journey north-^—The Captain* s rogueries, and various adventures on the road. X HOUGH his worship was mistaken in the matter of my education, yet it had this good effect upon me, that I resolved, if possible, I would learn to read and write, that I would not be such an unca- pable creature, that I should not be able to read a warrant, and see whether I was the person to be apprehended, or not. But there was something more in all this than what I have taken notice of; for, in a word, it ap- peared plainly, that my brother Capt. Jack, who had the forwardness to put it to me, whether I was among them or no ? when in truth he was there COLONEL JACK. 131 liimself, had the only reason to be afraid to fly, at the same time that he advised me to shift for my self. As this presently occm-red to my thoughts, so I made it my business to enquire and find him out, and to give him notice of it. In the mean time, being now confident of my own safety, I had no more concern upon my mind about myself; but now I began to be anxious for poor Will, my master and tutor in wickedness, who was now fast by the heels in Newgate, while I was happily at liberty, and I wanted very much to go and see him, and accordingly did so. I found him in a sad condition, loaden with heavy irons, and had himself no prospect or hope of esca- ping ; he told me he should die, but bid me be easy ; for, as it would do him no good to accuse me, who never was out with any of them but that once, so I might depend upon it, he would not bring me into the trouble ; as for the rogue who had betrayed them all, he was not able to hurt me, for I might be satisfied he had never seen me in hislife; but, ColonelJack, says he, I will tell you wl.o was with us, and that is, your brother the captain, and the villain has certainly named him; and, there- fore, says he, if you can give him timely notice of it, do, that he may make his escape. 132 THE LIFE OF He said a great many things to Varn me of fol- lowing the steps he had led me. I was far out. Jack, said he, when I told you, to be a notorious thief was to live like a gentleman. He chiefly discovered his concern that they had, as he feared, killed the gentleman's gardener, and that he in particular had given him a wound in the neck, of which he was afraid he would die. He had a great sum of money in gold about him, being the same that I had carried back to him at the haystack ; and he had concealed it so well, that those that took him had not found it, and he gave me the greatest part of it to carry to his mother, which I very honestly delivered, and came away with a heavy heart ; nor did I ever see him since, for he was executed in about three weeks time af- ter, being condemned that very next sessions. I had nothing to do now but to find the captain, who, though not without some trouble, I at last got news of, and told him the whole story, and how I had been taken up for him by mistake, and was come off, but that the warrant was still out for him, fSind very strict search after him ; I say, telling him all this, he presently discovered by his surprize that he was guilty, and, after a few words more, told me plainly it was all true, that he was in the robbery ; and that he liad the greatest part of the COLONEI, JACK. 13S booty in keeping, but what to do with it, or him- self, he did not know ; and wanted me to tell him, which I was very unfit to do, for I knew nothing of the world. Then he told me, he had a mind to fly into Scotland, which was easy to be done, and ask- ed me if I would go with him : I told him I would with all my heart, if I had money enough to bear the charge. He had the trade still in his eyes by his answer : I warrant you, says he, we will make the journey pay our charge. I dare not think of going any more upon the adventure, says I ; be- sides, if we meet with any misfortune out of our knowledge, we shall never get out of it, we shall be undone ; nay, says he, we shall find no mercy here, if they can catch us, and they can do no worse abroad ; I am for venturing at all events. Well, but captain, says I, have you husbanded your time so ill that you have no money to supply you in such a time as this ? I have very little in- deed, said he, for I have had bad luck lately ; but he lied, for he had a great share of the booty they had got at their last adventure, as above ; and, as the rest complained, he and Will had got almost all of it, and kept the rest out of their shares, which made them the willinger to discover them. However it was, he owned he had about 221. in money, and something that would yield money ; I 134 THE LIFE OF suppose it was plate ; but he would not tell me what it was, or where it was, but he said he durst not go to fetch it, for he should be betrayed and seized, so he would venture without it ; sure, says he, we shall come back again some time or other. I honestly produced all the money I had, which was 161. and some odd shillings ; now, says I, if we are good husbands^ and travel frugally, this will carry us quite out of danger ; for we had both been assured, that when we came out of England, we should be both safe, and no body could hurt us, though they had known us ; but we neither of us thought it was so many weary steps to Scotland as we found it. I speak of myself as in the same circumstances of danger with brother Jack ; but it was only thus, I was in as much fear as he, but not in quite as much danger. I cannot omit, that, in the interval of these things, and a few days before I carried my money to the gentleman in Tower-street ; I took a walk all alone into the fields, in order to go to Kentish-town, and do justice to the poor old nurse ; it happened that before I was aware, I crossed a field that came to the very spot where I robbed the poor old woman and the maid, or where, I should say, Will made me. COLONEL JACK, 1^5 rob them ; my heart had reproached me many a time with that cruel action, andmanyatimel hadpromis- ed to myself, that I would find a way to make her satisfaction, and restore her money, and that day I had set apart for the work ; but was a little sur- prized that I was so suddenly upon the unhappy spot. The place brought to my mind the villainy I had /committed there, and something struck me with a i kind of wish, I cannot say prayer, for I knew not I what that meant, that I might leave off that cursed trade ; and said to myself, O ! that I had some trade to live by ; I would never rob no more, for sure *tis a wicked abominable thing. Here indeed I felt the loss of what just parents do^ and ought to do, by all their children ; I mean being bred to some trade or employment, and I wept many times, that I knew not what to do, or what to turn my hand to, though I resolved to leave off the wicked course I was in. But, to return to my journey ; I asked my way to Kentish-town, and it happened to be of a poor woman that said she lived there ; upon which in- telligence, I asked if she knew a woman that lived there, whose name was Smith? She answered, yes, very well, that she was not a settled inhabit- ant, only a lodger in the town, but that she was an honest, poor, industrious woman, and, by her 136 .fHE LIFE OF labour and pains, maintained a diseased husband, that had been unable to help himself some years. What a villain have I been, said I to myself, that I should rob such a poor woman as this, and add grief and tears to her misery, and to the sor- rows of her house ! This quickened my resolution to restore her money, and not only so, but I resol- ved I would give her something over and above her loss ; so I went forward, and by the direction I had received, found her lodging with very little trouble; then asking for the woman, she came to the door immediately, for she heard me ask for lier by her name of a little girl that came first to the door. I present^ spoke to her ; dame, said I, was not you robbed about a year ago, as you was coming home from London, about Pindar of Wake- field ? Yes, indeed I was, says she, and sadly fright- ed into the bargain. And how much did you lose ? said I. Indeed, says she, I lost all the money I had in the world ; I am sure I worked hard for it, it was money for keeping a nurse child that I had then, and I had been at London to receive it. But Jiow much was it, dame ? said I ; why, says she, it was g2s. and 6d. halfpenny ; 21s. I had been to fetch, and the odd money was my own before. Well, look you, good woman, what will you say if I should put you in a way to get your money again ; for I believe the fellow that took it is fast COLONEL JACK. 137 enough now, and perhaps I may do you a kindness in it, and for that I came to see you. O dear ! says the old woman, I understand you, but indeed I cannot swear to the man's face again ; for it was dark, and beside , I would not hang the poor wretch for my money ; let him live and repent. That is very kind, says I, more than he deserves from you ; but you need not be concerned about that, for he will be hanged whether you appear against him or not : But are you willing to have your money again that you lost ? Yes, indeed, says the woman, I should be glad of that, for I have not been so hard put to it for money a great while as I am now ; I have nmch ado to find us bread to eat, though I work hard early and late ; and with that she cried. I thought it would have broke my very heart, to think how this poor creature worked, and was a slave at near threescore, and that I, a young fel- low of hardly twenty, should rob her of her bread to support my idleness and wicked life ; and the tears came from my eyes in spite of all my strug- gling to prevent it, and the woman perceived it too. Poor woman, said I, 'tis a sad thing such crea- tures as these should plunder and strip such a p«or object as thou art ! Well, he is at leisure now to repent it, I assure you. I perceive, sir, says she, you are very compassionate indeed; I wish he IS8 THE LIFE OF may improve the time God has spared him, and that he may repent, and I pray God give him re- pentance ; whoever he is, I forgive him, whether he can make me recompence or not, and I pray God forgive him ; I won*t do him any prejudice, not I ; and with that, she went on praying for me. Well, dame, come hither to me, says I ; and with that I put my hand into my pocket, and she came to me : Hold up your hand, said I ; which she did, and I told her nine half-crowns into her hand : tliere, dame, said I, is your 22s, 6d. you lost ; I assure you, dame, said I, I have been the cliief instrument to get it of him for you ; for, ever since he told me the story of it among the rest of his wicked exploits, I never gave him any rest till I made him promise me to make you restitution. All the while I held her hand and put the money into it, I looked in her face, and I perceived her colour come and go, and that she was under the greatest surprise of joy imaginable. Well, God bless him, says she, and spare him from the disaster he is afraid of, if it be his will ; for sure, this is an act of so much justice, and so honest, that I never expected the like. She run on a great while so, and wept for him, when I told fier I doubted there was no room to expect his life. Well, says she, then pray God give him repentance, and bring him to heaven, for sure he must have COLONEL JACK. 139 something that is good at the bottom ; he has a principle of honesty at bottom to be sure, however he may have been brought into bad courses, by bad company or evil example, or other tempta- tions ; but I dare say he will be brought to repen- tance one time or other before he dies. All this touched me nearer than she imagined ; for I was the man that she prayed for all this while, though she did not know it, and in my heart I said Amen to it ; for I was sensible that I had done one of the vilest actions in the world, in attacking a poor creature in such a condition, and not listening to her entreaties, when she begged so heartily for that little money we took from her. In a word, the good woman so moved me with her charitable prayers, that I put my hand in my pocket again for her; dame, said I, you are so charitable in your petitions for this miserable crea- ture, that it puts me in mind of one thing more which I will do for him, whether he ordered me or not ; and that is, to ask you forgiveness for the thief in robbing you ; for it was an offence, and a trespass against you, as well as an injury to you ; and therefore I ask your pardon for him : will you sincerely and heartily forgive him, dame ? I do desire it of you ; and with that I stood up, and, with my hat oft^ asked her pardon. O ! sir, says she, do not stand up, and with your hat off to me! 140 THE LIFE OF I am a poor woman, I forgive him, and all that were with him ; for there was one or more with him ; I forgive them with all my heart, and I pray God to forgive them. Well, dame, then, said I, to make you some re- compence for your charity, tliere is something for you more than your loss ; and with that I gave her a crown more. Then I asked her who that was, who was robbed with her ? She said it was a servant maid that lived then in the town, but she was gone from her place, and she did not know where she lived now. Well, dame, says I, if ever you do hear of her, let her leave word where she may be found ; and if I live to come and see you again, I will get the money of him for her too : I think that was but little, was it ? No, says she, it was but 5s. 6d. which I knew as well as she ; well, says I, dame, enquire her out if you have an opportunity ; so she promised me she would, and away I came. '" The satisfaction this gave me was very much ; but then a natural consequence attended it, which filled me with reflection afterwards ; and this was, that, by the same rule, I ought to make restitution to all that I had wronged, in the like manner ; and what could I do as to that ? To this I knew not what to say, and so the thought in time wore off ; for, in short, it was impossible to be done : I had COLONEL JACK, 141 ^not ability, neither did I know any of the people I whom I had so injured ; and that satisfying me for I the present, I let it drop. 7 I come now to my journey with Captain Jack, /my supposed brother. We set out from London / on foot, and travelled the first day to Ware, for we had learnt so much of our road, that the way lay \ through that town ; we were weary enough the first day, having not been used at all to travelling ; but we made shift to walk once up and down the town, afler we came into it. I soon found, that his walking out to see the town was not to satisfy his curiosity in viewing the place, for he had no notion of any thing of that kind ; but to see if he could light of any purchase, for he was so natural a thief, that he could see no- thing on the road, but it occurred to him how easily that might be taken, and how cleverly this might be carried off, and the like. Nothing offered in Ware to his mind, it not be- ing market day; and as for me, though I made no great scruple of eating and drinking at the cost of his roguery, yet I resolved not to enter upon any thing, as they called it, nor to take the least thing from any body. When the captain found me resolved upon the negative, he asked me, how I thought to travel? I asked him what he thought of himself, that was Ut THE LIFE OF sure to be hanged if he was taken, how small so- ever the crime was that he should be taken for. How can that be, says he ; they don't know me m the country ; Ay, says I, but do you think they do not send up word to Newgate as soon as any thief is taken in the country, and so enquire who is es- caped from them, or who is fled, that they may be stopped ? Assure yourself, says I, the jailors correspond with one another, with the greatest exactness imaginable ; and if you were taken here but for stealing a basket of eggs, you shall have your accuser sent down to see if he knows you. This terrified him a little for a while, and kept him honest for three or four days ; but it was but for a few days indeed, for he played a great many rogue's tricks without me, till at last he came to his end without me too, though it was not till many years after, as you shall hear in its order : but as these exploits are no part of my story, but of his, whose life and exploits are sufficient to make a volume larger than this, by itself; so I shall omit every thing but what I was particularly concerned in, during this tedious jourftey. From Ware we travelled to Cambridge, though that was not our direct road ; the occasion was this : In our way, going through a village called Puckeridge, we baited at an inn, at the sign of the Faulcon, and while we were there, a country- COLONEL JACK. 14S wan comes to the inn, and hangs his horse at the door, while he goes in to drink; we sat in the gate-way, having called for a mug of beer, and drank it up : We had been talking with the host- ler about the way to Scotland, and he had bid us ask the road to Royston ; but, says he, there is a turning just here a Kttle farther, you must not go that way, for that goes to Cambridge. We had paid for our beer, and sat at the door only to rest us, when on the sudden comes a gen- tleman's coach to the door, and three or four horsemen ; the horsemen rode into the yard, and the hostler was obliged to go in with them ; says he to the captain, young man, pray take hold of the horse, (meaning tlie countryman's horse, I mentioned above, ) and take Iiim out of the way, that the coach may come up. He did so, and beckoned me to follow him ; we walked together to the turning : Says he to me, do you step be- fore and turn up the lane, I'll overtake you ; so I went on up the lane, and in a few minutes he was got up upon the horse and at my heels. Come, get up, says he, we will have a lift, if we don't get the horse by the bargain. , I made no difficulty to get up behind him, and away we went at a good round rate, it being a good strong horse. We lost no time for an hour's riding and more, by which time we thought we 144. THE LIFE OF were out of the reach of being pursued ; and as tJie countryman, when he should miss his horse, would hear that we enquired the way to Royston, he would certainly pursue us that way, and not towards Cambridge: We went easier after the first hour's riding, and, coming through a town or two, we alighted by turns, and did not ride double through the villages. Now, as it was impossible for the captain to pass by any thing that he could lay his hand on, and not take it, so now, having a horse to carry it off too, the temptation was the stronger. Going through a village, where a good housewife of the house had been washing, and hung her cloaths out upon a hedge near the road, he could not help it, but got hold of a couple of good shirts, that were about half dry, and overtook me upon the spur, for I walked on before ; I immediately got up be- hind, and away we galloped together as fast as the horse could well go. In this part of our expedi- tion, his good luck, or mine, carried us quite out of the road ; and having seen none to ask the way of, we lost ourselves, and wandered I know not how many miles to the right hand, till, partly by that means, and partly by the occasion follow- ing, we came quite into the coach road to Cam- bridge, from London, by Bishop- Stratford. The particular occasion that made me wander on was COLOXEL JACK. 14.,3 thus ; the country was all open corn-fields, no en- closures ; when, being upon a little rising ground, I bad him stop the horse, for I would get down, and walk a little to ease my legs, being tired with riding so long behind without stirrups; when I was down, and looked a little about me, I saw plainly the great white road, which we should have gone, at near two miles from us. On a sudden, looking a little back to my left, upon that road, I saw four or five horsmen, riding full speed, some a good way before the other, and liurrying on, as people in a full pursuit. It immediately struck me ; Ha ! Brother Jack, says I, get off the Iiorse this moment, and ask why afterwards ; so he jumps off: What is the matter ? says he ; the matter ; says I, look yonder, it is well we have lost our way ; do you see how they ride ? they are pursuing us, you may depend upon it ; either, says I, you are pursued from the last village for tlie two shirts, or from Puckeridge for the horse. He had so much presence of mind, that, without my mentioning it to him, he puts back the horse behind a great white thorn-bush, which grew just by him; so they could by no mean see the horse, which, we being just at the top of the hill, they might otherwise have done, iind so have pursued that way at a venture. But as it was impossible for them to see the VOL. I. K 146 THE LIFE OF Iiorse, so was it as impossible for