A Guide to MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY In British Depositories REPRODUCED FOR The Division of Manuscripts of the Library of Congress LIBRARY OF THE UNIVER.5 ITY or 1LLI NOIS A 973 Cop. 3 ILLINGIS HISTORY SURVEY LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/guidetomanuscripOOIibr A Guide to MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY In British Depositories REPRODUCED FOR The Division of Manuscripts of the Library of Congress GRACE GARDNER GRIFFIN The Library of Congress 1946 ?73 Introduction THE Guide which is now presented to the public represents the consummation of a desire, cherished for many years, to fill a long standing need. Brief statements as to the means by which the Library has secured reproductions of manuscripts in European archives and libraries relating to American history have been made from time to time in the Annual Reports of the Librarian of Congress, in which also have been given yearly accounts of the acquisitions received, listed in accordance with their archival origin. But there has been hitherto no one publication serviceable to students who are not in Washington and who are therefore unable to consult the indexes in the Division of Manuscripts. In her preface Miss Griffin has so thoroughly developed the account of the growth of this collection of reproductions of manuscripts in European archives that it is unnecessary to repeat the story here. But the reader may be reminded that this is a Guide, not an index. It enumerates the material con- tained in the collection by (1) Archive or other depository; (2) Volume number; (3) Title of volume. A brief general description of the contents of each volume is given. When selections only have been copied from a given volume, the items are described in particular, or reference is made to the page in the appropriate Guide to material in British archives relating to American history, published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. These works of reference are enumerated later. While of necessity the war has brought about an interruption in the activities of students interested in research, some counter- vailing benefit has been derived from the possibility of spend- ing more time upon the preparation and listing of collections. The Library has been fortunate in having the services of Miss Griffin who, over and above her long experience as Editor of the well known bibliographical serial publication, Writings on American History, has also administered in the Division of Manu- iii IV MANUSCRIPTS RFLATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY scripts the collection of reproductions the British part of which she has now listed. Mrs. Katherine H. Andrews, of the Division staff, has given very efficient secretarial assistance. Finally, it is fitting here to pay tribute to three men now deceased, who, in the early days, under the guidance of the Librarian of Congress, Dr. Herbert Putnam, had most to do with the initiation of the idea of making available to students in this country copies of manuscripts in the archives of Europe — John Franklin Jameson, Charles McLean Andrews, and Worth- ington Chauncey Ford. It was their vision which laid the plans for the work. This Guide is a record of the accomplish- ment. St. GEORGE L. SIOUSSAT Chief, Division of Manuscripts. November 7, 1943. Prefa ce THE Library of Congress, in 1898, purchased from Mr. Benjamin Franklin Stevens, of London, a large collection of reproductions (facsimiles) of manuscripts in British archives and other depositories relating to American history, 1773— 1783. This collection, well known as the "Stevens Facsimiles," consists of copious selections from numerous series in various depositories. They are: the Public Record Office, the Royal Institution, and the Tower of London (all in London), and the Archives des Affaires Etrangeres, in Paris; private col- lections of manuscripts such as those of the Marquess of Aber- gavenny, the Earl of Carlisle, the Earl of Dartmouth, Lord Auckland (this collection since acquired by the British Muse- um), and Mr. Stevens. The "Facsimiles" were published by Mr. Stevens between 1889 and 1898 in a limited edition of two hundred sets. This accession was followed in 1906 by the purchase from the Stevens estate of the Benjamin Franklin Stevens "Catalogue Index of Manuscripts in the Archives of England, France, Holland, and Spain, relating to America, 1763-1783." With this Index the Library also obtained 37 portfolios of transcripts of unpublished documents in European archives relating to America, 1772-1784 (familiarly known as the Stevens peace transcripts and French alliance transcripts). Meanwhile, in 1905, the Library of Congress entered upon a consistent and continuous program of procuring reproduc- tions of manuscripts in European archives which relate to American history. In initiating this project the Librarian of Congress sought the advice and cooperation of the Bureau of Historical Research of the Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton and of the Council of the American Historical Associa- tion. After careful consideration it was determined to make a beginning in the English archives, by obtaining transcripts from the British Museum, London, and the Bodleian Library, v VI MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Oxford, and in 1906, the Public Record Office. In 1914 work was started in France and in Spain, and in Mexico in 1919. During the period from 1905 to 1927 the accumula- tions amounted to 300,000 transcript and facsimile folios of originals in the archives of Great Britain, France, Spain, and Mexico. In 1925, Mr. James B. Wilbur, of Manchester, Vermont, an enthusiastic collector of Americana and investigator of Ameri- can history, gave to the Library of Congress a fund * the income from which is to be devoted to the acquisition of reproduc- tions of manuscript material on American history in Euro- pean archives. This income was immediately applied to the acquisition of material in the British Museum and the Public Record Office where, through the liberality of Mr. Wilbur and the courtesy of the authorities at the British Museum and the Public Record Office, photostat machines were set up in those depositories for the use of the Library of Congress. In 1927, Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., recognizing the value to historians and other scholars of the collection thus as- sembled, authorized the expenditure of $450,000 over a period of five years for the acquisition of reproductions of manuscripts in foreign archives relating to American history. This was extended for two years to the amount of $20,000 each year. Under this generous grant a large-scale project of acquisition was initiated in all the major European countries and in Canada and Mexico. This project is familiarly known as "Project A." Operations were preceded by a general survey of the large collection of transcripts already at hand, in order to avoid duplication of copying, and by the formulation of a consistent, ordered plan of selection and of acquisition. The direction of the project devolved upon the Chief of the Division of Manuscripts. A director was sent to Europe to organize the work there, and a special assistant was appointed to super- 1 This is a perpetual fund. Thus provision is made for the continuous acquisition of material in British or other European archives. In 1940, however, owing to war conditions in England, it was found necessary temporarily to suspend work in the Public Record Office. PREFACE VII vise the work in the Division of Manuscripts where a small unit was set up to process and index the material to come. The total acquisitions under the Rockefeller grant represent nearly two million and a half pages of manuscripts. The reproduc- tions obtained under this grant and continued under the Wilbur fund (a perpetual fund) consist of photographic copies, either photostats (as in the case of the material in the British Museum and the Public Record Office) or in photofllms, from which, whenever feasible, enlargement prints have been made. The selection of material to be copied has been made by the Chief of the Division of Manuscripts, with the approval of the Librarian. The collection is deposited in the Division of Manuscripts. The selections have, in the main, been made upon the basis of the descriptions contained in the following indexes and guides: (1) The Stevens "Catalogue Index of Manuscripts in the Archives of England, France, Holland, and Spain, relating to America, 1763-1783." This is a general index of prime importance. It is a manuscript index in 180 volumes with the titles of 101,000 documents. These 180 volumes consist of (a) the "Catalogue" (50 folio volumes); (b) the "Chronological Index" (100 folio volumes); and (c) the "Alphabetical Index" (30 folio volumes). Each title is entered three times: in archival order in the "Catalogue," by date in the "Chronological Index," and alphabetically by name of writer of letter or document in the "Alphabetical Index." (2) The official guides and catalogues issued by the particular depository — for instance, the Public Record Office "Lists and Indexes" to various series, such as the Colonial Office papers, the Foreign Office papers, and others (de- scribed below under the appropriate section), and the British Museum serially issued "Catalogues" of additions to its col- lection (described below in the section devoted to the British Museum acquisitions in this Library's collection); and (3) the several printed guides to material in Great Britain relating to American history, including the British West Indies, published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington. These are : 1 . Guide to materials for American history, to 1783, in the Public VIII MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Record Office of Great Britain, by Charles M. Andrews (Washing- ton, 1912-1914, 2 vols.); 2. Guide to the manuscript materials for the history of the United States to 7783, in the British Museum, in minor London archives, and in the libraries of Oxford and Cambridge, by Charles M. Andrews and Frances G. Davenport (Wash- ington, 1908); 3. Guide to the materials in London archives for the history of the United States since 1783, by Charles O. Paullin and Frederic L. Paxson (Washington, 1914); 4. Guide to British West Lndian archive materials, in London and in the Islands, for the history of the United States, by Herbert C. Bell, David W. Parker, and others (Washington, 1926). Material in the Canadian archives relating to the history of the United States, of which the Library of Congress has a large collection of reproductions, is described in the Guide to the materials for United States history in Canadian archives, by David W. Parker (Washington, D. C: Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1913). Also, less specifically and to a minor extent, in A guide to the documents in the Manuscript Room at the Public Archives of Canada. Vol. I. Prepared by David W. Parker (Ottawa, 1914). The acquisitions have been described in the successive (printed) annual reports of the Librarian of Congress, with the exception of those of the period from July 1, 1920, through December 1925. The material acquired during these years is described in five annual booklets entitled, Accessions of manu- scripts, broadsides, and British transcripts, July 1, 1920- [December 1925] (published 1922-1926). The transcripts of manu- scripts in British and other archives acquired prior to 1918 are enumerated in the Handbook of manuscripts in the Library of Congress (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1918). In the preparation of this Guide we have leaned heavily upon the descriptions given in the official printed guides and catalogues issued by various depositories. As stated above, our selections have, to a great extent, been drawn from these guides and catalogues. Therefore, in those cases, we have given in the present Guide the description of the general con- PREFACE IX tent of each volume as given in the depository guide from which the selection was made. The Carnegie Institution guides, described above, have been the main source of direction to the desired material. Where detailed analyses of the contents of particular volumes are therein given, the present Guide makes reference to the appro- priate Carnegie Institution volume for description of the material in lieu of repeating at length information which is already available. The Carnegie Institution guides are there- fore an indispensable adjunct to complete use of this Guide to the Library of Congress collection. The reproductions in this collection are classified exactly as in the original depository. Thus, a despatch from the British minister in the United States to the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs in London, found in the Foreign Office Papers, series 5, vol. 300, in the Public Record Office, London, is found in this collection under the same archival designation. The enumeration of material in this collection is given below in archival order, beginning with the major archival depository, the Public Record Office, London. For an outline of the arrangement of the entire volume, see the "Table of Contents.'* The volumes and items specified in this Guide under their appropriate classification comprise the material existing in this collection. When selections only from a given volume have been reproduced it is so stated, for example: Admiralty 1. Vol. 310. Leeward Islands. 1776-1781. Admirals Young and Barrington, Commodore Hotham. Selections: Letters of Admiral James Young [etc.] (See page 1 below). Otherwise entire volumes have been reproduced, with the following exceptions: (1) In general, printed matter has been omitted. (2) Duplicates of a letter or document are omitted. In many cases duplicates of a letter or document are found in the same series or in different series in the archives. For instance, the Colonial Office series includes the papers of the Secretary of State and of the Board of Trade. Frequently a colonial gover- nor or other official sent identical letters to the Secretary of X MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY State and to the Board of Trade. It has been the policy of the Library of Congress to procure only one reproduction of an individual letter. Thus, if a given letter has been reproduced from a certain volume and a copy or duplicate is found in another volume, that copy or duplicate is omitted. Notation, however, is made of the archival location of the letter which has been reproduced. This practice applies also in the case of original letters (i. e. letters signed and sent) and office copies or drafts. Preference has been given to reproduction of original letters. GRACE GARDNER GRIFFIN Contents of the Collection GOVERNMENTAL ARCHIVES [national]— Page Public Record Office 1 Admiralty Office 2 Secretary's Department, In-Letters 3 Admirals' Despatches 3 Captains' Letters 5 Secretary's Department, Out-Letters 6 Miscellanea 6 Admiralty 13 7 Masters' Logs 7 Audit Office 7 Declared Accounts 7 American Loyalists' Claims 7 Miscellanea 10 Chancery 10 Patent Rolls 10 Colonial Office 11 Colonial Papers • 12 America and West Indies 12 Carolina (Propriety) 17 Carolina, North 18 Carolina, South 18 East Florida 19 West Florida 20 Georgia 20 Maryland 21 Massachusetts 22 New England 22 New Jersey 23 New York 23 Pennsylvania 25 Proprieties 25 Virginia 26 Bahamas 27 Barbados 28 Bermuda 28 Canada 28 Dominica 33 Grenada 34 Guadeloupe 34 XI XII MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Colonial Office — Continued. Page Havana 34 Hudson's Bay 35 Jamaica 35 Leeward Islands 36 New Brunswick 36 Newfoundland 36 Nova Scotia 37 St. Domingo 37 St. Vincent 37 Virgin Islands 38 West Indies 38 Plantations General 38 Board of Trade, Commercial 42 Board of Trade, Miscellaneous 42 Board of Trade Journal 42 Colonial Office Library 43 Custom House 43 Accounts, Ledgers of Imports and Exports 44 Supplementary Custom House Papers (Port Books) 44 Foreign Office 44 America 45 United States 46 Austria 54 France 55 Hayti 56 Holland and the Netherlands 56 Mosquito 56 Prussia and Germany 57 Russia 57 Spain 57 Great Britain and General 59 Slave Trade 59 Continent-Treaty Papers 60 Miscellanea 60 Supplement to General Correspondence 61 United States: Legation Archives 62 Jackson Papers 64 Gifts and Deposits 65 Chatham Papers 65 Cornwallis Papers 66 Manchester Papers 66 CONTENTS XIII Page High Court of Admiralty 67 H. C.A.I, 24, 30 67 Instance and Prize Courts, Libel Files 68 Prize Papers 69 Home Office 70 Domestic 70 Law Officers 70 Maps and Plans 71 Privy Council Office 71 Unbound Papers 71 Registers 72 State Papers, Domestic 73 Elizabeth 73 James I 73 William and Mary 74 Anne 74 George 1 74 George II 74 George III 74 Series 34 74 Series 36 74 Series 42 74 State Papers, Foreign 74 France 75 Holland 75 Prussia 75 Spain 75 Treasury 76 Treasury Board Papers: In-Letters 76 Various 77 Accounts Departmental: Auditors' States of Accounts 77 Miscellanea: Documents relating to Refugees 78 Miscellanea: Various 78 Treasury Solicitor Papers 78 War Office 78 Secretary at War: In-Letters 79 Secretary at War: Out-Letters 80 Secretary of State for War: Out-Letters 81 Headquarters Records 81 Amherst Papers 82 War Office 71 84 XIV MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Page British Museum 84 Cottonian Manuscripts 85 Lansdowne Manuscripts 87 Stowe Manuscripts 88 Harleian Manuscripts 92 Hargrave Manuscripts 94 King's Manuscripts 95 King's Maps 96 Egerton Manuscripts 97 Sloane Manuscripts 99 Additional Charters 109 Briefs or Church Briefs 109 Additional Manuscripts 109 General Post Office 172 House of Lords 173 Committee Books 173 Manuscripts 178 Parliamentary Bills 178 Royal Courts of Justice 184 Admiralty. Registry (Muniment Books) 184 Tower of London (Manuscripts relating to State Prisoners) ... 184 GOVERNMENTAL ARCHIVES [local]— Guildhall, London (Records Office) 185 LIBRARIES, SOCIETIES, INSTITUTIONS [inside london]— Denison House (Anti-Slavery Society) 186 Fulham Palace (Archives of the Bishop of London) 186 Lambeth Palace Library (Manuscripts of the Archbishop of Canterbury) 187 Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster (Archives) 189 Royal Institution (American Manuscripts) 190 Royal Society 191 Classified Papers 191 Letters and Papers 193 Letter Books 194 Miscellaneous Manuscripts 196 Sion College Library 196 Bray Manuscripts 196 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts 196 Dr. Williams' Library 198 Manuscripts of Dr. Bray's Associates 199 CONTENTS XV LIBRARIES, SOCIETIES, INSTITUTIONS [outside London]— Page Cambridge University 200 King's College 200 Auckland Manuscripts 200 Magdalene College 200 Pepysian Library (Bibliotheca Pepysiana) : Ferrar Papers . . 200 Hatfield Broad Oak Church, Essex 201 John Rylands Library, Manchester 201 Oxford University: Bodleian Library 201 Ashmolean Manuscripts 202 Clarendon Manuscripts 202 Rawlinson Manuscripts 203 Tanner Manuscripts 204 Municipal Library, Warrington 204 PERSONAL COLLECTIONS— Abergavenny Manuscripts 205 Lord Beauchamp's Manuscripts 206 Brickdale Manuscripts 206 Carlisle Manuscripts 207 Dartmouth Manuscripts 211 Margaret Hammond Collection 216 Lord Lascelles' Manuscripts 216 Duke of Portland's Manuscripts 217 B. F. Stevens' Manuscripts 218 Thornton Manuscripts 219 SCOTLAND— National Library of Scotland (Edinburgh) 220 Darien Papers 220 University of Edinburgh 220 Laing Manuscripts 220 University of Glasgow 221 Hunterian Manuscripts 221 WALES— National Library of Wales (Aberystwyth) 222 Additional Manuscripts 222 IRELAND— Archbishop Marsh's Library (Dublin) 223 Trinity College (Dublin) 223 XVI MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY CANADA— Page Public Archives of Canada (Ottawa) 225 Military Papers 227 Muster Rolls 228 Miscellaneous 229 Public Archives of Nova Scotia (Halifax) 230 College of St. Mary (Montreal) 231 Archives 231 Toronto Public Library 231 Berkeley Collection 231 MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS, fee- Papers of British Statesmen, Military Officers, and Others, for- merly in British Collections, now in the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan 232 Gage Papers 232 Germain Papers 233 Oswald Papers 234 Shelburne (Lansdowne) Papers 234 Simcoe Papers 236 Townshend Papers 237 Townshend, Howe, Shelburne Correspondence 238 Townshend-Shelburne Correspondence 238 ADDENDA 241 INDEX , 243 Governmental Archives [National] PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE The Public Record Office, London, is the major official de- pository of archives of the British Government. For a general account of the collections in that depository, the reader is referred to the following publications: Report [s] of the Royal Commission on Public Records appointed to in- quire into and report on the state of the public records and local records of a public nature of England and Wales. (London, 1912-1919, 3 vols.). The first report deals with the records preserved in the Public Record Office. The Public Record Office, by Charles Johnson. (London, 1918). This is one of a series of "Helps for Students of History" and gives a short summary of the principal classes of records in the Public Record Office. Guide to the manuscripts preserved in the Public Record Office, by M. S. Giuseppi, F. S. A., an assistant keeper of the records at the time of publication. (London, 1923-1924, 2 vols.). Volume I is devoted to an account of "Legal records, etc."; volume II to "The State papers and records of public departments". An introduction to the use of the public records, by V. H. Galbraith. (Oxford, 1934). This is a small book containing the substance of five lectures which the writer gave to graduate students beginning original research. His "aim has been to give a simple description of the chief classes of records and of the inter-relationship of the various branches of the administration". The Public Record Office has from time to time issued rinding lists of separate classes of papers in its custody (Its "Lists and Indexes" series). These lists are entered below under the appropriate classification in this Guide; for instance, the List of Foreign Office records to 7878, preserved in the Public Record Office is entered in the section devoted to the description of reproductions of Foreign Office papers in the Division of Manuscripts, Library of Congress. In addition to the series of "Lists and Indexes" noted above, the Public Record Office has issued calendars of several series l MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY of its papers. That of prime importance for American history is the Calendar of state papers, colonial series, America and West Indies, 1574- (London, I860-), various editors (W. Noel Sainsbury, J. W. Fortescue, Cecil Headlam, and Arthur Percival Newton). Volume I covers the period 1574-1660; to date (1945) 35 volumes have been published, continuing the series through the year 1733. Other series of the calendars are described in Andrews, I: 12-17. For a description of the American material in the Public Record Office, see the Carnegie Institution Guides, as follows: Guide to the materials for American history, to 1783, in the Public Record Office of Great Britain, by Charles M. Andrews (Wash- ington: Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1912-1914, 2 vols.) 1 and the Guide to the materials in London archives for the history of the United States since 1783, by Charles O. Paullin and Frederic L. Paxson (Washington: Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1914). 2 A manuscript calendar in this Division, describing a special selection of papers in the Public Record Office and the British Museum, is the B. F. Stevens "Calendar of papers relating to the German troops (Brandenburg Anspach) in the American revolution, 1777-1782, in the Public Record Office and British Museum". The items enumerated are from the Treasury and Colonial Office series in the Public Record Office, and various volumes in the British Museum. ADMIRALTY OFFICE For description of the Admiralty Office papers in the Public Record Office, see the List of Admiralty records, preserved in the Public Record Office (London, 1904) (Its Lists and Indexes. No. XVIII), Giuseppi's Guide, II: 23-43, and for American mate- rial in particular, Andrews, II; 1-65, and Paullin and Paxson: 361-436. 1 Hereinafter cited as Andrews, I or II (as appropriate). 2 Hereinafter cited as Paullin and Paxson. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: ADMIRALTY OFFICE J ADMIRALTY 1: SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT, ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE OR IN-LETTERS ADMIRALS' DESPATCHES This series consists of original despatches, with enclosures, from the admirals on various stations and other officers and departments to the Admiralty Office. The Library of Con- gress has reproductions of the despatches of the admirals (occasionally commodores) on American stations noted below. Vol. 310. Leeward Islands. 1776-1781. Admirals Young and Barring- ton, Commodore Hotham. Selections: Letters of Admiral James Young, Antigua, Mar. 23, Apr. 7 (3), Apr. 27, 1778, with enclosures. Photostats. Vols. 480-509. North American station. 1745-1815. 3 Vol. 480. 1745-1763. Admirals Peter Warren, Isaac Townsend, Sav- age Mostyn, and Charles Watson, Commodores Richard Spry and Augustus Keppel. Vol. 481. 1755-1760. Admirals Edward Boscawen, Sir Charles Hardy, Francis Holburne, Charles Holmes, and Philip Durell. Vol. 482. 1759-1766. Admirals Charles Saunders and Lord Colville. Vol. 483. 1767-1772. Commodores Samuel Hood and James Gambier. Vol. 484. 1771-1777. Admirals John Montagu and Molyneux Shuld- ham. Vol. 485. 1774-1777. Vice Admiral Samuel Graves. Vol. 486. 1775-1784. Admirals Hon. John Byron and Mariot Arbuth- not, Commodore Sir Peter Parker. Vol. 487. 1776-1777. Vice Admiral Lord Howe. Vol. 488. 1777-1779. Admiral Lord Howe. Vol. 489. 1778-1783. Admirals James Gambier, Thomas Graves, and Sir Chaloner Ogle. Vol.490. 1781-1786. Rear Admiral Robert Digby. Vol. 491. 1783-1789. Commodores Sir Charles Douglas, Sir Edmund Affleck, and Herbert Sawyer. 3 Vols. 480-489 (1745-1783) consist of transcripts. Vols. 490-509 (1781-1815) consist of photostats. For description of contents of vols. 480-489, see Andrews, II: 10-12; for description of contents of vols. 490-509. see Paullin and Paxson: 375-378. 4 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 492. 1789-1795. Admirals Sir Richard Hughes and George Mur- ray, Commodore Rupert George. Vol. 493. 1795-1796. Admiral George Murray, Captain Henry Mowatt. Vol. 494. 1797-1799. Admirals Sir William Parker, George Vandeput, and George Murray, Captain Henry Mowatt. Vol. 495. 1800-1804. Admirals George Vandeput, Sir William Parker, and Sir Andrew Mitchell, Captains Robert Murray, John E. Douglas, and Robert Lawrie. Vol. 496. 1805-1806. Admirals Sir Andrew Mitchell and Hon. G. C. Berkeley, Commodore John P. Beresford. Vol.497. 1807. Admirals Hon. G. C. Berkeley and Sir John B.Warren. Vol. 498. 1808. Admirals Hon. G. C. Berkeley and Sir John B. Warren, Captain J. E. Douglas. Vol. 499. 1809. Vice Admiral Sir John B. Warren. Vol. 500. 1809-1810. Admirals Sir John B. Warren and Herbert Sawyer. Vol. 501. 1811. Admirals Sir John B. Warren, Sir Francis Laforey, and Herbert Sawyer. Vol. 502. 1812. Admirals Sir John B. Warren and Herbert Sawyer. Vol. 503. 1813. Admirals Sir John B. Warren, Lord Amelius Beauclerk, Herbert Sawyer, and Edward Griffith, Captain the Hon. Thomas Bladen Capel. Vol. 504. 1813. Admirals Sir John B. Warren, Hon. Henry Hotham, and Edward Griffith. Vol. 505. 1814. Admirals Sir John B. Warren, Sir Alexander Cochrane, and Edward Griffith. Vol. 506. 1814. Admirals Sir John B. Warren, Sir Alexander Cochrane, and Edward Griffith. Vol. 507. 1814. Admirals Sir Alexander Cochrane, Edward Griffith, George Cockburn, Pulteney Malcolm, and Hon. Henry Hotham, Commodore Edward Coddrington. Vol. 509. 1815. Admirals Sir Alexander Cochrane, Sir George Cock- burn, Sir Pulteney Malcolm, Hon. Henry Hotham, Edward Griffith, and John E. Douglas, Captain Sir G. R. Collier. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: ADMIRALTY OFFICE 5 CAPTAINS' LETTERS Vols. 1435-2738. Captains' Letters. 1698-1839. "This series comprises 1304 volumes and bundles . . . The letters are grouped into classes according to the initial of the captain's name . . . Both commanders' and captains' letters belong to this series; and now and then letters of commodores and admirals are found here. Letters addressed by the captains and commanders to the Admiralty are in this series, but the letters they addressed to their commander-in-chief or admiral are in the series of admirals' des- patches . . . Subordinate officers often wrote to both their admiral and the Admiralty. On arriving in England from America or else- where, officers reported directly to the Admiralty. When situated more convenient to the Admiralty than to their admiral, they would communicate with the former." Paullin and Paxson: 388. The Library of Congress has selections from the volumes enumerated below, consisting of letters from captains on the American station during the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. "As a rule they [the American materials] are scattered through a large mass of non- American material and to find them is often laborious." Paullin and Paxson: 388. Vols. 1443, 1445-1447, 1454, 1456, 1494-1504, 1553-1561, 1609, 1612, 1662-1664, 1667, 1668, 1704-1710, 1734-1740, 1761-1762, 1771, 1790- 1791, 1836, 1840, 1859, 1860, 1862, 1899-1907, 1946-1952, 1986-1988, 1997, 2012-2015, 2052-2057, 2081, 2082, 2116, 2118-2124, 2172, 2174, 2175, 2177, 2221, 2222, 2247-2250, 2261, 2300-2307, 2344, 2346-2548, 2388-2394, 2423, 2424, 2479-2486, 2531, 2536,2540, 2590-2593, 2613- 2615, 2627, 2628, 2669, 2671-2676, 2711-2713, 2733, 2736, 2737. A card index of the Captains' Letters in this collection is available in the Division of Manuscripts. The reproductions consist of transcripts and photostats variously. We have not attempted to specify here which selections are transcripts and which are photostats. In the main, however, the letters of captains of the Revolutionary War period are transcripts; those of the War of 1812 are photostats. Detailed information will be supplied upon application to the Division of Manuscripts. Vol. 3662. Letters from the Prize Office. 1704-1705. Selections: Ameri- can material. Photostats. Andrews, II: 13. Vols. 3666-3681. Letters relating to the Solicitor's Department. 1700- 1783. Photostats. Andrews, II: 14-18. Vols. 3817-3820. Letters from the governors of Plantations. 1728-1790. Selections. Transcripts. Andrews, II: 19-21. MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vols. 3878-3887. Letters from Doctors' Commons. 1731-1782. Selec- tions: American material. Photostats. Andrews, II: 23-27. Vol. 3985. Intelligence. Precis. 1797-1799. Selection: Naval and ship- ping news in the West Indies. (Arrivals and sailings of French frig- ates). Photostats. Paullin and Paxson: 404. Vol. 3986. Intelligence. Precis. 1799-1803. Selection: Naval news at Norfolk and Hampton Roads. 1801-1802. Photostat. Paullin and Paxson: 405. Vols. 5307-5311, 5314-5316, 5318, 5319. Reports of courts martial. 1775-1781. Selections: American material. Photostats. Andrews, II: 33. Vols. 5431, 5434-5436, 5438, 5440, 5441, 5444-5451. Reports of courts martial. 1812-1815. Selections: Items listed in Paullin and Paxson: 418^21. Photostats. ADMIRALTY 2: SECRETARY'S DEPARTMENT OUT-LETTERS This series consists of letters (instructions, orders, etc.) sent by the Admiralty to the various officers of the service and to public offices, and other official correspondence and records. The Library of Congress has reproductions of instructions and orders sent to the admirals on American stations and other American material as noted below. Vols. 932-933. Letters of the Secretary of the Admiralty to the commander- in-chief of the North American station. 1808-1815. Complete. Photostats. Paullin and Paxson: 423-424. Vols. 1045-1061. Letters relating to Admiralty and Vice-Admiralty courts. 1689-1783. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 35-36. Vols. 1333-1341. Secret orders and letters. 1770-1782. Complete. Photostats. Paullin and Paxson, II: 42-45. Vols. 1375-1381. Secret orders and letters. 1812-1815. Complete. Photostats. Paullin and Paxson: 428-430. ADMIRALTY 7: MISCELLANEA Vols. 298-300. Law officers' opinions. 1733-1783. Decisions by the law officers of the Admiralty and reports regarding various matters, such as privateering, courts martial and their procedure, vice-admiralty courts and cases, etc. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 48-50. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: ADMIRALTY OFFICE ADMIRALTY 13 Vol. 4. Selections: Instructions to Rear- Admiral Sir Houston Stewart, commander-in-chief of the North American and West Indian station, Feb. 3, 1857, Feb. 7, 1860. Photostats. ADMIRALTY 52: MASTERS' LOGS Vol. 1865. A journal of His Majesty's ship Milfordivom 12th October 1775 to the 11th October 1776, kept by Mr. Joseph Sowell, master. Com- plete. Photostats. AUDIT OFFICE For description of the Audit Office papers, to 1783, see Andrews, II: 67-106; from 1783, Paullin and Paxson: 437- 441. See also the List and index of declared accounts from the Pibe Office and Audit Office, preserved in the Public Record Office, (London, 1893) (Its Lists and indexes. No. II); and Lists of the records of the Treasury, the Paymaster General's Office, the Exchequer and Audit Department, and the Board of Trade, to 1837, preserved in the Public Record Office (London, 1921) (Its Lists and indexes. No. XL VI) pages 135-206. AUDIT OFFICE 1: DECLARED ACCOUNTS See Andrews, II: 79-106. Customs. Receivers General and Cashiers (various). (Declared accounts of the Customs establishment for England and the Plantations.) Bundles 756-829, consisting of rolls 792-1086. 1671-1766. Tran- scripts. Andrews, II: 92-94. Governors, Agents, etc. (Declared accounts of governors and agents in the colonies.) Bundle 1261. Rolls 147-151: East Florida (Governors John Moultrie and Lieut. -Gen. Patrick Tonyn, and agents William Knox and J. Cowan). 1772-1786. Rolls 152-154: West and East Florida (Governors Johnstone, Grant, and Chester). 1767-1781. Photostats. Andrews, II: 96. AUDIT OFFICE 12: AMERICAN LOYALISTS' CLAIMS Audit Office 12 and 13 consist of papers of the British Board of Commissioners appointed after the American Revolution to enquire into the losses and services of American Loyalists. 8 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Audit Office 12 consists of entry books and ledgers contain- ing evidence of witnesses, and their testimonials, the examina- tions and decisions of the Commission, and the allowances, etc. The series consists of 146 volumes. For further description, see Andrews, II: 259-263; Paullin and Paxson: 490-492; and Giuseppi's Guide, II: 78. See also the Public Record Office Lists of the records of the Treasury, . . . Exchequer and Audit Department (above, page 7) 191-194. The New York Public Library has transcripts of these papers; see lists given in Andrews, II: 261, and the Bulletin of the New York Public Library, Vol. Ill, 1899, page 416. There are in this Division typewritten lists of Maryland Loyalist Claims, as follows: (1) List of the particular volumes in Audit Office 12 and 13 which contain "Maryland Loyalist Claims". (2) "Alpha- betical list of Maryland claimants, compiled from register volumes [Audit Office 12] and from bundles of original papers [Audit Office 13]." (3) A list of selected items, consisting of Maryland Loyalist claims, which are found in various speci- fied volumes (39, 40, 60, 61, 62, 64, 70, 79, 82, 83, 84, 90-96, 99, 100, 102, 135, 137, 138). A few selections only, as noted below, are contained in this collection. Vol. 51. South Carolina. 1787-1788. Selections: Documents presented by Mrs. Sarah Stuart, widow of Colonel John Stuart, superintendent for Indian affairs in the southern district of North America. [1787?]. Photostats. Vol. 100. Examinations, etc., on fresh claims. 1783-1784. Selections: 1. William Tarpley's claims and the decision, Mar. 1, 1784. 2. Mrs. Randolph's claims and the decision, Mar. 8, 1784. Photo- stats. In 1785 the Board sent two commissioners, Col. Thomas Dundas and Mr. Jeremy Pemberton, to Canada and Nova Scotia to take testimony. They had similar powers as the Board sitting in London. Their work began on Nov. 17, 1785, and continued until 1789. Thirty-six volumes, con- taining the notes of the proceedings and evidence taken before PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: AUDIT OFFICE V Commissioners Dundas and Pemberton in Canada and Nova Scotia, 1785-1786 (11 vols.), before Commissioner Wilmot at London, 1784 (3 vols.), miscellaneous evidence (3 vols.) and reports of the Commissioners, 1784-1790 (1 vol.) were retained by Col. Dundas. These volumes are now in this Library. They are printed in the Second report of the Bureau of Archives of the Province of Ontario, 1904 (Toronto, 1905, 2 vols.). A transcript from the pages retained by Col. Dundas was depos- ited in the Public Record Office, London. AUDIT OFFICE 13: AMERICAN LOYALISTS' CLAIMS This series consists of original memorials, certificates, accounts and vouchers of the various claimants as presented to the Commission. The series consists of 140 bundles. For list of contents, see Andrews, II: 263, and the Public Record Office Lists of the records of the Treasury, . . . Exchequer and Audit Department (above, page 7) 194. A "Calendar of the original memorials, vouchers and other papers deposited with the Commission of Enquiry into the losses and services of the American Loyalists held under the Acts of Parliament of 23, 25, 26, 28, and 29 of George III, preserved amongst the Audit Office Records [Audit Office 13] in the Public Record Office, London, 1783-1790" (6 vols.) contained in the Public Record Office, has been transcribed by the New York Public Library. Bundle 28. Claims. Virginia. B-D. Selection: Memorial of John Earl of Dunmore, with estimate of his losses in Virginia, Feb. 25. 1784. Photostats. Bundle 31. Claims. Virginia. H-M. Selections: 1. Cornwallis' certificate concerning William Hunter, Aug. 30, 1784. 2. Memorial of William Hunter, Aug. 30, 1784. 3. Memorial of William Hunter, with estimate of his losses in Virginia, Sept. 2, 1784. 4. Specification of the losses of Samuel Henley, Virginia [? 1784]. Photostats. Bundle 32. Claims. Virginia. M-W. Selections: 1. Memorial of John Randolph, June 2, 1778. 10 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 2. Memorial of Mrs. Ariana Randolph, with an estimate of the value of her property in Williamsburg, Va., Feb. 14, 1784. 3. Certificate of William Tarpley's property in Williamsburg, Va., signed by James Minzies, Feb. 28, 1784. Photostats. Bundle 42. Claims. Connecticut. L-W. Selection: Memorial of the Rev. Samuel Peters, Feb. 9, 1784, with papers on his case. Photostats. Bundle 73. Temporary assistance. Massachusetts. B-G. Selection: Me- morial of the Rev. William Clark, Oct. 20, 1783, with papers on his case. Photostats. Bundle 83. Various claims. Selection : Affidavit of Samuel Peters regarding the Rev. William Clark, [n. d.]. Photostats. Bundle 134. Claims. South Carolina. R-S. Selection: Memorial of Ariana Randolph, Feb. 20, 1784, with extract of the will of Edmund Jennings. Photostats. AUDIT OFFICE 16: MISCELLANEA Vol. 43. East Florida, General record book. 1764-1776. Entry book of Council proceedings, with instructions, commissions, and other doc- uments — fees, warrants, petitions, land grants, king's orders relating to land grants, letters written by the governments, etc. Complete. Photostats. CHANCERY For an account of the records of the Chancery in the Public Record Office, see Giuseppi's Guide, 1:5-70. CHANCERY 66: PATENT ROLLS Letters patent, which include charters, grants of land, commissions, etc., are inscribed on rolls, called Patent Rolls. For an account of "Patent Rolls" in the records of the Chancery, see Giuseppi's Guide, I: 31-37. The Library of Congress has selections, as follows: No. 2313. (Formerly 21 Jac. I. Pt. 19). Commission to Sir William Jones and others to investigate the Virginia Company. May 9, 1623. (Printed in the Records of the Virginia Company of London, ed. by Susan M. Kingsbury. Vol. IV, pages 575-580.) Photostats. No. 2340, no. 2. (Formerly 22 Jac. I. Pt. 17, no. 2). Commission to Sir Francis Wyatt as governor of Virginia. Aug. 26, 1624. (Printed in PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: CHANCERY 11 the Records of the Virginia Company of London, ed. by Susan M. Kings- bury. Vol. IV, pages 501-504.) Transcript. No. 2745, no. 1. (Formerly 12 Car. 1. Pt. 21). Commission to Sir John Harvey as governor of Virginia. Apr. 2, 1636. Transcript. No. 2895, no. 6. (Formerly 17 Car. I. Pt. 6). Commission to Sir Wil- liam Berkeley as governor of Virginia. Aug. 9, 1641. Transcript. No. 3109, no. 6. (Formerly 21 Car. II. Pt. 4). Charles IPs grant of northern Virginia. May 9, 1669. Photostats. No. 3511, no. 28. (Formerly 2 Geo. I. Pt. 1). Letters patent to Horatio Walpole as auditor general for the Plantations. Oct. 15, 1716. Tran- script. No. 3638, no. 8. (Formerly 26 Geo. II. Pt. 2). Commission to Arthur Dobbs as governor of North Carolina. Feb. 23, 1753. Transcript. COLONIAL OFFICE For description of the Colonial Office papers in the Public Record Office, London, to 1783, see Andrews, I: 78-267; since 1783, Paullin and Paxson: 253-291. For enumeration of in- dividual series, with brief description of contents, see the List of Colonial Office records, preserved in the Public Record Office (Lon- don, 1911) (Its Lists and indexes. No. XXXVI). These papers, in so far as they relate to America and the West Indies, are described and largely transcribed in the Calendar of state papers, Colonial series, America and West Indies, preserved in the Public Record Office (London: H. M. Stationery Office, I860-). To date 35 volumes have been published (1860-1939) describing papers of 1574 to 1733. Unless otherwise stated the reproductions of manuscripts in the Colonial Office series consist of transcripts. It should be noted, however, that these volumes of transcripts do not contain every item found in the volumes in the Public Record Office. For instance, (1) printed matter has been omitted from copying throughout, on the assumption that such material is available elsewhere, and (2) drafts or office copies of letters of which the originals are reproduced from other volumes have not been copied. There is, however, a notation on the transcripts briefly describing the omission, and indicating where the original is found. 12 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY COLONIAL OFFICE 1: COLONIAL PAPERS This class contains a series of sixty-eight volumes, 1574 to 1688, with addenda, 1622-1697. These papers are described and largely transcribed in the Calendar of state papers, Colonial series, America and West Indies, preserved in the Public Record Office (above). The Library of Congress has selections, consisting of items relating to Virginia, from the following volumes: II (1622— 1623). Ill (1624-1625). IX (1636-1638). X (1639-1643). XX (1666). XXVI(1671, Jan.-June). XXXIV-XXXVIII (1675-1676). XL-XLVIII (1677-1682). LI-LXV (1683- 1688). Also two items regarding New England, as follows: Vol. XXXVII, no. 54. Edward Randolph. A short narrative touching the delivery of His Majesty's letters to the magistrates of Boston in New England. Sept. 20, 1676. No. 70. Edward Randolph. Answer to several heads of inquiry concerning the present state of New England. Oct. 12, 1676. I.Boston. II. New Plymouth and Connecticut. COLONIAL OFFICE 5: AMERICA AND WEST INDIES For description of the papers in Colonial Office 5, see Andrews, I: 113-185, and the Calendar of state papers, Colonial series, America and West Indies (above). Three useful lists of particular classes of material relating to the American colonies, prepared by Professor Charles M. Andrews are as follows: (1) "List of the journals and acts of the councils and assemblies of the thirteen original colonies, and the Floridas, in America, preserved in the Public Record Office, London," in the Annual report of the American His- torical Association, for the year 1908, vol. I (1909) 399-509. "The governors of the royal colonies, and to a limited extent those of the proprietary colonies, also were required to trans- mit regularly to England for the approval and information of the home authorities copies of council and assembly pro- ceedings, proclamations, orders, resolutions, and other official records of the colonies. Most of these have been preserved PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 13 and are to be found to-day among the Colonial Office Papers, Class 5." cj. Introd. note. (2) "List of the commissions and instructions 4 issued to the governors and lieutenant gover- nors of the American and West Indian colonies from 1609 to 1784", in the same, for the year 1911, vol. I (1913) 395-528. The commissions and instructions are found in various series — Patent Rolls, State Papers: Domestic, Colonial Office papers, etc., mainly in the Colonial Office papers. (3) "List of reports and representations of the Plantation Councils, 1660— 1674, the Lords of Trade, 1675-1696, and the Board of Trade, 1696-1782, in the Public Record Office," in the same, for the year 1913, vol. I (1915) 319-406. A catalogue of the collection of reproductions of West Indian papers in the Colonial Office series contained in this Division is now in preparation. The Library of Congress has the following volumes: Vols. 1-8. Plantations General. 1670-1783. Miscellaneous papers. Vol. 9. Canadian expedition. 1710-1713. Vol. 10. Original papers. 1. New England. 1710-1752. 2. New Hampshire. 1711-1752. 3. Massachusetts Bay. 1710-1740. 4. Rhode Island. 1709-1742. Vol. 11. Departmental correspondence. 1710-1713. American items only. Vol. 12. Miscellaneous. 1720-1747. Vols. 13-20. Correspondence with colonial governors, chiefly military. 1742-1762. Vol. 26. Orders in Council, sent to the Board of Trade. 1769-1770. Selection: Additional instructions to Lord Botetourt, lieutenant- governor of Virginia. Dec. 10, 1770. Photostats. Vol.38. Pelham and Copley letters, and other papers. 1739-1775. Selec- tions: Intercepted letters from London, Philadelphia, New York, etc., 4 See the Royal instructions to British colonial governors, 1670-1776, collated and edited by Leonard Woods Labaree (N. Y. and London, 1935, 2 vols.), which includes all royal colonies in America from Nova Scotia to Bermuda and Barbados, with the exception of Newfoundland. 14 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY largely of a mercantile character. (Item 3 in description of this volume in Andrews, I: 119). Vol. 40. Intercepted letters from various sources. 1775-1782. 1. Intercepted letters to and from American colonists. 1775-1776. 2. Packet of intercepted correspondence between the French minister and charge-d'affaires (Chevalier de la Luzerne and M. de Marbois) in Philadelphia and the French government. 1780 (1) and 1782. Vols. 41-42. Carthagena expedition. 1740-1741, 1740-1743. Photostats and transcripts. Vol. 41. 1740-1741. "Letters from Lord Cathcart, Col. Blakeney, and others; with several relations of the expedition to Carthagena in 1741." Vol.42. 1740-1743. "Letters from Major General Wentworth, Admiral Vernon & c, relating to the expedition against Carthagena & Porto Bello." Vol. 43. Miscellaneous papers. 1743-1783. Vols. 44-45. Louisburg expedition. 1746-1749,1746-1750. Vol. 44. "Cape Breton. Letters from Sir William Pepperrell, Admiral Warren, and Governors Knowles and Hopson." 1746-1749. Vol. 45. "A miscellaneous collection of letters from governors in America and the West Indies relating to the Canada expedition." 1746-1750. Vols. 46-47. French and Indian War. 1755-1756. Vol. 46. Military and naval despatches. 1755-1756. Gen. Braddock, Gen. Shirley, Sir Wm. Johnson, Admiral Boscawen, and Admiral Holburne. Vol. 47. Military and naval despatches. 1756. Gen. Webb, Gen. Abercromby, Sir Wm. Johnson, Gen. Shirley, and others. Vols. 48-64. Military and naval correspondence. 1756-1763. Vols. 65-82. Plantations General. Indian affairs, trade, etc., 1760-1784. Vols. 83-111. Military correspondence. 1763-1784. Vols. 114-117. Petitions. 1768-1781. Vols. 119-132. Entry books of letters from the secretary of state for the colonies to the lords of the Admiralty, together with the originals of the letters received by the secretary from the Admiralty. 1771-1781. Vol. 133. Council Office, East India Company, and Miscellaneous. 1771-1774. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 15 ^ols. 134-137. Correspondence of the secretary of state for the colonies and the postmaster general. 1771-1780. Vols. 138-144. Correspondence of the secretary of state for the colonies with other secretaries. 1771-1781. Vols. 145-153. Correspondence of the secretary of state for the colonies with the Treasury and Customs. 1771-1781. Vols. 154-158. Miscellaneous letters. 1771-1781. Vols. 159-160. Correspondence of the secretary of state for the colonies with the attorney general and solicitor general. 1772-1781. Vols. 161-166. Correspondence of the secretary of state for the colonies with the Ordnance Office. 1772-1781. Vols. 167-173. Correspondence of the secretary of state for the colonies with the secretary at war. 1772-1782. Vol. 174. Correspondence of the secretary of state for the colonies with the commander-in-chief (Amherst). 1779-1782. Vols. 175-176. General correspondence of the secretary of state for the colonies with civil officers of the revolting colonies. 1774-1783. Vol. 175: New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, Virginia. Vol. 176: North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. Vols. 177-178. Peace commission. 1776-1778, 1779-1782. Vol. 177: Papers and proceedings of the first commission, Richard Lord Viscount Howe and William Howe. 1776-1778. Vol. 178: Chiefly correspondence of Lord George Germain with the commissioners: Sir Henry Clinton, Vice Admiral Mariot Arbuthnot, Rear Admiral Robert Digby, and Sir Guy Carleton. Includes Shel- burne's account of negotiations with Franklin. 1779-1782. Vol. 179. Burgoyne-Heath correspondence. Nov. 8, 1777-May 23, 1778. Copies of Lieut. -Gen. Burgoyne's correspondence with Maj.-Gen. Heath as to troops captured by the Americans at Saratoga. Vols. 180-181. Peace commission of 1778. Records of the commission consisting of the Eai 1 of Carlisle, William Eden, Gov. George Johnstone, and afterward Sir Henry Clinton, sent to America in 1778 for the purpose of effecting a reconciliation with the colonies. Stevens's facsimiles. Vols. 182-184. Promiscuous military correspondence. 1779-1784. Vol. 185. Miscellaneous in-letters. 1779-1794. Chiefly after 1783. re- lating to Canada and the West Indies. 16 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 186. Naval despatches: Admiral Digby. 1782-1784. Vol. 187. Capt. Vancouver's despatches. 1791-1793. Letters and papers relating to Vancouver's discoveries in northwest America and the Nootka Sound case. Vols. 188-203. Plantations entry books. 1702-1771. Vol. 204. Patents. 1770-1779. Vols. 205-208. Plantations entry books. 1771-1784. Vol. 209. Plantations General: despatches to governors. 1703-1704. Vol. 210. Plantations General: despatches to governors. 1706-1710. Vols. 211-215. Secretary's despatches. 1753-1763. Secretary of state's entry books of letters written to governors, military officers, admirals in America, and to departments. Vol. 216. Instructions, reports, and various. 1761-1769. Vol. 218. Precis of correspondence with governors: South. 1765-1767. The two Floridas, Georgia, South Carolina, and West Indian islands. Vol. 220. Despatches to the commander-in-chief in North America. 1766- 1768. Maj.-Gen. Ralph Burton (1 despatch) and Maj.-Gen. Thomas Gage. Vol. 222. Despatches to the governor of New York. 1766-1768. Vol. 223. Out-letters to the Board of Trade. 1766-1768. Vol. 224. Out-letters to the Treasury. 1766-1768. Vol.225. Out-letters: Indian affairs, 1 . 1766-1768. Photostats and tran- scripts. Vol. 227. In-letters: Indian affairs, 2. 1768-1771. Vol. 228. In-letters to the secretary of state. 1770-1774. Photostats. Vol. 229. Same. 1774-1778. Photostats. Vol. 230. Same. 1778-1781. Transcripts. Vol. 231. Same. 1781-1782. Transcripts. Vol. 232. Precis of documents relating to the American revolt. 1768-1775. Vol. 236. Military entry book. 1776-1779. Contains entries of letters received, with lists of enclosures, from the commander-in-chief in America. Photostats. Vols. 241-242. Despatches to governors. 1768-1774, 1774-1790. Vols. 243-245. Despatches to commanding officers. 1770-1779, 1779- 1781, 1781-1783. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 17 /ol. 246. Private letters, received and despatched. 1771-1777. /ols. 247-249. In-letters to the secretary of state for the colonies. 1771— 1782. /ols. 250-252. Out-letters from the secretary of state for the colonies. 1771-1782. /ol. 253. Precis of documents relating to military operations against the revolted colonists. 1774-1777. /ols. 254-262. Departmental correspondence of the secretary of state for the colonies. 1775-1782. Vols. 254-255. Out-letters to the Admiralty. Vols. 256-257. In-letters from the War Office and Ordnance Board. Vol. 258. In-letters from the Treasury. Vols. 259-260. In-letters from the Admiralty. Vols. 261-262. Out-letters to the War Office and Ordnance Board. /ol. 263. Secret despatches (out). 1778-1782. /ol. 264. Minute book: First peace commission. 1779-1783. /ol. 265. Pardon blanks. 1781. A book of printed blanks for pardon for the use of the first peace commission, May 30, 1781. Only twenty blanks are filled in. /ol. 266. Out-letters to the president of the Privy Council. 1784-1788. From Lord Sydney, secretary of state. Vol. 283. "Some observations on the rights of the Crown of Great Britain to the northwestern continent of America, presented to the Duke of Newcastle, by Harman Verelst, April 16, 1739." Vol. 284. "Some thoughts upon the British Indian interest in North America, more particularly as it relates to the northern confederacy, commonly called the Six Nations." By S. Bannister. 1756. CAROLINA (PROPRIETY) Vol. 286. Entry book of commissions, instructions, etc. Proprietaries of Carolina (also Bahamas). 1663-1697. Selections: 1 . Commission to Sir William Berkeley, governor of Virginia, to appoint a governor for Albemarle River. 1663. 2. Instructions for Sir William Berkeley, governor of Virginia, in rela- tion to settling and planting some part of the province of Carolina. [1663?]. 18 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 289. Same. 1693-1710. Selections: 1. Instructions to Thomas Smith, governor of Carolina. Nov. 26, 1693. 2. Instructions to John Archdale, governor of Carolina. Aug. 31, 1694. Vol. 291. Same. 1713-1723. Selections: 1. Commission and instruction to Charles Eden, governor of Carolina. 1713. 2. Commission and instructions to George Burrington, governor ol North Carolina. June 3, 1723. CAROLINA, NORTH Vol. 306. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. 1702-1748. Selec- tion: Paper by Michael Cole on the siege of St. Augustine. Dec. 22, 1702. Photostats. Vol. 323. Entry book of letters, instructions, etc. 1730-1754. Selections: 1. Instructions to George Burrington, governor of North Carolina. Dec. 14, 1730. 2. Draught of a commission for Capt. Gabriel Johnston to be governor of North Carolina, [n. d.]. 3. Instructions to Gabriel Johnston, governor of North Carolina. July 18, 1733. CAROLINA, SOUTH Vol. 373. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Letters from the gov- ernor of South Carolina. 1752. Selection: K. 37. Cherokee deed of land to Governor Glen. Feb. 12, 1746. (Received with Governor Glen's letter dated Jan. 29, 1752). Photostats. Vol. 375. Same. 1754-1757. Selections: K. 162. Preliminary articles of peace and friendship agreed upon between the governor of Louisiana and the Cherokee deputies at Tellico at New Orleans in November 1756. (Enclosed in Kerlerec's no. 134 of Jan. 30, 1757 (K. 166, below)). Received with Gov. Lyttel- ton's letter dated 22d of April 1757. K. 164. Copy of a letter from M. de Kerlerec, governor of Louisiana, to [Minister of the Colonies]. No. 128 (seconde). Dec. 13, 1756. Re- garding troubles with the Cherokees. K. 166. Copy of a letter from M. de Kerlerec, governor of Louisiana, to [Minister of the Colonies]. No. 134. (premiere). Jan. 30, 1757. Transmitting duplicate of the preliminaries of peace with the Cherokees (K. 162, above). PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 19 K. 167. Extracts from letters found on board the Revanche, a French merchant ship bound from New Orleans to La Rochelle, taken by H. M.'s sloop Jamaica. 1757. Photostats. Vol. 377. Same. 1760-1764. Selection: M. 21. Account of vessels en- tered and cleared at the port of Charles Town between 5 January 1760 and 5 January 1761, and of the imports and exports during the said time. Photostats. Vol. 388. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. 1730-1746. Selec- tion: Printed form (blank) for granting tracts of land. 173[?]. Photo- stat. Vol. 392. Same. 1768-1769. Selection: Printed form of agreement not to import British goods. June 28, 1769. Photostat. Vol. 396. Same. 1773-1777. Selections: 1. A list of the several members of the Provincial Congress, held at Charles Town, in South Carolina, 11th day of January, 1775. Printed. 2. A circular letter from the Committee of Intelligence to the committees in the several districts and parishes of South Carolina, July 10, 1775. 3. Order of the Provincial Congress to appear before the general com- mittee to give reasons in justification of having refused to sign the Asso- ciation. July 20, 1775. Printed form. (Addressed in manuscript "To Capt. Alexander Innis"). Photostats. /ol. 397. Same. 1780-1784. Selections: 1. Proclamation by Sir Henry Clinton. Charles Town, May 22, 1780. 2. Proclamation by Charles, Earl Cornwallis, lieutenant-general of His Majesty's forces. Headquarters in District of Waxhaw, Sept. 16, 1780. Photostats. EAST FLORIDA /ols. 540-547. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor, 1763-1783. /ols. 548-561. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor, 1763-1786. Vol. 548 contains also a paper endorsed, "Project for an attempt upon St. Augustine," 1746. Vols. 548-560: Transcripts. Vol. 561: Photostats. /ol. 564. Entry book of letters, commissions, etc. (Board of Trade). 1780-1782. Selections. /ol. 565. Entry book of letters, commissions, etc. (Secretary of State). 20 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 1766-1767. Secretary of State Shelburne's entry book of in-letters and out-letters. Selections. Vol. 566. Entry book of letters from the secretary of state for the colonies. 1768-1783. Selections. Vols. 570-572. Minutes of the Council and Assembly of East Florida. 1764-1781. Photostats. Vol. 573. Shipping returns, 1765-1769. Photostats. See also Vol. 624, below, for Acts of the General Assembly of East Florida. WEST FLORIDA Vols. 574-581. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1763-1782. Photostats. Vols. 582-598. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1763-1781. Photostats. Vols. 599-600. Entry books of the Board of Trade. 1763-1782. Photo- stats. Vols. 601-617. Entry books. 1764-1780. Containing a variety of items: indentures, bonds, proclamations, sales by sheriffs, etc. Vols. 603 and 604 are a ledger of the surveyor general, Elias Durnford, 1765-1768. Vols. 606-611 are entry books of land grants, 1767-1780. Photostats. Vol. 618. Entry book. 1766-1767. Secretary of state's entry book of in-letters and out-letters. Photostats. Vol. 619. Entry book. 1768-1781. Secretary of state's entry book of out-letters. Photostats. Vols. 620-622. Entry books. 1766-1781. Secretary of state's entry books of in-letters. Photostats. Vols. 623-624. Acts of the General Assembly. 1766-1771, 1781-1783. Vol. 623: Acts of West Florida. 1766-1771. Vol. 624: Acts of East Florida. 1781-1783. Photostats. Vols. 625-628,630-631. Minutes of the Council and General Assembly. 1764-1778. Photostats. Vols. 632-635. Entry books of minutes of the Council. 1764-1780. Photostats. GEORGIA Vol. 649. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Letters, with en- closures, from the governor. 1764-1767. Selections (enclosures): PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 21 1. Governor Wright's standing instructions to Indian traders. [1765]. Printed. 2. Correspondence of Peter Randolph, Esq., surveyor general of customs, to the lieut.-gov. [William Bull]. Feb. 1766. Charles Town, printed by Peter Timothy. 3. South Carolina. Commons House of Assembly. Resolutions. 29 Nov., 1765. Charles Town, printed by Peter Timothy. 4. South Carolina. Commons House of Assembly. Proceedings rela- tive to the Stamp Act. Jan. 22-28, 1766. Charles Town, printed by Peter Timothy. Photostats. MARYLAND /ols. 713-717. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1689-1720. Complete. Earlier and subsequent letters are entered in the collection entitled "Proprieties" (Page 25, below). Photostats. /ol. 718. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous. 1689-1696. All copied except three printed items, as follows: (1) Maryland. Council proceedings, Oct. 3, 1693-July 14, 1694. (2) Same. July 26, 1694. (3) Minutes of the Council of Maryland, 1694-1696. Photostats. /ol. 719. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous. 1689-1702. Complete. Photostats. /ol. 720. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Letters from Gov- ernors Nicholson and Hart, with enclosures (Addresses and journals of the Council and Assembly of Maryland). 1704-1740. Complete. Photostats. /ol. 721. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous. 1704-1780. Complete. Photostats. /ol. 722. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Letters and en- closures from Gov. Eden. 1777. Complete. Photostats. /ol. 723. Entry book. 'Journal & entries of the committee for Plantacons relating to the Province and Propriety of Maryland." 1633-1691. Complete. Photostats. /ols. 724-727. Entry books. 1691-1720. (Entry books of the Lords of Trade and the Board of Trade) . Complete. Photostats. /ol. 749. Shipping returns: Maryland. 1689-1702. Complete. Photo- stats. 22 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY MASSACHUSETTS Vol. 759. Letters, with enclosures, from Gov. Thomas Hutchinson to the secretary of state. 1769-1770. Complete. Photostats. Vol.761. Same. 1771-1772. Selection: State of the claim of Massachu- setts-Bay to the country between the rivers Kennebeck and St. Croix. (In letter of Oct. 23, 1772). Transcript. Vol.834. Printed journal and votes of Assembly. 1721-1727. Selection: The several votes, orders & messages passed in Council and in the House of Representatives . . . Mar. 15th, 1720. Referring to logs cut in the province lands in the county of York. Photostats. Vol. 838. Same. 1731-1736. Selection: The arguments of the Honour- able William Jenks, Esq., and Mr. John Walton . . . against the rash and irregular proceedings of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay against the inhabitants of that land in controversy between the said province and the colony of Rhode Island. 1731. (Printed). Photo- stats. NEW ENGLAND This series includes the papers of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, known as "New England" until 1741. Vol. 860. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Letters, with en- closures, from the governor. 1698-1699. Selections: 1. The Earl of Bellomont's speech to the General Assembly of His Majesties Province conven'd at New-Hampshire in New England, August 7, 1699. (Printed). 2. The answer of the House of Representatives, to His Excellency the Earl of Bellomont's speech, . . . Aug. 7, 1699. (Printed). 3. Proclamation of the Earl of Bellomont, captain general and governour in chief of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay . . . Oct. 9, 1699. (Printed). Photostats. Vol. 862. Same. 1700-1702. Selection: Massachusetts Bay. Copy of a commission for trial of pirates in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, with memorandum. Jan. 24, 1701. Transcripts. Vol. 863. Same. 1702-1705. Selections: Proclamations of Joseph Dud- ley, governor of Massachusetts-Bay. Boston. Oct. 1, Nov. 21, 1702; Aug. 13, 1703; Sept. 20, Oct. 30, Nov. 9, 1705. (Printed). Photostats. Vol. 864. Same. 1705-1708. Selections: Proclamations of Joseph Dud- ley, governor of Massachusetts-Bay. Boston. Dec. 27, 1705. Sept. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 23 19, 1706. July 10, July 21, Nov. 24, Dec. 15, 1707. (Printed) Photostats. Vol. 865. Same. 1708-1712. Selection: Proclamation by Joseph Dud- ley, governor of Massachusetts-Bay. Boston. July 16, 1711. (Printed). Photostats. Vol.866. Same. 1712-1718. Selection: Petition of Cyprian Southack to the Queen. 1713. Photostats. Vol. 868. Same. 1720-1723. Selections: Letters of Cyprian Southack to Mr. Popple. Jan. 28, 1720. Jan. 10, 1722. Mar. 6, 1722. Photostats. NEW JERSEY Vol. 970. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1702-1715. Selection: Reply of the House of Representatives of the Province of New-Jersey to an answer made by His Excellency Edward Viscount Cornbury, governor of said Province, to the Humble Remonstrance, of the aforesaid House. Oct. 24, 1701. (Printed). Photostats. Vol. 971. Same. 1715-1721. Selections: 1. Acts passed at a General Assembly begun and held at Perth Am boy, in New-Jersey one thousand seven hundred and eighteen. (Printed). 2. Proclamation by the Honourable Lewis Morris, Esq., President of His Majesty's Council for the Province of New-Jersey and the terri- tories depending thereon in America. Perth Amboy. Aug. 22, 1719. (Printed). Photostats. Vol. 1019. Minutes of the Council, Assembly, and Council in Assembly. 1703-1719. Selection: A journal of the votes of the General Assembly of her Majesties colony of New-Jersey, in America. July 6, 1711 to July 16, 1711. (Printed). Photostats. NEW YORK Vols. 1037-1078. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1691-1779. Transcripts. Also photostats of the following: Vol. 1042. 1699: No. 1 1 (x). Proclamation of the Earl of Bellomont for administering the oaths, test, and association to the male inhabitants of New York under sixteen years of age. Fort William Henry, N. Y. Nov. 23, 1698. (Printed). 24 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY No. 23 (ii). Mr. Nicholls' pamphlet to influence elections of Assembly men and to hinder the Assembly's continuing the revenue to the King. (In the Earl of Bellomont's letter of Apr. 27, 1699). (Handwritten copy). No. 26 (ix). Proclamation of the Earl of Bellomont for the apprehension of Joseph Broadish and his crew [of the Adventure of London]. Fort William Henry, N. Y. Apr. 9, 1699. (Printed). No. 30 (ix). Proclamation of the Earl of Bellomont about the courts of judicature. Fort William Henry, N. Y. Jan. 19, 1698 [1698/9]. (Printed). No. 30 (x). Proclamation of the Earl of Bellomont about the Scotch setdement at Darien. Fort William Henry, N. Y. May 15, 1699. (Printed). No. 37 (ii). Speech of the Earl of Bellomont to the House of Representa- tives of New York. Mar. 21, 1699. (Printed). Photostats. Vol. 1049. 1705-1710: No. 82 (iii). Proclamation by Governor Lord Cornbury, upon his restoring Thomas Byerley to the office of collector and receiver general. Fort Anne, N. Y. Feb. 6, 1706 [1706/7]. (Printed). Vol. 1059. 1737-1742: G. g. 30 (c and d). [Printed letter concerning New York elections]. Endorsed: Mr. Clarke's speech to the General Assembly of New York, 27th March 1739: with their address to him, . . . Rec'd with Mr. Clarke's letter of 18th April 1739. (Printed). Photostats. Vols. 1081-1090. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Miscel- laneous. 1689-1793. Vols. 1091-1096. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1696-1752. Vol. 1091. 1696-1713: No. 13 (iii). Reply of the House of Representatives of New Jersey to an answer made by His Excellency Edward Viscount Cornbury, governor of the said province, to the Humble Remonstrance of the aforesaid House. Oct. 24, 1707. (Printed). No. 13 (v). Remonstrance of the Assembly of New-Jersey . . . May 8, 1707 . . . and His Excellency's [Governor Lord Cornbury] reply, May 12, 1707. (Printed). Photostats. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 25 Vols. 1097-1110. Same. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1762-1780. Vols. 1111-1113. Entry books of New York documents. 1664-1692. Vols. 1114-1132. Entry books of the Board of Trade. 1692-1779. Vol.1134. Grants of land. 1666-1755,1761-1764. Selection: Abstracts of grants of land, Queen's, N. Y. New York: Secretary's office, 25th March 1763. Photostats. Vol. 1141. Entry book (Secretary of State's out-letters). 1768-1782. PENNSYLVANIA Vol. 1233. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous. 1690-1767. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 1234. Same. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1709- 1746. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 1235. Same. Miscellaneous. 1776-1781. Selections: 1. General Sir Henry Clinton to Lord George Germain. Phila. No. 4. "June 5 and 13, 1778." Stevens's facsimile, no. 1093. 2. Chevalier de La Luzerne to Vergennes. Phila. No. 51. June 3, 1780. No. 52. June 4, 1780. No. 53. June 5, 1780. No. 55. June 15, 1780. Transcripts. PROPRIETIES [Proprietary Governments: Bahamas, Carolina, Connecticut, Maryland, East and West New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island] Vol.1263. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. 1704-1707. Selec- tion: No. 114 (iii). Act of Pennsylvania proportioning the rates of money, [n. d.]. (Printed). {In letter of Lt. Gov. Evans to the Council of Trade and Plantations, Jan. 19, 1706). Photostat. Vols. 1280-1286. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Corre- spondence with governors. 1762-1776. Vols. 1287-1297. Entry books of the Board of Trade. 1696-1776. Vol. 1299. Secretary of State's entry book of in-letters. 1767-1768. Selection: Petition of Daniel and John Jenks, merchants of Providence, against the Spaniards for the illegal capture of their vessel and cargo and barbarous treatment of the crew. [1768]. "Transmitted to Lord Shelburne, 13 April 1768." Vol.1301. Secretary of State's entry book of out-letters. 1768-1776. 26 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY VIRGINIA Vol, 1305-1307 Board of Trade and Secretary of State: Original cor« Pondence . Miscellaneous. 1689-1698. Transcripts. Also photc stats of the following items in Vol. 1306: 1 • Instructions to Mr. James Blair, commissary ... for soliciting th- business of a free school and college. Virginia. May 22, 1691. 2^ Memorial concerning the college in Virginia. Rec'd the 11th Dec 3. Report concerning the college at Virginia. July 15 1692 Vols. 1308-1334. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1691-1781. Transcripts. Also photo- stats of the following items in Vols. 1309 and 1310: Vol. 1309: l'/ he 7?T S apP ° inted for buiIdin S the college in Virginia to Sir Edmund Andros. Apr. 22, 1697. 2. Accounts of William and Mary college. Apr. 22, 1697. 3. The present state of Virginia; concerning the college of William and Mary. Oct. 20, 1697. Vol. 1310: 1. The form of a commission of the peace and dedimus for swearing he justices of the peace. Lists of the names of the justices, the date of their commissions, and the name of the clerk and sheriff in each county 1 he oath of a justice. June 8, 1 699. 2. No. 31 Draught of the city of Williams burgh, of Queen Mary's port and Queen Anne's port, etc. Referred to in Col. Nicholson's letter of 1st July 1699. Rec'd Sept. 4, 1699. Vols. 1337-1338. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1694-1753. VOl 'l 700-1 70 S 2 ame ' LettCrS ' WiA end ° SUreS ' from Governor Nicholson. VoL 1340. Same. Letters, with enclosures, from Governor Nott. 1703- Vols. 1341-1342. Same. Miscellaneous. 1706-1714. 1715-1717. ^1 723-1 72 S 5 amC ' LetterS ' Whh end ° SUreS ' from Governor Drysdale. Vol. 1344. Same. Miscellaneous. 1722-1783. Transcripts. Also pho- PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 27 tostats of one item (Field notes taken in running the boundary line of Thomas Lord Fairfax (fols. 47-52)). Vols. 1345-1353. