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Results for 1936 I University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 429 In cooperation with the Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases, Bureau of Plant In- dustry, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Illinois State Natural History Survey CONTENTS PAGE SCOPE OF THE TESTS 391 LOCATION OF FIELDS 392 SEASONAL CONDITIONS 393 INSECT PROBLEMS 393 METHOD OF PLANTING 394 MEASURING PERFORMANCE OF ENTRIES 394 RESULTS OF THE TESTS 395 INDEX TO TABLES Grain tests. Adair 407, Albion 414, Alhambra 413, Armstrong 409, Cambridge 403, Dwight 405, Franklin 411, Henry 404, Kings 400, Mundelein 397, Plainfield 401, Stanford 408, Stockton 399, Sullivan 412, Sectional summaries: Northern 398, North-Central 402, Central 406, South-Central 410. Two-year summary of hybrids 415-416. Silage tests: 417-418. Soil-adaptation tests: 419-420. Urbana, Illinois January, 1937 Publications in the Bulletin series report the results of investigations made by or sponsored by the Experiment Station Illinois Corn Performance Tests Results for,1936 By G. H. DUNCAN, J. R. HOLBERT, W. J. MUMM, J. H. BIGGER, and A. L. LANG* H PERFORMANCE tests conducted as a part of the corn- improvement program of the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station in cooperation with the Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, and the Illinois State Natural History Survey, have provided the data reported in this bulletin. The present report is the third to be published, the results for 1934 and 1935 having been reported in Bulletins 411 and 427 of this Station. SCOPE OF THE TESTS Two hundred thirty- four different kinds of corn were tested in the twenty-one fields in 1936. Of these, 38 were open-pollinated varieties and 196 were hybrids. In the accompanying tables these entries are grouped into two gen- eral classes designated as "Regular" and "Experimental." The regular entries comprize those that may be considered as being in commercial production, 100 bushels or more of seed being available for planting in 1937 or having been available in that amount in previous years. In the experimental group are included those hybrids of which only small amounts of seed have been produced and which, for this reason, are not available for commercial planting. Of the hybrids included in the tests, 118 were experimental. At least five locally adapted open-pollinated varieties were included in each of the fifteen fields in the grain-testing group. In the silage tests and the tests made on soils varying in productivity, at least one good open-pollinated variety was included. The performance of the open-pollinated entries furnishes a standard for evaluating that of the hybrids. G. H. DUNCAN, Chief in Crop Production, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station; {. R. HOLBERT, Senior Agronomist, Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases, Bureau of Plant ndustry, U. S. Department of Agriculture; VV. J. MUMM, Associate in Plant Breeding, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station; J. H. BIGGER, Field Entomologist, Illinois State Natural History Survey; and A. L. LANG, Assistant Chief in Soil Experiment Fields, Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station. 391 392 BULLETIN No. 429 LOCATION OF FIELDS [January, Testing fields were located in the same general areas of the state as in 1935. Some of them were on the same farms as those of last year. Again the selection of accessible places and good, cooperatively Location of 1936 Test Fields minded farmers resulted in obtaining fields relatively high in produc- tivity. The accompanying map shows the location of the fields, and in Table 1 is given some general information about them. 1937] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 393 TABLE 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: ILLINOIS COOPERATIVE CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS, 1936 Location of field County Nu 5f* r Date Cooperator entries P' ante< ^ Date Average yield, all entries- Total Sound Groin leitt Mumlelein . . . . Lake . Earl Kane 36 May 20-21 52 May 14 52 May 15 52 May 16 60 MayS 60 May 11 60 May 9 60 MayS 60 May 9 60 May 18-20 40 May 15 40 May 14 33 May 19 27 May 12 30 May 20 21 May 23-25 19 May 7-June 4 25 May 15 25 May 20 18 May 11 18 May 9 Oct. 8 Nov. 24 Nov. 18 Nov. 20 Nov. 12 Nov. 17 Nov. 7 Oct. 30 Nov. 5 Nov. 10 Oct. 29 Oct. 27 Oct. 19 C) Oct. 20 Sept. 29 Aug. 26-Sept. 16 Oct. 27 Oct. 27 Oct. 28 Oct. 28 bu. 56.5 76.2 51.5 41.2 47.0 43.5 59.5 37.9 53.9 32.1 14.7 34.1 8.4 C) 32.3 IBM 3.36 2.57 bu. 57.4 27.0 53.1 42.8 bu. 55.9 71.1 50.1 39.9 45.7 39.4 58.8 36.7 52.4 31.3 14.2 32.7 8.3 C) 31.3 tons bu. 55.2 25.4 52.3 41.5 Stockton Kings Plainfield . JoDavieas . . . . Ogle Will Homer Curtiss . Elmer Hayes Clyde McAllister .... Cambridge . . . Henry . Henry . Marshall Theodore Bogner D wight Adair Stanford . . . Livingston... . McDonough . McLean . . John Hahn Victor Brenneman Armstrong . . . Franklin . Vermilion. . . . Morgan . James Dewey . Chas. Gibson Francis Murphy Sullivan Alhambra Edgewood Albion . Moultrie . Madison . Illinois Station, Agronomy. . . F. V. Wilson . Edwards . Lorin Jack and Son Stiagttetli Maple Park.. . DeKalb..... . J. Berkea . Dairy Department, U. of I.. . . Sibley Estate, Farm 41 Sod-adaptation tettt Sibley Ford... Sibley . Ford Sibley Estate, Farm 92 I'rlcuia . Champaign . . Illinois Station, S.W. Rotation . Illinois Station, S.C. Rotation Urban* Corn on Edgewood field was a failure because of excessive drouth and heat damage. SEASONAL CONDITIONS Favorable conditions for the growth of corn prevailed at planting time and during the fall of 1936, but the summer was characterized by extreme heat and drouth. This condition was most severe in the central two-thirds of the state. The low average yields on some of the fields recorded in Table 1 are an indication of the unfavorableness of the season. INSECT PROBLEMS The weather, tho unfavorable for corn, was nearly ideal for the development of outbreaks of chinch bugs and grasshoppers. Numerous areas in north-central, central, and south-central Illinois suffered from the attacks of these two insects, and several of the testing fields were seriously affected. At Cambridge, in the north-central section, one-fifth of the field was not harvested because of grasshopper damage and the remainder of the field showed scattered spots of feeding. Grasshoppers were also responsible for the abandonment of the entire eastern half of the field at Stanford and for a spotty condition in the remainder of the field. Both chinch bugs and grasshoppers were present in outbreak pro- 394 BULLETIN No. 429 [January, portions on the Franklin field, and the records from this field should be examined with this fact in mind. Unfortunately the same strain of corn is not always resistant to more than one kind of insect, but the outstanding entries on the Franklin field must be considered as resist- ant to both chinch bugs and grasshoppers, as well as to drouth. Part of the field at Sullivan was heavily infested with chinch bugs, and some valuable information regarding the resistance to this insect of the strains planted there is furnished by the data from this field. METHOD OF PLANTING The methods of conducting the 1936 tests were similar to those used in 1934 and 1935. In order that the trials might be carried on under actual farm conditions, all plots in the grain-testing group were located within a larger cornfield. The test corn was planted by hand on the day the rest of the field was planted. The rows were joined with those of the surrounding corn so that the test plots could be cultivated along with the rest of the field. On most fields each entry (variety or hybrid) occupied 10 plots, each plot being 12 hills long and 2 rows wide. At Stockton and at Cambridge, however, the plots were 10 hills long instead of 12. The entries were arranged in the controlled random order, as described in Bulletin 427. With only a few exceptions, all 10 plots of each entry were harvested and the yield of grain from each plot included in determining performance ratings. Uneven insect damage justified leav- ing portions of two fields unharvested. At Stanford five plots and at Cambridge two plots of each entry were not harvested for this reason. At Albion six plots of each entry were abandoned because of uneven stand. The silage testing plots were planted with a regular corn planter in strips across the field, an open-pollinated variety being planted on every third or fourth plot to serve as a check. MEASURING PERFORMANCE OF ENTRIES The entries in 1936 were rated, as in 1935, according to two meas- ures of performance lodging resistance and yield of sound corn. Lodging Resistance. Lodging resistance was measured in the following way. Just before harvest each plot on the field was examined and the percentage of erect plants estimated. The percentage of erect plants for a given entry was then computed from the estimates of all 1937] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 395 the replications of that entry. The rating on relative lodging resistance is the ratio, expressed as percentage, of the percentage of erect plants for that entry to the average percentage of erect plants for all the entries on the field. Sound Yield. The entire yield from one replication of each entry was shelled to determine shelling percentage. The corn was usually shelled on the day it was husked. Ears that were too moist to shell at harvest time were dried with forced heated air and shelled later. All the shelled corn from a plot was poured thru a divider and a repre- sentative sample, consisting of one-eighth of the original quantity, taken. This sample was divided into two equal lots, one of which was used for a moisture test and the other dried and reserved for a deter- mination of damaged corn. Most of the moisture determinations were made with a Tag-Hep- penstall moisture meter within a few days after the samples were taken. The corn from a few fields was too high in moisture to be tested by this apparatus. When this occurred, the moisture was determined by drying the corn in an electric oven at 100 C. for 48 hours. The samples taken for determination of damaged corn were stored for a time in a heated dryer. The percentage of damaged kernels, by weight, was determined in either a 200- or a 250-gram sample of the grain, according to the Federal Grain Grade standards. The acre-yield of sound corn was computed from the total acre- yield and the percentage of sound corn. The rating on sound yield of an entry is the ratio, expressed as percentage, of the yield of sound corn for that entry to the average yield of sound corn for all the entries on the field. General Performance Rating. In computing the general per- formance rating of an entry, the ratings for lodging resistance and sound corn were averaged, but the sound-corn rating was given three times the weight of the rating on lodging resistance, since differences in yield are more important than differences in lodging resistance. RESULTS OF THE TESTS Grain Tests. Data on total yield of grain, sound corn, damaged corn, moisture in corn at harvest, and percentage of erect plants, together with performance ratings, are given in Tables 2 to 19, starting with the tests made in northern Illinois and moving south. A summary of the performance of the entries that were tested in both 1935 and 1936 is given in Tables 20 to 23. 