tlicm to see us at that distance, wlio sat down on tlie ground to look at them the more securely. The road winding about, we saw them a great way, and they rode as fast as they could make their horses go. When we found they were gone quite out of sight, we mounted, and made the best of our way also ; and indeed, though we were two upon one horse, yet we abated no speed where the way would admit of it, not enquiring of any body the way to any where, till, after about two hours riding, we came to a town, which, upon en- quiry, they called Chesterford ; and here we stop- ped, and asked not our way to any place, but whither that road went, and were told it was the coach road to Cambridge; also that it was the way to Newmarket, to St Edmunds-bury, to Nor- wich and Yarmoutli, to Lynn, and to Ely, and the like. We staid here a good while, believing our- selves secure; and afterwards, towards evening, went forward to a place called Bourn-bridge, where the road to Cambridge turns away out of the road to Newmarket, and where there are but two houses only, both of them being inns. Here the captain says to me. Hark ye, you see we are pur- sued towards Cambridge, and shall be stopped if we go tliither ; now Newmarket is but ten miles COLONEL JACK. 147 off, and there we may be safe, and perhaps get an opportunity to do some business. Look ye. Jack, said I, talk no more of doing business, for I will not join with you in any thing of that kind ; I would fain get you to Scotland, before you get a halter about your neck ; I will not have you hanged in England, if I can help it, and therefore I wont go to Newmarket, unless you will promise me to take no false steps there : Well, says he, if I must not, then I wont ; but I hope you will let us get another horse, wont you, that we may travel faster? No, says I, I wont agree to that ; but if you will let me send this horse back fairly, I will tell you how we shall hire horses afterwards, for one stage, or two, and then take them as far as we please ; it is only sending a letter to the owner to send for him, and then, if we are stopped, it can do us but little hurt. You are a wary politic gentleman, says the captain, but, I say, we are better as we are ; for we are out of all danger of being stopped on the way, after we are gone from this place. We had not parleyed thus long, but, though in the dead of the night, came a man to the other inn door ; for, as I said above, there are two inns at that place, and called for a pot of beer, but the people were all in bed, and would not rise ; he ask- ed them if they had seen two fellows come that 148 THE LIFE OF n ay upon one horse : The man said he had, that they went by in the afternoon, and asked the way to Cambridge, but did not stop only to dring one mug : O ! says he, are they gone to Cambridge ? Then I'll be with them quickly. I was awake in a little garret of the next inn, where we lodged ; and hearing the fellow call at the door, got up, and went to the window, having some uneasiness at every noise I heard ; and by that means heard the whole story : Now, the case is plain, our hour was not come, our fate had determined other things for us, and we were to be reserved for it ; the mat- ter was thus : when we first came to Bourn-bridge, we called at the first house, and asked the way to Cambridge, drank a mug of beer, and went on, and they might see us turn off to go the way they directed; but, night coming on, and we being very wear}% we thought we should not find the way ; and we came back in the dusk of the even- ing, and went into the other house, being the first as we came back, as that, where v^e called before, was the first as we went fonvard. You may be sure I was alarmed now, as indeed I had reason to be : the captain was in bed, and fast asleep, but I waked him, and roused him with a noise that frighted him enough ; rise, Jack, said I, we are both ruined, they are come after us hither ; indeed, I was wrong to terrify him at that COLONEL JACK. 149 rate ; for he started, and jumpt out of bed, and run directly to the window, not knowing where he was, and, not quite awake, was just going to jump out of the window, but I laid hold of him ; what are you going to do ; says I ; I won't be taken, says he ; let me alone, where are they ? This was all confusion ; and he was so out of him- self with the fright, and being overcome with sleep, that I had much to do to prevent his jumping out of the window : However, I held him fast, and thoroughly wakened him, and then all was well again, and he was presently composed. Then I told him the story, and we sat together upon the bed-side, considering what we should do: upon the whole, as the fellow that called was ap- parently gone to Cambridge, we had nothing to fear, but to be quiet till day-break, and then to mount and be gone. Accordingly, as soon as day peeped, we were up ; and having happily informed ourselves of the road at the other house, and being told that the road to Cambridge turned off on the left hand, and that the road to Newmarket lay strait forward ; I say, having learnt this, the captain told me he would walk away on foot towards Newmarket ; and so, when I came to go out, I should appear as a single traveller ; and accordingly he went out immediately, and away he walked, and he travelled so hard, that when I came to follow, I thought 150 THE LIFE OF once thathe had dropped me, for though I rode hard, I got no sight of him for an hour ; at length, ha- ving passed the great bank, called the devil's-ditch, I found him, and took him up behind me, and we rode double till we came almost to the end of New- market town. Just at the hither house in the town, stood a horse at a door, just as it was at Puckeridge : Now, says Jack, if the horse was at the other end of the town, I would have him, as sure as we had the other at Puckeridge ; but it would not do, so he got down, and walked through the town on the right hand side of the way. He had not got half through the town, but the horse, having some how or other got loose, came trotting gently on by himself, and nobody follow- ing him ; the captain, an old soldier at such work, as soon as the horse was got a pretty way before him, and that he saw nobody followed, sets up a run after the horse ; and the horse hearing him follow, ran the faster ; then the captain calls out, ** Stop the horse !" and by this time the horse was got almost to the farther end of the town ; the people of the house where he stood not missing him all the while. Upon his calling out " Stop the horse!" the poor people of the town, such as were next at hand, ran from both sides the way, and stopped the horse for him, as readily as could be, and held COLONEL JACK. 151 him for him, till he came up ; he very gravely comes up to the horse, hits him a blow or two, and calls him dog for running away ; gives the man 2d, that catched him for him, mounts, and away he comes after me. This was the oddest adventure that could have happened, for the horse stole the captain, the cap- tain did not steal the horse. Wlien he came up to me, now, Colonel Jack, says he, what say you to good luck ? would you have had me refused the horse, when he came so civilly to ask me to ride ? No, no, said I, you have got this horse by your wit, not by design ; and you may go on now I think ; you are in a safer condition then I am, if we are taken. The next question was, what road we should take ? here were four ways before us, and we were alike strangers to them all ; first on the right hand, and at a little mile from the town, a great road went off to St. Edmund's-bury ; strait on, but in- clining afterwards to the right, lay the great road to Barton-mills, and Thetford, and so to Norwich; and full before us lay a great road also to Brandon and Lynn, and on the lefl, lay a less road to the city of Ely, and into the Fens. In short, as we knew not which road to take, nor which way to get into the great north road, which we had left, so we, by mere unguided 152 THE LIFE OF chance, took the way to Brandon, and so to Lynn: at Brand, or Brandon, we were told, that, passing over at a place called Downhani-bridge, we might cross the fen country to Wisbich ; and from thence go along the bank of the river Nyne to Peterbo- rough, and from thence to Stamford, where we were in the northern road again : and likewise, that at Lynn we might go by the washes into Lincolnshire, and so might travel north. But upon the whole, this was my rule, that, when we en- quired the way to any particular place, to be sure we never took the road, but some other, which the accidental discourse we might have should bring in ; and thus we did here ; for, having chief- ly asked our way into the northern road, we re- solved to go directly for Lynn. COLONEL JACK, l$2 CHAP. VIL Further adventures — There is no preventing my comrade from exercising his trade of a thief'— We witness a ivhijjping in Edinburgh — The captain takes French leave — I return my horse to the per* son from uihom it ivas stolen — Learn to read and ivrite-^I am hired and cheated by a Scottish master — Meet mth the captain again-^I enlist for a soldier — We desert — Adventures thereupon, VV E arrived here very easy and safe ; and, while we were considering of what way we should travel next, we found we were got to a point, and that there was no way now left, but that by the washes into Lincolnshire, and that was represented as very dangerous ; so an opportunity offering of a man that was travelling over the fens, we took him for bur guide, and went with him to Spalding, and from thence to a town called Deeping, and so to Stamford in Lincolnshire. This is a large populous town, and it was market- day when we came to it ; so we put in at a little 154? THE LIFE OF house, at the hither end of the town, and walked into the town. Here it was not possible to restrain my captain from playing his feats of art, and my heart aked for him ; I told him I would not go with him, for he would not promise to leave off, and I was so ter- ribly concerned at the apprehensions of his venturous humour, that I would not so much as stir out of my lodging ; but it was in vain to persuade him. He went into the market, and found a mountebank there, which was what he wanted. How he pick- ed two pockets there in one quarter of an hour, and brought to our quarters a piece of new hol- land of eight or nine ells, a piece of stuff, and played three or four pranks more in less than two hours ; and how afterward he robbed a doctor of physic, and yet came off clear in them : all this I say, as above, belongs to his story, not to mine, I scolded heartily at him when he came back, and told him he would certainly ruin himself, and me too, before he left off, and threatened in so many words, that I would leave him, and go back, and carry the horse to Puckeridge, where we borrowed it, and so go to London by myself. He promised amendment ; but, as we resolved, (now we were in the great road) to travel by night, so it being not yet night, he gives me the slip again ; and was not gone half an hour, but he comes back with a gold Match in his hand : Come, COLONEL JACK. 155 says he, why an't you ready ? I am ready to go as soon as you will ; and with that he pulls out the gold watch. I was amazed at such a thing as that in a country town ; but it seems there were pray- ers at one of the churches in the evening, and he, placing himself, as the occasion directed, found the way to be so near a lady, as to get it from her side, and walked off with it unperceived. The same night we went away, by moon-light, after having the satisfaction to hear the watch cried, and ten guineas offered for it again : he would have been glad of the ten guineas, instead of the watch ; but durst not venture to carry it home. Well, says I, you are afraid, and indeed you have reason ; give it me, I will venture to carry it again : but he would not let me ; but told me, that, when he came into Scotland, we might sell any thing there without danger, which was true indeed, for there they asked us no c^uestions. We set out, as I said, in the evening by moon- light, and travelled hard, the road being very plain and large, till we came to Grantham, by which time it was about two in the morning, and all the town, as it were, dead asleep ; so we went on for Newark, where we reached about eight in the morning, and there we lay down and slept most of the day ; and by this sleeping so contiually in the day-time, I kept him from doing a great deal of mischief, which he would otherwise have done. 156 THE LIFE OP From Newark, we took advice of one that was accidentally comparing the roads, and we conclu- ded that the road by Nottingham would be the best for us ; so we turned out of the great road, and went up the side of the Trent to Nottingham : here he played his pranks again in a manner, that it was the greatest wonder imaginable to me that he was not surprized, and yet he came oif clear ; and now he had got so many bulky goods, that he bought him a portmanteau to caiTy them. in. It was in vain for me to offer to restain him any more; go after this he went on his own way. At Nottingham, I say, he had such success as made us the hastier to be going than otherwise we would have been, least we should have been baulk- ed, and should be laid hold of ; from thence we left the road, which leads to the north again, went away by Mansfield into Scarsdale, in York- shire. I shall take up no more of my own story with his pranks ; they very well merit to be told by themselves, but I shall observe only what relates to our journey. In a word, I dragged him along as fast as I could, till I came to Leeds in Yorkshire. Here, though it be a large and populous town, yet he could make nothing of it, neither had he any success at Wakefield; and he told me, in short, that the north-country people were certainly all COLONEL JACK. 157 thieves. Why so ? said I, the people seem to be just as other people are: No, no, says he, they have their eyes so about them, and are all so sharp, they look upon every body that comes near them to be a pick-pocket, or else they would never stand so upon their guard ; and then again, says he, they are so poor, there is but little to be got ; and I am afraid, says he, the farther we go north, we shall find it worse. Well, said I, what do you infer from thence ? I argue from thence, says he, that we shall do nothing there, and I had as good go back into the south and be hanged, as into the north to be starved. Well, we came at length to Newcastle upon Tyne. Here, on a market day, was a great throng of people, and several of the town's-people, going to market to buy provisions ; and here he played his pranks, cheated a shopkeeper of 151. or 161. in goods, and got clear away with them ; stole a horse, and sold that he came upon, and played so many pranks, that I was quite frighted for him ; I say for him, for I was not concerned for myself, having never stirred out of the house where I lodged, at least not with him, nor without some or other with me, belonging to the inn, that might give an account of me. Nor did I use this caution in vain, for he had 158 THE LIFE OF made himself so public by his rogueries, that he was way-laid every where to be taken, and had he not artfully first given out, that he was come from Scotland, and was going toward London, enqui- ring that road, and the like, which amused his pursuers for the first day, he had been taken, and in all probability had been hanged there ; but by that artifice he got half a day's time of them ; and yet, as it was, he was put so to it, that he was fain to plunge, horse and all, into the river Tweed, and swim over, and thereby made his escape : It was true, that he was before upon Scots ground, (as they called it) and consequently they had no power to have carried him off, if any body had op- posed them ; yet, as they were in a full chase after him, could they have come up with him, they would have run the risque of the rest, and they could but have delivered him up, if they had been questioned about it. However, as he got over the Tweed, and was landed safe, they could neither follow him, the water being too high at the usual place of going over, nor could they have attempt- ed to have brought him away, if they had taken him : the place where he took the river was where there is a ford below Kelso, but the water being up, the ford was not passable, and he had no time to go to the ferry-boat, which is about a furlong off, opposite to the town. COLONEL JACK. 159 Having thus made his escape, he went to Kelso, where he had appointed me to come after him. I followed with a heavy heart, expecting every hour to meet him upon the road, in the custody of the constables, and such people, or to hear of him in the gaol ; but when I came to a place on the border, called WoUer-haugh-head, there I un- derstood how he had been chased, and how he had made his escape. When I came to Kelso, he was easy enough to be found; for his having desperately swam the Tweed, a rapid and large river, made him much talked of, though it seems they had not heard of the occasion of it, nor any thing of his character ; for he had wit enough to conceal all that, and live as retired as he could till I came to him. I was not so much rejoiced at his safety, as I was provoked at his conduct ; and the more, for that I could not find he had yet the least notion of his having been void of common sense with re- spect to his circumstances, as well as contrary to what he promised me. However, as there was no beating any thing into his head by words, I only told him, that I was glad he was at last gotten into a place of safety, and I asked him then how he in- tended to manage himself in that country ? He said in a few words, he did not know yet, he doubt- 160 THE LIFE OF ed the people were very poor ; but if they had any money, he was resolved to have some of it. But do you know too, says I, that they are the severest people upon criminals of your kind in the world ? He did not value that, he said, in his blunt short way, he would venture it ; upon this, I told him, that, seeing it was so, and he would run such ventures, I would take my leave of him, and be gone back to England. He seemed sullen, or ra- ther it was the roughness of his untractable dispo- sition ; he said I might do what I would, he would do as he found opportunity ; however, we did not part immediately, but went on towards the capital city ; on the road we found too much poverty, and too few people, to give him room to expect any ad- vantage in his way ; and though he had his eyes about him as sharp as a hawk, yet he saw plainly there was nothing to be done ; for as to the men, they did not seem to have much money about them ; and for the women, their dress was such, that had they any money, or indeed any pockets, it was impossible to come at them ; for, wearing large plaids about them, and down to their knees, they were wrapped up so close, that there was no coming to make the least attempt of that kind. Kelso was indeed a good town, and had abun- dance of people in it ; and yet, though he staid one Sunday there, and saw the church, which is 11 COIJDNEL JACK. 1^1 very large, and thronged with people ; yet, as he told me, there was not one woman to be seen in all the church with any other dress than a plaid, ex- cept in two pews, which belonged to some noble- men, and who, when they came out, were so sur- rounded with footmen and servants, that there was no coming near them, any more than there was any coming near the king surrounded by his guards. We set out therefore with this discouragement, which I was secretly glad of, and went forward for Edinburgh. All the way thither, we went through no considerable town, and it was but very coarse travelling for us, who were strangers ; for we met with waters, which were very dangerous to pass, by reason of hagty rains, at a place called Lauder- dale, and where my captain was really in danger of drowning, his horse being driven down by the stream, and fell under him^ by which he wetted and spoiled his stolen goods, that he brought from Newcastle, and which he had kept dry strangely, by holding them up in his arms, when he swam the Tweed ; but here it wanted but little, that he and his horse had been lost, not so much by the depth of the water, as the fury of the current ; but he had a proverb in his favour, and he got out of the water, though with difficultv enough, not VOL. I, L 162 THE LIFE OF being born to be drowned, as I shall obsierve after- wards in its place. We came to Edinburgh, the third day from Kelso, having stopped at an inn on£ whole day, at a place called Soutra-hill to dry our goods, and refresh ourselves. We were oddly saluted at Edin- burgh, the