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1762-1777. Transcripts. Also photostats of a few printed items. Vols. 1354-1357. Entry books of letters, commissions, instructions, etc. 1606-1662. 1675-1681. 1681-1685. 1685-1690. Vols. 1358-1369. Entry books of the Lords of the Committee for Trade and the Board of Trade. 1689-1774 [1775]. Vol. 1371. Proceedings and reports of the commissioners for inquiring into Virginia's affairs and settling Virginia's grievances after Bacon's rebel- lion. 1677. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 1374. Secretary Shelburne's entry book of in-letters and out-letters. 1767. Only those papers have been copied which have not been transcribed from the originals in other volumes. Vol. 1375. Secretary of State's entry book of out-letters. 1768-1776. Only those papers have been copied which have not been transcribed from the originals in other volumes. Vol. 1411. Journals of Council, Assembly, and Council in Assembly. 1696-1700. Selections. 1. Virginia. An account of all proceedings relating to His Majesty's ship the Essex Prize, Capt. John Aldred commanding, from the 10th of December 1698 to the 25th of February 1699. Also an account of all proceedings of Virginia concerning pirates. 2. Log of the Essex Prize, Dec. 12, 1698 to Apr. 9, 1700. 3. Trial of three pirates, belonging to the French ship La Paix, Virginia, 1700. Transcripts. COLONIAL OFFICE 23: BAHAMAS For description of the material dealing with the Bahamas in the Colonial Office papers, see the Guide to British West Indian archive materials, in London and in the Islands, for the history of the United States, by Herbert C. Bell, David W. Parker and others (Washington: Published by the Car- negie Institution of Washington, 1926), pages 11-45. Vols. 1-3. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Letters, with en- closures, from the governor. 1717-1737. Complete. Photostats; Vol. 12. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous. 1696-1731. Complete. Photostats. 28 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 13. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclos- ures, from the governor. 1718-1727. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 32. Same. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1792-1793. Selections: 1. Letter of George Hammond to the Earl of Dunmore. Phila. Aug. 14, 1793. In Dunmore to Dundas, no. 34, Sept. 1793. 2. Letter of Phineas Bond to the Earl of Dunmore. Phila. Aug. 15, 1793. In Dunmore to Dundas, no. 34, Sept. 14, 1793. Transcripts. COLONIAL OFFICE 28: BARBADOS For description of the material dealing with Barbados in the Colonial Office papers, see Andrews, I: 189-192; Bell and Parker (above, page 27), 45-87; and for a particular series, A Guide to the official correspondence of the governors of the British West India colonies with the Secretary of State, 1763-7833, by Lowell J. Ragatz, 2nd ed. (London and Washington [1929]), pages 3-8. Vols. 50-61, 65, 67-73, 80-84. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1761-1788. 1794-1799. 1801-1805. 1811-1815. Complete. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 37: BERMUDA For description of the material dealing with Bermuda in the Colonial Office papers, see Andrews, I: 192-194; and Bell and Parker (above, page 27), 17-12. Vol. 43. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Letters, with en- closures, from the governor. 1791-1792. Selection: Henry Hamilton to Secretary Dundas, no. 7, Jan. 20, 1792. Enclosing extract of letter of Henry Hamilton to George Hammond, Jan. 13, 1792. Vol. 46. Same. Letters, with enclosures, from the governor. 1796-1798. Selection: George Beckwith to the Duke of Portland. Private. June 11, 1798. COLONIAL OFFICE 42: CANADA This series consists of the correspondence of the governor-in-chief, lieuten- ant governor, or administrator of Quebec, and, after the division in 1791, Lower Canada and Upper Canada, from the first years of British rule until 1841. It comprises mainly original despatches, with enclosures, from the governors (etc.). In some volumes, however, drafts of letters from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the governor are found. For descrip- tion of the American items, i. e., material relating to the United States, see Paullin and Paxson: 262-280. The Public Archives of Canada has procured transcripts of the entire PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 29 series. The transcripts of correspondence in the G. O. 42 series (Original correspondence of the Board of Trade and Secretary of State: Quebec, Lower Canada, Upper Canada, and various), beginning with vol. 24 (1760-1763), with addition of material in the C. O. 43 series (Colonial Office entry books) consisting of letter-books or registers containing copies of despatches and instructions from the Colonial Office to the governors, lieutenant-governors, and administrators, have been incorporated in a single series, designated "Q." C. O. 42, vols. 1-23 (Original correspon- dence of the Board of Trade and Secretary of State: Quebec) (1763-1821) are calendared in the Report of the Public Archives of Canada, for the year 1921 (Ottawa, 1922) Appendix D. Series "Q" is calendared in the Reports tor the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1902, without notation, however, of the C. O. 42 and C. O. 43 volumes which are represented therein. See also A guide to the documents in the Manuscript Room at the Public Archives of Canada, Vol. I. Prepared by David VV. Parker (Ottawa, 1914), and Guide to the materials for United Stales history in Canadian archives, by David W. Parker (Washington: Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1913), hereinafter cited as Parker, Public Archives of Canada, and United States history in Canadian archives. The Library of Congress has reproductions of the C. O. 42 series, as noted below. These include vols. 146-159 in toto; selections only from other volumes. In our description of these complete volumes (». e., 146-159) given below, we have designated the particular Report of the Canadian Archives which contains the appropriate calendar, giving the specific pages in that Report and the Series "Q" designation of the particular volume. Also a volume of Henry Adams transcripts — "Canada. British Colonial correspondence. 1789-1798", consisting of selections (items of American interest) from various volumes designated "Colonial correspondence — Canada (Quebec, Lower Canada, Upper Canada", variously). These papers are now in C. O. 42, various volumes. The individual items in this volume of transcripts have not been entered separately in this Guide. There is, however, in the Division of Manuscripts an index (1) Archival, and (2) By individual letter, of this volume. QUEBEC Vol. 37. Canada. Selection: Report of Gother Mann, captain and com- manding engineer, to Brig. Gen. Hope, It. gov. of the Province of Quebec. Sorel. July 19, 1787. Relative to laying out a new town at Sorel and building fortifications there. Photostats. Vol. 38. Same. Selections: 1 . Lord Dorchester's instructions to Capt. Mann, commanding engineer. Quebec. May 29, 1788. For survey of and report upon the condition of fortifications at Ontario, Niagara, Erie, Detroit, and Michilimackinac. 30 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 2. Report of Gother Mann, captain and commanding engineer, to Lord Dorchester, in regard to the above survey. Quebec. Dec. 6, 1788. Photostats. Vol. 68. Secretary of State: Original Correspondence. Despatches from the governor-in-chief. 1790. Selection: Lord Dorchester to George Beckwith. Quebec. June 27, 1790. (No. 1 and unnumbered, secret). Photostats. Vol. 72. Same. Nov., 1790. Selection: Major George Beckwith to . New York. Apr. 7, 1790. Photostats. Vol.73. Same. 1790-1791. Selections: 1. Henry Motz to Colonel Beckwith. Quebec. Feb. 10, 1791 (2 letters) and May 6, 1791. 2. Record of a conversation: Mr. Hamilton, Mr. William Macomb of Detroit and Lieut. Col. Beckwith. Phila. Jan. 31, 1791. Photostats. Vol. 85. Same. 1791. Selection: Lieut. Col. George Beckwith to Lord Dorchester. No. 7. Phila. Oct. 5, 1791. Photostats. Vol. 88. Same. Miscellaneous. 1790-1800. Selection: Memorandum of George Hammond regarding occupation by the Spanish of territory along the Mississippi. [Phila.]. [1796?]. Transcripts. LOWER CANADA Vol. 93. Same. Lower Canada. 1792-1793. Selections: John Graves Simcoe to George Hammond. Niagara. Jan. 21, Feb. 3, 1793. Transcripts. Vol. 97. Same. October 1793. Selections: 1. John Graves Simcoe to George Hammond. Niagara. Sept. 8, 1793. 2. Lord Dorchester to George Hammond. Quebec. Oct. 14, 1793. Photostats. Vol.98. Same. 1793-1794. Selections: Lord Dorchester to George Ham- mond. Quebec. Feb. 17, May 8, 1794. Photostats and transcripts. Vol. 100. Same. 1794. Selections: Lord Dorchester to George Hammond. Quebec, June 21, 1794. Montreal, Sept. 1, 1794. Quebec, Sept. 17, 1794. Photostats and transcripts. Vol. 105. Same. 1795-1796. Selections: Lord Dorchester to Robert Lis- ton. Quebec. May 26, June 6, 1796. Photostats and transcripts. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 31 Vol. 108. Same. 1796-1797. Selections: 1 . Robert Liston to Robert Prescott. Phila. Nov. 28, 1796. 2. Robert Prescott to Robert Liston. Quebec. Dec. 1, Dec. 17, 1796. Feb. 16, 1797. Photostats and transcripts. Vol. 109. Same. 1797. Selections: 1. Robert Prescott to Robert Liston. Quebec. Apr. 10, 1797. 2. Robert Liston to Robert Prescott. Phila. July 31, 1797. 3. Robert Prescott to Robert Liston. Quebec. Aug. 31, 1797. Photostats and transcripts. Vol. 110. Same. 1798. Selection: Robert Prescott to Robert Liston. Quebec. May 14, 1798. Photostat and transcript. Vol. 112. Same. 1799. Selection: Robert Liston to Robert Prescott. Phila. May 6, 1799. Extract. Photostats and transcript. Vols. 146-147. Same. Despatches, with enclosures, from the governor (Sir George Prevost). 1812. Complete. Photostats. Canad. Arch. Rept. for 1893, pp. 59-76 (Ql 17-1 18). Vol. 148. Same. Despatches, with enclosures, from the governor (Sir George Prevost) and Miscellaneous. 1812. Complete. Photostats. Canad. Arch. Rept. for 1893, pp. 76-85 (Q119). Vol. 149. Same. Miscellaneous. 1812. Complete. Photostats. Canad Arch. Rept. for 1893, pp. 85-90 (Q120). Vols. 150-152. Same. Despatches, with enclosures, from the governor (Sir George Prevost) and Miscellaneous. 1813. ^Complete. Photo- stats. Canad. Arch. Rept. for 1893, pp. 90-114 (Q121-123). Vol. 153. Same. Miscellaneous. Mar.-June 1813. Complete. Photo- stats. Canad. Arch. Rept., for 1893, pp. 114-119 (Q124). Vol. 154. Same. Miscellaneous. Apr.-Aug. 1813. Complete. Photo- stats. Canad. Arch. Rept., for 1896, pp. 1-9 (Q125). Vol. 155. Same. Miscellaneous. Aug. -Dec. 1813. Complete. Photo- stats. Canad. Arch. Rept., for 1896, pp. 9-16 (Q126). Vols. 156-157. Same. Despatches, with enclosures, from the governor (Sir George Prevost). 1814. Complete. Photostats. Canad. Arch. Rept., for 1896, pp. 17-46 (Ql 27-1 28). Vols. 158-159. Same. Public Offices. 1814. Complete. Photostats. Canad. Arch. Rept., for 1896, pp. 46-60 (Q129). 32 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol.160. War with the United States. Copies of correspondence between Sir George Prevost and the Earl of Liverpool and Earl Bathurst. 1812-1814. Papers as to trade with the United States. 1807-1814. Complete, with the exception of folios 1-248, consisting of papers which have been printed, as follows: Papers presented to the House of Commons by Mr. Secretary Canning relating to America, etc. (London, 1809). UPPER CANADA See note above (page 29) for reference to printed calendars of these volumes. Vol. 317. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Despatches, with enclosures, from Lt. Gov. Simcoe. 1792-1793. Selections: 1. Simcoe to George Hammond. Niagara. Sept. 27, 1792. 2. Simcoe to George Hammond. Niagara. Nov. 17, 1792. 3. Simcoe to George Hammond. York. Aug. 24, 1793. Photostats and transcripts. Vol. 318. Same. 1793-1794. Selection: Lt. Gov. Simcoe to George Hammond. Navy Hall [Niagara]. Oct. 20, 1794. Photostats and transcripts. Vol. 321. Same. Despatches, with enclosures, from Peter Russell, President and Administrator. 1796-1797 Selections: 1. Robert Liston to Gen. Robert Prescott. Phila. Apr. 8, 1797. 2. Robert Prescott to the President [of Upper Canada]. Apr. 26, 1797. 3. Robert Liston to Lord Grenville. Phila. July 19, 1797. Photostats and transcripts. Vol. 352. Same. Despatches, with enclosures, from Major Generals Brock and Sheaffe, Public Offices, and Miscellaneous. 1812. Selec- tions: 1. Secretary of State to Major General Brock. Downing Street. Aug. 10, 1812. (draft). 2. Brock to the Earl of Liverpool. Aug. 29, 1812. 3. Maj. Gen. Sheaffe to Earl Bathurst. Oct. 20, 1812. 4. Secretary of State to Maj. Gen. Brock. Nov. 16, 1812. (draft). Photostats. Vol. 353. Same. Public Offices, and Miscellaneous. 1812. Selections: W. Hamilton to R. Peel, with extract from a despatch of A. J. Foster, PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 33 British minister, Washington, March 3, regarding the state of Detroit. Foreign Office. May 5, 1812. Photostats. Vol. 354. Same. Despatches, with enclosures, from Major General Sheaffe, Public Offices, and Miscellaneous. 1813. Selections: 1. Sheaffe to Sir George Prevost. Fort George. Nov. 23, 1812. 2. Sheaffe to Sir George Prevost. Chippawa. Nov. 30, 1812. 3. Lieut. Col. Cecil Bisshopp to Maj. Gen. Sheaffe. Frenchman's Creek, near Fort Erie. Dec. 1, 1812. 4. Col. Henry Proctor to Maj. Gen. Sheaffe. Sandwich. Jan. 25, 1813. 5. Maj. Gen. Sheaffe to Earl Bathurst. Fort George. Feb. 14, 1813. 6. Maj. Gen. Bisshopp to Brig. Gen. Vincent, commanding Niagara frontier. Fort Erie. Mar. 18, 1813. 7. Brig. Gen. John Vincent to Maj. Gen. Sir Roger Hale Sheaffe. Fort George. Mar. 21, 1813. 8. Maj. Gen. Sheaffe to Earl Bathurst. York. Mar. 25, 1813. 9. Maj. Gen. Sheaffe to Earl Bathurst. York. Apr. 5, 1813. 10. Maj. Gen. Sheaffe to Sir George Prevost. Kingston. May 5, 1813. 11. Maj. Gen. Sheaffe to Earl Bathurst. Kingston. June 17, 1813. Photostats. Vol. 355. Same. Despatches, with enclosures, from Sir Gordon Drum- mond (Administrator), Public Offices, and Miscellaneous. 1814. Selections: Sir Gordon Drummond to Earl Bathurst. York and Kingston. Jan. 10, 18, May 9, July 3, Nov. 20, 1814. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 71: DOMINICA For description of the material dealing with Dominica in the Colonial Office papers, see Andrews, I: 199; Bell and Parker (above, page 27), 124-135; and for a particular series, Ragatz's Guide to the official correspond- ence of the governors of the British West India colonies with the Secretary of State, 7763-1833 (above, page 28), 8-15. Vol. 2. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Correspondence with the governor, etc. (Gov. John Orde). Selection: Capt. John Han- son to . [London]. Aug. 8, 1773. Offering to secure maps of the rivers Ohio, Mississippi, Missouri, and in general all of that country adjacent to Canada, from Versailles "where they are deposited." Photostats. 34 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 5. Same. (Lt. Gov. William Stuart and Gov. Thomas Shirley). 1774-1775. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 6. Same. (Gov. Thomas Shirley). 1775-1777. Complete. Photo- stats. Vol. 7. Same. (Gov. Thomas Shirley and Lt. Gov. William Stuart). 1777-1779. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 8. Same. (Gov. John Orde). 1783-1784. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 9. Same. (Gov. John Orde). 1784-1785. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 10. Same. (Gov. John Orde). 1786. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 14. Same. (Gov. John Orde). 1787-1788. Complete. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 101: GRENADA For description of the material dealing with Grenada in the Colonial Office papers, see Bell and Parker (above, page 27), 135-159; and for a particular series, Ragatz's Guide to the official correspondence of the governors of the British West India colonies with the Secretary of State, 1763-1834 (above, page 28), 15-20. Vols. 21-23. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Correspond- ence with the governor (Sir George Macartney). 1777-1778. 1778. 1779. Complete. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 110: GUADELOUPE For description of the material dealing with Guadeloupe in the Colonial Office papers, see Bell and Parker (above, page 27), 159. Vols. 1-2. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. 1758-1761. 1761-1763. Vol. 1: Correspondence of Maj.-Gen. Hopson, Maj.-Gen. Barrington, Commodore Moore, etc. 1758-1761. Vol. 2: Letters, with enclosures, from Gov. Campbell Dalrymple. 1761— 1763. Transcripts. COLONIAL OFFICE 117: HAVANA Vol. 1. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous. 1762-1763. Complete. A volume of papers relating to the expedition against Havana and Cuba in 1762, containing the correspondence of the Earl of Egremont, secretary of state for the southern department, with the Earl of Albemarle and William Keppel, governor of Havana (1763), instructions, commissions, rules for the distribution of prizes, PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 35 returns of soldiers, journals of the siege, articles of capitulation, papers on the government of the city of Havana, colored plans of Havana harbor, etc. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 134: HUDSON'S BAY For description of papers in this series, see Andrews, 1 : 202-204. Vols. 1-3. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. 1675-1759. Complete. Vol. 1. 1675-1689. Concerns chiefly quarrels with the French and inter- pretation of the treaty of Utrecht. Vol. 2. 1696-1719. Deals with the controversy arising out of the seizure of York fort by the French in 1694, the Hudson's Bay Company, etc. Vol. 3. 1696-1759. Deals with the same subject as volume 2, and con- tains also later documents. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 137: JAMAICA For description of the material dealing with Jamaica in the Colonial Office papers, see Andrews, I: 204-207; Bell and Parker (above, page 27), 159-230; and, for a particular series, Ragatz's Guide to the official correspondence of the governors of the British West India colonies with the Secretary of State, 1763-1834 (above, page 28), 21-32. Vols. 2-40. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Despatches, with enclosures, from the governor, and miscellaneous. 1689-1782. Com- plete. Photostats. Vols. 41-43. Same. Abstracts of letters. 1702-1753. Complete. Photo- stats. Vols. 44-50. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous. 1689-1821. Complete. Photostats. Vols. 51-57. Same. Despatches, with enclosures, from the governor. 1704-1753. Complete. Photostats. Vols. 58-83. Same. 1746-1783. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 105. Same. 1800-1801. Selection: Edward Thornton, British min- ister to the United States, to the Earl of Balcarres (governor of Jamaica) . Copy. Phila. Apr. 17, 1801. Transcript. Vol. 106. Same. 1801. Selections: 1. Robert Liston, British minister to the United States, to Edward Robinson. Phila. Nov. 4, 1800. 2. Edward Thornton to Edward Corbet, agent for British affairs for Santo Domingo. Phila. May 18, 1801. 36 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 3. Same to same. Phila. May 19, 1801. Transcripts. Vol. 107. Same. 1802, Jan.-Feb. Selection: Edward Thornton, British charge-d' affaires in the United States, to Edward Corbet, agent for British affairs for Santo Domingo. Phila. June 18, 1801. Transcript. Vol. 114. Same. 1805. Selection: Anthony Merry, British minister to the United States, to Lt. Gov. Nugent. Feb. 23, 1805. Transcript. Vol. 115. Same. Public Offices and Miscellaneous. 1805. Selection: Anthony Merry, British minister to the United States, to Lord Har- rowby. Extract. Washington. Jan. 25, 1805. Transcript. Vol. 116. Same. Despatches, with enclosures, from the governor. 1806. Selection: Anthony Merry, British minister to the United States, to Sir Eyre Coote. Extract. Washington. July 25, 1806. Transcript. COLONIAL OFFICE 152: LEEWARD ISLANDS For description of the material dealing with the Leeward Islands in the Colonial Office papers, see Andrews, I: 207-209; Bell and Parker (above, page 27), 230-282; and for a particular series, Ragatz's Guide to the official correspondence of the governors of the British West India colonies with the Secretary of State, 1763-7834 (above, page 28), 32-37. Vol. 45. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Despatches, with enclosures, from the governors (Lt. Governors William Matthew and Gilbert Fleming). 1748-1751. COLONIAL OFFICE 188: NEW BRUNSWICK Vol. 10. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Despatches, with enclosures, from the It. gov. (Thomas Carleton), draft instructions, and miscellaneous. 1798-1800. Selections: 1. Ward Chipman to Robert Liston. Providence [R. I.]. Oct. 23, 1798. 2. Robert Liston to Ward Chipman. Providence [R. I.]. Oct. 23, 1798. 3. Ward Chipman to Robert Liston. Providence [R. I.]. Oct. 25, 1798. Enclosures nos. 2, 3, and 4, in Lt. Gov. Carleton to the Duke of Pordand, no. 47, Dec. 1, 1798. Regarding the St. Croix River boundary line. Photostats and transcripts. COLONIAL OFFICE 194: NEWFOUNDLAND Vol. 5. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Despatches, with enclosures, from the governor, and miscellaneous. 1710-1715. Selec- PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 37 tion: Memorial of Capt. Cyprian Southack. Boston. Dec. 9, 1713. Regarding the fishing trade of Quebec and Nova Scotia. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 217: NOVA SCOTIA For description of the material dealing with Nova Scotia in the Colonial Office papers, see Andrews, I: 213-215. Vol. 2. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Despatches, with en- closures, from the governor. 1715-1719. Selections: 1. Capt. Cyprian Southack to Lt. Gov. Doucett. Regarding the fisheries. Boston. Jan. 9, 1718. 2. Gov. Philipps to the Council of Trade and Plantations, with enclosures, Apr. 1, 1719. Regarding the French-English boundaries, etc. Photostats. Vol. 69. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous. 1798. Selections: 1. Robert Liston to Sir John Temple. Extract. Phila. Apr. 28, 1798. 2. Sir John Temple to George Leonard. New York. May 22, 1798. 3. George Leonard to Robert Liston. New Brunswick. May 28, 1798. 4. Robert Liston to John Wentworth. Boston. Oct. 15, 1798. Photostats and transcripts. COLONIAL OFFICE 245: ST. DOMINGO For description of papers in this series, see Andrews, I: 218, and Bell and Parker: 304-305. Vol. 1. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous in- letters. 1693-1805. Selections: 1. Letter of Brig. Gen. T. Maitland to Henry Dundas, Secretary of War. London. Dec. 26, 1798. Copy. Regarding convention entered into between Gen. Toussaint and Gen. Maitland at Mole St. Nicholas in August 1798. 2. Letter of Lord Grenville to Robert Liston, No. 3. [London]. Jan. 19, 1799. Copy. COLONIAL OFFICE 260: ST. VINCENT For description of papers in this series, see Andrews, I: 219-221, and Bell and Parker: 298-304. Vol. 4. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Despatches, with enclosures, from the governor, and draft instructions, 1776-1777. 38 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Selections: Items given in Bell and Parker, Guide: 298-300. See also Andrews, I: 220-221. Photostats. Vol. 5. Same. 1777-1778. Selections: Items given in Bell and Parker, Guide: 300-301. See also Andrews, I: 220-221. Photostats. Vol. 7. Same. 1783-1786. Selection: Gov. Edmund Lincoln to Lord Sydney. No. 32. June 5, 1786. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 314: VIRGIN ISLANDS Vol. 1. Secretary of State: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous. 1711-1791. Consists largely of papers dealing with Danish settlement on St. John Island and the claims of England to the Virgin Islands. Complete. For further description, see Andrews, I: 223. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 318: WEST INDIES For description of papers in this series, see Andrews, I: 223-224, and Bell and Parker: 313-316. Vols. 1-2. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous. 1624-1808. 1627-1807. Papers regarding trade in the West Indies, and others. Complete. For further description, see Andrews, I: 223, and Bell and Parker: 313-314. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 323: PLANTATIONS GENERAL For description of papers in this series, see Andrews, I: 225-226. Vol.5. Board of Trade: Original correspondence. Miscellaneous. 1703- 1705. Selection: Commission to Lord Cornbury, governor of New York and New Jersey, for trial of pirates. Oct. 21, 1704. Transcript. Vol. 13. Same. 1750—1757. Selection: Edmund Atkin, agent for Indian affairs in the southern district, to the Board of Trade. New York. Mar 1, 1757. Photostats. Vol. 17. Same. 1763-1764. Selections: Six letters of John Stuart, agent for Indian affairs in the southern district, to the Board of Trade. Charles Town. Dec. 1, 1763, Jan. 16, Feb. 23, [ca. Feb. 23], Mar. 9, 1764. Savannah. Mar. 23, 1764. Photostats. Vol. 18. Same. 1764-1766. Selections: Four letters of John Stuart, super- intendent of Indian affairs in the southern district, to the Board of Trade. Savannah, Mar. 23, 1764. Charles Town, May 5 and 18, 1764. Saint Augustine, July 21, 1764. Photostats. Vol. 19. Same. A collection of papers on financial matters, accounts of paper currency in the different colonies, etc. 1764-1766. Complete. Photostats. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 39 Vol. 20. Same. Indian affairs. 1764. Selections: Two letters of John Stuart, superintendent of Indian affairs in the southern district, to the Board of Trade. Pensacola, Oct. 29, 1764. Mobile, Dec. 8, 1764. Photostats. Vol. 21. Same. Applications for land. 1765-1766. Selection: Letter of John Stuart, superintendent of Indian affairs in the southern district, to John Pownall, secretary to the Board of Trade. Saint Augustine, Oct. 17, 1765. Application for land in the Floridas. Photostats. Vol. 24. Same. Miscellaneous. 1766-1768. Selections: Four letters of John Stuart, superintendent of Indian affairs in the southern district, to the Board of Trade. Charles Town, Nov. 16, Dec. 2, 1766. Oct. 3, 1767. Feb. 10, 1768. Photostats. Vol. 30. Same. Miscellaneous. 1764-1766. Selections: Papers relating to trade with Naples and Sardinia. Transcripts. COLONIAL OFFICE 324: PLANTATIONS GENERAL For description of papers in this series, see Andrews, I: 226-239. Vol. 2. Entry book of commissions, instructions, petitions, grants, orders in council, warrants, letters, etc. 1667-1681. Selection: Lord Culpeper's grant of the governor's place of Virginia. Whitehall. June 19, 1675. Vol. 3. Entry book. Note book of Secretary Sir Joseph Williamson. [1674-1677]. Notes in the handwriting of Secretary Williamson on the colonies: Surinam. West Indies — Nevis, Barbados, Leeward Islands, San Domingo, St. Vincent. New England. Newfoundland. This document is printed almost in full in the Calendar of state papers. Colonial series. America and West Indies. 1675-1676, also Addenda, 1574—1674, pre- served in the Public Record Office (London, 1893) pp. 154-163, item 405. Only omissions in the printed text have been transcribed in this collection. Vols. 4-13. Entry books. 1675-1750. Vol. 13. Feb. 28, 1749/50, to July 19, 1750. Contains the "account of the expenses incurred in the northern Colonies on the intended Expe- dition against Canada", Feb. 28, 1749/50, and papers relating to settle- ment of points in dispute in America between Great Britain and France, "as well in relation to the limits in North America as to the four disputed islands in the West Indies". Vol. 14. Entry book. Memorials, I. "Draught of Memorial to be pre- sented by his Majesties Commissaries to the Commissaries of His Most Christian Majesty in answer to their Memorial of the 4th October 1751 concerning Nova Scotia or Acadie." Oct. 6, 1752. 40 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vols. 15-19. Entry books. 1750-1782. Vol.15. July, 1750, to February, 1756. Contains general correspondence with the secretaries of state and the Board of Trade, and also "Draught of a Memorial to be delivered to the Commissaries of His Most Christian Majesty by the Commissaries of the King of Great Britain containing a State of the Proofs of the Right of the Crown of Great Britain to the entire Province of Acadia or Nova Scotia in America, according to the limits set forth in the said Commissaries Memorial of the 21st of September last". Nov. 29, 1750. pp. 45-140. "Draught of a Memorial to be delivered by His Majesty's Commissaries to the Commissaries of his Most Chris- tian Majesty in answer to their Memorial relative to the Island of St a . Lucia." Aug. 6, 1751. pp. 186-285. Vol. 21. Entry book. 1743/4-1752, 1702-1782. Contains a list of "Letters sent to His Majesty's governors in America, from the Board of Trade," 1743/4-1752; and Miscellaneous papers, 1702-1782, including a "Me- morial upon the right of the Crown of Great Britain to the Island of St. Lucia" (English) undated, and a "Memoire sur l'Isle de Sainte Lucie", Paris, Feb. 11, 1751. Vols. 22, 25, 26, 29, 34, 36, 38-43. Entry books. Grants and warrants. 1688-1777. Selections, consisting of commissions and instructions to governors or lieutenant governors of Virginia as follows: Vol. 22. 1688-1692: 1. Commission to Lord Howard of Effingham. Oct. 6, 1690. 2. Commission to Sir Edmund Andros. Feb. 11, 1691/2. 3. Instructions to Sir Edmund Andros. Mar. 7, 1691/2. Vol. 25. 1694-1702: Additional instructions to Francis Nicholson. Sept. 20, 1698. Vol. 26. 1698-1700: 1. Commission to Francis Nicholson. June 26, 1698. 2. Instructions to Francis Nicholson. Nov. 10, 1698. Vol. 29. 1702-1706: Commission to Francis Nicholson. July 16, 1702. Vol. 34. 1720-1723: 1. Commission to Hugh Drysdale. Apr. 3, 1722. 2. Additional instruction to the Earl of Orkney. June 1, 1722. Vol. 36. 1727-1735: Additional instruction to the Earl of Orkney. Nov. 30, 1733. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 41 Vol. 38. 1749-1760: 1. Commission to Robert Dinwiddie. July 4, 1731. 2. Additional instructions to the Earl of Albemarle. Dec. 18, 1753, and Aug. 27, 1754. 3. Commission to Francis Fauquier. Feb. 10, 1758. 4. Instruction to the Earl of Loudoun. Feb. 9, 1759. Vol. 39. 1759-1763: Additional instruction to Francis Fauquier. Sept. 21, 1759. Vol. 40. 1760-1764: 1. Commission to Francis Fauquier. Mar. 13, 1761. 2. Additional instruction to Sir Jeffery Amherst. Dec. 9, 1761. Vol. 41. 1764-1768: Additional instructions to Sir Jeffery Amherst. Oct. 24, 1765, and July 15, 1766. Vol. 42. 1768-1772: Warrant to John Henry. Nov. 7, 1768. "Licence to engrave a new map of Virginia." Photostats. Vol. 43. 1773-1777: Commission to Richard Corbin. July 29, 1775. Vol. 48. Entry book. Lists of Councillors and persons recommended to supply vacancies in the respective Councils of America. 1706-1760, and undated. Vol. 49. Entry book. Patents. 1714-1781. Vol. 50. Entry book. Patents. 1728-1751. Vol. 51. Entry book. Warrants. 1752-1773. Vol. 52. Entry book. Warrants. 1754-1779. Vol. 53. Entry book. Warrants. 1773-1782. Vol. 54. Entry book. Grants of land. (Carolinas, Floridas, Massa- chusetts, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Virginia). 1750-1771. Vols. 55-56. Entry books. Names of persons naturalized in the American colonies. 1740-1761, 1761. Vols. 57-58. Entry books. Military precedents (warrants, commissions, etc.) 1741-1764, 1741-1766. Selections: American items only. Vol. 60. Entry books. Appointment of agents for the colonies. 1750- 1774. 42 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY COLONIAL OFFICE 389: BOARD OF TRADE, COMMERCIAL For description of papers in this series, see Andrews, I: 258-261. Vol. 6. Entry book of commissions, instructions, petitions, correspondence, orders in council, etc. 1674-1680. Selections: 1. Commission to Herbert Jeffreys, It. governor of Virginia, Nov. 7, 1676. 2. Commission to Sir William Berkeley to pardon offenders, Sept. 25, 1676. 3. A proclamation for the suppressing a Rebellion lately raised within the Plantation ofVirginia. [Bacon's rebellion]. Oct. 27, 1676. Photostats. 4. Instructions to Sir William Berkeley, governor ofVirginia. [Sept. 12, 1662]. 5. Commission to Lord Culpeper, governor ofVirginia. Dec. 6, 1679. Vol. 8. Same. 1679-1684. Selections: 1. Commission to Lord Culpeper, It. governor of Virginia. Dec. 6, 1679. 2. Instruction to Lord Culpeper. Dec. 15, 1682. 3. Commission to Francis Lord Howard of Effingham, governor of Virginia. Sept. 4, 1683. 4. Additional instructions to Francis Lord Howard of Effingham. Dec. 3, 1683. Vol. 59. Entry book of Opinions of Counsel. 1736-1738. Complete. For further description, see Andrews, I: 261. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 390: BOARD OF TRADE, MISCELLANEOUS For description of papers in this series, see Andrews, I: 262-266. Vol. 6. Custom House accounts. Exports and imports. 1677-1731. Complete. Newfoundland, 1675-1731. Jamaica, 1680-1722. Bar- badoes, 1679-1720. Leeward Islands: Antigua, 1704-1708; Nevis, 1677-1729; St. Christopher, 1699-1729, Momserrat, 1683-1729. Virginia, 1698-1708. Maryland, 1690-1701. Italy, Spain, Portugal, East India, 1698-1731. Coinage [English], 1690-1710. Naval stores imported into England, 1701-1723. Photostats. COLONIAL OFFICE 391: BOARD OF TRADE JOURNAL For description of C. O. 391: Board of Trade Journal, 1675 to 1782, see Andrews, I: 266-267; for the journal or "minutes" of the new Board of Trade, founded in 1784 and reorganized in 1786, see Paullin and Paxson: 442-457. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: COLONIAL OFFICE 43 The Division of Manuscripts of the Library of Congress contains three volumes of contemporary copies of records of the Council for Trade and Plan- tations (Lords of Trade and Plantations), consisting of the Journal, or Minutes, covering the following dates: Aug. 3, 1670 to Dec. 22, 1674; Mar. 31, 1677 to Apr. 14, 1679; Jan. 13, 1685 to Dec. 8, 1686. These volumes, in conjunction with the transcripts enumerated below provide a continuous record of the "Minutes" from Aug. 3, 1670 to Dec. 8, 1686. There is also in this Division a contemporary copy of the "Minutes" of the new Board of Trade (founded in 1784 and reorganized in 1786) for the years 1784 to 1786, as follows: Vol. I. Mar. 5, 1784-May 31, 1784. Vol. II. June 1784-Jan. 1786. Vol. III. Jan.-Aug. 1786. See Paullin and Paxson: 443-444, for further description. The journal of the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations (commonly known as the Board of Trade Journal) beginning with the year 1704, has been published as follows: Journal of the Commissioners for Trade and Planta- tions, from April 7704 to [May 1782], preserved in the Public Record Office (London, 1920-1938, 14 vols.). Vols. 1-5. Board of Trade Journal. 1675-1685. (Journal or minutes of the committee of the Privy Council appointed for matters relating to trade and plantations, commonly known as the Lords of Trade). Vol. 1. Feb. 9, 1675 [1674/5] to Mar. 26, 1677 [1676/7]. Complete. Vol. 2. 1677 to 1679. Selection: Pages 326-328 (last item of volume). Apr. 16, 1679. Vol. 3. Apr. 22, 1679 to Jan. 27, 1681. Complete. Vol. 4. Jan. 31, 1682 [1681/2] to Mar. 25, 1684. Complete. Vol. 5. Aug. 13, 1684 tajan. 12, 1685. Selection: Pages 1-66. Aug. 13, 1684 to Dec. 23, 1684. COLONIAL OFFICE LIBRARY Carolina map. No. 25. A plan of the temporary line between the prov- ince of North & South Carolina, run agreeable to the instructions given us by His Excellency Arthur Dobbs, Esqr., governor of North Carolina, and His Honour William Bull, Esqr., Lieut. Governor of South Carolina, . . . 24th Sept. 1764. Photostats. CUSTOM HOUSE For description of the Custom House papers, see Andrews, II: 111-130; and Paullin and Paxson: 467-475. 44 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY CUSTOMS 3: ACCOUNTS, LEDGERS OF IMPORTS AND EXPORTS For description, see Andrews, II: 116. Vol. 1. Selections: Exportation of English manufactures to Virginia and Maryland (from Christmas to Christmas). 1697-1698. Photostats. Vol. 3. Selections: Same as above. 1698-1699. Photostats. Vol.4. Selections: Same as above. 1699-1700. Photostats. Vol. 7. Selections: Same as above. 1702-1703. Photostats. CUSTOMS 16: ACCOUNTS, LEDGERS OF IMPORTS AND EXPORTS [AMERICA] Vol. 1. American imports and exports. 1768-1773. Complete. This large volume (262 folios) consists of statistical accounts of American imports and exports. The statistics are based on the reports sent home by the American Board of Customs Commissioners. For further descrip- tion of the contents, see Andrews, II: 117. Photostats. SUPPLEMENTARY CUSTOM HOUSE PAPERS PORT BOOKS A comprehensive description of the Port Books is given in Andrews, II: 127-130. ("The great value of the books for colonial history lies in the record they contain of the nature and distribution of colonial staple products and of goods exported from English outports to America."). E 190. m Vol. 160. London. 1697. Selection: Entry for London, Dec. 14, 1697. Photostats. Vol. 1154. Bristol. 1696-1697. Selections: 1 . In the Antilope of Bristol for Virginia. 2. In the Primrose of Bristol for Virginia. Photostats. FOREIGN OFFICE The Foreign Office of Great Britain was established as a separate department of state in 1782. 5 The Foreign Office 8 For papers dealing with foreign relations prior to 1783, see State Papers, Foreign (page 74). PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: FOREIGN OFFICE 45 papers in the Public Record Office consist of papers transferred from the Foreign Office, and other collections. They include "Foreign Office Records", that is, the papers or in-letters received by that office, and drafts or copies of papers and out-letters originating there; the archives of the various embassies and legations abroad which are returned at intervals and deposited in the Public Record Office (they consist of the papers or in-letters received at the embassies or legations, and drafts or copies of papers and out-letters originating there); consular records and archives; archives of commissions; slave trade papers; and other collections. For enumeration and brief description of Foreign Office material in the Public Record Office, see the List of Foreign Office records to 7878, preserved in the Public Record Office (London, 1929) (Public Record Office. Lists and Indexes. No. LII). For an account of the "Foreign Office Papers" in the Public Record Office and for a comprehensive description of American material, through 1860, see Paullin and Paxson: 9-225. F. O. 4: AMERICA Foreign Office 4 consists of correspondence of the Foreign Office (secretary of state for foreign affairs or other official in his stead) with British agents in the United States from the conclusion of peace in 1783 through 1792, and other papers relating to America (Loyalists' claims, 1782-1794, and corre- spondence with David Hartley, peace commissioner at Paris, 1783-1784). During the years from the conclusion of peace in 1783 to 1791, Great Britain was represented in the United States by consuls and other agents; a minister was not appointed until 1791, when George Hammond was sent as minister pleni- potentiary (his letter of credence, dated September 2, 1791). The correspondence of the first two years of his service (1791- 1792) is found in F. O. 4, vols. 11, 14-16. Beginning with the year 1793 it is found in F. O. 5 (see below, page 46). For enumeration of the F. O. 4 series, see the Public Record 46 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Office List of Foreign Office records to 7878 (above, page 45), page 5. For comprehensive description of material in this series, see Paullin and Paxson: 13-18. It is to be noted, however, that the Foreign Office papers constituting Foreign Office 4 (America) are therein designated as "F. O. Records, America, I. Series". The Library of Congress has reproductions as follows: Vol. 1. "America. Claims. 1782-1794." (Loyalists' claims.) Photo- stats. Vol. 2. "Mr. Hartley. 1783-1784." (Original despatches from and draft instructions to David Hartley, peace commissioner at Paris, with enclosures, etc.). 1. David Hartley to Charles James Fox, nos. 1-4, 7-19, 22-25, 30 (Apr. 27-Nov. 1, 1783); to the Marquis of Carmarthen, unnumbered: Mar. 22, Apr. 30, no. 2 (May 6), no. 4 (May 13) 1784. 2. Charles James Fox to David Hardey, nos. 1-4, 8, 10-13 (Apr. 10- Aug. 21, 1783). Marquis of Carmarthen to David Hartley, unnum- bered: Mar. 25, May 11, 18, no. 5 (May 24), unnumbered: May 25, 1784. Also copy of instructions from the King to David Hartley, Apr. 18, 1783, and various memoranda. Transcripts. Vols. 3-16. Correspondence of British consuls and other agents in the United States and of the minister (1791-1792). 1783-1792. (Orig- inal despatches and draft instructions.) For description of contents of these volumes, see Paullin and Paxson: 13-18. F. O. 4, vols. 1-16 are there designated as "F. O. Records, America, I. Series" (vols. 1-10 on pages 13-15; vols. 11-16 on pages 16-18). Transcripts; also, vols. 11-16: Photostats. F. O. 5: UNITED STATES 6 Foreign Office 5 consists of correspondence of the Foreign Office (the secretary of state for foreign affairs or other official in his stead) with British ministers to the United States begin- 6 The reproductions of manuscripts for the years 179 1-1 806 are mainlyin transcript form (Library of Congress has photofilms, however, of the original Instructions taken from F. O. 115). Beginning with the year 1807, F. O. 5: 52 [David M. Erskine] the reproduc- tions consist of photostats. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: FOREIGN OFFICE 47 ning in 1793 ("general correspondence"); "domestic" com- munications, containing notes exchanged between the Foreign Office and the United States ministers to Great Britain, and other domestic correspondence (inter-departmental corre- spondence, etc.); consular records; and records of commissions. For enumeration of material in this series, see the Public Record Office List of Foreign Office records, to 1878 (above), pages 5-23. For description of material in this series, through 1860, see Paullin and Paxson: 18-159. It is to be noted, however, that the Foreign Office papers constituting Foreign Office, series 5 (F. O. 5) are therein designated as "F. O. Records, America, II. Series." A manuscript (typewritten) guide to the Foreign Office papers in this collection of reproductions of manuscripts has been prepared in this Division. This guide enumerates all classes, and volumes in each class, contained in the collection. Where items have been covered by the descriptions in the Paullin and Paxson Guide, reference has been made thereto for description of contents of individual volumes enumerated; items of the years since 1860 (thus not covered by Paullin andPaxson's Guide) have been comprehensively described. The Library of Congress has reproductions of the regular (numbered) series of correspondence between the Foreign Office and the British ministers to the United States ("general correspondence"), i. e., the instructions to the minister and the despatches from the minister (with enclosures in both cases), for the period from 1791, when the first minister was appointed, through 1871. Foreign Office 5 contains the original oa des- patches received from the ministers in the United States and draft instructions from the Foreign Office to the ministers. The counterpart, i. e., the original instructions and draft despatches are found in the Legation Archives (Foreign Office 11 5) (see below, pages 62-64). 6a The "original" despatches and instructions consist of those actually sent, in dis- tinction from the drafts or office copies. 48 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY There are also selections from various volumes of the years 1872 to 1876, consisting of despatches of Sir Edward Thornton, British minister to the United States, to the Foreign Office, mainly dealing with matters involving Canadian- American re- lations and relations between the United States and Spain regarding the Cuban question. The volumes containing the regular series of correspondence between the Foreign Office and the British minister to the United States ("General correspondence") taken from the F. O 5 series, in the Library of Congress collection are as follows: 1 (1793); 4-5 (1794); 8-10 (1795); 13-14 (1796); 18 (1797); 22 (1798); 25 (1799); 29 (1800); 32 (1801); 35 (1802); 38 (1803); 41-42 (1804); 45 (1805); 48-49, 52 (1806-1807); 57-58 (1808); 62-64 (1809); 68-70 (1809-1810); 74-77 (1811); 83-88 (1812-1813); 105-108 (Dec. 1814-1815); 112-115 (1816); 120-123 (1817); 129-133 (1818); 141-143 (1819); 148-150 (1820); 156-159 (1821); 165-169 (1822); 174-177 (1823); 184-186 (1824); 197-199 (1825); 209-213 (1826); 222-225 (1827); 235-238 (1828); 247-249 (1829); 258-260 (1830); 265-266 (1831); 271-273 (1832); 280-283 (1833); 288-293 (1834); 299-301 (1835); 306-307 (1836); 313-314 (1837); 322-323 (1838); 331-334 (1839); 348-349 (1840); 359-364 (1841); 377 (1842); 391-393 (1843); 404-410 (1844); 424-430 (1845); 446-451 (1846); 469-472 (1847); 484-487 (1848); 498-501 (1849); 511-515 (1850); 527-531 (1851); 544-548 (1852); 563-567 (1853); 593-600 (1854); 619-624 (1855); 640-647 (1856); 670-675 (1857); 690-695 (1858); 711-716 (1859); 734-740 (1860); 759-777 (1861); 823-840 (1862); 874-900 (1863); 938-965 (1864); 1009-1022 (1865); 1059-1068 (1866); 1104-1109 (1867); 1128-1133 (1868); 1158-1163 (1869); 1191-1195 (1870); 1214-1218 (1871); 1361, 1363-1366 (1872); 1430-1431, 1435-1436 (1873); 1481-1482, 1484-1485 (1874); 1509-1514 (1875); 1538-1541 (1876). It has been the policy of the Library to select for photo- copying the original despatches and instructions; despatches in the Foreign Office Records (F. O. 5) and instructions in the Legation Archives (F. O. 115). Therefore the investigator PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: FOREIGN OFFICE 49 should consult both F. O. 5 and F. O. 115 for a complete file of this correspondence. This practice, however, was not adopted until the acquisition of the material in this series of diplomatic correspondence beginning with the year 1839. Prior to that year, with some exceptions, reproductions of both despatches and instructions have been taken from F. O. 5 (Foreign Office Records). Thus, with certain exceptions, reproductions of the correspon- dence through the year 1838 consist of original despatches and draft instructions; from 1839 through 1871, they consist, in the main, of original despatches (F. O. 5) and original instructions (F. O. 115). This statement is modified, however, by the fact that in some instances original despatches or instructions have been removed, for one reason or another, from the appropriate file in the Public Record Office. In such cases it has been necessary to substitute drafts or copies for the missing original. In addition to the regular series of correspondence in F. O. 5, described above, the Library of Congress has the following volumes, consisting of correspondence of special missions, of consular officers, etc. Vol. 54. "Domestic. 7 Lords Holland and Auckland and Messrs. Monroe and Pinkney." 1807. Special mission of James Monroe and William Pinkney for the negotiation of a treaty regarding impressment of Ameri- can seamen, neutral rights and other matters (concluded at London, December, 1806). Paullin and Paxson: 32. Vol. 56. "Mr. Rose. Oct., 1807-Mar., 1808." Despatches (original) from and draft instructions to George H. Rose. "Special mission to the Government of the United States for the purpose of adjusting the dif- ferences which have arisen with that Government from the encounter between H. M.'s ship the Leopard and the frigate of the United States the Chesapeake." Paullin and Paxson: 30. Vol. 100. "Messrs. Barclay, Skinner, and Various. 1814." Correspond- ence of Thomas Barclay, agent for British prisoners of war in the United States, W. S. Skinner, at Halifax, former British consul at Boston, and others. Miscellaneous letters and cipher despatches received at the Foreign Office. Paullin and Paxson: 40. 7 Volumes entitled "Domestic" contain original notes to the Foreign Office from the American minister or other diplomatic representative in London, and draft replies, interdepartmental correspondence, and various. 50 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 101. "To Lord Gambier, Mr. Goulburn, and Dr. Adams, 1814, July-Dec." Draft instructions to Admiral Lord Gambier, Henry Goulburn, and William Adams, British commissioners for the negotia- tion of a treaty of peace with the United States, at Ghent. Vol. 102. "Lord Gambier, Mr. Goulburn, and Dr. Adams. 1814, Aug- Dec." Despatches (original) from the British commissioners for the negotiation of a treaty of peace with the United States, at Ghent. Vol. 109. "Commissioners F. Robinson, Henry Goulburn, and William Adams. 1815, May-July." Correspondence of Commissioners Fred- erick J. Robinson, Henry Goulburn, and William Adams, with mem- oranda, minutes, etc., regarding the negotiations at Ghent. Paullin and Paxson: 46. Vol. 110. "Domestic. Mr. Adams. 1815, May-Dec." Correspondence of John Quincy Adams, American minister to Great Britain, with the British Foreign Office. Original notes from Adams and draft replies. Paullin and Paxson: 46. Vol. 191. "Domestic. Messrs. W. Huskisson and S. Canning. 1823, Dec-1824, Aug." Negotiations of William Huskisson and Stratford Canning, plenipotentiaries to treat with the American plenipotentiary (Richard Rush) on various matters: Commercial intercourse, sup- pression of the slave trade, completion of the boundary line under the 5th article of the treaty of Ghent, admission of consuls of the United States into the colonial ports of Great Britain, the Newfoundland fishery, the Russian ukase of September, 1821, concerning the north- west coast of America, questions of maritime law affecting the rights of neutrals and belligerents. Draft instructions and other papers. Vol. 192. "Domestic. Messrs. W. Huskisson and S. Canning. Jan. -July 1824. Protocols, and Miscellaneous." Paullin and Paxson: 57. Vol.325. Consul James Buchanan. 1838. Selections: 1. Letter of James Buchanan to Viscount Palmerston. New York. Apr. 6, 1838. Relative to a map of the United States having the boundary line marked on it (Mitchell's map with the northeast boundary line). 2. Draft of letter of John Bidwell to Consul Buchanan, no. 10. Foreign Office. May 26, 1838. Authority to purchase Mitchell's map of British possessions in North America. 3. Letter of Consul James Buchanan to Viscount Palmerston. New York. July 12, 1838. As to the purchasing of a map of North America. Transcripts. Vol. 340. "Domestic. Various. Mar-Apr., 1839." Notes, drafts of replies, and interdepartmental communications. Mainly taken up PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: FOREIGN OFFICE 51 with the northeast boundary question. Paullin and Paxson: 91. Se- lections: 1 . A. Panizzi, Librarian of the British Museum, to Viscount Palmerston. Mar. 29 [1839]. Relating to the copies of Mitchell's map of North America in the British Museum. 2. The Rev. Felix Laurent to Lord Palmerston. Alford, Lincolnshire. Mar. 30, 1839. States that he has a copy of Mitchell's map of North America. 3. A. Panizzi to Viscount Palmerston. Apr. 1, 1839. "Observations on Mr. Oswald, appt. commissioner on the part of England to negotiate the preliminaries of peace with America in 1783 — with reference to Mitchell's map, a boundary line marked thereon by Mr. Oswald." 4. Charles Edward Grey to Viscount Palmerston. Apr. 6, 1839. Boundary discrepancy between the copy of Mitchell's map published by the United States Gov't, and the original. Nos. 1, 2, and 4: transcripts. No. 3: photostats. Paullin and Pax- son: 91. Vols. 378-380. Lord Ashburton correspondence. 1842. (Special mission to "negotiate and conclude treaties or agreements for the settlement of the different matters in discussion between Her Majesty and the United States" (northeastern boundary dispute, etc.)). Vol. 378: Draft instructions to Lord Ashburton. Feb.-Aug. 1842. Vols. 379-380: Original despatches from Lord Ashburton. Apr.-Aug. 1842. Vol. 457. "Expedition of Lieutenants Warre and Vavasour to the Oregon Territory." 1846. Paullin and Paxson: 106. Vol. 459. "Domestic. Various. Jan.-Feb. 1846." Selection: Letter of Anthony Barclay to H. U. Addington. Hudson's Bay House. Feb. 23, 1846. Enclosing copies of 3 letters: James McMillan to Barclay, Feb. 19, 1846. "Lieutenant Jeremy Pinch" to David Thompson, Sept. 29, 1807. Thompson to Jeremy Pinch, Dec. 26, 1807. (Trade carried on by British subjects in the Oregon country). Paullin and Paxson: 106. Vols. 464-467. "Lieutenant-Colonel Estcourt. Boundary commission. 1843-1844." Correspondence and reports, with maps and plans, from the British commissioner appointed to trace the northeast boundary line under the first article of the treaty of August 9, 1842. Vol. 467. ("Archives") consists chiefly of instructions to the commissioner from the Foreign Office. !Y OF ,7flPV 52 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 589. "Lord Elgin. Special mission. May-Aug. 1854." Draft in- structions, together with a few replies. Reciprocity negotiations at Washington. Vols. 664-666. "British claims on the United States." 1848-1854. 1855- 1856. 1857-1858. Claims of the Hudson's Bay Company and the Puget Sound Agricultural Company in Oregon. Vols. 780-781. Consul at Charleston. 1861. Correspondence of Consul Robert Bunch at Charleston. Vol. 784. Consuls at Baltimore. 1861. Correspondence of Consuls Walter Barclay and Frederic Bernal at Baltimore. Vol. 786. Consuls at Mobile, Richmond, Savannah, 1861. Correspon- dence of Consuls Charles Labuzan, James Magee, and Charles Tulin at Mobile, George Moore and F. J. Cridland at Richmond, Edward Molyneux and Allan Fullerton at Savannah. Vol. 788. Consuls at New Orleans and Galveston. 1861. Correspond- ence of Consuls William Mure and George Coppell at New Orleans, Arthur T. Lynn at Galveston. Vols. 809-816. Northwest boundary and Island of San Juan. Vols. 1-9. 1846-1869. Vol. 809. General correspondence. 1846-1855. Vol. 810. Commissioner Prevost. 1856-1862. Vol.811. Land Commissioner Hawkins. 1858-1863. Vol. 812. General correspondence. 1856-1857. Vol. 813. General correspondence. 1858-Sept. 1859. Vol. 814. General correspondence. Oct.-Dec. 1859. Vol. 815. General correspondence. 1860. Vol. 816. General correspondence. 1861-1869. In 2 vols. Vols. 843-844. Consul at Charleston. 1862. Correspondence of Consul Bunch at Charleston. Vol. 846. Consuls at Portland, Eastpoint, Richmond. 1862. Selection: Correspondence of Consul Cridland at Richmond. Vol. 847. Consuls at Baltimore, Boston, Buffalo. 1862. Selection: Correspondence of Consul Bernal at Baltimore. Vol. 848. Consuls at Chicago, Galveston, Mobile, New Orleans. 1862. Selection: Correspondence of Consuls Lynn at Galveston, Magee at Mobile, and Coppell and Mure at New Orleans. Vol.849. Consuls at San Francisco, Savannah. 1862. Selection: Corre- spondence of Consul Edmund Molyneux at Savannah. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: FOREIGN OFFICE 53 Vols. 906-907. Consuls at Charleston. 1863. Correspondence of Consuls H. P. Walker and Robert Bunch. Vol. 908. Consuls at Mobile, New Orleans. 1863. Correspondence of Consuls Cridland and Magee at Mobile, Coppell and Mure at New Orleans. Vol. 909. Consuls at Richmond, Savannah, Galveston. 1863. Corre- spondence of Consuls Moore at Richmond, Molyneux and Fullerton at Savannah, Lynn at Galveston. Vol. 910. Consul at Baltimore. 1863. Correspondence of Consul Bernal at Baltimore. Vols. 968-969. Consul at Charleston. 1864. Correspondence of Consul Walker. Vol. 970. Consuls at Galveston, Mobile, St. Louis, San Francisco. 1864. Selection: Correspondence of Consul Lynn at Galveston, Consul Cridland at Mobile. Vol. 971. Consuls at New Orleans. 1864. Correspondence of Consuls George Coppell and Denis Donohoe at New Orleans. Vols. 1000-1003. Case of the ironclads built at Birkenhead. Vols. 1-4. Feb. 1863-June 1864. Vol. 1008. Confederate ships sold to British subjects. 1863-1864. Vol. 1026. Consuls at Philadelphia, Baltimore, Buffalo. 1865. Selection: Correspondence of Consul Bernal at Baltimore. Vol. 1027. Consuls at New Orleans. Jan.-Apr. 1865. Correspondence of Consuls Coppell and Donohoe. Vol. 1028. Consuls at New Orleans. May-Dec. 1865. Correspondence of Consuls Donohoe and Howell. Vol. 1029. Consuls at Galveston, Mobile, Key West, San Francisco. 1865. Selection: Correspondence of Consul Lynn at Galveston, Consul Cridland at Mobile. Vol. 1030. Consul at Charleston. 1865. Correspondence of Consul Walker. Vol. 1031. Consuls at St. Louis, Savannah. 1865. Selection: Corre- spondence of Consul Parker Smith at Savannah. Vols. 1297-1304. Conferences at Washington. 1871. The preliminary "discussions" of Sir. John Rose and the Joint High Commission (United States and Great Britain) which convened at Washington (February 27 to May 8, 1871) to arrange for the settlement of all matters in dispute between the two countries (Alabama claims, fisheries question, 54 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY settlement of the Northwest boundary dispute, etc.). The commission negotiated the treaty of Washington, 1871. British Commissioners: Earl de Grey and Ripon, Mountague Bernard, Sir Edward Thornton, Sir Stafford Northcote, Sir John Macdonald. Vol. 1297: Despatches (original) from Sir Edward Thornton. Jan. -July, 1871. Vol. 1298: Sir John Rose, Sir John Macdonald, Lord Tenterden, Mis- cellaneous. Dec. 1870-July 1871. Vol. 1299: Draft instructions to the British High Commissioners. Feb.- June, 1871. Vols. 1300-1304: Despatches (original) from the British High Com- missioners. Feb.-June, 1871. Vols. 1306-1310, 1312. 8 Conferences at Washington. 1871. Archives. Vols. 1306-1309: Original instructions from the Foreign Office to the British High Commissioners. Feb. 8-May 8, 1871. Vol. 1310: Sir Edward Thornton, Sir John Macdonald, American com- missioners, Mr. Fish, Mr. Davis, Miscellaneous. Vol. 1312: Rough drafts of statements for final protocol. Vols. 1352-1355. Hudson's Bay Company. Vols. 4-7. 1859-1871. Claims in Oregon. For vols. 1-3, see F. O. 5, vols. 664-666, above. Vols. 1466-1474. Northwest boundary and Island of San Juan. Vols. 10-18. 1849-1873. For vols. 1-9, see F. O. 5, vols. 809-816, above. Vols. 1466-1467: Financial and general arrangements of the commission. 1849-1860. 1861-1864. Vol. 1468. Commissioner Hawkins and General. 1865-1871. Vols. 1469-1474: General. 1870-1873. F. O. 7: AUSTRIA Vol. 148. Draft instructions to Lord Stewart, British ambassador to Austria. 1820. Selections: No. 12. July 15. Regarding communications received at the Foreign Office from Prince Esterhazy containing the instructions of Prince Metternich to the Austrian missions at St. Petersburg and Paris growing out of the late events in Spain and the important discussions to which they have given birth. 8 Vol. 1311. Protocols and draft treaty. Not copied. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: FOREIGN OFFICE 55 "Most confidential". July 15. Regarding secret negotiation between France and Buenos Aires. No. 32. Dec. 16. British views as to the general guarantee (dissent to the general guarantee of the political and territorial system of the European Powers sanctioning intervention in case of rebellion, as out- lined in the preliminary protocol of the conference at Troppau, October 1820). F. O. 27: FRANCE Vol. 2. Peace negotiations (Anglo-American and Anglo-French). 1782. "Letters and papers, to and from various persons in France, relat- ing to the negociation carrying on for peace with France and America . . .". Thomas Walpole, Richard Oswald, Alleyne Fitz- herbert, Thomas Grenville. Photostats; also transcripts (selections). Vol. 3. Peace negotiations (Anglo-French, Anglo-Spanish, Anglo-Dutch). June 27-Dec. 31, 1782. Letters and papers from Fitzherbert and Walpole at Paris, with draits to them. Photostats; also transcripts (selections). Vol. 5. Peace negotiations (Anglo-French, Anglo-Spanish, Anglo-Dutch). Jan. 1-Feb. 21. 1783. "Letters and papers from Mr. Fitzherbert at Paris, to the secretary of state, with drafts to him." Photostats; also transcripts (selections). Vol. 6. Peace negotiations (Anglo-French, Anglo-Spanish, Anglo-Dutch). Feb. -Aug. 1783. "Letters and papers from Mr. Fitzherbert and his Grace the Duke of Manchester at Paris to the secretary of state, with drafts to them." Photostats; also transcripts. Vol. 7. Peace negotiations (Anglo-French). 1783. Original despatches, with enclosures, from and draft instructions to the Duke of Manchester. Selections. Transcripts. Vol. 8. Peace negotiations (Anglo-French, Anglo-Spanish, Anglo-Dutch). Jan. 9-May 11. 1783. Original despatches, with enclosures, from and draft instructions to Alleyne Fitzherbert and the Duke of Manchester. Selections. Transcripts. Vol. 9. Peace negotiations (Anglo-French, Anglo-Spanish, Anglo-Dutch). May-Sept. 1783. Original despatches, with enclosures, from and draft instructions to the Duke of Manchester, and supplementary corre- spondence. Selections. Transcripts. Vol. 151. Draft instructions to Sir Charles Stuart, British ambassador to France. Jan.-Aug. 1817. Selection: Private and confidential. July 22. 1817. European police, Spanish mediation, and French exiles. Transcripts. 56 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 265. Draft instructions to Sir Charles Stuart. 1822. Selections: No. 14. Dec. 1. Object of the British naval force destined for the West Indies. No. 15. Dec. 3. Explanation to be given to France as to rumours of negotiations between Great Britain and Spain. Transcripts. Vol. 285. Draft instructions to Sir Charles Stuart. 1823. Selection: No. 68. Aug. 19. British attitude toward the question of allied intervention in Spain. Transcripts. Vol. 296. Original despatches from Sir Charles Stuart. 1823. Selections: Nos. 561-564. Nov. 3. Regarding Spanish American affairs. Tran- scripts. Vol. 297. Original despatches from Sir Charles Stuart. 1823. Selection: No. 625. Dec. 4. Sends communication between M. de Talaru, French ambassador to Spain, and M. de Saez, Spanish minister of for- eign affairs, upon the question of the colonies — pretentions of the Spanish government to demand the assistance of the allied Powers to reconquer the revolted states. Vol. 2356. Draft instructions to Lord Lyons, British ambassador to France. Mar. 15-Apr. 30. 1879. Complete. Photostats. F. O. 35: HAYTI Vol.58. 1863. Selection: Despatch from Spenser St. John to Earl Russell. No. 11. Port-au-Prince. May 27, 1863. Regarding emigration of colored people from the United States to Hayti. F. O. 37: HOLLAND AND THE NETHERLANDS Vol. 4. Advices, intelligences, etc., received from G. Buttemeister (Biite- meister) at The Hague. Apr.-Dec. 1782. Selections: Items regarding Anglo-Dutch peace terms. Transcripts. F. O. 53: MOSQUITO Correspondence of the Foreign Office with British consuls and others on the Mosquito coast began in 1 844, when Patrick Walker was appointed consul general "in the Kingdom of Mosquito". For further description, see Paullin and Paxson: 202. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: FOREIGN OFFICE 57 Vols. 49-50. Land grants. Vols. VI-VII. Vol. 49. Land grants. Vol. VI. 1849-1863. Papers connected with the proceedings of the British-Nicaraguan commission [1861-1865] for deciding upon the validity of sales of lands made in the territory of Mosquito and Port of Greytown or San Juan del Norte since 1848. Complete, with the exception of printed matter. Photostats. Vol. 50. Land grants. Vol. VII. 1861-1865. Proceedings of the Com- mission at Greytown. Complete. Photostats. F. O. 64: PRUSSIA AND GERMANY Vol. 123. Original despatches from Sir George Rose. Jan.-Apr. 1820. Selections: No. 29. Mar. 21. Revolutionary correspondence in the hands of the Prussian government and the state of affairs in Spain (question of the Holy Alliance and a general guarantee) . No. 33. Confidential. Apr. 1. Affairs of Spain and Portugal. Sug- gestion of a conference to be held at Paris between the English ambas- sador, the Russian, Prussian, and Austrian envoys and the French ministers to determine what conduct the Great Powers should hold respecting these affairs. Transcripts. F. O. 65: RUSSIA Vol. 83. Instructions (drafts) to Viscount Cathcart. 1813. Selections: Nos. 42, 48, 63. July 5, 13, and Sept. 1, respectively. On the ques- tion of the mediation of Russia between Great Britain and the United States. Transcripts. Vol. 86. Original despatches from Viscount Cathcart. July-Sept., 1813. Selection: Sept. 25, 1813. Private and confidential. Toplitz. On the question of the mediation of Russia between Great Britain and the United States. Transcript. F. O. 72: SPAIN For list of the F. O. 72 series, see the Public Record Office List of Foreign Office records to 1878 (above, page 45). For description of the American material in this series, see Paullin and Paxson: 170-173. Vol. 1. Richard Cumberland, Robert Liston, and others. 1780-1781. Selections: Correspondence of Thomas Hussey and Richard Cum- 58 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY berland. Secret mission to Spain for the negotiation of a separate peace. Photostats. Andrews, I: 34. Vol. 127. Draft instructions to Sir Henry Wellesley. Jan.-June, 1812. Selections: No. 13. Apr. 1. On the proposed mediation of Great Britain between Spain arid her colonies in America. No. 14. Apr. 1. On the same subject. Transcripts. Vol. 128. Draft instructions to Sir Henry Wellesley. July-Dec. 1812. Selections: No. 61. Aug. 21. On the proposed mediation of Great Britain between Spain and her colonies in America. Private. Aug. 29. Renewal of the mediation proposal. Transcripts. Vol. 177. Draft instructions to Sir Charles Vaughan, charge d' affaires. 1815. Selection: [Unnumbered]. Dec. 20. On the proposed media- tion of Great Britain between Spain and her South American colonies. Transcripts. Vol. 184. Draft instructions to Sir Henry Wellesley. 1816. Selection: Private and confidential. Dec. 20. On the proposed mediation between Spain and her colonies and Spain and Portugal, and Spanish relations with Russia. Transcripts. Vol. 196. Draft instructions to Sir Henry Wellesley. 1817. Selection: Private. Jan. 10. Comment upon a communication from the Spanish government as to the possibility of the British government undertaking an armed mediation in the event of the Spanish government adopting such a liberal system with respect to South America as might be approved by the British government; Castlereagh's reply that it was out of the question. Transcripts. Vol. 222. Draft instructions to Sir Henry Wellesley. 1819. Selections: No. 38. Sept. 24. Mediation between Spain and Portugal, and protec- tion of British subjects and commerce on the River Plate, &c. Private. Sept. 24. On the same subject. Transcripts. Vol. 262. Domestic. Chevalier de Onis, Spanish ambassador at London. 1822. Selection: [Unnumbered]. June 28. Marquis of Londonderry, secretary of state for foreign affairs, to the Chevalier de Onis, dealing with affairs in Spanish America. Transcript. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: FOREIGN OFFICE 59 F. O. 83: GREAT BRITAIN AND GENERAL Vols. 2204-2226. Law officers' reports. America. United States. Vols. 1-23. 1781-1876. Original reports of law officers of the Crown to the Foreign Office giving opinions on questions arising in the course of United States-British international relations, also drafts of letters from the Foreign Office to these officers. Complete volumes. Photostats. F. O. 84 : 9 SLAVE TRADE For list of the F. O. 84 series, see the Public Record Office List of Foreign Office records to 1878 (above, page 45). For description of American material in this series, see Paullin and Paxson: 217-225. Correspondence upon the suppression of the African slave trade. This correspondence has special serial numbers apart from the regular diplomatic series (of which the American correspondence is found in F. O. 5, described above, and F. O. 115, described below). F. O. 84 contains Slave Trade correspondence with British diplomatic and consular agents in all countries involved. This collection of reproductions contains selections of United States items only, as indicated below. Vol. 296. "United States. Mr. Fox, Mr. Stevenson, and consuls." 1839. Selections: Original despatches from H. S. Fox, minister to the United States. Confidential and nos. 1-10. June 11-Dec. 30. Vol. 332. "United States of America. Mr. Fox, Mr. Stevenson [and consuls]." 1840. Selections: Original despatches of H. S. Fox, minis- ter to the United States. Nos. 1-4. Mar. 1-Aug. 21. Vol. 376. "United States. Mr. Fox, Mr. Stevenson, Mr. Everett." 1841. Selections: 1. Draft memorandum of Lord Palmerston of Feb. 13, regarding the Amistad case. 2. Original despatches from H. S. Fox, minister to the United States. Nos. 1-3 and separate and confidential, Feb. 15 and Dec. 28. 9 The reproductions of manuscripts in F. O. 84 consist of photostats. 60 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 423. "United States. Lord Ashburton, Mr. Fox, Mr. Everett." 1842. Selections: 1. Draft instructions to Lord Ashburton. Nos. 1-7. Mar. 3-July 19. 2. Original despatches from H. S. Fox, minister to the United States. Nos. 1-3. Jan. 28-May 12. 3. Extract from a despatch of Lord Ashburton to the Foreign Office. Apr. 25. Vol. 538. "United States. Mr. Fox, Mr. Pakenham, Mr. Everett." 1844. Selections: Original despatches from H. S. Fox, minister to the United States. Nos. 1-18. Jan. 12-Dec. 29. Vol. 596. "United States and United States, Domestic." 1845. Selec- tions: Original despatches from Sir Richard Pakenham, minister to the United States. Nos. 1-26. Jan. 29-Nov. 27. F. O. 92: CONTINENT— TREATY PAPERS Vol. 35. Despatches from Lord Castlereagh, plenipotentiary to the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle. 1818. Selection: No. 13. Oct. 19. (Private and confidential). Russian plan for a league of the Powers of Europe [Holy Alliance] to preserve the existing order. Transcript. Vol. 36. Same. 1818. Selection: No. 22. Nov. 2. (Confidential). Ques- tion of mediation between Spain and her colonies. Transcript. Vol. 41. Same. 1818. Selections: Nos. 44, 45, 47-50. Nov. 24 (all). Letters regarding protocol respecting the Barbary Powers; protocol respecting mediation between Spain and Portugal; England's engage- ments with Persia; mediation between Spain and her colonies; con- clusion of the conference. Transcripts. F. O. 95: MISCELLANEA Vol. 2. France. 1781-1837. Part 1. (Formerly State Papers, France. Vol. 555). Selections: Intercepted letters to Benjamin Franklin from William Singleton Church, Oct. 17, 1780, and William Fitzpatrick, Oct. 27, 1780. Stevens's facsimiles, nos. 952 and 953. Vol. 356. Admiralty. Letter book. 1780-1790. Selections: Copies of two letters from Lord Stormont, secretary of state for the southern department, to the Lords of the Admiralty, Jan. 28, 1780. Regarding copies of charts for the Empress of Russia showing the northwest coast of America. Vol. 502. Special missions. Accounts: George Hammond. 1789-1798. Selections: PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: FOREIGN OFFICE 61 1. Sir John Wentworth to George Hammond. Halifax. May 27, 1795. Extract. 2. Thomas Macdonogh to [Hammond?]. Boston. June 13, 1795. 3. George Hammond to Phineas Bond. Phila. May 13, 1792. Transcripts. Vol.512. "America. Treaty papers and correspondence." 1794. Original letters of John Jay to Lord Grenville, drafts from Grenville to Jay, and other letters and papers. Jay's mission to England, 1794. Complete. Photostats; also selections in transcript. Paullin and Paxson: 213. This volume is there designated as "536". Vol. 515. "America. Papers relative to treaty signed 31 December, 1806." (James Monroe, William Pinkney, Lords Holland and Auckland). Complete. Photostats. F. O. 97: SUPPLEMENT TO GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE Vol. 1. Intercepted correspondence of Citizen Genet. 1793. 1. "Dispatches and papers from Citizen Genet taken on board an American ship from Philadelphia. Oct. 1, 1793. Correspondence between Th: Jefferson and the Minister of the French Republic. May- Aug. 1793." (Letter book). 