UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class Book Volume OV7.IHI G-4GGrc wn MrlO-20M 3V Corporation "public Xibraries, INDEX CATALOGUE OF THE GOVANHILL AND CROSSBILL DISTRICT LIBRARY. GLASGOW : PRINTED FOR TUB CORPORATION COMMITTEE OH LIBRARIES AT THE VNIVBRSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSB dc CO. LTD. Fkhkiaky. 1907. Price in Paper Cover, FOURPENCE. In Cloth, EIGHTPENCE. (Blasoow Corporation public libraries. INDEX CATALOGUE OF THE GOVANHILL AND CROSSHILL DISTRICT LIBRARY. GLASGOW: PRINTED FOR THE CORPORATION COMMITTEE ON LIBRARIES AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MA CLE HOSE 4 CO. LTD. Pbbbuaby, 1907. )- The Catalogue of the Juvenile Section is issued separately. Price One Penny. Catalogues of all the other District Libraries may be purchased or consulted at the Govanhill Library, or may be borrowed as Library books for use at home. Borrowers should ask for the catalogue required by the number given below: Govanhill - 01911 Kingston Anderston - - 01905 Kinning Park Dennistoun - - 01910 Maryhill Gorbals - - - 01904 Woodside - 01907 01906 01909 01908 CONTENTS. PAGE v VI vii Committee Library Service Introduction : Glasgow Corporation Public Libraries Formation and Use of the Libraries - GOVANHILL AND CrOSSHILL DISTRICT LIBRARY - - - vii The Catalogue yjjj Bye-Laws and Eegulations --.--.. x j Hints on the Use of Books --..... x j v Classification xv Table of Subject Headings Arranged in Order of Classi- fication ------.... xv j List of Newspapers and Periodicals Taken at Govan- hill, Anderston, Bridgeton, Denni-tmcn, Gorbals, HUTCHESONTOWN, KINGSTON, KlNNING PaRK, MaRYHILL, Parkhead, Spbingburn, am) WooDsiDE Libraries, and the Rankin Reading Room xxix List of Writers of Books in Languages other than English . . r \m Additions during the printing of this Catalogue - - h- Blind. Statement as to Bucks for the Blind - In- directions to Borrower* ..; s Dai 09 Indicator and Method of Issue ---..._ [ v j Abbreviations ......... lvi List of Dramatists ■ - - - 112 List of Essayists ----..... \$n List of Novelists - - . |gg List of Poets - 31tJ ■■ Authobs 01 Collected Sermons - 35g List of Books placed in the open cases in the Reading Rooms, not for Circulation - xiv-iiv in COMMITTEE ON LIBRARIES. The Lord Prov. ! ' ilj "' Hew Colquhoun. Bailie Shaw .Maxwell. Bailie Arch. Campbell eillorJan The Dean of Guild "■ Math » ( Treasurer I ». M. St. River Bailie Connell. Councillor James Barrie. mcilloi Tl Councillor John Battersby. Councillor William Prii C cillor William I Councillor Richard Browne, mcilloi John B Councillor Alexander Mm The Lord IV.., TVeaBurei D M. 8tei , Councillor Jam. B Councillor IL« Colquhoun Councillor WOI Councillor Jan i Com The Lord Prov. BaUieShau hiaxwelL Bailie Archibald CampbelL Riva : inelL Councillor Johnl Scb-Commh™ .- Bimb un Boi The Lord Prov. Bailie Shaw MaxwelL |'l., I »,,„.,.. U>1,1. Treasurer D. M. Stevenson. uncillorJoh. CounciUor William Borland. . lounoillor James Dick. LIBRAEY SERVICE. City Librarian : Francis Thornton Barrett The Mitchell Library, Miller Street. 175,000 volumes ; 500 current periodicals. For reference only. Sub-Librarian : John Ingram. Chief Assistant : Robert Adams. Senior Assistant : Robert Bain. District Libraries. Superintendent of District Libr Septimus A. Pitt. Govanhill Library, Langside Road and Calder Street. Librarian : Edgar H. Parsons. Andersto>; Library, Macintyre Street. Librarian : Frederic Kent. Brid<;kt«>.\ Library, Landressy Street. arian : John Roy. Dknm-imin Library, Craigpark. L< : I ;uuk- A. I'.radley. GORBAIA LIBRARY, 160, MamStn . •. 8 8. mi Keith. Butchisootows Library, M'Neil Stn I u lee \V. Hedden. Ki\«.simn Library, 390, Paisley Road. : if. KiN\i\«. Pabb Library, West Scotland Btr* Makyhiu. Library, 162, Wyndford Street Lib William J. Philli] PaRKHI ID Liu; LB n Road. : Alfred I>. < tannee, POLLOBSBXBLDfl LIBRARY, Leslie Street. nn ( ;. Ayton. Sfrinqburk Library, Ayr Street. • lare, WOODBIDI LlBRARI , 349 '| Rot [. . John Ml Unald. Ranki* 1'iT.i.h Hr \ Room, 79, Whiterale Street y /• : Marr ( . i ie\,\ GLASGOW CORPORATION PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Thf Corporation Public Libraries of Glasgow are established and main- tained under the powers and provisions of the Glasgow Corporation (Tramways, Libraries, etc.) Act, 1899. The clauses of that Act relating to Libraries are in general effect in agreement with those of the Public Libraries (Scotland) Acts, 1887 and 1894, except that the management of the libraries to be established is placed in the hands of the Corpora- tion solely. _, The scheme of District Libraries adopted by the Corporation in- cludes sixteen Libraries and two Reading Rooms. The Libraries three grades, the largest being placed in the most densely populated districts. First-grade Libraries are placed in Rndgeton, Townhead, Woodside, Anderston, and Gorbals. Second-grade Libraries in Park - head, Dennistoun, Springburn, Maryh.ll, Kingston Govanhill and Hutchesontown. Third-grade Libraries in Hillhead, Kmning Park Langside, and East Pollokshields. Sites have been secured for all the District Libraries except those for Hillhead and Lang^de The Library at Gorbals is located in the large halls attached to he Public Baths, which are rented from the Baths Committee for the purpose ; for the other Libraries new buildings have been provided. The Library at Springburn is erected on a site very generously presented by Messrs. Neilson, Reid, & Co., the eminent engineers^ The cost of the buildings for the District Libraries will be met by the great liberality of Dr. Andrew Carnegie, who has for this purpose made the munificent gift of £100,000. . ...... t aa „ h The sum estimated as the cost of the building »J f urnishing^ of each first-grade library is £8500; of each second-grade library £/W0 and of efch third-grade library, £5000. For the first stocks of books, £1500 £1200, and £900 each respectively. Each branch library contains a lending department; a large general fading and news room, with newspapers and magazines, and an open collection of reference and other books ; a reading room for women ; reading rooms for boys and girls ; and the necessary staff and store accommodate. INTRODUCTION. FORMATION AND USE OF THE LIBRARIES. In the selection of the books to form the several branches of the lending department, what may be termed a principle of variation or differentiation has been observed. It is recognised that there are many books which by reason of their importance or popularity must be placed in each of the district libraries ; but as far as possible definite subjects, as for example astronomy, or the French revolution, or domestic economy, are represented by different books in the different libraries. The same principle of variation is applied in the selection of the newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals pro- vided for the service of the various reading and news rooms. By this means each branch library becomes complementary or supplementary to all the others, and the total range of literature thus made available for the service of readers is largely increased. In order to render the collections thus formed as easily and generally accessible as possible, all persons who qualify as borrowers under the Rules are at liberty to draw books from any branch, though not from two at the same time. At each library the catalogues of 111 the others, as far as published, are at hand for consultation, and the student who has exhausted the resources of the library he usually visits is able to see there what books in his subject are available in the other branch libraries. As a further convenience to borrowers, there has been instituted a daily service between all the branch libraries and a central point, by means of which any borrower is enabled to have books (other than novels) from any branch library sent to the library nearest his home, from which they are issued in the usual way. GOVANHILL AND CROSSHILL DISTRICT LIBRARY. The Govanhill Library, which is designed to serve the districts of Govanhill and Crosshill, is situated at the corner of Langside Road and Calder Street. It has a frontage to Langside Road of 90 feet, and to Calder Street 85 feet. The main entrance is from Langside Road, and the entrance to the Juvenile Rooms is from Calder Street. All the rooms are on the ground floor, the Ladies' Reading Room (30 x 23 feet) being on the right of the main entrance ; behind this, and extend- ing over the central portion of the floor is the Lending Department (45x38 feet); the General Reading Room (50x39 feet) is entered from the left of the main entrance, and the room occupies almost the entire southern half of the building. The Reading Rooms for Boys and Girls occupy the west side of the building, and provide accommodation for 72 boys and 42 girls. The erection is from designs by Mr. J. R. Rhind, architect, of Glasgow and Inverness, and is°in GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. the Renaissance style of architecture. There are provide* in the Reading Rooms 29 daily and 31 weekly newspapers, 36 weekly periodicals, and 44 monthly magazines ; and there is a collection ot 550 volumes of reference and other books in open bookcases for use in the rooms only. The Juvenile Reading Rooms contain a collection of books suitable for the use of boys and girls. In the Lending Department the stock consists of about 10,000 volumes, and there is accommodation for 18,000 volumes. THE CATALOGUE. The alphabetical form of catalogue has been adopted, as being that which, on the whole, is best qualified to satisfy the requirements and meet the convenience of the borrowers, and to make the resources of the Library readily accessible to them. In consulting a catalogue of a library the reader desires to ascertain if a certain work by a given author is in the library, or what works of that author are there; or he wishes to find a particular book on some given subject, or what works on that subject are available ; or he is looking for a book bearing some given title. To meet these questions the books in the Library are in this catalogue entered under the names of heir authors (in sm.ux OAPHAI*), under the subjects with which the deal (in clarendon type), and under their titles (m ordinary type) All thte entries are arranged in one alphabetical sequence, so that the reader who is looking for a book by a given author or on , a given subject, or bearing a given title, will at once find the entry of it, if it be in the library. For readers who desire to survey as a whole any one of the larger classes or groups of related subjects, there ,s provided the means described under the heading "Classification" in a subsequent Pa i„ gr the h case of authors who are known by more than one name, the name entered is that which is thought to be the one most generaHy known and used (Ralph Connor, not V . Gokdo> F Anstey, not Thomas Anstey Guthrie). In a few cases however, where a well-known name has been replaced by a title or other later form, which is coming into general use, the latter has been used as Lord Avebukv not Sir John Lubbock. References have been inserted where it appeared to be necessary, but the preparation of a full reference list of pseudonyms and alternative forms of nam which will be applicable to the catalogues of all the district fibraries, is held over for separate issue, together with other matters common to all the catalogues. Similarly, the words chosen as subject- headings are those in most general use, references being made here also when thought necessary. vi n INTRODUCTION. Classification.— In order to link together allied or related subjects, and so in some degree to combine the convenience of reference secured by the alphabetical arrangement with the advantages pertaining to the classified form of catalogue, two methods have been adopted. In the first place a tentative system of references has been introduced in the body of the catalogue. At the larger subject-headings, representing or covering one or other of the main departments of literature, after the titles of the books relating to that subject, there is entered a list of subordinate or subsidiary subject-headings connected with it, and consequently more or less closely related to each other ; and at each of these subject- headings there is a reference back to the main heading "for related subjects." An example will explain. At the heading Science, after the list of books which deal with that subject generally, there is a list of subordinate headings, representing different departments or divisions of science. One of these is Zoology, and at that word will be found a reference back to Science for a list of related subjects. After the titles of the books on zoology there is further a list of subjects included within that branch of science, one of which' subjects is Insects. Accordingly, at Insects will be found a reference back to Zoology for a list of related subjects, and, as before, a reference forward to sub-headings under Insects, as for instance Butterflies. Briefly, the references are back to the superior heading for guidance to related subjects, and forward to the subordinate or divisional headings. The other method referred to consists in the preparation of a list of the subject-headings which occur in alphabetical order throughout the catalogue, but arranged in a classified or niethodical order. Under the main heading Sociology, for instance, will be found the headings which constitute the divisions and sub-divisions of that important department of literature. Together, this table and the system of references, will enable any reader who desires to do so to find what the library contains in the various departments of any of the larger divisions of literature. It should be stated that geographical subject- headings (names of countries, provinces, counties, towns, etc.) are not referred in the body of the catalogue, but they will be found classified in the table. See pages xxvi.-xxviii. Brief Annotation.— In many cases where the title-page of a book fails to indicate the character and scope of the work, brief explanatory notes have been added, sometimes in square brackets in the title, and sometimes by a line of small type below. Dates of Publication have (except in the case of novels) been inserted where space permitted. It may be taken that undated books are with few exceptions of recent issue. Contents and An kLYSlS.— The contents of collected editions of an IX GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. author's works, volumes of essays, etc., have been set out; and the several essays and works contained in them entered in their places in the catalogue under the appropriate headings, with an indication that the essay or other matter is contained In the work named. By this means the catalogue becomes to a considerable extent an index to many works of a collectaneous character, and much matter is brought bo the knowledge of readers which would not otherwise appear. For instance, of the twenty-five titles quoted under the subject-heading Books, seventeen of the volumes are wholly devoted to that subject, the other eight are chapters in volumes of a more general kind. The abbreviations ill., maps, port., mem., bibl, following many titles mean respectively that the book so marked contains illustrations, or maps, or a portrait or memoir of the person whose name is the first word of the entry, or a bibliography. This last feature will be found useful ; it means that the book to which it is appended contains a list of works relating to the subject indicated by the heading, or to the person whose name commences the line. Numbering. — A system of numbering has been adopted which secures a fairly close classification of the books on the shelves, and at the same time serves all library purposes save that of accession number only. Fiction, poetical works, and essays by individual authors, and individual biography, have numbers composed of letters and figures, the letter being the initial of the author in the three first-named, and of the subject in biography. In fiction the letter is placed between figures, in biography before figures, and in poetry after figures ; the marking for essays is the same as for fiction, with the letter E prefixed. .All other books (except volumes of periodicals) have a number which is both a classification and a book number. It consists of five figures, of which the first three are the leading figures in Mr. Melvil Dewey's 44 Decimal classification," and the last two the number of the book within that group. An exception is made in the division of History and Topography, the numbers for which have been re-arranged. A complete list of writers of works of fiction in the catalogue will be found under the heading " Fiction" (p. 135); of poetical works under " Poetry " (p. 316) ; of dramatic works under " Drama " (p. 112) ; of essay writers under "Essays" (p. 127); and of writers of sermons under "Sermons" (p. 359). On pp. xliii.-xliv. will be found lists of writers in languages other than English. GLASGOW CORPORATION PUBLIC LIBRARIES. BYE-LAWS AND REGULATIONS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF THE DISTRICT LIBRARIES. 1. In these Bye-laws the word " Library " shall mean any and every District Public Library or Reading Room under the control or manage- ment of the Corporation of Glasgow, and the rooms, passages, and other adjuncts thereof; the expression "The Librarian" shall include the City Librarian and his Assistants ; and the word " Book " shall include newspapers, periodicals, pictures, maps, and other matter of a similar nature ; and such words as indicate the singular shall include the plural, and the plural the singular, and those indicating males include females. 2. The City Librarian shall have the general charge of the Libraries, and shall be responsible for the safe keeping of the books and all other property belonging thereto. 3. The Libraries shall be open to the public free of charge on such days and during such hours as the Corporation, or the Committee appointed by them for the management of the Libraries, may from time to time direct ; and the Corporation or Committee shall have power to close any one or all of the Libraries wholly or partially during such time as they may think fit. The Librarian may exclude persons whose conduct or condition is in contravention of these Bye-laws ; but persons so excluded may appeal to the Committee on Libraries. 4. No person who is intoxicated, uncleanly in person or clothing, or who is suffering from an infectious or offensive disease, shall enter or be allowed to remain in any Library. No audible conversation shall be permitted in any Reading Room, nor shall any person partake of refreshments, whistle, smoke, spit, or sleep therein, or bring in any animal, or any cycle, or other cumbrous or inconvenient article ; and no person shall interfere with the arrangements for conducting any Library, or with the comfort of any readers therein, or use the Library for any purposes other than those for which it is intended. 5. No person shall take any book from any book-case or shelf of a Library, except from the open shelves ; or remove any book or other article from a Reading Room ; or pass within any barrier or enclosure unless by special permission of the Librarian. The admission of persons under fourteen years of age to any Reading Room shall be in the discretion of the Committee on Libraries or the Librarian. 6. Books may be borrowed from the Lending Departments by Rate- payers of the City of Glasgow, and by other persons over fourteen yeai s of age who reside or who are employed within the municipal boundaries. Persons desiring to become Borrowers must apply for and fill up the forms provided for the purpose, which contain an undertaking to con- form to those Bye-laws and Regulations, a1*d a guarantee to make xi GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES, good any loss or damage occurring to books while in their possession. Ratepayers may sign the guarantee in their own behalf ; Non-rate- payers must obtain the guarantee of a Ratepayer. Persons from eight to fourteen years of age may borrow books from the Juvenile Depart- ments on obtaining the necessary guarantee. Any person otherwise qualified, who does not furnish the guarantee of a Ratepayer, may obtain a Borrower's ticket on leaving with the Librarian a deposit of Ten Shillings, which will be held during the currency of the ticket as security for the return in good condition of books borrowed, and for the payment of any fines incurred. All tickets and guarantees shall be valid for two years from the date of issue, unless previously surrendered or cancelled. 7. Any Ratepayer who has become Guarantor for a Borrower, and desires to withdraw his guarantee, shall give notice thereof in writing to the Librarian, who shall grant a release as soon as he shall have ascertained that no liability exists in connection with the said Borrower. 8. The Borrower must produce his Library ticket each time application is made for a book, and each time a book is returned to the Library. 9. A Borrower shall have the use of only one ticket, upon which only one work may be issued at a time. Books may be borrowed from and returned to any Lending Library ; and on filling in and lodging a special request form at any Library, a book (other than fiction and books for juveniles) may be had from another Library on the following or second day, provided the book is not at the time in the hands of another Borrower. 10. Borrowers are cautioned against transferring or losing their tickets, as they and their Guarantors will be held responsible for all books borrowed from any Library on such tickets ; on ceasing to use a ticket, the Borrower must return the same to the Library to which it belongs, for cancellation. Changes of residence must be intimated, in writing, within one week to the Librarian. 11. Books borrowed shall be returned to a Library within ten days. If not so returned, a fine of one penny shall be paid by the Borrower for the first week or portion of a week following ; and if not returned within one week after the expiry of the original ten days, a further fine of one half-penny shall be paid for each day the book is longer detained. A loan may be renewed if the book be not required by any other Borrower. 12. If a Borrower fails to return a book within four weeks from the date of issue without having renewed his right to it in the interval, the Librarian shall request its immediate return, by post-card, letter, or otherwise, and the fines for non-return and the cost of recovery of the book shall be payable by the Borrower or his Guarantor. 13. Borrowers and Readers are required to protect the books from injury while in their possession. They shall not soil any book, nor cut or tear any of its leaves, maps, pictures, or any other part, or turn down corners, or write or make any mark on any part of the book, or otherwise damage it or its binding. They shall not remove or erase or otherwise interfere with any official number, date, or other mark upon the book or its labels. In wet weather, Borrowers must protect books from wetting during conveyance to or from the Library. In the event of any book being lost or injured the Reader, or the Borrower or xii BYE- LAWS AND REGULATIONS. his Guarantor will, in addition to the fines for non-return, be required to pay a sum sufficient to repair or replace the book. 14. Books shall be borrowed and returned only by Borrowers in person or by responsible messengers, who shall be competent to take due care of the books and tickets. The Librarian shall have power to refuse books to persons whom he considers unfit to take proper care of them. 15. Borrowers must examine their books as early as possible after receiving them, so that if they are imperfect or damaged the same may be reported to the Librarian at once. Otherwise they shall be responsible for the said imperfection or damage. 16. Borrowers may propose books for addition to the Libraries, or make other suggestions, on forms provided for this purpose at each Library, which shall be submitted to the Committee on Libraries for their consideration. All proposals or suggestions must be signed and address stated by the proposer. 17. Borrowers in whose homes there is any infectious disease must deliver books and tickets in their possession to the Sanitary Authority of the City, and must make no further use of the Libraries until the house has been declared free from infection. Any Borrower who neglects to comply with this regulation shall lose the use of his Library ticket, and shall not be allowed to borrow books again without the consent of the Committee on Libraries. 18. The books on the " Open Shelves " in the Reading Rooms shall be available, without written application, but for use in these Rooms only. 19. Persons reading any magazine or other periodical must surrender the same within fifteen minutes after it has been asked for by another reader. 20. Any person contravening or offending against the foregoing Bye- laws and Regulations may be excluded or removed from the Library by the Librarian or by any police constable instructed by him for such purpose, and such person shall also be liable to the statutory penalties provided for under the Glasgow Corporation (Tramways, Libraries, etc.) Act, 1899. Signed in name and by appointment of the Corporation, this Twenty -first day of November, Nineteen hundred and one. (Signed) SAMUEL CHISHOLM, Lord Provost. WILLIAM FIFE, Convener. J. D. MARWICK, Town Clerk. ©Glasgow, 10th January, 1902. I allow and confirm the fore- going Bye-laws. (Signed) ROBERT BERRY, Sheriff of Lanarkshire. A FEW WORDS TO BORROWERS ON THE USE AND TREATMENT OF BOOKS. In connection with the system of lending out books from the Public Libraries for home reading, a few words as to the manner and spirit in which the books should be used may be permitted, and may in some cases be useful. It frequently happens that books suffer much injury from want of thought and want of care, without any ill intention on the part of the person through whom such injury occurs. It may be pointed out that the books in the Libraries are the property of the citizens, and that it is altogether in the interest of the borrowers themselves that each one of them should avoid any practice calculated to diminish the usefulness of the books. With careful and considerate treatment a book will last far longer, and serve a much greater number of readers, than if exposed to careless or reckless usage. Great care should be taken to avoid soiling the books. The hands should be washed before reading, and even tlien the very had though prevalent habit qf wetting finger or thumb to turn the leaf should 1h avoided. If the book be read at meal times every precaution should be taken to prevent its being in any way soiled or marked, and it should be kept well away from food or cups or glasses. When the book is not in use it should be kept in a secure place provided for it, out of the reach of young children. It is an excellent plan to keep a wrapper of clean paper about the book during the time it is in the Boi rower's possession. The place of reading should be marked by the insertion of a piece of clean paper as a book mark, not by turning down the corner or fore-edge of the leaf or by putting in any bulky article, as pencils, scissors, etc. Xo writing or other marking of any kind is permitted on any book belonging to the Libraries ; nor any cutting, tearing, or other injury to a book or any part of it, In wet weather the books must be protected by a covering during carriage from and to the Library. It is requested that any injury or imperfection in any book be immediately pointed out by the borrower to whom the book is issued. Should infectious disease occur in houses where there are Library books, the book or books and Borrowers ticket must not be returned to the Library, but handed over to any Officer of the Sanitary Authority of the City for disinfection or destruction. A similar course should be followed in the case of books which have been in the hands of persons suffering from consumption. CLASSIFICATION. CLASSIFICATION. TABLE OF SUBJECT-HEADINGS. In the catalogue, the various subject-headings, whether general or specific, occur at their places in alphabetical sequence. The classified or methodical arrangement of the same subject-headings contained in the pages immediately following has been prepared for the convenience of students and readers who may desire to refer to all the entries belonging to one or other of the larger departments of literature, so far as represented in this library. Under the heading Sociology, for instance, are assembled all the subsidiary headings belonging to that class, arranged in related groups and sections ; so that the student of Sociology is enabled, by referring to these headings and the body of the catalogue, to ascertain what the library possesses in that department of knowledge or of speculation. The scheme of classification used in this table, as also in the numbering of the books, is (with some departures) the "decimal" classification devised by Mr. Melvil Dewey of New York now very largely used by libraries in many parts of the world. The words in the table marked with an asterisk (*) are not them- selves subject-headings, but are inserted to give the necessary connexion between preceding and following headings. GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. GENERAL AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL HEADINGS* BOOKS Printing. Bookbinding. Leather. Illustration. Reading. Au- thorship. Copyright LIBRARIES Cataloguing. Indexing ENCYCLOPAEDIAS PERIODICALS NEWSPAPERS. JOURNALISM Edinburgh review PHILOSOPHY Meditations. Knowledge. Matter. Soul. Future state MIND AND BODY Brain. Will. Christian science Mental derangements* - Insanity. Melancholy. Memorj Superstition - Ghosts. Illusions. Second-sight. Future. Astrology. Pahni Spiritualism Hypnotism. Psychical n Thought-reading Sleep. Dreams Ambidexterity - Lefthandedness Physiognomy Handwriting Phrenology PHILOSOPHIES Agnosticism. Cabalism. Idealism. Materialism. Monism. Mys- ticism. Optimism. Pessimism. Positivism. Rationalism. St icism PSYCHOLOGY Consciousness Children Sex Intellect - Genius Reason Memory Imagination - Creation PSYCHOLOGY— Contii Emotions. Passions Will LOGIC tnent ETHICS. CONDUCT OF LIFE. DUTY Man ( 'iiai B Authority. < Ihrist an life i ipment Happii I i uit&rianism Altruism ism Wai Family ethica Marriage. Family. Woman. < bildren. Boys. Girls. Youth. Home Business ethics bling. Lotteries. Miccess Social el - Society. Conventions. Etiq Conversation. Truth. Friend- ship. Love. Charity. Solitude Temperance - Gothenburg system. Rechabitcs. Tobacco Other ethical topics* - Newspapers. Old age. Heroism Thrift. Pleasantness. Toler ation. Worry. Humanitarianism Ambition. Evil. Greed. Idlers Justice. Luck. Mystery. Plea* CLASSIFICATION. RELIGION THEOLOGY, NATURAL" Theism Monotheism Atheism"" - Secularism. Freethought. Scepti- cism. Pvationalism. Materialism. Agnosticism Theosophy - Transmigration Creation Religion and science - Hand Future state BIBLE Prophecy Bible versions. Bible commen- taries. Bible dictionaries. Bible characters Biblical geography and history* - Pyramids Bible, Old Testament - Jews. Deluge Bible, New Testament - Apostles. Miracles. Parables. Lord's Prayer. Sermon on the Mount DOCTRINAL. DOGMATICS. THEOLOGY Ritschlianism God.* Trinity - Soul. Holy Spirit. Revelation. Miracks Jesus Christ - Atonement, Sacrifice Salvation - Faith. Sanotification. Predestina- tion Antichrist Eschatology* -Death. Millennium. Judgment Future state Heaven. Hell Creeds. Catechisms Apostles" creed. Westminster confession Christian evidences. Christianity Religion and science THEOLOGY, DEVOTIONAL Meditations. Reflection ( onsolation 1 1 \ nniH THEOLOGY, DEVOTIONAL *—Contd. Symbolism Christian life - Suffering Prayer Rosary THEOLOGY, HOMILETIC. THEOLOGY, PASTORAL' Ministry Preaching Sermons CHURCH Church law Church and state Church polity Sunday Worship. Liturgies Mothers' meetings Prayer book Sacraments - Baptism. Lord's Supper Missions Sunday schools Revivals CHURCH HISTORY Christianity Northmen ( Irusades Council of Ti ei n Reformation Monasticism Bfonastei i< - ut ion Martyrs. Huguenots. Port (loyal- ists Mysticism. Arianism CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS * ( hureh Roman Catholicism Jesuits Pop< b Church of England Oxford movement. Ritualism. Thirty-nine ai ticks Church of Scotland, Episcopal Nonconformity Protestantism ( 'alvinism XVll GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES, RELIGION— Continued CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS *— Continued Presbyterianism* - Church, Presbyterian Evangelism - Church of Scotland Free Church. United Presby- terian Church. Covenanters Congregationalism Puritans Baptists Methodism Unitarianism Quakers Salvation Army CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS * — Continued Spiritualism British-Israel theory RELIGIONS Non-Christian religions* - Paganism - Mythology - Hinduism. Brahmanism. Buddh- ism. Zoroastrianism. Jews. British-Israel theory. Moham- medanism. Koran. Mormonism. Jainism. Confucianism. Fet- ichism SOCIOLOGY Civilization Society Progress Population POLITICAL SCIENCE Citizenship Commonwealths Individualism Government Form of state - Democracy. Despotism Internal relations* - Liberty Elections Colonies - Emigration Colonies, British - Imperialism Slavery Foreign relations - Diplomacy Parliament - Long Parliament. Commons House of. Lords, House of Public meetings Parties, Political - Conservatism. Fourth Party. Liberalism. Chartism POLITICAL ECONOMY Exchange Value POLITICAL ECONOMY-' '"/I'''" ' d Capital. Labour. W Wealth. Arbitration. Children. Woman. Soaring of working, classes. Potters. 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LIST OF NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS taken in the Reading Rooms of the Govanhill, Ander- ston, Bridgeton, Dennistoun, Gorbals, Hutche- sontown, Kingston, Kinning Park, Maryhill, Parkhead, Springburn, and Woodside Libraries, and at the Rankin Reading Room, Whitevale Street. DAILIES 2 o X < o ffl 5 o w P A % JO O o o w c +3 OQ QD S £ k o u ft 6 Aberdeen Daily Journal, 1 1 1 — Evening Express, - 1 — Free Press, - 1 1 1 i Belfast Evening Telegraph, - 1 — News-Letter, - 1 1 — Irish News, 1 — Northern Whig, 1 1 Berlin : Berliner Post, - 1 1 — Berliner Tageblatt, - 1 Birmingham Daily Mail, 1 — Daily Post, 1 1 i — EveningDispatch . . . 1 — Gazette and Express, 1 I 1 Bradford Daily Argus, - 1 i — Daily Telegraph, - 1 1 Bristol Daily Mercury, - 1 i — Times and Mirror, - 1 — Western Daily Press, 1 Cardiff Western Mail", - 1 Cork Examiner, - 1 Derry Journal, 1 1 1 Dublin : Freeman's Journal, 1 1 i 1 — Irish Daily Inde- pendent, - i — Irish Times, - 1 1 1 Dundee Advertiser, 1 i 1 1 — Courier and Argus, - 1 1 1 — Evening Telegraph and Post, - 1 1 Edinburgh EveningDispatch, 1 1 1 i Evening News, - 1 1 1 1 — Scotsman, - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. DAILIES— Omtintud S \ I '= 3 f P z C5 < ~ 6 - * * S £ « 1 2 o o •> 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 o o 3 o 3 2 3 2 •2 2 2 3 1 o .) o o 3 2 2 2 o 2 2 2 1 9 .1 : : ; o 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Frankfurter Zeitung, - GlasgowDailyRecordandMail 2 — Evening Citizen, Evening Times. — Herald, - — News, - Greenock Telegraph, - Hull Daily News, Kolnische Zeitung, - - - Leedsand Yorkshire Mercury, .. — Daily News, - - •• Leicester Daily Post, - Liverpool Dailv Courier, - .. — Daily Post and Liver pool Mercury, - .. — Echo, - - - — Journal of Commerce [and Shipping Telegraph], ... 1 London : Daily Chronicle. - 1 — Daily Express, - — Daily Graphic, - ... 1 ... — Dailv Mirror, - _ Daily Mail, - - 1 1 — Daily News, - - ••• 1 — _ Daily Telegraph. - — Evening News, - 1 Evening Standard and St. James's Gazette, — Globe, - - - 1 ••' — Mail (Times), - * — Morning Leader, - 1 ... 1 ••• — Morning Post, - 1 _ Pall Mall Gazette, - 1 — Standard, - - J — Star, - - ... 1 ... 1 — Times, - - - ... 1 1 •_• _ Tribune, - - 1 — Westminster Gazette, - Madrid: Heraldo de Madrid, ... 1 Manchester Courier, - - ••• 1 __ Evening Chronicle, — Evening News, - 1 ■« • '" '" — Guardian, - - 1 ... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... 1 '.'.'. 1 ... 1 ... 1 1 1 ... I '.'.'. i ... ... 1 1 ... 1 1 Montreal Gazette, - - 1 •■ : ^ ± Newcastle Daily Chronicle. - 1 x ~ — Dailv Journal, - ' _ North Mail, - 1 l j ■•' '" New York Herald, - - xxx NEWSPAPERS AXD PERIODICALS. DAILIES- Cmthnud b New York Tribune, - - ... Nottingham Daily Express, - . . . - o SB < O pq q Q si u o — 1 m ^ 2 1 % 1 c M ^ (U '& k & 1 — Daily Guardian, 1 Paisley Daily Express,- - .. 1 Paris : Echo de Paris, - - . . . 1 — Le Journal, - - . . . 1 — Le Matin, - 1 — Le Petit Journal, - ... 1 Rome : 11 Secolo, - - - . . 1 Sheffield Daily Independent, ... 1 — Daily Telegraph, - 1 Shipping Gazette (Morning Summary), - .... South Shields Gazette, - 1 1 1 South Wales Daily News, - 1 Western Daily Mercury, - 1 1 1 Yorkshire Evening News, - . . 1 i 1 — Post, - - - 1 WEEKLIES Aberdeen Weekly Free Press, 1 1 — Weekly Journal, Academy, Accountant, - African World, Agricultural Gazette, - Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser, Alloa Advertiser, - — Journal, Amateur Gardening, - Amateur Photographer, American Machinist, - Angler's News, - Arbroath Guide, - — Herald, - Architect, - Ardrossan and Saltcoats Herald, Argyllshire Herald and Camp- beltown Advertiser, Army and Navy Gazette, Aspirant, Athenaeum, - Autocar, Automotor Journal, i i l i l l l l . i .. l .. l l i ] i ... l . 1 i Y l ... l . .. l i i l l i l l l 1 ... l .. . l l l i l l i l l i GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. WEEKLIES— Continued a £-£ £ •£ o 3 %> ^ £ Ayr Advertiser. - - - 1 1 1 Ayrshire Post. - - - 1 Baker and Confectioner. - 1 Bakers'" Record. - - - 1 Banffshire Advertiser. - - 1 1 — Journal, - - 1 1 Bazaar, Exchange and Mart, 1111111. ..1111] Belfast Weekly News, - - ... 1 1 — Weekly Telegraph. - 1 1 Bellshill Speaker and North- East Lanarkshire Gazette. 1 Berwick Advertiser, - - 1 Berwickshire Xews, - - 1 Bible Advocate, - - - 1 Birmingham Weekly Mercury 1 Black and White,- - - Ill ... 1 1 Blanco y Negro, - - - 1 Board of Trade Journal. - 1 1 1 Bo'ness Journal, - - - 1 Boot and Shoe Trades Journal, 1 Boy's Realm, - - - 1 Bristol Times and Mirror. - 1 British and Colonial Printer and Stationer, - - 1 British Architect, - - 1 British Congregationalist, - 1 1 British Journal of Nursing, - 1 British Journal of Photo- graphy, - - - 1 1 1 British Weekly. - - - 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 ... 1 1 1 Broad Arrow, The Naval and Military Gazette, - 1 Builder, - - - - 1 1 ... 1 ... Builders Journal. - - 1 . . Building News. - - -... 1 1 1 1 Building Trade. - - - 1 Building World, - - - 1 ... 1 Buteman and Visitors' List, - 1 1 Cabinet Maker. - - - ... 1 1 Cambuslang Advertiser, - 1 Canary and Cage-bird Life, - 1 Car, - - - - 1 Cardiff Times. - - - 1 ... Cassell's Saturday Journal, - 1 1 Catholic Fireside, - - 1 Chemical News, - - - 1 Christian Endeavour Times, 1 Christian Science Sentinel. - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Christian World. - - - 1 ... 1 NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS. WEEKLIES— Continued 1=3 O O O S .»-; 4^ +3 -M *r b a\ u;s (Mary) The housewife's what's what. - - - L.R. 640 [Philp (R. K.)] ed. Dictionary of daily wants, ill. - - L.R. 640 8 PONS' Household manual, domestic receipts. 1902. ///. - 640 Things everyone wants to know. ill. - - . . L.R. 640 SYLVLvsHome journal, 1881-92. 9 v. ill. - - - L.R. 640*5 Brisse (Baron) 366 menus and 1200 recipes. - - - L.R. 641 ( Williamson (D.) Cookery and pastry. 1896. - - - L.R. 641 Davis (J. E.) The elements of modern dressmaking. 1905. ill. L.R. 646 c xlix GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Roseyear (E. ) Needlework, knitting, and cutting out. 1901. ill. L.R. 646 Smith (Amy K.) Needlework for student teachers. 1905. ill, L.R. 646 Margesson (Lady Isabel) and others. Nursery and sick-room. L.R. 649 Communication. Commerce. Scholl (Charles) and others. A phraseological dictionary of commercial correspondence. 1902. 650 Pitman's Typewriter manual, ill, 652 Pitman (Sir Isaac) Shorthand dictionary. - - - - 653*6 Collins (F. H.) and others. Author and printer, a guide. 1905. 655 Jacobi (Charles T.) The printers' vocabulary. 1888. - - 655 Southward (John) and Powell (A.) Practical printing. 1900. 2 v. ill. 655 Whitley (G. E. S.) Accountant's and bookkeepers vade- mecum. 1893. 657 Bithell (Richard) A counting-house dictionary, bibl. - - 658 Commercial tables for all countries. 1900. ill. - - - 658 Cordingley (W. G.) A counting-house guide. 1904. - - 658 Chemical technology. Brannt I William T. i and Wahl (W. H.) Techno-chemical receipt book. - Building. Stttlliffe (G. L.) ed\ Modern house-construction. 6 v. ill. plan*. 690 YOUMG (FRAHCB C. Every man his own mechanic, ill.- - 6902 SUTCLffFE (G. L.) ed. Modern carpenter, joiner, and cabinet- maker. 1905. S v. W. plans. 69 * Shipbuilding. Watson T. H. Naval architecture, laying-off. 1903. ill. - 699 Fine arts. Crclmmelin May) and others. Some arts and crafts. 1903. ill. L.R. 704 Thomson -David C. ) and others. Paris Exhibition, 1900. ill. - 708'4 Young (William) The Municipal Buildings, Glasgow. 1890. ill. 72513 Thorburn (W. S.) Coins of Great Britain and Ireland. 1905. ill 737 Hooper (W. H.) and Phillips (W. C.) Manual of marks on pottery. 1905. ill. w Needlework. Culfeild [S. F. A.) and Saward (B. C.) Dictionary of needle- work, artistic, plain, and fancy, ill. - - - ™ D IT (L.F.) and Buckle (M.) Art in needlework, embroidery, ill. L.R. 746 Towhsbnd W. G. P.) and others. Embroidery. 1899. ill. L.R. 746 Photography. W ill ( E. J. | The dictionarv of photography. 1902. ill. - - 7703 1 BOOKS IN OPEN BOOKCASES. Music. Grove (Sir George) Dictionary of music and musicians. 1904. 780 *3 Amusements. Aflalo (Fred. G.) ed. The sports of the world. 1903. ill. - 790 Champlin (John D.) and Bostwick (A. E.) The young folks' cyclopaedia of games and sports. 1899. ill. - - - 790 Literature. Dictionaries. Collections, etc. Brewer (Ebenezer C.) Dictionary of phrase and fable. 1904. port. 803 - The reader's handbook of names, allusions [etc.] 1902. - - 803 Edwards (Eliezer) Words, facts, and phrases. 1901. - - 803 Walsh (William S.) Handy-book of literary curiosities. - - 803 Wheeler (William A. ) Who wrote it ? an index to literature. 1881. 803 Literary year-book and bookman's directory, 1906, and continued. 805 Bell (D. C. and A. M.) Standard elocutionist. 1905. - - 808 Granger (Edith) ed. An index to poetry and recitations. 1904. 8081 Bartlett (John) Familiar quotations. 1905. - - - - 808*8 Bombaugh (Charles C.) Facts and fancies for the curious. - 808*8 Harbottle (Thomas B.) and Dalbiac (P. H.) Dictionary of quotations, French and Italian. 1901. - - - - 808*8 Hodder (Edwin) Suggestive lives and thoughts. 1898. - - 808*8 King (W. F. H.) ed. Classical and foreign quotations. 1904. - 808*8 Southgate (Henry) Many thoughts of many minds. - - 808*8 Tinling (J. F. B.) Fifteen hundred facts and similes for pulpit and platform. 1897. 808*8 Wood (James) ed. Dictionary of quotations. 1902. - - L.R. 808*8 American literature. Johnston (A.) and Woodburn (J. A.) eds. American orations. 1904. 4v. 815 English literature. Chambers's Cyclopaedia of English literature. 1903. 3 v. ill. 820*3 Craik (Sir Henry) ed. English prose, selections, fourteenth to nineteenth century. 1893-1904. 5 v. - - - 820*8 Read (Charles A.) and Hinkson (K. T.) eds. The cabinet of Irish literature, selections. 1905. 4 v. ill. - - - 820*8 Walker (Hugh) Three centuries of Scottish literature. 1893. 2 v. 820*9 Bohn (Henry G.) Quotations from the English poets. 1900. - 821*08 Couch (Arthur T. Quiller) ed. The Oxford book of English verse. 1904. - - - 821*08 Cunningham (Allan) and Mackay (C.) eds. Ramsay, and the earlier poets of Scotland. Ancient ballads and songs, ill. 821*08 li GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Linton (W. J.) and Stoddard (R. H.) eds. English verse, selec- tions. 1890. 5v. 821 * 08 Reid (J. B. ) ed. Concordance to poems and songs of Burns. 1889. 821 '67 Lambert (D. H.) ed. Shakespeare documents. 1904. ill. - 822-33 Adams (Charles K.) and Alden (J.) Representative British orations. 1900. 4 v. - 825 Dalbiac (Philip H.) Dictionary of quotations, English. 1903. 828 Disraeli (Isaac) Cariosities of literature. 3 v. mem. - - 828 German literature. Dalbiac (Lilian) Dictionary of quotations, German. 1906. - 838 History. History. Haydn (Joseph T.) Dictionary of dates ; ed. by B. Vincent. 1906. 902 Lewis (Charlton T.) ed. Harper's Book of facts, 4004 B.C. to 1906 a.d. - - 902 Brewer (Ebenezer C.) The historic note-book. 1891. - - 903 Geography. Gazetteers. Atlases. Antiquities. Chisholm (G.G.) Handbook of commercial geography. 1904. maps. 910 Reclus (Jacques E.) The universal geography. 24 v. ill. maps. 910 Chambers's Concise gazetteer of the world, maps. - - L.R. 910*3 Longman's Gazetteer of the world ; ed. by G. G. Chisholm. 1902. 910*3 Bartholomew (John) Library reference atlas of the world. 1890. 912 Longmans' New atlas ; ed. by G. G. Chisholm. 1889. ill. L.R. 912 Savage (R. F.) ed. An atlas of commercial geography. 1905. - 912 Seyffert (Oskar) Dictionary of classical antiquities. 1904. ill. 913*38 Black's Cairo of to-day, a guide ; by E. A. R. Ball. 1905. ill. maps. 916 21 Whitehead (John) Exploration of Mount Kina Balu, north Borneo. 1893. ill. - ' 91911 Great Britain. Cassell's History of England [55 B.C. to 1895 a.d.] 8 v. ill. maps. 942 Low (Sidney J.) and Pulling (F. S.) eds. Dictionary of English history. 1904. 942 England and Wales. Black's Guide to Surrey ; ed. by A. R. H. Moncrieif. 1905. ill. maps. ---------- 914-221 - Guide to Hampshire; ed. by A. R, H. Moncrieff. 1904. ill. maps. 914-227 - Guide to Dorset ; ed. by A. R. H. Moncrieff. 1902. ill, maps. 914233 - [Guide to] Jersey, Guernsey [etc.] and western Normandy. 1905. ill. maps. 914*234 - Guide to Derbyshire; A. R.H. Moncrieff. 1904. ill. maps. 914251 lii BOOKS IN OPEN BOOKCASES. Black's Guide to the English lakes ; ed. by Gordon-Home. 1900. ill. maps. 914*28 - Guide to the Isle of Man; ed. by R. T. Lang. 1904. maps. 914 289 - Guide to the Isle of Wight. 1904. ill. maps. - - - 914*428 Scotland. Munbo (Robert) Prehistoric Scotland. 1S99. ill. - - - 913*41 Scott (Sir Walter) Antiquities and scenery of Scotland. 1826. 2v. ill. - 913*41 Small (John W. ) Scottish market crosses. 1900. ill. - - 913*41 Black's Guide to Scotland. 1903. ill. maps. - - - L.R. 9141 Groome (Fraxcis H. ) ed. Ordnance gazetteer of Scotland. 1901. 914*1 LaxCx (Andrew) A history of Scotland. 1903-4. maps. - - 941 Glasgow and West of Scotland. Black's Guide to Glasgow [etc.] 1902. ill. maps. - - - 914*143 British Association. Handbook of excursions, Glasgow meeting, 1901. ill. maps. 506 Brotchie (T. C. F.) The history of Govan. 1905. ill. - - 941*43 The ceremonial of laying the foundation stone of the Municipal Buildings in George Square. 1883. 18S5. ill. - - 941*43 Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College calendar, 1904-5, and continued. 607*41 Glasgow University calendar, 1905-6, and continued. - - 378*41 History of Glasgow, from the earliest to the present time. 1S72. 4 v. ill. map*. 941*43 History of the hospital and school in (Glasgow founded by George and Thomas Hutcheson, 1639-41. 1881.- - - - 362*941 Jones's Directory for Glasgow, 1787, reprint. 1868. - - 914 143 Mackenzie (P.) Reminiscences of Glasgow. 1890. 2 v. - - 94143 McLellan (Duncan) Glasgow public parks. 1894. ill. - 352*0417 Post Office Glasgow directory, 1905-6, and continued, map. - 914*143 Rae (J. J.) ed. Ministers of Glasgow and their churches, ill. - 922*541 View of the Merchants House of Glasgow. 1866. ill. - - 360*941 West of Scotland Agricultural College, Glasgow. Calendar, 1906-7, and continued. 630*743 Younc; (William) The Municipal Buildings, Glasgow. 1890. ill. 725*13 Biography, etc. Cassell's New biographical dictionary. 1896. - - - L.R. 920*01 Chambebs's Biographical dictionary. - ..... 920*01 PHILLIPS (LAWRENCE B.) Dictionary of biographical reference. 1889. 92001 Public characters of all natious. 1823. 3 v. port. - - - 920*01 Who's who, 1905, and continued. 920*01 Who's who year-book, 190o, and continued. - 920 01 liii GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Smith (Sir William) A classical dictionary of Greek and Roman biography, mythology, and geography. 1904. ill. - - 920 "03 Lee (Sidney) ed. Dictionary of national biography, index and epitome. 1903. " 920 042 Beale (Thomas W. ) and Keexe (H. G. ) An oriental biographical dictionary. 1894. -------- 920-05 Roll of honour for women, 1906, and continued, ill. - L.R. 920 7 Butler (Albas) Lives of the fathers, martyrs, and saints. 2 v. col. ill. .-------"" Rae (J. J.) ed. Ministers of Glasgow and their churches, ill. - 922541 Doonee (Mildred G.) The " last post." 1903. - - - 923*5 '■Roll of all officers who gave their lives in the South African war, 1899-1902." Sharp (R. F.) A dictionary of English authors. 1904. - - 928 -2 Johnson (Samuel) Lives of the poets ; ed. by Mrs. A. Napier. 3 v. 928'21 Burke (Ashworth P.) Family records. 1897.- - - - 929 * 2 Hulme (F. E.) The flags of the world, col. ill. - - - 929 ' 9 Europe. Black's [Guide to] South of France, east-half. 1899. maps. plan,. 9144 - [Guide to] South of France, west-half. 1905. ill. maps. - 914-4 - [Guide to] Touraine and Brittany. 1905. ill. maps. - - 914-41 - Guide to Paris. 1901. ill. maps. ------ 9 1*'436 O'Shea's Guide to Spain and Portugal ; ed. by J. Lomas. 1905. ^ ^ maps. Black's [Guide to] Holland. 1904. ill. maps. - - - 914-92 - [Guide to] Belgium [Etc.] 1904. ill maps. - - - - 9 14' 93 - Guide to Switzerland; by W. A. B. Coolidge. 1901. ill. maps. 914'94 iiv BOOKS ADDED TO THE LENDING LIBRARY DURING PRINTING. Brierley (Jonathan) Ourselves and the universe. 1905. - 20421 Burnett (Frances H.) A lady of quality. - - - - 111B42 - His Grace of Osmonde [a sequel to "A lady of quality "]. - 111B43 - That lass o' Lowrie's. ----.... niB44 Caird (John) Essays for Sunday reading. 1906. mem. port. 25254 Gallon (Tom) The golden thread, story of a stolen Christmas. 6G4 Wilson (Wright) The life of George Dawson. 1905. - - D241 Books for the Blind.— After full and careful consideration, the Library Committee decided that the provision of books for the use of blind persons could be made better through the agency of the Mission to the Outdoor Blind than by placing the books in the various District Libraries. By the authority of the Corporation, the Committee devoted the sum of £200 for the purchase of books in the Braille and Moon types, and have placed some 1100 volumes in the library of the Mission for circulation among the blind. lv GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. DIRECTIONS TO BORROWERS. The Library is open for the issue and return of Books daily, from 11 a.m. till 8.30 p.m. The Borrower's Ticket must be presented both on application being made for a book and also on the return of the book. All books returned are to be handed in at the Return Counter, when the entry of the issue on the Borrower's Ticket will be cancelled with an official stamp, and the ticket returned to the borrower, who may then apply for another book. Should the books desired not be novels, it is requested that the borrower will hand in at the Issue Counter, together with his ticket, a list of say a dozen books (number and brief title), in the order in which they are required. The first number on the list found to be in will be issued to the borrower. Should the book desired be a novel, the borrower will consult the Fiction Indicator, the numbers in which run in the order of the letters and figures. All numbers underlined white are In. Having found a desired number marked with the white line, the borrower will ask for it at the Issue Counter, at the same time handing in his Borrower's Ticket. The number of the book will be entered on the ticket, and the date on or before which, according to the Bye-Laws and Regula- tions, the book should be returned to the Library, will be stamped on a label inside the book. Book and ticket are then handed to the borrower. All fines for undue detention of books, and any charge for damage, must be paid when the book is returned. Otherwise the Borrower's Ticket will be retained. ABBREVIATIONS. bibl. Bibliography. cont. Continued. ed. Edited. Editor. ill. Illustrations mem. Memoir. mus. Music. port. Portrait. Portraits. trans. Translated. v. Volume. Volumes. lvi (Slasgow Corporation public libraries. CATALOGUE OF THE GOVANHILL DISTRICT LIBRARY. A. (M.) The [Franco-German] Avar of 1870-71. 1873. - - 93111 A la campagne, comedie ; par Henri Greville ; [with notes]. 1894. 44908 Abbe Tigrane, candidat a la papaute ; par F. Fabre. - - 1F1 Abbess of Vlaye [a romance] ; by S. J. Weyman. - - - 44W14 Abbey (Charles J.) and Overton (J. H.) The English Church in the eighteenth century. 1902. 28301 Abbey Mill [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - 81W28 Abbeys. See Cathedrals. Abbot ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35S11 "Sequel to 'The monastery,"' 35S10. Abbotsford. Irving (W.) Abbotsford, and Newstead Abbey. - 81702 Abbott (Charles C.) The birds about us [North America], ill. 59810 Abbott (Edwin A.) From letter to spirit [St. John's Gospel]. - 22721 - A Shakespearian grammar. 1905. 82507 Abbott (Evelyn) History of Greece to 403 b.c. 3 v. maps, 93818-20 - Pericles and the golden age of Athens. 1901. ill. map*. - P021 - and Campbell (L.) Life and letters of B. Jowett. 1897. 2 v. ill. J 081-2 Abbott (John S. C.) The mother at home, maternal duty. - 17312 Abbott (Lyman) The industrial problem, lectures. 1905. - 33132 Abdur Rahman, Amir of Afghanistan. Life ; ed. by Sultan Mahomed Khan. 1900. 2 v. port. ill. maps. ^ . . A271-2 a Beckett (Arthur W.) London at the end of the century. 1900. 91723 Abegg (R.) and Hbrz (W.) Practical chemistry. 1901. - - 54201 lAbelard, Peter. Co.npayre (G.) Abelard and' the origin and early history of universities. 1893. hil>l. - . . A141 Abercromby (R.) Seas and skies in many latitudes. 1SS8. ill. 90813 Aberdeen, J. C. H. Gordon, Earl of. In McCarthy (J.) British political leaders. 1903. port. 99639 Aberdour. Ross (W.) Aberdour and Inchcolme. 1885. - - 92501 Abnev (Sir Wm. de W.) Instruction in photography. 1900. ill. 77003 |About (Edmond F. V.) La fille du chanoine ; with notes. - - 44852 - L'homme a l'oreille casst^c ; with notes by H. Testard. 18!)!). 44880 A ABO GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. About (Edmond F. V.) Le roi des montagnes. - 1A2 - - Another edition ; with notes. 2 v. ill. - - - 44839-40 - Tolla [In French]. - 1A1 Abraham (W. H.) Church and state in England. 1905. - - 26101 Abrahams (Israel) Festival studies, on the Jewish year. 1906. 29625 - Short history of Jewish literature, 70-1786 [a.d.] 1906. - 89201 Abruzzi (Luigi A., Duke of the) On the 'Polar Star' in the Arctic Sea. 1903. 2 v. port. ill. maps. - - - 99401-^5 Absentee [a tale] ; by M. Edgeworth. ----- 10E6 Abufar, tragedie ; par J. F. Ducis. ------ 84211 Abyssinia. Baker (Sir S. W. ) The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 1894. ill. maps. 95805 - Berkeley (G. F. H.) The campaign of Adowa and the rise ofMenelik. 1902. maps. ------ 95802 Academies. Arnold (M.) The literary influence of academies. In his Essays in criticism, v. 1. 1905. - E3A1 Accidence. See the names of languages, as, Language, English. According to my lights [essays] ; by J. Hollingshead. 1900. - E9H1 According to St. John, a novel ; by A. Rives. - 40R1 Accountancy. See Auditing. Accumulators, Management of ; by Sir D. Salomons. 1906. ill. 62418 Achard (Amedee) The golden fleece [a romance]. - - - 2A1 Ackworth (John) The coming of the preachers, a tale. - - 3A1 Acland, Sir Henry W., a memoir ; by J. B. Atlay. 1903. port. ill. A171 Acoustics. See Sound. Across her path ; by A. S. Swan. - - - - - - ™" Across the plains, with other essays ; by R. L. Stevenson. 1902. E1S2 Across the world for a wife ; by G. N. Boothby. - - - 72 B 7 Acting. For list of related subjects, see Amusements. - Kendal (M.) Pros and cons of theatrical life. In Woman's library, v. 1. 1903. ------- 39605 - Mantzius (K.) History of theatrical art. 4 v. bibl. ill. 79208-11 1. The earliest times. 2. Middle ages and the renaissance 3. Shake- spearean period in England. 4. Moliere and his times. The theatre in France in the 17th century. - See also Charades. Theatre. Active service [a novel] ; by S. Crane. - - 110C1 Actors. For list of related subjects, see Art, arts, artists. - In Birrell (A.) Obiter dicta, v. 1. 1906. - E10B3 - Winter (W.) Shadows of the stage. 1892-3. 2 v. - - 79205-6 Memorials of actors. Acts of the apostles. See Bihle. Acworth(W. M.) State in relation to railways. In Free exchange. 33002 Adam, Jean. In Tytler (Sarah) and Watson (J. L. ) Songstresses of Scotland, v. 1. 1871. ------- 82201 Adam Bede [a novel] ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. - - - 22E1 Adam Grainger, and other stories; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. 76W37 2 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. ADV Adam Hepburn's vow ; by A. S. Swan. - - - . - 147 S 30 Adams (Douglas) Skating. 1894. ill. ..... 7962 4 - Skating. In Athletic sports, v. 5. 1891. ill. - - - 79607 Adams (G. B.) [Political] History of England, 1066-1216. 1905. 91339 Adams (John C.) Lectures on the lunar theory. 1900. - - 52309 Adams (Mrs. Leith) Geoffrey Stirling, a novel. - - - 5A1 - What Hector had to say, and other stories. - 5A2 Adams (Thomas) Garden city and agriculture, ill. plan. - 33130 Adams (W. A.) Japanese conversation in six months. 1905. - 49502 Adams (W. P.) Motor-car mechanism and management, v. 1. ill. 62206 Adamson (John W.) Pioneers of education, 1600-1700. 1905. - 37003 Adamson (Robert) Fichte [his life and philosophy]. 1901. - 19301 Adamson (William) ed. Religious anecdotes of Scotland. - 24419 Adcock (Arthur St. John) The luck of Private Foster, a romance. 8A2 - More than money. g^j Adderley (James G.) Stephen Remarx [a story]. - - - 9A1 Addis (M. E. L.) Scottish cathedrals and abbeys. 1901. ill. - 91822 Addis (William E.) Hebrew religion, to the establishment of Judaism under Ezra. 1906. 29626 Addison (Joseph) Works ; ed. by R. Hurd and H. G. Bohn. 6 v. port. ill. E2A1-6 1 Poems [including plays]. Dialogues upon ancient medals. Remarks on Italy in 1701-3. 2.Tatler. Spectator. 3. Spectator [contd.] 4. Spectator [concl.] Guardian. Freeholder. 5. Freeholder [concl.] On the Christian religion. Letters 6. Letters [concl.] Latin poems and prose. Official documents. Addisoniana. - Sir Roger de Coverley. 52 ai Addison, Joseph. Courthope ( W. J. ) Addison [his life and work]. A 061 - In Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. 2. 1900. - - - 99918 - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists, ill. 2 copies. - 12T9 Addy (Sidney O. ) The evolution of the English house. 1898. ill. 72802 Adela Cathcart [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. .... 10MI Adelicia of Louvaine. In Strickland (A. ) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Adeney (Walter F.) St. Luke. (Century Bible. ) maps. - 22708 - Thessalonians and Galatians. (Century Bible.) map. - - 22810 Admiral's ward ; by Mrs. A. Alexander. 22A3 Adrienne, a romance of French life ; by Rita. .... 36R3 Adventurer of the north ; by Sir G. Parker. - - . . 8P1 " Continuation of ' Pierre and his people,' " 8 P 4. Adventures in Thule, stories ; by W. Black. .... 6 2B13 Adventures of an aide-de-camp; by J. Grant. - 51G1 Adventures of Arthur O'Leary ; by C. Lever. - 39L3 Adventures of Captain Bonneville ; by W. Irving. - - . 8ll Adventures of Captain Kettle ; by C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne. - - H5H3 Adventures, Further, of Captain Kettle; by C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne. 115H4 Adventures of Don Quixote ; by M. de Cervantes. - - - 34 CI Adventures of Elizabeth in Riigen ; by [Countess von Arnheim]. 92801 3 ADV GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. ;//. L.) Adventures of Gerard ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - Continuation of " Exploits of Brigadier Gerard," 51D19. Adventures of Gil Bias; by A. R. Le Sage. - Adventures of Harry Richmond ; by G. Meredith. - Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ; by Mark Twain. - Sequel to "The adventures of Tom Sawyer," 52T2. Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green ; by Cuthbert Bede. - Adventures of Philip : by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - Adventures of Sherlock Holmes ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - Adventures, Last, of Sherlock Holmes ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. Adventures of Sir John Sparrow ; by H. Begbie. Adventures of Tom Sawyer ; by Mark Twain. - Advertising. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Moran (C.) Business of advertising. 1905. col. ill. Advice to young men ; by W. Cobbett. Ady (Mrs. Hexry) [Life and art of] Sandro Botticelli. Aelred, St. In Lives of the English saints, v. 5. 1901. - Aerial navigation. Valentine (E. S.) and Tomlinson (F Travels in space [a history]. 190-2. ///. - JEschylus. In Keene (C. H.) Greek dramatic poets. 1S98. .Esop. Fables ; ed. by T. Bewick. 1S23. UL ^Esthetics. For list of other subjects in art, see Arts, Fine. - In Benson (A. C.) From a college window. 1906. - - Taine (H. A.) The philosophy of art. 1867. - Afghanistan. Abdur Rahman. Life. 1900. 2 v. UL maps Aflalo(Fred.G.) Natural history of Australia. 1896. ill. map. - Sea and coast fishing. 1901. ill. - Afloat and ashore, a sea tale ; by J. F. Cooper. - - ■ - Africa, 1, General. Grogan (E. S.) and Sharp (A. H.) From the Cape to Cairo. 1902. ill. maps. - - - Stewart (J.) Dawn in the dark continent, missions. 1906. - Africa, 2, Central. Barth (H.) Travels in Central Africa [1850-2]. - Elmslie (W. A.) Among the wild NgonL 1899. ill map. - " History of the Livingstonia Mission." - Livingstone (D.) Last journals. 1880. 2 v. ill. maps. - -< - Stanley (Sir H. M.) In darkest Africa. 1904. ill. map. - Africa, 3, East. Austin (H. H.) Among swamps and giants in Equatorial Africa. 1902. ill. maps. - - Cotton (P. H. G. P.) In unknown Africa. 1904. ill. maps. - Kollmann (P.) The Victoria Xyanza. 1899. ill. map. "The land, races, customs, dialects." - In Lucas (C. P.) British colonies, v. 4. 1898. maps. - - Moore (J E. S.) To the Mountains of the Moon. 1901. ill map,. - Stanley (Sir H. M. ) How I found Livingstone. 1904. ill. map. Africa ^ North. Barth (H.) Travels in north Africa [1S50-2]. UL 4 51D18 37L1 82M1 52T1 37B1 12T7 51D1 51D2 39B40 52T2 65901 17006 B011 99807 53301 88203 76103 E8B1 70102 A271-2 59108 79906 86C9 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. AFT Africa, 5, South. Baldwin (W.C.) African hunting and ad- venture. 1894. ill. map. --.... 79932 - Colquhoun (A. R. ) The renascence of South Africa. 1900. map. 96301 - Devereux (R.) Side lights on South Africa. 1899. map. - 96303 - Froude (J. A.) Leaves from a South African journal [18741. In his Short studies, v. 3. 1903. - . - . E2F3 - Livingstone (D.) Missionary travels and researches, ill. - 96304 - In Lucas (C. P.) British colonies, v. 4. 1898. maps. - - 91107 - Paston (George) The South African war [1795]. In her Side-lights on the Georgian period. 1902. - - - 91408 - Peters (C.) The Eldorado of the ancients. 1902. ill. maps.- 96306 " To prove that the ancients obtained precious goods from S. Africa." - Pratt (E. A.) Points in South African history, 1486-1900. - 96308 - Stanley (Sir H. M.) Through South Africa. J 898. ill. map. 96309 - Stathain (F. R.) South Africa as it is. 1897. - - - 96305 - Theal(G. M.) Beginning of S.African history. 1902. bibl. maps. 96307 - Worsfold (W. B.) The story of South Africa. [1900]. map. 96302 - See also Zulu war. Africa, South, War, 1899-1902. Appleton (L. ) Who is responsible for the war in South Africa ? 1899. - 96409 - Battersby (H. F. P.) In the web of a war. 1900. ill. - - 96407 - Burne (C. R. N.) With the Naval Brigade in Natal, ill. map. 96411 - Cook (E. T.) Rights and wrongs of the war. 1902. bibl. - 96401 - Crowe (G.) Commission of H.M.S. 'Terrible,' 1898-1902. ill. 96404 - Goldmann(C.S.) With French in South Africa, 1902. ill. maps. 96415 - Mahan (A. T.) Story of the war, 1S99-1900. 1901. map. - 96403 - Menpes (M. and D.) War impressions. 1903. col. ill. - - 96417 - Moeller(B.) Twoyearsat the front with the M.I. 1903. plans. 96410 - Norris (S. L.) The South African war, 1899-1900. maps. - 96413 - Pienaar (P.) With Steyn and De Wet. 1902. - - 96402 - Ralph (J.) War's brighter side. 1901. ill. - 96408 "Story of 'The Friend' newspaper. March-April, 1900." - [Rankin (R.)] A subaltern's letters to his wife. 1901. - - 96414 - Rose (E. B.) The truth about the Transvaal. 1902. 96419 - Steevens(G. W.) From Capetown to Ladysmith. 1900. maps. 96405 - Thomas (C. H.) Origin of the Anglo-Boer war revealed. 1900. 96412 - Wilkinson (H. S.) Lessons of the war, to relief of Ladysmith. 96406 Africa, 6, West. Kingsley (M. H. ) The story of West Africa, map. 96001 - In Lucas (C. P.) British colonies, v. 3. 1900. maps. ■ - 91106 - Nassau (R. H.) Fetichism in West Africa. 1904. ill. map. 96010 - Park (M.) Travels in the interior of Africa. 1903. col. ill. • 96002 Africans. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Lloyd (K.) Three great African chiefs. 1895. port. - - 99636 " Khiinie, Sebete, and Bathoeng." After dark ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 74 Cl After-glow memories [autobiography] ; by Mrs. H. Grant. 1905. G201 AFT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. After work [autobiography] ; by E. Marston. 1904. ill. - M161 Afterwards, and other stories ; by J. Watson. - 28W1 Against the tides of fate ; by J. A. Barry. - - - - 25 Bl Against wind and tide ; by Holme Lee. 24L2 Agamemnon, tragedie ; par 1ST. L. Lemercier. - 84211 Agassiz,JeanL. R. In Bolton (S. K.) Famous men of science, port. 99715 Age. See Old age. Agincourt, or, the times of Henry V. ; by G. P. R. James. - 6J3 Agnes Grey [a story] ; by A. Bronte. - - - - - 93B1 Agnew (W. A.) The electric tramcar handbook. 1905. ill. - 62414 Agnosticism. For lists of related subjects, see Philosophy. Theology. - Flint (R.) Agnosticism. 1903. - - - ".."." 21102 - Huxley (T. H.) Agnosticism. Agnosticism and Christianity. In his Science and Christian tradition. 1895. - - 21512 - Mallock(W.H.) 'Cowardly agnosticism.' In his Studies. 1895. 21503 - Palmer (W. S.) An agnostic's progress. 1906. - - - 21103 - Porter (N. ) Agnosticism. In Present day tracts, v. 2. - - 20403 Agricola. Tacitus. [Life of] Agricola ; with notes, maps. - 87811 - - Life of Agricola ; with notes. In his Works, v. 2. - - 87804 Agricultural classes. For list of related subjects, see Labour. - Fairchild (G. T.) Rural wealth and welfare. 1900. - - 33102 - Jefferies (R.) Toilers of the field. 1901. - 33103 Agriculture. For list of other useful arts, see Arts, Useful. - Bailey (L. H.) ed. Principles of agriculture. 1903. ill. - 63004 - Bradley (E.) and La Mothe (B.) The lighter branches of agriculture. (Woman's library, v. 6.) 1903. ill.- - 63009 - Haggard (H. Rider) A farmer's year, 1898. ill. - - - 63006 - [Hardy (J.)] Farming in the Canadian north-west. [1906]. - 63011 - Harwood(W. S.) The new earth. 1906. ill. - - - 63010 " A recital of the triumphs of modern agriculture in America." - Lemstr6m(S.) Electricity in agriculture. 1904. ill. - - 63008 - Muir (J.) Agriculture, practical and scientific. 1895. ill. - 63001 - Nicholls(H. A. A.) Tropical agriculture. 1900. ill. - - 63002 - Pratt (E. A.) The transition in agriculture. 1906. ill. plans. 63007 - Roberts (I. P.) Farmer's business handbook. 1903. - - 63003 - Rogers (A. G. L.) The business side of agriculture. 1904. 63005 - See also Bees. Dairy. Domestic animals. Drainage. Estate manage- ment. Fertilizers. Fruit. Gardening. India-rubber. Soils. Timber. Tobacco. Vegetables. Aguilar (Grace) Women of Israel. ----- 22101 - The days of Bruce, a story from Scottish history. - - - 12A1 - Home influence, a tale for mothers and daughters. - - - 12 A2 - The mother's recompense, sequel to " Home influence." - 12A3 - Home scenes and heart studies [tales]. - - - - 12A5 - Vale of cedars, a story of Spain in the fifteenth century. - 12A4 - Woman's friendship, a story of domestic life. - - - 12A6 6 GOVANHILL BRANCH. ALE 13A1 13A2 E8M1 16003 L101 C201 j Aide (Charles Hamilton) Mr. and Mrs. Faulconbridge [a story] - Penruddocke [a story]. - . . . . _ Aikin, Lucy. Macaulay (Lord) Aikin's Life of Addison. In his Essays. 1904. ...... Aikins (Herbert A. ) The principles of logic. 1902. Ainger (Alfred) Charles Lamb [his life and work]. 1903. - Crabbe [his life and work]. 1903. - ^r^™!^^^ 1 " 180 ^ B . oscobel > a tale of the year 1651. iVa 8 16A12 16A9 16A7 16A1 16A6 16A2 16A5 16A11 16A10 16A3 16A4 30F42 52103 104 H 3 25207 48B16 97B3 96801 A121 84006 84007 84008 84009-10 79708 79704 ill. 1895. - The Constable of the Tower, an historical romance. - Crichton [a romance]. - - Guy Fawkes, an historical romance. - The Lancashire witches, a romance. - The Manchester rebels, or, the fatal '45. - Old Saint Paul's, a tale of the plague and the fire. - Preston fight, or, the insurrection of 1715. - The spendthrift, a tale. - - The Star-chamber, historical romance. - - The Tower of London, an historical romance. - Windsor Castle, an historical romance. - Air-ship, and other stories ; by J. S. Fletcher. Airy (Sir George B.) Popular astronomy. 1895 ' Airy fairy Lilian ' ; by Mrs. M. TV. Hungerford Aitkex (W. H. M. H.) Temptation and toil, sermons Alabaster box ; by Sir W. Besant. - Alas ! a novel ; by R. Broughton. - Alaska. Filippi (F. de) Ascent of Mount St. Elias 1900 ill Albert, Prince Consort, Life of ; by Sir T. Martin. 1882. port' Albert (Paul) La litterature francaise, xvi. siecle. 1S94. - La litterature francaise, dix-septieme siecle. 1901. - La litterature francaise, dix-huitieme siecle. 1904. - La litterature francaise, dix-neuvieme siecle. 1902. 2 v. Alcock (Charles W.) Football, the association game. 1902. ill. - Football, the association game. In Athletic sports, v. 4. ill Alcohol. See Fermentation. Alcuin and the rise of Christian schools ; by A. W. West, bibl map Alden (Percy) The unemployed, a national question. 1905 - Aldersyde, a Border story ; by A. S. Swan. .... Aldis(Mrs. W. S.) Consider the heavens, astronomy. 1895 ill Aldrich (Thomas B.) Marjorie Daw, and other stories. - - Two bites at a cherry, with other tales. - Alec Forbes of Howglen [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. Alec Green [a story] ; by S. K. Hocking. - Alembert, Jean le R. d' [his life. In French] ; par J. Bertrand. port Aleph the Chaldean [a romance] ; by E. F. Burr. Alexander the Great ; by B. I. Wheeler. 1902. port. ill. map* A161 33123 147 S 2 52317 21A1 21A2 10M2 67H1 A 251 54B1 A 041 ALE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Alexander of Abonotichus. Froude (J. A.) A Cagliostro of the second century. In Us Short studies, v. 4. 1901. - Alexander (Mrs. Annie) The admiral's ward. - At bay, a novel. - - A crooked path. ---------- - Her dearest foe, a novel. - The wooing o't, a novel. --------- Alexander (Eleanor) Lady Anne's walk. 1903. ill. - Alexander (Mrs. F.) trans. The golden book, legends of saints. Alexander | Frances) The story of Ida ; ed. by J. Ruskin. 1901. Alexander (J. H.) Elementary electrical engineering. 1906. ill. Alexander (John) Model engine construction. 1904. ill. Alexander (Rupert) The vicar of St. Nicholas'. Alexander (Sidney A.) Christ and scepticism. 1894. - Alexander (W. J.) Introduction to the poetry of R. Browning. Alexander (William L.) The ancient British church. 1889. - Alexandra, Queen. Wilkins (W. H.) Our King and Queen, the story of their life. 4 = . port. ill. - - Alexandria and her schools; by C.Kingsley. In his Lectures. 1902. 90401 \teord (Henry S. L.) and Sword (W. D.) The Egyptian Soudan, its loss and recovery. 1898. ill. maps. Alfred, King. Guizot (F. P. G. ) Alfred le Grand ; with notes. 1895. - Harrison (F.) and others. Alfred, life and times, port. map. Algae. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. - Smithson (T. S.) Pond-life, algse and allied forms, ill. - - West (G. S.) British freshwater algse. 1904. ill. - - See also Sea-weeds. Algebra. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. - Baker (W. M.) and Bourne (A. A.) Examples in algebra - In CasselVs New popular educator, v. 4-7. 1903. - - David (M. S.) Beginners' algebra. 1905. - - Hall (H. S.) and Knight (S. R.) Elementary algebra. 1904. - Higher algebra, sequel to ' Elementary algebra.' 1904. - - Knight°(W. T.) Algebraic factors, how to find and use them. - - Lightfoot (J.) Elementary and intermediate algebra. 1904. - - See also Graphs. Alhambra ; by YV\ Irving. - Alice, or, the mysteries ; by Lord Lytton. Sequel to " Ernest Malt-ravers," 73 L 3. Alice Lorraine, a tale of the South Downs ; by R. D. Blackmore. Aliens. See Emigration. Alison Howard [a novel] ; by J. E. Rait. All along the river ; by M. E. Braddon. - - - " All-England series, works dealing with sports and pastimes. A list of the series may be seen on application Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deal*. E2F4 22A3 22A1 22A2 22A5 22 A4 92610 24420 1031 62429 62105 7A1 23904 82413 27603 E152 95713 44890 A 081 58902 58907 1904. 51203 - 03204-7 51204 51201 51202 51205 51206 93402 73L1 63B1 8R1 81B16 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. ALS All men are liars ; by J. Hocking. 65H3 All on the Irish shore ; by E. (E. Somerville and Martin Ross. - 93S2 All sorts and conditions of men, a story ; by Sir W. Besant. - 48 Bl All that was possible ; by H. 0. Sturgis. 136 SI All they went through ; by F. W. Robinson. .... 50R2 Allainval (Leonor J. C. S. d ? ) L'ecole des bourgeois, comedie. 84204 Allan (John) Jean Sma' and the '-'Glesgae Bailie." - - - 23A1 Allan Quatermain ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - - 3H1 Sequel to " King Solomon's mines," 3H6. Allan's wife, and other tales ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - 3H2 Sequel to "Allan Quatermain." Allcock (C. H.) Theoretical geometry. 1903. v. 1. HI. - 51311 Allegri, Antonio. See Correggio. Antonio Allegri da. Allen (A. T.) New streets, laying out and making up, 1904. - 62705 Allen (Alexander V. G.) Christian institutions. 189S. - 27012 Allen (Grant) Colin Clout's calendar, April-October. 1901. - 58107 - County and town in England. 1901. map. - 91601 - Falling in love, with other essays. 1889. .... 50419 Evolution. Strictly incog. Thunderbolts. Food and feeding. Big- animals. [Etc.] . - Babjdon [a novel]. 26A40 - The beckoning hand, and other stories. ----- 26A42 - Recalled to life. 26A43 - The scallywag. . 2 6A41 Allen, Grant. Clodd (E.) Grant Allen, a memoir. 1900. bill port. A261 , Allen (James L.) The choir invisible. 27 A3 - The mettle of the pasture. 27 A 2 - Summer in Arcady, a tale of nature. 27A1 Allen (John R.) Celtic art in pagan and Christian times, ill. - 70908 - Monumental history of the early British church. 1889. ill. - 27606 Allies (Thomas W.) The monastic life [325-800]. 1896. - - 27104 I Allison (Thomas) English Church history to a.d. 1702. 1906. - 27612 ! Allsop (F. C.) Telephones, their construction [etc.] 1905. ill. 65406 Allyn (Jack) joint-author. See O'Rell (Max). Alma et Balaklava ; par C. Rousset ; with notes. 1892. plan. 44863 Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence. See Tadema, Sir Laurens Alma. Alone on a wide, wide sea ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75 R 16 Alphabets. Clark (J. M.) Alphabets, etc. 1906. ill. - - 74505 M For sign writers, decorators, designers, and draughtsmen." - Delamotte (F.) Ornamental alphabets. 1901. col. ill. - - 74504 Alps. Freeston (C. L.) Cycling in the Alps. 1900. ill.- - 93504 - Mosso (A.) Life of man on the high Alps. 189S. ill. - - 93505 - Tyndall (J.) Alpine sculpture. In his Fragments, v. 1. 1902. 50410 Life in the Alps. Alpine jottings. In his New fragments. 50412 Alroy [a romance] ; by the Earl of Beaeonsfield. - - - 31 Bl Alston (Leonard) Modern constitutions in outline. 1905. - 34209 9 ALT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Althorp, Lord. See Spencer, John C. , Earl. Alton Locke, tailor and poet ; by C. Kingsley. - 24K4 Altruism. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Kaufmann (M.) Altruism. In Present day tracts, v. 11. - 20412 Altsheler (Joseph A. ) A soldier of Manhattan [a novel]. - 14 Al Amabel and Amoris ; trans, by L. Housman. ill. - - - 401A Amant bourru, comedie ; par J. M. Monvel. - 84208 Amateur angler. See Marston (Edward). Amateur work. See Mechanic work, Amateur. Amazing marriage ; by G. Meredith. - - - - - - 82 M 2 Amazon [a novel] ; by C. Vosmaer. 18V1 Ambassadors [a novel] ; by H. James. - - - - - 7 J 1 Ambidexterity. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Jackson (J.) Ambidexterity, or, two-handedness. 1905. bibl. ill. 13004 - See also Lefthandedness. Ambition. In Benson (A. C.) From a college window. 1906. - E8B1 Amblers [a novel] ; by B. L. Far j eon. 3F1 Ambrose, St. In Farrar (F. W. ) Lives of the fathers, v. 2. 1889. 99812 Ambulance. See First aid. America, 1, General. Robertson (W.) A history of America. 1821. 3v. 96808-10 America, 2, Central. Herbertson (F. D. and A. J.) eels. Central America. 1902. hibl. ill. 97808 America, 3, North. In Arnold (Sir E. ) Seas and lands. 1891. ill. 90826 - Kingsley (C.) First discovery of America. In his Lectures. 1902. 90401 - Pocock (R.) A frontiersman. 1903. P211 - Porteous(A.) A scamper through some cities of America. 1890. 96802 - Russell (I. C.) River development of N. America. 1S9S. ill. 55103 - Weare (G. £.) Cabot's discovery of North America. 1897. ill. 96805 America, 4, South. Dawson (T. C.) The South American re- publics. 1904. 2 v. ill. maps. 97801-2 1. Argentina. Paraguay. Uruguay. Brazil. 2. Peru. Chile. Bolivia. Ecuador. Venezuela. Colombia. Panama. - Herbertson (F. D. and A. J. ) eds. South America. 1902. bibl. ill. 97808 - Humboldt (F. H. A. von) Travels to America, 1799-1804. 3 v. 97804-6 - Moses (B.) Establishment of Spanish rule in America. 1898. 97807 America to England, and other poems ; by M. J. Savage. 1905. 1701 S American [a novel] ; by H. James. ------ 7J12 American claimant ; by Mark Twain. 52T10 American literature. See Literature, American. American men of letters, short biographies. A list of the series mav be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. American notes ; by C. Dickens. 1896. ill. 2 copies. - 97202, 97203 Ami de la maison, comedie ; par J. F. Marmontel. - - - 84208 Amiel, Henri F. In Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, v. 2. 1902. E3A2 Amory, Thomas. In Fy vie (J.) Literary eccentrics. 1906. - 99915 10 GO VAN HILL BRANCH, ANE Amos. See Bible. Amours de Bastieu et Bastienne [comedie] ; par C. S. Favart. - 84207 Amusements. For list of related subjects, see Arts, Fine and recreative. - Hoffmann (Professor) Drawing-room amusements, ill. - - 79309 - See also Acting. Conjuring. Dancing. Games. Sports. Ventriloquism. Amy Herbert [a story] ; by Mrs. E. M. Sewell. - - - 48 S 2 Amy Wilton [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. .... 81W42 Amyand (Arthur) With rank and file. 30 A 1 Anabaptists. See Baptists. Analysis. See Chemistry. Language, English. Metallurgy. Anatomy. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Clark (H. E.) An elementary text-book of anatomy. 1903. ill. 61102 - Comparative anatomy. In Cassell's Popular educator, v. 6-8. 03206-8 - See also Bones. Histology. Vivisection. Zootomy. Anatomy, Artistic. For list of related subjects, see Drawing. - Duval (M.) Artistic anatomy. 1905. ill. .... 74301 Anaximandre, comedie ; par F. G. J. S. Andrieux. - - - 84208 And I knew it not ; by D. Fife. 17F1 " And shall Trelawney die?" by J. Hocking. - - - . 65 H 2 Andersen (Hans C. ) The improvisatore [a romance]. - - 31 A5 Anderson (Andrew) The game of draughts simplified, ill. - 79405 Anderson (J. W.) Shipmasters' business companion. 1905. - 65605 Anderson, John. In Holcomb (H. H. ) Men of might in India missions. 1901. ill. 99825 Anderson (William) Japanese wood engravings. 1S95. ill. - 76101 Anderson (Wm.) Re-union in the heavenly kingdom [Etc.] 1876 25203 Anderson (Wm. J.) Architecture of renaissance in Italy. HI. - 72401 Andes. Conway (Sir W. M.) The Bolivian Andes. 1901. bibl. ill. 98201 - FitzGerald (E. A.) The highest Andes. 1899. ill. maps. - 98001 Andom (R.) The cruise of the ' Mock Turtle ' [a story]. - - 32 Al Andre (George G.) Rock blasting. 1878. ill. - - - 62506 Andrea del Sarto. Miiller (F. Max) Andrea del Sarto's Carita. In his Works, v. 5. 1902. E6M1 - In Vasari (G.) Lives of the painters, v. 3. 1851. - - - 99704 Andreae (Percy) A life at stake. 33 A 1 Andrew (S. O.) Geometry, an elementary treatise. 1903. ill. 51304 Andrewes (Lancelot) Bp. Seventeen sermons on the nativity. 23238 Andrewes, Lancelot, Bp. [a biography] ; by R. L. Ottley. 1894. A 021 Andrews (Leonard) Electricity control. 1904. ill. plans. - 62419 Andrews (William) At the sign of the barber's pole. 1904. ill. 39101 Andrieux (Francois G. J. S.) Les etourdis ; Le reve du mari ; Anaximandre [comedies]. 84208 Andromeda, an idyll ; by R. W. Buchanan. - - - - 103 B 5 Anecdotes. For related subjects, see Wit and humour. Anecdotes relating to special subjects will be found under their respective subject-headings in the catalogue. 11 ANE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 82728 44810 82720 82715 82717 Alll 301 P 7H1 24204 55R1 50436 59513 59111 Anecdotes. Guthrie (T. ) Anecdotes and stories. - Herbert (F.) Anecdotes [In French and German]. 1900. - Hood (T.) ed. Modern English anecdotes. .... - How (W. W.) Lighter moments. 1900. - - Spence (J.) Anecdotes of books and men, a selection. Angas, George F. , founder of South Australia ; by E. Hodder. port Angel in the house [a poem] ; by C. Patmore. 1904.- Angel Jim ; by A. G. Hales. ------- Angels' whispers, to console the mourning ; by D. C. Eddy. 1885. Angling. See Fish, fishing. Anglo- Australian. See Grant (Mrs. Helen). Anglo-Saxons. See Great Britain, History. Angus (John W.) A treatise on the powers and duties of police constables in Scotland. 1904. 35209 Angus (Joseph) Theology, a science. In Present day tracts. - 20413 Angus (William) Ettrick and Yarrow, a guide. 1894. ill. map. 92029 Anima vilis, a tale ; by M. Rodziewicz. Animal automatism. Huxley (T. H.) On the hypothesis that animals are automata. In his Method and results. 1894. Animal intelligence. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Wasmann(E.) Psychology of ants and higher animals. 1905. - Weir (J.) The dawn of reason. 1899. bibl. - " Mental traits in the lower animals." Animal kingdom. See Zoology. Animal magnetism. See Hypnotism. Animals, Domestic. See Domestic animals. Animals, Habits of. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Benson (M.) Soul of a cat, and other [animal] stories. 1901. ill. - Long (W. J.) Northern trails, animal life. 1905. ill. - - Roberts (C. G. D.) Red fox, his adventurous career. 1905. ill. - Seton (E. T.) Lives of the hunted. 1905. ill. Anjou. Green (J. R.) The home of our Angevin kings. In his Stray studies, v. 1. 1904. Anna of the five towns, a novel ; by E. A. Bennett. - Annals of a quiet neighbourhood ; by G. MacDonald. Annals of an eventful life [a novel] ; by Sir G. W. Dasent. Annals of the Horse-shoe Club [stories] ; by F. Mason. Annals of the parish ; by J. Gait. Annan Water, a romance ; by R. W. Buchanan. Annaxdale (Nelson) The Faroes and Iceland. 1905. ill. Anne, Queen. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 6. 1904. Anne of Cleves. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 2. - Anne of Denmark. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 4. Anne Boleyn. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 2. 1901. Anne Hereford, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. Anne of Argyle. or, cavalier and covenant : by G. Eyre Todd. - 12 63604 59122 59907 59905 E2G1 43 Bl 10M10 7D1 5M1 7G1 103 B 7 94103 99635 99631 99633 99631 76W24 34T1 GOVANHILL BRANCH. AQU Anne of Geierstein [a romance] ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - 35S23 Annette et Lubin, comedie ; par C. S. Favart. - 84207 Annotation. See Cataloguing. Annunzio, Gabriele d\ In Courtney (W. L.) Maeterlinck [Etc.] E3C1 Ansell (Charles) A treatise on friendly societies. 1835. - 33403 Anselm (Saint) Cur Deus homo? [In English]. - - - 23910 Anselm, Saint. Welch (A. C.) Anselm and his work. 1901. - A211 Anson, George, Lord, Adm. In Fitchett ( W. H. ) Fights for the flag. 91411 - Lichfield (Earl of) Lord Anson. In Our naval heroes. 1906. 99619 Anspach (Frederica S. W., Margravine of) Memoirs. 1904. port. A241 Ansted (David T.) In search of minerals. 1895. ill. - - 55302 - Scenery, science and art. 1854. ill. 55301 Anstey(F.) A Bayard from Bengal. - - - . - 35 A 4 - Love among the lions. 35A5 - Tourmalin's time cheques. 35 A 3 - Vice versa, or, a lesson to fathers. - - - - - 35 A 1 Antarctic. See Arctic and Antarctic regions. Anthony, Saint. In Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1891. - - 99816 Anthropology. See Man, Natural history of. Antichrist. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of the middle ages. - 39818 Anticipations ; by H. G. Wells. 1902. ..... 30108 Antiquary ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35 S3 Antiquities. See Archaeology. Antonina, or, the fall of Rome ; by VV. Wilkie Collins. - - 74c 3 Antoninus (Marcus Aurelius). See Aurelius (Marcus). Antonio da San Gallo. In Vasari (G.) Lives of the architects. - 99705 Ants. For list of other subjects in entomology, see Insects. - Wasmann (E.) Psychology of ants and higher animals. 1905. 59513 Anwyl (Edward) A Welsh grammar. 1901. - 49101 Aphorisms. In Morley (J.) Studies in literature. 1904. - - E3M1 Apocalypse. See Bible. Apologetics. See Christian evidences. Apologia .pro vita sua; by J. H. Newman. 1902. - - . N012 Apostle of the north, J. Evans ; by E. R. Young. 1899. ill. - E171 Apostles. For list of other Biblical subjects, see Bible. - Bruce (A. B.) Training of the twelve. 1904.- - - . 22717 Apostles' creed. Denney (J.) and others. Questions of faith. - 23804 - Rankin (J.) The creed in Scotland. 1890. - 23801 Appleton (George W.) The ingenious Captain Cobbs. - - 37 ai Appleton (L. ) Who is responsible for the war in S. Africa ? 1899. 96409 Appraiser and valuer's pocket assistant ; by J, Wheeler. 1905. 65801 Appreciations [essays] ; by W. Pater. 1904. - - - - E1P1 Aquarium. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Jones (T. R.) The aquarian naturalist. 1858. col. ill. - - 59202 Aquarius. Advanced whist. 1889. ill. - 79507 13 ARA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Arabian nights, Tales from the [In Gaelic]. 1897. - - - 89103 Aratra Pentelici, lectures on sculpture ; by J. Ruskin. ill. - 73001 Arbela. In Creasy (Sir E. SO Decisive battles. 1903. ill. plan. 90402 Arber (Edward) ed. British anthologies, 1401-1800. 10 v. 82226-35 The contents will be found at Poetry, Collections. Arbitration. For list of related subjects, see Labour. - Slater (J. ) The law of arbitration and awards. 1905. - - 33135 Arblay (Madame d') Diary and letters ; with notes. 3 v. mem. A072-4 - Evelina [a novel]. 39A1 Arblay, Madame d ; . Dobson (H. A.) F. Burney [her life]. - A071 - In Hill (C.) Juniper Hall. 1904. ill. 91715 - In Macaulay (Lord) Essays. 1904. E8M1 - Paston (George) A Burney friendship. In her Side-lights on the Georgian period. 1902. port. ill. - 91408 - In Saintsbury (G.) Essays in English literature, v. 2. 1895. - 82103 Arch (Joseph) and others. Why I would disestablish. 1886. - 32202 Archaeology. For list of related subjects, see History. - Babelon (E.) Manual of oriental antiquities. 1906. ill. - 90901 - Miiller (F. Max) Some lessons of antiquity. In his Works, v. 5. E6M1 - See also Man, Natural history of. Names of countries and places for national and local antiquities. Archer (Laura M. P.) A bush honeymoon, and other stories. - 64A1 Archer (Thomas) The highway of letters [Fleet Street]. 1893. ill. 91717 Archer (William) William C. Macready [a biography]. 1890. M291 Archibald (George H.) The power of play in child-culture. - 37104 Architects. Vasari (G.) Lives of eminent architects [etc.] 5 v. 99702-6 The contents will be found at the author entry. Architecture. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Anderson (W. J.) Architecture of renaissance in Italy, ill. - 72401 - In CasselTs Xew popular educator, v. 6-8. 1903. ill. - - 03206-8 - Gothic stonework. In Cassell's Technical educator, v. 5-6. ill. 60305-6 - Jackson (T. G.) Reason in architecture, lectures. 1906. ill. 72905 - Kingsley (C.) Grots and groves. In his Lectures and essays. E1K3 - Leeds (W. H.) Rudimentary architecture. 1904. ill. - - 72904 - Pugin (A. W. N.) Contrasts between the edifices of the middle ages and the present day. 1898. 4 C . ill. - - - 72902 - Roberts (H. W.) Architectural sketching and drawing in per- spective. 1906. ill. 74401 - Robertson (T. S.) Art in English church architecture, ill. - 72601 - Rogers (F. ) The architect's guide. 1894. - 72006 - Ruskin (J.) Lectures on architecture. 1899. ill.- - - 72001 - - Architecture. In his On the old road, v. 1. 1899. - - 70404: The opening of the Crystal Palace. Study of architecture in our schools. - - The seven lamps of architecture. 1903. ill. - - - 72002 - - The stones of Venice. 1902-3. 3 v. ill. - 72003-5 -Small (J. W.J Scottish architectural details. 190L 4°. ill. 72903 14 GOVANHILL BRANCH. ARI Architecture. See also Building. Cathedrals. Crematoria. Farm buildings. Hospitals. Houses. Mouldings. Arctic and Antarctic regions. Abruzzi (Duke of the) On the 'Polar Star ' in the Arctic Sea. 1903. 2 v. ill. maps. - 99401-2 - Beechey (F. W.) Towards the North Pole, 1818. 1843. ill. - 99404 - Bernacchi (L.) To the South Polar regions, 1898-1900. ill. - 99403 - Franklin (Sir J.) To the Polar Sea, 1819-22. 1824. 2 v. maps. 99405-6 - Hoare (J. D.) Arctic exploration [a history]. 1906. ill maps. 99414 - Mill(H. R.) The siege of the South Pole. 1905. bibl. ill. maps. 99412 ' Ardath,' the story of a dead self ; by Marie Corelli. - - 89 CI Areopagitica ; by J. Milton. In his Prose [writings]. - - E 12 Ml Argentina. In Dawson (T. C.) S. American republics, v. 1. 1904. 97801 - White (E. W.) Cameos from the silver-land. 1881-2. 2 v. map. 98002-3 Argosy, 1866-91. 52 v. ill. 0101-52 For principal contents see Edinburgh Public Library catalogue, which may be referred to or borrowed. Argument. Sidgwick (A.) The process of argument. 1893. - 16801 Argyll (George J. D. Campbell, Duke of) Autobiography and memoirs, 1823-1900. 1906. port. ill. - - - A 281-2 - Irish nationalism. 1893. 92620 - The new British constitution. 1888. 34211 - Our responsibilities for Turkey. 1896. 93903 Ariadne Florentina, on engraving ; by J. Ruskin. 1890. ill. - 76002 Arianism. For list of related subjects, see Church history. - Xewman (J. H.) Arians of the fourth century. 1S95. - - 27302 Ariosto, Ludovico. In Kuhns (O.) Poets of Italy. 1904. port. 85102 Aristocrats [a novel] ; by G. F. Atherton. 55 A 3 Aristophanes. In Keene (C. H.) Greek dramatic poets. 1898. 88203 Aristotle. The organon, or, logical treatises. 2 v. - - 18501-2 - A treatise on government ; trans, by W. Ellis. - - - 32101 Aristotle. Davidson (T.) Aristotle and ancient educational ideals. 1904. bibl. A 151 Arithmetic. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. - Briggs (W.) and Chope (R. H.) eds. dive's Arithmetic. 1905. 51109 - Burch (C. ) Short cuts and by-ways in arithmetic. 1903. - 51105 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-3. 1903. - - - 03201-3 - Chope (R. H.) The junior arithmetic. 1904. - - - 51108 - Cunnington (S.) The story of arithmetic. 1904. ill. - - 51114 - Dexter (T. F. G.) and Garlick (A. H.) Longman's Senior arithmetic. 1904. 51113 - Lock (J. B.) Arithmetic for schools. 1903. - 51101 - Pendlebury (C.) Arithmetic. 1904. 51102 - - and Beard (W. S.) Elementary arithmetic. 1899. - - 51106 - Pitman's Complete commercial arithmetic. ... - 51103 Answers to [Complete commercial] arithmetic. - - - 51104 - Workman (W. P.) School arithmetic. 1905.- - - - 51107 - See also Mensuration. Numerals. 15 AEK GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Arkwright (Johx P.) ed. Cabinet- making for amateurs. - ill. 68402 Arlot. A guide for coach painters. 1905. .... 68404 Armenia. Bliss (E.M.) Turkey and the Armenian atrocities, ill. 93905 - MacColl (M.) The Sultan aud the powers. 1896. - - - 93907 - Wintle (W. J.) Armenia and its sorrows, ill. map. - - 93906 Armitage (Cecil H.) and Montanaro (A. F.) The Ashanti campaign of 1900. 1901. port. ill. map. plan. - - 96009 Armitage (G. F. ) Exercises on Bruno's Deux petits patriotes. - 44844 Armour (Mabyn) Sanitary inspecting. In Woman's library, v. 1. 39605 Armourer's prentices ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y3 Armstrong (Edward) Lorenzo de' Medici. 1902. ill. map. - M051 Armstrong (Richard A.) God and the soul. 1898.- - - 23101 Armstrong, Richard A., a memoir ; by his son. 1906. port. - A221 Armstrong (Walter) Wrestling. 1902. ill. - 79610 - Wrestling. In Athletic sports, v. 3. 1890. ill. - - - 79606 Army. For list of related subjects, see Government. - Danby (P.) The red army book. 1904. ill. - - - - 35511 - [Dilke (Sir C. W.)] The British army. 1888. - - - 35509 - General Staff. The writing on the wall. 1906. maps. - 35508 On the present unpreparedness of our land forces. - Gwynne (H. A.) The army on itself. 1904. - 35501 - See also Artillery. Strategy. War. Names of regiments. Arne [a novel] ; by B. Bjornson. 60B2 [Arnheim (Mary A., Countess von)] The adventures of Eliza- beth in Riigen. 1904. map. 92801 Arnold (A. S.) The story of Thomas Carlyle. 1903. ill. - C1410 Arnold (Sir Edwin) The Light of Asia [Buddha]. 1904. port. 101 A - The Light of the World [poem on the life of Christ]. 1903. ill. 102 A - Seas and lands. 1891. ill. 90826 - ed. Book of good counsels, from the " Hitopadesa. " 1905. ill. 89105 - trans. Indian poetry [selections]. 1891.- - 89114 Arnold (Edwin L. ) Adventures of Phra the Phoenician [a romance]. 47 A 1 Arnold (Herbert) Guide to house painting [etc.] 1905. ill. 69804 Arnold (Matthew) Essays in criticism. 1902-5. 2 v. - - E3A1-2 1. The function of criticism at the present time. Literary influence of academies. Maurice de Guerin. Eugenie de Guerin. Heinrich Heine. Pagan and mediaeval religious sentiment. A Persian passion play. Joubert. Spinoza and the Bible. Marcus Aurelius. 2. The study of poetry. Thomas Gray. John Keats. Wordsworth. Byron. Shelley. Count Leo Tolstoi. Amiel. [Etc.] - Literature and dogma. 1897. 23923 " An essay towards a better apprehension of the Bible." - God and the Bible, a sequel to " Literature and dogma. " - 23922 - Poems, early, narrative, and sonnets. 1895. - 201 A Arnold, Matthew. Fitch (Sir J. G.) Thomas and Matthew Arnold and English education. 1899. A051 - In Gates (L. E.) Three studies in literature. 1899. - - E5G1 16 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. ART Arnold, Matthew, In Innes (A. D.) Seers and singers. 1893. - 82410 - In Jacobs (J.) Essays and reviews. 1891. - E1J1 - In Mackie (A.) Nature knowledge in modern poetry. 1906. 82424 - Paul (H. W.) Matthew Arnold [his life and work]. 1902. - A012 - Saintsbury (G.) Matthew Arnold [his life and work]. 1899. - A011 - Swinburne (A. C.) Arnold's new poems. In his Essays. 1901. E8S1 Arnold, Thomas, of Rugby. Stanley (A. P.) Life and correspond- ence of Thomas Arnold, ill. A 052 Arnold (Thomas) Passages in a wandering life. 1900. port. - A 131 Arnold Inglehurst, a story ; by E. E. Green. .... 60G42 Arnot (William) Laws from heaven for life on earth. 2 v. - 22408-9 Arnott (S.) Climbing plants and wall shrubs. 1903. ill. - 71606 Arrah Neil, or, times of old; by G. P. R. James. - - - 6J7 Arrows of the Almighty [a novel] ; by O. Johnson. - - - 22 J 1 Ars vivendi, the art of acquiring vigour ; by A. Lovell. 190" (George W.) Standard course of Esperanto. 1906. - 40802 Bullet (A. A.) and Whitley (M.) Women's work. 1894. - 39602 Bullock (Shan F.) The Barrys [a novel]. 29B1 Buuman (H. F.) and Redmayxe (R. A. S.) Colliery working and management. 1906. ill. plans. .... 62504 Bumpus (T. F.) Cathedrals of England and Wales. 1906. 3 v. ill. 72604-6 Bunce (John T.) Sir Josiah Mason, a biography. 1890. ill. - M351 Bunker Hill. In Crane (S.) Great battles. 1901. ill. - - 90403 Bunsen, Christian C. J., freiherr von. In Miiller (F. Max) Works. E6M2 BuNYAH (John) The holy war. ill. 24401 - The pilgrim's progress, port. ill. 24403 - - Another edition [In Gaelic]. 24405 Bunyan, John. In Boas (Mrs. F. S.) With Milton. 1904. port. 91346 - Froude (J. A. ) Bunyan [his life and work]. 1903. - - B091 Bunyiu Nanjio. In Miiller (F. Max) Works, v. 6. 1904. - - E6M2 Berbery (S. H.) The kinetic theory of gases. 1899. - - 53304 56 GOVANHILL BRANCH. BUR Burch (Cecil) Short cuts and by-ways in arithmetic. 1903. - 51105 Burch (George J. ) Manual of electrical science. 1893. ill. - 53705 Burg (A. R. and P. tax der) School of painting for the imita- tion of woods and marbles. 1903. fo. col. ill. - - 69807 Burgess (J. T.) Angling, a practical guide. 1867. ill. - - 79922 Burgess (James W.) Coachbuilding. 1881. ill. - - - 68403 Burgher Quixote [a novel] ; by D. Blackburn. - - - 65 Bl Burghersh, Lady. Wellington (Duke of) Correspondence with Lady Burghersh. 1903. port. W152 Burgin (George B.) The hermit of Bonneville [a novel]. - - 109 Bl Burgon, John W. In Russell (G. W. E.) Household of faith. 1902. 20420 Buried diamonds ; by Sarah Tytler. 58T42 Buried temple [essays] ; by M. Maeterlinck. 1902. - - - E14M1 Burke (Sir Bernard) Rise of great families [Etc.] 1873. - 99912 Burke (Edmund) Selections from speeches and writings. - - 82840 Burke, Edmund. In Birrell (A.) Obiter dicta, v. 2. 1906. - E10B4 - Mackintosh (Sir J.) Vindica? Gallicae. In his Works, v. 3. - E10M3 - In Maurice (F. D.) Friendship of books [Etc.] 1904. - - E5M1 - Morley (J.) Burke [his life and work]. 1901. - - B101 - In Rosebery (Earl of) Appreciations. 1899. - - - - E1R1 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 3. 1892. - - E5S3 Burke (Ulick R.) A history of Spain. 1900. 2 v. maps. - 93422-3 Burkersdorf Heights. In Crane (S.) Great battles. 1901. ill. 90403 Burleigh (Bennet) Empire of the east. 1905. ill. maps. • 95110 Burma. Harmer (E. G.) The story of Burma, maps. - - 95001 - Kelly (R. T.) Burma [a description]. 1905. col. ill. - - 95002 Burmese language. See Language, Burmese. Burnand (Sir Francis 0.) Records and reminiscences. 1905. - The real adventures of Robinson Crusoe. .... Burne (C. R. N.) The naval brigade in Natal, 1899-1900. ill. map. 96411 Burnell (George R.) Limes, cements, mortars, concretes, etc. 69103 Burnet (Gilbert) Bp. Reformation of the Church of England. Burnet (John) Water supply to Glasgow. 1869. maps. Burnet (William) and Williams (A. L.) The Jews, witnesses to the Bible. In Present day tracts, v. 13. Burnett (Frances H.) Little Lord Fauntleroy [a tale]. - - "Theo," a love story. - The tide on the moaning bar. Quiet life. .... Burney (Frances). See Arblay (Madame d'). Burning of Rome, a story ; by A. J. Church. .... Burnley (James) Summits of success. 1901. - Burns, John. In McCarthy (J.) British political leaders. 1903. port. 99639 Burns (Robert) Poetical works. 1883. 2 v. mem. port. - 801-2 B Another edition ; ed. by J. L. Robertson. 1896. - - 803B - [Poems]. In Cowper anthology. 1901. 82235 - Songs ; with notes by J. C. Dick. 1903. bibl. mus. - - 804 B 57 B371 110B1 27601 92313 20414 111B4 111B40 111B41 46C4 17407 BUR GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Burns, Robert. Beecher (H. W.) and others. The memory of Burns, addresses. 1899. 82409 - In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 2. E1C2 - Muir (J.) Carlyle on Burns. 1898. - - - - - 82407 - Couch (A. T. Quiller) Scott and Burns. In his Adventures in criticism. 1896. E2C1 - Findlay (W.) Burns and the medical profession, bibl. ill. - 82419 - In Graham (H. G.) Scottish men of letters. 1901. port. - 99916 - Graham (P. A.) Poetry of toil. In his Nature in books. 1891. 99903 - Harvey (W.) Robert Burns in Stirlingshire. 1899. port. - B116 - In Holmes (D. T.) Lectures on Scottish literature. 1904. - 82216 - Kingsley(C) Burns and his school. In his Lectures. 1898. - E1K3 - Lockhart (J. G.) Life of Burns. 1892. port. - - - B112 - Lowe (D.) Burns's passionate pilgrimage. 1904. - - - 82406 " Tait's indictment of the poet, with other rare records." - McBain (J.) The story of Burns' cottage. 1904. ill. - - 91903 - Rogers (C.) and Higgins (J. C.) Book of R. Burns. 1889. 3 v. port. B113-5 " The poet, his associates, and those celebrated in his writings." - In Rosebery (Earl of) Appreciations. 1899. - - - - E1R1 - Shairp (J. C.) Robert Bums [his life and work]. 1902. - Bill - Stevenson (R. L.) Some aspects of Burns. In his Men and books. E1S4 Burnt million ; by J. Payn. 18P1 Burpee (L. J.) joint -author. See Morgan (Henry J.) Burr (E. F.) Aleph the Chaldean [a romance]. .... 54B1 Burrill (Katharine) Shell gatherers [essays]. 1905. - - E6B1 Burritt, Elihu. In Kirton (J. W.) The world's workers. 1895. 99813 Burroughs (John) Bird and bough [poems]. 1906. - - 1601B - Birds and poets, with other papers. 1887. - - - 50421 - Far and near [open-air themes]. 1904. 50430 - Fresh fields [nature in England and Scotland]. 1897. - - 50425 - Locusts and wild honey [nature studies]. 1894. - - - 50422 - Pepacton [nature studies]. 1885. 50424 - Wake-robin [a book about the birds]. 1896. .... 59819 - Winter sunshine [essays on nature and travel]. 1893. - - 50423 Burrows (Montagu) Commentaries on the history of England. 91217 - History of the foreign policy of Great Britain. 1897. - - 32701 Burton, Isabel, Lady. The romance of Lady Burton, her life ; by herself and W. H. Wilkins. 1897. 2 v. port. ill. - B361-2 Burton (John E. Bloundelle) A branded name. - - - 113 B 3 - Fortune's my foe. H3 B 2 - The sword of Gideon [a romance]. 113 Bl Burton (John H.) History of Scotland [80-1748]. 1905. 8 v. 91830-37 - The Scot abroad. 1900. - 91821 Burton (Sir R.F.) Mission toGelele, King of Dahome [1863]. 2 v. 96007-8 - Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah. 1898. 2 v. ill. maps. 94403-4 Burton (Robert) The anatomy of melancholy. .... 13201 58 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. BYE Bury (John B.) The life of St. Patrick. 1905. maps. - - P301 Bush honeymoon, and other stories ; by L. M. P. Archer.- - 64A1 Bushido, the soul of Japan ; by I. Nitobe. 1905. - - - 95305 Business. For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Boyle (Sir C.) Hints on the conduct of business. 1901. - 65804 - Business blue book, a book for business men. - - - 65009 - Pitman's Business terms, phrases, and abbreviations. - - 65008 "With equivalents in French, German, and Spanish." Manual of business training, ill. maps. .... 65802 - Sutherland (A.) A manual of commercial instruction. 1S93. 65811 - See also Advertising. Book-keeping. Commercial correspondence. Estate management. Grocery. Precis-writing. Professions. Shorthand. Telegraph. Telephone. Typewriting. Valuation. Business ethics. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Readings for young men, merchants, and men of business. - 17406 Butcher (Samuel H.) Demosthenes [his life and work]. - - 88501 - Harvard lectures on Greek subjects. 1904. ... - 88001 Bute. Hewison (J. K.) Bute in the olden time. 1893-5. 2 v. ill. 92211-2 Butler (Edward A.) Pond life, insects. 1901. ill. - - 59501 - Silkworms. 1900. ill. 59502 Butler (Joseph) Bp. The analogy of religion. Sermons, mem. 23901 Butler, Joseph, Bp. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 3. 1906. E9B3 - Collins (W. L.) Butler [his life and philosophy]. 1901. - 19204 - Spooner (W. A.) Bishop Butler [his life and work], port. - B021 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. - - E5S2 Butler (Samuel) Hudibras [a satirical poem], mem. port. ill. 1201 B Butler, Samuel. In Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. 1. - - 99917 Butler, Samuel, Bp., Life and letters of ; by S. Butler. 1896. 2 v. B461-2 Butler (Sir Wm. F.) Great lone land, north-west America, ill. 97101 [Butt (Beatrice M.)] Delicia [a story]. 117B1 - Elizabeth, and other sketches. 117 B 2 Butterfill (H. H.) Mechanical and engineering drawing, ill. 62009 Butterflies. For list of other subjects in entomology, see Insects. - Furneaux (W. S.) Butterflies and moths. 1894. col. ill. - 59508 - Kirby (VV. F.) British butterflies, moths, and beetles, ill. - 59504 - South (R.) Butterflies of the British Isles. 1906. col. ill. - 59511 Butterworth (Hezekiah) Journeys in western America, ill. - 97403 By adverse winds; by W. H. O. Smeaton. - - - - 79 SI By Berwen banks, a novel ; by Allen Raine. - - - - 5R2 By order of the Company [a Virginian romance] ; by M. Johnston. 26 J2 By roaring loom [stories] ; by J. M. Mather. - - - - 62 Ml By the king's command [or, "By order of the king"]; by V.Hugo. 102H10 By the rise of the river, sketches ; by Austin Glare. - - 50 C 4 By the western sea, a summer idyll ; by J. Baker. - - - 4B2 Bye-words, tales ; by C. M. Yonge. - 5Y5 Bye ways [stories] ; by R. S. Hichens. - - - - - 58 HI 59 BYG GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Bygone years, recollections ; by F. Leveson Gower. 1905. - G261 Bygott (John) and Jones (A. J. L.) Points in punctuation. - 42101 Byron (G. Gordon, Lord) Works. 13 v. bibl. port. ill. 1-7. Poetry ; ed. by E. H. Coleridge, 901-7 B. 8-13. Letters and journals ; ed. by R. E. Prothero, B 122-7. Byron, Lord. In Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, v. 2. 1902. - E3A2 - Collins (J. C.) Works of Lord Byron. In his Studies. 1905. E7C1 - Jeaffreson (J. C. ) The real Lord Byron, port. - - B129 - Kingsley (C.) Shelley and Byron. In h is Lectures. 1898. - E1K3 - Mazzini (J. ) Byron and Goethe. In his Essays. - - - E9M1 - Moore (T.) Life, letters, and journals of Byron, port. ill. - B128 -In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 1. 1904. - - - E3M2 - Nichol (J.) Byron [his life and work]. 1902. - - - B121 - In Swinburne (A. C.) Essays and studies. 1901. - - - E8S1 c Cabalism. For list of other subjects in philosophy, see Philosophy. - Constant (A. L.) The magical ritual of the sanctum regnum. 1896. bibl. col. ill. 18102 Cabinet- making". For list of other industries, see Industries. - Arkwright (J. P.) ed. Cabinet-making for amateurs, ill. - 68402 - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 3-4. ill. - - - 60303-4 - Denning (D.) Art and craft of cabinet-making. 1891. ill. - 68405 - Oakwood (W. M.) Carpentry and cabinet-making. 1905. ill. 69405 - See also Bamboo work. Cabot, Giovanni. Weare (G. E.) Cabot's discovery of N. America. 96805 1 Cachalot.' Bullen (F. T.) Cruise of the ' Cachalot.' 1905. ill. 63901 " Round the world after sperm whales." Cache la Poudre, romance of a tenderfoot ; by H. Myrick. - 68 Ml Caesar, Augustus. See Augustus Caesar. Caesar, Julius. Fowler (W. W.) Julius Caesar and the founda- tion of the Roman imperial system. 1903. port. ill. maps. C061 Caesars. Froude (J. A.) Divus Caesar. In his Short studies, v. 3. E2F3 - Suetonius. Lives of the twelve Caesars. 1903. - - - 87812 Caffin (Charles H.) How to study pictures. 1906. ill. - 75905 Caffyn (Mrs. Kathleen M.) Poor Max [a novel]. - - - 2C1 - A Quaker grandmother. 2C2 - A yellow aster. 2C3 Caged lion ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y4 Cagliostro, Count Alessandro di. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 5. - E1C5 Caine (Thomas H. Hall) The bondman, a new saga. - - 5 CI - The Christian, a story. 5C2 - The deemster. 5C3 - The eternal city. 5C4 - The Manxman [a novel]. 5C5 - The prodigal son [a novel]. 5C9 60 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. CAM }aine (Thomas H. Hall) The scapegoat, a romance. - - 5C6 - The shadow of a crime. - - - - - - - - 5C7 - A son of Hagar, a romance of our time. 5C8 Caixe (William S.) and others. Local option. 1900. - - 17805 Caird (Edward) The evolution of religion. 1899. 2 v. - - 20101-2 - Hegel [his life and philosophy]. 1901. 19303 Caird (John) Sermons. 1858. 25204 - Spinoza [his philosophy]. 1903. 19305 - University sermons, Glasgow, 1873-98. 1S99. port. - - 25232 Cairns (John) Argument for Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 11. 20412 - Christianity and miracles at the present day. Christ, the central evidence of Christianity. Success of Christianity and modern explanations of it. In Present day tracts. - 20402 - Is the evolution of Christianity from mere natural sources credible ? In Present day tracts, v. 9. - - - - 20410 - Memoir of John Brown. 1S60. B391 - Present state of the Christian argument from prophecy. In Present day tracts, v. 5. 20406 Cairns, John, Life and letters of; by A. R. MacEwen. bibl. port. C221 Cairo. Poole (S. L.) The story of Cairo. 1902. ill. plan. - 95720 Caissier, comedie ; par Gill et Richard ; [with notes]. 1894. - 44907 Cakes and biscuits [recipes] ; by F. Davies. 1900. - - - 64202 Calculus. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. - Edwards (J.) Differential calculus for beginners. 1903. - 51704 Integral calculus for beginners. 1904. 51703 - Graham (J.) Calculus for engineering students. 1905. - - 51701 - Lambert (P. A.) Differential and integral calculus. 1898. - 51702 Calderon the courtier ; by Lord Lytton. - - - - 73 L 8 Calderwood (Henry) The parables of our Lord. 1881. - - 22728 Caleb Carthew, a story; by S. K. Hocking. .... 67H5 Caleb West, master diver [a novel] ; by F. H. Smith. - - 85 S 2 California. Crosfield(G.) Two winters in California. 1904. ill. 97404 - Stevenson (R. L.) The Silverado squatters. 1901. - - - 97401 Callant (A. G. ) See Russell (J. R.) Callista, a tale of the third century ; by J. H. Newman. - - 9N1 Calvinism. In Fronde (J. A.) Short studies, v. 2. 1903.- - E2F2 Camaraderie, comedie ; par E. Scribe ; [with notes]. 1893. - 44895 Cambridge (Ada) Thirty years in Australia. 1903. - - - C431 - Sisters, a novel. 9C1 - The three Miss Kings. 9C2 Cambridge. Stubbs(C. W.) Thestory of Cambridge. 1905. ill. plans. 91726 Cambridge Greek Testament for schools and colleges. The contents of this series are briefly set out under Bible. Cameos, short stories; by Marie Corelli. 89C16 Camera. Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Cameras and accessories. 1902. ill. 77101 61 CAM GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Camera. Holland (C.) How to use a camera. 1905. Ml. - - 77007 - Lambert (F. C.) Hand camera companion and guide. 1906. ill. 77005 Camera lucida ; by B. Thomas. 17 T 2 Cameron (Alex.) Reliquiae Celticse. 1892-4. 2 v. mem. port. 89106-7 Cameron (James) ed. Soaps and candles. 1896. ill. - - 66801 Cameron (Mrs. Lovett) A woman's no. 10C1 Cameron (Verne y L.) The cruise of the ' Black Prince ' privateer. 11 C 2 Camilla Faversham [a novel] ; by R. MacDonald. - - - 12 Ml Camiola [a novel] ; by J. McCarthy. ------ 4M2 Camm (Bede) ed. Lives of the English martyrs. 1904-5. 2 v. - 99814-5 Camp of refuge [a romance] ; by C. Macfarlane. - - - 133 Ml Camp an (Mme. J. L. H.) Memoires, 1785-92; with notes. - 44814 Campbell (Lord Archibald) Highland dress, arms, and orna- ment. 1899. ill. - 39102 Campbell (Lady Colin) Etiquette of good society. 1903. - 39501 Campbell (Dugald) Town and harbours of Greenock. 1879. 2 v. 92012-3 Campbell (Sir George) The British Empire. - - - - 91113 Campbell (Geo.) Eastwood, antiquities of the parish. 1902. ill. 92336 Campbell (John F.) Canntaireachd, articulate music. 1880. - 78801 - ed. Tales of west Highlands [In Gaelic and English]. 4 v. 39807-10 Campbell (John G.) Superstitions of the Highlands and islands of Scotland. 1900. 39805 - ed. Clan traditions and popular tales. 1895. port. ill. - 39812 - The Fians, stories, poems, and traditions. 1891. ill. - - 39806 Campbell (Lewis) Sophocles [his life and work]. 1879. - - 88201 - joint-author. See Abbott (Evelyn). Campbell (M. M.) My very, very own, book for mothers' meetings. 26404 Campbell (Reginald J.) Making of an apostle [Peter]. 1898. - 22605 Campbell (Thomas) Poetical works, mem. port. ill. - - 101 C Campbell, Thomas. In Irving (W.) Biographies. 1871. - - 81801 - Saintsbury (G.) English war songs — Campbell. In his Essays in English literature, v. 2. 1895. 82103 Campbell (Wilfred) Collected poems. 1905.- - - - 1201 C Campbell ( Wm. ) Incorporation of Cordiners in Glasgow. 1883. 92324 Campin (Francis) Constructional iron and steel work. 1896. ill. 72102 Camping. For list of related subjects, see Sports. - Macdonell (A. A.) Camping out. 1892. ill.- - - - 79619 Camping out. In Athletic sports, v. 7. 1893. ill. - - 79705 Campion (Thomas) [Poems]. In Shakespeare anthology. - - 82229 Campion Court, a tale ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - 81 W 33 Canada. Bradley(A. G. ) Canada in the twentieth century. 1905. ill. 96908 - Butler (Sir \V. F. ) The great lone land. ill. map. - - 97101 - Gosse (P. H. ) The Canadian naturalist, conversations. 1840. ill. 59126 - Kennedy (H. A.) The story of Canada. 1902. maps. - - 96901 - Ker(J.) Canadian letters. In his Scottish nationality [Etc.] E2K1 - Morgan (H. J.) and Burpee (L. J.) Canadian life. 1905. ill. 96902 62 GOVANHILL BRANCH. CAP Canada. Osborn (E. B. ) Greater Canada, Canadian north-west. 1900. map. - Tyrrell (J. W.) Across the sub- Arctics of Canada, 1893. ill. - Whates (H. R.) Canada, the new nation. 1906. ill. - White (S. E.) The forest [camping and sport]. 1904. ill. - Canals. See Inland navigation. Canary. For list of related subjects, see Birds. - Wallace (R. L.) The canary book. 2 v. ill. Candler (Edmund) The unveiling of Lhasa. 1905. ill. map. Candles. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Cameron (J. ) ed. Soaps and candles. 1S96. bibl. ill. - - Faraday (M.) Chemical history of a candle. 1894. ill. - Candlish (James S.) The Christian salvation. 1899. Caxdlish (Robert S.) Sermons. 1873. mem. - Canker at the heart, the poor ; by L. C. Cornford. 1905.- Canne de jonc ; par le comte de Vigny ; with notes. 1892. Canning (Albert S. G.) British power and thought. 1901. - Literary influence in British history. 1904. - Canning, George. In Mackintosh (Sir J.) Works, v. 2. 1846.- - Temperley (H. W. V.) Life of Canning. 1905. port. - Canoeing. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Hay ward (J. D.) Canoeing with sail and paddle. 1893. ill. Canonbury Holt [a novel]; by E. J. Worboise.- Cantlie (James) Physical efficiency. 1906. ill. Canton (William) The comrades, poems old and new. 1902. - Cape Colony. Russell (W. Clark) A voyage to the Cape. 1887. Capello, Bianca. In Hare (C.) Ladies of the renaissance, ill. - Capes (Bernard E. J.) The secret in the hill. .... Capes (William W.) The English Church [1272-1497]. 1903. - - Livy [his life and work]. 1879. Capital. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Bohm-Bawerk (E. von) Capital and interest. 1S90. " A critical history of economical theory." - Huxley (T. H.) Capital, the mother of labour. In his Evolu- tion and ethics. 1895. - Marx (K.) Capital, a critical analysis. 1902. bibl. Captain Bonneville [a tale] ; by W. Irving. .... Captain Kettle series ; by C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne. 1. The little red captain, 115H6- 2. The adventures of Captain Kettle, 115 H3. 3. The further adventures of Captain Kettle, 115H4. 4. Captain Kettle, K.C.B.,H5H5. Captain of the Locusts [and other stories] ; by A. Werner. Captain of the Polestar [Etc.] ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. Captain Shannon [a novel] ; by C. Kernahan. 'Captains courageous,' a story ; by R. Kipling. Captain's toll-gate ; by F. R. Stockton. .... Captured cruiser ; by C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne. 63 97102 96904 96909 96907 63607-8 94912 66801 54101 23009 25249 33125 44884 91233 82001 E10M2 C281 79712 81W13 61318 1401 C 90801 99621 16C1 28307 87802 33115 17131 33136 811 37W1 51D16 19K1 28K1 124 S3 115H2 CAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Cardan (Jerom) Aphorisms of the Seven segments. With Bonatus (G.) The astrologer's guide. 1886. mem.- - 13306 Cardinal's snuff-box ; by H. Harland. 23 HI Cards. For list of other games, see Games. - Hoffmann (Professor) ed. The modern Hoyle. ill. - - 79310 - Kunard (R ) The book of card tricks, ill. - 79102 - See also Bridge. Whist. Carey (Edith F.) The Channel Islands. 1904. col. ill. - - 91722 Carey (Rosa N.) Herb of grace. 20 C 5 - The highway of fate. 20 C 4 - Other people's lives [stories]. 20 CI - A passage perilous. - - - - - - - - 20 C 2 - Rue with a difference. - - - - - - - 20 C 3 Carey (William) Travel and adventure in Tibet. 1902. ill. - 94905 Including Miss Taylor's " Diary of journey through Tibet in 1892-3." Caricature. For list of related subjects, see Drawing". - Everitt (G.) English caricaturists [19th] century, ill. - - 74102 - Furniss (H.) Confessions of a caricaturist. 1901. 2 v, ill. - F121-2 At home [further "Confessions"]. 1904. ill. - - - F123 Carleton( William) Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry. 4 v. 21 C 1-4 1. Ned McKeown. The three tasks. Shane Fadh's wedding. Larry McFarland's wake. The station. An essay on Irish swearing. 2. The battle of the factions. The midnight mass. The party fight and funeral. The hedge school. The Lough Derg pilgrim. 3. The donagh. Phil Purcel, the pig-driver. The Lianhan shee. The geography of an Irish oath. The poor scholar. Wildgoose Lodge. 4. Tubber Derg. Denis O'Shaughnessy going to Maynooth. Phelim O'Toole's courtship. Neal Malone. Glossary. Carleton, William, Life of ; by D. J. O'Donoghue. 2 v. bibl. port. C 121-2 Carlile (John C.) Story of the English Baptists. 1905. ill. - 28601 Carlile, Wilson. InD&nt (C. H.) Distinguished churchmen. 1902. 99620 - Rowan (E. ) Wilson Carlile and the Church Army. 1905. port. ill. C511 Carlowrie, or, among Lothian folk; by A. S. Swan. - - - 147 S 6 Carlyle (E. I.) William Cobbett, a study of his life, 1904. - C441 Carlyle (Gavin) Life and work of William Wingate. ill. - W291 Carlyle (Jane W. ) New letters and memorials. 1903. 2 v. ill. C 232-3 Carlyle, Jane W., Life of ; by Mrs. A. Ireland. 1891. port. - C231 Carlyle (R. M. and A. J.) Hugh Latimer [a biography]. - LOU Carlyle (Thomas) Critical and miscellaneous essays. 7 v. - El C 1-7 1. J. P. F. Richter. State of German literature. Life and writings of Werner. Goethe's Helena. Goethe. 2. Burns. Life of Heyne. German playwrights. Voltaire. Novalis. Signs of the times. On history. 3. J. P. F. Richter again. Schiller. The Nibelungen Lied. German literature of the xiv. and xv. centuries. Taylor's Historic survey of German poetry. 4. Characteristics. Goethe. Biography. Boswell's Life of Johnson. Goethe's works. Corn-law rhymes. On history again. 5. Diderot. Count Cagliostro. The diamond necklace. Mirabeau. 6. Parliamentary history of the French revolution. Sir W. Scott. Varnhagen vou Ense's Memoirs. Chartism. Baillie the covenanter. 7. Dr. Francia. An election to the Long Parlia- ment. The nigger question. The Prinzenraub. Inaugural address at Edin- burgh, 1866. Shooting Niagara, and after ? Index. [Etc.] - Early kings of Norway. Essays on the portraits of John Knox. 94101 64 GOVANHILL BRANCH. CAR Carlyle (Thomas) The French revolution [1774-95]. 3 v. - 93201-3 Another edition. 1900. 2 v. 93208-9 - Heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history. - - - E1C9 - History of Frederick the Great. 10 v. maps. - - -F011-10 - Last words. 1892. 82839 Wotton Keinfred [a novel]. Excursion to Paris. Letters. - Latter-day pamphlets [1850]. E1C8 The present time. Model prisons. Downing Street. New Downing Street. Stump-orator. Parliaments. Hudson's statue. Jesuitism. - Letters to his youngest sister. 1899. port. ill. - - - C148 - Life of Friedrich Schiller. ---..._ SOU - Life of John Sterling. -----.._ S021 - New letters. 1904. 2 v. port. ill. C 146-7 - Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches. 5 v. - - . . C011-5 - Past and present. - - - - , El C10 - Sartor resartus. port. - - - - - - . - E1C11 - Thoughts on life. 1895. port. - - - . . . 82826 - trans. Tales by Musasus, Tieck, Richter. .... 128M1 - Wilhelm Meister ; by J. W. von Goethe. - - - 34 Gl Carlyle, Thomas. Arnold (A. S.) Story of Carlyle. 1903. port. ill. C1410 - In Birrell (A.) Obiter dicta, v. 1. 1906. .... E10B3 - In Dawson (W. J.) The makers of modern prose. 1899. - 82111 - Dowden (E.) Carlyle's Lectures on the periods of European culture. In his Transcripts and studies. 1896. - - - E2D1 - Froude(J. A.) Carlyle, first forty years of his life. 2v. -port. ill. C142-3 Thomas Carlyle, life in London, 1834-81. 1902. 2 v. port. C144-5 My relations with Carlyle. 1903. ..... C149 - Graham (P. A.) Laborare est orare. In his Nature in books. 99903 - In Knight (W. A.) Retrospects, v. 1. 1904. - - - 99911 - In Lowell ( J. R. ) My study windows. El LI - Mazzini (J.) Genius and tendency of the writings of Carlyle. Carlyle's French revolution. In his Essays.° - -" - E9M1 - In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 1. 1904. - - - E3M2 - Muir (J. ) Carlyle on Burns. 1898. 82407 - Miiller (F. Max) Goethe and Carlyle. In his Works, v. 5. - E6M1 - Nichol (J.) Thomas Carlyle [his life and work]. 1902. - - C141 - Stephen (Sir L.) Carlyle's ethics. In his Hours in a library, v. 3. E2S3 - Tyndall (J.) Recollections of T. Carlyle. On unveiling the statue of Carlyle. In his New fragments. 1897. - - 50412 - Whipple (E. P.) Emerson and Carlyle. In his American literature, and other papers. ...... 81001 Carman (M. C. ) The function of words, analysis and parsing. 1906. 42516 Carnation. For related subjects, see Flowers. - Douglas (J.) and others. The carnation manual. 1897. ill.- 71607 Carnegie (Andrew) James Watt [a biography]. - - - W252 - Triumphant democracy [in U.S.A.] 1888. .... 97204 Caro (Elme M.) George Sand [her life. In French]. 1904. - S541 c 65 CAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Carola [a tale] ; by Hesba Stretton. 132 S3 Caroline Matilda, Queen of Denmark. Wilkins ( W. H. ) A queen of tears. 1904. 2 v. port, ill. C501-2 Caroline Islands, travel ; by F. W. Christian. 1899. ill. maps. 99202 Carpenter (Edward) The art of creation. 1904. - - - 15501 Carpenter (Frederic I.) ed. English lyric poetry, 1500-1700. - 82304 Carpenter (George R.) John G. Whittier [his life and work]. W091 - Rhetoric and English composition. 1906. .... 80820 Carpenter (J. E.) The first three Gospels, their origin. 1904. 22726 - Life in Palestine when Jesus lived. 1894. map. - - - 22716 - and Wicksteed (P. H.) Studies in theology. 1903. - - 23013 - and others. Liberal religious thought, twentieth century. 1901. 20416 Carpenter (William B.) Bp. Forty days of the risen life. - 23242 Carpentry. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Carpentry and joinery. Drawing for carpenters and joiners. In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-3. HI. - - 60301-3 - Oakwood (W. M.) Carpentry and cabinet-making. 1905. ill. 69405 - Riley (J. W.) Manual of carpentry and joinery. 1905. ill. 69402 - Tredgold (T.) Principles of carpentry. 1904. HI. - - - 69401 - [Young (F. C.)] Amateur carpenter and builder, ill. - - 69001 - See also Cabinet-making. Handrailing. Picture-frames. Woodwork. Carr (Arthur) St. James. (Cambridge Greek Testament.) - 22824 - St. Matthew. (Cambridge Greek Testament.) 1901. maps. - 22711 Carrington (Henry) ed. Anthology of French poetry. 1900. - 84102 Carter (Andrew) joint-author. See Watt (Francis). Carter, Elizabeth. Gaussen (A. C. C.) A woman of wit and wisdom, Elizabeth Carter, 1717-1806. 1906. port. ill. - C561 Carthage. Moore (M.) Carthage of the Phoenicians. 1905. ill. 95603 - Smith (R. B.) Carthage and the Carthaginians. 1894. maps. 95601 Cartwright (Julia). See Ady (Mrs. Henry). Cary (Edward) George William Curtis [his life and work]. - C211 Cary (Elisabeth L.) The novels of Henry James, a study. 1905. 81301 Casalis (Eugene) My life in Basuto Land. 1889. - - - 96507 Cascade Range. Shields (G. 0.) Cruisings in the Cascades, ill. 96905 Case (Thomas) and others. Lectures on the method of science. 1906. 50103 Case of General Ople and Lady Camper [a tale] ; by G. Meredith. 82M13 Case of Mr. Lucraft, and other tales ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. 49 B 6 Casentino. Eckenstein (L.) Through the Casentino. ill. map. 93718 Cashmere. See Kashmir. Cassell's Concise Bible dictionary ; by R. Hunter. 1901. ill. 22004 - Concise natural history ; by E. P. Wright, ill. - - - 59026 - English dictionary ; ed. by J. Williams. 1892. - - • 42301 - History of England [55 B.C. to 1895 a. D.] 8 v. ill. maps.- 91208-15 - New popular educator. 1903. S v. ill. maps. - - - 03201-8 - New technical educator. 6 v. ill. 60301-6 [Cassels (W alter R.)] Gospel according to Peter. 1894. - 22502 66 GOVANHILL BRANCH, CAT 1874-7. 3 v 23106-8 23110 ' Essaj^s on 95122 93412 30C1 30C2 [Cassels (Walter R.)] Supernatural religion - A reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays. 1889. A criticism of Lightfoot's reply to " Supernatural religion 1 Supernatural religion,' " 23109. Casserly (Gordon) The land of the Boxers. 1903. ill. plan. Castilian days ; by J. Hay. 1903. ill. - Castle (Agxes and Egertox) The pride of Jennico. - - The secret orchard. Castle (Edward J. ) joint-author. See Wright (Walter P. ) Castle (Egertox) The light of Scarthey, a romance. - Marshfield the observer. The death-dance. -• - Castle (Frank) Machine construction and drawing. 1905. HI. Castle (Lewis) Flower gardening for amateurs, ill. Castle Dangerous ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - Castle Inn ; by S. J. Weyman. --..... Castle Rackrent ; by M. Edgeworth. Castle Warlock, a homely romance ; by G. MacDonald. - Castlereagh, Viscount. In Salisbury (Marquis of) Essays. 1905. Cat. For list of other domestic animals, see Domestic animals. - Lane (C. H.) Rabbits, cats, and cavies. 1903. ill. - Simpson (F.) Cats, for pleasure and profit. 1905. ill. ' - Cataloguing. Savage (E. A.) Annotation for library catalogues. Catechisms. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Mitchell (A. F.) Catechisms of the second reformation. 1886. - Rankin (J.) The young churchman. 1884. .... Cathedral courtship ; by K. D. Wiggin. ..... Cathedrals. For list of related subjects, see Architecture. - Addis (M. E. L.) Scottish cathedrals and abbeys. 1901. " Their history and associations." - Bumpus(T.F.) Cathedrals, England and Wales. 3 v. bill. - Miltoun (F.) The cathedrals of southern France, ill. - The cathedrals [etc.] of the Rhine. 1906. ill. - - Van Rensselaer (Mrs. S.) English cathedrals. 1893. ill. Catherine of Arragon. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 2. 99631 Catherine of Braganza. In Strickland (A. ) Queens of England, v. 4. 99633 Catherine of Valois. In Strickland (A. ) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Catherine Howard. In Strickland (A. ) Queens of England, v. 2 Catherine Parr. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 2. Catherine, a story ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. Catherine Furze [a story] ; by W. H. White. .... Catherwood (Mary H. ) The days of Jeanne d'Arc [a romance]. Catholicism, Roman. See Roman Catholicism. Catriona ; by R. L. Stevenson. 119 S3 11 Sequel to ' Kidnapped,'" 119S5. Cat's-paw [a novel] ; by Mrs. B. M. Croker. .... H9C4 Cat's pilgrimage ; by J. A. Froude. In his Short studies, v. 1. E2F1 67 31C2 31C1 62005 71611 35S17 44W1 10E6 10M21 99611 63617 63605 02503 23803 23802 52W4 ill. 91822 ill. 72604-6 - 72603 - 72608 72602 99631 99631 12T3 68W1 33C1 CAV GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. . Cavalier and Puritan ; by Lady Newdigate-Newdegate. 1901. ill. 91345 Cavalry. Fitchett (W. H.) Famous cavalry charges. In his Fights for the flag. 1904. ill. plans. - - - - 91411 - May (E. S.) Guns and cavalry. 1896. ill. -plans. - - 35502 Cavies. See Guinea pig. Caxtons [a novel] ; by Lord Lytton. - - - - - - 73L2 Cazenove (John G.) St. Hilary ; St. Martin [biographies]. - H221 Cellini, Benvenuto. Birrell (A.) A rogue's memoirs. In his Obiter dicta, v. 1. 1906. E10B3 Celsus. In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 4. 1901. - - E2F4 Cement. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Burnell(G. R.) Limes, cements, etc. 1900. bibl. - - 69103 - Faija (H.) Portland cement for users. 1904. ill. - - 69102 - Sabin (L. C.) Cement and concrete. 1905. ill.' - - - 69104 ' Centurion.' Fitchett (W. H.) Lord Anson and the ' Centurion.' In his Fights for the flag. 1904. ill. - 91411 Century Bible. The contents of this series are briefly set out under Bible. Century illustrated magazine. 1881-99. v. 23-61. - - - 1523-61 For principal contents see Edinburgh Public Library catalogue, which may be referred to or borrowed. Cercle, comedie ; par A. A. H. Poinsinet. 84207 Cerise, a tale ; by G. J. Whyte Melville. 79M7 Cervantes (Miguel de) Adventures of Don Quixote. - - 34 CI Cervantes, Miguel de. Edwards (A. B.) Story of Cervantes, ill. C601 - Heine (H.) Don Quixote. In his Writings. - E6H1 Cesaresco (Countess Evelyn M.) Lombard studies. 1902. ill. 93703 Cestus of Aglaia ; by J. Ruskin. In his On the old road, v. 2. - 70405 Cevennes. Stevenson (R. L.) Travels with a donkey. 1903. - 93301 Ceylon. Baker (Sir S. W.) Rifle and hound in Ceylon. 1904. ill. 94801 Chainbearer ; by J. F. Cooper. 86C15 Continuation of " Satanstoe," 86 C 11. Chaine, comedie ; par E. Scribe ; [with notes]. 1895. - - 44913 Chalk. Huxley (T. H. ) On a piece of chalk. In his Discourses. 50437 < Challenger.' Huxley (T. H.) On some of the results of the expedition of H. M.S. 'Challenger.' In his Discourses. - 50437 Chalmers (P. M.) The Govan sarcophagus. 1902. ill. - - 92325 Chalmers, Thomas. In Brown ( J. ) Horse subsecivse, v. 2. 1897. E1B2 - Cooke (F.E.) A Scottish hero, Dr. Chalmers. 1891. port. ill. C042 - Hanna(W.) Memoirs of Thomas Chalmers. 1878. 2 v. port. C043-4 - Oliphant (Mrs. M. O. W.) T. Chalmers [a biography]. 1896. port. C041 Chalmers, Wm.,Bp., Amemoirof; by W. C. Pritchard. 1904. port. C471 Chamberlain (Arthur B.) Thomas Gainsborough [his life], ill. G011 Chamberlain, Joseph. Jeyes (S. H.) Mr. Chamberlain, his life and public career. 1903. port. C571 - In McCarthy (J.) British political leaders. 1903. port. - 99639 68 GOVANHILL BRANCH. CHA Chambers (Edmund K.) ed. English pastorals, selected. 1906. 82251 Chambers (George F. ) The story of the solar system. 1902. ill. 52320 Chambers (Robert) Domestic annals of Scotland. 1885. ill. - 91808 - Illustrations of the author of Waverley. 1884. - - - 82603 - The rebellion of 1/45-6. 91 4 09 - Vestiges of the natural history of creation. 1884. 'port. ill. 21511 - ed. Songs of Scotland prior to Burns, mus. - 82236 Chambers (Robert W.) In the quarter. 35 C2 - The king in yellow. 35C3 - The maids of Paradise. 35C1 Chambers's Book-keeping ; by W. Inglis. 1906. - - - 65703 - Elocution, readings and recitations. 1903. - 80801 Chamfort(SebastienR. N.) CEuvres choisies; notes. 2 v. mem. 84804-5 Champxess (Thomas) Carmel's hero, Elijah. 1902. port. - 22308 Champxeys (Basil) Memoirs and correspondence of Coventry Patmore. 1900. 2 v. ill. pi4i_ 2 Chandos, a novel ; by Ouida. 1402 Channel Islands. Carey (E. F.) Channel Islands. 1904. col. ill. 91722 Channings, a story ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - - 76 W 3 Chanson de Roland ; ed. avec notes par L. Gautier. - - - 1701 C Chantry priest of Barnet, a tale ; by A. J. Church. - - - 46 CI Chaplain of the Fleet ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. - - 49 Bl Chaplet of pearls ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y1 Chapman (Charles) The origin of life and consciousness. In Present day tracts, v. 11. 20412 Chapman, George. In Lowell (J. R.) Old English dramatists. - 82508 Character. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Bates (L.) Story lessons on character-building. 1900. - - 37701 - Coleridge (S. T.) Aids to reflection. 1904. - 24201 - [Friswell (J. H.)] The gentle life, essays. 2 v. - . E1F1-2 - Hillis (N. D.) Great books as life-teachers. 1900. - - 17109 "Studies of character, real and ideal." - Smiles (S.) Character. 1903. ill. 170 2 5 - Whitby (C. J.) The logic of human character. 1905. - - 15017 - See also Development. Character and conduct, helpful thoughts ; by C. M. Whishaw. - 80809 Character sketches ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - 82804, 82805 Characteristics ; by T. Carlyle. In his Essays, v. 4. - - - E1C4 Charades. Bowman (A.) and others. Acting charades and proverbs. 1891. 79308 Chardenal (C. A.) First French course. 1904. - - - 44323 - Second French course, syntax and reader. 1 904. - - . 44324 Charicles, life of the ancient Greeks ; by W. A. Becker, ill. - 93821 Charity. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Miiller (F. Max) Buddhist charity. In his Works, v. 5. - E6M1 Charlemagne. Davis (H. W. C.) Charlemagne. 1900. port. ill. Clll 69 CHA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Charlemagne. Eginhard and Monk of St. Gall. Lives of Charle- magne, port. C112 Charles I. In Boas (Mrs. F. S.) Milton and the cavaliers, port. 91346 - Colet (L.) Deux enfants de Charles ]>r ; with notes. - - 44845 Charles II. Scott (E. ) The King in exile, 1646-54. 1905. port. C581 Charles IX., tragedie ; par M. J. Chenier. ... - 84211 Charles XII. Bain (R. N.) Charles XII. and the collapse of the Swedish Empire, 1682-1719. 1902. port. ill. maps. - C081 - Browning (0.) Charles XII. of Sweden. 1899. port. - - C082 Charles Edward Stuart, Prince. See Stuart, Charles Edward. Charles of Orleans. In Belloc (H.) Avril. 1904. - - - 84101 - In Stevenson (R. L.) Men and books. 1906. - - - E1S4 [Charles (Mrs. Elizabeth R.)] Songs of many seasons. 1882. 1301 C Charles Eversley's choice; by E. J. Worboise. - 81W44 Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon ; by C. Lever. - - - 39L4 Charlesworth (Maria L.) Heavenly counsel [addresses]. - 25250 Charlotte, Queen. Fitzgerald (P. H.) Good Queen Charlotte, port. C131 Charms, or, an old world sensation ; by the Earl of Iddesleigh. 2ll Charteris (A. H. ) Church of Christ, its life and work. 1905. - 26002 Chartism. In Carlyle (T. ) Essays, v. 6. E1C6 Chartres. Headlam (C.) The story of Chartres. 1902. ill. plan. 93311 Chase (I. McK.) The art of pattern-making. 1903. ill. - - 67104 Chasseur. A study of the Russo-Japanese war. 1905. maps. 95116 Chateaubriand (FRANgois R., vicomte de) Les aventures du dernier Abencerage ; with notes by A. Roulier. 1895. - - Les martyrs. Chateaubriand, Francois R., vicomte de. Lescure (F. A. de) Chateaubriand [his life and work. In French], bibl. port. C521 Chateaux en Espagne, comedie ; par J. F. Collin d'Harleville. - 84209 Chatham, William Pitt, Earl of. Green (W.D.) William Pitt and the growth of the British Empire. 1901. port. ill. - C031 - Harrison (F.) Chatham [a biography]. 1905. - - - - C032 Chatriax (Alexandre) joint-author. See Erckmann (Emile). Chatterton (Thomas) Poetical works. 1891-1901. 2 v. mem. 601-2C Chatterton, Thomas. Masson (D.) Chatterton, a biography. - C321 Chaucer (Geoffrey) Works; ed.byA.W. Pollard and others, mem. 801C Another edition, mem. ill. 802C Chaucer, Geoffrey. In Couch (A. T. Q. ) Adventures in criticism. E 2 C 1 - In Lowell (J. R.) My study windows. El LI - Ward (A. W.) Chaucer [his life and work]. 1902. - - C151 Checkley (Edwin) Method of physical training. 1901. ill. - 61311 Chemistry. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Abegg (R.) and Herz (W.) Practical chemistry. 1901. - 54201 - Bailey (G. H.) Elements of quantitative analysis. 1905. ill. 54502 - Behrens (H.) A manual of microchemical analysis. 1894. ill. 54301 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 3-6. 1903. ill. - - 03203-6 70 44854 41 CI 54101 54702 54401 54001 54701 54601 Electro- GOVANHILL BRANCH. CHI Chemistry. Cohn (L. ) Laboratory manual of organic chemistry, ill. 54703 - Dunstan (A. E.) Elementary science, chemistry, ill. - . 53011 - Faraday (M.) Chemical history of a candle. Lecture on platinum. 1894. ill. - Gattermann (L.) Practical organic chemistry. 1901. ill. - Jones (C.) Qualitative chemical analysis, inorganic. 1898. - - Mixter (W. G.) Elementary text-book of chemistry, ill. - Remsen(L) Compounds of carbon, organic chemistry. 1903. ill. - - The study of chemistry [inorganic]. 1901. ill. - - See also Atoms. Crystallography. Dairy. Distillation chemistry. Electrolysis. Gases. Mineralogy. Photoj Radium. Spectrum. Cheneys. Froude (J. A.) Cheneys and the house of Russell In his Short studies, v. 4. 1901. --..'_ Chenier, Andre M. [his life. In French] ; par E. Faguet. port. - Chenier (Marie J.) Charles IX., tragedie. .... Cherbuliez (Victor) Le comte Kostia. - - Le roman d'une honnete femme. Chercheuse d'esprit, comedie ; par C. S. Favart. Cheron (Louis C.) Le Tartuffe de mceurs, comedie. - Cherry ribband ; by S. R. Crockett. - Chesnutt (Charles W.) The conjure woman [tales]. Chess. For list of other games, see Games. - In Hoffmann (Professor) ed. The modern Hoyle. ill. - - Mason (J.) Chess openings. 1905. - Rayner (J.) Chess problems. 1896. ill - Staunton (H.) The chess-player's handbook. 1904. bibl ill - Young (F. K.) and Howell (E. C.) Minor tactics of chess, ill Chesson (Mrs. W. H.) See Hopper (Nora). Chesterfield (Philip D. Stanhope, Earl of) Letters to his son. Chesterton (Gilbert K. ) G. F. Watts [his life and art]. 1904. ill, - Robert Browning [his life and work]. 1903. - - Varied types. 1905. port. Tolstoy. Sir Walter Scott. Bret Harte. Queen Victoria. [Etc.] - The Napoleon of Notting Hill. Chevalier a la mode, comedie ; par F. C. Dancourt. - Chevalier d'Auriac [a romance] ; by S. L. Yeats. Chevrier de Lorraine ; par E. Souvestre ; with notes. 1895. - Cheyne (Thomas K.) Bible problems and their solution. - - Introduction to the book of Isaiah. 1895. - - The Psalter in the light of Old Testament criticism. 1891. - 3hicot the jester ; by A. Dumas. "Sequel to ' Marguerite de Valois,' " 58 D 4. 3hild (J. M.) joint-author. See Barnard (S.) 3hild of nature ; by R. W. Buchanan. - 3hild of the Jago ; by A. Morrison. 71 E2F4 C531 84211 42C2 42C1 84207 84208 118 C 24 137C1 79310 79406 79401 79404 79407 82706 W071 B071 E4C1 44C1 84203 2Y2 44860 22005 22501 22414 58D5 103 B 3 116M2 CHI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 1904. Child who will never grow old [and other stories]; byK. D. King. 23 Kl Childhood, boyhood, youth ; by Count Tolstoy. - - - 35T3 Children. For lists of related subjects, see Domestic economy. Education. Ethics. Government. Health, Public. Labour. Psychology. - Archibald (G. H.) The power of play in child-culture. - Boole (M. E.) The preparation of the child for science. - Bretherton (R. H.) The child mind. 1903. - - Brown (M. A.) Child life in our schools, ill. " A manual of method for teachers of infants' schools." - Combe (A.) The management of infancy. 1896. - - Henry (Mrs. S. ML I.) Talks on home and child life. 1898. - - Margesson (Lady I.) and others. Nursery and sick-room. (Woman's library, v. 3.) 1903. The ethical training of children ; bv Lady I. Margesson. care of children ; by E. Lamport. [Etc.] - Newman (G.) Infant mortality, a social problem. 1906. - Richmond (E.) In youth [ethical training of children]. - - Spargo (J.) The bitter cry of the children. 1906. HI. - 11 The problem of poverty as it affects childhood." - Stevenson (R. L.) Child's play. In his Virginibus puerisque. - Tuckwell (G. M.) The state and its children. 1894. - Wiggin (K. D.) and [Smith (N. A.)] Children's rights, nursery logic. 1892. - See also Boys. Girls. Children of tempest, a tale ; by Neil Monro. 2 copies. - Children of the bush ; by H. Lawson. Children of the frost [stories]; by Jack London. Children of the ghetto, a study : by I. Zangwill. Children of the nations, colonization ; by P. Bigelow. Children of the New Forest ; by Captain F. Marryat. Children of the soil ; by H. Sienkiewicz. Children, racehorses, and ghosts [stories] ; by E. H. Cooper. - Chile. In Dawson (T. C.) South American republics, v. 2. HI. - Smith (W. A.) Temperate Chile. 1899. ill map. Chillingfield chronicles [a novel] ; by H. Gingold, 37104 37203 15016 37211 64902 17311 64901 The practical 61408 37704 33128 E1S1 36001 17303 124M5 19L2 51L3 2Z2 32507 52M19 59S2 84C2 97802 98101 5G1 1901. ChiUingworth, William. 7?i Stephen (Sir J. F.)HoraeSabbaticae, v. 1. E5S1 Chiimera. a novel ; by F. M. Robinson. - China. Casserly (G.) The land of the Boxers. 1903. M. plan. - Colquhoun (A. R.) China in transformation. 1S98. ill. maps. - Crowe (G.) Commission of H.M.S. 'Terrible,' 1898-1902. ill. - Gibson (J. C. | Mission problems in south China. 1901. ill. map - Gundry (R. S.) China, present and past. 1895. map. - - Knox (T. W.) The capture of the Peiho Forts and Pekin, 1858-60. In h is Decisive battles since Waterloo. 1900. ill. - Krausse (A. S.) The story of the Chinese crisis. 1900. map. - Lander ( \. H. S. China and the allies. 1901. 2 v. ill. maps. 72 49 Rl 95122 95115 96404 27802 95117 90404 95104 95102-3 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. CHR China. Loch (Lord) Lord Elgin in China, 1860. 1900. ill. map. 95120 - Lynch (G.) The war of the civilisations. 1901. ill. - - 95105 " Experiences with the allies in China." - Morris (T. M.) A winter in north China. 1892. map. - 95128 - Parker (E. H.) China, history, diplomacy, commerce. 1901. 95113 - - John Chinaman, and a few others. 1901. ill. - - . 95101 - Ready (0. G.) Life and sport in China. 1903. ill. - - 95113 - Scidmore (E. R.) China, the long-lived Empire. 1900. ill. - 95114 - Selby (T. G.) As the Chinese see us. 1901. - 95121 - Smith (A. H.) Chinese characteristics. 1906. ill. - - 95127 - Walton (J.) China and the present crisis. 1900. map. - 94301 China. See Pottery. Chips from a German workshop; by F. Max Miiller. 4 v. -E6M1-4 The contents will be found at the author entry. Chisholm (Geo. G.) Handbook of commercial geography. 1904. 90605 Chivalry. For list of related subjects, see Customs. - Cornish (F. VV.) Chivalry, its history and influences, ill. - 39402 Chivot (Henri) joint-author. See Ordonneau (Maurice). Chloris of the island, a novel ; by H. B. M. Watson. - - - 26W1 Choir invisible ; by J. L. Allen. - 27A3 Choirs. See Singing. Cholmondeley (Mary) Moth and rust. Geoffrey 's wife. Pitfall. 45 C 1 - Red pottage [a novel]. 45C2 Chope (R. H.) The junior arithmetic. 1904. .... 51108 Chopin, Frederic F. Hadden (J. C. ) Chopin. 1903. bibl. port. ill. C251 - In Hadow ( W. H.) Studies in modern music, v. 2. 1904. port. - 99719 Christ. See Jesus Christ. Christ and society [sermons] ; by D. Macleod. 1893. - - 25211 Christ, the light of all Scripture [sermons] ; by W. C. Magee. - 25209 Christen (A.) Vade-mecum of French pronunciation. 1893. - 44829 Christian (F.W.) The Caroline Islands, travel. 1899. ill. - 99202 Christian, a story ; by Hall Caine. --.... 5C2 Christian biography. For list of other subjects in biographv see Biography. r J ' - Rae(J. J.)ed. The ministers of Glasgow and their churches, ill. 92337 - See also Episcopalians. Fathers of the church. Hermits. Martyrs Methodists. Missionaries. Popes. Saints. Christian evidences. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Anselm (St.) Cur Deus homo? [In English].- - - . 2 3910 - Bamford (J. M.) The greater gospel. 1897.- - - - 23912 - In Birrell (A.) Miscellanies. 1902. - - E10B2 - Blaikie (W.G.) The adaptation of Bible religion to the needs and nature of man. In Present day tracts, v. 6. - - 20407 - Brown (W. A.) The essence of Christianity. 1903. - - 23914 The problem. The ancient church. The reformation. The beginnings of modern theology The definition of Schleiermaeher, Hegelian defiiS tions. Ritschl and his school. Retrospect and prospect. 73 CHR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Christian evidences. Bruce (A. B.) Apologetics. 1895. - - 23911 - Butler (J. ) Analogy of religion to nature. .... 23901 - Cairns (J.) Argument for Christianity. In Present day tracts. 20412 Christian argument from prophecy. In Present day tracts. 20406 - Drawbridge (C. L. ) Old beliefs and new knowledge. 1905. - 23915 - Drummond (R. J.) Faith's perplexities. 1904. - - - 23913 - Harrison (A. J.) The church in relation to sceptics. 1896. - 23906 - Hutton ( W. H. ) Influence of Christianity upon national character. 23903 " Illustrated by the lives and legends of the English saints." - Ker(J.) Thoughts for heart and life. 1888. - 23918 - Mansel (H. L.) The limits of religious thought. 1867. - - 23920 - Murdoch (J.) Testimonies of great men to the Bible and Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 12. - - - 20413 - Nicole (P.) Pens^es. 23921 - Paley (W.) Evidences of Christianity. 23902 - Pascal (B.) Pensees. 23921 - Stewart (A. M.) Crown of science, incarnation of God. 1904. 23916 - Thomson (J. R.) The witness of man's moral nature to Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 2. - - - 20403 - Vincent of Lerins. Antiquity and universality of the catholic faith [In Latin and English]. 1899. ... - 23909 Christian life. For lists of related subjects, see Ethics. Theology. - Arnot (W.) Laws from heaven for life on earth. 1857. 2 v. - 22408-9 11 Illustrations of the Book of Proverbs." - Brierley (J.) Problems of living. 1903. .... 17128 - Brown (J. B.) Christian policy of life, for men of business. - 17106 - Browne (Sir T.) Christian morals. 1904. - - - 24001 - Churchill (S.) Stepping-stones to higher things. 1886. - - 17120 - Cobbe (F. P.) Religious duty. 1894. 24002 - Cuyler (T. L.) Beulah-land, words of good cheer. 1896. - 24305 Campaigning for Christ. 24007 - Dickie (W.) The Christian ethics of social life. 1903. - - 17101 - Gannett (W. C.) Blessed be drudgery [Etc.] 1897. - - 17119 - Garrod (H. W.) Religion of all good men, and other studies. 17113 - Geikie (J. C.) Entering on life, a book for young men. 1901. 17104 - Gossman (I. H.) Inspiration in human life. 1904. - - 17121 - Jones (E. G.) Types of Christian life. 1901. - 24801 - Macduff (J. R.) Thoughts for the quiet hour. 1894. - - 24413 - Macmillan(H.) Spring of the day. 1898. - 17116 Miller (J. R.) Finding the way. 1904. 17114 Glimpses through life's windows. 1896. - - - 24411 Week-day religion. 17111 - Munger (T. T.) Character through inspiration [Etc.] 1897. - 17108 - Pulsford (J.) Infoldings and unfoldings of the divine genius in nature and man. 1901. 24006 - Scott (C. A.) The making of a Christian. 1902. - - - 24802 74 GOVANHILL BRANCH, CHR Christian life. Sinclair (W. M.) Chapters in the Christian life. 1897. Likewise the younger women. 1901. ----- - Taylor (J.) Holy living and dying. 1897. - - Wagner (C.) On life's threshold, talks to young people. - Watkinson (W. L.) The education of the heart, brief essays. - - Watson (J.) The homely virtues. 1904. - Christian science. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Feilding (A.) Faith-healing and * Christian science.' 1899. - - Sturge (M. C. ) The truth and error of Christian science. 1903. Christian socialism. See Socialism. Christian Victor, Prince, of Schleswig Holstein. Warren (T. H.) Christian Victor, story of a young soldier. 1903. port. Christian year, thoughts in verse ; by J. Keble. ill. Christianity. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Addison (J.) On the Christian religion. In his Works, v. 5. - Blackie (J. S. ) Politics of Christianity. In his Lay sermons. - Blaikie (W. G.) Christianity and secularism compared in their influence and effects. In Present day tracts, v. 2. - Christianity and the life that now is. In Present day tracts. - Brierley (J.) The eternal religion. 1905. .... - Bruce (A. B.) St. Paul's conception of Christianity. 1896. - - Cairns (J. ) Christianity and miracles at the present day. The success of Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 1. Is the evolution of Christianity from mere natural sources credible ? In Present day tracts, v. 9. - - Farrar (F. W.) The early days of Christianity. 1897- - - Haw (G.) and others. Christianity and the working classes. - - Huxley (T. H.) Agnosticism and Christianity. In his Science and Christian tradition. 1895. - Kaufmann (M. ) Culture and Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 14. Modern scepticism compared with Christian faith. In Present day tracts, v. 12. Socialism and Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 10. - - Legge (J.) Christianity and Confucianism compared. In Present day tracts, v. 3. - In Macleod (N.) Parish papers. 1896. - Mallock (W. H.) Amateur Christianity. In his Studies. 1895. - Mitchell (J. M.) Christianity and ancient paganism. In Present day tracts, v. 9. - Orr (J.) Neglected factors in the study of Christianity. 1899. - Porter (N.) Christianity as history, doctrine, and life. In Present day tracts, v. 4. - Purves (G. T.) Christianity in the apostolic age. 1900. maps. - Reynolds (H. R.) Buddhism and Christianity. In Present day tracts, v* 8. ------- - 75 17110 17102 24101 17127 17130 17105 61504 61505 C481 24501 E2A4 E3B1 20403 20402 23026 23007 20402 20410 27013 26102 21512 20415 20413 20411 20404 23006 21503 20410 27014 20405 27022 20409 CHR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Christianity. Robson (J. ) Hinduism and Christianity. 1905. - 29401 - Slater (T. E.) The influence of the Christian religion in history. In Present day tracts, v. 11. bibl. 20412 - Tolstoy (Count) The spirit of Christ's teaching. - - - T101 Christian's mistake ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - - - 107 C 7 Christie (James) Northumberland, its history. 1904. port. ill. 91701 Christie Johnstone [a novel] ; by C. Reade. .... 16R5 Christine, a study ; by A. C. MacArthur. 6M1 Christmas. For list of related subjects, see Customs. - Irving (W.) Old Christmas, from the " Sketch-book." ill. - 39403 Christmas books ; by C. Dickens. 2 copies. - - - 30 D 3 Christmas books ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - - 12 T 5 Christmas rose, and other thoughts in verse ; by H. Macmillan. 1701 M Christmas stories ; by C. Dickens. 2 copies. .... 30D4 Christowell, a Dartmoor tale; by R. D. Blackmore. - - - 63 B 2 Chronicles. See Bible. Chronicles of Barsetshire ; by A. Trollope. 1. The warden, 43 T 12. 2. Barchester Towers, 43 Til. 3. Dr. Thome, 43T3. 4. Framley Parsonage, 43T13. 5. Small House at Allington, 43T4. Chronicles of Carlingford ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. 1. The rector. The doctor's family, 601. 2. Salem Chapel, 602. 3. The perpetual curate, 604. 4. Miss Marjoribanks, 605. 5. Phoebe, junior, 603. Chronicles of Count Antonio ; by Anthony Hope. - - - 82H10 Chronicles of. Dusty pore, a tale ; by Sir H. S. Cunningham. - 131 CI Chronicles of Gotham. 1S56. ill. ...... 92322 Chronicles of the Canongate ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. First series, 35S19; First series, continued, 35S20 | First series, con- cluded, "The surgeon's daughter," 35S17; Second series, "The fair maid of Perth," 35S18. Chrysostom, St. In Farrar (F. W. ) Lives of the fathers, v. 2. 1889. 99812 Chrystabel [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. 81W12 Chuang Tztt. Musings of a Chinese mystic. 1906. - - - 18101 Chuquet (Arthur) J. J. Rousseau [his life. In French]. 1901. R093 Church (Alfred J.) Stories from the Bible [O.T.] 1890. ill.- 22212 - The burning of Rome, a story. 46 C4 - Chantry priest of Barnet, a tale of the wars of the roses. - 46 CI - The fall of Athens, a story of the Peloponnesian war. - - 46 C 5 - and Brodribb (W. J.) Tacitus [his life and work]. 1882. - 87801 Church (Arthur H.) Colour, an elementary manual. 1905. ill. 53505 Church (Percy W. ) Chinese Turkestan. 1901. ill. map. - 94906 Church, Sir Richard, in Italy and Greece ; by E. M. Church, port. C021 Church (Richard W.) Bacon [his life and philosophy]. 1902. B051 - The beginning of the middle ages. 1903. maps. - - - 91019 - Dante, and other essays. 1901. E5C1 William Wordsworth. ' Sordello.' - The Oxford movement, 1833-45. 1904. 28315 *- Spenser (his life and work]. 1901. ------ S161 76 GOVANHILL BRANCH. CHU Church (William C.) Ulysses S. Grant and the period of national preservation and reconstruction [U.S. A.] 1899. ill. G041 Church. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Briggs (C. A.) The Bible, the church, and the reason. 1892. 23008 - Candlish(J. S.) Doctrine of the church. Inhis Christian salvation. 23009 - Charteris (A. H.) Church of Christ, its life and work. 1905. 26002 - Hunter (J.) A plea for a worshipful church. 1903. - - 20103 - Mylne (R. S.) Abiding strength of the church, sermons. 189S. 25243 - Nelson (Earl) Home reunion. 1905. - - - - - 28313 "The present position of Nonconformists and an appeal for a better mutual understanding." - Rankin (J.) Church ideas in Scripture and Scotland. 1898. - 26001 - Ruskin (J.) Notes on construction of sheepfolds. The Lord's Prayer and the church. In his On the old road, v. 3. 1899. 70406 - Spencer (H.) Ecclesiastical institutions. In his Sociology, v. 3. 30103 - See also Baptists. Calvinism. Congregationalism. Huguenots. Liturgies. Methodism. Missions. Mothers' meetings. Noncon- formity. Plymouth Brethren. Protestantism. Puritans. Quakers. Revivals. Roman Catholicism. Sacraments. Salvation Army. Spiritualism. Sunday. Sunday schools. Unitarianism. Worship. Church and state. For lists of related subjects, see Church. Political science. - Abraham (W. H.) Church and state in England. 1905. - 26101 - Arch (J.) and others. Why I would disestablish. 1886. - 32202 - Brown (T.) Church and state in Scotland, 1560-1843. 1891. - 27513 - Holland (H. S.) Church and state. In Essays [on] reform. 1902. 26003 - Innes (A. T.) The law of creeds in Scotland. 1902. - - 32201 " Relations of churches to the civil law." - Wallace (A. R.) Disestablishment. In his Studies, v. 2. 1900. 50439 Church history. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Alexander (W. L.) The ancient British church. 1889. - - 27603 - Allen (A. V. (I.) Christian institutions. 1898. - - - 27012 " The church's history from the point of view of its institutions. ' - Allen (J. R.) History of the early British church. L889. ill. 27606 " As revealed by the structures, monuments, and relics which remain.'' - Backhouse (E.) Early church history to [337 A.D.] 1901. - 27026 - Bartlet (J. V.) Church history, rirst four centuries, bib/. - 27025 - Bede. Ecclesiastical history of England, map. - - . 27604 - Bigg (C.) The church's task under the Roman Empire. 1905. 27019 - Bodley (J. E. C.) The church in France, lectures. 1906. - 27704 - Bright (\Y.) Waymarks in church history. 1894. - - 27017 - Brown (J. B.) Stoics and saints, lectures. 1893. - - - 27021 " The later heathen moralists, an- 1 the life of the medieval church." - Buckingham (L. A.) The church and the people, middle i In his The Bible in the middle ages. 1S53. - - 91006 - Collins (W. E.) Beginnings of English Christianity. 1898. - 27605 - Gasquet (F. A.) Henry the Third and rhe Church. 1905. 27611 77 CHU GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Church history. Kaye (J.) Ecclesiastical history, second and third centuries. 27020 "Illustrated from the writings of Tertullian." - Lloyd (J.) Sketches of church history in Germany. - - 27703 - McCallum (D.) History of the church [In Gaelic]. 1845. - 27024 - Neander (A. ) Christian life in the early and middle ages. - 27009 - Richards (F. T.) The eve of Christianity. 1902. - - - 27023 "Conditions of the age when Christianity appeared and spread." - Robertson (J. C.) The Christian church, a.d. 64-1517. 8 v. - 27001-8 -Socrates. Ecclesiastical history, a. d. 305 to [445]. 1904. - 27029 - Stanley (A. P. ) Ecclesiastical history. In his Writings. - 20801 - Trench (R. C.) Medieval church history. 1886. - - - 27018 - Workman (H. B. ) Church of the west in middle ages. 1900. 2 v. 27015-6 - See also Arianism. Council of Trent. Crusades. Martyrs. Missions. Northmen. Port Royalists. Reformation. Church law. For list of related subjects, see Law. - Black (W. G.) Parochial ecclesiastical law, Scotland. 1891. 34801 Church of England. Abbey (C. J.) and Overton (J. H.) The English Church in the eighteenth century. 1902. - - 28301 - Allison (T.) English Church history to a.d. 1702. 1906. - 27612 - Burnet (G.) Reformation of the Church of England. 1903. - 27601 - History of the English Church ; ed. by W. R. W. Stephens and W. Hunt. 1901-6. 7 v. bibl. maps. 1. 597-1066; by W. Hunt, 28305. 2. 10<;6-1272 ; by W. R. W. Stephens, 28306. 3. 1272-1497 ; by W. W. (apes, 28307. 4. 1509-1558 ; by J. Gairdner, 28308. 5. 1558-1625 ; by W. H. Frere, 28309. 6- 1626-1714 ; by W. H. Hutton, 28310. 7. 1714-1800 ; by J. H. Overton and F. Helton, 28311. - Little (W. J. K.) Conflict of ideals in the Church of England. 28314 - Overton (J. H.) The church in England. 2 v. maps. - - 28302-3 - Scott (C. A.) Evangelical doctrine, Bible truth. 1901. - - 28312 "Criticism of the Anglo-Catholic movement." - Spence (H. D. M.) The Church of England. 4 v. ill. map. 27607-10 1. The British and Anglo-Saxon church. 2. The mediaeval church. 3. The English reformation. 4. The Anglican Church. - See also Oxford movement. Prayer book. Ritualism. Thirty-nine articles. Church of Scotland. Balfour of Burleigh (Lord) The Scottish establishment. In Essays [on] reform. 1902. - - 26003 - Macleod(D.) Ministry and sacraments of Church of Scotland. 26204 - Macpherson (H. ) Scotland's battles for spiritual independence. 27508 - Paton (R.) The Scottish Church in early times. - - - 27505 - Rankin (J. ) Handbook of the Church of Scotland. 1888. maps. 27504 - Stanley (A. P. ) History of the Church of Scotland, lectures. - 27506 - Story (R. H.) Apostolic ministry in the Scottish Church, bibl. 27503 - See also Covenanters. Church of Scotland, Episcopal. Code of canons, 1876. - - 26202 Church of Scotland, Free Church. Baird (W.) Sixty years of church life in Ayr. 1896. ill. 28502 - Blaikie (W> G.) After fifty years. 1893. - 28506 78 GOVANHILL BRANCH. CIT Church of Scotland, Free Church. Brown (T.) Annals of the disruption, 1843. 1893. ill. 28503 - McNeil (A.) ed. The Free Church case. 1904. - - - 28504 - Walker (N. L.) History of the Free Church of Scotland. - - 28501 Church of Scotland, United Presbyterian Church. Memorial of the jubilee synod, May, 1897. ill. 28509 - Small (R.) History of the congregations of the United Pres- byterian Church from 1733 to 1900. 1904. 2 v. - 28511-12 Church polity. Gore (C. ) and others. Essays in aid of the reform of the church. 1902. 26003 General lines of church reform ; by [C. Gore]. Position of the laity in the early church ; by R. B. Rackham. Principles and conditions of the Scottish establishment ; by Lord Balfour of Burleigh. Church and state ; by H. S. Holland. Self-government of the church ; by A. Lyttelton. Legal and parliamentary possibilities ; by Sir W. G. F. Phillimore. Parochial church councils ; by H. J. Torr. Reform of patronage ; by C. Y. Sturge. Pensions for the clergy ; by W. Lefroy. Increase of the episcopate ; by W. S. De Win ton. Church reform and social reform ; by T. C. Fry. [Etc.] - Percival (J.) and others. The church and reform. 1902. - 26201 - Stone (D.) The Christian church. 1905. .... 26203 Church, Presbyterian. Black (K. M.) The Scots churches in England. 1906. map. 28510 - Ogilvie (J. N.) Presbyterian Churches, their place and power in modern Christendom. 1896. 28513 Churches, Free. See Nonconformity. Churchill, Lord Randolph ; by W. L. S. Churchill. 1906. 2 v. port. C591-2 Churchill (Seton) Stepping-stones to higher things. 1886. - 17120 Churchill (Winston) The crisis. 47 C 2 - The crossing. 47 C 3 - Richard Carvel [a novel]. 47 CI Churchill (Winston L. S.) Savrola, a tale. - - - - 48 CI Cicero. Orations; trans, by C. D. Yonge. 4 v. - - - 87501-4 Cicero. Davidson (J. L. S. ) Cicero and the fall of the Roman Republic. 1902. port. ill. map. C071 - In De Quincey (T.) Judas Iscariot, and other writings. 1863. E1D3 Cid. Clarke (H. B.) The Cid Campeador [life]. 1897. ill. maps. C101 - Southey (R.) trans. Chronicle of the Cid. 18S5. - - - 86101 Cigale chez les fourmis, comedie ; par E. W. Legouve et E. M. Labiche ; [with notes]. 1906. ---.-- 44896 Cigarette-maker's romance ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - 113 C4 Cinderella, a novel ; by S. R. Crockett. 118C2 Circle [a novel] ; by Mrs. K. C. Thurston. .... 26T2 Circumstance ; by S. W. Mitchell. 95 M 3 Cities. Howe (F. C.) The city, the hope of democracy. 1905. 35203 - Kingsley (C.) Great cities and their influence for good and evil. In his Sanitary and social lectures. 1892. - - E1K2 - Robinson (C. M.) The improvement of towns and cities. 1901. 35202 - See also Garden cities. Names of cities. Citizen of the world ; by O. Goldsmith. In his Works, v. 3. - E1G3 79 CIT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Citizenship. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Branford (V. V.) Science and citizenship. In Science in public affairs. 1906. - 30408 - Newland (H. O.) A short history of citizenship. 1904. - - 32005 Civil service. For list of related subjects, see Government. - Johnston (R.) Civil service guide. 1902. .... 35103 - Jones (A. J. L.) ed. Guide to the civil service. 1906. - - 35102 Civilization. For lists of related subjects, see History. Sociology. - Buckle (H. T. ) History of civilization in England [France, and Spain]. 1903. 3 v. bibl. 90301-3' - Halsey (L. J. ) Scotland's influence on civilization. - - 91854 - Jones (G. H.) The dawn of European civilization. 1903. hibl. 91013 - Kingsley (C. ) Ancient civilisation. In his Lectures. - - 90401 - Maurice (F. D.) Christian civilization. In his Friendship of books, and other lectures. - - - - - - E5M1 - In Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Meridiana. 1892. - - - - E16M1 - Tylor (E. B.) Primitive culture. 1903. 2 v. - - -29003-4 Clans of Scotland. See Highlands and Highlanders. Clara in blunderland [a caricature] ; by Caroline Lewis, ill. - 82712 Clara Vaughan [a novel] ; by R. D. Blackmore. - - - 63 B 3 Clare (Austin) By the rise of the river, sketches. - - - 50 C 4 Clarendon (Edward Hyde, Earl of) Characters and episodes of the great rebellion ; ed. by G. D. Boyle. 1889. - - 91305 Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of. Stephen (Sir J. F. ) Clarendon's " History of the rebellion." Clarendon's " Life." In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. 1892. E5S1 Claretie (Jules) Pierrille [In French] ; with notes. 1902. - 44893 Clarionet. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Berr (F.) and others. Method for the clarinet, fo. mas. - 78813 Clark (D. K.) joint-author. See Dempsey (G. D. ) Clark (Henry E.) Elementary text-book of anatomy. 1903. ill. 61102 Clark (John B.) The distribution of wealth. 1899. - - - 33134 Clark (John M.) Alphabets, etc. 1906. ill.- - - - 74505 Clark (John W.) and Hughes (T. McK.) Life and letters of Adam Sedgwick. 1890. 2 v. ill. map. - - - S 611-2 Clark (Robert) ed. Golf, a royal and ancient game. 1893. ill. 79601 Clark (Scotson) First steps in harmonium playing. 4°. mus. - 78618 Clark (W. F.) The story of Shetland. 1906. - 92102 Clark (William) Pascal and the Port Royalists. 1902. - - P251 Clarke (Archibald L.) Manual of practical indexing. 1905. - 02901 Clarke (F. A.) Thomas Ken [a biography]. 1896. - - - K011 Clarke (H. B. ) The Cid Campeador [life and campaigns], ill. - C101 - First Spanish reader and writer. 1891. .... 46801 - A Spanish grammar. 1892. 46802 Clarke (J. W.) Hydraulic rams. 1900. ill. - - - - 62712 Clarke (James L.) The eternal Saviour-judge. 1905. - - 23603 80 GOVANHILL BRANCH. CLO Clarke (John) Studies in education in Scotland. 1904. - - 37005 Clarke (Marcus) For the term of his natural life. - - - 54 CI Clarke (Mary Cowden) My long life. 1896. port. ill. - C241 Clarke (Richard F. ) Logic. 1906. 16006 Clarke (William N.) An outline of Christian theology. 1899. 23015 Classical education. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Gardner (P.) Oxford at the cross roads. 1903. - - - 37804 "A criticism of the course of litterse human iores." Classical writers. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Classics. Gow (J.) A companion to school classics. 1902. ill. 87004 - Hill (G. F.) ed. Illustrations of school classics. 1903. ill. - 87003 Claude Gueux [a tale] ; by V. Hugo. 102 H 9 Clausen (George) Six lectures on painting. 1904. ill. - - 75003 Claverings [a novel] ; by A. Trollope. 43 T 2 Clay. Fairie (J. ) Notes on pottery clays. 1901. - - - 66602 Clayden (P. W.) The early life of Samuel Rogers. 1887. - R151 - England under the coalition, 1885-92. 1892. - 91422 Cledat (Leon) Rutebeuf [his life and work. In French]. 189S. R221 Cleeve (Lucas) Eileen [a novel]. 56 C 2 - The purple of the orient. 56 CI Cleg Kelly, arab of the city ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - 118 C 3 Cleland (James) Annals of Glasgow. 1817. - 92311 Clemens (Samuel L.) See Twain (Mark). Clement of Alexandria. In Farrar (F. W.) Lives of the fathers. 99811 Clemenza di Tito ; da P. Metastasio. 1888. - 45805 Cleo the magnificent, a novel; by L. Zangwill. - - - - 3Z1 Cleopatra [a romance] ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - - 3H3 Clever woman of the family ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - 5Y6 Clifford (A. D. ) Invalids' dainties and decoctions, recipes. - 64101 Clifford (Mrs. William K.) Aunt Anne [a novel]. - - - 60 CI - A flash of summer, the story of a simple woman's life. - - 60C2 Climate. Huggard (W. R.) Climatic treatment. 1906. bibl. - 61506 Climbing plants. For list of related subjects, see Gardening. - Arnott(S.) Climbing plants and wall shrubs. 1903. ill. - 71606 - Fitzgerald (H. P.) Climbers, twiners, and wall shrubs. 1906. 71502 Clinch (George) Handbook of English antiquities. 1905. ill. 57102 Clinton (W. C.) Electric wiring, a primer. 1906. ill. - - 62422 Clive, Robert, Lord. Gleig (G. R.) Life of Lord Clive. 1869. - C382 - In Macaulay (Lord) Essays. 1904. E8M1 Cloches cassees, comedie ; par Henri Greville ; with notes. - 44910 Clock of nature [sermons] ; by H. Macmillan. 1896. - - 23919 Clockmaker, sayings of Samuel Slick ; by T. C. Haiiburton. - 8H2 Clocks and watches. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Britten (F. J.) The watch and clock makers' handbook. 1902. ill. 68103 81 CLO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Clocks and watches. In Cassell's Technical educator, v. 1-4. ill. 60301-4 Clodd (Edward) Grant Allen, a memoir. 1900. - - - A 261 - Pioneers of evolution, Thales to Huxley, ill. - - - 57506 - Thomas H. Huxley [his life and work]. 1902. - - - H021 Cloete (J. G. ) The boy and his work. In Boy life in our cities. 30407 Cloister and the hearth, a tale ; by C. Reade. .... 16R1 Clothes and the man, wearing and caring of clothes ; by Major. 64607 Clough (Arthur H.) Prose remains ; ed. by his wife. 1888. mem. C291 - Selections from [his] poems. 1904. port. .... 301 C Clough, Arthur H. Bagehot (W.) Clough's poems. In his Studies, v. 2. 1905. E9B2 Clough (W. T.) Elementary science, physics, ill. - - - 53011 Clouston (J. S.) Garmiscath [a novel]. 61C41 - Our Lady's Inn. 61C40 Clovis. Jessopp (A.) Baptism of Clovis. In his Before the great pillage. 1901. E2J1 Clutterbuck (W. J. ) joint-author. See Lees (J. A. ) Clyde. Black's Guide to the Clyde, river and firth. 1897. maps. 91904 - Lang (A.) The Clyde mystery. 1905. ill. - 57101 - Macdonald (H.) Days at the coast, ill. .... 91902 - Maxwell (Ronald) On the Clyde and off it. 1902. - - 92306 - Swan's Views, from the Falls of Clyde to Glasgow, ill. - 92021 - Williamson (J.) The Clyde passenger steamer, 1812-1901. ill. 65602 Clyde songs, and other verses; by J. J. Bell. 1905. - - 1301B Clydeside litterateurs, sketches ; by D. W. Brown. 1897. port. 92305 Coach-building. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Burgess (J. W.) Coach-building. 1881. ill.- - - - 68403 - I?i Cassell's New technical educator, v. 5-6. ill. - - - 60305-6 Coach-painting. Arlot. A guide for coach painters. 1905. - 68404 Coal. For lists of related subjects, see Geology. Mining. - Bagot (A.) The principles of colliery ventilation. 1882. - 62508 - Bulman (H. F.) and Redmayne (R. A. S.) Colliery working and management. 1906. ill. plans. .... 62504 - Coal-mining. In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 5-6. ill. 60305-6 - Dron (R. W.) The coal-fields of Scotland. 1902. maps, plans. 55303 - Durland (K.) Among the Fife miners. 1904. - - - 92505 - Huxley (T.H.) The formation of coal. In his Discourses. 1894. 50437 - O'Donahue (T. A.) Colliery surveying. 1904. ill. - - 62507 - Smyth (Sir W. W.) Coal and coal mining. 1900. ill. - - 62505 - See also Coke. Coals of fire, and other stories ; by D. C. Murray. - - - 126M4 Coates (Thomas F. G.) Lord Rosebery, life and speeches. 2 v. ill. R071-2 - Prophet of the poor, General Booth. 1905. - B401 Cobb (Thomas) The head of the household, a novel. - - - 65 C 3 - Mr. Passingham, an episode.- 65 C 2 - Severance, a novel. 65 CI 82 GOVANHILL BRANCH, COL Cobb (W. F.) The Psalms ; with introduction and notes. - - 22401 Cobban (James M.) The golden tooth. 66 C 2 - The last alive. 66 CI - The tyrants of Kool-Sim. 66 C 3 Cobbe (Frances P.) Religious duty. 189-4. .... 24002 Cobbett (G. T. B.) and Jenkix (A. F.) Indian clubs. 1902. ill. 61302 Indian clubs. In Athletic sports, v. 8. 1893. ill. - - 79608 Cobbett (Martin and J. R.) Swimming. 1903. ill. - - 79609 - Swimming. In Athletic sports, v. 2. 1890. ill. - - 79703 Cobbett (William) Advice to young men. mem. - - - 17006 Cobbett, William. Carlyle (E. I.) Cobbett, a study. 1904. ill. C441 - In Saintsbury (G.) Essays in English literature, v. 2. 1S95. 82103 - Stephen (Sir J. F.) Cobbett's political works. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 3. 1892. E5S3 Cobbold (Ralph P.) Innermost Asia, the Pamirs. 1900. ill. maps. 94901 Cobden, Richard. Cooke (F. E.) The hero of free trade, port. ill. C161 - Morley (J.) Life of Cobden. 1903. 2 v. port. - - - C 162-3 Cock-lane ghost ; by O. Goldsmith. In his Works, v. 2. - - E1G2 Cockburn, Alison. In Tytler (Sarah) and Watson (J. L.) Song- stresses of Scotland, v. 1. 1871. 82201 Cockton (Henry) Sylvester Sound, the somnambulist. - - 67 CI - Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist. 67 C 2 Codicille, comedie ; par P. Ferrier ; [with notes]. 1894. - - 44905 Coggix (Frederick E.) Man's estate, Genesis II. 4— IV. 26. - 22312 Cogordan (George) Joseph de Maistre [his life. In French]. - M471 Cohn (Lassar) Manual of organic chemistry. 1895. ill. - - 54703 Coins and medals. For list of related subjects, see Sculpture. - Addison (J.) Dialogues upon ancient medals. In his Works. E2A1 - Avebury (Lord) History of coins and currency. 1903. ill. - 33202 - Hazlitt(W. C.) The coin collector. 1896. bibl. ill. - - 73707 - Higgins (F. C.) The copper coins of modern Europe. 1892. ill. 73702 - Howorth (D. F.) Coins and tokens of the English colonies, ill. 73703 - Humphreys (H. N.) Coin collector's manual. 1891-7. 2 v. ill. 73705-6 - Jewitt (L.) English coins and tokens. 1894. ill. - - - 73701 "With a chapter on Greek and Roman coins." - Macdonald (G.) Coin types, origin, development. 1905. ill. 73704 - Temple (Sir R. C. ) The evolution of currency and coinage. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. - - - 50103 Coke (Henry J. ) Tracks of a rolling stone. 1905. port.- - C421 Coke. Simmersbach (Q.) The chemistry of coke. 1904. ill. - 66201 Cole (Grenville A. J. ) Aids in practical geology. 1906. ill. 55123 Cole (Sir Henry) Fifty years of public work. 1884. 2 v. ill. C 341-2 Colebrooke, Henry T. In Miiller (F. Max) Works, v. 6. 1904. E6M2 Coleman (John) Memoirs of Samuel Phelps. 1886.- - - P101 Colenso ( John W. ) Bp. The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua. 5 v. 22301-5 Coleridge (Christabel R.) The tender mercies of the good. - 69 CI S3 COL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Coleridge, Hartley. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 1. 1905. E9B1 Coleridge, John Duke, Lord. Coleridge (E. H.) Life and cor- respondence of Lord Coleridge. 1904. 2 v. port. ill. - C401-2 Coleridge (Samuel T.) Aids to reflection. Confessions of an inquiring spirit. Essays. 1904. 24201 - Poetical works; ed. by W. M. Rossetti. 501 C - [Poems]. In Cowper anthology. 82235 Coleridge, Samuel T. In Pater (W.) Appreciations. 1904. - E1P1 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 3. 1899. - - E2S3 - Traill (H. D.) Coleridge [his life and work]. 1904. - - C171 - White (W. H.j ed. The Coleridge manuscripts of T. X. Longman. 82416 Colet (Louise) Les deux enfants de Charles l er ; with notes. - 44845 - Gassendi, le petit astronome ; with notes by C. da C. Tallon. 44846 - Mozart ; Pope, le petit bossu ; with notes by F. Julien. ill. - 44847 Colle (Charles) La partie de chasse de Henri IV., comedie. - 84208 Collet (Collet D.) History of taxes on knowledge. 1899. 2 v. 33601-2 Collier (John) A manual of oil painting. 1903. - - - 75101 Collin d'Harleville (Jean F.) Les chateaux en Espagne ; Le vieux celibataire [comedies]. 84209 Collings (Jesse) Land reform. 1906. ill. .... 33303 Collins (Charles) Greenhouse and window plants. 1904. ill. 71603 Collins (F. Howard) Author and printer, a guide. 1905. - 65502 Collins (John C.) Illustrations of Tennyson. 1902. - - 82403 ulies in poetry and criticism. 1905. E7C1 Collins (Tom) School and sport, recollections. 1905. - - C461 Collins (W. E. W.) A scholar of his college. - - - - 73 CI Collins (William) Poetical works. 1904. menu ■ - - 401C Collins (Wm. E.) Bp. Beginnings of English Christianity, map. 27605 Collins (William L.) Butler [his life and philosophy]. 1901. - 19204 Collins (William Wilkie) My miscellanies. 1899. - - 82810 Sketches of character. Social gTievan i and corner- of history. Fragments of personal experience. Curiosities of literature. m worth looking at. Literature and art. - After dark. 74C1 - Antonina, or, the fall of Rome. 74 C 3 - The fallen leaves. 74 C 4 - Heart and science, a story of the present time. - - - 74C14 - Hide and seek. 74C6 - The law and the lady. 74 C 7 - Little novels. 74C8 - Man and wife, a novel. - - - - - - - 74 C 9 - Miss or Mrs.? and other stories. 74 C10 - The moonstone, a romance. 74C11 - The new Magdalen. 74 C 5 - Poor Miss Finch, a domestic story. - 74C12 - The queen of hearts. 74C2 - The woman in white. - 74C13 84 GOVANHILL BRANCH. COM Colloquia peripatetica [Christian evidences] ; by J. Duncan. - 23917 GoLMAN (Geo.) Broad grins, and other humorous works, mem. 1601 C Colomb (P. H.) Adm. Earl of Torrington. In Our naval heroes. 99619 - Essays on naval defence. 1899. ...... 35904 Colombia. In Dawson (T. C.) South American republics, v. 2. ill. 97802 Colonel Carter of Cartersville [a novel] ; by F. H. Smith. - - 85 SI Colonel Enderby's wife ; by Lucas Malet. 36 Ml Colonel Quaritch, Y.C., a tale; by H. Rider Haggard. - - 3H4 Colonies. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Bigelow (P.) The children of the nations. 1901. - - - 32507 "A study of colonization and its problems." - Reinsch (P. S.) Colonial administration. 1905. bibl. - - 32504 Education and general social improvement. Colonial finance. Agri- cultural and industrial development. The land policy. The labor question. Defence and police. [Etc.] - Snow (A. H.) Administration of dependencies. 1902. - - 32505 " Evolution of the Federal Empire, with special reference to American colonial problems." - See also names of colonies. Colonies, British. Broome (Lady) Colonial memories. 1904. - B301 - DesVoeux (Sir G. W.) My colonial service. 1903. 2 v. ill. map. D 191-2 "In British Guiana, St. Lucia, Trinidad, Fiji, Australia, Newfound- land, and Hong Kong." - Egerton (H. E.) History of British colonial policy. 1905. bibl. 32506 - Froude(J. A.) England and her colonies. In his Short studies. E2F2 Oceana, England and her colonies. 1898. ill. - - - 32503 - Lucas (C. P.) Historical geography of the British colonies. 1888-1905. 4 v. maps. 91104-7 1. Mediterranean and eastern colonies, exclusive of India. 2. West Indies. 3. West Africa. 4. South and East Africa, historical and geographical. - Walker (H. de R. ) Science and colonial development, hi Science in public affairs. 1906. .... Colonna, Vittoria. In Hare (C.) Ladies of the renaissance. Colossians, Epistle to the. See Bible. Colour. For list of related subjects, see Light. - Church (A. H.) Colour, an elementary manual. 1905. bibl. Colquhoun (Archibald R. ) China in transformation. 1898. - Greater America. 1904. maps. - The renascence of South Africa. 1900. map, Columbus, Christopher. Irving (W.) Life and voyages Columbus. 1894-1902. 2 v. port.- Another edition ; condensed. 1902. ill. - Column, a novel ; by C. Marriott. Colville (Mrs. Arthur) Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough. 1904. ill. M561 Colvin (Sidney) Keats [his life and work]. 1902. - - - K041 - Landor [his life and work]. 1888. Llll Combe (Andrew) The management of infancy. IS96. - - 64902 Combe, Andrew. In Brown (J.) Horae subsecivae, v. 1. 1900. - ElBl 85 - 30408 - 99621 ill. 53505 ill. 95115 - 97210 - 96301 of - C092-3 - C091 - 50M2 COM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Combe (George) The constitution of man. 1893. - - - 17007 - Moral philosophy [sequel to " The constitution of man "]. - 17008 - Science and religion. 21507 Come forth ! by E. S. Phelps and H. D. Ward.- - - - 37 P 40 Comenius, John A., and educational reform ; by W. S. Monroe, bibl. C261 Comet of a season ; by J. McCarthy. 4M1 Comets. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Lynn (W. T.) Remarkable comets. 1906. - 52314 Comin' thro' the rye ; by H. Mathers. 64 M 2 Comines, Philippe de. In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae. E5S1 Coming of the preachers, a tale ; by J. Ackworth. - - - 3A1 Coming race ; by Lord Lytton. 73L19 Commerce. For lists of related subjects, see Arts, Useful. Sociology. - Bastable (C. F.) The commerce of nations. 1904. - - - 33701 - British commerce. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 7-8. 03207-8 - Marchant (J. R. V.) Commercial history. .... 38001 - See also Banking. Business. Mercantile marine. Money. Post Office. Ships. Trade. Weights and measures. Commercial correspondence. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Brown (C.) Commercial French, for business men. - - 65006 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 7-8. 1903. - - - 03207-8 French, German, and English. - Merritt (C. S.) Commercial correspondence, French, English. 65007 - Pitman's Commercial correspondence and commercial English. 65001 Commercial correspondence in French. .... 65002 Commercial correspondence in German. .... 65003 Spanish business interviews, correspondence, etc. - - 65004 - See also Shorthand. Commercial law. For list of related subjects, see Law. - Slater (J. A.) Pitman's Mercantile law. 34704 - Wilson (H. A.) Law in business. 1904. .... 34702 - See also Conveyancing. Joint stock companies. Secretaries. Commons, House of. For related subjects, see Parliament. - 7?iBirrell (A.) Miscellanies. 1902. E10B2 - Escott (T.H.S.) Gentlemen of the House of Commons. 1902. 2 v. 32801-2 - Maxwell (Sir H. E. ) A country member's moan. In Meridiana. E16M1 - Mowbray (Sir J.) Seventy years at Westminster. 1900. ill. M081 Commonwealths. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Milton (J.) Ready and easy way to establish a free common- wealth. In his Prose [writings]. E12M1 - More (Sir T.) Utopia [an imaginary ideal commonwealth]. 32001 Commune, a novel ; by P. and V. Margueritte. - - - - 48 Ml Companions of the sorrowful way ; by J. Watson. 1898. - - 23234 Compayre (Gabriel) Abelard and the universities. 1893. - A 141 Compleat bachelor ; by O. Onions. - - - - - 901 86 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. CON Composers. See Musicians. Composition. See Music. Composition, English. See Rhetoric. Comptox (Alfred G.) First lessons in metal-working. 1904. ill. 67103 - and De Groodt (J. H.) The speed-lathe. 1898. ill. - - 62304 Comptox (Herbert E.) The twentieth century dog. 1904. ill. 63606 - The inimitable Mrs. Massingham, a romance. - - - 75 CI - The wilful way. 75 C 2 Comrades, poems old and new ; by W. Canton. 1902. - - 1401 C Comte (Auguste) Positive philosophy ; trans, by H. Martineau. 1896. 3 v. bibl. mem. 14601-3 Comte, Auguste. In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 3. - E3M4 - Thomson (J. R.) Comte and the religion of humanity. In Present day tracts, v. 8. 20409 Comte Kostia ; par V. Cherbuliez. 42 C 2 Coxaxt (Levi L.) The number concept, its origin [etc.] 1896. 51115 Concerning Isabel Carnaby [a novel] ; by E. T. Fowler. - - 45 Fl Concerning Paul and Fiammetta [a story] ; by L. A. Harker. - 22 HI Concertina. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Wade (J. A.) The German concertina, mus. - - • 78623 Conchology. See Mollusks. Concord and its authors ; by L. Whiting. In her Boston days. 97304 Concrete. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Burnell (G. R.) Limes, concretes, etc. 1900. bibl. - - 69103 - Dobson (E.) Foundations and concrete works. 1903. bibl. ill. 72101 - Sabin (L. C. ) Cement and concrete. 1905. ill. - - - 69104 Coxde (Jose A.) The Arabs in Spain [711-1492]. 1S54-5. 3 v. 93418-20 Condensers. Hausbrand(E.) Condensing apparatus [etc.] 1903. ill. 62106 Conder (Claude R.) Hittites and their language. 1898. ill. - 94410 Conder (Eustace R.) Moral difficulties in the Old Testament Scriptures. In Present day tracts, v. 10. - - - 20411 - Origin of the Hebrew religion. In Present day tracts, v. 5. - 20406 Condorcet, Marquis de. In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies. - E3M3 Conduct of life. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Avebury (Lord) The pleasures of life. 1904. - - - E1A1 -- The use of life. 1904. E1A2 - Brookes (J.) Manliness and culture. 17132 - Carlyle(T.) Thoughts on life. 1895. 82826 - Cobbett(W.) Advice to young men. 17006 - Davidson (J. T.) Talks with young men. 1898. - - - 17011 - In Emerson (R. W.) Works, v. 2. 1901. .... E2E2 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council. 2 v. - - - E3H1-2 1. The art of living. 2. The miseries of human life. Life not so miser- able after all. - Jordan (W. G.) Great truths. 17017 - Meyer (F. B.) Friendly counsels. 1901. .... 17705 B7 CON GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Conduct of life. Reich (E.) Plato as an introduction to modern criticism of life. 1906. 18401 - Ruskin (J. ) Mystery of life and its arts. In his Sesame and lilies. 82818 - Sangster (M. E.) Life on high levels. 1898.- - - . 17003 - Schopenhauer (A.) The wisdom of life. 1899. - - . 19308 - Smiles (S.) Self-help, conduct and perseverance. 1905. ill. - 37402 - Stimson (H. A.) The right life and how to live it. - - . 17012 - Thayer (W. M.) Tact, push, and principle. 1904. - . 17404 - Trumbull (H. C.) Border lines of doubtful practices. 1899. - 17016 Confectionery. For list of related subjects, see Domestic economy. - Wells (R.) The pastrycook and confectioner's guide. 1889. - 64201 - See also Biscuits. Ices. Confessions of a caricaturist ; by H. Furniss. 1901. 2 v. ill. F 121-2 Confessions of an opium-eater; by T. De Quincey. -E1D1, E1D2 Confessions of an inquiring spirit ; by S. T. Coleridge. - - 24201 Confessions of Harry Lorrequer ; by C. Lever. - - - 39 L 2 Confidential agent ; by J. Payn. - --.... 18P12 Conflict [a novel] ; by M. E. Braddon. 81B18 Confucianism. For list of other religions, see Religions. - Legge (J.) Christianity and Confucianism compared. In Present day tracts, v. 3. . 20404 Congo Free State. Bourne (H. R. F.) Civilisation in Congoland. 1903. map. - 95907 - MacDonnell (J. de C.) King Leopold II., his rule in Belgium and the Congo. 1905. ill. map. 93007 - Stanley (Sir H. M.) The Congo, and the founding of its Free State. 1885. 2 v. ill. maps. 95905-6 Congregationalism. For list of other sects, see Church. - Powicke(F. J.) Exiled Church of Amsterdam, 1593-1622. 1900. B251 - Troup (R.) The Missionar Kirk of Huntly. 1901. - - 28507 Congreve, William. In Thackeray (W. M. ) Humourists. 2 copies. 12T9 Conic sections. For list of related subjects, see Geometry. - Besant (W. H.) Conic sections treated geometrically. 1900. 51303 Elementary conies. 1901. ill. 51309 Conjure woman [tales] ; by C. W. Chesnutt. - - - - 137 CI Conjuring. For list of other amusements, see Amusements. - Neil (C. L.) The modern conjurer. 1903. ill. - - - 79104 - St. John (B.) Amateur conjuring, ill. 79103 - See also Cards. Conn (H. W.) Bacteria, yeasts, and molds in the home. 1903. ill. 58906 Connor (Ralph) Black Rock, a tale of the Selkirks. - - 78 C 2 - Glengarry days [a story]. 78C 5 - The man from Glengarry, a tale of western Canada. - - 78 C 4 - The pilot at Swan Creek [and other stories]. - - - - 78 CI - The prospector, a tale of the Crow's Nest Pass. - - - 78 C 6 - The sky pilot, a tale of the foothills. 78 C 3 SS GOVANHILL BRANCH. CON Connor (Thomas) The real concept [religion and science]. 1900. 21508 Conolly (M. F.) Eminent men of Fife [biographies]. 1866. - 99610 Conqueror [a novel] ; by G. F. Atherton. 55 A 4 Conrad (Joseph) Nigger of the * Narcissus,' a tale of the sea. - 79 CI Conscience of Roger Trehern ; by E. E. Green. - - - - 60 G 48 Consciousness. For list of related subjects, see Psychology. - Chapman (C. ) Origin of life and consciousness. In Present day tracts, v. 11. - - 20412 - Hall (L.) The evolution of consciousness. 1901. - - - 15003 Conservatism. For related subjects, see Parties, Political. - Bagehot (W.) The chances of a long conservative regime in England [1874]. In his Literary studies, v. 3. 1906. - E9B3 - See also Fourth Party. Consolation. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Eddy (D. C.) Angels' whispers, to console the mourning. - 24204 - Logan (W. ) ed. Words of comfort for bereaved parents. - 24404 Conspiration a Venise ; par J. Lavergne ; with notes. 1894. - 44848 Constable (Henry) Future punishment. 1886. - - - 23704 - Hades, or, the intermediate state of man. 1893. - - - 23706 Constable of the Tower, a romance ; by W. H. Ains worth. - 16 A 12 Constant (Alphonse L.) The magical ritual of the sanctum regnum. 1896. col. ill. 18102 Constantine the Great [a biography] ; by J. B. Firth. 1905. ill. C271 Constantine (E. G.) Marine engineers, how to become one. ill. 62119 Constantinople, the old capital ; by W. H. Hutton. 1904. ill. plan. 93910 Constitutions. For list of related subjects, see Law. - Alston (L.) Modern constitutions in outline. 1905. - - 34209 - See also under names of countries. Consumption. For list of related subjects, see Disease. - Tyndall (J.) Origin, propagation, and prevention of phthisis. In his New fragments. 1897. 50412 - Walters (F. R.) Sanatoria for consumptives. 1905. ill. - 61602 11 Description of the open-air treatment of phthisis." Contagion. For list of related subjects, see Health, Public. - Sternberg (G. M.) Infection and immunity. 1903. ill. - - 61402 11 With reference to the prevention of infectious diseases." Contes du Petit Chateau ; par J. Mace ; with notes. 1905. - 44918-9 Contraband [a novel] ; by G. J. Whyte Melville. - - - 79M8 Contraband of war, a tale ; by M. P. Shiel. - - - - 58 S3 Contrasts [stories] ; by F. Henniker. 52 HI Conventions. In Walker (A. S.) Struggle for success. - - 17701 Conversation. For related subjects, see Culture. - Au fait. The art of conversing. 1901. 37404 - In Benson (A. C.) From a college window. 1906. - - - E8B1 - Stevenson (R. L.) Talk and talkers. In h is Memories [etc.] - E1S3 Conveyancing. In Fry (Sir E.) Studies by the way. 1900. - E6F1 Convict ship ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R18 89 CON GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Conway (Hugh) Living or dead, a novel. 82 CI Conway (Sir William M.) The Bolivian Andes. 1901. ill. - 98201 - Early Tuscan art, from the 12th to the 15th centuries, ill. - 70902 Conybeare (Edward) Koman Britain. 1903. map. - - 91324 Conybeare (William J.) and Howson (J. S. ) Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 1858. 2 v. ill. maps. - 22602-3 Cook (Dutton) On the stage. 1883. 2 v. port. - - . 79201-2 Cook (Edward T.) Rights and wrongs of Transvaal war. 1902. 96401 Cook (James) Capt. Three voyages round the world, mem. - 90828 Cook (Theodore A.) The story of Rouen. 1905. ill, maps. - 93317 Cooke (Bella) Light on the weary path, life story. 1898. port. C312 Cooke (Sir Clement K.) Memoir of Princess Mary Adelaide Duchess of Teck. 1900. 2 v. ill. T081-2 Cooke (Frances E.) An American hero, W. L. Garrison. - G021 - A boy's ideal, life of Sir T. More. 1891. ill. - . . M041 - Latimer's candle [a biography], ill. LO13 - Savonarola, the story of a great life. 1900. ill. - - - S081 - A Scottish hero, the story of Dr. Chalmers. 1891. ill. - C042 - The story of Father Damien. 1890. ill. - - . - D041 - The story of Richard Cobden, the hero of free trade. 1904. ill. C161 Cooke (George W.) A guide-book to the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning. 1901. 82414 Cooke (John) erf. Wakeman's Handbook of Irish antiquities, ill. 92615 Cooke (Mordecai C ) Ponds and ditches [natural history], ill. 59013 - Vegetable wasps and plant worms. 1892. ill. - - - 58905 Cookery. For list of related subjects, see Domestic economy. - The art of cookery, and hints on carving. .... 64003 - Black (Mrs. M.) Choice cookery. - 64106 - Clifford (A. D.) Invalids' dainties and decoctions. - - - 64101 - De Salis (Mrs. H. A.) A la mode cookery. 1902. col. ill. - 64104 - Francatelli (C. E.) The cook's guide. 1888. ill. - - - 64103 - Marshall (Mrs. A. B.) Cookery book. ill. .... 6 4107 - My receipt book, cookery, preserving, etc. 1883. ill. - - 64105 - Peel (Mrs. C. S. ) Ten shillings a head per week for house books. 64102 - Praga (Mrs. A.) Cookery and housekeeping. 1903. - - 64108 Coomassie. See Kumassi. Cooper (A. J.) English examples and exercises, analysis. 1902. 42506 Cooper (Edward H.) Children, racehorses, and ghosts [stories]. 84C2 - Resolved to be rich. 84C1 Cooper (James Fenimore) Afloat and ashore, a sea tale. - - 86 C 9 - Miles Wallingford, sequel to " Afloat and ashore." - - 86 C10 - The bravo, a tale. 86C17 - The crater, a tale of the Pacific. 86 C 8 - Leather-stocking series : 1. The deerslayer, 86 Cl. 2. The last of the Mohicans. 86 C 2. 3. The pathfinder, 86 C 3. 4. The pioneers, 86 C 4. 5. The prairie, 86 C 5. 90 GOVANHILL BRANCH. COR Cooper (James Fenimore) The pilot, a tale of the sea. - - 86 C 7 - Precaution, a novel. 86C16 - The Red Rover, a tale. 86C13 - Satanstoe, a tale of the colony [New York]. - - - - 86 C 11 - The chainbearer [continuation of "Satanstoe"]. - - - 86C15 - The redskins [continuation of "The chainbearer' 5 ]. - - 86C12 - The sea lions, or, the lost sealers. - 86C14 - The spy, a tale of the neutral ground. 86 C 6 Cooper, James F. [life and work] ; by T. R. Lounsbury. bibl. port. C181 Co-operation. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Holyoake (G. J.) The co-operative movement to-day. 1903. 33404 - See also Friendly societies. Cope, Charles W., Reminiscences of ; by his son. 1891. port. ill. C331 Coppee (Francois) Le passant, comedie ; [notes] by H. Testard. 44912 - Pour la couronne, drame ; [with notes] by H. Attwell. 1906. 44917 -Ten tales. - 87C1 Copper princess, a story ; by K. Munroe. 123 Ml Copyright. For lists of related subjects, see Books. Law. Publishing. - Hinkson (H. A.) Copyright law. 1903. ... - 65509 Coquette corrigee, comedie ; par J. S. de La Noue. - - - 84207 Coquette de village, comedie ; par C. R. Dufresny. - - - 84203 Coran. See Koran. Corea. See Korea. Corelli (Marie) ' Ardath,' the story of a dead self. - - 89 CI - Barabbas, a dream of the world's tragedy. - - - 89 C 2 - Boy, a sketch. 89C13 - Cameos, short stories. 89C16 - Jane, a social incident. 89C15 - The master-Christian. 89 C 3 - The mighty atom. 89C14 - The murder of Delicia. 89 C 4 - A romance of two worlds. 89 C 5 - The sorrows of Satan, a romance. 89 C 6 - The soul of Lilith. - - - - - - - - - 89 C 9 - "Temporal power," a study in supremacy. - 89C11 - Thelma, a Norwegian princess. - - - - - 89 C 7 - Treasure of heaven, a romance of riches. - - - - 89 C 17 - Vendetta! or, the story of one forgotten. - - - - 89 C10 - Wormwood, a drama of Paris. 89 C 8 - Ziska, the problem of a wicked soul. 89C12 Corinne, ou, l'ltalie ; par Madame de Stael. ... - 104S1 Corinthians, Epistles to the. See Bible. Coriolan, tragedie ; par J. F. de La Harpe. ... - 84210 Corleone, a tale of Sicily ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - - 113 C 18 Sequel to " Don Orsino," 113 C 13. 91 COR GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Corneille (Pierre etT.) Theatre; a vec notes. 2 v. mem. port. 1501-2C Corneille, Pierre [his life. In French] ; par G. Lanson. bibl. - C541 Corner of the west ; by E. H. Fowler. 44 F 2 Corners. See Trusts. Cornet. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Distin's Tutor for cornet-a-piston and tenor horn. fo. mus. 78803 Cornford (Leslie C.) Canker at the heart, the poor in 1905. - 33125 - Robert Louis Stevenson [his life and work]. 1900. . - S061 Cornish (Charles J.) Animals of to-day, their life. 1898. ill. 59603 - The naturalist on the Thames. 1902. ill. - 59001 - The New Forest. 1906. ill. 91730 Cornish (Francis W.) Chivalry [its history]. 1901. ill. - 39402 Cornish ballads, and other poems ; by R. S. Hawker. 1904. ill. 601H Cornwallis, Charles, Marquis. In Mackintosh (Sir J.) Works. E10M2 Coronation [an historical romance] ; by B. Hamilton. - - 11 HI Coronations. For list of related subjects, see Customs. - Beavan (A. H.) Crowning the king. 1902. ill. - - - 39401 Coronet of shame ; by C. Garvice. 83 Gl Correggio, Antonio AUegri da, at Parma ; by S. Brinton. ill. - 70913 Correspondence. See Commercial correspondence. Letter-writing. Corunna. In Fitchett (W. H.) Fights for the flag. 1904. ill. plans. 91411 Corvo (Frederick Baron) Chronicles of the Borgia. 1901. ill. B551 Cossacks, a tale of the Caucasus ; by Count Tolstoy. - - 35 T 2 Cossins (George) Wings of silence, an Australian tale. - - 94 CI Costello (Louisa S.) ed. The rose garden of Persia [poems]. 1888. 89104 Costume. For list of related subjects, see Customs. - Campbell (Lord A.) Highland dress, arms, and ornament, ill. 39102 - Planche (J. R.) History of British costume [to 1800]. ill. - 39103 - See also Hair- dressing. Millinery. Cotes (Mrs. Everard). See Duncan (Sara J.) Cotswolds. Hutton(W. H.) By Thames and Cots wold. 1903. ill. 91716 Cottages. Harvey (W. A.) The model village and its cottages, Bournville. 1906. ill. plans. 72805 Cotton (Charles) joint-author. See Walton (Izaak). Cotton (P. H. G. P.) In unknown Africa. 1904. ill. maps. - 96111 Cotton. Cotton spinning. In CasselFs Technical educator. - 60301-4 Couch (Arthur T. Quiller) Adventures in criticism. 1896. - E2C1 Chaucer. "The passionate pilgrim." Shakespeare's lyrics. Scott and Burns. R. L. Stevenson. John Davidson. Mrs. M. L. Woods. [Etc.] - From a Cornish window [a miscellany]. 1906. - - - 82841 - The astonishing history of Troy Town. 97 CI - Dead Man's Rock. 97C2 - Fort Amity [a novel]. 97 C 8 - la [a story]. 97C6 - Old fires and profitable ghosts, stories. - - - - - 97 C10 - The ship of stars. - - - - - . - . 97 C4 92 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. COW Couch (Arthur T. Quiller) The splendid spur. - - - 97C5 - Two sides of the face, midwinter tales. 97 C 9 - Wandering heath, stories, studies, and sketches. - - - 97 C 3 - The Westcotes [a novel]. 97 C 7 Council of Trent. For list of related subjects, see Church history. - Evans (T. R.) The Council of Trent. 1888. - 27011 Counsel of perfection ; by Lucas Malet. 36 M 2 Count Alarcos, a tragedy ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - 31 B4 Count Hannibal, a romance ; by S. J. Weyman. - - - 44W11 Count of Monte Cristo ; by A. Dumas. 2 copies. - - - 58 Dl Count Robert of Paris [a romance] ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35S24 Counterpoint. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Bridge (Sir J. F.) Counterpoint, mus. 78109 Countess Kate [a novel] ; by C. M. Yonge. ... - 5Y7 Country I come from [stories and sketches] ; by H. Lawson. - 19 LI Country life. Bell (R. ) My strange pets, and other memories. 1905. 59018 - Douglas (Sir G.) Diversions of a country gentleman. 1902. - 50434 - Jefferies (R.) Field and hedgerow, essays. 1900. - - - 50405 - Robinson (E. K.) The country day by day. 1905. ill. - 50414 Court Netherleigh, a novel; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - 76W28 Courtenay, Thomas P. Macaulay (Lord) Courtenay's Memoirs of Sir W. Temple. In his Essays. 1904. - - - E8M1 Courthope (William L.) Addison [his life and work]. 1903. - A061 - Maeterlinck, and other sketches of foreign writers. 1904. - E3C1 Cousin, Victor [his life and work. In French]; par J. Simon, port. C551 Cousin de passage ; par le vicomte de Bornier ; [with notes]. - 44903 Cousin Mary ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - - - - 6012 Cousin Ned ; by L. M. Gray. 56 G 2 Cousins (W. E.) Madagascar of to-day. 1895. ill. map. - 96201 Covenanters. Blackie (J. S.) The Scottish covenanters. In his Lay sermons. 1881. E3B1 - Fleming (D. H.) Story of the Scottish covenants in outline. - 27509 - Gibson (J.) Inscriptions on the tombstones and monuments of the covenanters. -------- 27507 - Overtoun (Lord) The Scottish covenanters. 1903. ill. - 92008 Speeches at the unveiling of the national memorial, Bothwell Bridge. - Simpson (R.) Traditions of the covenanters, ill. - - - 91838 - Watson (J. L.) The Guthries, sketches of the covenants. - G101 Cowan (Samuel) Ancient capital of Scotland [Perth]. 2 v. ill. 92401-2 Cowen, Joseph, Life of; by W. Duncan. 1904. 'port. - - C491 Cowen (Mrs. Laurence). See Gingold (Helexe). Cowie (Archibald G.) The sea services of the Empire. 1905. 65603 Cowley, Abraham. /^Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. 1. 1900. 99917 Cowper (Frank) Jack-all-alone, his cruises. - - - - 100 C 2 Cowper (William) Letters ; ed. by W. Benham. 1902. - - C192 - Poetical works. 1902. mem. 201 C 93 COW GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Cowper (William) Anthology ; ed. by E. Arber. 1901. - 82235 Cowper, William. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 1. 1905. E9B1 - In Elwin ( W. ) Some xviii. century men of letters. - - - 99909 - In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essays. E7S1 - Smith (G.) Cowper [his life and work]. 1898. - - - C191 - Stephen (Sir L.) Cowper and "Rousseau. In his Hours in a library, v. 2. 1899. E2S2 Cox (Frances E.) trans. Hymns from the German. 1890. - 24503 Cox (Harold) Land nationalization. 1892. .... 33301 Cox (Samuel) Miracles, an argument and a challenge. 1884. - 23908 Cox's diary ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - - 82804, 82805 Crabbe (George) Poetical works, ill. 802 C Crabbe, George. Ainger (A.) Crabbe [his life and work]. 1903. C201 - In Saintsbury (G.) Essays in English literature, v. 1. - - 82102 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 2. 1899. - - E2S2 Cracknell (A. G.) Mathematics, stage 1. 1906. ill. - - 51003 - joint-author. See Workman (W. P.) Craddock (Charles Egbert) The despot of Broomsedge Cove. 104C1 Cradock Nowell, a tale of the New Forest ; by R. D. Blackmore. 63 B4 Cragix (Laura E.) Kindergarten Bible stories. 1905. - - 22225 Craig (A. R.) Your luck's in your hand, palmistry, ill. - - 13301 Craigie (Mrs. Pearl M. T. ) Osbern and Ursyne, a drama. 1900. 1101 C - The herb-moon, a fantasia. 106 C 3 - The school for saints. 106 C 4 - Robert Orange, sequel to "The school for saints."- - - 106C5 - The serious wooing, a heart's history. 106 C 2 - The vineyard [a novel]. 106 CI Craigmillar. Speedy (T.) Craigmillar and its environs. 1892. ill. 92028 "Topography, natural history, and antiquities of the district." Craik (Mrs. Dinah M.) A woman's thoughts about women. - 39603 - A brave lady. 107 C 6 - Christian's mistake. 107 C 7 - The head of the family, a novel. 107 C 8 - John Halifax, gentleman. 107 C 2 - A life for a life. 107C3 - Mistress and maid. 107 C 4 - My mother and I, a girl's love story. 107 C 12 -A noble life. 107C5 - Nothing new, tales. 107 C 11 - Two marriages. 107 CI - The woman's kingdom, a love story. 107 C 9 - Young Mrs. Jardine. 107 C10 Craik (Sir Henry) ed. English prose selections. 5 v. - - 82004-8 Crand all (Floyd M.) How to keep well. 1904. - - - 61308 Crane (Denis) James Flanagan, story of a remarkable career. - F201 94 GOVANHILL BRANCH. CUE Crane (John) Frank Baylis [a story]. 4C1 Crane (Newton) Baseball. 1891. ill. 79711 - Baseball. In Athletic sports, v. 4. 1892. ill. - - - 79704 Crane (Stephen) Great battles of the world. 1901. ill. - 90403 - Active service [a novel]. - 110 CI Crane (W. J. E.) The smithy and forge. 1902. ill. - - 68202 Cranes. Glynn (J. ) The construction of cranes. 1887. ill. - 62307 Cranford, and other tales ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. - - - 10 Gl Cranmer, Thomas, Archbp. Innes (A. D.) Cranmer and the reformation in England. 1900. C052 - Mason (A. J.) Thomas Cranmer [a biography]. 1898. port. - C051 Crashaw (Richard) English poems, 1901. .... 701 C Crater, a tale of the Pacific; by J. F. Cooper. - - - 86 C 8 Craven, Elizabeth, Lady. In Paston (George) Little memoirs of the eighteenth century. 1901. port. - 99604 Crawford (Arthur) Our troubles in Poona and the Deccan. 1S97. 94802 Crawford (Francis Marion) A cigarette-maker's romance. - 113 C4 - Doctor Claudius, a true story. 113 CI - In the palace of the king, a love story of old Madrid. - - 113 C 15 - Katharine Lauderdale [a novel]. 113 C 6 - The Ralstons [sequel to " Katharine Lauderdale "]. - - 113 C 7 - Marietta, a maid of Venice. 113 C10 - Mr. Isaacs, a tale of modern India. 113 C 2 - Pietro Ghisleri [a novel]. 113 C 14 - A rose of yesterday. 113 C 9 - Saracinesca [a novel]. 113 C 16 - Sant' Ilario [sequel to " Saracinesca "]. 113 C 12 - Don Orsino [sequel to "Sant' Ilario "]. 113C13 - Corleone, a tale of Sicily [sequel to " Don Orsino "]. - - 113 C 18 - A tale of a lonely parish. ....... 113 C 3 - Taquisara [a novel]. 113 C 8 - The three fates. 113 C 5 - The upper berth. 113 C 11 - Whosoever shall offend. 113 C 17 Crawford (James H. ) Wild flowers of Scotland. 1897. ill. - 58205 - Wild life of Scotland. 1896. ill. 59010 - A girl's awakening. 114 CI Creasy (Sir Edward S.) Fifteen decisive battles. 1903. plans. 90402 Creation. For lists of related subjects, see Biology. Psychology. Theology. - Blackie (J. S.) Creation of the world. In his Lay sermons. 1881. E3B1 - Carpenter (E. ) The art of creation. 1904. .... 15501 11 Essays on the self and its powers." - Chambers (R.) Vestiges of the natural history of creation, ill. 21511 - Huxley (T. H.) Interpreters of Genesis and the interpreters of nature. Mr. Gladstone and Genesis. In his Science and Hebrew tradition. 1895. 21514 95 ORE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Creation. Lewis (W. S.) Christ and creation. In Present day tracts. - 20410 Crebillon (Prosper J. de) Rhadamisthe et Zenobie, tragedie. 84210 Creeds. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Denney (J. ) and others. Questions of faith, lectures on the creed. 23804 - See also Apostles' creed. Westminster confession. Creichton, John, Memoirs ; by J. Swift. In his Works. - - 82821 Creighton (Mandell) Bp. Cardinal Wolsey [his life and times]. W131 - Thoughts on education, speeches and sermons. 1902. - - 37007 - University and other sermons. 1903. 25231 Crematoria. For list of related subjects, see Architecture. - Freeman (A. C. ) Crematoria in Great Britain and abroad, ill. 72607 Creswell (Frank O.) Han drailing and staircasing. 1904. ill. 69404 Creswell (Frank S.) Hockey. 1900. ill. .... 79710 - Hockey. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. ill. - - - 79605 Crichton [a romance] ; by W. H. Ainsworth. - - - - 16A9 Cricket. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Bone (D. D.) Fifty years of Scottish cricket. 1898. ill. - 79726 - Grace (W. G.) " W. G.," cricketing reminiscences. 1899. ill. 79718 - Lyttelton (E.) Cricket. 1903. ill. 79709 Cricket. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. ill. - - - 79605 - Ranjitsinhji (K. S.) Jubilee book of cricket. 1898. ill. - 79720 - Standing (P. C.) Cricket of to-day and yesterday. 1902. 2 v. 79701-2 Crime. For list of related subjects, see Law. - Morrison (W. D.) Crime and its causes. 1902. - - - 36401 - Sweeney (J.) At Scotland Yard [reminiscences]. 1905. ill. - S451 - See also Police courts. Prisons. Punishment. Crimea. Kelly (Sir R. D.) Letters to his wife during the Crimean war. --------- 94011 - Kelly ( Mrs. T. ) From the fleet in the fifties. 1902. ill. maps. 94014 - Kinglake(A. W.) Invasion of the Crimea [1854-6]. 1901. 9 v. 94002-10 Criminals. Paston (George) The felon. In her Georgian period. 91408 Cripps (Arthur S. ) Magic casements [stories]. - - - - 116 CI Cripps the carrier, a woodland tale ; by R. D. Blackmore. - 63 B 5 Crisis [a novel] ; by W. Churchill. 47 C 2 Crispin rival de son maitre, comedie ; par A. R. Le Sage. - - 84204 Criticism. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism. 1902-5. 2 v. - - -E3A1-2 - Couch (A. T. Quiller) Adventures in criticism. 1896. - - E2C1 - Goldsmith (O.) Criticisms. In his Works, v. 4. E1G4 - [Helps (Sir A. )] On giving and taking criticism. In Ms Friends in council, v. 1. E3H1 - Le Gallienne (R. ) Retrospective reviews, 1891-5. 2 v. - - E3L1-2 - Vaughan (C. E.) ed. English literary criticism. 1906. - - 82016 " To illustrate its growth b} T samples taken from typical writers." Critics. In Maurice (F. D. ) Friendship of books [etc.] - - E5M1 96 Croce GOVANHILL BRANCH. CRO ockett (Samuel R.) Raiderland, grey Galloway. 1904. ///. 92027 - The Black Douglas [a romance]. 118 CI - The cherry ribband. 118 C 24 - Cinderella, a novel. --.-..._ H8C2 - Cleg Kelly, arab of the city. 118 C 3 - Flower-o'-the-corn. 118 C 23 - The grey man. 118 C 4 - lone March [a novel]. 118 C 5 - Joan of the sword hand. - - 118 C 6 - Kit Kennedy, country boy. 118 C 7 - Lads' love. 118 C 22 - The lilac sunbonnet. 118 C 8 - Little Anna Mark. 118 C 9 1 Lochinvar [a romance]. 118 C 18 - The men of the moss-hags. ------ - 118C19 - The playactress. Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills. - - - 118 C 20 - The raiders. 118 CIO - Dark o' the moon [sequel to "The raiders"]. - - - - 118 C 16 - The red axe. 118 C 11 - The silver skull. 118 C 12 - The standard bearer. -------- H8C21 - The stickit minister, and some common men. - - - 118 CIS - The stickit minister's wooing, and other Galloway stories. - 118 C 14 - Surprising adventures of Sir Toady Lion. - - - - 118 C 15 - Sir Toady Crusoe [sequel to " Sir Toady Lion "]. - - - 118 C 26 - Sweetheart travellers. 118 C 17 -The white plumes of Navarre, a romance. - 118 C 25 Crockett (William S.) ed. Minstrelsy of the Merse. 1893. - 82237 Croiset (Alfred and Maurice) Greek literature. 1904. - 88004 Croisilles; par A. de Musset; with notes. 1892. - - - 44866 Croker (Mrs. B. M.) The cat's-paw [a novel]. - - - - 119 C 4 - The real Lady Hilda, a sketch. 119 C 2 - Terence [a novel]. 119 C 3 - "To let," etc. H 9C1 Cromarty (Deas) The heart of Babylon. 121 CI Cromie (Robert) and Wilsox (T. S.) Romance of poisons. - 138 CI Crommelin (H. S. N. van Wickevoort). See Wickevoort Crommelin (H. S. N. van). Crommelin (May) Brown-eyes. 122C1 - A woman-derelict. 122 C 2 Cromwell, Oliver. In Boas (Mrs. F. S.) With Milton [etc.] port. 91346 - Carlyle (T.) Cromwell's letters and speeches. 5 v. port. - C011-5 - Firth (C. ) Oliver Cromwell and the rule of the Puritans in England. 1903. port. HI. maps. C016 - Harrison (F.) Oliver Cromwell [a biography]. 1900. - - C017 - Morley (J.) Oliver Cromwell [a biography]. 1904. - - C018 r> 97 CRO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Cromwell's own, a story of the civil war ; by A. Paterson. - 15P1 Crooke ( Wm. ) Popular religion and folk-lore of northern India. 2 v. ill. 29403-4 Crooked path ; by Mrs. A. Alexander. 22 A 2 Crooked stick ; by Rolf Boldrewood. - - - - - - 71 B 2 Crookleigh, a village story ; by S. K. Hocking. - - 67 H 2 " Croppies lie down," a tale of Ireland ; by W. Buckley. - 51 Bl Croquet. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Lillie (A.) Croquet, history, rules [etc.] 1897. ill. - - 79632 Crosfield (Gulielma) Two sunny winters in California. 1904. 97404 Crosland (Thos. W. H. ) The five notions [and other verses]. 1903. 901 C - Lovely woman. 1903. 39604 - The wild Irishman. 1905. 82825 Cross (John W.) Impressions of Dante, and of the new world. - E6C1 Cross. Gould (S. Baring) Legend of the cross. In his Myths. - 39818 Cross triumphant ; by F. M. Kingsley. 25 K4 Crossing [a novel] ; by VV. Churchill. 47 C 3 Crosskey (R.) joint-author. See Miers (H. A.) Crotch (William) Elements of musical composition. 1856. mus. 78108 Crottie (Julia M. ) Neighbours [stories]. ----- 126 CI Crowe (Eyre) With Thackeray in America. 1893. ill. - - 97211 Crowe(George) Commission of H. M.S. 'Terrible,' 1898-1902. ill. 96404 Crowest (Frederick J.) Beethoven [his life and work], ill. - B271 Crown of wild olive, on industry and war ; by J. Ruskin. 1904. 30401 Crowther (Samuel) Rowing. 1905. ill, ... - 79727 Cruise of the Betsey [geology] ; by H. Miller. 1897. - - 55401 Cruise of the * Black Prince ' privateer ; by V. L. Cameron. - 11 C 2 Cruise of the Midge ; by M. Scott. 34S2 Cruise of the ' Mock Turtle '; by R. Andom. - 32A1 Crusades. For lists of related subjects, see Church history. History. - Poole (S. L.) Saladin and the fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. S051 Crustacea. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Skuse (F. A. A.) British stalk-eyed Crustacea. 1902. ill. - 59505 Cruttwell (Charles T.) Roman literature [240 B.C. to 180 a.d.] 87005 Crystal Palace, Opening of ; by J. Ruskin. In his On the old road. 70404 Crystallography. For list of related subjects, see Chemistry- - Ruskin (J.) Ethics of the dust, on crystallization. 1903. - 54901 - Williams (G. H.) Elements of crystallography, bibl. ill. - 54801 Cuckoo in the nest, a novel ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - 6011 Cues from all quarters, literary musings ; by [F. Jacox]. - - 82816 Cullen (John) Book of the covenant in Moab, Deuteronomy. - 22315 Cullen (William) Ambulance illustrated. 1905. - - - 61406 Culture. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Brookes (J.) Manliness and culture. 17406 - In Harrison (F.) The choice of books, and other pieces. 1903. E2H1 GOVANHILL BRANCH. CUT Culture. Huxley (T. H. ) Science and culture. In his Science [etc.] 50435 - Kaufmann(M.) Culture and Christianity. i^Present day tracts. 20415 - Morley (J. ) Popular culture. In his Critical miscellanies. - E3M4 - Sabatier (A. ) Religion and modern culture. 1904. - - 23220 - See also Conversation. Debating. Self- culture. Cumberland, Richard. In Paston (George) Little memoirs of the eighteenth century. 1901. port. .... 99604 Cumberland (S.) People I have read [thought-reading], port. C611 Cumberland vendetta, a novel ; by J. Fox. 47 F 2 Cumming (Annie) and others. Golspie, its folklore, ill. map. 92216 Cumming (Constance F. Gordon) Memories. 1904. port. ill. C411 Cumming, John. Eliot (George) Evangelical teaching, Dr. Cumming. In her Essays. E1E1 Cumnock. Warrick (J. ) History of Old Cumnock. 1899. ill. map. 91905 Cunningham (Sir Henry S.) Chronicles of Dustypore, a tale. - 131 CI Cunningham (James) Pilgrims in Palestine, 1904. 1905. ill. - 94506 Cunningham ( Wm.) Alien immigrants to England. 1897. ill. 32501 - The free trade movement. 1904. ------ 33702 Cunnington (Susan) The story of arithmetic. 1904. ill. - 51114 Cupid's garden [stories] ; by E. T. Fowler. - - - - 45F2 Cur Deus homo ? [In English] ; by St. Anselm. - - - - 23910 Curios, strange adventures ; by R. Marsh. - . 54M2 Curle (J. H.) The gold mines of the world. 1905. ill. plans. 62501 Curling. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Kerr (J.) Curling in Canada and the United States, ill. - 79635 " A record of the tour of the Scottish team, 1902-3." - - History of curling. 1890. ill. 79633 - Walker (J. M.) ed. Curling [Etc.] 1892. ... - 79618 Currency. See Money. Currents. Brown's Winds and currents. 1905. ill. map. - 55111 Curse of Cowden ; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 7 Curtis, George William [his life and work] ; by E. Cary. port. - C211 Curwen (Henry) A history of booksellers. 1S73. ill. - - 99902 Curwen (Mrs. J. S.) Pianoforte method, child pianist. 2 v. 4°. 78625-6 - The teacher's guide to Pianoforte method. 2 v. ill. - - 78627-8 Curwen (John) How to read music and understand it. port. - 78434 - Standard course in tonic sol-fa. mus. 78406 - Tonic sol-fa [a primer], mus. 78417 Customs. For list of other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - In Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Meridiana. 1892. - - - - E16M1 - Spencer (H.) Ceremonial institutions. In his Sociology, v. 2. 30102 - See also Chivalry. Christmas. Coronations. Costume. Etiquette. Folk-lore. Gypsies. Woman. Cut-Cavendish. The complete bridge player. 1906. - - 79506 Cutting-out. Browne (M. P.) Dress-cutting, drafting. 1902. - 64603 99 CUT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Cuttlefish. Wilson (A.) Cuttlefishes. In his Studies. 1887. ill. 50420 Cutis (Edward L.) Augustine of Canterbury [a biography]. - A031 Cuyler (Theodore L.) Beulah-land. words of good cheer. - 24305 - Campaigning for Christ, port. 24007 - God's light on dark clouds. 1899. 24304 - The young preacher. 1893. ------- 25109 Cyanide practice. For list of related subjects, see Metallurgy. - James (A.) Cyanide practice. 1902. ill. ... - 66903 Cycles. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Hasluck (P. X. ) ed. Cycle building and repairing. 1904. ill. - 68902 Cycling. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Griffin (H. H.) Cycles and cycling. 1903. ill. - - - 79621 - - Cycling. In Athletic sports, v. 5. 1891. ill, - - - 79607 - Pvumney^ A. W.) Cycle touring. 1898. ill.- - - - 79614 Cynthia's ideal ; by A. Sergeant. 160S1 Cyprian, St. In Farrar (F. W. ) Lives of the fathers, v. 1. 1889. 99811 - Poole (G. A.) Life and times of St. Cyprian. - - - - C301 Cyprus. In Haggard (H. Rider; A winter pilgrimage, 1900. ill. 93909 Cyrus, servant of theLord; by C. Kingsley. In his Lectures. 190*2. 90401 CzEBNY (C.j First instructor in pianoforte playing. 4°. mus. - 78605 D Dahomey. Burton (Sir R. F.) A mission to Gelele, King of Dahome [1863]. 1864. 2 v. - - 96007-8 Dairy. For related subjects, see Agriculture. Chemistry. - Richmond (H. D.) Laboratory dairy analysis. 1905. HI. - 54303 - See also Milk. Daisy chain, or, aspirations ; by C. M. Yonge. - 5Y8 Dale (Darley) The daughters of Job. 2D2 Dale (Robert W.) Fellowship with Christ [discourses]. 1891. 25240 - The Jewish temple and the Christian church. 1896. - - 22801 - The living Christ and the four Gospels. 1904. - - - 22718 - Nine lectures on preaching. 1896. ----- 25108 - The old evangelicalism and the new. 1889. - 28508 - The ten commandments [sermons]. 1884. . - - 25248 - Week-day sermons. 1895. 25217 Dale ( T. F.) Duke of Beaufort and the Badminton Hunt. 1901. ill. B351 Dalhousie. James Andrew Ramsay, Marquis of, Life of ; by Sir W. L. Warner. 190-4. 2 v. port. UL maps. - - Dlll-2 Daly, Sir Henry D. , Memoirs of ; by H. Daly. 1905. port. ill. D201 Damaraland. Galton (F. ) A visit to Damaraland. 1851. ill. - 96701 Damikn (Eugene) La peur d'etre grand'mere, comedie ; [notes]. 44914 Damien ; Father. Cooke Davies(G.C) Practical boat sailing, ill. plans. - . 7971 o Davies(T.W.) The Psalms, Ixxiii.-cl. (Century Bible. ) - - 2S7 Davies, William. In Knight (W. A. ) Retrospects, v. 1. 1904 99911 £t"3!! n'7: rt - ' Cba f lema S ne f a biography], 1900. ill. maps. CHI Davis (J. E.) Dressmaking. In Woman's library, v. 2. 1903 ill 64602 Davis (Richard H.) The lion and the unicorn. . ™ - Soldiers of fortune. ---..-. Davison (Charles) Elements of solid geometry" 1905 " " llsol Davison (William T.) The Psalms, i.-lxxii. (Century Bible.) 22416 Davitt (Michael) The fall of feudalism in Ireland. 1904 . 92614 Davy, Sir Humphrey. In Bolton (S. K. ) Men of science, 'port 99715 Dawn [a novel] ; by H. Rider Haggard. ... Dawson (Albert) Joseph Parker, his life and ministry. 1903 Dawson, George, Life of; by W. Wilson. 1905. port - Dawson (James H.) History of Scottish counties. 1862. map.,. 91807 Dawson (Sir John W.) The day of rest. /„ Present day tracts, v. 9. 20410 - The historical deluge. In Present day tracts, v. 13. . . 20414 - Modern ideas of evolution. [1890] 57502 - Revelation and natural science. In Present day tracts, v. 7 20408 - Salient points in the science of the earth. 1893 ill 55110 Dawson (Joseph) ed. John Wesley on preaching. ' 1904 - - 25104 Dawson (Samdel E) The St. Lawrence basin. 1905. ill. maps. 97209 Dawson (Thos.C.) South American republics. 1904. 2v ill 97801 2 Dawson (William H.) The German workman. 1906 - ' 33129 Dawson (William J.) Makers of modern English, poets. - - 82255 - 1 he makers of modern prose. 1899 g2nl - The doctor speaks, episodes. ...... 21D1 - The house of dreams. ... ».«._ " 21 D 2 Day (Lewis F.) Pattern design. 1903. ill. . . . 74 * 01 - Stained glass. 1903. ill. £££ Day (Ruth M.) Embroidery. In Woman's library, v. 2. 1903 ill 64602 Day, Thomas. In Fy vie (J.) Literary eccentrics. 1906. port. ' 99915 Day of prosperity ; by P. Devinne. - - . . . . 39Dl Day of recompense ; by S. K. Hocking. ..... 67Hn Day will come ; by M. E. Braddon. - - . . . 81Bl4 Days at the coast, Firth of Clyde ; by H. Macdonald. ill. . 9 i 90 2 Days in clover [fishing holidays] ; by E. Marston. 1892 - - 799 i 6 Days of auld lang syne [stories] ; by J. Watson. - . - 28W6 Days of Bruce, a story ; by G. Aguilar. - 12Al Days of Jeanne d'Arc [a romance] ; by M. H. Catherwood. - 33 Cl Days of the past, memories ; by A.' I. Shand. 1905. Dead heart, a tale of the Bastille ; by C. Gibbon. - Day's work [tales] ; by R. Kipling. Day spring [a novel] ; by W. Barry. - 27B3 103 DEA GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Dead Man's Rock ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - - - - 97 C 2 Dead Sea fruit ; by M. E. Braddon. 81 B 2 Dear Lady Disdain [a novel] ; by J. McCarthy. - - - 4M8 Death. Stevenson (R. L.) Old mortality. In his Memories [etc.] El S3 Death-dance [a novel] ; by E. Castle. 31 CI Death of Themistocles, and other poems; by J. Nichol. 1881. 501N Death ship ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R19 Debating. For lists of related subjects, see Culture. Rhetoric. - Gibson (L. M. ) Handbook for literary and debating societies. 03210 Deccan. Crawford (A.) Our troubles in the Deccan. 1897. UL 94802 December roses ; by Mrs. C. Praed. 54 P 3 Decimal system. Delbos (L.) The metric system. 1900. ill. - 38902 Decoration. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Decorative designs. 1903. ill. - - 74502 - Petrie (W. M. F.) Egyptian decorative art. 1895. ill. ■ 74005 - Shaw (H.) Encyclopaedia of ornament. 1904. 4°. col. ill. - 74001 - See also Buhl-work. Furniture. House decoration. Leather-work. Needlework. Wood carving. Deeds that won the Empire ; by W. H. Fitchett. 1904. plans. - 91410 Deemster ; by Hall Caine. 5C3 Deep-sea plunderings, stories of the sea ; by F. T. Bullen. - 104B2 Deeping (Warwick) Love among the ruins [a romance]. - - 17D1 Deer. For related subjects, see Hunting. Mammals. - Jefferies (R.) Red deer. 1900. ill. 79905 - Macrae (A.) A handbook of deer-stalking. 1880. ill.- - 79908 - Scrope (W.) Deer-stalking in the Highlands. 1894. ill. - 79913 Deerbrook, a novel ; by H. Martineau. 58 Ml Deerslayer [Leather-stocking series, No. 1]; by J. F. Cooper. - 86C1 Defoe (Daniel) Robinson Crusoe. 2 copies. ... - 25D1 Defoe, Daniel. Minto (W.) Defoe [his life and work]. 1885. - D051 - Stephen (Sir L.) De Foe's novels. In his Hours in a library. E2S1 De Garmo (Charles) Herbart and the Herbartians. 1904. - H191 Degeneration. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Nordau (Max) Degeneration [in art and literature]. - - 80102 - Regeneration, a reply to Max Nordau. 1895. - - - 80103 De Groodt (James H.) joint-author. See Compton (Alfred G.) Dehors trompeurs, comedie ; par L. de Boissy. ... - 84205 De la Cloche, James. Lang (A. ) The mystery of James de la Cloche. In his Valet's tragedy, and other studies. 1903. 90405 Delamotte (F. ) Ornamental alphabets. 1901. col. ill. - - 74504 Deland (Margaret) John Ward, preacher [a novel]. - - 26 Dl - Old Chester tales. 26 D 2 Delbos (Leon) John Bull in France, French as it is spoken. - 44836 - The metric system. 1900. ill. - 38902 Pelicia [a story] ; by [B, M. Butt]. 117 Bl 104 GOVANHILL BRANCH. DE Delitzsch (Friedrich) Babel and Bible, lectures. 1903. ill.- 22216 De l'Orme, or, le comte de Soissons ; by G. P. R. James. - - 6J4 Deluge. For list of related subjects, see Bible. - Dawson (Sir J. W.) Historical deluge. In Present day tracts. 20414 - Huxley (T. H.) Hasisadra's adventure. In his Science and Hebrew tradition. 1895. 21514 Democracy. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Carlyle (T. ) Shooting Niagara, and after ? In his Essays, v. 7. - E1C7 - Carnegie (A.) Triumphant democracy. 1888.- - - - 97204 " Fifty years' march of the Republic [U.S.A.] " - Lecky (W. E. H.) Democracy and liberty. 1899. 2 v. - 32002-3 - Lloyd (H. D.) Newest England. 1902. ill. .... 9910 i Notes of a democratic traveller in New Zealand, with some Australian comparisons. - Rose (J. H.) The rise of democracy. 1904. .... 34207 Demogeot (J.) Histoire de la litterature francaise. 1903. - - 84003 Demoniac [a novel] ; by Sir W. Besant. 48B14 Demonology. See Devil-worship. De Montmorency (J. E. G. ) State intervention in English educa- tion, a history to 1833. 1902. 37009 Demosthenes [his life and work] ; by S. H. Butcher. 1893. - 88501 Demoulin (Gustave) Franklin [his life. In French] ; with notes. 44849 Dempsey(G. D.) and Clark (D. K.) Locomotive engine. 1904. 62110 Dene Hollow, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 76W25 Denholm (James) History of Glasgow. 1804. ill. maps. - 92320 Denis Duval [a story] ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12 T 8 Denison, Edward. Green (J. R.) A brother of the poor. In his Stray studies, v. 1. 1904. E2G1 Denney (E. E. ) and Roberts (P. L. ) Words and their derivation. 42204 Denney (James) The atonement and the modern mind. 1903. 23247 - and others. Questions of faith, lectures on the creed. - - 23804 Denning (David) Art and craft of cabinetmaking. 1891. ill. 68405 Dennis (John) On the genius and writings of Shakespear, 1711. In Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1903. - 82516 Dentistry. See Teeth. Denver (C. H.) and others. Science in public affairs. 1906. - 30408 Denzil Quarrier, a novel ; by G. Gissing. 30 Gl Departmental ditties, and other verses; by R. Kipling. 1899. 202 K De Quincey (Thomas) Confessions of an English opium-eater. - E1D1 The rosicrucians and freemasons. Analects from Richter. [Etc.] Another edition ; with other essays. 1901.- - - - E1D2 On murder considered as one of the fine arts. The Spanish military nun. The English mail-coach. [Etc.] - Judas Iscariot, and other writings. 1863. - - - - E1D3 Richard Bentley. Cicero. Secret societies. [Etc.] De Quincey, Thomas. Masson (D.) De Quincey [his life]. 1902. D061 - In Saintsbury (G.) Essays in English literature, v. 1. 1891. 82102 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 1. 1899. - - E2S1 105 DER GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. - 44R2 1897. - M491 4 v. ill. Heat, 53603. - 84209 ill. Derval Hampton, a story of the sea ; by J. Grant. - - - 51 G 2 De Salis (Mrs. Harriet A.) A la mode cookery. 1902. col. ill. 64104 - Gardening a la mode, vegetables. 1895. .... 63502 Descartes (Rene) (Euvres. 19402 Discours sur la m^thode. Meditations. Traite" des passions. Descartes, Rene. Fouillee (A.) Descartes [his life. InFrench]. 1893. D211 - Huxley (T. H.) Descartes' " Discourse touching the method of using one's reason rightly." In his Method and results. 1894. 50436 - Mahaffy (J. P.) Descartes [his life and philosophy]. 1901. - 19401 Descent of the duchess ; by M. Roberts. - Deschamps (Gaston) Marivaux [his life. In French]. Deschanel (Augustin P. ) Natural philosophy. 1902-4. 1. Mechanics. Hydrostatics. Pneumatics, 53103. 2. 3. Electricity, 53704. 4. Sound and light, 53403. Desforges (Pierre J. B. C.) Le sourd, comedie. Design. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Day(L. F.) Pattern design. 1903. ill. - Design in textile fabrics. In CasselPs Technical educator. - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Decorative designs. 1903. ill. - Leland (C. G.) Drawing and designing. 1904. ill. - See also Alphabets. Desire of men [a novel] ; by L. T. Meade. - Desmahis (Joseph F. E. de C.) L'impertinent, comedie. - Desperate remedies, a novel ; by T. Hardy. Despot of Broomsedge Cove ; by Charles Egbert Craddock. Despotism. In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 2. Destiny [a novel] ; by S. E. Ferrier. Destouches (Philippe N.) Le philosophe marie ; Le glorieux ; Le dissipateur ; La fausse Agnes [comedies]. - Destroyer [a novel] ; by Benjamin Swift. Destructors. For related subjects, see Sanitary engineering. - Goodrich (W. F.) Small destructors for institutional and trade waste. 1904. ill. Des Vceux (SirG. W.) My colonial service. 1903. 2 v. port. ill. De Tabley (Lord) Poems, dramatic and lyrical. 1895. v. 2. - - [Poems]. In Poets of the century. 1896. mem. - Deussex (Paul) Elements of metaphysics. 1894. Deuteronomy. See Bible. Deutschen Heldensagen ; von G. L. Klee ; with notes. 1894. - Deux amis ; par E. Richebourg ; with notes. 1897. - Deux petits patriotes ; par G. Bruno ; with notes. 1903. ill. - Devas (Charles S.) The key to the world's progress. 1906. - Development. MacDonald (G. ) A sketch of individual develop- ment. In his Dish of orts. 1895. - - - - - E2M1 De Vere, Aubrey. Ward(W.) A. de Vere, a memoir. 1904. port. ill. D121 Devereux (Roy) Side lights on South Africa. 1899. map. - 96303 Devereux [a novel]; by Lord Lytton. 73L15 106 1894. 74501 60303-6 74502 74002 76M47 84207 21H14 104C1 E3H2 13F2 84205 150 SI 62807 D191-2 502 D 82420 11001 43810 44864 44843 28205 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. DIC Devil-worship. For list of other religions, see Religions. - Waite (A. E.) Devil-worship in France. 1896. - - - 29005 Devin du village, intermede ; par J. J. Rousseau. - - - 84206 Devinne (Paul) The day of prosperity. 39D1 Devonshire. Black's Guide to Devonshire. 1906. ill. maps. - 91727 Dewar (George A. B.) Glamour of the earth. 1904. ill. - 50409 De Winton (Wilfred S.) The increase of the episcopate. In Essays [on] reform of the church. 1902. .... 26003 Dexter (T. F. G. ) and Garlick (A. H. ) Senior arithmetic. 1904. 51113 Dialstone Lane ; by W. W. Jacobs. - - - - . . 5J5 Diamond necklace. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 5. - - - E1C5 Diana of the Crossways, a novel ; by G. Meredith. - - - 82 M 4 Diary, and other tales ; by F. Bremer. 86 Bl Diary of a goose girl ; by K. D. Wiggin. 52 W 9 Diary of a late physician ; by S. Warren. 23 Wl Diary of a pilgrimage, and six essays ; by J. K. Jerome. - - 15 Jl Dibdin (W. J.) Purification of sewage and water. 1903. ill. - 62801 Dicey (Albert V. ) Law and public opinion in England. 1905. 34001 Dicey (Edward) The story of the Khedivate. 1902. - - 95718 Dickens (Charles) American notes. Reprinted pieces, ill. 97202, 97203 - A child's history of England. 1896. ill. .... 91201 - Letters, 1833-70. 1880-2. 3 v. D074-6 - Barnaby Rudge, a tale of the [Gordon] riots. 3 copies. - - 30D1 - Bleak House [a novel]. 3 copies. 30 D 2 - Christmas books. 2 copies. 30 D 3 A Christmas carol. The chimes. The cricket on the hearth. Battle of life. The haunted man. - Christmas stories. 2 copies. ------- 30D4 The Bolly-Tree. The wreck of the Golden Mary. The perils of certain English prisoners. The haunted house. A message from the sea. Somebody's luggage. Mrs. Lirriper's lodgings. Mrs. Lirriper's legacy. Doctor Marigold. Mugby Junction. No thoroughfare. - David Copperfield. 3 copies. 30 D 5 - Dombey and Son. 3 copies. 30 D 6 - Great expectations. 3 copies. - - - - - 30 D 8 - Hard times. Pictures from Italy. 3 copies. - - - - 30 D 9 - Little Dorrit. 3 copies. - - 30D10 - Martin Chuzzlewit. 3 copies. 30D11 - Mystery of Edwin Drood, and other stories. 2 copies. - - 30 D 7 Master Humphrey's clock. Hunted down. Holiday romance. George Silverman's explanation. - Nicholas Nickleby. 3 copies. 30D12 - The old curiosity shop. 3 copies. 30D13 - Oliver Twist. 3 copies. 30D14 - Our mutual friend. 3 copies. 30D15 - Pickwick papers. 4 copies. - - 30D16 - Sketches by Boz. 3 copies. 30D17 - A tale of two cities. 3 copies. - - ^ . . - 30 D 18 107 DIC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Dickens (Charles) The uncommercial traveller. 3 copies. Dickens, Charles. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 2. 1905. - Forster (J.) Life of Charles Dickens, port. ill. - Kitton (F. G. ) Dickens, life, writings, and personality, ill. - - In Lord (W. F.) The mirror of the century. 1906. port. - - In Rickett (A.) Personal forces in literature. 1906. bibl. - - Ward (A. W.) Dickens [his life and work]. 1901. Dickie (William) The Christian ethics of social life. 1903. - Dickinson (Mrs. E. M. ) A patriot's mistake, Parnell family, ill. Dicks (Ernest A.) The elements of music, rnus. - A handbook of examinations in music. 1904. mus. Dicksee (Lawrence R.) Auditing, a practical manual. 1904. - Dickson (Robert) and Edmond (J. P.) Annals of Scottish printing, to seventeenth century. 1890. 4°. ill. - Dictator [a novel] ; by J. McCarthy. 4M3 Dictionaries of language, see under Language ; dictionaries of special subjects, as of Botany, Music, see under those words respectively. Diderot, Denis. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 5. - - Reinach (J.) Diderot [his life and work. In French], port. Didon, tragedie ; par le marquis de Pompignan. Diehl (Mrs. A. M.) Dr. PaulFs theory, a romance. - Diet. See Food. Digestion. For list of related subjects, see Disease. - Brunton (Sir L.) Disorders of digestion, etc. 1904. ill. [Dilke (Sir Charles W.)] The British army. 1888. Dilke (Emilia F. S., Lady) Book of the spiritual life. mem. ill. Dillmann (August) Genesis critically expounded. 2 v. Dillon (Emile J.) The sceptics of the Old Testament. 1895. - Dingey (P. S.) Machinery pattern making. 1903. ill. - Dinkinbar [a story] ; by H. C. MacTlwaine. .... Diplomacy. Disbrowe (C. A. A.) Old days in diplomacy. 1903. ///. - Rumbold (Sir H.) Recollections of a diplomatist. 3 v. - Disciples [a poem] ; by H. E. H. King. 1888. .... Disease. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Klein (E. E.) Micro-organisms and disease. 1896. ill.- - Rabagliati (A. ) Air, food, and exercises, an essay on the pre- disposing causes of disease. 1904. 2 v. - - - 61321-2 - West (C.) The mothers manual of children's diseases. 1886. 61801 - See also Bacteria. Consumption. Digestion. Insanity. Nerves. Teeth. Disestablishment. See Church and state. Dish of orts, papers ; by G. MacDonald. 1905. - - - E2M1 Disowned ; by Lord Lytton. - 73 L 17 Disraeli (Benjamin). See Beaconsfield (B. Disraeli, Earl of). Disruption. See Church of Scotland, Free Church. Dissipateur, comedie ; par P. N. Destouches. .... 84205 108 30D19 E9B2 D072 D073 82606 82112 D071 17101 P291 78107 78012 65705 65503 E1C5 D221 84210 33D1 61603 35509 82824 22309-10 22411 671Q5 16M1 D161 R161-3 402 K 61601 GOV AN HILL BRANCH. DOD Distillation. For list of related subjects, see Chemistry. - Young (S.) Fractional distillation. 1903. ill. Distin's Tutor for cornet-a-piston and tenor horn. fo. mas. - Dittmar (August) " X " rays and their applications in the new photography. 1896. ill. ------ Diversions of a country gentleman ; by Sir G-. Douglas. 1902. Diverted village ; by G. Rhys. Divided house, a study from life ; by A. S. Swan. Divining rod. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of the middle ages. Dix (Beulah M.) The making of Christopher Ferringham. Dix (C. M.) First Latin reader and writer. 1900. - - Second Latin reader and writer. 1904. - Third Latin reader and writer. 1892.' Dixon (Charles) The story of the birds. 1900. Dixon (William H.) New America [United States], port. Dixon (William M.) English poetry, Blake to Browning. 1894. Dixon (Willmott) Jacobite episode and its literature. Dobree (Louisa E.) Stories on the rosary. 1897. 2 v. - Dobson (Edward) The art of building. 1901. ill. - - Foundations and concrete works. 1903. ill. - The manufacture of bricks and tiles. 1903. ill. - Dobson (Henry Austin) Fanny Burney [her life and work]. - Fielding [his life and work]. 1902. - - [Poems]. In Poets of the century. 1896. mem. - - Proverbs in porcelain [poems]. 1893. HI. - [Sir] Richard Steele [his life and work]. 1886. - Samuel Richardson [his life and work]. 1902. Docks. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Owen (D. ) Ports and docks, history, working. 1904. ill. Doctor Claudius, a true story ; by F. M. Crawford. - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [Etc.] ; by R. L. Stevenson. Doctor Nikola ; by G. N. Boothby. Sequel to " A bid for fortune," 72 B 2. Dr. Nikola's experiment ; by G. N. Boothby. - Sequel to " Doctor Nikola." Dr. North and his friends ; by 8. W. Mitchell. - Doctor of the old school [tales] ; by J. Watson. From " Beside the bonnie brier bush." Dr. Paull's theory, a romance ; by Mrs. A. M. Diehl. Doctor speaks, episodes ; by W. J. Dawson. Doctor Thorne [a novel] ; by A. Trollope. - Chronicles of Barsetshire, No. 3. Dr. Vermont's fantasy ; by H. Lynch. .... Doctor's family ; by Mrs. M. O. \V. Oliphant. 2 copies. - Doddridge (Philip) Life of Col. James Gardiner. Dods (Marcus) How to become like Christ [Etc.] 1S9S. - 109 54202 78803 53507 50434 27R1 147 S 8 39818 34D1 47802 47803 47804 59808 97206 82411 91841 24409-10 69003 72101 66603 A071 F031 82420 601D S561 R051 62701 - 113C1 - 119S8 72B3 72B5 • 95M2 - 28W7 - 33D1 21D1 43T3 67L1 601, 602 G181 23012 DOD GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRA RIES. Dods (Marcus) Introduction to the New Testament. 1889. - 22616 Dog. For list of other domestic animals, see Domestic animals. - Barton (F. T. ) The dog and how to break him. ill. - - 63619 - Brown (J.) Our dogs. In his Horse subsecivae, v. 2. - - E1B2 - Compton(H.E.) Twentieth century dog, non-sporting. 1904. ill. 63606 - Hill (J. W.) Management and diseases of the dog. 1905. ill. 61902 - Maeterlinck (M.) Death of a little dog. In his Double garden. E14M2 - Stevenson (R. L.) Character of dogs. In his Memories [etc.] E1S3 - Zola (fi.) and others. Dog stories, ill. 17901 Dog fiend ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52 M 9 Dogma. See Theology. Doings of Raffles Haw ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - - 51 D 3 Dolly dialogues ; by Anthony "Hope. 82H11 Dombey and Son ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - - - 30 D 6 Domestic animals. For list of related subjects, see Agriculture. ~ Darwin (C.) The variation of animals and plants under domestication. 1905. 2 v. ill. 57513-4 - Jordan (W. H.) The feeding of animals. 1901. - - - 63602 - See also Birds. Cat. Dog. Horse. Poultry. Rabbit. Domestic economy. For list of other useful arts, see Arts, Useful. - Beeton (Mrs. I.) Book of household management. 1888. col. ill. 64001 - Humphry (Mrs. C. E.) Housekeeping, a guide. 1894. - - 64006 - Isobel, ed. Household hints. 64007 Pearson's Home management. 1904. ill. - 64002 - [Philp (R. K.)] The domestic world, a guide. - - - 64004 - Steel (F. A.) and Gardiner (G.) Complete Indian housekeeper. 64008 - Wallace (Mrs. W.) Woman's kingdom. 1905. ill. - - 64005 - See also Children. Confectionery. Cookery. Dress. Dressmaking. Food. Furniture. Home. House decoration. Laundry. Nursing. Don Japhet d'Armenie, comedie ; par P. Scarron. - - - 84202 Don John, a story ; by J. Ingelow. H2 Don Orsino [a novel] ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - - 113 C 13 Sequel to "Sanf Ilario," 113 C 12. Don Quixote, Adventures of; by M. de Cervantes. - - - 34 CI Donal Grant [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. .... 10MII Donaldson (James) The Westminster confession of faith, and the thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. 1905. 23805 Donatello. In Vasari (G.) Lives of the sculptors [etc.], v. 1. - 99702 Donisthorpe (Wordsworth) Law in a free state. 1895. - 32011 Donizetti, Gaetano. i/i Rowbotham ( J. F.) Composers, bibl. port. 99721 Donn (Rob). See Mack ay (Robert). Donna Diana [a novel] ; by R. Bagot. 2B2 Donna Quixote [a novel] ; by J. McCarthy. - 4M4 Donne, John. Jessopp (A.) John Donne, 1621-1631. port. - D031 Donovan, a modern Englishman [a novel] ; by Edna Lyall. - 66 L 7 Doom Castle, a romance ; by Neil Munro. 124 M 6 110 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. DOY Doris Cheyne [a story] ; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 9 Dorothea, a story ; by Maarten Maartens. 2M1 Dorothea Kirke [a story] ; by A. S. Swan. - - - - 147 S 32 Dorothy Forster, a novel ; by Sir W. Besant. 2 copies. - - 48 B 2 Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall [a romance] ; by C. Major. - 35 Ml Double garden [essays] ; by M. Maeterlinck. 1904.- - - E14M2 Double harness ; by Anthony Hope. 82 H 8 Double thread ; by E. T. Fowler. 45 F 4 Double veuvage, comedie ; par C. R. Dufresny. - - - 84203 Doubting heart ; by A. Keary. 5K1 Doug all (Lily) Beggars all, a novel. 43 Dl - A question of faith. - - 43D3 - The zeit-geist [a story]. 43 D 2 Doughty (Marion) Afoot through Kashmir valleys. 1902. ill. - 94804 Douglas (Charles M. ) Science and administration. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30408 Douglas (Gavin) Bp. [Poems]. In Surrey anthology. - - 82227 Douglas (Sir George) Diversions of a country gentleman. 1902. 50434 - Life of Major-General Wauchope. 1904. - - - - W171 - The man of letters, a novel. 44 Dl Douglas (George). See Brown (George D.) Douglas (George C. M.) Analysis of the Old Testament. 1889. 22209 Douglas (J.) and others. The carnation manual. 1897. ill. - 71607 Douglas (R. S.) and Walker (A. H.) Brush drawing. 1902. 74004 Douglas (Theo) A golden trust. 48 Dl Douglas, House of. Maxwell (Sir H. E.) A history of the house of Douglas. 1902. 2 v. bibl. port. ill. - - - - D011-2 Dove (Patrick E.) The science of politics. 1850-4. 2 v. - 32006-7 Dove in the eagle's nest ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - - 5Y9 Dowden (Edward) The life of Percy B. Shelley. 1896. - - S112 - Southey [his life and work]. 1902. S151 - Transcripts and studies. 1896. E2D1 Carlyle's lectures on the periods of European culture. Shelley's "Philosophical view of reform." Last words on Shelley. The text of Wordsworth's poems. Victorian literature. The interpretation of literature. Spenser. Heroines of Spenser. Shakspere's portraiture of women. Romeo and Juliet. Christopher Marlowe. The idealism of Milton. Browning's "Sordello." Dowling (R.)ed. All about ships and shipping. 1905. ill. map. 65609 Downey (Edmund) Twenty years ago, literary life. 1905. ill. D171 Downing Street [and] New Downing Street ; by T. Carlyle. In his Latter-day pamphlets [1850]. E1C8 Downman (Edward A.) English pottery and porcelain, ill. - 73801 Doyle (Sir Arthur Conan) The captain of the Polestar [Etc.] 51D16 - The doings of Raffles Haw. 51 D 3 - The exploits of Brigadier Gerard. 51D19 - Adventures of Gerard. 51D18 Sequel to u The exploits of Brigadier Gerard." Ill DOY GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Doyle (Sir Arthur Conan) The firm of Girdlestone, a romance of the unromantic. 51 D 9 - The great shadow. Beyond the city. 51D17 - The green flag, and other stories of war and sport.- - - 51 D 13 - Micah Clarke [a romance]. - - - - - - 51 D 4 - The refugees, a tale of two continents. - - - - 51 D 5 - Rodney Stone [a romance]. - - - - . . 51 D 6 - Sherlock Holmes series : 1. A study in scarlet, 51D14. 2. The hound of the Baskervilles, 51D15. 3. The sign of four, 51 D 7. 4. The adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 51 Dl. 5. The last adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 51 D 2. 6 The return of Sherlock Holmes, 51D20. - Sir Nigel [a romance]. 51D21 - The White Company [sequel to "Sir Nigel"]. - - 51 D 8 - The Stark Munro letters. 51D10 - The tragedy of the Korosko. - 51D12 - Uncle Bernac, a memory of the Empire. 51D11 Doyle (John A. ) The English in America. 1887. 2 v. map. 97309-10 - Memoir and correspondence/^ Susan Ferrier. - - - - F051 Drage (Geoffrey) Trade unions. 1905. ----- 33116 Dragons of the air, extinct flying reptiles ; by H. G. Seeley. - 56801 Drainage. For lists of related subjects, see Agriculture. Sanitary engineering. - King (F. H.) Irrigation and drainage. 1903. ill. - - - 63103 - Middleton (G. A. T.) The drainage of houses. 1903. ill. - 62805 Drake, an English epic ; by A. Noyes. 1906. Books 1-3. - 601 N Drama. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Keene (C. H.) Sketches of the Greek dramatic poets. 1898. - 88203 Aeschylus. Sophocles. Euripides. Aristophanes. The classical and romantic drama. - Kingsley (C.) The stage as it was once. In his Lectures. - E1K3 - Lee (Vernon) The Italy of the Elizabethan dramatists. In her Euphorion. 1899. E4L1 - Lowell (J. R.) The old English dramatists. 1S92. - - 82508 Marlowe. Webster. Chapman. [Etc.] - Maeterlinck (M.) The modern drama. In hi* Double garden. E14M2 - Kistori (A.) Studies and memoirs. 1888. .... R141 - Rothschild (J. A. de) Shakespeare and his day. 1906. - - 82252 11 A study of the topical clement in Shakespeare and in the Elizabethan drama." - In Schelling (F. E.) The Queen's progress [Etc.] - - - 91615 " An aery of children." Plays in the making. [Etc.] - Walkley (A. B.) Dramatic criticism, lectures. 1903. - - 79207 - See also Acting. Masques. Miracle-plays. Opera. Dramatic works will be found under the names of the following authors : Addison (Joseph) Baron (Michel) Bornier(E. C. H. de) Allainval (Leonor J. C. S. d') Barthe (Nicolas T.) Boursault (Edme^ Andrieux(FrangoisG. J. S.) Belloi (Pierre L. B. de) Brueys (David A. de) Augier (£mile) Bisson (Alexandre) Chenier (Marie J.) Austin (Alfred) Boissy (Louis de) Cheron (Louis C.) 112 GOVANHILL BRANCH. DRE Dramatic works. Names of authors. Continued. Coleridge (Samuel T.) Gresset (Jean B. L.) Musset (Alfred de) Colle" (Charles) Greville (Henri) Ohnet (Georges) Collin d'Harleville (Jean F.) Hugo (Victor) Ordonneau (Maurice) Copp^e (Francois) Jonson (Ben) Peele (George) Corn eille (Pierre etT.) Labiche (Eugene M.) Phillips (Stephen) Craigie (Mrs. Pearl M. T.) La Chaussee (Pierre C. X. de)Piron (Alexis) La Fontaine (Jean de) Poinsinet (Antoine A. H.) La Fosse (Antoine de) Pornpignan (J. J. le Franc, La Harpe (Jean F. de) marquis de) La Noue (Jean S. de) Ponsard (Francois) Legouve (Ernest W.) Raymond (Hippolyte) Legouve (Gabriel M. J. B.) Rotrou (Jean de) Lemercier (Nepomucene L.) Rousseau (Jean J.) Le Sage (Alain R.) Saurin (Bernard J.) Lessing (Gotthold E.) Scarron (Paul) Lucede Lancival(Jean C. J.) Schiller (Johann C. F. von) Crebillon (Prosper J. de) Damien (Eugene) Dancourt (Florent C.) Desf urges (Pierre J. B. C.) Desmahis (Joseph F. E\ de C.) Destouches (Philippe N.) Ducis (Jean F.) Dufresny (Charles R.) Euripides Fabre d'Eglantine (Philippe Maeterlinck (Maurice) F. N.) Fagan (Christophe B.) Favart (Charles S.) Ferrier (Paul) Freytag (Gustav) Gill et Richard Goethe (Johann W. von) Goldsmith (Oliver) Marivaux (Pierre C. C. de) Marlowe (Christopher) Marmontel (Jean F.) Metastasio (Pietro) Moliere (Jean B. P.) Montfleury (Antoine J.) Monvel (Jacques M.) Scribe (Eugene) Sedaine (Michel J.) Shakespeare (William) Sheridan (Richard B.) Tennyson (Alfred. Lord) Voltaire (Francois M. A. de) Wordsworth (William) Yeats (William B.) Drame de la mer ; par A. Dumas ; with notes. .... 44855 Draper (John W.) Conflict between religion and science. 1904. 21506 Draughts. For list of other games, see Games. - Anderson (A. ) The game of draughts simplified, ill. - - 79405 - In Hoffmann (Professor) ed. The modern Hoyle. ill. - - 79310 Drawbridge (C. L.) Old beliefs and new knowledge. 1905. - 23915 - Training of the twig, religious education. 190"). - - - 37702 Drawing. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-3, 6. ill. - 03201-3, 03206 - Furniss (H. ) How to draw in pen and ink. 1905. ill. - - 74101 - Harper (C. G.) Drawing for reproduction. 1901. ill. - - 74104 - Heather (J. F.) Drawing and measuring instruments. 1899. ill. 68102 - Hutchinson (G. W. C.) Some hints on learning to draw. ill. - Leland (C. G.) Drawing and designing. 1904. ill. - Walker (W.) Handbook of drawing. 18S0. ill. - - See also Anatomy, Artistic. Architecture. Brush-work. Caricature. Engineering. Perspective. Shading. Dream of John Ball ; by W. Morris. Dream of the North Sea ; by J. Runciman. .... Dreams. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Lang (A.) Book of dreams and ghosts. 1899. - In Stevenson (R. L.) Across the plains [etc.] 1902. Dress. For list of related subjects, see Domestic economy. - Major. Clothes and the mau, wearing and caring of clothes. - See also Costume. Dressmaking. For list of related subjects, see Domestic economy. - Davis (J. E.) Dressmaking. In Woman's library, v. 2. 1903. ill. 64602 - Wood (J. A. E. ) How to make a dress. 1904. ill. - - 64604 113 74103 74002 - 74003 Building. - 115M1 68R1 - 13302 E1S2 64607 DRE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Dressmaking. See also Cutting-out. Needlework. Dreyfus, Alfred. Steevens (G. W. ) Dreyfus case. In Things seen. E4S1 Drink question. See Temperance. Driver (Samuel R.) Literature of the Old Testament. 1905. 22215 - Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. (Century Bible. ) 1906. map. 22509 D ron (Robert W.) Tne coal-fields of Scotland. 1902. maps. 55303 Druery (Charles T. ) The book of British ferns, ill. - - 58702 Drummond (Hamilton) The Beaufoy romances. - - - 54 Dl - A king's pawn. 54D2 Drummond (Henry) The ascent of man [evolution]. 1904. - 57504 - The evolution of Bible study. 1901. 