next day after we came thither ; my captain having a desire to walk, and look about him, asked me if I would go and see the town ? I lold him yes ; so we went out, and coming through a gate, that they call the Nether-bow, into the great High-street, which went up to the Cross, we were susprised to see it thronged with an infinite number of people : Ay, (says my captain) this will do ; however, as I had made him promise to make no adventures that day, otherwise I told him I would not go out with him, so I held him by the sleeve, and would not let him stir from me. Then we came up to the Market-cross, and there, besides the great number of people who pass- ed and repassed, we saw a great parade, or kind of meeting, like an Exchange of gentlemen, of all ranks and qualities, and this encouraged my cap- tain again, and he pleased himself with that sight. It was while we were looking, and wondering at what we saw here, that we were surprised with a sight, which we little expected ; we observed the people running on a sudden, as to see some strange COLONEL JACK. 163 thing just coming along, and strange it was indeed ; for we saw two men naked from the waist upwards, run by us as swift as the wind, and we imagined nothing, but that it was two men running a race for some mighty wager ; on a sudden we found two long small ropes or lines, which hung down at first, pulled strait, and the two racers stopped, and stood still, one close by the other ; we could not imagine what this meant, but the reader may judge at our surprise, when we found a man follow after, who had the ends of both those lines in his hands, and who, when he came up to them, gave each of them two frightful lashes with a wire-whip, or lash, which he held in the other hand ; and then the two poor naked wretches run on again to the length of their line or tether, where they waited for the like salutation : And in this manner they danced the length of the whole street, which is about half a mile. This was a dark prospect to my captain, and put him in mind, not only of M-hat he was to expect if he made a slip in the way of his profession in this place ; but also of what he had suffered, when he was but a boy, at the famous place called Bride- well. But this was not all ; for, as we saw the execu- tion, so we were curious to examine into the crime too : and we asked a young fellow who stood near 164< THE LIFE OF us, what the two men had done, for which they suffered that punishment ? The fellow, an unhappy ill-natured Scotchman, perceived by our speech that we were Englishmen, and by our question that we were strangers, told us, with a malicious wit, that they were two Englishmen ; and that they were whipped so for picking pockets, and other petty thieveries, and that they were after- wards to be sent away over the border into Eng- land. Now this was every word of it false, and was only formed by his nimble invention to insult us as Englishmen ; for when we enquired farther, they were both Scotchmen, and were thus scourged for the usual offences, for which we give the like pu- nishment in England : and the man who held the line, and scourged them, was the city hangman, who (by the way) is there an officer of note, has a constant salary, and is a man of substance ; and not only so, but a most dexterous fellow in his of- fice, and makes a great deal of money of his em- ployment. This sight, however, was very shocking to us ; and my captain turned to me, Come, says he, let us go away, I won't stay here any longer. I was glad to hear him say so, but did not think he had meant or intended what he said: However, we went back to our quarters, and kept pretty much COLONEL JACK. 165 within, only that iii'the evenings we walked about : But even then my captain found no employment, no encouragement ; two or three times indeed, he made a prize of some mercery and millinery goods : But when he had them, he knew not what to do with them ; so that, in short, he was forced to be honest, in spite of his good will to be otherwise. We remained here about a month ; when, on a sudden, my captain was gone, horse and all, and I knew nothing what was become of him ; nor did I ever see or hear of him for eighteen months after, nor did he so much as leave the least notice for me, either whither he was gone, or whether he would return to Edinburgh again, or no. I took his leaving me very heinously, not know- ing what to do with myself, being a stranger in the place ; and on the other hand, my money abated apace too : I had for the most part of this time my horse upon my hands to keep ; and as horses yield but a sorry price in Scotland, I found no oppor- tunity to make much of him ; and, on the other hand, I had a secret resolution, if I had gone back to England, to have restored him to the owner, at Puckeridge, by Ware ; and so I should have wrong- ed him of nothing, but of the use of him for so long time : But I found an occasion to answer all my designs about the horse to advantage. There came a man to the stabler (so they call 166 THE LIFE OF the people at Edinburgh, that take in horses to keep) and wanted to know if he could hear of any returned horses for England ; my landlord (so we called him ) came bluntly to me one day, and ask- ed me. If my horse was my own ? It was an odd question, as my circumstances stood, and puzzled me at first ; and I asked why, and what was the matter? Because, says he, if it be a hired horse in England, as is often the case with Englishmen, who come to Scotland, I could help you to send it back, and get you something for riding ; so he expressed himself. I was very glad of the occasion ; and, in short, took security there of the person, for delivering the horse safe and sound, and had 15s. sterling for the riding him : Upon this agreement I gave order to leave the horse at the Falcon at Puckeridge, and where I heard, many years after, that he was ho- nestly left, and that the owner had him again, but had nothing for the loan of him. Being thus eased of the expence of my horse, and having nothing at all to do, I began to consi- der with myself, what would become of me, and what I could turn my hand to : I had not muchvj diminished my stock of money, for though I was i all the way so wary, that I would not join with my » captain in his desperate attempts, yet I made no ' scruple to live at his expence, which, as I came ; COLONEL JACK. 167 J out of England only to keep him company, had been but just, had I not known that all he had to spend upon me, was what he robbed honest people of, and that I was all that while a receiver of sto- len goods ; but I was not come so far then as to scruple that part at all. In the next place, I was not so anxious about my money running low, because I knew what a reserve I had made at London ; but still I was very willing to have engaged in any honest employment for a livelihood ; for I was sick indeed of the wan- dering life which I had led, and was resolved to thieve no more; but then two or three things, which I had offered me, I lost, because I could not write or read. This afflicted me a great while very much ; but the stabler, as I have called him, delivered me from my anxiety that way, by bringing me to an honest, but a poor young man, who undertook to teach me both to write and read, and in a little time too, and for a small expence, if I would take pains at it. I promised all possible diligence, and to work I went with it, but found the writing much more difficult to me than the reading. However in half a year's time, or thereabouts, I could read and write too, tolerably well, insomuch that I began to think I was now fit for business ; and I got by it into the service of a certain officer 168 THE LIFE OF of the customs, who employed me for a time, but as he set me to do little but pass and repass be- tween Leith and Edinburgh, with the accompts which he kept for the farmers of the customs there, leaving me to live at my own expence till my wages should be due, I run out the little money I had left, in clothes and subsistence, and a little before the year's end, when I was to have 121. English money, truly my master was turned out of his place ; and, which was worse, having been charged with some misapplications, was obliged to take shelter in England, and so we that were servants, for there were three of us^ were left to shift for ourselves. This was a hard case for me in a strange place, and I was reduced by it to the last extremity. I might have gone for England, an English ship be- ing there, the master of which proffered me to give me my passage (upon telling him my distress) and to take my word for the payment of 10s. when I came there ; but my Captain appeared just then under new circumstances, which obliged him not to go away, and I was loth to leave him ; it seems we were yet farther to take our fate together. I have mentioned that he left me, and that I saw him no more for eighteen months : His ramble and adventures were many in that time ; he went to Glasgow, played some remarkable pranks there. COLONEL JACK. 1^9 escaped almost miraculously from the gallows, got over to Ireland, wandered about there, turned ra- paree, and did some villainous things there, and escaped from Londonderry, over to the Highlands in the North of Scotland ; and about a month be- fore I was left destitute at Leith, by my master, behold ! my noble Captain Jack came in there, on board the ferry-boat from Fife, being, after all ad- ventures and successes, advanced to the dignity of a foot soldier, in a body of recruits raised in the North for the regiment of Douglas. After my disaster, being reduced almost as low as my Captain, I found no better shift before me, at least for the present, than to enter myself a sol- dier too ; and thus we were ranked together, with each of us a musquet upon our shoulders, and, I confess, that thing did not sit so ill upon me as I thought at first it would have done ; for, though I fared hard, and lodged ill, (for the last especially, is the fate of poor soldiers in that part of the world) yet to me, that had been used to lodge on the ashes in the glass-house, this was no great matter ; I had a secret satisfaction at being now under no neces- sity of stealing, and living in fear of a prison, and of the lash of the hangman ; a thing which, from the time I saw it in Edinburgh, was so terrible to me, that I could not think of it without horror ; and it was an inexpressible ease to my mind, that I was 170 THE LIFE OP now in a certain way of living, which was honest, ancl which I could say, was not unbecoming a gen- tleman. Whatever was my satisfaction in that part, yet other circumstances did not equally concur to make this life suit me ; for after we had been about six months in this figure, we were informed that the recruits were all to march for England, and to be shipped off at Ne*vcastle, or at Hull, to join the regiment, which was then in Flanders. I should tell you, that, before this, I was ex- tremely delighted with the life of a soldier, and I took the exercise so naturally, that the serjeant that taught us to handle our arms, seeing me so ready at it, asked me if I had never carried arms before : I told him, no ; at which he swore, though jesting. They call you colonel, says he, and I be- lieve you will be a colonel, or you must be some colonePs bastard, or you would never handle your arms as you do, at once or twice showing. This pleased me extremely, and encouraged me, and I was mightily taken with the life of a soldier; but when the captain came and told me the news, that we were to march for England, and to be shipped off for Flanders at Newcastle upon Tyne, I was surprised very much, and new thoughts began to come in my mind; as, first, my captain's condition was particular, for he durst not appear publicly at COLONEL JACK. 17X Newcastle, as he must have done if he had march- ed with the battalion, (for they were a body of above 4-00, and therefore called themselves a bat- talion, though they were but recruits, and belong- ed to the several companies abroad) I say, he must have marched with them, and been publicly seen, in which case he would have been apprehended, and delivered up : in the next place , I remember- ed that I had almost lOOl. in money in London, and if it should have been asked all the soldiers in the regiment, which of them would go to Flanders, a private centinel, if they had lOOl. in their pockets, I believe none of them would answer in the affir- . mative ; a 1001. being at that time sufficient to buy colours in any new regiment, though not in that regiment, which was on an old establishment : this whetted my ambition, and I dreamt of nothing but being a gentleman officer, as well as a gentleman soldier. These two circumstances concurring, I began to be very uneasy, and very unwilling in my thoughts to go over a poor musqueteer into Flan- ders, to be knocked on the head at the tune of 3s. 6,d. a week : while I was daily musing on the circumstances of being sent away, as above, and considering what to do, my captain comes to me one evening ; Hark ye. Jack, says he, I must «peak with you ; let us take a m alk in the fields a little out from the houses. We were quartered at 172 THE LIFE OF ft place called Park-End, near the town of Dunbar, about twenty miles from Berwick upon Tweed, and about sixteen miles from the river Tweed, the nearest way. We walked together here, and talked seriously upon the matter ; the captain told me how his case stood, and that he durst not march with the batta- lion into Newcastle ; that if he did, he should be taken out of the ranks and tried for his life, and that I knew as well as he : I could go privately to Newcastle, says he, and go through the town well enough, but to go publicly, is' to run into the jaws of destruction : well, says I, that is very true, but what will you do ? Do ! says he, do you think I am so bound by honour, as a gentleman soldier, that I will be hanged for them ? No, no, says he, I am resolved to be gone, and I would have you go w ith us ; said I, what do you mean by us ? Why, here is another honest fellow, an Englishman also, says he, that is resolved to desert too, and he has been a long while in the service, and says he knows how we shall be used abroad, and he will not go to Flan- ders, says he, not he. Why, says I, you will be shot to death for deser- ters if you are taken, and they will send out scouts for you in the morning all over the country, so that you will certainly fall into their hands. As for that, says he, my comrade is thoroughly acquaint- COLONEL JACK. 1*73 ed with the way, and has undertaken to bring us to the banks of Tweed, before they can come up with us, and when we are on the other side of the Tweed, they can't take us up. And when would you go away ? says I. This minute, says he ; no time to be lost ; 'tis a fine moon shining night. I have none of my baggage, says I ; let me go back and fetch my linen, and other things. Your linen is not much, I suppose, says he, and we shall easily get more in England the old way. No, says I, no more of your old ways ; it has been owing to those old ways that we are now in such a strait. Well, well, says he, the old ways are better than this starving life of a gentleman, as we call it But, says I, we have no money in our pockets, how shall we travel ? I have a little, says the captain ; enough to elp us on to Newcastle, and if we can get none by the way, we will get some collier ship to take us in, and carry us to London by sea. I like that the best of all the measures you have laid yet, said I ; and so I consented to go, and went off with him immediately. The cunning rogue having lodged his comrade a mile off under the hills, had dragged me by talking with him by 174 THE LIFE OF little and little that way, till just when I consented, he was in sight, and he said. Look, there's my comrade ! who I knew presently, having seen him among the men. Being thus gotten under the hills, and a mile off the way, and the day just shut in, we kept on apace, resolving, if possible, to get out of the reach of our pursuers, before they should miss us, or know any thing of our being gone. We plyed our time so well, and travelled so hard, that by five o'clock in the morning we were at a little village, whose name I forget ; but they told us that we were within 8 miles of the Tweed ; and that as soon as we should be over the river, we were on English ground. We refreshed a little here, but marched on with but little stay ; however it was half an hour past eight in the morning before we reached the Tweed, so it was at least 12 miles, when they told us it was but eight : Here we overtook two more of the same regiment, who had deserted from Hadding- ton, where another part of the recruits were quartered. Those were Scotchmen, and very poor, having not one penny in their pockets ; and had no more when they made their escape but 8s. between them ; and when they saw us, whom they knew to be of the same regiment, they took us to be pur- COLONEL JACK. 175 »uers, and that we came to lay hold of them ; up- on which they stood upon their defence, having the regiment swords on, as we had also, but none of the mounting or cloathing ; for we were not to receive the cloathing till we came to the regiment in Flanders. It was not long before we made them under- stand, that we were in the same circumstances with themselves, and so we soon became one com- pany ; and after resting some time on the English side of the river, (for we were heartily tired, and the others were as much fatigued as we were) I say, after resting a while, we set forward towards Newcastle, whither we resolved to go to get our passage by sea to London ; for we had not money to hold us out any farther. Our money was ebbed very low ; for, though I had one piece of gold in my pocket, which I kept reserved for the last extremity, yet it was but half a guinea, and my captain had bore all our charges as far as his money would go, so that when we came to Newcastle, we had but six-pence left in all to help ourselves, and the two Scots had begged their way all along the road. We contrived to come into Newcastle in the dusk of the evening, and even then we durst not venture into the public part of the town, but made down towards the river, something below the town, 176 THE LIFE OF where some glass-houses stand: Here we knew not what to do with ourselves ; but, guided by our fate, we put a good face upon the matter, and went into an alehouse, sat down, and called for a pint of beer. The house was kept by a woman only, that is to say, we saw no other ; and, as she appeared very frank, and entertained us chearfully, we at last told our condition, and asked her, if she could not help us to some kind master of a collier, that would give us a passage to London by sea. The subtile devil, who immediately found us proper fish for her hook, gave us the kindest words in the world, and told us, she was heartily sorry she had not seen us one day sooner ; that there was a collier master, of her particular acquaintance, that went away but with the morning tide, that the ship was fallen down to Shields, but she believed was hardly over the bar yet, and she would send to his house and see if he was gone on board, for sometimes the masters do not go away till a tide after the ship, and she was sure if he was not gone, she could prevail with him to take us all in ; but then she was afraid we must go on board, inmiediately, the same night. We begged her to send to his house, for we knew not what to do, and if she could oblige him to take us on board, we did not care what time of 4c COLONEL JACK. 177 night it was ; for, as we had no money, we had no lodging) and we wanted nothing but to be on board. We looked upon this as a mighty favour, that she sent to the master's house, and to our greater joy, she brought us word about an hour after, that he was not gone, and was at a tavern in the town, whither his boy had been to fetch him ; and that he had sent word he would call there in the way home; This was all in our favour, and we were ex- tremely pleased with it. About an hour after, the landlady being in the room with us, her maid brings us word the master was below; so down she goes to him, telling us she would go and tell him our case, and see to persuade him to take us all on board. After some time she comes up with him, and brings him into the room to us : Where are these honest gentlemen soldiers, says he, that are in such distress ? We stood all up, and paid our respects to him. Well, gentlemen, and is all your money spent ? Indeed it is, said one of our company, and we shall be infinitely obliged to you, sir, if you will give us a passage ; we will be very willing to do any thing we can in