2. "Dispatches and papers from Citizen Genet taken on board an Ameri- can ship from Philadelphia. 1st Oct. 1793." Letters of Genet to the French minister of foreign affairs, with enclosures. Photostats. Vol. 17. H. S. Fox's papers. 1837-1843. Selections: Drafts of letters of H. S. Fox, British minister to the United States, to Sir John Harvey, It. gov. of New Brunswick. July 24, 1837-Mar. 13, 1841. Regarding Maine and the northeast boundary dispute. Photostats. Vol. 18. H. S. Fox's papers. 1837-1841. Selections: Original despatches of Sir John Harvey, It. gov. of New Brunswick, to H. S. Fox, British minister to the United States. July 9, 1837-July 10, 1840. Regarding Maine and the northeast boundary dispute. Photostats. Vol. 157. Treaty papers. France. Correspondence of the British com- missioners to negotiate peace with the Americans at Paris, 1782-1783. Letter book. Mainly correspondence of Richard Oswald with Lord Shelburne and Lord Townshend. Photostats. 62 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY F. O. 115: UNITED STATES 10 This series consists of the archives of the British legation and consulates in the United States, i. e., the papers received at or originating in the British legation and consulates in the United States, and later deposited in the Foreign Office. They contain the original (signed) instructions sent by the Foreign Office (secretary of state for foreign affairs, or other official in his stead) to the British minister to the United States, and drafts (or copies) of despatches from the minister to the Foreign Office; the same to and from the consuls; and miscellaneous. As stated above (page 47) the original despatches from the ministers and consuls to the Foreign Office, and the draft in- structions are found in the F. O. 5 series. For enumeration of material in this series, see the Public Record Office List of Foreign Office records to 1878 (above, page 45) pages 329-331. For description of material in this series, through 1797 (vols. 1-5), see Paullin and Paxson: 16 and 21. It is to be noted, however, that the archives of the legation in the United States (F. O. 115) are therein designated as "F. O. Archives, America, correspondence". Thus F. O. 115, vols. 1-4, are therein (page 16) described as "F. O. Archives, America, Correspondence", and vol. 5 (page 21) under the same desig- nation. A manuscript (typewritten) guide to the Foreign Office papers in the collection of reproductions of manuscripts in this Division (described above, page 47) includes the F. O. 115 series. As stated above, in describing the F. O. 5 series, the Library of Congress has reproductions of the regular (numbered) series of diplomatic correspondence between the Foreign Office and the British ministers to the United States ("general corre- 10 The reproductions of manuscripts in F. O. 115 consist of photostats (in a few cases, photofilms). PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: FOREIGN OFFICE 63 spondence"), i. e., the instructions to and the despatches from the minister, from 1791 through 1871. 11 In conformity with the policy of the Library of Congress of selecting for photocopying the original instructions and des- patches wherever found, reproductions of the instructions to the minister have been taken from this series, wherever possible. This practice, however, was not adopted until the acquisition of this series of diplomatic correspondence beginning with the year 1839. Prior to that year, with some exceptions, repro- ductions of both instructions and despatches have been taken from the F. O. 5 series (Foreign Office Records), Beginning with the year 1839, with a few exceptions, the original instructions to the minister, as found in the F. O. 115 series, are contained, in reproduction, in this collection. In the exceptional cases, that is, where the original instructions are not found in the appropriate volumes in the F. O. 115 series in the Public Record Office, it has been the practice of the Library of Congress to substitute reproductions of draft instructions found in the F. O. 5 series. In addition to the continuous series described above, there are also selections from various volumes of the years 1872 to 1877 inclusive, consisting of original instructions to and draft despatches from Sir Edward Thornton, minister to the United States, mainly dealing with matters involving Canadian- American relations, and relations of the United States and Spain regarding the Cuban question. The volumes containing the regular series of correspondence between the Foreign Office and the British minister to the " Dr. J. Franklin Jameson, while director of the Department of Historical Research of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, procured from the Public Record Office transcripts of the correspondence of the British Foreign Office with the ministers to the United States, from the appointment of the first minister in 1791 through 1806, for a project of printing. The collection has been deposited in the Division of Manuscripts and a selection of the material, that is, the instructions to the British minister to the United States, has been published, as follows: Instructions to the British ministers to the United States, 1791-1812, edited by Bernard Mayo (Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1941) (Annual report of the American Historical Association, for the year 1936. Vol. III). Reproductions of these instructions (many of which are taken from the F. O. 115 series) exist in this collection, either in transcripts, photostats, or photofilms. 64 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY United States, taken from F. O. 115, in the Library of Con- gress collection are as follows: Vol. 1 (1791-1792); 2 (1793); 3 (1794); 4 (1795); 11 (1803); 13 (1805); 16 (1807); 18 (1808); 20 (1809-1810); 23 (1811-1814); 68 (1838); 70 (1839); 72-73 (1840); 75 (1841); 78-79 (1842); 81-83 (1843); 85 (1844); 88-89 (1845); 91 (1846); 94-96 (1847); 98-99 (1848); 102-104 (1849); 106-108 (1850); 113-115 (1851); 120-121 (1852); 128-130 (1853); 136-142 (1854); 151-156 (1855); 163-166 (1856); 173-180 (1857); 188-192 (1858); 201-207 (1859); 220-225 (1860); 238-259 (1861); 284-306 (1862); 341-357 (1863); 402-409 (1864); 432-438 (1865); 449-454 (1866); 462-466 (1867); 472-477 (1868); 485-492 (1869); 500-509 (1870); 518-525 (1871); 534-541 (1872); 549-556 (1873); 566-575 (1874); 584-590 (1875); 597-606 (1876); 613, 617 (1877). It was the practice of the Foreign Office to number separately and keep apart from the regular series of instructions and despatches, the correspondence relating to the suppression of the African slave trade. The Foreign Office Records dealing with the slave trade are designated F. O. 84 (see above, page 59). The legation archives dealing with the same are in F. O. 115, as is the general correspondence. The slave trade papers in the latter series (F. O. 115) of which there are re- productions in the Library of Congress collection are as follows: Vol. 68 (Instructions from the Foreign Office to the minister, Jan.-June, 1838). Vol. 71 (Same, Feb.-Dec, 1839). Vol. 74 (Same, 1840). Vol. 77 (Same, 1841). Vol. 80 (Same, 1842). Vol. 83 (Same, 1843). Vol. 87 (Same, 1844). Vol. 89 (Same, 1845). Vol. 104 (Same, 1849). See also F. O. 84 (Slave Trade) above, page 59, for despatches from the ministers to the Foreign Office dealing with the slave trade (1839-1845). F. O. 353: JACKSON PAPERS For a description of the Jackson papers, in so far as they deal with American affairs, see Paullin and Paxson: 209-211. The Library of Congress has selections, as indicated below. Vol. 30. Correspondence. United States. To Francis James Jackson. 1809. Copies of instructions from the Foreign Office to Francis James PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: FOREIGN OFFICE 65 Jackson, minister to the United States, nos. 1-10 (July 1-10, 1809) and of despatches from Jackson to the Foreign Office, nos. 1-32 (1809). Photostats. Vol. 59. United States. Correspondence. 1809-1810. Selections: 1. J. H. Craig to F. J. Jackson. Quebec. Jan. 8, 1810. 2. Phineas Bond to F. J. Jackson. Phila. June 12, 1810. 3. Phineas Bond to F. J. Jackson. Phila. June 15, 1810. 4. John Borlace Warren to F. J. Jackson. Halifax, N. S. Aug. 2, 1810. 5. Francis Gore to F.J.Jackson. York, Upper Canada. Aug. 9, 1810. 6. Phineas Bond to F.J.Jackson. Phila. Sept. 4, 1810. Transcripts. Vol. 60. United States. Correspondence. 1809-1810. Selections: 1. D. M. Erskine to F.J.Jackson. Washington. Aug. 1, 1809. 2. 4 letters of Jackson to George Canning. Washington. Sept. 14, Oct. 18, Oct. 24, Nov. 18, 1809. 3. 3 letters of Jackson to Sir James Craig. Washington. Oct. 21, 1809. 4. Jackson to Thomas Barclay, Phineas Bond, and others. Circular. Washington. Nov. 13, 1809. 5. Jackson to Sir J. B. Warren. Philadephia. Dec. 31. 1809. 6. D. M. Erskine to F. J. Jackson. Horsham, Essex, England. Feb. 9, 1810. 7. F. J. Jackson to the Duke of Manchester. New York. Feb. 12, 1810. 8. 2 letters of Jackson to Sir James Craig. New York. Feb. 12, May 5, 1810. 9. Jackson to Lord Strangford. New York. Mar. 2, 1810. 10. Jackson to Lord Malmesbury. New York. Apr. 5, 1810. 11. Jackson to W. Wood. Claremont. June 20, 1810. 12. Jackson to Sir A. Cochrane. New York. Sept. 2, 1810. Transcripts. GIFTS AND DEPOSITS 8. Chatham Papers. The Chatham manuscripts comprise 372 bundles in two series, cf which the first series, bundles 1-100, contains the correspondence and papers of the first Lord Chatham. For further description, see Andrews, II: 351-365. 66 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Bundle 73. 1747-1767, and undated. Selection: Memorial of John Stuart, captain in the South Carolina provincial regiment. July 26, 1761. Photostats. Bundle 95. Miscellaneous papers relating to states of North America, 1742-1757. Selections: 1. Letter containing a sketch of Ticonderoga from "J. A." Addressed to James Abercromby, Esq., London. "From on board the Nightingale, June the 12th, 1757." 2. Examination of Michael La Chauvegnere, Jr., a French prisoner, before justices of the peace of Berks county, Pennsylvania, and Capt. Thomas Oswald at Reading, Oct. 16, 1757. 3. "Intelligence from Colonel Peter Schuyler of the New Jersey Regiment, taken at Oswego, and now a prisoner at Quebec; sent by Joseph Morse, who left that place October 4, 1757." 4. Paper beginning "French forts where Major John Smith, Commander of a Company of Rangers on the frontiers of Virginia, was Prisoner for eleven months, taken with his Party of ten men in a Blockhouse, towards the head of James River on the 25th of June 1756, . . ." Photostats. Bundle 96. Same. 1758-1763. Selection: Letter from William Denny. Phila. Sept. 16, 1758. Enclosing: "The examination of William Perry, a Mariner on board the Flag of Truce Captain Viviat, who arrived yesterday from New Orleans, taken this 27th Day of May 1758, . . ." Photostats. [?] Cornwallis Papers. These papers include mainly "the writings (official and personal) that grew upon the hands of Charles, first Marquis Cornwallis during his successive periods of service in the American plantations and in the East Indian dependencies [of Great Britain]." For further description, see Andrews, II: 346-347. Bundles 1-7, 58. Selections of American papers, 1778-1785, as listed in Andrews, II: 347, except that one item only has been copied from Bun- dle 58, as follows: Adjutant General's letter, Dec. 2, 1781, announcing the capitulation of Yorktown. Transcripts. 15. Manchester Papers. The Manchester papers were de- posited in the Public Record Office by the Duke of Manchester in 1880. For a calendar of these manuscripts, see the Eighth report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission, appendix, pt. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY 67 II, pp. 1-166. The documents dealing with colonial history are of the period from 1605 to 1647 and are therein entered (pages 31-50) under the heading "Reigns of James I. and Charles I. (Colonial)". They consist of items "Nos. 203-426". The Library of Congress has reproductions (photostats) of these items. They relate mainly to the colonization of Vir- ginia and the Somers Islands (Bermudas). HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY For description of the High Court of Admiralty papers, see Andrews, II: 304-345, and Giuseppi's Guide, I: 283-291. H. C. A. 1 Vol. 5. Indictments. 1604. Complete. Vol. 7. Same. 1619-1634. Complete. Vols. 8-13. Same. 1648-1660. 1660-1674. 1674-1677. 1677-1684. 1685-1688. 1689-1696. Complete. Vol. 55. "Examinations &c. in criminal matters from 1721 to 1725." Complete. Photostats. H. C. A. 24 Vol. 149. [Papers from the court of vice-admiralty, New York]. 1778— 1783. Complete. Photostats. H. C. A. 30 Vol. 258. Selections: 1. Daniel Sturges to Mrs. Susannah Andrews. Virginia. June 11 and Nov. 4, 1756. 2. Daniel Sturges to William Earlom. Virginia. Nov. 4, 1756. 3. Elizabeth Sprigs to John Sprigs (her father). Maryland. Sept. 22, 1756. 4. Thomas Saunders to Mrs. Theadosia Saunders (his mother). [Mary- land]. Oct. 9, 1756. 5. Thomas Lloyd to Edmond Hector. Augusta County Court House, Virginia. Oct. 10, 1756. 6. Richard Tuggey to his father and mother. Annapolis. Nov. 2, 1756. Photostats. 68 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY H. C. A.: INSTANCE AND PRIZE COURTS LIBEL FILES 1. Popham c. John Havercombe [master of the ship Guift of God]. 1608. (Bundle 73, nos. 274-279). Suit concerning the northern colony of Virginia (Popham's colony in Maine under the Virginia Company of Plymouth). Printed in The records of the Virginia Company of London, ed. by Susan M. Kingsbury (Washington, 1906-1935, 4 vols.), Vol. Ill, pages 7-12. 2. Sir Thomas Dale c. Robert Owen and Thomas Jones. 1621-1622. (Bundle 80, nos. 4, 89, 90). Suit concerning the seizure by Owen and Jones on the ship James of papers belonging to Sir Thomas Dale, 1620. 3. Virginia Company c. William Wye. 1620, 1622. (Bundles 80 and 81, various numbers). Printed in Records of the Virginia Company (above) Vol. Ill, pages 145-148, 281-289, 620-622, 701-702. 4. The Earl of Warwick c. Edward Bruster. 1621. (Bundle 81, no. 6). Suit concerning the ships Treasurer and Neptune. Printed in Records of the Virginia Company (above), Vol. Ill, pages 418-423. 5. William Stephens and Thomas Fell c. the Plymouth Company [Council established at Plymouth in the county of Devon for the planting, ruling, and governing of New England in America]. 1624. (Bundle 82, no. 124). Suit concerning the voyage of the Little James. 6. Nicholas Younge c. John Roberts. December 1622. (Bundle 81, no. 256). Suit on the ground that Wye, master of the ship Garland, expelled Younge on aspersions of Roberts. Printed in Records of the Virginia Company (above), Vol. Ill, pages 692-695. 7. Samuel Vassall [merchant of London] c. William Greene. 1629. (Bun- dle 88, nos. 220, 221). Suit regarding the ship Susan let to Vassall to transport goods and passengers to Virginia. 8. Samuel Vassall, on account of divers parcels of tobacco. 1633. (Bundle 91, no. 168 [or 171]). 9. Samuel Vassall c. Nathaniel Goodlad [Goodladdl. 1633. (Bundle 91, no. 189 [or 147]). 10. William Jones c. Lord Baltimore. 1634. (Bundle 91, no. 261 [or 78], no. 314 [or 29], and 315 [or 281). Suit regarding goods or commodi- ties delivered aboard the Ark and the Dove. 11. Leonard c. Lord Baltimore. 1634. (Bundle 91, no. 270 [or 69]). Suit regarding goods and commodities delivered aboard the Ark and the Dove. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: HIGH COURT OF ADMIRALTY 69 12. Samuel Vassall c. George Kingswell. 1634. (Bundle 92, no. 34). Suit regarding the voyage of the ship Mayflower from London to Vir- ginia and return, 1633-1634. 13. Samuel Vassall, on account of divers parcels of tobacco. 1634. (Bundle 92, no. 124). 14. Richard Orchard c. Lord Baltimore. 1635-1636. (Bundle 93, nos. 114, 134, 154). Suit concerning the voyage of the Ark and the Dove. 15. Peter Goodburne c. Jeremiah Blackman and William Barker. 1637. (Bundle 94, nos. 206, 208). Suit concerning goods, books, trunks, apparel and other things shipped by John Goodbarne [Goodburnel a minister of the Church of England, in the Globe from London to Vir- ginia, 1635. (The schedule of his books and wearing apparel appended to the libel is printed in the American historical review, XI (1906) 328-332). 16. William Cloberry c. William Claiborne. 1638. (Bundle 98, nos. 278, 318). Suit concerning trade to Virginia. 17. Thomas Copley and Giles and Margaret Brent c. Richard Ingle. 1645. (Bundle 107, no. 265). Suit concerning seizure by Ingle of goods belonging to Copley and the Brents at Kent Island. 18. John Smith and John Franklin c. Cloberry and Claiborne. 1645. (Bundle 107, no. 342). 19. William Bercklye [Berkeleyl c. Stephen Winthrop. 1644-1646. (Bundles 107, no. 344; 108, nos. 2, 12, and 43). Suit concerning goods shipped by William Berkeley, alderman of London, on the ship Gilliflower to be sent to "Archebucto, Swansybay or River of St. Jones" [St. John]. 20. Richard Ingle c. Thomas Cornwallis. 1646. (Bundle 108, no. 21). Suit concerning the seizure by Thomas Cornwallis, Gyles Brent, Thomas Copley, Leonard Calvert and others of the ship Reformation and cargo belonging to Richard Ingle and Company, at or near Mary- land, in 1642. H. C. A. 32: PRIZE PAPERS Vol.491. Papers from the New York court of vice-admiralty. Revolution- ary War period. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 493. A bundle of letters from persons in French ports (mainly Bor- deaux) to persons in America, 1778, and from persons in Havana to persons in New Orleans, 1783, taken off captured vessels. Photostats. H. C. A. 49 Vol.60. Vice-admiralty court of Jamaica proceedings. 1747-1748. Rec- ords of a court of vice-admiralty held in Jamaica for the trial of four prize cases. Complete. Photostats. 70 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 91. Court of vice-admiralty of New York. 1775-1781. Complete. Photostats. Vol. 92. Court of vice-admiralty of New York. 1777-1782. Complete. Photostats. Vol.93. Court of vice-admiralty of New York. 1777. Complete. Photo- stats. Vol. 104. Courts of vice-admiralty of Virginia, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New York, Bahamas, Barbados, and Jamaica. 1722-1739. Trials for piracy. Complete. Photostats. HOME OFFICE This series consists of original letters and papers continuing the series State Papers, Domestic. The early records of the Secretary of State's office relating to internal affairs of Great Britain are found in State Papers, Domestic. The documents classed as Home Office Papers date, for the most part, from 1782, when the Home Depart- ment was established with its own Principal Secretary. For contents, see List of volumes of state papers relating to Great Britain and Ireland, including the records of the Home Office from 7782 to 1837, preserved in the Public Record Office (London, 1914). (Public Record Office. Lists and indexes. No. XLIII). This list describes (1) State Papers, Domestic [1509-1782, Henry VIII-George III]; and (2) Home Office records, 1782 to 1837. CLASS 42: DOMESTIC Vols. 1-3. George III. Letters and papers. 1782-1783. (Formerly State Papers, Domestic, George III, vols. 98-100). Selections: Items given in Andrews, I: 71-72. CLASS 49: LAW OFFICERS Entries of letters from the secretaries of state to the attorney general and solicitor general, with replies. Vol. 1. Letter book. To law officers. 1762-1795. Photostats. Andrews, I: 72-73. Vol. 2. Letter book. From law officers. 1764-1793. Photostats. An- drews, I: 73. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: MAPS AND PLANS 71 MAPS AND PLANS 12 M.P./G 118. Map showing the French advance from their forts on Lake Erie. [1754]. Enclosed in despatch of Governor Dinwiddie, Jan. 29, 1754 (C. O. 5, vol. 14, fols. 142-146). 253. Plan of the harbor of New Providence. Enclosed in despatch of Governor Phinney, Mar. 1, 1722/t3. 254. "The church [at New Providence] as now building." Drawing. Enclosed in despatch of Governor Phinney, Mar. 1, 1722/3. 255. [Plan of Fort Nassau in New Providence]. [1726]. Enclosed in despatch of Governor Phinney, Jan. 28, 1726 (C. O. 23, vol. 13, fols. 273-274). 256. Plan of Fort Nassau in New Providence. Enclosed in despatch of Governor Phinney, Dec. 24, 1723. (Not the same as no. 255, above). M. P./H 1 1 . Report of the defenses of Halifax, by W. Spry, commanding engineer, to Major General Massey, commanding His Majesty's troops in Nova Scotia. Sept. 1, 1778. With maps. PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE For a comprehensive description of the records of the Privy Council Office, see Andrews and Davenport: 170-1 87. 14 For a brief account of these papers, see Giuseppi, II: 127-129. These records consist of two series: Privy Council I (Unbound papers) and Privy Council 2 (Registers). PRIVY COUNCIL I: UNBOUND PAPERS These papers consist mainly of petitions and reports sub- mitted to the Council by the Board of Trade and other Govern- ment departments and include, among other documents, letters from colonial governors and other officials. They are tied up in bundles of varying sizes. Bundles 46-66 consist of "Colonial Papers, 1677-1799", which deal exclu- sively with the Council's administration of the colonies. u The reproductions of maps and plans consist of photostats. 14 These papers, which at the time of the preparation of the Andrews and Davenport Guide, were at the Privy Council Office, have now been deposited in the Public Record Office. 72 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY A calendar of the "Papers" in so far as they relate to the colonies forms Vol. VI of the printed Acts of the Privy Council of England. Colonial series (see below, this page). The Library of Congress holdings are enumerated below. Bundle 52. 1766. Selection: Petition of Dennis Rolle, setting forth his discouragement in endeavoring to settle in East Florida and praying for a grant of land there. October 30, 1766. Photostats. Bundle [?]. 1769. Selection : Petition of Thomas Walpole, . . . Benjamin Franklin, ... on behalf of themselves and others, their associates, praying for a grant of a tract of land at the back of the settlements in Virginia [Vandalia]. July 24, August 4, 1769. Transcript. Bundle [?]. 1773. Selections: 1 . Report of the Attorney and Solicitor General relative to the grant of lands on the Ohio prayed for by the Honorable Thomas Walpole, Esq., and his associates. July 16, 1773. 2. Order for the Attorney and Solicitor General to prepare the Draft of a Grant of Land on the Ohio to the Honorable Thomas Walpole, Esq., and his associates proposed to be erected into a province and called Vandalia. October 28, 1773. Transcripts. Bundle [?]. 1774. Selection: Memorial of the Honorable Thomas Wal pole and his associates, praying that the establishment of the govern- ment of the New Colony of Vandalia may no longer be delayed; and that the grant of lands on the Ohio agreed for by the memorialists may be expedited. August 8, 1774. Transcript. PRIVY COUNCIL 2: REGISTERS The "registers" of the Privy Council contain the journal or minutes of its proceedings, its orders in connection with matters that came into its hands for decision, entries of the proceedings of its committees, and copies, extracts, or abstracts of documents in a given case. A calendar, with extensive abstracts, of the entries in the Register relating to the colonies, 1613-1783, has been pub- lished in Acts of the Privy Council of England, Colonial Series, 1613- 1783. (London, 1908-1912. 6 vols.) Vols. I- V. 1613-1783. Vol. VI. "The unbound papers." The minutes of the Privy Council concerning the United PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: STATE PAPERS, DOMESTIC 73 States from the point at which the printed Acts (above) come to an end, that is from 1784 to 1815, have been reproduced in our collection (selections from vols. 129-196. 1784-1815). These reproductions consist of photostats. STATE PAPERS, DOMESTIC "The domestic series of the State Papers consists of such papers as had accumulated in the office of the Secretary of State for the southern department together with a few addi- tional volumes and bundles drawn from other departmental collections." For further description, see Andrews, I: 42-51. See also the Public Record Office List of volumes of State Papers relating to Great Britain and Ireland [7509-1782], including the records of the Home Office from 7782 to 1837 (above, page 70). This list enumerates and describes briefly the classes of State Papers, Domestic, from 1509 to 1782, at which time the Home Office was established. The domestic series of State Papers, beginning with the year 1782, are classified as "Home Office Papers" (see above, page 70). Elizabeth. Vol. 118. Selection: No. 12. Discourses (2) on "how Her Majestie May Annoy the King of Spayne" [supposed to be by Sir Humphrey Gilbert]. Nov. 6, 1577. Seeks permission for an expedition against the West Indies. Transcript. James I. Vol. 131. Selection: The King to the Lords of the Privy Council, June 17, 1622. Vol. 144. Selection: George Calvert to Edward Conway. May 14, 1623. Vol. 149. Selection: Henry Mandeville to Edward Conway. July 28, 1623. Vol. 163. Selection: The King to Sir Thomas Crew, Speaker of the House of Commons. April 28, 1624. Vol. 169. Selection: Concerning a contract for tobacco. July [1624]. Photostats. The items cited above under "James I." relate to the Vir- ginia Company and are printed in The records of the Virginia Company of London, ed. by Susan M. Kingsbury, Vols. Ill and IV (Washington, 1933-1935). 74 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY William and Mary. Vol. 4. Selection: Draft of a letter to the two archbishops concerning Virginia. [1692?]. Photostats. Anne. Vol. 31. Selection: Petition and memorial of John Graves, collector in the Bahama Islands, ca. 17-11. Transcript. George I. Vol. 76. Petitions (1714-1727). Selections: Items noted in Andrews, I: 44. Transcripts. George II. Vols. 151, 153-159. Petitions. (1715-1782). Selections: Items noted in Andrews, I: 44-47. Transcripts. George III. Vols. 1-15. Selections: Items noted in Andrews, I: 47-50. Transcripts and Stevens's facsimiles variously. SERIES 34 Vol. 37. Law officers' reports. 1702-1714. Selections: American items. Andrews, I: 44. SERIES 36 Vols. 154, 158, 159. Petitions (without dates). Selections: American items. SERIES 42 Vol. 42. Letters from the Admiralty. 1760-1761. Selections: American items. Letters (originals), with enclosures, from the Admiralty to William Pitt, secretary of state; also copy of letter of Pitt to the Lords of the Admiralty, Aug. 1, 1760, regarding the complaint of the Conde de Fuentes, Spanish ambassador, touching Spanish vessels detained by the English. Andrews, I: 60-62. Vol. 138. Law reports and papers, 1704-1782. Complete. Andrews, I: 64-65. STATE PAPERS, FOREIGN This series contains the foreign state papers of date earlier than 1782, when the Foreign Office was established. For description of the State Papers, Foreign, see Andrews, I: 26-37. See also the List of volumes of State Papers, Foreign, preserved in the Public Record Office (London, 1 904) {Its Lists and Indexes. No. XIX). PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: STATE PAPERS, FOREIGN 75 FRANCE Vols. 541-545, 547-552 (old numbers), 296-306 (new numbers). Selec- tions: Correspondence of Lord Stormont, British ambassador to France, 1775-1778. Stevens's facsimiles (229 numbers). Vol. 555 (old number). (Now classed as Foreign Office 95 (Miscellanea), Vol. 2). See above, page 60. HOLLAND Vol. 721 (old number), 572 (new number). Letters to and from Sir Joseph Yorke, British ambassador to Holland. Sept.-Oct. 1780. Selections: 1. Lord Viscount Stormont to Sir Joseph Yorke. St. James's. Oct. 11, 1780. 2. Pro Memoria, prepared by Sir Joseph Yorke to be delivered to the Prince of Orange. The Hague. Oct. 14, 1780. 3. Sir Joseph Yorke to Lord Viscount Stormont. No. 99. The Hague. Oct. 17, 1780. Stevens's facsimiles, nos. 984, 950, 951. "Letters and extracts from the correspondence of Sir Joseph Yorke in Holland from January 1776 to Dec. 1780" comprise Vol. 72 of the Sparks Manuscripts in Harvard College Library. The Library of Congress has photofilms of this volume, containing 246 pages. 15 The correspondence of Sir Joseph Yorke in Holland, January 1776 to Dec. 1780, is found in State Papers, Foreign, Holland, vols. 552-558, 561-566, 569-573. PRUSSIA Vol. 128 (old number), 101 (new number). Letters to and from Hugh Elliot, British minister to Prussia. May-Oct. 1777. Selections: 1. Hugh Elliot to the Earl of Suffolk. Nos. 9, 11-14, 16-18, and un- numbered (2). 2. The Earl of Suffolk to Hugh Elliot. Nos. 1, 2, 4-7; to Count Maltzan, Prussian minister in London. Aug. 1, 1777. Stevens's facsimiles (17 numbers). SERIES 94: SPAIN Vol. 349 (old number), 209 (new number). Negotiations of Richard Cum- berland and Thomas Hussey in Spain. 1780. English peace mission to Spain. Complete. Photostats. 15 This collection is restricted. 76 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 254 (new number). Negotiations of Richard Cumberland and Thomas Hussey in Spain. 1771-1780. Selections: 1. Draft of a treaty of peace between Great Britain and Spain, [n. d.]- 2. Precis of Cumberland's correspondence to October 14, 1780. Photostats. The Library has also a collection of microfilms of manu- scripts in the State Papers, Foreign (Denmark, Sweden, and Russia), dealing with northern European international rela- tions of the early 18th century. These photofilms were secured in Europe by Professor Waldermar Westergaard and given by him to the Library of Congress. They consist of selections from the following volumes: Series 75. Denmark. Vols. 36-38, 40. 1716-1717, 1718. Series 95. Sweden. Vols. 18-23. 1706-1721. Series 104. Russia. Vol. 123. 1712-1721. TREASURY For description of the Treasury papers, see Andrews, II: 136-265 and Paullin and Paxson: 485-493. See also the Pub- lic Record office Lists of the records of the Treasury, the Paymaster General's Office . . . to 1837 (above, page 7). SERIES 1: TREASURY BOARD PAPERS, IN-LETTERS Original correspondence, or Treasury Board Papers, con- sisting of In-letters of the Treasury, with occasional minutes and reports. For further description, see Andrews, II: 148— 208. A typewritten list ("Memoranda") of manuscripts in the Treasury Board Papers (Treasury 1) relating to Maryland, is found in this collection of reproductions of manuscripts in British archives. Vols. 320-383, 387-394, 396-404, 406-409, 411-416, 418-426, 429-431, 433-443, 445-455. 1746-1766. Selections consisting of American items. Where volume numbers are omitted above, there were no American letters found in the particular volume. Transcripts. Many are enumerated in Andrews, II: 148-169. PUBLIC RECORD OTTIAE; TREASURY 77 Vol. 463. 1768. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 170-171. Vol. 465. 1768. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 171-173. Vol. 466. 1768. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 173. Vol. 467. 1768. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 173-174. Vol. 468. 1768. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 174. Vol.471. 1769. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 175-176. Vol. 472. 1769. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 176. Vol. 475. 1770. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 176. Vol. 479. 1770. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 178. Vol. 480. 1770. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 178-179. Vol. 485. 1771. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 180. Vol. 486. 1771. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 180-181. Vol.491. 1772. Selections: Papers relating to writs of assistance. Tran- scripts. Vol.492. 1772. Selections: Papers relating to writs of assistance. Tran- scripts. Vol.501. 1773. Selections: Papers relating to writs of assistance. Tran- scripts. Vol. 521. 1776. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 191-192. Vol. 676. 1789. Selection: Petition of Thomas Simpson (Virginia Loy- alist) of Gateshead of the county of Durham to the Lords Commis- sioners, Sept. 12, 1789. Petition for relief for losses. Transcript. Vol. 5083. Selection: No. 18349. Expenses of Lord Ashburton's mission, Sept. 12, 1845. Transcript. TREASURY 28: VARIOUS Vols. 1-2. Letters relating to America. 1763-1778. 1778-1797. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 210-211. TREASURY 38: ACCOUNTS, DEPARTMENTAL: AUDITORS' STATES OF ACCOUNTS Selections from vols. 138 (fols. 31, 38) 1842; 139 (fols. 32, 80) 1843; 140 (fol. 32) 1844; consisting of extracts from the Civil Contingency Ledgers dealing with expenses of the Ashburton mission. Transcripts. 78 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY TREASURY 50: MISCELLANEA, DOCUMENTS RELATING TO REFUGEES Vol. 30. "American sufferers and East Florida orders." 1789-1795. Accounts of Exchequer orders for the relief of American Loyalists and sufferers by the cession of East Florida to Spain. Photostats. TREASURY 64: MISCELLANEA, VARIOUS Vols. 88-90. Blathwayt's Journal, 1680-1718. Entry books of William Blathwayt, auditor general and surveyor of the King's revenue in the Plantations. Complete. Transcripts (also photostats of 3 items (Vol. 88, pp. 399 and 400; vol. 90, pp. 26-31) regarding the college in Virginia [William and Mary]). See Andrews, II: 239-244, for an itemized list of the contents of these volumes. Vol. 188. Law Officers' opinions. 1763-1783. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 247. Vol. 276. A bundle of Custom House reports or statements, made out pursuant to orders of the Treasury. Selections: Miscellaneous returns of imports and exports. 1760-1777. Photostats. For list of contents, see Andrews, II: 252-253. TREASURY SOLICITOR PAPERS CLASS 11 Bundle 3662. East Florida claims. 1786-1820. Claims of Loyalists and others. Photostats. Andrews, II: 268-269. WAR OFFICE For a general survey of the records of the War Office, see Giuseppi's Guide, vol. II, pages 163-198. For enumeration of these records, see the Public Record Office List of War Office records, preserved in the Public Record Office (London, 1908) (Its Lists and Indexes. No. XXVIII). A useful personal and subject list compiled from various classes of official records, is the Public Record Office Alphabetical guide to certain War Office and other military records, preserved in the Public Record Office (London, 1931) (Its Lists and indexes. No. LIII), which contains (1) General index, and (2) Regimental index. Pages 17 to 46 contain enumeration of items relating to America: Central, North, and South. For description of American material prior to and including PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: WAR OFFICE 79 the year 1783, see Andrews, II: 270-303; for American mate- rial for the years since 1783 see Paullin and Paxson: 229-252. WAR OFFICE 1: SECRETARY AT WAR, IN-LETTERS Vols. 1 to 164 consist of letters from "America and West Indies." Vol. 1 . Letters, with enclosures, to the secretaries at war, Barrington and Townshend, and Deputy Secretary Walpole, from officers in America (Loudoun, Abercromby, Aldridge, J. Napier, Shirley, etc.) 1756— 1763. Transcripts. Vol. 2. Letters and despatches to Secretary Barrington, the Marquis of Granby, master-general of ordnance, and the commander-in-chief, from officers in America (Gage, Howe, Carleton, etc.) 1771-1776. Transcripts. Vol. 4. Military despatches from Gen. Shirley to Secretary Barrington, etc. 1755-1757. Together with Shirley's memorial to the King, Jan. 3, 1757. Photostats. Vol. 5. Correspondence of Gen. Amherst with Secretary Barrington, the Duke of Devonshire, first lord of the Treasury, Charles Townshend, etc. 1758-1764. Photostats. Vol. 6. Military correspondence (chiefly letters from Gen. Gage to the secretary at war). 1764-1765. Transcripts. Vol. 7. Military correspondence. 1766. Concerned largely with Indian affairs along the frontier and with Pontiac's war. Transcripts. Vol. 8. Same. 1767-1769. Transcripts. Vol. 9. General Gage correspondence. 1769-1774. Photostats. Vol. 10. Letters from Gen. Howe and Gen. Clinton, to the secretary at war. 1776-1780. Photostats. Vol. 11. Letters from Gen. Carleton and Gen. Haldimand, Quebec and Canada, to the secretary at war. 1776-1781. Transcripts. Vol. 12. Letters from Gen. Clinton and Gen. Carleton, and other mis- cellany. 1781-1782. Transciipts. Vol. 13. Letters from Gen. Carleton. 1782-1783. Transcripts. Vol. 14. Letters of Lord Dorchester, Lieut.-Gov. J. G. Simcoe, Gen. Anthony Wayne, and others. 1794. Photostats. Paullin and Pax- son: 230-232. Vol. 49. Letters and papers from West Florida. Papers relating to the cession of West Florida after the treaty of 1763. 1764. Photostats. 80 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 96. "West Indies, America, Bahamas, and Curasao. 1800-1813." Selections: Documents (1812-1813) as listed in Paullin and Paxson: 232-233. Photostats. Vols. 141-144. "Expedition to the southern coasts of North America. 1814-1817." Concerned mainly with the expedition against New Orleans. Vol.141. "Vol.1. M: General Lambert, Col. Brooke, &c." 1814-1815. Complete. Vol. 142. "Vol. 2 ..." Selections: Items given in Paullin and Pax- son: 235; also, a letter of Arbuthnot (for the Lords Commis- sioners of the Treasury) to Major General Bembury. Treasury Chambers. Dec. 17, 1814. Transmitting a "Copy of a letter from the Deputy Storekeeper General dated 1st instant transmitting a bill of lading of 1000 pairs worsted stockings shipped at Portsmouth for the use of the negro population of the American States who may have sought protection from the commanders of His Majesty's forces." fols. 467-477. Vol. 143. "Vol. 3. Miscellaneous." 1815. Admiral Cochrane and Major E. Nicolls correspondence, etc. Complete. Vol. 144. "Southern coast of the United States and Florida. Miscella- neous. Sir. A. Cochrane, Col. Nicolls, &c." 1816-1817. Complete. Photostats. Paullin and Paxson: 233-237, for list of papers in vols. 141-144. Vol. 683. Letters from Lord George Germain, secretary of state for the colonies, to the secretary at war (Barrington, and later, Charles Jenkinson), concerning American affairs. 1777-1781. Complete. Photostats. Andrews, II: 279. Vol. 684. Letters from the secretary of state for the colonies to the secre- tary at war. 1781-1784. Complete. Contains many letters bear- ing on American affairs. Photostats. WAR OFFICE 4: SECRETARY AT WAR, OUT-LETTERS This series consists of letters (copies) from the secretary at war to various military officers and officials of the government. Vols. 1-123 comprise the secretary at war's letter-books con- taining "general letters, 1684-1783". The most valuable from the American viewpoint are the letters and warrants to military officers serving in America. Vols. 92-123. 1774-1783. Complete. Photostats. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: WAR OFFICE 81 Vols. 273-275. American letter-books. 1775-1784. Complete. Vol. 273. Jan. 2, 1775-July 21, 1777. Vol. 274. July 31, 1777-Sept. 11, 1780. Vol. 275. Sept. 6, 1780-Aug. 20, 1784. Photostats (vols. 273-275). Andrews, II: 282. Vols. 987-988. American letter-books. 1763-1784. Complete. (Sup- plemental to vols. 273-275). Vol. 987. 1763-1765. Vol. 988. 1765-1774. Photostats. Andrews, II: 283. WAR OFFICE 6: SECRETARY OF STATE, OUT-LETTERS This series consists of letters (copies) from the secretary of state for war to various military officers and officials of the government. Vol. 2. "Out-letters of the War Office, North America, 1814." Contains copies of the instructions of Bathurst and other officials of the War Office to Ross, Pakenham, Keane, Lambert, and other officers, regarding the New Orleans expedition; also letters to Generals Brooke and Power. Paullin and Paxson: 242-243, for list of most important letters in the volume. WAR OFFICE 28: HEADQUARTERS RECORDS Vol. 2. America. Field officers' letters. 1777-1783. Complete. 29th regiment, 1778-1783. 44th regiment, 1781-1783. 31st regiment, 1777-1783. 8th regiment, 1779-1782. 34th regiment, 1778-1783. Photostats. Andrews, II: 291-292. Vol. 3. America. Field officers' letters. 1777-1783. Complete. 84th regiment, 1777-1783. 53rd regiment, 1778-1783. Photostats. Andrews, II: 292. Vol. 4. America. Letters, returns, etc. 1775-1783, 1805. Complete. Butler's rangers. 1775-1783. Royal Highland emigrants or 84th Foot. 1775-1780. Jessup's loyal rangers. 1777-1783. 82 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Canadian fencibles. 1805. Photostats. Andrews, II: 292. Vol. 10. America. "Miscellaneous returns, 1776-1785." Complete. Miscellaneous letters. 1778-1783. Indian Department. Letters and papers. 1777-1782. Original letters delivered to Major of Brigade Skene by Major Fraser, 25 June 1785. Photostats. Paullin and Paxson: 247-248. WAR OFFICE 34: AMHERST PAPERS Papers of Lord Jeffery Amherst, commander-in-chief in North America, 1759-1763. A summarized index to vols. 1-250 of the series W. O. 34 and a detailed index of volumes 1-47, 54, 56, 67, 68, 72, 75, 152, 154-157, 226-245, giving each letter, with name of writer, recipient, place and date, are available in this Division. These indexes consist of typewritten pages. Vols. 24-39, 44, 46B, 71-74, 83 (1756-1764). Photostats. Vol. 24. Correspondence between the commander-in-chief and the governors of New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Oct. 1756-July 1763. Vol. 25. Letters from the governor of Massachusetts to the commander- in-chief. Sept. 1757-Dec. 1759. Vol. 26. Letters from the governor of Massachusetts to the commander- in-chief. Jan. 1760-Oct. 1763. Vol. 27. Letters from the commander-in-chief to the governor of Mas- sachusetts. Aug. 1756-Oct. 1763. Vol. 28. Correspondence between the governor of Connecticut and the commander-in-chief. Sept. 1756-Nov. 1763. Vol. 29. Letters from the governor, New York, to the commander-in-chief, New York. July 1756-Nov. 1763. Vol. 30. Correspondence between the commander-in-chief and the government of New York. Mar. 1756-Nov. 1763. Vol. 31. Correspondence between the governor of New Jersey and the commander-in-chief. July 1756-Nov. 1763. Vol. 32. Correspondence between the commander-in-chief and the governor of Pennsylvania. Nov. 1757-Nov. 1763. Vol. 33. Same. Jan. 1759-Nov. 1763. PUBLIC RECORD OFFICE: WAR OFFICE 83 Vol. 34. Correspondence between the governors of Maryland and Georgia and the commander-in-chief. July 1756-Sept. 1763. Vol. 35. Letters from the governors of North and South Carolina to the commander-in-chief. Aug. 1756-Sept. 1763. Vol. 36. Letters from the commander-in-chief to the governors of North and South Carolina. Circular letters to various governors. Oct. 1756-Nov. 1763. Vol. 37. Correspondence between the governor of Virginia and the commander-in-chief. July 1756-Nov. 1763. Vol. 38. Correspondence between the commander-in-chief and Sir William Johnson, superintendent of northern Indians. Aug. 1758-Nov. 1763. Vol. 39. Correspondence between the commander-in-chief and Sir Wil- liam Johnson, superintendent of northern Indians. Nov. 1756-Oct. 1763. Vol. 44. Correspondence between the commander-in-chief and Major General T. Hopson and Brigadier-General John Forbes. Aug. 1757- Feb. 1759. Vol. 46b. Correspondence between the commander-in-chief and various senior officers (including Maj. Gen. James Wolfe). June 1756-Mar. 1761. Vol. 47. Letters from various officers serving in South Carolina and Virginia to the commander-in-chief. June 1757-Oct. 1763. Selection: Memorial of Robert Rogers to Maj. Gen. Amherst. Charleston. Oct. 24, 1761. Requesting to succeed the late Mr. Atkins as super- intendent of the southern Indians. Vol. 71. Letters from secretaries of state and government departments in England to the commander-in-chief, North America. Aug. 1753- July 1757. Vol. 72. Letters from secretaries of state and government departments in England to the commander-in-chief, North America. Aug. 1757- Oct. 1763. Vol. 73. Letters from the commander-in-chief, North America, to secre- taries of state and government departments in England. May 1754- Dec. 1760. Vol. 74. Letters from the commander-in-chief, North America, to secre- taries of state and government departments in England. Jan. 1761- Feb. 1764. 84 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 83. Miscellaneous papers and letters to the commander-in-chief. French and Indian War details. Sept.-Dec. 1760. WAR OFFICE 71 Vol. 131. Selection: Proceedings of court martial held at Loyal Hannon. Oct. 26, 1758. Signed: George Washington, President. Photostats. BRITISH MUSEUM 16 The manuscripts in the British Museum in so far as they relate to American history are described in two printed guides published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, under the general editorship of Dr. J. Franklin Jameson. These are a Guide to the manuscript materials for the history of the United States to 1783, in the British Museum, in minor London archives, and in the libraries of Oxford and Cambridge, by Charles M. Andrews and Frances G. Davenport (Washington, 1908), and a Guide to the materials in London archives for the history of the United States since 1783, by Charles O. Paullin and Frederic L. Paxson (Wash- ington, 1914). The British Museum has issued a continuous series of cata- logues of the manuscripts in its collection, as follows: A catalogue of the manuscripts preserved in the British Museum hitherto un- described: consisting of five thousand volumes; including the collections of Sir Hans Sloane, by Samuel Ayscough (London, 1782, 2 vols.); Index to the additional manuscripts, with those of the Egerton collection, preserved in the British Museum, and acquired in the years 1783-1835 (London, 1849) which fills the gap between Ayscough's Cata- logue of 1782 and the quinquennial catalogues begun with the List of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years 1836-1840 (London, 1843), and continued by the Catalogue[s] of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the year[s] 1841-[1920] (London, 1850-1933). To date (1945) the volume for 1916-1920, published in 1933, is the latest that has appeared. To these must be added the catalogues of special collections, entered below under their appropriate classifications. 18 The reproductions of manuscripts in the British Museum consist of transcripts unless otherwise designated. BRITISH museum: cottonian manuscripts 85 For a useful "List of catalogues and indexes to be found on the reference shelves of the Student's Room and the Reading Room of the British Museum," fifty-one in number, as found in 1912, see Paullin and Paxson, Guide (above) pages 501-506. A student's guide to the manuscripts of the British Museum, by Julius P. Gilson (London: Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1920), issued as No. 31 of a series of "Helps for students of history" provides a useful little handbook. The Library of Congress has reproductions of practically all the material in the British Museum described in the Car- negie Institution guides, also some additional material supple- mentary to the items described therein, mainly collections acquired by the British Museum since the publication of these guides. The material in this collection is described below. Where volumes or selected items in particular volumes are described in either of these Carnegie Institution guides they are so desig- nated by one star or two stars after the entry; one star refers to the Andrews and Davenport guide, two stars refer to the Paullin and Paxson guide. We have omitted here, with a few exceptions, descriptions of material which is already described in either of these guides. As stated above the Guide in hand should be used in conjunction with the Carnegie Institution guides. COTTONIAN MANUSCRIPTS Collection made by Sir Robert Cotton (1571-1631). Many of the manuscripts are original state papers. For a description of the collection, see the Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum (London, 1 802) . The original library was arranged in fourteen sections, each of which was named after a Roman emperor (Julius, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero, Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasianus, Titus, Domitianus) and Cleopatra and Faustina. This classification is still retained. 86 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY The Library of Congress has reproductions of selections con- sisting of American material, as indicated below. Augustus I. I. 1. Spherical projection of a part of the Northern Hemi- sphere, including all of America north of the line, and the western parts of Europe and Africa, by John Dee. 1580. Photostats. Augustus I. I. 10. Chart of the region from 62° North Latitude and between 20° East and 110° West Longitude. Temp. Elizabeth. Photostats. Augustus I. II. 46. Chart of the James River in Virginia, possibly that referred to in letter of [Robert] Tindall to Prince Henry. 1608. Photostats. Otho E. VIII. Selections: 1 . Instructions to John Guy for making a settlement in Newfoundland. 2. A brief declaration of the islands lying on the north side of America, and the principal towns on the mainland under the King of Spain. 3. Abstract of Sir Francis Drake's voyage in 1577. 4. H. Gylberte to the Earl of Sussex about the delay of his voyage. Greneway, Sept. 23, 1578. 5. Some directions for a voyage to Cathay by the North Seas, signed John Dee; with a small chart. May 15, 1580. 6. Fragment from "papers relating to the voyages of Willoughby, Hawkins, Frobisher, Fenton, Drake, etc." 1582? 7. Edward Brawnd to Captain John Smith, Admiral of New England, reporting the arrival of several ships from Dartmouth (at Sequine? and Manehegin?), etc. All photostats except No. 6, which is a transcript. Vespasian C. XIII. Selection: Reasons for trade into the East and West Indies, by the merchants of England, gathered for the treaty between his Majesty's commissioners and those of the King of Spain and the Archduke. Signed Robert Cotton. July, 1604. Photostats. Titus B. VIII. Selection: A remembrance and note of Sir Francis Drake's voyage made to and from the West Indies, begun Sept. 14, 1585, from Plymouth. Photostats. BRITISH museum: lansdowne manuscripts 87 LANSDOWNE MANUSCRIPTS 17 This collection was acquired by the first Marquis of Lans- downe (1737-1805). It was purchased from his executors in 1807. The collection consists of 1,245 volumes and includes the Burghley papers (state papers and original correspondence of William Cecil, Lord Burghley (1520-1698)), state papers and correspondence of Sir Julius Caesar (1558-1636), judge of the admiralty, chancellor of the exchequer, and master of the rolls, the papers of Dr. White Kennett (1660-1728), Bishop of Peterborough and one of the original members of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and others. For itemized list of contents, see A catalogue of the Lansdowne manuscripts in the British Museum, with indexes of persons, places^ and matters (London, 1819). The Library of Congress has selections, consisting of Ameri- can items, as indicated below. 31. Selection.** Photostat. 37. Selection.** Photostats. 46. Selection.** Photostats. 52. Selection.** Photostats. 56. Selection.** Photostats. 100. Selections: Articles 10, 11, and 14. Articles 10 and 11 described in Paullin and Paxson: 508 (photostats); Article 14 described in Andrews and Davenport: 8 (transcripts). 122. Selection.** Photostats. 142. Selections.* 194. Miscellaneous state papers. Selections: Copies of communications from the Estates General of Holland regarding peace, and Charles IPs reply thereto. Oxford. December 16, 1665. (In French). 17 One star * following the word selection or selections, signifies that the selections in this collection consist of the items described in Andrews' and Davenport's Guide (above page 84). Two stars ** following the word selection or selections, signify that the selections in this collection consists of the items described in Paullin and Paxson's Guide (above, page 84). 88 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 661. Tobacco seizures, &c, 1732-1760. Selection: Representations made by the Register General of Tobacco, to the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs, 1751-1760. 673. Selection: Account of the gross and net produce of the several duties of Customs in England. 1741-1746. 707. "Quinborow charter. Isle of Man, &c." Selection.* 733. Reports of public accounts, 1712. Selection.* 809. Selection.* 820. Selection.** Photostats. 823. Letters to Henry Cromwell, lord deputy of Ireland. 1657-1659. Complete. Photostats. 825. Selection.* Photostats. 846. Miscellaneous papers, xvi-xvm centuries. Selections.* Photostats and transcripts (duplicate copies). 849. Selections.* Photostats. 885. Heraldic and political miscellanies. Selection.* 1012. Bishop Kennett's collections. Vol. LXXVIII. Selection.* 1032. Same. Vol. XCVIII. Selection.* 1052. "Conveyances by Indian sachems." A collection of deeds and other exhibits in the case of the Mohegan Indians.* 17th century. Com- plete. Photostats and transcripts (duplicate copies). 1177. "Ouvrages du Sieur Debenat." Selections. * Photostats and tran- scripts (duplicate copies). 1215. Revenue papers, 1568-1758. Selection.* 1219. "Miscellaneous papers." Selections;* also "West Indian Impor- tations for 1776 into Liverpool and Lancaster" (fol. 68). STOWE MANUSCRIPTS 18 The Stowe manuscripts were collected by the first Marquis of Buckingham (1753-1813). The collection derives its name from the fact that the manuscripts were kept at Stowe, the seat of the Grenvilles, dukes of Buckingham. They were pur- chased in 1 849 by the Earl of Ashburnham and acquired by the British Museum in 1883. For description of the collection, see the Catalogue of the Stowe manuscripts in the British Museum (London, 1895-1896, 2 vols.). 18 See footnote 17. BRITISH museum: stowe manuscripts 89 The Library of Congress has reproductions of selections, consisting of American material, as indicated below. 119. Papers on ecclesiastical matters, etc. Selection.* 142. Miscellaneous historical letters, etc., 1375-1810. Selections.* Photo- stats. 156. State papers and political tracts, ca. 1565-1629. Selection. * 163. Selection: "Observations on my voyage to Canada, made in July, 1682." [Signed] Jo. Nelson. 168. Edmondes papers. Vol. III. 1605-1606. Selection: Letter of Sir Charles Cornwallis to Sir Thomas Edmondes, Valladolid, September 18, 1605. English ambassador to Spain to the English ambassador to the Low Countries. Regarding a Spanish expedition to the West Indies. Photostats. 172. Same. Vol. VII. 1611-1612. Selection.* 173. Same. Vol. VIII. 1612-1613. Selection.* 174. Same. Vol. IX. 1613-1614. Selection.* 180. Miscellaneous papers. Selection: Copy of a letter from Sir William Godolphin to the Earl of Arlington, Madrid, May 10/20, 1672. "Opin- ion touching the cutting of logwood in the West Indies by some English, on pretence that the parts whence they take the same are not inhabited or possessed by the Spaniards; whether or no it may consist with the true observation of the articles between the two crowns, and what interpretation this of Spain would put thereupon." Phototstats. 184. Historical papers. Vol. I. 1628-1651. Selection.* 185. Same. Vol. II. 1653-1746. Selection.* Photostats. 186. State papers. 1631-1727. Selection.* 201. Correspondence of Arthur Capel, Earl of Essex. 1672-1679. Vol. II. 1673. Selection.* 222. Hanover state papers, 1692-1719. Vol. I. 1692-1706. Selection.* 223. Same. Vol. II. 1707-1710. Selections.* 246. Correspondence of James Craggs, Senr. and Junr., 1695-1720. Vol. I. 1695-1718. Selections,* also: 1 . Letter of George Vane to James Craggs, on board the Rebecca Ann off Cape Britton [Breton], August 8, 1711. Expedition to capture Quebec from the French. 2. Letter of John Lloyd to James Craggs, enclosing copy of a letter from Thomas Hughes, "Spanish River near Cape Brittaine [Breton], September 12th 1711" to John Lloyd. Describes the running ashore on the north side of the River Canada [St. Lawrence] of 7 transports 90 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY of the English fleet and 2 New England ships laden with corn, with loss of about 1200 men, on the expedition against Quebec, August 21, 1711. Photostats (nos. 1 and 2). 256. Phelps correspondence, 1725-1768. Vol. I. 1725-1757. Selec- tions.* Fols. 305-307: transcripts; fols. 308-318: photostats. 261. Same. Vol. VI. 1765-1768. Selection.* 305. Political tracts and poems. Temp. Charles II-Anne. Selection.* 307. Tracts and papers, political and miscellaneous, ca. 1680-1807. Selection: "Calculation of time for the different parts of a combined attack" on the Spanish American possessions, 1807 (I. Manila. II. Buenos Ayres. III. Panama. IV. Jamaica). Photostats. 316. Statistics regarding the revenue, 1710-1746, prefaced by customs statistics, 1679-1710. Photostats. 317. "A particular state of the receipts and issues of the publick revenue", 1688-1710. Photostats. 318. Abstract of the Inspector General's account of importations and exportations, 1697-1698. Photostats. 320. "A complete state of all the branches of the Revenue under the management of His Majesty's Customs in England", 1710-1742. Photostats. 323. Miscellaneous papers concerning the revenue. Selection.* Photo- stats. 324. Miscellaneous papers chiefly relating to the customs, taxation, etc. 1396-1764. Selections: 1. No. 3. Account of the English sugar plantations. Temp. Charles II. 2. No. 4. Accounts, etc., of the London custom house, 1671-1694. 3. No. 5. Similar accounts of the customs in general, 1671-1723. Photostats; also transcripts of No. 3. 326. Petitions, etc., connected with the farming of the coal trade, . . . and others. 1628-1655. Selections.* Photostats. 424. Miscellaneous papers, legal and political. Selection: Proposition for constituting a West India Company, with a summary of the same, submitted to a committee of the Council of State, 1655-1660. Photo- stats. 463. Richards collections. Vol. XVII. Journals of Michael Richards, engineer in the employ of the Board of Ordnance, 1696-97, 1700. Selections: BRITISH museum: stowe manuscripts 91 1. Journal of Captain Michael Richards from London to Torbay on his starting with Col. Gibson's expedition to Newfoundland, Sept. 1696-Apr. 20, 1697. 2. Memorandum of the present state of ordnance at St. John's, New- foundland. Jan. 27, 1700. 3. Journal of a voyage from London to Newfoundland, January 27- June 8, 1700. Reversing the volume, pp. 1-60, is his Journal from his arrival at St. John's, June 7, 1697, to his departure, October 8, 1697. Followed by a water color sketch of the north side of St. John's Harbor, Newfoundland. Transcripts; and photostat of the sketch. 464. Same. Vol. XVIII. Letter-book of Michael Richards, while engaged in completing Fort William, etc., at St. John's, Newfoundland, including various official papers, requisitions for assistance, etc., April 1, 1700- October 1703. Letters addressed to the Earl of Romney, master- general of the ordnance, to the Board of Ordnance, and others. Com- plete. 465. Same. Vol. XIX. Weather notes, etc., of Michael Richards, 1701- 1702. Log-book of Captain Michael Richards at St. John's giving daily observations of the weather and abstract of work done, March 1, 1701-March 1, 1702. Complete. 477. Same. Vol. XXXI. Copies in the hand of Michael Richards of his letters, etc., to the Board of Ordnance, as "chief engineer of Great Britain." Selection: An abstract of Col. Lilly's Report on Newfound- land dated at Barbadoes 28th Jan. 1711/12, with some small remarks thereon. 482. Ordnance stores, 1726. "State of ordnance and stores at the several forts and castles of Great Britain, as also at the four forreigne garrisons" [Annapolis in Nova Scotia, Gibraltar, Piacentia in Newfoundland, and Port Mahon in Minorca]. 1725/6. Selections: 1. No. 75. State of ordnance and stores at Annapolis Royall, August 6th, 1725. 2. No. 76. State of ordnance and stores at Piacentia, June 1, 1725. 484. Army list, June 1762. "Returns of His Majesty's forces", 2d June 1762. Selection: Returns of forces at Guadeloupe, West Indies, North America, and under command of Maj. Gen. Monckton. 485. Army list, July 1762. "Returns of His Majesty's forces". Selection: Returns of forces at Guadeloupe, West Indies, Martinique, North America, and under the command of Lord Albemarle. July 14, 1762. 92 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 499. Docquet-book of the Privy Seal, containing docquets of all docu- ments passing the Privy Seal between May, 1661, and August, 1669. Vol. I. 1661-1665. Complete. Photostats. 500. Same. Vol. II. 1665-1669. Complete. Photostats. 746. Dering correspondence. Vol. IV. 1678-1690. Selection.* 748. Same. Vol. VI. 1703-1759. Selections.* 755. Miscellaneous private letters, etc., English and foreign. 1613-1818. Selection: Letter from Lord Willoughby, governor of Barbadoes, to Lord , Sept. 16, 1667, asking for supply of Scotsmen. 792. Account of "a tour into the Indian Nations" made by General James Edward Oglethorpe, commander of the British force in S. Carolina and Georgia, "to establish peace between them and the English" . . . 1740-1742.* Complete. 921. "Abstract of British West Indian trade and navigation", 1773-1805, by Sir William Young, Bart. Includes five colored charts showing the various passages to and from the West Indies. Complete. HARLEIAN MANUSCRIPTS 19 Collection made by Robert Harley (1661-1724) first Earl of Oxford, and his son Edward Harley (1689-1741) second Earl of Oxford. For description of the collection, see the Catalogue of the Harleian manuscripts in the British Museum, with indexes of persons and places (London, 1808-1812, 4 vols.). 167. Selection.* 466, 467.* Photostats. 540. Selection: "A treatise of my Lord of Comberlan's [Cumberland's] Shippes Voyage (in anno, 1592) and of theyr takynge of the greate Caracte, lately brought into Dartmouth, written by Fraunces Seall." Photostats. 1012. Dockets of Patents, 10-16 Charles I. 1634-1640. Photostats. 1038. Selection: D. Standish to the Bishop of London. South Carolina. July 17, 1728. Photostats. 1039. Selection: Archbishop of York to the Church in Boston. Feb. 9, 1711. Photostat. 1223. Miscellaneous tracts. Selections.* 10 See footnote 17. BRITISH museum: harleian manuscripts 93 1238. Papers relating to the tobacco trade. 17th century. Complete. 1243. Selection.* Photostats. 1282. Selection.* Photostat. 1324. Selection.* Photostats. 1488-1497. Minutes, &c, of the Commissioners of Accounts. 1690-1697. Complete. Photostats. 1509. Selection.* Photostat. 1510. Selections.* 1511. Selections.* 1583. Original letters and state papers. Selection.* 1589. Selection.* Photostats. 1760. Selection.* Photostats. 1898. Selection: List of ships intended for the Main Fleet, in the channel, and for service in the Mediterranean and the West Indies. 1694. 2204. Selection.* 2262-2264. Dockets and warrants for privy seals and other documents relating thereto, 1704-1711. Selections.* 2334. Selection.* 3361. Selection: Art. VI. A brief survey of Jamaica. "Thomas Lynch tenet hunc Librum 14 Nov. 1660." Photostats. 4414. Selection: Art. II. Geographical account of Florida, extracted from the French. Photostats. 4672. Selection: Art. 22. "Sr. Thomas Baskerville's account of his voyage after the great treasure at Portrica, etc., when he was General of Her Majesties Indian Armada, etc." [16th century]. Photostats. 4888. Selection.* 5101. Selection.* 5910. Selection.* 6378. Miscellaneous political and military tracts. Selection: Nathaniel Champneys to Henry Priestman, one of the commissioners for execut- ing the office of Lord High Admiralty of England, from on board H. M. S. Mary, 2d August 1696, in Plymouth Sound. 6494. Miscellaneous tracts. Selection.* 6699. Complete.** Photostats. 6806. Proceedings in Parliament. Selection.* 94 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 6836. Papers relating to the revenue, xvti century. Selection.* 6845. Selections: 1 . Discourse concerning the true limits of all the countries and provinces possessed by the Spaniards and Portuguese in the West Indies. 2. List of the persons executed for the rebellion in Virginia [undated]. (Bacon's rebellion, 1675-1676). 3. Extract out of several letters from several persons aboard Penn's fleet, arrived at Barbadoes, May 1655. Photostats. 6922. Miscellaneous. Selection.* 7001. Original letters of state, warrants, etc. Selections.* 7006. Original letters of state, warrants, etc. Selection.* 7020. Lists of sundry officers, commissioners, etc. Selection.* 7021. Selections.* 7051. State of receipts and issues during reign of King William, 1688-1702. Complete. Photostats. 7194. Account of land forces in 1689-1690. Complete. Photostats. 7310. Papers relating to the African and East Indian companies, etc. Selection: No. 17. An account of the supply of Barbadoes with Negro servants, addressed to the African Company by Gov. Edwyn Spede. Feb. 28, 1693. 7365. Complete.* Photostats. 7404-7414. States of the public revenue and abstracts of divers accounts. 1688-1697. Photostats. 7422. Same. 1695-1696. Photostats. 7433. Continuation of trade and customs. 1699-1721. Photostats. 7436-7444. Establishment of land forces in 1689, 1690, 1691. Photostats. 7639. Dockets of privy seals of grants of royal revenue, 1688-1696. Photostats. HARGRAVE MANUSCRIPTS 19 Collection of legal manuscripts made by Francis Hargrave (1741-1821). For description of the collection, see the Cata- logue of manuscripts, formerly in the possession of Francis Hargrave . . . now deposited in the British Museum (London, 1818). » See footnote 17. BRITISH museum: hargrave manuscripts 95 The Library of Congress has selections, consisting of Ameri- can items, as indicated below. Vol. 141. Cases and opinions of Attorney General Northey, principally relating to the customs. Selection.* Vol. 231. Petitions, memorials, &c, referred to Attorney General Northey, with his opinions upon the same. 1701. Selection.* Vol. 275. Cases and opinions relating to the customs. Many of the opinions are by Sir Edward Northey. Selections: 1 . On case of bonds lost in Annapolis, taken out for landing tobacco in England or the plantations. 1715. (See also Add. MSS. 8832, fols. 260-262). 2. On case of Maurice Birchfield, surveyor general and agent for His Majesty, vs. Arthur Miller, devisee of Michael Miller. 1716. Mary- land case, regarding a navigation bond. Vol.493. Law miscellanies. Selections.* Vol. 494. Genealogical, legal and other papers. Selection.* Transcripts. Also "Attorney Generals Report upon the Petition of Norborne Berkeley Esqr. claiming the Barony of Botetourt. Octr. 31st 1763." Photostats. KING'S MANUSCRIPTS » Collection of manuscripts which belonged to the library of George III. For description of the collection, see the Catalogue of western manuscripts in the old Royal and King's collections, by Sir George F. Warner and Julius P. Gilson (London, 1921,4 vols.). Vols. I— II: Royal manuscripts. Vol. Ill: Description of the King's manuscripts and indexes to both collections. Vol. IV: Plates. The Library of Congress has selections, consisting of Ameri- can items, as indicated below. 202. Original letters from Governor Pownall to the Reverend Dr. Cooper, 1769-1774, on American politics. Complete.* 203. Letters from the Reverend Dr. Cooper to Dr. Franklin and Gover- nor Pownall, 1769-1775, on American politics. Selections: 1. Letters not printed in Franklin's Works, ed. Bigelow, and new edition, ed. A. H. Smyth). 2. Letters from the Reverend Dr. Cooper to Governor Pownall, 1769- 1774. (Printed, American historical review, VIII, 301-330). 30 Sec footnote 17. 96 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 205. Reports of the state of the American colonies.* 1721-1766. Complete. 206. State of manufactures, mode of granting land, fees of office, etc., in America.* 1766-1768. Complete. 208. A general description of the Province of Nova Scotia, by Lieut. Col. Morse, chief engineer in America, 1783-1784. Photostats. 210-211. Report of the general survey in the southern district of North America . . . [by] William Gerard de Brahm.* Complete. Photostats. 212. Journal of General Braddock's expedition in 1755.* With maps. Complete. Photostats. 213. Journal of an officer [Lord Adam Gordon] who travelled over a part of the West Indies, and of North America, 1764-1765.* Printed in Travels in the American colonies, ed. by Newton D. Mereness (New York, 1916). 214. Memoir upon the island of Jamaica, with 7 maps, by Maj.-Gen. Archibald Campbell, governor and commander-in-chief. 1782. Com- plete. Photostats. KING'S MAPS Collection of maps and charts belonging to the library of George III. They are included among the maps of America described in Vol. Ill of the Catalogue of the manuscript maps, charts, and plans . . . in the British Museum, by John Holmes (London, 1844-1861, 3 vols.). The Library of Congress has selections, consisting of Ameri- can items, as indicated below. CXIX. 59. 2. a. Copy of a report made by [Hugh Finley] the deputy postmaster general for the Province of Quebec, to the Right Honorable Lord Dorchester, governor general of the provinces of Quebec, Nova- Scotia and New Brunswick, after a survey of the post route between Quebec and Halifax, 30th of August 1787. Photostats. CXIX. 61. b. Journal of the march by the river Chibenaccadie. August 1754. Copy. Photostats. CXIX. 81. c. W. Cowley to the Hon. Edward Cornwallis. Annapolis Royal. August 17, 1752. Sending plan of the fort at Annapolis. Photostats. CXIX. 101. c. Report on the fortifications at Placentia in Newfoundland. By Leonard Smelt, engineer in ordinary, to Sir John Ligonier, lieu- tenant general, and the Honourable the rest of the principal officers of His Majesty's Ordnance. Nov. 22, 1751. Photostats. BRITISH museum: egerton manuscripts 97 EGERTON MANUSCRIPTS 21 Collection bequeathed to the Museum by Francis Egerton, Earl of Bridgewater, in 1829, and increased to the present time by purchases made on funds provided for the purpose by Francis Egerton and Charles Long, Lord Farnborough (1761-1838). The Egerton manuscripts are described in the series of cata- logues of additional manuscripts, as follows: Vols. 1-606 in the Index to the additional manuscripts, with those of the Egerton collection, preserved in the British Museum, acquired in the years 7783-7835 (London, 1849); vols. 607-888 in the List of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in t lie years 7836-7840 (London, 1843); vols. 889-3030 in the series of catalogues of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum, 1841-1920 (above, page 84). 770. "Papeles, varios." Selection: Demonstracion historiografica del derecho, que tiene el Rey Catholico al territorio, que hoy posee el Rey Britanico con el nombre de nueba Georgia, en las Provincias, y con- tinente de la Florida, en la que se prueba el Dominio positivo, que tiene el Rey de Espaha hasta la latitud Septentrional de 32. grados, 30 minutos inclusivo, en que se halla la Barra de la Ysla de Santa Elena, termino, por el qual se deben arreglar los limites de las respectivas posesiones, en esta parte demudado, entre la Florida, y la Carolina; la escrive el Yngeniero Dn. Antonio de Arredondo. 1742. 921. Copies of commercial and historical papers. 1667-1727. Vol. I. Selections: 1. Report on the "State of the trade to Newfoundland." 1705/6. 2. Report on the "State of the Virginia trade." 1708. Photostats; also transcripts of no. 1. 929. Lord Halifax's papers, 1672-1761. Selection.* 1717. Bentinck papers, 1687-1761. Selections: 1. Extract of a letter (in French) dated St. Petersburg, 23 September 1764, respecting discoveries of the Russians on the northwest coast of America. Transcript. « See footnote 17. 98 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 2. Map of the discoveries of the Russians on the northwest coast of America. (London, 1761). Photograph. 1720. Bentinck papers. Correspondence respecting the colony of Deme- rara, 1762-1766. Complete. 1747. Same. Correspondence of Count Bentinck with various persons. Vol. III. Mar-Dec. 1752. Selection.* 1756. Same. Political papers relating to Holland, France and Germany, 1688-1772. Selection.* 1941. "Inventions of water bellows, Watts steam engine, etc., 1735-1776." Selection.* 2134. Political papers, etc., 1618-1817. Selections.* 2135. Letters and papers relating to the war in America, 1771-1781. Complete. 2136. Selections.* 2168. Inventory of papers of William Penn, etc.* 2395. State papers relating to the West Indies. 17th century. Complete.