22009 - Natural law in the spiritual world. 1903. .... 21504 Drummond, Henry. Finlayson (T. C. ) Biological religion. 1895. 21502 "An essay in criticism of Drummond's 'Natural law in the spiritual world.'" - Smith (G. A.) Life of H. Drummond. 1904. port. - D091 Drummond (Robert J.) Faith's perplexities. 1904. - - 23913 Dryad [a romance] ; by J. H. McCarthy. 137 M4 Dryden (John) Essays; with notes by C. D. Yonge. 1903. - E3D1 Satire. Parallel between poetry and painting. [Etc.] - Poetical works, mem. 301 D - Anthology ; ed. by E. Arber. 1899. 82232 Dryden, John. In Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. 1. 1900. 99917 - In Lowell (J. R. ) My study windows. E1L1 - Saintsbury (G.) Dryden [his life and work]. 1902. - - D081 Du Bellay, Joachim. In Belloc (H.) Avril. 1904. - - - 84101 Dubois (Jean A. ) Hindu manners, customs, ceremonies, port. 94713 Du Bois (William E. B.) The suppression of the African slave- trade, U.S.A., 1638-1870. 1904. 32601 Du Boisgobey (Fortune) Margot la Balafree. - - - - 67 Dl Du Camp (Maxime) Theophile Gautier [his life. In French]. - G271 Du Chaillu (Paul B.) Ivar the viking, a romantic history. - 56 Dl Dcchesne (L.) Christian worship, its origin and evolution. - 26406 Ducis (Jean F.) Hamlet ; CEdipe chez Admete ; Macbeth ; Abufar [tragedies]. -------- 84211 Duckers (J. S.) A guide to students' lawbooks and to both branches of the legal profession. 1906. - 34705 Duclaux (Mary). See Robinson (Agnes M. F.) Dudeney (Mrs. Henry E.) Hagar of Homerton [a novel]. - 57D2 - Robin Brilliant [a novel]. 57 Dl - The story of Susan. 57 D 3 Dudgeon (R. E.) The prolongation of life. 1900. - ^- - 61307 Duff, Alexander. In Holcomb (H. H.) India missions. 1901. ill. 99825 Dufferin (Marquess of) Letters from high latitudes. 1903. ill. 94109 Dufferin, Marquess of, Life of ; by Sir A. C. Lyall. 2 v. port. ill. D 181-2 114 GOVANHILL BRANCH. DUN Dufresny (Charles R.) L'esprit de contradiction; Le double veuvage ; La coquette de village ; Le manage [comedies]. Duguid (Charles) The stock exchange. 1904. - - The Stock Exchange [London]. 1901. ill. .... Dulcie Everton [a novel] ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. - Dumas (Alexandre) Un drame de la mer ; notes by A. C. Clapin. - The black tulip. - The Count of Monte Cristo. 2 copies. - Marguerite de Valois [a romance]. - Chicot the jester [sequel to "Marguerite de Valois "]. - - The forty-five guardsmen [sequel to " Chicot the jester "]. - Les trois mousquetaires. - The three musketeers. 2 copies. - Vingt ans apres [sequel to " Les trois mousquetaires "]. - Twenty years after [sequel to "Three musketeers"]. 2 copies. - Le vicomte de Bragelonne [sequel to " Vingt ans apres "]. - L'exploit du D'Artagnan ; with notes by H. E. Berthon. 1S99. " Episode du ' Vicomte de Bragelonne.' " - Vicomte de Bragelonne [sequel to "Twenty years after"]. 2 copies. ---------- - Louise de la Valliere [sequel to "Vicomte de Bragelonne "]. - - The man in the iron mask [sequel to " Louise dela Valliere "]. - The son of Porthos [sequel to " The man in the iron mask "]. Dumas, Alexandre. In Lang (A. ) Essays in little. 1906. - Parigot (H.) Dumas [his life. In French], port. - - Spurr (H. A.) Stories from the plays of Dumas. 1904. port. - Stevenson (R. L.) A gossip on a novel of Dumas's [Vicomte de Bragelonne]. In his Memories and portraits. 1904. - Du Maurier (George) Peter Ibbetson [a novel]. - Trilby, a novel. Dumb-bells. Graf (F.) Dumb-bells. 1902. ill. Dumfries. McDowall (W.) St. Michael's churchyard. 1876. - Dumfriesshire. Johnstone (C. L.) Families of Dumfriesshire. Du Moncel (Count) Telephone, microphone, phonograph, ill. Dunbar (William) Anthology; ed. by E. Arber. 1901. Duncan (Charles) Tutor for the euphonium, mas. - Tutor for the fife. mus. - Tutor for the trombone, mus. Duncan (Edmondstoune) Schubert [his life and work], ill. Duncan (John) Colloquia peripatetica [Christian evidences]. - Duncan (Norman) The mother [stories]. Duncan (P. M.) The sea-shore [natural history]. 1896. ill. - Duncan (Richard) ed. Literary history of Glasgow. 1886. Duncan (Sara J.) A daughter of to-day. - The imperialist [a novel]. - The path of a star. 115 84203 33206 33201 46L1 44855 58D7 58D1 58D4 58D5 58D6 58D9 58D2 58D10 58D3 58D11 44892 58D8 58D12 58D13 58D14 E5L1 D231 84201 E1S3 66D2 66D1 61303 92023 92005 65407 82226 78812 78811 78810 S251 23917 59D1 59012 92314 60D3 60D2 60D1 DUN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Duncan (Sara J.) Those delightful Americans [a novel]. - Duncan (William) Life of Joseph Cowen. 1904. Dundee, Viscount. See Graham, John. Dundee. Municipal history of Dundee. 1873. ill. plans. Dunfermline. Whitehouse (J. H.) Problems of a Scottish . provincial town. 1905. ill. Dunlop (John C. and A. H.) Old Edinburgh. 1893. ill. Dunlop (Robert) Daniel O'Connell and Ireland. 1900. ill. - Dunn (H. A. C.) Fencing. 1899. ill. - Fencing. In Athletic sports, v. 3. 1890. ill. [Dunne (Finley P.)] Mr. Dooley's philosophy. 1903. ill. - Observations by Mr. Dooley. 1903. Dunstan (J. E.) Elementary science, chemistry, ill. Dunthorpes of Westleigh ; by Christian Lys. - Dunton (T. Watts) [Poems]. In Poets of the century. 1896. mem. - Aylwin [a story]. Durand(E. R.) An autumn tour in western Persia. 1902. ill. - Durer, Albrecht. Eckenstein (L.) Diirer [his life and art], ill. Durland (Kellogg) Among the Fife miners. 1904. Dussouchet (J. ) Exercices sur la ' Petite grammaire francaise ' de Brachet et Dussouchet. 1900. - joint-author. See Brachet (A. ) Dust. Wallace (A. R. ) The importance of dust. In his Won- derful century. 1905. ill. Dutton (Clarence E.) Earthquakes. 1904. ill. Duty. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Avebury (Lord) Happiness of duty. In his Pleasures of life. - Smiles (S.) Duty. 1905. ill. ' Duval (Mathias) Artistic anatomy. 1905. ill. Dvorak, Antonin. In Hadow (W. H.) Modern music, port. - Dyce (Chas. M.) The model settlement, Shanghai, 1870-1900. - Dyer (Henry) The evolution of industry. 1895. Dynamics. See Force. Dynamiter ; by R. L. and F. v. de G. Stevenson. - - - 119 S 10 Sequel to "New Arabian nights," 119 S 13. Dynamos. For list of related subjects, see Engineering, Electric. - Broadbent (F.) Dynamo attendants and their dynamos, ill. - 62415 - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Dynamos and electric motors. 1903. ill. 62401 - In Kennedy (B.) Electrical installations, v. 1. ill. - - 62404 - Thompson (S. P.) Dynamo-electric machinery. 1904-5. 2 v. ill. 62423-4 1. Continuous-current machines. 2. Alternating-current machinery. Dynevor Terrace, or, the clue of life ; by C. M. Yonge. - - 5Y10 Dyson (Edward) The gold-stealers, a story. .... 64D1 116 GOVANHILL BRANCH. EDD Eagar (M.) Six years at the Russian court. 1906. ill. - Eagle's nest, relation of natural science to art ; by J. Ruskin. Earl (Alfred G.) Physical measurement. 1894. ill. Earl's daughter ; by E. M. Sewell. Earth. For lists of related subjects, see Astronomy. Geology - Ball (Sir R, S.) The earth's beginning. 1903. ill. - Bonney (T. G.) The story of our planet. 1902. ill. maps. - Geikie (J. ) Earth sculpture, the origin of land forms. 1902. - Small (E. W.) The earth, study of inorganic nature. 1894 1. ill. 1904. - Wallace (A. R.) Our molten globe. In his Studies, Earthly paradise, a poem ; by W. Morris. 1903. Earthquakes. For list of related subjects, see Geology. - Button (C. E.) Earthquakes. 1904. ill. East and eastern question. Kinglake (A. W.) Eothen. Travel in Turkey, Palestine, and Egypt, 1835. - Miller (W.) Travels and politics in the near east. 1898. ill. - Miiller (F. Max) Congress of Orientalists, 1892. In his Works. - Ross (H. J.) Letters from the east, 1837-57. 1902. ill. maps. East, Far. Gulick (S. L. ) The white peril in the far east. 1905. "An interpretation of the significance of the Russo-Japanese war." - Townsend (M.) Asia and Europe. 1903. .... - Weale (B. L. P.) Manchu and Muscovite. 1904. ill. map. - East Lynne ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - Eastlake (Charles L.) Hints on household taste. 1878. ill. Easton (H. T.) Money, exchange, and banking. 1905. - - The work of a bank. 1906. ----... Eastwood, antiquities of the parish ; by G. Campbell. 1902. ill. Ebb-tide ; by R. L. Stevenson and L. Osbourne. Ebbard (R. J.) and Vogt (F. W, ) The bedrock of health. Ebers (Georg) An Egyptian princess, an historical novel - Homo sum, a novel. ---._. Ecce Homo, life and work of Christ ; by Sir J. R. Seeley. Scclesiastes. See Bible. Scclesiastical law. See Church law. Eckenstein (Lina) Albrecht Diirer [his life and art], ill. - Through the Casentino. 1902. ill. map. - Sclipses. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Lynn (W. T. ) Remarkable eclipses. 1906. - Ecole des bourgeois, comedie ; par L. J. C. S. d'Allainval. Ecole des femmes, comedie ; par J. B. P. Moliere ; with notes. Ecole des meres, comedie ; par P. C. N. de La Chaussee. - Sconomics. See Political economy. Ecuador. In Dawson (T. C.) South American republics. 1904. ill. Eddy (Daxiel C.) Angels' whispers, to console the mourning. - 117 1906. 1903. 94023 70402 53003 48S5 52308 55118 55102 55125 50438 1101 M 55105 93901 93904 E6M1 R241 94305 94302 95111 76W2 74903 33207 33209 92336 119S7 61501 3E2 3E1 23209 D021 93718 52315 84204 44841 84204 97802 24204 EDE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Eden (Horatia K. F.) Juliana H. Ewing and her books. 1896. E011 Edersheim (Alfred) Jesus the Messiah. 1894. - - - 23215 - Prophecy and history in relation to the Messiah. 1885. - 23216 Edgar (Robert M.) Christ's doctrine of prayer. In Present day tracts, v. 12. 20413 - The resurrection of Christ. In Present day tracts, v. 8. - 20409 Edgeworth (Maria) Belinda [a story]. 10 El - Castle Rackrent. The absentee. 10 E 6 - Helen [a novel]. 10E2 - Ormond, a tale. 10E3 - The parent's assistant, or, stories for children. - - - 10 E 4 - Popular tales. 10E5 Edgeworth, Maria. Lawless (E.) M. Edgeworth [life and work]. E041 Edghill (E. A.) The evidential value of prophecy. 1906. - 22024 Edghill, John C. In Dant (C. H.) Distinguished churchmen, port. 99620 Edina, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - - - 76 W 26 Edinburgh. Brown (J.) eel. Epitaphs and monumental inscrip- tions in Greyfriars Churchyard, Edinburgh. 1867. ill. - 92011 - Dunlop (J. C. and A. H.) Old Edinburgh. 1893. ill. - - 92018 - In Fields (Mrs. J. T.) A shelf of old books. 1904. ill. - E5F1 - Guthrie (T. ) The Edinburgh Original Ragged School. Sketches of the Cowgate. In his Out of harness. 1896. - - E3G1 - Smeaton(W. H. O.) Edinburgh and its story. 1904. 92022 The story of Edinburgh. 1905. ill. plans. - - - 92025 - Stevenson (R. L.) Edinburgh, picturesque notes. 1903. ill. - 92030 - Warrender (M.) Walks near Edinburgh. 1895. ill. - - 92014 - Williamson (M. G.) Edinburgh, account of the city. 1906. ill. 92026 Edinburgh review. Bagehot (W.) The first Edinburgh reviewers. In his Literary studies, v. 1. 1905. - - E9B1 - Stephen (Sir L.) The first Edinburgh reviewers. In his Hours in a library, v. 2. 1899. E2S2 Edinburgh sermons ; by H. Black. 1906. 25253 Edinburgh University. Barrie (J. M.) An Edinburgh eleven, pencil portraits from college life. 1895. - 99603 - Grant (Sir A.) Edinburgh University [1582-1883]. 2 v. ill. 37802-3 Edmond (John P.) joint-author. See Dickson (Robert). Edmund, St. In Lives of the English saints, v. 6. 1901. - - 99808 Edser (Edwin) Light for students. 1904. ill. - - - 53504 Education. For other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - Adamson (J. W.) Pioneers of modern education, 1600-1700. bibl. 37003 - In Avebury (Lord) Pleasures of life. 1904. - - - - E1A1 - In Benson (A. C.) From a college window. 1906. - - - E8B1 - Cassell's New popular educator. 1903. 8 v. ill. maps. - 03201-8 " A complete encyclopaedia of education." - Clarke (J.) Short studies in education in Scotland. 1904. - 37005 - Creighton (M.) Thoughts on education. 1902. - - - 37007 118 GOVANHILL BRANCH. EDW Education. De Montmorency (J. E. G.) State intervention in English education, a history to 1833. 1902. - - - 37009 - Froebel (F. W. A.) The student's Froebel. 2 v. - - 37109-10 1. Theory of education. 2. Practice of education. - In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 2. 1903. - - - - E2F2 - Hay ward (F. H.) Educational ideas of Pestalozzi and Frobel. 37102 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 1. 1900. - - E3H1 - Huxley (T. H. ) Science and education. 1895. - - - 50435 - James (W.) Talks on psychology, and some of life's ideals. - 37011 - Hay ward (F. H.) The secret of Herbart. 1904. - - - 37012 A reply to James's " Talks on psychology." - Kingsley (C.) Health and education [essays]. 1887. - - E1K4 - Laurie (S. S.) Primary instruction. 1898. .... 37206 Survey of pre-Christian education. 1904. - 37008 - Leland (C. G.) Practical education. 37103 - Mark (H. T.) History of educational theories in England. - 37111 - Martineau (H.) Household education. 1876. - 37212 - In Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Meridiana. 1892. .... E16M1 - Miiller (F. Max) [Academic] Freedom. InhisWorks, v. 5. 1902. E6M1 - Rein (W.) Outlines of pedagogics. 1899. .... 37010 - Sadler (M. E.) Science in national education. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30408 - Skrine (J. H. ) Pastor agnorum, afterthoughts. 1902. - - 37006 - Tarver (J. C.) Debateable claims. 1898. .... 37901 "Essays on secondary education." - Thring (E.) Theory and practice of teaching. 1904. - - 37113 - Walker (A. S.) Education and culture. In his Success. 1900. 17701 - In Wallace (A. R.) Studies, v. 2. 1900. ill. - - - 50439 Museums for the people. American museums. Epping Forest and temperate forest regions. The expressiveness of speech, or, mouth-gesture as a factor in the origin of language. [Etc.] - Wilkins (A. S.) Roman education. 1905. bibl. - - - 37001 - Woodward (W. H. ) Desiderius Erasmus and education, bibl, 37004 - See also Children. Classical education. Culture. Ethics. Kinder- garten. Nature study. Object lessons. Play. Religion. Schools. Technical education. Woman. Education, Commercial. See Business. Education of the heart ; by W. L. Watkinson. .... 17130 Edward I. Jenks (E.) Edward Plantagenet. 1902. port. ill. map. E021 - Tout (T. F.) Edward I. [a biography]. 1901. - - - E022 Edward III. Hood (A. N. ) Edward III. In Naval heroes, part, 99619 Edward V. More (Sir T.) History of Edward V. 32001 Edward VII. Wilkins (W. H.) Our King and Queen, life. ill. E152 Edward, Thomas. Smiles (S.) Life of a Scotch naturalist. 1905. E101 Edward the Exile, a romance of history ; by M. M. Davidson. - 11 Dl Edwardes (Mrs. Annie) A plaster saint. 12E2 - A vagabond heroine. 12 El 119 EDW GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Edwards (Amelia B.) The story of Cervantes, ill. - - - C601 - A thousand miles up the Nile. 1888. ill. - 95708 Edwards (Clbmejnt) Railway nationalization. 1898. - - 38501 Edwards (E. H.) Fire and sword in Shansi. 1903. ill. maps. 95125 Edwards, Jonathan. In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 1. E2S1 Edwards (Joseph) Differential calculus for beginners. 1903. - 51704 - Integral calculus for beginners. 1904. 51703 Edwards (Matilda Beth am) East of Paris. 1902. ill. - - 93102 Edwin Drood, and other stories ; by C. Dickens. 2 copies. - 30 D 7 Egerton (George) Keynotes [stories]. 18 El Egerton (Hugh E.) History of British colonial policy. 1905. 32506 Eggleston (Edward) A history of the United States, ill. - 97220 Eggs. For list of related subjects, see Birds. - Atkinson (J. C.) British birds' eggs and nests. 1903. ill. - 59817 - Birds' nests and eggs. 1893. col. ill. 59814 Egoism. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Kaufmami (M.) Egoism [etc.] In Present day tracts, v. 11. - 20412 Egoist, a comedy in narrative ; by (i. Meredith. - - - 82M5 Egypt. Dicey (E.) The story of the Khedivate. 1902. - - 95718 - Field (H. M.) On the desert, Egypt to Palestine. 1888. ill. map. 94405 - Gibson (C. D.) Sketches in Egypt. L899. ill. - - - 95701 - Lane (E. \V.) The modern Egyptians. 1871. 2 v. ill. - 95703-4 - Maspero (G. C.) Manual of Egyptian archaeology. 1902. bibl. ill. 95719 - Mieville (Sir W. ) Under Queen and Khedive. 1899. - - M221 "Autobiography of an Anglo-Egyptian oil - Molyneux (W. C. F.) Campaigning in Egypt [ 1882]. map. - 96501 - Sayce (A. H.) The Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotos. 1896. 95711 - Steevens (G. W.) Egypt in 1898. L900. - 96405 - Thruston (A. B.) African incidents, Egypt. ]!>()<». ///. map. 95501 - White (A. S.) The expansion of Egypt. 1899. maps. - - 95707 " Under Anglo- Egyptian condominium." - Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) The ancient Egyptians. 1890. '2 v. ill. 95709-10 - Worsf old (W. B.) Redemption of Egypt. 1899. ill. - - 95706 The story of Egypt, map. 95702 - See also Pyramids. Egyptian princess, an historical novel ; by G. Ebers. - - 3E2 Eight hours day. See Labour. Eikon basilike ; by Sir J. Mackintosh. In his Works, v. 1. - E 10 Ml Eileen [a novel] ; by Lucas Cleeve. 56 C 2 Elder, John, engineer, Memoir of ; by W. J. M. Rankine. 1871. E081 Eleanor of Provence. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Eleanor [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. Ward. 13W1 Eleanora of Aquitaine. In Strickland (A. ) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Eleanora of Castile. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Elect lady ; by G. MacDonald. - - - - • - - - 10M30 120 GOVANHILL BRANCH. ELI Elections. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Richards (H. C.) The candidates' and agents' guide. 1904. - 32401 Electric batteries. For subjects relating to this and other headings commencing Electric, Electro, see Engineering", Electric. - Bottone (S. R.) Galvanic batteries. 1902. ill. "Their theory, construction, and use." - See also Accumulators. Electric bells. Hasluck (P. X.) ed. Electric bells, how to make and tit them. ill. - ..... Electric instruments. In Kennedy (R.) Electrical installations. - Schneider (N. H.) Electrical instruments and testing. 1905. ill Electric lighting. Slingo (W.) and Brooker (A.) Electrical engineering. 1903. ill. " For electric light artisans and students." - Tyndall (J.) The electric light. In his Fragments., v. 2. 1902. - Urquhart (J. W.) Electric light fitting. 1904. ill. Electric signals. In Kennedy (K.) Electrical installations, v. 5. ill. 62408 Electric testing. Swenson (B. V.) and Frankenfield (B.) Testing of electro-magnetic machinery and other apparatus. 1904. ill. 62431 Electric traction. In Kennedy (R.) Electrical installations, v. 4. ill. 62407 62425 62402 62405 62409 62426 50411 62427 1905. ill. - 62410 - Smith (R. H.) Electric traction. I See also Tramways. Electric waves. Poincare (H.) and Vreeland (F. K.) Maxwell's theory and wireless telegraphy. 1904. ill. Electric wiring. Clinton (W. C.) Electric wiring. 1906. ill. - - In Kennedy (R.) Electrical installations, v. 2. ill. - Poole (C. P.) The wiring handbook. 1905. ill. - - See also Telephone. Electricity. For list of related subjects, see Physics, and for applica tions of Electricity, see Engineering, Electric. - Burch (G. J.) A manual of electrical science. 1S93. ill. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 4-7. 1903. ill. - - In Deschanel (A. P.) Natural philosophy, v. 3. 1904. ///. - Glazebrook (R. T.) Electricity and magnetism. 1904. ill. - Jude(R. H.) The school magnetism and electricity. 1906. - Mendenhall (T. C.) A century of electricity. L887. ill. - Stewart (B.) and Gee (W. W. H.) Electricity and magnetism. 1903. ill. - See also Lightning. Electro -plating. Urquhart (J. W.) Electro-plating. 1905. ill. Electrochemistry. Le Blanc (M.) Electrochemistry. 1896. ill. Electrolysis. In Kennedy (R.) Electrical installations, v. 1. ill. Electrometallurgy. For list of related subjects, see Metallurgy. - Borchers(W.) Electric smelting and retining. 1904. iU. plans. Elephant. In Wilson (A.) Studies in life and sense. 1887. ill. Blebs (Gbobge) Memoirs. 1777-1842. 1903. port. map. Elijah. Champness (T.) Carmel's hero, or, the life of Elijah. - 121 ill. 65410 62422 62405 62420 53705 03204-7 53704 53707 53708 53703 53701 62428 53702 62404 66904 50420 E091 22308 ELI GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Eliot (George) Wise, witty, and tender sayings ; selected. - 82812 - Essays, and leaves from a note book. El El WorldHness and other-worldliness, the poet Young. German wit, Hemrich Heine Evangelical teaching, Dr. Cumming. Influence of rationalism Lecky s History. Natural history of German life, Riehl Inree months in Weimar. Address to working men. - Impressions of Theophrastus Such [essays]. - - - - E1E2 - The legend of Jubal, and other poems. 10iE - The Spanish gipsy [a poem]. 102 e - Adam Bede [a novel]. 2 copies. 22E1 - Daniel Deronda [a novel]. 2 copies. 22E2 - Felix Holt, the radical [a novel]. 2 copies. - - - 22 E 3 - Middlemarch, a study of provincial life. 2 copies. - - 22E4 - The mill on the Floss. 2 copies. 22 E 5 - Romola [a novel]. 2 copies. 22 E 6 - Scenes of clerical life. 2 copies. - - - . . 22 E 7 The sad fortunes of the Rev. Amos Barton. Mr. Gilfil's love-story Janet s repentance. ' - Silas Marner. The lifted veil. Brother Jacob. 2 copies. - 22 E 8 Eliot, George. In Harrison (F.) Choice of books [etc.] 1903. - E2H1 - In Jacobs (J. ) Essays and reviews. 1891. - - - - E1J1 - Linton (Mrs. E. Lynn) A first meeting with George Eliot. In her My literary life. 1899. L172 - In Lord (W. F.) The mirror of the century. 1906. port. - 82606 -Morley(J.) Life of George Eliot. In his Critical miscellanies. E3M4 - Mottram (W.) The true story of George Eliot in relation to "Adam Bede." 1905. port. ill. E052 - Stephen (Sir L.) George Eliot [her life and work]. 1903. - E051 George Eliot. In his Hours in a library, v. 3. 1S99. - - E2S3 Elizabeth, Queen. Beesly (E. S.) Queen Elizabeth [biography]. E061 - Schelling (F. E.) The Queen's progress, and other sketches. 91615 - In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 3. 1906. port. - 99632 Elizabeth of York. In Strickland (A. ) Queens of England, v. 2. 99631 Elizabeth Woodville. In Strickland (A. ) Queens of England, v. 2. 99631 Elizabeth, Empress of Austria ; by C. Tschudi. 1906. port. - E131 Elizabeth, and other sketches by [B. M. Butt]. - - - 117B2 Elizabeth Glen, M.B. [stories]; by A. S. Swan. - - - 147S43 Elizabeth in Riigen ; by the [Countess von Arnheim]. 1904. map. 92801 Ellangowan. See Bertram (James G.) Ellice (Edward C.) Place-names in Glengarry [etc.] ill. 92215 Ellicott (Charles J.) Bp. Pastoral Epistles of St. Paul. 1883. 22803 - St. Paul's Epistle to the Galatians. 1889. .... 22802 - St. Paul's Epistles to the Thessalonians. 1880. - - - 22804 - St. Paul's first Epistle to the Corinthians. 1887. - - - 22805 Elliot (G. F. S.) and others. Fauna, flora, and geology of the Clyde area. 1901. 92302 Elliot, Jean. 7?iTytler (Sarah) and Watson (J. L.) Songstresses of Scotland, v. 1. 1871. 82201 122 GOVANHILL BRANCH. EMI Elliott, Ebenezer. Carlyle(T.) Corn-law rhymes. In his Essays, v. 4. E1C4 Elliott (Lilian) Modern kinder-garten methods, ill. - - 37209 Ellis (Edward S.) Bob Lovell's career, a story. - - - 24E40 Ellis (Henry Havelock) A study of British genius. 1904. - 15101 Ellwood (Thomas) Life; ed. by S. Graveson. 1906. bibl. ill. E161 Elmhirst (Pennell) Fox-hound, forest, and prairie. 1892. ill. 79930 Elmslie (W. A.) Among the wild Ngoni. 1899. port. ill. map. 27804 Elmslie (W. G.) Ernest Renan and his criticism of Christ. In Present day tracts, v. 4. - - - - - - - 20405 Elocution. For list of related subjects, see Rhetoric. - Brandram (S.) Selected pieces for recitation. 1893. - - 80811 - Breare (W. H.) Elocution, its first principles. 1905. - - 80816 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 5-7. 1903. - - - 03205-7 - Chambers's Elocution, readings and recitations. 1903. - - 80801 - Ferguson (R. ) Art of elocution and public speaking. - - 80806 - Forsyth (J. ) The practical elocutionist. 1895. - - - 80807 - Hartley (C.) How to speak well in public and private. - - 80818 - Miles (A. H.) and others. New standard elocutionist. 1902. 80804 - Seymour (C.) How to speak effectively. 1905. - - - 80813 - See also Readings. Elsmie (Anne) [Extracts from] her letters. 1904. port. ill. E141 Elster's folly ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - - - 76 W 21 Elton (Chas. I.) Shakespeare, his family and friends. 1904. mem. S204 Elwin (Whitwell) Some xviii. century men of letters. 2 v. ill. 99909-10 Ely. Stubbs (C. W.) In a minster garden. 1901. ill. - - 82801 Emancipated fa novel] ; by G. Gissing. 30 G4 Emanuel (C. ) and Joseph (E. M. ) How to choose a house. 1906. ill. 69202 Embarrassments [stories] ; by H. James. 7J3 Embroidery. Day (R. M.) Embroidery. In Woman's library, v. 2. 64602 - Kendrick (A. F.) English embroidery. 1904. ill. - - 74601 Embryology. For lists of related subjects, see Biology. Physiology. - Foster (Sir M.) and Balfour (F. M.) Embryology. 1902. ill. 59101 Emerson (Oliver F.) History of the English language. 1906. 42004 Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Works. 1901-3. 3 v. - - - E2E1-3 1. Essays. Lectures. Representative men. Poems. 2. English traits. Nature. Conduct of life. 3. Society and solitude. Letters and social aims. Miscellaneous papers. [Etc.] - Selected poems. In American poets, bibl. mem. port. - 81103 Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Froude (J. A.) Representative men. In his Short studies, v. 1. 1903. E2F1 - Holmes (O. W.) Ralph W. Emerson [his life and work], port. E071 - In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 1. 1904. - - - E3M2 - Whipple (E. P.) Emerson and Carlyle. Emerson as a poet. In his American literature, and other papers. - - - 81001 Emigrant ship ; by W. Clark Russell. 75 R4 Emigration. For list of related subjects, see Political science. 123 EMI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Emigration. Cunningham (W.) Alien immigrants to England li9 '- *#■ 32501 ;< From the Norman Conquest to the present day." - Wilkins i W. H. ) The alien invasion. 1892. - 32502 Emilia'.- inheritance ; by E. J. VTorboise. 81W16 Sequel to "Mr. Montmorency's money,'' 81W10. Emma, a novel ; by J. Austen. 60A2 Emotions. For list of related subjects, see Psychology. - McCosh (J.) The emotions. 1880. ..... 15701 Enamelling. For list of related subjects, see Painting. - Bowes (J. L.) Notes on shippo [Japanese enamelling], ill. - 75104 - Fisher [A. | The art of enamelling upon metal. 1906. ill. - 75105 - Halle (E. ) The art of enamelling. In Woman's library, v. 4. ill. 70001 Enchanted island., and other studies in art ; by Sir W. Bayliss. 70407 Encyclopaedias. For list of related subjects, see Books. - [Philp (R. K. •] Enquire within upon everything. 1904. - 03209 End crowns all. a life story ; by E. Marshall. .... 56M40 Energy. See Force. Engaged to be married : by L. T. Meade. 76M41 Engineering. For list of other useful arts, see Arts, Useful. - Baker (M. X. ) Municipal engineering and sanitation. 1902. 62806 - Butterfill iH. H.) Mechanical and engineering drawing, ill. 62009 - Civil engineering. Drawing for engineers. Engineering work- shop practice. In CasselFs Technical educator, v. 1-6. ill. 60301-6 - Constantine (£. G.) Marine engineers, how to become one. ill. 62119 - Dyer i H.i Engineering. In Industries of Glasgow. 1901. - 92304 - Fidler (T. C.) Civil engineering. 1905. ill.- - - - 62002 - Fox (F. i River, road, and rail, reminiscences. 1904. ill. - F141 - Haldane iJ. W. C.) Life as an engineer. 1905. ill. - - 62004 - Horner (J. G. ) ed. The encyclopaedia of practical engineering and allied trades. [1906]. v. 1-4. ill. - - °. 62010-3 1. A-Aut. 2. Aut.-Boi. 3. Boi.-Civ. 4. Cla.-Fil. - Lineharn (W. J.) Mechanical engineering. 1905. ill. plans. 62006 - Macintyre (R. ) Marine engineering. In Industries of Glasgow. 92304 - Maxton (J.) Manual of engineering drawing. 1903. ill. - 74402 - Rankine [W. J. M.) Manual of civil engineering. 1904. ill. 62001 - Reed's Useful hints to sea-going engineers. 1903. ill. - - 62124 - SeatoniA. E.i A manual of marine engineering. 1904. ill. - 62122 - Warren (W. EL) Engineering construction in iron, steel, and timber. 1894 HI. 62007 - See also Boilers. Bridges. Docks. Engineering, Electric. Engines. Hoisting machinery. Hydraulics. Machinery. Mechanics. Mining. Motor-cars. Motors. Pattern-making. Pumps. Railways. Roads. Sanitary engineering. Sewing machines. Shipbuilding. Surveying. Tools. Turbines. Turning. Valves. Water supply. Engineering. Electric. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. 124 - - 62429 - - 62419 - ■ 62434 - - 60301-6 1906. ill. 62411 ill. - - 62417 . - 62404-8 GOVANHILL BRANCH. ENG Engineering, Electric. Alexander (J. H. ) Elementary electrical engineering. 1906. ill. - Andrews (L. ) Electricity control. 1904. ill. 11 Electric switchgear and systems of electric transmission." - Care and management of electrical machinery, ill. - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-6. ill. - - Gibson (C. R.) The romance of modern electricity. - Kellogg (J. W.) Uses of electricity on shipboard. - Kennedy (R.) Electrical installations. 5 v. ill. - 1. The electrical circuit. Measurement. Elements of motors. Dynamos. Electrolysis. 2. Instruments. Transformers. Installation wiring. Switches and switchboards. 3. The production of electrical energy. Prime movers. Generators and motors. 4. Mechanical gearing. Complete electric installations. Electrolytic, mining, and heating apparatus. Electric traction. Special application of electric motors. 5. Electric telegraphs. Telephones. Electric signals. Wireless telegraphy. X rays. - Lemstrom (S. ) Electricity in agriculture. 1904. ill. - - 63008 - Oudin (M. A. ) Standard polyphase apparatus and systems. 1892. 62421 - Parr (G. D. A.) Electrical engineering. 1906. ill. - - 62416 - Sewell (T.) Elements of electrical engineering. 1905. - - 62430 " A first year's course for students." - Whyte (A. G.) The electrical industry. 1904. ill. - - 62403 " Lighting, traction, and power." - See also Dynamos. Electric batteries. Electric bells. Electric instruments. Electric lighting. Electric signals. Electric testing. Electric traction. Electric wiring. Electro -plating. Electrometallurgy. Induction coils. Telegraph. Telephone. Engineers. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Smiles (S. ) Lives of the engineers. 1904. 5 v. port. ill. 99707-11 1. Vermuyden. Myddelton. Perry. Brindley. 2. Smeaton. Rermie. 3. Metcalf. Telford. 4. Boulton. Watt. 5. George and Robert Stephenson, Engines. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Buchetti (J.) Engine tests and boiler efficiencies. 1903. ill. 62121 - See also Gas engine. Heat engine. Locomotive. Oil engine. Steam engine. England. Allen (G.) County and town in England. 1901. map. 91601 - Bancroft (Mrs. G.) Letters from England, 1846-9. 1904. ill. B331 - Clinch (G.) Handbook of English antiquities. 1905. ill. - 57102 - Freeman (E. A.) English towns and districts. 1883. ill. map. 91613 South Wales. Wessex. Mercia. Northumberland. Sussex. Colonia Camulodunum. Carlisle. - Jessopp (A.) [Mediaeval] Parish life in England. In his Before the great pillage [Etc.] 1901. E2J1 - Jusserand (J. A. A. J.) English wayfaring life, middle ages. 1891. ill. - - . . 91603 English roads. Lay wayfarers. Religious wayfarers. - O'Rell (Max) John Bull and his island. 91602 - Salmon (A. L. ) Literary rambles in the west of England, ill. 91728 - Windle(B.C. A.) The Wessex of Thomas Hardy. 1902. ill. maps. 91729 England, History of. See Great Britain, History. 125 ENG GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. English language. See Language, English. English literature. See Literature, English. English men of letters, biographies and criticisms. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. English traits ; by R. W. Emerson. In his Works, v. 2. 1901. E2E2 Engraving. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Kirkbride (J.) Engraving for illustration. 1903. ill. - - 76003 - Ruskin (J.) Ariadne Florentina, on engraving. 1890. ill. - 76002 Cestus of Aglaia. In his On the old road, v. 2. 1899. - 70405 - See also Lithography. Metal engraving. Wood engraving. Enquire within upon everything ; by [R. K. Philp]. 1904. - 03209 Ensign Knightley, and other stories ; by A. E. W. Mason. - 59M4 Entente cordiale, a little mild abuse ; by R. Needham. 1906. - 93126 Entering on life, a book for young men ; by C. Geikie. 1901. - 17104 Enterkin, Dumfriesshire. In Brown (J.) Horse subsecivre, v. 3. E1B3 Entomology. See Insects. Eothen [travel in the east, 1835] ; by A. W. Kinglake. 1904. - 93901 Ephesians, Epistle to the. See Bible. Epictetus. In Brown (J. B.) Stoics and saints. 1893. - - 27021 Episcopalians. For list of related subjects, see Christian biography. - Dant (C. H.) Churchmen and church work. 1902. ill. - 99620 Richard Lewis. Wm. M. Sinclair. Alfred Barry. Edward C. Maclure. Henry E. Fox. George B. Roberts. Alfred R. Tucker. Wilson Carhle. W. Ridley. E. de M. Rudolf. Montague Fowler. William M. Carter. Harry Wilson. John C. Edghill. William F. Taylor. Epitaphs. Brown (J.) ed. Epitaphs in Greyfriars Churchyard, Edinburgh. 1867. ill. 92011 - Gibson (J.) Inscriptions on the tombstones and monuments of the covenanters. -------- 27507 Epping Forest. In Wallace (A. R.) Studies, v. 2. 1900. - 50439 Equality [a socialistic novel] ; by E. Bellamy. - 42B2 Sequel to " Looking backward," 42 Bl. Erasmus, Desiderius. Froude (J. A.) Times of Erasmus and Luther. In his Short studies, v. 1. 1903. - - - E2F1 - Woodward (W. H.) Desiderius Erasmus and education, bill. 37004 Erckmann (Emile) and Chatrian (A. ) L'invasion ; with notes. 44891 - The illustrious Dr. Matheus. 30E3 - La maison forestiere. 30 El - Waterloo. 30E2 Erema, or, my father's sin; by R. D. Blackmore. - - 63 B 7 Eric Brighteyes [a romance] ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - 3H12 Ernest Maltravers [a novel] ; by Lord Lytton. - - - 73 L 3 Erskine, Ebenezer and Ralph. In Ker (J.) Scottish nationality. E2K1 Erskine (Thomas) The doctrine of election. 1S37. - - - 23406 Eschatology. See Future state. Escott (Thomas H. S. ) Gentlemen of the House of Commons. 2 v. 32801-2 Esler (Erminda R.) Youth at the prow. 35E1 126 GOVANHILL BRANCH. ETH Espenshade (A. H.) Composition and rhetoric. 1905. - - 80826 Esperanto language. See Language, Esperanto. Esprit de contradiction, comedie ; par C. R. Dufresny. - - 84203 Essay-writing. For related subjects, see Language, English. Rhetoric. - Forbes (A. W. H.) Essays and how to write them. 1906. - 42807 Practical essay-writing. 1896. 42811 - Jacob (T. E.) The civil service essay writer. 1905. - - 42808 Companion to The civil service essay writer. 1898. - - 42809 - Miles (E. H.) Essays in the making. 1906. .... 80812 Essays. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Lobban (J. H. ) ed. English essays [selections]. 1903. - - 82721 - General collections of essays will be found under the following names : Arnold (Matthew) Austin (Louis F.) Ave bury (Lord) Bacon (Francis, Lord) Benson (Arthur C.) Birrell (Augustine) Blackie (John S.) Blatchford (Robert) Brown (John) Burrill (Katharine) Carlyle (Thomas) Chesterton (Gilbert K.) Church (Richard W.) Clough (Arthur H.) Couch (Arthur T. Quiller) Courthope (William L.) Cross (John W.) De Quincey (Thomas) Dowden (Edward) Dryden (John) Eliot (George) Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Fields (Mrs. James T.) Findlater (Jane H.) FitzGerald (Edward) Friswell (James H.) Froude (James A.) Fry (Sir Edward) Goldsmith (Oliver) Graham e (Kenneth) Green (John R.) Guthrie (Thomas) Harrison (Frederic) Hazlitt (William) Heine (Heinrich) Helps (Sir Arthur) Hirsch(S. A.) Hollingshead (John) Holmes (Oliver W.) Hume (David) Hunt (James H. Leigh) Jacobs (Joseph) Jerrold (Douglas) Jessopp (Augustus) Ker (John) Kingsley (Charles) Lamb (Charles) Lang (Andrew) Lee (Vernon) Le Gallienne (Richard) Lowell (James R.) Macaulay (Lord) Essential Christianity, sermons ; by H. P. Hughes. 1894. Essex (Ernest H.) Roofs and floors of new buildings. Estate management. For related subjects, see Agriculture - Bedford (Duke of) A great agricultural estate. 1897. "The origin and administration of Woburn and Thorney." Este, Beatrice and Isabella d\ In Hare (C.) Ladies of Italian renaissance. ------- MacDonald (George) Mackintosh (Sir James) Maeterlinck (Maurice) Marvin (Frederic R.) Maurice (Frederick D.) Maxwell (Sir Herbert E.) Mazzini (Joseph) Miller (Hugh) Milton (John) Montaigne (Michel E. de) Morley (John) Morris (Sir Lewis) Miiller (Friedrich Max) Murray (Henry) Pater (Walter) Russell (George W. E.) Sainte-Beuve (Charles A.) Smith (Sydney) Steevens (George W.) Stephen (Sir James F.) Stephen (Sir Leslie) Stevenson (Robert L.) Street (George S.) Swinburne (Algernon C.) Williams (A. M.) Young (John) - 25210 - 72104 Business. - 33302 the Esther. See Bible. Esther Vanhomrigh [a novel] ; by Mrs. M. L. Woods Esther Wynne [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - Esthonian literature. See Literature, Esthonian. Estimates. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Gribble (T. G.) Preliminary survey and estimates. - Simon (J. D.) The house-owner's estimator. 1900. Eternal city ; by Hall Caine. Eternal quest ; by J. A. Steuart. - Ethel [a story] ; by J. J. Bell. 127 99621 79W1 81W30 1905. ill. ill. 52602 69204 5C4 116 S 2 38B3 ETH GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Ethics. For list of other branches of philosophy, see Philosophy. - Bowker (R. R ) The arts of life. 1903. 17009 - [Boyd (A. K. H.)] Lessons of middle age. 1869. - - - E2B7 - Brown (J.) Excursus ethicus. 7?i to Horse subsecivse, v. 1. 1900. E1B1 - Combe (G.) Constitution of man in relation to natural laws. - 17007 Moral philosophy [sequel to " Constitution of man"]. - 17008 - Henderson (C. H.) The children of good fortune. 1905. - 17122 - Hillis (N. D.) The investment of influence. 1901.- - - 17702 " A study of social sympathy and service." - Hume(D.) Of morals. In his Treatise of human nature. 1896. 19210 Principles of morals. In his Essays. E4H1 - Huxley (T. H.) Evolution and ethics. 1895.- - - - 17131 - Irons (D.) The psychology of ethics. 1903. - 15010 - Kidd (J.) Morality and religion. 1895. 17112 - Mackintosh (Sir J.) Ethical philosophy, 17th and 18th centuries. Law of nature and nations. In his Works. - E10M1 - Martineau (J. ) The relation between ethics and religion. - 17107 - Rickaby (J. ) Moral philosophy, or, ethics and natural law. 1905. 17019 - Seneca. Morals, a selection. 87814 - Sidgwick (H.) Outlines of the history of ethics. 1902. - - 17002 - Van Dyke (H.) Ships and havens. 17014 - Walker (A. S. ) Morals. In his Struggle for success. 1900. - 17701 - In Wallace (A. R) Studies, v. 2. 1900. .... 50439 - See also Altruism. Ambition. Authority. Business ethics. Character. Charity. Children. Christian life. Conduct of life. Duty. Egoism. Etiquette. Evil. Family. Friendship. Gambling. Greed. Happiness. Heroism. Home. Humanitarianism. Justice. Love. Luck. Man. Marriage. Maxims. Mothers. Old age. Pleasantness. Pleasure. Society. Solitude. Success. Suffering. Temperance. Thrift. Toleration. Truth. Utilitarianism. War. Worry. Youth. Ethics of the dust, on crystallization ; by J. Ruskin. 1903. - 54901 Ethnology. See Man, Natural history of. Etiquette. For lists of related subjects, see Customs. Ethics. - Au fait. Manners and rules of good society. 1905. - - 39502 Social observances, practical etiquette. 1897. - - - 39503 - Campbell (Lady C.) Etiquette of good society. 1903. - - 39501 - Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Manners. In his Meridiana. 1892. - E16M1 - Social etiquette [Etc. ] - - 64003 Etourdis, comedie ; par F. G. J. S. Andrieux. .... 84208 Ettrick. Angus (W.) Ettrick and Yarrow, a guide ; with songs and ballads. 1894. ill. map. 92029 Euclid. See Geometry. Eugene Aram, a tale ; by Lord Lytton. 73 L4 Euphonium. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Duncan (C.) Tutor for the euphonium, mus. - - - 78812 Euphranor [on youth] ; by E. FitzGerald. In his Miscellanies. E4F1 128 GOVANHILL BRANCH. EVO Euphrates. Geere(H.V.) By Nile and Euphrates. 1904. ill. maps. Euripides. Electra ; trans, with notes by G. Murray. - Euripides. Froude (J. A. ) Sea studies. In his Short studies, v. 3. - In Keene (C. H.) Sketches of the Greek dramatic poets. 1898. - Mahaffy (J. P.) Euripides [his life and work]. 1879. - Europe. Beckford (W.) European travels. 1891. ill. - - Freeman (E. A.) Sketch of European history. 1903. maps. - Froissart (J. ) Chronicles. - Hallam (H.) Europe during the middle ages. 1901. - Hewett (G. M. A.) The pedagogue at play. 1903. ill. Holidays in the British Isles, Norway, Holland, and Switzerland. - Holmes (0. W.) Our hundred days in Europe. 1895. - - Jones (G. H.) The dawn of European civilization. 1903. - Marryat (F.) Olla podrida. 1897. ill. Diary on the continent. [Etc.] - Maxsted(H. R.) Three thousand miles in a motor car. i905. ill. Through France, Italy, Switzerland, etc. - Maxwell (D.) The log of the Griffin. 1905. ill. maps. - "A cruise from the Alps to the Thames." - Mazzini(J.) Europe, condition and prospects. In his Essays. - Rose (J. H.) A century of continental history, 1780-1880. European literature. See Literature, European. Eustace diamonds ; by A. Trollope. Eustace Marchmont [a story] ; by E. E. Green. Evan Harrington, a novel ; by G. Meredith. .... Evangelical doctrine, Bible truth ; by C. A. Scott. 1901. Evangelism. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Dale (R. W.) The old evangelicalism and the new. 1889. Evans (Herbert A.) ed. English masques [selected]. 1906. - Evans, James. Young(E.K) The apostle of the north. 1899. port. ill. E171 Evans (RobleyD.) A sailor's log, naval life [U.S. A.] 1901. port, ill. E031 Evans (Sebastian) tram. High history of the Holy Graal. ill, 39830 Evans (T. R.) The Council of Trent. 1888. .... 2 7011 Evaporators. Hausbrand(E.) Evaporating apparatus [etc.] 1903. ill. 62106 Eve, a novel ; by S. Baring Gould. ----- Evelina [a novel] ; by Mme. d'Arblay. .... Evelyn (John) Diary and correspondence. 4 v. port. ill. Everard (H. S. C.) Golf in theory and practice. 1901. ill. . Everett (Joseph D.) The C. G. S. system of units. 1891. Everitt(G.) English caricaturists [19th] century, ill. - Everlasting gospel, sermons ; by C. H. Spurgeon. Evil. Blackie (J. S. ) Utilisation of evil. In his Lay sermons. - Evolution. For list of related subjects, see Biology. - In Allen (G.) Falling in love, with other essays. 1889. - Clodd(E.) Pioneers of evolution, Thales to Huxley. 1897. ill. - Darwin (C.) The descent of man. 1894. ill. - - - Variation of animals and plants under domestication. 2 v. E 129 94408 88204 E2F3 88203 88202 91012 91005 91003 91004 91007 91001 91013 91018 91014 91010 E9M1 91020 43T9 60G41 82M6 28312 28508 82514 43G5 39A1 E181-4 79620 53004 74102 25213 E3B1 50419 57506 57515 57513-4 EVO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Evolution. Dawson (Sir J. W.) Modern ideas of evolution. [1890]. 57502 - Drummond (H.) The ascent of man. 1904. - - - - 57504 - Haeckel (E.) The evolution of man. 1883. 2 v. ill. - - 57508-9 Last words on evolution. 1906. ill. 57511 " A popular retrospect and summary." - Huxley (T. H.) Darwiniana, essays. 1893. - 57510 - - Evolution and ethics. 1895. 17131 Lectures on evolution. In his Science and Hebrew tradi- tion. 1895. --------- 21514 Palaeontology and evolution. In his Discourses. 1894. - 50437 - Iverach (J.) Ethics of evolution examined. In Present day tracts, v. 8. 20409 - Tyndall (J. ) Virchow and evolution. In his Fragments, v. 2. 50411 - Wallace (A. R.) Darwinism, an exposition. 1901. ill. map. 57503 - - Evolution. In his Studies, v. 1. 1900. - - - 50438 - - Natural selection. 1895. 57512 - Young (J.) Essays on evolution and design. 1905. - - 57507 - See also Heredity. Species. Ewald(Alex. C.) Life and times of Algernon Sydney. 1873. 2 v. S491-2 Ewald (Heikrich) The history of Israel. 1878-86. 8 v. 29615-22 Ewing, Juliana H., and her books ; by H. K. F. Eden. 1896. port. E011 Exchange. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Mackay (T.) ed. A policy of free exchange, essays. 1894. - 33002 The science of economics and its relation to free exchange and socialism ; by H. D. MacLeod. The coming industrial struggle : by W. Maitland. State socialism and the collapse in Australia; by J. W. For- tescue. Influence of state borrowing on commercial crises ; by W. Hooper. The state in relation to railways; by W. M. Acworth. The interest of the working class in free exchange ; by T. Mackay. The principle of progres- sion in taxation ; by B. Mallet. [Etc.] Exodus. See Bible. Expedition nocturne autour de ma chambre ; par X. de Maistre. 25 Ml Experience of life [a story] ; by E. M. Sewell. - 48S3 Exploit du chevalier d'Artagnan ; par A. Dumas ; with notes. - 44892 Exploits of Brigadier Gerard ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 19 Expression. See Physiognomy. Extemporization. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Sawyer (F. J.) Extemporization, mus. ... - 78111 Eyes. For list of related subjects, see Health. - Browning (J.) Our eyes, how to preserve them. 1887. 'ill. - 61332 Ezekiel. See Bible. Ezra. See Bible. Fables. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Arnold (Sir E.) ed. Book of good counsels, from the Sanskrit of the "Hitopadesa." 1905. ill. ----- 89105 - Bewick (T.) ed. The fables of yEsop and others. 1823. ill. - 76103 130 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. FAL Fables. La Fontaine (J. de) Fables [In French]. 1904. - - Miiller (F. Max) The migration of fables. In his Works, v. 8. Fabre (Ferdinand) L'abbe Tigrane, candidal a la papaute'. - FaBre d'Eglaxtixe (Philippe F. N.) Le Philinte de Moliere ; L intrigue epistolaire [comedies]. Face in the flashlight ; by Florence Warden. .... Factories. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Hutchins (B. L.) and Harrison (A.) A history of factory legislation. 1903. bibl. . . - Irwin (M. H.) Women as factory inspectors. In Woman's library, v. 1. 1903.- - Meakin (B.) Model factories and villages. 1905. ill. - - Taylor (R. W. C. ) Factory system and the Factory Acts. 1894. Fagan (Christophe B.) La pupille ; Originaux [comedies]. Faguet (Emile) Andre Chenier [his life. In French]. 1902. - - Flaubert [his life and work. In French]. 1899. - Falja (Henry) Portland cement for users. 1904. ill. - Fair colonist ; by E. Glanville. - Fair maid of Perth ; by Sir W. Scott, 3 copies. Second series of the " Chronicles of the Canongate." Fairbrother(W. H.) The philosophy of Thomas H. Green. 1900. 19214 Fairchild (George J.) Rural wealth and welfare. 1900. Fairie (James) Notes on pottery clays. 1901. Fairmax (James F.) Standard telephone wiring. 1905. ill. ■ Fairy tales. For list of related subjects, see Folk-lore. - Grimm (J. L. K. and W. K.) Marchen ; with notes. 2 v. - - Kingsley (C.) The heroes, or, Greek fairy tales. - - Perrault (C.) and others. Contes de fees. .... Faith. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - In Blackie (J. S.) Lay sermons. 1881. - Brown (G. A.) Forgotten themes, or, facts for faith. 1S99. - - Drummond ("R. J.) Faith's perplexities. 1904. - Hughes (H.) Religious faith. 1S96. - Martineau (J.) Faith and self-surrender. 1897. - - Mazzini (J.) Faith and the future. In his Essays. - Morgan (J.) Sacrament of pain, a book of consolation. - - Stoughton (J.) Unity of faith. In Present day tracts, v. 10. Faith and unfaith [a novel] ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. Faith-healing. See Christian science. Faith of men, and other stories ; by Jack London. - Falconer, Ion Keith. Sinker (R. ) Memorials of Ion K. Falconer. 1890. port. map. Falconry. Michell (E. B. ) Art and practice of hawking. 1900. ill Falkland [a novel] ; by Lord Lytton. - Falkner (John M.) Moonfleet [a story]. - Fall of Athens, a story ; by A. J. Church. - 131 84105 E6M4 1F1 84209 16W40 33804 39605 33118 33801 84205 C531 F231 69102 31G1 35S18 33102 66602 65405 43820-1 24K1 12P1 E3B1 23404 23913 23401 23402 E9M1 23403 20411 104 H4 51L4 Fill 79902 73L14 2F1 46 C5 FAL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Fall of the house of Usher, and other tales ; by E. A. Poe.- - 47 Pi Fallen fortunes ; by J. Payn. - - - - - - - 18P5 Fallen from favour ; by J. Middlemass. 88 M 2 Fallen leaves ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 74C4 Falling in love, with other essays ; by G. Allen. 1889. - - 50419 Familiar studies of men and books ; by R. L. Stevenson. 1906. E1S4 Family. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Blaikie (W. G.) The family. In Present day tracts, v. 10. - 20411 " Its Scriptural ideal and its modern assailants." - Spencer (H.) Domestic institutions. In his Sociology, v. 1. - 30101 Family [a story] ; by E. E. Green. 60G49 Fanshawe (Anne, Lady) Memoirs. 1905. port. ill. - - F131 Fantasy, a novel ; by M. Serao. 45S1 Far and near [open-air themes] ; by J. Burroughs. 1904. - - 50430 Far from the madding crowd ; by T. Hardy. - 21H1 Faraday (Michael) The chemical history of a candle. Lecture on platinum, ill. 54101 Faraday, Michael. Tyndall (J.) Life and letters of Faraday. In his Fragments of science, v. 1. 1902. - 50410 < Farewell, Nikola '; by G. N. Booth by. 72B6 Sequel to " Dr. Nikola's experiment," 72 B 5. Farina [a tale] ; by G. Meredith. 82M13 Farjeon (Benjamin L.) The Amblers [a novel]. - - - 3F1 - Great Porter Square, a mystery. 3F3 - Grif, a story of Australian life. 3F2 Farm buildings. For list of related subjects, see Architecture. - Roberts (I. P.) The farmstead. 1902. ill. - - - - 72801 " The making of the rural home and the lay-out of the farm." Farmer (Richard) Essay on the learning of Shakespeare, 1767. In Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1903. - 82516 Farming. See Agriculture. Faroe Islands. Annandale (N.) Faroes and Iceland. 1905. ill. 94103 Farquharson, John. In Smith (W. M.) Romance of poaching, port. 79934 Farrar (Frederic W.) The early days of Christianity. - - 27013 -Hebrews. (Cambridge Greek Testament. ) 1894.- - - 22823 - The life of Christ. 1904. ill. 23210 - The life of lives, further studies in the life of Christ. - - 23211 - Lives of the fathers. 1889. 2 v. 99811-2 - The Lord's Prayer, sermons. 1898. 22701 - St. Luke. (Cambridge Greek Testament.) 1903. maps. - 22713 - Texts explained, New Testament. 1899. - 22609 - Darkness and dawn, or, scenes in the days of Nero. - - 6F1 - Gathering clouds, a tale of the days of St. Chrysostom. - - 6F2 Farrow (F. R.) Specifications for building works. 1905. 69205 Fatal boots ; by W. M. Thackeray, ill. 2 copies. - - 82804. 82805 Father Anthony, a romance ; by R. W. Buchanan. - - - 103B1 132 GOVANHILL BRANCH. FEE Father Fabian, the monk of Malham Tower ; by E. J. Worboise. 81W17 Fathers of the church. For list of related subjects, see Christian biography. J - Farrar (F. W.) Lives of the fathers. 1889. 2 v. - - - 99811-2 a* T L f ? fc, + f gn , a r til i s of ^ ntioch - St. Polycarp of Smyrna. St. Irenaeus Ori^n ^a^ 1 ^- Tbr S 1 fe St. Cyprian. Clement of Alexandra Ongen. St. Athanasms. St. Hilary of Poictiers. St. Martin of Tours. msho^K^^T" 2 - st -^ s j 1 - 8tG regoryofN st . Ambrose tfishop of Milan. St. Jerome. St. Augustine. St. Chrysostom. Fatigue. For list of related subjects, see Physiology. - Mosso( A.) Fatigue. 1906. ill. ...... 61204 Fauna. See Zoology. Fausse Agnes, comedie ; par P. N. Destouches. - - . 84205 Fausses confidences, comedie ; par P. C. C. de Marivaux. - - 84206 Fausses infidelites, comedie ; par N. T. Barthe. - - . 84207 Favart (Charles S.) Les trois suJtanes ; La chercheuse d esprit ; Les amours de Bastien et Bastienne ; Annette et Lubin ; Ninette a la cour ; Les reveries renouvelees des Grecs [comedies]. 84207 Fawcett (Mrs. Hexry) Five famous French women. 1905. ill. 99617 - Political economy for beginners. 1904. 33010 Fea (Allan) Picturesque old houses, ill. 91612 - Secret chambers and hiding-places. 1904. ill. - - . 91604 Feilde (Thomas) [Poems]. In Dunbar anthology. 1901. - 82226 Feildtng (Alice) Faith-healing and < Christian science.' 1899. 61504 Felix. Recollections of a bison and tiger hunter. 1906. - - 79935 Felix Holt [a novel] ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. - - - 22E3 Felkin (Alfred L.) joint-author. See Fowler (Ellen T.) Fellowship with Christ, and other discourses ; by R. W. Dale. - 25240 Femme juge et partie, comedie ; par A. J. Montfleury. - - 84202 Fenby (Thomas) Dictionary of English synonyms. 1904. - 42401 7 encing. For list of other sports, see Sports. Bazancourt (Baron de) Secrets of the sword. 1900. ill. - 79637 Dunn (H. A. C.) Fencing. 1899. ill. 79612 - - Fencing. In Athletic sports, v. 3. 1890. ill. - - . 796O6 - Grandiere (M.) How to fence. 1906. ill. - 79628 - Hutton (A.) Old sword-play. 1892. ill. .... 7 9 634 See also Single -stick. ■enelon Francois de S. de La Mothe. Janet (P.) Fenelon [his life and work. In French]. 1903. bibl. port. - - F221 '"knn (George M.) Black blood [a novel]. 11F20 Mahme Nousie [a novel].- 11F21 Running amok, a story of adventure. 11F19 The white virgin. 11F18 Witness to the deed. - 11F17 Anton's quest ; by M. E. Braddon. 8 1B7 erdinand of Spain. Prescott (W. H.) History of the rei2. ill. 55102 Gems of the east ; by A. H. S. Landor. 1904. 2 v. ill. map. -98401-2 Gendre de M. Poirier; par E. Augier et J. Sandeau ; with notes. 44909 Genealogy. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Burke (Sir B.) The rise of great families [Etc.] - - - 99912 - See also Epitaphs. Heraldry. General Staff. The writing on the wall. 1906. maps. - 35508 Genesis. See Bible. 153 GEN G LAS GO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Geneva. Gribble (F. H.) Geneva and its literary landmarks. - 93501 Gknin (M. ) Le petit tailleur Bouton ; with notes by H. Attwell. 44856 Genius. Ellis (H. H.) A study of British genius. 1904. - - 15101 - Nisbet (J. F. ) The insanity of genius. - - - . - 15102 Gentle life, essays ; by [J. H. Friswell]. 2 v. - - - - El F 1-2 Gentleman of France ; by S. J. Weyman. 44 W 2 Geoffrey Junior. Marvellous history of King Arthur in Avalon. 82711 Geoffrey Stirling, a novel ; by Mrs. L. Adams. - - - - 5A1 Geoffrey's wife ; by M. Cholmondeley. 45C1 Geographical distribution. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Kingsley(C) Bio-geology. In his Health and education. 1887. E1K4 - In Wallace (A. R.) Studies, v. 1. 1900. ill. - - - 50438 - Wilson (A.) Problems of distribution. In his Studies. 1887. 50420 Geography. For list of related subjects, see History. - In CasselFs New popular educator, v. 1-4. 1903. ill. maps. - 03201-4 - Chisholm (G. G.) Commercial geography. 1904. - - - 90605 - Mill (H. R.)ed. International geography. 1903. bibl. ill. maps. 90601 - Pitman's Commercial geography of the world, ill. maps. - 90602 - See also Atlases. Names, Geographical. Names of countries. Geography. Physical. See Physical geography. Geology. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Ansted (D. T.) Scenery, science and art. 1854. ill. - - 55301 " Extracts from the note-book of a geologist and mining engineer." - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 2-4. 1903. ill. - - 03202-4 - Cole (G. A. J. ) Aids in practical geology. 1906. ill. - - 55123 - In Darwin (C.) The voyage of H. M.S. 'Beagle.' 1902. ill. - 50801 - Dawson (Sir J. W.) Salient points in the science of the earth, ill. 55110 - Elliot (G. F. S.) and others. Geology of the Clyde area. 1901. 92302 - Geikie < Sir A.) Class-book of geology. 1903. ill. - - 55107 - - Text-book of geology. 1903. 2 v. bibl. ill. - - - 55004-5 - Huxley (T. H.) Discourses, biological and geological. 1894. - 50437 - In Kelvin (Lord) Popular lectures, v. 2. 1891. ill. - - 50402 - Lapworth (C.) Intermediate text-book of geology, ill. - - 55003 - Lewis (W. S.) The two geologies. 7?i Present day tracts, v. 11. 20412 - Miller (H.) Cruise of the Betsey. Rambles of a geologist. 1897. 55401 The old red sandstone [etc.] 1899. ill. - 55109 Testimony of the rocks. 1897. ill. 55002 li Bearings on the two theologies, natural and revealed." - Taylor (J. E.) Geological stories. 1904. ill. - - - 55006 Underground. 1884. ill. 55112 - Wallace (A. R.) Earth studies. In his Studies, v. 1. 1900.?'//. 50438 Inaccessible valleys. Our molten globe. The ice age and its work. Glacial erosion of lakebasins. [Etc.] - See also Coal. Earth. Earthquakes. Ice age. Mining-. Physical geography. Volcanoes. Weather. Geometry. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. 154 GOVANHILL BRANCH. GHO Geometry. Allcock (C. H.) Theoretical geometry. 1903. v. 1. ill. 51311 - Andrew (S. 0.) Geometry, an elementary treatise. 1903. ill. 51304 - Barnard (S.) and Child (J. M.) Geometry for junior forms. - 51308 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-3. 1903. - - - 03201-3 - Davison (C.) Elements of solid geometry. 1905. - - - 51305 - Hall (H. S.) and Stevens (F. H.) Euclid's Elements. 1904. - 51302 - Smith (T.) Euclid, his life and system. 1902. - - - 51315 - Todhunter (I.) The Elements of Euclid. 1896. - - - 51301 - Workman (W. P.) and Cracknell (A. G.) Geometry. 1906. v. 1. 51306 - See also Conic sections. Fourth dimension. Perspective. Projection. George, Saint. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of the middle ages. 39818 George I.-IV. Thackeray (W. M.) The four Georges, ill. 2 copies. 12 T 9 George (Henry) A perplexed philosopher [H. Spencer]. 1893. 19216 - Progress and poverty. 1902. 33009 George Canterbury's will ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 76 W 18 George Mandeville's husband ; by E. Robins. - - - - 47 R 3 George's whims ; by P. Whithard. ------ 89W1 Gerard (Dorothea) The impediment. 14 G 2 - A spotless reputation. 14 Gl Gerard (Emily) The Herons' Tower, a romance. - - - 15 Gl - The voice of a flower. 15G2 - and Gerard (D.) Reata, what's in a name? - - - 15G3 Gerard (Morice) The grip of the wolf. - - - - - 18G2 German, St. In Lives of the English saints, v. 2. 1900. - - 99804 German language. See Language, German. German literature. See Literature, German. Germany. Fischer (T. A.) The Scots in Germany. 1902. ill. 92702 - Headlam (J. W.) Bismarck and the German Empire.* 1903. ill. B041 - Schierbrand ( W. von) Germany, welding of a world power. 1903. 92704 - Sime(J.) History of Germany. 1898. 92707 - Stael (Madame de) De l'Allemagne ; with notes. 1906. - - 44813 - Tacitus. Germany ; with notes, maps. - 87811 Manners of the Germans. In his Works, v. 2. - - - 87804 - See also Franco-German war. Gerrare (Wirt) The story of Moscow. 1903. ill. plans. - 94024 Gerstacker (Friedrich) Herrn Mahlhubers Reiseabenteuer ; with notes by L. Hirsch. 1904. 43811 Gerusalemme liberata ; da T. Tasso. 1901. - 801T Geschichte von Kalif Storch ; von W. Hauff ; with notes. 1903. 43812 Gethen (H. F.) Nursing. In Woman's library, v. 3. 1903. - 64901 Gettysburg. In Knox (T. W.) Decisive battles. 1900. plans.- 90404 Gherardi, Cristofano. In Vasari (G.) Lives of the painters, v. 4. 99705 Ghiberti, Lorenzo. In Vasari (G.) Lives of the sculptors, v. 1. - 99702 Ghirlandajo, Domenico C. In Vasari (G. ) Lives of the painters, v. 2. 99703 Ghost [a novel] ; by Mrs. C. Praed. 54P2 Ghost camp ; by Rolf Boldrewood. 71B6 155 GHO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Ghosts. For lists of related subjects, see Folk-lore. Mind and body. - Lang (A.) Book of dreams and ghosts. 1899. - - - 13302 Gibbins (H. de B.) joint-author. See Hadfield (R.A.) Gibbon (Charles) The dead heart, a tale of the Bastille. - - 21 G 3 - For lack of gold, a novel. 21 G4 - For the king, a novel. 21 G8 - The golden shaft, a story. - - - - - - 21 G 2 - A hard knot. 21 G 7 - Heart's delight, a novel. 21 G 6 - In pastures green, and other stories. 21 G 5 All a green willow. Cancelled engagements. Daft Tarn. Dominie Barclay. A paction wi' the deil. - Robin Gray, a novel. 21 Gl Gibbon (Edward) Decline and fall of the Roman Empire, ill. 93624 Gibbon, Edward. 7?iBagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 1. 1905. E9B1 - Morison (J. C. ) Gibbon [his life and work]. 1895.- - - G061 - Stephen(Sir J. F.) Gibbon's Memoirs. In Ids Horae Sabbaticae. E5S2 Gibraltar. Sayer (F.) History of Gibraltar. 1862. ill. plan.- 93414 Gibson (A.) and Pickford(W.) eds. Association football. 4v. ill. 79721-4 Gibson (Charles Dana) Sketches in Egypt. 1899. ill. - - 95701 Gibson (Charles R.) Romance of modern electricity. 1906. ill. 62411 Gibson (George A.) Treatise on graphs. 1905. ill. - - 51207 Gibson (J. C.) Mission problems in south China. 1901. ill. map. 27802 Gibson (Jas. ) Inscriptions on tombstones of the covenanters. - 27507 Gibson (L. M.) Handbook for literary and debating societies. 1905. 03210 Gibson (Robert) An old Berwickshire town, Greenlaw. 1905. 92020 Gibson (Wm. H.) Happy hunting-grounds, woods and fields, ill. 58119 - Sharp eyes, a rambler's calendar. 1904. ill. - - - 59028 Giffen (J. K. ) The Egyptian Sudan. 1905. ill. - - - 95722 Giglioli (Constance H. D.) Naples in 1799. 1903. ill. - - 93705 Gil Bias, Adventures of ; by A. R. Le Sage. - 37L1 Gilbert, St. In Lives of the English saints, v. 4. 1901. - - 99806 Gilchrist (Robert M.) Beggar's Manor [a novel]. - - 16 Gl - A Peakland faggot, tales. 16 G 2 Giles (Peter) Manual of comparative philology. 1901. - - 41001 Gilian the dreamer, his fancy, his love ; by Neil Munro. - - 124M3 Gill et Richard. Un caissier, comedie; [notes] by A. Antoine. 44907 Gillmore (Parker) Gun, rod, and saddle. 1893. port. - 79907 Gilman (Arthtr) History of the American people, ill. maps. 97212 Gilman (Nicholas P.) Socialism and the American spirit. - 33503 Gilmour (David) Paisley weavers. The Pen folk, etc. port. 92010 Gilmour (James) Among the Mongols, ill. .... 95119 Gingold (Helene) The Chillingfield chronicles [a novel]. - 5G1 Giotto. In Vasari (G.) Lives of the painters, v. 1. 1850. - 99702 Girardin (Jean) La toute petite. - - - - - 37 Gl Girders. Humber (W.) Calculation of strains in girders. 1903. 62008 156 GOVANHILL BRANCH. GLA Girdlestone (Robert B. ) Age aud trustworthiness of the Old Testament Scriptures. In Present day tracts, v. 10. - 20411 Girl at Cobhurst ; by F. R. Stockton. 124S2 Girl at the Halfway House, a story; by E. Hough. - - - 91H1 Girls. Bellairs (Lady) Gossips with girls and maidens. - - 17305 - Bremner (C. S.) Education of girls and women in Gt. Britain. 37602 - Rhys (I. L.) Education of girls in Switzerland. 1905. - - 37601 Girl's awakening ; by J. H. Crawford. - 114 CI Girondists, History of the ; by A. M. L. de Lamartine. 3 v. - 93205-7 GriSSiNG (George) Denzil Quarrier, a novel. .... 30G1 - The emancipated. - 30 G 4 - New Grub Street, a novel. 30 G 2 - Our friend the charlatan. - - - - - - 30 G 3 Gita Govinda [selections] ; by Jayadeva. In Indian poetry. - 89114 Giving trust ; by S. Warner. 21W10 Gladiators, a tale of Rome and Judaea ; by G. J. Whyte Melville. 79 M 2 Gladstone (William E.) and others. Home rule. 1888. - 35405 Gladstone, William E. In Bagehot (W.) Biographical studies. 99638 - Hamilton (Sir E. W.) Gladstone, a monograph. 1898. - - G132 - Huxley (T. H.) Illustrations of Mr. Gladstone's controversial methods. In his Science and Christian tradition. 1895. 21512 - Macaulay (Lord) Gladstone on church and state. In his Essays. E8M1 - Morley(J.) Thelife of William E. Gladstone. 1905-6. 2v. port. G136-7 - Robbins (A. F.) Early public life of Gladstone. 1894. port. G131 - Russell (G. W. E.) Gladstone's religious development. 1899. G134 - Smith (G.) My memory of Gladstone. 1904. port. - - G135 Glaxville (Ernest) A fair colonist. 31 Gl - The golden rock. 31 G2 - Max Thornton [a romance]. - - - - - - 31 G 3 Glasgow. Barclay (H.) Recollections of old Glasgow. 1880. - 92315 - Baynham (W.) The Glasgow stage. 1S92. .... 92332 - Blair (G.) Sketches of Glasgow Necropolis. 1857. - - 92308 - [Boyd (A. K. H.)] Glasgow down the water. In his Lessons of middle age. 1869. E2B7 - Brown (D. W. ) Clydeside litterateurs, biographical sketches. 92305 - Burnet (J.) History of the water supply to Glasgow. 1S69. - 92313 - Campbell (W.) Incorporation of Cordiners in Glasgow. 18S3. 92324 - The chronicles of Gotham. 1856. ill. ----- 92322 " Facetious history of official proceedings." - Cleland (J.) Annals of Glasgow. 1817. 92311 - Constitution, rules, and history of Hutchesoirs Hospital. 1850. 92317 - Denholm (J.) History of Glasgow and suburbs. 1804. HI, maps. 92320 - Duncan (R. } ed. Notices and documents illustrative of the literary history of Glasgow. 1886. 92314 - Frazer (D.) The making of Buchanan Street. 1885. ill. - 92329 - Glasgow and Lanarkshire illustrated. 92301 157 GLA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Glasgow. Ker(J.) Early Glasgow. In his Scottish nationality, and other papers. E2K1 - Lauder (J.) The Glasgow Athenaeum, 1847-97. ill. - - 92310 - Macdonald (H. ) Rambles round Glasgow, ill. - - - 92307 - McDowall (J. K.) People's history of Glasgow. 1899. map. 92333 - Macgeorge (A.) Old Glasgow, the place and people. 1888. ill. 92319 - McLean (A. ) ed. Local industries of Glasgow. 1901. - - 92304 - Maclean (M.) ed. Archaeology, education, medical, and charitable institutions of Glasgow. 1901. - - - 92303 - Marwick (Sir J. D.) Clyde, harbour of Glasgow. 1898. maps. 92323 - Mitchell (J. 0.) Old Glasgow essays. 1905. ill. - - - 92330 - Pagan (J.) History of Glasgow. 1847. ill. ?-..-..- 92321 - Rae (J. J. ) ed. The ministers of Glasgow and their churches, ill. 92337 - Reid (R.) Old Glasgow and its environs. 1864. plans. - 92309 - Russell (J. B.) Public health administration in Glasgow. 1905. 92331 - Russell (J. R.) Saint Mungo's bells. 1888. ill. - - - 92316 " A gathering of interesting facts about Glasgow." - Sherry (C. ) The Glasgow Botanic Gardens, ill. - - - 58003 - Strang (J.) Bursaries, schools, bequests [etc.] for which the magistrates and Council act as administrators. 1861. - 92318 - Thomson (A.) Notes and recollections of Maryhill, 1750-1894. 92327 - Young (J.) Address on the Hunterian Library. In his Essays. E1Y1 Glasgow Cathedral. Cathedral and see of Glasgow, ill. - 92326 - Pagan (J.) The Cathedral and see of Glasgow. 1856. ill. - 92312 Glass. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Hasluck (P. X.) ed. Glass working. 1899. ill. - - - 66601 Glass painting. See Painting. Glass. Glazebrook (Richard T.) Dynamics. 1904. ill. - - 53105 - Electricity and magnetism. 1904. ill. 53707 Gleaming dawn, a romance of the middle ages ; by J. Baker. - 4B1 Glees. For list of related subjects, see Singing. - Xovello's Glee-hive, in vocal score. 3 v. - - - - 78410-2 Gleig (Charles) joint-author. See Pugh (Edwin W.) Gleig (George R.) Life of Robert, first Lord Olive. 1869. - C382 Glen Roy. Tyndall (J.) Parallel roads of Glen Roy. In JUs Fragments of science, v. 1. 1902. map. - - - 50410 Glendower, Owen. See Glyndwr, Owen. Glengarry. Ellice (E. C) Place-names in Glengarry [etc.] ill. map. 92215 Glengarry days [a story] : by Ralph Connor. ... - 78C5 Glenmahra, or, the western Highlands ; by Sir R. Roberts, ill. 79925 Glenquoich. Ellice (E. C.) Place-names in Glenquoich. ill. - 92215 Glimpse of the world [a story] ; by E. M. Sewell. - - - 48 S 6 Glimpses through life's windows ; by J. R. Miller. 1896. - 24411 Glorieux, comedie ; par P. X. Destouches. .... 84205 Gluck, Christoph W. R. von. In Rowbotham (J. F. ) Composers. 99721 Glyn (Elinor) The visits of Elizabeth. 32G1 158 GOVANHILL BRANCH. GOL Glyndwr, Owen, and Welsh independence ; by A. G. Bradley, ill. G051 Glyxn (Joseph) Cranes and other hoisting machinery. 1887. - 62307 God. See Theology. God and the Bible ; by M. Arnold. 1897. .... 23922 "A sequel to 'Literature and dogma,' " 23923. God of his fathers, tales of the Klondyke ; by Jack London. - 51 L 2 God of the frail [sermons] ; by T. G. Selby. 1902. - - - 25216 Godet (Frederic) Authenticity of the four principal Epistles of St. Paul. In Present day tracts, v. 10. - - - - 20411 - Authorship of the fourth Gospel. In Present day tracts, v. 5. 20406 - Studies on the New Testament. 1895. - - - - 22608 - Studies on the Old Testament. 1892. 22204 Godfrey, Sir Edmund B. Lang (A.) "Mystery of Sir E. B. God- frey. In his Valet's tragedy [etc.] 1903. port. plan. - 90405 Godfrey (Elizabeth) The winding road. 33G1 Godolphin [a novel] ; by Lord Lytton. - - - - - 73 L 16 Godric, Saint. In Kingsley (C. ) The hermits. - 99816 God's city [sermons] ; by H. S. Holland. 1894. - - - 25221 God's fool, a Koopstad story ; by Maarten Maartens. - - 2M3 God's outcast ; by S. K. Hocking. 67H10 Godwin, William. Stephen (Sir L.) Godwin and Shelley. In his Hours in a library, v. 3. 1S99. E2S3 Goethe (Johaxx W. von) Dramatic works ; trans, by Sir W. Scott and others. 1906. 302 G - Early life. 1904. port. G172 - Iphigenie auf Tauris, ein Schauspiel ; with notes. 1899. hibl. 43823 - Poems ; trans, by E. A. Bowring. 1900. - - - 301 G - Wilhelm Meister ; trans, by T. Carlyle. .... 34GI Goethe, Johann W. von. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 1, 4. - E1C1,E1C4 - Mazzini (J.) Byron and Goethe. In his Essays. - - - E9M1 - Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (K.) Goethe and Mendelssohn. 1874. G171 - Miiller (F. Max) Goethe and Carlyle. In his Works, v. 5. - E6M1 - Tyndall (J.) Goethe's * Farbenlehre.' In his Xew fragments. 50412 Gold. For related subjects, see Mining". - Curie (J. H.) The gold mines of the world. 1905. ill. plans. 62501 Gold-stealers, a story ; by E. Dyson. 64D1 Gold that perisheth ; by David Lyall. - - - - 65 L 3 Golden book, legends of saints ; by Mrs. F. Alexander. 1905. - 24420 Golden fleece [a romance] ; by A. Achard. 2A1 ' Golden rock ; by E. Glanville. 31 G 2 J Golden shaft, a story ; by C. Gibbon. 21G2 ( Golden tooth ; by J. M. Cobban. 66 C 2 > Golden trust ; by Theo Douglas. 48D1 i Golding(F. Y.) The manufacture of boots and shoes. 1902. HI. 68503 : Goldmann (Chas. S. ) With French in South Africa. 1902. ill 96415 159 GOL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Goldsmith (Oliver) Works. 1886-1901. 5 v. mem. - -E1G1-5 1. Vicar of "Wakefield. Essays. Letters. 2. Poems. Plays. The Bee. Cock-lane ghost. 3. Citizen of the world. State of polite learning in Europe. 4. Biographies. Criticisms. Later collected essays. 5. The earth and animated nature. History of England. History of Little Goody Two- shoes. [Etc.] - Anthology; ed. by E. Arber. 1900. - - - - - 82234 - Comedies. 1896. ill. 201 G - The vicar of Wakefield. 2 copies. - - -. - - 36 Gl Goldsmith, Oliver. Black (W.) Goldsmith [his life and work]. - G071 - In Elwin (W. ) Some xviii. century men of letters, v. 2. port. 99910 - Forster (J.) Life and times of 0. Goldsmith, port, ill.- - G072 - Irving (W.) Goldsmith, a biography. 1900.- - - - G073 - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists, ill. 2 copies. - 12 T 9 Golf. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Clark (R. ) ed. Golf , a royal and ancient game. 1893. ill. - 79601 - Everard (H. S. C.) Golf in theory and practice. 1901. ill. - 79620 - Hezlet(M.) Ladies' golf. 1904. ill. 79641 - Linskill (W. T.) Golf. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. ill. 79605 - Park (W.) The game of golf. 1899. ill. ... - 79636 Golspie. Cumming (A.) and others. Golspie, its folklore, ill. 92216 Goltz (Colmar von der) The conduct of war. 1899. - - 35506 Gonzaga, Elisabetta. In Hare (C.) Ladies of the renaissance. - 99621 Gonzalez, Fernan. In Irving (W.) Biographies. 1871. - - 81801 Good out of evil, and other stories ; by A. S. Swan. - - - 147 S 44 Good ship ' Mohock ' ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - - 75 R 20 Good words, 1860-92. 33 v. ill. 3301-33 For principal contents, see Edinburgh Public Library catalogue, which may be referred to or borrowed. Goodban (Henry W.) Tutor for the violoncello, mus. - - 78706 Goodfellow (John) The dietetic value of bread. 1892. ill. - 61306 Goodman (John) Mechanics applied to engineering. 1906. ill. 62104 Goodrich (W. F.) Small destructors for institutional and trade waste. 1904. ill. 62807 Goodspeed (GeorgeS.) History of the ancient world. 1905. ill. 90202 - History of the Babylonians and Assyrians. 1903. map. - 94407 Gordon (Charles G.) Gen. Journals at Kartoum. 1898. port. ill. Gill Gordon (H. L.) Sir James Y. Simpson and chloroform. 1897. S301 Gordon (Lina D.) The story of Assisi. 1905. ill. plans. - 93713 - joint-author. See Baddeley (St. Clair) ; Symonds (Margaret). Gordon (Mrs. M.M.) The home life of Sir David Brewster. 1869. B311 Gordon (Samuel) A handful of exotics [stories]. - - - 40G1 - Lesser destinies [a novel]. - - 40 G 4 - The queen's quandary, a romance. 2 copies. - - - - 40 G 2 - Sons of the covenant, a tale of Anglo-Jewry. - - - - 40G3 Gordon ( W. J. ) Our country's animals and how to know them. ill. 59602 - Our country's shells and how to know them. col. ill. - - 59402 160 GOVANHILL BRANCH. GOW Gordon Highlanders. Gardyne (C. G.) The life of a regiment, 1794-1816. ill. maps. °. . 35604 Gordon Keith [a novel] ; by T. N. Page. 2P2 Gorst (Harold E.) The Fourth Party. 1906. - 32903 Goschen, Georg J., Life of ; by Viscount Goschen. 1903. 2 v. ill. G211-2 Gospel and the age, sermons ; by \Y. C. Magee. 1899. - - 25230 Gospel of the grace of God, sermons ; by T. Spurgeon. 1S84. - 25215 Gospel writ in steel ; by A. Paterson. 15P2 Gospels. See Bible. Gosse (Edmund W.) Gray [his life and work]. 1902. - - G081 - Jeremy Taylor [his life and work], 1903. - - - - T061 - Raleigh [a biography]. 1886. R231 Gosse (Philip H.) The Canadian naturalist. 1840. ill.- - 59126 Gossman (Isabella H.) Inspiration in human life. 1904. - 17121 Gotch (F.) Aspects of the scientific method. In Lectures. - 50103 Gothenburg system. Rowntree (J.) and Shervvell (A.) British 1 Gothenburg ' experiments and public-house trusts. 1901. 17803 Gothic language. See Language, Gothic. Gough, Hugh, Viscount, Life of ; by R. S. Rait. 1903. 2 v. port. G 221-2 Gould (Sabine Baring) A book of Dartmoor. 1900. ill. - 91733 - A book of the Riviera. 1905. ill. 93307 - Curious myths of the middle ages. 1S88. .... 39818 - In troubadour-land, Provence and Languedoc. 1891. ill. - 93101 - Eve, a novel. - - - - . . . . . 43 G5 - In a quiet village [stories]. - - - . . 43 Gl - In Dewisland [a novel]. . - 43G4 - Miss Quillet [a novel]. . 43 G 9 - The queen of love, a novel. 43 G 7 - Royal Georgie [a novel], 2 copies. - - - - . 43 G 3 - Urith, a tale of Dartmoor. - - - - . . 43 G 6 - Winefred, a story. 43 G 2 Govan. Chalmers (P. M.) The Govan sarcophagus. 1902. ill. 92325 Government. For list of related subjects, see Sociology. - Aristotle. A treatise on government. ..... 32101 - Douglas (C. M.) Science and administration. In Science in public affairs. 1906. ----... 30408 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council. 2 v. - - - -E3H1-2 - Huxley (T. H.) Government, anarchy or regimentation. In his Method and results. 1894. " 50436 - Mill (J. S. ) Considerations on representative government. 32102 - Sergeant (L.) ed. The government handbook. 1890. - - 35002 1 See also Army. Children. Civil service. Home rule. Imperial federation. Local government. Navy. Pensions. War Office, iow (James) A companion to school classics. 1902. ill. - - 87004 ;k)WER (Frederick Leveson) Bygone years, recollections. 1905. G261 jOwer (Lord Ronald S.) Sir Joshua Reynolds, life and art, ill. R261 f 161 GOW GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Gowrie, or, the king's plot; by G. P. R. James. - - - 6J6 Grace (William G. ) "W.G.," cricketing reminiscences. 1899. ill. 79718 Gracian (Balthasar) The art of worldly wisdom. 1904. bibl. 86801 Geaf (F.) Dumb-bells. 1902. ill. 61303 Graham (George F.) ed. Popular songs of Scotland. 1900. mus. 78418 Graham (Hy. G.) Scottish men of letters, 18th century. 1901. 99916 Graham (John) Calculus for engineering students. 1905. - 51701 Graham, John. Terry (C. S. ) Graham of Claverhouse. 1905. ill. G161 Graham (John M.) Annals and correspondence of the Earls of Stair. 1875. 2 v. S041-2 Graham (P. A. ) Nature in books, studies in biography. 1891.- 99903 - Rural exodus, village and town. 1892. 33106 Graham (Robert B. C.) The Ipane [and other stories]. - - 48G1 Graham ( Robert C.) The carved stones of Islay. 1895. ill. maps. 92224 Graham (Winifred) A social pretender. 46 G 2 Grahame (Kenneth) Pagan papers [essays]. 1904. - - - E4G1 Grail, Holy. For list of related subjects, see Folk-lore. - Evans (S.) trans. High history of the Holy Graal. ill. - - 39830 - Gould (S. Baring) The Sangreal. In his Curious myths. - 39818 Graining. For related subjects, see House painting. - Burg (A. P. and P. van der) School of painting for the imita- tion of woods and marbles. 1903. fo. col. ill. - - 69807 Grammar. See the names of languages, as, Language, English. Granada. Irving (W.) The conquest of Granada. 1902. - - 93401 Grandiere (Maurice) How to fence. 1906. ill. - - - 79628 Grands ecrivains francais, biographies and criticisms. A list of the series maybe seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Grange garden ; by H. Kingsley. 26 K 5 Granger (J. D.) Seed of Isaac, God's dealings with Israel. - 29614 Gran'ma's Jane ; by M. E. Mann. 40M5 Grant (Sir Alexander) University of Edinburgh. 2 v. ill. - 37802-3 Grant, Anne. In Paston (George) Memoirs. 1901. port. 99604 Grant (Arthur J.) erf. English historians [extracts]. 1906. - 91240 Grant (Mrs. 0.) A mother of czars, Marie Feodorowna. 1905. M211 Grant (David) Scotch stories. 82719 Grant (Mrs. Helen) After-glow memories. 1905. - - G201 Grant (James) History of burgh schools of Scotland. 1876. - 37202 Grant (James) Adventures of an aide-de-camp. - - 51 Gl - Derval Hampton, a story of the sea. 51 G 2 - Frank Hilton, or, the Queen's Own. - - - - - 51 G 10 - Jack Chaloner, or, the fighting Forty-third. - 51G3 - Miss Cheyne of Essilmont [a novel]. 51 Gil - Philip Rollo, or, the Scottish musketeers. - - - - 51G4 - The Queen's cadet [and other stories]. 51 G5 162 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. GRE Gk ant (James) The romance of war, or, the Highlanders in Spain. 51 G 6 - The white cockade, or, faith and fortitude. - - - - 51G9 - The yellow frigate, or, the three sisters. 51 G8 Grant (Peter) Spiritual hymns [In Gaelic]. 1897.- - - 101G Grant, Ulysses S. Church (W. C.) U. S. Grant and national preservation and reconstruction. 1899. port. ill. maps. G041 - Thayer (W. M.) From tan-yard to White House. 1904. port. ill. G042 Granville, G. G. Leveson Gower, 2nd Earl, Life of, 1815-1891 ; by Lord Fitzmaurice. 1905. 2 v. port. ill. - - - G291-2 Grape. The vine manual, cultivation of the grape vine. ill. - 63404 Graphology. See Handwriting. Graphs. Gibson (G. A.) Elementary treatise on graphs. 1905. 51207 Gras (Felix) The Reds of the Midi. 54GI - The terror, a romance of the French revolution. - - - 54 G 2 Sequel to " The Reds of the Midi." - The white terror [sequel to " The terror "]. .... 54G3 Grasses. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. - Hutchinson (W.) Grasses, their structure, uses [etc.] ill. - 58401 Gravelotte. In Knox (T. W.) Decisive battles. 1900. plans.- 90404 Graver thoughts of a country parson; by [A. K. H. Boyd]. 3 v. E2B1-3 Graves (Alfred P.) ed. The Irish song book. 1903. mus. - 78435 Gray (A. H.) Aspects of Protestantism. 1899. - - - 28402 Gray (Louisa M.) Cousin Ned. 56G2 57G3 57G2 57 Gl 58903 58904 401 G 82234 E3A2 99910 G081 1902. port. Gray (Maxwell) The house of hidden treasure, a novel. - - In the heart of the storm. - The silence of Dean Maitland, a novel. - Gray (Peter) Lichens, mosses [etc.] 1898. ill. - and Woodward (B. B.) Sea- weeds [etc.] 1900. ill. Gray (Thomas) Poetical works. ?ne?n. - [Poems]. In Goldsmith anthology. Gray, Thomas. In Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, v. 2. - In Elwin (VV.) Some xviii. century men of letters, v. 2. - Gosse (E. W.) Gray [his life and work]. 1902. - Stephen (Sir L.) Gray and his school. In his Hours in a library, v. 3. 1899. E2S3 Great Britain, 1, General. Denholm (J.) Tour to the Scotch and English lakes. With his History of Glasgow. 1804. 92320 - In Holmes (O. W.) Our hundred days in Europe. 1895. - 91001 - Howitt (W.) Visits to remarkable places. 1900. ill. - - 91501 - Stevenson (R. L.) The foreigner at home. In his Memories [etc.] El S3 Great Britain, 2, Constitution. Argyll (Duke of) The new British constitution. 1888. 34211 -Hallam(H.) Constitutional history of England [1485-1760]. - 34201 - Macy (J. ) The English constitution, its nature and growth. 1897. 34210 - May (Sir T. E.) History of England, 1760-1860. 1873. 3 v. 34204-6 163 GEE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Great Britain, 3, History, General. Bright (J. F. ) A history of England. 1887-1904. 5 v. maps, plans. - - - 91203-7 1. Mediaeval monarchy, 449-1485. 2. Personal monarchy, 1485-1688. 3. Constitutional monarchy, 1689-1837. 4. Growth of democracy, 1S37-80. 5. Imperial reaction, 1880-1901. - Buckle (H. T.) Civilization in England. 1903. 3 v. bibl. - 90301-3 - Burrows (M. ) Commentaries on the history of England to 1865. 91217 - Canning (A. S. G.) British power and thought. 1901. - - 91233 Literary influence in British history. 1904. - - - 82001 - Casseli's History of England. 8 v. ill. maps. - - 91208-15 1. From the Roman invasion, 55 B.C., to the wars of the roses, a.d. 1450. 2. To the great rebellion, 1641. 3. to the fall of Marlborough, 1711. 4. To the Peninsular war, 1810. 5. To the death of Sir Robert Peel, 1850. 6. To the illness of the Prince of "Wales, 1871. 7. To the British occupation of Egypt, 1883. 8. To the opening of parliament, 1895. - Dickens (C.) A child's history of England. 1896. ill. - - 91201 - Fea (A.) Secret chambers and hiding-places. 1904. ill. - 91604 -Goldsmith (O.) History of England. In his Works, v. 5. 1886. E1G5 - Grant (A. J.) ed. English historians. 1906. - 91240 Extracts to illustrate the characteristics of English historians. - Green (J. R.) A short history of the English people. 1898. maps. 91246 - Hunt (W.) and Poole (R. L.) eds. The political history of England. 1905-6. bibl. maps. 1. To [1066]; by T. Hodgkin, 91338. 2. 1066-1216; by G. B. Adams, 91339. 3. 1216-1377 ; by T. F. Tout, 91340. 4. 1377-1485 ; by C. W. C. Oman, 91341. 5. 1485-1547 ; by H. A. L. Fisher, 91355. 10. 1760-1801 ; by W. Hunt, 91419. 11. 1801-37 ; by G. C. Brodrick and J. K. Fotheringham, 91420. - Maurice (F. D.) English history. Inhis Friendship of books [etc.] E5M1 - Neele (H.) Romance of history, England. 1889. - - - 91609 - Strickland (A.) Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest. 1901-6. 6 v. - - - - - 99630-5 - Tout (T. F.) An advanced history of Great Britain [to 1901]. 1906. bibl. maps, plans. 91245 Great Britain, 4, History to the Norman Conquest, 1066. Bede. Ecclesiastical history of England, map. - 27604 - Conybeare (E.) Roman Britain. 1903. bibl. map. - - 91324 Great Britain, 5, History to the Union of the Crowns, 1603. - Fletcher (C. R. L.) History of England [to 1485]. 1904. maps. 91611 - Froude (J. A.) History of England [1529-88]. 12 v. - 91325-36 - Schelling(F. E.) Queen's progress [Etc.] Elizabethan sketches. 91615 Great Britain, 6, History to the Revolution of 1688. Boas (Mrs. F. S.) With Milton and the cavaliers. 1904. ill.- - 91346 - Clarendon (Earl of) Episodes of the great rebellion. 1889. - 91305 - Gardiner (S.R.) History of England. 1899-1901. 10 v. maps. 91306-15 1. 1603-7. 2. 1607-16. 3. 1616-21. 4. 1621-3. 5. 1623-5. 6. 1625-9. 7. 1629-35. 8. 1635-9. 9. 1639-41. 10. 1641-2. History of the great civil war. 1901. 4 v. maps. - - 91316-9 1. 1642-4. 2. 1644-5. 3. 1645-7. 4. 1647-9. - - The Commonwealth and Protectorate. 1903. 4 v. maps. 91320-3 1. 1649-50. 2. 1651-3. 3. 1653-5. 4. 1655-6. - Mackintosh (Sir J.) The revolution of 1688. In his Works, v. 2. E10M2 164 GOVANHILL BRANCH. GRE Great Britain, 6, History to the Revolution of 1688. Newde<*ate (Lady N.) Cavalier and Puritan. 1901. ill. - - & - 91345 - Sydney (W. C.) Social life in England, 1660-1690. 1892. - 91302 - Trevelyan(G.M.) England under the Stuarts. 1904. bibl. maps. 91337 - See also Gunpowder plot. Great Britain, 7, History since 1688. Clayden (P. W.) England under the coalition, 1885-92. 91422 - Fitchett (W. H.) How England saved Europe, the great war, 1793-1815. 1900-3. 4 v. ill. plans. - - - -91412-5 o mi 1, From ^ he Low Countrie s to Egypt. 2. The struggle for the sea. 3. The war m the Peninsula. 4. Waterloo and St. Helena. - Larnington (Lord) In the days of the dandies [Etc.] - - L271 Some great beauties and social celebrities. The Young England party. - Lecky (W. E. H.) History of England in the eighteenth cen- tury. 1888-1904. 8v. - - - - . . 91423-30 - Macaulay (Lord) History of England [1685-1702]. 1899. 2 v. 91303-4 - McCarthy (J.) A history of our own times [1837-97]. 5 v. - 91403-7 - - A short history of our own times [1837-80]. 1903. - - 91402 - Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Sixty years a Queen, ill. - - . 91416 Story of the reign of Victoria. - Paston (George) Side-lights on the Georgian period. 1902. ill. 91408 - See also Jacobites. Great educators. ■ • «. A list ° f the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered m the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Great expectations ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - - - 30D8 Great K. and A. train robbery ; by P. L. Ford. - - - 37 f 2 Great lady [a novel] ; by A. Sergeant. - - - . 160 S 4 Great Lowlands [a novel] ; by A. E. Holdsworth. - - - 73 HI Great Porter Square, a mystery ; by B. L. Far jeon. - - - 3F3 Great shadow ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. 51D17 Great truths ; by W. G. Jordan. ----._ 17017 Greater gospel ; by J. M. Bamford. 1S97. - 23912 Greatest heiress in England ; by Mrs. M. O. VV. Oliphant. - 60 14 Greatest of these [a novel] ; by H. Wallace. .... 7^1 Greaves (John) Treatise on elementary statics. 1900. ill. - 53108 Greco-Turkish war. Steevens (G. W.) What happened in Thes- saly. In his Things seen. 1900. ..... E4S1 Greece. Abbott (E.) A history of Greece. 1893-1900. 3 v. maps. 93818-20 1. From the earliest times to the Ionian revolt. 2. Ionian revolt to the thirty years' peace, 500-445 B.C. 3. Thirty years' peace to the fall of the thirty at Athens, 445-403 B.C. - Becker (W. A.) Charicles, life of the ancient Greeks. 1899. ill. 93821 - Butcher (S. H.) Harvard lectures on Greek subjects. 1904. - 88001 - Church (E. M.) Sir Richard Church in Italy and Greece. - C021 - Fowler (W.W.) The city-state of the Greeks and Romans. 1902. 93801 - Fry (Sir E. ) Notes on Greece. In his Studies by the way. 1900. E6F1 - Grote(G.) A history of Greece. 1888-1903. 10 v. map. plans. 93802-11 165 GRE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Greece. Gulick (C. B.) Life of the ancient Greeks. 1903. ill. 93814 - Hall (H. R.) The oldest civilization of Greece. 1901. ill. - 93817 " Studies of the Mycenaean age." - Hanson (C. H.) The land of Greece. 1886. ill. maps. - - 93815 - Pausanias. Description of Greece. 2 v. - - - - 93812-3 - See also Greco-Turkish war. Greed. Wallace (A. R.) The demon of greed. In his Wonder- ful century. 1905. 50903 Greek language. See Language, Greek. Greek literature. See Literature, Greek. Greeks. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Plutarch. Lives of illustrious men. 2 v. port. - - - 88807-8 Green (Anna K.) The Leavenworth case, a lawyer's story. - 58G1 - Marked "Personal." 58G2 Green (Evelyn E.) Arnold Inglehurst, a story. - - - 60G42 - The conscience of Roger Trehern. 60G48 - Eustace March mont [a story]. - - - - - - 60 G 41 - The family [a story]. 60G49 - Her husband's home. - 60G46 - Master of Fernhurst. - 60 G 45 - The niece of Esther Lynne. - 60G43 - Odeyne's marriage. - - - 60 G 40 - Olivia's experiment. - - - - - - - - 60 G 47 - Wooing of Val. ... 60G44 Green (John R.) A short history of the English people [449- 1874]. 1898. maps. 91246 - Stray studies. 1903-4. 2 v. E2G1-2 1. A brother of the poor [Edward Denison]. Sketches in sunshine [Riviera]. Lambeth and the archbishops. Abbot and town [Abbot Samp- son]. Two Venetian studies. The early history of Oxford. The home of our Angevin kings. [Etc.] Green (Mrs. John R.) Henry II. [his life and times]. 1903. - H101 - Town life in the fifteenth century. 1894. 2 v. - - - 91347-8 Green (S. G. ) 'Psalms' and criticism. In Present day tracts. 20413 Green (Samuel W.) The early witness to the four Gospels. In Present day tracts, v. 13. 20414 Green, Thomas H. Fairbrother ( W. H. ) Philosophy of T. H. Green. 19214 Green (Walford D.) William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, and the British Empire, 1708-78. 1901. ill. maps. - - - C031 Green book, or, freedom under the snow, a novel ; by M. Jokai. 31 J 2 Green flag, and other stories ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 13 Greene (George A.) ed. Italian lyrists of to-day. 1898. - 85104 Greene (W. T.) The diseases of cage birds. 1903. - - - 61901 - Foreign birds for cages and aviaries, ill. - 63615 - Parrots in captivity. 1884. 2 v. col. ill. - 63611-2 - ed. Notes on cage birds. 1882-99. 2 v. ill. ■ - 63609-10 Greenland. Nansen(F.) First crossing of Greenland. 1898. ill. map. 99415 166 GOVANHILL BRANCH. GRI Greenlaw. Gibson (R.) An old Berwickshire town. 1905 - 92020 Greenock Campbell (D.) Historical sketches of the town and harbours of Greenock. 1879-81. 2 v. plan.- - -92012-3 Greenough (James B ) and Kittredge (G. L.) Words and their ways in English speech. 1902. - . . . . 42203 Greenslet (Ferris) Walter Pater [his life and work]. - - P181 Greenwich Observatory. Maunder (E. W.) The Royal Observa- tory, Greenwich. 1900. ill. - . ... . 52201 Greenwood (James) The prisoner in the dock. 1902. - - 34301 - Silas Horner's adventures. - - . . . . - 63G1 Greenwood (Thomas) The new turners' and fitters' handbook, ill 62309 Greg, William R. In Morley (J. ) Critical miscellanies, v. 3. 1904. E3M4 Gregory, St., of Nazianzus. In Farrar (F. W.) Fathers, v. 1. - 99311 Gregory, St. , of Nyssa. In Farrar (F. W. ) Lives of the fathers, v. 2. 99812 Gregory (Donald) Western Highlands and isles, 1493-1625. - 92218 Gregory (Eleanor C.) Christian mysticism. 1901. - - - 27301 Grenard(F.) Tibet and its inhabitants. 1904. map. - - 94903 Grenfell (Wilfred T.) Vikings of to-day, Labrador, ill. - 97002 Gresset (Jean B. L.) Le mechant, comedie. - 842 06 Greville (Fulke, Lord Brooke). See Brooke (Lord). Greville (Henri) A la campagne, comedie ; [with notes]. 1894. 44908 - Les cloches cassees, comedie ; [with notes] by A. E. Vasselier. 44910 - Ma tante, comedie ; [with notes] by C. Delhave. 1895. - 44899 Greville (Henry) Leaves from [his] diary. 1904-5. 4 v. - G231-4 Grey (William) Lord Rodney. In Our naval heroes. 1906. - 99619 Grey and gold ; by E. J. Worboise. 81W9 Grey house at Endlestone ; by E. J. Worboise. - 81W20 Grey lady ; by Henry Seton Merriman. 85M9 Grey man ; by S. R. Crockett, 118C4 Gribble (Francis H.) Geneva and its literary landmarks. 1901. 93501 - The pillar of cloud. 84G1 Gribble (Theodore G.) Preliminary survey and estimates, ill. 52602 Grier (Sydney C.) The kings of the east, a romance. - - 67G2 - Like another Helen [a romance]. - - . . . - 67G1 Grif, a story of Australian life ; by B. L. Farjeon. - - - 3F2 Griffin (Harry H.) Athletics. 1898. ill. .... 79615 - Cycles and cycling. 1903. ill. 79621 - and others. Athletics. In Athletic sports, v. 5. 1891. ill 79607 Griffin (James) eel. Flags, national and mercantile. 1905. col. ill. 99920 'Griffin.' Maxwell (D.) The log of the Griffin. 1905. ill. maps. 91010 11 A cruise from the Alps to the Thames." Griffith (George) Sidelights on convict life. 1903. ///. - 36501 Griffiths (Arthur G. F.) Fifty years of public service. 1904. G141 Grimm (Jakob L. K. und W. K.)Marchen; with notes. 2 v. 43820-1 Grindelwald. Rhodes (D. P.) Book of Grindelwald. 1903, til 93503 167 GEI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Grixlixg (Charles H.) The ways of our railways. 1905. ill. 38503 Grip of the wolf ; by Morice Gerard. 18G2 Gripped ; by S. K. Hocking. - - - - - - 67H19 Grisly GriselL a rale ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y2 Grocery. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Simmonds (W. H.) ed. The practical grocer. 1906. 4 v. ill. 65807-10 •• A manual for the grocer, the provision merchant, and allied trades." Rbogak (Ewast S. ) and Sharp (A. H.) Cape to Cairo. 1902. ill. 95503 GrRONAU (Georg) Leonardo da Vinci [his life and art]. 1902. ill. L031 - Titian [his life and art]. 1904. ill. T031 Grondeur, comedie ; par D. A. de Brueys et J. Palaprat. - - 84204 Grosyexor (J. Du V.) Model yachts and boats. 1903. ill. - 62610 Grote (George) History of Greece. 18SS-1903. 10 v. map. 93802-11 Group of noble dames [stories]; by T. Hardy. - 21H11 Grueb (Herbert C.) Builders' quantities. 1904. ill. - - 69203 Gryll Grange [a novel]; by T. L. Peacock. - 20P1 Guardian : by J. Addison. In his Works, v. 4.- - - - E2A4 Guardian angel ; by O. W. Holmes. 118 HI Gubbio. McCracken (L.) Gubbio, past and present. 1904. ill. 93704 Guerin. Eugenie de. In Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, v. 1. - E3A1 Guerin. Georges M. de. In Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, v. 1. E3A1 - In Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Essay's. - E7S1 Guesses at truth ; by [J. C. and A. W. Hare]. 1897. - - 82820 Guild court, a London story : by GL MacDonald. - - - 10 M 4 Guilgault (Leoxy) Sketch of French history, 1789-1815. 1903. 93117 Guinea pig. Lane (C. H.) Rabbits, cats, and cavies. 1903. Hi. 63617 Guinea stamp ; by A. S. Swan. - - 147 S 12 Guitar. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Rudolphus (C.) Method for the Spanish guitar. 4 = . mus. - 78702 Guizot (Francois P. G. ) Alfred le Grand ; notes by H. Lallemand. 44890 - Recitshistoriques: notes by A. C. Clapin and E. L. Xaftel. 2 v. 44881-2 Guizot. Francois P. G. [his life. In French] ; par A. Bardoux. port. G281 Gulick (Charles B.) Life of the ancient Greeks. 1903. ill. - 93814 Gulick (Sidney L.) The white peril in the far east. 1905. - 94305 Gulliver's travels : by J. Swift. 2 copies. 151 SI Guvdry (R. S.) China, present and past. 1895. map. - - 95117 Gunpowder plot. Sidney (P.) The gunpowder plot. 1905. ill. 91349 Guns. See Artillery. Guppt (Henry B. ) Homes of family names in Gt. Britain, maps. 99901 Gubney iEmelia R.) Letters ; ed. by E. M. Gurney. 1902. port. G241 Gustavus Adolphus aud Protestantism ; by C. R. L. Fletcher, ill. G031 Guthrie i Fredk.) Molecular physics and sound. 1903. ill. - 53902 Guthrie, James and William, Lives and times of ; by J. L. Watson. G101 Guthrie (Thomas) Anecdotes and stories. ... - 82728 - Christ and the inheritance of saints [sermons]. - - - 25229 168 GOVANHILL BRANCH. HAG ■ijthrie (Thomas) Out of harness, sketches. 1896.- - - E3G1 The Edinburgh Original Ragged School. A winter gale. The streets of Paris. Sketches of the Cowgate. The pest, providence, and prayer. Watch-night. The Rechabites. Unforgiving and unforgiven. [Etc.] Guthrie, Thomas. Ker(J.) Reminiscences of Guthrie. In his Scottish nationality, and other papers. 1887. - In Kirton (J. W.) The world's workers. 1895. Guy Fawkes, an historical romance ; by W. H. Ains worth. Guy Mannering, or, the astrologer ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. Gwynn (Stephen L.) The masters of English literature. 1904. - Thomas Moore [his life and work]. 1905. .... G wynne (H. A.) The army on itself. 1904. .... Gymnastics. Gymnastic competition and display exercises. 1897. - Jenkin (A. F.) Gymnastics. 1896. ill. - - Gymnastics. In Athletic sports, v. 8. 1893. ill. - See also Dumb-bells. Indian clubs. Gypsies. For list of related subjects, see Customs. - Borrow (G.) The Zincali, the gypsies of Spain. 1893. - With a vocabulary of their language. - MacRitchie (D.) Scottish gypsies under the Stewarts. 1894. 39702 E2K1 99813 16A7 35S2 82014 M091 35501 61301 61304 79608 39701 H— family [a tale] ; by F. Bremer. 86 Bl Haaxman (P. A.) Pieter Stortenbeker. In Dutch painters, ill. 99701 Habakkuk. See Bible. Habberton (John) Helen's babies. 1H1 - A lucky lover. --------- 1H4 Haberlandt (Michael) Ethnology. 1899. ill. - - - 57210 Habit vert, proverbe ; par A. de Musset et E. Augier. 1889. - 2401 M Hacket, John, Bp. Stephen (Sir J. F.) Hacket's Life of Arch- bishop Williams. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. 1892. - E5S1 Hadden (James C.) Chopin [his life and work]. 1903. ill. - C251 - Haydn [his life and work]. 1902. ill. H181 - The Nelsou navy book. 1906. ill. 91232 Haddon (Alfred C.) The study of man. 1898. ill. maps. - 57202 Hadfield (R. A.) and Gibbins (H. de B.) A shorter working day. 33107 Hadow (William H.) Studies in modern music. 1904-5. 2 v. ill. 99718-9 The contents will be found at Music Haeckel (Ernst) The evolution of man. 1883. 2 v. ill. - 57508-9 - Last words on evolution. 1906. port. ill. - - - 57511 - The riddle of the universe. 1906. port. .... 14703 - The wonders of life. 1904. 14701 "Supplementary volume to ' The riddle of the universe.' " Haeckel, Ernst. Ballard (F.) Haeckel's monism false. 1905. - 14702 Haeder (Herman) A handbook on the steam engine. 1902. ill. 62109 Haes (Louis de) P. J. C. Gabriel. In Dutch painters. 1898. ill. 99701 Hagar of Homerton [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. - - 57 D 2 169 HAG GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Haggai. See Bible. Haggard (Arthur). See Amyakd (Arthur). Haggard (Henry Rider) A farmer's year, 1898. 1906. ill. maps. 63006 - A winter pilgrimage, travels through Palestine [etc. ] 1902. ill. 93909 - Beatrice, a novel. 3H16 - Cleopatra [a romance]. 3H3 - Colonel Quaritch, V.C., a tale of country life. - - - 3H4 - Dawn [a novel]. 3H15 - Eric Brighteyes [a romance]. 3H12 - Jess [a story]. - - - 3H5 - Joan Haste [a novel]. 2 copies. - - - - - 3H14 - King Solomon's mines. - 3H6 - Allan Quatermain [sequel to ''King Solomon's mines"]. - 3H1 - Allan's wife [sequel to "Allan Quatermain"] and other tales.- 3H2 Hunter Quatermain's story. A tale of three lions. Long odds. - Lysbeth, a tale of the Dutch. 3H7 - Montezuma's daughter. 3H8 - Nada the lily. 3H9 - The people of the mist. - - - - ' - - - - 3H13 - She, a history of adventure. 3H10 - Ayesha, the return of She. - - 3H17 - The witch's head. 3H11 - and Lang (Andrew) The world's desire. .... 4H1 Hair- dressing. Andrews (W.) At the sign of the barber's pole, studies in hirsute history. 1904. ill. - 39101 Haldane (J. W. C.) Life as an engineer. 1905. ill. - - 62004 Hale (Edward E.) Sybil Knox, or, home again, a story. - - 6H1 Hales (A. G.) Angel Jim. - 7 HI Half-hearted [a novel] ; by J. Buchan. 102B4 Haliburton (Thomas C.) Clockmaker, sayings of Samuel Slick. 8H2 - The attache, or, Sam Slick in England [sequel to the above]. - 8H1 Hall (G. R.) Human evolution, an inductive study. 1903. - 30105 Hall, Gordon. J?iHolcomb(H.H.) Menofmightinlndiamissions. 99825 Hall (H. R.) Oldest civilization of Greece, Mycenaean age. - 93817 Hall (H. S.) and Knight (S. R.) Elementary algebra. 1904. - 51201 Higher algebra, sequel to " Elementary algebra." 1904. - 51202 - and Stevens (F. H.) Elementary mathematics. 1903. - - 51004 - - A text-book of Euclid's Elements. 1904: - 51302 Hall (J. ) and others. An English grammar. 1S98. - - 42501 Hall (Leonard) The evolution of consciousness. 1901. - - 15003 Hall (Middleton) Practical rifle shooting. 1906. ill. - - 79936 Hall (Owen) Hernando [a novel]. 10 HI Hall (William) Modern navigation, a text book. 1904. ill. - 52702 Hallam, Arthur H. In Brown (J.) Horse subsecivse, v. 2. 1897. E1B2 Hallam (Henry) Constitutional history of England. 1894. - 34201 - Europe during the middle ages. 1901. 91004 170 GOVANHILL BRANCH. HAN Hallam, Henry. Macaulay (Lord) Hallam's Constitutional his- tory. In his Essays. 1904. E8M1 Hallays (Andre) Beaumarchais [his life and work. In French]. B511 Halle (Elinor) Art of enamelling. In Woman's library, ill. 70001 Hallucinations. See Illusions. Halsey (Leroy J. ) Scotland's influence on civilization. - - 91854 Hamerton (Philip G.) Autobiography; with memoir, port. H311 - The intellectual life. 1898. - 3 740 3 - Present state of the fine arts in France. 1892. fo. ill. - 70907 - Thoughts about art. 1889. 70101 - Wenderholme, a story. 12 Hi Hamilton (Bernard) Coronation [an historical romance]. - HH1 Hamilton (Sir Edward W.) Mr. Gladstone, a monograph. 1898. G132 Hamilton, Elizabeth. In Tytler (Sarah) and Watson (J. L.) Songstresses of Scotland, v. 1. 1871. - 82201 Hamilton, Emma, Lady [a biography] ; by W. Sichel. port. ill. - H361 Hamilton (Lord Ernest W. ) The mawking of the flow [a story]. 116 H 1 Hamilton (James H. ) Savings and savings institutions. 1902. 33210 Hamilton (Joseph) Our own world and other worlds, ill. - 52303 Hamilton (Sir Robe rt G. C.) and Ball (J.) Book-keeping. 1904. 65704 Hamilton, Sir William [his life and philosophy] ; by J. Veitch. - 19202 Hamlet, tragedie ; par J. F. Ducis. 84211 Hamley (William G.) Traseaden Hall [a novel]. - - - 13HI Hammerton (John A.) Tony's Highland tour. 1901. ill. map. 92220 Hammond (Adam) Brickcutting and setting. 1903. ill. - - 69303 - Practical bricklaying. 1903. ill. ...... 69302 Hammond (J. L. Le B.) Charles James Fox, apolitical study. 1903. F261 Hampshire. Merritt (A. L.) A hamlet in old Hampshire, ill. - 91704 Hampson(W.) Radium explained, a popular account. 1905. ill. 54602 Han of Iceland ; by V. Hugo. 102H11 Hanan (Denis) Israel, a thesis. 1891. 29613 - and Aldersmith (H.) British-Israel truth. 1898. - - 29612 Hanchett (Henry G.) The art of the musician. 1905. - - 78002 Hand. Bell (Sir C.) The hand, its mechanism and vital endow- ments. 1885. ill. 21505 - See also Ambidexterity. Hand of Ethelberta ; by T. Hardy. 21 H2 Handbook of swindling, and other papers ; by D. Jerrold. - E3 Jl Handel, George F. In Parry (Sir C. H. H.) Great composers. 1904. 99714 - In Rowbotham (J. F.) Great composers. 1892. bibl. port. - 99721 - Williams (C. F. A.) Handel [his life and work], bibl. port. - H171 Handful of exotics [stories] ; by S. Gordon. - - - 40 Gl Handley Cross, or, Mr. Jorrocks's hunt ; by R. Surtees. - - 142 SI Handrailing. For list of related subjects, see Carpentry. - Creswell (F. O.) Handrailing and staircasing. 1904. ill. - 69404 Handsome Humes [a novel] ; by W. Black. - - - - 62 B 15 171 HAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Handsome Quaker, and other stories ; by K. Tynan. - . 56 T 4 Handwriting. For related subjects, see Business. Mind and body. - Keene (J. H.) The mystery of handwriting. 1904. ill. - 13801 - Pitman's Commercial handwriting and correspondence. - - 65201 Handy Andy, a tale of Irish life ; by S. Lover. - - - - 54 LI Hannah (Willj am) Memoirs of Thomas Chalmers. 1878. 2 v. C043-4 Hannibal. Morris (W. O'C. ) Hannibal and the struggle between Carthage and Rome. 1903. port. ill. maps. - - - H061 Hanotaux(G.) Contemporary France, 1870-5. v. 1-2. port. ill. - 93107-8 Hanson (Charles H. ) The land of Greece. 1886. ill. maps. - 93815 Happiness. For list of related subjects, see Etnics. - Avebury (Lord) Duty of happiness. In his Pleasures of life. - E1A1 - Hilty (C.) Happiness, essays on the meaning of life. 1903. - 17103 - Trine (R. W.) What all the world's a-seeking. 1904. - 17118 - Welby (C. M.) trans. The way of happiness. 1898. - - 17117 Happy exile [sketches] ; by H. D. Lowry. 58L1 Harbours. Owen (D.) Ports and docks. 1904. ill. - - - 62701 "Their history, working, and national importance." Harcourt, Sir William V. In McCarthy (J.) British political leaders. 1903. port. 99639 Hard cash, a matter-of-fact romance ; by C. Reade. - - 16 R 2 Sequel to " Love me little, love me long," 16 R4. Hard knot ; by C. Gibbon. 21 G 7 Hard times ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. 30D9 Hardenberg (Friedrich von). See Novalis. Hardin (Willett L.) The liquefaction of gases. 1905. ill. - 53305 Harding, St. Stephen. In Lives of the English saints, v. 1. 1900. 99803 Hardwicke, Earl of. MacDonagh(M.) Viceroy's post-bag. 1904. H321 Ireland, political, social, from correspondence of Earl of Hardwicke. [Hardy (Edward J.)] Love affairs of some famous men. 1897. 99821 [Hardy (John)] Farming in the Canadian north-west. - - 63011 Hardy (Thomas) Poems of the past and the present. 1903. - 402 H - Wessex poems, and other verses. 1903. ill. - - - - 401 H - Desperate remedies, a novel. 21H14 - Far from the madding crowd. - - 21 HI - A group of noble dames [stories]. - - - - - - 21 H 11 - The hand of Ethelberta, a comedy in chapters. - - 21 H 2 - A Laodicean, a story of to-day. - - - - - 21 H 3 - Life's little ironies, tales. A few crusted characters [sketches]. 21H12 - The mayor of Casterbridge. 21 H4 - A pair of blue eyes. 21H5 - The return of the native. 21 H 6 - The trumpet-major, a tale. - 21 H 7 - Two on a tower. 21H8 - Under the greenwood tree. 21 H 9 - The well-beloved, a sketch of a temperament. - - - 21 H 15 172 GOVANHILL BRANCH. HAE Hardy (Thomas) Wessex tales. 21H10 An imaginative woman. The three strangers. The withered arm. Fellow-townsmen. Interlopers at the Knap. The distracted preacher. - The woodlanders. 21H13 Hardy, Thomas. Windle (B. C. A.) The Wessex of Thomas Hardy. 1902. ill. maps. 91729 Hardy Norseman ; by Edna Lyall. - - - . . 66 L 9 Hare (A. T.) The construction of induction coils. 1900. ill.- 62433 Hare (Augustus J. C.) Days near Eome. 1884. 2 v. ill. - 93603-4 - Paris [descriptive and literary]. 1900. 2 v. ill. - . 93305-6 Hare (Christopher) Ladies of the Italian renaissance, ill. - 99621 [Hare (Julius C. and A. W.)] Guesses at truth. 1897. mem. port. 82820 Harker (L. A.) Concerning Paul and Fiammetta [a story]. - 22 HI Harlan d (Henry) The cardinal's snuff-box. - - - - 23 HI Harrier (Ernest G.) The story of Burma, maps. - - - 95001 Harmonium. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Clark (S.) First steps in harmonium playing. 4°. onus. - 78618 Harmony. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Hullah (J.) Grammar of musical harmony. 1886. mus. - 78104 - Oakey (G.) Harmony for tonic sol-faists. - - - . 78103 Harness. See Saddlery. Harold, a drama ; by Lord Tennyson. 1877. - 106 T Harold, the last of the Saxon kings [a romance] ; by Lord Lytton. 73L5 Harper (Charles G. ) Drawing for reproduction. 1901. ill. - 74104 Harper (J. W.) The foundations of society. 1899. - - . 30107 Harper (Malcolm McL.) Rambles in Galloway. 1876. ill. - 92006 Harraden (Beatrice) Ships that pass in the night. - - - 24H4 Harris (George F.) The science of brickmaking. 1897. - - 66604 Harris (Joel C) Mingo, and other sketches. - - - - 26H4 Harrison (A.) joint-author. See Httchixs (B. L.) Harrison (Alexander J.) Church in relation to sceptics. - 23906 Harrison (Mrs. Burton) A triple entanglement. - - - 28 Hi Harrison (C. W. F.) ed. Natal, official guide. 1903. ill. maps. 96502 Harrison ( Frederic) Chatham [a biography]. 1905. - - C032 - The choice of books, and other literary pieces. 1903. - - E2H1 Culture. Past and present. The romance of the peerage Lothair Froude's Life of Carlyle. Life of George Eliot. Bernard of Clairvaux A few words about the 18th century. Histories of the French revolution A few words about the 19th century. [Etc.] - John Ruskin [his life and work]. 1903. - R012 - Oliver Cromwell [a biography]. 1900. - - - . - C017 - and others. Alfred the Great, his life and times, port. map. A081 Harrison (Jane E. ) Athens as described by Thucydides. 1906. ill. 93822 Harrison (John VV.) Lessons on sanitation. 1906. ill. - . 61411 Harrison (W. Jerome and Wm. J.) Metallurgy. 1894. ill. - 66905 Harrow. Minchin (J. G. C.) Old Harrow days. 1898. ill. - 37903 Harry Joscelyn [a story] ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - - 6015 173 HAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Harry Lorrequer, Confessions of ; by C. Lever. - - - 39 L 2 Harry Richmond [a novel] ; by G. Meredith. - - - - 82 Ml Harte (Francis Bret) From sand-hill to pine [tales]. - - 32 HI A niece of ' ' Snapshot Harry's. " What happened at the f onda. A Jack and Jill of the Sierras. A belle of Canada City. A treasure of the redwoods. Mr. Bilson's housekeeper. How I went to the mines. - Heiress of Red Dog, and other tales. 32 H 3 - Under the redwoods [tales]. 32 H 2 Jimmy's big brother from California. The youngest Miss Piper. A widow of the Santa Ana Valley. Mermaid of Lighthouse Point. Under the eaves. How Reuben Allen saw life in San Francisco. Three vagabonds of Trinidad. A vision of the fountain. A romance of the line. Bohemian days in San Francisco. Harte, Francis Bret. In Chesterton (G. K.) Varied types. - E4C1 Hartley (Charles) How to speak well in public and private. - 80818 Hartog (W. G.) joint-author. See Brandin (Louis M.) Harum scarum, a poor relation ; by Esme Stuart. - - - 135 S 2 Harvest of chaff [verses] ; by 0. Seaman. 1904. - - - 1301 S Harvey (James) Essays on astrology. 1906. - - - 13304 Harvey (Mrs. Margaret) and McLeod (Miss) A medley of a decade, letters, 1882-92. 1899. 2 v. - - - - 82830-1 Harvey ( W. A.) The model village, Bourn ville. 1906. ill. plans. 72805 Harvey (W. H.) The sea-side book, natural history. 1857. ill. 59037 Harvey (William) Kennethcrook, village life. 1896. - - 91851 - Robert Burns in Stirlingshire. 1899. B116 Harveys [a novel] ; by H. Kingsley. 26 K 7 Harwood (W. S.) The new earth [agriculture in U.S.A.] ill. - 63010 Hasluck (Paul N. ) ed. Bamboo work. 1901. ill. - - - 68401 - Basket work of all kinds. 1902. ill. 67901 - Beehives and bee keepers' appliances. 1905. ill. - - - 63801 - Bent iron work. 1902. ill. 73901 - Book of photography. 1905. ill. 77004 - Bookbinding. 1902. ill. 68601 - Boot making and mending. 1902. ill. 68501 - Building model boats. 1903. ill. 62602 - Cycle building and repairing. 1904. ill. .... 68902 - Decorative designs. 1903. ill. ------ 74502 - Dynamos and electric motors. 1903. ill. - 62401 - Electric bells, how to make and fit them. 1901. ill. - - 62402 - Engraving metals. 1901. ill. 76001 - Glass working by heat and by abrasion. 1899. ill. - - 66601 - House decoration, paperhanging, painting, etc. 1903. ill. - 69802 - How to write signs, tickets [etc.] 1902. ill. - 69805 - # Mounting and framing pictures. 1903. ill. - 68901 - Optical lanterns and accessories. 1901. ill. - 53501 - Photographic cameras and accessories. 1902. ill. - - 77101 - Photography. 1903. ill. 77002 - Practical painters' work. 1906. ill. ----- 69806 174 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. HAW Hasluck (Paul N.) Practical plumbers' work. 1905. ill. - 69601 - Saddlery. 1904. ill. .- 68502 - Sewing machines, construction and repair. 1905. ill. - - 68904 - Smiths' work. 1902. ill. 68201 - Tailoring. 1903. ill. 68701 - Taxidermy of birds, mammals, and fish. 1902. ill. - - 57901 - Telescope making. 1905. ill. 68101 - Upholstery. 1904. ill. 64501 - Wood finishing, staining, polishing [etc.] 1903. Hi. - - 69801 Hassall (Arthur) The French people. 1902. map. - - 93124 - Louis XIV. and the French monarchy. 1902. ill. maps. - L061 Hastings, Warren. Lyall (Sir A.) Hastings [a biography], port. H292 - In Macaulay (Lord) Essays. 1904. - - - - - E8M1 Hastings. In Creasy (Sir E. S. ) Decisive battles. 1903. plan. 90402 Haswell (William A.) joint-author. See Parker (T. J.) Hatch (E. F. G.) A reproach to civilization, unemployed. 1906. 33124 Hatch (Frederick H. ) Text-book of petrology. 1905. ill. - 55201 Hatto, Bishop. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of the middle ages. 39818 Hatton (Joseph) A modern Ulysses. 36 HI Hatzfeld (Adolphe) joint-author. See Darmesteter (A.) Hauff (W. ) Geschichte von Kalif Storch ; notes by A. Weiss. 43812 Hausbrand (E.) Evaporating, condensing [etc.] apparatus. 1903. 62106 Haussonville (Gabriel, comte d') Lacordaire [life. In French]. L291 - Mme. de la Fayette [her life. In French]. 1896. - - - L301 Hautefort, Marie de. In Patmore (C. ) Principle in art, etc. 1898. E2P1 Haven under the hill, a novel ; by M. Linskill. - - - 45 LI Haw (G.) and others. Christianity and working classes. 1906. 26102 Hawes (Stephen) [Poems]. In Dunbar anthology. 1901. - 82226 Hawke, Edward, Lord. In Mahan (A. T.) Naval officers, port. 99609 Hawker (Robert S.) Cornish ballads, and other poems, port. 601 H Hawker, Robert S. In Salmon (A. L. ) Literary rambles. 1906. ill. 91728 Hawkins (Fredk.) French stage, eighteenth century. 2 v. - 79203-4 Hawkins (Sir Henry). See Brampton (H. Hawkins, Lord). Hawkins, Letitia M. Paston (George) A spinster's recollections. In her Sidelights on the Georgian period. 1902. - - 91408 Hawthorne (Julian) Sebastian Strome, a novel. - - - 40H1 Hawthorne (Nathaniel) The Blithedale romance. - - - 41 HI - The house of the seven gables. 41 H 2 - Mosses from an old manse [tales and sketches]. - - 41 H 3 - The new Adam and Eve, etc. 41 H 4 " A second series of ' Mosses from an old manse.' " - The scarlet letter. 41 H 5 - The snow-image, and other twice-told tales. - 41H6 - Tangle wood tales. 41 H 7 - Transformation, or, the romance of Monte Beni. - - - 41 H 10 - Twice-told tales. - 41 H 8 175 HAW GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. James (H.) Hawthorne [life and work]. H081 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. I. 1899. - - E2S1 Ha wtrey, Edward C. In How (F. D.) Great schoolmasters, port. 99622 Hay (John) Castilian days. 1903. ill. 93412 Hay (Sir John Drummokd) A memoir. 1896. port. ill. - H261 Haydn, Franz J. Hadden (J. C. ) Haydn [life and work], bibl. ill. H181 - In Parry (Sir C. H. H.) Studies of great composers. 1904. - 99714 - In Rowbotham ( J. F.) Great composers. 1892. bibl. port. - 99721 Hayward (F. H.) Educational ideas of Pestalozzi and Frobel. - 37102 - The secret of Herbart. 1904. port. - 37012 A reply to James's " Talks on psychology," 37011. - and Thomas (M. E.) The critics of Herbartianism. 1903. - 37107 Hayward (John D. ) Canoeing with sail and paddle. 1893. ill. 79712 - Canoeing with sail and paddle. In Athletic sports, v. 7. ill. 79705 Hazlitt (William) The English comic writers. 1903. - - 82009 - Essays; ed. by F. Carr. E8H1 - Lectures on the English poets. 1903. 82208 Hazlitt, William. Birrell (A.) Hazlitt [his life and work]. - H091 - In Fy vie (J.) Literary eccentrics. 1906. part. - - - 99915 - In Rickett (A.) Personal forces in literature. 1906. bibl. - 82112 - In Saintsbury (G.) Essays in English literature, v. 1. 1891. 82102 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 2. 1899. - - E2S2 Hazlitt (William C.) The book-collector. 1904. - - - 01001 - The coin collector. 1890. ill. 73707 Hazzledine (George D.) The white man in Nigeria. 1904. ill. map. 96012 He fell in love with his wife ; by B. P. Roe. - - - 56 R 5 He that will not when he may ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - 60 10 Head of the family, a novel ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - 107 C 8 Head of the household, a novel ; by T. Cobb. - - - 65 C 3 Headlam (Cecil) The story of Chartres. 1902. ill. plan. 93311 - The story of Nuremberg. 1904. ill. plan. - 92803 Headlam (James W.) Bismarck and the German Empire, ill. B041 Health. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - In Avebury (Lord) Pleasures of life. 1903. - E1A1 - Brown (J.) Plain words on health. In his Howe subseciva*, v. 1. E1B1 - Crandall (F. M.) How to keep well. 1904. .... 61308 "Modern methods of preventing disease." - Dudgeon (R. E.) The prolongation of life. 1900. - - - 61307 - Ebbard (R. J.) and Vogt (F. W.) The bedrock of health. 1900. 61501 "Self-treatment without physic." - Kingsford (A.) Health, beauty, and the toilet. 1886. - - 61317 - Kingsley (C. ) Health and education [essays]. 1887. - - E1K4 Sanitary and social lectures and essays. 1892. - - - E1K2 The science of health. The two breaths. Thrift. Nausicaa in London, or, the lower education of women. The air-mothers. Great cities and their influence. Heroism. " A mad world, my masters." [Etc.] 176 GOVANHILL BRANCH, HEC Health. Lovell ( A. ) Ars vivendi, the art of acquiring vigour. - 61503 - Xewsholme (A.) Hygiene, personal and public. 1892. ill. - 61328 - Smyth (A. W.) Physical deterioration, causes and cure. - 61310 - Stuart (E.) What must I do to get well and keep so ? 1898. 61313 - See also Eyes. Food. Hospitals. Physical education. Health, Public. Armour (M.) Sanitary inspecting. In Woman's library, v. 1. - - . 39605 - Brock (W. J.) Sanitary laws of Scotland and principles of public health. 1905. 61405 - Harrison (J. W.) Lessons on sanitation. 1906. ill. - - 61411 - Russell (J. B.) Public health administration. 1905. - - 92331 " Illustrated by sanitary history of Glasgow, nineteenth century." - See also Bacteria. Children. Contagion. Soils. Heart and science ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 74C14 Heart of Babylon ; by Deas Cromarty. 121 CI Heart of Midlothian ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - - 35 S 7 Heart of oak, a yarn; by W. Clark Russell. - - - - 75 R 21 Heart's delight ; by C. Gibbon. - 21 G 6 Heart's-ease in the family ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - 81 W 40 Heartsease, or, the brother's wife ; by C. M. Yonge. - - 5Y11 Heart's highway, a romance ; by M. E. Wilkins. - - - 53 W 2 Heat. For list of related subjects, see Physics. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 8. 1903. ill. - - 03208 - In Deschanel (A. P.) Natural philosophy, v. 2. 1904. ill. - 53603 - Robson (E. S. A.) Practical exercises in heat. 1902. ill. - 53604 - Tait(P. G.) Heat. 1S95. ill. 53601 - Tyndall (J.) Heat, a mode of motion. 1S9S. ill. - - - 53602 - See also Radiation. Steam. Heat engine. Stodola (A.) Future of the beat engine. In his Turbines. 1900. 62113 Heather (J. F.) Mathematical instruments. 1888-99. ill. - 68102 Heather and snow, a novel ; by (t. MacDonald. - - - 10M19 Heating. For list of related subjects, Bee Building. - Jones (W.) Heating by hot water. 1904. ill. - - - 69702 Heaton (Mrs. Charles) A history of painting. 1888. - - 75004 Heaven. For list of related subjects, sec Future state. - Middleton (K.) Glimpses of the glory-land. 1901. - - 23703 Heavenly counsel [addressee] ; by M. L. Charlesworth. - - 25250 Hebrew language. See Language, Hebrew. Hebrew literature. Sec Literature, Jewish. Literature, Yiddish. Hebrews. See Jews. Hebrews, Epistle to the. See Bible. Hebrides. Freer ( A. M. Goodrich) Outer isles. 19<>*2. ill. map. 92217 - Miller (H.) The cruise of the Betsey. 1897. - 55401 Heckethorn (C. W.) Printers of Basle, xv., xvi. centuries, ill. 65504 177 HEC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Hector (William) ed. Selections from the judicial records of Renfrewshire. 1876-8. 2 v. ill. plan. .... 92003-4 Hector, tragedie ; par J. C. J. Luce de Lancival. - - - 84211 Hedderwick (James) Backward glances, recollections. - - H211 Heddle (Ethel F.) Marget at the manse. .... 48H3 - The pride of the family. 48 H 2 Heddle (Matthew F.) Mineralogy of Scotland. 2 v. mem. ill. 54902-3 Hedin(Sven) Central Asia and Tibet. 1903. 2 v. port, ill. map. 94910-1 Hegel (Georg W. F.) Logic; trans, by W. Wallace. 1892. - 16005 Hegel, G. W. F. Caird (E.) Hegel [his life and philosophy]. 1901. 19303 - Mackintosh (R.) Hegel and Hegelianism. 1903. - - - H301 Heidenhain (Rudolf) Hypnotism, or, animal magnetism. 1899. 13405 Heine (Heinrich) Family life, letters; ed. by Baron von Embden. 1896. port. H411 - Lieder und Gedichte ; with notes. 1901. biM. port. - - 801H - Prose writings ; ed. by H. H. Ellis, mem. - - - - E6H1 Reisebilder. The romantic school. Religion and philosophy. Floren- tine nights. Don Quixote. Gods in exile. Confessions. [Etc.] Heine, Heinrich. In Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, v. 1. 1905. E3A1 - Eliot (George) German wit, Heine. In her Essays. - - E1E1 Heir of Redclyffe ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y12 Heir of the ages ; by J. Payn. 18P14 Heiress of Red Dog, and other tales ; by F. Bret Harte. - 32 H 3 Heiress of the forest, a romance ; by E. C. Price. - - - 58 P 3 Heirs of Errington [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - 81 W 23 Heisch (C. E.) The art and craft of the author. 190."). - 80810 Helen [a novel] ; by M. Edgeworth. 10E2 Helen Adair [a novel] ; by G. Louis Becke. .... 35B2 Helen Bury [a story] ; by E. J. Worboise. .... 81W43 Helens babies ; by J. Habberton. - - - - - 1H1 Heligoland. Black (W. G.) Heligoland and the islands of the North Sea. 1888. bibl. 92802 Hell. For list of related subjects, see Future state. - Mew (J.) Traditional aspects of hell. 1903. HI. - - 23701 - What say the Scriptures about hell ? 1896. - 23707 Hellyer (S. S.) Principles of plumbing. 1905. ill. - - 69602 Helmet of Navarre [a romance] ; by B. Runkle. - - 69 Rl Helmore (Thomas) Plain-song. mus. 78315 Helot and Hero, a novel ; by E. Livingston Prescott. - - 56 P 2 [Helps (Sir Arthur)] Friends in council. 2 v. - - -E3H1-2 1. Education. History. Reading. Giving and taking criticism. Art of living. Condition of the rural poor. Government. Slavery. 2. Worry. War. Criticism. Arts of self-advancement. Miseries of human life. Liie not so miserable, after all. Pleasantness. Rowing down the river Mozelle. Government. Despotism. Tolerance. [Etc.] Hempel (Walther) Methods of gas analysis. 1902. ill. - 54501 Hemy (Henri F. ) Modern tutor for the pianoforte, fo. mus. 78619 Henderson (C. H.) The children of good fortune, morals. 1905. 17122 178 GOVANHILL BRANCH. HER Henderson (G.)andWADDELL (J. J.) By Bothwell banks. 1904. ill. 92009 Henderson (G. F. R.) Science of war. 1905. mem. port. maps. 35505 Henderson (T. F.) ed. A little book of Scottish verse. 1899. - 82224 Henham (Ernest G.) Menotah, a tale of the Riel rebellion. - 117H1 Henley (William E.) ed. A London garland of verse. 4°. ill. 82247 Henniker (Florence) Contrasts [stories]. - - - - 52 HI Henrietta Maria. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 4. - 99633 Henry II. Green (Mrs. J. R.) Henry II. [his life and times]. - H101 Henry III. Gasquet (F. A.) Henry the Third and the Church. 27611 Henry V. Kingsford (C. L.) Henry V. [life and times], port. ill. H071 Henry VII. Gairdner (J. ) Henry VII. [his life and times]. 1902. Hill Henry IV. of Navarre. Willert (P. F.) Henry IV. of Navarre and the Huguenots. 1900. ill. H041 - Zeller(B.) Henri IV. [his life. In French] ; with notes, ill. 44883 Henry, Prince, the Navigator ; by C. R. Beazley. port. ill. maps. H051 Henry, Joseph. In Bolton (S. K. ) Famous men of science, port. 99715 Henry (Mrs. S. M. I.) Confidential talks on home and child life. 17311 Henry Esmond [a novel] ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - 12 T 9 Henry of Guise, or, the states of Blois ; by G. P. R. James. - 6J2 Henryson (Robert) [Poems]. In Dunbar anthology. 1901. - 82226 Hensbroek (P. A. M. B. van) J. Bosboom. In Dutch painters. 99701 Henty (George A.) Rujub the juggler. 53H31 Her Benny ; by S. K. Hocking. 67H12 Her dearest foe, a novel ; by Mrs. A. Alexander. - - 22 A 5 Her husband's home ; by E. E. Green. 60G46 Her ladyship's secret ; by W. Westall. 41W2 Her loving slave, a romance of Sedgemoor ; by H. Nisbet. - UN 2 Her mountain lover ; by H. Garland. 81G1 Heraldry. Johnston (G. H.) Scottish heraldry made easy. 190-!. 99914 - Manual of heraldry. 1904. ill. 99905 - See also Flags. Herb-moon, a fantasia ; by Mrs. P. M. T. (Yaigie. - - - 106C3 Herb of grace ; by R. N. Carey. 20 C 5 Herbart, Johann F. be Garmo (C. ) Herbart and Herbartians. hihl. H191 - Hay ward (F. H. ) The secret of Herbart. 1904. - - - 37012 A reply to James's M Talks on psychology," 37011. and Thomas (M. E.) Critics of Herbartianism. - - - 37107 Herbert (Fernand) Anecdotes [In French and German]. - 44810 Herbert (T. E.) Telegraphy. 