the ship, though we are not seamen. Why, says he, were none of you ever at sea ia your lives ? VOL. I. M 178 THE LIFE OF No, says we, not one of us. You vv'ill be able to do me no service then, says he, for you will be all sick : Well, however, says he, for my good landlady's sake here, I'll do it ; but are you all ready to go on board, for I go on board this very night ? Yes, sir, says we again, we are ready to go this minute. No, no, says he very kindly, we'll drink toge- ther ; come, landlady, says he, make these honest gentlemen a sneaker of punch. We looked at one another, for we knew we had no money, and he perceived it ; come, come, says he, dont be concerned at your having no money ; my landlady here and I never part with dry lips : Come, good wife, says he, make the punch as I bid you. We thanked him, and said, God bless you, noble captain, a hundred times over, being overjoyed with such good luck. While we were drinking the punch, he calls the landlady ; Come, says he, I'll step home and take my things, and bid them good- bye, and order the boat to come at high water and take me up here ; and pray, good wife, says he, get me something for supper ; sure, if I can give these honest men their passage, I may give them a bit of victuals too; it may be they han't had much for dinner. COLONEL JACK. 179 With this away he went, and in a Httle while we heard the Jack agoing, and one of us going down stairs for a spy, brought us word there was a good leg of mutton at the fire : In less than an hour our captain came again, and came up to us, and blamed us that we had not drank all the punch out ; come, says he, don't be bashful, when that is out we can have another ; when I am obliging poor men, I love to do it handsomely. We drank on, and drank the punch out, and more was brought up, and he pushed it about apace ; and then came up a leg of mutton, and I need not say that we eat heartily, being told se- veral times that we should pay nothing ; after sup- per was done, he bids my landlady ask if the boat was come ? And she brought word no, it was not high water by a good deal; no, says he! Well then give us some more punch; so more punch was brought in, and, as was afterwards confessed, something was put into it, or more brandy than ordinary, that by that time the punch was drunk out, we were all very drunk, and, as for me, I was asleep. About the time that was out, we were told the boat was come ; so we tumbled out, almost over one another, into the boat, and away we went, and our captain with us in the boat. Most of us, if not all, fell asleep, till after some time, though 180 THE LIFE OF how much or how far going we knew not, the boat stopped, and we were waked, and told we were at the ship's side, which was true ; and with much help and holding us, for fear we should fall over board, we were all gotten into the ship ; all I re- member of it was this, that, as soon as we were on board, our captain, as we called him, called out thus ; Here, boatswain, take care of these gentle- men, and give them good cabins, and let them turn in and go to sleep, for they are very weary ; and so indeed we were, and very drunk too, being the first time I had ever drank any punch in my life. COLONEL JACK. 181 CHAP. VIII. JVe are kidnapped, and carried on hoard ship hy a Virginia captain — Make the coast of Virginia in 32 days — Captain Jack makes his escape — A peep intofuturity — lam sold along with the others to a rich planter — My master holds a long con- versation xvith me, and in consequence of my good behaviour ptuts me in a place of trust, W ELL, care was taken of us according to order, and i^e were put into very good cabins, where we were sure to go immediately to sleep. In the mean time, the ship, which was indeed just ready to go, and only on notice given had come to an ^ichor for us at Shields,- weighed, stood over the bar, and went off to sea ; and when we waked, and began to peep abroad, which was not till near noon the next day, we found ourselves a great way at sea, the land in sight indeed, but at a great 182 THE LIFE OF distance, and all going merrily on for London, as we understood it ; we were very well used, and well satisfied with our condition for about three days, when we began to enquire whether we were not almost come, and how much longer it would be before we should come into the river. Wliat river ? says one of the men : Wliy, the Thames, says my captain Jack ; the Thames ! says the sea- man, Wliat do you mean by that ? What, han't you had time enough to be sober yet ? so captain Jack said no more, but looked about him like a fool ; when a while after, some other of us asked the like question, and the seaman, who knew no- thing of the cheat, began to smell a trick ; and turning to the other Englishman that came with us, Pray says he, where do you fancy you are go- ing, that you ask so often about it ? \Vliy to Lon- don, says he, where should we be going? We agi-eed with the captain to carry us to London. Not with the captain, says he, I dare say ; poor men, you are all cheated ; and I thought so when I saw you come aboard with that kidnapping rogue Gilliman ; poor men ! adds he, 3^ou are all betrayed; Why, you are going to Virginia, and the ship is bound to Virginia. The Englishman falls a storming and raving like a mad man, and we gathering round him, let any man guess, if they can, what was our surprise, ^nd COLONEL JACK. 183 how we were confounded when we were told how it was ; in short, we drew our swords, and began to lay about us, and made such a noise and hurry in the ship, that at last the seamen were obHged to call out for help. The captain commanded us to be disarmed in the first place, which was not, how- ever, done without giving and receiving some wounds, and afterwards he caused us to be brought to him into the great cabin. Here he talked calmly to us, that he was really very sorry for what had befallen us ; that he per- ceived we had been trepanned, and that the fellow who had brought us on board was a rogue, that was employed by a sort of wicked merchants not unlike himself; that he supposed he had been represented to us as captain of the ship, and asked us if it was not so ? We told him yes, and gave him a large account of ourselves, and how we came to the woman's house to enquire for some master of a col- lier to get a passage to London, and that this man engaged to carry us to London in his own ship, and the like, as is related above. He told us he was very sorry for it, and he had no hand in it ; but it was out of his power to help us, and let us know very plainly what our condi- tion was, namely, that we were put on board his ship as servants to be delivered at Maryland to such a man, whom he named to us ; but that, however, if we would be quiet and orderly in the ship, he 184- THE LIFE OF would use us well in the passage, and take care we should be used well when we came there, and that he would do any thing for us that lay in his power ; but if we were unruly and refractory, we could not expect but he must take such measures as to oblige us to be satisfied ; and that, in short, we must be hand-cuffed, carried down between the decks and kept as prisoners, for it was his business to take care that no disturbance must be in the ship. My captain raved like a mad-man, swore at the captain, told him he would not fail to cut his throat either on board, or a shore, whenever he came within his reach ; and that if he could not do it now, he would do it after he came to England again, if ever he durst show his face there again ; for he might depend upon it, if he was carried away to Virginia, he should find his way to England again ; that if it was twenty years afler, he would have satisfaction of him : well young man, says the cap- tain smiling, 'tis very honestly said, and then I must take care of you while I have you here, and afterwards I must take care of myself. Do your worst, says Jack boldly, I'll pay you home for it one time or other. I must venture that, young man, says he, still calmly, but for the present you and I must talk a little ; so he bids the boatswain, who Stood near him, secure him, which he did ; I spokQ COLONEL JACK. 185 to him to be easy and patient, and that the captain had no hand in our misfortune. No hand in it ! d n him, said he aloud, do you think he is not confederate in this villainy ? would any honest man receive innocent people on board his ship, and not enquire of their circum- stances, but carry them away, and not speak to them ? and now he knows how barbarously we are treated, why does he not set us on shore again ; I tell you he is a villain, and none but him , why does he not compleat his villany and murder us, and then he will be free from our revenge ? but nothing else shall ever deliver him from my hands, but sending us to the d — 1, or going thither him- self; and I am honester in telling him so fairly, than he h?s been to me, and am in no passion any more than he is. The captain was, I say, a little shocked at his boldness, for he talked a great deal more of the same kind, with a great deal of spirit and fire, and yet without any disorder in his temper ; indeed I was surprised at it, for I never had heard him talk so well, and so much to the purpose in my life : the captain was, I sa}^, a little shocked at it ; how- ever, he talked very handsomely to him, and told liim. Look ye, young man, I bear with you the more, because I am sensible your case is very hard; and yet I cannot allow your threatening me neither 186 THE LIFE OF and you oblige me by that to be severer with you than I intended : however, I will do nothing to you, but what your threatening my life makes necessary. The boatswain called out to have him to the geers, as they called it, and to have him taste the cat-a- nine-tails ; all which were terms we did not under- stand till afterwards, when we were told he should have been whipped and pickled, for they said it was not to be suffered ; but the captain said, No no, the young man has been really injured, and has reason to be very much provoked ; but I have not injured him, says he ; and then he protested he. had no hand in it, that he was put on board, and we also, by the owners, agent, and for their ac- count ; that it was true, that they did always deal in servants, and carried a great many every voy- age ; but that it was no profit to him as command- er, but they were always put on board by the own- ers, and that it was none of his business to enquire about them ; and, to prove that he was not con- cerned in it, but was very much troubled at so base a thing, and that he would not be instrumen- tal to carry us away against our wills, if the wind and the weather would permit, he would set us on shore again, though, as it blowed then, the wind being at south west, and a hard gale, and that they were already as far as the Orkneys, it was impossible. COLONEL JACK. 187 But the captain was the same man ; he told him, that let the wind blow how it would, he ought not to carry us away against our consents ; and as to his pretences of his owners and the like, it was saying of nothing to him, for it was he, the cap- tain, that carried us away, and that whatever rogue trepanned us on board, (now he knew it) lie ought no more to carry us away than murder us ; and that he demanded to be set on shore, or else he, the captain, was a thief and a murderer. The captain continued mild still ; and then I put in with an argument, that had like to have brought us all back, if the weather had not really hindered it ; which, when I came to understand sea affairs better, I found was indeed so, and that it had been impossible. I told the captain that I was sorry that my brother was so warm, but that our usage was villainous, which he could not deny : then I took up the air of what my habit did not agree with ; I told him, that we were not people to be sold for slaves, that though wc had the mis- fortune to be in a circumstance that obliged us to conceal ourselves, having disguised ourselves to get out of the army, as being not willing to go in- to Flanders, yet that we were men of substance, and able to discharge ourselves from the service when it came to that; and, to convince him of it, I told him I would give him sufficient security, to 188 THE LIFE OF pay 201. a piece for my brother and myself; and in as short time as we could send from the place he should put in to London, and receive a return ; and, to show that I was able to do it, I pulled out my bill for 9 ll. from the gentleman of the Custom- house, and who, to my infinite satisfaction, he knew as soon as he saw the bill. He was astonish- ed at this, and, lifting up his hands. By what witch- craft, says he, were you brought hither J As to that, says I, we have told you the story, and we add nothing to it ; but we insist upon it, that 5^ou will do this justice to us now : Well, says he, I am very sorry for it, but I cannot answer putting back the ship; neither if I could, says he, is it practicable to be done. Wliile this discourse lasted, the two Scotchmen and the other Englishman were silent ; but as I seemed to acquiesce, the Scotchmen began to talk to the same pui'pose, which I need not repeat, and had not mentioned, but for a merry passage that followed. After the Scotchmen had said all they could, and the captain still told them they must submit, — And will you then carry us to Virginia ? Yes, says the captain ; and will we be sold, says the Scotchman, when we come there ? Yes, says the captain. Why then, sir, says the Scotchman, the devil will have you at the hinder end of the bargain ; say you so, says the captain smiling, well. COLONEL JACK. 189 well, let the devil and I alone to agree about that ; do you be quiet, and behave civilly as you should do, and you shall be used as kindly, both here and there, too^ as I can: The poor Scotchmen could say little to it^ nor I, nor any of us ; for we saw- there was no remedy, but to leave the devil and the captain to agree among themselves, as the cap- tain had said, as to the honesty of it. Thus, in shorty we were all, I say, obliged to ac- quiesce, but my captain^ who was so much the more obstinate when he found that I had a fund to make such an offer upon, nor could all my per- suasions prevail with him : The captain of the ship and he had many pleasant dialogues about this in the rest of the voyage, in which Jack never treated him with any language, but that of kidnapper, and villain, nor talked of any thing but of taking his revenge t)f him ; but I omit that part, though very diverting, as being no part of my own story. In short, the wind continued to blow hard, though very fair, till, as the seamen said, we were past the Islands on the north of Scotland, and that we began to steer away westerly, (which I came to understand since) as there was no land any way, for many hundred leagues, so we had no remedy but patience, and to be easy as we could ; only my suily Captain Jack continued the same man all the way. 190 THE LIFE OF We had a very good voyage, no storms all the way, and a northerly wind almost twenty days to- gether ; so that, in a word, we made the capes of Virginia in two and thirty days, from the day we steered west, as I have said, which was in the lati- tude of 60 degrees, 30 minutes, being to the north of the Isle of Great-Britain ; and this they said was a very quick passage. Nothing material happened to me, during the voyage ; and indeed, when I came there, I was obliged to act in so narrow a compass, that nothing very material could present itself. When we came ashore, which was in a great ri- ver, which they call Potomack, the captain asked us, but me more particularly, whether I had any thing to propose to him now ? Jack answered yes, I have something to propose to you, captain ; that is, that I have promised you to cut your throat, and depend upon it I will be as good as my word. Well, well, says the captain, if I can't help it, you shall; so he turned away to me. I understood him very well what he meant ; but I was now out of the reach of any relief; and as for my note, it was now but a bit of paper of no value, for no body could receive it but myself. I saw no remedy, and so talked coldly to him of it as of a thing I was in- different about; and indeed I was grown indif- ferent, for I considered all the way on the voyage. COLONEL JACK. 191 that as I was bred a vaga])ond, had been a pick- pocket and a soldier, and was run from my colours, and that I had no settled abode in the world, nor any employ to get any thing by, except that wick- ed one I was bred to, which had the gallows at the heels of it. I did not see but that this service might be as well to me as other business ; and this I was particularly satisfied with, when they told me, that after I had served out the five years ser- vitude, I should have the courtesy of the country, (as they called it) that is, a certain quantity of land to cultivate and plant for myself. So that now I was like to be brought up to something, by which I might live, without that wretched thing called stealing ; which my very soul abhorred, and which I had given over, as I have said, ever since that wicked time that I robbed the poor widow of Kentish-Town. In this mind I was when I arrived at Virginia; and so, when the captain enquired of me what I intended to do, and whether I had any thing to propose, (that is to say, he meant whether I would give him my bill, which he wanted to be fingering very much;) I answered coldly, My bill would be of no use to me now, for nobody would advance any thing upon it ; only this I would say to him, that, if he would carry me and Captain Jack back to England, and to London again, I would pay 192 THE LIFE OF him the 201. off my bill for each of us. This he had no mind to ; for as to your brother, says he, I would not take him into my ship for twice 201. he is such a hardened desperate villain, says he I should be obliged to carry him in irons as I brought him hither. Thus we parted with our Captain, or kidnapper, call him as you will. We were then delivered to the merchants, to whom we were consigned, who again disposed of us as they thought fit, and in a few days we were separated. ^, As for my Captain Jack, to make short of the ^ story, that desperate rogue had the good luck to J have a very easy good master, whose business and good humour he abused very much ; and, in par- ticular, took an opportunity to run away with a boat, which his master entrusted him and another with, to carry some provisions down the river to another plantation, which he had there. This boat and provisions they ran away with, and sailed north to the bottom of the bay, (as they call it) and into a river, called Susquehanna, and there, quitting the boat, they wandered through the woods, till they came into Pennsylvania, from whence they made shift to get passage to New-England, and from thence home ; where, falling in among his old I companions, and to the old trade, he was at length taken and hanged, about a month before I came i^ 11 COLONEL JACK. 193 to London, which was near twenty years after- ward. My part was harder at the beginning, though better at the latter end ; I was disposed of, (that is to say) sold, to a rich planter, whose name was Smith, and, with me, the other Englishman, who was my fellow- deserter, that Jack brought to me when we went off from Dunbar. We were now fellow-servants, and it was our lot to be carried up a small river or creek, which falls into Potomack river, about eight miles from the great river. Here we were brought to the plantation, and put in among about fifty servants, as well negroes, as others ; and being delivered to the head-man, or director, or manager of the plan- tation, he took care to let us know that we must expect to work, and very hard too ; for it was for that purpose his master bought servants, and for no other. I told him, very submissively, that since it was our misfortune to come into such a misera- ble condition as we were in, we expected no other ; only we desired, we might be showed our business, and be allowed to learn it gradually, since he might be sure we had not been used to labour ; and, I added, that when he knew particularly by what methods we were brought, and betrayed into such a condition, he would perhaps see cause, at least to shew us that favour, if not more. This I spoke with such a moving tone, as gave him curi- VOL. I. N 194 THE LIFE OF osity to enquire into the particulars of our story, which I gave him at large, a little more to our advantage too than ordinary. This story, as I hoped it would, did move him to a sort of tenderness ; but yet he told us, that his master's business must be done, and that he expect- ed we must work as above ; that he