* 2423. "Journal by a Lady (of Quality)" of a voyage from Scodand to the West Indies and North Carolina, with an account of personal experi- ences in America during the year 1775 and a visit to Lisbon on her return. Oct. 25, 1 774-December 1775. Printed, C. M. Andrews, ed. (New Haven: Yale university press, 1921). 2429. Letters and papers. 1577-1808. Selection.* 2519. Papers of Samuel Disborough, 1651-1660. Selections, as given in Andrews and Davenport: 46, except fol. 2. 2526. Journal of John Knepp, in H. M. S. Rose, . . . 1683-1684.* 2537, 2538. Sir Edward Nicholas papers, 1661-1662. Selections.* Photostats. 2541. Same. Miscellaneous documents. 1589-1649. Selection.* 2542. Same. 1650-1660. Selection: "To our Governor and Councell of Virginia and to all Magistrates and Officers and other our subjects in those parts [1660]." To assist Lord Baltimore. 2543. Same. 1661-1766. Selection.* 2591. Some account of a voyage to South Sea's in 1776-1777-1778, written by David Samwell, surgeon of the Discovery. (Journal of Cook's third voyage. Contains pictures of natives of Prince William's Sound). Photostats. BRITISH museum: egerton manuscripts 99 2597. James Hay, Earl of Carlisle, correspondence. Vol. VI. 1626-1689. Selection.* 2612. "Miscellaneous correspondence relating to Lord Byron, 1782-1806." Vol. I. Selection: Letter from William Atkinson to George Lowdon. Roseau, Dominica. Feb. 9, 1782. 2644-2646, 2648-2650. Family of Barrington correspondence. 17th century. Selections.* 2659, 2660, 2669, 2671-2674. Hutchinson papers. These volumes con- tain the papers and correspondence of the Hutchinson family, from 1741 to 1880. See Andrews and Davenport: 48-49, and Paullin and Paxson: 520. 2659. Correspondence of the family of Hutchinson, 1741-1880. Vol. I. 1741-1783. Complete. 2660. Same. Vol. II. 1784-1880. Selections.* Photostats. 2669. Diary of Elisha Hutchinson. 1774,1775,1777-1788. Photostats. 2671. Origin and progress of the rebellion in America, to 1776, by Peter Oliver, written in 1781. 2672, 2673. Journal of voyage from America to England, and of other tours, by P. Oliver. 1775-1777. Photostats. 2674. Diary of Peter Oliver, m. d., son of Chief Justice Oliver, beginning with a brief account of his life from his birth. 1741-1821. Photostats. 2686. Titley papers. Vol. VII. Correspondence, May 1739-Mar. 1740. Selections.* Photostats and transcripts (duplicate copies). 2694. Same. Vol. XV. Correspondence, 1747-1764. Selections.* 2697. Gunning papers. Vol. II. Correspondence, 1768. Selection.* 2698. Same. Vol. III. Correspondence, 1769. Selections.* 2703. Same. Vol. VIII. Correspondence, May 1774-1777. Selection.* SLOANE MANUSCRIPTS 22 - 23 Collection of Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1753) physician and natural scientist. For list of catalogues and general description, see Andrews and Davenport's Guide, pages 50-51. The Library of Congress has selections, consisting of American items, as indicated below. 50 or 1070. Voyages to the East Indies and to St. Domingo. 1682-1687. Selection: [Journal] on board the James and Mary, Capt. Wm. Phips, from Samana Bay bound for the wreck.* 1686. 22-23 See footnote 17. 100 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 159. De Studies Jesuitarum. 1608. Selections.* 179B. Journal du voyage fait par les peres de famille envoyes par Ms. les Directeurs de la Compagnie des Indes Occidentales pour visiter la coste de Guiane; avec plusieurs remarques curieuses et quantite de planches, tres particulieres. 1623. Complete. Photostats. 239. "A book of original draughts of the coast of the South Sea from Acapulco to the Straight of Magellan in Spainish, or a Spainish South Sea waggoner. Drawings." Complete. Photostats. 758. "Capt. N. Boteler, discourse concerning marine affairs." Selections:* 1 . Memoranda or heads of letters written by Captain Nathaniel Butler [while governor of the Bahamas]. 2. "The Islands of the Bermudaes, a most important part in all sea services upon the West Indyes Fleets." 3. "Diary from February 10th 1639 of my personall employ ements", by Nathaniel Butler, governor of Providence Island. 793 or 894. Complete.* 856. Letter-book of commissions, of royal letters, etc., of Charles II. Selections.* Photostats. 857. Papers relating to the Glass sellers' company. 1670-1690. Selec- tion * 894 or 793. See above, 793. 922. N. Wallington, letters on religious topics. 1630's and 1640's. Selec- tions.* 978. Narboroug, Voyage to Algiers. Selections.* 1008. Dr. E. Borlase . . . papers, 1608-1682. Selection.* 1039. Dr. R. Hooke's papers. Selection.* 1139. Manuscript book of Jonathan Goddard, Gresham Professor. Col- lectanea de chemia, medicina, et naturali historia. Complete. Photo- stats. 1378. Tract Var., Historici, Philosoph., etc. Selection.* 1426. Maynard's book of navigation & sea journal. Selections.* 1447. Travels of Davyd Ingram. 1582. Complete.* 1519. Original letters, 1574-1667. Selections.* 1599. Minutes of Council in Jamaica, Dec. 20, 1687-Feb. 18, 1688/9. Complete. BRITISH museum: sloane manuscripts 101 1622. Maps and pictures in Strachey's Travaile in Virginia* Photostats. 1689. Journal of a voyage kept by Dr. Edward Browne, 1691/2. (See this journal for West India materials). Photostats. 1815. Papers of Dr. F. Bernard and Capt. Aston. Selection.* 1831. Selection.* 1968. Miscellaneous letters and papers. Selections: 1. Letter of John Winthrop to Sir Hans Sloane, June 15, 1734, regarding minerals and "other curious productions" of New England and the West Indies. 2. List of seeds received from Barbadoes. Jan. 29, 1696/7. 2179. Political tracts. Selection.* 2202. "S. Doody. Plants of Virginia." The printed catalogue describes this item thus: "Extracts out of Mr. Banister's account of the plants of Virginia, with some notes by Mr. Buddie". 2282. "H. Coley's Schemes of Nativities." Selection: The horoscope of Col. William Beeston, governor of Jamaica. 1692. Photostat. 2291. Voyage to Maryland, 1705-1706. Complete. Printed in the American historical review, XII (1907) 327-340. 2292. "Rutters [i. e., routes or courses] at sea."* Complete. 2302. J. Walduck, letters respecting Barbadoes.* 1710-1712. Complete. 2346. Observations on medicines & plants. Selections.* 2375. Specimens of New England paper currency.* Photostats. 2441. Description of Barbadoes.* ca. 1684. Complete. Transcripts; pho- tostat of map. 2448. Papers relating to the navy and forts, 1662-85. Selections.* 2496. Maritime tracts and voyages. Selection.* 2717. Miscellaneous letters and papers. Selection.* 2723. Political and historical miscellanies, xvnth century. Selections.* 2724. Papers of the Earl of Carlisle relating to Jamaica.* Chiefly of dates 1680-1683. Entire volume, except some papers which relate only to the Earl's estates or his affairs in England. 2728b. Papers relating to St. Thomas's hospital. Vol. II. Selection.* 2752. Fauconberg's observations, 1670; voyages 1679, 1682. Selections.* 102 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 2902. Papers concerning trade, taxes, etc., collected by Abraham Hill. Selected folios referring to America and the West Indies: items noted in Andrews and Davenport and some others. 1696-1699. 3299. Selection: Tide of commission to Sir Nathaniel Johnson to be captain general and governor of Nevis, St. Christopher, Montserrat, Antigua, etc. 1686. Photostat. 3321. Letters to J[ames] Petiver. Vol.1. 1689-1712. Selections: 1. Item given in Andrews and Davenport: 58. 2. Letters of Robert Ellis, Charles Town, Apr. 20, 1700, and Carolina, May 3, 1700. 3. Letters of George Francklin, Carolina, May 2, 1700, and Oct. 2, 1701. Transcripts; also photostats of no. 1. 3322. Letters to J. Petiver and correspondence of Sir H. Sloane. Vol. II. 1712-1731. Selections: 1. Letter of Thomas Grigg [Antigua], July 3, 1713. 2. Letter of John Douglas, Antigua, June 20, 1714. 3324. Papers on natural curiosities, etc. Vol. II. Selections.* 3328. Papers and notes on natural curiosities, etc. [Vol. III]. Selection.* 3329. Papers on natural curiosities, etc. Vol. IV. Selection.* 3332. Petiver, adversaria. Selection.* 3338. Petiver, adversaria. Selections: 1. Letter of Mary Stafford to Mrs. Randall, London. Dated South Carolina, Aug. 23, 1711. 2. Letters of J. Walduck to John Searle, Barbadoes, Oct. 29 and Nov. 24, 1710. 3. Letter of James Petiver to Capt. Walducke, London, Dec. 25, 1712. 4. Letter of J. P. [James Petiver] to Mr. Douglas at Antego [Antigua]. London, Apr. 21, 1712. 5. Letter of Matt.: Gregory to Capt. Matt.: Gregory (his father) at Spanish Town, Jamaica, dated London, Feb. 7, 1712/13. 3339. J. Petiver, adversaria. Selections, as noted in Andrews and Daven- port, except fols. 153-160. 3340. J. Petiver, adversaria. Selections.* 3511. Miscellaneous papers, 1671-1674. Vol. III. Selection.* BRITISH museum: sloane manuscripts 103 3607. Orders, &c, relating to Annapolis Royal. 1711-1713.* Complete. 3644. Alchemical tracts. Selection.* 3662. Complete. Items given in Andrews and Davenport: 60; also "A relation of the warrs between the King and governor of Macasser and the Netherlands East India Company in the yeares 1666, 1667, 1668, and 1669" (fols. 1-23). Photostats; also transcripts of the items given in Andrews and Davenport. 3828. Selection.* Photostats. 3861. Selection.* 3918. Barham's account of Jamaica.* Complete. 3926. Admiral Penn's voyage to the West Indies, 1654.* Complete. 3962. Papers of Mr. Charleton. Vol.11. Selection.* 3984. Collection of Sir Hans Sloane's loose papers. Selections.* 3986. Misscellaneous, historical and geographical. Selections.* 4002. Papers and draughts of the Rev. Mr. Banister in Virginia sent to Dr. Henry Compton, Bishop of London, and Dr. Lister from Dr. Petiver's collection.* (Two manuscript books regarding plants in Virginia, and drawings of plants.) Transcripts of the manuscripts and photographs of drawings of plants. 4015. Selection.* Photostats. 4017. Delineationes plantarum Americanarum auctore Carolo Plunder.* Complete. Photostats. 4019. "Fragments of catalogues." Selection.* 4020. Miscellaneous papers relating to natural history. Selections.* 4025. Papers relating to the Royal Society and the College of Physicians. Selections.* 4028. Loci communes miscellanei. Selections.* 4036. Original letters to Sir Hans Sloane. Vol. I. 1681-1697. Selec- tions.* 4040. Same. Vol. V. 1705-1707. Selection: Letter of William Byrd, Virginia, Apr. 20, 1706. Regarding doctors in Virginia. 4041. Same. Vol. VI. 1707-1709. Selection: Letter of William Byrd, Virginia, Sept. 10, 1708. Largely about ipecacuana. 4042. Same. Vol. VII. 1709-1711. Selection: Letter of William Byrd, Virginia, June 10, 1710. Sends a box of ipecoacanna. 104 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 4043. Same. Vol. VIII. 1711-1714. Selections: 1. Letter of Hugh Tetterdell, Jamaica, Mar. 28, 1713. Regarding remit- tances for Mrs. Ballard. 2. Letter of Matthew Gregory, Leiden, Oct. 27, 1713. Regarding his study of "Physick" under Mr. Boerhaave, a professor. 4044. Same. Vol. IX. 1714-1717. Selections: 1. Items given in Andrews and Davenport: 63. 2. Letter of Woodes Rogers, May 7, 1716. Regarding his ambitions to promote a settlement on Madagascar. 4045. Same. Vol. X. 1717-1720. Selection: Letter of Francis Rose, Jamaica, Apr. 2, 1720. Introducing Captain Byndloss. 4048. Same. Vol. XIII. 1725-1727. Selections.* 4049. Same. Vol. XIV. 1727-1728. Selections.* 4050. Same. Vol. XV. 1728-1730. Selection: Letter of T [hole in paper] rd [Rev. Thomas Harward, of Boston?] December 22, 1729. Regarding Theriaca. (See Ecletuarium Novum Alexipharmacum, or, a new cordial . . . Theriaca ... by Rev. Thomas Harwood (Boston, 1732)). 4051. Same. Vol. XVI. 1730-1731. Selections: Items given in Andrews and Davenport: 66, as follows: fols. 255, 310, 311, and 313. 4052. Same. Vol. XVII. 1731-1733. Selection: Letter of Richard Tow- ner, Barbadoes, Apr. 30, 1732. Is preparing second edition of his treatise on the diseases in these parts. 4053. Same. Vol. XVIII. 1733-1735. Selections: 1. Letter of James Oglethorpe, Savannah, Sept. 19, 1753. Sends piece of bark. 2. Letter of Walter Tullidelph, Antigua, June 25, 1734. 4055. Same. Vol. XX. 1736-1738. Selections: 1. Fols. 64, 112, 197, 248, given in Andrews and Davenport: 67-68. 2. Letter of William Byrd, Virginia, Aug. 20, 1738. Regarding plants in Virginia, especially ginseng and rattlesnake root, medicinal plants. 3. Letter of Alexander Light, Mooss [Moose] River, James Bay, North America, Aug. 25, 1738. Regarding Eskimos' use of knives and brass buttons. 4056. Same. Vol. XXI. 1738-1741. Selections: 1. Fols. 95, 211, 217, 242, 290, 349, described in Andrews and Daven- port: 68. BRITISH museum: sloane manuscripts 105 2. Letter of John Tennent, London, Dec. 21, 1739. Regarding his dis- covery of the great efficacy of the "Seneka ratle snake root in pleuritick and peripneumonick fevers, epidemical and very mortal in the British colonies". 4057. Same. Vol. XXII. 1740-1744. Selections.* 4058. Same. Vol. XXIII. Undated. B-F. Selection: Note from Col. Byrd, without date, stating that he is sending sassafras berries. 4059. Same. Vol. XXIV. Undated. F-M. Selection: Letter of Stepney Lewis [London?] Jan. 19 [17 — ?]. Is going to settle at Jamaica and requests instructions how to prepare himself for that climate. 4061. Same. Vol. XXVI. Undated. S-W. Selections: 1. Letter of John Tennent, London, Feb. 12 [17 — ?]. Has obtained his health again and hopes to retrieve his character and fortune "lost thro' that which on my side has very little share." 2. Letter of John Tennent [London?] Jan. 24 [17—?]. "My plaintiff now will accept of a lesser sum; so that had I four Guineas, can procure my Liberty, and probably recover my health: Therefore, Sir, if you will . . . advance that sum and send it by the bearer, it will lay me under an everlasting obligation to you, ..." 4062. Same. Vol. XXVII. Undated. W-Y. Selections.* 4063. Same. XXVII. Miscellaneous correspondence. 1700-1704. Selections: 1. Letter from John Dickinson, Bermuda, Apr. 9, 1700, to Mr. Petiver. Is going to send a small collection in two or three weeks. 2. Letter from Wm. Halstead, Charles Town, May 1, 1700, to James Pettifer. Arrived on the 19th of April; bad voyage; news of friends in Carolina; is going to send a collection. 3. Letter from John Dickinson, Bermuda, July 6, 1700, to Mr. Petiver. Disturbance in the Island from a "monstrous governor". 4. Letter from George Francklin, Carolina, July 6, 1700, to Mr. Petever. Lately sent by his brother, Mr. Peter Francklin, some collections of plants and insects; hopes to send more by the next opportunity. 5. Letter from John Dickinson, Bermuda, Jan. 23, 1700, to Mr. Petiver. Thanks him for sending the Monthly Mercury, for July, wishes three or four of the succeeding ones, also some brown paper which is a thing not to be had in the Island. 106 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 6. Letter from George Francklin, Carolina, Dec. 11, 1700, to Mr. Petiver. Has been sick; hopes in the spring to send him a collection of plants and insects. 7. Letter from John Lawson, Bath County on Pampticough River, North Carolina, Apr. 12, 1701. Regarding collection of plants and insects, etc., he is going to send. 8. Letter from Robert Ellis, Carolina, Apr. 23, 1701, to James Pettiver. Is sending collections; enclosing letter of Nathaniel Johnson to Robert Ellis, Silkhope, Feb. 14, 1700. 9. Letter from Thomas Walker, New Providence, Nov. 13, 1701, to James Petiver. Regarding collection of trees, plants, etc., of the country which he has sent to him. 10. Letter from Joseph Lord, Dorchester in Carolina, Jan. 6, 1701/2. Regarding trees and plants of Carolina. 11. Letter from Joseph Lord, Dorchester in Carolina, May 11, 1702. Regarding plants and insects of Carolina. 12. Letter from Robert Ellis, South Carolina, Feb. 3, 1702/3. Has left in hands of Dr. George Franklin collections of plants and butter- flies for him. 4064. Same. Vol. XXIX. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1704-1711. Selections: 1. Items given in Andrews and Davenport: 69. 2. Letter from Robert Ellis [Charles Town] South Carolina, Apr. 25, 1704, to James Pettiver. 3. Letter from Joseph Lord, Dorchester in Carolina, May 3, 1704. Has collected some stones, insects, mosses and other plants to send; makes observations on lizards, beetles, locusts, etc., found in Carolina; asks him to send certain drugs. 4. Letter from Thomas Pinckney, Charlestowne [Charleston, S. C] May 20, 1704. Is sending a box of specimens. 5. Letter from J[torn away], Kingstoun [Kingston] in Jamaica, Feb. 27, 1704/5. Will send specimens of curiosities for his collection. 6. Letter from Joseph Lord, Dorchester in Carolina, Apr. 10, 1705, to James Petiver. In regard to sending specimens of plants, arrowheads, etc. 7. Letter from George Francklin, "Borough off downton" [Borough of Downton, five miles from Salisbury in the county of Wilts] Nov. 24, 1705. Personal items. BRITISH museum: sloane manuscripts 107 8. Letter from Joseph Lord, Dorchester in Carolina, Aug. 7, 1707, to [James Petiver]. In regard to various matters. 9. Letter from Joseph Lord, Dorchester in Carolina, Sept. 1, 1707, to f James Petiver]. Is sending a small box with divers fossils and vege- tables and an insect or two. 10. Letter from Joseph Lord, Dorchester in Carolina, Jan. 2, 1707/8, to [James Petiver]. Is sending a box of collections; a "few reflections upon some part of the Natural History of Brasile". 11. Letter from Richard Peck, Antigua, Oct. 23, 1708/9, to James Petyfor [Petiver]. Sends a bottle with insects; describes his illness. 12. Letter from Thomas Ironsdale, from on board the Benjamin, "[br]ought by Mr. John Smart [sur]geon in Sassafras River, Maryland [ ] 7th, 1708/9. The bearer of this letter is bringing one of his books of "simples". 13. Letter from Joseph Lord, Dorchester in Carolina, Mar. 7, 1708/9, to [James Petiver]. Describes various kinds of birds, insects, etc., of America. 14. Letter from John Lawson, Portsmouth [N. C], Sept. 11, 1709. Thanks him for present of Mr. Rayes book and the Phisick, which root he believes to be excellent in colic; the Palatine children in Carolina die apace, have lost above 40 already. 15. Letter from Joseph Lord, Dorchester in Carolina, Mar. 15, 1710/11* to [James Petiver] . Requests him to send some quires of brown paper for collections and a tractate entitled, Detectiones quaedam de cortice peru- viana, &c. 16. Letter from Charles Bernard, London, June 22, 1711, enclosing copy of letter of John Lawson, North Carolina, dated Dec. 30, 1710, de- scribing the country. 17. Letter from John Lawson, Virginia, July 24, 1711, to James Pettiver. Has sent him specimens of plants. 4065. Same. Vol. XXX. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1711-1726. Selections: 1. Letter from John Douglas, Antigua, Sept. 8, 1712. Is going to send a collection of "curiositys" [plants, insects, etc.]. 2. Letter from Thomas Grigg, Antigua, Oct. 24, 1712, to [James] Pet- tiver. Regarding plants and insects. 3. Letter from John Douglas, Antigua, July 20, 1713. Regarding plants and insects. 108 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 4. Letter from John Douglas, Antigua, Sept. 2, 1713. Regarding plants and shells. 5. Letter from Thomas Greeg [Grigg], Antigua, Aug. 20, 1714. Has sent two books of butterflies, plants, &c. 6. Letter from Rice Fellowe, St. Christophers, Mar. 22, 1715/4 [1714/5] to James Pettiver. Thanks him for letter; has some collections ready to send. 7. Letter from Thomas Grigg, Antigua, May 5, 1715. Sent a box of butterflies, shells and plants. 8. Letter from Rice Fellowe, St. Christopher's, May 15, 1715, to James Pettiver [Petiver]. Is sending a barrel full of the finest shells and a box of rarest plants of the island. 9. Letter from Thomas & Rachell Grigg, Antigua, Mar. 1, 1715/6, to James Pettiver. Have had no answer to letters sent to their sisters in England. 10. Letter from Cotton Mather, Boston, 24th VII mo., 1716, to [James] Pettiver. Describes two agricultural experiments made near Boston; is sending some plants. 4066. Same. Vol. XXXI. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1726-1743, and undated, A-J. Selections: 1. Letter from Prof. Bourquet, Neufchatel in Switzerland, May 25, 1735, to Sir William Thompson of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England. Latin. 2. Letter from John Douglas [of Antigua] [to James Petiver]. [n. d.]. Will send him what he desires [specimens of plants, etc. ?]. 3. Letter from R. [Rachell] Grigg [of Antigua] [to James Petiver]. [n. d.]. In regard to sending plants and other specimens. 4067. Same. Vol. XXXII. Miscellaneous correspondence, undated, K-Y. Selections: 1. Letter from John Lawson [London] to James Pettiver. [n. d.]. 2. Letter from Leonard Plukenett [Plunkett] to Col. Byrd "a little before he went to Virginia". (Wm. Byrd, II. was in England from 1697 until the death of his father (Dec. 4, 1704) when he returned to Virginia; letter written in December 1704, or in 1705 ?). 3. Letter from Samuel Sewall [Boston] to Dr. Nehemiah Grew, in Lon- don. Parts of letter faded out; no place or date (upper right hand corner of letter is faded out). See Andrews and Davenport: 70. 4068. Same. Vol. XXXIII. Drafts of letters. Selection.* : British museum: sloane manuscripts 109 1069. Same. Vol. XXXIV. Drafts of letters. Selections: 1 . Draft of letter from Sir Hans Sloane to Dr. John Bartram, acknowl- edging curiosities, and saying he would like samples of seeds. 2. Draft of letter from Sir Hans Sloane, undated; no addressee given. Acknowledges receipt of a letter and books; will forward the book he sent for the Royal Society; has made up the "last Transaction for you & Mr. Klein in a packet to go by the first Vessel". 1070. Catalogues of plants. Selections.* 1072. Catalogues of plants. Selections: 1. Paper endorsed "An accompt of plants and seeds sent from Barbados by James Wier, 1696." 2. Plants in Barbados. Gives names by which they are called there. 1076. Medical cases. Selection: Letter of William Lotton [Jamaica] Apr. 14, 1692, to Dr. Hans Sloane. 1078. Medical cases. Selection: Letter of Henry Fuller, Jamaica, Aug. 21, 1690, to Dr. Hans Sloane. ADDITIONAL CHARTERS yols. 5976, 13585, 15568, 26400, 26404. For description, see Andrews and Davenport: 71. BRIEFS OR CHURCH BRIEFS Letters patent to authorize collection of alms for restoring ;hurches destroyed by fire or for similar purposes. For de- icription, see Andrews and Davenport: 71-72. The Library )f Congress has copies of the only two items relating to the :olonies found in the collection. 3. II. 9. Brief in support of the college in Philadelphia; and of the college in New York. 2 George III. Aug. 19, 1761. Photostats. i. VI. 8. Briefs in support of sufferers by the great fire in Montreal. 6 George III. July 2, 1766. Photostats. ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 2 * The Additional Manuscripts beginning with those acquired n 1836 are catalogued in a series of volumes issued quin- 14 See footnote 17. 110 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY quennially. See page 84 for enumeration of these catalogues. The Library of Congress has selections, consisting of Ameri- can items, as indicated below. 4082, 4083A, 4083B, 4083C. Georgius Josephus Camellus. Letters and drawings of plants, etc., from the Philippine Islands. Photostats. 4107. Selection: Art. 167. Account of Gen. Braddock's defeat — letter dated Williamsburg, July 22, 1755, without addressee and unsigned. Photostats. 4157. Selections: 1 . Report of the Council of Barbados on the suit between Robert Crow- ley and John Johnson, Oct. 16, 1665. 2. Instructions from Don Peter de Bayona, Governor of Cuba, to Sergeant Major John de los Reyes in his restoration of Jamaica, and extracts of several letters, 1657. Photostats. 4164. State letters and papers. Selection: Extract of a letter of Lieutenant William Jacobs of the Success, Capt. Rous, Halifax, Sept. 30, 1755, to Spilman [Spellman], giving an account of America.* 4275. Letters of Divines. Selections.* 4279. Dr. Pell's letters and papers. Selection.* 4432. Papers relating to the Royal Society. Vol. I. Selections: 1 . Remarks on the Journal of Batts and Fallam in their discovery of the western parts of Virginia in 1671. By John Mitchell. Photostats. 2. A journal from Virginia beyond the Apallachian Mountains in Sept. 1671, sent to the Royal Society by Mr. Clayton, & read Aug. 1, 1688 before the said Society (Journal of Thomas Batts, Thomas Woods and Robert Fallam). Transcripts. 3. Letter from Isaac Greenwood, Cambridge [Mass.] Dec. 8, 1730, to . Regarding an "inscription on the rock in Taunton River, with two drawings. Copied June 15, 1732." Transcripts; photo- graphs of drawings. 4. Letter from Isaac Greenwood, Cambridge [Mass.] Apr. 28, 1732, to John Eames, Fellow of the Royal Society, London. Perceives that a packet sent upwards of a year since containing a report relating to the inscription on the rock at Taunton miscarried; is sending a copy of the same (no. 3 above). Transcripts and photostats (duplicates). 4435. Same. Vol. IV. Selection.* BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 111 4437. Same. Vol. VI. Selections: 1. Item given in Andrews and Davenport: 73. Transcript. 2. Letter from the Revd. Mr. John Clayton, afterwards dean of Kildare in Ireland, to Dr. Grer [?] 1687, giving observations regarding Vir- ginia. Photostats. 5138. Debates in Parliament, 1654-1658. Selection.* 5270. Representations of West Indians, Groenlanders, birds, fishes and plants. By John White. Complete. Photostats. 5489. Papers of the Hill family. Selections: Fols. 39, 41, and 85, described in Andrews and Davenport: 74. 5540. Letters and papers of John Cary, merchant of Bristol. Selections: 1. Fols. 59-82, 83-96, described in Andrews and Davenport: 75. 2. Letters from John Cary to [the Commissioners of Customs] Feb. 21 and Mar. 11, 95 [1695], regarding duties on fish and oil imported by Englishmen in English ships from English settlements in Newfoundland, with opinions of Thomas Trevor, attorney general, on the case. 3. Reasons for repealing the statute for distilling on corne, by John Cary, 1691. 4. Activities of Bristol merchants in securing benefits for the Plantation trade (recommendations of the Merchants Hall of Bristol, etc.). 5. A letter to a member of Parliament concerning a Committee of Trade, written by Simon Clements, merchant, 1696. 5829. Collections of various kinds. Vol. XXVIII. Bequeathed by Rev. W. Cole. Selection.* 5847. Same. Vol. XLVI. Bequeathed by Rev. W. Cole. Selection.* 6058. Account of Bahama Islands. [By William Wylly]. Apr. 30, 1788. This manuscript was privately printed in London, 1789. Copy in Library of Congress. F1656.W98. 6190. Correspondence of the Society for the Encouragement of Learning. 1736-1745. Selections.* 6194. Collection relating to Gresham College. Selections.* 6394. Boswell papers. Vol. I. Relative to the English church in the Netherlands, 1600-1648. Selections: 1. Items described in Andrews and Davenport: 76. 2. Letter from Alexander Browne to William Boswell, Rotterdam, Aug. 7/17, 1633. Giving information regarding the publication in Rotter- 112 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY dam of William Ames's A fresh suit against ceremonies and about Hugh Peter. 3. Same to same, Rotterdam, Nov. 1, 1633. Regarding the farewell sermon preached by Mr. Peter at Delft and the Covenant which he made and "unless wee all subscribe to this his Covenant wee shall not be admitted to the lords Table . . ." 4. Same to same, Dec. 13, 1633. Regarding Mr. Peter. 5. Letter from Stephen Goffe to William Boswell (English ambassador at The Hague) Amsterdam, Feb. 1 5/25, 1 633/4. Regarding Mr. Daven- port who is about to visit him (». e . William Boswell) in regard to the attack made upon him (Davenport) by the Archbishop of Canterbury for his preaching since he went to Holland. 6. Same to same, Leyden, Mar. 9, 1634. Regarding John Davenport. 7. Same to same, The Hague, Apr. 7/17, 1634. Regarding John Daven- port. 8. Copy of letter from the Governor, deputy assistants and fellowship of Merchants Adventurers of England, to Mr. George Beaumont, chaplain of the Fellowship of Merchants Adventurers of England residing in Rotterdam. Nov. 18, 1642. Displacing him as chaplain. 9. Letter from William Boswell to Sir Thomas Row, The Hague, Jan. 2/12, 1642/3. Regarding George Beaumont, preacher to the Merchants Adventurers at Rotterdam. 6807. Mitchell papers. Vol. IV. Sir A. Mitchell's letters on public business, 1757-1759. Selection.* Regarding the surrender of Louis- burg, 1758. 6816. Same. Vol. XIII. Lord Holdernesse's despatches &c. 1758. Selection: The Earl of Holdernesse to Mr. Mitchell, Whitehall, Aug. 18, 1758. Regarding the surrender of Louisbourg on the 27th of July. 6825. Same. Vol. XXII. Letters from various persons. 1757-1762. Selection: Letter from Robert Keith to Mr. Mitchell, St. Petersburg, Sept. 19, 1758. Capture of Louisburg and comments (in cipher) regarding the war in Russia. 8133B. Selections.* 8133C. Revenue of customs. Selections (1763-1777).* 8829. Gross and net produce of all branches of the revenue. 1719-1742.* Photostats. 8830. Complete state of all branches of the revenue. 1710-1742.* Photostats. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 113 8831. List of commissioners and officers of His Majesty's customs. 1744. Selection: List of the officers ... in the Plantations.* 8832. Opinions of counsel in customs cases. 1708-1717. Vol. I. Selec- 8833. Same. Vol. II. 1717-1724. Selections.* 8955. Journal of a voyage to the Pacific, by Lieut. James Burney. 1776- 1780. Photostats. 9344. Letters to George Jackson (deputy secretary of the Admiralty). 1764-1790. Selections: 1. Two letters from Lord Chatham, Hayes, July 29, 1774, wishing to be informed as often as any ship is to go from the Admiralty to New York or Quebec; Nov. 8, 1774, wishing to be informed of any news regarding the arrival of Gen. Carleton at Quebec. 2. Four letters from Admiral G. B. Rodney, Gibraltar, Jan. 28, 1780, regarding the success of the squadron; New York, Oct. 12, 1780, and Sandy Hook, Nov. 12, 1780, regarding various naval matters; Bath, Oct. 19, 1781, regarding Graves's action off the Chesapeake. 3. Three letters from Capt. J. Jervis, Portsmouth, Mar. 14 and May 24, 1782, and undated. Regarding various naval matters. 4. Four letters from Lord Sandwich, Jan. 10, 1776, Dec. 27 and 30, 1777, and Aug. 20, 1780. Regarding an order for detaining the crew of an American privateer, and other naval matters. 9345. Selections: Sketches made in Cook's first voyage in the Endeavour. 1768-1771. Photostats. 9747. Papers and letters relative to the English dominions in America. 1698-1705. Selections.* 9764. Papers relating to shipping and trade. 1664-1702. Selections: 1. Items given in Andrews and Davenport: 80-81 (except fol. 74). 2. Abstract of the report from the Custom House to the Lords of the Committee, Dec. 15, 1692 [annexed]. 3. Testimonial of Peter Beckford, lieutenant governor and commander in chief of Jamaica certifying Jonathan Hall, master of the sloop Seaflower, subject of the Queen of England [etc.], St. Jago de la Vega, Sept. 15, 1702. 9767. Entries relating to the establishment and accompts of the Committee for Trade and Plantations. 1674-1688.* Complete. Photostats. 9768. Same. 1689-1696.* Complete. Photostats. 114 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 9828. Original letters. (Bequeathed by John Wilmot). Selections: 1. Note of Gov. Pownall to Sir Eardley Wilmot, July 22, 1773, stating that there is a difference of opinion "whether lands granted in America can be resumed and regranted upon bare suggestion that the conditions have not been complied with and without any local inquest". Trans- cript. 2. George Washington to William Franklin, Headquarters, July 25, 1777. L. S. 3. George Washington to Mrs. [Mary] Bristow [Spring Garden, London], dated Mount Vernon, Virginia, June 15, 1784. A. L. S. 4. George Washington to Mrs. [Mary] Bristow [Spring Garden, London], dated Mount Vernon, June 2, 1786. L. S. Photostats (Nos. 2-4). 10119. Papers relative to trade, revenue, etc. Vol. I. 1618-1700. Selec- tions: Fols. 100, 166, 166b, and 215, described in Andrews and Davenport: 81. 10120. Same. Vol. II. 1689-1700. Selection.* 10122. A particular of the respective Ayds granted yearly by Parliament, from the 5th of November 1688, with a particular state of the Receipts and Issues of the Publick Revenue, Taxes & Loans during the Reigne of his late Majesty King William, from the 5th of November, 1688 . . . to the 25th of March, 1702. Complete. Photostats. 10131. Deeds relating to lands in the Bermudas, 1673.* Complete. 10402. Brief discourse concerning the trade, bullion and money of England. Addressed to the Protector Cromwell.* Complete. Photostats. 10453. Treasury papers. Vol. I. 1703-1713. Selections: Fols. 28 and 42, described in Andrews and Davenport: 82. 10615. A volume of letters in shorthand from Sir Nathaniel Rich, commis- sioner for the Somers Islands, Sir Robert Rich, Earl of Warwick, gover- nor of the Somers Islands Company, and William Jessop, clerk of the Council of state under Cromwell and secretary of the Company for Providence Island (in the Caribbean). "Letters of the Virginia Company." 1633-1641.* Complete. Photostats. 11038. Collection of papers, including specimens of writing in European characters by Taddesee or Saganee Indians, in Eastern Canada, with translations; specimen of writing by native Indians of Newfoundland. Complete. Photostats. 11268. Miscellaneous papers. Selections.* BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 115 11286. Establishments of His Majesty's land forces in Great Britain, Ireland, Minorca, Gibraltar and the Plantations. 1733. Complete. Photostats. 11308. Selection: A state of the ordnance as it stands mounted and pointed on the several batterys of His Majesty's city of Gibraltar, [n. d.]. Photostat. 11409. Papers relating to St. Christopher's, 1666-1674.* Complete. 11410. Papers relating to the West Indies. 1654-1682.* Complete. 11411. Thomas Povey's register of letters relating to the West Indies. 1655-1660.* Complete. 11514. Memorial to Lord Halifax on North America. Memorial on trade, enclosed in letter of Henry McCulloh to Lord Halifax, dated London, Dec. 10, 1756. Complete. 11602. R. Gibson's collections on the navy. Selection.* 11663b. Agricultural memoranda in handwriting of George Washington. Transcript and photostats (duplicates). 11759. Autograph letters. 1550-1825. Selection.* 11813. Admiralty orders to Capt. Wm. Parry, 1747-1760. Selection.* 12098. Autographs of Oliver Cromwell and others. ' Selection.* 12099. Autographs of modern statesmen and others. Selections: 1. George Washington to Mrs. [Patricia] Wright, Mount Vernon, Jan. 30, 1785. A. L. S. 2. George Washington to the Earl of Buchan, Philadelphia, Apr. 22, 1793. A. L. S. Photostats. 12423. Journal of Col. Edward Doyley in Jamaica. 1657-1662.* Com- plete. 12437. Proposal for settling on the Isthmus of Darien, releasing the natives from the tyranny of Spain and throwing open the trade of South Amer- ica to all nations. Addressed to George I. 1701. Complete. 12438. Three trade tracts by Edward Long. Selection: Origin of the Board of Trade. Written by Edward Long, governor of Jamaica, about 1773. 12440. Official correspondence (originals) of ministers of state and others with Sir Henry Moore, governor of New York, 1763-1769. Letters from the Earl of Egremont, H. S. Conway, Francis Fauquier, Benning Wentworth, the Duke of Richmond, the Earl of Shelburne, Capt. 116 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Joseph Williams, Antonio Bucarely y Ursua, governor of Havana, and the Earl of Hillsborough. Complete. 12496. Papers collected by Sir Julius Caesar, judge of the High Court of Admiralty and Master of the Rolls. Selections: Fols. 121, 357, 448, 454, 458, 462, and 464-473, described in Andrews and Davenport: 87-88. Also fols. 383-384: "Epitaphiall verses upon the death of young Mr. [Thomas] Washington, Prince Charles' page, in Spain, 1623." Photostats. 12505. Papers collected by Sir Julius Caesar, chiefly relating to Admiralty affairs. Selection: "A brieffe platform for a voyadge with three shippes into the iland of Ramea, in Canada, to leave inbabitauntes which shall keepe the iland to her Majestie's use, as allso forbid the Frenchmen from the trade of fishinge in that place", by Charles Leigh. October 4, 1597. 13555. Report on the private trade between Europe, America, and Bengal, from June 1, 1796 to May 31, 1802. By Joseph Brown. Photostats. 13879. Reports on the state of tbe islands of Grenada, St. Vincent, Dom- inica, and Guadeloupe. 1763-1765. Transcripts and photostats (duplicates) . 13972. "State of the colony of Newfoundland, 1744." Three documents, as described in Andrews and Davenport: 89. The printed "Considera- tions on the trade to Newfoundland" by Thomas Thompson, 1711, has not been transcribed. 13974. Copies of official reports, narratives, letters, and other papers of the 17th and 18th centuries, relating to Spanish America. Selection: Estado que manifiesta las fuerzas de tierra, y Mar; Artilleria, Muni- ciones de Guerra &c con que ha capitulado la Isla de Providencia y sus adyacentes en 8 de Mayo de 1782. Endorsed: Efectos que habia en la Isla de Providencia. 13976. Papeles varios de Indias. Selections.* 13977. Papeles varios de Indias. Selection.* 14002. A collection of state papers (chiefly copies) in Spanish. Selection: Paper on disturbances in Manila, 1668-1669. Photostats. 14027. Papers of Sir Julius Caesar, relating to Admiralty cases. Selection.* Photostats. 14034. Papers of the Board of Trade relating to the West Indies, America, Africa, and the Canaries. 1696-1786. Selections: All American and West Indian items. See Andrews and Davenport: 90. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 117 14035. Papers of the Board of Trade and Plantations. 1710-1781. Selec- tion: All American and West Indian items. 14038-14039. Papers regarding the conduct of Vice Admiral Samuel Graves during the period that he held command of His Majesty's naval force in North America, 1774-1776. Complete. 14821. Particular state, etc., of the public revenues, 1688-1710.* Photo- stats. 14936. Miscellaneous collections, by Richard Morris. Selection: Instruc- tions for collecting natural curiosities in America [18th century].* 14957. Papers and correspondence of Edward Charles. Selection: Letter (Mar. 23, 1791) concerning a colony of Welsh Indians in America. Photostats. 15191. Narrative of a tour up the river Madeira, in Brazil, begun 25 Sept. 1749, with a map sketched with the pen. Photostats. 15483. Lists of councils in North America, 1703-1711.* 15484. Ports, districts, and towns of America. About 1700.* 15485. Exports and imports of North America. 1768-1769.* 15486. Papers relating to Massachusetts. 1720-1724.* 15487. Papers relating to the boundary line of Massachusetts and Con- necticut. 1735-1754.* 15488. Papers relating to the case of the Kennebec River, Maine. 1752— 1762.* 15489. New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, etc.* Complete. 15491. Papers relating to Canada [17711.* 15492. Expedition to Newfoundland. 1697. 15493. Observations on Newfoundland. By Dr. Gardner.* 15508. Drawings of Cook's first voyage. 1768-1770. Photostats. 15513-15514. Drawings by J. Webber of Cook's third voyage 1777- 1779. Photostats. 15556. Abstracts of titles, etc. 1687-1800. Selection.* 15640. Articles and orders of the Company of Adventurers to the Bahama Islands, 1672. Complete. Photostats. 15716. A journal of a voyage to the South Seas, on board the brig Tula, of 148 tons, under the command of Capt. John Biscoe, r. n., with the cutter Lively in company . . . from July, 1830, to January, 1833; with drawings of headlands. Complete. Photostats. 118 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 15741. Observations of the Master of the St. Ann, in a voyage to the West Indies, in 1762; with views of headlands, and charts of Funchal Road, Carlisle Bay in Barbados, and Platform Bay in Hispaniola. Journal of the Argo, from Madras to China and the Cape of Good Hope, with charts of Batavia Road, and of St. Augustine's Bay, in Madagascar. 1763-1767. Photostats. 15743. A collection of large drawings made by William Hodges, during the second voyage of Capt. Cook, in 1772-1774. Photostats. 15857. Original letters, official and private, forming part of the corre- spondence of Sir Richard Browne (ambassador to France and one of the clerks of the Privy Council), and his son-in-law, John Evelyn, Esq. 1626-1712. Statesmen, warriors and miscellaneous. Vol. I. A-G. Selections.* 15858. Same. Vol. II. Selection.* Photostat. 15874. Official diplomatic correspondence of James Dayrolle, English resident at The Hague, 1706-1712, 1717-1738, and at Geneva, 1715- 1717; as also of his nephew, Solomon Dayrolle, resident at The Hague and Brussels, 1747 to 1757. Selection: "Narrative of what has passed upon the river Ohio, August, 1753, to July, 1754." Engagements with the French, etc. 15895. Original correspondence and official papers of Lawrence Hyde, Viscount Hyde and Earl of Rochester, and Henry Hyde (his brother) second Earl of Clarendon, between the years 1675 and 1709. Vol. IV. Correspondence of the Earl of Rochester from 1688 to 1705, and Papers relating to Edward, Lord Cornbury, his son (afterwards Earl of Clarendon) whilst governor of New York, 1701-1709. Selections.* 15896. Same. Vol. V. Revenue and customs. 1679-1705. Selections.* 15898. Same. Vol. VII. Miscellaneous, political, and other papers. Selections.* 15903. Letters and papers, mostly original, relating chiefly to the county of Norfolk, and generally, to public events, between 1557 and 1732. Selection.* 15945. Original letters and autographs of foreign statesmen and others. 1498 to 1830. Vol. II. 1719-1830. Selection.* 15948. Original correspondence of the Evelyn family, of Wotton, county Surrey, from 1634 to 1824. Vol. I. Selections.* 16603. Letters of Major Pierce Butler, of Charleston, South Carolina. 1784-1799.* Complete. Photostats. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 119 17018. Hyde papers. A collection of miscellaneous state papers and letters, relating to English affairs, 1675 to 1728. Vol. I. Selections.* 17019. Same. Vol. II. Selection.* 17476. Papers collected by Adam Anderson for his Origin of commerce, 1764. Selections.* 17482. "Giornale del Viaggio da Londra a Petersbourg nel vascello The Augusta di Mylord Baltimore nel mese di Maggio", 1739, by Count Francesco Algarotti. Complete. Photostats. 17560. "Miscelanea [Geografica], America Septentrional." Complete. 1. Diario y Derrotero de los nuevos descubrimientos de tierras, a los rumbos N.N. E.E. O.E. del nuevo Mexico, por los RR. PP. Fr. Silvestre Velez Escalante y Fr. Francisco Atanasio Dominguez. 1776- 1777. 2. Diario que formo el P. Fr. Francisco Garces del Orden de San Fran- cisco, . . . de el Viage que . . . hizo en el ano de 1775, acompanado del Teniente Coronel Don Juan Bautista de Ansa, y el R. P. Fr. Pedro Font al Rio Colorado, desde donde paso el citado Padre Garces a Visitar las Naciones de Yndios que habitan en dicho Rio y el de Xila . . . 1775-1776. 3. Diario que forma el P. Fr. Pedro Font, . . . del viage que hizo a Monterey, y Puerto de San Francisco, en compafiia de . . . Don Juan Bautista de Ansa. 1777. Translation in Anza's California expeditions. Vol. III. Ed. by Herbert E. Bolton (Berkley, 1930), 206-307. 4. Derrotero y Relacion hecha a S. M. en el ano de 1777, por el R. P. Fr. Pedro Font . . . del viage que en el de 1775 hizo por el Rio Colorado hasta el Mogui, en que manifiesta las observaciones astronomicas y demas noticias adquiridas de todos aquellos parages. Photostats. 17566. Mexico. Tratados varios. Complete. 1 . Derrotero de la Jornada que hizo el General Alonso de Leon para el descubrimiento de la Bahia del Espiritu Santo y Poblacion de Franceses, ano de 1689. 2. Documents concerning missions in and missionary expeditions into Texas, 1691-1718. 3. Diario que hizo el P. F. Gaspar de Solis en la visita que hizo de las Misiones de la provincia de los Texas, de orden de su guardian y Directorio del Colegio de N. S. de Guadalupe de la ciudad de Zaca- tecas, el ano de 1767. 120 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 4. Proyecto que Don Juan Garcia Conde hace a S. M. de la facil y corta Navegacion del Peru a los Puertos de teguantepeque y Vera Cruz . . . Mexico. 29 de Noviembre de 1736. 5. Relacion de las Poblaciones que tienen los Yngleses en la Costa de Honduras, perjuicio que causan a las Espanolas con la union delos Yndios, y mcdo de desalojarlos por Don Pedro de Garaycoechea. Afio de 1746. 6. Traduction del capitulo 21 [-26] Nova Mexicana lib. 6. pay. 309 [-315] de la obra intitulada Novus Orbis, seu descriptionis Indies Occidentalis escrita en el idioma Latino por Juan Laet. Antuerp. 7. Descripcion que hizo al afio de 1744 el Yngeniero Ordinario Don Luis Diez Navarro del Reyno y Provincias de Goatemala con motivo de la Visitay reconocimiento que de el practico; que para mas breve y facil comprehension de qualquien noticia contiene por el Yndice de capitulos los puntos de que trata. Photostats. 17569. Mexico. Tratados varios. Selections: 1. Oficio del Sr. Regis Loisel al Marques de Casa Calvo, sobrelos Indios, inmediatos a la Luisiana. May 28, 1804. 2. Memorial de lo que promete el Continente y felicisimo Clima de la Nueva Orleans en America en fabor del Comercio a S. M. C. que Dios guarde, del Capitan Don Francisco de Hombrados. May 16, 1763. 3. Noticias del Rio Colorado. Mexico. Oct. 14, 1750. Transcripts. 17570. Mexico. Tratados varios. Selection: Extracto, de la Descripcion Politica y Geografica de las Provincias de Campeche y Yucatan hecha en el afio de 1766 por D. F. X. de C. por orden del Seficr D. Josef de Galvez. Merida, Julio 12 de 1766. Transcript. 17583. Miscellanea. Tomo IX. Selections: 1. Medios que Don Alonso de Arcos Moreno propuso para recuperar la ysla de Jamaica; evitar el comercio ilicito, que al abrigo de su Puerto cometen los Ingleses en Tierrafirme. e Islas de Barlovento. 1747. 2. Relacion de el descubrimiento que se hizo en la mar del Sur, desde el Puerto de Acapulco, hasta mas adelante del Cavo Mendosino, su Author El P. Fr. Antonio de la Ascension. Mexico. 12 de Octubre de 1620. Expedition of 1602, 1603. 3. Derroteros desde Panama por toda la costa hasta Valdivia . . . De las Philipinas desde el Puerto de Acapulco hasta Manila, desde el Puerto del Callao para Panama ... y la derrota de Panama hasta el BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 121 Puerto de Acapulco, que es la Costa de Nicaragua y de Nueva-Espana. Transcripts. 17626. Viage de Hernando de la Torre a las islas de Maluco. 1525-1528. Journal by Hernando de la Torre, of the expedition to the Philippine Islands under command of Fray Garcia Jofre de Loaysa . . . Copy of a MS. at the Archivo General de Simancas. Complete. Photostats. 17637. Geographical collection made by D. Felipe Bauza. Complete. 1 . Posiciones de la America Meridional y Septentrional geograficas. 2. Situaciones geograficas de varias partes por varios Capitanes y Pilotos de la Marina Real Britannica. 3. Tables pour la reduction de 1' Almanach Nautique de Grenewich a Cadiz . . . Photostats. 17638. Collection of Spanish documents (papeles varios) made by D. Felipe Bauza. 1. Derrotero de las costas de Bretaha, Normandia, Picardia, hasta Flandes, y de la de Ynglaterra, Manga de Bristol y Sant Jorge, y parte de la Costa de Yrlanda. Lisbon. Mar. 3, 1588. 2. Memoria sobre la renta del Escusado en Yslas Canarias. 1819. 3. Algunas noticias sobre el Golfo de Bengala, Descripcion de la Embocadura del Rio Hoogly, i otros parages de la Costa. By Alonso de la Riva. 4. Monzones en la India Oriental. By Alonso de la Riva. 5. Derrota de Cadiz a Filipinas. By Alonso de la Riva. 1816. 6. Derrota de Filipinas a Cadiz. By Alonso de la Riva. 1816. Photostats. 17639. Collection of Spanish documents made by D. Felipe Bauza. Noticia historica de los Morteros y Obuses-morteros fundidos en Sevilla con el objeto a bombardear a la Plaza de Cadiz en 1810 y 1811; et del resultado de las pruevas verificadas al intento. Photostats. 17640. Collection of Spanish documents made by D. Felipe Bauza. Observaciones de los cometas aparecidos en los anos de 1807, 1811, y 1815, y de un Eclipse de Luna en Nov. de 1807, hechas por D. Jose Joaquin de Ferrer, . . ., en la Havana. Bilbao. 30 de Marzo de 1817. Photostats. 17748. Dockets of patents, commissions, pardons, etc., passed in the Clerk of the Crown's Office; 30 Car. II— 1 William and Mary. Selections.* 122 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 17749-17754. Accounts of the public revenue and loans from 1688 to 1696.* Complete. Photostats. 17756-17759. Accounts of the incomes and issues of the revenue from 1688 to 1703. Complete. Photostats. 18046-18051. Series of volumes relating to revenue and customs, begin- ning in some cases as early as 1673 and continuing till 1742.* Com- plete. Photostats. 18206. Copies of reports and letters of Sir Leoline Jenkins, judge of the High Court of Admiralty, relative to the cases brought before the court from April 1672, to Feb. 1679/80. Selection.* 18270. Collections for a History of Jamaica, by Edward Long. 18th century. Complete. Photostats. 18271. Drafts of a discourse on the subject of slavery in Jamaica, by Edward Long. 18th century. Complete. Photostats. 18272. Collections relating to the slave trade, consisting of evidence of merchants given in the years 1775-1788. Complete. Photostats. 18274. A review of "Observations on the commerce of the American states" [by John Holroyd, Lord Sheffield]. By Edward Long. 1784. Com- plete. 18286. Papers relating to the disturbances at Manila, and death of the governor of the Philippines, Don Fernando Manuel de Bustillo Busta- mente y Rueda, in the year 1719. Spanish. Complete. Photostats. 18389. Original letters, etc. Selection: Original despatch of Admiral Benbow to William Blathwayt, secretary at war. Jamaica. Sept. 24, 1702. Reporting action off Santa Martha. 18683. Copy of correspondence of Archibald Hutcheson, of the Middle Temple, with William Mathews, governor of the Leeward Islands, and others, relative to the claims of Robert Cunningham upon property bequeathed to him in Montserrat and St. Christopher's, Sept. 28, 1733-May 22, 1734. Complete. 18738. Original letters and documents. Selection: George III. Remarks on conduct of the war from Canada. "In the King's own hand- writing." [1776]. Photostats. 18959-18963. Collections relating to Jamaica, by Edward Long; consist- ing of letters, petitions, proceedings of the Assembly, information relating to the sugar manufacture, meteorological observations, and other papers, originals and copies. 18th century. 5 vols. Complete. Photostats. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 123 18986. Original papers relative to the Navy Office, 1644-1699. Selec- tions.* 19038. Miscellaneous papers, 1619-1786. Selections.* 19049. Papers relating to Nova Scotia, etc. Selections.* Transcripts; also photostats of fols. 7-1 Ob. 19069-19076. Papers relating to Nova Scotia. 19069. Register of letters of Colonel Paul Mascarene, commander-in- chief of Nova Scotia, to officers under his command, with general orders, etc., 1735-1757; and a few other papers relating to the province. 19070. Volume consisting of: 1. Memorial of Capt. Paul Mascarene, commander of Annapolis Fort, to Gen. Francis Nicholson, commander-in-chief of Nova Scotia, setting forth an account of occurrences at Annapolis Royal, where he commanded, from Nov. 1710 to Sept. 1711, dated Boston, 6 Nov. 1713, with enclosures. 2. Two other memorials of the same, Boston, 30 Nov. 1713 and 20 Feb. 1713/14. 3. Register of letters of same as engineer-in-chief of Nova Scotia, to the Board of Ordnance, 10 Dec. 1719-11 May 1725. 4. Extracts of Minutes of the Council of the province of Nova Scotia, under Col. Mascarene, president and commander-in-chief, with letters and orders, 9 Jan. 1745/6-15 Jan. 1746/7. Complete. Photostats. 19071. Collections by Dr. Andrew Brown relating to the province of Nova Scotia. 1720-1791. 1. Register of the correspondence of Major Paul Mascarene, engineer- in-chief, 1720-1725. 2. Letter-book of the same, when governor of the province, 1742-1753. 3. Copies of Minutes of the Council of Nova Scotia, March-May 1744. 4. Seven letters concerning the Acadians (letters, etc., of William Shirley, governor of Massachusetts, and Gen. Richard Philipps, governor of Nova Scotia, 1746-1751) described in Andrews and Davenport: 103-104. 5. Copies of official letters to Major Mascarene, 1747-1749. 6. Three acts of a drama by the same, with copies of letters, 1748, 1749. 7. General notes on Nova Scotia, 1726-1790. 124 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 8. Quit rents paid by the Acadians, 1743-1754. 9. Notice of the career of Mons. Pichou [alias Thomas Tyrell] . French. 10. Original instructions of Sir W. Cotterell to Lieut. Pernette, 28 Aug. 1755. 1 1 . Copy of petition of Ferdinando John Paris to the Home Govern- ment, representing grievances of the freeholders of Halifax, with other papers, April, 1757. 12. Treaty concluded with Paul Laurent, chief of the La Heve tribe of Indians, March 1760. 13. Description of several towns in Nova Scotia, 1763. 14. Letters of Jacques Robins of Miramichy, 1763, 1764. 15. Original petition of the Acadians to the Governor of the province, Aug. 1763. 16. State and condition of Nova Scotia, 29 Oct. 1763. 17. Memorial of the inhabitants of King's County and Windsor, that the Acadians may remain, April 1765, in the handwriting of Judge Isaac Deschamps. 18. Memorials of the Dissenters in Nova Scotia, 18 April, 1769, 3 Sept. 1788. 19. Papers on the state of the defences of Nova Scotia, drawn up by Lieut. Ferguson, 1779. 20. "A sketch of the province of Nova Scotia", 1782, by Judge Des- champs. 21. Two original letters of the Rev. Hugh Graham, relative to the life of Alderman Brook Watson, M. P., and to the habits of the Acad- ians, etc., March [?] and Sept. 9, 1791. 22. Two original letters of Alderman Brook Watson, 1 July, 12 Aug., 1791. 23. Notes, by Mr. Fraser of Miramichi, of the removal of the Acadians. 24. Account of the Acadian colony, by Moses de le Dernier. 25. Copy of oath of allegiance, 22 Nov. 1780, with letter of Capt. William Shaw, 28 Nov. 1764. Photostats. 19072. Collections by Dr. Andrew Brown relating to Nova Scotia. Consisting of: BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 125 1 . Copies of reports of the surveyor-general, Charles Morris, on the settlement of the province, 1753-1756. 2. Extracts from correspondence between the Board of Trade and governors, 1751-1754. 3. Papers of Colonel Charles Lawrence, governor, 1753, 1754, etc., noted by Dr. A. Brown. Photostats. 19073. Collections by Dr. Andrew Brown relating to Nova Scotia. Selections: 1 . Copy of commission to the Hon. Edward Cornwallis, governor of the province, 1749. 2. Copy of the journal of Anthony Casteel, while prisoner with the Indians, 1753. 3. Copies of papers relating to Sieur Pychou alias Tyrell, a French Canadian spy, 1754-1755. 4. Copies of various papers relating to the removal of the Acadians, 1754-1756. 5. Copies of the first despatch of Chief Justice Belcher, as president of the Council of Nova Scotia, 1760, with instructions to him from the Home Government, 3 March, 1761. 6. Copy of a despatch of the Hon. Montague Wilmot, governor of the province, 10 Dec. 1763. 7. Extracts of letters of Lieut. Frederic de Diemar, regarding the dis- position of France towards America, 1777; and copies of documents relating to the bishopric of Nova Scotia, 1787. 8. Original letters of Judge Isaac Deschamps, with copies of papers relating to the Acadians, 1789-1790. 9. Observations on the progress of agriculture in Nova Scotia, by Moses de le Dernier; and original letter of Pere Manach, 4 March, 1763. 10. Copy of grant from James I. to William Alexander, of Nova Scotia, 1621. Photostats. 19074. Journals of meteorological observations made at Halifax, Nova Scotia, in the years 1776-1794, with a few notes of occurrences, ascribed to Lieut. Ferguson, son of Dr. Adam Ferguson, and to Judge Morris. Photostats. 19075-19076. Rough draft of a history of Nova Scotia by Dr. Andrew Brown. Photostats. 126 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 19293-19298. Papers relating to the Philippines. 19293. Authenticated abstract of thirty official journals of as many voyages from the Philippine Islands to New Spain, made in the years 1699-1740; from originals in the public archives in Manila, 22 Nov. 1742. At the end are maps of estates of religious communities in Manila, 1699. Spanish. Photostats. 19294. Extracts in English from the preceding paper [by Alexander Dalrymple, hydrographer to the East India Company ?]. Photostats. 19295. A description of the Philippine Islands, with account of their climate, natural productions, the navigations, etc., compiled from Spanish authors and official papers by Admiral Sir Hyde Parker. 18th century. Photostats. 19296. Description of the coasts, ports, islands, shoals, soundings and appearances of land, from the Bay of Marivalez [in Luzon] to Cape Engano, dated Port of Bangui, September 1740. Translated from the Spanish of Don Manuele Correa, by Admiral Sir Hyde Parker. Photo- stats. 19297. "Of the embocadero and track of the galeon to Manila" [from the Marianna Islands], translated from the Cronica di S. Gregorio, by Admiral Sir Hyde Parker. "A description of the coast from Cape Mendocino to Acapulco [Mexico], by the Admiral Don Joseph Gonsalez Cabrera Bueno", translated by Admiral Sir Hyde Parker. 17th century. Photostats. 19298. "Plan of an expedition for the conquest of the southern Philip- pines", with an account of their productions, etc., 23 Nov. 1762. In the handwriting of Alexander Dalrymple. Photostats. 19299. "Journal of a voyage to the Sooloo Islands and the North West Coast of Borneo", from and to Madras, with descriptions of the Islands, etc., April, 1762-February 1763, by Major James Rennell. Also draft of a letter of Alexander Dalrymple to Viscount Beauchamp prefixed, 28 March 1772, and with notes by him in the margins. Photostats. 19332. Original instructions and despatches from the Government to Vice-Admiral Francis Hosier, 1726-1727. Selections.* 19560. "Journal de navigation du voyage de la coste de Guinee, isles de PAmerique, et Indes d'Espagne, sur le vaisseau du Roy le Faucon Francois, arme par l'ordre de Sa Majeste pour la Royale Compagnie de l'Assiente. Par le Sieur des Marchais ..." From January, 1704 to January 1706; with explanations of signals, and with colored BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 127 outlines of headlands, views of cities, plans of harbors and forts. Photostats. 20102. Original letters addressed to Charlotte Dyves, wife of Robert Clayton, Lord Sundon, 1713-1736. Selection: Letter from Wm. Burnet, Boston, July 7, 1729. Is sending a live beaver, an animal "peculiar to America". 20733. Correspondence of John Almon, author, editor, and publisher, 1766-1805. Selections.* 20926. Miscellaneous papers relating to the Spanish navy, 1740-1782. Selections: Papers regarding the Spanish naval campaign against England and the siege of Gibraltar, 1779-1782. Photostats. 21004. Copies of treaties and miscellaneous diplomatic papers relating to Spain, from the xvith to the xvnith centuries. Spanish. Selec- tion: Assiento for importing Negro slaves into Spanish America, 1723- 1743. Photostats. 21133. Papers relating to the import and export trade of Ireland, 1670- 1751; . . . more particularly connected with the Plantation trade [etc.]. Selections.* 21134. Same. Selection.* Transcripts and photostats (duplicates). 21136. Collection of letters, grants, petitions, and miscellaneous docu- ments relative to the history of Ireland, 1576-1751. Vol. II. 1691— 1701. Selections.* 21254-21256. Fair minute books of the Committee for the Abolition of the Slave-trade, 22 May, 1787-9 July, 1819. 3 vols. Complete. Photostats. 21384. Papers (in French) in the handwriting of Gabriel Bory, governor of the Leeward Islands and of St. Domingo. Selection: Journal of explorations by M. de Kerasoret, 1753, among the Bahama Islands. 21494. Letters and official documents addressed to Sir Robert Southwell and his son, the Rt. Hon. Edward Southwell. 1686-1740. Selections.* 21497. Report-book of legal questions and cases laid before Sir James Montague, attorney-general, and Sir Robert Eyre, solicitor-gen- eral, . . . with answers and opinions, 1708-1710. Selections.* 21631-21660. Bouquet Papers. A collection of letters and other docu- ments relating to military events in America, 1757-1765; originally belonging to Colonel Henry Bouquet, who held the rank of brigadier- general in the English army in America. The documents in these volumes are calendared in the Report on the Canadian Archives, by Douglas Brymner, archivist, 1889 (Ottawa, 1890). They have been indexed 128 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY in the Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the years 1854—1860, pub- lished by the British Museum (London, 1875). 25 21631. Letter-book of Lieut.-Col. Henry Bouquet, of the 62nd or Royal American regiment. 1757. 21632. Letter-book of same. 1757-1758. 21634. Correspondence between Colonel Bouquet and General Sir Jeffery Amherst, commander-in-chief in North America. 1759-1763. 21636. Copies of letters from Maj.-Gen. Thomas Gage, commander-in- chief in North America, to Colonel Bouquet. 1763-1765. 21637. Copies of letters from Colonel Bouquet to Maj.-Gen. Thomas Gage. 1763-1765. (Also copies of a few letters to Colonels Sir William Johnson and Bradstreet). 21638. Correspondence of Colonel Bouquet with Maj.-Gen. John Stan- wix, Maj.-Gen. Robert Monckton, Maj.-Gen. Thomas Gage, etc. 1759-1765. 21639. Correspondence of Colonel Bouquet with Quartermaster-General Sir John St. Clair and Capt. James Sinclair. 1758-1763. 21640. Correspondence of Col. Bouquet with the Earl of Loudoun, com- mander-in-chief in North America, 1757, and with Brigadier General John Forbes, 1758-1760. At the end of this volume is a short corre- spondence between Col. Bouquet and Maj. [afterwards General] Horatio Gates. An original letter from Maj.-Gen. John Stanwix to Gen. Forbes is included (fol. 72). 21641. Correspondence of Col. Bouquet with Colonel George Washing- ton. 1758. 21642. Correspondence of Capt. Lewis Ourry with Col. Bouquet. 1758-1764. 21643. Miscellaneous correspondence of various persons, principally with Col. Bouquet. 1754-1758. Selections: fols. 43-283. 21644. Same. 1759. 21645. Same. 1760. 25 The reproductions consist of photostats. Unless otherwise stated, the volumes in this collection have been copied completely. The Pennsylvania Historical Commission has undertaken a project of publishing mimeographed transcriptions of selected volumes of the Bouquet Papers. To date (1945) the following have appeared: 21631, 21632, 21634, 21643, 21644, 21645, 21646, 21647, 21648, 21649, 21650, 21651, 21652, 21653, 21654, 21655. These volumes of transcriptions were prepared by the Pennsylvania Historical Records Survey, and edited by Sylvester K. Stevens, Donald H. Kent, and Leo J. Roland. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 129 21646. Same. 1761. 21647. Same. 1761. 21648. Same. 1762. 21649. Same. 1763. 21650. Same. 1764. 21651. Same. 1764-1765. 21652. Drafts of letters of Col. Bouquet to various persons. 1758-1759. 21653. Same. 1760-1765. 21654. Miscellaneous papers chiefly relating to commissariat business at Forts Bedford, Cumberland, Pitt, etc., with returns and accounts of the Royal American regiment. 1758-1765. 21655. Papers relating to Indian affairs in America, consisting of minutes of conferences, agreements, copies of news, and speeches addressed to Indians of various tribes. 1758-1765. There are also several letters, most of them addressed to Col. Bouquet, by Capt. A. Bosomworth, Col. Hugh Mercer, George Croghan, Maj. William Walters, Col. Adam Stephen, Sir William Johnson, and others. 21656. Copies of public orders issued by Generals Amherst and Gage, Col. Bouquet, and others. 1761-1765. 21657. General and regimental orders issued to the forces in North America. 1759-1764. 21658. Miscellaneous papers, comprising regimental returns, orders, letters, etc., connected with Col. Bouquet's commands. 1757-1765. 21660. Copies of the inventory of the effects and sales of sundry goods, belonging to the late Brigadier-General Bouquet, dated Pensacola, Sept.-Oct. 1765; with a copy of his will, dated Philadelphia, 19 Apr. 1765, . . . Selection: Copy of Bouquet's will. 21661-21881. The official correspondence and papers of Lieut. -Gen. Sir Frederick Haldimand, commanding at various posts in North America, and afterwards governor of the province of Quebec. 1758-1 785. 26 28 The documents in this collection are calendared in the Reports on Canadian Archives, by Douglas Brymner, archivist, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, and 1889 (Ottawa, 1885-1890, 6 vols.). They have been indexed in the Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years 1854-1860 (London, 1875). Unless otherwise stated, the volumes in this collection have been copied completely. The reproductions consist of photostats. 130 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 21661. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Gen. Sir Jeffery Am- herst, commander-in-chief of the British forces in North America, on military affairs. 1758-1777. Also letters from: 1. Brig.-Gen. John Stanwix and Maj. A. Monypenny, his secretary, dated at Albany, 1758, 1759. 2. Col. William Amherst, New York, 1759. 3. Capt. James Loring, Onondaga, 1760. 4. [Pierre Rigaud] Marquis de Vaudreuil, commanding at Montreal, respecting the capitulation of that place, 8 Sept., 1760. 21662-21665. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Gen. Thomas Gage, commander-in-chief in North America, on military affairs. 1758-1777. Original letters and drafts, written during Gen. Haldi- mand's commands at the iollowing places: 21662. Vol. I. Three Rivers, in Lower Canada, 1758-1766. At the end of this volume are some letters from Gen. Gage to Col. William Taylor, acting brig.-gen. at Pensacola, Fla., 1766. 21663. Vol. II. Pensacola, 1766-1768. 21664. Vol. III. St. Augustine, Fla., 1769-1770. 21665. Vol. IV. Pensacola and New York, 1771-1777. At the latter place for some time acting commander-in-chief during the absence of Gen. Gage. 21666. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with: 1. Brig.-Gen. John Stanwix, commanding the camp, Governor's Island, near New York, etc. Aug. 1756-Mar. 1758. 2. Lieut. -Col. James Robertson, New York, etc. Dec. 1757-Jan. 1775. 3. Maj. -Gen. James Abercromby, commander-in-chief in North America, Mar. 1758-May 1759. 4. Lieut. -Gen. James Murray, governor of Quebec, Jan. 1762-Mar. 1775. 21670. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Col. Sir William John- son, of Johnson Hall, New York, and Col. Guy Johnson; together with other papers relating to Indian affairs. 1759-1774. Also letters from: 1. Frederick Smyth, chief justice of New Jersey, dated Perth Amboy, 5 Aug. 1773. 2. Col. Samuel Cleaveland, dated Brunswick, 5 Oct. 1773. 3. Maj. Issac Hamilton, 18th regt., Perth Amboy, 26 May 1774. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 131 4. Stephen P. Adye, deputy judge advocate, Perth Amboy, 28 May 1774. 21671, 21672. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand and Brig.-Gen. Taylor, commander of the forces in Florida, with various persons, and other papers relating to Indian affairs. 1765-1774. 2 vols. 21671. Vol. I: 1. Letters to Brig. Gen. Taylor, 1766-1767. 2. Letters to Gen. Haldimand, when commanding in Florida, 1767— 1768. 3. Elie Lagardere, commissary to the Choctaw Nation, to Lieut. Ritchy, commanding at Tombigbee River, Sept. 1766-Apr. 1767. 4. Letters to Capt. David Hope, at Mobile and Pensacola, from John Dawson, Tombigbee River, 10 Sept. 1766, and Charles Strachan, Mobile, 25 July 1767. 5. Hon. John Stuart to George Johnston, governor of West Florida, dated Charlestown [Charleston, S. C] Dec. 1766. 6. Charles Stuart to Montford Browne, lieut.-gov. of West Florida, dated Mobile, 14 Mar. 1767. With copies and drafts of letters, and other papers. 21672. Vol. II: 1. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand, commanding in Florida and at New York, with Hon. John Stuart at Charleston, superinten- dent of Indian affairs for the southern district of North America. 1770-1774. With numerous enclosures. There are also letters to Gen. Haldimand and others, from: Charles Stuart, deputy-superin- tendent of Indian affairs, Mobile, 1770-1774; Capt. Fitz: Connor, Fort Charlotte, 8 May, 1771; Peter Chester, governor of West Florida, Pensacola, 10 May, 1771; John Thomas, deputy superintendent for the Mississippi, Fort Bute, 1771-1773; Sir James Wright, governor of Georgia, Savannah, 15 Feb., 10 Mar. 1774; John Moultrie, lieut.- gov., St. Augustine, 16 Feb. 1774; William Ogilvy, secretary to Hon. John Stuart, Charleston, Apr. 1774; Bellaud to Frangois Mollere, avocat du parlement de Oubache, dated St. Louis, 8 May, 1770; John Thomas, deputy superintendent for the Mississippi, to Hon. John Stuart and Don Unzaga Amezaga, Fort Bute, Dec. 1771; David Taite to Peter Chester, governor of West Florida, dated Little Tallassie, Jan. 1774. 2. Addresses of the Houses of Assembly to Sir James Wright, gover- nor of Georgia, 9 Mar. 1774. 132 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 21673. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand, chiefly with governors of the provinces of North America and other colonies. 1765-1774. 21674. Letter-book of Gen. Haldimand, commanding: in Florida. 1768— 5 1770. 21675. Letters and accounts relating to ordnance at Pensacola. 1764- 1773. Selection: Gen. Thomas Gage to Lieut. Robertson, engineer at Pensacola. New York, Mar. 20, 1767. 21677. Regimental returns, orders, accounts, and papers relating to the Ordnance and Commissariat departments, etc., during Gen. Haldimand's command in Florida. 1763-1774. Selection: Gen. Thomas Gage to Civil Branch of Ordnance, New York, Feb. 17, 1773. 21678. General orders and letters addressed to the commanding officers at Niagara, by Generals Sir Jeffery Amherst and Hon. Thomas Gage, commanders-in-chief in North America; and by Deputy- Adjutant- General Richard Maitland, Sir William Johnson, and Gen. Sir Guy Carleton, governor of Quebec. 1759-1774. Also the following letters: 1. Maj. Alex. Duncan to Maj. Walters, Fort Ontario, 20 June, 1762. 2. Samuel Shirtland, a missionary, to Capt. Hugh Arnot, 25 Mar. 1766. 3. Capt. T. Sower, engineer, New York, 25 Mar. 1769. 4. Gen. Frederick Haldimand to Lieut. -Col. F. Smith, commanding at Niagara, dated New York, 15 June, 1773. 5. Lieut.-Col. F. Smith to Gen. Haldimand, Niagara, 1773-1774. 6. Same to Maj. Thomas Moncreiffe, 8 Mar. 1774. At the end of this volume are copies of orders sent to Niagara, 1774- 1778. 21680. Letters from Maj. Francis Hutcheson, of the 60th regt., to Gen. Haldimand, dated from Boston, Halifax, Camp at Staten Island, New York, etc. 1775-1778. At the beginning are warrants signed by Gen. Thomas Gage and Dr. Charles Gould, judge-advocate-general, 1766, 1769. 21683. General orders and instructions issued by Gen. Thomas Gage, commander-in-chief; and others. 1763-1777. Selections: 2 proclama- tions of Gen. Gage, New York, Apr. 25, 1766, and Feb. 17, 1769, and copy of the commission of Gen. Gage as commander-in-chief in North America, Nov. 13, 1763. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 133 21686. Journals of voyages and exploring expeditions in various parts of North America. 1750-1773. With the following maps and plans: 1. The country around Ticonderoga, by Lieut. E. Meyer. 1758. 2. Lake Ontario, by D. B. 31 July 1760. 3. The Ouabache, from Post Vincent to the Ohio, by Lieut. Thomas Hutchins. [1768]. 4. The country round Quebec, showing the positions of the English and French armies in the engagement before Quebec during the French siege in 1760, and a larger plan of the same battle. 5. The country around Boston and Fort Detroit. 6. The fortress of Pittsburg. 7. Disposition of forces in the boat expedition of Gen. Amherst down the St. Lawrence, in 1760. 21687. Miscellaneous papers, regimental returns, orders, accounts, etc., relating to the troops in North America. 1756-1776. Selections: 1. Letter from Lieut. Gen. Gage to Capt. Turnbull, at Detroit. New York, Oct. 6, 1766. 