1906. ill. 65404 Herbertson (F. D. and A. J.) eds. Central and South America, with the West Indies. 1902. ///. - - -' - 97808 Herd (David) ed. Scottish songs, ballads, etc. 1869. 2 v. - 82211-2 Heredity. Ball (W. P. ) Are the effects of use and disuse inherited ? 57501 " Au examination of the view held by Spencer and Darwin. " - Kaufmann (M.) Heredity and personal responsibility. In Present day tracts, v. 13. 20414 179 HEE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Heredity. Wallace (A. R.) Are acquired characters inherited? In his Studies, v. 1. 1900. - Weldon (VV. F. R.) Inheritance in animals and plants. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. Hereward the Wake [a romance] ; by C. Kingsley. 2 copies. - Herford (Charles H.) ed. English tales in verse. 1906.- Hermit of Bonneville [a novel] ; by G. B. Burgin. Hermits. For list of related subjects, see Christian biography. - Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1891. ill. Saint Antony. Saint Paul. Hilarion. Simeon Stylites. Severinus. Saint Godric. [Etc.] - In Lives of the English saints, v. 3. 1901. .... Hernandez (P.) et Le Roy (A.) eds. Morceaux choisis des classiques espagnols ; notes en francais. 1903. Hernando [a novel] ; by Owen Hall. Hernani, drame ; par V. Hugo. ill. Hernani the Jew, a story ; by A. N. Homer. .... Heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history ; by T. Carlyle. Heroes, or, Greek fairy tales ; by C. Kingsley. - Heroes of the nations. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Heroism. In Kingsley (C.) Sanitary and social lectures. 1892. E1K2 Herons' Tower, a romance ; E. Gerard. Herr Paulus [a novel] ; by Sir W. Besant. .... Herrick (Robert) Hesperides, poems. 1890. 2 v. mem. port. - [Poems]. In Milton anthology. Herrick, Robert. In Salmon (A. L.) Literary rambles, ill. Herries, John C, Memoir of ; by his son. 1880. 2 v. Herrn Mahlhubers Reiseabenteuer ; von F. Gerstiicker ; notes. - Herschel (Caroline L. ) Memoir and correspondence, port. - Herschel, Sir Wm. and Caroline L. In Bolton (S. K. ) Men of science. Hertford, Frances T. , Lady. In Paston (George) Memoirs. 1901. Hertzian waves. See Electric waves. Herz (W. ) joint-author. See Abegg (R. ) Hesiod. Fry (Sir E.) An old Greek farmer. In his Studies. 1900. Hesperides, poems ; by R. Herrick. 1890. 2 v. Hewett (George M. A.) Pedagogue at play, holidays. 1903. Hewison (James K.) Bute in the olden time. 1893-5. 2 v. ill Hewitt (H. M.) and Beach (G.) Our mother tongue. Hewlett (Maurice) The forest lovers, a romance. - - Little novels of Italy. Heyne, Christian G. , Life of ; by T. Carlyle. In his Essays, v Heyse (Paul) Das Waldlachen ; with notes by G. Heslop. 1904. Hezlet (May) Ladies' golf. 1904. ill. - - - - - Hiatt (Charles) Henry Irving, a record and review. 1899. ill. 180 50438 50103 24K5 82250 109B1 99816 Saint 99805 46806 10H1 701 H 81H1 E1C9 24K1 15G1 48B12 501-2H 82231 91728 H331-2 43811 H341 99715 99604 E6F1 - 501-2H 11. 91007 - 92211-2 42002 57H1 57H2 E1C2 43813 79641 1021 2. GOVANHILL BRANCH, HIL Hichens (Robert S.) Byeways [stories]. 58H1 The charmer of snakes. A tribute of souls. An echo in Egypt. The face of the monk. The man who intervened. A silent guardian. [Etc.] - Flames, a London phantasy. 58 H 2 - The garden of Allah [a novel]. 58 H4 - The Londoners, an absurdity. 58 H 3 - joint- author. See Barrett (Wilson). Hicks (John W.) Vocations for our sons. 1906. - - - 65813 Hide and seek ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 74 C 6 Higgins (Frank C.) Copper coins of modern Europe. 1892. ill. 73702 Higgins (J. C.) joint-author. See Rogers (Chas.) Higginson (Thomas W.) Margaret Fuller Ossoli [her life]. - O021 High spirits [stories] ; by J. Payn. 18 P 4 Highland cousins, a novel; by W. Black. 2 copies. - - - 62B16 Highlands and Highlanders. Beaton (A. J.) The social and economic condition of the Highlands since 1800. 1906. ill. 92223 - Campbell (Lord A.) Highland dress, arms, and ornament, ill. 39102 - Campbell (J. F.) ed. Popular tales of the west Highlands [In Gaelic and English]. 1890. 4 v. - - - 39807-10 - Campbell (J. G. ) Superstitions of the Highlands. 1900. - 39805 ed. Clan traditions and popular tales of the western High- lands and islands. 1895. ill. 39812 Fians, stories, poems, and traditions. 1891. - - - 39806 - Gregory (D.) History of western Highlands, 1493-1625.- - 92218 - Hammerton (J. A.) Tony's Highland tour. 1901. ill. map. 92220 - Johnston (T. B.) and Robertson (J. A.) The historical geography of the clans of Scotland. 1873. maps, plans. 92209 - Keltie (J. S. ) ed. The Highlands, clans, regiments [etc.] 4 v. ill. 91801-4 "With an account of the Gaelic language, literature, and music, and an essay on Highland scenery." - Leyden (J.) The Highlands and western islands in 1800. - 92208 - Logan (J.) M clan's Highlanders at home. 1900. col. ill. - 92206 - Mackenzie (W. C. ) History of the Highlands and isles. 1906. ill. 92219 - Robertson (J. A.) Historical proofs respecting the Gael of Alban or Highlanders of Scotland. 1865. ill. map. - 92207 - Scott (Sir W.) The Highlanders of Scotland. 1893. - - 92213 - The Scottish clans and their tartans, col. ill. map. - - 92204 - Skene (W. F.) The Highlanders of Scotland. 1902. - - 92205 - Smibert (T. ) ed. The clans of the Highlands. 1850. col. ill. 92202 Hight (George A.) An essay on mental culture. 1900. - - 15019 - The unity of will. 1906. 15901 Highway of fate ; by R. N. Carey. 20 C 4 Highway of sorrow ; by Hesba Stretton. 132 S 2 Hilarion, St. In Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1891.- - - 99816 Hilary, St. Cazenove (J. G.) St. Hilary [a biography]. 1883. - H221 - In Farrar (F. W.) Lives of the fathers, v. 1. 1889. - - 99811 Hill (Clara) Millinery. In Woman's library, v. 2. 1903. ill. 64602 1S1 HIL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Hill (Constance) Juniper Hall. 1904. ill. - 91715 Hill (Frederic) An autobiography of fifty years. 1893. - H231 Hill (G. F.) ed. Illustrations of school classics. 1903. ill. plans. 87003 Hill (John W. ) Management and diseases of the dog. 1905. ill. 61902 Hill (M. D.) and Webb (VV. M.) Eton nature-study. 2 v. ill. 50705-6 Hillis (Newell D.) Great books as life-teachers. 1900.- - 17109 - Investment of influence, social sympathy and service. - - 17702 Hillside, rock, and dale, bird life ; by 0. G. Pike. 1902. ill. - 59826 Hillyars and the Burtons, a story ; b}^ H. Kingsley. - - 26 Kl Hilty (Carl) Happiness, essays on the meaning of life. - - 17103 Himalayas. Hooker (Sir J. D.) Himalayan journals, ill. - 94803 Hinduism. For list of other religions, see Religions. - Crooke (W.) The popular religion and folk-lore of northern India. 1896. 2 v. bibl. ill. 29403-4 - In Geden (A. S.) Studies in eastern religions. 1900. - - 29402 - Mitchell (J. M.) Hindu religion. In Present day tracts, v. 6. 20407 - Robson (J. ) Hinduism and Christianity. 1905. - - - 29401 - See also Brahmanism. Hinkson (Henry A.) Copyright law. 1903. - 65509 - The king's deputy, a romance. 64H1 Hinsdale (Burke A.) H. Mann and school revival in the U.S. M191 Hinton (C. H.) The fourth dimension. 1906. ill. - - - 51310 Hiorns (Arthur H.) Iron and steel manufacture. 1902. ill. - 67203 Hirsch (Henry) Sketch of French history, 1815-73. 1902. - 93118 Hirsch (S. A.) A book of essays. 1905. ill. - E7H1 Hirst (Francis W.) Adam Smith [his life and work]. 1904. - S141 His brother's keeper, or, Christian stewardship ; by C. M. Sheldon. 56 S 3 His father [a story] ; by S. K. Hocking. - - ... 67 H 6 His Grace of Osmonde ; by F. H. Burnett. - - - - 111B43 A sequel to "A lady of quality," 111 B 42. His heart's desire, a romance ; by K. S. Macquoid. - - - 30 Ml His helpmate ; by F. Barrett. 20 Bl His next of kin ; by E. J. Worboise. 81W32 Hislop (Alexander) ed. The book of Scottish anecdote. - - 82724 Histoire de Jules et de Charles ; par R. Topffer ; with notes. - 44859 Histoire d'un merle blanc ; par A. de Musset ; with notes. 1900. 44865 Histology. For list of related subjects, see Anatomy. - Foster (Sir M.) and Langley (J. N.) Elem. histology. 1902. ill. 59130 - Langley (J. N.) Practical histology. 1901. - 59131 History. Histories of specific countries or subjects are entered under their names. For a list of these, and of headings subsidiary to history not here referred, see the classified table of subject- headings at the commencement of the catalogue. - Birrell (A.) The muse of history. In his Obiter dicta, v. 2. 1906. E10B4 - In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 2, 4. E1C2, E1C4 - Froude (J. A.) Science of history. In his Short studies, v. 1. E2F1 182 GOVANHILL BRANCH. HOC History. Froude (J. A. ) Scientific method applied to history. In his Short studies, v. 2. - - - - - E2F2 - Goodspeed (G. S.) History of the ancient world. 1905. bibl. ill. 90202 "The eastern Empires. The Greek Empires. The Empire of Rome." - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 1. 1900. - - E3H1 - Historic sketches. la Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1 -6. ill. 03201-6 - Kingsley (C. ) Historical lectures and essays. 1902. - - 90401 Alexandria and her schools. Ancien regime. First discovery of America. Cyrus, servant of the Lord. Ancient civilization. [Etc.] - Lamprecht (K. ) What is history ? lectures. 1905. - - 90101 - Maurice (F. D.) Ancient history. In his Friendship of books. E5M1 - Oman (C.W.C.) Inaugural lecture on the study of history. 1906. 90102 - Sanderson (E.) Outlines of the world's history, ill. maps. - 90209 - Smith (P.) History of the ancient world. 1873. 3 v. maps. 90206-8 1. 4004-360 B.C. 2. 359-129 B.C. 3. 133 b.c. -476 a. d. - Souttar (R.) A history of ancient peoples. 1903. bibl. maps. 90205 - Sursum corda. A bird's eye view of history. 1905. - - 90203 - Watt (F. ) ed. Records of remarkable events in history, ill. - 90201 - See also Archaeology. Battles. Biography. Civilization. Crusades. Geography. Middle ages. Renaissance. Travel. History of David Grieve [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. Ward. - - 13 W 2 History of Henry Esmond ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - 12 T 9 History of Pendennis ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12 T 2 History of Samuel Titmarsh ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. 82804, 82805 HitopadeSa [selections]. In Indian poetry. 1891. - - - 89114 Hittites and their language ; by C. R. Conder. 1898. bibl. ill. 94410 Hoake (Henry) Flowering trees and shrubs. 1902. col. ill. - 71501 Hoare (J. D.) Arctic exploration [a history]. 1906. ill. maps. 99414 Hobbes (John Oliver). See Craigie (Mrs. Pearl M. T. ) Hobbes, Thomas. Robertson (G. C.) Hobbes [his philosophy]. 1901. 19201 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. - - E5S2 - Stephen (Sir L.) Hobbes [his life and philosophy]. 1904. - H121 Hobhouse, Arthur, Lord, memoir ; by L. T. Hobhouse and J. L. Le B. Hammond. 1905. port. H351 Hobson (John A.) Imperialism, a study. 1905. - - - 32010 - The problem of the unemployed. 1896. .... 33111 - Problems of poverty. 1899. 33110 - Science and industry. In Science in public affairs. 1906. - 30408 Hobson (R. L.) Porcelain, oriental, continental, British. 1906. ill. 73802 Hoche, Lazare [biographie] ; par E. de Bonnechose ; notes. - 44842 Hockey. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Creswell(F. S.) Hockey. 1900. ill. 79710 - - Hockey. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. ill. - - - 79605 Hocking (Joseph) All men are liars. 65 H 3 - " And shall Trelawney die ? " The mist on the moors. - - 65H2 - Fields of fair renown. 65H4 - Ishmael Pengelly, an outcast. 65 HI 183 HOC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Hocking (Silas K.) Alec Green [a story]. - 67H1 - Caleb Carthew, a story. - - - - - - - 67 H 5 - Crookleigh, a village story. - - 67 H 2 - The day of recompense. - - - - - - - - 67 H 11 - For Abigail, a west country story. - 67 H 3 - For light and liberty. 67 H4 - God's outcast. 67H10 - Gripped. 67H19 - Her Benny. 67H12 - His father, or, a mother's legacy. - - - - - 67 H 6 - Real grit. 67H7 - The scarlet clue. 67H17 - A son of Reuben. 67H8 - Where duty lies. 67 H 9 Hodder (Edwin) George F. Angas, founder of South Australia. A 111 Hodge (Archibald A.) Outlines of theology. 1879. - - 23021 Hodge (Charles) Systematic theology. 1873-5. 4 v. - 23001-4 Hodgkin (Thomas) George Fox [a biography]. 1897. - - F021 - [Political] History of England to [1066]. 1906. maps. - 91338 - Theodoric the Goth, champion of civilisation. 1902. ill. maps. T041 Hodson, Wm. S. R. Trotter (L. J.) Hodson of Hoclson's Horse, port. H151 Hoff (J. H. van 't) The arrangement of atoms in space. 1898. ill. 54102 Hoffding (Harald) Outlines of psychology. 1901. - - - 15001 - The problems of philosophy. 1905. 10202 Hoffman (Frederick W.) A sailor of King George, journals, 1793-1814. 1901. port. ill. maps. H251 Hoffmann (Julius) joint-author. See Hunt (Frederic). Hoffmann (Professor) Drawing-room amusements, ill. - - 79309 - ed. Book of table games. 1894. ill. ----- 79302 - The modern Hoyle. ill. 79310 Hoffmann (R. ) joint-author. See Seton (Ernest T. ) Hogan, M.P., a novel ; by [M. Laffan]. 4L1 Hogarth (Janet E. ) Education of women. In Woman's library. 39605 Hogarth, William. In Thackeray (W. M.) Humourists. 2 copies. 12T9 Hogg, James. In Saintsbury (G.) Essays, v. 1. 1891. - - 82102 - In Stoddard (R. H.) Under the evening lamp. 1893. - - 99913 Hogg, Quintin. Hogg (E.M.) Q. Hogg, a biography. 1904. port. ill. H391 Hoisting machinery. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Glynn (J. ) Cranes and other hoisting machinery. 1887. ill. 62307 Holbein (Montague A.) Swimming, ill. 79642 Holcomb (Helen H.) Men of might in India missions. 1901. ill. 99825 Holder (Charles F.) The log of a sea angler. 1906. - - 79933 Holds worth (Annie E.) Great Lowlands [a novel]. - - - 73 HI - The valley of the great shadow. 73 H 2 Holland (Clive) How to use a camera. 1905. ill.- - - 77007 184 GOVANHILL BRANCH. HOM Holland (Henry S.) Church and state. In Essays [on] reform. 26003 - God's city [sermons]. 1894. 25221 - Pleas and claims for Christ [sermons]. 1895.- - - - 25222 Holland (Lady S.) A memoir of Sydney Smith. 1855. 2 v. - S 072-3 Holland. Jungman (B.) Holland [a description]. 1904. col. ill. 93006 - Mackintosh (Sir J.) Holland, 1667-86. In his Works, v. 1. - E10M1 - Motley (J. L.) Rise of the Dutch Republic [abridged], ill. - 93005 "With a history of the Dutch people, 158^-1897 ; by W. E. Griffis." Hollander (Bernard) Scientific phrenology. 1902. ill. - 13901 Hollingshead (John) According to my lights [essays], port. - E9H1 Holman (H.) English national education. 1898. - - - 37210 Holmby House, a tale; by G. J. Whyte Melville. - - - 79 M 3 Holmes (D. T.) Lectures on Scottish literature. 1904. - - 82216 - The teaching of modern languages in schools. 1903. - - 40701 Holmes (E. M.) British fungi. 1898. ill. - 58903 Holmes (Eleanor) In time to come, a novel. - - - - 76 H 3 - Through another man's eyes, a novel. 76 H 2 Holmes (Oliver W.) The autocrat of the breakfast-table. - El HI - The professor at the breakfast-table. E1H3 - The poet at the breakfast-table. E1H2 - Our hundred days in Europe. 1895. 91001 - Poetical works. 1896. port. - 101 H - Selected poems. In American poets, bibl. mem. - - - 81103 - Ralph Waldo Emerson [his life and work]. .... £071 - The guardian angel. 118 HI - A mortal antipathy. 118 H 2 Holmes (Timothy) Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie [his life]. 1898. B601 Holstein (Alexandra de) and Montefiore (D. B.) Serf life in Russia [sketches]. -------- 78H1 Holy Land. See Palestine. Holy living and dying ; by J. Taylor. 24101 Holy Roman Empire. Bryce (J. ) Holy Roman Empire. 1904 maps. 92701 Holy rose, etc. ; by Sir W. Besant. 48B13 Holy Spirit. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Morgan (J.) The ministry of the Holy Ghost. 1897. - - 23104 - Robertson (J. D.) The Holy Spirit and Christian service. - 23105 - Tophel (G.) The work of the Holy Spirit in man. 1882. - 23103 Holy war ; by J. Banyan, ill. 24401 Holyoake (George J. ) Co-operative movement to-day. 1903. 33404 - Sixty years of an agitator's life. 1906. port. - - - H401 Home (Frances) Hugh Brotherton, curate [a novel]. - - 80 HI Home. For lists of related subjects, see Domestic economy. Ethics. - Henry (Mrs. S. M.I.) Confidential talk^ on home and child life. 17311 - Miller (J. R.) The perfect home. 17301 - Ruskin (J.) Home and its economies. Li his On the old road, v. 3, 1899. - 70406 185 HOM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Home, or, life in Sweden [a story]; by F. Bremer. - - - 86B2 Home again ; by G. MacDonald. 10M13 Home influence, a tale ; by G. Aguilar. - - - - - 12A2 Home life ; by E. M. Sewell. 48 SI Home Relief Congress, Transactions of the, Edinburgh, 1904. - 36201 Home rule. For list of related subjects, see Government. - Gladstone (W. E.) and others. Home rule. 1888. - - 35405 Home scenes and heart studies [tales] ; by G. Aguilar. - - 12 A 5 Home, sweet home, a novel ; by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. - 33 Rl Homely virtues ; by J. Watson. 1904. 17105 Homer. Iliad and Odyssey; trans, [into verse] by A. Pope. - 201 H - Odyssey ; trans, into prose by S. H. Butcher and A. Lang. - 88301 Homer. In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 1. 1903. - - E2F1 Homer (A. N. ) Hernani the Jew, a story of Russian oppression. 81 HI Homes made and marred [a story]. - - - - - 20 HI Homespun, a study of simple folk ; by A. S. Swan. - - - 147 S 13 Homme a bonnes fortunes, comedie ; par M. Baron. - - - 84202 Homme a l'oreille cassee ; par E. F. V. About ; with notes. 1899. 44880 Homme serieux ; par C. de Bernard. 55 Bl Homo sum, a novel ; by G. Ebers. 3E1 Homoeopathy. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Ruddock (E. H.) Homoeopathic vade mecum. 1893. - - 61606 '•'Honey " [a novel] ; by H. Mathers. - 64M1 Honor Greenleaf [a story] ; by E. B. Bayly. - - - 30 B 2 Honour of the flag, and other stories ; by W. Clark Russell. 2 cop. 75 R 5 Hood (Alexander N.) and others. Our naval heroes. 1906. ill. plans. 99619 The contents will be found at Naval biography. Hood, Samuel, Viscount, Adm. ; by Viscount Bridport and A. N. Hood. In Oar naval heroes. 1906. port. - - - 99619 Hood (Thomas) Poetical works, mtm. ill. .... 301 H Hood, Thomas. In Saintsbury (G.) Essays, v. 2. 1895. - - 82103 Hood (Thomas) ed. Modern English anecdotes.- - - - 82720 Hooker (Sir Joseph D.) Himalayan journals [1847-51]. ill. - 94803 - and Ball (J. ) Tour in Marocco. 1878. ill. - 95602 Hooker, Richard, Archbp. Stephen (Sir J. F.) Hooker's "Ec- clesiastical polity." In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. 1892. E5S1 Hooper (Wynnard) State borrowing. In Free exchange. - 33002 Hope (Anthony) The chronicles of Count Antonio. - - - 82 H 10 - The Dolly dialogues. - - - 82 H 11 - Double harness. - 82H8 - The intrusions of Peggy. 82 H 6 - The king's mirror. --------- 82H3 - A man of mark. --------- 82 H4 - Phroso, a romance. - - - - - - - 82 H 5 - The prisoner of Zenda. - - 82 HI - Rupert of Hentzau [sequel to " The prisoner of Zenda"]. - 82H2 186 GOVANHILL BRANCH. HOS Hope (Anthony) A servant of the public. - - - - - 82 H 9 - Tristram of Blent, an episode. 82 H 7 Hope (Graham) The lady of Lyte. - 85H2 - My Lord Winchenden [a novel]. 85 HI Hope the hermit, a novel; by Edna Lyall. - - - 66 L 2 Hopes and fears ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y13 Hopkins (Ellice) Power of womanhood, mothers and sons. - 17302 Hopkins (Tighe) The man in the iron mask. 1901. ill. - 93121 - The incomplete adventurer. 86 HI Hopley (Catherine C.) British reptiles and batrachians. 1893. ill. 59804 Hopper (Nora) The bell and the arrow, an English love story. 50 HI Horace Templeton [a tale] ; by C. Lever. 39 L 5 Horae Sabbaticae [essays] ; by Sir J. F. Stephen. 1892. 3 v. - E5S1-3 The contents will be found at the author entry. Horse subsecivae [essays] ; by J. Brown. 1897-1900. 3 v. - E1B1-3 The contents will be found at the author entry. Horder ( W. G. ) ed. The treasury of American sacred song. 1900. 24504 Horn. Distin's Tutor for tenor horn. fo. mus. - - - 78803 Horne (C. S.) A popular history of the free churches. HI. - 28505 Horne (R. H.) The history of Napoleon Bonaparte. 1879. ill. N033 Horner (Joseph G.) Engineers' turning. 1905. ill. - - 62302 - Plating and boiler-making. 1895. ill. 62112 - Tools for engineers and woodworkers. 1905. ill. - - 62301 - ed. The encyclopaedia of practical engineering and allied trades. [1906]. v. 1-4. ill. 62010-3 - joint-author. See Warn (Reuben H.) Hornung (Ernest W.) No hero [a novel]. - - - - 89 HI - Young blood [a novel]. 89 H 2 Horsburgh(E. L. S.) Waterloo, a narrative and a criticism. 1900. 93125 Horse. For list of other domestic animals, see Domestic animals. - Barton (F. T.) The horse-buyers' guide, ill. - - - 63620 - Boucaut (Sir J. P.) The Aral), the horse of the future, ill. - 63621 Horse -shoeing. Lungwitz (A.) Horseshoeing. 1904. ill. - 68203 Horsemanship. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Kerr (W. A.) Horsemanship. Riding for ladies. In Athletic sports, v. 6. ill. 79801 Practical horsemanship. 1894. ill. ----- 79803 Riding for ladies. 1891. ill. 79802 Horsfall (T. C.) ed. The improvement of the dwellings of the people, the example of Germany. 1905. plans. - - 33121 Horsley (John C.) Recollections of a Royal Academician, ill. H381 Horton (Robert F.) Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiab, Jonah, and Micah. (Century Bible.) map. 22508 - John Howe [a biography]. 1S95. - H031 - Timothy and Titus. (Century Bible.) 1901. map. - - 22812 Hosea. Sec Bible. 1ST HOS GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Hoskins (George G.) The clerk of works, a vade mecum. 1901. 69201 Hospitals. For lists of related subjects, see Architecture. Health. - Bowlby (A. A.) and others. A civilian war hospital. 1901. ill. 61002 " The Portland Hospital, and wounds and sickness, South Africa, 1900." - Galton (Sir D.) Healthy hospitals. 1893. ill. plans. - - 72502 Hossfeld's Method for learning Portuguese ; byF. Thomas. 1904. 46901 Hostages to fortune ; by M. E. Braddon. 81 B10 Hosts of the Lord [a novel] ; by F. A. Steel. - - - - 110 S 2 Hough (Emerson) The girl at the Halfway House, a story. - 91 HI Houghton, R. M. Milnes, Lord. In Stoddard (R. H.) Under the evening lamp, papers. 1893. 99913 Hound of the Baskervilles ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - - 51 D 15 Sherlock Holmes series, No. 2. Hour and the man ; by H. Martineau. 58M4 Hours in a library [essays] ; by Sir L. Stephen. 1899. 3 v. - E2S1-3 Hours of the passion, and other poems; by H. E. H. King. 1902. 401K House decoration. For lists of related subjects, see Decoration. Domestic economy. - Eastlake (C. L.) Hints on household taste. 1878. ill. - - 74903 House of bondage ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - - 81 W 15 House of Commons. See Commons, House of. House of dreams ; by W. J. Dawson. 21 D 2 House of Halliwell, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - 76W33 House of hidden treasure, a novel ; by Maxwell Gray. - - 57 G 3 House of Lords. See Lords, House of. House of the seven gables ; by N. Hawthorne. - - - - 41 H 2 House of the wolf, a romance ; by S. J. Weyman. - - - 44 W 3 House on the beach ; by G. Meredith. - - - - - 82 M 13 House on the hill, a story ; by R. Boylesve. .... 122 Bl House on the sands ; by C. Marriott. 50 Ml House painting. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Arnold (H.) Popular guide to house painting [etc.] ill. - 69804 - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. House decoration, painting, etc. 1903. ill. 69802 Practical painters' work. 1906. ill. ----- 69806 - See also French polishing. Graining. Sign- painting. House with the green shutters ; by G. I). Brown. 2 copies. - 99 Bl Household of faith, essays ; by G. W. E. Russell. 1902. - - 20420 Houses. For lists of related subjects, see Architecture. Building. - Addy (S. O.) The evolution of the English house. 1898. ill. 72802 - Bidlake (W. H.) and others. The modern home. ill. plans. 72807 - Brooks (S. H.) Erection of dwelling-houses. 1896. ill. - 69002 - Emanuel (C.) and Joseph (E. M.) How to choose a house, ill. 69202 - Fea (A.) Picturesque old houses, ill. 91612 - Parker (B. ) and Unwin (K.) Art of building a home. 1901. ill. 72806 - Pearson (J. H. ) Suburban houses, a series of plans. 1905. - 72803 - See also Cottages. 188 GOVANHILL BRANCH. HUG Housing of working classes. For list of related subjects, see Labour. - Baruett (Mrs. S. A.) Science and city suburbs. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30408 - Horsfall (T. C.) ed. The improvement of the dwellings of the people, the example of Germany. 1905. plans. - - 33121 [Housman (Laurence)] A modern Antaeus. - - - - 92 HI How (Frederick D.) Six great schoolmasters. 1904. ill. - 99622 How (William W.) Bp. The closed door, meditations. 1898. - 24301 - Lighter moments [anecdotes]. 1900. 82715 How, William Walsham, Bp., a memoir ; by F. D. How. 1899. port. H141 Howard (Ebenezer) Garden cities of to-morrow. 1902. port. 33120 Howard (Edw.) Rattlin the reefer; ed. by Capt. F. Marryat. - 52M10 Howarth (Anna) Sword and assegai [a tale]. - - - - 69 HI Howe (Frederic C.) The city, the hope of democracy. 1905. - 35203 Howe, John [a biography] ; by R. F. Horton. 1895. port. - H031 Howe, Richard, Earl, Adm. Fitchett (W. H.) Lord Howe and the first of June. In his Fights for the flag. 1904. port. - 91411 - Howe (Earl) Earl Howe. In Our naval heroes. 1906. port. 99619 - In Mahan (A. T. ) Types of naval officers. 1902. port. - - 99609 Howell (Edwin C.) joint-author. See Young (Franklin K.) Howell (George) Trade unionism, new and old. 1900. - - 33108 Ho wells (William D.) An imperative duty. - 97H3 - Letters home [a story in correspondence]. - - - - 97 HI - An open-eyed conspiracy, an idyl. 97 H 5 - A pair of patient lovers. - - - - - . . 97 H 6 - Their silver wedding journey, a novel. - 97H2 - Traveller from Altruria, a romance. 97 H 4 Howie (John) The Scots worthies, ill. 99601 Howitt (William) The book of the seasons. 1840. ill. - - 50429 - Visits to remarkable places. 1900. ill. .... 91501 Howorth (Daniel F. ) Coins and tokens of English colonies, ill. 73703 Howson (J. S.) Evidential conclusions from the four greater Epistles of St. Paul. In Present day tracts, v. 4. - - 20405 - joint-author. See Convbeare (William J.) Hoyden [a novel] ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of ; by Mark Twain. - Sequel to " The adventures of Tom Sawyer,'' 52 T 2. Hudibras [a satirical poem] ; by S. Butler. ill. Hudson (W. H.) The naturalist in La Plata. 1908. ill: - Nature in Downland. 1900. ill. - Hudson (William H.) Rousseau and naturalism. 1903. - The strange adventures of John Smith. - Hueffer (Ford M.) Rossetti, a critical essay on his art. HuGGARD (Wm. R.) Climatic treatment [and] balneology. Hugh, St. Fronde (J. A.) A bishop of the twelfth century. his Short studies, v. 2. 1903. E2F2 189 - 104 H 2 - 52T1 1201 B - 59112 59123 R092 - 98H1 ill. - R021 1906. 61506 . In HUG GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Hugh Brotherton, curate [a novel] ; by F. Home. - - 80 HI Hughes (Alice) Photographic portraiture as a profession. In Woman's library, v. 4. 1903. ill. 70001 Hughes (Henry) Religious faith. 1896. 23401 Hughes (Hugh P.) Essential Christianity, sermons. 1894. - 25210 Hughes (R. E.) School training. 1905. 37106 Hughes (Rupert) The real New York. 1905. ill. - - - 97303 - ed. The musical guide, a dictionary. 1903. 2 v. ill. - - 78003-4 Hughes (Samuel) Gas works. 1904. ill. .... 66501 Hughes (Thomas) David Livingstone [a biography]. 1906. map. L163 - Tom Brown's school-days. - 101 HI - Tom Brown at Oxford [sequel to "Tom Brown's school-days"]. 101 H 2 Hughes (Thomas) Loyola and educational system of Jesuits. - L151 Hughes (Thomas McK.) joint-author. See Clark (John W.) Hugo (Victor) Hernani, drame. ill. 701 H - Love letters, 1820-1822. 1901. port. ill. - H241 - Bug Jargal. 102 H 8 - By the king's command. - 102H10 - The laughing man. - - 102 H 10 The two foregoing entries are the same book under different titles ; it is also published as " By order of the king." - Han of Iceland [a novel]. 102 H 11 - Last day of a condemned. Claude Gueux. .... 102 H 9 - Les miserables [In English]. 10 v. 102H1-5 Fantine, 2 v., 102 HI. Cosette, 2 v., 102 H 2. Marius, 2 v., 102 H 3- Rue Plumet, 2 v., 102 H 4. Jean Valjean, 2 v., 102 H 5. -Ninety-three. --------- -102H12 - Notre-dame de Paris [In French] ; with notes, bibl. mem. - 44817 - Notre-Dame of Paris. 102 H 6 - Les travailleurs de la mer. 102 H 13 - Toilers of the sea. - - - - 102 H 7 Hugo, Victor. Mabilleau (L.) Hugo [his life. In French], port. H242 - Morley (J.) Hugo's "Ninety-three." In his Studies. 1904. - E3M1 - Stevenson (R. L.) Hugo's romances. In his Men and books. - E1S4 - Swinburne (A. C.) A study of Victor Hugo. 1886. - - 84103 Victor Hugo. In his Essays and studies. 1901. - - E8S1 Huguenots. For list of related subjects, see Church. - Smiles (S.) Huguenots in England and Ireland. 1905. ill. - 27204 Hulbert (H. H. ) Breathing for voice production, ill. - - 78423 Hullah (John) Grammar of musical harmony. 1886. mus. - 78104 Hulme (E. W.) and others. Leather for libraries. 1905. - 02502 Humanitarianism. Steevens (G. W. ) The new humanitarianism. In his Things seen. 1900. E4S1 Humber (Wm.) Calculation of strains in girders. 1903. ill. - 62008 Humboldt (F. H. Alexander, Baron von) Travels to equi- noctial America, 1799-1804. 1900-4. 3 v. - - 97804-6 190 GOVANHILL BRANCH. HUN Humboldt, F. H. Alexander, Baron von. In Famous men of science. 99715 Hume (David) Essays, literary, moral, and political.- - - E4H1 Concerning human understanding. The passions. Principles of morals. Natural history of religion. [Etc.] - A treatise of human nature ; ed. by L. A. S. Bigge. - - - 19210 Hume, David. Huxley (T. H.) Hume [his life and philosophy]. H131 - Knight (W. A.) Hume [his life and philosophy]. 1902. - 19205 - Orr (J.) Hume, his influence on philosophy and theology, - 19213 Hume (Fergus) The yellow holly. 103H1 Hume (Martin A. S.) The love affairs of Mary, Queen of Scots. M101 Hummel (J. J.) The dyeing of textile fabrics. 1888. ill. - 66702 Humming-bird. In Wallace (A. R.) Tropical nature. 1895. - 57512 Humour. See Wit and humour. Humourists. For related subjects, see Authors. Wit and humour. - Hazlitt (W.) Lectures on the English comic writers. 1903. - 82009 - Saintsbury (G.) Three humourists, Hook, Barham, Maginn. In his Essays in English literature, v. 2. 1895. - - 82103 - Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists, ill. 2 copies. - 12T9 Swift. Congreve and Addison. Steele. Prior, Gar, and Pope. Hogarth, Smollett, and Fielding. Sterne and Goldsmith. Humphreys (H.N.) The coin collector's manual. 1891-7. 2 v. ill. 73705-6 Humphry (Mrs. C. E.) Housekeeping, domestic management. - 64006 Humphry (Laurence) Nursing, medical and surgical. 1905. ill. 61008 Hundel(F.) Pitman's German course, v. 1. - - - - 43826 Hungarian literature. See Literature, Hungarian. Hungerford (Mrs. Margaret W.) ' Airy fairy Lilian.' - - 104H3 - Beauty's daughters.- - . 104H10 - Faith and unfaith [a novel]. ---.... 104H4 - The hoyden. 104H2 - In durance vile, etc. ------- -104H12 - Lady Branksmere [a novel]. 104H6 - Lady Patty [a novel]. 104H1 - A mental struggle. 104H11 - Molly Bawn [a novel]. 104 H 9 - Nor wife nor maid. 104H7 - Phyllis, a novel. 104H8 - Rossmoyne [a novel]. 104 H 5 Hunn(C. E.) and Bailey (L.H.) Practical garden-book. 1904. ill. 71201 Hunt (Charles) Gas lighting. 1900. ill. - 66505 Hunt (Frederic) and Hoffmann (J. ) The Oxford and Cambridge German grammar. 1905. v. 1. - - . . 43806 - and Wuillkmin. Oxford and Cambridge French grammar. 3 v. 44825-7 Hunt (Jambs H. Leigh) Poet and essayist [selections]. bifJ. - 82718 - Autobiography. 1891. H 161 - Essays. L890. E5H1 191 HUN GLASGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Hunt, James H. Leigh. In Fields (Mrs. J. T. ) Shelf of old books, ill. E5F1 - In Macaulay (Lord) Essays. 1904. E8M1 - In Saintsbury (G.) Essays in English literature, v. 1. 1891. - 82102 Hunt (Robert) The poetry of science. 1854. - 50101 Hunt (William) The English Church, 597-1066. 1901. maps. 28305 - [Political] History of England, 1760-1801. 1905. maps. - 91419 - History of Italy. 1894. maps. 93615 Hunt, William Holman. In Ruskin ( J. ) On pictures, v. 2. 1902. ill. 75002 Hunt, William Morris, Art-life of ; by H. M. Knowlton. ill. - H011 Hunter (John) A plea for a worshipful church. 1903. - - 20103 Hunter, John, man of science, surgeon ; by S. Paget, bibl. port. H201 Hunter (John K. ) Retrospect of an artist's life. 1868. ill. - H371 Hunter (Robert) Concise Bible dictionary. 1901. ill. map. - 22004 Hunter (Sir William W.) The India of the Queen [Etc.] 1903. 94711 Hunting. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Dale(T. F.) Duke of Beaufort and the Badminton Hunt. 1901. ill. B351 - Elmhirst(P.) Fox-hound, forest, and prairie. 1892. ill. - 79930 - Rogers (A.) and others. Hunting [big game]. 1897. ill. - 79904 - Roosevelt (T. ) and others. American big-game hunting, ill. 79912 - Thomson (J. A.) Eighty years reminiscences. 1904. 2 v. ill. T161-2 - See also Deer. Falconry. Huntly. Troup (R.) The Missionar Kirk of Huntly. 1901. - 28507 Hurd (Archibald S.) Naval efficiency. 1902. map. - - 35907 Hurst (Charles) Valves and valve-gearing. 1905. ill. - - 62114 Husbands and wives ; by E. J. Worboise. 81W14 Hush money ; by J. Middlemass. 88M1 Hutchins (B. L.) and Harrison (A.) A history of factory legislation. 1903. 33804 Hutchinson (G. W. C. ) Some hints on learning to draw. 1893. ill. 74103 Hutchinson (Henry N.) Living rulers of mankind. 1902. 4°. ill. 99810 - Marriage customs in many lands. 1897. ill. - 39201 - and others. The living races of mankind. 2 v. 4°. ill. - 57207-8 Hutcbinson (William) Handbook of grasses, ill. - - - 58401 Hutchison (Robert) Food and the principles of dietetics. - 61326 Hutton (Alfred) Old sword-play. 1892. port. ill. - - 79634 Hutton (Arthur W.) Cardinal Manning [a biography]. 1894. M031 Hutton (Edward) The cities of Spain. 1906. ill. - - - 93421 Hutton (Richard H.) Cardinal Newman [a biography]. 1892. N011 - Sir Walter Scott [his life and work]. 1903. - S101 Hutton (William H.) By Thames and Cotswold. 1903. ill. map. 91716 - Constantinople. 1904. ill. plan. 93910 - The English Church, 1625-171*4. 1903. map. - - - 28310 - Influence of Christianity upon national character. - - - 23903 - William Laud [a biography]. 1896. L041 Huxley (Thomas H.) Darwiniana, essays. 1893. - - - 57510 192 GOVANHILL BRANCH. HYM Huxley (Thomas H. ) Discourses, biological and geological. 1894. 50437 On a piece of chalk. The problems of the deep sea. On some of the results of the expedition of H.M.S. ' Challenger.' Yeast, On the formation of coal. On the border territory between the animal and vegetable kingdoms. A lobster, or, the study of zoology. Biogenesis and abiogenesis. Geologicai contemporaneity and persistent types of life. Geological reform. Paleon- tology and the doctrine of evolution. - Evolution and ethics, and other essays. 1895. - - - 17131 Science and morals. Capital, the mother of labour. Social diseases and worse remedies. - Hume [his life and philosophy]. 1902. H131 - Man's place in nature, and other anthropological essays. 1895. ill. 57301 - Method and results, essays. 1894. mem. - 50436 On the advisableness of improving natural knowledge. The progress of science. On the physical basis of life. On Descartes' ' ' Discourse touching the method of using one's reason rightly and of seeking scientific truth." On the hypothesis that animals are automata, and its history. Administra- tive nihilism. On the natural inequality of men. Natural rights and poli- tical rights. Government, anarchy or regimentation. - Physiography. 1900. ill. maps. 55101 - Science and Christian tradition. 1895. 21512 Prologue. Scientific and pseudo-scientific realism. Science and pseudo- science. An episcopal trilogy. The value of witness to the miraculous. Possibilities and impossibilities. Agnosticism. Agnosticism, a rejoinder. Agnosticism and Christianity. The keepers of the herd of swine. Illustral tions of Mr. Gladstone's controversial methods. - Science and education. 1895. --.... 50435 Joseph Priestley. On the educational value of the natural history sciences. A liberal education, and where to find it. Scientific education. Science and culture. On science and art in relation to education. Univer- sities, actual and ideal. Address on university education. On the study of biology. On medical education. The state and the medical profession. The connection of the biological sciences with medicine. The school boards, what they can do and what they may do. Technical education. Address on behalf of the National Association for the Promotion of Technical Educa- tion. [Etc.] - Science and Hebrew tradition, essays. 1895. - - - 21514 On the method of Zadig. The rise and progress of palaeontology. Lectures on evolution. The interpreters of Genesis and the interpreters of nature. Mr. Gladstone and Genesis. The lights of the church and the light of science. Hasisadra's adventure [the deluge]. The evolution of theology. - and Martin (H. N.) Elementary practical biology. 1898. - 59106 Huxley, Thomas H. Clodd (E.) Huxley [his life and work]. 1902. H021 - In Rickett (A.) Personal forces in literature. 1906. bibl. - 82112 Hydraulics. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 4-5. 1903. - - - 03204-5 - Marks (G. C.) Hydraulic power engineering. 1905. ill. - 62709 - See also Rams. Hydriotaphia [or, urn-burial] ; by Sir T. Browne. 1896. - - 39301 Hydrostatics. See Fluids. Hygiene. See Health. Hymns. For lists of related subjects, see Poetry, Collections. Religion. - Cox (F. E.) trans. Hymns from the German. 1890. - - 24503 - Horder (W. G.) ed. The treasury of American sacred song. 1900. 24504 - Novalis. Hymns. 1888. 24408 - Palgrave (F. T.) ed. The treasury of sacred song. 1892. - 24502 g 193 HYN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Hyne (Charles J. Cutcliffe) Captain Kettle series : 1. The little red captain, 115 H 6. 2. The adventures of Captain Kettle, 115 H 3. 3. The further adventures of Captain Kettle, 115 H 4. 4. Captain Kettle, K.C.B., 115 H 5. - The captured cruiser, or, two years from land. - - - 115 H 2 Hypatia [a novel] ; by C. Kingsley. 24K2 Hypnotism. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Heidenhain (R.) Hypnotism, or, animal magnetism. 1899. - 13405 - White (G.) Personal magnetism, telepathy, hypnotism. 1905. 13404 Hyslop (James H.) Enigmas of psychical research. 1906. - 13403 la [a story] ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. 97 C 6 Ibbotson (Fred) joint-author. See Brearley (Harry). Ice. For related subjects, see Physical geography. - Brend (W. A.) Story of ice in the present and past. 1902. ill.- 55128 Ice age. For list of related subjects, see Geology. - Ball (Sir R. S.) The cause of an ice age. 1891. ill. - - 55129 - Wallace (A. R.) The glacial epoch, and the antiquity of man. In his Wonderful century. 1905. ill. - ' - - - 50903 Ice age. In his Studies, v. 1. 1900. ill. - 50438 Iceland. Annandale (N.) The Faroes and Iceland. 1905. ill. - 94103 - TViDufferin (Marquess of) Letters from high latitudes. 1903. ill. 94109 Ices. Marshall (Mrs. A. B. ) The book of ices. col. ill. - - 64203 Ida, The story of ; by F. Alexander ; ed. by J.Ruskin. 1901. port. 1031 Iddesleigh (Earl of) Charms, or, an old world sensation. - 2ll Idealism. For list of other philosophical systems, see Philosophy. - D'Arcy (C. F.) Idealism and theology. 1899. - - - 21101 Ides of March ; by Mrs. L. B. Reynolds. 23 Rl Idle thoughts of an idle fellow ; by J. K. Jerome. - - - 15J2 Idler out of doors ; by W. Raymond. 1901. ill. - - - 82814 Idlers. Stevenson (R. L. ) An apology for idlers. In HsVirginibus puerisque, and other papers. 1902.- .... E1S1 Idylls of the sea, and other marine sketches ; by F. T. Bullen. - E7B1 Ignatius, St. In Farrar (F. W.) Lives of the fathers, v. 1. 1889. 99811 He deserte, episode de " En famille " ; par H. Malot ; with notes. 44887 Illusions. For list of related subjects, see Mind and "body. - Parish (E.) Hallucinations and illusions. 1897. - - - 13308 Illustration. For lists of related subjects, see Arts, Fine. Books. - Blackburn (H.) The art of illustration. 1904. ill. - - 65501 Illustrious Dr. Matheus ; by £. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. - 30E3 Imaginary conversations ; by W. S. Landor. ... - 82833 Imagination. For list of related subjects, see Psychology. - MacDonald (G.) The imagination, its functions and culture. In his Dish of orts. 1895. E2M1 - In Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Meridiana. 1892. .... E16M1 194 GOVANHILL BRANCH. IN Imagination. Tyndall (J.) Scientific use of the imagination. In his Fragments of science, v. 2. 50411 Imitation of Christ ; by T. a Kempis. 1901. .... 24202 Immensee ; von T. W. Storm ; with notes. .... 43815 Immermann (Karl L.) Die Wunder im Spessart ; with notes. - 43819 Immigration. See Emigration. Immortality. See Future state. Impediment [a novel] ; by D. Gerard. 14G2 Imperative duty ; by W. D. Howells. 97 H 3 Imperial federation. For list of related subjects, see Government. - Parkin (G. R.) Imperial federation. 1892. map. - - 35404 Imperialism. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Berard (M. V. ) British imperialism and commercial supremacy. 33704 - Hobson (J. A.) Imperialism, a study. 1905.- - - - 32010 Imperialist [a novel] ; by S. J. Duncan. 60D2 Impertinent, comedie ; par J. F. E. de C. Desmahis. - - 84207 Impey, Sir Elijah. Stephen (Sir J. F.) Nuncomar and Impey. 2 v. 34302-3 Impregnable city, a romance ; by M. Pemberton. - - - 28 P 2 Impressionism. For list of related subjects, see Painting. - Mauclair(C) The French impressionists, 1860-1900. ill. - 75901 Edouard Manet. Edgar Degas. Claude Monet. August Renoir. [Etc.] Impressions ; by Pierre Loti. 1898. 84803 Impressions of Theophrastus Such [essays] ; by George Eliot. - E1E2 Improvisatore [a romance] ; by H. C. Andersen. - - - 31A5 In a Canadian canoe, and other stories ; by B. Pain. - - - 3P2 In a cathedral city [a novel] ; by B. Thomas. - - - 17 Tl In a minster garden [Ely] ; by C. W. Stubbs. 1901. ill. - - 82801 In a quiet village [stories] ; by S. Baring Gould. - - - 43 Gl In an iron grip ; by L. T. Meade. 76M49 In black and white [tales] ; by R. Kipling. 28K10 In clover and heather [poems] ; by W. Bruce. 1890. - - 1401 B In deacon's orders, etc. ; by Sir \V. Besant. - - - 48 B 7 In Dewisland [a novel] ; by S. Baring Gould. - - - - 43G4 In durance vile, etc. ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - - - 104 H 12 In false attire, a novel ; by G. Norway. 17 N 3 In far Lochaber ; by W. Black. 62B22 In haste and at leisure ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. - - - 46L4 In Kedar's tents ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - - - - 85 M 8 In kings' byways, short stories ; by S. J. Weyman. - - - 44W12 In our convent days [autobiography] ; by A. Repplier. 1905. - R181 In pastures green, and other stories ; by C. Gibbon. - - - 21 G 5 In peace and war, sketches ; by Sir J. Furley. 1905. port. - F151 In search of quiet ; by W. Frith. 63 Fl In silk attire ; by W. Black. - - 62 Bl In the arena, stories of political life ; by B. Tarkington. - - 60 T 2 In the blood ; by W. S. Walker. 5W1 195 IN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. In the days of Goldsmith [a novel] ; by M. McD. Bodkin. - 44 Bl In the days of the dandies [Etc.] ; by Lord Lamington. 1906. - L271 In the golden days ; by Edna Lyall. - - - - - 66 L 3 In the heart of the storm ; by Maxwell Gray. - - - - 57 G 2 In the middle watch [tales] ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75 R 22 In the palace of the king, a love story ; by F. M. Crawford. - 113 C 15 In the quarter ; by R. W. Chambers. 35 C 2 In the smoke of war, a story ; by W. Raymond. - - 12 R 2 In time to come, a novel ; by E. Holmes. 76H3 In troubadour-land ; by S. Baring Gould. 1891. ill. maps. - 93101 In youth [ethical training of children] ; by E. Richmond. - - 37704 Inchcolme. Ross (W.) Aberdour and Inchcolme. 1885. - - 92501 Income tax. For list of related subjects, see Taxation. - Urlin (R. D.) and Shearwood (J. A.) The income tax. 1888. 33608 Incomplete adventurer ; by T. Hopkins. 86 HI Inderwick (F. A.) The king's peace, English law courts, ill. - 34701 Indexing. Clarke (A. L.) Manual of practical indexing. 1905. 02901 India. Boulger (D. C.) The story of India. .... 94701 - Broughton(T. D.) In a Mahratta camp, 1809. 1892. ill. map. 94805 - Dubois (J. A.) Hindu manners, customs, and ceremonies. 1906. 94713 - Forrest (G. W.) Cities of India. 1905. ill- - - - 94706 - Hooker (Sir J. D.) Himalayan journals, ill.- - - - 94803 " Bengal, Sikkim and Nepal Himalayas, Khasia Mountains, etc." - Hunter (Sir W. W.) The India of the Queen [Etc.] 1903. - 94711 - Keene (H. G. ) Fall of the Moghul Empire of Hindustan. 1887. 94704 - Lethbridge (Sir R.) A short history of India. 1881. maps.- 94716 - Merrick (E. M.) With a palette in eastern palaces. 1899. ill. 94708 - Rau (R. V. S. ) Kamala's letters to her husband. - - - 17307 " Events and characters of everyday occurrence in Hindu life." - Russell (N.) Village work in India. 1902. ill. - - - 27805 - Russell (Sir W. H.) Prince of Wales' tour in India. 1877. ill. 94710 - Smith(V.A.)HistoryofIndia[600B.C.-1200A.D.] 1904. ill. maps. 94712 - Steevens(G. W.) In India. 1899. map. - 94705 - Thornhill (M.) Haunts and hobbies of an Indian official. 1899. 94707 - Todd (A.) Parliamentary government in India. 1892. 2 v. 35402-3 - Webber (T. W.) Forests of upper India and their inhabitants. 94709 - Wellington (Duke of) Despatches. 1902. .... 91401 - Workman (W.H. and F.B.) Through town and jungle. 1904. ill. 94715 " 14,000 miles a- wheel among the temples and people of the Indian plain." India, Mutiny, 1857-8. Fitchett (W. H.) The great mutiny, maps. 94702 - Malleson (G. B.) The Indian mutiny. 1901. ill. plans. - 94714 India-rubber. For list of related subjects, see Agriculture. - Johnson (W. H.) Cultivation and preparation of Para rubber. 1904. ill. - - 63303 Indian clubs. Cobbett (G. T. B.) and Jenkin (A. F.) Indian clubs. 1902. ill. -------- 61302 Indian clubs. In Athletic sports, v. 8. 1893. ill. - 79608 196 GOVANHILL BRANCH, INL Indigestion. See Digestion. Individualism. For lists of related subjects, see Law. Political science. - Donisthorpe (W.) Law in a free state. 1895. - - - 32011 Individualist [a novel] ; by W. H. Mallock. - - - - 38 Ml Induction coils. For list of related subjects, see Engineering, Electric. - Hare (A. T.) The construction of large induction coils. 1900. ill. 62433 Industries and manufactures. For list of other branches of useful arts, see Arts, Useful. - McLean (A.) ed. Local industries of Glasgow. 1901. - - 92304 - McVey (F. L.) Modern industrialism. 1906. ill, maps. - 67001 - Ruskin (J.) The two paths. 1901. 70401 "Art and its application to decoration and manufacture." - See also Basket work. Beverages. Blacksmithing. Boatbuilding. Bookbinding. Brewing. Brickmaking. Building. Cabinet- making. Candles. Clocks and watches. Coachbuilding. Cycles. Fermentation. Fuel. Gas. Glass. Jewellery. Mechanic work, Amateur. Metal work. Paint. Pottery. Printing. Saddlery. Saw-mills. Sewing machines. Shipbuilding. Shoes. Soap. Steel. Tailoring. Textiles. Upholstery. Industry. For other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - Dyer (H.) The evolution of industry. 1S95. - - - - 33112 - Hobson (J. A.) Science and industry. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30408 - Mulhall (M. G.) Industries and wealth of nations. 1896. ill. - 33012 - Ruskin (J.) Crown of wild olive, on industry and war. 1904. 30401 - Spencer (H.) Industrial institutions. In his Sociology, v. 3.- 30103 - Unwin (G.) Industrial organization in the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries. 1904. bibl. 33126 Infection. See Contagion. Infelice, a novel ; by A. J. E. Wilson. 63 W 2 Infernal marriage ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - - 31B1 Ingelow (Jean) Poetical works. 1902. port. - - - - 2011 - Don John, a story. - 112 Ingenious Captain Cobbs ; by G. W. Appleton. - - - 37A1 Inglis (William) Chambers's Book-keeping. 1906. - - - 65703 Ingoldsby legends ; by R. H. Barham. 1903. - - - - 701 B Ingram (Arthur F. W.) Bp. Under the dome [sermons]. - 25212 Ingram (John H.) Edgar A. Poe, his life. 1891. ill. - - P062 Inheritance [a novel] ; by S. E. Ferrier. 13 F 3 Inimitable Mrs. Massingham, a romance; by H. E. Compton. - 75C1 Initials, a novel ; by the Baroness Tautphceus. 2 copies. - - 3T1 Inkermann. In Fitchett (W. H. ) Fights for the flag. 1904. ill. 91411 - Rousset (C.) La bataille d'Inkermann ; with notes, plan. - 44862 Inland navigation. For lists of related subjects, see Commerce. Navigation. - Forbes (U. A.) and Ashford (W. H. R.) Our waterways. 1906. ma P- 38601 197 INL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Inland voyage [in France] ; by R. L. Stevenson. 1900. - - 93103 Inlaying. Bemrose (W.) Buhl-work and marquetry. 4°. col. ill. 74902 Innes (Alexander T.) John Knox [his life and work]. 1905. ill. K034 - The law of creeds in Scotland. 1902. 32201 Innes (Arthur D.) Cranmer and reformation in England. 1900. C052 - Seers and singers, a study of five English poets. 1893. - 82410 Innes (Charles H.) The centrifugal pump, turbines, and water motors. 1904. ill. 62209 Innes (Thomas) Ancient inhabitants of Scotland, mem. - - 91809 Innocents abroad ; by Mark Twain. 52 T 3 Innocents at home ; by Mark Twain. 52 T 5 Insanity. For lists of related subjects, see Disease. Mind and body. - Shaw (T. C.) Ex cathedra essays on insanity. 1904. - - 61605 Insectivorous plants. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. - Darwin (C.) Insectivorous plants. 1893. ill. - - - 58123 Insects. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Avebury (Lord) British wild flowers considered in relation to insects. 1897. ill. 58204 On the origin and metamorphoses of insects. 1895. ill. - 59506 - Badenoch (L. N.) Romance of the insect world. 1906. ill. - 59512 - Bath (W. H.) Ants, bees, dragon-flies [etc.] 1898. ill. - 59503 - Butler (E. A.) Pond life, insects. 1901. ill. - - - 59501 - Cooke (M. C.) Vegetable wasps and plant worms. 1892. ill. - 58905 " History of fungi parasitic upon insects." - Kirby (W. F.) Elementary text-book of entomology. 1892. - 59516 - See also Ants. Bees. Beetles. Butterflies. Silkworms. Inside the bar ; by G. J. Whyte Melville. 79M6 Inskip (James T.) The pastoral idea, lectures. 1905. - - 25002 Inspiration in human life ; by I. H. Gossman. 1904.- - - 17121 Inspiration of our faith, and other sermons ; by J. Watson. - 25241 Instrumentation. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Berlioz (L. H.) Instrumentation and orchestration, mus. - 78112 Insurance. For list of other subjects in sociology, see Sociology. - Wilson (A. J.) The business of insurance. 1904. - - - 36801 - Young (T. E.) Insurance, a practical exposition. - - - 36802 Intellect. For list of related subjects, see Psychology. - Hume (D.) Concerning human understanding. In his Essays. E4H1 - - - Another edition. In his Human nature. 1896. - - 19210 - Locke(J.) Concerning human understanding. Inhis Works. 2v. 19211-2 - See also Genius. Intellectual life; by P. G. Hamerton. 1898. - - - 37403 Intelligence Officer. See James (Lionel). Interest. For list of related subjects, see Money. - Bohm-Bawerk (E. von) Capital and interest. 1890. - - 33115 - Ruskin (J.) Usury. In his On the old road, v. 3. 1899. - 70406 Interludes in verse and prose ; by Sir G. O. Trevelyan. 1905. - 82813 198 GOVANHILL BRANCH. IRE International episode ; by H. James. 7 Jll International law. For list of other subjects in law, see Law. - Lawrence (T. J.) War and neutrality in the far east. 1904. - 34101 Interpreter, a tale ; by G. J. Why te Melville. - - - - 79 Ml Intervening sea ; by David Lyall. 65 L 5 Into the highways and hedges ; by F. F. Montre^or. - ■ - 105 Ml Intrigue epistolaire, comedie ; par P. F. N. Fabre d'Eglantine. 84209 Intrusions of Peggy ; by Anthony Hope. 82 H 6 Invasion ; par E. Erckmann and A. Chatrian ; with notes. 1905. 44891 Invasion of 1910 ; by W. Le Queux and H. W. Wilson. - - 36L4 Inventions. For other subjects in useful arts, see Arts, Useful. - Routledge (R.) Discoveries and inventions of the nineteenth century. 1905. ill. 60805 - See also Patents. Inverness. [Maclean (J.)] Reminiscences of a Clachnacuddin nonagenarian. -----.... 92221 Investments. For list of related subjects, see Money. - Moil (A.) Mining and mining investments. 1904. ill. plans. 33204 Invisible man, a grotesque romance ; by H. G. Wells. - - 35W4 lone March [a novel] ; by S. R. Crockett. 118 C 5 Iota. See Caffyn (Mrs. Kathleen M.) Ipane" [and other stories] ; by R. B. C. Graham. - - . 48 Gl Iphigenie auf Tauris, ein Schauspiel ; von J. W. v. Goethe ; notes. 43823 Ireland (Mrs. Alexander) Life of Jane W. Carlyle. 1891. - C231 Ireland. Alexander (E.) Lady Anne's walk. 1903. ill- - 92610 - Argyll (Duke of) Irish nationalism. 1893. .... 92620 - Austin (A.) Spring and autumn in Ireland. 1900. - - •- 92613 - Cooke (J.) ed. Wakeman's Handbook of Irish antiquities, ill. 92615 - Crosland (T. W. H.) The wild Irishman. 1905. - - - 82825 - Davitt (M.) The fall of feudalism in Ireland. 1904. - - 92614 "Story of the Land League revolution." - Froude (J. A.) English in Ireland, eighteenth century. 3 v. 92621-3 Ireland since the Union. In his Short studies, v. 2. - - E2F2 - Joyce (P. W. ) A concise history of Ireland to 1837. 1905. map. 92630 A short history of Ireland to 1608. 1904. map. - - - 92626 - Lecky(W. E.H.) Ireland in eighteenth century. 1902-3. 5 v. 92605-9 - McCarthy (J.) Ireland and her story. 1903. map. - - 92602 - McCarthy (M. J. F.) Five years in Ireland, 1895-1900. ill. - 92619 Rome in Ireland. 1904. 92628 - MacDonagh (M.) The viceroy's post-bag. 1904. - - - H321 Ireland, political and social, after the Union, from the correspondence of the Earl of Hardwicke. - Martin (W. G. W.) Traces of the elder faiths of Ireland, pre- Christian traditions. 1902. 2 v. bibl. ill. - - . 92624-5 - Morris (M. O'C.) Memini, or, reminiscences of Irish life. 1892. 92601 - Morris (W. O'C.) Ireland, 1494-1868 [a history]. 1896. bibl. 92627 Present Irish questions. 1901. 92612 199 IRE GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Ireland. Plunkett (Sir H.) Ireland in the new century. 1904. 92616 - In Round (J. H. ) Commune of London, and other studies. 1899. 91301 The conquest of Ireland. The Pope and the conquest of Ireland. - Russell (T. 0. ) Beauties and antiquities of Ireland. 1897. ill. 92611 - Smith (G.) Irish history and the Irish question. 1905. - - 92618 - Steevens(G.W.) In search of a famine. In his Things seen. 1900. E4S1 - Thackeray (W.M.) Irish sketch book. 1902. ill. 2 copies. 82806,82807 - Young (A.) Tour in Ireland, 1776-9. 1892. 2 v. map. - 92603-4 - See also Home rule. Irenseus, St. In Farrar (F. W.) Lives of the fathers, v. 1. 1889. 99811 Irish idylls ; by J. Barlow. 16 B 4 Irish language. See Language, Irish. Iron. For lists of related subjects, see Metal work. Metallurgy. - Bale (G. R.) Modern iron foundry practice. 1902. v. 1. ill. 67106 - Campin (F.) Constructional iron and steel work. 1896. ill.- 72102 "As applied to public, private, and domestic buildings." - In CasselPs New technical educator, v. 1-6. ill. - - - 60301-6 - Hiorns (A. H.) Iron and steel manufacture. 1902. ill.- - 67203 - Jeans (J. S.) The iron trade of Great Britain. 1906. ill. - 67201 - Keep (W. J.) Cast iron, a record of research. 1902. ill. - 66902 - Larkin (J.) Brass and iron founder's guide. 1903. ill.- - 67301 - Macfarlane (W.) Iron and steel manufacture. 1906. ill. - 67204 - Ruskin (J.) The work of iron, in nature, art, and policy. In his Two paths. 1901. 70401 - Wylie (C. ) Reed's Iron and steel founding, ill. - - - 67108 Irons (David) The psychology of ethics. 1903. - - - 15010 Ironwork. Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Bent iron work. 1902. ill. - 73901 Irrigation. King (F. H.) Irrigation and drainage. 1903. ill. 63103 Irving (David) History of Scotish poetry. 1861. mem. - - 82246 Irving (Elizabeth J.) Fireside lays. 1872. .... loll Irving, Sir Henry. In Austin (L. F.) Points of view [essays]. - E4A1 - Hiatt (C. ) Henry Irving, a record and review. 1899. ill. - 1021 Irving (Washington) The Alhambra. 1897. - 93402 - Astoria. A tour on the prairies. 1893. - 97402 - Biographies and miscellanies. 1871. 81801 - Bracebridge Hall. Abbotsford, and Newstead Abbey. 1894. 81702 - Conquest of Granada. Legends of the conquest of Spain. 1902. 93401 - Life and voyages of Columbus. 1894-1902. 2 v. - - - C092-3 V. 2 contains also "The voyages and discoveries of the companions of Columbus," including Alonzo de Ojeda and others. Another edition ; condensed. 1902. ill. ... - C091 - Life of George Washington. 1891-1901. 4 v. - - - W011-4 - Life of Mahomet. Successors of Mahomet. 1901. - - 99809 - Oliver Goldsmith, a biography. 1900. G073 - The sketch book. 1900. 81701 - Old Christmas, from the "Sketch-book." 1894. ill. - - 39403 200 GOVANHILL BRANCH, ITA Irving (Washington) Adventures of Captain Bonneville. Wolfert's roost. gll -Salmagundi. Knickerbocker's History of New York. - - 8l2 - Tales of a traveller. - - - 8l3 Irving', Washing-ton [his life and work] ; by C. D. Warner, port. 1011 Irwin (H. C.) W T ith sword and pen, a story of India. - - 9ll Irwin (M. H. ) Women as factory inspectors. In Woman's library. 39605 Is he the man ? by W. Clark Russell. 75R23 Isaacson (Charles S.) Our brief against Rome. 1905. - - 28207 Isabella of Angouleme. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England. 99630 Isabella of France. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Isabella of Valois. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Isabella of Spain. Prescott (W. H.) History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 1901. 93425 Isaiah. See Bible. Ishmael Pengelly, an outcast ; by J. Hocking. .... 65H1 Islam. See Mohammedanism. Island [a novel] ; by R. Whiteing. 50 W2 Island nights' entertainments ; by R. L. Stevenson. - - - 119 S 4 Islay. Graham (R. C.) Carved stones of Islay. 1895. ill. maps. 92224 Isle of unrest ; by Henry Seton Merriman. .... 85M2 Ismay's children ; by [M. Laffan]. 4L2 Isobel, ed. Household hints. 64007 - Pearson's Home management. 1904. ill. .... 64002 Israel. See British-Israel theory. Jews. Israels, Jozef; by J. deMeester. In Dutch painters, port. ill. 99701 " It is never too late to mend " ; by C. Reade. - - - - 16R3 Italian language. See Language, Italian. Italian literature. See Literature, Italian. Italy. Addison (J.) Remarks on Italy in 1701-3. In his Works. E2A1 - Church (E. M.) Sir Richard Church in Italy [etc.] 1895. - C021 - Dickens (C.) Pictures from Italy. 3 copies. .... 30D9 - Froude (J. A.) Society in Italy in the last davs of the Roman Republic. In his Short studies, v. 3. 1903. - - - E2F3 - Gautier (T.) Voyage en Italie ; with notes. 1904. ill. - 44838 - In Haggard (H. Rider) A winter pilgrimage, 1900. 1902. ill. 93909 - Hare (C.) Ladies of the Italian renaissance. 1904. bibl. ill. 99621 - Hunt (W.) History of Italy. 1894. maps. .... 936 i5 - Knight (Lady) Letters from France and Italy, 1776-95. - K091 - Machiavelli (N.) The history of Florence and of the affairs of Italy to [1492]. 93719 - O'Clery (Count) The making of Italy. 1892. maps. - - 93613 - Piozzi(Mrs. H.) Italian society, eighteenth century. 1892. ill. 93602 - Sedgwick (H. D.) History of Italy, 476-1900. 1906. bibl. map. 93621 - Symonds (J. A.) Renaissance in Italy. 1897-1905. 7 v. 1. Age of the despots, 93618. 2. Revival of learning, 85001. 3 Fine arts, 70901. 4-5. Italian literature, 85002-3. 6-7. Catholic reaction, 93619-20. 201 1VA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Ivanhoe, a romance ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - - 35 S 9 Ivar the viking, a romantic history ; by P. B. Du Chaillu. - 56D1 Iverach (James) The ethics of evolution examined. In Present day tracts, v. 8. - - 20409 - Philosophy of Spencer examined. In Present day tracts, v. 5. 20406 Ivory gate ; by Sir W. Besant. 2 copies. - - - - 48B5 Ixion in heaven ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - - 31 Bl J Jack (Florence B.) The art of laundry work. 1904. ill. - 64802 Jack; par A. Daudet. - - - 8D2 Jack-all-alone, his cruises ; by F. Cowper. .... 100C2 Jack Chaloner, or, the fighting Forty- third ; by J. Grant. - - 51 G 3 Jack Hinton, the guardsman ; by C. Lever. - - - 39 LI Jacks (William) The life of Prince Bismarck. 1899. ill. map. B042 - Life of William the Second, German P^mperor. 1904. ill. - W203 Jack's courtship, a sailor's yarn ; by W. Clark Russell. - - 75 R 6 Jackson (Charles E.) Examples in physics. 1905. - - - 53012 Jackson (Frank G.) Metal work, chasing and repousse, ill. - 73902 - Wood-carving. 1902. ill. 73601 Jackson (George) A young man's religion. 1900. - - - 20401 Jackson (John) Ambidexterity, or, two-handedness. 1905. ill. 13004 Jackson (T. C.) and Briggs (J.) Precis-writing. 1905. - - 65806 Jackson (Thomas G. ) Reason in architecture. 1906. ill. - 72905 Jackson (Wilfrid S.) Nine points of the law [a novel]. - - 4J1 Jacob (Thomas E. ) The civil service essay writer. 1905. - 42808 - Companion to The civil service essay writer. 1898. - - 42809 Jacob Faithful [a tale] ; by Captain F. Marryat. - - - 52 M 5 Jacobi (Charles T.) ed. The printers' handbook. 1905. - 65507 Jacobites. Chambers (R.) The rebellion of 1745-6. - - - 91409 - Dixon (W.) Jacobite episode and its literature. - - - 91841 - Terry (C. S.) ed. The rising of 1745. 1900. bibl. ill. maps. 91855 Jacobs (Joseph) Essays and reviews. 1891. - - - - E1J1 George Eliot. Matthew Arnold. Browning. Newman. Jacobs (William W.) Dialstone Lane. 5J5 - The lady of the barge [and other tales]. ----- 5J4 - Light freights [tales]. - 5J1 - Many cargoes [tales]. 5J2 - A master of craft. 5J7 - Sea urchins [tales]. 5J6 - The skipper's wooing. The brown man's servant. - - - 5J3 Jacopo da Puntormo. In Vasari (G. ) Lives of the painters, v. 4, 99705 [Jacox (Francis)] Cues from all quarters, literary musings. - 82816 Jacques Bonhomme [French life] ; by Max O'Rell. 1889. - - 93104 Jainism. In Geden (A. S.) Eastern religions. 1900. - - 29402 202 GOVANHILL BRANCH. JAP James, Saint. Patrick (W.) James, the Lord's brother. 1906. 22613 James, St. , Epistle of. See Bible. James (Alfred) Cyanide practice. 1902. ill. .... 66903 ' James (George P. R.) Agincourt, or, the times of Henry V. - 6J3 - Arrah Neil, or, times of old. 6J7 - Darnley, or, the field of the cloth of gold. - - - - 6 Jl - De l'Orme, or, le comte de Soissons. 6J4 - Gowrie, or, the king's plot. 6J6 - Henry of Guise, or, the states of Blois. 6J2 - Philip Augustus, or, the brothers in arms. - - - - 6J5 James (Henry) Hawthorne [his life and work]. 1879. - - H081 - William W. Story and his friends. 1903. 2 v. - - - S 241-2 - The ambassadors [a novel]. 7J1 - The American [a novel]. 7 J 12 - The Bostonians, a novel. - - - - - - - 7 J 8 - Embarrassments. --------- 7J3 The figure in the carpet. Glasses. The next time. The way it came. - An international episode. Pension Beaurepas. The point of view. 7J11 - The lesson of the master. The marriages. The pupil. Brook- smith. The solution. Sir Edmund Orme. - - - 7 J 10 - The other house. 7J7 - The soft side. 7J2 - The spoils of Poyn ton. - - 7J6 - Tales of three cities. - - - 7J9 Lady Barberina. A New England winter. The impressions of a cousin. - Terminations [tales]. - 7J4 The death of the lion. The Coxon fund. The middle years. The altar of the dead. - What Maisie knew. 7J13 - The wings of the dove. 7J5 James, Henry. Cary (E. L.) The novels of Henry James. 1905. bibl. 81301 James (Lionel) The yellow war [Russia and Japan]. 1905. ill. 95123 James (William) Talks to teachers on psychology, and to students on some of life's ideals. 1904. - - - - 37011 Jamieson (Andrew) Steam and steam engines. 1904. ill. - 62101 Jane, a social incident ; by Marie Corelli. - - - - 89 C 15 Jane Eyre [a story] ; by C. Bronte. 92 Bl Jane Seymour. In Strickland (A. ) Queens of England, v. 2. 1901. 99631 Janet (Paul) Fenelon [his life and work. In French]. 1903. - F221 Janice Meredith, a story ; by P. L. Ford. 37 Fl Japan. In Arnold (Sir E.) Seas and lands. 1891. ill. - - 90826 - Bishop (I. L.) Unbeaten tracks in Japan. 1905. ill. - - 95302 - Davidson (A. M. C.) Present-day Japan. 1904. ill. - - 95307 - Nitobe* (I.) Bushido, the soul of Japan. 1905. - - - 95305 - Stead (A.) ed. Japan by the Japanese. 1904. - - - 95304 "A survey by its highest authorities." 203 JAP GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Japan. Tristram (H. B.) Rambles in Japan. 1895. ill. - - 95310 - Walton (J.) China and the crisis, with notes on Japan. 1900. 94301 - Watson (W. P.) Japan, aspects and destinies. 1904. ill. maps. 95303 - Webster (R. G.) Japan, from the old to the new. 1905. ill. map. 95306 - Weston (W.) The Japanese Alps. 1896. ill. maps. - - 95301 - See also Russo-Japanese war. Japanese language. See Language, Japanese. Japhet in search of a father ; by Captain F. Marry at. - - 52 M 7 Jasmin, Jacques, barber, poet, philanthropist ; by S. Smiles. - J 061 Jastrow (Joseph) Fact and fable in psychology. 1901. - - 13002 Jayadeva. Gita Govinda [selections]. In Indian poetry. - 89114 Jeaefreson (John C.) A book of recollections. 1894. 2 v. - J051-2 - The real Lord Byron, story of the poet's life. - - - B129 - Victoria, Queen and Empress. 1893. 2 v. - - - - V021-2 Jealousy of God, and other papers ; by J. Pulsford. 1897. - 23010 Jean Sma' and the " Glesgae Bailie " ; by J. Allan. - - - 23 A 1 Jeanne d'Albret. inFawcett (Mrs. H.) Famous French women, ill. 99617 Jeans (James S. ) The iron trade of Great Britain. 1906. ill. - 67201 - Trusts, pools, and corners. 1894. ------ 33802 - Western worthies [Scottish]. 1872. 99605 Jebb (Sir Richard C.) Bentley [his life and work]. 1889. - B061 Jeems Kaye, his adventures ; by [A. Macmillan]. - - - 82709 Jefferies (Richard) Field and hedgerow, essays, port. . - 50405 - The gamekeeper at home, natural history. 1905. ill. - - 50427 - Life of the fields. 1899. 50404 - Nature near London. 1901. 50406 - The open air [essays]. 1901. 50407 - Red deer. 1900. ill. 79905 - Story of my heart, autobiography. 1901. port. - - - J 041 - Toilers of the field. 1901. port. 33103 - Wild life in a southern county. 1903. 59124 - Wood magic, a fable. 13 J 1 Jefferies, Richard. Graham (P. A. ) The magic of the fields. In his Nature in books. 1891. 99903 - In Salmon (A. L.) Literary rambles in west of England, ill. 91728 Jeffrey, Francis, Lord. In Gates (L. E.) Studies in literature. - E5G1 - In Saintsbury (G.) Essays in English literature, v. 1. - 82102 Jekyll (Gertrude) Old west Surrey, notes and memories, ill. 91703 Jellie (W. R. H.) Chronicles. (Century Bible.) 1906. maps. 22329 Jenkin (A. F.) Gymnastics. 1896. ill. 61304 - Gymnastics. In Athletic sports, v. 8. 1893. ill. - - 79608 - joint-author. See Cobbett (G. T. B. ) Jenkinson (Arthur and Emily J.) Fiona Mclver, a romance. - 12 J 1 Jenks (Edward) Edward Plantagenet [a biography], ill. map. E021 - A history of politics. 1900. 32014 - An outline of English local government. 1894. - - * 35201 204 GOVANHILL BRANCH. JES Jexner (Mrs. Henry) Christ in art. 1906. ill. - - - 75501 Jennings (Arthur S.) Wallpapers and wall coverings, col. ill. 69803 Jennings (Henry J.) Lord Tennyson, a biographical sketch. - T013 Jephtha, a drama ; by G. Buchanan. 1701 B Jeremiah. See Bible. Jerome, St. In Farrar (F. W.) Lives of the fathers, v. 2. 1889. 99812 Jerome (Jerome K.) Diary of a pilgrimage, and six essays. - 15 J 1 Evergreens. Clocks. Tea-kettles. A pathetic story. The new Utopia. Dreams. - The idle thoughts of an idle fellow. 15 J 2 - The second thoughts of an idle fellow. 15J3 - Paul Kelver, a novel. 15 J 6 - Tea-table talk. 15J7 - Three men in a boat. 15 J4 - Three men on the bummel. 15 J5 Jerrold (Douglas) The handbook of swindling [Etc.] mem. - E3J1 Jerusalem. Bevan (E. ) Jerusalem under the high-priests. - 29623 "The period between Nehemiah and the Xew Testament." - Freer (A. M. Goodrich) Inner Jerusalem. 1904. ill. - - 94510 - Oliphant (Mrs. M. 0. W.) Jerusalem, its history and hope. ill. 94508 Jervis, John, Earl St. Vincent. See St. Vincent, J. Jervis, Earl. Jespersex (Otto) How to teach a foreign language. 1904. - 40702 Jess [a story] ; by H. Rider Haggard. 3H5 Jessamy bride ; by F. F. Moore. 106 Ml Jessopp (Augustus) Before the great pillage [Etc.] 1901. - E2J1 - John Donne [a biography]. 1897. D031 Jesters; by Rita. 36 R4 Jests. See Wit and humour. Jesuits. For list of related subjects, see Roman Catholicism. - Carlyle (T.) Jesuitism. In his Latter-day pamphlets. - - E1C8 - Law (T. G.) Conflicts between Jesuits and seculars in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1889. 27102 - Walsh (W.) The Jesuits in Great Britain. 1903. - - - 27103 "An historical inquiry into their political influence." Jesus Christ. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Alexander (S. A.) Christ and scepticism. 1894. - - - 23904 - Andrewes (L.) Seventeen sermons on the nativity. - - 23238 - Armstrong (R. A.) Jesus in modern religion. In Free thought. 28801 - Briggs (C. A.) The Messianic ideal. In his Bible, church [etc.] 23008 - Brooks (P.) The influence of Jesus. 23223 - Brough (J.) The early life of our Lord. 1897. - - - 23217 - Bruce (A. B.) The humiliation of Christ. 1895. - - - 23233 With open face, Jesus in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. 1896. 23230 - Cairns (J.) Christ, the central evidence of Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 1. 20402 - Candlish (J. S.) Work of Christ. In his Christian salvation. 23009 205 JES GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Jesus Christ. Carpenter (W. B.) The fortv days of the risen life. 1898. 23242 - Dale (R. W.) The living Christ and the four Gospels. 1904. 22718 - Dods (M.) How to become like Christ [Etc.] 1898. - - 23012 - Edersheim (A.) Jesus the Messiah. 1894. .... 23215 Prophecy and history in relation to the Messiah. 1885. - 23216 - Edgar (R. M.) The resurrection. In Present day tracts, v. 8. 20409 - Farrar (F. W.) The life of Christ. 1904. ill. - - - 23210 The life of lives, further studies in the life of Christ. 1903. 23211 - Geikie (A. C.) The human sympathies of Christ. - - - 23229 - Guthrie (T.) Christ and the inheritance of the saints. - - 25229 - Jenner (Mrs. H.) Christ in art. 1906. bibl. ill. - - - 75501 - Lange (J. P.) The life of the Lord Jesus Christ. 1864. 6 v. 23201-6 - Leask (W.) The royal rights of the Lord Jesus [Etc.] - - 23240 - Lewis (W. S.) Christ and creation. In Present day tracts, v. 9. 20410 - McRury (J. ) Life of Christ [In Gaelic]. 1893. - - - 23208 - Mathews (S.) The social teaching of Jesus. 1897. - - - 30106 - Meyer (H.) Christ of the Gospels. In Present day tracts, v. 7. 20408 - Neander (A.) The life of Jesus Christ. 1892. - - - 23207 - Nicoll (W. R.) The church's one foundation. 1901. - 23237 11 Christ and recent criticism." - Paton (J.) The glory and joy of the resurrection. 1902. - 23231 - Pfleiderer (0.) Early Christian conception of Christ. 1905. - 23219 - Ramsay (Sir W. M.) The education of Christ. 1902. - - 23226 - Renan (E.) Critical historians of Jesus. In his Studies. - 29001 Life of Jesus. 23212 - Reville (A.) The dogma of the deity of Jesus Christ. 1905. - 23241 - Reynolds (H. R.) Who say ye that I am? In Present day tracts, v. 14. - - - 20415 - Rhees (R.) The life of Jesus of Nazareth. 1902. bibl. map. 23224 - Robinson (A.) Study of the Saviour in the newer light. 1898. 23232 - Robinson (C. H.) Studies in the character of Christ. 1900. - 23218 - Ross (D. M.) The teaching of Jesus. 1904. .... 23228 - Ross (J. M. E.) The self-portraiture of Jesus. 1903. - - 23239 - Row (C. A. ) Christ of the Gospels. In Present day tracts, v. 4. 20405 The historical evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. In Present day tracts, v. 1. - - - 20402 - Seeley (Sir J. R.) Ecce Homo, life and work of Christ. 1903. 23209 - Sinclair (YV. M.) Christ and our times [sermons]. 1894. - 23213 - Soltau (W.) The birth of Jesus Christ. 1903. - - - 23227 - Spence (H. D. M. ) and others. Life and work of the Redeemer. 23235 - Spurgeon (C. H.) Christ in the Old Testament, sermons. 1899. 23214 - Stevenson (W.) The claim of Christ on the conscience. In Present day tracts, v. 8. 20409 - Watson (J.) Companions of the sorrowful way. 1898. - - 23234 - - The mind of the Master. 1903. 23221 206 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. JEW Jesus Christ. Whyte (A. ) The walk, conversation, and character of Christ. 23225 - See also Atonement. Lord's Supper. Miracles. Parables. Jeu de l'amour et du hasard, comedie ; par P. C. C. de Marivaux. 84206 Jeune Siberienne ; par X. de Maistre. - - - - - 25 Ml Jevoxs (Frank B. ) History of Greek literature. - - - 88002 - Religion in evolution. 1906. ------- 20108 Jevons (H. S.) Essays on economics. 1905. - 33011 Jevons (William S.) Logic [a primer]. 1902. - - - - 16002 - Pure logic, and other minor works. 1890. - 16004 Jewellery. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Davenport (C.) Jewellery. 1905. Ubl. ill. - 67101 Jewett (Sarah O.) The king of Folly Island [stories]. - - 19 J 2 - Tales of New England. - - 19J1 Jewish literature. See Literature, Jewish. Jewitt (Llewellynx) English coins and tokens. 1894. ill. - 73701 Jews. For list of other Biblical subjects, see Bible. - Abrahams (I.) Festival studies, thoughts on the year. 1906. 29625 - Addis (W. E. ) Hebrew religion to the establishment of Judaism under Ezra. 1906. 29626 - Aguilar (G.) Women of Israel. 22101 - Baron (D.) Ancient Scriptures and the modern Jew. 1901. - 29627 - Bevan (E.) Jerusalem under the high-priests. 1904. - - 29623 11 The period between Neherniah and the New Testament." - Burnet (W.) and Williams (A. L.) The Jews in their present condition, witnesses to the Bible. In Present day tracts. 20414 - Conder (E. R.) Origin of the Hebrew religion. In Present day tracts, v. 5. 20406 - Ewald (H.) The history of Israel. 1878-86. 8 v. - 29615-22 1. Preliminary history. 2. Moses and the theocracy. 3. Rise and splendour of the Hebrew monarchy. 4. From the disruption of the monarchy to its fall. 5. History of Ezra and of the hagiocracy in Israel to the time of Christ. 6. Life and times of Christ. 7- Apostolic age. 8. The post- apostolic age. - In Hirsch (S. A.) A book of essays. 1905. ill. - - - E7H1 Early English Hebraists. Johann Pfefferkorn. Johann Reuchliu. Israel, a nation. Samson R. Hirsch. The Jewish Sibylline oracles. A survey of Jewish literature. [Etc.] - Joseph (M.) Judaism as creed and life. 1903. - - - 29607 - Kent(C. F.) History of the Hebrew people. 1900. 2 v. maps. - 29608-9 1. From the settlement in Canaan to the division of the Kingdom. 2. To the fall of Jerusalem in 586* B.C. mid Riggs ( J. S. ) The Jewish people. 1905. 2 v. maps. 29610-11 1. Babylonian, Persian, and Greek periods. 2. Maccabean and Roman periods. - Kuenen (A.) The religion of Israel. 1882-3. 3 v. - - 22217-9 - Leathes (S.) Testimony of the earlier prophetic writers to the primal religion of Israel. In Present day tracts, v. 14. - 20415 - Milman (H. H.) The history of the Jews. 1883. 3 v. - - 29601-3 11 From the earliest period down to modern times." 207 JEW GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES, Jews. Pember (G. H. ) The great prophecies concerning Israel. 22208 - Peters (J. P.) Early Hebrew story. 1904. .... 22205 - Renan (E.) History of the people of Israel. In his Studies. - 29001 - Say ce (A. H. ) The early history of the Hebrews. 1899. - 29624 - Stanley (A. P.) The Jewish Church. 1866-76. 3 v. maps. - 29604-6 1. Abraham to Samuel. 2. Samuel to the captivity. 3. From the captivity to the Christian era. - Strachan (J.) Hebrew ideals, Old Testament faith and life. - 22322 - Stuart (A. M.) and others. The Sea of Galilee Mission of the Free Church of Scotland. 1895. ill. .... 27801 - Thompson (A. E.) A century of Jewish missions. 1902. ill. 26601 - See also British -Israel theory. Jeyes (S. H.) Mr. Chamberlain, his life and public career. 1903. C571 Joan, Pope. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of the middle ages. - 39818 Joan of Arc. In Fawcett(Mrs. H.) Famous French women, ill. 99617 - Lamartine(A. M.L. de) Jeanned'Arc; with notes. 1893. ill. map. 44889 - Lang (A.) The false Jeanne d'Arc. The voices of Jeanne d'Arc. In his Valet's tragedy, and other studies. 1903. 90405 - Oliphant (Mrs. M. 0. W.) Jeanne d'Arc, her life and death, ill. J021 Joan of Arc [a romance] ; by Mark Twain. - - - - 52 T 13 Joan of Arc, ballads, lyrics, and minor poems; by R. Southey.- 601 S Joan, a tale ; by R. Broughton. 97 Bl Joan Carisbroke [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - 81 W 24 Joan Haste [a novel] ; by H. Rider Haggard. 2 copies. - - 3H14 Joan of the sword hand ; by S. R. Crockett. .... H8C6 Joanna of Navarre. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Job. See Bible. Jocelyn [In French] ; par A. M. L. de Lamartine ; with notes. 1906. 44815 Jodelet [comedie] ; par P. Scarron. 84202 Joel. See Bible. Joerg (J. A. ) Outlines of German literature. 1903. - - 83003 John, St., Epistles of. See Bible. John, St. , Gospel of. See Bible. John, St., of Damascus [life and writings] ; by J. H. Luptom 1882. J071 John Bull and Co. ; by Max O'Rell. 1899. ill. - - - 91101 John Bull and his island ; by Max O'Rell. 91602 John Burnet of Barns, a romance ; by J. Buchan. - - - 102 B 2 John Chilcote, M.P. [a novel] ; by Mrs. K. C. Thurston. - - 26 Tl John Ford [a novel] ; by F. Barrett. 20 Bl John Halifax, gentleman ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - - 107 C 2 John Holdsworth, chief mate; by W. Clark Russell. - - 75 R 7 John Inglesant, a romance ; by J. H. Shorthouse. - - - 62 S 2 John Marchmont's legacy ; by M. E. Braddon. - 81B3 John Newbold's ordeal, a novel; by T. A. Pinkerton. - - 44P2 John Splendid, the tale of a poor gentleman ; by Neil Munro. - 124M1 John the Baptist, a drama; by G. Buchanan. - 1702 B 208 GOVANHILL BRANCH. JOL John Ward, preacher [a novel] ; by M. Deland. - - - 26 Dl Johnny Ludlow ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 6 series. 2 copies. - 76W9-14 Johns (Charles A.) Flowers of the field. 1902. ill. - - 58206 - The forest trees of Britain. 1903. ill. 58201 Johnson (Arthur N.) joint-author. See Thompson (R. W.) Johnson (Henry) Under the shadow of St. Paul's. 1898. ill. 91732 Johnson, Hester. Swift (J.) Journal to Stella. In his Works.- 82821 Johnson (James and J. H. ) Law of patents for inventions. 1890. 60804 Johnson (Joseph) George MacDonald, appreciation. 1905. - M281 Johnson (Owen) Arrows of the Almighty. - - - - 22 Jl Johnson (Samuel) Lives of the poets. 1900. 3 v. - - - 99917-9 - Preface to edition of Shakespeare, 1765. In Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1903. .... 82516 Johnson, Samuel. In Birrell (A.) Obiter dicta, v. 2. 1906. - E10B4 - Boswell (J.) Life of Samuel Johnson. 1900. 3 v. - - - J032-4 - In Dawson (W. J.) The makers of modern prose. 1899. - 82111 - In Elwin (W.) Some xviii. century men of letters, v. 2. 7^0?^. 99910 - Stephen (Sir L.) Johnson's writings. In his Hours in a library. E2S2 Samuel Johnson [his life and work]. 1900.- - - - J031 Johnson (T.G.) Francois S. Marceau, 1769-96. 1896. ill. maps. M401 Johnson (W. H.) Para rubber. 1904. ill. .... 6 3303 Johnston (Alex.) American political history, 1763-1876. 2 v. 97215-6 Johnston (G. H.) Scottish heraldry made easy. 1904. col, ill 99914 Johnston (Sir Harry H.) The Uganda Protectorate. 1902. 2 v. ill. maps. 96112-3 Johnston (Mary) Audrey [a Virginian romance]. - - - 26J3 - By order of the Company [a Virginian romance]. - - - 26 J 2 - The old dominion, a tale of Virginia. 26J1 - Sir Mortimer [a romance]. 26 J4 Johnston (R.) Civil service guide. 1902. 35103 Johnston (T. B.) and Robertson (J. A.) The historical geography of the clans of Scotland. 1873. maps, plans. 92209 Johnstone (C. L.) Historical families of Dumfriesshire. - - 92005 Johnstone (David L.) Richard Tregellas [a romance]. - - 29J4 Johnstone (P. de L.) Muhammad and his power. 1901. - - M361 Joinery. See Carpentry. Joint stock companies. For related subjects, see Commercial law. - Price (T.) Company law. 1906. 347O6 Joinville, Jean, Sire de. In Miiller (F. Max) Works, v. 7. 1899. E6M3 - Stephen (Sir J. F.) Joinville and St. Louis. In his Horae Sab- baticae, v. 1. 1892. E5S1 Jokai (Maurus) Black diamonds, a novel. .... 3 ij! - The green book, or, freedom under the snow, a novel. - - 31 J 2 - The poor plutocrats, a romance. 3U3 " Tales - 31J4 Jolly {A.) joint-author. See Labiche (Eugene M.) 209 JON GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Jonah. See Bible. Jonathan and his continent ; by Max 0'E.ell and J. Allyn. 1889 Jones (A. J. L.) ed. Guide to the civil service. 1906. - joint-author. See Bygott (John). Jones (Chapman) Qualitative chemical analysis, inorganic. Jones (Charles) The solicitor's clerk. 1905. - Jones (David B.) joint- author. See Rhys (John). Jones (E. G.) Types of Christian life. 1901. - Jones (G. H.) The dawn of European civilization. 1903. - Jones (Henry) Social responsibilities, lectures. 1905. Jones (Rufus M. ) Social law in the spiritual world. 1904. Jones (Thomas R.) The aquarian naturalist. 1858. col. ill. Jones (Walter) Heating by hot water. 1904. ill. Jonson (Ben) Works; with notes by W. Gifford. 3 v. mem. 1. Every man in his humour. Every man out of his humour. Cynthia's revels. The poetaster. Sejanus. Volpone. Epicoene. 2. The alchemist. Cataline, his conspiracy. Bartholomew Fair. The devil is an ass. The staple of news. The New Inn. The magnetic lady. A tale of a tub. The sad shepherd. Mortimer, his fall. The case is altered. Enter- tainments. 3. [Minor and miscellaneous works]. - Anthology ; ed. by E. Arber. 1899. Jonson, Ben. Schelling (F. E.) A journey to the north. In his Queen's progress and other Elizabethan sketches. - - Swinburne (A. C.) A study of Ben Jonson. 1889. Jopling (L.) The artistic faculty. In Woman's library, v. 1. - Jordan (Furneaux) Moral nerve and literary verdicts. - Jordan (Whitman H.) The feeding of animals. 1901. Jordan (William G.) Great truths. Joseph. Miller (J. R.) The story of Joseph. 1901. - Joseph (Ernest M.) joint-author. See Emanuel (C.) Joseph (Morris) Judaism as creed and life. 1903. - Joshua. See Bible. Joubert (Joseph) Correspondance [In French]. 1895. mem. - - Pensees. 1901. - Selections from his thoughts. 1898. Joubert. Joseph. In Arnold (M. ) Essays in criticism, v. 1. 1905. Journalism. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Billington (M. F.) Women and journalism. In Woman's library. 39605 - How to write for the magazines. 1900. - Kingston (A.) Pitman's Popular guide to journalism. - Stiilman (W. J.) Autobiography of a journalist. 1901. - Wright (A.) Baboo English as 'tis writ. 1891. "Curiosities of Indian journalism." - See also Newspapers. Journalisten, Lustspiel ; von G. Freytag ; with notes. 1891. - Jowett (Benjamin) Sermons, biographical [etc.] Jowett, Benjamin. Abbott (E.) and Campbell (L.) Life and letters of Jowett. 1897. 2 v. bibl. port. ill. 210 97201 35102 54401 34703 24801 91013 17201 21004 59202 69702 101-3J 82230 91615 82510 39605 13602 63602 17017 22323 29607 J 091 84806 84801 E3A1 07001 07002 S331-2 07004 43809 25247 J 081-2 GO VAN HILL BRANCH, KAT "Joy for ever," the political economy of art ; by J. Ruskin. 1904. 70701 Joyce (Herbert) History of the Post Office to 1836. 1893. - 38302 Joyce (Patrick W.) A concise history of Ireland to 1837. 1905. map. 92630 - A grammar of the Irish language. 1906. .... 49108 - A history of Ireland to 1608. 1904. map. .... 92626 Ju-jitsu. See Physical education. Judaism. See Jews. Judas Iscariot, and other writings ; by T. De Quincey. 1863. - E1D3 Judd (Francis A.) Shrine of Saint Cuthbert, and other poems. 201 J Jude, St. , Epistle of. See Bible. Jude (R. H. ) The school magnetism and electricity. 1906. ill. 53708 Judges. See Bible. Judgment. For list of related subjects, see Future state. - Clarke (J. L.) The eternal Saviour-judge. 1905. - - - 23603 Judith Shakespeare, a romance ; by W. Black. .... 62B20 Julian. Gardner (A. ) Julian, philosopher and Emperor. 1899. ill. J011 - Negri (G.) Julian the Apostate. 1905. 2 v. ill. - - - J 012-3 Jumping frog ; by Mark Twain. 52T14 Jungfrau von Orleans ; von J. C. F. von Schiller ; with notes. - 43817 Jungle book ; by R. Kipling. 28 K 3 Jungle book, Second ; by R. Kipling. 28 K4 Jungman (Beatrix) Holland [a description]. 1904. col. ill. - 93006 Juniper Hall ; by C. Hill. 1904. ill. 91715 Junius. Letters ; ed. by J. Wade. 1903-4. 2 v. - - - 82707-8 Junius. Lang (A.) Junius and Lord Lyttelton's ghost. In his Valet's tragedy, and other studies. 1903. - - - 90405 Jusserand (Jean A. A. J.) English novel, time of Shakespeare. 82601 - English wayfaring life in the middle ages. 1891. ill. - - 91603 - Histoire litteraire du peuple anglais. 1896-1904. 2 v. - - 82017-8 Just so stories ; by R. Kipling. 28K14 Justice. Maeterlinck (M.) Mystery of justice. In Buried temple. E 14 Ml Justin Martyr. In Farrar (F. W. ) Lives of the fathers, v. 1. 1889. 99811 Jute spinning. In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 3-4. ill. - 60303-4 K Kabala. See Cabalism. Kalidasa. Sakuntala, a drama. Meghaduta. .... 89109 Kamala's letters to her husband ; by R. V. S. Rau. 1904. - 17307 Kant (Immanuel) Critique of pure reason. 1901. - - - 19307 Kant, Immanuel. Wallace (W.) Kant [his life and philosophy]. 19302 Kapadia (S. A.) The teachings of Zoroaster and the philosophy of the Parsi religion. 1905. 29501 Kashmir. Doughty (M.) Afoot through Kashmir valleys, ill. - 94804 Kastner (L. E. ) and Atkins (H. G. ) History of French literature. 84002 History of French literature during the 17th century. - 84012 Kate Carnegie and those ministers ; by J. Watson. - - - 28W3 211 KAT GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Kate of Kate Hall ; by E. T. Fowler and A. L. Felkin. - • 45 F 7 Katharine. See Catherine. Katharine Ashton [a story] ; by E. M. Sewell. - - - - 48 S 4 Katharine Lauderdale [a novel] ; by F. M. Crawford. - - 113 C 6 Katharine Regina [a novel] ; by Sir W. Besant. - - - 48 BIO Kathleen Clare, her book [a romance] ; by D. G. McChesney. - 7 Ml Kaufmann (Moritz) Christian socialism. 1888. - - - 33507 - Culture and Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 14. - 20415 - Egoism, altruism, and Christian eudaimonism. In Present day tracts, v. 11. 20412 - Heredity and personal responsibility. In Present day tracts. 20414 - Modern views of Zoroastrianism. In Present day tracts, v. 14. 20415 - Scepticism compared with Christian faith. In Present day tracts. 20413 - Socialism and Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 10. - 20411 - Socialism and modern thought. 1895. 33501 Kaye (John) Bp. Ecclesiastical history, second and third cen- turies, from the writings of Tertullian. .... 27020 Keary (Annie) A doubting heart. - - - - - - 5K1 - Oldbury [a story]. 5K2 Keats (John) Poetical works, mem. port. .... 301 K Keats, John. In Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, v. 2. 1902. E3A2 - Colvin (S.) Keats [his life and work]. 1902. ... - K041 - In Lowell (J. R.) English poets. 82203 - In Rickett (A.) Personal forces in literature. 1906. bibl. - 82112 Kebbel (T. E.) My first grouse, and other memories. 1893. ill. 79924 Keble (John) The Christian year, thoughts in verse, ill. - 24501 Keble, John [a biography] ; by W. Lock. 1895. port. - - K021 Keenan, Tom, locomotive engineer; ed. by N. Jones. 1904. port. K101 " A story of fifty years on the rail, as told by himself." Keene (Charles H.) Sketches of the Greek dramatic poets. - 88203 Keene (Henry G.) Fall of the Moghul Empire of Hindustan. - 94704 Keene (J. H.) The mystery of handwriting. 1904. ill.- - 13801 Keep (William J.) Cast iron, a record of research. 1902. ill. 66902 Keightley (Samuel R.) A man of millions. - - - - 8K1 Keim (Adolf W.) Prevention of dampness in buildings, ill. - 69101 Keith (Duncan) History of Scotland to 1153. 1886. 2 v. 91839-40 Keith (Leslie) Not even a tragedy. 9K1 Kelke (W. H. H.) An epitome of personal property law. 1905. 34707 Kellogg (J. W.) Uses of electricity on shipboard, ill. - - 62417 Kellogg, Samuel H. In Holcomb(H. H.) India missions. 1901. ill. 99825 Kelly (James F.) A history of Spanish literature. 189S. - - 86001 Kelly (John) Conflict with unbelief. In Present day tracts. - 20410 Kelly (John) A grammar of antient Gaelic, Manks. 1870. - 49105 Kelly (Sir R. D.) Letters to his wife during Crimean war. mem. 94011 Kelly (R. Talbot) Burma [a description]. 1905. col. ill. - 95002 Kelly (Mrs. Tom) The fleet in the fifties [Crimean war], ill. - 94014 212 GOVANHILL BRANCH. KHO Keltie(John S.) ed. The Highlands, clans [etc. ] 1875. 4 v. ill. 91801-4 Kelvin (Lord) Popular lectures and addresses. 1891. 3 v. ill. 50401-3 Kemble (Frances A.) Records of later life. 1882. 3 v. - - K 081-3 Kemp (D.) joint-author. See Nelson (Adrian). Kempis (Thomas a) The imitation of Christ. 1901. port. - 24202 Ken, Thomas, Bp. [a biography]; by F. A. Clarke. 1896. port. K011 Kendal (Madge) Theatrical life. In Woman's library, v. 1. - 39605 Kendrick (A. F.) English embroidery. 1904. ill. - - - 74601 Kenealy (Arabella) The love of Richard Herrick, a novel . - UK 2 - Woman and the shadow, a novel. 11 Kl Kenelm Chillingly [a novel] ; by Lord Lytton. - - . - 73L6 Kenilworth [a romance] ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - 35 S 12 Kennard (Mrs. Arthur) Mrs. Siddons [a biography]. 1893. - S391 Kennedy (A. R, S.) Samuel. (Century Bible. ) 1905. maps. 22327 Kennedy (Alex. B. W.) Mechanics of machinery. 1902. ill. - 53101 Kennedy (Arnold) The story of the West Indies, maps. - 97702 Kennedy, Benjamin H. In How (F. D. ) Great schoolmasters, port. 99622 Kennedy (Howard A.) The story of Canada. 1902. maps. - 96901 Kennedy (John) History of steam navigation. 1903. ill. - 65601 Kennedy (Rankin) Electrical installations. 5 v. ill. . - 62404-8 Kennethcrook, sketches of village life ; by W. Harvey. 1896. - 91851 Kent (Chas.F.) The Hebrew people [to 586 B.C.] 1905. 2v. maps. 29608-9 - and Riggs (J. S.) A history of the Jewish people. 2 v. maps. 29610-11 Kent. Russell (W. Clark) Betwixt the Forelands, ill. - - 91216 Kentuckians, a novel ; by J. Fox. - - . . . 47 F 3 Ker (John) The Psalms in history and biography. - - - 22412 - Scottish nationality, and other papers. 1887. - - - E2K1 - Sermons. 1870. - 25237 - Thoughts for heart and life. 1888. port. - 23918 Ker (William L.) Kilwinning. 1900. 91906 Kernahan (Coulson) Captain Shannon [a romance]. - - 19 Kl Kernahan (Mrs. Coulson) No vindication. - 20K1 Kerr (John) Curling in Canada and United States. 1904. ill. 79635 - History of curling. 1890. ill. 7963 3 Kerr (John) Memories grave and gay. 1903. port. ill. - - K051 Kerr ( John G.) and Brown( J. N.) Elementary physics. 3 v. ill. 53006-8 Kerr (Richard) Nature through microscope and camera. i'l. 57801 Kerr (W. A.) Horsemanship. Ridingfor ladies. In Athleticsports. 79801 - Practical horsemanship. 1894. ill. 79803 - Riding for ladies. 1891. ill. 79802 Kerry. Froude (J. A.) Fortnight in Kerry. In In., Short studies. E2F2 Ketchum (Milo S.) joint-author. See Pence (Wm. D.) Keynotes [stories] ; by George Egerton. 18 El KMme. In Lloyd (E.) Three great African chiefs. 1S95. port. 99636 Khotan. Stein (M. A.) Sand-buried ruins of Khotan. ill. map 94909 213 KID GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Kidd (James) Morality and religion. 1895. .... Kidnapped, adventures of David Balfour ; by R. L. Stevenson. KielePw (Laura) Thy people shall be my people [a novel]. Kilburn (N.) The story of chamber music. 1904. ill. mus. - Kilgour (William T.) Twenty years on Ben Nevis, ill. Kilmeny [a novel] ; by W. Black. Kilwinning. Ker (W. L.) Kilwinning. 1900. - Kim [a story] ; by R Kipling. Kindergarten. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Cragin (L. E.) Kindergarten Bible stories. 1905. - Elliott (L.) Modern kinder-gar ten methods, ill. - - Froebel (F. W. A.) Letters on the kindergarten. 1891. - Mackenzie (J.) Practice of kindergarten. 1899. ill. - Shirreff (E.) Kindergarten, Frobel's system. 1897. Kinematics. See Force. Kinetics. See Force. King (Charles) Under fire [a romance]. - King (Franklin H. ) Irrigation and drainage. - The soil, its nature and management. 1902. King (Harriet E. H.) The disciples [a poem]. - The hours of the passion, and other poems. King (Henry C.) Rational living, modern psychology. 1906. - King (K. D.) Child who will never grow old [and other stories]. King (W. J. H.) A search for the masked Tawareks. 1903. ill. King in yellow ; by R. W. Chambers. King of Folly Island [stories] ; by S. 0. Jewett. King of schnorrers, grotesques ; by I. Zangwill. King Solomon's mines ; by H. Rider Haggard. King Stork and King Log, Russia ; by Stepniak. 17112 119 S 5 22K1 78501 92210 62B2 91906 28K13 22225 37209 37201 37204 37205 1903. ill. - 1888. 1902. ill. 1896. 41K1 63103 63102 402 K 401 K 15018 23K1 95804 35C3 - 19J2 2Z3 3H6 2 v. - 94021-2 King Stork of the Netherlands, a romance ; by A. Lee. - - 22L1 Kinglake (Alex. W. ) Eothen [travel in the east, 1835]. mem. port. 93901 - The invasion of the Crimea [1854-6]. 1901. 9 v. - - 94002-10 Kinglake, Alexander W., a study ; by W. Tuckwell. 1902. port. K071 King-s, Books of. See Bible. King's deputy, a romance ; by H. A. Hinkson. - King's Liverpool Regiment, an historical record, 1685-1881. ill. King's mirror ; by Anthony Hope. Kings of the east, a romance ; by Sydney C. Grier. - King's Own ; by Captain F. Marryat. ..... King's pawn ; by H. Drummond. King's peace, English law courts ; by F. A. Inderwick. ill. map. Kingsford (Anna) Health, beauty, and the toilet. 1886. Kingsford (Charles L.) Henry V. [his life and times], ill. - Kingsland (Mrs. Burton) Indoor and outdoor games. 1904. ill, Kingsley (Charles) At last, Christmas in the West Indies, ill. 214 64H1 35603 82H3 67G2 52M1 54D2 34701 61317 H071 79008 97701 GOVANHILL BRANCH. KIP Kingsley (Charles) Glaucus, or, the wonders of the shore. 1903. col. ill. 59201 - Health and education [essays]. 1887. E1K4 The science of health. The two breaths. Xausicaa in London or the lower education of women. The air-mothers. Thrift. Study of natural history. Bio-geology. Heroism. Superstition. Science. Grots and groves George Buchanan. Rondelet. Vesalius. [Etc.] - The hermits. 1891. ill. 99816 - Historical lectures and essays. 1902. 90401 - Literary and general lectures and essays. 1898. - - - E1K3 The stage as it was once. Shelley and Byron. Alexander Smith and Alexander Pope. Tennyson. Burns and his school. Poetry of sacred and legendary art. English literature. Grots and groves. Hours with the mystics. Phaethon, or, loose thoughts for loose thinkers. - Plays and Puritans, and other historical essays. 1890. - - E1K1 Sir Walter Raleigh and his time. Froude's History of England. - Poems. 1902. 10 ik - Sanitary and social lectures and essays. 1892. - - - E1K2 The science of health. The two breaths. Thrift. Xausicaa in London or, the lower education of women. The air-mothers. Tree of knowledge' Great cities and their influence for good and evil. Heroism ' ■ \ mad world, my masters." [Etc.] - Sermons on national subjects. 1890. ..... 25201 - Alton Locke, tailor and poet. 24 K 4 - Hereward the Wake, 'last of the English '[a romance]. 2 copies. 24K5 - The heroes, or, Greek fairy tales. - - - - - . 24 Kl - Hypatia, or, new foes with an old face. 24 K 2 - Two years ago. . . - 24K6 - The water-babies, a fairy tale for a land baby. - - - 24 K 3 - Westward ho ! 2 copies. 24 K 7 - Yeast, a problem. - - - - 24 K 8 Kingsley, Charles. In Miiller (F. Max) Works, v. 6. 1904. - E6M2 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 3. 1899. - - E2S3 Kingsley (Florence M.) The cross triumphant. - - - 25K4 - Paul, a herald of the cross. 25 Kl - Prisoners of the sea, a romance. 25 K 2 - Titus, a comrade of the cross, a tale of the Christ. - - - 25K3 Kingsley (George H.) Notes on sport and travel. 1900. mem. 79920 Kingsley (Henry) Austin Elliot. The Harveys. - - - 26K7 - The Hillyars and the Burtons, a story of two families. - - 26K1 - Oakshott Castle. The Grange garden. 26K5 - Old Margaret, and other stories. 26 K 4 - Ravenshoe [a novel]. 26 K 2 - Valentin. Number seventeen. 26 K 3 Kingsley (Mary H.) The story of West Africa, map. • - 96 001 Kingston (Alfred) Pitman's Popular guide to journalism. - 07002 Kinnear (John B.) The foundations of religion. 1905. - - 23014 Kipling (Rudyard) Barrack-room ballads, and other verses. 1903. 201K - Departmental ditties, and other verses. 1899. port. - - 202 K - The live nations [poems]. 1903. 204K 215 KIP GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Kipling (Rudyard) The seven seas [poems]. 1902. - - - 203K - 'Captains courageous,' a story of the Grand Banks. - - 28K1 - The day's work [tales]. - - - 28 K 2 - The jungle book [stories]. 28 K 3 - The second jungle book. 28 K4 - Just so stories. - 28K14 - Kim [a story]. 28K13 - Life's handicap, stories of mine own people. - - - - 28K5 - The light that failed. 28K6 - Many inventions [stories]. - 28 K 7 - Plain tales from the hills. 28K8 - Puck of Pook's Hill. 28K17 - Soldier tales. - - - - - 28 K 9 - Soldiers three. The story of the Gadsbys. In black and white. 28K10 - Stalky and Co. [a school story]. 28K11 - < They ' [a story]. 28K15 - Traffics and discoveries [stories]. 28K16 - Wee Willie Winkie. Under the deodars. The phantom 'rickshaw, and other stories. 28K12 Kipling, Rudyard. Knowles(F.L.) A Kipling primer. 1900. bill. port. 82402 Kipping (Robert) Masting and rigging of ships. 1903. ill. - 62608 Kirby (William F.) British butterflies, moths, beetles, ill. - 59504 - Elementary text-book of entomology. 1892. ill. - - - 59516 - ed. The hero of Esthonia, and other studies in the romantic literature of that country. 1895. 2 v. map. - - 39803-4 Kirkbride (Joseph) Engraving for illustration. 1903. ill. - 76003 Kirton (John W.) The world's workers [biographies]. 1895. - 99813 Kit and Kitty, a story ; by R. D. Blackmore. - - - - 63 B 8 Kit Kennedy, country boy ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - - 118 C 7 Kitton (Frederic G.) C. Dickens, his life, writings [etc.] ill.- D073 Kittredge (George L. ) joint-author. See Greenough (James B.) Klee (Gotthold L.) Die deutschen Heldensagen ; with notes. - 43810 Klein (Edward E. ) Micro-organisms and disease. 1896. ill. 61601 Klondike. Lynch (J.) Three years in Klondike. 1904. ill. map. 96807 Knickerbocker's History of New York ; by W. Irving. - - 8l2 Knight (Lady) Letters from France and Italy, 1776-95. ill. - K091 Knight (Edward F.) Sailing. 1900. ill. .... 79713 - Sailing. In Athletic sports, v. 2. 1890. ill. - - - 79703 Knight (S. R.) joint-author. See Hall (H. S.) Knight ( W. T. j Algebraic factors, how to find and use them. - 51205 Knight (William A.) Hume [his life and philosophy]. 1902. - 19205 - Retrospects [biographical sketches]. 1904. v. 1. - - - 99911 - Some nineteenth century Scotsmen. 1903. - 99616 - Through the Wordsworth country. 1892. ill. - - - 91713 Knight-errant [a novel] ; by Edna Lyall. 66 L4 Knight of to-day ; by L. T. Meade. 76M42 216 GOVANHILL BRANCH. LAB Knitting. Brietzcke (H. K.) and Rooper (E. F.) Knitting, ill. 64601 - Turnbull (Mrs. and Miss) Knitting and crochet. In Woman's library, v. 2. 1903. ill. 64602 Knowledge. For list of related subjects, see Philosophy. - Goldsmith (0.) Polite learning in Europe. In his Works, v. 3. E1G3 - Huxley (T. H.) On the advisableness of improving natural knowledge. In his Method and results. 1894. - - 50436 - Ormond (A. T.) Foundations of knowledge. 1900. - - 11004 - Rickaby (J. ) The first principles of knowledge. 1901. - - 12101 Knowles (Frederic L.) A Kipling primer. 1900. - - - 82402 - ed. Golden treasury of American songs and lyrics. - - - 81102 Knowlson (Thomas S.) The art of thinking. 1903.- - - 15301 - Leo Tolstoy, a biographical and critical study. 1904. - - T102 Knowlton (Helen M.) Art-life of William Morris Hunt. ill. - H011 Knox (John) History of the reformation in Scotland, port. - 27514 "With which are included Knox's 'Confession,' and, 'The book of discipline.'" Knox, John. Carlyle (T.) Portraits of John Knox. port. - - 94101 - Innes (A. T.) John Knox [a biography]. 1905. port. - - K034 - In Ker (J.) Scottish nationality, and other papers. - - E2K1 - MacCunn (F. A.) John Knox [a biography]. 1895. port. - K031 - Miller (E.) Knox, hero of the Scottish reformation, ill. - K033 - Stevenson (R. L.) Knox and women. In his Familiar studies of men and books. E1S4 - Watson (J. L.) Knox and the reformation times in Scotland. K032 Knox (Thomas W.) Decisive battles since Waterloo. 1900. ill. 90404 Knutsford. Payne (G. A.) Mrs. Gaskell and Knutsford. 1905. ill. G191 Kollmann (Paul) The Victoria Nyanza. 1899. ill. map. - 96105 Konig (E.) and Wall (E. J.) Natural-color photography, ill. 77301 Koran. Muir (Sir W.) The Coran, its composition and teaching. 29701 Korea. Whigham (H. J.) Manchuria and Korea. 1904. ill. map. 95129 Krausse (Alexis S.) Story of the Chinese crisis. 1900. map. 95104 Kropotkin (Prince Peter A.) Russian literature. 1905. - 89108 Kruger ( Paul) Memoirs. 1902. 2 v. port. - K061-2 Kuenen (Abraham) The religion of Israel. 18S2-3. 3 v. - 22217-9 Kuhns (Oscar) The great poets of Italy. 1904. ill. - - 85102 Kumassi. Biss (H. C. J.) Relief of Kumasi. 1901. ill. map. 96003 Kunard (R.) The book of card tricks, ill. .... 79102 Kurdistan. Fraser (J. B.) Travels in Koordistan, etc. 2 v. - 94401-2 L Labiche (Eugene M.) Lalettre chargee, fantaisie ; [with notes]. 44906 - and Jolly (A.) Le baron de Fourchevif, comedie ; [with notes]. 44894 - and Martin (E.) La poudre aux yeux, comedie ; [with notes]. 44911 - and others. Le major Cravachon, comedie ; [with notes]. - 44898 - joint-author. See Legouve (Ernest W.) 217 LA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. La Boissiere (Simon H. de) Pure religion and undefiled [sermon]. In Great French preachers. 1904. 25223 Labouchere, Henry. 7w McCarthy (J.) Political leaders. 1903. port. 99639 Labour. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Abbott (L.) The industrial problem, lectures. 1905. bibl. - 33132 - Dawson (W. H.) The German workman. 1906. - - - 33129 " A study in national efficiency." - Eliot (George) Address to working men. In her Essays. - El El - Hadfield (R. A.) and Gibbins (H. deB.) Shorter working day. 33107 - Mackay (T. ) Interest of the working class in free exchange. In A policy of free exchange. 1894. .... 33002 - Maitland ( W. ) Coming industrial struggle. In Free exchange. 33002 - Munro £33.) The Transvaal Chinese labour problem. 1905. - 33127 - Ruskin (J.) Crown of wild olive, on industry and war. 1904. 30401 Time and tide, on the laws of work. 1903. - - - 30406 - See also Agricultural classes. Arbitration. Brassworkers. Children. Housing of working classes. Potters. Rural depopulation. Social settlements. Trade unions. Unemployed. Villages. Labour and sorrow, sermons ; by W. J. K. Little. 1894. - - 25208 Labrador. Grenfell (W. T.) Vikings of to-day. 1896. ill. - 97002 " Life and medical work among the fishermen of Labrador." Lace. Sharp (M.) Point and pillow lace. 1905. bibl. ill. - 74602 w Account of various kinds, ancient and modern, and how to recognise them." Lacey (William J.) Masters of to-morrow [on success]. - - 17013 La Chaussee (Pierre C. N. de) Le prejuge a la mode ; L'ecole des meres [comedies]. ....... 84204 Lachlan (R.) and Fletcher (W. C) Plane trigonometry. - 51403 Lackington James. In Paston (George) Little memoirs, port. 99604 Lacordaire, Jean B. H. Haussonville (Comte d') Lacordaire [his life. In French]. 1904. port. L291 Ladd (George T.) Physiological psychology. 1896. ill. - - 15020 Lads' love; by S. R. Crockett. 118 C 22 Lady Adelaide, a novel; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 76W22 Lady Audley's secret; by M. E. Braddon. - - - - 81 B 20 Lady Bell, a story ; by Sarah Tytler. 58T41 Lady Brauksmere [a novel] ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - 104H6 Lady Clarissa [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - 81 W 19 Lady Grace, a novel; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - - 76W36 Lady Hester [a story] ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y15 Lady Joan's companion ; by Florence Warden. - 16W41 'Lady Maud,' schooner yacht ; by W. Clark Russell. - - 75R8 Lady of Loyalty House ; by J. H. McCarthy. .... 137 M 3 Lady of Lyte ; by Graham Hope. - - - - - - 85H2 Lady of quality ; by F. H. Burnett. 111B42 Lady of the barge [and other tales]; by W. W. Jacobs. - - 5J4 Lady Patty [a novel] ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - - - 104H1 GOVANHILL BRANCH. LA Lady Silverdale's sweetheart, and other tales ; by W. Black. - 62B25 Lady William [a novel]; by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. - - 608 Lady's Mile; by M. E. Braddon. 81B11 La Fayette, M. P. de Lavergne, comtesse de ; par le comte d' Haussonville. 1896. -port. L301 Lafenestre (Georges) La Fontaine [his life. In French]. 1905. L311 Laffan (Mrs. De Courcy). See Adams (Mrs. Leith). [Laffan (May)] Hogan, M.P., a novel. 4L1 - Ismay's children. 4L2 La Fontaine (Jean de) Fables [In French]. 1904. mem. - 84105 - Le Florentin, comedie. 84202 La Fontaine, Jean de [his life. In French] ; par G. Lafenestre. L311 La Fosse (Antoine de) Manlius Capitolinus, trag^die. - - 84210 La Garde-Chambonas (Comte A. de) Anecdotal recollections of the Congress of Vienna. 1902. 92901 Laguerie (Villetard de) Trois mois avec Oyama. 1905. - 95112 La Harpe (Jean F. de) Philoctete ; Coriolan [tragedies].- - 84210 Laing (David) ed. Early Scottish metrical tales. 1889. - - 82302 Lake (William C.) Memorials, 1869-94. 1901. port. - - L191 Lake district. Knight(W. A.) The Wordsworth country. 1892. ill. 91713 - Palmer (W. T.) Lake-country rambles. 1902. - - - 91735 - Wordsworth (W.) Guide to the Lakes. 1906. ill. map. - 91714 Lamartine ( Alphonse M. L. de) Bataille de Trafalgar ; with notes. 44857 - History of the Girondists. 3 v. 93205-7 - Jeanne d'Arc ; with notes by V. Oger. 1893. ill. map. - 44889 - Jocelyn [In French] ; with notes. 1906. port. - - - 44815 - Le tailleur de pierres de Saint- Point ; with notes. - - - 44888 Lamb (Charles) Essays of Elia. Eliana. 1903. mem. port. - E2L1 - Poetical and dramatic works. Tales. Essays. Etc. mem. 82811 - and Lamb (Mary) Tales from Shakspeare. 1899. - - - 82518 Lamb, Charles. Ainger (A.) Charles Lamb [his life and work].- L101 - Lucas (E. V.) ed. Lamb and the Lloyds. 1898. port. ill. - L102 Lambert(C andS.) Voyageof the 'Wanderer.' 1883. col. ill. map. 90824 Lambert (F. C. ) The hand camera companion and guide, ill. Lambert, James, of Glasgow. Pveade (C.) A hero and a martyr. Lambert (John C. ) The sacraments in the New Testament. 1903. Lambert (P. A.) Differential and integral calculus. 1898. Lamennais (Hugues F. R. de) Paroles d'un croyant. Le livre du peuple. Une voix de prison. Du passe et de l'avenir du peuple. De l'esclavage moderne. Lamennais, Hugues F. R. de. In Mazzini (J. ) Essays. Lamentations. See Bible. Lamington (Alexander, Lord) In the days of the dandies [Etc.] L271 Lamond (John) Modern Palestine. 1897. ill. - 94504 La Mothe (Bertha) joint-author. See Bradley (Edith). 219 77005 16R7 26505 51702 24805 E9M1 LAM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Lamport (Ethel F.) Care of children, /n Woman's library, v. 3. 64901 - Medicine as a profession for women. In Woman's library, v. 1. 39605 Lamprecht (Karl) What is history ? lectures. 1905. - - 90101 Lampson (Frederick Locker) London lyrics. 1904. port. - 301L - ed. Lyra elegantiarum, verse. 1891. port. - 82238 Lanarkshire. Glasgow and Lanarkshire illustrated. - - - 92301 Lancashire witches, a romance ; by W. H. Ainsworth. - 16 Al Lancaster, Joseph [a biography] ; by D. Salmon. 1904. ill. - L281 Lances of Lynwood ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y16 Land. For lists of related subjects, see Law. Political economy. - Blackie (J. S.) Landlords and land laws. In his Lay sermons. E3B1 - Collings( J.) Land reform. 1906. ill. ----- 33303 - Cox (H.) Land nationalization. 1892. 33301 - Fox (A. W.) The rating of land values. 1906. - - - 33603 - George (H.) A perplexed philosopher. 1893. - - - 19216 " Spencer on the land question, with reference to his philosophy." Progress and poverty. 1902. 33009 Evils of private ownership of land, etc. - Moore (H. E.) Back to the land. 1893. .... 33803 Colonization and the small holdings question. - In Wallace (A. R.) Studies, v. 2. 1900. ... - 50439 How to nationalise the land, a radical solution of the Irish land problem. The " Why " and " How " of land nationalization. [Etc.] Land o' the leal ; by David Lyall. 65L2 Land of the dollar [United States] ; by G. W. Steevens. 1900. 97205 Landed gentry. Froude (J. A.) Uses of a landed gentry. In his Short studies, v. 3. 1903. - E2F3 Landels (William) The true glory of woman. - - - 39601 Landon (Joseph) School management. 1903. - - - - 37112 Landor (A. H. S.) China and the allies. 1901. 2 v. ill. maps. 95102-3 - The gems of the east, travel. 1904. 2 v. ill. map. - - 98401-2 Landor (Walter S.) Imaginary conversations, mem. - - 82833 Landor, Walter S. Colvin (S.) Landor [his life and work]. - Llll - In Fy vie (J. ) Literary eccentrics. 1906. port. - - - 99915 - In Linton (Mrs. E. Lynn) My literary life. 1899.- - - L172 - In Saintsbury (G.) Essays in English literature, v. 2. 1895. - 82103 - Stephen (Sir L.) Landor's Imaginary conversations. In his Hours in a library, v. 2. 1899. E2S2 Landscape. For list of related subjects, see Painting. - Tyrwhitt (R. St. J.) Our sketching club, letters and studies on landscape art. 1874. ill. 75808 Lane (Charles H. ) Rabbits, cats, and cavies. 1903. ill. - 63617 Lane (Edward W.) The modern Egyptians. 187J. 2 v. ill. 95703-4 Lane and field [natural history] ; by J. G. Wood. 1902. ill. - 59016 Lang (Andrew) Alfred Tennyson [his life and work]. 1901. - T011 - Ban and arriere ban, fugitive rhymes. 1894. - - - 404L - Book of dreams and ghosts. 1899. 13302 220 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. LAN Lang (Andrew) The Clyde mystery. 1905. ill. - - - 57101 - Essays in little. 1906. port. E5L1 - New collected rhymes. 1905. 403 L - Old friends, essays in epistolary parody. 1890. - - - 82726 - Oxford, historical and descriptive notes. 1893. ill. - - 91702 - Sir Walter Scott [his life and work]. 1906. ill. - - - S108 - The valet's tragedy, and other studies. 1903. ill. plan. - 90405 The valet's tragedy [the man in the iron mask]. The valet's master [Roux de Marsilly]. The mystery of Sir Edmund B. Godfrey. The false Jeanne d'Arc. Junius and Lord Lyttelton's ghost. The mvsterv of Amy Robsart. The voices of Jeanne d'Arc. The mystery of James dela Cloche, The Queen's Marie. The Shakespeare-Bacon imbroglio. [Etc.] - Joint -author. See Haggard (Henry Rider). Laxge (Johanx P.) The life of the Lord Jesus Christ, 6 v. - 23201-6 Laxgley (Hugh) The tides ebb out to the night. - - - 13L1 Langley (John N.) Practical histology. 1901. - - - 59131 - joint-author. See Foster (Sir Michael). Langmaid (J.) and Gaiseord (H.) Steam machinery and the marine steam engine. 1901. ill. 62107 Langside. Scott (A. M.) Battle of Langside, 1568. 1885. map. 92335 Langside lyrics, and other poems ; by M. Brown. 1900. - - 301 B Langton, Stephen, Archbp. In Lives of the English saints, v. 6. 99808 Language. Giles (P.) Manual of comparative philology. 1901. 41001 - Holmes (D. T.) Teaching of modern languages in schools. 1903. 40701 - Jespersen (0.) How to teach a foreign language. 1904. bibl. 40702 - Muller(F. Max) Essays on language. In his Works, v. 7. 1899. E6M3 Stratification of language. Chronology of language. Comparative philology as a branch of classical study. Results of the science of language. Language and poetry of Schleswig-Holstein. - Sayce (A. H.) Principles of comparative philology. 1S92. - 41002 The science of language. 1900. 2 v. bibl. .... 40201-2 - Whitney (W. D.) Language and the study of language. 1884. 40401 The life and growth of language. 1902. .... 40901 - See also Phonetics. Speech. Words. Language, Burmese. Bridges (J. E.) The Burmese manual. 1906. 49501 Language, Danish. Sargent (J. Y.) Dnno-Xorwegian reader. - 43901 Language, English. Abbott (E. A.) Shakespearian grammar. 1905.82507 - Bain (A.) A higher English grammar. 1879. - - - 42517 - Baynes (T. S.) English dictionaries. In his Studies. 1894. - 82501 - Bradley (H.) The making of English. 1904.- - - - 42001 - Carman (M.C.) The function of words, analysis and parsing. 1906. 42516 - Cassell's English dictionary. 1892. 42301 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-5. 1903. - - - 03201-5 - Cooper (A. J.) English examples and exercises, analysis. - 42506 - Emerson (0. F.) History of the English language. 1906. - 42004 - F[owler] (H. W. and F. G.) The king's English. 1906. - 42518 - Hall (J.) and others. An English grammar. 1898. - - 42501 - Hewitt (H. M.) and Beach (G.) Manual of our mother tongue. 42002 221 LAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Language, English. Low (W. H.) and Briggs (J.) Matriculation English course. 1905. 42003 - Meiklejohn (J. M. D.) The English language. 1905. - - 42005 " Its grammar, history, and literature." - - Grammar of the English tongue. 1904. ... - 42515 - Morris (R.) English grammar [a primer]. 1903. - - - 42508 - - Historical English grammar. 1900. ----- 42507 Historical outlines of English accidence. 1903. - - - 42511 and Bowen (H. C.) English grammar exercises. 1897. - 42509 - Wetherell (J.) Exercises on Morris's Grammar. 1901. - - 42510 - Onions (C. T.) An advanced English syntax. 1904. - - 42502 - Ramsay (KM.andC.L.) English parsing and analysis. 1899. 2v. 42503-4 - West (A. S.) Elements of English grammar. 1903. - - 42513 English grammar for beginners. 1905. - 42519 Key to Elements of English grammar and English grammar for beginners. 1905. 42514 - Woods (M. A.) English examples and exercises, accidence. - 42505 - See also Essay-writing. Metre. Names. Punctuation. Synonyms. Words. Language, Esperanto. Bullen (G. W.) Standard course of Esperanto. 1906. * 0802 - O'Connor (J. C.) ed. Esperanto, complete text book. 1906. - 40801 Language, French. Belf ond (J. ) French conversational grammar. 1903-6. 2 v. 44818-9 - Berthon (H.E.) and Onions (C.T.) Advanced French composition. 44802 - Brachet (A.) et Dussouchet (J.) Grammaire francaise. - - 44501 - Dussouchet (J. ) Exercices sur la " Grammaire francaise." - 44502 - Bue (H.) ed. First steps in French idioms. 1904. - - - 44822 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-6. 1903. - - - 03201-6 - Chardenal (C. A.) First French course. 1904. - - - 44823 Second French course, syntax and reader. 1904. - - 44824 - Christen (A.) Vade-mecum of French pronunciation. 1893. - 44829 - Foulche-Delbosc (R.) Echo du francais parle. plan. - - 44828 - Eraser (W. H.) and Squair (J.) Heath's French grammar. 1905. 44811 - Hunt (F. ) and Wuillemin. The Oxford and Cambridge French grammar. 1898-1906. 3 v. - - - - - -44825-7 - Mariette (A.) French and English idioms and proverbs. 3 v. 44833-5 - Moriarty (L. M.) A French grammar. 1900. - - - 44801 - Morich (R. J. ) and Lyon ( W. S. ) First French reader and writer. 44803 - Barbier (P. E. E.) Second French reader and writer. 1901. - 44804 - Barbe (L.) Third French reader and writer. - 44805 - Pitman's Practical French grammar and conversation. - - 44807 - Weekley (E.) The matriculation French course. 1905. - 44809 - Wessely (J. E.) and Latham (E.) French-English dictionary. 44301 - Zweifel (A. M. ) A preparatory French course. 1898. - - 44806 - Texts; with notes, etc. About (E. F. V. ) La fille du chanoine. 1898. 44852 222 GOVANHILL BRANCH. LAN Language, French. Texts ; with notes, etc. About (E. F. V.) L'homme a l'oreille cassee. 1899. Le roi des montagnes. 1903-4. 2 v. ill. - - Augier (E.) et Sandeau (J.) Le gendre de M. Poirier. - Bisson (A.) Le sanglier, comedie. 1893. - Bonnechose (E. de) Lazare Hoche [une biographie]. maps. Bornier (Vicomte de) Un cousin de passage. - - Bruno (G.) Les deux petits patriotes. 1903. ill. - - Armitage(G.F.) Exercises on Bruno's "Deux petits patriotes Campan (Madame) Memoires, 1785-92. - - - Chateaubriand (Vicomte de) Les aventures du dernier Abencerage. 1895. - - - Clare tie (J.) Pierrille. 1902. - - Colet (L.) Deux enfants de Charles l er - 1899. ill. - Gassendi, le petit astronome. 1899. ill. Mozart; Pope, le petit bossu. 1891. ill. - - Coppee (F.) Le passant, comedie. Pour la couronne, drame. 1906. Damien (E.) La peur d'etre grand'mere, comedie. 1894. - - - Delbos (L.) John Bull in France, French as it is spoken. - - - Demoulin (G.) Franklin [une biographie]. 1892. ill. - - Dumas (A.) Un drame de la mer. L'exploit du chevalier d'Artagnan. 1899. "Episode du ■ Vicomte de Bragelonne.' " - - Erckmann (E.) et Chatrian (A.) L'invasion. 1905. - -- Ferrier (P. ) Le codicille, comedie. 1894. - - - Flaubert (G.) Salammbo. 1906. Gautier (T.) Trois grotesques. 1906. Francois Villon. Cyrano de Bergerac. Paul Scarron. Voyage en Italic 1904. ill. plan. - - Genin (M.) Le petit tailleur Bouton. 1898. Gill et Richard. Un caissier, comedie. 1894. Greville (Henri) A la campagne, comedie. 1894. Les cloches cassees, comedie. 1895. .... Ma tante, comedie. 1895. - - Guizot (F. P. G.) Alfred le Grand. 1895. - Recits historiques de France. 1891-3. 2 v. - Hachette's First French reader. 1903. Third French reader. 1888. " A series of episodes in French history." - Herbert (F.) ed. Anecdotes [In French and German]. - - Hugo (V.) Notre-dame de Paris. .... - Labiche (E. M.) La lettre chargee, fantaisie. 1903. - - - and Jolly (A.) Le baron de Fourchevif, comedie. 1904. and Martin (E.) La poudre aux yeux, comedie. 1906. 223 44880 44839-40 44909 44901 44842 44903 44843 " 44844 44814 44854 44893 44845 44846 44847 44912 44917 44914 44836 44849 44855 44892 44891 44905 44816 44812 44838 44856 44907 44908 44910 44899 44890 44881-2 44872 Second French reader. 44873 44874 44810 44817 44906 44894 44911 LAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Language. French. Texts ; with notes, etc. Labiche (E. M. ) and others. Le major Cravachon, comedie. 1901. - - - 44898 Lamartine (A. M. L. de) La bataille de Trafalgar. 1890. - 44857 Jeanne d'Arc. 1893. ill. map. 44889 Jocelyn. 1905. 44815 Le tailleur de pierres de Saint-Point. 1894. - - - 44888 Lavergne (J.) Le vannier de Chevreloup. Une conspiration a Venise. 1894. 44848 Lazare (J.) ed. Contes et nouvelles, auteurs contemporains. 44875 Half hours with modern French authors. 1906. v. 1. - 44878 Petits chefs-d'oeuvre contemporains. 1904. - - - 44876 Legouve (E. W.) Ma fille et monbien, comedie. La matinee d'une etoile, comedie. 1901. 44902 and Labiche (E. M. ) La cigale chez les fourmis, comedie. 44896 - - Mace (J.) Contes du Petit Chateau. 1905. 2 v. - - 44918-9 Maistre (X. de) Les prisonniers du Caucase. 1897. - - 44858 Voyage autour de ma chambre. 1900. .... 44868 - - Malot (H.) L'ile deserte, episode de "En famille." 1896. 44887 Masson (G.) ed. Choice readings from French history [778- 1815]. 1880-3. 3 v. maps. 44869-71 Merimee (P.) Chronique du regne de Charles IX. 1899. - 44886 Moliere (J. B. P. ) L'ecole des femmes, comedie. - - - 44841 - - Musset (A. de) Croisilles. 1892. .... - 44866 Histoire d'un merle blanc. 1900. 44865 Pierre et Camille. 1905. 44867 Ohnet ■ (G. ) Le maitre de forges, piece. 1906. - - - 44915 Ordonneau (M.) and Chivot (H.) Lespetites Godin, comedie. 44916 and others. Les Boulinard, comedie. 1897. - - - 44904 - - Perret (J. A.) ed. The matriculation French reader. 1906. 44808 - - Ponsard (F.) Le lion amoureux. 1886. .... 44885 Raymond (H.) and Ordonneau (M.) Maitre Corbeau, comedie. 44897 -- Richebourg (E.) Deux amis. 1S97. 44864 - - Rousset (C.) Alma et Balaklava. 1892. plan. - - - 44863 La bataille d'Inkermann. 1899. plan. - 44862 - - Saint-Pierre (B. de) Paul et Virginie. 1898. - - - 44853 Sauvain (A.) Presque mot a mot. 1887. - 44850 French reader for beginners. - - Scientific French reader. 1894. v. 1. - - - - 44830 Scribe (E.) La camaraderie, comedie. 1893. - - - 44895 Une chaine. comedie. 1895. 44913 - - Sevigne (Mine, de) and others. Letters. 1S68. - - 44932 Souvestre (E.) Le chevrier de Lorraine. 1895. - - - 44860 Le serf. 1903. 44861 - - Stael [Mme. de) De TAllemagne. 1906. - 44813 Topffer (R.) Histoire de Jules et histoire de Charles. - - 44859 Vignv (Comte de) La canne de jonc. 1892. - - - 44S84 224 GOVANHILL BRANCH. LAN Language, French. Texts ; with notes, etc. Zeller (B. ) Henri IV. looO. ill. -------___ 448ft ^ - See also Commercial correspondence. Language, Gaelic. Atkins (T. de C.) The Kelt or. Gael, his philology [etc.] 1892. 49106 - Cameron (A. ) Reliquiae Celtics, studies in Gaelic philology. 1894. 89107 - Forbes (A. R.) Gaelic names of beasts, birds, etc. 1905. - 59011 - McAlpine (N.) A pronouncing Gaelic dictionary. 1903. - 49109 - MacFarlane (M.) The phonetics of the Gaelic language. - 49104 " With a system of phonography." - Macpherson (D. C.) Practical lessons in Gaelic. 1895. - - 49103 - Scottish Gaelic as a specific subject. 1893. v. 1. - . 49102 - See also Language, Irish. Language, Manx. Language, German. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-8. 03201-8 - Hundel (F.) Pitman's German course, v. 1. - - - . 43826 - Hunt (F.) and Hoffmann (J.) The Oxford and Cambridge German grammar. 1905. v. 1. 43806 - Meyer (K.) A German grammar. 1902. .... 43301 - Siepmann (O.) A public school German primer. 1904. - - 43822 - Sonnenschein (E. A.) and Fiedler (H. G.) First German reader and writer. 1901. 43802 - Macgowan (W. S.) Second German reader and writer. 1900. 43803 - Fiedler (H. G.) Third German reader and writer. 1900. - 43804 - Routh (R. G.) Fourth German writer. 1898. - - - 43805 - Texts; with notes, etc. Freytag (G.) Die Journalisten, Lust- spiel. 1891. --.. 43809 1 - Gerstacker (F.) Herrn Mahlhubers Reiseabenteuer. 1904. 43811 1 - Goethe (J. W. von) Iphigenie auf Tauris, ein Schauspiel. - 43823 I - Grimm ( J. L. K. und W. K.) Miirchen. 1898-1903. 2 v. - 43820-1 || - Hauff (W.) Die Geschichte von Kalif Storch. 1903. - - 43812 - - Heyse (P.) Das Waldlachen. 1904. - 4 3813 - - Immermann (K. L.) Die Wunder im Spessart. 1904. - 43819 -- Klee (G. L.) Die deutschen Heldensagen. 1894. - - 43810 - - Lessing (G. E. ) Nathan der Weise, ein dramatisches Gedicht. 43824 - - Schiller (J. C. F. von) Jungfrau von Orleans. 1906. - - 43817 ■ - - Wallenstein's Tod. 1902. 43818 Wilhelm Tell. 1898. ill. 43825 - Seidel(H.) Rotkehlchen, Hundegeschichten, eine Sperlines- geschichte. 1904. - - . . . ... 43814 - Storm (T. W.) Immensee. 1905. ..... 43815 - Wildenbruch (E. von) Vergniigen auf dem Lande. 1904. - 43816 See also Commercial correspondence. anguage, Gothic. Skeat (W. W.) A Moeso-Gothic glossary. 1868. 43902 anguage, Greek. 7nCassell'sNewpopulareducator,v.5-8. 1903. 03205-8 Ritchie (F.) and Moore (E. H.) A practical Greek method. - 48805 Russell (C. H. St. L.) Greek and Latin syntax. 