could not dis- pense with that upon any account whatever. Ac- cordingly to work we went ; and indeed we had three hard things attending us ; namely, we work- ed hard, lodged hard, and fared hard. The first I had been an utter stranger to, the last I could shift well enough with* During this scene of life, I had time to reflect on my past hours, and upon what I had done in the world ; and though I had no great capacity of i making a clear judgment, and very little reiiec- ' tions from conscience, yet it made some impres- sions upon me; and, particularly, that I was brought into this miserable condition of a slave, by some strange directing power, as a punishment for the wickedness of my younger years; and this thought was increased upon the following occasion : the master, whose service I was now engaged in^ was a man of substance and figure in the country, and had abundance of servants, as well negroes as Enghsh ; in all, I think, he had near two hun- dred ; and among so many, as some grew every COLONEL JACK. 195 year infirm and unable to work, others went off up- on their time being expired, and others died ; and by these and other accidents the number would diminish, if they were not often recruited and filled, and this obliged him to buy more every year. It happened while I was here, that a ship arri- ved from London with several servants, and among the rest was seventeen transported felons, some burnt in the hand, others not ; eight of whom my master bought for the time specified in the warrant for their transportation respectively, some for a longer, some a shorter term of years. Our master was a great man in the country, and a justice of peace, though he seldom came down to the plantation where I was ; yet, as the new servants were brought on shore, and delivered at our plantation, his worship came thither, in a kind of state, to see and receive them. When they were brought before him, I was called, among other servants, as a kind of guard, to take them into custody, after he had seen them, and to carry them to the work. They were brought by a guard of seamen from the ship, and the second mate of the ship came with them, and delivered them to our master, with the warrant for their transpor- tation, as above. When his worship had read over the warrants, he called them over by their names, one by one^ 196 THE LIFE OF and having let them know, by his reading the war- rants over again to each man respectively, that he knew for what offences they were transported. He talked to every one separately very gravely ; let them know how much favour they had received in being saved from the gallows, which the law had appointed for their crimes ; that they were not sen- tenced to be transported, but to be hanged, and that transportation was granted them upon their own request and humble petition. Then he laid before them, that they ought to look upon the life they were just agoing to enter upon as just beginning the world again ; that if they thought fit to be diligent and sober, they would (after the time they were ordered to serve was ex- pired) be encouraged by the constitution of the country, to settle and plant for themselves ; and that even he himself would be so kind to them, that, if he lived to see any of them serve their time faithfully out, it was his custom to assist his servants in order to their settling in that country, accord- ing as their behaviour might merit from him ; and they would see and know several planters round about them, who now were in very good circum- stances, and who formerly were only his servants, in the same condition with them, and came from the same place, (that is to say) Newgate; and some of them had the mark of it in their hands. COLONEL JACK. 197 but were now very honest men, and lived in very good repute. Among the rest of his new servants, he came to a young fellow not above seventeen or eighteen years of age, and Iiis warrant mentions, that he was, though a young man, yet an old offender; that he had been several times condemned, but had been respited or pardoned, but still he con- tinued an incorrigible pick-pocket ; that the crime, for which he was now transported, was for picking a a merchant's pocket-book, or letter-case, out of his pocket, in which was bills of exchange for a very great sum of money ; that he had afterwards received the money upon some of the bills ; but that going to a goldsmith in Lombard-street with another bill, and having demanded the money, he was stopped, notice having been given of the loss of them ; that he was condemned to die for the felony, and being so well known for an old offender, had certainly died, but the merchant, upon his earnest application, had obtained that he should be transported, on condition that he resto- red all the rest of his bills, which he had done ac- cordingly. Our master talked a long time to this young fel- low ; mentioned, with some surprize, that he so ) oung should have followed such a wicked trade so long as to obtain the name of an old offender at 198 THE LIFE OF so young an age ; and that he should be stiled in- corrigible, which is to signify, that, notwithstand- ing his being whipt two or three times, and seve- ral times punished by imprisonment, and once burnt in the hand, yet nothing would do him any good, but that he was still the same. He talked mighty religiously to this boy, and told him, God had not only spared him from the gallows, but had now mercifully delivered him from the opportu- nity of committing the same sin again, and put it into his power to live an honest life, which perhaps he knew not how to do before ; and though some part of his life now might be laborious, yet he ought to look on it to be no more than being put out apprentice to an honest trade, in which, when he came out of his time, he might be able to set up for himself, and live honestly. Then he told him, that while he was a servant, he would have no opportunity to be dishonest, so when he came to be for himself he would have no temptation to it ; and so, after a great many other kind things said to him, and the rest, they were dismissed. I was exceedingly moved at this discourse of our master's, as any body would judge I must be, when it was directed to such a young rogue, born 9. thief, and bred up a pick-pocket, like myself; for COLONEL JACK. 199 I thought all my master said was spoken to me, and sometimes it came into my head, that sure my master was some extraordinary man, and he knew all things that ever 1 had done in my life. But I was surprized to the last degree, when my master, dismissing all the rest of us servants, pointed at me, and speaking to his head clerk, here, says he, bring that young fellow hither to me. I had been near a year in the work, and I had plied it so well, that the clerk, or head man, either flattered me, or did really believe, that I behaved very well ; but I was terribly frighted to hear my- self called out aloud, just as they used to call for such as had done some misdemeanor, and were to to be lashed, or otherwise corrected. I came in like a malefactor indeed, and thought I looked like one just taken in the fact, and carried before the justice ; and indeed, when I came in, for I was carried into an inner room, or parlour, in the house to him ; his discourse to the rest was in a large hall, where he sat in a seat like a lord-judge upon the bench, or a petty king upon his throne. When I came in, I say, he ordered his man to withdraw, and I standing half naked, and bare- headed, with my haugh, or hoe, in my hand, (the posture and figure I was in at my work) near the door, he bad me lay down my hoe, and come near- er ; then he began to look a little less stern and 200 THE LIFE OF terrible than I fancied him to look before, or, per- haps, both his countenance then and before might be, to my imagination, differing from what they really were ; for we do not always judge those things by the real temper of the person, but by the mea- sure of our apprehensions. Hark ye, young man, how old are you ? says my master, and so our dialogue began. Jach. Indeed, sir, I do not know. Mast, What is your name ? Jack. They call me Colonel here, but my name is Jack, an't please your worship. Mast. But pr'ythee, what is thy name ? Jaclc. Jack, Mast. What is thy christian name then. Colonel, and thy sirname. Jack ? Jack. Truly, sir, to tell your honour the truth, I know little or nothing of myself, nor what my true name is ; but thus I have been called ever since I remember ; which is my christian name, or which my sirname, or whether I was ever christen- ed or not, I cannot tell. Mast. Well, however, that's honestly answered. Pray how came you hither, and on what account are you made a servant here ? Jack. 1 wish your honour could have patience with me to hear the whole story ; it is the hardest and most unjust thing that ever came before you. COLONEL JACK. 201 Mast. Say you so ? tell it me at large then ; I'll hear it, I promise that, if it be an hour long. This encouraged me, and I began at my being a soldier, and being persuaded to desert at Dunbar, and gave him all the particulars, as they are rela- ted above, to the time of my coming on shore, and the Captain talking to me about my bill after I ar- rived here. He held up his hands several times as I went on, expressing his abhorrence of the us- age I had met with at Newcastle, and enquired the name of the master of the ship ; for, said he, that Captain, for all his smooth words, must be a rogue ; so I told him his name, and the name of the ship, and he took it down in his book, and then we went on. Mast. But pray answer me honestly too, to ano- ther question. What was it made you so much concerned at my talking to the boy there, the pick-pocket ? Jack. An't please your honour, it moved me to hear you talk so kindly to a poor slave. Mast. And was that all, speak truly now ? Jack. No, indeed, but a secret wish came into my thoughts, that you that were so good to such a creature as that, could but one way or other know my case, and that if you did, you would cer- tainly pity me, and do something for me. Mast, Well, but was there nothing in his case 202 THE LIFE OF that hit with your own, that made you so affected with it, for I saw tears come from your eyes, and it was that made me call to speak to you. Jack. Indeed, sir, I have been a wicked idle boy, and was left desolate in the world ; but that boy is a thief, and condemned to be hanged; I never was before a court of justice in my life. Mast, Well, I won't examine you too far; if you were never before a court of justice, and are not a criminal transported, I have nothing farther to enquire of you. You have been ill used, that's certain, and was it that that affected you ? Jack. Yes indeed, please your honour : (we all called him his honour, or his worship.) Mast. Well, now I do know your case, what can I do for you ? You speak of a bill of 911. of which you would have given the Captain 4-01. for your liberty, have you that bill in your keeping still > Jack. Yes, sir, here it is, (I pulled it out of the waistband of my drawers, where I always found means to preserve it, wrapped up in a piece of paper, and pinned to the waistband, and yet al- most worn out too with often pinning and remo- ving, so I gave it to him to read, and he read it.) Mast. And is this gentleman in being that gave you the bill ? Jack, Yes, sir, he was alive, and in good health, COLONEL JACK. 203 when I came from London, which you may see by the date of the bill, for I came away the next day. MasU I do not wonder that the Captain of the ship was willing to get this bill of you, when you came on shore here. Jack. I would have given it into his possession, if he would have carried me and my brother back again to England, and have taken what he asked for us out of it. Mast, Ay, but he knew better than that too; he knew, if he had any friends there, they would call him to an account for what he had done ; but I wonder he did not take it from you while you were at sea, either by fraud or by force. Jack, He did not attempt that indeed. Mast, Well, young man, I have a mind to try if I can do you any service in this case. On my word, if the money can be paid, and you can get it safe over, I might put you in a way how to be a better man than your master, if you will be honest and diligent. Jack. As I behave myself in your service, sir, you will, I hope, judge of the rest. Mast. But perhaps you hanker after returning to England. Jack, No, indeed, sir, if I can but get my bread honestly here, I have no mind to go to England ; 204? THE LIFE OF for I know not how to get my bread there ; if I had, I had not Hsted for a soldier. Mast. Well, but I must ask you some questions about that part hereafter; for *tis indeed some- thing strange that you should list for a soldier, when you had 941. in your pocket. Jack. I shall give your worship as particular ac- count of that as I have of the other part of ray life, if you please, but 'tis very long. Mast. Well, we will have that another time ; but to the case in hand, are you willing I should send to any body at London, to talk with that gen- tleman that gave you the bill ; not to take the mo- ney of him, but to ask him only, whether he has so much money of yours in his hands ? and whe- ther he will part with it when you shall give order, and send the bill, or a duplicate of it ; that is, says he, the copy ; and it was well he did say so, for I did not understand the word duplicate at all. Jack Yes, sir, I will give you the bill itself, if you please, I can trust it with you, though I could not with him. Mast. No, no, young man, I won't take it from you. JacL I wish your worship would please to keep it for me, for, if I should lose it, then I am quite undone. Mast. I will keep it for you, Jack, if you will. COLONEL JACK. 205 but then you shall have a note under my V and, signifying that I have it, and will return it you upon demand, which will be as safe to you as the bill ; I won't take it else. So I gave my master the bill, and he gave me his note for it ; and he was a faithful steward for me, as you will hear in its place. After this con- ference, I was dismissed, and went to my work, but about two hours after, the steward, or the over- seer of the plantation, came riding by, and coming up to me, as I was at work, pulled a bottle out of his pocket, and calling me to him, gave me a dram of rum ; when, in good manners, I had taken but a little sup, he held it out to me again, and bad we take another, and spoke wonderous civilly to me, quite otherwise than he used to do. This encouraged me, and heartened me very much, but yet I had no particular view of any thing, or which way I should have any relief. A day or two after, when we were all going out to our work in the morning, the overseer call- ed me to him again, and gave me a dram, and a good piece of bread, and bade me come off from my work about one o'clock, and come to him to the house, for he must speak with me. When I came to him, I came to be sure in the ordinary habit of a poor half-naked slave. Come hither, young man, says he, and give me your hoe. 206 THE LIFE OF When I gave it him, Well, says he, you are to work no more in this plantation. I looked surprised, and as if I was frighted. What have I done, sir, said I, and whither am I to be sent away ? Nay, nay, says he, and looked very pleasantly, do not be frighted, 'tis for your good, *tis not to hurt you; I am ordered to make an overseer of you, and you shall be a slave no longer. Alas ! says I to him, I an overseer ! I am in no condition for it, I have no cloaths to put on, no linen, nothing to help myself. Well, well, says he, you may be better used than you are aware of; come hither with me. So he led me into a vast great warehouse, or rather set of w arehouses, one within another, and calling the warehouse-keeper. Here, says he, you must clothe this man, and give him every thing neces- sary, upon the foot of number five, and give the bill to me ; our master has ordered me to allow it in the accompt of the west plantation. That was, it seems, the plantation where I was to go. COLONEL JACK. 20^ CHAP. IXi / stumble at the threshold of my netu office— ^I study to render the negroes obedient tvithout punishment, and succeed' -Our master visits the plantation — Conversation tvith him — / gai?i his good graces more and more — Fidelity of a negroe. Accordingly, the warehouse-keeper carried mc into an inner warehouse, where were several suits of cloaths of the sort his orders mentioned ; which Tvere plain, but good sorts of cloaths, ready made, being of a good broad-cloth, about 11 s. a yard in England, and with this he gave me three good shirts, two pair of shoes, stockings and gloves, a hat, six neckloths, and,, in short, every thing I could want ; and when he had looked every thing out, and fitted them, he lets me into a little room by itself: Here, says he, go in there a slave, and 4Come out a gentleman ; and with that carried every 208 THE LIFE OF thing into the room, and, shutting the door, bid me put them on, which I did most wilHngly ; and now you may beheve, that I began to hope for something better than ordinary. In a little while after this, came the overseer, and gave me joy of my new cloaths, and told me I must go with him ; so I was carried to another plan- tation, larger than that where I worked before, and where there were two overseers, or clerks; one within doors, and two without. This last was re- moved to another plantation, and I was placed there in his room ; that is to say, as the clerk with- out doors, and my business was to look after the servants and negroes, and take care that they did their business, provide their food, and, in short, both govern and direct them. I was elevated to the highest degree in my thoughts at this advancement, and it is impossible for me to express the joy of my mind upon this occasion ; but there came a difficulty upon me, that shocked me so violently, and went so against my very nature, that I really had almost forfeited my place about it ; and in all appearance, the favour of our master, who had been so generous to me ; and this was, that when I entered upon my office, I had a horse given me, and a long horse whip, like what we call in England a hunting whip. The horse was to ride up and down all over the planta- 11 COLONEL JACK. 209 tion, to see the servants and negroes did their work, and the plantation being so large, it could not be done on foot, at least so often, and so effec- tually, as was required; and the horses-whip was given me to correct and lash the slaves and ser- vants, when they proved negligent or quarrelsome, or, in short, were guilty of any offence. This part turned the very blood within my veins, and I could not think of it with any temper, that I, who was but yesterday a servant or slave like them, and un- der the authority of the same lash, should lift up my hand to the cruel work which was my terror but the day before. This, I say, I could not do ; insomuch that the negroes perceived it, and I had soon so much contempt upon my authority, that we were all in disorder. The ingratitude of their return, for the compas- sion I shewed them, provoked me, I confess, and a little hardened my heart ; and I began with the ne- groes, two of whom I was obliged to correct ; and I thought I did it most cruelly ; but after I had lashed them, till every blow I struck them hurt tnyself, and I was ready to faint at the work, the rogues laughed at me, and one of them had the impudence to say, behind my back, that, if he had the whipping of me, he would show me better how to whip a negroe. Well, however, I had no power to do it in such a barbarous manner as I found it was necessary t© VOL. I. o 210 THE LIFE OF have it done ; and the defect began to be a detri- ment to our master's business, and now I began indeed to see, that the cruelty so much talked of, used in Virginia and Barbadoes, and other colonies, in whipping the negroe slaves, was not so much owing to the tyranny, and passion, and cruelty of the English, as had been reported ; the English not being accounted to be of a cruel disposition, and really are not so ; but that it is owing to the bru- tality and obstinate temper of the negroes, who can- not be managed by kindness and courtesy, but must be ruled with a rod of iron, beaten with scor- pions, as the scripture calls it, and must be used as they do use them, or they would rise and murder all their masters, which, their numbers considered, would not be hard for them to do, if they had arms and ammunition suitable to the riage and cruelty of their nature. But I began to see at the same time, that this brutal temper of the negroes was not rightly ma- naged ; that they did not take