3% BULLETIN No. 429 [January, In all sections of the state the best hybrids again demonstrated their superiority over the best open-pollinated varieties. The yield of the five best hybrids in the northern, north-central, central, and south- central sections of the state exceeded that of the five best open-polli- nated varieties by 15.7 bushels of sound corn per acre, or by over 46 percent. Silage Tests. Two silage tests of corn varieties and hybrids were made in 1936. The fields were located near Maple Park in DeKalb county and at Urbana 1 in Champaign county. The corn was drilled with a corn planter in the regular way, in strips running the length of the field. At Urbana every third strip was planted with Station Yellow Dent and at Maple Park every fourth strip was planted with Western Plowman. These two open-pollinated varieties served as a check. The general performance rating of the various entries was based on total yield of dry matter and lodging resistance. Total weight of dry matter was given three times the weight of lodging resistance. The best hybrid entries in the silage tests surpassed the open- pollinated entries in total yield of silage as well as in grain fraction, or feeding value. Data on yield and performance rating are given in Tables 24 and 25. Soil-Adaptation Tests. As in 1935 some of the better hybrids, along with Station Yellow Dent as a check, were grown on soils vary- ing in productivity. The difference in the productivity of the areas used was due either to characteristics inherent in the soil itself or to the farming practices used or to both. In the Sibley test (Table 26) the high level of productivity is rep- resented by Farm 41 and the lower level by Farm 92. The area selected for the test on Farm 92 is high, somewhat eroded, and the soil a poor grade of Elliott silt loam. The area on Farm 41 is a highly productive Proctor silt loam. The two areas selected for the Urbana tests (Table 27) are differ- ent in productivity because of the long-continued use of different rota- tions. Corn, oats, clover, and wheat, with a clover catch crop in the wheat, make up the Southwest rotation. Corn, corn, corn, and soybeans constitute the South-Central rotation. More limestone has been applied to the Southwest rotation ; otherwise the supplementary treatments on these two areas have been very similar. Owing to adverse and variable seasonal conditions, comparisons 'The field at Urbana was grown in cooperation with the Department of Dairy Husbandry. 1937} ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 397 between fields are not so representative as they were in the previous year's work. Farm 41 at Sibley was the more favored in respect to moisture supply than Farm 92. Both fields at Urbana suffered more from drouth during the critical growing period than did either of the fields at Sibley. Nevertheless the same general conclusions that were made in 1935 hold true for this year's work; namely, that the better hybrids are favored by a good soil to a greater extent than are open- pollinated varieties. (Grain tests Tables 2 to 19) TABLE 2. MUNDELEIN, NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Rank Acre-yield DainaKCtl corn in Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants Performance rating for General perform- ance rating Entry Total Sound shelled sample resist- . u , n d ance Regular division entries in commercial production feu. feu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 DeKalb Hybrid 518... 69.0 68.5 7 35.8 75.5 113.4 122. ti 120.3 2 DeKalb Hybrid 530 63.9 63.8 ,2 36 7 73.5 110.4 114. 2 113.3 8 DeKalb Hybrid 4A 61.3 60.7 9 40.2 81.5 122.4 108. ti 112.1 4 DeKalb Hybrid 93 62.1 61.8 8 34.3 74.0 111.1 110. 8 110.7 I Illinois Hybrid 751R 61.6 61.0 ,9 37.5 72.0 108.1 109. 2 108.9 ti DeKalb Hybrid 3A 59.9 59.5 ti 32.8 74.5 111.9 106. 5 107.9 7 DeKalb Hybrid 55 60.7 58.2 4 :i 34.9 71.5 107.4 104. 2 105.0 s Kane White Dent 53.6 52.0 2 9 35.9 57.5 86.4 93. 1 91.4 1 Gunn Western Plowman 51.0 50.0 1 !) 38.0 51.0 76.6 89. B 86.3 Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . . 46.4 45.5 1. 9 38.4 47.5 71.3 81. 4 78.9 10 Eckhardt Western Plowman (Barbak) . . 45.6 44.6 2, ,2 35.3 49.0 73.6 79. 8 78.3 11 Eckhardt Western Plowman (untreated) 44.8 44.5 7 36.7 45.0 67.6 79. 7 76.7 12 Eckhardt Western Plowman (Semesan Jr.) 45.0 43.5 8 8 35.8 46.0 69.1 77. 9 75.7 II Wisconsin 13 42.8 42.7 8 32.6 37.5 56.3 76. 4 71.4 14 Huebech Golden Glow 38.8 38.0 2 40.3 42.5 63.8 68.0 67.0 15 Huebech Murdock Yellow Dent 32.9 32.3 1 .7 36.7 48.0 72.1 57. 8 61.4 Average of division 52.9 52.1 1 .5 36.2 59.9 90.0 93. 2 92.4 Experimental division entries not in commercial production I Funk Hybrid B-31 . . . 67.0 66.7 5 35.3 75.0 112.7 119. 4 117.7 2 Illinois Hybrid 312 65.3 64.8 7 37.1 68.0 102.1 116.0 112.5 8 Illinois Hybrid 171 60.6 60.2 ti 34.0 81.0 121.7 107. 8 111.3 4 Illinois Hybrid 318 60.9 60.6 ,0 34.9 79.5 119.4 108. B 111.2 5 Illinois Hybrid 322 64.2 63.9 ,4 32.5 64.0 96.1 114. 4 109.8 i Illinois Hybrid 191 59.3 58.8 ,9 32.4 82.0 123.2 105. 2 109.7 7 Illinois Hybrid 895 59.8 59.4 ,6 32.6 75.5 113.4 106. | 108.1 s Illinois Hybrid 181 59.3 59.3 1 ) 35.3 73.0 109.6 106. 1 107.0 9 Illinois Hybrid 316 56.5 56.0 ,9 36.8 82.5 123.9 100. 2 106.1 10 Funk Hybrid B-30 61.1 60.0 1, ,8 41.7 66.5 99.9 107. 4 105.5 li Illinois Hybrid 193 58.7 58.3 ,8 30.8 72.0 108.1 104. 4 105.3 12 Illinois Hybrid 179 58 3 58.1 :i 33.7 71.0 106.6 104. 104.7 18 Illinois Hybrid 302 60.1 59.9 :i 37.0 64.0 96.1 107. 2 104.4 14 Illinois Hybrid 334 58.3 57.2 1 8 35.1 72.0 108.1 102. 4 103.8 u Illinois Hybrid 896 57.3 57.0 . 36.8 72.5 108.9 102. (1 103.7 18 Funk Hybrid 605 58.7 58.3 .8 37.9 67.0 100.6 104. 4 103.5 17 Funk Hybrid 604 59.7 59.3 ,7 34.8 63.0 94.6 106. 1 103.2 IS Illinois Hybrid 339 66.3 55.6 1 .2 37.1 72.0 108.1 99. B 101.7 1'J Fund Hybrid B-32 54.9 54.6 .6 35.5 67.0 100.6 97. 7 98.4 I'll Funk Hybrid B-33 . . . 54.7 53 3 2 .5 39.8 66.0 99.1 95. 4 96.3 21 Illinois Hybrid 333 50.2 48.8 2 B 36.3 64.0 96.1 87. :i 89 5 Average of division 59.1 58.6 .9 35.6 71.3 107.1 104. s 105.4 Average of all entries 56.5 55.9 1 .2 35.9 66.6 398 BULLETIN No. 429 [January, TABLE 3. NORTHERN ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS AT STOCKTON, KINGS, AND PLAINFIELD, 1936 (Average of triplicated entries) Acre-yield D "" 1 Mois- ture in grain at harvest Performance rating for Erect General perform- ance rating Rank Entry Total , shelled ScmA sample plants Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division entries in commercial production fru. bu. per tt. per efc perct. perd. percl. 1 DeKalb Hybrid 4A 66.4 65.2 ,8 22 ,A 83.6 107.6 118.8 116.0 2 Pioneer Hi-Bred 335 62.8 59.7 4 .9 22 .2 90.2 116.1 108.7 110.6 1 DeKalb Hybrid 518 64.4 62.1 3 ,6 22 .7 77.5 99.7 113.1 109.8 4 DeKalb Hybrid 235 60.0 59.1 1 .A 23 .6 86.3 111.1 107.7 108.6 5 DeKalb Hybrid 530 61.5 60.1 2 ,8 23 .0 82.2 105.8 109.5 108.6 Pioneer Hi-Bred 315 64.1 62.2 8 .0 21 .9 71.5 92.0 113.3 108.0 7 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 364 67.1 61.5 8 ,8 25 .1 73.5 94.6 112.0 107.7 8 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 368 61.1 58.5 4 8 23 .2 84.7 109.0 106.6 107.2 9 Laiier Illinois Hybrid 368 60.4 57.9 4 .1 23 .7 86.8 111.7 105 5 107.1 10 Illinois Hybrid 751 59.9 57.3 4 .8 23 .6 85.8 110.4 104.4 105.9 11 DeKalb Hybrid 93 58.2 57.3 1 6 22 ,1 83.7 107.7 104.4 105.2 12 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 61.5 57.3 6 .8 21 .0 83.3 107.2 104.4 105.1 u Lazier Illinois Hybrid 366 61.0 58.0 4 .9 24 .3 77.8 100.1 105.6 104.2 14 DeKalb Hybrid 592 59.3 57.8 2 .5 23 4 77.5 99.7 105.3 103.9 If DeKalb Hybrid 3A 60.2 59.0 2 .0 21 .8 69.7 89.6 107.5 103.0 16 Iowa Hybrid 931 57.2 56.0 2 ,1 22 1 79.0 101.7 102.0 101.9 17 Pioneer Hi-Bred 325 60.9 54.5 10 5 22 4 84.0 108.1 99.3 101.5 18 Pioneer Hi-Bred 323 59.7 56.6 5 .2 21 8 72.8 93.7 103.1 100.8 1!) DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 366 57.5 54.5 5 ,2 23 ,7 80.8 104.0 99.3 100.5 20 DeKalb Hybrid 97 54.7 52.2 4 .6 25 .8 87.3 112.4 95.1 99.4 21 DeKalb Hybrid 495 55.1 53.8 2 ,4 22 .9 80.3 103.3 98.0 99.3 22 DeKalb Hybrid 55 55.3 54.2 2 ,0 22 .4 77.5 99.7 98.7 99.0 23 DeKalb Hybrid 119 56.9 55.5 2 .5 22 | 70.2 90.3 101.1 98.4 24 Funk Hybrid 215 52.7 50.5 4 .2 23 .4 85.3 109.8 92.0 96.5 25 Iowa Hybrid 942 60.4 50.4 16 .6 24 I) 83.7 107.7 91.8 95.8 26 lowealth Hybrid A 54.9 53.7 2 .2 21 .0 68.2 87.8 97.8 95.3 27 Funk Hybrid 214 51.5 49.1 4 .7 24 .7 84.7 109.0 89.4 94 3 28 DeKalb Hybrid 118 55.0 53.4 2 .9 23 .1 64.3 82.8 97.3 93.7 2!) Kckhardt Western Plowman 49.2 47.6 3 .8 21 ,6 60.0 77.2 86.7 84.3 M Webb Will County Favorite 50.0 47.8 4 4 23 4 56.5 72.7 87.1 83.5 81 Simmons Yellow Dent (Semesan) 47.2 44.7 5 3 23 ,8 62.7 80.7 81.4 81.2 82 Gunn Western Plowman 45.9 44.7 2 ti 23 ,1 60.8 78.2 81.4 80.6 33 Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . Book Yellow Dent 47.7 46.1 45.4 42.1 4, 8. 8 7 23 24 .3 ,4 57.8 48.8 74.4 62.8 82.7 76.7 86.6 73.2 Average of division 57.5 55.0 4. 8 23. 76.4 97.6 99.6 99.1 Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 Illinois Hybrid 345 61.6 59.2 3.9 23.9 90.0 115.8 107.8 109.8 2 Illinois Hybrid 319 62.2 60.2 3.2 23.7 83.3 107.2 1097 109.1 3 Illinois Hybrid 313 60.5 58.6 3.1 23.3 85.7 110.3 106.7 107.6 4 Illinois Hybrid 320 58.2 56.6 2.7 22.5 86.7 111.6 103.1 105.2 5 Illinois Hybrid 197 60.8 59.5 2.1 22.1 73.5 94.6 108.4 105.0 6 National Hybrid 116 60.3 57.3 5.0 22.2 77.2 99.4 104.4 103.2 7 Illinois Hybrid 586 54.5 53.2 2.4 22.1 89.2 114.8 96.9 101.4 8 Illinois Hybrid 334 57.4 55.0 14.2 24.5 80.7 103.9 100.2 101.1 9 lowealth Hybrid 15 56.7 53.9 4.9 22.2 83.0 106.8 98.2 100.4 10 National Hybrid 114 54.4 53.1 2.4 22.1 83.0 106.8 967 99.2 11 Illinois Hybrid 339 53.9 53.3 11 21.7 81.0 104.2 97.1 98.9 12 Illinois Hybrid 191 54.6 52.4 4.0 24.5 79.1 101.8 95.4 97.0 13 Michigan Hybrid 561 39.3 37.4 4.8 255 58.8 75.7 68.1 70.0 Average of division 56.5 54.6 3.4 23.1 80.9 104.1 09.4 100.6 Average of all entries... . 57.2 54.9 4.0 23.0 77.7 1937] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 399 TABLE 4. STOCKTON, NORTHERN ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Performance Rank Entry Acre-yield Damage< corn in shelled sample 1 Mois- ture in grain at Harvest Erect plants rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division entries in commercial production bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 DeKalb Hybrid 4 A... 91.5 89.0 2.7 21.7 99.0 104.0 125.2 119.9 2 Illinois Hybrid 751 85.5 82.4 3.6 22.9 100.0 105.0 115.9 113.2 3 DeKalb Hybrid 93 82.9 82.2 .8 22.5 99.0 104.0 115.6 112.7 4 Pioneer Hi-Bred 315. 84.6 81.1 4.1 21.8 95.0 99.8 114.1 110.5 5 DeKalb Hybrid 235 80.3 78.3 2.5 22.6 99.0 104.0 110.1 108.6 6 DeKalb Hybrid 119 80 2 77.9 2.9 21.4 98.5 103.5 109.6 108.1 7 DeKalb Hybrid 530 79.7 77.3 3.0 22.5 96.0 100.8 108.7 106.7 8 Pioneer Hi-Bred 335 83.6 76.0 9.1 23.5 100.0 105.0 106.9 106.4 9 DeKalb Hybrid 518 83.0 75.4 9.2 22.2 99.5 104.5 106.0 105.6 10 Pioneer Hi-Bred 323 84.2 77.3 8.2 22.0 90.5 95.1 108.7 105.3 11 DeKalb Hybrid 55 78.0 75.5 3.2 22.4 97.5 102.4 106.2 105.3 12 DeKalb Hybrid 592 79.0 73.9 6.5 24.2 99.0 104.0 103.9 103.9 13 DeKalb Hybrid 3A 76.7 74.8 2.5 20.3 94.5 99.3 105.2 103.7 14 Lazier Illinois Hybrid 368 79.6 72.7 8.7 22.0 99.5 104.5 102.3 102.9 15 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 364 84 6 72.7 4.1 23.9 99.0 104.0 102.3 102.7 16 Iowa Hybrid 931 73.4 72.4 1.4 22.9 98.5 103.5 101.8 102.2 17 DeKalb Hybrid 118 75.7 73.9 2.4 22.0 92.5 97.2 103.9 102.2 18 Lazier Illinois Hybrid 366 78.5 71.0 9.6 25.2 99.5 104.5 99.9 101.1 19 DeKalb Hybrid 495 74.1 71.7 3.2 23.9 96.5 101.4 100.8 101.0 20 DeKalb Hybrid 368 78.5 71.3 9.2 23.2 97.5 102.4 100.3 100.8 21 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 366 75.8 70.7 6.7 23.2 99.5 104.5 99.4 100.7 22 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 366 75.8 71.0 6.3 23.2 98.0 102.9 99.9 100.7 23 Funk Hybrid 215 75.1 70.1 6.7 22.5 98.5 103.5 98.6 99.8 24 DeKalb Hybrid 97 76.9 69.1 10.1 26.5 98.5 103.5 97.2 98.8 25 lowealth Hybrid A 73.8 69.6 5.7 20.9 92.5 97.2 97.9 97.7 26 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 78.6 67.2 14.5 20.7 98.5 103.5 94.5 96.8 27 Griffith Early Dent 70.3 66.5 5.4 23.2 94.0 98.7 93.5 94.8 28 Iowa Hybrid 942 81.3 63.8 21.5 23.9 97.0 101.9 89.7 92.8 29 Simmons Will County Favorite (Barbak) 69.1 64.6 6.5 24.2 87.0 91.4 90.9 91.0 30 Pioneer Hi-Bred 325 78 fi 61.9 21.2 22.9 97.5 102.4 87.1 90.9 O Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . 87.8 84.1 5.5 22.7 85.5 89.8 90.2 98.1 31 Webb Will County Favorite 70.0 64.5 7.9 23.5 83.5 87.7 90.7 90.0 32 Gunn Western Plowman 63.6 63.3 .5 22.6 86.5 90.9 89.0 89.5 33 Funk Hybrid 214 66.8 59.8 10.5 25.9 98.0 102.9 84.1 88.8 34 Eckhardt Western Plowman 65 8 63.0 4.3 21.2 83.0 87.2 88.6 88.3 35 Simmons Will Co. Favorite (Semesan) . . 69.1 62.6 9.4 22.9 80.5 84.6 88.0 87.2 36 Simmons Will Co. Favorite (untreated) 62.2 59.5 4.3 24.5 83.5 87.7 83.7 84.7 37 Book Yellow Dent 63.7 60.5 5.0 24.2 79.0 83.0 85.1 84.6 Average of division 76.5 71.2 6.9 22.9 94.7 99.5 100.1 100.0 Experimental division ( ;ntries not in commercial production 1 Illinois Hybrid 319... 