362.8 IL6o Organization, Constitu- tion and By-Laws of the Soldiers' Heme in the City of Chicago. (1863) LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY ^■^^^^^"^V^^i^^^^" ^^^^^^^^^^■^M^^^^^^^^l^ OI^OAIVIZATIOIV, Constitution and By-Laws OF THE 1 SOLDIERS' HOME IX THE CITY OF CHICAGO No. 45 Randolpli Street, CHICAGO: 8. P. Rounds, Book and Job PanrrEE, No. 46 Stats Street. 1863. "\^'"f^!\i''~~i"—"''^i I OROANIZ^XION, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF THE SOLDIERS' HOME, IN THE CITY OF CHICAGO, 45 It a n d o 1 p h. Street, CHICAGO : S. P. ROCXCS, BOOK AXD JOB PEIXTER, 4G STATE ST. . 18G.3. ^ CI. w m ti W^M^'^ Stimini M& &m$ ■cPCTTCT-TcrTc "TcncrTiirc: iJrtntcU bn 5. iS. laountis, anti Conatcti to tf)e cSoltsiers' f^omf, bo S). y. iSountis, (5. %]. $c E, Haflin anU SiE. 3. txHilson. INTRODUCTORY. The Soldiers' Home has been established iu Chicago, for the accommodation of Soldiers returning home from the army on furloughs, or discharged from the service, and others retm-ning to their regiments, who arrive in our city without the means of paying hotel exjjenses, and are thus liable to fall into bad associations, or suffer neglect for want of a home. It is in successful operation at 45 Randolph Street, with Mr. D. Johnson as Superintendent, and Mrs. Sai-ah Johnson as Matron. The Home is under the care of an efficient Board of Managers, comprising many of the best ladies and gentle- men of the city. Food and clothing may be sent the Home from abroad, thi'ough the Chicago Sanitary Commission, as its own stores are sent free of freight charges. Donations of vege- tables, butter, milk, eggs, poultry, &c., &c., from the country will be highly acceptable, and will be immediately taken to the Home, on their arrival at the rooms of the Commission. Donations cf money may be addressed to the officers of the Home. OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. The following are the officers of the Soldiers' Home, tinder the following Constitution and By-Laws : THOS. B. BRYAN, President. Vice-Presiden ts. Mrs. 0. E. HOSMER, Mrs. E. WADSWORTII. JAS. H. WOODWORTH, Treasurer. Mrs. C. H. gushing. Assistant Treasurer. Mrs. J. E. FARGO, Secretary. 8 OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES. Directresses. ^ Mrs ROBIXSOX. Mrs Dr. Burnham. (( J. W. Foster. (I N. LUDDINGTON.