the best course with them to make them sensible, either of mercy or punishment ; and it was evident to me that even the worst of those tempers might be brought to a compliance, without the lash, or at least without so much of it as they generally inflicted. Our master was really a man of humanity him- self, and was sometimes so full of tenderness, that he would forbid the severities of his overseers and COLONEL JACK. 211 stewards ; but he saw the necessity of it, and was obliged at last to leave it to the discretion of his upper servants ; yet he would often bid them be mercifiil, and bid them consider the difference of the constitution of the bodies of the negroes ; some being less able to bear the tortures of their punish- ment than others, and some of them less obstinate too than others. However some body was so officious as to in- form him against me upon this occasion ; and let him know, that I neglected his affairs, and that the servants were under no government ; by which means his plantation was not duly managed, and that all things were in disorder. This was a heavy charge for a young overseer, and his honour came like a judge, with all his at- tendants, to look into things, and hear the cause. However, he was so just to me, as that, before he censured me, he resolved to hear me fully, and that not only publicly but in private too ^ and the last part of this was my particular good fortune ; for as he had formerly allowed me to speak to him with freedom, so I had the like freedom now, and had full liberty to explain and defend myself. I knew nothing of the complaint against me, till I had it from his own mouth ; nor any thing of his coming till I saw him in the very plantation, view- ing his work, and viewing the several pieces of 212 THE LIFE OF ground that were ordered to be new planted ; and after he had rode all round, and seen things in the condition which they were to be seen in ; how every thing was in its due order, and the servants and negroes were all at work, and every thing* appearing to his mind, he went into the house. As I saw him come up the walks, I ran towards him, and made my homage, and gave him my humble thanks for the goodness he had shewed me, in taking me from the miserable condition I was in before, and employing and entrusting me in his business ; and he looked pleasant enough, though he did not say much at first, and I attended him through the whole plantation, gave him an account of every thing as he went along, answered all his objections and enquiries, every where in such a manner, as it seems, he did not expect, and, as he acknowledged afterward, every thing was very much to his satisfaction. There was an overseer, as I observed, belong- ing to the same plantation, who was, though not over me, yet in a work superior to mine ; for his business was to see the tobacco packed up, and deliver it either on board the sloops, or otherwise, as our master ordered, and to receive English goods from the grand warehouse, which was at the other plantation, because that was nearest the water-side ; and, in short, to keep the accompts. COLONEL JACK. 213^ This overseer, an honest and upright man, made no complaint to him of his business being neglect- ed, as above, or of any thing like it, though he enquired of him about it, and that very strictly too. 1 should have said, that as he rid over the plan- tation, he came in his round to the place where the servants were usually corrected, when they had done any fault ; and there stood two negroes, with their hands tied behind them, as it were mider sentence ; and when he came near them, they fell on their knees, and made pitiful signs to him for mercy.— Alas ! alas ! says he, turning to me, why did you bring me this way ^ I do not love such sights, what must I do now ^ I must pardon them ; prithee, what have they done ? I told him the par- ticular oftences which they were brought to the place for; one had stole a bottle of rum, and had made himself drunk with it, and when he was drunk, had done a great many mad things, and had attempted to knock one of the white servants* brains out with a hand-spike ; but that the white man had avoided the blow, and, striking up the negroe's heels, had seized him, and brought him prisoner thither, where he had lain all night ; and that I had told him he was to be whipped that day, and the next three days, twice every day. And could you be so cruel > (says his honour,) why you would kill the poor wretch ; and so, beside 214 THE LIFE OF the blood which you would have to answer for, you would lose me a lusty man negroe, which cost me at least SOl. or 401. and bring a reproach upon my whole plantation; nay, and more than that, some of them in revenge would murder me, if ever it was in their power. Sir, says I, if those fellows are not kept under by violence, I believe you are satisfied, nothing is to be done with them ; and it is reported, in your works, that I have been rather their jest than their terror, for want of using them as they deserve ; and I was resolved, how much soever it is against my own disposition, that your service should not suffer for my unseasonable forbearance ; and there- fore, if I had scourged him to death— Hold, says he, no, no, by no means, any such severity in my bounds ; remember, young man, you were once a servant, deal as you would acknowledge it would be just to deal with you in his case, and mingle al- ways some mercy ; I desire it, and let the conse- quence of being too gentle be placed to my ac- count. This was as much as I could desire, and the more, because what passed was in pubhc, and se- veral, both negroes and white servants, as well as the particular persons who had accused me, heard it all, though I did not know it. — A cruel dog of ^ overseer, says one of the white servants behind, COLONEL JACK. 215 he would have whipped poor bullet-head (so they called the negroe that was to be punished) to death, if his honour had not happened to come to- day. However, I urged the notorious crime this fel- low was guilty of, and the danger there was in such forbearance, from the refractory and incorrigible temper of the negroes, and pressed a little the ne- cessity of making examples ; but he said. Well, well, do it the next time, but not now ; so I said no more. The other fellow's crime was trifling compared with this ; and the master went forward, talking of it to me, and I following him, till we came to the house ; when, after he had been sat down a while, he called me to liim ; and, not suffering my ac- cusers to come near, till he had heard my defence, he began with me thus. Mast, Hark ye, young man, I must have some discourse with you. — Your conduct is complained of since I set you over this plantation ; I thought your sense of the obligation I had laid on you, would have secured your diligence and faithfulness to me. Jack, I am very sorry any complaint should be made of me, because the obligation I am under to your honour, (and which I freely confess) does bind n^e to your interest in the strongest manner 216 THE LIFE OF imaginable ; and, however I may have mistaken my business, I am sure 1 have not willingly neglect- ed it. Mast. Well, I shall not condemn you without hearing you, and therefore I called you in now to tell you of it. Jack, I humbly thank your honour ; I have but one petition more, and, that is, that I may know my accusation ; and, if you please, my accu- sers. Mast, The first you shall, and that is the reason of my talking to you in private ; and if there is any need of a farther hearing, you shall know your accusers too. What you are charged with, is just contrary to what appeared to me just now, and therefore you and I must come to a new under- standing about it, for I thought I was too cunning for you, and now I think you have been too cun- ning for me. Jack, I hope your honour will not be offended, that I do not fully understand you. Mast, I believe you do not ; come, tell me honest- ly, did you really intend to whip the poor negroe twice a day for four days together, that is to say, to whip him to death, for that would have been the English of it, and the end of it. Jack. If I may be permitted to guess, sir, Ibelieve I know the charge that is brought against me ; and COLONEL JACK. 21^ that your honour has been told, that I have been too gentle with the negroes, as well as with other servants ; and that when they deserved to be used with the accustomed severity of the country, I have not given them half enough ; and that by this means they are careless of your business, and that your plantation is not well looked after, and the like. Mast, Well, you guess right ; go on. Jack. The first part of the charge I confess, but the last I deny ; and appeal to your honour's strict- est examination into every part of it. Mast. If the last part could be true, I would be glad the first were ; for it would be an infinite satisfaction to me, that, my business not being ne- glected, nor our safety endangered, those poor wretches could be used with more humanity ; for cruelty is the aversion of my nature, and it is the only uncomfortable thing that attends me in all my prosperity. Jack. I freely acknowledge, sir, that at first it was impossible for me to bring myself to that ter- rible work. How could I, that was but just come out of the terror of it myself, and had but the day before been a poor naked miserable servant myself, and might be to morrow reduced to the same con- dition again ; how could I use this (shewing a horse 218 THE LIFE OF whip) terrible weapon on the naked flesh of my fellow-servants, as well as fellow-creatures ? At least, sir, when my duty made it absolutely neces* sary, I could not do it without the utmost horror. I beseech you pardon me, if I have such a tender- ness in my nature, that though I might be fit to be your servant, I am incapable of being an excr cutioner, having been an offender myself. Mast, Well, but how then can my business be done ? and how will this terrible obstinacy of the negroes, who, they tell me, can be no otherwise governed, be kept from neglect of their work, or even insolence and rebellion ? Jack, This brings me, sir, to the latter part of my defence ; and here, I hope your honour will be pleased to call my accusers, or that you will give yourself the trouble of taking the exactest view of your plantation, and see, or let them shew you, if any thing is neglected, if your business has suffer- ed in any thing, or if your negroes or other ser- vants are under less government than they were before ; and if, on the contrary, I have found out that happy secret, to have good order kept, the business of the plantation done, and that with dili- gence and dispatch, and that the negroes are kept in awe, the natural temper of them subjected, and the safety and peace of jqwx family secured, as COLONEL JACK. 219 well by gentle means as by rough, by moderate correction as by torture and barbarity, by a due awe of just discipline, as by the horror of unsufFer- able torments, I hope your honour will not lay that sin to my charge. Mast. No, indeed, you would be the most accept- able manager that ever I employed ; but how then does this consist with the cruel sentence you had passed on the poor fellow that is in your condemn- ed hole yonder, who was to be whipped eight times in four days, JacJc, Very well, sir ; first, sir, he remains under the terrible apprehensions of a punishment, so se- vere as no negroe ever had before; this fellow, with your leave, I intended to release to-morrow, without any whipping at all, after talking to him in my way about his offence, and raising in his mind a sense of the value of pardon ; and if this makes him a better servant than the severest whipping will do, then, I presume, you would allow I have gained a point. Mast, Ay, but what if it should not be so ? for these fellows have no sense of gratitude. Jack, That is, sir, because they are never par- doned ; if they offend, they never know what mer- cy is, and what then have they to be grateful for ? Mast. Thou art in the right indeed ; where there 220 THE LIFE OF is no mercy shewed, there is no obligation laid up- on them. Jack. Besides, sir, if they have at any time been let go, which is very seldom, they ai-e not told what the case is; they take no pains with them to imprint principles of gratitude on their minds, to tell them what kindness is she\m them, and what they are indebted for it, and what they might gain in the end by it. Mast, But do you think such usage would do ? Would it make any impression ? You persuade yourself it would, but you see 'tis against the re- ceived notion of the whole country. Jack, There are, it may be, public and nation- al mistakes and errors in conduct, and this is one. Mast, Have you tried it ? You cannot say it is a mistake till you have tried and proved it to be so. Jack. Your whole plantation is a proof of it. This very fellow had never acted as he did, if he had not gotten rum in his head, and been out of the government of himself; so that indeed all the offence I ought to have punished him for had been that of stealing a bottle of rum, and drinking it all up ; in which case, like Noah, he did not know the strength of it, and when he had it in his head, he was a madman, he was as one raging and distract- COLONEL JACK, 221 ed ; so that, for all the rest, he deserved pity rather than punishment. Mast. Thou art right, certainly right, and thou wilt be a rare fellow if thou canst bring these notions into practice : I wish you had tried it upon any one particular negroe, that I might see an example ; I would give 5001. it could be brought to bear. JacL I desire nothing, sir, but your favour, and the advantage of obliging you ; I will show you an example of it, among your own negroes, and all the plantation will acknowledge it. Mast. You make my very heart glad within me. Jack ; if you can bring this to pass, I here give you my word, I'll not only give you your own freedom, but make a man of you for this world as long as you live. Upon this I bowetl to him very respectfully, and told him the following story. There is a negroe, sir, in your plantation, who has been your servant several years before I came ; he did a fault that was of no great consequence in itself, but perhaps would have been woi'se, if they had indeed gone farther, and I had him brought into the usual place, and tied him by the thumbs for correction, and he was told that he should be whipped and pickled in a dreadful manner. After I had made proper im» pressions on his mind, of tlie terror of his punish- 222 THE LIFE OF ment, and found that he was sufficiently humbled by it, I went into the house, and caused him to be brought out, just as they do when they go to cor- rect the negroes on such occasions ; when he was stripped and tied up, he had two lashes given him, that were indeed very cruel ones, and I called to them to hold ; Hold, said I, to the two men that had just began to lay on upon the poor fellow, hold, said I, let me talk with him* So he was taken down ; then I began, and repre- sented to him how kind you, that were his * great master, had been to him ; that you had never done him any harm, that you had used him gently, and he had never been brought to this punishment in so many years, though he had done some faults before ; that this was a notorious offence, for he had stolen some rum, and made himself and two other negroes drunk-mad, f and had abused two women negroes, who had husbands in our master's service, but in another plantation ; and played se- • So the negroes call the owner of the plantation, or at least so they called him, because he was a great man in the country, having three or four large plantations. t To be drunk in a negroe, is to be mad ; for when they get rnra they are worse than raving, and fit to do any man- ner of mischief. COLONEL JACK. 223 veral pranks, and for this I had appointed him this punishment. He shook his head, and made signs that he was muchee sorree, as he called it. And what will you say or do, said I, if I should prevail with the great master to pardon you ? I have a mind to go and see if I can beg for you. He told me he would lie down, let me kill him ; me will, says he, run, go, fetch, bring for you as long as me live. This was the opportunity I had a mind to have, to try whe- ther, as negroes have all the other faculties of rea- sonable creatures, they had not also some sense of kindness, some principles of natural generosity, which, in short, is the foundation of gratitude ; for gratitude is the product of generous principles. You please me with the beginning of this story, says he, I hope you have carried it on. Yes, sir, says Ij it has been carried on farther perhaps than you imagine, or will think has been possible in such a case. But I was not so arrogant as to assume the me- rit to myself: No, no, said I, I do not ask you to go or run for me, you must do all that for our great master, for it will be from him entirely that you will be pardoned, if you are pardoned at all, for your offence is against him ; and what will you say, will you be grateful to him, and run, go, fetch, bring, for him as long as you live, as you have said you w ould for me ? 224i THE LIFE OF Yes indeed, says he, and muchec do, muchee do, for you too (he would not leave me out) you ask him for me. Well, I put off all his promised gratitude to me from myself, as was my duty, and placed it to your account ; told him I knew you was muchee good, muchee pitiful, and I would persuade you if I could ; and so told him I would go to you, and he should be whipped no more till I came again ; but, liark ye, Mouchat, says I, (that was the negroe's name, ) they tell me, when I came hither, that there is no showing kindness to any of you negroes; that when we spare you from whipping, you laugh at us, and are the worse. He looked very serious at me, and said, O, that no so ; the masters say so, but no be so, no be so, indeede, indeede, and so we parlied. Jack, Why do they say so then ? To be sure they have tried you all. Negroe. No, no, they no try, they say so, but no try. Jack. I hear them all say so. Negroe. Me tell you the true ; they have no mer- cie, they beat us cruel, all cruel, they never have show mercie. How can they tell we be no better ? Jack. What, do they never spare ? Negroe. Master, me speakee the true ; they tiever give mercie, they always whippee, lashce, 11 COLONEL JACK. 225 knockee down, all cruel : negroe be muchee bet- ter man, do muchee better work, but they tell us no mercie. Jach. But, what, do they never show any mercy ? Negroe. No, never, no never, all whippee, all whippee, cruel, worse than they whippee de horse, whippee de dog. Jack, But would they be better if they did I Negroe. Yes, yes, negroe be muchee better if they be mercie ; when they be whippee, whippee, negroe muchee cry, muchee hate, would kill if they had de gun ; but when they makee de mercie, then negroe tell de great tankee, and love to worke, and do muchee worke ; and because be good mas- ter to them. Jack They say no, you would laugh at them and mock when they shew mercy. Negroe. How ! they say when they shew mer- cie, they never shew mercie, me never see them shew one mercie since me live. Now, sir, said I, if this be so, really they go, I dare say, contrary to your inclination ; for I see you are but too full of pity for the miserable ; I saw it in my own case ; and upon a presumption, that you had rather have your work done from a principle of love, than fear, without making your servants bleed for every trifle, if it were possible ; VOL. I. p 226 THE LIFE OF I say, upon this presumption, I dealt with this Mouchat as you shall hear. Mast. I have never met with any thing of this kind since I have been a planter, which is now- above 40 years ; I am delighted with the story ; go on, I expect a pleasant conclusion. Jack. The conclusion, sir, will be, I believe, as much to your satisfaction as the beginning ; for it every way answered my expectation, and will yours also ; and shew you how you might be faith- fully served if you pleased, for 'tis certain you are not so served now. Mast. No, indeed ; they serve me but just as they do the devil, for fear I should hurt them ; but 'tis contrary to an ingenuous spirit to delight in such service ; I abhor it, if I could but know how to get any other. Jack. It is easy, sir, to shew you, that you may be served upon better principles, and consequent- ly be better served, and more to your satisfaction ; and I dare undertake to convince you of it. Mast. Well, go on with the story. Jack. After I had talked thus to him, I said. Well, Mouchat, I shall see how you will be after- ward, if I can get our great master to be merciful to you at this