86.7 83.9 3.2 23.9 100.0 105.0 118.0 114.8 2 Illinois Hybrid 197 85.2 80.9 5.0 21.4 99.0 104.0 113.8 111.4 3 Illinois Hybrid 345 83 7 78.4 6.3 24.2 100.0 105.0 110.3 109.0 4 Illinois Hybrid 320 82.2 78.7 4.3 22.9 98.5 103.5 110.7 108.9 5 National Hybrid 116 84.2 76.4 9.3 21.7 97.5 102.4 107.5 106.2 Illinois Hybrid 586 76 9 74.8 2.7 21.2 99.0 104.0 105.2 104.9 7 Illinois Hybrid 313 78.9 73.6 6.7 23.5 98.5 103.5 103.5 103.5 8 Illinois Hybrid 339 74 7 73.2 2.0 21.7 98.5 103.5 103.0 103.1 9 Illinois Hybrid 334 78.4 72.8 7.1 24.2 94.0 98.7 102.4 101.5 10 Illinois Hybrid 191 75 9 71.6 5.7 24.9 94.5 99.3 100.7 100.4 11 12 National Hybrid 114. .. Funk Hybrid 605 70.0 70.8 69.0 67.6 1.4 4.5 22.0 23.5 99.5 95.5 104.5 100.3 97.0 95.1 98.9 96.4 13 lowealtb Hybrid 15 75.0 66.8 10.9 22.6 97.5 102.4 94.0 96.1 14 Illinois-low ealtti Hybrid 20 55.6 48.0 13.7 25.9 95.0 99.8 67.5 75.6 15 Michigan Hybrid 561 51.1 46.9 8.2 23.2 75.5 79.3 66.0 69.3 Average of division 75.3 70.8 6.0 23.1 96.2 101.0 99.6 100.0 Average of all entries 76.2 71.1 6.7 23.0 95.2 Planter box sample supplied by Homer Curtiss on whose farm the cooperative plot was conducted. 400 BULLETIN No. 429 [January, TABLE 5. KINGS, NORTHERN ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Performance Rank Entry Acre-yield Damagec corn in shelled sample 1 Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division entries in commercial production bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 DeKalb Hybrid 4A 67.2 65.8 2.1 24.5 56.0 96.1 131.3 122.5 2 Pioneer Hi-Bred 335 56.7 55.3 2.5 23.5 80.0 137.2 110.4 117.1 3 DeKalb Hybrid 3A 61.1 60.1 1.6 22.3 57.5 98.6 120.0 114.7 4 DeKalb Hybrid 518 59.6 59.0 1.0 24.2 60.5 103.8 117.8 114.3 5 DeKalb Hybrid 530 56.8 55.8 1.8 25.2 64.5 110.6 111.4 111.2 6 DeKalb Hybrid 235 56.6 56.1 .9 25.2 67.0 114.9 112.0 112.7 7 Pioneer Hi-Bred 315 59.5 58.3 2.0 22.8 55.0 94.3 116.4 110.9 8 DeKalb Hybrid 93 54.9 54.2 1.3 23.2 68.0 116.7 108.2 110.3 9 Lazier Illinois Hybrid 368 56.2 53.1 5.5 25.2 71.5 122.6 106.0 110.2 10 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 368 56.3 55.2 2.0 23.2 62.5 107.2 110.2 109.5 11 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 366 56.1 54.1 3.6 24.8 64.5 110.6 108.0 108.7 12 Lazier Illinois Hybrid 366 58.5 57.6 1.5 24.5 52.0 89.2 115.0 108.6 13 Pioneer Hi-Bred 323 55.5 54.3 2.2 22.3 61.5 105.5 108.4 107.7 14 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 364 62.7 57.6 8.1 26.5 47.0 80.6 115.9 107.1 15 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 54.0 53.0 1.9 22.8 64.0 109.8 105.8 106.8 16 DeKalb Hybrid 495 53.5 53.1 .7 23.8 62.5 107.2 106.0 106.3 17 Pioneer Hi-Bred 325 54.4 51.3 5.7 23.2 68.5 117.5 102.4 106.2 18 DeKalb Hybrid 55 50.9 50.7 .4 23.5 66.5 114.1 101.2 104.4 19 Iowa Hybrid 931 55.1 53.1 3.6 22.8 54.5 93.5 106.0 102.9 20 Iowa Hybrid 942 56.4 48.1 14.7 23.2 68.5 117.5 96.0 101.4 21 DeKalb Hybrid 97 48.6 47.8 1.6 25.2 69.0 118.4 95.4 101.2 22 DeKalb Hybrid 592 52.9 52.5 .8 23.5 49.5 84.9 104.8 99.8 23 DeKalb Hybrid 119 51.3 50.1 2.3 23.2 50.0 85.8 100.0 96.5 24 lowealth Hybrid A 51.0 50.8 .4 21.2 47.0 80.6 101.4 96.2 25 Illinois Hybrid 751R 47.0 44.8 4.7 25.8 65.5 112.3 89.4 95.1 26 Funk Hybrid 214 44.4 43.2 2.7 24.5 65.0 111.5 86.2 92.5 27 Eckhardt Western Plowman 49.7 47.9 3.6 22.3 46.0 78.9 95.6 91.4 28 Griffith Early Dent 43.8 43.3 1.1 22.5 57.5 98.6 86.4 89.5 29 Webb Will Co. Favorite (Semesan) 48.4 47.7 1.4 23.2 41.0 70.3 95.2 89.0 80 Funk Hybrid 215 41.6 39.8 4.3 25.2 65.5 112.3 79.4 87.6 31 DeKalb Hybrid 118 46.3 45.0 2.8 24.8 46.5 79.8 89.8 87.3 32 Simmons Will Co. Favorite 44.7 43.9 1.8 24.8 46.5 79.8 87.6 85.7 33 Webb Will Co. Favorite (untreated) 47.0 46.2 1.7 24.8 38.0 65.2 92.2 85.5 34 Gunn Western Plowman 45.2 42.9 5.1 23.8 44.0 75.5 85.6 83.1 35 Webb Will Co. Favorite (Barbak) 45.0 44.0 2.2 24.2 37.0 63.5 87.8 81.7 9 Average of 5 best open-pollinated var.. . 44.7 42.7 4.5 24.1 41.1 71.5 85.2 81.5 36 Hayes Krug 41.3 39.9 3.4 23.2 39.0 66.9 79.6 76.4 37 Book Yellow Dent 43.8 39.4 10.0 24.8 35.0 60.0 78.6 74.0 Average of division 52.3 50.7 3.1 23.9 56.6 97.1 101.2 100.5 Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 Illinois Hybrid 3 13... 55.6 54.6 1.8 25.8 67.0 114.9 109.0 110.5 2 Illinois Hybrid 345 53.3 51.9 2.6 24.2 74.5 127.8 103.6 109.7 3 National Hybrid 116 55.4 55.1 .5 23.8 63.5 108.9 110.0 109.7 4 lowealth Hybrid 15 56.0 55.0 1.8 22.3 63.5 108.9 109.8 109.6 5 6 Illinois Hybrid 320 National Hybrid 114 50.3 53.4 50.1 51.4 .4 3.7 21.5 22.8 77.5 67.0 132.9 114.9 100.0 102.6 108.2 105.7 7 Illinois Hybrid 319 52.3 50.2 4.0 24.8 66.0 113.2 100.2 103.5 8 Illinois Hybrid 334 50.9 49.2 3.3 25.2 65.0 111.5 98.2 101.5 9 Illinois Hybrid 586 46.1 45.6 1.1 22.0 75.5 129.5 91.0 100.6 10 Illinois Hybrid 197 52.9 52.4 .9 23.8 46.0 78.9 104.6 98.2 11 Illinois Hybrid 339 46.7 46.3 .9 21.5 66.5 114.1 92.4 97.8 12 Funk Hybrid WMR 47.8 45.9 4.0 24.2 50.0 85.8 91.6 90.2 13 Illinois Hybrid 191 45.2 44.5 1.5 25.2 53.5 91.8 88.8 89.6 14 Illinois-Iowealth Hybrid 20 42.4 41.8 1.4 22.9 59.5 102.1 83.4 88.1 15 Michigan Hybrid 561 36.5 35.7 2.2 27.6 45.0 77.2 71.3 72.8 Average of division 49.7 48.6 2.2 23.8 62.7 107.5 97.0 99.7 Average of all entries 51.5 50.1 2.7 23.9 58.3 1937] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 401 TABLE 6. PLAINFIELD, NORTHERN ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Performance Rank Entry Acre-yield Damage< corn in shelled sample 1 Mois- ture in C'nat rest Erect plants rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division e ntries in commercial production l>u. fru. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 364 54.0 52.5 2.8 25.0 74.5 98.7 131.6 123.4 2 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 51.8 49.6 4.2 19.4 87.5 115.9 124.3 122.2 3 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 368 48.4 47.5 1.9 23.2 94.0 124.5 119.0 120.4 4 DeKalb Hybrid 518 50.7 50.3 .8 21.8 72.5 96.0 126.1 118.6 5 Pioneer Hi-Bred 335 48.2 46.7 3.1 19.7 90.5 119.9 117.0 117.7 6 Pioneer Hi-Bred 325 49.6 47.3 4.6 21.0 86.0 113.9 118.5 117.4 7 DeKalb Hybrid 530 48.1 47.2 1.9 21.2 86.0 113.9 118.3 117.2 8 Illinois Hybrid 751 47.3 45.0 4.9 22.2 92.0 121.9 112.8 115.1 9 DeKalb Hybrid 592 46.0 45.9 .2 22.5 84.0 111.3 115.0 114.1 10 Lazier Illinois Hybrid 368 45.5 44.8 1.5 23.8 89.5 118.5 112.3 113.9 11 Funk Hybrid 214 43.2 42.9 .7 23.6 91.0 120.5 107.5 110.8 12 DeKalb Hybrid 235 43 1 42.6 1.2 23.0 93.0 123.2 106.7 110.8 13 Lazier Illinois Hybrid 366 46.0 44.3 3.7 23.3 82.0 108.6 111.3 110.6 14 Pioneer Hi-Bred 315 48.3 47.1 2.5 21.0 64.5 85.4 118.0 109.9 15 DeKalb Hybrid 4A 40.6 40.4 .5 21.2 96.0 127.2 101.2 107.7 16 Iowa Hybrid 931 43.0 42.4 1.4 20.5 84.0 111.3 106.3 107.6 17 Funk Hybrid 215 41.4 40.9 1.2 22.6 92.0 121.9 102.5 107.4 18 DeKalb Hybrid 97 38.7 38.1 1.6 24.8 94.5 125.2 95.4 102.9 19 Iowa Hybrid 942 43.4 37.6 13.4 24.8 85.5 113.2 94.2 99.0 20 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 366 40.6 38.1 6.2 23.2 80.0 106.0 95.4 98.1 21 DeKalb Hybrid 118 43.1 41.6 3.5 22.6 54.0 71.5 104.2 96.0 22 lowealth Hybrid A 39.8 39.5 .8 21.0 65.0 86.1 99.0 95.8 23 DeKalb Hybrid 495 37.8 36.5 3.4 21.0 82.0 108.6 91.5 95.8 24 DeKalb Hybrid 93 36.8 36.0 2.2 20.5 84.0 111.3 90.2 95.5 25 DeKalb Hybrid 3A 42 9 40.6 5.4 21.2 57.0 75.5 101.7 95.2 26 Illinois-Iowealth Hybrid 20 35.8 35.3 1.4 24.6 80.5 106.6 88.5 93.0 27 DeKalb Hybrid 119 39.1 38.2 2.3 23.2 62.0 82.1 95.7 92.3 28 Pioneer Hi-Bred 323 39 3 37.2 5.3 19.7 66.5 88.1 93.2 91.9 29 DeKalb Hybrid 55 36.9 36.0 2.4 21.4 68.5 90.7 90.2 90.3 30 Eckhardt Western Plowman (Semesan).. 32.2 31.6 1.9 21.2 51.0 67.5 79.2 76.3 31 McAllister Yellow Dent 36 33.0 8.3 23.8 35.0 46.4 82.7 73.6 32 Eckhardt W T estern Plowman (untreated) 29.3 28.8 1.7 21.6 56.0 74.2 72.2 72.7 33 Eckhardt Western Plowman (Barbak) . . 30.3 29.3 3.3 22.0 51.0 67.5 73.4 71.9 Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . 30.8 29.5 4.2 23.1 49.8 68.0 73.9 71.9 34 Webb Will County Favorite 31.6 30.2 4.4 23.6 45.0 59.6 75.7 71.7 35 Simmons Will County Favorite 28.3 26.9 4.9 23.8 61.0 80.8 67.4 70.8 36 Gunn Western Plowman 28.9 28.2 2.4 22.8 52.0 68.9 70.7 70.3 37 Book Yellow Dent 30.7 27.3 11.1 24.2 32.5 44.0 68.4 62.3 Average of division 41.0 39.7 3.2 22.3 73.6 97.5 99.4 98.9 Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 Illinois Hybrid 313. .. 47.0 46.7 .6 20.5 91.5 126.0 117.0 119.3 2 Illinois Hybrid 345 47.7 46.5 2.5 23.3 95.5 126.5 116.5 119.0 3 Illinois Hybrid 319 47.7 46.5 2.5 22.5 84.0 111.3 116.5 115.2 4 Illinois Hybrid 197 44.3 44.1 .5 21.2 75.5 100.0 110.5 107.9 5 Illinois Hybrid 334 43.0 42.1 2.1 24.2 83.0 109.9 105 5 106.6 6 Illinois Hybrid 191 42.8 40.8 4.7 23.5 89.5 118.5 102.3 106.4 7 Illinois Hybrid 320 42.1 40.7 3.3 23.0 84.0 111.3 102.0 104.3 8 Illinois Hybrid 586 40 5 39.1 3.5 23.0 93.0 123.2 98.0 104.3 9 Illinois Hybrid 339 40.4 40.1 .7 21.8 78.0 103.3 100.5 101.2 10 National Hybrid 114 39 9 39.2 1.8 21.6 82.5 109.3 98.2 101.0 11 lowealth Hybrid 15 39.0 38.2 2.1 21.6 88.0 116.6 95.7 100.9 12 National Hybrid 116 41 3 39.3 4.8 21.0 70.5 93.4 98.5 97.2 13 Funk Hybrid 602 35 6 35.2 1.1 21.8 55.0 72.8 88.2 84.4 14 Michigan Hybrid 561 30.4 29.2 4.9 25.6 56.0 74.2 73.2 73.5 Average of division 41.6 40.6 2.4 22.5 80.4 106.9 101.6 102.9 Average of all entries 41.2 39.9 3.1 22.4 75.5 402 BULLETIN No. 429 [January, TABLE 7. NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS AT CAMBRIDGE, HENRY, AND DWIGHT, 1936 (Average of triplicated entries) Rank Entry Acre-yield Damaged Mois- corn in ture in shelled grain at sample harvest Erect plants Performance rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound ance w Regular division entries in commercial production 6u. ft*. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Illinois Hybrid 960 59.8 59.1 1.2 18.3 81.0 103.3 123.1 118.2 2 Illinois Hybrid 582 58.7 57.8 1.5 19.1 82.7 105.5 120.4 116.7 3 Funk Hybrid 212 55.4 54.3 2.0 18.2 84.5 107.8 113.1 111.8 4 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 364 57.3 55.9 2.4 18.9 72.5 92.5 116.5 110.5 5 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 366 54.1 53.3 1.5 18.1 82.6 105.4 111.0 109.6 6 Illinois Hybrid 360 51.9 51.1 1.5 18.7 86.5 110.3 106 5 107.5 7 Rishel-Lindquist Pfister Hybrid 4857. . . 54.0 53.3 1.3 17.7 75.1 95.8 111.0 107.2 8 Shissler Illinois Hybrid 543 52.2 50.5 3.3 19.5 86.8 110.7 105.2 106.6 9 lowealth Hybrid C 53.7 52.4 2.4 18.6 77.1 98.3 109.2 106.5 10 Illinois Hybrid 936 51.9 50.7 2.3 19.9 83.6 106.6 105.6 105.9 11 Illinois Hybrid 570 51.6 50.9 1.4 18.1 80.9 103.2 106.0 105.3 12 Illinois Hybrid 546 50.7 49.0 3.4 18.9 89.6 114.3 102.1 105.2 13 Indiana Hybrid 608 51.4 49.1 4.5 18.3 87.4 111.5 102.3 104.6 14 Illinois Hybrid 751 50.6 50.3 .6 18.2 79.5 101.4 104.8 104.0 15 lowealth Hybrid 25 51.8 50.7 2.1 19.1 77.7 99.1 105.6 104.0 16 Illinois Hybrid 384 50.0 49.3 1.4 18.6 84.3 107.5 102.7 103.9 17 Funk Illinois Hybrid 384 49.8 49.3 1.0 18.3 83.2 106.1 102.7 103.6 18 Moews Illinois Hybrid 172 49.2 48.7 1.0 18.4 86.0 109.7 101.5 103.6 19 Illinois Hybrid 944 52.5 51.3 1.0 18.6 68.7 87.6 106.9 102.1 20 Indiana Hybrid 420 49.7 47.8 2.3 18.2 83.8 106.9 99.6 101.4 21 lowealth Hybrid CA 48.4 47.5 3.8 20.0 81.3 103.7 99.0 100.2 22 Iowa Hybrid 939 48.5 47.1 2.9 17.7 81.0 103.3 98.1 99.4 23 Illinois Hybrid 172 46.7 46.1 1.3 17.9 83.6 106.6 96.0 98.7 24 Funk Hybrid 215 46.8 46.1 1.5 17.6 81.5 104.0 96.0 98.0 25 Funk Illinois Hybrid 172 45.9 44.9 2.2 18.8 84.7 108.0 93.5 97.1 26 I llinois- lowealth Hybrid 25 49.9 47.5 4.8 19.1 72.0 91.8 98.9 97.1 27 Funk Hybrid 214 45.9 45.4 1.1 17.9 81.3 103.7 94.6 96.9 28 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311A 51.6 45.3 12.2 17.6 81.6 104.1 94.4 96.8 29 National Hybrid 119 47.2 46.3 1.9 16.8 75.2 95.9 96.5 96.4 30 Pioneer Hi-Bred 308 52.5 47.7 8.1 18.1 65.6 83.7 99.4 95.5 31 lowealth Hybrid CI 44.5 43.1 3.1 20.0 81.5 104.0 89.8 93.4 32 Illinois Hybrid 371 44.9 44.5 .9 18.6 73.8 94.1 92.7 93.1 33 Morgan-Wallace Hybrid 138 L. E 47.4 44.5 6.1 18.6 70.4 89.8 92.7 92.0 34 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 48.4 42.5 12.2 19.1 80.3 102.4 88.5 92.0 35 DeKalb Hybrid 572 44.1 43.0 2.5 17.9 77.0 98.2 89.6 91.8 36 DeKalb Hybrid 592 45.5 44.5 2.2 17.7 68.2 87.0 92.7 91.3 37 38 DeKalb Hybrid 93 Morgan-Wallace Hybrid 106 L. E 43.8 45.2 43.1 43.6 1.6 3.5 16.9 17.8 71.8 67.1 91.6 85.6 89.8 90.8 90.3 89.5 39 McKeighan Yellow Dent 43.4 42.1 3.0 20.5 73.4 93.6 87.7 89.2 40 Station Yellow Dent 43.3 42.3 2.3 20.1 71.5 91.2 88.1 88.9 41 Illinois-Iowealth Hybrid 20 42.7 42.4 .7 19.2 65.3 83.3 88.3 87.1 42 Funk Hybrid 220 39.8 38.8 2.5 18.4 74.2 94.6 80.8 84.3 43 Roeschley Yellow Dent 41.2 40.2 2.4 19.7 66.6 84.9 83.8 84.1 44 Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . Griffith Reid Yellow Dent 41.0 39.5 39.6 38.4 3.4 2.8 19.2 17.8 69.1 69.7 88.1 88.9 82.5 80.0 83.9 82.2 45 Queen of the Field 37.7 35.2 6.6 17.8 64.3 82.0 73.3 75.5 Average of division 48.7 47.3 2.9 18.5 77.6 99.1 98.5 98.6 Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 Moews Hybrid 10 55.9 55.2 1.3 18.5 85.3 108.8 115.0 113.5 2 U.S. Hybrid 44 55.7 54.7 1.8 18.9 84.7 108.0 114.0 112.5 3 U.S. Hybrid 61 54.6 53.8 1.5 18.3 85.0 108.4 112.1 111.2 4 Illinois Hybrid 345 52.1 51.6 1.0 18.9 89.2 113.8 107.5 109.1 5 Moews Hybrid 8 54.1 53.4 1.3 19.9 79.2 101.0 111.3 108.7 6 Illinois Hybrid 174 54.0 52.9 2.0 17.8 81.3 103.7 110.2 108.6 7 U.S. Hybrid 45 56 53.1 5.2 20.0 80.5 102.7 110.6 108.6 8 Iowa Hybrid 3110 51.4 50.5 1.8 17.9 86.4 110.2 105.2 106.5 9 Illinois Hybrid 946 52.4 51.6 1.5 18.6 79.7 101.7 107.5 106.1 10 Illinois Hybrid 173 49.7 48.5 2.4 17.8 83.3 106.3 101.0 102.3 11 Morgan- Wallace Hybrid 358 44.2 41.6 5.9 17.4 77.2 98.5 86.7 89.7 12 Morgan- Wallace Hybrid 315 42.5 41.7 1.9 17.7 61.2 78.1 86.9 84.7 Average of division 51.9 50.7 2.3 18.5 81.1 103.4 105.7 105.1 Average of all entries 49 4 48 2 8 18 5 78 4 1937] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 403 TABLE 8. CAMBRIDGE, NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Performance Rank Entry Acre-yield Damage*, corn in shelled sample 1 Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants rating for General - perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division entries in commercial production bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Illinois Hybrid 960. . . . 