2. Same to same. New York, Nov. 17, 1766. 3. Letter from Gen. Gage to Capt. Stephenson, at Detroit. New York, Apr. 8, 1771. 4. Letter from Benjamin Harrison to Gen. Washington. Philadel- phia, July 21, 1775. 21693. Copies of letters from Gen. Haldimand, holding the chief com- mand in North America. June 1773-Sept. 1774. 21695. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Lord Dartmouth, secretary of state. Jan. 5, 1773-Apr. 15, 1775. 21696. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Viscount Barrington, secretary at war. 1767-1777. Also: 1. Letter to Gen. Haldimand from Gen. Sir Jeffery Amherst, White- hall, 29 Sept. 1775. 2. Letter to Gen. Haldimand from Lieut.-Gen. Edward Harvey, Cleveland, 24 Sept. 1777. 21697. Correspondence of the English ministers with Generals Amherst and Gage, commanders-in-chief in America; and with Gen. James 134 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Murray and Sir Guy Carleton, governors of Quebec. 1760-1778' Most of the letters are copies or duplicates, with enclosures. Also: 1. Francis Legge, governor of Nova Scotia, to Sir Guy Carleton, Halifax, 8 Sept. 1774. 2. Robert Hunter to Lord Dartmouth, London, 2 Mar. 1775. 3. Rear- Admiral Robert Duff to Sir Guy Carleton, St. John's, 15 Sept. 1775. 21698. Copies of letters from the ministers to Gen. Sir Guy Carleton, governor of Quebec. 1777-1779. 21701. Copies of orders and instructions from the English government to Gen. Frederick Haldimand, governor of Quebec. 1778-1779. 21703, 21704. Letters from Lord George Germain, secretary of state, and William Knox, his assistant secretary, to Gen. Haldimand, governor of Quebec. 1777-1782. With enclosures. 21705. Letters to Gen. Haldimand, governor of Quebec, from the English ministers — Welbore Ellis, secretary of state; Earl of Shelburne and Lord North, secretaries of state for the Home Department; and Thomas Townshend [and as Viscount Sydney] secretary of state for foreign affairs. Also from William Knox, John Thomas Townshend, and Evan Nepean, secretaries of the ministers; and William Pollock, clerk of the Crown for the Province of Quebec; and Alexander Davison, one of the Legislative Council of Quebec. 1782-1784. The signature of George III is affixed to an order. 21710. Register of letters from the English ministry to Gen. Haldimand, governor of Quebec. 1777-1784. 21714-21716. Register of letters from Gen. Haldimand, governor of Quebec, to the English ministry. Arranged in chronological order. Vol. I. 1778-1780. Vol. II. 1780-1782. Vol. III. 1782-1784. 21714. Selection: Gen. Haldimand to Lord George Germain. Oct. 25, 1780. 21715. Selections: Gen. Haldimand to Lords Germain and Shel- burne. 1781-1782. 21716. Selections: Gen. Haldimand to Thomas Townshend and Lord North. 1782-1783. 21726. Copies and drafts of letters written by Gen. Haldimand during his commands at Three Rivers, Florida, New York, and Quebec, and after his return to England. 1762-1780. Selections: Fols. 1-48, con- BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 135 sisting of letters written during his commands at Three Rivers, Florida, and New York, 1765-1778. 21728, 21729. Letters from various persons to Gen. Haldimand during his commands at Three Rivers, Florida, etc. 1757-1772. 21728. Vol. I. Letters of 1757-1768. 21729. Vol. II. Letters of 1769-1772. 21756. Register of correspondence with the officers commanding at Michilimackinac, 1778, 1779; and at Niagara, 1777-1783. 21757. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with officers commanding at Michilimackinac. 1778-1780. 21759. Letters and papers relating to the upper posts of Canada, viz: Carleton Island, Oswego, Oswegatchie, Detroit, Niagara, etc., 1778- 1782; consisting of correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Capt. Diederick Brehm, his commissioner to inquire into the state of the upper posts. 21760-21763. Letters written in 1777-1784 by the officers commanding atNiagara. In 4 vols. Vol.1. 1777-1780. Vol.11. 1781. Vol. III. 1782. Vol. IV. 1783, 1784. In Vol. IV there are original letters of (1) Gen. George Washington, headquarters, Newburgh, 14 April 1783, and (2) Gen. Benjamin Lincoln, secretary of war, Phila., 3 May 1783. 21764. Letters from Gen. Haldimand to officers commanding at Niagara. 1779-1783. 21765. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand and his secretary, Maj. Robert Mathews, with Maj. John Butler, commanding the corps of Rangers, and with other persons, principally at Niagara. 1777-1784. Also letters from the following persons: Captains Walter Butler, Wil- liam Caldwell, and J. McDonell, of the Rangers; Capt. John Johnston, Capt. Gilbert Tice, Maj. William Potts, Capt. Francis Le Maistre, deputy-adjutant-general, Capt. Joseph Brant, Lieut. George Armstrong, and others. With enclosures. 21767. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Col. Guy Johnson, superintendent of Indian affairs. 1778-1781. With enclosures. 21774. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Lieut. -Col. Daniel Claus, of the Indian department. 1778-1784. 21776. Copies of the King's commission and instructions to Brig. -Gen. Sir John Johnson, superintendent and inspector-general of Indian affairs. 1782, 1783. 136 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 21779. Reports of meetings, treaties, speeches, etc., relating to the Indian tribes of Canada. 1778-1784. 21780. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with officers commanding at Oswegatchie. 1778-1782. At the end of the volume is a letter from Lieut. Walter Sutherland; and also a few returns, dated 1784. 21782, 21783. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with officers com- manding at Detroit and its dependencies. 1778-1784. There are also miscellaneous letters from: 1. Louis Chevalier, of St. Louis. 1780. 2. Capt. A. McKee, Indian Depot. 3. Capt. Thomas Aubrey, and other officers of the 47th regt. 1779, 1780. 4. Col. John Campbell, Shawnee Town, 23 Oct. 1779. 5. Surgeon George Anthon, Detroit, 5 Jan. 1780. 6. Norman McLeod, Detroit, 6 Jan. 1780. 7. Lieut. -Col. John Montgomery, commandant at Fort Clark, Illinois, 6 July 1780. 8. Capt. La Mothe, Quebec, 25 Sept. 1781. French. 9. Lieut. Poole England, Detroit, 26 Jan. 1782. 10. Capt. Henry Bird, Detroit, 13 Aug. 1782. 11. Capt. Alexander Grant, R. n., Niagara, 1784. With enclosures and papers relating to Detroit, 1776-1783. 21785. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Maj. John Ross, commanding at Oswego, etc. 1782, 1783. With enclosures. 21786. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Maj. Samuel Holland, surveyor-general, John Collins, surveyor, and Maj. John Ross, com- manding the post of Cataraqui, in 1783, 1784, and 1786. With enclosures and papers relating to the settlement of the post. 21787. Letters to Gen. Haldimand from officers commanding at Carleton Island. 1778-1784. Also letters from: Lieut. James Glenie, Lieut. Thomas Bunbury, Lieut. Wm. Baker, commanding the Caldwell; Capt. Walter Butler, of the Rangers; J. D. Courcy Gill, surgeon; Lieut. Francis Dambourges; Lieut. Humphrey Arden, Royal regiment of New York; Charles Gould, judge-advocate-general; Capt. Hugh Dick- son; Capt. John Barnes; Maj. William Monsell; Capt. Richard Davies; Capt. George Churchill; Maj. Robert Hoyes; Capt. David Alexander Grant; B. Sumner, Claremont; J. Sherwood, St. John's; Lieut. Samuel Walter Prenties; Capt. David Betton; Commissary Neil McLean; James Clark, naval storekeeper. With enclosures. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 137 21788. Copies of letters from Gen. Haldimand to officers commanding at Carleton Island. 1779-1783. 21792. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with officers commanding at Isle aux Noix. 1778-1783. With enclosures. 21793, 21794. Letters to Gen. Haldimand from officers commanding at Fort St. John's. 1778-1784. With enclosures. 21795. Copies of letters from Gen. Haldimand to officers commanding at Fort St. John's. 1778-1 784. 21806. Copies of the correspondence between Gen. Haldimand and Sir Guy Carleton, commander-in-chief of the army in America. 1782, 1783. 21807, 21808. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Lieut. -Gen. Sir Henry Clinton and Lieut. -Gen. Sir Guy Carleton, commanders- in-chief in America, 1777-1783, and also with other officers serving in America. 21818. Letters to Gen. Haldimand and Major Mathews, his secretary, from officers of the King's Royal regiment of New York. 1776-1783. 21819. Copies of letters from Gen. Haldimand to officers of the King's Royal regiment of New York. 1779-1783. 21820. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with Lieut. -Col. Robert Rogers and Maj. James Rogers, commanding the Royal Rangers in Canada. 1779-1780. 21834. Letters from officers of the British army, prisoners of war, etc. Maj. -Gen. Baron de Riedesel, Lieut. -Gen. Sir John Burgoyne, Maj.- Gen. William Phillips, Lieut. George Vallancey, Rev. Edward Brud- enell, Maj. Henry Harnage. Cambridge, near Boston, 1778. With returns. (Convention army taken at Saratoga.) 21835. Correspondence of Gen. Haldimand with various officers and others, relative to the exchange of prisoners, and to the affairs of the state of Vermont. 1780-1784. 21836-21838. Letters from Capt. Justus Sherwood and Dr. George Smyth, commissioners for the exchange of prisoners, to Gen. Haldi- mand. 1777-1784. With enclosures. 21839. Copies of letters from Gen. Haldimand to Capt. Justus Sher- wood and Dr. George Smyth. 1780-1783. 21840. Register of letters to Capt. Mathews, secretary to General Haldimand, from Capt. Justus Sherwood, on secret service. 1781. 138 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 21841, 21842. Papers of secret intelligence of the affairs of the United States, and relating to American prisoners, etc. 1775-1782. 21844, 21845. Papers relating to State prisoners and suspected persons in Canada, 1775-1784; comprising depositions, memorials, drafts, and various papers and letters taken from prisoners. Selections; a few omissions only. 21846. Journal of Col. Augustin Mottin de la Balme, inspector of cavalry in the American service, prisoner of war; dated 13 May 1779. French. 21881. Copies of letters of instruction left by Gen. Haldimand to Brig.- Gen. St. Leger, on giving up the command of the forces in the Province of Quebec, 16 Nov. 1784. 21893. "Reasons and uses of the Georgian Calendar: The Georgian Calendar, and the reasons, rules and uses of octave computation; or, Natural Arithmetick. By the Revd. Mr. Hugh Jones," minister of Jamestown, Virginia. 18th century. Photostats. 21947. Correspondence and papers of Charles Stuart, 4th Duke of Rich- mond, and 6th Duke of Lennox. Vol. I. Correspondence, 1661-1670. Selections. * 21993. Copies of historical papers. Selection: Copy of instructions to Sir Thomas Gates given to Lord Delaware in 1611. 22129. List of official appointments in North America and the West Indies, compiled about 1780.* 22130. Miscellaneous autograph letters, 1702-1829. Selection.* 22186. Miscellaneous letters to Sir Henry Johnson, and Sir Henry Johnson, m. p., his son. 1662-1720. Selections.* 22265. Papers relating to the Navy, trade, etc., 1704-1732, consisting chiefly of lists of vessels, naval estimates, and Admiralty orders. Selections: 1. Regarding settling and fortifying the island of Tobago.* 1706. Transcripts. 2. "The case of the tobacco planters in his Majestys Colony of Virginia as to the Bill now depending in the house of Lords for the more easy recovery of debts in his Majestys plantations and Colonies abroad." No date. Photostats. 22357. Copies of patents, commissions, instructions, etc., issued by the Admiralty and other Government offices, 1660-1702. Selection.* BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 139 22564. "A discourse of Newfoundland ... by Capt. Richard Whit- burne" [Whitbourne] about 1620. 22613. "Observations on the Dip of the Needle and the Magnetic Force from New York to Fort Franklin, Great Bear Lake: 1825 and 1826." Under the title is added, "John Franklin — Captain R. n., and Com- mander of the Land Arctic Expedition, 17th June 1826." Photostats. 22616. Official papers relating to the Army, 1698-1724; consisting of lists of forces at home and abroad, 1702-1714, and statements of arrears of pay, estimates, and other military statistics drawn up in 1711-1714. Selection.* Photostat. 22617. Official papers relating to the Navy, 1710-1716. Selections.* 22676. Miscellaneous papers relating to the Island of Jamaica. 1662-1765. Photostats. 22677. Letters of James Knight, Edward Long, and planters and merchants of Jamaica, relative to the affairs of the island. 1725-1789. Photostats. 22678. Correspondence of Thomas Dancer, m. d., island botanist, with Edward Long [late judge of the vice-admiralty court in Jamaica] and Samuel More, secretary of the Society of Arts in London, upon scien- tific matters. 1787-1791. Photostats. 22679. Official letters and papers relative to public affairs at New York, 19 Dec. 1764-9 Oct. 1768. 22680. Miscellaneous papers relating to America, 1739-1772. 1. Plan of a secret expedition to Panama, [n. d.]. 2. Plan for attack at Porto Bello, on the Isthmus of Panama. [21 Nov. 1739]. 3. Relation of the siege of Carthagena, by a Spanish officer, 16 Mar.-20 Apr. 1741. 4. Minutes of a council of war held on board the Boyne, Adm. Vernon's ship, 1741. 5. Councils of war held at the Camp at Cuba, 31 Oct. and 7 Nov. 1741. 6. "Reasons humbly offer'd for fortifying Port Royal Harbour in South Carolina and for erecting an Hospital and store houses there." 7. List of ships at Port Royal, 1729. 8. "A short abstract of the contract for transporting a number of Swiss to South Carolina." [n. d.]. 9. "Proposals for paying off all Plantation Bills or Paper Currency in his Majesty's Colonies and Plantations in America; and for the due 140 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Application of the Money granted by Parliament to the four New England Provinces and Colonies for reimbursing their expence in the Cape Breton expedition [1745]." 10. Some extracts from Robert Henry's "History of Great Britain", relative to the early constitution of England with regard to colonial government. 11. Notes upon the shipping, trade, and territorial extent of America and various European states in 1769 and 1772. 22781. Treatise on the trade and commerce of England; addressed to King Charles II. ca. 1675. 22851. Original letters addressed to the Hon. Thomas Pitt, governor of Fort St. George, Madras. 1699-1703. Selections.* Photostats. 22919, 22920. Original letters addressed to Sir George Downing, ambassa- dor to the States-General, with copies of diplomatic memoirs, letters, and other papers. 1644-1682. Photostats. 23122, 23242-23251. Original correspondence of the Earl and Duke of Lauderdale, . . . with numerous petitions, addresses, and other papers. 23122. Selection: Letter from Lord Bellenden to Lord Lauderdale, May 7, 1664.* Transcripts. 23242-23251. Lauderdale correspondence and papers, 1678-1723. Complete. Photostats. 23608. Monumental inscriptions in Barbadoes and Jamaica before 1750, with selections from those of later date and extracts from the parish registers; copied by James Lawrence Archer, Captain, 60th Rifles, 1857, 1858. Photostats. 23615. Copy of the representation of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations upon the state of His Majesty's colonies in the continent of North America, Whitehall, 8 Sept. 1721. Photostats. 23651. Papers and correspondence of Gen. Rainsford relating to the Hanau and Anspach troops, 26 Jan. 1776-3 Mar. 1778. Complete.* (See Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years 1854-1860 (1875) 878-879, for list of correspondents). 23678. Narrative and remarks on the siege of Havana and Isle of Cuba by Admiral Sir Charles Knowles, in 1761 and 1762. Selections: 1. "Narrative of intelligence which the Army were furnish'd with before they proceeded to the Havana." [1761]. 2. "Remarks upon the siege of the Havana." [1762]. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 141 23725. Papers relating to Arthur Pond, painter and engraver . . . 1745-1759. Selections.* 241 31-241 38. "Abstracts of English state papers in the collection formed by- William, Earl of Shelburne, 1st Marquis Lansdowne, and now pre- served at Lansdowne House."* ca. 1754-1783. Photostats. 24320. Papers relating to the surrender of Fort Sackville [Vincennesl by Lieut. -Gov. Henry Hamilton, to George Rogers Clark, February, 1779.* 24321. Letters in cipher [deciphered] relating to American affairs. 1777— 1781.* Transcripts. 24322. Miscellaneous letters and papers relating to American affairs, 1718-1796. (Many of the later papers relate to the Bahama Islands).* Transcripts and photostats of entire volume. 24323. Letters from Sir William Johnson, Sir J. Johnson and Col. Guy Johnson to John Blackburn, merchant, London. Chiefly relating to Canada. 1770-1780. 24982. Memoirs and other papers relating to the English and French possessions in America and the West Indies. Selection: "Memoire politique sur Padministration du Gouvernement de la Martinique, avec des Reflexions Militaires sur sa prise par les Anglois en 17 [62], avec une Description Historique des autres isles qui appartiennent a sa Majeste et aux autres Puissances." 25115. Copies of papers relating to the Board of Trade, consisting chiefly of petitions from trading companies and others, with the resolutions of the Board thereon, 1660-1662. 25117-25125. Copies of the official papers of Henry Coventry, secretary of state. 1672-1680. Letters of Henry Coventry to British ambassadors in Denmark, Sweden, Nimeguen, and Germany, to residents in Portu- gal, Italy, and Turkey, to the governors of the Plantations, and others. 25302. Miscellaneous papers, principally copies, of the 18th century. Selection.* 25490. Miscellaneous papers. Selection.* 25494-25543. "Minutes of the Court of Directors of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South Seas and other parts of America and for encouraging the fishery," from 7 Sept. 1711 to 10 Apr. 1856. 50 vols. Photostats. 25568-25574. Official copies of minutes of the Committee of Directors of the South Sea Company appointed for law -suits and trusts, from 19 July, 1721 to 7 Aug. 1845. Photostats. 142 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 25575-25578. "Register of all Instruments to which the Common Seal of the Corporation of the Gov[ernor] and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South Seas and other parts of America and for encouraging the Fishery hath been affixed," from 5 Dec. 1711 to 13 Mar. 1856. Photostats. 25579. Minutes of "Proceedings" of the Court of Directors of the South Sea Company "in vertue of ye Act to encrease the S[outh] S[ea] Capi- tal. 1720", from 21 Jan. to 10 Dec. 1720. Photostats. 25580. "Register of all bonds for money borrowed at interest, to which the common seal of the Corporation of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain Trading to the South Seas and other parts of America and for encouraging the Fishery hath been affixed," from 20 Feb. 1719/20 to 23 Mar. 1733/4. Photostats. 25581 . Entry-book of standing orders of the Court of Directors of the South Sea Company, from 29 Mar. 1721 to 21 Jan. 1755. Photostats. 25582. Official copies of minutes of proceedings of the Court of Directors of the South Sea Company, with respect to reservations, from 23 Aug. 1722 to 19 Dec. 1723. Photostats. 25583. Official copies of minutes of proceedings of special committees ap- pointed by the Court of Directors of the South Sea Company, from 1 9 Oct. 1737 to 25 Nov. 1784. Photostats. 25584. Official copies of minutes of the proceedings of the Committee ol Accounts appointed by the Court of Directors of the South Sea Com- pany, from 7 Feb. 1754 to 27 Jan. 1763. Photostats. 25893-25895. "Extracts for a fair and impartial History of Paul Jones."* Collected by Richard Filkin, M. D., whose father Richard Filkin was a midshipman in the action of 23rd September 1779 of the Serapis. Photostats. 26052. Code of law, civil and criminal, for the Province of Quebec . . . [By Sir James Marriott]. 1772.* 26054. Original autograph letters of Presidents of the United States of North America. 1795-1850. Selection: George Washington to Col. W. S. Smith, Aug. 12, 1795. Photostats. 27382. Historical and other tracts. Selection: No. 12. "The present state of justice in the American plantations and particularly in the Island of Barbados". [No date, but probably before 1660]. 27402. Miscellaneous historical and other papers. Selection: Copy of commission from Charles II to Sir George Carteret. 1649.* BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 143 27578. Correspondence of the Rev. Weeden Butler. 1763-1771. Vol. II. Selections.* 27621. An essay on the treatment and conversion of African slaves in the British sugar colonies, by James Ramsay, vicar of Tcston, Kent. (Printed at London in 1784). Preceded and followed by extracts from printed works, copies of correspondence, and other matter relating to the same subject. 1784-1790. Photostats. 27777. Original contributions to the "Public Advertiser" 1763-1780. Selection.* 27859. Francis Place. Papers relating to Canada. Selection: No. 2. Petition of the Earl of Stirling, claiming the lordship of Nova Scotia and Canada. 1831.* 27891. Sailing directions for different parts of the eastern coast of the United States, 1772-1778. 27916. Pamphlets and political writings of Francis Godolphin Osborne, Marquess of Carmarthen and Duke of Leeds, secretary of state. Selec- tion.* Regarding the dispute between Great Britain and the American colonies, [ca. 1776]. 27918. Political memoranda of Francis Godolphin Osborne, Marquess of Carmarthen and 5th Duke of Leeds. During his tenure of offices as lord chamberlain, 1777, foreign secretary of state, 1783, and home secretary, 1784. The memoranda extend, with few omissions, from Mar. 1774 to July 1796. Photostats. 27957. Sailing directions for the River St. Lawrence. Complete. 1 . "Translation of a manuscript found on board a French man of war taken by Admiral Boscawen in the year 1755, entitled 'Observation pour la navigation de France a Quebec' " At the beginning "Mr. Chabert" is quoted as the author of the observations. The translation is limited to a portion of the paper relating to the gulf and river of St. Lawrence. 2. "Directions for sailing along shore from Cape Breton to Cheekneeto." 3. "Directions for the passage of the Traverse, in going up the river." 27969. "A few extracts from the Parish Registers and other Public Records in the islands of Jamaica and Barbadoes with copies of all the monu- ments and tombstones in the latter island from 1643 to 1750 and upwards [1800], collected by Captain [James Henry Lawrence] Archer," 1858. Photostats. 27970. Accounts, drafts of letters, business and private memoranda, etc., of James Henry Archer, m. d., of Jamaica. 1822-1845. Photostats. 144 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 28076. Register of treasury warrants. 1673, 1674. Selections: 1. Warrant to Edmund Andros, of his Majesty's bounty for his service in the "recovery of Tyn at Ostend". June 17, 1673. 2. Warrant for payment of Lord Culpeper for one year allowance as vice-president of his Majesty's council for Foreign Plantations. Jan. 13, 1673/4. 3. Warrant to Maj. Edmund Andros for pay of arrears due the officers and soldiers of the Barbadoes regiment. June 22, 1674. 28079. Miscellaneous papers relating to matters of trade and commerce, consisting chiefly of proposals and memoirs submitted to the Privy Council, the commissioners of the customs, etc. 17th and 18th cen- turies. Selections: 1. Some observations about the plantations in relation to the severall Acts of Parliament. Endorsed: Memoriall concerning the plantacon trade from Ld. Culpeper. [1683?]. 2. Table giving value of imports and exports of various products. 18th century. 28089. Papers relating to New England, \663-ca. 1674. Selections.* 28103. Miscellaneous original letters, etc. 1561-1801. Selection.* 28140. Miscellaneous papers, chiefly connected with the Navy, 1707- 1746. Selection: Description of the West Indies, 1718.* 28218. Miscellaneous English original letters, etc. 1592-1812. Selections.* 28269. Copies of four letters of William Penn, 1674, 1681, 1694; letter of Hannah Penn, Philadelphia, Jan. 6, 1700; and a grant by William Penn of land in Pennsylvania, May 8, 1694. 28540. Original correspondence of Emmanuel Mendez da Costa, F. R. S., author of "A natural history of fossils", etc., with men of science and others. 1737-1787. Selection: Letter from John Mitchell to [Emmanuel Mendez da Costa] Nov. 15, 1751. Photostat. 28605. Journal of J. L. [John Lees] of Quebec, merchant, from London, April 1768, to Boston [etc.].* 28609. "Nova Plantarum Americanarum Genera, Authore P. Carolo Plumier. Parisiis, MDCCCIII." With pencil drawings. Photostats. 28620. "A journal of the dividing line drawn between the colonies of Virginia and North Carolina, begun March 5, 1728. Per Colonel Byrd and others." [By William Byrd]. Mar. 5-Oct. 30, 1724.* Photostats. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 145 28727. Original letters addressed to Peter Collinson, the naturalist, and others. 1725-1790. Selections: 1. Letter from John Bartram to Peter Collinson, May 20, 1768. 2. Two letters from John Bartram to Michael Collinson, Nov. 11, 1772, Dec. 17, 1777. 28851. Diplomatic and other papers of Richard Cumberland. 1780- 1791. Narrative of secret negotiations with Spain, 1780-1781, etc.* 28943. "Ellis papers. Miscellaneous papers." Vol. VII. 1699. Selec- tion: Orders to the Earl of Bellomont for treatment of the Indians living between New York and Canada. February 1698. French. 28946. Same. Vol. X. 1702-1703. Selection: List of proprietary gov- ernments in America, and of the persons here who are principally concerned therein. 1703. 29237. Original letters and papers of the family of Johnson, of Johnson Hall, New York, relating chiefly to transactions with the Indian tribes and to the American rebellion. 1774-1783. 29256-29259. "Returns of His Majestie's forces." Monthly tables of the numbers of officers and men in the different corps of army at home and abroad. Nov. 1768-Sept. 1775. 29256. 1768-1769. 29257. 1770-1771. 29258. 1771-1772. 29259. 1772-1775. Photostats. 29447. "A particular state of the receipts and issues of the publick revenue, taxes and loans from Lady-Day 1702 to Michaelmas 1710." Photostats. 29495. "Profitable poems for his friends," by William Lodington, of the Society of Friends. 1653-1698. Selection: "To Wm. Pen author of Englands present Interest, printed 1675." Photostat. 29546. Papers and letters, chiefly on ecclesiastical subjects, collected by the Rev. George Harbin. Selection: Letter from Robert Browne, founder of the sect of the "Brownists," to his uncle [ — Flower.] Dec. 31, 1588. Photostats. 29549. Hatton-Finch papers. Letters and papers, 1513-1744. Selections.* 146 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 29553. Hatton-Finch papers. General correspondence. Vol. IV. 1671— 1672. Selections: Four letters from Lord Baltimore to [Lord Hatton]. See Andrews and Davenport: 118. 29557. Same. Vol. VIII. July 1678-Mar. 1680. Selection: Letter from Sir Edmund Andros to Lord Hatton. Sept. 22, 1678. 29559. Same. Vol. X. Jan. 1682-Apr. 1683. Selections: Two letters from Sir Edmund Andros to Lord Hatton. Oct. 26, 1682. Apr. 16, 1683. 29563. Same. Vol. XIV. Jan. 1688-Mar. 1689. Selection: Letter from Sir Edmund Andros to Lord Hatton, July 7, 1688.* 29568. Same. Vol. XIX. 1701-1713. Selection: Letter from Sir Edmund Andros to Lord Hatton. June 28, 1704. 29587. Same. Miscellaneous papers, chiefly political. 1559-1705. Selec- tions. * 29589b. Same. Letters to Lords Hatton and Winchelsea [David Finch, Earl of Winchelsea]. Selections.* 29600. Correspondence, accounts, etc., connected with a company for working iron at Principio, in Maryland, North America, including letters of William Chetwynd, m. p., of Grendon, William Russell, of Birmingham, Thomas Russell, of Maryland, and others. 1725-1776. 29800. Entry book of law cases heard by Heneage Finch, Lord Finch, lord chancellor. 1673-1682. Selection: Case of Sir Thomas Mody- ford, governor of Jamaica. 1672-1673.* 29861-29864. Journals and log book of Captain John Johnson. 1814-1830. Vol. I. 1814-1817. Voyage to India and China, etc. Vol. II. 1818-1821. Two voyages to the West Indies, New York, etc. Vol. III. 1822-1825. In London and Somerset, and on a voyage to the West Indies. Vol. IV. 1826-1830. Voyage from the West Indies to England, in London, etc. Photostats. 29869. Memoirs of Sir John Berkeley. 1647-1649. Printed in 1699. Photostats. 29990. Gross and net produce of his Majesty's customs. 1710-1713. Photostats. 30089. Selection.* Photostats. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 147 30094. Letters and papers of Benjamin Wilson, f. r. s., 1743-1788. Selection: Paper regarding the Royal Society and its relation to Franklin's electrical conductors before and after the Revolution. Photostat. 30163. Scarcity of money in Jamaica. 1750.* 30200-30201. General and particular state of the public revenue. 1693— 1694. 1688-1710. Photostats. 30218. Opinions of the law officers of the Crown upon matters connected with the revenue, 1673-1707. This book formerly belonged to James West, and contains 360 cases with opinions of the attorney general and solicitor general and others thereon. Of these a large number relate to the colonies. Selections.* 30262. Autographs, 16th to 19th centuries. Selections.* 30305-30306. Correspondence of the family of Fairfax. Vol. I. 1518— 1700. Vol. II. 1701-1827. Photostats. 30369. Journal of a voyage round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean in the ship Rattler, Lieut. James Colnett. 1793-1794. Photostats. 30372. America. Abstracts of commissions and instructions given to the governors of the Plantations in America. Volume dated 1740. 30868-30875. John Wilkes correspondence. Vols. II-IX. 1764-1823 and undated.* Photostats. 30999. Miscellaneous papers. Selection: Directions for the capes of Virginia and the channel up to Hampton Road. 18th century. Photostats and transcripts. 31228. Pedigrees of West Indian families. Comp. by Capt. James Henry Lawrence Archer. 19th century. Photostats. 31357. Maps of America and the W r est Indies. Selections: 1. HHH. Plan showing the distribution of the victualling department. No. 2 of Report dated December 24th, 1852. Signed: John D. Ander- son, 24 Dccember/52 [1852]. Jamaica. III. Smithery and engineers' shop. Plan no. 3 of Report dated December 24th, 1852. Same signature. 2. KK. Bermuda. Church. Plan signed: James Cranston, architect, Oxford, April 1846. 3. LL. Bermuda. Admiralty House. Plans and sections shewing prop- ositions for its improvement. Designed and submitted by John D. Anderson, clerk of works, December 1, 1848. 4. MMM. Plans of a part of the R. N. Hospital at Jamaica. 148 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 5. QQ. Bermuda. Plans for a school. 6. RR. Plan of Yard Chapel, as fitted up in victualling store no. 2, pursuant to Admiralty order of 4th June 1850. Signed: James Crans- ton, architect, Oxford, March 1845. 7. TT. Bermuda. Church. Signed: James Cranston, architect. Ox- ford, March 1845. 8. WW. Bermuda. Eastern naval storehouse. Photostats. 32093. State papers, historical documents, and official and private letters from 1086-7 to 1760, formerly belonging to the family of Sir John Malet, m. p., temp. Charles II. Vol. III. 1625-1660. Selection: Proposals to the Council of State for a better trade with Spain, [n. d.l. 32094. Same. Vol. IV. 1660-1676. Selection: "A paper about the Dutch warre shewed once to my Ld. Falmouth and to none else." [n. d.] [Lord Falmouth died 3 June 1665]. In Secretary W. Coventry's hand. 32096. Same. Vol. VI. 1700-1762. Selections: Copies of letters to and from William Penn.* 32303. Deciphers of despatches passing between foreign governments and their ministers in England, with cipher keys. America. 1780-1841. Photostats and transcripts. 32413. "Some account of the American war between Great Britain and her colonies" . . . diary of Lieutenant Digby . . . 1776-1777.* 32496. "E. Fairfax. Discourse of witchcraft, etc." Selection: "A copy of a letter from Major Christopher Gale, dated from Charles Town in No. Carolina, Nov. 2, 1711." Also a memorial of Christopher Gale, to the governor and assembly of North Carolina.* 32523. Political and other papers, chiefly in the handwriting of, and composed by Roger North. Selection: Digest of rates and laws re- lating to the customs. 1682.* 32627. Journal of Alexander Chesney . . . who emigrated to South Carolina in 1772 . . .* 32641. Journal of Archibald Menzies, surgeon, r. n., employed as botanist in the voyage of discovery round the world in the ship Discovery, under Captain George Vancouver; Dec. 1790-16 Feb. 1794. The voyage was not completed till the year 1795; this journal extending only to the third visit of the expedition to the Sandwich Isles. Photostats. That part of the journal which relates to Vancouver Island and Puget Sound is published, as follows: Menzie's journal of Vancouver'' s voyage, April to October, 1792, ed. . . . by C. F. Newcombe (Victoria, B. C, 1923). BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 149 32681. Correspondence of Colonel Henry Sidney, envoy to Holland, . . . consisting chiefly of letters addressed to Sidney, with some drafts of his ownletters. Vol.11. July 1681-1691. Selection: Letter from William Penn to Henry Sidney, at The Hague. Written from London, [n. d., but before Sept., 1682].* 32686-33057, 33067. Newcastle papers. Official correspondence of Thomas Pelham Holies, Duke of Newcastle, 1697-1768, memoranda of the Duke of Newcastle, and other papers. See Andrews and Daven- port: 123-143, for a comprehensive description of the Newcastle papers. The "official correspondence" (Add. MSS. 32686-32992) is ar- ranged chronologically in 307 volumes. The Library of Congress has reproductions of all the American items, and American items only, in these volumes. In some cases one item only in a given volume has been copied, the remainder of the volume of perhaps 500 or more folios not being relevant. A manuscript list of the American items found in Volumes 32686 (general correspondence, 1697-1723); 32687-32737 (home correspondence, 1724-1754); 32738-32851 (diplomatic cor- respondence, 1724-1754); 32852-32992 (general correspondence, 1755— 1768); 33003-33004 (letters from the Duke of Newcastle to John White, M. p., 1765-1767, dealing with negotiations relating to changes in the ministry; and Minutes of the Privy Council, 1739-1745); 33032- 33037 (papers relating to the South Sea company, 1710-1753; and proceedings in parliament, 1689-1768); 33054-33057 (papers relating to personal matters, the greater number being petitions and memorials which passed through the hands of the Duke of Newcastle, 1603-1814), is available in this Division. The list comprises 1105 pages. Many of the American items are enumerated in Andrews and Davenport: 123- 134. A list of the volumes represented in the Library of Congress collection is given here: 32686-32992. Official correspondence . . . 1697-1768 (except vol- umes 32686, 32729, 32803, 32805, 32952, 32953, 32964, 32965, 32988, 32989, in which no American items were found). 33004. Minutes of the meetings of the Privy Council, 22 Jan. 1738/9- 15 Oct. 1745. Selected items, i. e., American material. 33026. Letter-book of despatches of the Earl of Albemarle, during his embassy to Paris, 1749-1754; and of the Hon. Colonel Joseph Yorke, during the Earl's temporary absence in the latter part of 1751. Vol. I. 1749-1751. Selection: King's order in council approving Gov. 150 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Shirley's conduct in raising within the Province [of Massachusetts] a body of forces for assistance of Port Royal, Nova Scotia. Sept. 6, 1744. 33028-33030. Papers relating to the affairs of the American and West Indian colonies, consisting of instructions, memoranda, memoirs, peti- tions, and other documents which passed through the Duke of New- castle's hands in the course of public business, 1701-1768; with a few of later date, to 1802. Complete. 33032. Papers relating to the South Sea Company, being official papers of the Duke of Newcastle, 1710-1753. Complete beginning with folio 18. 33046-33048. Papers relating to the army and navy, consisting of lists, estimates, accounts and other returns, being chiefly the official papers of the Duke of Newcastle, with some of earlier and later date; 17th century-1803. ("In copying these three volumes, . . . it was thought best to omit whatever related to the Hanoverian troops of the Crown and to the maintenance of the Army in Flanders, as well as what con- cerned the militia in Britain itself.") 33054-33057. Papers relating to personal matters, the greater number being petitions and memorials which passed through the hands of the Duke of Newcastle, 1603-1814. (The Library of Congress has tran- scripts of American items in these volumes, also photostats of Vol. 33054 [years 1603-1751], complete.) 33067. Domestic and private correspondence of the Duke of Newcastle, 1756-1764. Selection: William Shirley to the Duke of Newcastle, New Providence, Bahama Islands, May 19, 1760. Sending His Lordship a turtle. 33350. [Miscellaneous]. Selection: Instructions for Lord Vere Beauclerk as commander-in-chief of the convoy for the preservation of the fishery of Newfoundland. June 3, 1729. 33411. Papers of John Crawfurd, f. r. s., relating to Java and the neigh- bouring islands, and to his embassy to Cochin-China, ca. 1811-1823. Selection: Paper entitled, "Produce of Europe and America", [n. d.]. 33440. "Correspondence of Louis Phelypeaux, Comte de Pontchartrain, French secretary of state, with . . . ambassadors in England, chiefly on negotiations concerning North America", 1698-1699.* Photostats and transcripts. 33741. "An account shewing the sums granted by Parliament for all Naval Services from the beginning of the American war in 1775 to 1807, both years inclusive; and also an account of the annual expense BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 151 of the Navy for the said time, together with the Navy debt at the end of each year, with the increase or decrease thereof." Single sheet folded to octavo size. Photostat. 33763. "Idea di una nuova Istoria Generale dell' America Settentrionale." Translation of a work in Spanish by Lorenzo Boturini-Benaduci, Madrid, 1746. Photostats. 33845. Notes relating to Barbados, including extracts from Some memoirs of the first settlement of the Island of Barbados [etc.] (Barbados, 1741), copies of acts of the Assembly, and abstracts of deeds, 1653-1666, relating to the property of the family of Rawdon in the parish of St. Michael. Reversing the volume, fols. 48-135 contain legal notes and precedents arranged under heads. Selection: Fols. 1-47 (legal notes omitted). 33923. Collections by Rev. Thomas Streatfeild. Vol. XLVI. Selection: Wolfe (James) -Amherst correspondence, 1758.* 33929. Collections by Rev. Thomas Streatfeild. Vol. LII. Selections: Extracts of letters from Gen. Wolfe to his parents, 1749-1759 [etc.].* 33964. Autograph letters. Selection: Letter from William Penn to Edward Southwell, Nov. 20, 1704. 33983. A collection of original depositions, reports, and replies to inter- rogatories, taken for the most part on oath before Joan de Ovando, Inquisitor of the Council of the Holy and General Inquisition, holding a royal commission to visit the Council of the Spanish Indies and to obtain evidence respecting the sufferings of the natives, their spiritual and temporal condition, the causes of their misfortunes and the means suggested for the reformation of abuses in the government of the country, 1567-1568. With a few letters interspersed. For contents, see Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum, 1888—1893 (London, 1894), pages 149-153. Photostats. 34079. Original letters and documents, official and private, 1513-1839. Selections: 1. Letter from the Duke of Portland, governor of the Island of Jamaica, to the Prince of Wales. Jamaica, Mar. 2, 1722/3. In French. Report on conditions in the island. Photostats and transcripts. 2. Letter from Com. Sam. Hood, to the "Principal officers and com- missioners of his Majesty's Navy." Halifax Harbour, Apr. 4, 1768. Giving an account of the damage done by a hard gale of wind at Halifax. Transcript. 34097. Military journals of Col. William Burrard. Selection: Journal when on an expedition to the West Indies, 19 May 1740-21 Sept. 1742. 152 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 34121. Parliamentary diary of John Smyth of Nibley, co. Gloucester . . . in the Parliament of 1621, mentioning the bills, motions, etc., discussed each day, and giving a brief abstract of the most important speeches, with a few notes on political questions. Autograph. Photostats. 34187. Letters addressed to George Jackson, second secretary of the Admiralty and judge advocate. 1776-1777, 1782-1786.* 34207. Letters from Col. William Burrard to his brother Sir Harry Burrard, 1740-1766. Selections.* Transcripts of the letters; photostats (2 prints) of the plan of Santiago de Cuba. 34217. Transcripts of political papers, letters, treatises and poems, chiefly relating to the times of James I and Charles I, with a few original papers. Selection: Letter from James I to Sir George Calvert, Court at Royston, Dec. 16, 1621. Regarding the liberties and privileges of the House of Commons. 34324. Collection of political and other papers. Selection: Letter from Sir George Calvert, secretary of state, to Sir Julius Caesar, Nov. 25, 1621, requiring Caesar's attendance in Parliament on the following day and "every day as long as the howse sitts." 34335. Papers of Sir Robert Southwell relating to negotiations with Portugal and Spain, 1572-1720. Vol. VII. 1696-1720. Selections.* 34348. Correspondence between James Vernon, secretary of state, and William Blathwayt, . . . Selections : Various letters to Vernon from the West Indies, 1701. 34412-34419,34428. The Auckland Papers. Correspondence and papers, political and private, of William Eden, first baron Auckland, together with a few earlier diplomatic papers collected by him. W T illiam Eden was under secretary of state (Northern department), 1772-1778; member of the Board of Trade, 1776-1782; joint commissioner to treat with the revolted colonies, 1778-1779. During the period from 1772 to 1779 the papers deal largely with the American rebellion and the proceedings of American spies and agents in France and England. The Library of Congress has copious selections from Add. MSS. 34412-34419 (Auckland Papers, Vols. I-VIII, 1660-1785) consisting of Stevens Facsimiles. Tbey are too numerous to list here; we are therefore enumerating our selections by number only, that is, the Stevens Facsimile number. With this number as a key individual items may be easily identified in the Stevens Facsimiles (described on page v, above). There are sets of the Stevens Facsimiles in several other BRITISH MUSEUM! ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 153 libraries in the United States. These papers are thus readily available in other collections than that in the Library of Congress. 34412. Auckland Papers. Vol.1. 1660-1775. Selections: Stevens Fac- similes, nos. 2, 132, 236, 565, 1237, 851, 852, 455, 456, 457, 458, 853, 854, 855, 856, 858, 460, 461, 857, 859, 462. 27 34413. Same. Vol. II. 1776-May, 1777. Selections: Stevens Fac- similes, nos. 1405, 463, 860, 464, 465, 466, 569, 467, 582, 583, 588, 591, 131, 235, 1, 1399, 3, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 237, 238, 239, 468, 5, 1396, 1397, 4, 6, 140, 222, 223, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 242, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 643, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 141, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 243, 142, 1451, 47, 143, 48, 49, 50, 144, 51, 52, 53, 54, 469, 245, 1448, 656, 470, 657, 55, 56, 251, 57, 145, 648, 669, 670, 58, 671, 59, 60, 247, 648, 651, 248, 244, 246, 1502, 676, 146, 249, 681, 61, 62, 250, 63, 64, 471, 251, 65, 686, 147, 148, 149, 252, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 253, 156, 157, 158, 159, 695, 694, 160, 472, 696, 1540, 1541, 473, 254, 161, 162, 163, 164, 1469, 257, 1471, 180, 258, 476, 1578. 27 34414. Same. Vol. III. June-Dec. 1777. Selections: Stevens Fac- similes nos. 176, 1463, 1464, 1465, 177, 178, 179, 1468, 181, 182, 1473, 477, 183, 260, 259, 184, 185, 704, 705, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 707, 193, 262, 263, 478, 1682, 708, 480, 479, 264, 261, 709, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 265, 199, 266, 200, 267, 710, 201, 268, 711, 1713, 1714, 269, 202, 270, 271, 713, 203, 272, 481, 273, 204, 297, 274, 275, 276, 205, 206, 277, 714, 207, 278, 1731, 279, 280, 208, 281, 209, 282, 283, 284, 285, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 286, 287, 215, 288, 216, 289, 290, 291, 292, 239, 295, 296, 294, 482, 298, 300, 299, 301, 217, 302, 715, 303, 304, 305, 306, 218, 219, 307, 221, 220, 1908, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 312, 759, 483, 224, 314, 717, 225, 226, 315, 719, 227, 228, 229, 230, 316, 231, 485, 317, 318, 232, 233, 234, 319, 320, 721, 321, 322, 722, 723, 486, 324. 27 34415. Same. Vol. IV. Jan.-July 1778. Selections: Stevens Facsimiles, nos. 1235, 1234, 1233, 1854, 347, 487, 349, 325, 346, 345, 348, 344, 326, 328. 768, 327, 329, 488, 330, 770, 331, 769, 332, 333, 334, 489, 773, 490, 350, 335, 2076, 336, 323, 2077, 491, 492, 337, 1852, 352, 353, 362, 364, 367, 351, 360, 363, 365, 366, 1112, 354, 356, 361, 368, 355, 359, 357, 358, 338, 339, 493, 369, 371, 370, 340, 372, 341, 373, 375, 374, 376, 377, 378, 381, 380, 379, 382, 383, 385, 386, 387, 388, 1881, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395 ; 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 1914, 342, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 420, 421, 1072, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426. 343, 427, 27 These numbers are given in chronological order of the letters comprising the Stevens Facsimiles. 154 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 428, 430, 431, 429, 433, 432, 434, 435, 436, 437, 439, 438, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 1071, 449, 513, 450, 451, 452, 453, 495, 494, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502, 1117, 504. 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 514. 28 34416. Same. Vol. V. Aug. 1778-Dec. 1779. Selections- Stevens Facsimiles, nos. 515, 516, 517, 518, 1146, 519, 520, 521, 522, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 535, 1973, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 1201, 541, 1217, 542, 1228, 1229, 544, 545, 546, 547, 549, 548, 1232, 550, 2103, 1035, 551, 1238, 1239, 1244, 552, 1252, 1253, 553, 554, 1258, 555, 556, 557, 1260, 558, 1261, 1262, 559, 1263, 1264, 560, 561, 562, 1278, 1280, 1281, 1284, 563, 564, 991, 992, 993, 994, 996, 995, 997, 998, 1002, 999, 1000, 1001, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1031, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1034. 28 34417. Same. Vol. VI. Jan. 1780-July 1781. Selections: Stevens Facsimiles, nos. 1036, 724, 725, 1038, 726,1039, 1040, 1042, 1041, 728, 729, 1043, 730, 731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 1044, 748. 28 34418. Same. Vol. VII. Aug. 1781-July 1782. Selections: Stevens Facsimiles, nos. 749, 750, 751, 752, 1045, 1046, 753, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1051, 1052, 1053, 1054. 28 34419. Same. Vol. VIII. Aug. 1782-Mar. 1785. Selections: Stevens Facsimiles, nos. 1055, 1056, 1057, 1300, 1058. 28 34428. Same. Vol. XVII. Mar. 1788-Feb. 1789. Selection: Letter from William Ryder to William Eden. London. Aug. 21, 1788. En- closing (1) a copy of a "Convention between His Britannick Majesty and the King of Spain, signed at London, the 14th of July, 1786", (2) Observations respecting the Bay of Honduras & this convention, and (3) "An estimate of William Ryder's loss by the Spaniards in the Bay of Honduras from 1763 to the year 1779, received and damage done by orders of the governors and commandants in the Province of Jucatan or Youcatan", and (4) "A list of the several accounts of loss sustained by the British settlers at the capture of St. George's Key by the Spaniards the 15th day of September 1779." 34599. Correspondence and papers of Sir Henry Spelman, the antiquary; 1600-1641.* Vol. I. 1600-1633. Selections: Letters to his son, 1612. 34669-34676. Insurance-books of John Janson, kept at Lloyds, Oct. 1804- Dec. 1810 and 1815, showing risks taken and premiums received dur- 28 These numbers are given in chronological order of the letters comprising the Stevens Facsimiles. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 155 ing the war with France. Arranged under headings as To and From America, Newfoundland, Gibraltar and Mediterranean, etc., with an index of the headings in each volume. Photostats. 34712. Collections, historical, antiquarian, etc., made by Thomas Astle. Selections.* 34727. West papers (Papers of James West, secretary to the oreasury, 1741-1762, M. P. for St. Albans, 1741-1768, and president of the Royal Society). Vol.1. 1532-1724. Selection: Letter from Thomas Mariett to William Penn [1688 ?]. 34728. Same. Vol. II. Selections.: Account of the cruise of the Mermaid in the West Indies and North America, 1745, and 4 letters from Peter Razer, Phila., 1754-1757.* 34729. Same. Vol. III. Selections: Fols. 263, 348, and 350, described in Andrews and Davenport: 153-154. 34730. Same. Vol. IV. Correspondence of members of the Mariett family. 1624-1717. Selections: Five letters from Lord Coote, after- wards Earl of Bellomont, to Thomas Mariett. 1683, 1684. 34756. Correspondence of Thomas Percy, d. d., Bishop of Dromore, 1782-1811. Selection: Extracts from the Madrid Gazette, Mar. 19 and May 14, 1776 (translations), relating to naval (exploring) expeditions to California. 34813. Miscellaneous autograph letters, etc., 1612-1894. Selection: Letter from Matthew Pope to John Jacob. York Town, Virginia, Aug. 25, 1775.* 34990. Correspondence and papers of Admiral Horatio Nelson. Vol. LXXXIX. Miscellaneous papers relating to Lord Nelson. 1797— 1806. Selection: "The address of the Virgin Islands on the report of his royal highness's [Prince William, Duke of Clarence] intentions to leave these Seas without honouring them with a visit." ca. 1785. 35105. Correspondence of the Rev. John Robinson, d. d., British agent (from 1696 envoy extraordinary) in Sweden. 1692-1701. Vol. I. Correspondence between Dr. Robinson and William Blathwayt. 1693— 1698. Selection:* Letter from Blathwayt to the Rev. John Robin- son (afterward bishop of London). Whitehall. Feb. 14/24, 1692/3. ("I am very happy to be able to do your brother in Virginia any service." Blathwayt obtained the post of secretary of Virginia for Robinson's brother, Christopher Robinson). 35125. Maitland and Lauderdale papers. Official correspondence, etc., of John Maitland, 2nd Earl and 1st Duke of Lauderdale, and other papers. 1532-1688. Selection: License from Charles II. to John 156 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Browne for 4 Scottish ships to trade contrary to acts of navigation. 1663. 35141. Autograph journal of Lieut. George Peard, first lieutenent on H. M . S. Blossom during a cruise to the Pacific and Behring's Straits in 1825-1828, including a visit to Pitcairn Island. The narrative of John Adam, alias Alexander Smith, a survivor of the mutineers of the Bounty is given here at some length. Photostats. 35155. Miscellaneous letters and papers. Selections: Various papers relating to the West Indies, Grenada, Dominica, St. Vincent. 1764- 1774. Photostats. 35192. Bridport papers; official and private correspondence and papers of Admiral Alexander Hood (1726-1814), Baron and later Viscount Bridport. Vol. II. Letters to Lord Bridport, 1773-1800. Selec- tions.: Letters from William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, 1773-1774.* 35251. Miscellaneous original letters. Selection: Protestation of loyalty to the Protector's government by Thomas Modyford of Barbados, 1656. 35335. Original letters, political verses and miscellaneous papers, chiefly relating to Sir Robert Walpole. ca. 1700-1783. Selection: Poem on Sir Robert Walpole by Matthew Concanen. 35349-36278. Hardwicke Papers. Correspondence and collections of the first four earls of Hardwicke and other members of the Yorke family in the 18th and 19th centuries. A. Correspondence (Add. MSS. 35349-35813). B. Papers (Add. MSS. 35814-36278). The Library of Congress has the selections noted below. 35376. Hardwicke Papers. Vol. 28. Miscellaneous family correspond- ence of Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke. 1744-1785. Selec- tion.* 35406. Same. Vol. 58. Political correspondence of the 1st Earl of Hardwicke and the Duke of Newcastle. 1723-1740. Sefection.* 35407. Same. Vol. 59. Political correspondence of the 1st Earl of Hardwicke and the Duke of Newcastle. 1741-1743. Selections: Eight items relating to the Cartagena expedition, 1741, as follows: 1. Holies Newcastle [Duke of Newcastle] to Lord Hardwicke, May 18, 1741. 2. Private account of the condition of Cartagena at the time of taking the forts, castles & harbour, April 1, 1741 (in French). 3. Andrew Stone to Lord Hardwicke, May 18, 1741. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 157 4. Holies Newcastle [Duke of Newcastle] to Lord Hardwicke, May 21, 1741. 5. Same to same. June 19, 1741. 6. Abstract of the returns of the regiments in the West Indies, in Mr. Wentworth's of April 26, 1741. 7. Draft to Lord Harrington, June 20, 1741. 8. Andrew Stone to Lord Hardwicke, July 24, 1741. 9. Same to same, Sept. 1, 1741. 10. Attack on Laguira [La Guayra, Venezuela] [note in Mr. Stone's hand?] May 23, 1743. 35415. Same. Vol.67. Political correspondence of the 1st Earl of Hard- wicke and the Duke of Newcastle. July 1755-Aug. 1756. Selection.* 35421. Same. Vol. 73. Political correspondence of the 1st Earl of Hardwicke and the Duke of Newcastle. June 1761-July 1762. Selec- tions: 1. Due de Choiseul to Mr. Stanley, June 17, 1761. 2. Extract of [letter from Stanley to Pitt?] in Lord Hardwicke's hand, Paris, June 29, 1761. See Newcastle papers 32924. fol. 352. Stanley to Pitt. Considerations on the fishery at Newfoundland &c, July 10, 1761. 3. "Notte de M. de Bussy sur les limites de la Louisiane." 1761. 4. Papers of points to be delivered by Mr. Stanley to the Due de Choi- seul as containing the ultimatum of the court of Great Britain (sent to Mr. Stanley, July 24th, 1761). 5. Holies Newcastle [Duke of Newcastle] to Lord Hardwicke, Aug. 6, 1761, regarding the answer from France — "Lord Bute calls it a declara- tion of war." 6. "Ultimatum de la Cour de France, qui servira de Replique a PUltimatum de la Cour d'Angleterre remis a M. le Due de Choiseul par M. Stanley." 7. Duke of Newcastle to Lord Hardwicke, Aug. 7, 1761. 8. "The three last papers of the French negotiation, compared article by article. French ultimatum, Aug. 6th, 1761." 35427. Same. Vol. 79. Political correspondence of the 2nd Earl of Hardwicke and Governor Hutchinson. 1774-1779. Letters from 158 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Thomas Hutchinson, former governor of Massachusetts to Lord Hard- wicke.* Complete. 35433. Same. Vol. 85. Political papers, with a few letters, of Sir Joseph Yorke when minister plenipotentiary and ambassador-extra- ordinary at The Hague. 1756-1790. Selections: Items of 1775-1778.* 35444. Same. Vol. 96. Diplomatic correspondence and papers con- nected with Sir Joseph Yorke's embassy at The Hague. 1756-1772. Selections: Papers on the Dutch trade to Essequibo and Demarary, 1772, consisting of copies in Dutch, with English translations, as follows: 1. Copy of a letter from the Prince of Orange to the States General, with a further regulation concerning the navigation and trade to the colony of Essequibo and Demarary. The Hague. Jan. 15, 1772. 2. "Further points relating to the navigation & trade to the colony of Essequibo & Demarary provisionally determined & established by H. H. the P. of Orange by way of alteration to H. H.'s regulation of Dec. 5th, on the same subject (signed) W. Pr. v. Orange, The Hague, Jan. 15, 1772, by His Highness's command (countersigned) J. P. de Larrey." 35478. Same. Vol. 130. Correspondence, chiefly diplomatic, of Robert Keith, minister-plenipotentiary at Vienna (1748-1757) and envoy-extraordinary at St. Petersburg (1757-1762) . . . 1748-1774. Selections: Items dealing with disputes between England and France regarding America, as follows: Letter from the Earl of Holdernesse to Robert Keith, Jan. 28, 1755. Enclosing (1) General state of the points now depending between the courts of Great Britain and France, with relation to the limits of Nova Scotia, to the Neutral Islands, and to the examination of sea prizes, January 1754; (2) State of the actual pos- sessions of the Crown of Great Britain in North America at the treaty of Utrecht; (3) Narrative of what has passed on the River Ohio [1754], regarding Washington's campaign against the French and the capitu- lation at Fort Necessity, with a copy (in French) of the "Capitulation accordie par M. de Villiers ... a celuy des troupes angloises actuelle- ment dans le Fort de Necessite, ... 3 Juillet" [1754]; (4) "Memoire remis par Le Due de Mirepoix le 15e Janr. 1755"; (5) "Reponse au M6moire remis par Le Due de Mirepoix, 22 Janvier 1755," signed T. Robinson. In French. 35479. Same. Vol.131. Correspondence of Robert Keith. February- June 1755. Selections: Items dealing with disputes between England and France regarding America, as follows: 1. Letter from the Earl of Holdernesse to Robert Keith, Feb. 14, 1755. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 159 2. Same to same, Mar. 11, 1755. Enclosing copies of (1) "Projet de replique au memoire de M. le Chevalier de Robinson, remis par M. de Mirepoix, 6 fevrier 1755." (2) "Projet d'une convention preliminaire, remis par M. de Mirepoix, 23 fevrier 1755." (3) "Contre projet d'une convention preliminaire". 3. Letter from the Earl of Holdernesse to Robert Keith, Apr. 25, 1755. Enclosing copies of (1) "Extrait de la lettre de M. Rouille a M. Le Due de Mirepoix du 27 Mars 1755," (2) "Note de la lettre de M. Rouille a M. le Due de Mirepoix, de 13e Avril 1755." (3) "Note remis a S. E. Le Due de Mirepoix le 24e Avril 1755." 4. Letter from the Earl of Holdernesse to Robert Keith, May 20, 1755. Enclosing copies of (1) "Note, remise par S. E. Le Due de Mirepoix, 6e May 1755." (2) "Reponse a la note remise par 1'Ambassadre de France le 6e May 1755, remise a S. E. Le Due de Mirepoix le 9e May 1755." (3) Narrative of what passed between Sir Thomas Robinson and the French ambassador on the 6th and 7th inst., May 8th, 1755. (4) Copy of a letter from Sir Thomas Robinson to Colonel Yorke, Whitehall, May 9th 1755, in explanation of these papers. 5. Letter from the Earl of Holdernesse to Robert Keith, June 17, 1755. Enclosing (1) "Memoire remis par S. Exce. Le Due de Mirepoix le 14 May 1755." (2) Narrative of what passed between the French ambassador and Sir Thomas Robinson the 12th May 1755. (3) "Reponse remise le 6 me de Juin au Memoire donne par Le Due de Mirepoix le 14e de May 1755." Signed T. Robinson. In French. Notes on the four points for discussion relative to America (Les limites de PAcadie. Les limites du Canada. Le cours et le territoire de l'Ohio. Les Isles le Ste. Lucie, St. Vincent, La Dominique, et Tobago). 35504. Same. Vol. 151. Correspondence of Robert M. Keith. Oct. 1772-Jan. 1773. Selection: Letter from Sir Basil Keith, governor of Jamaica, to his brother, Sir R. M. Keith. London, Oct. 23, 1772. 35509. Same. Vol.161. Correspondence of Robert M. Keith. March- December 1775. Selections: 1. Letter from Anthony Chamier to R. M. Keith, War Office, Apr. 13, 1775. 2. Letter from Benjamin Dodd, London, May 23, 1775. 3. Letter from Anthony Chamier, War Office, July 7, 1775. 4. Two letters from William Fraser, July 8 and July 18, 1775. 5. Letter from Anthony Chamier, War Office, July 21 [1775]. 6. Letter from William Fraser, July 25, 1775. 160 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 7. Letter from Anthony Chamier, War Office, July 27, 1775. 8. Letter from Colin Lindsay, London, Aug. 28, 1775. 9. Letter from Anthony Chamier, Nov. 23, 1775. 10. Letter from Anthony Chamier, Dec. 7, 1775. In French. 11. Letter from James Charles Sholto Douglas, Jamaica, Dec. 7, 1775. 35511. Same. Vol. 163. Correspondence of Robert M. Keith. Oct. 1776-Apr. 1777. Selections, consisting of correspondence of George Cressener on the stopping of the Hessians at Coblenz, 1777, and 3 letters of the Earl of Suffolk to R. M. Keith, Mar. 28, Apr. 4, and Apr. 11, 1777, enclosing the Cressener correspondence. 35513. Same. Vol. 165. Correspondence of Robert M. Keith. Jan- Apr. 1778. Selections, as given in Andrews and Davenport: 156, also covering letter of the Earl of Suffolk to R. M. Keith, Mar. 17, 1778. 35525. Same. Vol. 177. Correspondence of Robert M. Keith. 17 Mar.-30 June 1782. Selections: 1. Letter from Sir Charles Douglas, Formidable at sea, Apr. 13, 1782. Describing Rodney's victory over De Grasse in the West Indies, 1782. 2. Copy of Sir Charles Douglas's letter to Sir Charles Middleton, comptroller of the Navy, Formidable off Monserat, Apr. 14, 1782. Regarding the same. 3. Comparative view of the strength of the English & French fleets in the battle of April 12th 1782 between Rodney & De Grasse, by Sir Charles Douglas. 35588. Same. Vol. 240. General correspondence of Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke. Jan. 1745-Aug. 1746. Selection: Letter from Jonathan Belcher, jr., later chief justice of Nova Scotia, to Lord Hard- wicke, Dublin, Mar. 6, 1744/5. Requesting assistance in personal affairs. 35590. Same. Vol. 242. General correspondence of Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke. Jan. 1748-Dec. 1749. Selections: Two letters from Count Zinzendorf, founder and bishop of Herrnhut sect of Moravian brethren, to the 1st Lord Hardwicke, Feb. 10, 1748/9 and Apr. 10, 1749. 35591. Same. Vol. 243. General correspondence of Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke. Jan. 1750-Dec. 1752. Selections: 1. Letter from the Duke of Bedford to Lord Hardwicke, Sept. 3, 1750. Regarding the proceedings of the French ministers in respect to the BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 161 affairs referred by mutual consent to the commissioners [English and French]. 2. Draft of reply to the Duke of Bedford's of Sept. 3, 1750. 3. Letter from Richard Rigby, Dublin Castle, Nov. 18, 1757, to William Sharpe. 4. Letter from Claudius Amyand, by order of the Earl of Holdernesse, Dec. 21, 1752, with draft of answer to His Lordship [Earl of Holder- nesse] relating to the draft of a Memorial by the Board of Trade concerning the limits of Nova Scotia. 5. Letter from Dunk Halifax (Earl of Halifax) Dec. 24, 1752. Regard- ing a plan for the government of the Province of Georgia. 35593. Same. Vol. 245. General correspondence of the 1st Earl of Hardwicke, Sept. 1754-1755. Selection: Letter from Adam Stephen (copy), July 9, 1755. Giving an account of the defeat of Gen. Braddock. 35597. Same. Vol. 249. General correspondence of the 1st Earl of Hardwicke, 1762-1764. Selection: Intelligence from the Havannah, August 1762. 35606. Same. Vol. 258. General correspondence of Philip Yorke, 2nd Earl of Hardwicke. 1751-1761. Selection: Letter from Gov. Benning Wentworth of New Hampshire to Sir Thomas Robinson, Sept. 17, 1755. Regarding the Crown Point expedition. 35609. Same. Vol. 261. General correspondence of the 2nd Earl of Hardwicke. July 1769-June 1771. Selection: Letter from Thomas Yorke, of Philadelphia, Apr. 30, 1771. Requesting financial aid and an appointment to a place in the Customs service. 35613. Same. Vol. 265. General correspondence of the 2nd Earl of Hardwicke. 1776-June 1777. Selection: Letter from Robert Auch- muty, late judge of admiralty in Massachusetts, Apr. 2, 1777. Recount- ing news from America. 35614. Same. Vol. 266. General correspondence of the 2nd Earl of Hardwicke. July 1777-July 1778. Selections: Six letters from Robert Auchmuty, late judge of admiralty in Massachusetts, to Lord Hard- wicke. July 12, 18, 23, Aug. 15, 18, 22, Oct. 5, 1777. Regarding General Howe's campaign around New York, Washington's army (July 18). Burgoyne's campaign, and other American affairs. The letter of July 23 describes an encounter between H. M. S. Fox and an American privateer off Newfoundland. 35616. Same. Vol. 268. General correspondence of the 2nd Earl of Hardwicke. Sept. 1779-Aug. 1780. Selection: Extracts from letter 162 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY from Edward Hay, governor of Barbados, July 20, 1779. Regarding movements of the fleet in the West Indies. 35620. Same. Vol. 272. General correspondence of the 2nd Earl of Hardwicke. Oct. 1782-July 1783. Selections: Five letters from Robert Auchmuty, late judge of admiralty in Massachusetts, to Lord Hardwicke. Jan. 13, 14, Feb. 19, Mar. 17, 19, 1783. Regarding his reduced financial situation; requests aid in securing a position. 35621. Same. Vol. 273. General correspondence of the 2nd Earl of Hardwicke. Aug.-Dec. 1783. Selections: Three letters from Robert Auchmuty, late judge of admiralty in Massachusetts, to Lord Hard- wicke. Aug. 11, 1783. Aug. 12, 1783. One letter without date. Ex- tract of a letter from an American at New York. Name of writer is not given; a loyalist describing conditions in America. 35639. Same. Vol. 291. General correspondence of the Hon. Charles Yorke. Vol. VII. 1769-1770 and undated. Selection: Memorial of Edward Dinsmore, deputy postmaster general of Jamaica, to the Earl of Leicester, postmaster general. 1758-9. 35640. Same. Vol. 292. Correspondence of the Hon. Charles Yorke respecting the affairs of Cambridge University. 1752-1770. Selections: Letters from Dr. Samuel Cooper, to Charles Yorke, July 13, 1767 and Nov. 19, 1768. 35641. Same. Vol. 293. General correspondence of the 3rd Earl of Flardwicke. 1778-1793. Selection: Declarations (in French) by the King of Spain (signed by Florida Blanca) concerning Nootka Bay. Madrid, July 24, 1790. 35655. Same. Vol. 307. Correspondence of Walter Pollard, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and of the Temple, with his father, Dr. Thomas Pollard, of Barbados . . . and other members of his family, chiefly in the West Indies and America, and with Philip Yorke, 3rd Earl of Hardwicke. Vol. I. 1771-1778. Folios 1-68 in this volume consist of a printed commission to Walter Pollard, dated 16 Dec. 1791, and letters signed J. Pollard, addressed to his brother, and dated from Eton and Oxford. They are purely local and domestic and are omitted. The remainder of the volume (fols. 69-370) has been tran- scribed. 35838. Same. Vol. 490. Miscellaneous historical collection. Vol. I. 1567-1720. Selection.* 35839. Same. Vol. 491. Miscellaneous historical collection. Vol. II. 1721-1817. Selection.* BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 163 35865. Same. Vol. 517. Parliamentary collections, temp. Charles II. Selection.* 35870. Same. Vol. 522. Minutes of the Cabinet and Privy Council, with other secret political memoranda. 1733-1766. Selections, con- sisting of minutes referring to America, as follows: 1. An attempt on St. Augustine. Sept. 25, 1739. 2. Monsr. Soto Mayor's proposal for an equivalent for the Assiento contract and annual ship. June 8, 1748. 3. Provisions for Lord Lascelles's regiment of foot now under orders for Nova Scotia. Apr. 26, 1750. 4. A Memorial from the French Court, complaining of a late insult &c. committed at Nevis against a French frigate under the command of the Sieur Chauvereau. May 3, 1750. 5. The French complaint relating to insults offered to officers belonging to the French ship the Galathee at Nevis. May 17, 1750. 6. Proposed expedition to be sent to Nova Scotia for settlement. May 31, 1750. 7. A complaint of a clandestine trade of negroes carried on by Com- modore Holburne, to Martinico and the other French Windward islands. June 7, 1750. 8. The proceedings of the French governor of Canada in Nova Scotia and steps to be taken for the support of His Majesty's rights and for the security of the colony of Nova Scotia and the boundaries thereof. June 14, 1750. 9. The violent proceedings carried on in Nova Scotia, by the declared orders of the [French] Governor of Canada. June 21, 1750. 10. Recommending giving the necessary orders to Governor Corn- wallis to augment the regiment lately embarked for Nova Scotia. June 28, 1750. 11. The present defenceless state of the harbours of Kingston and Port Royal and the method proposed by Gov. Trelawny for fortifying those harbours. July 5, 1750. 12. The Island of Cangeau and the right of fishing on the coast of Nova Scotia. July 10, 1750. 13. Affairs of Nova Scotia. July 19, 1750. 14. The retrospect of the prizes taken at sea, and M. Rouille's answers upon the affairs of Nova Scotia. Aug. 16, 1750. 164 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 15. The case of John How, lieutenant of H. M. S. Greyhound, and James Parks, gunners mate, for the murder of a maid servant of Mr. Ricketts, at New York. Aug. 30, 1750. 16. The second meeting of Messrs. Shirley and Mildmay with the French commissaries (negotiations in regard to Nova Scotia and Saint Lucia). Sept. 6, 1750. 17. Negotiations with the French commissaries (proceedings relating to the French evacuation of the Neutral islands and to question of the limits of Nova Scotia). Oct. 4, 1750. 18. The "unhappy state of His Majesty's Province of New York" and order to the Board of Trade to lay before the Privy Council a report upt>n the same. Oct. 18, 1750. 19. A demand of 156,690 livres made by the French Court for seven vessels which the governor of Cape Breton had furnished to Col. Hopson (H. M.'s governor there) to transport the garrison of that place to Acadia. Oct. 25, 1750. 20. Sending a further sea-force to Nova Scotia. Mar. 28, 1751. 21. Notes made at a meeting of the Privy Council, in Hardwicke's handwriting, regarding the matter of peace with France. Aug. 14, 1761. 22. Notes regarding the memorial from France, in Hardwicke's handwriting. Aug. 24, 1761. 23. Notes regarding the negotiations with France, in Hardwicke's handwriting. Aug. 24, 1761. 24. Brief notes by Lord Hardwicke of a meeting, Sept. 18, 1761, in regard to negotiations with Spain re cutting of logwood in Honduras. Minutes at the same meeting regarding the specifications in the French Memorial in respect to points of dissension between England and Spain. 25. Minute regarding war with Spain. Sept. 19, 1761. 26. Minute regarding the proposed government for Canada, etc. July 4 [1766]. 35872, 35873, 35874. Same. Vols. 524-526. Original orders in council addressed to Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke, while attorney- general and lord chancellor. 1725-1756. Selections: Orders in Council for passing under the Great Seal passes for ships exporting American tobacco from England to France, 1745-1748. 35877. Same. Vol. 529. Parliamentary collections of the 1st Earl of Hardwicke, consisting of bills (in draft or printed), notes of speeches, BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 165 chiefly in the House of Lords, petitions, reports, etc. Vol. III. 1750- 1757. Selection: "Act for avoiding, and putting an end to certain doubts and questions, relating to the attestation of wills and codicils concerning real estates," in England and America. 1752. 35893. Same. Vol. 545. Army papers. 1713-1759. Selections.* 35894. Same. Vol. .546. Army papers. 1760-1809. Selection: Minutes of the court-martial of Lord Charles Hay for mutinous speeches in North America in 1757. Feb. 12-Mar. 4, 1760. 35898. Same. Vol.550. Navy papers. 1693-1799. Selections.* 35907. Same. Vol. 559. Reports and papers, printed and manuscript, relating to the Plantations in America. 1721-1736. Selections: 1. Report of a committee of the Board of Trade to George I on the state of the Plantations in America. Sept. 8, 1721. 2. "Some observations relative to the boundarys of Florida and Carolina, to be discuss'd by plenipotentiarys, in consequence of the late convention with Spain." [1739]. 