time. Negroe. Yes, you shall see, you muchee sec, muchee see. U COLONEL JACK. 227 Upon this, I called for my horse, and went from him^ and made, as if I rode away to you, who, they told me, was in the next plantation, and having staid four or five hours, I came back and talked to him again ; told him that I had waited on you, and that you had heard of his offence, was highly provoked, and had resolved to cause him to be severely punished for an example to all the negroes in the plantation ; but that I had told you how penitent he was, and how good he would be if you would pardon him ; and had at last prevailed on you : That you had told me what all people said of the negroes ; how, that to shew them mercy, was to make them think you were never in earnest with tliem, and that you did but trifle and play with them : However, that I had told you what he had said of himself, and that it was not true of the ne- groes, and that the white men said it, but that they could not know, because they did never shew any mercy ; and therefore had never tried : That I had persuaded you to shew mercy, to try whether kind- ness would prevail as much as cruelty ; and now, Mouchat, said I, you will be let go ; pray let our great master see that I have said true ; so I ordered him to be untied, gave him a dram of rum out of my pocket bottle, and ordered them to give him some victuals. When the fellow was let loose, he came to me, and kneeled down to me, and took hold of my legs ^28 THE LIFE OF and of my feet, and laid his head upon the ground, and sobbed and cried Hke a child that had been corrected, but could not speak for his life ; and thus he continued a long time : I would have taken him up, but he would not rise ; but I cried as fast as he, for I could not bear to see a poor wretch lie on the ground to me, that was but a servant the other day like himself; at last, but not till a quarter of an hour, I made him get up, and then he spoke. Me muchee know good great master, muchee good you master : No negroe unthankful, me die for them, do me so muchee kind. I dismissed him then, and bid him go to his wife, (for he was married,) and not work that after- noon ; but, as he was going away, I called him again, and talked thus to him. Now, Mouchat, says I, you see the white men can shew mercy : Now you must tell all the negroes what has been reported of them, that they regard nothing but the whip ; that if they are used gently they are the worse, not the better ; and that this is the reason why the white men shew them no mercy ; and convince them, that they would be much better treated, and used kindlier, if they would shew themselves as grateful for kind usage, as humble after torment ; and see if you can work on them. Me go, me go, says he, me muchee talk to COLONEL JACK, 229 them ; they be muchee glad as me be, and do great work, to be used kind by de great master. Mast. Well, but now what testimony have you of this gratitude you speak of? Have you seen any alteration among them ? Jack. I come next to that part, sir. About a month after this, 1 caused a report to be spread abroad in the plantation, that I had offended you, the great master, and that I was turned out of the plantation, and was to be hanged ; your honour knows that some time ago, you sent me upon your particular business into Potuxent river, where I was absent 12 days, then I took the opportunity to have this report spread about among the ne- groes, to see how it would work. Mast. What ? to see how Mouchat would take it? Jack. Yes, sir, and it made a discovery indeed; the poor fellow did not believe it presently, but finding I was still absent, he went to the head clerk, and standing at his door, said nothing, but looked like a fool of ten years old ; after some time, the upper overseer came out, and, seeing him stand there, at first said nothing, supposing he had been sent of some errand ; but observing him to stand stock still, and that he was in the same posture and place, during the time that he had passed and repassed two or three times, he stops short the last time of his coming by, what do you 230 THE LIFE OF want, says he to him, that you stand idle here so long ? Me speakee, me tell something, says he. Then the overseer thought some discovery was at hand, and began to listen to him ; what would )'ou tell me, says he ? Me tell ? pray, says he, where be de other mas- ter ? He meant, he would ask where he was ; what other master do you mean, says the clerk ? what, do you want to speak with the great master ? He can't be spoke by you ; pray what is your business, cannot you tell it to me ? No, no, me no speakee, the great master, the other master, says Mouchat. What, the colonel, says the clerk ? Yes, yes, the colonel, says he. Why don't you know that he is to be hanged to-morrow, says the clerk, for making the great master angry. Yes, yes, says Mouchat, me know, me know, but me want speak, me tell something. Well, what would you say, says the clerk ? O ! me no let him makee de great master angry ; with that he kneeled down to the clerk. Wliat ails you; says the clerk, I tell you he must be hanged. No, no, says he, no hang de master, me kneel for him to great master. COLONEL JACK. 231 You kneel for him ! says the clerk, what, do you think the great master will mind you ? He has made the great master angry, and must be hanged, I tell you ; what signifies your begging. Negroe, O ! me pray, me pray the great master for him. Clerk. Why, what ails you, that you would pray for him ? Negroe. O ! he beggee the great master for me, now me beggee for him ; the great master muchee good, muchee good, he pardon me when the other master beggee me ; now he pardon him, when me beggee for him again. Clerk, No, no, your begging won't do ; will you be hanged for him ? if you do that, something may be. Negroe. Yes, yes, me be hang for de poor master that beggee for me ; Mouchat shall hang, the great master shall hangee me, whippee me, any thing to save the poor master that beggee me, yes, yes, indeed. Clerk. Are you in earnest, Mouchat ? Negroe. Yes indeed, me tellee de true, the great master shall know me tellee de true, for he shall see the white man hangee me Mouchat ; poor negroe Mouchat will be hangee, be whippee, any thing for the poor master that beggee for me. With this the poor fellow cried most pitifully, and there was no room to question his being in 232 THE LIFE OF earnest ; when on a sudden I appeared, for I was fetched to see all this transaction : I was not in the house at first, but was just come home from the business you sent me of, and heard it al], and in- deed neither the clerk nor I could bear it any longer ; so he came out to me ; go to him, says he, you have made an example that will never be for- got, that a negroe can be grateful ; go to him, adds he, for I can talk to him no longer ; so I ap- peared, and spoke to him presently, and let him see that I was at liberty; but to hear how the poor fellow behaved, your honour cannot but be pleased. Master. Prithee go on, I am pleased with it all ; 'tis all a new scene of negroe life to me, and very moving. Jack, For a good while he stood as if he had been thunder-struck and stupid ; but, looking steadily at me, though not speaking a word, at last he mutters, to himself, with a kind of a laugh. Ay, ay, says he, Mouchat see, Mouchat no see, me wakee, me no wakee; nohangee, no hangee, he live truly, very live; and then on a sudden he runs to me, snatches me away as if I had been a boy of ten years old, and takes me up upon his back, and runs away with me, till I was fain to cry out to him to stop ; then he sets me down, and looks at me again, then falls a dancing about me, as if he had been bewitched, COLONEL JACK. 23S just as you have seen them do about their wives and children when they are merry. Well, then he began to talk with me, and told me what they had said to him, how I was to be hanged; well, says I, Mouchat, and would you have been satisfied to be hanged to save me ? Yes, yes, says he, be truly hangee, to beggee you. But why do you love me so well, Mouchat? said I. Did you no beggee me, he says, at the great master ? you savee me, make great master muchee good, muchee kind, no whippee me ; me no for- get ; me be whipped, be hanged, that you no be hanged, me die, that you no die, me no let any bad be with you, all while that me live. Now, sir, your honour may judge, whether kindness, well managed, would not oblige these people as well as cruelty ; and whether there are principles of gratitude in them or no ? Master, But what then can be the reason that we never believed it to be so before ? Jack, Truly, sir, I fear that Mouchat gave the true reason. Master. What was that pray ? that we were too cruel ? JacJc. That they never had any mercy shewed them ; that they never tried them whether they would be grateful or no ; that if they did a fault. 234? THE LIFE OF they were never spared, but punished with the ut most cruelty ; so that they had no passion, no affection to act upon, but that of fear, which ne- cessarily brought hatred with it ; but that if they were used with compassion, they would serve with \ affection as well as other servants : nature is the t same, and reason governs in just proportions in all 1 creatures ; but having never been let taste what •mercy is, they know not how to act from a prin- ciple of love. Master. I am convinced it is so ; but now, pray tell me, how did you put this in practice with the poor negroes now in bonds yonder, when you passed such a cruel sentence upon them, that they should be whipped twice a day, for four days to- gether ; was that shewing mercy ? Jack, My method was just the same ; and if you please to enquire of Mr , your other servant, you will be satisfied that it was so ; for we agreed upon the same measures as I took with Mouchat ; namely, first to put them into the utmost horror and apprehensions of the cruelest punishment that they ever heard of, and thereby enhance the value of their pardon, which was to come as from your- self, but not without our great intercession : Then I was to argue with them, and work upon their rea- son, to make the mercy that was shewed tliem sink deep into their minds, and give lasting impressions; explain the meaning of gratitude to them, and the COLONEL JACK. 235 nature of an obligation, and the like, as I had done with Mouchat. Master. I am answered ; your method is cer- tainly right, and I desire you may go on with it ; for I desire nothing on this side heaven more, than to have all my negroes serve me from principles of gratitude, for my kindness to them : I abhor to be feared like a lion, like a tyrant ; it is a violence upon nature every way, and is the most disagree- able thing in the world to a generous mind. Jaclu But, sir, I am doubtful that you may not believe that I intended to act thus with those poor fellows ; I beseech you to send for Mr , that he may tell you what we had agreed on, before I speak with him. Master, What reason have I to doubt that ? Jack, I hope you have not ; but I should be very sorry you should think me capable of execu- ting such a sentence as you have heard me own I had passed on them ; and there can be no way effectually to clear it up but this. Master. Well, seeing you put so much weight upon it, he shall be called for,* * He was called, and being ordered hj the master to tell tlic measures that were concerted between them for the punishment or management of those negroes, he gave it just as Jack had done before. 236 THE LIFE OF Jacli. I hope, sir, you are now, not only satis- fied of the trutli of the account I gave, relating to the method we had agreed on ; but of its being so proper, and so likely to answer your end. Master. I am fully satisfied, and shall be glad to see that it answers the end ; for, as I have said, nothing can be more agreeable to me, nothing has so much robbed me of the comfort of all my for- tunes, as the cruelty used, in my name, on the bo- dies of those poor slaves. Jack, It is certainly wrong, sir ; it is not only wrong, as it is barbarous and cruel, but it is wrong too, as it is the worst way of managing and of ha- ving your business done. Master. It is my aversion, it fills my very soul with horror ; I believe, if I should come by while they were using those cruelties on the poor crea- tures, I should either sink down at the sight of it, or fly into a rage, and kill the fellow that did it ; though it is done too by my own authority. Jack. But, sir, I dare say, I shall convince you also that it is wrong, in respect of interest ; and that your business shall be better discharged, and your plantations better ordered, and more work done by the negroes, who shall be engaged by mercy and lenity, than by those who are driven and dragged by the whips and the chains of a mer- ciless tormentor. Master. I think the nature of the thing speaks COLONEL JACK. 237 itself; doubtless it shoi*ld be so, and I have often thought it would be so, and a thousand times wish- ed it might be so ; but all my English people pre- tend otherwise, and that it is impossible to bring the negroes to any sense of kindness, and conse- quently not to any obedience of love. Jack, It may be true, sir, that there may be found here and there a negroe of a senseless, stu- pid, sordid disposition, perfectly untractable, undo- cible, and incapable of due impressions ; especially incapable of the generosity of principle which I am speaking of: You know very well, sir, there are such among the Christians, as well as among the negroes ; whence else came the English proverb. That if you save a thief from the gallows, he shall be the first to cut your throat. But, sir, if such a refractory, undocible fellow comes in our way, he must be dealt with, first, by the smooth ways to try him, then by the violent way to break his temper, as they break a horse ; and, if nothing will do, such a wretch should be sold off, and others bought in his room ; for the peace of the plantation should not be broken for one devilish tempered fel- low : and if this was done, I doubt not, you should have all your plantation carried on, and your work done, and not a negroe or a servant upon it, but what would not only work for you, but even die for you, if there was an occasion for it, as you see this poor Mouchat would have done for me. 238 THE LIFE OF Master, Well, go on with your measures, and may you succeed ; PlI promise you I will fully make you amends for it ; I long to have these cruelties out of use, in my plantation especially; as for others, let them do as they will. COLONEL JACK* 239 CHAP. X. My master gives me my liberty^ and puts me into a plantation for myself'— Proceedings as a plan- ter — I get my bill cashed in London, and a sort- ed parcel of goods sent out for its amount — The greatest part of them are lost at the mouth of the bay — Refectiojis, \_/UR master being gone, I went to the prison- ers, and, first, I suffered them to be told that the great master had been there, and that he had been indined to pardon them, till he knew what their crime was ; but then he said it was so great a fault that it must be punished : Besides, the man that talked to them told them, that the great master said, that he knew if he had pardoned them they would but be the worse, for that the negroes were never thankful for being spared, and that there were no other ways to make them obedient, but by severity. One of the poor fellows, more sensible that the 24-0 THE LIFE OF Other, answered, ifanynegroe be badder for being kindly used, they should be whipped till they were muchee better ; but that he never knew that, for that he never knew the negroe be kindly use. This was the same thing as the other had said, and, indeed, was but too true, for the overseers really knew no such thing as mercy ; and that no- tion of the negroes being no other way to be go- verned but by cruelty, had been the occasion that no other method was ever tried among them. Again, if a slack hand had at any time been held upon them, it had not been done with discre- tion, or as a point of mercy, and managed with the assistance of argument to convince the negroes of the nature and reason of it, and to shew them what they ought to do in return for it : But it was perhaps the effect of negligence, ill conduct, and want of application to the business of the planta- tion ; and then it was no wonder that the negroes took the advantage of it. Well, I carried on the affair with these two ne- groes, just as I did with Mouchat, so I need not re- peat the particulars ; and they were delivered with infinite acknowledgments and thanks, even to all the extravagancies of joy usual in those people on such occasions; and such was the gratitude of those two pardoned fellows, that they were the most faithful and most diligent servants ever after. COLONEL JACK. 241 that belonged to the whole plantation, Mouchat excepted. In this manner I carried on the plantation fully to his satisfaction ; and before a year more was ex- pired, there was scarce any such thing as correc- tion known in the plantation, except upon a few boys, who were incapable of the impressions that good usage would have made, even upon them too, till they had lived to know the difference. It was some time after this conference, that our great master, as we called him, sent for me again to his dwelling-house, and told me he had had an answer from England from his friend, to whom he had written about my bill: I was a little afraid that he was going to ask me leave to send it to London ; but he did not say any thing like that, but told me that his friend had been with the gen- tleman, and that he owned the bill, and that he had all the money in his hand that the bill had mentioned ; but that he had promised the young man that had given him the money, (meaning me) not to pay the money to any body but himself, though they should bring the bill ; the reason of which was, that I did not know who might get the bill away from me. But now. Colonel Jack, says he, as you wrote him an account where you was, and by what VOL. I. Q ^4^2 THE LIFE OF wicked arts you were trepanned, and that it was impossible for you to have your liberty till you could get the money ; my friend at London has written to me, that, upon making out a due copy of the bill here, attested by a notary, and sent to him, and your obligation likewise attested, where- by you oblige yourself to deliver the original to his order, after the money is paid, he will pay the money. I told him I was willing to do whatever his ho- nour directed ; and so the proper copies were drawn, as I had been told were required. But now, what will you do with this money, Jack ? says he, smiling ; will you buy your liberty of me, and go to planting ? I was too cunning for him now indeed, for I re- membered what he had promised me ; and I had too much knowledge of the honesty of his princi- ples, as well as of the kindness he had for me, to doubt his being as good as his word ; so I turned all this talk of his upon him another way : I knew that when he asked me if I would buy my liberty and go to planting, it was to tiy if I would leave him ; so I said, As to buying my liberty, sir, that is to say, going out of your service, I had much rather buy more time in your service, and I am only unhappy that I have but two years to serve. Come, come, Colonel, says he, don't flatter me ; COLONEL JACK. 243 I love plain dealing ; liberty is precious to every body : if you have a mind to have your mohey brought over, you shall have your liberty to be- gin for yourself, and I will take care you shall be well used by the country, and get you a good plantation. I still insisted that I would not quit his service for the best plantation in Maryland ; that he had been so good to me, and I believed I was so use- ful to him, that I could not think of it ; and at last I added, I hoped he could not believe but I had as much gratitude as a negroe. He smiled, and said, he would not be sei-ved upon those terms ; that he did not forget what he had promised, nor what I had done in his planta- tion ; and that he was resolved in the first place to give me my liberty : so he pulls out a piece of paper, and throws it to me: there, says he, there's a certificate of your coming on shore, and being sold to me for five years, of which you have lived three with me, and now you are your own master. I bowed, and told him, that I was sure, if I was my own master, I would be his servant as long as he would accept of my service ; and now we strained courtesies, and he told me I should be his servant still; but it should be on two conditions, 1st, that he would give me 301. a year and my board, for my managing the plantation I was then employ^ 244 THE LIFE OF ed in ; and, ^dly^ that at the same time he would procure nie a new plantation to begin upon for my own account ; for, Colonel Jack, says he, smiling^ though you are but a young man, yet 'tis time you were doing something for yourself. I answered, that I could do little at a plantation for myself, unless I neglected his business, which I was resolved not to do on any terms whatever ; but that I would serve him faithfully, if he would accept of me, as long as he lived ; so you shall, says he again, and serve yourself too. And thus we parted for that time. Here I am to observe in the general, to avoid dwelling too long upon a story, that as the two negroes, who I delivered from punishment, were ever after the most diligent and laborious poor fel- lows in the whole plantation, as above, except Mouchat, of whom I shall speak more by and by, so they not only were grateful themselves for their good usage, but they influenced the whole planta- tion: so that the gentle usage and lenity, with which they had been treated, had a thousand times more influence upon them, to make them diligent, than all the blows and kicks^ whippings, and other tortures, could have, which they had been used to, and now the plantation was famous for it ; so that several other planters began to do the same, though I cannot say it was with the same success,. COLONEL JACK. 245 which might be for want of taking pains with them, and working upon their passions in a right manner. It appeared that negroes were to be reasoned into things as well as other people, and it was by thus managing their reason, that most of the work was done. However, as it was, the plantations In Mary- land were the better for this undertaking, and they are to this day less cruel and barbarous to their negroes, than they are in Barbadoes and Jamaica ; and 'tis observed the negroes are not in these co- lonies so desperate, neither do they so often run away, or so often plot mischief against their master, as they do in those.. I have dwelt the longer upon it, that, if possible, posterity might be persuaded to try gentler me- thods with those miserable creatures, and to use them with humanity ; assuring them, that, if they did so, adding the common prudence that every particular case would direct them to for itself, the negroes would do their work faithfully and chear- fully ; they would not find any of that refractori- ness and sullenness in their temper, that they pre- tend now to complain of; but they would be the same as their Christian servants, except that they would be the more thankful, and humble, and laborious, of the two. I continued in this station between five and six '21-6 THE LIFE OF years after this, and in all that time we had not one negroe whipped, except, as I observed before, now and then an unlucky boy, and that only for trifles ; I cannot say but we had some ill-natured, ungovernable negroes ; but if at any time such offended, they were pardoned the first time, in the manner as above ; and the second time were ordered to be turned out of the plantation ; and this was remarkable, that they v^^ould torment themselves at the apprehension of being turned away, more by a great deal, than if they had been to be whipped, for then they were lony sullen and heavy ; nay, at length we found the fear of being turned out of the plantation had as much effect to reform them, that is to say, make them more diligent, than any torture would have done ; and the reason was evident, namely, because in our plantation they were used like men, in the other like dogs. My master owned the satisfaction he took in this blessed change, as he called it, as long as he lived ; and as he was so engaged, by seeing the negroes grateful, he shewed the same principle of gratitude to those that served him, as he looked for in those that he served ; and particularly to me, and so I come briefly to that part. The first thing he did after giving me my liberty, as above, and making me an allowance, was to get the country COLONEL JACK. 24-7 bounty to me, that is to say, a quanlty of land, to begin and plant for myself. But this he managed a way by himself; and, as I found afterwards, took up, that is, purchased in my name, about three hundred acres of land, in a more convenient place than it would have other- wise been allotted me ; and this he did by his in- terest with the lord proprietor ; so that I had an extent of ground marked out to me, not next, but very near one of his own plantations. When I made my acknowledgment for this to him, he told me plainly, that I was not beholden to him for it at all ; for he did it, that I might not be obli- ged to neglect his business for the carrying on my own, and on that account he would not reckon to me what money he paid, which, however, ac- cording to the custom of the country, was not a very great sum ; I think about 401. or 501. Thus he very generously gave me my liberty, advanced this money for me, put me into a plan- tation for myself, and gave me 301. a year wages for looking after one of his own plantations. But, Colonel, says he to me, giving you thi» plantation is nothing at all to you, if I do not assist you to support it, and to carry it on; and there- fore I will give you credit for whatever is needful to you for the carrying it on ; such as tools, pro- visions for servants, and some servants to begin ; 24-8 THE LIFE OF materials to build out-houses, and convcniencies of all sorts for the plantation, and to buy hogs, cows, horses for stock, and the like, and Til take it out of your cargo, which will come from Lon- don, for the money of your bill. This was highly obliging and very kind, and the more so, as it afterwards appeared. In order to this-", he sent two servants of his own, who were carpenters ; as for timber, boards, planks, and all sorts of such things, in a country almost all made of wood, they could not be wanting : These run me up a little wooden house in less than three weeks time, where I had three rooms, a kitchen, an out- house, and two large sheds at a distance from the house, for store-houses, almost like barns, with stables at the end of them ; and thus I was set up in the world, and, in short, removed by the degrees that you have heard, from a pick-pocket to a kid- napped miserable slave in Virginia ; (for Maryland is Virginia, speaking of them at a distance;) then from a slave to a head officer or overseer of slaves, and from thence to a master planter. I had now (as above) a house, a stable, two warehouses, and 300 acres of land ; but ( as we say ) bare walls make giddy hussies, so I had neither axe nor hatchet to cut down the trees ; horse, nor Iiog, nor cow to put upon the land ; not a hoe, or a spade, COLONEL JACK. 24-9 to break ground, nor a pair of hands, but my own, to go to work upon it. But heaven and kind masters make up all those things to a dihgent servant ; and I mention it, be- cause people, who are either transported, or other- wise trepanned into those places, are generally thought to be rendered miserable, and undone; whereas, on the contrar}^, I would encourage them, upon my own experience, to depend upon it, that if their own diligence in the time of service gains them but a good character, which it will certainly do if they can deserve it, there is not the poorest and most despicable felon that ever went over, but may (after his time is served) begin for himself, and may in time be sure of raising a good planta- tion. For example, I will now take a man in the mean- est circumstances of a servant, who has served out his five or seven years; (suppose a transported wretch for seven years) the custom of the place was then (what is since 1 know not) that on his master's certifying that he had served his time out faithfully, he had fifty acres of land allotted him for planting, and on this plan he begins. Some had a horse, a cow, and three hogs giveuj^ or rather lent them, as a stock for the land, which they made an allowance for at a certain time and rate. 250 THE LIFE OF Custom has made it a trade, to give credit to such beginners as these, for tools, cloaths, nails, iron-work, and other things necessary for their planting ; and which the persons, so giving credit to them, are to be paid for, out of the crop of to- bacco which they shall plant ; nor is it in the debt- or's power to defraud the creditor of payment in that manner ; and as tobacco is their coin, as well as their product, so all things are to be purchased at a certain quantity of tobacco, the price being so rated. Thus the naked planter has credit at his begin- ning, and immediately goes to work, to cure the land, and plant tobacco ; and from this little begin- ning, have some of the most considerable planters in Virginia, and in Maryland also, raised them- selves ; namely, from being without a hat, or a shoe, to estates of forty or fifty thousand pounds ; and in this method, I may add, no diligent man ever miscarried, if he had health to work, and was a good husband ; for he every year increases a lit- tle, and every year adding more land, and plant- ing more tobacco, which is real money, he must gradually increase in substance, till at length he gets enough to buy negroes, and other servants, and then never works himself any more. In a word, every Newgate wretch, every des- perate forlorn creature, the most despicable ruined COLONEL JACK. 251 man in the world, has here a fair opportunity put into his hands to begin the world again, and that upon a foot of certain gain, and in a method ex- actly honest ; with a reputation that nothing past will have any effect upon : and innumerable people have raised tliemselves from the worst circumstance in the werld, namely, from the cells in Newgate, But 1 return to my own story : I was now a planter, and encouraged by a kind benefactor; for, that I might not be wholly taken up with my new plantation, he gave me freely, and without any consideration, my grateful negroe Mouchat : He told me it was a debt due to the affection that poor creature had always had for me ; and so in- deed it was, for as the fellow would once have been hanged for me, so now, and to his last, he loved me so much, that it was apparent he did every thing with pleasure that he did for me ; and he was so overcome of joy when he heard that he was to be my negroe, that the people in the planta- tion really thought it would turn his head, and that the fellow would go distracted. Besides this, he sent me two servants more, a man and a woman, but these he put to my account, as above : Mouchat and these two fell immediately to work for me ; and they began with about two acres of land, which had but little timber on it at first, and most of that was cut down by the twe 252 THE LIFE OF carpenters who built my house, or shed rather, for so it should be called. These two acres I got in good forwardness, and most of it well planted with tobacco ; though some of it we were obliged to plant with garden-stuff for food ; such as potatoes, carrots, cabbages, pease, beans, &c. It was a great advantage to me, that I had so bountiful a master, who helped me out in every case ; for in this very first year I received a terri- ble blow ; for my bill (as I have observed) having been copied, and attested in form, and sent to London, my kind friend and custom-house gen- tleman paid me the money ; and the merchant at London, by my good master's direction, had laid it all out in a sorted cargo of goods for me, such as would have made a man of me all at once ; but, to my inexpressible terror and surprize, the ship was lost, and that just at the entrance into the capes, that is to say, the mouth of the bay ; some of the goods were recovered, but spoiled, and, in short, nothing but the nails, tools, and iron-work, were good for any thing ; and though the value of them was pretty considerable in proportion to the rest, yet my loss w^as irreparably great, and, in- deed, the greatness of the loss consisted in its be- ing irreparable. I was perfectly astonished at the first news of COLONEL JACK. 25S the loss, knowing that I was in debt to my patron, or master, so much, that it must be several year* before I should recover it ; and as he brought me the bad news himself, he perceived my disorder, that is to say, he saw I was in the utmost confu- sion, and a kind of amazement, and so indeed I was, because I was so much in debt ; but he spoke chearfully to me ; come, says he, do not be so dis- couraged, you may make up this loss. No, sir, says I, that never can be, for it is my all, and I shall never be out of debt: Well, but says he, you have no creditor, however, but me ; and now re- member, I once told you I would make a man of you, and I will not disappoint you for this disaster. I thanked him, and did it with more ceremony and respect than ever, because I thought myself more under the hatches than I was before. But he was as good as his word, for he did not baulk me in the least of any thing I wanted ; and as I had more iron-work saved out of the ship, in pro- portion, than I wanted, I supplied him with some part of it and took up some linen and cloths, and other necessaries, from him in exchange. And now I began to increase visibly ; I had a large quantity of land cured, that is, freed from timber ; and a very good crop of tobacco in view, and I got three servants more, and one negroe ; s« 254? THE LIFE OF that I had five white servants, and two negroes, and with this my affairs went very well on. The first year, indeed, I took my wages, or salary, (that is to say) of 30l. a year, because I wanted it very much ; but the second and third year I resolved not to take it, on any account whatsoever, but to leave it in my benefactor's hands, to clear off the debt I had contracted. And now I must impose a short digression on the reader, to note, that, notwithstanding all the disadvantages of a most wretched education, yet now, when I began to feel myself, as I may say, y^ in the world, and to be arrived to an independent \ state, and to foresee, that I might be something I** considerable in time ; I say, now I found different sentiments of things taking place in my mind ; and, first, I had a solid principle of justice and honesty, and a secret horror at things past, when I looked back upon my former life : that original something, I knew not what, that used formerly to check me ; in the first meannesses of my youth, and used to i dictate to me, when I was but a child, that I was ■ to be a gentleman, continued to operate upon me now, in a manner I cannot describe ; and I con- tinually remembered the words of the antient glass- maker, to the gentleman that he reproved forswear- ing, that to be a gentleman, was to be an honest man; that without honesty, human nature was sunk COLONEL JACK. ^^^ and degenerated; the gentleman lost all the dignity of his birth, and placed himself even below an ho- nest beggar. These principles growing upon my mind in the present circumstances I was in, gave me a secret satisfaction, that I can give no description of; it was an inexpressible joy to me, that I was now like to be^ not only a jnan, but an honest man ; andTit yielded me a greater pleasure, that I was ran- somed from being a vagabond, a thief, and a crimi- nal, as I had been from a child, than that I was deliver- ed from slavery, and the wretched state of a Virginia sold servant : I had notion enough in my mind of the hardships of the servant, or slave, because I had felt it, and worked through it ; I remembered it as a state of labour and servitude, hardship and suftering. But the other shocked my very nature, chilled my blood, and turned the very soul within me : the thought of it was like reflections upon hell and the damned spirits ; it struck me with horror, it was odious and frightful to look back on, and it gave me a kind of a fit, a convulsion or ner vous disorder, that was very uneasy to me. But to look forward, to reflect how things were changed, how happy I was, that I could live by my own endeavours, and was no more under the necessity of being a villain, and of getting my bread at my own hazard, and the ruin of honest families ; this had in it something more than commonly plea* ^(y^ THE LIFE OF sing and agreeable, and, in particular, it had a plea* sure, that till then I had known nothing of: It was a sad thing to be under a necessity of iloing evil, to procure that subsistence, which I could not support the want of, to be obliged to run the venture of the gallows, rather than the venture of starving, and to be always wicked for fear of want. I cannot say that I had any serious religious re- flections, or that these things proceeded yet from the uneasiness of conscience, but from mere rea- sonings with m^^self, and from being arrived to a capacity of making a right judgment of things more than before ; yet I own I had such an abhor- rence of the wicked life I had led, that I was secretly easy, and had a kind of pleasure in the disaster that was upon me about the ship, arid that, though it was a loss, I coukl not but be glad that those ill-gotten goods were gone, and that I had lost what I had stolen ; for I looked on it as none of mine, and that it would be fire in my flax if I should mingle it with what I had now, which was come ho- nestly by, and was (as it were) sent from heaven, to lay the foundation. of my prosperity, which the other would be only as a moth to consume. At the same time my thoughts dictated to me, that though this was the foundation of my new life, yet that this was not the superstructure, and that I might still be born for greater things than COLONEL JACK. 257 these ; that it was honesty and virtue alone that made men rich and great, and gave them a fame, as well as a figure in the world, and that therefore I was to lay my foundation in these, and expect what might follow in time. To help these thoughts, as I had learned to read and write when I was in Scotland ; so I began now to love books, and particularly I had an opportu- nity of reading some very considerable ones ; such as Livy's Roman history, the history of the Turks, the English history of Speed, and others ; the his*- tory of the Low Country wars, the history of Gus- tavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, and the history of the Spaniards' conquest of Mexico, with several others, some of which I bought at a planter's house, who was lately dead, and his goods sold, and others I borrowed. I considered my presenT^late of life to be my \ mere youth, though I was now above thirty years | old, because in my youth I had learned nothing ; and if my daily business, which was now great, would have permitted, I would have been content to have gone to school ; however, Fate, that had yet something else in store for me, threw an oppor- tunity into my hand ; namely, a clever fellow, that came over a transported felon from Bristol, and fell into my hands for a servant. He had led a loose life, that he acknowledged, and being driven to VOJL. I. R 255 THE LIFE OF extremities, took to the highway, for which, had he been taken, he would have been hanged ; but falling into some low-prized rogueries afterwards, for want of opportunity for worse, was catched, condemned, and transported, and, as he said, was glad he came off so. He was an excellent scholar, and I perceiving it, asked him one time, if he could give a method how I might learn the Latin tongue ? He said, smi- ling, yes, he could teach it me in three months, if I would let him have books, or even without books, if he had time. I told him, a book would become his hands better than a hoe ; and if he could promise to make me but understand Latin enough to read it, and understand other languages by it, I would ease him of the labour, which I was now obliged to put him to, especially if I was assured that he was fit to receive that favour of a kind master. Li short, I made him to me, what my benefactor made me to him, and from him I gained a fund of know- ledge, infinitely more valuable than the rate of a slave, which was what I paid for it : but of this hereafter. With these thoughts I went chearfuUy about my work. As I had now five servants, my plantation went on, though gently, yet safely, and increased gradually, though slowly ; but the third year, with the assistance of my old benefactor, I purchased two negroes more, so that now I had seven ser- COLONEL JACK. 259 vants ; and having cured land sufficient for supply of their food, I was at no difficulty to maintain them ; so that my plantation began now to enlarge itself; and as I lived without any personal expence, but was maintained at my old great master's (as we called him,) and at his charge, with 301. a year besides, so all my gain was laid up for increase. THE END OF VOLUME FIRST. l.DJN BURGH : Printed by James Ballantyne & C«t fV