1902. - - 48804 H 225 LAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Language, Greek. Rutherford (W. G.) First Greek grammar. 1903. 48806 - Sandys (J. E.) First Greek reader and writer. 1896. - - 48803 - Sonnenschein (E. A.) A Greek grammar. 1903. - - - 48801 Peculiarities in Attic declension and comparison. - - 48802 Language, Hebrew. Midler (A.) Hebrew syntax. 1894. - - 49201 Language, Irish. Joyce (P. W.) A grammar of the Irish lan- guage. 1906. 49108 Language, Italian. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 6-8. - 03206-8 - Thimm (C. A.) Italian self-taught. 1906. - 45801 - Texts; with notes, etc. Dante Alighieri. L'enfer; notes en francais. 45807 La vita nuova. 1893. 45803 - - Ferri (L.) ed. Morceaux choisis des classiques italiens ; notes en francais. 1900. 45806 - - Mestastasio (P. ) Clemenza di Tito. 1888.- - - - 45805 Pellico (S.) La mie prigioni, memorie. .... 45804 Perini (N. ) ed. A first Italian reading book. - - - 45802 Language, Japanese. Adams (W. A.) Japanese conversation in six months. 1905. 49502 Language, Latin. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-7. - 03201-7 - Dix (C. M.) First Latin reader and writer. 1900. - - 47802 Second Latin reader and writer. 1904. .... 47803 - - Third Latin reader and writer. 1892. ... - 47804 - Nicol (J. C.) and Smith (J. H.) Livy lessons, fourth Latin reader and writer. 1891. ...... 47805 - Russell (C. H. St. L.) Greek and Latin syntax. 1902. - - 48804 - Sonnenschein (E. A.) A Latin grammar. 1901. - - - 47801 - White (J. T.) English-Latin dictionary. 1903. - - - 47301 - Texts; with notes, etc. Gardiner (G. B. and A.) A Latin anthology for beginners. 87101 Sonnenschein (E. A.) Ora maritima, a story. 1906. ill. - 47806 Pro patria, sequel to "Ora maritima." ... - 47807 Language, Manx. Kelly (J.) Grammar of antient Gaelic, Manks. 49105 Language, Norwegian. See Language, Danish. Language, Portuguese. Thomas (F.) Hossf eld's Method for learning the Portuguese language. 1904. - - - 46901 Language. Russian. Text ; with notes, etc. Lermontof (M. U.) Modern hero [In English and Russian]. 1899. 49107 Language, Scottish. Paterson (J.) Origin of the Scots and Scottish language. 91842 Language, Spanish. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 6-8. 03206-8 - Clarke (H. B.) First Spanish reader and writer. 1891. - 46801 - - A Spanish grammar. 1892. 46802 - Texts; with notes, etc. Galdos (B. P.) Trafalgar [a romance]. 46803 Hernandez (P.) et Le Roy (A.) eds. Morceaux choisis des classiques espagnols ; notes en francais. 1903. - - 46806 -- Mantilla (L. F.) ed. Libro de lectura. 1905. ill. - - 46804 226 GOVANHILL BRANCH. LAU Language, Spanish. Texts; with notes, etc. Mendoza (D. H. de) Morceaux choisis de La guerre de Grenade ; notes en francais. 1898. ----.... 46805 - See also Commercial correspondence. Language, Swedish. Fort (H.) Elementary Swedish grammar. 43903 Language, Welsh. Anwyl (E.) A Welsh grammar. 1901. - 49101 Languedoc. Gould (S. Baring) In troubadour-land, ill. map. 93101 Lanier (Sidney) The English novel. 1903. .... 82 604 - Selected poems. In American poets, bibl. mem. - - - 81103 Lankester (Edwin Ray) Extinct animals. 1906. port. ill. - 56003 La Noue (Jean S. de) La coquette corrigee, comedie. - - 84207 Lanson (Gustave) Boileau [his life and work. In French]. - B521 - Corneille [his life and work. In French]. 1905. - - - C541 Lantern. See Magic lantern. Laodicean, a story of to-day ; by T. Hardy. - - . . 21 H 3 Lapland. Rae (E.) The White Sea Peninsula. 1881. UL map. 94020 La Plata. Hudson (W. H.) The naturalist in La Plata. 1903. ill. 59112 Lap worth (Charles) Text-book of geology. 1S99. ill. - - 55003 Larkin (James) Brass and iron founder's guide. 1903. ill. - 67301 La Rochefoucauld (F., duc de) Maximes [In French and English]. 84807 La Rochefoucauld, Francois, duc de. Bourdeau (J.) La Roche- foucauld [his life and work. In French]. 1895. bibl. port. L321 Larroumet (Gustave) Racine [his life. In French]. 1903. - R201 Lassar-Cohn. See Cohn (Lassar). Last adventures of Sherlock Holmes ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - 51 D 2 Sherlock Holmes series, Xo. 5. Last alive; by J. M. Cobban. 66C1 Last day of a condemned ; by V. Hugo. 102H9 Last days of Pompeii ; by Lord Lytton. 73L7 Last entry ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R24 Last of the barons ; by Lord Lytton. 73L21 Last of the Mohicans ; by J. F. Cooper. 86C2 Leather-stocking series, No. 2. Late Miss Hollingford [a story] ; by R. Mulholland. - - - 121 Ml Latham (Robert G.) Descriptive ethnology. 1859. 2 v. - 57203-4 Lathe. See Turning. Latimer, Hugh, Bp. Carlyle (R. M. and A. J.) Hugh Latimer [a biography]. 1899. port. ---.__ LO u •- Cooke (F. E.) Latimer's candle, ill. L013 i Latin language. See Language, Latin. Latin literature. See Literature, Latin. 'Latter-day pamphlets [1850] ; by T. Carlyle. - ElC8 Laud, William, Archbp. Hutton (W. H.) Laud [a biography], port. L041 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. 1892. - . E5S1 Lauder (James) The Glasgow Athenaeum, 1847-97. ill - - 92310 'Lauder (Sir Thomas D. ) and others. Weird tales, Scottish. - 74L2 227 LAU GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 1 64802 64801 158 SI 100 M 42 - 19209 37206 37008 13802 - 33508 74B1 44848 27102 E9B3 34001 34705 34703 Laughing man ; by V. Hugo. Laundry. For list of related subjects, see Domestic economy. - Jack (F. B.) The art of laundry work. 1904. ill. - Rankin (M. C.) The art and practice of laundry work. 1905. ill. Laura's legacy ; by Mrs. E. H. Strain. Laurel walk ; by Mrs. M. L. Molesworth. - Laurie (Henry) Scottish philosophy, its development. - Laurie (Simon S.) Primary instruction in education. - Survey of pre-Christian education. 1904. - Lavater (John C.) Essays on physiognomy, mem. port. ill. - Laveleye (Emile de) The socialism of to-day. - Lavengro, the scholar, the gypsy, the priest ; by G. Borrow. - Lavergne (Julie) Le vannier de Chevreloup ; Une conspiration a Venise ; with notes by E. M. Veltz. Law (Thomas G.) Jesuits and seculars, reign of Elizabeth. Law. For list of other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - Bagehot(W.) Bad lawyers or good? In his Studies, v. 3, 1906. - Dicey (A. V.) The relation between law and public opinion in England during the nineteenth century. 1905. - Duckers (J. S. ) A guide to students' law books, and to the legal profession. 1906. - Jones (C.) The solicitor's clerk. 1905. "A handy book upon the practical work of a solicitor's office." - See also Church law. Commercial law. Constitutions. Copyright. Crime. Criminals. Individualism. International law. Land. Patents. Police. Property. Trials. Law and the lady ; by W. Wilkie Collins. - Law courts. Inderwick (F. A.) The king's peace. 1895. ill, Lawless (Emily) Maria Edge worth [her life and work]. - Plain Frances Mowbray, and other tales. - With Essex in Ireland [a romance]. - - Lawn tennis. See Tennis. Lawrence (Thos. J.) War and neutrality in the far east. Laws of life after Christ [sermons] ; by J. H. Thorn. 2 v Lawson (Henry) Children of the bush. - The country I come from [stories and sketches]. - - On the track [stories]. Lawson (Thomas W.) Frenzied finance. 1906. port. Layard(SirA. H.) Autobiography and letters. 1903. 2 v. port. L231-2 - Nineveh and its remains. 1891. ill. map. - 94411 Layard (George S.) Mrs. Lynn Linton, her life, letters, ill. - L171 Lays and legends of ancient Greece [Etc.] ; by J. S. Blackie. 1857. 102B Lays of ancient Rome ; by Lord Macaulay. 1S82. - - - 1801M Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, and other poems ; by W. E. Aytoun. 303 A Lazare (Jules) ed. Contes et nouvelles ; [with notes]. 1905. - 44875 - Half hours with modern French authors ; vocabulary, v. 1. - 44878 228 , map. 1904. 74C7 34701 E041 17L2 17L1 1904. 34101 25219-20 - 19L2 - 19L1 - 19L3 - 33805 GOVANHILL BRANCH. LE 44876 L021 Lazare (Jules W. Petits chefs-d'oeuvre contemporains. - Leach Harry) The ship captain's medical guide. 1906. 61006 Leach (Henry) Fleet Street from within. 1905. - . otIs Leaders of religion, short biographies. Learning. See Knowledge. Leask (William) The royal rights of Jesus [Etc.] port.. - 23240 S" H " lm ;( E - W -)andother S . Leather for libraries. !905. 02502 Leather-work. For list of related subjects, see Decoration. - J^ecy ((^. de) The decoration of leather. 1905. ill. . . 7450 , Leather-stocking series ; by J. F. Cooper Leathes (Edmund) An actor abroad. 1880 - Leathes (Stanley) Testimony of earlier prophetic writers to primal religion of Israel. In Present day tract!, v H 20 4 15 Leavenworth case, a lawyer's story; by A. K.Green. - . 58G1 Le Blanc (Max) Elements of electrochemistry. 1896 - 53702 Le Bon (Gustave) The psychology of socialism. 1899.'- . 33511 Lebkcn (T.) Cien lecturas variadas. 1904. ill. . . !££ L E c c K y ( ( wTL?i:MF s -v;t inkies " innavisation - 19 ° 3 - ** * ss lecky (William E. H.) Democracy and liberty. 1899. 2 v - 32002-3 I pl^^^^f^^^^ghteenth century. 1888-1904. 8 v. 91423-30 Lecky,W.EH. Eliot (George) Influence of rationalism, hi Essays ElEl lToTm Mal r er (R MaX) Def6nCe ° f l6Ctures - '» *** Wor S k a s! E6M Leddy Marget [a novel] ; by Mrs. L. B. Walford. - - J J \ KintT? fr'xT 18 ^ a St ° ry ° f the C °^ UeSt of G — da. - 22I2 I King Stork of the Netherlands, a romance. - . . ^1.1 LEE E. M.) Tchaikovski [an analysis of his music]. 1906. - 78013 Lee (Holme) Against wind and tide. - ° I - Mr. Wynyard's ward. - " 2 * L2 STioWp' C °rl IUCtiVe and P'^entive philanthropy. " 1902. 3SU3 ee, Robert E. , and the southern confederacy ; by H. A. White ill toll |* Sidney) Life of William Shakespeare" 1899. ili S20 .ee (Vernon) Euphorion, studies of the renaissance. 1899 - E4L1 -eech,John. /„ Brown ( J. ) Hor« subseciv*, v. 3. 1897 - llB3 .EEDSfW.H.) Rudimentary architecture, the orders, ill. . 72904 b"T^s£i\%?^ - 19 ? ■* porL ilL L2si The making of a woman [a novel]. - . ," XZl W « M - ] Pe ^ nSf0rClerSy - ^Essays[on]reform." 1902. 26003 efthandedness Wilson (SirD.) Right hand, left-handedness. 13601 a Gallienne (Richard) Retrospective reviews, 1891-5. 2 v E3L1 2 229 82804 ; ill. In LE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Le Gallienne (Richard) The life romantic [a novel]. - The worshipper of the image. - Legend of Jubal, and other poems ; by George Eliot. Legend of Montrose ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - Legend of the Rhine ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. Legge (Helen E.) The ancient Greek sculptors. 1903 Legge (James) Christianity and Confucianism compared Present day tracts, v. 3. - Legouve (Ernest W.) Ma fille et mon bien comedie ; La matinee d'une etoile, comedie ; L with notes] by L. Sers. - - and Labiche (E. M.) La cigale chez les fourmis, comedie. - - joint-author. See Scribe (Eugene). Legouve (Gabriel M. J. B.) La mort d'Abel, tragedie. - - Legs, comedie ; par P. C. C. de Marivaux. Leibniz (Gottfried W.) Discourse on metaphyBH*. Corre- spondence with Arnauld. Monadology. 1902. - Leibniz, Gottfried W. [bifl life and philosophy] ; by J. T. Merz. - Leighton (Robert L.) The boy and his school. 190o. - Leila, or, the siege of Granada ; by Lord Lytton - - - Leipzig. In Crane (S.) Great battles of the world. 1901. Ul. Leland (Charles G.) Drawing and designing. 1904. \U. - Practical education. - " Lemercier (Xepomucene L.) Agamemnon; 1 et Brunehaut [tragedies]. - - Plaute ; Pinto [comedies]. - Lemon (M akk | Small house over the water, and other stories. - Lemstrom (S.) Electricity in agricnlture. 1901 i . - LENNOX (OUTHBBBT) George D. Brown, B memoir. - l.M».>. Lbonabd(AbthubG.) Howwemad • l s '-">- Leonardo da Vinci. Gronau(G., Leonardo da Vinci. 1902. WW. ill - In Vasari (G.) Lives of the painter,, v. 2. 1851. - - - Leopold II., rule in Belgium [etc.] ; by J. de ( J. MacDonnell. 1905. Lepreux de la cite d'Aoste ; par X. de Maistre. Le Queux (William) The man from Downing Street, a mystery. - Stolen souls. ----*" - The unnamed, a romance of modern Italy. - and Wilson (H. W.) The invasion of 1910. - ' ' m ' Lermontof ( Michael U. ) Modern hero [In English and Russian]. 1899. 7non. .----■ Le Roy (Piekre) and others. Sfttyre nu-nippee : ed. by C. Labitte. Le Sage (Alaix R.) Crispin rival de son maitre : Turcaret, [comedies]. - - Adventures of Gil Bias. - - ; "„".," wum4 Le Sage, Alain R. Lintilhac (E.) Lesage [life In French]. paH. Lescuke (F. A. DB) Chateaubriand [his life. In *rench].- Leslie (C. R.) A hand-book for young painters. 1855. \U. ■ 230 31L2 31L1 101 E 35S6 82805 73301 20404 44902 44896 84211 84206 19306 19304 37002 73L8 90403 74002 37103 84211 84209 75L1 63008 B231 96504 L031 99703 93007 25M1 36L1 36L3 36L2 36L4 49107 84702 84204 37L1 L331 C521 75108 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. L I Leslie (C. R.) Recollections, i860. 2v port L24 i o Leslie : (Robert C.) A waterbiography. 1894. ' port, ill \ L09 i Leslie Farquhar [a novel] ; by R. Masson. - - . . *^w. a v. pure. Leslie (Robert C.) A waterbiography. 1894. port Leslie Farquhar [a novel] ; by R. Masson. - ' . ' 61Ml Lespinassb (Julie J. E. de) Lettres. 1876. 2 v. mem - " L132 3 - Letters ; with notes. 1903. mem. port. ... Lm Lesser destinies [a novel] ; by S. Gordon. - . 40G4 LESSma (Gottholo E.) Nathan der Weise, ein dramatisches ireciicht ; with notes, port. ..... -- Another edition [In English]. - Lessing Gotthold E. In Lowell (J. R.) English poe'ts, etc. \ 82203 Lesson of the master [and other tales] ; by H. James - 7 J10 Lessons of middle age [essays] ; by [A. K. H. Boyd]. 1869 - E2B7 Lethaby (W. R.) London before the Conquest. 1902 ill 91701 Lethbridge (Sir Roper) A short history of India. 1881. maps. 94716 Letter-writing-. For list of related subjects, see Rhetoric. - Au fait. The correct guide to letter-writing. . . . 80817 - See also Commercial correspondence. Lettering. See Alphabets. Letters home [a story in correspondence] ; by W. D Howells 97H1 Letters of her mother to Elizabeth ; by [W. R. H. Trowbridgel 47T1 Supplementary to Glyn's « Visits of Elizabeth " 32 Gl Lett r echargee,fantaisie; par E. M. Labiche ; with notes. 1903. 44906 Lettres a une inconnue ; par P. Merimee. 2 v - M463 4 M463-4 of Arthur O'Leary. - Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. Lever ^(Charles) The adventures of Arthur O'Leary. - 39L4 - 39L2 Jack Hinton, the guardsman Charles O'Malley, the Irish dragoon. Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. - . . . . 39 r o Horace Templeton [a tale]. ~v V *x, «uc guaiuwuau. ■ .... QQT 1 Tom Burke of "Ours." - Levi (Eliphaz). See Constant (Alphonsb L. ) " 39L6 Leviticus. See Bible. Lewes (George H.) Biographical history of philosophy. - - 10901 fcwis (Edwin H.) A first manna] of composition. 1901. - ." 80821 Lewis (Caroline) Clara in blunderland. ill. 82712 Lost in blunderland, further adventures of Clara. ///. A second manual of composition. 1903. - - . 80822 Lewis (Sir Geo. C.) Influence of authority in matters of opinion. 17125 - Observation and reasoning in politics. 1852 2 v . 320 08 9 Lewis, Sir George C. /nBagehot (W.) Biographical studies. 1902. 99638 KS^* '» Bant (C.H.) Churchmen. 1902. port. 99620 Lh [s < W. S. ) Christ and creation. In Present day tracts, v 9 20410 - I he two geologies. In Present day tracts, v. 1 1 - . 2 0412 Lewis Arundel [a novel] ; by F. E. Smedley. - . . 80S2 fcYDEN (John) Tour in the Highlands in 1800. 1903. bill - 92208 Lhassa. Candler (E.) The unveiling of Lhasa. 1905. ill. map. 94912 LiHung-Chang, bio and times; by Mrs. A. Little. 1903. port. map. L341 231 LIA GLASGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Lias (John J.) Corinthians I. (Camb. Greek Testament.) maps. 22814 Liberalism. For related subjects, see Parties, Political. - Samuel (H. L.) Liberalism. 1902.- - - - Smith (B.) Liberty and liberalism. 1887. Ml. - - ■ 3 2901 Liberty. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Lecky(W E.H.) Democracy and liberty. 1899. 2 v. - -32002-3 - Mill (J. S.) On liberty. 1903. - ; - - ^2301 - Smith (B.) Liberty and liberalism. 1887. bibl. ■ ■ - 32901 Libraries. For list of related subjects, see Books. - Buckingham (L. A.) Books, libraries [etc.] in the middle ages In his The Bible in the middle ages, etc. 1853. - 9iuuo - Garnett (R.) Essays in librarianship and bibliography. 1899. 02002 - Roebuck (G. E.) and Thome (W. R) A primer of library practice for junior assistants. 19U4. - Spofford (A. R.) A book for all readers. 1905. - - - 02003 P ■' The collection [and] use of books, and the formation of libraries. _ Wheatley (H. B.) How to form a library. 1902.- - - 02001 - See also Cataloguing. Indexing. Lichens. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. _ Gray (P.) British lichens. 1898. bibl. ill. - - - " 58903 Lichfield (Eabl of) George, Lord Anson. In Naval heroes - 99619 Liddell, Henry G., a memoir ; by H. L. Thompson 899. port. U L211 Liodok (Henuv P. ) Analysis of St. Paul's First Epistle to Timothy. 22830 - St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans. 1893. ^^ - Some elements of religion. 1894- - - " " " Lidcey (Charles A.) Wagner [his life and work]. 1904. #.- WM1 Lie (Jonas) Weird tales from northern seas. - - - Lieder und Gedichte; von H. Heine ; with notes. 1901. - - 801H Life See Christian life. Conduct of lift. Future state. Lift Science of. For list of related subjects, see Biology. - Chapman (C.) The origin of life and consciousness. In ^ Present day tracts, v. 11.- - Huxley (T. H. ) Biogenesis and abiogenesis. In his Discourses, ^^ biological and geological. 1894. - - - " - - The physical basis of life. In his Method and results. - 50436 _ Leibniz (G. W.) Monadology. 1902. - - " - Tyndall (J.) Spontaneous generation. In his Fragments, v. 2. 60*11 Life at stake ; by P. Andreae. - 107 C 3 Life for a life ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - - " Life romantic [a novel] ; by R. Le Gallienne. - - " Life's atonement ; by D. C. Murray. - ^^ Life's handicap [stories] ; by R. Kipling. - " ^^^ Life's little ironies, tales ; by T. Hardy. - - " Life's secret ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - - ™ Lifted veil ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. - Liffnt For list of related subjects, see Physics. * 232 GOVANHILL BRANCH. LINf Light. In CasselPs New popular educator, v. 7-8. 1903. ill. - 03207-8 - In Deschanel (A. P.) Natural philosophy, v. 4. 1903. ill. - 53403 - Edser (E.) Light for students. 1904. ill. .... 53504 - Heather (J. F.) Optical instruments. 1888. ill. - - - 68102 - Mayer (A. M.) and Barnard (C.) Light. 1889. ill. - - 53503 - Stokes (Sir G. G.) On light 1892. 53502 - Tyndall (J. ) New chemical reactions produced by light. In his Fragments of science, v. 1. 1902. 50410 - See also Colour. Magic lantern. Rainbow. Spectrum. X rays. Light behind; by Mrs. W. Ward. 15W1 Light freights [tales]; by W. W. Jacobs. 5J1 Light of Asia [a poem on Buddha] ; by Sir E. Arnold. 1904. - 101A Light of Scarthey, a romance ; by E. Castle. - - - - 31C2 Light of the World [Christ] ; by Sir E. Arnold. 1903. ill. - 102A Light on the weary path ; by B. Cooke. 1898. - - - - C312 Light that failed ; by R. Kipling. 28 K 6 Lighter moments [anecdotes] ; by W. W. How. 1900. - - 82715 Lightfoot (John) Elementary and intermediate algebra. - - 51206 Lightfoot (Joseph B.) Bp. Essays on Supernatural religion. - 23109 A criticism of Cassels' " Supernatural religion," 23106-8. - Notes on Epistles of St. Paul. 22828 Lightfoot, Joseph B., Bp. [Cassels (W. R.)] A reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays [on "Supernatural religion"]. 1889. 23110 Lighting. See Electric lighting. Gas lighting. Lightning. Elammarion (C.) Thunder and lightning. 1905. ill. 53706 Like another Helen ; by Sydney C. Grier. 67 Gl Likewise the younger women ; by W. M. Sinclair. 1901. - 17102 Lilac sunbonnet ; by S. R. Crockett. 118 C 8 Lilith, a romance ; by G. MacDonald. 10M34 Lillie (Arthur) Buddha and Buddhism. 1900. - - - B421 - Croquet, its history, rules, and secrets. 1897. ill. - - 79632 Lillingstones of Lillingstone [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - 81W36 Lily lass [a story] ; by J. H. McCarthy. 137M2 Limitations, a novel ; by E. F. Benson. 46B3 Lincoln, Abraham. Brooks (N.) Abraham Lincoln and the downfall of American slavery. 1903. port. ill. - - L051 - In Lowell (J. R.) My study windows. E1L1 - Thayei*(W. M.) Lincoln, story of his life. 1902. port. - L052 Linden (Annie) A woman of sentiment. 76L1 Lindsay (Harry) Rhoda Roberts, a Welsh mining story. - 43L1 Lindsay (Thomas M.) A history of the reformation. 1906. v. 1. 27027 - Luther and the German reformation. 1900. - - - - L143 Lineham (Wilfrid J.) Mechanical engineering. 1905. ill. - 62006 Linskill (Mary) The haven under the hill, a novel. - - 45L1 Linskill (W. T.) Golf. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. ill. - 79605 Lintilhac (Eugene) Lesage [his life and work. In French]. - L331 233 LIN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Linton (Mrs. Elizabeth Lynn) My literary life. 1899. . - L172 My first London friends. Landor. Dickens. Thackeray. A first meeting with George Eliot. - Dulcie Everton [a novel]. - - - - - " - 46 LI - In haste and at leisure. 46L4 - Paston Carew, millionaire and miser, a novel. - - - 46L6 - Patricia Kemball [a novel]. 46L5 - The rebel of the family. " " " 46L2 - Sowing the wind. - " " Linton, Mrs. Elizabeth Lynn, her life ; by G. S. Layard. port. til. L171 Lion amoureux [comedie] ; par F. Ponsard ; with notes. 1886. - 44885 Lion and the unicorn ; by R. H. Davis. 16 D 3 List, ye landsmen ! a romance; by W. Clark Russell. - - 75R25 Liszt, Franz. In Rowbotham (J. F.) Great composers, bibl. port. 99721 Litchfield (Frederick) How to collect old furniture, ill. - 74901 Literature, General. Brandes (G.) Main currents in nineteenth century literature. 1901. v. 1. 80901 The emigrant literature. - Dowden (E.) Interpretation of literature. Inhis Studies. - E2D1 - Loliee (F.) A short history of comparative literature. 1906. - 80907 - Morley (J.) Studies in literature. 1904. - E3M1 Wordsworth. Aphorisms. Maine on Popular government. A few wordi on French models. On the study of literature, Victor Hngo ja -Ninety-three." On "The ring and the book." Memorials of a man of letters [Macvey Napier]. Valedictory. - Muller(F. Max) Antiquity of oriental literature. In his Works. E6M1 - - Essays on literature. In his Works, v. 7. - - - - E6M3 - Murray (H.) Deprofundis. Inhis Robert Buchanan [etc.] 1901. E1M1 - Northman (A.) Literature as an aid to teaching. 1906. bibl. 80701 - Palmer (B.) ed. Stories from the classic literature. 1898. - 80815 - In Kuskin (J.) On the old road, v. 3. 1899. - - - 70406 - Schopenhauer (A.) The art of literature, essays. 1900. - 80401 - Trent (W. P.) Greatness in literature, and other papers. - 80403 Aims and methods of literary study. Literature and science Teaching literature. Some remarks on modern book-burning. Love of poetij . [Etc.] - Wheatley (H. B.) Literary blunders. 1905. - 02902 - Willmott (R. A.) Pleasures of literature. 1906. - - - 80402 - See also Academies. Aphorisms. Authorship. Books. Criticism. Degeneration. Drama. Essays. Fables. Fiction. Journalism. Novelists Poetry. Froverbs. Quotations. Renaissance. Rhetoric. Romanticism. Table-talk. Wit and humour. Literature, American. Beers (H. A. ) A short history of American literature. 1906. ill. ------- 81002 - Whipple (E. P.) American literature, and other papers. - 81001 Daniel Webster as a master of English style. Emerson and Carlyle. Emerson as a poet. [Etc. ] _ In Whiting (L.) Boston days. 1902. ill - - - J* 7304 The city of beautiful ideals. Concord and its famous authors. The golden age of genius. Dawn of the twentieth century. 234 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. LIT Literature, English. Archer (T.) The highway of letters [Fleet Street]. 1893. ill. - - . . . 91717 - Brooke(S. A.) English literature, a.d. 670-1832 [a primer]. 1905. 82020 - Canning (A. S. G.) British power and thought. 1901. - - 91233 Literary influence in British history. 1904. - - - 82001 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 6-8. 1903. ill. - - 03206-8 - Dowden (E.) Victorian literature. In his Transcripts. 1S96. E2D1 - Gates (L. E. ) Three studies in literature. 1899. - - - E5G1 Francis Jeffrey. Newman as a prose-writer. Matthew Arnold. - Gems of literature. Elegant extracts, ill. .... 82010 - Gwynn (S. L.) The masters of English literature. 1904. - 82014 - [Jacox (F.)] Cues from all quarters, literary musings. - - 82816 - Jusserancl (J. A. A. J. ) flistoire litteraire du peuple anglais. 2 v. 82017-8 1. Des origines a la renaissance. 2. Dela renaissance a la guerre civile. - In Kingsley (C.) Lectures and essays. 1898. .... E1K3 - Magnus (L. ) How to read English literature, Chaucer to Milton. 82109 - Meiklejohn (J. M. D.) Outline of English literature. 1903. - 82012 - Month by month, gleanings from the works of authors, ill. - 82815 - Morley (H.) A first sketch of English literature. 1904. - 82002 - Pancoast (H. S.) Representative English literature, map. - 82013 - Roses and holly [selections], ill. 82011 - Saintsbury (G.) Essays in English literature, 1780-1860. 2 v. 82102-3 1. Crabbe. Hogg. Sydney Smith. Jeffrey. Hazlitt. Moore. Hunt. Peacock. Wilson. De Quincey. Lockhart. Praed. Borrow. 2. Southey. Cobbett. Landor. Hood. Miss Ferrier. English war-sou gs -Campbell.' Madame d'Arblay. Twenty years of political satire. Three humourists- Hook, Barham, Maginn. The historical novel. Some great biographies. - Salmon (A. L.) Literary rambles in the west of England, ill. 91728 - Snell (F. J.) The age of transition, 1400-1580. 1905. 2 v. - 82107-8 1. Poets. 2. Dramatists and prose writers. - See also Anecdotes. Authors. Prose. Literature, Esthonian. Kirby (W. F.) ed. The hero of Esthonia, and other studies in the romantic literature of that country. 1895. 2 v. bibl. map. 39803-4 Literature, European. Sismondi (J. C. L. S. de) Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe. 1895-1903. 2 v. 80908-9 Literature, French. A list of works in French, having philological notes, etc., will be found at Language, French. - Albert (P.) La litterature francaise a la fin du xvi. siecle. - 84006 La litterature francaise, dix-septieme siecle. 1901. - - 84007 La litterature francaise, dix-huitieme siecle. 1904. - - 84008 La litterature francaise, dix-neuvieme siecle. 1902. 2 v. 84009-10 - Darmesteter (A. ) et Hatzfeld (A. ) Le seizieme siecle en France. 84004 - Demogeot (J. ) Histoire de la literature francaise. bibl. - 84003 - Kastner (L. E.) Short history of French literature. 1900. - 84002 - - and Atkins (H. G.) French literature, 17th century. - - 84012 - Masson (G.) French literature. 1888. 84001 235 LIT GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Literature, French. Paris (G.) et Langlois (E.) eds. Christo- mathie du moyen age. 84011 " Avec des traductions, des notes, une introduction grammatical, et des notices litteraires. " - Tilley (A.) The literature of the French renaissance. - - 84005 - See also Troubadours. Literature, Gaelic. Cameron (A.) Reliquiae Celticae. 1892-4. 2 v. 89106-7 1. Ossianica. 2. Poetry, history, and philology. - McLauchlan (T.) Celtic gleanings, literature of the Gael. - 89110 Literature, German. A list of works in German, having philological notes, etc., will be found at Language, German. - Carlyle (T. ) German literature of the xiv. and xv. centuries. In te Essays, v. 3. ElC3 - - State of German literature. In his Essays, v. 1. - - El CI - Joerg (J. A.) Outlines of German literature. 1903. - - 83003 - Miiller (F. Max) German literature. In his Works, v. 7. 1899. E6M3 - - and Lichtenstein (F. ) eds. The German classics, fourth to nineteenth century. 1906. 2 v. 83001-2 "With biographical notices, translations into modern German, and notes ; adapted to Scherer's ' History of German literature." " Literature, Greek. Croiset(A.andM.) History of Greek literature. 88004 - Gow (J.) A companion to school classics. 1902. ill. - - 87004 - Hill (G. F.) ed. Illustrations of school classics. 1903. ill. - 87003 - Jevons (F. B.) History of Greek literature. - 88002 " From the earliest period to the death of Demosthenes." Literature, Hungarian. Reich (E.) Hungarian literature, bibl. 89115 Literature, Italian. A list of works in Italian, having philological notes, etc., will be found at Language, Italian. - Ferri (L.) Morceaux choisis des classiques italiens ; notes en francais. 1900. " 45806 - Snell (F.J.) Primer of Italian literature. 1893. - - - 85004 - Symonds (J. A.) Renaissance in Italy. 3 v. 2. Revival of learning, 85001. 4-5. Italian literature, 85002-3. Literature, Jewish. Abrahams (I.) Short history of Jewish literature, 70-1786 [a.d.] 1906. ----- 89201 Literature, Latin. Cruttwell (C. T.) Roman literature, bibl. - 87005 From 240 b.c. to ISO a.d. - Gow (J.) A companion to school classics. 190*2. ill. - - 87004 - Hill (G. F.) ed. Illustrations of school classics. 1903. ill. - 87003 - Teuffel (W. S.) and Schwabe (L.) Roman literature. 2 v. - 87001-2 1. The republican period. 2. The imperial period. - Wilkins (A. S. ) Roman literature. 1898. - 87006 Literature, Russian. Kropotkin (Prince P. A.) Russian litera- ture. 1905. bibl, 89108 Literature, Scottish. Holmes (D. T.) Scottish literature. 1904. 82216 Ballad minstrelsy. Allan Ramsay. Robert Burns. - Walker (H.) Three centuries of Scottish literature. 1893. 2 v. 82104-5 1 The reformation to the Union. 2. The Union to Scott. 236 GOVANHILL BRANCH. LIV Literature, Spanish. A list of works in Spanish, having philological notes, etc., will be found at Language, Spanish. - Hernandez (P.) et Le Roy (A.) ecte. Morceaux choisis des classiques espagnols ; notes en francais. 1903. - - 46806 - Kelly (J. F.) A history of Spanish literature. 1898. bib!. - 86001 Literature, Yiddish. Wiener (L.) History of Yiddish literature in the nineteenth century. 1899. bibl. - 89117 Literature and dogma ; by M. Arnold. 1897. - 23923 Lithography. For related subjects, see Engraving. - Seymour (A.) Practical lithography. 1903. ill. - - . 65510 Little (Mrs. Archibald) Li Hung-Chang, life and times, ill. L341 Little (William J. Knox) The conflict of ideals in the Church of England. 1905. port. 28314 - Labour and sorrow, sermons. 1894. 25208 - St. Francis of Assisi, his times, life, and work. 1897. - - F061 Little Anna Mark ; by S. R. Crockett. 118 C 9 Little Dorrit ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - - - - 30 D 10 Little duke, Richard the Fearless ; by C. M. Yonge.- - - 5Y14 Little Goody Two-shoes ; by O. Goldsmith. In his Works, v. 5. E1G5 Little Huguenot, a romance ; by M. Pemberton. - - - 28P1 Little Loo ; by W. Clark Russell. 75 r 9 Little Lord Fauntleroy [a tale] ; by F. H. Burnett. - - - 111B4 Little memoirs, eighteenth century ; by George Paston. ill. - 99604 Little minister ; by J. M. Barrie. 24 B 5 Little Mr. Bouncer and hisfriend,Verdant Green ; by Cuthbert Bede. 37B2 Sequel to "Mr. Verdant Green," 37B1. Little novels ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 74C8 Little novels of Italy ; by M. Hewlett. - - - - - 57H2 Little red Captain; by C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne. - - - - 115 H 6 Captain Kettle series, Xo. 1. Little red fish ; by P. L. Oliphant. 40 2 Little savage ; by Captain F. Marryat. - - - - - 52 M 20 Little white bird ; by J. M. Barrie. 24 B 8 Little widow, and other episodes ; by W. Tirebuck. - - 32 Tl Little wife Hester ; by L. T. Meade. - - - - - - 76 M 46 Liturgies. For list of related subjects, see Church. - Sprott (G. W. ) ed. Scottish liturgies, reign of James VI. 1871. 26401 Livesey, Joseph. In Kirton (J. W.) The world's workers. 1895. 99813 Living or dead, a novel ; by Hugh Conway. - - - - 82 CI Livingstone (David) Last journals in Central Africa, 1S65 to his death. 1880. 2 v. port. ill. maps. .... 95901-2 - Missionary travels in South Africa, port. ill. - - - 96304 Livingstone, David. Hughes (T.) Livingstone [biography], map. L163 - Stanley (Sir H. M.) How I found Livingstone, mem. ill. map. 96104 Livy. History of Rome ; trans, by D. Spillan and others. 4 v. 87806-9 Livy. Capes (W, W.) Livy [his life and work]. 1879. - - 87802 237 LIZ GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Lizzie Leigh, and other tales ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. - - 10 G 2 Lloyd (Edwin) Three great African chiefs, Khame, Sebele, and Bathoeng. 1895. ill. 99636 Lloyd (Henry D.) Newest England, New Zealand. 1902. ill. - 99101 Lloyd (Julius) Sketches of church history in Germany. - - 27703 Lloyd (M. A.) Susanna Meredith, a record of a vigorous life. - M061 Lloyds. Lucas (E. V.) ed. Charles Lamb and the Lloyds, port. L102 Lobban J. H.) ed. An anthology of English verse. 1902. - 82225 - English essays [selections]. 1903. 8272 1 Lobster, study of zoology ; by T. H. Huxley. In his Discourses. 50437 Local government. For list of related subjects, see Government. - Jenks (E.) An outline of English local government. 1894. - 35201 - Meyer (H. R.) Municipal ownership in Great Britain. 1906. 35208 - Shaw (G. B.) The common sense of municipal trading. 1904. 35207 - See also Cities. Local option. See Temperance. Loch (Henry B., Lord) Lord Elgin's embassy to China, 1860. ill. 95120 Locher (Carl) An explanation of the organ stops. 1888. ill. 78671 Lochinvar [a romance] ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - - 118 C 18 Lock (John B.) Arithmetic for schools. 1903. - 51101 - Elementary statics. 1902. ill. ------ 53107 - Elementary trigonometry. 1905. ill. 5 1 405 Lock (Walter) John Keble [a biography]. 1895. - - - K021 Locke (John) Philosophical works. 1902-3. 2 v. port. - - 19211-2 Human understanding. Elements of natural philosophy. [Etc.] Locke, John. Brown (J.) Locke and Sydenham. In his Horae subseciv*, v. 1. 1900. E1B1 - Fowler (T.) Locke [a biography]. 1883. - L121 - Fraser (A. C.) Locke [his life and philosophy]. 1901. - - 19208 - Mackintosh (Sir J.) Genius of Bacon and Locke. In his Works. E10M1 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. - - E5S2 Locke (William J.) At the gate of Samaria [a novel]. - - 50L1 Lockhart (John G.) Life of Robert Burns. 1892. - - - B112 - Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott. 1900. 5 v. - - - - S 103-7 -- Another edition ; abridged. 1898. ----- S102 Lockhart, John G. In Saintsbury (G.) Essays, v. 1. 1891. - 82102 Locomotive. For list of related subjects, see Engines. - Dempsey (G. D.) and Clark (D. K.) Locomotive engine. 1904. 62110 - Stretton (C. E.) Locomotive engine development. 1903. ill. 62111 - Woods (A. T.) Compound locomotives. 1893. ill. - - 62115 - See also Brakes. Locusts and wild honey [nature studies] ; by J. Burroughs. - 50422 Lodeman(E. G.) The spraying of plants. 1902. ill. - - 63201 Lodge (Henry C.) The story of the American revolution, ill. - 97221 Lodge (Sir Oliver J. ) and others. Ideals of science and faith. 21501 Loeb (Jacques) Comparative physiology of the brain. 1902. ill. 61202 238 GOVANHILL BRANCH. LON Loewenthal, Isidor. 7wHolcomb(H.H.) India missions. 1901. ill. 99825 Log of a sea-waif, recollections ; by F. T. Bullen. 1903. ill. - B411 Logan (James) Mclan's Highlanders at home. 1900. col. ill. 92206 Logan ( William) ed. Comfort for bereaved parents, mem. - 24404 Logarithms. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. - In CasselPs New popular educator, v. 5. 1903. - - . 03205 - Matthews (G. F. ) Manual of logarithms. 1890. - . . 51001 Logic. For list of other branches of philosophy, see Philosophy. - Aikins (H. A.) The principles of logic. 1902. - - .' 1600 3 - Aristotle. The organon, or, logical treatises. 2 v. - . 18501-2 - Brough(J.) Study of mental science. 1903. - l 50 i 3 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 8. 1903. - - . 3208 - Clarke (R. F.) Logic. 1906.- - 1600fi - Hegel (G. W. F.) Logic. ....... 16005 - Jevons (W. S.) Logic [a primer]. 1902. .... 16002 - - Pure logic, and other minor works. 1890. - 1600 4 - Mill (J. S.) A system of logic. 1904. ..... 16001 - See also Argument. Loliee (Frederic) History of comparative literature. 1906. - 80907 Lombardy. Cesaresco (Countess) Lombard studies. 1902. ill. 93703 Lomond, Loch. Lumsden (J.) and Brown (A.) The natural history of Loch Lomond. 1895. ill. .... 59136 London (Jack) Children of the frost [stories]. .... 5 i L3 - The faith of men, and other stories. - . . . - 5iL4 - The god of his fathers, tales of the Klondyke. - . - 51L2 - The sea- wolf. London, a Beckett ( A. W.) London at the end of the century. 1900 91723 - Archer (T.) The highway of letters [Fleet Street]. 1803. ill 91717 - Besant (Sir W.) East London. 1901. ill. - .' qi7Qfi - - London. 1892. ill. ..... ™ 91738 - - and others. The fascination of London. 1902-3. 5 v. ill. map.,. 91705-9 1. Hammersmith, Fulham, and Putney. 2 Hamtjstead a «H \\„ 1 bone. 3. Chelsea. 4. Kensington. 5. HolbVn and B?oomsVur^ yU ' - Duguid (C.) The story of the Stock Exchange. 1901. ill. . 33201 - Green (J. R.) Lambeth and the archbishops. In his Strav studies, v. 1. 1904. -----.. - Johnson (H.) Under the shadow of St. Paul's. 1898. ill - 91733 - Lethaby (W. R.) London before the Conquest. 1902. ill - 91721 - Machray(R.) The night side of London. 1902 ill . ' 91719 - Melville (L.) The Thackeray country. 1905. ill. map. - Ordish (T. F.) Shakespeare's London. 1897. ill. - " London as it concerned the life and work of Shakespeare " - Paston (George) London through French eve-glasses. In hei feide-hghts on the Georgian period. 1902. ill. - Paul (R. W.) Vanishing London, series of drawings. 1894. 4°. 72804 - Round (J. H.) Commune of London, and other studies. 1899* 91301 - Sherwell (A.) Life in west London. 1901. - 239 91737 82502 91408 33104 LON GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. London. Stephenson (H. T.) Shakespeare's London. 1905. ill. - In Street (G. S.) Book of essays. 1902. - - - / - - Tyler (F. E.) Peeps into the past, city life [etc.] 1906. ill - Wheatley(H.B.) The story of London. 1905. ill. map. plans. London in song [poems] ; ed. by W. Whitten. 1898. London lyrics ; by F. Locker Lampson. 1904. - Londoners, an absurdity ; by R. S. Hichens. - Loney (S. L.) The elements of hydrostatics. 1904. ill. - Long (Harry A.) Personal and family names. 1883. - - Long ( W. H. ) ed. Naval yarns, sea fights, wrecks, etc. 1899. ill. Long (William J.) Northern trails, studies of animal life. 1905. ill Long Parliament. Carlyle (T.) An election to the Long Parlia- ment. In his Essays, v. 7. Long vacation ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - - Longfellow (Henry W.) Poetical works, mem. ill. - - Another edition-, ed. by W. M. Rossetti. - - Selected poems. In American poets, bibl. mem. - Longfellow, Henry W., Life of ; by E. S. Robertson. 1887. bibl. Longinus, Dionysius C. Collins (J. C.) Longinus and Greek criti- cism. In his Studies in poetry and criticism. 1905. Longshoremen [a novel] ; by G. Bartram. - - - - Looking backward ; by E. Bellamy. Lord (W. T.) Mirror of the century [English novelists]. 1906. - Lord Oakburn's daughters, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. Lord Ormont and his Aminta, a novel ; by G. Meredith. - Lord Protector [a romance] ; by S. L. Yeats. - Lords, House of. For related subjects, see Parliament. _ Wilkinson (K.) The personal story of the Upper House. 1905. Lord's Prayer. For other Biblical subjects, see Bible. - Farrar (F. W.) The Lord's Prayer, sermons. 1898. - Ruskin (J.) The Lord's Prayer and the church. In his On the old road, v. 3. 1899. Lord's Supper. For list of related subjects, see Jesus Christ. - Muir (Sir W.) The Lord's Supper, an abiding witness to the death of Christ. In Present day tracts, v. 6. - - Rankin (J.) The worthy communicant. 1885. - Spurgeon (C. H.) "Till He come," communion addresses. 1894 Lorimer (Adam) The author's progress. 1906. Lorimer (Norma) By the waters of Sicily. 1901. ill. ■ Lorna Doone, a romance of Exmoor ; by R. D. Blackmore. Loss and gain, the story of a convert ; by J. H. Newman. Lost estate ; by M. E. Mann. Lost for love ; by M. E. Braddon. Lost in blunderland ; by Caroline Lewis. 1903. ill. Sequel to " Clara in blunderland," 82712. Lost lady of old years, a romance ; by J. Buchan. 240 91718 E6S1 91734 91725 82245 301 L 58H3 53202 99906 91218 59122 E1C7 5Y17 202 L 201 L 81103 L262 E7C1 26B1 42B1 82606 76W6 82M7 2Y1 32803 22701 70406 20407 26501 26502 02903 93707 63B9 9N2 40M1 81B5 82713 102 Bl GO VAN HILL BRANCH. LOW Lost pibroch, and other sheiling stories ; by Neil Munro. - - 124 M 2 Lothair [a novel] ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - - 31 B 2 Loti (Pierre) Impressions. 1898. mem. ... - 84803 - Madame Chrysantheme [a story]. 53L3 - Mon frere Yves. *- - - 53 LI - Pecheur d'Islande. - - - - - - - - 53 L 2 Lotteries. Ashton ( J. ) A history of English lotteries. 1893. ill. 17403 Lottie Lonsdale [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - 81 W 34 Loudwater tragedy ; by T. W. Speight. 95 S 2 Louis IX. of France. In Brown (J. B.) Stoics and saints. 1893. - 27021 - Perry (F.) Saint Louis [his life and times], port. ill. - - L081 - Stephen (Sir J. F.) Joinville and St. Louis. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 1. 1892. E5S1 Louis XIV. Hassall (A.) Louis XIV. and the zenith of the French monarchy. 1902. port. ill. maps. - - - L061 Louise of Savoy. i^Fawcett (Mrs. H.) Famous French women, ill. 99617 Louise de la Valliere, or, the love of Bragelonne ; by A. Dumas. 58D12 Sequel to "The vicomte de Bragelonne," 58 D 8. Lounsbury (Thomas R.) James F. Cooper [his life and work]. - C181 Lourdes [a novel] ; by E. Zola. 5Z1 Love. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - In Avebury (Lord) Pleasures of life. 1903. - E1A1 - Lee (Vernon) Mediaeval love. In her Euphorion. 1899. - E4L1 Love affairs of some famous men ; by [E. J. Hardy]. 1897. - 99821 Love among the lions ; by F. Anstey. 35 A 5 Love among the ruins [a romance] ; by W. Deeping. - - - 17 Dl Love and life ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - - - - 5Y18 Love and Mr. Lewisham ; by H. G. Wells. .... 35W5 Love decides, a novel ; by C. Garvice. 83 G 3 Love grown cold ; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 38 Love letters of a genius ; by P. Merimee. 1905. - - - M461 Love me little, love me long ; by C. Reade. - - - 16 R 4 Love never faileth ; by C. Simpson. - 68S1 Love of Richard Herrick, a novel ; by A. Kenealy. - - - UK 2 Love of sisters ; by K. Tynan. 56 Tl Love tales, Scottish ; by H. Miller and others. - - - - 91 Ml Love, the tyrant ; by C. Garvice. 83 G 2 Love with honour ; by C. Marriott. 50 M 3 Lovel the widower; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12T8 Lovell (Arthur) Ars vivendi, art of acquiring vigour. 1906.- 61503 Lover (Samuel) Handy Andy, a tale of Irish life. - - - 54L1 Lovett (Richard) Printed English Bible, 1525-1885. ill. - 22013 Lovett(VV. J.) Naval architecture. 1905. ill. - - - 62609 Lovey Mary ; by A. H. Rice. 79 Rl Low ( W. H. ) and Briggs (J. ) Matriculation English course. 1905. 42003 Lowe (David) Burns's passionate pilgrimage. 1904. - - 82406 241 LOW GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Lowe (Edward J.) British ferns, and where found. 1890. ill. 58701 Lowell (James R ) The English poets. Lessing. Rousseau. - 82203 - My study windows [essays]. ------- E1L1 My garden acquaintance. A good word for winter. Condescension in foreigners. A great public character [Josiah Quincy]. Abraham Lincoln. Carlyle. Chaucer. Dryden. Pope. [Etc.] - The old English dramatists. 1892. port. - 82508 - Poetical works. 1894. - - 101 L - Selected poems. In American poets, bibl. mem. - - - 81103 Lowell, James R. In Mackie (A.) Nature knowledge in modern poetry. 1906. 82424 Lowky (A.) The criminal boy. In Boy life in our cities. 1904. 30407 Lo wry (Henry D. ) The happy exile [sketches]. - - - 58 LI Loyola, St. Ignatius de. Hughes (T.) Loyola and the educa- tional system of the Jesuits. 1904. bibl. - - - L151 Lubbock (Sir John). See Avebury (Lord). Lucas (0. P.) Historical geography of British colonies. 4 v. map*. 91104-7 The contents will be found at Colonies, British. Lucas (Edward V.) ed. Charles Lamb and the Lloyds. 1898. ill. L102 Lucas (Frederick) Dictionary of the motor car, cycle, and boat, French and English. 1905. 62202 Luce (Morton) A handbook to the works of Shakespeare. 1906. 82517 Luce de Lancival (Jean C. J.) Hector, tragedie. - - - 84211 Lucian. Wonderland ; trans, by St. J. B. W. Willson. 1899. ill. 88811 " A translation of the ' Vera historia.' " Lucian. In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 3. 1903. - - E2F3 Lucius Da voren [a novel] ; by M. E. Braddon. - - - 81 B4 Luck. In Maeterlinck (M.) The buried temple. 1902. - - E14M1 Luck of Private Foster, a romance ; by A. St. J. Adcock.- - 8A2 Luck of the Darrells ; by J. Payn. 18P3 Lucre (Charles E. ) Gas engine design. 1905. ill.- - - 62205 Lucres (Eva C. E.) General nursing. 1905. .... 61007 Lucky lover ; by J. Habberton. 1H4 Lucre tia, or, the children of night ; by Lord Lytton. - - 73 L 9 Lucretius, and other poems ; by Lord Tennyson. 1874. - - 105T Lucy (Henry W.) The Balfourian parliament, 1900-5. 1906. ill. 32805 - Miller's niece, and some distant connections. - - - - 62 LI Lucy Crofton [a story]; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - - 6016 Lucard (Flora L., Lady) The story of Australia. map. - 98601 Lugard (Sir Fredericr J. D.) The Uganda Protectorate, map. 96102 Luigi(G.) Mandoline tutor, mus. 78705 Luke, St., Gospel of. See Bible. Luke Delmege [a story] ; by P. A. Sheehan. - - - 13 S 2 Lurin (James) The lathe and its uses. 1905. ill. - - - 62308 - ed. Turning lathes. 1904. ill. 62303 Lumby ( J. R.) The Acts. (Camb. Greek Testament.) 1899. maps. 22715 242 Ltri GOVANHILL BRANCH. LYO umsden (James) and Brown (A.) The natural history of Loch Lomond. 1895. ill. 59136 Lunar theory. See Moon. Lungwitz (A.) A text-book of horseshoeing. 1904. ill- - 68203 Lunn (Charles) The philosophy of voice. 1906. ill. - - 78436 Lcpton (J. H.) St. John of Damascus [his life and writings]. - J 071 Lussy (Mathis M.) Musical expression. mus. - - - - 78110 Luther (Martin) Life; ed. by J. Michelet. 1904. - - - L142 - Table talk ; ed. by W. Hazlitt. 1902. mem. port. - - 24406 Luther, Martin. Lindsay (T. M.) Luther and the German reformation. 1900. biU. L143 - Macaulay (J.) ed. Luther anecdotes, port. ill. - - - L144 - May hew (H.) Boyhood of Luther, ill. L141 Lutzen. In Crane (S.) Great battles of the world. 1901. ill. 90403 Lutzow (Francis, Count) The story of Prague. 1902. ill. map. 92903 Ly all (Sir A. C.) Life of Marquis of Dufferin. 1905. 2 v. ill. D181-2 - Tennyson [his life and work]. 1902. T012 - Warren Hastings [a biography]. 1902. map. - - - H292 Lyall (David) David Lyall's love story. 65L1 - The gold that perisheth. 65 L 3 - The intervening sea. - - 65 L 5 - Land o 5 the leal. - - - - - - - - 65 L 2 - The redemption of Xeil Maclean. - - - - - - 65L4 Lyall (Edna) The autobiography of a slander. - - - - 66 L 10 - The autobiography of a truth. 66L1 - Donovan, a modern Englishman. 66 L 7 - We two [sequel to " Donovan "]. ------ 66L8 - A hardy Norseman. - - - - - - - 66 L 9 - Hope the hermit, a novel. 66 L 2 - In the golden days. - - - - - - - - 66 L 3 - Knight-errant [a novel]. 66 L 4 - To right the wrong. 66 L 5 - Won by waiting. 66 L 6 Lydekker (Richard) Mostly mammals, zoological essays, ill. 59903 Lyell, Sir Charles. In Bolton (S. K. ) Men of science, port. - 99715 Lynch (George) War of the civilisations [China]. 1901. HI, - 95105 Lynch (Hannah) Toledo, story of an old capital. 1903. ill. - 93417 - Dr. Vermont's fantasy. 67 LI Lynch (Jeremiah) Three years in the Klondike. 1904. ill. map. 96807 Lyne (Robert N. ) Zanzibar in contemporary times. 1905. ill. 96110 Lynn (William T.) Remarkable comets. 1906. - - - 52314 - Remarkable eclipses. 1906. 52315 Lyon (C. J.) History of St. Andrews. 1843. 2 v. plans. - 92502-3 Lyon (W. S.) joint-author. See Morich (R. J.) Lyons, Edmund, Lord, Life of ; by S. M. E. Wilmot, 1S98. port. L221 243 LYE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Lyra elegantiarum, verse ; ed. by F. Locker Lampson. 1891. - 82238 Lyrics. For list of related subjects, see Poetry, Collections. - Buchheim (C. A.) ed. Deutsche Lyrik ; with notes. 1904. - 83103 - Carpenter (F. I.) ed. English lyric poetry, 1500-1700. 1906. 82304 - Greene (G. A.) ed. Italian lyrists of to-day. 1898. - - 85104 - Knowles (F. L.) ed. Golden treasury of American songs and lyrics. - - 81102 - Palgrave (F. T.) ed. The golden treasury of songs and lyrical poems. 1902-4. 2 v. 82206-7 - Rossetti (D. G.) ed. Dante and his circle, lyrics, 1100-1300. - 85103 Lys (Christian) The Dunthorpes of Westleigh. - - - 69L3 - The fortress of Yadasara [a romance]. - - - - - 69 LI - The mystery of Lady place. 69 L 2 Lysbeth, a tale of the Dutch ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - 3H7 Lyttelton (Arthur T. ) Bp. Place of miracles in religion. - 23907 - Self-government of the church. In Essays [on] reform. 1902. 26003 Lyttelton (Edward) Cricket. 1903. ill. .... 79709 - Cricket. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. ill. - - - 79605 Lyttelton, Thomas, Lord. Lang (A. ) Junius and Lord Lyttelton's ghost. In his Valet's tragedy, and other studies. 1903. 90405 Lytton (Edward G. E. Bulwer, Lord) The Caxtons [a novel]. 73 L 2 - My novel [sequel to " The Cax tons"]. 73L22 - The coming race. --------- 73L19 - Devereux [a novel]. - 73L15 - The disowned. 73L17 - Ernest Maltravers [a novel]. 73L3 - Alice [sequel to " Ernest Maltravers "]. - - - - 73 LI - Eugene Aram, a tale. 73 L 4 - Falkland. Zicci. 73L14 - Godolphin [a novel]. 73L16 - Harold, the last of the Saxon kings [a romance]. - - - 73L5 - Kenelm Chillingly, his adventures and opinions. - - - 73 L 6 - The last days of Pompeii. 73 L 7 - The last of the barons. 73L21 - Leila. Calderon the courtier. Pilgrims of the Rhine. - - 73 L 8 - Lucretia, or, the children of night. 73 L 9 - Night and morning. 73L10 - Paul Clifford [a novel]. 73L11 - Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes [a romance]. - - 73 L 20 - A strange story. 73L12 - What will he do with it ? 73L13 - Zanoni [a romance]. 73L18 244 GOV AN HILL BRANCH. MAC M M. (J. B.) Old letters on current religious topics. 1888. - - 20419 Ma filleet mon bien, comedie ; par E. YV. Legouve ; [with notes]. 44902 Ma fcante, comedie ; par Henri Greville ; [with notes]. 1895. - 44899 Maartens (Maartex) Dorothea, a story. - - - - 2 Ml - God's fool, a Koopstad story. 2M3 - My poor relations, stories of Dutch peasant life. - - - 2M2 - Some women I have known [stories]. - - - - 2M4 M abie (Hamilton W.) Under the trees [essays]. 1905. - - 50431 M-ABILleau (Leopold) Victor Hugo [his life. In French]. 1902. H242 Macalister (Alexander) Man. In Present day tracts, v. 7. 20408 McAlpine (Neil) A pronouncing Gaelic dictionary. 1903. - 49109 Mac Arthur (A. C.) Christine, a study. 6 Ml McAulay (Allan) Black Mary [a novel]. 135 Ml Macaulay (James) ed. Luther anecdotes, ill. - L144 Macaulay (T. Babington, Lord) Essays. Lays of ancient Rome. E8M1 Milton. Machiavelli. Hallam's Constitutional history. Souther's Colloquies on society. Boswell's Life of Johnson. Nugent 's Memorials of Hampden. [Mahon's] War of the succession in Spain. Horace Walpole. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. Sir James Mackintosh. Lord Bacon. Sir W. Temple. Gladstone on church and state. Lord Clive. Von Ranke. Leigh Hunt. Warren Hastings. Madame d'Arblay. Life and writings of Addison. The Earl of Chatham. Frederick the Great. Lays of ancient Rome. [Etc.] - The history of England from [1685-1702]. 1899. 2 v. - - 91303-4 - Lays of ancient Rome. 1882. 1801 M Macaulay, T. Babington, Lord. In Bagehot (W. ) Literary studies. E9B2 - In Dawson (W. J.) The makers of modern prose. 1S99. - 82111 - Morison (J. C.) Macaulay [his life and work]. 1903. - - M071 - In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 1. 1904. - - - E3M2 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 2. 1899. - - E2S2 - Trevelyan (Sir G. O.) Life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 1901. M072 McBain (James) The story of Burns' cottage. 1904. til. • 91903 Macbeth, tragedie ; par J. F. Ducis. 84211 McCallum (Duncan) History of the church [In Gaelic]. 1845. 27024 McCarthy (Justin) British political leaders. 1903. - - 99639 - A history of our own times [1837-97]. 1901-3. 5 v. - 91403-7 - A short history of our own times [1837-80]. 1903. - - 91402 - Ireland and her story. 1903. map. 92602 - Camiola, a girl with a fortune. 4M2 - The comet of a season. 4M1 - Dear Lady Disdain [a novel]. 4]yjg - The dictator [a novel]. 4jyj 3 - Donna Quixote [a novel]. 4M4 - Maid of Athens. 4^5 - Red diamonds [a novel]. 4jyjg - The Waterdale neighbours. 4M6 245 MAC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. McCarthy ( Justin H.) The dryad [a romance]. - - - 137 M4 - The lady of Loyalty House. 137 M 3 - Lily lass [a story]. - - - 137 M 2 - The proud prince [a romance]. - 137 Ml McCarthy (Michael J. F.) Five years in Ireland, 1895-1900. ill. 92619 - Rome in Ireland. 1904. 92628 MacCartie (Justin C.) The Darleys of Dingo Dingo, a story. - 136 Ml McChesxey (Dora G.) Kathleen Clare, her book [a romance]. - 7M1 McClymoxt (J. A. ) New Testament and its writers. 1893. map. 22607 - St. John. (Century Bible.) 1901. maps. - 22709 MacColl (Malcolm) Life here and hereafter, sermons. 1894. - 25218 - The Sultan and the powers. 1896. 93907 McCosh (James) The emotions. 1880. 15701 *- Scottish philosophy, Hutcheson to Hamilton. - - - 19215 MacCowan (Roderick) Men of Skye [biographical sketches]. - 99637 McCracken (Laura) Gubbio, past and present. 1904. ill. - 93704 McCrie (Thomas) The reformation in Italy, 16th century. 1827. 27701 - Sermons. 1836. - - 25202 MacCulloch (J. A.) The childhood of fiction. 1905. - - 39824 MacCuxx (Florence A.) John Knox [a biography]. 1895. - K031 McDermott (E. R.) Railways. 1904. 38502 MacDonagh (Michael) The viceroy's post-bag, correspondence of the Earl of Hardwicke. 1904. H321 Macdonald (Charles) Moidart, or, among the Clanranalds. 1889. 92222 Macdonald (George) Coin types, origin, development. 1905. ill. 73704 MacDonald (George j A dish of orts. 1895. port. - - - E2M1 The imagination. Individual development. St. George's Day. 1564. Art of Shakspere. Browning's " Christmas Eve." Wordsworth's poetry. [Etc.] - Poetical works. 1893. 2 v. 2101-2 M - Adela Cathcart [a novel]. - 10 Ml - Alec Forbes of Howglen [a novel]. 10 M 2 - Annals of a quiet neighbourhood. 10M10 - The seaboard parish. 10M17 Sequel to " Annals of a quiet neighbourhood." - Castle Warlock, a homely romance. 10M21 - David Elginbrod [a novel]. 10 M 3 - The elect lady. 10M30 - The flight of the shadow. 10M12 - Guild Court, a London story. 10 M 4 - Heather and snow, a novel. - - 10 M 19 - Home again. - 10M13 - Lilith, a romance. 10M34 - Malcolm [a novel]. --------- 10M20 - The Marquis of Lossie [sequel to " Malcolm"]. - - - 10 M 14 - Mary Marston [a novel]. -------- 10M5 - Paul Faber, surgeon. 10M15 246 GOVANHILL BRANCH. MAC MacDonald (George) Robert Falconer [a novel]. - - - 10 M 6 - St. George and St. Michael [a novel]. 10M16 - Sir Gibbie [a novel]. 10 M 7 - Donal Grant [sequel to " Sir Gibbie "]. - 10M11 - Stephen Archer, and other tales. - - - - - - 10 M 8 Gifts of the child Christ. History of Photogen and Nycteris. The butcher's bills. Port in a storm. If I had a father. - There and back. 10M32 - Thomas Wingfold, curate. 10M22 - Weighed and wanting. - - - - - - - 10M9 - What's mine's mine. 10M18 - Wilfrid Cumbermede, an autobiographical story. - - - 10 M 33 MacDonald, George, appreciation ; by J. Johnson. 1905. bibl. port. M281 Macdonald (Hugh) Days at the coast, Firth of Clyde, mem. ill. 91902 - Rambles round Glasgow, ill. ...... 92307 Macdonald (John F.) Paris of the Parisians. 1900. - - 93314 MacDonald (Ronald) Camilla Fa versham [a novel]. - - 12M1 Macdonell (Arthur A. ) Camping out. 1892. ill.- - - 79619 - Camping out. la Athletic sports, v. 7. 1893. ill. - - 79705 MacDonnell (John de C. ) Leopold II. , rule in Belgium. 1 905. ill. 93007 McDougall (W.) Psycho-physical method. In Lectures. 1906. 50103 McDowall (John K.) The people's history of Glasgow. 1899. map. 92333 McDowall (Wm.) Memorials of St. Michael's, Dumfries. 1876. 92023 Macduff (John R.) Tales of the warrior-king, David, ill. - 22201 - Thoughts for the quiet hour. 1894. 24413 Mace (Jean) Contes du Petit Chateau ; with notes. 1905. 2 v. 44918-9 MacEwen (Alexander R.) Life and letters of John Cairns. 1895. C221 Macfarlane (Charles) The camp of refuge [a romance]. - - 133 Ml MacFarlane (Malcolm) Phonetics of the Gaelic language. - 49104 Macfarlane (Walter) Iron and steel manufacture. 1906. ill. 67204 Macgeorge (Andrew) Old Glasgow, place and people. 1888. ill. 92319 Macgowan (William S. ) Second German reader and writer. 1900. 43803 MacGregor. Scott (Sir W.) Account of the clan MacGregor. - 92213 McGregor (Andrew N.) A system of surgical nursing. 1905.- 61702 Macgregor, George H. C, a biography ; by D. C. Macgregor. 1900. M231 MacGregor (John) The 'Rob Roy 'on the Baltic. 1896. ill. maps. 94102 - The voyage alone in the yawl 'Rob Roy.' ill. - - - 91002 MacGregor (John) Toil and travel. 1892. ill. - - . 90802 McHardy (George) Savonarola [a biography]. 1901. - - S082 Machiavelli (Niccolo) The history of Florence and of the affairs of Italy [to 1492]. The prince, mem. port.- - 93719 Machiavelli, Niccolo. In Macaulay (Lord) Essays. 1904. - E8M1 Machinery. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Bale (M. P.) Steam and machinery management. 1890. ill. 62125 - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 3-4. ill. - - - 60303-4 - Castle (F.) Machine construction and drawing. 1905. ill. - 62005 247 MAC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Machinery. Kennedy (A. B. W.) Mechanics of machinery. 1902. ill. 53101 - Langmaid (J.) and Gaisford (H.) Steam machinery. 1901. ill. 62107 Machray (Robert) The night side of London. 1902. ill. - 91712 - The mystery of Lincoln's Inn [a novel]. 15 M 2 - Sir Hector, the story of a Scots gentleman. - - - - 15 Ml McIan (R. R.) Highlanders at home ; [text] by J. Logan, col. ill. 92206 MacIlwaine (Herbert C.) Dinkinbar [a novel]. - - - 16M1 MacInnes (John) The brave sons of Skye. 1899. - - - 99608 Mackay (Charles) joint-author. See Taylor (W. C.) Mackay (George L. ) From far Formosa. 1900. port. ill. maps. 95126 Mackay (Robert) Songs and poems in Gaelic. 1899. mem. - 201 M Mackay (Thomas) and others. Policy of free exchange. 1894. 33002 - joint-author. See Nicholls (Sir George). McKay (William D. ) Scottish school of painting. 1906. ill. - 75903 McKendrick (John G.) Life in motion. 1894. ill. - - 61203 McKenna (Ethel M. M.) Bookbinding. In Woman's library. 70001 Mackenzie (Alexander) The Isle of Skye in 1882-3. 1883. - 92214 - Prophecies of the Brahan Seer [Coinneach Odhar]. 1899. - 13303 Mackenzie (Angus) History of Scotland [In Gaelic]. 1867. - 91829 Mackenzie (Emma R.) Tales of the heather. .... 20M1 Mackenzie (Fergus) Sprays of northern pine [stories]. - - 18 Ml Mackenzie (Jeanie) An environment programme, ill. - - 37208 - A nature programme [for teachers], ill. ... - 50707 - Practice of kindergarten. 1899. ill. 37204 Mackenzie (John S.) Outlines of metaphysics. 1902. - - 11002 Mackenzie, Peter. Young (D. T.) Mackenzie as I knew him. 1904. M251 Mackenzie (W. C.) Scottish Highlands and isles. 1906. ill. map. 92219 Mackenzie (W. M.) Hugh Miller, a critical study. 1905. - M331 Mackey (H. 0. ) Points, parables, and pictures. 1899. - - 25102 Mackie (Alexander) Nature knowledge in modern poetry. 1906. 82424 Mackie (Charles) The abbey and town of Paisley. 1835. ill. 92002 Mackie (John) The prodigal's brother, a story. - - - 134 Ml Mackinlay (James M.) Folklore of Scottish lochs. 1893. - 39815 - Influence of pre-reformation church on Scottish place-names. 91849 Mackinnon, Sir William. MacTaggart (J. ) Mackinnon and the bards [a poem]. 1899. port. ill. 1401 M Mackintosh (Sir James) Miscellaneous works. 1846. 3 v. E10M1-3 1. Ethical philosophy, 17th and 18th centuries. Philosophical genius of Bacon and Locke. Law of nature and nations. Life of Sir T. More. Authorship of Eikon basilike. Affairs of Holland, 1667-8G. 2- Revolution of 1688. Partition of Poland. Administration and fall of Struensee. Character of Charles, 1st Marquis Cornwallis. Character of G. Canning. StaeTs "De rAllemagne." 3. Vindicge Gallicse. Defence of Jean Peltier. Speeches. [Etc.] Mackintosh, Sir James. Macaulay (Lord) Mackintosh's History of the revolution, 1688. In his Essays. 1904. - - E8M1 Mackintosh, John. Macleod (N.) Earnest student, memorials. M201 248 GOV AN HILL BRANCH. MAC Mackintosh (Robert) Hegel and Hegelianism. 1903. - - H301 Mackonochie, Alexander H., a memoir; by E. A. T[owle]. 1891. port. M341 Maclachlan (Thomas B.) Mungo Park [a biography]. 1898. map. P112 - William Blacklock, journalist, a love story of press life. - 21 Ml Maclagan (Robert C.) The Perth incident of 1396. 1905. - 39814 Maclaren (Ian). See Watson (John). Maclaren (Thomas) Systematic memory. 1906. - - - 15402 McLauchlan (Thomas) Celtic gleanings, lectures. 1857. - 89110 McLean (Angus) ed. Local industries of Glasgow [etc.] 1901. 92304 [Maclean (John)] Reminiscencesof a Clachnacuddin nonagenarian. 92221 MacLean (John) and others. Spiritual hymns [In Gaelic]. 1880. 401M Maclean (Magnus) ed. Archaeology, education, medical, and charitable institutions of Glasgow. 1901. - - - 92303 Maclear (George F. ) Historical illustrations of the New Testa- ment Scriptures. In Present day tracts, v. 7.- - - 20408 - The Lord's day. In Present day tracts, v. 9. ... 20410 - The Northmen [their conversion], map. .... 27702 - St. Mark. (Cambridge Greek Testament. ) 1899. maps. - 22712 McLeod (Miss) joint-author. See Harvey (Mrs. Margaret). Macleod (Angus) The Master hand, and other poems. 1906. - 2501 M Macleod (Donald) Christ and society [sermons]. 1893. - - 25211 - Ministry and sacraments of the Church of Scotland. - - 26204 Macleod (Fiona). See Sharp (William). MacLeod (Henry D.) Economics and its relation to free exchange. In A policy of free exchange. 1894. - - 33002 - The elements of banking. 1891. 33211 McLeod (Mrs. Margaret T. L.) Poems. 1893. mem. port. - 1301 M Macleod (Neil) Gaelic poems, songs, and tales. 1902. port. 701 M Macleod (Norman) Friend of the Gael. 2 v. mem. port. - 89101-2 Macleod (Norman) Jim. The earnest student, John Mackin- tosh. 1885. M201 - Parish papers [religious studies]. 1896. .... 23006 Macleod, Norman, Jun., Memoir of; by D. Macleod. 1876. 2v. ill. M321-2 Macleod of Dare [a novel] ; by W. Black. 62B3 Maclure, Edward C. In Dant (C. H.) Churchmen. 1902. port. 99620 McMaster (John B.) Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters. - F041 [Macmillan (Arch.)] Jeems Kaye, his adventures, port. ill. - 82709 Macmillan (Donald) George Buchanan, a biography. 1906. HI. B501 Macmillan (Hugh) The Christmas rose, and other verse. 1901. 1701M - The clock of nature [sermons].' 1896. 23919 - The spring of the day. 1898. 17116 Macmillan's magazine, 1859-98. v. 1-77. 4501-77 For principal contents see Edinburgh Public Library catalogue, which may be referred to or borrowed. Macnab (John) Trigonometry [for seamen]. 1902. - - - 51401 McNeil (Allan) ed. The Free Church case. 1904. - - - 28504 249 MAC GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Macpherson (Donald C.) Practical lessons in Gaelic. 1895. - 49103 Macpherson ( Hector C.) Books to read, how to read them. 1904. 02805 - Scotland's battles for spiritual independence. 1905. - - 27508 Macpherson (Hugh A.) Study of British birds. 1891. ill. - 59805 McPherson (J. G.) Meteorology, weather explained. 1905. ill. 55131 Macpherson, James. In Graham (H. G.) Scottish men of letters. 99916 Macquoid (Katharine S.) Pictures in Umbria. 1905. ill. - 93601 - Through Brittany. 1877. ill. 93315 - His heart's desire, a romance. 30M1 Macquoid (Thomas and Katharine S. ) Pictures and legends from Normandy and Brittany. 1879. ill. - - . 93302 MacRae (Alex.) Revivals in the Highlands, 19th century. - 26901 Macrae (Alexander) A handbook of deer-stalking. 1880. ill. 79908 Macready, William C. [a biography] ; by W. Archer. 1890. - M291 MacRitchie (David) Scottish gypsies under the Stewarts. 1894. 39702 Macrosty (Henry W.) Trusts and the state. 1901. - - 33806 McRury (John) The life of Christ [In Gaelic]. 1893. - - 23208 MacTaggart (John) Mackinnon and the bards [a poem]. 1899. 1401M McVey (Frank L.) Modern industrialism. 1906. ill. maps. - 67001 Macy (Jesse) English constitution, nature and growth. 1897. - 34210 Mad Sir Uchtred of the hills ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - 118 C 20 Madagascar. Cousins (W. E.) Madagascar of to-day. 1895. ill. 96201 Madame Chrysantheme [a story] ; by Pierre Loti. - - - 53L3 Madcap Violet [a novel] ; by W. Black. 62 B4 Madeline Power [a novel] ; by A. W. Marchmont. - - - 47 M 2 Mademoiselle Mori, a tale ; by [M. N. Roberts]. - - - 43R1 Madge. See Humphry (Mrs. C. E.) Maeterlinck (Maurice) The buried temple [essays], port. - E14M1 The mystery of justice. The evolution of mystery. The kingdom of matter. The past. Luck. - The double garden [essays]. 1904. E14M2 On the death of a little dog. The modern drama. The foretelling of the future. Old-fashioned flowers. The leaf of olive. [Etc.] - Monna Vanna [a play]. 1904. 2301 M Maeterlinck, Maurice. Courtney (W. L.) The development of Maurice Maeterlinck. 1904. E3C1 Magazines. See Periodical literature. Magee (William C.) Archbp. Christ, the light of all Scripture. 25209 - Gospel and the age, sermons. 1899. 25230 Magic casements [stories] ; by A. S. Cripps. - - - . 116 Cl Magic lantern. For list of related subjects, see Light. - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Optical lanterns and accessories, ill. - 53501 Magnetic north ; by E. Robins. 47 Rl Magnetism. For list of related subjects, see Physics. - Black (F. A.) Terrestrial magnetism and its causes. 1905. ill. 53801 - In Deschanel (A. P.) Natural philosophy, v. 3. 1903. ill. - 53704 - Glazebrook (R. T.) Electricity and magnetism. 1904. ill. - 53707 250 GOV AN HILL BRANCH. MAI Magnetism. Jude (R. H. ) The school magnetism and electricity. 1906. ill. 53708 - Stewart (B.) and Gee (W. W. H.) Electricity and magnetism. 53701 - Tyndall (J.) Elementary magnetism. In his Fragments, v. 1. 50410 Magnus (Laurie) English literature, Chaucer to Milton. 1906. 82109 Magnus Sinclair [a romance] ; by H. Pease. - - - - 25 PI Magnusson (Eirikr) Shipbuilding of old in the north. 1906. - 62607 Mahabharata [selections]. In Indian poetry. 1891. - - 89114 Mahaffy (John P.) Descartes [his life and philosophy]. 1901. 19401 - Euripides [his life and work]. 1879. 88202 Mahan (Alfred T. ) Interest of America in sea power. 1898. maps. 32703 - Sea power in its relations to the war of 1812. 1905. 2 v. ill. - 97222-3 - Types of naval officers. 1902. ill. 99609 - The war in South Africa, 1899-1900. 1901. port. map. - 96403 Maher (Michael) Psychology, empirical and rational. 1905. ill. 15021 Mahme Nousie [a novel] ; by G. M. Fenn. ... - 11F21 Mahon (Lord). See Stanhope (Philip H., Earl). Mahony (H. S. ) and others. Lawn tennis at home and abroad, ill. 79602 Mahrattas. Broughton (T. D.) In a Mahratta camp, 1809. 1892. ill. 94805 "Character, manners, domestic habits, and religious ceremonies." Maid of Athens ; by J. McCarthy. , - 4M5 Maid of Killeena ; by W. Black." 2 copies. - 62B5 Maid of mystery ; by L. T. Meade. 76M43 Maid of Sker ; by R. D. Blackmore. 63B14 Maids of Paradise ; by R. W. Chambers. 35 CI Maime o' the Corner ; by M. E. Francis. 50F2 Maine, Sir Henry J. S. Morley (J.) Maine on Popular govern- ment. In his Studies in literature. 1904. - - - E3M1 Maine. Freeman (E. A.) Travel in Xormandy and Maine. 1897. ill. 93310 Maison de Penarvan ; par J. Sandeau. 16S40 Maison forestiere ; par E. Erckmann et A. Chatrian. - - 30E1 Maistre (Joseph Marie, comtede) Les soirees de Saint- Peters- bourg. Traite* sur les sacrifices. 2 v. - - - - 23024-5 Maistre, Joseph Marie, comte de. Cogordan (G.) Joseph de Maistre [his life and work. In French]. 1894. port. - M471 - hi Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 2. 1905. - - - E3M3 - In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 3. 1892. - - E5S3 Maistre (Xavier de) (Euvres completes. 25M1 Voyage autour de rua chambre. Expedition nocturne autour de ma chambre. Le lepreux de la cite d'Aoste. Les prisonniers du Caucase. La jeune Sib£rienne. - Les prisonniers du Caucase ; with notes. ... - 44858 - Voyage autour de ma chambre ; with notes by J. Bue. 1900. 44868 Maitland (Ella F.) Priors Roothing [a novel]. - - - 34M1 Maitland (J. A. F.) English music in the xixth century. 1902. 78001 Maitland (William) The coming industrial struggle. In A policy of free exchange. 189-1. 33002 251 MAI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Maitland of Laurieston [a novel] ; by A. S. Swan. - - - 147 S 14 Maitre Corbeau, comedie ; par H. Raymond et M. Ordonneau ; [notes]. 44897 Maitre de forges ; par G. Ohnet ; [with notes]. 1906. - - 44915 Maitres sonneurs ; par George Sand. 15 SI Major. Clothes and the man, wearing and caring of clothes. 1900. 64607 Major (Charles) Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall [a romance]. 35M1 Major Cravachon, comedie ; par E. M. Labiche [etc.] ; [notes]. - 44898 Making of a woman ; by A. Le Feuvre. 29 L 9 Making of Christopher Ferringham ; by B. M. Dix. - - - 34D1 Malachi. See Bible. Malay Archipelago. Wallace (A. R.) Malay Archipelago, ill. 98403 Malcolm (Alexander) The parallelisms of Scripture. 1904. - 22103 Malcolm [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. 10M20 Maldex (Henry E.) A history of Surrey. 1905. - - - 91711 Malet (Lucas) Colonel Enderby's wife. 36 Ml - A counsel of perfection. 36M2 Malherbe, Francois de. In Belloc (H.) Avril. 1904. - - 84101 - Broglie (Due de) Malherbe [his life. In French]. 1897. port. M481 Mallesox (George B.) The Indian mutiny of 1857. 1901. ill. 94714 Mallet (Berxard) Progression in taxation. In Free exchange. 33002 Mallock < William H.) Property and progress. 1884. - - 33513 - Religion as a credible doctrine. 1903. 21509 - Studies of contemporary superstition. 1895.- - - - 21503 - The individualist [a novel]. 38M1 - The new republic. 38M2 Malory (Sir Thomas) History of King Arthur. - - - 39816 Another edition. 1900. 2 v. 39819-20 Malot (Hector) L'ile deserte ; with notes by E. L. Naftel. 1896. 44887 " Episode de ' En famille. Malthusianism. See Population. Mammals. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Figuier (L.) Mammalia. 1892. ill. 59902 - Lydekker (R.) Mostly mammals, zoological essays. 1903. ill. 59903 - See also Badger. Bones. Deer. Elephant. Man, Natural history of. Monkey. Whale. Man. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Avebury (Lord) Destiny of man. In his Pleasures of life. - E1A1 - Bagehot (W.) Ignorance of man. In his Literary studies. - E9B3 - Hall (G. R.) Human evolution, an inductive study of man. 1903. 30105 - Row (C. A.) Man not a machine, but a responsible free agent. In Present day tracts, v. 5. 20406 Man, Natural history of. For lists of related subjects, see Biology. Mammals. - Anthropology. In CasselPs Popular educator, v. 2. ill. - 03202 - In Buffon (Comte de) (Euvres, v. 1. 59035 - Darwin (C.) The descent of man. 1894. ill. - - - 57515 252 GOVANHILL BRANCH. MAN Man, Natural History of. Figuier(L.) The human race. 1893. ill. 57206 - Haberlandt (M.) Ethnology. 1899. bibl. ill. - - - 57210 - Haddon(A.C) The study of man. 1898. ill. maps. - - 57202 - Hodge (C.) Anthropology. In his Systematic theology, v. 2. 23002 - Hutchinson (H.N.) and others. LiviDgracesof mankind. 2 v. ill. 57207-8 - Huxley (T. H.) Man's place in nature, and other anthropo- logical essays. 1895. ill. 57301 - Latham (R. GL) Descriptive ethnology. 1859. 2 v. - 57203-4 1. Eastern and northern Asia-Europe. 2. Europe, Africa, India. - Mtiller (F. Max) The classification of mankind by language or by blood. In his Works, v. 5. 1902. - - - - E6M1 - Pattison (S. R.) and Pfaff (F.) The age and origin of man geo- logically considered. In Present day tracts, v. 3. - - 20404 - Pickering (C.) The races of man. 1854. ill. map. - - 57209 - Rawlinson (G.) The antiquity of man historically considered. In Present day tracts, v. 2. 20403 - Tylor (E. B.) Anthropology, the study of man. 1895. bibl. ill. 57201 - Tyndall (J.) Science and man. In his Fragments, v. 2. 1902. 50411 - In Wallace (A. R.) Studies, v. 1. 1900. ill. - - ■ 50438 New Guinea and its inhabitants. Affinities and origin of the Australian and Polynesian races. [Etc.] Man and wife, a novel; by W. Wilkie Collins. - 74C9 Man-at-arms [a romance] ; by C. Scollard. - - - - 37 SI Man from Downing Street, a mystery ; by W. Le Queux. - 36 LI Man from Glengarry, a tale of western Canada ; by Ralph Connor. 78 C 4 Man in black ; by S. J. Weyman. 44 W 4 Man in the iron mask. Hopkins (T.) The man in the iron mask. 1901. ill. 93121 Supports the view that Mattioli was "The man in the iron m - Lang (A.) The valet's tragedy. 1903. ill. - 90405 Discusses the claims of Mattioli and Dauger to being *' The man in the iron mask." Man in the iron mask, a historical romance ; by A. Dumas. - 58D13 Sequel to " Louise de la Valliere, " 58D12. Man of letters, a novel ; by Sir G. Douglas. - - - 44 Dl Man of mark ; by Anthony Hope. 82 H 4 Man of millions ; by S. R. Keightley. 8K1 Manchester. Marr (T. R. ) ed. Housing conditions in Manchester. 33122 Manchester rebels [a tale] ; by W. H. Ainsworth. - - - 16A6 Manchuria. Whigham (H. J.) Manchuria. 190-1. HI. map. - 95129 Mandeville (Sir John) Travels [1322-1357]. 1900. - - 90823 11 The version of the Cotton manuscript in modern spelling." Mandeville, Sir John. In Fy vie (J.) Literary eccentrics, port. 99915 Mandoline. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Luigi (G.) Mandoline tutor, mus. 78705 Manliness and culture ; by J. Brookes. 17406 Manlius Capitolinus, tragedie ; par A. de La Fosse. - - - 84210 253 MAN GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRA RIES. Mann, Horace. Hinsdale (B. A. ) Horace Mann and the common school revival in the United States. 1898. bibl. - - M191 Mann (Mary E. ) Gran'ma's Jane. - - - - - - 40M5 - A lost estate. 40M1 - Mrs. Peter Howard [a novel]. 40 M 2 - Olivia's summer. - 40M3 - There was once a prince. - - - - - - - 40 M 4 Mann (Richard) A manual of singing for choir-trainers. - - 78422 Mann (William) The art of shading. 1902. ill. - - - 74105 Manners. See Etiquette. Manners and customs. See Customs. Manning", Henry E. , Cardinal [a biography] ; by A. W. Hutton. port. M031 Man's privilege ; by D. Russell. 72R2 M ansel (Henry L.) The limits of religious thought. 1867. - 23920 Mansfield Park [a novel] ; by J. Austen. 60 A 1 Mansie Wauch, tailor in Dalkeith ; by D. M. Moir. - - - 132 Ml Manson (James) Lyrics and ballads. 1863. .... 101M Manson (W. L.) The Highland bagpipe. 1901. ill. - - 78804 Mantilla (Luis F.) ed. Libro de lectura ; with vocabulary, ill. 46804 Mantle of Elijah ; by I. Zangwill. 2Z4 Mantzius (Karl) History of theatrical art. 1905. 4 v. ill. 79208-11 Manual training. Woodward (C. M.) Manual training in educa- tion. 1890. ill. 37101 - See also Woodwork. Manuals for students. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Manufactures. See Industries and manufactures. Manx language. See Language, Manx. Manxman [a novel] ; by Hall Caine. 5C5 Many cargoes [tales] ; by W. W. Jacobs. 5J2 Many inventions [tales] ; by R. Kipling. 28 K7 Many ways of love, a romance ; by F. Whishaw. - - - 46 W 41 Marat, Jean Paul, the people's friend; by E. B. Bax. 1900. port. M141 Marathon. In Creasy (Sir E. S.) Decisive battles. 1903. plan. 90402 Marbling. Burg (A. R. and P. van der) School of painting for the imitation of wocfis and marbles. 1903. col. ill. - 69807 Marceau, Francois S., 1769-96 ; by T. G. Johnson. 1896. port. maps. M401 Marcella [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. Ward. 13W4 Marchaxt (J. R. V. ) Commercial history. .... 38001 Marchmo^t (Arthur W. ) A dash for a throne. - - - 47M1 - Madeline Power [a novel]. 47 M 2 Margaret of Anjou. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Margaret of Angouleme. In Fa wcett (Mrs. H.) French women. 99617 Margaret Torrington [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - 81W2 254 GOVANHILL BRANCH. MAR 1905. 3 Margesson (Lady Isabel) The ethical training of children. In Woman's library, v. 3. 1903. Marget at the manse ; by E. F. Heddle. - - - - Margoliouth (David S.) Defence of the Biblical revelation. - - Mohammed and the rise of Islam. 1905. ill. Margot la Balafree ; par F. Du Boisgobey. .... Marguerite de Valois [a romance] ; by A. Dumas. Margueritte (Paul and Victor) The commune, a novel. Mari retrouve, comedie ; par F. C. Dancourt. - Maria Sophia, Queen of Naples ; by C. Tschudi. 1905. port. - " A continuation of ' The Empress Elizabeth,' " E131. Manage fait et rompu, comedie ; par C. R. Dufresny. Marie Antoinette, Life of ; by C. D. Yonge. port. Marie Feodorowna. Grant (Mrs. C.) A mother of czars. Marietta, a maid of Venice ; by F. M. Crawford. Mariette (Alphonse) French and English idioms [etc.] Marion Fay [a novel] ; by A. Trollope. Marion Forsyth [a story] ; by A. S. Swan. .... Marivaux (Pierre C. C. de) Le legs ; Les fausses confidences ; Le jeu de l'amour et du hasard [comedies]. Marivaux, Pierre C. C. de [life. In French] ; par G. Deschamps. Marjorie Daw, and other stories ; by T. B. Aldrich. - Mark, St., Gospel of. See Bible. Mark (Harry T.) Educational theories in England. 1900. - Mark Desborough's vow ; by A. S. Swan. Mark Rutherford's deliverance ; by W. H. White. - Sequel to "The autobiography of Mark Rutherford," 68 W2. Marked "Personal"; by A. K. Green. Market Harborough [a novel] ; by G. J. Whyte Melville. Markham, Wm., Archbp., a memoir ; by Sir C. R. Markham. port Marks (Geo. C.) Hydraulic power engineering. 1905. ill. Marlborough, Duchess of. Colville (Mrs. A.) Duchess Sarah, 1660-1744. 1904. port. ill. Marlowe (Christopher) [Selected works] ; ed. by H. H. Ellis. Marlowe, Christopher. In Dowden (E.) Transcripts. 1896. - - In Lowell (J. R.) The old English dramatists. 1892. - . - Marm Lisa ; by K. D. Wiggin. Marmontel (Jean F.) L'ami de la maison, comedie. Marooned ; by W. Clark Russell. Marot, Clement. In Belloc (H.) Avril. 1904.- Marquetry. See Inlaying. Marquis of Lossie [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. Sequel to " Malcolm," 10M20. Marr (T. R. ) ed. Housing conditions in Manchester and Salford. 1904. ill. maps. Marriage. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. 255 64901 48H3 22226 M362 67D1 58D4 48M1 84203 M381 84203 M151 M211 113 C10 44833-5 43T8 147 S 10 84206 M491 21A1 37111 147 S 34 68W3 58G2 79M6 M451 62709 M561 1201 M E2D1 82508 52W8 84208 75R1 84101 10M14 33122 MAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Marriage. Hutchinson (H. N.) Marriage customs in many lands. 1897. ill. 39201 - Mallock (W. H.) Marriage and free thought. In his Studies. 21503 - Stevenson (R. L.) Virginibus puerisque. 1902. - - - E1S1 - In Walker (A. S.) The struggle for success. 1900. - - 17701 Marriage [a novel] ; by S. E. Ferrier. - ■ - - - - 13F1 Marriage of Moira Fergus ; by W. Black. 2 copies. - - - 62 B 5 Marriages [a story] ; by H. James. 7J10 Married beneath him ; by J. Payn. 18 P 9 Married life [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - 81 W 38 Marriott (Charles) The column, a novel. .... [50M2 - The house on the sands. 50 Ml - Love with honour. 50M3 Marry at (Florence) Parson Jones [a novel]. - - - - 51M40 Marryat (Frederick) Gapt. Olla podrida. 1897. ill. - - 91018 - The children of the New Forest. 52M19 - The dog fiend, or, Snarleyyow. 52M9 - Frank Mildmay, or, the naval officer. 52 M 2 - Jacob Faithful [a tale]. 52 M 5 - Japhet in search of a father. 52 M 7 - The King's Own. 52 Ml - The little savage. 52M20 - Masterman Ready, or, the wreck of the ' Pacific' - - - 52 M 21 - The mission, or, scenes in Africa. 52M23 - Mr. Midshipman Easy. 52M24 - Monsieur Violet. 52M16 - Newton Forster [a tale]. 52 M 3 - The pacha of many tales. 52 M 6 - Percival Keene [a tale]. 52M15 - Peter Simple [a tale]. 52 M 4 - The phantom ship. 52M11 - The pirate. The three cutters. - - - - - - 52 M 8 - The poacher [a tale]. 52M14 - Poor Jack. 52M13 - The privateersman. 52M17 - The settlers in Canada. 52M22 - Valerie. 52M18 - ed. Rattlin the reefer ; by E. Howard. 52M10 Marrying and giving in marriage [a novel] ; by Mrs. M. L. Molesworth. - - 100 M 41 Marsh (Richard) Curios, the adventures of two bachelors. - 54 M 2 - Mrs. Musgrave and her husband. 54 Ml Marshall (Mrs. Agnes B.) The book of ices. col. ill. - - 64203 - Cookery book. ill. 64107 Marshall (Emma) The end crowns all, a life story. - - 56 M 40 - The parson's daughter, a story. 56M41 256 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. MAE Marshall, Henry. Brown (J.) Dr. Henry Marshall and military hygiene. In his Horae subsecivae, v. 1. 1900. Marshall (Julian) Tennis. 1890. ill. - - Tennis. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. ill. - and Spens (J.) Rackets. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. ill. Marshall (Percival) ed. Model sailing yachts, ill. Marshall (William) Historic scenes in Forfarshire. 1875. - Marshfield the observer [a novel] ; by E. Castle. Marsilly, Roux de. Lang (A. ) The valet's master. In his Valet's tragedy, and other studies. 1903. Marston (Edward) After work [autobiography]. 1904. ill. - - Days in clover [fishing holidays]. 1892. - - Fishing for pleasure and catching it. 1906. ill. - Marston (Robert B.) Walton and earlier writers on fishing. - Martial. In Boissier (G.) Tacitus, and other Roman studies. - Martin, St. Cazenove (J. G.) St. Martin of Tours [his life]. - - In Farrar (F. W.) Lives of the fathers, v. 1. 1889. Martix (Alfred J.) Tables [of] measures and weights. 1906.- Martin (George C.) Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, and Phihppians. (Century Bible.) Martin (Henry N.) joint-author. See Huxley (Thomas H.) Martin (J. W.) Practical fishing for coarse fishes. 1906. ill. Martin (Sir Theodore) Life of the Prince Consort. 1882. - joint-author. See Aytoun (William E.) Martin (W. G. W.) Traces of the elder faiths of Ireland, pre- Christian traditions. 1902. 2 v. ill. - Martin Chuzzlewit ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - Martineau (Harriet) Household education. 1876.- - Deerbrook, a novel E1B1 79617 79605 79605 79643 92510 31C1 90405 M161 79916 79926 79915 87813 H221 99811 38901 22809 79937 A121 92624-5 30D11 37212 58M1 The hour and the man. 58 M4 E3M4 23402 21113 17107 99911 82112 99825 Martineau, Harriet. In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 3 Martineau (James) Faith and self-surrender. 1897. - Modern materialism, its attitude towards theology. 1876. - - The relation between ethics and religion. 1881. - Martineau, James. In Knight (W. A. ) Retrospects, v. 1. 1904. - In Rickett (A.) Personal forces in literature. 1906. bibl. - flartyn, Henry. In Holcomb (H. H.) India missions. 1901. ill. Kartyrs. For lists of related subjects, see Christian biography. Church history. • Camm (B.) ed. Lives of the English martyrs. 2 v. bibl. . - 99814-5 1. Martyrs under Henry VIII. 2. Martyrs under Queen Elizabeth. Foxe (J. ) The book of martyrs, ill. 27201 Martyrs ; par le vicomte de Chateaubriand. - - - - 41 CI Marvellous history of King Arthur in Avalon ; by Geoffrey Junior. 1904. 82 7H Iarvin (Frederic R.) The companionship of books [etc.] 1905. E11M1 1 257 MAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Mabwick (Sir James D.) Clyde, and harbour of Glasgow. 1898. 92323 Marx (Karl) Capital, a critical analysis. 1902. - - - 33136 Mary, Queen of Scots. Bell (H. G. ) Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. M 105 - Hume (M. A. S.) The love affairs of Mary, Queen of Scots, port. M101 - Lang (A.) The Queen's Marie. Into Valet's tragedy [etc.] 1903. 90405 - Millar (A. H.) Mary, Queen of Scots, life story. 1905. port. ill. M104 - Strickland (A.) Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 1903. 2 v. port. M102-3 Mary I. , of England. In Strickland (A. ) Queens of England, v. 2. 99631 Mary III In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 5-6. port. 99634-5 Mary Beatrice of Modena. In Strickland (A.) Lives of the Queens of England, v. 4-5. 1904-6. port. - - - 99633-4 Mary Anerley, a Yorkshire tale ; by R. D. Blackmore. - - 63 B10 Mary Barton, and other tales ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. - - 10 G 3 Mary Marston [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. - - - - 10 M 5 Maryhill. Thomson (A.) Maryhill, 1750-1894. 1895. - - 92327 Mason (Alfred E. W.) Ensign Knightley, and other stories. - 59M4 - The four feathers. - 59M5 - Miranda of the balcony, a story. ------ 59M3 - The philanderers. ' ' 59M2 - The truants. - - 59M1 Mason (Arthur J.) Thomas Cranmer [a biography]. 1898. - C051 Mason (Caroline A.) A woman of yesterday. - - - - 138M1 Mason (Finch) Annals of the Horse-shoe Club [stories]. -, - 5M1 , Mason (James) Chess openings. 1905. 79406 Mason, Sir Josiah. Bunce(J.T.) Mason, a biography. 1890. port. M351 Mason (R. 0.) Telepathy and the subliminal self. 1897. - - 13402 j Masonry. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Purchase (W. R.) Practical masonry. 1904. ill. - - - 69301 - Siebert (J. St) and Biggin (F. C.) Modern stone-cutting and ; masonry. 1904. ill. - 6930& "With special reference to the making of working drawings." Maspbro (Gaston C.) Manual of Egyptian archaeology, ill. - 95719 Masques. For list of related subjects, see Drama. - Evans (H. A.) ed. English masques [selected]. 1906. - - 82514 Massarenes, a novel ; by Ouida. - - - - - - 1401 Massey, Gerald. Collins (J. C.) Poetry of Gerald Massey. In his Studies in poetry and criticism. 190o. - - - *7Ui Massie (John) Corinthians I-II. (Century Bible.) map. - 22807 Massinger, Philip. In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 2. E2S2 Masson (David) Chatterton, a biography. 1899. - - - C321 - De Quincey [his life and work]. 1902. D 06 * Masson (Gttstave) French literature. 1888. - 84001 _ ed. Readings from French history [In French]. 3 v. maps. 44869J1 Masson (Rosaline) Leslie Farquhar [a novel]. - - My poor niece, and other stories. - - The transgressors [a novel]. 258 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. MAT Master [a novel] ; by L Zangwill. - . . . . 2Z1 Master-Christian ; by Marie Corelli. - - . . . . 8 9C3 Master craftsman ; by Sir W. Besant 2 copies. - . 48B8 Master hand, and other poems ; by A. Macleod. 1906. - - 2501 M Master musicians. ir, f h« t !*? ° f the s? 1 ' 1 ** may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it dells Master of Ballantrae, a winter's tale ; by R. L. Stevenson. - H9S6 Master of craft ; by W. W. Jacobs. 5J7 Master of Fernhurst ; by E. E. Green. - - . . ~ 6 0G45 Master of Grey lands, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - 76 W 30 Master Rockafellar's voyage ; by W. Clark Russell. - - . 75 R2 Masterma* (George F.) Seven years in Paraguay. 1869. map. 98004 Masterman Ready [a tale] ; by Captain F. Marryat. - - - 52 M 21 Masters of medicine. *, «, A lj f\ ° f the se , ries ma ^ be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with Xch itdells Masters of to-morrow. [on success) ; by W. J. Lacey. - . 17013 Masts. Kipping (R.) Masting and rigging of ships. 1903. ill. 62608 Matabelelandandhow Weg otit:byC.L.K Newman. 1895. map. 96505 Materialism. For lists of related subjects, see Philosophy. Theology - Martmeau (J.) Materialism, its attitude towards theology. - 21113 - Tyndall (J. ) The Belfast address. In his Fragments, v. 2.° 1902 50411 ■ Wilkinson ( W. F. ) Modern materialism. In Present day tracts! 20404 Mathematical instruments. Heather (J. F.) Mathematical instruments, their construction and use. 1888-99 ill - 68102 ingn^^^ffi^Z*™***' Optical instruments. Survey- Mathematics. For other branches of science, see Science. - Ball (W. W. R.) A primer of the history of mathematics. 1903. 51002 - Cracknell (A. G.) Mathematics, stage 1. 1906. ill. - . 51003 - Hall(H. S.) and Stevens (F.H.) Elementary mathematics. 1903. 51004 "Comprising arithmetic, algebra, and Euclid " '^^^^^^n^. Calculus. Geometry. Logarithms. Mather (James Marshall) By roaring loom [stories]. - - 62M1 Mathers (Helen) Bam Wildfire [a novel]. .... 64M3 - Comin' thro' the rye. - . . . . . . 64M2 ■"Hooey" [a novel]. - - 64Ml MathesoiN (CxEORGE) Aids to study of German theology. 1875. 23022 - Distinctive messages of the old religions. 1S92. - - . 29002 - Voices of the spirit [meditations]. - 24005 Kathew (Frank) The Spanish wine [a novel]. - - - - 65 Ml • The wood of the brambles. - - 65M2 fcithew, Theobald. In Kirtonf J. W.) The world's workers. 1895 99813 Mathews (Chas. J.) Life; ed. by C. Dickens. 1879. 2v. port. M121-2 Mathews (Shailer) The social teaching of Jesus. 1897 - 30106 259 MAT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Matilda of Boulogne. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Matilda of Flanders. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Matilda of Scotland. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Matinee d'une etoile, comedie ; par E. W. Legouve ; [with notes]. 44902 Matrimony [a novel] ; by W. E. Norris. 12N2i Matter. For lists of related subjects, see Philosophy. Physics. - Kelvin (Lord) Constitution of matter. In his Popular lectures J fLTid addresses v. 1. ■ ■ ■ " ~ - Maeterlinck (M.) Kingdom of matter. In his Buried temple. E14M1 - Tyndall (J.) Matter and force. In his Fragments, v. 2. 1902. 50411 - Wagstaff(C. J. L.) Properties of matter. 1906. ill. - - 53010 Matthew, St., Gospel of. See Bible. Matthew Austin [a novel] ; by W. E. Norris. - - - - 12N3 Matthew Dale, farmer ; by Mrs. Sanders. 19S1 Matthews (Brander) Notes on speech-making. 1901. - - 80825 - Secret of the sea [and other stories]. 66M1 Matthews (Charles G.) Manual of alcoholic fermentation. 1901. 66303 Matthews (G. F.) Manual of logarithms. 1890. - - - 51001 Mauclair (Camille) French impressionists, 1860-1900. til. - 75901 Maud (Constance E.) The rising generation. - 67M1 Maude Bolingbroke [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - 81 W 41 Maudsley (Hesry) Body and will. 1883. - 13001 Maunder (Ed w. W.) Royal Observatory, Greenwich. 1900. til. 52201 Maurice (Frederick D.) Friendship of books, and other lectures. 1904. " " fc5M1 On words. On books. On use and abuse of newspapers. On Christian civilization. Ancient history. English history. Spenser s 'Faerie Queene." Milton. Milton considered as a schoolmaster. Edmund Burke. On critics. [Etc.] Maurice (Sir J. F.) The Busso-Turkish war, 1877. 1905. maps. 94019 Mawkin of the flow [a story] ; by Lord E. W. Hamilton. - - 116 HI Max Thornton [a romance] ; by E. Glanville. - - - - 31G3 Maxims. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Gracian(B.) The art of worldly wisdom. 1904. - - - 86801 - La Rochefoucauld (Due de) Maximes [In French and English]. 84807 - Penn (W.) Some fruits of solitude, in maxims. 1901. - ; 17001 - Readings for young men, merchants, and men of business. - 17406 Maxsted (H. R.) Three thousand miles in a motor -car. 1905. ill. 91014 Maxton (John) Manual of engineering drawing. 1903. ill. - 74402 Maxwell (Beatrice H. ) The queen regent [a novel] . - - 69 M 1 Maxwell (Donald) The log of the Griffin. 1905. ill. maps. - 9101C Maxwell (Sir Herbert E.) House of Douglas. 1902. 2 v. ill. D011-, - Meridiana, noontide essays. 1892. - - - - ; E16 Ancient lights. A country member's moan ^ n % r ^J e Usto ^: Contrast. Civilisation. Mnemosyne. Imagination. Pleasure. Per sonal names. Birds. Education. _ ^ soiia.i iiaixics. jjuuo. i^^~~~. - Robert the Bruce and Scottish independence. 1899. ill. maps. ill. 260 Salmon and sea trout. 1898. ill. 7991 ' GOVANHILL BRANCH. M EC MaxwelMSir Herbert E.) Sir Charles Murray, a memoir Sixty years a Queen [reign of Victoria!. ill. M301 Maxwell (J.) Metapsychical phenomena. 1905 - „?„? Maxwell (Ronald) On the Clyde and off it. 1902. -" '. £J£ May (EdwardS.) Guns and cavalry. 1896 Ulvlam HZt MAY ( 5860 THO 18 I 7 A 3 SE l COn ! titUtio/al ^ AJ^W 8 "" Mayer (Alfred M.) Sound. 1891. ill.'. '. ' ' ' 3 *™ n t -and Barnard (C.) Light. 1889. ill. ..." „*°, Mayhew(He N ry) The boyhood of Martin Luther, ill. . ." ^ Mayo (Mrs. I. F.) See Garrett (Edward) Mayor (Josephs.) Modern English metre ' 1903. - - . 4 2602 Mayor of Casterbridge ; by T. Hardy. - . Z If Mazzini (Joseph) Essays, selected. mm . . . ™ Pope to the cohnci 1 F Tu C > h op r e eTO Ee t c a n n an^d K* 8 ° f D " ,te Fr ° m the - Engaged to be married. - - 76M47 - In an iron grip . " 76M41 - A knight of to-day. - - - - 76M49 - Little wife Hester. - . . " 76M42 - A maid of mystery. .... - 76 M 46 - The voice of the charmer. - - - - 76 M 43 - Wages, a novel. - . " " " 76M48 - The witch maid. - - . 76M44 Meakin (Annette MB.) In Russian Turkestan! 1903. ill map "££ -Anbbon of tron [S.berian railway]. 1901. ill. map, - fJJJ Meakin (Budgett) Model factories and villages. 1905 ill 33 7is Measure of a man ; by E. Livingston Prescott - ££l Measures. See Weights and measures Mecca. Burton (Sir R. E.) Pilgrimage to Meccah [1855]. 2 v. ill 94403 4 istakeleetb.E.) The home workshop, ill. . . . fifinn „ Mechanics. For lists of related subjects, see Engineering. Physics BalMS^R. S.) Experimental mechanics. 1888. ill. . . 53102 - /»Deschanel (A. P.) Natural philosophy, v.l. 1902 ill S - SrrWJ / P'r-t i' Me " hanicsof ^chiuery. 1902. « - 53101 ^erry (J.) Practical mechanics. 1889. iK. . . . , 0Mn ■ mechanics. In Cassell's Technical educator, ill. '. 60 3 01 3 261 MEC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Mechanics. Rosenberg (F.) First stage mechanics of solids. 1895. ill. - " - ' 531 ° b - See also Force. Statics. Mediant, comedie ; par J. B. L. Gresset. Medals. See Coins and medals. Mediaeval towns. ■ . ' A A list of the series may be seen on ^plication Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Medici, Catherine de'. Sichel (E.) Catherine de' Medici and the French reformation. 1905. port. ill. - - - lU6tL Medici, Lorenzo de', and Florence ; by E. Armstrong, port. ill. M051 Medicine. For list of other useful arts, see Arts, Useful. - In Huxley (T. H.) Science and education. 1895. - - - 50435 On medical education. The state and the medical profession. Ihe connection of the biological sciences with medicine. - Lamport (E. F.) Medicine as a profession for women. In Woman's library, v. 1. 1903.- ----- 39605 - Leach (H.) The ship captain's medical guide. 1906. - - 6lWb - Robertson (J. M.) The household physician. 1902. 2 v. ill. 6100M - Spriece (S. S.) Medicine and the public. 1905. - - - 61005 - See also Anatomy. Baths and bathing. Christian science. Disease. Fi^t aid. Health. Homoeopathy. Nursing. Physiology. Surgery. Medina. Burton (Sir R.F.) Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah [1855]. 2 v. 94403-4 Meditations. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - How (W. W.) The closed door. 1898.- - - - - 24301 - Kempis (T. a) Imitation of Christ. 1901. - - - - 24202 - Matheson (G.) Voices of the spirit. - ' -Pulsford (J.) Quiet hours. 1900-3. 2 v. - - - " ™ ft * - Sergieff (J.) Passages of his mystical autobiography. - - 242Ud See also Reflection. Medley of a decade, London and Glasgow letters, 1882-92 ; by Mrs. M. Harvey and Miss McLeod. 2 v. - 828<$u-i Medlicotts, a family chronicle ; by Curtis Yorke. Meester (J. de) Jozef Israels. In Dutch painters. 1898. til. 99701 Meghaduta [a poem] ; by Kalidasa. - - - - " " . Meiklejohk (John M. D.) The art of writing English. 1902.- 42801 - English language, grammar, history, and literature. 1905. - - A grammar of the English tongue. 1904. - Outline of the history of English literature. 1903. Melancholy. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Burton (R.) The anatomy of melancholy. 1898. - - 13 Meldola (Raphael) Chemistry of photography. 1901. til. - 77io, Meldrum (DavidS.) The story of Margredel. - - - 80 M] Melincourt [a novel] ; by T. L. Peacock. - - - - ' Melrose (C. J.) Bridge whist, its whys and wherefores, ill. - Solo whist, its whys and wherefores. 1899. ill - - ■ Melusina. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of the middle ages, ill 3981J 262 GOVANHILL BRANCH, MER 1899. ill. map. - M541 79M5 79M9 79M7 79M8 79M2 79M3 79M1 79M6 79M4 79M10 131M1 131M2 131M3 91737 92601 12T3 Melville, Andrew. Morison (W.) Melville [a biographvl Melville (George J. Whyte) Bones and I ? 7J - The Brookes of Bridlemere [a novel]. - Cerise, a tale of the last century. ..." - Contraband, or, a losing hazard. - - The gladiators, a tale of Rome and Judaea - - Holmby House, a tale of old Northamptonshire - - Ihe interpreter, a tale. .... - Market Harborough. Inside the bar. - - The Queen's Maries, a romance of Holyrood - - Uncle John, a novel. Melville (Herman) Moby Dick, or, "the whaled - - lypee [a romance of the South Seas]. - - Omoo [sequel to " Typee "]. - Melville (Lewis) The Thackeray country. 1905 Member of the aristocracy. See Au fait Memini, reminiscences of Irish life ; by M. O'C. Morris 189* Memoirs of Barry Lvndon • bv W M TL i mo ™' iyy ^ at • Mf Ji - lJ ^ XIUon ^ °} T vv - M. Ihackeray. 2 conies - iotq Memoirs of Mr. Yellowolush • hvW \f tu i « ^pies. 12 T 3 Memories and portraits' ^l t^l^ ^ ~ Memories grave and gay; by J. Kerr. 1903. ill. '. . ' l"? Memory. For list of related subjects, see Psychology " -Atkinson(YV.W.) Memory culture. - . -Maclaren(T.) Systematic memory. 1906 - " " ™l I Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Mnemosyne. 7 ,„ ^Meridiana !S9-> " E16M1 Men of the moss-hags ; by S. R. Crockett. . J"" Mende Issohn-Bartholdy Felix. Mendelssobn-Bartholdy" (K i Goethe and Mendelssohn. 1S74 port "' ma y I*-) ' t R arry K ( fu r G H - H ' ) Studi6S ° f « reat composers. 1904 -" - In Rowbotham (J. F.) Private life nf ti,„ <. 1892. WW. pari' . . Ilfe of the « reat composers. -Stratton (S. S.) Mendelssohn [his life], 'bihl. ' port', ill '. Mendknhall (Thomas C.) A century of electrichy. 1887 ill ES?;™ tale of the Riel rebelIion ; b >- e - g - **»*»™. - f '-MMortjmer and D.) War impressions. 1903. col ill Men's wives ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies - . Mensuration. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 7. 1903. - Stevens (F. H. ) Elementary mensuration. 1904 ill ■ -Todhunter (I.) Mensuration for beginners. 1903 ill. Mental struggle ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford - fexziEs (Louisa) Lives of the Greek heroines. 1880 ill lercantile law. See Commercial law. 263 G171 99714 99721 M171 53703 46805 95802 • 117H1 96417 - 12T3 - 03207 • 51116 • 51117 ■ 104 H 11 • 88003 MER GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Mercantile marine. For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Bullen iF. T.'i Men of the merchant service. - 65606 - Cowie (A. G-.) The sea services of the Empire. 1905. - - 65603 •■As fields for employment/' Mercies (Charles A ) Psychology, normal and morbid. 1901. 15015 Mercure cralant. comedie ; par E. Boursault. ... - 84202 Meredith (George) The adventures of Harry Richmond. - 82M1 - The amazing marriage. - 82 M2 . 82 M 3 - Beauchamps career. - Diana of the Crossways, a novel. ------ 82M4 - The egoist, a comedy in narrative. ------ 82M5 - Evan Harrington, a novel. 82M6 - Lord Ormont and his Aminta, a novel. ----- 82M7 82 M 8 - One of our conquerors. - The ordeal of Richard Fevereh a history. - 82M 9 - Phoda Fleming, a story. 82M10 - Sandra Belloni [a novel]. 82Mn - Vittoria [sequel to ''Sandra Belloni*']. - -82M15 - The shaving of Shagpat. an Arabian entertainment. - - 82M12 - The tale of Chloe, and other stories. 82M13 Ho ,:h. Farina. Case of General Ople and Lady Camper. - The tragic comedians. 82M14 Meredith. George. Poetry and philosophy of ; by G. M. Trevelyan. 82423 Meredith. Susanna, a record of a vigorous life; by M.A.Lloyd, port. M061 Meridiana, noontide essays ; by Sir H. E. Maxwell. 1892. - E16M1 Merimee (Prosper) Chronique du regne de Charles IX. ; notes. 44886 - Lettres a une inconnue. 2 v. mem. M463-4 - Love letters of a genius. 1905. - - - - - - M * 61 A translation of " Lettres a une inconnue." Merimee. Prosper [his life. In French] ; par A. Filon. 1898. port. M462 Merivale* Charles History of Rome, 753 B.C. to 476 a.d. maps. 93608 Merivaee (Herman C.) [Poems]. In Poets of the century, mem. 8242C Merrick (E.M.) With a palette in eastern palaces. 1899. port. ill. 9470* •Merrimac ; Knox (T. W.) Battle between the Monitor and the Merrimac. In his Decisive battles. 1900. ill. - 9040^ Merrimax (Henry Setox) Barlasch of the Guard. 2 copies. - 85MJ - From one generation to another. 85 Ml] - The grey lady. 85Mi - In Kedar'fl tents. 85M j - The isle of unrest. 85M1 „ , ... - 85M< - Roden s corner. - The slave of the lamp. 85M: -, 85MK - The sowers. - Tomaso*s fortune, and other stories. 85 Ml! - The velvet glove. 85 j£ - The vultures r a novel]. 85 264 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. MEX 85M7 91704 65007 119S12 19304 Mereiman (Henry Seton) With edged tools - Merritt (Anna L. ) A hamlet in old Hampshire. 1902 ill Merrxtt (Charles S.) Commercial correspondence and tech- nology, French and English. - . . Merry men, and other tales ; by R. L. Stevenson. - ! Merz (John T.) Leibniz [his life and philosophy! 190* - Mesmerism. See Hypnotism. Mesopotamia Fraser (J. B. ) Travels in Mesopotamia, etc. 2 v. 94401-2 Mess deck [tales]; by W.F.Shannon. - - 53S l Metal engraving. For related subjects, see Engraving - Hasluck (P. N.) erf. Engraving metals. 1901. ill. . . 7600 i Metal work For lists of related subjects, see Industries. Sculpture - Compton (A. G.) First lessons in metal- working. 1904. ill 67103 I Drawmg for metal plate workers. In Cassell's Educator, v. 5. 60305 - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Bent iron [and] art metal work. 1902. ill - Jackson (FG.) Metal work, chasing and repousse. 1903. ill ~ ^Tns^ucS.^O^T onique. 78267 - Meyerbeer (G.) L'etoile du nord. 78265 Gli Ugonotti. 78215 - Parry (Sir C. H. H.) War and peace. 78242 - Prout(E.) Alfred, a cantata. - 78201 - Puccini (G.) The Bohemians. 4°. - - - - - - 78231 - Rossini (G.) Guillaume Tell. 78244 - Schumann (R.) Genoveva. 78246 - Slaughter (W.) Blue-Bell in fairyland. 4°. - - - - 78239 - Solomon (E.) The red hussar. 78222 - Stanford (Sir C. V.) The Canterbury pilgrims. - - 78202 - Stuart (Leslie) Florodora. 4°. 78228 - Sullivan (Sir A. S. ) The golden legend. 78240 The gondoliers. 78269 - - The grand duke. - 78278 H.M.S. Pinafore. 78227 Iolanthe. 78268 Ivanhoe. 78280 Mikado. 78270 Patience. 78271 The pirates of Penzance. 78274 Princess Ida. 78203 The rose of Persia. 78275 The sorcerer. 78226 - - Trial by jury. 78272 The yeomen of the guard. 2 copies. .... 78204, 78273 281 MUS GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Music, Operas, cantatas, and musical comedies. Vocal scores :— - Sullivan (Sir A. S.) and German (E.) The emerald isle. - - 78276 - Taylor (S. Coleridge) Song of Hiawatha. 78241 - Thomas (A. G. ) Esmeralda. - - 78205 - Verdi (G.) Aida. 4°. 78 233 Ernani, a tragic opera. --..... 78253 - - Rigoletto. 78206 II trovatore. 78252 - Wagner (R.) Lohengrin. 78251 Tannhauser. 78250 Tristan and Isolda. 78257 - Weber (C. M. F. E. von) Euryanthe. ----- 78249 - West (C. T. ) The mandarin. 78230 Music, Oratorios, masses, sacred cantatas, etc. Vocal scores :— - Bach (J. S.) Passion music, St. Luke. 78306 - - Passion of our Lord, S. John. 78307 Passion of our Lord, S. Matthew. 78308 - Barnett (J. F. ) The raising of Lazarus. 78318 - Beethoven (L. van) The choral symphony. - 78332 The Mount of Olives. 78303 - Benedict (Sir J.) St. Peter, an oratorio. 2 copies. - 78302, 78326 - Bridge (J. C. ) Daniel. 78333 - Bridge (Sir J. F.) The repentance of Nineveh. - - - 78328 - Cherubini (L.) Requiem mass in C minor. .... 78350 Second mass, D minor. - 78342 Third mass in A, coronation mass. 78351 Fourth mass in C. 78349 - Costa (Sir M.) Eli, an oratorio. 78312 - Elgar(SirE.) The apostles. 78324 The dream of Gerontius. 78325 - Gaul (A. R.) The holy city. 78309 The ten virgins. 78329 - Goetz (H.) By the waters of Babylon. 78340 - Gounod (C. F.) Messe solennelle. - 78348 - Handel (G. F.) Athaliah. 78311 - - Jephtha. 78316 Judas Maccabaeus. - - 78339 The Messiah. 78338 Ode on St. Cecilia's Day. 78313 Susanna. 78314 - Haydn (J. ) The creation. 78337 - Hummel (J. N. ) Mass in B flat. 78345 Mass in E flat. 78344 - - Third mass in D. 78343 - Mackenzie (Sir A. C.) Bethlehem. 78322 282 GOVANHILL BRANCH. MY Music, Oratorios, masses, sacred cantatas, etc. Vocal scores: — - Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (F.) Athalie. 78341 - - Elijah. --- 78336 Hear my prayer, God, hymn. 78310 - Mozart (W. A. C.) The requiem mass. ■ 78347 - - Twelfth mass. 78346 - Palestrina (G. P. da) Stabat mater, for double chorus. - - 78320 - Saint-Saens (C. ) The heavens declare. 78321 - Sawyer (F. J.) The star in the east. 78330 - Schubert (F. P.) Song of Miriam, soprano solo and chorus. - 78304 - Smart (H.) Jacob, sacred cantata. 78305 - Spohr (L.) Calvary, an oratorio. 78327 - Stainer (Sir J.) The crucifixion. 78319 - - St. Mary Magdalen. 78334 - Stanford (Sir C. V.) Eden. ------- 78323 Music primers (Novello). Music story series. Lists of the volumes in the above series ruay be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Musicians. For list of related subjects, see Art, arts, artists. - Hadow (W. H.) Studies in modern music. 1904-5. 2 v. ill. 99718-9 1. Berlioz. Schumann. Wagner. 2. Chopin. Dvorak. Brahms. - Parry (Sir C. H. H.) Studies of great composers. 1904. - 99714 Palestrina. Handel. Bach. Haydn. Mozart. Beethoven. Weber. Schubert. Mendelssohn. Schumann. Wagner. - Rowbotham(J.F.) Private life of the great composers. 1892. port. 99721 Beethoven. Mozart. Haydn. Bach. Handel. Gluck. Mendelssohn. Liszt. Schumann. Donizetti. Meyerbeer. Wagner. [Etc.] Musset (Alfred de) Croisilles ; with notes. .... 44866 - Histoire d ? un merle blanc ; with notes by C. Delhave. 1900. 44865 - Pierre et Camille ; with notes by G. Masson. 1905. - - 44867 - and Augier (£mile) L'habit vert, proverbe. 1889. - - 2401 M Musset, Alfred de [his life. In French]; par A. Barine. 1904. j)° rt - M531 My confession ; by Count Tolstoy. T101 My contemporaries, 1830-70; by W. A. Shee. 1893. - - S411 My Lady Nicotine ; by J. M. Barrie. 24B2 My Lady Rotha, a romance ; by 8. J. Weyman. - - - 44W5 My literary life ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. 1899. - - - L172 My Lord Winchenden [a novel] ; by Graham Hope. - - - 85H1 My miscellanies ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 1899. - - - 82810 My mother and I, a story ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - - 107 C 12 My new curate, a story; by P. A. Sheehan. - - - - 13 S3 My novel ; by Lord Lytton. 73L22 Sequel to "The Caxtons," 73L2. My poor niece, and other stories ; by R. Masson. - - - 61 M 3 My poor relations, stories ; by Maarten Maartens. - - - 2M2 My quest for God [autobiography] ; by J. Trevor. 1897. ill. - T141 2S3 MY GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. My run home; by Rolf Boldre wood. 71 B 3 My shipmate Louise ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - - 75 R 26 My son Richard, a romance ; by D. B. W. Sladen. - - - 77 Si My study windows [essays] ; by J. R. Lowell. .... E1L1 My vefy, very own, mothers' meetings ; by M. M. Campbell. - 26404 My watch below [tales] ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75 Rio Myddelton, Sir Hugh. In Smiles (S. ) Lives of the engineers, 'port. 99707 Myers (Frederic W. H.) Wordsworth [his life and work]. 1902. W141 Mylne (R. S.) Abiding strength of the church, sermons. 1898. 25243 Myrick (Herbert) Cache la Poudre, romance of a tenderfoot. - 68 Ml Mysteries of Heron Dyke, a novel ; by T. W. Speight. - - 95 SI Mystery. Maeterlinck (M.) The evolution of mystery. In his Buried temple. 1902. E14M1 Mystery of Edwin Drood [Etc.] ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - 30 D 7 Mystery of John Peppercorn ; by T. Gallon. - - - - 6G2 Mystery of Ladyplace ; by Christian Lys. 69 L 2 Mystery of Lincoln's Inn [a novel] ; by R. Machray. - - 15 M 2 Mystery of Mirbridge ; by J. Payn. 18 P 2 Mystery of the « Ocean Star ' [Etc.] ; by W. Clark Russell. - 75R27 Mysticism. For lists of related subjects, see Philosophy. Religion. - Chuang Tzu. Musings of a Chinese mystic. 1906. - - 18101 - Gregory (E. C.) Introduction to Christian mysticism. 1901. 27301 Mystifications ; by J. Brown. In his Horae subsecivse, v. 3. 1897. E1B3 Mythology. For lists of related subjects, see Folk-lore. Religions. - Berens (E. M.) Myths and legends of Greece and Rome. ill. 29202 - Gould (S. Baring) Curious myths of the middle ages. 1888. 39818 Wandering Jew. Prester John. The divining rod. Seven sleepers of Ephesus. William Tell. The dog Gellert. Tailed men. Antichrist and Pope Joan. The mountain of Venus. S. Patrick's purgatory. S. George. S. Ursula and the eleven thousand virgins. Legend of the cross. Schamir. The piper of Hameln. Bishop Hatto. Melusina. The Fortunate Isles. The knight of the swan. The Sangreal. - Heine (H. ) Gods in exile. In his Prose writings. - - - E6H1 - Menzies (L.) Lives of the Greek heroines. 1880. ill. - - 88003 - Miiller (F. Max) Mythology and folk-lore. In his Works. - E6M4 Comparative mythology. Philosophy of mythology. False analogies in comparative mythology. Solar myths. Lunar myths. Lesson of 'Jupiter.' [Etc.] - Nutt (A. ) Fairy mythology of Shakespeare. 1900. bibl. - 39817 - Ruskin(J.) Queen of the air, Greek myths. 1903. - - 29201 - Squire (C.) Mythology of the British Islands. 1905. bibl. - 29301 "An introduction to Celtic myth, legend, poetry, and romance." - Tylor (E. B.) Primitive culture. 1903. 2 v. ... 29003-4 " Researches into the development of mythology [etc.] " N Nada the lily ; by H. Rider Haggard. 3H9 Nahum. See Bible. Nairne (C. Oliphaxt, Baroness) Life and songs. 1896. port. ill. 201 N 284 GOVANHILL BRANCH. NAT Nairne, Carolina Oliphant, Baroness. In Tytler (Sarah) and Watson (J. L.) Songstresses of Scotland, v. 2. 1871. - 82202 Names. For list of related, subjects, see Language, English. - Wagner (L.) More about names. 1893. .... 42202 Names, Geographical. Mackinlay (J. M. ) Influence of the pre- formation church on Scottish place-names. 1904. bibl. 91849 - Round (J. H.) Settlement of the South-Saxons and East- Saxons. In his Commune of London [Etc.] 1899. - 91301 Names, Personal. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Guppy (H. B.) Homes of family names in Great Britain, maps. 99901 - Long (H. A.) Personal and family names. 1883. - - - 99906 - In Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Meridiana. 1892. .... E16M1 Nanine, comedie ; par F. M. A. de Voltaire. .... 84206 Nansen (Fridtjof) First crossing of Greenland. 1898. ill. map. 99415 - Norway and the union with Sweden. 1905. - 94106 Nantes. Ker (J. ) The revocation of the Edict of Nantes. In his Scottish nationality, and other papers. 1887. - - E2K1 Naomi, or, the last days of Jerusalem ; by Mrs. J. B. Webb. - 32 W 2 Napier, Macvey. Morley (J.) Memorials of a man of letters. In his Studies in literature. 1904. E3M1 Napier (Sib, Wm. F. P.) War in the Peninsula. 6 v. maps. 93405-10 Naples. Clark ( W. G. ) Naples and Garibaldi. In Vacation tours. 96701 - Giglioli (C. H. D.) Naples in 1799, the revolution. 1903. ill. 93705 Napoleon I. Browning (0. ) The boyhood and youth of Napoleon, 1769-93. 1906. port. ill. map. N032 - Fremeaux (P.) Napoleon at St. Helena, memoirs of Dr. J. Stokoe. S031 - Home (R.H.) The history of Napoleon Bonaparte. 1879. port. ill. N033 - Morris (W.O'C.) Napoleon, warrior and ruler. 1903. port. ill. N031 - Rosebery (Earl of) Napoleon, the last phase. 1900. - - N034 Napoleon of Notting Hill ; by G. K. Chesterton. - - - 44 CI Nash, Richard, Life of; by O. Goldsmith. In his Works, v. 4. - E1G4 Nassau (Robert H. ) Fetichism in West Africa. 1904. ill. map. 96010 Natal. Harrison (C.W.F.)ed. Natal, official guide. 1903. ill. maps. 96502 Nathan der Weise, ein dramatisches Gedicht; von G. E. Lessing. 43824 - Another edition [In English]. 601L Nation's youth, deterioration ; by the Countess of Warwick. - 61320 Natural history. For other branches of science, see Science. - Allen (G.) Colin Clout's calendar. 1901. .... 58107 11 The record of a summer, April-October." - Buckland (F. T. ) Curiosities of natural history. 4 v. ill. - 59005-8 - Cooke (M. C.) Ponds and ditches. 1897. ill. - - - 59013 - Cornish (C. J.) The naturalist on the Thames. 1902. ill. - 59001 - Darwin (C.) The voyage of H. M.S. 'Beagle.' 1902. ill. - 50801 - Gibson (W. H.) Happy hunting-grounds, woods and fields. 1887. 4°. ill. 58119 Sharp eyes, a rambler's calendar. 1904. ill. - - - 59028 285 NAT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Natural history. Goldsmith (0.) Animated nature. In Works. E1G5 - Gosse (P. H.) The Canadian naturalist, conversations. 1840. ill. 59126 - Hudson (W. H.) The naturalist in La Plata. 1903. ill. - 59112 - Huxley (T. H. ) On the educational value of the natural history sciences. In his Science and education. 1895. - - 50435 - Jefferies (R.) The gamekeeper at home. 1905. ill. - - 50427 - - Wild life in a southern county. 1903. .... 59124 - Kingsley (C.) Study of natural history. In his Health [etc.] - E1K4 - Lumsden (J. ) and Brown (A. ) Natural history of Loch Lomond. 59136 - Snell (F. C.) The camera in the fields. 1905. ill. - - 77006 - Taylor (J. E.) Half-hours in the green lanes. 1901. ill. - 50415 Mountain and moor. 1884. ill. 58114 - Wallace (A. R.) The Malay Archipelago. 1894. ill. - - 98403 Tropical nature. 1895. 57512 - White (G.) Natural history of Selborne. 1900. - - - 59105 - Witchell (C. A.) Nature's story of the year. 1906. ill. - 59029 - Wood (J. G.) Lane and field. 1902. ill. .... 59016 - Wood (T. ) ed. The field club, a garner of country lore. - - 59027 - Wright (E. P.) Cassell's Concise natural history, ill. - - 59026 - See also Seasons. Natural history rambles. A list of the series may be seen on application. Bach volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Natural law in the spiritual world ; by H. Drummond. 1903. - 21504 Natural philosophy. See Physics. Nature. For list of related subjects, see Science. - Avebury (Lord) Beauties of nature. In his Pleasures of life. - E1A1 - Benison (H. W. S. W.) Nature's fairy-land. 1892. ill. - 50426 - Brightwen (Mrs. E.) Quiet hours with nature. 1904. ill. - 50416 - Burroughs (J.) Birds and poets, with other papers. 1887. - 50421 Far and near [open-air themes]. 1904. - 50430 Fresh fields [sketches in England and Scotland]. 1897. - 50425 Locusts and wild honey [essays]. 1894. .... 50422 Pepacton [nature studies]. 1885. 50424 Winter sunshine [essays]. 1893. 50423 - Dewar (G. A. B.) Glamour of the earth. 1904. ill. - - 50409 - In Emerson (R. W.) Works, v. 2. 1901. .... E2E2 - Hudson (W. H.) Nature in Downland. 1900. ill. - - 59123 - Jefferies (R. ) Field and hedgerow, essays. .... 50405 Life of the fields. 1899. 50404 Nature near London. 1901. 50406 The open air [essays]. 50407 - Mabie (H. W. ) Under the trees and elsewhere [essays]. 190.5. 50431 - Mackie (A.) Nature knowledge in modern poetry. 1906. - 82424 - Macmillan (H.) The clock of nature [sermons]. 1896. - - 23919 286 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. NAV Nature. Rawlinson (G.) The religious teachings of the sublime and beautiful in nature. In Present day tracts, v. 4. - 20405 - Seton (E. T. ) Woodmyth and fable. 1905. ill. - - - 50440 - Thomas (E.) The woodland life. 1S97. 59009 - Tyndall(J.) Constitution of nature. In his Fragments, v. 1. 50410 - Visger (J. A. O.) and Jordan (D.) In the green leaf and the sere. 1896. ill. 50413 - See also Country life. Nature series. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Nature study. For lists of related subjects, see Education. Science. - Hill (M. D.) and Webb (W. M.) Eton nature-study. 2 v. ill. 50705-6 - Mackenzie (J. ) A nature programme [for teachers], ill. - 50707 Nature's serial story ; by E. P. Roe. - - - - - - 56 R10 Naval architecture. See Shipbuilding. Naval biography. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Froude (J. A.) England's forgotten worthies. In his Short studies, v. 1. 1903. E2F1 - Hood (A.N.) and others. Our naval heroes. 1906. port. plan*. 99619 King Edward III. ; by A. X. Hood. Earl of Torrington ; by P. H. Colomb. Lord Anson ; by the Earl of Lichfield. Lord Rodney ; bv W. Grev. Richard [1st] Earl Howe ; by Viscount Curzon [4th Earl Howe"]. Viscount Hood ; by Viscount Bridport and A. X. Hood. Nelson ; bv Earl Xelson and L. G. C. Laughton. Sir Thomas Troubridge; by E. C. T. Troubridge. [Etc.] - Mahan (A. T.) Types of naval officers. 1902. part. - - 99609 Hawke. Rodney. Howe. Jervis. Saumarez. Pellew. Stevenson (R. L.) The English admirals. In his Virgin ibus puerisque, and other papers. 1902. .... E1S1 Navigation. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Hall (W.) Modern navigation, a text book. 1904. ill.- - 52702 - Kelvin (Lord) Navigational affairs. In his Lectures, v. 3. - 50403 - Lecky (S. T. S.) " Wrinkles " in practical navigation. 1903. ill. 52701 - See also Aerial navigation. Inland navigation. Seamanship. Signals. Steam navigation. Navy. For list of related subjects, see Government. - Bennett (F. M.) The steam navy of the United States. 1S96. ill. 62601 - Bullen (F. T.) The way they have in the navy. 1899. - - 35906 "Record of a cruise in II. M.S. • Mars' during the mancBUVH - Colomb (P. H.) Essays on naval defence. 1899. - - - 35904 - Cowie (A. G.) The sea services of the Empire as fields for employment. 1906. 65603 -Fraser(E.) Famous fighters of the fleet. 1904. ///. - - 35905 - Fremantle (Sir E. R.) The navy as I have known it, 1S49-99. - F081 - Hadden (J. C.) The Nelson navy book. 190(5. ill. - - 91232 "The story of Britain's naval achievements." - Hurd (A. S.) Naval efficiency. 190*2. map.- - - - 35907 "The war-readlnesa of the [British] fleet." - Long(W. K.)ed. Naval yarns, sea fights, wrecks, etc. 1S99. ill. 91218 287 ' NAV GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Navy. Mahan (A. T.) Naval warfare [18th] century. Naval officers. 1902. ill. - In his 2v. ill. - Sea power in its relations to the war of 1812. 1905. Morris (C.) The American navy. 1898. ill. map. S tee vens (G. W.) Naval policy. 1896. .... " With some account of the warships of the principal powers. Stenzel (A.) The British navy. 1898. ill. maps. 99609 97222-3 97213 35901 35902 'A sympathetic view of the English navy through German spectacles." - Wood (W.) With the flag at sea. 1901. ill- - - - 35903 Neander (Augustus) The life of Jesus Christ. 1892. - - 23207 - Memorials of Christian life in the early and middle ages. - 27009 Near and heavenly horizons ; by the Countess de Gasparin. - 24412 Near relations, a story ; by A. Sergeant. 160 S 2 Near to nature's heart ; by E. P. Roe. 56 R 6 Neatby (William B.) A history of the Plymouth Brethren. - 28901 [Neaves (Charles, Lord)] Songs and verses. 1879. - 101 N Needell (Mrs. J. H.) Passing the love of women, a novel.- - 3N3 - The story of Philip Methuen [a novel]. 3N2 - The vengeance of James Vansittart. 3N4 Needham (Raymond) L'entente cordiale, a little mild abuse. 1906. 93126 Needlework. For list of related subjects, see Decoration. - Brietzcke (H. K.) and Rooper (E. F.) Plain needlework, ill. 64601 - Day (R. M.) and others. Needlework. (Woman's library.) ill. 64602 Embroidery ; by R. M. Day. Dressmaking ; by J. E. Davis. Millinery ; by C. Hill. Knitting and crochet ; by Mrs. and Miss Turnbull. - See also Embroidery. Lace. Neele (Henry) The romance of history, England. 1889. ill- 91609 Ne'er-do-weel; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 17 Negri (Gaetano) Julian the Apostate. 1905. 2 v. port. ill. J012-3 Nehemiah. See Bible. Neighbours [stories] ; by J. M. Crottie. 126 CI Neighbours, and other tales ; by F. Bremer. - - - 86 B 3 Neil (C. L.) The modern conjurer. 1903. ill. - - 79104 - and others. Walking. 1903. ill. 61324 Neison (Adrian) and Kemp (D.) Boat building, ill. - - 62603 Nell Gwyn— comedian, a novel ; by F. F. Moore. - - - 106 M 2 Nelson (Horatio, 3rd Earl) Home reunion. 1905. - - 28313 Nelson, Horatio, Viscount. Nelson (Earl) and Laughton (L. G. C.) Nelson. In Our naval heroes. 1906. port. - - 99619 - Russell (W. C.) Nelson and naval supremacy of England, ill. N021 - Southey (R.) Life of Nelson. 1904. port. col. ill. plans. - N022 Nelson, John. In Lives of early Methodist preachers. 1903. - 99828 Nero [a play] ; by S. Phillips. 1906. 802P Nerves. For lists of related subjects, see Disease. Physiology. - Jordan (F.) Moral nerve and literary verdicts. - - - 13602 - McKendrick (J. G.) Life in motion, muscles and nerves, ill. 61203 - Schofield (A. T.) The management of a nerve patient. 1906. 61604 288 GOVANHILL BRANCH. NEW Nestor. See Barclay (Hugh). Nests. Atkinson (J. C.) British birds' eggs and nests. 1903. - Birds' nests and eggs. 1893. col. ill. Netherlands. Motley (J. L.) The history of the United Nether- lands [1584-1609]. 1901-2. 4 v. - Nettleship (Henry) Vergil [his life and work]. 1879. - Neutrality. See International law. Neville (Charles B.) ed. Humorous American tales. - Humorous readings for home and hall. Nevis, Ben. See Ben Nevis. New Abelard, a romance ; by R. W. Buchanan. New Adam and Eve. etc. ; by N. Hawthorne. - "A second series of ' Mosses from an old manse,'" 41 H 3. New Antigone, a romance ; by W. Barry. New Arabian nights ; by R. L. Stevenson. .... New Forest. Cornish (C. J.) The New Forest, 1906. ill. - Rawnsley (Mrs. W.) The New Forest, 1904. col. ill. - New Grub Street, a novel ; by G. Gissing. .... New Guinea. Bevan (T. F.) In British New Guinea. 1890. maps - Wallace (A. R.) New Guinea and its inhabitants. In his Studies, v. 1. 1900. ill. New Lucian, dialogues of the dead ; by H. D. Traill. 1884. - New Magdalen ; by W. Wilkie Collins. New Orleans. Crane (S.) The brief campaign against New Orleans. In his Great battles of the world. 1901. ill. - New Prince Fortunatus ; by W. Black. New rambler [essays] ; by Sir L. Morris. 1905. New rector ; by S. J. Weyman. - New republic ; by W. H. Mallock. --.-.. New Testament. See Bible. New York. Cross (J. W.) Social New York. In his Impressions. - Hughes (R.) The real New York. 1905. ill. - Williams (J. L.) New York sketches. 1903. HI. - New Zealand. Lloycl (H. D.) Newest England. L902. Ul. - compadsons'^ H democmtic ***"*&** ™ New Zealand, with some Australian - Reeves (W. P.) New Zealand, map. X ewcomb (Simon) The stars, a study of the universe. 1902. ill. Newcomes ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - Newdegate (Lady Newdigate) Cavalier and Puritan in the days of the Stuarts. 1901. ill. Newfoundland. Smith ( F. E. ) The story of Newfoundland, maps. Hewland (H. O.) A short history of citizenship. 1904. - Nkwland (Simpson) Paving the way, a romance. ill. 59817 59814 93001-4 87301 81704 82725 103 B 6 41H4 27B1 119S13 91730 91720 30G2 98501 50438 82714 74C5 90403 62B26 E13M1 44W13 38M2 E6C1 97303 97302 99101 99102 52302 12T4 91345 97001 32005 8N1 Newman ((/has. L. N.) Matabelelandandhowwegotit. 1S9:,. maps. 96505 Newman (Edward) A history of British ferns, ill. - Newman (F. W.) and others. Cameos of vegetarian literature. K 289 58704 61330 NEW GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Newman (George) Bacteriology and the public health. 