59.2 59.0 .3 20.4 94.4 110.0 129.1 124.3 a DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 364 . 56.8 55.1 3.0 21.0 93.9 109.4 120.6 117.8 8 Illinois Hybrid 582 . 56.0 55.1 1.6 21.0 93.1 108.5 120.6 117.6 4 Schissler Illinois Hybrid 543 54.9 53.4 2.7 22.1 92.5 107.8 116.8 114.6 6 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 366 . 52.7 51.8 1.7 20.7 91.9 107.1 113.3 111.8 ft Funk Hybrid 212 53.4 51.7 3.2 20.0 91.1 106.2 113.1 111.4 7 lowealth Hybrid C 53.1 51.9 2.3 20.7 83.8 97.7 113.6 109.6 8 Illinois Hybrid 570 52.5 52.1 .8 19.0 78.3 91.3 114.0 108.3 B Rishel-Lindquist Pfister Hybrid 4857. . 52.3 51.7 1.1 19.4 79.4 92.5 113.1 108.0 10 Moews Illinois Hybrid 172 49.5 48.5 2.0 20.4 91.1 106.2 106.1 106.1 11 Illinois Hybrid 936 49.1 47.8 2.6 22.0 93.8 109.3 104.6 105.8 U Illinois Hybrid 944 51.5 49.9 3.1 19.8 75.6 88.1 109.2 103.9 a Illinois Hybrid 384 47.5 47.0 I.I 16.4 90.0 104.9 102.8 103.3 14 Illinois Hybrid 751 47.6 47.5 .2 20.4 84.4 98.4 103.9 102.5 U Indiana Hybrid 608 47.3 45.7 3.4 20.7 93.8 109.3 100.0 102.3 Iti Illinois Hybrid 546 48.4 46.5 3.9 20.2 88.8 103.5 101 8 102.2 17 Funk Illinois Hybrid 384 46.3 45.9 .9 19.4 88.1 102.7 100.7 101.2 18 Illinois Hybrid 360 47.2 46.0 2.5 20.9 86.9 101.3 100.7 100.9 U Iowa Hybrid 939 46.6 45 8 1.7 20.0 86.9 101.3 100.2 100.5 21) Pioneer Hi-Bred 308 53.2 47.8 10.2 20.7 75.7 88.2 104.6 100.5 21 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311A 51.8 45.8 11.6 18.8 86.9 101.3 100.2 100.5 2'2 Indiana Hybrid 420 47.2 45.6 3.4 19.0 87.5 102.0 99.8 100.4 a lowealth Hybrid 25 47.3 46.2 2.3 22.4 83.1 96.9 101.1 100.1 M Illinois-Iowealth Hybrid 25 48.0 45.4 5.4 20.7 80.0 93.2 99.3 97.8 25 Funk Hybrid 215 44.3 43.8 1.1 19.0 86.9 101.3 95.8 97.2 M 87 lowealth Hybrid CA Funk Hybrid 214 43.3 44.0 42.7 43.3 1.4 1.6 23.7 20.2 87.5 84.4 102.0 98.4 93.4 94.7 95.6 95.6 88 Illinois Hybrid 371 42.9 42.4 1.2 21.5 88.3 102.9 92.8 95.3 M Illinois Hybrid 172 42.5 42.2 .7 19.2 88.8 103.5 92.3 95.1 M National Hybrid 119 44.0 43.2 1.8 18.8 82.5 96.2 94.5 94. 81 lowealth Hybrid CI 43.1 41.9 2.8 21.5 89.4 104.2 91.7 94.8 U Funk Illinois Hybrid 172 43.3 42.1 2.8 20.7 87.5 102.0 92.1 94.6 81 DeKalb Hybrid 572 43.1 42.1 2.3 19.4 85.0 99.1 92.1 93.9 :(4 DeKalb Hybrid 592 42.5 42.0 1.2 20.2 85.0 99.1 91.9 93.7 88 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 47.2 41.2 12.7 22.7 89.4 104.2 90.2 93.7 M Morgan- Wallace Hybrid 138 L. E 45.7 41.9 8.3 20.2 78.1 91.4 91.7 91.6 :JT Funk Hybrid 220 39.2 38.3 2.3 20.7 92.5 107.8 83.8 89.8 38 DeKalb Hybrid 93 .... 40.1 39.6 1.2 17.6 83.3 97.1 86.7 89.3 N Station Yellow Dent 41.2 40.6 1.5 21.7 77.5 90.3 88.8 89.2 4(1 McKeighan Yellow Dent (untreated) . . . 41.5 40.4 2.7 23.4 77.2 90.0 88.4 88.8 41 McKeighan Yellow Dent (Barbak) 40.3 39.3 2.5 22.7 82.8 96.5 86.0 88.6 42 McKeighan Yellow Dent (Semesan) 40.4 38.7 4.2 23.0 83.3 97.1 84.7 87.8 18 Morgan- Wallace Hybrid 106 L. E 41.2 39.2 4.9 20.0 79.4 92.5 85.8 87.5 44 Roeschley Yellow Dent 38.7 38.0 1.8 21.9 78.8 91.8 83.2 85.4 45 Illinois-Iowealth Hybrid 20 36.7 36.4 .8 21.3 84.4 98.4 79.6 84.3 9 Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . 37.3 36.1 3.5 21.2 79.5 92.7 77.8 81.5 M Griffith Early Dent 33.6 32.8 2.4 18.5 81.1 94.5 71.8 77.5 47 Queen of the Field 32.5 30.0 7.7 20.7 76.9 89.6 65.6 71.6 Average of division 46.2 44.8 3.0 20.6 85.6 90.7 98.0 98.4 Experimental division e nines not in commercial production 1 Moews Hybrid 8 58.3 58.1 .3 21.2 90.0 104.9 126.9 121.4 8 U. S. Hybrid 61 55.4 54.7 1.3 20.2 92.5 107.8 119.7 116.7 a U.S. Hybrid 44 55.0 54.2 1.5 20.2 90.6 105.6 118.6 115.4 4 U.S. Hybrid 45 54.2 53.2 1.8 22.1 90.0 104.9 116.4 113.5 6 Illinois Hybrid 946 51.8 51 4 .8 20.9 78.1 91.0 112.5 107.1 1 Moews Hybrid 10 51.5 51.3 .4 19.8 76.3 88.9 112.3 106.5 7 Iowa Hybrid 3110 49.7 48.8 1.8 19.4 90.6 105.6 106.8 106.5 8 Illinois Hybrid 174 50.0 47.7 4.6 20.4 95.0 110.7 104.4 106.0 9 Illinois Hybrid 345 48.6 47.9 1.4 19.4 93.1 108.5 104.8 105.7 10 Illinois Hybrid 173 49.5 48.8 1.4 20.2 82.8 96.5 106 8 104.2 11 Morgan-Wallace Hybrid 315 40.2 39 2 2.5 19.6 77.2 90.0 85.8 86.9 12 Morgan- Wallace Hybrid 358 38.6 34.6 10.4 19.6 85.6 99.8 75.7 81.7 Average of division 50.2 49.2 2.0 20.3 86.8 101.2 107.6 106.0 Average of all entries 47.0 45.7 2.8 20.5 85.8 404 BULLETIN No. 429 [January, TABLE 9. HENRY, NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Rank Entry Acre-yield Dam corr shel sam ;iKB(: i in led pie 1 Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants Performance rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division entries in commercial production bu. liu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Illinois Hybrid 582 51.8 51.1 1 ,4 19.0 80 5 106.6 129. 7 123.9 2 Illinois Hybrid 960 52.4 50.8 3 ,1 18.2 74.0 98.0 128. 9 121.2 3 Henry County Pfister Hybrid 4857 50.9 49.6 2 6 16.8 72.0 95.4 125. 9 118.3 4 Rishel-Lindquist Pfister Hybrid 4857. . . 48.3 47.4 1 9 17.2 75.0 99.3 120. 8 115.1 5 Illinois Hybrid 570 45.9 44.5 3 .1 18.0 89.5 118.5 112. 9 114.3 6 Illinois Hybrid 936 48.1 46.0 4 ,4 19.0 77.0 102.0 116. 8 113.1 7 Funk Hybrid 212 45.9 44.7 2 a 17.8 82.0 108.6 113. 5 112.3 8 Illinois Hybrid 360 43.7 43.0 1 ,6 18.6 87.0 115.2 109. 1 110.6 9 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 366 45.3 44.1 2 17.1 79.5 105.3 111. 9 110.3 10 lowealth Hybrid 25 45.2 44.2 2 2 17.5 78.5 104.0 112. 2 110.2 11 Moews Illinois Hybrid 172 41.8 41.3 1 '2 17.7 88.5 117.2 104. 8 107.9 12 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 364 48.2 46.4 3 7 18.4 56.5 74.8 117. 8 107.1 13 Illinois Hybrid 751 43.0 42.6 ,9 17.8 74.5 98.7 108. 1 105.8 14 lowealth Hybrid C 44.4 42.4 4 5 18.9 72.5 96.0 107. 104.7 15 Illinois Hybrid 546 41.3 39.2 5 1 19.5 88.0 116.6 99.5 103.8 16 Illinois Hybrid 944 44.3 43.4 2 18.7 62.0 82.1 110. 2 103.2 17 lowealth Hybrid CA 42.4 41.1 3 1 19.3 74.5 98.7 104. 8 102.9 18 Funk Hybrid 214 40.8 40.3 1 2 17.2 78.0 103.3 102. 8 102.6 19 Funk Hybrid 215 40.8 39.6 2 .9 17.5 82.0 108.6 100. 5 102.5 20 Pioneer Hybrid 311A 44.4 40.1 9 ,7 16.6 78.5 104.0 101. 8 102.4 21 Illinois Hi-Bred 384 40.3 39.1 3 ,0 18.2 83.0 109.9 99. 2 101.9 22 Iowa Hybrid 939 41.5 38.7 6 ,7 16.6 84.0 111.3 98. 2 101.5 23 Funk Illinois Hybrid 172 39.6 38.7 2 3 18.7 83.0 109.9 98. a 101.1 24 Indiana Hybrid 608 41.5 38.1 8 2 17.5 86.0 113.9 96. 7 101.0 25 Funk Illinois Hybrid 384 39.3 38.7 1 5 18.9 79.5 105.3 98. a 100.0 26 Illinois Hybrid 172 39.7 38.7 2 ,5 17.5 78.5 104.0 98. a 99.7 27 Illinois-Iowealth Hybrid 25 43.2 40.9 5 3 19.0 66.0 87.4 103. 8 99.7 28 Indiana Hybrid 420 40.4 37.4 7 ,4 18.2 86.0 113.9 94 9 99.7 29 Schissler Illinois Hybrid 543 39.3 36.7 6 ,6 19.0 88.0 116.6 93. 1 99.0 30 National Hybrid 119 39.7 38.3 3 5 16.0 77.0 102.0 97. 2 98.4 31 lowealth Hybrid CI 38.2 36.7 8 .9 19.0 69.5 92.1 93. 1 92.9 32 DeKalb Hybrid 572 35.2 34.1 3 ,1 17.8 77.0 102.0 86. s 90.4 33 Illinois Hybrid 371 36.5 36.1 1 .1 17.8 64.5 85.4 91. 8 90.1 34 Illinois-Iowealth Hybrid 20 38.9 38.5 1.0 18.9 49.0 64.9 97. 7 89.5 35 McKeighan Yellow Dent 35.5 34.0 4 ,2 19.8 74.5 98.7 86. 3 89.4 36 Pioneer Hi-Bred 308 43.0 36.7 14 .7 17.8 57.0 75.5 93. 1 88.7 37 Morgan- Wallace Hybrid 106 L. E 36.6 34.9 4 ,6 16.9 64.5 85.4 88. 6 87.8 38 Station Yellow Dent 34.6 32.9 4 g 20.6 74.0 98.0 83. 8 87.1 39 Roeschley Yellow Dent 34.1 32.7 4 1 19.3 70.0 92.7 83. n 85.4 40 DeKalb Hybrid 592 35.3 33.7 4 5 17.1 62.5 82.8 85. 5 84.8 41 DeKalb Hybrid 93 32.8 31.8 3 16.9 73.0 96.7 80. 7 84.7 42 Morgan-Wallace Hybrid 138 L. E 36.0 32.5 9 .7 17.7 68.5 90.7 82. ft 84.6 43 Griffith Reid (untreated) 33.2 32.4 2 4 16.9 66.0 87.4 82. 2 83.5 44 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 34.8 29.0 16 ,7 17.4 80.0 106.0 73. 8 81.7 O Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . 32.5 30.6 5 .8 19.0 69.7 92.3 77.7 81.4 45 Griffith Reid (Barbak) 32.3 31.6 2 ,2 18.0 59.5 78.8 80. I 79.9 46 Funk Hybrid 220 32.1 30.8 4 18.3 63.5 84.1 78. 2 79.7 47 Griffith Reid (Semesan Jr.) 31.0 29.2 5 8 18.4 65.5 86.8 74. 1 77.3 48 Queen of the Field , 27.5 24.8 9 .8 16.9 64.5 85.4 62. 9 68.5 Average of division 40.4 38.7 4 .2 18.0 74.3 98.3 98. 8 98.3 Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 U.S. Hybrid 44... 47.1 46.1 2 .1 19.6 89.5 118.5 117. 117.4 2 U.S. Hybrid 61 , 47.3 46.0 2 .7 18.0 89.0 117.9 116. 8 117.1 3 Moews Hybrid 10 45.8 45.1 1 ,5 18.3 90.5 119.9 114 8 115.9 4 Iowa Hybrid 3110 46.1 44.9 2 ,0 17.3 86.0 113.9 114. () 114.0 5 U.S. Hybrid 45 50.6 44.5 12 ,1 19.8 82.5 109.3 112. a 112.0 6 Illinois Hybrid 946 45.5 44.1 3 1 17.5 79.5 105.3 111. 9 110.3 7 Illinois Hybrid 174 , 46.1 45.6 1 .1 16.9 68.0 90.1 115. 7 109.3 8 Moews Hybrid 8 45.0 43.8 2 ,7 19.6 77.0 102.0 Ill a 108.9 9 Illinois Hybrid 345 40.8 40.4 1 .0 19.8 87.0 115.2 102. 5 105.7 10 Illinois Hybrid 173 42.5 40.2 5 4 16.8 83.0 109.9 102 104.0 11 Morgan- Wallace Hybrid 358 32.5 30.5 6 ,2 16.2 75.5 100.0 77. 4 83.1 12 Morgan-Wallace Hybrid 315 33.1 32.3 2 ,4 18.0 59.5 78.8 82. 81.2 Average of division 43.5 42.0 3 ,4 18.2 80.6 106.7 106.5 106.6 Average of all entries 41.0 39.4 1 5 18.0 75.5 1937} ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 405 TABLE 10. DWIGHT, NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Performance Rank Entry Acre-yield Damages corn in shelled sample 1 Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division entries in commercial production bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Funk Hybrid 212 66.9 66.8 1 16.8 80.5 110.6 113.6 112.9 2 Illinois Hybrid 960 67.9 67.8 .1 16.4 74.5 102.3 115.3 112.1 3 Illinois Hybrid 360 64.7 64.6 .2 16.6 85.5 117.4 109.9 111.8 4 Illinois Hybrid 582 68.4 67.4 1.5 17.3 74.5 102.3 114.6 111.5 5 Illinois Hybrid 546 62.4 61.7 1.1 17.1 92.0 126.4 104.9 110.3 6 Indiana Hybrid 608 65.3 64.2 1.7 16.8 82.5 113.3 109.2 110.2 7 Henry Co. Pfister Hybrid 4857 65.9 65.6 .5 16.6 76.0 104.4 111.6 109.8 8 Funk Illinois Hybrid 384 63.8 63.4 .6 16.6 82.0 112.6 107.8 109.0 9 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 366 64.2 64.1 .2 16.6 76.5 105.1 109.0 108.0 10 DeKalb Illinois Hybrid 364 66.9 66.5 .6 17.4 67.0 92.0 113.1 107.8 11 Shissler Illinois Hybrid 543 62.5 62.4 .2 17.4 80.0 109.9 106.1 107.1 12 lowealth Hybrid C 63.7 63.5 .3 16.3 75.0 103.0 108.0 106.8 13 Illinois Hybrid 384 62.2 62.0 .3 16.4 80.0 109.9 105.4 106.5 14 Illinois Hybrid 751 61.1 60.8 .5 16.4 79.5 109.2 103.4 104.9 15 Indiana Hybrid 420 61.6 61.2 .6 17.3 78.0 107.1 104.1 104.9 16 lowealth Hybrid C A 59.4 58.9 .8 17.0 82.0 112.6 101.2 104.1 17 lowealth Hybrid 25 62.9 62.0 1.4 17.3 71.5 98.2 105.4 103.6 18 Illinois Hybrid 172 57.9 57.6 .5 17.0 83.5 114.7 98.0 102.2 19 Rishel-Lindquist Pfister Hybrid 4857. . . 