35908. Same. Vol. 560. Opinions of the law-officers relating to trade and the American Plantations, 1720-1733, being the original references from the Board of Trade, with Sir Philip Yorke's drafts of opinions, etc. The volume comprises 348 folios; the first 310 folios have been trans- cribed. The remainder, which consists of a copy in abbreviated Latin and in court hand, of the charter to the Bahama Islands [1670], has been omitted. 35909-35912. Same. Vol. 561-564. Papers relating to the American Plantations. 1710-1783. Complete. 35913-35915. Same. Vols. 565-567. Papers relating to Canada and Newfoundland. 1712-1773. Complete. 35916. Same. Vol. 568. Papers relating to the West Indies. 1734- 1803. Complete through 1796. 36054. Same. Vol. 706. Judicial note-books of the 1st Earl of Hard- wicke, as lord chancellor. Oct. 25, 1743-May 5, 1744. Selection: Notes in Chancery relating to the Pennsylvania-Maryland boundary dispute. 1743-1745. 36063. Same. Vol. 715. Judicial note-books of the 1st Earl of Hard- wicke, as lord chancellor. Feb. 23-Nov. 1750. Selections: Case of Thomas Penn and Richard Penn, two surviving sons of William Penn contra Lord Baltimore et al. Easter term, 1750 (May 3-11). Regard- ing the boundary line between the lower counties of Pennsylvania and Maryland. 166 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 36068. Same. Vol. 720. Judicial note-books of the 1st Earl of Hard- wicke, as lord chancellor. Feb. 22, 1755-Mar. 1, 1756. Selection: Penne [sic.] & al. contra Lord Baltimore & al. Easter term, 1755. Case regarding the boundary line between the lower counties of Pennsylvania and Maryland. 36110. Same. Vol.762. Opinion-book of counsel to the commissioners of customs. Mar. 18, 1716/17-Jan. 23, 1718/9. Selections.* 36125. Same. Vol. 777. Warrants to the solicitor and attorney-general for patents for public officials, peers, baronets, etc. 1720-1725. Selections: 1. Anthony Corbiere to be naval officer in Jamaica. Feb. 4, 1720/1. 2. Wm. Monk to be attorney general of Jamaica. Oct. 6, 1721. 3. John Carter to be secretary of Virginia. June 21, 1722. 4. John Anthony Balaguier to be secretary of Jamaica in reversion. Apr. 2, 1724. 5. Order to prepare a charter for a college in the Bermudas. Apr. 26, 1725. 6. A scheme, or schedule of heads to be inserted in a charter for found- ing, erecting, and incorporating a college in the Islands of Bermuda. 7. Warrant for the explanatory charter for the Province of Massachu- setts Bay. July 29, 1725. 36126. Same. Vol.778. Warrants to the attorney-general. 1726-1727. Selections.* 36127. Same. Vol. 779. Warrants to the attorney-general. 1727. Selections. * 36128. Same. Vol.780. Warrants to the attorney-general. 1728-1729. Selections. * 36129. Same. Vol.781. Warrants to the attorney-general. 1730-1731. Selections.* Also: 1. Thomas Lowndes, provost marshall in South Carolina. Nov. 30. [17]30. 2. Edward Bertie and John Hammerton, secretary and register of South Carolina. Jan. 2, 1730/1. 3. Sir Joseph Eyles and others, grant of 62,000 acres of land within the province of New York in America. May 4, 1731. 4. William Cosby, governor of the Leeward Islands. Commission. May 22, 1731. BRITISH MUSEUM! ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 167 36130. Same. Vol.782. Warrants to the attorney-general. 1732-1733. Selections.* 36131. Same. Vol.783. Warrants to the attorney-general. 1756-1761. Selections.* 36132. Same. Vol.784. Warrants to the attorney-general. Jan. 1762- June 1763. Selections.* 36133. Same. Vol.785. Warrants to the attorney-general. July 1763- 1766. Selections.* 36134. Same. Vol. 786. References to the 1st Earl of Hardwicke, as solicitor and attorney-general, for reports and opinions, with his notes and accompanying papers. 1720-June 1724. Selection: Notes con- cerning the boundary between New Jersey and Pennsylvania. 1721. 36179. Same. Vol. 831. Miscellaneous notes in chancery causes. 1737-1769. Selection: Penn vs. Baltimore (case regarding Pennsyl- vania-Maryland boundary). 1750. 36182. Same. Vol. 834. Drafts of judgments and other papers relating to causes in chancery tried before the 1st Earl of Hardwicke. Feb. 1748/9-July 1756. Selection: Penn vs. Baltimore (case regarding the Pennsylvania-Maryland boundary). 1750. 36194. Same. Vol. 846. Briefs of the Hon. Charles Yorke in chancery causes. 1767-1768. Selections: 1. Law suit of Tench Francis of Philadelphia. 1767. In the matter of Godhard Hagen and David Wolpman, bankrupts. For Yorke's legal opinion on case of Tench Francis, see 36225. 2. Case of Macarty and Barrow, [n. d.]. Bankruptcy case. 36216. Same. Vol. 868. Appeal-causes before the Privy Council. 1722-1743. Selections, as given in Andrews and Davenport: 164, also: 1. Robert Martin of Antigua, appellant, Edward Home Forest, of Antigua, respondent. Nov. 5, 1734. 2. Notes of hearing on the bills passed in Virginia for limiting the price of tobacco to be paid for the clergy's stipends &c, with the case of Richardson and Hamilton [Andrew Hamilton, attorney general of Pennsylvania]. Relief given by the King against a private act of Assembly in Pennsylvania. 1733.. 36217. Same. Vol. 869. Appeal causes before the Privy Council 1752-1758. Selections as given in Andrews and Davenport: 164-165, also: 1. James Barclay of the Island of Jamaica, deceased who was ex- ecutor of James Daniel Munroe. 1754. 168 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 2. Case of Joseph Williams vs. Hannan Beecher. Jamaica case. [1757 ?]. 36218. Same. Vol. 870. Appeal causes before the Privy Council. 1759-1763. Selections, as given in Andrews and Davenport: 165-166, also: 1. Hannah Blake vs. Alexander Paterson. Jamaica case. Mar. 8, 1759. 2. John Bell vs. William Perrin, Charles Spencer and Mark Hall, executors of Mathias Philp. Jamaica case. Mar. 15, 1759. 3. Zachary Bayly, of the parish of Kingston, vs. the Rev. John Poole, Theodore Stone and Francis Birbeck, executors of Richard Wilson. Jamaica case. July 7, 1760. 4. Samuel Adams, of Kingston, vs. John Nimbhard and William Orgill, executors of Daniel Peyton. Jamaica case. 1760. 5. Appeal from a sentence of the court of vice-admiralty in Nevis, in a cause of seizure for a pretended breach of the laws of trade and navigation. Andrew Denn, Richard Denn, and John Denn, late owners of the schooner called Nelly. -1760. 6. John Grant, agent and factor of Robert Grant, contractor and agent- victualler to a department of His Majesty's navy, late under the com- mand of Admiral Saunders, vs. Henry Newton, collector of the customs at Halifax in Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia case. 1761. 7. Joseph Weatherby and John Stephens and Diederick Jacobi vs. Andrew Raitt. Jamaica case. Jan. 20, 1761. 8. George Augustus Selwyn vs. John Murray. Chancery case. Bar- badoes. Feb. 5, 1761. 9. Edmund Hyde vs. Foster March. Jamaica case. 1761. 10. Samuel Ranshin vs. David Dove and Elenor, his wife. From the court of chancery in Jamaica. June 26, 1761. 11. Zachary Bayly and Nathaniel Bayly vs. Peter Furnell. Jamaica case. 1761. 12. Francis Delap vs. Samuel Lindsey. Jamaica case. June 29, 1761. 13. John Burn, in right of Ann his wife, daughter and legatee of Jacob Allin, vs. Julia Cole. From the court of ordinary in Jamaica. Mar. 16, 1762. 14. Sir John Molesworth and Thomas Peters vs. Thomas Fearon. From the court of chancery in Jamaica. Apr. 6, 1762. BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 169 15. Thomas Peters vs. John Bourke. Jamaica case. Apr. 6, 1762. 16. John Stone and Margaret his wife, formerly Margaret Ball, widow and executrix of George Ball, vs. Joseph Maynard and Elizabeth his wife, formerly Elizabeth Ball, daughter of Joseph Ball. From the court of chancery in Barbadoes. Apr. 6, 1762. 17. Zachary Bayly, administrator of Mark Warkman, vs. Thomas Jackson. Jamaica case. 1762. 18. Richard Crosse vs. Michael Atkins, John Curtis and Mark Davis, and His Majesty's attorney-general of Jamaica. Mar. 12, 1763. 36219. Same. Vol. 871. Appeal causes before the Privy Council. 1764-1765. 1. Petition of the Earl and Countess of Cardigan, executors of the Duke of Montagu, regarding the islands of St. Lucia and St. Vincent. With the Yorke's manuscript notes on the case. 2. John Freebody, Rhode Island, 1764. (Case of John Freebody and brothers vs. Jahleel Brenton). 3. Cleeve and Hinde, Virginia, July 27, 1764. (Case of Richard Cleeve and John Hinde, assignees of the estate of Pearson Pettit, vs. James Mills, William Bird, Richard Bland, William Jordan, Presley Thornton and James Power). 4. Augustine Dupoy, of Jamaica, vs. Dominick Laralde, of Cape Francois, and Margaret Blancau, widow of John Blancau, of Bordeaux. Jamaica case. July 27, 1764. 5. Collin McKenzie, of Jamaica, vs. Dally Jackson Woodhouse, son and heir of Maiy Woodhouse. Jamaica case. July 1764. 6. Thomas Sullivan and Alice, his wife, vs. Reynold Skeete. Barbados case. 1764. 7. Zachary Bayly vs. Thomas Jackson. Jamaica case. 1765. 8. William Beckford vs. Samuel Jeake. Jamaica case. 1765. 9. Mark Hall and Charles Spencer, executors of Matthias Philp, vs. George Anderson and Christian, his wife. Jamaica case. 1765. 10. Henry Israel vs. His Majesty's Advocate General of Jamaica at the relation of William Donaldson, collector of the customs for the Island of Jamaica. Jamaica case. July 1765. 11. David McMurterie and William McMurterie, of Philadelphia, merchants, insurers of the brigantine called the Providence, John Randall, master, vs. John Browne, the surviving owner of the said brigantine called the Providence. Pennsylvania case. 1765. 170 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 12. John Doe, on the demise of William Perrin and Thomas Vaughan, surviving trustees in the settlement made on the marriage of John Williams with Sarah, his wife, for securing the jointure of Sarah Williams, vs. Hannah Blake. Jamaica case. 1765. 13. William Perrin and Thomas Vaughan, trustees of Mary Williams, vs. Hannah Blake. Jamaica case. 1765. 14. Zachary Bayly vs. James Ord. Jamaica case. July 1765. 15. Zachary Bayly vs. the Attorney General of Jamaica on behalf of His Majesty. Jamaica case. 1765. 16. Thomas Peters vs. John Bourke. Jamaica case. 1765. 17. John Parsons vs. William Parsons. Virginia case. 1765. 18. Thomas Howlett vs. Thomas Osburn. Virginia case. 1765. 36220. Same. Vol. 872. Appeal causes before the Privy Council. 1766-1769. Complete. See Andrews and Davenport: 166-167, for list of contents. 36223. Same. Vol. 875. Legal and official papers of the Hon. Charles Yorke. 1750-1769. Selections: 1. Letter from Thomas Penn to Yorke, Spring Garden, May 31, 1759. 2. "Penn & Lord Baltimore; matters taken down, from the dictating of Mr. Sollicitor General Yorke, this day. 29 May 1759." Regarding transfer of property from Lord Baltimore to Thomas Penn. 36225. Same. Vol. 877. Legal opinions of the Hon. Charles Yorke. 1762-1769. Selections: 1 . Draft of report on the court-martial of Daniel McDonald, Martin- ique. Sept. 23, 1763. 2. Case of Tench Francis, of Philadelphia. 1767. For Yorke's briefs and opinion on this case, see 36194. 36226. Same. Vol. 878. Legal opinions of the Hon. Charles Yorke. Undated and miscellaneous. Selections.* 36269. Same. Vol.921. 1. Letters and papers relating to the establish- ment of the British Museum, 1742-1813. 2. Papers relating to the Charterhouse, London. Selection: Letter from John Mitchell to Lord Hardwicke. London, Jan. 20, 1756. Soliciting appointment to office of Keeper or Librarian of the British Museum. Photostats. 36596. Whitefoord papers. Vol. 5. Literary, and a few official papers of Caleb Whitefoord, senior. Selections.* BRITISH MUSEUM: ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS 171 36731-36734. Revenues, receipts and issues for Great Britain. 1710-1753. Complete. See Andrews and Davenport: 168, for further description. 36806. Official and private letters to Lord Mountstuart, as ambassador to Spain. Jan. 28, 1783-Dec. 15, 1784. Selections: I. Letters from John Dalling, Apr. 11 and Apr. 17, 1783. Regarding adjustment of the territory to be ceded by Spain in the Bay of Honduras. 2 Copy of a letter from Mr. Secretary Pitt to Sir Benjamin Keene, ambas- sador at Madrid, Aug. 23, 1757. 3. Copy of a letter from Sir Benjamin Keene to Mr. Pitt, Sept. 26, 1757. 4. Hints given by Mr. Barre. [n. d.]. English ship passes for the Mediterranean. 5. Some observations on the probability of success in case an attack should be made on the Island of Trinidad, Santa Fe, Cumana, Caracas, Nica- ragua, Honduras and Guatemala. By General John Dalling. 1782? 6. Some considerations relative to the reduction of the Island of Trinidad. 1782. 7. Observations on Caracas and the Province of Cumana. 1782. 8. Remarks on certain queries respecting the Bay of Honduras and Mosquito Shore. 1783. 9. Some thoughts relative to the trade lately carried on in the Bay of Honduras and on the Mosquito Shore by the British merchants. 1783. 10. Account of the Spanish Main. II. Plan of "the harbour of Port Royal on the south side of the Isle Rattan" [Ruatan]. [n. d.]. 36807. Official copies of state papers, chiefly respecting negotiations be- tween England and Spain as to the rights of cutting logwood and having settlements in the Bay of Honduras, and to the right of fishing off Newfoundland, 1672, 1703-1762. Complete. See Andrews and Davenport: 168-169, for further description. Photostats. 36859-36865. Minute books of the Commission for examining the public accounts. Vols. I-VI. Apr. 6, 1702-Apr. 5, 1704. Vol. VII. Re- ports of the Commission to the House of Commons and replies. 1 702- 1703/4. Complete. See Andrews and Davenport: 169, for further description. Photostats. 36995. Correspondence of Major-General Studholme Hodgson, when in command of the expedition against Belleisle in 1761, chiefly with William Pitt and the Earl of Egremont, secretaries of state, and Charles Townshend, secretary at war, together with other letters addressed to him . . . Complete. Photostats. 172 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 37047. Official correspondence of Robert Long . . . member of the Privy Council and secretary of state to Charles II. 1649-1654. Selection: Draft of the King's warrant, with corrections, for grant of part of Vir- ginia to Hopton and others. 1649. 37067. Index of the names of testators whose wills are preserved among the records of the island of Barbados. 1776-1800. Comp. by Edwin Fitzpatrick. Complete. Photostats. 37293. Wellesley papers: correspondence and papers, official, political, and private, of Richard Colley Wellesley, Marquis of Wellesley . . . secre- tary of state for foreign affairs, 1809-1812. Vol. XX. Selection: Heads of notes for a dispatch, which have occurred upon reading Mr. Foster's [A. J. Foster, minister to the United States] last dispatches. ca. Jan. 1, 1812. 37528. A journal of a voyage undertaken to the South Seas by His Majesty's ships Resolution and Discovery, Captains James Cook and Chas. Clerke, Esqrs., commanders, kept by Thomas Edgar, master. 1776-1778. Complete. See Paullin and Paxson: 554, for further description. Photostats. 37833-37835. Correspondence of George III. with John Robinson, . . . secretary to the treasury (1770-1782). Aug. 2, 1772-Nov. 1, 1784. 3 vols. The King's letters are holograph, those of Robinson drafts or autograph copies. Complete. (See Paullin and Paxson: 554) Photostats. 38389-38393. Liverpool papers. Correspondence and papers, official and private, of the first three Earls of Liverpool . . . 16th-19th centuries. Vols. 200-204. Minutes of the Privy Council Committee of Trade. Jan. 11, 1786-Mar. 31, 1792. Complete. Photostats. 39908. Autograph letters of the Presidents of the United States of America; a complete series from George Washington to Woodrow Wilson. Selection: Letter from George Washington to James Madison. Jan. 2, 1789. Photostat. GENERAL POST OFFICE 29 The scattered items relating to America found in the volu- minous records of the General Post Office are described in Andrews and Davenport: 273-276. The Library of Congress has transcripts of these items, as enumerated below. 29 All the reproductions of manuscripts in the General Post Office consist of transcripts, GENERAL POST OFFICE 173 1. Treasury Letter Books. Containing letters, reports and memorials from the Post Office to the Lords of the Treasury, and warrants, orders of reference, letters, etc., issued by the Treasury in reply thereto. Selections: American items as given in Andrews and Davenport: 273-275, from the following volumes: Unnumbered series, referred to by date only. 1691-1699 (no. 2 in Andrews and Davenport: 273). 1699-1705 (no. 3 in Same: 273, 274). 1705-1712 (no. 4 in Same: 274). 1715-1724 (no. 6 in Same: 274). 1760-1771 (no. 8 in Same: 274, 275). Vol. I. 1771-1778 (no. 9 in Same: 275). Vol. II. 1778-1783 (no. 10 in Same: 275). 2. Order Books. Vols. I— III. 1737-1774. Selections: Orders appointing deputy postmasters general in America, etc. 3. Commission Book, 1759-1854. An entry book containing copies and memoranda of commissions signed by the postmaster general appoint- ing postmasters, commanders of packet boats, etc. Selections: Amer- ican items. 4. Instructions. 1763-1811. Instructions given by the postmasters general to deputy postmasters general, commanders of packet ships, etc. Selections: American items. 5. General accounts. Volumes for 1721-1730, 1761-1770. Selections: American items. 6. American Letter Book. 1773-1783. Contains letters from the General Post-Office to the postmasters in America. Complete. Also a separate item consisting of articles of agreement with William Leslie of London, mariner, for a packet boat on the New York station. [London]. Nov. 5, 1755. HOUSE OF LORDS COMMITTEE BOOKS For a comprehensive account of the House of Lords MSS. and for enumeration of American items found therein, see Andrews and Davenport: 189-272. The House of Lords manuscripts, through the year 1710, have been calendared (1) by the Historical Manuscripts Commission and (2) issued by order of the House but not under the authority of the Historical Manuscripts commission. For enumeration of the 174 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY volumes of the Commission's reports in which the calendars appear, see Andrews and Davenport: 189. The later volumes are as follows: The manuscripts of the House of Lords, 1693-7695, Vol. I (new series) (London, 1900); 1695-1697, Vol. II (new series) (London, 1903); 1697-1699, Vol. Ill (new series) (London, 1905); 1699-1702, Vol. IV (new series) (London, 1908); 1702-1704, Vol. V (new series) (London, 1910); 1704- 1706, Vol. VI (new series) (London, 1912); 1706-1708, Vol. VII (new series) (London, 1921); 1708-1710, Vol. VIII (new series) (London, 1923). Supplementary material dealing with the action of Parlia- ment in regard to matters with which the Committee Books and other House of Lords papers are concerned is found in the successive volumes of Proceedings and debates of the British Parlia- ments respecting North America, edited by Leo Francis Stock, and published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1924 et seq. Vol. I covers the years 1542 to 1688. To date 5 vol- umes have appeared, bringing the series through the year 1754. "Proceedings of Committees on Bills and other matters." The "Committee Books" contain rough minutes of the pro- ceedings of the Committees of the House kept by one of the clerks. Notes of debates, evidence, petitions, opinions of judges and legal assistants, etc., are included. The "Com- mittee Books" for the years 1661 to 1829 (vols. 1 to 78) were examined and a selection consisting of all American items was reproduced, as follows: 30 Vol. 4. 1690, May 15. Petition of merchants trading to New York and New England; Mr. Thompson re great advantage of said trade to England; Mr. Squib on cost of 15000 lbs. to the Company [Hudson's Bay] to retake the colony [Acadia] from the French. Vol. 5. 1694. Dec. 14. Merchants losses at sea; Barbados merchants: those trading to the Leeward Islands. 1694/5. Jan. 6. Admiralty bill touching Barbados fleet; Barbados merchants and convoys; courts of Admiralty. Jan. 8. Papers from Committee of Customs as to why the officers in Carolina had not sufficient encouragement for pushing 10 The reproductions of this series consist of photofilms and enlargement prints. HOUSE of lords: committee books 175 the Acts of 12 and 15 Car. 2; manufactures for each year; Admiralty ordered to give list of ships in the West Indies; Barbados merchants called in re convoys. Jan. 14. Admiralty committee re Barbados merchants, when convoy be ready, why not ready, names of ships and where; report on convoy for "Barbadoe and Virginia ships". Jan. 16. Report on balance of trade : necessity to strengthen act of navigation for security of trade of Plantations under Proprietors by grants from Crown. Feb. 7. Admiralty committee re convoys; Captain Priestley on location of ships; Captain Coale to be court martialed. 1696. Feb. 15. Account of foreign ships cleared for 4 years and value of goods; Mr. Randolph witness to proofs of grant to Mr. Penn, part of Maryland and part of sea coast; trade of plantations abused. Feb. 16. Mr. Penn ordered to attend; commission of governor of New York. Feb. 20. Randolph delivered list of proprietors of plantations. Feb. 22. List read proprietors of Bahama Islands and Carolina; governor of Carolina asks for salary. Feb. 23. Penn brought in the grant from King James to Duke of York; order re smuggling. Mar. 1. Charges against Penn by Randolph; list of ships loaded in Pennsylvania to- bacco, illegal trade. Mar. 4. Penn's answer to Randolph charges. Mar. 8. Mr. Robert Southwell presented copies of the instruments to be sent to governors of plantations; Mr. Penn expedient against fraud in trade; proprietors liable for misbehavior if they do not observe in- struments. Mar. 15. Copy of instruments; fraud in trade. 1698. Jan. 22. Maryland; affidavit read re ships. Vol. 6. 1702-1703. 1702. Nov. 24. Abuses in the colonies under Proprietors and charter governments, remedy offered. 1703. Jan. 24. Report of the Committee of Trade re exportation of linen from Ireland to the Plantations. Jan. 25. Re export of linen cloth directly to the Plantations. Jan. 27. Account of German and Holland linens ex- ported from England to the Plantations. Feb. 15. Report re linen. Feb. 18. Report ordered drawn up. Mar. 14-18. Admiralty papers re convoys to Jamaica; treatment of sailors; examination of witnesses; French prisoners. Vol.7. 1704-1708. 1704. Nov. 30. Estimate of navy for 1705, allowance made Admiral Bourke in the West Indies. Dec. 11. Navy accounts, salaries, wages, etc. 1705. Jan. 25. Barbados. Petition, grievances of inhabitants. Feb. 4. Witnesses summoned re Barbados; petition from Royal African Company. Feb. 8. Plea of merchant for money lent convoy. Feb. 13. Petition from inhabitants of Barbados. Feb. 20. Same. Mar. 18. Bahama Islands, report of John Grance re Isle of Providence and South Carolina. 1707. Nov. 17. Trade to Jamaica. Dec. 30. Privateers in West Indies; pressing of seamen; fortifications in 176 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Leeward Islands. 1708. Jan. 3. State of trade with Jamaica, Quebec, Port Royal, New York; fortifications, officers and men. 1708. Jan. 6. State of trade of proprietor and charter governments from 1690; Rhode Island and Connecticut charter to be read. 1708 [1707/8]. Jan. 10, Jan. 22. Value of coin in the Plantations. Jan. 19. Agents of the colonies ordered in. Jan. 26. Bill to enforce obedience to proclamation of 18 June, 1704. Vol. 8. 1713, 1717. 1713. June 26. Members of the African Trade Company called in, report on book of its directors; inquiry into the port books, 1660-1667. 1717. Mar. 4-5. Robbery bill; transporta- tion of felons, the bill extending the same to His Majesty's Dominions in America. Vol. 10. 1731, 1733. 1731. Mar. 21. Consideration of Plantation trade of the sugar colonies; Lords willing to hear merchants on decay of the sugar trade; trade for last 14 years. 1733. Mar. 12. Board of Trade re laws, manufactures, and trade of the Plantations in America. Mar. 18. State and condition of Jamaica and Barbados. Mar. 21. The West Indies and northern colonies: trade, laws, and power of repeal of the Crown; governors of Connecticut and Rhode Island ordered to take the oath of allegiance; cultivation of naval stores in the American colonies. Vol. 11. 1735, 1739. 1735. Apr. 28. Re act touching carrying of rice from Carolina, to extend to Georgia. 1739. Mar. 17. To prepare address of congratulation to the King on taking Porto Bello; great success in the West Indies under command of Vice- Admiral Vernon; Spain cut off from Peru. Vol. 13. 1753. Apr. 18, May 4. Sale of shares in the Province of New Jersey bill. (Proprietary shares of Benjamin Quare and Benjamin Brain Quare.) Vol. 15. 1760, 1761. 1760. May 13-14. Pennsylvania and Proprietors lands sale bill. 1761. Feb. 9-10. Walker's estate in Barbados. Vol. 18. 1768. Dec. 15. To prepare an address to His Majesty on his gracious communication to Parliament of the papers relative to the Province of Massachusetts Bay. Vol. 19. 1772. May 28, June 5. Re will of Christopher Robinson under seal of the colony of Virginia, Middlesex county, Richard Corbin and Ralph Wormeley, executors. Vol. 20. 1774. Mar. 31-Apr. 20. "To enquire into several proceeding in the colony of Massachusetts Bay in opposition to the sovereignty of His Majesty," etc. Vol. 22. 1778. Apr. 3. Re estate of the Honorable Temple Simon HOUSE of lords: committee books 177 Luttrel, called Swallow Field, in the Island of Jamaica, and marriage settlement. Vol.25. 1781. May 9, 11. "To confirm and carry into execution articles of agreement between the devisee and heirs at law of ye late Ld. Baltimore and for vesting the Province of Maryland in Henry Harford, Esquire. Bill". Vol. 27. 1783. Feb. 17. "To prepare an address of thanks to His Majesty for his most gracious communication of the preliminaries of peace to this House." Vol. 46. 1802. June 17. West India Dock Company's bill. [Payment of money for West India docks]. Vol. 48. 1804. Mar. 2, 12. West India Dock Company's bill. Vol. 55. 1810. Mar. 15, 26. Select committee relative to distilleries, etc., account of the quantity of wheat, barley, oats, meal, and flour imported into Ireland from the United States of America and other foreign countries from 1804 to 1810. Vol. 56. 1811. Apr. 8. West India Docks road bill (expenses and sums paid). Vol. 67. 1820. May 30. Select committee to enquire into the means of extending and securing the foreign trade of the country (navigation laws which relate to importations from Asia, Africa, and America). June 6. Select committee to enquire into the means of extending and securing the foreign trade of the country (account of American tonnage from different ports of British India, 1816-1819, account of cargoes exported by American ships from ports of British India, 1816- 1819, account of American trade with Canton, 1815-1819, account of the quantity and value of tea exported by Americans, 1815-1819). June 16. Leith merchants on duties on timber and the trade with American colonies. June 20. Trade with the British colonies in North America and in the fisheries of Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. June 30. Importation of timber from the colonies in North America, and trade of the Americans with India and China. Vol. 68. 1821. Mar. 28. Accounts of importation from the East Indies and the United States of America into the ports of Marseilles and Leghorn. Vol. 75. 1826. Apr. 17. Precedents found in the Journals of the House of Lords regarding petitions (petition of New Brunswick against timber duties bill, 1821; petition of Province of Nova Scotia, 1775; petition of Council and Assembly of Island of Saint Christopher re abolition of the slave trade, 1793; petitions of the agents for Jamaica and the Ba- hama Islands against the slave trade bill, 1806-1807; petition of agent 178 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY of Jamaica against slave ships bill, 1806; petition against bill for res- training the American fishery, 1775. May 18. American steam navigation bill. Vol. 77. 1828, June 23. Select committee on wool: American tariff, with the reductions into English measures and monies. MANUSCRIPTS 1. Items given in Andrews and Davenport: 192-272, as follows: Nos. 31, 64-66, 68-77, 80, 83, 84, 86, 88, 92-124, 126-132, 135, 137-161, 163- 179, 181-191, 193-197, 199-200, 202-209, 211-218, 220-242, 245- 272, 274, 276-287, 291-294, 296, 299-309, 311-312, 315-334, 336-343, 345-347, 349-351, 353, 356-360, 362-369, 372, 375, 378-384, 387, 390, 396-398. Photofilms and enlargement prints, except item 31 which is a transcript. 2. Items given in Paullin and Paxson: 329-360, as follows (As the items given in Paullin and Paxson are not numbered, the items which have been reproduced are given here according to date of each): 1783, Dec. 2. 1785, Mar. 4. 1789, Apr. 25, June 24. 1790, Feb. 18, Dec. 13. 1794, Mar. 24, Mar. 28. 1799, May 24, May 30. June (lists of slave vessels . . .), June-July (logbooks and surgeons' journals of all slavers . . . ). 1807, Feb. 13. 1808, Feb. 11, Feb. 23, Mar. 3, Mar. 7, Mar. 14, Mar. 17. 1810, Feb. 5, Feb. 6, Apr. 13. 1812, Feb. 3, Feb. 25, Feb. 27. 1813, Feb. 5, Feb. 8, Feb. 12. 1815, Feb. 13, Feb. 17, Feb. 28. 1827, Mar. 30. 1828, May 16, June 17. 1829, Apr. 6. 1830, Mar. 3, July 2. 1831, Feb. 25, Mar. 9 (account of the quantity of British lead and lead ore exported from 1830 to 1831). 1832, Mar. 19. 1834, Feb. 6, May 7. 1836, May 31, June 28, July 8. 1839, Apr. 16. 1845, May 26. 1849, May 7. 1851, May 16. 1852, May 10. 1854, Aug. 11. 1859, Apr. 11. Photofilms and enlargement prints of items through 1831, Feb. 25. Reproductions of the remaining items consist of photofilms only. PARLIAMENTARY BILLS 3I 1. 1620/21, Feb. 7. Draft of "An act to restrain common brewers and tipplers to be justices of peace in any county, city, or town corporate within this realm." 2. 1620/21, Feb. 7. Draft of "An act for the confirmation of a decree in chancery made by the consent of the Lord of the Manor of Painswick, 11 Reproductions of the "Parliamentary Bills" consist of photostats. Many of these are printed in Commons debates, 7621, ed. by Wallace Notestein and others. Vol. VII (1935). HOUSE of lords: parliamentary bills 179 in the county of Gloucester, and the customary tenants of the same manor." 3. 1620/21, Feb. 8. Draft of "An act for the further reformation of jeofayles." 4. 1620/21, Feb. 13. Draft of "An act for the true making of good and sufficient cards for wool." 5. 1620/21, Feb. 13. Draft of "An act for the explanation of a statute made 1 Edward VI., An act whereby certain chauntryes, colleges, free chapels, and the possessions of the same be given to the King's Majesty." 6. 1620/1, Feb. 14. Draft of "An act for the founding and establishing of a college or hospital in the town of East Grinstead, in the county of Sussex, according to the intention of the late Right Hon. Robert, Earl of Dorset . . ." 7. 1620/21, Feb. 15. Draft of "An act to enable justices of the peace to give restitution of possession in certain cases." 8. 1620/21, Feb. 15. Draft of "An act for the recovery of small debts and duties in London, and for avoiding of excessive charges of suit and travail and small matters." 9. 1620/21, Feb. 21. Draft of "An act for the repairing and maintaining of an ancient haven, river, and channel of the borough and town of Colchester, in the county of Essex, and also for the paving of the said town." 10. 1620/21, Feb. 22. Draft of "An act for explanation of one proviso or clause contained in an Act made in the 1 3th year of the reign of our late Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth, entituled An act against fraud, defeating remedies for dilapidations of ecclesiastical livings, and for leases to be granted by collegiate churches . . ." 11. 1620/21, Feb. 22. Draft of "An act making the river of VVeye, alias Way, in the county of Surrey, navigable from or near Guildford Bridge or Stoke Mills to the River Thames." 12. 1620/21, Feb. 24. Draft of "An act for the explanation of a branch of the statute made in the third year of the King's Majesty's reign of England, intituled An act for the better discovering and repressing of 'popish recussants'." 13. 1620/21, Feb. 27. Draft of "An act for enabling and confirming of certain lands and tenements within the county of Westmoreland, to be customary lands and tenements of inheritance according to the purport of decrees made within the space of two years last past in the High Court of Chancery or within seven years hereafter to be made." 180 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 14.1 620/21 , Feb. 27. Draft of "An act for the free traffic of sea coals, stone coals, and pit coals, in and out of the counties of Durham and Northum- berland, acquitted and discharged from the late unlawful exactions of two pence, three pence, and sixteen pence a chauldron, by the Mayor and Burgesses of the town and county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne." 15. 1620/21, Feb. 28. Draft of "An act for repressing the odious and loathsome sin of drunkenness, and for the restraint of the excessive prices of beer and ale." 16. 1620/21, Mar. 1. Draft of "An act for the confirmation of Wadham College, in Oxford and the possession thereof." 17. 1620/21, Mar. 2. Draft of "An act for the better ordering and governing of carmen and cars to be used within the city of London and the liberties and suburbs of the same, and of wharfingers and keepers of wharves for stowage of wood and coal upon the river of Thames in or near London, and for necessary means to utter the same." 18. 1620/21, Mar. 7. Draft of "An act for the improving and better ordering of commons, intercommons, and waste grounds for the good of the poor commoner and all interested therein." 19. 1620/21, Mar. 8. Draft of "An act for confirmation of several letters patent granted by the King's Majesty for the incorporating the gar- deners of the city of London . . ." 20. 1620/21, Mar. 9. Draft of "An act imposing a fine on brewers for setting on work within London and the suburbs of the same, and within two miles compass without the same suburbs, more coopers and in other manner than by a statute made in three and twentieth year of King Henry the Eighth is tolerated." 21. 1620/21, Mar. 9. Draft of "An act against the importation of logwood and the deceipts and abuses in dyeing therewith." 22. 1620/21, Mar. 9. Draft of "An act for continuance of a former statute made in the 4th year of the King's Majesty's reign, intituled An act for the true making of woollen cloths and for some additions and alter- ations in and to the same." 23. 1620/21, Mar. 10. Draft of "An act for the Company of Tallow Chandlers of the city of London." 24. 1620/21, Mar. 12. Draft of "An act for reformation of sundry abuses committed by diverse evil disposed persons that engross and get into their hands great store of victuals and other commodities, and exchange same at unreasonable rates with poor handicraftsmen that work in iron and steel within the several counties of Stafford, Salop, Wigorn, and Warwick." HOUSE of lords: parliamentary bills 181 25. 1620/21, Mar. 12. Draft of "An act for the further explanation of the Statute 5 Edward VI., cap. 14, touching forestalling, and of the Statute 5 Elizabeth, cap. 22, touching the dressing of skins and pelts into leather, and for the incorporating of the glovers and leather dressers residing within five miles of the city of London." 26. 1620/21, Mar. 12. Draft of "An act for the reformation of diverse abuses and deceipts committed and used in dyeing." 27. 1620/21, Mar. 13. Draft of "An act for the passing of the accounts of sheriffs, escheators, collectors of subsidies, tenths, fifteenths, and aids without charge or delay." 28. 1620/21, Mar. 14. Draft of "An act against forestalling and engrossing of sheep skins and lamb skins for the relief of many poor tradesmen." 29. 1620/21, Mar. 15. Draft of "An act for the good order and government of the makers of knives, sickles, shears, and scissors in Halamshire in the county of York, and parts near adjourning." 30. 1621, Mar. 27. Draft of "An act against secret offices and inquisitions to be taken on His Majesty's behalf, to the prejudice of his subjects." 31. 1621, Apr. 17. Draft of "An act for the freer liberty of fishing and fishing voyages to be made and performed in the sea coast and places of Newfoundland, Virginia, New England, and other the sea coasts and parts of America." 32. 1621, Apr. 17. Draft of "An act for the restitution of the true and necessary use of writs Ad quod damnum, or commissions in nature of the same." 33. 1621, Apr. 18. Draft of "An act against usury." 34. 1621, Apr. 19. Draft of "An act for payment of costs in prohibitions for tythes." 35. 1621, Apr. 19. Draft of "An act for the better execution of judgments given in the Court of King's Bench." 36. 1621, Apr. 20. Draft of "An act for avoiding of vexatious delays caused by removing actions and suits out of inferior courts." 37. 1621, Apr. 21. Draft of "An act for the better increasing of the de- cayed rates of corn, cattle, and other country commodities by repeal of some branches of the Statute of the 5th Edward VI. against regrators, forestalled, and ingrossers, and for preventing of usurious contracts to be made thereof." 38. 1621, Apr. 24. Draft of "An act for the better repressing of drunkeness and restraining the inordinate haunting of inns, alehouses, and other victualling houses." 182 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 39. 1621, Apr. 25, Draft of "An act for enlarging a statute made in the 8th of Elizabeth, intituled An act concerning sea marks and mariners." 40. 1621, Apr. 28. Draft of "An act for impropriations belonging to bishoprics, colleges, and cathedral churches to be let to the vicar's incumbents." 41. 1621, Apr. 28. Draft of "An act for the reviving and explanation and amendment of the laws made for the preservation of game by reason of the inordinate shooting in pieces." 42. 1621, Apr. 28. Draft of "An act touching several court leets and court barons to be kept within the manor, barony, lordship, and fee of Malpas, in the county of Chester, to authorise Sir Wm. Brereton, his heirs and assigns to hold a court leet, &c." 43. 1621, Apr. 30. Draft of "An act to establish two judge's assistants in the Court of Chancery, and to lesson the charge of suits in that court." 44. 1621, Apr. 30. Draft of "An act for the avoiding of the great charge daily increasing upon the inhabitants in cities and towns corporate for the relief of poor people." 45. 1621, May 2. Draft of "An act against the misemployment of lands, tenements, and hereditaments given for the maintenance or repair of causeways and highways." 46. 1621, May 2. Draft of "An act for the freeing and discharging of fishermen of and from the payment of customs, subsidies, tonnage, and poundage for fish taken in the seas upon or near the coast of Ireland, or for the importing, making, salting, saving, or packing of the said fish in the said kingdom, or the exporting of the said fish by any such fishermen out of the said kindgom." 47. 1621, May 3. Draft of "An act against the transportation of iron mine, cast iron ordnance, and cast iron shot." 48. 1621, May 4. Draft of "An act concerning days of hearings and orders in the court of Chancery and other courts of equity at West- minster." 49. 1621, May 5. Draft of "An act concerning petty larceny and the manner of punishment of the offenders therein." 50. 1621, May 7. Draft of "An act concerning women convicted of small felonies." 51. 1621, May 9. Draft of "An act for the maintenance and increase of navigation, and to prevent the exportation of coin." 52. 1621, May 12. Draft of "An act for the ordering and settling the HOUSE of lords: parliamentary bills 183 manner of buildings, and for restraint of inmates and dividing of tenements, in and near the cities of London and Westminster." 53. 1621, May 12. Draft of "An act of repeal of one branch of the statute of 34 Hen. VIII. entituled An act for certain ordinances in the King's Majesty's dominions and Principality of Wales." 54. 1621, May 14. Draft of "An act for making certain rivers navigable." 55. 1621, May 14. Draft of "An act for the relief of the pewterers of London and the furnishing the kingdom with pewter at reasonable rates." 56. 1621, May 14. Draft of "An act for establishing only of English brokers between merchants and others within the realm of England." 57. 1621, May 18. Draft of "An act for the more indifferent hearing of all causes, and the counsel towards the same, in all courts." 58. 1621, May 24. Draft of "An act for the abbreviation of Michaelmas term." 59. 1621, May 26. Draft of "An act for limitation, and for avoiding of suits in law." 60. 1621, May 26. Draft of "An act against such as shall levy any fine, suffer any recovery, knowledge any statute, recognizance, bail, or judg- ment in the name of any other person or persons not being privy or consenting thereunto." 61. 1621, May 26. Draft of "An act concerning the transportation of butter made and to be made in the dominion of Wales and county of Monmouth." 62. 1621, May 26. Draft of "An act for the perfect selling and confirma- tion of the estate and customs of the customary tenants of the High and Mighty Prince Charles of His Highness's lands called Richmond Fee and Marquess Fee, within the barony of Kendall in the county of Westmoreland." 63. 1621 May 28. Draft of "An act to charge the lands, tenements, goods, and chattels of such persons as shall die in execution." 64. 1621, June 2. Draft of "An act for the keeping and holding of the assizes and gaol deliveries in the chief and principal towns of every county in England." 65. 1621, Nov. 28. Draft of "An act to admit the subject to plead the general issue in informations of intrusion brought on behalf of the King's Majesty, and to retain his possession till trial." 184 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 66. 1621, Nov. 28. Draft of "An act for making of the estates of attainted persons liable for the payment of their just and due debts." 67. 1621, Nov. 28. Draft of "An act for ease in the obtaining of licences of alienation, and in the pleadings of alienations without licence or of pardons of alienations without licence, in the Court of Exchequer or elsewhere." 68. 1621, Nov. 28. Draft of "An act restoring the free trade of the mer- chants of the staple for the exportation of cloth and all other manu- factures made of wool, into parts beyond the seas." ROYAL COURTS OF JUSTICE ADMIRALTY. REGISTRY (MUNIMENT BOOKS 32 ) Vol. 4. fols. 69-74. Vice-admiralty commission to Gov. Andron of Virginia. Mar. 6, 1692. Vol. 5. fol. 139. Vice-admiralty commission to Gov. Nicholson of Virginia. Sept. 11, 1702. fol. 179. Same to Gov. Nott of Virginia. Apr. 25 : 1705. Vo. 6. fol. 77. Vice-admiralty commission to Gov. Spotswood of Virginia. Mar. 11, 1709. Vol. 7. fol. 44. Vice-admiralty commission to Gov. Drysdale of Virginia. May 1, 1722. fol. 99b (or 100). Same to Gov. Gooch of Virginia. Mar. 24, 1726/7. Vol. 10. fol. 85. Vice-admiralty commission to Gov. Botetourt of Virginia. Aug. 9, 1768. fol. 130. Same to Gov. Dunmore of Virginia. Feb. 2, 1771. TOWER OF LONDON MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO STATE PRISONERS Vol. IV, pp. 62-66, 198-199. Relating to Henry Laurens. Oct 6, 1780- Mar 25, 1782. Stevens's facsimiles, nos. 921, 955, 959, 963, 966, 973, 983, 984, 987, 989. * 2 The reproductions of these selections from the "Muniment Books" consist of tran- scripts. Governmental Archives [Local] GUILDHALL, LONDON, RECORDS OFFICE The Archives of the City of London are found in the Guild- hall; they are for the most part in the custody of the town clerk, but records are preserved in the several departments of other officers of the corporation. For description of these archives and enumeration of American items, see Andrews and Davenport: 280-283. A few items only are contained in this collection, as follows: Bonds for transportation of felons (Carolina, Maryland, Virginia) 1715— 1737. Photostats. Memoranda and certificates for servitude in the plantations: Maryland, 1718, 1719; Jamaica, 1722; Maryland, 1722/23. (4 items). Photo- stats. Certificates (44) of landing of felons at American ports (South Carolina, Maryland, Virginia, Nevis, Barbadoes). 1718-1736. Photostats. 185 Libraries, Societies, Institutions [Inside London] DENISON HOUSE 33 ANTI-SLAVERY AND ABORIGINES PROTECTION SOCIETY The Anti-Slavery Society ("The London society for miti- gating and gradually abolishing the state of slavery in the British Dominions") was founded in 1823. The Aborigines Protection Society (London) was founded in 1837; the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society (London) was founded in 1839. In 1909 the latter two societies united to form the Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society. From the archives at Denison House, London, the Library of Congress secured reproductions of minute books as fol- lows: Anti-Slavery Society. Committee on Slavery. Minute books, 1823-1840. Minute books (rough), 1826-1835. British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society. Minute books. Vols. I-VII. 1839-1911. Aborigines Protection Society. Minute books, 1848-1881, 1890-1901, 1902-1909. FULHAM PALACE ARCHIVES OF THE BISHOP OF LONDON "The archives of the Bishop of London, who was substan- tially the diocesan head of the Episcopal Church in America during the colonial period, contain over two thousand letters and miscellaneous papers relating to the thirteen colonies, mostly from leading members of the Church of England in this country to the Bishop of London and treating of religious af- fairs." cf. Andrews and Davenport: 302. For further de- scription of these archives and enumeration of the American material found therein, see the same: 302-329. m The reproductions of manuscripts in Denison House consist of photostats. 186 FULHAM PALACE 187 The Library of Congress has reproductions 34 of the American material in this collection (1) arranged by colonies; (2) miscellaneous, as follows: [By colonies] 1. Connecticut, 1724-1765. 2. Maryland, 1696-1769. 3. Massachusetts, 1705-1770. 4. Pennsylvania, 1677-1773. 5. North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia, 1712-1770. 6. South Carolina, 1706-1769. 7. Virginia, 1695-1776. 8. Canada and Newfoundland (only Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, etc., transcribed, excepting one or two early Canadian papers), 1699-1827. 9. Bahama Islands, 1721-1802. 10. Barbados, 1686-1829. 11. Bermuda, 1695-1806. 12. Jamaica, 1709-1806. 13. Leeward Islands (nearly all dated in the 18th century, but there are 2 documents of the 17th century and several of the 19th century). [Miscellaneous] Applications for licenses, 1752-1770. Applications for work, [1723]— 1768. Letters about colonial churches, 1736-1796. Letters of orders, 1748-1756. Missionary bonds, 1748-1788. S. P. G. missions to American churches and West Indian Islands, 1724- 1788. LAMBETH PALACE LIBRARY MANUSCRIPTS OF THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY 36 For a description of this collection, in particular the American material found therein, see Andrews and Davenport: 286-301. Vol. 250. Voyages and discoveries. 1595-1613. Selections: Items given in Andrews and Davenport: 287, except that fols. 259 to 263 containing a description of the 8th voyage of Cumberland to the Tereras (Azores) has been omitted. ,4 The reproductions of the manuscripts in the archives of the Bishop of London consist of transcripts. M The reproductions of the manuscripts of the Archbishop of Canterbury consist of transcripts. 188 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. 494. Selection: "An abstract of some materiall pointes that are in my discovery of New-land [Newfoundland! wch was presented to His Majestie at Huntington the 17th day of Oct. 1619." (Letter of Richard Whitbourne to Lord Carew). Vol. 645. Selection: No. 45. Duke of York to Charles II., Portsmouth, 15 Nov. [1664?]. Proceedings of Gov. Nicolls of New York against the Dutch. Vol. 711. Selections: No. 16. Account of Porto Rico. No. 17. Letter from several Indians to Archbishop Tenison thanking him and the Society [S. P. G.] for their kindness to them when in Britain. Boston, July 21, 1710. No. 18. Bishop of London's paper about a suffragan for the plantations in America. Dec. 1707 [or 1747 ?]. Vol. 930. Selections: No. 24. Lord Somers to Archbishop Tenison. May 30, 1698. Col. Nicholson to be governor of Virginia. No. 38. Henry Dodwell to Archbishop Tenison. Aug. 29, 1700. Urges that the plantations should have bishops of their own. Vol. 933. Selections: No. 91. Proposals for "attempting some advantageous Acquisition from the Spaniards in the West Indies: particularly . . . the Isthmus of Darien", "there being a war declared against France and Spain." [n. d.]. No. 92. "The method propos'd for the Execution of the aforesaid Design." [n. d.]. Vol. 937. "Gibson Papers, Vol. IX." Selection: No. 20. "An abstract of Mr. Cordiner's Journall." (Missionary of the S. P. G. to Shrews- bury Parish in Cecil county, Maryland, appointed 1707). Vol. 941. Selections: Nos. 4, 9, 16, 24, 39, 71, 72, 73. (See Andrews and Davenport: 289). Vol. 942. Selections: Nos. 45, 48, 49, 50, 82, 98, 149. (See Andrews and Davenport: 289). Vol. 952. Selection: No. 24. Copy of an address from William Vesey, John Sharpe, and William Urquhar[t] in behalf of Mr. Honyman of Rhode Island, [n. d.]. Vol. 953. Selections: Nos. 24, 65, 103. (See Andrews and Davenport: 289-290). LAMBETH PALACE 189 Vol. 1123. Papers relating to the American colonies, three volumes. I. 1725-1754. Correspondence during the primacies of Archbishops Tenison, Wake, Potter and Herring. II. 1755-1760. Correspondence during the primacies of Archbishops Herring, Hutton and Seeker. III. 1760-1763. Correspondence during the primacy of Archbishop Seeker. See Andrews and Davenport: 290-301 for enumeration of contents of these volumes. In the case of printed material, title-pages only have been transcribed. ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF WESTMINSTER ARCHIVES Before 1784, America was nominally in the "London District" and under the London Vicar Apostolic. The archives of the Vicars Apostolic have been in the custody of their successors, the Archbishops of Westminster since 1850. The Library of Congress has reproductions of documents which relate to American history, as follows: 36 Vol. XXVII, nos. 8, 10, 11. 1633. XXXIV, no. 267. ca. 1685. XXXV, no. 65. Nov. 13, 1687. XL, no. 115. [1756-1758]. XLI, nos. 7, 20, 33, 39, 111, 161, 207, 208. 1759-1780. XLII, nos. 25, 45, 55. 1782-1784. XLIII, no. 51. 1791. Unbound manuscripts of the 18th century. Selection: Letter from John Mullowny and others addressed to Rt. Rev. Father. Dated Halifax, Nova Scotia. Oct. 12, 1782. Asking for a spiritual pastor and a donation, to enable them to erect a building for public worship. See Andrews and Davenport: 339-340, for description of these items (there cited according to date, instead of by volume number). All items there given have been copied except those noted as "printed in Hughes's Society of Jesus in North America.'''' » 8 The reproductions of the archives of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster consist of transcripts. 190 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY ROYAL INSTITUTION AMERICAN MANUSCRIPTS The American manuscripts preserved in the Royal In- stitution, London, sometimes spoken of as the Carleton or Dorchester papers, are, briefly, the Head Quarters papers of the successive British commanders in chief in the American War of Independence, cf. Report on American manuscripts in the Royal Institution of Great Britain (London, 1904-1909, 4 vols.), published by the Historical Manuscripts Commission [of Great Britain] . This Report comprises a calendar, with copious extracts, of the papers. An itemized list of the manuscripts in each volume arranged in numerical sequence, Vols. 1-61, is given in Vols. 31, 32, and 33 of the Catalogue of the Stevens Index of Manuscripts in the Archives of England, France, Holland, and Spain, relating to America, 7763-7783 (page vii above). The complete collection comprises 58 bound volumes and 4 cases or rolls. The Library of Congress has the following selections. They consist of Stevens facsimiles; the number given after each item is that of the facsimile. Vol. 7. No. 2. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. Most secret. Mar. 8, 1778. L. S. No. 1062. No. 8. George III. Secret instructions to General Sir Henry Clinton. Mar. 21, 1778. No. 1069. No. 9. Lord George Germain to General Sir Henry Clinton. Most secret. Mar. 21, 1778. No. 1068. Vol. 8. No. 106. Henry Laurens, President of Congress, to General Sir Henry Clinton. May [June] 6, 1778. A. L. S. No. 1096. No. 113. General Sir Henry Clinton to General Washington. June 9, 1778. Copy in the hand of Wm. Eden. No. 1102. No. 115. General Washington to General Sir Henry Clinton. June 20, 1778. L. S. No. 111. ROYAL SOCIETY: CLASSIFIED PAPERS 191 No. 116. Charles Thomson (Secretary to Congress) to General Sir Henry Clinton. Sept. 28, 1778. A. L. S. No. 1168. ROYAL SOCIETY 37 [BURLINGTON HOUSE, LONDON] "The archives contain many communications that throw light on the progress of the natural sciences in colonial America, on the intellectual interests and personal history of men of historical importance, on some natural phenomena of historical significance, and occasionally and in an incidental manner upon social history. Indeed, until after the final establish- ment in 1769 of the American Philosophical Society held at Philadelphia for promoting Useful Knowledge, the Royal Society was the central scientific organization for the colonies. The leading American naturalists were enrolled as fellows and published the results of their observations and experiments in its Transactions." Cf. Andrews and Davenport: 355. (For further description see the same, pages 355-368.) CLASSIFIED PAPERS These papers are described in Andrews and Davenport under the heading "Guard Books." The "Guard Books" (39 in number) comprise original papers, letters, and memoranda communicated to the Society; extracts from published books and memoirs, and other printed material. Vol. VII. 1. No. 7. "The Relacon of the late Discovery made in Florida," beginning "We, whose names are underwritten, who were sent in the ship Ad- venture, whereof Wm. Hilton is master, in August, 1662, by the Company intrusted in New England for the discovery of Cape Feare and more south parts of Florida, doe conceave ourselves bound to render this brief account of the same", dated aboard the ship Adventure, November 6, 1662. The Adventure sailed from Charlestown in New England, Aug. 14, 1662 and arrived at Cape Feare on Sept. 3. 17 The reproductions of manuscripts in the collections of this Society consist of photo- stats. 192 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY No. 8. "Description of the Towne of Mannadons in New Netherland as it was in September, 1661." No. 11. Concerning the building of ships in New England, by John Winthrop, 1662. No. 18. "An account of Virginia ... by Thomas Glover . . ." [1675 ?]. No. 19. "A letter concerning divers particulars of Nature and Art, viz. how easily they make salt in Jamaica; the want of it in Barbados: . . ." [n. d.]. No. 22. "The Aire and Seasons of Surinham." [n. d.]. No. 32. "A voyage of the Sweep-stake to the straites of Magellan," 1669, by Richard Williams, June 13, 1671. No. 43. Copy of a "Journal from Virginia to the Apalatean Hills," Sept. 1-Oct. 1, 1671, from Mr. Clayton [John Clayton] (Also B. M., Add. MSS. 4432). No. 49. "A relation of the Maner of Buriale of the Indians in South Carolina by Mr. Richard Warwick who hath lived theire several years," Oct. 1694. No. 54. "A briefe recitall of my travails amongst the Doeg Indians — Morgan Jones . . .," dated New York, Mar. 10, 1685/6 [1686]. No. 56. "Part of a Journall kept from Scotland to New Caledonia in Darien [Isthmus of Panama] with a short account of that country," Capt. Pennycook's journal. 1698. Vol. VII. 2. No. 1. "A short account of a trading Voyage performed by Joseph Kellug an English man of New England in Company with Six French men from Canada to Missasippi in the year 1710 in two Cannoos." Vol. XIX. No. 48. "Directions and inquiries concerning Virginia recommended to Edward Digges, Esq.," July 22, 1669. No. 54. "Inquiries concerning Bermudas recommended to Mr. Hotham going thither." Mar. 7, 1669/70. No. 63. "Enquiries to be made in the West Indies, by H[enry] Olden- burg." No. 65. "Enquiries of things peculiar to Virginia and the Bermudas." No. 66. "Experiments and observations to be made in the American ilands." ROYAL SOCIETY: LETTERS AND PAPERS 193 No. 78. "Queries proposed to and answer'd by Captain Guillaume and Mr. Baily concerning the voyage and country of the bottom of East- Hudson-bay, one of the chief places for the Bea-ver trade", by H[enry] Oldenburg (1672). LETTERS AND PAPERS Decade I. No. 121. Capt. Christopher Middleton to Sir Hans Sloane. Churchill River, Hudson's Bay, June 28, 1742. Observations made at Prince of Wales's Fort in 1741 and 1742. No. 186. Mark S. Catesby on the Aborigines of America. [May 12, 1743]. No. 296. Thomas Clap to the Royal Society. Yale College, May 31, 1744. Report on observations upon the heavenly bodies. No. 353. Thomas Arnot to Martin Folkes. Dundee, Nov. 10, 1744. Decade II. No. 14. William Watson on Benjamin Franklin's experiments. 1749. No. 142. Description of Pedro Maldonado's map of the western part of South America, [n. d., but after 1750]. No. 243. Thomas Hutchinson to James Theobald. Boston, Sept. 20, 1751. Regarding a root used by the Indians. No. 306. Extract of letter of Joseph de Guignes, interpreter to his most Christian Majesty for the Oriental Languages, to Mr. Birch, dated at Paris, June 1, 1752. No. 528. Sir Henry Eyles Stiles to the Royal Society, dated East Sheen, July 2, 1754, on an earthquake at Montserrat, and communicating "extracts from a letter from Mrs. Rowlands to Lady Eyles Styles dated at Montserratt 8th April 1754," describing the earthquake. Decade III. No. 31. Lionel Chalmers to John Huxham, Charlestown, So. Carolina, Mar. 12, 1755. Observations on the weather and diseases at Charles- ton for the year 1752. No. 34. Lionel Chalmers, "Abstract from a Register of the weather and diseases kept at Charlestown in So. Carolina in the year 1752." No. 233. Mrs. L. Belcher, "An extract of a letter from his Excellency Governor Belcher's wife, to the Reverend Doctr. Wales, F. R. S., dated Elizabeth town New Jersey in America July 25th 1756." On the earthquake at Elizabethtown, N. J., Nov. 18, 1755. 194 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY No. 320. Extract of a letter from Dr. Alexander Garden of South Caro- lina, dated Charles Town, Apr. 5th, 1756. Account of productions of South Carolina (vines, mulberry trees and silk-worms, etc.). No. 385. Extract of a letter from Governor Henry Ellis to Mr. John Ellis, dated Georgia, Feb. 14, 1759. Cold winter in Georgia. Decade IV. No. 148. "The humble address of the governours of the College of the Province of New York in the City of New York in America to the Right Honourable the President the Council and the Fellows of the Royal Society," May 14, 1762. Decade V. No. 12. "A brief account of that part of Doctor Priestly's work on electricity, which relates to new experiments made by himself." (Joseph Priestley). Read Mar. 10, 1768. No. 115. James Cook, r. n., to the Royal Society, Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 30, 1768. No. 116. Charles Green to the Royal Society, Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 28, 1768. Decade VI. No. 37. "Account of the entrance of the Missisipi, by Lieutt John Blankett [or Blake] of his Majesty's Navy," communicated to the Royal Society by the Hon. Daines Barrington, rec'd Jan. 13, 1774, inclosing letter from Mr. Aubry, New Orleans, June 18, 1765. Decade IX. No. 197. "A journal of the weather in Barbadoes during a part of the summer and autumn of the year 1786, together with a description of the hurricane which happenn'd in the course of that year, by Mr. Thos. Pierce. To this are subjoined some further observations on the hur- ricane by Mr. John Crawford." July 22-Sept. 20, 1786. Decade XII. No. 40. "Account of a journey to the summit of Whararai, a mountain in the Island of Owhyhe, one of the Sandwich Islands. By Mr. Archibald Menzies, F. R. S., naturalist on board his Majesty's ship Discovery, Capt. Vancouver" 1794. LETTER BOOKS B. 2. No. 33. C. Bouchar to E. Halley, Jamaica, Mar. 10, 1676. No. 46. Benjamin Bullivant to James Petiver, Boston, Jan. 15, 1698. ROYAL SOCIETY: LETTER BOOKS 195 No. 65. Thomas Bannister to J. Chamberlayne, Boston, Jan. 4, 1712. D. 1. Nos. 72-95. Paul Dudley to the Royal Society, Mr. Chamberlayne, Dr. Mortimer, and Dr. Derham, dated from Boston or Roxbury, between June 20, 1719 and Apr. 12, 1733. D. 2. No. 2. William Douglass to Alexander Stuart, Boston, Sept. 25, 1721. No. 68. Paul Dudley to Dr. Mortimer, Boston, Dec. 27, 1736. G. 2. Nos. 6-10. Isaac Greenwood to the Royal Society, Boston and Cam- bridge, May 1, 1727 to Oct. 24, 1730. No. 37. Martha Gerrish to Gov. Belcher, Cambridge, Dec. 24, 1734. I. 1. No. 183. Hugh Jones to Benjamin Woodward, Maryland, Jan. 23, 1699. L. 5. No. 114. William London to Mr. Evelyn, Barbadoes, Dec. 28, 1680. L. 6. No. 44. Richard Lewis to Peter Collinson, Annapolis, Maryland, Oct. 27, 1732. No. 48. James Logan to Peter Collinson, Stenton, Oct. 31, 1737. No. 49. James Logan to Peter Collinson, Phila., Nov. 20, 1735. No. 50. James Logan to Sir Hans Sloane, Phila., Sept. 20, 1735. No. 59. James Logan to Edmund Halley, Pennsylvania, May 25, 1732. M. 1. No. 36a. Alexander Moray to Sir Robert Moray, Virginia, Feb. 1, 1666. No. 37. Alexander Moray to Sir Robert Moray, Virginia, June 12, 1668. M. 2. Nos. 21-57. Cotton Mather to Dr. Woodward and secretaries of the Royal Society, Boston, Nov. 17, 1712 to Dec. 15, 1724. M. 3. Nos. 12, 35-40, 66. Joseph Morgan to the Royal Society, Maidenhead, New Jersey, Dec. 22, 1732 to Sept. 17, 1739. N. 1. No. 26. Richard Norwood to the Royal Society, Somers Islands, June 18, 1667. No. 27. Richard Norwood to the Royal Society, Somers Islands, July 16, 1668. 196 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY No. 89. Gov. Nicholson to Alban Thomas, Plymouth [Mass.] Mar. 8, 1720/21. No. 90. Gov. Nicholson to the Royal Society, Charles Town, S. C, Nov. 6, 1721. P. 2. No. 4. Rev. Matthias Plant (S. P. G.), postscript of letter, Newbury, New England, Nov. 1, 1727. S. 1. No. 106. Richard Stafford to the Royal Society, Bermuda, July 16, 1668. W. 3. Nos. 20-27. John Winthrop to Sir Robert Moray (Aug. 18, 1668) and to the Royal Society, Hartford, Boston, and Salem, Aug. 18, 1668 to Sept. 25, 1673. No. 28. Wait Winthrop to the Royal Society, Boston, Oct. 17, 1671. No. 157. Christopher Witt to Peter Collinson, Phila., July 1, 1734. MISCELLANEOUS MANUSCRIPTS No. 83. No. 4. An account of Jamaica and the voyage thither, by George Ellwood. Jamaica, June 15, 1672. SION COLLEGE LIBRARY BRAY MANUSCRIPTS This is a theological library founded in 1629. The "Ameri- cana" preserved here form one volume of documents, mostly by Dr. Thomas Bray, and bequeathed by him to Sion College. The contents of the volume are enumerated in Andrews and Davenport: 336-338. They are mostly of the early 1700's and deal with the Church of England and its clergy in the American colonies. The Library of Congress has negative photostats of the manu- scripts comprising this volume. SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL IN FOREIGN PARTS The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts was founded in 1701. Its archives contain great num- bers of documents that throw light on the religious, social, SOCIETY FOR THE PROPAGATION OF THE GOSPEL 197 and to some extent the economic history of the American colonies — the chief field of the Society's missionary activity in the 18th century. For further description, see Andrews and Davenport: 332-333, and the following special publications: Two hundred years of the S. P. G.: an historical account of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1701-7900 (based on a digest of the Society s Records), by C. F. Pascoe (London, 1901); and The archives of the S. P. G., by John W. Lydekker, Archivist, which is a pamphlet more recently issued by the Society. I. Letters and reports of the missionaries and other correspondents in the American colonies. Series A. Vols. I-XXVI. Contemporary copies of letters received, 1702-1736, chiefly from the American colonies. Letters from mis- sionaries in the West Indies are included. (These documents are of importance as the majority of the originals from which they were taken are no longer extant). Transcripts. Series B. Vols. I-XXV. Original letters received from the American colonies, West Indies, Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia. 1702-1799. (Originals of some of the "A" series are included here; also a few miscellaneous documents. The letters (and documents) are arranged chronologically under rough geographical divisions, as follows: Vol. I. New York and New England, 1702-1799. Vol. II. New York, Part I, 1759-1782. Vol. III. New York, Part II, 1759-1782. Vol. IV. North and South Carolina, 1715-1761. Vol. V. North and South Carolina, 1761-1781. Vol. VI. West Indies, Newfoundland, Pennsylvania, 1721-1786. Vol. VII. New England, etc., 1738-1739. Vol. VIII. Barbados, 1739-1741. Vols. IX-XX. New England, etc., 1741-1752. Vol. XXI. Pennsylvania, 1756-1782. Vol. XXII. Massachusetts, etc., 1757-1784. Vol. XXIII. Connecticut, 1759-1782. Vol. XXIV. New Jersey, 1759-1782. Vol. XXV. Nova Scotia, 1760-1786. Transcripts. This is a very general enumeration of the geographical arrangement; actually each volume contains letters from numerous colonies, with no particular arrangement discernible. 198 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY II. Miscellaneous unbound manuscripts. Correspondence and other documents relating to affairs in the American colonies, mainly of the eighteenth century, but a few earlier and a few later are included. Most of these letters are from Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, and Virginia. The following colonies are also represented: Canada (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Quebec); West Indies; also a few letters from Africa, Australia, Ceylon, Mauritius and New Zealand, 1776-1857. Photofilms and enlargement prints. III. Journals (manuscript) of the proceedings of the Society and its com- mittees, which contain very full abstracts of letters received. Vols. I-XXIV. 1700-1787. Vols. I-VIII: Photofilms and enlargement prints. Vols. IX-XXIV: Photostats. IV. Accounts, containing information as to payments to missionaries, etc. Bills of exchange and receipts, 1745-1785. Photostats. DR. WILLIAMS' LIBRARY 38 "This library, primarily theological but including many historical and other works, originated in a bequest of Dr. Daniel Williams (1643[?]-1716), a Presbyterian clergyman of London, and a friend of the celebrated Rev. Richard Baxter (1615-1691), whose MSS. are preserved in the library. The Baxter MSS. are classified as "Letters" in six folio volumes; "Treatises" in seven volumes, and under other headings." The two most important classes of these manuscripts are the "Letters" and the "Treatises", cf. Andrews and Davenport: 343. For further description and enumeration of American letters therein see the same guide: 343-346. 1. Baxter Letters. All items listed in Andrews and Davenport: 343-346. 2. Baxter Treatises. Selections consisting of several papers relating to disputes between William Penn and Richard Baxter, and others, as follows: Vol. II, no. 41, fols. 232-243vo. Answer to Mr. [William] Penn. [n. d.]. Vol. V, no. 59-1 88, fols. 324-327vo. Answer to Mr. [William] Penn. [n. d.]. 18 The reproductions of manuscripts in Dr. Williams' Library consist of photostats. DR. WILLIAMS' LIBRARY 199 Vol. VI., no. 192, 21-215, fols. 329-337vo. Paper against the Quakers. [n. d.]. Vol. VII, 26-221., fols. 3-4. Queries by Increase Mather, Dec. 16, 1690. Vol. VII, 27-221., fols. 5-19. Remarks on a Dialogue, [n. d.]. 3. Roger Morrice Manuscripts. All items listed in Andrews and Daven- port: 346. MANUSCRIPTS OF DR. BRAY'S ASSOCIATES 39 The manuscripts of the Association are preserved in the building of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts in the custody of the Secretary of the Association. The objects of this Association were the establishing of clerical libraries and the administering of a trust for the support of negro schools in the British Plantations. The former work was a continuation of that of Dr. Bray, who in 1695 began to collect funds for supplying libraries to the clergy of the Plantations. The Library of Congress has reproductions of the items given in Andrews and Davenport: 334-335, with the following additions: 1. Minute Book, 1729. 2. Two packets of letters labelled "American correspondence", consisting of communications from New York, Pennsylvania, Maine, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Georgia, North Carolina, South Caro- lina, Maryland, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Virginia, 1742-1763. The Library of Congress has also reproductions of a small collection of letters of Dr. Bray's Associates and relevant items, in the Library of the University of Virginia. " The reproductions of these manuscripts consist of photofilms and enlargement prints. Libraries, Societies, Institutions [Outside London] CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY KING'S COLLEGE AUCKLAND MANUSCRIPTS « 1. George III. Proclamation for suppressing rebellion and sedition. [23 Aug. 1775]. Rough draft with amendments by Solicitor General Wedderburn. No. 459. 2. Minutes for a royal order touching the appointment of Lord George Germain as secretary of state for the colonies, [about December 1775]. In the hand of William Eden. No. 857. 3. Paul Wentworth to the Earl of Suffolk. Jan. 25, 1777. No. 7. 4. Invoice of the ammunition, artillery and stores on board the Seine, Captain Morin. [1777]. No. 241. 5. Invoice of the ammunition, artillery, and stores on board the ships Amphitrite and Amelie. [1777]. No. 240. MAGDALENE COLLEGE PEPYSIAN LIBRARY (BIBLIOTHECA PEPYSIANA): FERRAR PAPERS Papers of the Ferrar family, including those of Nicholas and John Ferrar, active in the affairs of the Virginia Company of London, bequeathed to Magdalene College, Cambridge, in 1790. They include seventy-eight papers (letters from Edwin Sandys and others) relating to the Virginia Company of London, 1617-1623. For an account of these papers see The Records of the Virginia Company of London, . . . ed. by Susan M. Kingsbury (Washington, 1906-1935, 4 vols.) (Library of Congress), Vol. I: 59-61, and her bibliographical "List of records of the Virginia Company of London," pages 121-205. The papers are included in the documents published in Vols. Ill and IV of the above cited Records of the Virginia Company. Transcripts, i0 The reproductions of the Auckland manuscripts in King's College consist of Stevens facsimiles. The numbers given for each item are the serial numbers of the Stevens facsimiles. 200 HATFIELD BROAD OAK CHURCH 201 and in some cases photostats, of the same exist in the Division of Manuscripts, Library of Congress. HATFIELD BROAD OAK CHURCH [essex] The Barrington diary. Consists of the notes of Sir Thomas Barrington of proceedings in the House of Commons in 1621. The diary is found in six little books in the parish chest of the Church of Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex, England. It is published as Vol. Ill of Commons debates, 7627, ed. by Wallace Notestein [and others] (New Haven, 1935). A description of the manu- script is given in Vol. I, pages 17 et seq. Photostats. JOHN RYLANDS LIBRARY [Manchester] English manuscript 509. Papers on the slave trade. Selections: 1. Account in tabular form of the African slave trade during various years, 1744-1774. 2. Account of the slave trading done by certain vessels, 1774-1787. Photostats. OXFORD UNIVERSITY: BODLEIAN LIBRARY" The general catalogues (printed) of the manuscripts in the Bodleian Library are described in Andrews and Davenport: 373. Since the publication of that Guide the following volumes of the Summary catalogue oj western manuscripts in the Bodleian Library have been published : Vol. II, part 1. Collections received before 1660 and miscel- laneous MSS. acquired during the first half of the 17th century). Nos. 1-3490. By Falconer Madan and H. H. E. Craster. Oxford, 1922. Vol. II, part 2. Collections and miscellaneous manuscripts acquired during the second half of the 17th century. [Nos. 3491-8716]. By Falconer Madan, H. H. E. Craster, N. Denholm- Young. Oxford, 1937. 