1904. ill. 61410 - Infant mortality, a social problem. 1906. .... 61408 Newman (John H.) Cardinal. Apologia pro vita sua. 1902. - N012 " A history of his religious opinions." - The Arians of the fourth century. 1895. - Verses on various occasions. 1903. -.-■_- - Callista, a tale of the third century. .... - Loss and gain, the story of a convert. .... - ed. The lives of the English saints. 1900-1. 6v.- Newman, John H., Cardinal. Barry (W.) Newman [life], ill. - - Froude (J. A.) Newman on 'The grammar of assent.' In his Short studies, v. 2. 1903. - Gates (L. E.) Newman as a prose-writer. In his Three studies. - Hutton (R. H.) Cardinal Newman [a biography]. 1892. port. - In Jacobs (J. ) Essays and reviews. 1891. ... - - In Rickett (A.) Personal forces in literature. 1906. bibl. - Newsholme (Arthur) Hygiene, personal and public. 1892. ill. Newspapers. Boissier (G. ) The Roman journal. In his Tacitus, and other Roman studies. 1906. - Bourne (H. R. F.) English newspapers, history. 1887. 2 v. ■ - Collet (C. D.) History of the taxes on knowledge. 1899. 2 v. - Leach (H.) Fleet Street from within. 1905. - - Maurice (F. D.) Use and abuse of newspapers. In his Friend- ship of books, and other lectures. 1904. - Newstead Abbey ; by W. Irving. Newton, Sir Isaac. In Bolton (S. K.) Men of science, port. Newton Forster [a tale] ; by Captain F. Marryat. Niagara. In Tyndall (J.) Fragments of science, v. 1. 1902. Nibelungen Lied. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 3. - Nichol (John) Byron [his life and work]. 1902. - The death of Themistocles, and other poems. 1881. - Francis Bacon, his life and philosophy. 1901. 2 v. - Thomas Carlyle [his life and work]. 1902. Nicholas Nickleby [a novel] ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - Nicholls (Sir George) and Mackay (T.) English poor law a. d. 924-1898. 1904. 3 v. mem. port. - Nicholls (Henry A. A.) Tropical agriculture. 1900. ill. Nicol (James C.) and Smith (J. H.) Livy lessons, fourth Latin reader and writer. 1891. Nicole (Pierre) Pensees. mem. Nicoll (William R.) The church's one foundation, Christ. Niece of Esther Lynne ; by E. E. Green. Niecks (Frederick) Dictionary of musical terms, mus. - Nigeria. Ferryman (A. F. M.) British Nigeria, 1902. ill. map. - Hazzledine (G. D.) The white man in Nigeria, 1904. ill. map Nigger of the 'Narcissus,'* a tale of the sea ; by J. Conrad. 290 27302 301 N 9N1 9N2 99803-8 N013 E2F2 E5G1 N011 E1J1 82112 61328 87813 07201-2 33601-2 07003 E5M1 81702 99715 52M3 50410 E1C3 B121 501 N 19206-7 C141 30D12 - 35204-6 63002 47805 23921 23237 60G43 78007 96005 96012 79C1 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. 1901. ill. Night and morning ; by Lord Lytton. Nightingale (Florence) Notes on nursing. Nihilism. Huxley (T. H.) Administrative Method and results. 1894. Nile. Bacon (L.) Our houseboat on the Nile. 1901. ill. - Baker (Sir S. W.) Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 1894. ill. map, - Edwards (A. B.) A thousand miles up the Nile. 1888. ill. - - Geere (H. V.) By Nile and Euphrates. 1904. ill. maps. - Nine muses minus one, and other stories ; by B. Pain. Nine points of the law [a novel] ; by W. S. Jackson. Ninette a la cour, comedie ; par C. S. Favart. - Ninety-three ; by V. Hugo. Nineveh. Layard (Sir A. H.) Nineveh and its remains, ill. Ninian, St. In Lives of the English saints, v. 5. 1901. - Nisbet (Hume) Her loving slave, a romance of Sedgemoor. Nisbet (J. F.) The insanity of genius. Nitobe (Inazo) Bushido, the soul of Japan. 1905. - Nitti (Francesco S.) Catholic socialism. 1895. Nixon (Alf.) and Richardson (G. H.) Secretarial work. 1906. No hero [a novel] ; by E. W. Hornung. No other way ; by Sir W. Besant. --.... No vindication; by Mrs. C. Kernahan. Noble, Robert T. In Holcomb (H. H. ) India missions Noble life ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. Nobler than revenge ; by Esme Stuart. Nobly born ; by E. J. Worboise. Noel (Roden B. W. ) [Poems]. In Poets of the centim Nohl (Louis) Life of Beethoven, ill. Nonconformity. For list of related subjects, see Church. - Home (C. S.) A history of the free churches, ill. Nor wife nor maid ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. Nordac (Max) Degeneration [in art and literature]. 189S. Norman (F. J. ) The lighting man of Japan, training. 1905. Norman (Sjr Henry) All the Russias. 1902. ill. maps. Normandy. Freeman (E. A.) Travel in Normandy. 1897. . - Macquoid (T. and K. S.) Pictures and legends from Normandy. - Mitton (G. E.) Normandy [a description]. 1905. col. ill. - Norris (Frank) The octopus, a story of California. - Norris (H. L.) Rice papers [stories]. NORMS (S. L.) The South African war, 1899-1900. maps. Norris (William E.) A bachelor's blunder. - - Matrimony [a novel]. --..... - Matthew Austin [a novel]. - Miss Wentworth's idea. - Norris, W. E. In Lord ( W. F. ) The mirror of the century 291 NOR - 73L10 61001 nihilism. In his 50436 95714 95805 95708 - 94408 3P2 4J1 84207 -102H12 - 94411 - 99807 11N2 15102 - 95305 33505 34706 89H1 48B18 20K1 99825 - 107C5 - 135S1 - 81W11 1896. mem. 82420 B272 ill. ill. 1906. 28505 104 H 7 80102 61315 94013 93310 93302 93316 6N1 14N1 96413 12N4 12N2 12N3 12N5 82606 NOR GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. North (Christopher). See Wilson (John). North and south ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. - - . - - - 10G4 Northanger Abbey [a novel] ; by J. Austen. - 60A3 Northcroft (George J. H.) How to write verse. 1904.- - 42601 Northern trails, animal life ; by W. J. Long. 1905. ill. - - 59122 Northman (Alan) Literature as an aid to teaching. 1906. - 80701 Northmen. For list of related subjects, see Church history. - Maclear (G. F.) The Northmen [their conversion], map. - 27702 Northumberland, its history [etc.] ; by J. Christie. 1904. ill. - 91701 Northumberland Fusiliers ; by W. Wood. hill. ill. - - - 35602 Norway (G. ) In false attire, a novel. 17 N 3 Norway. Carlyle (T.) Early kings of Norway. - - - - 94101 - Lees (J. A.)andClutterbuck(W. J.) Three in Norway, ill. - 94107 - Nansen (F.) Norway and the union with Sweden. 1905. - 94106 - Spender (A. E.) Two winters in Norway. 1902. ill. - - 94104 Not even a tragedy ; by Leslie Keith. 9K1 Not wooed, but won ; by J. Payn. !8P7 Notation. See Music. Nothing new, tales ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - - - 107 C 11 Notre-damede Paris [In French]; par V. Hugo ; ed. by L. Delbos. 44817 Notre-Dame of Paris [a tale] ; by V. Hugo. - - - - 102 H 6 Novalis. Hymns, and thoughts on religion. 1888. mem. port. 24408 Novalis. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 2. E1C2 Novelists. For lists of related subjects, see Authors. Literature. - Lord ( W. F.) The mirror of the century. 1900. port. - - 82606 George Eliot. Norris. The Brontes. Thackeray. Dickens. Beacons- field. Trollope. [Etc.] - Williams (A. M.) Our early female novelists [etc.] 1904. - E2W1 - For list of novelists, see Fiction. Novello's Glee-hive, in vocal score. 3 v. mus. - - - 78410-2 No yes (Alfred) Drake, an English epic. 1906. Books 1-3. - 601 N Noyes (Ella) The story of Ferrara. 1904. ill. plans. - - 93710 Noyes (John H.) History of American socialisms. 1870. - 33510 Nugent, George, Lord. Macaulay (Lord) Nugent's Memorials of John Hampden. In his Essays. 1904. - E8M1 No. 5 John Street [sequel to ' ' The island, " 50 W2] ; by R. Whiteing. 50 W3 Number seventeen ; by H. Kingsley. - - - - - 26 K 3 Numbers. See Bible. Numerals. Conant (L. L. ) Number concept, origin, development. 51115 Numismatics. See Coins and medals. Nuncomar. Stephen (Sir J. F.) The story of Nuncomar. 1885. 2 v. 34302-3 Nuremberg. Headlam(C) Story of Nuremberg. 1904. ill. plan. 92803 Nursing. For lists of related subjects, see Domestic economy. Medicine. - Humphry (L.) Nursing, medical and surgical. 1905. ill. - 61008 - Luckes (E. C. E.) General nursing. 1905. - 61007 - McGregor (A. N.) A system of surgical nursing. 1905. - 61702 292 GOVANHILL BRANCH. OHN Nursing-. Margesson (Lady I.) and others. Nursery and sick room. (Woman's Library, v. 3.) 1903. - 64901 - Nightingale (F.) Notes on nursing. 61001 - Wood (C. J.) A handbook of nursing. 1903. - - . 61009 Nutt (Alfred) The fairy mythology of Shakespeare. 1900. - 39817 Nyassaland. Worsfold (W. B.) Portuguese Nyassaland, dis- covery, population, resources [etc.] 1899. - - - 96108 Nys (Ernest) Researches in the history of economics. 1899. - 33014 0. See James (Lionel). Oakey (George) Harmony for tonic sol-faists. - 78103 Oakshott Castle [a novel] ; by H. Kingsley. .... 26K5 Oak wood (W. M.) Carpentry and cabinet-making. 1905. ill. 69405 Obadiah. See Bible. Obiter dicta [essays] ; by A. Birrell. 1906. 2 v. - - E10B3-4 Object lessons. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Barnell (H. J.) Object lessons from the plant world, ill. - 37207 - Mackenzie (J.) An environment programme, ill. - - - 37208 ... " To demonstrate the connection between prominent elements of *he child s environment and his own life." O^Brien (Richard B.) Life of Lord Russell of Killowen. 1901. R131 O'Brien (William) When we were boys, a novel. - - - 201 O'Briex (Mrs. William) Under Croagh Patrick [a novel]. - lOl Observations by Mr. Dooley ; by [F. P. Dunne]. 1903. - - 81706 Occasional and immemorial days [sermons] ; by [A. K. H. Boyd]. 25252 Occult world [theosophy] ; by A. P. Sinnett. 1901. - - - 21201 Ocean free-lance ; by W. Clark Russell. ..... 75RH Ocean tragedy ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R28 Oceana, England and her colonies ; by J. A. Fronde. 189S. ill. 32503 O'Clery (Count) The making of Italy. 1892. maps. - - 93613 O'Connell, Daniel. Dunlop (R.) Daniel O'Connell and the revival of national life in Ireland. 1900. port. ill. - - . OOll O'Connor (J. C.) ed. Esperanto, the student's text book. 1906. 40801 Octopus, a story of California ; by F. Norris. - - - - 6N1 Odeyne's marriage ; by E. E. Green. 60G40 O'Donahue (T. A.) Colliery surveying. 1904. ill. - - . 62507 O'Donoghue (David J.) Life of William Carleton. 1896. 2 v. - C121-2 (Edipe chez Admete, tragedie ; par J. F. Ducis. - - - 84211 Off the high road, the story of a summer ; by E. C. Price.- - 58P2 Ogilvie (J. N.) The Presbyterian Churches. 1896.- - - 28513 Ogilvie (W. T.) Handbook of postage stamps. 1S94. ill. - 38301 Ogilvy, Margaret [a biography] ; by J. M. Barrie. 1903. port. O031 Ohxet (Georges) Maitre de forges ; [with notes] by H. Testard. 44915 - The woman of mystery. - - 24 Ol 293 OHR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Ohrw alder (Joseph) Ten years' captivity in the Mahdi's camp, 1882-92 ; ed. by Sir F. R. Wingate. 1893. port. ill. plan. 95721 Oil engine. For list of related subjects, see Engines. - In CasselFs New technical educator, v. 5-6. ill. - - - 60305-6 - Perry (J.) Steam, gas, and oil engines. 1902. ill. - - 62123 Oil painting, See Painting, Oil. Okey (Thomas) Paris and its story. 1904. col. ill. plans. - 93308 - The story of Venice. 1905. ill. maps. 93709 Old age. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Benson (A. C. ) On growing older. In his From a college window. E8 Bl - Miiller (F. Max) What to do with our old people. In his Works. E 6 M 1 - Stevenson (R. L.) Crabbed age and youth. In his Virginibus puerisque, and other papers. 1902. El SI - See also Pensions. Old Chester tales ; by M. Deland. - - - - - - 26 D 2 Old curiosity shop ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - - - 30 D 13 Old dominion, a tale of Virginia; by M. Johnston. - - - 26 J 1 Old fires and profitable ghosts, stories ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. 97 C10 Old friends, essays in epistolary parody ; by A. Lang. 1890. - 82726 Old Kensington [a tale] ; by Mrs. A. T. Ritchie. - - - 37R1 Old Margaret, and other stories ; by H. Kingsley. - - - 26K4 Old Mortality [a romance] ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - 35S5 Old red sandstone ; by H. Miller. 1899. ill. - - - 55109 Old Saint Paul's, a tale ; by W. H. Ainsworth. - 16A2 Old Testament. See Bible. Old times and new [reminiscences] ; by J. G. Tetley. 1904. - T151 Oldbury [a story] ; by A. Keary. 5K2 Oldfield (Arthur) Practical manual of typography, ill. - 65508 Oliphant (Caroline) Poems. 1896. mem. ... - 201 N Oliphant (Laurence) Piccadilly, a fragment. - 501 Oliphant (Mrs. Margaret O. W.) Jeanne d'Arc, her life and death. 1902. ill. J 021 - Jerusalem, its history and hope. 1891. ill. - 94508 - Sheridan [his life and work]. 1902. S121 - Thomas Chalmers [a biography]. 1896. C041 - Chrouicles of Carlingford : 1. The rector. The doctor's family, 601. 2. Salem Chapel, 602. 3. The perpetual curate, 604. 4. Miss Marjoribauks, 605. 5. Phoebe, junior, 603. - Cousin Mary. - - - - - - - - - - 6012 - The cuckoo in the nest, a novel. 6011 - The greatest heiress in England. 6014 - Harry Joscelyn [a story]. 6 015 - He that will not when he may [a novel]. - - - - 60 10 - Lady William [a novel]. 6 08 - Lucy Crofton [a story]. 6016 - The railway man and his children. 606 294 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. ° LIP ™bmrher MAROABET °- W>) The St ° ry ° f Vale ««"e ™* - Whiteladies. --..__ - Who was lost and is found, a novel. - Oliphant (Nigel) Siege of the legations at Peking 1900 " Oliphant (Philip L.) The little red fish. - - & \ - The river of vengeance. - Oliver Twist, Adventures of ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies - - Oliver Westwood [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. Olivia's experiment ; by E. E. Green. Olivia's summer ; by M. E. Mann. - Olla podrida ; by Captain F. Marryat. 1897. ill - Ollivant (Alfred) Danny, the story of a dandie dinmont. - Olng Grange [poems] ; by W. C. Smith. 1872. Oman (C. W. C. ) [Political] History of England, 1377-1485. 1906. - Inaugural lecture on the study of history. 1906. Omar Khayyam. Rubaiyat ; [trans, by E. FitzGeraldl 1903 Omond (Geo. W. T.) Bruges and west Flanders. 1906. col ill Omoo, a real romance of the South Seas ; by H. Melville. - Sequel to " Typee," 131M2. On life's threshold, talks to young people ; by C. Wagner. 1906 On the face of the waters ; by F. A. Steel. - . On the fo'k'sle head [tales] ; by W. Clark Russell. - " " On the track [stories]; by H. Lawson. ..... On the wings of the wind ; by Allen Raine. .... 3n trial [a story] ; by Zack. ..... One life, one love ; by M. E. Braddon. " £1,000,000 bank-note, and other stories ; by Mark Twain )ne of our conquerors ; by G. Meredith. .... )ne who looked on ; by F. F. Montresor. - )nesta ; par O. Feuillet. ...... )nions (C. T.) Advanced English syntax. 1904. - ■ joint-author. See Berthon (H. E.) )nions (Oliver) The compleat bachelor. .... )nly son, and other stories ; by A. S. Swan. )pen air [essays] ; by R. Jefferies. 1901.- >pen-eyed conspiracy, an idyl ; by W. D. Howells. - >pen question, a tale of two temperaments ; by E. Robins ►pen verdict ; by M. E. Braddon. .... Opening a chestnut burr ; by E. P. Roe. - pera. For lists of related subjects, see Drama. Music. Upton (G. P.) Standard operas, plots, music, composers ppenheim (E. Phillips) A daughter of Astrea. - - The survivor. ..... The yellow crayon. ---.... ptics. See Light. 295 OPT 609 6017 607 95109 402 401 30D14 81 WIS 60G47 40M3 91018 701 401 S 91341 90102 2010 93009 131M3 17127 110 SI 75R29 19L3 5R3 1Z2 81B15 52 Til 82M8 105 M 3 14F1 42502 901 147 S 40 50407 97H5 47R2 81B13 56R4 1906. 78218 - 1103 - llOl - 1102 OPT GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Optimism. For other philosophical systems, see Philosophy. - Mallock (W. H.) Scientific bases of optimism. In his Studies. 21503 Ora maritima, a Latin story for beginners ; by E. A. Sonnenschein. 47806 Orange (B.) Teaching for women. In Woman's library, v. 1. - 39605 Orange girl ; by Sir W. Besant. 48 B 3 Orations. Wright (A.) erf. Great orations. 1903. - - - 82727 Oratorio. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Patterson (A. W.) The story of oratorio. 1902. bibl. ill. - 78301 Oratory. For list of related subjects, see Rhetoric. - Boissier (G.) The schools of declamation at Rome. In his Tacitus, and other Roman studies. 1906. - - - 87813 - Matthews (B. ) Notes on speech-making. 1901. - - - 80825 - Power (J. O'C.) The making of an orator. 1906. - - - 80823 "With examples from great master-pieces of ancient and modern eloquence." - Tacitus. Dialogue on oratory ; with notes. 1906. maps. - 87811 Orchestration. See Instrumentation. Ordeal of Richard Feverel, a history ; by G. Meredith. - - 82 M 9 Ordered south ; by R. L. Stevenson. In his ; Virginibus puerisque. E1S1 ODDISH (Thomas F.) Shakespeare's London. 1897. ill. - - 82502 Orbokneau (Maurice) et Chivot (H.) Les petites Godin, comedie ; [with notes] by A. Marrot. 1903. - - - 44916 - and others. Les Boulinard, comedie; [notes] by A. P. Huguenet. 44904 - joint-author. See Raymond (Hippolyte). O'Rell (Max) Jacques Bonhomme [sketches of French life]. 1889. 93104 - John Bull and Co. 1899. ill. 9H01 - John Bull and his island. 91 602 - and Allyn (Jack) Jonathan and his continent. 1889. - - 97201 Organ. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Bridge (Sir J. F.) Organ accompaniment of choral service. - 78317 - Locher(C) An explanation of the organ stops. 1888. ill. - 78671 "With hints for effective combinations." - Ritter (A. G.) Praktische Orgel-Schule. 2 v. mus. - - 78620-1 - Williams (C. F. A.) The story of the organ. 1903. bibl. ill. 78604 Organon, or, logical treatises ; by Aristotle. 2 v. - - 18501-2 Origen. In Farrar (F. W.) Lives of the fathers, v. 1. 1889. - 99811 - Froude (J. A.) Origen and Celsus. In his Short studies, v. 4. E2F4 Originaux, comedie ; par C. B. Fagan. ----- 84205 Orley Farm [a tale] ; by A. Trollope. 43 T 5 Ormoxd (Alexander T. ) Foundations of knowledge. 1900. - 11004 Ormond [a tale] ; by M. Edgeworth. 10E3 Ornament. See Decoration. Ornithology. See Birds. Okr (James) God's image in man. 1905. 21510 - Hume, his influence on philosophy and theology. 1903. - 19213 - Neglected factors in the study of Christianity. 1899. - .- 27014 296 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. OVE Orr (James) The problem of the Old Testament. 1905. - - 22213 - The progress of dogma. 1901. ---... 2 3017 - The Ritschlian theology. 1898. 23011 Ortner (Jessica) Practical millinery. 1S97. ill. - - - 64606 Orville College, a tale ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 76W31 Osbern and Ursyne, a drama ; by Mrs. P. M. T. Craigie. 1900. 1101 C Osborx(E.B.) Greater Canada, Canadian north-west. 1900. map. 97102 Osbourxe (Dorothy) Letters to Sir W. Temple, 1652-4. ill. O051 Osbourxe (Lloyd) joint-author. See Stevenson (Robert L ) Ossian. Poems [In Gaelic]. 1902. 10lO - Poems ; trans, by J. Macpherson. 1885. - 102O Ossian. Cameron (A.) Ossianica. In his Reliquiae Celtic*, v. 1. 89106 Ossoli (Margaret Fuller) Love-letters, 1845-6. 1903. port O022 Ossoli, Margaret Fuller [her life] ; by T. W. Higginson. bibl. - O021 Osteology. See Bones. Oswald Cray, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 76 W 23 Oswell,WilliamC.,hislife;byhisson. 1900. 2v. port. r ill. maps. O041-2 Other house ; by H. James. - . . . . 7J7 Other people's lives [stories] ; by R. N. Carey. - - - - 20 CI Other side of the lantern [travel] ; by Sir F. Treves. 1906. ill. - 90830 Ottley (Robert L.) Lancelot Andrewes [a biography]. 1894. - A021 Oudin (Maurice A.) Standard polyphase apparatus. 1902. ill. 62421 Ouida. Chandos, a novel. u02 - The Massarenes, a novel. ---._._ 14 q x - Signa, a novel. ..... 1 . n _ m ,.,,. , " 1405 - 1 wo little wooden shoes, a sketch. - - ... 14 Q4 - Under two flags, a novel. 14 q 3 Our exemplar, or, - what would Jesus do ? " by C. M. Sheldon. 56 S 2 Our friend the charlatan ; by G. Gissing. 30G3 Our Lady's Inn ; by J. S. Clouston. 61C40 Our mutual friend ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - . -30D15 Our new house ; by E. J. Worboise. - 81W39 Our own and other worlds ; by J. Hamilton. 1903. ill. - ■ 52303 Our present hope and future home [sermons] ; by J. B. Sturrock. 25233 Uur village, country pictures ; by M. R. Mitford. - - - 97 Ml Out of harness, sketches ; by T. Guthrie. 1896. - - . E 3G1 Out of His fulness, addresses ; by A. Murray. 1S97. - - 25242 Outcast of the family ; by C. Garvice. 83G4 Outdoor life. See Nature. Dver the Border [a romance] ; by R. Barr. - . . 19B3 3verdale, or, the story of a pervert ; by E. J. Worboise. - - 81 W 8 )verton (John H.) The church in England. 2 v. maps. -28302-3 - John Wesley [a biography]. 1891. - . . . . W031 ■ and Relton (Frederic) The English Church, 1714-1800. - 28311 ■ joint-author . See Abbey (Charles J. ) 297 OVE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Overtoux (Lord) The Scottish covenanters. 1903. port, ill 92008 Owen (Douglas) Ports and docks. 1904. ill. - ' - - - 62701 Owen (Harold) The Staffordshire potter. 1901. - - - 33101 Owen (Jean A.) See Visger (Jean A. O.) [Owen (Mrs. Philip F. C.)] Imperator et rex, William II. of Germany. 1904. ill. W202 Oxford. Green (J. R.) Early history of Oxford. Inhis Studies. E2G1 - Lang (A.) Oxford, historical and descriptive. 1893. ill. - 91702 Oxford higher French series, texts with notes, etc. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Oxford movement. For list of related subjects, see Church of England. - Church (R. W.) The Oxford movement, 1833-45. 1904. - 28315 - Froude (J. A. ) Oxford counter-reformation. In his Studies, v. 4. E2F4 Oxford University. In Bagehot(W.) Literary studies, v. 3. 1906. E9B3 - Gardner (P.) Oxford at the cross roads. 1903. - - - 37804 " A criticism of the course of litterae humaniores in the University." - Tuckwell (W.) Reminiscences of Oxford. 1901. ill. - - 37801 Pacha of many tales ; by Captain F. Marryat. .... 52M6 Pagan (James) Cathedral and see of Glasgow. 1856. ill.- - 92312 - History of Glasgow. 1847. ill. - .... 92321 Pagan papers [essays] ; by K. Grahame. 1904. - - - E4G1 Paganism. For list of related subjects, see Religions. - Mitchell (J. M.) Christianity and ancient paganism. In Present day tracts, v. 9. 20410 - In Penan (E.) Studies in religious history. ... - 29001 Page (Curtis H..) ed. Chief American poets, selected poems, ill. 81103 Page (Thomas N.) Gordon Keith [a novel]. .... 2P2 Paget, Sir James, memoirs and letters ; ed. by S. Paget, 1901. ill. P031 Paget (Stephen) Experiments on animals. 1903. - - - 59107 - John Hunter, man of science, surgeon. 1897. - - - H201 Pain (Barky) In a Canadian canoe. Nine muses minus one [Etc.] 3P2 - Playthings and parodies. 3P1 Paine, Thomas. In Stephen (Sir J. F.) Horae Sabbaticae, v. 3. E5S3 Paint. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Smith (J. C.) The manufacture of paint, a handbook. 1901. ill. 66701 - Standage (H. C.) The artists' manual of pigments. 1896. - 75106 " Their composition, conditions of permanency, adulterations, effects in combination [etc.] " Painters. For list of related subjects, see Art, arts, artists. - Rooses (M.) ed. Dutch painters [19th] century. 1898. 4 C . ill. 99701 J. Bosboom ; by P. A. M. B. van Hensbroek. D. Bies ; by J. ten Brink. W. Roelofs ; by H. Smissaert. J. Israels ; by J. de Meester. H. Ronner ; by E. Wesly. J. H. Weissenbruch ; by F. A. E. L. Smissaert. L. Alma Tadema ; by H. S. N. van W. Crommelin. P. Stoitenbeker ; by P. A. Haaxman, Jr. P. J. C. Gabriel; by L. de Haes. G. J. v. d. S. Bakhuyzen ; by J. Gram. 298 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. PAL 1902-4. 6 v. ill. - 75802-7 Painters. Ruskin (J.) Modern painters. frmlfiJ* ? n nf al priDC j^ les and [ of truth - 2. Of imaginative and theoretic , \ ^ ?- J maU 7 l nngs - 4. Of mountain beautv. 5. Of leaf beauty, cloud beauty, ideas of relation. 6. General index, bibliography, and notes Ruskin 's 75801 99702-6 75905 75003 . E3D1 75004 75108 75903 72001 - 75001-2 collection. - -Frondes agrestes, readings in 'Modern painters.' 1902, - Vasari (G.) Lives of the eminent painters. 1850-1900. 5 v. - The contents will be found at the author entry. Painting-. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Caffin (C. H.) How to study pictures. 1906.- - Clausen (G.) Six lectures on painting. 1904. ill. - - Dryden (J.) Parallel between poetry and painting. In Essays - Heaton (Mrs. C.) A history of painting. 1888. - - Leslie (C. R.) A hand-book for young painters. 1855. ill. • - McKay (W. D.) The Scottish school of painting. 1906. ill. - Ruskin (J.) Lectures on painting. 1899. ill. - - On pictures, criticisms. 1902. 2 v. ill. 1. Turner at the National Gallerv and 2. Academy notes. Notes on Prout and Hunt. - Swinburne (A. C.) Notes on designs of the old masters at Florence. Some pictures of 1868. In his Essays. 1901. E8S1 - Wauters (A. J.) The Flemish school of painting. 1885. ill. - 75902 - See also Enamelling. House painting. Impressionism. Landscape Portraits. Pre-Raphaelitism. Painting, Glass. Day (L. F.) Stained glass. 1903. ill. - - Suffling (E. R. ) Art of glass painting. 1902. ill. - - Whall (C. W.) Stained glass work. 1905. ill. - Painting, Oil. Collier (J.) A manual of oil painting. 1903. Painting, Pottery. Miller (F.) Pottery-painting, ill. Painting, Water-colour. Breakell (M. L. ) Water-colour painting. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 5. col. ill. - - Redgrave (G. R.) Water-colour painting in England. 1905. ill. Pair of blue eyes ; by T. Hardy. Pair of patient lovers ; by W. D. Howells. .... Paisley. Brown (R.) The history of Paisley. 1886. 2v " From the Roman period down to 1884." - - History of the High Church, Paisley. 1880. ill. - - Paisley Burns clubs, 1805-1893. 1893. ill. Paisley poets, memoirs and selections. 1889-90. 2 v - Gilmour (D.) Paisley weavers of other days, etc. 1898. - Mackie (C.) The Abbey and town of Paisley. 1835. ill. Palaeontology. See Fossils. Palaprat (Jean) joint-author. See Brueys (David A. de). Paleologue (Maurice) Alfred de Vigny [his life. In French]. - Vauvenargues [his life. In French]. 1890. . Palestine. Blaikie (W. G.) Witness of Palestine to the Bible. In Present day tracts, v. 2. - Bliss (F. J.) Development of Palestine exploration. 1906. - - Carpenter (J. E.) Life in Palestine when Jesus lived, map. - 299 ill. plans 74803 74802 74801 75101 75102 75107 03205 75904 21H5 - 97H6 . 92016-7 92015 82404 - 82213-4 92010 92002 V091 V081 20403 94509 22716 PAL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Palestine. Cunningham (J.) Pilgrims in Palestine. 1905. ill. 94506 " World's Convention of Sunday School Workers, 1904." - In Haggard (H. Rider) A winter pilgrimage, 1900. 1902. ill. 93909 - Lamond (J.) Modern Palestine. 1897. ill. - 94504 - Thomson (W. M.) The land and the Book. 1903. ill. maps. 22102 "Biblical illustrations from the Holy Land." - Tompkins (E. S. D.) Through David's realm. 1893. ill. - 94507 - Valentine (L.) ed. Palestine, past and present, ill. - - 94502 Palestrina, Giovanni P. da. In Parry (Sir C. H. H.) Composers, port. 99714 Paley (Frederick A.) Manual of Gothic moldings. 1902. ill. 72901 Paley (William) View of the evidences of Christianity. - - 23902 Palgrave (Francis T.) ed. The golden treasury of songs and lyrical poems. 1902-4. 2 v. 82206-7 - The treasury of sacred song. 1892. 24502 Palgrave (Sir Reginald F. D.) Chairman's handbook. 1905. 32804 Pall Mall magazine, v. 1, 1893, and continued, ill. - - - 6301 Palmer (Bertha) ed. Stories from the classic literature. 1898. 80815 Palmer (Francis H. E.) Austro-Hungarian life in town and country, ill. --------- 92904 Palmer (William S.) An agnostic's progress. 1906. - - 21103 Palmer (William T.) Lake-country rambles. 1902. - - 91735 Palmistry. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Craig (A. R.) Your luck's in your hand, ill.- - - - 13301 Pamirs. Cobbold (R. P.) Innermost Asia, the Pamirs. 1900. ill. 94901 Pancoast (HenryS.) Representative English literature. 1905. raap.82013 Pantaleoni (Maffeo) Pure economics. 1898. - 33004 Papa [a novel] ; by Mrs. C. N. Williamson. ... - 57W1 Papacy. See Roman Catholicism. Paperhanging. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Jennings (A. S.) Wallpapers and wall coverings. 1903. col. ill. 69803 Para rubber. See India-rubber. Parables. For lists of related subjects, see Bible. Jesus Christ. - Bruce (A. B.) The parabolic teaching of Christ. 1904. - - 22705 - Calderwood (H.) The parables of our Lord. 1881. - - 22728 - Spurgeon (C. H.) Sermons on our Lord's parables. 1904. - 22703 Paraguay. In Dawson (T. C. ) South American republics, v. 1. ill. 97801 - Masterman (G. F.) Eventful years in Paraguay. 1869. map. 98004 Parallel grammar series. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Pare ; par O. Feuillet. 14F1 Parent's assistant, stories for children ; by M. Edge worth. - 10 E 4 Parigot (Hippolyte) Alexandre Dumas [his life. In French]. D231 Paris (Gaston) Francois Villon [his life. In French]. 1901. - V101 - et Langlois (E.) eds. Chrestomathie du moyen age. 1904. - 84011 Paris. Beale (S. S. ) Churches of Paris, Clovis to Charles X. ill. 93309 300 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. PAR Paris. Bonde (Baroness) Paris in '48, letters. 1903. ill. - 93304 - Carlyle (T.) Excursion to Paris. In his Last words. 1892. - 82839 - Guthrie (T.) Streets of Paris. In his Out of harness. 1896. - E3G1 - Hare (A. J. C.) Paris [descriptive and literary]. 2 v. ill. - 93305-6 - Macdonald (J. F.) Paris of the Parisians. 1900. - - - 93314 - Okey (T.) Paris and its story. 1904. col. ill. plans. - - 93308 - Sanborn (A. F.) Paris and the social revolution. 1905. ill. - 93303 - Strong (R.) Where and how to dine in Paris. 1903. - - 93313 " With notes on Paris hotels, theatres, etc." - Thackeray ( W. M.) Paris sketch book. 1902. ill. 2 copies. 82806,82807 Paris [sequel to " Rome," 5Z2] ; by E. Zola. .... 5Z3 Parish (Edmund) Hallucinations and illusions. 1897. - - 13308 Parish papers [religious studies] ; by N. Macleod. 1896. - - 23006 Park (James) A text-book of mining geology. 1906. ill. - 62503 Park (Mungo) Travels in the interior of Africa. 1903. col. ill. 96002 Park, Mungo. Maclachlan (T. B.) Park [a biography]. 1898. map. P112 - Thomson (J.) Mungo Park and the Niger, port. ill. maps. - Pill Park (William) The game of golf. 1S99. ill. - - - 79636 Parker (Barry) and Unwin (R.) Art of building a home. 1901. ill. 72806 Parker (Edward H.) China, her history, commerce. 1901. maps. 95113 - John Chinaman, and a few others. 1901. ill. - - - 95101 Parker (Sir Gilbert) The battle of the strong, a romance. - 8P2 - Mrs. Falchion [a novel]. 8P3 - Pierre and his people, tales of the far north. - - - - 8P4 - An adventurer of the north. 8P1 11 Continuation of ' Pierre and his people.' " - The pomp of the Lavilettes. 8P5 - The right of way, a story. - 8P10 - The seats of the mighty. - - - - - - - - 8P6 -- The trail of the sword. - - 8P7 - The translation of a savage. 8P8 - The trespasser. - 8P11 - When Valmond came to Pontiac. 8P9 Parker (Henry) Voice production and improvement, mus. - 78416 Parker (Joseph) A preacher's life, autobiography. 1S99. port. P232 Parker, Joseph. Dawson (A.) Parker, his life, ministry, port. P231 - Pike (G. H.) Dr. Parker and his friends. 1904. port. - - 99826 Parker (T. J.) Instruction in zootomy, vertebra ta. 1900. ill. 59133 - Lessons in elementary biology. 1901. ill. .... 59102 - and Haswell (W. A.) Manual of zoology. 1S99. ill. - - 59104 - and Parker (W. N.) Elementary practical zoology. 1900. ill. 59103 Parkin (George R.) Imperial federation. 1892. map. - - 35404 Parkinson (Richard M.) Light railway construction. 1902. ill. 62706 Parkyn (Walter A.) Commercial typewriting. 1901. ill. - 65202 Parliament. For list of related subjects, see Political science. 301 PAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Parliament. In Carlyle (T.) Latter-day pamphlets. - - - E1C8 - Lucy (H. W.) The Balfourian parliament, 1900-5. 1906. ill. 32805 - Terry (0. S.) The Scottish parliament, 1603-1707. 1905. - 34208 - Todd (A.) Parliamentary government in India. 1892. 2 v. - 35402-3 "Origin, development, and practical operation." - See also Commons, House of. Long Parliament. Lords, House of. Parnell family. Dickinson (Mrs. E. M.) Apatriot's mistake. 1905. ill. P291 Parnell, Thomas. Goldsmith (O.) Life of Parnell. In his Works. E1G4 Paroles d'un croyant [Etc.] ; par H. F. R. de Lamennais. Parr (G. D. A.) Electrical engineering. 1906. ill. - Parrot. For list of related subjects, see Birds. Greene (W. T.) Parrots in captivity. 1884. col. Parry (Sir Charles H. H.) Studies of great composers. - Summary of the history of European music. 1905. Parry (Sydney H. J.) An old soldier's memories. 1897. Parseeism. See Zoroastrianism. Parsing. See the names of languages, as, Language, English. Parson Jones [a novel] ; by F. Marryat. Parsons (H. de B.) Steam-boilers, theory and design. 1905 Parson's daughter, a story ; by E. Marshall. Partick. Taylor (C.) Partick, past and present. 1902. Partie de chasse de Henri IV., comedie ; par C. Colle\ Parties, Political. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Froude( J. A.) Party politics. In his Short studies, v. 3. 1903. E2F3 - See also Chartism. Conservatism. Liberalism. Pascal (Blaise) Pensees. mem. port. 23921 Pascal, Blaise. Boutroux (fi.) Pascal [his life. In French], bibl. P252 - Clark (W.) Pascal and the Port Royalists. 1902. - - - P251 Passage perilous ; by R. N. Carey. 20 C 6 24805 ■ 62416 ill. - 63611-2 1904. 99714 - 78008 port. P191 sh. 51M40 ). ill. 62116 56M41 '11. - 92334 - 84208 Passant, comedie ; par F. Coppee ; [with notes]. Passenger from Scotland Yard ; by H. F. Wood. Passing the love of women, a novel ; by Mrs. J. H. Needell. Passion-plays. See Miracle-plays. Passions. For list of related subjects, see Psychology. - Hume (D.) On the passions. In his Essays. - Past, The ; by M. Maeterlinck. In his Buried temple. 1902. Past and present ; by T. Carlyle. Pasteur, Louis. In Tyndall (J. ) New fragments. 1897. - Paston (George) Little memoirs of the eighteenth century. - Side-lights on the Georgian period. 1902. ill. - A bread and butter Miss, a sketch. Paston Carew, millionaire and miser; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. Pastor agnorum, schoolmaster's afterthoughts ; by J. H. Skrine. Patents. For list of related subjects, see Law. - Johnson (J. and J. H.) The law of patents for inventions. 302 44912 77W1 3N3 E4H1 E14M1 E1C10 50412 99604 91408 13P1 46L6 37006 60804 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. PAU Pater (Walter) Appreciations. 1904. E1P1 Style. Wordsworth. Coleridge. Sir Thomas Browne. '■' Love's labours lost." '■ Measure for measure." Shakespeare's English kings. Feuillet's "Laniorte." [Etc.] Pater, Walter. Benson (A. C.) Walter Pater[hislife and work]. 1906. P182 - Greenslet (F.) Pater [his life and work], bibl. port. - - P181 Paterson 'Arthur H.) The homes of Tennyson. 1905. col. ill. T014 - Cromwell's own, a story of the civil war. .... 15P1 - The gospel writ in steel. - - 15P2 Paterson (James) Contemporaries of Burns. Recent poets of Ayrshire. 1840. 82422 - Origin of the Scots and Scottish language. .... 91842 Path of a star ; by S. J. Duncan. 60D1 Pathfinder [Leather-stocking series, No. 3] ; by J. F. Cooper. - 86 C 3 Patmore (Coventry) The angel in the house [a poem]. 1904. 301P - Principle in art, etc. [essays]. 1898. E2P1 Patmore, Coventry. Champneys (B. ) Memoirs and correspond- ence of Patmore. 1900. 2v. bibl. port. ill. - - - P141-2 Patox (James) Beautiful characters, or, types of victory. - 24418 - The glory and joy of the resurrection. 1902. - - - 23231 Patox (Robert) The Scottish Church in early times. 1884. - 27505 Patricia Kemball [a novel]; by Mrs. E. Lynn Lintou. - - 46L5 Patrick, St. Bury (J. B.) The life of St. Patrick. 1905. bibl. map-. P301 - Gould (S. Baring) S. Patrick's purgatory. In his Myths. 18SS. 39818 Patrick (Robert \V. C.) Mediaeval Scotland. 1892. ill.- - 91845 Patrick (William) James, the Lord's brother. 1906. - - 22613 Patriot ; by A. Fogazzaro. 32F1 Pattern- making. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Chase (I. McK.) The art of pattern-making. 1903. ill. - 67104 - Dingey (P. S.) Machinery pattern making. 1903. ill. - 67105 Patterson (Annie W.) Schumann [his life and work]. HI. - S261 - The story of oratorio. 1902. ill. 78301 Pattison (Mark) Milton [his life and work]. 1902.- - - M012 Pattison, Mark. Morley (J.) Pattison's Memoirs. In his Critical miscellanies, v. 3. 1904. E3M4 Pattison (S. R.) and Pfaff (F.) The age and origin of man geologically considered, In Present day tracts, v. 3. - 20404 Paukr (Ernst) Musical forms, mus. 78106 Paul, Saint. Bacon (B. W.) The story of St. Paul. 1905. - 22604 - Bird (R.) Paul of Tarsus [his life and work]. 1900. - - 22615 - Bruce (A. B.) St. Paul's conception of Christianity. 1S96. - 23007 - Conybeare (W. J.) and Howson (J. S.) Life and Epistles of St. Paul. 1857. 2 v. ill. maps. 22602-3 - Ramsay (Sir \V. M.) St. Paul, traveller and Roman citizen, map. 22612 Paul, Saint, the Hermit. In Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1891. ill. 99816 Paul (Herbert W.) The life of Froude. 1905. - - - F251 - Matthew Arnold [his life and work]. 1902. - - - - A 012 303 PAU GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Paul (Roland W. ) Vanishing London, drawings. 1894. 4°. ill. 72804 Paul, a herald of the cross ; by F. M. Kingsley. - - - 25 Kl Paul Clifford [a novel] ; by Lord Lytton. 73L11 Paul et Virginie ; par B. de Saint-Pierre ; with notes. 1898. - 44853 Paul Faber, surgeon ; by G. MacDonald. - - - - - 10 M 15 Paul Kelver, a novel ; by J. K. Jerome. 15 J 6 Pausanias. Description of Greece ; trans, by A. R. Shilleto. 2 v. 93812-3 Pavements and paving materials ; by G. W. Tillson. 1903. ill. 62704 Paving the way, a romance ; by S. Newland. - - - 8N1 Payn (James) Some literary recollections. 1885. - - - P221 - The best of husbands. 18P10 - The burnt million. 18 PI - A confidential agent. - - - 18P12 - Fallen fortunes. - - - - - - - - 18 P 5 - The foster brothers, a history. 18P6 - From exile. 18P13 - The heir of the ages. 18P14 - High spirits [stories]. 18 P 4 - Luck of the Darrells. 18 P 3 - Married beneath him. 18 P 9 - The mystery of Mirbridge. 18 P 2 - Not wooed, but won. 18 P 7 - A perfect treasure, and other stories. 18P11 - A woman's vengeance, a novel. - - - - - 18 P 8 Payne (A. G.) Billiards, ill. 79402 Payne (George A.) Mrs. Gaskell and Kimtsford. 1905. ill. - G191 Payne (Joseph F.) Thomas Sydenham [life and work]. 1900. bill. S291 Payne, Peter. Baker (J.) A forgotten great Englishman. 1894. ill. P081 Payne (Philip) The mills of man, a novel. - - - - 70 PI Peacock (Thomas Love) Gryll Grange [a novel]. - - - 20 PI - Melincourt [a novel]. 20 P 2 Peacock, Thomas Love. In Saintsbury (G.) Essays, v. 1. 1891. 82102 - In Stoddard (R. H.) Under the evening lamp. 1893. - - 99913 Peake (Arthur S.) A guide to Biblical study. 1897. - - 22010 - Hebrews. (Century Bible.) 22808 -Job. (Century Bible. ) 1905. 22415 Peakland faggot, tales ; by R. M. Gilchrist. - - - 16 G 2 Pearl and emerald, a tale ; by R. E. Francillon. - - - 49 Fl Pearl of Orr's Island ; by Mrs. H. B. Stowe. .... 128S3 Pearse (Mark Guy) Mister Horn and his friends. - - - 24P2 - Simon Jasper [a story]. -------- 24P 1 Pearson (J. H.) Suburban houses, a series of plans. 1905. - 72803 Pearson's Home management ; ed. by Isobel. 1904. ill. - 64002 - New reciter and reader. 1904. 80824 Pease (Sir Alfred E.) The badger, a monograph. 1898. ill.- 59904 304 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. PEN Pease (Howard) Magnus Sinclair [a romance]. - - - 25P1 Pecheur d'Islande ; par Pierre Loti. 53 L 2 Pedagogue at play; by G. M. A. Hewett. 1903. ill. - - 91007 Pedagogy. See Education. Peddie (Alexander) Recollections of Dr. John Brown, ill. - B221 Peebles. Renwick (R.) Peebles in early history. 1903. map. 92019 Peel (Mrs. C. S. ) Ten shillings a head per week for house books. 64102 Peel, Sir Robert. In Bagehot (W.) Biographical studies. 1902. 99638 - In Birrell (A.) Miscellanies. 1902. E10B2 - Rosebery (Earl of) Peel [a biography]. 1899. - - - P046 - Taylor (W. C.) and Mackay (C.) Life and times of Peel. 4 v.- P 042-5 - Thursfield (J. R.) Peel [his life and times]. 1901.- - - P041 Peele (George) Plays and poems. ---... 901 p Peeps into the past, city life [London] ; by F. E. Tyler. 1906. ill. 91734 Peg Woffington, a novel ; by C. Reade. 16R5 Pekin. Oliphant (N.) Siege of legations at Peking, 1900. plans. 95109 Pelayo. Irving (W.) Legend of Pelayo. In his Biographies. - 81801 Pelham (Henry F.) Outlines of Roman history. 1905. maps. 93616 Pellatt (T.) Public schools and public opinion. 1904. - - 37902 Pellew, Edward, Lord Exmouth. In Mahan (A. T. ) Naval officers. 99609 Pellico (Silvio) Le mie prigioni, memorie ; with notes, mem. 45804 Peltier, Jean. Mackintosh (Sir J.) Defence of Jean Peltier. In his Miscellaneous works, v. 3. 1846. - - - - E10M3 Pember(G.H.) PropheciesconcerninglsraelandtheGentiles. 1902. 22208 Pemberton (Max) The garden of swords. 28P3 - The impregnable city, a romance. 28 P 2 - The little Huguenot, a romance. 28 PI - Queen of the jesters. 28 P 4 Pemberton (T.E.) Life and writingsof T. W. Robertson. 1893. ill. Rlll Penance of John Logan, and other tales ; by W. Black. - - 62 B 23 Penance of Portia James ; by Tasma. 59 Tl Pence (William D.) and Ketchum (M. S.) Surveying. 1904. ill. 52601 Pendennis [a story] ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12T2 Pendlebury (Charles) Arithmetic. 1904. .... 51102 - and Beard (W. S.) Elementary arithmetic. 1899. - - 51106 Penelope's English experiences ; by K. D. Wiggin. - - - 52W3 Penelope's experiences in Scotland ; by K. D. YYiggin. - - 52 W2 Penelope's Irish experiences ; by K. D. Wiggin. - - - 52W1 Pengelly, William, a memoir ; ed. by H. Pengelly. 1897. port. ill. P091 Peninsular^ war. Napier (Sir W. F. P.) War in the Peninsula, 1807-14. 6 v. maps, plans. 93405-10 - Wellington (Duke of) Despatches. 1902. .... 9i 401 Penn (W. A.) Soverane her be, history of tobacco. 1902. ill. - 17801 Penn (William) Some fruits of solitude, maxims. 1901. port. 17001 Pennington (Arthur R.) Preludes to the reformation. 1886.- 27010 305 PEN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Penruddocke [a story] ; by C. H. Aide. 13A2 Pension Beaurepas [a novel] ; by H. James. - - - - 7J11 Pensions. For list of related subjects, see Government. - B[ail ward] (W. A.) and others. Old-age pensions. 1903. - 35101 "The case against old-age pension schemes." Pentateuch. See Bible. People I have read [thought-reading]; by S. Cumberland. 1905. ill. C611 People of the mist ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - - 3H13 Pepacton [nature studies] ; by J. Burroughs. 1885. - - - 50424 Pepys (Samuel) Diary and correspondence. 4 v. mem. port. ill. P121-4 Pepys, Samuel. In Stevenson (R. L.) Men and books. 1906. - E1S4 Pepys (Sir Wm.W.) A later Pepys, correspondence. 2 v. port. ill. P151-2 Pebcival (John) Bp. and others. The church and reform. 1902. 26201 Percival Keene [a tale] ; by Captain F. Marry at. - - - 52 M 15 Pebcy (Earl) Highlands of Asiatic Turkey. 1901. ill. maps. 94409 Percy, House of, History of ; byG. Brenan. 1902. 2 v. port. ill. P071-2 Perfect home ; by J. R. Miller. - 17301 Perfect treasure, and other stories ; by J. Payn. - - - 18 P 11 Pericles and the golden age of Athens ; by E. Abbott, port. ill. P021 Pebini (N.) ed. A first Italian reading book ; with notes.- - 45802 Perino del Vaga. In Vasari (G. ) Lives of the painters, v. 4. 1S51. 99705 Periodical literature. In applying for volumes of periodicals, borrowers will please state volume, number, or year required. Monthly and other magazines are circulated, when desired, in parts as published, previous to binding. - Argosy, 1866-91. 52 v. ill. 0101-52 - Belgravia magazine, v. 1-99, 1867-99. ill. - - - 0301-99 - Century illustrated magazine, v. 23, 1881, and continued. - 1523 - Good words, 1860-92. 33 v. ill. 3301-33 - Macmillan's magazine, v. 1-77, 1859-98. ----- 4501-77 - Pall Mall magazine, v. 1, 1893, and continued, ill. • - 6301 - Universal review, v. 1-8, 1888-90. ill. 9301-8 Periodicals. In Paston (George) The Georgian period. 1902. ill. 91408 The illustrated magazine. The " Monthly review." Pebkins (James B.) Richelieu and growth of French power, ill. R041 Perlycross, a tale ; by R. D. Blackmore. 63B11 Perpetual curate ; by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. - - - - 604 Chronicles of Carlingford, No. 3. Pebbault (Claude) and others. Contes de fees. - - - 12P1 Pebbens (F. T.) History of Florence, 1434-92. 1892. - - 93701 Pebbet (J. A.) ed. The matriculation French reader. 1906. - 44808 Pebbis (Geobge H.) Russia in revolution. 1905. ill. - - 94018 Pebby (Fbedebick) Saint Louis of France. 1901. ill. map. - L081 Pebby (John) Practical mechanics. 1889. ill. ■ - - 62020 - Steam, gas, and oil engines. 1902. ill.- - 62123 Perry, John. In Smiles (S. ) Lives of the engineers, ill. - - 99707 306 GO VAN HILL BRANCH, PEV Perry (Ralph B.) The approach to philosophy. 1905. - - 11005 Persia. Durand (E. R.) Tour in western Persia. 1902. ill. - 94602 - Sykes (E. C.) Through Persia on aside-saddle. 1901. ill. map. 94601 - Sykes (P. M.) Ten thousand miles in Persia. 1902. ill. maps. 94603 Persian Gulf and South Sea Isles ; by Sir E. C. Boehm. 1904. ill. 94604 Personalia, political, social, and various ; by Sigma. 1903. - 82827 Perspective. For lists of related subjects, see Drawing-. Geometry. - Geometrical perspective. In Cassell's Popular educator, v. 3-5. 03203-5 - Pratt (R.) Perspective, including the projection of shadows and reflections. 1901. ill. 74202 Persuasion [a story] ; by J. Austen. 60 A 3 Perth. Cowan (S.) The ancient capital of Scotland. 2 v. ill. - 92401-2 - Maclagan (R. C.) The Perth incident of 1396. 1905. - - 39814 " From a folk-lore point of view." Peru. In Dawson (T. C.) South American republics, v. 2. 1904. ill. 97802 Perugia. Symonds (M. ) and Gordon (L. D. ) Story of Perugia, ill. 93714 Perugino. Brinton (S.) Master of Perugia. 1904. ill. - - 70916 - In Vasari (G.) Lives of the painters, v. 2. 1851. - - - 99703 Pessimism. For other philosophical systems, see Philosophy. - Thomson (J. R.) Modern pessimism. In Present day tracts. 20407 Pestalozzi, Johann H. Hay ward (F. H.) Educational ideas of Pestalozzi and Frobel. 1905. port. .... 37102 - Pinloche (A.) Pestalozzi and the foundation of the modern elementary school. 1902. bibl. P161 Peter, St., Epistles of. See Bible. Peter, Saint. Campbell (R. J.) Making of an apostle. 1898. - 22605 Peter the Great. Bain(R.K) ThepupilsofPetertheGreat. 1897. ill. P282 Peter III. , Emperor of Russia. Bain (R.N.) Peter III. bibl. port. P 271 Peter Ibbetson [a novel] ; by G. Du Maurier. - - - - 66 D 2 Peter Simple [a tale] ; by Captain F. Marry at. - - - - 52M4 Peters (Carl) Eldorado of the ancients. 1902. port. ill. - 96306 Peters (John P.) Early Hebrew story. 1904. - 22205 - joint-author. See Bartlett (E. T.) Peterson (Franklin) Student's handbook of musical knowledge. 78102 Petit chose, histoire d'un enfant ; par A. Daudet. - - - 8D1 Petit tailleur Bouton ; par M. Genin ; with notes. 1S98.- - 44856 Petite comtesse ; par O. Feuillet. 14F1 Petites filles modeles ; par la comtesse de Segur. - - - 43 SI Petites Godin ; par M. Ordonneau et H. Chivot ; [with notes]. - 44916 Petrarch (Francesco) Sonnets and other poems, mem. port.- 601P Petrarch, Francesco. In Kuhns (O.) Poets of Italy. 1904. port. 85102 Petrie (Wm. M. Flinders) Egyptian decorative art. 1895. ill. 74005 Petrology. See Rocks. Pettingell (J. H.) The unspeakable gift, eternal life. 189S. - 23705 Peurd'etregrand'mere,comedie; parE.Damien ; [with notes]. 1894. 44914 Peveril of the Peak [a romance] ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - 35S15 307 PFA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Peaef (F.) joint-author. See Pattison (S. R.) Pfefferkorn, Johann. In Hirsch (S. A.) A book of essays. 1905. E7H1 Pfleiderer (Otto) Development of theology in Germany since Kant and its progress in Great Britain since 1825. 1893. 23005 - Early Christian conception of Christ. 1905. - 23219 - Philosophy and development of religion. 1894. 2 v. - - 20104-5 Phantom death, and other stories ; by W. Clark Russell. - - 75 R 30 Phantom 'rickshaw, and other stories ; by R. Kipling. - - 28 K 12 Phantom ship ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52 Mil Phelps (Elizabeth S.) and Ward (H. D.) Come forth ! - - 37P40 Phelps, Samuel, Memoirs of ; by J. Coleman. 1886. port. - P101 Philalethes. The search after truth. 1903. .... 23019 Philanderers; by A. E. W. Mason. 59 M 2 Philemon, Epistle to. See Bible. Philinte de Moliere, comeVlie ; par P. F. N. Fabre d'figlantine.- 84209 Philip's Systematic atlas, physical and political. 1894. - - 90701 Philip Augustus, or, the brothers in arms ; by G. P. R. James. 6J5 Philip, Adventures of ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12 T 7 Philip Rollo [a romance] ; by J. Grant. 51 G4 Philippa of Hainault. In Strickland (A.) Queens of England, v. 1. 99630 Philippians, Epistle to the. See Bible. Philippine Islands. Landor (A. H. S.) The gems of the east. 1904. 2 v. ill. map. 98401 2 Philips, John. In Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. 1. 1900. 99917 Phillimore (Sir Walter G. F.) Legal and parliamentary possibilities. In Essays [on] reform of the church. 1902. 26003 Phillipps, James 0. H. In Jeaffreson (J. C. ) Recollections, v. 2. J052 Phillips (H. J.) Fuels, solid, liquid, and gaseous. 1903. ill. - 66202 Phillips (J. G.) Flora Macdonald, a romance of the '45. - - 40 PI Phillips (Stephen) Nero [a play]. 1906. - - - 802 P - The sin of David [a play]. 1904. 801 P Phillpotts (Edex) Some every-day folks [a story]. - - - 41 P 2 - Sons of the morning. 41 P 4 - A tiger's cub. 41 PI - The transit of the red dragon, and other tales. - - - 41 P 5 Philoctete, tragedie ; par J. F. de La Harpe. .... 84210 Philology. See Language. Philosophe marie, comedie ; par P. N. Destouches. - - - 84205 Philosophe sans le savoir, comedie ; par M. J. Sedaine. - - 84208 Philosophical classics. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Philosophy. Baldwin (J. M.) Fragments in philosophy and science. 1903. 10401 - Descartes (P.) CEuvres. 19402 Discours sur la methode. Meditations. Traite des passions. 308 GOVANHILL BRANCH. PHR Philosophy. Deussen (P.) The elements of metaphysics. 1894. 11001 - Fairbrother (W. H.) The philosophy of T. H. Green. 1900. 19214 - Heine (H.) Religion and philosophy. In his Prose writings. - E6H1 - Hoffding (H.) The problems of philosophy. 1905.- - - 10202 - Hume (D.) A treatise of human nature. 1896. - - - 19210 Of the understanding. Of the passions. Of morals. - Kingsley (C.) Alexandria and her schools. In his Lectures. - 90401 - Laurie (H.) Scottish philosophy in its development. 1902. - 19209 - Leibniz (G. W. ) Discourse on metaphysics. Correspondence with Arnauld. Monadology. 1902. .... 19306 - Lewes (G. H.) A biographical history of philosophy, bibl. - 10901 - Locke (J. ) Philosophical works. 1902-3. 2 v. - . 19211-2 - McCosh (J.) Scottish philosophy, Hutcheson to Hamilton. - 19215 - Mackenzie (J. S.) Outlines of metaphysics. 1902. bibl. - 11002 - Perry (R. B.) The approach to philosophy. 1905. bibl. - 11005 - Rappoport (A. S.) A primer of philosophy. 1904.- - - 10201 - Rickaby (J.) General metaphysics. 1905. .... 110O6 - Sidgwick (H.) Philosophy, its scope and relations. 1902. - 10402 - Veitch (J.) Knowing and being [essays]. 1889. - - - 10403 - See also Agnosticism. Cabalism. Ethics. Future state. Idealism. Knowledge. Logic. Materialism. Matter. Mind and body. Monism. Mysticism. Optimism. Pessimism. Positivism. Psychology. Rationalism. Soul. Stoicism. [Philp (Robert K.)] The domestic world, a guide. - - - 64004 - Enquire within upon everything. 1904. .... 03209 Phin (John) The seven follies of science. 1906. Ul. - - 50102 Phoebe, junior; by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. .... 603 Chronicles of Carlingford, Xo. 5. Phonetics. For related subjects, see Language. - Sweet (H.) A primer of phonetics. 1902. .... 41401 Phonograph. Du Moncel (Count) Phonograph [etc.] 1892. ill. 65407 Phonography. See Shorthand. Photography. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Abney (Sir W. de W.) Instruction in photography. 1900. Ul. 77003 - Bayley (R. C.) The complete photographer. 1906. ill. - 77008 - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-3. ill. - - - 60301-3 - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. The book of photography. 1905. ill. - 77004 Photography. 1903. ill. 77002 - Hughes (A.) Photographic portraiture as a profession. In Woman's library, v. 4. 1903. ill. 70001 - Konig (E.) and Wall (E. J.) Natural-color photography. Ul. 77301 - Meldola(R.) Chemistry of photography. 1901. - - - 77102 - Snell (F. CO The camera in the fields. 1905. Ul. - - 77006 " A practical guide to nature photography." - In Wallace (A. R.) The wonderful century. 1905. Ul. - 50903 - See also Camera. Phra the Phoenician [a romance] ; by E. L. Arnold. - - 47 A 1 309 PHR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Phrenology. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Hollander (B. ) Scientific phrenology, a guide. 1902. ill. - 13901 - Wallace (A. R. ) The neglect of phrenology. In his Wonder- ful century. 1905. 50903 - Wilson (A.) The old phrenology and the new. In his Studies. 50420 Phroso, a romance ; by Anthony Hope. 82H5 Phthisis. See Consumption. Phyllis, a novel ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. .... 104H8 Physical education. For list of related subjects, see Health. - Blaikie (W.) How to get strong and how to stay so. 1899. ill. 61325 - Cantlie (J.) Physical efficiency. 1906. ill. .... 61318 " Effects of town life upon the population of Britain, with suggestions for their arrest. " - Checkley (E.) Natural method of physical training, ill. - 61311 - Denver (C. H.) and Hand (J. E.) Science and physical development. In Science in public affairs. 1906. - - 30408 - Miles (E. H.) A boy's control and self-expression. 1904. ill. 61316 - Miyake (T.) and Tani (Y.) The game of ju-jitsu. ill. - - 61341 - Norman (F, J.) The fighting man of Japan. 1905. ill. - 61315 - Sandow (E.) Strength and how to obtain it. 1905. ill. - 61331 - Schmidt(F.A.) and Miles (E. H.) Trainingof thebody. 1904. ill. 61309 - Warwick (Countess of) A nation's youth. 1906. - - - 61320 "Physical deterioration, its causes and some remedies." - See also Gymnastics. Walking. Physical geography. For list of related subjects, see Geology. - In CasselPs New popular educator, v. 1-2. 1903. ill. - - 03201-2 - Huxley (T. H. ) Physiography. 1900. ill. maps. - - - 55101 - Mill (H. R.) The realm of nature. 1903. bibl. ill. maps. - 55130 - Thornton (J.) Elementary physiography. 1906. ill. maps.- 55126 Advanced physiography. 1901. ill. maps. - - - 55127 - See also Ice. Rivers. Sea. Physicians. Young (J.) Jewish mediciners. In h is Essays. 1904. E1Y1 Physics. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Bower (W. R.) and Satterly (J.) Practical physics. 1906. ill. 53009 - Clough (W. T.) Elementary experimental science, physics, ill. 53011 - Deschanel (A. P. ) Natural philosophy. 1902-4. 4 v. ill. 1. Mechanics. Hydrostatics. Pneumatics, 53103. 2. Heat, 53603. 3. Electricity, 53704. 4. Sound and light, 53403. - Earl (A.) Lessons in physical measurement. 1894. ill. - 53003 - Jackson (C. E.) Examples in physics. 1905.- - - - 53012 - In Kelvin (Lord) Popular lectures, v. 2. 1901. ill. - - 50402 - Kerr (J. G.) and Brown (J.N.) Elem. physics. 1903-5. Swill. 53006-8 - Locke (J.) Elements of natural philosophy. In his Works, v. 2. 19212 - McDougall (W.) Psycho-physical method. In Lectures. 1906. 50103 - Schuster (A.) and Lees (C. H.) Intermediate physics. 1896. ill. 53001 - Stewart (B.) and others. Elem. practical physics. 1903. 3 v. ill. 1. General physical processes, 53002. 2. Electricity and magnetism, 53701. 3. Practical acoustics, 53401. 310 GOVANHILL BRANCH. PIE Physics. Tyndall (J. ) The study of physics. In his Fragments of science, v. 1. 1902. ---.... 50410 - Wallace (A. R.) Physical principles and their applications. In his Wonderful century. 1905. ill. - 50903 - See also Electricity. Fluids. Gases. Heat. Light. Magnetism. Matter. Mechanics. Sound. Physiognomy. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Lavater (J. C.) Essays on physiognomy, ill. - - - 13802 - Wilson (A. ) The mind's mirror. In his Studies, ill. - - 50420 Physiography. See Physical geography. Physiology. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Foster (Sir M.) and Langley (J. N.) Elementary physiology and histology. 1902. ill. 59130 - Furneaux (W. S.) Human physiology. 1906. ill. - - 61205 - Human physiology. i^CasselPs New popular educator, v. 1-2. 03201-2 - Macalister (A.) Man, physiologically considered. In Present day tracts, v. 7. 20408 - Sherrington (C. S.) Physiology, its scope and method. In Lectures on the method of science. 19U6. - - - 50103 - See also Brain. Embryology. Fatigue. Hand. Nerves. Senses. Pianoforte. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Bennett (Sir W. S.) Preludes and lessons. 4°. mus. •- - 78610 - Curwen (Mrs. J. S.) Pianoforte method, child pianist. 2 v. - 78625-6 Teacher's guide to ' Pianoforte method.' 2 v. ill. - -78627-8 - Czerny (C.) First instructor in pianoforte playing. 4°. mus. 78605 - Fillmore (J. C. ) A history of pianoforte music. - - - 78624 - Hemy (H. F.) Modern tutor for the pianoforte, fo. mus. - 78619 - Riemann (H. ) Catechism of pianoforte playing, mus. - - 78606 - Sloper (L. ) Technical guide to touch, lingering, and execu- tion on the pianoforte. 4°. mus. ----- 78608 - Smith (H.) The art of tuning the pianoforte. - 78607 Piccadilly, a fragment ; by L. Oliphant. 5 0l Picken, Ebenezer and Andrew, Memoirs of; by R. Brown, port. P171 Pickering (Charles) The races of man. 1854. ill. map. - 57209 Pickwick papers ; by C. Dickens. 4 copies. - - - 30D16 Picture-frames. For list of related subjects, see Carpentry. - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Mounting and framing pictures. 1903. ill. 68901 Picture galleries. In Ruskin (J.) On the old road, v. 2. - - 70405 Picture posies, poems by living authors. 1874. ill. - - - 82415 Pictures. See Painting. Pictures from Italy ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - - 30 D 9 Pienaar (Philip) With Steyn and De Wet. 1902. - - - 96402 Pierce (Ed. L.) Memoir and letters of C. Sumner. 1878. 2 v. S481-2 Pierre and his people, tales of the far north ; by Sir G. Parker. 8P4 Pierre et Camille ; par A. de Musset ; with notes. 1905. - - 44867 Pierrille ; par J. Claretie ; with notes. 1902. - 44893 311 PIE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Piersox (Arthur T.) The Bible and spiritual criticism. - - 22015 - George Miiller of Bristol. 1900. ill. M441 Pietro Ghisleri [a novel] ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - - 113 C 14 Pigments. See Paint. Pigott (Thomas D.) London birds, and other sketches, ill. - 59821 Pigott, Thomas W. and J. Pigott (C. A.) Steadfast unto death, ill. P241 Pigs in clover [a novel] ; by Frank Danby. - - - - 15 Dl Pike (G. H.) Dr. Parker and his friends. 1904. ill. - - 99826 Pike (Oliver G.) Hillside, rock, and dale, bird life. 1902. ill. 59826 Pilgrim of India, a poem. 1905. 1001 P Pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - 5Y21 Pilgrims of the Rhine ; by Lord Lytton. 73 L 8 Pilgrim's progress ; by J. Bunyan. 1899. ill. .... 24403 Pillar of cloud ; by F. H. Gribble. - - - - - 84 Gl Pillars of the house ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y22 Pilot, a tale of the sea ; by J. F. Cooper. - - - - 86 C 7 Pilot at Swan Creek [and other stories] ; by Ralph Connor. - 78 CI Pine needles ; by S. Warner. 21W1 Pixkertox (Thomas A.) The French prisoner, a romance. - 44P1 - John Newbold's ordeal, a novel. 44 P 2 Pinks and cherries [stories] ; by C. M. Ross. - - - - 60 Rl Pixloche (A.) Pestalozzi and the modern elementary school. - P161 Pixxock (James) Wander-years round the world. 1904. ill. - 90829 Pinto, comedie ; par N. L. Lemercier. 84209 Pioneers [Leather-stocking series, No. 4] ; by J. F. Cooper. - 86 C4 Piozzi (Mrs. Hester) Italian society, eighteenth century, ill. 93602 Piper of Hameln. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of middle ages. 39818 Pirate ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52 M 8 Pirate; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35S13 Pirox (Alexis) La metromanie, comedie. 84206 Pitfall; by M. Cholmondeley. 45 CI Pitmax (Sir Isaac) The phonographic teacher. - 65301 - Key to " The phonographic teacher." 65302 - Shorthand manual. 65304 - Shorthand reporter. 65305 - The phonographic phrase book. ....... 65306 - Shorthand dictionary. 65303 Pitmax's Business correspondence in shorthand ; with key. - 65308 - Business terms, equivalents in French, German, Spanish. - 65008 - Commercial correspondence and commercial English. - - 65001 - Commercial correspondence in French. 65002 - Commercial correspondence in German. 65003 - Commercial geography of the world, ill. maps. - - - 90602 - Commercial handwriting and correspondence. - - - 65201 - Complete commercial arithmetic. 51103 312 GO VAN HILL BRANCH, PLE Pitman's Answers to [' Complete commercial] arithmetic' - German course ; by F. Hunclel. v. 1. - - Manual of business training, ill. maps. .... - Mercantile law ; by J. A. Slater. - Popular guide to journalism ; by A. Kingston. - Practical French grammar and conversation. - - Shorthand commercial letter writer ; with key. - Spanish business interviews, correspondence, etc. - Pitt, William. In Bagehot (W.) Biographical studies. 1902. - - Rosebery (Earl of) Pitt [his life and times]. 1902. - Salisbury (Marquess of) Stanhope's Life of Pitt. In his Essays - Whibley (C.) William Pitt [a biography]. 1906. port, ill Pittman (J.) and others, eds. Songs of Scotland. 2 v. mus. Place and power ; by E. T. Fowler. Place of dreams, stories ; by W. Barry. .... Plain Frances Mowbray, and other tales ; by E. Lawless. Plain living, a bush idyll ; by Rolf Boldrewood. Plain tales from the hills ; by R. Kipling. .... Planche (James R.) History of British costume. 1900. ill. Plants. See Botany. Gardening. Plaster saint ; by Mrs. A. Edwardes. Plastering. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Black (J.) td. Plastering, ill. - Burnell (G. R.) Limes, plastering, etc. 1900. bibl. Platinum ; by M. Faraday. With his History of a candle. Plato. Works ; trans, by H. Gary and others. 6 v. port. 1. Apology of Socrates. Crito. Phajdo. Gorgias. Protagoras. Pha?drus. Theaetetus. Euthyphron. Lysis. 2. The republic. Timseug. Critias. 3. Meno. Euthydemus. The sophist. The statesman. Cratvlus. Parmenides. The banquet. 4. Philebus. Charmides. Laches. Menexenus. Hippias major. Hippias minor. Ion. First Alcibiades. Alcibiades. Thcages. The rivals. Hipparclms. .Minos. Clitopho. The epistles. 5. The laws. 6. Doubtful works. Lives of Plato. 1 Plato. Boyd (W.) Introduction to the Republic of Plato. 1904. - Reich (E.) Plato as an introduction to criticism of life. 1906, - Ritchie (D. G.) Plato [his life and philosophy]. 1902. - Platt (T. C.) The Turk in the Balkans, ill. map. - Plattner story, and others ; by H. G. Wells. .... Plaute, comedie ; par N. L. Lemercier. Play. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Archibald (G. H.) The power of play in child-culture. - Playactress ; by 8. R. Crockett. ..... Plays. See Drama. Plays and Puritans, and other essays ; by C. Kingsley. 1 Hay things and parodies ; by B. Pain. Pleas and claims for Christ [sermons] ; by H. S. Holland. L895. Pleasantness. In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 2. 313 51104 43826 65802 34704 07002 44807 65307 65004 99638 P011 99611 P012 78407-8 45F6 27B4 17L2 71B9 28K8 39103 12E2 69304 69103 54101 88801-6 18402 18401 P261 93913 35W6 84209 37104 118C20 E1K1 3P1 25222 E3H2 PLE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES, Pleasure. In Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Meridiana. 1892. - - E 16 Ml Pleasures of life ; by Lord Avebury. 1903-4. - - - - E1A1 Plevna. In Crane (S.) Great battles of the world. 1901. ill.- 90403 - In Knox (T. W.) Decisive battles since Waterloo. 1900. ill.- 90404 ''Ploughed," and other stories; by Mrs. L. B. Walford. - - 3W1 Plowden (Alfred C.) Grain or chaff? autobiography. 1903. port. P131 Plumbing 1 . For list of related subjects, see Building. - In CasselPs New technical educator, v. 1-4. ill. - - - 60301-4 - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Practical plumbers' work. 1905. ill. - 69601 - Hellyer (S. S.) Principles of plumbing. 1905. ill. - - 69602 Plummer (Alfred) Corinthians II. (Camb. Greek Testament.) 22815 - Epistles of St. John. (Cambridge Greek Testament.) 1896. - 22826 - St. John. (Cambridge Greek Testament.) 1900. maps. - 22714 Pluxkett (Sir Horace) Ireland in the new century. 1904. - 92616 Plutarch. Lives ; trans, by J. and W. Langhorne. 2 v. mem. - 88807-8 Plymouth Brethren. For list of other sects, see Church. - Neatby ( W. B. ) History of the Plymouth Brethren. 1901. hihl. 28901 Pneumatics. See Gases. Poacher [a tale] ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52M14 Poaching. For list of related subjects, see Sports. - Smith (W. M.) Poaching in the Highlands. 1904. ill. - 79934 " As illustrated in the lives of John Farquharson and Alex. Davidson." Pocock (Roger) A frontiersman [North America]. 1903. - P211 Podmore (Frank) Studies in psychical research. 1897. - - 13402 Poe (Edgar A.) Poems. 1893. mem. 401P - Selected poems. In American poets, bibl. mem. - - - 81103 - The fall of the house of Usher, and other tales. Essays. - 47P1 Poe,EdgarA. Ingram (J. H.) Edgar A. Poe, his life. 1891. port. ill. P062 - Wood berry (G. E.) Edgar Allan Poe [his life and work]. - P061 Poet and his guardian angel [a story] ; by Sarah Tytler. - - 58T40 Poet at the breakfast table ; by O. W. Holmes. - - - E1H2 Poetry. For other branches of literature, see Literature. - Arnold (M.) Study of poetry. In his Essays in criticism, v. 2. E3A2 - In Avebury (Lord) Pleasures of life. 1903. - E1A1 - Belloc (H. ) Avril, poetry of the French renaissance. 1904. - 84101 Charles of Orleans. Villon. Marot. Ronsard. Du Bellay. Malherbe. - Collins (J. C.) Studies in poetry and criticism. 1905. - - E7C1 Poetry and poets of America. Collected works of Lord Byron. Collected poems of William Watson. Poetry of Gerald Massey. Miltonic myths and their authors. Longinus and Greek criticism. The true functions of poetry. - Dixon (W. M.) English poetry from Blake to Browning. 1894. 82411 - Dryden (J.) Poetry and painting. In his Essays. 1903. - E3D1 - Gardner (E. G.) Dukes and poets in Ferrara. 1904. bibl. ill. 93706 Poetry, religion, and politics of the fifteenth century. - Kuhns (O.) The great poets of Italy. 1904. ill. - - - 85102 The origins of Italian literature. Dante, his life and minor works. The divine comedy. Petrarch and Boccaccio. The renaissance. Ariosto. Tasso. The period of decadence and the revival. The nineteenth century. 314 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. POE Poetry. Lee (Vernon) The outdoor poetry. In her Euphorion. E4L1 - Mackie (A.) Nature knowledge in modern poetry. 190b'. - 82424 - Raymond (G. L.) Poetry as a representative art. 1903. - 80101 - Trent (W. P.) Love of poetry. In his Literature [etc.] 1905. 80403 - Warton (T.) The history of English poetry [1066-1625]. - 82254 - See also Metre. Versification. Poetry, Collections. Arber (E.) ed. British anthologies. 10 v. 82226-35 1. Dunbar. Feilde. Hawes. Henryson. Anonvrnous poenis. [Etc.] UOl-loOS. 2. Surrey. Wyatt. Douglas. Skelton. * Anonvrnous poems. [Etc.] 1509-47. 3. Spenser. Lord Brooke. Sidney. Anonvrnous poems. Etc.] 1548-91. 4. Shakespeare. Campion. Anonvrnous poems. [Etc.] Jj?2-1616. 5. Jonson. Suckling. Anonymous poems. [Etc.] 1617-37. 6- Milton. Hernck. Anonymous poems. [Etc.] 163S-74. 7. Dryden \nonv- mous poems. [Etc.] 1675-1700. 8. Pope. Prior. Anonvrnous poems. [Etc.] 1701-44. 9. Goldsmith. Gray. Anonymous poems." [Ere] 1745-74. 10. Cowper. Coleridge. Burns. Anonymous poems. [Etc.] 1775-1800. Arnold (Sir -E.) trans. Indian poetry. 1891.- - - - 89114 Ar . "^ e Indian song of songs," from the Gita Govinda of Jayadeva. Alahaoharata. '"Proverbial wisdom " from the Hitopadesa. - Brandin(L. M.) and Hartog(W. G.) Book of French prosody, tribl. 84104 - Carrington (H.) ed. Anthology of French poetry. 1900. - 84102 - Chambers (E. K.) ed. English pastorals, selected. 1906. - 82251 - Costello (L. S.) ed. The rose garden of Persia. 1SSS. - - 89104 - Henley (\V. E.) ed. A London garland of English verse. 4°. ill 82247 - Herford (C. H.) ed. English tales in verse. 1906. - - - 82250 - Lampson (F. Locker) ed. Lyra elegantiarum. 1891. - - 82238 - Lobban (J. H.) ed. An anthology of English verse. 1902. - 82225 - Miles (A. H.) ed. The poets and poetry of the century. 1896. 82420 T * ^I 111 ''* 1 , ? Iorris - Roden B. W. Xoel. Alfred Austin. Richard Garnett. Lord De Tabley. Thomas Ashe. Theodore Watts-Dunton. AJgernon C. w V n ™ e \. Hcrm * n C - Merivale - Henry Austin Dobson. Wilfrid S. Blunt. William C. Monkhouse. John A. Symonda Robert W. Buchanan. [Etc.] - Page (C. H. ) ed. Chief American poets, selected poems. 1905. 81103 Bryant Poe. Emerson. Longfellow. Whittier. Holmes. Lowell. Whitman. Lanier. - Pen and pencil pictures from the poets, ill - 82011 - Picture posies, poems by living authors. 1874. ill. - - 82415 - Y\ ard (T. H.) ed. The English poets, selections. 4 v. - 82218-21 „ «r L a Chau ? er t0 Donne. 2. Ben Jonson to Dryden. 3. Addison to Blake. 4. v\ ords worth to Tennyson. - Whitten (W.) ed. London in song. 1898. - • - 82245 - Yeats tW. B.) ed. A book of Irish verse. 1900. - - - 82401 - See also Ballads. Hymns. Lyrics. Songs. Sonnets. Poetry, Scottish. Brown (R.) Paisley poets, memoirs and selec- tions. 1889-90. 2 v. - - . . . -82213-4 - Harp of Renfrewshire, poetical pieces. 1 872-3. 2 v. - 82209-10 - Henderson (T. F.) ed, A little book of Scottish verse. 1899. - 82224 - Irving (D.) History of Scotish poetry. 1861. - - - 82246 - Laing (D.) ed. Early Scottish metrical tales. 1SS9. - - 82302 - [Paterson (J.)] Contemporaries of Burns. Recent poets of Ayrshire. 1S40. 8 2422 315 POE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Poetry, Scottish. Sinclair (A. M.) ed. The Maclean bards [In Gaelic]. 1898. v. 1. 89111 - Tytler (Sarah) and Watson (J. L.) Songstresses of Scotland. 2 v. 82201-2 1. Lady Grisell Baillie. Jean Adam. Mrs. Cockburn. Jean Elliot. Susanna Blamire. Jean Glover. Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton. 2- Lad}- Anne Barnard. Carolina, Baroness Nairne. Joanna Baillie. Poetical works will also be found under the names of the fol- lowing authors : Addison (Joseph) Arnold (Sir Edwin) Arnold (Matthew) Ashe (Thomas) Austin (Alfred) Aytoun (William E.) Barham (Richard H.) Bell (John J.) Beranger (Pierre J. de) Blackie (John S.) Blake (William) Blunt (Wilfrid S.) Brooke (Lord) Brown (Middlemass) Browning (Elizabeth B.) Browning (Robert) Bruce (Wallace) Bryant (William C.) Buchanan (Dugald) Buchanan (Robert W.) Burns (Robert) Burroughs (John) Butler (Samuel) Byron (G. Gordon, Lord) Campbell (Thomas) Campbell (Wilfred) Campion (Thomas) Canton (William) Garnett (Richard) Gay (John) Goethe (Johann W. von) Goldsmith (Oliver) Grant (Peter) Gray (Thomas) Hardy (Thomas) Hawes (Stephen) Hawker (Robert S.) Henryson (Robert) Herrick (Robert) Holmes (Oliver W.) Homer Hood (Thomas) Hunt (James H. Leigh) Ingelow (Jean) Irving (Elizabeth J.) Jonson (Ben) Judd (Frano Keats (John) Keble (John) King (Harriet E. B.) Kingsley (Charles) Kipling (Rudyard) Noel(Roden B. W.) Noyes (Alfred) Oliphant (Caroline) Omar Khayyam Ossian Patmore (Coventry) Peele (George) Petrarch (Francesco) Phillips (Stephen) Poe(EdgarA.) Pope (Alexander) Praed (Winthrop M.) Prior (Matthew) Procter (Adelaide A.) Ramsay (Allan) Rossetti (Christina G.) Rossetti (Dante G.) Rusk in (John) Salmon (Arthur L.) (Minot J.) Schiller (Johann C. F. von) Scott (Sir Walter) Seaman (Owen) (William) Charles (Mrs. Elizabeth R.) Lowell (James R.) Lampson (Frederick Locker) Shelley (Percy B.) Lang (Andrew) ridan ( Richard B.) Lanier (Sidney) (Sir Philip) Longfellow (Henry W.) Skelton (John) Chatterton (Thomas) Chaucer (Geoffrey) Clough (Arthur H.) Coleridge (Samuel T.) Collins (William) Colman (George) Cowper (William) Crabbe (George) Craigie(Mrs. Pearl M. T.) Crashaw (Richard) Crosland (Thos. W. H.) Dante Alighieri. Darling (Isabella F.) Davidson (John) De Tabley (Lord) Dobson (Henry Austin) Douglas (Gavin) Dryden (John) Dunbar (William) Dunton (T. Watts) Eliot (George) Emerson (Ralph Waldo) Feilde (Thomas) Fergusson (Robert) Ford (Robert) Freeland (William) Smith (James and Horace) Macaulay (Thomas Babing- Smith (Walter I tun. Lord) -y (Robert) MacDonald (G mund) • (Robert) Stevenson (Robert L.) MacLean (John) Buckling (Sir John) Macleod (Angus) Surre\ (Henry Howard, Earl McLeod . tT.L.) of) Macleod (Neil) Manson (Jar. Marlowe (Christopher) Merivale (Herman C.) Milton (John) Moir (David M.) Monkhouse (William C.) Moody (William V.) Moore (Thomas) M orison (Jeanie) Moris on (John) Morris (Sir Lewis) Morris (William) Motherwell (William) Xairne (C. Oliphant, Baroness) [Xeaves (Charles. Lord)] Newman (John H.) Xichol (John) irne (Algernon C.) Svmonds (John A.) Tannahill (Robert) lasso (Torquato) Tennyson (Alfred. Lord) - n (James) Todd (A. B.) Trevelyan (Sir George O.) :. (William) White (Henrv K.) Whitman (Walt) Whittier(John G.) Wilson (John) Win gate (David) Wordsworth (William) Wvatt (Sir Thomas) Yeats (William B.) Young (Edward) Poets. For related subjects, see Authors. - Dawson (W. J.) Makers of modern English. Wordsworth. Tennyson. Browning. 'Etc.' 316 1S92. 82255 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. POL Poets. Hazlitt (W.) Lectures on the English poets. 1903. - 82208 Chaucer and Spenser. Shakspeare and Milton. Dryden and Pope. The modern poets. Shakspeare and Ben Jonson. [Etc.] - Innes (A. D.) Seers and singers, five English poets. 1893. - 82410 Wordsworth. Browning. Tennyson. Matthew Arnold. E. B. Browning-. - Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets. 1900. 3 v. ... 99917.9 1. Cowley. Milton. Butler. Waller. Philips. Dryden. 2. Smith. Addison. Prior. Blackmore. Savage. 3. Swift. Pope. Young. [Etc.] - Lowell (J. R.) The English poets [etc.] essays. - - - 82203 Spenser. Shakespeare once more. Milton. Wordsworth. Keats. Lessing. Rousseau and the sentimentalists. - Stoddard (R. H.) Under the evening lamp, papers. 1893. - 99913 Scotch contemporaries of Burns. James Hogg, the Ettrick shepherd. Thomas L. Peacock. Richard M. Milnes, Lord Houghton. [Etc.] Poincare (H.) and Vreeland (F. K.) Maxwell's theory and wireless telegraphy. 1904. ill. 65410 Poinsinet (Antoine A. H.) Le cercle, comedie. - - - 84207 Point of view [a novel] ; by H. James. - - - - - 7J11 Points of view [essays] ; by L. F. Austin. 1906. - - - E4A1 Poland. Mackintosh (Sir J.) Partition of Poland. In his Mis- cellaneous works, v. 2. 1846. E10M2 - In Salisbury (Marquess of ) Essays, foreign politics. 1905. - 32004 Police. For list of related subjects, see Law. - Angus (J. W.) A treatise on the powers and duties of police constables in Scotland. 1904. 35209 Police courts. For related subjects, see Crime. - Greenwood (J.) Prisoner in the dock. 1902.- - - - 34301 " Four years' daily experiences in the London police courts." Political economy. For other branches of sociology, see Sociology. - Bastiat (F.) Essays on political economy. 1893. - - - 33013 - Bowack (W. M.) Another view of industrialism. 1903. - 33001 - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 7-8. 1903. - - - 03207-8 - Fawcett (Mrs. H.) Political economy for beginners. 1904. - 33010 - Jevons (H. S.) Essays on economics. 1905. - 33011 - Mill (J. S.) Principles of political economy. 1904. - - 33007 - Nys (E.) Researches in the history of economics. 1S99. - 33014 - Pantaleoni (M.) Pure economics. 1898.- .... 33004 - Prothero (M.) Political economy. 1895. .... 33015 - Ruskin (J.) Munera pulveris, essays. 1898. - 33008 Unto this last, essays on political economy. 1903. - - 33006 - Sidgwick (H.) The principles of political economy. 1901. - 33016 - In Wallace (A. R.) Studies, v. 2. 1900. 50439 Reciprocity, the essence of free trade. The depression of trade, its causes and its remedies. Disestablishment and disendowment. [Etc.] - See also Banking. Capital. Co-operation. Exchange. Factories. Finance. Free trade and protection. Labour. Land. Money. Poor. Socialism. Trusts. Value. Wages. Wealth. Political parties. See Parties, Political. Political science. For other branches of sociology, see Sociology. 317 POL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Political science. Bright (J.) Speeches on questions of public policy. 1898. - - - 82704 - Dove (P. E.) The science of politics. 1850-4. 2 v. - - 32006-7 1. Theory of human progression. 2. Elements of political science. - Elementary politics. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 8. 03208 - Froude (J. A.) Reciprocal duties of state and subject. In his Short studies, v. 2. 1903. E2F2 - Huxley (T. H.) Natural rights and political rights. In his Method and results. 1894. 50436 - Jenks (E.) A history of politics. 1900. bibl. - - - 32014 - Lewis (Sir G. C. ) Observation and reasoning in politics. 2 v. 32008-9 - Pollock (Sir F.) History of the science of politics. 1897. - 32013 - Rousseau (J. J. ) The social contract, political right. - - 32012 - Spencer (H.) Political institutions. In his Sociology, v. 2. - 30102 - Walker (A. S.) Law and politics. In his Straggle for success. 17701 - Wilson (W.) The state, elements of politics. 1899. - - 32015 - See also Church and state. Citizenship. Colonies. Commonwealths. Democracy. Despotism. Elections. Emigration. Foreign relations. Imperialism. Individualism. Liberty. Parliament. Parties, Political. Slavery. Politicians. See Statesmen. Pollard (Eliza F.) The white dove of Amritzir, a romance. - 48P4 Pollock (David) The shipbuilding industry. 1905. ill. - - 62604 Pollock (Sir Frederick) History of the science of politics. 1897. 32013 Polo (Marco) Travels [1271-95] ; ed. by T. Wright. 1904. - 94303 Polycarp, St. In Farrar (F. W. ) Lives of the fathers, v. 1. 18S9. 99811 Pomeroy Abbey, a romance ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - 76W32 Pomfret, Henrietta, Lady. In Paston (George) Memoirs. 1901. 99604 Pommerol (Mme. Jean) Among women of the Sahara. 1900. ill. 95801 Pomp of the Lavilettes ; by Sir G. Parker. - - - - 8P5 Pompignan (J. J. le Franc, marquis de) Didon, tragedie. - 84210 Ponds. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Cooke (M. C.) Ponds and ditches [natural history]. 1897. ill. 59013 Ponsard (Francois) Le lion amoureux [drame] ; witli notes. - 44885 Poole (Cecil P.) The wiring handbook. 1905. ill. - - 62420 Poole (George A.) The life and times of Saint Cyprian. - - C301 Poole (Joseph) Practical telephone handbook. 1906. ill. - 65402 Poole (Stanley Lane) Saladin and the fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, ill. --------- S051 - The story of Cairo. 1902. ill. plan. 95720 Poor. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Booth (W.) In darkest England and the way out. - - - 33114 - George (H.) Progress and poverty. 1902. ... - 33009 "The cause of industrial depressions, and of increase of want with increase of wealth." - [Helps (Sir A.)] Improvement of condition of rural poor. In his Friends in council, v. 1. 1900. E3H1 318 GOVANHILL BRANCH. POR 1906. ill. 1898. bibl. Poor. Hobson (J. A.) Problems of poverty. 1899. - - - 33110 - Lee (J.) Constructive and preventive philanthropy [U.S. A.] 1902. 33113 - Nicholls (Sir G-.) and Mackay (T.) A history of the English poor law [924-1898]. 1904. 3 v. - - Rowntree (B. S.) Poverty,, a study of town life. 1902. maps. Social conditions in the city of York. - Spargo (J. ) The bitter cry of the children. - Sutter (J.) Britain's next campaign. 1904. The social betterment of town-dwellers. - Twining (L. ) Workhouses and pauperism. - See also Home Relief Congress. Poor Jack ; by Captain F. Marryat. - .... Poor Max ; by Mrs. K. M. Caffyn. Poor Miss Finch, a domestic story ; by W. Wilkie Collins. Poor plutocrats, a romance ; by M. Jokai. - Popanilla, a narrative ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - Pope (Alexander) Poetical works. 1891-94. 2 v. ill. - - Anthology ; ed. by E. Arber. 1899. Pope, Alexander. In Birrell (A.) Obiter dicta, v. 2. 1906. - In Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. 3. 1900. - Kingsley (C.) Alexander Smith and Pope. In his Lectures. ■ - In Lowell (J. R. ) My study windows. - Stephen (Sir L.) Pope [his life and work]. 1902. - Pope as a moralist. In his Hours in a library, v. 1. 1899, - In Thackeray (W. M. ) English humourists. HI. 2 copies. - In Williams (A. M.) Our early female novelists [etc.] 1904. ■ Popes. For lists of related subjects, see Christian biography. Catholicism. - Mazzini (J.) From the pope to the council. In his Essays. - Ranke (L. von) History of the popes. 1902-3. 3 v. port. - Popular educator, Cassell's New. 1903. 8 v. ill. maps. Popular library of art. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Popular tales ; by M. Edge worth. 10 E 5 Population. For list of related subjects, see Sociology. - Ussher(R.) Neo-Malthusianism. 1S97. .... 31201 - See also Rural depopulation. Porcelain. See Pottery. Port Royalists. For list of related subjects, see Church history. - Clark (W.) Pascal and the Port Royalists. 1902. - - - P251 Porteous (Arch. ) A scamper through some cities of America. 1890. 96802 Porter (Jane) The Scottish chiefs [a romance]. Porter (Noah) Agnosticism. In Present clay tracts, v. 2. - Christianity, history, and life. In Present day tracts, v. Portraits. Lee (Vernon) The portrait art. In her Euphorion. Ports. See Harbours. 319 35204-6 33117 33128 33131 33901 52M13 2C1 74C12 31J3 31B1 701-2P 82233 E10B4 99919 E1K3 E1L1 P051 E2S1 12T9 E2W1 Roman E9M1 28201-3 03201-8 - 50P1 - 20403 4. - 20405 1S99. E4L1 POR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Portugal. Vertot (P. A. de) Revolutions de Portugal. 1884. - 91023 - Watson (G.) Sunshine and sentiment in Portugal. 1904. ill. 93424 Portuguese language. See Language, Portuguese. Positivism. For list of other philosophical systems, see Philosophy. - Comte (A. ) Positive philosophy. 1896. 3 v. - - -14601-3 Post Office. For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Joyce (H.) The history of the Post Office to 1836. 1893. - 38302 Postage stamps. Ogilvie (W. T.) Handbook for the collector. 1894. bibl. ill. 38301 Potters. For list of related subjects, see Labour. - Owen (H.) The Staffordshire potter. 1901. - 33101 " The industrial struggles of the working potters." Pottery. For lists of related subjects, see Industries. Sculpture. - Downman (E. A.) English pottery and porcelain. 1904. ill. 73801 - Hobson (R. L.) Porcelain, oriental, continental, and British, ill. 73802 - See also Clay. Pottery painting. See Painting, Pottery. Pottleton legacy, a story ; by A. Smith. 82 SI Pouchet (Felix A. ) The universe. 1902. col. ill. - - - 50001 Poudreaux yeux, comedie ; par E. M. LabicheetE. Martin. 1900'. 44911 Poultry. For list of other domestic animals, see Domestic animals. - Brown (E.) Paces of domestic poultry. 1906. ill. - - 63618 - Theobald (F. V.) Parasitic diseases of poultry. 1896. ill. - 61903 - Watson (G. C. ) Farm poultry. 1901. bibl. ill. - - - 63601 Pour la couronne, drame ; par F. Coppee ; [with notes]. 1906. 44917 Poushkln (Alexander) Prose tales. 69 PI Poverty. See Poor. Poverty Bay, a novel ; by H. Furniss. 65 Fl Powell (Oswald B. ) ed. Book of German songs [In German], mus. 83101 Power (John O'C. ) The making of an orator. 1906. - - 80823 Powicke (Fred. J.) Henry Barrow, 1550 ?-93. The Exiled Church of Amsterdam, 1593-1622. 1902. - - - B251 Praed (Mrs. Campbell) December roses [a novel]. - - - 54P3 - Fugitive Anne, a romance. - - - - - - - 54 PI - The ghost [a novel]. 54P2 Praed (Winthrop M.) Poems. 2 v. mem. port. - - - 101-2P - Political poems. 1888. port. 103P Praed, Winthrop M. In Saintsbury (G.) Essays, v. 1. 1891. - 82102 Praeger (R. L.) Studies in botany, wild-flowers. 1897. ill. - 58203 Prsetenta, my past life ; by J. Buskin. 1899. 3 v. ill. - - R013-5 Praga (Mrs. Alfred) Cookery and housekeeping. 1903. - 64108 Prague. Ltitzow (Count) The story of Prague. 1902. ill. map. 92903 Prairie [Leather-stocking series, No. 5.] ; by J. F. Cooper. - 86 C 5 Prairie- bird [a story] ; by Sir C. A. Murray. - 125 Ml Prance (Gerald) joint -author. See Wyon (Reginald). Pratt (Edwin A.) South African history, 1486-1900. 1900. - 96308 320 GOVANHILL BRANCH, PRE Pratt ( Edwin A. ) The transition in agriculture. 1 906. ill. plans. Pratt (Robert) Perspective. 1901. ill. - Sciography, projection of shadows. 1891. ill. Pratten (R. S. ) Tutor for the flute, mus. .... Prayer. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Edgar (R. M.) Christ's doctrine of prayer. In Present day tracts, v. 12. 20413 - Reid (W. A.) Christian prayer. 1905. 24804 Prayer book. For list of related subjects, see Church of England. - First prayer-book of King Edward VI., 1549. - Second prayer-book of King Edward VI., 1552. - Wheatly (C.) Book of common prayer, Church of England. - Preaching. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Brooks (P.) Lectures on preaching. 1877. - Brown (J. ) Puritan preaching in England. 1900. - - Cuyler (T. L.) The young preacher. 1893. - - Dale (R. W.) Nine lectures on preaching. 1896. - - Dawson (J.) ed. John Wesley on preaching. 1904. - Mackey (H. O.) Points, parables, and pictures. 1899. - " Illustrations for preachers, teachers, and platform speakers.' - Spurgeon (C. H.) Barbed arrows [anecdotes, similes, etc.] - Stalker (J.) The preacher and his models. 1892. - Precaution [a novel] ; by J. F. Cooper. .... Precis-writing. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Jackson (T. C.) and Briggs (J.) Precis- writing. 1905. - - Monkhouse (W. C.) The precis book. 1903. - Predestination. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Erskine (T.) The doctrine of election. 1837.- " And its connection with the general tenor of Christianity." Preece (Sir Wm. H.) and Sivewright (Sir J.) Telegraphy, ill. Prejuge a la mode, comedie ; par P. C. N. de La Chaussee. Pre-Raphaelitism. For list of related subjects, see Painting. - In Ruskin (J.) On the old road, v. 1. 1899. - Presbyterian Church. See Churches, Presbyterian. Prescott (E. Livingston) Helot and Hero, a novel. - - The measure of a man. ... .... Prescott (Henry P.) Tobacco and its adulterations, ill. Prescott ( William H. ) History of the conquest of Mexico. 1903. - History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella [of Spain]. 1901. Present day tracts on subjects of Christian evidence, doctrine, and morals ; by various writers. 14 v. - - - 20402-15 For contents, see Woodside Library catalogue, which may be referred to or borrowed. President's daughters, including Nina ; by F. Bremer. - - 86B4 Press. See Journalism. Prester John. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of the middle ages. 39818 & 321 63007 74202 74201 78802 26402 26403 26405 25110 25107 25109 25108 25104 25102 25103 25101 86C16 65806 65812 23406 65409 84204 70404 56P2 56P1 61403 97602 93425 PRE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. 16A5 58P3 58P2 99001 34706 4S1 Preston fight, a tale ; by W. H. Ainsworth. - Price (Eleanor C.) The heiress of the forest, a romance. - - Off the high road, the story of a summer. .... Price (J. M.) Land of gold, West Australia. 1896. port. ill. map. Price (Thomas) Company law. 1906. Prick of conscience ; by Alan St. Aubyn. Pride and prejudice ; by J. Austen. 60 A4 30C1 48H2 50435 93719 - 5Y24 - 36R5 - 119 S 14 40T1 - 62B18 1895 Pride of Jennico ; by A. and E. Castle. .... Pride of the family ; by E. F. Heddle. .... Priestley, Joseph. In Huxley (T. H.) Science and education. Prince, The ; by N. Machiavelli. Prince and the page; by C. M. Yonge. .... Prince Charming, a fantastic episode ; by Pita. - Prince Otto, a romance ; by R. L. Stevenson. Princess Kate [a romance] ; by L. Tracy. - Princess of Thule [a story] ; by W. Black. Printers. Heckethorn (C. W.) Printers of Basle, xv.-xvi. centuries. 65504 Printing. For list of other industries, see Industries. - In CasselPs New technical educator, v. 5-6. ill. - Collins (F. H.) Author and printer. 1905. .... " A guide for authors, printers, correctors of the press [etc.] " - Dickson (R. ) and Edmond (J. P.) Annals of Scottish printing to the seventeenth century. 1890. 4°. ill. - - Jacobi (C. T.) ed. The printers' handbook. 1905. - - Oldfield (A.) Practical manual of typography, ill. - See also Lithography. Prior (Matthew) [Poems]. In Pope anthology. - Selected poems. 1889. port. ...... Prior, Matthew. In Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. 2. 1900. - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 2 copies. - Priors Roothing [a novel] ; by E. F. Maitland. .... Prisoner of Zend a ; by Anthony Hope. Prisoners of the sea, a romance ; by F. M. Kingsley.- Prisonniers du Caucase ; par X. de Maistre. .... - Another edition ; with notes. 1897. ..... Prisons. For related subjects, see Crime. - Carlyle (T.) Model prisons. In his Latter-day pamphlets. - Griffith (G.) Sidelights on convict life. 1903. ill. Pritchard (W. C.) A memoir of Bishop Chalmers. 1904. Privateersman ; by Captain F. Marryat. Pro patria, a Latin story ; by E. A. Sonnenschein. 1903. ill. - " Sequel to ' Ora maritima,' " 47806. Problems of living ; by J. Brierley. 1903. Procter (Adelaide A.) Legends and lyrics, verses. 1904. Proctor (Richard A.) The moon. 1898. ill. - - The orbs around us. 1894. ill. 322 60305-6 65502 65503 65507 65508 82233 201 P 99918 12T9 34M1 82H1 25K2 25M1 44858 E1C8 36501 C471 52M17 47807 17128 501 P 52312 52310 GOVANHILL BRANCH. pro Proctor (Richard A.) Our place among infinities. 1897. - 52311 - The stars in their seasons. 1904. ill. - - . . 52313 Prodigal son ; by Hall Caine. - 5C9 Prodigal's brother, a story of western life ; by J. Mackie. - - 134 Ml Prodigal's progress ; by P. Barrett. - - . . . - 20B2 Professions. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Hicks (J. W.) Vocations for our sons. 1906. - - . 65813 - Hogarth (J. E.) and others. Education and professions (Woman's library, v. 1.) 1903. 39605 . Higher education of women; by J. E. Hogarth. Teaching ■ bv B £T?Pf ^ cat , ion of * he arti f tic facult y ! by L. Jopling. Journalism '; by M. F. Billmgton. Pros and cons of theatrical life; by M. Kendal Medicine as a profession ; by E. F. Lamport. Public work as factory inspectors ; by M. H. Irwin. Sanitary inspecting ; by If. Armour - Spencer (H.) Professional institutions. In his Sociology. - 30103 - Williams (G. H.) Careers for our sons. 1904. - - . 65805 Professor [a story] ; by C. Bronte. 92 B2 Professor at the breakfast-table ; by O. W. Holmes. - - E1H3 Progress. For list of related subjects, see Sociology. - Avebury (Lord) Hope of progress. In his Pleasures of life. - E1A1 - In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 2. 1903. - - - - E2F2 - George (H.) Progress and poverty. 1902. - 33009 - Mallock (W. H.) Property and progress. 1884. - - . 33513 "An enquiry into social agitation in England." Progressive science series. • **. A H st , ° f the se J ries , ma y be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the authors name and the subject with which it deals. Projection. For list of related subjects, see Geometry. - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-3. ill. . . . 60301-3 Property. For list of related subjects, see Law. - Kelke (W. H. H.) An epitome of personal property law. 1905. 34707 - Mallock (W. H. ) Property and progress. 1884. - - . 33513 "An enquiry into social agitation in England." Prophecy. For list of other Biblical subjects, see Bible. - Edghill (E. A.) The evidential value of prophecy. 1906. bibl. 22024 Prophets. See Bible. Prophet's mantle ; by F. Bland. 67B1 Prose. For related subjects, see Literature, English. - Craik (Sir H.) eel. English prose selections. 1893-1904. 5 v. 82004-8 ,**i. 1# 14th to the lt3th century. 2. 16th century to the restoration 3 17th century. 4. ISth century. 5. 19th century. ' - Dawson (W. J.) The makers of modern prose. 1899. - - 82111 SamuelJohnson. Lord Macaulay. Thomas Carlyle. John Ruskin. [Etc.] - Galton (A.) eel. English prose from Maimdevile to Thackeray. 82832 Prose tales ; by A. Poushkin. 69P1 Prospector, a tale of the Crow's Nest Pass ; by Ralph Connor. - 78 C 6 Protection. See Free trade and protection. Protestantism. For list of related subjects, see Church. 323 PRO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Protestantism. Froude (J. A.) Condition and prospects of Protestantism. In his Short studies, v. 2. 1903. - - E2F2 - Gray (A. H. j Aspects of Protestantism. 1899. - - - 28402 Prothero (Michael) Political economy. 1895. - - - 33015 Proud prince > romance] : by J. H. McCarthy. - 137M1 Prout. Samuel. In Raskin (J.) On pictures, v. 2. 1902. ill. - 75002 Provence. Gould (S. Baring) In troubadour-land. 1891. ill. - 93101 Proverbs. For lists o: related subjects, see Folk-lore. Literature. - Bowman (A. and others. Acting charades and proverbs. 1891. 79308 - Trench (R. C.) Proverbs and their lessons. WW. - - - 39821 Proverbs. Book of. See Bible. Proverbs in porcelain [poems] ; by H. A. Dobson. 1S93. ill. - 601D Provost, and other tales ; by J. Gait. 7G2 Psalms. See Bible. Psychical research. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Hyslop (J. H. ) Enigmas of psychical research. 1906. - - 13403 - Mason (R. O. Telepathy and the subliminal self. 1897. - 13402 ' • An account of recent investigations regarding hypnotism, automatism, die mis, and related phenom = I - Maxwell i. J, i Metapsychical phenomena. 1905. - - - 13401 - Podmore \Y.) Studies in psychical research. 1897. - - 13402 Psychology. For other branches of philosophy, see Philosophy. - Baldwin (J. M.) Elements of psychology. 1893. - - - 15002 - Brongh (J.) The study of mental science. 1903. - - - 15013 - Bight (G. A. An essay on mental culture. 19<»0. - - 15019 - H6ffding(H.) Outlines of psychology. 1901. - - - 15001 - Irons I). | The psychology of ethics. 1903. - 15010 - James (W.) Talks on psychology and some of life's ideals. - 37011 - Hayward (F. H. The a Eerbart. 1904. - - - 37012 ly to James's " Talks on psychology/' - King (H. C.j Rational living. 1906. 15018 - Knowlson (T. S. I The art of thinking. 1903. bibl. - - 15301 - Ladd(G. T.) Physiological psychology. 1896. ill. - - 15020 - Maher (M.) Psychology, empirical and rational. 1905. ill. - 15021 - Mercier (CL A. Psychology, normal and morbid. 1901. - 15015 - Morgan (C. L.) Psychology for teachers. 1904. - - - 15005 - Ryiand (F. | Psychology, an introductory manual. 1900. - 15006 - Spencer (H.) The principles of psychology. 1899. 2 v. - 15011-2 - Stratton (G. M. Experimental psychology and culture. - 15014 - Sully i. J... Outlines of psychology. 1901. ... - 15007 The teacher's handbook of psychology. 1904. - - - 15004 - Villa (G. I Contemporary psychology. 1903. - 15009 - Whitby (C. J. I The logic of human character. 1905. - - 15017 - See also Cnildren. Consciousness. Creation. Emotions. Imagination. Intellect. Memory. Passions. Reason. Sex. Will. Ptah-hotep. Instruction ; trans, by B. G. Gunn. 1906. bibl. 89301 324 GOVANHILL BRANCH. PYR Public health. See Health, Public. Public meetings. For list of related subjects, see Rhetoric. - Palgrave (Sir R. F. D.) The chairman's handbook. 1905. - 32804 Publishing. Authors and publishers, a manual. 1SS3. ill. - 65506 - See also Bookselling. Copyright. Printing. Puck of Pook's Hill; by R. Kipling. --.... 28K17 Pudd'nhead Wilson, a tale ; by Mark Twain. - - - - 52 T 12 Pugh (Edwin W.) The fruit of the vine. 63P2 - The spoilers. 63 PI - The stumbling block. 63P4 - Tony Drum, a Cockney boy. 63P3 - and Gleig (C.) The rogues' paradise, an extravaganza. - - 64P1 Pugin (Augustus W. N.) Contrasts between the edifices of the middle ages and the present day. 1898. ill. - - - 72902 Pcjlitzer (Albert) Romance of Prince Eugene. 1895. 2 v. ill. B481-2 Pulsford (John) Infoldings and unfoldings of the divine genius in nature and man. 1901. - - . . . . 24006 - Jealousy of God, and other papers. 1897. - 23010 - Quiet hours. 1900-3. 2 v. - - . . . . . 2 4003-4 Pumps. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Bale (M. P.) Pumps and pumping. 1906. - 62210 - Innes (C. H.) The centrifugal pump [etc.] 1904. ill. - - 62209 Punctuation. For list of related subjects, see Language, English. - Bygott (J.) and Jones (A. J. L.) Points in punctuation. - 42101 Punic wars. Morris (W. O'C.) Hannibal and the struggle between Carthage and Rome. 1903. ill. maps. - °° - H061 Punishment. For related subjects, see Crime. - Fry (Sir E.) The theory of punishment. In his Studies. - E6F1 - Wines (F.H.) Punishment and reformation. 1895. ill. - 34304 Puntormo, Jacopo da. See Jacopo da Puntormo. Pupil [a story] ; by H. James. 7J10 Pupille, comedie ; par C. B. Fagan. - 842 05 Purchase (William R.) Practical masonry. 1904. ill.- - 69301 Puritans. For list of related subjects, see Church. - Kingsley (C.) Plays and Puritans [Etc.] 1890. - - - E1K1 - Newdegate (Lady N.) Cavalier and Puritan in the days of the Stuarts. 1901. ill. 91345 Purple cloud ; by M. P. Shiel. 58S2 Purple of the orient ; by Lucas Cleeve. 56 ci Curves (George T.) Christianity in the apostolic age. maps. - 27022 Put yourself in his place ; by C. Reade. 16 R6 Pye (Walter) Bandaging and surgical dressing. 1906. ill. - 61703 Pyramids. Gamier (J.) The great pyramid, its builder and its prophecy. 1905. ill. 22116 325 Q GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRA RIES. Q Q. See Couch (Arthur T. Quiller). Quabbin, the story of a small town ; by F. H. Underwood. - 2U3 Quaker grandmother ; by Mrs. K. M. Caffyn. - 2C5 Quakers. For list of other sects, see Church. - Fox (G.) Journal. 1903. F02S An account of the early Quakers. Qualitative and quantitative analysis. See Chemistry. Quarrying. Foster (Sir C. leN.) Mining and quarrying. 1903. ill. 6250J I Queen Mary [a dramatic poem] ; by Lord Tennyson. 1877. - 104ld Queen of hearts ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 74 C 5 J Queen of love, a novel ; by S. Baring Gould. ... - 43Gte a of Scot In A vebury (Lord) Pleasures of life. 1903. - In Benson (A. C.) From a college window. 1906. - Birrell (A.) The via media. In his Obiter dicta, v. 1. 1906 Brierley (J.) Ourselves and the universe. 1905. - Butler (J.) Analogy of religion to nature. .... Caird (E.) The evolution of religion. 1899. 2 v. - 331 1906. - 1899. ill. port. 1902. - 1S94. 64605 99102 24201 27602 E10B2 27601 E2F1 C052 27514 27027 L143 27701 27010 M371 K032 51D5 80103 41M1 89115 18401 92507 92309 B151 73101 24804 37010 D221 32504 32704 E6H1 701 S 5Y25 24001 24419 E1A1 E8B1 E10B3 20421 23901 20101-2 REL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Religion. Carpenter (J. E.) and others. Liberal religious thought, twentieth century. 1901. - - - - 20416 "Addresses and papers at the International Council of Unitarian and other liberal religious thinkers, 1901." - Cuyler (T. L.) God's light on dark clouds. 1899. - - - 24304 - Drawbridge (C. L.) The training of the twig. 1905. - - 37702 "Religious education of children." - Heine (H.) Religion and philosophy. In his Prose writings. E6H1 - Hume (D.) Natural history of religion. In his Essays. - - E4H1 - Jackson (G.) A young man's religion. 1900.- - - - 20401 - Jevons (F. B.) Religion in evolution. 1906. - 20108 - Jones (R. M.) Social law in the spiritual world. 1904. - - 21004 " Studies in human and divine inter-relationship." - Kidd (J.) Morality and religion. 1895. 17112 - Lamennais (H. F. R. de) Paroles d'un croyant [Etc.] - - 24805 - M. (J. B.) Old letters on current religious topics. 1888. - 20419 - Mallock (W. H.) A catholic theologian on natural religion. In his Studies of contemporary superstition. 1895. - 21503 - Martineau (J.) Relation between ethics and religion. - - 17107 - Moberly (R. C.) Reason and religion. 1896. - 21002 - Mullan (D.) Questions of the hour. 20418 - Novalis. Thoughts on religion. 1888. 24408 - Pfleiderer(O-) Philosophy and development of religion. 1894. 2v. 20104-5 - Russell (G. W. E.) The household of faith, essays. 1902. - 20420 - Sabatier (A.) Religion and modern culture. 1904. - - 23220 - Stanley (A. P.) Religious life and thought. In his Writings. 20801 - Tauler (J.) Book of spiritual poverty [extracts]. - - - 24803 - Tiele (C. P.) Outlines of the history of religion. 1896. - - 20901 "To the spread of the universal religions." - In Tylor (E. B.) Primitive culture. 1903. 2 v. - - - 29003-4 - Walker (A. S.) Religious belief. In his Struggle for success. 17701 - See also Bible. Church. Church history. Consolation. Hymns. Meditations. Mysticism. Religions. Theology. Theosophy. Religion and science. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Bell (Sir C.) The hand, its mechanism. 1885. ill. - - 21505 - Chambers (R.) Vestiges of natural history of creation. 1884. ill. 21511 - Combe (G. ) Science and religion. 21507 - Connor (T.) The real concept. 1900. 21508 - Dawson (Sir J. W T .) Revelation and natural science. In Present day tracts, v. 7. 20408 - Draper (J. W.) Conflict between religion and science. 1904. 21506 - Drummond (H.) Natural law in the spiritual world. 1903. - 21504 - Finlayson (T. C.) Biological religion. 1895.- - - - 21502 " An essay in criticism of Drummond's ' Natural law in the spiritual world.' " - Huxley (T. H.) Science and Christian tradition, essays. 1895. 21512 Science and Hebrew tradition, essays. 1895. - - - 21514 332 GOVANHILL BRANCH. REN Religion and science. Lodge (Sir 0. J.) and others. Ideals of science and faith. 1904. --..... 21501 fnlw SS T Wr i ttGn f J°J? d i? ere ^ t stand P°ints and expressing the fullest independence of thought and treatment. - Mallock (W. H.) Religion as a credible doctrine. 1903. - 21509 - Miller (H.) Testimony of the rocks. 1897. ill. - - . 55002 "Geology in its bearings on the two theologies, natural and revealed." - Orr(J.) God's image in man. 1905. ---.'. 21510 " And its defacement in the light of modern denials." - Rice (W. K) Christian faith in an age of science. 1904. ill. 21513 Religions. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Arnold (M.) Pagan and mediaeval religious sentiment. In his Essays in criticism, v. 1. 1905. " E3A1 - Geden (A. S.) Studies in eastern religions. 1900.- - - 29402 Brahmanism and Hinduism. Buddhism. Jainism. - Matheson (G.) Distinctive messages of the old religions. 1892. 29002 - Mitchell (J. M.) Non-Christian religions. In Present day' tracts, v. 14. J _ 2(m5 - Miiller (F. Max) Proper use of Holy Scriptures. I?i his Works,v. 5. E6M1 - Renan (E.) Studies in religious history. - - - . 29001 Religions of antiquity. History of the people of Israel. Paganism Mahomet and the origin of Islamism. Critical historians of Jesus. - Senex. Religions of the past and religion of the future. 1906. 20107 - See also Buddhism. Christianity. Confucianism. Devil-worship Fetichism. Hinduism. Jews. Mohammedanism. Mythology Paganism. Zoroastrianism. Reliquiae Celticse ; by A. Cameron. 1892-4. 2 v. - . . 89106-7 Relton (Frederic) joint-author. See Overton (John H.) Rembrandt. Breal (A.) Rembrandt, a critical essay. 1902. port. iU. R031 Remsen (Ira) Introduction to the study of chemistry, ill. . 5 460 i - Study of organic chemistry. 1903. ill. - . 54701 Remusat (Paul de) A. Thiers [his life. In French]. 1889. - T181 Renaissance. For lists of related subjects, see Arts, Fine. Historv Literature. y ' - Brinton (S.) The renaissance in Italian art. 1903-5. ill. 1. The awakening of life, 70909. 2. The republic of Siena 70910 4 Humanism and art, 70912. 5. Correggio at Parma, 70913. 6 The city- triumphant, Venice 70914. 8. The master of Perugia, 70916. 9. Rome of the renaissance, 70917. e ol - Hare (C. ) Ladies of the Italian renaissance, bibl. ill. - . 99521 - Lee (Vernon) Euphorion, studies. 1S99. bibl. - - . E4L1 The sacrifice. The Italy of the Elizabethan dramatists. The outdoor MedSval lovT 1 * ^ ^^^ ** The SCh ° 01 ° f Boiardo - - Symonds (J. A.) Renaissance in Italy. 1897-1905. 7 v. *. \JtJL e of the des P ots > 93618. 2. Revival of learning, 85001 3 Fine 93619-20 4 " 5 ' ltalkm literatl,re ' 85002 - 3 - 6 "7- cftholic reaction! Renan (Ernest) Life of Jesus ; trans, by W. G. Hutchison. - 23212 - Studies in religious history. ---.--.. 29001 333 REN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Renan, Ernest. Elmslie (W. G.) Ernest Renan and his criticism of Christ. In Present day tracts, v. 4. - - - - 20405 - Mazzini (J.) Renan and France. In his Essays. - - - E9M1 Renee of France. In Fawcett (Mrs. H.) Famous French women, ill. 99617 Renfrewshire. Hector (W.) Judicial records of Renfrew- shire. 1876-78. 2 v. plan. 92003-4 " Laws and manners [etc.] of the inhabitants, 17th and 18th centuries." Renstert (Hugo A.) The life of Lope de Vega, 1562-1635. 1904. V051 Rennie, John. In Smiles (S.) Lives of the engineers, port. - 99708 Renwick (Robert) Peebles in early history. 1903. map. - 92019 [Repington (Charles A'C.)] Imperial strategy. 1906. maps. 35510 Repplier (Agnes) In our convent days [autobiography]. 1905. R181 Representative men; by R. W. Emerson. In his Works, v. 1. E2E1 Reprinted pieces ; by C. Dickens. 1896. ill. 2 copies. - 97202, 97203 Reptiles. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Bell (T.) A history of British reptiles. 1849. ill. - - 59809 - Hopley (C. C.) British reptiles and batrachians. 1893. ill. - 59804 - Seeley (H. G. ) Dragons of the air, extinct reptiles, ill. - 56801 Reputed changeling ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y26 Rescue [a novel] ; by A. D. Sedgwick. 2 copies. - - - 42 SI Resolved to be rich ; by E. H. Cooper. 84 CI Resurrection. See Future state. Jesus Christ. Retrospect of an artist's life ; by J. K. Hunter. 1868. ill. - H371 Retrospective reviews, 1891-5 ; by R. Le Gallienne. 2 v. - - E3L1-2 Retrospects [biographical sketches] ; by W. A. Knight. 1904. v. 1. 99911 Return of Sherlock Holmes ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 20 Sherlock Holmes series, No. 6. Return of the native ; by T. Hardy. 21 H 6 Retz (J. P. de Gondi, cardinal de) Conspiration de Fiesque. - 91022 Reuchlin, Johann. 7?iHirsch(S. A.) A book of essays. 1905. port. E7H1 Re-union in the heavenly kingdom [sermons] ; by W. Anderson. 25203 R6ve du mari, comedie ; par F. G. J. S. Andrieux. - - - 84208 Revelation of St. John. See Bible. Revenge! [stories]; by R. Barr. 19B1 Revelation. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - [Cassels (W. R )] Supernatural religion, an inquiry into the reality of divine revelation. 1874-7. 3 v. - - - 23106-8 - Lightfoot (J. B.) Essays on the work Supernatural religion. 1893. 23109 A criticism of Cassels' " Supernatural religion." - [Cassels (W. R.)] A reply to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays [on " Supernatural religion"]. 1889. 23110 Reveries renouvelees des Grecs [comedie] ; par C. S. Favart. - 84207 Reville (Albert) The dogma of the deity of Jesus. 1905. - 23241 Revivals. For list of related subjects, see Church. - In Macleod (N.) Parish papers. 1896. 23006 - MacRae (A.) Revivals in the Highlands, 19th century. [1905]. 26901 334 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. RIC Revolution in Tanner's Lane; by W. H. White. - - . 68 W4 Reynard the fox. In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 1. 1903. E2F1 Reynolds (Henry R.) Athanasius, his life and life-work. -' A101 - Buddhism and Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 8. - 20409 - Life and letters. 1898. port. - - . . . - R251 - Who say ye that I am ? In Present day tracts, v. 14. mem. 20415 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Gower (Lord R. S.) Reynolds his life and art. 1902. port. ill. - . . . ' . - R261 - In Salmon (A. L.) Literary rambles. 1906. ill. - . . 91728 Reynolds (Mrs. L. B.) The ides of March. - - . - 23R1 Reynolds (Michael) Continuous railway brakes. 1882. ill. - 62703 Reynolds (Osborne) On an inversion of ideas as to the structure of the universe. 1902. ill. .... 5 3901 Rhadamisthe et Zenobie, tragedie ; par P. J. de Crebillon. - 84210 Rhees (Rush) The life of Jesus of Nazareth. 1902. map. - 23224 Rhetoric. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Bain (A.) English composition and rhetoric. 1892-1901. 2 v. 80802-3 - Carpenter (G. R.) Rhetoric and English composition. 1906.- 80820 - Espenshade (A. H. ) Composition and rhetoric. 1905. - - 80826 - Lewis (E. H.) A first manual of composition. 1901. - - 80821 A second manual of composition. 1903. .... 80822 - Meiklejohn (J. M. D.) The art of writing English. 1902. - 42801 - See also Debating. Elocution. Essay-writing-. Letter-writing- Oratory. Public meetings. Reading. Style. Rhoda Fleming, a story ; by G. Meredith. - - . - 82 M 10 Rhoda Roberts, a Welsh mining story ; by Harry Lindsay. - 43 Ll Rhodes (Dasiel P.) Pleasure-book of Grindelwald. 1903. ill. 93503 Rhodesia. Leonard (A. G.) How we made Rhodesia. 1896. - 96504 - Thomson (H. C.) Rhodesia and its government. 1898. ill. map. 96508 - Wiimot( A.) Monomotapa, its history. 1896. ill. - - 96503 Rhoscomyl (Owen) For the white rose of Arno. - - . 25 Rl Rhys (Ernest) The fiddler of Came, a tale. - - . - 26R1 Rhys (Grace) The diverted village. 27R1 Rhys (Isabel L.) Education of girls in Switzerland. 1905. - 37601 Rhys (John) and Jones (D. B.) The Welsh people. 1906. maps. 91614 Ribbon of iron [Siberian Railway]; by A. M. B. Meakin. 1901. ill. 95401 Rice (Alice H.) Lovey Mary. 79R1 - Mrs. Wiggs of the cabbage patch. 79R2 Rice (James) joint-author. See Besant (Sir Walter). Rice (William N.) Christian faith m an age of science, ill. - 21513 Rice papers [stories] ; by H. L. Norris. - - . . . 14N1 Rich man's daughter; by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. - - . - 33R3 Richard, St., Family of. In Lives of the English saints, v. 2. - 99804 Richard, St., Bishop of Chichester. In Lives of the saints, v. 6. 99808 Richard Carvel [a novel] ; by W. Churchill. - . . 47 Cl Richard Tregellas [a romance] ; by D. L. Johnstone. - - - 29 J4 335 RIG GLASGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Richards (Franklin T.) The eve of Christianity. 1902. - 27023 Richards (Henry C.) Candidates' and agents' guide, elections. 32401 Richardson (Charles F.) The choice of books. - - - 02802 Richardson (Frank) The Bayswater miracle. - - - - 29 Rl Richardson (George H.) joint-author. See Nixon (Alf.) Richardson, Samuel. Dobson (H. A.) Richardson [life and work]. R051 - Stephen (Sir L.) Richardson's novels. In his Hours, v. 1. - E2S1 Richebourc (Emile) Deux amis; with notes by F. Julien. 1897. 44864 Richelieu, Cardinal. Perkins (J. B.) Richelieu and the growth of French power. 1901. port. ill. map. - - - R041 Richmond (Ennis) In youth [ethical training of children]. - 37704 Richmond (H. D.) Laboratory book of dairy analysis. 1905. ill. 54303 Richter (Jean P. F.) Analects ; trans, by T. De Quincey. - E1D1 - Tales ; trans, by T. Carlyle. - 128 Ml SchmeMe's journey to Fleet/. Life of Quintus Fixlein. Richter, Jean P. F. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 1, 3. - - El CI, El C 3 Rickaby (John) The first principles of knowledge. 1901. - 12101 - General metaphysics. 1905. 11006 Rickaby (Joseph) Moral philosophy. 1905. ... - 17019 Rickerby's folly [a story] ; by T. Gallon. 6G3 Rickett (Arthur) Personal forces in modern literature. 1906. 82112 Riddell (Mrs. J. H.) Home, sweet home, a novel. - - - 33R1 - A rich man's daughter. - - 33 R 3 - The rusty sword, or, thereby hangs a tale. - - - - 33R4 - Susan Drummond, a novel. 33 R 2 Riddell (John) Discourses. 1868. mem. ... - 25236 Riddle of the universe [monism] ; by E. Haeckel. 1906. - - 14703 Ridge (William Pett) Up side streets [stories]. - - - 34R1 Riding. See Horsemanship. Ridley, William, Bp. In Dant (O. H.) Churchmen. 1902. port. 99620 Riehl, ' Wilhelm H. von. Eliot (George) Natural history of ' German life, Riehl. In her Essays. El El Riemann (H.) Catechism of pianoforte playing, mus. - - 78606 Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes ; by Lord Lytton. - - 73L20 Rifle. 'Hall (M.) Practical rifle shooting. 1906. ill. - - 79936 - Tippins (L. R.) Miniature rifle shooting. 1903. ill. - - 79923 - Winans (W.) Practical rifle shooting. 1906.- - - - 79927 Rifle Brigade ; by W. Wood. bibl. ill. 35601 Rigging. Kipping (R.) Masting and rigging of ships. 1903. ill. 62608 Riggs (James S.) joint-author. See Kent (Charles F.) Right of way, a story ; by Sir G. Parker. - - - - - 8P10 Riley (J. W.) Manual of carpentry and joinery. 1905. ill. - 69402 Ring o' bells [stories] ; by G. R. Sims. 64S1 Ripley, George [his life and work] ; by O. B. Frothingham. port. R061 Rising generation [a novel] ; by C. E. Maud. - - - - 67 Ml Ristori (Adelaide) Studies and memoirs. 1888. - 336 RU1 GOVANHILL BRANCH. ROB Rita. Adrienne, a romance of French life. - - - 36 R 3 - The jesters. 36R4 - Prince Charming, a fantastic episode in court dress. - - 36 R 5 - The seventh dream.- - - - - - - - 36 R 6 - Vanity ! the confessions of a court modiste. - - - 36 R 2 - A woman of Samaria [a novel]. 36 Rl Ritchie (Mrs. Aune T. ) Bluebeard's keys, and other stories. - 37R5 Riquet a la houppe. Jack and the bean-stalk. The white cat. - Five old friends. A young prince. 37 R 6 - Miss Angel. Fulham Lawn. 37 R 2 - Old Kensington [a story]. - - - - - - 37 Rl - The story of Elizabeth. Two hours. From an island. - - 37 R4 - To Esther, and other sketches. 37 R 7 Out of the world. Making merry. Sola. Moretti's Campanula. - The village on the cliff. 37 R 3 Ritchie (David G.) Plato [his life and philosophy]. 1902. - P261 Ritchie (Mrs. David G.) The truthful liar. - - - - 39 Rl Ritchie (F.) and Moore (E. H.) A practical Greek method. 1903. 48805 Ritschlianism. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Orr (J.) The Ritschlian theology. 1898. .... 23011 Ritter (A. G.) Praktische Orgel-Schule. 2 v. mus. - -78620-1 Ritter (Frederic L.) History of music. 1892. mus. - - 78006 Ritualism. For list of related subjects, see Church of England. - In Russell (G. W. E.) Household of faith. 1902. - - - 20420 River of vengeance ; by P. L. Oliphant. - - - - 40 1 Rivers. For related subjects, see Physical geography. - Russell (I. C.) River development, as illustrated by the rivers of North America, 1898. ill. maps. - 55103 Rives (Amelie) According to St. John, a novel. - - - 40 Rl Riviera. Black (C. B. ) The Riviera [a guide]. 1905. ill. maps. 93312 - Gould (S. Baring) A book of the Riviera. 1905. ill. - - 93307 - Green (J. R.) Sketches in sunshine. In his Stray studies, v. 1. E2G1 Roads. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Allen (A. T.) New streets, laying out and making up. 1904. 62705 - See also Pavements. 'Rob Roy.' MacGregor (J.) 'Rob Roy" on the Baltic, ill. maps. 94102 The voyage alone in the yawl 'Rob Roy.' ill. - - - 91002 Rob Roy [a romance]; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - - 35S4 Robbins (Alfred H. ) Early public life of W. E. Gladstone. 1894. G131 Robert the Bruce. See Bruce, Robert. Robert Ainsleigh [a novel] ; by M. E. Braddon. - - - 81B6 Robert Elsmere [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. Ward. - 13W5 Robert Falconer [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. - 10M6 Robert Martin's lesson; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 18 Robert Orange, sequel to "The school for saints"; by Mrs. P. M. T. Craigie. 106 C 5 337 ROB GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Robert Wreford's daughter ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - 81W21 Roberts (Earl) Forty-one years in India. 1901. port. ill. map. R081 Roberts (Charles G. D.) Red fox. 1905. ill. - - - 59907 Roberts, George B. In Dant (C. H.) Churchmen. 1902. port. 99620 Roberts (H. W. ) Architectural sketching and perspective. - 74401 Roberts (Isaac P.) The farmer's business handbook. 1903. - 63003 - The farmstead. 1902. ill. 72801 - Fertility of the land. 1903. ill. 63101 [Roberts (Margaret N.)] Mademoiselle Mori, a tale. - - 43 Rl Roberts (Morley) The Blue Peter, sea comedies. - - - 44R1 - The descent of the duchess. 44 R 2 Roberts (P. L.) joint-author. See Denney (E. E.) Roberts (R. L.) Lectures on ambulance work. 1895. ill. - 61409 Roberts (Sir Randal) Glenmahra, western Highlands, ill. - 79925 Robertson (Alexander) Fra Paolo Sarpi [a biography]. - - S421 Robertson (C. G. ) and Bartholomew (J. G. ) Atlas, British Empire. 91112 Robertson (Eric S.) Life of Longfellow. 1887. - - - L262 Robertson (Frederick W.) Life and letters. 1868. port. - R101 Robertson (George C.) Hobbes [his life and philosophy]. 1901. 19201 Robertson (J. D.) The Holy Spirit and Christian service. 1900. 23105 Robertson (J. M.) The household physician. 1902. 2 v. ill. 61003-4 Robertson (James A.) Concise historical proofs respecting the Gael of Alban or Highlanders of Scotland. 1865. ill. map. 92207 - joint-author. See Johnston (T. B.) Robertson (James C.) The Christian church, 64-1517 a.d. 8v. 27001-8 Robertson (John M.) A short history of freethought. 1899. - 21104 Robertson (T. S. ) English church architecture. 1897. ill. - 72601 Robertson, Thomas W., Life and writings; by T. E. Pemberton. ill. Rill Robertson (William) A history of America. 1821. 3 v. 96808-10 Robertson, Wm. In Graham (H. G.) Scottish men of letters. - 99916 Robespierre, Maximilien M. I. Belloc (H.) Robespierre, port. - R271 - In Morley (J. ) Miscellanies, v. 1. E3M2 Robin Brilliant [a novel] ; by Mrs. H. E. Dudeney. - - - 57 Dl Robin Gray, a novel ; by C. Gibbon. 21G1 Robins (Elizabeth) George Mandeville's husband. - - - 47 R 3 - The magnetic north. 47 Rl - The open question, a tale of two temperaments. - - - 47 R 2 Robins (G. M.) See Reynolds (Mrs. L. B.) Robinson (Agnes M. F.) Fields of France, essays in sociology. 93105 - Froissart [his life. In French]. 1894. - - - - - F241 Robinson (Alexander) The Saviour in the newer light. 1898. 23232 Robinson (Charles H.) The character of Christ. 1900. - - 23218 Robinson (Charles M.) Improvement of towns and cities. - 35202 Robinson (Edward K.) The country day by day. 1905. ill. - 50414 Robinson (F. M.) Chimaera, a novel. 49R1 338 GOVANHILL BRANCH. ROM Robinson (Frederick W.) All they went through. - - - 50R2 - A woman's ransom. ---..... 50R1 Robinson, Henry C. In Fy vie (J.) Literary eccentrics, -port. - 99915 Robinson Crusoe ; by D. Defoe. 2 copies. - - - 25 Dl Robsart, Amy. Lang (A.) The mystery of Amy Robsart. In his Valet's tragedy, and other studies. 1903. - - - 90405 Robson (E. S. A.) Practical exercises in heat. 1902. ill. - 53604 Robson (John) Hinduism and Christianity. 1905. - - - 29401 Rocks. Hatch (F. H.) Text-book of petrology. 1905. ill. - 55201 Rocky Mountains. Irving (W.) Astoria. 1893. - - - 97402 Rod (Edouard) Stendhal [his life. In French]. 1905. - - B541 Roden's corner ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - - - - 85 M 6 Rodney, G. Brydges, Lord. Grey ( W. ) Rodney. In Naval heroes. 99619 - In Mahan (A. T.) Naval officers. 1902. port. - - - 99609 Rodney Stone [a romance] ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - - 51 D 6 Rodziewicz (Marya) Anima vilis, a tale. 55 Rl Roe (Edward P.) Barriers burned away. 56 Rl - From jest to earnest. 56 R 2 - He fell in love with his wife. 56 R5 - His sombre rivals. 56 R 7 - Nature's serial story. 56R10 - Near to nature's heart. - 56 R 6 - Opening a chestnut burr. 56 R4 - Without a home. 56 R 3 - A young girl's wooing. 56 R 9 Roebuck (George E.) and Thorxe (W. B.) A primer of library practice for junior assistants. 1904. .... 02301 Roelofs, Willem ; by H. Smissaert. In Dutch painters, ill. - 99701 Roger Marcham's ward ; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 4 Rogers (Archibald) and others. Hunting [big game]. 1897. ill. 79904 Rogers (Arthur G. L.) Business side of agriculture. 1904. - 63005 Rogers (Chas.) and Higgles ( J. C.) Book of Robert Burns. 3 v. B113-5 Rogers (Frederick) The architect's guide. 1894. - - - 72006 Rogers, Samuel, Early life of ; by P. W. Clayden. 1887. - R151 Rogues' paradise, an extravaganza ; by E. W. Pugh and C. Gleig. 64P1 Roi des montagnes ; par E. F. V. About. 1A2 - Another edition ; with notes. 2 v. ill. .... 44839-40 Roland Yorke ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - - - 76 W 8 11 Sequel to ' The Channings,' " 76 W 3. Rolfe (William J.) Shakespeare, the boy. 1897. ill. - - S202 Rolland (Romain) Millet [his life and art], ill. - - - M021 [Rollenhagex (Georg)] Battle of the frogs and mice. ill. - 501 R Roman Catholicism. For list of other sects, see Church. - Catholic Church from within. 1903. 28206 - Devas (C. S.) The key to the world's progress. 1906. - - 28205 - Froude(J. A.) Revival of Romanism. In his Short studies, v. 3. E2F3 339 ROM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Roman Catholicism. Isaacson (0. S.) Our brief against Rome. 1905. 28207 - McCarthy (M. J. F.) Rome in Ireland. 1904. - - - 92628 - See also Jesuits. Monasteries. Monasticism. Popes. Roman d'une honnete femme ; par V. Cherbuliez. - - - 42 CI Roman mystery ; by R. Bagot. 2B1 Romance. See Fiction. Romance of a midshipman ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75R12 Romance of Canvas Town, and other stories ; by Rolf Boldrewood. 71 B 4 Romance of Jenny Harlowe [Etc.] ; by W. Clark Russell. - 75R31 Romance of poisons ; by R. Cromie and T. S. Wilson. - - 138 CI Romance of the forest ; by A. Radcliffe. 3R1 Romance of two w r orlds ; by Marie Corelli. - - - 89 C 5 Romance of war ; by J. Grant. 51 G 6 Romano, Giulio. In Vasari (G. ) Lives of the painters, v. 4. 1851. 99705 Romans. Plutarch. Lives of illustrious men. 1903. 2 v. port. 88807-8 Romans, Epistle to the. See Bible. Romanticism. Heine (H.) The romantic school. In his Writings. E6H1 Romany Rye ; by G. Borrow. 74 B 2 " Sequel to 'Lavengro,'" 74B1. Rome. Baddeley (St. C. ) and Gordon ( L. D. ) Rome, its story. - Ball (E. R. ) Rome, a guide. 1906. bihl. col. ill. map. - Becker (W. A.) Gallus, scenes of the time of Augustus. - Brown (E. B.) Excavations in Roman Forum, 1898-1904. - Davidson (J. L. S.) Cicero and the fall of the Republic. - Firth (J. B. ) Augustus Cajsar and the Empire of Rome. ill. - Fowler (W. W.) The city-state of the Greeks and Romans. 1902. 93801 Julius Ca3sar and the Roman imperial system, ill. map*. - C061 - Gibbon (E.) Decline and fall of the Roman Empire ; abridged. 93624 - Hare (A. J. C.) Days near Rome. 1884. 2 v. ill. - -93603-4 - Livy. History of Rome. 4 v. -87806-9 - Merivale(C) History of Rome, 753 B.C. to 476 a. d. 1894. maps. 93608 - Pelham(H. F.) Outlines of Roman history. 1905. hlbl. maps. 93616 - Ramsay (W. ) Roman antiquities. 1901. hill. Ul. plans. - 93607 - Smith (Sir W.) A smaller histor} T of Rome [753 B.C. to 117 A.D.] ill. maps. 93606 - Tacitus. Works. 1901-3. 2 v. 87803-4 1. The annals. 2. The history. The history [of Rome, 69-97 a. D.] 1905. map. - - 87810 - Wilkins (A. S.) Roman antiquities. 1896. ill. - - - 93605 - Young (N.) The story of Rome. 1905. ill. plans. - - 93617 Rome [sequel to "Lourdes," 5Z1] ; by E. Zola. - - - 5Z2 Romola [a novel] ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. .... 22E6 Rondelet, Guillaume. In Kingsley (C. ) Health and education. - E1K4 Ronner, Henriette ; by E. Wesly. In Dutch painters, port, ill, 99701 Ronsard, Pierre de. In Belloc (H-> Avril. 