61.5 60.9 1.0 16.6 71.0 97.5 103.6 102.1 20 Illinois Hybrid 936 58.6 58.4 .3 18.8 80.0 109.9 99.3 102.0 21 Illinois Hybrid 944 61.7 60.8 1.5 17.2 68.5 93.4 103.4 100.9 22 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 63.3 58.9 7.0 17.3 71.5 98.2 100.2 99.7 23 Morgan-Wallace Hybrid 138 L. E 60.5 60.1 .7 17.8 64.5 88.6 102.2 98.8 24 Moews Hybrid 8 58.9 58.4 .8 18.8 70.5 96.8 99.3 98.7 25 Moews Illinois Hybrid 172 56.2 56.1 .2 17.0 78.5 107.8 95.4 98.5 26 Pioneer Hi-Bred 308 61.4 59.9 2.4 15.9 64.0 87.9 101.9 98.4 27 Illinois Hybrid 570 56.5 56.3 .4 17.4 75.0 103.0 95.7 97.5 28 Iowa Hybrid 939 57.4 57.0 .7 16.4 72.0 98.9 96.9 97.4 29 Funk Illinois Hybrid 172 54.7 53.9 1.5 17.0 83.5 114.5 91.7 97.4 30 National Hybrid 119 57.8 57.6 .3 15.7 66.0 90.7 98.0 96.2 31 Funk Hybrid 215 55.4 55.1 .5 16.2 75.5 103.7 93.7 96.2 32 Illinois-lowealth Hybrid 25 58.5 56.3 3.8 17.6 70.0 96.2 95.7 95.8 33 Funk Hybrid 214 52.8 52.5 .6 16.4 81.5 112.0 89.3 95.0 34 DeKalb Hybrid 93 58.6 58.4 .3 16.1 59.0 81.0 99.3 94.7 35 lowealth Hybrid C I 52.1 50.8 2.5 19.5 85.5 117.4 86.4 94.2 36 DeKalb Hybrid 592 58.6 58.4 .3 15.9 57.0 78.3 99.3 94.1 37 Morgan-Wallace Hybrid 106 L. E 57.8 57.0 1.4 16.4 57.5 79.0 96.9 92.4 38 DeKalb Hybrid 572 54.1 53.1 1.8 16.4 69.0 94.8 90.3 91.4 39 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311A 58.7 49.7 15.3 17.5 79.5 109.2 84.5 90.7 40 McKeighan Yellow Dent (Semeean Jr.) . . 54.2 53.9 .6 18.8 62.5 85.9 91.7 90.3 41 Station Yellow Dent 54.1 53.7 .7 18.0 63.0 86.5 91.3 90.1 42 Griffith Reid Yellow Dent 53.8 53.7 .2 16.4 62.5 85.9 91.3 90.0 43 Illinois-lowealth Hybrid 20 52.5 52.3 .4 17.4 62.5 85.9 88.9 88.2 44 Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . McKeighan Yellow Dent (Barbak) 53.2 50.5 52.7 50.3 .9 .4 17.4 19.4 58.1 64.5 79.8 88.6 89.6 85.5 87.2 86 3 45 Queen of the Field 53.2 52.2 1.9 15.9 51.5 70.7 88.8 84.3 46 Funk Hybrid 220 48.2 48.0 .4 16.2 66.5 91.3 81.6 84.0 47 McKeighan Yellow Dent (untreated). . . 50.6 50.1 1.0 18.6 58.0 79.7 85.2 83.8 48 Roeschley Yellow Dent 50.9 50.0 1.8 18.0 51.0 70.1 85.0 81.3 Average of division 59.0 58.2 1.4 17.1 71.9 98.8 99.0 98.9 Experimental division e mtries not in commercial production 1 Moews Hybrid 10 70.4 69.3 1.6 17.3 89.0 122.3 117.8 118.9 2 Illinois Hybrid 345 66.9 66.6 .4 17.4 87.5 120.2 113.3 115.0 3 Illinois Hybrid 174 66.0 65.7 .5 16.1 81.0 111.3 111.7 111.6 4 U.S. Hybrid 44 64.9 63.7 1.8 17.0 74.0 101.6 108.3 106.6 5 Illinois Hybrid 946 59.9 59.4 .8 17.5 81.5 112.0 101.0 103.8 6 U.S. Hybrid 45 63.3 62.4 1.4 18.2 69.0 94.8 106.1 103.3 7 U. S. Hybrid 61 61.2 61.1 .2 16.8 73.5 101.0 103.9 103.2 8 Iowa Hybrid 31 10 58.4 57.9 .9 17.1 82.5 113.3 98.5 102.2 9 Morgan-Wallace Hybrid 358 61.5 60.8 1.1 16.4 70.5 96.8 103.4 101.8 10 Illinois Hybrid 173 57.0 56.7 .5 16.4 84.0 115.4 96.4 101.2 11 Illinois Hybrid 371 55.2 55.0 .4 16.4 68.5 94.1 93.5 93.7 12 Morgan-Wallace Hybrid 315 54.1 54.0 .2 15.4 47.0 64.6 91.8 85.0 Average of division 61.6 61.1 .8 16.8 68.7 104.0 103.8 104.0 Average of all entries 59.5 58.8 1.2 17.0 71.3 406 BULLETIN No. 429 [January, TABLE 11. CENTRAL ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS AT ADAIR, STANFORD, AND ARMSTRONG, 1936 (Average of triplicated entries) Ran Acre-yield Damagec corn in shelled sample 1 Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants Performance rating for General - perform- k Entry Total Sound Lodging ' Sound yield ance rating Regular division entries in commercial production 1 3 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 u Iti 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 21) 30 31 32 33 34 35 86 37 Illinois Hybrid 960 bu. 50.9 48.9 47.3 47.5 46.7 .45.5 45.5 46.0 45.5 45.3 47.1 46.3 43.8 44.2 45.1 46.0 42.7 41.0 43.3 42.6 41.5 39.9 41.1 39.5 37.6 35.6 37.8 36.6 40.2 37.0 41.8 40.4 35.7 34.9 34.4 33.4 32.9 31.7 30.4 32.3 41.1 6u. 50.4 48.1 46.4 46.7 45.8 44.5 44.7 44.5 44.2 44.3 45.6 44.8 43.4 42.9 43.5 42.7 41.7 40.4 42.6 41.3 40.1 38.3 39.0 38.5 36.3 34.6 36.4 36.1 38.5 35.6 38.6 36.5 34.6 33.9 33.6 32.4 32.1 31.3 30.0 31.1 40.1 perct. 1.1 1.8 1.9 1.7 ' 1.9 2.0 1.9 3.1 2 6 2.6 3.5 3.2 .9 2.8 3.8 7.1 2.3 1.3 1.6 2.7 3.4 4.0 4.7 2.3 3.3 2.7 3.3 2.1 4.8 3.4 7.9 3.0 2.9 3.1 2.3 3.1 2.6 2.3 1.9 3.8 2.4 perct. 18.5 18.4 17.6 18.3 19.8 17.1 18.3 18.9 19.0 19.3 18.9 20.2 18.1 18.5 19.0 17.9 19.2 17.8 18.7 20.0 18.2 19.7 17.0 17.7 18.8 18.8 18.5 17.1 20.2 19.8 20.0 20.2 19.6 18.1 21.0 20.5 19.6 18.9 18.2 19.5 18.9 perct. 86.5 87.5 85.5 81.3 82.4 89.2 85.8 85.9 86.2 84.8 75.5 77.5 84.8 85.0 79.0 82.7 84.8 88.0 74.3 81.3 88.7 92.2 84.3 84.7 86.8 97.2 82.9 83.7 67.5 83.4 64.0 76.5 75.0 68.3 68.0 70.3 65.3 63.0 63.3 56.2 80.1 perct. 105.4 106.6 104.1 99.0 100.4 108.6 104.5 104.6 105.0 103.3 92.0 94.4 103.3 103.5 96.2 100.7 103.3 107.2 90.5 99.0 108.0 112.3 102.7 103.2 105.7 118.4 101.0 101.9 82.2 101 6 78.0 93.2 91.4 83.2 82.8 85.6 79.5 76.7 77.1 68.5 97.6 perct. 123.6 117.9 113.8 114.5 112.3 109.1 109.6 109.1 108.4 108.6 111.8 109.9 106.4 105.2 106.7 104.7 102.3 99.1 104.5 101.3 98.3 93.9 95.6 94.4 89.0 84.8 89.3 88.5 94.4 87.3 94.7 89.5 84.8 83.1 82.2 79.4 78.7 76.8 73.6 76.3 98.3 119.1 115.1 111.4 110.6 109.3 109.0 108.3 108.0 107.6 107.3 106.9 106.0 105.6 104.8 104.1 103.7 102.6 101.1 101.0 100.7 100.7 98.5 97.4 96.6 93.2 93.2 92.2 91.9 91.4 90.9 90.5 90.4 86.5 83.1 82.5 81.0 78.9 76.8 74.5 74.4 98.2 Illinois Hybrid 582 Funk Hybrid 212 Funk Hybrid 244 Illinois Hybrid 753 Crow Illinois Hybrid 360A Illinois Hybrid 936 Illinois Hybrid 754 lowealth Hybrid C . lowealth Hybrid 26 Illinois Hybrid 391 Illinois Hybrid 710 . . lowealth Hybrid 25 Shissler Illinois Hybrid 543 Illinois lowealth Hybrid 25 . . Pioneer Hi-Bred 311A Illinois Hybrid 360 lowealth Hybrid CA Illinois Hybrid 944 Illinois Hybrid 710A Pioneer Hi-Bred 308D Illinois Hybrid 546 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 Funk Illinois Hybrid 384 . . . lowealth Hybrid CC lowealth Hybrid CI Funk Hybrid 275 Illinois Hybrid 172 Ohio Hybrid 5 Funk Hybrid 207 . Pioneer Hi-Bred 308 Ohio Hybrid 4 Funk Hybrid 220 L . Funk Hybrid 220 .. Canterbury Yellow Dent (Semesan Jr.) Station Yellow Dent . . . Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . Mountjoy Utility Dent Ropp Yellow Dent Summer Yellow Dent Average of division Experimental division < ;ntries not in commercial production 1 2 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 u 12 13 14 Arlington Hybrid 5 50.9 45.5 45.7 44.7 46.1 44.5 44.2 44.9 45.0 43.2 43.6 44.1 43.2 29.3 43.9 49.9 44.7 44.2 43.4 45.1 43.8 43.0 44.3 43.2 41.4 42.4 42.5 42.1 27.5 42.7 1.8 1.8 2.9 2.9 2.5 1.7 2.9 1.4 3.9 4.3 2.4 3.9 2.3 6.5 2.7 18.3 17.4 18.1 18.9 19.1 17.7 19.6 19.1 19.4 19.9 17.6 19.8 16.7 19.4 18.6 91.5 93.0 93.8 96.2 81.8 89.3 89.3 81.4 83.2 92.4 85.9 85.2 83.7 78.7 87.5 111.4 113.3 114.3 117.2 99.6 108.8 108.8 99.1 101.3 112.5 104.6 103.8 101.9 95.9 106.6 122.4 109.6 108.4 106.4 110.6 107.4 105.4 108.6 105.9 101.5 104.0 104.2 103.2 67.4 104.6 119.7 110.5 109.9 109.1 107.9 107.8 106.3 106.2 104.8 104.3 104.2 104.1 102.9 74.5 105.2 U. S. Hybrid 44 Moews Hybrid 10 Arlington Hybrid 35 Arlington Hybrid 6 U. S. Hybrid 61 Moews Hybrid 8 National Hybrid 127 ... Funk Hybrid 211 Illinois Hybrid 161 Illinois Hybrid 946 Pioneer Hi-Bred 305A Iowa Hybrid 3112 lowealth Hybrid CCj Average of division Average of all entries 41.8 40.8 2.4 18.8 82.1 1937] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 407 TABLE 12. ADAIR, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Rank Entry Acre-yield Damaged corn in shelled sample Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants Performance rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division entries in commercial production bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Funk Hybrid 212 48.7 47.8 1.8 16.1 81.0 108.0 130.2 124.7 2 lowealth Hybrid C 47.1 45.8 2.9 17.1 81.5 108.7 124.8 120.8 3 Funk Hybrid 244 47.3 46.0 2.7 17.0 79.5 106.0 125.3 120.5 4 Illinois Hybrid 960 45.2 44.6 1.4 16.4 85.0 113.3 121.5 119.5 5 Funk Hybrid 235 46.3 44.5 3.9 16.6 77.5 103.3 121.3 116.8 6 Illinois Hybrid 936 44.2 43.5 1.5 18.4 79.5 106.0 118.5 115.4 7 Illinois Hybrid 582 43.1 42.6 1.2 17.2 82.5 110.0 116.1 114.6 8 Illinois Hybrid 710 44.1 43.3 1.8 19.4 73.0 97.3 118.0 112.8 9 10 lowealth Hybrid 26 Crow Illinois Hybrid 360A 42.7 43.9 41.9 42.5 1.9 3.4 17.0 15.7 81.0 76.5 108.0 102.0 114.2 115.8 112.7 112.4 11 Illinois Hybrid 391 43.8 43.1 1.5 16.8 69.5 92.7 117.4 111.2 12 Illinois Hybrid 754 42.8 40.8 4.7 16.5 79.5 106.0 111.2 109.9 13 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311A 46.9 41.4 11.7 15.1 73.0 97.3 112.8 108.9 14 lowealth Hybrid 25 40.8 40.2 1.5 17.3 76.5 102.0 109.5 107.6 15 Funk Illinois Hybrid 384 40.9 40.0 2.0 16.3 77.0 102.3 109.0 107.4 16 Illinois Hybrid 360 41.1 40.2 2.2 16.9 74.5 99.3 109.5 107.0 17 lowealth Hybrid CA 38.9 38.2 1.6 17.2 83.0 110.7 104.1 105.8 18 Illinois lowealth Hybrid 25 40.2 39.3 2.3 17.3 73.5 98.0 107.1 104.8 19 Pioneer Hi-Bred 308D 39.1 37.0 5.2 16.3 85.5 114.0 100.8 104.1 20 Illinois Hybrid 546 39.1 37.5 4.0 17.1 81.0 108.0 102.2 103.7 21 22 Indiana Hybrid 632B Shissler Illinois Hybrid 543 37.8 38.8 37.1 37.4 1.8 3.6 16.4 18.5 80.0 77.5 106.7 103.3 101.1 101.9 102.5 102 3 23 Illinois Hybrid 753 38.9 38.0 2.4 17.7 73.0 97.3 103 5 102.0 24 Illinois Hybrid 944 38.1 37.6 1.2 17.5 72.5 96.7 102.5 101.1 25 Illinois Hybrid 710A 37.7 36.6 2.9 17.9 77.0 102.7 99.7 100.5 26 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 38.8 36.4 6.1 15.3 78.0 104.0 99.2 100 4 27 Illinois Hybrid 172 36.2 35.0 3.4 15.7 77.5 103.3 95.4 97.4 28 Funk Hybrid 220L 36.2 34.7 4.1 17.9 72.5 97.0 94.6 95.2 28 Ohio Hybrid 4 36.8 35.4 3.9 17.5 68.5 91.3 96.5 95.2 29 Fund Hybrid 207 35.6 33.9 4.9 17.9 74.0 98.7 92.4 94.0 30 31 lowealth Hybrid CI Funk Hybrid 275 32.2 34.7 31.6 33.7 1.9 3.1 16.3 17.0 87.5 73.5 116.7 98.0 86.1 91.8 93.8 93.4 32 Pioneer Hi-Bred 308 39.7 34.6 12.9 17.6 67.5 90.0 94.3 93.2 33 Ohio Hybrid 5 35.6 33.7 5.5 17.3 62.5 83.3 91.8 89.7 34 lowealth Hybrid CC 31.1 30.0 3.4 15.9 85.0 113.3 81.7 89.6 35 Funk Hybrid 220 32.6 31.2 4.2 15.2 62.5 83.3 85.0 84.6 36 Canterbury Yellow Dent 32.0 30.9 3.5 18.5 57.5 76.7 84.2 82.3 37 Station Yellow Dent 28.1 27.3 2.9 20.2 61.0 81.3 74.4 76.1 Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . 27.8 26.9 3.3 18.1 58.3 77.8 73.3 74.4 38 Doubet Yellow Dent 25.7 24.9 3.2 17.2 64.0 85.3 67.8 72.2 39 Mountjoy Utility Dent (untreated) 26.9 25.9 3.7 17.5 57.5 76.7 70.6 72.1 40 Sommer Yellow Dent 26.3 25.5 33 17.1 51.5 68.7 69.5 69.3 41 Herndon Yellow Dent 25.6 24.9 2.5 17.7 53.5 71.3 67.8 68.7 42 Mountjoy Utility Dent (Semesan Jr.) . . . 25.1 24.2 3.7 17.5 54.5 72.7 65.9 67.6 43 Ropp Yellow Dent 23.5 23.0 2.3 17.2 57.5 76.7 62.7 66.2 44 Mountjoy Utility Dent (Barbak) 24.2 23.7 2.2 18.4 48.5 64.7 64.6 64.6 Average of division 37.4 36.2 3.4 17.1 72.5 96.7 98.5 98.1 Experimental division i entries not in commercial production 1 Arlington Hybrid 5 52.0 51.0 1.8 16.3 89.5 119.3 139.0 134.1 2 Arlington Hybrid 35 43.9 43.0 2.1 16.3 93.5 124.7 117.2 119.1 3 Iowa Hybrid 31 12 44.2 43.0 2.6 14.5 84.0 112 117.2 115.9 4 Arlington Hybrid 6 45.0 43.6 3.2 17.0 79.5 106.0 118.8 115.6 5 Moews Hybrid 10 41.8 41.0 1.8 16.1 90.0 120.0 111.7 113.8 6 Illinois Hybrid 161 43.1 40.7 5 . 6 18.1 86.5 115.3 110.9 112.0 7 Illinois Hybrid 946 42.7 42.2 1.2 16.0 74.5 99.3 115.0 111.1 8 Funk Hybrid 211 42.5 40.0 5.9 19.1 82.5 110.0 109.0 109.3 9 National Hybrid 127 39.1 38.3 2.2 17.0 83.5 111.3 104.4 106.1 10 U.S. Hybrid 44 37.5 36.7 2.1 16.8 86.0 114.7 100.0 103.7 11 U.S. Hybrid 61 36.4 35.7 1.9 16.1 86.0 114.7 97.3 101.7 12 Pioneer Hi-Bred 305A 37.2 35.5 4.4 18.4 84.5 112.7 96.7 100.7 13 Moews Hybrid 8 33.7 32.6 3.2 17.6 79.5 106.0 88.8 93 1 14 Mayfield Top Cross 28.8 27.8 3.4 17.7 61.0 81.3 75.7 77.1 15 lowealth Hybrid CCj 23.8 21.3 10.2 18.1 73.0 97.3 58.0 67.8 Average of division 39.5 38.2 3.4 17.0 82.2 109.6 104.0 105.4 Average of all entries 37.9 36.7 3.4 17.1 75.0 408 BULLETIN No. 429 [January, TABLE 13. STANFORD, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Performance Rank Entry Acre-yield Damage* corn in shelled sample 1 Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants rating for General - perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division e nines in commercial production ba. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Illinois Hybrid 960 71.8 71.1 1.1 18.5 90.0 103.1 135.7 127.6 2 Illinois Hybrid 582 65.4 64.1 2.0 18.5 92.0 105.4 122.3 118.1 1 Illinois Hybrid 753 65.1 63.9 1.8 20.2 92.6 106.1 121.9 118.0 4 Illinois lowealth Hybrid 25 62.3 60.1 3.6 18.3 89.0 101.9 114.7 111.5 1 Illinois Hybrid 391 62.1 60.3 3.0 18.6 85.6 98.1 115.1 110.9 8 Funk Hybrid 212 60.0 58.8 2.0 18.5 92.6 106.1 112.2 110.7 7 Funk Hybrid 244 60.4 59.9 .9 18.0 84.0 96.2 114.3 109.8 8 lowealth Hybrid 25 58.8 58.4 .7 16.6 89.0 101.9 111.5 109.1 9 Illinois Hybrid 710 60.9 58.6 3.7 19.2 84.0 96.2 112.8 108.7 10 lowealth Hybrid 26 59.7 58.4 2.2 18.3 86.0 98.5 111.5 108.3 11 Illinois Hybrid 754 58.0 56.3 2.9 20.2 94.6 108.4 107.4 107.7 u Illinois Hybrid 936 57.3 56.4 1.7 16.7 92.0 105.4 107.6 107.1 |] Illinois Hybrid 944 59.0 58.0 1.8 18.2 83.0 95.1 110.7 106.8 14 Crow Illinois Hybrid 360A 56.4 55.2 2.0 18.0 95.0 108.8 105.3 106.2 11 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311A 59.1 55.6 6.0 20.4 92.0 105.4 106.1 105.9 18 lowealth Hybrid C 57.9 55.6 4.0 19.8 92.0 105.4 106.1 105.9 10 Shissler Illinois Hybrid 543 56.6 54.6 3.4 18.8 95.6 109.5 104.2 105.5 17 Indiana Hybrid 684 55.1 52.5 4.6 19.2 98.6 112.9 100.2 103.4 18 lowealth Hybrid CC 55.2 53.2 3.6 18.5 91.0 104.2 101.6 102.3 u Illinois Hybrid 710A 56.5 54.3 3.8 20.2 84.0 96.2 103.6 101.8 20 Ohio Hybrid 5 57.4 55.7 3.0 20.4 75.0 85.9 106.3 101.2 21 Pioneer Hi-Bred 308D 51.9 50.7 2.2 19.8 95.6 109.5 96.8 100.0 22 Illinois Hybrid 360 53.8 52.0 3.3 19.8 89.0 101.9 99.2 99.9 23 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 55.7 52.3 6.1 18.6 87.0 99.7 99.8 99.8 24 lowealth Hybrid CA 52.5 51.7 1.5 18.6 88.0 100.8 98.7 99.2 U Ohio Hybrid 4 54.8 53.2 3.0 20.6 79.0 90.5 101.5 98.8 M Pioneer Hi-Bred 308 51.9 49.3 5.1 22.8 76.0 87.1 94.1 92.4 27 Illinois Hybrid 546 47.4 44.9 5.4 20.8 97.6 111.8 85.7 92.2 28 Funk Hybrid 275 48.1 45.6 5.1 19.5 92.6 106.1 87.0 91.8 29 30 lowealth Hybrid CI Funk Illinois Hybrid 384 45.7 46.7 44.3 45.4 3.0 2.7 19.5 17.3 98.6 89.0 112.9 101.9 84.5 86.6 91.6 90.4 31 Funk Hybrid 207 46.3 44.3 4.2 21.1 90.6 103.8 84.5 89.3 32 Illinois Hybrid 172 43.5 42.9 1.5 16.8 88.0 100.8 81.9 86.6 33 Funk Hybrid 220 46.3 45.5 1.8 18.2 74.0 84.8 86.6 86.2 34 Station Yellow Dent 45.5 44.4 2.6 18.9 78.0 89.3 84.7 85.9 u Canterbury Yellow Dent 43.7 43.1 1.4 20.4 80.0 91.6 82.3 84.6 Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . 43.8 42.9 2.2 19.5 72.1 82.5 81.9 82.1 M Mountjoy Utility Dent 43.4 42.9 1.1 18.5 68.0 77.9 81.9 80.9 37 Funk Hybrid 220L 42.3 40.7 3.8 20.6 78.0 89.3 77.7 80.6 38 Brenneman Yellow Dent 43.3 42.3 2.3 20.2 68.0 77.9 80.7 80.0 M Sommer Yellow Dent 43.2 41.7 3.5 19.3 66.0 75.6 79.6 78.6 40 Ropp Yellow Dent (Semesan Jr.) 40.6 39.9 1.6 17.3 73.0 83.6 76.1 78.0 41 Ropp Yellow Dent (Barbak) 38.5 38.0 1.3 18.8 77.0 88.2 72.5 76.4 42 Doubet Yellow Dent 38.7 37.7 2.6 18.8 76.0 87.1 71.9 75.7 43 Ropp Yellow Dent (untreated) 36.3 35.0 3.6 18.4 73.0 83.6 66.8 71.0 Average of division 52.6 51.1 2.8 19.1 85.4 97.9 97.6 97.6 Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 Arlington Hybrid 5 67.1 65.7 2.1 17.8 95.6 109.5 125.4 121.4 i National Hybrid 127 63.3 62.5 1.3 19.2 88.6 101.5 119.3 114.9 8 Moews Hybrid 8 61.8 61.0 1.4 17.6 95.0 108.8 116.4 114.5 4 U. 8. Hybrid 61 62.2 61.1 1.8 16.9 91.0 104.2 116.6 113.5 8 Arlington Hybrid 6 61.8 61.2 .9 18.3 86.0 98.5 116.8 112.2 1 U.S. Hybrid 44 59.6 58.4 2.1 16.4 94.0 107.7 111.5 110.6 7 Moews Hybrid 10 59.1 55.9 5.4 18.2 99.0 113.4 106.7 108.4 8 Illinois Hybrid 946 57.9 55.6 4.0 19.0 96.6 110.7 106.1 107.3 B Iowa Hybrid 3110 58.0 57.2 1.4 17.0 87.0 99.7 109.2 106.8 9 Pioneer Hi-Bred 305A 57.0 55.8 2.1 18.0 94.0 107.7 106.5 106.8 in 11 Arlington Hybrid 35 Illinois Hybrid 161 55.8 53.7 53.7 51.7 3.8 3.8 20.4 21.4 99.6 95.6 114.1 109.5 102.5 98.7 105.4 101.4 12 Iowa Hybrid 3112 54.7 53.1 2.9 16.9 88.0 100.8 101.3 101.2 13 Funk Hybrid 218 i 52.4 50.7 3.3 17.6 98.2 112.6 96.8 100.8 14 Funk Hybrid 211 54.6 52.5 3.8 19.2 88.0 100.8 100.2 100.4 u lowealth Hybrid CCi 38.9 37.1 4.5 20.0 85.0 97.4 70.8 77.5 Average of division 57.4 .", s 2.8 18.4 92.6 106.1 106.6 106.4 Average of all entries 53.9 52.4 2.8 18.9 87.3 7937] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 TABLE 14. ARMSTRONG, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 409 OF CORN Performance Rank Entry Acre-yield Damaget com in shelled sample 1 Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division entri es in Commercial production bit. feu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Illinois Hybrid 582 38.3 37.5 2.1 19.5 88.0 108.8 119.8 117.1 2 Crow Illinois Hybrid 360A 36.1 35.9 .6 17.7 96.0 118.7 114.7 115.7 3 Shissler Illinois Hybrid 543 37.2 36.7 1.4 18.2 82.0 101.4 117.3 113.3 4 Illinois Hybrid 754 37.1 36.4 1.7 20.1 83.5 103.3 116 3 113.1 5 Illinois Hybrid 960 35.8 35.5 .7 20.6 84.5 104.5 113.4 111.2 6 Illinois Hybrid 753 36.0 35.5 1.4 21.4 81.5 100.8 113.4 110.3 7 Indiana Hybrid 684 35.1 33.7 3.9 19.3 90.5 111.9 107.7 108.8 8 Illinois Hybrid 936 35.0 34.1 2.5 19.9 86.0 106.3 108.9 108.3 9 Funk Hybrid 244 34.7 34.2 1.4 19.8 80.5 99.5 109.3 106.9 10 Illinois Hybrid 360 33.3 32.8 1.3 20.9 91.0 112.5 104.8 106.7 11 Illinois Hybrid 546 33.3 32.4 2.6 21.2 92.0 113.8 103.5 106.1 12 Illinois Hybrid 710A 33.7 33.2 1.4 22.0 83.0 102.6 106.1 105.2 12 lowealth Hybrid 26 33.4 32.6 2.6 22.6 87.5 108.2 104.2 105.2 13 Pioneer Hi-Bred 308D 33.5 32.5 2.9 18.6 85.0 105.1 103.8 104.1 14 Funk Hybrid 212 33.3 32.7 1.8 18.2 83.0 102.6 104.5 104.0 15 lowealth Hybrid CA 31.6 31.3 .9 17.5 93.0 115.0 100.0 103.8 16 Crow Pfister Hybrid 262 31.4 31.1 .9 19.5 93.5 115.6 99.4 103.5 17 lowealth Hybrid 25 31.7 31.5 .6 20.4 89.0 110.1 100.6 103.0 18 Illinois Hybrid 391 35.5 33.4 6.0 21.2 71.5 88.4 106.7 102.1 19 Illinois Hybrid 710 33.9 32.6 4.0 22.0 75.5 93.4 104.2 101.5 20 lowealth Hybrid C 31.6 31.3 1.0 20.1 85.0 105.1 100.0 101.3 21 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311A 32.1 31.0 3.6 18.3 83.0 102.6 99.0 99.9 22 Funk Illinois Hybrid 384 30.9 30.2 2.1 19.6 88.0 108.8 96.5 99.6 23 Illinois Hybrid 944 32.8 32.2 1.8 20.4 67.5 83.5 102.9 98.1 24 Illinois lowealth Hybrid 25 32.9 31.1 5.4 21.4 74.5 92.1 99.4 97.6 25 Funk Hybrid 275 30.6 30.0 1.8 18.9 82.5 102.0 95.8 97.4 26 Illinois Hybrid 172 30.0 29.6 1.5 18.8 85.5 105.7 94.6 97.4 27 lowealth Hybrid CI 29.0 28.0 3.3 20.6 95.5 118.1 89.5 96.7 28 Funk Hybrid 207 29.0 28.7 1.0 20.5 85.5 105.7 91.7 95.2 29 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 28.9 28.3 2.0 17.0 88.0 108.8 90.4 95.0 30 Ohio Hybrid 4 29.5 28.9 2.2 22.4 82.0 101.4 92.3 94.6 31 Funk Hybrid 220L 28.7 28.5 .9 20.4 74.5 92.1 91.1 91.4 32 Pioneer Hi-Bred 308 33.7 31.8 5.6 19.5 48.5 60.0 101.6 91.2 33 Canterbury Yellow Dent (untreated) . . . 29.4 29.0 1.4 22.6 68.0 84.1 92.7 90.6 34 Funk Hybrid 235 29.0 28.2 2.6 19.5 74.0 91.5 90.1 90.5 35 lowealth Hybrid CC 26.4 25.6 2.9 21.9 84.5 104.5 81.8 87.5 36 Canterbury Yellow Dent (Semesan Jr.) . . 27.4 26.9 2.0 24.2 66.5 82.2 85.9 85.0 Q Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . 27.2 28.6 2.4 21.3 65.7 81.2 85.1 84.1 37 Canterbury Yellow Dent (Barbak) 28.0 27.1 3.3 23.2 61.5 76.0 86.6 84.0 38 Ropp Yellow Dent 27.7 27.2 1.8 20.1 59.5 73.6 86.9 83.6 38 Station Yellow Dent 26.6 25.6 3.9 22.4 72.0 89.0 81.8 83.6 39 Mountjoy Utility Dent 26.6 26.0 2.1 20.8 66.5 82.2 83.1 82.9 40 Ohio Hybrid 5 27.7 26.0 5.8 23.0 65.0 80.4 83.1 82.4 41 Funk Hybrid 220 25.9 25.0 3.3 20.8 68.5 84.7 79.9 81.1 42 Hoblit Golden Eagle 25.9 25.2 2.8 20.6 62.5 77.3 80.5 79.7 43 Sommer Yellow Dent 27.3 26.0 4.7 22.0 51.0 63.1 83.1 78.1 Average of division 31.5 30.7 2.5 20.4 79.0 97.7 98.2 98.1 Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 U.S. Hybrid 44 39.4 38.9 .3 18.9 99.0 122.4 124.3 123.8 2 Moews Hybrid 10 36.3 35.8 .4 20.1 92.5 114.4 114.4 114.4 3 Moews Hybrid 8 37.0 35.5 .0 23.5 93.5 115.6 113.4 114.0 4 Funk Hybrid 211 38.0 37.3 .9 19.9 79.0 97.7 119.2 113.8 5 U. S. Hybrid 61 35.0 34.5 .4 20.1 91.0 112.5 110.2 110.8 6 Pioneer Hi-Bred 305A 38.2 36.2 5.1 23.0 77.0 95.2 115.7 110.6 7 Arlington Hybrid 35 34.4 33.4 2.9 20.1 95.5 118.1 106.7 109.6 8 Pioneer Hi-Bred 308B 36.3 34.2 5.7 19.3 88.5 109.4 109.3 109.3 9 Arlington Hybrid 5 33.5 33.1 1.4 20.8 89.5 110.7 105.8 107.0 10 Illinois Hybrid 161 32.9 31.8 3.4 20.1 95.0 117.5 101.6 105.6 11 National Hybrid 127 32.3 32.0 .8 21.2 72.0 89.0 102.2 98.9 12 Arlington Hybrid 6 31.4 30.4 3.3 21.9 80.0 98.9 97.1 97.6 13 Illinois Hybrid 946 30.1 29.4 2.0 17.7 86.6 107.0 93.9 97.2 14 Iowa Hybrid 3112 30.8 30.3 1.5 18.8 79.0 97.7 96.8 97.0 15 lowealth Hybrid CCj 25.3 24.0 4.0 20.2 78.0 96.5 76.7 81.7 Average of division 34.1 33.1 2.7 20.4 86.4 106.8 105.8 106.1 Average of all entries 32.1 31 3 2.5 20.4 80.9 410 BULLETIN No. 429 [January, TABLE 15. SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS AT FRANKLIN AND SULLIVAN, 1936 (Average of duplicated entries) Rank Entry Acre-yield Dam <;dn sli.-l ;IKCI: i in u ! Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants Performance rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division entries in commercial production 1 2 3 4 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Illinois Hybrid 960. . . bu. 33.7 31.9 31.4 30.6 29.2 27.6 28.6 24.9 24.2 22.8 23.4 22.9 18.6 18.4 18.7 17.8 17.0 16.2 15.4 24.2 bu. 33.2 30.9 31.0 29.4 27.9 26.8 27.4 24.2 23.2 22.0 22.3 21.7 17.8 17.9 18.2 17.3 16.6 15.9 14.4 23.4 perct. 1.7 2.8 1.5 3.4 3.9 2.8 4.3 2.7 3.9 3.5 4.8 3.4 3.8 1.9 2.6 2.9 2.5 3.7 4.8 3.2 perct. 15.2 15.7 15 6 16.0 15.2 15.5 16.2 15.7 15.6 15.9 15.0 16.5 16 4 16.8 17.9 17.1 17.8 16.6 16.2 16.1 perct. 63.3 62.3 60.3 66.3 66.5 69.3 60.0 62.5 66.3 73.0 70.3 70.3 66.0 61.8 58.8 63.2 65.5 63.8 61.0 64.9 perct. 93.5 92 89.1 98.0 98.3 102.4 88.6 92.3 98.0 107.9 103.9 103.9 97.5 91.3 86.9 93.4 96.8 94.3 90.1 05.8 perct. 137.4 127.9 128.3 121.7 115.5 110.9 113.4 100.2 96.0 91.1 92.3 89.8 73.7 74.1 75.3 71.6 68.7 65.8 59.6 96.8 126.4 118.9 118.5 115.8 111 2 108.8 107.2 98.2 96.5 95.3 95.2 93.3 79.7 78.4 78.2 77.1 75.7 72.9 67.2 96.5 Iowa Hybrid 13 .. . . . Funk Hybrid 244 .. . Illinois Hybrid 582 Illinois Hybrid 945 Illinois Hybrid 538 Illinois Hybrid 710 Funk Hybrid 220L Funk Hybrid 207 Illinois Hybrid 54 Funk Hybrid 275 Illinois Hybrid 152 Station Yellow Dent Rice White Dent Canterbury Yellow Dent Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . Bunning White Dent Evereole White Dent Average of division Experimental division entries no* in commercial production 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Illinois Hybrid 947 31.9 29.9 30.3 29.4 27.5 28.6 28.0 27.6 24.8 24.3 25.1 22.6 22.7 20.5 21.7 23.7 26.2 30.2 27.4 28.9 27.8 26.2 27.6 26.7 26.3 22.9 24.0 23.6 22.3 21.8 20.0 20.9 22.1 24.9 4 3 4 4 4 8 8 4 8 l 8 1 8 4 4 8 4 .4 .1 ,4 .3 .6 .8 ,8 .3 .7 .8 .6 .8 .6 .1 .1 .1 15 4 13.9 16.6 15.3 15.7 15.9 15.9 16.7 17.8 15.1 17.1 15.2 16.1 16.6 15.7 15.9 15.9 69.3 69.5 71.3 79.8 82.5 66.3 62.0 62.3 82.0 69.0 64.8 72.5 75.5 78.8 70.8 57.5 70.9 102.4 102.7 105.3 117.9 121.9 98.0 91.6 92.0 121.2 101.9 95.7 107.1 111.5 116.4 104.6 85.0 104.7 125.0 121.7 119.6 115.1 108.4 114.2 110.5 108.8 94.8 99.3 97.7 92.3 90.2 82.8 86.5 91.5 103.6 119.4 117.0 116.0 115.8 111.8 110.2 105.8 104.6 101.4 100.0 97.2 96.0 95.5 91.2 91.0 89.9 103.9 1 Hindis Hybrid 46 Funk Hybrid 211 Indiana Hybrid 692 Indiana Hybrid 829 Illinois Hybrid 78. Illinois Hybrid 28 Illinois Hybrid 851 Pioneer Hi-Bred 3222 Illinois Hybrid 7 Illinois Hybrid 89 Illinois Hybrid 92 Illinois Hybrid 100 Illinois Hybrid 45 Illinois Hybrid 95 Illinois Hybrid 37 Average of all entries 25.1 24.1 3 .6 16.0 67.7 1937] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS TABLE 16. FRANKLIN, SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 1936 PERFORMANCE OF 411 CORN Rank Entry Acre-yield I):IIII:IKC- corn in shelled sample i Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants Performance rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division entries in commercial production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Illinois Hybrid 960 hk 23.8 21.6 20.7 19.5 19.4 17.9 18.1 16.6 13.6 13.2 13.2 12.5 11.7 11.6 10.6 10.0 8.7 7.2 6.5 5.5 4.9 4.0 3.6 13.0 bu. 23.3 21.1 20.4 19.1 19.1 17.6 17.5 15.9 13.2 12.7 12.6 12.2 11.4 11.3 10.3 9.7 8.4 7.0 6.3 5.3 4.8 3.9 3.4 12.6 perct. 2.1 2.2 1.4 2.1 1.7 1.7 3.2 4.4 2.4 3.9 4.0 2.3 2.6 2.3 2.9 3.1 2.4 2.6 2.1 2.5 0.8 0.6 3.7 2.5 perct. 13.5 13.2 13.2 12.0 12.9 13.0 13.3 13.9 13.3 12.5 13.8 13.1 13.3 12.9 12.9 13.6 13.1 13.1 12.8 13.2 13.3 12.9 13.3 13.1 perct. 81.5 84.5 84.5 77.5 76.0 77.0 78.5 66.5 83.0 82.5 73 73.0 65.0 62.5 78.0 66 5 69.6 70 69.5 70.5 65.5 65.0 61.0 73.2 perct. 107.9 111.9 111.9 102.6 100.6 102.0 104.0 88.1 109.9 109.3 96.7 96.7 86.1 82.8 103.3 88.1 92.2 92.7 92.0 93.4 86.7 86.1 80.8 97.0 ptrct. 165.0 149.4 144.4 135.2 135.2 124.6 123.9 112.6 93.5 89.9 89.2 86.4 80.7 80.0 72.9 68.7 59.5 49.6 44.6 37.5 34.0 27.6 24.1 89.5 150.7 140.0 136.3 127.1 126.6 119.0 118 9 106.5 97.6 94.8 91.1 89.0 82.1 80.7 80.5 73.6 67.7 60.4 56.5 51.5 47.2 42.2 38.3 91.4 Funk Hybrid 244 Illinois Hybrid 582 Iowa Hybrid 13 Illinois Hybrid 538 . . Funk Hybrid 220L Illinois Hybrid 945 Illinois Hybrid 710 Illinois Hybrid 152 Funk Hybrid 275 Funk Hybrid 207 Canterbury Yellow Dent (Barbak) Canterbury Yellow Dent (Semesan Jr.) . . Illinois Hybrid 54 Canterbury Yellow Dent (untreated) . . . Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . Golden Beauty Eversole White Dent Rice White Dent (Barbak) Rice White Dent (Semesan Jr.) Rice White Dent (untreated) Average of division Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Illinois Hybrid 46. . . 