41 The reproductions of manuscripts in the Bodleian Library consist of transcripU. 202 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Vol. VI. (Accessions, 1890-1915). Nos. 31001-37299. By Falconer Madan and H. H. E. Craster. Oxford, 1924. ASHMOLEAN MANUSCRIPTS Manuscripts collected by Elias Ashmole (1617-1692) in the latter part of the seventeenth century. The Library of Congress has the following selections: No. 36, fols. 100-1 00b, 296b. 38, fol. 104 (given in Andrews and Davenport as 36, fol. 104). 48, fols. 140b-141. 240, fol. 276. 242, fol. 126. 423, fols. 244, 268, 270. 749, no. II. 802, fols. 171-171b. 842, fols. 109-122. 1147, fols. 175-206. 1148, fol. 307. For description of these items see Andrews and Davenport: 377-379. CLARENDON MANUSCRIPTS * 2 Clarendon state papers (papers of the Earls of Clarendon) dealing chiefly with English history from 1608 to 1689, with a fewer earlier and later. These papers have been calendared through April 1660 in four volumes: Calendar of the Clarendon state papers preserved in the Bodleian Library. Vol. I. 1523-1649. By O. Ogle and W. H. Bliss (1872). Vol. II. 1649-1654. By W. Dunn Macray (1869). Vol. III. 1655-1657. By W.Dunn Macray (1876). Vol. IV. 1657-1660. By F.J. Routledge (1932). Vol. 71, fol. 274. 72, fols. 408, 439 (given in Andrews and Davenport as 437). 73, fols. 213, 232. 74, fol. 257. 75, fols. 75,300. 76, fols. 215, 272. a The reproductions consist of transcripts. OXFORD UNIVERSITY: BODLEIAN LIBRARY 203 77, fols. Ill, 136. 80, fols. 283-285. 81, fols. 5-6, 110. 82, fols. 83, 132, 275-279. 83, fok 335, 337, 338, 373. 84, fols. 80, 131, 134, 138, 140, 142, 177 (given in Andrews and Davenport as 167), 230, 357. 85, fols. 48, 129, 131, 162, 174, 176, 182, 254, 255, 257 (given in Andrews and Davenport as 277), 264, 340. 102. Papers relating to the colonies of New England between 1661 and 1713. Selection: fols 24 to end. 103, fols. 141-170. For description of these items, see Andrews and Davenport: 410-420. RAWLINSON MANUSCRIPTS 43 Manuscripts collected by Bishop Richard Rawlinson (1690— 1755). A. Manuscripts chiefly connected with English history, among which are many Thurloe and Pepys papers. Vols. 6, 14, 15, 16, 18, 27, 29, 30, 38, 43, 45,67,171, 173, 175, 185, 186, 187, 188, 191, 195, 214,238,241, 255, 261, 270, 271, 272, 285, 289, 302, 305, 306, 312, 326, 478. Selections only, as described in Andrews and Davenport: 380-396. B. English history, genealogy, heraldry, etc. Vols. 74, 79, 243, 250, 309, 376, 383, 465. Selections only, as described in Andrews and Daven- port: 396-399. Also: No. 263, fols. 277-281, consisting of a manuscript regarding "Penn Church", with copies of inscriptions on gravestones of various members of the Penn family, etc. C. Law, history, and theology. Vols. 128, 151, 182, 281, 379, 385, 392, 393, 421, 710, 743, 873, 879, 932, 933, 934, 983. Selections only, as described in Andrews and Davenport: 399-407. D. Miscellaneous. Vols. 764, 810, 839, 843, 916. Selections only, as described in Andrews and Davenport: 407-410. Letters. Vol. 66. Letter book of J. C, a London merchant supplying English residents in North America and the West Indies, Mar. 3, 1710- Sept. 6, 1717, together with a list of correspondents' names. Complete. See Andrews and Davenport: 410, for a list of the persons to whom letters are addressed. * l The reproductions consist of transcripts. 204 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY TANNER MANUSCRIPTS " Manuscripts bequeathed by Bishop Thomas Tanner (1674- 1735) to the Bodleian Library. The collection covers the whole of the seventeenth century, but is especially numerous for the period of the civil war. The Library of Congress has selections, mainly English historical papers of the seventeenth century, enumerated here by volume number and folio number. Vol. 26, fol. 48. 27, fol. 29. 30, fols. 97, 132. 31, fols 6-11, 137-140. 32, fols. 1, 4, 5, 187. 34, fol. 82. 35, fol. 140. 51, fol. 82. 54, fol. 153. 73, fols. 248-253. 74, fol. 49. 93, fol. 200. 114, fol. 79. 168, fols. lb, 2, 2b. 306, fols. 286-287. 447, fols. 69-76. For description of these items, see Andrews and Davenport: 374-376. MUNICIPAL LIBRARY [warrington] Manuscript 45. Account of visits to the Indians in 1802 and 1803, by Ann Mifflin, Philadelphia. "Relation of a visit made to the Indians in 1802 by K. Kirkbude and A. Mifflin with other friends, in the course of their journey to Upper Canada, with some observations on their origin &c." Photostats. ** The reproductions consist of transcripts. Personal Collections ABERGAVENNY MANUSCRIPTS 45 [eridge castle] Manuscripts of the Marquis of Abergavenny at Eridge Castle. They comprise "about seven hundred letters and papers forming part of the correspondence of his great-grand- father John Robinson, an active politician who for many years had a considerable share in the management of public affairs, without ever holding any office higher than that of Secretary of the Treasury. During Lord North's administration, John Robinson was entrusted with the conduct of the most delicate negotiations, especially those relating to Parliamentary elec- tions. For some time he was the depositary of the Prime Min- ister's political correspondence, and many important letters to Lord North still remain among his papers." — Tenth report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts (London, 1885) page 23. They are calendared in Appendix VI, pages 1-72, of the same report. The Library of Congress has the following selections: Brigadier General Simon Fraser to John Robinson. Camp at Skeans- borough on Wood Creek. July 13, 1777. Copy. No. 1571. Correspondence on a special service dated variously from Mar. 24 to July 24, 1778. John Robinson, secretary to the treasury, Henry Drummond ; Alexander Wedderburn, William Pulteney, William Whately, writers. With the King's receipt for 20,000 lbs. Mar. 25, 1778. Originals. No. 1946. Account of money issued for His Majesty's secret and special service be- tween the 5th of Jan. 1769 and the 30th of Mar. 1782, and Account of monies paid 1775 to 1782 for the relief and benefit of sundry American officers and others who have suffered on account of their attachment to His Majesty's Government. No. 2024. 45 The reproductions of Abergavenny manuscripts consist of Stevens facsimiles. The numbers given for each item are the serial numbers of the Stevens facsimiles. 205 206 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY LORD BEAUCHAMP'S MANUSCRIPTS 46 The manuscripts of Lord Beauchamp at Madresfield Court, Great Malvern, Worcestershire, England. The Library of Congress has reproductions of four items dealing with the Corbins of Virginia, as follows: 1. Letter of "Alice Creyke, alias Corbyn" to Thomas Corbin. Virginia. Apr. 2, 1676. 2. Letter of Gawen Corbin to Thomas Corbin. [Virginia]. Apr. 22, 1676. 3. Letter of Gawen Corbin to Thomas Corbin. [Virginia]. June 5, 1676. 4. Will of Henry Corbin, of Virginia. July 25, 1676. BRICKDALE MANUSCRIPTS 47 Brickdale Notes. Notes of proceedings in the House of Commons from Nov., 1770 to May, 1774 by Matthew Brick- dale, M. P. for Bristol (property of Sir Charles Fortescue Brickdale). Consist of 11 books containing rough notes of proceedings in the House of Commons. The Library of Con- gress has selections from each volume consisting of notes of pro- ceedings regarding American affairs and of bills regarding America, and allied items. Book 1. Nov. 13-Dec. 13, 1770. 2. Jan. 22-Feb. 11, 1771. 3. Feb. 13-Mar. 6, 1771. 4. Mar. 8-10, 1771. 5. Mar. 20-Apr. 11, 1771. 6. Mar. 2-June 8, 1772. 7. Jan. 22-Feb. 9, 1773. 8. Mar. 9-May 19, 1773. 9. June 8, 1773-Jan. 26, 1774. 10. Mar. 4-Apr. 13, 1774. 11. Apr. 1 9-May 19, 1774. 46 The reproductions of Lord Beauchamp's manuscripts consist of photostats. 47 The reproductions of the "Brickdale Notes" consist of photofilms, also enlargement prints from the photofilms of Books 1 and 1 1 . PERSONAL COLLECTIONS: CARLISLE MANUSCRIPT 207 CARLISLE MANUSCRIPTS 48 [CASTLE HOWARD] The manuscripts of the Earls of Carlisle at Castle Howard. They are calendared in the Fifteenth report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission, Appendix, Part VI (London, 1898). The papers of Frederick Howard, fifth Earl of Carlisle, are of particular interest for American history. The Library of Congress has selections, consisting of letters and papers of the year 1778 at the time of his mission to the American colonies as a member of the commission for effecting a reconciliation with the colonies, and of later date, as follows: Undated. Earl of Carlisle. An enquiry into the causes of the two revolts of the United provinces and America. Draft in Lord Carlisle's hand. No. 418. 1778, Feb. 17 to Mar. 31. Memoranda of dates relating to the preliminaries of the Commission. In Wm. Eden's hand. No. 67. 1778, Mar. to Jan. 1779. His Majesty's Commissioners. The Earl of Carlisle's entry book of correspondence and proceedings. No. 1059. 1778, Apr. 12. George III. Orders and instructions to the Earl of Carlisle, Lord Viscount Howe, Sir William Howe, William Eden and George Johnstone, Commissioners "with sufficient powers to treat, consult and agree upon the means of quieting the disorders now sub- sisting in certain of our colonies, plantations and provinces in North America". Signed by the King. No. 440. 1778, May 6. Heads of accommodation submitted by Govr. Johnstone — copy of propositions discussed between Dr. Franklin and Mr. Pulteney in March and April. In Lord Carlisle's hand. No. 68. [1778, May 6]. Earl of Carlisle. Observations upon the heads of accom- modation submitted by Governor Johnstone — the proposition dis- cussed between Dr. Franklin and Mr. Pulteney. Original. No. 69. [1778, about June]. Earl of Carlisle. Memoranda of various articles of the treaty concluded between France and America 6 Feb. 1778. Original. No. 70. [1778, about June]. List of governors and leading men in the several American states. In Lord Carlisle's hand. No. 71. 48 The reproductions of the Carlisle Manuscripts consist of Stevens facsimiles. The numbers given for each item are the serial numbers of the Stevens facsimiles. 208 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 1778, June 1. Hints of general reasoning for the Commissioners' letter to the Congress. In Lord Carlisle's hand. No. 72. 1778, June 3. Lord George Germain to the Commissioners. L. S. (Cir- cular). No. 73. 1778, June [about 15]. Earl of Carlisle to Lord Gower. Draft in Carlisle's hand. No. 74. 1778, June 17. York Town. William Henry Drayton to the printers of the Pennsylvania Gazette, annexing for publication Governor George Johnstone to President Henry Laurens, 10 June 1778, and President Laurens' answer to Governor Johnstone, 14 June 1778. Copy. No. 75. [1778, July ?]. Earl of Carlisle. Paper justifying the terms of the proposi- tions made by the Commissioners to the Congress. Original. No. 76. 1778, July. Earl of Carlisle. Heads of a letter to Lord Gower. Auto- graph. No. 503. [1778, July]. Earl of Carlisle. Minutes concerning the conduct of the Commissioners. Original. No. 78. [1778, about July]. Earl of Carlisle. Note of the advantages remaining to Great Britain after the concessions made to America. Original. No. 79. [1778, about July]. Earl of Carlisle. Consideration of the advantages resulting to Great Britain and America from the terms offered. Origi- nal. No. 80. [1778, July?]. Earl of Carlisle. Minutes, in the form of questions, based upon secret intelligence relative to the movements of General Howe before and after the taking of Philadelphia. Original. No. 81. [1778, July ?]. Earl of Carlisle. Note of a conversation relative to the movements of General Howe before and after the taking of Philadel- phia. Original. No. 82. [1778] July. Earl of Carlisle. Heads of a letter to G. [Gower ?]. Original. Nos. 83 and 503. [1778, August ?]. Earl of Carlisle. Minute relative to the proposal of a truce to Congress as a last resource. Original. No. 84. [1778, about August]. Earl of Carlisle. Notes touching the proposed sending of emissaries to Philadelphia. Autograph. No. 85. 1778, Aug. 2. Roebuck at Sandy Hook Bar. Andrew Snape Hamond, captain of H. M.S. "Roebuck" to the Earl of Carlisle. A.L.S. No. 86. 1778, Aug. 14. Admiral Gambier to [William Eden ?]. Copy. No. 87. PERSONAL COLLECTIONS: CARLISLE MANUSCRIPTS 209 [1778, after Aug. 16]. Intelligence — Arrival of Commodore Elliot. Orig- inal. No. 88. 1778, Aug. 21. Minutes concerning the proposed closing of the Com- mission. In Carlisle's hand. No. 89. [1778, Aug. 26]. Sketch of heads for a declaration by the Commissioners concerning Governor Johnstone. In Wm. Eden's hand, with marginal notes by Lord Carlisle. No. 90. 1778, Aug. 29. Minutes by the Earl of Carlisle concerning the offer of a truce by the Commissioners or alternatively to make a final applica- tion to the Congress. No. 91. [1778, about Sept.]. Earl of Carlisle. Queries for Gen. Sir Henry Clinton concerning the number of troops required for various operations. In Lord Carlisle's hand. No. 92. [1778] Sept. 16. New York. Gov. George Johnstone to the Earl of Carlisle. Autograph. No. 93. Undated. [Answer to Johnstone's letter of 16 Sept. 1778?]. Earl of Carlisle to Gov. George Johnstone. Draft in Carlisle's hand. No. 94. 1778, Sept. 18. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to the Eail of Carlisle. A.L.S. Nos. 95 and 523. Different letters of same date. [1778] Sept. 20. Earl of Carlisle. Note upon Elliot's papers. In Lord Carlisle's hand. No. 96. 1778, Sept. 20. Gen. Sir Henry Clinton to William Eden. A.L.S. No. 97. 1778, Sept. 24. New York. Gov. George Johnstone to the Earl of Carlisle. A.L.S. No. 98. 1778, Sept. 28-Oct. 5. London. J. Hare to the Eail of Carlisle. A.L.S. No. 99. [1778, about the end of Sept.]. Earl of Carlisle to [Lord Gower, Lady Carlisle's father]. Draft in Carlisle's hand. No. 100. Undated. Earl of Carlisle to the Revd. Mr. Ekins. Draft in the hand of Carlisle, unsigned, undated, narrating particulars of the commission down to Oct. 1778. No. 101. 1778, Oct. 5. Fishkill [N. Y.]. Marquis de Lafayette. Challenge to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. No. 102. 1778, Oct. 8. Bedford [Pa.]. M. de Gimat, aide de camp to Lafayette to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. No. 534. 1778, Oct. 21. Staaton [Staten] Island. Brigadier General Cortland Skinner to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. No. 103. 210 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 1778, Nov. 6. New York. Colonel Roger Morris to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. No. 104. 1778, Nov. 13. Earl of Carlisle to Admiral Byron. Copy signed "C". No. 105. 1778, Nov. 15. New York. Major General Jones to the Earl of Carlisle. Autograph. No. 106. 1778, Dec. 12-16, with addition 10 Jan. 1779. Paper of intelligence trans- mitted by Andrew Elliot, New York, to the Earl of Carlisle. No. 543. 1778, Dec. 16. Intelligence by John McDonald. In the hand of Chief Justice Wm. Smith. Autograph letter not signed. No. 107. 1778, Dec. 19. New York. [Chief Justice William Smith] to the Earl of Carlisle. Autograph letter not signed. No. 108. [1778] Dec. 26. General Sir Henry Clinton to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. No. 109. 1778, Dec. 26. New York. Andrew Elliot to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. No. 110. 1779, Jan. 10. Thomas Campbell, merchant in St. George's, Grenada, to . Extract. No. 111. 1779, Jan. 13. Information from Connecticut by Mr. Elihu Hall, in the hand of Chief Justice William Smith. No. 112. 1779, Jan. 18. "Savanna in Georgia." Lieut. Col. Archibald Campbell to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. No. 113. 1779, Jan. 19. Intelligence by Mr. Thomas Fanning. In the hand of Chief Justice Wm. Smith. No. 114. 1779, Feb. 1. Paper of intelligence no. 2. Transmitted by Andrew Elliot, NeW|York, to the Earl of Carlisle. Not signed. No 115. 1779, Feb. 2. New York. [Chief Justice William Smith] to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. not signed. No. 116. 1779, Feb. 14. Paper of intelligence no. 3. Transmitted by Mr. Elliot, New York. Duplicate with additional note of 1 Mar. No. 117. 1779, Mar. 10. London. Dr. Adam Ferguson to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. No. 118. 1779, May 3. New York. [Chief Justice William Smith] to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. not signed. No. 119. 1779, May 4. Paper of intelligence no. 4. Transmitted by Andrew Elliot, New York. No. 120. PERSONAL COLLECTIONS: CARLISLE MANUSCRIPTS 211 1779, May 19. Paper of intelligence no. 5. Transmitted by Andrew Elliot, New York. No. 121. 1779, June 8. Information from the Highlands. In the hand of Chief Justice William Smith. No. 123. 1779, May 21. New York. General Sir Henry Clinton to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. No. 122. 1779, June 10. New York. [Chief Justice William Smith] to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. not signed. No. 124. 1779, Oct. 24. New York. [Chief Justice William Smith] to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. not signed. No. 125. 1779, Dec. 7. Intelligence from Mr. Hunter. In the hand of Chief Justice William Smith. No. 126. 1779, Dec. 10. New York. [Chief Justice William Smith] to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. not signed. No. 127. 1780, July 1. New York. Frederick Smyth, chief justice of New Jersey, to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. duplicate. No. 128. [1781] Dec. 12. New York. General Sir Henry Clinton to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. No. 129. 1783, June 12. Waltons. William Schaw, Lord Cathcart (Lt. Col. Coldstreams Guards) to the Earl of Carlisle. A. L. S. No. 130. DARTMOUTH MANUSCRIPTS 49 The manuscripts of the Earls of Dartmouth, at Patshull House, Wolverhampton, England. They are calendared in the Reports of the Historical Manuscripts Commission, as follows: Second report (1871), Appendix, pages 9-12; Eleventh report (1887), Appendix V; Fourteenth report (1895), Ap- pendix X; Fifteenth report (1896), Appendix I. The calendar of the "American papers", by B. F. Stevens, comprises the Fourteenth report (1895), Appendix X. The bulk of these manuscripts comes within the term of the second Earl of Dartmouth as President of the Board of Trade and Plantations, 1765-1766, Secretary of State for the Colonies, 49 The reproductions of the Dartmouth manuscripts consist of Stevens facsimiles. The numbers given for each item are the serial numbers of the Stevens facsimiles. 212 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 1772-1775, and Lord Privy Seal, 1775-1782. The Library of Congress has the following selections: [Earl of Dartmouth] to Thomas Cushing. Private and confidential. Draft. St. James Square, June 19, 1773. No. 2025. The Reformed Protestant Dutch Church to the Earl of Dartmouth. Orig- inal. New York, July 2, 1773. No. 2026. Address of the Reformed Dutch Church to the King. Original. New York, July 2, 1773. No. 2027. Thomas Cushing to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Boston, Aug. 22, 1773. No. 2028. Benjamin Hallowell to John Pownall. A. L. S. Boston, Sept. 29, 1773. No. 2029. [Joseph Galloway]. An aggregate and valuation of the exports from the port of Philadelphia with the number of vessels and tonnage employed therein annually distinguished from the 5th January, 1771 to 5th January, 1774. With letter of 23 January, 1778 (below). No. 2087. [Henry Laurens] A friend in Charlestown to Richard Oswald. Extract, in the hand of Richard Oswald. Charlestown [Charleston, S. C.]. Jan. 4, 1775. No. 2030. Richard Oswald to Lord [Dartmouth]. A. L. S. Feb. 9, 1775. No. 2031. Plan for breaking up the American Confederacy by detaching one of the southern provinces [either Virginia, Maryland, or South Carolina]. Autograph. [Richard Oswald]. [Feb. 9, 1775]. No. 2032. Memorandum with respect to South Carolina. Autograph. [Richard Oswald]. Feb. 21, 1775. No. 2034. [Richard Oswald] to [Earl of Dartmouth]. A. L. S. Feb. 21, 1775. No. 2033. Richard Oswald to the [Earl of Dartmouth]. A. L. S. Airshyre, Feb. 22, 1775. No. 2035. Richard Oswald to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Feb. 27, 1775. No. 2036. [Richard Oswald]. Sketch of an examination at the bar of the House. Autograph. [Feb. 27, 1775]. No. 2037. Thomas Jefferson to [John Randolph, attorney-general]. A. L. S. Monticello. Aug. 25, 1775. No. 2038. Revd. Thomas Rankin to [the Earl of Dartmouth]. A. L. S. Philadel- phia, Jan. 15, 1776. No. 2039. PERSONAL COLLECTIONS: DARTMOUTH MANUSCRIPTS 213 Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York Harbor, off Staten Island. July 25, 1776. No. 2040. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. [New York Harbor] off Staten Island. Aug. 12, 1776. No. 2041. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Off the city of New York. Sept. 5, 1776. No. 2042. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, Sept. 25, 1776. No. 2043. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, Nov. 7, 1776. No. 2044. [Ambrose Serle] to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. New York, Nov. 8, 1776. No. 2045. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, Nov. 28, 1776. No. 2057. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, Dec. 3, 1776. No. 2048. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, Jan. 1, 1777. No. 2049. Joseph Galloway to Richard Jackson. [New York], Mar. 20, 1777. No. 2051. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, Mar. 20, 1777. No. 2052. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, Mar. 25, 1777. No. 2053. Sketch of Peeks-Kill Town and Bay up the North River, showing the expe- dition sent there to destroy the rebels' provisions and stores. Mar. 25, 1777. No. 2054. Joseph Galloway to [Richard Jackson]. A. L. S. New York, Mar. 28, 1777. No. 2055. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, Apr. 3, 1777. No. 2056. Ambrose Serle to [the Earl of Dartmouth]. Enclosing resolutions of Con- gress with reference to the preservation of the state of Pennsylvania in the event of an invasion, 14 and 15 Apr. 1777. New York, Apr. 25, 1777. No. 2058. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, May 1, 1777. No. 2059- 214 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, May 20, 1777. No. 2060. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, June 5, 1777. No. 2061. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. New York, June 11, 1777. No. 2062. [Ambrose Serle] to [the Earl of Dartmouth]. A. L. not signed. New York, June 24, 1777. No. 2063. Colonel Philip Skene to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Skinisborough [Skenesborough]. July 15, 1777. No. 1573. [Ambrose Serle] to [the Earl of Dartmouth]. A. L. not signed. Elk River in Maryland. Aug. 30, 1777. No. 2066. Colonel Philip Skene to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Saratoga, Aug. 30, 1777. No. 1665. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Chesapeake Bay, Sept. 10, 1777. No. 2067. Philip Skene to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Near Still Water on Hudsons River. Sept. 23, 1777. No. 1693. [Joseph Galloway]. An account of the number of houses and inhabitants &c. in the city of Philadelphia, the Northern Liberties, and district of Southwark. With letter of 23 Jan. 1778 (below). Philadelphia, Oct. 9, 1777. No. 2085. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Off Newcastle upon the Delaware. Oct. 28, 1777. No. 2068. Joseph Galloway to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Philadelphia, Dec. 3, 1777. No. 2069. Prices of necessaries out of the British lines in America, with letter of [Joseph Galloway]. Dec. 3, 1777. No. 2070. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Eagle, off Chester upon Delaware, Dec. 3, 1777. No 2071. Joseph Galloway to Richard Jackson. A. L. S. Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 1777. No. 2072. Revd. William Stringer to [the Earl of Dartmouth]. A. L. S. Philadelphia, Dec. 12, 1777. No. 2073. Joseph Galloway to [Ambrose Serle]. Extract. Philadelphia, Dec. 15, 1777. No. 2074. PERSONAL COLLECTIONS: DARTMOUTH MANUSCRIPTS 215 [Joseph Galloway]. The United States of America in a/c. with the Con- tinental Congress, also The State of Pennsylvania — her particular a/c. with the Continental Congress. [Philadelphia] Dec. 31, 1777. With letter of 23 Jan. 1778. No. 2081. [Joseph Galloway]. Present state of America. With letter of 23 Jan. 1778 (below). Jan., 1778. No. 2079. [Joseph Galloway]. The state of Pennsylvania — her new a/c. with the Continental Congress, etc., on 1, 6 and 19 Jan. With letter of 23 Jan. 1778 (below). Jan., 1778. No. 2083. Ambrose Serle to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Eagle, off Newport, in Rhode Island. Jan. 10, 1778. No. 2075. [Joseph Galloway]. A/c The general property of the thirteen United States of America with the Continental Congress 1 January, 1778. With letter of 23 Jan. 1778. No. 2080. [Joseph Galloway] to the Earl of Dartmouth. Enclosing nos. 2079, 2080, 2081, 2082, 2083, 2084, 2085, 2086, 2087. Jan. 23, 1778. No. 2078. [Joseph Galloway]. The line of march and disposition of that part of the Continental army under the immediate command of General Washing- ton when they pass'd through Philadelphia on Sunday morning the 24th August 1777. With letter of 23 Jan. 1778. January 1778. No. 2084. Names of counties, and the different kinds of taxable property as returned for assessment in the provincial tax for the year 1773. Pennsylvania. [Jan. 23, 1778]. No. 2086. Lord North to [the Earl of Dartmouth]. A. L. S. Downing Street. Feb. 10, 1778. No. 2089. Joseph Galloway to Lord [Dartmouth]. L. S. Philadelphia, Mar. 4, 1778. No. 2090. Richard Oswald to Lord [Dartmouth]. A. L. S. Mar. 12, 1778. No. 2091. Joseph Galloway to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. S. Philadelphia, Mar. 1778. No. 2092. [Joseph Galloway] . Sketch of the position of Washington's camp on the Schuylkill. The explanatory notes in Galloway's hand. With letter of 24 Mar. 1778. No. 2093. [Joseph Galloway]. An account of the number of deserted soldiers, galleymen, &c. from the rebel army and fleet, who have come into Philadelphia and taken oath of allegiance, with a particular account of places in which they were born. Mar. 25, 1778. No. 2094. 216 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Joseph Galloway to Lord [Dartmouth]. A. L. S. Philadelphia, June 17, 1778. No. 2095. [Joseph Galloway], Proposal for covering and reducing the country as the British army shall pass through it. With letter of 17 June 1778. No. 2097. [Joseph Galloway] . A view of the present strength of America in respect to her number of fighting men. [June 17, 1778]. No. 2098. Joseph Galloway to the [Earl of Dartmouth]. A. L. S. June 21, 1778. No. 2100. Lord North to the Earl of Dartmouth. A. L. signed "N." Bushy Park. July 17, 1778. No. 2101. William Smith to Gov. Philip Skene. A. L. S. New York, Dec. 20, 1782. No. 2106. Governor Jonathan Trumbull to the Earl of Dartmouth. L. S. Lebanon [Pa.], Oct. 1, 1783. No. 2107. MARGARET HAMMOND COLLECTION In the collection of reproductions of correspondence of the British ministers to the United States, 1791-1806, acquired from the Carnegie Institution of Washington, described above, page 63/z., there are transcripts of the following letters by and to George Hammond, first minister to the United States. Orig- inal letters in the possession (in 1921) of the Honorable Mar- garet Hammond. 1. Lord Grenville to George Hammond. Whitehall. May 24, 1791. 2 letters of same date. 2. Same to same. Whitehall. May 28, 1792. Introducing Andrew Allen, American Loyalist, formerly attorney general of Pennsylvania. 3. George Hammond to Lord Grenville. Private. Philadelphia. Jan. 1, 1793. Regarding his approaching marriage to Margaret Allen, daughter of Andrew Allen. LORD LASCELLES' MANUSCRIPTS 50 The manuscripts of Lord Lascelles, at Chesterfield House. In the collection of reproductions of correspondence of the British ministers to the United States, acquired from the Carnegie M The reproductions of the manuscripts of Lord Lascelles consist of transcripts. PERSONAL COLLECTIONS: PORTLAND MANUSCRIPTS 217 Institution of Washington (described above, page 63rc.), there are copies of five letters to George Canning, as follows: Charles Bagot, British minister to the United States, to George Canning. 3 letters. Washington. Nov. 1, 1817. Dec. 2 and 3, 1818. Stratford Canning, British minister to the United States, to George Canning. Private and confidential. Washington. Mar. 12, 1823. Precis of letter from Stratford Canning to George Canning. Washington. July 19, 1823. DUKE OF PORTLAND'S MANUSCRIPTS 51 The manuscripts of the Duke of Portland, at Welbeck Abbey, Worksop, England. The Library of Congress has selections as follows: IV D 3. Selections: 1. Matthew Prior to Robert Harley, Lord Oxford. Versailles. Oct. 17, 1712. Regarding the French attack at Montserrat. 2. Same to same. Paris. Jan. 19, 1713. Regarding Newfoundland. 3. Same to same. Versailles. Feb. 7, 1713. Regarding treaty with France. VII C 5. Selection: Marquess of Rockingham to Duke of Portland. Sept. 17, 1767. Refers to his administration, when he "corrected" Grenville's measures. VII D 4. Selection: Same to same. Grosvenor Square. Jan. 31, 1775. Lord Chatham's proposal "for preventing a civil war". VII D 6. Selection: Same to same. Mar. 4, 1777. News from New York. No number. Selection: Same to same. Wentworth. Nov. 5, 1777. Dis- cusses American affairs. IX B 2. Selection: Edmund Burke to the Duke of Portland. Beacons- field. Nov. 12, 1781. "The session [of Parliament] promises to open very oddly, an uncertainty about Cornwallis, a bad account of him, or merely an account of his escape, must make an indifferent figure ..." si The reproductions of the Duke of Portland Manuscripts consist of photostats. 218 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY B. F. STEVENS'S MANUSCRIPTS 52 Among the facsimiles of manuscripts in British collections known as the "Stevens facsimiles" (described above, page v) are several which are described as "in B. F. Stevens's posses- sion". These are as follows: Lord Stormont to William Eden. A. L. S. Paris, Apr. 30, 1777. No. 66. Count d'Estaing. Passport with safe conduct for Lord George Macartney with his soldiers and sailors, prisoners of war, on two cartel ships to France. July 13, 1779. No. 2009. Journal of the siege of Savannah by the French troops under Count d'Estaing from 1 Sept. to 18 Oct. 1779. In French. No. 2010. Extract from the logbook of the "Languedoc". Title: Journal de ma cam- pagne faite sous les ordres de Mr le Cte. d'Estaing, vice-amiral de France, commandant l'escadre de Roy partie de Toulon le 13 Avril 1778. In French, with English translation. Sept. 1 to Oct. 27, 1779. No. 2011. Ordre de division des trouppes de debarquement. (Note. Query — relates to the siege of Savannah by Count d'Estaing in Sept.-Oct. 1779). [Sept. ? 1779]. No. 2012. Siege of Savannah. Information given by two merchants of Charlestown, Mr. Glen, chief justice of Savannah, and John Hamilton, pilot, as to places of landing for the French troops under d'Estaing. In French, with English translation. [Sept., 1779]. No. 2013. Count d'Estaing. Orders. Camp before Savannah. Oct. 8, 9, 1779. No. 2014. List of the English troops, militia, etc., within the town on the 9th Oct. 1779, according to the statements of deserters. Certified by P. Gauthier 12 Nov. 1779. Savannah. No. 2016. ■ Convention for retreat agreed on between Major General Lincoln and Count d'Estaing. French. Draft. Savannah. [Oct. 13, 1779]. No. 2017. Siege of Savannah. Preliminary facts and motives — Notes from the observations of Count d'Estaing on M. O'Connor's journal of the siege of Savannah. French. [End of October, 1779]. No. 2018. List of passengers on the vessels of Count d'Estaing's squadron, bound for France, after the siege of Savannah. [End of October, 1779]. No. 2019. 62 Stevens facsimiles. The numbers given for each item are the serial numbers of the Stevens facsimiles. PERSONAL COLLECTIONS: STEVENS MANUSCRIPTS 219 Gaultier de Kerveguen. A/c of disbursements of money received from the Chevalier de Borda, showing some of the expenses at Savannah in connection with the volunteers from the West Indies in Count d'Estaing's army. In French, with English translation. Nov. 12, 1779. No. 2021. Pen-and-ink of the route followed by Count d'Estaing's squadron. April 1778 to November 1779. No. 2022. Chronological list of principal events in Count d'Estaing's campaign from the time of the departure of the squadron from Toulon 13 Apr. 1778 to the return of the "Languedoc" to Brest. Dec. 7, 1779. No. 2023. M. de Sartine to Commodore John Paul Jones. L. S. Versailles, June 28, 1780. No. 727. General Sir Henry Clinton. Royal pardon to Archibald Nelson. July 31, 1781. No. 2104. Communication de la Riviere d'Hudson au lac Ontario. In French, with English translation. Undated. No. 1407. THORNTON MANUSCRIPTS Diary (memoirs) of Sir Edward Thornton, written in 1835 (at head of manuscript, "6 November 1835"). The diary begins, "I have long had the intention and indeed a most earnest desire to give to the Public some account of the tran- sactions in which I have been engaged during the course of my diplomatic life". Thornton came to the United States in 1791 as secretary to George Hammond, first minister to the United States; from 1793 to 1796 he was vice consul at Balti- more; secretary of legation March 1796-1804 (and charge d'affaires, 1801-1803). Photostats of the original manuscript which was the property of Miss Frances Thornton, of London, made at the Public Record Office, London, in 1931. Since that time the original manuscript has been given to the Library of Congress by Sir Edward Thornton's granddaughter, Frances Thornton, and his great grandson, Edward Thornton. The Library of Con- gress has also: Three letters from Thornton to James Bland Burges, Mar. 5, Sept. 1, Nov. 3, 1793. Photostats of typewritten copies. Scotland Although at present no material from the national archives of Scotland is contained in the Library's collection, we note here for reference the following report on American material contained therein: "Notes from the archives of Scotland con- cerning America," by J. Franklin Jameson, in the Annual report of the American Historical Association, for the year 1930, Vol. 1 (1931) 97-122, which describes the results of search in the archives in the General Register House, Edinburgh, and calendars all cases concerning North America and the West Indies, from 1703 to 1783. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF SCOTLAND [EDINBURGH] For a description of manuscripts in the National Library of Scotland, see its Catalogue of manuscripts acquired since 1925. Vol. I. Manuscripts 1—1800. Charter and other formal documents 1-900. (Edinburgh, 1938). Darien Papers. Vol. II. Selection: Account of what most remarkable happened to us in our voyage from Dundee to New Edinburgh, in Caledonia, Mar. 9 to June 16, 1700. [Anonymous]. Photostats. UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH LAING MANUSCRIPTS 53 Collection formed by David Laing (1793-1878), antiquarian. I. 133. Selection: Obligation of Sir William Davidson on behalf of himself and his partners, Abraham Issrall de Piso and Abraham Cogan, to pay to John, Earl of Lauderdale, Secretary of State for Scotland, the fifth part of the net proceeds on "the holle Breissillia wood and peper" which they import from Jamaica into his Majesty's dominions, and the sixth part of the net proceeds of the gold that shall be ob- tained there. (Signed) S. William Davidsone. London, Mar. 10, 1661-2. a The reproductions of the Laing Manuscripts consist of photostats. 220 SCOTLAND 221 II. 637. Selection: No. 14. Petition by Edward, Lord Gorges, President of the Council of New England, for himself and the rest of the Council of New England, to King Charles the first, for the drawing of their patents to their lands in terms of an arrangement made. May 1, 1635. Copy. II. 639. Selection: No. 19. Office of Ordnance. Edward Sherburne to Captain George Wharton, treasurer and paymaster of H. M. Ordnance, desiring him to pay certain sums to Thomas Staveley, Roger Knight and Thomas Flanders, gunners appointed to attend the expedition to Virginia. Signed also by Edw. Conyers. Nov. 8, 1676. UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW HUNTERIAN MANUSCRIPTS 64 Collection of Dr. William Hunter (1718-1783). S 7. Selection: No. 2. "An exact copy of A journal of the route and proceedings of 1100 rebels, who marched from Cambridge, in Massa- chusetts Bay, under the command of Colonel Arnold, in the fall of the year 1775; to attack Quebec: . . . (Journal of "Captain Durben"). V 5. Selection: No. 4. Petition of Arthur Dobbs "to His Royall Highness Frederick Prince of Wales" for support in an attempt to discover the northwest passage by Hudson's Bay and Straits. Undated. An "en- deaver to revive an attempt to discover the Northwest Passage to the Great Southern and Western Ocean of America, which has been in a manner exploded since the year 1631 — a century ago . . .". Also "A new and correct chart of the north part of America from New Found Land to Hudson Bay." V. 7. Selection: No. 2. Mount Vernon. Letter of George Washington to John Marshall. Mar. 27, 1789. V 7. Selection: No. 2. Letter of Benjamin Franklin to Rev. Dr. Price. Passy. Sept. 13, 1784. Conveying the late edict of the King of France for establishing a new sinking fund. Photostats. M The reproductions of the Hunterian Manuscripts consist of photostats. Wales NATIONAL LIBRARY OF WALES 55 [aberystwyth] ADDITIONAL MANUSCRIPTS For description of the manuscripts in the National Library of Wales, see the Catalogue of manuscripts. Vol. I. Additional manuscripts in the collections of Sir John Williams . . . by John Humphreys Davies (Aberystwyth, 1921); "The Sir John Williams collection. I. Manuscripts by E. D. Jones" in The National Library of Wales journal, Vol. I, no. 4 (1940), pages 194-203; and Handlist of manuscripts in the National Library of Wales. Part 1 (1930). (/^Journal . . . Sup- plement. Series II, No. 1). No. 439 B. (Williams MS. 641). Madog's supposed discovery of America. 8 pages. Pages 1-4. Extract from a letter from a gentleman in America to a friend in Wales, Kingsbury [N. Y.?] June 15, 1773. (Begins "There is a region in America inhabited by a people whom they call Tuscorads & Doegs, yr language is the same yt is spoken by the British or Welsh, . . . these Tuscorads & Doegs of America are thought to descend from them [Welsh], . . . being the posterity of such as followed the fortune of one Madog a British Prince who about 600 or 700 years ago . . . made a voyage towards the West over the Atlantic Ocean . . . landing in America, where he planted a Colony of Britons . . ." Page 5. Charlevoix Journal 295 (extract). Pages 7-8. A quotation from Dr. Davies' Dictionary. Supposed dis- covery of America by Madog (Madoc Ap Owen Gwynedd) a Welsh- man, in the twelfth century. M The reproductions of manuscripts in the National Library of Wales consist of photo- stats. 222 Ireland ARCHBISHOP MARSH'S LIBRARY [dublin] MANUSCRIPTS M Library founded by Narcissus Marsh (1638-1713) Arch- bishop of Dublin, in 1701. For description, see the Catalogue of the manuscripts remaining in Marsh's library, Dublin, comp. by John Russell Scott; ed. by Newport J. D. White (Dublin [1913]). Z 3. 1. 1. lxxvii. The humble petition of John Parke and Jonate his wife to the Hon. the Lord Judge of Assize for the North-West Cirquite of Ulster, concerning Alderman Lennox, having sent out his son to America. July 23, 1695. (Claim that he was kidnapped). lxxxix. Case of Mr. Child, soliciting charitable assistance to transport him to America. Circa 1720. cxvii. The humble petition of William Butler to William (King) Archbishop of Dublin, for assistance to defray his expences in going to America. No date. TRINITY COLLEGE 57 [DUBLIN] MANUSCRIPTS For description of the manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, see the Catalogue of the manuscripts in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, to which is added a list of the Fagel collection of maps in the same library, comp. by T. K. Abbott (Dublin, 1900). The letters and numbers immediately following them, as given below, signify the shelf numbers of the manuscripts; the other numbers (e. g., No. 861) refer to the number in the catalogue. « The reproductions of manuscripts in Archbishop Marsh's library consist of photo- stats. w The reproductions of manuscripts in Trinity College, Dublin, consist of photostats. 223 224 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY G 4. 8. Selection: No. 861. An abstracte of the lawes of New England. [17th century.] G 4. 15. Selection: No. 736. Papers relating to the grant of Barbados and the Caribbee Islands from Charles I to the Earl of Carlisle. ("Original deed of demise from the Earl of Carlile to the Lord Willoughby . . . of the Caribee Islands"; "A deed of revocation made by the Earl of Carlile of all offices granted to any person whatsoever in the Caribee Islands before the date of the said deed" (1646); Earl of Carlisle's first grant of the Caribee Islands (1627); Earl of Carlisle's second letters patent of the Caribee Islands (1629); "Case concerning my Lord Carlisle's interest in the Barbados and Caribee islands"; etc.). G 5. 7. Selection: No. 1165. Diario de navegacion hecho . . . por Don Miguel Diaz de Laandero y Cordoba. Journal of his voyage from Cadiz, Spain, to the Province of Honduras, 1714 to 1717, visiting Guatemala, Mexico, Spanish Main, and various other parts. K 3. 21. Selection: No. 1453. Spanish papers (extracts from Spanish writers) relating to discoveries in America in the 17th and 18th cen- turies. ("De la Journada, y Nuevo Discubrimiento, que el Capitan Pedro Fernandez de Quiros Hico a la parte austral e incognita en este ano de mil Seiscientos y cinco, en demanda de las Islas que llaman de Salomon"; and "Relaciones de las cosas que han ido sucediendo, en las provincias del Nuevo Mexico despues que fueron a. poblarlas nuestros Espanoles, de que Fui por General Don Jaun (sic) de Onate"). Page 47 begins in a later hand an account of explorations in the eastern part of California to the river Colorado, by Fernando Corsa, S. J. L 2. 20. Selection: No. 1006. 58 Icelandic MSS. 1 . Faereya Thaettur. 2. Hiattlands og Orkneya Thaettur. 3. Drondheims Thaettur. 4. Tinmerkur Thaettur. 5. Groenlands Thaettur. 58 One volume of a collection of Icelandic manuscripts, selected chiefly with reference to the history of the relations between the northern nations and Great Britain and Ireland. Canada PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA [ottawa] The public archives of Canada are described in official pub- lications issued by or under the direction of the Archivist or Keeper of Public Records (later designation) in the annual Reports of the Public Archives, 1881 to date, and in a Guide to the documents in the Manuscript Room at the Public Archives oj Canada. Vol. I. Prepared by David W. Parker (Ottawa, 1914). This volume "includes the various series of both French and English regimes which are usually termed 'state papers', and a few collections closely affiliated with them." These are original collections: Series G, which consists of (1) original despatches from the Colonial Office to governors and lieutenant-governors; (2) letter-books, entry-books, and drafts; (3) inter-provincial despatches; (4) correspondence with the British minister at Washington; and (5) a few despatches to and from the Treasury; and Series C, which consists of military records, and has been calendared by Lieut. Col. E. Cruikshank (see below). Also transcripts from England and from France. A guide to a particular series in the Public Archives of Canada is an Inventory of the military documents in Canadian archives, prepared by Lieut. Col. Cruikshank (Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau, 1910). The material in the Canadian Archives relating to the United States is described in a Guide to the material for United States history in Canadian archives, by David W. Parker (Wash- ington: Published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1913). This guide includes not only the "Archives of the Dominion of Canada", but also the "Archives of the Provinces" in the following order: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Montreal, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia; also Newfoundland. 225 226 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY The Library of Congress has selections from several series as noted below. A special collection is that consisting of correspondence exchanged from 1791 to 1875 between the British minister in Philadelphia and Washington and the governors-general (i. e., governor-in-chief, 1791-June 30. 1867; governor-general, July 1867 et seq.), lieutenant governors of Lower Canada, Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and the commanders of the forces. The letters have been gathered from wherever they were found and assembled into chronological series for each of the Canadian governments involved and the commanders of the forces, as follows: From the British minister to the: 1. Governor-in-chief, 1799-May 1867; governor-general, July 1867-1875. Vols. 1-17. 2. Lieutenant governor of Upper Canada, 1800-1841. Vols. 18-19. 3. Lieutenant governor of New Brunswick, 1816-1866. Vols. 20-23. 4. Governor of Newfoundland, 1817-1819. 5. Lieutenant governor of Nova Scotia, 1808-1854. 6. Lieutenant governor of Prince Edward Island, 1851-1866. 7. Commander of the forces, 1811-1864. 8. Commander on the Atlantic Station, 1816-1818. 9. Commander on the Lakes, 1816-1817. Nos. 4-9 constitute Vol. 24. To the British minister, from the: 1. Governor-in-chief, 1796-June 1867; governor-general, July 1867- 1875. Vols. 1-13. 2. Lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, 1797-Feb. 1841. Vols. 14-18. 3. Lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick, 1791-May 1843. Vols* 19-22. 4. Governor of Newfoundland. 1816-1818. 5. Lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia, 1808-1854* 6. Lieutenant-governor of Prince Edward Island, 1852—1861* 7. Commander of the forces, 1805-1838. 8. Commander on the Atlantic Station, 1816-1819. PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA 227 9. Commander on the Lakes, 1815-1841. Nos. 4-9 constitute Vol. 23. As stated above this correspondence with the British ministers to the United States has been gathered from wherever found — from various volumes in various series — mainly series G. The series represented are: 1. Series C. Military papers. The selections reproduced are of the period 1812 to 1815. 2. Series E. Privy Council documents. Documents submitted to the Executive Council. 3. Series G. Governor-General's papers. From the point of view of United States history this series is the most important in the Canadian Archives. It consists of (1) original despatches from the Colonial Office; (2) letterbooks, entry-books and drafts of out-going letters; (3) inter- provincial correspondence; (4) correspondence with the British minister at Washington (original letters from the minister; drafts to the min- ister); and other material. 4. Series S. Secretary of State's papers. 5. C. O. 188. New Brunswick. Correspondence of the Secretary of State, the lieutenant-governors of New Brunswick and the British minister to the United States. 6. Bagot papers. Papers of Sir Charles Bagot, British minister to the United States, 1815 to 1820, and governor-in-chief of Canada, 1841 to 1843. SERIES C: MILITARY PAPERS For a description of the papers in Series C, see the Inventory of the military documents in Canadian archives, prepared by Lieut. Col. Cruikshank (Ottawa, 1910). The Library of Congress has reproductions (photonlms and enlargement prints) of Vols. 676-688, consisting of papers dealing with the War of 1 81 2. It has also selections 59 as noted below, consisting of papers of Capt. Noah Freer, who was mili- tary secretary to Sir George Prevost, governor in chief of Lower Canada, during the war of 1812. Vol. 1707. Freer papers, 1812-13. Letters and drafts of letters, orders, distribution returns, and proclamations relating to the Military Sec- retary's Office. Selections: 68 These selections consist of transcripts. 228 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 1. 1812, July 4. Montreal. Return of the troops in the Montreal district. 2. 1812, July 30. Quebec. Abstract of general returns of the troops stationed in Upper Canada under the command of Major General Brock. 3. [1812]. Abstract of general return of the troops stationed in Lower Canada under the command of His Excellency Sir George Prevost. 4. [1812]. Distribution of the forces in Canada. 5. [1812]. Headquarters, Montreal. Proposed distribution of the forces in the left division. 6. [1812]. Distribution of forces allotted for the defence of Upper Canada. Vol. 1708. Freer papers, 1813. Letters and drafts of letters, orders, and returns from the Military Secretary's Office. Selections: 1. 1813, May 30. Kingston. Letter of E. B. Brenton to Capt. Noah Freer. Regarding the affair at Sackett's Harbor. 2. 1813, Sept. 15. Montreal. Weekly general return of the troops serving in the Montreal district under the command of Major General Sir R. H. Sheaffe. Vol.1709. Freer papers, 1814. Letters and drafts of letters, memoranda, orders, and returns from the Military Secretary's Office. Selections: 1. 1814, Jan. 22. Montreal. Monthly distribution. State of the left division under the command of Major General de Rottenburg. 2. 1814, Feb. 1, June 22, July 8. Queenston [etc.]. General weekly dis- tribution. Return of the troops forming the right division under the command of Major General Riall. MUSTER ROLLS 60 Vol. . American legion. 1780-1783. Vol. . De Lancey's brigade. 1777-1783. Vol. . Loyal American regiment. 1777-1783. Vol. . New Jersey volunteers. 1777-1783. Vol. . New York volunteers. 1777-1783. Vol. . Queen's rangers. 1777-1783. Vol. 1882. De Lancey's brigade. 1781-1782. 60 Reproductions of the muster rolls consist of negative photostats. PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA 229 Vol. 1883. British legion. 1778-1780. Vol.1884. British legion. 1781. Vol.1885. British legion. 1782-1783. Vol.1886. Volunteers of Ireland. 1778-1779. Vol.1887. Volunteers of Ireland. 1780-1782. Vol.1888. Guides and pioneers. 1778-1781. Vol. 1889. Guides and pioneers. 1782-1783. Vol. 1890. South Carolina royalists (South Carolina dragoons, South Carolina royalist dragoons). 1778-1783. Vol.1891. Emmerick's chasseurs. 1781-1783. Vol. 1892. Loyal New Englanders, 1779. Loyal foresters, 1781, 1782. King's rangers, 1783. Vol. 1893. Royal fencible American regiment. 1777. Volunteers of New England, 1782 (Gov. Wentworth's volunteers, 1777, 1781, in- cluded). Vol. 1894. Royal American reformers, 1778. Prince of Wales American regiment, 1778-1779. Nassua blues, 1779. Philadelphia light dra- goons, 1777-1778. See also page 240 for Addenda. SERIES M: MISCELLANEOUS Vol. 578. "Notes on Nova Scotia Archives." By Dr. James Hannay. Consists of a brief history of the Archives, followed by a list of the volumes (1-444) contained therein, with a brief description of the contents of each. Photostats. MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS Indian Affairs. 67 Indian records, the greater portion of which relate to the regimes of the commissioners at Albany and of Sir William Johnson. They are all originals. "All of these records before 1774 were taken to Canada by the Johnson family at the time of the Revolution, and for many years were in the office of the secretary of Indian affairs at Montreal. Their importance can hardly be overestimated. Records of councils held with the Indians, intelligence con- 67 The reproductions of manuscripts in this collection consist of photofilms and en- largement prints therefrom. 230 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY veyed by the latter, and correspondence are some of the chief features of these volumes. Minutes of Indian affairs during the Revolution are also of great value for that period." cf. Parker, Guide to the materials for United States history in Canadian archives (above, page 225), 181. Vol. 1. Minutes of the "Commissioners of the Indian affairs" at Albany, Jan. 7, 1723-Sept. 4, 1732. Vol. 6. Minutes of Indian affairs under Sir William Johnson, Feb. 17, 1761-Oct. 17, 1763. Vol. 7. Minutes of Sir William Johnson, Oct. 20, 1763-May 6, 1768. Vol. 8. Minutes of Sir William Johnson, Feb. 29-Nov. 12, 1768. Vol. 10. "Minutes of Council with Pondiac," 1766. Vol. 11. Minutes of Col. Guy Johnson, Oct. 1, 1774-Mar. 25, 1775. Vol. 12. Minutes of Col. Guy Johnson, July 17, 1779-Mar. 28, 1789. PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF NOVA SCOTIA 62 [HALIFAX] For description of the papers in the Public Archives of Nova Scotia, see Parker's Guide to the materials for United States history in Canadian archives, pages 193-203; and "Notes on Nova Scotia archives", by Dr. James Hannay (above, page 229). See also, for the period prior to and during the War of 1812, A calendar of official correspondence and legislative papers, Nova Scotia, 7802-15, compiled by Margaret Ells, under the direction of D. C. Harvey, archivist (Halifax, N. S., 1936) (Public Archives of Nova Scotia. Publication No. 3). Vols. 49-54. Letter-books of Sir John Wentworth, 1783-1807. Selected letters written while he was lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia to British ministers in the United States are contained in the collection of correspondence of the British ministers to the United States described above, page 63, note. These are: Vol. 52. Selections: To Robert Liston. Copies. 1797, Jan. 11, Jan. 16, Sept. 19, Dec. 9. 1798, June 20, July 24, Aug. 10, Nov. 23. 1799, Feb. 20, May 20, Nov. 18. " 62 The reproductions of manuscripts in the Nova Scotia archives consist of transcripts. TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY 231 Vol. 53. Selections: 1 . To Robert Liston. Copies. 1 800, July 21 , July 22, Nov. 1 . 2. To Anthony Merry. Copy. 1804, Oct. 18. Vol. 54. Selections: 1. To Anthony Merry. Copies. 1805, June 1, June 11. 2. To David M. Erskine. Copy. 1807, Sept. 29. Vol. 385. Correspondence of the British minister at Washington with the lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia. 1798-1830. Selections: 1 . Letter from David M. Erskine to Sir George Prevost. Nov. 29, 1808. 2. Letter from Anthony St. John Baker to Sir John C. Sherbrooke. Nov. 3, 1812. COLLEGE OF ST. MARY [MONTREAL] ARCHIVES MSS. Recit des voyages et des decouvertes du P. Jacques Marquette des la Compagnie de Jesus, en l'annee 1673 et aux suivantes. Photostats. TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY BERKELEY COLLECTION 63 Papers of Vice Admiral Sir George Berkeley, in command on the Halifax station, 1805 et seq. Selection of letters from Anthony Merry and David M. Erskine, British ministers to the United States, 1806-1808, to Vice Admiral Berkeley, with some enclosures, as follows: 1. Letters from Anthony Merry to Sir George Berkeley. Lancaster, Pa. Aug. 31, Sept. 4 (2), Sept. 5, Sept. 8, Sept. 27, Sept. 28, Nov. 1, 1806. 2. Letters from David M. Erskine to Sir George Berkeley. Washington and Philadelphia. Nov. 9, Dec. 11, 1806. Jan. 16, Mar. 8, Apr. 9, Apr. 18, Apr. 24, July 2, July 20, Aug. 11, Aug. 16, Aug. 28, Aug. 29, Sept. 10, Oct. 21, 1807. Feb. 17. 1808. 83 The reproductions of manuscripts in the Berkeley collection consist of photostats and, with a few exceptions, typewritten copies made from the photostats. Miscellaneous Papers, &c. PAPERS OF BRITISH STATESMEN, MILITARY OFFICERS, AND OTHERS, FORMERLY IN BRITISH DEPOSITORIES OR PRIVATE COLLECTIONS, NOW IN THE UNITED STATES A number of large collections of papers of British statesmen, military officers, and others connected with American affairs at one time or another have within recent years been acquired by individuals or institutions in the United States. Among these is the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, which possesses several such collections. We note below certain of these collections, of which the Library of Congress has reproductions of selected items. These reproductions were acquired either from the collections in England prior to their acquisition by the Clements Library or by courtesy of the authorities of the Clements Library itself after the papers had been made available in their Library. WILLIAM L. CLEMENTS LIBRARY [ANN ARBOR, MICH.] GAGE PAPERS Military correspondence and headquarters papers of Lieu- tenant General Thomas Gage, commander-in-chief of the British forces in North America, 1763-1775. The Library of Congress has a collection of reproductions of letters (chiefly copies) of General Gage, which were written during these years and addressed to the various officials in the British Cabinet, to the Treasury, the judge advocate general, the Board of Ordnance, the paymaster general of the forces, the generals of the army, the Board of Trade, all of London; and in America, to the colonial governors, the officials of the Indian department, the commissary general, the paymasters general, higher military officers, naval officers, merchants, contractors, and miscellaneous civilians. 4180 items. (Photostats). 232 GAGE PAPERS 233 The reproductions were made in London in 1929, by the kind permission of Viscount Gage, of Firle, Lewes, Sussex, England. The Gage papers were later (1930) purchased by Mr. William L. Clements and are now in the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan. For description, see "Notes on the Lord Gage collection of manuscripts," by Clarence E. Carter, Mississippi Valley historical review, XV (1929) 511-519, and the Guide to the manuscript collections in the William L. Clements Library, compiled by Howard H. Peckham (Ann Arbor, 1942) pages 82-100. Selections were published by Clarence E. Carter in The correspondence of General Thomas Gage with the secretaries of state, 1763-1775. (New Haven, 1931, 1933, 2 vols.). GERMAIN PAPERS 64 Political and military correspondence of Lord George Sack- ville (1716-1785), better known as Lord George Germain (Stopford-Sackville papers formerly at Drayton House, Northamptonshire). For calendar, see the "Report on the manuscripts of Mrs. Stopford-Sackville of Drayton House, Northamptonshire" in the Ninth report of the [British] Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts, Appendix III (Lon- don, 1884), revised and issued separately (London, 1904-10, 2 vols.). For description of the collection in the William L. Clements Library, see The papers of Lord George Germain, by Randolph G. Adams (Ann Arbor, 1928) and Peckham's Guide (above) pages 106-111. The Library of Congress has selections, as follows: Cumberland-Hussey correspondence. Correspondence of Richard Cum- berland and Thomas Hussey with Lord George Sackville and Lord George Germain. Lisbon, Madrid, London, etc., 1779-1781. The letters relate to a diplomatic mission of Cumberland and Hussey to Spain (See Samuel F. Bemis, The Hussey-Cumberland mission and American independence, an essay in the diplomacy of the American revolution (Princeton, M These papers were purchased by Mr. William L. Clements in 1927 and are now in the William L. Clements Library. 234 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 1931) which reveals the inner history of Spain's efforts to make peace with England, for Gibraltar). These papers are calendared in the separate edition of the Report (above) Vol. I: 323-344. Photostats, from the originals in the William L. Clements Library. 65 OSWALD PAPERS 68 Papers of Richard Oswald (1705-1784), a British merchant trading with America in pre-Revolutionary days, who was in close touch with the British Government and was sent in 1782 by Lord Shelburne to negotiate with Benjamin Franklin terms of a treaty of peace. Selection : "Plans for an alliance with Russia in order to carry on the American war." "Delivered 12th April 1781." A memorandum, or report, in the handwriting of Richard Oswald. This memorandum was sent by Oswald to Henry Dundas, Viscount Melville, in 1781. Photostats, from the original manuscript in the William L. Clements Library. 65 SHELBURNE (LANSDOWNE) PAPERS Political correspondence and official papers of Sir William Petty, second Earl of Shelburne and first Marquess of Lans- downe (1 737-1 805) . Formerly in the possession of the Marquis of Lansdowne, Bowood, England; purchased by Mr. William L. Clements in 1921 and now in the William L. Clements Library. These papers are calendared in the Third (1872), Fifth (1876), and Sixth (1877) Reports of the [British] Historical Manuscripts Commission as Lansdowne Papers; and in the Report of the Public Archives [of Canada] for the year 1921 (Ottawa, 1922) Appendix C, in so far as transcripts exist in the Canadian Archives. For description of the papers in the William L. Clements Library, see Peckham's Guide (above) pages 220-235. The Library of Congress has the following selections: 65 These photostats are for reference only. Permission to reproduce, in full or in part must be secured from the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 66 For a description of the Oswald papers in the William L. Clements Library, see Peckham's Guide (above, page 233), pages 203-204. SHELBURNE (LANSDOWNE) PAPERS 235 Vol. 34. "Foreign courts. Letters, 1782-1783." Consisting of (1) Copies of despatches to and from English ministers at foreign courts; (2) Original letters from abroad addressed to Lord Shelburne; (3) A great mass of statistical information as to foreign courts, especially Russia. For Calendar, see the Fifth report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts (1876), Appendix, pages 253-255. Photo- stats, from the originals in the William L. Clements Library. 67 Vol. 35. "Interceptions." Selections, consisting of papers regarding American politics, 1780-1782, as described on pages 255-256 of the calendar of the Lansdowne papers in the Fifth report of the Royal Com- mission on Historical Manuscripts (1876) Appendix. Also a few not there described. Photostats. 67 Vols. 66, 67. "American affairs." Vols. I, II. A very important collec- tion of papers from 1765 to 1783, relating chiefly to the details of American politics. Vol. 66. Selections: 1. Memorials of the English and French commissioners concerning the limits of Nova Scotia. July 1782. 2. Memoranda of commissioners concerning limits of Nova Scotia printed in 1755. (Endorsed: Mr. Pitt's notes). Stevens transcripts, acquired in 1906. Vol. 67. Selections: 1. James Anderson to Lord Shelburne. Monkshill, near Aberdeen. May 28, 1782. 2. George Leonard to the Earl of Shelburne. Pimlico. Mar. 30, 1782. 3. Earl Dunmore to Thomas Townshend. London. Aug. 24, 1782. 4. Letter signed "Unknown" to Lord Shelburne. Oct. 1782. About the present enquiry into the claims of American loyalists. 5. Anonymous to Lord Shelburne. Charlestown [Charleston, S. C.]. Dec. 11, 1782. Relative to the proper means of making the loyal refugee Americans useful to the King's Government. 6. Report of John Wilmot and Daniel Parker Coke, to the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury. Whitehall. Jan. 29, 1783. On the cases of all the American sufferers already deriving assistance from the Government. 97 These photostats are for reference only. Permission to reproduce, in full or in part, must be secured from the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Mich. 236 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY 7. Petition intended to be presented to Parliament by the late American governors, on behalf of the American loyalists. Feb. 8, 1783. Stevens transcripts, acquired in 1906. Vol. 68. Copies and duplicates of despatches and some original letters from General Conway and Maurice Morgann. Selections: Three letters from Maurice Morgann to Lord Shelburne. New York. June 12, Aug. 17, and Sept. 11, 1782. Regarding conditions in America. Sir Guy Carleton to Lord Shelburne. New York. Dec. 16, 1782. Stevens transcripts, acquired in 1906. Vol. 70. "Correspondence with Mr. Oswald, the Commissioner at Paris." May 21, 1782-Jan. 20, 1783. Calendared in the Fifth Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts (1876) Appendix, pages 239-241. The reproductions of manuscripts in this volume are partly Stevens transcripts, acquired in 1906; the remainder are photo- stats 68 from the collection in the William L. Clements Library. See also "Oswald's Journal" in the Franklin Papers, 2nd ser., vol. 12 (in the Library of Congress) which is a transcript of the papers in Vol. 70 of the Shelburne (Lansdowne) papers. Vol. 71. "Peace, 1783. Correspondence. Provisional and preliminary articles, No. 1." The reproductions of manuscripts in this volume are partly Stevens transcripts, acquired in 1906; the remainder are photostats 68 from the collection in the William L. Clements Library. Vol.72. "Peace, 1783. Papers of negociation. Informations and opinions, No. 2." The reproductions of manuscripts in this volume are partly Stevens transcripts, acquired in 1906; the remainder are photostats 6S from the collection in the William L. Clements Library. Vol. 85. "American affairs", 1766-1769. Selection: No. 40 (47). "Queries on American trade and answers." [1767?]. Photostats. 68 Vol. 87. "American affairs", 1782-1784. Complete. Photostats. 68 SIMCOE PAPERS 69 Correspondence, military returns, poems, and essays from the papers of John Graves Simcoe (1752-1806) lieutenant- governor of Upper Canada, 1791-1796. 421 pieces. They 88 These photostats are for reference only. Permission to reproduce, in full or in part, must be secured from the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Mich. 69 The reproductions of manuscripts in the Simcoe collection consist of transcripts. These transcripts came with the collection described on page 63, note 11. SIMCOE PAPERS 237 consist of drafts of Simcoe's letters, letters received, and various military returns. Selections: 1. Simcoe to George Hammond, British minister to the United States, 8 letters: 1793: Jan. 23, July 24, Sept. 8. 1794: July 5, Aug.— Oct'. 31. 1795: Jan. 25, May 22. Drafts. 2. Hammond to Simcoe. 30 letters: 1792: Mar. 3, Apr. 21, June 8 (2), July 11 (2), Oct. 19, Nov. 27. 1794: Mar. 7, May 23, May 26, July 9 (2), Aug. 10 (2), Sept. 9, Sept. 21, Sept. 22, Oct. 13, Nov. 19 (2). 1795: Feb. 20, Apr. 6, Apr. 17, May 3 (2), May 9, June 28, July 19 (2). Originals. With the following enclosures. Hammond to Lt. Gov. Clarke, Phila., Apr. 21, 1792. Copy. Henry Knox, United States Secretary at War, to Joseph Brant, chief of the Six Nations, June 27, 1792. Copy. Hammond to Lord Dorchester, Phila., Mar. 16, 1794. No. 3. Copy. Hammond to Lord Dorchester, Phila., May 26, 1794. No. 4. Copy. TOWNSHEND PAPERS "This most noteworthy collection of secret instructions, of- ficial papers, autograph letters and state documents relative to the negotiations for the independence of America, from the Townshend-Sydney archives, is representative, principally, of the two momentous years (1782-1783) . . . [It] includes the rough drafts of minutes of the Privy Council assembled to deliberate upon questions of the greatest moment; with copies of the perfected papers submitted for royal approval; and some autograph letters." Cf. Introduction to Vol. I. Vols. I and II. "Secret instructions and official papers, autograph letters and state documents, relating to the negotiations for the independence of America, 1782-1783." Complete. Photostats, from the originals in the William L. Clements Library. 70 70 These photostats are for reference only. Permission to reproduce, in full or in part, must be secured from the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Mich. 238 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY TOWNSHEND, HOWE, SHELBURNE CORRESPONDENCE 71 Townshend, Howe, Shelburne correspondence. All relate to important events in the American revolution from the British point of view. Identified as "Item no. 16, Anderson Galleries, 3823." Five pieces, as follows: 1. Thomas Townshend to . A. L. S. May 15, 1778. 2. Admiral Lord Howe to Lord Sydney. A. L. S. Private. [1783]. 3. Lord Shelburne to Thomas Townshend. Bowood Park, Sept. 10, 1782. A. L. S. 4. Viscount Sydney to . Grosvenor Square. May 29, 1794. Copy. 5. Lord Shelburne to [Thomas Townshend]. [1782]. Desires that he [Townshend] should order Sir James Jay back to Gen. Carle ton at once. TOWNSHEND-SHELBURNE CORRESPONDENCE n Townshend-Shelburne correspondence. Identified as "Item No. 13, Anderson Galleries, No. 3823." A collection of auto- graph letters between Lord Shelburne, prime minister of England, and Thomas Townshend, Viscount Sydney, relating to the negotiations for peace between Great Britain and the United States, in 1782; others relate to the removal of troops from New York. July 27 to Nov. 30, 1782. Selections: 1. Draft of a letter [of Townshend] to the Lord Chancellor [Edward Thurlow] about Mr. Oswald's commission. 2 drafts of same date, but different in text. Sept. 20, 1782. 2. Lord Shelburne to Mr. Townshend. A. L. S. [n. d.]. 3. Lord Shelburne to Mr. Secy. Townshend. [n. d.]. 4. Lord Shelburne to Mr. Townshend. Bowood Park. Sept. 26, 1782. A. L. S. 5. Same to same [n. d.]. ? i The reproductions of this correspondence consist of photostats, from the originals in the William L. Clements library. These photostats are for reference only. Permission to reproduce, in full or in part, must be secured from the William L. Clements Library, Ann Arbor, Mich. TOWNSHEND-SHELBURNE CORRESPONDENCE 239 6. Alleyne Fitzherbert to Thomas Townshend, secretary of state. Paris. Private. Nov. 30, 1782. Copy. 7. T. Townshend to the Earl of Shelburne. July 27, 1782. Copy. 8. Earl of Shelburne to Thomas Townshend. Bowood Park. Sept. 15, 1782. A. L. S. 9. Thomas Townshend to the Duke of Richmond. Whitehall. Sept. 23, 1782. Copy. 10. Lord Ashburton to Lord Shelburne. Spitchwell Park. Sept. 16, 1782. Copy. 11. Lord Shelburne to Mr. Townshend. High Wycombe [July or August 1782]. A. L. S. 12. Lord Shelburne to Thomas Townshend. [n. d.]. A. L. S. 13. Memorandum endorsed "Secret for Mr. Secretary Townshend. Submitted to the cabinet." 14. Townshend to Shelburne. Whitehall. July 27, 1782. A. L. S. Addenda PUBLIC ARCHIVES OF CANADA [OTTAWA] MUSTER ROLLS Vol.1895. Prince of Wales' American regiment. 1777-1779. Vol.1896. Prince of Wales' American regiment. 1781-1782. Vol. 1897. Prince of Wales' American regiment. 1783. Vol. 1898. Carolina: King's rangers. 1777-1782. Vol. 1899. South Carolina rangers. 1780-1781. South Carolina light dragoons. 1781. Vol. 1900. Provincial light infantry. 1781. Prince of Wales' American regiment. 1783. Roman Catholic volunteers. 1777-1778. Vol.1901. King's American dragoons. 1782-1783. Vol. 1902. King's American regiment. 1778-1781. South Carolina royalists. 1781-1783. Vol. 1903. King's American regiment. 1782-1783. Vol. 1904. Maryland loyalists. 1777-1783. Vol. 1905. Maryland loyalists. 1781-1783. Vol.1906. Pennsylvania loyalists, 1st battalion. 1779-1782. Vol. 1907. Pennsylvania loyalists, 1st battalion. 1777-1783. United Pennsylvania and Maryland loyalists. 1780. Vol. 1908. King's Orange rangers. 1777-1778. Negative photostats. NOVA SCOTIA SERIES A Vol. 128. 1798. Selections, consisting of 3 items regarding a loan by the British Government to the United States Government of several pieces of cannon then at Halifax: 1. Lieut. -Governor Sir John Wentworth to John King (under secretary of state for the Home Department). Halifax, Nova Scotia. Aug. 16, 1798. 2. Duke of Portland (secretary of state) to Sir John Wentworth. No. 86. Whitehall. Sept. 3, 1798. 3. James McHenry (United States secretary of war) to [Robert Liston, British minister to the United States]. Oct. 3, 1798. Copy. Enclosed in No. 1 above. Positive photostats. 241 Index Abbott, T. K., Catalogue of manuscripts in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, 223. Abercrombie, James (colonial agent) letter to, 7757, 66. Abercromby, Maj.