1904. - - - 84101 340 ill. 93611 - 93610 ill. - 93614 ill. 93609 ill. - C071 maps . A091 GOVANHILL BRANCH. ROS Roofs. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Essex (E. H.) Roofs and floors of new buildings. - - - 72104 Rooper (Emily F.) joint-author. See Brietzcke (H. K.) Rooses (Max) ed. Dutch painters of the 19th century. 4°. ill. 99701 Roosevelt (Blanche) Verdi, Milan and " Othello." 1887. ill. V061 Roosevelt (Theodore) The naval war of 18 J 2. 1903. ill. - 97219 - and others. American big-game hunting. 1893. ill. - - 79912 Ropes of sand, a novel; by R. E. Francillon. - - - 49 F 2 Rosary. Dobree (L. E.) Stories on the rosary. 1897. 2 v. 24409-10 Rosary [prose and verse] ; by J. Davidson. 1903. - - - 82823 Rose (Edward B.) The truth about the Transvaal. 1902. - 96419 Rose (John H.) Continental history, 1780-1880. maps. - - 91020 - The rise of democracy. 1904. 34207 Rose. For related subjects, see Flowers. - Roses and how to grow them. 1906. ill. - 71609 Rose-garden of Sa'di [poems] ; selected by L. C. Byng. 1905. - 89116 Rose Island [a tale] ; by W. Clark Russell. - 75R36 Rose of yesterday ; by F. M. Crawford. 113 C 9 Rosebery (Earl of) Appreciations and addresses. 1899. port. E1R1 Burke. Burns. Bookishness and statesmanship. Duty of public service. [Etc.] - Napoleon, the last phase. 1900. N034 - Pitt [his life and times]. 1902. P011 - Sir Robert Peel [a biography]. 1S99. P046 Rosebery, Earl of. Coates (T. F. G.) Lord Rosebery, his life and speeches. 1900. 2 v. port. ill. .... R071-2 - The foreign policy of Lord Rosebery, 1886 and 1892-5. 1901. 32702 " With extracts from Lord Rosebery's speeches." - In McCarthy (J. ) British political leaders. 1903. port. - 99639 Rosenberg (F.) First stage mechanics of solids. 1895. ill. - 53106 Rosicrucians. Bayley(H.) Tragedy of Sir Francis Bacon. 1902. ill. 82515 Attempts to prove that ''The new Atlantis" is a thinly disguised account of the rosicrucians. - De Quincey (T. ) The rosicrucians and freemasons. With his English opium-eater. E1D1 Roslin. To Roslin from the far west. ill. .... 92001 Ross (C. M.) Pinks and cherries [stories]. - .... 60R1 Ross (David M.) The teaching of Jesus. 1904. - - - 23228 Ross (Henry J.) Letters from the east, 1837-57. port. ill. maps. R241 Ross (J. M. K.) The self-portraiture of Jesus. 1903. - - 23239 Ross (Martin) joint-author. See Somerville (Edith (E.) Ross (William) Aberdour and Inchcolme. 1885. - - - 92501 Ross, William, of Cowcaddens, a memoir ; by his son. 1905. port. R121 Rossetti (Christina G.) Poetical works. 1904. mem. port. - 401R Rossetti (Dante G.) Poetical works. 1905. port. - - - 101R - ed. Dante and his circle, 1100-1300. 1902. .... 85103 341 ROS GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Rossetti, Dante G. Benson (A. C.) Rossetti [his life and work]. R022 - HuefFer (F. M.) Rossetti, a critical essay on his art. ill. - R021 - In Rickett (A. ) Personal forces in literature, bibl. port. - 82112 - Swinburne (A. C.) Poems of D. G. Rossetti. ZrcteEssays. 1901. E8S1 Rossmoyne [a novel] ; by Mrs. M. W. Hungerford. - - - 104H5 Rosso. In Vasari (G.) Lives of the painters, v. 3. 1851. - 99704 Rothschild (J. A. de) Shakespeare and his day. 1906. - - 82252 Rotkehlchen ; Hundegeschichten [Etc.] ; von H. Seidel; notes. 43814 Rotrou (Jean de) Saint-Genest ; Venceslas [tragedies]. - - 84210 Rouen. Cook (T. A.) The story of Rouen. 1905. bibl. ill. maps. 93317 Roughing it; by Mark Twain. 52T5 Round (John H.) Commune of London, and other studies. 1899. 91301 Round the galley fire [tales] ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - 75 R 32 Roundabout papers ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12T8 Rounders. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Walker (J. M.) Rounders [Etc.] 1892. 79618 Rousse (Edmond) Mirabeau [his life and work. In French]. - M501 Rousseau (Jean J.) Le devin du village, intermede. - - 84206 - The social contract ; trans, by H. J. Tozer. 1905. - - 32012 Rousseau, Jean J. Chuquet (A.) Rousseau [his life. In French]. R093 - Davidson (T.) Rousseau and education. 1898. bibl. - - R091 - Hudson (W. H. ) Rousseau and naturalism in life and thought. R092 - Lowell (J. R.) Rousseau and the sentimentalists. In his English poets, etc. 82203 - Stephen (Sir L. ) Cowper and Rousseau. In his Hours in a library.E2S2 Rousset (Camille) Alma et Balaklava ; with notes, plan. - 44863 - La bataille d'Inkermann ; with notes by L. Sers. 1899. plan. 44862 Routh (R. G.) Fourth German writer. 1898.- - - - 43805 Routledge (Robert) Discoveries and inventions of the nine- teenth century. 1905. ill. 60805 Row (C. A.) The character of Christ of the Gospels. In Present day tracts, v. 4. 20405 - Man not a machine. In Present day tracts, v. 5. - - - 20406 - The resurrection of Jesus Christ. The existence and character of God. In Present day tracts, v. 1. - - - - 20402 Rowan (Edgar) Wilson Carlile and the Church Army. 1905. ill C511 Rowbotham (John F.) A history of music. 1893. mus. - 78005 - The private life of the great composers. 1892. - - - 99721 - The troubadours and courts of love. 1895. ill. maps. - - 84901 Rowe (Nicholas) Some account of the life, etc., of Mr. William Shakespear, 1709. In Eighteenth century essays. - - 82516 Rowing. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Crowther (S.) Rowing. 1905. ill. 79727 - Woodgate (W. B.) Rowing and sculling. 1896. ill. - - 79706 - Rowing and sculling. In Athletic sports, v. 2. 1890. ill. 79703 Rowntree (B. S.) Poverty, a study of town life [York]. 1902. 33117 342 GOVANHILL BRANCH. RUS Rowstree (B. S.) ed. Betting and gambling, a national evil. 1905. 17501 Kowntree (Joseph) and Sherwell (A.) British 'Gothenburg' experiments and public-house trusts. 1901. ill. - - 17803 The taxation of the liquor trade. 1906. v. 1. - - - 33604 Temperance problem and social reform. 1901. ill. - - 17802 Roy, Glen. See Glen Roy. Royal Georgie [a novel] ; by S. Baring Gould. 2 copies. - - 43 G 3 Royce (Josiah) The conception of immortality. 1904. - - 12802 Royer-Collard, Pierre P. [his life. In French] ; by E. Spuller. - R191 Rubaiyat ; by Omar Khayyam ; [trans, by E. FitzGerald]. 1905. 201 Rubicon [a novel] ; by E. F. Benson. 46 B 2 Rttddock (E. H.) Homoeopathic vade mecum. 1S93. - - 61606 Rudolf, £. de M. In Dant (C. H.) Distinguished churchmen. jjort. 9962 Rtjdolphus (C.) Method for the Spanish guitar. 4°. mns. - 78702 Rue with a difference ; by R. X. Carey. 20C3 Rugen. [Arnheim (Countess von)] Elizabeth in Riigen. map.- 92801 Ruhl (Arthur) Track athletics. 1905. ill. - 79727 Rujub the juggler ; by G. A. Henty. 53H31 Rulers. For list of other subjects in biography, see BiogTaphy. - Hutchinson (H. N.) Living rulers of mankind. 1902. ill. - 99810 Rulers of kings, a novel ; by G. F. Atherton. .... 55A1 Rulhiere (Claude C. de) La revolution de Russie en 1762. - 91022 Rumbold (Sir Horace) Recollections of a diplomatist. 1902-3. 3v. R161-3 Rumford, Count. In Tyndall (J.) New fragments. 1S97. - 50412 Rum^ey (A. W.) Cycle touring. 1898. ill. - 79614 Runcimas (JaiMES) A dream of the North Sea. - - - 68 Rl - Skippers and shellbacks [stories]. 68R2 Ru>kle (Bertha) The helmet of Navarre [a romance]. - - 69 Rl Running. See Sports. Running amok, a story of adventure ; by G. M. Fenn. - - 11 F 19 Rupert, Prince Palatine [a biography] ; by E. Scott. 1899. port. R171 Rupert Godwin [a novel] ; by M, E. Braddon. - - - - 81 B 12 Rupert of Hentzau ; by Anthony Hope. 82 H 2 Sequel to " Prisoner of Zenda," 82 HI. Rural depopulation. For list of related subjects, see Labour. - Adams (T.) Garden city and agriculture, ill. plan. - - 33130 - Graham (P. A.) The rural exodus. 1892. .... 33106 Rural science series. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Ruskin (Johx) Thoughts; ed. by H. Attwell. 1901. mem. - Aratra Pentelici, lectures on sculpture. 1901. ill. - Ariadne Florentina, lectures on engraving. 1890. ill. ■ - The crown of wild olive, lectures on industry and war. - The eagle's nest, the relation of natural science to art. 343 port. 82819 - 73001 - 76002 1904. 30401 1902. 70402 BUS GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Ruskin (John) Ethics of the dust, on crystallization. 1903. - 54901 - Fors clavigera, letters to workmen. 1896-1903. 4 v. ill. - 30402-5 - " A joy for ever," the political economy of art. 1904. - - 70701 - Lectures on architecture and painting. 1899. ill. - - 72001 - Lectures on art. 1903. 70403 - Modern painters. 1902-4. 6 v. bibl. ill. - 75802-7 - Frondes agrestes, readings in Modern painters. 1902. - - 75801 - Mornings in Florence, studies of Christian art. 1903. - - 70903 - Munera pulveris, elements of political economy. 1898. - - 33008 - On pictures, criticisms. 1902. 2 v. ill. .... 75001-2 - On the old road, miscellaneous essays. 1899. 3 v. - - 70404-6 1. Art — history and criticism. Pre-Raphaelitism. Architecture. 2. Inaugural address, Cambridge School of Art, 1858. The Cestus of Aglaia. Picture galleries. Minor writings upon art. Notes on natural science. 3. Literature. Economy. Theology. An Oxford lecture, 1878. - Poems. 1891. 2 v. 201-2 R - Praeterita, my past life. 1899. 3 v. ill. .... R 013-5 - Queen of the air, Greek myths of cloud and storm. 1903. - 29201 - St. Mark's Rest, Venice [and] her monuments. 1902. - - 70904 - Sesame and lilies. 1903. 82818 Of king's treasuries [books and reading]. Of queen's gardens [the life and education of women]. The mystery of life and its arts. - The seven lamps of architecture. 1903. ill. .... 72002 - The stoues of Venice. 1902-3. 3 v. ill. .... 72003-5 - Time and tide, letters on the laws of work. 1903. - - 30406 - Two paths, art and its application to decoration [etc.] - - 70401 - Unto this last, essays on political economy. 1903. - - 33006 - Val d'Arno, lectures on Tuscan art. 1900. ill. - - - 70905 - ed. The story of Ida ; by F. Alexander. 1031 Ruskin, John. In Dawson ( W. J. ) Makers of modern prose. 1899. 82111 - Harrison (F.) John Ruskin [his life and work]. - - - R012 Past and present, a letter to Ruskin. In his Choice of books. E2H1 - Meynell (Mrs. A.) John Ruskin [his life and work]. 1901. - R011 Russell, Lord, of Killowen, Life of ; by R. B. O'Brien. 1901. port R131 Russell (C. H. St. L.) Greek and Latin syntax. 1902. - - 48804 Russell (Charles T.) Millennial dawn. 1904-6. 6 v. - -23604-9 Russell (Dora) A man's privilege. 72 R 2 - The silent watchers [a novel]. 72 Rl Russell (George W. E.) The household of faith, essays. 1902. 20420 - Mr. Gladstone's religious development. 1899. - - - G134 - Sydney Smith [his life and work]. 1905. .... S071 Russell (Israel C. ) River development. 1898. ill. maps. - 55103 Russell (J. R.) St. Mango's bells. 1888. ill. - - - 92316 Russell (James B. ) Public health administration, Glasgow. 1905. 92331 Russell (Nobjkajt) Village work in India. 1902. ill. - - 27805 Russell (Thomas O.) Beauties and antiquities of Ireland, ill. 92611 344 GOVANHILL BRANCH. RUS Russell (William Clark) Betwixt the Forelands. 1889. ill. - 91216 - A book for the hammock [sketches]. 38703 - Horatio Nelson and the naval supremacy of England, ill. - N021 - A voyage to the Cape. 1887. 90801 - William Dampier [a biography]. 1894. - - - . - D152 - Alone on a wide, wide sea. 75R16 - The convict ship. 75R18 - The death ship. 75R19 - The emigrant ship. 75R4 - The good ship ' Mohock.' 75R20 - Heart of oak, a yarn. - - 75R21 - The honour of the flag, and other stories. 2 copies. - - 75 R 5 - In the middle watch [tales]. - - 75R22 - Is he the man ? 75R23 - Jack's courtship, a sailor's yarn. 75 R 6 - John Holdsworth, chief mate. 75 R 7 - The ' Lady Maud,' schooner yacht. 75R8 - The last entry. 75R24 - List, ye landsmen ! a romance. 75R25 - Little Loo. - 75R9 - Marooned. 75R1 - Master Rockafellar's voyage. 75 R 2 - My shipmate Louise. 75R26 - My watch below, or, yarns spun when off duty. - - - 75 RIO - The mystery of the ' Ocean Star' [and other] sketches. - - 75 R 27 - An ocean free-lance. 75R11 - An ocean tragedy. 75R28 - On the fo'k'sle head [tales]. 75R29 - The phantom death, and other stories. 75R30 - The romance of a midshipman. 75R12 - The romance of Jenny Harlowe [Etc.] 75R31 - Rose Island [a tale]. 75R36 - Round the galley fire [tales]. 75R32 - A sailor's sweetheart. 75R13 - A sea queen, a novel. 75R14 - A strange elopement. - 75 R 3 - A strange voyage. 75R15 - The tale of the ten, a salt-water romance. - - - - 75 R 33 - A tale of two tunnels. 75R34 - The two captains. - . . - 75 R 37 - A voyage at anchor. 75R38 - What cheer ! 75R35 Russell (Sir Wm. H.) Prince of Wales' tour in India. 1877. ill. 94710 Russell family. Froude (J. A.) Cheneys and the house of Kussell. In his Short studies, v. 4. 1901. - - - E2F4 345 RUS GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Russia. Bain (R. N.) The pupils of Peter the Great. 1897. ill. P282 -** A history of the Russian court and Empire from 1697 to 1740." - Eagar (M.) Six years at the Russian court. 1906. ill. - - 94023 - Gapon (G.) The story of my life. 1905. ill. map. - - G301 Principally the St. Petersburg strike and the events of January, 1905. - Gautier(T.) Voyage en Russie. 1901. 94025 - Xorman (Sir H.) All the Russias. 1902. ill. maps. - - 94013 "Travels and studies in Russia, Finland, Siberia, the Caucasus, and central Asia." - Perris (G. H.) Russia in revolution. 1905. ill. - - - 94018 - Rappoport (A. S.) Russian history. 1905. bibl. - - - 94012 - Rulhiere (0. C. de) La revolution de Russie en 1762. 18S4. - 91022 - Samson-Himmelstierna (H. von) Russia under Alexander III. 94015 - Stepniak. King Stork and King Log, modern Russia. 1896. 2 v. 94021-2 - Wallace (Sir D. M.) Russia. 1905. 2 v. maps. - - - 94016-7 - See also Russo-Japanese war. Russo-Turkish war. Russian language. See Language, Russian. Russian literature. See Literature, Russian. Russo-Japanese war. Burleigh (B.) Empire of the east. ill. - 95110 - Chasseur. A study of the Russo-Japanese war. 1905. maps. 95116 - James (L.) The yellow war. 1905. ill. .... 95123 - Laguerie (V. de) Trois mois avec le marechal Oyama. 1905.- 95112 - Lawrence (T. J.) War and neutrality in the far east. 1904. - 34101 Russo-Turkish war. Maurice (Sir J. F.) Russo-Turkish war. maps. 94019 - Ryan (C. S.) Under the red crescent, 1S77-8. 1897. map*.- 94001 Rustici, Giovanni F. In Vasari (G.) Lives of the sculptors, v. 5. 99706 Rusty sword, or, thereby hangs a tale ; by Mrs. J. H. Riddell. - 33 R4 Rutebeuf [his life and work. In French] ; par L. CJedat. 1898. R221 Ruth. See Bible. Ruth, and other tales ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. - - - 10 G 5 Rutherford (John) Troubadours, their loves and lyrics. - - 84902 Rutherford (Mark). See White (William H.) Rutherford (W. G.) First Greek grammar. 1903. - - - 48806 Ryax (Charles S.) Under the red crescent, 1877-8. port. maps. 94001 Rylaxd (F.) Psychology, an introductory manual. 1900. - 15006 s Sabatxer (Auguste) The doctrine of the atonement. Religion and modern culture. 1904. 23220 - The vitality of Christian dogmas. 1898. .... 20106 Sabbath. See Sunday. Sabix (Louis C. ) Cement and concrete. 1905. ill. - - - 69104 Sack of shakings [marine sketches]; by F. T. Bullen. 1901. - 38701 Sacrament of pain, a book of consolation ; by J. Morgan. 1902. 23403 Sacraments. For list of related subjects, see Church. - Candlish (J. S.) The sacraments. In his Christian salvation. 23009 346 GOVANHILL BRANCH. SAI Sacraments. Lambert (J. C. ) The sacraments in the New Testa- ment. 1903. 26505 - See also Baptism. Lord's Supper. Sacrifice. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Maistre (Comte de) Traite sur les sacrifices. .... 23025 Saddlery. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Hasluck (P. N. ) ed. Saddlery. 1904. ill. .... 68502 Sa'di. Rose-garden [poems] ; selected by L. C. Byng. 1905. - 89116 Sadler (Michael E.) Science in national education. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30408 Sahara. King ( \V. J. H. ) A search for the masked Tawareks. ill. 95804 - Pommerol (Mme. J.) Among the women of Sahara. 1900. ill. 95801 Sailing. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Davies (G. C.) Practical boat sailing, ill. plans. - - - 79719 - Fitz-Gerald (C. C. P.) Boat sailing and racing. 1882. ill. - 79725 - Knight (E. F.) Sailing. 1900. ill. 79713 Sailing. In Athletic sports, v. 2. 1S90. ill. - - - 79703 Sailors. See Naval biography. Sailor's sweetheart ; by W. Clark Russell. .... 75R13 Saint ; by A. Fogazzaro. 32 F 2 A sequel to " The patriot," 32 Fl. St. Albans Abbey. Froude (J. A.) Annals of an English abbey. In his Short studies, v. 3. 1903. E2F3 St. Aldwyn, Lord. In McCarthy (J.) Political leaders, port. - 99639 St. Andrews. Lyon (C. J.) History of St. Andrews. 18-43. 2 v. 92502-3 St. Aubyn (Alan) A prick of conscience. 4S1 - The Tremlett diamonds. 4S2 St. Beetha's, or, the heiress of Arne ; by E. J. \Vorboise. - - 81 W4 Saint-Genest, tragedie ; par J. de Rotrou. 84210 St. George and St. Michael [a novel]; by G. MacDonald. - - 10M16 St. Ives, adventures of a French prisoner ; by R. L. Stevenson. 119 SI St. John (Bayle) Amateur conjuring, ill. .... 79103 St. John (Sir Spenser) Rajah Brooke [a biography]. 1899. maps. B561 St. Kathenne's by the Tower, a novel ; by Sir W. Besant. 2 copies. 48 B 4 Saint Lawrence basin ; by S. E. Dawson. 1905. bibl. ill. maps. 97209 11 Its border-lauds, their discovery, exploration, and occupation." St. Mark's Rest, Venice [and] her monuments; by J. Ruskin. 1902. 70904 St. Martin's Eve ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies Sequel to " Mildred Arkull," 76W15. Saint Mungo's bells, Glasgow stories ; by J. R. Russell, ill. - Saint-Pierre (Jacqpes H. B. de) Paul et Virginie ; with notes. Saint-Pierre, Jacques H. B. de [life. In French] ; par A. Barine. Saint-Real (C. Vichard, abbe de) Conjuration des Espagnols contre Venise. 1884. St, Ronan's Well ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. .... Saint Simon [his life and work. In French] ; par G. Boissier. - 347 - 76W16 92316 44853 S521 91023 35S25 S531 ST GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. St. Veda's [a story]; by A. S. 8 wan. 147 S 19 St. Vincent, J. Jervis, Earl. In Mahan (A. T.) Naval officers, port. 99609 Sainte-Beuve (Charles A.) Essays. E7S1 Madame Recamier. Maurice de Guerin. William Cowper. Taine's " History of English literature." [Etc.] Saintly calling [and other sermons] ; by C. D. Bell. 1876. - 23405 Saints. For list of related subjects, see Christian biography. - Alexander (Mrs. F.) trans. Golden book, legends of saints. 1905. 24420 - Brown (J. B.) Stoics and saints. 1S93. 27021 - Froude (J. A.) Lives of the saints. In his Short studies, v. 1. E2F1 - Hutton (W. H.) Influence of Christianity upon character. - 23903 " Illustrated by the lives and legends of the English saints." - Newman (J. H. ) ed. The lives of the English saints. 1900-1. 6 v. 99803-8 1. St. Stephen Harding. St. Wilfrid. 2. Family of St. Richard. St, German. 3. Hermit saints. St, Augustine. 4. St. Gilbert. Northum- brian saints. St. William. 5. St. Wulstan. St. Aelred. St. Ninian. St. Waltheof and St. Robert of Newminster. 6. St. Edmund. St. Richard, Bishop of Chichester. Stephen Lang ton. - Rankin (J.) The first saints. 1893. 22601 "Character and church studies in the New Testament." Saints, Battle of the. In Fitchett (W. H. ) Fights for the flag. ill. 91411 Saintsbury (George) Dryden [his life and work]. 1902. - - D081 - Essays in English literature, 1780-1860. 1891-5. 2 v. - - 82102-3 The contents will be found at Literature, English. - Matthew Arnold [his life and work]. 1899. - A011 Saki. See Mtjnro (H. H.) Sakuntala, a drama ; by Kalidasa. 89109 Saladin and the fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem ; by S. L. Poole. S051 Salamanca. In Fitchett (W. H.) Fights for the flag. 1904. ill. plans. - - 91411 Salammbo [In French] ; par G. Flaubert ; with notes. 190G. - 44816 Sale of a soul; by F. F. Moore. 106 M 8 Salem Chapel; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. .... 602 Chronicles of Carlingford, No. 2. Salford. Marr (T. R.) ed. Housing conditions in Salford. ill. - 33122 Salisbury (R. G. Cecil, Marquess of) Essays, biographical. 1905. 99611 - Essays, foreign politics. 1905. 32004 Salisbury, Marquess of. In McCarthy (J.) Political leaders. - 99639 Salmagundi; by W. Irving. - - . - - - - 8l2 Salmon (Arthur L.) A book of verses. 1906. - 1401 S - Literary rambles in the west of England. 1906. ill. - - 91728 - West-country ballads and verses. 1899. - 1402 S Salmon (David) Joseph Lancaster [a biography]. 1904. ill. - L281 Salmon (George) The study of the Xew Testament. 1891. - 22611 Salmon. For related subjects, see Fish, fishing. - Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Salmon and sea trout. 1898. ill. - - 79914 Salmond (Stewart D. F.) St. Mark. (Century Bible.) map. 22707 Salomons (Sir David) Management of accumulators. 1906. ill. 62418 348 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. SAR Salt (Henry S.) The logic of vegetarianism. 1906. - - - 61319 Salvation Army. For list of other sects, see Church. - Booth (W.) In darkest England and the way out. - - - 33114 Salviati, Francesco. In Vasari (G.) Lives of the painters, v. o. 99706 Sampson, Abbot. In Carlyle (T.) Past and present. - - - El CIO - Green (J. R.) Abbot and town. In his Studies, v. 1. - - E2G1 Samson-Himmelstierna (H. von) Russia under Alexander III. 94015 Samuel. See Bible. Samuel (Herbert) Liberalism. 1902. 32902 Samuel Titmarsh; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 82804, 82805 Sanatoria. See Consumption. Sanborn (Alvan F.) Paris and the social revolution, ill. - 93303 Sanborn (F. B.) Henry D. Thoreau [his life and work]. - - T071 Sanctification. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Bell (C. D. ) The saintly calling. 1876. ----- 23405 Sand (George) Les maitres sonneurs. - - - - - 15 Si Sand, George [her life. In French] ; par E. M. Caro. 1904. port. S541 Sandars (Mary F.) H. de Balzac, life and writings. 190-1. ill. B491 Sandberg (Samuel L. G.) Tibet and the Tibetans. 1906. - 94908 Sande Bakhuyzen, G. J. v. d. ; by J. Gram. In Dutch painters, ill. 99701 Sandeau (Jules) La maison de Penarvan. 16S40 - joint-author. See Augier (Emile). Sanders (Mrs.) Matthew Dale, farmer [a story]. - - - 19S1 Sanderson (Edgar) The world's history, ill. maps. - - 90209 Sandow (Eugen) Strength and how to obtain it. 1905. port. ill. 61331 Sandra Belloni [a novel] ; by G. Meredith. - - - - 82 Mil Sandys (Joun E.) First Greek reader and writer. 1896. - - 48803 Sanger (C. P.) Compensation in temperance reform. 1901. - 17804 Sanglier, comedie ; par A. Bisson ; [with notes]. 1S93. - - 44901 Sangster (Margaret E.) Life on high levels, conduct of life. - 17003 Sanitary engineering. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Baker (M. N.) Municipal engineering and sanitation. 1902. - 62806 - See also Destructors. Drainage. Sewage. Sanitation. See Health, Public. Sankey, Ira D., the story of his life ; by D. Williamson, port. ill. S601 Sanquhar. Brown (J.) History of Sanquhar. 1891.- - - 92024 11 To which is added ' The flora and fauna of the district ' ; by A. Davidson." San Sebastian. In Fitchett (W. H. ) Fights for the flag. ill. - 91411 Sansovino, Jacopo. In Vasari (G.) Lives of the sculptors, v. 5. 99706 Sant' Ilario [a novel] ; by F. M. Crawford. .... H3C12 Sequel to "Saracinesca," 113C16. Santa- Anna Nery (Baron de) Land of the Amazons, port. ill. map. 97901 Saracinesca [a novel] ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - - 113C16 Sarat Chandra Das. To Lhasa and central Tibet. 1902. ill. 94904 Saratoga. In Creasy (Sir E. S.) Decisive battles. 1903. ill. map. 90402 SARGENT (D. A.) and others. Athletic sports. 1897. ill. - 79603 349 SAR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Sargent (J. Y.) Dano-Norwegian reader. 1895. - - - 43901 Sarpi, Paolo. Robertson (A.) Sarpi [a biography]. 1894. port. S421 Sarrazin (Jean F.) La conspiration de Walstein. 1884.- - 91022 Sarto, Andrea del. See Andrea del Sarto. Sartor resartus ; by T. Carlyle. E1C11 Satanstoe, a tale of the colony [New York] ; by J. F. Cooper. - 86C11 Satire. For related subjects, see Wit and humour. - 7?iDryden (J.) Essays. 1903. E3D1 - Saintsbury (G. ) Twenty years of political satire. In his Essays. 82103 - Smeaton (W. H. 0.) ed. English satires [selections]. 1906. - 82722 Satterly (J.) joint- author. See Bower (William R.) Satyre menippee ; par P. Le Roy [etc.] 84702 Saumarez, James, Lord de. , Adm. In Mahan (A. T. ) Naval officers. 99609 Saunders (Thomas B.) Schopenhauer [his philosophy]. 1901. 19309 Saurin (Bernard J.) Les mceurs du temps, comedie. - - 84207 - Spartacus, tragedie. 84210 Sauvain (A.) Presque mot a mot [French reader]. 1887. - - 44850 Savage (Ernest A.) Annotation for library catalogues. 1906. - 02503 Savage (Minot J.) America to England, and other poems. 1905. 1701S Savage, Richard. In Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. 2. 1900. 99918 Savings banks. For list of related subjects, see Money. - Hamilton (J. H.) Savings and savings institutions. 1902. bibl. 33210 Savonarola, Girolamo. Cooke (F. E.) Savonarola. 1900. ill. - S081 - McHardy (G.) Savonarola [a biography]. 1901. - - - S082 Savrola, a tale ; by W. L. S. Churchill. 48 CI Saw-mills. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Bale (M. P.) Saw-mills, arrangement and management. 1906. ill. 67401 Sawyer (Frank J.) Extemporization. 4°. mus. - - - 78111 Say (Leon) Turgot [his life. In French]. 1904. - - - T191 Sayce (Archibald H.) Early history of the Hebrews. 1899. - 29624 - Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotos. 1896. - - - 95711 - The "higher criticism" and the verdict of the monuments. - 22214 - Introduction to the science of language. 1900. 2 v. - - 40201-2 - The principles of comparative philology. 1892. - - - 41002 - The witness of ancient monuments to the Old Testament Scriptures. In Present day tracts, v. 6. - - - 20407 Sayer (Frederick) The history of Gibraltar. 1862. ill. plan. 93414 Sa'-Zada tales ; by W. A. Fraser. 52 Fl Scallywag ; by G. Allen. 26A41 Scandinavia. Steveni ( W. B. ) The Scandinavian question. 1905. map. 94108 Scapegoat, a romance ; by Hall Caine. 5C6 Scarlet clue ; by S. K. Hocking. 67H17 Scarlet letter ; by X. Hawthorne. - . - - - 41 H 5 Scarron (Paul) Jodelet ; Don Japhet d'Armenie [comedies]. - 84202 Scarron, Paul. In Gautier (T. ) Trois grotesques. 1906. - - 44812 350 GOVANHILL BRANCH, SCH 55301 22E7 23904 20413 20410 33502 39818 91615 92704 801 S Scenery, science and art ; by D. T. Anstecl. 1854. ill. - Scenes of clerical life [stories] ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. Scepticism. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Alexander (S. A.) Christ and scepticism. 1894. - - Kaufmann (M.) Scepticism compared with Christian faith. In Present day tracts, v. 12. - - Kelly (J.) Conflict with unbelief. In Present day tracts, v. 9. Schaffle (Albert) The quintessence of socialism. 1902.- Schamir. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of the middle ages. Schelling (Felix E.) Queen's progress, and other sketches. - Schtebbrand (Wolf vox) Germany, welding of a world power. Schiller (Johanw C. F. vox) Dramas : trans, by R. D. Boylan and others. Don Carlos. Mary Stuart. The maid of Orleans. The bride of Messina. - Dramatic works ; traus. by S. T. Coleridge and others. 1903. 802S Wallenstein. Wilhelm Tell. - Early dramas and romances. 1901. 803S Thesport r otd e es S tmr SCO - L ™ d intri ^ e - Demetrius. The ghost-seer. - Jungfrau von Orleans ; with notes. - Wallenstein's Tod ; with notes by A. J. Ulrich. 1902. - - Wallenstein, a dramatic poem. 1887. - Wilhelm Tell ; with notes by W. H. Carruth. 1898. port. HI. Schiller, Johann C. F. von. Carlyle (T.) Life of Schiller, port. Schiller. In his Essays, v. 3. - - Muller (F. Max) Correspondence between Schiller and the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein. In his Works, v. 5. 1902. Life of Schiller. In his Works, v. 7. 1899. Schleiermacher, Friedrich D. E. [life]; by R. Monro, hihl. port. Schleswig-Holstein. Salisbury (Marquess of) The Danish Duchies. In his Essays. 1905. Schmidt (F. A.) and Miles (E. H.) Training of the body. Schnabel (Carl) Handbook of metallurgy. 1905. ill. Schneider (Norman H.) Electrical instruments. 1905. Schofield (Alfred T.) The knowledge of God. 1905. - - Management of a nerve patient. 1906. Scholar of his college ; by W. E. W. Collins. - Scholes (T. E. S.) The British Empire and alliances. 1899. map School and sport, recollections ; by T. Collins. 1905. School boards. Huxley (T. H.) The school boards, what they can and may do. In his Science and education. 1895. - School for saints ; by Mrs. P. M. T. Craigie. Schoolmasters. For list of other subjects°in biography, see Biography^ - How (F. D.) Six great schoolmasters. 1904. ill. - - . 9 962 2 rwio?7 a v? °V Haw r tre J- . p e °rge Moberly. Benjamin H. Kennedy. Charles J. V aughan. Frederick Temple. George G. Bradley. Schools. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Bray (S. E.) School organisation. 1905. - 37105 351 Ul. ill. 43817 43818 804 S 43825 SOU E1C3 E6M1 E6M3 S401 32004 61309 66908 62409 23102 61604 73C1 . 91115 C461 50435 106C4 SCH GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Schools. Grant (J. ) The burgh schools of Scotland. 1876. - 37202 - Holman (H.) English national education. 1898. - - - 37210 "A sketch of the rise of public elementary schools in England." - Hughes (R. E.) School training. 1905. 37106 - Landon (J.) School management. 1903. .... 37112 - Pellatt (T.) Public schools and public opinion. 1904. - - 37902 - Staunton (H.) The great schools of England. 1869. - - 37904 Eton. Winchester. Westminster. St. Paul's School. Merchant Taylors' School. Charterhouse. Harrow. Rugby. Shrewsbury. Christ's Hospital. - See also Harrow. Schopenhauer (Arthur) The art of literature. 1900. - - 80401 - The wisdom of life. 1899. 19308 Schopenhauer. Arthur [his philosophy] ; by T. B. Saunders. - 19309 Schreiner (Olive) The storj^ of an African farm [a novel]. - 32 SI - Trooper Peter Halket of Mashon aland. 32S2 Schubert, Franz P. Duncan (E.) Schubert [life and work], bibl. ill. S251 - In Parry (Sir C. H. H.) Studies of great composers. 1904. - 99714 Schultz (HERMANN) Old Testament theology. 1892. 2 v. - 22206-7 Schumann, Robert A. In Hadow (W. H.) Studies in music. - 99718 - In Parry (Sir C H. H.) Studies of great composers. 1904. - 99714 - Patterson (A. W.) Schumann [his life and work], bibl. ill. - S261 - In Rowbotham (J. F.) Great composers. 1892. bibl. port. - 99721 Schuster (Arthur) and Lees (C. H.) Intermediate physics, ill. 53001 Schwabs (Ludwig) joint-author. See Teuffel (Wilhelyt S.) Schwartz, Christian F. iY continued, 35S20. First series, con- Perth '' 35S18 SUr " e ° n S daughter '" 35S17 ' Second series > " Tn e fair maid of - Count Robert of Paris [a romance]. 3 copies. - The fair maid of Perth, Chronicles of the Canongate, second series. 3 copies. - The fortunes of Nigel. 3 copies. - Guy Mannering, or, the astrologer. 3 copies. - The Heart of Midlothian. 3 copies. - Ivanhoe, a romance. 3 copies. ---... - Kenilworth [a romance]. 3 copies. - A legend of Montrose. The Black Dwarf. 3 copies. - - The monastery [a romance]. 3 copies. - - The abbot, sequel to "The monastery." 3 copies. - - Old Mortality [a romance]. ---.... - Peveril of the Peak [a romance]. 3 copies. .... - The pirate. 3 copies. - Quentin Durward [a romance]. 3 copies. .... - Redgauntlet, a tale of the eighteenth century. 3 copies. - Rob Roy [a romance]. 3 copies. - St. Ronan's Well. 3 copies. - The surgeon's daughter. Castle Dangerous. 3 copies. - - The talisman. Chronicles of the Canongate, 1st series [continued]. 3 copies. --..... - Waverley, or, 'tis sixty years since. 3 copies. - Woodstock, a tale of 1651. 3 copies. - ed. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, ill. .... Scott, Sir Walter. Bagehot (W.) Waverley novels. In his Literary studies, v. 2. 1905. ---... E9B2 - In Carlyle (T. ) Essays, v. 6. E1C6 - Chambers (R.) Illustrations of the author of Waverley. 18S4. 82603 "Notices and anecdotes of real characters, scenes, and incidents supposed to be described in his works." - Chesterton (G. K.) The position of Scott. In ^Varied types. E4C1 355 79301 C581 R171 73002 34S2 34S1 92213 101-2S 91805-6 35S23 35S3 35S19 35S8 35S24 35S18 35S14 35S2 35S7 35S9 35S12 35S6 35S10 35S11 35S5 35S15 35S13 35S16 35S22 35S4 35S25 35S17 35S20 35S1 35S21 82223 SCO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Scott, Sir Walter. Couch (A. T. Quiller) Scott and Burns. In his Adventures in criticism. 1896. E2C1 - Graham (P. A.) The romance of life. In his Nature in books. 99903 - Hutton (R. H.) Sir Walter Scott [his life and work]. 1903. - S101 - Lang (A.) Sir W. Scott [his life and work]. 1906. port. ill. S108 - Lockhart (J. G.) Memoirs of Sir Walter Scott. 1900. 5 v. - S103-7 Another edition ; abridged. 1898. port. - - - S102 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 1. 1899. - - E2S1 - Williams (A. M.) Some characteristics of Scott's poetry. In his Our early female novelists [etc.] 1904. - - - E2W1 Scottish chiefs [a romance] ; by J. Porter. - - - - - 50P1 Scottish language. See Language, Scottish. Scottish life. Ford (R.) Thistledown, Scotch humour, ill. - 91824 - Froude (J. A.) Influence of the reformation on the Scottish character. In his Short studies, v. 1. 1903. - - - E2F1 - Geikie (Sir A.) Scottish reminiscences. 1904. - - - G151 - Harvey (W.) Kennethcrook, sketches of village life. 1896. - 91851 - Hislop (A.) ed. The book of Scottish anecdote. - - - 82724 - Ramsay (E. B. B. ) Reminiscences of Scottish life and character. 91823 - Scottish jests and anecdotes. 82723 Scottish literature. See Literature, Scottish. Scottish sketches [stories] ; by A. E. Barr. ... - 18B4 Scribe (Eugene) La camaraderie, comedie ; [with notes]. - - 44895 - Une chaine, comedie ; [with notes] by A. Barrere. 1895. - 44913 - and Legouve (E. W.) Bataille de dames, comedie.- - - 1801 S Scripture. See Bible. Scrope (William) Deer-stalking in the Highlands. 1894. ill. 79913 Scudder (Horace E.) Noah Webster [his life and work]. - - W081 Scudder, John. In Holcomb (H. H.) India missions. 1901. ill. 99825 Sculptors. For list of related subjects, see Art, arts, artists. - Shedd (J. A.) Famous sculptors and sculpture, ill. - - 99720 - Vasari (G.) Lives of eminent sculptors. 1850-1900. 5 v. - 99702-6 The contents will be found at the author entry. Sculpture. For list of other branches of art, see Arts, Fine. - Gardner (E. A.) Handbook of Greek sculpture. 1905. 2v. bibl.ill. 73302-3 - Legge (H. E.) The ancient Greek sculptors. 1903. ill. - 73301 - Ruskin(J.) Aratra Pentelici, lectures on sculpture. 1901. ill. 73001 - Scott (Leader) Sculpture, renaissance and modern. 1905. ill. 73002 - Spielmann (M. H.) British sculpture and sculptors. 1901. ill. 73501 - See also Coins and medals. Metal work. Modelling. Pottery. Wood carving. Sea. For lists of related subjects, see Physical geography. Zoology. - Bullen (F. T.) Creatures of the sea. 1905. ill. - - - & 9113 - - Idylls of the sea, and other marine sketches. - - - E7B1 - - A sack of shakings [sketches]. 1901. 38701 - - Sea-wrack [sketches]. 1903. ill, 38702 356 GOVANHILL BRANCH. Sea. Dana (R. H.) Two years before the mast, - Huxley (T. H.) Problems of the deep sea. In his Discourses. - Van Dyke (J. C.) The opal sea. 1906. Sea lions, or, the lost sealers ; by J. F. Cooper. Sea Puritans [a romance] ; by P. T. Bullen. - Sea queen, a novel ; by W. Clark Russell. Sea-shore. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Duncan (P. M.) The sea-shore. 1896. ill. - - - Furneaux (VV. S.) The sea shore. 1903. col. ill. - - Harvey (W. H.) Sea-side book, natural history. 1857. bibl. ill. - Kingsley (C.) Glaucus, wonders of the shore. 1903. col. ill. - Step (E.) A naturalist's holiday on the Cornish coast, ill. - - Taylor (J. £.) Half-hours at the sea-side. 1901. ill. - Sea spray [stories] ; by F. T. Bullen. Sea urchins [stories] ; by W. W. Jacobs. - Sea-weeds. Gray (P.) and Woodward (B. B.) Sea-weeds. 1900. ill. - Murray (G.) Study of seaweeds. 1895. col. ill. - Sea-wolf ; by Jack London. - Seaboard parish ; by G. MacDonald. " Sequel to ' Annals of a quiet neighbourhood,'" 10M10. Seamax (Owen) A harvest of chaff [parodies in verse]. 1904. - Seamanship. For list of related subjects, see Navigation. - Anderson (J. W.) Shipmasters' business companion. 1905. - "Hints to young shipmasters." - Brown's New handy book. 1904. ill. "For Board of Trade examinations, second mate to extra-master. " - Tait (J.) Home trade guide and seamanship. 1905. Seamy side ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. 2 copies. - Seas and lands [travel] ; by Sir E. Arnold. 1891. ill. - Seas and skies in many latitudes ; by R. Abercromby. 1888. ill. Seasons. Howitt (W.) The book of the seasons. 1840. ill. - - See also Winter. Seaton (A. E.) A manual of marine engineering. 1904. ill. - Seaton, John Colborne, Lord, Life of; by G. C. M. Smith. 1903. ill. Seats of the mighty ; by Sir G. Parker. Sebastian Strome, a novel ; by J. Hawthorne. - Sebele. In Lloyd (E.) Three great African chiefs. 1895. port. Second jungle book ; by R. Kipling. - Second-sight. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Mackenzie (A.) The prophecies of the Brahan Seer. 1899. - Second thoughts of an idle fellow ; by J. K. Jerome. Secret chambers and hiding-places ; by A. Fea. 1904. ill. Secret history of to-day [short stories] ; by A. Upward. - Secret in the hill ; by B. E. J. Capes. Secret of Dunstan Mere, and other stories ; by A. S. Swan. Secret of Saint Florel [a romance] ; by J. Berwick. - 357 SEC D101 50437 55124 86C14 104 Bl 75R14 59012 59203 59037 59201 59025 59114 104 B 3 5J6 . 58904 58901 51L1 10M17 1301 S 65605 65604 65607 49B4 90826 90813 50429 62122 S311 8P6 40H1 99636 28K4 13303 15J3 91604 4U2 16C1 147 S 37 47B1 SEC GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Secret of the sea [and other stories] ; by B. Matthews. - - 66 Ml Secret orchard ; by A. and E. Castle. 30 C 2 Secret panel ; by A. S. Swan. - 147 S 20 Secret societies. In De Quincey (T.) Judas Iscariot [Etc.] - E1D3 - See also Freemasonry. Rosicrucians. Secret way [a novel] ; by J. S. Fletcher. 30F40 Secretaries. For related subjects, see Commercial law. - Nixon (A.) and Richardson (G. H.) Secretarial work. 1906. 34706 Secularism. Blaikie (W. G.) Christianity and secularism com- pared. In Present day tracts, v. 2. .... 20403 Sedaine (Michel J.) Le philosophe sans le savoir ; La gageure imprevue [comedies]. ------- 84208 Sedan. In Knox (T. W.) Battles since Waterloo. 1900. plans. 90404 Seddon (H. C.) Builder's work and building trades. 1902. ill. 69004 Sedgwick, Adam. Clark (J. W.) and Hughes (T. McK.) Life and letters of Adam Sedgwick. 1890. 2 v. bibl. port. ill. map. S 611-2 Sedgwick (Anne D.) The rescue [a novel]. 2 copies. - - 42 SI Sedgwick (Henry D.) A history of Italy, 476-1900. 1906. map. 93621 Seedlings. For list of other subjects in botany, see Botany. - Avebury (Lord) Seedlings. 1892. 2 v. bibl. ill. - 58109-10 Seeley (Edith) Under Cheddar cliffs, a story. - - - 159S1 Seeley (Harry G.) Dragons of the air [fossil reptiles]. 1901. ill. 56801 Seeley (Sir John R. ) Ecce Homo, life and work of Christ. 1903. 23209 - The expansion of England. 1895. 91103 Segantini, Giovanni [his life and art] ; by L. Villari. 1901. ill. S591 Segue, (Comtesse de) Les petites filles modeles. - - - 43S1 Seidel (Heinrich) Rotkehlchen, Hundegeschichten, eine Sper- lingsgeschichte ; with notes by W. Ahrens. 1904. - 43814 Selborne. White (G. ) Natural history of Selborne. 1900. - 59105 Selby (Thomas G.) As the Chinese see us. 1901. - - - 95121 - The God of the frail [sermons]. 1902. 25216 - The unheeding God, and other sermons. - 25239 Self-culture. For related subjects, see Culture. - Blackie( J. S.) Self -culture. 1903. ----- 37401 - Hamerton (P. G.) The intellectual life. 1898. - - - 3740S The physical basis. The moral basis. Of education. Power of time. Influences of money. Custom and tradition. Women and marriage. Society and solitude. Intellectual hygienics. Trades and professions. - [Helps (Sir A.)] Arts of self -advancement. In his Friends in council, v. 2. 1894. E3H2 Self-help, conduct and perseverance ; by S. Smiles. 1905. - 37402 Sen, Keshub C. In Miiller (F. Max) Works, v. 6. 1904. - - E6M2 Senator North [a novel] ; by G. F. Atherton. - 55A2 Seneca. Morals, a selection ; ed. by W. Clode. - - - 87814 Senex. Religions of the past and religion of the future. - - 20107 Senex. See Reid (Robert). Sense and sensibility ; by J. Austen. 60 A5 358 GOVANHILL BRANCH. SEV Senses. For list of related subjects, see Physiology. - Organs of sense. In Cassell's Popular educator, v. 7-8 - Sentimental Tommy ; by J. M. Barrie. - Serao (Matilde) Fantasy, a novel. - Serf ; par E. Souvestre ; with notes. 1903. Serf life in Russia ; by A. de Holstein and D. B. Montefiore Sergeant (Adeline) Cynthia's ideal. .... - A great lady. --_____ - Near relations, a story. - - Sylvia's ambition. --..._ Sergeant (Lewis) England's [foreign] policy. 1881. - John Wyclif, first of the English reformers. 1893.' ill. - ed. The government handbook. 1890. - Sergieff, John. Whyte (A.) Father John, an appreciation. " With passages of his mystical and spiritual autobiography." Serious wooing, a heart's history ; by Mrs. P. M. T. Crai^ie Sermon on the Mount For list of other Biblical subject 8 ,°8ee Bible - Augustine (St.) Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount - 22719 Sermons. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - In Fry (Sir E.) Studies by the way. 1900. - E6Fl For collections of sermons, see under the following names: Ingram (Arthur F. W.) Murray (Andrew) Jowett (Benjamin) Mvlne (R S ) Ker(John) Riddell (John) Ffnff Av- ( ir harl ? s) xr , Selb ^ <&om*k G.) Little (William J. Knox) °" ' MacColl (Malcolm) McCrie (Thomas) Macleod (Donald) Macmillan (Hugh) Magee (William C.) Miller (Samuel) Momerie (Alfred W.) Hunger (Theodore T.) • 03207-8 24B6 45S1 44861 - 78H1 - 160S1 - 160S4 - 160S2 - 160S3 - 32705 - W051 - 35002 24203 - 106C2 Aitken (W. H. M. H.) Anderson (W T illiam) Bernard (John H.) Black (Hugh) Boyd (A. K. H.) Brooke (Charles H.) Caird (John) Candlish (Robert S.) Creighton (Mandell) Dale (Robert W.) Farrar (Frederic W.) Guthrie (Thomas) Holland (Henry S.) Hughes (Hugh P.) Sinclair (William M.) Spence (Henry D. M.) Spurgeon (Charles H.) Spurgeon (Thomas) Sturrock (J. B.) Thorn (John H.) Vaughan (Charles J.) Watson (John) Williams (T. R.) Servant of the public ; by Anthony Hope. Servitude et grandeur militaires ; par le comte de Vigny. Sesame and lilies [on books, reading, etc.]; by J. Ruskin. Seth (Andrew) Two lectures on theism. 1897. Seton (Ernest T.) Lives of the hunted. 1905.' ill. - - Woodmyth and fable. 1905. ill. .... • and Hoffmann (R.) Bird portraits. 1901. - 5etoun (Gabriel) Barncraig, episodes. - • Sunshine and haar [sequel to " Barncraig"]. - Settle (J. H.) ed. Anecdotes of soldiers in peace and war. ettlements. See Social settlements. lettlers in Canada ; by Captain F. Marryat. even seas [poems] ; by R. Kipling. 1902. even sleepers of Ephesus; byS. BaringGould. ZntaMyths. 359 1903 1905. 1888, 82H9 15V1 82818 21105 59905 50440 59812 47S1 47S2 35507 52M22 203 K 39818 SEV GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Seventh dream ; by Rita. 36R6 Seventy years at Westminster ; by Sir J. Mowbray. 1900. ill. M081 Severance, a novel ; by T. Cobb. 65 CI Severinus, St. In Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1891. - - 99816 Severn, Joseph, Life and letters of ; by W. Sharp. 1892. port. ill. S231 Sevigne (Madame de) and others. Letters [In French] ; with nates. 1868. - - ** 932 Sevigne, Madame de [her life. In French]; par G. Boissier. port. S551 Seville. Gallichan (W. M.) The story of Seville. 1903. UU. ill. 93416 Sewage. Barwise (S.) The purification of sewage. 1899. ill. 62804 - Dibdin (W. J.) The purification of sewage. 1903. ill. plans. 62801 - Thudichum (G.) Methods of testing sewage effluents. 1904. - 62802 Sewell (Elizabeth M.) Amy Herbert [a story]. - - - 48S2 - The earl's daughter. - 48S5 - The experience of life [a story]. 48S3 - A glimpse of the world [a story]. - - - - - - 48S6 - Home life. ... - - 48S1 - Katharine Ashton [a story]. 48S4 Sewell (Tyson) Elements of electrical engineering. 1905. - 62430 Sewing machines. For lists of related subjects, see Engineering. . Industries. - Hasluck (P. N.)«*. Sewing machines. 1905. ill. - - 68904 " Their construction, adjustment, and repair." Sex. For list of related subjects, see Psychology. - Thompson (H. B.) The mental traits of sex. 1903. bibl. - 15201 Seymour (Alfred) Practical lithography. 1903. ill. - - 65510 Seymour (Charles) How to speak effectively. 1905. - - 80813 Sforza, Caterina. In Hare (C.) Ladies of the renaissance. - 99621 Sforza', a story of Milan ; by W. W. Astor. - 54A1 Shabby genteel story ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12T7 Shading. For list of related subjects, see Drawing. - Mann (W.) The art of shading. 1902. ill. - 74105 - Pratt (R.) Sciography, projection of shadows. 1891. ill. - 74201 Shadow of a crime ; by Hall Caine. - - - - - - 5C7 Shadow of Ashlydyat ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 76W5 Shadowed lives ; by A. S. Swan. ----- - 147S21 Shaftesbury, 1st Earl of [a biography] ; by H. D. Traill. 1886. - S571 Shairp (John C.) Robert Burns [his life and work]. 1902. - Bill Shakespeare (William) Complete works ; ed. by W. J. Craig. 368S - Works ; ed. by W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright. 1904. - 340S - Works. Arden Shakespeare ; ed. by W. J. Craig ; with introductions and notes. 1900-4. 13 v. \irs well that ends well, 349S. Cymbeline, 347S- Hamlet 345 S. Julius Caesar, 343 S. King Henry V., 350S. King Lear, 341 S. Merry wives of Windsor, 352S. Midsummer nights dream 3^ S. Othello, 346 S. Romeo and Juliet, 344S. Taming of the shrew, 353S. Tempest, 342S. Titus Andronicus, 351 S. 360 GOVANHILL BRANCH. SHA Shakespeare (William) Works. Arnold's School Shake- speare ; ed. by J. C. Collins. 14 v. 5Kflfl A8 r VOUl H ei M 60S ' Coriolanus, 354S. Hamlet, 363S. Julius Caesar, ?? 9 ?" a H? g 2. en „ ry V' 367S " King John, 355S. King Lear, 366 S. King Richard II., 364 S. King Richard III., 365 S. Macbeth, 358 S. Merchant r^emh 1C nigwf|7S MidSUmmer night>S dl ' eam ' 361S ' Ten ^ est ' 356S - - Works. Whitehall edition ; with notes and glossaries. 39 v. 1. Love's labour's lost, 320 S. 2. Comedy of errors, Index of Shake- speare characters, 304 S. 3. Two gentlemen of Verona, 336 S. 4 A mid- summer night's dream, 325 S. 5. Taming of the shrew, 330 S. 6 Merchant of ^emce 323S. 7. Merry wives of Windsor, 324S. 8. Much ado about nothing, 326 S. 9. As you like it, 303 S. 10. Twelfth night, 335 S. 11. All's well that ends well, 301 S. 12. Measure for measure, 322 S 13 The tempest, 331 S. 14. The winter's tale, 337S. 15-17. King Henry VI.' 3 v., fTuli T J 8 -o K o« g Richard I1L > 319 S. 19. King John, 316 S." 20. King J&^JP'J?**-^ King Henry IV. 2 v., 309-10 S. 23. King Henry V., 311S. 24. King Henry VIII., 315S. 25. Titus Andronicus, 333S. 26^ Romeo and Juliet, 329 S. 27. Troilus and Cressida, 334 S. 28. Julius Caesar, 308 S. 29 Hamlet, 307S. 30. Othello, 327S. 31. King Lear. 317 S. 32. Macbeth 321 S. 33. Timon of Athens, 332S. 34. Pericles, 328 S. 35. Antony and Cleopatra, 302 S. 36. Coriolanus, 305 S. 37. Cvmbeline, 306 S. 38. Venus and Adonis [Etc.] 338 S. 39. Sonnets and minor poems, 339 S. - Poems; ed. by G. Wyndham. 1898. 370S - Anthology ; ed. by E. Arber. 82 229 Shakespeare, William. Abbott (E. A. ) A Shakespearian grammar. 82507 - Bagehot (W.) Shakespeare, the man. In his Studies, v. 1. 1905. E9B1 - Baynes (T. S.) Shakespeare studies. 1894. - 82501 - Birrell (A.) Falstaff. In his Obiter dicta, v. 1. 1906. - -E10B3 - Brooke (S. A.) On ten plays of Shakespeare. 1905. - - 82503 Midsummer night's dream. Romeo and Juliet, Richard II. Richard III. Merchant of Venice. As you like it. Macbeth. Coriolanus. Winter's tale. The tempest, - Couch (A.^ T. Quiller) "The passionate pilgrim." Shake- speare's lyrics. In his Adventures in criticism. 1896. E2C1 - Dowden (E.) Shakspere's portraiture of women. Romeo and Juliet. In his Transcripts and studies. 1896. - - E2D1 - Elton (C. I.) Shakespeare, his family and friends. 1904. - S204 - Lamb (C. and M.) Tales from Shakspeare. 1899. - - - 82518 - Lee (S.) Life of William Shakespeare. 1899. port. ill. - S201 - Lowell (J. R.) Shakespeare once more. In his English poets. 82203 - Luce(M.) Handbook to the works of Shakespeare. 1906. bibl. 82517 - MacDonald (G.) St. George's Day, 1564. Art of Shakspere as revealed by himself. In his Dish of orts. 1895. - - E2M1 - Nutt (A.) Fairy mythology of Shakespeare. 1900. - - 39817 - Ordish (T. F.) Shakespeare's London. 1897. ill. - - - 82502 11 London as it concerned the life and work of Shakespeare." - Pater (W.) "Love's labours lost." " Measure for measure." Shakespeare's English kings. In his Appreciations, 1904. E1P1 - Rolfe (W. J.) Shakespeare, the boy. 1897. port. ill. - - S202 - Rothschild (J. A. de) Shakespeare and his day. 1906. - - 82252 " A .study of the topical element in Shakespeare and in the Elizabethan uramu. 361 SHA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Shakespeare, William. Smith (D. N.) ed. Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1903. ------ 82516 Some account of the life, etc., of Mr. William Shakespear, 1709; by Nicholas Rowe. On the genius and writings of Shakespear, 1711 ; by John Dennis. Preface to edition of Shakespeare, 1733 ; by Lewis Theobald. Preface to edition of Shakespeare, 1765 ; by Samuel Johnson. Essay on the learning of Shakespeare. 1767 ; by Richard Farmer. Essay on the dramatic character of Sir John Falstaff, 1777 ; by Maurice Morgann. [Etc.] - Swinburne (A. C.) A study of Shakespeare. 1902. - - 82509 - Books on the Bacon- Shakespeare controversy. Bayley (H.) The tragedy of Bacon. 1902. ill. 82515 -- [Begley (W.)] Is it Shakespeare? 1903. ill. - - - 82511 Lang (A.) The Shakespeare-Bacon imbroglio. In his Valet's tragedy, and other studies. 1903. 90405 Shameless Wayne, a romance ; by H. Sutcliffe. - 144 SI Shand (Alexander I.) Days of the past, memories. 1905. - S471 Shandon bells [a novel] ; by W. Black. 62 B6 Shanghai. Dyce (C. M.) The model settlement, 1870-1900. 1906. 95124 Shannon (W. F.) The mess deck [tales]. 53S1 Shansi. Edwards (E. H.) Fire and sword in Shansi. 1903. ill. maps. 95125 " The story of the martyrdom of foreigners and Chinese Christians." Shapes in the fire ; by M. P. Shiel. 58 SI Sharp (Arthur H.) joint-author. See Grogan (Ewart S.) Sharp (Mary) Point and pillow lace. 1905. ill. - - - 74602 Sharp (William) Life and letters of Joseph Severn. 1892. ill. S231 - Silence Farm [a novel]. 41 S 2 - The washer of the ford, and other legendary moralities. - 41 SI - ed. Sonnets of this century. 1886. 82405 Sharpe (Richard B. ) A chapter on birds. 1895. col. ill. - 59816 Shaving of Shagpat ; by G. Meredith. 82M12 Shaw (Flora L.) See Lugard (Flora L., Lady). Shaw (Fred. G.) The science of dry fly fishing. 1906. ill. - 79938 Shaw (George B.) Common sense of municipal trading. 1904. 35207 Shaw (Henry) Encyclopaedia of ornament. 1904. 4°. ill. - 74001 Shaw (T. C.) Ex cathedra essays on insanity. 1904. - - 61605 Shaylor (Joseph) Some favourite books and their authors. - 02801 She [a romance] ; by H. Rider Haggard. - - - - - 3H10 Shearman (Montague) and others. The young sportsman, ill. 79644 Shearwood (Joseph A.) joint-author. See Urlin (R. D.) Shedd (Julia A. ) Famous sculptors and sculpture. 1896. ill. 99720 Shee (William A.) My contemporaries, 1830-70. 1893. - - S411 Sheehan (Patrick A. ) Luke Delmege [a story]. - - - 13 S 2 - My new curate, a story. 13 S3 - A spoiled priest, and other stories. 13 SI Sheila [a story] ; by A. S. Swan. - - - - - - 147 S 22 Sheldon (Charles M. ) His brothers keeper. - - - - 56 S3 - The miracle at Markham. 56 SI - Our exemplar, or, " what would Jesus do ? " - 56 s2 362 GOVANHILL BRANCH. SHI Shell gatherers [sketches and essays] ; by K. Burrill. 1905.- - E6B1 Shelley (Percy B. ) Poetical works, mem. port. - - - 501 S Shelley, Percy B. In Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, v. 2. 1902. E3A2 - In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 1. 1905. - - - E9B1 - Dowden (E.) Life of Percy B. Shelley. 1896. port. - - S112 Shelley's "Philosophical view of reform." Last words on Shelley. In his Transcripts and studies. 1896. - - E2D1 - Kingsley (C.) Thoughts on Shelley. In his Lectures. 1898. E1K3 - Stephen (Sir L.) Godwin and Shelley. In his Hours in a library. E2S3 - Swinburne (A. C. ) Notes on the text of Shelley. In his Essays. E8S1 - Symonds (J. A.) Shelley [his life and work]. 1884. - - Sill Shells. See Mollusks. Sheridan (Richard B.) Plays. 1889. 1201 S Aiiot her edition. 1900. 1202 S Sheridan, Richard B. [life]; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant. - - S121 Sherlock Holmes series ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. 1. A study in scarlet, 51 D 14. 2. The hound of the Baskervilles, 51 D 15. 3. The sign of four, 51D7. 4. The adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 51D1. 5. The last adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 51 D 2. 6. The return of Sherlock Holmes, 51D20. Sherrington (C. S.) Physiology, its scope and method. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. - - - 50103 Sherry (Christopher) The Glasgow Botanic Gardens, ill. - 58003 Sherwell (Arthur) Life in west London. 1901. - - - 33104 - joint-author. See Rowntree (Joseph). Shetland. Clark (W. F.) The story of Shetland. 1906. ill. - 92102 Shiel (Matthew P.) Contraband of war, a tale. - - - 58S3 - The purple cloud. 58 S 2 - Shapes in the fire. 58S1 Shields (G. O.) Cruisings in the Cascades. 1889. port. ill. - 96905 Ship of stars ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. 97C4 Shipbuilding. For lists of related subjects, see Engineering. Industries. - Attwood (E. L.) War-ships, a text-book. 1906. ill. - - 62605 - Lovett (W. J.) A class-book of naval architecture. 1905. ill. 62609 - Macintyre (R.) Shipbuilding. In Industries of Glasgow. 1901. 92304 - Magniisson (E.) Shipbuilding of old in the north. 1906. - 62607 - Pollock (D.) The shipbuilding industry. 1905. ill. - - 62604 - See also Masts. Ships. For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Dowling (R.) erf. All about ships and shipping. 1905. ill. map. 65609 - Wallace (A. R. ) The advance of locomotion on the ocean. In his Wonderful century. 1905. ill. .... 50903 - See also Mercantile marine. Steam navigation. Ships and havens [ethics] ; by H. Van Dyke. .... 17014 Ships that pass in the night; by B. Harraden. - 24H4 Shirley, a tale ; by C. Bronte. 92 B 3 Shirreff (Emily) The kindergarten, Frobel's system. 1897. - 37205 363 SHO GLASGOW PUBLIC LLBRARLES. Shoes. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Boot making. In Cassell's Technical educator, v. 5-6. ill. - 60305-6 - Golding (F. Y. ) The manufacture of boots and shoes. 1902. ill. 68503 - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Boot making and mending. 1902. ill. - 68501 Shoes of fortune [a romance] ; by Neil Munro. - 124 M 4 Shooting. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Baker (Sir S. W.) Rifle and hound in Ceylon. 1904. ill. - 94801 - Kebbel (T. E.) My first grouse, and other memories. 1893. ill. 79924 - See also Rifle. Wild-fowl. Shooting Niagara, and after? In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 7. - E1C7 Shore (Margaret Emily) Journal. 1898. port, ill. - - S461 Shorthand. For list of related subjects, see Business. - In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 1-2. 1903. - - -03201-2 - Pitman (Sir I.) The phonographic teacher. .... 65301 - - Key to The phonographic teacher. ..... 65302 Shorthand manual. 65304 Shorthand reporter. 65305 The phonographic phrase book. 65306 Shorthand dictionary. 65303 - Pitman's Business correspondence in shorthand ; with key. - 65308 Shorthand commercial letter writer ; with key. - - - 65307 - Books in Pitman 'a Shorthand. ^Esop. Fables, learner's style. 65311 Defoe (D.) Robinson Crusoe, in corresponding style. - - 65312 Easy readings in phonography, learner's style. - - - 65310 Ingraham (J. H.) Silver ship of Mexico, corresponding style. 65313 Learner's shorthand reader. 65309 Selections from American authors, in reporting style. - 65315 Swift (J. ) Gulliver's voyage, corresponding style. - - 65314 Verne (J.) Around the world in eighty days, reporting style. 65316 Shorthouse (Joseph H.) Blanche, Lady Falaise, a tale. - - 62 SI - John Inglesant, a romance. 62 S 2 Shrewsbury, a romance ; by S. J. Weyman. .... 44 W 7 Shrine of Saint Cuthbert, and other poems ; by F. A. Judd. 1905. 201 J Shrubs. For list of related subjects, see Gardening. - Hoare (H. ) Flowering trees and shrubs. 1902. col. ill. - 71501 Shuck ard (W. E.) Cage and singing birds, ill. - - - 63616 - Cage birds, management, habits [etc.] ill. - 63614 Siberia. Bookwalter (J. W.) Siberia and central Asia. 1900. ill. 94306 - Turner (S.) Siberia, a record of travel. 1905. ill. maps. - 94026 Siberian Railway. Meakin (A. M. B.) A ribbon of iron. 1901. ill. 95401 Sichel (E.) Catherine de' Medici and the French reformation. - M371 Sichel (Walter) Emma, Lady Hamilton [a biography], ill. - H361 Sicily. Freeman (E. A.) History of Sicily. 1891-2. 3 v. bibl. map. 93715-7 1. The native nations, the Phoenician and Greek settlements. 2. From the beginning of Greek settlement to the beginning of Athenian interven- tion. 3. The Athenian and Carthaginian invasions. 364 GOVANHILL BRANCH. SIM Sicily. Fry (Sir E.) Notes on Sicily. In his Studies by the way. E6F1 - Lorimer (N. 0.) By the waters of Sicily. 1901. ill. - - 93707 Siddons, Mrs. Sarah [a biography]; by Mrs. A. Kennard. 1893. S391 Sidgwick (Alfred) The process of argument. 1893. - - 16801 Sidgwick (Mrs. Alfred) Thousand Eugenias, and other stories. 63 SI Sidgwick (Henry) Outlines of the history of ethics. 1902. - 17002 - Philosophy, its scope and relations. 1902. .... 10402 - The principles of political economy. 1901. .... 33016 Sidney (Sir Philip) Complete poems. 1877. 3 v. mem. port. 1001-3 S - [Poems]. In Spenser anthology. 82228 Sidney, Sir Philip. Bourne (H. R. F.) Sidney [his life], port. ill. S091 - Symonds (J. A.) Sir P. Sidney [his life and work]. 1902. - S092 Sidney (Philip) History of the gunpowder plot. 1905. ill. - 91349 Siebert (John S.) and Biggin (F. C. ) Modern stone-cutting and masonry. 1904. ill. 69305 Siege de Calais, tragedie ; par P. L. B. de Belloi. - - - 84210 Siena. Gardner (E. G.) The story of Siena. 1905. bibl. ill. map. 93711 Sienkiewicz (Henryk) Children of the soil. - - - 59 S 2 - " Quo vadis," a narrative of the time of Nero. - - - 59 S3 - Without dogma, a novel of modern Poland. - - - 59 SI Siepmann (Otto) A public school German primer. 1904. - - 43822 Sigma. Personalia, political, social, and various. 1903. - - 82827 Sign of four ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. 51 D 7 Sherlock Holmes series, No. 3. Sign-writing. Hasluck (P. N. ) ed. How to write signs, tickets [etc.] ill. 69805 Signa, a novel ; by Ouida. 1405 Signals. Tyndall (J.) Experiments on fog-signals. Inhis Fragments. 50410 - See also Electric signals. Silas Horner's adventures ; by J. Greenwood. - - - 63 Gl Silas Marner [a novel] ; by George Eliot. 2 copies. - - - 22E8 Silence Farm [a novel] ; by W. Sharp. 41 S 2 Silence of Dean Maitland, a novel ; by Maxwell Gray. - - 57 Gl Silent watchers, a novel ; by D. Russell. - - - - 72 Rl Silkworms. For list of other subjects in entomology, see Insects. - Butler (E. A.) Silkworms. 1900. ill. 59502 Silver skull ; by S. R. Crockett. 118 C 12 Silverado squatters [California] ; by R. L. Stevenson. 1901. - 97401 Simcox (William H.) Revelation. (Camb. Greek Testament.)- 22903 Sime (James) History of Germany. 1898. .... 92707 Simeon Stylites. In Kingsley (C.) The hermits. 1891. - - 99816 Simeon, Charles. Moule (H. C. G.) Simeon [a biography], port. S191 Simeon (J.) Women of the Old Testament, Eve to Ruth. 1905. 22210 Simmersbach (Oscar) The chemistry of coke. 1904. ill. - 66201 Simmins (S.) A modern bee farm and its management. 1904. ill. 63802 Simmonds (W. H.) ed. The practical grocer. 1906. 4 v. ill. 65807-10 365 SIM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES, Simms, William Gilmore [his life and work] ; by W. P. Trent, port. S131 Simon (David W. ) The Trinity in sacred history. In Present day tracts, v. 14. 20415 Simon (James D.) The house-owner's estimator. 1900. ill. - 69204 Simon (Jules) Victor Cousin [his life and work. In French]. - C551 Simon Jasper [a story]; by M. G. Pearse. 24 PI Simpleton, a story ; by C. Reade. 16 RIO Simpson (A. N.) Familiar Scottish birds. 1905. - - - 59824 Simpson (Carnegie) Love never faileth. 68 SI Simpson (Frances) Cats, for pleasure and profit. 1905. ill. - 63605 Simpson, Sir James Y. Gordon (H. L.) Simpson and chloroform. S301 Simpson (Robert) Traditions of the covenanters, ill. - - 91838 Simpson (Samuel) Ulrich Zwingli, a life. 1903. ill. - - Z021 Sims (George R. ) The ring o' bells [stories]. - - - - 64 SI Sin of David [a play] ; by S. Phillips. 1904. .... 801P Sinai. Field (H. M.) On the desert. 1888. ill. - - - 94405 Sinclair (A. M.) ed. The Maclean bards [In Gaelic]. 1898. v. 1. 89111 Sinclair (Archibald) ed. The Gaelic songster. 1879. - - 89113 Sinclair (Francis) Where the sun sets [stories]. - - - 70 SI Sinclair (John) Scenes and stories of the north of Scotland, ill. 92101 Sinclair (William M.) Chapters in the Christian life. - - 17110 - Christ and our times [sermons], 1894. 23213 - Likewise the younger women. 1901. 17102 Sinclair, William M. In Dant (C. H.) Churchmen. 1902. port. 99620 Singer from the sea ; by A. E. Barr. 18B1 Singing. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Curwen (J.) How to read music and understand it. ill. - 78434 - Garcia (M.) Hints on singing, ill. mus. .... 78420 - Mann (R.) A manual of singing, mus. 78422 •''For the use of choir-trainers and schoolmasters." - See also Ballads. Glees. Songs. Tonic sol-fa. Voice. Single-stick. Winn (R. G. A.) and Wolley (C. P.) Single-stick, ill. 79613 Single-stick. In Athletic sports, v. 3. 1890. ill. - - 79606 Singlehurst Manor, a story ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - 81W7 Sinker (Robert) Memorials of Ion Keith-Falconer. 1890. map. Fill Sinnett (Alfred P.) The occult world [theosophy]. 1901. - 21201 Sir Andrew Wylie, of that ilk ; by J. Gait. - - - - 7G3 Sir Edmund Orme [a story] ; by H. James. - - - 7 J 10 Sir George Tressady ; by Mrs. H. Ward. 13W3 Sequel to " Marcella," 13 W 4. Sir Gibbie [a novel] ; by G. MacDonald. 10 M 7 Sir Hector, the story of a Scots gentleman ; by R. Machray. - 15 Ml Sir Julian's wife ; by E. J. Worboise. 81W35 Sir Mortimer [a romance] ; by M. Johnston. - - - 26 J4 Sir Nigel [a romance] ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - - - 51 D 21 Sir Quixote of the moors ; by J. Buchan. 102 B 3 366 GOVANHILL BRANCH. SLA Sir Roger de Coverley ; by J. Addison. 52A1 Sir Thomas Upmore, Bart., M.P. [a tale] ; by R. D. Blackmore. - 63B12 Sir Toady Lion [a tale] ; by S. R. Crockett. - - - - 118 C 15 Sir Toady Crusoe ; by S. R. Crockett. 118 C 26 A sequel to " Sir Toady Lion." Sirius, and other stories ; by E. T. Fowler. - - - 45 F 3 Sismondi (J. C. L. S. de) Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe. 1895-1903. 2 v. mem. 'port. - - 80908-9 Sissie; by E. J. Worboise. 81W27 Sister to Esau ; by A. E. Barr. 18 B 3 Sisters, a novel ; by A. Cambridge. 9 CI Sivewright (Sir James) joint -author. See Preece (Sir Wm. H.) Sixty years of an agitator's life ; by G. J. Holyoake. 1906. port. H401 Skating. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Adams (D.) Skating. 1894. ill. 79624 Skating. In Athletic sports, v. 5. 1891. ill. - - - 79607 Skeat (William W.) A Mceso-Gothic glossary. 1868. - - 43902 Skelton (John) [Poems]. In Surrey anthology. - - - 82227 Skene (William F.) The Highlanders of Scotland, mem. port. 92205 Sketch book ; by W. Irving. 81701 Sketch-book of the north ; by G. E. Todd. 1903. ill. - - 91843 Sketches by Boz ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - - - - 30 D 17 Sketching. See Drawing. Skinner (John) Kings. (Century Bible.) maps. - - - 22328 Skippers and shellbacks [stories] ; by J. Runciman. - - 68 R 2 Skipper's wooing ; by W. W.Jacobs. 5J3 Skittles. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Walker (J. M.) ed. Skittles. 1892. 79618 Skrine (J. H.) Pastor agnorum, a schoolmaster's afterthoughts. 37006 Skuse (F. A. A.) British stalk-eyed Crustacea and spiders, ill. 59505 Sky pilot, a tale of the foothills ; by Ralph Connor. - - - 78 C 3 Skye. MacCowan(R.) Men of Sky e [biographical sketches]. - 99637 - Maclnnes (J.) The brave sons of Skye. 1899. - - - 99608 11 Military records of soldiers whom ' Eilean a cbeo' has produced." - Mackenzie (A.) The Isle of Skye in 1882-3. 18S3. - - 92214 - Smith (A.) A summer in Skye. 1866. 92201 Sladen (Douglas B. W.) My son Richard, a romance. - - 77 SI Slater (John H.) Book collecting for amateurs. 1S92. ill. - 01002 Slater (Joshua) The law of arbitration and awards. 1905. - 33135 - Pitman's Mercantile law. 34704 Slater (T. E.) The influence of the Christian religion in history. In Present day tracts, v. 11. 20412 Slater (William F.) St, Matthew. (Century Bible.) maps.- 22706 Slatin (Sir Rudolph C.) Fire and sword in the Sudan. 1905. port. ill. maps. 95723 Slave of the lamp ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - - - - 85 Ml 367 SLA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Slavery. For list of related subjects, see Political science. - Du Bois ( W. E. B. ) The suppression of the African slave-trade, U.S.A., 1638-1870. 1904. bibl. 32601 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 1. 1900. - - E3H1 - Stevens (W.) The slave in history. 1904. ill. - - - 32602 " His sorrows and his emancipation." Sleep. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Bigelow (J.) The mystery of sleep. 1903. .... 13501 Slick (Sam). See Haliburton (Thomas 0.) Slingo(W.) and Brooker (A. ) Electrical engineering. 1903. ill. 62426 Sloper (Lindsay) Technical guide to the pianoforte. 4°. mus. 78608 Sloyd. See Woodwork. Small (Evan W.) The earth, inorganic nature. 1894. ill. - 55125 Small (John W.) Scottish architectural details. 1901. 4°. ill. 72903 Small (Robert) History of the congregations of the United Presbyterian Church, 1733-1900. 1904. 2 v. - - 28511-2 Small holdings. See Land. Small House at Allington ; by A. Trollope. - - - - 43T4 Chronicles of Barsetshire, Xo. 5. Small house over the water, and other stories ; by M. Lemon. - 75 LI Smart (Hawley) Broken bonds. 78 SI Smeaton, John. In Smiles (S.) Lives of the engineers, port. - 99708 Smeaton (William H.O.) Edinburgh and its story. 1904. col. ill. 92022 - The story of Edinburgh. 1905. ill. plans. .... 92025 - By adverse winds. - - - - - - - - - 79 SI - ed. English satires [selections]. 1906. Smedley (Frank E.) Frank Fairlegh [a novel] - Lewis Arundel [a novel]. Smibert (Thomas) ed. Clans of the Highlands. Smiles (Samuel) Character. 1905. ill. - - Duty. 1905. ill. - The Huguenots in England and Ireland. 1905. - Jasmin, barber, poet, philanthropist. 1897. - - Life of a Scotch naturalist, Thomas Edward - Lives of the engineers. 1904. 5 v. ill. The contents will be found at Engineers. - Self-help, conduct and perseverance. 1905. - - Thrift, a book of domestic counsel. 1905. ill. Smissaert (F. A. E. L.) Weissenbruch. In Dutch painters, ill. Smissaert(H.) Willem Roelofs. In Dutch painters. 1898. ill. Smith (Adam) The wealth of nations. Smith, Adam. In Bagehot (W.) Biographical studies. 1902. - - In Graham (H. G.) Scottish men of letters. 1901. port. - Hirst (F. W.) Adam Smith [his life and work]. 1904. - Smith (Albert) The Pottleton legacy, a story. Smith (Alexander) A summer in Skye. 1866. 368 1850. col. ill. ill. 1905. ill. 82722 80S1 80S2 92202 17025 17018 27204 J 061 E101 99707-11 37402 17408 99701 99701 33003 99638 99916 S141 82S1 92201 GOVANHILL BRANCH. SMY Smith, Alex. Kingsley (C.) Smith and A. Pope. In his Lectures. E1K3 Smith (Arthur H. ) Chinese characteristics. 1906. ill. - - 95127 Smith (Bruce) Liberty and liberalism. 1887. - 32901 Smith ( David N.)ed Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 82516 Smith, Edmund. In Johnson (S. ) Lives of the poets, v. 2. 1900. 99918 Smith (Ernest G.) The story of Bruges. 1905. ill, plan, - 93008 Smith (Francis H.) Caleb West, master diver [a novel]. - - 85 S 2 - Colonel Carter of Cartersville [a novel]. 85 SI Smith (Frederick E.) The story of Newfoundland, maps. - 97001 Smith (G. A.) Principles and methods of taxation. 1906. - 33609 Smith (G. C. M.) Life of John Colborne, Lord Seaton. 1903. ill S311 Smith (George A.) Life of Henry Drummond. 1904. - - D091 Smith (Goldwix) Cowper [his life and work]. 1898. - - C191 - Irish history and the Irish question. 1905. - 92618 - My memory of Gladstone. 1904. - G 135 Smith (Hermann) The art of tuning the pianoforte. - - - 78607 Smith (J. C.) The manufacture of paint, a handbook. 1901. ill, 66701 Smith (J. H. ) Elementary hydrostatics. 1899. ill. - - 53201 Smith (J. H.) joint-author. See Nicol (J. C.) Smith (James and Horace) Rejected addresses. 1879. port. - 701S Smith, James and Horace, a narrative; by A. H. Bea van. 1899. port. S341 Smith (John) The integrity of Scripture. 1902. - - - 22110 Smith (Philip) The ancient world [to 476 a.d.] 3 v. maps. -90206-8 Smith (Reginald B.) Carthage and the Carthaginians, maps. 95601 Smith (Robert H.) Electric traction. 1905. ill. - - . 62410 Smith (Robert P.) The Mosaic authorship and credibility of the Pentateuch. In Present clay tracts, v. 3. - - - 20404 Smith (Samuel) My life-work. 1903. port. ill. - - . S431 Smith (Sydney) Essays, social and political. - E3S1 Smith, Sydney. Holland (Lady) Memoir of S.Smith. 1855. 2 v. S072-3 - Russell (G. W. E.) Sydney Smith [his life and work]. 1905. - S071 - In Saintsbury (G.) Essays in English literature, v. 1. 1891. - 82102 Smith (Thomas) Euclid, his life and system. 1902. - - - 51315 Smith (Vincent A.) History of India [600 b.c-1200 a.d.] ///. - 94712 Smith (W. A.) Temperate Chile. 1899. HI. map. - - - 98101 Smith (W. M.) The romance of poaching in the Highlands, ill. 79934 Smith (Walter C.) Poems. 1S93. 402s - Olrig Grange [poems]. 1872. 401S Smith (Sir Wm.) Smaller history of Rome [to 117 a.d.] ill. maps. 93606 Smithson(T. S.) Pond-life, algae. 1894. ill 58902 Smollett, Tobias. In Thackeray (\V. M. ) Humourists. 2 copies. 12T9 Smyth (A. Watt) Physical deterioration, causes and cure. - 61310 SMYTH (Albeet H.) Bayard Taylor [his life and work]. - - T051 Smyth (J. P.) The old documents and the new Bible. 1904. ill. 22203 Smyth (Sir Warincton W.) Coal and coal mining. 1900. ill. 62505 Smythe (William E.) Constructive democracy [U.S.A.] 190o. 33509 369 SNA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Snaith (John C.) Mistress Dorothy Marvin [a romance]. - - 89 S 2 - Willow the king, the story of a cricket match. - - - 89 SI Snell (F. C.) The camera in the fields. 1905. ill. - - - 77006 Snell (F. J.) [Literature of ] Age of transition, 1400-1580. 2 v. 82107-8 - Primer of Italian literature. 1893. 85004 Snow (Alpheus H.) Administration of dependencies [U.S.A.] - 32505 Snow image, and other twice-told tales ; by N. Hawthorne. - 41 H 6 Soap. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Cameron (J.) ed. Soaps and candles. 1896. bibl. ill. - - 66801 Social contract, political right ; by J. J. Rousseau. 1905. - 32012 Social England series. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Social ghosts, a novel ; by A. Thomas. 16T1 Social pretender ; by W. Graham. 46G2 Social questions of to-day. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Social settlements. For list of related subjects, see Labour. - Reason (W.) ed. University and social settlements. 1898. - 33105 Socialism. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Ferri (E.) Socialism and positive science. 1905. - - . 33506 - Gilman (N. P.) Socialism and the American spirit, bibl. ■ 33503 - Kaufmann (M.) Christian socialism. 1888. - 33507 Socialism and Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 10. - 20411 Socialism and modern thought. 1895. .... 33501 - Laveleye (E. de) The socialism of to-day. .... 33508 "With an account of socialism in England ; by G. H. Orpen." - Le Bon (G.) The psychology of socialism. 1899. - - - 33511 - Mallock (W. H.) Fabian economics. The so-called evolution of socialism. In his Studies. 1895. .... 21503 Property and progress. 1884. 33513 " An enquiry into social agitation in England." - Nitti (F. S.) Catholic socialism. 1895. 33505 - Noyes (J. H.) History of American socialisms. 1870. - - 33510 - Rae (J.) Contemporary socialism. 1901. .... 33512 - Schaffle (A. ) The quintessence of socialism. 1902. - - 33502 - Scotsburn. What is socialism ? 1898. 33504 - Smythe (W. E.) Constructive democracy [U.S.A.] 1905. - 33509 Society. For lists of related subjects, see Ethics. Sociology. - Emerson (R. W.) Society and solitude. In his Works, v. 3. - E2E3 - Harper (J. W.) The foundations of society. 1899. - - 30107 - Jones (H.) Social responsibilities, lectures. 1905. - - 17201 Present conditions. Man depends on society. Society depends on Sociology. Hall (G. man. 1903. R.) Human evolution, inductive study of 370 30105 GOVANHILL BRANCH. SOL Sociology. Huxley (T. H.) On the natural inequality of men In his Method and results. 1894. - - 50436 - Mathews (S.) The social teaching of Jesus. 1897. - - 30106 - Ruskin (J.) Fors clavigera, letters to the workmen of Great Britain. 4 v. ill. 30402 . 5 - Spencer (H.) Principles of sociology. 1897-1904. 3 v. bibl. 30101-3 . ,.}\7 he d * ta ° f sociol °gy. The inductions of sociology. Domestic institutions. 2. Ceremonial institutions. Political institutions. 3 Ecclesi- astical institutions. Professional institutions. Industrial institutions. The study of sociology. 1904. 30701 - Wallace (A. R.) Studies, scientific and social. 1900. ill. - 50439 Educational. Political. The land problem. Ethical. Sociological. - Wells (H. G.) Anticipations. 1902. 30108 and th^uht 6 " * 1011 ° f mechanical and scientific progress upon human life - Wright (C. D.) Outlines of practical sociology. 1899. - - 30201 " With special reference to American conditions." - See also Boys. Civilization. Commerce. Customs. Education Government. Industry. Insurance. Law. Political economy Political science. Population. Progress. Society. Socrates. Ecclesiastical history, a. d. 305 to [445]. 1904. mem. 27029 Soft side ; by H. James. 7J2 Soils. For lists of related subjects, see Agriculture. Health, Public. - King (F. H.) Soil, its nature and management. 1902. ///. - 63102 - Miers (H. A.) and Crosskey (R.) The soil in relation to health, its nature, relations, and management. 1892. ill. - - 61401 Soirees de Saint-Petersbourg ; par le comte de Maistre. 2 v. - 23024-5 Solar system. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Chambers (G. F.) The story of the solar system. 1902. ill. - 52320 - In Wallace (A. R.) The wonderful century. 1905. ill. - 50903 Soldier of Manhattan [a novel] ; by J. A. Altsheler. - - - hai Soldier tales ; by R. Kipling. - . . . . . - 28K9 Soldiers. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Maclnnes (J.) The brave sons of Skye. 1899. port. - - 996O8 - Settle (J. K.)ed. Anecdotes of soldiers in peace and war. 1905. 35507 Soldiers of fortune ; by R. H. Davis. - 16D2 Soldiers three [tales] ; by R. Kipling. ..... 28K10 Soley (James R.) The [American] navy in the civil war, the blockade and the cruisers, maps. 97208 Solferino. In Crane (S.) Great battles of the world. 1901. - 90403 Sous (Antonio de) Conquete do Mexique [Spanish text ; with French notes]. 1895. mem. 9 7603 Solitude. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Emerson (R. W.) Society and solitude. In his Works, v. 3. - E2E3 - Penn (VV.) Some fruits of solitude, maxims. 1901. - - 17001 Solo whist. See Whist. Soltau (Wilhelm) The birth of Jesus Christ. 1903. - - 23227 Solution [a story] ; by H. James. ---... 7J10 371 SOM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Some every-day folks [a story] ; by E. Phillpotts. - - - 41 P 2 Some experiences of an Irish R[esident] Magistrate] ; by E. (E. Somerville and Martin Ross. 93 SI Some literary recollections ; by J. Payn. 1885. - - - P221 Some women I have known [stories] ; by Maarten Maartens. - 2M4 Somerville (Edith (E.) and Ross (Martin) All on the Irish shore. 93S2 Some experiences of an Irish R[esident] Magistrate]. - - 93 SI Somerville, Mary. In Walford (Mrs. L. B.) Four biographies. - 99618 Son of Erin ; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 42 Son of Hagar, a romance ; by Hall Caine. 5C8 Son of Porthos ; by A. Dumas. 58D14 Sequel to " The man in the iron mask," 58D13. Son of Reuben ; by S. K. Hocking. 67H8 Son of the marshes. See Visger (Jean A. 0.) and Jordan (D.) Song of heroes ; by J. S. Blackie. 1890. 101 B Song of Solomon. See Bible. Songs. For lists of related subjects, see Poetry, Collections. Singing. - Baptie (C. R.) Gaelic songs. 4°. mus. 78405 - Barrett (W. A.) ed. Standard English songs, mus. ■ - 78413 - Blumenthal (J.) Twenty songs. 4°. mus. - 78426 - Brahms (J.) Twenty-two songs, mus. 78415 - British minstrelsie, songs of the four nations. 2 v. 4°. mus. 78401-2 - Chambers (R.) ed. Songs of Scotland prior to Burns, mus. - 82236 - Christy minstrel song books. 2 v. mus. ... - 78424-5 - Ford (R.) ed. Vagabond songs and ballads of Scotland. 1904. mus. 82217 - Foster (M. B.) ed. Songs from the oratorios, mus. - - 78428 - Globe song folio, mus. 78403 - Graham (G. F.) ed. Popular songs of Scotland. 1900. mus. 78418 - Graves (A. P.) ed. The Irish song book. 1903. mus. - - 78435 " With original Irish airs [without accompaniment]." - Hatton (J. L.) ed. Humorous songs, mus. - 78429 - Herd (D.) ed. Ancient and modern Scottish songs, etc. 2 v. 82211-2 - Hiles (J.) ed. Sacred songs, mus. ------ 78432 - Knowles (F. L.) ed. Golden treasury of American songs and lyrics. 81102 - Palsrave (F. T.) ed. The golden treasury of songs and lyrical poems. 1902-4. 2 v. 82206-7 - The people's song book ; with music. 78409 - Pittman (J.) and others, eds. Songs of Scotland. 2 v. mus.- 78407-8 - Powell (0. B. ) ed. A book of German songs [In German], m us. 83101 - Rubinstein (A.) Songs, German and English words, mus. - 78430 - Schumann (R.) Songs, with German and English words, mm. 78414 - Scottish students' song book. mus. 78421 - Sinclair (A.) ed. The Gaelic songster. 1879.- - - - 89113 - Smith (J. T.) ed. Fifty gems of Scottish song. 4°. mus. - 78404 - Songs of Italy, 54 canti popolari. mus. - - - - 78 *33 372 GOVANHILL BRANCH. SOU Songs. War songs of France and Germany. 4°. mns. - - 78419 Songs from silence ; by I. F. Darling. 1904. - - - - 401 D Songs of many seasons ; by [Mrs. E. R. Charles]. 1882. - - 1301 C Songs without notes ; by Sir L. Morris. 1894. - 902M Sonnenschein (Edward A.) A Greek grammar. 1903. - - 48801 - Peculiarities in Attic declension and comparison. - - - 48802 Supplement to "A Greek grammar." - A Latin grammar. 1901. . 47801 - Ora maritima, a Latin story for beginners. 1906. ill. - - 47806 - Pro patria, sequel to "Ora maritima." 1903. ill.- - - 47807 - and Fiedler (H. G.) First German reader and writer. 1901. 43802 Sonnets. For list of related subjects, see Poetry, Collections. - Sharp (W.) ed. Sonnets of this century. 1886. - - - 82405 Sons of Belial [a novel] ; by W. Westall. 41 Wl Sons of fire ; by M. E. Braddon. ...... 81B17 Sons of the covenant, a tale of Anglo- Jewry ; by S. Gordon. - 40 G 3 Sons of the morning ; by E. Phillpotts. 41P4 Sophia [a romance] ; by S. J. Weyman. ..... 44W8 Sophocles. Campbell (L.) Sophocles [his life and work]. - - 88201 - In Keene (C. H.) Greek dramatic poets. 1898. - - - 88203 Sorel (Albert) Madame de Stael [her life. In French]. 1901. S352 A nother edition [In English.] 1892. S351 - Montesquieu [his life and work. In French]. 1889. - - M521 Sorrows of Satan, a romance ; by Marie Corelli. - - - 89 C 6 Soudan. Alford (H. S. L.) and Sword (W. D.) The Egyptian Soudan, its loss and recovery. 189S. ill. maps. - - 95713 - Bennett (E. N.) The downfall of the Dervishes. 1898. maps. 95715 - Giffen (J. K.) The Egyptian Sudan. 1905. ill. - - - 95722 - Ohrwalder (J.) Ten years' captivity in the Madhi's camp, 1882-92. 1893. ill, plan. --.-._ 95721 - Slatin (Sir R. C. ) Fire and sword in the Sudan. 1905. ill. maps. 95723 "A personal narrative of fighting- and serving the dervishes, 1879-95." - Steevens (G. \V.) With Kitchener to Khartum. 1901. maps. 95705 Soul. For lists of related subjects, see Philosophy. Theology. - Armstrong (R. A.) God and the soul. 1898. - 23101 - Brierley (J.) Studies of the soul. 1903. 12801 Soul of a cat, and other [animal] stories ; by M. Benson. 1901. 63604 Soul of Lilith ; by Marie Corelli. 89C9 Sound. For list of related subjects, see Physics. - Acoustics. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 6-7. 1903. 03206-7 - Barnes (C. L.) Practical acoustics. 1897. bihl. ill. - - 53401 - In Deschanel (A. P.) Natural philosophy, v. 4. 1903. ill. - 53403 - Guthrie (F.) Molecular physics and sound. 1903. ill. - - 53902 - Mayer (A. M.) Sound. 1891. ill. 53402 Sourd, comedie ; par P. J. B. C. Desforges. - 84209 SOUTH (RlOHARD) Butterflies of the British Isles. 1906. col. ill. 59511 373 SOU GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. South Seas. Boehm (Sir E. C.) The Persian Gulf and South Sea Isles. 1904. ill. 94604 - Stevenson (R. L.) In the South Seas, two cruises, 1888-9. - 99201 - Stoddard (C. W.) Summer cruising in the South Seas. 1905. 99203 Southern light [a novel] ; by S. G. Fielding. ... - 16F1 Southey (Robert) Joan of Arc, ballads, and minor poems, mem. 601 S - Life of Nelson. 1904. col. ill. plans. ■ - N022 - Life of Wesley. 1901. - W032 - Story of his life written in his letters ; ed. by J. Dennis. - S152 - trans. Chronicle of the Cid. 1885. - 86101 Southey, Robert. Dowden (E.) Southey [his life and work]. - S151 - Macaulay (Lord) Southey's Colloquies on society. In his Essays. E8M1 - In Saintsbury (G.) Essays in English literature, v. 2. 1895. 82103 Souttar (Robinson) A history of ancient peoples. 1903.- - 90205 Souvestre (ISmile) Le chevrier de Lorraine ; with notes. - - 44860 - Le serf ; with notes by J. F. Davis. 1903. - - - 44861 Sowers; by Henry Seton Merriman. 85M10 Sowing the wind ; by Mrs. E. Lynn Linton. ... - 46L3 Spain. Borrow (G.) The Bible in Spain, adventures in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures. 1899. - - - 93404 - - Zincali, the gypsies of Spain. 1893. ----- 39701 - Burke (U.R.) Ahistoryof Spain to [1521]. 1900. 2v. hihK maps. 93422-3 - Conde (J. A.) The Arabs in Spain [714-1492]. 1854-5. 3 v. 93418-20 - Florian (J. P. C. de) Histoire des Maures en Espagne. 1884. 91022 - Gadow (H.) In northern Spain. 1897. iU. map. - - - 93403 - Galton(F.) A visit to north Spain, I860. In Vacation tours. 96701 - Hay (J.) Castilian days. 1903. ill. 93412 - Hutton (E. ) The cities of Spain. 1906. iff.- - - - 93421 - Irving (W.) Legends of the conquest of Spain. 1902. - - 93401 - Mendoza (D. H. de) Morceaux choisis de La guerre de Grenade ; notes en francais. 189S. - 46805 - Prescott (YV. H.) The reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 1901. 93425 - Yonge (C. M.) The Christians and Moors of Spain. 1893. - 93413 - See also Peninsular war. Spanish armada. Spalding (Thomas A.) Life of Richard Badiley, admiral. 1899. B381 Spanish armada. In Creasy (Sir E. S.) Decisive battles. 1903. UK 90402 Spanish gypsy [a poem] ; by George Eliot. 102 E Spanish language. See Language, Spanish. Spanish literature. See Literature, Spanish. Spanish wine [a novel] ; by F. Mathew. 65M1 Spargo (John) The bitter cry of the children. 1906. ill. - 33128 Sparling (H. H.) ed. Irish minstrelsy, songs and ballads. 82205 Spartacus, tragedie ; par B. J. Saurin. 84210 Speaking. See Elocution. Oratory. Species. Darwin (C.) The origin of species. 1902. - - - 57505 374 GOVANHILL BRANCH. SPI Specifications. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Farrow (F. R.) Specifications for building works. 1905. - 69205 Spectator ; by J. Addison. In his Works, v. 2-4. 1901-3. - E2A2-4 Spectrum. For lists of related subjects, see Chemistry. Light. - Watts (W. M.) Introduction to spectrum analysis. 1904. ill. 54402 Speech. Wallace (A. R.) Expressiveness of speech, or, mouth- gesture as a factor in the origin of language. In his Studies. 50439 Speeches. See Orations. Speedy (Tom) Craigmillar and its environs. 1892. ill. - - 92028 Speight (Thomas W.) The Loudwater tragedy. - - - 95S2 - The mysteries of Heron Dyke, a novel. 95 SI Spelling. In Miiller (F. Max) Works, v. 7. 1899. - - - E6M3 Spence (Henry D. M.) Church of England, a history. 4 v. ill. 27607-10 - Voices and silences [sermons]. 1894. 25205 and others. The life and work of the Redeemer. 1901. ill. 23235 Spence (Joseph) Anecdotes of books and men, a selection. - 82717 Spencer (Edward) The flowing bowl, on drinks. 1899. - 66302 Spencer (Herbert) Principles of psychology. 1899. 2 v. - 15011-2 - Principles of sociology. 1897-1904. 3 v. - - - - 30101-3 - The study of sociology. 1904. ---... 30701 Spencer, Herbert. George (H.) A perplexed philosopher. 1893. 19216 " Spencer on the land question, with reference to his synthetic philosophy." - Iverach (J.) The philosophy of Spencer examined. In Present day tracts, v. 5. -.-... 20406 - Thomson (J. A.) Spencer [his life and work]. 1906. bibl. - S581 Spencer, John C, Earl. Bagehot (W.) Lord Althorp and the reform act of 1832. In his Biographical studies. 1902. 99638 Spender (A. E.) Two winters in Norway. 1902. ill. - - 94104 Spendthrift, a tale; by W. H. Ainsworth. .... 16A11 Spens (James) and Marshall (J.) Rackets. 1890. ill. - - 79617 - joint-author. See Marshall (Julian). Spenser (Edmund) Works; ed. by R. Morris. 1904. mem. - 901S - Anthology ; ed. by E. Arber. 1899. 82228 Spenser, Edmund. Church (R. \V.) Spenser [his life and work]. S161 - In Dowden (E.) Transcripts and studies. 1S96. - - - E2D1 - In Lowell (J. R.) English poets. 82203 - Maurice (F. D.) Spenser's " Faerie Queene." In his Friend- ship of books, and other lectures. 1904. - E5M1 Spiders. For list of related subjects, see Zoology. - Skuse (F. A. A.) British spiders. 1902. ill. - - - 59505 Spielmann (Marion H.) British sculpture and sculptors of to-day. 1901. ill. . . 73501 Spillmann (Joseph) Valiant and true. 98 si Spinning. Bay ley ( A. M. C. ) Spinning and weaving. In Woman's library, v. 4. 70001 - See also Cotton. Jute spinning. Wool. Spinoza. Arnold (M.) Spinoza and the Bible. In his Essays, v. 1. E3A1 375 SPI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Spinoza. Caird (J. ) Spinoza [his philosophy]. 1903. - - 19305 - In Froude (J. A.) Short studies, v. 1. 1903. - E2F1 Spiritual adventures ; by A. Symons. 1905. .... 82829 Spiritualism. For lists of related subjects, see Church. Mind and body. - Raupert (J. G.) The dangers of Spiritualism. 1906. ill. - 13305 - What say the Scriptures about Spiritualism ? 1897. - - 13309 Spitsbergen. In Dufferin (Marquess of) Letters from high latitudes. 1903. ill. 94109 Splendid impostor ; by F. Whishaw. 46W40 Splendid spur; by A. T. Quiller Couch. 97 C 5 Spofford (Aixsworth R.) A book for all readers. 1905. - - 02003 Spoiled priest, and other stories ; by P. A. Sheehan. - - 13 SI Spoilers [a novel] ; by E. W. Pngh. 63P1 Spoils of Poynton ; by H. James. ------- 7J6 Spon (Ernest) and others. Workshop receipts. 1904. 5 v. ill. 60307-11 Spooler (William A.) Bishop Butler [his life and work]. - B021 Sports. For list of other amusements, see Amusements. - Baldwin (W.C.) African hunting and adventure. 1894. ill. ma}). 79932 - Bell (E.) erf. Handbook of athletic sports. 1890-93. 8 v. ill. 1. Cricket. Lawn tennis. Tennis. Rackets. Fives. Golf. Hockey, 79605. 2. Rowing and sculling. Sailing. Swimming, 79703. 3. Boxing. Wrestling. Fencing. Broad-sword and single-stick, 79606- 4. Rugby football. Association football. Baseball. Rounders, field-ball, baseball- rounders, quoits, bowls, skittles, and curling, 79704. 5. Athletics. Cycling. Skating, 79607. 6. Practical horsemanship and riding for ladies, 79801. 7. Canoeing with sail and paddle. Camping out, 79705. 8. Gymnastics. Indian clubs, 79608. - Bertram (J. G.) Outdoor sports in Scotland. 1890. - - 79911 "Deer stalking, grouse shooting, angling, golfing, etc." - Blaine (D. P.) An eucyclopasdia of rural sports. 185S. ill. - 79002 " Bunting, shooting, fishing, racing, etc." - Collins (T.) School and sport, recollections. 1905. - - C461 - Felix. Recollections of a bison and tiger hunter. 1906. - 79935 - Gale (F.) Sports and recreations in town and country. - - 79005 - Gillmore (P.) Gun, rod, and saddle. 1893. - 79907 Griffin (H. H.) Athletics. 1898. ill. 79615 - Kingsland (Mrs. B.) Indoor and outdoor games. 1904. ill. - 79008 - Kingsley (G. H.) Notes on sport and travel. 1900. - - 79920 - Roberts (Sir R.) Glenmahra, the western Highlands. 1870. - 79925 - Ruhl( A.) Track athletics. 1905. ill. 79727 Track and cross-country running, hurdle-racing, jumping, vaulting, weight-throwing, walking [etc.l - Sargent (D. A.) and others. Athletic sports. 1897. ill. - 79603 The physical proportions of the typical man. Physical characteristics of the athlete. Golf. Lawn tennis. Bicycling. Bathing. [Etc.] - Shearman (M.) and others. The young sportsman. 1900. ill. 79644 - See also Baseball. Bowls. Boxing. Camping. Canoeing. Cricket. Croquet. Curling. Cycling. Fencing. Fish, fishing. Fives. Football. Golf. Hockey. Horsemanship. Hunting. Moun- taineering. Poaching. Quoits. Rackets. Rounders. Rowing. Sailing. Shooting. Skating. Skittles. Swimming. Tennis. Wrestling. Yachts. 376 GOVANHILL BRANCH. STA Spotless reputation ; by D. Gerard. 14G1 Sprays of northern pine [stories] ; by F. Mackenzie. - - - 18 Ml Sprigge (S. S.) Medicine and the public. 1905. - - - 61005 Spring of the day [Christian life] ; by H. Macmillan. 1898. - 17116 Springhaven, a tale of the great war; by R. D. Blackmore. - 63B13 Sprott (George W. ) ed. Scottish liturgies, reign of James VI. - 26401 Spuller (E.) Royer-Collard [his life. In French]. 1895. - R191 Spurgeon (Charles H.) An all-round ministry. 1900. - - 25105 - Autobiography. 1900. 4 v. 4°. port. ill. - S 511-4 - Barbed arrows [anecdotes, similes, etc.] 1S96. - - - 25103 - Christ in the Old Testament, sermons. 1899. - - - 23214 - " Everlasting gospel," Old and New Testaments, sermons. - 25213 - The gospel of the kingdom. 1893. 22702 - ' The most holy place,' sermons on the Song of Solomon. 1896. 22410 - Sermons on our Lord's miracles. 1895. ----- 22704 - Sermons on our Lord's parables. 1904. 22703 - The soul-winner [addresses to teachers and preachers]. - - 25106 - "Till He come," communion addresses. 1894. - - - 26502 - Types and emblems, sermons. 18S8. 25214 - ed. The sword and trowel, 1898. ill. - 20501 Spurgeon (Mrs. Charles H.) Ten years after ! 1895. - - S272 Spupgeon (Thomas) Gospel of the grace of God, sermons. 18S4. 25215 Spurr (Harry A.) Stories from the plays of Dumas. 1904. - 84201 Spy, a tale of the neutral ground ; by J. F. Cooper. - - - 86 C 6 Squair (J.) joint -author. See Fraser (W. H. ) Squash-rackets and squash-tennis. See Tennis. Squatter's dream, a story ; by Rolf Boldrevvood. - - - 71 B 7 Squire (Charles) Mythology of the British Islands. 1905. - 29301 Stael (Madame DE)Del'A)lemagne ; ed. by H. W. Eve. bibl. port. 44813 - Corinne, ou, l'ltalie. 104S1 Stael, Madame de. Mackintosh (Sir J. ) Stael's " De l'Allemagne. " In his Miscellaneous works, v. 2. 1846. - - - - E10M2 - Sorel (A.) Mme. de Stael [her life. In French.] 1901. port. S352 Another edition [In English]. 1892. port. - - - S351 Stage. See Drama. Stained glass. See Painting, Glass. Staining. See French polishing. Stair, Earls of. Graham (J. M.) Annals and correspondence of the Earls of Stair. 1875. 2 v. port. - S041-2 Stairbuilding. Creswell (F. O.) Handrailing and staircasing. ill. 69404 Stalker (James) The preacher and his models. 1892. - - 25101 Stalky and Co. [a school story] ; by R. Kipling. - - - 28 K 11 Stand fast, Craig-Royston ! by W. Black. 62 B 7 Standack (H. C.) The artists' manual of pigments. 1896. - 75106 Standard bearer ; by S. R. Crockett. - 118 C 21 Standing (Percy C.) Cricket 1902. 2 v. 4°. ill. - -79701-2 377 STA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Stanhope (Philip H., Earl) Conversations with the Duke of Wellington. 1888. - W155 Stanhope, Philip H. , Earl. Macaulay (Lord) Mahon's War of the succession in Spain. In his Essays. 1904. - - - E8M1 - Salisbury (Marquess of) Stanhope's Life of Pitt. In his Essays. 99611 Stanley (Arthur P. ) A selection from [his] writings. 1894. port 20801 Biblical characters and scenes. Glimpses into ecclesiastical history. Aspects of religious life and thought. Descriptive pieces. [Etc.] - Church of Scotland, lectures. 1879. 27506 - History of the Jewish Church. 1866-76. 3 v. maps. - - 29604-6 - Life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, ill. - - - A 052 Stanley, Arthur P. In Knight (W. A.) Retrospects, v. 1. 1904. 99911 Stanley (Sir Henry M.) The Congo, and the founding of its Free State. 1885. 2 v. port. ill. maps. - - - 95905-6 - How I found Livingstone. 1904. ill. map. - - - - 96104 - In darkest Africa. 1904. port. ill. map. .... 95903 - Through South Africa. 1898. ill. map. .... 96309 Stapfer (Paul) Montaigne [his life and work. In French]. - M511 Star-chamber, historical romance ; by W. H. Ains worth. - - 16 A 10 Star-land, the wonders of the heavens ; by Sir R. S. Ball. ill. 52304 Stark Munro letters ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - - - 51 D 10 Stars. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Fison (A. H. ) The evolution of double stars. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. 50103 - Newcomb (S.) The stars, a study of the universe. 1902. ill. 52302 - Proctor (R. A.) The stars in their seasons. 1904. ill. - - 52313 - In Wallace (A. R. ) The wonderful century. 1903. ill. - 50903 State. See Political science. Statesmen. For list of other subjects in biography, see Biography. - Bagehot(W.) Biographical studies. 1902. .... 99638 Sir Robert Peel. Lord Brougham. Mr. Gladstone. William Pitt. Bolingbroke. Sir George Cornewall Lewis. Adam Smith. Lord Althorp and the Reform Act of 1S32. [Etc.] - McCarthy (J.) British political leaders. 1903. port. - - 99639 Arthur James Balfour. Lord Salisbury. Lord Rosebery. Joseph Chamberlain. Henry Labouchere. John Morley, Burns. Sir Michael Hicks-Beach. John E. Harcourt. James Bryce. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. Statham (F. R.) South Africa as it is. 1897. - 96305 Statics. Greaves (J.) Treatise on elementary statics. 1900. ill. 53108 - Lock (J. B.) Elementary statics. 1902. ill- - - - 53107 Staunton (Howard) Chess-player's handbook. 1904. ill. - 79404 - The great schools of England. 1869. 37904 Stead (Alfred) ed. Japan by the Japanese. 1904.- - - 95304 Steam. Rateau (A.) Researches on the flow of steam through nozzles and orifices. 1905. bibl. ill. .... 53605 Steam engine. For list of related subjects, see Engines. - Alexander (J.) Model engine construction. 1904. ill. plans. 62105 - Barker (A. H.) Graphic methods of engine design, ill. - 62102 378 Lord Aberdeen. John Redmond. Sir William GOVANHILL BRANCH. STE Steam engine. In CasselPs New technical educator, v. 1-5. ill. 60301-5 - Haeder (H. ) A handbook on the steam engine. 1902. ill. - 62109 - Jamieson (A.) Steam and steam engines. 1904. ill. - - 62101 " Including turbines and boilers." - Langmaid (J.) and Gaisford (H.) Steam machinery and the marine steam engine. 1901. ill. - ■ - - - - 62107 - Perry (J.) Steam, gas, and oil engines. 1902. ill. - - 62123 - Thurston (R. H.) Stationary steam engines. 1902. ill. - 62117 - Young (J. D. ) Reed's Yacht, trawler, and launch engines, ill. 62120 - See also Condensers. Steam navigation. For list of related subjects, see Navigation. - Kennedy (J.) History of steam navigation. 1903. ill. - 65601 - Williamson (J.) Clyde passenger steamer, 1812 to 1901. ill.- 65602 Steel (Flora A.) The hosts of the Lord [a novel]. - - - 110 S 2 - On the face of the waters. 110 SI - and Gardiner (G.) The Indian housekeeper. 1898. - - 64008 Steel. For lists of related subjects, see Industries. Metallurgy. - Brearley (H.) and Ibbotson (F.) The analysis of steel-works materials. 1902. ill. 66901 - Campin (F.) Constructional iron and steel work. 1896. ill.- 72102 " As applied to public, private, and domestic buildings." - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 1-6. ill. - - - 60301-6 - Hiorns (A. H.) Iron and steel manufacture. 1902. ill. - 67203 - Macfarlane (W.) Iron and steel manufacture. 1906. ill. - 67204 - Woodworth (J. V.) Hardening, tempering, anuealing, and forging of steel. 1903. ill. 67202 - Wylie (C.) Reed's Iron and steel founding, ill. - - - 67108 Steele, Sir Richard. Dobson (H. A.) Steele [his life and work]. S561 - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 1904. ill 2 copies. 12T9 Steevens (George W.) From Capetown to Ladysmith. Egypt in 1898. 1900. maps. 96405 - In India. 1899. map. 94705 - The land of the dollar [United States]. 1900. - - - 97205 - Monologues of the dead. 1896. 87805 - Naval policy, and the warships of the powers. 1896. - - 35901 - Things seen. 1900. mem. port. E4S1 The new humanitarianism. What happened in Thessaly. The Dreyfus case. The jubilee [1897]. In search of a famine. [Etc.] - With Kitchener to Khartum. 1901. maps, plans. - - 95705 Steevens (Mrs. George W.) A motley crew. 1901. - - 82837 "Reminiscences, observations, and attempts at play-writing." Stein (M. A.) Sand-buried ruins of Khotan. 1903. ill. map. 94909 Stendhal. See Beyle, Marie Henri. Stenzkl (A.) The British navy. 1898. ill. maps. - - - 35902 STBP (Edward) A naturalist's holiday on the Cornish coast, ill. 59025 - Wayside and woodland blossoms. 2 v. col. ill. - - - 58207-8 - Wayside and woodland trees. 1904. ill. .... 58202 379 STE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Stephen (Sir James F.) Horae Sabbaticae [papers reprinted from] the * Saturday review.' 1892. 3 v. - - - E5S1-3 1. Joinville and St. Louis. Froissart's Chronicles. Philippe de Comines. Montaigne's Essays. Hooker's 'Ecclesiastical polity.' Laud. Chilling worth. Jeremy Taylor as a moralist. Hacket's Life of Williams. Clarendon's 1 History of the rebellion.' Clarendon's 'Life.' 2. Hobbes on government. Hobbes's 'Leviathan.' Hobbes's minor works. Bossuet's education of the Dauphin. Bossuet and the Protestants. Locke's Essay on the human understanding. Locke as a moralist. Locke on government. Locke on toleration. Voltaire. Butler. Warburton's ' Divine legation.' Warburton's minor works. Gibbon. Gibbon's Memoirs. 3. Berkeley's metaphysical works. Berkeley's 'Minute philosopher.' Berkeley's occasional works. Works of Burke. Burke on the English constitution. Burke on the French revolution. Paine. Bentham's 'Theory of legislation.' Cobbett's political works. De Maistre — 'Soirees de St. Petersbourg.' De Maistre's minor works. De Maistre's 'Principe generateur.' De Maistre On the pope. [Etc.] - The story of Nuncomar and Sir Elijah Impey. 1885. 2 v. - 34302-3 Stephen (Sir Leslie) Alexander Pope [his life and work]. - P051 - George Eliot [her life and work]. 1903. .... E051 - Hobbes [his life and work]. 1904. H121 - Hours in a library [essays]. 1899. 3 v. - - - - E2S1-3 1. De Foe's novels. Richardson's novels. Pope as a moralist. Sir Walter Scott. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Balzac's novels. De Quincey. Sir Thomas Browne. Jonathan Edwards. Horace Walpole. 2. Dr. Johnson's writings. Crabbe. William Hazlitt. Disraeli's novels. Massinger. Fielding's novels. Cowper and Rousseau. The first Edinburgh reviewers. Words- worth's ethics. Landor's Imaginary conversations. Macaula}*. 3. Charlotte Bronte. Charles Kingsley. Godwin and Shelley. Gray and his school. Sterne. Country books. George Eliot. Autobiography. Carlyle's ethics. The state trials. Coleridge. - Samuel Johnson [his life and work]. 1900. . - - J031 - Swift [his life and work]. 1903. S181 Stephen Archer, and other tales ; by G. MacDonald. - - 10 M 8 Stephen Glyn, and other stories ; by A. S. Swan. - - - 147 S 45 Stephen Remarx [a novel] ; by J. G. Adderley. - - - 9A1 Stephens (Mrs. A.) ed. Lives of early Methodist preachers. - 99828 Stephens (H. M.) and others. The reading of books. 1902. - 02804 Stephens (William R. W.) The English Church, 1066-1272. 1901. 28306 Stephenson, George and Robert. In Smiles (S.) Engineers, v. 5. 99711 Stephenson (HeiNEY T.) Shakespeare's London. 1905. ill. - 91718 Stepniak. King Stork and King Log, modern Russia. 1896. 2 v. 94021-2 Stepping-stones to higher things ; by S. Churchill. 1886. - 17120 Sterling, John, Life of; by T. Carlyle. port. - - - - S021 Sternberg (George M. ) Infection and immunity. 1903. - 61402 Sterne, Laurence. Bagehot ( W. ) Sterne and Thackeray. In his Literary studies, v. 2. 1905. E9B2 - In El win (W.) Some xviii. century men of letters, v. 2. port. 99910 - Fitzgerald (P. H.) Life of Sterne. 1906. port. - - - S172 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 3. 1899. - - E2S3 - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 1904. ill. 2 copies. 12T9 - Traill (H. D.) Sterne [his life and work]. 1889. - - - S171 Steuart ( John A. ) The eternal quest. 116 S 2 - The minister of state, a novel. ------ 116 SI 380 GOVANHILL BRANCH. STE Steveni (William B.) The Scandinavian question. 1905. map. 94108 Stevens (F. H.) Elementary mensuration. 1904. ill. - - 51116 - joint-author. See Hall (H. S.) Stevens (William) The slave in history. 1904. ill. - - 32602 Stevens (William C.) An introduction to botany. 1904. ill. 58120 Stevenson (John L.) Blast furnace calculations. 1906. - - 66906 Stevenson (Robert L. ) The Stevenson reader, selected passages. 1898. ill. 82003 - Across the plains, with other essays. E1S2 The old Pacific capital [Monterey]. Fontainebleau. Epilogue to "An inland voyage." Random memories. The lantern-bearers. Dreams. [Etc.] - Edinburgh, picturesque notes. 1903. ill. .... 92030 - Essays in the art of writing. 1905. 80805 - Essays of travel. 1905. 90822 - Familiar studies of men and books. 1906. - - - - E1S4 Victor Hugo's romances. Some aspects of Robert Burns. Walt Whitman. Henry D. Thoreau. Yoshida-Torajiro. Francois Villon. Charles of Orleans. Samuel Pepys. John Knox and women. - In the South Seas, two cruises, 1888-9. 1900. - - - 99201 - An inland voyage. 1900. 93103 - Memories and portraits. 1904. E1S3 The foreigner at home. Old mortality. Talk and talkers. The char- acter of dogs. A gossip on a novel of Dumas's. A gossip on romance. A humble remonstrance. [Etc.] - Poems. 1906. 202S "Including Underwoods, Ballads, Songs of travel." - The Silverado squatters [California]. 1901. .... 97401 - Travels with a donkey in the Cevennes. 1903. - - - 93301 - Underwoods [poems]. 1902. 201 S - Virginibus puerisque, and other papers. 1902. - - - E1S1 Crabbed age and youth. An apology for idlers. Ordered south. The English admirals. Child's play. [Etc.] - The black arrow, a tale of the two roses. .... 119 S 2 - Island nights' entertainments. 119 S 4 Beach of Falesa. The bottle imp. The isle of voices. - Kidnapped, the adventures of David Balfour. - - - 119 S 5 - Catriona, sequel to " Kidnapped." 119 S3 - The master of Ballantrae, a winter's tale. .... 119 s 6 - The merry men, and other tales. 119 S 12 Will o' the mill. Markheim. Thrown Janet. Olalla. The treasure of Franchard. - New Arabian nights. 119 S 13 The Suicide Club. The rajah's diamond. The pavilion on the links. A lodging for the night. The sire de Maletroit's door. Providence and the guitar. - The Suicide Club. The rajah's diamond. - - - - 119 S 18 - Prince Otto, a romance. -------- 119 s 14 - St. Ives, the adventures of a French prisoner in England. - 119 SI - The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [Etc.] - - 119 S 8 - Tales and fantasies. 119 S 17 Misadventures of John Nicholson. Body-snatcher. Story of a lie. 381 STE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Stevenson (Robert L.) Treasure Island. - - - - - 119 S 9 - Weir of Hermiston, an unfinished romance. ... - 119 S 15 - and Osbourne (L. ) The ebb-tide. 119 S 7 - - The wrecker. 119 S 11 The wrong box. 119S16 - and Stevenson (F. v. de G.) The dynamiter. - - - 119 S 10 Sequel to "New Arabian nights," 119 S 13. Stevenson, R. L. Balfour (G.) Life of Stevenson. 1901. 2 v. bibl. S062-3 - Cornford (L. C.) R. L. Stevenson [his life and work]. 1900. S061 - In Couch (A. T. Quiller) Adventures in criticism. 1896. - E2C1 Stevenson (William) The claim of Christ on the conscience. In Present day tracts, v. 8. 20409 Stewart (A. M.) Crown of science, the incarnation of God. 1904. 23916 Stewart (Andrew) The application of electric-motors to machine-driving. 1905. ill. ------ 62413 Stewart (Andrew) Comic Scotch readings, ill. - - - 82702 - ed. Humorous readings, maistly Scotch, ill. - - - 82701 - Readings and dialogues, maistly Scotch. .... 82705 Stewart (Balfour) and Gee (W. W. H.) Electricity and magnetism. 1903. ill. 53701 General physical processes. 1901. ill. ... - 53002 Stewart (Sir Donald) Account of his life. 1903. port. ill. - S361 Stewart (James) Dawn in the dark continent, Africa and its missions. 1906. port, maps. ------ 95505 Stickit minister, and some common men ; by S. R. Crockett. - 118 C 13 Stickit minister's wooing, and other stories; by S. R. Crockett. 118 C 14 Stillman (Wm. J.) Autobiography of a journalist. 1901. 2 v. S 331-2 Stimson (Henry A.) The right life and how to live it. - - 17012 Stirling (William) New theories in astronomy. 1906. - - 52102 Stirlingshire. Harvey (W.) Burns in Stirlingshire. 1899. - B116 Stock exchange. For list of related subjects, see Money. - Duguid (C. ) The stock exchange. 1904. - - . - 33206 Stockton (Frank R.) A bicycle of Cathay, a novel. - - 124S1 - The captain's toll-gate. 124S3 - The girl at Cobhurst. 124S2 Stoddard (Charles W.) Summer cruising in the South Seas. - 99203 Stoddard (Richard H.) Under the evening lamp, papers. 1893. 99913 Stoddart, James H. In memoriam. port. S321 Stodola (A.) Steam turbines. 1906. ill. ... - 62113 Stoevlng (Paul) The story of the violin. 1904. ill. - - 78701 Stoicism. For list of other philosophical systems, see Philosophy. - Brown (J. B.) Stoics and saints. 1893. 27021 Stokes (Sir George G.) On light. 1892. 53502 Stokes, William, his life and work; by his son. 1898. bibl. port. S281 Stokesley secret ; by C. M. Yonge. ------ 5Y7 382 GOVANHILL BRANCH. STR Stokoe, John. Fremeaux (P. ) With Napoleon at St. Helena the memoirs of Dr. J. Stokoe. 1902. port. - - . _ S0 3i Stolen bacillus, and other incidents ; by H. G. Wells. - . 35 w 8 Stolen emperor, a tale of old Japan ; by Mrs. H. Fraser. - - 51F40 Stolen souls ; by W. Le Queux. --..... 36L3 Stolen white elephant, etc. ; by Mark Twain. - - . - 52T6 Stone (Darwell) The Christian church. 1905. - . . 2 6203 Stone (Geoffrey deH.) The automobile industry. 1904. ill. 62201 Stone (Herbert) Timbers and their identification, ill. - '. 6 3403 Stones from a glass house ; by J. H. Findlater. 1904. - - E3F1 Stones of Venice ; by J. Ruskin. 1902-3. 3 v. ill. - - 72003-5 StoRxM (Theodor W. ) Immensee ; with notes by C. X. NageL 1905 43815 Stormy voyager; by A. S. Swan. - - . . _ 147S47 Stortenbeker, Pieter; by P. A. Haaxman. In Dutch painters. «. 99701 Story (Robert H.) Apostolic ministry, Scottish Church. - - 27503 Story, William W. } and his friends; by H.James. 1903. 2v. port. S241-2 Story of an African farm [a novel] ; by O. Schreiner. - . 32 si Story of Bessie Costrell ; by Mrs. H. Ward. - . . 13W6 Story of Charles Strange, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies 76W34 Story of Elizabeth ; by Mrs. A. T. Ritchie. - . . - 37R4 Story of Francis Cludde [a romance] ; by S. J. Weyman - - 44W9 Story of Margredel ; by D. S. Meldrum. . " . 80Ml Story of my heart, autobiography ; by R. Jefferies. 1901. port. J041 Story of Penelope ; by E. J. Worboise. - . . . . 81W26 Story of Philip Methuen [a novel] ; by Mrs. J. H. Xeedell. - 3N2 Story of Susan ; by Mrs. H. Dudeney. - . . . 57D3 Story of the Empire series. «« tv, A H f t i° f the i 5 iB y My be seen on application. Each volume is entered m the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which l it dells. Story of the Gadsbys [tales] ; by R. Kipling. .... 2 8K10 Story of Valentine and his brother ; by Mrs. M. O. W. Oliphant 6 09 Stoughton (John) The doctrine of the atonement considered In Present day tracts, v. 8. - - . . . [ 20409 - Unity of faith. In Present day tracts, v. 10. - 20411 Stowe (Haeriet B.) The ministers wooing. - . . - 128 S 2 - The pearl of Orr's Island. - . ? . . . - 128 S3 - Uncle Tom's cabin. 2 copies. - ...... 128S1 Strabo. Fry (Sir E.) Strabo in Egypt. In his Studies. 1900 E6F1 Strachan (Jambs) Hebrew ideals, Old Testament faith - . 22322 Strain (Mrs. EcphansH.) Laura's legacy. .... 158S1 Strait gate ; by A. S. Swan. - - . . . . .147335 Straker(F.) The money market. 1904.- ..." 33205 Strang (John) Bursaries, schools [etc.] of Glasgow. 1861. - 92318 Strange adventure of James Shervinton [Etc.]; by G. Louis Becke 35B1 Strange adventures of a phaeton ; by W. Black. - . . 62B 8 Strange adventures of John Smith ; by W. H. Hudson. - . 98 H1 383 STR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ; by R. L. Stevenson. 119 S 8 Strange dwellings, habitations of animals ; by J, G. Wood. ill. 59121 Strange elopement ; by W. Clark Russell. 75 R 3 Strange story ; by Lord Lytton. 73L12 Strange voyage ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R15 Strange world ; by M. E. Braddon. 81 B 9 Strangers at Lisconnel ; by J. Barlow. 16 B 5 " A second series of ' Irish idylls,'" 16 B 4. Strategy. For related subjects, see Army. - [Repington (C. A'C.)] Imperial strategy. 1906. maps. Strathcona, Lord, his life ; by B. Willson. 1902. port, ill. Strathearn. Reid (A. G.) Memorials of Strathearn. 1899. ill. Strathesk (John) Bits from Blinkbonny, a tale. - More bits from Blinkbonny, a tale. Stratton (Geo. M. ) Experimental psychology and culture. Stratton (Stephen S.) Mendelssohn [his life and work], ill. - Stray studies ; by J. R. Green. 1903-4. 2 v. - Street (George S. ) A book of essays. 1902. - - - - London. Books and men. [Etc.] Streets. See Roads. Strength. See Physical education. Stretton (Clement E.) The locomotive engine. 1903. port HI - Safe railway working. 1893. ill. Stretton (Hesba) Carola [a tale]. - The highway of sorrow [a story]. Strickland (Agnes) Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. 1903. 2 v. - Lives of the queens of England. 1901-6. 6 v. ill. Strife and peace [a story] ; by F. Bremer. - Stripped of the tinsel, a story of Bohemia ; by J. E. P. Muddock. Strong (C. A.) Why the mind has a body. 1903. - Strong (Rowland) Where and how to dine in Paris. 1900. Struensee, Johann F. , Count. In Mackintosh (Sir J. ) Works, v. 2. Stuart (A. M. ) and others. The Sea of Galilee Mission. 1895. ill. Stuart (Alexander) Mr. Miggs [sketches]. .... Stuart, Charles Edward. Terry (C. S.) Young Pretender. 1903. ill Stuart (Elma) What must I do to get well and keep so ? port. Stuart (Esme) Harum scarum, a poor relation. - - Nobler than revenge. St ubbs (Charles W.) Bp. In a minster garden [Ely]. 1901. ill. - The story of Cambridge. 1905. ill. plans. - Stubbs (William) Bp. Letters, 1825-1901. 1904. port. ill. - Stucley, Thomas. In Schelling (F. E.) Queen's progress [Etc.]- Studies by the way [essays] ; by Sir E. Fry. 1900. - Study in scarlet ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes series, No. 1. Stumbling-block [a novel] ; by E. W. Pugh. .... 384 35510 S211 92507 36S1 36S2 15014 M171 E2G1-2 E6S1 62111 62708 132S3 132S2 M102-3 99630 5 86B2 119M1 13003 93313 E10M2 27801 137S1 S371 61313 135S2 135S1 82801 91726 S441 91615 E6F1 51D14 63P4 GOVANHILL BRANCH. Sturch(F.) Manualtraining drawing, woodwork. 1906 fo Sturge (C. Y.) Reform of patronage. In Essays [on] reform - Sturge (M. C.) The truth and error of Christian science 1903 Sturgis (Howard 0.) All that was possible. - Sturrock (J. B.) Our present hope and future home [sermons]. Style. For list of related subjects, see Rhetoric. - In Pater (W.) Appreciations. 1904. - Raleigh (W.) Style. 1904. --..." Subaltern's letters to his wife [S.A. war.] ; by [R. Rankin] Success. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Bok (E. W.) Successward, a book for young men. 1895. - Burnley (J.) Summits of success. 1901. - "Sketches of the careers of some notable climbers " - Lacey (W. J.) Masters of to-morrow. - - - The successful life. 1892. ..... - Walker (A. S.) The struggle for success. 1900. - Physical sanity. Mental sanity-inhibition. Religious belief ] Conventions. Law and politics. Marriage. Education and cultuVe^ Suckling (Sir John) [Poems]. In Jonson anthology - Sudan. See Soudan. SUET °lZu + iVeS °J f e «P elYe C * sars ' grammarians, and poets ; trans, by A. Thomson. 1903. Suffering Berry (T &) Human suffering in the light of Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 12. - Suffling (Ernest R.) Art of glass painting. 1902 ill - SUN ill. 69406 26003 61505 136S1 25233 E1P1 80819 96414 17401 17407 17013 17402 17701 Morals. / — ■■" ^*«uu MMIllUlliJi. Suicide Club ; by R. L. Stevenson. 2 copies. 82230 87812 20413 74802 ill. Sullivan (James F.) The flame-flower, and other stories. - Sully (James) Outlines of psychology. 1901. - - The teachers handbook of psychology. 1904. Sulu Islands. Landor (A. H. S. ) Gems of the east. 1904. 2 Summer in a canon, a story ; by K. D. Wiggin. Summer in Arcady, a tale of nature ; by J°L. Allen. Sumner, Charles, Memoir and letters ; by E. L. Pierce. 1878. 2 v Sun. For list of related subjects, see Astronomy. - Ball (Sir R. S.) The story of the sun. 1901. ill. - ' Sunbeam.; Brassey (Lady) In the trades, the tropics, and the roaring forties [a voyage]. 1886. ill. map. - . - - A voyage in the 'Sunbeam.' 1903. HI. - Sunday. For list of related subjects, see Church - Blackie (J. S.) The Jewish Sabbath and the Christian Lord's aay. in his Lay sermons. 1S81 - Dawson (Sir J. W. ) The day of rest. In Present day tracts, v 9 - Maclear (G F.) Evidential value of the observance of the' .Lord s day. In Present day tracts, v. 9.- - Tyndall (J.) The Sabbath. In his New fragments. 1897 - Sunday schools. For list of related subjects, see Church - New manual of Sunday-school addresses. N 38a 119S13, 119S18 141 SI 15007 15004 98401-2 52W5 27A1 S481-2 52318 90807 90808 E3B1 20410 20410 50412 26801 SUN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Sundays in the Temple [sermons] ; by C. J.Vaughan. 1871. - 25244 Sundbarg (Gustav) ed. Sweden, people and industry. 1904. ill. 94105 Sundered hearts ; by A. S. Swan. 147S23 Sunrise, a story ; by W. Black. 62 B 9 Sunset [a novel] ; by B. Whitby. Sunshine and haar ; by Gabriel Setoun. .... Sequel to " Barncraig," 47 SI. Supernatural religion, revelation ; by [W. R. Cassels]. 3 \ Supernatural religion, Essays on ; by J. B. Lightfoot. 1893. - A criticism of Cassels' " Supernatural religion." Superstition. For list of related subjects, see Folk-lore. - Campbell (J. G.) Superstitions of the Highlands. 1900. - In Kingsley (C.) Health and education. 1887. Surgeon's daughter ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. Chronicles of the Canongate, first series, concluded. Surgery. For list of related subjects, see Medicine. - Pye (W.) Elementary bandaging and surgical dressing, ill. - Surrey (Henry Howard, Earl of) Anthology ; ed. by E. Arber. Surrey. Jekyll (G.) Old west Surrey, memories. 1904. ill. - - Maiden (H. E.) A history of Surrey. 1905. WW. SuRSUM corda. A bird : s eye view of history. 1905. Surtees (Robert) Handley Cross, or, Mr. Jorrocks's hunt. Surveying. For lists of related subjects, see Astronomy. Engineering. 48W1 47S2 23106-8 23109 39805 E1K4 35S17 61703 82227 91703 91711 90203 142 SI - Gribble (T. G.) Preliminary survey and estimates. 1905. ill - Pence (YV.D.) and Ketchum (M. S.) Surveying. 1904. HI. - Whitelaw (J.) Surveying as practised by civil engineers and surveyors. 1902. ill. - See also Coal. Surveying instruments. Heather (J. F.) Surveying instruments. Survivor ; by E. P. Oppenheim. Susan Drummond, a novel ; by Mrs. J. H. Pviddell. - Sutcliffe (Halliwell) Mistress Barbara Cunliffe [a romance]. - Shameless Wayne, a romance. Sutcliffe (John D.) A text book of Sloyd. 1890. ill. - Sutherland (Alexander) Commercial instruction. 1893. Sutter (Julie) Britain's next [social] campaign. 1904. - Swan (Annie S.) Across her path. ------ - Adam Hepburn's vow, a tale of kirk and covenant. - Aldersyde, a Border story. ------- - The Ayres of Studleigh [a story]. - A bachelor in search of a wife. Roger Marchanvs ward. - The better part, a story. - A bitter debt, a tale. - - A blessing in disguise, and other stories. - A runaway daughter. Married in haste. - Briar and palm. ..... 386 52602 52601 52606 68102 1101 33R2 144S2 144S1 69407 65811 33131 147 SI 147 S 30 147 S 2 147 S3 147 S 4 147 S 31 - 147S41 - 147S39 The wedding of Kitty Barton. - 147S5 GOVANHILL BRANCH. SWE Swan (Annie S.) Carlowrie, or, among Lothian folk. - The curse of Cowden. --..... - A divided house, a study from life. .... - Doris Cheyne, the story of a noble life. - - Dorothea Kirke, or, free to serve. - - Elizabeth Glen, M.B., the experiences of a lady doctor. - Mrs. Keith Hamilton, M.B. - "More experiences of Elizabeth Glen." - Freedom's sword, a tale of the days of Wallace and Bruce. - The gates of Eden, a story of endeavour. - Good out of evil, and other stories. - The guinea stamp. - Homespun, a study of a simple folk. - - Love grown cold. - Maitland of Laurieston [a novel]. - Marion Forsyth [a story]. ----._ - Mark Desborough's vow. --..... - Miss Baxter's bequest. - Mistaken. ....._ - The ne'er-do-weel. ----..__ - An only son, and other stories. Sir Roderick's will. An elder brother. Two friends. - Kobert Martin's lesson. --..____ - St. Veda's [a story]. ...... - The secret of Dunstan Mere, and other stories. house^eper. 8 ^ 6 ° f ** family> The ***** ° f Mary MuW °on. The - The secret panel. - Shadowed lives. - - Sheila [a story]. ..... - A son of Erin. - - Stephen Glyn, and other stories. - A stormy voyager. - - The strait gate. ----... - Sundered hearts. - Thomas Dryburgh's dream, a story. - Twice tried. --.... - Ursula Vivian, the sister-mother. - A vexed inheritance - A victory won. - - Who shall serve ? - Wrongs righted. --.... Swan (Myra) Ballast, a novel. - Swan's Views, from the Falls of Clyde to Glasgow, ill. - Sweden. Bain (R. N. ) Charles XII. and the Swedish Empire, ill - Montelius (O.) Civilisation of Sweden in heathen times. 387 - 147S6 - 147S7 - 147S8 - 147S9 - 147 S 32 - 147 S 43 - 147 S 48 - 147 S 33 - 147 S 11 - 147 S 44 - 147 S 12 - 147 S 13 - 147 S 38 - 147 S 14 - 147 S 10 ■ 147 S 34 147 S 15 147 S 16 147 S 17 147 S 40 147 S 18 147 S 19 147 S 37 lady 147 S 20 147 S 21 147 S 22 147 S 42 147 S 45 147 S 47 147 S 35 147 S 23 147 S 24 147 S 25 147 S 26 147 S 36 147 S 27 147 S 28 147 S 29 161 SI 92021 C081 94111 SWE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Sweden. Nansen (F. ) Norway and the union with Sweden. - Sundbarg (G.) ed. Sweden, people and industry. 1904. 1905. ill. 94106 94105 1884. - 91023 - S451 - 41401 - 118C17 62431 78711 150 S3 150 SI 150 S 2 82821 1900. Government historical and statistical handbook - Vertot (R. A. de) Histoire des revolutions de Suede. Swedish language. See Language, Swedish. Sweeney (John) At Scotland Yard. 1905. port. ill. Sweet (He^ry) A primer of phonetics. 1902. - Sweetheart travellers ; by S. R. Crockett. Swenson (Bernard V.) and Frankenfield (B.) Testing of electro-magnetic machinery and other apparatus. 1904. ill. Swert (Jules de) The violoncello [a tutor], mus. - Swift (Benjamin) Dartnell, a bizarre incident. 2 copies. - The destroyer [a novel]. - The tormentor [a novel]. Swift (Jonathan) Works, selected, port. - Life of Swift. A tale of a tub. Gulliver's travels. Journal to Stella. Various papers on religion, morals, literature, etc. Memoirs of Captain John Creichton. Directions to servants. Poems. [Etc.] - Gulliver's travels. 2 copies. Swift, Jonathan. In Johnson (S. ) Lives of the poets, v. 3 - Stephen (Sir L.) Swift [his life and work]. - - In Thackeray (W. M.) English humourists. 1904. ill. 2 copies Swimming. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Cobbett (M. and J. R.) Swimming. 1903. ill. - Swimming. In Athletic sports, v. 2. 1890. ill. - Holbein (M. A.) Swimming, ill. Swinburne (Algernon C.) Essays and studies. 1901. - Victor Hugo. L'homme qui rit, L'annee terrible. Poems of Dante G. Rossetti M. Arnold's new poems. Notes on the text of Shelley. Byron. John Ford. Notes on designs of the old masters at Florence. Notes on some pictures of 1868. [Etc.] - Poems and ballads. 1902-4. 3 v. - - [Poems]. In Poets of the century. 1896. - A study of Ben Jon son. 1889. - A study of Shakespeare. 1902. - A study of Victor Hugo. 1886. - William Blake, a critical essay. 1906. - - - Switzerland, its mountains, valleys, lakes [etc.] 1903. til. Sword (W. D. ) joint -author. See Aleord (Henry S. L.) Sword and assegai [a tale] ; by A. Howarth. - Sword and the trowel, 1898 ; ed. by C. H. Spurgeon. ill. Sword of Gideon [a romance] ; by J. E. Bloundelle Burton. Sybil Knox, or, home again, a story ; by E. E. Hale. ydenham, Thomas. Brown (J. ) Locke and Sydenham. In his Horae subseciva*, v. 1. 1900. E1B1 - Payne (J F ) Thomas Sydenham [his life and work]. 1900. port. S291 Sydney Algernon. Life and times of; by A. C.Ewald. 2 v. port. S491-2 Sydney (William C.) Social life in England, 1660-90. 1892. - 91302 388 151 SI 99919 S181 12T9 79609 79703 79642 E8S1 mem. - -1101-3S 82420 - 82510 - 82509 84103 B571 - 93502 69H1 20501 - 113B1 6H1 GO VAX HILL BRANCH. TAI Sydney-side Saxon; by Rolf Boldrewood. - - 71B8 Sykes (Ella C.) Through Persia on a side-saddle. 1901. ill. - 94601 Sykes (Percy M.) Ten thousand miles in Persia. 1902. ill. - 94603 Sylvester Sound, the somnambulist ; by H. Cockton. - - 67 CI Sylvia's ambition ; by A. Sergeant. - 160 S3 Sylvia's lovers ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. - - . . 10G6 Symbolism. Blackie (J. S.) On symbolism, ceremonialism. formalism, and the new creature. In his Lay sermons. - E3B1 Symoxds (Johx A.) Introduction to the study of Dante. 1906. 85105 - [Poems]. In Poets of the century. 1896. " mem. - - - 82420 - Renaissance in Italy. 1897-1905! 7 v. port. m, L™ ge of the des P ots , 93618. 2. Revival of learning 85001 3 Finp arts, 70901. 4-5. Italian literature, 85002-3. 6-7. Catholic i-eSicn. 93619-2o" - Shelley [his life and work]. 1884. S111 - Sir Philip Sidney [his life and work]. 1902.- - - . S092 Symonds, John A., biography ; by H. F. Brown. 2 v. bibl. i&- S501-2 Symonds (Margaret) and Gordon (L. D.) Story of Perugia. Ul. 93714 Symons (Arthur) Spiritual adventures. 1905. ■ '- 82829 Synnove Solbakken [a novel] ; by B. Bjornson. - 60 B1 Synonyms. For list of related subjects, see Language.. English. - Fenby (T.) Dictionary of English synonyms. 1904. - - 42401 Syntax. See the names of languages, as, Language, English. T Table-talk. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Luther (M.) Table talk ; ed. by W. Hazlitt. 1902. - - 24406 Tacitus. Works. 