24.6 21.5 20.2 19.2 18.1 19.1 18.4 18.2 19.1 17.7 16.8 13.8 13.1 13.2 13.5 12.4 9.7 8.2 10.5 23.9 21.0 19.9 18.7 17.7 18.6 17.9 17.6 16.8 17.4 16.4 13.5 12.7 12.9 13.2 11.8 9.2 7.7 15.9 2.7 2.3 1.8 2.7 2.2 2.8 2.4 3.3 11.8 1.4 2.1 2.3 3.0 2.2 1.7 4.9 5.3 7.1 3.4 12.4 13.3 12.7 13.2 13.0 13.5 13.4 13.2 14.1 13.2 13.1 12.8 13.2 13.0 12.8 13.5 12.7 13.7 13.2 83.0 80.0 85.5 80.0 94.0 68.5 77.0 74 5 82.5 68.5 72.5 85.0 82.0 77.0 71.0 67.0 81.5 80.0 78.3 109.9 105.9 113.2 105.9 124.5 90.7 102.0 98.7 109.3 90.7 96.0 112.6 108.6 102.0 94.0 88.7 107.9 105.9 103.7 169.2 148.7 140.9 132.4 125.3 131.7 126.7 124.6 118.9 123.2 116.1 95.6 89.9 91.3 93.5 83.5 65 1 54.5 112.8 154.4 138.0 134.0 125.8 125.1 121.5 120.5 118.1 116.5 115.1 111.1 99.9 94.6 94.0 93.6 84.8 75.8 67.4 110.6 Indiana Hybrid 829 Indiana Hybrid 692 Funk Hybrid 211 Funk Hybrid 218 Illinois Hybrid 78 Illinois Hybrid 947 . . Illinois Hybrid 851 Pioneer Hi-Bred 3222 Illinois Hybrid 66 Illinois Hybrid 28 Illinois Hybrid 92 Illinois Hybrid 100 Illinois Hybrid 7 . Illinois Hybrid 37 Illinois Hybrid 89 Illinois Hybrid 95 Illinois Hybrid 45 Average of division Average of all entries 14.6 14.1 2.9 13.1 75.5 412 BULLETIN No. 429 [January, TABLE 17. SULLIVAN, SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Rank Entry Acre-yield Damage corn in shelled sample 1 Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants Performance rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Regular division entries in commercial production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Iowa Hybrid 13 bu. 44.2 43.5 40.6 40.2 38.8 41.2 40.4 35.0 35.8 35.2 33.7 31.9 32.2 31.9 26.7 27.1 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.7 24.6 25.2 33.5 bu. 42.7 43.0 38.9 38.3 37.5 40.9 38.3 33.6 34.4 33.8 31.8 31.0 30.1 30.7 26.1 26.1 25.3 25.1 24.5 25.0 23.3 23.4 32.3 perct. 3.4 1.3 4.2 4.6 3.4 0.8 5.3 4.0 3.9 3.8 5.6 3.0 4.3 3.7 2.4 3.7 2.4 3.3 5.3 2.5 5.2 7.1 3.8 perct. 19.3 16.8 18.5 17.1 17.5 17.9 18.8 18.8 18.1 17.4 17.4 20.4 19.6 18.4 22.4 21.1 21.0 22.4 20.4 22.4 19.6 19.2 19.2 perct. 47.0 45.0 53.5 54.5 55.5 36.0 48.0 68.0 62.5 59.5 58.0 58.0 57.5 48.0 61.0 57.7 56.5 56.5 58.0 52.5 59.0 51.5 54.6 perct. 80.8 77.4 92.0 93.7 95.4 61.9 82.5 116.9 107.5 102.3 99.7 99.7 98.9 82.5 104.9 99.2 97.2 97.2 99.7 90.3 101.5 88.6 93.8 perct. 130.3 131.3 118.7 116.9 114.5 124.8 116.9 102.6 105.0 103.2 97.1 94.6 94.0 93.7 79.7 79.3 77.2 76.6 74.8 76.3 71.1 71.4 98.6 117.9 117.8 112.0 111.1 109.7 109.1 108.3 106.2 105.6 103.0 97.8 95.9 95.2 90.9 86.0 84.3 82.2 81.8 81.0 79.8 78.7 75.7 97.3 Illinois Hybrid 960 Illinois Hybrid 710 Illinois Hybrid 945 Funk Hybrid 235 Funk Hybrid 244 . Illinois Hybrid 582 Illinois Hybrid 54 Illinois Hybrid 538 Funk Hybrid 207 Funk Hybrid 275 Rice White Dent Illinois Hybrid 152 Funk Hybrid 220L Shuman Golden Beauty (untreated) .... Average of 5 best open-pollinated var.. . Shuman Golden Beauty (Barbak) Shuman Golden Beauty (Semesan Jr.) . . Canterbury Yellow Dent Station Yellow Dent Eversole White Dent Average of division Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Illinois Hybrid 947. . . 45.3 41.3 38.5 38.1 33.4 37.8 32.8 39.1 35.4 35.2 37.0 30.4 33.6 32.2 31.3 30.2 33.9 33.1 22.3 34.8 42.4 39.0 35.8 36.5 31.3 35.3 32.2 37.0 35.0 34.8 34.9 29.0 32.6 30.9 31.1 29.6 31.0 31.8 21.8 33.3 6.3 5.4 6.9 4.4 6.0 6.6 2.0 5.4 1.2 1.3 5.7 4.5 2.9 40 0.7 2.1 8.5 4.0 2.4 4.2 17.3 20.0 17.9 18.2 18.1 20.6 19.4 18.6 17.1 15.3 20.2 21.5 18.6 19.0 17.6 17.8 18.9 19.4 19.3 18.7 61.5 62.5 74.0 64.0 85.0 62.5 77.5 51.5 61.0 56.0 50.0 81.5 60.0 69.0 60.0 59.5 44.0 53.0 47.5 62.1 105.8 107.5 127.3 110.1 146.2 107.5 133.3 88.6 104.9 96.3 86.0 140.2 103.2 118.7 103.2 102.3 75.7 91.1 81.7 106.8 129.4 119.0 109.3 111.4 95.5 107.8 98.3 112.9 106.8 106.2 106.5 88.5 99.5 94.3 94.9 90.4 94.6 97.1 66.5 101.5 123.5 116.1 113.8 111.1 108.2 107.7 107.1 106.8 106.3 103.7 101.4 101.4 100.4 100.4 97.0 93.4 89.9 95.6 70.3 102.8 Funk Hybrid 211 Indiana Hybrid 692 Illinois Hybrid 78 Indiana Hybrid 829 Illinois Hybrid 89 Illinois Hybrid 45 Illinois Hybrid 28 Illinois Hybrid 7 Illinois Hybrid 46 Illinois Hybrid 851 Pioneer Hi-Bred 3222 Illinois Hybrid 95 Illinois Hybrid 100 Illinois Hybrid 92 Illinois Hybrid 18 Illinois Hybrid 37 Illinois Hybrid 90 Mayfield Top Cross Average of division Average of all entries 34.1 32.7 4.0 19.0 58.2 1937] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 413 TABLE 18. ALHAMBRA, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Rank Entry Acre-yield ;>:ini con she; san .:iii: i in lad iplc 1 Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants Performance rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound Lodging ~ . ** w ance ' Regular division entries in commercial production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 St. Charles White bu. 10.6 9.4 8.1 7.4 8.0 7.5 6.5 6.6 5.8 5.9 5.3 5.3 5.0 5.0 2.9 2.5 1.8 6.0 bu. 10.5 9.3 7.9 7.1 8.0 7.5 6.4 6.5 5.8 5.8 5.3 6.1 4.9 5.0 2.9 2.4 1.8 5.9 perct. 1.2 1.2 1.1 3.0 .2 1.0 .9 .2 .9 .4 3.0 1.3 .7 .7 2.2 1.2 1.1 perct. 14.0 11.7 13.6 13.8 13.2 12.8 14.2 13.5 13.5 12.6 13.9 13.2 13.4 13.8 15.8 15.9 16.8 13.9 perct. 41.0 66.5 44.6 55.0 34.0 40.0 53.0 47.5 57.0 51.5 47.0 49.5 46.0 41.5 43.0 44.5 39.0 47.3 perct. 67.9 110.2 73.0 91.1 56.3 66.3 87.8 78.7 94.4 85.3 77.9 82.0 76.2 68.8 71.3 73.7 64.6 78.3 perct. 126.4 111.9 95.1 85.4 96.3 90.2 77.0 78.2 69.8 69.8 63.8 61.4 59.0 60.2 34.9 28 9 21.7 70.9 111.8 111.5 89.8 86.8 86.3 84.2 79.7 78.3 76.0 73.7 67.3 66.6 63.3 62.4 44.0 40.1 32.4 72.8 Funk Hybrid 207 . Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . Moore Yellow Dent Blackhawk Shuman Golden Beauty Waddell Golden Beauty Pride of Saline Station Yellow Dent Waddell Golden Dent Champion White Pearl Helm Yellow Dent (Barbak) Helm Yellow Dent (untreated) Learning (untreated) Learning (Semesan Jr.) Average of division Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1* 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Funk Hybrid B-50. ... 16.8 14.1 13.3 12.9 12.0 11.1 11.2 11.4 11.2 10.6 10.1 10.6 8.9 8.4 7.6 6.0 5.2 10.7 16.7 14.0 13.2 12.8 11.9 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.1 10.5 10.0 10.4 8.9 8.3 7.5 6.0 5.1 10.6 1 1 1 1 1 .3 .4 .7 .6 .0 .a .2 .8 .2 .6 .7 .6 .5 .6 .1 .2 .0 .7 13.3 12.6 12.5 13.2 12.3 12.3 12.6 13.0 12 5 13.5 13.6 12.1 11.9 12.6 13.2 12.4 13.1 12.7 61.0 82.5 76.0 66.5 78.0 84.0 73.5 69.0 66.0 70.5 80.5 72.0 69.5 65.5 65.5 77.5 78.0 72.7 101.1 136.7 125.9 110.2 129.2 139.2 121.8 114.3 109.4 116.8 133.4 119.3 115.2 108.5 108.5 128.4 129.2 120.4 201.0 168.5 158.8 154.0 143.2 133.6 134.8 136.0 133.6 126.4 120.3 125.2 107.1 99.9 90.3 72.2 61.4 127.4 176.0 160.6 150.6 143.0 139.7 135.0 131.6 130.6 125.9 124.0 123.6 123.5 109.1 102.1 94.9 86.3 78.4 125.6 Illinois Hybrid 90 Illinois Hybrid 28 Illinois Hybrid 89 Illinois Hybrid 66 Illinois Hybrid 48 Funk Hybrid 211 Illinois Hybrid 95 Illinois Hybrid 10 Illinois Hybrid 37 Illinois Hybrid 78 Illinois Hybrid 70 Illinois Hybrid 19 Funk Hybrid B-49 Illinois Hybrid 96 Illinois Hybrid 77 Illinois Hybrid 45 Average of division Average of all entries 8.4 8.3 .8 13 n 60.3 Average of 5 plots instead of 10. 414 BULLETIN No. 429 [January, TABLE 19. ALBION, SOUTHEASTERN ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Rank Entry Acre-yield Damage* corn in shelled sample 1 Mois- ture in Erect grain at plants harvest Performance rating for General perform- ance rating Total Sound kjgj? Sound ance Regular division entries in commercial production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Illinois Hybrid 960 bu. 44.1 38.2 36.4 35.2 32.6 33 31.5 32.0 30.3 30.4 bu. 42.7 37.6 35.6 34.7 31.8 31.5 30.3 30.2 29.8 29.5 perct. 3.1 1.6 2.1 1.6 2.2 4.6 3.8 5.5 1.4 3.0 perct. 15.2 15.4 15 3 14.3 15.6 16.1 16.1 2 15.6 18.4 55 16.7 perct. 136.6 120.3 113.9 111.0 101.7 100.8 c? 96.9 B 96.6 * 95.3 94.4 127.5 115.2 110.4 108.3 101.3 100.6 97.7 97.5 96 5 95.8 95.6 95.3 93.9 93.6 92.4 89.3 88.8 86.4 84.0 80.7 97.5 Illinois Hybrid 945 Funk Hybrid 235 Illinois Hybrid 582 Eversole White Dent Moore Yellow Dent Average of 5 best open-pollinated var. . . Wilson Yellow Dent Illinois Hybrid 710A Helm Yellow Dent (untreated) Helm Yellow Dent (Semesan Jr.) 30.3 29.6 29.9 29.4 28.4 27.6 26.5 26.8 24.0 31.3 29.3 28.7 28.6 28.1 26.8 26.6 25.6 24.6 23.2 30.2 3.3 3.1 4.4 4.4 5.5 3.6 3.2 8.3 3.3 3.6 17.8 3 16.7 21.5 -a 15.6 = 14.7 S 15 6 14.8 21.8 21.5 16.8 3 93.7 5 91.8 a 91.5 = 89.9 S 85.7 85.1 81.9 78.7 74.2 96.7 Pride of Saline Learning (Barbak) Illinois Hybrid 54 Illinois Hybrid 538 Illinois Hybrid 152 Golden Beauty Learning (untreated) Learning (Semesan Jr.) Average of division Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Illinois Hybrid 784 38.9 38.0 36.8 36.1 33.9 34.3 33.2 32.3 32.2 30.3 28.6 34.1 37.6 37.1 36.1 34.8 33.4 32.5 32.3 31.6 31.1 29.3 27.6 33.0 3.3 2.4 1.9 3.7 1.4 5.3 2.7 2.2 3.5 3.3 3.3 3.0 18.5 14.7 o 14.0 I 16.7 S3 15.4 15.6 | 14.6 3 16.0 g 13.8 "t 13.3 s 13.7 5 15.1 120.3 3 118.7 8 115.5 fe 111.3 106.9 is 104.0 3 103.3 101.1 a 99.5 = 93.7 5 88.3 105.7 115.2 114.0 111.6 108.5 105.2 103.0 102 5 100.8 99.6 95.3 91.2 104.3 Illinois Hybrid 947 Funk Hybrid 211 Illinois Hybrid 126 Illinois Hybrid 141 Illinois Hybrid 102 Illinois Hybrid 134 Funk Hybrid B-50 Illinois Hybrid 894 Illinois Hybrid 832 Illinois Hybrid 852 Average of division Average of all entries 32.3 31.3 3.4 16.2 1937} ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 415 (Summary of Hybrid Performance Tables 20 to 23) TABLE 20. TWO-YEAR SUMMARY, NORTHERN ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF HYBRID ENTRIES GROWN IN BOTH 1935 AND 1936 Performance in 1935 Performance in 1936 Average of general perform- ance rating Rank Entry Erect plants Sound yield General perform- ance rating Erect plants Sound yield General perform- ance rating (Stockton, Rochelle, and Plainfield) (Stockton, Kings, and Plainfield) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 DeKalb Hybrid 93 perct. . 75.2 bu. 98. 93. 90. 93. 91. 85. 91. 85. 89. 86. 88. 83. 83. 79. 76. 1 4 1 1 8 9 5 8 1 8 7 9 112.5 109.8 110.6 110.6 110.8 104.0 107.2 104.6 107.9 103.1 105.5 101.4 100.9 98.7 92.5 perct. 83.7 84.7 85.8 77.8 89.2 83.3 72.8 69.7 87.3 79.0 70.2 85.3 64.3 84.7 57.8 57.3 58.5 57.3 58.0 53.2 57.3 56.6 59.0 52.2 56.0 55.5 50.5 53.4 49.1 45.4 105 107 105 104 101 105 100 103 99 101 98 96 93 94 80 .i ,3 ,9 .2 ,4 ,1 .8 .0 .4 ,9 ,4 .ft .7 ,8 ,0 108.9 108.5 108.2 107.4 106.1 104.6 104.0 103.8 103.7 102.5 102.0 99.0 97.3 96.5 86.6 Illinois Hybrid 368 80 2 Illinois Hybrid 751 92 3 Illinois Hybrid 366 . 84.2 Illinois Hybrid 586 91 4 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 . 86 5 Pioneer Hi-Bred 323 . 78.3 DeKalb Hybrid 3A . 86 3 DeKalb Hybrid 97 . 86.2 Iowa Hybrid 931 78 4 DeKalb Hybrid 119 . 82 5 Funk Hybrid 215 84 2 DeKalb Hybrid 118 80 Funk Hybrid 214 . 85 2 Average of 5 best open-pollinated varieties . 73.2 TABLE 21. TWO-YEAR SUMMARY, NORTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: FORMANCE OF HYBRID ENTRIES GROWN IN BOTH 1935 AND 1936 PER- Performance in 1935 Performance in 1936 Average of general perform- ance rating Rank Entry Erect plants Sound yield General perform- ance rating Erect plants Sound yield General perform- ance rating (Cambridge, Granville, and D wight) (Cambridge, Henry, and Dwight) 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Illinois Hybrid 960 perct. . 89.3 bu. 107.5 104.1 106.0 107.9 9o.2 105.4 103.4 101.4 101.7 101.1 99.1 97.5 102.6 83.2 91.6 91.0 87.0 93.6 84.3 83.2 86.9 112.1 112.1 109.4 112.4 104.3 110.1 107.7 Hi: 1 6 108.0 108.5 106.2 104.4 108.0 91.7 99.3 98.1 96.1 103.3 93.7 92.2 89.2 perct. 81.0 82.6 72.5 86.5 84.7 86.4 75.1 83.6 80.9 7P.5 84.0 83.6 73.8 77.1 81.3 81.5 81.6 74.2 80.3 70.4 69.1 bu. 59.1 53.3 55.9 51.1 54.7 50.5 53.3 50.7 50.9 50.3 49.3 46.1 44.: 52.4 45.4 46.1 45.3 38.8 42.5 44.5 39.6 118.2 109.6 110.5 107.5 112.5 106.5 107.2 105.9 105.3 104.0 103.9 98.7 93.1 106.5 9u.9 98.0 96.8 84.3 92.0 92.0 83.9 115.1 110.9 110.0 110.0 108.4 108.3 107.4 107.2 106.7 106.2 105.0 101.6 100.6 99.1 98.1 98.0 96.4 93.8 92.9 92.1 86.6 Illinois Hybrid 366 . 98 7 Illinois Hybrid 364 . 84.0 Illinois Hybrid 360 89 3 U. S. Hybrid 44 . 94 5 Iowa Hybrid 31 10 . 88.3 Pfister Hybrid 4857 85 4 Illinois Hybrid 936 . 94.3 Illinois Hybrid 570 . 91.0 Illinois Hybrid 751 . 94.7 Illinois Hybrid 384 . 92.2 Illinois Hybrid 172 . 90 3 Illinois Hybrid 371 . 88.8 lowealth Hybrid C . 85.8 Funk Hybrid 214 . 89 Funk Hybrid 215 86 4 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311A . 