T -TIE. R.AFLY OF THE UN IVERSITY OF ILLI NOIS 917.7324 B17p 1LLT HISTORICAL pORTY Illustrations of Streets. Public Huildip.as ami Private Resideoces, ipade by the Hboto CJelatioe Process, frorr) njade by Wrp. H. Baker. Gelatipe Priijts by K. -J. Pbelps. Published by WM. H. BAKKK. OF 1HE uvw 1XSDAI.K, Du Page County, Illinois, is located 17 miles from Chicago, on the Chicago. Burlington and Ouincy Railroad, and lias at present about 2000 inhabitants The town was laid out by Mr. \Vm. Robbins and Mr. ( ). J. Slough in 1866, and its beautiful situation on high rolling ground, covered with line shade trees, its abund- ant supply of good and pure water, natural drainage, and easy accessibility to the City make it one of the most desirable places of residence in the vicinity of Chicago. Hinsdale has a goodly number of Substantial Build- ings, including Public Schools. Churches and Stores, and many elegant Private Dwellings The houses are built well back from the street, leav- ing spacious and nicely kept lawns in front. The streets are wide and are lined with trees of many years growth, while no unsightly buildings mar the beauty of the place. The accompanying illustrations will serve to give the reader a fair idea of this pleasant -suburban town, they are exact reproductions of photographic negatives, made during the past summer and autumn, and are as truthful as a good camera and line lens could make them. Of 1*f UNivr Scene in the Highlands. Of MN I Street Scene looking east from Mr. Wm. Thayer's Residence. OF WF Scene from the Bridge, Judge Beckwlth's Place. OF Unity Church, west view. l/f>/ ; OF IMF >|Ty fii. Unity Church, east view. ,.AY OF THE !1 Congregational Church. Of THE UNIVF" Episcopal Church. Of South Side School House, south view. fH South Side School House, south-east view. UH OF . North Side School House, Maple St. It* """ or w ' Residence of C. T. Warren, Garfield and Chicago Aves. OF V. Residence of R. A. Childs, Garfield Ave. and 4th St. -!,r Of 1f Residence of Geo. B. Bobbins, Washington and 3d Sts. OF 1HE Residence of J. S. Shannon, Lincoln and 3d Sts. |ir. Of THE iiMivn Residence of Jas. V. Ridgway, Walnut and Elm Sts. OF IHt UNIVERSITY Olr Residence of R. R. Landis, Elm Street. Residence of Robert W. Clarke, First and Elm Sts. Of ** Residence of Judge C. Beckwith, Oak St., Highlands. Of IMF Residence of P. Bassett, Woodside Ave. UMAKX Of THF - Residence o) J. W. Reed. Highlands, east view. l/B* OF T*f UKIVF" Residence of J. W. Reed, Highlands, west view. Of THE 1JNIVFKSITY 0* Residence of Wm. Hinckley, 5th Ave. and Elm St. I ftp Residence of Wm. D. Crooke, 1st and Pine Sts. uw OF Residence of J. W. Landis, 3d and Park Aves. Residence of Willard P. Edwards, Washington St. Residence of Mr A. A. Lincoln, 4th St. and Garfield Avenue. 1 "'' . Of iHr Residence of Fred. J. Schuyler, 3d and Pine Streets. Of THf ?ITY i>f Residence of Mrs. Irish, Lincoln and 3d Streets. Of VMV Residence of Daniel K. Pearson, Maple St. OF \Hi UNIVERSITY Uf Lt Residence of S. Heineman, Walnut and Pine Sts. Of Grounds and Residence of G K. Wright, Garfield Ave. Of Residence of E. C. Crosby, 1st and Pine Sts. OF THt Of . Ll Residence of D H. Preston, 3d Ave. and Pine St. ' r / Residence of Henry A. Gardner, Maple and Madison Sts , Of I 'it ' Residence of Harry C. Dana, 5th Ave "L/rtty/i, Residence of D. A. Courier, 1st Street. IKE iLlIN^ 1 J Residence of Chas A. Allen, Washington and Hickory Sts Residence of Ervin P. Hinds, Washington and 2d Sts. v> Of OM1VEI