-Gen. James, corre- spondence with Gen. Haldimand, 1758-7759, 130; despatches of, 1756, 14; letter of, 7757, 66; letters to the secretary at war, 79. Abergavenny, Marquis of, manuscripts of, 205. Aberystwyth, Wales, 222. Aborigines of America, paper on, 1743, 193. See also Indians. Aborigines Protection Society, minute books of, 1848-1881, 1890-1901, 1902- 1909, 186. Acadia, cost of retaking from the French, 7690, 174; dispute between England and France regarding the boundary of, 7755, 159; English memorials re- garding right to, 7750, 7752, 39, 40. See also Nova Scotia. Acadians, quit rents paid by, 1743-1754, 124; letters concerning, 1746-1751, 123; memorial in behalf of, 7765, 124; papers relating to, 1789-1790, 125; papers relating to the removal of, 1754-1756, 125; petition to the gover- nor of Nova Scotia, 1763, 1 24. Accounts, Custom House, 44; of the produce of customs duties, 1741-1746, 88; Treasury, 77. See also Public ac- counts. Accounts, declared, Audit Office, 7; of governors and agents in the colonics, 7; of the Customs establishment for England and the Plantations, 7. Accounts, Declared, List and Index of, 7. Accounts, Departmental: Auditors' States of Accounts, 77. Act of Pennsylvania proportioning the rates of money, 7706", 25. Acts, of Parliament, 7627, 178-184; of the assembly of Barbados, 1653-1666, 151; of the general assembly of New Jersey, 1718,"l3. Ads of the Privy Council of England, Colonial Series, 1613-1783, 72. Adam, John (survivor of the Bounty mutiny), narrative of, 156. Adams, Henry, transcripts, "Canada- British colonial correspondence, 1789- 1798," 29. Adams, John Quincy (minister to Great Britain) correspondence with the Foreign Office, 1815, 50. Adams, Randolph G., The papers of Lord George Germain, 233. Adams, Samuel, of Jamaica, case of, 7760, 168. Adams, Dr. William, correspondence as peace commissioner, 1814, 50. Admirals, British, on American stations, despatches of, 1745-1815, 3-4; letters of the secretary of state to. 1753-1763, 16. Admiralty, correspondence of the secre- tary of state for the colonies with, 1775-1782, 17; Intelligence service, precis, 1797-1799, 1799-1803, 6; law officers' opinions, 1733-1783, 6; letters to and from the secretary of state, 1760-1761, 74; letters to the deputy secretary of, 1774-1781, 113; list of ships for the West Indies, 1694, 93; masters' logs, 7; miscellanea, 6; papers regarding convoys to Jamaica, 7703, 175; secret orders and letters of, 1770-1782, 1812-1815, 6. See also Navy, British. Admiralty, Deputy Secretary of, letters to, 1774-1781, 113. Admiralty, High Court of, cases brought before, 7674, 122; indictments in, 7604, 1619-1634, 1648-1696, 67; instance and prize courts, libel files, 68; papers of, 67-70. Admiralty, Lords of the, correspondence of, 1771-1781, 14; letters from the secretary of state for the southern department to, 1780, 60. Admiralty, Secretary of the, despatches from admirals and captains on North American stations to, 1745-1815, 3-4; instructions and orders sent to the admirals on American stations, 6; instructions to the commander-in- chief of the American station, 71; peace negotiations, see Peace negotiations, Anglo-American, 1782- 1783; precis of documents relating to, 1768-1775, 16; prize papers, 69; siege of Savannah, 7779, 218-219; Spanish naval campaign against England, 7779, 127; state prisoners and sus- pected persons in Canada during, 138; surrender of Fort Sackville (Vincennes), 7779,141; vice-admiralty court records, 69-70. See also Conti- nental army, Ilaldimand papers, and Loyalists. Reyes, John de los, instructions to, 1657, 110. Rhode Island, Bray's Associates letters from, 1755-7768, 199; charter to be read in Parliament, 770,?, 176; Colo- nial Office papers relating to, 26; governor of, correspondence with the commander-in-chief, 7756—7763, 82; governor ordered to take oath of allegiance, 77 33, 176; law case ap- Rhode Island, etc. — Continued pealed to the Privy Council, 7764, 169; original papers relating to, 7709-7742, 13; papers relating to, 18th century, 117; piracy trial in, 7724, 70; S. P. G. missionaries in, letters and reports of, 198; vice- admiralty court records, 7720, 70. See also Proprieties. Rhode Island-Massachusetts Bay land controversy, 7757, 22. Rice, in Carolina and Georgia, act regarding exportation of, 7755, 176. Rich, Sir Nathaniel, letters of, 7633-7634, 114. Rich, Robert, see Warwick, Earl of. Richards, Michael (engineer at St. John's, Newfoundland), papers of, 90-91. Richmond, Duke of (Charles Lennox, 3rd duke) (secretary of state), letters of, 7775, 115. Richmond, Duke of (Charles Stuart), papers of, 7667-7670, 138. Richmond, Va., British consul at, cor- respondence of, 7867-7862, 52, 53. Ricketts, Mr., of New York, 164. Riedescl, Maj. Gen. Baron de, letters of, 777*, 137. Rigby, Richard (pavmaster of the forces), letter of, 7757, 161. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, letter of Capt. Cook from, 7765, 194. Ritchy, Lieut. (commanding at Tombigbee River), letters to, 7766- 7757, 131. Riva, Alonso de la, 121. Roberts, John, suit against, 7622, 68. Robertson, Lieut. (engineer at Pensacola), letter to, 7767, 132. Robertson, Lieut.-Col. James, correspon- dence with Gen. Haldimand, 7757- 7775, 130. Robins, Jacques, letters of, 1763-1764, 124. Robinson, Christopher (of Virginia), note regarding will (1766) of, 7772, 176. Robinson, Christopher (secretary of Vir- ginia), letter of Blathwayt regarding, 7695, 155. Robinson, Edward, letter to, 1800, 35. Robinson, John (secretary to the Trea- sury), letters of, 1772-1784, 172; papers of, 1777-7782, 205. Robinson, Rev. John, letter to, 7695, 155. Robinson, Sir Thomas (secretary of state), conferences with the French ambassador, 7755, 159; diplomatic note by, 7755, 159; French reply to memoir of, 7755, 159; letter to, 7755, 161; reply to French memoir, 7755, 158. Rock in Taunton River, inscription on, 110. Rockefeller, John D., Jr., gift of, vi. 298 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Rockingham, Marquis of (Charles Wat- son- Wentworth, 2nd marquis), let- ters from, 1767, 1775, 1777, 217. Rodney, Adm. Sir George B., letters from, 1780-1781, 113; victory over De Grasse, 7752, 160. Rogers, Maj. James, correspondence of, 1799-1784, 137. Rogers, Maj. R.obert (ranger), corre- spondence with Gen Haldimand, 1779, 137; memorial to Maj. Gen. Amherst, 7767, 83. Rogers, Woodes, letter of, 1716, 104. Roland, Leo J., ed., 128. Rolle, Dennis, petition of, 1766, 72. Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster, archives of, 189. Roman Catholic volunteers, muster rolls- 1777-1778, 241. Romney, Earl of (Henry Sidney) (master- general of ordnance), letters to, 1700- 1701, 91. Roots used by the Indians, 193. See also, Plants. Rose, Francis, letter of, 7720, 104. Rose, Sir George H. minister to Prussia, despatches from, 1820, 57; mission to the United States, 1807-1808, 49. Rose, Sir John (high commissioner to the U. S.), correspondence of, 1871, 54; preliminary "discussions" of, 1871, 53 Rose, H. M. S., 98. Ross, Maj. John, correspondence with Gen. Haldimand, 1782-1783, 136. Ross, Maj. Gen. Robert, instructions to, 1814, 81. Rotterdam, Holland, Merchant Adven- turers of England in, 1642-1643, 112. Rouille, Antoine Louis (French minister of state), answers upon affairs of Nova Scotia, 7750, 163; letter of, 7755, 159. Routledge, F. J., Calendar by, 202. Royal African company, paper addressed to, 1693, 94; petition from, 7705, 175. See also African trade company. Royal American reformers, muster roll of, 7775, 229. FLoyal American regiment, letter book of Col. Bouquet commanding, 1757, 128; returns of, 1764, 129. Royal assiento. See Assiento. Royal Commission on Public Records, Reports . . . on the state of the public records and local records of a public nature of England and Wales, 1 . Royal Courts of Justice, Admiralty, Registry (Muniment Books), 184. Royal fencible American regiment, muster roll of, 7777, 229. Royal Highland emigrants, military regi- ment, records, 1775-1780, 81. Royal Institution, American manuscripts in, 190-191. Royal Institution of Great Britain, Report ou American manuscripts in the, 190. Royal rangers in Canada, 1779-1784, 137. Royal regiment of New York, 136. See also King's Royal regiment of New York. Royal Society, papers in, 103, 191-196; papers relating to, 17th and 18th centuries, 110, 111; relation to Franklin's electrical conductors, 147. Royale compagnie de l'assiente, 126. Ruatan, Island of, plan of harbor on, 171. Rush, Richard (U. S. minister to Great Britain), negotiations with British plenipotentiaries, 1823-1824, 50. Russell, Peter (president of Upper Can- ada), letter from Robert Prescott, 1797, 32. Russell, Thomas, letters of, 1772—1773, 146. Russia, British plans for an alliance with, 1781, 234; British state papers dealing with relations with, 1712-1721, 76; correspondence between the Foreign Office and the ambassador in, 1813, 57; Foreign Office papers relating to, 57; mediation between Great Britain and the United States, question of, 1813, 57; plan for a league of the Powers of Europe, 1818, 60; Spanish relations with, 1816, 58; statistical information regarding, 1782-1783, 235; ukase of 1821. 50. Russia, Empress of, charts of the north- west coast of America for, 7750, 60. Russian discoveries on the northwest coast, letter respecting, 1764, 97; map of, 1761, 98. Ryder, William, letter from, 7755, 154; losses in Honduras, 1763-1779, 154. Rylands (John), library, 201. Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., affair at, 1813, 228. Sackville, Fort (Vincennes), surrender of, 777.9, 141. Saez, — (Spanish minister of foreign affairs), communication of, 7523, 56. Saganee Indians, 114. Sailing directions, for St. Lawrence river, 18th century, 143; for the Capes of Virginia and the channel up to Hampton Roads, 18th century, 147; for the eastern coast of the United States, 1772-1778, 143. Sainsbury, W. N., Calendar of stale papers, colonial series, 2. St. Ann, ship, 118. St. Augustine, Fla., correspondence of Gen. Haldimand while in command at, 1769-1770, 130; English attempt on, 1739, 163; English project for an attempt upon, 77^5, 1 9 ; siege of, 7702, 18. St. Augustine's Bay. Madagascar, 118. INDEX 299 St. Christopher, Island of, exports and imports, 1609-7729, 42; papers rela- ting to, 1606-1674, 115; petition re abolition of the slave trade, 1793, 177; property claim in, 1733-1734, 122; shells and plants of, 108. St. Clair, Gen. Sir John, correspondence with Col. Bouquet, 1758-1760, 128. St. Domingo, see Santo Domingo. .St. George's Key, Honduras, capture of, 7779, 154. St. John, Spenser (charge d' affaires in Hayti), despatch from, 1863, 56. St. John Island (West Indies), Danish settlement on, 38. St. John River, suit concerning goods shipped to, 1644-1646, 69. St. John's, Fort, correspondence of officers commanding at, 1778-1784, 137. St. John's, Newfoundland, journal and letter book of engineers building fort at, 76.97, 1700-1703, 91; weather ob- servations at, 1701-/702, 91. St. Kitts, Island of, see St. Christopher, Island of. St. Lawrence River, sailing directions for, 7755, 143. St. Leger, Brig. Gen. Barry, instructions to, 1784, 138. St. Louis, Mo., letter from, 7770, 131. St. Lucia, Island of, claim of the Duke of Montagu to, 169; English "mem- orial" relative to, 7757, 40; French- English negotiations regarding, 7755, 159; memorial upon the right of Great Britain to, 7757, 40. St. Mary, College of, Montreal, archives, 231. St. Vincent, Island of, claim of the Duke of Montagu to, 169; Colonial Office papers relating to, 37-38; French- English negotiations regarding, 7755, 159; notes on, 1674-1677, 39; paper relating to, 1774, 156; report on the state of, 7765, 116. Salt making in Jamaica, 17th century, 192. Samana Bay, Santo Domingo, voyage from, 7655, 99. Samwell, David, diary of, 1776-1778, 98. Sandwich, Ont., 33. Sandwich Islands, journey of an English naturalist in, 1794, 194. See also Owhyhe Island. San Juan del Norte (Greytown), Nicara- gua, 57. San Juan Island boundary dispute, cor- respondence concerning, 52, 54. Santa Lucia, Island of, see St. Lucia, Island of. Santa Marta's Bay, naval action at, 7702, 122. Santiago de Cuba, plan of, 1748, 152. Santo Domingo, agent for British affairs for, letters to, 1801, 35-36; Colonial Office papers relating to, 37; French- English negotiations regarding, 7755, 159; notes on, 1674-1677, 39; Phip's voyage from, 1686, 100; voyages to, 1682-1687, 99. See also Hispaniola. Saratoga, battle of, British army cap- tured at, 7777, 15, 137. Sardinia, trade with, 1765, 39. Sartine, M. de, letter from, 1780, 219. Saskatchewan, Can., Guide to the ma- terial for United States history in the archives of, 225. Sassafras berries, from Virginia, 105. Saunders, Adm. Charles, despatches from, 1759-1760, 3. Saunders, Theodosia, letter to, 7756, 67. Saunders, Thomas, letter of, 7756, 67. Savannah, Ca., British consul at, cor- respondence of, 1861-1865, 52, 53; British troops in, 7779, 218; letter from, 7779, 210; siege of, 7779, 218- 219. Sawyer, Adm. Herbert, despatches to the Admiralty, 3, 4. Schools for Negroes in the colonies, trust for the support of, 199. Schuyler, Col. Peter, intelligence regard- ing the French received from, 7757, 66. Science, medical, see Medicinal plants, and Medicines, observations on. Sciences, natural. See Natural sciences. Scientific book, 18th century, 138. Scientific letters and papers of the Royal Society, 191-196. Scientific matters, correspondence re- garding, 1787-1791, 139. Scientific observations, made at Hudson's Bay, 7742, 193; of Capt. John Frank- lin's Arctic expedition, 7526, 139. See also Astronomical observations. Scientific society, for the Colonies, 191. Scientist, natural, (Sloane), manuscripts of, 99-109. Scotland, archives of, Notes from the archives of Scotland concerning America, 220; General Register House at Edinburgh, 220; manuscript collec- tions in, 220-221; National Library of, manuscripts in, 220. Scotsmen, for settlement in Barbados, request for, 7667, 92. Scott, John Russell, Catalogue of the ma- nuscripts remaining in Marsh's library, Dublin, 223. Scottish colony in Daricn, papers relating to 24, 220. Scottish ships, license to trade, 1663, 155. Seaflower, sloop, 113. Seall, Francis, treatise by, 92. 300 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Sea, routes (courses) at, 101. Sea prizes, dispute between England and France regarding, 7754, 158; Privy Council minutes regarding, 1750, 163. See also Prizes. Seamen, American, British impressment of, 49; "pressing" of, 7707, 175. Searle, John, letters to, 7770, 102. Secret despatches from the secretary of state, 1775-1782, 17. See also Ci- phers. Secret letters, see Cipher, letters in. Secret negotiations with Spain, British, 1780-1781, 145. Secret orders, British admiralty, 7770- 1782, 1812-1815, 6. Secret service, British, during the Ameri- can revolution, letters on, 1781, 137; papers of, 1775-1782, 138; H. M's, money issued for, 1769-1782, 205. See also Intelligence agents. Secretaries of state, correspondence with Generals Amherst, Gage, and Mur- ray, and Sir Guy Carleton, 1760-1779, 132-134; correspondence with law officers of the Crown, 1762-1795, 70; letters to Gen. Haldimand, governer of Quebec, 1782-1784, 134. See also Ministry, English, and names of indi- vidual secretaries of state. Secretaries of state, Correspondence of General Thomas Gage with, 1763-1775, 233. Secretary at war, correspondence with Gen. Haldimand, 1767-1777; 133; correspondence with the secretary of state for the colonies, 1772-1784, 15, 80; in-letters, 1756-1783, 79-80; letters from Gen. Gage to, 1764-1765, 79; letters to military officers serving in America, 1763-1784, 80-81; out- letters, 1763-1784, 80-81. Secretary of state, Bahamas correspond- ence, 1696-1731, 27, 28; correspond- ence with the Admiralty, 1760-1761, 74; correspondence with the com- mander-in-chief in North America, 1753—1764, 83; correspondence with the governor of Guadeloupe, 7707- 1763, 34; despatches from the gov- ernors of Jamaica, 1748—1751, 36; letters to British ambassadors and ministers resident in Denmark, Ger- many, Italy, Nimeguen, Portugal, Sweden, and Turkey, ca. 1672-1680, 141; letters to governors of the Planta- tions, ca. 1672-1680, 141; letters to the president of the Privy Council, 1784- 1788, 17; Maryland correspondence, 1689-1780, 21 ; New York correspond- ence, 1689-1793, 24-25; Pennsylvania correspondence, 1690—1767, 25; Vir- Secretary of state, etc. — Continued ginia correspondence, 1606-1783, 26- 27. Secretary of state, Guide to the official corre- spondence of the governors of the British West India colonies with, 1763-1833, 28. Secretary of state for foreign affairs, cor- respondence with British agents and ministers in the United States, 1783- 1877, 45-48; instructions to British ministers in the United States, 1791- 1877, 63—64. See also Foreign Office papers. Secretary of state for the colonies, Baha- mas correspondence, 1792-1793, 28; Barbados correspondence, 1761-1788, 1794-1799, 1801-1805, 1811-1815, 28; Bermuda correspondence, 7792, 1798, 28 ; ' Canada correspondence, 1788- 1814, 28—33; correspondence regard- ing Indian affairs, 1766-1771, 16; cor- respondence with civil officers of the revolting colonies, 1774-1783, 15, with governors of the proprieties, 1762-1776, 25, with governors of the southern and West Indian colonies, 1765-1767, 16, with other secretaries, 1771-1781, 15, with the Admiralty, 1771-1781, 14, 1775-1782, 17, with the commander-in-chief of the British army, 1779-1782, 15, with the Ord- nance Board, 1775-1782, 17, with the Ordnance Office, 1772-1781, 15, with the postmaster general, 1771-1780,15, with the secretary at war, 1772-1782, 15, with the Treasury, 1766-1781, 16, 17, with the Treasury and Customs, 1771-1781, 15, with the War Office, 1775-1782, 17; departmental corre- spondence of, 1775-1782, 17; des- patches from the governor of St. Vincent, 1776-1786, 37-38; des- patches to military officers in the colonies, 1770-1783, 16, to the gov- ernors in the colonies, 1768-1790, 16; Dominica correspondence, 1774-1779, 1783-1788, 34; East Florida corre- spondence, 77(53-7750,19-20; Grenada correspondence, 1777—1779, 34; Ja- maica correspondence, 1689—1821, 35; letters from, 1771-1782, 17; letters from the commander-in-chief in America to, 1776-1779, 16; letters to, 1770-1782, 16, 17; letters to governors, military officers, admirals in America, and to departments, 1753—1763, 16, to the Admiralty, 1775-1782, 17, to the Board of Trade, 1766-1768, 16, to the president of the Privy Council, 1784-1788, 17, to the secretary at war, 1777-1784, 80; Maryland correspond- ence, to 1780, 21: Massachusetts governor's letters to, 1769-1770, 20; New York correspondence, 1765-1782, INDEX 301 Secretary of state for the colonies, etc. — Continued 16, 25, 115-116; Pennsylvania cor- respondence, 7776-7787, 25; private letters of, 7777-7777, 17; secret des- patches from, 7778-7782, 17; Virginia correspondence, 7762-7783, 26, 27; West Florida correspondence, 7763— 7787, 20. Secretary of state for war, letters to offi- cers in America, 7874, 81. Seeds from Barbados, account of, 7696, 109; list of, 7696/7, 101. Seguin ("Sequine"), arrival of ships at, 86. Seine, ship, stores on board, 7777, 200. Selwyn, G. A., case of, 7767, 168. Serapis, action of, 7779, 142. Serle, Ambrose, letters from, 7776-7777, 213, 214. Servitude in the Plantations, memoranda and certificates for, 7778-7723, 185. Seven years' war, see Anglo-French war, 1755 to 1763, and French and Indian war. See also Anglo-Spanish war, 1761 to 1763. Sewall, Samuel, letter of, 108. Sharpe, Horatio (governor of Maryland), correspondence with the commander- in-chief, 7756-7763, 82. Sharpe, Rev. John, address from, 188. Sharpe, William, letter to, 7757, 161. Shaw, Capt. William, letter of, 7764, 124. Sheaffe, Maj.-Gen. Sir Roger, correspond- ence of, 7872-7873, 32-33. Sheffield, Lord (John Holroyd), Observa- tions on the commerce of the American states, 122. Shelburne, Earl of (Sir William Petty, 2nd Earl of Shelburne and 1st Mar- quess of Lansdowne) (secretary of state), correspondence and papers of, 234-236, 238-239; correspondence with Gen. Haldimand, 7752, 134; correspondence with Richard Oswald, 7752, 61; despatches to and from English ministers at foreign courts, 7782-7783, 235; entry book of Vir- ginia letters, 7767, 27; letters to Sir Henry Moore, governor of New York, 7766-7767, 115; negotiations with Franklin, 7752, 15; state papers of, 141. Shells, from Antigua, 108; of St. Chris- topher's Island, 108. Sherbrooke, Sir John C. (lieut.-governor of Nova Scotia), letter to, 7572, 231. Sherburne, Edward (clerk of the ord- nance), letter from, 7676, 221. Sheriffs, Virginia, 7699, 26. Sherwood, Capt. Justus, correspondence with Gen. Haldimand, 7777-7784, 137; letter of, 7783, 136; letters to Capt. Mathews, secretary to Gen. Haldimand, 7757, 137. Ship, English, in Jamaica, 7702, 113 French, captured by the British, 7757, 19; H. M. S., log of, 7775-7776, 7; merchant, capture by the Spanish, 7765, 25; passes for the Mediterra- nean, 171. Ship building in New England, account of, 7662, 192. Shipping, East Florida returns of, 7765- 7769, 20; in the American trade, 7769, 140; in the West Indies, news of, 7797-7799, 6; insurance risks and premiums during the war with France, 7804-7875, 154; papers relative to, 7664-7702, 113; Maryland returns of, 7689-7702, 21. See also Navigation. Ships, at Port Royal, So. Car., 7729, 139; Confederate, sold to British subjects, 7863-7864, 53; entered and cleared at Charleston, So. Car., 7760-7767, 19; for the West Indies, Admiralty list of, 7694, 93; in the African slave trade, trading done by, 7774-7787, 201; in the expedition against Quebec, dis- aster to, 7777, 90; in the West Indies, list of, 7695, 175; Maryland, affidavit re, 7695, 175; naval, see Ironclads; New England, in the expedition against Quebec, 7777, 90; slave, 178, 201 ; Spanish, detained by the English, 7766, 74. Ship's log, H. M. S. Milford, 7775-7776, 7. Shipwreck, Phips' voyage to, 7656, 99. Shirley, Thomas (governor of Dominica), letters of, 7775-7779, 34. Shirley, William (governor of Massa- chusetts), correspondence of, 7755- 7767, 14, 79; letter to the Duke of Newcastle, 7766, 150; letters of, 7745- 7746, 123; letters to the secretary at war, 7755-7767, 79; memorial to the King, 7757, 79; negotiations at Paris, 7756, 164; Port Royal (Nova Scotia) expedition, 7745, 150. Shirtland, Samuel, letter of, 7766, 132. Shorthand, letters in, 7633-7647, 114. Shuldham, Adm. Molyneux, despatches from, 7775-7776, 3. Sidney, Flenry (envoy to The Hague), correspondence of, 7657-7697, 149. Silk worms, in South Carolina, account of, 7756, 194. Simcoe, John Graves (lieut.-governor of Upper Canada), correspondence of, 779J, 7794, 30, 79; letters to George Hammond, 7792-7794, 32; papers of, 7797-7796, 236-237. Simpson, Thomas, petition of, 7759, 77. Sinclair, Capt. James, correspondence with Col. Bouquet, 7758-7760, 128 Sion College Library, manuscripts in, 1 96. Sioussat, St. George L., iv. 302 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Six Nations, British policy towards, 17; letter of chief of, 7792, 237; paper concerning, 1756, 17. Skeete, Reynold, case of, 1764, 169. Skene, Col. Philip, letter from, 7777, 214; letter to, 7752, 216; letters delivered to, 1785, 82. Sketches, made in Cook's first voyage, 7768-1771, 113. See also Drawings. Skinner, Brig.-Gen. Cortland, letter from, 777S, 209. Skinner, W. S. (British consul), corre- spondence of, 1874, 49. Slave ships, in the African trade, 1744- 1787, 201; list of, 7799, 178; logbooks and surgeons' journals of, 1791-1797, 178. Slave ships bill, petition against, 1806, 178. Slave trade, Ango-American negotiations for suppression of, 1823-1824, 50; Committee for the Abolition of, min- ute books of, 1787-1819, 127; Foreign Office papers relating to, 59-60, 64; papers relating to, 1744-1787, 201, 1775-1788, 122; petition regarding abolition of, 779?, 177; Spanish as- siento for importing slaves into America, 127; suppression of, 59-60; to Barbadoes, 1693, 94; to the French West Indies, clandestine, 7759, 163. See also Royal African company, and Royale compagnie de l'assiente. Slave trade bill, petitions against, 1806- 1807, 177. Slavery, in Jamaica, 122; in the British Dominions, society for abolishing, 186. See also Anti-Slavery and Aborigines Protection Society. Slaves, assiento for importing into Spanish America, 127; in the British sugar colonies, treatment and conversion of, 143; supply for Barbadoes, 1693, 94. Sloane, Sir Hans, letter to, 1735, 195; letters to, 1681-1744, 103-105; manu- script collection of, 99-109 (catalogue of), 84; papers of, 103; undated letters of, 109. Sloane Manuscripts in the British Mu- seum, 99-109. Smart, John, surgeon, 107. Smelt, Leonard, report of, 7757, 96. Smith, Alexander (survivor of the Bounty mutiny), narrative of, 156. Smith, Lieut. Col. F., letters of, 7773- 7774, 132. Smith, John, contra Cloberry and Clai- borne, 1645, 69. Smith, Maj. John (commander of Vir- ginia frontier company), taken pris- oner, 7756", 66. Smith, Parker (British consul at Savan- nah), correspondence of, 1865, 53. Smith, Thomas (governor of Carolina) instructions to, 7693, 18. Smith, Col. W. S., letter to, 7795, 142. Smith, William (chief justice of New York), intelligence papers transmitted by, 1778-7779, 210. 211; letters from, 1778-1779. 210, 1782, 216; paper by, 1778, 210. Smuggling, order regarding, 1696, 175. Smyth, Frederick (chief justice of New Jersey), letter from, 7773, 130, 7779, 210. Smyth, Dr. George (commissioner for the exchange of prisoners), correspond- ence with Gen. Haldimand, 7777- 1784, 137. Societies in London, manuscripts in, 186- 199. Society for the Encouragement of Learn- ing, correspondence of, 1736—1745, 111. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, accounts, bills of exchange, etc., 1745-1785, 198; The archives oj the S. P. G., 197; "Journ- als" of, 1700-1787, 198; letter regard- ing, 7779, 188; manuscripts of, 196- 198; member of, 87; missionaries in the American colonies, letters and reports of, 197-198; missionary in Maryland, journal of, 7797, 1 88 ; mis- sionary in South Carolina (Standish), letter of, 1728, 92 ; missions to American churches and West Indian Islands, papers regarding, 1724-7788, 187; Two hundred years of the S. P. G.: An historical' account . . . 7707-7900, 197. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England, 108. Soldiers, see Muster rolls, and Troops. Solicitor General, report relative to the grant of lands on the Ohio to Thomas Walpole and associates, 7773, 72. Solicitor of the Treasury Department, papers of, 78. Solicitor's Department of the Admiralty, letters of, 5. Solicitors General, correspondence with the secretaries of state, 7762-7795, 70; correspondence with the secretary of state for the colonies, 1772-1781, 15. Solis, Fray Gaspar Jos6 de, diary of journey by, 7767, 119. Solomon Islands, Spanish voyage to, 7695, 224. Somers, Lord (John Somers), letter from, 1698, 188. Somers Islands, colonization of, 67; commissioner for, letters of, 7633— 7634, 114; letters from, 1667-1668, 195. See also Bermudas. Somers Islands Company, letters of the governor of, 7634, 114. INDEX 303 Social history of the American colonies, documents regarding, 196. Sooloo Islands. See Sulu Islands. Sorel, Quebec, 29. Soto Mayor, Sehor, proposal regarding the Assiento, 7745, 163. South, papers relating to Indian affairs in, 1765-1774, 131; Superintendent of Indian affairs in, correspondence with Gen. Haldimand, 1770-1774, 131. Southack, Cyprian, letters of, 1718, 37, 7720, 7722, 23; memorial of, 7773, 37; petition of, 77 7 J, 23. South America, drawings of coast from Acapulco, Mex., to the Strait of Magellan, 100; map of western part of, ca. 1750, 193; Spanish notes on geographical positions of places in, 121; War Office and other military records relating to, 78. South Carolina, Bray's Associates letters from, 1742-1763, 199; British consul in, correspondence of, 1 861-1863, 52, 53; Cherokee deed of land to gov- ernor of, 1746, 18; Church of England, members in, letters from, 1706—1769, 187; civil officers of, corresoondence of, 1778-1783, 15; Colonial Office papers relating to, 18-19; contract for transporting Swiss to, 139; divid- ing line between North Carolina and, 1764, 43; governor's correspondence with the commander-in-chief, 1756- 1763, 83, with the secretary of state, 1765-1767, 16; Indian burial cus- toms, 192; journal of an emigrant to, 7772, 148; landing of felons in, 18th century, 185; letter from, 7777, 102, 1728, 92; letter from S. P. G. mis- sionary (D. Standish), 1728, 92; loyalist regiments of, 229, 241; loyalists' claims, 10; memorandum of Richard Oswald with respect to, 7775, 212; piracy trial in, 1734, 70; plants of, 1756, 194; proceedings of Commons House of Assembly relative to the stamp act, 1766, 21; provinical regiment, captain in, 66; provost marshal in, 1730, 166; report re- garding, 7705, 175; resolutions o, Commons House of Assemblv, 77<55f 21; secretary of, 1731, 166; silk- worms in, account of, 1756, 194; S. P. G. missionaries in, letters and reports of, 197-198; vice-admiralty court records, 1733, 1734, 70. See also Carolina. South Carolina dragoons (loyalist regi- ment), 229. South Carolina light dragoons, 241. South Carolina royalists (loyalist regi- ment), 229, 241. Southern coasts of North America, expe- dition to, 1814, 80. Southern colonics, correspondence of the secretary of state with governors of, 1765-1767, 16. See also name of indi- vidual colony. Southern district of North America, sur- vey of, 1773, 96. Southern Indians, request for appoint- ment as superintendent of, 1761, 83. South Sea company, increase of capital 7720, 142; minutes of, 1711-1856, 141 ; Newcastle papers relating to, 7770- 7753, 149, 150; papers of, 141-142. South Seas, drawings of the coasts of, 100; journal of a voyage in, 7762- 7753, 126; journals of voyages to 1776-1778, 98, 172, 1830-1833, 117. See also Pacific Ocean. Southwark, District of, Pa., 214. Southwell, Edward, letter to, 1704, 151. Southwell, Sir Robert, papers of, 7696- 7720, 152. Sowell, Joseph, 7. Sower, Capt. T., letter of, 7769, 132. Spain, asiento for importing negro slaves into America, 7773, 127; British am- bassador to, papers of, 1783-1784, 171; British attitude toward allied inter- vention in, 1823, 56; British mediation between Portugal and, proposed, 1816, 1819, 58; capture of Havana and Cuba from, 1761-1762, 140, 161; capture of St. George's Key, Hon- duras, 7779, 154; cession of territory in the Bay of Honduras to England, 1783, 171; complaint of Spanish am- bassador to England, 7750, 74; con- vention between Great Britain and, 1786, 154; declarations concerning Nootka Bay, 1790, 162; demands for assistance of the Allied Powers in reconquering her colonies, 1823, 56; diplomatic mission to, 1779-1781, 75- 76, 145, 233; diplomatic negotiations with, in the 1700's, 152; dispute with, regarding the boundary of Florida, "observations on", 1739?, 165; efforts to make peace with England, 1779— 1781, 75-76, 145, 233; English am- bassador to, letter of, 7505, 89; Euro- pean conference regarding affairs of, 7520, 57; events in, 7520, 54; exports and imports, 1699-1705, 42; Foreign Office papers relating to, 57-58; lands in America, 16th century, 86; manuscripts in the archives of, relat- ing to America, 1763-1783, v, vn; mediation in affairs of, question of, 7577, 55; navy of, papers relating to, 1740-1782, 127; negotiations between Great Britain and, rumors of, 7522, 56; negotiations with, 7572, 7703-1762, 171; negotiations with, regarding cutting of logwood in Honduras, 7767, 164; peace negotiations with, 304 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Spain, etc. — Continued 1782-1783, 55; plan for the recovery of Jamaica, 1747, 120; Privy Council minute regarding war with, 7767, 164; project for destruction of Eng- lish settlement in Honduras, 1746, 120; proposal for acquiring the Isthmus of Darien from, 188; pro- posal regarding the Assiento, 7745, 163; proposals for trade with, 17th century, 148; question of mediation between Spain and her colonies, 1818, 60; relations with, regarding the Cuban question, 1872-1876, 48; relations with Russia, 1816, 58; rela- tions with the United States regard- ing the Cuban question, 1872-1876, 63; right of, to the region of Georgia, Spanish report on, 7742, 97; sea route between the Philippines and, Spanish notes on, 121; secret peace negotia- tions with England, 1780-1781, 75-76, 145, 234; siege of Gibraltar by, 1782, 127; State Papers concerning rela- tions with, 75-76; treaty of peace with, draft of, 1780, 76; wars with England, see Anglo-Spanish wars. Spain, King of, "how Her Majestie [Queen Elizabeth] may annoy", paper on, 1577, 73. Soaniards, illegal capture of Providence (R. I.) ship by, 1768, 25. Spanish, depredations against the English in Honduras, 1763-1779, 154; diary of a journey in Texas, 1767, 119; documents relative to Mexico, 18th and 19th centuries, 119, 120, 121; English attack on, at La Guayra, Venezuela, 1743, 157; expedition to the Philippine Islands, 1525-1528, 121; expedition to the West Indies, 1605, 89; expeditions into Texas, 1689-1767, 119; expeditions to Cali- fornia and New Mexico, journals of, 1775-1777, 119; explorations in California, 224; galleon to Manila, route of, 126; military and naval forces and supplies at New Provi- dence, 7752, 116; missions and missionary expeditions in Texas, 1691-1718, 119; naval campaign against England, 7779, 127; naval ex- peditions to California, 7775, 155; occupation of territory along the Mississippi, 30; papers, reports, etc., relating to America, 116; papers relating to discoveries in America, 17th and 18th centuries, 224; report on the sea route along the English and French coasts, 7555, 121; settle- ment of Darien, proposal for re- leasing the natives of, 7707, 115; treasure ship, Phips' voyage to, 1686, 100; vessels detained by the Spanish, etc. — Continued English, complaint regarding, 1760, 74; voyage to Spanish America, 1714-1717, 224; voyages from the Philippine Islands to New Spain, 1699-1740, 126; voyages of discovery in America, 17th and 18th centuries. 224. Spanish America, despatches of the British ambassador to France re- garding, 7523, 56; letter of the secre- tary of state for foreign affairs dealing with affairs in, 7522, 58. Spanish colonies in America, English attack on, 7507, 90; English plan for attack upon, 7752, 171; proposed mediation of Great Britain between Spain and, 7572, 1815-1817, 58; question of European mediation be- tween Spain and, 7575, 60; Spain's demands for assistance of the Allied powers to reconquer, 7523, 56. Spanish Florida, English attempt on, 7739, 163; English project for an attempt against St. Augustine, 1746, 19. Spanish history of America, published in 1746, 151. Spanish Indies, Council of, see Council of the Indies; cutting of logwood by the English in, 1672, 89; depositions regarding the condition of the na- tives in, 1567-1568, 151; depositions regarding the government of, 1567- 1568, 151; discourse regarding the true limits of, 17th century, 94; Drake's voyage to and from, 7555, 86; plan for an expedition against, 7577, 73; Spanish voyage to, 7774- 7777, 224. Spanish Inquisition papers, 151. Spanish Main, account of, 7753, 171; journal of a voyage to, 1714-1717, 224. Spanish manuscripts in the British Mu- seum, 119-122, 126, 127. Spanish West Indies, geographical de- scription of, 1704-1706, 126; journal of a voyage to, 1704-1706, 126. See also Cuba, Santo Domingo, and West Indies. Sparks manuscripts, Harvard College Library, 75. Spede, Edwyn (governor of Barbados), account by, 1693, 94. Spelman, Sir Henry, letters of, 1612, 154. Spencer, Charles, law case of, 7759, 1765, 168, 169. Spies, American revolutionary war, 152. See also Secret service, and Spy. Spotswood, Alexander (governor of Vir- ginia), vice-admiralty commission to, 1709, 184. Sprigs, Elizabeth, letter of, 1756, 67. INDEX 305 Sprigs, John, letter to, 7756", 67. Spry, Commodore Richard, despatches from, 1746, 1755, 1756, 1762, 1763, 3. Spry, William, maps by, 71. Spy, French Canadian, papers regarding, 1754-1755, 125 (see also Pichou, Mons.). See also Spies. Stafford, Mary, letter of, 1711. Stafford, Richard, letter from, 7665, 196. Stamp act, proceedings of South Carolina assembly relative to, 1766, 21. Standish, David (S. P. G. missionary), letter of, 1728, 92. Stanley, Hans (ambassador to France), correspondence of, 7767, 157. Stanwix, Maj. Gen. John, correspondence with Col. Bouquet, 7759, 7760, 7765, 128, commanders-in-chief, 1756-1760, 83, Gen. Haldimand, 1756-1758, 130; letter to Gen. John Forbes, 1758, 128. State papers, Calendar of state papers, colonial series, America and West Indies, 2; Canadian, Guide to, 225; of the period ca. 1754 to 1763, 141; relating to the affairs of the American and West Indian colonies, 1701-1768, 150; relat- ing to the West Indies, 17th century, 98; respecting negotiations between England and Spain as to logwood in Honduras, 18th century, 171. See also Archives, Hardwicke papers, Lans- downe papers, Newcastle papers, and Political papers. State Papers, Domestic, 73-74; reign of George III., 70. state Papers, Foreign, 74-76. state prisoners, manuscripts relating to, 184. kates-General, English ambassador to, see Downing, Sir George. >taveley, Thomas, gunner on expedition to Virginia, 7676, 221. >team navigation bill, 1826, 178. tephen, Col. Adam, letters from, 7755, 161; 1764, 129. Stephens, John, case of, 7767, 168. tephens, William, suit of, 7624, 68. itephenson, Capl. — , at Detroit, letter to, 7777, 133. tevens, Benjamin F., v; calendar of "American papers" in the Dartmouth manuscripts by, 211; "Calendar of papers relating to the German troops (Brandenburg Anspach) in the Amer- ican revolution, 1777-1782, in the Public Record Office and British Museum," 2; Catalogue index of man- uscripts in the archives of England, France, Holland, and Spain, relating to America, 1763-1783, v, vn; manuscript collection of, 218-219. Stevens, Sylvester K., ed., 128. Stevens Facsimiles, v, 152-154; of Amer- ican manuscripts in the Royal Institu- tion of Great Britain, 190. Stevens Peace Transcripts, 1782-1784, v. Stewart, Lord (Charles William Stewart) (ambassador to Austria), instructions to, 1820, 54-55. Stewart, Rear-Adm. Sir Houston, instruc- tions to, 7557, 1860, 7. Stiles, Sir Henry Eyles, letter from, 1754, 193. Stirling, Earl of, petition of, 1831, 143. Stock, Leo Francis, Proceedings and debates of the British Parliaments respecting North America, 1542-1754, 174. Stone, Andrew, letter from, 1741, 156. Stone, John, case of, 7762, 169. Stone, Margaret, case of, 7762, 169. Stone, Theodore, case of, 7760, 168. Stopford-Sackville papers, 233. Stormont, Lord (David Murray, Viscount Stormont) (envoy to Paris, 1772-1778, secretary of state, 1779-1782), cor- respondence of, 1775-1778, 75; cor- respondence with Sir Joseph Yorke, 1780, 75; letter from, 7777, 218; letters of, 1780, 60. Storm, at Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1768, 151. See also Hurricane, and Monsoons. Stowe manuscripts in the British Museum 88-92; Catalogue of, 88. Strachan, Charles, letter from, 7767, 131. Strachey, William, Travaile in Virginia, 101. Strangford, Lord (Percy Clinton Sydney Smythe), letter from F. J. Jackson to, 1810, 65. Streatfeild, Thomas, collections of, 151. Stringer, Rev. William, letter from, 7777, 214. Stuart, Alexander, letter to, 7727, 195. Stuart, Charles (deputy superintendent of Indian affairs), correspondence with Gen. Haldimand, 1770-1774, 131. Stuart, Sir Charles (ambassador to France), despatches of and instructions to, 7575, 55, 1822-1823, 56. Stuart, John (superintendent of Indian affairs for the southern district), cor- respondence with Gen. Haldimand, 1770-1774, 131; documents in claim of widow of, 7757, 8; letters of, 7763- 7765, 7767, 38-39; memorial of, 7767, 66. Stuart, Sarah, claim of, 8. Stuart, William (lieut.-governor of Do- minica), letters of, 1774-1779, 34. Sturges, Daniel, letters of, 7756, 67. Styles, see Stiles. Suffolk, Earl of (Henry Howard, 12th earl) (secretary of state), correspond- ence of, 1777-1778, 75, 160, 200. 306 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Sugar colonies, British, temp. Charles II., 90; trade of, 7757, 176; treatment of slaves in, 143. Sugar manufacture in Jamaica, 122. Sullivan, Alice, case of, 1764, 169. Sullivan, Thomas, case of, 1764, 169. Sulu Islands, descriptions of, 1762—1763, 126. Sumner, B., letter of, 1783, 136. Superintendent of Indian affairs, see In- dian affairs, Superintendent of. Surgeon, Maryland, 107. Surgeons of slave ships, journals of, 7797- 7799, 178. Surinam, account of, 17th century, 192. Survey of the southern district of North America, 1773, 96. Surveyor general, West Florida, ledger of, 1765-1768, 20. Susan, ship, suit regarding, 7629, 68. Sutherland, Lieut. Walter, letter of, 7754, 136. Sweden, British state papers dealing with relations with, 1706-1721, 76; letters of the British secretary of state to ambassadors to, ca. 1672-1 6S0, 141. Sweep-stakes, voyage of, 1669, 192. Swiss, contract for transporting to South Carolina, 18th century, 139. Sydney, Lord (Thomas Townshend, 1st viscount) (secretary of state), letters to, 1783, 238, 1786, 38; letters to Gen. Haldimand, 1783, 134; letters to the Privy Council, 1784-1788, 17. See also Townshend, Thomas. Taddesee Indians, 114. Taite, David, letter of, 7774, 131. Talaru, M. de (French ambassador to Spain), communication of, 1823, 56. Tanner, Bishop Thomas, manuscripts col- lection, 204. Tapley, William (loyalist), claim of, 1784, 8; property of, 10. Tariff, American, on wool, 1828, 178. Taunton River, inscription on rock in, 110. Tax assessment, Pennsylvania, 1773, 215. Taxes, papers concerning, 1696-1699, 102; statement of, 1702-1710, 145. Taylor, Col. William (later Brigadier General), correspondence of, 1766— 1767, 131; letters from Gen. Gage, 1766, 130. Tea, exported from China by Americans, 1815-1819, 111. Temple, Sir John (consul general in the United States), letter from Robert Liston, 1798, 37; letter to George Leonard, 1798, 37. Tenison, Thomas (Archbishop of Canter- bury), letters to, 1698, 1700, 1710, 188; papers relating to the American col- onies, 189. Tennent, John, letters of, 7739 and un- dated, 105. Tenterden, Lord (Charles Stuart Aubrey Abbott) (secretary to the British Joint High Commission), letters of, 1871, 54. Tetterdell, Hugh, letter of, 7773, 104. Texas, French settlement in, 1689, 119; Spanish expeditions into, 1689-1767, 119; Spanish missions and missionary expeditions in, 1691-1718, 119. Theobald, James, letter to, 7757, 193. Theological disputes between William Penn and Richard Baxter, 198. Theological papers, 17th century, 198. Theriaca, 104. Thomas, Alban, letter to, 7727, 196. Thomas, John (deputy superintendent of Indian affairs), letters of, 1771-1773, 131. Thomoson, Sir William, letter to, 7735, 108. Thomson, Charles (secretary to Congress), letter from, 1778, 191. Thornton, Edward, gift of diary of Sir Edward Thornton, 219. Thornton, Sir Edward (secretary of le- gation and charge d'affaires in the United States), diary (memoirs) of, 219; letters from, 7793, 219, 1801, 35, 36. Thornton, Sir Edward (minister to the United States), despatches from, 7577, 54, 1872-1876, 48, 63; instruc- tions to, 1872-1876, 63. Thornton, Frances, gift of, 2.19. Thornton, Presley, case of, 7764, 169. Three Rivers, Quebec, correspondence of Gen. Haldimand during his command at, 1758-1766, 130. Thurloe, John (secretary of state), papers of, 203. Tice, Capt. Gilbert, letter of, 7752, 135. Ticonderoga, map of the country around, 7755, 133; sketch of, 7757, 66. Timber trade, petition against duties, 7527, 177; with the British colonies in North America, 7529, 177. Titley, Walter, papers of, 1739-1740, 1747-1764, 99. Tobacco, admiralty court suits regarding, 7633, 7634, 68, 69; American, exporta- tion from England to France, 7745- 7745, 164; contract for, 7624, 73; seizures, by the Customs, 1751—1760, 88. Tobacco planters of Virginia, bill for recovery of debts of, 138. Tobacco trade, case referred to the at- torney general, 7775, 95; papers relating to, 17th century, 93, 7757- 7760, 88. INDEX 307 Tobago, Island of, French-English ne- gotiations regarding, 7755, 159; settle- ment and fortification of, 7706, 138. Tombigbee River, letters of British commander at, 1766-1767, 131. Tonyn, Patrick (governor of East Flo- rida), declared accounts of, 7. Toronto Public Library, manuscript collection in, 231. Torre, Hernando de la, journal of, 7525-1528, 121. Toussaint L'Ouverture, Pierre Domi- nique, convention entered into with Gen. Maitland, 1798, 37. Tower of London, manuscripts relating to state prisoners in, 184. Towner, Puchard, letter of, 7732, 104. Towns in America, ca. 1700, 117. Townsend, Adm. Isaac, despatches to the Admiralty, 1746-1747, 3. Townshend, Charles (secretary at war), correspondence with Gen. Amherst, 1761-1763, 79; letters to, 1761-1762, 79. Townshend, John Thomas, letter of, 1782, 134. Townshend, Thomas (1st Viscount Sydney) (secretary of state), corre- spondence with Gen. Haldimand, governor of Quebec, 1782-1784, 134; correspondence with Richard Os- wald, 1782-1783, 61; letter from Lord Dunmore, 7752, 235; papers of, 237-239. See also Sydney, Lord. Trade, American, notes on, 1769, 140, queries and answers regarding, 1767, 236; between British India and the United States, 1816-1819, 177; be- tween Europe, America, and Bengal, 1796-1802, 116; British West Indian, 1773-1805, 92; carried on by British subjects in the Oregon country, 51; Dutch, to Essequibo and Demarary, 7772, 158; in the Bay of Honduras by British merchants, 1783, 171; in the West Indies, papers regarding, 1624- 1808, 38; law officers' opinions relating to, 1720-1733, 165; license to trade, 1663, 155; North American, memorial on, 1756, 115; of Americans with India and China, British note on, 1820, 177; of England, treatise on, ca. 1675, 140; of English merchant with residents in tbe colonies, letter book regarding, 1710-1717, 203; of pro- prietor and charter governments, 1690-1708, 176; of the Plantations, notes regarding, 7737, 7733, 176; of the Plantations with Ireland, 127; of the sugar colonies, 7737, 176; opin- ions of Counsel on matters of, 773(5- 1738, 42; papers relative to, 1618- 1700, 114, 1664-1702, 113, 1696-1699, Trade, etc. — Continued 102, 1699-1721, 94, 1760-1784, 14; to New England, petition regarding, 1690, 174; to Newfoundland, report on, 1706, 97; to the Indies, paper concerning, 1604, 86; to Virginia, admiralty court suit concerning, 1638, 69, report on, 7705, 97; tobacco, case referred to the attorney general, 7775, 95; "representations" regarding, 1751-1760, 88; 17th century papers relating to, 93; with America, in- quiry into means for extending, 7520, 177; with China, American, 7575- 7579, 177; with Jamaica, note regard- ing, 7707, 175, state of, 7705, 176; with Naples and Sardinia, papers relating to, 1765, 39; with New York, state of, 7705, 176; with Quebec, state of, 7705, 176; with the British colonies in North America, British, 7520, 177; with the Plantations, Bristol merchants and, in the 1690's, 111, memorial concerning, ca. 1683, 144; Parliamentary actions regarding, 7703, 175, Parliamentary notes re- garding, 7095, 175, 17th century, 175. See also Customs, Exports, Fur trade, Imports, Mercantile letters, Mer- chants, Navigation acts, Prices, Reci- procity, Slave trade, Smuggling, and Tariff. Trade, Board of. See Board of Trade. Trade, Committee of, letter concerning, 7096, 111. Trade, Council for, journal, or minutes of, 1670-1686, 43. Trade, Lords of, Custom House report to, 7692, 113; entry book of Maryland correspondence, 1691-1720, 21 ; journal of, 1670-1686, 43; List of reports and representations of ... , 1675-1696, 13. See also Board of Trade. Trade, Privy Council committee for, establishment and accounts of, 1674- 1696, 113; minutes of, 1786-1792, 172. See also Trade, Council for. Trade and Plantations, Committee for, establishment and accounts of, 1674- 7696, 113. Trade and Plantations, Council for, journal or minutes of, 1670-1686, 43. Trade and Plantations, Lords of, accounts of, 1674-1696, 113; entry book of Virginia papers, 1689-1775, 27; repre- sentation upon the state of the col- onies, 7727, 140. See also Board of Trade. Trade and Plantations, Journal of the Com- missioners for . . . , 1704-1782, 43. Traders, Indian, instructions of governor of Georgia to, 7765, 2 1 . 308 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Trading companies, petitions of, 1660- 1662, 141. See also Hudson's Bay company, Royal African company, and South Sea company. Trading company to Jamaica, obligation of, 1662, 220. Trading voyage from Canada to the Mississippi, 7770, 192. Transportation to America, petitions for, 7720, and undated, 223. Travel, French report on communication via the Hudson river to Lake Ontario, 219; in America, journal of, 1768, 144; in the West Indies and North Ameri- ca, journal of, 1764-1765, 96; Spanish routes of, along the Pacific coast, 120. See also Journals of voyages. Travels in the American colonies, 96. Treasure ship, Phips' voyage to, 1696, 100. Treasurer, ship, suit concerning, 1621, 68. Treasury, accounts, 77; correspondence of the secretary of state for the col- onies with, 1771-1781, 15; Custom House reports made out pursuant to orders of, 1760-1777, 78; despatches to the governors of Canada, 225; in- letters, 1746-1773, 1776, 1789, 76-77; letters from Gen. Gage, 232; letters from the secretary of state to, 1766— 1768, 16; letters relating to America in, 1763—1797, 77 J letters to the secre- tary of state for the colonies, 1776— 1781, 17; miscellanea, 78; papers, 76— 78, 114; papers relating to German troops in the American revolution, 2; warrants, 1673-1674, 144. Treasury, List of the records of the . . . , to 1837, 7. Treasury, Lords Commissioners of, report on assistance to American loyalists sent to, 1783, 235. Treasury, Lords of the, letters, reports, etc., from the Post Office, 1691-1783, 173; warrants, letters, etc., issued in reply to Post Office letters, 1691-1783, 173. Treasury, Secretary to, correspondence with George III., 1772-1784, 172. _ Treasury Board, law officers' opinions sent to, 1763-1783, 78; papers of, 76-77. Treasury Solicitor papers, 78. Treaty, Anglo-American, 1806, 49, 61. Treaty of 1713 with France, 217. See also Treaty of Utrecht. Treaty of 1782-1783, 177; provisional and preliminary articles of, 236. Treaty of 1794, see Jay's treaty. Treaty of 1814, see Ghent, treaty of. Treaty of 1842 with the United States, commission to trace boundary line under first article of, 51. Treaty of Ghent. See Ghent, treaty of. Treaty of peace with Spain, 1780, 76. Treaty of Utrecht, 7773, 35, 217. Treaty of Washington, 7577, 54. Treaty papers, Foreign Office, 60. Treaty with La Heve tribe of Indians, 7760, 124. Trees, bark of, 104; of Carolina, 106; of the Bahamas, 106. Trevor, Thomas (attorney general), opin- ions of, 1695, 111. Trial of pirates, commission to Lord Cornbury for, 1704, 38. Trials, for piracy, 7700, 27, 1722-1739, 70; High Court of Admiralty, indict- ments and examinations, 17th and 18th centuries, 67. See also Courts- martial, and Libel files. Trinidad, plan for attack on, 1782, 171. Trinity College, Dublin, manuscripts in, 223-224. Trinity College, Dublin, Catalogue of manu- scripts in the library of, 223. Troops, British, captured at Saratoga, 7777, 1 5 ; German, in the American re- volution, 2 (see also Anspach, Hanau and Hessian troops); H. M.'s, returns of, 1768-1775, 145; in the Montreal district, 1812-1813, 228; stationed in Lower Canada, 1812, 228; stationed in Upper Canada, 7572, 228. See also Muster rolls. Troppau, Conference at, 7520, 55. Trumbull, Jonathan (governor of Con- necticut), letter from, 7753, 216. Tuggey, Richard, letter of, 1756, 67. Tula, brig, 117. Tulin, Charles (British consul at Mobile), correspondence of, 1861, 52. Tullidelph, Walter, letter of, 1734, 104. Turkey, letters of the secretary of state to Residents in, ca. 1672-1680, 141. Turnbull, Capt., at Detroit, letters to, 1766, 133. Tuscorads, 222. Tyrell, Thomas, 124. United States, archives of the British lega- tion in, 62-64; Foreign Office papers relating to, 46-54, 62-64; importa- tions into Marseilles and Leghorn from, 7527, 177; minutes of the Privy Council of England concerning, 7754- 7575, 72-73; tonnage from ports of British India, 1816-1819, 177. United States, Guide to the materials in London archives for the history of . . . since 1783, 2. United States history, Guide to the material for . . . in Canadian archives, 225. Unzaga y Amezaga, Gov. Luis de, letter to, 7777, 131. Upper Canada, Colonial Office papers relating to, 32-33; correspondence of governors with the Board of Trade, 29, with British ministers to the INDEX 309 Upper Canada, etc. — Continued United States, 1797-1841, 226, with the secretary of state, 29; forces for the defence of, 1812, 228; papers of lieutenant-governor of, 1791-1796, 236— 237; troops stationed in, 7572, 228. See also Ontario. Urquhart, William, address from, 188. Utrecht, treaty of, 1713, interpretation of, 35; negotiations for, 217. Vancouver, Capt. George, despatches of, 1791-1793, 16; voyage in the Discovery, letter of naturalist on, 1794, 194; voy- age of discovery, 1790-1794, 148. Vandalia colonv, petitions and reports regarding, 1769, 1773-1774, 72. Vandeput, Adm. George, despatches to the Admiralty, 4. Vane, George, letter of, 7777, 89. Vassall, Samuel (merchant of London), admiralty court suits of, 1629, 1633, 1634, 68, 69. Vandreuil, Marquis de (Pierre de Ri- gaud), letter of, 1760, 130. Vaughan, Sir Charles (charge d'affaires in Spain), instruction to, 1815, 58. Vaughan, Thomas, case of, 1765, 170. Vavasour, Lieut. M., expedition of, 1846, 51. Venezuela, English attack on La Guayra, 7743, 157. Verelst, Harman, "observations" of, 1739, 17. Vergennes, Comte de (Charles Gravier), letters from the Chevalier de La Lu- zerne to, 7750, 25. Vermont, correspondence of Gen. Haldi- mand relative to affairs of, 1780-1784, 137; S. P. G. missionaries in, letters and reports of, 198. Vernon, Adm. Edward, campaign in the West Indies, 1739-1741, 139, 176; correspondence of, 1741-1742, 14. Vernon, James (secretary of state), letters to, 7707, 152. Vesey, William, address from, 188. Vice-admiralty case in Nevis, appeal to Privy Council, 1760, 168. Vice-admiralty commissions to governors of Virginia, 184. Vice-admiraltv court, of Jamaica, pro- ceedings, 1747-1748, 69; of New York, papers and records, 1775-1783, 67, 69, 70; of Virginia, records of, 7727, 7729, 70. Vice-admiralty courts, admiralty law officers' opinions regarding affairs in, 6; letters relating to, 1689-1783, 6. Villiers, Louis Coulon de, capitulation accorded by, 1754, 158. Vincennes, Ind., surrender of, 7779, 141. Vincent, Brig. Gen. John, letter from Maj. Gen. Bisshopp, 1813, 33; letter to Maj. Gen. Sheaffe, 1813, 33. Virginia, account of, 7675, 192; act for freer liberty of fishing along the coast of, 1621, 181; admiralty court suit concerning, 1608, 68; Bacon's rebel- lion, 1675-1676, 27, 42, 94; bill for the recovery of debts of tobacco planters in, 138; bills for limiting the price of tobacco to be paid for the clergy, 167; Board of Trade corres- pondence regarding, 1689-1775, 26, 27; Bray's Associates letters from, 1743-1768, 199; Charles IPs grant of, 7669, 11; Church of England members in, letters from, 1695-1776, 187; Colinial Office papers relating to, 26-27; "Colonial Papers" re- lating to, 1622-1682, 12; colonization of, 1605-1647, 67; commander of a company of rangers on frontier of, 7756, 66; commission to governor to pardon offenders, 7676, 42; com- missions and instructions to governors of, 1624-1775, 10, 11, 13, 40-43, 184; convoy for merchant ships to, 7695, 175; Corbins of, manuscripts dealing with, 7676, 206; correspondence of civil officers of, 1782, 15; correspond- ence of governors, with the Board of Trade, 1691-/781, 26, with the com- mander-in-chief, 1756-1763, 83, with the secretaries of state, 1694-1753, 26, 1762-1777, 27; county clerks, 7699, 26; directions and inquiries concerning, 7669, 192; dividing line between North Carolina and, 1724, 144; dis- covery of western parts of, 7677, 110; doctors of medicine in, 7796, 103; exports and imports, 1698-1708, 42; exports of English manufactures to, 1697-1703, 44; grants of, 7649, 172, 7669, 11; instructions to governors of, 41; journal of travel in, 7677, 192; iustices of the peace in, 7699, 26; land grants, 7649, 172, 1752-1765, 41; law cases appealed to the Privy Council, 1764-1765, 169-170; letter to the two archbishops concerning, 7692 ca., 74; letters from, 7666, 1668, 195, 7756, 67, 7775, 155; letters of William Byrd from, 1706-1711, 103; license to engrave map of, 1768, 41; Lord Culpeper's grant of governor- ship, 7675, 39; loyalists' claims, 9, 10, 77; naval expedition to, 7676, 221 ; observations regarding, 1687, 111; order to governor and council, 7660, 98; paper concerning, 17th century, 192; papers regarding establishment of a college in, 7697, 7692, 7697, 26; persons executed for rebellion in, 310 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY Virginia, etc. — Continued 1676, 94; piracy trials in, 7700, 27, 1728, 1729, 70; plants of, 101, 103, 104, 107; proceedings concerning pirates, 1698-1699, 27 ; report of commissioners for inquiring into affairs of, 1677, 27; report on trade to, 7705, 97; S. P. G. missionaries in, letters and reports of, 198; sailing directions for the Capes of, 18th century, 147; sassafras berries from, 105; sheriffs, 1699, 26; Strachey's Travaile in Virginia, 101; suit con- cerning trade to, 1638, 69; transporta- tion of felons to, 1715-1737, 185: transportation of goods and pas- sengers to, 1629, 68; vice-admiralty court records, 7727, 1729, 70; voyage of the Mayflower from London to, 1633, 69. Virginia, Secretary of, patent for, 7722, 166. Virginia Company of London, commis- sion to investigate, 1623, 10; contra William Wye, ^1620, 1622, 68; letters of, 1633—1641, 114; papers relating to, 1617-1623, 200, 1622-1624, 73. Virginia Company of London, Records of the . . . 1619-1626, 10, 11, 68, 200. Virgin Islands, address to Prince William, Duke of Clarence, 1785, 155; Colonial Office papers relating to, 1711—1791, 38; England's claims to, 38. Volunteers of New England, muster roll of, 1782, 229. Voyage, between Cadiz, Spain, and the Philippines, Spanish report on route of, 121; from Acapulco, Mexico, to Manila, Spanish route of, 120; from England to Maryland, 1705-1706, 101 ; from London to Boston, 1768, 144; from London to Newfoundland, 7700, 91; from Panama to Acapulco, Spanish route of, 120; from Panama to Valdivia, Chile, Spanish route of, 120; from Scotland to Darien, 7700, 220; from Scotland to the West Indies and America, 7775, 98; of Hernando de la Torre to the Maluccas, 1525- 1528, 121; of Marquette, 1673, 231; of the Mermaid in the West Indies, 7745, 155; to Canada, 1682, 89; to Canada, plan for, 7597, 116; to India and China, 1814-1817, 146; to the Pacific, 1776-1780, 113; to the South Seas, 1776-1778, 98, 1830-1833, 117; to the Straits of Magellan, 1669, 192; to the Sulu Islands and Borneo from Madras, India, 1762-1763, 126; to the West Indies, 7654, 103; to the West Indies from Madeira, 7702, 118. Voyages, English, 1595-1613, 187; from the Philippine Islands to New Spain, 1699-1740, 126; of Capt. James Cook, Voyages, etc. — Continued 1768-1771, 1776-1778, 98, 113, 117; of exploration, early English, 86; 17th century, 101; Spanish voyages of discovery to America, 17th and 18th centuries, 224; to the East Indies and to St. Domingo, 1682-1687, 99. See also Discovery and exploration. Wabash River. See Ouabache River. Wake, William (Archbishop of Canter- bury), papers relating to the Ameri- can colonies, 189. Walduck, J., letters of, 1710-1712, 101, 102. Wales, Prince of. See Prince of Wales. Wales, National Library of, manuscripts in, 222. Wales, reports on public records of, 1. Walker, , estate in Barbadoes, 176. Walker, H. P. (British consul at Charles- ton), correspondence of, 1863—1865, 53. Walker, Thomas, letter of, 7707, 106. Wallington, Nehemiah, letters of, 100. Walpole, (deputy secretary at war), letters to, 1763, 79. Walpole, Horatio (t. e., Horace) (auditor- general), letters patent to, 7770, 11. Walpole, Thomas, at Paris, letters of, 7752, 55; papers regarding grant of land on the Ohio (Vandalia) to, 7769, 777 J, 7774, 72. Walton, John, argument of, 1731, 22. War. See Belligerents, rights of, and Neutral rights. War prisoners of, see Prisoners of war. War, Revolutionary, see Revolution, American. War, Secretary at, see Secretary at war. War, Secretary of state for, see Secretary of state for war. War of 1812, Admiralty secret orders and letters, 6; British naval courts martial, reports of, 6; in Canada, 31-32, 227-228; interdepartmental (public offices) correspondence re- lating to the, 31; letters of captains on the American station to the Admiralty, 5; letters of the Admiralty to the commander-in-chief of the North American station, 1808-1815, 6; letters of the secretary of state for war to military officers in America, 1814, 81; military forces in Canada, 228; military papers, 1812-1813, 80; military papers in the Canadian archives relating to, 227; New Or- leans expedition, 1814, 81; papers of the military secretary to the lieuten- ant-governor of Nova Scotia during, 227-228; question of mediation of Russia, 181 3, 57; troops stationed in Canada, 228. INDEX 311 War Office, correspondence with the secretary of state for the colonies, 1775-1782, 17; Headquarters Records, 81-82; letters to the secretary of state for the colonies, 1775-1782, 17; out-letters to North America, 1814, 81; papers, 78-84. See also Secretary at war. War Office and other military records pre- served in the Public Record Office, Alphabetical guide to certain, 78. War Office records preserved in the Public Record Office, List of, 78. Ward, Samuel (governor of Rhode Island), correspondence with the commander-in-chief, 1762-1763, 82. Warkman, Mark, case of, 7762, 169. Warner, Sir George F., Catalogue by, 95. Warrants, for Privy seals, 1704-1711, 93; military, 1741-1766, 41; to the attorney general, 1720-1766, 166-167. Warre, Lieut. Henry J., expedition of, 1846,51. Warren, Adrn. Sir John B., despatches to the Admiralty, 1809-1814, 4; letter by and to, 1810, 65. Warren, Adrn. Sir Peter, despatches to the Admiralty, 1745-1746, 3; letters from, 1745-1746, 14. Warrington, Eng., Municipal Library, 204. Wars between England and France, see Anglo French wars. Wars between England and Holland, see Anglo-Dutch wars. Wars between England and Spain, see Anglo-Spanish wars. Warwick, Earl of (Robert Rich, 2nd earl), letters of, 1634, 114; suit of, 1621, 68. Warwick, Richard (in South Carolina), "relation" by, 1694, 192. Washington, George, agricultural me- moranda in handwriting of, 115; camp on the Schuylkill, 7771?, 215; campaign against the French on the Ohio, 1154, 158; correspondence with Col. Bouquet, 1758, 128; letters from, 1777-1795, 114, 115, 135, 142, 172, 190, 221; letters to, 7775, 1778, 133, 190; president of court martial held at Loyal Hannon, 1758, 84. Washington, Thomas, verses upon the death of, 1623, 116. Washington, D. C, Conference at, 7577, 53-54; treaty of, 7577, 54. Washington's army, letter regarding, 7777, 161. Watson, Alderman Brook, 124. Watson, Adrn. Charles, despatches from, 1748, 3. Watson, William, paper by, 1749, 193. Wayne, Gen. Anthony, letters of, 1794, 79. Weather, at Charleston, So. Car., 7752, 193; in Barbados, 1786, 194; in Georgia, 1759, 194; observations at St. John's, Newfoundland, 1701-1702, 9 1 . See also Hurricane, Meteorological observations, Monsoons, and Storm. Weatherby, Joseph, case of, 7767, 168. Webb, Gen. Daniel, correspondence of, 1756, 14. Webber, J., drawings by, 117. Webster-Ashburton treaty, see Treaty of 1842, and under Ashburton, Lord. Wcddcrburn, Alexander (solicitor-gen- eral, 1771, attorney-general, 1778), letter from, 1778, 205; paper of, 7775, 200. Wclbeck Abbey, Worksop, Eng., manu- scripts at, 217. Wellesley, Sir Henry (ambassador to Spain), instructions to, 7572, 7575, 7577, 7579, 58. Wellesley, Marquis of (Richard Colley Wellesley) (secretary of state for foreign affairs), despatch from, 1812, 172. Wellesley Papers, 172. Welsh discovery of America, 12th cen- tury, 222. Welsh Indians, colony in America, 117. Wentworth, Penning (governor of New Hampshire), correspondence with the commander-in-chief, 1756-1763, 82; letters from, 7755, 161, 1766, 115. Wentworth, Sir John (lieut-governor of Nova Scotia), correspondence of, 1783-1807, 37, 61, 230, 240. Wentworth, Paul, letter from, 7777, 200. Wentworth, Maj.-Gen. Thomas, corre- spondence of, 1740-1741, 14. Wentworth's (Governor) volunteers, mus- ter roll of, 7777, 7757, 229. West, James, book of law officers' opin- ions (1673-1707) belonging to, 147. West Florida, acts of the general assem- bly, 1766-1771, 20; Board of Trade entry books of correspondence, 1763- 1782, 20; Colonial Office papers re- garding, 1763-1783, 20; correspond- ence of the governors with the secre- taries of state, 1763-1781, 16, 20; de- clared accounts of governors of, 7757- 7757, 7; land grants, 1767-1780, 20; letter from governor (Chester) to Gen. Haldimand, 7777, 131; letters and papers from, 1764, 79; letters from the governors to the Board of Trade, 1763-1782, 20; minutes of the council and general assembly, 1764-1778, 20; papers relating to cession of, 1764, 79. See also Florida. West India colonies, Guide to the official cor- respondence of the governors of the . . . with the secretaries of stale, 1763-1833, 28. 312 MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO AMERICAN HISTORY West India company, British, proposition for constituting, 1655-1660, 90. West India company, French, see Com- pagnie des Indes Occidentales. West India Dock company's bill, 1802, 1804, 1811, 177. West Indian archive materials . . . for the history of the United States, Guide to, 27. West Indies, Admiralty list of ships for, 1694, 93; allowance made for fleet in (Admiral Bourke), 7705, 175; arrival and sailing of French frigates in, 7797— 1799, 6; British naval force destined for, 1822, 56; British state papers re- lating to, 17th century, 98; calendar of manuscripts in Scottish archives con- cerning, 1703-1783, 220; Calendar of state papers, Colonial series, 1574-1733, 2, 11; campaign against the Spanish in, 1739, 176; description of, 1718, 144; despatches of British admirals in waters of, 1776-1781, 3; disputes be- tween Great Britain and France over islands of, 1749-1750, 39-40; English voyage after Spanish treasure in, 16th century, 93; French "memoire" on, ca. 1762, 1 41 ; journal of a voyage among, 1704-1706, 126; journal of travel in, 1764-1765, 96; journals of voyages of British navy ships to, 1818— 1826, 146; military expedition to, journal of, 1740-1742, 151; movement of the British fleet in, 7779, 162; notes on, 1674-1677, 39; order for list of ships in, 1695, 175; paper on reasons for trade to, 1604, 86; paper relating to, 17th century, 192; papers relating to, 1734-1796, 165; passages to and from, 92; Portuguese possessions in, limits of, 94; privateers in, 7707, 175; Rodney's victory over De Grasse in, 7752, 160; Spanish expedition to, 1605, 89; Spanish plans against the English in, 7747, 120; Spanish possessions in, limits of, 94; voyage from Madeira to, 7762, 119; voyage to, 7654, 103. See also Caribee Islands, Neutral Islands, and name of particular island. West Indies (British), Board of Trade papers regarding, 1624-1808, 38, 1696-1786, 116, 1710-1781, 117; Co- lonial Office papers relating to, 38; catalogue of, 13; commissions and instructions to governors of, 13; earthquake in, 7754, 193; exports and imports, 1677—1731, 42; family pedi- grees, 147; importations into Liver- pool and Lancaster from, 7776, 88; journal of a voyage to, 7775, 98; letter book of English merchant supplying residents in, 1710-1717, 203; letters from, 7707, 152; letters to the secre- West Indies, etc. — Continued tary of war from, 79-80; minerals of, 101; notes on, 1674-1677, 39; official appointments in, list compiled about 1780, 138; papers relating to, 7654- 7652, 115, 1783-1794, 15; regiments in, 7747, 157; S. P. G. missionaries in, letters and reports of, 197-198; S. P. G. missions to, papers regarding, 1724-1788, 187; state papers regard- ing, Calendar of, 2, 11; state papers relating to affairs of, 1701-1768, 150; trade and navigation, British, 1773- 1805, 92. See also Bahamas, Barba- dos, Bermuda, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Leeward Islands, St. Vin- cent, and Sugar colonies. West Indies, Danish, see Virgin Islands. West Indies, French, see French West Indies. West Indies, Spanish, see Spanish Indies and Spanish West Indies. Westminister, Roman Catholic Diocese of, archives, 189. Wharton, Capt. George, letter to, 7676, 221. Whatley, William, letter from, 1778, 205. Wheat imported into Ireland from America, 1804-1810, Ml. Whitbourne, Capt. Richard, discourse on Newfoundland, ca. 1620, 139; letter from, 767P, 188. White, John, drawings of birds, fishes and plants by, 111. White, Newport J. D., Catalogue of the manuscripts remaining in Marsh's library, Dublin, 223. Whitefoord, Caleb, papers of, 170. Wier, James, paper by, 7696, 109. Wilbur, James B., gift of, vi. Wilkes, John, correspondence, 147. William, Prince (Duke of Clarence), ad- dress to, ca. 1785, 155. William and Mary, state papers of reign of, 74. William and Mary college, accounts of, 7697, 26; Treasury reports on, 7693, 7779, 78. See also College in Virginia. William L. Clements library, manuscripts in, 232-233. William L. Clements library, Guide to the manuscript collections in, 233. Williams, Dr. Daniel, library of, papers in, 198-199. Williams, Sir John, manuscript collections of, 222. Williams, Capt. Joseph (of Boston), letter from, 7767, 116. Williams, Joseph (of Jamaica), case of, 7757, 168. Williams, Mary, case of, 7765, 170. Williams, Richard, journal of, 7677, 192. Williams, Sarah, case of, 7765, 170. INDEX 313 Williamsburg, Va., draught (j. e., survey) of, 1699, 26; property of loyalists in, 10. Williamson, Sir Joseph (secretary of state), notes on the colonies, 1674-1677, 39. Willoughby, Lord (Francis Willoughby, 5th baron) (governor of Barbados, 1650-1667), deed of Barbados to, 224. Willoughby, Lord (William Willoughby, 6th baron) (governor of Barbados, 1667-1672), letter of, 7667, 92. Wills, Island of Barbados, 1776-1800, 172; regarding real estate, Parliamentary act regarding, 7752, 165. Wilmot, Sir John Eardley (British com- missioner on loyalists' claims), 9; note of Gov. Pownall to, 1773, 114; report on American loyalists, 1783, 235. Wilmot, Montague (governor of Nova Scotia), despatch of, 1763, 125. Wilson, Benjamin, f. r. s., papers of, 1743-1788, 147. Wilson, Richard, of Jamaica, 168. Windsor, Nova Scotia, 124. Winthrop, John, letters to the Royal Society, 1668-1673, 196. Winthrop, John, letter to Sir Hans Sloane, 1734, 101. Winthrop, Stephen, suit against, 1644- 1646, 69. Winthrop, Wait, letter from, 7677, 196. Witt, Christopher, letter from, 7672, 196. Wolfe, Gen. James, correspondence with the commander-in-chief (Amherst), 1758-1759, 83, 151; letters to his parents, 1749-1759, 151. Wolpman, David, bankruptcy case of, 7767, 167. Wood, W. (British consul at Baltimore?) letter from F. J. Jackson to, 1810, 65. Woodhouse, Dolly Jackson, case of, 1764, 169. Woodward, Dr. Benjamin, letters to, 1699, 1712-1724, 195. Wool, American tariff on, 1828, 178. Wright, Sir James (governor of Georgia), correspondence with the commander- in-chief, 1760-1763, 82; instructions to Indian traders, 7765, 21; letters of, 1774, 131. Wright, Mrs. Patricia, letter to, 7755, 115. Writing of Indians, 114. Writs of assistance, papers relating to, 1772-1773, 77. Wyatt, Sir Francis, commission as gover- nor of Virginia, 1624, 10. Wye, William, master of the ship Garland, 68. Wylly, William, account by, 1788, 111. York, Archbishop of, letter to, 7692, 74; letter to church in Boston, 7777, 92. York, Duke of, letter to Charles II., 7664?, 188. York, Ont., letters from Maj.-Gen. Sheaffe at, 1813, 33. Yorke, Charles (solicitor-general, 1759- 1761, attorney-general, 1762-), briefs in chancery causes, 7767, 167; corre- spondence of, 1758-1759, 1768, 162; legal and official papers of, 7759, 170; letters to, 1767-1768, 162. Yorke, Sir Joseph (ambassador to Hol- land), letters to and from the Foreign Office, 1776-1780, 75; papers of, 7772, 1775-1778, 158. Yorke, Philip (solicitor-general, 1720- 1724, attorney-general, 1724-1733), opinions regarding trade and the American plantations, 1720-1733, 165. See also Hardwicke, 1st Earl of. Yorke, Thomas, letter from, 7777, 161. Yorktown, Va., capitulation of, 77