90 6 Funk Hybrid 220 . 97.4 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 . 89 9 Morgan- Wallace Hybrid 138 . 87.5 Average of 5 best open-pollinated varieties . 67 3 416 BULLETIN No. 429 [January, TABLE 22.- -TWO-YEAR SUMMARY, CENTRAL ILLINOIS: PERFORMANCE OF HYBRID ENTRIES GROWN IN BOTH 1935 AND 1936 Performance in 1935 Performance in 1936 Average of general perform- ance rating Rank Entry Erect plants Sound yield General perform- ance rating Erect plants Sound yield General perform- ance rating (Adair, Bellflower, and Armstrong) (Adair, Stanford, and Armstrong) 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 Illinois Hybrid 960. .. perd. . 71.1 bu. 95. 94 93. 91 86. 84 84. 78. 81 84. 80 79. 73. 7 9 ii 9 1 (i 4 1 1 6 4 112.5 113.6 108.5 109 7 107.0 100.3 108.4 95.6 101.0 102.7 99.7 97.2 82.8 perct. 86.5 93.0 89.2 84.8 92.2 85.0 84.7 82.7 84.3 83.7 75.0 68.3 65.3 bu. 50 44 44 41 38 42 38 42 39 36 34 33 32 .4 ,7 ft ,7 1 9 ft .7 .0 l 6 9 1 119.1 110.5 109.0 102.6 98.5 104.8 96.6 103.7 97.4 91.9 86.5 83.1 78.9 115.8 112.1 108.8 106.2 102.8 102.6 102.5 99.7 99.2 97.3 93.1 90.2 80.9 U. S. Hybrid 44 ... . 76 Illinois Hybrid 360A . 66 8 Illinois Hybrid 360 72 8 Illinois Hybrid 546 . 79 4 Illinois Hybrid 543 . 66 5 Illinois Hybrid 384 87 5 Pioneer Hi-Bred 31 1 A . 67 6 Pioneer Hi-Bred 311 . 75.8 Illinois Hybrid 172 72 8 Funk Hybrid 220L . 73 1 Funk Hybrid 220 . 68.8 Average of 5 best open-pollinated varieties . 45.1 TABLE 23. TWO-YEAR SUMMARY, SOUTH-CENTRAL ILLINOIS: FORMANCE OF HYBRID ENTRIES GROWN IN BOTH 1935 AND 1936 PER- Performance in 1935 Performance in 1936 Average of general perform- ance rating Rank Entry Erect plants Sound yield General perform- ance rating Erect plants Sound yield General perform- ance rating (Winchester and Sullivan) (Franklin and Sullivan) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Illinois Hybrid 960 perct. 73.1 62.3 63.8 56.8 54.2 64.0 60.8 56.1 41.2 bu. 79.7 72.1 71.3 70.7 68.2 68.4 68.6 65.8 59.4 135.7 120.8 120.5 116.4 111.9 117.1 115 7 109.9 94.5 perct. 63.3 69.3 60.0 66.5 69.3 62.5 66.3 73.0 63.2 bu. 33 2 30.2 27.4 27.9 26.8 24.2 23.2 22.0 17.3 126.4 119 4 107 2 111.2 108.8 98.2 96.5 95.3 77.1 131.1 120.1 113.9 113.8 110.4 107 7 106.1 102.6 85.8 Illinois Hybrid 947 Illinois Hybrid 710. . ... Illinois Hybrid 945 Illinois Hybrid 538 Funk Hybrid 220L Funk Hybrid 207 Illinois Hybrid 54 Average of 5 best open-pollinated varieties 1937] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 417 (Silage Tests Tables 24 and 25) TABLED 24. SILAGE TEST: MAPLE PARK, NORTHERN ILLINOIS, PERFORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS, 1936 Rank Entry Acre-yield of dry matter Mois- ture in plants at Harvest Erect plants Performance rating for Genera perform Total Blades Ears Lodging resist- ance Tola yield ance rating Regular division entries in commercial production 1 8 8 4 5 6 7 8 D Illinois Hybrid 372. . i . ... 4 tnt 00 94 64 61 64 16 05 04 02 46 tons .95 1.12 .98 1.13 .94 .90 .72 .82 .89 .94 tons 2.23 .93 .81 .47 .81 .40 58 1.59 1.47 1.70 perct. 73.7 74.9 73.8 73.3 71.9 73.0 68.0 71.3 68.8 72.1 perct. 84.4 83.6 89.8 91.6 87.4 96.4 95.2 89.8 71.2 87.7 perct. 94.9 94.0 101.0 103 98.3 108.4 107.0 101.0 80.1 98.6 perct. 118.9 117.1 108.2 107.3 108.2 93.9 90.7 90.4 89.8 102.7 112.9 111.7 106.4 106.2 105.7 97.5 94.8 93.1 87.4 101.7 Illinois Hybrid 945A 3 Illinois Hybrid 364 3 Illinois Hybrid 546 3 Illinois Hybrid 339 3 Illinois Hybrid 543 3 DeKalb Hybrid 3 A 3 IV Kail. Illinois Hybrid 366 3 Gunn Western Plowman 3 Average of division 3 Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 3 8 4 8 7 8 9 in 11 I.' Illinois Hybrid 153 4 35 82 82 81 36 32 18 09 94 65 62 59 05 1.24 1.03 .89 1.03 .92 .95 .97 .94 .81 .81 .84 .74 .93 2.23 1.94 2.22 1.95 1.71 1.79 1 36 1.39 1.44 1.15 1.09 1.16 1.62 73.0 74.4 68.6 76.3 73.7 74.3 74.3 75.8 76.5 74.1 73.4 74.1 74.0 92.4 95 6 88.8 89.2 89.6 92.8 86.4 88.4 94.4 90.8 86.8 83.2 89.9 103.9 107.5 99.8 100.3 100.7 104.3 97.1 99 4 106.1 102.1 97.6 93.5 101.0 129.3 113.6 113.6 113.3 99.9 98.7 94.5 91.9 87.1 78.8 77.9 77.0 98.0 123.0 112.1 110.2 110 1 100.1 100.1 95.2 93.8 91.9 84.6 82.8 81.1 98.8 Illinois Hybrid 161 3 Illinois Hybrid 324 3 Illinois Hybrid 4006 .... 3 Illinois Hybrid 4004 .. . 3 Illinois Hybrid 151 3 Illinois Hybrid 4002 .... 3 Illinois Hybrid 4005 3 Illinois Hybrid 159 2 Illinois Hybrid 134 .... 2 Illinois Hybrid 4001 . . . 2 Illinois Hybrid 4003 2 Average of division 3 Average of all entries .... 3 36 .93 1 65 73.2 88.9 418 TABLE 25. SILAGE BULLETIN No. 429 TEST: URBANA, CENTRAL CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS [January, ILLINOIS, PERFORMANCE OF , 1936 Rank Entry Acre-yield of dry matter Moisture in plants at harvest Erect plants Performance rating for Total Blades Ears Lodging resist- ance Total yield* Regular division entries in commercial production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 Illinois Hybrid 710 . torn 2 91 ton* .53 .54 .56 .62 .51 .63 .53 .50 .37 .53 ton* 2.16 .21 .44 .28 .20 .10 .10 .14 94 1.28 peret. 67.7 68.6 65.1 69.0 63.3 66.1 67.6 69.3 70.8 67.5 peret. 68 7 77.4 90.1 76.9 85.2 62.3 84.2 77.8 perct. 8S'3 99.5 115.8 98.8 109.5 80.0 108.2 100.0 perct. 113.2 108.2 96.1 95.3 84.0 81.3 80.5 80 5 66.1 89.5 Illinois Hybrid 391 2 78 Illinois Hybrid 172 2 47 Illinois Hybrid 546. 2 45 Funk Hybrid 220. ...... 2.16 Illinois Hybrid 543 2 09 Station Yellow Dent 2 07 Illinois Hybrid 384 2 07 Illinois Hybrid 372. . . . 1 70 Average of division . ; . . . 2 30 Experimental division entries not in commercial production 1 Illinois Hybrid 4003 4 19 1 14 2 20 65 4 54 2 69 7 163 ' Illinois Hybrid 4006 3 74 1 06 1 60 69 1 62 6 80 5 145 5 1 Illinois Hybrid 355 3.12 .71 2 22 64 4 92 8 119 3 121 4 4 Illinois Hybrid 147 2 73 69 1 65 64 7 85 1 109 4 106 2 5 Illinois Hybrid 39 2 71 58 1 67 68 7 77 5 99 6 105 4 B Illinois Hybrid 99 2 43 67 1 42 68 7 94 6 7 Illinois Hybrid 121 ... . 2 42 63 1 32 67 8 94 2 X Illinois Hybrid 156 2 30 .40 1 22 73 4 94 8 121 9 89 5 8 Illinois Hybrid 129 2 30 56 1 13 65 7 89 5 | Illinois Hybrid 151 2 27 57 1 29 72 2 88 3 Average of division . . . . 2 82 70 1 57 68 77 8 100 109 8 Average of all entries 2.57 .62 1.44 67.8 77.8 Since data on percentage of erect plants were not available for all entries, the ranking was based upon performance rating for total yield. 1937] ILLINOIS CORN PERFORMANCE TESTS 1936 419 (Soil-Adaptation Tests Tables 26 and 27) TABLE 26. SOIL-ADAPTATION TEST: SIBLEY, CENTRAL ILLINOIS, PERFORM- ANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS ON ELLIOTT AND PROCTOR SILT LOAMS Rank Entry Acre-yield Damaged Mois- corn in turc in Erect shelled grain at plants sample harvest Performance rating for Total Sound F w Farm 41 Proctor silt loam, productivity high to. bu. perct. perct. ptTCt. 1 Illinois Hybrid 960. .. . 69.0 67.1 2.7 20.5 121.6 2 Illinois Hybrid 139 . 70.1 67.0 4.4 21.8 121.4 3 U. S. Hybrid 44 . 69.4 66.5 4.2 22.5 120.5 4 Illinois Hybrid 92 . 66.3 65.2 1.7 21.8 118.1 5 Illinois Hybrid 133 . 65.3 63.1 3.3 21.8 114.3 6 Illinois Hybrid 141 . 64.0 62.3 2.6 22.5 112.9 7 Illinois Hybrid 543 . 64.9 62.2 4.2 21 4 112.7 8 Illinois Hybrid 944 . 62.6 60.5 3.3 21.8 109.6 9 Illinois Hybrid 588 . 61.1 58.5 4.2 21.5 106 9 Illinois Hybrid 135 . 63.0 58.5 7.1 20.7 C C- 106.0 10 Illinois Hybrid 762. . . . 59.6 57.9 2.9 21.8 g 104.9 11 Illinois Hybrid 391 . 59.9 57.7 3.6 22.0 104.5 12 Illinois Hybrid 392 . 59.5 57.4 3.5 22.4 t 104.0 13 Illinois Hybrid 152 . 58.4 56.4 3.4 22.7 * fc 102.2 14 Illinois Hybrid 161 . 57.5 54.1 5.9 22.7 S s 98.0 15 Illinois Hybrid 546 . 56.1 52.8 5.9 21.5 95.7 16 Meyers Yellow Dent . 53.4 52.7 1.3 20.7 -2. S 95.5 17 Illinois Hybrid 384 . 52.4 50.0 4.5 22.6 = 3 90.6 18 Illinois Hybrid 172 . 50.4 49.5 1.7 20.7 5 89.7 19 Station Yellow Dent . 50.4 48.7 3.4 23.0 88.2 20 Carters Yellow Dent . 49.5 48.6 1.8 22.4 88.0 21 Staffen Yellow Dent . 45.3 44.3 2.1 20.5 80.3 22 Otto Yellow Dent . 44.9 44.1 1.8 21.8 79.9 23 Sibley composite . 43.8 42.4 3.1 21.3 76.8 24 Stevenson Yellow Dent . 38.4 33.4 7.9 25.2 60.5 Average of all entries . 57.4 55.2 3.6 21.9 100.0 Average of 18 hybrids and Station Yellow Dent . 61.0 58.7 3.8 21.9 106.4 Station Yellow Dent . 50.4 48.7 3.4 23.0 88.2 Farm 92 Elliott silt loam, productivity low 1 Illinois Hybrid 960. .. . 39.2 38.8 .9 22.7 152.8 2 Illinois Hybrid 588 . 32.5 31.9 1.7 25.2 125.6 3 Illinois Hybrid 543 . 34.4 31.4 8.8 24.4 123.6 4 Illinois Hybrid 141 . 32.0 30.1 6.0 25.4 118.5 5 Illinois Hybrid 152 . 30.8 29.0 5.8 26.9 114.2 6 U.S. Hybrid 44 . 30.8 28.7 6.9 24.4 113.0 7 Illinois Hybrid 133 . 28.9 27.0 6.6 26.0 106.3 8 Illinois Hybrid 546 . 28.2 26.8 4.8 23.2 105.5 8 Illinois Hybrid 391 . 28.1 26.8 4.6 24.0 105.5 9 Illinois Hybrid 172 . 26.6 26.4 .6 22.7 G- s 103.9 10 Illinois Hybrid 135 . 27.6 25.9 6.3 23.4 1 1 102.0 11 Illinois Hybrid 139 . 27.7 25 9.8 26.0 98.4 12 Illinois Hybrid 944... . 26.0 24.6 5.4 23.9 g 96.9 13 Illinois Hybrid 384 . 26.4 24.5 7.1 23.6 I I 96.4 14 Illinois Hybrid 762 . 24.9 23.8 44 24.4 3 S 93.7 14 Station Yellow Dent 15 Meyers Yellow Dent 25.6 . 24.2 23.8 23.5 6.9 2.8 25.2 23.5 "I 93 7 fL 92.5 16 Illinois Hybrid 92 . 25.2 23.2 8.0 24.7 = = 91.3 17 Otto Yellow Dent . 24.0 22.9 4.5 23.0 S 90.1 18 Illinois Hybrid 392 . 24.3 22.7 6.7 23.0 89.4 19 Staffen Yellow Dent . 23.0 21.6 6.0 22.7 85.0 19 Carter Yellow Dent . 23.0 21.6 6.2 22.2 85.0 20 Sibley composite . 205 20.1 2.1 22.7 79.1 21 Illinois Hybrid 161 . 23.8 20.0 16.0 24.0 78.7 22 Stevenson Yellow Dent . 17.3 16 7.7 24.4 63.0 Average of all entries . 27.0 25.4 5.9 24.1 100.0 Average of 18 hybrids and Station Yellow Dent . 28.6 26.0 6.2 23.0 105.8 Station Yellow Dent , 25.6 23.8 6.9 25.2 93.7 420 BULLETIN No. 429 TABLE 27. SOIL-ADAPTATION TEST: URBANA, CENTRAL ILLINOIS, PER- FORMANCE OF CORN VARIETIES AND HYBRIDS ON MUSCATINE SILT LOAM Performance Rank Entry Acre-yield l);iin:iKi-< corn in shelled sample 1 Mois- ture in grain at harvest Erect plants rating for Gem perf( am ruti nil irin- I Total Sound Lodging resist- ance Sound yield Southwest rotation, productivity high bu. bu. perct. perct. perct. perct. perct. 1 Illinois Hybrid 960 64.1 63.5 .9 17.8 72 105.8 121.4 117 ,5 a Illinois Hybrid 161 68.0 57.0 1.7 18.7 88 129.4 109.0 114 ,1 i Illinois Hybrid 139 61.1 59.4 2.8 17.9 76 111.7 113.6 113 ,1 4 Illinois Hybrid 391 59.2 58.7 .8 18.8 63 92.6 112.2 107 ,3 Illinois Hybrid 546 53.1 52.3 1.6 18.1 81 119.1 100.0 104 s Illinois Hybrid 141 59.0 58.2 1.4 19.2 57 83.8 111.3 104 ,4 7 Illinois Hybrid 135 59.5 58.6 1.5 17.9 54 79.4 112.0 in:-; ,9 Illinois Hybrid 133 54.7 54.2 1.0 19.4 71 104.4 103.6 103 s ii Illinois Hybrid 762 56.0 55.4 1.0 18.1 62 91.1 105.9 102 .a in Illinois Hybrid 92 49.5 49.0 1.1 17.8 85 125.0 93.7 101 .1 11 Illinois Hybrid 392 54.2 53.3 1.7 18.1 61 89.7 101.9 98 ,9 u Illinois Hybrid 172 49.6 49.2 .8 16.6 71 104.4 94.1 96 ,7 a Illinois Hybrid 588 53.5 53.2 .5 19.0 52 76.4 101.7 95 4 14 Illinois Hybrid 543 , 48.9 47.0 3.8 20.6 70 102.9 89.9 93 1 1,5 Illinois Hybrid 944 , 51.7 51.2 1.0 17.6 53 77.9 97.9 92 1 Iti Illinois Hybrid 384 46.4 44.5 4.0 19.4 75 110.2 85.1 91 ,4 17 Illinois Hybrid 152 44.6 44.1 1.2 19.8 72 105.8 84.3 89. 7 18 Station Yellow Dent 32.5 32.4 .2 18.5 59 86.7 62.0 68. a Average of all entries 53 1 52 3 1 5 18 5 68 Station Yellow Dent . . . 32.5 32 4 2 18 5 59 South-Central rotation, productivity medium 1 Illinois Hybrid 960 , . 51.9 50.6 2.6 16.6 76 100.0 121.9 116 4 t Illinois Hybrid 139 50.5 48.4 4.2 16.9 82 107.9 116.6 114 4 a Illinois Hybrid 588 , 47.6 47.2 .9 19.3 74 97.4 113.7 109 6 4 Illinois Hybrid 161 46.1 43.9 4.8 17.2 91 119.8 105.8 109 a I Illinois Hybrid 546 43.0 42.1 2.0 17.6 92 121.1 101.4 urn 8 Illinois Hybrid 135 46.0 44.7 2.8 16.1 69 90.8 107.7 103 5 7 Illinois Hybrid 762 , 45.6 44.0 3.6 18.1 72 94.8 106.0 103 2 8 Illinois Hybrid 944 44.0 42.4 3.7 18.7 69 90.8 102.2 99 1 Illinois Hybrid 172 40.4 40.1 .8 ' 16.1 81 106.6 96.6 99. 1 ID Illinois Hybrid 92 39.6 39.1 1.3 17.8 86 113.2 94.2 98. 9 11 Illinois Hybrid 133 44.8 43.4 3.1 19.4 61 80.3 104.6 98 5 ia Illinois Hybrid 384 40.0 38.7 3.2 16.7 81 106.6 93.2 96 (i u Illinois Hybrid 141 42.0 40.7 3.0 18.8 66 86.9 98.1 95 3 14 Illinois Hybrid 543 39.8 38.3 3.7 17.1 79 104.0 92.3 95 a u Illinois Hybrid 391 42.2 40.1 5.0 17.6 69 90.8 96.6 95. i Iti Illinois Hybrid 392 39.8 37.7 5.4 18.4 79 104.0 90.8 94. i 17 Illinois Hybrid 152 , 38.3 37.5 2.0 18.9 78 102.6 90.4 93 4 u Station Yellow Dent 28.4 27.8 2.1 19.1 58 76.3 67.0 69. a 42 8 41 5 3 17 8 76 Station Yellow Dent. .. 28.4 27.8 2.1 19.1 58 10,0501-3711144 UNIVEI 2.'S N 1 935-37 0*1 12 01 9529269^