2 v. 87803-4 ™,ln OT L The aI ! nals - 2 - The histor F t° f Rom ^ Germany. Agricola Dialogue on orators. " -^o'^ia. -Agricola. Germany. Dialogue on oratory : with notes, maps. 87811 - History [of Rome] ; trans, by A. J. Church and W. J. Brodribb. 87810 Tacitus. Boissier(G.) Tacitus, and other Roman studies. 1896 87813 - Church (A. J.) and Brodribb (W. J.) Tacitus. 1882. - - 87801 Tact, push, and principle ; by W. M. Thayer. 1904. - - 17404 Tadema (Laurence Alma) The wings of Icarus. - - . iT1 Tadema, Sir Laurens Alma ; by H. S. N. van Wickevoort Crom- melin. In Dutch painters of nineteenth century, port. Ul. 99701 Tailleur de pierres de Saint-Point ; par A. M. L. de Lamartine. 44888 Tailoring. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Tailoring. 1903. ill. .... 6870 i Taine (Hippolyte A.) Modern regime [France]. 1891-4. 2 v 93H5-6 - The philosophy of art. 1867. ---... 70102 Taine, Hippolyte A. Sainte-Beuve (C. A.) Taine's - History of English literature. " In his Essavs. - . . . E7S1 Tait(J. A. A.) Fives. 1890. ill. - . . . . 7961? -Fives. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. Ul. - - . . 79505 .389 !TAI GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Tait (James) Home trade guide and seamanship. 1905. - - 65607 Tait (Peter G.) Heat. 1895. ill. 53601 Talbot (Edward S.) Bp. Aspects of Christian truth. 1905. - 23016 Tale of a lonely parish ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - - 113 C 3 Tale of a tub ; by J. Swift. In his Works. .... 82821 Tale of Chloe, and other stories ; by G. Meredith. - - - 82 M 13 Tale of the ten ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R33 Tale of two cities ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - 30D18 Tale of two tunnels ; by W. Clark Russell. - - - - 75 R 34 Tales of a grandfather ; by Sir W. Scott. 1898. 2 v. - 91805-6 Tales of a traveller ; by W.Irving. 8l3 Tales of Dunstable Weir ; by Zack. 1Z1 Tales of mean streets ; by A. Morrison. 116 Ml Tales of New England ; by S. 0. Jewett. 19 Jl Tales of the Borders [etc.] ; ed. by J. M. Wilson. 24 v. - 64W1-24 Tales of the heather ; by E. R. Mackenzie. .... 20M1 Tales of three cities ; by H. James. 7J9 Talisman, a tale ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - - - 35 S 20 Tanglewood tales ; by N. Hawthorne. 41H7 Tani (Yukio) joint-author. See Miyake (Taro). Tannahill (Robert) Poems and songs. 1900. mem. port. - 201 T Taquisara [a novel] ; by F. M. Crawford. 113C8 Tarkington (Booth) In the arena, stories of political life. - 60T2 - The two Vanrevels [a novel]. 60T1 Tartarin de Tarascon ; par A. Daudet. 8D4 Tartarin sur les Alpes ; par A. Daudet. 8D5 Tartuffe de mceurs, comedie ; par L. C. Cheron. - - - 84208 Tarver (John C.) Debateable claims, secondary education. 189S. 37901 - Tiberius the Tyrant [his life and times]. 1902. - - - Till Tasma. The penance of Portia James. 59T1 Tasmania, In Bonwick (J.) Facts of old colonial days. 1870. - 98602 Tasso (Torquato) La Gerusalemme liberata. mem. - - - 801 T Tasso, Torquato. In Kuhns (O.) Great poets of Italy, port. - 85102 Tatler ; by J. Addison. In his Works, v. 2. - - - - E2A2 Tatterley, the story of a dead man ; by T. Gallon. - - - 6G1 Tauler (Johann) Book of spiritual poverty [extracts]. - - 24803 Taunton (E. L.) Thomas Wolsey, legate and reformer. 1902. ill. W132 Tautphceus (Baroness) The initials, a novel. 2 copies. - - 3T1 - Quits, a novel. 2 copies. 3T2 Taxation. Mallet (B.) Progression in taxation. In Free exchange. 33002 - Smith (G. A. ) Principles and methods of taxation. 1906. bibl 33609 - See also Income tax. Land. Newspapers. Temperance. Taxidermy. For list of related subjects, see Biology. - Browne (M.) Practical taxidermy, ill. 57902 - Hasluck(P. N.) ed. Taxidermy of birds, mammals, and fish. ill. 57901 390 GOVANHILL BRANCH. TEL Taylor, Bayard [his life and work] ; by A. H. Smith, port. - T051 Taylor (Charles) Partick, past and present. 1902. ill. . 92334 Taylor (James) Historic families of Scotland. 2 v ill - 996 06 7 Taylor, Jane. In Walford (Mrs. L. B.) Four biographies' 1S8S. 99618 Taylor (Jeremy) Bp. Holy living and dying, port - 24101 Taylor, Jeremy, Bp. Gosse (E. W.) Taylor [his life and work]. T061 - Stephen (Sir J. F.) Taylor as a moralist. In his Horae Sab- baticae, v. 1. 1892. - E5S1 Taylor (John E.) Flowers, origin, shapes, perfumes [etc.] col. 01. 58209 - Geological stories. 1904. ill. ...... 55006 - Half-hours at the sea-side. 1901. ill. 59114 - Half-hours in the green lanes. 1901. ill. .... 50415 - Mountain and moor [botany, etc.] 1884. ill. . . . 58114 - The sagacity and morality of plants. 1891. ill - . . 58108 - Underground [geology, etc.] 1884. ill. - 55112 Taylor (Philip M.) Tippoo Sultaun, a tale of the Mysore war.- 6T1 Taylor (R. W. C.) Factory system and Factory Acts. 1894. - 33801 Taylor, Thomas. In Lives of early Methodist preachers. 1903. 99828 Taylor(W. C.)andMACKAY(C) Life and times of Sir R. Peel. 4v P042-5 Taylor, William. Carlyle (T. ) Taylor's Survey of German poetry. In his Essays, v. 3. - - . . . ... E1C3 Taylor, William F. In Dant (C. H.) Churchmen. 1902. port. 99620 Tayside songs, and other verses ; by R. Ford. 1895 - - 20°F Tchaikovski, Peter I. [his music]; by E.M.Lee. 1906. hibl. 78013 Tea-table talk ; by J. K. Jerome. - - - . . 15J7 Teaching. See Education. Technical education. For list of related subjects, see Education. - Cassell's New technical educator. 6 v. ill. .... 60301-6 - In Huxley (T. H.) Science and education. 1S95. - - - 50435 - See also Manual training*. Technology. See Industries and manufactures. Teck, Mary A., Duchess of, Memoir of; by Sir C.K.Cooke. 2v. ill. T081-2 Teeth. For list of related subjects, see Disease. - Underwood (A. S.) Aids to dental surgery. - 6170 i Tele^raph^or lists of related subjects, see Business. Engineering, - Herbert (T. E.) Telegraphy. 1906. ill. .... 65404 " Exposition of the telegraph system of the British Post Office." - In Kennedy (R.) Electrical installations, v. 5. ill. - - 62408 - Preece (Sir W. H.) and Sivewright (Sir J.) Telegraphy, ill. 65409 - See also Atlantic cable. relegraphy, Wireless. In Kennedy (R. ) Electrical installations. 62408 - Mazzotto(D.) Wireless telegraphy. 1906. ill. - . . 65408 - Poincare (H.) and Vreeland (F. K.) Maxwell's theory and wireless telegraphy. 1904. ill. ..... 6541Q - See also Electric waves. 391 TEL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Telepathy. See Thought-reading. Telephone. For lists of related subjects, see Business. Engineering, Electric. - Allsop (F. C. ) Telephones, their construction [etc.] 1905. ill. 65406 - Du Moncel (Count) The telephone [etc.] 1892. ill. - - 65407 - Fairman (J. F.) Standard telephone wiring. 1905. ill. - 65405 - In Kennedy (R.) Electrical installations, v. 5. ill. - - 62408 - Poole (J.) The practical telephone handbook. 1906. ill. - 65402 - Wilder (G. W.) Telephone principles and practice. 1904. ill 65403 Telephony, Wireless. Mazzotto(D.) Wireless telephony. 1906. ill. 65408 Telescope. Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Telescope making. 1905. ill. 68101 - Williams (J. W. ) The telescope, study of the heavens. 1891. ill. 52301 Telford, Thomas. In Smiles (S.) Lives of the engineers. port. 99709 Tell, William. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of the middle ages. 39818 Temperance. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Caine (W. S.) and others. Local option. 1900. - - - 17805 - Rowntree (J.) and Sherwell (A.) The taxation of the liquor trade. 1906. v. 1. 33604 Temperance problem and social reform. 1901. ill. - 17802 - Sanger (C. P.) Compensation in temperance reform. 1901. - 17804 - See also Gothenburg system. Rechabites. Temperley (W. H. V.) Life of Canning. 1905. ill. map. - C281 Temple, Frederick, Archbp. In How (F. D. ) Schoolmasters, port. 99622 Temple (Sir Richard) James Thomason [a memoir]. 1893. - T121 Temple (Sir Richard C. ) The evolution of currency and coinage. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. - - - 50103 Temple, Sir William. Osborne (D.) Letters to Sir W. Temple. - O051 "Temporal power," a study in supremacy ; by Marie Corelli. - 89C11 Temptation and toil, sermons; by W. H. M. H. Aitken. 1895. 25207 Ten commandments [sermons] ; by R. W. Dale. 1884. - - 25248 Ten tales; by F. Coppee. 8701; Ten tribes of Israel. See British -Israel theory. Ten years' tenant [Etc.] ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. 2 copies. 49B5| Tender mercies of the good ; by C. R. Coleridge. - - - 69Cl' Tennis. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Baddeley (W.) Lawn tennis. 1903. ill. .... 79625 - Mahony(H.S.) and others. Lawntennisathomeandabroad. ill. 79602 - Marshall (J. ) Tennis. 1890. ill. 79617 - - Tennis. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. ill. - - - 79605 - Miles (E. H.) Squash-rackets and squash -tennis, ill. - - 79623 - Wilberforce (H. W. W.) Lawn tennis. 1901. ill. - - 79616 Lawn tennis. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. ill. - - 79605 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Works. 1904. port. - - 102 T - Poetical works, mem. port. ill. 103 T - Early poems. 1901. bibl. ill. 101 T - Harold, a drama. 1877. 106 T 392 GOVANHILL BRANCH. THA Tennyson (Alfred, Lord) Lucretius, and other poems. 1874. 105 T - Queen Mary [a dramatic poem]. 1877. 104 T Tennyson, Alfred, Lord. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 2. E9B2 - Collins (J. C.) Illustrations of Tennyson. 1902. - - - 82403 - In Dawson (W. J.) Makers of modern English. 1892. - - 82255 - Graham (P. A.) Art and scenery. In his Nature in books. 1891. 99903 - In Innes (A. D.) Seers and singers. 1893. - 82410 - Jennings (H. J.) Tennyson, a biographical sketch. 1892. - T013 - In Kingsley (C.) Lectures and essays. 1898. - - - - E1K3 - In Knight (W. A.) Retrospects, v. 1. 1904. - 99911 - Lang (A.) Alfred Tennyson [his life and work]. 1901. - - T011 - Lyall (Sir A.) Tennyson [his life and work]. 1902. - - TQ12 - In Mackie (A.) Nature knowledge in modern poetry. 1906. - 82424 - Paterson (A.) The homes of Tennyson. 1905. col. ill. - - T014 - Van Dyke (H.) The poetry of Tennyson. 1896. hibl. port. - 82421 Terence [a novel] ; by Mrs. B. M. Croker. - - - - 119 C 3 Teresa of Watling Street, a fantasia ; by E. A. Bennett. - - 43 B 2 Terminations [tales] ; by H. James. 7J4 ' Terrible.' Crowe (G.) Commission of H.M.S. ' Terrible,' 1898- 1902. ill. 96404 Terrible temptation, a story ; by C. Reade. - - - - 16 R 9 Terror, a romance of the French revolution ; by F. Gras. - - 54 G 2 Sequel to "The Reds of the Midi," 54 Gl. Terry (Charles S.) John Graham of Claverhouse. 1905. ill. - G161 - The Scottish parliament, 1603-1707. 1905. .... 34208 - The Young Pretender. 1903. ill. S371 - ed. The rising of 1745. 1900. ill. maps. .... 9I855 Tertullian. In Farrar (F. W.) Lives of the fathers, v. 1. 1889. 99811 Tessa [a novel] ; by G. Louis Becke. 35 B 3 Testimony of the rocks [geology] ; by H. Miller. 1897. ill. - 55002 Tetley (James G.) Old times and new [reminiscences]. 1904. - T151 TEUFFEL(WiLHELMS.)andScH\VABE(L.) Roman literature. 2 v. 87001-2 Textiles. For list of other industries, see Industries. - Design in textile fabrics. In Cassell's Educator, v. 3-6. ill. - 60303-6 -- Dyeing of textile fabrics. In Cassell's Technical educator. - 60301-6 - Hummel (J. J.) The dyeing of textile fabrics. 1888. ill. - 66702 - Macintyre (R.) Textile industries. In Industries of Glasgow. 92304 - See also Spinning. Weaving. Thackeray (Anne). See Ritchie (Mrs. Anne Thackeray). Thackeray, Francis. Macaulay (Lord) Thackeray's History of the Earl of Chatham. In his Essays. 1904. - - - E8M1 Thackeray (William M.) Works. 189S-1902. 13 v. port. ill. 2 copies. 1. Vanity Fair, a novel without a hero. 12 Tl 2. The history of Pendennis. - 12 T 2 3. Memoirs of Mr. Charles J. Yellowplush. History of Samuel Tit- marsh. Cox's diary. Etc. 82804, 82805 393 THA GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Thackeray (William M.) Works. Continued. 4. Memoirs of Barry Lyndon. Fitz-Boodle papers. Men's wives. Catherine. Etc. 12T3 5. Paris sketch hook. Irish sketch book. Notes of a journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. Etc. 82806, 82807 6. Miss Tickletoby's lectures on English history. Papers by the fat contributor. Miscellaneous contributions to ' ' Punch." History of the next French revolution. Little travels and roadside sketches. Book of snobs. Novels by eminent hands. Sketches and travels in London. Etc. 82802, 82803 7. Henry Esmond. English humourists. Four Georges. [Etc.] - 12T9 8. The Newcomes [a novel]. 12T4 9. Christmas books. - - - - 12 T 5 10. The Virginians. 12T6 11. The adventures of Philip. A shabby genteel story. - - - 12 T 7 12. The wolves and the lamb. Lovel the widower. Roundabout papers. Denis Duval. 12T8 13. Ballads. Critical reviews. Essays. Life of Thackeray ; by Sir L. Stephen. Bibliography. - 82808, 82809 Thackeray, William M. Bagehot (W.) Sterne and Thackeray. In his Literary studies, v. 2. 1905.- - - - " - E9B2 - Brown (J.) Thackeray's death. In his Horse subsecivse, v. 3. E1B3 - In Jeaffreson (J. C.) A book of recollections, v. 1. 1894. - J051 - In Linton (Mrs. E. Lynn) My literary life. 1899. - - L172 - In Lord (W. F.) The mirror of the century. 1906. port. - 82606 j - Melville (L.) The Thackeray country. 1905. ill. map. - 91737 ' - Trollope (A.) Thackeray [his life and work]. 1900. - - T022 . - Whibley (C.) Thackeray [his life and work]. 1903. - - T021 - Wilson (J. G.) Thackeray in the U.S., 1852-3, 1855-6. 2 v. bibl T023-4 Thames. Cornish (C. J.) Naturalist on the Thames. 1902. ill. 59001 - Hutton (W. H.) By Thames and Cotswold. 1903. ill. map. 91716 - Mitton(G.E.) The Thames from London to Oxford. 1902. maps. 91710 - The Thames from the Cotswolds to the Nore. 1906. ill. maps. 91731 That lass o' Lowrie's ; by F. H. Burnett. 111B44 That little girl, a novel ; by Curtis Yorke. - - - - 6Y1 ; That stick ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - - - - - 5Y27 j Thatcher (G. W\) Judges and Ruth. (Century Bible.) map. 22326 Thayer (William M.) Abraham Lincoln, his life. 1902. - - L052 - Benjamin Franklin [a biography]. 1897. .... F042 - From log-cabin to White House, Garfield's life. 1904. - - G121 - From tan-yard to White House, Grant's life. 1904. ill. - G042 - George Washington, boyhood and manhood. 1902. - - W015 - Tact, push, and principle. 1904. 17404 Theal (G. M.) Beginning of South African history. 1902. ill. 96307 Theatre. For list of related subjects, see Drama. - Bancroft (Sir S. B. and Lady) On and off the stage. 1888. 2 v. B181-2 - Baynham (W.) The Glasgow stage. 1892. - 92332 - Cook (D.) On the stage. 1883. 2 v. 79201-2 " Studies of theatrical history and the actor's art." - Hawkins (F.) French stage, eighteenth century. 1888. 2 v. 79203-4 - Molloy (J. F.) The Irish stage, eighteenth century. 2 v. - 79212-3 394 GOVANHILL BRANCH. THE Their silver wedding journey, a novel ; by W. D. Ho wells. - 97 H 2 Theism. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Seth (A.) Two lectures on theism. 1897. .... 21105 - See also Monotheism. Thelma, a Norwegian princess ; by Marie Corelli. - - - 89 C 7 "Theo," a love story ; by F. H. Burnett. 111B40 Theobald (Fred. V.) Parasitic diseases of poultry. 1896. ill. 61903 Theobald (Lewis) Preface to edition of Shakespeare, 1733. In Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare. 1903. - - 82516 Theodoric the Goth ; by T. Hodgkin. 1902. port. ill. maps. - T041 Theology. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Angus (J. ) Theology, a science. In Present day tracts, v. 12. 20413 - Beck (J. T.) Pastoral theology of the New Testament. 1885. 25001 - Boedder (B.) Natural theology. 1902. 21003 - Buchan( J.) The first things. 1902. 21001 "Studies in the embryology of religion and natural theology." - Candlish (J. S.) The Christian salvation. 1899. - - - 23009 The work of Christ. Doctrine of the church. The new life. The sacraments. Eschatology. - Carpenter (J. E.) and Wicksteed (P. H.) Studies in theology. 23013 - Clarke (W. N.) An outline of Christian theology. 1899. - 23015 - D'Arcy (C. F.) Idealism and theology. 1899. - - - 21101 - Davies (E. O.) Theological encyclopaedia. 1905. bibl. - - 23018 - Flint (R.) On theological and other subjects. 1905. - - 20417 - Froude (J. A. ) Plea for the free discussion of theological diffi- culties. In his Short studies, v. 1. 1903. - - - E2F1 - Hodge (A. A.) Outlines of theology. 1879. - 23021 - Hodge (C.) Systematic theology. 1873-5. 4 v. - - -23001-4 1. Theology proper. 2. Anthropology. Soteriology. 3. Soteriology [concluded]. Eschatology. 4. Index. - Huxley (T. H.) The evolution of theology. In his Science and Hebrew tradition. 1895. 21514 - Inskip (J. T. ) The pastoral idea, lectures. 1905. - - - 25002 - Kinnear (J. B. ) The foundations of religion. 1905. - - 23014 - Liddon (H. P.) Some elements of religion. 1894. - - - 23023 - Macleod (N.) Parish papers. 1896. 23006 Thoughts on Christianity. Final judgment. Future life. Revivals. Progress of missions. Mystery of sorrow. - Maistre (Comte de) Les soirees de Saint-Petersbourg. 2 v. - 23024-5 - Matheson (G.) Aids to the study of German theology. 1875. 23022 - Mead (C. M.) Irenic theology. 1905. 23020 - Orr (J.) The progress of dogma. 1901. 23017 - Pfleiderer (0.) Development of theology in Germany since Kant and its progress in Great Britain since 1825. - - 23005 - Philalethes. The search after truth. 1903. - 23019 11 Spiritual religion compared with dogmatic theology." - Pulsford (J.) Jealousy of God, and other papers. 1897. - 23010 395 THE GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Theology. Row (C. A.) The existence and character of God. In Present day tracts, v. 1. 20402 - In Ruskin (J.) On the old road, v. 3. 1899. - - - - 70406 Notes on the construction of sheepfolds. The Lord's Prayer and the church. - Sabatier (A.) Vitality of Christian dogmas. 1898. - - 20106 - Schofield (A. T.) The knowledge of God. 1905. - - - 23102 - Schultz (H.) Old Testament theology. 1892. 2 v. - -22206-7 - Talbot (E. S.) Aspects of Christian truth, sermons. 1905. - 23016 - See also Agnosticism. Catechisms. Christian evidences. Christian life. Christianity. Creation. Creeds. Evangelism. Faith. Free- thought. Future state. Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ. Materialism. Ministry. Prayer. Preaching. Predestination. Rationalism. Religion and science. Revelation. Ritschlianism. Sacrifice. Sanctification. Scepticism. Sermons. Soul. Theism. Trinity. Theophrastus Such, Impressions of ; by George Eliot. - - E1E1 Theosophy. For list of related subjects, see Religion. - Sinnett (A. P. ) The occult world. 1901. .... 21201 - See also Transmigration. There and back ; by G. MacDonald. 10M32 There was once a prince ; by M. E. Mann. - - - - 40 M 4 Thessalonians, Epistles to the. See Bible. ' They ' [a story] ; by R. Kipling. 28K15 Thibet. See Tibet. Thiebattlt (Paul, Baron) Memoirs. 1896. 2 v. port. - - T171-2 Thierry (Augustin) Recits des temps merovingiens. - - 93123 Thiers, Louis A. [his life. In French] ; par P. de Remusat. port. T181 Thimm (C. A.) Italian self-taught. 1906. 45801 Things seen [essays] ; by G. W. Steevens. 1900. - - - E4S1 Thirty-nine articles. For list of related subjects, see Church of England. - Donaldson (J.) The Westminster confession of faith, and the thirty-nine articles of the Church of England. 1905. - 23805 Thirty years' war. Besse (H. de) Relation des campagnes de Rocroy et de Fribourg. 1884. ------ 91022 This son of Vulcan ; by Sir W. Besant and J. Rice. 2 copies. - 49 B 2 Thistledown, a book of Scotch humour ; by R. Ford. ill. - 91824 Thom (John H.) Laws of life after the mind of Christ. 2 v. 25219-20 Thomas (Annie) Social ghosts, a novel. 16 Tl Thomas (Bertha) Camera lucida [a novel]. - - - 17 T 2 - In a cathedral city [a novel]. 17 Tl Thomas (C. H.) Origin of the Anglo-Boer war revealed. 1900. 96412 Thomas (Edward) The woodland life. 1897. - - - - 59009 Thomas (Frank) Hossf eld's Method for learning Portuguese. - 46901 Thomas (M. E.) joint-author. See Hayward (Frank H.) Thomas Dryburgh's dream, a story ; by A. S. Swan. - - - 147 S 24 Thomas Wingfold, curate; by G. MacDonald. - 10M22 Thomason, James [a memoir] ; by Sir R. Temple. 1893. port. T121 396 GOV AN HILL BRANCH. THO Thompson (A. E.) A century of Jewish missions. 1902. ill. - 26601 Thompson (Ernest Seton). See Seton (Ernest Thompson). Thompson (Helen B.) The mental traits of sex. 1903. - - 15201 Thompson (Sir Hy.) Diet in relation to age and activity. 1905. 61323 Thompson (Henry L.) Henry G. Liddell, a memoir. 1899. ill. L211 Thompson (R. W.) and Johnson (A. N.) British missions, 1837-97. 27401 Thompson (Silvanus P. ) Dynamo-electric machinery, a manual for students. 1904-5. 2 v. ill. plans. - 62423-4 Thomson (Alexander) Maryhill, 1750-1894. 1895. - - - 92327 Thomson (David C.) ed. Fifty years of art, 1849-99. 1900. 4°. ill. 70906 Thomson (H. C.) Rhodesia and its government. 1898. ill. map. 96508 Thomson (J. R.) Comte and the religion of humanity. In Present day tracts, v. 8. - -* 20409 - Modern pessimism. In Present day tracts, v. 6. - - - 20407 - Utilitarianism. In Present day tracts, v. 7. - - - - 20408 - The witness of man's moral nature to Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 2. - 20403 Thomson (James) Poetical works ; ed. by W. M. Rossetti. ill. 301 T Thomson, James. Bayne(W.) Thomson [his life and work]. 1898. T201 Thomson (John A.) Eighty years reminiscences. 1904. 2 v. port. T161-2 Thomson (John Arthur) Herbert Spencer [his life and work].- S581 - Progress of science in the century. 1906. .... 50901 Thomson (Joseph) Mungo Park and the Niger. 1890. ill. maps. Pill Thomson (W. C.) Bridge and structural design. 1905. ill. - 62710 Thomson (William M.) The land and the Book. 1903. ill. maps. 22102 Thoreau (Henry D.) Walden [life in the woods]. - - - 81802 Thoreau, Henry D. Graham (P. A.) The philosophy of idleness. In his Nature in books. 1891. 99903 - Sanborn (F. B.) Henry D. Thoreau [his life and work], port. T071 - In Stevenson (R. L.) Men and books. 1906.- - - - E1S4 Thorne (Guy) When it was dark. 24T1 Thorne (William B.) joint-author. See Roebuck (George E.) Thornhill (Mark) Haunts and hobbies of an Indian official. 1899. 94707 Thornton (J.) Manual of bookkeeping. 1906.- - - - 65702 Thornton (John) Elementary physiography. 1906. ill. maps. 55126 - Advanced physiography. 1901. ill. maps. - 55127 Thorny croft Hall [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - 81 W 6 Thorold (Anthony W.) Bp. On friendship. 1896. - - - 17703 Those delightful Americans [a novel] ; by S. J. Duncan. - - 60 D 4 Thought. See Psychology. Thought-reading. For list of related subjects, see Mind and body. - Cumberland (S.) People I have read. 1895. ill. - - - C611 - Mason (R. O.) Telepathy and the subliminal self. 1897. - 13402 - White (G.) Personal magnetism, telepathy, hypnotism. 1905. 13404 Thoughts for the quiet hour ; by J. R. Macduff. 1894. - - 24413 Thousand Eugenias, and other stories ; by Mrs. A. Sidgwick. - 63 SI 397 THR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Three brides ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y28 Three clerks, a novel ; by A. Trollope. - - - . 43 Tl Three cutters ; by Captain F. Marryat. 52 M 8 Three fates ; by F. M. Crawford. 113 C 5 Three feathers, a novel ; by W. Black. - - - . - 62 BIO Three men in a boat ; by J. K. Jerome. - - - - - 15 J 4 Three men on the bummel ; by J. K. Jerome. - - - - 15 J 5 Three Miss Kings ; by A. Cambridge. 902 Three musketeers ; by A. Dumas. 2 copies. .... 58D2 Three tales of the three priests of Peebles [a poem], ill. - - 501 T Thrift. For lists of related subjects, see Ethics. Money. - Avebury (Lord) Happiness and thrift. 1905. - - - 36101 " An address to the members of the Booksellers' Provident Institution." - Brown (M. W.) The development of thrift. 1899. - - 33401 - In Kingsley (C.) Health and education. 1887. - - - E1K4 - Smiles (S.) Thrift, a book of domestic counsel. 1905. ill. - 17408 Thring (Edward) Theory and practice of teaching. 1904. - 37113 Through another man's eyes, a novel ; by E. Holmes. - - 76 H 2 Thrown together, a story ; by F. Montgomery. - - . - 103 Ml Thruston (Arthur B.) African incidents. 1900. mem. port. ill. 95501 Thudichum (George) Testing sewage effluents. 1904. - - 62802 Thunder. Allen (G.) Thunderbolts. In his Falling in love [Etc.] 50419 - Flammarion (C.) Thunder and lightning. 1905. ill. - - 53706 Thursfield (James R.) Peel [his life and times]. 1901. - - P041 Thurston (Mrs. Katherine C.) The circle [a novel]. - - 26T2 - John Chilcote, M.P. [a novel]. 26 Tl Thurston (Robert H.) A manual of steam-boilers. 1904. ill. 62118 - Stationary steam engines. 1902. ill. ..... 62117 Thy people shall be my people [a novel] ; by L. Kieler. - - 22 Kl Tiberius the Tyrant [his life and times] ; by J. C. Tarver. 1902. Till Tibet. Bishop (Mrs. I. L.) Among the Tibetans. 1904. ill. - 94902 - Carey (W.) Travel and adventure in Tibet. 1902. bibl. ill. map. 94905 "Including Miss Taylor's ' Diary of journey through Tibet in 1892-3/ " - Grenard (F.) Tibet and its inhabitants. 1904. map. - - 94903 - Hedin (S.) Central Asia and Tibet. 1903. 2 v. ill. map. - 94910-1 - Sandberg (S. L. G.) Tibet and the Tibetans. 1906. - - 94908 - Sarat Chandra Das. To Lhasa and central Tibet. 1902. ill. 94904 Ticket-writing. Hasluck (P. N.) ed. How to write tickets [etc.] 1902. ill. 69805 Tide on the moaning bar ; by F. H. Burnett. .... 1HB41 Tides ebb out to the night ; by H. Langley. - - - - 13 LI Tieck (Johann L.) Tales ; trans, by T. Carlyle. - - - 128 Ml Fair-haired Eckbert. The trusty Eckart. The Runenberg. The elves. The goblet. Tiele (Cornelius P. ) The history of religion. 1896. - - 20901 Tiger's cub ; by E. Phillpotts. 41 PI 398 GOVANHILL BRANCH. TOL 66603 26502 84005 62704 ill. - 1903. -port. Tiles. Dobson (E. ) The manufacture of bricks and tiles. 1903. ill " Till He come," communion addresses ; by C. H. Spurgeon. 1894 Tilley (Arthur) Literature of the French renaissance. 1885. Tillson (Geo. W. ) Pavements and paving materials. 1903. ill. Timber. For list of related subjects, see Agriculture, - Stone (H.) Timbers and their identification. 1905. ill. - Ward (H. M.) Timber and some of its diseases. 1897. Time and tide, letters on the laws of work ; by J. Ruskin Time machine, an invention ; by H. G. Wells. - Timothy, Epistles to. See Bible. Tinsley(Wm.) Recollections of an old publisher. 1900. 2 v. Tippies (L. R.) Miniature rifle shooting. 1903. ill. Tippoo Sultaun, a tale of the Mysore war ; by P. M. Taylor. - Tirebuck (William) The little widow, and other episodes. Titian. Gronau (G. ) Titian [his life and work]. 1904. bib!, ill. - In Vasari (G.) Lives of the painters, v. 5. 1900. - Titus, Epistle to. See Bible. Titus, a comrade of the cross ; by F. M. Kingsley. - To call her mine, etc. ; by Sir W. Besant. To Esther, and other sketches ; by Mrs. A. T. Ritchie. - " To let," etc. ; by Mrs. B. M. Croker. To right the wrong ; by Edna Lyall. Tobacco. For list of related subjects, see Agriculture. - Penn (W. A.) The soverane herbe, a history. 1902. ill. - Prescott (H. P.) Tobacco and its adulterations. 1858. ill. - Todd (A. B.) Poetical works ; with autobiography. 1906. port. Todd (Alpheus) Parliamentary government in England. 1892. 2v. 35402-3 Todd (George Eyre) Scotland, picturesque, traditional. 1906. ill. 91853 63403 63401 30406 35W1 T091-2 79923 6T1 32T1 T031 99706 25K3 48B11 37R7 119 CI 66L5 17801 61403 701 T 91843 34T1 51301 51117 90802 33103 102H7 93M1 - Sketch-book of the north. 1903. ill - Anne of Argyle, or, cavalier and covenant. - Todhunter (Isaac) The elements of Euclid. 1896. - - Mensuration for beginners. 1903. ill. Toil and travel ; by J. MacGregor. 1892. ill. - Toilers of the field [agricultural workers] ; by R. Jell'eries. 1901. Toilers of the sea ; by V. Hugo. ------- Told on the pagoda, tales of Burmah ; by Mimosa. - Toledo. Lynch (H. ) Toledo, story of an old capital. 1903. ill. plan. 93417 Toleration. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Bagehot (W.) The metaphysical basis of toleration. In hi* Literary studies, v. 3. 1906. - [Helps (Sir A.)] Need for tolerance. In his Friends in council. Tolla ; par E. F. V. About. Tolstoy (Count Lyof N.) My confession. The spirit of Christ's teaching. - Childhood, boyhood, youth. - The Cossacks, a tale of the Caucasus. 399 E9B3 E3H2 1A1 T101 35T3 35T2 TOL GLASGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Tolstoy (Count Lyof N.) War and peace. 35T1 Tolstoy, Count Lyof N. In Arnold (M. ) Essays in criticism. 1902. E3 A2 - Birukoff (P.) Leo Tolstoy, his life and work. 1906. v. 1. port. ill. T103 - Chesterton (G. K.) Tolstoy and the cult of simplicity. In his ' Varied types. 1905. - - - ... - Knowlson (T. S.) Tolstoy, a study. 1904. bill. port. - Tom Brown's school-days ; by T. Hughes. - Tom Brown at Oxford ; by T. Hughes. - Sequel to "Tom Brown's school-days." Tom Burke of " Ours " ; by C. Lever. ..... Tom Cringle's log ; by M. Scott. Tom Sawyer, The adventures of ; by Mark Twain. - Tom Sawyer abroad ; by Mark Twain. Sequel to " Huckleberry Finn," 52T1. Tom Sawyer, detective, and other tales ; by Mark Twain. Sequel to " Tom Sawyer abroad." Tomaso's fortune, and other stories ; by Henry Seton Merriman. Tomkins (Henry G.) Studies on the times of Abraham. 1878. ill Tomlinson (F. L.) joint-author. See Valentine (E. S.) Tommy and Grizel ; by J. M. Barrie. Sequel to " Sentimental Tommy," 24 B 6. Tommy Atkins of the Ramchunders ; by R. Blatchford. - Tommy Upmore [a tale] ; by R. D. Blackmore. - Tompkins (Edward S. D.) Through David's realm [Palestine]. - Tonic sol-fa. For list of related subjects, see Singing. - Curwen (J.) Standard course in tonic sol-fa. - Tonic sol-fa [a primer], mas. - See also Harmony. Tony Drum, a Cockney boy ; by E. W. P U gh. - Tony's Highland tour ; by J. A. Hammerton. 1901. Tooket (W. A.) Gas producers for power purposes. Tooley (Sarah A.) Personal life of Queen Victoria. Tools. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Cutting tools. In CasselFsXew technical educator, v. 1-4. ill. - Horner (J.) Tools for engineers and woodworkers. 1905. ill Topffer (Rodolphe) Histoire de Jules ; Histoire de Charles with notes by P. H. E. Brette and G. Masson. Tophel (G.) The work of the Holy Spirit in man. 1882. - Tormentor [a novel] ; by Benjamin Swift. Torr (H. J.) Parochial church councils. In Essays. 1902. - Torrents of spring [and other stories] ; by I. Turgeuev. - Torrey (Reuben A.) How to study the Bible. 1896. Torrington, Earl of, Adm. ; by P. H. Colomb. In Naval heroes. Totemism. For list of related subjects, see Folk-lore. - Frazer (J. G.) Totemism. 1887. 39822 Tourmalin's time cheques ; by F. Anstey. 35A3 400 ill. map. 1905. ill. 1901. ill. E4C1 T102 101H1 101 H 2 39L6 34S1 52T2 52 T7 52T8 85M12 22318 24B7 68B1 63B12 94507 78406 78417 63P3 92220 66502 V023 60301-4 62301 44859 23103 150 3 2 26003 49T2 22105 99619 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. TEA Tours (Berthold) The violin [a tutor], mas. - 78707 Tout (Thomas F.) An advanced history of Great Britain [to 1901]. 1906. maps, plans. 91245 - Edward I. [a biography]. 1901. E022 - [Political] History of England, 1216-1377. 1905. maps. - 91340 Toute petite ; par J. Girardin. 37 Gl Tower of London, a romance ; by W. H. Ainsworth. - - 16 A 3 T[owle] (E. A.) Alexander H. Mackonochie, a memoir. 1891. ill. M341 Towns. Green (Mrs. J. R.) Town life in fifteenth century. 1894. 2 v. 91347-8 - Robinson (C. M.) The improvement of towns and cities. 1901. 35202 Townsend (Meredith) Asia and Europe. 1903. - - - 94302 Toynbee (Paget) Dante studies and researches. 1902. - - 85101 Tracks of a rolling stone [reminiscences] ; by H. J. Coke. 1905. C421 Tracy (Louis) Princess Kate [a romance]. - 40T1 Trade. Wallace (A. R.) Depression of trade. In his Studies, v. 2. 50439 - See also Free trade and protection. Trade unions. For list of related subjects, see Labour. - Drage (G.) Trade unions. 1905. 33116 - Howell (G.) Trade unionism, new and old. 1900.- - - 33108 Trader's wife ; by G. Louis Becke. 35 B 3 Trafalgar. In Fitchett (W. H.) Deeds that won the Empire. 1905. ill. plans. 91410 - Lamartine (A. M. L. de) Trafalgar [In French] ; with notes. - 44857 Trafalgar [a romance. In Spanish] ; by B. P. Galdos ; with notes. 1905. 46803 Traffics and discoveries [stories] ; by R. Kipling. - - - 28K16 Tragedy. See Drama. Tragedy of the Korosko ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - - 51 D 12 Tragic comedians ; by G. Meredith. 82M14 Trail of the sword ; by Sir G. Parker. 8P7 Traill (Henry D.) Coleridge [his life and work]. 1904.- - C171 - The new Lucian, dialogues of the dead. 1884. - - - 82714 - Shaftesbury, the first Earl [a biography]. 1886. - - - S571 - Sterne [his life and work]. 1889. - - - - - - S171 - William III. [his life and times]. 1902. Will Training. See Physical education. Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry ; by W. Carleton. 4 v. 21 C 1-4 Tramp abroad ; by Mark Twain. 52T15 Tramps abroad, More ; by Mark Twain. 52 T 4 Tramways. Agnew (W. A.) Electric tramcar handbook. 1905. ill. 62414 Transformation, a romance ; by N. Hawthorne. - - - 41 H 10 Transgressors [a novel] ; by R. Masson. 61M2 Transit of the red dragon, and other tales ; by E. Phillpotts. - 41 P 5 Translation of a savage ; by Sir G. Parker. - - - 8P8 Transmigration. Besant (Mrs. A.) Reincarnation. 1897. - 21202 Transvaal. Bell (F. \V.) The South African conspiracy. 1900. 96601 401 TEA GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES, Transvaal. Rose (E. B.) The truth about the Transvaal. 1902. Traseaden Hall, a novel ; by W. G. Hamley. - Tratman (E. E. R.) Railway track and track work. 1901. Travailleurs de la mer ; par V. Hugo. .... Travel. For list of related subjects, see History. - Avebury (Lord) The pleasures of travel. In his Pleasures of life. - Benyowsky (Count de) Memoirs and travels [1741-71]. ill. - - Buckingham (Duchess of) Glimpses of four continents. 1894. ill. " A tour in Australia, New Zealand, and Xorth America." - Galton (F. ) The art of travel. 1893. ill. - - Kingsley (G. H.) Notes on sport and travel. 1900. - MacGregor (J. ) Toil and travel, round the world. 1892. ill. - Mandeville (Sir J.) Travels [1322-57]. 1900.- - Pictorial tour of the world, pen and pencil sketches. - Pinnock (J.) Wander-years round the world. 1904. ill. maps. - Stevenson (R. L. ) Essays of travel. 1905. .... 96419 13H1 ill. 62707 - 102 H 13 E1A1 90811 90812 90809 79920 90802 90823 90810 90829 90822 Thackeray (W. M.) From Cornhill to Cairo, ill. 2 copies. 82806,82807 ill. 90830 - Treves (Sir F.) The other side of the lantern. 1906. " An account of a commonplace tour round the world." - Wallace (A. R.) Modes of travelling. In his Wonderful century. 1905. ill. 50903 - Willcocks (Sir J.) From Kabul to Kumassi. 1904. ill. maps. 90827 - See also Voyages. Traveller from Altruria, a romance ; by W. D. Howells. - - 97H4 Travers (Graham) Mona Maclean, medical student, a novel. - 41 Tl Travers (Hettie) From an invalid's window [sketches]. - - 82838 Treasure Island ; by R. L. Stevenson. 119S9 Treasure of heaven, a romance ; by Marie Corelli. - - - 89 C 17 Tredgold (Thomas) Principles of carpentry. 19U4. ill. - - 69401 Trees. For lists of related subjects, see Botany. Gardening. - Hoare (H.) Flowering trees and shrubs. 1902. col. ill. - 71501 - Johns (C. A.) The forest trees of Britain. 1903. ill. - - 58201 - Step (E.) Wayside and woodland trees. 1904. ill. - - 58202 Tremlett diamonds ; by Alan St. Aubyn. 4S2 Trench (Richard C. ) Archbp. Commentary on the Epistles to the seven churches in Asia. 1897. 22901 - Medieval church history. 1886. 27018 - Proverbs and their lessons. 1905. 39821 Trent ( William P. ) Greatness in literature, and other papers. 1905. 80403 maps. - William G. Simms [his life and work], Trespasser [a novel] ; by Sir G. Parker. Trevelyax (George M.) England under the Stuarts. - Poetry and philosophy of George Meredith. 1906. Trevelyax (Sir Geo. O.) Interludes in verse and prose. - The life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 1901. Treves (Sir Fred. ) Other side of the lantern [travel]. 1906 402 1905. ill. S131 8P11 91337 82423 82813 M072 90830 GOVANHILL BRANCH. TRO Trevlyn Hold, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 76 W 17 Trevor (John) My quest for God [autobiography]. 1897. port. T141 Trial ; by C. M. Yonge. 5Y29 " More links of 'The daisy chain,' " 5Y8. Trials. For list of related subjects, see Law. - Stephen (Sir L. ) State trials. In his Hours in a library, v. 3. E2S3 Tribolo. In Vasari (G.) Lives of the sculptors [etc.], v. 4. 1851. 99705 Trigonometry. For list of related subjects, see Mathematics. - Buck (R. C.) A manual of trigonometry for sailors. 1906. - 51402 - D'Arcy (R. F.) Trigonometry for beginners. 1905. ill. - - 51404 - Lachlan (R.) and Fletcher (W. C.) Plane trigonometry.- - 51403 - Lock (J. B.) Elementary trigonometry. 1905. ill. - - 51405 - Macnab (J.) Trigonometry simplified [for seamen]. 1902. - 51401 - Plane trigonometry. In Cassell's Popular educator, v. 5-6. - 03205-6 Trilby, a novel; by G. Du Maurier. - - - - - 66 Dl Trine (Ralph W.) What all the world's a-seeking. 1904. - 17118 Trinity. For list of related subjects, see Theology. - Simon (D. W.) The Trinity. In Present day tracts, v. 14. - 20415 Triple entanglement ; by Mrs. B. Harrison. - - - - 28 HI Tristram (Henry B. ) Rambles in Japan. 1895. ill. - - 95310 Tristram of Blent, an episode ; by Anthony Hope. - - 82 H 7 Trois cousines, comedie ; par F. C. Dancourt. .... 84203 Trois mousquetaires ; par A. Dumas. 58D9 Trois sultanes, comedie ; par C. S. Favart. .... 84207 Trollope (Anthony) Thackeray [his life and work]. 1900. - T022 - The Bertrams, a novel. 43T10 - Chronicles of Barsetshire : 1. The warden, 43 T 12. 2. Barchester Towers, 43 Til. 3. Dr. Thorne, 43T3. 4. Framley Parsonage, 43T13. 5. The Small House at Allmgton, 43 T4. - The Claverings [a novel]. 43 T 2 - The Eustace diamonds. - - - - - - - 43 T 9 - Marion Fay [a novel]. 43 T 8 - Mr. Scarborough's family. 43 T 7 - Orley Farm [a tale]. 43 T 5 - The three clerks, a novel. 43 Tl - The way we live now. 43 T 6 Trollope, Anthony. 7nLord(W. F.) Mirror of the century, port. 82606 Trollope, Frances, life and work; by F. E. Trollope. 1895. 2 v. T131-2 Trombone. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Duncan (C.) Tutor for the trombone, mus. - - - - 78810 Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland ; by O. Schreiner. - - 32S2 Trotter (Lionel J.) Life of Hodson of Hodson's Horse. 1901. H151 Troubadours. Rowbotham (J. F.) Troubadours and courts of love. 1895. bil>l. ill. 84901 - Rutherford (J.) The troubadours, their loves and lyrics. - 84902 Troubridge,SirThos.,Adm. :by[E. C. T.]Troubridge. In Naval heroes. 99619 403 TRO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Troup (Robert) The Missionar Kirk of Huntly. 1901. mem. 28507 Trout. For related subjects, see Fish, fishing. - Brown (J. A. H. ) The wonderful trout. 1898. - - - 79921 - Maxwell (Sir H. E.) Salmon and sea trout. 1898. ill. - - 79914 [Trowbridge (Wm. R. H.)] Letters of her mother to Elizabeth. 47T1 Supplementary to Glyn's "Visits of Elizabeth," 32GL Troy Town [a story] ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - 97C1 Truants [a romance] ; by A. E. W. Mason. - - - - 59 Ml True heart [a romance] ; by F. Breton. 89 Bl Trumbull (H. C.) Border lines of doubtful practices. 1899. - 17016 Trumpet-major, a tale ; by T. Hardy. 21H7 Trusts. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Jeans (J. S.) Trusts, pools, and corners. 1894. - - - 33802 - Lawson (T. W.) Frenzied finance. 1906. .... 33805 " The crime of Amalgamated [Copper Company]." - Macrosty (H. W.) Trusts and the state. 1901. - - - 33806 Truth. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Birrell (A.) Truth-hunting. In his Obiter dicta, v. 1. 1906. E10B3 - [Hare (J. C. and A. W.)] Guesses at truth. 1897. - - 82820 Truthful liar ; by Mrs. D. G. Ritchie. 39R1 Tschudi (Clara) Elizabeth, Empress of Austria [her life]. - E131 - Maria Sophia, Queen of Naples. 1905. M381 " A continuation of ' Elizabeth, Empress of Austria."' Tucker, Alfred R., Bp. 7rcDant(C. H.) Churchmen. 1902. port. 99620 Tuckwell (Gertrude M.) The state and its children. 1894. - 36001 Tuckwell(Wm.) A.W. Kinglake, a biographical study. 1902. ill. K071 - Reminiscences of Oxford. 1901. ill. 37801 Tudsbery (J. H. T.) and Brightmore (A. W.) The principles of waterworks engineering. 1905. ill. - 62803 Turbines. For list of related subjects, see Engineering". - Innes (C. H.) The centrifugal pump, turbines [etc.] 1904. ill. 62209 - Stodola (A.) Steam turbines. 1906. ill. .... 62113 Turcaret, comedie ; par A. R. Le Sage. 84204 Turgenev (Ivan) Torrents of spring [and other stories], - - 49T2 First love. Mumu. - Virgin soil, a novel. 49 Tl Turgot, Anne R. J. In Morley (J.) Critical miscellanies, v. 2. E3M3 - Say (L. ) Turgot [his life and work. In French], bibl. port. T191 Turkestan. Church (P. W.) Chinese Turkestan. 1901. ill. map. 94906 - Meakin (A. M. B.) In Russian Turkestan. 1903. ill. map. 94907 Turkey. Argyll (Duke of) Our responsibilities for Turkey. 1896. 93903 - Bliss (E.M.) Turkey and Armenian atrocities. 1896. ill. map. 93905 - Garnett (L. M. J.) Turkish life in town and country, ill. - 93908 - MacColl (M.) The Sultan and the powers. 1896.- - - 93907 - See also Greco-Turkish war. Russo -Turkish war. Turnbull (Mrs. and Miss) Knitting [etc.] In Woman's library. 64602 404 GOVANHILL BRANCH. TWO Turner, Joseph M. W. Jn Raskin (J.) On pictures, v. 1. 1902.27/. 75001 Turner (Samuel) Siberia, a record of travel. 1905. ill. maps. 94026 Turning. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Compton (A. G.) and DeGroodt (J. H.) The speed-lathe. 189S. ill. 62304 - Greenwood (T.) The new turners' and fitters' handbook. HI 62309 - Horner (J. G.) Engineers' turning. 1905. ill. - - - 62302 - Lukin (J. ) The lathe and its uses. 1905. ill. - - - 62308 - - ed. Turning lathes. 1904. ill. 62303 Twain (Mark) The adventures of Tom Sawyer. - - - 52T2 - The adventures of Huckleberry Finn [sequel to '-'Tom Sawyer"]. 52T1 - Tom Sawyer abroad [sequel to ''Huckleberry Finn"]. - - 52 T 7 - Tom Sawyer, detective [sequel to "Tom Sawyer abroad"] and other tales. 52T8 - The American claimant. 52T10 - The innocents abroad. 52 T 3 - The jumping frog. 52T14 - The £1,000,000 bank-note, and other stories. - 52T11 - Personal recollections of Joan of Arc [a romance]. - - - 52 T 13 - Pucld'nhead Wilson, a tale. 52T12 - Roughing it. The innocents at home. 52 T 5 - The stolen white elephant, etc. 52T6 - A tramp abroad. " - - 52 T 15 - More tramps abroad. - " 52 T 4 - A Yankee at the court of King Arthur. 52 T 9 Tweddell, John. In Paston (George) Little memoirs, port. - 99604 Tweedie (Mrs. Alec) Mexico as I saw it, 1902. ill. map. - 97601 Tween snow and fire, a tale of the Kafir war ; by B. Mitford. - 96 M 2 Twelve English statesmen. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Twelve stories and a dream ; by H. G. Wells. - - - - 35 W 7 Twenty years after ; by A. Dumas. 2 copies. - - - - 58 D 3 Sequel to "Three musketeers," 58D2. Twenty years ago, literary life in London ; by E. Downey. 1905. D171 Twice-told tales ; by X. Hawthorne. 41H8 Twice tried ; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 25 Twilight of the gods, and other tales ; by R. Garnett. - - 8G1 Twining (Louisa) Workhouses and pauperism. 1898. - - 33901 Two bites at a cherry, with other tales ; by T. B. Aldrich. - 21 A2 Two captains ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R37 Two chiefs of Dunboy, an Irish romance ; by J. A. Froude. - 59F1 Two hours ; by Mrs. A. T. Ritchie. ------ 37R4 Two in captivity ; by V. Brown. 98B1 Two little wooden shoes, a sketch ; by Ouida. - - - - 1404 Two marriages ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. 107C1 Two men o' Mendip ; by W. Raymond. 12R1 405 TWO GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Two on a tower ; by T. Hardy. 21H8 Two paths, lectures on art ; by J. Ruskin. 1901. - - - 70401 Two penniless princesses ; by C. M. Yonge. - - - - 5Y30 Two sides of the face, midwinter tales ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. 97 C 9 Two Vanrevels [a novel] ; by B. Tarkington. - - - 60 Tl Two years ago ; by C. Kingsley. 24K6 Two years before the mast, life at sea ; by R. H. Dana. - - D101 Tyler (F. E.) Peeps into the past, city life [London]. 1906. ill. 91734 Tylor (Edward B. ) Anthropology. 1895. ill. - - - 57201 - Primitive culture. 1903. 2 v. 29003-4 Tynan (Katharine) The handsome Quaker, and other stories. - 56 T4 - Love of sisters. 56 Tl - A union of hearts. 56 T 2 Tyndall (John) Fragments of science. 1902. 2 v. ill. - 50410-11 - New fragments. 1897. 50412 - Heat, a mode of motion. 1898. ill. - 53602 Typee [a romance of the South Seas] ; by H. Melville. - - 131 M 2 Types and emblems, sermons ; by C. H. Spurgeon. 1888. - 25214 Typewriting. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Morton (A. E. ) Modern typewriting, ill. .... 65203 - Parkyn (W. A.) Commercial typewriting. 1901. ill. - - 65202 Typography. See Printing. Tyrants of Kool-Sim ; by J. M. Cobban. 66C3 Tyrrell (J. W.) Across the sub- Arctics of Canada, 1893. ill.- 96904 Tyrwhitt (R. St. J.) Our sketching club, letters and studies on landscape art. 1874. ill. 75808 Tytler (Patrick F.) History of Scotland. 1841-3. 9 v. 91810-18 Tytler (Sarah) The Blackhall ghosts. 58T43 - Buried diamonds. -----.... 58T42 - Lady Bell, a story. 58T41 - The poet and his guardian angel [a story]. .... 58T40 - and Watson (J. L.) The songstresses of Scotland. 1871. 2 v. 82201-2 U Ubique. Modern warfare, how our soldiers fight. 1903. ill. maps. 35503 Uddingston. Henderson (G.) and Waddell (J. J.) By Both well banks. 1904. ill. 92009 Uganda. Austin (H.H.) With Macdonald in Uganda. 1903. ill. map. 96101 - Cotton (P. H. G. P.) In unknown Africa. 1904. ill. maps.- 96111 - Johnston (Sir H. H.) Uganda Protectorate. 1902. 2 v. ill. 96112-3 - Lugard (Sir F. D.) Story of the Uganda Protectorate, map. 96102 Umbria. Macquoid (K. S.) Pictures in Umbria. 1905. ill. - 93601 Uncle Bernac, a memory of the Empire ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. 51D11 Uncle John, a novel ; by G. J. Whyte Melville. - - - 79 M 10 Uncle Tom's cabin ; by H. B. Stowe. 2 copies. - - - 128 SI 406 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. UNI maps. . Mabie. 1905. ill. 30D19 159 SI 101 41K1 28K12 25212 123M3 21H9 94001 44W10 32H2 50431 1403 55112 Uncommercial traveller ; by C. Dickens. 3 copies. - Under Cheddar cliffs, a story ; by E. Seeley. - Under Croagh Patrick [a novel] ; by Mrs. W. O'Brien. Under fire [a romance] ; by C. King. - Under the deodars, and other stories ; by R. Kipling. Under the dome [sermons] ; by A. F. W. Ingram. - Under the Great Bear ; by K. Munroe. Under the greenwood tree ; by T. Hardy. - Under the red crescent ; by C. S. Ryan. 1897. Under the red robe ; by S. J. Weyman. - Under the redwoods [tales] ; by F. Bret Harte. - Under the trees and elsewhere [essays] ; by H. W Under two flags, a novel ; by Ouida. - Underground [geology, etc.] ; by J. E. Taylor. 1884. Understanding. See Intellect. Underwood (Arthur S.) Aids to dental surgery. - Underwood (Francis H.) Quabbin, the story of a small towm- Underwoods [poems] ; by R. L. Stevenson. 1902. - Unemployed. For list of related subjects, see Labour. - Alden (P.) The unemployed, a national question. 1905. bibl - Cornford (L. C.) The canker at the heart. 1905. - - Hatch (E. F. G.) A reproach to civilization. 1906. - Hobson (J. A.) The problem of the unemployed. 1896. Unheeding God, and other sermons ; by T. G. Selby. 1899. - Unholy wish, and other stories ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - Union of hearts ; by K. Tynan. Unitarianism. For list of other sects, see Church. - Mott (F. B.) A short Unitarian history. 1906. - Walters (F.) and others. Free thought and Christian faith. - United States. Battine (C.) Crisis of the Confederacy. 1905. 11 A history of Gettysburg and the Wilderness." - Bryce (J.) The American Commonwealth. 1903. 2 v. - 1 The national government. The state governments. 2. The party system. Public opinion. Illustrations and reflections. S 61701 2U1 201 S 33123 33125 33124 33111 25239 76W38 56T2 28802 28801 97214 34202-3 - Butterworth (H.) Zigzag journeys in western states, ill. - Carnegie (A.) Triumphant democracy. 1888. 11 Fifty years' march of the Republic." - Colquhoun( A. R.) Greater America. 1904. maps. - - - Cross (J. W.) The new world. Extension of^ railways in 97403 97204 97210 Impressions. 1893. - 1893. ill. America. America rediviva. Social New York. In his - E6C1 - 97211 97202, 97203 - 97206 7. map. 97309-10 maps. 97220 ! copies. - Crowe (E.) With Thackeray in America. - Dickens (C.) American notes. 1896. ill. - Dixon (W. H.) New America. - - Doyle (J. A.) English in America, Puritan colonies. 2 - Eggleston (E.) A history of the United States, ill. - Fiske (J. The Dutch and Quaker colonies. 407 1899. 2v. maps. 97307-8 UNI GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. United States. Gilman (A.) A history of the American people. 1883. ill. maps. -----... 97212 - Irving (W.) Astoria. A tour on the prairies. 1893. - - 97402 - Johnston (A.) American political history. 1905. 2 v. - -97215-6 1. The revolution, the constitution, and the growth of nationality 1/ 63-1832. 2. Slavery controversy, civil war, and reconstruction, 1820-76. ' - Lodge (H. C.) The story of the American revolution. 1903. ill. 97221 - Mahan (A. T.) The interest of America in sea power. 1898. maps. 32703 Sea power in its relations to the war of 1812. 1905. 2 v. ill. maps. \ 97222-3 - Morris (C.) The American navy. 1898. ill. map. - - 97213 - O'Rell (Max) and Allyn (J. ) Jonathan and his continent. 1889. 97201 - Roosevelt (T.) The naval war of 1812. 1903. bibl. ill. - 97219 - Snow (A. H.) The administration of dependencies. 1902. - 32505 "Evolution of the Federal Empire, with special reference to American colonial problems." - Soley (J. R.) The [American] navy in the civil war, the blockade and the cruisers. 1898. maps. - - - 972O8 - Steevens (Gr. W. ) The land of the dollar. 1900. - - - 97205 - Stevenson (R.L.) Across the plains [New York to San Francisco]. El S 2 - Watson (W.) Life in the Confederate army during civil war. - 97501 - Willson (B. ) The new America. 1903. 97207 Universal review, 1888-90. v. 1-8. ill. 9301-8 Universe. For list of related subjects, see Science. - Pouchet (F. A.) The universe. 1902. col. ill. - . . 50001 - Reynolds (0. ) Ideas as to structure of the universe. 1902. ill. 53901 Universities. Birrell (A.) Ideal of a university. In his Mis- cellanies. 1902. E10B2 - Compayre (G.) Abelard and the origin and early history of universities. 1893. bibl. A 141 - In Huxley (T. H.) Science and education. 1895. - - - 50435 Universities, actual and ideal. Address on university education. - See also Edinburgh University. Oxford University. University and other sermons ; by M. Creighton. 1903. - - 25231 University sermons, 1873-98 ; 'by J. Caird. 1899. - - - 25232 University tutorial series. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. Unknown to history, a story ; by C. M. Yonge. - - . 5Y31 Unnamed, a romance of modern Italy ; by W. Le Queux. - - 36 L 2 Unto this last, essays on political economy ; by J. Ruskin. 1903. 33006 Unwix (George) Industrial organization in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. 1904. ---... 33126 Uxwix (Raymond) joint-author. See Parker (Barry). Unyoro. Thruston (A. B. ) African incidents. 1900. ill. map. 95501 Up side streets [stories] ; by W. Pett Ridge. .... 34^ Upholstery. For list of related subjects, see Domestic economy. - Hasluck (P. N.) ed. Upholstery. 1904. ill. - - - . 64501 408 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. VAL Upper berth ; by F. M. Crawford. 113 C 11 Upton (George P. ) Standard operas, music and composers. 1906. 78218 UrwAKD (Allen) Secret history of to-day [short stories]. - - 4U2 - The wonderful career of Ebenezer Lobb. - - - - 4U1 - The wrongdoer. - 4U3 Urith, a tale of Dartmoor ; by S. Baring Gould. - - - 43 G 6 Urlin (R. D.) and Shearwood (J. A.) The income tax. 1S8S. - 33608 Urn-burial. Browne (Sir T.) Hydriotaphia. ... - 39301 Urquhart (John W.) Electric light fitting. 1904. ill. - - 62427 - Electro-plating, a practical handbook. 1905. ill. - - 62428 Ursula, Saint. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of the middle ages. 39818 Ursula Vivian [a story] ; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 26 Uruguay. In Dawson (T. C. ) South American republics, v. 1. 1904. 97801 Useful arts. See Arts, Useful. Ussher (R. ) Xeo-Malthusianism. 1897. 31201 Usury. See Interest. Utilitarianism. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - Mill (J. S. ) Utilitarianism. 17129 - Thomson (J. R.) Utilitarianism. In Present day tracts, v. 7. 20408 Utopia [an imaginary ideal commonwealth] ; by Sir T. More. - 32001 Vagabond heroine ; by Mrs. A. Edwardes. - - - 12 El Val d'Arno, on Tuscan art ; by J. Ruskin. 1900. ill. - - 70905 Valdes (Armando P.) Froth, a novel. 2 VI Vale of cedars, a story of Spain ; by G. Aguilar. - - - 12A4 Valentin, a story of Sedan ; by H. Kingsley. - - - - 26 K 3 Valentine (E. S.) and Tomlinson (F. L.) Travels in space. UK 53301 Valentine (L.) ed. Palestine, past and present. ill. - - 94502 Valentine, a story of ideals ; by Curtis Yorke. - - - - 6Y3 Valentine and his brother : by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. - - 60 9 Valentine Vox, the ventriloquist ; by H. Cockton. - - - 67C2 Valerie; by Captain F. Marryat. 52M18 Valet's tragedy, and other studies ; by A. Lang. 1903. ill. - 90405 Valiant and true ; by J. Spillmann. 98S1 Valkyries, a romance ; by E. F. Benson. - - - - 46 Bl Valley of decision ; by E. Wharton. 45W1 Valley of the great shadow ; by A. E. Holdsworth. - - - 73 H 2 Valleys. Wallace (A. R.) Inaccessible valleys. In hi* Studies. 50438 Valton, John. In Lives of early Methodist preachers. 1903. - 99828 Valuation. For list of related subjects, see Business. - Wheeler (J.) The appraiser, auctioneer, house and estate agent, and valuer's pocket assistant. 1905. - - - 65801 Value. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Wieser (F. von) Natural value. 1S93. 33005 109 VAL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Valves. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Hurst (C.) Valves and valve-gearing. 1905. ill. - - - 62114 Vambery (Armlnius) Story of my struggles. 1904. 2 v. port. V 071-2 Van Dyke (Henry) The poetry of Tennyson. 1896. - - 82421 - Ships and havens [ethics]. 17014 - The blue flower [and other stories]. 6 VI Van Dyke (John C.) The opal sea. 1906. .... 55124 Vanity ! the confessions of a court modiste ; by Rita. - - 36 R 2 Vanity Fair, a novel ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12 Tl Vannier de Chevreloup ; par J. Lavergne ; with notes. 1894. - 44848 Van Rensselaer (Mrs. Schuyler) English cathedrals. 1893. ill. 72602 Vanucci, Pietro. See Perugino. Varnhagen von Ense, K. A., Memoirs; byT. Carlyle. In his Essays. E1C5 Vasari (Giorgio) Lives of eminent painters, sculptors, and architects. 1850-1900. 5 v. port. .... 99702-6 1. Giotto. Lorenzo Ghiberti. Filippo Brunelleschi. Donato. 2. Domenico Ghirlandajo. Pietro Perugino. Leonardo da Vinci. 3. Raphael Sanzio. Andrea del Sarto. Rosso. 4. Antonio da San Gallo. Giulio Romano. Perino del Vaga. Domenico Beccafumi. Xiccolo, called Tribolo. Baccio Bandinelli. Cristofano Gherardi. Jacopo da Puntormo. Michele San Michele. Bastiano, called Aristotile da San Gallo. 5. Battista Franco. Giovan-Francesco Rustici. Fra Giovan' Agnolo Montorsoli. Francesco Salviati. Taddeo. Zucchero. Michelagnolo Buonarroti. Titian. Jacopo Sansovino. [Etc. ] Vassall (Harry) and Bcdd (A.) Football, the Rugby game. ill. 79707 Vathek [a tale] ; by W. Beckford. With hi* European travels. 91012 Vaughax (C. E.) ed. English literary criticism [extracts]. 1906. 82016 Vaughax (Charles J.) Last words in the parish church of Doncaster [sermons]. 1872. -....- 25245 - Sundays in the Temple [sermons]. 1871. .... 25244 Vaughan. Charles J. In How (F. D.) Great schoolmasters, port. 99622 Vaughan. Henry. In Brown (J.) Horse subsecivae, v. 1. 1900. E1B1 Vaughan. Robert A. Kingsley (C.) Hours with the mystics. In his Lectures and essaj-s. 1898. E1K3 Vauvenargues, Marquis de. In Morley (J.) Miscellanies, v. 2. 1905. E3M3 - Paleologue (M.) Vauvenargues [his life. In French]. 1890. - V081 Vega. Lope de, Life of ; by H. A. Rennert. 1904. bibl. port. - V051 Vegetables. For lists of related subjects, see Agriculture. Gardening. - Bailey (L. H.) Vegetable-gardening. 1901. ill. - - - 63501 - De Sails (Mrs. H. A.) Gardening a la mode, vegetables. 1895. 63502 Vegetarianism. Miles (E. H.) Failures of vegetarianism. 1902. 61329 - Newman (F. W.) and others. Cameos of vegetarian literature. 61330 - Salt (H. S.) The logic of vegetarianism. 1906. - - - 61319 Veitch (John) Hamilton [his life and philosophy]. 1901. - 19202 - Knowing and being [essays]. 1889. 10403 Velvet glove : by Henry Seton Merriman. .... 85M3 Venceslas, tragedie : par J. de Botrou. 84210 Vendetta ! or, the story of one forgotten ; by Marie Corelli. - 89 C10 Venezuela. In Dawson (T. C.) South American republics, v. 2. ill. 97802 410 GOVANHILL BRANCH. VIC Vengeance is mine ; by A. Balfour. 7B1 Vengeance of James Vansittart ; by Mrs. J. H. Needell. - - 3N4 Venice. Freeman (E. A.) Subject and neighbour lands of Venice. 93612 - Green (J. R.) Two Venetian studies. In his Stray studies, v. 1. E2G1 - Okey (T.) The story of Venice. 1905. ill. maps. - - 93709 - Ruskin(J.) St. Mark's Rest, Venice [and] her monuments. 1902.70904 - - The stones of Venice. 1902-3. 3 v. ill. - 72003-5 1. The foundations. 2. The sea-stories. 3. The fall. - Saint-Real (C. Vichard, abbe* de) Conjuration des Espagnols contre Venise. 1884. 91023 Ventilation. For list of related subjects, see Building. - Buchan (W. P.) Ventilation of buildings. 1902. ill. - - 69701 - See also Coal. Ventriloquism. For list of other amusements, see Amusements. - Ganthony (R.) Practical ventriloquism. 1903. ill. - - 79101 Venusberg. Gould (S. Baring) Mountain of Venus. Th ^'s Myths. 39818 Verbena Camellia Stephanotis, etc. [stories] ; by Sir W. Besant. 48B15 Verdi, Giuseppe. Roosevelt (B.) Verdi, Milan and "Othello." port. V061 Vergniigen auf dem Lande ; von E. von Wildenbruch ; with notes. 43816 Vermuyden, Sir Cornelius. In Smiles (S.) Engineers, v. 1, ill. - 99707 Verner's pride, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 76W7 Verona. Wiel (A.) The story of Verona. 1904. ill. plans. - 93712 Verona's father ; by D. C. Murray. 126 M 3 Versification. Northcroft (G. J. H.) How to write verse. 1904. 42601 Vertot (Rene A. de) Revolutions de Portugal et Suede. 1884. 91023 Vesalius, Andreas. Kingsley (C.) Vesalius, the anatomist. In his Health and education. 1887. .... E1K4 Veterinary medicine. See Birds. Dog. Poultry. Vexed inheritance ; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 36 Vicar of St. Nicholas' ; by R. Alexander. 7A1 Vicar of Wakefield ; by O. Goldsmith. 2 copies. - - - 36 Gl Vice versa, or, a lesson to fathers ; by F. Anstey. - - - 35 A 1 Vicksburg. Knox (T. W.) Siege and fall of Vicksburg. In his Decisive battles since Waterloo. 1900. plans. - - 90404 Vico, Giovanni B. [his life and philosophy]; by R. Flint. 1901. 19501 Vicomte de Bragelonne ; par A. Dumas. 58D11 - Another edition [In English]. 2 copies. 58 D 8 Sequel to "Twenty years after," 58 D 3. Victor Amadeus II. Vitelleschi (Marchesa) The romance of Savoy, Victor Amadeus II. and his Stuart bride. 1905. 2 v. port. ill. V041-2 Victoria, Queen. In Chesterton (G. K.) Varied types. 1905. - E4C1 - Jeaffreson ( J. C. ) Victoria, Queen and Empress. 1893. 2 v. port. V 021-2 - The private life of the Queen. 189S. port. ill. - - - V025 - Steevens (G. W.) The jubilee [1897 J. In his Things seen. 1900. E4S1 Tooley (S. A.) Personal life of Queen Victoria. 1901. port. UJ. V023 411 VIC GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Victory won ; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 27 Viel Castel (Count Horace de) Memoirs, 1851-64. 1888. 2 v. V031-2 Vienna. La Garde-Chambonas (Comte de) Recollections of the Congress of Vienna. 1902. 92901 Vieux celibataire, comedie ; par J. F. Collin d'Harleville. - 84209 Vigny (Alfred V., comte de) Canne de jonc ; with notes. - 44884 - Servitude et grandeur inilitaires. ------ 15 VI Vigny, Alfred V., comte de [life. In French] ; par M. Paleologue. V091 Villa (Gttido) Contemporary psychology. 1903. - - - 15009 Village on the cliff; by Mrs. A. T. Ritchie. - - - - 37 R 3 Village politician, life-story of John Buckley. 1897. - - B291 Village tragedy ; by Mrs. M. L. Woods. 79 W 2 Village watch-tower [stories] ; by K. D. Wiggin. - - - 52 W 7 Villages. For list of related subjects, see Labour. - Jessopp (A.) Cry of the villages. In his Before the great pillage [Etc.] 1891. E2J1 - Meakin (B.) Model factories and villages. 1905. ill. - - 33118 - See also Bournville. Villari (Linda) Giovanni Segantini [his life and art]. 1901. ill. S591 Villari (P.) Two first centuries of Florentine history, ill. - 93702 Villette [a story] ; by C. Bronte. 92 B 4 Villon, Francois. In Belloc (H.) Avril. 1904.- - - 84101 - In Gautier (T.) Trois grotesques. 1906. - 44812 - Paris (G.) Francois Villon [his life and work. In French]. - V101 - In Stevenson (R. L.) Men and books. 1906. - - - - E1S4 Vincent of Lerins. Antiquity and universality of the catholic faith [In Latin and English]. 23909 Vines (Sydney H.) A students' text-book of botany. 1902. ill. 58009 Vinet (A. R. ) Blessed be the king [sermon]. In French preachers. 25223 Vineyard [a novel] ; by Mrs. P. M. T. Craigie. - 106 CI Vingt ans apres ; par A. Dumas. 58D10 Sequel to " Les trois mousquetaires," 58 D 9. Viola. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Bruni (A. B. ) Bratschen-Schule, viola method. 4°. mus. - 78703 Violet Vaughan [a novel] ; by E. J. Worboise. - - - - 81 W 3 Violin. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Stoeving(P.) The story of the violin. 1904. bill. ill. - - 78701 - Tours (B.) The violin [a tutor], mus. ----- 78707 Violoncello. For list of other subjects in music, see Music. - Goodban (H. W.) Tutor for the violoncello, mus. - - 78706 - Swert (J. de) The violoncello [a tutor], mus. - - - 78711 Virgil. Works ; trans, by A. H. Bryce. mem. port. - - 87302 Virgil. Nettleship (H.) Vergil [his life and work]. 1879. - 87301 Virgin soil, a novel ; by I. Turgenev. 49 Tl Virginia. Fiske (J.) Old Virginia and her neighbours. 2 v. - 97305-6 Virginian, a horseman of the plains ; by O. Wister. - - - 72 Wl 412 GOVANHILL BRANCH. VOY Virginians ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - - 12 T 6 Virginibus puerisque, and other papers ; by R. L. Stevenson. - El SI Visger (Jean A. O.) and Jordan (D.) In green leaf and sere. - 50413 Visits of Elizabeth ; by E. Glyn. 32 Gl Visits to remarkable places ; by W. Howitt. 1900. ill. - - 91501 Vital Spark and her queer crew ; by Neil Munro. - - - 124 M 7 Vitelleschi (Marchesa) The romance of Savoy, Victor Amadeus II. and his Stuart bride. 1905. 2 v. ill. - V041-2 Vittoria. In Crane (S.) Great battles of the world. 1901. ill. 90403 Vittoria [a novel] ; by G. Meredith. 82M15 Sequel to " Sandra Belloni," 82 Mil. Vivian (Herbert) Boconnoc, a romance of wild-oat-cake. - 17V1 Vivian Grey [a novel] ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - - 31 B 3 Vivisection. For list of related subjects, see Anatomy. - Paget (S.) Experiments on animals. 1903. ... - 59107 Vizetelly (Ernest A. ) Zola, novelist and reformer. 1904. ill. Z011 Vocations. See Professions. Vogt (F. W.) joint-author. See Ebbard (R. J.) Voice. For list of related subjects, see Singing. - Lunn (C.) The philosophy of voice. 1906. bill ill. - - 78436 " The right and wrong action of voice in speech and song." - Parker (H.) The voice, its production and improvement, mns. 78416 - See also Breathing. Voice of a flower ; by E. Gerard. 15 G 2 Voice of the charmer ; by L. T. Meade. 76M48 Voices and silences [sermons] ; by H. D. M. Spence. 1894. - 25205 Voices of the spirit [meditations] ; by G. Matheson. - - - 24005 Volcanoes. For list of related subjects, see Geology. - Bonney (T. G.) Volcanoes, structure and significance. 1902. ill. 55104 Voltaire (Francois M. A. de) Nanine, comedie. - - - 84206 - Romans. - 19V1 Zadig. Micromegas. Candide. L'ingenu. L'homme aux quaraute ecus. La princesse de Babylone. Histoire de Jenni. [Etc.] Voltaire, Francois M. A. de. In Carlyle (T.) Essays, v. 2. - E1C2 - Goldsmith (O.) Memoirs of Voltaire. In his Works, v. 4. - E1G4 - Morley (J. ) Voltaire [his life and work]. 1903. - - - V011 - Stephen (Sir J. F. ) Voltaire as a theologian, moralist, and metaphysician. In his Horae Sabbaticae, v. 2. 1892. - E5S2 Voorhees (Edward B.) Fertilizers. 1903. .... 63104 Vosmaer (Carl) The amazon [a novel]. 18 VI Voyage at anchor ; by W. Clark Russell. 75R38 Voyage autour de ma chambre ; par X. de Maistre. - - - 25 Ml - Another edition ; with notes. 1900. 44868 Voyages. Abercromby (R. ) Seas and skies in many latitudes. 18SS. ill. maps. 90813 - Cook (J.) Three voyages round the world. .... 90828 - Russell (W. Clark) A voyage to the Cape. 18S7. - - - 90801 413 VOY GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Voyages. Tyndall (J.) Voyage to Algeria. In his Fragments of science, v. 1. 1902. 50410 - See also names of ships. Yoynich (Mrs. Ethel L.) The gadfly [a novel]. - - . 20 VI Vreeland (Frederick K.) joint-author. See Poincare (H.) Vultures [a novel] ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - - - 85M4 w Wace (Henry) The authenticity of the four Gospels. In Present day tracts, v. 3. 20404 Waddell (J. J.) joint-author. See Henderson (George). Wade (J. A.) The German concertina, mus. - 78623 Wadia (P. A.) Philosophers and the French revolution. 1904. 93204 Wages. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Walker (F. A.) The wages question. 1906. - 33133 Wages, a novel ; by L. T. Meade. 76M44 Wagner (Charles) On life's threshold, talks to young people. 17127 Wagner (Leopold) More about names. 1893. - - - 42202 Wagner, Richard. //iHadow (W. H.) Studies in music, v. 1. port. 99718 - Lidgey(C. A.) Wagner [his life and work]. 1904. bibl. port. ill. W221 - In Parry (Sir C. H. H.) Studies of great composers. 1904. - 99714 - In Rowbotham (J. F.) Great composers. 1892. bibl. port. - 99721 Wagstaff (C. J. L.) Properties of matter. 1906. ill. - - 53010 Waite (Arthur E.) Devil-worship in France. 1896. - - 29005 Wake (Richard) Manual training woodwork. 1901. ill. - 69403 Wake-robin [a book about the birds] ; by J. Burroughs. 1896. 59819 Wakeman's Irish antiquities ; ed. by J. Cooke. 1903. ill. - 92615 Walden [life in the woods] ; by H. D. Thoreau. - - - 81802 Waldlachen ; von P. Heyse ; with notes. 1904. - - - 43813 Wale (Burlington B.) The day of preparation. 1893. - - 23602 Wales. Black's Guide to north Wales. 1900. maps. - - 91607 Guide to south Wales. 1901. maps. .... 91608 - Borrow (G. ) Wild Wales, the people, language, and scenery. 91610 - Bradley (A. G.) Owen Glyndwr and Welsh independence, ill. G051 - Rhys (J.) and Jones (D. B.) The Welsh people. 1906. maps. 91614 Walford (Mrs. Lucy B. ) Four biographies from ' Blackwood. ' 1888. 99618 - Leddy Marget [a novel]. 3W2 - " Ploughed/' and other stories. - - - - - - 3W1 Walker (Ada H.) joint-author. See Douglas (R. S.) Walker (Archibald S.) The struggle for success. 1900. - 17701 - ed. A beggar's wallet, prose, verse [etc.] 1905. ill. - - 82834 Walker (Arthur C. ) The correct card, or, how to play at whist. 79508 Walker (Francis A.) The wages question. 1906. - - - 33133 Walker, Frederick [his life and art] ; by C. Black, port. ill. - W021 414 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. WAN Walker (H. de R.) Science and colonial development. In Science in public affairs. 1906. 30408 Walker (Hugh) Three centuries of Scottish literature. 2 v. - 82104-5 Walker (J. M.) ed. Rounders, quoits, bowls, skittles, and curling. 79618 Walker (Norman L.) History of the Free Church of Scotland. 28501 Walker (William) Handbook of drawing. 1880. ill. - - 74003 Walker (William S.) In the blood. 5W1 - Zealandia's guerdon. 5W2 Walking. For list of related subjects, see Physical education. - Neil (C. L.) and others. Walking. 1903. ill. - - - 61324 Walkley (Arthur B. ) Dramatic criticism, lectures. 1903. - 79207 Wall (E. J.) joint-author. See Konig (E.) Wall (William) History of infant baptism. 2 v. - - - 26503-4 Wallace (Alfred R.) Darwinism, an exposition. 1901. port. ill. 57503 - The Malay Archipelago. 1894. ill. 98403 - Natural selection. Tropical nature. 1895. .... 57512 - Studies, scientific and social. 1900. 2 v. ill. - - - 50438-9 - The wonderful [19th] century, science and invention. 1905. port. ill. 50903 Wallace (Sir Donald M.) Russia. 1905. 2 v. port. maps. 94016-7 - The web of Empire, tour of the Duke of York, 1901. ill. map. 91108 Wallace (Helen) The greatest of these [a novel]. - - - 7W1 Wallace (Lew.) Ben-Hur, a tale of the time of our Lord. 2 cop. 8W1 Wallace (Robert L.) The canary book. 2 v. ill. - - - 63607-8 Wallace (Mrs. W.) Woman's kingdom [domestic economy], ill. 64005 Wallace (William) Kant [his life and philosophy]. 1902. - 19302 Wallenstein, Albrecht W. E. von. Sarrazin (J. F.) La conspira- tion de Walstein. 1884. - 91022 Wallenstein, a dramatic poem ; by J. C. F. von Schiller. 1887. 804S Wallenstein's Tod ; von J. C. F. von Schiller ; with notes. 1902. 43818 Waller, Edmund, /w Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. I. 1900. 99917 Wallpapers. See Paperhanging. Walpole, Horace, Earl of Or ford. /nMacaulay (Lord) Essays. - E8M1 - In Stephen (Sir L.) Hours in a library, v. 1. 1899. - - E2S1 Walpole, Robert, Earl of Orford [his life] ; by J. Morley. 1899. W061 Walsh (Walter) The Jesuits in Great Britain. 1903. - - 27103 Walters (F. R.) Sanatoria for consumptives. 1905. ill. - 61602 Walters (Frank) and others. Free thought and Christian faith. 28801 Waltheof, St. In Lives of the English saints, v. 5. 1901. - 99807 Walton (Izaak) and Cotton (C. ) The complete angler, port. ill. 79909 Walton, Izaak. Marston (R.. B. ) Walton, and earlier writers on fishing. 1894. 79915 Walton (Joseph) China and the present crisis. 1900. map. - 94301 'Wanderer.' Lambert (C. and S.) Voyage of the 'Wanderer.' 1883. ill. - - - -' 90824 Wandering heath, stories ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. - - - 97C3 WAN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Wandering heir ; by C. Reade. 16 R 7 Wandering Jew. In Gould (S. Baring) Myths of the middle ages. 39818 War. For lists of related subjects, see Army. Ethics. - Goltz (Freiherr von der) The conduct of war. 1899. - - 35506 - In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 2. 1894. - - E3H2 - Henderson (G. F. R.) The science of war, essays. 1905. maps. 35505 - Round (J, H.) Anglo-Norman warfare. In his Commune of London, and other studies. 1899. 91301 - Buskin (J.) Crown of wild olive, on industry and war. 1904, 30401 - Ubique. Modern warfare, how our soldiers fight. 1903. ill. 35503 War and peace ; by Count Tolstoy. - 35T1 War Office. For list of related subjects, see Government. - Forster (H. 0. A. ) The War Office, the army, and the Empire. 1900. 35401 U A review of the military situation in 1000." Warburton, William, Bp. Stephen (Sir J. F.) Warburton's 'Divine legation.' Warburton's minor works. In his Horae Sab- baticae, v. 2. 1892. E5S2 Ward (Adolphus W.) Chaucer [his life and work]. 1902. - C151 - Dickens [his life and work]. 1901. D071 Ward (Artemus). See Browne (Charles F.) Ward (Harry M.) Disease in plants. 1901. .... 58105 - Timber and some of its diseases. 1897. ill. - 63401 Ward (Herbert D.) joint-author. See Phelps (Elizabeth S.) Ward (Mrs. Humphry) Eleanor [a novel]. - - - - 13 Wl - The history of David Grieve. 13 W 2 - Marcella [a novel]. 13 W 4 - Sir George Tressady [sequel to " Marcella "]. - - - - 13W3 - Robert Elsmere [a novel]. 13 W 5 - The story of Bessie Costrell. 13 W 6 Ward (Thomas H. ) ed. English poets, selections. 1895-6. 4 v. 82218-21 Ward (Wilfrid) Aubrey de Vere, a memoir. 1904. ill. - D121 Ward (Mrs. Wilfrid) The light behind. 15 Wl Warden (Florence) The face in the flashlight. - - - 16 W 40 - Lady Joan's companion. 16W41 Warden; by A. Trollope. 43T12 Chronicles of Barsetshire, No. 1. Warleigh's trust ; by E. J. Worboise. 81W29 Warn (Reuben H.) and Horner (J. G.) The sheet-metal worker's instructor. 1906. ill. 67102 Warner (Charles D.) Washington Irving [his life and work]. 1011 Warner (Susan) Giving trust, tales. 21W10 - Pine needles. 21 Wl Warner (Sir Wm.L.) Life of Marquis of Dalhousie. 1904. 2 v. ill. D 111-2 Warren (Henry) How to choose your banker. 1900. - - 33203 - The story of the Bank of England. 1906. - 33208 Warren (Samuel) Diary of a late physician. - - - - 23 Wl 416 GOVANHILL BRANCH, WAT Warren (T. H. ) Christian Victor, story of a young soldier. 1903. C481 Warren (William H.) Engineering construction. 1894. ill. 62007 Warrender (Margaret) Walks near Edinburgh. 1895. ill. - 92014 Warrick (John) History of Old Cumnock. 1899. ill. map. - 91905 Warton (Thomas) History of English poetry [1066-1625]. - 82254 Warwick (Countess of) A nation's youth. 1906. port. - - 61320 Washer of the ford, and other [tales] ; by W. Sharp. - - 41 SI Washington, George. Irving (W.) Life of Washington. 4 v. port. W011-4 1. Early life, expeditions, and campaigns. 2. The American war, invasion of Canada, etc. 3. The American war during the years 1777-9. 4. Conclusion of the American war, etc. - Thayer (W. M.) George Washington [a biography]. 1902. port. W015 Wasmann (Eric) Psychology of ants and higher animals. 1905. 59513 Watcher by the threshold, and other tales ; by J. Bnchan. - 102 B 5 Watches. See Clocks and watches. Water-babies, a fairy tale ; by C. Kingsley. - - - 24 K 3 Water-colour painting. See Painting. Water-colour. Water supply. For list of related subjects, see Engineering. - Burnet (J.) History of water supply to Glasgow. 1869. maps. 92313 - Dibdin (W. J.) The purification of sewage and water. 1903. ill. 62801 - Tudsbery (J. H. T.) and Brightmore (A. W. ) The principles of waterworks engineering. 1905. ill. - 62803 Waterbiography ; by R. C. Leslie. 1894. port. ill. - - L091 Waterdale neighbours ; by J. McCarthy. 4M6 Waterloo. In Creasy (Sir E. S.) Decisive battles. 1903. plans. 90402 - /ft Fitchett (W. H.) Deeds that won the Empire. 1905. ill. plans. 91410 - Horsburgh (E. L. S. ) Waterloo, a narrative and a criticism. 1900. maps. 93125 - In Wellington (Duke of) Despatches. 1902. - 91401 Waterloo ; by 6. Erckmann and A. Chatrian. - 30E2 W Atkinson (William L.) The education of the heart. - - 17130 Watson (George C.) Farm poultry. 1901. ill. - - - 63601 Watson (Gilbert) Sunshine and sentiment in Portugal. 1904. ill. 93424 W t atson (Henry B. M.) Chloris of the island, a novel. - - 26 Wl Watson (Jean L.) Knox and the reformation in Scotland, ill. K032 - Lives and times of the two Guthries. 1877. - G101 - joint-author. See Tytler (Sarah). Watson (John) Companions of the sorrowful way. 1898. - 23234 - The homely virtues. 1904. 17105 - The inspiration of our faith, and other sermons. 1905. - - 25241 - The mind of the Master. 1903. 23221 - Afterwards, and other stories. ---... 28 Wl - Beside the bonnie brier bush. 28W2 - A doctor of the old school. 28W7 From " Beside the bonnie brier bush." - The days of auld lang syne [stories]. 28W6 - Kate Carnegie and those ministers. 28 WS <> 417 WAT GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Watson (John) Rabbi Saunderson. ------ 28W4 From "Kate Carnegie and those ministers." Watson (Rosamund M.) The heart of a garden. 1906. ill. - 71002 Watson (W. P.) Japan, aspects and destinies. 1904. ill. maps. 95303 Watson (William) For England, poems. 1894. - - - 801W - Odes, and other poems. 1895. ---... 802W - The year of shame [poems]. 1897. 803W Watson, Wm. Collins (J. C. ) Poems of Watson. In his Studies. E7C1 Watson (William) Life in the confederate army. 1887. - - 97501 Watt (Francis) ed. Remarkable events in history, ill. - - 90201 Watt (Francis) and Carter (A. ) Picturesque Scotland, ill. - 91828 Watt. James. Carnegie (A.) James Watt [a biography]. - - W252 - In Smiles (S.) Lives of the engineers, v. 4. port. - - - 99710 Watt, Robert. Finlayson ( J. ) Life and works of Dr. R. Watt. 1897. W161 Watts, George F. Chesterton (G. K.) Watts [his life and art], ill. W071 Watts (W. M.) Introduction to spectrum analysis. 1904. ill. 54402 Wauchope, Andrew, Gen., Life of ; by Sir G. Douglas. 1904. port. W171 Wauters (A. J.) The Flemish school of painting. 1885. ill. - 75902 Waverley, or, 'tis sixty years since ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. 35 SI Way we live now ; by A. Trollope. 43 T 6 Wayfaring. Jusserand (J. A. A. J.) English wayfaring life, middle ages. ill. -------- 91603 English roads. Lay wayfarers. Religious wayfarers. We two ; by Edna Lyall. -------- 66L8 Sequel to "Donovan," 66L7. Weale (B. L. P.) Manchu and Muscovite. 1904. ill. - - 95111 Wealth. For list of related subjects, see Political economy. - Clark (J. B. ) Distribution of wealth. 1899. - 33134 " A theory of wages, interest, and profits." - Mulhall (M. G.) Industries and wealth of nations. 1896. ill. 33012 - Smith (A.) The wealth of nations. 33003 Weare (G. E.) Cabot's discovery of North America. 1897. ill. 96805 Weather. For list of related subjects, see Geology. - Abercromby (R.) Seas and skies. 1888. ill. maps. - - 90813 " Wanderings in search of weather." - McPherson (J. G.) Meteorology, weather explained. 1905. ill. 55131 - Meteorology. In Cassell's New popular educator, v. 8. 1903. 03208 - See also Rainbow. Winds. Weathers (John) Beautiful bulbous plants, col. ill. - - 71604 Weaving. Bayley (A. M. C.) Spinning and weaving. In Woman's library, v. 4. ill. - 70001 - In Cassell's New technical educator, v. 3-6. ill. - - - 60303-6 Webb (Mrs. J. B.) Benaiah, a tale of the captivity. - - - 32 Wl - Naomi, or, the last days of Jerusalem. - - - - - 32 W 2 Webb (Wilfred M.) joint -author. See Hill (Matthew D.) Webber (Thomas W.) The forests of upper India. 1902. maps. 94709 418 GOVANHILL BRANCH. WEL Weber, Carl M. von. In Parry (Sir C H. H.) Great composers. 99714 Webster, Daniel. In Whipple (E. P.) American literature [Etc.] 81001 Webster, John. In Lowell (J. R. ) The old English dramatists. 82508 Webster, Noah [his life and work] ; by H. E. Scudder. port. - W081 Webster (Robert G.) Japan, from the old to the new. 1905. ill. 95306 Wee Macgreegor ; by J. J. Bell. 38 Bl Wee Macgreegor again, a sequel ; by J. J. BelL - - - 38 B 2 Wee Willie Winkie, and other stories ; by R. Kipling. - - 28 K 12 Week-day sermons ; by R. W. Dale. 1895. - 25217 Weekley (Ernest) The matriculation French course. 1905. - 44809 Weighed and wanting ; by G. MacDonald. - 10M9 Weights and measures. For list of related subjects, see Commerce. - Everett (J. D.) Illustrations of the C.G.S. system of units. - 53004 - Martin (A. J.) Tables [of] measures and weights. 1906. - 38901 " Imperial, metric, Indian, and colonial." - See also Decimal system. Weimar. Eliot (George) Three months in Weimar. In her Essays. E1E1 Weir (James) Dawn of reason in the lower animals. 1899. - 59111 Weir of Hermiston, an unfinished romance ; by R. L. Stevenson. 119 S 15 Weird tales from northern seas ; by J. Lie. - - - - 41 LI Weird tales, Scottish ; by Sir T. D. Lauder and others. - - 74L2 Weissenbruch, Jan H. ; by F. A. E. L. Smissaert. In Dutch painters. 99701 Welby (Catherine M.) trans. The way of happiness. 189S. - 17117 Welch (Adam C.) Anselm and his work. 1901. - - - A211 Weldon (W. F. R.) Inheritance in animals and plants. In Lectures on the method of science. 1906. - - - 50103 Well-beloved, a sketch ; by T. Hardy. 21H15 Wellfields, a novel ; by J. Fothergill. 42F2 Wellington (Duke of) Correspondence [with] Lady Burghersh. W152 - Despatches, 1799 to 1815. 1902. - - 91401 Wellington, Duke of. Morris (W. O'C.) Wellington. 1904. ill. W151 - Stanhope (Earl) Conversations with Wellington. 1888.- - W155 - Yonge (C. D.) Life of Wellington. 1891. port, plans.- - W154 Wells (Herbert G.) Anticipations. 1902. ... - 30108 - The first men in the moon. 35 W 3 - The invisible man, a grotesque romance. ... - 35W4 - Love and Mr. Lewisham. 35 W 5 - The Plattner story, and others. 35W6 - The stolen bacillus, and other incidents. - - - - 35 W 8 - The time machine, an invention. 35 Wl - Twelve stories and a dream. 35 W 7 - When the sleeper wakes. 35 W 2 Wells (James) Life of James H. Wilson. 1904. ill. - - W321 Wells (Robert) The pastrycook and confectioner's guide. - 64201 Welsh language. See Language, Welsh. Welsh singer, a novel ; by Allen Raine. 5R * o2 419 WEN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Wenderholme, a story ; by P. G. Hamerton. - - - - 12HI Werner (Alice) The captain of the Locusts [and other stories]. 37 Wl Werner, Friedrich L. Z., Life ; by T. Carlyle, In his Essays. - El CI. Wesley (John) Journal ; ed. by P. L. Parker, 1903. - - W033 Wesley, John. In Birrell (A.) Miscellanies. 1902. - - - E10B2; - Dawson (J.) ed. John Wesley on preaching. 15904. - - 25104: - Fitchett (W. H.) Wesley and his century. 1906. port. - W034 : - Overton (J. H.) John Wesley [a biography]. 1891. port. - W031 - South ey (R.) Life of Wesley. 1901. port. - W032; - Winchester (C. T.) The life of John Wesley, 1906. port. - W035> Wesly (Emile) Henriette Ronner. In Dutch painters, ill. - 99701 Wessely (J. E.) and Latham (E.) French-English dictionary. - 44301 Wessex poems, and other verses ; by T. Hardy. 1903. ill. - 401 R Wessex tales ; by T. Hardy. - - 21H10> West (Alfred S.) Elements of English grammar, 1903.- - 42513. - English grammar for beginners. 1905. 4251ft - Key to Elements of English grammar and English grammar for beginners. 1905. 42514 West (Andrew F.) Alcuin and the rise of Christian schools. - A161 West (Charles) The mother's manual of children's diseases. - 61801 West (G. S.) British freshwater algas. 1904. ill, - - - 58907 West (Maria A.) Komance of missions in Bithynia. 1885. - 27803. West-country ballads and verses ; by A. L. Salmon. 1899. - 1402S. West Indies. Herbertson (F. D. and A. J.) eds. West Indies. 1902. bibl. ill. 97808. - Kennedy (A. ) The story of the West Indies, maps. - - 97702. - Kingsley (C. ) At last, Christmas in the West Indies. 1900. ill. 97701 - In Lucas (C. P.) British colonies, v. 2. 1905. maps. - - 91105. Westall (William) Her ladyship's secret. - - - 41 W 2 - Sons of Belial [a novel]. 41 Wl Westcotes [a story] ; by A. T. Quiller Couch. .... 97c? Westcott (Brooke F. ) Bp. Epistles of St. John, Greek text ; notes. 22829 Westcott, Brooke F. , Bp. , Life of ; by his son. 1903. 2 v. bibl. port. W241-2 Westcott (Edward N.) David Harum, a story of American life. 43 Wl Westminster confession of faith ; by J. Donaldson. 1905. - - 23805 Weston (Walter) The Japanese Alps. 1896. ill. maps. - 95301 Westward ho ! by C. Kingsley. 2 copies. - - - - 24 K 7 Wetherell (Elizabeth). See Warner (Susan). Wetherell (John) Exercises on Morris's Grammar. 1901. - 42510 Weyman (Stanley J. ) The abbess of Vlaye [a romance]. - - 44W14 - The Castle Inn. - - 44W1 - Count Hannibal, a romance of the court of France. - - 44 W 11 - A gentleman of France. 44 W 2 - The house of the wolf, a romance. 44W3 - In kings' byways, short stories. 44W12 r The man inlblack. 44W4 420 GOVANHILL BRANCH, WHI Weyman (Stanley J.) My Lady Rotha, a romance. - - - 44 W5 - The new rector. 44W13 - The red cockade. - - - 44 W 6 - Shrewsbury, a romance. - - 44 W 7 - Sophia [a romance]. 44W8 - The story of Francis Cludde [a romance]. ... - 44 W 9 - Under the red robe. 44W10 Whale. For list of related subjects, see Mammals. - Beddard (F. E.) A book of whales. 1900. ill. - - - 59901 Whaling. For related subjects, see Fish, fishing. - Bullen (F. T.) The cruise of the ' Cachalot.' 1905. ill. map. 63901 Whall (C. W.) Stained glass work, a text-book. 1905. ill. - 74801 Wharton (Edith) The valley of decision. 45 Wl What all the world's a-seeking [ethics] ; by R. W. Trine. 1904. 17118 What cheer ! by W. Clark Russell. 75R35 What Hector had to say, and other stories ; by Mrs. L. Adams. 5A2 What Maisie knew ; by H. James. 7 J13 What will he do with it? by Lord Lytt on. - 73L13 Whates (H. R.) Canada, the new nation. 1906. ill. - - 96909 What's mine's mine ; by G. MacDonald. 10M18 Wheatley (Henry B.) How to form a library. 1902. - - 02001 - Literary blunders. 1905. 02902 - Prices of books. 1898. -------- 02501 - The story of London. 1905. ill. plans. - 91725 Wheatly (Charles) Book of common prayer, Church of England. 26405 Wheeler (Ben. I.) Alexander the Great [life]. 1902. ill. maps. A 041 Wheeler (John) Appraiser and valuer's pocket assistant. 1905. 65801 When a man's single, a tale ; by J. M. Barrie. - - - - 24B3 When it was dark ; by Guy Thorne. ------ 24T1 When the sleeper wakes ; by H. G. Wells. - - - - 35 W 2 When Valmond came to Pontiac ; by Sir G. Parker. - - - 8P9 When we were boys, a novel ; by W. O'Brien. - - - - 20l Where duty lies ; by S. K. Hocking. 67H9 Where highways cross ; by J. S. Fletcher. 30F41 Where the sun sets [stories] ; by F. Sinclair. - - - - 70 SI Whibley (Charles) W. M. Thackeray [his life and work]. 1903. T021 - William Pitt [a biography]. 1906. ill.- - - - - P012 Whigham (Henry J.) Manchuria and Korea. 1904. ill. map. 95129 Whipple (Edwin P.) American literature, and other papers. - 81001 Whishaw (Constance M.) Being and doing, thoughts. 1905. - 80808 - Character and conduct, helpful thoughts. 1905. - - - 80809 Whishaw (Fred) A forbidden name, a story. - - - - 46 W 42 - Many ways of love, a romance. 46W41 - A splendid impostor. - - 46W40 Whist. Aquarius. Advanced whist. 1S89. ill. - - - 79507 421 WHI GLASGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Whist. Melrose (C. J.) Solo whist, its whys and wherefores. 1899. HI. 79504 - Walker (A. C.) The correct card, or, how to play at whist. 1882. 79508 Whitby (Beatrice) Bequeathed [a novel]. - - - - 48 W 2 - Flower and thorn. --..--... 48 W3 - Sunset [a novel]. - - - 48W1 Whitby (Charles J. ) The logic of human character. 1905. - 15017 White (ArthurS.) The expansion of Egypt. 1899. maps. - 95707 White (Chas. J.) Theoretical and descriptive astronomy, ill. 52003 White (Ernest W.) Cameos from the silver-land, a naturalist in the Argentine Republic. 1881-2. 2 v. maps. - - 98002-3 White (Francis B. W. ) The flora of Perthshire. 1898. mem. port. 58101 White (George) Personal magnetism, telepathy, hypnotism. - 13404 White (Gilbert) Natural history of Selborne. 1900. - - 59105 White (Henry A. ) Robert E. Lee and the southern confederacy, 1807-1870. 1902. ill. maps. L071 White (Henry Kirke) Poetical works. 1898. mem. port. - 501W White (John T.) English-Latin dictionary. 1903. - - - 47301 White (Stewart E.) The [Canadian] forest. 1904. ill. - - 96907 - The blazed trail. 66W2 White (William H.) The autobiography of Mark Rutherford. 68 W2 - Mark Rutherford's deliverance. 68W3 Sequel to " The autobiography of Mark Rutherford." - Catherine Furze [a story]. 68 Wl - Miriam's schooling, and other papers. 68 W 5 - The revolution in Tanner's Lane. 68 W4 - ed. Description of the Wordsworth and Coleridge manuscripts in the possession of T. N. Longman. 1897. ill. - - 82416 White cockade ; by J. Grant, - 51 G 9 White Company [a romance] ; by Sir A. Conan Doyle. - - 51 D 8 A sequel to " Sir iNigel," 51D21. White dove of Amritzir, a romance ; by E. F. Pollard. - - 48 P 4 White plumes of Navarre, a romance ; by S. R. Crockett. - 118 C 25 White terror, a romance of the French revolution ; by F. Gras. 54 G 3 Sequel to "The terror,'"' 54G2. White virgin ; by G. M. Fenn. 11F18 White wings, a yachting romance ; by W. Black. - - - 62 B 17 Whitehouse (John H.) Problems of a Scottish provincial town [Dunfermline]. 1905. ill. 92504 Whitehouse (Owen C.) Isaiah i-xxxix. (Century Bible.) 1905. maps. 22506 Whiteing (Richard) The island [a novel]. - - - - 50 W 2 - No. 5 John Street [sequel to " The island "]. - - - - 50 W 3 - The yellow van. 50W1 Whiteladies; by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. 6017 Whitelaw (John) Surveying, a handbook. 1902. ill. - - 52606 Whitelaw (Thomas) The Gospel of St. John. 1888. - - 22720 422 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. WIL WhithaRD (Philip) George's whims. 89 Wl Whiting (Lilian) Boston days [U.S.A.] 1902. ill, - - 97304 Whitley (Makgailet) joint-author. See Bulley (A. A.) Whitman (Walt) Poems; ed. by W. M. Rossetti. 1901. port. 201 W - Selected poems. In American poets, bibl. mem. - - - 81103 Whitman, Walt. In Findlater (J. H.) Stones from a glass house. E3F1 - In Stevenson (R. L.) Men and books. 1906. - - - E1S4 Whitney (Wm. D.) Language and the study of language. 1884. 40401 - The life and growth of language. 1902. 40901 Whitten (Wilfred) ed. London in song [poems]. 1898. - - 82245 Whittier (John G. ) Poetical works ; ed. by W. M. Rossetti. port. 401 W - Selected poems. In American poets, bibl. mem. - - - 81103 Whittier, John G. Carpenter (G. R.) Whittier [life and work]. - W091 Who shall serve ? by A. S. Swan. - - - - - - 147 S 28 Who was lost and is found, a novel ; by Mrs. M. 0. W. Oliphant. 607 Whose was the hand? a novel ; by J. E. P. Muddock. - - 119M2 Whosoever shall offend ; by F. M. Crawford. - - - - 113C17 Whyte (Adam G.) The electrical industry. 1904. ill. - - 62403 Whyte (Alexander) Father John of the Greek Church. 1898. 24203 - The walk, conversation, and character of Christ. 1905. - 23225 Wickevoort Crommelin (H. S. N. van) Laurens Alma Tadema. In Dutch painters of the nineteenth century. 1898. ill. 99701 Wiel (Alethea) The story of Verona. 1904. ill. plans. - 93712 Wiener (Leo) Yiddish literature, nineteenth century. 1899. - 89117 Wieser (Friedrich von) Natural value. 1893. - - - 33005 Wife's trials ; by E. J. Worboise. 81W37 Wiggin (Kate Douglas) A cathedral courtship. - - - 52W4 - The diary of a goose girl. 52 W 9 - Marm Lisa. - - 52W8 - Penelope's English experiences. 52 W 3 - Penelope's experiences in Scotland. 52 W 2 - Penelope's Irish experiences. 52 Wl - A summer in a canon, a story. 52W5 - The village watch-tower [stories]. 52 W 7 - and [Smith (N. A.)] Children's rights, nursery logic. 1892. - 17303 Wilberforce(H. W. W.) Lawn tennis. 1901. ill. - - 79616 - Lawn tennis. In Athletic sports, v. 1. 1890. ill. - - 79605 Wilberforce, Samuel, Bp. Daniell (G. W.) Bishop Wilberforce. W041 - Wilberforce (R.) Life of Samuel Wilberforce. 1888. port. - W042 Wild Eelin [a novel] ; by W. Black. 62B11 Wild-fowl. Gallwey(SirR. P.) The fowler in Ireland. 1882. ill. 79910 Wild Irishman ; by T. W. H. Crosland. 1905. .... 82825 Wild life in a southern county ; by R. Jefferies. 1903. - - 59124 Wildenbruch (Ernst von) Vergniigen auf dem Lande ; notes. 43816 Wilder (Geo. W.) Telephone principles and practice. 1904. - 65403 423 WIL GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Wilfrid, St. In Lives of the English saints, v. 1. 1900. - - 99803 Wilfrid Cumbermede, a story ; by G. MacDonald. - - - 10 M 33 Wilful way ; by H. E. Compton. 75 C 2 Wilhelm Meister ; by J. W. von Goethe. 34G1 Wilhelm Tell ; von J. C. F. von Schiller ; with notes. 1898. ill. 43825 Wilkie, Sir David. Bayne (W.) Wilkie [his life and art]. 1903. bibl. port. ill. W232 Wilkixs (Augustus S.) Roman antiquities. 1896. ill. - - 93605 - Roman education. 1905. - - - - - - 37001 - Roman literature. 1898. - 87006 Wilkins (Mary E.) The heart's highway, a romance. - - 53 W2 - The wind in the rose-bush, and other stories. - - - - 53 Wl Wilkins (William H.) The alien invasion. 1892. - - - 32502 - Our King and Queen, the story of their life. 4°. ill. - - E152 - A queen of tears, Caroline Matilda. 1904. 2 v. ill. - - C 501-2 - joint-author. See Burton. Isabel, Lady. Wilkinson (Henry S.) Lessons of the [S. African] war. 1900. 96406 Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) The ancient Egyptians. 1890. 2 v. ill. 95709-10 Wilkinson (Kosmo) Personal story of the Upper House. 1905. 32803 Wilkinson (We F. ) Modern materialism. In Present day tracts. 20404 Will. For lists of related subjects, see Mind and body. Psychology. - Hight (G. A.) The unity of will. 1906. 15901 - Maudsley (H.) Body and will. 1883. ----- 13001 11 Will in its metaphysical, physiological, and pathological aspects." - Row (C. A.) Man not a machine but a responsible free agent. In Present day tracts, v. 5. 20406 Willcocks (Sir James) From Kabul to Kumassi. 1904. port. ill. 90827 Willert (P. F. ) Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots. 1900. ill. H041 William, St. In Lives of the English saints, v. 4. 1901. - - 99806 William I. Freeman (E. A. ) William the Conqueror [his life]. 1903. W101 William III. Traill (H. D.) William III. [his life and times]. - Will William I. , German Emperor. Correspondence of William I. and Bismarck. 1903. 2 v. port. W191-2 William II., German Emperor. Fischer (H. W.) Private lives of William II. and his consort. 1900. W201 - Jacks (W.) Life of William the Second. 1904. port. ill. - W203 - [Owen (Mrs. P. F. C.)] Imperator et rex. 1904. port. ill. - W202 William Blacklock, journalist, a story ; by T. B. Maclachlan. - 21M1 Williams (A. L.) joint-author. See Burnet (William). Williams (A. M.) Our early female novelists, and other essays. E2W1 Pope. Emily Bronte. Some characteristics of Scott's poetry. Zola's theory of the novel. Williams (Archibald) The romance of mining. 1905. ill. - 62502 Williams (C. F. A.) Bach [his life and work]. 1903. ill. - B281 - Handel [his life and work]. 1901. ill. H171 - The story of notation. 1903. ill. 78101 - The story of the organ. 1903. ill. . . . - 78604 424 (GOVANHILL BRANCH. WIN Williams (George H.) Careers for our sons. 1904. - - 65805 Williams (George H. ) Elements of crystallography. 1S99. ill. 54801 Williams (Henry Su ) Nineteenth-century science. 1904. ill. 50902 Williams (Jesse L.) New York sketches. 1903. ill. ■ - 97302 Williams (Joseph W. ) British fossils, where to seek them. ill. 56001 - The telescope, study of the heavens. 1891. ill. - - - 52301 - and others. Land and fresh- water shells. 1901. ill. - - 59401 WilliAxMS (T. R.) Belief and life, sermons. 1898. - - - 25235 Williamson (Mrs. Charles N. ) Papa [a novel]. - - - 57 Wl Williamson (David) Ira D. Sankey, the story of his life. ill. - S601 Williamson (James) Clyde passenger steamer, 1812-1901. ill. 65602 Williamson (M. G.) Edinburgh, account of the city. 1906. ill. 92026 Williamson (William) The British gardener. 1901. ill. ■ 71601 Willis, Nathaniel P. [his life and work] ; by H. A. Beers, bibl.- W121 Willmott (Robert A.) Pleasures of literature. 1906. - - 80402 Willow the king, the story of a cricket match; by J. C. Snaith. 89 SI Willson (Beckles) Lord Strathcona, his life. 1902. HI. - S211 - The new America [U.S.A.] 1903. 97207 Wilmot (Alex.) Monomotapa (Rhodesia) its history. 1896. - 96503 Wilmot (Sidney M. E. ) Life of Edmund, Lord Lyons. 1898. ill. L221 Wilson (Alexander J.) The business of insurance. 1904. - 36801 Wilson (Andrew) Studies in life and sense [essays]. 1887. ill. 50420 - Wild animals and birds, haunts and habits. 1882. 4°. ill. - 59908 Wilson (Augusta J. E.) At the mercy of Tiberius [a novel]. - 63 W 3 - Infelice, a novel. 63W2 Wilson (Claude) Mountaineering. 1893. ill. - - - 79622 Wilson (Sir Daniel) The right-hand, left-handedness. 1891. - 13601 Wilson (Edward L.) and others. Mountain climbing. 1897. HI. 79604 Wilson (F. M. ) A primer on Browning. 1891. - - - 82412 Wilson (H. W.) joint-author. See Le Queux (William). Wilson, Harry. In Dant (C. H.) Distinguished churchmen, port. Wilson (Hew A.) Law in business. 1904. Wilson, James. In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 3. Wilson (James G.) Thackeray in the United States. 2 v. Wilson, James H., Life of ; by J. Wells. 1904. port. ill. Wilson (James M.) ed. Tales of the Borders [etc.] 24 v. Wilson (John) Poetical works. 1874. .... - Recreations of Christopher North. 1887. 2 v. port. - Wilson, John. In Saintsbury (G.) Essays, v. 1. 1891. Wilson, John. In Holcomb (H. H. ) India missions. 1901. 1906. Wilson (Robert) A treatise on steam boilers. 1879. Wilson (T. S.) joint-author. See Cromie (Robert). Wilson (Woodrow) The state, elements of politics. Winans (Walter) Practical rifle shooting. 1906. - Winchester (C. T.) The life of John Wesley. 1906. 425 ill. 1899. 99620 34702 E9B3 ill. T 023-4 - W321 64W1-24 - 101 W E1W1-2 82102 99825 62108 32015 79927 W035 ill. WIN GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES, Wind among the reeds [poems] ; by W, B. Yeats. 1900. - - 102 Y Wind in the rose-bush, and other stories ; by M. E. Wilkins. - 53 Wl Winding road ; by E. Godfrey. 33 Gl Windle (Bertram C» A. } The Wessex of Thomas Hardy, ill. maps. 91729 Window in Thrnms ; by J. M. Barrie. 24 B 4 Winds. Brown's Winds and currents. 1905. ill. map. - - 55111 Windsor Castle, a romance ; by W. H. Ains worth. - - - 16A4 Winef red, a story ; by S. Baring Gould. 43 G 2 Wikes (Frederick EL) Punishment and reformation. 1895. ill. 34304 Wing (Henry H. ) Milk and its products. 1904. ill. - - 63701 Wingate (David) Poems and songs. 1862. .... 701 W Wingate, William, Life and work of; by G. Carlyle. port, ill.- W291 Wings of Icarus ; by L. Alma Tadema. 1T1 Wings of silence, an Australian tale ; by G. Cossins. - - 94 CI Wings of the dove ; by H. James. 7J5 Winn (Rowland G. A.) Boxing. 1901. ill. .... 79611 - Boxing. In Athletic sports, v. 3. 1890. ill. - - - 79606 - a?zdWoLLEY(C. P.) Broad-sword and single-stick [Etc.] 1898. ill. 79613 Broad-sword and single-stick. In Athletic sports, v. 3. ill. 79606 Winter (William) Shadows of the stage. 1892-3. 2 v. - - 79205-6 Winter. Lowell (J. R.) A good word for winter. In his My study windows. E1L1 Winter sunshine [nature and travel] ; by J. Burroughs. 1893. - 50423 Wlntle (W. J.) Armenia and its sorrows, ill. - - - - 93906 Wireless telegraphy. See Telegraphy, Wireless. Wise women of Inverness, and other miscellanies ; by W. Black. 62B21 Wister (Owen) The Virginian, a horseman of the plains. - - 72 Wl Wit and humour. For list of related subjects, see Literature. - Colman (G.) Broad grins, and other humorous works. 1898.- 1601 C - Ford (R.) Humorous Scotch stories. 1904. .... 82710 Thistledown, a book of Scotch humour, ill. - - - 91824 - Grant (D.) Scotch stories. 82719 - [Macmillan (A.)] Jeems Kaye, his adventures and opinions. - 82709 - Murdoch (A. G.) Scotch readings, humorous and amusing. 1895. 82716 - Neville (C. B.) ed. Humorous American tales. - - - 81704 - Scottish jests and anecdotes. ------- 82723 - Stewart (A.) Comic Scotch readings, ill. .... 82702 ed. Humorous readings, maistly Scotch, ill. - - - 82701 Readings and dialogues, maistly Scotch. .... 82705 - See also Anecdotes. Humourists. Satire. Witch maid ; by L. T. Meade. 76M45 Witchell (Charles A.) The evolution of bird-song. 1896. - 59803 - Nature's story of the year. 1906. ill. 59029 Witch's head ; by H. Rider Haggard. 3H11 With a palette in eastern palaces ; by E. M. Merrick. 1899. ill. 94708 426 GOV AN HILL BRANCH. WOM ' With brains, sir ! ' by J. Brown. In his Horse subsecivae, v. 2. E1B2 With Christ at sea, autobiography ; by F. T. Bullen. 1900. - B412 With edged tools ; by Henry Seton Merriman. - - - - 85 M 7 With Essex in Ireland [a romance] ; by E. Lawless. - - - 17 H With rank and file ; by Arthur Amyand. - - - - 30 A 1 With sword and pen, a story of India ; by H. C. Irwin. - - 9ll Witherspoon, John [a biography] ; by D. W. Woods. 1906. port. W311 Within the Maze, a novel ; by Mrs. H. Wood. 2 copies. - - 76W20 Without a home ; by E. P. Roe. 56R3 Without dogma, a novel of modern Poland ; by H. Sienkiewicz. 59 SI Witness to the deed ; by G. M. Fenn. 11F17 Wives and daughters, an every-day story ; by Mrs. E. C. Gaskell. 10 G 7 Wizard's knot ; by W. Barry. 27B2 Wolfert's roost ; by W. Irving. gll Wolley (Clive P.) joint-author. See Winm (Rowland G. A.) Wolseley (Garnet J., Viscount) The story of a soldier's life. 1903. 2v. port. map. plans. W211-2 Wolsey, Thomas, Cardinal. Creighton (M.) Wolsey [his life]. 1902. W131 - Taunton (E. L.) Wolsey, legate and reformer. 1902. port. ill. W132 Wolves and the lamb ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - - 12T8 Woman. Bremner (C. S.) Education of girls and women. - - 37602 - Bulley (A. A.) and Whitley (M.) Women's work. 1S94. - 39602 - Craik (Mrs. D. M.) A woman's thoughts about women. - - 39603 - Crosland (T. W. H.) Lovely woman. 1903. - 39604 - Fawcett (Mrs. H.) Five famous French women. 1905. ill. - 99617 Joan of Arc. Louise of Savoy and Margaret of Angouleme. Jeanne d'Albret, Queen of Navarre. Renee of France, Duchess of Ferrara. - Hare (C.) Ladies of the Italian renaissance. 1904. ill. - 99621 Beatrice d'Este. Isabella d'Este. Bianca Capello. Caterina Sforza. Lucrezia Borgia. Vittoria Colonna. Elisabetta Gonzaga. [Etc.] - Kingsley (C.) Nausicaa in London, or, the lower education of woman. In his Health and education. 1887.- - - E1K4 - Landels (W.) The true glory of woman. 39601 - Paston (George) Ideal woman. In her Georgian period. 1902. ill. 91408 - Ruskin (J.) Of queen's gardens. In his Sesame and lilies. - 82818 The life and education of women. - Walford (Mrs. L. B.) Four biographies from 'Blackwood.' 1888. 99618 Jane Taylor. Elizabeth Fry. Hannah More. Mary Somerville. - Woman's library. 1903. 6 v. ill. 1. EducatioD and professions, 39605. 2. Needlework, 64602. 3. Nursery and sickroom, 64901. 4. Some arts and crafts, 70001. 5. Cookery and housekeeping, 64108. 6. Agriculture, 63009. - See also Mothers. Woman and the shadow, a novel; by A. Kenealy. - - - 11 Kl Woman— derelict ; by M. Crommelin. 122 C 2 Woman-hater; by C. Reade. - 16R11 Woman in white ; by W. Wilkie Collins. 74C13 Woman of mystery ; by G. Ohnet. 240l 427 WOM GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Woman of Samaria [a novel] ; by Rita. 36R1 Woman of sentiment ; by A. Linden. 76 LI Woman of yesterday ; by C. A. Mason. 138 Ml Woman's friendship, a story of domestic life ; by G. Aguilar. - 12 A 6 Woman's kingdom, a love story ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - 107 C 9 Woman's no ; by Mrs. L. Cameron. 10 CI Woman's patience ; by E. J. Worboise. 81W25 Woman's ransom ; by F. W. Robinson. 50 Rl Woman's vengeance, a novel ; by J. Payn. .... 18P8 Won by waiting ; by Edna Lyall. 66 L 6 Wonderful career of Ebenezer Lobb ; by A. Upward. - - 4U1 Wonderful [19th] century, science and invention ; by A. R. Wallace. 1905. ill 50903 Wood (Catherine J.) A handbook of nursing for the home and the hospital. 1903. 61009 Wood (H. F.) The passenger from Scotland Yard. - - - 77 Wl Wood (Henry) Among the wild flowers. 1897. 2 v. ill. 58210-11 Wood (Mrs. Henry) Adam Grainger, and other stories. 2 copies. 76 W37 - Anne Hereford, a novel. 2 copies. 76W24 - Ashley, and other stories. 2 copies. 76W35 The engagement of Susan Chase. The prebendary's daughter. Mr. Castonel. - Bessy Rane, a novel. 2 copies. 76W29 - The Channings, a story. 2 copies. 76W3 - Roland Yorke [sequel to "The Channings : ']. 2 copies. - 76W8 - Court Netherleigh, a novel. 2 copies. 76W28 - Danesbury House [a temperance story]. 2 copies. - - - 76 Wl - Dene Hollow, a novel. 2 copies. 76W25 - East Lynne [a novel]. 2 copies. 76W2 - Edina, a novel. 2 copies. 76W26 - Elster's folly. 2 copies. 76W21 - George Canterbury's will. 2 copies. 76W18 - The house of Halliwell, a novel. 2 copies. - - - - 76 W 33 - The Red Court Farm [sequel to the above]. 2 copies. - - 76 W 19 - Johnny Ludlow. 6 series. 2 copies. .... 76W9-14 - Lady Adelaide, a novel. 2 copies. 76W22 - Lady Grace, a novel. 2 copies. 76W36 - A life's secret. 2 copies. 76W27 - Lord Oakburn's daughters, a novel. 2 copies. - - - 76W6 - The master of Grey lands, a novel. 2 copies. - - - - 76 W 30 - Mildred Arkell, a novel. 2 copies. 76W15 - St. Martin's Eve [sequel to "Mildred Arkell"]. 2 copies. - 76W16 - Mrs. Halliburton's troubles. 2 copies. 76 W 4 - Or ville College, a tale. 2 copies. 76W31 - Oswald Cray, a novel. 2 copies. 76W23 - Pomeroy Abbey, a romance. 2 copies. 76W32 428 GOV AN HILL BRANCH. WOO Wood (Mrs. Henry) The shadow of Ashlydyat. 2 copies. - 76W5 - The story of Charles Strange, a novel. 2 copies. - - - 76 W 34 - Trevlyn Hold, a novel. 2 copies. 76W17 - The unholy wish, and other stories. 2 copies. - - - 76W38 - Verner's pride, a novel. 2 copies. 76 W 7 - Within the Maze, a novel. 2 copies. 76W20 Wood (J. A. E. ) How to make a dress. 1904. ill. - - - 64604 Wood (John G.) Lane and field [natural history]. 1902. ill. - 59016 - Strange dwellings, habitations of animals. 1903. ill. - - 59121 Wood (Theodore) Our bird allies. 1887. ill. - - - 59818 - ed. The field club, a gamer of country lore. - 59027 Wood (Walter) The east neuk of Fife. 1887. - - - 92506 Wood (Walter) The Northumberland Fusiliers, ill. - - 35602 - The Rifle Brigade, ill. 35601 - With the flag at sea. 1901. ill. 35903 Wood carving. For list of related subjects, see Sculpture. - Jackson (F. G.) Wood-carving. 1902. ill. - 73601 - Keeks (M. E.) Wood carving. In Woman's library, v. 4. ill. 70001 Wood engraving. For related subjects, see Engraving. - Anderson (W.) Japanese wood engravings. 1895. ill. - - 76101 - Bewick (T.) ed. Fables of ^Esop and others. 1823. ill. - 76103 - Brown (W. N.) Wood engraving. 1899. ill. - - - 76102 Wood magic, a fable ; by R. JefFeries. 13 J 1 Wood of the brambles ; by F. Mathew. 65 M 2 Woodberry (George E. ) Edgar Allan Poe [his life and work]. P061 Woodgate (Walter B.) Rowing and sculling. 1896. ill. - 79706 - Rowing and sculling. In Athletic sports, v. 2. 1890. ill. - 79703 Woodland life; by E. Thomas. 1897. 59009 Woodlanders [a novel] ; by T. Hardy. 21H13 Woodmyth and fable ; by E. T. Seton. 50440 Woods (Arthur T.) Compound locomotives. 1893. ill. - 62115 Woods (David W.) John Witherspoon [a biography]. 1906. - W311 Woods (M. A.) English examples and exercises, accidence. 1896. 42505 Woods (Mrs. Margaret L.) Esther Vanhomrigh [a novel]. - 79W1 - A village tragedy. 79 W 2 Woods, Mrs. M. L. In Couch (A. T. Q.) Adventures in criticism. E2C1 Woodstock, a tale of 1651 ; by Sir W. Scott. 3 copies. - - 35 S 21 Woodward (B. B.) joint-author. See Gray (Peter). Woodward (C. M.) Manual training in education, ill. - - 37101 Woodward (Wm. H.) Desiderius Erasmus and education. 1904. 37004 Woodwork. For list of related subjects, see Carpentry. - Sturch (F.) Manual training drawing, woodwork. 1906. fo. ill. 69406 11 With solutions to examination questions, 1892-1905." - Sutcliffe (J. D.) A text book of Sloyd. 1890. ill. - - 69407 - Wake (R.) Manual training woodwork. 1901. ill. - - 69403 429 WOO GLA SGO W P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Woodworth (Joseph V.) Hardening, tempering, annealing, and forging of steel. 1903. ill. - - - - 67202 Wooing of Val ; by E. E. Green. 60G44 Wooing o't, a novel; by Mrs. A. Alexander. - - - - 22A4 Wool. For related subjects, see Spinning*. - Woollen and worsted spinning. In CasselPs New technical educator, v. 1-4. ill. 60301-4 Worboise (Emma Jane) The Abbey Mill. - - - - 81 W 28 - Amy Wilton [a novel]. 81W42 - The Brudenells of Brude. - 81 W 22 - Campion Court, a tale. 81W33 - Canonbury Holt [a novel]. 81W13 - Charles Eversley's choice. 81W44 - Chrystabel, or, clouds with silver linings. - - - - 81 W 12 - Esther Wynne [a novel]. 81W30 - Father Fabian, the monk of Malham Tower. - - - - 81 W 17 - Fortune's favourite. 81W31 - The fortunes of Cyril Denham. - - - - - - 81 Wl - Grey and gold. - 81W9 - The grey house at Endlestone. 81W20 - Heart's-ease in the family. 81W40 - The heirs of Errington. 81W23 - Helen Bury [a story]. 81W43 - His next of kin. 81W32 - The house of bondage. - - - 81 W 15 - Husbands and wives. ........ 81W14 - Joan Carisbroke [a novel]. 81W24 - Lady Clarissa [a novel]. 81W19 - The Lillingstones of Lillingstone [a novel]. - - - - 81 W 36 - Lottie Lonsdale [a novel]. 81W34 - Margaret Torrington, or, the voyage of life. - - - - 81 W 2 - Married life [a novel]. 81W38 - Maude Bolingbroke [a novel]. 81W41 - Millicent Kendrick [a novel]. 81 W 5 - Mr. Montmorency's money. 81W10 - Emilia's inheritance [sequel to ' ' Mr. Montmorenc3^s money "]. 81W16 - Nobly born. 81W11 - Oliver West wood [a novel]. 81W18 - Our new house. 81W39 - Overdale, or, the story of a pervert. 81 W 8 - Robert Wreford's daughter. 81W21 - St. Beetha's, or, the heiress of Arne. 81W4 - Singlehurst Manor, or, a story of country life. - - - 81 W 7 - Sir Julian's wife. 81W35 - Sissie. 81W27 <- The story of Penelope. 81W26 430 GO VAN HILL BRANCH. WOR Worboise (Emma Jane) Thornycroft Hall [a novel]. - - 81W6 - Violet Vaughan [a novel]. 81 W 3 - Warleigh's trust. 81W29 - The wife's trials. 81W37 - A woman's patience. 81W25 Words. For related subjects, see Language. - Denney(E. E.) and Roberts (P. L.) Words and their derivation. 42204 - Greenough (J. B.) and Kittredge (G. L.) Words and their ways in English speech. 1902. bibl. .... 42203 - /rc Maurice (F. D.) Friendship of books [Etc.] 1904. - - E5M1 - Miiller (F. Max) Biographies of words and home of the Aryas. 41201 Wordsworth (Dorothy) Journals. 2 v. port. - - - w 181-2 Wordsworth (William) Poetical works. 1903. bibl. mem. port. 601 W - Prose works ; ed. by W. A. Knight. 1896. 2 v. port. - 82835-6 - Guide to the Lakes. 1906. ill. map. 9171 4 Wordsworth, William. In Arnold (M.) Essays in criticism, v. 2. E3A2 - In Bagehot (W.) Literary studies, v. 2. 1905. - - - E9B2 - In Church (R. W.) Dante, and other essays. 1901. - - E5C1 - In Dawson (W. J.) Makers of modern English. 1892. - - 82255 - Dowden(E.) Text of Wordsworth's poems. In h is Transcripts. E2D1 - Graham (P. A.) Divinity of nature. In his Nature in books. 99903 - In Innes (A. D.) Seers and singers. 1893. - 82410 - Knight (W. A.) Through the Wordsworth country. 1892. port. 91713 - In Lowell (J. R. ) English poets. 82 203 - In Mackie (A.) Nature knowledge in modern poetry. 1906. - 82424 -Morley(J.) Wordsworth. In his Studies in literature. 1904. E3M1 - Myers (F. W. H.) Wordsworth [his life and work]. 1902. - W141 - In Pater (W.) Appreciations. 1904. - E1P1 - In Rickett (A.) Personal forces in literature. 1906. bibl. - 82112 - Stephen (Sir L.) Wordsworth's ethics. In his Hours in a library. E2S2 - White (W. H.) ed. The Wordsworth manuscripts of T. N Longman. 1897. 32415 ' ' Work " handbooks ; ed. by P. N. Hasluck. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the editor's name and the subject with which it deals. Working classes. See Labour. Workman (Herbert B.) Church of the west, middle ages. 2 v. 27015-6 Workman (Walter P.) School arithmetic. 1905. - - - 51107 - and Cracknell (A. G.) Geometry, theoretical and practical 1906. v. 1. hi. ; 51306 Workman (Wm. H. andF.B.) Through town and juugle. 1904. ill. 94715 Workshop receipts ; by E. Spon and others. 1892-1904. 5 v. til. 60307-11 World and Winstow ; by E. H. Fowler. 44 F1 World's desire ; by H. Rider Haggard and A. Lang. - - 4H1 Wormwood, a drama of Paris ; by Marie Corelli. - - . 89 C 8 Worry. In [Helps (Sir A.)] Friends in council, v. 2, 1894. - E3H2 431 WOR GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Worsfold (William B.) Portuguese Nyassaland. 1899. ill.- 96108 - The redemption of Egypt. 1899. ill. - .... 95706 - The story of Egypt, map. ------- 95702 - The story of South Africa. [1900]. map. - - - - 96302 Worship. For list of related subjects, see Church. - Duchesne (L.) Christian worship, its origin and evolution. - 26406 Worshipper of the image ; by R. Le Gallienne. - - - - 31 LI WottonReinfred[anovel];byT. Carlyle. Inhis Last words. 1892. 82839 Wrecker; by R. L. Stevenson and L. Osbourne. - - - 119 S 11 Wrestling. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Armstrong (W.) Wrestling. 1902. ill. - 79610 - - Wrestling. In Athletic sports, v. 3. 1890. ill. - - 79606 Wright (Arnold) Baboo English as 'tis writ. 1891. - - 07004 - ed. Great orations. 1903. 82727 Wright (Carroll D.) Outline of practical sociology. 1899. - 30201 Wright (E. P.) Cassell's Concise natural history, ill. - - 59026 Wright (J.) Horticulture [a primer]. 1902. ill. - - - 71602 Wright (Lewis) A handbook to the microscope. 1905. ill. - 57803 WRiGHT(WALTERP.)andCASTLE(E. J.)Flowergardening. 1905. ill. 71610 Wright (William) Life and immortality. In Present day tracts. 20414 Writing on the wall ; by General Staff. 1906. maps. - - 35508 Wrong box ; by R. L. Stevenson and L. Osbourne. - - - 119 S 16 Wrongdoer; by A. Upward. 4U3 Wrongs righted ; by A. S. Swan. 147 S 29 Wulstan, St. In Lives of the English saints, v. 5. 1901. - - 99807 Wunder im Spessart ; von K. L. Immermann ; with notes. 1904. 43819 Wuthering Heights ; by E. Bronte. 2 copies. - - - - 93B1 Wyatt (Sir Thomas) Poetical works. 1904. mem. port. - 301 W - Anthology ; ed. by E. Arber. 1900. ----- 82227 Wycliffe, John. In Brown (J. B.) Stoics and saints. 1893. - 27021 - Sergeant (L. ) John Wyclif [a biography]. 1893. port. ill. - W051 Wylie (Claude) Reed's Iron and steel founding, ill. - - 67108 Wylie (J. A.) History of the Scottish nation. 1886. 3 v. - 91825-7 Wynne (Charles W. ) Songs and lyrics. 1900. - - - 901 W Wynne (G. R.) Ballin valley, a tale. 87 Wl Wyon (Reginald) The Balkans from within. 1904. ill. map. 93902 - and Prance (G.) The land of the black mountain, Monte- negro. 1903. ill. map. 93914 X X rays. For list of related subjects, see Light. - Bottone (S. R.) Radiography and " X " rays. 1906. ill. - 53506 - Dittmar (A.) "X" rays and their applications in the new photography. 1896. ill. - 53507 - In Kennedy (R.) Electrical installations, v. 5. ill. - - - 62408 Xenophon. Cyropsedia. Hellenics, mem. - - - 88813 432 GOVANHILL BRANCH. YON Y Yachts. For list of other sports, see Sports. - Grosvenor (J. Du V.) Model yachts and boats. 1903. ill. - 62610 "Their designing, making, and sailing." - Marshall (P.) ed. Model sailing yachts, ill.- - . . 79643 " How to build, rig, and sail them." Yale (Leroy M.) and others. Angling. 1897. ill. - - 79903 Yankee at the court of King Arthur ; by Mark Twain. - - 52 T 9 Yarrow. Angus ( W.) Ettrick and Yarrow, a guide ; with songs and ballads. 1894. ill. map. - - . . . 92029 Year of shame [poems] ; by W. Watson. 189". - - . 803W Yeast. In Huxley (T. H.) Discourses, biological and geological. 50437 Yeast, a problem ; by C. Kingsley. 24 K 8 Yeats (Sidney L.) The chevalier d'Auriac [a romance]. - - 2Y2 - The Lord Protector [a romance]. 2Y1 Yeats (William B.) Poems. 1904. port. .... 10 iy - The wind among the reeds [poems]. 1900. - 102Y - ed. A book of Irish verse. 1900. 82401 Yellow aster ; by Mrs. K. M. Caffyn. 2C3 Yellow crayon ; by E. P. Oppenheim. H02 Yellow frigate ; by J. Grant. 51G8 Yellow holly ; by F. Hume. 103 HI Yellow van ; by R. Whiteing. 50Wl Yellowplush papers ; by W. M. Thackeray. 2 copies. - 82804, 82805 Yeo (I. B.) Food in health and disease. 1897. ill. - - - 61327 Yiddish literature. See Literature, Yiddish. Yolande, the story of a daughter ; by W. Black. 2 copies. - 62B12 Yonge (Charles D.) Life of Arthur, Duke of Wellington. 1891. W154 - Life of Marie Antoinette. M151 Yonge (Charlotte M.) The Christians and Moors of Spain. 1893. 93413 - The armourer's prentices. 5Y3 - Bye-words, tales. 5Y5 - More bywords. 5Y20 - The caged lion. 5Y4 - The chaplet of pearls. 5Yl - The clever woman of the family. ---... 5 y6 - Countess Kate. The Stokesley secret. 5Y7 - The daisy chain, or, aspirations. 5Y 8 - The trial, more links of " The daisy chain." - 5Y29 - The dove in the eagle's nest. - - - - . . - 5Y9 - Dynevor Terrace. - - 5Y10 - Grisly Grisell, a tale. - 5Y2 - Heartsease. 5Y11 - The heir of Redclyffe. 5Y12 - Hopes and fears. 5Y13 433 YON GLASGOW PUBLIC LIBRARIES. Yonge (Charlotte M.) Lady Hester. The Danvers papers. - 5Y15 - The lances of Lynwood. 5Y16 - The little duke, Richard the Fearless. 5Y14 - The long vacation. 5Y17 - Love and life. - - - 5Y18 - Modern broods. 5Y32 - A modern Telemachus. - 5Y19 - The pilgrimage of the Ben Beriah. 5Y21 - The pillars of the house. 5Y22 - The prince and the page, a story of the last crusade. - - 5Y24 - The release. 5Y25 - A reputed changeling. 5Y26 - That stick. 5Y27 - The three brides. 5Y28 - Two penniless princesses. 5Y30 - Unknown to history, a story of Mary of Scotland. - - - 5Y31 York. Bowntree (B. S.) Poverty, study of town life [York]. 1902. 33117 Yorke (Curtis) The Medlicotts, a family chronicle. - - 6Y2 - That little girl, a novel. " - 6Y1 - Valentine, a story of ideals. 6Y3 Yoshida-Torajiro. In Stevenson (R. L.) Men and books. 1906.- E1S4 Young (Arthur) Tour in Ireland, 1776-9. 1892. 2 v. bibl. map. 92603-4 - Travels in France, 1787-9. 1900. bibl. mem. port. map. - 93106 Young (Dinsdale T.) Peter Mackenzie as I knew him. 1904. - M251 Young (Edward) Poetical works, port. 201Y Young, Edward. Eliot (George) The poet Young. Inker Essays. E1E1 - In Johnson (S.) Lives of the poets, v. 3. 1900. - - - 99919 Young (Egerton R.) The apostle of the north, Rev. James Evans. 1899. ill. - - B1T1 Young (Filson) The happy motorist. 1906. - 62204 - Mastersingers [essays on musical topics]. 1906. - - - 78009 [Young (Francis C.)] Amateur carpenter and builder, ill. - 69001 Young (Franklin K.) and Howell (E. C.) The minor tactics of chess. 1895. ill. - - 79407 Young (J. D.) Reed's Yacht, trawler, and launch engines. 1904. ill. 62120 Young (John) Essays and addresses. 1904. mem. port.- - E1Y1 The making of a book. The scientific premonitions of the ancients. Jewish mediciners. Address on the Hunterian Library. [Etc.] - Essays on evolution and design. 1905. ----- 57507 Young (Norwood) The story of Rome. 1905. ill. plans. - 93617 Young (Sydney) Fractional distillation. 1903. ill. - - 54202 Young (T. E.) Insurance, a practical exposition. - - - 36802 Young, Thomas. In Tyndall (J.) New fragments. 1897.- - 50412 Young blood ; by E. W. Hornung. 89H2 Young collector series. A list of the series may be seen on application. Each volume is entered in the catalogue under the author's name and the subject with which it deals. 434 GOVANHILL BRANCH. ZOO Young duke, a moral tale ; by the Earl of Beaconsfield. - - 31B4 Young girl's wooing ; by E. P. Roe. ---_._ 56R9 Young Mrs. Jardine ; by Mrs. D. M. Craik. - - - - 107 CIO Young prince ; by Mrs. A. T. Ritchie. 37R6 Your luck's in your hand, palmistry ; by A. R. Craig, ill. - 13301 Youth. For list of related subjects, see Ethics. - FitzGerald (E.) Euphranor [dialogue]. In his Miscellanies. - E4F1 - Stevenson (R. L.) Crabbed age and youth. In his Virginibus puerisque, and other papers. 1902. .... E1S1 Youth at the prow ; by E. R. Esler. 35E1 Zack. On trial. - Tales of Dunstable Weir. ----.__ Zaehnsdorf (Joseph W.) The art of bookbinding. 1903. ill. Zangwill (Israel) Children of the ghetto, a study. - The king of schnorrers, grotesques and fantasies. - - The mantle of Elijah. ---...... - The master. ------.... Zangwill (Louis) Cleo the magnificent, a novel. Zanoni [a romance] ; by Lord Lytton. Zanzibar. Lyne (R. N.) Zanzibar. 1905. hibl. ill. maps. Zealandia's guerdon ; by W. S. Walker. 2echariah. See Bible. Zeit-geist [a story] ; by L. Dougall. Zeller (Berthold) Henri IV.; with notes by S. Barlet. ill. - Zeller (Edward) Acts of the apostles. 1875-6. 2 v. Zephaniah. See Bible. Zicci, a tale ; by Lord Lytton. ---..__ Ziegenbalg, Bartholomew. In Holcomb (H. H.) Men of might in India missions. ---... Zincali, the gypsies of Spain ; by G. Borrow. 1893. - Ziska, the problem of a wicked soul ; by Marie Corelli. Zola (6mile) Lonrdes [a novel]. . - Rome [sequel to "Lourdes"]. - Paris [sequel to " Rome "]. - and others. Dog stories, ill. .... Zola, Emile. Murray (H.) Zola's lay sermon [Fecondite]. In h%8 Robert Buchanan, and other essays. 1901. - - E1M1 - Vizetelly (E. A.) Zola, novelist and reformer. 1904. bibl. ill. Z011 - Williams (A. M. ) Zola's theory of the novel. In his Our early female novelists [etc.] 1904. E2W1 Zoology. For list of other branches of science, see Science. - Aflalo (F. G.) Natural history of Australia. 1896. ill. - 59108 435 1Z2 1Z1 68602 2Z2 2Z3 2Z4 2Z1 3Z1 73L18 96110 5W2 43D2 44883 22724-5 73L14 99825 39701 89C12 5Z1 5Z2 5Z3 17901 ZOO GLA SGOW P UBLIC LIBRARIES. Zoology. In Allen (G.) Falling in love, with other essays. 1889. 50419 - Brightwen (Mrs. E.) Inmates of my house and garden, ill. - 59004 - Buffon (Comte de) L'histoire naturelle des ammaux. In hu> ^^ (Euvres. 2 v. - - - - " ' * .,", „,., - Cornish (C. J.) Animals of to-day, their life. 1898. M. - 59603 - Crawford (J. H.) Wild life of Scotland. 1896. ill. - - 59010 - Elliot (G. F. S.) and others. Fauna of the Clyde area. 1901. 92302 - Forbes (A. B.) Gaelic names of beasts, birds, etc. 1905. - 59011 - Gordon (W. J.) Oar country's animals, how to know them. ill. 59602 - Huxley (T. H.) Lobster, study of zoology. In his Discourses. 50437 - Jefferies(R.) Wild life in a southern county. 1903. - - 59124 - Lankester (E. R.) Extinct animals. 1906. ill. - - - 56003 - Parker(T. J.)andHaswell(W. A.) Manual of zoology. 1899 ill 59104 - - and Parker (W. N.) Elem. practical zoology. 1900. *.- 59103 - Thornhill (M.) Haunts and hobbies of an Indian official. 1899. 94707 Observations on birds, insects, and animals. - Wallace (A. R.) The colours of animals and sexual selection. In his Tropical nature [etc.] 189o. - - Zoology. In his Studies, v. 1. 1900. ill. - - ■ - 50438 _ Wilson (A.) Studies in life and sense [essays], 1887. ill. . - 50420 Monkeys. Elephants. The past and present of the cuttlefishes. The problems of distribution and their solution . I btc. j - - Wild animals and birds, haunts and habits. 1882. 4°. ill. 59908 - Wood (J. G.) Strange dwellings, habitations of animals, ill. 59121 - See also Animal automatism. Animal intelligence Animals Habits of Aquarium. Batrachia. Birds. Crustacea. Domestic animafs* Fish, fishing. Geographical distribution. Insects. Mammals. Mollusks. Ponds. Reptiles. Sea. Sea-snore. Spiders. Zootomy. For list of related subjects, see Anatomy. - Parker (T. J.) Zootomy, vertebrata. 1900. MM. ill- - " 59133 Zoroastrianism. For list of other religions, see Religions. - Kapadia (S. A. ) The teachings of Zoroaster and the philosophy of the Parsi religion. 1905 - - Kaufmann (M.) Modern views of Zoroastrianism examined in the light of Christianity. In Present day tracts, v. 14. 20415 - Mitchell (J. M.) The Zend-Avesta and the religion of the Parsis. In Present day tracts, v. 5. - - " Zucchero.Taddeo. 7»Va8ari(G.) Lives of the painters v. o. 1900. 99706 Zulu war. Molyneux (W. C. F.) Campaigning in S. Africa. 1896. 96501 ZweifeM A. M.) A preparatory French course. 1898. - - ** Zwingli, Ulrich. Simpson (S.)Zwingli, a life. 1903. port. ill. Z021 OLASQOW: PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PB1SSS BV BOB EB t" MA0LKHO8. AXD CO. LTD. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. The following catalogues have been printed and are on sale at all tjie Libraries —price in cloth boards 8d., in paper covers 4d. each. Gorbals. First edition, 1902, out of print; Second edition published in January, 1906, includes all additions to December, 1905. Kingston, 1904. Anderston, ------ 1904. Woodside, - 1905. Kinning Park, ----- 1905. Maryhill, ----- March, 1906. Dennistoun, - October, 1906. Govanhill, - - February, 1907. Catalogues of the Juvenile Sections of the Lending Depart- ments may also be had, price Id. each. Gorbals. First edition, 1902, out of print; Second edition, - March, 1906. Kingston, ----- 1904. Anderston, 1904. Woodside, ------ 1905. Kinning Park, - June, 1906. Maryhill, March, 1906. Dennistoun, December, 1906.